'J(J3/MiMI Jl»' »//^ ,^v\nSftVr.f|fx-, .^^VIIBRARY6k < "-^ ^^W^UNIVtRy//^ ^vIUVANIH ■3i »*^ ■ JUJMinii ji ■- 0/: ^mmwm/^j. ^^WFll^JIVFRV;^i, ■yuom: u **3 ■ 'J/ ^- < ^M^UNIVERy//^ I2f t>j iVHan-iiV^^ 4 Ig ^■iJUDNV-: ^tLlBRAKY6Jr A^fUBftAKY- ^OFCAUFOff/i^ >&Aavaan# ^.l»'^.AHI>Ui|-. @ >4! -o^tllBRAlnr■(// ^iJOJIlVJJO'^ -...-, -.,. <^OFCAllF0i?^ AMFUNIYFRSyA ^lOSANCElft^ ^OFCAUFOM^ AV^fUNIVtW/i ^JJlJONVSOl^ so I ^tUBRAHY-^/: ^mo/ \^i\mi^ ^tfOjnvDJO'^ .5Mt«NIVERy// =3 9^'\r^-y BANCROFT'S CATALOGUE OF LAW BOOKS. 1866. H. H. BANCROFT & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ENGLISH. English Common Law Reports 106 vols. |530 00 English Common Law Index 2 vols. 9 00' Harrison's Digest 7 vols. 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Philadelphia, 1S&3. 10.00 Pothier on Partnership, Philadelphia, 1854. 2.00 Powell on Evidence. Philadelphia, 1858. 3.00 RAFF'S EXECUTORS' AND AD- ministrators' Guide. Cincinnati, 1860. 3.00 Raff's Manual of Pension, Bounty, and Pay. Cincinnati, 1862. 3.00 Rawle on Covenants for Title. Third edition. Boston, 1800. 6.50 Ray's Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Fonrth edition. 1860. 4.50 Redfield on Common Carriers. New York, 1866. Redfield on Corporations. New York, 1866. Redfield on Executors. Boston. 1866. 7.50 Redfield on the Law of Railways. Sec- ond edition. Boston, 185S. 6.50 Redfield on Wills. Boston. 1866. 7.50 Reeve on Descents. New York, 1825. 6.00 Reeve's Domestic Relations. Albany, 1862. 6.50 Reynolds on Life Assurances. New" York, 1 853. 4.00 Robb's United States Patent Cases. 2 vols. Boston. 15.00 Roberts's Equity. Principles of Chan- cery. Philadelphia, 1857. 3.00 Rockwell's Spanish and Mexican I-aw relative to Mines and Mining. New York, 1851. 9.00 Roper on Legacies. Second American edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1848. 12.00 Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. Sixth American edition. Philadelphia. Ross's Leading Cases in Commercial Law. 3 vols. Philadelphia. 15.00 Russell on Crimes, Seventh American edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1863. 14.00 SANDERS ON USES AND TRUSTS. Second American edition. 2 vols, in 1. Phila- delphia, 1855. 6.50 Saunders on Pleading and Evidence. Sixth American edition. Philadelphia. (In preparation.) Schmidt's Civil Law of Spain and Mex- ico. New Orleans, 1851. 10.00 Scribner on Dower. 2 vols. Philadel- phia, 1864. 13.00 Seaton's Forms of Decrees in Equity. New York, 1831. 400 Sedgwick on Damages. Third edition. New York, 1853. 7.50 Sedgwick on Statutes. New York, 1357. C,50 Selwyn's Nisi Prius. Seventh Ameri- can edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857. 13.00 Sergeant's Constitutional Law. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1S30. 5.00 Sewell's Pension, Bounty, and Prize Law. New York, 1864. 6.00 Sharswood's Professional Ethics. Sec- ond edition. Philadelphia, 1860. 1.50 Smith on Contracts. Fourth American edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 5.00 Smith on Executory Interests. Phila- delphia, 1&45. 4.50 Smith on Master and Servant. Phila- delphi:i, 1852. 6.00 Smith on Real and Personal Property. Philadelphia, 1356. 6.00 Smith's Chancery Practice. Second edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1843. 9.00 Smith's Commentaries on Constitution- al Law. Albany, 1848. 6.00 Smith's Landlord and Tenant. Ameri- can Notes. Philadelphia, 1S5G. 4.00 Smith's Leading Cases. 2 vols. New edition, greatly enlarged (In press.) Smith's Mercantile Law. Third edition. New York, 1858. 6.75 Smith's Probate Law. Boston. 2.00 13 U. U. BAN'CEOFT AXD COMPAXY'S Spence's Et|uitable Jurisdiction of tlie Court of Chancery. 2 vols. Philadolpliia, lS46-'5(). 12.00 Starkie on Evidence. Eighth Ameri- can edition. Philadelphia, ISOO. 6.50 Starkie on Slander. From tlie Second English edition. 2 toIs. in 1. Hartford, ISoS S.00 Stephen on Pleading. Eighth Ameri- can edition. Phihide]i)hia, lso9. 4.50 Stephens's Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. London, 1S41. 20.00 St. Leonard's Handy Book of Property Law. New York, 1S66. 1.50 Story on Agency. Sixth edition. Bos- ton, 1SC3. 6.50 Story on Bailments. Seventh edition. Boston, l-3(>3. C.50 Story on Bills of Exchange. Fourth edition. Boston, IsW. 6.50 Story on Conflict of Laws. Sixth edi- tion. Boston, 1866. 7.50 Story on Contracts. Fourth edition. 2 vols. Boston, 1S56. 18.00 Story on E(iuity Jurisprudence. Eighth edition. 2 vols. Boston. 15.00 Story on Ecjuity Pleading. Seventh edition. Boston. 7.50 Story on Partnership. Fifth edition. Boston, 1S59. 6.50 Story on Promissory Notes. Fifth edi- tion. Boston IskjO. 6.50 Story on Sales of Personal Property. Third edition. Boston, 1SG2. 6.50 Story on the Con.-*titution. Third edi- tion. 2 vols. Boston, 1S23. 9.00 Street's N'ew York Council of Revision. Albany, 1S59. 5.00 Sugden on Powers. Third American edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1S56. 10.00 Sugden on Vendors. Seventh American edition. 2 vols. Sprintrfleld, 1S51. 12.00 Swan's Pleading and Precedents. 6.50 TAPPING ON MANDAMUS. PhUa- delphia, 1553. 6.75 Tavlcr's Law Glossary. Seventh edi- 'tion. New York, 1S61. 6.00 Tayler's Precedents of Wills. 2 vols, in 1. New York 1>^3. 6.50 Taylor's Executors' and Administrators' Guide. New York, 1S51. 1.50 Taylor's Landlord and Tenant. Boston. 7.50 Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence. Fifth 'American edition. Philadelphia, 1S61. 5.00 Thornton on Conveyancing. Second edition. Boston, l'^54. ' 5.50 Tidd's Practice. Fourth edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, IS.'iC. laOO Titfanv and BulJard on the Law of Trusts and Trustees. Albany, 1SC2. 7.50 Tiffany and Smith's New York Practice. 3 vo'ls. Albany. 1S65. 1S.00 Tillinghast and Shearman's Practice. 2 vols. New York. 1S64. 15.00 U Townshend on Slander and Libel. New York. (Preparing.) Townshend's Proceedings to recover Possession of Premises. New York, 1S62. 2.00 Train and Heard's Precedents of Indict- ments. Boston, 1S55. 5.00 Troubat on Limited Partnership. Phila- delphia, 1S53. 6.50 Trower on Debtor and Creditor. Phila- delphia, 1S61. 4.50 Tudor's Leading Cases. Philadelphia. 2 vols. (Preparing.) Turnbull's District and Marine Court Practice. New York, 1S65. 2.25 U. S. TAX LAW. 75 Upton on Maritime "Warfare and Prize Courts. Third edition. New York, 1S61. 5.00 Upton on the Law of Trade-Marks. Albany, 1S60. 4.50 VAN HEYTHUYSEN'S EQUITY Draftsm.an. Forms of Pleading in Suits in Equity. Philadelphia, 1S61. 7.50 Valentine's Corporation Ordinances of New York. New York, lSo9. 6.00 Van Santvoord's E(iuity Practice. 2 vols. Albany, 1SG0-"G2. 13.00 Van Santvoord's Pleading and Forms. Second edition. 2 vols. Albany, 1S55. 13.U0 Vattel's Law of Nations. Philadelphia, 1S59. 5.00 WAIT'S JUSTICE. Albany, 1865. 2 vols. IS.OO "Walker's American Law. Fourth edi- tion. Boston, 1S60. 6.50 Walker's Theory of Comraofi Law. Boston, 1S52. 1.75 Wallace. The Reporters. Third edi- tion. Philadelphia, 1S55. 4.00 Warren's Duties of Attorneys. New York, 1S55. ' 1.25 Washburn on Easements. Philadelphia, 1S63. 6.50 Washburn on Real Property. 2 vols. Second edition. Boston, 1S04. 15.U0 Welford on Equity Pleadings. Phila- delphia, iS46. 3.00 Wells's Every Man his Own Lawyer. New York, 16C0. 1.00 Wentworth on Executors. Philadel- phia, 1S32. 4.50 Westhike's Private International Law. Philadelphia, IsW. 3.50 Wharton and Stille's Medicnl Jnrispru- dcnce. Second edilion. Phildelphia. ISGO. 9.00 Wliarton on Cunvevancing. Philadel- phia, lS6l. ■ ■" 4.0O Wh.irton on Homicide. Philadelphia, 1S55. 5.50 Wliartim's American Criminal Law. Fifth edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1S61. 13.00 "VHiarton's Law Dictionary. Second e.lition. Philadelphia. 7.50 CATALOGUE OF LAW BOOKS. Wharton's Precedents of Indictments. Second Edition. Pniladelphia, 1S5T. 7.00 Wharton's State Trials of the United States. Philadelphia, 1S49. 6.50 Wheaton's International Law. Bos- ton. 7.50 White's Land Titles of Texas, Mexico, and California. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 18S9. 12.00 Whiting's War Powers under the Con- stitution of the United States. Boston. 8.00 Whittaker's Practice. Third edition. 2 vols. New York, 1S6.3. 1-3.00 WiUard on Executors. Albanv, 1859. 5.50 WiUard on Eeal E.state and Convey- ancing. Albany, 1861. 6.50 Willard's Equity Jurisprudence. New York, 1860. 6.50 Williams on Executors. Fifth Ameri- can edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, ISu'J. 12.00. Williams on Pleadinj^:. 2 vols. Phila- delphia. (In preparation.) Williams's Law of Personal Property. Second American edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 6.00 Williams's Law of Real Property. Second American edition. Philadelphia, 1S.55. 6.00 Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Fourth American edition. Philadelphia, 1S57. 2.50 Wines's Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. Philadelphia, 1859. 5.00 Woolrych on the Law of Waters. Phil- adelphia, 1853. 4.50 Woolsey's International Law. New York, 1864. 5.00 INDEX TO TEXT-BOOKS. Adeidgme.vts.— Bacon. Abstracts. — Curwen, Lee, Moore. Actions at Law. — Kerr. AD.MISISTEATOR8. — Belknap, Pkaff, Taylor. Ad.miralty. — Abbott, Bee, Betts, Browne, Conkllng, Dunlap, English, Newberry, Pritchard. Agency. — Dunlap, Story. Ancient Law. — Maine. AcBiTKATioN. — Caldwcll, Perkins, Assignments. — Burrill. Attachment. — Drake. Average. — Dixon. Bailments. — Edwards, Jones, Story. Bankruptcy. — Hilliard, Owen. Banks and Banking. — Cleveland, Grant. Bills of E.xcuange. — Byles, Chitty, Edwards, Hcadington, Parsons, Story. California. — Bancroft, Belknap, Cary, Congdon, Forms and Use of Blanks, General Laws, llent, Hittell, Labatt, Reports, Stiitutes. Carriers. — Angcll, Bonney, Chitty and Temple. CuANCERT. — Daniell, Jerenii', Eoberts, Smith, Spencc. Civil Law. — Archbold, Browne, Cooper's Justin- ian, Doniat, Grapel, Schmit. Codes — Bancroft's Practice Act, Code Napoleon, Hoffman, Howard. Com-MEntaries. — Blackstone, Bouvier, Bowyer, Coke, Kent, Parsons, Stephens. Co.mmeecial Law. — American Leading Cases, Bate- man, Bryant and Stratton, Holcombc, Kaj', Par- sons, Ross, Smith, Story. Common Law. — Broom, English Common Law Reports, Walker. Conflict op Laws. — Story. Constables.— Crocker, Gwynne, Hent. McCall. Constitutional Law.— Baldwin, Curtis, Duer, El- liott, Sedgwick, Sergeant, Smith, Story. Contracts. — Addison, Blackburn, Chitty, Fry, Par^ sons, Pothier, Smith, Story. Conveyancing.— Abbott, Bancroft, Dunlap, Forms and Use of Blanks, Graydon, Hent, Thornton, Wharton, WiUard. Copyright. — Law. Coroners. — Crocker, Gwynne. Corporations.- Abbott, AugeJl and Ames, Ban- croft's Law and Form Book, Blake, Congdon, Grant, Valentine. Covenants. — Rawle. Criminal Law. — Archbold, Barbour, Bennett and Heard, Bishop, Davis, Dearsley, Koscoc, Rus- sell, Train and Heard, Wharton. Damages. — Mayne, Sedgwick. Debtop. and Creditor. — Holcombe, Trower. Dictionaries. — Bouvier, Burrill, Tayler, Wharton. Divorce. — Bishop. Digests. — Abbott, American Chanceiy, Andrews, Bell, Brightly, Benjamin and Slidell, Chitty, Connecticut, Coventry and Hughes, Curtis, Dillon, Dutton, Eastman, English Exchequer, English Law and Equity, Freeman, General Laws of California, Gholson, Gilman, Harrison, Halsted, Labatt, Law, Littleton and Blatchley, Maryland, Massachusetts, Monroe and Harlan, Perkins, Peters, Pritchard, Smede, Texas, Tif- fany, United States, Virgin, Washburn, Wharton. Ease.ments. — Washburn. Eject.ment. — Ad.ims. Equity. — Adams, American Chancery Digest, Bar- ton, Brightly, Chitty, Curtis, Greesley, Hare, Haynes, Holcombe, Jeremy, Leading Cases, Roberts, Seaton. Spence, Story, Van Heythuy- sen. Van Santvoord, Welford, WiUard. 15 lyBFX TO TEXT-BOOKS. Evidence.— Appkton, ArchboUl, IJiirrill, Grfenlervf, Oreosley Ilalstcd, Ilaro, Matthews, Phillips, rhillips and Atnos, Powell, Itoscoe, Saunders. Starkio, Wills. ExKCUTORS.— Helknap, ITood, McClellan, Raff, Ked- fleld, Taylor, Wentworth, Willard, Williams. FlXTi-RES.— Amos and Forard. FOEMS.— Abbott, Bancroft. Beadle, Belknap, Gary, Curtis, Dunlop, Forms and ITse of Blanks, Gibbs, Oraydon, Greeninc, Humphrey, Jenkin.s, McCall, Seaton, Tillinghast, Van Ueythuysen, Van Santvoord, Wells. Fbauds. — Browne, Ilovenden. Habeas Corpus.— TInrd. Highways.— Anscll, Bishop. Hpsband and Wife.— Bri'.'ht, Bishop, Reeves. Infanct.— Belknap, Bingham, Reeves. Injitnctionb.— Ililliard. Insanity.- Huntington, Ray. Institutes. — Cooper, Gardner. Insukance.— Angeli, Bunyon, Dixon, Puer, Emc- rigon, Ilildyard, Littleton and Blatchley, Phil- lips, Reynolds. Intkunational Law.— Boyer, Burlamaqui, Chal- mers, Gardner, Halleck, Lawrence, PhiUimore, Poloson, Vattel, Westlake, Wheaton, Whiting, Woolsey. Jurisdiction.— Conkling, Curtis, Graham, Jeremy, Law, ."^ pence. JuBons. — Edwards. Justice ok tiik Peace. — Archbold, Benedict, Cowen, Davis, Kent, Hull, New York, Wait. Land Laws. — Jones, Lester, Rockwell, White. Landlord and Tenant. — Amos and Ferrard, Bing- ham and Colvin, Smith, Taylor, Townshend. Leading Cases.— American, Bennett and Heard, Finlason, Holcombe, MacNaughton, Parsons, Ross, Tudor, Wliarton. Leoislativk.— Burleigh, Cashing, May. Liuel. — Town-slieud. Lien.— Nott. Limitations. — Angell. Lunacy. — Bucknill. Mandamus.- Tapping. Mariti.me Law.— Abbott, Dixon, Parsons, Upton. Married Women. — Cord. Maxims. — BriK>m. Medical .TuKisi'nuDENCE. — Beck, Bucknill, Dean, Elwell, Ray, Taylor, Wharton and Stillc. Mercantile Law. — Bateman, Bryant and Stratton, Holcombe, Ross, Parsons, Smith. Mexican Law. — Congdon, Halleck, Rockwell, Schmidt, White. Military Law. — Ben6t, Callan, De Hart, Halleok, Upton. Mines.— .\rundell, Balnbridgo, Bancroft, Congdon, Collier, Halleck, Rockwell. Mobtoaqe.— Fisher, Hilllard. Nbw Trials.— Graham and Waterman. Nisi Priib. — .\ntlion, Solwyn. Notes. — Byles. Parsons, Story. Nullities. — Macnamara. Obligations. — Pothier. 16 ' Opinions Attorneys-General. Overruled Cases. — Greenleaf. Parties to Actions at Law. — Barbour. Partnership.— IJissit, CoUyer, Gow, Lindley, Mat- thews, Pothier, Story, Tre-Marks.— Law, Upton. Trustees.- Congdon, Hill, Lewin, Sanders, Tiffany and BuUard. United Statks Courts.— Conkling, Curtis, Graham, Law. Usury.- Blydinburp, Krlly. Vbndors.- Dart, Hilliard, Sugden. Waters and Water-courses. — Angell, Phear, Woolrych. Wills.- Belknap, Dayton, Parson', RodlUld, Roper, Taylcr. Wrongs. — Addleon. BAKCKOFT'S CATALOGUE 01 BLAI^KS. 1866. H, H. BANCROFT & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. In connection with the manufacture of Blanks for use on the Pacific Coast, we publish a work entitled F&rmn and Um of Blanks, being a collection of over one thousand legal and commercial forms, many of which are entirely original, and all conforming strictly to our statutes. The forms in the book are numbered consecutively from one upwards, such of them as are most in use — being about one-half— are published in B!avk\ the blank bearing the same number as that of the form In the book. In the book, the words " Blank Published " designate such of the forms as are published la blank. a The book is almost a necessity to nil who transact los.il or commercial business. With the book, the form required may be written, or, to save writiiig,a blank of the identical form, word for word, as it is ia the book, and desisnated by the .same number, so that there wm be no mistake, may be procured from any respectable bookseller at a trifling expense. Both the book and the blanks have been carefully prepared in conformity to the law as it now exists, by a competent and reliable member of the San Francisco bar. The bl.inks are printed upon Bancroft's Superior Hand-made Paper, every sheet of which contains a water-mark as being special!}' manufactured for this purpose. They are b}' far the mo.st correct, best arranged, and most neatly executed Blank Forma ever before published. Nearly two years have been occupied in the prepar.ation of the Book and the Blanks, and we confidently assure our friends, tliat the same need only to be used, to become appreciated. Orders for Blanks should always be made from the Book, and should be designated by "Bancroft's Blank No. ." Blanks for use in Oregon, Washinpton, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, and Montana are printed with '■'■California'''' omitted, so that any other State may he xvrittvn in the blank sjjace, in 2)lace of California. AFFIDAVIT. No. 3. Affidavit of Applicant for Mar- riage License. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. AOEEEMENT OR CONTRACT. No. 8. Agreement. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 18. Charter Party. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 19. Charter Party. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 24. Builders' Contract. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 36. Landlord's and Tenant's Agree- ment. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 37. Landlord's and Tenant's Agree- ment. Another Form. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 46. Articles of Copartnership. Full 6heet cap. each 10 rents. No. 68. Agreement to deliver stock — Original and Duplicate. Half bheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 71. Agreement for Sale of Real Es- tate. Full sheet cap. each 10 centSf ASSIGNMENT. No. 83. Assignment. To be annexed' to Instruments. Quarter sheet thin cap. eaoji '2 cents. No. 90. Assignment of Debt. Half sheet cap. each 5 v.mti. No. 92. Assignment by Insolvent. Full sheet capL each 10 cents. No. 93. Assignment of Judgment. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 99. Assignment of Lease. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 102. Assignment of Mortgage. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 103. Assignment of Mortgage. An- other Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cenU. n. n. BANCROFT AND COMPANY'S BILL OF EXCHANGE. No. 114. Bills of Excliange. First and Second. Gold Coin C^kiuac. Exchange P;i|>er. per set 5 ccnls. No. 115. Bills of Exchange. First and Second. Any Currency. Exchange Paper, (ler set ' • 5 con IS. No. IIG. Bills of Exchange. First, Second, anil Third. Gold Coin Clause. Kx- chango Pajn-r. per set 10 cents. No. 117. Bills of Exchange. First, Second, and Third. Any Currency. Exohantre Paper, per set 10 cents. No. 121. each BILL OF SALE. Bill of Sale. Full sheet, Legal. 10 cents. BOND. N*03. 126 and 127. Bond. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 128. Bond. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. N"o. 139. Bond for a Deed. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. Ko. 148. Sheriff's Indemnity Bond on Attachment Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. N'o. 149. Sheriff's Indemnity Bond on Execution. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. BY-LATVS. No. 150. By-Laws, Incorporated Com- pany Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 151. By-Laws, Incorporated Com- pany. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. CERTIFICATE. No. 153. Acknowledgment heforeCom- uHssioner for California — Husband and Wife. Quarter sheet thin cap. each '2 cents. No. 154. Acknowledgment before Com- missioner lor California— Witness. (Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 155. Acknowledgment before Com- missioner for California. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. N'o. 150. Acknowledgment before Com- missioner for California— Attorney in fact. Q\iart«r sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 157. Acknowledgment before Coun- tv Clerk— Husband and AVife. Qu.arter sheet thin cap. e.ich 2 ceni.s. No. 158. Acknowledgment before Coun- ty Clerk— "Witness. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 159. Acknowledgment before Coun- ty Clerk. Quarter sheet thin cap. e:u-h 2 cents. No. 160. Acknowledgment before Coun- ty Clerk— Attorney in fact Quarter sheet thin cap. each - cents. No. 101. Acknowledgment before Coun- tv U.cordcr— Husband and wife. Qu.arter sheet tliin cap. each 2 cents. No. 162. Acknowledgment before Coun- ty Recorder— Witness. Quarter sheet thin r,ap. each 2 ceals. No. 163. Aclcnowledgmeut before Coun- ty Recorder. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cent*. 2 No. 164. Acknowledgment before Coun- ty Recorder — .Vttorney in tact Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 105. Acknowledgment before Jus- tice of Peace — Husband and wile. Quarto sheet tliin cap. each 2 cents. No. 106. Acknowledgment before Jus- tice of Pe.ice — Witness. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 107. Acknowledgment before Jus- tice of Peace. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 168. Acknowledgment before Jus- tice of Peace — Attorney in fact Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 169. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public— Husband and Wife. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 170. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public — Witness. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 171. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 172. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public — Attorney in fact. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 173. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public — Party proven. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 174. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public — Husband and Wife proven. Quar- ter sheet tlnn cap. each 2 cents. No. 175. Acknowledgment before No- tary Public — Wife. Quarter sheet tliin cap. each 2 cents. No. 188. Certificate of Incorporation, Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 204. County Clerk's Certificate to Copy of Certificato of Incorporation. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 208. County Clerk's Certificate of Office. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 209. County Clerk's Certificate of Office. No. 210. County Clerk's Certificate of Election of Oilicer. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 211. County Clerk's Certificate of Sisnaturc. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 215. Certificate of ^^larriago. For Parties Married, each 2J cnts. No. 216. Certificate of ^ifarriage. For lilin? in Recorder's Office. Half sheet cap. each 5 cent? No. 219. Sheriff's Certificate of Sale ot Real Estate on E.xecution. Full sheol cap. each 1" cents. No. 220. Sheriff's Certificate of Sale of Real Kst.ate on Foreclosure of Mortgage. Full sheet cap. ea»h 10 cents. CnATTSL MORTOAOE. No. 226. Chattel Mortgage. Full sheet cap. each CHECK OR DRAFT. No. 230. Draft. Gold Coin Clause. 'Exchange paper, each CORONER. No. 237. Coroner's Certificate of Deatli 10 cents. 1 cent Half sheet letter, each 4 CfLtK CATALOGUE OF ULAXKS. No. 241. Coroner's Subpoena. Half slieet letter, each 4 cents. No. 243. Coroner's Summons of Juror. Halt" sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 2-14. Coroner's Warrant. Half 3heet letter, each 4 cents. ■^ COUNTY COXTET. No. 249. Attachment for Defaulting Witness or Juror. Quarter sheet cap. each ■ 3 cents. No. 250. Bill Clerk's Fees. Eighth sheet cap. each 2 cents. No. 251. Certificate to Judgment Roll. Envelope paper, each 5 cents. No. 253. Certificate of Service as Juror. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 254. Esecution. Half sheet cap. e&ch 5 cents. No. 255. Writ of Possession. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 256. Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. Half sheet lesal. each 5 cents. No. 257. Order Granting Writ of Habeas Corpus. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 258. Writ of Habeas Corpus. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 259. Complaint, Commitment, Physician's Certificate, and Questions — Insane Person. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 260. Petition, Affidavit, and Certi- ficate to Schedule of Insolvent. 3 sheets lesal. each 40 cents. No. 261. Order to Show Cause, and stay of Proceedings against Insolvents. Half sheet legal, each" 5 cents. No. 262. Notice to Creditors of Insolv- ent. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 263. Order Appointing Sheriff As- siL'uce of Insolvent. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 264. Certificate of Assignee of In- solvent. Half sheet legaL each 5 cents. No. 265. Decree of Discharge of In- solvent. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 269. Memorandum of Costs and Disbursements. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 270. Subpoena. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 271. Summons. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 273. Attachment Defaulting Juror. Quarter sheet cap. each S cents. No. 274. Bail Bond. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 280. Commitment to County Jail. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 281. Commitment to State Prison. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 283. Indictment. Full sheet legal. each 10 c. Trust Deed Mining Company. Full sheet cap. each 10 centa. No. 439. Quit Claim Deed. Full sheet cap. each lo cenU. No. 440. Quit Claim Deed. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 441. Quit Claim Deed. Large space for descrijjtion. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 442. Quit Claim Deed. Another Form. Fnll sheet cap. each 10 centSi. No. 443. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 442. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 444. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 44'i. Large space for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 445. Quit Claim Deed. Another Form. No. 446. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 445. No. 447. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 445. Large space for description. No. 448. Quit Claim Deed. Another Form. Full sheet cip. each 10 cents. No. 449. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 44s. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 450. Quit Claim Deed. Same Form a.-. No. 44S. Larje sji.ace for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 453. Sherili's Deed under E.xecu- tion. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 454. Sheriff's Deed under Fore- closure of .Mortgage. Full sheet cap. each ~ 10 cents. No. 455. Sheriffs Deed under Fore- closure of Mortgage. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 centSk No. 456. Sheriif's Deed of Property of Insolvent. Full sheet cap. e.-jch 10 cents. No, 459. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Full sheet cap. each ' 10 cents. Deed — Warranty Full sheet folio, each Deed — Warranty No. 460. Grantor. No. 461. Grantor, sheet folio. No. 4G2. Deed — Warranty against Another Form. Full sheet cap. 10 centa. Deed — Warranty Same Form as No. 40'J. against 15 cents, against Large space for description. Full each 15 cents. against Full sheet 15 cents. Grantor, each No. 463. Grantor, folif). each No. 464. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 402. Large spac« for de.icription. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 465. J)eed — V/arrnntj again.st Grantor. Another Form. Fnll ehc«t cap. each 10 cents. CATALOGUE OF BLAXKS. No, 466. Deed — Warranty aorainst Grantor. Same Form as No. 465. FuU sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 467. Deed — "Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 465. Lar<;e space for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 468. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 469. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 46S. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 470. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 46S. Large spaco for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 471. Deed — Warranty against Grantor. Another Form. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 472. Warranty Deed. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 473. Warranty Deed. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 474. Warranty Deed. Large space for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 475. Warranty Deed. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 476. Warranty Deed. Same Form as No. 475. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 477. Warranty Deed. Same Form as No. 475. Large space for description. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. No. 478. Warranty Deed— Full Cove- nant. Full sheet folio, each 15 cents. DISTRICT COUUT. No. 481. Affidavit of Publication. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 482. Answer. Full sheet legal. each 10 cents. No. 483. Answer — Pleading Discharge in Insolvency. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 484. Notice of Appeal. Ilalf sheet legal, each Scents. No. 485. Undertaking on Appeal. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 486. Undertaking for Ccsts and Damages on Appeal. Half sheet legal. each 6 cents. No. 487. Undertaking on Appeal in Ejectment. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 488. Affidavit for Order of Arrest- Departing out of State. Half sheet legal. ,., each Scents. No. 489. Affidavit for Order of Arrest- Fraudulent Debtor. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents No. 490. Affidavit for Order of Arrest^ Eomoval of Property. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 491. Undertaking on Order of Ar- rest. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 492. Order of Arrest. Half sheet legal, each! 6 cents. No. 493. Undertaking on Arrest. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 495. Writ of Assistance. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 496. Affidavit for Attachment against Resident. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 497. Affidavit for Attachment against Resident— Fourth District Court, City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 498. Affidavit for Attacliment against Resident— Twelfth District Court, City and County San Francisco. Half sheet les;al ^^"^^ ' 5 cents. No. 499. Affidavit for Attachment aij;aiiist Resident— Fifteenth District Court. City a id Coimty San Francisco. Half sheet legal. e^ch 5 cents. No. 500. Affidavit for Attachment against Non-Resident. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 501. Undertaking on Attachment. Half sheet legal, each 5 centa No. 502. Undertaking on Attachment- Fourth District Court^ City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 503. Undertaking on Attachment — Twelfth District Court. City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 504. Undertaking on Attachment- Fifteenth District Court, City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 505. Undertaking on Release of At- tachment, Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 506. Undertaking on Release of At- tachment—To be ijiven to Sheriff. Half slieet legal, each 5 cents. No. 507. Writ of Attachment. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 508. Copy of Writ of Attachment. Half sheet legal, each 5 centa. No. 509. Writ of Attachment— Fourth District Court, Citv and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 510. Copy of Writ of Attachment- Fourth District Court. City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 511. Writ of Attachment— Twelfth District Court, City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 512. Coj.y of Writ of Attachment- Twelfth District Court, City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 513. Writof Attachment— Fifteenth District Court, City and County San Franci.sco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 514. Copy of Writ of Attachment — Fifteenth District Court, City and Countv San Francisco. Half slicet legal, each Scents. No. 515. Order to Show Cause as to Contempt in failing to attend as Juror. Qanrter sheet cap. each Scents. No. 516. Attachment for Defaulters. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 517. Bill Clerks' Fees. Eiglith sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 518. Certificate of Service as Juror. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 519. Certificate to Judgment RolL Envelope paper, each 5 cents. No. 520. Certiorari. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 521. Complaint. Full sheet legal. each 10 cents. No. 523. Clerk's Certificate to Copy of Complaint. Quarter sheet thin cap. each 2 cents. No. 524. Complaint on Account, for Goods Sold and Delivei'ed. Half sheet legal. each 5 centa. No. 525. Complaint on Bill of Exchange — Payee against Acceptor. Full sheet legal, each lO'eents, n. n. BAXcnoFT axd cojjpaxy's No. 526. Coniplixiiit on Bill of Excliaiipo — Holder agaiust All Parties. Full shet't legal, each 10 ccnus. Fo. 527. Complaint on Check. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 528. Complaint on Claim and Do- livery of Personal Property. Full shont loirul. each 10 cents. No. 529. Complaint in Ejectment. Full sheet le^ttl. each 10 cents. No. 530. Complaint in Ejectment- -Fee Simple Title. Full sheet WnL each 10 cents. No. 531. Complaint in Ejectment — Prior Possession. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 532. Complaint — Money Lent and Paid Out. Full sheet lesal. c.ich 10 cents. No. 533. Complaint — Money Deposited, Paid and Keceived, and Lent. Full sheet legal each 10 cents. No. 534. Complaint on Promissory Note — Payee vs. Maker. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 535. Complaint on Promissory Note— Holder vs. Endorser and Maker. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 536. Complaint on Foreclosure of Mortgage. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 537. Complaint to Quit Title. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 538. Memorandum of Costs and Disbursements. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 539. Affidavit and Order for Exam- ination of Judgment Debtor. Half shcpt legal, each 5 cents. No. 540. Affidavit and Order for E.Kam- ination of Debtor or Bailee of Judgment Debtor. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 544. Clerk's Entry of Default. Eighth sheet, cap. each 2 cents. No. 545. Affidavit on, and Notice of. Motion for Commission to Kx.imine Witness out of State. Half sheet ligal. each 5 cents. No. 546. Order for Commission to take Testimony. Half sheet legal. eAch 5 cents. No. 547. Commission to take Testimony. Half sheet legaL each Scents. No. 548. Instructions to Commissioners. Half sheet legal. e.ich cents. No. 540. Stipulation that Deposition of Witness may be taken to bo used on the Trial. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. N5. 550. Notice of taking Depo.sition of Witness, and Time and Place of Examination, with copy of Aflidavit. Full sheet legal. each 10 cents. No. 551. Affidavit, Order and Notice for Examination of Witness. Half sheet le^.al. each 5 cents. No. 552. Deposition. Full sheet legal. each 10 cents. No. 553. Decree of Divorce. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 554. Execution. Half sheet legal. each 6 cents. No. 555. Execution for Deficiency of Sulc. ILiIf sheet legal, each 6 centa No. 556. Writ of Possession. Full sheet legal, each M cents. No. 558. Petition for "Writ of Habeas Corpu-s. Half sheet legal each Scents. 6 No. 559. Order Granting "Writ of Ha- beas Corpus. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 560-. Writ of Habeas Corpus. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 561. Order of Injunction. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 502. Undertaking on Injunction. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 563. Injunction. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 564. Judgment by Default. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 565. Judgment by Default. Another Form. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 566. Judgment by the Court. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 567. Judgment on Verdict. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 568. Statement and Confession of Judgment, and Entry of Judgment. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 570. Transcript of Judgment. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 571. Alternative Mandamus. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 572. Peremptory Mandamus. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents* No. 578. Decree of Foreclosure and Sale. Full sheet legal each 10 cent* No. 580. Notice of Motion. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 581. Declaration of Intention to become a Citizen of the United States. Half sheet cap. each cents. No. 582. Declaration of Intention, with- out Clerk's Certilicate. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 583. Declaration of Intention. An- other Form. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 585. Aflidavit of Residence, Cood Behavior, etc.. of Applicant forCilizenjlilp. Half sheet legal, each cents. No. 588. Certificate of Citizenship. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 589. Notice of Intention to Move for New Trial Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 590. Notice to Clerk to Pla«-e Cause on Calendar. Quarter sheet cap, each !i cent-v No. 591. Certified Copy of Order. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 592. Certified Coi)y of Order— City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 593. Order of Sale. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 597. Notice of Pendency of Action of Ejectment. Half sheet legal each Scents. No. 598. Notice of Pendency of Action for Foreclosure of Mortgage. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 599. Notice of Pendency of Action to Quit Title. Half sheet legal, 'each S cents. No. 600. Aflidavit on Claim and Deliv- ery of Personal Property, and Order of Deliv- ery. Half sheet leu'al. each Scents. No. 601. Uudertiiking on Claim and Delivery of Personal I'ropurty. Half sheet legal each 6 cents. No. 602. Undertaking for a Pveturn to Defendant on Claim and Delivery of Person-M Property. Half sheet legal each S cents. CATALOGUE- OF BLANKS. No. 603. Subpoena. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. ]Sro. 604. Copy of Subpcena. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. 2no. 605. Subpoeua— City and County Sim Francisco. Fourth District Court Half sheet call, each 5 cents. No. 606. Copy of Subpoena— City and Cach 5 cents. No. 641. Affidavit for Publication of Summons. FuU sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 642. Order for Publication of Sum- mons, Half sheet legaL each 10 cents. No. 643. Affidavit of Service by Mail of Summons and copy of Complaint Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 644. Summons of Juror, Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 645. Summons of Juror — City and County San Francisco. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 646. Notice of Exception to Suffi- ciency of Sureties on Undertaking. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 647. Notice of Justification of Sure- ties. Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 648. Venire. Half sheet cap. each 6 cents. justice's corRT. No. 664. Notice of Appeal. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 666. Appeal Bond. Half sheet legal, each 5 ct-nts. No. 667. Affidavit for Order of Arrest— Departins out of State with intent to Defraud Creditors. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 668. Affidavit for Order of Arrest- Tort * No. 669. Affidavit foi Order of Arrest— Kemoval, etc, of Property, with intent to De- fraud Creditors. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 670. Affidavit for Order of Arrest — Fraudulent Debtor. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 671. Undertaking on Order of Ar- rest Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 672. Undertaking by Defendant on Arrest Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 673. Affidavit for Attachment against Resident Half sheet legaL each 5 cents. No. 674. Affidavit for Attachment against Resident— City and County San Fran- cisco. Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 675. Undertaking on Attachment — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal each S cents. No. 676. Undertaking on Attachment. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 677. Writ of Attachment — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 678. Copy of Writ of Attachment — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 679. Writ of Attachment. Half sheet legal, each S cents. No. 680. Copy of Writ of AttachTuent. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 681. Undertaking on Release of Attachment to be given to Constable. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 682. Attachment for Defaulters. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 684. Complaint on Claim and De- livery of Personal Property. Full sheet legal each 10 <5«"ts. No. 685. Complaint for Holding Over after Rent Due. Full sheet legal each 10 cents. No. 686. Complaint for Holding Over after Expiration of Term. Full sheet legal t,ach 10 cents. No. 687. Memorandum of Costs and Dis- bursements. Half sheet legal each Scents. No. 688. Order of Examination of De- fendant—City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 6 cents. No. 689. Order of Examination of De- fendants. Half sheet legal each S cents. No. 690. Order of Examination of Debtor of Defendant Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 691. Order of Examination of Debtor of Defendant— City and County Saa Francisco. Half sheet legal each S cents. No. 692. Execution. Half sheet legal. each S cents. No. 693. Execution— City and County San Francisco. Half sheet leg.il. each 5 cents. 7 n. n. B AX CROFT AND COMPAXY\S N(T. 69a. Aflidavit on Claim ami I)i.liv- ery of Personal Property, llall" sheet luiral. each 5 cents. No. 096. Undertaking on Claim and De- livery of Personal Property. Half sheet lesal. each 5 cents. No. 097. Undertaking on a Return to Defendant on Claim anil Delivery of Personal Property. Ilalf sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 098. Writ of Restitution. Full sheet legal, eacl^ 10 cents. No. 699. Subpoena. Ilalf sheet legal. each cents. No. 700. Copy of Subpoena. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 701. Subpoena — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 702. Copy of Subpoena — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No'. 703. Summons. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No, 704. Summons — City and County San Francisco. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 705. Summons — For holding over after Kent Due. No. 706. Summons — For holding over after expii-ation of terra. No. 707. Summons of Juror. Quarter sheet cap. each S cents. No. 708. Summons of Juror — City and County San Francisco. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 709. Affidavit for Transfer of Action. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 710. Notice of Time and Place of Trial of Transferred Action. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 711. Venire. Half sheet letter. each 4 cents. No. 712. Bond on Appeal from Judg- ment of Fine. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 713. Bond on Appeal from Judg- ment of Imprisonment Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 714. Bail Bond. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 715. Bond for Appearance of AVit- ness held to Testify. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 716. Commitment — Held to Answer. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 717. Commitment — On Sentence of Fine. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 718. Commitment — On Sentence of Imprisonment. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 720. Complaint— Criminal, Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 722. Peace Bond. Half sheet legal. each 5 cunt.s. No. 723. Subpoena — Criminal. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 724. Verdict on Criminal Trial. No. 725. Warrant of Arrest. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 720. Soarcli Wurraut. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. s LEASE. No. 728. Lease. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 729. Lease. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 730. Loa.se. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cints. No. 731. Lease. Another Form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 738. Marriage License and Certi- ficate. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. MORTGAGE. No. 744. Mortgage. each No. 745. Mortgage, 744. Full sheet folio. No. 740. Mortgage. 744. Large space for folio, each No. 747. Mortgage. Full sheet folio, each No. 748. Mortgage. Full sheet cap. each No. 749. :M:ortgage. 745. Full shee't folio. No. 750. Mortgage. 74S. Largo space for folio, each No. 751. Mortgage. Full sheet folio, each No. 752. Mortgage. Full sheet c.ip. each No. 753. Mortgage. 75'2. Full sheet folio. No. 754. Mortgage. Full sheet cap. 10 contSw Same Form as No. each 15 cents* Same Form as No. description. Full sheet 15 centSv Another Form. 15 centa. Another Form. 10 centSL Same Form as No. each 15 cents. Same Form as No. description. Full sheet 15 cents* Another Form. 15 cents. Another Form. 10 cents. Same Fonn as No. e.ich 15 cents. Another Form. 15 cents. NOTICE. No. 763. Notice of Constable's Sale. Half sheet cap. each 5 centst No. 769. Notice of Assessment. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 784. Notice of Meeting of Stock- holders. Half sheet letter. e.ach 4 centi No. 792. Notice of Meeting of Trustees. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 805. Notice of Protest. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 809. Sheriff's Notice of Attachment. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 810. SherilFs Notice of Attachment of Stoct. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. POWEK OF ATTORNEY. No. 826. General Power of Attorney. Full sheet cap. each 10 cent& No. 827. Special Power of Attorney. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 828. Sfiecial Power of Attorney. Another form. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 832. Power of Attorney to Sell Stock. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 835. Bill of Sale of Stock, with Power to Transfer. Half sheet letter, each 4 cesto. CATALOGUE OF BLAXKS. No. 836. Power to Receive Certificates of stock. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 837. Irrevocable Stock Power. Half sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 838. Stock Power of Attornev for Proxy. Half sheet letter, each 4"cents. No. 839. Power of Attorney to Vote at Meeting of Stockholders. Half sheet letter. ^^'^^ 4 cents. No. 851. Power of Attorney to Sell Lease, etc., Real Estate. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 858. Eevocation of Power of Attor- ney. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 861. Substitution of Attorney in Fact. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. PEOBATE COURT. No. 862. Petitioa for Probate of Will. Full sheet legal, each 10 cents. No. 863. Order appointing time for Pro- Kate of Will, and directing publication of No- tice. Half sheet legal, each 5 cents. No. 864. Notice for publication of time appointed for Probate of Will. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cents. No. 865. Citation to Heirs and Parties interested in Probate. Half sheet legal. each 5 cents. No. 866. Subpoena. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 867. Order appointinond of Guardian on Order of 8.ile of Real Estate. Half sheet leg.il. each 5 cents. No. 942. Notice for Posting. Quarter sheet cap. each 3 cento. No. 943. AtHdavit of Posting Notice. Half sheet legal each 5 cents. No. 945. Letters. Half sheet caj). each 5 cents. No. 947. Bond. Half sheet legal. each 5cent& PEOMISSORT NOTES. No. 952. Promissory Note. each 1 cent No. 961. Promissory Note — Collateral Security. Ualf sheet letter, each 4 cents. No. 962. Promissory Note — Collateral Security. Another Form. Ualf sheet letter. each -1 cents. No. 963. Promissory Note — Collateral Security. i\jiother Form. Ualf sheet letter. each 4 cents. PROTEST. No. 967. Protest. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 969. Protest— Bill of Lading. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 970. Protest— To Note a Ship. Half sheet cap. each No. 971. Marine Protest, folio, each 5 cents. Full sheet 15ceut& No. No. 972. 973. Receipt, each Receipt for Rent. pach 1 cent. 1 cent. No. 982. Release of All Demands. Full sheet cap. each 10 ccnta. RETURX. Sheriff's Return— .^ttachment Ualf sheet ciip. No. 991. Personal Property. each 5 cents. No. 992. SherifTs Return — Attaoliraent Personal Property. Another Form. Ualf sheet cap. each ^ cents. No. 993. Sheriff's Return — Attachment stocks. Half sheet cap. each 5 cents. No. 994. Sherift"s Return— Sale of Real Estate. Ualf sheet cap. each 5 cent«w SATISFACTION. No. 997. Satisfaction of Judgment Coun- ty Court Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 998. Satisfaction of Judgment Dis- trict Court Half sheet legal, each Scents. No. 1^01. Satisfaction of Mortgage. Full sheet cap. each 10 cents. No. 1025. Will. each WILL. Full sheet legal. IQcesta. CATALOGUE OF BLANKS. FOE SALE TO LET, ETC, An Office to Let. Apartments to Let. A Room to Let. For Sale (large). For Sale (small). For Sale (ruled). For Sale or to Let. Furnished Rooms to Let. House and Lot for Sale. Rooms to Let. Store to Let and Fixtm-es for Sale. This House to Let. This Lot for Sale. This Lot to be Leased. This Property for Sale. This Store to Let. To Lease. To Let (large). To Let (small). Unfurnished Rooms to Lot. 11 n. 11. BAFCROFT AND COMPANY'S INDEX TO CATALOGUE OF BLANKS AbAITOONMENT of IIOMISSTEAD, No. 89S. Account, Compliiint on,— District Court, No. 524. Accou.NT— Probate Court, Nos. 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 921, 923, 924. Acknowledgment befoee Commissioner fok Cal., Nos. 153, 154, 155, 156. ACKNOWLEDOUENT BEFOKE CoUNTY CLEEK, NoS. 157, 158, 159, 160. Acknowledgment before County Kecoedeb, Nos. 161. 162, 163,161. Acknowledgmknt before Justice of tub Peace, Nos. 165, 166, 167, 16S. Acknowledgment before Notary, Nos. 169, 170, 171, 172, 173. 174, 175. Action, Transfer of, — Justices' Court, Nos. 709, 710. Ad.misisteatob's Deed, No. 339. Admitting Will to Probate, No. 871. Affidavit— District Court, Nos. 481, 488, 489, 490, 496, 497, 49S, 499, 500, 539, MO, 545, 585, 600, 641. 643. Affidavit — Justices' Court, Nos. 667, 669, 670, 673, 674, 695, 709. Affidavit— Probate Court, Nos. 878, 894, 913, 920, 943. Affidavit for M.vf.eiage Licen.sk, No. 3. Affidavit of Uesidbnce — District Court, No. 585. Agreement, N<)s. S to 71. Ageeemf.nt, Landlord and Tenant, Nos. 36, 87. Agreement to Deliver Stock, No. 68. Agreement for Sale of Real Estate, No. 71. Alternative Mandamus — District Court, No. 571. Answer— District Court, Nos. 4s2, 4S3. Appeal, Notice of, — District Court, No. 484. Appeal, Notice of, — Justices' Court, No. 664. Appeai., Undertaking on,— District Court, Nos. 485, 486, 487. Appeal Bond— Justices' Court, Nos. 666, 712, 713. Application for Abatement op Duties, No. 837. Appraiser — Probate Court, Nos. 883, 8b3. Arrest— District Court, Nos. 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 498. Arrest- Justices' Court, Nos. 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 725. AKTICLES of COPABTNERSntP, No. 46. Articles, Shipping, Nos. 394, 395. Assent of Attorney — Probate Court, No. 907. Absessmest, Notice of. No. 7C9. Assignment, Nos. 83 to 10.3. Assignment by Insolvent. No. 92. Assignment of Debt, No. 90. Assignment of Judgment, No. 93. AesiGNii£^T or Lease, No. 99. 13 Assignment op Mortgage, Nos. 102, 103. Assistance, "Writ of. No. 495. Attachment, Affidavit for, — District Court, Nos. 496, 497, 498, 499, 500. Atta(uiment. Undertaking on,— District Court, Nos. 501, 502, 503, 504. Attachment, Writ of,— District Court, Nos. 607, 508,509,510,511.512.513,514. Attachment — Justices' Court, Nos. 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 67S, 679, 680, 6S1, 6S2. Attachment, Witnessor Juror— County Court, Nos. 249, 273. Attachment foe Depaultrks — District Court, No. 516. Attorney, Power of, Nos. 826 to SCI. Bail Bond— County Court, No. 274. Bail Bond — Justices' Court, No. 714. Bargain and Sale Deed, Nos. 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406. Bench Warrant— County Court, No. 297. Bill Clerks' Fees— County Court, No. 250. Bill Clerks' Fees — District Court, No. 517. Bill Clerks' Fef.s— Prol>ate Court, No. 881. Bill of E-xchance, Coiiipl.iint on,— District Court, Nos. 525, 526. Bill of Lading, No. 338. Bill of Sale, No. 121. Bill of Sale, Vessel, Nos. 339, 840, 341. Bills of Exchange, Nos. 114, 115, 116, 117. Bond, Nos. 126, 127, 123. Bond, Bail,— County Court, No. 274. Bond— Justices' Court, Nos. 666, 712, 713, 714, 715, 722. Bond— Probate Court, Nos. 872, SSO, 909, 933, 938, 947. Bond, SherilTs Indemnity, Nos. 148, 149. Bond for a Deed, No. 189. Bo.nd to Produce Bill Lading, No. 342. Builder's Contract, No. 24. By-Laws, Incorporated Company, No. 151. Calendar, Notice to Clerk— District Court, No. 590. Capias, No. 301. Certificate, Nos. 153 to 220. Certificate, County Clerk, Nos. 204, 208, 210, 211. Certificate, Coroner's, No. 237. Certificatr. Laiidinsr, No. 344. Certificate, ShciilT'.t. Nos. 219. 220. Certikicatf, or Assignee in Insolvknct— County Court, No. 264. CATALOGUE OF BLANKS. Cbetificatb or CixizEwsnip — District Court, No. 588. ClRTIFICATK OF CLEARANCE, No. 845. Cektificate of Incoepobatiox, No. 188. Ceetificate of Marriage, Nos. 215, 216. Ckrtiticate of Proof of Will, No. 870. Ceetificate of Seuvicb of Juboe, County Court, No. 252. Certificate of Seevick op Jueob, District Court, No. 513. Certificate to Copt of CoMPLArrfT — District Court, No. 523. Certificate to Jcdgment-Eoll — County Court, No. 251. Certificate to Judqmknt-Roll — District Court, No. 519. Cektified Copt of Order — District Court, No.?. 591, 592. Certiorari — District Court, No. 520. Charter Party, Nos. 18, 19. Chattel Mortgage, No. 226. Check, No. 230. Check, Comiilaint on — District Court, No. 52T. Citation — Probate Court, No. 931. Citation to Heirs, No. 865. CiTiZENsnip— District Court, Nos. 581, 582, 583, 585, 583. ^ CLAI.MS, Statement of,— Probate Court, No. 839. Clearance, Certificate of. No. .345. Clerk's Certificate to Copy Complaint — District Court, No. 523. Cleek'8 Entry of Default — District Court, No. Clerk's Fees — County Court, No. 250. Clerk's Fees — District Court, No. 517. Clerk's Fees — Probate Court, No. SSI. Coasting Manifest, No. 375. Commissioner, Acknowledgment before, Nos. 153, 154, 155, 156. Commissioner, to take Testimony — District Court, Nos. 545, 546, 547, 548. Commitment — Justices' Court, Nos. 716, 717, 713. Commitment to County Jail — County Court, No. 280. Commitment to State Pbison — County Court, No. 2S1. Complaint— District Court, Nos. 521, 524, 525, 526, 527, 628, 529, 530, 531, 5:32, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537. Complaint— Justices' Court, Nos. 684, 685, 686, 720. Complaint, Ac, Insane Person — County Court, No. 259. Confession of Judgment— District Court, No. 568. Consent of Attorney to Probate, No. 869. Consent of Guardian to Settlement, No. 923. Constable Sale, Notice of, No, 763. Contract, Nos. 8 to 71. Contract, Builder's, No. 24. Copartnership, Articles of, No. 46. Copy of Subpcena— District Court, Nos. 604, 606, 608, 610. Copt of Subpcena — Justices' Court, Nos. 700, 702. Copt of Summons- District Court, Nos. 614, 616, 613, 620, 637. Copy op Writ op Attachment — District Court, Nos. 508, 510, 512, 514. Copy op Writ of Attachment — Justices' Court, Nos. 668, 680. Coroner, Nos. 237 to 244. Coroner's Certificate, No. 237. Coeonee'8 Subpojna. No. 241. Coeonee'8 Summons, No. 243. Coroner's Warrant, No. 244. Costs, Memorandum of,— County Court, No. 269. Costs, Memorandum of,— District Court, No. 538. Costs, Memorandum of,— .Justices' Court, No. 687. County Clerk, Acknowledgment before, Nos. 157, 158, 159, 160. County Clerk's Certificatb, Nos. 204, 208, 209, 210, 211. County Court, Nos. 249 to 302. County Recorder, Acknowledgment before, Nos. 161, 162, 163, 164. Custom House, Nos. 337 to 895. Custom House, Power of Attorney, No. 335. Creditors— Probate Court, Nos. 884, 887. 895. Criminal Complaint— Justices' Court, No. 720. Crlminal Subpcena — Justices' Court, No. 723. Debt, Assignment of. No. 90. Debtob, Judgment— District Court, Nos. 539, 540. Declaration of Homestead, No. 397. Declaration of Intention — District Court, Nos. 581, 5S2, tS3. Decree of Discharge op Insolvent — County Court, No. 265. Decree of Distribution — Probate Court, No. 927. Decree of Divorce — District Court, No. 553. Decree of Foreclosure — District Court, No. 573. Decree of Settlement — Probate Court, No. 924. Decree Setting Apart Homestead — Probate Court, No. 893. Decree Showing Notice to Creditors— Probate Court, No. 895. Decision op Court, No. 802. Deed, Nos. 399 to 473. Deed, Administrator's, No. 899. Deed, Bargain and Sale, Nos. 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406. Deed, Bond for. No. 139. Deed, Executor's, No. 414. Deed of Gift, No. 418. Deed of Guardian, No. 422. Deed of Mining Claim, Nos. 432, 436. Deed, Quit Claim, Nos. 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 448, 449, 450. Deed, Sheriff's, Nos. 453, 454, 455, 456. Deed, Warranty agaiust Grantor, Nos. 4.W, 4G0, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469. 470, 471. Deed, Warranty, Nos. 472, 473, 474, 475. 476, 477, 473. Default, Clerk's Entry of— District Court, No. 544. Default, Judgment by— District Court, No.564, 565. Defaulters — District Court, No. 516. Defaulters — Justices' Court, No. 682. Defaulting Witness oe Jubor — County Court, No. 249. Deposition — District Court, Nos. 549, 550, 551, 552. Discharge, Final— Probate Court, No. 928. District Court, Nos. 301, 302, and 4S1 to 648. DiTORCE, Decree of — District Court, No. 553. Draft, No. 230. Duties, Abatement of, No. 337. Ejectment — District Court, Nos. 530, 531, 597. Entrt, Export, Nos. 348, 357, 860. Entet, Inward, Nos. 363, 364, 365. Entry, Inward Foreign, No. 368. Entry, Port, No. 355. Entry, Re-Warehouse, Nos. 353, 356, 353, Entry, Re- Warehouse Withdrawal, Nos. 850, 351. Entry, Re-withdrawal, Nos. 349, 361. Entry, Transportation, No. 367. Entry, Warehouse, Nos. 859, 862. 13 n. n. BANCROFT AXD COMPANY'S ExAJii: 726. Landing Cep-ttticatf- No. 344. Landlord and Tenant's Agreement, Nos. 30,07. Leasf., Nos. 36, 37, and 72S to 731. Lease, Assignment of. No. 99. Letters of Administration, Nos. 874, 875, 876, 877, S7S. 879, 8-2. Letters Testamkntary, Nos. 873, 945. License, Afiidavit for Marriage, No. 3. License, Marriage, No. 73S. Mandamus — District Court, Nos. 571, 57^. Manifest, Coasting, No. 376. Manifest, Inward Foreign, No. 374. Maniff.st, Outward Foreign, No. 377. Manifest, Shippers', No. 370. Manifest, via Panama, No. 373. Marine Protest, No. 971. Maeelvgf., Certificate of, Nos. 215, 210, 73n Marriage License, No. 73>. Marriage License, Affidavit for, No. 3. Meeting, Notice of, Nos. 7s4. 792. Memorandum of Costs— County Court, No. 269. Memorandu.m of Costs— District Court, No. 588. Memorandum of Costs— Justices' Court, No. 6S7. Mining Deed, Nos. 432. 4.33. 434. 436. Money Lent, Complaint— District Court, Nos. 682, 633. Mortgage. Nos. 744 to 7r>4. Mortgage, A.v »v>v ^ CONTENTS KO. FOEM. Affidavit . . 1-7 Agreement and Contract .... 8-79 Application . 80 Appointment . . 81, 82 Assignment . 83-112 Bill of Exciian 3E . 113-118 Bill of Sale . 119-125 Bond . . 126-149 By-Laws . 150-151 Cektifioate . . . 152-221 CEKXrFICATE AND Consent 222-225 Chattel Mortgage ..... 226, 227 CnEPK, Draft, and Order 228-235 Commission . 286 Coroner . 237-244 County Court.— -Civil Cases 245-272 County Court.— -Criminal Cases 273-298 County or District Court .... 299-308 County, District, or Justice's Court . 309-322 Covenant 323-336 Custom House 337-396 Declaration . 397, 898 Deed 399-480 District Court 481-650 Due Bill . 651-653 Endorsement . 654^662 Inventory 668 6 CONTENTS. Justice's Couet. — Civil Cases Justice's Couet. — Cklminal Cases Lease .... Marriage . . . Mixing Laws . Moi'.TGAGE .... Notice Oatu .... Power of Attorney. Prorate Court . Promissory Note Protest .... Receipt Release .... Report and Return . Satisfaction School ... Will .... NO. POB\L 664-711 712-727 728-737 738-740 741-743 744-758 759-814 815-825 826-861 862-951 962-966 967-971 972-980 981-989 990-996 997-1002 1003-1024 1025-1044 r O R M s USE OF BLAKKS. ACCOUNT.— See Pbobate Court. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.— See Certificate. ADMINISTRATOR.— See Deed. Probate Court. No. 1. Affidavit. State of California, ) County of Sierra, ) John Doe, of Downieville, in said county and State, beiug duly Bworn, says : That {liere state thefacts^ or^ if the tnatters embraced in the affidavit are not loithin the offianfs own knowledge^ hut have been communicated to him by others in whose assertions he places confidence, then say : That he is in- formed and believes it to be true, that, stating vJiat he has been informed of). John Doe. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this \ 30th day of September, a. d. 1864. V Thomas H. Merry, Notary Public. ) {Notarial Seal.) IKTF.KNAT, REVENUE Stamps 111 the few cases where stamps are attached to affidavits, the certificate (or 5 cents) stamp is used. 8 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. AfiBdavits in suits or legal proceedings shall be exempt from stamp duty.— -Schedule Documents -^ ^f ^- S- Internal Revenue Act of June 30th, 1864. exempt. ^^jj official instruments, documents, and papers, issued or used by the ofiBcers of the United States Government, shall be and are hereby exempt froiu duty. — Sec. 154 of said Act. No stamp duty shall be required on any paper relating to applications for bounties, arrearages of pay or pensions, or to the receipt thereof from time to time ; nor on any certificate of the record of a deed or other instrument in writing, or of the acknowl- edgment or proof thereof by attesting witnesses. — Skc. 160 of said Act. Any document of any kind made or purporting to be made in any foreign country to be used in the United States, shall pay the same duty as is required by law on Documents similar instruments or documents when made or issued in the United ?""'■' n"coim- States ; and the party to whom the same is issued, or by whom it is to try- be used, shall, before using the same, affix thereon the etamp or stamps indicating the duty required. — Sec. 163 of said Act. On and after the first day of August, 1864, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, for and in respect of the several instruments, matters, and things mentioned and described in the schedule (marked B), or for or in respect of the vcl[l]un), Bv whom 1.1,. stamp duties parchment, or paper upon which such instruments, matters, or things, or ^ '"" ■ any of them, shall be written or printed, by any person or persons, or party who shall make, sign, or issue the same, or for whose use or benefit the same shall be made, signed, or issued, the several duties or sums of money set down in figures against the same, respectively, or otherwise specified or set forth in tlie said schedule. — Sec. 151 o/ said Act. It shall not be lawful to record any instrument, document, or paper required by ^ law to be stamped, unless a stamp or stamps of the proper amount shall not to be have been affixed: and the record of aiiv such instrument, upon which recorded un- less properly the proper stamp or stamps aforesaid shall not have been affixed, .shall bo utterly void, and shall not be used in evidence. — Sec. 152 of said Act. No instrument, document, writing, or paper of any description, required by law to be stamped, shall be deemed or held invalid and of no effect for want of the particular Partieular '^'"^ '^^ description of stamp designated for and denoting the duty stamps. charged on any such instrument, document, writing, or paper, provided a legal stamp or stamps, denoting a duty of equal amount, shall have been duly affixed and used thereon: Provided, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to any stamp appropriated to denote the duty charged on proprietary articles, or articles enumerated in Schedule C. — S'ec. 156 of said Act. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is authorized to prescribe such method for the cancellation of stamps, as substitute for, or in addition to, the method now pre- scribed by law, as he may deem expedient and effectual. — Sec. 157 of said Act. Any person or persons who shall make, sign, or issue, or who shall cause to be made, signed, or issued, any instrument, document, or paper of any kind or descrip- tion whatsoever, without the same being duly stamped, or having there- ^^^,^.^^ ^^^ upon an adhesive stamp for denoting the duty chargeable thereon, with isMiins in- ^ i u strunifiits intent to evade the provisions of this act, shall for every such offense wUiKint pro- forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars, and such instrument, document, ^®' * '^""^ ' or paper shall be deemed invalid and of no effect. — Sec. 158 of said Act. It shall be lawful for any person to present to the collector of the district, subject to the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, any instrument not previously issued or used, and require his opinion whether or not the Colloctoi-s same is chargeable with any stamp duty ; and if the said collector shall ("npV'i'nstru- be of the opinion that such instrument is chargeable with any stamp '"^"ts- duty, he shall, upon the payment therefor, afSx and cancel the proper stamp ; and if of the opinion that such instrument is not chargeable with any stamp duty, or is chargeable only with the duty by him designated, he is hereby required to impress thereon a particular stamp, to be provided for that purpose, with such w^rds or de- vice thereon as he shall judge proper, which shall denote that such instrument is not chargeable with any stamp duty, or is chargeable only with the duty denoted by the stamp affixed; and every such instrument upon which the said stamp shall be- impressed shall be deemed to be not chargeable, or to be chargeable only with the duty denoted by the stamp so affixed, and shall be received in evidence in all courts of law or equity, notwithstanding any objections made to the same by reason of it being unstamped, or of it being insufficiently stamped. —/Sec. 162 of said Act. 10 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 2. AflGLdavit of Deputy County Clerk, on his Appointment. State of California, ) L eg City and County of San Francisco, J I, Jobn Doe, do solemnly swear that I will support tlie Constitu- I 1 tion of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the State of California; and that I will fiithfully dis- charge the duties of the office of Deputy County Clerk, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, according to the best of my ability. So help me God. John Dok. Subscribed and sworn to before me, \ this day of a. d. 186 . V Stamps — See Form Xo. 1. [This affidavit must be indorsed on the appointment, and lilod in the Recorder's office. See Geu. Laws, 643, 204.] No. 3. BLANK PUBLISHED. Affidavit of Applicant for Marriage License. State of California, ) f^itu. curd. County of ^ctn. ^^t^cLttctAca, f ^'akn. 0^ae, being duly sworn, says : My name is ^'alin. 0^ae. I reside ul tltc /^itu- a.n.cL ^aunli^ af ^cttv ^ft^uticls.- iNTEK.NAL i ^^^ in the State of California. I desire a license to author- EEVENUK ize ray marriage with ^'tuxa ^ac. I am over twenty-one STAMP. I years of age ; Jt'cuva J3ica is over eighteen years of age. ^ I know of no legal objection to our marriage. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this \ Pc/ul !2^ae, SSd day of ^uf^tLsi, a. d. 186.4. /Wm. J^acuLu., County Clerk. See Gou. Laws, 416;. Stamps. — See Form No. 1. AFFIDAVIT. 11 No. 4. Affidavit of Sureties, annexed to Notary's Bond. State of California, j City and County of San Francisco, j ^^' C. K. Garrison, Austin E. Smith, and George H. Hossefross, sure- ties in the foregoing bond, being separately and duly sworn, each says for himself, that he is a resident and freeholder within the State and county aforesaid, and that he is worth the amount for which he becomes liable as surety on the fore- going bond, over and above all his debts and liabilities, in unencumbered property situated within this State, which may be levied upon, and is not exempt from execution and forced sale. C. K. Gaeeisox, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of May, 1866. Geo. F. Kkox, Notary Public. Seo Gen. Laws, 480. Stamps. — See Form No. I. Austin E. Smith. Geo. H. Hossefegss. No. 5. Affidavit of Sureties, annexed to Official Bond for the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, ^ City and County of San Francisco, [ ^^* C. D., E. F., G. H., I. K., L. M., N. O., P. Q., and R. S., being duly sworn, each for himself, says, that he is a resident and freeholder, or householder, in the said City and County of San Fran- cisco, and that he is worth the amount for which be becomes liable as surety on the foregoing bond, over and above all his debts and liabilities, in unencumbered property situated within this State, which may be levied upon, and is not INTERNAL EEVEKUE 12 FOiniS AND USE OF ULAXKS, exempt from execution and foi-fcd sale, and aljove all suras for which he is already liable, or in any manner bound, whether as principal, or endorser, or surety, or whether such prior obligation or liability be conditional or absolute, liquidated or unliquidated, certain or con- tingent, due or to become due, in fixed property, including mort- gages, situate iu said city and county, and that he is not a banker doing business in said city and county, nor any such banker's partner, clerk, employe, agent, attorney, father, son, or brother. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of September, ]859, by C. D., E. F., G. II., and P. Q. M. C. Blake, County Judge. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th day of September, 1859, by I. K., L. M., N. O., and R. S. William Duer, County Clerk. CD. E. F. G. II. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. See Statutes of 1859, page 142. Btampa See Form No. 1. No. 6. Affidavit of Publication of Certificate of Limited Partner- ship. State of California, City and County of San Francisco. (■ss. 5 ) i.nti:i;nal K E V K N U E BTAMr. John Pope, being duly sworn, says, that he is a printer [or, publisher, or, clerk, &c.] of the Dally Morning Gall — a daily newspaper, printed and published in the City and County of San Francisco — and that the annexed certificate has been published in said paper daily for three successive AFFIDAVIT. 13 weeks, commencing on the 2d day of January, 1859, and ending this 23d day of January, 1859. John Pope. Subscribed and sworn to before me, ^ January 23, 1859. >- Chas. Halsey, Notary Public. ) {Notarial Seal.) See General Laws, 4816. Stamps — See Form No. 1. No. 7. Affidavit to obtain Warrant, to be endorsed on an Original Subpoena, issued to compel a Subscribing "Witness to attend before an Officer, to prove the Execution of a Conveyance. State of California, ) County, ) C. T., of , being duly sworn, says, that on the fifth day of May, instant, at the Town of , in said county, he served the within subpoena on E. F., therein named, personally, by then and there showing him the same, and delivering to him a true copy thereof, and by paying [or, tendering] to him the sum of for his fees for traveling to the place specified in the said subpoena, and for his attendance in puisuance thereof, and his reasonable ex- penses, that said E. F. resides in said county; and that, without reasonable cause, he has refused and neglected and still refuses and neglects, to appear. C. T. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , d'c. P. Q. R., Notary Public. See General Laws, 659. 14 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. i; R V K N tr E Slgrctmcnt anlr Contracts No. 8. BLAXK PrBLISTIED. Agreement. This agreement, made the tLu^enlieilL day of ^Lnji., a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/r_a/^, between ^akn. 0)aii, af. - th.a f^itL^ cin.d ^aiurtic af ^ctn. ^iatLcLs-tic., ^LcdLe af ^cLLifaltiLcL, t/ze /hCLttj^ af ike fLlAt /i.a±i, a.n.d 0L'Liika±cL ^a^, af AcLLcL ^iij^ CLthcL ^aiuTttc, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, in consideration of the covenants, promises, and agreements on the part of the said part^ of the second part, herein- after contained, covenant«,pronuses, and agrees to and wiih the said part^ of the second part, that the said party/, of the first part will dcLLuiet to. tlta AttuL /uiltj^ af lite. AecaircL /lclU, clL /lU Afate- kau&e. in. Acdd ^dtu. af ^art ^fia.n.cL&ca, an.a tkauH^iLrtd LiLAkeUAaf uLkaal, af c^aad rn.iilcka.n±a.ULe cfuctLHit, an. at LefaLa tka Accand duu. af 0^ acarrtLci, j^l. 0). 7S'b^. And the said part^ of the second part, in consideration of the said covenants, i)roAli.ses, and agreements, on the part of the said part//, of the first part, hereinbefore contained, covenants, promises, and agrees to and witli the said part//, of the first part, that the said part// of the second part will ////// // //"" -UiLd /idliij. af tka fllsL /klII aire. dcLLtl fit cilcJl I'lisikrl (if uJient &a dflitJ-fLe-d, ininic- dicthdji an. tkc ram /lI it! an af ike dcLiuciit af ike AiAd ikaic- &CLnd Lii.akrlfi cf ir hi iit. And for the true and faithful performance of all and every of the eaid covenants, promises, and agreements, the said parties to these AGKEEMENT AND CONTEACT, 15 presents bind themselves, each unto the other, in the penal sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, as fixed, settled, and liquidated damages, to be paid by the failing party. In witness whereof, the said parties to these presents have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. J^akn. QSatL. [l. s.] ^LukcLid 0Lae. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of ) Blanks. — These az-e printed oa sheets of flat cap, about two-thirds of a page being left blank for the insertion of the agreement of the party of the first part, and the same blank space for the insertion of the agreement of the party of the second part. The blank may be used in the drawing of almost any agreement. Stamps. — Agreement or contract, other than those specified in Schedule B ; for every sheet or piece of paper upon which the same shall be written, five cents : Pro- vided, That if more than one agreement or contract shall be written upon one sheet or piece of paper, five cents for each and every additional agreement or contract. — Schedule B of U. S. Internal Revenue Act of June 30, 1864. See also Form No. 1 No. 9. Agreement.— Another Form. This agreement, made the of , one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-four, by and between A. B., of the Town of , in the County of , State of Cahfornia, of the first part, and C. D., of , of the second part, witnesses: The said party of the second part covenants and agrees, to and with the party of the first part, to [state the subject matter of the agreement.'] And the said party of the first part cove- INTERNAI. EEVEKUE nants and agrees to pay unto the said party of the second part, for 16 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. the same, the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, as follows: the sum of dollars, on the day of , 1864, and the sum of dollars, on the day of , 1864, with the inter- est on the amount due, payable at the time of each payment. And for the true and faithful performance of all and every of the covenants and agreements above mentioned, the parties to these presents bind themselves, each unto the other, in the penal sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, as fixed and settled damages, to be paid by the failing party. In Avitness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the ) A. B. [l. s.] presence of G. H ) C. D. [l. s.] Stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 10. Apprentice's Indenture. This indenture witnesses: That James Knox, of the City of Marys- ville, in the County of Yuba, and State of California, now aged fifteen years, by and with the consent of John Knox, his father [or, mother, his fiither being dead, or, being legally incapaci- tated, or, having abandoned and neglected to provide for his family], endorsed upon this indenture, has voluntarily, and of his own free will and accord, put and bound him- self apprentice to Henry Jones, of the City of San Francisco, to learn the art, trade, and mystery of a baker ; and as an apprentice to serve from this date, for, and during, and until the full end and term of four years next ensuing [or, until the said James Knox shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, which will be on the day of , in the year 186 ], during all which time the said apprentice shall serve his master faithfully, honestly, and industriously; his- secrets keep, and lawful commands everywhere readily obey ; at all times protect and preserve the goods and property of his said master, and not suffer or allow any to be injured or wasted. He shall not AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 17 "buy, sell, or traffic, with his own goods, or the goods of others, nor be absent from his said master's service, day or night, without leave; but in all things behave himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do, during the said term. And the said master shall clothe and provhle for the said apprentice in sickness and in health, an^l supply him with suitable food and clothing; and shall use and employ the utmost of his endeavors to teach, or cause him, the said apprentice, to be taught or instructed, in the art, trade, or mystery of a baker ; and also cause the said apprentice, within such term, to be instructed to read and write, and to be taught in the general rules of arithmetic, or, in lieu thereof, that he will send the said James Knox to school, three months of each year of the period of this indenture. [//' necessary/, insert here: And the said ITenry Jones acknowledges that he has received with tlie said James Knox from John Knox, his fither [or, motliei'], the sum of dollars, as a compensaiion for his instruction, aa above mentioned; or: And the said Henry Jones further agrees to« pay, in gold com of the United States, to the said James Knox the following sums of money, viz.: for the first year of his service, dollars per month; for the second year of his service, dollars, per month; and for every subsequent year, until the expiration of his term of service, dollars per month ; which said payments are to be made on the first day of each month in eacli year.] And for the true performance of all and singular the covenants and agreements aforesaid, the said parties bind themselves, each unto th© other, firmly by these presents. In witness whereof, the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and seals, the fifth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the ) James Kxox, [l. s.] presence of William Dorax. ) Henky Jones, [l. s.] See Gen. Laws, 330, 346. Acknowledgment — See Geo. Laws, 340, 34L Stamps — See Form No 8. 2 18 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 11. Agreement of the Father, -where he becomes responsible for an Apprentice. This iii^lenture, made the clay of , in the year one thou- Band eight hundred and sixty-four, between E. B. K., of, etc., and M. 31. B., of, tOc, witnesses: That the said E. B. K., in con- sideration of the covenant and agreement hereinafter men- tioned, does, by these presents, put .and bind liis son, E. M. P., to tlie said M. M. B., to learn the art, trade, and mystery of a baker, and as an apprentice to serve from I^•TKE^•AI, KEVESUE this date, for, and during, and until the full end and tei'm of-iive years next ensuinor, to the best of his power and skill, faithfully and honestly, in all lawful business and matters that the said M. M. B, may direct ; and the said E. B. K. does hereby covenant and agree with the said M. M. B., that the said E. M. P. shall in all thhigs well and truly serve the said i\I. M. B. during the said term, according to the condi- tions of the indenture this day executed by the said E. M. P. and M. M. B., with my wiilten consent thereupon endorsed ; and tlie said M. M. B. does covenant and agree with the said E. M. P., to pay to the said E. M. P. the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, on the first day of ^ch and every month during the term aforesaid. In witness whereof, the said parties to those presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in presence oi" ) E. B. K. [l. s.] C. I\I. 1). \ M. M. B. [l. s.] Stamis See Form No. 8. No. 12. The Same, Endorsed upon the Indenture of Apprenticeship. In consideration of the covenants and agreements to be performed by M. M. B. to and witji my son, E. ]\I. P., specified and contained in AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 19 REVEKUE the within indenture, I do hereby bind myself to the said M. M. B., for the true and faithful performance and obser- vance, by the said E. M. P., of the matters and things by him to be performed and observed in and by the said indenture ; and I do hereby covenant to and with the said M. ^\, B., that the said E. M. P. shall in all things well and truly perform and ob- serve the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand and seal, the day of, dbc. In presence of C r;.'} E.B.K[...] stamps. — See Form No. 8, No. 13. Servant's Indenture. This indenture witnesses : That Mary Flynn, of the town of, c&c, now aged twelve years, by and with the consent of A. Flynn, of the town aforesaid, her father [or, molher,^*('.], has voluntarily, and of her own accord, hired and bound herself to Aaron Johnson, as a domestic servant, to serve from the date hereof, for and until the full end and term of six years next ensuing [or, xmtil she shall have attained the age of REVENUE eighteen years, which will be on the day of , 186 ]; during all which time the said servant shall serve her master faithfully, hon- estly, and industriously ; all lawful commands everywhere readily obey ; and protect and preserve the goods and property of her said master, and not suffer or allow any to be injured or wasted: she shall not be absent from service without leave; and in all things, and at all times, shall behave as a faithful servant ought to do. And the said Aaron Johnson shrill and will furnish and provide the said ser- vant, during the continuance of the said term, with suitable and suffi- cient food and clothing, and cause her, within the said term, to be instructed to read and write, and to be taught the general rules of :o FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. arithmetic, or, in lieu thereof, that lie will send Slid Mary Flynn to Bchool three months of each year of the j^c'r'od of this indenture, and will pay to her mojithly durini; her ter:n of service, o i the liist clay of each month, the sum of dollars, izoM coin of the United States; and for the true performance of all and singular the cov-nants and agreL'meuts aforesai.l, the saitl parlies bind themselves, each unto the other, firmly by these presents. In witness, cfic. [slgnedhy the jjcirties, and endorsed with the con- sent of father, or mother, or guardian, as the case may he\ Sco Gen. Laws, 330-31G. Acknowledgment. — See Geu. Laws, 340, 341. Stamps — Seo Form Xo. 8. WTEKNA.!. EKTENUK No. 14. Agreement of General Submission to Arbitration. Whereas differences have for a long time existed, an 1 are now existing and pending, between A. B., of, fC'c, and C. D., of, ci'c, in relation to divers subjects of controversy and dispute: Now, therefore, we, the undersigned A. B. and C. D., aforesaid, cfo hereby mutually covenant and agree, to and with each other, that P. Q., R. S., and T. U., of, d-c, or any two of them, shall arbitrate, award, order, judge, and determine, of and concerning all and all manner of actions, cause and causes of actions, suits, controven-ie^, claims, and demands what- soever, now pending, existini?, or held, by and between us, the said parties; and we do further mutually covenant imd agree, to and with each other, that avc will in all thino^s faithfully observe, keep, and abide by the decision and award said arbitrators shall make i:i wri- ting, on or before the day of , a. d. 18G0. Witness our hands and seals, this tenth day of August, 18.50. A. 13. [l. s.] C. D. [r.. s.] See Gen. Laws, 5318. etamps — Sco Form No. 8, AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. ^ No. 15. A.gr89ment of General Submission to Arbitration. Form. -Short REYEKUK We, the undersigned, mutually agree to submit, and do hereby submit, all our matters in difference, of every name or nature, to the award and decision of P. Q., R. S., and T. U., for them to hear and determine the same, and make their award in writing, on or before the fifth day of May next. Yv^itness our liands, this fourth day of March, 1860. In presence of ) C. M. D, stamps — See Form No. 8. E. B. K. M. M. B. No. 16. Agreement of Special Submission to Arbitration. Whereas a controversy is now existing and pending, between A B., of, <:&sel in and during the said voyage shall be kept tight, stanch, well fitted, tackled and provided with every requisite, and with men and provisions necessary for such a voyage. Second. — The said part^_ of the first part do^a further engage that the whole of said vessel (with the exception of the cabin, the deck, and the necessary room for the accommodation of the crew, and the stowage of the sails, cables, and provisions) sliall be at the solo use and disposal of the said part^_ of the second part daring the voyage aforesai Blanks. — These are printed upon sheets of flat cap. The blank spaces are suf- ficiently large for any charter party. Stamps. — See Form No. 18. 28 .FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 20. Agreement not to Sue a Debtor. Know all men by these presents, that whereas John Doe, of the City of Oakland, in the County of Alameda, and State of California, is justly indebted to us, Richard Roe, John Smith, and Paul Brown, in divers sums of money, which the said John Doe is unable to pay : Now, therefore, Ave do hereby grant unto the said John Doe full liberty and license to attend to, follow, and nego- EEVENtTE tiate, any business or affairs whatsoever, without any suit, trouble, or hindrance from us, or any of us, for the space of two years from the date hereof And we and each of us, for ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, for and in consideration of the agreement and covenant of the said John Doe hereinafter contained, do covenant and agree with the said John Doe, that we will not, nor will either or any of us, at any time during the said space of tico years, sue, prosecute, arrest, molest, or trouble the said John Doe, in respect or on account of any debts now by hini due to us, or any or either of us. And the said John Doe, in consideration of the foregoing cove- nant and agreement, for himself, his heirs, executors, or administra- tors, covenants and agrees with the creditors aforesaid, that he will faithfully apply all moneys, property, and effects, that he may earn or procure during the said term of tioo years, to the payment, in gold coin of the United States, of his debts owing to the creditors afore- said, in proportion to the amount due and owing to eacli. In witness whereof, vv'e have hereunto set our hands and seals, i\\mjLrst day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixfy-four. Richard Ivok. [l. s.] Joiix Smith. [l. s.] Paul Br.owx. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of A. B. CD. Stamps.r— See Form Xo. 8. AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 29 No. 21. • Agreement not to Sue a Debtor.— Another Form. To all to whom tliese presents shall come : We, E. F., of, c&c., and G. F., of, (&c. [names of the several creditors'], whose names are underwritten, and seals affixed, creditors of A. B., now or late of Vf arm Springs, County of Alameda, State of Cali- fornia, send greeting : Whereas, the said A. B., on the day of the date hereof, is indebted unto us, the said creditors, in divers suras of money, vrhich, by reason of great losses REVENUE and misfortunes, he is cot at present able to pay and satisfy, without respite of time be given him for that purpose : Know ye, therefore, that we, the said creditors, and every one of us, do, by these presents, severally give and grant unto tlie said A. B., free license, liberty, and leave, to come, go, and resort, imto us, and every of us, his said creditors, to compound and take order with us, and every one of us, for our and every of our debts ; and also go about his other business and affairs, at his free will and pleasui'e, from the day of the date hereof, until the full end and term of mouths next ensuing, without any let, suit, trouble, arrest, attachment, or other disturbance whatsoever, to be offered or done unto hini, the said A. B., his w^ares, goods, money, or merchandise, whatsoever, by us, or the assigns of us, or any or either of us, or by our or any of our means or procure- ment ; and we, the said creditors, severally and respectively, each for himself, his executors and administrators, do severally, and not jointly, covenant and agree, to and with the said A. B., his executors, administrators, and every of them, by these presents, that if any trouble, vexation, wa-ong, damage, or hindrance, shall be done unto him, the said A. B., either in his body, goods, or chattels, within the said term of months, from the date of these presents, by us, or any of us, contrary to the tenor and effect of this our license, that then the said A. B., his executors and administrators, shall be acquitted and discharged towards and against him and them, of us, his, and their executors, administrators, partners, and assigns, and every of them, by whom and by whose means he shall be vexed, arrested, troubled, imprisoned, attached, grieved, or damnified, of all manner of actions, ^ 4 30 FOTIMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. suit?, quarrels, debts, dues, and dcmaiids, cither in law or equity, whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents : provided always, nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of the said parties here- unto, that if all tlie said parties shall not subscribe and seal these presents, then, and in such case, the liberty and license hereby given and granted, and every clause, covenant, matter, and thing, lierein contained, shall cease and be utterly void, to all intents and purposes; any thing hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof, the said parties to these i)resents have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day of 18G4. Signed, sealed, and delivered, ) E. F. [l. s.] in presence of G. H. ; tkc, dc. Stamps — See Form Xo. 8. No. 22. Composition with Creditors. To all to whom these presents shall come : "We, whose names are hereunder written, and seals affixed, creditors of A. B., of Jackson, County of Ainador, State of Califoinia, send greeting : Whereas, the said A. B. does justly owe, and is indebted unto us, his said several creditors, in divers suras of money ; but by reason of sundry losses, disapjioiiitnients, and other damages, happened unto the said A. B., he is become unable INTEBNAL nEVEKTE to pay and satisfy us of our full debts, and just claims and demands, and therefore we, the said creditors, have resolved and agreed to undergo a certain loss, and to accej)! of cents, gold coin of the United States, for every dollar owing by the said A. B. to us, the several and respectkj'e creditors aforesaid, to be paid, in such gold coin, iu full satisfaction and discharge of our several and respective AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 31 dehts : Now, know ye, that we, the said creditors of the said A. B., do, for ourselves, severally and respectively, and for our several and respective heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant, promise, compound, and agree, to and with the said A. B., by these presents, that we, the said several and respective creditors, shall and will accept, receive, and take, of and from the said A. B,, for each and every dollar that the said A. B. does owe and is indebted to us, the said several and respective creditors, the sura of . cents, payable in gold coin of the United States, in full discliarge and satisfaction of the several debts and sums of money that the said A. B. does owe and stand indebted unto us ; to be paid unto us, the said several and respective creditors, within the time or space of months next after the date of these presents ; and we, the said several and respec- tive creditoi's, do severally and respectively covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said A. B., that the said A. B. shall and may, from time to time, and at all times, within the said time or space of months next ensuing the date hereof, assign, sell, or otherwise dispose of, all his goods and chattels, wares and merchandise, at his own free will and pleasure, for and towards the payment and satis- faction of the said cents for every dollar the said A. B. does owe and is indebted unto us, as aforesaid; and that neither we, the said several and respective creditors, nor any or either of us, shall or will, at any time or times hereafter, sue, arrest, molest, or trouble the said A. B., or his goods and chattels, for any debt or other thing, now due and owing to us, or any of us, his respective creditors : so as the said A. B. well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, in such gold coin, the .aid sum of cents for eveiy dollar he does owe and stand in- debted to us, respectively, within the said time or space of months next ensuing the date hereof; and all and every of the grants, covenants, agreements, and conditions, herein contained, shall extend to and bind our several executors, administrators, and assigns. In witness whereof, "we, the undersigned, have hereunto set our hands and seals the day of , 1864. Stamps — See Form No. 8. 32 FOrwMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 23. Articles of Separation, This indenture, made, tCr., between A. I>., of the fust part ; C. D., the wife of the said A. B., but now livini^ separate and apart from him, of tlie second part ; and E. F., trustee, of the third j-art : "Whereas unlinppy diflerences have arisen, and do still sub- sist, between the said A. B. and C. D., and by reason of the same tliey have agreed to live separate and apart from each other during their natural lives. Now, therefore, the said RBVENVE party of the first part, in consideration of the premises, and in puisu- ance thereof, does hereby covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said E. F., and also, to and with his said wife, that, notwithstand- ing the marriage existing between them, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said C. D., at all times hereafter, to live separate and apart from him, the said A. B. ; and the said A. B. shall not, nor will, com- pel her to cohabit or live with him; and fhat the said C. D. shall be, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, freed and discharged from the power, will, command, and authority of the said A. B. ; and that he shall not, nor will at any time hereafter, under any pretence what- soever, sue, prosecute, or disturb any person or persons for receiving, harboring, protecting, or assisting the said C. D., or ofter any violence, force, or restraint to her person, or molest, interrupt, or disturb her in her manner of living, or in her liberty or freedom of going to, or staying in, or returning from, such place or places as she shall think proper ; that he will not claim nor demand any of her money, jewels, plate, clotliitig, household goods, or furniture which the said C. D. now has in her power or pos^ession, or which she shall or may here- after acquire by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, or that may be otherwise acquired. And the said A. B. does liereby further covenant, promise, and agree, that he will well and truly ])ay, or cause to be i)aid, unto the said E. F., for and toward tlie support and maintenance of C. D., his ■wife, the clear yearly sum of dollars, j)ayable monthly, in gold coin of the United States, on the (irst e secoml part. Tiie parly of the seconc part, in consideration of the covenants and agreement' RKVCMUI OTA Mr. AGIIEEMENT AND CONTRACT. 37 hereinafter contaiiied, to be kept and performed by the party of the first part, and of one dollar, the receipt whereof the party of the second part hereby ackno\vledp;es, does covenant, promise, and aqree, to and with the party of tlie first part, that the party of tlie second part will erect, build, and complete, or cause to be erected, built, and completed, on the land of the party of the first part, to wit, on that certain lot situated [ General Descri2otion.'\ a good and substantial buildincr, to wit, a brick dwelling-honse, of the dimensions, description, and materials mentioned and specified in the written paper, entitled "Specifications for the construction of a brick dwelling-house, for John Smith, on \^Geiieri(l Descriptioii of LotJ\ and of the work and materials to be us-ed therein," signed by said par- ties, nnd bearing even date herewith, and according to plans made by W. C.Hooghmd, architect, with reference to which said specifications are drawn ; and will provide, at his own expense, all the materiaJs necessary for the erecting and completing said building, accoixling to said plans and specifications ; anil will deliver said building to the party of tlie first part, completely finished, and ready for the occupation of tenants, on the day of , A. d. 18(34, unless such delivery be pre- vented by accidental fire. The party of the first pnrt, in consideration of the covenants and agreements aforesaid, to be kept and performed by the party (;f the scccnd part, does covenant, proinise, and agree, to and with the ]i:trty of the second part, that said party of tlie i-econd part performing the covenants and agreements on liis part, the party of the first pait will pay, or cause to be paid, unto the party of the second part, for erecting and completing said building, in manner aforesaid, and providing the materi:ds therefor, the sum of two thou- sand dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to be paid in the following manner, to wit : first payment, one thousand dollars, when the walls are up, floois laid, and roof on ; second payment, five hundred dollars, when plasterers' and paintei's' work is all done, doors himg. and windows put in ; third and last payment, five hundred dollars, thirty days after all the works and erections are completed, and the building is finished according to the plan and specifications, and delivered to the owner; provided, that prior to the expiration of 33 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. Bald thirty days, no elaiiiis or liens of outsude parties, sub-contractors, \vorkincn, or niatLTial mi'U, shall have been filed or presented. And it is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed, between said parties, that the party of the first part may make, or require to be made, alterations in the plan of construction from that heiein and in said specification and plan expressed, without annullin!^ or invalidating this agreement ; and that, in case of any such alterations, the increase or diminution of expense occasioned thereby shall be estimated according to the price fixed by these presents for the whole work and materials, and allowances shall be made on one side or the other, as the case may be. And that, if there shall be any delay, on the part of the party of the second part, in erecting or completing said build- ing, that in the opinion of the superintendent will prevent its being completed on the day herein specified, then the party of the first part may, at his option, either employ persons other than the jjarty of the second part to do the whole or any part of said work, and furnish the whole or any part of said materials, and deduct the cost of the same from the sum hereinbefore agreed to be ])aid by the jiariy of the first part, or leave the comj)letion of said building unto the party of the second part, and enforce his claim for damages, should said building be not completed on the day herein specified. And it is further agreed, that if the said building shall not be finished and completed, in manner aforesaid, by the said day of , a. d. 1864, the said party of the second })art shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars, gold coin of the United States, for each and every day, from and after that time, during which the said building shall remain un- finished and Tiot com])lcted as aforesaid, to be deducted from the sum hereinbefore agreed to be paid by the party of the first part. And that, in case of any disagreement between said parties, relating to the performance of any covenant or agreement herein contained, such disagreement shall be refer'-ed to three disinterested persons, one to be chosen on each side, and they two to choose another ; the decision, in writing, signed by any two of whom, shall he final. At\d for the true performance of the said covenants and agreements on their part, respectively, the said parties bind themselves, the parly of the first part to the jiarty of the seconil part, and the jtarty of the second part to the party of the first part, firmly by these presents, in the penal AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 39 sum of five liundred dollars, gold coin of the Uuited States of America. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto sot their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. JoHjf Smith. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of W. C. IIOOGLAND. stamps — See Form No. 8. Wm. Collins. [l. s.] No. 26. Agreement for Building. Contract for building, made the tenth day of Juhj^ one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four^ by and between John Doe, of Amador Citrj, in the Ooivaiy o^ Amador, and State of California, of the first part, and Richard Roe, of the said Amador City^ of the second part, in these words : The said party of the second part covenants and agrees to and with the said party of the first part, to make, erect, build, and finish, in REVENUE a good, substantial, and workmanlike manner, a two-story brick dwell- ing-house, on the lot of land situated [^Description of Lot. ^^ agreeable to the drafts, plans, and specifications hereunto annexed, of good and substantial materials, by the first day of January next. And the said party of the first part covenants and agrees to pay unto the said paxty of the second part, for the same, the sum of two thou- sand dollars, gold coin of the United States, as follows : the sum of one thousand dollars ichen the building is inclosed and tJie roof put on, and the remaining one thousand dollars lohen the building is completed. And for the true and faithful performance of all and every of the covenants and agreements above nientioned, the parties to these presents covenant and agree, each with the other, that the sum of one 40 FOnM-S AND USE OF BLANKS. thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States, as fixed, settled, and liquidated damages, shall be paid to the other by the failing party. In witness whereof, <.hc. Stamps See Form No. 8. No. 27. Agreement for Building.— Another Form. Memoeakdum. — That on this day of , it l^? agreed between A. B., of , and C. D,, of , in manner following, viz.: the said C. D., for the considerations hereinaflcr nieatioiicd, does for INTERNAL himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant nEVENTE with the said A. B., his executors, administrators, and 6TAMP. assigns, that he, the said CD., or his assigns, shall and will, within the space of next after the date hereof, in a good and workmanlike manner, and at his own proper charge and expense, at the City of San Francisco, well and substantially erect, build, and finish, one house, or messuage, according to the draft, scheme, cxpla- naiions, and specifications liereunto annexed, with sucli stone, biick, timber, and other mnterials, as the said A. B. or his assigns shall find or provide for the same: In consideration whereof, the said A. B. docs for himself, his executors, and administrators, covenant with the said CD., his executors, administrators, and assigns, well and truly to pay unto the said C D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, in manner follow- ing, viz, : part thereof at the beginning of the said work, another part thereof wlien the said work shall be half done, and the remaining in full for the said work, when the same shall be com- plciely finished: And also that he, the said A. B., his executors, ad- ministrators, or assigns, shall :iiid Avill, from time to time, as th^' same shall be required, at his and their own proper expense, find and provide stone, brick, timber, and other materials necessary for making, build- ing, and finishing the said house. And for the i)erlbrmancc of all an.l every the articles and agreements above mentioned, the said A. B. and AGEEEMENT AND CONTRACT. 41 C. D. do hereby bind themselves, their executors, administrators, ari'l assigns, e.ich to the other, in the penal sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, firmly by these presents. In witness, Sc. Stamps — See Form No. 8. No. 28. Agreement for Rebuilding Mills. This agreement, made the day of, cfic, between A. B,, of, c£;c., of the first part, and CD., of, cDc, of the second part, witnesses: -] That the party of the first part, for the consideration herein- after mentioned, does promise and agree, to and with the party of the second part, that he will, on or before the day of , A. D. 1864, well and sufficiently rebuild, or KEVENTTE cause to be rebuilt, the miUs of the said party of the second part, situate on the , in the Town of , in the County of , State of California, with such materials as the said party of the second part shall find and provide for the same; and that he, the said party of the first part, shall not absent himself, or depart from the work and rebuilding aforesaid, without leave of the said party of the second part ; and that if he shall absent liimself without leave, lie will pay, in gold coin of the United States, to the said party of the second part, the sum of dollars for every day of such absence, to be sto[)ped and deducted from the wages becoming due to the said party of the first part, as hereinafter provided. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the premises, does promise and agree, to and with the party of the first part, to pay, in gold coin of the United States, to the said party of the first part, the sum of dollars [or, for all such time as he shall be employed in the work of rebuilding, aforesaid, weekly, and every week, the sum of dollars, and so in proportion for a less time than a week; and, in addition thereto, the sum of dollars] on the completion of the work and rebuilding aforesaid. In witness, t&c. Stamps — See Form No. 8. 42 FOIl.MS AXD USE OF BLANKS. No. 29. Agreement Vv'ith a Mason. Tliis agreement, made the day of , a. d. one tl)ousand eight hundred and sixty , between A. B., of , and C. D., of , witnesses : That the said C. D., for the consideration herein- after mentioned, promises and agrees, to and with the said A. B., that he will do and perform, by himself or persons in his employ, in a good and workmanlike manner, and with materials to be furnished by the. said A. B., all the mason EET ENUE and plastering work to be done in and about the erecting and build- ing a new dwolling-hoase on the fifty vara lot, Xo. 200, of the said A. B., on California Street, in the City of San Francisco, accoiding to the plans and specifications hereto annexed ; and also, that he will use the utmost care in working up the materials to be furnished by the said A. B., as aforesaid, to the best advantage for the said A. B., and that he will complete the said work on or before the day of next. And the said A. B., in consideration of the premises, agrees to furnish and provide good and sufficient materials for the said Avork, at such time or times as the said C. D. may request ; and to pay, in gold coin of the United States, the said C. D., for all such work as shall bo performed by him or his servants in and about the said new dwelling- house, ornamental Avork excepted, on the completion of the same, at and after the rate of per yard of three feet square, and the sura of dollars for all the ornamental work done or performed in and about the said dwelling-house — it being expressly understood and agreed, that no extra charge is to be demanded or allowed for cor- ners, arches, jambs, joints, fire-places, or any other kind of work not strictly ornamental, but all the work is to be measured as plain, except the ornamental work to be paid for, as aforesaid, in gross. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. A. B. [l. s.] C. D. [l. s] Stamps — See Form No. 8. AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 43 No. 30. Agreement to Cultivate Land on Shares. This agreement, etc., witnesses : That the said John Doe agrees v.ith the said Richard Koe, that he will properly plow, liarrow, till, tit, and prepare for sowing, all that certain field of ground belonging to the said Richard Roe, which field lies, Sc. [Description of the Fleld^ containing about ffty acres, and to sow the same with good icinter irheat, finding one half of the seed ivJicat neces- INTEKNAL r. EVENUi: sary therefor, on or before t\ie. first day of September next; and that he will at the proper time cut, harvest, and thrash the said v^heat, and properly winnow and clean the same, and deliver the one half part of the said tcheat to the said Richard Roe, at his barii, on his jyremises, in the said City of Oakland^ near his dwelling-house, within ten days after the same shall have been cleaned ; and will carefully stack the one half pai't of the straw on the premises of the said Richard Roe, near to his barn aforesaid. And the said Richard Roe, in consideration of the foregoing agree- ment, promises and agrees, to and with the said John Doe, that he may enter in and upon the said fit-Id for the purpose of tilling and sowing the same, and of harvesting the crop ; and free ingress and egress have and enjoy for the purposes aforesaid ; and that he will furnish to the said John Doe one half part of the seed icheat necessary to sow the same, on or before tho, first day of /S^epiemJer next, and per- mit the said John Doe to thrash and clean the loheat upon the premises of the said Richard Roe. In witness whereof, c&c. Stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 31. Agreement to Engrave Maps. This agreement, made the day of, &c., between A. B., of, &c., and C. D., of, &c., witnesses : That the said A. B., for the consideration 44 FORMS AND USE OF BLA]S'KS. B E V C N C F. hereinafter specified, covcnnnts and agrees, to and with the said C. D., that he will {(rovid^' good :ind proper steel pl.ites, and M'ill engrave thereon, separately, the map of each and every county of the State of Calilbrnia, according to the plans, specifications, and drawings, hereunto annexed ; and that he will finish and complete the same in a workmanlike manner, and deliver them to the said C. U., on or before the day of , A. D. 1865. In consideration whereof, the said C. D. covenants and agrees to pay to the said A. B., upon the delivery of each and every of the said engraved plates, the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, in full payment and satisfaction therefor. In witness, tC'c. Stamps.— Sec Form No. 8. r.EVENrr. No. 32. Agreement to Freight Sloop. Tliis agreement, made the day of, cC'c, between L. S. ct Co., factors and commission merchnnts, of the City of San Francisco, of the first part, and C. D., owner and master of the sloop Sea Nymph, of the second part, witnesses : That the said parties of the first part covenant and agree to and with t!ie said party of the second pait, that they will load and freight the said sloop, for and during the ensuing year; to commence on the 20th day of instant, when the said sloop is to be in readiness to receive her first lading, at the dock of the said party of the first part [or, at Pier No. ], in tlie said City of San Fran- cisco, as well on her upward trips from the said City of San Francisco to the City of Sacramento, and the internicfliate ports, as on her return trips from the City of Sacramento to the City of San Fran- cisco ; and that they will pay, in gold coin of the United States, to the said party of the second part, for carrying the same, on tlie de- livery of each and every cargo in a safe and sound condition, as hereinafter mentioned, at and after the following rates of compensa- tion, viz. : AGKEEMET^T AND CON Tl^ ACT. 45 rOK UP FREIGHT. Salt Merchandise Household Furnilure Coal . etc., (&C, Flour Pork . . . . Hay . . . Wheat and Cora Butter Staves and Heading on the heirs, executors, administrators, and survivors of the respective parties. In witness •whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands, the day and year lirst above written. In presence of \_ L. S. & Co. ) C. D. Stamps. — See Form Xo. 8. IKTEKSAL r. E V E K r K No. 33. Agreement for the Hiring of a Clerk or "Workman. This agreement, it day o^ December iie.rf^ for the compensation of twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable monthlij, \\\ gold coin of the United States. And the said Richard Roe covenants with the said John Doe, that he will receive hini as his clerk [or j ournii/)>ia7}], fu* ttie term of one year aforesaid, and will pay him, in gold coin of t!;e United Slates, for his services as such clerk [or Journeyniafi], the sum of ticelve hun- dred dollars per annum, in monthly payments. In witness whereof, <0c*. Stamps. — Sec Form N'o. 8. No. 34. Agreement for Making and Delivering Boots. This agreement, ct*.*., witnesses: Thattlie saiil Joliii Di>e. in consid- eration of the covenauts, on the part of the party of the second part, AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 47 INTEKNAI, r.EVEKUK to be performed, covenants and agrees, to and with the said Richard Roe, that he Avill, within [here insert the time] from the date hereof, make and deliver to the said Richard Roe ten thousand pairs of boots, made from calfskin, of the first quality, and of the following sizes* [here insert Sizes'] And the said Richard Roe covenants to pay, ia gold coin of the United States, to the said John Doe two dollars for each pair upon the completion of the delivery of the said ten thousand pairs, if the same are delivered within [insert the time agreed upoii] from the dato hereof, as aforesaid. In witness whereof, cC'c. Stamps. — See Form No. 8. INTERNAL EEVENUE No. 35. Agreement for Making Flour-Barrels. This agreement, &c., witnesses : That John Doe, in consideration of the agreement, on the part of Richard Roe, to be performed, cove- — ] nants with the said Richard Roe, that he will make and deliver to the said Richard Roe, during the term of one year next ensuing from the date hereof, one thousand mer- chantable floai'-barrels in each week, said flour-barrels to be made of good, hard, well-seasoned white oak stuff, and the hoops to be of black ash. And the said Richard Roe, in consideration thereof, agrees to pay, in gold coin of the United States, to the said John Doe, at the rate of twenty cents for each barrel, such payment to be made on each thousand barrels immediately on the delivery thereof, until the whole quantity is made and delivered. In witness whereof, dbc. Stamps — See Form No. 8. 48 FORMS AND USE OF ELAJsKS. No. 36. BLAXIC ruiJLisriED. Landlord's and Tenant's Agreements. tenant's agreement. This is to certify, that ^ have hireJ and taken from ^caia,.e JfL ^t-LAir^tx ilhc IlcuSc and /iLcrn.Ue& Urtauxn. cls. J^a. H b /^tttu- ] ^f Licet, in. tlta ,/^itr(, af ^an. ^'LartcUca, for the 1 term of Ai:c rnantlts, from the tlLLttitdfL day of ^Lclu., A. D. 18b.^', at tlie ni.antLLn^ rent of fiftij. dollars, payable, in gold coin of the United States of America, monthly in advance. And ^' do hereby promise R E V E N U r. to make punctual payment of the rent, in manner aforesaid, and to quit and surrender the said premises, at the expiration of the said term, to said lessor, his. ^%Q'.'i cr attorney, in as good state and con- dition as reasonable use and wear th.eroof will permit, damages by the elements excepted ; and not to let or midcrlet the Avliole or any part of the said premiees, Avithout the written consent of the landlord, under the penalty of fjrfciture and dmiages ; and also not to occupy the said premises for any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of fire, without the like consent, u:ider the like penalty. Given under mjt hand and seal, the tlLLLLiallL day of ^^Lctr^, A. D. 18G./. ^iimcs. ^mltlL. [l. s.] LA^^5L0RI)'s agreement. This is to certify, that ^f' have let and rented unto ^(uuca ^uzlL/l tlir. kcjiAe and fil.cjnUa^ LncAcn a.-i Js^'a. Sb /-Inji^. ^Lirci, in ilir. /^Ji.liL r.f ^/an ^JJ'l.a.nrl.U-r , and tlie sole and uniuterr;ipted use and ot-cupation thereof, f »r the term of .l/.r n-LcnilLs. f.om the HuiUcIIl day oK ^JLaij, A. D. ]8Gi, at the nrmllilu rent of ///Z//. dollars, payable, in gold coin of the United Slates of America, monthly in advance. The said prein'scs are not to be u^ed or occupied for any business deemed extra-hazardous on account of fire, nor shall the AGKEEMENT AND CONTRACT. 49 Bsme, or any part thereof, be let, or underlet, without the written consent of the landlord, under the penalty of forfeiture and damages. Given under /vz/^ hand and seal, the tlLiiiicllL day oi ^LcLUt A. D. 180^. f;^e.atc^e. ^t. ^n.AL{j.n.. [l. S.] See Lease. Blanks. — In tliese the landlord's agreement and the tenant's agreement are printed on the same page, the number of both being the same. Stamps. — Lease, agreement, memorandum, or contract for the hire, use, or rent of any land, tenement, or portion thereof, where the rent or rental value is $300 per annum or less, 50 cents. Where the rent or rental value exceeds the sum of $300 per annum, for eacli ad- ditional $200, or fractional part thereof, in excess of $300, 50 cents. — Schedule B. oj U. S. Internal Revtnue Act of June 30, 1864. See also Form No. 1. IKTEEKAL II E y E N U E No. 37. BLANK PUBLISHED. Landlord's and Tenant's Agreements.— Another Form, landlohd's agreement. This is to certify, that ^ have let and rented unto ^La/icLid 0Lae^, L^attLLCL, mu. ftCLiLAe clitcL Lat, JziraLULn. cl& ^J\^LLniLic^ fiuLE kurLdLad ctud aif^lvLiL {58^0) /llfeLL& ^LUat, ut. Aa.id ^'Uj^ af ^ctiT ^LcLiTctSca, and the sole and unin- terrupted use and occupation thereof, for the term of am ji-^cLi', to commence on the ftUL day of ^'cuuLctin., A. t>. 1 86.4, at the nra/it/Ll/j. rent of ane kiurdLcd dollars, O-cld aain. of the United States, payable irLaiTikLif. in advance. The premises above mentioned, or any part thereof, shall not be let or underlet without the written consent of the landlord, under penalty of the forfeiture of this lease, and damages. GiA^en under tnr^ hand and seal, the SOLk day of ^fLur^itAt, A. d. 186 J. ^>akn. 0)(xe. [l. S.] 50 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. TENANT S AGREEMENT. This is to certify, that ^/have hired and taken from ^ f'clin. 'jI) cr, ifcltvicL, a. ItauAe. cLncL Lat, /^naiun. a.& ^J^iurhLcif^ ^ime kiuzdtcci and etc^/Ltu. {S8'0) /H/eLL& ^LLcat, in. Actid i^^iiii. af ^ctn. ^LcLncLAca, for the term of arte tcecLf, to commence on the tst day of ^cLnucLiri., a. d. 186^, at the marLi/zlu^ rent of atre. /LuntUed dollars, QcLd cclux of R K V E N U K the United States, payable mant/Llji in advance. And ^ do hereby promise to make punctual payment of the rent in the manner aforesaid, a.n.d in. a,r:ld aain. af llir flLnltcd States.; and ^ do also promise and agree to quit and surrender the premises, at the expiration of said term, in as good state and condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit, damages by the elements excepted. And ^' do further promise and agree not to let or imderlet the whole or any part of said premises, without the writlen consent of the landlord, under penalty of the forfeiture of this lease, and damages ; and it is further understood and agreed, that if default be made in the payment of the said rent, or of any part thereof, ai' in arid ccin, as above specified, or upon the cx))iratiou of the said term above expressed, it shall and mny be lawful for the said landlord to enter into and upon the said demised premises, and to remove all persons therefrom, Avithout requiiing any notice, or demand being made, the same being hereby waived, and the same to have again, repossess, and enjoy, as of Ais former estate, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and ^/do hereby waive all claims for damages which may accrue by reason of said re-entry. Given under nriit hand and seal, the 20LIl day of ^hiian-ii, a. d. 18G-?. fR-ialtcLtd fHaE. 8ce Lease. Blanks. — These are printed on tlie same page, like tli030 of Form No. 3C — the number of both tlio forepoiiiR agreements being the same. Btampa. — See Form No 36. AGEEEMENT AND COIS^TRACT. 51 No. 38. Agreement for a Lease. Memoranclum of an agreement entered into this twenty-third day of April, 18G4, between Erwin Davis, of the City of San Francisco, and H. P. Coon, of said city, whereby the said Erwin Davis agrees, by indenture to be executed on or before the fifth day of June next, to demise and let to the said H. P. Coon a certain Louse and lot in said city, known as No. 151 Har- rison Street, to hold to the said H. P. Coon, his executors, INTEBXAL r.EVENtJE administrators, and assigns, from the fifth day of June aforesaid, for and during the term of twelve years, at the yearly rent of twelve hun- dred dollars, payable, in gold coin of the United States, monthly, one hundred dollars a month, in advance, clear of all taxes and deductions except the ground-rent. In which lease there shall be contained covenants on the part of the said H. P. Coon, his executors, adminis- trators, and assigns, to pay the rent (except, in case the premises are destroyed by fire, the rent is to cease until they are rebuilt by the said Erwiri Davis), and to pay all taxes and assessments (except the ground-rent) ; to repair the premises (except damages by fire) ; not to carry on any offensive or other business on the premises (except by written permission of said Erwin Davis) ; to deliver the same up at the end of the term in good repair (except damages by fire, as afore- said) ; with all other usual and reasonable covenants, and a proviso for the re-entry of the said Erwin Davis, his heirs and assigns, in case of the non-payment of the rent for the space of three days after either of the said rent-days, or the non-performance of any of the covenants And there shall also be contained covenants on the part of the said Erwin Davis, his heirs and assigns, for quiet enjoyment ; to renew said lease at the expiration of said term, for a further period of twelve years, on terms to be agreed upon ; and that in case of an accidental fire, at any time during the term, the said Erwin Davis will forthwith proceed to put the premises in as good repair as before such fire, the rent in the mean time to cease. And the said H. P. Coon hereby agrees to accept such lease on the terms aforesaid. And it is mu- tually agreed that the cost of this agreement, and of making and 52 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. recordino- said lease, and a counterpart thereof, shall be borne by tbo said parties equally. Witness our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Ekwin Davis, [l. s.] II. P. Coon. [l. s.] See Lease. Stamps. — See Forra No. 36. No. 39. Agreement between a Housekeeper and Lodger. This agreement, made the day of , a. d. 1864, by and between A. B., of, cfcc, and C. D., of, c&c, witnesses : That the said C. D., in consideration of tlie agreement hereinaftiT contained, to be performed by A. B., has let to the said A. B. t!ie entire first floor, and one room in the attic story, or uarret, with the use of the oftices, and of the yard fin- drying linen, or I WTERSAL BKVEfur STAMP. ' beating carpets or clothes, being part of the dwelling-house, now occupied by the said C. D., situate in Mount Eden, County of Alameda, State of California [or, known as number , in Street, in the City of Oakland], for and during the term of two years from the day of tlie date hereof; to hold to the said A, B., for tlie said term of two years, at the monthly rent of dollars, payable monthly, in gold coin of the United States, to the said C. D. In consideration of the premises, A. B. agrees to pay, in gold coin of the United States, to the said C. D.. the aforesaid monthly rent of dollars, at the times above limited for the p.ayuient thereof; and at the end of the said term-, or in case of any default in the payment, toyiehl and deliver up to the said CD., or his assigns, on request, the quiet and peace- able possession of the premises above described, and leave them in as good condiiion and repair as thoy shall be on his taking possession thereof, reasonable wear excepted. In witness, (S;c. See Lease. 8tamp3 — Sc-c Form No. 30. AGEEEMENT AND CONTRACT. 53 No. 40. Agreement for Part of a House. Memorandum of aa agreement entered into, the day of , 1864, by and between A. B., of , and C. D., of, (£t., whereby the said A. B. agrees to let, and the said C. D. agrees to take, the rooms or apartments following, that is to say : an entire first floor, and one room in the attic story or garret, and a back kitchen and cellar opposite, with the use of the yard for drying linen, or beating carpets or clothes; being INTERNAI. BEVENITK STAMP. part of a house and premises in which the said A. B. now resides, Bituate and behig in No. , in Street, in the City of Sacra- mento, to have and to hold the said rooms and apartments, and the use of the said yard as aforesaid, for and during the term of half a year, to commence from the day of , instant, at and for the yearly rent of dollars, gold coin of the United States, payable monthly, by even and equal portions, the first payment to be made on the day of next ensuing the date thereof; and it is further agreed that, at the expiration of the said term of half a year, the said C. D. may hold, occupy, and enjoy the said rooms or apartments, and have the use of the said yard as aforesaid, from month to month, for so long a time as the said C. D. and A. B. may and shall agree, at the rent above specified; and that each party be at liberty to quit possession on giving the other a month's notice in writing. And it is also further agreed, that when the said C. D. shall quit the premises, he shall leave them in as good condition and repair as they shall be in on his taking possession thereof, reasonable wear excepted. Witness, tOc. See Lease. Stamps. — See Form No. 3fi. No. 41. Agreement of Surety for the Payment of Rent. In consi'leration of the letting of the premises above described, and (or the sum of one dollar, I do hereby become surety for the punctual 54 FORMS AiS'D USE OF BLANKS. BBVENUE payment of the rent, and performance of the covenants, in the above-written agreement mentioned, to be paid and performed by C. D., as tlierein specified ; and if any de- fault shall at any time be made therein, I do hereby prom- ise and agree to pay unto the landlord in said agreement named, the said rent, or any arrears thereof that may be due, and fully satisfy the conditions of the said agreement, and all damages that may accrue by reason of the non-fulfilment thereof, without re- quiring notice or proof of demand being made. Given under my hand and seal, the day of , 1SG4. E. F. [l. s.] Stamps.— See Form Xo. 8. DiTEP.NAL REVENUE No. 42. Agreement to Change Mortgage Security- This agreement, made the day of, etc., between A. B., of, etc., and C. D., E. F., and G. H., of, etc., witnesses : That whereas the said A. B. has this day sold and conveyed unto the said C. D., E. F., and G, H., by warranty deed duly executed, four acres of land, situate, lying, and being on the southeast corner of and Streets, in the Town of , State of California, for the i)rice or consideration of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States ; and in order to secure the payment of the sum of eight hundred dollars, parcel thereof, the said C. 1).. E. F., and G. II., have executed and delivered to the said A. B. a mortgage upon the aforesaid premises, together with their joint bond, conditioned for the payment, in gold coin of the United Spates, of the said sum of eight hundred dollars, in eight equal annual payments from this date, with annual interest; ami whereas it is the intention of the saitl C. D., E. F., and G. II., to divide the said premises conveyed to them into town lots, and to sell ar.d dispose of the same ujion such terms as shall seem meet and advantag.-ous : Xow, therefore, the said A. B., in consideration of the premises, does, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant and agree, to and with the said AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT, 55 C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administi-ators, and assigns, that thej, the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, administrators, and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, have the right of changing the security above mentioned, by substituting, instead of the same, or of any part thereof, not less than one hundred dollars, the like security, on other real estate of at least equal value ; and that he, the said A. B., his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will, upon request to him or them made, forthwith execute and deliver to the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, good and sufficient releases and discharges of the said mortgage, or of the lien upon any portion of the premises therein described, whenever the said C. D., E. F., and G. H., their- executors, administrators, or assigns, shall furnish the said A. B., or his repre- sentatives, as aforesaid, with such other security as above mentioned. lu witness, c£'c. Stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 43. Agreement to Extend the Time for Payment of Mortgage. This agreement, made this iVth day of November, a. d. 1864, between Erwin Davis, of the City of San Francisco, administrator, d;c., of the first part, and George L. Kenny and Albert L. Bancroft, of the same place, of the second part, witnesses : Whereas the said party of the first part is the holder of a certain promissory note, made by George L. Kenny and Albert L. Bancroft, under their firm name of Kenny & Bancroft, for the sum of thirty thousand dollars, dated the seventeenth day of November, a. d, 1863, and payable, in gold coin of the United States of America, one year after the date thereof, with interest there- on, at the rate of one and one-half per cent, a month, monthly, in advance, with a provision that, in case of default in the payment of any installment of said interest for the space of fifteen days after the same should become payable, it should be optional with said party of 56 FORMS AXD USE OF BLAIS'KS. the first part to consider said principal sum, and all arrearages of interest thereon, immediately due and payable. And whereas, the said party of the first j)art holds a certain mort- gagi', made by the said George L. Kenny and Albert L. Bancroft, dated Xovember 17th, a. d. 18G3, and recorded in the ofiice of the County Recorder of San Francisco County, in Liber No. 48 of Mort- gages, at page 984, Noveraber 17th, a. d. 18G3, as security for the payment of said note and interest, under the terms of a certain agree- ment bearing date on said l7th day of November, 1SG3, and duly recorded in said office, in Liber No. 23 of Covenants, at page 365, November 25, 1863. And whereas, the sai 1 note has, by the terms thereof, become due and payable, and the said parties of the second part have api)lied to said party of the first part, to extend the time of the payment thereof twelve months from the dale of these presents, and he has consented to do so, upon the same terms and conditions as origin.ally provided therein. Now, in consideration of the premises, it is mutually covenanted and agreed between the said parties, that the time of payment of the said promissory note shall be, and the same is hereby, extended fur the period of twelve months from tlie date of these presents ; and the said parlies of tlie second part do hereby covenant and agree to and with the s;iid party of the first part, his successors and assigns, to pay him, in gold coin of tlie United States, the said sum of thirty thousand dol- lars, at the expiration of one year from the date of these presents, and also to pay him, in like gold coin, the intc^rest thereon, at the rate, and at the times, and in the manner, and subject to the like conditions, as are expressed in said promissory note ; and they hereby grant, convey, and mortgage to the said party of the first part, the said premises described in the mortgage herein above referred to, upon the terms and conditions in said mortgage contained, as additional security for tlie performance of this agreement. It is further mutually agreed between said parties, that recourse shall not be had to said mortgage until saiil period of twelve months shall have expired, unless, in case of default in the payment of the interest on saiil note, the said party of the first part shall have sooner elected to consider said note and mortgage as due and payable. In witness "whereof, the respective parties to these presents have AGEEEMEXT AND CONTEACT. 57 hereunto, and to a duplicate hereof, interchangeably set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, " in presence of Erwix Davis. [l. s.] George L. Kexnt. [l. s.l A. B. 1 Albert L. Bancroft, [l. s.] CD. stamps. — Mortgage of lands, estate or property, real or personal, heritable or movable, whatsoever, where the same shall be made as security for the payment of any definite and certain sum of money lent at the time or previously due and owing or forborne to be paid, being payable ; also any conveyance of any lands, estate, or property whatsoever, in trust, to be sold or otherwise converted into money, which shall be intended only as security, and shall be redeemable before the sale or other disposal thereof, either by express stipulation or otherwise ; or any personal bond given as security for the payment of any definite or certain sum of money exceeding $100,*and not exceeding $500, 50 cents ; exceeding $500, and not exceeding $1,000, $1 ; and for every additional $500, or fractional part thereof, in excess of $1,000, 50 cents : Provided, That upon each and every assignment or transfer of a mortgage, lease, or policy of insurance, or the renewal or continuance of any agreement, contract, or charter, by letter or otherwise, a stamp duty shall be required and paid equal to that imposed on the original instrument. — Schedule B. of U. S. Internal Revenue Ad of June 30, 1864. See also Form No. 1. No. 44. Agreement to Increase Rate of Interest and Pay Taxes on Mortgage. Know all men by these presents, that we, Erwin Davis and Charles L. "Weller, the obligors named in a certain bond in the penal sura of dollars, gold coin of the United States, bearing date the day of , a. d. 1864, conditioned for the payment, in gold coin of the United States, of the sum of dollars, witli interest at the rate of per cent, per month, to Cutler McAllister, the obligee therein named, which bond is secured by the mortgage of the said 58 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Erwin Davis, bearing even date tlierewitli, and recorded in the offico of the county recorder of tlic County of San Francisco, in Liber No. of Mortgages, at page , on the day of , A. D. 1860, and which said bond and mortgage are now wholly due and payable, do hereby, for ourselves, heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, in consideration of the sum of five dollars lawful money . to us in hand jiaid by the suid Cutler McAllister, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, covenant, grant, promise, and agree to and with the said Cutler McAllister, his executors, administrators, and assigns, that the said principal sum of dollars shall, from and after the date of these presents, bear interest, at the rate of one and one-half of one per cent, per mouth, and that we w^ill pay such interest at the times and in the manner in said bond and mortgage provided; and further, that we will pay and discharge at maturity all taxes and assessments which are or may be imposed upon the said bond^and morto-age, or upon the moneys thereby secured, until the said bond and mortgage shall be fully paid and satisfied ; and in case of our default in making such payment, that it shall be lawful for the said Cutler Mcx\llister, his executors, administrators, or assigns, to pay and discharge the same, and such i)ayment, when made, shall be taken and deemed to be a charge upon the lands and premises in said mort- frajre described, shall be added to the principal moneys thereby secured, and shall bear interest thereafter at the same rate. And I, the said Erwin Davis, for the consideration aforesaid, do hereby grant and convey unto the said Cutler McAllister, his heirs and assigns, the lands in said mortgage described, as security for the performance of this agreement, subject to the i)roviso in the said mortgage con- tained. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our respective hands and seals, this first day of July, a. d. 1864. Erwin Davis. [l. s.] C. L. Weller. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of A. B. Stamps. — Sco Form No. -13. AGREEMENT AND COKTEACT. 59 No. 45. Agreement to Sell and Assign Bond and Mortgage. Wliereas A. B., of the Town of , in the County of , and State of California, and M., his wife, on the first day of May, ■ — [ one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, did execute INTERNAL 3 Certain indenture of mortgage, and a bond bearing even HEVENFE date therewith, to C. D., of the town of, (£*c., which said STAMP. I mortgage, and the bond accompanying the same, were 1 executed for the purpose of securing the payment of the sura of four hundred dollars, gold coin of the United States, in four years from the tenth day of May (then) instant, with interest annually from the day last aforesaid ; and Avhich said mortgage was recorded in the oifice of the county recorder of the County of afore- said, in Book 25 of Mortgages, at pages 86 and 87, on the second day of May, 1864, at 12 o'clock m. : Now, therefore, this agreement, made and executed between C. D., aforesaid, of the first part, and E. F., of the town of, ct'c, witnesses: That the party of the first part, for the considerations hereinafter mentioned, does covenant and agree, to and with the party of the second part, to sell, transfer, assign, and set over, unto the said party of the second part, the in- denture of mortgage above described, and the bond accompanying the same, whenever the payments hereinafter specified to be made, by the said party of the second part to the party of the first part, shall be fully made and completed : To have and to hold the said bond and mortgage, and all the moneys due or to become due thereon, and all the interest conveyed by the said mortgage, in and to the lands therein described, unto the party of the second part, from the time of the completion of such sale, transfer, and assignment, as aforesaid, forever. And the said party of the first part does further covenant and agree, to and with the party of the second part, that he has good right to assign and set over the bond and mortgage aforesaid to the said party of the second part; and that the sum of four hundred dollars of principal, and twenty-one dollars of interest, payable in gold coin of the United States, is due upon the same at the day of the date hereof. 60 FOllMS AND USE OF BLANKS. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the premises, does covenant and agree, to and with the party of the first part, that he will pay or cause to be paid, unto the said party of the first part, the sum of four Imndred dollars, gold coin of the United States, in manner following, viz. : fifty dollars on the ensealing and delivery of these presents, and the remaining sum of three liundied and fifty dollars, in two equal annual payments from the day of the date hereof, with annual interest. And it is farther agreed, by and between the aforesaid parties, that if the party of the second part shall, at any time, elect to pay the ■whole sum agreed to be paid, as aforesaid, to the party of the first part, with the lawful interest due thereupon, he shall have the right so to do, and the said party of the first part shall, immediately upon such payment, transfer, assign, and set over, unto the said party of the second part, the bond and mortgage above mentioned; and also, that the covenants and agreements aforesaid are to apply to and to bind the representatives of the respective parties to these presents. In witness whereof, the aforesaid parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day of , a. d. 1864. Signed, cOc. Stamps. — See Form No. 8 ; but see also Form No. 43. No. 46. BL.VXK PUBLISHED. Articles of Copartnership. Articles of copartnership, made and entered into the LuLrnti^- ^eacnllL day of ^Liu, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtj-fnitf, between ^cimcs. Jf^iuit, cfJi/Le ^itjL cLixd /[cjui-lu, af ^cUL ^IxLixnisca, ^Ictia af ^cLLLfaiiLLU, /;JLCLiLc& J/Ctutlct', f (1 AclIiL cLlj^ cLird eiaurtiii, and , faluh dJ^ar, r f AtuiL cilij. and cautvLu.. The said parties above named have agreeti, and by INTERNAL IIKVENUB these presents do agree tobecome copartners in business together, under AGKEEMEXT Al^TD CONTRACT. 61 and by the name, firm, and style of " JfLiLn.t, ^Ciuilcif- &C ,^a.," Liz tkcL ItiLSuL^ssi af jQ.lacclLe& cLfid /Liaa.LA/'-an.&, and l/r biiuiirri, AcLLLna,, CLtvcL LLEtrduzg, clLL Aalt& af riaads, ulclLcs, cLir.d inaL- akcLrLdise. tc. I/lc Actid LiLALt-Les.& LALatro-UTrt-, ctn-d ta ancu/L^, t/t^ Atale. ctt J^CL. SrS J^clUcIiii^ ^ iLcni, in. Actid /^iiij, af ^cLn ^HctnciAcc, ; their copartnership to commence on the filAt day of ^LLnn, a. x>. 186.4, and to continue fo.t^ ili-e. intin af tan L^ECLts. fiam tkanae. namt anAidnO;, pdiij. ta La aanrfhlaia and andad; and to that end and purpose, the said parties have delivered in as capital stock the sum of ana iLtLndiad ikauAand dollars, share and share alike, to be used and employed in common between them, for the support and management of the said business, to th-jir mutual benefit and advantage. And it is agreed by and between the said parties, that at all times during the continuance of their copartnership, they and each of them will give their attendance, and do their and each of their best endea- vors, and to the utmost of their skill and power exert themselves, for their joint interest, profit, benefit, and advantage, and truly em- ploy, buy, and sell merchandise, with their joint stock, and the increase thereof, in the business aforesaid; that they shall, and will, at all times, during their copartnership, bear, pay, and discharge, equally between them, all rents and other expenses that may be required for the support and management of the said business ; that all gains, pro- fits, and increase, that shall come, grow, or arise, from or by means of the said business, shall be dividcil between them, share and share alike, and all loss that sliall haiipen to their said joint business, by ill commodities, bad debts, or otherwise, shall be borne and paid equally between them ; that there shall be kept, at all times during the continuance of their copartnership, perfect, just, and true hooks of accounts, wherein each of the said copartners shall enter and set down, as well all money by them, or either of them, received, paid, laid out, and expended, in and about the said business, as also all the goods, wares, commodities, and merchandise, by them, or either of them, bought or sold, by reason or on account of the said business,, and all other matters and things whatsoever, to the said business and management thereof in any wise belonging ; which said books shall be used in common between the said copartners, so that either of 62 FORMS AND USE OF BLA"NKS. them may have access thereto without any interruption or hindrnnco of the others ; that the said copartners, once in each year, during the continuance of the said copartnership, as aforesaid (to wit : — on the -piist day oi ^'itn-c in each year), or oftener if necessary, shall make, yield, and render, each to the others a true, just, and perfect inven- tory and account of all the profits and increase by them, or either of th6m, made, and of all loss by them, or either of them, sustained; and also, of all payments, receipts, and disbursements, and of all other things by them made, received, disbursed, acted, or suffered, in their said business, and the same account being so made, they shall and will clear, adjust, pay, and deliver, each to the others, at the time, their just share of the j)rofits so made as aforesaid; that during the con- tinuance of the said copartnership, neither of them shall or will endorse any note, or otherwise become surety for any person or per- sons whomsoever, without the consent of the other said copartners; that at the end, or other sooner determination of their copartnership, the said copartners, each to the others, shall and will make a true, just, and final account of all things relating to their said business, and in all things truly adjust the same; and that all and every stock and stocks, as well as the gains and increase thereof, which shall appear to be remaining, either in money, goods, wares, fixtures, debts, or otherwise, shall be divided between them, share and share alike. In -Nvitness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set tlieir hands and seals, the day and year first above written. ^'ctnies. ^Ciui.t. [l. s.] I^IlClLLcS. r^£lLILfci^. [l. S.] J^'cJuT. (Hae. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ §. ^. /ll/kceLcL V Stamps. — Sec Form No. 8. AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 63 No. 47. Partnership Articles,— Another Form. These articles of agreement, made this day of ,186 between John Jones and Smith Johns, show : 1st. That said Jones and said Johns do tliis day form a partnership on mutual and equal terms, under the name, style, and firm of Jones and Johns. 2d. Said partnership shall exist for two years [or, at the - will of the parties]. REVENUE 3d. The business of said firm shall be the frait-selling business, to be conducted in the City of San Francisco, at as many stands as may be established. 4th. Each party contributes the sum of ten thousand dollars ; the said Jones in cash, and said Johns furnishing for the uic of the firm his rancho in Alameda County, with all the imj>rovements, furniture, and facilities thereof, to be considered as a contribution of ten thou- sand dollars in cash on his part. 5th. Said Jones is to oversee the sale of the fruit, and manage the business at the various fruit-stands in San Francisco ; and said Johns is to attend to the cultivation and gathering of the fruit at the rancho, and to send it to San Francisco. 6th. Neither party is to draw more profits or monthly allowance from the concern than the other, and all rights, privileges, and advan- tages are to be mutual and equal. Signed on the day above written. Jo FIN Jones. Smith Johns. Stamps. — See Form No. 8. C4 I'ORMS AI^TD USE OF BLANKS. No. 48. Articles of Copartnership.— Another Form. Articles of copartnership, made and cnncluded tliis day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, by and between A. B., of the first part, and C. D., of the second part, botli of Drytown, County of Amador, and State of California. \yi)ereas it is the intention of the said parties to form a copartnership, for the purpose of carrying on the retail INTEllXAI. r.F.VENUU BTAMP. business of booksellers and stationers, for which purpose they have agreed on the following terms and articles of agreement, to the faith- ful ])erfbrni;ince of which they mutually bind and engage themselves each to the other, liis executors and administrators. First. The style of the said co[)artnership sliall be " ;" and it ehall continue for the term of years from the above date, except i ! case of the death of either of the said parties within the paid term. Second. The said A. B. and C. D. are the proprietors of the stoclc, a schedule of which is contained in their stock-book, in the proportion of two-thirds to the said A. B., and of one-third to the said C. D. ; and the said parties sliall continue to be owners of their joint stock in the same proportions ; and in case of any addition being made to the same by mutual consent, the said A. B. shall advance two-thirds, and the said C. D. one-third of the cost thereof Tliird. All profits Avliich may accrue to the said partnership shall be divided, and all losses happening to the said firm, whether from bad debts, depreciation of goods, or any other cause or accident, and all expenses of the business, shall be borne by the said parties in the aforesaid proportions of their interest in the said stock. Fourth. The said C. D. shall devote and give all his time and attention to the business of the said firm as a salesman, and generally to the care and suix'rintcndiiice of the store; and the said A. B. sliall devote so much of Ids time as may be requisite, in advising, over- seeing, ami diiecting the importation of books and other articles necessary to the said business. AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 65 Fifth. All the purchases, sales, transactions, and accounts of the said firm shall be kept in regular books, which shall bo always open to the inspection of both parties and their legal representatives re- spectively. An account of stock shall be taken, and an account between the said parties shall be settled, as often as once in every year, and as much oftener as either partner may desire, and in writing request. Sixth. Neither of the said parties shall subscribe any bond, sign or endorse any note of hand, accept, sign, or endorse any draft or bill of exchange, or assume any other liability, verbal or written, isither in his own name or in the name of the firm, for the accommo- dation of any other person or persons whatsoever, without the con- sent in writing of the other party ; nor shall either party lend any of the funds of the copartnership without such consent of the other partner. Seventh. No importation, or large purchase c£ books or other things, shall be made, nor any transaction out of the usual course of tlie retail business shall be undertaken by either of the partners, without previous consultation with, and the approbation of, the other partner. Eighth. Neither party shall withdraw from the joint stock, at any time, nioi"e than his share of the profits of the business then earned, nor shall either party be entitled to interest on his share of the capital ; but if, at the expiration of the year, a balance of profits be found due to either partner, he shall be at liberty to Avithdraw the said balance; or to leave it in the business, provided the other partner consent thereto, and in that case he shall be allowed interest on the said balance. Ninth. At the expiration of the aforesaid term, or earlier dissolu- tion of this copartnership, if the said parties, or their legal repre- sentatives, cannot agree in the divisicm of the stock then on hand, the whole copartnership eiTects, except the debts due to the firm, shall be sold at ])ubric auction, at which both parties shall be at liberty to bid and purchase like other individuals, and the proceeds shall be divided, after payment of the debts of the firm, in the proportions aforesaid. ' Tenth. For the purpose of securing the performance of the fore- going agreements,- it is agreed that either party, in case of any viola- G6 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ion of them, or either of them, by the other, shall liave the right to dissolve tliis copartnership forthwith, on his becoming informed of Buch viohition. In witness, tCv. Stamps — Sec Form No. 8. IJTTCr.-VAL REVEXIT. No. 49. Commercial Partnership Agreement. This agreement, made and entered into at the City of San Fran- cisco, this first day of January, a. d. eighteen hundred and sixty, between Abraham Eolt, Benjamin B. Brewster, and Charles C. Coleman, all of the Ciiy of San Francisco, witnesses: That said parties have this day, and do hereby associate themselves together as cojiartners in trade, in said City J of San Francisco, under tlie firm, name, and style of Bolt, Brewster, and Coleman, and do make and adept the following covenants, provisions, and articles of agreement with each other, respecting their said copartnership and the business to be conducted by them, viz. : 1st. The said copartnership shall continue for the space of three years from the date liereof ; but after the expiration of one year from the date hereof, either i)arty shall be at liberty to terminate the said copartnership, by giving to his copartners three months' previous notice, in writing, of his intention so to do. 2d. The said copartners shall contribute to the capital stock of 6aiolt. [l. s.] B. B. Brewster. [l. s.] CiiAs. C. Colema'n. [l. s.J Stamps — See Form Xo. 8. No. 50. Articles of Copartnership between Country Merchants, Articles of agreement made and entered into this day of , A. D. 18G4, between A. B., of, rfv., of the one part, and C. 1)., of, d'c, of the other part, witness as follows: The said A. B. and CD. have joined, and by these proscjits do join themselves, to be copartners together, in the business of gi neral country merchants, and all things thereto belonging ; and, also, in buying, selling, and retailing all sorts of wares goods, mer- chandise, .and commodities, and all kinds of j)roduce usually kept and sold in a country store, and in such commission bu'^iness as may ap])!:'r- ta'n to the same; which said copartnership is to be conducted under the nanio, style, and firm of B. *fc D., at the Town of , State of California, and shall continue from the day of , 18G4, for AGKEEMENT AND CONTRACT. 69 and during, and unto the end and term of years, from thenoe next ensuing, fully to be complete and endeiL And to that end arid purpose the said parties to these presents have, the day of the date hereof, delivered in as stock the sura of dollars, share and share alike, to be used, laid out, and employed in common between them for the management of the said business of merchandising, as aforesaid, to their mutual benefit and advantage : and it is agreed between the said parties to these presents, that the capital stock of the firm hereby constituted shall be made and kept up to the sum of dollars, share and share alike; that the same may at any time be reduced or extended by agreement between the parties hereto; and that the said capital stock, together with all credits, goods, wares, or commodities bought or obtained by the said iirm, by barter or otherwise, shall be kept, used, and employed in and about the business aforesaid ; and, for thi.t purpose, each ])artner shall have power to use the name of the firm, and to bind the same, in making contracts and purchasing goods at the City of San Francisco or elsewhere, and in otherwise trading, bnying, and selling on account of the said firm, and for the boiefit and behoof thereof, and not otherwise ; provided, how- ever, that neither pai'tner shall contract liabilities in the name and on the credit of the firm, in purchasing and replenishing their stock of goods and merchandise, to exceed the sum of dollars, without the consent of the other partner; and, also, that neither of tlie said co- partners shall or will, during the said term, exercise or follow the trade or business of merchandising, as aforesaid, in the said County of , for his private benefit or advantage ; but shall, at all timee, do his best endeavor, in and by all lawful means, to the utmost of his skill, power, and cunning, for the joint interest, profit, benefit, and advantage of the firm aforesaid ; and truly employ, buy, sell, and mer- chandise with the stock aforesaid, and the increase and profit thereof, in the business of merchants aforesaid, without fraud or covin ; and, also, that the said parties sliall and will, at all times during the said copartnership, bear, pay, and discharge equally between them all rents and other expenses, (&c. In witness, d'c. Stamps — See Form No. 8. 70 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 51. Fanning Partnership Contract. This .ogrcement, made and entered into at tlie City of San Francis* CO, the day of April, a. d., eighteen liumlred and fifty-nine, be- tween ]M:irk Ilillyer, of Contra Costa County, and George Hubert Kenny and Albert L. Bancroft, of said City of San Francisco, witnesses : Tliat said Mark Ilillyer, having this day conveyed to the other parties above named the two- thirds part of a tract of land in said Contra Costa County, RBVKKCE described as follows, viz. : [Description.'] The said Mark Ilillyer and the said other parties above named have becoine and now arc the owners of the same, and of the stock, personal property, and improvements thereon, each of an undivided one-third of the same, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants ; and they have agreed upon the following terms and articles of association for the possession and improvement of said property: The s.iid parties agree to continue together in the business of raising cattle, horses, and other stock, upon the land aforesaid, for the period of five years from the date hereof, and they shall he equally entitled to the increase and profits arising from tlie same. The dwell- ing-house and its appurtenances, now occupied by the said Mark Hillyer, shall not be deemed to be the common property of the said parties, but shall belong exclusively to s.ud Hillyer, and either of the other parties is at liberty to erect a dwelling-house upon the said tract of land for his own use, whicli shall, in like maimei-, belong to the party so erecting the same, au'l not be deemed the common prop- erty of the parties hereto. All business transacted by any of said parties, respecting their common affairs, shall be done witli the knowledge and consent of the Other associates ; all sales shall be made for cash, and no purcliases whatever shall be made, except for cash. No promissory ?iote, or other obligation, shall be signed or endorsed by any of the associates, in reference to matters alfecting their common interest, except by the unanimous consent of all. Each of the associates shall be required to give his personal attention and services to the bu-^iness and aflairs of AGREEMETTT ATs^D CONTKACT, 71 the association, or to 1)C represented by other labor in his place, or to make some equivalent therefor. A suitable garden-spot may be selected and fenced in by either of the parties, and attached to his residence, which, however, shall not exceed acres in extent, and the product thereof shall not be deemed or taken to be common slock, so far as the same may be used or employed in the maintenance or support of such person or his family ; but the proceeds of all ci-ops or produce sold shall belong to the associates. Neither of the associates shall draw from the funds of the association more than fifty dollars per month for his personal use ; and all marketable produce taken from the common stock or general farm, for the private use or consumption of either of the associates, shall be charged to and accounted for the person who shall have taken the same. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above Avritten. Mark Hillyer. [l. s.] George Hubert Keistny. [l. s.] Albert L. Bancroft. [l. s.] Stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 52. Partnership Agreement in Theater Matters. This agreement, made the first day of January, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, between A., the party of the first part, and B., the party of the second part, both of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, witnesses: That the said parties, in consideration of their mutual trust and confidence in each other, and of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, have agreed, each with the other, to form, and they do hereby form, a copartnership, for the purpose of carrying on in the said State the business of , and the public performances and amusements generally known .and desig- nated by that name, upon the following terms and conditions : 1. The style and firm of .said copartnership shall be " A & Co.," and T2 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. » llieir company of performers sluiU he known as "A. Sc Co.'s Min- Btri Is." 2. Said copartnership shall comniciico ou , and shall conliuuo for the period of years. 3. Each party shall contribute to the capital stock of said copart- nership equally. 4. The interests of said parties in said copartnership shall be equal. The profits shall be divided equally between them, and the losses, if any, shall be borne in the same proportion. 5. The said B. shall, during the months of April or May, 1859, pro- ceed to the Atlantic States, and there select and employ, on behalf of the said c(^partnership, according to his best judgment and discretion, a company of suitable persons as performers in said business, with whom he shall return to this State as speedily as possible. C. The said I>. shall receive and disburse all the moneys of the con- cern, and shall well and truly keep the accounts thereof. Both ])artie3 shall have at all times free access to all the books and papers of the copartnership. V. Neither of the said parties hereto will, without the consent in Aviiting of the other, employ any of the moneys or effects of the said copartnership, or engage the credit thereof, except upon the account, in the business, and for the benefit of the said copartnership. Nor will either employ (except as in article 5, hereinbefore provided) or dismiss any i)erson, for the purpo-cs or business of said copartnership, without the written consent of the other. 8. The said copartnership shall have the right to play at least three enfTogements, or series of pcrfi)rmanccs, of a week each in duration, at the public concert-room or theater in the City of San Francisco, known as the Yerba Buena Theater. And the said A. hereby covenants that he is the proprietor of said theater, and that he will, as such proprie- tor, let and hire to the said copartnership the use of said theater du- ring said periods, upon receiving from said copartnership a notice of at least five days previous to the commencement of every such engage- ment, at a rent not to exceed ten dollars ($10) per night, to be paid to said A. out of the receipts of such copartnership before dividing any i)rofits. 9. A settlement shall be hal monthly, at which all the accounts AGREEMENT AKD CONTRACT. 73 shall be made up, and the net profits remaining after paying all ex- penses shall be divided. 10. Either partner violating this agreement or any of the covenants therein contained, shall thereby become liable to the other in the full sum often thousand dollars ($10,000) as fixed and liquidated damages, without deduction or diminution. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. A. [l. s.] B. [l. s.] stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 53. Agreement of Limited Copartnership, in accordance with the Act of April 4th, 1850. Articles of ngreement made and concluded this first day of Jan- uary, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, between Wil- liam Richards, of the City of San Fi-ancisco, of the first part, John Dean, of said city, of the second part, and James Brown, of the City of Sacramento, of the third part. The said parties do hereby agree to associate themselves together, in a limited partnership, for the purpose of carry- RBVENUB ing on, in the City of San Francisco, the art and trade of manufac- turing, purcliasing, and selling native California wines, under the name and style of Richards and Dean ; the said William Richards and John Dean being general partners, and the said James Brown a special partner; said copartnership shall commence at the date of these presents, and terminate on the thirty-fifst day of Decend>er, a., d, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two ; the said William Richards, as a general partner, has contributed in cash [o;- otherwise^ as the case may be\ the sum of twenty thousand dollars ; the said John Dean also, as a general partner, has contributed the sum of twenty thousand dollars ; and the said James Brown, as a special partner, has con- tributed also the sum of twenty thousand dollars to the capital stock of the said firm. It is further agreed, by and between the parties to this agreement, 74 FORMS AND I'SE OF BLANKS. that the interest in the capital stoi-k aforesaid, of cacli of the partners, shall be tlie one-third of tlie yearly profits of the business of sniil firm. And it is furtlier iiuitiially understood and agreed, by and between the said parties, that if any one of the respective parties desire the portion of the annual profits to which he may be entitled to remain with said firm, for the mutual use and benefit of all the parties to this agreement, then, and in that case, the portion of the profits so remain- ing shall draw interest, at the rate of fifteen per cent, per annum, which said interest shall be paid to the party entitled thereto on the first day of July thereafter in each and every year, during the term of this agreement. And it is further agreed, by and between the parties to this agree- ment, that William Richards and John Dean shall and will, from time to time, and at all times during the said term (if they shall so long live), devote their personal f^ervices, skill, and ability to the business of said firm, and for the mutual benefit of all the parties to this agree- ment ; and as a compensation for said services the said William Rich- ards and John Dean shall each be allowed a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per month, to be drawn from the profits of said business, on the first day of each and every month during the term of this agreement. And it is further agreed, by and between the parties to this con- tract, that the said general partners shall, during the term of copart- nership, keep true and just books of accounts, in which shall be en- tered all moneys received and expended in and about the business of said firm, to which books each of the respective parties hereto shall have free access. And also, on the thirty-first day of December, in each and every year during the term of said copartnership, a general account shall bo stated of all profits made and losses sustained by said firm ; and fur- ther, upon making the said account at the expiration of the terra hereof, a copy of said account shall be furnished to each of the parties to this agreement, his executors, administrators, or assigns; and, at the same time, all the capital stock, together with the profits thereof, shall be divided between the said parties, their exqcutors, administra- tors, and assigns, in the proportions first above mentioned, to wit : one-third to each and every one of the parties hereto. AGREEMEIS'T AND CONTRACT. 75 And it is further agreed, by and between the parties to this agree- ment, that during the term hereof, no one of the parties hereto shall pledge his individual liability for or on behalf of any person or matter beyond the business of this copartnership. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. William Richards, [l. s.] John Dean. [l. s.] James Bkown. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, ^ in presence of V E. F. ) See General Laws, 4812. Stamps.— See Form No. 8. No. 54. k Agreement to Make a Partnership at a Future- Day. This agreement, made the day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, by and between A. B., of the first part, and C. D., of the second part, both of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, witnesses : The said parties mutually covenant, promise, and agree, to and with each other, that at any time from and after the expiration of four months from the date of this agi'eement, they, the said parties, shall and will, upon five (5) days' notice in writing from either to the other, enter into and execute written articles of copartnership (umler seal) to carry on the business of , at the City of San Francisco, in the State of California; said articles of copartnership to go into eifcct as soon after the exe- cution thereof as may bs ; the term of the said copartnership to be not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) years from the date of said articles, fully to be complete and ended. That the firm name of said copartnership shall be A. B. & Co., the profits to be divided equally, and any losses, if such there be, to 76 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. be borne by saul parties equally ; that at all times during the continu- ance of their said copartnership, the said parties, and each of them, shall and will give their attendance, and do their and each of their best endeavors, and, to the utmost of their skill and power, exert themselves for their joint interest, profit, benefit, and advantage in the business aforesaid ; ll)at the said A. B. shall have the charge, direction, and control of the business department of said copartner- ship. And the parties also further mutually covenant, promise, and agree, to and with each other, that this agreement shall be and remain in force for five years from the date thereof; and for the true and faithful performance of all the covenants and agreements above mentioned, the parties to these presents now this day executed and delivered, each to the other, bonds in the sum of $ , as fixed and settled damages, to be paid by the failing party, -which said bonds are hereto annexed and form part of this agreement. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. A. B. [i..s.\ C. D. [L.S.] stamps. — See Form Xo. 8. No. 55. Agreement to make Changes in a Copartnership. This agreement, made this day of , a. d. 18G , between A. B., of the one part, and C. D., of the other part, wit- nesses : Whereas, on the day of , a. d. 186 , the said A. B. and C. D. entered into and made, by agree- ment in writing, a copartnership, under the style and firm of A. B. & Co., for the purpose of carrying on a geneial REVENUE fancy dry goods business in , which partnership was, by the terms of such agreement, to expire on the day of » A. D. 186 . AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 77 And whereas, it is thought best by said A. B. & Co., that the said agreetnent of copartnership should be modified as to the period fixed for the expiration thereof, and in other respects, as hereinafter set forth ; and whereas, the said C. D. is desirous of making with tlie said A. B. an agreement for the selling out, at a future period, to said A. B., all the right, title, interest, and share of said C. D. in the said copartnersliip, and in the stock, assets, and property of every kind thereto belonging, as hereinafter set forth : Now, therefore, the said A. B. and C. D. mutually agree with and to each other, as follows : I. On the day of , a. d. 186 , the sum of dollars shall be placed to the credit of said C. D., upon the books of said A. B. & Co., which sum shall be paid out of the concern to him at any time within two years from that date, in amounts of not less than one thousand dollars at a time, together with interest, at one and a half of one per cent, per month, until paiil. II. There shall also be paid to said C. D., from and after said day of , A. D. 18G , the sum of dollars per month, payable monthly, so long as the said sum of dollars, with interest as aforesaid, shall remain unpaid. III. Upon the payment to said C. D. of the sum of money as in articles I. and II. mentioned, the same shall be in lieu and in full to him of all his right, title, and interest in and to the said copartnership of A. B. & Co., and the stock, good-will, firm name, assets, and property of every kind whatever, thereunto belonging, and the same shall futly vest in and belong to the said A, B. ; and all interest, right, and title of the said C. D. shall then and thereby wholly cease and determine, and the said copartnership of the said A. B. and the said C. D. shall then and thereby expire and be dissolved. IV. That in the mean time, and until the contingency as provided and set forth in article III. shall have taken place, the said C. D. shall continue to give his whole time and attention to the said copartner- ship of A. B. & Co., and to the business and affairs thereof, under and subject to the control and management of the said A. B., so long as he shall be present and able to act. At all times during said period, the said C. D. shall have full and free access to the book accounts and papers of said copartnership. 78 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. V. The pnymcnt to the said C. D. of the sum of money in articles I. and II. mentioned, shall be in lieu and in full to him, of all his share or interest of and in the profits of the said copartnership, A. B. & Co.. VI. In the event of the death of said C. D. before the day of , A. D. 186 , the said sum of dollars, witli interest as aforesaid, or so much thereof as shall at the time of his death be unpaid, shall be paid, on or before the day of , a. d. 186 , as aforesaid, to the heirs, executors, administrators, or legal representatives of said C. D., and, when paid, shall be in lieu and ia full to the said heirs, executors, administrators, and legal representa- tives, of all their and any of their riglit, title, and interest of, in, and to the said copartnership, and the said stock, good-will, firm name, assets, and property of every kind wliatever thereunto belonging. But, in the event of such death, the pnyment of the sum of dollars per month, as in article II. provided, shall cease, and the heirs, executors^ administrators, or legal representatives shall have no con- trol, right, interest, or title of any kind, of, in, or to the said copart- nership or its affairs, business, property, or interests, of whatever kind, except the right of access, at reasonable times, to the books, accounts, and papers of the copartnership, and of , and examining the same ; and the said A. B. shall give to the heirs, exec- utors, administratois, or legal representatives of said C. D., good and sufficient security for the performance of the agreement and conditions in this article VI. contained, or else the same shall be of no effect or force, VII. In the event of the death of said A. B. before the day of , A, u. ] 80 , leaving the said C. D. him surviving, then, and in that case, the said C. D. shall pay to the lieirs, executors, ad- ministrators, or legal representatives of said A. B , within the period of from the dale of such death, the sum of dollars, together with per monlli, until paid, in sums of not less than dollars. And upon j)ayment by the said C D. of said sum of money, as aforesaid, the same shall be in lieu and in fill to the heirs, executors, administrators, or legal representatives, of all their or any of their riglit, title, and interest of, in, and to the said copart- nership of A. B. & Co., tCc, cDc. And the heirs, executors, cfic, of AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 79 the said A. B. shall have no right, dtc. [copi/ as in article VI., omit- ting any reference to the dollars per month. ^ And the said C. D. shall give to the heirs, c£*c., good and sufficient security, tJtc. [as in article VI.], In witness whereof, the parties hereto have signed and sealed this agreement, the day and year first above written. A. B. [L.S.] C. D. [l. s.] stamps — See Form No. 8. No. 56. KEVENUE Agreement to Renew Partnership, to be Endorsed on Original Article. "Whereas, the partnership formed by and mentioned in the within article of agreement has this day expired [or, will expire on the - day of next] by the limitations contained herein ; it is therefore hereby agreed, that the same shall be continued, on the same terms, and with all the provisions and restric- tions in said agreement mentioned, for the further term of years from this date [or, from the day of next]. Witness our hands and seals, this day of ,180. In presence of ) A. B. [l. s.] G. H. f CD. [l. s.] Stamps,— See Form No. 8. No. 57. Agreement of Dissolution, to be Endorsed on the Original Articles. By mutual consent of the undersigned, the parties to the within agreement, the partnersiiip thereby formed is wholly dissolved, except 80 rOIIMS AND USE OF BLANKS. IKTF.r.NAL BEVENCF. STAilP. A. D. 186 80 far as it may be necessary to continue tlic same for the final liquidatiun and sctllenicnt of tlie business thereof; and said at^reemeiit is to continue in force until such final liqui- dation and seltlement be made, and no longer. Witness our hands and seals, this day of > In presen G. CO of ) 11. f A. B. [l. s.] C. D. [l. s.] stamps. — See Form No. 8. INTERNAL REVENtTE 6TAMP. No. 58. Agreement respecting a Party "Wall. This agreement, made this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, between D. L., of the City^of San Francisco, of the first |iart, and P. S., of said city, of the second part, witnesses: Whereas, the said D. L. is the owner in fee of tlie lot and store known as Xo. 90 in Sacra- mento Street, in the said city, and the said P. S. the owner in fee of the lot known as No. 92 in said Sacramento Street, immediately adjoining to and on the westerly side of said lot and store No. 90, on which lot of the s*aid P. S. he is about to erect a brick store. And whereas, it has been agreed, by and between the Baid parties, that the said P. S., in erecting his said store, shall make use of the gable-end w.all of the said sioi-e of the said D. L., inune- diately cnntiguous to and adjoining the said lot of the said P. S., as a party-wall, upon tlic term^, conditions, and considerations hereinafter mentioned, the said gable-en 1 wall of the said D. L., so to be use 1 as a party-wall, standi'ig and b.'ing entirely on tiie said lot of the said D. L. Now, therefore, this agicement witne-s.-es, that the s.iid D. L., for and in consideration of the sum of • dollars, gold coin of the United States, to iiim in hand paid by the said P. S., at or before the enseal- ing and delivery of these present^, the re.-eipt wliereof is hereby acknowledged, does for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, AGREEMEXT AND COXTKACT. 81 and assigns, covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said P. S., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, forever, that he, tho said P. S., his heirs and assigns, shall and may, in erecting and build- ing the said stoi-e upon the said lot of the said P. S., freely and law- fully, but in a workmanlike manner, and Avithont any interruption, mokstation, or hindrance of or from the said D. L., his ln'irs or assi<»'n8, make use of the said gable-end wall of the said store of the said D. L., immediately adjoining or contiguous to the said lot of tlie said P. S., or such parts and so mucli thereof as he, the said P. S., his heirs or assigns, may choose as a party-wall. And further, that sliould the said wall, herel>y made a party-wall, be at any future time or times injured or destroyed, either by decny, lapse. of time, fire, accident, or other cause whatever, so as to require to be either repaired or rebuilt, in whole or in part, then, and in every such case, the said D. L. and the said P. S., by these presents, for themselves respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, forever, mutually covenant and agree, to and with each other and their respective heirs and assigns forever, that such repai-ation or rebuilding, as the case may be, shall be at the mutual, joint, and equal expense of them, the said D. L. and P. S., their respective heirs and assigns forever ; as to so much and such parts of the said wall as shall be used by the said P. S., his heirs and assigns, in erecting and building the said store which he is now about erecting on his said lot, and as to all co[>ing of the said gable end, whether such coping be used by the said P. S., his heirs and assigns, in erecting and building the said store, or not, and as to the residue of the said wall not used by the said P. S., his heirs or asslerns, in erecting and building the said store, such reparation or rebuilding o-f such residue of the sai-l wall shall be at the sole and separate expense of tlie said D. L., his heirs or a'-signs forever ; and that in every case of such rep:iration or rebuilding, should the same be necessary and proper, and either party, his heirs or assigns, request the other to unite in the same, and to contribute to the expense thereof, ac(rording- to the true intent and meaning of this agreement, then the other party, his heirs or assigns forever, may cause such reparation or rebuilding to be made and done, and charge the other party, his heirs and assigns forever, with the proportion of the expenses, costs, and charges thereof, according to the true iiitent and meaning of this 6 82 For.Ms AND us]<: or blanks. agreement ; and th:it in every case of such reparation or rebuilding, as the case nriy be, such repairs shall restore the said wall to the state and condition in which it now is in all respects, as nearly as m;iy be ; and that in every case of rebuilding, such wall shall be rebuilt upoM the same spot on Avhich it now stands, and be of the same size and the same materials, as fir as they may go, and as to the deficiency with others of the same quality and goodmss, and in all respects shall be made of the same quality and goodness as the present wall. It is further, in like manner, mutually understood and agreed, by and between the said parties, that this agreement shall be perpetual, and run with the hmd, and be obligatory ujjon the heirs and assigns of the said parties, respectively, forever, and in all cases and on all occasions shall be construed as a covenant running with the land ; but that this agreement shall not have the effect or operation of conveying to the Baid P. S., his heirs or assigns, the fi-e-siinple of the one moiety or any other part of the ground or land on which the said wall now stands, but oidy the right to the use and benefit of the said wall as a party- wall, forever. In witness, c&c. Stamps — See Form Xo. 8. [Ackuowledgmeut and record as m Form No. 71.] No. 59. Agreement for the Sale and Delivery of Personal Property. This agreement, made this Jirst day of Jul)/, one thousand eight Iiundred and sixty-four, between John Doe, of the City and County of Sacramento, and State of California, of the first jiart, and Richard Roo, of the City and County of San Francisco, and State afori'Said, of the second part, witnes-es: That the sai., of, ', without including transportation expenses; and deduction is to be made for any depreciation in value on account of damage, wear, or tear; the furniture and fixtures are to be inven- toried at their fair cash value, and if tlie above parties cannot agree as to such valuation, and as to such deduction as aforesaid, the same shall be determined according to the ajipraisal of E. F., G. II., and I. J., of , aforesaid, or a majority of them : the oats, lianis, cheese, j)Otatoe'«, and produce, are to be inventoried at their original cost. Said inventory is to be completed within ten days from the date liereof, and the property above sjiccificd delivered over to the said C. I), immi'diately thereupon. In consideration of the premises, the said C. D. agrees to execute and deliver to the said A. B., as and for the purchase money of the above-mentioned [troporty, and in f\ill payment thereto;-, his promis- sory note, or notes, in such several sums as the said A. B. shall direct, payable in gold coin of the United States, six months after date, at the Bank of California, with interest. And the said A. B. further covenants and agrees, to and with tho said C. D., that he will not, at any time hereafter, engage, directly or indirectly, or concern himself, in carrying on or conducting the grocery AGREEMENT AKD CONTRACT. 89 business within one block of the premises now occupied by him as aforesaid for such purpose. And it is expressly understood that the stipulations aforesaid are to apply to, and to bind, tlie heirs, executors, and administrators of the respective parties ; and in case of failure, the parties bind them- selves, each unto the other, in the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, as fixed and settled damages, to be paid by the failing party. In witness, ct'c, Stamps — See Form No. 8. No. 68. BLANK PCBLISHED. Agreement to Deliver Stock. For an^ in consideration of the sum of one dollar, interchangeably paid, we the undersigned mutually covenant and agree, each to and with the other, in the manner following: Whereas, ^aluv & ae. has this day purchased of ^lc/lclIcL ^ae Acu^aivtiL-fiLie. shares of the ccLfLitctL stock of the ^a/i-tT. JftcLt7.ac.clz ^;^aLcL clitcI ^LLixeif^ ^Lin-'uT-n; Company, for the sum of fiiLti i/tauAcLncL EEVENUr dollars, aaLcL naLn. c.f tlte. JlLn-ittLcL ^tcLta& af ^^melLccL, delivei"- able at the LiLrcnt's. option, within tiLLttu. days from the date hereof : And whereas, ^afui. Q]) c.n, the purchaser of said stock, has this day paid to said 0LialLCLtcL ^ae the sum of fiuLe. JtiuLcUcd dollars on account of said purchase ; Xow, therefore, these presents witness that the said ^a/ui. 0) a.c covenants and agrees to complete the purchase of said AtLu^etvtu.-~pLLLe shares of said stock, by the payment of the sum o^ fc.iti' tlLc.iLS.cLn.cL clii-lL fLuic iLLLtidLecL dollars, balance of purchase-money for said stock, in gold coin of the United States of America, within the time above specified. And the said f/lLckcLlcL 0Lce. covenants and agrees to deliver to said ^/a/i/i (U^ ae, or IlLs. order (hereon en- dorsed), said stock, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, 90 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. and upon the ]):iyiiiiiit of the said sum ol" /I m' iln ti.uiml unci I'itLe. ImitdiciL dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, in the manner and within the time above specified. It hcijiij nii/tiial/i/ xinderstood that the pat/meat of all assess- ments uj)0)i said stocks is to he governed by the rules of tlia .-/cm. ^Uuichcr. -flrcL- cintl f/xc.lLttixqc /^aatd. In witness whereof, we liave liercimto {in duplicate) interchange- ably set our liands and seals, this 1^-jI/l day of ^liiqu-il, A. d. 180.^. ^'alu-L <2Ijaa. [l. s.] ^LaltcLUL ^c.d. [l. S.] Blanks. — Two blank agreements, one an ori^'inal and tlie other a duplicate, aro printed on one page. Stamps See Form No. S ; but a broker's note or memorandum of sale of any goods or mercliandise, stocks, bonds, exchange, notes of hand, real estate, or property of any kind, or description, issued by brokers or persons acting as such, for each note or memorandum of sale, 10 cents. — Scludule B. of U. S. Inttrnal Revenue Act of June 30, 1S64. No. 69. Agreement to Sell Shares of Stock in an Incorporated Company. This agreement, made tlie day of, etc., betwec^n A. U,, of, tDc, and C. D., of, icaa, and State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : ^Description.^ for the sum of clqli-t tfLciLSunii citicL -fUmc. luuidircL dollars, qcliL cc.tn af ifir /ILtitcd ^Lcifrs. a^ ;jhin.e.iLacL. And the said part// of the second part, in consideration of the premises, agrees to pay, in qi III cfitL ( f l/ic flLnllcd ■sfLa.Le&, to the said part// of the first part, the said sum q{ clqlii tliaiiScttxd and pue liiuhdicd dollars, as follows, to wit : — fltic fiicndlcd dcUtils. an tlir cxcriitii n cf iliiSr /i Ir.irnls, fine l/irii^and tlclltxl& an ilir iliii I q-f'i ist d(iq af! ClC arcniLc.^, ^Iz. ^. fS b.i, find tlic larnadnjnq, L/lLiic llLauiAa.n.d daUa.L& aft tlie. thl ll q-fiist dtiq. cf. 0J cacntLni^, ^'Z. (35. rSHa, uiLlA uiiclcAt, tit l/ir Inlc af'L uxa JLci^ cent fhcf rnc^nllt, flr^nt LIilr dutr, cjl ritr/L /mutncni, tr^ the ilrnc af mnl.inq. IIlp Anrnr. And the said part//, of the second part agree.s to pay all State, /^liu, and County Taxes, or Assessments, of whatsoever nature, which are or may becon;e due on the premises above described. In the event of a failure to comply with the terms hereof, by the said {)art// of the second part, the said p.irt// of the first part shall be re'.e ise i from all obligation in law or e(|iiity to convey said property, and said part/^. of the secoud part shall forfeit all right thereto. Ami AGP.EEMEXT AND CONTKACT. 93 the said parW of the first part, on rectiving such payment, at the time and in the manner above raentioneil, agrees to execute and deliver to the said part//, of the second part, or to /ll& assigns, a good and sufficient deed f^o.i^ t/te. cc^n.iJLcu.'uiry ctrhcL aSAitluT-f^ to. iihe A.clLcL iLctttn. af tke AecancL jtatt tlte fuc-ALm/LLe cf tke AclLcL /LLiitnLAe&, fine ftanz clLL cfi^ci tmLicLnce. And it is understood that the stipulations aforesaid are to apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of the respective parties, ctud tkcLt ike. AclLcL fi^cLttii. af ike AecarLcl /icttt l& to. kcLue It/z- nLccLictie [laAAeAAian, af ike AclLcL /i.tern.LAe&. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. ^eati^e ^ft. -/jfetT-cLLetcn.. [l. S.] (71). ^. M.rff,rLCL,x. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ J^idLa O. &f. ^iu-L. \ ^ cLm.es. ^L' ^ajj.. ) Acknowledgment Every conveyance in writing, whereby any real estate I3 affected, must be acknowledged or proved, and certified in the manner provided in the Act of April IG, 1850, concerning conveyances. — Gen. Laws, 615. The term "conveyance," as used in said act, shall be construed to embrace every instrument in writing by which any real estate or interest in rea.1 estate is created, aliened, mortgaged, or assigned, except wills, leases for a term not exceeding one year, executory contracts for the sale or purchase of lands, and powers of attorney. — Gen. Laics, 678. For Forms of Acknowledgment, see Cebtific.4.TB. Eeoording. — Every conveyance of real estate, and every instrument of writing, sotting forth an agreement to convey any real estate, or whereby auy real estate may be afi'ected, proveu, acknowledged, and certified in the manner prescribed in said act, to operate as notice to third persons, shall be recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which such real estate is situated, but shall be valid and binding, be- tween the parties thereto, without such record. — Gen. Laws, 666. Every such conveyance or instrument acknowledged and recorded shall, from tho time of filing the same with the recorder for record, impart notice to all persons of the contents thereof; and subsequent purchasers, mortgagees, and lien holders, shall be deemed to purchase and take with notice. — Gen. Laws, eSI. Stamps — See Form No. 8. 94 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. No. 72. Agreement to Sell Real Estate.— Another Form. This a^icH-mont, made and entered into the d.iy of, tCc, be- tween A. B.. of, d-c, of the first \)nrt, ami C. D., of, tOc, of the second p.irt, witnesses: Tiiat the said party of the first part, in consideration of tlie covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, agrees to sell unto the said party of the Bccond part, all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, Iving, and being in the City and County of Sacramento, RKVKNVE State of Ciliibrnia, and bounded and described a3 follows, to wit l^Description.^ for the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the premises, agrees to pay to tliC said A. 1>. the sura of dollars, gold coin of the United States, in manner following, viz. : dollars, on the execution of these presents ; dollars, on the day of next ; and the remaining sura of dollars, on the day of , a. d. 1864, ■with the lawful interest, from this date, on each payment, at the time of making the same. And the said party of the fust part also agrees, that on receiving the said sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, at the time and in the manner above mentioned, he will execute and de- liver to the sai 1 party of the second part, at his own proper cost and expense, a good and RuifK-ient deed, for the conveying and assuring to him, the said party of the second part, the fee-simple of the said premises, free from all encumbrance ; which deed sh.all contain a gen- eral warranty, and tlie usual full covenants.* And it is understood that the stipulations aforesait day of May next, that the said A. B. shall hold the said insurance in trust for, mid will tlien transfer the same to, the said C. D., with the said deed. In witness, etc. Aoknowledgmeat. — See Form No. 71. Becording — Soe Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 8. No. 79. Canceling AgreeniGiit. Tliis agreement, made this day of , a. d. 186 , between A. of the first part, and B. and C. of the second part, witnesses : Whereas, on the day of , A, D. 186 , both the said parties iMUtiudly agreed in writing, amouij other things, to this, namely: the party of the first jiart to devote his whole time and attention for years from said day of , A. D. 18G , to the care and management of certain i5i-i:rNAl. BEf KNUF. STAMP. real estate (in said agreement in writing more particularly described), and th.> buildings thereon, and the business there done and trans- acted, and the parties of the second part to employ th > party of the ilr.st pjrt, as aforesaid, and for the s:iid term of years. And wliereas it is defined desirable by all the parties hereto, that the said care, management, and employment of the party of the first AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT. 101 part by the parties of the second part, should end and determine from this date. Now, therefore, both parties hereto assent to the said ending and determination of the said care, munagemeiit, and employment. And the party of the first part does hereby discharge, release, and acquit the parties of the second part, of and from all obligation and liability, to him, the i)arty of the first part, by reason of the said employment, or of any salary due, or to become due, by reason thereof. And the parties of the second part hereby release, acquit, and discharge the party of the first part, of and from any obligation or liability, by reason of his agreement for the care and management of the said real estate, property, and business as aforesaid, or of the acts of any person hereafter employed by the parties of the second part, in the care and management thereof during the said unexpired term. And they also agree that the party of the first part may have access to the books, papers, and accounts of the management of said real estate, property, and business, kept during the management thereof by the party of the first part. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. A. [l. s.] B. [l. s.] C. [l. s.] Stamps.— See Form No. 8. ANSWER.— See District Court. APPEAL. — See District Court. Justice's Court. 102 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Application* No. 80. Application for a Subpoena to compel a Subscribing "Witness to attend before an Officer, to prove the Execution of a Conveyance. To G. IL, Esq., Notary Public [or other officer aut/torized to take ac- Jcnowledgments] of County : I, A, B., do hereby make application to you to issue a subpa?na, requiring E. F., who resides in the Town of , in said county, to appear and testify before you, touching the execution of a certain con- veyance of real estate, made and executed by I. J., to mc, the said A. B. \or^ if the applicatio7i is viade by the heir, or j)er$onal representa- tive of the grantee^ state the facts\ and to which the said E. F. is a subscribing witness ; the said E. F. having refused, upon ray re- quest, to appear and testify touching the execution of the said convey- ance ; and the same not having been proved or acknowledged, cannot be so proved or acknowledged Avithout the evidence of the said E. F. Dated the first day of July, 1859. A.B. State of California, a,) County A. B., the applicant above named, being ilnly sworn, says that the facts stated and set forth in the above application are true. A. B. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this first day of July, 1859. G. IL, Notary Public. Se«. General Laws, 658. APPOINTMENT. 103 ^ppointmmt No. 81. Appointment of Deputy by County Clerk. Office of the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco. KnoAV all men by these presents, that I, William Loewy, County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, do hereby appoint John Doe a deputy county clerk of the city and county aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the county court of said city and county, this day of , a, d. 186 . REVEHTJB [seal.] Wm. Lokwy, County Clerk. stamps — See Form No. 152. [For oath of office, see Form No. 2. See also Gen. Laws, 543.] No. 82. Appointment by "Wife of a New Trustee in place of one Deceased. Whereas, by a certain indenture, made, cDc, between A. B., of, <6c., of the first part, and C. D., of, c&c, of the second part, certain real estate therein described was conveyed to the said C. D., upon certain trusts therein mentioned and declared ; and whereas the said C. D., the trustee therein named, is since deceased, and the said trusts remain unperformed and un- executed ; now, therefore, I, M. B., of, c&c, the wife of the RSy ENUE said A. B., in pursuance and performance of the power and authority therein given and reserved to me for that purpose, have nominated and appointed, and by these presents do nominate and appoint, L. N., of, f&c, to be a new trustee in place of the said C. D., deceased, for 104 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. tlie trusts, and to nnJ for the ends, intents, and purposes therein men- tioned, expressed, or declared, of and concerning the same, and to and for no otlier use, intent, or purpose whatsoever. In witness, ttc. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. APPRENTICE AND SERVANT.— See Agreement and Contract. Certificate and Consent. County Court, County or District Court. ARBITRATION. — See Agreement and Contract. Bond. Notice. Oath. Release. ARREST. — See District Court. Justice's Court. ASSENT. — See Certificate and Consent. Peobatr Court. ASSENT TO OATH.— See Oath. Slssicjnmcnt No. 83. ni.AXIv riRMSIIED. Assignment to be Annexed to Instrument. Know all men by these presents : That ^', ^LcxtU ^/lc/lclIcL, named in the annexeil iastruniont, in consideration of the sum of cue /uLirdi/d dollars, grid caitt cf ilic flLtutcd •^/Liics,, to mr in hand paid by ^cair^c J3^. ^aucLn, of the ^auin cf ^Parlicrc, County of ^t nJlti ^adta, and State of California, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- — edged, have sold, transferred, assigned, and set over, and IMTSBNiU. KKTXNUS VTtMV. ASSIGNMENT. 105 by these presents do soil, transfer, assign, and set over, to the said ^ecd.(ie. -JJ"'. ^aiLcks, /ll& heirs and assigns, the said instrument, and all m_f£. right, title, and interest in and to the same, authorizing him, in rni^ name or otherwise, but at /ll& own cost, charge, and expense, to enforce the same according to the tenor thereof, and to take all legal measures wliich may be proper or necessary, for the complete recovery and enjoyment of the assigned premises. In witness whereof, ^have hereunto set z??'^ hand and seal, this n-bxelnaixtli. day of ^iLcLju., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^lyAj-fau^. ^latU ^//le/LCLid. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ J/f-iicLiTL ^LiLLs.. ?■ flVLLLLcLm. ^^iu-cua.. ^ stamps. — Upon each and every assignment or transfer of a mortgage, lease, or policy of insurance, or the renewal or continuance of any agreement, contract, or charter, by Istter or otherwise, a stamp-duty shall be required and paid, equal to that imposed on the original instrument. Schedule B. of U. S. Iiiterna.1 Ecvenue Act of June 30, 1864. See also Form No. 1. No. 84. Assignment Endorsed upon an Instrument.— Simple Form. In consideration of the sum of dollars, to me in hand paid, by Geo. L. Kenny, of, cCc, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby transfer, assign, and set over to the said Geo. L. Kenny, his heirs and assigns forever, all my right, title, and interest, in, to, and under the within instru- ment. Witness my hand and seal, this fifth day of May, 1861. Albert L. Banceoft. [l. s. In presence of C. M. Derby. stamps. — See Form No. 83. KBVENUE 106 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 85. Assignment of Bond. Know all men l)y these presents: That I, A. B., of, c(:\, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by C. D., of, tJbc, of the second part, the receipt whereof is Iicreby acknowledged, have bargained, sold, and assigned, and by these pres- ents do bargain, sell, and assign, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, a certain written bond or obligation, and the condition thereof, bearing date the fifth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, executed by one E. F., to me, the said A. B., and all sum and suras of money due, or to grow due thereon ; and I hereby covenant with the said party of the second part, that there is now due on the said bond or obliga- tion, according to the condition thereof, for princi]>al and interest, the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States of America. In witness, ci'c. No. 86. Assignment of Bond.— Another Form. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of, d'c, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by C. D., of, cC'o., of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold, and assigned, and by these presents do bargain, sell, and assign, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, admiuis- nnxsxAL BBTKMCE trators, and assigns, a certain written bond or obligation, and the condition thereof, bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, executed by E. F. to the said A. B., and all sum and sums of money due, or to grow due thereon : ^Vnd I do hereby covenant with the said party of the second part, that ASSIGNMrjSTT. 107 there is now due on the said bond or obligation, according to the condition thereof, for principal and interest, the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States; and I hereby authorize the said party of the second part, in my name, to ask, demand, sue for, recover, and receive the money due, and that may grow due thereon, as aforesaid. In witness, etc. Stamps. — See Form No. 826. R E V F. N TT K No. 87. Assignment of Bond and Mortgage. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of, <&c., of the first part, in consideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, to me in hand paid by C. D,, of, c£rc., of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, have granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said party of the second part, a certain indenture of mortgage, bearing date the day of , one thousand eight hundred and sixty , made and executed by E. F., and M. his wife, of, tf;<:'., to the said party of the first part, together with the bond or obligation therein described, and the money due or to grow due thereon, with the interest : to have and to hold the same, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for their use and benefit ; sub- ject only to the proviso in the said indenture of mortgage mentioned : And I do hereby make, constitute, and appoint the said party of the second part my true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in my name, or otherwise, but at his own proper costs and charges, to have, use, and take all' lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest ; and, in case of payment, to discharge the same, as fully as I might or could do if these presents were not made : And I do hereby covenant, to and with the said party of the second part, that there is now due and owing upon the said bond and mortgage, the lOS FOIIMS AND rSE OF BLANKS. 8um ('f dollars, gold coin of tho United States of America, ■with interest from the day of , 18C ; and that I have pood liglit to sell, transfer, and assign the same, as aforesaid. In witness, ci'c. Aclrnowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Ktcording. — Sec Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. b3. U.-TERSAI, RBTENITB No. 88. Assignment of Contract for the Sale of Real Estate. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of, tCv\, I'or and in consideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the Uidtcil States, to me paid by C. D., of, cC'c, have sold, and by these presents do sell, transfer, assign, and set over unto the said C. D., a contract for the sale of certain real estate, [J)escn']jtio?i.^ which said contract was made and executed by E. F., of, cC'c, to the said A. B., and bears date the day of , 1804: ; to have and to hold the same unto the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, for his and their use and benefit foreVer; subject, nevertheless, to the covenants, conditions, and payments therein mentioned : And I hereby fully authorize and emijower the said C. D., upon his performance of the said covenants and conditions, to demand and receive of the said E. F. the deed covenanted to be given in the said contract, in the same manner, to all intents and purposes, as I myself might or could do, were these presents not executed. In witness, . s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^. JfC Ma.L6.iccLd. Stamps See Form No. 82C. No. 91. Assignment of Debt or Wages,— Another Form. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, tCv., for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United ASSIGNMENT. Ill States, to me paid by C. D., of, etc., the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by these presents do sell, assign, trans- fer, and set over unto the said CD., a certain debt due me from E. F., amounting to the sum of dollars, for goods sold and delivered [or, work, labor, and services], with full power to sue for, collect, and discharge, or sell and assign tlie same : And I hereby covenant, that the said sum of dollars is justly due as aforesaid. Ill witness, cOc. No. 92. ET.AXK PUBLISnED. Assignment by Insolvent. Tliis indenture, made this ^i/i day oi ^fUuteL, a. d. 186.4, between JWiLLLctnT. I^cLtL, of the ^'itii. cLn.d County of ^an. ^icLticUna, State of California, an insolvent debtor, the party of the first part, and ^ienij^ jEf.. 0^cllll&, Sheriff of the said i^itii- cLtLcL County of 'sfa.n. ^flcLncUca, the party of the second part, witnesses : That, whereas the said party of the first part, on the 2 Oik day of ^/liLL, a. d. 186^, pre- REVENCE sented to the Honorable ^cimueL ^auxLes., County Judge of the said cLti^ cLrtcL county (being the Judge having original jurisdiction within the said tiitii^ a.n.cL county, of which the said party of the first part was then, and still is, a resident), his petition, briefly stating the circumstances which compelled him to surrender his property to his creditors, and concluding with a prayer to make a cession of his estate, and to be discharged from all his debts and liabilities, in pur- suance of the provisions of the " Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors and Protection of Creditors," passed May 4th, 1852, and the acts amendatory thereof; annexing to said petition the schedules, and making the affidavit required by said act : And such proceedings having been thereupon had in due form of law, that on the SLtlv day of ^LcLic, A. D. 186,^ (ihe creditors, although duly sunuuoned, not 112 FOmiS AND USE OF BLANKS. having attended on the d:iy appointed for their inc.ting, and refusing to ajipoint one or more assignees), the said Judge did, by order then duly made, authorize the said sherilf to receive tlio siuTen stitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 22d day of August, a. d. 1864. Erwin" Davis, [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ) W. Lewis. J Stamps,-See Form No. 826. 116 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 96. Aseignmeiit of Judgment.— Another Form. This indenture, made the fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight, hundred and , butweeii Henry II. Byrne, of the first part, and James F. Bowman, of tlic second part, witnesses: Whereas, the s.iid party of the first part, on the first day of Marcli, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, recovered judg- ment, in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Calif. .rnin, in and for the Cityan.l County of San Fr;incisco, against Philip Iluchings, for the sum of five thousand dollars, payable in gold coin of the United States. Now this indenture Avitnesses : That the said party of the first part, in consideration of tlie sum of throe thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States to him duly paid, has sold, and by these presents does assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said party of the second part, and his as-igns, the said judgment, and all sum and sums of money that may be had or obtained by means thereof, or on any proceedings to be had thereupon. And the said party of the first part does cove- nant, that tliere is now due on the said judgment the sum of four thousand dollars, and that he will not collect or receive the same, or any part thereof, nor release or discharge the said judgment, but will own and allow all lawful proceedings therein, the said party of the second part saving the said party of the first part liarndess of and from any costs in the premises. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. IIexry II. Byene. [l. 8.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of) D. P. Belicnap. I No. 97. Assignment of Judgment.— Another Form. For and in consideration of one dollar, to me in hand paid, and for professional service's rendered me, by Francis Gross, Esq., I do ASSIGNMENT. 117 hereby assign, transfer, and set over unto him all my right, title, and interest in a certain judgment by me obtained against Joseph Lock- wood, in the County Court of the City and County of San P'rancisco, and docketed this twenty-fifth day of May, a. d. 1864, for the sum of two hundred dollars damages, and ten dollars costs, payable in gold coin of the United States. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above written. H. Re ARDON. [l. s.] No. 98. Assignment of Judgment.— Another Form. County Court, Monterey County : A. B. ) Judgment docketed first July, 1859, for $195 dam- against \ ages, and $8.25 costs. E. F. ) For value received, I do liereby assign, transfer, and set over the above-mentioned judgment to C. D., for his use, and at liis risk, costs, and charge^, in all respects. Dated the day of , 186 . A. B. [l. s.] No. 99. BLANK PUBLISHED. Assignment of Lease. «, Know all men by these presents : That ^, I^cirlctiTLLth ^. 0LiLa-af-^s., of the ^cllulh. af 0LecL ^btff, County of ^e/LCLmcL, and State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of eialLt IuuvcLlccL dollars, LcLuxfiLL mct-Lcn. of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by /p'. ^cLlLrLc^, of the ^aLLUz cf ^eltcLm-CL, CoU'.ity of ^c/icLrna. and State aforesaid, have sold, granted, conveyed, assigned^ KEVENTE 118 for:\is axd use of blanks. trarisferretl, an-l set over, aiul by tliese presents do sell, grant, con- vey, assi<,'n, transfer, and set over, unto the said ,/: ^fchting, a certain in.k'iiture of li-ase, bearing date tlic fiflit-nt/L day of ^higiiyt, in tlie year of our Lord one tliousand eight hundred and sixty-/r./i/', maile by jWaimi' ^tiiU, of tlie jclIA Lc^ujlii, Coxxuty of ^Jiunia., and State aforesaid, to me, tlw. dtxiiL /j^rnJarnLn ,3: jungles, of a certain duicLLuiOr-itcnSe curd let, situate, lying, and bting in Actid X^auuL af Ptad J^Lnff, and bounded and particularly de- scribed as follows, to wit : ^Description?^ iox the term of fiu-e. i^cclIs., reserving unto the said /ll/ciirLPt' ^cLili the HPtiihj, rent of UuLcLue kiuzdicd dollars, payable nrcnihiu i'il tiductucc, ut aald naux af tlte. /ILirited Whites, with all and singular the premises therein mentioned and described, and the buildings thereon, together with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the same, unto the said ^/^i ^/cLilng, IlLs. execu- tors, administrators, and assigns, from the rLirLe.tcan.tli. day of ^'Itign^f, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 8ixty-/r-///-, for and during all the rest, resirlue, and remainder yet to come of and in the said term of ftuie gcfxl &, mentioned in the said indenture of lease: And ^ do hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said ,=. //Icnjdiiiin ^'. PlitqalcA. [l. 8.] Signed, sealed, an.l delivered, in the presence t)f j 1^(1 1 nr.lt J^rrl. \ ^cLtntirL f/ nallslL. ) Acknowledgment. — Soe Form No. 71. Elinks.— Tliesc are printed on pliecta of flat cap, and contain ample blank spaces for t!)" description of the demised premises. Becording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 83. ASSIGNMEI^T. 119 No. 100. Assignment of Lease by Endorsement. In consideration of the sum of doUnrs, gold coin of ihe United States, to me in hand paid, by C. D., of, c&c, the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, I have bargained, sold, assigned, and set over, and by these presents do bargain, sell, assign, and set over, unto the said C. D., his heirs and assig-ns, the within written indenture of lease, and all my estate, right, title, interest, claim, property, and demand, of, in, and to, the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, therein mentioned, which I now have, by means of the said indenture or otherwise ; subject, nevertheless, to the rents and covenants in the said indenture contained. In witness, Sc. L^- ^-J Acknowledgment. — See Form No. H. Eecording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 83. No. 101. Assignment of Lease by way of Mortgage. This indenture, made and entered into this 26th day of July, A. D. 1864, between Cecil M. Derby, of the City of San Francisco, of the first part, and Emanuel B. Ketchum, of the same place, of the second part. Whereas, Marion M. Bancroft and E. Martin Palmer did, by a certain indenture of lease, bearing date the fifth day of May, A. D. 1863, and recorded in the County Re- corder's Office of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, on the day last aforesaid, demise, lease, and to farm let onto the said party hereto of the first part, and to his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, all and singular the premises hereinafter mentioned and described, together with the appurtenances, for, and 120 FOKMS AND USE OF BLAXKS. durinor, and until the full end and term of five years from the twentieth d.iy of Auu^ist, ill the year 18G3, and fully to be compKte and t-nded, •with certain jirivilcges of renewal therein contained, yielding and paying therefor to the said Marion M. Bancroft and E. Martin Palmer, and to their executors and assigns, the monthly rent or sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, gold coin of the United States ; and whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part in the sum of five thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars, gold coin of the United States, secured to be paid by his certain promissory note, bearing even date \\ iih these presents, of which the following is a copy, to wit : "$5,775 00. San Francisco, July 26, 1864. *'Six months after date, for value received, I promise to pay to the order of Euianuul B. Ketchum, in gold coin of llie United States, five thousand seven hundred aud seventy-five dollars, with interest thereon, at the rate of two and one-half of one per cent, per month, payable monthly, in advance. If any instalment of such interest shall become due and be unpaid for the space of fifteen days, then, and from thenceforth, the interest on the said sum of five thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars is to be compounded monthly. If any instalment of said interest shall become due before the maturity of said note, and be unpaid for the space of fifteen days, then it shall be optional with the payee, or his assigns, to consider this note as immediately due, and payable with compound interest as aforesaid. Cecil :\r. Derby." as, by the said promissory note, reference being thereto had, will more fully api^ear. / Now this indenture witnesses : That the said party of the first part, f )r the better securing of the payment of the said sum of money setiurod to be paid by the said promissory note, with interest thereon, according to the true intent and meaning thort'of, and also for and in considerati(m of the sum of one dollar to him in hand ]>aid by the said party of the second part, at or bef.)re the ensealing and delivering of these jiresents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, and set over, ASSIGNMENT. 121 unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, bounded and described as follows, viz. : together with the buildings thereon, known as " The Chinese Amphi- theatre," with the appurtenances thereof, and all the machinery, scenery, fixtures, furniture, properties, wardrobe, and decorations belonging and appertaining thereto, with all and singular the rights and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, term and terms of years yet to come and unexpired, property, possession, claim, and demand what- soever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, and to the said demised premises, and of, in, and to the build- ing or buildings erected thereon, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, and also the said indenture of lease, and every clause, article, privilege, condition, and covenant therein con- tained. To have and to hold the said indenture of lease and other hereby granted premises, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to his and their only proper use, benefit, and behoof, for and during all the rest, residue, and remainder of the said term and terms of years yet to come and unex- pired, subject, nevertheless, to the rents, covenants, provisions, and , conditions in the indenture of lease mentioned; provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, his executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay unto the said party of the second part, his executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, the said sum of money secured to be paid by the said promissory note, and the interest thereon, at the time and in the manner mentioned in the said promissory note, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and also pay the other moneys herein- after agreed to be paid as herein provided, that then these presents and the estate hereby granted shall cease, determine, and be utterly void. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, ex- ecutors, and administrators, does covenant aiid agree to pay unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, or assigns, the said sums of money, and interest as mentioned above, and secured 122 FORMS AND USE OF BLA^XKS. to be p:i"ul as aforesai'l, anJ also to pay the said monthly rent so re- scrvocl and agreed to be ]iaid on said indenture of lease as aforesaid. And if default shall be made in the payment of the said sum of money above mentionc'd, or in the interest that may grow due thereon, or in any part thereof, or in the said monthly rent so reserved and agreed to be paid in and by said indenture of lease as aforesaid, that then, and from thenceforth, it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and he and they are hereby empowered and authorized to consider the whole amount of said promissory note as immediately due and payable, and to enter into, and take possession of, all and singular, the said demised premises, and to let or underlet the same, and to collect the rents due or to become due therefor, and ap]dy the moneys thus received toward the payment of the said monthly rent agreeil to be paid in and by said indenture of lease, aiid the balance toward the payment of the interest due and to become due upon said promissory note, and the balance thereof toward the principal of said promissory note, until the same is fully ])aid, or to sell, transfer, and set over all the rest, residue, and remainder of the term and terms of years then yet to come, and unexpired, of the said indenture of lease, and all the other the right, title, and interest of the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, of, in, and to the same, and the hereby assigned premises, at public auction, according to law, and under the direction of some court of competent jurisdiction. And as the attorney of the said party of the lirst part, for that pur- pose by these jirosents didy authorized, constituted, and ap])ointed to make and deliver to the ])urcliaser or purchasers thereof a good and puffieient assignment or transfer in the law for the same, and out of the moneys arising from such sale to retain the principal and interest, which shall then be due on the said promissory note, together with the costs and charges of advertisement and sale of the said premises and of suit for foreclosure, including counsel fees, at the rate of ten per cent, upon the amount which may be found to be due for principal and interest by the said decree, and* also the amount of all such pay- ment of taxes, assessments, rents, or encumbrances as may have been made by said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, by reason of the permission hereinafter given. ASSIG^S'MENT. 123 with the interest on the same hereinafter allo-wed, rendering the over- plus of the purchase-money, if any there shall be, unto the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, atlrainistrators, or assigns, which sale so to be made shall forever be a perpetual bar, both in law and equity, against the said party of the first part, his heirs, and assigns, and all other persons claiming, or to claim, the premises or any part thereof, by, from, or under him, them, or either of them. And it is hereby agreed that it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, to pay and dis- charge at maturity all such taxes, rents, or assessments, liens, or other encumbrances now subsisting or hereafter to be laid or imposed upon said demised premises, and which may be in efiect a prior charge thereupon to these presents, including all rents and other charges reserved in said indenture of lease, and for such payments shall be allowed interest at the rate of three per cent, per month. Such pay- ment and interest shall be considered as secured by these presents, and a charge upon said lots of land, lease, and premises shall be re- payable on demand, in gold coin of the United States, and may be deducted from the proceeds of the sale above authorized. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his executors, and adminis- trators, does hereby covenant and agree that he and they shall and will insure and keep the buildings erected, and to be erected, upon the said demised premises insured against loss by fire until said promissory note shall be fully paid, in a sum not less than seven thousand dollars, in some one or more insurance companies in good standing, to be approved by the party hereto of the second part, and assign the policy and certificates thereof to the s;dd party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns; and in default thereof it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to efiect such insurance for periods of not less than six months, and the premium and premiums paid for eftecting the same shall be a lien on the said mortgaged premises, added to the amount of said promissory note, and bear in- terest at the rate of three per cent, per month, and be secured by these presents, and be repayable on demand, in gold coin of the United States. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his executois, and administrators, does hereby covenant to and with the 124 FOK.MS AND USE OF lU.ANKS. said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, lliat the said premises hereby granted are free and clear of and from all encumbrance of every name and natui'e whatever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, at the City of San Francisco, the day and year first above written. Cecil M. Dekby. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the ) presence of AI. Nash. ) Acknowledgment. — See Form Xo. 71. Recording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 43, as to stamps on Mortgages. "Whenever an}' bond or note shall be secured by a mortgage, but ono stamp shall be required to be placed on such papers: Providtd, That the stamp-duty placed there- on shall be the highest rate required for said instruments, or either of them. — Sec. IGO of U. S. Internal Revenue Act of Jane 30, 1864. See also Form No. 1. No. 102. BLANK rUBUSIIED. Assignment of Mortgage. Know all men by these presents: That ^Ui.cUAatx J/Ctilt, afHlhe. !^ijtULafi ,4:MiLAa., ,^aiui.bj. af^ ^(^/oliLAa., ^ia.te af ^a.LLfaLn.La., the part/^ of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ane iliauAcittcL dollars, LctuipiL nictwu of the United States of America, to li.un. in hand paid by Jit flV. ^ixn.- BTAMP. hi fi , c f: ^!atT.d ^fsUutd, caurLtii-afaLcSiLuL, the part^ -i of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, ha.s granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents do/\s grant, barg:iin, sell, assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said jiart// of the second part, a certain Inden- ture of Mortgage, bearing date tiie nhirhriLl/L day of ^/Z<^/^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fatLi^j UTTERNAL RBVENUE ASSIGNMENT. 125 made and executed bj ^akn. ^nritli, cLtzd ^ctixa ^itllLIi. Lis. ujiLfe., ta t/ie AcllcL /tctliii af. ilie. fiiAt ftciii, ancL tecclcLccL iix tlhe. a^fice. a^ the. i^S'annjtju. 0LcaaicLe.if- af: AcllcL /^'cuLn.iu. af /^aLiLAcL, ^Lctte cfif^cLLL^atii-LCL, in. £^cx.aii. " S" af ^/Lc.ttci-CLCta&, /i-CLc^e too, an. the n.in£.ieent/i. cLcll^ c-fi ^La^u., ^. &. tS' b^, a± to ntinLLtes. /ictAi 3 acLac/z, ^. _jiL., together with the li±a- nLiAAatii n.ate. therein described, and the money due and to grow due thereon, with the interest. To have and to hold the same unto the said partA/_ of the second part, AZs executors, administrators, and assigns, for his. ctncL their use and benefit, subject only to the proviso in the said Indenture of Moftgnge mentioned : And the said part^ of the first part do/^rs here- by make, constitute, and appoint the said part^_ of the second part his true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in his name or otherwise, but at the proper costs and charges of the said part^ of the second part, to have, use, and take all lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest ; and in case of payment to discharge the same as fully as the said part^_ of the first part might or could do if these presents were not made. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, the iuxentieth day of ^/.ov^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and s\x.ty -fatu'^. ^ctdhAan J/CcLlt. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of 0) . ^fke/icLlclAan. ^'LcLnlz ^JLCLLLicLin-cy. Acknowledgment .-Se» Form No. fl. Eecording— See Form No. 71, ' Stamps.— See Form No. 83. 126 FORMS AND USE OF CLANKS. No. 103. lU.ANK lUlil.ISIlED. Assignment of Mortgage.— Another Form. Know all men by these presents : That ^'cuncA ^4L ^Italt, af t/te ^dULti. cf^ ^ilLcUil, /^i LLiLtn, afl JfCLtmUcLcLi, ^La.tc c£ ^cLLLfaln-Lci, the part^/ of tiie first part, hi consiilerat'on of tlie sum ^ oi ftLic luLiiiUccL dollars, hiu-fiil mr.iicjL ot' the Unitetl iKTEHNAL i Stutes of Auierlca, to /lim in hand paid by ^;^ jW. »ivE.NUEi ^cinldcuvs, af! AcllcL ^attui. afl (fiLleUa, the part^ of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby ackiiojvl- edged, has granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, assign, tran!>fcr, and set over, unto the said part//, of the second part, a certain Indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the thin cLcci ill l day ai ^(Ldii^ A. D. one thoujiand eight hundred and sixty-/<:iiz/^, made and executed by JpcJLn. ^ihlL/l, af AcllcL ^c.llui. ap. ^ilLcLcl^ to the said part^ of the first part, to secure the payment of the sum of faiii^ li.LLn.cLLe.cL cincL AeLLCn.tij.--f!La.e dollars, ^c/tZ ccMh t/T I/lc flLiLitr.cL ^LclLcs. ; together with the /LtamiAAalu. irate or obligation therein described, and the money due, or to grow due thereon, with the interest; which said Indenture of Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the AaLci County of ^CiLinLaLcLU State of California, in Liber ">^" of Mortgages, page 7J^(\ on the n-LnclrcnilL day o^^./Lct^^ A. D. 18G^. To have and to hold the same unto the said part//, of tlie second part, Ili's. executors, adnnnistrators, and assigns, ibr A/.s ilhiL their use and benefit ; subject only to the proviso in the said Indenture of Mortgage mentioned. And the said part v of the first part do/^.s hereby make, constitute, and appoint the said part// of the second part Ill& true and lawful attorney, irrevocable, in /z/.s name or otherwise, but at the proper costs and charges of the said part^. of the second part, to h.ave, use, and take, all lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest ; and in case of payment to discharge the same as fully as the s:ii.l part//, of the first part might or could do if these presents were not made. ASSIGNMENT. 127 Apd the snid parUf. of the first part do^s hereby covenant to and with the said part^ of the second part, that the said part^ of the first part L& the lawful owner and liolder of the said n.at£ and mortgage, and that /lc has good right to sell, transfer, and assign the same as aforesaid, and that there is now due and owitig upon the said naie and mortgage, l/z aald nabt af tke /lifziLed ^lcLtc.&, the sum of -f^dLi^ /hitrLdlecL cLtT.d. Ae.Lietz±u.-fLLic dollars, with interest from the n.Ln.£.teetz±/i. day oi ^Lctji, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto Bet /i.L& hand and seal, the tuLcntiatli. day of ^Lclu.^ a. d. one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-;f<:i^i/^, ^'ctn-Lcs. ^L ^/tatt. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^. ^. /IfJ'umcLn. ^aAe/t/L ^LcLcii^. Acknowledgment.— See Form No. 71. Recording— See Form No. "71. Stamps-See Forms Nos. 43 and 83. No. 104. Assignment of Note and Mortgage.— Another Form Mortgage dated the day of, tOc, executed by E. F., and M. his wife, to A. B., on certain premises described therein, being part of 60 Vara lot. No. 20.S, in the City and County of San Francisco ; recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said city and county, in Book No. of 3Iortgages, page Note bearing date the day aforesaid, executed by E. F, to A. B., aforesaid, in the sum of dollars, secured by the above mortg;ige, and payable on the day of > 186 , with interest at two per cent, per month. In consideration of dollars, to me paid, by C. D., of SEVENTTE 128 FOK.MS AND USE OF BLANKS. ttc, I do hereby assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said C. D., tho mortgage above described, and the note accompanying the same, as aforesaid, for his use and benefit ; hereby authorizing liim to eullect and enforce payment thereof, but at his own costs and charges. And I do hereby covenant that the sum of dollars, g(jld coin of the United States of America, with interest thereon, at the rale of two per ccTit. per month, from the day of last past, is now due and owing on the said bond and mortgage; and that I have good right to sell and assign the same. In witness, tCc. Acknowledgment— See yorm No. 71. Recording— See Form No. 71. Stamps.— Sec Forms Nos. 43 and 83. No. 105. Assignment of Note and Mortgage.— Another Form, Know all men by these presents : That I, Michael C. Nye, of the first part, in consideration of the sum of one tho.isand dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to me in hand paid INTERNAL P.EVKNtTR by John IVidwell, of the second part, the reciipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ha:ve granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, unto the said party of the second part, a certain Imlenture of Mortgage, bearing date the tenth day of May, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifiy-two, made and execnted by George Thompson, to the said party of the first part, to secure the payment of the sum of eight hundred dollars; together with the promissory note or obligation therein described, and the money due, or to grow due thereon, with tho interest; which saitl Ind'-nture of Mortgage was recorded in the ofllcG of the County IJecordcr of the City and Comity of Sail Francisco, in Liber of Mortgages, page ,on the cK-venth day of ^lay, A. D. 1852, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of tho second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for thuir use ASSIGNMENT. 129 and benefit; subject only to the proviso in the said Indenture of Mort- gage mentioned. And I do covenant to and with the said party of the second part, that I am the lawful owner and holder of the said note and mortgage, and that I have good right to sell, transfer, and assign the same as aforesaid. And I do hereby covenant to and with the said party of the second part, that there is now due and oAving upon the said note and mortgage the sum of eight hundred dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, with interest from the first day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. In Avitness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the tenth day of February, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty- nine. Michael C. N"ye. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ) JoHx Doe. 3 Acknowledgment See Form No. 71. Recordiug — See Form No. 71. Stamps — See iorms Nos. 43 and 83. No. 106. The Same, Endorsed on Mortgage. In consideration of dollars, to me in hand paid by J. W. Park, of, cCr., I do hereby sell, assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said J. W. Park, the within Inden- ture of Mortgage, together with the note accompanying tlio same, for his use and benefit. Witness my hand and seal, cC*c. INTKKKAL EEVEKTTE Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Recording.— See Form No. 71. Stamps — See Forms Nos. 43 and 83. 9 INTERNAL RP.VENOK 130 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. No. 107. Assignment of Partnership Property by one Partner to another, to Close the Concern. Whereas, a copartiiorsliip has heretofore existed, between A. B. and C. D., both of the City and County of San Francisco, State of C;dif)rnia, under tlie firm name of B. & D., which said copartnei'ship is hereby dissolved and determined : Xow, therefore, this indenture, made thi3 day of , A. D. 1864, by and between the said A. B. of the one part, and the said C. D. of the other part, witnesses.: That the said A. B. does hereby sell, transfer, assign, and set over unto the said C. D., his moiety of all the stock in trade, goods, merchan- dise, eftects, and property, of every description, belonging to, or owned by, the s.iid copartnership, wherever the same may be ; to- gether with all debts, clioses in action, and sums of money, due and owing to the said firm, from any and all persons whomsoever, to hold the same to the said C. D., and his assigns, forever, in trust, for the follow- ing purposes, namely : That the said C. D. shall sell and dispose of all the goods, property, and effects, belonging to the said firm, at such time and in such manner as he may think prudent; and shall, with reasonable diligence, collect all the debts and sums of money due and owing to the said firm; and shall, out of the proceeds of the said sales, and with the moneys thus collected, j)ay anroseiMite suits for the recovery of the said debts, or to compound the same, as he may judge most expe- dient; to defend any and all suits against the said firm ; to execute ASSIGNMENT. 131 all Buch discharges, releases, and acquittances, as may be necessary ; and, generally, to do all such acts and things as may be necessary or proper, for the full and complete settlement of all business and con- cerns of the said copartnership. And the said C. D., for himself, and his heirs, executors, and administrators, hereby covenants, to and with the said A. B., and his representatives, that he will sell and dispose of all the partner- ship property and effects, to the best advantage ; that he will use his best diligence and endeavors to collect all debts and sums of money due and owing to the said firm ; and that he will truly and faithfully apply the proceeds of said sale, and the moneys collected, to the payment, discharge, and satisfaction, of all debts and demands against the said firm, as far as the same will go ; and after discharging all such debts, will pay over to the said A. B,, or his representatives, one moiety of any surplus that may remain ; and further, that he will keep a full and accurate account of all moneys received by him, for goods sold, or debts collected, as well as of all moneys paid out, and will render a just, true, and full account thereof, to the said A. B. or his representatives. And the said A. B., for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis- trators, covenants to and with the said C. D., his heirs, (fie, that if it shall be found that the debts due and owing from the said firm exceed the amount of moneys received from the sale of the said part- nership property and effects, and the debts collected, he will pay unto the said C. D., or his assigns, one moiety of any balance that may then be found due and owing from the said firm. In witness, c&c. i • . Stamps. — See Form No. 826, 132 FOIIMS ANU VSE OF BLANKS. No. 108. Assignment of a Patent. Whereas letters patent, bearing; dnte tlie dny of , in tlie year of our Lord one thous.and ei<_;lit hundred nnd ^i\tv-fued by the Government of the United States, under the seal thereof, to A. B., of the Town of , in the Connty of , State of California, for [Ili-re state the nature of the invention in fjcn- eral terms^ a^ in the j^dtefit.^, a more particular and full description ■whereof is annexed to the said letters patent in a scliedule; by which letters patent, the full nnd exclusive right and liberty of making nnd u.sing the snid invention, .ind of vending the same to others to be u^ed, was granted to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, adniini. traLors, and. assigns, for the term of fourteen years from the said date: Now know all men by these presents: That I, the saiatent and invention, with all benefit, jirofit, nnd advantage thereof, unto the said C. D., his execu- tors, administrators, aTid assigns, in as full, ample, .and beneficial a manner, to all intents and purposes, as I, the said A. 13. , by virtue of the said letters patent, may or might have or hold the same, if this assignment had not been made, for and during all the rest and residue of the said term offourtcen years. In witness, d'c. A. v.. [...s.] ASSIGNMENT. 133 No. 109. Assignment of the Right in a Patent for one or more States. Whereas, , in the County of , and State of Califor- nia, did obtain letters patent of the United States, for certain improve- ments in , which letters patent bear date the day of , A. D. 1864; and whereas, aforesaid is desirous of acquiring an interest therein. Now this indenture witnesses : That for and in con- sideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, I have assigned, sold, and set ovei', and do hereby assign, sell, and set over, all the right, title, and interest which I have in the said invention, as secured to me by said letters patent, for, to, and in the , and in no other place or places ; the same to be held and enjoyed by the said , for his own use and behoof, and for the use and behoof of his legal representatives, to the full end and term for which the said letters patent are or may be granted, as fully and en- tirely as the same would have been held and enjoyed by me, had this assignment and sale not been made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 22d day of September, a. d. 1864. . [L. S.] In presence of ) « No. no. Assignment of Policy of Insurance. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B., of, cDc, in the an- nexed policy named, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, to me in hand paid by C. D., of, cf'c, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and by these presents do sell, assign, transfer, and set over, unto the said C. D., the annexed policy of insu- rance, and all sum and sums of money, interest, benefit, and KEVENTJE 134 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. advantage whatsoever, now due, or lioroafter to arise, or to be had or made by virtue thereof; to have and hold the .same u;ito the said C. D. and assigns forever. -' In witness, d)c. The above assignment is approved. M. K., President [or, Secretary] of the Insurance Company. Stamps. — TysuRANCE (JfAEiNE, Inlaxd, and Fire). — Each policy of insurance or other instrument, by whatever name the same shall be called, by which insurance shall be made or renewed upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea or by fire, or other peril of any kind, made by any insurance company or it.s agents, or by any other company or person, the premium upon which docs not exceed $10, 10 cents; exceeding $10 and not exceeding §50, 25 cents; exceeding $50, 50 cents. — Schedule B. of U. S. Internal lievenue Act of June 30, 18C4. See also Forms Nos. 1 and 83. No. 111. Assignment of Policy as Secnrity. Know all men, 2£s ^'. /ilWlsa/z, -f^aiLi^ luLircLtaiL cLtT.cL n.urciii. yVo dollars, gold coin ot the United States of America. Value received, and charge same to account of /IVeLU, ^^cxLa,c &C ,-tei:nal BEVENCE Blanks. — Besides tlie foregoing, similar blanks (No. 115) are also published, \»-ith the words, "dollars, gold coin of the United States of America," and the dollar-mark, omitted. Stamps. — See Form No. 113. State Sump-Tax. — See Form No. 113. BILL OF EXCHANGE. 139 No. 115. BLAXK PUBLISHED. Bills of Exchange— First and Second.— Another Form. These are the same as the tico i^receding ones^ No. 114, toith the words, " dollars, gold coin of the United States of Arnerica," and the dollar-mar Jc, omitted. Stamps. — See Form No. 113. State Stamp-lax. See Form No. 113. No. 116. BLANK PUBLISnED. Bills of Exchange— First, Second, and Third. FIRST. Exchancre for 186 INTEKNAL EEVEMUE STAir?. sight of this first of exchange (second and third unpaid), pay to the order of , dollars, gold coin of the United States of America. Value received, and charge same to account of To No. Exchange for SECOND. 186 . INTERNAL BEVENUE STAMP. sight of this second of exchange (first and third unpaid), pay to the order of , dollars, gold coin of the United States of America. Value received, and charcce same to account of To- No. 140 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. TniKD. Ex chancre for INIEHSAL KEVESPE To No. 186 Bight of this third of exchange (litst and second nnpaid), pay to the order of , dollars, gold coin of the United States of America. Value received, and charge same to account of Blanks. — Besides the foregoing, similar blanks, No. 117, are also pulilished, with the words, "dollars, gold coin of the United States of America," and the dollar-mark, omitted. Stamps See Form No. 113. State Stamp-Tax. — See Form No. 113. No. 117. BLAXK I'UBLISriEn. Bills of Exchange— First, Second, and Third.— Another Form. Tliese are the same as the three preceding ones, Xo. 116, with the words, " dollars, gold coin of the United States of America," and the dollar-mark, omitted. Stamps. — See Form No. 113. State Stamp-Tax. — See Form No. 113. BILL OF EXCHANGE. 141 No. 118. A Set of Bills of Exchange.— Another Form. Wells, Fargo & Co., Express and Banking Office. No. 104,901. Sax Francisco, Cal., Exchange for $10. August 4, 1858. At sight of this first of exchange (second and third un- paid), pay to the order of Morris & Willis, ten dolhirs. VaUie received, and charge the same to account of Wells, Fargo & Co. To Messrs. Wells, Fargo & Co., 82 Broadway, New York. BETENTTE INTERNAL REVENUI: Wells, Fargo & Co., Express and Banking Office. No. 104,901. San Francisco, Cal., Exchange for |10. August 4, 1858. At sight of this second of exchange (first and third un- paid), pay to the order of Morris & Willis, ton dollars. Value received, and charge the same to account of Wells, Fargo & Co.' To Messrs. Wells, Fargo & Co., 82 Broadway, New York. Wells, Faego & Co., Express and Banking Office. No. 104 901. San Francisco, Cal., Exchange for $10. August 4, 1858. At sight of this third of exchange (first and second un- paid), pay to the order of Morris & Willis, ten dollars. Value received, and charge the same to account of Wells, Fargo & Co. To Messrs. Wells, Fargo & Co., 82 Broadway, New York. Stamps. — See Form No. 113. State Stamp-Tax. — See Form No. 113. BILL OF LADING.— See Bond. Custom House. Protest. 142 F0UM9 AND USE OF ELAXKS. Bill ot ^nlc. See also Custom House. No. 119. Bill of Sale.— Simple Form. In consideration of two hundred and fifty dollars, to me in Iiand paid by Bruno Bernal, I do hereby sell and deliver to him my Alazan horse, branded C on the left hip. Pedro Ciieyota. No. 120. Bill of Sale.— Another Form. Received of John Pike Si, 000, gold coin of the United States, in payment of five thousand fruit-trees I have sold and delivered to him, this 4th day of May, 18G4. F. Pekvaux. BILL OF SALE. 143 No. 121. BLANK PUBLISHED. Bill of Sale. Know all men by these presents : That ^, ^^alr^a fiV. J^itcL, the part^ of the first part, for and m consideration of the sura of tiin. tfLaiLActn-cl dollars, LcLixi.ftd ntanei^. of the United States of America, to me in hand paid by /IVLLLlclut J/t. JSiLinrAeu., af AcLLcL ^LatLieler^, the part^ of the secund p;irt, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granteil, bargained, sold, and con- veyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said part^ of the second part, Ills, executors, adminis- trators, and assigns, i/te. arte. e.q-LLa.L, iLrLcLLu^icLdcL /zctLf a^ atze. h-iLn.cLLe.cL cLeles. af LctiLet^, n.aujL (^iaujiin.^ an. nhj^ Ictnelva^ n.ea.1 tlve AcllcL ^auLn. af ^jlLanteteu., in ActicL ^aunti^ af ^Lanieiej^ ; clLacl ane iactn LaiAe, a.LaiLt fifteen. CLncL CL iLctif ItcLncLs. IlLqIt-, kcLuinc^ a. wJciie a/lc± an Live fa.ce, ccnci ike Lettet " eg/"' LictncLecL an Live Left AhauLcLel ; ctLla eiciJ^t /LLtncLlecL A/tee/L naux in niu. /LcAJeAAian, cti tlte /tLcLce cLfateAcLLcL^ to have and to hold the same to the said part^ of the second part, IhLs. executors, administrators, and assigns, forever. And /J^do, for tTLiiAeif /7x^ heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said part^. of the second part, /its executors, administrators, and assigns, to warrant and defend the sale of the said property, gopds, and chattels hereby made unto the said part^ of the second part, AZs executors, administrators, and assigns, against all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. In witness whereof, ^ have hereunto set mu. hand and seal, the tLLLeniiatlh day oi ^ILcui, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- ^cit/^. fS.eata,e flV. f^iuL [l. 8.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of flVni.. fR.. ^cLtlcet^. ^cLlan ^jj.an&. 144 FOUMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Blanks.— These are priutcd on sheets of legal cap, a portion of the first and the whole of the second page being lelT; blank for a description of tlu- property sold. la case the blank is not sufTiciently large, any number of sheets of legal cap can be in- serted between the two leaves of the blank. No. 122. Bill of Sale of a Horse, with Warranty. Know all nieii l)y those presents, 'that I, John Doe, of the County of Shasta, State of California, of the first part, for and in considera- tion of the sum of one hundred o?id fifty dollars, gold coin of the United States, to me in hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, by Richard Roe, of the same county, of the second part, the receipt wliereof is hereby acknowled^'cd, have bar. ^. :Cr>ancL ) Blanks.— These may be used for bonds of two obligors, as well as for bonds of one oblif^or (see subsequent Form), and are numbered " 126 and 127." Stamps. — Bond. — For indemnifying any person for the pajinent of any sum of mone\'. where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon is .$1,000 or loss, 50 cents; ■where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon exceeds SliOOO, for eviery addi- tional Sl,f 00, or fractional part thereof in excess of ,$1,000, 50 cents. Boi«i for the duo execution or performance of the duties of any office, $1. Bond of any description other than such as may be required in legal proceedings, or used in connection with mortgage doecls, aud not otherwise charged in this schedule. 25 csnts. — Scheluk B of U. S. Inttfrml Revenue Act of June 30, 18CA. See also Form No. 1. No. 127. BLANK rUBI.ISnED. Bond.— Several Obligors. Kno-^v all men by these presents : That inr, ^'cJm (T/rr, r.fiha ^aunfn c f ^Vri.ada., ^tcLia cf /IclI rfaln.la, n ■-< fi ! 1 it r! ji n I , and pile IlclIcL 0Lae. and ^ Jl'nmrx .^/lijl rx, r f: ^aid cduilij, as. AuietU&, a.ie held and firmly bo :nd mito fJL M. ^aLqitlho.^, af AO-Ld rciinlij, m tlic sum of rne. IhatLinnd dollars, arJd cain of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Pi. JfL ^ah/nlLai', ///r nrmiKAi. RTAMP. executors, administrators, or assigns: for which payment well a;id truly t'l \>v made, //•/■ bind t u/.ir//rs. ml nnd itirli ( f ru^\w\x^^ executors, and ailmini^^trators, (riniln nnd drrrlnlln, firmly by t'lose presents. Scale«l with ciii' seals, and dated the hite.iitlaLlL day of ^/Inii, A. i>. one 'shousand eight bun Iroil and Awy-p in'. BOND, 149 The condition of the above obligation is such, that Lf tkr^ clLcu^ licuuiddn. ^jfa/ui. (3^ an, /lls. /zetls, eaie^cittalA, at a.clmuiLStlcLial-&, a/lclII vu^aLL cuvcL ttLtlu, /lcuj., ai^ ccLuAe ta Le. /zcllcI, in. aaLcL cjojn. af.tlie. flLn.Lte.cL ^tcttas. cjf ;^linxetLacL, tuita t/ie AclLcL fsfL. ,JK ^fcLlqiL/LCLf, /lls. e:ceiiiLtats., a.(lm.urixtla.tats., at^ cLAA'La.n.&, th.e. J-iLA.t cLn.cL -fuLL Aum. afi fUttc. /zilucLLccL cLaLLa.l&, in. an^e^ juecLt^ fianr t/te. cLcttc /t^tedf, ulLLIl 'urtc.le.S± t/heLean, at tlie late aji ten. [he^ eeirl. fzei^ cLn.niLm, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. J'alhiT. 0^ae. [l. s.] JSLLckcLtcL 0Lae. [l. S.] ^cLiTLes. ^iu.Le&, [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^. ^ J^LLe^. ^/ics. fy. Ma-LU.Leu^ }■ Slanks.-Seo Form No. 126. Stamps.— See Form Xo. 12G. No. 128. BLANK PUBLISHED. Bond.— Another Form. Know all men by these presents : That cae^ ^a/zn. ^ae a.n.cL JSLielhCLtcL f:Kae^ af ^''L/Lam.a., /^^atuztji af ^cuz ^uLs. &LUfza, ^ftate af ^cLLtfalnLa.^ cLteheXdi and firmly bound unto f^lLctlLe& Jllf. 0^cuicL, af AclLcL J^^ifzcrnxL, in the sum of an^e t/hcitAcLnd dollars, ^jc.ZrZ eaLn. of the United States of America, to be paid to the said ^JLctlLes jUf. 0) cuza.^ Ills executors, administrators, or assigns : for which payment, well and truly to be made, ujLe bind aLLUeLa.es.^aLLi^ a.n.cLea.e/Lc.f aiti^ heirs, executors, and administrators, j^gZ/z^Z^ cLtzcL AeixetctLLu., firmly by these presents. Sealed with aiti^ seals^ and dated the tujLeiztieth. day oi ^/LcLii^ a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-^^c.;/./'. INTERNAL EEVENUE STAMP. 150 fok:ms and use of blanks. The coiulition of the above obligation is sueli, that if the above- bouuden ^'dui. (H^cc cLnd fJHalLixid fJLai:^ ai' eilltri^ c Jl Llicm^ tkeiif^ ai' cLLkei^ af ilLcli^ heirs;, executors, or administrators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, in. QaLcL cc.lil cfl tlie. JlLn-iLed ^Lcilcfi t f ^ItncJt'ca^ unto the said ^hallea JlV. (Hanci, his executors, administrators, or assigns, the just and full sum of fta^ LundiriL dollars, on or before the Aecand day oi ^fcLtuLcUii^ a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/xVci?, together with interest thereon, at the rate of an.e^ ctttd ti /la//' per cent, per //k n///, pay- able nianlfilti, on the fits! day of larlt (iiid cLLcin iiK hIIl Iteie.- aflci^, without any fraud or other delay, tlu-n tlie above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. And it is hereby expressly agreed, that should any default be made in the ])ayment of said interest, or of any part thereof, on any day whereon the same is made payable, as above expressed, and should the same remain unpaid and in arrear for the space of fiue days, then and from thenceforth, that is to say, after the laj)se of the said fLtLe. days, the said principal sum oi fuj.r. IviurdiecL dollars, with all arrear- ages of interest thereon, shall, at the option of the said /^iLtxlles fllf, 0)(inay /lIs executors, admiuisfators, or assigns, become and be due and payable immediately thereafter, although the period first above limited for the payment thereof may not then have expirearc'l, and furniture, from the port of , on a voyage to the port of , at the rate or pre- mium of per cent, for the voyage. In consideration whereof, all risks of the seas, rivers, enemies, fires, pirates, tfcc, are to be on ac- count of the said C. D. And for the better security of the said sum and premium, the said master does by these presents hypothecate and assign over to the said C. D., his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, the said vessel, her tackle, apparel, furniture, ttc. And it is hereby declared, that tlie said vessel Hercules is thus hypothe- cated and assigned over, for the security of the money so borrowed and taken up as afoiesaid, and sh;ill be delivered for uo other use or purpose whatever, until t!iis bond is first paiil, together with the pre- mium hereby agreed to be paid thereon. Now the condition of this obligation is such, that if the abovc- bounden A. B. shall well and truly pay, or cause to be jiaid, unto the said C. U., or to his attoniey legally authorized to receive the same, his or their executors, administrators, and assigns, the just and fud BOND. 157 snm of one thousand dollars, lawful money as aforesaid, being the sum borrowed, and also the premium aforesaid, at or bef )re the expiration of thirty days after the arrival of the s;iid vessel at the said |.ort of , then this obligation, and the said hypothecation, to be void and of no effect; .otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Hav- ino- signed and executed these bonds of the same tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to be void and of no effect. A. B. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of E. F. stamps. — See Form No. 126. No. 136. Bond of an Officer of a Company. Know all men, tte. : Whereas the above-bounden A. B. has been chosen and appointed treasurer of the Company, by reason whereof divers sums of money, goods and chattels, and other things, the property of the said company, will come into his hands : K"ow, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said A. B., his executors, or administrators, at the expiration of his said office, upon It E V K N U E request to him or them made, shall make or give unto the said com- pany, or their agent or attorney, a just and true account of all such sum or sums of money, goods and chattels, and other things, as have come into Lis hands, charge, or possession, as treasurer, as aforesaid, and sliall and do pay and deliver over to his successor in office, or any other person duly authorized to receive the same, all such balances, or sums of money, goods and chattels, and other things, which shall appear to be in his hands, and due by him to the said company ; and if the said A. B. shall well and truly, honestly and faithfully, iu all 158 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. things, serve tlic sail comp;iny, in the cnjiacity of treasurer, as afore- said, during his contimiiuue in ofiice, then the above obligation to be void ; else to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed, rs, firmly, by these presents. Sealed with onr seals, and dated the Ucenty-fifth day of December., one thousand eight hun- dred an seals, and dated the tuLeniicUL day of ^Lcin^ A. D. one thousand eight hundred and s\x\j-fJiiiLt'. The con.lition of thi^ obligation is such, that if the above-bounden obligor.s shall, on the //i//d day of J'annaln, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and %'\\i\-f\ nf, make, execute, and deliver unto the said ^. ^/. ^lirni/i.i, n (i)royidi(l (hat the said ^'. ^Z-. ^karn/L- Aan shall, on or before that d:iy, have paid to the said obligors the sura of i'.n.r Liu u.uind ami /'tun linndlmL dollars, add ccin cf. the flLnUcd ^/lafcs, the ]»riec by said ^.'7. .' /:. ^l/< ni/iArn agreed to be paid theref «r), a good and suilicient conveyance In fcc- Aini/ilc, uuUl ihc usual ccncnauls, of all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in the ^cuxn c^fi BOND. 161 ^ajvLcL I^cLiLcLicLy County of ^/clitIcl /^ctiLcLtct, and State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : [^Descrijytion.'l then this obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. ^■. Jp. ^/ILcLa-iLLi^. [l. s.] &'. fJl. ^'f. ^ItLLa^^atr. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence ot /^IlclLLcs. ^iLdm/LAaiT-. ^Ji.atncL& ^f/LicLfiLLe. Acknowledgment — See Form No. 71. Recording — See Form No. 71. Stamps — See Form No. 126. INTERNAL RBVENtTK No. 140. Bond of Indemnity. Know all men by these presents : That I, Cornelius Vanderbilt, of the City of New York, in the State of New York, am held and firmly bound unto Albert Dibblee, of the City of San Francisco^ in the State of California, in the sum of five thousand tv,'o hundred and seventy-five dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Albert Dibblec,, his e.vecutors, administrators, or assigns, for which pay- ment, well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly, by these presents. Sealed with my se^J. Dated the day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Whereas, heretofore, one B. Frederick Moses filed his bill in the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Cali- fornia, against the steamship Cortes, upon cause of action alleged to b.ave accrued to him in the early part of the year 1862 ; and whereas, such proceedings were afterward had in said cause, in said court, that a judgment or decree was made and entered therein, on the 29th day II 162 FORMS AND USE OF BL.VXKS. of December, a. d. 1863, tliat the said Moses do recover in snid action the sum of two thousand four Imndred and fifty-nine doll.irs, for his damages ihi-rcin, and also the sum of one hundred and seventy-one doUais and fitty cents, lor his costs of said action, and thai the said steainsliip be condemned and sold to satisly him for his said damages anil costs; and whereas, at the time Avhen said alleged cause of action accrued, the abovo-bounden obligor was >'ie n) ^rtgag<^;e and owirm- of the saitl ste-amsliip, and liable ever for tl.e ])ayment of such damages and costs ; and whereas an appeal has been taken from the said judgment or decree, to the Circuit Court of the United States for the districts of Ca'ifn-nia; and whereas the said above-bounden obligor has a})plicd to the above-named obligee to become one of the sureties in the stipulation to be given on the said appeal, to stay the execution of said decree, and abide the judgment and decree of the a])pellatc court; and whereas the said obligee has consented to become such surety, upon being indenuiified against all loss or damage by reason thereof, and has executed and acknowledged the necessary stipulations on such appeal : Now the condition of this obligation is s>uch, that if the said obligor, the said Cornelius Yanderbilt, and his lieiri;, executors, and administrators, shall and do, at all times hereafter, well and truly save and keep the said obligee, Albert Dibblee, his executors and adminis- trators, harmh'ss of and from all actions, costs, damages, and counsel fees, of and from, and by reason of or growing out of, such suretishi]>, and shall well :!nd truly repay, or cause to be repaid, to the said obligee, his executors or administrators, on demand, any and all such sum and sums pay as sueh surety as aforesaid, then this obligation to be voi 1 ; else to remain in full force and virtue. C. Vandkhhii.t. [l. s.] By A. 15., his Attorney in fact. Sealed and delivered, in the ) presence of i M. X. ^ Stamps. — See Form No. 12G. BOIiD. 163 No. 141. Bond of Indemnity on Paying Lost Note. Know all men, c&c. : Whereas the said C. D., on the day of , 1864, did make, execute, and deliver unto the above-bounden A. B., for a valuable consideration, his promissory note, for the sum of one hundred dollars, gold coin of the United States, written due and payable on or before the day of , then next, with interest, which said promis- sory note the said A. B., since the delivery of the same to him, as aforesaid, has in some manner, to him unknown, lost out of his possession ; and whereas the said C. D. has this day paid unto the said A. B. the sum of dollars, the receipt whereof the said A. B. does hereby acknowledge, in full satisfaction and discharge of the said note, upon the promise of the said A. B. to indemnify and save harmless the said C. D. in the premises, and to deliver up the said note, when found, to the said C. D., to be canceled : Now, therefore, the condi- tion of this obligation is such, that if the above-bounden A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, or any of them, do and shall, at all times hereafter, save and keep harmless the said C. D., his heirs, ex- ecutors, and administrators, of, from, and against the promissory note aforesaid, and of and from all costs, damages, and expenses that shall or may arise therefrom ; and also deliver, or cause to be deUvered up, the said note, when found, to be canceled, then this obligation to be void ; else to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed, <&c. A. B. [L.8.] E. F. [L.S.] stamps.— See Form No, 126. 164 FORMS AXD VSE OF BLA^'KS. No. 142. Bond of Indemnit}^ to a Surety in a Bond. Know all men, <£''■. : "Whereas tlie s.aid CD., at the special instancer anrl request of the above-bounden A- B., has l)Ou;ul hiinst'lf, together with the said A. B., unto one E. F., of, etc., in a certain obligation, bearing even date herewith, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the United Stales, condi- tioned for the payment, in like gold coin, of the siuu of five hundred dollars, due and owing by the said A. B. to the said E. F., on, c£'c. [as in the bond ; or, if a hail-hond he referred to^ say — conditioned for the appearance of the said A. 15., cDc] : Now, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said A. B. shall well and truly pciform and fulfil the condition of the said botid executed to the said E. F., in manner and form as he is therein required to do, and at all times hen-after save harmless the said C. D., his heirs, executors, and ailministrators, of and from the Sftid obligation, and of and from all actions, costs, and damages, for or by reason thereof, then this obligation to be void ; else to remain in full force and virtue. Sealed, <£v:'. Stamps — Soe Form No. 126. No. 143, Legatee's Bond- Know all men by these presents: Tlial we, A. B., nf, cfv., prin- cipal, and C. D. and O. P., of, etc., sureties, are held and hrmly bound unto E. F. and L. M., of, t&c, executors of the last will and testament of S. T., deceased, late of the Town of , in the sum of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the United 9TAVP. I States, to be paid to the said P]. F. and L. M., executors, as aforesaid, the survivors or survivor, oi- his or thiir as- IJilTlrSAl. BOND. 165 signs; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind oui selves, our and eacli of our heirs, executors, and administratorfj, jointly and severally, firmly, by these }iireseiits. Sealed with our se:ds. Dated the day of , one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. "Whereas, in and by the last will and testament of the said S. T., deceased, a legacy of one thousand dollars is bequeathed to the siiid A. B., which has been paid to him by the said E. F. and L. M., ex- ecutors as aforesaid : Now the condition of this obligation is such, that if any debts against the deceased, above named, shall duly appear, and which there shall be no other assets to pay, and if there shall be no other assets to pay other legacies, or not sufficient, then the said A. B. shall refund the legacy so paid, or such ratable proportion thereof, with the other legatees of the deceased, as may be necessary for the payment of such debts, and the proportional parts of other legacies, if there be any, and the costs and charges incurred by reason of the pajonent of the said A. B. ; and that if the probate of the Avill of the said deceased be revoked, or the will declared void, then the said A. B. shall refund the whole of the legacy, with interest, to the said E. F. and L. M-, their executors, administrators, or assigns. Sealed, etc. A. B. [l. 8.] C. D. [l. s.] O. P. [l. s.] stamps — See Form No. 126. No. 144. Official Bond.— G-eneral Form, Know all men by these presents, that we, A. B., as prinei))al, and C. D. and E. F., of, tCc, as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto 166 FORM.^ AXD U!^E OF BLANKS. the State of Califoinia [or, f/te officer or officers to tpJiom the J)Ond is to he • E. F. E. W. BuEK. ) G. H. J. K. Btamps. — See Form No. 126. [For justification of sureties, see Form No. 5, and Statutes of 1859, page 142.] [L. S.] L. M. [l. s.] [L. S.] N. 0. [l. s.] [L. S.] P. Q. [l. s.] [L. S.] R. S. [l. s.] [L. 8.] IGS FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 146. Notary's Bond, Know all men by those presents : That wo, R. II. Sinton, as prin- cipal, and C. K. Garrison, Aii-t.in E. Smith, and George II. Ilosse- fios^, as sureties, all of the City of San Francisco, State of California, the said Sinton in the sum of five thousand dollars, and the said sureties in the following named sums, viz. : C. K. Garrison for five thousand dollars, and A. E. Smith and George H. Ilossefross for the sum of twenty- five liundred dollars each, making, in tlie aggregate, the whole penal sum of five thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid to the said State of California; for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and admin- istrators, jointly and severally, firmly, by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 26th day of March, a. d. 1859. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, John B. Weller, Governor of California, lias appointed and commissioned the above-bounden R. II. Sinton a notary public, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, by commission dated the 23d day of 3Iarch, A. D. 1859 : Now, therefore, if the said R. H. Sinton shall well and truly perform the duties of a notary public, as aforesaid, during liis incumbency of said office under and by virtue of the commission aforesaid, according to law, and shall faithfully discharge all duties which may be required of him by any law enacted subsequently to the execution of this bond, then this obligation shall become void: otherwise, to remain in full force and eftect. Witness our hands and seals, this 26th day of March, 1859. 11. II. Sinton. [u s] C. K. Garrison. [l. s.] A. E. Smith. [l. s.] Geo. IL Hossefross. • [l. s.] stamps — See Form No. 12G. I For justification of sureties, see Form No. 4. Seo also Gen. Lawa, 4G92.1 BOND. 169 No. 147. A Respondentia Bond. Know all men by these presents : That we, J. B., commander of the steamship L, S., in the service of the United States Mail Com- l^any, and C. R., of San Francisco, are held and firmly bound to G. L., of the same place, in the sum or penalty of fifteen thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States, to be paid to the said G. L., or to his certain attorney, ex- ecutors, administrators, or assigns ; to which payment, well INTERNAL EEVEN'tTE and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly, by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this fourth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Whereas the above-named G. L. has, on the day of the date above written, advanced and lent unto the said J. B. and C. R. the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars, gold coin of the United States, upon the goods, and merchandises, and effects, laden and to be laden on board the good steamship or vessel called the L. S., of the burden of two thousand one hundred tons, or thereabouts, now riding at anchor in the Bay of San Francisco, outward bound to , and whereof J, B. is the commander, l>y his acceptance of a bill of exchange to that amount, at four months date, for the account of them, the said J. B. and C. R. Now the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said steamship or vessel do and shall, with all con- venient speed, proceed and sail from and out of the said Bay of San Francisco, on a voyage to , and from thence do and shall sail, return, and come back into the said Bay of San Francisco, at or before the end and expiration of twelve calendar months, to be ac- counted from the day of the date above written, and there to end her said intended voyage (the dangers and casualties of the seas excepted) ; and if the said J. B. and C. R., or either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, or administrators, do and shall, within thirty days next after the said ship or vessel shall have arrived at her moor- ings in the saii/i ^HctiraLdca, as principal, and ^ialxcLlcL ^a£ clucL ^'a/tn. ^finLili, af AclLcL aitu. ctrhcL caurttu., as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto Jf^eixtu. ^. 0^cLa.i&, Sheriff of the dctici /; Liu. clucL County of ^cttx ^fLctrtCLAca, in the sum of aiie t/LaudcLixcl dollars, LcLLLtfuL marhP-u. of the United States of America, INTXr.XAI. REVENUK to be paid to the said sheriif, or his certain attorney, executors, ad- ministrators, or assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly, by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the S2cL day of ^^iLaiLSi, a. d. 186./. AVhereas, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution, issued out of the ^LAULct Court of the ^'ciLLtk JpiuLLcicLi (UJ UtiidL af tire. ^LcLte af ^cLLLfatn.LrL, I'lZ clulcL fa^ ike /^itu^ fUT-iL County of &'cLn. ^'LcLrLCLAaa, in an action wherein the said ^VJi/z. 0^ ar. l& plaintiff , and fp^tct ^Lij.Lc& defendant, against said defendant , directed and delivered to said J(£cn.Li£. ^. 0jclv1&, Sheriff of the ,(^l±rL ciklcL County of ^ixn. jSPicLiTaUaa, the said sheriff was commanded to satisfy the judgment, in. a aid rain, af t/te ftLiriicd ^Lcttes, Avith interest, out of the personal property of such defendant within his county not exempt from execution ; and if sufficient personal property could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to Iluti. on the day when the said judgment was docketed, or at any time subsequently, the said sheriff did thereupon levy upon and take into his possession the following described good.5 and chattels: \_Descrlption?^ And whereas, upon the taking of the said goods and chattels by virtue of the said writ, c.i-lc^ ^S^cLt/hcttxieL I^iLln.& claimed the said goods and chattels as Ill& pi-operty, and thereupon a jury was sum- moned by the said sheriff to try such claim, which said jury have by their finding decided in favor of said claimant. And whereas, the 17-1 FORMS AND USi: OF BLANKS. said plaiiitifT, notwithst.antling such finding, requires of s.iid sheriff that lie sh ill ret lin said property under such levy and in his custody : Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said ^a/uL (LDac, ^LcluvicL 0Lac, atrcL ^'c.lui. ^iixLUl, their heirs, executors, and administrators, t-hall well and truly indemnify and save harmless the said sheriiF, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, of and from all damages, expenses, costs, and charges, and against all loss and liability which he, the said sheriff, his heirs, ex- ecutors, administrators or assigns, shall sustain or in any wise be put to, ft)r or by reason of the levy, taking, sale, or retention by the said sheriff, in his custody, under said execution, of the said property claimed as aforesaid, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. ^frJiiL (T/ ac. [l. s.] {JILcIlllIcL plac. [l. S.] J^alux ^/nzLi/L. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of •\ Stamps.— See Form No. 126. B0TT0:M11Y.— See Bond. BY-LAWS. 175 33j)-11atos» No. 150. By-Laws of Incorporated Company. BY-LAWS OF THE Article I. — Corporate Powers. The corporate powers of this Company shall be vested in a Board of Trustees, and the other officers of the Company shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Article II. — Election of Trustees. r- On the of each year, a meeting of the Stock- holders shall be held, at which tlie Trustees of the Corporation shall be elected by ballot, to serve for one year. Their term of office shall begin immediately after election. Article III. — Meetings. All meetings of the Stockholders shall be called by a notice to be published in a daily newspaper published in the City of San Francisco, once a week for four weeks, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the Stockholders residing in the vicinity of the mine, by mail or express, of such meeting. Article IV. — Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the other Trustees in office, and such persons shall hold office until the first regular meeting of the Stockholders for the election of officers there- after. 176 FORMS AND U.-i: OF BLANKS. Article Y. — Powku of Trustkes. TIic Trustees shall have power to call meetings of the Stockhold- ers when tliey deem it necessary, giving such notice as the exigency of the time will admit ; and they shall call a meeting at any time upon tiie request of Stockholders holding one-third of all the capital stock. To appoint and remove at pleasure all olhcors, agents, and employes of tlu' Company, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation, and re- quire from them security for their faithful services when they shall deem it necessary. To make rules and regulations not inconsistent ■with the laws of the State of California, or the By-Laws of the Com- pany, for tlie guidance of the olllcers and the management of the affairs of the Company. Article VI. — Duties of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to cause to be kept a com- plete recoi-d of all their minutes and acts, and of the Stockholders; and a full statenu-nt, to be made at the regular meeting of the Stock- holders, showing in full and in detail the assets and liabilities of the Company, and generally the condition of its affairs. A similar state- ment shall be presented at any other meeting of the Stockholders, when requested by persons holding at least one third of the capital stock of the Company. To declare dividends out of the surplus profits, whenever such profits shall, in the opinion of the Trustees, warrant the same. To supervise all officers, and see that their duties are properly performed. To cause to be issued to the Stockholders, in proportion to their several interests, certificates of stock, not to exceed in the a^^regate dollars. The form of stock certi- ficate shall be made and adopted 1)y the Trustees, and shall be bind- ing upon all Stockholders and their assigns. Article VII. — President and his Ditiks. The Board of Trustees shall select one of tlieir number to act as president. In ca^e of the disability of the President to act, a Trustee shall be appointed by the lioard who shall be voted for the time being with all the duties of h:s office. The President, or, in his ab- sence, the Trustee appointed, shall preside at all meetings of the Stocklu.lders and Trustees, an -' ot the Coin- CLtLcL ^LLuLei^ ^LLn-bra. /^am/LCLrLU,," and shall have a pany. capital stock o^ fLac /uLn.dLad tkcLLLActiLd doUars, divided into fiu.(L tltaLLAcLixd shares, of the par value oi atx^ Imn-. died dollars each. ARTICLE II. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, officers. Treasurer, Secretary, and fimd Trustees. The President, Vice-President, and the fLu.e. Trustees shall togt-ther consti- tute a ''Board of Trustees," who shall have the entire man- agement and direction of all the business and property of the Company. ARTICLE HI. Section 1. The election of officers provided for in Article Election of Oflicarij. II. (with the exception of the Secretary, who shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Trustees), shall be lield oa the fdut ^Lcn.dcLH, af ^^uan-At of each year. Each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, and the highest number of votes for any office shall elect. The officers elect shall serve for the term of cue uecL^ from the first d:iy of the next month following their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 2. In case of vacancy in the offices of President, vacancies. Vice-President, Treasurer, or Trustees, it shall be the duty of 182 FOr.MS AXI> USE OF BLANKS. the Boaril of Trustees to immediately call a meeting of the Stockholders, to lill said vacancy. ARTICLE IV. Duties of Skctiox 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of Prc.idciit. the Trustees or Stockholders. He shall sign, as l^rcsident, all (,'eriiKcates of Stock, and all contracts and other instru- ments in writing, which have been first aj)provcd by the Board of Trustees. He shall draw all checks and wairauts upon the treasurer. lie shall have the casting vote at all meetings of the Stockholders or Trustees. He shall call special meetings of the Board of Trustees or Stockholders, at his discretion. He shall supervise all the officers and cinj)loyu3 of the Company, see that their duties are projierly discharged, and report to the IJoard of Trustees any negligence or mij^con- vic»-Pro5i- duct of such officers and employes. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform his duties. Tro:iMirer. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep safely all moneys and bullion belonging to tlie Company, and disburse the same under the direction of the Board of Trustees, or warrant signed by the President an- BY-LAWS. 183 ance and transfer. He shall have charge of the corporate seal, and affix the same to all instruments requiring a seal. He shall keep, in the manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees, all the accounts of the company, in books to be provided for that purpose. He shall discharge such other duties as pertain to his office, and as shall be prescribed by the Board of Trustees. Sec. 4. The Board of Trustees shall have the power, 1. Board of To call meetings of the Stockholders Avhen they deem it necessary, giving not less than two weeks notice thereof, in the manner hereinafier provided ; and they shall call meet- Powers, ings of Stockholders at any time, upon a written request of persons representing one-third of the capital stock. 2. To ai)point and remove at pleasure all employes and agents of the Company, prescribe their duties, fix their compensa- tion,' and require from them security for the faithful per- formance of their duties. 3. To make rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the ^Utte cf /^i'a.LLfaL- thicL, or the By-Laws of the Company, for the guidance of the officers and management of the affairs of the Company. 4. To declare dividends out of the surplus profit, whenever they shall deem it expedient. 5. To levy and collect such assessments as in their judgment may be necessary for the uses of the Company. 6. To incur such indebtedness as they may deem necessary, — -provided^ however, that no indebtedness over fiue. tlhciLAcifvcL dollars shall at any time be incurred by the Company, — and to authorize the execution by the President and Secretary of any note or obligation for such indebtedness. Sec. 5. It shall be the duties of the Board of Trustees, Dutus 1. To cause to be kept a complete record of all their meet- ings and acts, and also of the proceedings of the Stock- holders; present a full statement at the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders, showing in detail the assets and liabilities of the Company, and generally the condition of its affairs ; a similar statement shall be presented at any other meeting of the Stockholders, when thereto previously 18*1 FORMS A^'D USE OF BLANKS. reciucstod 1)V persons reiirescnting at least one-tliird of tlie capital stock of the Company. 2. To supervise all tlie acts of the officers and employ us, require the Secretary and Treasurer to keep full and accurate books and accounts, and to prescribe the form and mode of kcepinsr such books. 3. To cause to be issued to tlie Stockholders, in proportion to their several interests, Certificates of Stock, not to exceed in the airgrcgate the capital stock of the Company — said certificates to be subject to the assessments provided for lu Sec. 4 of this article. ARTICLE V. siiptrintend- A General Superintendent shall be apjiointed by the Board of Trustees, whose duty it shall be, 1. To reside at tlie mines, and to take charge of all property there belong- ing to the Company; to control and direct all labor and business pertaining to the interests, objects, and operations of the Company, at their mines in ^aae ^Lu-Lutn, ^lA- ttict, ^'cunhj rf ^iilaic, subject to the direction and control of the i>oar ss. City and County of San Francisco, ) I, Henry A, Cobb, a Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State aforesaid, duly ctnn- niissioned, sworn, and , 25 cents; exceeding $1,0U0, for every additional $1,000 or fractional part thereof, 25 cents. Certificate. — Any certificate of damage or otherwise, and all other certificates or documents issued by any port warden, marine surveyor, or other person acting aa such, 25 cents. Certificate of deposit of any sum of money in any bank or trust company, or with any banker, or person acting as such : — If for a sum not exceeding $100, 2 cents. For a sum exceeding $100, 5 cents. Certificates of any other description than those specified, 5 cents.— Schedule B. of U. S. Internal Revenue Act of Jan£ 30, 18G-1. See also Form No. 1. CERTIFICATE. 189 No. 153. BLANK PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before Commissioner.— Husband and Wife. State of J^Eu.cLcLcL, \ County of ^taiejt,, ) On this A^aan.cL day of jILclii, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and Bxxtj-faiLi', personally appeared before me, ^. ^. JlVcLtel- nrcLn., a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California, duly ap- poiiitc'l, commissioned, and sworn, and residing in /VLie^LtxLa. ,^iii^ LtL said county, ^'akix J/tcLLtis., and ^Lctta. Jf£cLi±L&, his wife, whose names are subscribed to the annexed instrument, as parties thereto, personally known to me to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the said instrument, as parties thereto, who each of tliem acknowledged to me that they, each of them respectively, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and pur- poses therein mentioned. And the said /^LclUl ^^cLttis, wife of the said ^'cJuT. ^LllIlLs., having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument, acknowledged to me, on examination, apart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the sime. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ^. ^'Iz, flljcLtaUricLn-, Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California. ( Commissi jner''s Seal.) '-Us. 190 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 154. BLANK I'lHI.ISIlED. Acknowledgment before Commissioner.— "Witness. St.ite of J^cacLcLcL, County of ^Ldri On tlii.s AccatLcL day of ^Lnu, a. d. one tliousnnd eight hundred and 9,\xXy-faiLi', personally appeared before me, ^ealae ^. J^licU- ctl, a Coramlssioiier of Deeds for the State of Califurnia, duly ap- pointed, commissioned, and sworn, and residing in ffilQ.ui.ia. ^ilu. in. said county, ^. 5/! ^^CclLL, persoaally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a wit- ness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and s:iid that he resides in i.cLid jVLLQ.Lnia. ^itjc in. Sctul caiitUi^ ; that he was present and saw r^L fHfaad, personally known to him to be the same person described in, and who executed, the said instrument, as CL part^. thereto, sign, seal, and deliver the same; and that the said r^L flVaacL acknowledged in the presence of said affiant that kc executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and pur- poses therein mentioned, and that he, the said affiant, subscribed his name as a witness thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ^eaiac. ^. I^liaUeH, Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California. (Co/«mis*toner's StaU) No. 155. lU.ANK riHLISUKn' Acknowledgment before Commissioner. State of N'riutiLd, ] -^ - ss. County of ^/LiJ-Pu, ' On this scQamL Hay of ^'^Laij, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty -/a/i/', personally appeared before me, ^'. jDf. ^LLuxLLL, a CERTIFICATE. 191 Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California, duly appointed, commissioned, and sworn, and residing in jV'iLciln.LcL i^ilr^ bx said county, fllf. ^. ^cLffccLcL cLn.cL ^. ^aAe/xLcLiurL, whose names die. subscribed to the annexed instrument, as partZ^s thereto, person- ally known to me to be the same persons described in, and who exe- cuted, the said instrument, as partZ^s thereto, who £dged to me that they, each of them respectively, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. And the said /'dctla. r^taAiia, •v\dfe of the said Jf'.JLn. ^^uUl&, having been by me first made ac- quainted with the contents of said instrument, acknowledged to me on examination, apart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed tiie same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her liusbaud, and that she does not wish to retract tiie execution of the same. In witness whereof, I have h^-reunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, the day and year in this certificate first above written. fH^LLLLcLnr X^rrjf'ij, County Clerk. [Sad of County Court) CERTIFICATE. 193 No. 158. BLANK PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before County Clerk.— "Witness. State of California, f^Lttj. cLtrcL County of ^ctn. ^LcLtT-ctAca, On this Aecand day of ^/ILcLit, A. r>. one thousand eight hundred and %\yi\^-faiLt^, personally appeared bef(n-e me, flVLLL'La.m. 01c.e.uu^, County Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the County Court in and for the said dii-u. cLtLcL county, ^. ^. JftixLL, personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed and said that he resides in ika AclLcL ^iti^ cLmd ^atLn.tj^ af ^ctn. ^Lctn.- cUna; that he was present and saw ^L fWaacL, personally known to him to be the same person described in, and who executed, the said annexed instrument, as a party thereto, sign, seal, and dt'liver the same; and that the said ^C. jWaacL acknowledged in the presence of Slid affiant that ke executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that he, the said affiant, subscribed his name as a witness thereof In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, the day and year in this certificate first above written. fWLLLicLnx ^aeuLu,, County Clerk. {Seal of County Court) No. 159. BLANK PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before County Clerk, State of California, ) /^itu. cLrtcL County of ^ctn. ^'LcLrLCLAaa, ) On this Aecan.d day of ^La.u, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;fi2.f/./', persjnally appeared before me, JllfLLLLcLm. ^aeuLii., 13 104 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. County Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the County Court in and lor the said cLLo. cLn.lL county, ///". <-/. Sfu-f^faLcL clilcL =5/! ^c.6.ch.Ucxilhl, whose namcii ctic subscribed to the annexed instrument, as parties thereto, personally known to ine to be the same persona described in, and who executed, the said annoxcd instrument, as part/^i{ thereto, who /ac/t afl Uicnr acknowleilged to me tliat iliru,, cucJl af llie.in. iij/LcctLaclu, executed the same freely and volun- tarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, the day and year in this certificate first above written. JlV'iLLicLnx jEllcx.Lu.iiy County Clerk. (iSeaZ of County Court.) No. 160. BI-AXIC PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before County Clerk-— Attorney in Fact. State of California, ) ^itiL and County of ^ctn. ^'LcLn.aLAca, ) On this AcccixcL day of ^Lclu, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/o.ay', personally appeared before me, /HfLLLLiLin. ^aeuxu., County Clprk, and ex-officio Clerk of the Pounty Court in and for the said r.i'lu. fULiL county, fUy", ^', QjclUui., personally known to me to be the same person described in, and who executed by power of attorney, the annexed instrument, as the attorney in fact of ^.ccJfia /; ,3finr.tL, named in the annexed instrument as il part/^. thereto, and therein described as the part^_ executing the same by Ills, said attorney ; and the said JlL^. ^'. ^clUux acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, as and fur the act and deed of the said ^/j^tLdr^a / . ^ijnatL, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the CERTIFICATE. 195 seal of said court, the day and year in tliis certificate first above written, JWiLLLcLrrL ^aaiALju., County Clark. {SqolI of County Court.) No. 161. BLANK PCBLISnED. Acknowledgment before County Recorder.— Husband and Wife. State of California, ss. J ^iiiL cLircL County of ^cut. ^'icLn^LSca, On this Ae.can.cL day of ^Lclil, a. d. one thou^^and eight hundred and sixty- /<2/i/', personally ajipeared before me, ^li.arrhCL& JTJ^auufi, County Recorder in and for the said cLLu. clucL county, ^akn ^CcLttis. and ^LcLta. ^f-oltis., his wife, whose names are subscribed to the annexed instrument as parties thereto, personally known to mc to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the said annexed instrument, as parties thereto, who each of them acknowl- edged to me that they, each of them respectively, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned. And the said /ffLata. J/£clILl&, wife of the said ^fakn. ^a.ltL&, having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument, acknowledged to me, on examination apart from and without the hearing of her husbam.!, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ^ItanrcLS. JTJ^aurLct^, County Recorder, [seal.] 196 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 162. BI.A.MC rriil.ISlIED. Acknowledgment before County Recorder.— "Witness. State of Calitbrnia, ' S3. J (^'lIij. cLiicL County of -fiui. 2f'la.ttcisca, On tliis Aerancl day of ^ Halij, a. u. one thousand eight liinidred and sixty-/ii///', personally appeared before me, ^/ic/Aza..s jj/ctina, County Kecoider in and for the said rlLij. uml couniy, ^. ^. JfCciH . j)ersonally known to me to be the same persDn whosj name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a witness thereto, wlio being by me duly sworn, deposed and said, that he resides in llic aclLlL ^iiij, cLn.lL /^aiuxtu. af ^un ^'ia.n.c.iAca. ; that he was present and saw JL flWaacL, personally known to him to be the same person described in, an and jjurposes therein mentioned ; and that he, the said affiant, subscribed his name as a witness thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixcd my official seal, the day and year in this certificate fii-st above written, • ^lLc.rrLCL& JlJja.LUi(i,, County liecorder. [seal.] No. 163. IJI.AXK ri'IlLISItr.D. Acknowledgment before County Recorder. State of California, ) f ss. t^ttj- ftncL County of ~/tin JJlttHrlsn^, ) On this srrrntl day of ^ /i aij, A. i>. one thousand eight hundred nnd »'xi\-frin^, personally appearetl lufore me, ^!Lrinii.& Jlj^aunf^, County ilecorder in and fjr th • saiil rl li^ ttiuL county, /ll/. <5^ CEPwTIFICATE. 197 ^cuflfald. CLrLcL ^. 0lc.Aen.La.um, whose names ctte subscribed to the annexed instrument, as partZ^s thereto, personally known to me to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the said annexed instrument, as partZz^s thereto, who ,zclc/l ciftlLe.in. acknowledged to me that tlhiiu, cixcIl cf i/Leni las/LcciLLLEtii^, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein men- tioned. In witness w^hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea!, the day and year in this certihcate first above written. ^IhanTCLS. J]J-^n^n.ci, County Recoider. [seal.] No. 164. BLANK PDBLISUED, Acknowledgment before County Recorder.— Attorney in Fact. State of California, Vitu, cLfTcL County of ^clh. ^!L(3.rLiiLAcLC., ss. J On this Acccind day of ^/ILclu, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/y^.//^/', personally appeared before me, X^/Lania.& J]j^rALn.c^, County Recorder in and for the said ((^i±!L ctircL County, fil''. ^. 0} clUut., personally known to me to be the same person desc-ribi-d in, and who executed by power of attorney, the annexed instrument, as the attorney in f ict of ^eata^e. ^. ^Lu,an., named in the annexed instrument as a. part^_ thereto, and therein described as the part^ executing the same by AZs said attorney ; and the said /?//. ^. 0)a.ULn. acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, as and for the act and deed of the said ^leatr^e. ^. ^iiLaiT., and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In Avitness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. ^/tanTCLH JlJ^aiuhri, County Recorder. [seal.] 198 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 1^5. BLANK I'LIU-ISIIED. Acknowledsnient bafore Justics of the Peace.— Husband and Wife. State of California, j Couuty of ^'kLcLrnccia, ) ^ ' On this AacciLcL day of ^ILciij., A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty -/c/t/, personally appeared before me, ^'', JiW. ^'aLcuLun, a Justice of the Peace in and for the t>aid count/, ^altn. r^£a.iiL& and ^flcLicL ^HclLlU, his wife, whose names are subscribed to the annexed instrument as parties thereto, personally known to me to be the same persons described in, and who executed, tlie said annexed instrument, as ))arties thereto, Avho eaoli of them acknowledged to mc that tlu'V, each of them respectively, executed the same fn-ely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. And the said ^Lctia. ^CtxltLs, wife of the said ^'cJtn ^'/Ca.LLi&, having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instru- ment, acknowledged to me, on examination apart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her hus- band, and that she docs not wish to retract the execution of the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal (having no seal of oflice), tlie day and year in this cer- tificate first above written. J'. JIW. ^aLemrin, [l. S.] Justice of the Peace. No. 166. ni.ANK rt lU.ISIIED. Acknowledgment before f ustice of the Peace.— "Witness State of California, j County of ^fLniLLiL f, \^" On this AimcjiiL day of ^/Lni/ . A. D. one tliousand eijiht hundred CERTIFICATE. 199 and s\xty-^atLf', personally appe.irecl before me, ^^. 7?/.. ^/^^unmand, a Justice of the Peace in and fox- the said county, ^. <§/! ^tctLL, per- sonally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and said, that he resides in tli.e ^auan. a^ ^'a.ii/^Acnx uT AcLLcL aaiuvtu. ; that he was present and saw ^C. flVaad, per- sonally known to him to be the same person described in, and who executed, the annexed instrument, as a party thereto, sign, seal, and deliver the same; and that the said JfC Jllfaad acknowledged, in the presence of said affiant, that ke executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that he, the said affiant, subscribed his name to said instrument as a witness thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set ray hand and affixed my private seal (having no seal of office), the day and year in this certifi- cate first above written. ^. jy.. ^£cLin.manLd, [l. S.] Justice of the Peace. No. 167. BLANK PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before Justice of the Peace. State of California, ss County of /^ilUe, On this Acaand day of ^Lctjj., a. d. one thousand eight himdred and %\yitj-fatLt^, personally appeared before me, ^ealae ^Lal^iide., a Justice of the Peace in and for the said county, fllf. ^ ^ctf^atd o.n.d ^. 0LaA(LivLcLLurL, whose names clLc. subscribed to the annexed instrument as partzl^s thereto, personally known to me to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the said annexed instru- ment, as partZi^s thereto, who ecLali. af t/iem acknowledged to me that i/iej^, cctck af ikem. te^A/i^cctLa^L^, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my 200 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. private scnl (having no seal of office), the dny and year in this certi- ficate first above written. gg^atrye ^LcI^iLde, [l. S.J Justice of the Peace. No. 168. BLANK I'UIJLISnnD. Acknowledgment before Justice of the Peace.— Attorney in Fact. State of California, ) V SS County of ^LtUnjieLcLs, \ On this sccaiLcL day oi ^{Lan, a. d. one thousand eight hiuidrcd and sixty-fc.u/', jjersonally appeared before me, Jpiuric& ^Cclu.cluL, a Justice of tlie Peace in and for the said county, JW. ^'. ^ aldn., personally known to mo to be the same person described in, and who executed by power of attorney, the annexed instrument, as the attor- ney in fact o^ ^ecLac ^. ^Lnan, named in the annexed instru- ment as a. partT^, thereto, and therein described as the part^ executing the same by Ids. said attorney ; and the said flV. J^'>. (D^ aldn. acknowledi^'ed to me that he executed the same freely and volun- tarily, as and for the act and deed of the said ^^naiac ^. ^in^aiv, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my private seal (liaving no seal of office), the day and year in this certili- cate first above wiitten. ^'txuvPA ^Criiinlil, \\.. S.] Justice of the Peace. CERTIFICATE. 201 No. 169. BLANK PCBLISIIED. Acknowledgment before Notary Public— Husband and Wife. State of California, ) s^^ ^'itu. cuT-cL County of ^ctii. ^'Lcti-LaiAaa, S On this AdCLCJxcL day oi ^ILcLrt, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-T^r./i/', personally appeared before rae, ^tanlu. JflctLQ/d:, a Notary Public in and for the said cLti^ a.n.cL county, ^'akn. ^tcLiiLs. and /pLctlct ^ta.tli&, his wife, whose names are subscribed to the annexed instrument, as parties thereto, personally known to rae to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the said an- nexed instrument, as parties thereto, who each of them acknowledged to me that they, each of them respectively, executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. And the said i^'LclLcl ^T.clLLl&, Avife of the said ^afui. JflcLttis., having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of sniJ instrument, acknowledged to me, on examination apart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, w^ithout fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hancf and afExed my official seal, the day and year \\\ this certificate first above written. ^te.n.ln. J/CcLLO-Irt, Notary Public. (Notarial Seal.) No. 170. BLANK PUBLISnED. Acknowledgment before Notary Public— Witness. State of California, ) V ss. ^Itj^ CLtLcl County of ^a.n. ^LctrhaLscLa, ) On this s^catLii day of ^iLctj^, a. d. one thousand eight hundred 202 For.Ms AND rsK of blanks. and sixty-/r///', ]UM-son;illy appeniel bcroix' mo, Jf^miu- dT iriclt- ■fcliL, a Notiiry Public in nnd for the said riljj^ ciiid county, ^\ ^. J/CilU , j)crson.illy known to me to be tlie same person whose name is subscribed to llie anmxo.l instniineiit, as a Avitness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and said, that he resides in lIlc. .ulIiL /^jlIjj. clHcL ^/^aiLiLtu afl ^cui. ^'LcLtxciAcc. ; that lie was present and saw ^C. flWacLcL, personally known to him to be the same person described in, and who executed, the said annexed instrument, as a part^. thereto, sign, seal, and deliver the same ; and that the said f^L /UfcctL acknowledged, in the presence of said affiant, that /lc executed the same fVet-ly and vuluiitaiily, and for the uses and pur- poses therein menliont'd, and that he, the said affiant, subscribed his name as a witness thereof. In witness whereof, 1 have luM'cunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this ccrtilicate tirst above written. J/Cnivlj^ ^icScliffliL, Notary Public. {Notarial Seal.) No. 171. BLANK I'l'Iil.ISIIED. Acknowledgment before Notary Publio. State of California, ' ss. i/LriJrr, ) (^itij. and County cf ^cLfi. ^ficLi On this srrcncL day of _///_/-///, a. d. one thousand eight himdred and sixty-/r7//, personally appeared before me, ^. /l". ^f'atce, a Notary Public in and for the said rllij and county, /llf. ^. ^'af- -f't 1(1 and ^. 0iaAcnbatini, whose namc.s a.Lc subscribed to the annexed instrument as part/V.s thereto, personally knoAvn to me to be the same person.s described in, and who executed, the said annexed instrument, as part/V.s thereto, who rarli. r/' tkcin. acknowledged to me that lltnj, rnrlt ( /' Ihrin i i\i/i rrl I'lrl tj^ executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and i)urposes therein men- tioned. CEKTIFICATE. 203 In witness Tvliereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. §. /I". yaLce, Notary Public. {Notarial Seal) No. 172. BLANK PUBLISHED. Acknowledgment before Notary Pnblic— Attorney in Fact. State of California, ) r SS. f^Ltu. ctircL County of ^'ctn. ^La.n_cUca, ) On this AcccjLci dny of ^/ILclu., a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixiy-/', personally appeared bclbre me, ;^U flicd /J^uULatti, a Notary Public in and for the said clhj ftiuL c :)unty, ^fcluL ^^aL- l/s, and ^f/u/tL ^£nilis,\\\A wife, sati>factorily proved to me to be the same persons described in, and who executed, the annexed instru- ment, as partii'S thereto, by the oath of ^Tlrjiundri^ ^jl'tinirs, a conijictenL and credible witness for tliat purpose by me duly sworn, CERTIFICATE. 205 nnd the said ^akn, ^£.cLtt'L&, and ^LclIcl J/£cLills, his "vrife, acknowl- edged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. And tlie said f^Lctta. ^IcLllls, wife of the said ^a/ux ^LclIiLs., having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of sai4 instrument, acknowl- edged to me, on examination npart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed tlie sime freely and voluntarily, with- out fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above Avritten. Notary Public. (}i\otarial Seal.) No. 175. BLANK PUBLISHED, Ackno"wledgnient before Notary Public— Wife. State of California, ) ^:!-tn. and County of &fa.n ^la.n.CLAcc., > On this tlhitcL day of ^dLau, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;f£i//./^, personally appeared before me, -/S*. /^. ^aiiruf^ciLL, a Notary Public in and for the said cLtj^ a.n.cL county, ^LclLcl J/CclL- ""tis., wife of ^cJlii. J/tcLtlis, whose name is subscribed to tlio an- nexed instrument as a party thereto, and who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the said annexed instrument as a party thereto, and she, having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument, acknowledged to me, on examination apart from and without the hearing of her said husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, without fear or compulsion, or undue influ-ence of her said husband, and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same. 206 FOmiS AND USE OF BLANKS. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. -J3^. ^ ^CLlLUJClll, Xotaiy Public. {Xotarial Seal.) No. 176. Acknowledgment by Attorney Proven to the Officer. State of Calit'oinia, |^ County of El Dorado, ) On this fifth day of May, cCv., before me personally came A. B., proven satisfactorily to me to be tlie same person described in, and who executed, the within conveyance, as the attorney in fact of C. D., by the oath of G. II., a competent and credible Avitness for that pur- pose, by me duly sworn ; and thereupon, the said A. B. acknowledged before me that he executed the same, as and for the act and deed of the said C. D., freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand, cCc. IIenry HAiaiiT, Notary Public. {Notarial Seal) No. 177. Acknowledsment by a Corporation. State of California, ) ^^ City and County of San Francisco, ) On this sixth day of Au'.'ust, a. d. 1864, before me personilly cnme A. B., tlie president of the Table Mountain Mining C»>nipany, to me personally known to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as the prcsideut of tlic Table Mountain Mi- CEETIFICATE. 207 ning Company, and lie aclcnowledjied to me that he executed the same as tlie president of said company, for and on the behalf and in the name of said company, ns its free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes thei'ein mentioned, and in pursuance of the order and resolution of said company directing such deed to be executed, by signing the same as president thereof, and affixing thereto its corpo- rate seal. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial Beal, the day and year first above written. Henry Haight, Notary Public. (Notarial Seal.) No. 178. Acknowledgment by a Corporation.— Another Form. State of California, ) ss. County of Tuolumne, ) On this sixth day of August, a. d. 1864, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county, personally came M. N., to me person- ally known to be the president of the Bald Hill Quartz Mining Com- pany, and the same pei-son who, as its president, has executed the above instrument,* who being by me duly sworn, said, that in pursu- ance of the direction of the managers of said company, he had exe- cuted the same, by affixing theieto the corporate seal of said com- pany, and by signing the same as such president. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written. P. B., Notary Public. {Notarial Seal.) 208 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. No. 179. Acknowledgment by a Corporation.— Another Form. [P)'oceed as in p)rcc(7oi[/ I'^rm to *, and then add'] by signing the said instrument, and affixing thereto the corporate seal of saj. acknowledged before me that he executed the same, as such executor ["/•, administrator, o?', trustee], as aforesaid, Ireely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness, cC'c. E. F., Notary Public. (Notarial Seal) CERTIFICATE. 209 No. 181. Acknowledgment by a Party to confirm Deed executed during Infancy. State of California, ) Los Angeles County, f On this fifth day of May, c£;c., before me personally came A. B., to me personally known to be ihe individual described in, and who exe- cuted, the within conveyance, and thereupon duly acknowledged that the said conveyance Avas formerly executed by him when he was an infant under twenty-one years ; that he has since arrived at full age, and is desirous of confirming his former execution thereof; and that he now acknowledges that he executed the same, and now confirms the same as and for his act and deed, freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand, cf'C. E. F., Notary Public. {Nbiaricd Seal.) No. 182. Acknowledgment by a Married Woman whose Husband is not residing in the State. State of California, ) J- ss. County of , ) On this day of , 1859, before me, M. N,, Judge of the District Court of the Judicial District of the State of California, in and for said County of , personally appeared Mrs. Mary Landers, a married woman, to me personally known to be the individual described in, and who executP'l, the foregoing instrument; and at the same time also appeared Jolm iJoe and R. Roe, two credible and disinterested citizens of this State, to me personally known as such, who being by ine severally sworn, each for himself, said, that he is a citizen of the State of California an.l a resident of the Town of , County of ; that ho is acquainted with the said Mary Landers, and with 14 210 FORMS AND USE OF r>LAXKS. Hugh Laiulers, licr husband, and l>as known tliom, and each of thetrv, for more than one year past ; that more than one year ago — to wit, eighteen months ago — the said Ilugli Landers deserted his wife, the said Mary Landers, and went to Sonora, Mexico, to reside, announcing Lis determination and intention to that effect, and has never since returned ; that according to the full Lelief of deponent, the sai ss Santa Clara County, [ On this fifth day of May, c6c., before me personally came C. D., to me personally knoAvn to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within conveyance, as a witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resided in the Town of Gih-oy, in said county ; that he knew A. B. to be the person described in, and who executed, the within conveyance, as the attorney in fact of M. N". therein named ; that he was present, and saAv the said A. B. execute the same as such attorney, and heard. him acknowledge that, as the attorney for the said M. N"., and as his act and deed, he executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein men- 2J2 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. tioaed, nml tliat he, tlie said C. D., thereupon subscribed bis name tliereto as a witness thereof. Witness, <£•<•. Wm. W. Wiggins, [Nolarial Seal.) Notary Public. No. 186. Proof of the Execution of an Instrument, where the Sub- scribing Witnesses are Dead or Absent. State of California, ) r SS. City and County of San Francisco, ) On the ninth day of May, a. d. 1858, before me, Samuel Hermann, a Notary Public in and for said county, duly commissioned and swoin, personally apjieared F. II. Woods and J. 11. Stebbins, competent and credible witnesses, to me personally known ; and the said F. II. Woods, being by me duly sworn, deposed and stated on oath : That he personally knew T. M. Leavenworth, whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a party thereto ; that he "well knew said Leavenworth's si<^^nature, from having frequently seen him sign his name, and believed the name of said Leavenworth, so subscribed to said instrument as a party thereto, was subscril)ed by said Leaven- worth. And the said J. IT. Stebbins, being by me duly sworn, staled : That lie knew R. A. Lockwood and John T. Doyle [or., wtdl knew K. A. Lockwood, one of the persons] whose names are subscriliecl as ■\ritnesses to said instrument ; that he well knew their signatures, from having frequently seen them sign their names; ami tliat he b(.'lievcd the names of the said R. A. Lockwood and John T. Doyle, snbscril)ed thereto as witnesses, were subscribed by said persons. And I hereby certify, that I am satisfied that none of the subscribing witnesses to said instrument can be had to prove the execution thereof; the said R. A. Lockwood being dead, and the said John T. Doyle being absent from the State of California. Witness my hand and notarial seal, the day and year first above written. Samuel IIkuimaxx, Notary Public. (NviarUa SeoL) See Gen. Laws, C5G. CERTIFICATE. 213 No. 187. Certificate of Approval of County Judge, to be Endorsed upon Notary's Bond. State of California, l City and County of San Francisco, ) I, M. C. Blake, County Judge of said city and county, do hereby approve of the sufficiency of the within bond, and of the sureties thereto ; and I hereby certify that R. H. Sinton, within named, this day took and subscribed the oath of office as notary public, endorsed upon his commission be- fore me, in words and figures following, viz. : REVENUE State of California, ) V ss. City and County of San Francisco, ) I, R. H. Sinton, of the city and county aforesaid, do solemnly swear, that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of notary public in and for said city and county, according to the best of my ability. R. 11. SiXTOX. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 26th day of March, A. d. 1849. M. C. Blake, County Judge. Given under my hand, at the city hall in said City and County of San Francisco, this 26th day of March, a. d. 1859. M. C. Blake, County Judge. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. } iNrr.r.xAL UEVENCE '-■: i FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 188. . BLANK I'l'lSLlSlIED. Certificate of Incorporation. State of California, /(■'^U '^""'' Cuuiity of ~//L/L ^fI'L(Liiiiij>ra "We, tlie luulLTsigned, being Jesirous of forming a corporation for the purpose of mining, under and in pui.suanco uf tlie laws of tlie State of California, do liereby certil'y and declare as follows: lurst. That the said coi'poration shall l)e known by the name of the " /U"ulLci^ ^^ii Id txnd ^LLum' ^ILuiuir^ Second. That the object of said corporation sh:ili be to carry on and conduct tlie business of mining on, and extracting metals oi o^aLd LUhd aLIll£i^ from, i/Lcit certain vein or lode known by the name of Lkc flWinie^ fV'ELn. at^ ^ada , and situated and recorded in ,^yc.a.e Mining District, ^unLti. pLiu.c.t-., County of ^llLclLc, and Third. That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be f'Li'.c luurdlcd t/icjUctiid dollars, whirli shall be divided into f-HuLc i/iaiLdcLnd shares, of a/ie /nuidled dollars each. Fourth. That the said corporation shall exist for the term of i'i I'ln years. Fifth. That the principal place of business of said corporation shall be in the /;:lIu- and County of ^Jaii. ^'LtLtLctSca, State of Cali- fornia. Sixth. That the number of trustees who shall manage the concerns of said corporation for the first three months, shall be f^ian ; and the following are the names of the said trustees, to wit : \Ni.'\ In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this dl:cLlL day of ^Liiansf, A. D. 180.^. « [Karnes of the Sifftiers.] Signed and sealed, in the presence of ) [K'li/ifS of Wi(/i(',ssrs^. ) Stamps.— Sec Form No. 1 ',2. [A certiflf-ato of this kind must bo acknowlccl^r^'d and filed in tho county clerk's olflcc, and a certified copy filed in the ifccrct-ary of State's office. See Goo. Lawa, 0J3.] CERTIFICATE. 215 No. 189. Certificate of Incorporation of a Bank. "We, the undersigned persons, do hereby certify that we have associated ourselves together, and desire to form a company for the purpose of engaging in the business of banking, and that we desire to incorporate the same under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled " An Act to provide for the Formation of Corporations for certain purposes," approved April 14th, in the year of our INTERNAL RETENUE Lord 1853, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary there- to ; and we certify. First. That the corporate name of the company shall be " The Bank of California." Second. That the objects for which the company is formed are to engage in and carry on the business of banking to such extent, and in all such branches, as may legally be done under the Constitution and laws of the State of California. Third. That the amount of its capital stock shall be two millions of dollars, with the right to increase the same to five millions of dol- lars, and the time of its existence fifty years. Fourth. That the number of shares of which the stock shall consist shall be twenty thousand, of one hundred dollars each. Fifth. That there shall be eleven trustees, that is to say, D. O. Mills, William C. Ralston, J. B. Thomas, Louis McLane, O. F. Giffin, John O. Earl, Thomas Bell, Herman Michels, A. J. Pope, Wm. Norris, and James Whitney, Jr., who shall manage the concerns of the company for the first three months. SU'th. That the principal place of business of the company is to be located at the City and Coimty of San Francisco, in the State of California. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 12th day of May, 1864. D. O. Mills, W. C. Ralston, J. B. Thomas, A. T. Lawtois^, O. F. GirFi:Nr, John O. Eakl, 216 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. J. Whitney, Jr., Herman Micuels, Moses Ellis, R. M. Jessip, Wm. E. 1>ai;rox, II. F. Tesciiemacuer, Louis McLane, A. C. IIentrv, William Alvord Stamps.— Soe Form Xo. ] 52. [Ackaow lodgment and flling as in Form Xo. ISS.] William Norris, A. 15. MCCUEKRY, A. J. Pope, R. S. Fretz, Thomas Bell, George II. Howard, Samuel Knigut, J. C. WiLMERDIXG, No. 190. Certificate of Incorporation of Benevolent Society. State of Califoruia, ^ City and County of San Francisco, ) We, tlie undersigned niembcrs of La Socictc Fran^ftise do Bien- faisance Mutuelle, and judges of the election held as hereinafter mentioned, do hereby certify, That at a meeting of said society, held on the day of , A. D. 186 , in the City of , after due notice thereof previously given by publication in the newspaper, printed and published in city, and in accordance with the article of the by-laws of the so- ciety, and which meeting was held for the purpose of electing two trustees of the said society, in the place of A. B. anp])or- tunity of obtaining from it the use of a moderate capital, on giving good and sulHcient security for the repayment of the same; that the amount of its capital stock shall be dollars, and the number of shares of which said stock sliall consist shall be ; CERTIFICATE. 225 • that the society shall go into operation as soon as shares shall have been subscribed for, and an instalment of dollars per share paid thereon ; that the time of its existence shall be years, from and after the filing of this act of incorpora- tion ; that the number of directors for the first six months shall be , and that their names are A., B., C, D., and E., and that the principal place of business of the society shall be located at the City of , County of , State of California, In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, in duplicate, in the City of , this day of , A. D. 186 . A. [l. s.] B. [l. s.] C. [l. s.] D. [l. s.] E. [l. s.] Stamps. — ^ee Form 1 52. [Acknowledgment and filing as in Form No. 188. See Gen. Laws, 1098.} No. 200. Certificate of Incorporation of a Telegraph Company. State of California, ) City and County of San Francisco, ) We , do hereby certify and declare : That we have this day associated ourselves together as a company, for the purpose of constructing and putting in operation a line of wires of EETENTTE iKTEr.NAi. elect ro-niRguetic telegraph from the City of San Francisco, by way of the City of San Jose, the Towns of Santa Cruz and Monterey, and other intermediate points, to the City of Los Angeles, under and in pursuance of an act of the Legis- lature of the State of Ca ifornin, entitled " An Act concerning Corpo- rations," passed April 22d, 1850. And we fwrtlier c-itify and declare as follows, to wit: First. Thiit the corporate name to distinguish such company and association, and to be nst-d in its dealings, and by which it shall sue and be sued, is and shill be "The Pacific and Atlajitic Telegraph Company." 13 22G rOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Second. That the general route of said line of telegraph is and shall be the most practicable and direct route from the City of San Francisco, by way of the City of San Jose-, the Town of Monterey, the Town of Sant:i Cruz, and other intermediate points and places, to the City of Los Angeles. Third. That the capital stock of said association is and shall l^e dollars, which capital stock is and shall be divided into shares of stock, each share of which shall represent dollars, of the capital stock of said company. Fourth. That the natnee and places of residence of the persons hold- ing share-; in s lid association and company, an'd the number of shares subscribed for by each of them respectively, are as follows, to wit: NAME. PLACE OF RESIDENCE. NO. OF SUARES. A. B. San Francisco, 500 C. D. " " ^<^-i <-^c- Fifth. That said association and company shall commence on this day of , a. d. 18 ,and shall continue for the period of years next thereafter, and shall terminate at tlie expiration of said time. In witness wliereof, we have hereunto set our several liands and seals, this d:iy of , a. d. 186 , at the City and County of San Francisco (signed in duplicate). A. B. [l. s.] C. D. [l. s.] E. F. [l. s.] Signed and sealed, in the presence of | J. B. f Stamps — See Form No. 1 52. [.\ekiio\vk'd-:ment and filing as in Form. No. 18S. — Seo Gen. Law.", 904.] No. 201. Certificate of Incorporation of a Vineyard Society. This is to certify, that the subscribers hereto have, this day of , in the year of our Lord 180 (under the act of the EEVENtTE CERTIFICATE. 227 Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act to provide for the Formation of Corporations for certain pur- poses," approved April 14th, 1853,), associated themselves together as a corporation for the purpose of manufacturing wine from grapes grown in the County of , in the said State of California j and have determined and agreed as follows : 1st. That the name of said corporation shall be the Los Angeles Vineyard Society, and that the capital stock of said company shall be dollars, divided into equal shares, of dollars each, and that the principal place of business shall be in , County of , State of California , and that the mechanical operations of said company shall be conducted in the said County of , at the rancho called 2d. That the duration of said association shall extend to and em- brace the day of , A. d. 187 . 3d. The affairs of said association shall be managed by a board .of trustees, whose names are as follows, to wit: A., B., C, and D., they being the trustees appointed by the said association to manage its business, under the constitution and by-laws adopted for the first three months after the incorporation of the snid company, and until such time as other trustees are elected, under the said con- stitution and by-laws, to succeed themu A. [L.S.] B. [l. s.] C. [l. s.] D. [l. s.] Stamps — See Form No. 152, [Acknowleclgraent and filing as in Form No. 188. See Gen. Laws, 933.] No. 202. Certificate of Incorporation of a "Wa-trir Company. Certificate of Licorporatlon of the San M-it«.'tributing the same, by means of aqueducts and pipes, through the streets and buildings of said City of , and County of , and selling the said wati-r. Art. 4. — The amount of the capital stock of this corporation i.s and shall be the sum of dollars, and the same shall be divided into shares, of dollars each. Art. 5. — This corporation shall continue for the period of years, from tlie day of , a. D. 180 . Art. G. — There shall be trustees of this corporation, who shall manage the concerns of the said corporation for the first three months after the formation of this corporation. The names and resi- dences of said first trustees are as follows: A. B., of • C. D., of , t£v. In witness whereof, the undersigned have hereunto subscribed their names at , this day of , a. d., 18G A. B. CD. E. F. stamps .^ce Form No. 152, [AckuowlcdgTncnt and filing ns in Form No. 183. Sec Gen. Law.'^, 9G7 and 933.] INTERNAL EEVENUE CERTIFICATE. 229 No. 203. Certificate of Incorporation of a Dock and Wharf Company. The undersigned, trustees of the San Francisco Dock and Wharf Company, in conformity with the requirements of an act entitled "An Act to provide for the Formation of Corporations for cer- tain purposes," passed the 14th day of April, a. d, 1853, do certify, that they desire to form a corporation for wharf- ing, dockage, and general warehousing purposes, under the name and style of "Tiie San Fiancisco Dock and Wharf Ct)mpany," and to incorporate the same for years, from the day of , a. d. 186 . The said corporation to pursue the business of wharfing, dockage, and warehousing, in the City of , and County of , the principal place of business of the company, with a capital of dollars, represented by shares of stock, divided into shares of dollars each. Said corporation to purchase and sell such real estate as may be deemed necessary by its trustees to carry on said business, or which may be obtained by purchase or otherwise in the course of its business. To build a sea-wall or bulkhead, wharfs, piers, docks, and ware- houses, and to purchase or lease the same, with the rights, franchises, or contracts appurtenant ; to hire or build such warehouses as maybe required to carry on said wharfing and dockage, and the business incident thereto; and generally to possess powers sufficiently ample and extensive to meet the requirements of the increasing business in which said corporation may engage. The undersigned do further certify, that the number of trustees of the San Francisco Dock and Wharf Company, herein incorporated under the before-mentioned act, shall be as follows, namely, A., B., C, cCt., of the City of , who shall manage the concerns of the company for the first three months, and until their successors are lawfully elected. Dated this day of , a. d. 186 . A. B. C, d;c. stamps — See Form No. 152. [Acknowledgment and filing as in Form No. 188. See Gen. Laws, 933.] 230 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 204. BLANK I'lIJLlSIIED. County Clerk's Certificate annexed to Copy of Ceitificate of Incorporation. Office of the County Clerk, \ Of the ,^xZ/^ tL/ul County of ^a.fi ^lanclsca. ) I, /il"//i. ^Lacuiic, County Clerk of the ^itii- and. County of ^an ^flancLAca, State of California, and Clerk of the County Court thereof, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and correct copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the ^mcUcLi. /V'txiiei^ ^cJlL and ^LLulei'- ^/iLiainr^ ^atrtftarLiti on file in my office. AVitness my hand and the seal of said court, this S^tlh /Win. ^aeiu.u, Clerk, By fUfm. ^£atnau., Deputy Clerk. {Seal of County Court.) Stamps. — Seo Form No. 152. ' tXTEHNAL REVKNrZ No. 205. Certificate to Copy of a Record, or Paper, on File in the Clerk's Office. State of California, j City and County of San Francisco, \ ss. County Clerk's Office, May 1, 1859, ) I, William Duer, County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco \tchcre the paper is onjile or on record in one of the courts ofichich he is clerk, add, and clerk of the Court], do hereby certify, that I have (•oin])ared the foregoing copy of a [iM/md the in.stno/ii n/.], and of the endorsements there- upon, Avith the original records of the same remaining in this office [or^ with the originals now remaining on file in EEVENtTE CERTIFICATE. 231 this office], and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom, and of the whole of said original records [or, originals]. Witness my hand, and the seal of, ct'c. [seal.] Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 206. Certificate of Exemplification of Record. State of California, City and County of San Francisco, [ I, William Duer, County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco,- State of California, and ex-officio Clerk of the Probate Court thereof, do hereby certify, that the foregoing eight pages, numbered from one to eight, inclusive, contain a true, full, and correct transcript of all the papers, orders, and proceedings on file, and of record in my office, in the matter of the estate of A. B., deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of said Probate Court, this four- teenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. [seal.] William Duee, Clerk. stamps See Form No. 152. See Gen. Laws, 5383. No. 207. Certificate of Exemplification of Record.- Another Form. The People of the State of California, by the grace of God free and independent, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : Know ye, that we, having inspected the records and files in the office of the County Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, BBTENUK 232 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. an.l Clerk of the District Court of tlie Twelftli Judicial District of the State of California iu and for said city and county, do find a certain judgmcut-roll there remaining of record, which is in the words and figures following, to wit : [I/ere insert the record and conclude as follows:] all of which we have caused to be exemplified, in accordance with the act of Con- gress. Attest my hand and tlie seal of said Twelfth District Court, this first day of July, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. [seal.] "William DuePw, Clerk, By Wm. 11. SxVTrEELEE, Deputy. Stamps — See Form No. 152. [Tlie above certificate (to authorize the admission of the record in the courts or offices of another Slate) must be further certified as directed iu Gen. Laws, 260.] No. 208. BL.\XK PUBLISHED. County Clerk's Certificate of Office. State of California, ) r SS ^'l/u. und County of ^a.n. ^'InncLScn, ) I, flVnr. /^acLCLu., County Clerk of the /^Uu. and County of ^cLn. ^fLancLAca, State of California, do hereby certify, tliat , Esq., the person subscribing the annexed , and be- fore whom the same was taken, Avas at the date hereof, and is now, a in and for the said cUu attd county duly , that by virtue of his said oflice, he is author- ized to take acknowledgments anil administer oaths. I do INTF.r.NAL r. E V E N tr E further certify, that 1 am acquainted with the handwriting of the said ,and verily believe the name , subscri])ed to the said annexed instrument, is his proper and genuine signature, and, fur- ther, that his attestations are in due form of law. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and afiixcd the seal of the County Court of the said rllij. cliuL county, this 7'S^ilL day oi ;jLuqllaL^ a. d. 186..^, flVLLLicLm. ^acu-'u, County Clerk. [seal.] , Stamps. — See Form Xo. 152. CEETIFICATE. 233 No. 209. County Clerk's Certificate of Office.— Another Form. State of California, ) r SS, (^itu. a.n.cL County of ^ixn. ^^IcLrLcLAca, ) I, JlU'LLlLa.trL ^ae.nLtL, County Clerk of the /^itu. a.n.cL County of ^cLiT. ^'IctrLCLAca, and Clerk of the County Court of said cLti^ cLtxcL county (which is a Court of Record), do hereby certify that , whose name is subscribed to the an- nexed , was at the date of the same, and is now, a in and for said aiLi^ cLtxcL county, duly and qualified, and authorized by law , and full faith and credit are due to all his official acts as such. And I do fur- ther certify that the signature attached to the annexed is genuine. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said County Court, at my office in the /^iti^ ctn-cL County of ^cLti. ^rcLn.{iLAca, this 7 At day oi ^Udi^, A. D. 186^. JlVm-, ^ae^uiLi., [seal.] County Clerk, and Clerk of the County Court of the /^LtLi. cLtxcL Coimty of ^clij. ^>LcLixc.LAca. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 210. BLANK PUBLISHED. County Clerk's Certificate of Election of Officer. United States of America, \ State of California, . > ss. ^iiij^ CLrtcL County of ^cLn. ^icLn.cLAca, ) Office of the County Clerk ) Of the /^iiu. cLtrd County of ^ctn. ^LcLtLcLAneL. ) I, fWiLLLcLtn. J^£jxe.tuM„ County Clerk of the ^itu. ctrLcL County of &'ixn. ^fLa.n.cL&ca, do hereby certify, that at an election held in 234 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. INTErNAL REVENUE said rilij iLiiil. county, on the day of , Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/'^/t/', was eU'Cted in and for the said /■ Uu. a.n.d County of ^a.tL ,2ffLttii.cLAcc\, Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of the ,(^'ila. cLtuL County of SifcLn. ^•UuxciAcc., this day of , A. D. 186^. {Sta\ of County Court.) /K/LLLicLm. 01aeutu., County Clerk. State of California, i^iiit a.n.d County of ^ctn. j3f'La.n.cis.(ir., SB. I, BEVENUE do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitu- tion of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will fiiithfully dis- charge the duties of the office of in and l^)r the t^itu. and County of ^a.tx ^'UuxciAca, according to the best of my ability. So help me God, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this of , A. D. 186 . day Stamps — See Form No. 152. See Gen. Laws, 2-iCl and 4735. No. 211. BLANK 1'IHI.ISIIED. County Clerk's Certificate of Signature. State of California, ) ^Ltjit a.n.d County of 5/rc, State of California, hereby certify, that , Esq., before whom the annexed instrument was made and executed, and who has thereunto subscribed his name, was, at the time of so doing, a in and for the said cUii and county, duly commissioned and sworn, and that his signature thereto is genuine. I further certify that tho interhal REVENPE CERTIFICATE. ^5 said is made and executed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of the County Court of the said cLti^ atvcL county, this 7&ih. day of ^^LLc^LLAt, A. D. 1 86^. /WLLLLcLm. ;^ae.uu^, County Clerk. (Seal of County Court.) Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 212. Certificate of Clerk of Court to the Signature of a Judge. State of California, ] V gg County of Santa Clara, ) I, John B. Hewson, County Clerk of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and ex-officio Clerk of the District Court of the Tliird Judicial District in and for the County of Santa Clara, do hereby certify that the Hon. William McKee, by whom the foregoing attestation was made, and whose genuine signature is subscribed thereto, was at the time of signing the same, and still is. Judge of the District Court of the EEVENTTE Third Judicial District in and for the County of Santa Clara, duly commissioned and sworn, to whose acts, as such, full faith and credit are due. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Third District Court, this tenth day of May, A. d. 1859. [seal.] John B. Hewson, Clerk. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 213. Certificate of Judge to Signature, &c., of the Clerk. State of California, | City and County of San Francisco, f I, M. E. Blake, Judge of the Probate Court of the City and 23G FOK.MS AM) rsK OF I>I.ANK>. County of San Francisco, do liereby certify, that William Duer, whoso genuine signature is affixed to the foregoing certifi- cate, is, ami was at the time of signing the saine, the clerk of said court, duly authorized hy hnv to make such certifi- cate ; that he is the legal keeper of said record, an. I that the foregoing attestation is in due form. lMri:NAL B E V K N r E STAMP. Witness my hand, this fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. M. E. Blake, Probate Judge. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 214. INTtr.NAL BEVEKUE Certificate of a Judge to the Signature and Attestation of an Officer. State of California, ) County of Santa Clara. ) I, William II. McKee, Judge of the Third Judicial District of the State of California in and f )r the County of Santa Chira, do hereby certify that Austin M. Thompson, by whom the annexed transcript [or record, or copy of, as the case may b('\ cer- tificate, and attestation were made and given, and who in his own proper handwriting has thereunto subscribed his name [where he is an officer having a seal, add, and afiixed his official seal], was at the time of so doing, and now is. County Re- corder in and for the said County of Santa Clam, State of California, duly commissioned and qualified ; to all whose acts as such, full faith and credit are and ought to be given, as well in courts of jurisdiction as elsewhere ; and that the said transcript [or record, or copy of, as the case may ic], certificate, and attestation are in due form, and made by the proper officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, the tenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. Wii.i lAM 11. McKke, District Judge. Stamps Seo Form No. 152. CERTIFICATE, 237 INTBRXAL RETENtTB No. 215. BLANK PUBLISHED. Certificate of Marriage. This certifies that the rite of holy matrimony was cele- brated between ^'ah.n. 0)ae, of ^ati. ^n.cLixcALca, .and ^CLtTC 0La{i, of ^cLclcLnrcula, on ^Lirt.iLAt^ S, Y8'h4, at ^ixn. ^'LcLncLAca, ^Lctie af. f^cLLLfaitLLCL, by me, Mct-LiiL J*. flVeLL&, ^LLAtLce af tlva -0^ecLae af tke 2d ^aLa.n.AfLL/L in. ifhe. /^iiu^ citLcL f^autLty. a^ ^ctn. ^LcLncLAca. ^£erLls^ J^. /ll/eLLs., ^LLAtLce af tlhe -J3'e.a.ce.. Witness, flVLLLLcLm. M. ^ln.L^kt. Witness, Jf£. M. J^a.n.ctcft. Stamps — See Form No. 152. [The certificate and license must be filed in the recorder's office within thirty daya after the marriage. See Gen. Laws, 4467.] No. 216. BI..\NK PUBLISHED. Certificate of Marriage.— Another Form, &'cLn ^IclhhLacc, Cal., ^^iia^uAi S4-, 186^. This certifies, that I, ^eaiig^e 0laLuhs, ^uAtLce af tite ^'ectcc cf tlie. Mk ^auxiiAkL/h ui ike f^Liji, ctrtd County of ^cLn. J^icLixcUca, united in marriage, in tke ,(^itji and County of &a.n. ^ictncLAca^ State of [California], on the 2.iilv day of ^'^LuqLLAi, a. n. one thousand eight hundrfd and ■^\^ty-faiLL and ^cLiT^e: 0Laa, Residence, ^cliv ^■laneLAca. IKTERNAL BEVENITE A^e, iuten.iu^ years. Color, uilhite. Place of nativity, ^/iLcaQa. Single or widowed, LULtdauxed. Jpakn. Q])ae Residence, ^a.aLa.trLen.ta. Age, tux^en±Li.-fiii.e years. Color, LvJiLte. Place of nativity, I^aAian.. Single or widowed, AinaLe. In accordance with the laws of the State of [California]. fi^eatc^e J3laLLtLs., ^LLAtLee af tke ^CPecLce af ike Mk ^auLn.AkLfi. in. tke (^itu- and (^aunli^ af ^an ^fLancLAea. Stamps — See Form No. 152. [The certificate and license must be filed in the recorder's ofBce within thirty days after the marriage. See Gen, Laws, 44G7.] 238 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 217. Certificate of Limited Partnership, in accordance with the Act of April 4th, 1850. This is to certify, to all to whom these presents sliall come: Tliat we, whose names are hereunto severally subscribed, have entered into a limited partnership, within the State of California, under and by virtue of an act of the Legislature of said State (and the acts supplementary thereto), passed the fourth day of April, A. D. 1850, entitled, "An Act to authorize the For- BTAVr. n,atiun of Limited Partnerships," upon the terms and lia- bilities hereinafter set forth, to wit : 1. The said partnership is to be conducted under the name and style of Richards & Dean. 2. The names of the general partners in the said firm are "William Richards and John Dean, both residents of the City of San Francisco, State of California, and the special partner is James Brown, of the City of Sacramento, State aforesaid. 3. The said special partner, James Brown, has cont<-ibuted to the common stock of snid firm the sum of twenty thousand dollars. 4. Tiie general nature of the business to be transacted by the said firm is the manufacturing, purchasing, and selling native California wines. 5. The said partnership is to commence immediately at and after the signing of this certificate, and is to terminate on the thirty-first day of December, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. ;Made and severally signed by the said partners, at the City of San Francisco, tlie first day of January, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. William Riciiakds. Joiix Dkax. Jamks Brown. 3. Tlie said special partner, James Brown, has contributed to the common stock of said iirm the sum of twenty thousand dbid made, and the whole price paid therefor ; and that the same is subject to redemption, Ln. e^aLd cain. af i/ie /Hn-Lied Stales, af jfttnelLccL, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand, this day of , A. d. 186^ ^kcLtLe& ^BCeni., Sheriff. Stamps. — Sec Form No. 162. CERTIFICATE. 243 No. 221. Certificate of Real Estate sold for Non-Payment of State and City and County Taxes, for the Fiscal Year 1863-64. State of California, ) City and County of San Francisco, f I, Charles R. Story, Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco', do hereby certify : That, by virtue of an act of the Legis- lature of the State of California, entitled " An Act to pro- vide Revenue for the Support of the Government of this State," approved April 29th, 1857; and the several acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, as well as REVENUK . the other statutes and laws of the State of California, ap- plicable, E. H. Washburn, heretofore, and at the time of the levy and publication hereinafter ^oken of, the tax collector of the city and county aforesaid, did, on the third Monday in October, 1863, levy upon the property of which description is first hereafter given in this certificate, for taxes due to the State of California, and to the City and Coimty of San Francisco, together with the costs and charges due thereon : That the s^id property was assessed for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1864, to John Doe, and to all owners and claim- ants, known or unknown, and to all owners and claimants of any interest, present or future, tberein, or any lien upon the same : That said taxes were levied upon it according to law : That said taxes were not and had not been paid, and, at the time of the sale hereinafter spoken of, still remained due and unpaid : That publication of the intention to sell for the taxes was made, as provided by law : That in said publication was given the name of the owner, when known, of all the real estate, together with such a condensed description of the property, that it might easily be known : and also, a similar condensed .description of any real estate assessed to unknown owners: and also, the name of every party delinquent for any tax on personal property : and also, opposite each name or description, was given the amount of taxes, including the cost and charges, as provided by law, due from each delinquent person or property : That said publication was made 244 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. by one ins^ortion one time per week for three successive weeks in Ji supplement to the Daily Ercnln. 1863 ; and one on the Tth day of December, A. d. 1863 : That said publication did desi<4nate the time and place of commencing the sale, which time was not less than twenty-one days nor more than twenty-eight days from the first appearance of the publication, and the place so designated was in front of the city and county Court House, in said city and county : That the property assessed, situate, lying, and bein^ within the City and County of San Francisco, and described thus : [^Description.^ was on the day of December, a. d. 1863 (to which time the sale was duly postponed), in accordance M'ith law, offered at public auction in front of said city and county Court House : That at said auction "WilUam Ridwell was the bidder, who Avas willing to take the least quantity, or smallest portion of the said land, and pay the taxes, costs, and charges due thereon, which taxes, costs, and charges, including the $2.00 for this certificate, amounted to i^ dollars: That the said smallest quantity of the said land, lying and being within the City and County of San Francisco, was, as is hereinafter described, to wit : [Description.'] That the said smallest quantity of land, as described, was, by E. H Washburn, Tax Collector, as aforesaid, struck off to the said William Bidwell, who paid the full amount of said taxes, costs, and charges, and therefore became the purchaser of the last-described piece or par- cel of land ; and I do further certify, that the said real estate was sold subject to redemption, pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand, this day of , 1864. ClIAELES R. StOKY, Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco. Stamps — See Form No. 152. CERTIFICATE AND CONSENT. 245 ©eitificate auU (tonunt No. 222. Consent of Father or Mother to Apprentice's Indenture. I, John Knox, father of the within-named James Knox, a minor, do hereby consent to, and approve of, the binding of my son, the said James Knox, as in the above [o;*, within] indenture mentioned. Dated the 5 th day of May, in the year 1864. John Knox. [Consent to binding of an apprentice must be endorsed on indenture. See Gen. Laws, 332.] No. 223. Certificate and Consent of Guardian to Apprentice's Indenture. I, C. G. Bryant, the guardian, duly appointed, of Geo. Bruce, in the within indenture named, do certify, that the father and mother of the said Geo. Bruce are dead [or, that the father of the said Geo. Bruce is dead, and that the mother of the said Geo. Bruce is not in legal capacity to give her consent to the said indenture of apprenticeship] ; and that I do hereby consent, as his guardian, that he, the said Geo. Bruce, may bind himself in and by the said indenture. Dated the first day of May, 1864. C. G. Bryant, Guardian of the said Geo. Bruce, a minor. [Consent to be endorsed as in Form No. 222.] Stamps, — See Form No. 152. 246 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 224. Justice's Certificate, where Mother gives Consent to Apprentice's Indenture. , L, B. C, a Justice of the Pence in and for the City and County of San Francisco, do certify, that the father of the infant named in the within indenture is dead [or, is not in Icf^al capacity to give his consent thereto ; or, has aban- doned and neglected to provide for his family.] Dated the day of , 1864. B. C, Justice of the Peace. [The certificate and cousent of the mother are to be endorsed on indenture. See Gen. Laws, 331.] Stamps. — See Form No. 152. INTERNAL BEVENUI No. 225. Certificate and Consent of the Supervisors, two Justices of the Peace, or Judge of the Probate Court, of the County in which the Infant resides, to Apprentice's In- denture. We, the undersigned, the Supervisors of the County of , by A. B., their president, duly authorized by us to sign for us [or, two Justices of the Peace of the County of ; or, I, the undersigned, the Probate Judge of County], where tlie within-named G. B. resides, do certify, that. the said G. B. has no parent living [or, no parent in legal capacity to give consent to the within indenture ; or, no father liv- ing, and liis mother is not in legal capacity to give consent to the within indenture], ami that he has no guardian, and that we, the said supervisors [or, justices; or, I, the said judge], do consent that the said C D. may bind himself in and by the said indenture. Dated May 1, 18G4. The Supervisors of the County of , by A. B., their presi- dent. Or, C. D., Justice, c£v., E. F., Justice, er im ilLIl, nrctxildL^ Lth ctda.cLn.cc, on the 2Sd day of cclcIx ctrtd etxcti^ tnani/i, at said afpicc of iltc Acdd ficLltic. cc^ tfie Accatrd fhCLlt^ in the said /i^'iti^ CLthd County of ^cLcLcttrLctLta, a.cc.aldLn.c^ ta the tUtc ui.tcn.t artd mecLrhirLQ. af a. celtcLLn. filamLAAcli^ tiate. LccLtirLQ. emen. dcLte. ulLLIt. tticAc fiieScnls., a.n.d ulIxlcJl AcllcI ttcde L& in. the utaids. cLthd fLait-Lcs. f!alLaudtrf^, ta Lv.it : [ Copy of note or notes.'\ cls. b^ the AcLLcL fLtc^nxLAAatU: ttate, tefeLen.cc LeuLC^ thctcutLta hctd, fn.a.i^ inate fulLu. cl/l/lco.!^, then these presents shall be void. But in case default shall be made in the payment of the said principal sum, or any one of said instalments of interest, then it shall and may be lawful for, and the said part^ of the first part do^s hereby authorize and empower the said part//, of the second part, A/'s executors, administrators, or assigns, with the aid and assistance of any person or persons, to enter hL& dwelling-house, hatcL, store, and other premises, and such other place or places, as the said goods or chattels are or may be placed, and take and carry away the said goods and chattels, and sell and dis- pose of the same for the best price they can obtain by due process of law, or by agreement between the parlies to this mortgage, their ex- ecutors, administrators, or assigns, which agreement shall be entered on the record of the mortgage, and out of the money arising there- from, to retain and pay the said sum above mentioned, and interest as aforesaid, and all charges touching the same, and coiuisel fees, not to exceed ten per cent, upon the full amount which shall then be due, rendering the overplus, if any, unto the said part/^. of the first part. CHATTEL MOKTGAGE. 249 or to /lls. executors, administrators, or assigns. And until default be made in the payment of the said sum of money, the said part^ of the first part, fzL& executors, administrators, and assigns, may remain and continue in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said goods and chattels, and in the full and free use and enjoyment of the same. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set /iis hand and seal , the day and year first above written. . J^cAn. ^c^. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ :0^(xtA.L^c.n.e&. ) [•ss. 1, J ijrrEr.NAi. KBVENTJE State of California, /^itiL^ ctrLcL County of ^ctn. ^'La.n.cLAca, ^akn. 0Jc.e, of the f^iti^ cttvcL County of ^clh. ^^LcLncLAaa, being duly sworn, says, that ke is the mortgagor named in the fore- going mortgage, and that the said mortgage is hoiid fide and made without any design to defraud or delay creditors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this SSd' day of jjliLc^LLAt, a. d. 186^. (Notarial Seal.) ., h INTERNAL EBVENUE State of California, f^ltu^ CLrtcL County of ^cLclcttnetLia, 0LialLa.Ld J3Ltxe, of the i^itu. cLtzcl County of ^acta.- mcn.ia, being duly sworn, says, that he. is the mortgagee named in the foregoing mortgage, and that the said mortgage is bond fide and made without any design to defraud or delay creditors. 0iiali.cLtcL J3Lg£. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2ScC day of ^iLc^itAt, A. D. 186^, &fcLm.iLe.L /^'Las.&, J^cIclLu. -P^u.LLLc {Notarial Sealf) [It is usual to acknowledge chattel mortgages, and they must be recorded in the county where the mortgagor lives, and in the county where the property is used. See Gen. Laws, 500.] 250 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. . Blanks — These aro printed on a sheet of legal cap, a part of tho_ first and the whole of the second page being left blank, for a description of the mortgaged property, and all following tlio description being printed on the third and fourth pages. By this arrangement anj number of sheets of legal cap can bo inserted between the two leaves of the blank, which can therefore bo used, whatever the length of the descrip- tion. The blank may be used, whether a promissory note is to accompany the mortgage or not. Stamps — See Form No. -13, as to stamps on Mortgages, and Form No. 152 as to stamps on Aflldavits. See also Form No. 1. No. 227. Chattel Mortgage by a Water-right Company. Whereas, the following-named persons and firms are interested in, and claim to be the owners of, a water-ditch or canal, and appurte- nances, known as the ditch or canal of the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company, in the proportions or number of .shares set opposite the name of each, and who reside at the places, and follow the profession, trade, or occupation set opposite the name of each, the whole ownership thereof being divided into one thousand shares, viz. : BXVBNCE Names of Shareholders or Owners. Jones & Brown. I Richard Ilolmea James Miller. . . Number of Shares owned by each. 497 CO 15 Kosiilence of Share- boldvra or Owners. San Juan, Nevada County. Present residence of D. Jones, one of said firm. State of Wisconsin; San Juan, Nevada County. Mazinto Hill, Ne- vada County. ,fr. Occupation, Trade, or Profession. [ Merchants. [ Banker, V Miner, ifrc. CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 251 And whereas, such ditch or canal was built and constructed under and in pursuance of an agreement, or articles of association, called constitution and by-laws, a copy whereof is hereto annexed, marked A, and is owned and possessed in pursuance thereof. And whereas, such ditch or canal is situate and located in the County of Nevada, and State of California, and is particularly designated and delineated on a map or plate hereto annexed, marked B. And whereas, there has been heretofore borrowed of M. Johnson & Co. (to wit : Martin Johnson, now deceased, and Henry Pearce, of the City of San Francisco), the sum of forty thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, which sum has been expended in constructing and keeping in repair said canal , or ditch. And whereas, there is now due to said Henry Pearce, surviving partner of M. Johnson & Co., on account of said loan, the sum of nine thou- sand eight hundred and twenty dollars and thirty-nine cents, like gold coin. And whereas, for the purpose of completing the construction of such canal or ditch, and of paying certain floating and outstanding debts, owing by the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company, and incurred in constructing and carrying on such canal or ditch, it has become and is necessary to raise, by loan, the further sum of twenty thousand dollars, like gold coin. And whereas, at a meeting of the shareholders of said company and owners of said canal or ditch, on the 7th day of February, 1864, pursuant to said constitution and by-laws, or articles of association, it was voted and resolved that the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Com- pany will raise, by loan, to be secured by mortgage upon the ditch or canal and water-works of said company, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, like gold coin, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding three per cent, per month, payable quarterly, and if not paid when due, to be compounded with, and added to the principal, and thereafter to form a new principal, and bear the same rate of interest until paid. And whereas, at said meeting it was also voted and resolved, that if the said Henry Pearce, surviving partner aforesaid, will and has con- sented to postpone the payment of said sum or loan due to him as aforesaid, that the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company would secure the payment thereof by mortgage upon said ditch, canal, or water-works, to bear a rate of interest of three per cent, per month, 252 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. payable quarterly, and if not paid when due, to be compounded with and added to the principal, and thLTeafter to form a new principal, and bear the same rate of interest until paid. And whereas, at said meeting it was also voted and resolved, that the president and trustees of the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company be authorized, empowered, and instructed to negotiate for and procure such loan, and such postponement, and for and on behalf of the said company, to execute and deliver a mortgage or mortgages npon the ditch or canal and water-works of said company, with the appurtenances, to secure the payment of said loans and sums of money and interest, as above specified. Now, therefore, this indenture, made the day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, by and between the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company, of Nevada, Nevada County, California, a company for mining, chemical, or agricultural purposes, and furnishing and selling water for such purposes, and each of the firms and persons subscribing this indenture, whose residences, trades, professions, and occupations" are hereinbefore set forth, shareholders in and part own- ers of said ditch or canal and water-works, parties of the first })art, and Henry Pearce, of the City and County of San Francisco, Cali- fornia, merchant, party of the second part, witnesses : That the said parties of the first part, as a company and individually, for and in consideration of the premises, and in consideration of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the Uiiited States of America, knt and advanced by the party of the second part to the parties of the first, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, and in further consideration of the postponement by said Pearce of the payment of said sum so due and owing to him, have sold, granted, con- veyed, and mortgaged, and by these presents do sell, grant, con- vey, and mortgage unto the said party of the second part, all the right, title, interest, claim, and property of the said parties of the first part, as a company, members of firms and individually, of, in, and to the ditch or canal and Avater-works, reservoirs, and rights of water, including dams, sluices, gates, trunks, and branches belonging and pertaining to the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company, as the same is more particularly designated and delineated on the map or plot marked B, hereto annexed, and forming part of this instrument. CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 2o3 This grant and instrument is intended as security for the payment, in gold coin of the United States of America, of the said Sum of twenty thousand dollars, in one year from date, with interest, at three per cent, per month, payable monthly, and if not paid when due, to be added to the principal, and compounded, and bear the same rate of interest ; which j^ayments of principal and interest, at the times, and in the manner above mentioned, at the banking-house of John Parrott & Co., in the City and County of San Francisco, will render this con- veyance and instrument void ; but in case default be made in the pay- ment of the principal or interest above mentioned, or any part, at the time, place, and in the manner above mentioned, then the said party of the second part is hereby authorized and empowered to sell the property hereinbefore mentioned, to wit: said ditch or canal and water-works, with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in the manner provided by law, and under and in pursuance of a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, and out oi the moneys arising from such sale, to retain two and one-half per cent, upon the amount then due and unpaid and to grow due, for attorney and coun- sel fees of foreclosure, together with the legal costs and charges of making such sale, the said principal sum and interest thereon then unpaid and owing ; and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid to the Middle Yuba Canal and Water Company. And the said Middle Yuba Canal and "Water Company covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the party of the second part, to pay to him the said principal sum and interest, as above specified, at the time, place, and in the manner above mentioned. And the undersigned firms and individuals covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the party of the second part, to pay to him the said principal sum and interest as above specified, at the time, place, and in the manner above mentioned. In witness whereof, d;c. Stamps— See Fonn No. 43 ; see also Fonn No, 226. 254 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ©fjcclt, Draft, antr ©rlrtr. No. 228. Bank Check. San Francisco, Nov. 12, 1864. No. 387. B. Davidson and Co., pay to S. R. Throckmorton, or order, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Saml. Brants^an. 4 Stamps. — Bank-check, draft, or order for the payment of any sum of money whatsoever, drawTi upon any bank, banker, or trust company, or for any sum exceed- ing $10 drawn upon any other person or persons, companies or corporations, at sigh J or on demand, 2 cents. — Schedule B. of U, S. Internal Revenue Act of June 30, 18C4. See also Form No. 1. □nXBKAL SXYKntTE STAMP. No. 229. Draft or Order. Grub Flat, May 1, 1864. Mrs. Eunice Stone: Please pay Thomas Cole, or bearer, seventy-five dollars, gold coin of the United States, and charge the same to accoimt of John Halifax. sumps.— See Form No. 228. CHECK, DEAFT, AND OEDEE. 255 INTKnNAl. REVENtTE STAMP. No. 230. BLANK PTIBLISHBD. Draft.— Another Form. ^cLn. ^IcLtLcLAca, ^clL, JLclu, SO, 186^ 0La,an±i^ dcu^& cLfter= cLcLte, pay to the order of M. M. /^anctaft, an.e kctrLcLlEcL j\\ dollars, gold coin of the United States of America, value received, and charge - the same to account of To J3LLckcLlcL ^aa, J^akn. 0^ cue. &'cLn. yS^icLtLcLAca. No. 740. stamps.— See Form No. 113. When the draft ia payable at sight or on demand, the stamp duty is 2 cents. See Form No. 228. INTERNAL EBVENTTB No. 231. Order for Goods. Lincoln, Sept. 30, 1864. Mr. John Doe : Please pay John Jones, or order, one hundred dollars in merchandise, and charge the same to account of Richard Rob. stamps.— See t'orm No. 228. No. 232. Order for Goods.— -Another Form. Martinez, October 17, 1864. Mr. A. B. : Please deliver to E. F. such goods as he may want, amount not to exceed twenty dollars, gold coin of the United States, and charge the same to the account of CD. stamps. — See Form No. 228. INTEENAL EEVENUE 256 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. KBTENCB No. 233. Order for Goods.— Another Form. Sacramento, November 12, 18G4. Please let Mr. Thomas Sharpc have such merchandise as he may select, to the amount of one himdred dollars, gold coin, and charge the same to the account of John Doe. To llicHARD Roe, San Francisco. Stamps — Sec Form No. 228. No. 234. Order to Deliver Goods. Oakland, November 15, 1864. Mr. Richard Rob : Please deliver to Thomas Brown, or bearer, the packar/e of goodi belonging to me, and oblige Yours, John Doe. No. 235. Letter of Credit. ViSALiA, October 15, 1864. Messrs. John Smith cfe Co. : Gentlemen: — Please deliver to Richard Roe, of this j^lace, goods, silks, and merchandise, to any amount not exceeding Jive thousand dollars, gold coin of the United Statos, and I will hold my- self accountable to you for the payment of the same, in like gold coin, in case Mr. Roe should fail to make payment therefor. You will please to notify me of the amount for which tKTT.KNAL BXVENUB STAJir. COMMISSION. • 257 you may give him credit ; and if default should be, made in the pay-^ ment, let me know it immediately. I am, gentlemen, your most obedient servant, John Doe. Messrs. John Smith & Co., No. 480 Sansom Street, San Francisco. Stamps — See Form No. 113. CITATION.— See Probate Court. CODICIL.— See Will. No. 236. Commission. The People of the State of California, to all to whom thesQ presents shall come, greeting : Know ye, that whereas Thomas W. Freelon, on the seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-three, was duly elected judge of the County of San Francisco, for the full term, as appears from the returns of election on file in the office of the Secretary of State : Now, therefore, I, John Bigler, Governor of the State of California, do by these presents commission the said Thomas W. Freelon a& judge of said county as aforesaid, to enter upon the duties of the office on the first Monday of April, a. d. 1854, to have and to hold said" office, with all the powers, privileges, and emoluments to the same of right appertaining, unto him, the said Thomas W. Freelon, for the term prescribed by law. 17 258 • FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. In testimony whereof, I have caused the great seal of the State of California to be hereunto affixed. Given under luy hand, at Benicia, tlic twenty-sixth day of Septem- ber, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-three. John Bigleb. [seal.] Attest : J. W. Denver, Secretary of State. COMMITMENT. — See County Coukt. Justice's Coxjet. COMPLAINT.— See District Court. Justice's Court. COMPOSITION Wmi CREDITORS.— See Agreement AND Contract. CONSENT.— See Certificate and Consent. Peobatk Court. CONSTABLE.— See Notice. CONTRACT. — See Agreement and Contract. CONVEYANCE.— See Deed. Mortgage. No. 237. BLANK I'CRLISIIED. Coroner's Certificate of Death. Office of the Coroner Of the ^>HU: cLtid County of ^/ujl ^Lan-ciAca, State of California. I, I^cn-jcLmin. ;jh. ^/iLcldcn, Coroner of the f^ltu ctttd County of ^a.n. ;3^La.n.clsca. State of California, do hereby certify COEOlSrER. 259 BBVEM1TE that I held an inquisition upon the body of ^ete.^ ^ata.m, a native of j^arLcLcn., ^naLcttLci, aged ±fzLttu.-fLu.e years, at ^a. Sg /WcLAkLrLc^ian. ^tteet, ^ctn. ^LcLrLcUaa, on the Aeaan.cL day of Jptdu., A. D. 186^. Verdict of the Jury : Death from in±e.m.lj^ta.n.{ie.. And I further certify, that I interred the body at the ^an.e ^jU^cLLtilcLin. Cemetery, in this citu, a.n.d. county, on the tkitct day oi J^uLu,, a. d. 186^. Dated at ^a.n. ^ictrLCLAca, this t/zLldda,y oi ^llLl^, a. d. 186^, /^en^amln. ^. ^h.eLcLan., Coroner. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. No. 238. Inquisition by Coroner's Jury. State of California, ) City and County of San Francisco, f , Before J. M. McNulty, Coroner. In the matter of the inquisition upon ) the body of A. B., deceased. ) We, the undersigned, the jurors summoned to appear before J. M. McNulty, the Coroner of the City and County of San Francisco, at , on the day of , 1859, to inquire into the cause of the death of A. B. [or, of a person found drowned in the Bay of San Francisco, or, found lying dead in the street, or^ as the case may be., whose name is unknown], having been duly sworn according to law, and having made such inquisition, after inspecting the body, and hearing the testimony adduced, upon our oaths, each and all do say, that we find the de- ceased was named A. B., -was a native of , aged about years, that he came to his death on the day of , 1859, in this county, by drowning, having been found in the Bay of San Fran- cisco, at or near the Washington Street Wharf, and that whether the INTEKNAL EEVENrK 260 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Bame was acoiilental or intentional wc have no means of knowing [or, by poison administered wilfully by his own hand, or, by tlie hand of, or, by the means or instigation of some other person, to the jury un- known, or, and we furtlier find, that we believe C. D. to be the per- son by wliose act the death of tlie said A. B. is occasioned— .s^/r, aflinn] that the evidence you shall, give upon the inqm'st iiowpeniliug, concerning the death of A. V>. [or, the person now lying here, E. Mason, Justice of the Peace See Geii. Laws, 330-3-i6. State of California, ss, No. 246. "Writ on the Foregoing Complaint. Del Norte County, J The Peoi)le of the State of California to the sheriff or any constable or police officer of said county, greeting : Complaint has been made to me, T. S. Pomeroy, County Judge of said county, upon the oath of E. F., of , in said county, tinner, that C. B., an apprentice, lawfully bound to serve the said E.F., whose term of service is still unexpired, has unlawfully departed and absented himself from said service without permission, and neglects to serve the said E. F., as by law and the terms of his indenture of apprentice- ship he is required : Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend the said C. B., and bring him before me, at my chambers, in Crescent City, to answer to the said E. F., and be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand, this day of • , 1860. T. S. Pomeroy, County Judge of Del Norte Cotmty. Sec Geu. I-aws, 330-346. No. 247. Commitment of an Apprentice Absenting Himself with- out Permission. State of California, j Del Norte County, f The People of the State of California to the sheriff or any constable or police officer of said county, greeting: COUNTY COURT.^CIVIL CASES. 265 Complaint ou oath was made to me, the undersigned, T. S. Ponie- roy, County Judge of said county, by E. F., of , in said county, tinner, that C. B., an apprentice, lawfully bound to serve the said E. F., whose term of service was still unexpired, has unlawfully, <£c. [as in tlie foregoing], to serve the said E. F., as by law, and the terms of his indenture of apprenticeship, he was required; and the said C. B., by virtue of my warrant thereupon issued, has been brought be- fore me, to be dealt with according to law ; and whereas, upon an examination of the matter, I was satisfied that said C. B. is legally held to service as an apprentice to E. F., tinner, by lawful indenture, and that his term of service has not yet expired, and he has absented himself from such service without permission, and without just cause, and ordered the said C. B. to return to the care and custody of said E. F., and said C. B. persists in refusing to return as ordered: *Now, therefore, you are hereby commanded to take and convey the said C. B. to the county jail of said county, and deliver him to the keeper thereof, who is commanded to receive the said C. B. into the said county jail, there to remain for the period of one month. Given, <&c. \as above\. See Gen. Laws, 330-346. No. 248. Discharge of the Apprentice from Service, and the Master from his Obligations. State of Califor i!;i, ) ^^ Fresno County, ) Complaint on oath was made to me, &c. [as above to'% then add] : Now, tberefore, I do hereby, at the instance of said E. F., annul the said indL'iiture of apprenticeship, and discharge the said C. B. from the service of the said E. F., and the said E. F. from all and every of his obligations incurred under and by virtue of said indenture of apprenticeship of the said C. B. Given, cbc. [as above]. 266 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. No. 249. BLANK PrilLISIIED. Attachment for Defaulting State of California, -, County of ^L ^cIclcLc J County Coubt. The People of the State of California To the Sheriff" of the , County of ^L 0)aicLcla, greeting: You are hereby commanded, forthwith, to attach the bod^ of J'ali.n. ^ae, and bring Iv'un. before the County Court of said county, to. cLrLAuLEi^, &c. \as may be], "Witness, Hon. ^/anrucL ^auj.Les., Judge of the said County Court, this 7 Jilt day of ^ue^ust, A. d. 186./, flirillicLm. 0LacxLi^t, Clerk. By /ll/LLUiun. Jf^ctUzeitt, Deputy Clerk. Bill of Clerk's Fees Due. No. 250. BLANK prHLisunn. Bill of Clerk's Fees. No. roo. County Court, \ t^Ltu. cLUfi County of ^cttv ^LcLn-dxaa. \ Plaintiff, against ^LLckcLtcL J3Lr.c, Defendant. ^ /^. ^en.ltii, Esq., Attorney for ^Ltxinlif^, To JlVm. J^CaeuLi^, Clerk of the County Court, Dr. 186.4. ' To Clerk's Fees due in above-entitled action, fS.-DO. Received payment of the above, this H^Jih. day oi ^/ILau, 186>^ fllTm. ^acLViu, Clerk. By flVni. JfLcLLthct^, Deputy Clerk. COUNTY COUET. — CIVIL CASES. 267 No. 251. BLANK PUBLISHED. Certificate to Judgment Roll. In the County Court of the ^Lb^ cLn.d. County of ^ctn. ^tcLrt- cLAca, State of California. Plaintiff, against 0Liah.cLtcL ^ae, ' Defendant. J I, the undersigned, County Clerk of the ^Liu. ctncL County of ^cLn. ^icLrtcUca, Sti^e of California, and Clerk of the County Court thereof, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the judg ment entered in the above-entitled action, and recorded in Judgment Book " ^" of said court, at page JS. And I furthfer certify that the foregoing papers, hereto annexed, constitute the judgment roll in said action. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this ScL day of 05ecemLei^, A. D. 186^. /WLLLicLm. ^aeuu^, Clerk. By /U/rrL. Jf£a.in.Ej^, Deputy Clerk. {Seal of County Court.) Blanks. — These are printed on envelope paper, are endorsed, and serve as a cover for the papers constituting the judgment roll. No. 252. BLANK PUBLISHED, Certificate of Service as Juror. In the County Court of the ^iii^ cLn.cL County of cS/izAz ^tcLn.- cLaccl, State of California. I hereby certify that jSLLnkcLld ^ae was summoned and served 268 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. mTERNAL BBVENCE STAMP. as a regular juror during the ^'cLtLitcLiu Term, A. d. \9>%4t of said court. Attest my hand and the seal of said court, this rS'ik day of yiJu, a. d. 18G.^. /mn. ^aeu^u,, County Clerk. By /llfrn. McLi-tT-t^it, Deputy Clerk. {Seal of County Court.) Stamps. — Soo Form No. 152. No. 253. Commitment for Refusal to Testify. The People of the State of California, To A. P., SheriiF of the said county, greeting : E. F. having this day been brought before me, on a warrant by me issued to compel his attendance to testify \ichere the icltness appears in pursuance of the subpoena, say : having this day appeared before me, in pursuance of a subpoena by me issued, requiring him to appear and testify] touching the execution of a conveyance of real estate, from K. B. to C. T., to which the said E. F. is a subscribing witness, as is said ; and the said E. F., although required by me, having refused to answer upon oath [if the commitment is made on account of the refusal of the witness to anstcer a particular ques- tion, deemed pertinent by the officer, insert here : the following ques- tion, <£•'•., specifying it partirxihirhi\ touching the execution of the said conveyance. You are theroforc commanded forthwith to convey the said E. F. to the jail of the said county, and there commit him to close custody in such jail, without bail, until lie shall submit to answer on oath as aforesaid \or, the question aforesaid], or be discharged according to law. C. P., County Judge of County. Dated July , 1859. COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 269 No. 254. BLANK PUBLISHED. Execution. In the County Court of the ^Ltu^ ctixcL County of <^«./t ^'ictn.- cLAca, State of California. The People of the State of California, To the Sheriflf of the f^Lijj^ ctrvcL County of ^clh. ^icLrLcUca, greeting : Whereas, on the SSd day oi ^u^utAt, a. d. 186^, ^^ r8!tk day of ^hianot, a. t>. 186^ /IffLLlLctnv ^LcLttLf.u, I SI^efiiLtu, ^aitrvtu. /-ylclk. See Gen. Laws. — " Habeas Corpus." Order Grant- ing Writ. COUNTY COUET. — CIVIL CASES. 273 No. 367. BLANK PTTBLISHED. Order G-ranting Writ of Habeas Corpus. In the County Court of the f^'LtL^ a.n.d County of ^ctn. ^la.n.- cLAca, State of California. In the matter of the application of ^akn. 0^ae, an. Le/icLLf af ^SLLcfi-CLtcL 0Lae, for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Upon reading and filing the petition oi ^alin. 0^aE, duly signed and vei'ified by li^im, whereby it appears that ^LclvcLLci ^aa is. illegally imprisoned and restrained of /lLs. liberty by ^ILcLltux ^. I^utUe., /plLLcf af ^aLice., at the ^iiu iC^LtAan. in the ,^^Ltu^ clilcI County of ^an. ^'LcLn-CLAna, in the State of California, and stating wherein the alleged illegahty consists, from which it appears to me that a writ of Habeas Corpus ought to issue : It is ordered that a writ of Habeas Corpus issue out of and under the seal of the County Court of the f^pitu. atxcL County of ^cctz ^tcLi-LaiAca, State of California, directed to the said ^La±ibx ^. J^LtiUc, ^Ihief af ^aLLce, commanding /run to have the body of the said ^HcfLCLld JSLaa before me, in the court-room of the said court, on the day of , a. d. 1 86^, at // o'clock ^-Z. m. of that day, to do and receive what shall then and there be con- sidered concerning the said ^LckctLd ^ae, together with the time and cause of Lis. detention, and that Le have then and there the said writ. '^a.m.LLe.L f^auLLcs., Judge of the County Court of the f^tij^ cLfhcL County of ^clu. ^Lclh-cLaco, Dated ^ll^llaI tS', a. d. 186^. See Gen. Laws. — " Habeas Corpus." 18 274 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 258, BLANK PUBLISHED. "Writ of Habeas Corpus. In the County Court of the ^'Lty^ a.n.d County of ^an. ^. J^utUe, t^/LLef af ^aLLce, greeting : "VTe command you, that you have the body of J^LcIlclUL 0Lae, by you imprisoned and detained, as it is said, together with the time xind cause of such imprisonment and detention, by whatsoever name said ^Lc/lcluL 0Lac shall be called, or cliarged, before ^ctrrnteL ^aLLiLes, County Judge of the /^itu. txtzd County of ■^a.n. ^'Lctn.- CLAca, at the court-room of the County Court of the /(^iti^ cLn.d. ■County of ^a.n. ^LanxiLAca, on the day of , a. d. 186^, at // o'clock in the -fcJ moon of that day, to do and receive what shall then and there be considered concerning the said fJHalhald. And have you then and there this writ. Witness, Hon. .^amiLcL ^'auLlcs, Judge of the said County Court, at the court-room thereof, in the ^itii. a.n.cL County of ^ctn. ^'LarLciscc, this day of , A. D. 186^. Attest my hand and the seal of said Court, the day and year last Above written. /IVLLLLam. ^acujuj., Clerk. By /li/tn.. ^CcLiixaii, Deputy Clerk. ((SeaZ of County Court.) See Gen. Laws. — " Habeas Corpus." COUNTY COURT.— CIVIL CASES. 275 No. 259. BLANK PUBLISHED. Complaint, Commitment, Physician's Certificate, and Questions.— Insane Person. \ COMPLAINT. State of California, /^Lti£. and County of ^an. ^LcttzuLAccu To the Hon. ^cL/nueL i^auLLe.&, /^atnlu. Judge of said county, pViLLLcLm. f^aAteLLa respectfully represents, that there is now in said ciii^ a.n-cL county a person named ^cLtte. ^ ae., who is insane, and by reason of insanity dangerous to be at large, and is a proper subject for the Insane Asylum ; and the said JlU'LLLicLin. f^aAte.LLa, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the foregoing statement is true ; wherefore he prays that such action maybe had as the law requires, and that the said ^a.n.e 0) ce may be sent to the Insane Asylum of Cali- fornia. JHfiLLLcLtn. ^aAteLLa. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day " of ;fliu^u.At, A. D. 186^. COMMITMENT. The foregoing application having been made to me, ^cLmurl ^a.ui.Le.&, ^aunlu. Judge of said county, and ^pcLn.e. 0) ae, named in said application, being this day brought before me for examination on said charge of insanity, and having heard the testimony of /IVlL- LLcLm. f^aslcLLa and ^Lctiu. 0Lae, witnesses, who have had frequent intercourse with the accused during the time of the alleged insanity ; and Doctors ^. J3L ^cL±±i& and ^. 0L. I^au^ca, graduates in medicine, after hearing the testimony of witnesses, and after a personal examination of the accused, having made the certificate by law re- quired, and being myself satisfied that the said ^cLtve. Sl^ae. is insane and dangerous to be at large, and is not a case of idiocy or imbecility, or simple feebleness of intellect, or old case of harmless dementia, or of any class of old, incurable, and harmless insanity, nor a case of delirium tremens ; and being further satisfied of the truth of all the matters set 276 FORMS A^'D USE OF BLANKS. forth in said physicians' certificate, I do hereby order the said ^fcitie. (Hc^c to be taken to, and placed in, the Insane Asylum at Stockton, and G. ^f'. ^findsLuln is charged with the execution of this order. As to the ability of the said ^/'mta QJ t c, or lia^ kindred, to bear the charges or expenses for the time .i/i/- may remain in the Asylum, as well as all other matteis pertaining to lirt' interests or possessions, I find, after diligent inquiry, the facts to be as follows : 1. The said J/'nnc (Ij^ ae. is by possession o^ /iiofuiiu able to pay ftct^ expenses in the Asylum. 2. I have appointed ^LtLiij. Ptac a guardian foi- the said ^cLuc ^ae, and directed a quarterly payment in advance, and a supply of necessary clothing, together with the bond, to be forwarded to the Asylum with the said J/'atie. ^ ac^ as by law required of pay- ing patients. 3. The said Jpctnc ^ ae has kindred in the degree, as by law defined, who are able to pay said expenses, and I have made the assessment, as by law directed in cases of kindred able to pay. 4. There is flpu, dalLilA due the said , f'cuip. 0) ac, for u^.c.i/c. cLtxcL IcLiai' (Lane, and I have taken steps, as by law required to be taken in such cases. 5. There is '^i money (in /r^/ own right) on the person of the said ^cLtLe. 0)ae, and ike AcLrirc ta IlcLcLu. fatLt'.cLidcd ta ^ f. ^LLden., taAidcni fLlLU.ALCLCLn. at tfte ^AitLiurt. Witness my hand, this Sd day o^ j^luf^itAt, a. d. 186^. •^CLtnurd ^^aujiles., ^ruLnlju. Judge. PHYSlCIAXs' CEKTIFICATE. State of California, ) (^itu. CLH-d County of ^ctn. ^'La.nrls.cr. > We, <«^ f/L. Jf£(inin and , f'. C/i. f4, urr, being duly sworn, do depose and say, that we arc graduates in medicine; that at there- quest, and ill the presence of Hon. -fnimirl ^(^auxLes, ^( iitilij Judge of sail county, we have heard the testi- mony, and carefully examined the said ^f'a.ne 0)c.c in sTAvr. reference to the charge of insanity, and do find that Ake is ' — insane, and by reason of insanity dangerous to be at large. ISCTKr.NAl. BBTENVB COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 277 The facts in support of this opinion (elicited by said examination) are set forth in the answers to the following questions, as nearly as can be ascertained : QUESTIONS. 1. Name? J>cLtT.E&ae. 2. Age? 2bL^e.a.t&. 3. Nativity? /Pie.LcLn.cL 4. Married or single ? ^irhc^Le. 5. If children, bow many, and the age of the youngest? Js^a ch-LLdierL. 6. What State last from, and how long in California? ^ttAi flam J^^e^uj, jRJ^atl^, a.ttd itixa iiccLt& in. /^CLLifc±n.icL. 7. What occupation ? /fn. AeLulce. 8. What evidence have you of the presence of insanity? ^ke L& CjD.n.A±CLn±Lu. AfLe.cL/iLLn.(^ cf^ teLLc^LaLLS. trLa±tel& ; s./lc Alitc^s. CLtrd /htcLi^&. ^t times. Ake LirLCLc^uT.e& fi.etAe.L^ /helSucittecL Lj^ Ln.&ect&, 9. Is there a homicidal, suicidal, or incendiary disposition ? ,j\^ci. 10. Is the case a recent one, having occurred within twelve months last past ? /i/-^&- '' 11. When did this attack first appear ? ^Latit tLu.c itieelis. clc^ci. 12. Is this the first attack? K not, when did others occur, and what their duration ? 0^/i.Ls. is. th.e -^LtAt a±ta.ck.. 13. Is the disease increasing, decreasing, or stationary? ^n.- c.ie.cLS.'u'L^. 14. Are there rational intervals ? If so, do they occur periodi- cally ? ^IheU ale. tcLtLarLctL Ln±£.iuaL&, Lu± iJj.ej^ da n.c± ancui ltcLLadL(La.LLj^, 15. Is there any permanent hallucination? If so, what is it? ^/zete. Is n.a fie.im-tin.en.t IxcLLLLLcuvcLtLan., 16. In what way is the accused dangerous to be at large? ^t times Ali.e is a. tcLLtirtc^ n-LCLH-icLC:. 17. Is there a disposition to injure others? If so, is it directed especially to relatives, and is it from sudden passion or premeditation f ^li.ele. is n.a dis/LaAitian. to. ith^LtLe atfLels. 278 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 18. If suicidal, is the propensity 7wio active, and in what way? ^t L& nat siiLculiil. 19. Is there a disposition to filthy liabits, destruction of clothing, furniture, etc. ? ^yV'^:. 20. Any relations, including grand-parents and cousins, been in sane? /lLn.Un.aii!tL. 21. Any peculiarities of temper, habits, disposition, or pursuits. It/ore the attack — any predominant passions or religious impressions ? <§//!£ uxa.& LLcii^ LeLl.ci,LaiL& kef^cLie tlhc cLfi-lLc.a.La.n.c.e. af^ LrLSfinLtu.. 22. Been intemperate in the use of ardent spirits, wine, opium, or tobacco, in any form ? _A^. 0L J:g.cu^ce, M. D. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Sd day ' oi j^TnLf^uAt, A. D. 186^ ^ctntiLeL f^aux.Le&, ^'aurttu. ^iiclae. Blanks. — These embrace the complaint, commitment, physicians' certificate, and questions, — all printed on sheets of folio post paper. Stamps.— See Form No. 152. COUNTY COURT.— CIVIL CASES. 279 No. 260. BLANK PUBLISHED. Petition, Afladavit, and Certificate to Schedule, of Insol- vent. In the County Court of the ^iti^ a.n.cL County of ^cLn. ^LclW- cUca, State of California. /WLLLLcLm. Jg.a.lL'' against s. Petitiok of Insolvent. His Creditors, To the Hon. ^cLtnunL i^aui.U&, Judge of the County Court of the /^itju. cLthd County of ^ctn. ^ficLtxcLAca, State of California. The petition of jWiLLicLm. J^alL, respectfully shows : That your petitioner is domiciled, and has resided within the f^itij. clitcI County of ^ctn. ^LcLtLCLAca, State of California, for at least six months next preceding the filing of this petition, wherein your honor has original jurisdiction. That in consequence of losses in business, bad contracts, bad debts, interest paid, rents, clerk hire, expenses, cLird de/ilecLa.- iian. af ^taftettt^^ your petitioner has become and is insolvent, and utterly unable to pay his debts, and is an insolvent debtor within the true intent and meaning of the act entitled, " An Act for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and protection of Creditors," passed May 4th, 1852, and the several acts amendatory thereof; and being desirous of having his estate, property, and efiects applied to the payment of his debts and liabilities, proportionally and without preference to any, he, for that purpose, surrenders his property, in pursuance of the provisions of said act, and said several amendatory acts, and declares that it is his desire to be discharged from all his debts and liabilities, whether im- perfectly described or not described, inasmuch as he has truly herein described them all, according to the best of his knowledge and recol- lection. The schedule hereto annexed, marked "A," contains a summary statement of the affairs of your petitioner, with a list of the losses he has sustained. The schedule hereto annexed, marked "B," contains the names 280 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. of his creditors as near as he can now state, them ; the amount due to each creditor, and the cause and nature of such indebtedness, and when it accrued ; and a statement of any existiui^ judgment, mort- gage, collateral or other securities, for the payment of any such debt. The schedule hereto annexed, marked " C," contains a full, com- plete, and perfect inventory of all his i)roperty, real, personal, and mixed, estimated as nearly as possible at its true cash value, and all moneys on hand, or belonging to your petitioner, and also a full state- ment of all encumbrances existing upon said property, or any portion thereof. The schedule hereto annexed, marked "D," contains a full state- ment and inventory of all the choses in action, debts due, and to be- come due to your petitioner, all of which are therein estimated as nearly as possible at their true cash value. Wherefore your petitioner prays to make a cession of his estate, and to be discharged from all liis debts and liabilities, in pursuance of the provisions of said act, and of the said several amendatory acts. Dated ^/aLL SOtk, a. d. 186^. JWLLLicLm. J^aiU. COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 281 SCHEDULE A. Referred to in the foregoing Petition, and forming a part thereof; containing a summary statement of Petitioner's affairs, with a list of losses he has sustained. Capital Stock commencing business as a f^LcrrhLei^ ^i/Le±- c/lcuiI, at &fcLn. ^I'ia.n.cLAca, in. ^itLu., A, D. 1 8i> b. Profits Total Value of real estate, as per Schedule C Value of persoHal property, as per Schedule C Value merchandise on hand, as per Schedule C Amount debts due petitioner, as per Schedule D Losses by depreciation of merchandise Paid for interest, as per balance of interest account Paid for rent and other expenses, as per ex- pense account Paid for personal and family expenses Loss on Loss by Lctd. cie.Lts., aLaitt Loss by LcLUJL ezcfhethJies. Loss by Loss by Loss by Loss by 4,000 500 2,-rs4 7,000 s,soo r^Uoo 2,7 SJt. Sjb 00 00 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 r,soo so, 240 00 00 S 7,-540 00 ^li.E cLLaae cLc^LcLetLcu. af ^ l& oHlixecL at tuLt/iaut cLe.cLiLctLrLC^ tfta CLAAEts.. ^ti-e CLAAets. in. ^ii/ie.cliLLe " ^"' aan.- AiAt anU^ af. th.e. iLcirtaAtecLcL CLn.cl ^atne cLliLcLes. a^ /laiiAefraLcl 'pu.tn.itu.te. cLn.cL IvelAarLctL aLath.Ln.ci, ULlhich. the [teiitianei^ cLa.Lm.s. to. Le ex.em/i.t, cLnd. ulLLL ctAk. the f^autt to. e:r.em.lT.t th.eAa.me; Lut unhen the Aunx a^ ^4;'500 00, the LLaUte a:f the eaientfit /Liafi.eltL^, l& deducted, It AtLLL Leau.es. a defieiencit. JlVLLLLam. Jg.aiU. Dated f^fkfvLtL 20, a. d. 1864. 282 FOEMS AND USE OF BLANKS. scnED Referred to in the foregoing Petition, and forming apart thereof, containing the names of the cause and nature of such indebtedness, and when it accrued ; and a staienunt such debt. Names of Creditors. Amount Cause of Indebted- ness. Nature of Indebtedness. ^ ^L J^aAAeUn..... r^S'c/L ^Lelcft'd'Ae n.aie /l LLc /^>. ^ :rt. ^Laiei& ss'q S2 J^LLntUaf- . . . 2n.cdes.,2&C4.i^s. ^Luitan. S^ JfCauLolcL . . rrr 07 (t irate. /lLlLc 2 jts. ,^au.ujiaaci SL ^CalrrLan. 755 bj a " .tjt,^. ^CLirtiLcL /3^etk.LrLS. qbsq n " 2u&. ^afin. ^. :P^ea.Ladu,.. boo 00 i^cLAfh L rLcd. tt II It J^. J''. ^cn.n.cLL rq2 00 J^LLnxLcif- . . . S n.atcs. ^. f3L ^cLtttidei.c 45bW0 t( 2 n.ates. ^'afi.t. ^'ictrLcas. ^e.Le.n. U J,5 ^Uic^hl.... Lcjali. accaunt. . ^cLtrLPR ^L. gained. . SSq OS ^^a.m. ux'tk S nates J^. fllf. J^lLtten. IS -7 ti nate J. ^. Baffin. 8'S ^-7 ^Lcic^lLi II ^La^cR ^ILL& &L ^a SOS 70 JleLcli^d'Ac II JfC. ^sccLL rsr 17 fllfcjcd II ^cLtncs. ^kait It ^LLtan. J^iitU 205 00 i< 2 nates. ■Pf^. ^ crLcJute S2p r,752r/5 Lioxik. cLccauni.' ^h.a.tLc& ,^Ca.tE II t< -5,sqS' .. Netted :/l/il. 20, rSbA- COUNTY COUET. — CIVIL CASES. 283 ULE B. petitioner's creditors, as near as he can now state them ; the amount due each creditor, and of every existing judgment, mortgage, collateral or other security, for the payment of any When it accrued. Every existing judgment, mortgage, collateral or other security, for the payment of said debts. ^/Lill4, rs'bs.. . u ^^ u " S, " K t( (( << (( te • " b, " (( (( ti << t< ^efvL. rb, 78' b2. :fkli.liL , 78' bS.. u ^^ u " S, " " 70, " « 7S, « (( (C * ^jiLcLtah. q, " . a (( (( ^Ejil. 7S, 78' bS. . ' /WLLLLcLtn. /^cLtLu 284 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. SCHEDULE C. Be/erred to in the foregoing Petition, and forming a part tJunof. Containing a full, complete, and perfect inventory of all the petitioner's property, real, personal, and mixed, estimated as nearly as possible at its true cash value, and all moneys on , hand of petitioner, and also a full statement of all encumbrances existing on the property of petitioner. REAL ESTATE. y3^ka.t cetta.in. Lat, /tLece, af /laicel a^ la.fzd, Aituale, Lu.Ln.c^, a.n.cL LaitLC^ in. ilie ,^'iti^ a.n.cl ^^auniu. df ^fcLtt ^'Lctn.- cLsjux, ^tale. af. ^'a.LLf.'ciLn.La-, an. LtLlticli. the. lictitic.ne.if- nauL teALcLeA, ctncL LaunxLecL (imL iLCLLticitLctLLj^ cLcAciiLccL a.& faL- LaujLS., ta unit: [Description.'] ta^etJi.eif tuith. tlte duxeLLinf^-ltaiLAe tfzetean., and CLfifuii- ±encLn.ce& tfi-eieta LeLanaing., uxkicfL fitafLeitj^ ftetitian-af deM.La.ted a hanreAtead Ul^ decLaLatian. af /lamestead tecaided ^uc^uAt Sr, 78' to, in. tke J3Lecatdet' & &ffice af ^a.n. piian.- ciAca, in. J^iLeif- / af ^La.im& af JfCcJirLeAteada., fh.4^4, utatt/t $4,000.00. MIXED ESTATE. — NonC. COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 286 PEBSONAL PKOPEBTY. Household furniture $SSO 00 Petitioner's clothing and wearing apparel 700 00 Wearing apparel of family, viz. : a. ctLL^e. an.cL tuta cLa.iLcyli.tcLs., ±e.&.LcLLn.cy ul'lUx him. an. t/te. fi.terrLLAe.s. ctLaLie dcAclLLecL YSO 00 $500 00 JWfzLcfi. AclLcL h-ameAteacL ctircL ftelAcrLciL /itafLetty. tfi.e jxe- tiilarLet cLcLims. tc. Le. e^Lem-fdL Luy Lclujl. /WLLLLcLirL ^CLtL. 0^cLted ^/LiLL SO, r8'b4. 286 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. SCBED Re/erred to in the foregoing Petition, and forming a part thereof, containing a full stale estimated a! nearly as possi Name of Debtor. Amount Cause of In- debtedness. Nature of Indebtedness. ,J5S ^e^tCLUJL A8!7 SO to r,2rs 4S too s'7 00 00 so 00 00 00 (I It fWaad . . (1 I^cak. cLccauni . . ^ ^. ^kcLAe. '> r.r- No. 261. BLANK PUBLISHED. Order to Show Cause and Stay of Proceedings against Insolvent. In the County Court of the ^Itu. cttxcL County of ^a.tx ^Lctn^cUao., State of California : filfiLLicLtrh M-CLlL 1 „ _, ^ ^ / Order to show Cause and Stat of Prq- agamst > TT ^ .. \ CEEDINGS AGAINST INSOLVENT. His Creditors. J Upon reading and filing the petition, schedules, and affidavit of the above-named insolvent, and on motion of J^utihcLfz &L flVcxdcy Esqs., of counsel for said insolvpnt, it is ordered, that all the creditora of the said insolvent be and appear before the Hon. ^ctnuteL ^atvle&y Judge of the County Court of the /^LtUr cLn.cL County of ^ctn. ^Lan- cLAca, in open court, at the court-room of said court, in the said cLti^ ctrLcL county, on the tLfj.^ivtti-t/iLl.cL day of ^tcti^^ a, d. 186 J, at 70 o'clock ^. M. of that day, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of said insolvent should not be- granted, and why an assignment of his estate should not be made, and he be dischargedi fioni his debts and liabilities, in pursuance of the statute in such ease' made and provided. And it is further ord'?red, that in the mean time all proceeding* r;Xiinst said insolvent be stayed. And it is farther ordered, t'i;it the e'e 1: of this court issue a notice, 1J» 290 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. callinj; the said crclitors to be and nppear, at the time and plat-o, ami for the purposes aforesaid ; that such notice be published at least onco a week, lor four successive weeks, in a newspaper printed in the said citiL iin-iL county, if there be one; if there be none so published, then in a newspaper published in any county adjoining said county. Dated ^l/uLL 20, a. d. I8G.4. ^cLmueL ^^aw.lc&^ County Judge. No. 262. BLAXE PUBLISHED. Notice to Creditors of Insolvent. In the County Court of the f^iij^ cLn.cL County of ^(xn. ^LancLsca., State of California : In the matter of the petition of flWLLLLcLm. I^cllL, an insolvent debtor. Pursuantto an order of the lion. ^fmnitcL i^auilcs. Judge of tho said County Court, notice is hereby given to all the creditors of the said insolvent, /IViiLicLin. /^.ctlL, to be and appear before the said judge, in open court, at the court-room of said court, in tlie /f'Uu. MtiLL, in the /^/lIij. ctird County of -fan. ^'LcLn.cls.ca, on the tivunAu-ilLiuL day of ^,/Lnij, A. D. 186^, at 70 o'clock ^Ti. jr. of that day, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why the piayor of saitl insolvent should not be granted, an>sigimient of his estate be made, and he be discharged from his debts and liabilities, in pursuance of tlie statute in such case made and ])rovided; and in the mean time all proceedings against said insolvent be stayed. Witness my baud and the seal of said court, tliis iLv.cniu!/i day oi ^li/Ltll, A. I). 18G.^. /I fin. ^frcirrt, Clerk. By ///"///, JltLiiirn, Deputy C'crk. (S.tal of C^iunty Court) RPVENUE COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 291 Stamps — Legal documents. — "Writ, or other original process by which any suit ia commenced in any court of record, either of law or equity, 50 cents. Where the amount claimed in a writ, issued by a court not of record, is $100 or over, 50 cents. Upon every confession of judgment, or cognovit, for $100 or over (except in those cases where the tax for the writ of a commencement of suit has been paid), 50 cents. Writs, or otlier process on appeals from justices' courts or other courts of inferior jurisdiction to a court of recwrd, 50 cents. Warrant of distress, when the amount of renfc claimed does not erceed $100. 'I5 cents; when the amount claimed exceeds $100, 50 cents. Provided, That no writ, or summons, or other process issued by and returnable to a justice of the peace, except as hereinbefore provided, or by any polioe or municipal court having no larger jurisdiction as to the amount of damages it may render than a justice of the piece [peace] in the same State, or issued in any criminal or other suits commenced by the United States or any State;, shall be subject to tlie payment of stamp duties; And provided further, that the stamp duties imposed by the foregoing Schedule B oa manifests, bills of lading, and passage tickets, shall not apply to steam- boats or other vessels plying between ports of the United States and ports of British North America. Affidavits in suits or legal proceedings shall bo exempt from staxap diitj. — Schedztie B of U. S. Internal Revenue Ad of Jane 30, 1864, See also Form N©. 1. No. 263. BLANK PUBLISHED, Order Appointing the Sheriff Assignee of Insolvent. In the County Court of the /^ib^ a.n.d County of ^ccn. ^Hcu^niAca, State of California, fllfiLLLcLtrL I^CLiL \ f^ . ^ \ Order Appointistg the Sheriff Assignee against V x^r- )-i 1-. \ OF Insolvent. ms Creditors. ) In open court, ^/fLa.n_ Bbtk, A. d. 186.::^. Whereas, the said petitioner, domiciltd aaad for more than six months Immedintely previous residmi; in this cltu. citLcL <:. 186.^, j^etition the judge of t'as 292 FORMS AND VSE OF BLANKS. court having oiigirial jurisdiction witliin the said county, briefly stating the circumstances which compelled him to sunender hia ])i-o[terty to his creditors, and praying to make a ces^-ion of liis estate, and to be discharged from his debts, in pursuance of the ])rovi.sions of an act entitled " An Act for the Hehef of Insolvent Debtors and Protection of Crerinted in the said ^ itn. (uuL County of ^fiui. JIia.rLriAca,fL\\d no creditors of said insolvent appealing: Now, therefore, upon motion of the j)etitioncr's counsel, it is ordere Certificate of Assignee of Insolvent. His Creditors. / I hereby certify, that flVLLLicLnr /^cliL has duly executed, under his hand and seal, and duly acknowledged, before an oHIcer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds, and delivered to me, an assignment of all his estate, real, personal, and mixed, for the benefit of his creditors, in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the ^Ltii. cLttd County of ^n.rt ^Lan- cUaa, made on the 2bilL day of ^Lclij., a. d. 186^ ; and that he has delivered to me all the goods, claims, effects and estates, assets, ehoses in action, evidences of debt, accounts, notes, bills, and muniments of title, declared by said insolvent in his schedule, or relating to the property and effects therein set forth. Assignee of said Insolvent. Dated ^'iLrte S'tlz, A. d. 186^. Stamps See Form No. 152 ; but see also Form No. 262. No. 265. BLANK PUBLISHED. Decree of Discharge of Insolvent. In the County Court of the ^lIj^ clit-cL County of ^ctn. ^tcux- clAcc, State of California. flWLLLicLtn. J^cLiL \ against v Decree of Discharge of Insolvent. His Creditors. ) Whereas, the said petitioner, domiciled and usually residing in the 294 FOKMS AXD USE OF BLANKS?. the ^itii and County of San Francisco, and havincr resided in said cltn and county for at least six monihs next precedino: the filing of his petition, did, on the !P(th day of ^1 fiill, a, i>. 186.^, pttitiou tlie county judge of said rHij ami county, having original jurisdiction Avitliin the said rHij ami county, hrietly stating the circumstances wliioli compelled liiin to surrender his properly to his creditors, and pi, lying to nutke a cession of his estate, and to be discharged from his del)ts, in pnrsuance of the ])rovisi('ns of an act, entitled, An Act for th»^ Relief <>f Insolvent Debtors, and Protection of Creditors, passed ]M;iy 4tli, 1852, and of the several acts amendatory thereof, and did therein declare it to be his desire to* be discharged from all his debts and liabilities, and that he had described them according to the best of his knowledge and recollection ; and the said petitioner having annexed to, and filed with, his petition a schedule of his aflfairs, as lequired by the 3d and 6th sections of said act, by him signed and sworn to before the said judge, the said j^etition and schedule were theieupon certi- fied by said judge, and by him caused to be filed in the oflice of the clerk of said court, in the said rlln and county, there to remain for the information of tlie creditors; and upon receiving said petition, schedule, and aftidavit, the judge thereupon, to wit : on the SOt/i day of ^d /iii'l^ A. D. 18G./, made an order requiring all the creditors of the said insolvent to show cause, if they could, on ^/ZZc/zday, the SSd day oi ^Lau.^ a. d. 186^, before the said judge, in open court, at the court-house thereof in said nUu. and county, why an assign- ment of said insolvent's estate should not be made, and he be dis- charged from his debts ; and did then and there direct the clerk of said court to issue a notice calling the creditors of said insolvent to be and appear on the 9 -id day of ^,H aij, a. n. 186./, being not less than thirty nor more than forty days from the first publication of such notice, before said judge, in open court, to show cause why the prayer of said insolvent should not he granted; in j)ursuance whereof, the said clerk did is>ue a notice, calling them to appear in the said court, on the 3-^d day of ^/Laij, a. n. 186./, on which day I lie. iLcaiincy f fl daid nutlict^ uj.aa ailjtnlnrd 1 1 11 ilir 3LI/l daij. cf^ ^Laii, /'S'/ 4, and it ilicn aj)pearing, to the satisfaction of the court, upon affiilavit fileil, that the notice to the creditors of said insolvent had been regularly published, in pursuance of sail order, once a week COUNTY COURT. — CIVIL CASES. 295 for four successive weeks, in a newspaper printed in said ciin^ and county, and no creditors of said insolvent appearing, or appointing any assignee, upon motion of the petitioner's counsel, it was ordered, that the sheriff" of tlie county be authorized to receive the surrender of property offered by the said insolvent debtor, and to perform, in every respect, the functions of assignee. Now, at this day, to wit, on ^/tit^jday, the gt/v dny of ^ittie, A. D. 186.:;^, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that ten days have elapsed since the appointment or authorization of said sheriff to act as assignee, and that no written opposition by any of the credit- ors of said insolvent to the appoitifment of said assignee, or to the surrender of said petitioner's property, or the discharge of the said insolvent, has been filed or laid before the court, and that said sur- render has been made according to the provisions of said act and amendatory acts, and that the requirements of said act and amendatory acts, and all the orders of the court herein, have, in every respect, been fully complied with and performed by the said petitioner. Upon application and motion of counsel, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that said insolvent debtor be, and he is hereby, released and fully discharged from all his debts and liabilities, whether per- fectly or imperfectly described, or not described at all, which were contracted before the surrender of his estate under the provisions of the said acts, and contracted after the pass.Tgo of said act, and from every judicial proceeding relative to the same. ^curLiLe.L f^aui.Les, Dated ^un.e g, 186^. County Judge. No. 266. Petition for Homestead, &c., by an Insolvent. In the County Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. Frank Max, an Insolvent Debtor, against His Creditors. City and County of San Francisco, ss. The petition of i'rank Max, tlie said insolvent, respectfully repre- 296 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. sente, that he is, and was at the time of filing l>is petition and schedule herein, and for a loncj time theretofore has been, a niarrii-d man and man of family, and at and during said several times resided with bis family in and upon tbat certain house anil lot, or parcel of land, situated in the City and County of San Francisco, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: [Description.'l as his homestead, and that he claims the same as his homestead. That he purchased the same on or about the first day of April, a. d. 1857, and executed a mortgage upon the same for a part of tlie pur- chase-money, to wit : the sum of three thousand dollars, which said mortgage is still wholly unpaid, and in full force and virtue. That said house and lot, subject to the payment of said mortgage, is reason- ably worth less than the sum of five thousand dollars. Petitioner also represents, that said house and lot is set forth in his schedule in said proceeding, and that there is also set forth in said, schedule a small lot of furniture, to wit : [Descrijydon.l valued at the sum of three hundred dollars. Also, that he is a carpenter by trade, and that his schedule contains a lot of tools, with which your petitioner carries on his said business and trade, and which are necessary thereto ; all of which your petitioner is advised and verily believes he is entitled to have set apart for the use of himself and family, as property exempt by law from forced sale by execution. "Wherefore, the premises considered, your petitioner prays that the said premises be set apart as his homestead, and that said furniture and tools be also set apart for his use, and for such other or further^ relief as may be just. • FuANK Max. Subscribed 'and sworn to before me, this 2d day of May. 18G-1. Wm. IIabnet, Dcp. County Clerk. COUNTY COUHT. — CIVIL CASES. 297 No. 267. Order of Reference. In the County Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. April Terra j Tuesday, April 5, 1864. Present, Hon. Samuel Cowles, Judge. Frank Max, an Insolvent Debtor, against His Creditors. S. M. Wilson, Esq., counsel for John Smith, the opposing creditor herein, appeared in open court, and, with the consent of the insolvent's counsel, withdrew the opposition of said creditor to the discharge of the insolvent. Whereupon, on motion of insolvent's counsel, it is ordered, that this cause be, and it is hereby, referred to S. H. Dwi- ndle, Esq., to take testimony and ascertain the value, tt'c, of thef home- stead, tools, and other property claimed by the insolvent as exempt from execution and forced sale, and to report the same to this court. No. 268. Order Setting Apart Homestead, &c., to Insolvent. In the County Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. Frank Max, an Insolvent Debtor, agaiyist His Creditors. On motion of Messrs. McDougall and Sharp, attorneys for peti- tioner, and there being no opposition thereto, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the property set out and described in petitioner's schedule as his homestead is the homestead of petitioner, and that he and his family reside thereupon; and it also appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the said property, together with the improvements thereon, is of less than the value of five thousand dollars : 298 FOllMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Now, tlicreforc, in consideration of ihc premises, it is ordcioJ, ad- judged, and decreed, that the said real estate, together with the im- provements, to wit : [Description.^ he separated and set apart unto the said Max and liis family, as hia and their homestead. It is further ordered, adjudged, and decreci!, tlmt tlie wearing appari'l and tools mentioned and described in said petitioner's sche- dule, be set apart to the said petitioner and his family for his and their benefit and use. Samuel Cowles, Judge. Ebted San Francisco, April 16th, 18C4. No. 269. BLANK PUBLISHED. Memorandum of Costs and Disbursements. In the Coimty Court of the ^ l/j^ ci/lcI County of <^a.n ^lan.- cUna, State of California. Jf'cJhn. dJCac, "1 Plaintiff, I against /►Mehoraxdum of Costs and Disbuksemexts. fHiakcLtd ^/lar. Defendant. > DISBUESEMENTS. SherifTs Fees . . Clerk's Fees . . . Witness' Fees. State of California, i y ^s. /^iiji^ and County of ^a.n. /I'ituir.LArc, \ ^'cJuv f^icuui, being duly sworn, says: That he is anc o/'the attorney*! for the fLLcLuhLif'll'vw the above-entitled action, and, as COUNTY COURT, — CIVIL CASES. 299 such, is better informed relative to the above costs and disbursements, tlian the said /LLcLuitLff!. That the items in the above memorandum contained are correct, to the best of this affiant's knowledge and be- lief, and that the said disbursements have been necessarily incurred in the said action, ^'aJhti. J^Lcllux. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this rqtli. d:iy of ^^uciiLAt, A. D, ISG.^f, fll/LLLLcLm. ^Jf£cLin.eii., Deputy Clerk. No, 270, BLANK PUBLISHED. Subpoena, In the County Court of the ,^Ltti^ cuT.d County of 5/iiAi ^IcLncLAiia, State of California. ^'aluT. JlVaacL, Plaintiff, against \. Subpcexa ^T'cLiTL/is. ^LclticLm, Defendant. ^ The People of the State of California, send greeting to ^lL ss City and County of San Francisco, J ^fa/t/L ^niitlL, of said city and county, being duly sworn, says, that he served the within subpoena, by showing the said within original to each of the following persons named therein, and delivering a true copy thereof to each of the said persons, personally, on the 7 LlIl day of ^/a[htcm.Lcif^, A. D. 186.4, 'it the said City and County of Sin Francisco, to wit: ^JLarncts. ^'htvdlfiui.fi, who did not demand A/.s fees, and ^fUdetLck &MtLCLLil^ who demanded and received /lU fees, $ . ; • ^'akn. ^rrtLi/i.. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7'JtlC day of ^e/Liem.Let', a. d. 186.^. /ll^iLLicLirL Jf^iiLthrji, 0^ eJLiLtju. /^CLUxtiu ^Lctf^, No. r^so. County Court, /^ittt cLn.lL County oi ^an. ^fcLnrlAca. J'dux fliracA, Plaintiff, against ^f'itmc& ^jiLcLlicim,^ Defendant. SUBPCENA. Filed SfefLtenxLcL 7 J, 180^. /Ufin. ^tiiiuru. Deputy Clerk. I hereby certify that I served the within siibpa-na, by showing the said within original to each of the following jicrsous named therein, COUNTY COUIIT. — CIVIL CASES. 301 and delivering a true copy thereof to each of the said persons, per- sonally, on the 7 itlr. day of ^falvtenxUe^, A. D. 186^, at the City and County of San Francisco, to wit : ^/lamcisi ^'Ji/i.clleux&, who did not demand /ll& fees, and ^ledcLLck (DauxclIlL, who demanded and received AZs fees, % J'ckn. ^. ^LLU, Sheriff. By Meiriji^ ^. 0)cLLLis. aUrcLc^ ^/Lcllf)Z Dated ^e/tt^mLet^ //, 1 86^. Fees, $ Service, $ Mileage, $ No. 271. BLANK PUBLISHED. Summons. In tlie County Court of the ,^'iti^ a.n.d County of ^cLtx ^3^'icLtTCLAca, State of Califoruia. Plaintiff, against Action brought in the County Court of the ^JZ^^ atid County of ^cLtL ^'LcLrLaiAca, State of Cali- >fornia, and the complaint filed in said i^iiiu. and County of ^clix ^'LcLrLcUaa., in the office of the clerk of said Countv Court. Defendants. The People of the State of California send greeting to ^iakcLtd ^ae, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff , in the County Court of the /^diij- a.n.d County of cg/k/z ^3ff^a.n.tiLAca, Slate of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclu- sive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons — if served within this county ; otherwise, within forty days — or judgment by default will be taken against IMF.KNAL REVENXTF. you, according to the prayer of said complaint. 302 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. Tlic said action is brought to [JLre slate the cause and general nature of the action^ Ami you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said phiintiflf will cl/l/lLj^ La IIlc re II If /k/ tUc Icl Lcf\LrnuuLdcil iix6tiiiL C(un/LL(LLH.t. Given umler my h:ind and the seal of the County Court of tho ^i-tii iLinL County of -/llii. J3fni-ihcisca, State of California, this 7SilL day of ^liLau-i^i, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-Zfi/^/ /lirni. ;Trrjr,j, Clerk. By fU'uL. ^LclLucu, r)ei)uty Clerk. {Seal of County Court.) OflBce of the Sheriff of the /^i-iiL and County of ^un ^'icLnrijca \ I hereV)y certify that I received the within summons on the ^Cjllx day of ^Z//^.//ji/, A. d. 186^, and personally servcil the same on the SOLIl day of ^^iLo^uSt, A. D. 186.;^, on y^A.iiilLa.LcL f3iac, cLthdan. i/te S3d dcLu. afl ^fkuf^uAt, j^'li. ^. rS't^-i en. ^j.ia. ^tuLcs, being iuxa cf! the defendants named in said summons, by delivering to eac/i c./" said defendants, personally, in the ^Ifu. ntul County of ^a.n. j3f'La.ivrisca, a copy of said summons, and tc. I/lc defaixdatzi, ^JLiiIklIiL ^^re, in. cliLLlLlch ta a. rr/iij^ af! Acli'iL JiiinmatLs, a certified copy of the complaint in the action named in said summons, attached to saitl copy of summons. * /JP fliLiULCi^ ccllifii, tlhCLt aftci^ due. and diiiq^^crLi Ae.n.!cJi. and b-LqiLilit, ^ haiic keen. luiaLLc ia find ifie defendant, ^auL ^panes, in t/tis ei/u. and ccicntu^, and t/i-it ^ am in- faUned and LeLictie LluU. lie leliiles. in the. ^-itji. cf ^I'^aux Dated tliis o^^Zday of ^liia't^l, 18G.^. Mcnlrt^ ^ (3^aids, SherifT. By JCrniu C^. ;r£a,n,U, Deputy Shci-ifr. Stamps— Sec Furm No. 202. COUNTY COUET. — CEIMIIfAL CASES. 303 No. 272. "Warrant against "Witness. :)rnia, ) L ss. unfy, ) State of California, Count To the Sheriff of said county, greeting : In the name«of the people of the State of California, you are here- by commanded forthwith to apprehend E. F., in your county, and bring him before me, O. P., Esq., County Ju(ige of said County, at my chambers, at tlie court house, in the Town of , in said county, to testify touching the execution of a conveyance of real estate, from K. B. to C. T, to which the said E. F. is a subscribing witness, as is said ; the said E. F., who is a resident of said county, having been duly subpoenaed to appear before P. Q. R., a notary public in and for said county, to testify touching tlie execution of the said conveyance, and having, without reasonable cause, neglected [or, refused] to attend in pursuance thereof. O, P., County Judge of County. Dated July , 1859. County ©otirt.— ©rimmal ©ases* No. 273. BLANK PUBLISHED. Attachment of Dafanlting Juror. In the County Court of the i^Ltt^ clizcL County of ^ctn. ^'ioLttcLAca, State of California, The People of the State of California, To the Sheriff of the ^itu- clucL County of ^jfctn. ^'icLrtniAca, greet- ing: You are hereby commanded, fort'nvith, to attach the bodz^ of 304 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ^afin. ^c£, and bring kiin before the County Court of said ^Ltij. cLn.lL County of ^ctti. ^ruuLcUca, to show cause why kc should not be punished for contempt of court, in failing to appear and serve as a. tiLi 1 1 Iwvov in said conit. Witness Hon. ^txmiLcL ^aude^, Judge of the said County Court of the /^itu. and County of ■sfcui. ^'icLitcUca, this -rSLlt day of ^htc^tLSt, A. D. 18G.^, flWdiiam. ^c^uj.ij^, Clerk. By fll^ni.. Ma-tn-e^^u, Deputy Clerk. Indicted for J^ui- r^LcLtii^. No. 274. BLANK PLBLI3HED. Bail Bond. In the County Court of the ^//o. cLihd County of ^cun. ^ficLtLcLAc/i, State of California. The People of the State of California ' against J'>cLck ^kejilicLld. An indictment having been found on the 'fOik. day o^ ^/Laick, A. D. 186.4, an(^ filed in the County Court of the ^du- citvd County of ^fcLn. ^'LcLixcUca, State of California, on the day of , A. d. 186 , charging ^fack ^J'ke/i/Lfxid with the crime of {Designate the crime (jeneralli/.] and the said ^fack ^kc/i/icUd having been duly admitted to bail in the sum o^ tmc. thaii^a.n.d dollars. We, ^'rdui (3: (\p. and -(JLlckctid fJlae., residents of the /~//^- and County of ^tin ^'Uin.riJra, heicby undertake that the above- named ^'cick ^kr/i/mld shall appear aiul answer the said indict- ment in whatever court it may be prosecuted, and sliall at all times render /ti'm-self amenable to the orders and processes of the court, and if convicted, shall appear for judgment, and render A/z/vself in exeo.ition tliereof; or if ke fails to jjcrform either of^ these con- COTTXTY COURT. — CRIMI]N-AL CASES. 805 ditions, that we will pay to the people of the State of California the sum of iujia tltaLtAcLn-cL dollars. ^alux 0^ ae. [l. S.] ^LLckcLid {JLac. [l. s.] Witnessed and approved by me, this day of , A. D. 1 86.4. County Judge of the /fitu. a.n.cL County of ^CLn. ^'LcLHtiLAiia. State of California, ) g^ (^itjLi. ctrLcL County of ^ctn. ^LcLrLctAna, > ^akn. S3ae. and /3LLcIi-clIcL ^ae., whose names are subscribed as the sureties to the above undertaking, being severally duly sworn, each for liiraself, says, that he is a resident and a fle^o\>XQX within the State of California, and that he is worth the amount specified in the said undertaking as the penalty thereof, over and above all his debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt from execution. J^akn. 0^ae. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of ,A.D. 186,4. fWiLLLcLnx r^cLlncij., Deputy County Clerk. See Gen. Laws, 2110. ^LckcLid -iSLae. J No. 275. Recognizance on a Recommitment. An order having been made on the day of , a. s. 186 , by tlie court \iiaming H\ that A. B. be admitted to bail in tlie sum of dollars, in an action pending in that court against liim in behalf of the jieople of the State of California, upon an [informa- tion, presentment, indictment, or appeal, as the ease may he\^ we, C. D, and E. F., of \stating their places of residence^ hereby undertake, that the above-named A. B. shall appear in that or any other court in which his appearance may be lawfully required upon that [informa- tion, presentment, indictment, or appeal, as the case may bel, and shall 20 306 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. at all times render himself amenable to its orders and processes, and appear for judgnient, and surrender himself in execution thereof, or, if he fail to perform cither of these conditions, that lie will pay to the l)eople of the Si ate of California the sum of dollars [inserting the sii)/i in icliich tJie defendant is admitted to iaiV], Sue Gca. Laws, 2132. IXDICTAIENT FOK GkAND Larcexy. No. 276. Forfeit of Bail. County Court, i ^. . ,, ,. r. -t- • > June Term, 1858. City and County ui ban r ranci.trict attorney, it was ordered, tliat the defendant, A. B., be called. And the said defendant, having been thrice solemnly and duly called, failed and nei;lected to appear for trial. Whereupon, on motion of the district attorney, it was ordered that C. D. and E. F., the bail of said A. B., be likewise called to produce the said A. B. in court for trial ; and the said C. D. and E. F. having been thrice duly and solemnly called to produce the said A. B. fcr trial ; and the said A. B. still neglecting and failing to appear, and the said bail wholly neglecting and refusing to pro luce said A. B. for trial, ui)on motion of the district attorney, the court directed the fol- lowing order to be entered, to wit : Tlie above-named defendant, A. B., having been heretofore indicted for grand larceny, and duly admitted to bail in the sum of one thou- sand liolhirs, and the said A. B., on the '20th of July, A. d. 1858, hav- ing, without sullicient c.vcu>e, neglected to appear in court for trial, although the said A. B. was thrice solemnly called to appear in court for trial, and although C. D. and E. F., the bail of said A. B., were thrice solemnly called to produce said A. B. in court for trial, yet the said A. B. neglected and refused to .".ppear for trial, and the said bail neglected and refused to produce the said A. B. for trial. COUNTY COURT. — CRIMINAL CASES. 307 Now, therefore, it >s ordered by the court, that tlie recognizance executed by the said C. D. and E. F. be, and the same is hereby, de- clared forfeited ; and it is further orderel, that the said A. B. be arrested, and committed to the custody of the sherilFof the City and County of San Francisco, until legally discharged therefrom. It is further ordered, that the foregoing facts and order be entered on the minutes of this court. No. 277. Forfeit of Money Deposited as BaiL County Court I June Term, 1864. City and County of San Frnncisco. ) The People of the State of California, > t „., n™. ™ ^ ' IlfDICTMEN^T FOR (jrRAJTD aqainst > t •^ [ Laeceny. A. B., indicted as C. D. J The above-named defendant, A. B., indicted by the name of C. D., having neglected to appear in court, for the purpose of pleading, when his presence was lawfully required in court, although he was called to appear in court, for the purpose of pleading to the indictment therein, in a loud and audible voice at the court-room door, and pro- clamation publicly made that, unless he appear, the money, to wit: fifteen hundred dollars, deposited in lieu of bail for that amount, would be forfeited, and the said A. B. still neglecting to appear in court, now therefore, it is ordereil that the foregoing f icts be entered in the minutes of the court, and that the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars deposited in lieu of bail be, and the same is hereby, declared forfeited. And it is farther ordered, that the said A. B. be re-arrested by any sheriff, constable, marshal, or policeman within this State, and be com- mitted to the custody of the Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco, and that he be detained until legally discharged. 308 FORMS AND USE OF 15LANKS. No. 278. KnTEXAX BBVCNCE Certifying and Transferrins Indictment to the District Court. State of California, } ' y ss. City and County of San Francisco, ) I, William Loewy, County Clerk of said city and county, and ex- offiei'^ Clerk of tlie County Court thereof, do hereby certify, that, on in();ion of , Esq., District Attorney of said county, made in open court, in said County Court, on the day of , 186-1, it was ordered L»y said court that the indictment found against , the within- named defendant, and tiled in said court, on the day of , 18G4, charging him witli the crime of , be cer- tified and transferred to the District Court of the Judicial Dis- tiict of the State of California, in and for the County of for trial. And in pursuance of the said order, I do hereby certify the withiTi to [>e the original indictment so found and tiled as aforesaid in snid County Court, on the day of , 1804, and do hereby transfer the same to said District Court for trial. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this day of , 1SG4. WiixiAM LoEWY, Clerk. [seal.] By W.M, IIarnet, Deputy Clerk. StJimps. — Sco Form No. 152; but see also Form No. 2G2. No. 279. Order for Change of Place of Trial. County Court, ) County of . ' The People of the State of California, a (/a Inst A. B. Application having been maile by the defendant iierctoforc, to COUNTY COURT. — CRIMINAL CASES. 309 wit: on the day of , A. d. 186 , of the present term, in open court, and in writing verified by the o ith of the defendant, and proof of service of a copy of said affidavit upon the District At- torney, on the day of , A. d. 186 , having been filed, ami said application being made on the ground that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had in this county, and praying that this action may be removed to the County of for trial, which matter was taken under advisement by the court, and tlie same having been duly con- sidered, and the court being satisfied that the representation of the defendant is true, it is hereby ordeied that this action be removed to the County Court of the County of , State of California. And the said defendant being in custody, it is further ordered, that the she iff of this county remove the said defendant to the cus- tody of the Sheriff of the County of , No. 280. BLANK PUBLISnED. Commitment to County Jail. In the Cotlnty Court of the ^itJdr ^f^'^^ County of ^ctn. ^LcLtv- cLAna, State of California. ^LcLtcli. Term, a. d. 1 86^ ^LcLtak SOtk, A. D. 186^ Present: Hon. ^a.m.ueL /^aujiLes, County Judge. The People of the State of California, \ against V Convicted of ^LLeL ^Lanlae. ^cLuxo-tcLs.. ' The District Attorney, with the defendant and Ill& coxmsel, ^euils. ^LLLs^ came into court. The defendant was duly itiformed by the court of the nature of the indictment found against /tZ/?z for the crime of LLLeL, committed on the ^tL day of ^LcLtalt, a. d. 186.4, — of /"^s arraignment and plea of " JSTot Guilty as charged in said indictment" — of Ills, trial and the verdict of the jury, on the SS^I/l day of ^LcLick, A. D. 186.4, "Guilty as charged in the indictment." The defendant was then asked if Le. had any legal cause to show why judgment 310 FORMS AND USE OF ELANKS. ilioulil not be pronounced ag.iiiist IlIih. To which ka rcpliel tliit kc had none. And no sulli. ient caust! being shown or appearing to t!ie court, thereupon the court renders its ju^lgment: Tluit, whcre.is, the said ^LarUac ^iLulclUU, liaving been duly convicted in thia court of the crime of iiLe.t : It is therefore ordered, adjudged, and decreed: That the snid ^L< tUae ^iIllulIcIs. be punished by imprisonment in tlie County Jail of the ^ita cuhd County of ^un. ^HcttxciAca, in the State of California, for the term of aLx. tn.an.tk&. The defendant -vvas then remanded to the custody of tlie Shcrilf of the said cLLii and county. Office of the County Clerk, ) Of the ///^ cLiui County of ^a.n. ^ C. H. Randall. Alexander Orleanski. ) Sentence. Defendant, appearing for judgment, is duly informed by the court of the nature of the indictment, the plea, and the verdict, and being asked by the court if he had any legal cause to show why the judg- ment of the court should not be pronounced against him, and no suf- ficient cause being shown, the judgment of the court was pronounced us fullows : That the defendant be imprisoned in the State prison for the term of five years. No. 286. Entry of Additional Sentence. County Court. February Term, 1864. The People of the State of California ^ Stealing property of against v J. H. Gildimeester. Alexander Orleanski. ) Sentence. Defendant, appearing for judgment, is duly informed by the court of the nature of the indictment, and his plea of guilty, and being asked if he had any legal cause to show why judgment should not be pro- nounced against him, and no sufficient cause being shown, the judg- ment of the court is pronounced as follows : — 318 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. That the (.k'fciidant be imprisoned in the State Prison for the term of one year, such imprison rnent to commence alter the expiration of the foregoing sentence of live years. No. 237. Oath of Foreman of the Grand Jury. You, as foreman of the Grand Jury, sliall diligently inquire into, and true presentmi-nt make, of all public offenses against the peofile of this State, ctimmitled (>v triable -within this county, of which you shall have or can obtain legal evidence. You shall present no person through malice, hatred, or ill-will, nor leave any unpresented through fear, favor, or affection, or for any reward, or tlie promise or liope thereof, but in all your pre-entinents you shall present the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, according to the best of your skill and understanding. So help you God. No. 288. Oath of the other G-rand Jurors. Tlie same oath which your foreman has now taken before you on bis part, you, and each of you, shall well and truly observe on your part. So help you God. No. 289. Oath, as to Excuse of Juror. That you will well and truly answer the questions put to you concerning your excuse to serve as a grauJ [<>r, trial, as ma>/ AcJ juror, So help you God. COUNTY COURT.— CHIMIlSrAL CASES. 319 No. 290. Plea. The plea shnll be entered in substantially the following form : 1. If the defendant plead guilty, "The defendant pleads that he is guilty of the offense charged in this indictment." 2. If he plead not guilty, " The defendant pleads that he is not guilty of the offense charged in this indictment." 3. If he plead a former acquittal or conviction, "The defendant pleads that he has already been cunvictcil [or, ac- quitted, as the case mnxj be] of the offense chnrged in this indictment, by the judgment of the Court of \_namiiig it\ rendered at \iiaining the place\ on the day of ." No. 291. BLANK PUBLISHED. Subpcena. In the County Court of the f/p'itu. cuvd County of ^ctn. ^LcLSLrlsca, State of Calif )rnia. The People of the State of California 1 ^ > Subpcena. against J^ctal^ ^iLc/tfLC^id. The People of the State of California to ^akn. ^ae, ^LcficLtd 0Lae, and ^akn. ^nxLtk: You are commanded to appear before the County Court of the i^'itil: cLtrd County of ^arL ^LCLirciAca, State of California, at the court-room of said court, in the /^itu. J^CclLL in said cLiu. ctii-d county, at a term of said court, to be hekl at said /^Lii^. Jf^aLL, on the Sit/i. day o^ ^^iLaiLAi, a. d. 186^, at 70 o'clock ^'Z:. m., as witnesses in a criminal action, prosecuted by the people of the State of California against ^clcL ^/Le/L/Lctid, on the part of the de- "feirdcLrLt. ^n.d j^aiL, ike. ActLd ^akn. 0^ ac, cvLe. teq^itLled clLao. ta S20 FORMS AND USK OF BLAr,'KS. Llincy lulLUl ucjL ike. fclLaiu.irLry [dcscrib'mg intellijihly the books^ papers^ or documents requlrcd\ Given umler my hand, this S^-Lk day o^ ^/Litf^uAt, a. t>. ISC.^. By order of the court. /llf,n. X^acLVJu, Clerk. By fli'm. Muitvcn, Deputy Clerk. ShcriflTs Office, \ ^Hl^ atid County of ^/kzai ^La.nr.LAr.a. j I hereby certiiy that I served the within subpoena on the S.^I/l day of j^1iU(jiLSt, a. d. 186./, on ^akn. 0J ac clucL ^LlcIiclIcL 0Lae, being Iillc^ r./'the witnesses named in said subpoena, at the /^.Lln. clixcL County of ^a.n. ^LcLn.aisca, by sliowing the original to cucIl cf said witness^ii pers£)nally, and informing cclc/l cfl iltftn of the con- tents thereof. yJf fiLlUtci^ ce.LtlpiL t/icLt, a^tci^ due citLil cLLLif^erLt AecLLek cLthd. ukj-LlLiu, ^ kcLLLC Leen. iLticLULe ic. p'utcL tlie Ldit- n.e&&, ^atux ^oiIUl, lit. t/iLS cltfj. and eaunlti, and tliai ^ am Lnf^aiirLcd, and LeLieme, tliat lie kas. tenzaaed ia tke ,^iijL^ a-p ^aclameata. fdfCenLi^ 01. 0C aLLLS, Sheriff of the ^Lttj, an.d County of ^an. ^•Lan.ctAca. By ^■. ^. 01. flfkitnen, Deputy Sheriff. Dated ^ucyuxt SJ,, 186^. No. 292. BLAXK PUIU.ISIIED./ Subpoena, Affidavit, and Ordar for Attendance of Non- Hesident Witness. In the County Court ot' the /li-tu. ami County of ^an. ^fiancLsca., State of California. The People of the State of California ^ against > f/lirkaid PUe. ) The People of the State of California, To ^fcJin. (llae: You are commamlod to appear be'bre the County Court of the /riiiL and County of ^Alh /7fanr.i'..irc, State of C.ilifornia, at the court-room of said court, in the /^il'j_ ^HaU of said riiu. and county, on the day of , a. d. iSG.^, at o'clock M., as a witness in a criminal action prosecuted by the COU]S^TY COUET. — CRIMINAL CASES. 321 People of the State of California against ^LciIlclIcL ^ae, on tho part of t/tc ^e^a/iLe. af live ^Lale af ^^ctLifaUvLct. Given under my hand, this day of , a, d. 186^. J^CLtkctn. yCPcHcf, State of Califoi-nia, ) r SS /fli^ cLtid County of ^an. ^'LcLtLciAca, ) J^cLtka.n. ^cdla^, 0^ LsttLct ^UaOiei^ of said clLij. ctrLcL county, being duly sworn, says, that ^'c-Itn. 0) ae, a. resident of the , County of ^cLcLcLrn.en.ta, State of California, Zs n. necessary and material witness for the ^eclIiLe, in the action of the People of the State of California against filialLCLicL 0Laa, and he veiily believes that the evidence of the said Jf'alu-L Q)ae. is material, and that /iZa attendance at the ULclL af AclLcL cLctLctL is necessary : wherefore he prays for an order for the attendance of said witness. J^cLilLCLn. ^CPcLtLcif-, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ' day of , A. D. 1864. JWLLLicLm. rS^LcLttveju., 0^ e/LLttii^ ^auixti^ ^Lelh.. State of California, y_ f^iirL cLthcL County of ^ctn. ^'LcLrhnUaa, ' Upon reading the foregoing affidavit, it is ordered, by the Hon. ^cLnuLe.L ^aLLde.&, County Judge of said ciiii. citrd county, tliat ^a.h.n. 0)ac do attend as a witness before the Hon. the /\(iiuitjc f^aiLtt of said dti^ cLtxd county, as commanded by the foregoing subpoena. Done at the cautt-taatrL af dctid caitlt, in the ^itjL cLtvd County of ^cui. ^IcLnatSca,. this day of , a. d. 186^. Blanks — These contain also an endorsement of service of subpoena like that in Form No. 291. 21 322 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 293. BI.AXK I'UUI.ISIIED. Subpoena.— Grand Jury. The People of the State of California, To Jf'rluh ^JiYhiLfi., ^LctrLcLs. Jf£xx(^, CLtrd /^kciiLe& J^ae : You are commanded to appear before the Graml Jury of the ^llij, niiiL County of 5/k/i ^fLaircUca, State of Califoriiin, at the Grand Jury Room, in the ^Uu. ^£ciLL of said cLtii a.nd county, on the SiL day of ^e.li±enT.Let^, a. d. 186^, at / o'clock -^3^. m., as v\'itiiess/:s in a criminal action prosecuted by the People of the State of California. Given under my hand, this /di day of -frfitcml-ri^, A. D. 186^. District Attorney. Blanks.— These contain also an endorsement of service, like that in Form No. 291. No. 294. BLANK PUIiLISIIED. Summons of Juror. StMte of California, \ l^'Llanidilu County, [ To J'dux dlac: You are hereby summoned to appear in the County Court of the County oi ^LUunciLa., at the court-room thereof, in the Conrt House in Kaid county, on the SLIl day of -fifilfniUe^, a. n. 180^, at iO o'clock ^l . M., to ^er\e as xi nUmcL juror ; and herein fail not. Dated ^JiIlIuilUili^ 1\L, 180..^. ^CllHu ^V. ^LcLac, Sheriff. COUNTY COUET, — CRIMINAL CASES. '323 No. 295. BLANK PUBLISHED. "Venire. State of California, County of ^LctniccicL, To the Sheriif of said county, greeting: You are hereby comnifinded to summon [Here insert the name of each jur'Qr on the certified list, and^ imless waived by the sheriff, also the occupation and toxcnship of each juror.], to he and appear in the County Court of the County of ^lam/^cla., to be held in the court- room of said court, at the ^auLi JfCavtAa in the said county, on the 'JUl day of J^au.errLLai^, A. D. 186,^, at 70 o'clock ^. M., to act as fr.icLrvcL jurors ; and of this writ make legal service and due return. Witness, Hon. JS^cALe JftcLni.iLLan., Judge of said court, and the seal of said court, this day of , a. d. 186^. ^. ^L ^luLtali., Clerk, By ^. §. ^rrtLtk, Deputy Clerk. (Seal ef Covifdy Court) No. 296. Entry of Verdict on Issue of former Acquittal. County Court , ^ ^ ^e™, 1864. City and County of ban Jb rancisco. ) The People of the State of California against John Nelson. The District Attorney being in court, and the defendant with his counsel, and the jury, duly impaneled herein on the 15th inst., being all present, the respective counsel for the complainants and the de- fendant being fully heard, the court proceeds to charge the jury, which charge is delivered in writing, and defendant by his counsel Grand Larceny, Issue of former Acquittal, 324 FOIIMS A^'D USE OF BLANKS. excepts thereto. The jury re'.ire under :i sworn officer, and returning into court, tliey, by their foreman, s:iy, "We find for the People," •which verdict the couit orders of record, and the same being duly recorded and read to them by the clerk, and being asked if Unit was their verdict, all assented. Defendant by his counsel then moved to set the aViove verdict aside, on the ground that it is contrary to law and evitience, which motion is overruled by the court, to which decision the defendant by his counsel tlien and there excepts. Defendant then enters his plea and pleads that ho is not guil'y, as charged in the indictment. No. 297. BLANK PL'BLISnED. Bench Warrant. In the County Court of the ^(^li-u and County of ^fatz /jf Lin elder , State of California. State of California, 1 > 8S /^iiu and County of ^/txn. f/U'lnnriJca, ) The People of the State of California, To any shi.'riff, constable, marshal, or policeman in this State: An indictment having been found, on the day of , A. D. eighteen hundred and s.vs.iy-f'c.ui', in the County Court of the /Itju- utLcl County of ^Jitn ^nancAAca, charging ^fa.cU '^he/i/ia.ul with the crime oi [Dcftignate the crime genera/li/]. You are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest the above-named ^acL- ^//Lr/i/inid, .and bring /iini before that court, to answer said indictment; or, if the court has adjourned for the term, that you deliver hun into the custody of the Sheriff of the ^(^I'ln ttmi County of ^fixn /litinr.hrn, or, if///- require it, that you take ////// before any magistrate in that county, or in the county in which you arrested ftitn., that Ilc mav give bail to answer to the indictment. COUNTY COURT. — CRIMINAL CASES. 325 Given under my hand, with the seal of said court affixed, this dny of , A. D. eighteen hundred and sixtj-faut'. By order of said court. flL^LLlicLn'L ^ariuit, Clerk. By /Ufin. JflcLLncu, Deputy Clerk. (Smlof County Court.) The defendant l& to be admitted to bail in the sum o^ tciLa tlhau- IcLtLcL dollars. /lU'LLLLctrrL ^acuin., Clerk, By /Wm.. Ma-Ui-eu^, Deputy Clerk. No. 298. Order against Defaulting "Witness, Subpoenaed before the Grand Jury. County Court ) » -i t" io^j •' (April lerm, 1864. of the City and County of San Frnncisco, f Thursday, May 2d, 1864, as yet of said April Term. Tlie Grand Jury came into court, and Ijy their foreman represented, to t];c court that A. B. is a mate;ial witness in a proceeding before said Grand Jury, and that, having been served with a subpcena to attend before them, he had nevertheless neglected so to attend, and the said Grand Jury thereupon by their foreman ask for an attachment against said A. B. And upon said application, and due proof being filed of the facts stated therein, and of the service of a subpoena upon said A. B., and his failure to ob.'y the same, it is ordered by the court that said A. B. appear before said County Court, at ten o'clock a. m., on Friday, May 3d, and show cixise why he should not be punished for contempt in disobeying said subpoena. 026 rOKMS AND VSE OF BLANKS. (L^ountj) or District (Tourt. No. 299. Petition by Apprentice to District or County Court, or a Judge of such Court, for Relief, and to annul Indentures. In tlic matter of the application of A. IJ., ) an aiipri'Dtice, for relief, .], respectfully shows : That the said A. B. was bound to service to G. II., by indenture of apprenticeship, signed and executed by both parties, on the day of , 1858, in the trade or occupation of wine-m.iking, and immediately, thereupon, entered into such service, and has so con- tinued to this time. Tliat by the terms of said indenture, said G. II. agreed to pay to said A. B. the sum of five dollars monthly. That said G. II. has Avholly neglected and refused to p;iy to said A. B. the said sum of five dollars per mouth, or any part thereof. That the services of.vaiil A. B., rendered to said G. II., are worih the sum of ten dollars per month, and that, upon a fair accounting, the sum of twenty-five dolhirs is now due to him, the said A. B., from the said G. II. Tliat said G. If. Ins been guilty of cruelty and maltre.itnuiiit toward said A. B., without just c.uise or provocation. That :imon<» other acts of cruelty and maltreatment, said G. II. has compelled the said A. B. to sleep in the vineyard of said G. II., witliout .-my jirov i- sion for extra covering, and has beaten and bruised said A. B. with hoes, rakes, spades, and other im])lements and weapons, without just cause or provocation. That the said A. B. has performed all the con- ditions of said indenture, npon his part, and |>erf Mined all the ser- vices and duties to which h • was lawiully and riglufully bound as such apprentice. COUNTY OS DISTRICT COUKT. 327 Wherefore, your petitioner prays that said indenture of appren- ticeship may be annulled and declared void; that an account maybe taken and adjusted between the parties ; that said A. B. may have judgment against said G. H. for said sum of twenty-five dollars, and that said A. B. may have at your hands, all and any additional other or different relief to which he may be entitled. A. B. State of California, ) County of Los Angeles, ) A. B., being duly sworn, says that he is the petitioner named in the foregoing petition ; that he has read (or heard read) the foregoing petition, and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated on his information or belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. A. B. Subscribed and sworn to before me, February 1st, 1859. Wm. G. Dryden, Notary Public. {Notarial Seal.) No. 300. Citation to Master on behalf of Apprentice. In the County Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia. A. B. vs. G. H. The People of the State of California send greeting to G. H. : A. B. having filed in this court his petition, praying that his in- denture of apprenticeship with you may be annulled, and that he recover the sum of twenty-five dollars due fi-om you, and for general relief, on the ground of your refusal to pay him the amount agreed upon in said indenture, and of cruelty and maltreatment, the hearing of the same has been fixed for Monday, the day of , next, at ten o'clock INTEr.XAL EEVENTTE in the forenoon of that day, at the court-room of this court, at the 328 FOILMS AND L'SE OF BLAXKS. Court House in the City of Los Atigclcs, at which time and place you are cited to ajipear and answer the said })etitioii, or, in defaiiU thereof, proof therein will bo heard in your ab-ence ; and such judgment as the right of tlie case demands will be rendered on said petition. Given under my Iiand and tlie s.-al of the County Court of the County of Los Angeles, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lifty-nine. Charles R. Johnson, Clerk. (Stal of County Court) Stamps See Form No. 2C2. No. 301. BLANK Pllil-LSIIKD. Capias. The People of the State of California, To the Sheriff of the /^lIu. a./ul County of ^ci/i ^'la/icLAca, greeting : We command you, that you take ^^a/zn 0^ae and him safely keep, so that you have his body before our ^cjl/l/j/- Court of , said r/'//j. (tn.lL county, now in session at the /^ lIij^ ^CclLL in the said ciln cuuL county, on ^//La/n\i\y, the day of , A. i>. 18G.4, at /{> o'clock, ^•'i. m., that he may show cause why /le J./Lan.l(l IK 1 i r /uuiLs/lc^cI fiaf caninm/Lt, iiiu J^ctiLuhci. ic. a.itcttci (t&ui. J^.ti-lcif- txL ilir. ^Laju. ^cUn. af. AclLcL /^aLUttj^ /^jauiL And have you then and there this writ. By order of court. Witness my hand and the seal of said ,/^cJLniiU- Court, this S(/Ul day oi ;jLiitiiLjl, a. d. 186.4. plfm. jrflcrurn, Clerk. By y. J^cLl<.lacLln , Deputy Clerk. (^Seal of Count]] Court) COUIs^TY OR DISTRICT COURT. 329 No. 302. BLANK PUBLISHED. Finding and Decision of Court. Iq the SS LAiLict Court of the ^Lfteentk J^llcLLcLclL ^ UtUct af the State of California, Z/i clh.cL ^ai^ tli.e. f^itjU- a.n.cL ^clllhAl^ a^ ^cLn. ^LcLrtcLAca. ^fa/tn. dBae, Plaintiff, \ against > Finding and Decision of Coukt. ^Lc/tcLid ^ae, Defendant, ) The above-entitled action came on regularly for hearing and trial, on the r^tk day of ^itc^LLSt, a. d. 188^, jFc/ui. /^Lauui., Esq., appearing as counsel for the plaintiff, and ^!i.cLtLe& ^an.e&, Esq., as counsel for the defendant. A tri.d by jury having been expressly waived by the counsel for the respective parties, the said action was tried by the court, sitting without a jury, whereupon witnesses were duly examined on behalf of the IhLcLinlLff clh-cL cLefcn.cLcLn± in. AclLcL cLctLcn., and thereupon, after hearing the arguments of counsel for the respective parties, the cause was submitted to the court for considera- tion and decision; and after due deliberation therein, the court finds the following as the facts of the case, to wit : ^kat fiarn t/m 7 At cLcLj^ cf Jpa.n.iLCLl!i^, ^1. 0^. 78' bS, ta tka fiut cLclh. af ^'ctrLU- clIu, ^. 0^ . 7Sfb^, tke. AcLLcL fi.LcL'uxtif'f^ Ihct^atrrhccL AaiLiLae& a.& CL LcLtkee/Lei^ ^c.i^ tka AclLcL cLc:f^an.cicLnl, ctt Ills. A/henLcLL utAicLrLce. cLn.cL teq-LLcAt ; tlxal. tke. AclLcL cLcf^etvcLcLrLt [hiani.LAe.cL to. /lclii. ^at^ ike. AcLLcL Ae.taice& ujikcLt tke.L^ uxete. tccLAan-CLLLi^ Lctaltk ; ccrLcL tkcct tke. AcLnxe. uxeie ±e.cLAarLa.LLi^ uxaLtk Ae.ue.n. kLLn.cLte.cL ccncL tujLentic. cLaLLcLiSL. ^kcct na /icLr(.irLen.t kcL& eaet^ Leen. m.cLcLe Llu. tlce AcLLcL JLLcLULtifjl La tlhe SclLcL cLe^encLcLnt fai^ tke AcLme. ^/LCLt clLL tLze a-LLef^cLtians. Ln. AclLcL IrLcLLnti^p.' s canL/hLcLLfLt ciLe ttite. And as a conclusion of law from the above facts, the court finds that the said /LLcLLntLff! l& entitled to have and recover of and from the said cLefencLctnt, tiLe AiLtn af! AeLLcn iLuncLtccL ctncL tLv.entu. cLaLLcLis., cLncL eaAts. af' ailLL, and the court hereby orders judgment to be en- tered accordingly. Dated this filAt day of /JllLij., a. d. 186^. ' ^cLnhLLeL ^C 0) LLLLneLLe, J^LLcLo-e 7^5t/L 0^LAttict ^au±L 330 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 303. Finding of Triers. "We find [or, the majority of tlie triers liud] the challenge true [or^ not true]. No. 304. Oath of Triers, on Challenge to Juror for Actual Bias. That you will truly inquire whether or not the several persons challenij;ed, or who may be challenc^ed, as trial jurors in this issue joined, between , plaintifr, and , defendant [or, between the People, <£'e.], and in respect to whom the challenges shall be given to you in charge, are biased against the challenging party, and decide the same truly according to the evidence. So help you God. No. 305. Taking a Verdict. CouKT. — Mr. Clerk. Call the jury. Clerk. — Gentlemen of the jury ; please answer to your names as called. [C'lU t/ion one by o?ie, the Sheriff coimtlng as they ajiswer.^ Gentlemen of the jury; have you agreed upon your verdict? Jury. — \^T7ie foreman, rising, ansicers:^ We have. Clekk. — Declare your verdict. FoKEMAX. — We find [Here state the finding^. Court. — Mr. Clerk, record the verdict. Clerk. — [The Clerk then enters the verdict and contimtcs :'\ Gen- tlemen of the jury, listen to your verdict as it stands recorded. You say you find [//(./vj state the finding^ So say you all. COUNTY, DISTEICT, OE JUSTICE'S COURT. 331 No. 306. Verdict in a Criminal Case on issue of Guilty or Not G-uilty. We find the defendant guilty [or, not guilty], as charged in the indictn.ent. No. 307. Verdict in a Criminal Case, when the Question of the Sanity of the Defendant is tried. We find the defendant sane [or, insane], and that he was so at the time of the alleged commission of the larceny [or other act, as mai/ be], charged against him, to wit, on, cC'c. No. 308. Verdict upon a Plea of a former Conviction or Acquittal of the same Offense. We find for the people [or, for the defendant]. ©otint]), Qistiirt, or ^ustict's Court No. 309. Oath of Interpreter. That you will well and truly interpret between the court, the jury, the counsel, and the witness [or, the witnesses], in this cause, wherein is plaintiff anJ is defendant. So help you God. 332 FOUMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 310. Oath of Interpreter.— Another Form. Tliat you ^vill well and ti iily interpret from French into English, and from English into Frenc-h, tlie testimony to be given by this witness [or, the witnesses], in this issue ponding between , plaintiff, and , defendant. So help you God. No. 311. Oath on Voir Dire. You do solemnly swear that you will true answers make to such questions as may be put to you touching your interest in the event of this cause between A. B., plaintiff [or, the People of the State of California, complainants], and C. D., defendant. So help you God. No. 312. Oath of a Witness. That the evidence you shall give in this issue pending between , plaintiif [or, com])hunants], and , defendant, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God. No. 313. Oath of Party, or Interested "Witness, to Admit Evidence of the Contents of a Paper net Produced. That you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you touching the power or control you have over any paper [or, the loss or destruction of any paper] w Inch would be proper evidence in this cause. So help you God. COUNTY, DISTRICT, OR JUSTICE'S COURT. 333 No. 314. Of a Party, or Interested Witness, Preliminary to Proving the Handwriting of a Subscribing Witness. That you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you touching your [or, the plaintiff's, or, defendant's] ability to procure the attendance of G. IT., a subscribing vf^ituess to this paper [or, the paper in question]. So help you God. No. 315. Oath as to Competency of Juror. That you will well and truly answer such questions as may be put to you concerning your competeni-y to serve as a trinl juror in this issue pending between A. B., phiintiiF [or, the People of the State of California, complainants], and C. D., defendant. So help you God. No. 316. Oath of Impaneled Jury. You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, that you will well and truly try this matter at issue, wherein A. B.,is plaintiff [or, the People of, <&c., as above, are complainants], and C. D. is defend;mt, and a true verdict render therein according to the evidence. So help you God. No, 317. Oath of Officer, on Retiring with a Jury, or Jurors, on Leave, That you will retire with such jurors as Avill have leave of absence from this court ; you will not speak to them yourself in relation to this trial, nor suffer any person to speak to them ; and you will return with them without delay. So help you God. 3:>4 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 318. Oath of Officer, to Keep Jury on an Adjournment. Tliat you will retire with the jury to some convenient room during the recess of court; you will not suffer any person to speak to them, nor speak to them yourself, in relation to this trial, and return with them at the order of the court. So help you God. No. 319. Oath of Officer to take Charge of the Jury on Retiring to Deliberate. That you will keep this jury tot^ethcr in a private and convenient place for their deliberation ; that you will not permit any person to speak to them, nor sjK'ak to them yourself, without leave of the court, unless it be to ask them whether they li;r\e agreed u]»oii a verdict, and that you will return them into court wheu they have so agreed. So help you God. No. 320. Verdict in Action for Damages. "We find for defendant [or, fir plaintiff, damages $ ; or, for I»!aintiff against defemlant, C. D., damages S , and verdict for the defendant, E. F.] ; [or, //it be a sjiccial verdict^ insert the same at length^. No. 321. Verdict, with Assessment of Value of Personal Property. We find \(is in tJie precedinr/ Form, and then add :] and the jury assess the value of the said [Mention the proptrti/ in question.^ at dollars. [//* necesaari/, add: and they further a-^sess the damages of the said defendant, by occasion of the delivery and detention of the said property, at dollars.] COVENANTS. 33o No. 322. Verdict where Personal Property is in Question. We find the title of the horse in question to be in the plaintiff, and assess the value thereof at one hundred dollars. ©obntants. No. 323. General Form, of Covenant by One Person. And the said A. B., for himself and his heirs, executors, and admin- istrators, does hereby covenant, to and with the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that, ., for himself and his heirs, executois, and ad- ministrators, and for and on belialf of his wife, the said M. B., and her heirs, d'c, docs covenant with the fi-.nd p]. V., that, d'c. No. 327. Covenant of Seizin. And the said A. 13., for himself and liis lieirs, c£v-., does hereby covenant, to and witli the said C. D., his heirs and assigns, that he is law fully seized, as of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance in the law, in fje-simple, of and in the said premises, cDc. No. 328. Several Covenant of Seizin. And the said A. B., E. B., C. B., and E. F., do hereby, severally, and n dred and To have and to hold the said vessel and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said executors, administrators, and assigns, to the sole and only proper izse, benefit, and behoof of , the said executors, administrators, and assigns, forever. And the said ha and by these presents do promise, covenant, and agree, for heirs, executors, and administrators, to and with the said heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, to warrant and defend the said vessel and all the other before-mentioned appurtenances, against all and every person and persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof, the sjiid ha hereunto set hand and seal, this day of one thousand eight hundred and Sealed and delivered in the presence of No. 340. BI.AXK PCIJLISUKD. Bill Of Sale.— Enrolled Vessel. KNROIXEI) VESSELS. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : Know ye, That , of the or vessel called the , of the burthen of tuns, or thereabouts, for and in consideration of the sum of , lawful money of the United States of America, to in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents, by , the receipt whereof do hereby acknowledge, and therewith fully satisfied, contented, and paid, ha bargained KtVRRUC CUSTOM HOUSE. 345 and sold, and by these presents do bargain and sell, unto the said executors, administrators, and assigns, of the said or vessel : together with the mast , bowsprit, sails, boat , anchors, cables, and all other necessaries thereunto apper- taining and belonging. The certificate of enrolment of which said or vessel is as follows, to wit : No. ENROLLMENT. PERMANENT. Enrollment, in conformity to an Act of the Congress of the United States of America, entitled "An Act for Enrolling and Licensing Ships or Vessels, to be employed in the Coasting Trade and Fisheries, and for regulating the same," approved February 18, 1793, and " An Act to Regulate the Admeasurement of Tonnage of Ships and Vessels of the United States," approved May 6, 1864. having taken or subscribed the the said act, and having that citizen States, sole owner of the ship or vessel called the whereof is at present Master, and as he hath of the United States, and that the said ship or vessel And having certified that the said ship or vessel has deck and mast and that her length is ^^^feet; breadth to feet; depth to feet ; height Jo feet ; and that she measures tons and hundredths, viz. : required by of the United ,of , is a citizen Capacity under tonnage deck Capacity between declcs above tonnage deck . Encloseure on the upper deck, Total tonnage . Tonnage. that she is the said has and head. And having agreed to the description and admea- 346 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. surement above specified, and sufRcient eocurity liaving been given according to the said Act, the said has been duly enrolled at the Port of San Francisco, California. Given under hand and seal at the Port of San Francisco, this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and To have and to hold the said and appurtenances there- unto belonging, unto the said executors, admin- istrators, and assigns, to the sole and only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said ex-ecutors, administrators, and assigns, forever. And the said ha and by these presents do promise, covenant, and agree, for heirs, executors, and administrators, to and with the said heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, to warrant and defend the said and all the other before-mentioned appurtenances, against all and every person and persons "whomsoever. In witness whereof, ha hereimto set hand and seal , this day of . . , sealed, and delivered, in the presence of No. 341. BLANK PUBLISHED. Bill of Sale for Vessels under Twenty Tons. Know all men by these presents : That , for and in consideration of the sum of , to in hand paid, by , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell unto the said executors, administrators, and assigns, the and appurtenances thereunto belonging. The cer- BBT£2fUB tificate of the register of said vessel is as follows, to wit : CUSTOM HOUSE. 347 No. — License of a vessel under tioenty tons to carry on the for one year. DiSTEICT AND POET OF In pursuance of an Act of the Congress of the United States of America, entitled " An Act for Enrolling and Li- censing Ships or Vessels to be employed in the Coasting Trade and Fisheries, and "for regulating the same," ap- proved February 18, 1793, and of " An Act to Regulate the Admeasurement of Tonnage of Ships and Vessels of the United States," approved May 6, 1864, having given bond that the called the , whereof the said is Master, burthen tons, hundredths, and measuring in length y^ feet, breadth, -j-o feet, depth, ^o feet, proof being had of her admeasurement, shall not be employed in any trade, while this license shall continue in force, whereby the revenue of the United States shall be defrauded, and having also that this license shall not be used for any other vessel, or for any other employment than is herein specified, license is hereby granted for the said , to be em- ployed in carrying on the , for one year from the date hereof, and no longer. Given under hand and seal of office, at the , this day of , in the year one thousand eight hundred and , Collector. , Naval Officer. To have and to hold the said and appurtenances there- unt9 belonging unto the said executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, to the sole and only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said executors, ad- ministrators, and assigns, forever, and the said ha , and by these presents do promise, covenant, and agree, for^ heirs, administrators, and assigns, to and with the said executors, administrators, and assigns, to warrant and defend the said and appurtenances, against the legal claims of all persons whomsoever. 348 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. In testimony whereof, hereunto set haml and seal , this day of , one thousand eight hundred and Signed, scaled, and delivered, in the presence of No. 342. BLANK PIHI.ISIIF.D. , Bond to Produce Bill of Lading. Know all men by these presents : That , of County of , and , are held and firmly bound imto the owners, master, and consignees of the ship in the ])enal sum of dollars, to be paid unto the said owners, master, or consignees, their executors, administrators, or RKTENVX assigns, to which payment, well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such, Th.at whereas claim to be the true and lawful consignees of certain goods, wares, and merchandise, now on board the ship , of which they hold no valid bill lading. Now, in consideration of the delivery of said goods to the said , by the consignees of said ship without presentation of bill lading; we, the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish to the said consignees of s.'iid sliiji, within from the date hereof, a proper bill lading of said goods, duly filled up to the order of said , or in default of furnishing such bill lading, we hereby agree to hold the said owners, master, and consignees of said ship, harmless against the claims for delivery of any party or parties whatsoever, and bind ourselves to pay to the said owners, master, or consignees, all loss or damage which they may be called upon to pay in consequence of such delivery of said goods to the itaid Now, if the said do well and truly fulfil the CUSTOM HOUSE. 349 conditions of the above agreement, then this obligation is to be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain and be in full force and virtue. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this day of , eighteen hundred and sixty In presence of Form No. 120. No, 343. Landing Certificate for Bonded Goods. DiSTElCT AND PoET OF San FeANCISCO, ) ,18 , f "We hereby certify that the merchandise marked and numbered as follows, withdrawn from warehouse at the Port of , on the day of , 1 8 , by , has been duly delivered to the proper officer of the Customs at this port. MABKB. NtTMBEKS. DE8CKIPTI0N Or MEROnANDIBB. To ■ -, Deputy Collector. Naval Office] No. 344. BLANK PUBLISHED. Landing Certificate. CEETIFICATE OF THE CONSIGNEE. The following certificate must erprcss the marks and numbers, if any, on the package ; number of packages, and contents, with weight, measure, or gauge (in letters, not in figures), and to be signed by the consignee residing abroad; hut if (he goods are consigned to the Master, or any other person on board the iiessel, it must be signed by the purchaser, or purchasers, specifying that he or they were such ; and then verified and sworn according to the subsequent Forms. , of the , of , merchant , do hereby certify that the goods or merchandise hereinafter described, 350 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. have been landed in this , between the , and ,186 , from on board the , of , whereof is at present Master, viz. : TVliich, according to the bills of lading for the same, were shipped on board the , at the Port of San Francisco, in the United States of America, on or about the day of , 186 , and consigned to , by , aforesaid merchant. Given under hand, at , this day of ,186 . , Consignee. c c - 9 S ^ c_. gjd 5 :s "^ w .9 " •S = w 2 t^" '3 " '^'^■^ £o a . « 1* U ^ w . «r 5 p I? o • o r - = £^ t % a _o 2 a ., ♦JO J, a. bail's 5^ a- o _~ «= = « CO = =_: .S s ■« ^ 5 OATH OF THE MASTER ASST) MATE. "We, , Master, and , Mate of the , of , lately arrived from the Port of , in the United States of America, do solemnly swear, that the goods or merchandise enumerated and described in the preceding certificate, dated the day of , and signed by , of the city of , merchant , were actually de- livered at the said port, from on board the said , within the time specified in the said certificate. , Master. , Mate. Sworn at the of , before me, this d:iy of , 186 . , U. S. Consul. ^ CUSTOM HOUSE. 351 05 « , o « « fc 53-0 .2 o '> HOC <0 ' XC CTJ ci g a — ' tb^ a ~ V- c £ w jQ © cff -2 t^ -^ f^ n ^ tJ ^ § a o -M a ^ (T^ c Q C , ? ^ Ji o << c .5-5; ■" S o "3 -r S > 3 .2 t. « o « ,- = ^ » S & 5 § rt o 5-2 -S^j DOC o5^ »'o3-2 O S 0) -o V- 2 5 , ?'j3-S a q _ gq: I, COSrStTL S CEETTFICATE. , of the United States of America, at the of , do declare that the facts set forth in the preceding certificate, subscribed by , of the said city, merchant , and dated the , are* , just and true, and deserving full faith and credit. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of my office, at , this day of , 186 . . We, mekchant's certificate. , merchants residing at the of , do declare, that the facts stated in the preceding certificate, signed by , of the said , merchants, on the day of , are* , just and true, and worthy of full faith and credit. We also declare, that there is no Consul or Public Agent of the United States of America, or , now residing at this place. Given under hand , at the of , aforesaid, this day of , 186 . Note This certificate is used to cancel bonds given by the exporter of goods withdrawn from bond for exportation to a foreign country. No. 345. BLANK PUBLISHED. Certificate of Clearance. (Articles of merchandise, the growth, production or manufacture of the United States.) This is to certify that there were cleared out at this port, on the • To be filled^" to my knowledge," or " in my opinion.*' 352 day of , 180 , in the was Master, for FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. , whereof , the following articles of merchandise : DBSOBimOK Oy MKBCnAyDIBZ. on which no drawback, allowance, or bounty hath been paid oi ad- mitted. District of Port of , 186 . , Collector. , Naval OfBcei. Note. — The foregoing form is necos3ary on re-importation of goods, wares, and merchandise of domestic origin, when made at a port other than that from wbicb exported, and is granted by collector of district from whence goods were exported. Form KL No. 346. Certificate for Cancellation of Bond to Secure Internal Revenue Duties. No. Office of the Collector of Customs, This is to certify, tliat it appears upon the records of this office that there was exported from tl)i8 port by of in the , whereof was Master, for the Port of , on the day of , 18 , the following articles of merchandise, viz. : CUSTOM HOUSE. 353 MAKKS AHV NOS. DESCRIPTION. That the entry of said merchandise was made in this office, in the manner required by parties who export under bond given to secure the payment of internal revenue duties ; and I further certify, that if the above kind of merchandise, and the quality, quantity, and amount thereof, is the same kind of merchandise, quality, quantity, and amount mentioned in the bond given to you to secure the payment of the duties thereon, by , of , then entitled to have the same canceled and declared void j if not the same quality, quantity, and amount, then entitled to have remission of duties for so much thereof as has been exported, a bond having been filed in this office that the same will not be re-landed within the United States. Witness my hand and official seal, this day of , A. D. 18 . , Collector. Countersigned,. -, Naval Officer. To Collector of Internal Revenue, District, State of California. 1^^ Before presenting the foregoing certificate to the Collector of Internal Revenue for cancellation of the bond, one of the annexed affidavits, in conformity with the permit for removal granted by said Collector, must be made. AFFIDAVIT OP PARTY DESIRING CANCELLATION OF BOND GIVEN FOE EXPORT. State of California ; 23 being duly sworn according to law, deposes 354 I'ORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. and says, That upon the day of , a. d. 18 , of executed to , Esq., Collector of Internal Revenue for District, State of California, a bond in the penal sum of dollars, conditioned that the said "would export or pay the duties on , whereupon the eaid Collector gave the said a permit to remove the same for exportation ; that upon the day of , A. D. 1 8 , exported from the Port of San Francisco, Cal., to the port of ; that the said thus exported, is the identical for the exportation of which said bond was executed, and the said per- mit to remove given for exportation as aforesaid. And deponent further says, tliat the same was truly exported, as certified by the custom-liouse officer, whose certificate is hereto an- uexc'l, and that all the conditions of said bond have been faithfully •complied with in every particular, and that the same ought, therefore, to be canceled and declared void and of no effect. Sworn and subscribed before me, this day \ of , A. D. 1 8 . Witness my hand >• and official seal. ^ — . * AFFroAVIT OP PARTY DESIKIXG CANCELLATION" OF BOND GIVEN FOB RE-DISTILLATION AND EXPORTATION. State of California : being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, That upon the day of , a, d. 18 , of executed to , Esq., Collector of Internal Revenue for Distriot, State of California, a bond in the penal sum of dollars, conditioned that the said would export or j)ay the duties on gallons of distilled spirits, whereupon the said Collector gave the said a permit to remove the same to for the purpose of re-distillation and exportation; that the said gallons of spirits were so re-distilled, and pro- duced gallons of alcohol, per cent, above proof; CUSTOM HOUSE. 355 that this is the whole product of said spirits, and no more ; that upon the day of , a. d. 18 , exported from the Port of San Francisco, California, to the Port of gallons of alcohol, being the product of the gallons of spirits, to export which said bond was executed, and the said per- mit to remove given by the Collector. And deponent further says, that the said alcohol was truly ex- ported, as certified by the custom-house officer, whose certificate is annexed, and that all the conditions of said bond have been faithfully complied with in every particular, and that the same ought, therefore, to be canceled and declared void, and of no effect. Sworn and subscribed before me, this day \ of , A, D. 18 . Witness my hand >• and official seal. . J Note The foregoing Form is used for goods upon which the internal revenue is due to'the Government, but which have been exported to a foreign country, and bonds have been given to the Collector of Internal Revenue for the production of this cer- tificate. 356 FORMS AND USE OF IJLAXKS. o CO O © .X3 to o Oh ^ .O o rt CS *,_ • J o ,c4 o ^/i r/; eS ' o s s < 00 © © ;-• t-> '^ rt e3 ■^ -5 '© ^ bO r^ r,' n S © o m O «« O S? © 'TS «t= n © ^ ■)-j rfl <^ ■*-* o c r^ ^ T* "^ J3 ^ S 5i 5 ►a o a y. b< 3 o . O © o o © 00 .— 1 o >-> o p ■t-3 ©" © ^ © a c3 © 3 o •I-' «<-■ rS o © r! Ui CO *-> rt V. o tr 3 %-■ C ^^ n o ^ <■•, "^ ■4J -/^ rt Tr 'tS © = © '♦-' ^ -t^ ^ n "+3 = t>i © t-> CT 'TS o nr u © 7 o a3 © Cm C © 3 w •::: PQ © I— CUSTOM HOUSE. 357 o -^^ ^ ^ o CO t: 2 Q a; o ■ 03 ^^ d '^ +3 p, oj ■t-> t+-; crt fl O o •b' -73 a o •^ >-. X! *i c3 ^ OJ ^ t3 173 6 o 03 o »4 ^ p. r* PS X d o ^ pH o •i-i o 00 02 -^ rH 1 ai ■t^ S 02 C5 o c ;- ^ -«1 1 s o '■i-i p fcT +3 15 w Ph.2 < 358 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 1 ■3 £ 3 1 3 a 1 s o _3 "3 a 1 r — -^ u s 3 2 ? K «•■ /i K w » K 5 ^ Si s M o >% tf s oj rt a > a> QQ O 'O ^-^ d S5 ^ o ri S H c r2 o 5 P^ ^ o .c r-1 o "*-• ^ »- H rt ■< ^ O o CUSTOM HOUSE. 350 § ^ ■^ a (V 3 rC o C3 Ti a a *S bO u c2 Q c3 '^ o o c d o d '€ o d «4H T3 o O u fri ^ d o c3 ,d *j -3 o 4J o "TS" ;-! CJ to 1^ o 4^ rd 02 +3 >, Ct-I O d •^ m C3 d 2 -^ ^ '^ ^ ^ DQ O) o d -t-3 d OQ •is +^ o o 0) S-H '^ '^ ^ ,2 '^'^ 5 ;-! ;-< J a ithin nded nited n3 -(J . a ^ 1 P 2 .9 cj +-, >^ ■5 ^-5 2 -S T! d .3 'S ^ z ^ T3 :5 d OS v. s (^ d fcC •'^ ; 2 -^3 1 ;^ cerel not d c3 d a, d -73 e said e grow o a d is a> «4-i ^ 2 re 'TIS C3 «> +3 rd 1— ; +j -d a o OJ y, now e expor es. If ufactur Id d o 2 ^ § r^ ^ a ^ rd o o p- <^ e*-. •" O >-. c3 ^ -73 d d .2 O '+3 •iH Pi +» y:; ft g 5 g d o rt .~ O o o O +J u rjl o o ^ S-i o " >^ "p tl d +J s H ri ^ 05 W g ^ ^ n I— 1 p o CO 6 Ph >5 5-c <4^ c3 o >i A n3 0) "rt ® OI +J (H ^^ • Z^ d ^ d .s o o CD ' t< ^ P^ oT t« c3 c/l r^ p'-^ ■fS , d 1/! cfj c3 rd +s j^ ;-i o c3 a .3 #* ^ -1-3 >» d Lh o ■*^ a CO eS 360 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 1 I Q O _3 > e 3 s Q i a a 2 11^ 1 i a c T3 a 1 If B 9 2; • M s ^ ^' £ S ' , CO O o c; ■♦J o t> *j .^ ai Xi Q -73 cc ^ .j^ o >-, ■^ a 0) o t-l u pj^ o o tf) c^ r^ k O ^ o b> a o r^ >. pi: CO « C3 o -t-> a [h To o H jf a o o s ^ V4 c b > o c 53 M o ta Pi 1=1 -a c _c »0 00 1 >. b c3 QC d P4 s o ■2 = -c! .a o S3 eS o 00 5 >-> '-I-I r— f O t^ «« (D *z* o li d r— < ■*-• ! (^ C) CD o o T! St ^ O •<-> fj "^ V. 'c »- o u ■!-> o3 c3 02 362 FOUMS A^'D USE OF BLANKS. ;- O 3 •J. o .'L o B I n ^ -^ O o ■^ o O a< >-, bi) o ^ >< 3 TJ 01 00 Oi e3 OQ 1—1 o ^ ,Q i> ^3 fcC O o C3 ^ tf, is ■^ O o ^^ T ;? O ,: £ » M " ID o o 3 O a o &: eS u 13 ,a o 3 03 CUSTOM HOUSE. 36c o o IH O CO o M >^ r£a ^ ^ S +i -rS ; .s •= i=^ C 05 a ^ 1 I o -72 t-> 05 _£i § ■=> C fcJD M 8 5 § 05 a 05 00 Oh +3 n3 •r< 05 ^ '^ 05 05 O m o Ph ^^ H t-T rO ,Ci "^ ;^ 05 r o ^ o ^ O 02 CQ CO d ® 04 pj • a rt (U 00 *^ > (D ^.^ ry> 05 W n3 1 Pi l-H -d > o Ph o <1 Ph 05 ■73 »-l 0? (D c5 TJ ,C3 Pi CO P> •s 03 ^ 4J O o ^ ^ 00 .2 d '■J3 ^ ii P -^ <» Vi ^ o +J « rO CD o •pH '.3 -d ^ rt d fl ,a o ft fS 0) 05 ^ CO ^ g ria o -M ;-i u 05 o a ft M o s? 4J -tJ o d (D W 364 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 0) If o a o '2 o a P. 2 o o S 1 ^ o (^ d I o •9 a B « M » t> £ IK T3 s »• R ^ EC 3 »- g o ^ c o H 1h 3 ~ 1 E* "S <£• o c ft tl Q ■ £ 2 a* :S b ^ d ^ K <= >> o d 9 > o "3 ll '£ ^S a ^ CS 9 a c/ Q S "S a 3 D. o o "k ^ •) So o V b <^< "3 s i IH ^ u 5 !kO z; d _ . o u o £ f^ £ c ^ 3 H-3 •< £. £ M a£ « « a z. o d a o eJ .a ^3 ^ pq c OS a -s c ^ 0) Ix. i2; a ^ « 1^ +» b ■1-; O 03 o 00 i) to 2 «J O en Cj 02 CUSTOM HOUSE. 365 Pi o o o >-, -^ O) Ol 00 1— t +3 'm -»^ "rt C3 CO ■5 .s nij +J - a C! 03 =s " o a Oj o «M rfl o 4J o -(J n d cs «s OJ -tJ -1-J eS 03 -u ;-! ffi p ♦J o 4^ oT Ph 03 a ^d , *^ s a> rt 0) -73 o l-A d ^ Ph CO G . O ^.2 a< |o OS CJ "^ CO ^ '" 'TIS <1^ 00 03 ^ 5 oj 0) be q C3 P5 o 03 g o 2 :ii O rP 03 Ph O i n3 4) re j> M O pR bn o ps © 03 Ph , bJO © 1- o r. ^ ■»J ,x5 p^ © .bp 03 © *S a HJ ^ • rH ^ U OJ © © bb 03 u c3 O rP t^ O) oT C3 O 4^ P o P 03 •n «+H r^ p o © © b © © iS «s -*-> a «4H ■*-* ■^ © ^ bi) p ■^ 03 '/3 .F-H g* .a 5 C 4^ s in © © © P © .2 r3 © o © P © a © © P \^ © rP 2" © o o 03 O © ITU © a* a p a © CO © 03 « O © o 1 © fe © P 03 M a '2 >-, P:^ cri ^ ^4-H o © H-i P u O © 0^ a tH © 03 a © c3 15 H-> .rH © H-> 03 © O © © © rP g 13 "p © .2 ^ © p 1 H-i c f25 -5- p .2 *v 4^ o 03 © G .2^ >-. O 'tH 0) ■ O © ry; *^ O © -73 c 02 o oT ;h DQ 03 © © o © o o >^ •5 © Xi © © H a ■^ ^ P=. 366 FOEMS AND USE OF BLANKS. <) _ +i Ph h) "^ %-r e o .s o tf .2 K QQ '*3 CL n3 .^ 5 +3 o a. r CI o ■•-' 2 c »: . P= o ?^ T? ^r; ■tj '^ ^ To s o 5 o +3 u ns o QQ rQ o to c o o rt 4J be ^ o Ol o 1^ t-, ^ «& ,o (U 'n} OT a c9 •5 -3 #* a" o P S a ■^ ■fj '-' .rt r3 Ti 0) •3 •2 03 GO O i5 X ■t-> o (U en -1-3 >> 00 O Ph X ^ O O o ^ rQ ■u a> o ^ e •^J O ■5 n3 3 rt •«^ 0) r£: C3 •t-> ■>J -g .S 4^ +j rt ** ^i::! t>. J CD o ■4^ ^ (U '3 03 ^ b^ • •S CD a> +j vi s CO O 0) +^ c ^ " a m o o ^ CO 2 ■<-> _5 rt -73 TS -u ^ -M to rt o c 00 .2 '3 •~ o" ^ rt .s cc m ^ ^ ■^J cj _^ • »v •^^ _a n^ ^ V3 ■•-^ .2 £ 5 o s a ^ PlH O) T3 c c o ^ H o ,^ ct -ii o c/: O ■- !-■ 43 o ^ o .3 J rt p a .a O 3 ^ O C! © £ a o c3 -a O 00 -r a — a £ 2 ■i '^ CUSTOM HOUSE. 367 CO 00 d 12; o •1-1 o R* M W •iH - I H > ^ t: P-, C c ^ u 2 fcD pQ © bO -tJ c fl t> c3 ^ .S r^ t„i c t- r^ ^ © T3 © .s- i - +3 G © ^ B ^ t>> hrtf ^ © w 2 © 03 O o © o a p o pi %. f" a © "T:, rd +J c p .1-1 a © -t-i -£ rt %-l "C ^ • F^ © Ti n3 'z: © a K n © ' © © rn vs -tJ 4^ r| rC! to -*j li •^ u a +J © rt ^ ,^ ^ © 03 t>. .^ o Q .S © i-. 2 >» r^ ^ '0 ^ >?: -1^ «i! » -t-j f=H © s ^ -6 r— -*^ 2 rt a 368 FOr.MS AND USE OF BLANKS. 4) be C3 e g to bo « *^ ■*^ 1 V. u o (U O >% .i: ^. , 7Z ^ '~^ c • •"• u ,_-) es C3 a ■n To 3 o o O to -.,_, o ^H -T^ CJ u •^ o OT ,^ ^ 4^ •tJ 03 03 2 M « _!. r3 o •> n ■tJ C ^ -^ rt fl rt J—* -G rt -»-> i; ^Jl ^ ^^ Ti o t? 00 ■| r3 « y. ^ c- O Z) t/- O ^— s— .i-< -^ ii •^ :j 2h '~ ,_, S cy ,o J . cc »■■-< aT O o o /2 O ^ *-' -* o o ' . ^ O > to cc ^ 72 o o — *^ r3 a* *3 +-' •a t3 -C^ •u cJ o ^ Ct-l ^ c -(-> O o p .s '13 c; -t? o •^ -/T o i^^» '^ o o rt ■u ^ i o o -3 O c3 t-l 5 o o o 'co o o g >> 1^ tfj ^ a, a, ^ a a. P p^ c o o 00 0) >» "3 '^ -a to 2 1—1 1 Cn ^ ^ CJ rt o o ^ ") "~; ^ o X '*' rO , (C c o -> X O r3 J^ o ^ _ C c ^ Q 5 1) ^0 to ci >» rt c o •1) pi - r= ^ = 5 o /I r: o si ^50^ 0, ^ S "5 o ^ ^ Jl 2 «M '^ o d 5 CO ^ d rt CC » b a 10 5 10 !j -t-i ti CO 2) H rr 3 u d 12; CO ■< ^ fl -u w C m c: tc \- rt a) a> 3 a C3 O S a s o o "^ 13 "o X OUSTOM HOUSE. 869 1 a « o O ft 5 s a o n C3 O 1 1 1 . ^ '*-> s -73 • m O o a 00 r-4 •M r£; >^ bp ^ o c3 |3d on o O) , ^ a {:; 0) o ^ a> a •>-« .2 r^ o -♦-> ^ bO " ^ , ^ O o J:? QQ ^ < g o £ »4 ,o iz; " , 1— J ^ •4^ CO H ce ?* %^ U3 ^ 9 o O CO n d ^ 5S « 00 5 d ^4 4-^ 1—1 1—1 ^ •iH a <4^ ;i< oi •r-l CO •of \ ' s o rQ Cm O ■•-> Si o .9 o P . o a C3 ^ o a. 00 I-H 03 o CO o .S O o ^ a (U o P4 o -73 «f- § o O o .^ n3 c b B s 03 03 a fc n n3 T3 < o 0) s T^ § s o ^3 o fcn a 4-^ O +3 C3 CO •a a o § .g u ■tJ •" oT ^ rt u hn r2 c3 ■^ d % ^ £ o 4-> CD S 0) o p ;^ o n bo ■«J «*- o "T^ C3 ►> cT O o 3 03 O ^ 3 Is #* OS b o o r3 o o £ O ♦2 § ?3 U o to c 1 a Q 5 o o a) »- OT . O to . o ♦J fi 1 ID -a 0) 1— t ^3 s E (C O o Ui i *S o 3 .a ^ •• ^* o c3 .Q ^ c3 P -a o 'S efit boa f5 9 S o pq " o Xi -tJ o u w o , H <*H t> tn 10 00 o rt "^ ^ n ^ o «tH © o ^ b 3 tJ TS a v H ^ tf -2 g .a Pi a> M .2 w -g 03 a CUSTOM HOUSE. 371 P=< xti O •T3 Q o o a ^^^ o Ph fl ^ (0 tt A o ^ ^ ^ ■<^ .a ^ o OS rP ^ » ^ ^ (1> rQ 00 O t— t ^ ■t-> ^4 «2 •> %-l o K OJ ns ^ .2 <]> ^ t^ *3 ^ a CD o CJ ^ -li OQ O Xfl 2 I i I I I 3 g - tr: >> « "S o >> t; r^ •> OS fl fl oJ 372 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. o t« n^ Tf S CO cr o ^ a ^ 'i '^ ^ 1^^ - C r: '~ .= r-^ ^ " *1 ^ 5 5 S ^r c 00 ^ ^» -e P o = fe - X f^ is 3J ^ ;>> s I I >> .'- be C3 7D ■•-J o >. = 00 p it ■— < •— I a> »^ o O p; .5 C5 o 'm 9 e «4-l TS o c "o m lT O •4-' 'T3 n •-3 n3 O 0) TS r3 C *^ s .2 ^ 0) ■^3 a as Cj Q> rO 0) el C O a o ,. ^ a ■«^ ■( o ^ 9 Pu o TS rd c 3 :;i >» o S g a> a» oi en CJ «% 5* H O « o Srt £j o " :^ ^ to S Cj r3 « ..-1 o o .-2 .2 ^ .a (3 TO >-» o 5 S 00 >^ o a "3 OD •* s o 3 o 0/ a o ^ o o CQ jr ■4^ e4 _^ ♦-> «^ Oi "5 .s es t3 d £ •* (tJ t '^ .a S si a H-T « ^ M o> CUSTOM HOUSE. 373 o e*H a a O ^ o -^ (Tl -^ ;h t. o Ah 4J o © ^ ■^ 00 o n n3 © \^ So" o O b O en fe *:^ CO o , wh vessel So he ^ 'A nS .^ ^1 C3 02 i? »• < ce » Ul 0) e3 00 '^ ;>^ I— 1 +3 CO g Tis •>-t qj b •- +j © -.-s rt ^ a P3 w "^ fl. « m hfl «»-l ou CO :3 PS t-. o en on b y mits of 00 o o © 03 d 1 o O 1? r:i '^ •r=i rH ^ d ^ ..2 o fci o S o •" © «*-i ^ o ^ me of hat th re not CO o ^ i GQ s l-H a &: CO •^ *» « ^ PE] a o -a © n::) "^ (4 •*-j ^ 2 ^1 (2 a u a a n3 o .g 05 O O fco 03 Si o Ui o t^ o H M M a y a> < o rn p^ fe O !Z5 " ■< c- m l-l r-i ^ » o P4 O H ^ O s 12 H-l 5 o P 374 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. to t -c O cJ •tj O ^ o r^ \j .=; yj 72 S 2 a o «fc fcT o 0) t^ •!-> m c: c ;^ >> ^ b fl o ■M 0-, el X W >-> a o o •*-> •t-l cJ 4^ n d IT3 t: p 0) 10 CO n o o < o •^ 0) a '** © cc C3 Cfl J3 O O o o .CI l-H l-i >■ ** d ti ^ rt 03 .' V u o o «! S.t CUSTOM HOUSE. 375 o ■< K O o D o I O u . eS &, ns P c: o to a sS o a ^ DO ^ -« 2 S-i ~ a o 5b S § 03 o 5 rn -fi K. .2 o s >^ ?! 2 *^ O -r! a> Qj ^ ^ 5l a C c3 w fc, o rs o ::- o ^ S= 3 a n3 o ^- -^ O rt 00 c c3 O >- .S '3 ;::; ^ .r X" o c=5 >^ -5 _ o s c a ^ O iX> w ^' o cS n3 ti_, S 2 '« ^ o O q; _ 03 O O) - -a v.! i_: ^ (i> I - .- a> o a c a" o o r ^ 'S n3 o O C o -G Ol •S © O o .-, bo *s Qj a> OS O ■5 :3 c3 "H C3 tn ft, S3 03 "» 17- ^ 03 c3 a o - .2 ^ a >• o I ° a o qj 03 t- r^ ■5 ,£5 g a ^ HI o ^ a "^ .S =5 *?^ 5 o C5 o o ^ '^ a> ,G a o m a o o CJ o 2 00 a a 03 jr '6 « -a « ;^ . -S CJ OJ a; a (3 eS o a -4^ ^ == 13 © P ai O "3 ^ a ^ S o "^ 03 o a ^ 03 O a S3 .. O — bfi a C5 2 -S fcfi 54-, a o >» 2 ns OS oj © „ -a fcH O OJ OS ,G >H ft, *J O -^ «*-. -G 03 -a a '« G -2 03 CJ - a a a rrj S G 2 .rH ..CO as CO ^ -a O ''I - '" o OS G O a o o 5 -^ a fl i2 a a> 'O o ft, a «« .2 a;' TS 0) a ^ I a 'd a ^.a 376 iORMS AXD USE (»F BLA]VKS. o O) ~ 15 jt tJ CUSTOM HOUSE. 377 "oJ cs ^5 e3 Si "S bp -s 3 "« S t* H > O X o o 9 ■** a o O CO CO ^1 o p. PI •i-i hO •iH O o •4-> t-l o o o M o (-1 n a M a ^ ^ ^ -•J H c3 a «t-i o a 13 a © i 1 o "3 1 a O 1 *! C b iS s 1 a & a o O -o a •A 4) e; I 3 ;3 < t' ^• » « fc ^ S ^ t* ** fe 2 « " a o <» 03 O o bo a o •a o 378 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 3 -=3 "g O m aj *j O rt a QC (-1 'c ♦J" C3 ^ H^ ^ 5 3 a a 2 o ■^ 3^ o a:! o V- o 73 >-• 3 O *J t£ cr o no 3 3 .9 o a 3 on" 2 V 3 a "3 «-> ■^ ■^ 3 CO M c3 hH o ^ cS 3 o 02 -M tn CQ •73 O O o -•J !X1 d .2 ♦J o 3 r3 n l-c ♦3 U o r3 o n. c3 ^ q3 a o '^ i ^ ^ .3 « c3 >-, 3 . « T3 a to V CO ^ to O cJ a ^ 9 -a %-. a O rt i) J3 e o fO o ■e o a, a DO «* . ^ • g :§ o •l-l -M ^ d l> t^ " O Pi a IH a 73 s d «a •r-t ^ WJ "C o («H ^ o ^ t^ en 3 o o 2 04 ■4J S .9 i-H 2 CO ^ d ^ " CO g o •r-4 9 o 1-3 -•-> A a a P3 p c3 (0 (h O •73 o '^-^^ «2 (1> -^ CO b O 00 ** l-l ■M ns ~ d 0) w 3 • -3 .9 9 d m o ^ •^ -5 ^ § a •■H ^ o ^ Entry of mere ;o this District .9 CUSTOM HOUSE. 379 1 ! « IK- 'S -S' B § 1 1 < S . B H 3 1 « - pQ -iS Pi a tfj 3 OJ Ol ^73 s tn o n-i u O il O 13 ^ a aj o g 1 - i © •r" bo Ph 60 .3 o o tt) N . > c ■^ O 5^ -M rt = o S -5 to !: S „ c o a o c o ,r S 2 ^ TS r^ r^ =« :i^ rt •5 J « i ti G 5^ o 5 2^ S ^ cT -- ,^ O b' rt C .— rt 'w t- 1^ -H o c rt != ■= T^ •rS s —. 5 r3 ■+- ■S g «« o >> T .:: .r rt "^ 5 3a C rt &i OT CC tC o t^ tH 'T3 rt '2 ti. rt 9 -S O +^ rS ■73 S; ro ^3 !C*n3 t: .2 .2 TJ c ^' rt o r:} o "S O QJ a; c 00 Ti 173 o « rt 3 rt (U g '5 2 ► ft — >. P ^ »: — o "^ CTj C3 "73 .S ^ ^ 3 o o rt :f -. *j n rt rO n3 o o to rt .5 ■5 >, CC 5 rt 6 2 S 2 S Gh.5 o -tj c; o fco rt o r. rt a o o >% T3 ^ o c T3 a % o to i- rt ;s i^ P rt rt o tc ^ a = " 13 ^ *-• .2 ^ 2 a T- -^ .a .- o ?; c " 6 O ~ S *r* n^ !i rr^ r^J QJ . '£ C O C o rt o - ,'-' CO c c c3 eS o fc o c a. o =3 .ii o a> Oh C rt o c ^ C 4-> fcC 01 a ^3 »— a> I'll 1,1 ^ o g -e rt o p a 2 -^ o (a o "rt c9 c C9 « o O ^ « rt £ 0) fti 9 '-' »- tn "* 2 r;? « «- t-. — f — 7: a> « ^ ^ = 'C y O 2 c-^ .2 13 to C - H "^ c o s eS t, :5 5 2 o rt ^ n o "^ s +-> rt •73 O O to 'Z' rt rt 173 &. k. O 'O w to ^ § I rt C C oD a c4 3 rt rt .a o CUSTOM HOUSE. o -a s: .5 -a s OQ CS o o -J" 'I -u .1-1 » u ■^ o n3 -^ a> C3 a> .::; a bO c CIS C3 O 2 « r-5 ^ -q ,a J ;^ o o o ;^ > S S 03 ^ o a 1" i3 ^ c O t^. o ID o .2 w u2 .9 ;2 ^ n "^ -c -a 01 0) rrj a> .2 pO too a c5 'I' ** 03 lU n3 CO C3 oT O of O O O fco 0) — C3 «J >t; ^ o o rrl -1^ 00 O a; tS o .2 .2 > OS " a ,. -i-i es s Oh S O '-^ S -i .5 'o3 o o" o !fi '5 a 03 o "2 a -a F^ " a *^ 05 ._ CO S © a a © ~ o a © .- a 3 a a u" bo M a 3 a -^ : ^ a 3 ^^ O 5 bo a ^ S '^ © ;3 g © 03 a S t-i •73 ^ a o ■© ® © r. "^ s^ ^ -w tn «o a 00 Sh o F— ( © O4 C^ P a 02 » .2 a I. £ a « 5 o H; ^2 g i 382 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. CO ou CO r, CO Ch o z m ^ n o •* o ^ ■♦-» •a 00 I-l •V % *- i- S t^ .2 i3J o c ^^ a GO si o >:> oi a. X ■^ o •^ O ,^ I* c3 -a ^ Q) „ •♦-» o M g- a « -^ 3 o "^ r2 ^ a ^ <" " o C3 U *j O "73 >^ .a ^ (= GO O ^ .a a o a ra B 2 a c3 a 3 S ■+4 a a rS '-' •^3 O .a P-> u. O (2^ J/2 TO ^ 53 O n3 W5 .S a o Si "o rS^ a o is 02 CUSTOM HOUSE. 883 ^ s o I- TO O a u o © O tn •I '^ «§ I a .s 2 -^ th! OS Pi OJ 72 p, "3 c; ^ .2 a 5 =« , 54 2 ra CI :2 I a ^ be o. ^ -S i "3 >% rfi •H •S ^ <2 c3 o 8 a S o •3 « a ^ C3 Wl fe CO 00 fl rH . K 4J ^ m d ■4J CD CO 13 W ^ Pk TJ o >:; ^ 1 atth day »-i ^ * U •M n > OJ (h -f3 -1-3 c S >> ■" « a +.3 fl § S •5 S ■tU • JH a ^ § OS ■5 ^ ■IS a 2 •^ • S P3 'S3 'S -g ^ "o |§ n tT _ •» J Cfi r2 :g 13 "o _'o «2 4-> ^ ^ '■+3 ». .0 d ^ V^ t>» &. n3 e« O) r4 ns ft ■W M " ^ &H rd a -t^ fe fco 03 .a •s >> a 1 'S §3 a -11 (3D 4^ .s 02 a a n3 _&. e 0) 13 0) ^ ♦J ^ rfi > 5 3 a ' •♦J 6 1 384 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. iO CO CO en rf »-i t-t " .2 S V "S n3 W) to ^ TJ ^ O (/J ^ o o CI rG ^ ■yj >-. [ii s ■1) en ^ a OJ o 1 ^1 Im 4-^ o o ■«-> a 2 '^ 83 , , CO -4-> ■t-> GQ CO 00 l-H cu a> -S t»> ■3 •4-^ 00 '< S3 ^h' V-c Oh 0) r^ t>> « r» rCl c5 ^ '^ U c3 b ^d -t^ 5 33 13 fl a> *» .ti O. © i* (U .4^ 0) ,£3 «« a • d M W) V> W) bf) .a C3 ^ «« a »* ^ (V CUSTOM HOUSE. 385 jz> ii •1=' 5 +^ ^ c -»^ t» c O S-i t>' o C — ( o o Oh s g- - ^ O to c a ^ -^ o S >^. ^ o o o o fl CI ^H c3 t^ 'd i=! o CJ O CD ^ 00 ^ t^ n3 C e3 a t^ c: ,=3 »s 13 -^^ ,a ^« O o o o o a; o Ol a *-3 02 M *S M ;-i %-i S P oj %-l 'a O in o o 3 S-i 15 ^1 03 M a o *" O o .3 •5 o 'o Ol l-H a> c o o .rQ o 'u ft a c o +3 C3 ID 02 c o Oh H > oT ZQ o h-T o Ol d o 02 o ft +3 0^ 02 o ^ fco be 13 i- ^ o .2 '^ S »-^ Ph o 5S o 25 386 FOllMS AND USE OF BLANKS. o a, O ^ CJ +-> ;« ^ •S u r. 5^ 4-> C X o i^ ri :r ^ d ? "^ N « O = o CD - CO r* t c: "^ d 12: u: o > ^ y. ffl 7^ S — rt '^ en o o i5 "5 ^ C '-* ^ (-• ^♦- d W "b _S V: rt o r I?; o c i^ •fH +J d u ^ ■e .2 .ii O X T' ft n ? -^ " ^ 52 O H = w ^ CUSTOM HOUSE. 387 CO CD CO d ;-< o $-1 > ^ rri a> -w ;-i O fi^ a t: a> tc m TS G ^ a CO &, a c o a « 1 1 c: f5 1 « ^ fc" s ^ i ?; « " 388 FORMS AND USE OP' BLANKS. o o E -z ^-> =; o c > J— I o ^ e '^ T rt to Jr. < QQ O O *J o cT 2 ^ i! o i: £ -r; rt :2 •73 C O rt ;r: X o ;^ JL? " c •—' — c a> o c o o *^ ^ "' o a> ai o = n3 o ^ c ^ c C ^ t- w ^ ai X r- 6 c S ^ S ^ C to *- r« _, L. X o ^ H "^ 2 -s = -c ^ « ?, •_ _ „ O •5 2 5-3 t~ ;Z r^ "C 9 d t, z 3 s rr 03 ^ > ^ o c u si «« CO G 5 ;^ O ^ ? -fi ^ E ■?; > c; r^J s to s " O C •o « si •5 § I, rt ■ti p: -TS -73 .:ii ^ •^ - 5 o .:ii %-c — ^^ ^ ^- -9. ^^ cS 2 3 « >-» - c i^ o n3 r: a> = c 2 O O .« o •— ; -n ^, ly = 1 "rt rt rt 6 o c to o o rt .s «4-r o tf) o c o ^ c ti -^ ■73 C t^. 2 "T^ ^ o ^ « 5 -^ ^ 5i X r n3 J- o ^ 5 52 c CJ T^ to t: c ^ t4_ (D n3 = « -■ .2 "^ "^ P- O C <-- 'T3 - £ >< > c - ^ c o &- •73 — ■ 1- ^ «- — . C rt " S o O ^ - C s- t. ."z; ^ _- i ,£ ^ •= = ^ O ^ "^ i^ 5 ^ ,- o ;i tc U-, "3 O i' o — rS -^ U > C ^ £ P rt j3 ^ - o c c i c -^ = I H.'^, i -^ rt ^ c = ^ o ^ o 3 04 ,P o o •5 c ^ "o a c ^ ... X C U 'f- Ti o o 2 rt c c o o « rt 'S V. -a IC >- rt ^ ♦J o o ^_* ^ t-T o o tc c "o c o = H " -^ £- "5 — r" n3 , rf" E rt E C rt rt C 9 C rt ^ o 5 o c> o rt -c ^ W) — 1 s > ■»-> la (C rt ^^ OD E: >-. Cf ■<-> 03 CJ tc o o S rt '3 o rt '3 a 5 o tX) "rt "rt OQ CUSTOM HOUSE. 389 bO S o o a ^ , c OJ CO • ^H Ml >-. CJ r^ tJ n3 _^ O CO fcl) 32 ^ O) J- 2 ^ CO CJ .— 3 ,0 2 » -s s o S dJ ~ ;_. %=; 's '-^ : o 3 .2 -ri o3 c3 O S .2 -S O o c -S -2 J ^-^ ^ « ^i^ o c '~> ^ Cj g .1 ^ X f^ C « g c^ k. C/2 -c rr a) •^ fl :: 2 ° o a» o -a CO O .rt CO CO •i -rJ c: r5 © (H O .11 ^ o .B t^ ^ 3 o >^ .s C 'a c3 » ^'^ '^ be 2 a3 -73 to « CO -g a ^ «s ■J5 KH P- rC n3 - ,. « M O) p., o -^ 03 c 3 fa o ^ ^ -73 ,£3 O -73 O r^ 3 j; a> oj — < to ^ '5 P -g o Ph -73 o o cu ^ 2 2 P © o o > O "73 2 s .S ^ OJ CO c: O -73 rfl a 'P i^ .„ re "" "^ 2 fcfl P -S o .s -73 ■5 P -73 P e3 2 S -P >> S r»r .P ■=* fcn -s ;=; ^ o a I -4-3 OS •73 >^ —' ^ .2 ';3 ps: o ._ d o Pi « p c« o 2 ^ P c3 n3^-^ • c .9 s a> 3 CO "73 s e3 o 390 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ►» •tt a a • K • k. 00 .0 (S 09 a rt 13 s ** en u -M Ti rt c 0" •• +j s 02 '^ V. t TJ "^ .5 • — ^ »- ■M •■ K 4 ■3 ^ S P rt ■M Jz; to c ^ ® Ch !/2 ■fl ,d DO *S +3 s QD c3 *H .a ^ •«-> fls P! >^ .0 c* ^"^ > f ■r-l •^ ■^ •4-J G *3 7. d rt CD I] 00 d s CO [ - 5 6 Pi rt to c c n ^-1 rt • ^ t-i rt 00 1^ 33 P! rt c2 "—I >^ CJ •< >-, >» -a '0 •»>> )h •»j t> +-> c — i 6 a a, p{ • F< P H #* ® >^ C-, CO pi 0) a c a 9 ^ i: ♦J to rt *S .2 s^. s <*4 ^ ? : c 1 a ^ ' 1 k^ . a W t c c/3 3 'it u f- c c c "a a 1-3 rt 2 ^< S .• n S 5 ^ £ fe M a o H O « <1 CUSTOM HOUSE. 391 ^ o a 0) o !3 ■♦-a o la > .S O .s ^-1 +J OJ 2 C3 o C3 "£ C o o Q> >-. cT a< m ^ c o .§ +J rt • rH & a «4-l o OJ • r? o £ OQ >% ■'S § f^ a t4H fcP HI CO u a o B o .2 o o «w CD _. ® e3 O o fcij o ■PI .O ^2 .= i5 bo i=! u .;i o ^ n::^ rt rt TS "S -S f. q "^ (P O H '-' "^ O c3 t*^. o -Q tc -73 05 o p., 0) o • r-l •t-l qT o o .2 a '^ a a o o « ^ o "3 , •^ !« a 03 E3 o e3 .£; n3 S 'qS es i» +^ f^ «*-( ^ o o 3 ^ >^ ^ o ^ w o +j Ti o 0) o o 03 be O 4-> o •4-2 15 -a 3 P "Ph ^ *^ «4H ^ n w S O •«-» |2; o -|J m 1=1 •^ o O eJ >-> o 'cj o m C3 a >H ■t-s O 3 'a ra Ui fl a ♦J o « o >^ a> S .9 p QJ S 'o •"—J P- 02 cj ^ O CO o "^ S3 pa G O o 1— < "^'' .- r CD -^ O G S ^ 03 rl rri ?^ " -7? :5 ^ -^ •Z 0^ ^ , o C3 05 a r^ n3 ai Pm CO G C cj 892 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ^ 3 b: ;;i - ^ > " >-. c/; rt — ■^ ■s y ■^ ■T3 rt """• c en ^ c: -7 tT. n (*4 < en 0) o o o a .S « :z: . — *-" ■/. »1« -i. ZJ o « "■^ ^ —* • "* rt ^ ^ J-. -^ ^ -t-* a> ifl o o 2 -•-> 3 z = o o ^ _i' ? o o o to ^ > ti 'rt o > .— ■•-3 rt • ^ o ^ o -C 'IT ^ 9 u i-;^ • ^ > -.-> O 5 _>^ 5 _>> r2 .2 cc c o c 1 ci V o *in ^^ o CS 'c '■' ■^ ^ O C3 o CJ o h- • > >> .E >> J -^ 5 ^ ^ .2 "o u. -5 5 rt i CU rt X -* o o •- 3 o ^ X n - r - X z> o tf. *-> O *-> c; aj c: O ;^ .5 *^ j: »-^ c cn~ Cj en o ^ -^ '+2 p "Z^ l-H « ^ c ^ o ■*^ o rt "B ri tT C -(^ -/. o r: w S ^ r CO o tr. 9 "B '>• ^ ? ^ -f 3 •■= --r "^ "T "-"^ C C 5 •-> c: o tr ^ — c " P Li S a, o o '00-= r-^-jr—. c O O-^-^ ^J"^"^ -. ■- ^ ^"^ C OCi*^ ct s.« = O O C/2 t3 9 u ;::: o ■73 a ^ '^ .z o "D ^ M c 4J> •n a rt ^ oT f£ 1 *5 c5 p Cj ■—1 ^ 3 rt j:: " to ^ ry" .0 'w "'^ ^ 05 \^ a "3 ^ 3 ^ 4J CC rt el h5 ^ to Ph 3 CC « t-. -5 "o ;^ 2 zi Lh ■»-> J> n X a c .s >. -^ ? ^3 fe "c (1 *-> o •^ r ._^ o y p o .^ ^ -- ^ yj '^ CO o 't; o *^ to i o E - 2 « o - o O o ^ .? -Z en .= ^ O H M I ?; = « CUSTOM HOUSE. 393 > 0) CJ Ol ' ' ^ ^ >4 o « C 2 ^ 1 ^ rv p O o — -M 01 ^ r:3 U Ol o - a ;< © .is << 00 ci « n3 "o i^ § .2 ^ -§ X ■< £. rt iTi (U +^ \H a s O '^ ^ H m Si C^ ^ rd o Ph ."2 '^ ^ -4^ •r-l c3 ,y -?, 2 'rS •• ^ r2 &: N Ti o B '^ d 1J 1^ C o r! N O •i-t -t-> c c > CO •$ L^ d o O « CD ft foil ate CO ^ +j ^-( rt o ^ ^ n rO -r C iJ *- 01 ^— < c2 ^•3 rS Depu provi o rself or uced in Acts to -3 "3 0) o o ^ k. i; -*-■ ? 'd ^ • • 5:' a> ^ w' ^ S. = -^ >-.•-■ O m ^ p r ^ fl C/2 « 3 « g s e •5 f>^ fl O o 53 ;^ o o o ;-■ o 3 O m "^ .i-i •^ -TS >!) (U (3 o :5 o S 1/3 >- CO o o '^ t^ +* 6 O o t+- -^ -a rt c o 5 Ol .(-^ o > 1 a; s it: t.1 s o 'xi xa ^ a +3 !+H rt ;2 TJ a 00 H) it: TIS cS ^ 2 •U-c ♦J .«^ CJ tf tn~ tu" CI »- PL, P4 o or. ,d ca *-> • p^ *3 rt .=3 c n3 0) +^ ^ -*j V cz CO O c* 7~* ^ 0) O oT ;-i Ph T3 M X rt m ^ «*-( t- o O o i) vi ^^ ^ ^ rr^ 5 o r3 rt ♦J 1 s ^ 0) p^ G H rt o a 304 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. 03 O H Pi o ^ o ^ ■73 d cj ^ • a t. c a -:«: s rt o zn ^* o 4-> ^ nr .5 c en § to Ph a «« -^ <; O ^ o +J JO 03 J= _::: o -a 'O 3 :/2 O ,=1 o (I< .rH Ck *J o "^ TS t/2 fl "« rt O 3 P o S xn CO d o o ft CO d o •r-< o3 O •iH 1— I ft ft (=1 3 E c3 O o ^- O O rT to O 0) Q) ;:i^ o -a a o +-> ■t^ CO ai Si o "E, to cT C3 *J ^ rt o; 'S Sd M x o 9 "^ to ^ a o o O Qi m o CUSTOM HOUSE. 395 I 'So O «*-! ,£3 o 0) «« ^ O ai ,C3 ■a ^ O o >■ o '^ o o »— 1 w •1-1 +3 I— t fcD i^ •i-i T— 1 fH O © 0) d ^ Ti bfl +i a o 'd s ,i«j y CQ o C I> < pj ^ CO i o d 1. I— 1 •1-1 o Pa m Ph nS ■M ,£3 •H ? C c CO 00 1—1 ■^^ c3 ^ O & CO «»-, 03 O c ■^ !3 03 Hj 4) ^ '73 "S OJ C5 f* •^ O rq ■c c .a c 3 (2 C a 3 c S c o o c ^ r3 '"'73 CO a> cs o -^ ^5 'O p •f~ a. '^ •a ^ '^ "" to to -^ •5 ^ 1 a P- © o © © -a n3 ? J ^ -^ cs © © 3 X '1-3 C3 © J o '5-73 '-I I § S "^ n3 ^ cr •■=' 6 (3 -S (3 2 *>. © o ^ « &.CC 13 a c 3 © c •*j © TJ rt C ^ © rt --3 d , ^ ■M © © ri © (3 © rd eS r» ♦3 © 396 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. o CO % b « to to O <5 (D* o ? CO -*» OS H ■•J a: o c: I— t o J- a Ph ■— < r3 O -^ Lw d o "^^ 3 d C -us O o rt -' 1 a 3 •M '0 QQ ^ od c S ^ .to 'co ^^ d ns n3 ••H v S a. OQ a -tJ CQ c ^ be i^ -^ n (f o 00 "3 c ■■^ ■^ 3 4_( ^ i; ** « -^ ', , 2 5 ■^ »-s ;«/ r3 '5 ^ >• ^ ^ p 1 -3 3 if. c a s •c a •9 a! w ■ '^ .-« ^ " a; ^ ^ CLi >-< X ^ rt *^ f= -73 a) O C3 c • rH T) ^ 1> 13 ••-• fl h3 e -fS 3 rl-" F* GO rC CO ■♦J o3 ^ ^ >» 's i3 ^ n3 © 5 t-c 5 © ta © ^m^*- Form truly '9 S 4-> oo © m *-H CQ l-< a (-H "o C3 a ^ Q ^ C3 "rt ^ < 1*" v^ Q> '0 rr- rd ^ U a C3 'aa ^ CO h- ( ^ OQ .2 Cm ^ t: 13 C •^ << ^3 >^ tc 2 ^i C3 ^3 CO ■t-> © ■3 © £ 0^ •^ © © '© ■71 c A in © c ^ a 9 c e; -G © (D .0 r: «> j- H '^ OP to 5 -5 CUSTOM HOUSE. 397 - o ■5 .g r1 rj-^ 7=i *» o 3 O b " O a H « © O .id Ah ■»j H ^ 03 o «o P ^ 00 O rH w » g o •< H ^ IQ t3 o t>> rO d '^ ^M 53 CO c o o 0) ro c* o IS TJ +3 -i s ..H c3 o .2 > •— < rt to ct ;bp ■73 s o CO r£3 01 •*^ ^ ^73 1:3 o ^ '?^ c3 '^ n3 a o jq 1^ o • rO Ti o -t-> a c3 '^ H O , C rO CO CO to c <3 > a o o s w ^ 02 tt-l m P5 rO

, S '^ a> .^ © QQ ■5 0) .9 o ^ «« -»J o rn ^ 9. bO 2 .a bo T3 «« a >^ o bo g ^ .a s c4 > iJ3 a) >• •^ m bo !3 ■^ 'S bo a (U 00 5a c , C 03 C3 O o o bo a 'So a o -3 03 O n3 o a ^ s a> — 1 M .y 13 P4 Ol o t4 '3 S 1 0) o a 03 -i 1 o a a 6 "73 H a ^ ^ 410 FORMS AND I'SK OF BLANKS. •^ ^ -^ f-^ ts c 5 C c C C3 c: c: C^ CO a "5 o « t. 3 ^ o Xi o 03 cT c5 X ♦J t»1 o •^ ^ fe '^ o _g o p. 1-. o C EC '5 u o J^» o V. CD O ^ C4-1 "o — u c 2 ^^ o ■♦-* t/j to to o •13 'TS c ^ C8 •^ a w o 0) 9 rt rt o 'T3 ^ 03 P- CJ o rt 5 +J a> 4^ es ^ ? 01 CUSTOM HOUSE. 411 I •a -f3 © o o OQ d O o a 53 O li Q) 0) d .a J gi .a c3 •» .d q OQ "^ OQ O d V O 00 CO M & 03 OQ o if o d o i^j ^ ^ •5 O rt ;-i 'O d 4^ CO o 'rt ia *- ►d P4 C3 'd «j ■4^ a> n3 f-i +3 d CS 03 CO 03 O p5 o 1 d o ^ •3 fc. rd ■1^ "qS d QQ 03 OQ n3 m ^ •Xi o b o d '2 ■j-3 o IB OQ ^ q; ■♦J .a c3 "rt > 1— « 1— ( O a W > 05 n3 s '3 00 OQ o >■ u m of and de rt O CB O do" 2 QQ » d ^ c3 o CB d o S .^ oq" "3 «4-l d CO o d '=3 .a p^ o n3 2 OQ O n ■♦J OQ o © « DQ 1 i 1 ■♦J ts, for and in hand O d on a e« oo" CO O ■*-> OQ «d 1 -d H d o ,d ^ 3 oj a o 1 2 bb >j t3 d , d o •< S5 tu bO 15 W ■5 S S d o ^ s >; a <0 n3 CC 412 FORMS AND USE OP BLANKS. a> tS u eJ ■^ ^ tCi tS c 3 C3 v: 3 rt cc 1 c E Ui rt < i= 3J 2 -■-> •/. "i ., ■♦-• «-, toH ^ • o ^ c «J > C! V c • • to ^ »~2 S! o ••^ OQ & '•5 m V ^ .4-d .a o 'o u bp -5 l-l &4 P o 4-> C3 s ^5 4^ < H^ .2 a> 3 O CO 1—1 •^^ ^ o ■t^ ^ ■5 - >> t— o '^ «^ rt "^^ o ai *-^ c f^, I- > rt c3 '> '-' tn 2 o x: 2 0) P c rt ^ 2 tu rt -^ rt ^ ^ a o 2 . JS nS o -3 =5 S f - c rt C/2 .i> O CO QJ P t. CO ■»-> I' •" •- <^ ■- to rt o S t- o -^ ^ <« '.^ a, a a S ^ I -S 3 « eg a U O W 6 rt ^ ;3 ^tc tn 'S rt U r^ a c •73 rt ei r-J 'O O f^ "rt r'M d QQ *^ c o O o C o n3 >-. > a o rt '> ^ "TS rt -^ C (U > 00 • «-< ■fclb ■5 ■♦J fl O) a) T3 -^ •a to sQ a • vH f*-l 2 > o ja rt -^ ,a '^ t^ o rt 0) o •5 •i O G fr^ -M § O) TU 1^ o a CO C3 "3 IK '3 o a o fcc j:3 0) b^l rcJ +3 ri 03 n3 r-1 oa o o 1 fl a ^ o 4^ <1 e3 a 03 a O 73 c ;3 s « Ph s (1> 2 c > o o 02 "a 03 P-i a. .2 ID 1 3 a C/3 o ;-( %-s QJ •rt 00 ;-l o a 03 nS eS Pi -tJ a> b S o O n:< o •-« ■^ o i o ■73 C3 o cs 03 O) tJO a> ::= ■73 cs P>1 ITS i=i OS ^ TS a ^ fc/3 03 ^ 3 r2 .9 - § ^ ^ rS ^ .9 ^ "2 <=> *e3 iT3~ "^ _ a* 7^ ■„ a ^ 1^ c 2 o c3 ii tfl ii 5 - ~ ^ «i .t: -^ "t: - "S c 'c £ C c o — ' M £ £ G -c := >. ^ " G to rt *J r' C ,-> O o _-; ec "^ o &. ^ a> [^ o o Oh O 4) o C3 03 ■-< P O 2 o g o -^ n3 o M fG -= > ^ ^ c3 C3 O C O <^ *^ r- £ ^-S 20-5 > 3 O •^ ^ rr. yX vs c cS t^ o O .2 03 o o CI o W r-< O o X 1J O O r- (D a c o a a> CJ tJ fl c8 o ~ c3 ,£ 2^ ^H t: rt 2 m G 43 .'S a o > J3 rg o J2 oT ?> o o ^ c o ■»- CO CO "S a " n c3 CJ c o o hH > ■2 '^ '2 c a S < "" o .£ ^ £ -Ti -5 © a> o ,£! p53 oq" "^ O -£5 .X 03 — CD p, ^ •^ <=^ ts ^ 03 (C O r—> "^ ►. «- 3 2 ^ C3 ;G 3 O O 'J a '^ be '^ 0) o 'O o to — O C5 CO ho -o •s; fco 03 O 03 § O %-. - -a -C to »-r2!S>-^if5 03 *^ ,^ O O f- CO V- O Jg u =* o +^ ^ o 03 «« fr) o G C a, '3 '^ a. ^ fcJD ^ -I c3 G O ■ !J2 a ^ o 03 £ S O O a :s bo o pS ^ 02 ^ o g ^ CD 03 03 rS +^ ITS ri rt ^T 03 ,G 2 Sb «S (in QJ 03 o Cl, 03 03 a C3 ^ fe .fi ro '^ n >-. -t-i s O >% o ^ fj" 1 ,£3 S3 o 03 03 03 s a ^ ^ S S O 03 w o O ^ -i-i O +j ■^ o; ^ i^i s nS '—' o o t> C! o >^ 03 o 03 c« 'TS x> g _>;. >—t 03 a > o o "S 03 *-> 03 03 03 S: ""?, < -t-J O •^ f-l , ti-i Ti .a 13 a o r:i -S '^ «3 .S c3 e« 03 .-3 G c3 -t-> c3 O -Q fl O O fei3 O rO O 03 2 £ ^ bo o ^ o 2 "^ G 03 a "^ e3 03 ^3 03 03 t,J- "3 .b ^ o o •^ ^< >. 03 03 +;- 03 ^ tJ a Pi 03 -^ S ii. 03 " -=3 ^, bo •S 2 C3 •_, 2 -^3 !2^ o CI ri4 S"^ OJ t^ ^03 C o 5r! -G -5 O 0) rG 03 .^ tj O n^ c3 n3 o o 03 o .^ 03 <» n3 o Q E3 CL, 03 xn 03 03 CO f> 05 03 13 a +J o o u -*J a a 03 S ,0 o ^ CQ 416 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. rt w •5 -s d C o o o 9 o 5 8 S 1 OJ CI. ng of the knowled . Soh 22 CO is o ^ 5 S c r ^ -5 ft . c •— 1 2 ^^ r:2 o _ ^1 rt ,Q CO o ^A CO rM Pi ^ J^ 1— ( 3 c2• - o ^ 'o 4f i-T S « " 00 QQ O O O JJ X . o '^ ^ « '♦H tJD S '5 o .5 -o § A , follow no inv said g C 52 ■f-> \ o »— r ; <0 * -< ii^ O " XJl O C5 O H CO U) o o CO CO o '^ Iz; -^ ;?; o :3 P o "3 O H - CO b, 0) O E d c3 H 1-3 ni o ^ o a OS CUSTOM HOUSE. 417 § 2 O n3 P B —» n3 OD 4^ * § •i > 00 I— 1 .9 ^ p4' e3 0) s a, O o a CO rd ^ S c V3 -tJ "« m !3 1^ n the orde 03 o 1 S3 aisement i Packages o M ;?; .S.2 « .3 u P^ 1 - S 8 byapp aation. 02 0) S p<-5 Jh 5- _c3 oj .2 ^ •S ^ « ^ n3 a 0) 93 1 -§ ^ g a> o <» going ackag -^1 o <» 0) " t "^ ^ s ■^ 0) ^H a .St Ci 03 O S. >. ^ '^ s «f-i 03 a> a> o •-- •-2 •&„ o -i M bO sj .S 00 el CO H o el o u o CO O o p4 0) Vi S .2 o 'n d ^ rd * 03 O rd 0) 1 fs >» 09 a ct >>, d R o oa d O Pi ■73 o O a> ^ is! O ^ Q 2T 418 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. o o u v; en "3 o Ja ■^ X t^' 'c O js ..J C5 B 0' '-« o K c o 1 ■«-' a o s « i^M o 4^ o go O 00 C 'C H "o 1/ > o ♦i '2, 09 "O) "3 (^ CD O CJ 'r. 0) X O t» « ^ ^ '^ HH VI o fv-f C ^ 5 CO ei i: C •^ ■— a Ih tT 5 3 o ez ,13 0- o T* 4J t^ p£ o ?- cc ♦^ O ^ ^ .ja . CD ■4^ IJ •^ -t^ <— 1 _ *^ *c "^ .■:i C ■/-. •-' -r. c x s i TS O tc n ; o ~ o ri-^ o ^ 5 '^ c 5 ^ '■::; to c a. ^ «- -r o -i^: 00 r: fc- — v- ^ ^ ~ 7" ^ a ^ 2 -Co '> ^ z o to £ ^ 'C >- - i. «- ? rt ^ r c ^^ "^ .t "* 00 CO d P4 d o O E ^ 73 -r) ^ tJ c,-r >-. _ ^ o p . , o Vs S s f-, o a. o -^j o S O C3 o CJ 00 '^ ? CJ ^ c rH o o 1^ «*- ^ ^e- o o o CO 2 a 1? C '- ^ CO 2 '=' 00 o VT o ^ "o ".2 ^ t3 O o O "i P 2 « P ^ as o O OS a CQ o a 'S CO pa Q) 4J 15 ji; *J -^ t3 0) a > 's- ■s i o CO '5 c u u « C- n3 a Sh O o CJ C o c "rt O confo f imp o o 'e C! a C3 P -t^ .a •»^ '^ C3 X o 'J2 O) *-> mJ 3 a en 0) o %-r -4^ i! S- o o ^ 2 5 r3 a, ^ tS r— o c^ o c ♦J rs o o 0) bo 'o O i t: .a o ^ ^ o ■^ o cc o r— ? 6 .§ J5 o c •as imported ing for and re a "o c3 rt p CO O .2 o ..c* ^ o C- ?= nd CO a c s c 00 o X -t-J same s, provi o '- ^^1 ^ "o CI to n3 a !3 2 •73 *^ tn -f 1=1 0) ,£: o ^ - ■2 o "73 o o ^ 'o >-r ^ fj ^"^ -l ♦J a m Pu^S o3 ^ rt CUSTOM HOUSE. 419 00 CO 420 FORMS A?rD USE OF BLANKS. cj ^ %_ .-.s o ^ (U 'T3 t-i o o Ui ►c o ^ > tn o -73 a ■^ ♦J fl tc cS c 1— « '<3 CD CX) CO d Ph rt »-. ^ ^ o ^ '^ -S f*q 1 ^ _ ,, >< o on -- o o o s tJD rt *3 CO o Eh c3 fcfi 00 V, © :3 P o o N c3 >-« ■^ ■^ > 00 Pi 71 4-1 C 5 CO D o '^ o 6 v. ■*^ ' ' ■t-j ^ O S w o u t4 c -2 co" O O 00 I— < c2 ft >-> o ^ 1 ,a O .^ '/I rr ^ ' '^ c; ^ ; i rt O -a r-^ o CQ !3 - .e^ o O o ?* *-> (h «M (1) O 4^ e4 o o .2 •fj ^ 'a. o •'-J 3 ,2 c3 'Ti 'o Ti O a J* .SP cr OQ 'ai H (V p ■»-> n J3 3 4& S p •73 0) •1^ 3 n3 ^3 c^ -T3 'rt a 3 Ti o .9 o o • CO o 3 o CO 83 CO .2 15 rt a ■+3 in '3 o CO w Ph C d is w <5 c !2 5 o ■♦-1 CUSTOM HOUSE. 421 ^■22 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. HEPORT OF THE M:.stcr,_ () .\ ucrs, Ovviiers' IvesidenCGv- From Arrived^ Cunsijrned to. Number of Passengers not Citizens of the Ilnitod States, I, • , Master of the , from , being duly sworn, do depose and say, that the facts and statements made and contained in the within Report, are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true ; that I arrived at this Port on the day of > 186 , ainl that I brought passengers not citizens ; and that this Report is in full compliance with the sev- eral laws of the State of California, in regard to the arrival of passengers and immigrants. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this day of , 186 . Commissioner of Immigration. By , Deputy. CUSTOM HOUSE. 423 i g ^ 0) -73 ^ s pi • S § ^ fl oi f« folic atio 00 ^ CO OQ the port I7 ID 03 ^ d l-t •S "s p« p« S ^ 4-> o *-l 3 ^ O w bo QQ CUSTOM HOUSE. 425 , tt in 05 1-1 CO fi O ^ <) (D pi O M !zi -») K O o Pa § o GQ .«J p^ is a o a *5 O O *^ © O fl TS • f4 a> o s o 05 • ^ s o a ^ ^ r— 1 « -^ -=« «« o o cc •*J § • Cm o O o O o H c3 © ,a ^ a oQ a 3 O © w2 'fl a c3 o3 -3 a ^ ^ ^ ,- © >> > >^ o o .a ^ ^ OQ O tfi ^ d "^ a 5 ^ O "73 a "I o3 cc a -§ © to 03 O o © '© © QQ © © e3 O 1=1 O -^ ' rt tn © P r^ bn ^ c s © ,^2 w r* o3 P^ © ,£S- ■•J rt ei «4H O +3 m fl c3 a a g $ o -d CQ U O 2 3 C3) CO 4-» o ■<-> 00 ta (D "^ d P^ ;?; 1. O "rt d C3 O 3 o cT 4-> •TS o > <2 s a ^ o Ot a S 2 2 ; I- <« I 2 i2 -^ CUSTOM HOUSE. 427 CO a CO d •d o Si o o •d 'd 1—1 o u a i1 (4 Pi O fT3 O O S a 2 o «»-( S 2 ^.-^ ^ :: > a a "^ o ;-! > ■*^ ■—I C3 - s OI o c3 o to . o 2 c3 o o ;^ o 0) a .3 PI o in g © c3 o -=3 — o o eS ® s © .S3 1 1 II as ■o"g Is tca as 1 1 1 p^ 'T3 1^ "«» K O O a t>> k_»>_ ^ i w o ;h <3 ^ O " "S CO 00 I— 1 -4J fi sl p #* 3 1 0) m 13 rQ 1 s o Cm 1 s +a o 1 n3 ^ OQ 428 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. P< .2 ^ 'u Pk S bD •r-l Oi ft ft •r-l CO ^ O o. ^ CD t*. ■-+-! >^ r^ ._ 5 . S H 1r/^ ^ I s - i ^ -s ^ ° I ^ ^ I -s g § 1 1 .2 1 -"gSo«??s^ ^a.2^a.aj^'^, -jrs^ ^ ^ j:- o fe 2 -g .2 2 2 -^ ^ S « ^ S .2 ^ g ^ -^^ ^ ^ i I ^ ^ o . 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H i = s c3 O g 'S ^ o o ,J3 ^ a o O 'So a n3 CO o m o o" 4^ •M pQ e« bi CJ CO O ^n u o ^ is rG TJ d -S 'T3 n CO > 5 .ti g a> :ri «* t> fcO '+3 IS '^ CO ^ "3 CI a > tC rG ^ -^3! ,6p o H 5 .i:f H ri ti. ^ '7^ CD ? -r!* .ii tiJ ?; S o oQ 17:3 fco © ^ a o Q -^ s ^ -a ^ "S- ^ CO £ ^ 2 :^ ^TS 2 Q &X) ^ C t- H cS a o i t-i _, tJ -M . ;^ o fl rrJ S '^ c3 "Vh § -g CO QJ (D -tJ '^ "Z •I - a O o .. :;5 fl S «3 a> ® s t; r^ CC O ■73 S ^ '5 b ?' 1. 5i O cJ ^, fH 2 (U 'JIJ ^ ^ 5^ fcc .e ^ g 02 rS C3 ^ -, o ^ ? .^ a o •2 > ?? .=i -5 2 t>> "oa r£3 O O c c3 n:) •„ ■^ ^ z: 2 f- ^ o a o 02 ^ c:; a. ©; c &0 t3 ^ CO C3 fcC .■^ a .y n ^*H O r73 05 O) -a ^^ a> a> rC >^ +: o re QQ a) O oj ^ O rj !L, t/3 +3 O o ,£3 t-. ci O cJ « e3 O n3 « 434 FOUMS AND rSE OF BLANKS. ~ - Q f^ >, , "■ o ^ o >-» »■ >-— ^ M c^ o rj 2 ii C> C ^ zz S-4 ;:^ f-^ -" X tr. 3 •J. ~ o 'ji O c ••-> cc U- o X IS >> o It o tp n3 -li! .o c: t»- rz • ^ ^7 ^ 'ZZ CJ o ^ n ^ ^ *m* ■•■ •— ■r. ^*"' ^ = » "x ^ <4^ o '3 >-. -/. — .z ^ "^ ;> >-. (C ^ ^ 6 o J ■y. to C^ J ■r. •«-i s ^< - t- ^ I- o >> C 2 rfi -5 •--si; ^ ^ ^ o if 5 X s !- --^^ "- .t:: ,o *j O •- ^- r^ - s: •£• = ^ -2 t. o ^ — •-" ^^ e "^ :f ;:4 o 2 ^ J<; in ^ — T C O - t- o ^ c S ~ 'S > ^~' O o '^ — ^ fl '- C li. o *"" ^ c .c tC rt ;. ■^ H~ 00 „ ^ U — 5 m t^ CO E o .- -s --< o e £ .2 ^'^ c = lE ? ~ r jj t. c; i— :; = ej «<-i )5 " o fee ^ - ^ o 2 « o fc o ;; 2 ^> h- Jp "> m ea t- 1-3 ^ O <£ tJL to ^ i^ 2 -5 ^ rt o v.- -^ 2 ^ ~ - 'S w 2 "^ w * ^ 5 ^ .5" = 2 '" o = = 2 t= .E -C 8- .t^ > f- .2 "^ 'O 13 TJ i-i ^ ^ — o o c o c c T5 '" j5 to cc ^ •§ r ~ 2 •= -K- ■<^ = .E — c -o ° E ^ -? o "Ev '=' 2 3 2 = P ^*- o O OJ c <: t 75 03 g -I O Ui o ^- ^ ^ ^ ^ 0) n ^ = ■£ rt = — ■»« rr i^ - -o ^ • = c ^ -i J fs -E 2 !^ m .§ ^ .2 Vh rfl c aj C .2 o ^ 03 be .2 c > "-13 O cr .S 5 2 5? 2 E rO o .5 .2 o a o r— 23 - •s -^ =- o t, O C3 -C +J %-. o a 03 g ^ CI. •5? a © 2 -a ~ C a +a tc fcC C3 2 S -73 a c3 a> pfi _ c3 a. o -2 0) "oD - 00 s "^t; C3 « 03 >C 03 00 ^ jj 1-3 W pL, ?fi ^ g 2 o +^ ^ tfj s E 2 E S3 03 -^ o rt S -T L. S . rt 'T! G3 ^2 _ to O C - -r "^ -5 ?^ 5 • o s;=H3C3_~o -* '^J -c •- -^ _ ~ O O 3 ® i'" r- ^: = c E, C y i^ 5 '03 '^ iE i» rt >» ;— '^ _= i; rt •« O »j to ''Z 03 -c — O ^ C .^. CI o o .2 E E '5 rJ = ? « o _ (C 73 "^ 03 to c s 5 2 5fi -r o a b.sp s a ^ O eS S 2 93 J3 to 5E o a T) o5 O _, O > c -a ea s o to o J C3 :r s ^* >i "^ O '^ '^3 a eS 5 S g o c: .5 E = ^ 03 ^ - ^ 03 00 o c - — q c := -5 ^ s - b i > S 03 03 to w 03 X .;; n3 03 03 ;- to cj b 03 ^% s '^ to to > 03 "o 'oJ a > .3 CUSTOM HOUSE. 435 I 2 I = I ll i s I § s 111(25 i a* £|5 '-' t> .3 (-1 -V J-^ t* t- >—; -tJ O i- ?* ^ t*^ ^ -i2 ^ coy S .S -2 C3 ° 3 ;^ f ^ _- 2 is ^ -5 g -2 ^ 3 'i ^ b O rt !_^ "^ XT) ^ . (72 S-H ^ oa.^ cr>?rit>-Xri Zl ^'^ J^'3:5a|0oo^a,-^og,3^g^ga.^ a; :::;i-^o^^«^s^a^i§§i§^.. to 436 FOKMS AND USE OF BLANKS. >> *3 £ -3 _= „ C Z) E S CO ■3 >> to X i' « 'v '^ >> *' ja "S r2 a ■^ nr ^ ^ o '^ § -g 3 S a 1 o 'T3 o 9 n C t*H re «s ^r 4; o "73 O .::: rt p2 6 u >, t^ to o 'rt 3 O 5 r f^ -t^ n3 M rt 5 0) > OQ U c c i3 c rt 'TJ B = o rt o n t; o o g, .5 2 ;/. ~ c cs c 3 ■^ rt o o y rt O >» ^ cn o .2 o > a o oc > ♦J ♦J o o "^ ^ ^ c .2 = C) rt rt ^ c u .£3 -^ o O a o rt < ■*^ t: o o o 1") ^3 a, > rt J3 a o c o o o O 'E ~ c 1 00 C m s c II 9 1 "S — g ^J5 Ir 1^ S ■a its. a So ! ■1 a OQ i a 9S O 1 1^ 1 4 00 '^ rt T3 o rt H .s bn O o H-l di S o H o fc> t>. 00 u &< o ^ « • cJ o © 00 I. I— ( rt C«H 02 ■5 o .H . .^ ^ m &. -a oo 03 -: cj cc a» ■t-> rt bt "tS O rt '>-/ -3 •^ 1^ a c:- o n «-> -^ •— b. o V t^ o 0; 5 3 o n O >— I >+- > c 1— t o o CUSTOM HOUSE. 437 United States of America. ACTS OF THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SEAMEN, MERCHANTS, ETC. An Act for thh Governmbnt and Regulation of Seamen in tue Merchants' Service, Passed July 30, 1799. Section 1. Be it enacUd hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled. That from and after the first day of Deceinl>er next, every Master or Commander of any shij) or vessel bound from a jiort in the United States to any foreign port, or of any ship or vessel of the burthen of fifty tons or upwards, bound from a port in one State to a port in any other than an adjoining State, shall, before he proceeds on such voyage, make an agreement in writing or in print with every seaman or mariner on board such ship or vessel (except such as shall be apprentice or servant to himself or owners), declaring the voyage or voyages, term or terms of time, lor which such seaman or mariner shall be shipped. And if any Master or Commander of such ship or vessel shall carry out any seaman or mariner (except apprentices or servants, as aforesaid), without such contract or agreement being first made and signed by the seamen or mariners, such Master or Commander shall pay to every seaman or mariner the highest price of wages which shall have been given at the port or place where said seaman or mariner shall have been shipped, for a. similar voyage, within three months next before the time of such shipping: Prorided, Such seaman or mariner shall perform such voyage, or if not, then for such time as he shall continue to do duty on board such ship or vessel; aud shall moreover forfeit twenty dollars for every such seaman or mari- ner, one-half to the use of the person prosecuting for the same, the other half to the use of the United States ; and such seaman or mariner, not having signed such contract, shall not be bound by the rega- lations nor subject to the penalties and forfeitures contained in this act. Sbc. 2. And be it enacted. That at the foot of each contract, there shall be a memorandum, of writing, of the day and the hour on which the seaman or mariner who shall ship and subscribe, shall render themselves on board, to begin the voyage agreed upon. And if any such seaman or mariner shall neglect to i-ender himself on board the ship or vessel for which he has shijiped, at the time men- tioned in such memorandum, and if the Master, Commander, or other officer of the ship or vessel shall, on tho day on which such neglect happened, make an entry in the Log-Book of such ship or ves- sel, of the name of such seaman or mariner, and shall In like manner note the time that he so neglected to render himself (after the time appointed), every such seaman or m.iriner shall forfeit for every hour which he shall so neglect to render himself, one day's paj', according to the rate of wages agreed upon, to be deducted out of his wages. And if any such seaman or mariner sh.ill wholly neglect to render himself on board of such ship or vessel, or, having rendered himself on board, shall afterwards desert and escape, so that the ship or vessel proceed to sea without him, every such seaman or mari- ner shall forfeit and pay to the Master, owner, or consignee of the said ship or vessel a sum equal to that which shall have been paid to him by advance, at the time of signing the contract, over and" be- sides the sum so advanced; both which sums shall bo recoverable in any court or before anj^ justice or justices of any State, city, town, or county, within the United States, which, by the laws thereof, have cognizance of debts of equal value, against such seaman or mariner, or his surety or sureties, in case he shall have given surety to proceed on the voyage. Sec. 3. And be if enacted. That if the mate, or first officer under the Master, and a majority of the crew of any ship cr vessel, bound on a voyage to a foreign port, shall, after the voyage is begun arid before the ship or vessel shall have left the land, discover that the said ship or vessel is too leaky, or is otherwise unfit in her crew, body, tackle, apparel, furniture, provisions, or stores, to proceed on the intended voyage, and shall require such unfitness to be inquired into, the Master or Commander shall^ upon the request of the said mate (or other officer), and such majority, forthwith proceed to, or stop at the nearest or most convenient port or place where such inquiry can be made, and shall there apply- to the judge of the District Court, if he shall there reside, or if not, to some justice of the pe.ace of the city, town, or place, taking with him tv/o or more of the said crew who shall have made such request; and thereupon, such judge or justice is hereby authorized and required to issue his precept to three persons in the neighborhood, the most skilful in maritime affairs that can be procured, requiring them to repair on board such ship or vessel, and to examine the same in respect to the defects and insuf- ficiencies complained of, and to make report to the judge or justice, in writing, under their hands, or the hands of two of them, whether in any or in what respect the said ship or vessel is unfit to proceed on the intended voyage, aud what addition of men, provisions, or stores, or what repairs or alterationa 438 FORMS AND I'SE OF BLANKS. In the body, tackle, or appari'l will be necessary ; nnd ui>on such report the said jud.^c or justice shall adJudKe ind determine, and shall endorse on the said report his judgment whether the siiid ship or vessel Is fit to proceed on the intended voyage; If not, whether such repairs can be made, or deficicu- CI09 supplied, wheru the ihip or vessel then lies, or whether it be necessary for the said ship or vessel U return to the port from whence she llrst sailed, to be there refitted. And the Master ami crew shall lu all thlnirs conform to the said judgment. And the Master or Commander shall, in the lirsl instance, pay ull the cost of Hneh view, report, and jud;;ment, to bo taxed and allowed, on a fair copy thereof certified by the Judeo or justice. But if the complaint of the crew shall appear, upon the said report and Judpmcnt, to have been without foun? be more than threw miles from the jdace, or of hln at>.wnce from the place of his residence, then for any jmlge or justice of the ptncr, to summon the Master of such ship or vessel to appear before him, to show cause why pr«»c«-B» shoul'l not Issue axninst such ship or vessel, her tackle, furniture, and npiiarel. according to the course of admiralty courts, to answer for the siild wages; and if the Master shall neglect to ap- ftMT, or, a[ipearlng, shall not show that the wages arc paid, or otherwise satisflcd, or forle'led, and If CUSTOM HOUSE. 439 the matter in dispute shall not be forthwith settled, in such case the judge or justice shiiU certify to the clerk of the court of the district that there is sufficient cause of complaint whereon to found ad- miralty process, and thereupon the clerk of such court shall issue process against the said ship or vessel, and the suit shall be proceeded on in the said court, and linal judgment be given, according to the course of admiralty courts in such cases used; and in such suit all the seamen or manners (having cause of complaint of the like kind agqjnsttbe same ship or vessel) shall be joined as cotniilainants; and it shall be incuuibent on the Master or Commander to produce the contract and Log-Boofc, if re- quired, to ascertain any matters in dispute, otherwise the complainants shall be i)ermitted to state the contents thereof, aud the i)roof of the coutrary shall be on the Master or Commander; bnt nothing herein contained sh.ill prevent any seaman or mariner from having and maintaining any action at common law for the recovery of his wages, or for immediate process out of any cjiurt having admiralty jurisdiction, wherever any ship or vessel may be found, in case she shall have left the port of delivery ■where her voyage ended before payment of the wages, or in case she shall be about to proceed to sea before ihe end of the tea days next after the delivery of her cargo or ballast. Sec. 7. Aii^ be it enacted. That if any seaman or mariner, who shall have signed a contract to perform a voyage, shall, at any port or place, desert, or shall absent himself from such ship or vessel, without leave of the Master or officer commanding in the absence of the Master, it shall be lawful- for any justice of the peace within the United States (upon the complaint of the Master) to issue his ■warrant to apprehend such deserter, and bring him before such justice; and if it shall then appear by due proof that he has signed a contract within the intent and meaning of this act, and that the voyago agreed for is not finished, altered, or the contract otherwise dissolved, and that such seaman or mari- ner has deserted the ship or vessel, or absented himself without leave, the said justice shall commit him to the house of correction or common jail of the city, town, or place, there to remain until tha said ship or vessel shall be ready to proceed on her voyage, or till the Master shall require his dis- charge, and then to hii delivered to the said ^Master, he paying all the costs of such commitment, and deducting the same out of the wages due to such seaman or mariner. Saa 8. And be it enacted, That every ship or vessel belonging to a citizen or citi.^ens of the United States, of the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons or upwards, navigated by ten or more persons in the whole, aud bound on a voyage without the limits ol' the United States, shall be pro- vided with a chest of .medicines, put up by some apothecai'y of known reputation, and a<'companied by directions for administering the same; and the said medicines shall be examined by the same or some other apothecary once at least in every year, and supplied with fresh medicines in the place of such as shall have been used or spoiled; and in default of having such medicine-chest so provided and kept fit for use, the Master or Commander of such ship or vessel shall provide and pay for all such advice, medicine, or attendance of physicians as any of the crew shall stand in need of, in case of sick- ness, at every port or place where the ship or vessel may touch or trade at during the voyage, without any deduction from the wages of such sick seaman or mariner. Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That every ship or vessel belonging as aforesaid, bound on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, shall, at the time of leaving the last port from whence she sails, have on board, well secured under deck, at least sixty gallons of water, one hundred pounds of salted flesh meat, and one hundred pounds of wholesome ship-bread, for every person on board such ship or ves- sel, over and besides such other provisions, stores, and live stock as shall, by the Master or passen- gers, be put on board, and in proportion for shorter or longer voyages; and in case the crew of any ship or vessel, which shall not have been so provided, shall be put upon short allowance in water, flesh, or bread, during the voyage, the Master or owner of such ship or vessel shall pay to each one of the crew one day's wages, besides the wages agreed on, for every day they shall be so put to short aliowance, to be recovered in the same manner as their stipulated wages. Ak Act SrrppLEMEjrrARY to the Act concekni;:g Consuls and "Vice-Consuls, and foe thb rUKTHER rEOTECTlON OF AmEUICAN SeaMEN, PASSED FEBRUABY 28, 1803. Section 1. Me it enacie-d by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United iStaten of America, in Congress aseembled. That before a clearance be granted to any vessel bound on a for- eign voyage, the Master thereof shall deliver to the Collector of the Customs a list containing the Eames, places of birth, and residence, and a description of the persons -who compose his ship's com- pany, to which Ust the oath or affirmation of the Captain shall bo annexed, that the said list contains the names of his crew, together with the places of their birth and residence, as far as he can ascertain them; and the said collector shall deliver him a certified copy thereof, for which the collector shall be entitled to receive the sum of twenty-five cents; and the said Master shall moreover enter into bond with sufficient security, in the sum of four hundred dollars, that he shall exhibit the aforesaid certified copy of the list to the first boarding-officer at the first port in the United States at which he shall arrive, at his return thereto, and then and there also produce the persons named therein to the 440 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Mid boardin(;-oaic*r, whose iluty it shall t'o to cxaiiiiiu- tiio men with such list, and rei)Ort the same to tho collector ; and it shall b« the duty of tho collector at the said port of arrival (where the same i« dilTereiit from the port from which the vessel orlirinally sailed) to transmit a copy of the list so reporu-d to him to Uie collector of the port from which tho sail vessel orlginiiUy sailed: Provided, That the said bond shall uot he forfeited ofi accoiinl of the said Master not producing to the first boarilinji-olUcer as aforcs;iid. any of tlie persons conUiined in iht^ said list who may be dischorfjed in ft foreign country with the consent of the consul, vice-consul, commercial agent, or vice commercial agent there residing, signined in writing under his band and oOicial seal, to be produced to the col- lector, with the other persons compiwin;,' the crew ad aforesaid; or on account of any such person dying, or absconding, or being forcibly impressed into other service, of wluch satisfactory proof shxill be then also exhibited to the collector. bKC. 'J. And bt it inacttd. That it shall bo the duty of every Master or Commander of a ship or ve»s«.'l. tH-lon'_'iDg to citizens of the L'uited States, who shall sail from any port in the United States after the tlrsl day of May next, on his arrival at a foreign port, to deposit his register, sea-letter, and Medilirrunean p.assjiort with the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, or vioe-commercial agent (If any there be at such portX and in case of refiisiil or neglect of the said Master or Commander to depuiit ihe said papers as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay live hundred dolhirs, to be recovered by tho said consul, vice-consul, commercial agent, or vice-commercial agent, in his own name, for the beiKtit of the United States, in any court of competent jurisaliction: and it shall be the duty of such consul, vice-consul, commercial agent, or vice-commercial agent, on such Master or Com- mander producing to him a clearance from the proper officer of the port where his shiporve.wel may bo, t

ayment of passages of seamen or mariners, citizens of the United Suites, who may be desirous of returning to the United States, and for the maintenance of American seamen who may be destitute, and m;iy bo in such foreign port; and tho several sums retained for such fund shall be accounted for with the treasury every six months by the persons recx-iving the same. S«<\ 4. And bt it furthtr enacted. That it shall be the duty of the consuls, vice-consuls, com- men-ial azent'*, and vice-commercial agents, of tho United States, from time to time, to provide for the mariners and seamen of the United States, who may be found destitute within their di.stricts re»j>ectlvely, snlliclent aiibsistence and pasi^ages to some port of the United States, in tho most rea- sonable manner, at the expense of the United States, subject to such instructions as the Secretary of State shall give; and that all masters and c«iminanrt of the same, are hereby required and enjoined to take snch mariners or .«e.tinen on bwvrd of thuir shii)S or vi-ssels at the r.equest of tho said consuls, vice-consuls, coinrnerclil agent^ or vic.'-comnxercial agents, respectively, and to transmit them U< the port in the Unltetl States to which »uch nlii|>s or vessels may be bound, on such term.s, not exceeding ten dollars for each [lerson. as may be agreed Wtween tho said Master and consul, or commercial agent And the said nnriners or seamen shall. If able, be bound to do duty on board such ships or vessels, accord- ing to th.ir in-VOTnl .abilities: /V/»rif/^'/, 'I'hat no Master or Captain of any ship or vessel shall be obliged to t.ike n greater number than t«<. men to every one hundred tons burthen of the siid .-hip or ve.'.icl, on (iny one voyage; and If any such Master or Captain shall refuse the same c»n Uie request or onler of the confiul, Tlcc-consuU commercial agent, or vice-commercial agent, such Cai>t.ain or MastiT shall forft'lt and pay the turn of one hundred dollars for each mariner or Si-aman so refused, to bo n>r..verc' AoT IN Amendment of the Act for the Punishme^it of Offenses against the United States. Approved March S, 1835. Section 1. £6 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congrens assembled. That if any one or more of the crew of any American ship or vessel on the high seas, or on any other waters within the admiralty or jurisdiction of the United States, shall unlawfully, wilfully, and with force, or by fraud, threats, or other intimidations, usurp the command of such ship or vessel from the Master or other lawful commanding otiicer thereof, or deprive him of his authority and command on board thereof, or resist or prevent him in the free and lawful exercise thereof, or transfer such authority and command to any other person not lawfully entitled thereto, every such person so ofl'ending, his aiders or abettors, shall be deemed guilty of a revolt or mutiny, and felony; and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment and confinement to hard labor not exceeding ten years, . according to the nature and aggravation of the offense. And the offense of making a revolt in a ship ■which now is, under and in virtue of the eighth section of the Act of Congress, passed the thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety, punishable as a capital offense, shall, from and after the passage of the present act, be no longer punishable as a capital offense, but shall be punished in the manner prescribed in the present act, and not otherwise. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted , That if one or more of the crew of any American ship or vessel, on the high seas or any other waters within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United States, shall endeavor to make a revolt or nmtiny on board such ship or vessel, or shall combine, conspire, or confederate with any other person or persons on board to make such revolt or mutiny, or shall solicit, incite, or stir up any other or others of the crew to disobey or resist the lawful orders of the Master or other officer of such ship or vessel, or to refuse or neglect their proper duty on board thereof, or to betray his proper trust therein, or shall assemble with others in a tumultuous and mutinous manner, or make a riot on board thereof, or shall unlawfully confine the Master or other commanding officer thereof, every such person so offending shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by flue not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both, according to the nature and aggravation of the offense. Seo. 3. And be it further enacted. That if any Master or other officer of any American ship or vessel on the high seas, or any other waters within the admiralty or maritime jurisdiction of the United States, shall, from malice, hatred, and revenge, and without justifiable cause, beat, wound, or imprison any one or more of the crew of such ship or vessel, or withhold from them suitable food and nourishment, or inflict upon them any cruel or unusual punishment, every such person, so offending, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both, according to the nature and aggravation of the offense. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That whenever any person indicted for any offense against 442 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. the Unlteil States, whether capital or otherwise, shall upon his ftrraignment stand tnutc, or will not ple«d or answer tUorvM, it fshall be the duty of the court to enter the plea of not guilty on his behalf, in the saiue ininuer as If he had pleaded nut puilty thereto. And when the party shall [dead not guilty, or such pU-a shall be entered as aforesaid, the causi! sliiill be ileemod at issue, and shall, with- out furlher f.irm or ceremony, bo tried by a jury. And In all trials in capital cases, if the p.irty indicted shall peremptorily ehallenpe above the number of jurors allowed by law, such excess of challon^es Miall bii disallowed by the court, and the cause shall proceed lor trial in the same m.anner a5 If the fuld ehttllenges had not been made. Sec. 5i And be it furtlur enactnl. That whenever any person shall be convicted of Rny offense (^rainst the United St.ites, which is punishable by line and imprisonment, or by either, it shall be lawful for the court by which the sentence is passed, to order the sentence to be executed in any Uoua<> of Correction or House of Keformalion for juvenile delinquents, within the State or district vhcre such court is holden, the use of which shall be allowed and authorized by the Legislature of the State for such purpose. Aad the expenses attendant upon the cxocution of such sentence shall be paid by the United Slates. Ax Act is Additics to several Acts Regulatiko the SaiPMEyT and DiscnARCE of Seamen, AND THE DCTIES OK C0.N8CL8. PaSSKD Jl'LT 20, 1S40. B« it enacted bi/ the Senate and Uotue of Representatives of the United States of America, in ConffreM mnemOled, as folloica: First. — The duplicate list of the crow of any vessel bound on a foreign voyaire, m.ide out pursuant to tlio act of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and throe, shall be a fair copy, of one uniform handwriting, without erasure or interlineation. Second. — It shall bo the duty of the owners of every such vessel to obtain from the Collector of Customs of the district from which the clearance is made, a true and certified copy of the shipping articles, which shall be written in a uniform hand, without erasure and interlineations, w^hich shall be duly certlfled as authentic, and cont;uning all the names of the crew borne on the list above named. Third. — The fU'cumcnt*, which shall bo deemed to contain all the conditions of contract with the crow, as to their service, pay, voyage, and oil other things, shall be produced by the Master, and laid before any consul, or other commercial agent of the United ;?tates, whenever he may deem their con- tent* necessary to enable him to discharge the duties imposed upon him by law, toward any mariner applying to him for his aid and assistance. Fourth. — .VU interlineations, erasures, or writin;.', in a hand different from that in which such du- plleati-s Were originally made, shall be deemed fraudulent alterations, working no change in such papers unless satisfaotorily explained, in a manner consistent with innocent purposes, and tha provi- sions of law which guard the rights of mariners. Fifth. — iVny Consul of the United States, and in case there is none resident at a foreign port, or he 1b unable to discharge his duties, then any commercial agent of the United States, authorized to per- form luch duties, may, upon the application of both the Master and any mariner of the vessel under his command, discharge such mariner, if he thinks it expedient, without requiring the payment of three months' wages, under (he provisions of the act of the twenty-eighth of February, eighteen hun- dred and three, or any other sum of money. Sixth. — Any Consul or commercial agunt may also, on such joint application, discharge any mari- ner on such terms as will, in his judgment, save the United States from liability to support such mariner, if the Master gives his voluntary consent to such terms and conforms thereto. Seventh.— When a mariner is so discharged, the ollicer discharging him shall make an offlcial entry thereof, upon the list pf the crew and the 8liit>ping articles. Eighth.— Whenever any Master shall ship a mariner in a foreign port, he shall forthwith take the list of his i-row and the duplicate of the shippins articles to the Consul, or person who discharges the duties of the otBce at that j.ort, who shall make the proper entries thereon, setting forth the contract and describing the person «t (ho mariner ; and thereupon the bond originally given for the return of the men shall embrace eaeii person shipped. Ninth.— When any mariner shall comidain that the voyage is continued contrary to his agreement, or that ho has fulfilled his contract, th(vConsul, or other commercial agent performing like duties, may examine Into the same by an Inspection into the articles of agreement; and if, on tlie face of them, he finds the^-omplaint to be well founded, he shall discharge the mariner if ho desires it. and require of ihe Master an ailvance b<.-yond the lawful claims of buch mariner, or three months' wages, as provided In the an of Febniar>- 2\ 1^ort where any vessel may arrive, and the Collector shall report the same to the Secre- tary of the Treusory, and to the Attorney of the United States in his district. "We, tlie undersigned, late mariners on board the , on her late voyage, described on the other side of this instrument, and now performed to this place of payment, do hereby, each one for ourselves, with our signatures, acknowledge to have received of , agent or owner of said , the full sum hercnnder set against our names ; it being in full amount of our wages for our services, and of all demands for assault and battery^ or imprison- 77i€}it^ of whatever name or nature, against said , her owner or officers, to the day of the date hereunder also set against our names. Name. Amount Amount in Writing. Place and Date of Payment. Signature and SeaL Witness to Signing. Stampi.— Seo Form No. 8. Kote — This is a contract entered into between the Master and crew of an Ameri- can vessel, on leaving an American port. If the vessel is bound for a foreign port, the Collector retains tho original and delivers a certified copy to the Master. If the vessel is bound coastwise, no copy is required. The articles must be signed by the ICaster and crew in presence of a witness. CUSTOM HOUSE. 445 No. 396. Statement of Duties illegally exacted in excess on imported by of . Issued under Treasury instructions. Statement of Duties exacted in error , and paid by , of , on , imported by Refund . Collectob's Office, San Fkancisco, Cal., SCO, Cal., ) , 18 . ) , Collector. COUNTERSIGNED. Hon, , Secretary of the Treasury. , Naval Officer. District of San Francisco isco, Cal., ) 186 . J I certify that the duties on the within goods have been paid into the Treasury, and no part paid back, and that not indebted to the United States, on the records of this office. , Collector. -, Naval Officer. PROTEST. State of California, ) City and County of San Francisco, ) Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the county aforesaid, duly commissioned and sworn , to me known, , who did depose and say, that the within statement is just and true ; that of said gooda and merchandise ; and that the claim has not been alienated by law or otherwise. Sworn and subscribed before me, this . ) , Notary Public. ) MG FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR.— See Agreement and Con- tract. BBVEMPB No. 397. BLANK I'UBLISIIEn. Declaration of Homestead. Know all men by these presents : That ^f, ^'cl^n. 0^ac, of the ^Liij. and County of ^an. ^fla.n.cLAca, St.-ite of California, do hereby certify and declare that ^f um. married, and that yJP do now, at the time of making this declaration, reside Avith mu. family on the lot of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the /;:Lti^ and County of ^an ^LanctAca, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit . \I)escription.'\ And that it is tnu. intention to use and claim the said lot of land and premises, together with the dwelling-house thereon, and its appurte- nances, as a homestead, and ^Jf do hereby select and claim the same as a homestead, under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act to Exempt the Homestead and other Property from forced sale in certain cases," passed April twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and of the several acts amendatory thereof, and supplementary thereto. In witness whereof, ^/have hereunto set mrc. hand and seal, this S'tk day of j^uf^ust, one thousand eight hundred and s\xlj-faui^. J'cJuT. ^ac. [l. 8.] Acknowledgment and Recording.— The declaration shall bo siifnod by the party making tlio aanu', and ackuowlodgod and recorded as conveyance.s alTectiiig real es- tate arc required to be acknowledged and recorded ; and from and after the filing for record of said declaration, the husband and wife shall bo deemed to hold said home- stead as joint tenants.— <7en. Ijxws^ 3541. See also 3542, 3543, and 3541. SUmpi — See Form No. 162. DECLAEATION. 447 No. 398. BLAXK PUBLISHED. Declaration of Aba.ndonment of Homestead, Know all men "by these presents: That lu.c, ^'cJiri '2/jc.ti ililcL ^ctrLC 0Ja(L, Ihis. Lulfti, of the ^iti^ clucL County of cg/kt/i ^Lcui.- cLAca, State of California, do hereby abandon, release, and discharge from any and all claim by us. as a home- stead, the lot of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the f^Ltn- clilcL County of cg/k/z. jSf'Uurdisca, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit: \I)escription?^ Together with the tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. In witness whereof, uxe. have hereunto set attif- hands and seals, this 73tli- day of ;jfLiL^iLd±, a. d. 186^. Jpali-n. 0^ce. [l. s.] J'cLrhc 0)a(L. [l. S.] Acknowledgment and Eecording, — The homestead shall be deemed to be aban- doned when a declaration thereof in writing, executed and acknowledged by the owner thereof and executed and acknowledged by the wife, if the owner be married, and the wife be a resident of thia State, in the same manner as required by law in the case of the conveyance by her of her separate real property, is filed for record in the Eecorder's office in which the declaration of claim to the same is recorded. — Oen Laws, 3542. Stamps. — See Form No. 152. ■HECREE.— See District Court. Probate Court. 448 FOKilS AND USE OF BLANKS. See also A(;rkement and Contract. No. 399. IU,\NK PUBLISHED. Administrator's Deed. This inJejiturc, (iiado the tiacuiLcilL day of ^pcLtuLcttij., Anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-/zir., In X^Uir^ "^//." t f ^{LiSalldnrrtisi ^Arcaid», fi-CLCi.e /( < , atiii which sail order of sale now on file and of record in said I'robate Court, and which said record thereof in said Recorder's office are luToby rrtcrred to and made a part of this indenture : DEED. 449 And whereas, under and by virtue of said order of sale, and pur- suant to legal uotices given thereof, the said party^ of the first part, on the fcLiLlt/i. day of ^cliulclIu., a. d. eighteen hundred and sixty- faiLt^, at the cLUctLan. Aa.Le.A-tc.am.& of ^/'c./i/i ^iLicLdLatcii. &L ^an. in said cLii^ ctrLcL ccllutIl^, between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and the setting of the siin on the same day, to wit : at 7S o'clock M., ofiered for sale in an.clLa.lcaL (judging it most beneficial to said estate), at fLuLLLc cLLLctLan., and subject to confirmation by said Probate Court, the said real estate situated in the said ^lLl^ a.n.cL f^cLLnli^ a^ ^cLn. ^LctrLciica, and specified and described in said order of sale as aforesaid, and at such sale the said part^ of the second part became the purchaser of the Lu.liaLe af said real estate hereinafter particularly described, for the sum oitlilcc tli.aLLd.cLn.cL CLn.cL caLC lLLLn.cLtccL dollars, ^aLcL caLn. af tl^c JlLn.LtccL ^tcLte&y he being the highest and best bidder , and that being the high- est and best sum bid : And whereas, the said Probate Court, upon the due and legal return of Izcif- proceedings under the said order of sale, made by the said part^ of the first part, on the fLft/L cLaj^ af ^cLniLCLiu.^ a. d. eighteen hundred and ^Axtj-faLLi', after making the said sale, cLncL u/LatL cLiLc cLfLcL Lcc^clL n.aticc a^ cct LcclaL ten. cLcllis, ci.LU..cn. in. AilcIl in.cLnn.cif- cls. LIlc J^ilcLq-C af. AclLcL caiLtt IlclcL cLiLcctccL, did on the cL^lLtccnlfL day of ^clilllclIu., a. d. eighteen hundred and sixty-^Siii/'^ make an order confirming said sale, and directing convey- ances to be executed to the said part^ of the second part : a certified copy of which order of confirmation was recorded in the ofiice of the said County Recorder of said ^(^Ltu. cLncL ^aiLnlL^ af ^cLn. ^^LcLn- cLAca, within which the said land sold is situated, on the cialLteenlfT. day oi ^cLiuLCLii^, a. d. eighteen hundred and Sixij-faui^, at // |J- o'clock ^. M., Ln. ^lLc^ " ^L," af ^lLLAccLLcLneaiL& 0LccalcL&, {lclo-c 70S, and which said order of confirmation now on file and of record in said Probate Court, and which said record thereof in said Recorder's oflSce, are hereby referred to and made a part of this inden- ture : Now, therefore, the said ^LclLu. ^anc&, administratzZx of the estate of said ^/Lam.cL& ^an.e&, deceased, as aforesaid, the part^ of the first part, pursuant to the order last aforesaid, of the said Probate 29 460 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Court, lor aiul in consideration of the said sum of tlLica ikauScLtid CLttdane kiiiitliril doWnTS, t^ald caui af ^h^ /ll'ill/id 'Elates, to he/' in baud paid by the said part^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereljy acknowleTERNA1. r.nVENPE No. 401. m.AXK rriu.isiiED, Deed of Bargain and Sale.— Another Form. Tliis indenture, made the fcuUcctrtfL day of ^Llll^^ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-^k//./', between y. /^. JflaLLaujLcu^, of ,^a.kefuiit, f^tlf-Ltu. af ^akc, ^ftctie af ^cLLlftiitiLcL, ike /LCLiiit af ike fitAt iLCLit, ctrLcL ^/. M. ^kairL/tAan, af J^Lc^ /VclLLcji, caitnlu^ ctfateAcLLcL, the part/^ of the second part, wit- nesses : That the said part/^ of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of fiftij, dollars, c^aliL aabi. of the United States of America, to kbri. in hand paid by the said part^ of the second pai*t, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents ^Ofs. grant, bai'gain and sell, convey and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to IlU heirs and assigns forever, all ^Description^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanances thereunto belonging, or in any wise aj^pertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, rid! ni ( /' fLamr-AircLcl, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part//, of the first part, of, in, or to the said promises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular, the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, his. hc-irs and assigns forever. DEED. , 453 In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto Bet AZs hand and seal , the day and year first above written. Jp. J^. JflaLLauLCLj^. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of Acknowledgment.— See Form No. VI. Blanks,— These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Eecording.— See Form No. 11. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. No. 402. BLANK PrBLlSHED. Deed of Bargain and Sale. Same Form as No. 401. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 403. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed of Bargain and Sale. Same Form as No. 401, Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large space for description of property. 454 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 404. BLANK runi.irinED. Deed of Bargain and Sale.— Another Form. Tliis iii.leiiiiiiT, in.i'le the faiLttcctztiL day o^ ^Laij., in the year of our Lord one tlious;ind. eight hundred and ^xxXy-faui', between ^ ptinir-i J 11^. CAuMi-lLsaix, af t/te ^c.uxn. af ^n.(LLLiti.c^, / \ II III re cf ^LatcacL, ^tata af /^CLLLfaitLtcL, tlta /tatUi, cfl the fiui /uLit, cLtLil ^C^. & . JlWiaairLtctx, cf AclLcL tciLui, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the I said partz/. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of fan/' hiindled ixtrcL flfiu dollars. g^aLcL ccin. of the United States of America, to Kim. in hand paid by the said part^, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bart^ained and sold, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do^.s grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm unto the said part^ of tlie second part, and to IlU heirs and assigns forever, all Xhal certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the said ^aituT. af ^fnell i na, ul Aaid County of ^Lrlrrd, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : [^Description^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof: and also all the estate, right, title, interest, cLctun. oflurnrstriLd, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in e(iuity, of the said part^^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said pre- mises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, A/.s heirs and assigns forever. In witness Avhereof, the said partv^ of the first part has hereunto set A/.s hand and seal , the day and year first above written. J''a.trLtL& fW. J3LaL.ettd.an. [l. s] Signed, scaled, and delivered, in the presence of ya/ui /lir. Jj^aSt Jf£ctLii^ S/h. ^l^cLtan.. 'I DEED. 455 Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Kecording See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. No. 405. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed of Bargain and Sale. Same Form as No. 404. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 406. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed of Bargain and Sale. Same Form as No. 404. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post, having a very large blank space for the description of property. No. 407. Deed to C. D., to hold nntil E. F. shall become of Age, and then to E. F. in Fee; or, if E. F. shall Die before the Age of Twenty-one Years, then to C. D. in Fee. Know all men by these presents: That I, A. B., of, d'c, in cou- sideration of dollars, gold coin of the United States, to be paid by C. D., of , c5c., and other good and valuable considerations, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said C. D. and his son E. F., the following described tract or parcel of land, situate in , bounded and described as follows, to wit : 456 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. [^Description of the Zand.] with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. To have ami to hol.l the ahove granted premises unto the said C. D., for and during the minority of Ins son ¥.. ¥., and until the said E. F. shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years; and unto the said E. F., and his heirs, to his and their own use, in case he shall arrive at the full age of twenty-one years ; hut in case the said E. F. shall de- cease before he arrives at the age of twenty-one years, then unto the said C. D. and his heirs and assigns, to their own use forever. In witness whereof, dbc. Acknowledgment and Recording — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form Xo. 399. No. 408. Deed upon Condition. This indenture, made the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, between 1 Richard Roe, of the City and County of San Francisco, rEEjiAL , gtate of California, the party of the lirst part, and John vENOBj Doe, of the County of Sonoma, State aforesaid, the party of TAMP. the second part, witnesses: That tlie said party of the first ' part, for and in consideration of the acceptance of this con- veyance by the said party of tlie second part, subject to the proviso and upon tlie condition hereinafter mentioned and expressed, and for and in the further consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, lawlul money of the United States of America, to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, con- veyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm, unto the said party of tlie second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, but subject to the said proviso and upon the said condition, all that certain lot, piece. DEED. ' 457 or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in the town of Santa Rosa, in the County of Sonoma, State of California, bounded and par- ticularly described as follows, to wit: [Description.l Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, or to the above-described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, Avith the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the above mentioned and de- ecribecl premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. Provided, however, and this conveyance is made and accepted upon this express condition, that the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, tenants, sub-tenants, lessees, or assigns, or any person or persons claiming or occupying under them, or either of them, said land and premises, or any part thereof, will and shall not use or employ, nor, either directly or indirectly, suffer, allow, or permit any other person or persons whatever to use or employ the said land and premises, or any part thereof, for the purpose of carry- ing on, exercising, or conducting any business, trade, employment, or mechanic art, or any profession, calling, or vocation, or any com- merce, traffic, barter, or purchase or sale of goods, commodities, wares, merchandise, productions, or property of any kind, or the manufacture of any kind of goods, wares, or merchandise, or as a place of public amusement, show, or exhibition, or of any species of gaming or gambling, or for any other purpose whatever, except, solely and exclusively, for the purpose of a private dwelling or residence; and should the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators, tenants, sub-tenants, lessees, or assigns, or any person or persons claiming or occupying under them, or either of them, said land and premises, or any part thereof, use or employ, or, either directly or in- directly, sufl'er, allow, or permit any other person or persons what- ever to use or employ the said land and premises, or any part thereof, 468 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS.- for any purpose whatever, except the said jjurpose of a private dwell- ing or residence, then, and in tliat cnse, this conveyance shall imme- diately thereupon become null and void, and of no etlect whatever, the whole of the estate above granted and conveyed, and any and all improvements thereon, shall inmiediately revert to, and become the property of, the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns for- ever, to be held and enjoyed by him and them forever; and the said party of the first i)art hereby expressly reserves to himself and his heirs the right to enter upon said land and premises, and to take ab- solute possession thereof, and of any and all improvements thereon, for and upon the breach of the aforesaid condition. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Richard Roe. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ Ezra Styles. >• Paul Brown. ) Acknowledgment and Recording. — See Form Xo. 71. Stamps — See Form No. 399. No. 409. Deed of Confirmation on Coming of Age. This indenture, made, etc., between A. B., of, d;c., of the first part, and C. D., of, art, and C. D,, of, c&c, of the second part, witnesses : That the said A. B., in consideration of the conveyance hereinafter made to him by the said C. D., of lands of the value of at least one thousand dollars, and of the sum of five hundred dol- lars in cash, gold coin of the United States, in hand paid to said A. B. by said C. D., has given and granted, and by these presents does give and grant unto the said C, D., his heirs and assigns [Description.^ with all and every of the ajipurtenances, said lands being of the value of at least one thousand five hundred dollars, in exchange of and for the lands hereinafter mentioned of the said C. D., and for the addi- tional consideration of money as above expressed : To have and to hold the said premises, with the appurtenances, to the said C. D., his heirs and assigns forever. And the said A. B. does covenant, <&c, l^Insert such covenants as may be necessary.^ And the said C. D. has likewise, on his part, given and granted, and by these presents does give and grant unto the said A. B,, his heirs and assigns [Description.l with all and every of the appurtenances, said lands being of the value of at least two thousand dollars, in exchange of and for the premises first above described : To have and to hold the above-granted prem- 402 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ises, with the appurtenances, to the Baul A. B., his heirs and assigns, forever, as aforesaid. Aiul the said C. D. does covenant, tlv. \as above]. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set tiieir hands and seals, itc. Acknowledpnent and Becording.— See Form Xo. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 399. IWTIK.VAL RRVENCB No. 414. BLANK PCBLISUED. Executors' Deed. This indenture, made the tLtLcLftli. day of J^auLemLet^ , Ani.n Domini eighteen hundred and &\sXj-faii.i^, at ike f^itju tint! /^atuvtu. af ^cLclcLm.en.ta, State of California, by and between ^LmatkL^ ^LcLLklhCLrn. clixcL ^aidan. /^ert- nttt, the duly appointed and qualified execut/i£s of the last will and testament of ^clilL ^LLffai-d, deceased, late of 1 AcLLti /^itu. and /^aiuvtu. af ^a.cicLm.en±a, the parties of the first part, and ^J'a.nxrs. ^. ^rtqlUlL, of the Said i^itit ctnd ,/^atintii rf -ftiriitinrntr, the part^ of the second part, witnesses: That whereas, on tlic tliliiL day of G'ctcAr.l, a. d. eighteen hun- dred and sixty-/r///', the Probate Court witliin and for the sai'd ,(il!i and /;riiniii t f! ^tiruurLctvia, State of California, made an order of sale authorizing the said partZ/^.s of the first part to sell cer- tain real estate of the said ^n.td /^tlffc.uL, deceased, situated in l/ir Said f^'llu ami ,^rnulu t (1 ^/arliinirnl, , State of Califor- nia, and specified and particularly described in said order of sale, cither in one parcel or in subdivisions, as the said part//?.s of the first part should judge most beneficial to said estate : a certified copy of which order of sale was recorded in the office of the County Recorder DEED. 463 of the 6.cl'lcL i^iti^ cLtTcL ^aitnlu^ af ^cLctcLm.en±a, within which the said land is situated, on the eiet^Jit/L day oi ^J^CLtxe.irLLe^,K. d, eighteen hundred and sixXy-faLci^, at S\^ o'clock ^. m., Ln. /^acA " ^/ ^j(LLAce.LLcLthaaLLs. ^^CLaid&, fi.cLr^es. t^O, /^/, cLtLcL 'tJj.S, and which said order of sale now on file and of record in said Probate Court, and which said record thereof in said Recorder's office, are hereby referred to and made a part of this indenture : And whereas, under and by virtue of said order of sale, and pur- suant to legal notices given thereof, the said partZ^s of the first part, on the tuLcnlt^-faLLitlTL day of (Dclalxcv^, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-^r., and the setting of the sun on said day, offered for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, the real estate situated in the said City and Comity of San Francisco, and described in said order of sale; and at such sale the said party of the second part became the pur- chaser, for the sum of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the Cuited States of America, being the highest bid offered therefor, of the parcel or subdivision o!" land hereinafter particularly described : And whereas, the said Probate Court, upon the return of said sales, made at the September term thereof, a. d. 1862, by the said executor, di'l, f)n thi' twenty-ninth day of September, A. i). 1862, that day having Iteen fixed fjr said return by the order of said Probate Court, made an R. H. SlNTON. ) State of California, i • • City and County of San Francisco, ) Be it known, that on this thirtieth day of September, A. D. 1862, personally ai)peared before me, R. H. Sinton, a Notary Public within and for the city and county aforesaid, John A. McGIynn, executor of David C. Broderick, deceased, Erwin Davis, William R. Garrison, and Isaac W. Colton, personally known to me to be the persons de- scribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, the first as executor of David C. Broderick, deceased^ and the others individually and severally acknowledged to me that they, the first as executor of David C. Broderick, deceased, and the others individually, executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ray seal of office, th(.' day and year last above written. R. II. SiNTON, Notary Public. {Notarial Seal.) Acknowledgment and Recording. — Sco Form No. 71, Stamps,— Soo Form No. 31)9. DEED. 469 No. 416. Deed of Gift of Personal Estate. Know all men by these presents : That I, A. B,, of, <£-c., in consi- deration of the natural love and aflection which I have and bear for my sister, C. B,, and also for divers other good causes and consider- ations, me, the said A. B., hereunto moving, have given, granted, and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant, and confirm, unto the said C. B., all and singular my goods, chattels, and personal estate, of every name and nature, in whose hands, custody, or possession soever, they be [or^ the following goods and chattels, to wit] : \^Dcscription.^ To have and to hold all and singular the said goods, chattels, and personal estate aforesaid [or, goods and chattels], unto the said C. B., her executors, administrators, and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said C. B., her executors, administrators, and assigns, forevei-. Apd I, the said A. B., all and singular the said goods, chat- tels, and personal estate aforesaid [or, goods and chattels], to the said C. B., her executors, administrators, and assigns, against me, the said A. B., my executors and administrators, and all and every other person or persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant, and forever defend. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this day of , A. D. 1864. A. B. [l. s.] Sealed, signed, and delivered, in the presence of ) G. H. ) No. 417. Deed of G-ift by a Father to a Son of his Personal Property, on Conditions. This indenture, made.the, cfcc, between A. B., of, cbc, of the one part, and C. B., of, tCc, of the other part. Whereas, the said A, B., being the father of the said C. B., by reason of his age and infirmities, 470 FoK.MS AND USE OF BLANKS. ' is not capable of attending to his estate and affivirs as formerly, and lias therefore agreed, for advancement of the said C. B., to make over his property to the said C. B., so that the said C. B. should pay the debts of the said A. B., and afibrd him a maintenance as is hereinafter mentioned : now this indenture trit/ic-i.ti s : That the said A. B., in order to carry the said agreement into eflfect, and in consideration of the natural love and alfeetion which he has for and towards his son, the said C. B., and of the provisos, covenants, and agreements, herein- after mentioned, by the said C. B. to be observed and performed, has given, granted, bargained, sold, and assigned, and by these presents does give, grant, bargain, sell, and assign, unto the said C. B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all and singular, his household goods, and implements of household stock in trade, debts, rights, credits, and personal estate, whereof he is now possessed, or any w^ays interested in or entitled unto, of what nature or kind soever the same arc, or wheresoever or in whosesoever hands they be, or may be found, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, to have and to hold the said goods, household stuff, stock in trade, debts, rights, and personal estate, and the other the premises, utito the said C. B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, forever, without ren- dering any account or being therefor in any wise accountable to the said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, for the same. And the said C. 11, for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis- trators, does covenant, promise, grant, and agree, to and witli the said A. B., his executors, administrators, and assigns, in manner and fonn following, that is to say: that he, the said C, B., his heirs, executors, and administrators, shall and will settle, pay, discharge, and satisfy, or cause to be settled, paid, discharged, and satisfied, all accounts debts, judgments, and demands, of every nature and kind whatsbever, now outstanding against, or now due from, or payable by the said A. B., or for the payment of which the said A. B. shall be liable, or be lield liable, I'ither at law or equity, on account of any matter, cause, or thing heretofore had, sutiercd, done, or performod, and at all times hereafter free, discharge and keep harmless and indeniniiied, the paid A. B., his heirs, executors, and administrators, from all and every such accounts, debts, judgments, and demaiids, and from all actions, suits, and damages, that may to him or them arise, by reason of the DEED. 471 non-payment thereof; and, moreover, that the said C. B., his heirs, executors, and administrators, shall and will yearly, and every year during the term of the natural life of the said A. B., by four equal quarterly payments, the first to begin on the day of next, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, in gold coin of the United States, to the said A. B., or his assigns, the sum of for or toward his support or maintenance, and find or provide for him sufficient meat, di'ink, washing, lodging, apparel, and attendance, suitable to his state and situation, at the choice and election, from time to time, of the said A. B. Provided always, and- upon this condition, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, that Lf the said C. B-, his heirs, execu- tors, and administrators, shall neglect or refuse to pay the said ac- counts, debts, judgments, and demands, according to his covenant aforesaid, or shall suffer the said A. B. to be put to anj^ cost, charge, trouble, or expense, on account of the same, or shall neglect or refuse to pay, in such gold coin, the said annual sum, in manner aforesaid, or to find and provide for the said A- B. as aforesaid, that then, in all, any, or either of the cases aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said A- B., all and singular the premises hereby granted to take, repossess, and enjoy, as in his former estate. In witness, (&c. No. 418. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed of G-ift of Real Estate. This indenture, made the tkLili{.-fLiAt day of ^Lclu., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;f/2^i/^, between ^CLm.e.s. ^. ^LcLjutan., af tke f^'aiLn.tii. ccfi ^Le.U.a.^ ^tcLie. cS ffa.LLfaln.Lct, i/ie /lclUu^ af the: fLlSt /lclU, ctnd jUfLLLLcLtn. ^LcLjulan., fzLs. Aatt, af AclLcL caiuvti^, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ - of the first part, for and in consideration of the love and affection which the said part^ of the first part has and bear^j 472 FORMS A\I) USE OF BLANKS. t unto the .s:i"ul part//, of the secoinl i)art, as also for the better maintenance, support, protection, and livelihood of the said partf^ of the second part, has given, granted, aliened, and confirmed, and by these presents doc.s give, grant, alien, and confirm unto the said part//, of the second i)art, and to /lIs heirs and assigns forever, all [Descri2)tion.'\ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap- purtenanot's thereunto belonging, or in any Avise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, clulm c/f lLcnicAtca.cL, property, possession, claim, and demand, whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said partv^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said promises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part/^ of the second part, Il'l& heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said part^. of the first part has hereunto set Ills, luind and seal , the day and year first above written. ^'a.ma& ^^l. ^LcLjulatv. [l. S.} Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of flWfYL. &. I^LUs. 0). (3. i^cLlde^. Acknowledgment.— See Form No. 11. Blanks. -These arc printed on sheets of folio post. Secording.— Sec Form No. 71. Stamps — 8eo Form No. 309. No. 419. Deed of Gift of Real Estate.— Another Form. This indenture, made, cCo., between A. B., of, c&c, of the one part, and R. B., son of the said A. B., of the other part, witnesses : That EEVENUE DEED. 473 the said A. B., as well for and in consideration of the natu- ral love and affection which he, the said A. B., has and bears unto the said R. B., as also for the better maintenance, sup- port, and livelihood of the said R. B., has given, granted, and confirmed, and by these presents does give, grant, and con- firm, unto the said R. B., his heirs and assigns, all, Sc. ' [Description.!^ Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any Avise appertaining ; and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand whatsoever, of him, the said A. B., of, in, and to the said premises, and of, in, and to every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances : To have and to hold all and singular the premises hereby granted and confirmed, or mentioned, or intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said R. B., his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of him, the said R. B., his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said A. B., for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, does covenant, cC'c. [For the necessary covenants^ see Forms of Deeds and Covejiants.'] In witness whereof, the party of the first part hath hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year above written. A. B. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, cC'c. Acknowledgment and Kecording.— See Form No. 7 1. Stamps — See Form No. 399. No. 420. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed of Gift of Real Estate.— Another Form. This indenture, made the ±li.LLtu.-fL±At day of ^jILclu., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;/?aM./'^ between BlyENUE 474 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. ^ /'. ^. JfCcLmcs., c.^ /WLaclLlcl, f^aiuLtjj. af. ^iLLcuLe., cLH.iL ^Lalc (f /■.itLif.'t.Uhli.i, ilia /Lciltu. cfi LIlc fLlAt lia.Lt, cuhiL ^jfLcAieit ^LaLnics, Illh Aan, a/^ Jaul JV'is.cL- Liii, the part /A of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration of* the love and affection which the said part//, of the first part has and bears unto the said part//, of the second part, as also for the better maintenance, support, protection, and livelihood of the said part^. of the second part, has given, granted, aliened, and confirmed, and by these presents do/.'s givf, grant, alien, and confirm unto the said part/^ of the second part, and to Ills, heirs and assigns forever, all \I)escription^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also, all the estate, right, title, interest, cLcLun. af! fLamcAtecLcL, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part^. of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof,' with the appurtenances : To have and to hold all and singular, the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^^ of the second part, ki& heirs and assigns forever, to the sej^arate and jiroper use and behoof of the said part^. of the second part, /ll& heirs and assigns forever. And the said part/^ of the first part, for hlniMil f! smdi A/',s heirs, executors, and administrators, do^s hereby covenaut, promise, and agree, to and with the said part^^^ of the second part, AZs heirs and assigns, that the said part^. of the second part, Ills, heirs and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, or disturbance of the said part//, of the first part, /it's heirs or assigns, or of any other person or persons law- fully claiming or to claim the same, by, from, or under kLm ai^ them, or any of them ; and that the same now arc free, clear, discharged, and unencumbered, of and from all former and other grants, trusts, uses, titles, charges, estates, judgments, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances, DEED. 475 of what nature or kind soever, had, made, committed, done, or suf- fered by the said part^ of the first part, or any other person lawfully claiming or to claim the said premises, by, from, or under the said part^ of the first part. And also, that the said part^ of the first part, and /iZs heirs, and all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully or equitably deriving any estate, right, title, or interest, of, in, or to the said premises, by,, from, under, or in trust for li.un. ai^ them, shall and will, at any time or times hereafter, upon the reason- able request, and at the proper costs and charges in the law, of the said part^ of the second part, /iZs heirs and assigns, make, do, and execute, or cause to be made, done, and executed, all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable acts, conveyances, and assurances in the law, for the better and more effectually vesting and confirming the premises hereby granted, or so intended to be, in and to the said part^ of the second part, Lis. heirs and assigns forever, as by the said part^ of the second part, /iZs heirs or assigns, or /tZs ai^ their counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably advised or re- quired. And the said part^ of the first part and his. heirs, the above- described and hereby granted and released premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, /ll& heirs and assigns, against the said part«. of the first part, and /lLs. heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoevei', lawfully claiming or to claim the same, by, through, or nnder Ihun. ai^ them or any of them, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set kis. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. J^. ^. McltTve^. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ ^ J^. ^/LCLnkLefaLcL ) Acknowledgment — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of folio post. Kecording. — See Form No. *?!. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. 470 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 421. Deed of Gift to a Married Woman.— Habendum Clause. To have ancl to hold the same to her, the said , her heirs and assigns forever, to and for her and their sole and separate use, benefit, and behoof forever, as her separate property, and free from the management and control of her said husband, the rents, issues, and profits to be applied to her sole and separate use. This conveyance being intended to operate by waj of " gift," according to the meaning of that word as first used in the first section of an act entitled " An Act to Define the Rights of Hus- band and Wife," passed on the 17th day of April, 1850, by the Legis- lature of the State of California, and to be followed by the legal efl'ects therein given to acquisitions to a married woman of property by " gift," to wit : That such acquisition shall be her separate property, and not the common property of the husband and wife ; and it being also intended to secure to the said the rents, issues, and profits of the said premises above described to her sole and separate use, in accordance with the provisions of the said act and the acts amendatory thereof. In witness whereof, cCe. Acknowledgment and Eecording. — Soe Form No. 71. Stamps Seo Form No. 399. No. 422. BLANK PUBLISHED. Guardian's Deed. This indenture, made the cLc^IlLIi. day of ;^'1/lLlL, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and wixXy-fLae, at t/itL /^lIl^ a.n.cL ^aiui±u. a^ ^/cLtL ^'LcLncLAca, State of California, by and between ^Latij. ^''an.e&, the duly appointed and qualified guar- RBVENtT« dian of the /tcLAatvs. cLtxiL rsittics. af /ll^LLLLcLm. ^an.es., liJicLtlatte. Jf'attnx, txtuL ^innia. ^afvcs., minors, the part// of the first part, and S/iriiJa.m.Ln. J3Lila/i, af tfi.e AaLd ciLi^ a.n.d cxxunlu, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That DEED. 477 whereas, on the faLtttaanllx day oi jSteLuLCLlu., a. d, eighteen hundred and ^vatj-^LLie., the Probate Court within and for the 6.clLcL ^lLl^ cLttcL (^cLu-htu. af ^ctn. ^'LcLn.ais.ciCL, State of California, made an order of sale authorizing the said part^. of the first part to sell certain real estate of the said minors, situated in dcticL t^itu, a.n.cL aa.u.n±L^^ State of California, and specified and particularly described in said order of sale, , a certified copy of which order of sale was re- corded in the office of the County Recorder of the aclLcL citj^ cLn.cL aaiuzti^, within which the said land is situated, on the fLiAt day of ^LcLicfi., A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-^Ya^^ at a/z^ o'clock ^. M., in. /^aak." y^" a^ ^LLAciiLLcLiT£^aLL& J3l^cciLcL&, fLctc^aA SOS, SOS, cLn.cL SO 4, and which said order of sale now on file, and of record in said Probate Court, and which said record thereof in said Record- er's office, are hereby referred to and made a part of this indenture : And whereas, under and by virtue of said order of sale, and pur- suant to legal notices given thereof, the said part^ of the first part, on the faiLtteenl/h day of ^Lctlak, A. D. eighteen hundred and eixtj-^LLie, at the ctuctLafi. Aa.l^A-taam& of ^ah/T ^LLdcLLetcn. SL ^cin., in said aLtiL ctn-d ccjlhIlc, between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and the setting of the sun on the same day, to wit : at /i? o'clock, m., ofiered for sale at [i.ilL'1lcl cLit/itLan., and subject to confirmation by said Probate Court, the said real estate situated in the said uLtti. cttvcL aaunlj^, and specified and described in said order of sale as aforesaid ; and at such sale the said part^^ of the second part became the purchaser of the uxtxaLe. af said real estate hereinafter particularly described, for the sum of ^auLteen. luuxdiEcL dollars, g.aLd cain. af tke JlLn-Lted ^tcLte&, he being the highest and best bidder , and that being the highest and best sum bid : And whereas, the said Probate Court, upon the due and legal return of Ilci^ proceedings under the said order of sale made by the said part^- of the first part, on the fL±A± dctt^ cf ^/iiLL, a. d. eighteen hundred and sixty-^Zti^, after making the said sale, u/Lan. diLe. O-tT-d Le^^ctL n-atiae. ccfi ctt LactAt ten. dcLt^s.,- c^Laen. in. Actcfi. mcLnne^ cls. ±/i.e ^itd^e of. Aaid caittt fia.d dilcctad, did on the Actid filAt day of ^Ii±lL, a. d. eighteen hundred and sixty-;fZti£, make an order confirming said sale, and directing conveyances to be 478 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. executed to the said part// of the second part : a certified coi^y of which order of confirmation was recorded in the office of the said County Recorder of said cltij. luuL muLhj. within which the said land sokl is situated, on the Arrand day of ^ftlLL, A. n. eighteen hunched and sixty-/'//-./!, at .5|J o'clock /F. M., Ln. /^aak " ^L" cif ^./l I'.in Hunrriiji 0.ccaLcL&, /lclci.£& 5, b, J, nn.tL 8', and Avhieh said order of confirmation now on file and of record in said Probate Court, and wl)ich said record thereof in said Recorder's office, are hereby referred to and made a part of this indenture : Now, therefore, the said ^LclIu. ^fan^^s, the guardian of the /iclSf./t.'i cuxcL cltalaS; af AclLcL jU^ilLicLnx ^an.c&, ^iLCLlLaite ^anc&, cuLcL ^nxnxa. partes, minors as aforesaid, the part^ of the first part, pursuant to the order last aforesaid, of the said Pro- bate Court, for and in consideration of the said sum of faititeen. luLiuLlncL dollars, ao-LcL caLtz a(l tlta flLiviiccL ^ficvtcs.^ to Ilci^ in hand paid, by the said part//, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha.^; granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do/'x grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said |)art/^ of the second part, Ill& heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, and estate of the said Jll^lLLLcun. ^cn.a&, /luxL- Laitc ^cjzcs, cLn.lL f/mnxa. ^atxes, minors, in and to all thctt certain lot , piece , or parcel of land situated, lying, and being in said /f'Ltti. cxn.d /j^aittxti^ af ^fcxix ^LcxixcxAca, State of Cali- fornia, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit :. i^^cnxitXTtxcuxQ. ctt tlxe. AcuLl xcclAL catixefi a^ f^^lLe.Attxiii arxd ^ffxacnuxaH/x ^tieets. ; Lutxn.LrLei- Uxcuae. acxAteil ij^ (lL luj iltc Aaul/LciLu. L'uhc. afi i^licAbxiLi ^LLact aixc IxiLixdicxL cuxd t/ii'ltu.- Arii.rtL and ct Ixtxif^ {.^^7^) l-'^'d ; Llxr.ncc at iifiltt an.ri-ln& A( iil/irt lij ALx.tu.-cic^ltt {bS) Prat nine {//) uic/irs ; tlirtxce at litjlil an g Irs. uxcAicilu. atxe Ixiuxdlrd and tl LLLlij.-Aiia.cn. ami a. Lai f! {^^7^) fret to. tlxe. ca.Atr.Llu. Luxe af ^aamcn.- uxritlx Sal.) Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of folio poRt. Recording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. 480 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 423. Settlement of a Wife's Estate in Contemplation of Mar- riage. This indenture of three parts, made, sors in the said trust, to permit the said party of the second part, after the solemnization of the said intended marriage, to receive the aforesaid profits to her sole and separate use, and freely to dispose of the trust estate by her will, or by her testamentary appointment, and not to interfere, with the said trust estate, rents, issues, c&c. In witness, <&c. Acknowledgment and Recording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 399. :;i:vENirE No. 424. Deed of Trust for Benefit of "Wife. This indenture, made, c&c, witnesses, c&c. [as ifi other Jf^rws], all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in said City of San Francisco, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit : [Description.'\ And also all and singular the household furniture, good% and chattels, now in the dwelling-house on said premises, together with all and singular the buildings, tenements, heredita- ments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise apper- taining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the right, title, interest, estate, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, both at 31 482 FORMS AND rSE OF BLANKS. law and in equity, of the said parties of the first part, in and to the above-described prt-mises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances; to have and to hold all and singular the above nientioiu-d and described premises, household furnitm-e, tCo., together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second pai't, his heirs and successors forever ; in trust, nevertheless, for the sole and separate use, benefit, and behoof of said , wife of said , her heirs and assigns forever, free from the control and disposition, and from the debts and liabilities, of her said husband, and to collect and receive the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and pay over the same, when and as received, to said , to and for, and to be applied to, her sole and separate use, free from the control and disposition, debts and liabihtics, of her said or any future husband. In witness wliereof, the said parties of the first part have here- unto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. . .^1^.3.] . [,. s.] Sealed and delivered, in the presence of ) Acknowledgment and Recording.— See Form No. 71. Stamp'j. — See Form No. 399. No. 425. Trust-Deed. This indenture, cfcc. Whereas, the said Jolin Doe is desirous to make provision /or his dau'/hter, Jano Doc, now of the age of ticaity-five years, against future contingencies, and for her maintenance and support ; and whereas, the said John Doe is de.sirous that his said daugh- ter should enjoy the proceeds, rents, issues, and income, of the real estate hereinafter more particularly described, during the term of her natural life, free from the control, liabilities, KKYBNITK or interference, of any husband that she now has or may hereafter have: DEED. 48S Now, therefore, this indenture -witnesses : That the said John Doe, in consideration of the premises, and of the sum of one dollar, lawful money of the United States, to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hi- bar- gained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Town of, c£*c. \I)escri2otion of Premises.'] Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining ; and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, prop- erty, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well at law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, or to the above- described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appur- tenances. To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said Richard Roe, his successors and assigns — In trust, and to and for the several uses, intents, and purposes hereinafter mentioned, namely : First. — In trust to lease the same, and to take, collect, and receive the rents, issues, and profits thereof; and out of the same to keep the said premises in good order and repair, and properly insured, and pay all taxes, assessments, and charges that may be imposed thereon. Secondly. — In trust to pay the residue of such rents, issues, and in- come to my daughter, Jane Doe, upon her sole and seisarate receipt, to the intent and purpose that she may enjoy, possess, and have the same, free from the control, interference, or liabilities of any husband she now has or may hereafter have, during the term of her natural life. Thirdly. — In trust to convey the said land and premises to such person or persons as she, the said Jane Doe, by her last will and testament, or by an instrument in the nature of a last will and testa- ment, subscribed by her in the presence of two credible witnesses, notwithstanding her coverture, may direct and appoint. And the said John Doe hereby declares, that upon the decease of 484 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. his said daughter, Jane Doc, the said trusts shall cease and determine, and tlie land and premises above described, shall belong in fee-simple absolute, to such person or persons as the said Jane Doc shall, as aforesaid, direct and api)oint ; and, in default of such appointment, Bhall revert to the said John Doe, the grantor herein named, and to his heirs, to his and their sole use, benefit, and behoof, forever. And the said party of the second part does hereby signify his ac- ceptance of this trust, and does hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said party of the first part, faithfully to discharge and execute the same, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents. In witness whereof, Sc. Acinowledgment and Eocording.— See Form No. 71. Stamps Sco Form No. 399. No. 426. Concluding Part of Trust-Deed for Benefit of Wife. To have and to hold all and singular the said premises unto the fiaid E. F., his heirs and assigns, upon the trusts, nevertheless, and to and for the uses, interests, and purposes hereinafter limited, described, and declared. T/iat is to sa>/^ upon trust for H. B., wife of A. B., as her sole, exclusive, separate, and only use and benefit, e.Kclusive of any and all rights, title, inter- est, power, and claim of her said husband, A. B., one of the parties of the first part to these presents, therein, and for all liability for the payment of any of his debts, or on account of any of his acts, or on his account by reason of their said marriage relation or other- wise. And upon this further trust, that the said E. F., his heirs and assigns, shall take possession of said premisL'S, and I'eceive the issues, rents, and profits of the said premises, and apply the same to the use of the said II. B., during the term of her natural life, and that her sole and separate receipt therefor shall be an acquittance ; and after the DEED. 485 death of the said H. B., convey the same to the heirs of the said H. B. in fee. And upon this further trust, that he, the said E. F., his executors and administrators, shall and may, in his and their discre- tion, sell, dispose of, vest, and re-invest said real estate and income thereof. And that the said party of the second part, and his heirs and assigns, shall and may at all times hereafter peacefully and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the above granted, bar- gained, and described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, and receive and take the rents, issues, and profits thereof, to and for his and their own proper use and benefit, without any loss, suit, hindrance or molestation, eviction or denial of, from, or by the said parties of the first part, their heirs and assigns, or of, from, or by any other person whomsoevei", lawfully claiming or to claim any estate, right, title, or interest of, in, or to the same, by, through, or under them or either of them. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals, t&e. Acknowledgment and Recording.— See Form No. Tl. Stamps. — See Form No. 399. No. 427. Concluding Part of Trust-Deed for Benefit of "Wife.— Another Form. To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and successors forever. In trust, nevertheless, for the sole and separate benefit and behoof of the said , wife of, t5c., her heirs and assigns forever, free from the control or disposition, debts and liabilities of her said husband, and to permit and suffer her, the said , to take, collect, and receive the rentp, issues, and profits thereof, to and for her sole and separate use, free from the control or disposition, and from the debts and liabilities of 486 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. her saM husband, witli Tiill ami absolute power to the said of eucumbering, disposing of, and alienating said premises above de- acribed, or any part thort-of, together with the rents, issues, and pro- fits thereof, by deed, or by last will and testament, or otherwise, as if she were sole and unmarried, so far as she may by the laws of the State of California. In witness whereof, c£'c. Acknowledgment and Eecording.— Seo Form No. 71. Stamps. — Seo Form No. 399. No. 428. EEVENUK Deed of Husband's Property to a Trustee for Benefit of the Wife. This indenture, made the day of , in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-nine, between A. B., of, cfec, of the first part, and C. D., of, ct*'?., of the second part : Whereas, the said party of the first part, being in solvent circumstances, and desirous of making provision for his wife, M. B., against future contingencies, and for her maintenance and support: Now this indenture witnesses: That, in consideration of the premises, and of one dollar, lawful money of the United States, to him in hand paid by the said party of tlie second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, ali(Mi, ri'inise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever [DescripHo?).] Together with all and sinaular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof: and also, all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim, and demand, whatsoever, as Avell in law as DEED. 487 in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, or to, the al)ove- described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appur- tenances, to have and to hold, all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, upon the trusts, nevertheless, and to and for the uses, interests, and purposes hereinafter limited, described, and declared, that is to say : First. — In trust to lease tl»e same, and to take, collect, and receive the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and out of the same to teep the said premises in good order and repair, and properly insured, and pay all taxes, assessments, and charges thereon. Secondly. — In trust to pay the residue of such rents, issues, and income to his said wife, M. B., upon her sole and separate receipt, to the intent and purpose that she may enjoy, possess, and have the same, free from the interference or control of any person whatsoever, during the term of her natural life. Thirdly. — In trust to convey the said land and premises to such person as she, the said M. B., by her last will and testament, or instru- ment in the nature of a last will and testament, subscribed by her, in the presence of two competent witnesses, may direct and appoint. And it is hereby further declared and agreed, by and between the parties hereto, that, upon the decease of the saidM. B.,the said above- recited trust shall cease and determine, and the said land and premises hereinbefore described shall belong in fee-simple, absolute, to such person or persons as the said M. ^. shall so as aforesaid direct and appoint, and in default of such appointment the said land and premises shall revert to the said party of the first part, and to his heirs, to his and their sole use and behoof forever. Provided always, nevertheless, and it is hereby expressly declared and understood, by and between the parties hereto, that it shall and may be lawful, to and for the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, from time to time, to retain and reimburse to himself and themselves, out of the property hereby granted and assigned, all such costs, charges, and expenses, as he or they may be put to in the per- formance or execution of the said trust, or any thing relating thereto. And provided also, that in case the trustee herein appointed, or any sucoeedbg trustee or trustees of the said trust estate, to be ap- 488 FOUMS AND USE OF BLANKS. pointed as hereinafter mentioned, die, or shall neglect, dedine, or be incapable to act in said trust, before the same shall be fully performed and executed, then, and as ofieu as the same may happen, it shall and may be lawful for the said M. B., by any instrument of writing under hand and seal, to nominate, substitute, and appoint some other fit per- son or persons to be trustee or trustees of and in the said premises, in place and stead of the trustee or trustees so dying, negleciing, decli- ning, or becoming incapable to act as afco'csaid : and, upon such nomi- nation and appointment, the person or persons so to be appointed shall be and stand seized of the said premises, with the appurtenances, in trust for the same uses, intents, and purposes, and subject to the pro- visos and conditions hereinbefore mentioned and declared of and con- cerning the same. And the said A. B., for himself and his heirs, the above-described and hereby granted and released premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against the said party of the first part and his heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In witness, d'c. Acknowledgment and Recording. — See Form No. 71. StampB — See Form Xo. 399. No. 429. Deed from Husband to an Intervening Party for Deed to Wife. This indenture, made and entered into this 20th day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, between John Matthias, of the Covmty of Alameda, of the first part, and James Alexander, of the second part, witnesses : Whereas, the said party of the first j)art is tlve owner in fee of the tract of land and premises hereinafter described, and intends, in consideration of tho love and affection wliich he bears his wife, Anna Matthias, to make her a gitl of said tract of land, and of the rents, issues, and RCT tM^K DEED. 489 profits thereof, as her separate property ; and has requested the said party of the second part to accept a conveyance thereof, and there- upon to convey the same to the separate use of his said wife : Now the said party of the first part, in order to give effect to such intention, in consideration of the premises, of the promise by said party of the second part to convey the said lands and premises in the man- ner and for the purpose aforesaid, and of the sum of one dollar, lawful money of the United States, to him in hand paid, by the said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these pres- ents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bar- gained, sold, aliened, remised, released, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the County of Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to wit : [Z>escription.'\ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining ; and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, and to the said above-described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances ; to have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, to thd said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said pfarty of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. John Matthias, [l, s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of Geokge Bbowjs". Acknowledgment and Recording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. IWTERJJAX BBVENUB 490 FORMS AND USE OF CLANKS. No. 430. Deed from Intervening Party to "Wife. This indenture, made this 21st day of June, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, between James Alexander, of the County of Alameda, counsellor at law, of the first part, and Anna Matthias, of the second part, witnesses: Whereas one John ^Matthias, of the County of Alameda, being the owner in fee of the premises hereinafter described, intends, in considera- tion of the love and affection which he bears to his wife, Anna Matthias, to make her a gift of the same, and of the rents, issues, and profits thereof, as her own separate property, and, to effect such intention, has, by conveyance bearing d:ite the 20th day of June, a. d. 1859, conveyed the said premises to the party hereto of the first part, with a request on his part, and a promise on the part of the party of the first part, that he would convey the same by good and sufficient conveyance to the party hereto of the second part. Xow, the said party of the first part, in pursuance of the said request, and in consideration of the premises and of said promise, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these pres- ents dues grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever : \^J)escripticm.y Together with, . J'. /IVaiLctms. f^ J'- ^'cLt/LcUcy. Acknowledgment See Form No. 71. n .: ks — ThcdC are printed on shoots of flat cap. Stamps.— See Form No. 309. DEED. 495^ No. 434. Deed of Mining Claim.— Another Form. This indenture, made the fa.u.tt£e.n±h. day of ^jiLctii, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;fca/^^ between ^. /^. 0^ cLLLLclAan., af. SD CLUJLn.Le.iLiLLe., i^aitntu. cf. ^iattcL, &'tcL±e a^ f^'cLLLf^att-Lia., tlj-c /hCLtti^ ccfi tlj.ti fUlAt [halt, cLtLcL JW. ^fatcL ,3^/zam.cL&, afi ^t, J^aiLLS., ccLLnti^ ctfaicAcLLcL, the part^, of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration of EEVENTTE the sum of ticLa th.aLLAcLn.cL clitcI tuxa fzLLn-cLtccl dollars, Lclux^llL marLCLi. of the United States of America, to kiiiT. in hand paid by the said pavt^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, remised, released, and quit-claimed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, convey, remise, release, and quit-claim unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ills, heirs and assigns forever, Together with all the dips, spurs, and angles, and also all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock, and earth therein ; and all the rights, privileges^ and franchises thereto incident, appen- dant, and appurtenant, or therewith usually had and enjoyed ; and also, all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also, all the estate, right, title, interest, possession, claim, and demand what- soever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances and privileges thereto incident and appurte- nant, unto the said part^ of the second part, /lLs. heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, said part^_ of the first part has hereunto set kis. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. ^ ^. SS a.u.icLAan.. [l. S.] 496 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^. ^. ^auLcLetu. Acknowledgment.— See Form No. 71. Blanks.— Tlicso aro printed on slieets of flat cap. SUmp3 See Form No. 399. iril l.h.NAL r.Evn.tir. No. 435. Deed of Mining Claim.— Another Form. Know all men by these presents : That we, the undersigned, a duly appointed and authorized committee, and President and Secretary of the Mountain Brow Turuiel Company, have, for and in con- sideration of the sum of one thousand dollars, to us in hnnd paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, sold, transferred, and quit-claimed unto I. R. Marston and ' Charles Wessel, members of the Crystal Spring Company, all our right, title, and interest in and to the following described mining grounds, situated in the County of Tuolumne and State of California, District of Table Mountain, located by sai«, between ^jlLiLLa. y^. /■?cLLLcn.cLei', a^ th.e f^itu. cttvcL ^aLLntu. a-fi ^a.n. 3^^L(incLAca, ^Late. of ^cLLifatrLLCL, t/ie /La.ifi£. a-^ th.e flut IhcLtt, and ^4:AcL /IVkLte ctttd ^'akfv J^ciHatt, f f tftc ActicL citu. cLfvcL caiLtztij., the part/*/?.? of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of arte h.LLn.d.te.d dollars, LcLuifLtL m.atiei^ of the United States of America, to kLm. in hand paid by the said partZ^s of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha.s remised, released, and forever quit-claimed, and by those presents do^s remise, release, and forever quit-claim unto the said part/^s of the second part, and to iAcL^ heirs and assigns, all \ha± certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in the A.cLid /^itiL^ cLnd County oi ^an. ^^La.n.cLAca, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : ^ant- metxcin.^ at lite. Ac.iil/iuieAtr.Llu. catnef cf ^J'arUsan ^itaei and /Veinan. ^Lact^ ; tunnurtj, ilxanca AaittlieiLtj. aiang. the ajLcAtadu. Line af /Vclnan 'jS^Laca, faitu-AeuLCfT. (^7) feet; tkence at tif^ltt anr^Les. uieAtelLrc, Aaacnlji.-eLci.lLt (7<5^) feet Al:x. (l) Ln.cli.eA; ifience at tit^lLt anc^Lcs. naitkedtL /laiaLLeL uxith. ^jiLaAaix ^tteet, faitj^-Acucn. {4J) feet, ta t/ie AdLtlLcdi^ Line af Jjf'acl^Aan ^tleet ; tlLcnce caAtciLu. aLc.na, fixe ActLtiv- elLi^ LLne af ^acl^Aan ^tlecL, ta tlxe AaLd /taint c.f c/xm- DEED. 503 m£.n.ceimn.t ; Lc'urc^ a. [hcdtian. af the ^Lftci. uLctta. Lat, rLitm.- LelecL Altl lvLLn.cLle.cL clu-cL faiti^ {bO^) atv tire a^fHeLctL m-ci/L af. AclLcL ^Lti^ af^ ^cLn. ^LcLizciAca. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remain- der and remainders, r6nts, issues, and profits thereof. And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, cLclLuj. af fiairLeAtecLcL, property, pos- session, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the ajjpurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said partZes of the second part, iKei^ heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set h-Ls. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. ^LLLLs. ^. ^aLLertcLei^. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of " J^. M. ^LnaLcLi^. M. y. JLc^tin.Let^. Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 11. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Eecording.— See Form No. 71. Stamps — See Form No. 399. No. 440. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 439. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of foho post. No. 441. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 439. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large blank space for the description of property. KBVKNUK STAMP. r)04 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. No. 442. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed.— Another Form. This indenture, made tlie e/ecLefit/i day oi ^jUtrhe, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/a///', between ■^clilL f^aas. a.n.d ^mn. 0Las.&, liL& un'fe, a^ the ^autitji. o^ ^LaniclejL^, ^tctte of ^cLLLfatrLLa, tlie /jd./tLC& c;(f t/ie -fiilAt fiatt, clklcL ^■etrha.n.da I^±i(tlvt, fcinia, the part^ of the second part, witnesses: That the said part/^s of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of arte tlu iL^cLtxcL luxcL five /uLnclleci dollars, Luvf:'iiL niancu of the United States of America, to tkcin. in hand paid by the said partY^ of tlie second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha/z£ remised, released, and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release, and forever quit-claim unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ills, heirs and assigns, all [^Description.'] Together with all and singular tlie tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profit'^ thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, cLa.Lm af tvam.eAiea.cL, property, possession, claim, and deriiand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part/^s of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part/^ of the second part, /it's heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said partZ^rs of the first part hati^ here- unto set {IlcL^ hands and seals, the day and year first above written. ■P''clilL 0La&&. [l. s.] ^n.n. /3La&s.. [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ' 0iaUeLt I^en.n.ctt jiLickaeL /WclU/x. DEED. 505 Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Eecording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. No. 443. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim. Deei. Same Form as No. 442. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of foho po.-t. No. 444. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 442. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a. very lirKO spaoo for the description of property. No. 445. Quit-Claim Deed.— Another Form. This indenture, made the eUae/zt/z day of Jpiitz^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-^a^i/', between JSLLnkcLlcL ^. Mdnrei^, af tlze. /^'UtL, ^cuuztj^, clitcL ^tcLte af J^eujL jTJ^alk, tlte fzcLltj^ af ike filAt JzcLtt, and &an.cLLcL ^ndLa^, af tke ^atLnlu, af ^ctnla. ^LcLtcL, ^tcLte af ^cLLLfatttLcL, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of tujia ku.n.cLtecL dollars, La.uxfu.i 506 FORMS AjS'd use of blanks. maiuu- of the United States of America, to IhLtn. in hand paid by the said part^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, remised, re- leased, and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, convey, remise, release, and forever quit-claim, unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ills, heirs and assigns, all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand, both at lasv and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, and to all \I)escription?^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, mito the said part^ of the second part, /lZs heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said parto. of the first ])art has hereunto set /iZs hand and seal , the day and year first above written. ^LckcLtd :!3^. rdftciTLc^. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of Acknowledgment. — See Form Xo. 71. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Kecording. — See Form Xo. 71. Stamps — See Form Xo. 399. No. 446. Quit-Claim DeecJ. Same Form as No. 445. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of folio post DEED. 507 No. 447. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 445. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very largo space for the description of property. EEVENfB No. 448. BLANK PUBLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed.— Another Form. This indenture, made the ie.n±h. day of ^jHcu^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-^Sztz./', between ^cLeLt ,jfC.eLLen., of t/i.e i^aiLn±L^ af ^J^cL[i.ct, ^tate. af ^(xLL- ^o±n.LCL, th.e fhCLttu. a-^ the fUlAt fhCLtt, ctucl ^^eati^e J^aath., ccp the. (^itu. artcL ^atLtttu. a-f^ ^ctctcLtrLerLbcL, ^ta±e af f^cLLLfatixLCL, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the said part£^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oi fime hun-dled dollars, ^aLcL caLn. of the United States of America, to kLm in band paid by the said parti^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, reraised, released, and forever quit-claimed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, convey, remise, release, and forever quit-claim unto the said partf^ of the second part, and to h.L& heirs and assigns, all the right, title, in- terest, estate, claim, and demand, both at law and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, and to all \ha± certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the ActLd. /^itt^ cLn.cL County of ^a.elcLmien.ta, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : [Description.^ 508 FORMS AND USE OF BLANK.-. Toc'ether with all and singular the tenements, hercilitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof. To have and to hold, all and singular, the said premises, together -with the appurtenances, unto the said part^. of the second I'art, kU heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto Bet hU hand and seal, the day and year first above written. /3lc.Le.tt ^cLLci-L. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ) Acknowledgment — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Recording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 399. ' No. 449. BLANK PUBLISnED. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 448. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 450. BLANK PrnLISHED. Quit-Claim Deed. Same Form as No. 448. Blanks.— These are printed on shoots of folio post, and have a very largo a^ace for the description of property. DEED. 509 No. 451 Deed of Right of "Way, This indenture, made, tfec, between A. B.,^ of, e5c.,*of the first part, and C. D., of, c&c, of the second part : Whereas, the said party of the second. part has this day granted, sold, and conveyed unto the said party of tlie first part, his heirs and assigns, by warranty deed, executed by the party of the second part to the party of the first part, and bearing even date herewith, a certain piece or parcel of land, described in BETENTTB said deed as follows, to wit : ' [Descriptio)!.] And whereas, the said party of the second part is still owned and possessed of certain lands lying in the rear of the above-desoribed premises : Now, therefore, this indenture witnesses : That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the grant, sale, and con- veyance, as aforesaid, and of the sum of dollars, gold coin of the United States, to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns, forever, a right of way in and over a certain strip of land on the east side of the dwelling- house on the above-described premises, conveyed to the party of the first part as aforesaid, for the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and his and their servants and tenants at all times freely to pass and repass, on foot, or with horses, oxen, cattle, beasts of burden, wagons, carts, sleighs, or other vehicle or carriage whatso- ever, from the highway to the lands of the said party of the second part, as aforesaid, and from the said lands of tlie party of the second part to the highway, as aforesaid, the said certain strip of land being of the width of two rods, and running from tlie south boundary of the premises above conveyed to the party of the fiist part, to the said lands belonging to the party of the second part, situate in the rear thereof, and the said way is, and shall be, forever, of the dimen- sions of the said strip of land, as aforesaid : To have and to hold the said easement and privilege to the said 510 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. party of the second part, his lirirs flud assigns forever, as appurt;- nances belonging to his and tlieir hinds as aforesaid. [If necessarj, insert covenants of seizin^ tcarrauty^ tfic] In witness, has hereunto set his hand and seal, ttie.day and. year first above •written. M^i-lHl ^. 0^CLul&, [l. s.] Sheriff of the /[iitii^ aiLri County of ^LtiL ^'LcLrLaLs.ca, State of Cali- fornia. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of J'rJuL ^fn-LLt/L. :P'cLLLi J>C.tLC&. State of California, ) f^i-tju. clulcL County of ^an. jDticLnr.ii.cc.^ S On this tuxctLtii-faLLitlL day of ^iLg.iLAi, a. d. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-;(itu. cttvd County of ^cLn. ^'LcLrhaiAca, in the manner required l)y law, and according to the course and practice of said court ; that such sale be made in. fianl af I/lc ^t-tjL ^CclLL in the said /^.itju-, afzci County of ^a.n. ^LcLrLaiiaa^ between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon on such day as the said sheriff should appoint ; that any of the parties to said action might become the purchaser at such sale ; and that said sheriff shouLl execute the usual certificates and deeds to the purchaser or purchasers, as required by luw : And whereas, the said sheriff did, at the hour of T 9 o'clock m., on the 7 Oik day oi ^'cLlLLctiLi, a. d. 186,^, after due public notice had been given, as required by the laws of this State, and the course and practice of said court, duly sell at public auction in the said /fiiirL. ctn-cL County of ^ctti. ^LctrhcUca, agreeably to the said judgment or decree and the provisions of law, the premises in the said decree or judgment mentioned ; at which sale the premises in said judgment or decree, and hereinafter described, were fairly struck off to the said ^^a/tn. 0^ae, the said part^ hereto of the second part, , for the sum of fltie i/zau- Actn^cL dollars, gold coin of the United States, Ilil being the highest bidder and that being the highest sum bid for the same : And whereas, the said part^ of the second part thereupon paid to the said sheriff the said sum of money so bid by /lLui.: And whereas, the said sheriff theieupon made and issued the usual certificate in duplicate of the said sale, in due form of law, and deliv- ered one thereof to the said purchaser, and caused the other to be filed in the ofiice of the County Recorder of said /^itu. atzd County of ^ctn. ^fia.i-LCLA.ca : And whereas, more than six months have elapsed since the date of said sale, and no redemption has been made of tlie premises so sold as* aforesaid, by or on behalf of the said judgment debtor, the said , or b)'' or on behalf of any other peison. Now this indenture witnesses : That the said party of the first part, the said sheriff, in order to carry into effect the sale so made by him as aforesaid, in pursuance of said judgment or decree, and in con- formity to the statute in such case made and provided, and also in consideration of the premises, and of the said sum oi ficLe tlLaus.cLn.cL Ol6 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. dollars, arJiL caui. af the /ILil'lUiL ^bties^ so bid and paid to hira by Uie said jmrcljaser, the said partv/ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sokl, and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ill& heirs and assigns forever, all Xhctt certain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the said ,(^-Ltn. cLtuL County of ^cut ^Sf'Lcu-LaiAcc^^ State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : \I>cscriptionI\ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise, njijiertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remaindeis, rents, issues, and profits thereuf, and also all the estate, right, title, and interest, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, and of the said di fendant, /jf^LLiiL ^/cLin/iJcjr, of, in, and to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof. » To have and to hold, all and singular, the said premises hereby conveyed, or intendcarty of the first part, in his official capacity of sheriff as aforesaitl, and under the authority aforesaiil, may, can, or ought to grant, sell, or convey the same. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. JoHJf W. ACKERSON, [l. S.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, ^ Sheriff, Sc. in the presence of A. B. Acknowledgment and Eecording. — See Form No. 71. ' Stamps. — See Form No. 399. No. 458. Deed of Real Estate, sold for Non-payment of State and City and County Taxes, for the Fiscal Year 1863—64. This indenture, made and entered into this day of , in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four (a. d. 1864), betAveen Charles R. Story, Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, party hereto of the first part, and Martin Pluckett, of the same place, party hereto of the second part, witnesses : That whereas E. H. Washburn, heretofore and at the time of the levy, publication, and sale hereinafter spoken of, Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco, by virtue of, and in con- formity with, an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled " An Act to Provide Revenue for the Support of the Govern- KEVENTTE C24 FOmiS AND USE OF BLANKS, nie:it of this State," approved Ajtril 29tli, 1857; and the several acts amend itory thereof and supplementary thereto, as well as the otiier statutes and laws of the State of California, applicable, did, on the third Monday in October, 18G3, levy upon the property of which descrij)tion is tirst hereinafter given in this deed, for taxes due to the State of C;ilifornia, and to the City and County of San Francisco, together with the costs and charges due thereon : That said property was assesset quantity of the said land, as is hereinafter described, to wit: [Deso'i'ptio?^^ was by the said E, H. Washburn, Tax Collector as aforesaid, struck off to the said William Bidwell, who paid the full amount of the taxes and costs, and thereupon became the purchaser of the last- described piece or parcel of land ; and whereas, no person has redeemed the pro{*erty afoi'esaid during the time allowed by law for its redemp- tion ; and Avhereas, the said William Bidwell heretofore, to wit: on the day of , a. d. 1864, duly transferred his certificate of said sale, and all his right, title, and interest therein and under the same, to said Martin Pluckett, as appears by an assignment now on file in my office, in said city and county. Now, tlierefore, this indenture witnesseth : That I, Charles R. Story, Tax Collector as aforesaid, by virtue and in pursuance of the statutes in such cases made and provided, for and in consideration of the sum of dollars, to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is liereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the aforesaid Martin Pluckett, and to his heirs and assigns for- ever, the said property, as fully and absolutely as I, Charles R. Story, Tax Collector as aforesaid, may or can lawfully sell and convey the same, that is to say, all that lot, piece, or parcel of land, above and last described in this deed. Together with all and singular the tene- ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, as well in law as in 52G FOItM^^ AND USE OF BLANKS. equity, of tlie said Jolui Duo, and of :ill owners and claiaiuits thereof, known or unknown, and of all owners and claimants of any intei'est, present or future, therein, or any lijn upon, in, or to the above-de- scribed pn-niisc'S, and every part and j.arcel thereof, with the ap- purtenances, or which he or they had or possessed on the day of said levy or assessment. To have and to hold, all and singular the above last mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances thereof, unto JMart'n Pluckett, tlie said party of the second p.irt, and his lieirs and assigns f )rever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, in the city and county aforesaid, the day and year first above written. Charles R. Story, Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco. {Stal of Tnx Cdlec'or.) Witness, II. Urookes. State of Califoniia, \ City and County of San Francisco, ) On this (lay df , a. d. (1864) one thousand eight hundred and sixty-foar, Ijelbre me, II. Brookes, a Notary Public in and for said city and county, residing therein, duly commisuoned and sworrt, personally appeared the within-naraed Charles R. S:ory, known to me to be the tax collector of said city and county, Avhose name is sub- scribed to the annexed instrument, as a party thereto, he being per- sonally known to me to be tlie individual desciibed in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and subscribed his name thereto as tax collector, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, at my office in the City and County of San Francisco, the day and year last above written. 11. Brookes, Kotary Publi •. {Nblarial Setd.) Ackncwledgment and Reccrlinu — Sco Form No. 71. Btampa — ace Furm Xo. .399. DEED. 527 No. 459. BLAXK PUBLISHED. Deed— Warranty against Grantor. This indenture, made the eLcmciilIx day of ^'lu^h, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^v^X^-faiw, betwcea f^licLlLatte. 0LiLAAeLL, af. t/he ^aiLn.tij^ a^ ^Lcn^cLacura, ^LclLe af ^'a,LL^aln.icL, ±/i.e fLCLttiL c.^ the -pilAt ftctit, cLf-LcL ^Ln.ei^ rS^t. I^iLit, df. tlhc f^itij- cLfzcL y^jcjuvirf. af ^cLaLcLitxcnla, ^La±e. a^ ^aLL^aliiLCL, the part^ of the secjond part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, INTEBNAL KKVENUK for and in consideration of the sum of eiaJLi /uu^dLrcL cuid thuictu- alo: dollars, o^aLcL caLn. of the United States of America, to liei^ in hand paid by the said part^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, re- mised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to /ll& heirs and assigns for- ever, all « [Descrij)tlon.'\ Together with all and singular the tenement?, hereditaments, and ap- purtenances tliereunto bt-donging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and revers'ons, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, intere>t, cLcLLtn af. li^anxe^AtdLtd, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the saidpart/^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the ap- purtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part/^ of thj second part, /its heirs and assigns forever. And the said part^ of the first part, for iLciAcLfl and /i^/' heirs, executors, and administrators, do^s hereby covenant and agree, to and Avith the said party^ of the second part, Ill& heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that j/z.^ has not made, done, committed, executed, or suflered any act or acts, thing or things whatsoever, whereby or by means whereof the said premises, or any part or parcj-l thereof, now are, or at any time here- r)i?8 FOU.MS AND USE OF BLANKS. ai\er sIi.iU or may bo inipcachcd, charged, or cncumberod, in any man- ner or way wliatsocver. In witness whereof, the said part/^ of tl)e first part ha^ hereunto set Ilci^ hand and seal , the day ai)d year first above wiitten. /(.iLCLtLclte. 0LllAS£LL [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^ JIC. M. ^^ii.i(iJLL Acknowledgment,— See Form Xo. 71. Blanks.— Tliese are printed on sheets of flat cap. Recording.- See Form Xo. 71. Stamps — See Form No. 399. No. 460. BI.AXK n'BLISUED. Deed— "Warranty against G-rantor. Same Form as Xo. 45 J). Blanks.— These are printed on slieets of folio post. No. 461. BLANK ri'BLISirED. Deed— Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as Xo. 459. BlankB.— T}icso .ore printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very largo spaco for the description of property. No. 462. BLANK rrULlSIIKD. Deed— "Warranty against Grantor.— Another Form. This indcntnr(>, mide the cL-rmJ/L day oi\f'iLiLc, in tlie year of our Lord one tlioiisand ei.u'ht hundred and sixty-/ha/', between /ItfLL- IKTEKNAL EEVENFE DEED. 529 LicLt-n. ^lOiAlit^, af. tke f€'i±t£. ctrhcL ^aiLfxtj^ af ^a.n. ^icLrtcLAca, ^tale af ^cLLLfain.La., tfxe fzctit^ af tlxe. filAt fi.a±t, ctttcL ^aLL:rL J^j^tire, af dcLLcL aitit cLtxd aaiuvtc^, the part^. of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ame t/rauAcLnd dollars, ^aLd aain. of the United States of America, to IrLn-h in hand paid by the said part^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ill& heirs and assigns forever, all thaZ certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in the Actid i^Lti^ ixnd County of cg/a/i jS'ta.n- cLAca, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as. follows, to wit: [^Description.l Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also, all the estate, right, title, interest, aLctim. c-f li.antEAie.cLd, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said prem- ises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, I-lLs. heirs and assigns forever. And the said party/, of the first pait, for ItLmAcLf ami ftis. heirs, executors, and administra- tors, do£s hereby covenant and agree, to and with the said part^^. of the second part, Ill& heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, that /i£ has not made, done, committed, executed, or suffered, any act or acts, thing or things whatsoever, whereby or by means whereof the said premises, or any part or parcel thereof, now are, or at any time hereafter shall or may be impeached, charged, or encumbered, in any manner or way whatsoever. In witness whereof, said part^. of the first part has hereunto set hJjs. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. JlU'iLLia.n-L ^LaALji^. [l. S.] 34 530 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Signed, sealed, aud delivered, in the presence of Acknowledgment.— See Form No. 71. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Recording. -See Form No. 71. Stamps See Form No. 399. No. 463. BLAXK rUBLISnED. Deed— Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 462. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 464. BLANK PUBLISnED, Deed— "Warranty against Grantor. Same Form as No. 462. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large space for the description of property. No. 465. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed— Warranty against Grantor.— Another Form. This indenture, made the tfhiLtcctxtlt day of ^jUxli^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundi-ed and sixty-jfii/^/^, between ^, DEED. 531 BZVBK0Z STAMP, ^: ^LUn., af ike ^cutttji. af ^tirLitu^, ^Lale af f(^ alLfatn.LcL, the ficLttj^ af: tl2.e. fLlAt ficLtt, a.n.cL ^ ^. ^aanris.^ af ActLd cixtLnlu.^ the parW of the second part, witnesses : That the said partf^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of an.e h.u.n.cLtecL a.n.d -fiftu. dollars, ^aLd caLn. of the United States of America, to kim in hand paid by the said part^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to kls heirs and assigns forever, ail thaAe. certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, situate, lying, and being in the ^acmn. af /WecLVLelLLiLLe, in. ActLd County of ^LirLitj^} State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: ^Description.^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or m any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. And, also, all the estate, right, title, interest, cLaLm. af kam.E- Atco-d, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurte- nances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, kLs. heirs and assigns forever. And the said part^ of the first part do^s hereby covenant that ke will warrant and defend kLs. right, title, and interest in and to the said premises, against the acts and deed3 of the said part^ of the first part, and all persons claiming by, from, tinder, or through the said part«. of the first part, unto the said part^ of the second part, AZs heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set ki& hand and seal , the day and year first above written. §. ^. ^LLcrt. [l. s.1 632 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of ^akn. ^(Lulfifhu.. 0LiclLa.td ^Liffatd. Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Blanks. — Tliese are printed ou sheets of flat cap. Becording — See Form No. "1. Stamps See Form No. 399. No. 466. BL^NK PHBLienKD. Deed— "Warranty Against Grantor. Same Form as No. 465. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of foho post. No. 467. DLANK rUBLISIIED. Deed— "Warranty Against Grantor. Same Form as No. 4G5. Blanks. — These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large space for the description of property. No. 468. BLANK PUBLISHED. Deed— Warranty Against Grantor.— Another Form. This indenture, made the tlLiitncttili. day of ^(Lclh, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^wiy-piLi^, between /^. ^. /^LLS/i, af t/ie ^aujLn. af ^fliaJdcL, ^auntu. af. ^'luLAitx, ^iaic af ^cLLifaLrtia., tltc frcLiiii^ cf tfre fi'l.it /LCLlt, and /^'^/Lo.tLes. ^Lc(3j c.nciLd, af Axxid icu'.ji, the part^ of the second part, witnesses: That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration BXTZ5CB DEED, 533 of the sum of aLt: kutLcLted a.n.d eL^htj^-eic^lvt dollars, Q.aLd. caLn. of the United States of America, to /zLnt in hand paid, by the said partf^ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, re- leased, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to Ll& heirs and assigns forever, all \I)escription.^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and i*emainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, cLctinx aju /larrte- Atectd, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurte- nances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, Ills, heirs, and assigns forever. And the said part^ of the first part do£s here- by covenant, that /z^ will warrant and defend /i.L& right, title, and in- terest in and to the said premises, against the acts and deeds of the said partf^ of the first part, and all persons claiming by, from, under, or through the said part^ of the first part, unto the said part^ of the second part, Ills, heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set kLs. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. ^. ^. /^uAh.. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of ^CLm.e.& ^3^eerL. nee of J Acknowledgment. — See Form No. 71. Blanks, — These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Recording — See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. 034 FORMS A^^D USE OF BLANKS. No. 469. ni.ANK PrBLISIIED- Deed— "Warranty Against G-rantor. Same Form as Xo. 468. Bl&nkfl. — These arc printed on sheets of folio post No. 470. BIiANK PUBLISUKD. Deed— "Warranty Against Grantor. Same Form as Xo. 468. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large blank epace for the description of property. No. 471. BLANK PUBLISUKD. Deed— "Warranty against Grantor.— Another Form. This indenture, made the fauttcerttk day of ^jU.a.i^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-/'/^//^/', between ^. M. yCPiatcc and ^. Jp. /^LoA.1^, Lc.tlx af ilve ^auxn. afi ^itirLCL^, ^aun.ti£. a^ ^Lum.a.&^ ^taic af ^^clLL- fc.ln.ia., /Laities, af tfic fiiAt /lalt, artcL ^. ^. ^hatics, af. Aaid iauxti, the part/v. of the second part, witnesses : That the said part/'/?& of the first part, for and in consideration of the sura of ten. ikauAaixd and LluLtu.-c.ne dollars, aald cc.in of the United States of America, to tkctn in hand paid by the said part/<. of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said part//, of the second part, /zta heirs, executors, and administrators, forever released and discharged DEED. 535 therefrom, by these presents, hsLLie granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^ of the second part, and to /tis. heirs and assigns fox- ever, all [Description.] Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. And also all the estate, right, title, interest, cLcLim. of hairLeAiecLcL^ property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part, of, in, and to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, LLr heirs and assigns, to /iLs. cLtLcL their own proper use, benefit, and behoof forever. And the said partZ^s of the first part, for t/i.£LmAeLLics. and tli.eL^ heirs, executors, and administrators, do hereby covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said party/, of the second part, /iZs heirs and assigns, that the said part^ of the second part, IlL& heirs and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, or disturbance of the said parties of the first part, tlxeU heirs and assigns, or of any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same, by, from, or under them or any of them. And that the same now are free, clear, discharged, and unencumbered, of and from all former and other grants, trusts, uses, titles, charges, estates, judgments, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances, of what nature or kind soever, had, made, committed, done, or sufiered by the said parties of the first part, or any other person lawfully claiming or to claim the said premises by, from, or under iJxem. And also, that the said parties of the first part, and tkeLf heirs, and all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully or equita- bly deriving any estate, right, title, or interest of^ in, or to the said 536 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. premises, by, from, uuder, or in trust for them, shall and will, at any liino or times hereafter, upon the reasonable request and at the proper costs and charges in the law of the said part^. of the second part, /lis. heirs and assigns, make, do, and execute, or cause to be made, done, and executed, all and every such further and other law- ful and reasonable acts, conveyances, and assurances in the law, for the better and more ellectually vesting and confirming the premises hereby granted, or so intended to be, in and to the said partt^ of the second part, /llh heirs and asvsigns forever, as by the said part^. of the second part, /llh heirs or assigns, or /llh at' their counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably advised or required. And tlie said parties of the first part, and //i^iV heirs the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the said part//, of the second part, /lls. heirs and assigns, against the said partZ^s of the first part, and fhet/' heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, by, through, or under them or any of them, shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof, the said partZ^^ of the first part haa.e here- unto set t/uu.i' hands and seals, the day and year first above written. ^. J^. ^lelce. [l. s.] ^. J^. 4LcLtU, [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ JW. ^. ^Lice. [ ^. ^. ^cLte. ) Acknowledgment — See Form No. 71. Blanks — These aro printed on sheets of folio posL Recording — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — See Form No. 399. No. 472. BLANK PUBLlSnED. Warranty Deed. This indenture, made the fauitcefLtk day of ^jfLctu., in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-Ziit^L/, between BBVENITE DEED. 637 IcLUs, ■0'ta.te afi f^a.Lifc±n.La., the /iclHu. af th.e futst fhcLtt, cLtxd ^. I^cLAAe CLtLcL ^tiatcytL fW. J^icLrtck, Laik af ^ln.Lf^/iJ:& ^eiij^, caurttij. ctfaLcAcLLcL, the partZ^s of the second part, witnesses : That the said part^ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ^Llle /Lun.diecL a.n.cL cL^h±i^-n.uxa dollars, c^cLd aain. of the United States of America, to h-irrt in hand paid by the said partt^s of the second part, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do^s grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to ilxaiii^ heirs and assigns forever, all ^Description^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof: and also all the estate, right, title, interest, cLo-Lm. af karrLed±e.cLd^ property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity^ of the said part^ of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said partZ^s of the second part, and to th.eLi' heirs and assigns forever. And the said part^ of the first part, and kL& heirs, the said premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said partZes of the second part, tkeiif- heirs and assigns, against the said part^ of the first part, and kis. heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, law- fully claiming or to claim the same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof, the said part^ of the first part has hereunto set kis. hand and seal , the day and year first above written. ^. ^LkLn.&. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of j J^ckn. ^eadjLL. [• J. ^ S^o^ack, ) C38 FORMS AND USE OF ELANKS. Acknowledgment Sco Form No. 71. Blanks. — These are printed on sbeots of flat cap. Becording. — See Form No. 71. Stamps. — So6 Form No. 399. . No. 473. ULANK I'UBUSJHtlX Warranty Deed Same Form as No. 472. Blanks — These are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 474. BLANK PUBLISHED. "Warranty Deed. Same Form as No. 472. Blanks — These arc printed on sheets of folio post, and havo a very largo blank space for the description of property. No. 475. BLANK PUBLISHED. "Warranty Deed.— Another Form. This indenture, made the fat tit cut itk day of ^/ILciii, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and &\xty-p..fLt', between /^. 4^. JfCitULutt af jTluLa. ^Ltii^, ^aiuxtij^ af ^ultaf, ^lo-tc af f^'a.LifcA.n.icL, and ^p. ^cills. fWiLLci^, af AclLlL JTI-IlLo. ^'Lti^, t/he ItcLltics. aft/zcfList /tait, ctticL /^'. §. /WLLEaJcen., afi AclLcL J[IJ.llLcl /^Liii, the part^ of the second part, witnesses : That the said i)artZ/!.s of the first B«VE?IT7« part, for and in consideration of the sum of cLe.u.e.tx i/LcuLia.n.d ctnd DEED. 539 fiu^e kiuvdtecL dollars, cycLcL caLn. of the United States of America, to tlLen-L in hand paid by the said part^ of the second part, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, haae granted, bargained, sold, ahened, reraised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm mito the said part^ of the second part, and to ki& heirs, and assigns forever, all ihciAe certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, situate, lying, and being in the AclLcL JT^llLcl (^itt^, in. ike. AclLcL County of ^utteie, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit : \JDescription.'\ Together with all and sin'gular the tenements, hereditaments, and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, cLa.Lm. af.kcni-e.sle.cLcL, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said partZ^s of the first part, of, in, or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said part^ of the second part, kis. heirs and assigns forever. And the said partZes of the first part and tkeiif- heirs, the said premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said part^ of the second part, kis. heirs and assigns, against the said partZ^s of the first part and tkeitf- heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof, the said partZ^s of the first part haae here- unto set tkeLf' hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Ig.. S- MutLLiLtL [l. s.] /^L^ 0^.0^. ^teujLCLtt, kL& ^ttatn.eu. in. fcLci. J', ^aids. /IVLLLe^. [l. S.] :^L^ 0). 0^. ^teuxcLtt, ki& ^ttatrheL^ in. faxi. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of \ ^. §. ^enrLold. [ 540 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. Acknowledgment.— See Form No. 71. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of flat cap. Kecording.— See Form No. 71. Stamps.-See Form No. 399. No. 476. BLANK PUBLISHED. Warranty Deod. Same Form as No. 475. Blanks.— Those are printed on sheets of folio post. No. 477. BLANK PUBLISHED. Warranty Deed. Same Form as No. 475. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post, and have a very large space for the description of property. No. 478. BLANJC PUBLISnED. Warranty Deed.— Full Covenant. This indenture, made the ili.Lttcen.th. day of ^JLcll^, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and 8ixty-/3iM./', between jWcLLtcif^ J^. ^u-an, af ^atCLO. JfCLLL, /^'aun-tL^ af ^LcLocif^, ^ia.te af /^'a.Lipatn.ia., cLH.d /II/LLLlclux ^cxr tan., af. ^u.L.utn., cauntu. afaieActLd, ike fvcLtties. cf. ike filAt /halt, cind ^uc^ctve ^. r!3^keL/L&, af ^ateAt r^LLLL, caun.tj^ ufaieAa.Ld, urtd ^kama.8. ^ixmLAan., EEYCKUX DEED. 541 tf y!3^au.cLti^ I^a.1^, caiuilj^ cLfaleAcLLcl, %\\Q parU'^a of the second part, witnesses : That the said partZ^s of the first part, for and in con- eideration of the sum o^-piLia t/zaLLAcLticl Al:c lvLLrLcLle.d cLtLcL eLo-fi-t dollars, c^cLcL aain. of the United States of America, to i/ici-n. in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, and the said partZ^s of the second part, tkeii^ heirs, executors, and administrators, forever released and discharged therefrom, by these presents, ha«.£ granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, re- leased, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bar- gain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm, unto the said parties of the second part, and to ikeLi^ heirs and assigns forever, all \I)escription.'\ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and tlie reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rfents, issues, and profits thereof. And also, all the estate, right, title, interest, aLctiin. af /lame- AtecLcL, proi^erty, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said partZ^s of the first part of, in, and to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurte- nances. To have and to hold, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said partZ^s of the second part, tk^ii' heirs and assigns, to their own proper use, benefit, and behoof, forever. And the said partZ^s of the first part, for ikemAcLij.e.& and tkaii^ heirs, executors, and administrators, do hereby covenant, promise, and agree, to and with the said partZ^s of the second part, tkcL^ heirs and assigns, that the said partZt's of the first part, .at the time of the seal- ing and delivery of these presents, ale lawfully seized in tke.Lif' auLn. ti^hl of a good, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in fee- simple, of and -in all and singular the said premises, with the appurte- nances, and haa£ good right, full power, and lawful authority, to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in the manner aforesaid. And that the said partZ^a of the second part, tkeU heirs and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, 642 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. use, occupy, possess, and enjoy tlie said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, or disturbance of the said partZ/:!.'? of the first part, tltcif^ heirs or assigns, or of any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same ; and that the same now are free, clear, discharged, and unencumbered, of and from all former and other grants, trusts, uses, titles, charges, estates, judgments, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances, of what nature or kind soever. And also, that the said parties of the first part, and ^/i^tV heirs, and all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully or equita- bly deriving any estate, right, title, or interest, of, in, or to the said premises, by, from, under, or in trust for them, shall and will at all time or times hereafter, upon the reasonable request, and at the proper costs and charges in the law, of the said parties of the second part, t/zeii^ heirs and assigns, make, do, and execute, or cause to be made, done, and executed, all and every such furtl)er and other lawful and reasonable acts, conveyances, and assurances in the law, for the better and more elFoctually vesting and confirming the premises hereby granted, or so intended to be, in and to the said parties of the second part, t/Le.Lt^ heirs and assigns forever, as by the said partZ^s of the second part, tLcli' heirs or assigns, or their counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably advised or required : And the said partita of the first part, for LlL^rrLdducs. and tlieU heirs, the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, ^v^th the ajtpurtenances, unto the said partZfis of the second part, tlheit^ heirs and assigns, against the said partZ^!s of the first part, and tlLci^ heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, shall and will warrant and by these presents forever defend. In witness whereof, the said partZ^s of the first part \\^u.a here- unto set tkcLt^ hands and seaLs, the day and year first above written. JIVclLLc^ ^. J^iian.. [l. s.] fWillLcLrn. ^cx.tan. [l. s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of Jf£.en.6.o.n. JfCctye.LL DEED. 543 Acknowledgment.— See Form No. "71. Blanks.— These are printed on sheets of folio post. Eecording.— See Form No. 71. Stamps.— See Form No. 399. No. 479. Warranty Deed.— Covenant against Nuisances. This indenture, made the twenty-third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, between John Smith, of the City and County of San Francisco, INTERNAL Statc of Califomia, the party of the first part, and Thomas BEVENiTK Jones, of the same place, the party of the second part, wit- nesses : That the said party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of one thousand dollars, gold coin of the United States, to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, and administrators, forever released and discharged from the same by these presents, has granted, bar- gained, sold, ahened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, reraise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all l^Description.^ Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaming, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, of, in, and to the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own proper use, benefit, and behoof forever. 044 FORMS AXD USE OF BLANKS. And the said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, does hereby covenant, grant, and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that the said party of the first part, at the time of the seahng and delivery of these presents, is lawfully seized in his own right of a good, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in fee-simple, of and in all and singular the above granted and described premises, with the appur- tenances, and has good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same in manner aforesaid ; and that the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the above-granted premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, or disturbance of the said party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, or of any other person or persons lawfully claim- ing or to claim the same ; and that the same now are free, clear, dis- charged, and unencumbered, of and from all former and other grants, titles, charges, estates, judgments, taxes, assessments, and encum- brances, of what nature or kind soever. And also, that the said party of the first part, and his heirs, and all and every person or per- sons whomsoever, lawfully or equitably deriving any estate, right, title, or interest, of, in, or to the said premises, by, from, under, or in trust for him or them, shall and will, at any time or times hereafter, upon the reasonable request, and at the proper costs and charges in the law, of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, make, do, and execute, or cause to be made, done, and executed, all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable acts, convey- ances, and assurances in the law, for the better and more eflbctually vesting and confirming the premises hereby granted, or so intended to be, in and to tiie said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, as by the said party of the second part, his heirs or assigns, or his or their counsel learned in the law, shall be reasonably advised or required : And the said party of the first part, his heirs, the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against the said party of the first part, and his heirs, and against all and every person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim DEED. 545 the same, shall and will warrant, and by these presents forever de- fend. And the said party of the second part, for himself, his heirs, and assign'!, does hereby covenant to and wiih tlie said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, and administrators, that neither the said party of the second part, nor his heirs or assigns, shall or will, at any time hereafter, erect any buildings within forty feet of tlie front of said lot except of brick or stone, with roofs of slate or metal ; and will not erect or permit, upon any part of the said lot, any slaughter-house, smith-shop, forge, furnace, steam-engine, brass foundry, nail or other iron factory, or any manufactory of gunpowder, glue, varnish, vitriol, ink, or turpentine, or for the tanning, dressing, or pre)>aring skins, hides, or leather, or any brewery, distillery, or any other noxious or dangerous trade or business. In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Jonif Smith. [l. s.] Thomas Jones, [l, s.] Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of e ox 1 3. \ Wm. Cooke Acknowledgment and Recording See Form No. 71. Stamps — See Form No. 399. No. 480. Deed of a Water-Course. This indenture made, cGc, between A. B., of, cC'c, of the first part, and C. D., of, ct'c, of the second part : Wliereas the said parties, at the time of the sealing and delivery of these pi esents, are respectively seized in fee of and in two contiguous tracts, pieces, or parcels of land, with the appurtenances, in the County of aforesaid ; and whereas, there is a dam and race, or water-course, erected and made in 35 REVENUE STAMP. 546 FORMS AND USE OF BLANKS. and upon a certain stream of water known a3 , witliin tho land of the said party of the first part, for the purpose of furnisliing water for a flouring-rnill, erected on the land of the said jiarty of tho first part, and owned by him : Now, therefore, this indenture wit- nesses : That the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sura of dollars, gold coin of the United States*, to him in hand paid by the party of the second part, at or before the sealing and delivery hereof (the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge), has granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed, and by these presents docs grant, bargain, sell, release, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the water of tho said stream of water, which may or can be led and conveyed from the easterly side of the said dam, in a race or flume, to be constructed at the cost, charge, and expense of the party of the second part, fimr feet in width and four feet in depth, measuring from the surface of tlie embankment forming the said dam. To have and to hold all and singular the said easement, <£c. Acknowledgment and Recording. — Seo Form ITo. 71. fctamps — Fee Form Ko. 399. DEFxV.ULT. — See District Coukt. DEPOSITION.— See District Court. DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK.— See Appointmext. DEVISE AND BEQUEST.— See Will. DIPLOMA.— See School. DISSOLUTION OE PAETNERSniP— See Notice. I ' o v^**^ #' ■•■ ^^ ^ % ^CAdv^ain^^ ^j., ^^ "^/A • '-'• --^ ''''' %.; A^ ^1 Jt>A«.uau3- - .,, -^ ^^^^^ ^ ^1 IJSANCEI&, ^t-UBRARYO/, UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 791 622 4 r^ i, MM)H!VER'',A> i ^ i: >S? iAlNfi-aiVV^ m % I i SI ^'^i o laoNvsoi^ ^lOSANCf!/r. '^>&Aavian'# "^AJivaaif^ ,\WMJNIVER% 'ii ^^tUBRARYQ^- .5»EUNIVERJ/^ ^OJITVDJO^ aOFCAIIFOJ?^ .5j\fUNIVER%. ^i'ilJONVSOl^ o %aaMNii-3Viv^ %a3AIN(i:iWV -5;AlllBRARYAavaan-^^ ^o y^ ^lOSANCEl^x ^tllBRARY(9^ ^I'llBRARYQ^ ti? i i ^ u? 1 < ,5i\EUNIVER% ^

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IS ■» « fl Xl ai 3 3 O O o « -s 1 S != 3 1^ a C5 § t. m C » C '"' (U ■«-> n o O ^ "3 n a s ^ L4 O bO fS M « O. m A3 a s izi » O '^ o Q^ '^ Pu, ■TS ■73 s c «-> es rt a -/) a fi) cc rt o "3 r1 O .JS >» « o a, n3 2 '^ M 4-> 0) f o 0) C5 r3 "o O aT c ^ TJ rt ;^ U -3 •^ Tl en 8 3 3 o "S > a; > 73 2 e « a w u o tf. C3 i-i c a O CO CO PI o3 2 d D 0) O W ft, in O o ^ ^ d O a o o a, c3 be ^ o ^ 2 03 2 a a -^ _7J c a 4J> (4 o a. ;* CUSTOM HOUSE. 406 ». „ m O O be ^ CO j^w r: C b o 'S* g"s « >. 1^ a> c B ^ o m ^ CO +3 CD > n li CD CO essel m of O -1-1 > s t^ <+-< O © o bC ■2 0) fc-0 .S 'S 60 0) 0) 1^ .fthe deration < fcc o o o 1 C3 !i O o 02 ^a QQ •M a '2 53 d OS eS o •> S rt © g © •tJ o 406 FORMS AND USK OF BLANKS. 2 „' O '^ to ^ o S -^ E c: XI a> ►. o I/. U3 o 2 ^ 2 a nr ♦-' o Oi -t-" t '""'. c & ^ ^ « X as . d Xj, ~ X ^•5 tfi o c o rg ^ to '" "* O %-i c (U * S a p 5 1 01 a o o O O o o XT. 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