Journal of I Psycho- Asthenics Monograph Supplements Vol. 1, No. 3 March, 1917 I Bibliography of Feeble- Mindedness in its Social Aspects By L, W. Crafts. Rblished by Minnesota School for Paeble- I Minded acd Colony for Epileptics. Faribault Journal of Psycho-Asthenics Monograph Supplements VOL. 1, No. 3 MARCH, 1917 Bibliography of Feeble-Mindedness in its Social Aspects -By L. W. Crafts. Published by Minnesota School for Feeble- Minded and Colony for Epileptics, Faribault. JJrrun of frrhool for JFrrblf-dltndrft atii) Cnlmtu fur BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEB'LB-MINDEDNESS IN ITS SOCIAL ASPECTS L. W. CRAFTS, Formerly Research Assistant, The Training School at Vineland, N. J. The past decade has witnessed a continuously increasing interest, both scientific and humanitarian, in the problems of feeblemindedness. In particular there has been evidenced witb regard to the importance and significance of those problems to social welfare, a growing appreciation and realization that has in turn led to a corresponding demand for literature on the sub- ject. Unfortunately, however, the fact that this literature, though existent in adequate quantity, is so widely scattered through a multitude of magazines, reports and periodicals that much of it is unknown to the ordinary student, has rendered this demand difficult of gratification. It was with the aim, therefore, of bringing to the knowledge and attention of the student and practical worker a greater part of the literature of the social phases of feeblemindedness, that this bibliography was under- taken. The bibliography contains about 1000 titles. Most of these are from Efnglish, German and French sources, though numer- ous articles from the Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Bohemian, Russ- ian, Italian and Japanese are listed. Only titles procured or re- ceived by the author previous to May, 1916, are included. The titles are listed by authors in alphabetical order, and are num- bered consecutively. Classification of the titles is limited to the index. Therein, under such headings as Crime, Eugenics, Prostitution, etc., indicative of separate social phases of the problem, such articles as are pertinent to the specific subjects are listed by numbers. In many cases a further classification by sub-headings such as, Crime: Criminal Cases, Mental Tests of Criminals, Recidivism, etc. has been undertaken. Annotation 4 CRAFTS also is limited to the index. Therein the numbers referring to the articles most important to that phase of the social problem under which they are listed appear in heavy type. It may seem that this method of classification and annotation does not pro- vide sufficiently exact indication of the content and value of the specific articles, and that as a result the seeker for informa- tion upon any one of these social problems of feeblemindedness \vill find only a mass of references confusing through its lack of adequate differentiation. In actual practice, however, the in- accessibility to the average student of a great part of the litera- ture on any one subject, together with the selection made possi- blebytheannotations, should effectually preclude such confusion. In conclusion, the author wishes to express his indebted- ness to Dr. H. H. Goddard, and Mr. E. A. Doll of the Depart- ment of Research of The Training School at Vineland. N. J., for their valuable assistance, both in the selection and in the subse- quent annotation of the titles. 1. Abadie, Jean. . Recensement des enfants ; anormaux des ecoles publiques de gargons da la ville de Bordeaux. L'Educ.mod. 1907, II: 209-226. 2. Abramowski, Eleanore. Berichte iiber Schwachsinnigen- fiirsorge in Amerika und in England. Zt. f. d. Erf. n. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1912, V-6: 512-530. 3. Berichte iiber Schwachsinnigenfiirsorge in England. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1911. V-i : 62-70. 4. Berichte iiber Schwachsinnigenfiirsorge in England. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1911, V-2: 138-164. 5- Das Schwachsinnigen-Problem in Eligland. Ge- sundhw. 1912, X-ii: 261-264. 6. Adams, J. Juvenile Court Offenders. Ladies Home J Oct. 13, XXX-24. 7. Addams, George S. Defectives in the Juvenile Courts. N C. C. & C. 1914: 317-322. Tr. Sch. Bull. June 1914. XI- 4: 49-54- 8. Recent Progress in Training Delinquent Children Rep. Comm. Ed. 1913, 1 : 481-497. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 5 g. Relation of Feeblemindedness to Delinquency. Rep. Comm. Ed. 1913: 494-496. 10. Allison, H. E. Defective Inmates of Penal Institutions. Nat. Pris. Assoc. 1904: 292-302. u. Allport, Frank. Medical School Inspection. Interstate Med. J. 1913, XX-78. 12. Altenberg, Oscar. .Etwas von moralischer Schwachsinnig- keit unter Schiilern offentlicher Schulen. Gesundh. d. Sch. 1905 ; III : 58-72. 13. Alther, Karl. Statistische Tabellen uber Schwachsin- nigenfursorge der Schweiz. Eos, Apr. 1909, V-2: 147- I5I- 14. Anderson, Robert. Treatment of the Feebleminded, Safeguarding the Community. Lond. Char. Organ. Rev. Nov. 1904 : 280-284. 15. Anderson, Victor V. An Analysis of One Hundred Cases Studied in Connection with the Municipal Court of Bos- ton. Boston Med. & Surg. J. 1914, CLXXI: 341-346. 16. The Laboratory in the Study and Treatment of Crime. Boston Med. & Surg. J. Nov. 26, 1914, CLXXI : 803-808. J. Crim. Law & Crim. Mar. 1915, V-6: 840-850. 17. Arent, Henrietta. Menschen die den Pfad verloren. Stuttgart, 1907, Max Kielmann, pp. 116. 1 8. Aschaffenberg, G. Crime and its Repression, (trans, by A. Albrecht) (see pp. 128 and 179). Boston, 1913, Little, Brown & Co. pp. 331. 19. Die verminderte Zurechnungsfahigheit. Deut. Verein f. Psychiat. Strassburg, 1914. 20. Askubin, O. Ueber die Statistik der Geisteskranken im Wassilschen Kreise des Gouvernements Nishni-Now- gorod. Neur. Bote, 1913, XX : 193. 21. Atkinson, S. B. Care and Control of the Feebleminded. Econ. Re*v. Jan. 1909, XIX : 54-68. 22. Aubry, . Une Famille de Criminals. Nov. 1892. 23. Auden, George A. Feeblemindedness and Juvenile Crime. J. Crim. Law & Crim. Jy. 1911, II-2: 228-231. 24. Ayres, Leonard P. The Identification, Location and Enumeration of the Misfit Child in the Public Schools. CRAFTS Proc. 2nd Conf. Nat. Assoc. for the Study and Ed. oi Except. Children, 1911: 103-111 (Plainfield, N. J. Cour- ier-News, 1912). 25. Baker, Harvey H. Juvenile Crime and Psychopathic States; the Legal Point of View. Contrib. Boston Psy- chopath. Hosp. Boston, 1913, No. 4: 46-49. 26. Baker, J. Epilepsy and Crime. J. Ment. Sci. 1901, XLVII : 260-277. 2~. Baker, Smith. The Problem of the Feebleminded for the General Practitioner. J. Psycho-As. 1908-1909, XIII: 60-73. 28. Baker t W. W. Mental Health Problems. Proc. Va. State Conf. C. & C. Dec. 1913: 50-54. Richmond, Va., 1914, Ware & Duke. 29. Baldwin, Bird T. The Learning of Delinquent Adolescent Girls as Shown by a Substitution Test. J. Ed. Psychol. June 1913, IV-6: 317-332. 30. Bancroft, Margaret. Collected Papers of Margaret Ban- croft on Mental Subnormality and the Care of Mentally Subnormal Children. Phil. 1915, Ware Bros. Co. pp. 102. 31. Bar, . Der Selbstmord im kindlichen Lebensalter. Leip- zig, 1901, George Thteme. 32. Barker, Lewellyn. Cn the Prevention of Racial Deteriora- tion and Degeneracy Especially by Denying the Privi- leges of Parenthood to the Manifestly Unfit. Baltimore. 1910, Johns Hopkins Univ. 33. Barr, Martin W. The Career of a Moral Imbecile. Al. & Neur. Nov. 1911, No. 4. 34. The Criminal Irresponsible. Al. & Neur. Nov. 1900,. XXX-4: 611-621. 35. The Feebleminded a Social Problem. Al. & Neur. 1913. XXXIV: 303. 36. - The Imbecile and Epileptic vs. the Taxpayer and the Community. N. C. C. & C. 1902: 161-165. 37- The Imperative Demand for Legislation to Arrest the Rapid Increase of Degeneracy. Al. & Neur. 1913, XXXIV: 400. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 7 38. Mental Defectives. Phil. 1904, P. Blakiston's Son & Co. pp. 368. 39. Mental Defectives and Social Welfare. Pop. Sci. Apr. 1909, LIV : 746-759- 40. Recognition and Training of Mental Defectives. Phil. Med. J. 1902, IX: 407-410. 41. Some studies in Heredity. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis, 1897, XXIV: 155-162. 42. Barracelli, S. E. Deficient! e tardivi. La scuola per i tar- divi. Cremona, 1913, Tip. Fezzi, pp. 77. 43. Barrett, Rosa M. The Treatment of Juvenile Offenders. J. Roy. Statis. Soc. June, 1910. 44. Barrows, S. J. Care of the Feebleminded. N. C. C. & C. 1888:396-402. 45. Barwise, . The Problem of the Feebleminded. Pub. Health, 1910-11, XXV-i. 46. Bateman, . The Idiot, His Place in Creation and His Claims on Society. London, 1882. 47. Becker, Th. Der angeborene Schwachsinn in seiner Bezie- hung zum Militardienst. Fur Sanitatsoffiziere, Militar- gerichtsbeamte. Gerichtoffizer und Truppensbefehls. haber. Bibl. von Coler v. Schjerning, 27). Berlin, 1909, Hirschwald, pp. 211. 48. Beckley, Chester C. Border-Line Cases of Mental Defect with Special Reference to Hysterical Symiptoms. Boston Med. J. Apr. 8, 1915. 49. Bedor, .. Bull. Acad. Med. 1857. 50. Belfield, W. T. Sterilization of Criminals and Other De- fectives by Vasectomy. Chicago Med. Rec. Mar. IQOQ. 51. Bell, Catherine F. What Can be Done for Mentally De- fective Children in the Public Schools? Sch. Exch. Feb. 1910. 52. Benda, Th. Die Schwachbegabten auf den hoheren Schu- len. Zt. f. Schgesundhpf. 1902, XV: 160-164. 53. Sonderklassen fur Schwachbefahigte an hoheren Schulen. Zt. f. Schgesundhpf. 1907. 54. Bicknell, Ernest P. Char. Rev. 1895, V : 81. 8 CRAFTS 55. - Feeblemindedness as an Inheritance. N. C. C. & C. 1896: 219-226. 56. Billings, M. Prevention of Crime, Insanity, Idiocy, Drunk- enness, Pauperism and Disease. Waverly, Iowa, 1881, pp. 19. 57. Binswanger, O. Ueber den moralischen Schwachsinn mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der kindlichen Altersstufe. Samml. v. Abh. a. d. Geb. d. pad. Psychol. u. Physiol. 1906, VIII-5: 36. 58. Birkigt, C. Straffallige Schulknaben in intellektueller, moralischer, und sozialer Beziehung. Beitr. z. Kinderf. u. Heilerz. 1910, No. 66, pp. 42. 59. Bisch, L. E. The Recognition of Mental Deficiency. N. Y. Med. J. May 30, 1915, XCIX: 1073. 60. Blake, V. J. Review of the Methods Employed or Avail- able for the Treatment of Defects. Sch. Hyg. Nov. 1911. 61. Bleuler, . Die Behandlung der moralisch Schwachsin- nigen. Korrespbl. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, 1914, XLIV-7: 202. 62. Der geborene Verbrecher. Munchen, 1898. 63. - Ueber moralische Idiote. Viertelj. f. ger. Med. 1893. 64. Blewett, Ben. Provision for Exceptional Children in the Public Schools of St. Louis. N. E. A. 1909 : 355-360. 65. Bloch, Wilhelm. Fitrsorgeerziehung in Brandenburg. Zt. f. Jugwohlf. Dec. 1911, II-2: 743-747. 66. Block, Siegfried. The Psychological Aspects of the Rela- tions of Divorce, Accidents, Crime, etc., to Mental De- fect. N. Y. Med. Rec. Jy. 4. 1914. LXXXVI-i : 14-16. 67. Bloss, James R. Sterilization of Confirmed Criminals and Other Defectives. W. Va. Med. J. Mar. 1910. 68. Bluemel, C. S. Binet Tests on 200 Juvenile Delinquents. Tr. Sch. Bull. Dec. 1915, XII-8: 187-193. 69. Boehme, Grace M. Special Classes in the Cleveland Schools. J. Psycho-As. Sept. lo/x^June 1910, XIV-i : 83. 70. Bogart, G. H. Asexualization of the Unfit. Med. Her. St. Joseph, Mo. June 1910. 71. Boies, H. M. The Science of Penology. The Defence rf BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 9 Society Against Crime. N. Y. 1901. 72. Bolton, F. E. The Relation of the State to the Education of Exceptional Children. Proc. 2nd Conf. Nat. Assoc. for the Study & Ed. of Except. Children, 1911: 120127. Plainfield, N. J., Courier-News, 1912. 73. Bonham, M. L. Problem of Defective Pupils in the Regu- lar Schools, Public and Private. Education, 1910, XXXT : 211-217. Proc. Nat. Assoc. for Study & Ed. of Excep. Children, 1910: 24-30. 74. Bonhoffer, . Zt. f. d. ges. Rechtswissenschaft, XXIII. 75. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des grosstadtischen Bettler-und Vagabundentums. Frankfurt a. M. 1900. 76. Bosbauer, Hans; Miklas, Leopold and Schiner, Hans. Handbuch der Schwachsinnigenfiirsorge mit Beruck- sichtigung des Hilfsschulwesen (Chaps. V, VII & XIII) 1909, Leipzig, G. B. Teubner, pp. 363. 77. Bosshard, G. Die Fiirsorge fur die schulentlassenen Schwachbegabten in Zurich. Zt. f. Jugwohlf, 1912, III- 41 :97-ioo. Zt. f. Jugerz. u. Jugfitrs. III-4. 78. Bottcher, Ernest. Pyromanie oder Schwa'chsinn? Mun- chen, 1893, Druck von Heller. 79. Bowers, Paul E. The Recidivist. J. Crim. Law & Crim. Sept. 1914, V-3: 404-415- 80. A Symiposium of "The English Convict" by Goring. J. Crim. Law & Crim. Sept. 1914, -3 : 348-363. 81. Brace, C. L. Margaret, Mother of Criminals. N. C. C. & C. 1880 : 227. 82. Brandt, F. B. The State in its Relation to the Defective Child. N. E. A. 1901 : 876-880. 83. Branthwaite, R. W. Mentally Defective Drunkards. (In- spec. of Inebriate Reformatories). 84. Braun, . Schwachsinn und Kriminalitat. Gemeinwohl (Barmen), Jy. 1912. 85. Breckenridge, S. P. The Child in the City. Chicago, 1912, Sch. of Civics & Philan. pp. 502. 86. and Abbott, E. The Delinquent Child and the Home N. Y. 1912, Char. Publ. Commit, pp. 355. 10 CRAFTS 87. Brewster, Edwin F. A Scientific Study of Fools. Mc- Clure's Mag. Jy. I9u. 88. Briand, M. & Salomon, ]. loonoclastes, justiciers. protes- taires et mystique. Bull, cle la Soc. clin. de. med. ment. 1914, VII: 154. 89. Utilisation d'un debile delirent pour commettre des escroqueries. Bull, de la Soc. clin, de med. ment. 1913, VI: 214. 90. Briand & Vinchon. Utilisation de deux debiles pour com- mettre des escroqueries at des tentatives de chantage dans les milieux religieux. Hull, de la Soc. clin. de med. m.cnt. 1913. VI : 14. <)i. Bridgman, Olga. Juvenile Delinquency and Feeblemind- edness. Inst. Ouar. June 1914, V-2: 164-167. ()2. - Mental Deficiency and Delinquency. J. Am. Med. Assoc. Aug. 1913, LXT-7: 471. Survey, June 13, 1914, XXXII-u: 302. 93. Bronner, Augusta F. A Comparative Study of the Intel- ligence of Delinquent Girls. Teachers' College, Colum- bia Univ. N. Y. 1914. pp. 95. 94. - A Research on the Proportion of Mental Defectives Among Delinquents. J. Crim. Law & Crim. Nov. 1914. V- 4 : 561-568. V5- Brooking, Lucy M. We Pay. Pub. Health J. Apr. 1914. IV-4: 212-218. 96. Bruce, H. V. Moral Degeneracy. J. Psycho-As. Sept. 1909-June 1910, XIV- 1-4: 39-47. 97. Bruner, F. G. Abnormal Children their Classification and Instruction. X. E. A. 1909: 350-355. 98. Brunet. . L'idiotie morale, etc.. et sa frequence dans la descendance des alienes. Rev. de Psychiat. 1900. 99. Buder, Theodore. Psychiatrische Untersuchungen von Fursorgezoglingen. Wiirttemb. mod. Korrespbl. 1913, No. 39- loo. Bullard. Wm. N. The Placing Out of High-Grade Imbe- cile Girls. Boston Med. & Surg. J. June 17, 1909, CLX: 776. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS n 101. State Care of High-Grade Imbecile Girls. N. C. C. & C. 1910: 299-303. 102. Burnet, Anne. A Study of Delinquent Girls. Inst. Quar. June 1912, 1 1 1-2: 47-53. 103. Butler, Amos W. Science, Sept. 20, 1900, XIV: 351. 104. The Burden of Feeblemindedness. N. C. C. & C. 1907: i-io. Ind. Bull. C. & C. Sept. 1911, LXXXVI: 297-308. 104-3.. A Family in One Neighborhood. Indianapolis, Ind. IU1. State Chars. Ind. Bull. C. & C. Mar. 1915: 66-67. 105. - The Feebleminded; the Need of Research. N. C. C. & C. 42nd Meeting, No. 37. 106. A Notable Factor of Social Degeneracy. Proc. Am. Assoc. for the Advancement of Sci. 1901. 107. Biittner, G. Ausschuss zum Rechtsschutze fur die geistig Minderwertigen. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1909, III-i: 14-18. 108. Bestrebungen zum Schutze geistig Minderwertiger in der deutschen Rechtspflege und ihr Erfolg. Eos, Apr. 1913, IX-2: 102-106. 109. Fiirsorgebestrebungen fur entlassene Hilfssthiiler. Eos, Jan. 1913, IX-i : 22-34. 1 10. Von der geistig Minderwertigen in der Rechtspflege. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1909, III-4: 347-352. in. Moralisch-schwachsinniger Kinder. Gesundh. d. Sch. 1907, V: 52-57. Eos, Jy. 1912, VIII-3: 176-181. 112. Ueber das "Neben die Schule gehen" das "Schul- schwanzen" mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Wan- dertriebes. Eos, Oct. 1913, IX-4: 298-305. 113. Vom Schutz der geistig Minderwertiger in der Rech- tspflege. Gesundhw. VII-n. 114. Schwachbegabte an hoheren Schulen. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. jug. Schw. 1909, III-2: 187-196. Eos, Apr. 1912, VIII-2: 128-137. 115. - Schwere Sorgenkinder fur Schule und Haus. Ge- sundhw. 1905, No. 12. 116. Cada, F. Der Arzt und Schulen fur Schwachsinnige. Rev. IB CRAFTS v. neuropsychopath. 1914, XI : 89. 117. Carrie, W. Geistig Minderwertige und Militardienst. Hilfssch. Jan. 1910, IIl-i: 15-17. Jy. 1910, III-7: 181-183. 118. - Die Hilfsschule fiir Schwachbefahigte im Dienste der Strafrechtspflege. Pad. Ref. 1908, No. 9. 1 19. Die Minderwertigen zum neuen deutschen Strafge- setzbuch. Hilfssch. Oct. 1911, IV-io: 267-271. 1 20. Minderwertigen im Vorentvvurf zum neuen deutschen Strafgesetzbuch. Hilfssch. Sept. 1910, III-9: 238-242. 121. Die psychopathische Minderwertigen in der Straf- rechtspflege. Zt. f. Kinderf. Nov. 1910, XV-2: 33-40. 122. Carrington, Chas. V. Hereditary Criminals. Vt. Med. Semi-M. Apr. 8, 1910. 123. - Hereditary Criminals the One Sure Cure. Read before the Tri-State Med. Soc. Richmond. Va. Feb. 15, 1910. (932 Park Ave. Richmond). 124. Carson, J. C. A Case of Moral Insanity. Proc. Assoc. Med. Officers 1876-1886: 407-412. 125. - - (chmn). Prevention of Feeblemindeness from a Moral and Legal Standpoint. ( rep. of commit.) N. C. C. & C. 1898: 294-303. 126. Chadwick, Mara L. Pratt. The Wayward Girl. New Eng. Med. Gaz. May 1913: 261-269. 127. Chadwick, R. B. Mental Defectives in Alberta. Pub. Health T. Apr. 1914. V-4: 220-222. 128. Champneys, F. H. A. Mentally Defective in Prison. Brit. Med. J. Jy. 1908: 54-55. 129. Channing, Walter (on stigmata of degeneration). Medical Expert Testimony in the Kelly Murder Trial. Am. J. In- san. 1898. 130. - The Mental Status of Czolgosz. Am. J. Insan. 1898. 130-3. Chappie, W. A. The Fertility of the Unfit. Melbourne & London, 1903. 131. Cheney, Frances E. Mentally Defective Children in a Public School. J. Ed. Sept. 24. 1903. LVIIT: 208-209. 132. Chlup, Ottokar. Mravni nemoci detstvi. Nachod. 1908. P.. Nadistinv. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 13 133. Christian, F. L. The Defective Delinquent. Albany Med. Ann. May 1913, XXXIV-5: 326. 134. - Ziegler, L. M. and others. Mental Defectives Among Delinquents (with discussion). 6th Rep. Proc. of Confs. N. Y. State Prob. Commis. 1912: 208-222. Albany, 1913, J. B. Lyon Co. 135. Cimbal, . Klinische Grundlagen bei der Beurteilung psychopathologischer Kinder. Berl. klin. Wchns. 1913. 136. Claparede, Ed. La protection des degeneres et Teu- genique. Geneva, Apr. 14, 1913, Albert Kiindig. 137. Clark, . Heredity and Crime in Epileptic Criminals. Praunn, 1880. 138. Clark, M. L. Arena, X: 790. 139. Clark, Walter. Prostitution and Mental Deficiency. Soc. Hyg. June 1915, 1-3: 364-387- 140. Clerk, . Enquete sur 1'etat d'arrieration des elves dans les ecoles primaires du canton de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. Ann. Ped. Jan. 1913, IV-2 : 34-47. 141. Coll, J. E. El caso Godino. Arch, de Psiqu. y Crim. 1913, XII: 643. 142. Conk i: -i, W. J. The Mating of the Unfit A Study in Eu- genics. Read before the Saturday Club, Dayton, Ohio, 1912. 143. Cook. Abner H. The Innocent Criminal. South. Med. J. Sept. 1914, VIT-io: 717-723. Proc. Ark. State Conf. C. & C. 1914:69-79. 144. . Safeguarding Society from the Unfit. South. Med. J. Dec. 1910. 145. Coriat, I. H. Mental Conditions of Juvenile Delinquents. Psychol. Clin. Oct. 1907, 1-5: 125-137. 146. Cornman, O. P. & others. Rep. of Commit, on Backward Children. Inves. Dec. 1910. Phil. 1911, Bd. of Pub. Ed. Walther Printing House. 147. Cost, . See Reps. Comm. Educ. 148. Coulter, E. K. A Child-Saving Station. How Economy and Humanity May be Promoted by the State in its Care 14 CRAFTS of Defective Juvenile Lawbreakers. Outlook, 1911, XCVII : 361-367. 149. Mentally Defective Delinquents and the Law. N. C. C. & C. 1911:68-70. 150. Courgey, . Recherche et classement des anormaux: en- quete sur les enfants des ecoles de la ville d'lvry-sur- Seine. Internal. Arch. f. Schhyg. (Leipsic) 1908, IV: 395-418. 151. Cramer, . Klin. Jahrb. 1907. 152. - Bericht an das Landesdirektorium in Hannover iiber die Ergebnisse der psychiatr.-neuTol. Untersttchungen der Fiirsorgezolinge. Klin. Jahrb. 1910. 153. Bericht an das Landesdirektorium in Hannover iiber die psychiatr. neurol, Utnersuchungen der schuleutlas- senen Fiirsorgezoglinge. Zt. f. Psychiat. 1910. 154. Gerichliche Psychiatric, ein Leitfaden fur Mediziner und Juristen. Jena, 1909, Gustav Fischer. 155. Strafrechtliche Behandlung der geistig Minderwerti- gen. Munch, med. Wchns. 1904. 156. Crasemann, E. Berufvormundschaft und die volljahrigen geistig Minderwertigen unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Schutzes der menschlichen Gesellschaft vor den Unsozialen. Monats. f. Krimpsychol. u. Strafrr. n: 465. 157. Crime, . J. Crim. Law & Crim. May 1915. VT-i : 111-114. 158. London, 1913. Judic. Statis. England & Wales, Part I, Crim. Statis. p. 9. 159. London, 1913, Judic. Statis. Ireland, Part I, Crim. Statis. XIX. 160. Paris. 1912, Comtpte General de 1'administration de la justice crim. XVI. 161. - Report of H. M. Commis. on Crime. 162. Report Ind. State Pris. 1913, p. 34. 163. - 66th Ann. Rep. N. Y. Pris. Assoc. Albany, 1911, J. B. Lyon Co. 164. Crime and Criminals. Los Angeles. 1910, Prison Reform League. 165. Defectives and Criminals in Massachusetts. (Re- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 15 view) J. Crim. Law & Crim. Sept. 1911, II-3: 404-406. 166. Estimated Number of Feebleminded Persons in State Reformatories and Industrial Schools. Tr. Sch. Bull. Mar. 1912, IX-i : &-io. 167. Facts Showing the Vital Need of a State Custodial Asylum for Feebleminded Male Delinquents. N. Y. Pris. Assoc. Mar. 1912. 168. Mental Defects and Delinquency, by Henry H. God- dard, Frank Moore, Wm. Healy, E. K. Coulter. N. C. C. & C. 1911: 59-70. i68-a. The Treatment of the Offender. (See chap. IV & pp. 47-51, 71-72) Albany, 1911, 67th Ann. Rep. N. Y. Pris. Assoc. pp. 228. 169. (Arson) Munch. Jahresubersichte, Miinchen, 1913*. 67- 170. (Arson) The Feebleminded Incendiary or Pyroma- niac. Outlook. 171. (Arson) Fire Fiends. Outlook, Oct. 28, 1911. 172. Cron, . Moralisch Schwachsinnige in den offentlichen Schulen. Ber. I. internat. Kong. f. Schhyg. 1904, III : 95. 173. Crowiey, R. H. Defective Children in the New York Schools. Survey, 1911, XXVI: 168-170. 174. Cubberly, B. P. (director) Rep. of a Survey of the School System of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1915, pp. 324. 175. Darwin, L. The Habitual Criminal. Eug. Rev. Oct. 1914, VI-3: 204-218. 176. Das Wesen der Eugenic Education. Eos, Apr. 1913, IX-2: 81-93. 177. Darwin, M. L. Feeblemindedness in its Racial Aspects. Child-Study, Nov. 1915, VIII-7: 121-124. 178. Davenport, Charles B. Eugenics and Charity. N. C. C. & C. 1912: 280-282. 170. The Family History Book. Bull. Eug. Rec. Office, No. 7. 180. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics, (pp. 65-72, 257- 259) N. Y. 1911, Henry Holt & Co. pp. 298. 181. The Importance of Heredity to the State, (with dis- 6 CRAFTS cussion) Ouar. Minn. Kd. Philan. Corr. & Penal Insts. Nov. 1912, XII-2. 182. The Xams The Feebleminded as Country Dwellers. Survey, Mar. 1912, XXVII-22: 1844-1845. 183. - State Laws Limiting Marriage Selection (examined in the light of Eugenics). Hull. Eug. Rec. Office, No. 9. 184. - & Danielson, Florence H. The Hill Folk. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., X. Y. Aug. 1912, Eug. Rec. Office, Memoir No. I. pp. 56. 185. - & Estabrook, A. H. The Nam Family a Study in Cacogenics. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y. Aug. 1912, Eug. Rec. Office, pp. 85. 186. Davis, Katherine B. The Duty of the State to Its Delin- quent Women. Inst. Ouar. Mar. 1914, V-i : 115-118. 187. - Feebleminded Women in Reformatory Institutions. Survey, Mar. 1912, XXVII-22: 1849-1851. 1 88. Dawson, . The Irish Recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble- minded. Dublin, J. Med. Sci. May 1909: 330. 189. Dawson, Wm. J. G. Care of Feebleminded as a Preven- tive of Crime. X. C. C. & C. 1905 : 529-530. 190. Dean, Maria M. The Responsibility of the General Prac- titioner to the Question of Mental Deficiency. New Eng. Med. 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Sept.- Oct. 1909, 7-8: 82-98, 98-106. Med. Mag. Dec. 1911: 86. Econ. Rev. Jy. 1903. 199. The Feebleminded; how to Prevent their Evil Ef- fect upon the Moral and Physical Weil-Being of the Race. Trans. 2nd Cong. Internat. d'Hyg. Scol. 1907, II : 725. 200. Importance of Permanence in the Care of the Feeble- minded. Ed. Rev. Sept. 1899, I: 574-580. 201. Problem of the Feebleminded. Manchester Statis. Soc. Mar. 1908. 202. DeSanctis, Sante. II Problema dei Fanciulli Anormali. Milano. 1913, Crit. Med. n. 13, Stabilimento Tipografico dell Unione Cooperativa. 203. Devine, E. T. The Subject of Crime. Survey, Jan. 31, 1914, XXXI : 417-418. 204. Devon, J. The Criminal and the Community. London, 1911, John Lane. 205. Dickinson, W. H. Responsibility of the State for the Fee- bleminded. Nat. Assoc. for Promoting the Welfare of the Feebleminded, 1904, pp. 34. 206. Dietrich, John. Sub-normal Children. J. Ed. Mar. 14, 1907, LXV: 291-292. 207. Diller, Theodore. The Menace to the Public of Feeble- minded Persons Outside Institutions. Cleveland Med. T. June 1912, XL-6: 420. 208. Some Practical Problems Relating to the Feeble- minded. J. Psycho-As. Sept. 1911, XVI-i : 20-25. 209. Doll, E. A. Supplementary Analysis of Hickman's Study of Delinquents. Tr. Sch. Bull. Jan. 1915, XI-9: 165-168. 210. Donklin, H. S. The Feebleminded Criminal. Birmingham (Eng.) Ed. Commit. 211. Doren, G. A. & others. Our Defective Classes; How to 18 CRAFTS Care for them and Prevent their Increase. Columbus 1899, Westcote, pp. 48. 212. Dosai-Revessz, M. Experimentale Beitrage zur Psychol- ogic der moralisch verkommen Kinder. Zt. f. angew Psychol. 1911. 213. - Moral Insanity im Kindesalter. ist Cong. Internal. de Ped. Bruxelles, Aug. 1911: 256-259, Libraire Misch & Thron, 1912. 214. Douglas, A. R. The Ament His Position in the Commu- nity and his Influence on the Future of the Race. Prac- titioner, Feb. 1911: 310. 215. Some Suggestions Respecting the Case of the Feeble- minded under the Mental Deficiency Act. J. Ment. Sci. 1913, LIX : 487. Ji6. Down x R. Langdon. The Mental Deficiency Bill. Eug. Rev. Jy. 1913: 166. 217. Dratisch, . Der geistig Minderwertige in der Armee und dessen Beurteilung. Wien, 1907, J. Safar. 218. Dressier, . Ungezogheiten geistig schwacher Kinder. Hilfssch. June 1910, III-6: 141-150. 219. Dreury, Wm. F. The Mental Defective. Va. Med. Semi- M. Jan. 1912. 220. Dugdale, R. L. Hereditary Pauperism, the Juke Family. N. C. C. & C. 1877: 81. 221. The Jukes a Study in Crime. Pauperism, Disease and Heredity also further studies of criminals. N. Y. 1900. G. P. Putnam's Sons, pp. 120. 222. Dumaz, J. L'incendiares, en Savoy au point de vue medi- co-legal. Ann. Med.-psychol. 1894, XX: 381. 223. Dupre, Abodie & Gelma. Las faux policiers mythomanes. Rev. de med. leg. 1913, XX: 206. 224. Eastman, Frederic C. & Rosanoff, A. J. Association in Fee- bleminded and Delinquent Children. Am. J. Insan. Jy. 1912, LXIX-i: 125. 225. Economic Problem, Unfruchtbarmachung sozial Minder- wertiger. Monats. Krimpsychol. u. Strafrr. V. : 11-12. 226. Edson, Andrew W. How far Should the Public School BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 19 System Care for the Feebleminded? Bull. Am. Acad. Med. Aug. 1912, XIII: 185-192. 227. - The Problem of the Backward Child. Sch. J. 1906, LXXIII : 60-62. 228. Education, Departmental Report on Defective and Epi- leptic Children. See Vol. I. Report (C. 8746), Vol. II, Evidence, Appendices, & (C. 8747). London, 1898, Wy- man & Sons. 229. Symposium on Mentally Defective Children Held by the Phil. Pediatric Society. J. Am. Med. Assoc. Apr. 16, 1910. 230. Exceptional Children in the Public Schools of New Orleans. New Orleans, 1913, Commit. Rep. Pub. Sch. Alliance. 231. Eliot, C. W. Suppressing Moral Defectives. J. Ed. Bos- ton, Aug. 24, 1911: 175-176. 232. Emerick, E. J. The Defective Delinquent in Ohio. J. Psy- co-As. Sept. 1914, XIX-i : 19-22. 233. The Segregation of the Defective Classes. N. E. A. 1912: 1290-1296. 234. Engelen, O. Behandlung der sogenannten vermindert Zu- rechnungsfahigen. Jur.-Psychiat. Grenzfr. 1913, IX-i. 235. Epoulard, . Vampirisme, necrophilie, necrosadisme, ne- crophagie. These de Lyon, 1902. 236. Esten, R. A. Backward Children in the Public Schools. J. Psycho-As. Sept. 1900. V-i : 10-15. 237. Eugenics. Problems in Eugenics. Papers commun. to the ist Eug. Congr. London, 1912: 464. 2 38. 3rd Ann. Rep. Va. State Bd. C. & C. 239. The Binswanger Family. 240. Case of a Virginia Family. Tr. Sch. Bull. May, 1913, X^ 3 : 47-48. 241. The Poellman Family. 242. Propagation of the Unfit. Inst. Quar. Aug. 1910: 34-37- 243. Eulenberg, Schiilerselbstmorde. 244. Evans, E. G. & Dewson, M. W. Feeblemindedness and ao CRAFTS Juvenile Delinquency. Charities, May, 1908, XX: 183- 191. I4th Ann. Rep. Lyman Indus. Schs. 1908: 11-27. Boston, Wright & Potter Printing Co. 1909. 245. Eynon, Wm. G. The Mental Measurement of Four Hun- dred Juvenile Delinquents by the Binet-Simon System. X. Y. Med. J. Jy. 26, 1913, XCVIII : 175. 246. Falciola, M. Sul trattamento dei criminali alienati e semi- folli. Ann. di Freniat. Dec. 1911, XXI: 341. 247. Farwell, J. E. The Feebleminded and Crime. Pub. Health J. Apr. 1914, V-4: 236-237. 248. Feebleminded. See X. C. C. & C. discussions and debates. 249. - 3rd Ann. Rep. Bd. of Managers of Letchworth Vil- lage, 1912: 16-19. Albany N. Y. 1912, Argus Co. pp. 37. 250. - Rep. of the Commis. to Investigate the Increase of Criminals, Mental Defectives. Epileptics and Degener- ates. Boston, Jan. 1911, Wright & Potter Printing Co. pp. 50. 251. - Rep. of Commis. on the Segregation, Care and Treat- ment of Feebleminded and Epileptic Persons in the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, 1913. 252. ---- Rep. Federal Children's Bur. on Feeblemindedness. 253. - Rep. Mich. Commis. to Investigate the Extent of Feblemindedness, Epilepsy and Insanity, (see Chap. IT). 254. - ist Rep. X. C. Sch. for the Feebleminded. 1911-1912: 30-43. Raleigh, 1912. Edwards S. Braughton Printing Co. pp. 51. 255. - Rep. of the Proc. of the Mental Deficiency Section, Xat. Conf. on the Prevention of Destitution. London, 1911. P. S. King & Son. 256. - Rep. of the Royal Commis. on the Care and Control of the Feebleminded. London, 1908, Wyman & Sons, 8 vols. 2 57- ~ ^3rd Rep. Trustees of the Mass. Sch. for the Fee- bleminded, 1910: 17-19. Boston. 1910, Wright & Potter Printing Co. Pub. Doc. No. 28. pp. 49. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 258. - 4th Ann. Rep. Va. State. Bd. C. & C 1912: 21-36 Richmond, Va. 1913, Supt. Pub. Printing. 259. The Menace of the Feebleminded in Massachusetts Boston, May, 1913, Commit, of the Feebleminded of Mass. S. P. C. C. pp. 18. 260. Mental Defectives in Virginia. Special Rep. State Bd. C. C. 1916, Richmond, 1915, Supt. Pub. Printing, PP- 123. 261. - The Problem of the Feebleminded. $th Ann. Rep. Va. State Bd. C. & C. 1913: 8-24. 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Mass. 1897. pp. IT. Proc. Assoc. Med. Officers of Am. lusts, for Idiotic etc. Persons, 1897. Ed. 1900, XXII: 314. 614. Moore, Anna. The Feebleminded in N*ew York. N. Y. 1911. Publ. Ed. Assoc. of N. Y. 615. Moore, Frank- nth Ann. Rep. N. J. Reformatory, 1911: 17. Rahway, N. J. N. J. Reformatory Print. 616. - Mending Immoral Morons. Read at the Nat. Pris. Cong. Omaha. Neb. Oct. 14. 1911. Rahway, N. J. N. J. Reformatory Print. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 45 617. Mentally Defective Delinquents. N. C. C. & C. 1911 : 65-68. 618. - (chmn). Report of a Committee on Reformatory Work and Parole. Rahway, N. J. N. J. Reformatory. 619. Morel, . Die Niotwendigkeit eines psychiatrischen Dienstes in den Gefangnissen und Besserungsanstalten. Zt. f. Kinderf. 1897. 620. Morrison, . Jugendliche Uebeltater. Leipzig, 1899. 621. Morrison, W. Douglas. Juvenile Offenders. (See Chap. VI). New York, 1900, D. Appleton & Co. pp. 317. 622. Morrow, Louise & Bridgeman, Olga. Delinquent Girls Tested by the Binet Scale. Tr. Sch. Bull, May, 1912, IX- 3 : 33-36. 623. Mosby, T. S. Causes and Cures of Crime. St. Louis, 1913, Mosby Co. pp. 354. 624. Moses, Julius. Artzliches zur zwangs- (fiirsorge) Etzie- hung der verwahrlosten und kriminellen Jugend. Zt f. Schgesundhpf, Feb. 1914, XXVII-2: 161-173. 625. Moses, . Beitrage zur Kriminalpsychologie und Krim- inalpadagogik. Arch. f. Pad. 1912, Part 2, I-i, Leipzig, Friedr. Brandstetter. 626. Muder, . Psychopathische Minderwertigkeiten in der Volksschule. Miinchen, 1903, Ernst Reinhardt. 627. Mulhall, Edith F. Crime and Mental Deficiency. Tr. Sch. Bull. Oct. 1913, X-6: 86-87. 628. Muller, P. G. Wie viele Schwachbefahigte werden alljahr- lich aus den Schu-len entlassen und wie viele sind der Fursorge bediirftig? Hilfssch. Jy. 1913, VI-7: 196-200. 629. Muller-Schurch, E. H. Vom Wandertrieb. Zt. f. d. Erf. u. Beh. d. Jug. Schw. 1912, V-6: 494-511. 630. Mundie, G. S. The Mentally Defective. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 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Sur la necessite et sur les moyens d'empecher la reproduction des hommes les plus degen- eres. Conf. Internat. d'Anthr. Crim. Compte rendu. Sept. 1901 : 339-343- 956. Zuzuk, H. Militararzt, Militardienst. und Geistesstorung. Beilage z. Wchns. Wien, med. Wien. 1906. INDEX. Accidents. 66. Alcoholism. 83, 184, 185, 221, 256, 260, 262, 263, 298, 308, 316, 465-3, 509, 549, 6?7 876. Cases. 465-0. Crime. General. 10, 23, 38, 62, 66, 71, 76. 80. 84, no. 121-123, 128. 133. 134, 143. 157-167, i68-a. 184, 185, 189, 203, 204, 210, 221, 231. 233, 246, 247. 249, 250. 256, 260, 262, 269, 274, 275, 282, 285. 290. 298. 308, 309, 316. 317, 321. 326, 337, 340, 365, 375, 377, 378, 383. 389, 406. 430, 453- 459- 465-a. 470- 471- 479. 493- 495- 54. 507. 509, 522, 525. 525-3. 530, 531. 536, 537. 539. 540. 542. 543. 548.549- 571.574,577.579. 595-597- 600. 602. 614, 615, 618, 619, 623, 627, 631. 635. 647-3. 659-3. 665. 672.678,682-684,693.696. 717. 721-723. 729. 733-a,734. 780, 792, 817, 821, 822. 829, 845 846, 850. 859, 863. 863-3, 868, 871, 872. 888. 900, 902. 903. 908. 912. 915,932,941,944,947. Criminsl Cases. 15. 78, 88-90. 129. 130, 169-171. 223, 260, 265, 3<>4, 337, 375, 405. 412. 415, 424. 452. 464, 465-3, 481. 614, 641. 645. 648. 663, 680. 682. 733, 733-a, 756, 763, 784, 866-3, 876, 946. Mental Tests of Criminals. Rinet Tests. 304, 341, 375. 421, 616, 617, 664. 682, 809. 813, 932. Other Tests. 18, 256, 265, 375, 380, 602. 733-3, 809. 814. 932. BIBLIOGRAPHYiOF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 69 Recidivism. 175, 256, 260, 266, 337, 456, 525,614,812,716, 846, 853. Cases. 265, 474, 614. Binet Tests of Recidivists. 79, 256. Cost. 2, 4, 32, 147, 184, 185, 221, 259-261, 366, 377, 462, 465-3, 543, 550, 577, 585, 588, 614, 699, 752, 775. Divorce. 66. Economic Problems. 77, 109, 138, 178, 184, 185, 221, 225, 255, 256, 260, 262, 298, 308, 314, 316, 338, 343, 407,465-3, 547, 614, 628, 648, 668, 673, 675, 676, 689, 710, 758, 761, 803, 833, 876, 878, 925, 942, 954. Case Studies. 194, 419, 465-3, 513, 614. Pauperism. 55, 184, 185, 220, 221, 256, 258, 260, 261, 308, 361, 465-3, 471, 543, 585, 588, 614, 673^676, 842-3, 843, 876, 913, 947. Case Studies. 260, 465-3. Binet Tests of Paupers. 260, 843. Vagrancy. 74, 75, 192, 439, 557, 818, 876. Education. 2, 12, 24, 30, 42, 51-53, 58, 60, 64, 72, 73, 82, 97, 114, 115, 131, 150, 172-174, 195, 197, 202, 218, 226-230, 252, 256, 270, 286, 287, 289, 323, 327, 330, 346-348, 369, 372, 389, 395, 397, 402, 403, 43i, 437, 4^5-3, 473, 508. 510-512, 516, 519, 524, 532, 543, 544, 546, 547, 553, 563, 565, 567, 577, 582-584, 59 1 , 601, 611, 613, 614, 626, 670, 671, 685, 697, 698, 732, 735, 737, 738, 757, 766, 772, 774, 810, 812, 839, 843, 844, 863, 879, 881, 882, 889, 890, 910, 911, 918, 929, 940, 950, 952. Case Studies. 146, 402, 403, 463, 465-3, 529, 614, 910, 947. Special Classes, n, 53, 69, 116, 206, 236, 256, 264, 270, 323, 330, 385, 394, 402, 437, 5o8, 548, 5?8, 730, 890. Epilepsy (and Crime). 26, 137, 374, 377, 575, 706, 709, 826, 827, 896. Cases. 145, 575, 798, 893. Eugenics Problems. 28, 35, 37, 54, 98, 104, 106, 122, 123, 125, 130-3, 136-138, 143, 176-178, 180, 181, 183-185, 199, 208, 211, 214, 221, 237, 238, 242, 256, 260, 262, 281, 282, 298, 33, 305, 308, 311, 316, 329, 335, 362, 363, 368, 70 CRAFTS 417, 419, 427, 435, 457, 4 6s-a, 475, 476, 481, 482, 489, 538. 545. 549, 556, 570, 572, 587- 604, 639, 644, 664, 668, 699, 713, 724, 733, 749, 752, 799, 801, 815, 817, 820, 841, 850, 868, 874-878, 892, 905, 927, 932, 935. 943, 947. 955- Family Records and Studies, and Heredity Charts. 22, 41, 55, 8x, 103, I04-a, 142, 167, 179-182, 184, 185, 220, 221, 233. 239-241, 258. 260, 301, 306-308, 312, 313. 316, 317, 319, 439, 457, 465-3, 477, 478, 542, 548. 585* 586, 588, 614, 744, 826, 891, 928, 929-3, 938. Immigration. 550, 614, 936. Infant Mortality. 256, 315. Juvenile Delinquency. General. 3, 6, 8, 9, 23, 43, 57, 58, 85, 86, 96, 99, 102, 1 18, 127, 132, 135, 148, 149, 154, 166, 168, 184, 191, 193. 196, 2O2, 222, 228, 229, 244, 256, 269, 272, 273, 284, 293, 301, 342, 349, 351-3, 352, 353, 357, 359, 360. 373 375-377. 386, 390, 391, 407, 408, 413, 430, 440- 446, 449, 465, 473, 484, 488, 514, 515, 527, 528, 539. 547- 549. 550, 558, 559. 562, 565, 566, 569, 586, 598. 599,610,612,614,619-620,624,625, 646, 647, 662, 672-3. 709, 710, 727, 742, 743, 762, 765-767, 770, 771, 779. 847, 849, 855, 857, 863-3. 867, 869, 870, 873, 877. 880, 881, 884, 885, 896, 897. 899, 922-924. 929-3. 930, 947, 952, 953- Juveni'e Cases. 16, 23, ..-5, 145. 259, 260, 265, 302, 304, 35i-a, 375, 387. 402, 429. 474- 480, 496, 502, 541, 588. 614, 672-3, 7i5-a. 762, 806, 816. 826, 876. 898. 910. Mental Tests of Juvenile Delinquents. Binet Tests. 7, 68, 94, 209, 232, 245, 260, 261, 299, 322, 356, 358. 399-400, 401, 420, 496, 690, 708, 842-3, 843. 851, 909. 932- Other Tests. 65, 151-153. 224, 256. 265, 358, 375, 379. 404, 486, 503, 506, 560, 561, 564, 607, 608, 711, 720. 769. 776, 862, 865, 909, 929-3, 930-931, 932. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 71 Juvenile Vagrancy. 112, 766, 838. Cases. 629, 790. Legal Problems. 19, 23, 25, 32, 61, 76, 107, 108, no, 113, 119- 121, 155, 215, 231, 275, 384, 408, 447, 448 450, 466. 468, 485, 489, 500, 504, 520-522, 526, 542, 547, 549, 553, 574, 594, 649, 691, 692, 727, 747, 759, 770. 772, 773, 777. 778, 780, 781, 786, 828, 866, 906, 907, 915, 922, 943, 953. Legal Responsibility. 234, 304, 377, 416, 464, 470, 479, 533.. 597, 62 3, 665, 681, 76, 719, 872, 876, 912. Cases. 38, 304. Laws. 183, 188, 216 251, 339, 357, 364, 525, 907. Military Problems (feebleminded in the army). 47, 76, 107, 109, 217, 297, 338, 393, 407, 451, 467, 492, 535, 576, 590, 592. 593, 603, 603-3, 609, 612, 638, 753, 754, 782, 783, 785, 788, 834-837, 883, 920, 956. Case Studies. 117,669. Mental Tests. 916. War. Feebleminded in. 451, 768. Moral Imbecility. 12. 57, 61, 63, 98, 172. 212, 213, 269, 276, 285, 292- 354- 396-398, 411, 460, 497, 534, 555, 558, 632, 636. 637. 694, 698, 750, 753, 787, 802, 805 816, 830, 859. 860. 864. 876, 904. 921, 928, 934, 940, 951. Case Studies. 33, 34, 38, 96. in, 124, 145, 157, 269, 294. 410. 586. 753, 861, 921. Number of the Feebleminded. 2, 20. 32. no. 125. 142, 166, 208, 250, 253, 256, 262, 279. 280, 300, 331. 366, 370, 382, 423. 436. 457-459- 461. 465-a, 4/1. 494- 499, 55> 59, 513, 523. 542. 550, 572. 587, 602. 614, 628. 642-643. 654. 655, 735- 789. 798. 843, 868. 875, 876, 877. 947, 948. Number in School, i, 140. 146, 174. 261. 288, 323, 327, 328, 355, 402, 409, 434, 465-3. 499, 508. 543, 548, 578, 642, 656. 658, 659, 661. 677. 695, 697. 700. 807, 831, 832. 842-3, 843, 947. Number at Large, no, 256, 259, 261, 409. 434. 465-3, 543. 545. 642, 653, 657. 677. 823. 842-3, 843. 7 2 CRAFTS Number in Institutions. 13, 259, 261, 366, 462, 651, 652, 657. 699. 771. 842-3, 843. Orphans. 513, 550. l>inet Tests of Orphans. 261, 842-3, 843. Prevention of Feeblemindedness. 2, 32, 44, 56. 76, 125. 180, 199, 211, 2I(). 250. 256, 262, 305, 309, 316, 317, 32C, 365, 382, 435, 458, 489. 499. 549- 5 r >^ 664. 687. 725, 792, 796. 805, 815. 876. 943, 947. Remedies. 3, 21, 260. 278, 308, 323, 325, 366. 382. 402, 417, 437, 465-3, 495. 544. 547. 548, 686. 705. 744, 764. 804. 842-3, {77. 909. Segregation. 5, 36, 186, 189. 200 233. 251, 256, 259, 260. 262, 267, 300. 316. 325. 365. 367, 371. 372, 426, 428, 438-a. 454- 456, 472. 633, 690. 728, 79$. 985, 935. 939. 947- Sterilization. 32. 37. 50. 67. 70, 123, 142. 208, 281, 305, 316, 320, 325. 335. 455, 530. 554, 556. 664. 713, 714, ' 723 755- 8o - 8oi > 90 1 Sex Immorality. General. 18. 85, 93, 96. 100. 101. 154. 167. 184, 185, 221, 241. 244, 259. 269, 295. 308, 316, 366. 337. 421. 438^, 465-3, 477, 482. 483, 585, 614, 639, 640, 761. 831, 840, 858, 939. Cases. 48, 126, 332. 375, 377. 465-3, 5.44. 547. 581, 614, 793. 933- 947- Mental Tests of the Sexually immoral. Binet Tests. 48. 91, 92. 94. 102, 261, 332. 333. 581, 622, 666, 667. 715, 79 2 - 793- Other Tests. 29, 93. 102, 187. 365. 575. 580. 707, 795. } Prostitution. 17. 74, 7"- 93, *39, i"7- l86 - 22I 2 4L 2 6o, 277. 293. 308. 310, 421, 465-3. 550. 575. 605. 614, 661, 679. 704. 705. 726. 739. 824. 825, 892. Case Studies. 580. 581, 614. 842. Mental Tests of Prostitutes. P.inet Tests. 91, i39 260, 332. 487. 580. 581, 666, 701- 703. 824. 825, 017. 932. 947. Other Tests. 03. 139, ^7- 33"- 7/- 82 4- 825, 852. 032. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 73 Illegitimacy. 55, 100-103, 127, 184, 185, 256, 258, 260, 262, 308, 316, 4i8-a, 465-a, 478, 509, 543, 545, 585, 752, 794, 842-3, 843. Case Studies. 190, 259, 260, 513, 589, 614, 639, 876. Sex Perversions. 269, 344, 501, 731, 819, 894. Cases. 296, 501, 660, 887. Sadismus, Cases. 49, 141, 154, 235, 501, 745, 746. Venereal Diseases. 91, 283, 359, 465^, 614, 824, 825, 914. Social Problems in General. 3, 14, 21, 27, 36, 39, 40, 44-46, 59, 87, 95, 104, 105, 125, 127, 144, 156, 190, 198, 201, 205, 207, 211, 214, 219, 248-250, 253, 254, 257, 267, 263, 271, 278. 280, 301, 305, 314, 318, 320, 324, 334, 345^ 363, 371- 381, 388, 389. 392, 403, 4 J 4> 4i8, 422, 425, 430. 432. 433, 438, 461, 469, 477, 490, 491, 498, 517. 518. 542. 544, 546-550, 551-552, 573, 588, 602, 606, 630, 634, 641, 643, 686, 687, 718, 724, 725, 740, 741, 748. 751, 760, 797-799, 808, 811, 823, 856, 875, 878, 886, 911, 919, 926, 937, 945, 950. Rural Problems. 182, 184, 185, 289, 298, 350, 351, 363, 465-a, 477, 842-3. 843. 886. 918. 919. Suicide. 848. juvenile Suicide. 31, 53. 243. 11 3 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. \i I ->'j