3 C5 A LIST OF BOOKS Angling, Hunting, Shooting KINDRED SUBJECTS. ROBERT IcLARKE & CO ui yuiuig men wuyac s"*vca wcic ucing u iig MUWiy uiu hurciy uy lilt _, .._ r Knowing that plain diet, pure air, bright sunshine and varied exercise would work wonders, he induced four of them to accompany him on what proved to be a thoroughly rough but most enjoyable trip. How they sailed down the rivers and lakes and the open sea; how they fished and hunted, and what varied and amusing adventures they met with in their encounters with alligators, rattlesnakes, and panthers: what monstrous fishes they caught, and what hair-breadth escapes they had, would take too much of our space to describe We must content ourselves with saying that the book is a very readable one from beginning to end. London Fishing Gazette. Will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the price. ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Publishers, CINCINNATI, O. A LIST OF BOOKS Angling, Hunting, Shooting AND KINDRED SUBJECTS. FOR SALE BY ,. G ROBERT CLARKE: & bo 61, 63, AND 65 WEST FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, O. The present list gives a very general idea of the character of the stock we carry in this department. Most of these works we aim to keep constantly on hand, but they necessarily vary somewhat in price, according to their condition, scarcity, etc. Our stock is constantly changing, by sales, and additions of old books. All new books are received as soon as issued. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage to send us, from time to time, lists of books desired, as we have special facilities for the collec- tion of rare and out-of-print works in this department. Letters of inquiry meet with prompt attention. ROBERT CLARKE & CO. CINCINNATI, May i, 1888. 3K3 BOOKS ON ANGLING AND KINDRED SUBJECTS. 1. ABBOTT (Samuel). Ardenmohr, among the Hills. A record of Scenery and Sport in the Highlands of Scotland. With Etchings by the Author. 8vo. London, 1876. $2 25 2. Another copy. New half calf. 3 50 3. ADAMS (A. Leith). Field and Forest Rambles. With Notes and Observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada. Illus- trated. 8vo. London, 1873. 2 2 5 4. Another copy. New half calf. 3 75 5. AKERMAN (J. Y.) Spring-Tide; or, the Angler and his Friends. l8mo. London, 1852. I 50 6. Another copy. New half calf. 2 75 7. ALEXANDER (Col. Sir J. E.) Salmon-Fishing in Canada. Illustrated. London, 1860. 3 oo 8. Another copy. New half calf. 4 50 9. ALLERTON (R. G.) Brook Trout Fishing. An account of a Trip of the Oquossoc Angling Association to Northern Maine, in June, 1869. Colored plate of a Trout, and wood-cuts. i6mo. New half calf. New York, 1869. 4 oo 10. AMATEUR (AN) Angler's Days in Dove Dale; or, How I spent my Three Weeks Holiday. [By Edward Marston.] iSmo- London, 1884. 60 AMERICAN ANGLER'S Practical and Illustrated Essays. 4to. Paper. 11. The Game Fish of the West. 25 12. The Fishes of the East Florida Coast. 25 13. The Trout and the Black Bass. 25 14. AMERICAN FISH and How to Catch Them. By an Old Ang- ler. [M. C. Weidemeyer.] Sq. I2mo. New York, 1885. I oo 4 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 15. ANGLER (The) in Ireland; or, An Englishman's Rambles through Connaught and Munster during the Summer of 1833. [By Belton.] 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1834. 2 75 16. ANGLER'S EVENINGS. Papers by members of the Man- chester Anglers' Association. 2 vols. I2mo. Manchester, 1883. 4 50 17. ANGUS (J. K.) The Sportsman's Year Book for 1880. 8vo. London, 1880. I 35 18. BADHAM (Rev. C. D.) Prose Halieutics ; or, Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle. I2mo. New half calf. London, 1854. 5 oo 19. BAGNALL (George). Piscatorial Rambles; or, the Fisher- man's Pocket Companion. i6mo. London, 1865. i 50 20. BAINBRIDGE (Geo. C.) The Fly Fisher's Guide. Illus- trated by colored plates representing upward of forty of the most useful Flies, accurately copied from nature. Fourth edition. I2mo. Half calf. London, 1840. 5 oo 21. BARBER (Edward C.) The Crack Shot; or, Young Rifleman's Complete Guide. Being a treatise on the use of the Rifle, with rudimentary and finishing lessons, directions for hunting Game, etc. i6mo. New York, 1868. 2 oo 22. BARROWS (Sam'l J. and Isabel C.) The Shaybacks in Camp. Ten Summers under Canvas. I2mo. Boston, 1887. I oo 23. BARRY (William). Moorland and Stream. With notes and prose idyls on Sporting and Trout Fishing. I2mo. London, 1871. 2 50 24. Another copy. New half calf. 4 oo 25. BARRY (William). Sporting Rambles and Holiday Papers, l6mo. London, n. d. 2 oo 26. BARTLETT (A. E.) The Comic Angler. The ludicrous ex- periences of a Humorous Angler. i8mo. Paper. Kalamazoo, n. d. 25 27. BATTY (J. H.) How to Hunt and Trap. Containing full in- structions for hunting the Buffalo, Elk, Moose, Deer, Antelope, Bear, Fox, Grouse, Quail, Geese, Ducks, Woodcock, Snipe, etc.; also the localities where same abound. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1878. i 50 Angling and Sporting Books. 5 28. BATTY (J. H.) Practical Taxidermy and Home Decoration. Together with general information for Sportsmen. Illustrated. i6mo. New York, 1887. I 50 29. BEAUFORT (Duke of) and MORRIS (Mowbray). Hunting. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1886. 3 50 30. BERTRAM (Jas. G.) The Harvest of the Sea. Including sketches of Fisheries and Fisher Folk. Illustrated. I2mo. Lon- don, 1873. 2 25 31. BENJAMIN (S. G. W.) The Cruise of the Alice May in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and adjacent waters. Illustrated. Small 4to. Paper. I 50 32. BISHOP (W. H.) Fish and Men in the Maine Islands. Illus- trated. i8mo. Paper. New York, 1885. 25 33. BLAKEY (Robert). Historical Sketches of the Angling Lit- erature of all Nations. With a bibliography of English writers on Angling. i8mo. London, 1856. I 50 34. BOGARDUS (Capt. A. H.) Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting. Embracing hints for skilled marksmen, instructions for young sportsmen, haunts and habits of Game Birds, flight and resorts of Water Fowl, breeding and breaking of Dogs, etc. Revised and edited by Col. Prentiss Ingraham. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1884. 2 oo 35. BONER (Charles). Forest Creatures. I2mo. London, 1861. 2 50 36. BOOK (The) of the Salmon. By "Ephemera" [Edward Fitz- gibbon], assisted by Andrew Young. Colored engravings of Salmon Flies and Salmon Fry. i6mo. London, 1850. 5 oo 37. BOOSEY (Thomas). Anecdotes of Fish and Fishing. I2mo. London, 1887. I 40 38. BOSGOED (D. Mulder). Bibliotheca Ichthyologica et Pisca- toria. 8vo. Paper. Haarlem, 1874. 2 50 39. BOWDEN (Rev. J.) The Naturalist in Norway; or, Notes on the Wild Animals, Birds, Fishes, and Plants of that Country, with some account of the principal Salmon Rivers. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1869. 2 oo 6 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 40. BROOKES (R.) The Art of Angling. Rock and Sea Fishing, with the Natural History of River, Pond, and Sea Fish. Illustrated with 133 cuts. i6mo. New half calf, antique. London, 1740. 5 oo 41. BROWN (John J.) American Angler's Guide; or, Complete Fisher's Manual for the United States. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1876. 2 oo 42. BROWN (Thomas). The Taxidermist's Manual; or, the art of collecting, preparing, and preserving objects of Natural History. Illustrated. i6mo. New York, 1883. I 25 43. BUCKLAND (Frank). Familiar History of British Fishes. Illustrated. 161110. London, n. d. 2 oo 44. BUCKLAND (Frank). Log Book of a Fisherman and Zoolo- gist. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1876. I 75 45. BUCKLAND (Frank). Natural History of British Fishes. Their structure, economic uses, and capture by net and rod. Illus- trated. I2nio. London 1881. I 20 46. BULGER (Capt. Geo. E.) Leaves from the Records of the St. Hubert's Club; or, reminiscences of Sporting Expeditions in many lands (chiefly in Canada). 8vo. London, 1864. 2 50 47. BURNAND (F. C.) The Incompleat Angler. After Master Izaak Walton. Illustrated by Harry Furniss. 8vo. London, 1887. i oo 48. CAIRNCROSS (David). The Origin of the Silver Eel. With remarks on Bait and Fly Fishing. i6mo. London, 1862. i 50 49. CAMPBELL (Lady Colin). A Book of the Running Brook and of Still Waters. i8mo. New York, 1886. I 25 50. CAMPION (J. S.) On the Frontier. Reminiscences of Wild Sports, Personal Adventures, and Strange Scenes. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1878. 3 50 51. CARTER (Robert). A Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. i6mo. Boston, 1864. 3 oo 52. CATON (John Dean). The Antelope and Deer of America. A comprehensive scientific treatise upon the Natural History, in- cluding the characteristics, habits, affinities, and capacity for domes- tication of the Antilocapra and Cervidae of North America. Illus- trated. 8vo. New York, n. d. (1881). 2 50 Angling and Sporting Books. 7 53. CATON (John Dean). A Summer in Norway. With an account of the Red Deer, Reindeer, and Elk. Illustrated. 8vo. Chicago. I 75 54. CLIFFE (John H.) Notes and Recollections of an Angler. Rambles among the mountains, valleys, and solitudes of Wales. i8mo. London, 1860. I 75 55. Another copy. New half calf. 3 oo 56. COLQUHOUN (John). The Moor and the Loch. Containing minute instructions in all Highland Sports. Plates and wood-cuts. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1851. 3 oo 57. COLQUHOUN (John). Rocks and Rivers; or, Highland Wanderings over Craig and Corrie. "Flood and Fell." I2mo. London, 1849. 2 25 58. COLQUHOUN (John). Salmon Casts and Stray Shots. i8mo. Edinburgh, 1858. 2 oo 59. Another copy. New half calf. 3 oo 60. COLQUHOUN (John). Sporting Days. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1866. 2 oo 61. Another copy. New half calf. 3 25 62. CONWAY (James). Forays among Salmon and Deer. I2mo. London, 1861. 75 63. Another copy. New half calf. I 50 64. COUES (Elliott). Birds of the North-west. Containing ac- counts of all the Birds inhabiting the great Missouri Valley, with copious biographical details from personal observation. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1877. 4 50 65. COUES (Elliott). Key to North American Birds, with General Ornithology : an outline of the structure and classification of Birds, and Field Ornithology ; a manual of collecting, preparing, and pre- serving Birds. Illustrated. Royal 8vo. Boston, 1887. 7 50 66. CROSS (D. W.) Fifty Years with the Gun and Rod. In- cluding tables showing the distance, penetration, and effect of shot, calculated by Leonard Case ; gun trials, etc. I2mo. Cleve- land, 1880. i 50 67. CUTCLIFFE (H. C.) The Art of Trout Fishing in Rapid Streams. i8mo. London, 1883. I 40 8 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 68. CYPRESS (J. J.) [William P. Hawes]. Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches. Edited by Frank Forester. 2 vols. I2mo. New York, 1842. 4 oo 69. DASHWOOD (Richard L.) Chiploquorgan ; or, life by the camp fire in Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. I2mo. Half calf. Dublin, 1871. 4 50 70. DAVENPORT (W. Bromley-). Sport. Fox Hunting, Salmon Fishing, Covert Shooting, Deer Stalking. Illustrated. Square I2mo. London, 1885. 4 oo 71. DAVIES (E. W. L.) Our Sea Fish and Sea Food. I2mo. Paper. London, 1887. 40 72. DAVIES (G. Christopher). Angling Idylls. I2mo. London, 1876. i 75 73. DAVIES (G. Christopher). Mountain, Meadow, and Mere. A series of outdoor sketches of Sport, Scenery, Adventures, and Natural History. 16 illustrations. I2mo. London, 1874. 2 25 74. Another copy. New half calf. 3 50 75. DAVIES (G. Christopher). Norfolk Broads and Rivers; or, the water-ways, lagoons, and decoys of East Anglia. I2mo. Edin- burgh, 1884. 2 40 76. DAVY (Sir Humphrey). Salmonia; or, Days of Fly Fishing. With some account of the habits of Fishes belonging to the genus Salmo. i6mo. Boston, 1870. I 50 77. Another, the first, edition. i6mo. London, 1828. I 50 78. DAVY (John). The Angler and his Friend ; or, Piscatory col- loquies and Fishing excursions. I2mo. London, 1855. 2 25 79. Another copy. New half calf. 3 25 80 DAVY (John). The Angler in the Lake District; or, Piscatory colloquies and Fishing excursions in Westmoreland and Cumberland. I2mo. London, 1857. 3 oo 81. DAWSON (George). Angling Talks. Being the winter talks on summer pastimes. I2mo. New York, 1883. 50 82. DAWSON (George). Pleasures of Angling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Salmon. I2mo. New York, 1876. I 50 83. DAY (Francis.) British and Irish Salmonidae. 12 colored plates. Imperial 8vo. London, 1887. *6 80 Angling and Sporting Books. 9 84. DEAD (The) SHOT; or, Sportsman's Complete Guide. Being a treatise on the use of the Gun, with lessons in the art of Shooting Game of all kinds, Pigeon Shooting, Dog Breaking, etc. By "Marksman." I2mo. New York, n. d. (1873). J 2 5 85. DODGE (Col. Richard I.) The Hunting Grounds of the Great West. A description of the Plains, Game, and Indians of the great North American Desert. With an introduction by Wm. Blackmore. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1878. 4 oo 86. DRUMMOND (Hon. W. H.) The Large Game and Natural History of South and South-eastern Africa. Colored and tinted plates. Small 4to. New half calf. Edinburgh, 1875. 6 5 87. DRYDEN (Adam). Hints to Anglers. Maps. I2mo. Edin- burgh, 1862. i oo 88. DYKES (T.) All Round Sport with Fish, Fur, and Feather. Tinted full-page plates and other illustrations. 8vo. London, 1887. 4 20 89. EDWARDS (S. E.) The Ohio Hunter. A sketch of the frontier life of the great Bear and Deer Hunter of the State of Ohio. i6mo. Battle Creek, 1866. 75 90. ELLACOMBE (Rev. H. N.) Shakespeare as an Angler. l6mo. Parchment. London, 1883. 2 50 91. ELLIOTT (William). Carolina Sport by Land and Water, in- cluding incidents of Devil-fishing, Wild Cat, Deer, and Bear Hunt- ing, etc. Illustrated. I2mo. New, York 1859. 2 oo 92. FACTS AND FANCIES of Salmon Fishing. With original illustrations. By " Clericus" [Rev.\V. Cartwright]. I2mo. London, 1874- 2 25 93. FARRAR (Capt. Chas. A. J.) Eastward Ho! or, adventures of Rangely Lakes. Containing the amusing experiences and start- ling incidents connected with a trip of a party of Boston boys to the wilds of Maine. i6mo. Boston, 1884. I 25 94. FARRAR (Capt. Chas. A. J.) Illustrated Guide Book to the Androscoggin Lakes and the head-waters of the Connecticut, Magal- loway, and Androscoggin Rivers, etc., with a treatise on camping out, etc. i6mo. Boston, 1884. i oo io Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 95. FARRAR (Capt. Chas. A. J.) Illustrated Guide Book to Moosehead Lake, the wilds of Northern Maine, Kennebec, Penob- scot, and St. Johns Rivers. l6mo. Boston, 1884. i oo 96. FELLOWS (Henry P.) Boating Trips on New England Rivers. Illustrated. I2mo. Boston, 1884. I 25 97. FISHER (P. [W. A. Chatto]). The Angler's Souvenir. Edited by G. Christopher Davies. Illustrated with steel plates ; printed with borders. Small 4to. New half calf. London, [1886]. 4 50 98. FLACK (Captain). A Hunter's Experience in the Southern States. Being an account of the natural history of the various Quadrupeds and Birds which are the objects of chase in those countries. I2mo. London, 1866. I 75 99. FLETCHER (Phinehas). Piscatory Eclogues, with other Poetical Miscellanies. With notes. [By W. Tytler, Lord Woodhouse- lee.] I2mo. Edinburgh, 1777. 2 50 100. FLY MAKER'S HAND-BOOK. Illustrated with coloured plates of the most useful Flies for Trout and Grayling. Square i6mo. Liverpool, 1887. 80 101. FOSTER (David). The Scientific Angler. Being a general and instructive work on artistic Angling. Edited by Wm. C. Harris. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1883. i 50 102. FRANCE (L. B. ["Bourgeois"]). Mountain Trails and Parks in Colorado. I2mo. Denver, 1887. i 50 103. [FRANCE (L. B.] With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters. I2mo. Denver, 1884. i oo 104. FRANCIS (Francis). Angling Reminiscences. i6mo. Lon- don, 1887. i 40 105. FRANCIS (Francis). A Book on Angling. Being a complete treatise on the art of Angling in every branch, with explanatory plates. I2mo. London, 1880. 5 oo 106. FRANCIS (Francis). Fish Culture. A practical guide to the modern system of Breeding and Rearing Fish. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1865. 2 oo 107. FRANCIS (Francis). By Lake and River. An Angler's rambles in the north of England and Scotland. I2mo. London, 1874. 2 75 Angling and Sporting Books. II 108. FRANCK (Richard). Northern Memoirs, to which is added the Contemplative and Practical^" Angler. Writ in the year 1658. With preface and notes. [By Sir Walter Scott.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. 3 50 109. FRESH WOODS and Pastures New. [By E. Marston.] i8mo. London, 1887. 60 no. FRY (W. H.) A Complete Treatise on Artificial Fish Breed- ing, including the reports made to the French Academy and Gov- ernment, and as pursued in England. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1854. i oo 111. FUR, FIN, AND FEATHER. Game laws of various states, Hunting and Fishing resorts, etc. 8vo. Paper. New York, 1884. 50 112. GAMEKEEPER (The) at Home. Sketches of natural history and rural life. [By R. Jefferies ] i6mo. Boston, 1879. I 50 113. Another edition. Illustrated. I2mo. Boston, 1884. 3 75 114. GIBSON (W. Hamilton). Camp Life in the Woods, and the tricks of trapping and trap making. Illustrated. i6mo. New York, n. d. (1881). I oo 115. [GILLMORE (Parker)]. Accessible Field Sports. The ex- perience of a sportsman in North America. By " Ubique." I2mo. London, 1869. 3 oo 116. [GILLMORE (Parker)]. Gun, Rod, and Saddle. Personal experiences. By "Ubique." I2mo. London, 1869. I oo 117. GILLMORE (Parker). Prairie and Forest. A description of the Game of North America, with personal adventures in their pur- suit. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1874. 3 oo 118. GILLMORE (Parker). The Hunter's Arcadia. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1886. 4 oo 119. GOODE (G. Browne). The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the United States. Section I. Natural history of useful Aquatic Animals. With volume of 227 plates of Fishes. 2 vols. 410. Wash- ington, 1884. 5 oo 120. GOULD (John M.) How to Camp Out. Hints for camping and walking. i8mo. New York, 1880. 7$ 121. CREEN (Seth). Home Fishing and Home "Waters. A practical treatise on Fish culture : the utilization of farm streams, 12 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. the management of Fish in the artificial pond, the transportation of Eggs and Fry, with observations on common Fish and the methods of capturing them. I2mo. New York, 1888. 50 122. GROHMAN (W. A. Baillie-). Camps in the Rockies. Being a narrative of life on the frontier, and sport in the Rocky Mountains, etc. Map. I2mo. New York, 1882. i 25 123. Another edition. 8vo. Half calf. London, 1882. 3 75 124. GUNTHER (Albert C. L. G.) An Introduction to the Study of Fishes. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880. 8 oo 125. HALLOCK (Charles). Camp Life in Florida. A hand-book for sportsmen and settlers. i6mo. New York, 1876. 2 oo 126. HALLOCK (Charles). The Fishing Tourist. Angler's guide and reference book. I2mo. New York, 1873. 2 127. HALLOCK (Charles). The Sportsman's Gazetteer and Gen- eral Guide. The Game Animals, Birds, and Fishes of North Amer- ica ; their habits and various methods of capture. A directory of the principal Game resorts, etc. Maps and illustrations. I2mo. New York, 1883. 3 oo 128. HAMILTON (Edward). Recollections of Fly Fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Grayling. With notes on their haunts and history. Plates. I2mo. London, 1884. 2 40 129. Another edition. I2mo. New York, 1884. I 75 130. HAMILTON (R.) A History of British Fishes. 68 colored plates. 2 vols. i8mo. London, n. d. 3 50 131. HAMMOND (S. H.) Hunting in the Northern Wilds; or, a tramp in the Chateaugay woods, over hills, lakes, and forest streams. I2mo. Philadelphia, n. d. I oo 132. HAMMOND (S. H.) Wild Northern Scenes ; or, sporting adventures with the rifle and the rod. I2mo. Philadelphia, n. d. I oo 133. HAND-BOOK OF ANGLING. Teaching Fly Fishing, Trolling, Bottom Fishing, and Salmon Fishing. With the natural history of River Fish, and the best modes ot catching them. By "Ephemera" (E. Fitzgibbon). I2mo. London, 1853. I 50 134. HANSARD (Geo. A.) Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales. i6mo. London, 1834. I 75 Angling and Sporting Books. 13 135. HARDY (Campbell). Forest Life in Acadie. Sketches of sport and natural history in the lower provinces of the Canadian Dominion. Illustrated. 8vo. New half calf. London, 1869. 5 50 136. HARDY (Campbell). Sporting Adventures in the New World ; or, days and nights Moose hunting in the pine forests of Acadia. Illustrated. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1855. 4 oo 137. HARRIS (William C.) The Angler's Guide Book and Tour- ist's Gazetteer of the Fishing Waters of the United States and Canada. i6mo. New York. I oo 138. HARTING (Jas. E.) Essays on Sport and Natural History. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1883. 5 oo 139. HARTLEY (Cecil B.) Hunting Sports of the West. The ad- ventures of the most celebrated hunters and trappers. I2mo. Philadelphia, n. d. I oo 140. HEADLEY (J. T.) The Adirondack; or, life in the woods. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1875. 2 141. HEARNE (Peregrine). Perils and Pleasures of a Hunter's Life. Illustrated. I2mo. Philadelphia, n. d. I oo 142. HENDERSON (Howard). Practical Hints on Camping. Illustrated. I2mo. Chicago, 1882. I 25 143. HENDERSON (William). My Life as an Angler. With Woodbury portrait and 12 woodcuts. I2mo. New half calf. Lon- don, 1880. 4 25 144. HENSHALL (Dr. James A.) Book of the Black Bass. Comprising its complete scientific and life history, together with a practical treatise on Angling and Fly Fishing, and a full description of Tools, Tackle, and Implements. Portrait and numerous illustra- tions. I2mo. Cincinnati, 1881. 3 oo 145. Another copy. New half calf. 4 50 146. HENSHALL (Dr. James A.) Camping and Cruising in Florida. An account of two winters passed in cruising round the coast of Florida, as viewed from the standpoint of an Angler, a Sportsman, a Yachtsman, a Naturalist, and a Physician. Illustrated. I2mo. Cincinnati, 1884. I 50 147. Another copy. New half calf. 2 75 14 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 148. HERBERT (Henry W.) Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. Re- vised and corrected, with a treatise on Fly Fishing, by " Dinks." I2mo. New York, n. d. 2 50 149. HERBERT (H. W.) Frank Forester's Sporting Scenes and Characters. Embracing "The Warwick Woodlands," "My Shooting Box," "The Quorndon Hounds," and "The Deer- stalkers." With life of the author, etc. 2 vols. I2mo. Phila- delphia, n. d. 4 oo 150. HERBERT (H. W.) Life and Writings of "Frank For- ester." Edited by David W. Judd. 2 vols. I2mo. New York, 1882. 3 oo 151. HI-REGAN. How and Where to Fish in Ireland. Map and illustrations. i6mo. New half calf. London, 1886. 3 oo 152. HOFFLAND (T. C.) The British Angler's Manual; or, the art of Angling. With instructions in Fly Fishing, Trolling, etc. Edited by E. Jesse. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1848. 2 25 153. HOLBERTON (Wakeman) The Art of Angling. How and where to catch Fish. i8mo. New York, 1887. 50 154. HOUGHTON (Rev. W.) British Fresh Water Fishes. With a colored figure of each species, drawn from nature by A. F. Lydon, and numerous engravings. 4to. London, 1884. 25 oo 154^. HOW TO CATCH TROUT. By Three Anglers. I2mo. Boards. Edinburgh, 1888. 40 155. HUBBARD (Lucius L.) Summer Vacations at Moosehead Lake (Maine), with hints to campers, etc. Map and 21 photo- graphic views. i8mo. Boston, 1879. ! 50 156. HUBBARD (Lucius L.) Woods and Lakes of Maine. A trip from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a birch-bark canoe. To which is added some Indian place-names and their meanings. Map and illustrations. 8vo. Boston, 1884. 3 oo 157. JACKSON (John). The Practical Fly Fisher. More particu- larly for Grayling or Umber. With ten coloured plates of Flies. 8vo. London, 1880. 2 50 158. JARDINE (Sir Wm.) The Natural History of Fishes of the Perch Family. 36 coloured plates. i8mo< Edinburgh, 1834. I 75 Angling and Sporting Books. 15 159. JESSE (Edward). An Angler's Rambles. I2mo. London, 1836. 2 50 160. JOHNSON (T. B.) The Shooter's Companion; or, a descrip- tion of Pointers and Setters, etc., as well as of those animals which constitute the objects of pursuits, breeding and training of Dogs, etc. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1830. 3 oo 161. JORDAN (David S.) Review of Rafinesque's Memoir of North American Fishes. 8vo. Paper. Washington, 1877. 60 162. JORDAN (David S.) Science Sketches. The story of a Salmon. Dispersion of Fresh Water Fishes, etc. i6mo. Chicago, 1888. i 50 163. JORDAN (David S.) and GILBERT (Chas. H.) Synopsis of the Fishes of North America. 8vo. Washington, 1882. 3 oo 164. KEENE (J. H.) Fishing Tackle, its Material and Manufacture. A practical guide to the best modes of making every kind of appli- ance necessary for taking Fresh Water Fish, and for the equip- ment of the Angler and Fly Fisher. Illustrated. i6mo. London, n. d. [1886]. I 40 165. Another copy. New half calf. 2 75 166. KEENE (J. H.) Fly Fishing and Fly Making for Trout, etc. With plates of the actual material for making Flies of every variety. I2mo. New York, 1887. I 50 167. KEENE (J. H.) The Practical Fisherman. Dealing with the natural history and legendary lore, the capture of British Fresh Water Fishes, and Tackle and Tackle making. Plates and wood-cuts. I2mo. London, 1881. 4 20 168. KEMP (John). Shooting and Fishing in Lower Brittany. I2ino. London, 1859. I 50 169. KENDALL (Sidney C.) Among the Laurentians. A camp- ing story. i6mo. Toronto, 1885. I oo 170. KENNEDY (Capt. W. R.) Sport, Travel, and Adventure in Newfoundland and the West Indies. Illustrated. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1885. 3 25 171. Another copy. New half calf. 5 oo 172. KING (John L.) Trouting in the Brule River; or, summer wayfaring in the Northern Wilderness. I2mo. New York, 1880. i 50 1 6 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 173. KING (Maj. W. Ross). The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada; or, notes on the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that country. Coloured plates and wood-cuts. Royal 8vo. London, 1866. 8 oo 174. KINGSLEY (Rev. Chas.) Prose Idylls. New and old. I2mo. London, 1884. I 75 175. KIRKBRIDE (John). The Northern Angler; or, Fly Fisher's Companion. i6mo. Carlisle, 1840. I 25 176. KRIDER (John). Sporting Anecdotes, illustrative of the habits of certain varieties of American Game. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 25 177. Another copy. New half calf. 3 50 178. LAIDLEY (Col. T. T. S.) A Course of Instruction in Rifle Firing. Illustrated. 321110. Philadelphia, 1880. I 50 179. LAMBERT (Osmond). Angling Literature in England, and descriptions of Fishing by the Ancients. With a notice of some books on other piscatorial subjects. i6mo. London, 1881. I oo 180. LANMAN (Chas.) Adventures of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. I2mo. London, 1848. 2 50 181. LANMAN (Chas.) Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Prairies. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. 6 oo 182. LANMAN (Chas.) Recollections of Curious Characters and Places. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881. 4 oo 183. LANMAN (Chas.) A Tour to the River Saguenay, in Lower Canada. I2mo. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 oo 184. LEVINGE (Capt. R. G. A.) Echoes from the Backwoods ; or, sketches of transatlantic life. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1846. 2 50 185. LEWIS (ElishaJ.) The American Sportsman. Containing hints to sportsmen, notes on shooting, and the habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fowl of America. Revised, enlarged, and edited by Arnold Burgess. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. 2 50 186. LIFE IN NORMANDY. Sketches of French Fishing, farm- ing, cooking, natural history, and politics, drawn from nature. [By J. F. Campbell.] 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. 4 oo Angling and Sporting Books, 17 187. LLOYD (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe. A nar- rative of Angling, Hunting, and Shooting in Sweden and Norway. 8vo. London, 1885. 3 60 188. Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. 6 oo 189. LLOYD (L.) The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway. With an account of the Seals and Sea-water Fishes of those countries. Map, coloured plates, and wood-cuts. Royal Svo. London, 1867. 9 oo 190. LLOYD (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years, respresenting sporting incidents and sub- jects of natural history, and devices for entrapping Wild Animals. Illustrated. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1854. 9 oo 191. LOCKE (John). Tweed and Don; or, recollections and reflec- tions of an Angler for the last fifty years. i6mo. Edinburgh, 1860. i 25 192. LONDON (The) Angler's Book; or, Waltonian's Chronicle. Containing much original information generally, with amusing songs and anecdotes of Fish and Fishing. [By J. Baddeley.] i6mo. London, 1834. I 75 193. [LORD (John K.)] At Home in the Wilderness. Being full instructions how to get along and to surmount all difficulties in the way. By " The Wanderer." I2mo. London, 1867. 2 oo 194. LORD (John K.) The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Illustrated. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1866. 5 oo 195. LOWTH (W. S.) Angling. Angling dodges and Match Fish- ing. Svo. Hull, n. d. I 50 196. LUCAS (Thos. J.) Camp Life and Sport in South Africa. Illustrated. Svo. New half calf. London, 1878. 3 50 197. MACKENZIE (Murdo). View of the Salmon Fishery of Scotland. With observations on the natural habits and instincts of the Salmon, etc. Svo. New half calf. Edinburgh, 1860. 2 75 198. MACKINTOSH (Alex.) The Modern Fisher; or, Driffield Angler. Descriptions of the different kinds of Fresh-water Fish, and the best methods of taking them, etc. i8mo. New half calf. Derby [1806]. 2 50 1 8 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 199. McLELLAN (Isaac.) Poems of the Rod and Gun; or, sport by flood and field. Edited, with a memoir of the author, by Will Wildwood [Frederick E. Pond.] I2mo. New York, 1886. 2 oo 200. MACRAE (Alex.) Hand-book of Deer Stalking. With in- troduction by Horatio Ross. l6mo. Edinburgh, 1880. I 50 201. MAGRATH (T. W.) Authentic Letters from Upper Canada. With an account of Canadian field sports, and etchings by Samuel Lover. i8mo. Dublin, 1833. 2 oo 202. MANLEY (J.J.) Notes on Fish and Fishing. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1877. 2 40 203. [MARCH (J.)] The Jolly Angler; or, Waterside Companion. Containing an account of the best places for Angling, and the differ- ent sorts of Fish contained therein, the Tackles, Bait, and other requisites for an expert Angler. Illustrated. i6mo. London, n. d. [1835]- I 50 204. MARTIN (J. W.) Float Fishing and Spinning in the Not- tingham style. Being a treatise on so-called Coarse Fishes, with in- structions for their capture, including a chapter on Pike Fishing. I2mo. London, 1882. 80 205. MAST (Rev. Isaac). The Gun, Rod, and Saddle; or, nine months in California. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1876. i 25 206. MAXIMS AND HINTS for an Angler. Embellished with humorous engravings illustrative of the miseries of Fishing. With maxims and hints for a Chess Player. i8mo. Philadelphia, 1868. 50 207. MAYER (Alfred M., Editor). Sport with Gun and Rod in American Woods and Waters. Fifty articles by well-known experts. Handsomely illustrated with ten full-page Japan proofs and six hun- dred illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo. New York, 1884. 10 oo 208. The Same. Popular edition. 4 oo 209. MAYNARD (C. J.) Manual of Taxidermy. A complete guide to collecting and preserving Birds and Mammals. Illustrated. i6mo. Boston, 1884. I 25 210. MEDWIN (Thomas). The Angler in Wales; or, days and nights of sportsmen. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. New half calf. London, 1834. 6 oo Angling and Sporting Books. 19 211. MINOT (H. D.) The Land Birds and Game Birds of New England. "With descriptions of the Birds, their nests and eggs, their habits and notes. Illustrated. 8vo. Salem, 1877. 3 oo 212. MOFFAT (A. S.) The Secrets of Angling. Illustrated. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1865. 3 oo 213. MULERTT (Hugo). The Goldfish, and 'its systematic culture with a view to profit. A practical treatise on the Fish, its propaga- tion, enemies, diseases, and the care of the Fish in captivity, with hints on the construction of ponds, etc. Illustrated. Square I2mo. Cincinnati, 1883. 50 214. MULERTT (Hugo). How to Cook Fish. 133 recipes for preparing Sea and Fresh Water Fish for the table. i8mo. Paper. Cincinnati, 1886. 25 215. MULES (P. H.) George Doggett, Keeper. Illustrated. Square I2ino. Manchester, 1887. 1 80 216. MURPHY (John M.) American Game Bird Shooting. Il- lustrated. I2mo. New York, 1882. 2 oo 217. MURPHY (John M.) Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 8vo. London, 1879. 3 oo 218. MURRAY (W. H. H.) Adventures in the Wilderness; or, camp life in the Adirondacks. Illustrated. I2mo. Boston, 1869. i oo 219. Another edition. With fresh chapters by Gen. Geo. W. Wingate. I2mo. i oo 220. NETTLE (Richard). The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Law- rence and its Tributaries. l6mo. Montreal, 1857. I 25 221. NEWLAND (Rev. H.) Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. Being extracts from the journal of a fisherman. I2mo. London, 1854. I 75 222. NORRIS (Thaddeus). American Fish Culture. Embracing all the details of artificial Fish breeding ; the rearing of Trout ; the culture of Salmon, Shad, and other Fishes. i6mo. Philadelphia, 1868. I 75 223. NORRIS (Thaddeus). The American Angler's Book. Em- bracing the natural history of Sporting Fish and the art of taking them. With instructions in Fly Fishing, Fly making, and Rod making, and 2O Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. directions for Fish Breeding. To which is added Dies Piscatoria:, describing noted Fishing places and the pleasures of solitary Fly Fishing, with descriptions of Salmon Rivers, inland Trout Fishing, etc. Illustrated with So wood engravings. 8vo. Philadel- phia, n. d. 5 50 224. NORTHROP (A. J.) Camps and Tramps in the Adiron- dacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan. A record of summer vacations in the wilderness. i6mo. Syracuse, 1885. I 25 225. NORTON (C. L.) and HABBERTON (John). Canoeing in Kanackia ; or, haps and mishaps afloat and ashore of the statesman, the editor, the artist, and the scribbler. Recorded by the Commo- dore and the Cook. Illustrated. I2mo. Paper. New York, 1886. 50 226. O'GORMAN. The Practice of Angling, particularly as regards Ireland. 2 vols. I2mo. Dublin, 1845. 3 50 227. OLIVER (Stephen the Younger [Wm. A. Chatto]). Scenes and Recollections of Fly Fishing in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. i6mo. London, 1834. 2 25 228. ORVIS (Chas. F.) and CHENEY (A. N.) Fishing with the Fly. Sketches by lovers of the art. With coloured illustrations of standard Flies. Square I2mo. Boston, 1886. 2 50 229. PALLISER (John.) Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter on the Prairies. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1853. I 75 230. PALMER HACKLE [Robert Blakey]. Hints on Angling, with suggestions for Fishing excursions in France and Belgium. To which are appended some brief notices of English, Scotch, and Irish waters. 8vo. New half calf. London, 1846. 4 oo 231. PARK (Col. Horace). The Sportsman's Hand-Book. Con- cise instructions for selecting and caring for and handling Guns and Fishing Tackle, etc. i8mo. Columbus, 1885. J 232. PEARD (Dr. W.) A Year of Liberty; or, Salmon Angling in Ireland from February to November. I2mo. London, 1867. 2 50 233. PEEL (E. Lennox). A Highland Gathering. With 31 illus- trations by E. Whymper. Square i8mo. London, 1885. 2 oo 234. PENNELL (H. Cholmondeley-). The Angling Naturalist. A popular history of British Fresh Water Fish. With a plain ex- Angling and Sporting Books. 21 planation of the rudiments of Ichthyology. 150 wood-cuts. I2mo. London, n. d. 2 oo 235. PENNELL (H. C.) The Book of the Pike. With a chapter on spinning for Trout in lakes and rivers. I2mo. London, n. d. I 75 236. PENNELL (H. C.) Fishing. Vol. I. Salmon and Trout; vol. 2. Pike and other coarse Fish. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1886. Each, 3 50 237. PENNELL (H. C.) Fishing Gossip; or, stray leaves from the note-books of several Anglers. Illustrated. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1866. 2 oo 238. PENNELL (H. C.) Modern Improvements in Fishing Tackle and Fish Hooks. Illustrated. i6mo. London, n. d. [1887]. &o 239. PENNELL (H. C.) The Modern Practical Angler. A com- plete guide to Fly Fishing, Bottom Fishing, and Trolling. 50 en- gravings. I2mo. London, 1884. I 40 240. PENNELL (H. C.) The Sporting Fish of Great Britain. With notes on Ichthyology. Illustrated by sixteen lithographs of Fish in gold, silver, and colours. 8vo. London, 1886. s 6 oo 241. PISCATORIAL Reminiscences and Gleanings by an old Angler and Bibliopolist [Thomas Boosey]. To which is added a catalogue of books on Angling [by William Pickering]. i8mo. New half calf. London, 1835. 4 242. PRACTICAL HINTS on Shooting. Being a treatise on the Shot Gun and its management ; Game, Wild Fowl, and Trap Shoot- ing, together with notes on Sporting Dogs and Ferrets, and other useful information relative to Shooting. By "2O-Bore." Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1887. 4 oo 243. PRIME (W. C.) I go a Fishing. I2mo. New York, 1873. 2 oo Another copy. New half calf. 3 25 244. [PRIME (W. C.)] The Old House by the River. I2mo. New York, 1854. 2 oo 245. [PRIME (W. C.)] Later Years. I2mo. New York, 1854. 200 246. PRITT (T. E.) The Book of the Grayling. Being a descrip- tion of the Fish and the art of Angling for him. With three col- oured plates. Royal 8vo. Leeds, 1888. 4 20 22 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 247. PRITT (T. E.) North Country Flies. With particulars of the dressing and season of Flies, and chapters on Fishing, the Min- now, the Creeper, the Stone Fly, and Worm, in clear water. Col- oured plates. Royal 8vo. Leeds, 1885. 4 20 248. PROUTY (Lorenzo). Fish, their Habits and Haunts, and the Methods of Catching Them. Together with Fishing as a recre- ation. i2mo. Boston, 1883. J 5 249. PULMAN (G. P. R.) Vade Mecum of Fly Fishing for Trout, with plain and copious instructions for the manufacture of artificial Flies. Illustrated. i6mo. London, 1851. I 50 250. RAMBLES and Recollections of a Fly Fisher. Illustrated, with ample instructions to the novice, inclusive of Fly making, and a list of really useful Flies. By " Clericus " [Rev. W. Cartwright], I2mo. New half calf. London, 1854. 3 oo 251. RANDOM CASTS; or, odds and ends from an Angler's note- book. By "E. M. E." [E. E. Millard]. i6mo. New half calf. New York, 1878. 2 oo 252. RAU (Charles). Prehistoric Fishing in Europe and America. Profusely illustrated. Folio, pp. 342. Paper. Washington, 1884. 6 oo 253. REMINISCENCES of the Lews; or, twenty years' wild sports in the Hebrides. By " Sixty-one." Portrait and illustrations. I2mo. New half calf. London, 1873. 4 254. REVOIL (Benedict H.) Shooting and Fishing in the Rivers, Prairies, and Backwoods of North America. 2 vols. I2mo. Lon- don, 1865. 4 oo 255. RIDGWAY (Robert). A Manual of North American Birds. . With 464 outline drawings of the generic characters. Royal 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. 7 50 256. ROBERTS (Sir Randall). Glenmahra; or, the Western Highlands. Witk illustrations by the author. I2mo. London, 1870. 2 oo 257. ROBERTS (Sir R. H.) The Silver Trout, and other stories. i6mo. London, 1887. I 40 258. ROOPER (George). Flood, Field, and Forest. Illustrated. I2mo. Boards. London, 1887. I oo Angling and Sporting Books. 23 259. ROOFER (George). A Month in Mayo. Characteristic sketches, sporting and social, of Irish life. i6mo. New half calf. London, 1876. 3 260. ROOSEVELT (Robert B.) Florida, and the Game Water Birds of the Atlantic Coast and the Lakes of the United States. With a full account of the Sporting along our sea shores and inland waters, and remarks on Breech-loaders and Hammerless Guns. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1884. 2 oo 261. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) The Game Fish of the Northern States and British Provinces. With an account of the Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing of Canada, etc. Together with simple directions for tying artificial Flies, etc. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1884. 2 oo 262. Another edition (the first). New York, 1866. 2 oo 263. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) Superior Fishing; or, the Striped Bass, Trout, Black Bass, and Blue Fish of the Northern States. With an account of a sporting visit to Lake Superior, etc. Illus- trated. I2mo. New York, 1884. 2 oo 264. Another edition (the first). New York, 1865. 2 oo 265. ROOSEVELT (R. B.) and GREEN (Seth). Fish Hatching and Fish Catching. I2mo. Rochester, 1879. I 50 266. ROOSEVELT (Theodore). Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. Sketches of sport in the northern cattle plains. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1886. 3 50 267. ROSCOE (E. S.) Rambles with a Fishing Rod. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1883. I 80 268. Another copy. New half calf. 3 oo 269. ROWAN (John J.) The Emigrant and Sportsman in Canada. With sketches of Canadian sporting adventures, etc. Map. I2mo. London, 1876. 2 50 270. SABINE (Lorenzo). Report on the Principal Fisheries of the American Seas. 8vo. Washington, 1853. I 50 271. ST. JOHN (Charles). Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History in the Highlands (of Scotland). i6mo. Half calf. London, 1846. 2 25 24 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 272. SALTER (T. F.) The Angler's Guide. Being a plain and complete practical treatise on the art of Angling, with a treatise on Trolling, etc. Seventh edition. i6mo. New half calf. London, 1830. 4 25 273. SCHLEY (Frank). American Partridge and Pheasant Shooting. Describing the haunts, habits, and methods of hunting and shooting the American Partridge, Quail, Ruffed Grouse, Pheasant, with directions for handling the Gun, hunting with the Dog, and the art of shooting on the wing. With a history of the Partridges and Grouse inhabiting North America. Illustrated. I2mo. Frederick, 1877. 2 274. SCHOMBURGK (R. G.) Natural History of the Fishes of Guiana. 66 coloured plates. 2 vols. i6mo. Edinburgh, 1841. 3 50 275. SCHWATKA (Fred'k). Nimrod in the North; or, Hunting and Fishing adventures in the Arctic regions. 4to. New York, 1885. 2 50 276. SCOTCH LOCH FISHING. By "Black Palmer." i6mo. Edinburgh, 1882. I 60 277. SCOTT (Genio C.) Fishing in American Waters. A new edition. With additions on southern and miscellaneous Fishes. Numerous illustrations. 8vo. New York, n. d. 2 50 278. SCROPE (William). Days and Nights Salmon Fishing in the River Tweed. Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1885. 5 oo 279. SCROPE (William). Days of Deer Stalking in the Scottish Highlands. Including an account of the nature and habits of the Red Deer, a description of Scottish forests, and historical notes on the earlier field sports of Scotland, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1883. 5 00 280. SEARS (Geo. W., "Nessmuk"). Forest Runes. Portrait. 8vo. New York, 1887. I 25 281. SEELEY (H. G.) The Fresh Water Fishes of Europe. A history of their genera, species, structure, habits, and distribution. 214 illustrations. 8vo. London, 1887. 3 oo 282. SENIOR (William). Near and Far. An Angler's sketches of home sport and Colonial life. I2mo. London, 1888. 2 40 Angling and Sporting Books. 25 283. SENIOR (William). By Stream and Sea. A book for wan- derers and Anglers. I2mo. London, 1877. 2 oo 284. SENIOR (William). Travel and Trout in the Antipodes. An Angler's sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. I2mo. London, 1880. I 75 285. Another copy. New half calf. 3 oo 286. SHIELDS (G. O.) Rustlings in the Rockies. Hunting and Fishing. Illustrated. I2mo. Chicago, 1883. I oo 287. SHOOTING and Fishing Trips in England, France, Alsace, Belgium, Holland, and Russia. By " Wildfowler " [Lewis Clements]. I2mo. London, 18/8. 2 50 288. SHOOTING on the Wing. Plain directions for acquiring the art of. Useful hints, secret recipes, etc. By an Old Gamekeeper. l8mo. New York, 1873. 75 289. SIMEON (Cornwall). Stray Notes on Fishing and Natural History. I2mo. London, 1860. 2 25 29x5. SLACK (J. H.) Practical Trout Culture. i6mo. New York, 1872. i oo 291. SMITH (Geo. P.) The Law of Field Sports. A summary of the rules of law affecting American Sportsmen. i6mo. New York, 1886. i oo 292. SMITH (H. Perry). The Modern Babes in the Wood; or, summerings in the wilderness, with reliable and descriptive guide to the Adirondacks. By E. R. Wallace. Map and illustrations. 8vo. Hartford, 1872. 2 oo 293. SMITH (Jerome V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Embracing a practical essay on Angling. i6mo. Boston, 1833. 2 25 294. SMITH (W. Anderson). Benderloch ; or, notes from the West Highlands. I2mo. Paisley, 1882. 2 oo 295. Another copy. New half calf. 3 oo 296. SMITH (W. Anderson). Lewsiana; or, life in the outer Hebrides. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1875. 2 297. SMITH (W. Anderson). Loch Creran. Notes from the West Highlands. I2mo. Paisley, 1887. 2 oo 26 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 298. SOUTHESK (Earl of). Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. Travel, sport, and adventure in the Hudson's Bay Company's territory. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1875. 3 50 299. SPEEDY (Tom). Sport in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland with Rod and Gun. Illustrated. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886. 4 50 300. SPORTING SKETCHES, Home and Abroad. With coloured illustrations. By "The Old Bushman" [H. W. Wheelwright]. I2mo. London, n. d. 3 75 301. SPRINGER (John T.) Forest Life and Forest Trees. Com- prising winter camp life among the Loggers and wildwood adven- tures. i6mo. New York, 1851. i 75 STATE FISH COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS 302. California, for 1876-77. 25 303. Connecticut. 8th Report. May, 1874. 25 304. Connecticut. i6th Report, with 1st Report Shell Fish Commis- sioners. January, 1882. Maps. 60 305. Connecticut. 22d Report. January, 1888. 25 306. Connecticut Shell Fish Commissioners. 5th Report. 1886. 25 307. Delaware. 1st Report. 1881-2. 25 308. Maine. Report on Aquseculture. 1864. 40 309. Maine. I2th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1878. 25 310. Maine. I3th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1879. 25 311. Maine. I4th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1880. 25 312. Maine. I5th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1881. 25 313. Maine. l6th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1882. 25 314. Maine. I7th Report. Fisheries and Game. 1883. 25 315. Maine. 2Oth Report. Fisheries and Game. 1886. 25 316. Maryland. Ferguson's Report. January, 1876. I oo 317. Massachusetts. i$th Report. September, 1880. 40 318. Massachusetts. i6th Report. September, 1881. 40 319. Massachusetts. i8th Report. December, 1883. 40 320. Massachusetts. 2ist Report. December, 1886. 40 321. Michigan. 1st Report. 1873-4. 50 322. New Hampshire. Report. June, 1866. 40 323. New Hampshire. Report. June, 1878. 40 324. New Hampshire. Report. June, 1879. 40 325. New Hampshire. Report. June, 1887. 4 Angling and Sporting Books. 27 326. New York. 4th Report. March, 1872. 35 327. New York. 6th Report. February, 1874. 25 328. New York. 8th Report. December, 1875. 2 5 329. New York, 9th Report. December, 1876. 25 330. New York. I3th Report. February, 1884. 50 331. North Carolina. Report. 1879. 50 332. North Carolina. Report. 1883. 40 333. Ohio. Klippart's Essay. January, 1873. 50 334. Ohio. 1st Report. 1875-76. 75 335. Ohio. 2d Report. 1877. 75 336. Ohio. 3d Report. 1878. 25 337. Ohio. 6th Report. 1881. 25 338. Ohio. 7th Report. 1882. 25 339. Ohio. 8th Report. 1883. 30 340. Ohio. loth Report. 1885. 30 341. Ohio, nth Report. 1886. 25 342. Rhode Island. Report. January, 1869. 35 343. Rhode Island. Report. February, 1872. 25 344. Rhode Island. Report. January, 1887. 20 345. Tennessee. Report for 1881-82. 25 346. West Virginia. Report for 1885-86 25 347. Vermont. Report. 1866. 40 348. Vermont. Report. 1883-84. 25 349. Vermont. Report. 1885-86. 25 350. Virginia. Reports. 1875-6, 1876-7. 50 351. STEELE (Thomas S.) Canoe and Camera. A two hundred mile tour through the Maine forests. With map and 60 illustrations. I2mo. Boston, 1882. I 50 352. STEELE (Thomas S.) Paddle and Portage from Moosehead Lake to the Aroostook River, Maine. Map and 60 illustrations. I2mo. Boston, 1882. I 50 353. STEVENS (Chas. W.) Fly Fishing in the Maine Lakes; or, camp life in the wilderness. Illustrated. i8mo. Boston, 1884. 2 oo 354. STEWART (Rev. Alex.) Nether Lochaber. The natural history, legends, and folk lore of the West Highlands. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1883. 2 25 28 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 355. STEWART (Rev. Alex.) 'Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe. The natural history, legends, and folk lore of the West Highlands. Portrait. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1885. 2 50 356. STEWART (W. C.) The Practical Angler; or, the art of Trout Fishing, more particularly applied to clear water. i8mo. Edinburgh, 1877. I oo 357. STREET (A. B.) Woods and Waters ; or, the Saranacs and the Racket. Map and illustrations. I2mo. New York, 1860. 200 358. STODDART (T. T.) The Art of Angling, as Practiced in Scotland. l8mo. Edinburgh, 1836. I 50 359. STODDART (T. T.) The Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1847. 3 50 360. STODDART (T. T.) Angling Reminiscences of the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. I2mo. Glasgow, 1887. I 40 361. Another edition. New half calf. i6mo. Edinburgh, 1837. 3 oo 362. STONE (Livingston). Domesticated Trout. How to breed and grow them. Illustrated. I2mo. Charleston, N. H., 1877. 250 363. "STONEHENGE" Q. H. Walsh]. British Rural Sports. Comprising Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Fishing, Hawking, Racing, Boating, Pedestrianism, with all rural Games and Amusements. Illustrated. Thick I2mo. London, n. d. loth edition. 6 oo 364. STRETTON (Charles). Sport and Sportsmen. A book of Recollections. 8vo. London, 1866. 3 oo 365. TAYLOR (Samuel). Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a complete Science. Being the result of more than forty years' real practice and strict observation. I2mo. London, 1800. 2 oo 366. THRASHER (Halsey). The Hunter and Trapper. Illus- trated. I2mo. New York, n. d. (1868). 75 367. TOLFREY (Fred'k). The Sportsman in Canada. Plates. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1845. 3 5 368. TOLFREY (Fred'k). The Sportsman in France. Comprising a sporting ramble through Picardy and Normandy, and Boar Shoot- ing in Lower Brittany. Plates. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1841. 3 50 369. TOWNSEND (J. K.) Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains. Including a journey to the Columbia River, etc. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1840. 3 5 Angling and Sporting Books. 29 370. TOWNSHEND (F. Trench). Ten Thousand Miles of Travel, Sport, and Adventure [in North America]. Plates. 8vo. London, 1869. 3 oo 371. TOWNSHEND (F. T.) Wild Life in Florida. With a visit to Cuba. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1875. 3 372. THREE IN NORWAY. By Two of Them. Map and 59 irations. 121110. New half calf. London, 1882. 4 oo 373. Another edition. I2mo. Cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. 1^73 UNITED STATES Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner, i. Inquiry into the Decrease of Food Fishes. 2. The Propagation of Food Fishes in the Waters of the United States. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, v. y. 374. ist Report, for 1871-72. pp. 47+852. 3 oo 375. 2d Report, for 1872-73. pp. 102+808. 2 oo 376. 3d Report, for 1873-74. pp. 41 + 777- 5 377. 4th Report, for 1875-76. pp. 50+1029. 25 378. 5th Report, for 1877. pp. 48+124- 981. 25 379. 6th Report, for 1878. pp. 64+988. 25 380. 7th Report, for 1879. pp. 51-} 846. 25 381. 8th Report, for 1880. pp. 46+1060. 25 382. 9th Report, for 1881. pp. 71+1146. 25 383. loth Report, for 1882. pp. 92+1101. 25 384. iith Report, for 1883. pp. 95 + 1206. 25 385. 1 2th Report, for 1884. pp. 71 + 1204. I 25 386. I3th Report, for 1885. PP- 112+1099. I 25 UNITED STATES Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Bul- letins. Illustrated. 8vo. Washington, v. d. 387. Vol. i, for 1 88 1. pp. 466. i oo 388. Vol. 2, for 1882. pp. 467. I oo 389. Vol. 3, for 1883. pp. 497. i oo 390. Vol. 4, for 1884. pp. 488. I oo 391. Vol. 5, for 1885. pp. 494. i oo 392. Vol. 6, for 1886. pp. 495. i oo 393. UP DE GRAF (Thad. S.) Camping in the Alleghanies ; or, Bodines. A complete practical treatise and guide to "camping out," containing full instructions for making camp equipment, etc., with a list of articles necessary for camp life. Illustrated. i6mo. Phila- delphia, 1883. I 25 30 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 394. VAN DOREN (L. O.) The Fishes of the East Atlantic Coast that are caught with Hook and Line. With the Fishes of the east .coast of Florida. By S. C. Clarke. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1884. I 50 395. VAN DYKE (Theodore S.) The Rifle, Rod, and Gun in California. A sporting romance. I2mo. New York, 1881. I 50 396. VAN DYKE (Theodore S.) The Still Hunter. I2mo. New York, 1883. 2 oo 397. VENABLE (Col. Robert.) The Experienced Angler. With a memoir of the author. India proof plates. i6mo. Full calf. London, 1825. 5 oo 398. VENNOR (Henry G.) Our Birds of Prey; or, the Eagles, Hawks, and Owls of Canada. 30 photographic plates. 410. Mon- treal, 1876. 6 oo 399. WADE (Henry). Halcyon; or, Rod Fishing with Fly, Min- now, and Worm. To which is added a short and easy method of dressing Flies. With 8 coloured plates, containing 117 specimens of natural and artificial Flies, materials, etc., and 4 plates of Fishes, baiting, etc. I2mo. London, 1861. 2 50 400. WALTON (Izaak). The Compleat Angler; or, the contem- plative man's recreation. Being a discourse of Fish and Fishing not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers. Murray's reprint of the first edition. i8mo. London, 1872. 75 401. The same. Stock's fac-simile reprint of the' first edition. 241110. Paper. London, n. d. 50 402 WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler; or, the contemplative man's recreation. By Isaak Walton. And instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear stream. By Charles Cotton. With copious notes, for the most part original, a biblio- graphical preface, and a notice of Cotton and his writings, by Geo. W. Bethune, D.D. Illustrated. 2 vols. in I. Royal Svo. New York, 1880. 3 oo 403. Another edition. With notes by G. Christopher Davies. Illus- trated. I2mo. London, n. d. I oo 404. Another edition. Edited by "Ephemera" [E. Fitzgibbon]. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1881. 80 Angling and Sporting Books. 31 405. Another edition. With lives of the authors and numerous notes, historical and practical, by Edward Jesse. With papers on Fishing tackle, Fishing stations, etc., by Henry G. Bohn. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1884. I 50 406. The same. With extra illustrations. 2 25 407. Another edition. Edited by John Major. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1864. 2 oo 408. WALSHINGHAM (Lord) and PAYNE-GALLWEY (Sir Ralph^. Shooting. I. Field and covert. II. Moor and marsh. With contributions by other writers. Finely illustrated. 2 vols. I2mo. London, 1886. 7 oo 409. WARNER (Chas. Dudley). In the Wilderness. i8mo. Boston, n. d. i oo 410. WARREN (J. R.) Shooting, Boating, and Fishing for Young Sportsmen. I2mo. New York, 1871. I oo 411. WATSON (B. A.) The Sportsman's Paradise; or, the lake lands of Canada. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. 3 50 412. WEBB (W. E.) Buffalo Land. Discoveries, adventures, and mishaps of a scientific and sporting party in the Wild West, with a complete guide for sportsmen and emigrants. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. 2 50 413. WEBSTER (David). The Angler and the Loop Rod. Plates, some coloured. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1885. 2 50 414. WELLS (Henry P.) The American Salmon Fisherman. Illustrated. Square i6mo. New York, 1886. I oo 415. WELLS (Henry P.) Fly Rods and Fly Tackle. Suggestions as to their manufacture and use. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1885. 2 50 416. WESTWOOD (T.) In Memoriam Izaak Walton. Twelve sonnets and an epilogue. 4^0. London, 1884. 3 oo 417. WESTWOOD (T.) and SATCHELL (T.) Bibliotheca Pis- catoria. A catalogue of books on Angling, the Fisheries, and Fish culture, with bibliographical notes and an appendix of citations touching on Angling and Fishing from the English authors. 8vo. London, 1885. 3 oo 32 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 418. WHITEHEAD (Chas. E.) Wild Sports in the South; or, the camp-fires of the Everglades. Illustrated. I2mo. New York, 1860. I 50 419. WILLARD (Major G. L.) Manual of Target Practice. 241110. Philadelphia, 1862. 60 420. WILSON (James). The Rod and the Gun. Being two treatises on Angling and Shooting. Plates and wood-cuts. I2mo. New half morocco. Edinburgh, 1841. 5 oo 421. WILSON (James). Voyage Round the Coast of Scotland and the Isles. 2 vols. I2mo. Half calf. Edinburgh, 1842. 4 50 422. WILTON (Earl of). On the Sports and Pursuits of the English, as bearing upon their National Character. I2mo. Lon- don, 1868. 2 50 423. WINGATE (Gen. Geo. W.) Manual for Rifle Practice. Including suggestions for practice at long range, and for the forma- tion and management of rifle associations. 321110. New York, 1882. I 50 424. WOODCRAFT. By " Nessmuk " [G. W. Sears]. i8mo. New York, 1884. I oo 425. WOOLEY (C. Phillips-). The Trottings of a Tenderfoot. A visit to the Columbian Fiords and Spitzbergen. I2mo. London, 1884. i 75 426. WRINKLES; or, hints to sportsmen and travelers on dress, equipment, and camp life. By "The Old Shekarry " [H. A. Leveson]. I2mo. London, 1874. 2 40 427. YOUNG ANGLER (The), Naturalist, and Pigeon and Rab- bit Fancier. Illustrated. i8mo. London, 1860. 75 428. YOUNG (L. J. H.) Sea Fishing as a Sport. Coloured plates and wood-cuts. I2mo. London, 18/2. I 75 429. YOUNG SPORTSMAN'S MANUAL; or, recreations in Shooting, with some account of the Game found in the British Islands, and practical directions for the management of Dog and Gun. By "Craven" [John W. Carlton]. Illustrated. I2mo. London, 1867. I 75 430. YOUNGER (John). River Angling for Salmon and Trout. i8mo. Kelso, 1864. I 25 FOB THE NATURALIST AND ANGLER. DR. JAMES A. HENSHALL'S BOOK OF THE BLACK BASS. Comprising its complete Scientific and Life Histories, together with u Practical Treatise oil Angling and Fly-fishing, and a full Account of Tools, Tackle, and Implements. By JAMES A. HENSIIALL, M. D. Large I2mo. 460 pages. Fully illustrated. Price $3.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of the price. This volume is the most complete and exhaustive monograph ever published upon any game-fish. It is entirely practical and in- structive in its scope and style, and will fully meet the wants and requirements of the great and growing interest manifested on this subject. The Black Bass is a game-fish of the highest order, and is pre- eminently American in its habitat and characteristics, its range now extending over the entire country east of the Rocky Mountains; but, while the Salmon and Brook Trout are fairly represented in American Angling Works (mostly compilations from English au- thors), the Black Bass has been neglected and almost ignored ; a few pages of an unreliable and insufficient character being all that has heretofore been devoted to its consideration. Dr. Henshall has been well known for the past ten years as an authority on the Black Bass, and as an expert angler. His writ- oublished in the various journals of the country devoted to Angling, Field Sports, Natural History, etc., are constantly referred to as the only reliable data on the subJ3ct. K OF THE BLACK BASS is beautifully printed, hand- somely bound, and fully illustrated. Th- full-paged Photo-lithograph Engravings of the two species of Black Bass are true to nature in every particular, having been drawn from many fresh specimens, expressly for this work, by ERXKST H. COPELAXD, M. D., of Milwaukee, Wis. The mode and methods of handling the rod in casting, striking, and playing a Bass in fly-fishing and bait-fishing, are illustrated by special engravings drawn from life. Tht- various articles of tackle are faithfully represented by more than a hundred illustrations. The author, being a life-long angler, has written his own personal exper: 1 observations of the Black Bass, and how to capture him. This portion of the book is entirely original and purely American, and differ* vastly from any work hitherto published on practical angling. ROBKI.'T CLARKE & CO., PUBLISHERS, NNATI, O. A MAGNIFICENT WORK. THE FISHES OF NORTH AMERICA. By WILLIAM C. HARRIS, Editor of the "American Angler." The work will consist of about forty parts, containing portraits, colored as in life, of eighty or more fishes that take the hook and line in the fresh and salt waters of the United States and Canada, with ap- propriate text. It will be finely printed on heavy plate paper, in monthly parts; size of the page, 12 by 17 inches. Each number will contain : 1. Two portraits of fishes, colored to life; 2. Scientific classification and description ; 3. Local names and habitat ; 4. When and where caught ; 5. Methods of capture ; 6. Tackle and lures used ; 7. Striking incidents of capture. The portraits will average a foot in length. They will be shown in an upright position, that of the act of swimming, and extreme care has been taken, not only to give the coloration of life, but also with distinctness the specific markings, indicating the exact number of spines or rays in the fin construction, etc. In making studies of individual fish, the artist has caught the color- ation from at least ten, and often twenty-five, specimens laid before him as they came struggling from the water. Under no other conditions can be procured an accurate transcript of the evanescent tints, which, in many fish, fade or alter the moment they are lifted from the water. Price, $1.50 per part. The parts can be sent by mail, carefully protected with boards. The first number will be ready in August. Orders supplied by KOIJF.RT CLARKE & CO., CINCINNATI. 0.