570B =^^= 3] 1 S ^^ SS O 1 ^^^=s o I ^^^= z 1 7 ^^=^ 1 9 ^^^^= °° 1 6 ~ 33 I - ■< 1 ^^^^= £ 1 7 ^^^s 5 1 5 j\l %'/A& t#ec4 tV" V ' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES /7ar/s>/r .4 f//0re.JU POEMS. BY A SISTER. Indulge my votive strain, O sweet Humanity! LANGHORNE. £ onto on: Printed for and sold by J. Walsh, Law-st«i(ioner, Inner Temple-lane; J. Hatchaud, Bookseller to her Majesty, 190, Piccadilly ; E. Williams, Bookseller to the Duke iiiid Duchess of York, 1 1, Sti and ; and J. M. Richahij- son, 23, Cornhill, opposite the Royal Exchange, London ; mid by the Booksellers and Libraries of Bristol and Clifton. 1812, Printed by Joyce Gold, Shoe-lane .London. TO THE SUBSCRIBERS. Apologies for the deficiency of Works offered to the Public, appear only to drazo censure on those zcho present zehat they are conscious is too imperfect to meet the eye of the Critic. The Author of the trifles which compose this little Volume, itill not obtrude her feelings on the occasion, but gratefully acknozoledge the generous support zchich has given energy to her exertions, and solace to her sufferings. — What has been written during intervals of pain and depression, she feels assured zcill be received by the feeling mind zcith lenity and candour. — ■ It is unnecessary to inform the Reader, that most of the Poems zcere composed under various impressions during a long illness, zciihout the intention of their appearing before the v Public; but circumstances of a peculiarly inter- esting nature have induced her to submit thctn to the perusal of her friends. 824059 SUBSCRIBERS. A. Lord Viscount Anson, Shuck- borough, 10 copies. Viscountess Anson, Ditto, 10 copies. Honourable T. W. Anson, Ditto. Honourable Miss Anson, Ditto. Honourable Mrs. Anson, Queen Anne Street West. Rev. Charles Anson, Ditto. Rev. Henry Anson, Ditto. Dowager Viscountess Ando- ver, Ditto, 3 copies. Rev. T. Alban, Ludlow, 3 copies. Mrs. Ayscou^h, Charterhouse Square, 6' copies. Mr. Ayscough, Ditto. Miss Ayscough, Ditto. Mrs. Armstrong, Lichfield, S copies. Mr. J. P. Atkinson, Bank, 3 copies. Mr. VV. Allen, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. T. P. Aspcrne, Ditto. Mr. J. Ashton, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Allwood, NewOrmond Street. John Allies, Esq. Bristol, 2 copies Mrs. Aston, Rescote. Miss Aston, Ditto. Mrs. Samuel Ash, Ditto. Miss Atkins, Mile End. Mrs. Appacli, Stamford Hill, 3 copies. Miss Ainge, Brighton. xMiss Charlotte Ainge, Ditto. Miss Axe, Haciney Terrace, 3 copies. Mrs. Axe, St. Thomas's Square, Hackney, 3 co- pies. Anonymous, by Mrs. T. Dunston. Ditto, by Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Agasiz, Finsbury Square, 3 copies. Stephen Adey, Esq. Harpur Street. Mrs. A r mislead, Islington, Mrs, Abbot, Ditto. Dr. Alcock, Selborne. Mrs. Atkinson, Colbrooke Row, Islington. Miss Adams, Hinckley. Mrs. Ansel, Hackney. Mrs. Alleston, Clapton. Mr. H. Attride, Angel Court, 4 copies. ■ Ashby, Esq. Bartholo- mew Lane. — — Allison, Esq. Haberdash- er's Walk, Hoxton,3 copies. Jasper Atkinson, Esq. Cot- tage. Maidenhead. Miss S. Atkinson, Ditto. J. Allfrey, Esq. Miss Andrew, Dalston. Mr. Abram, Child's Place. Miss Attenburrow, Risley, near Derby. Miss M. Attenburrow, Ditto. Miss E. Attenburrow, Ditto. Mrs. Aldred. Mrs. Abercrombie. C. A. Miss Aislebie. Mr. Biggs Andrews. Rev. William Ainger. Dikes Alexander, Esq. Ips- wich 6 copies. Richard D. Alexander, Esq. Ditto. Samuel Alexander,Esq. Ditto, 3 copies. Henry Alexander, Esq. Ditto, 2 copies. Anonymous, Bury. B. S. B. Esq. 3 copies. Mrs. B. 3 copies. Mr. Jonathan Brundrett, Temple, 3 copies. Mr. Richard Barry, Fleet- street, 3 copies. Mr. Best, Warwick Lane. Mr. Edward Brown, Dob Cross Yorkshire. Robert Blasson, Esq. 3 co- pies. Mrs. Bel!. Mr. IJa^seni. Mr. Brown, Chisledon. Mr. Butler, Swindon. Mr. Bathe, Highworth. Mrs. T. Bennet, Lushill. Mrs. C. Bradford, West Leaze. Mr. Richard Buckland,South- amptoii. Til Mrs. Bearing, Putney, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Benyon Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Brantill, Ditto, 3 copies. J. Boult, Esq. Bank, 3 copies. Mr. W. M. Bullock, Ditto. Mr. John Barnet. Ditto. Mr. P. Bouquet, Ditto. Mr. VV. Bridges, Ditto. Mr. VV. Browning, Ditto. Mr. J. Barton, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. G. Bower, Ditto. Mr. T. Boult, Ditto. E. Brooke, Esq. Wargrave, 3 copies. Mrs. Barrow, Piccadilly. J. Bursey,Esq. Lower Thorn- haugli Street. Benjamin Baugh, Esq. Bris- tol, 3 copies. Lieut.-Col. Balfour, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Bn hour, Ditto. Mrs. S. Baker, Ditto. Mr. J. Baker, Leeds. Miss Baker, Bristol. R, Baker, Esq. Ditto, 2 co- pies Miss Beddome, Ditto, 2 co- pies. Mr. Bed loe, Ditto. Miss Bed doe. Ditto. Samuel Birch, Esq. Ditto, S. Birch, Junr. Esq. Waltiam College, Oxford. Mr. G. Booth, Bristol. Rev. J. Bull, Ditto. Mrs. Burgess, Clifton. William Bush, Esq. Bristol. Mrs. Bush, Ditto. John Bush, Esq. Ditto. Robert Barclay, Esq. Miss Barclay. Miss Mary Barclay. David Bevan, Esq. Mrs. Bevan. Miss Bevan. Joseph Beuwell, Esq. Bat- tersea. Mrs. Bemvell, Ditto. Miss Benwell, Ditto. Miss Amelia Benwell, Ditto. Miss Sarah Benwell, Ditto. Miss Harriet Benwell, Ditto. Mr. Joseph Benwell, Ditto. Master Peter Beuwell, Ditto. Miss Bunn, Irome. Mr. Barker, Stourbridge. Miss Bate, Dudley. VV. Bancks, Esq. Brierly, 2 copies. James Bourne, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Miss Bourne, Ditto. Mrs. Bennet, Dudley, 3 co- pies. Miss Bennet, Ditto, 2 co- pies. Mr. J. Bennet, Ditto. Thomas Brettle, Esq. Tiled- house, near Dudley, 3 co» pies. Master Brettlc, Ditto. J. Barrow, Esq. Prior-house, Bristol. A. B. Clifton. Mr. Henry Barry, Bristol. Mrs. Bemict, Clifton, 3 co- pies. Burrows, Esq. Mall, Clifton. Mrs. Boak,Leadcnhall-street, 3 copies. Miss Boak, Ditto, S copies. Miss L. S. Boak, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. Robert Baker, Nicholas Lane, 2 copies. Mrs. Robert Baker, Ditto. Miss S. P. Baker, Ditto. Mrs. Batson, Church-row, Limehouse, 3 copies. Robert Batson, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. Robert Batson, Ditto. Alfred Batson, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. Browne, Stepney, 3 co- pies. Miss Boak, Dulwieh. MissS. Boak, Ditto. Miss M. Boak, Ditto. John Baker, Esq. Lower Grosvenor-strcet; 3 copies Mrs. Bland, Montagu Place. S. B. Miss Bedwell, Islington. Bulkely, Esq. Mr. Joseph Buller, Kings- laud. J. 13. Hackney. Mrs. Burnand, Stoke New ington. Mrs. Lewis Burnnnd, Hang- er's-lane. Mrs. Irving Brock, Christo- pher-street, Finsbury-sq. Miss Brandrith, Waltham- stow. Philip F. Behrends, Esq. Broad-street Buihliugs, 3 copies. Mrs. Barnes, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 3 copies. Mrs. Babington, Alderman- bury, 3 copies. Mrs. Birkbeck, Stamford-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. Butcher, Wandsworth. Mrs. Bannerman, Stamford- hill, S copies. Mrs. Brewster, Clapton. Mr. Brewster. Edward Bacon, Esq. Hack* ney, 3 copies. Mrs. Bacon, Ditto, 3 copies. Miss Bacon, Ditto, 3 copies. Huntley Bacon, Esq. Bishops- gate-street, 3 copies. Mrs. H. Bacon, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. Bell Wimbledon. Mrs. Boddington, Upper IIo- merton, 3 copies. T. Browne, Esq. New Grove, Mile-end, 3 copies. Mrs. Butler, Hackney. Miss Butler, Ditto. Mr.' Barnard, lronmon^er- iatie. i\ Mr. J. Barnet, Ditto. Mr. Join) Banks, Friday street. Mr. John Barnet, St. John- street, 3 copies. Philip Bedvvell, Esq. Ditto, 3 copies. Mr. Bradbury, Friday-street. Mr. Briggs, St. John-street. Mr. Charles Briggs, Ditto. Mr. Butler. Mrs. Baxter, Islington. A. B. by Miss Godfrey. Mr. Burton, Islington. Mrs. Browne, Ditto, 2 co- pies. Mr. Broughton, London. — — Bicknell, Esq. London. Mr. George Buckton, Doc tors' Commons. Miss M. D. Blunt, Chelsea. Miss S. F. A Blunt, Ditto. James Belloncle, Esq. Dais- ton, 6 copies. Mr. Brind, Paternoster-row. .Mr. Peter Beu/eville, Hen- ley on Thames. Mr. Stephen Beuzeville, Spi- tal-fields. Mr. Baron, Lombard- street, 3 copies. James Baverstock, Esq. Al- ton, 3 copies. Mrs. Baker, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs.Blacket Highbury-place, 3 copies. Mrs. J. Biackct, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Benham, Paradise ror, Islington. Mrs. Bowles. Mrs. Sarah Bidwell, Thet- ford. Miss Anne Bidwell, Ditto. L. S. Bidwell, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. L S. Bidwell, Ditto. Mrs. William Bidwell, Nor- wich. Mr. Burt, Ditto, 3 copies. Rev. George Bid. veil, Stan- ton Norfolk. Mrs. George Bidwell, Ditto. Miss Martha Blaiuly, Bath. Mr. Joseph Barratt, Ditto. Mrs. Benson, Clifton. Miss Benson. Ditto, 3 copies. Bray, Esq. Stock Ex- change, 3 copies. Lady Louisa Butler, Hastings. Hon. Miss Burton, Rams- gate. Mr. Burgess, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Burgess, Ditto, 3 copies. Mr. J. O. Burgess, Ditto. Mrs. Burn, Southwood-house, near Ramsgate. Miss Bagnall, Oxford. Miss Brook«, Ditto. Miss Barney, Kirby Beelow- hall, Norfolk. Miss Bagnall, Westwel!- house, Oxfordshire. Miss M. A. Brook-,, Oxford. Mr. Black, York-street Co- vent Garden, 2 copies. Mrs. Bealby, Drury-lane. Essex Bowen, Esq. W. H. Bouteville, Esq. Al- dersgate-strcet, 3 copies. G.Baring,Esq.Clarges-street, 2 copies. Mr. Bangen, Hackney. Mrs. Bowman, Ditto. Mrs. Burrowes, Ditto. Mr. Boote. Mr. Bealby. M. A. B. Stock Exchange. E. Barber, Esq. Ditto. J. BagwilJ, Esq. Ditto. Mr. Joseph Bruce, Sweetings Alley. II. Eorradaile, Esq. Basing- hall-street. Mr. Berry. Mr. Samuel Bikon, Portsca. Mrs. Bean, Camberwell, 2 copies. Mrs. Banbury, 3 copies. Mr. Henry Baynes, Clapton. Mrs. M. "Brodhurst, Mans- field. John Barton, Esq. Tower- street. Mrs. Barton, Ditto. Mr. T. Browne, Bank, 6 co- pies. Early Briscoe. Mrs. Blackwell, Summer- place, May- fair, Mrs. Bridgland, Sheffield. Dr. Bolton, Harlow. Miss Mary Bell, Hull. Miss Barnard, Mitcham. Edward Barnard, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. Barnard, Ditto. Thomas Barnard, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. Bowen, Ditto. Mrs. Broadhurst, Mansfield. Miss E. Broadhurst, Ditto. Mrs. Bolland, Ipswich, 3 co- pies. Edward Bacon, Esq. Ditto. Mrs. Bacon, Ditto. Benjamin Brame, E-q. Ditto. William Batley, Esq. Ditto, 3 copies. Mr. William Brown, Ditto. .Mrs. W. Brown, Ditto. B. Bunn, Esq. Ditto. Miss Barnard. Miss A. Barnard. Miss E. Barnard. Rev. F. II. Barnwell, Bury. C. Bloomfield, Esq. Ditto. Nathaniel Warner Bromley, Esq. Badmondisfield-hall. Mr. J. W. Bromley, Ditto. Miss Bromley, Ditto. Miss Sarah Bromley, Ditto. James Borton, Esq. Bury. Mrs. Borton, Ditto. G. Bulkley, Esq. Foley - place. T. C. Blanckenhagen, Esq; Walthamstow. Mrs. Blanckenhagen, Ditto. Mr. J. C. Blanckenhagen, Ditto. 2 copies Miss E. Blanckenhagen, Ditto. Mr. Randolph Blanckenha- gen, Ditto. Miss Bowles, Dulwicb. T. Baily, Esq. Grays Inn. Mr<. B. Bourdillon,Waltham- stow. Mrs. Borthon, Lay ton. Miss Bulcock, Newbury. Rev. Mr. Best, Ditto. Mr. R. Best, Ditto. Miss Bailcock, D.tto. Mr. Bunny, Ditto. Mr. J. Bunny, Ditto. Miss Bothaui, Ditto. C. Mr. Robert Cottle, Fleet- street. 3 copies. T. W. Clement, Ksq. Grays- Inn, 2 copies. Mr. J. Crook, Skinners-street, 3 copies. Mrs. Crowdy, Swindon Wilts, 2 copies. W.Morse Crowdy ,Esq. Ditto. William Crowdy, Esq. High- worth. Mrs. Crowdy, Ditto. II. Crowdy, Esq. Ditto. Mr. R. W. Crowdy, Faring- don. Mrs. Chadwick, Gloucester. Mr. William Chaplin, South- ampton. Mr. Samuel Chaplin, Ditto. Mr. Caulier, Bank, 3 copies. Air. Croasdell, Cannon-street Road. Mrs. Croasdell, Ditto. Mi=s Croasdell, Ditto, Mr. R Corbould, Bank. Mr.William Christmas, Bank, 3 copies. Mr. A. Clare, Ditto, 3 co- pics. Mr. R. F.Chrke, Ditto. Mr. C. II. Creasy, Peckham. A. C. by Mrs. Kemble. T.T. Campbell, Esq. Arlington- street. Mr. J. Ciark, Ncwington. Mrs. Cook. Mr. Cammeyer, 2 copies. Miss A. M. Cammeyer. Miss S. Cammeyer. Mrs. Gary. Mrs. Crowther, Ilfracomb. Miss Crowther, Ditto. Miss Carless, Hereford. Miss C. Carless, Ditto. Mrs. Carless, Shrewsbury Miss Mary Carless, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. R. Cartwright, Bristol, 2 copies. Richard Colston, Esq. Ditto. Miss Cockin, Ditto. Miss Cox, Ditto, 2 copies. Miss Caddick, Dudley. Mrs. G. Collis, Birmingham. Miss Collis, Stourbridge. Mrs. Cartwright,. Dudley, 3 copies. Miss Cartwright, Ditto, 2 co- pies. Miss M. A.Cartwri^h^Ditto, 2 copies. Her. II. A. Cartwright, Fel- low of Trinity College, Ox- ford, 3 copies. Mr. Cartwright, Surgeon, Dudley, 3 copies. Master Cartwright, Dudley. Cornelius Cartwright, Esq. Frimley, 3 copies. Miss Cartwright, Ditto. Mrs. M. H. Castle, Clifton. Mrs. Carrick, Ditto. Miss Coape, Lay ton, Essex. Miss E. I. Coape, Ditto. Miss Sarah Coape, Ditto. Mr. Cott!e,Bruns\vick-square, Bristol, 3 copies. Miss Cottle, Ditto, 3 copies. Miss A. Cott'e, Ditty, 3 co- pies, Mrs. Church, Clifton. Mrs. Cook, Cutham-house, Bristol, 3 copies. Frederick Cox, Esq. James Court, Esq. Trinity house, 3 copiee. Cresswell, Esq. Chapman, Esq. Cotton, Esq. by Mrs. Itoak, 3 copies. S. Clarke, Walworth Terrace. Miss Clarke, Ditto. Mr. Creighton, 3 copies. Miss Cowley, Stoke Ncwing- ton. Stephen Cattley, Esq. Cam- benvell, 3 copies. H. Cox, Esq. 3 copies. T. Conway, Esq. Somerset street, Portman- square. Chapman, Esq. Curteis, Esq. Miss Collignon, Woodbridge, 2 copies. Mr. John Cherry, Kingsland. W. C. Junr. Kennington. Mr. Caley, Spa Fields. Mrs. Champion, with Mrs. Livie, 3 copies. The Miss Champions, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Cooper, Hammersmith. Mrs. Jas. Cooper, Lavender- hill. Mr. Cooper and family, Pall Mall, 3 copies. Mrs. Cornthwaite, Finslmry- square, 3 copies. Miss Cornthwaite, Ditto, 3 copies. Miss J. Cornthwaite, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Castellain, Stamford- hill, 3 copies. Astley Cooper, Esq. New Broad-street, 6 copies. James Cazcnovc, Esq. Wal- thamstow. Miss Caley, Ditto. Mr. Costellow, Ditto. Mis. Chalmers, Ditto, 3 co- pies. T. Crosse, Esq St. Mildred's- cuurt. xni Mrs. Collingridge, Ditto. Mr. Carless. Mr. Edward Coutts, Friday- street. Charles Cartwright, Esq. Ilampstead, 3 copies. Mrs. John Cartwright, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Harry Cooke, North Crescent, Gowei -street, 3 copies. Mr. Chipchase, Friday-street. Miss Cooke, Essex-street. Mr. Chennel, Great Coram- street. Mr. Cherrington, Islingtoti. Mr. Coxe, Ditto, 3 copies. Mr. C. Corbould, London. Robert Cupper, Esq. Ditto, 2 copies. Mrs. Caaey, Islington. Mr. Charles Charlton, Doc- tors' Commons. Mr. Thomas Charlton, Junr. Ditto. Mr. Cramer, Langbourn- Chambers. Mr. Cliambers, Ironmonger- lane. Thomas Clement, Esq. Alton, 3 copies. Mrs. Clement, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. Henry Clement, Peters- field. Captain Clement, R. N Chawton. Mr. George Cross, Petersfield. Mrs. Cornthwaite, Highbury- place, 3 copies. Mr. Cooper, Ditto, 2 copies. Miss Cooper, Ditto. Mrs. R. Cowie, Highbury- Terrace Rev. T. C. Cowan, Hotwells Bristol. Miss Chapman, Clifton, 3 co pies. J. Y. Cooper, Esq. Lloyds, 6 copies. Lady Conyngham, Ramsgate. General Carleton, Ramsgate. Mrs. Carleton, Ditto. Miss Carleton, Ditto. Miss A. Carleton, Ditto. Mrs. J. Cooper, Burback. Miss Curson, London. Miss C. Curson, Waterperry- house, Oxfordshire. Mr. W. D. Clarke, High- street, Borough. Mr. Cawthorn, Catherine- street. Mrs. Carter, Hackney. James Clehin, Esq. Stock Ex- change. James Clelan, Junr Esq. Ditt'i. John Chaplin, Esq. Ditto. v George Carroll, Esq. Ditto. Henry Cox, Esq. Ditto. Richard Cort, Esq. 3 copies. John Cock, Esq. Throginor- ton-streer, 3 copies. xir Mr. Clark, Lambeth. E. Chater, Esq. Cornhill. MissChatcr, Ditto. Thomas Cother, Esq. ChildV place, 3 copies. Mr. Samuel Cater, St. Paul's Church-yard. Miss Corke, Cowes. Mi>s S. Corke, Ditto. Horatio Claret, Esq. W.Curll, Esq. Bank. Mrs. Cuthbert, at Viscount Anson's. T. W. Coke, Esq. M. P. Holkam Norfolk, 6 copies. Miss Coke, Ditto. S. G. C. 3 copies. John Capel, Esq. Royal Ex- change. Mrs. Cooper, Clapton. Miss Coldham, Nottingham. Miss Cocher, Risley, near Derby. Mr. Cliue. Mrs. Cline. Mrs. Henry Cline. Mrs. Cooke, Donhead Lodge, Wilts. Mrs. Ourlintr. Mrs. J. Curling. Philip James Case, Esq. Bury. John Palmer Cullum, Esq. Ditto. Mr. Robert Cattley, Gloster- street, Queen-square. Mr. W. Cattley, Queenhithe. Mr. Richard Cattley, South- ampton. VV. B. Clarke, Esq. Ipswich, 3 copies. Mrs. Clarke, Ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Cobbold, Ditto, 3 co- pies. Miss M. C. Cobbold, Ditto, Miss Cotton, Newbury. Mr. Conder, Ipswich, 2 co- pies. Mr. J. Conder, Ditto. Miss M. Conder, Ditto. J. C. 3 copies. D. Mr. Wm. Dodd, Fleet-street,. 3 copies. Rev. I. H. Durnsford, Ox- ford. Misses Dutton andSymmons, Swindon. W. Dyke, Esq. Chisledon. Mr. Darby, Shoe-lane, 3 co- pies. Miss Davison, Old Ford. Davidson, Esq. Isling- ton, 3 copies. Mr. Davison, Fleet-street. Mrs. Davison, ditto. Miss Davison, ditto. Mr. R. Dunell, Bank, 2 co- pies. Miss A. Daniel, Falkenham. Miss Dorman, 2 copies. Rev. — Davis, A. M. Tri- nity-college, Cambridge. Richard Hart Davis, Esq. M.P. Clifton, 3 copies. Henry Daniel, Esq. Bristol. Miss Douglas?, ditto. Miss Maria Douglass, ditto. Mrs. J. Dowel, ditto. Peter Dowdiugs, Esq. ditto. Dr. Dyer, ditto. Robert Dyer, Esq. ditto. Rev. VV. Durham, A. M. St. Paul's, 2 copies. Mrs. T. Davies, Dudley. Miss Davies, ditto. Mrs. E. Davies, ditto. Rev. II. Downing, Wire- combe, 1 copies. Mrs. Daniel, Clifton, 3 copies. Mrs. Dyni'jcke, Berkeley- square, Bristol. Miss Deane, Fall mall. Mrs. Du Bois, Church-street, Stoke Newington, 2 copies. Thomas Drane, Esq..Church- row, Limehouse. Mr. Thomas Drane, ditto. Miss Drane, ditto. Mrs. C. Dowson, ditto. Mr. Dunston, Old Broad- street, 3 copies. Mrs. D nuston, ditto. Mr. T. Dunston, ditto. 5 co- pies. Mrs. T. Dunston, ditto, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Digby, Hackney. Dennis De Berdt, Esq. Clap- ton. — — Dearman, Esq. Cham- pion-hill. Mrs. F. Dixon. Joseph Devey, Esq. Batter- sea, 3 copies. Mrs. Devey, ditto, 3 copies. Mr. Devey, Kennington. Mrs. Devey, Walworth. Mr-. Wm. Devey, Clapham, 3 copies. Miss M. Deacon, Eccles, $ copies. J. A. Droop, Esq. Love-lane, East-cheap. Miss Davids. Miss S. Davids. Mr. Davids. Mr. II. Davids. Mr. W. Davids. Mr. R. Davids. Messrs. David and Cum- mings,Cheapsidc, 2 copies. C. D. by Miss Godfrey. Dr. Dodson, Doctors' Com mons. Mr. Davies, Gracechurch- strcet. Mr. Day, Montagu-street. Mr. G." Dollond, St. Paul's Church-yard. Mrs. Dixon, Colebrook-row, Islington. Mrs. Dowling, Asley's-row, Islington. Mr. John Davies, Bath. T. Dawes, Esq. Angcl-court, 3 copies. Rev. J. Dyke, Burbach. Mrs. Dyke, ditto. Mrs. Dawson, Hinckley. Mr. Dawson, High-street, Boroueh. Captain Daly, R.N. Mr. Delegal, Hackney. Mrs. Deshons. Mrs. Downing, Clapton. Mrs. Duppa, ditto. George Dodd, Esq. 2 copies. Mr. George Daniel, Hopkin-- buildings, Islington. Mr. J. H. Daridge, Great Trinity-lane. Mr. Davis. Old Broad-street. Mrs. R. Durrarit, 3 copies. Mrs. G. Durranr, 3 copies. Mrs. Doxai, 3 copies. Mrs. A. Doxat, 3 copies. Mrs. I Doxat, 3 copies Mrs. De Ferre, 3 copies. Dr. Denman, 3 copies. Mr. Denher. 3 cop:es. Miss Dales, Stamford-street. E. R. Edmunds, Esq. Chancery- lane. Thomas Edwards, Esq.Took's Court, 3 copies. Mrs. Edwards, ditto. Mr. Edwards, Liverpool. Rev. T. Edwards, Chester. Mr. W. F. Eld, Bank. Mr. John Edwards, ditto, 3 copies, Mr. Thomas Edgley, Earl- street. Mr. J. Elsey. Mrs. Evans, Castle Green, Bristol, 2 copies. Rev. J. Eden, Bristol. J. Eames, Esq. ditto. Henry Edwards, Esq. Wad- ham-college, Oxford, 2 co- pies. Rev. R. Edwards, St. Paul's School. Miss English, Marlow. Lieutenant Ellis, R.M. Dud- ley. Mr. England, ditto. Rev. John Evans, A. M. Is- lington. Mrs. Evans, ditto. Master John Evans, ditto. Master Hugh Evans, ditto. Master Caleb Evans, ditto. Master George Evans, dit- to. . Mrs. Elliott, Montagu-place. Mrs. Eade, Church-street, Xevvington. Miss Eaton, Clapton, 3 copies. Mrs. Escott, St. Mildred' s- courr. R. E. hy Mrs. Boak. Miss Essex, Strand. Miss M. Essex, ditto. Mr. P. Ellames, Hinckley. Messrs. John Evans, and Co. Cheapside, 3 copies. Mr. Ellis, Bill iter- lane. TT11 Mrs. Eicke, 2 copies. Mrs. George Enderby. Mrs. Enfield, Nottingham. Mrs. Evans. J. Elliott, Esq. Great St. Helen's. Mr. Robert Edlin, Strand. F. Lady Ford, Clifton, 3 copies. Miss Ford, ditto. A Friend, by Mrs. Ayscough. A ditto, by Rev. H. G. Wat- kins, 6 copies. A ditto, by Mr. Blasson, 3 co- pies. A Friend to the unfortunate. Miss Fanners, Swindon. A Friend, by Mrs. Reynolds. Mr. J. Fenn, Bank, 3 copies. Mr. John Fish, ditto. Mr. J. Fothergill, ditto. Mr. J. Fleming, ditto, 3 co- pies. Thomas Fenn, Esq. Mr. \. Fenn. Miss A. Fenn. Lewis Fisher, Esq. Bristol. Mrs. Flood, ditto. Dr. Fox, ditto. Dr. H. H. Fox, ditto. William Friup, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Miss Fereday, Ettingshall- park. Mrs. Fereday, Cotwallend. Miss Foster, Stourbridge. Mrs. Fisher, Clifton. Mrs. Fitzmorris, ditto. Miss M. Fortesque, HotwelTs. Mrs. Frazier, Clifton. Mrs. Fry, ditto. Fifteen Friends, by Mrs. Boak, 15 copies. A Friend, by ditto, 6 copies. Miss Forde, Lincoln's-inu Fields. Mrs. Forbes, Hackney, 3 co- pies. R. Forbes, Esq, Mrs. R. Forbes. Miss Forbes. A Friend, by Mrs. Clarke, 3 copies. Edward Forster, Esq. Wal- thamstovv, 3 copies. Mrs. E. Forster,ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. E. Forster, Jun. Clap- ton, 3 copies. T.'F. Forster, Esq. Clapton, 3 copies. B. M. Forster, Esq. Hackney, 3 copies. L. Forbes, Esq. 3 copies. Joseph Fletcher, Jisq. Iron- monger-lane, 3 copies. Richard Ford, Esq. Smithfieid Bars, 3 copies. W. Fortescue, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. John Fortescue, Esq. Cheap- side, 3 copies. Mr. Fidler, Peckham. Mr. G. Fowler. XV1U T. C F. Hackney. Mrs. Field, Cannonbury- square, Islington. Miss Fontayne, Clifton, 3 co- pies. Thomas Fairthome, Esq Warnford-court, 3 copies. Mr. Samuel Fearn, Cornliill, 3 copies. Mr. Joseph Fearn, ditto, 3 copies. Hon. Mrs. Fermor, Rams- gate, 3 copies. Thomas Flower, Esq. Har- per-street, 6 copies. Mrs. Flower, and Family, Hackney, 3 copies. E. F. by Miss Godfrey. J. Furber, Esq. Stock Ex- change, 3 copies. — — Field, Esq. ditto. George Fournicr, Esq. ditto. Thomas Farquharson, Esq. 6 copies. Mr. Fothergill, Laurence Poulteney Hill ( l copies. William Francis, Esq. Col- chester. Mr. Forrest, Serjeants'-inn, Fleet street. John Fox, Esq. Parliament- street. Mr. (J. Farren, Keppel-street, Russel-square. Mr. Hubert Finnis, Hart- street, Bioomsbury. Mr. Freeman, Oxford-street. Miss Fisk, Dry Drayton. Cambridgeshire. Mrs Fisher, Nottingham. Mr. J. M. Fellows, ditto. Friends at Clapham,5 copies. R. F.ske, Esq. Beccles, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Fiske, ditto. A Friend, by Mrs. Ryland, Bristol. G. James Gascoigne, Esq. Lough- ton. Miss Green, Islington. Mr. Gordon. Mr. Gosling, Swindon. Miss Gosling, ditto. Mrs. Goddard, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Gibson, ditto. \J. Gonlding, Esq. ditto. Gunnell, Fsq. Chilham, Kent. Grcenhill, Esq. Sta- tioners'-hall. Mr. Edward George, Bank, 3 copies Mr. R. Gibbs, ditto. Mr. J. Gunning, ditto. Mr. J. Goldham, Custom- House. William Gibson, Esq. Pcn- tonville, '2 copies. Mrs. Gibson, ditto. Miss Gibson, ditto. Miss M. Gibson, ditto. Miss E. Gibson, ditto. Mr. John Gibson, ditto. Mrs. Good. Miss Good. Mr. Green, Martin's-lane. Mrs. Green, ditto. Mr. J. II. Green, ditto. Mrs. Gardner, Bristol. Joel Gardner, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. , Goldwyer, Esq. ditto. Rear-admiral Gregory, ditto, 2 copies. Thomas Griffiths, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Griffiths, ditto. Miss Griffiths, ditto. Miss A. Griffiths, ditto. Miss J. Griffiths, ditto. Mr. J. Griffiths, Wadham College, Oxford. Edward Greenly, Esq. Bris- tol. Joseph Guest, Esq. ditto. Miss Gosse, Ciapham Com- mon. Miss A. Gosse, ditto. Mr. II Gosse, ditto. Miss Grazebrook, Andnam, 2 copies. G. Gay, Esq. Somerset-street, Bristol. Mrs. Gay, ditto. Dr. Gilby, Mall, Clifton. Mrs. Gilby, ditto. Miss Gilby, ditto. Miss M. A. Gilby, ditto. Miss Sarah Gilby, ditto. Miss Harriet Gilby, ditto. C Graves, Esq. 2 copies. G. G 3 copies. W. E. G. Peckharn. Mrs. Greenwood, Clapton, 3 copies. Rev. II. Giese, Great Pulte- ney-street. Glagow,Esq. Throgmor ton-street. Mrs. Golderman, Charles* street, St. James's. Rev. Henry Godfrey, Cam bridge, 2 copies. Miss Godfrey, Islington. Miss Elizabeth Godfrey, ditto. H. G. ditto. Goldsmith, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Garton, ditto. II. G. by Miss Godfrey. Mr. Gain, York- place, Kings- land. Mr. P. Greillier, Wormwood- street, 3 copies. Mrs. F. Gray, Alton, 3 copies. Mr. J. Gray, Barnsbery- place, Islington, Mr. Goddurd, Wootton Bas- sett. Mrs. Grigson, Caston. J. Gregson, E?q. Angel- court, 3 copies. Mr.Gundry, Richmond-green. Airs. Gundry, ditto. Miss Gutch, Hinckley. T. Gotobed, Esq. Norfolk street, 3 copies. George Giles, Esq. Stock Ex change. XX Paul Groves, Esq. ditto. Benjamin Goad, Esq. ditto. Thomas Greenwood, Esq. ditto. W. L. Grosvenor, Esq. Corn- hill, 2 copies. William Grosvenor, Jun. Esq. ditto. Mrs. Gold, Shoe-lane. Mrs. Godsell, Cowes. Mr. P. Guillemard, Spital- square. Mr. D. Guillemard, Hackney. Mr. Joseph Glossop, Comp- ton-street. Little Girls, at Mrs. Rivaz', Stamford-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. Grantham, Newbury. Mrs. Grantham, Croydon, 2 copies. Miss Amelia G. Grantham, ditto. A Gentleman, ditto, 3 copies. H. Countess of Hardwick, 3 co- pies. Miss Ilulse, Chapei-street, Grosvenor-square, 3 co- pies. Charles Iloare, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Mr. R. M. Harrison, Fleet street, 3 copies. Miss Heylin, Islington, 2 co- pies. Mr. Holland, Walworth. Mrs. Hale, Redcross-strcet. Mrs. Harper, Cornhill. Mrs. J. Hale, Holton, Lin- colnshire. Mrs. Hallows, Islington. Mr. Heath, Whetstone. Mr. Hestel, Dowgate-hill, 5 copies. Mr. Hewitt, Badburv-bill, Wilts. Mr. W. Hewitt, ditto. Mr. How, Bream's-buildings. Mr. A. Henley, Tockeuham, Wilts. Mrs. Harrison, Canterbury, 3 copies. Mr. Hodson, Pentonville. Mr. T. Havill, Bank. Mr. J. Harris, ditto. Mr. R. Hartley, ditto. Mr. A. Holloway, ditto. Mr. P. Hyatt, ditto, 8 copies. Mr. James Harrison, Little Moorfields. Mr. S. Harris, Grafton- street, Solio. Mr. C. Hoppe, Bridewell Precinct. Mr. James lloppe, St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. William Heath, Minories. Mr. G. Hayward. Mr. T. Ualstead, Islington. Mrs. Harvey, Bristol. Mr.HusbamUN'ewgatc-street. John Hilbert, Esq. Wands- worth. Mrs. Hodges, Cavendish- place, Bath. Rev. Joseph Hughes, Batter- sea. Wis. Hiden, Dudley. Mrs. Higgiuson, ditto, 3 co- pies. Miss Hodgetts, High-street, ditto. Mrs. Hill, Dudley. Rev. John Hall, Horfield- road. Mrs. General Hamilton, Clif- ton. Rev. J. Hensman, ditto, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Hensman, ditto. Mrs. Howe, Felton, Gloster- shire, 2 copies. Miss Howe, ditto. Richard Hull, Esq. Mrs. Hall. W. S. Hathaway, Esq. Miss Hunt, Stock well. Mr. Hurst, ditto. Mrs. Holroyd, Leadenhall- street, 3 copies. Mrs Hill, Stratford, 2 copies. Mrs. liobson, Markfield, Stamford-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. Heintz, Stamford-hill. Francis Hurry, Esq. Hamp- ton Court, 3 copies. Mrs. Hurry, Wandsworth, 2 copies. Mrs. flullinshead, Newing- ton-place. Edward Hurry, Esq. East Hill. Mr. Robert Harrison. Miss Howard, Walthamstow. A. Henricks, Esq. Jtfferies- square. Mr. Herrings, Bury-street, St. James's. Mrs. Hughes, Hackney. M rs. James Hali, Essex-street, Strand. Mr. Robert Hali, Fenchurch- street. Mrs. R. Hall, ditto. Mr. J. M. Hall, Ironmonger- lane. Miss Hogg, Hendon. Mr. Hogg, ditto. Mrs. Hovell, Hackney, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Hole, Stamford-hill. Joseph Howell, Esq. London. Mrs. Haggett.Dedham, Essex. Mr. lluckin, Islington. Mrs. Hughes, Islington. Mr. Hunter, ditto. G. H. Horsley, Esq. Mr. Richard Hope, Doctors'- Coinmons. Mrs. IIaddan,Finsbury-place. Miss Hebert, Dalstoa. Mrs. Hawkins, Cosford, 3 copies. Mrs. Honyman, Highbury- place, 3 copies. Mrs. Hyslop, ditto. Mrs. Hughes, S copies. xxii Miss Hooper, Elkstone, Glos- tershire. Rev. T. Hooper, ditto. Mr. R. Hooper, ditto. Robert Harvey, Esq. Watton, Norfolk. Mrs. Harvey, ditto. Miss Harvey, ditto. Mr. Thomas Harvey, Bath. Rev. R. Harvey, Jun. Rams- gate. Mr. Hill, Hinckley. Miss Hunt, ditto. Mr. Hunt, ditto. Mrs. Hensley, Upper Homer- ton. Miss Hensley, ditto. Mrs. Thomas Hensley, Hack- ney. Miss House, Clapton. Miss Hennel, Edmonton. Mrs. S. Hennel, Foster-lane. William Hammond, Jun. Esq. Stock Exchange. Isaac Hensley, Esq. ditto. William Hammond,Esq. ditto. AnthonyHammond, Esq. ditto. William Harman,Esq.-Throg- morton-strett. T. R. Harm;tn,Esq. ditto. Mr. Charles Hackett, Coun- ty-terrace, Kent-road. Mr. A. Hackett, ditto. Charles Hooper, Esq. Angel- court. Mr. Richard Harper, Cheap- side* William Hutchison, Esq. Bank, 2 copies. Mr. John Humphrey, Brigh- ton. Mr. Peter Houghton, Aries- ford. Mr. Samuel Hood, Bruns- wick-place, Deptford. Mr. Daniel Humphris, St. Paul's Church-yard- Mr. Hodges, Hackney, 3 co- pies. Jonathan Hoare, Esq. Throg- morton-street. Mrs. Sarah Hoare. Charles R. Harford, Esq. John Harford, Esq. James Heygate, Esq. Hack- ney. James Heygate, Jun. Esq. ditto. Miss Heygate, ditto. Samuel Haynes, Esq. Corn- hill. Mr. Hughes, Dalston, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Holder. Rev. C. I. Hoare. Mrs. C. I. Hoare. Miss Herbst, Took's-court, Carey-street. James Hance, Esq. Brixtorw common. Henry Hoare, Esq. Mitcham. Mrs. Hoare, ditto. Mr. H. V. Hoare, ditto. i J. Houtt, Esq. Derby. XX1U Mrs. Ilutton, Sherwood-hall, Nottinghamshire. Mr. Head, Ipswich. Mrs. Hudson, ditto. Mrs. Huish, Nottingham. Mr. Hancock, ditto. Miss A. Huthwaite, ditto. Timothy Holmes, Esq. Bury. Mr. Hornby, Windsor-ter- race, City-road. Mrs. Hancock, Clapton. Mr. Hancock, Jun. ditto. Mr. W. Hancock, II. M. S. Caledonia. Miss Hancock, Prospect Cot- tage, Reading. Miss Jane Hancock, ditto. Miss Sophia Hancock, ditto. Mr George Hancock, ditto. Mrs. Hirons, Stratford, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Hill, Waltliamstovv. Mr. Charles Hudson, East India House. Mrs. Harrison, Croydon, 3 co- pies. Mrs. 13. Hurlock, Waltham- stow. C. II. Admiral Ingram, Bristol. Mr. Ireland, Ironmonger- lane, 3 copies. Miss Inglis, Mark-lane, 3 co- pies. Miss Inglis, Walthamstow. Mr. Isherwood. Mrs. Hide, Inner Temple, 3 copies. Mr. Robert Isaacson, Moul- ton. A. I. 3 copies. J. William Jennings, Esq; Bloomsbury-square, 4 co- pies. Mr. Johnson, Moorgate. Mr. T. Jones, Throgmorton- street. Mr. William Jenner, Ciren- cester. Mr. W.Jennings, Bridport. George Jenkins, Eso. William Jones, Esq Ashbur- ton House, Putney, 3copies. Daniel Jones, Esq. Great Har- pur-sireet. Simon Jackainan, Esq. Ips* wich. Mr. William Jones, Swindon. Mis. Jones, Clifton. Miss Jones, ditto. Rev. W. Jones, ditto. James Jones, Esq. ditto. T. JuriTian, Esq. Bristol, Miss Jeui»ins. ditto. Miss Jedcries, Stoke New- ington. Miss Jenkins, Dudley. Mrs. Jurtnin, Horlicld-road. John Jones, Jim. Esq. Grace* church-street. xxir Mr. Jones, 3 copies. Mr. Jackson, 3 copies. Mrs Jorman, Charter-house- square, 3 copies. — Jackson, Esq. Captain Jackson. Mrs. Jesser, Hackney. J. J. Jansen, Esq. Norfolk- street, Strand. W. Jansen, Esq. Castle-street, Holborn. Mr. Jackson, Doughty-street. Miss Jones,Leadtnhall-street, S copies. Rev. John Jenks, 3 copies. Mr. Jervis, Hinckley. M rs. S. Jones. Samuel Jackson, Esq. Stock Exchange. John Jones, Esq. Mrs. J. Jones. Miss J. Jones. Mr. Win. Jenner, Haymarket. K. Mrs. Kcmble, and family, Camberwell, 6 copies. Mrs. Knight, Cannon-street. Mr. Kemble, Swindon. Thomas Kemble, Esq. Clap- ton, 3 copies. Mrs. Kemble. ditto, 3 copies. Thomas Kemble, Jun. Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Miss Kemble, ditto, 3 copies. Mr. W. Kingsley, Bank, 3 copies. Miss Kater, Bristol. Miss Ann Kater, ditto. Henry King, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Keinpe, Clifton. Miss Kempe, ditto. Mr. Kinder, Red Lion-square. Mr. C. F. Kahle, Fowkcs- buildings, Tower-street. Mr. G. Knight, London. Mr. William King, Wood- stock-street. Charles Kelson, Esq. Bath. Lady Isabella King, Clifton, 3 copies. Hon. Mrs. W. Knox, 3 copies. Mr. John Kerr, India-house. Mrs. Kynncrsley, Dean-street, South A ud ley-street. Mrs. Karslake. Mrs. Kendall, Bath. Miss King, Newbury. Miss F. King, ditto. Master King, ditto. Mr. W. I. Lynde,Bank. Thomas Lou ten, Esq. Tem- ple, 3 copies. Mr. Lovett, Highworth. Miss Lord, ditto. J. Lockwood, Esq. South- wark. Mr. G. Laing, Trinitv-square. Mr. David Laing, King-street, Holborn. Mr. T. Lincolne, Penton- ville. XXV Uev. Richard Lloyd, New Ormond-street, 2 copies. R. Lax, Esq. Bristol. Richard Lowe, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. Mrs. Lowe, ditto, 2 copies. Miss Lowe, ditto. Mrs. Thomas Lett, Dulwich, 6 copies. Mrs. Loveday, Clapham. Thomas Lett, Esq. Stock- well. Mrs. Lett, ditto. Mrs. Longley, Christopher- street, Finsbury-square. Miss Longley, ditto. Miss M. Longley, ditto. Mrs. Livie, Austin Friars, 3 copies. Mrs. Lucas, Hatton-court, Threadneedle-strect, 3 co- pics Mrs. Leige, Stamford-bill. Luck, Esq. Clapton, 3 copies. Miss Lamb, Colyton, Devon, 3 copies. Miss Le Grieu, Clapton, 2 copies. Mrs. Locke, Stoke Newing- ton, 3 copies. Dr. Lushington, Doctors' Commons. Thomas Lee, Esq. Alton, 3 copies. Miss Lewis, Highbury-place. Miss — — • Lewis, ditto. b Mr. Leioux, Hackney, 3 co- pics. Mr. Linwood, ditto. Miss Lee, ditto. J. P. Leigh, Esq. Homerton. W. F. Lovd, Esq. Lothbury. William Ltckie, Esq. J. Latham, Esq. Stock Ex- change. D. N. Lister, Esq. ditto. Lett, Esq. ditto. Hairy Lee, Esq. Chiswell- street. Mrs. Lester, Raquet-court, Fleet-street. Mr. William Lock, Guild- ford. Mr. Roben Linkestcr, Bread- street. Mr. diehard Lamb, Lewis. Mr. Leese, Portsmouth. Mr. Ltvoque, 3 copies. Mr. R. Lum. Captain Larkins. T. Davenport Latham, Esq. Robert Lee, Esq. Lewis Loyd, Esq. Lothbury, 3 copies. John Lockwood, Esq. South- ward S. L. George La Motte, Esq. New- ington-common, copies. Mrs. Lynes, Clapton, 3 co» pies. Mrs. John Larkins. Mrs. Lonsdale. Mitcharrh xxvi Mr?. Livcrsedge, Ipswich. Miss Law ton, ditto. Miss Lawson, Nottingham. Miss Lowe, ditto. Capel Loft, Esq. Troston- Hall, Suffolk, 2 copies. A Lady. Mrs. Laprimaudaye, Wal- thamstow. Miss C. Laprimaudaye, ditto. Mrs. Long, Coombe. J. E Lie ben rood, Esq. Pros- pect-hill, Reading. Mrs. Liebenrood, ditto. Miss Liebenrood, ditto. Master Liebenrood, ditto. Rev. J. Lomax, Newbury. M. Dr.Mf.rshall,andfriend«,Bnrt- lett's-buildings, 10 copies. Mr. Markland, Temple. Mrs. Meacock, Redcross street. Miss Meacock, ditto. Rev. Edward Milnes, High- worth. J. Mayow, Esq. Enrringdon. Mrs. D. Matthews. I nglesham. Mrs. Mountague, Charter- house-square. Captain Morgan, Viper Ex cise Cutter, Harwich, 3 copies Mr. Marsh, Walworth, C co- pies. Mr. F. Martin, Bank, Scopies. Mr. J. Moss, ditto. Mr. Munt, Wood- street, S copies. Mr. Richard Meeson, Bow- bridge. M. M. T. Moon, Esq. Office of Audit. J. M. L. Martinez, Esq. Win- chester-street. Miss Mendhain, Islington- green . Richard Masters, Esq. Bristol. Mrs. Masters, ditto, 2 copies. Miss Metford, ditto. Mr. J Metford, Jun. ditto. Miss Maitland, Peckham. Rev. Dr. Morrell, Henley. Mrs. Morris, Dudley, 2 co- pies. E. II. Molineux, Esq. ditto. 2 copies. Mrs. Macdonald, Jun. Clan- ronald. Miss Macdonald, Boridale. Mrs. Hannah More, Barley- wood. Miss Morgan. Morti n, Esq. Mrs.M'Nab.Grcnville-street, Brunswick-square, 2 co- pies. Miss Munday, Clapham. Miss M. Munday, ditto. Mr. Mitchell, 3 copies. Miss Elizabeth Mortlock, Wood bridge. Mr. Merrick, Bow Church- yard, 4 copies. xxth John Moore, Esq. Ibbotson's Hotel, Cavendish-square, 3 copies. Mrs. Meyer, Broad-street Buildings, 3 copies. Conrad Meyer, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Morgan, Stamford-lull. Mrs. Morley, Homcrton. Mrs. Meek, ditto. Mrs. Mcnetone, Newington- place, 3 copies. F. W. Martschin, Esq. Skin- lier-street, 3 copies. » Miesega*-, Esq. Provi- dence Row, Finsbury- square. A. Moysey, Esq. Mrs. Matson, and friend, 4 copies. Miss Maggs. Mr. C. Mason. J. M'Carthy Esq. Copthall- court, 6 copies. Miss Martin, Islington. Miss M. Martin, ditto. Mr. Merceron, Bethnal- green. Mr. Meyrick, Vine-street, Spital fields. Mr. Miller, Islington, 3 co- pies. Miss Maskelyne, Wootton Bassett. Robert Moody, Esq. Bath. George Mcarcs, Esq. Kings- Oown, Bristol. Miss Maltby, Clifton, S co- pics. Francis Moorhouse, Esq. Is- lington, C copies. Mrs. Mauleverer, Ramsgate. Rev. G. Mettam, Barwell. Mrs. Mettam, ditto. Miss Maudslev, Rochester. Miss Maria Mary at, London; Mr. Milhouse, Hinckley. John Mainwaring, Esq. High- gate, 6 copies. Mr. Mears. Hackney. John Mackie, Esq. Wahvorth. M. Mackenzie, Esq. Stock Exchange. A. Millington, Esq. ditto. — Mortimer, Esq. ditto. A. Mieville, Esq. ditto. Mr. S. Mason, Surry- square. Mr. Richard Mason, Jun. ditto. Mr. James Marshall, St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Manly, Portsmouth. Mrs. J. Menet, 3 copies. M. W. Magennis, Southamp- ton-buildings, c l copies. Mr. Mitchell, Featherstone- buildmgs. Mr. Milne, Inner Temple, 3 copies. Mr. Mihvard, Mitcham. Mrs. Milwanl, ditto. J. Manning, Esq. Temple. Mrs. Mackmurdo, Clapton.. J 3 copies. XX VI 11 Miss Mackmurdo, Clapton. Mr. Robert Mackmurdo, Homerton. Miss Mather, Norton, near Sheffield. Rev. Edward Mills, Bury. Mr. Mallis, ditto. Miss Eliza Moore. Mr. F. T. Maxon, Broad- street. Mrs. Moore, Stamford-street. Mrs. Miller, Croydon. John Morris, Esq. Francis- street, 3 copies. Rev. Richard Morgan, 3 co- pies. N. Mrs. E. Noble, Old Ford. Thomas Nisbett, Esq. Kings- land, 6 copies. Mr. George Neele, Bank, 3 copies. Richard Nelmes, E?q. Bris- tol. 3 copies. Miss Nelmes, ditto, 3 co- pies. Edward New, Esq. ditto. Mrs. John New, ditto. Miss New, ditto. • Newman, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. Dr. Nott, Lebcck-house, Ilot- wells. Mr. Nicholson, 3 copies. -Vr. Nichols, Broad-street Buildings. Nahring, Esq. Angel- court. Mr. Nelson, Islington, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Norton, Colebrooke- row, Islington. Miss Neate, Wootton Bas- sett, 3 copies. Mrs. Naylor, Thetford. Miss Nicholson, Rochester. T. F. Norton, Esq. Guildford- street, 3 copies. Mr. Nichison, Ashby-street, Clerkenwell. Miss Newsom, Hackney. Mr. Northcote. William Norris, Esq. Stock Exchange, 3 copies. Mr. A. Northcote, County- terrace, Kent-road. Mr. Samuel Nesbitt, Salis- bury-square. Thomas Newnliam, Fsq. James Napier, Esq. Holkiiam- park, 3 copies. Mrs. Norris, Inner Temple, 2 copies. Stephen Notcutt, Esq. Ips- wich. Hon. J. L.f.$t£k„ York- . 3 annipt ,* , is, ditto, 3 copies. Miss Olmius, ditto, 3 copies. Miss Ormes, Islington, 2 co- pies. place Hon. Mrs. XX13C Mr. John Owen, Southamp- ton. Mr. T. Ord, Bank. M. II. E. Oliver, Cornhill. Mr. W. Ormes, Westmore- land-place. Mrs. H. O'Calaghan, Clifton. Miss Oliver. Mrs. Oughteriony, Homer- ton. Mr. Owen, Norfolk-street. Mr. Ord, Hatton-gardeu. Rev. Dr. Ord, 1'onmara. Mrs. Ord, ditto. John Ord, Esq. Fulham. Mrs Ord, ditto. Rev. Henry Ord, Ilarpenden. Joachim Otte, Esq. Stock Ex- change. Mrs. Owen, Portsmouth. P. Mrs. Patrick, Putney, 3 co- pies. Mr. Reginald Parker, Doc- tors' Commons, 3 copies. Miss Parker, ditto, 3 copies. Miss Pettiward, Putney. Ralph Price, Esq. Chatham- place, 3 copies. James Piatt, Esq. Temple, 3 copies. Mrs. Pearce. Mrs Priestley, Swindon. Mrs Powell, Gloucester. William Price, Esq. Liucoln's- Inn. J. Petitt, Esq. Southward. L. Poppleton, Esq. Bank, $ copies. Mr. Joshua Pitt, ditto, 3 co pies. Mr. J. Pinckncy, ditto. Mr. R. Pamphilion, ditto. Mr. W. II. Price, ditto. Mr. H. Pownall, ditto. Mr. W. Plumbridge, ditto. Mr. C. Pike, ditto. Mr. T. Parkinson, ditto. Mr. S. Parkinson, ditto. Mr. P. Pape. The Miss Palmers, Bristol, 3 copies. T. H. Powell, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. Miss It Purrier, ditto. Mr. Phillips, Melksham. Mrs. Phillips, ditto. Miss Phillips, ditto. Miss E. Phillips, ditto. Miss A. Phillips, ditto. Ed>vard Phillips, Jim. Esq. ditto. John Phillips, Esq. ditto. Miss Parkcs, Dudley. Mrs. J. Parker, ditto. Miss Perry, ditto, 3 copies. Miss Price, Northainpton- square. Mrs Palmer, Birmingham. S-imncl Prent, Esq. Green- land Dock. Miss Powel, llotwells. Miss M Powcl, ditto. J. P. 3 copies. P. P. 3 copies. C. P. 3 copies. L. P. 3 copies. M. P. 3 copies. Miss Poynder, Lower-street, Islington. ■ Pearson, Esq. Tavis- tock-fquare, 3 copies. Rev. G. P. Tenfold. Captain Patterson. W. P. Islington. JVIiss Palmer, Christopher- sireet, Finsbnry-square. James Potts, Esq. Mile End. Mi&s Puts, ditto. Miss V., Potts, ditto. Richard Potts, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Powell, Clapton, 6 co- pies. Mr. Piatt, East-hill, 2 co- pics. Mrs. Piatt, ditto. Jlr, Price, Walthamstovv. Mr. Piroley. Miss Pettit, Hackney, 3 co- pies. Archdale Palmer, Esq. Fen- church-street. Mr. Edward Prosser, Law- rence-lane. Mr. Thomas Piper, Little Eastcheap. Mrs. T. Piper, ditto. Mr. W. Piper, ditto. Mrs. W. Piper, ditto. Mrs. Piper, Camberwell. Mrs. Page, Holborn. Mr. Powell. Mrs. Pontardent, Hackney, 3 copies. Mr. Isaac Padman, Bank, 3 copies. Mrs. Pownall, Islington. Mrs. Powell, ditto. Mr. Phipps, Loudon. Mrs. Paterson, Witham, Es- sex. John Pownell, Esq. Staple- Inn. Mr. Petersdorf, Skinner- street. Mr. Prickett, South Sea- llOUSC. Wm. Prowting, Esq. Chaw- ton. Miss Prowting, ditto. Mrs. Percival, Highbury- place, 3 copes. Mrs. R. Percival, ditto, 3 co- pics. Mrs. Parry, ditto. H. S. Partridge, Esq. Thet- f'ord. Mrs. Partridge, ditto. Charles Piatt, Esq. Surrey- road, 3 ci pies. Miss Penfold, London. Miss Potter. Ardvien, Ireland. Hon. G. Ponieroy, 3 copies. J. Pope, Esq. Stock Ex- change. George Powell, Esq. ditto. Mr. Payne, Moorgate. William Payne, Esq. Mi- chael's-place, Brompton. Mrs. Paulovich. John Pensam, Esq Serjeants- Inn, Heet-streer, 3 copies. Mr. Pomares, Portsmouth. Mr. Phillips, ditto, 8 co- pics. Mr. Pares. John Poole, Esq. Mr. Preston, Walworth. Mrs. Preston, ditto. Miss Preston, ditto. II. P. 3 copies. Mr. Potts, Clerncnts-Inn, 3 copies. Mrs. Piper, Norton, near Sheffield. Mrs. Pons, Prospect-place, Edgware-road. J. C. Peru, Esq. Abingdon. William Pearson, Esq. Ips- wich, 2 copies. Mrs. Poskett, Croydon, 3 co- pies. Mrs. Palmer, Newbury. Miss Palmer, ditto. W. S. P. Q. Mrs. Quin, Clifton. Mr». Quince, Ramsgate. R. Mrs. Rushton, Chancery-lane. Mrs. Rydc. Mrs. Robinson. Rev. Edward Rowden, Iligiv- worth. Mr. Reed, Chancery-lane. Mrs. Russell, Blackheath. Miss Russell, ditto. Mrs. Rumbold, Lyneham, Wilts. Mr. W. Richter. F. L. Rogers, Esq. Baker- street, Portman-square. Mr. Rhodes, Lyons-! nn. Mrs. Richardson, Bristol. IS. Rock, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Rowland, ditto. Mr. R. Rowland, Jun. ditto. Rev. P. Robinson, Dudley. Mrs. Robinson, ditto. Mr. Rami, ditto. Miss Robins, Stourbridge. Miss Robins, Dunsley. John Raithby, Esq Lincoln's- Inn, 3 copies. Mrs. Raitiiby, ditto, 3 co- pics. Mr. John Ryland, Somerset- street, Bristol, 2 copies. Mrs, Ryland, ditto. Mrs. Ryley. Mrs. Roberts, Bristol. Miss Russell, Clifton. William Ramsay, Ebq. East India-house, 3 copies. Miss Ramsay, ditto. W. B. Ramsay, F>q ditto. Mrs. Reed, Champion-hill, 3 copies. XXXXl N. Randall; Esq. Dover- place, Kcut-road. Colonel Rainsford. W. L. Reed, Esq. W. M. Raikes, E^q. 3 copies. Mrs. W. M. Raikes, 3 copies. Mrs. Rudd, Hackney, 3 co- pies. J. A. Eucker, Esq. Mincing- Jane. Mrs. Reid, Aldersgate-street. Mrs. Rowlett,St. John-street, 3 copies. Mrs.Rougemont,New Broad- street, 3 copies. Mrs. Francis Rivaz, Stam- ford-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. Rainier, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Rutherford, ditto. The Miss Rutherfords, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Alexander Rivaz, ditro. 11. R. at Mr. Brewster's. Mrs. Randoll,Clerkenwell. Miss Robinson, London. Mr. Thomas Robinson, ditto. Mrs. Renald, Highbury-ter- race. Mrs. Ripley, Wootton Basset. Miss Ripley, ditto. Miss Julia Ripley, ditto. Mrs. Redhead, Snare-hill. H. P. Ridpatb, Esq. Hath. Rev. J. Richards, Clifton. Mrs. E. Rice, ditto. Mrs. Ramsden, ditto, 3 co- copies. Miss Ramsden, ditto, 3 co* pies. James Read, Esq. Lincoln's* Inn. Mr. Robarts, Henrietta-street, Thomas Richardson, Esq. \ ictualling-oriiee. John Rawlinson, Esq. Comle- house, 3 copies. J. Remington, Esq. Clapton, 2 copies. Mrs. Reed, Hackney. .Mr. Reader. James Rogers, Esq. Winches- ter-street. David Ricardo, Esq. Stoclc- Exchange. Jacob Ricardo, Esq. ditto. Francis Ricardo, Esq. ditto. Ralph Ricardo, Esq. ditto. G. R ditto. Rum ford, Esq. Bartho- lomew-lane. \V. R. and friends, 12 copies. Mr. L Redhead. Mr. Rickards, Fleet-street, 3 copies. Mr. Robert Rickards. Mr. Richard Ramsden, Lou- don. Mr. Read, PoKsmouth. Mr. (i. Ravenhill, 3 copies. Mr. T. Ravenhill, 3 copies. Mr. Read, 3 copies. V. I'. Rivaz, F>sq. Miss Rose, Sid mouth. Mr. Roberts. XXX111 Mrs. Roberts. Mr. Haw, Ipsu ic!>, 2 copies. Mrs. Ray, Bridyford, near Nottingham. Mr. Richardson, Cornliill. Miss Robinson, Clapton. William Rhodes, Esq. Iloxton. Mrs. Rhodes, ditto. Mr. Remnant, Strand, 3 co- pies. S. Mr. Spinks, Temple. Mr. Staples, ditto. Mr. J. W. Snug-s, Bedford- street, Coven t-garden. Mr. Sneath, llatton-gardeii, 3 copies. Mrs. Simmons, Great Russel- street. Mrs. Smithson. Mr. J. Stubbs. Mrs. J. Stubbs. Mrs. Sheppard, Swindon. Mrs. James Strange, ditto. Mrs. M. A. Slater, Everett- street. Mrs. Stockcr, Camberwell. Mr. Steel, Chancery-lane, 3 copies. Dr. ^ims, Guildford street, 3 copies. Mr. Sandell, Queen-street, 2 copies. Miss Sutton, Cannonbury. Mr. G. Sherer, Bank. William Scarle, Esq. Child's- placc, 3 copies. b Mr. J. Searle, Fetter-lane. Mr. J. Skclton, Pentonville. Mr. R. Stewart, Blackfriars- road. Mr. T. S. Surr, Hatton-gar- deu. Mr. Sanders." Miss Salmon, Bristol. G. Sanders, Esq. Clifton. John Sanders, Esq. ditto. Rev. Henry Shute, Bristol, 3 copies. Henry Shute, Esq. ditto. .Miss Shore, ditto. John Savage, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Simmons, ditto. Walter Swayne, Esq. ditto. John Swayne, Esq. ditto. Mr. William Swayne, ditto. Edward Stephens, E.~q. ditto, 2 copies. Rev. Henry Soams, A. M. St. Paul's. Mr. Steele, Albion-street, London. Mr. James Smith, Hath. Miss Smith, ditto. Mrs. Skey, Ilighgate. Miss Shaw, Dudley. Rev. T. Sims, Clifton. Miss Sims, ditto. Miss J. Sims, ditto. George Simeon, Esq. Ilarton, near Birmingham. Miss Laura Smith, Clifton. Airs. J. B. Smith, St. Cross, Winchester. Mrs. SteeIe,Leadenbatl-street. Aliss Stedman, ditto. ■ Stockdale, Esq. Hack- ney, 3 copies. Mrs. Stockdale, ditto. 3 co pies. Mrs. Symons, Clapton, 3 co- pies. Airs. Skelton, Strand. Miss Smith, Stratford. Captain Sime, Mile-End, 3 copies. Mrs. Sapte, Hangers-lane. Miss Sapte, ditto. John Sanderson, Esq. Broad- street Buildings, 3 copies. Henry Smith. Esq. M. P. Drapers'-hall, 3 copies. Mrs. Smith, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Scott, Stamford-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. Sharpe, Fenchurch- street. Miss Sharpe, ditto. Miss Catherine Sharpe, ditto. Rev. Mr. Sharpe, Mark- lane Mrs. L Sharpe, ditto. Air. Richard Sharpe, ditto. Mrs. It. Sharpe, ditto. Mr. Thomas Sharpe, Coopers- row. Airs. T. Sharpe, ditto. Mr. Charles Sharpe, Poultry. Airs. C. Sharpe, ditto. II. Schutze, Esq. St. Helen's- place. Mrs. Silvester, York-bouse, Stable-yard, St. James's. Mr. Stavenhagen, Queen's- house. Air. John Shaw, Ironmonger- lane. Mr. T. Shipman, ditto. Mr. T. Smith, ditto. Mr. Thomas Storan, Friday- street. Mr. J. B. Scratton, Fen- church-street, 3 copies. Robert Sparks, Esq. St. John-street, 3 copies. Geary Sake, Esq. Poultry, 3 copies. W. F. Stevenson. Esq. F.R.S. Lincoln's-inn Fields, 3 co- pies. Dr. Squire, Ely-place. Miss Stromboom, Cape of Good Hope. Mrs.Searancke,Stamford-hill. Mrs. Sharpe, East-cheap. Mrs. Stretch, Islington. Miss Stanton, ditto. • S. S. by Miss Godfrey. Airs. Simes, Islington. Mr. Sim, ditto. Airs. Sim, ditto. Mr. Simpson, York-place, Kinosland. Mrs. Smith, Shaklen. Miss Skcggs, Highbury-place, 3 copies. Miss Sebben, Sebben's-rovr, Islington, 3 copies. XXXV Miss Southcote, Norfolk- street, Islington. Mrs. Slipper, Islington. Rev. Leonard Shelford, North Tuddenham. Mrs. Shelford, ditto. Miss Shelford, ditto. Miss E. Shelford, ditto. Samuel W. Sweet, Esq, 3 co- pies. Francis Stedman, Esq. 3 co- pies. E. P. S. Mr. Sholl, West-square. R. Storks, Esq. Doughty- street. Mr. Smith, Red Lion-street. Mr. Smith, Jun. ditto. Miss Spurred, Hackney. Richard Smales, Esq. Stock- Exchange. George Scott, Esq ditto. Gillam Scott, Esq. ditto. R. Seton, Esq. ditto, 3 copies. Henrv Swift, Esq. ditto. J. S. Esq. Mr. Thcophilus Smith, Guild- ford. Mr. William Shakelfnrd. Mr. Thomas Serle, Islington. Mr. Robert Sears, Newbury. Mr. J. V. Selwoud, Bridport. Mr. John Sparshatt, Salis- bury. Mr. William Sparshatt, ditto. Mr. George Salmon, Cam- bridge. Two Sisters, 6 copies. Mrs. Sherer, Camberwell, 3 copies. Miss Sherer, ditto, 3 copies. Miss E. Sherer, ditto, 3 co- pies. Mr. John Sherer, Jun. Mr. Harry Sherer, and friends, Maidstone, 12 copies. Mr. Sifkin, 3 copies. Mrs. Shute, and friends, 16 copies. William Shedden, Esq. L. Solomon, Esq. Miss Shackles. Mr. William Simmons, Tem- ple. Mrs. Savage, Kennington. Mr. Simpson, Ecatberstone- buildings, 2 copies. Mrs. Smith, Nottingham. Mrs. W. Soltau, G copies. Miss Slaton, Red Lion- square. John Spoouer, Esq. Ipswich. Henry Seekamp, Esq. ditto. Mr. Shewed, ditto. Mrs. Steny, Bermondsey. E. S. E. W. S. T. J. D. F. T. Queen's-house. II. D. T. ditto. Mrs. Taylor. MissTayler. Mr. Travers; XXXT1 Mrs. Thornthwaite, Islington. Mr. Taylor, ditto. Mr. Turner, Bond street. Mrs. Terry, /ikon, 3 copies. Miss Terry, Andover, 2 co- pies. Mrs. Taylor, Paradise-row, Islington. Mr. Henry Toll, Norwich. Miss Toll, ditto. Miss Thomson, Ramsgnte. Mr. Tate, Kentish Town. Mrs. Touray, Hackney, 3 copies. Mrs. Toulmin, ditto, 3 co- pics. T. Turner, Esq. Stock Ex- change. W. Thompson, Esq. ditto. Tarbutt, Esq. ditto. W. Thompson, Jun. Esq. ditto. G. Turner, Esq. ditto. Mr. Nathaniel Thompson, Is- lington, 3 copies. Rev. Dr. Twycross, Mile End. Mr. Philip Turner, East Hothly. Gregory Tomkins, Esq. Ports- mouth. Rev. T. F. Twigge, Derby, 3 copies. Thomas Trotter, Esq. Mrs. Trotter. R. S. Taylor, Esq. Gray's Inn. TViiss Thorne, Swindon. Mr. J.Tuckey, Winterbourne. Rev. Dr. Trenchard, Stanton- house, Wilts, 3 copies. Mr. Terry, Elect-street, 6 copies. N. IF. Towle, Esq. Bank, 3 copies. Mr. E. Tomkins, ditto. Mr. T. Thompson, ditto, 3 copies. Mr. George Taylor, ditto. Mr. W. Taylor, ditto, 2 co- pies. S. J. J. Tooks, Esq. Caroline- street, Bedford-square. T. Thornton, Esq. East India Department Custom-iiouscy 2 copies. Mr. Thomas, Bristol. Mrs. Tomkins, Abingdon. Mrs. W. Tomkins, ditto. George Trition, E-q. Mrs. Tritton. Miss Tritton. J. II. Tritton, Esq. Mrs. Tritton. Miss Tritton. Mr. II. Tritton. Mrs. Turton, Gornall. John Tate, Ksq. London. Mrs. Tighe, Clifton. John Taylor, Esq. Bristol. Seth Thompson, Esq. Berke- ley-square, Bristol. Mrs'. Tonchett, Clifton, 3 copies. O. Toole, Esq. ditto. xxxvu Mrs. Taylor, Church- row, Limchouse. S. Tljomton, Esq. 5 copies. Mrs. Travers, Islington, 3 copies. T. T. Rank. Mrs. Trower, Clapton, 3 copies. Mi>s Trower, ditto. Miss M. Trower, ditto. Hutches Trower, Esq. ditto. 3 copies. Mrs. Teed, Hackney, 3 co- pies*. Rev. John Till, Hayes, Kent. Mr. Richard Till, Loudon Bridge. Mrs. Till, ditto. Mr. John Till, Jan. Mark- lane. Mrs. John Till, ditto. Mr. Henry Till, Temple. Mr. Richard Till, Jun. ditto. Mr. Geo. Till, Salisbury. Mr. \V. Till, Cornliill. Miss Thorntons, Newington- placc, 3 copies. Miss Trevor, VValthamstow. Mr. Twenty man, ditto. Mr. S. Tarrant, Iromnonger- iane. Mr. Timberlake, Oxford- street. Mr. Tudor, Featherstonc- buildings. Air. Thielche, '20 copies. Mr. Twining. Mrs. Twining. Mrs. G. Twining. Robert Trotman, Esq. Ips- wich, 3 copies. Thorpe, Esq, Walthain- stow. Miss Tod, Prospect-hii!, Read- ing. Rev. L. Turner, 3 copies. U. George Upton,. Esq. Stock Exchange, 3 copies. Unknown, Petcrsfield. V. Mr. Van den Berg, Ports- mouth. Rev. Dr. Valpy, Reading. Mr. A. I. Valpy, London. Mr. II. Valpy, ditto. Rev. James Vaughan, Wrax- iiall, 3-copies. Mrs. Vaughan, Frenchay. II. Vanhagen, Esq. Clifton. .Mrs. Spencer Vassal I, ditto. Mr. W. Varty, 5 copies. Miss Van Notten. Mr, 1). Valentine, Ironmon- ger-lane, Mrs. Viilette, Islington. Mr. Vaux, Gun-street, Spi- tal-fields, 3 copies. Mr. Venning, Copthall-courU Mrs Vipan, Thetford. Mr. Matthew Vicl, Bath. Mr. Venn. w. Thos. Warburton, Esq. Hack- ney, 6 copies. Miss Welby, Pullen's-row, Islington. Mr. Wheble, Warwick-square. Mr. Thos. Waihwright, Tem- ple. Mr. Wilkinson, Ludgate-hill, 3 copies. Miss Wilkinson, Ditto. Mr. W T . Willoughby, Fleet- street, 3 copies. Rev. H. G. Watkins,3 copies. Mrs. Watkins, 3 copies. Miss Watkins, 3 copies. Mrs. Whytt. Mrs. Wyatt. Mr. N. Wells, Swindon, 2 copies. Miss Wortland, Marlborough. W. Whitworth, Esq. Watch- field-house, near Farring- don. Miss J. White, Coxwell. Mr. Walford, Fleet-street, 6 copies. Mr. Thomas Wilkins, Law- rence-lane. Mrs. B. White, Pond-street, llainpstead. John Ward, Esq. Hinckley. Mr. Thomas Watson, Bank 3 copies. Mr. Geo. Watkinson, ditto. Mr. E. White, ditto. Mr. J. White, ditto. Mrs. J. Woodruffe, Ramsay. Mrs. T. WoodrurYe, ditto. Mrs. Warden, Cornwell- place, Ilolloway. Miss Wilson. Benjamin Watkins,Esq. Clif- ton. Mr. Wensley, Bristol. Mr. W. White, ditto. James Whitechurcb, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. J. Winwood, Esq. ditto. Mr. H. J. Wmwood, ditto. Henry Williams, Esq. Pen- pont, Breconshire, 3 copies. Mrs. Williams, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. W. Wright, Bristol. Mrs. Waymouth, Wands- worth Common, 2 copies. Miss C. Williams, Abing- don. Thomas Wainwright, Esq. Dudley, 3 copies. Mrs. Wainwright, ditto. Miss Wilson, Clifton. Mr. Wornel, High-street, Bristol. Mrs. Waite, Bristol. A. W. 6 copies. S. W. 6 copies. Mrs. White, Hackney. Miss Walker, ditto. Mr. Ceo. Williams, Church- row, Limehouse. Mrs. G. Williams, ditto. Mr. West. Miss Wood, Champion-hill. XXXlX ■■■ -• Wilson, Esq. S. N. Ward, Esq. 3 copies. Francis Wilson, Esq. Isling- ton-screen, 3 copies. . Mrs. Wilson, ditto, 3 copies. Miss Wilson, ditto. Miss Wix, Lower-street, Is- lington. M. Whiting, Esq. Woodford, 3 copies. B. Wilson, Esq. Manchester. — — ■ Wilkinson, Esq. Wheeler, Esq. Wilson, Esq. John Whitmorc, Esq. Frede- rick\«-p!ace. Mrs. Whitmore, ditto. J. Whitmore, Jun. Esq. ditto. Frederick W hi I more, Esq. ditto. Mrs. Woodhousc, Stamford- hill. Mrs. Wright, .Ilomerton. Thomas Warre, Esq. 3 copies. Miss Wollaston, Clapton, 2 copies. T. Wilson, Esq. Hackney. Mrs. T. Wilson, ditto. Mrs. II. Wilson, Mrs. Weatherhead, Wal- thamstow. T. Warner, Esq. St. Mil- dred's-court. Mr. G. D. Witte, Bcvin- court, Basinghall-street. S. P. Wright, "Esq. llatton- garden, 3 copies. Mr. White. P. Windus, Esq. St. John's- street, 3 copies. Miss Wild, St. John's-square. Mrs. Williams, Duncan Ter- race, Islington. Mr. Wilson, London. Mr. Wilson, Devonshire- square. Mr. Williams, Bank. Mr. Williams, Poultry. Rev. E. White, Newton. Mr. James Whicher, Peters- field. Mrs. White, Selbourne. Mrs. John White, ditto. John White, Esq. ditto. Miss White, ditto. Mrs. Wormald, Highbury- place, 3 copies. Mrs. Walkden, ditto, 3 copies. Mrs. Joseph Wilson, High- bury-hill, 3 copies. Mrs. YVarman, Wootton Bas- set, 2 copies. Rev. Joseph Wilkinson, Thet- ford. Mrs. Wilkinson, ditto. Thomas Wild, Esq 3 copies. .Mrs. VVelbank, Ramsgate. II. Wightwick, Esq. ditto. Lady Wray, Hinckley. Miss Wartnaby, ditto. MissS. Wells, Ascott Priory, Oxfordshire. Miss S. Wells, Burford, Ox- fordshire. 2d Rev. Dr. Waddington, Ely. Rev. Dr. Winter, Great Or- mond-street. R. Welbank, Esq. Ordnance- office, Tower. Mrs. Wallington, Camber- well. W. Ward, Esq. Stock Ex- change. T. Walker, Esq. ditto. John Wiimot, Esq. Essex street, 3 copes. Mr. G. Waugh, Fencliurch- street. Mr. W. Wall, Brentwood. Mr. Joseph Vv alley, Lambeth road. Mr. J. C. Webb, Portsea. Mrs. Wallis, ditto, 2 co- pies. Mrs. C. Woollam, 3 copies* Mrs. Woolaston, 3 copies. Mrs. W. Ward, Bloomsbury- square. Miss Woodfall, New Broad- street. Mr. Thos. Walton, Temple. Mr. Thomas Wright, Ilaver- stock-hill. Mrs- A. D. Welch, Leaden- hall-street. R. Welch, Esq. Islington. Miss Watts, Eton. A. Woodhouse, Esq. Tokc-n- house-yard. Mr. Wakefield, Nottingham, 3 copies. The Miss Watsons, Lentoii Firs, near Nottingham, 2 copies. The .Miss Wollastons. John Woodward, Esq. Bury. Mrs. West, Mitcham, 2 co- pies. Miss West, ditto. Mr. Henry Wudd, East India House. Miss Wasey, Newbury. B. W. ditto, 3 copies. J. J. West, Esq. Greenwich, 3 copies. Mrs. West, ditto, 3 copies. J. W. 12 copies. Mrs. E. Williams, Strand, 3 copies. Her Royal Highness the Duchess uf York, G copies. W. Varnold, Esq. Sajnucl Yeutes, Esq. Monks- hill. Mrs. Yeates, Gloucester. Osborne Yeates, Esq. Wont- ley -house. X. Y. Hon. Mrs. York, Clifton. Mr. Young, Edward-street, Cavendish- square. George Young, Esq. Buck- lersbury, 6 copies. Mr. Geo. Yonge, Strand, S copies. xli SUBSCRIBERS NAMES Which came too late for insertion in their proper places. A. Rev. J. Adams, Student at Wymondeley Academy, Herts. T. R. Andrews, Esq. Tliread- needle-street, 4 copies. B. T. Bennet, Jun. Esq. Lower Thames-street, 6 copies. Miss Brown, Bromley, Kent, 2 copies. Mrs. Barton, Lombard-street, 3 copies. Mr. L. Beck, Bristol. Mr. Beattie. Mr. James Bate, Cheapside. Mrs. Brown, UlTcott. Messrs. Burne and Mankin. Mr. John Bailey, Classical Tutor, Wymondeley Aca- demy, Herts. Thomas Baynton, Esq. Bris»- tol, 3 copies. Rev. Sladc Baker, ditto. C. Mr.R.Cocher, A lderm anbury. Mrs. Good, Smith-street, Westminster. Colonel Crump. Miss Cripps, Wootton Ba9- sett. Mrs. C. Cripps, Oakus, near Swindon. Mr. Careless. Mr. W. M. Coe, Paddington- green. D. Mrs. S. Dunkin. E. W. Emmott, Esq. Fish-street hill, 3 copies. John Ecctes, Esq. Bread- street. Mr. Elliott. Mr. J. Emerson. James Flude, Esq. Mincing- lane, 2 copies. Rev. E. C. Forward, Axmin- ster, 2 copies. Anthony Fletcher, Esq. ditto-, A Friend, at Hackney. A Female Friend. xlii G. Miss E. Gilbert, Leadenhall- street, 3 copies. Mr. William God free, Cheap- side, 3 copies. Mr. William Ginger, College- street. Mrs. Gray, Cirencester, 2 co- pies. Miss Green, Marylebone- street. Mr. Charles Green, ditto. E.G. Rev. J. Geary, Student at Wyniondley Academy, Herts. Rev. J. Gray, ditto. Major Gold, Royal Artillery, Woolwich-common. IT. Edward Hanson, Esq. Pud- ding-lane, 3 copies Booth Hibbert, Esq. Brom- ley, Kent, 6 copies. Mr. H. Hopkins, .Tun. ditto. R. Hallett, Esq. Axminster, 2 copies. T. W. Hallett, Esq. ditto, 2 copies. Mrs. Humphris, Cirencester. Mr. Hoffman. Mrs. R. liughes, Salthrop. Mrs. Hughes, Broadhinton. ■Mr. John Hemming, Wal- brook. Mr. K. K. Hemming. Rev. J. Hemming, Student at WymondleyAcademyJIerU. Mr. W. G. Hunter. J.J. Mr. Charles Jones. Mr. Joseph Jeavons, Bristol. L. Mr. Little. Mr. Daniel Llewellyn, Great College-street, Westmin- ster. John Laing, Esq. Tower- street, 3 conies. Rev- S. J. Lewinn, Ifield, Sussex. M. Mr. W. P. Musgrave, Cheap- side. Thomas Musgrave, Esq. Tri- nity College, Cambridge. Charles Musgrave, Esq. ditto. Miss Mayhew, Priestwood, near Great Missenden. Mrs. Maskelyne, Wootton Basset. Mr. Mackellar, 3 copies. Mr. Murrell, Skinner-street. James Mist, Esq. Fleet-street, 3 copies. Mr. Minocb, Bromley, Kent. James Madox, Esq. Hare- court, Temple. R. Mallock, Esq. Axminster. \iiii N. Miss M. A. Neate, Broad- hinton. O. Captain Otter, Royal Mili- tary College, Blackwater. P. Mr. Parkins. Mr. S. Plimpton. Rev. William Parry, Theolo- gical Tutor, Wymondley Academy, Herts. Rev. T. Pavitt, Student at ditto. Mr. Francis Phillips, Gold- smith-jtrect. Daniel Rowland, Esq Grays- Inn-place, 3 copies. Mr. Robinson, Student at Wymondley Academy, Herts. B. Richards, Esq. Old Jewry, 3 copies. J. Ruck, Esq. St. Dunstan's- hill, 2 copies. Samuel Rixon, E c q. Cock- spur-street, 3 copies. S. Mr. Semple. F. S. Stokes, Esq, Lamb's Conduit-street, 3 copies. Henry Stokes, E-q. Bruns- wick-place, Queen-square, 3 copies. VV. R.Stokes, Esq. ditto, 3 co- pies. Charles Stuart, Esq. Great Tower-street, 3 copies. VV. Shearman, Esq. Leaden- hall-street, 3 copies. Miss Scott, Bromley, Kent. Rev. Charles Steer, Axmin- ster, 2 copies. Mrs. Sparrow, Ludgate-hill. Francis Townshend, Jim. Esq. Herald's College. Mr. Toller, Student at Wymondley Academy, Herts. William Tucker, Esq. Ax- minster. V. Viscount Valentia, Hi n de- street, Portman-square, 3 copies. Mrs. Vaisy, Grove, near Marlborough. VV. Mr. Wheatley. Mr. Wooilaston. Mr. White. Mr. Mathew Wigliam, High Ilolborn. Mrs. Wavell, Cricklade. Miss Woodruff©, Coventry. J. T. Watts, Esq. Stock Ex- change. Mr. Whitehead, Student at Wymondley Herts. Mr. Wright, ditto. ]VIr. Warren, ditto. Christopher Watson, Mark-lane, 3 copies xliv Academy, Esq. George \V. Wye, Esq. Oid Broad-street, 3 copies. S. Were, Esq. Axruinster. S. It. Whitty, Esq. ditto. Miss Wade, Assembly-row, Mile End. POEMS. CONTENTS. PAOE. To Friendship 1 Lines written during a Storm 3 On recovering from a tedious Illness, whilst confined by Weakness 5 An Impromptu in Sickness 9 Matthew— c. 11.— v. 23 11 Paraphrase on the 46th Psalm 15 Paraphrase on the first part of the Sod Psalm 19 A Hymn 23 A Morning Hymn 2(5 An Evening Hymn 20 A II) in 1 1 32 Resignation in Sickness 34 Tiioughts whilst examining Flowers 3l> Written in Autumn, after a dangerous Illness 40 On a Friend remarking I constantly encourage Hope 44 Reflections while copying a Miniature of Mary Queen of Scots. 46 CONTENTS. PAGE. Orlando and Emily 50 Elegiac Stanzas 53 On a Dew Drop 61 Hay-making 63 To Tranquillity 65 Effusion 6T Clifton 70 To my Nephew Joseph, on his Birth-day, August 11th, 1811. . 95 To my Sister, on her Birth-day, March 10th, 1812 102 To Emma, on her requesting my opinion of what constitutes a Beautiful Face 106 To my Nephew Francis, on his entering St. Paul's School. .. .108 To my Sister Mary 113 To my Nephews and Nieces 115 TO FRIENDSHIP. Friendship i thou soother of the troubled mind, Thou brilliant gem to brighten dark Despair, By thy sweet influence Pleasure is refined, And thou canst soften, by dividing, care. When from the pallid cheek the roses fly, When Health and Cheerfulness no longer bloom, When Sorrow steals the lustre from the eye, And sparkling Wit refuses to illume; When fickle Fortune shews her varying power, And promised gifts, with smiles, will not ex- tend, Some bliss enlivens still the dreary hoar, If there remain the solace of a Friend ; Such as, through darkened scenes of chilling woes, With truth sincere, affords each grief repose. LINES, WRITTEN DURING A STORM. THE Rain and the Tempest are beating around, Nor is aught to be heard but harsh horror's dread sound ; The elements' contest, and all this wild strife, Conveys to my mind a true picture of life. It tells me, that man, sadly weak and forlorn, Must submit to (he troubles to which he was born, Must expect 'mid his sunshine that storms will arise, And must \ield to the tempest that reigns in 12 Resplendent rays to animate the Heart, Disperse dark fear, and brightest hope impart — ■ When on the bed of pain the sufferer lie* And no kind hand it's ready aid supplies; When the sick soul opprest by mental grief Pines in deep sorrow, hopeless of relief; When the worn traveller sinks beneath the had Which still he bears along life's rugged road, Weary and faint pursues li Is thorny^way, Seeks thro' the gloom some friendly glimmering ray, While darkness gathers and thick clouds appear, And not a taper gleams his path to cheer — 13 When Sorrow's tears bedew her patient cheek Who grieves in secret but forbears to speak, Who patiently subdues the rising sigh, By the assurance that her God is nigh, Who meekly in Affliction's trying hour, Reliance feels on his supporting power, Trusts that he notes the sufferer's flowing tear, Calms the sad soul and checks the rising fear, — • What soothing solace in this truth divine, Dejected mourner, all thy fears resign, A pitying eye can every sorrow see, A gracious voice proclaims — u Come unto me," " Amidst the deepest gloom, and weightiest woe, u I will an animating ray bestow, 14 u Whatc'er the troubles which invade thy breast, u I will subdue thy griefs, and give thee rest, i( Will bid thy trials and thy sufferings cease, " And lead to mansions of eternal peace." 15 A PARAPHRASE ON THE FORTY-SIXTH PSALM. RISE drooping Sufferer, banish every fear, Thy refuge and support, thy God is near — Tho' the foundations of the mountains shake, Tho' earth shall tremble, and all nature quake, Tho' swelling waters rush with troubled roar, And billowy surges lash the peaceful shore, Tho' lofty hills are hurled with boist'rous sweep To the dark regions of the silent deep. 16 Yet a calm river, and a peaceful rill, In gentle current cheers thee, Zion! still, It's softest streams in soothing murmurs glide, By holy Sanctuaries where saints reside, Where meekness lifts to Heaven her tearful eye, And feels her aid, a present Deify. When War displays its falchion and its shield, And hostile armies desolate the field — When dreaded powers invade the peaceful soil, And pity's voice is lost in discord's broil — When the black raven hover's o'er the dart Which vengeance points againstabrother'sheart-- Ambitious heroes with their glittering train, Their march direct defying toil and pain, 17 Fell desolation all their steps pursue, And houseless thousands the fierce warfare rue j The weeping wife, the parent, sister, friend, Whose ardent, trembling prayers, to heaven ascend, Their breaking hearts, the tidings rend in twain That husband, brother, child, or friend is slain— Still may each relative, and anxious friend, Securely trust their God will yet attend— For war shall cease at his Almighty word, His fiat sheaths the dread avengeful sword, He can avert the long impending doom, And bid the olive branch of peace to bloom. 18 His power shall be to heathen nations shewn. They must exalt his name, his goodness own ; Rest then my soul, bend to th' Almighty's will, Subdue complaint, resign, confide, be still — Know that Omniscience doth thy sufferings see The Lord of Hosts will ever present be, And Jacob's God is a sure refuge near, To calm thy mind, and quiet every fear. 19 A PARAPHRASE ON THE FIRST PART OF THE THIRTY-THIRD PSALM. LET Gratitude her tribute bring The great Jehovah's power to sing, On tuneful instruments to raise Melodious strains of love and praise; Oh ! may the minstrel strike his lyre, And touch its strings with holy fire, To bending ago and vigorous youth Proclaim our God ! a God of truth ! 20 That the whole earth his power displays, His mercy shines in all his ways, The glittering orbs that grace the night, The twilight gloom, and morn's soft light, The mid-day sun, and soothing shade, The verdant hill, and sheltered glade, With all that on this globe rejoice, Were formed by his Almighty voice, Who spake from his majestic throne, Gave the command, and it was done, — Whose hand controul'd the troubled deep, And made it his direction keep, Whose counsel is for ever sure And shall with truth and time endure. 21 Filled with reflections such as these, May we in scenes of tranquil ease, While holy shepherds tunc their reeds With grateful strains on flowery meads, With awe and reverence praises give To him, who Lndc the landscape live, To him, from whom all goodness flows, Who every bounteous gift bestows. 22 A HYMN. O LORD! with Pity look on me And guide my wandering feet to thee, Oh ! give me grace, that I may still Incline my heart to do thy will. When I my Saviour's mercies see, Oh ! raise my soul (hrough him to thee, His precepts may I keep in view, Mindful to learn and practice too. 23 May faith each warm affection raise, From earth to heaven ! — from prayer to praise !« Fill me with truth, and peace, and love, Sure foretaste of the joys above. If thorns instead of flowers appear, And sorrow's darts shall pierce me here, Support mc with thy cheering ray, Let heavenly hope illume my way. If thou beneficently give, With gratitude may I receive ; Expand my heart to ope' the door, And share my blessings with the poor. 24 May I life's goods with temperance use, Nor what is freely given refuse, With thanks enjoy what I possess, And in the gift, the giver bless. Should thy will bid me still remain In this low state of fear and pain, Oh ! grant that I may ever be Devoted, Lord, to serving thee. Protect me with thy powerful arm, Pour in my heart thy sovereign balm. Let patience soothe each pang I feel, And soften what it cannot heal. 25 Guide thou my weak and wandering mind, When doubt distracts and errors blind; To thy blest will be e'er subdued, Each thought, each vain solicitude. 26 A MORNING HYMN. GLORY to thee O God ! whose power, A guard thro' dreary night, Hath saved me in the darksome hour, And given the morning light. Oh ! with the sun's returning rays, May grateful feelings rise ; Inspire my heart to sing thy praise In early sacrifice. 27 As the bright beams of raorn illume, And night gives place to day ; So may thy light dispel the gloom, And guide my erriug way. Blot my transgressions from thy book By Mercy's pitying hand; On all my actions deign to look, My every thought command. May time, improved, serenely glide, Devoted, Lord, to thee ; May holy angels here preside, And bring thy peace to me. 28 To every creature here below Thy bounteous love extend ; Thou, great Redeemer, still dost shew Thyself to all a friend. Give me this day my daily bread, Thy grace, O Lord ! bestow ; By thee the hungry soul is fed, From thee all blessings flow. May I the course of Virtue run, Each former sin forgiven ; Henceforth thy will by me be done, As it is done in Heaven. 29 And when at last this house of clay Dissolved in dust shall lie, Thy heavenly glories. Lord, display,- Thy present deity. Unveil thy kingdom to my sight, The splendour of thy throne; And may the realms of endless light For c?er be mine own, 30 AN EVENING HYMN. MY God, whose mercy thro' the day Hath been my firm support and guide, Still thro' the night be thou my stay, O'er gloom and danger to preside. Oh ! with the peaceful evening scene, When each tempestuous thought is still, While twilight sheds a gleam serene, Teach me thy all, directing will. 31 Emblem of death, is quiet sleep — If from it's power I should revive, Do thou my active spirit keep, And bid me for thy glory live. If thou decrccst I ne'er shall wake, All earthly comforts I resign, Trusting thou wilt, in pity, take My soul to mansions which are thine. Oh ! may thy great Redeeming Son Pardon for my offences bring, Efface what I amiss have done, And shade mc with his peaceful wing. c3 32 A HYMN. THOU Great, Supreme, Almighty Friend, In mercy now thy grace extend ; Teach a poor suppliant thy will, Direct and guide the wanderer still. When in a dubious path I tread, "With clouds and tempests overspread, Do thou illume my dreary way, And be thy firm support, my stay. S3 When pleasures would seduce the mind, May mine with reason be combined; May I select unfading joy, Such as may ne'er my peace destroy. In every doubtful, trying, hour, My hope is, thy sustaining power; Trusting that thou wilt still protect, And with thy grace my soul direct. 34 RESIGNATION IN SICKNESS. GREAT God! to thee I humbly bow, To thee I bend the suppliant knee ; Thy lenient hand full well I know Has power to aid and comfort me. Oh ! with afflictions that descend, Add resignation to thy will ; Give me to sec thou art my friend, And can'st appear to solace still. 35 Through nature's course thou hast decreed A renovation of the scene, To storms that sunshine should succeed, And sorrow make the mind serene. As sunshine after storm revives, And plants and herbs fresh fragrance gain; So sickness, tranquil peace supplies, And virtue lights her torch from pain. Oh ! may its beams my path illume, My fears dispel, my sorrows cheer ; Let resignation to my doom, And humble hope support me here. 36 THOUGHTS WHILST EXAMINING FLOWERS. THE little blossom I dissect Shews a Supreme, can all protect- How fine the texture, tinged with gold, How gefltly does the bud unfold ; The petals open by degrees, Till all complete can bear the breeze ; How wonderful this tender care, Which e'en the shrinking flower can spare. 37 Shall not the God who clothes the field And will the ripened harvest yield- Shall he who gives the flower to blow With varied beauty's richest glow — Shall he not still his power extend And man— his favourite work — befriend? — Yes, his supreme, supporting, love, His goodness infinite will prove — And those who on his care rely Shall feel his present deity. He knows their wants — he marks their tears- Assists the weak — the drooping cheers— And, as his all-sustaining power Supports the vernal opening flower. 38 So, if we firmly trust his care In humble hope, and fervent prayer, Meek, and submissive to his will, We then shall find him ready, still To feel our wants — to grant his aid, His cheering sun — his soothing shade. The flower endures the beating rain, And lifts it's languid head again; Who that it's slender stem surveys Would think it formed for stormy days- Yet lo ! a gentler air revives That slender stem — again it lives. So does weak man from keen distress Revive once more to happiness. 39 Affliction purifies the mind, Raises the soul, to heaven resigned, Teaches how little life can give Unless wc in the future live. Nature's revolving changes shew A power supreme o'er all below; Bid us still wait the Almighty's aim, Trust in his arm and bless his name — From these we learn that sorrows here Will fit us for a loftier sphere, With brighter views our hopes they raise, In humble confidence —and grateful praise. 40 WRITTEN IN AUTUMN AFTER A DANGEROUS ILLNESS, REVIVING from the bed of death, To me how cheering nature's breath— The opening dawn And sunny lawn With glittering dew-drops animate the scene; The gurgling rill And distant mill Sooth and compose the soul serene. 41 To me how int'resting each day — How do I watch the leafless spray ; Th' autumnal breeze, "Which strips the trees, Seems to deprive me of consoling friends, At ev'ry view A last adieu Steals from me as the leaf descends. I feel an animating power, Which aids me in each trying hour; And now resigned, W'ith tranquil mind, Trust in his powerful, all sustaining, hand ; 42 New hopes appear, No more I fear, But yield my life to his command. The genial influence of the spring, Re-animaled life may bring; All nature's friend Can yet attend, And guide, if health should renovate, my frame; His promise still He will fulfil, And be supreme o'er death the same. He'll lead from trials here below, 43 And give the pure seraphic glow ; All doubts removed, The friends we loved Will then unite and heavenly praises sing- In spirit free We all shall see Our bliss complete and chaunt th' Eternal King. 44 ON A FRIEND REMARKING I CONSTANTLY ENCOURAGE HOPE. YOU tell me Hope is my delight, And constantly my guest ; That with her soft and cheering voice She bids my troubles rest. Some say Pandora's box contained This treasure of the mind ; That when all evils took their flight, This blessing was behind. 45 Such Hope as this can never soothe, Or calm tempestuous care ; My Hope religion must inspire, Her anchor I would wear. 46 REFLECTIONS WHILE COPYING A MWIATDRE OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. ILL-FATED Mary ! could not aught avail, No not thy speaking face, Thy dignity and grace, Thy pleading innocence, and artless talej Who that thy face has seen Would wish to be a Queen, Or with ambitious ardor would be fired ; Who that thy -ighs have known, And felt thy piercing moan, Would with desire for beauty be inspired ? 47 With such a soul-expressive face, Could Mary virtue's power disgrace ? With such a dignity of form, Could Mary yield to passion's storm ? Or could she, led by faction's power, Give up the peaceful, tranquil hour? Was she not calm, devout, serene, E'en in confinement's dreary scene ? Did she not through her deep distress, Dependance on her God express ? Could not such sorrow touch the heart, Such grief no sympathy impart? How could'st thou, envious, rash, Elizabeth, Doom so much sweetness to a cruel death ? 48 Oh ! what disgrace to England's learned queen, Was such a train of politics, so mean— What, tho' the faction of the times might shew Mary in an unfavourable view— Tho' dark suspicion with her jaundiced eye Saw Rizzio bleed,— revengeful Darnley die; Yet while a plea of innocence remained, While Mary might not with such crimes be stained; Ah ! surely mercy should have stretched her hand, And soothed the sufferer in a stranger-land ; The relative need not have been severe, But rather might have dropped the pitying tear. Dark Jealousy! thou foe to human kind, How could'st thou rankle in so great a mind, 49 So fatal fix thy deep envenom'd dart, That reason's empire could not aid impart ; Check the warm feeling, and the generous glow, Which from a virtuous heart should ever flow ? Sweet consanguinity, and friendly ties, Are surely rent when lovely Mary dies ! — How could'st thou, envious, rash, Elizabeth, Doom a near relative to such a death ? 50 ORLANDO AND EMILY. 11 TO whom belongs that Parsonage so neat, " Where taste and elegance so justly meet; 11 Where half the porch the rose and woodbine hide?" Enquired the wanderer of his friendly guide. et Orlando and his Emily live here, tl See in the garden now they both appear/' — 51 In playful infancy they caught love's flame, A pleasing feeling, yet without a name. Advancing years fixed the impression true, Ripening, yet shrinking from the public view ; The growing passion each succeeding year, Became the source of many a doubt and fear; Orlando loved, yet still his love concealed, From her to whom he wished it most revealed — His gentle Emily, so good and pure, Could she the blasts of poverty endure, Or could she hope a doting parent's voice Would sanction or approve so mean a choice, No — he would go — in honor, he would go, Where she could ne'er his secret sufferings kn*w 52 But then he feared that some more happy swain, Might his beloved Emily obtain.— Should he, depending on her partial love, Solicit she would constant to him prove; When absent think of him with tender care — This thought dispels the sadness of despair, He must — he will, to her his passion tell, Hope kindly whispered, all may yet be well. He watched her visit to her favourite bower, This is the happy, the auspicious hour — " My Emily, I go! — a last adieu! ** No more Orlando that dear face must view. 53 14 Will you yhcn gazing on the tranquil stream, 4 Whose wave reflects fair Cynthia's silver beam — '* Will you when straying thro* our favorite grove, ' Some moments dedicate to me — to love ? '* Will memory e'er recall the happy hours, u When in the verdant fields we pluck'd sweet flowers ; u The simple lily springing in the vale, " Screened by the hawthorn from the boist'rons gale? li Ah! Emily — might this an emblem be, ** You the sweet flow'ret, I the sheltering tree— *•'• No, your Orlando must an exile pine, " And liu fond hope of happiness resign, 54 " For well I feel your tender, constant vow, u Must be directed by a father's brow, y HAY-MAKING. BEHOLD the cheerful village train, The blooming maid, and rustic youth, Ajid see the timid, doubtful swain, Plighting his vows of love and truth. The mower whets his scythe and sings, Some rake in rows the fragrant grass. The distant cart it's treasure brings, White fleeting moments gaily pass. 64 The aged sire, and infant boy, Each raise the russet heap of hay ; The feather'd songsters tune to joy, And labor loves the social day. Shall not such scenes instruct the heart, Shew what simplicity can yield?— How little grandeur can impart, Equal to this delightful field. 65 TO TRANQUILLITY. COME tranquil Pleasure, here reside, Be thou my mild directing guide, To purity and peace; Come with thy meek and placid air, Bid restless grief, with anxious care, And each disquiet cease. 66 Pale discontent, with rank'ling spleen, Will oft obscure the brightest scene, And happiness destroy ; These wither all our greenest bays. These can o'ercloud our smiling days. And blight each promis'd joy. But to the well-attemper'd mind, Tranquillity is bliss refined ; And tho' a humble store, If bounteous heaven with this impart, A grateful and a cheerful heart, We need not wish for more. 6? EFFUSION. WEARIED with the toils of life, Envy, turbulence, and strife, I, amidst the lonely shade In the quiet rural glade, Sought upon th' enamelled green, Jf a cot could there be seen, Where domestic bliss might fly, From the glance of curious eye; 68 From detraction's baneful strain, From the idle, and the vain. By a gentle murmuring rill. In a vale beneath a hill, There I found a favourite scene. Calm, salubrious, and serene ; There the reverend grandsire 6ee, With a boy, on either knee, Simple, moral lessons gives, And in them again he lives ; There the white-fleeced flocks appear, With the tending shepherd near, While his lute's inspiring sound, Charms the quiet scene around, 63 There content and yirtue dwell, Friendship, too, delights to tell Gay inspiring tales of youth, Love and constancy and truth. These are scenes that touch the heart, And ecstatic joys impart, This is pure domestic bliss — Pomp can never equal this. 70 CLIFTON. CLIFTON'S inspiring breezes wake my strain, Hygeia's seat with pleasure in her train : Here lofty crags in awful grandeur rise, Where the rich ochre with the diamond vies ; The sparkling stratum, deep inlaid with ore, Here leads enquiring minds these rocks t' explore While thickest woods, supplying calm retreat, Invite the wanderer, sheltered from the heat, 71 In peaceful silence nature here to scan, And bless that God who formed great nature's plan. Here simple flowers, in rich profusion spread, Spring with their beauties from the airy tread- See Arabis disclose her blossom here, With simple Cistus and Euphorbia near; Erica, Tormentilla, Wild Thyme green, And blooming Ophrgs, animate the scene — Here the sweet Violet perfumes the air, And Digitalis thrives, with virtues rare; The scarlet Pimpinclla peeps beside, With rich Hypericums in golden pride ; 72 The pencil'd Eyebright, and the Scabious gay, With sweet Geraniums * gladden all the way ; The scarce Sanquineum of glowing hue Springs near Veronica of lively blue ; These with the Service waving in the wind. It's silver leaves the botanist may find, May varied beauties elegantly class, And innocently here his hours may pass. To yonder wood a summer party throng, To them the true delights of life belong. * Geraniums are not generally to be found flourishing without cultivation, but at Clifton, and on £t. Vincent's Rocks several species of them are to be met with. E'en John and Susan hail the happy day, And with the well stored basket speed their way : Delightful day of innocence and ease, Where rural joys and sports combine to please : Behind the tufted oak the children hide, Impatient peep, half wishing to be spied j The young brunette, a gypsey, now appears, And tells the fortunes of their future years ; Gravely the little ones their palms display, To know who best to-morrow's task will say ; When the next present from mamma be shared, And which will be papa's best boy declared— The elder youth, in hermit's habit clad, No longer will appear like giddy lad ; 74 But dignified, impressive, learned, sage, He speaks with all the gravity of age— A cave the rock affords to suit his plan, Such as might please a meditative man ; An oaken stick procured, and reverend beard, And now a grave, and solemn voice is hoard. 11 My children," says the hermit, u learn of me, u Life in its proper colours now to see — • li A vale of misery, a sea of tears, u Made up of toil and trouble, doubts and fears, •' Temptations, trials, disappointments, woes, These are theconstant ills thatmanhood knows." 75 ({ Oh! no " the little Emma quickly cries,