THE B r UC-NRLF SPFI T FR SHEARanb LYNCH $B 3D7 HE h fV UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION m. /; r^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE BALDWIN... SPELLEE BY S. R. SHEAR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, KINGSTON, NEW YORK ASSISTED BY MARGARET T. LYNCH PRINCIPAL OF PUBLIC SCHOOL NO. 2, WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK ->»ic NEW YORK-:. CINCINNATI-:. CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Ki :y p|i6] ^I^nqiIticn op WpRDS THAT ARE MARKED DIACRI IN THIS BOOK. Vowels a, as in mate. 1, as in police. a, " " village. 0, u " old. a, " " care. X «, u " obey. a, " " hat. 6, u " f6rm. a, " " far. 6, u " hot. a, " " ask. 0, u " son. a, " " all. 9, (( " wolf. e, ' " she. 0, i i " to. e, ' " event. 5, u " word. e, ' " end. u, (( " tabe. e, ' " her. J. a " unite. e, ' " they. U, u " rule. g, ' " th§re. u, u " full. i, ' " fine. u, (( " tiib. t, ' " idea. ^ ^h (; " burn. h ' " pin. y, u " by. T, ' ' " girl. y, u " pity. 66, as in book. oi, as in oil. oo, " " school. ew ( 1 " few. ou, " " our. ow, ' ' " brown Consonants g, as in go. th , as in thin. g, " " gentle. a ( 1 " this. c, " " can, act. D, ( " finger. Q. " " cents, ice s, n " sing. ph, " " phonic. §, (( " wi§e. A silent letter is marked with an oblique line across it, as in com^ Copyright, 1903, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Entered at Stationers' Hall, London. BALD. SPELLER. w. p. 6 PREFACE Eecentlt, for causes which this book is intended to obviate, many teachers have abandoned the use of a regular spelling book, preferring to select the words from other text-books. This plan has been found deficient in at least two particulars. Certain words often misspelled do not properly belong to any subject of the school curriculum ; and, more serious still, words copied from dictation or from the blackboard are often incor- rectly copied, and hence a wrong concept is formed. This vol- ume is presented with a view to overcoming these difficulties. The words were selected by class-room teachers. Several teachers in a certain grade observed the class vocabulary for one year ; each teacher then submitted a list of several hundred words. These lists were subsequently compared, condensed, and approved at a joint consultation of teachers, principals, and superintendent. The selection was governed by five important considerations : 1. What words ought children of a certain age to know ? 2. What words are they obliged to use in their various subjects ? 3. What words are they likely to misspell ? 4. What words do they use in ordinary conversation ? 5. What words will they be obliged to use in after life ? Geographical terms have been omitted, because courses of study differ very materially as to the time when this subject is begun, what topic should first be treated, and what method should be employed. Although children will misspell words in composition, which they spell correctly when listed, no effort has here been made to present a language book. Dictation exercises have been omitted for three chief reasons : 1. To compose a paragraph containing all the words of a certain lesson or group, no matter what the plan of classifica- tion may be, is to present that which is sure to lack literary merit if not sense. 2. To present masterpieces of literature from which words are to be selected, is to assume that the child needs to know and is likely to misspell such words only as are found in literature proper. 3. To give appropriate dictation exercises involving words presented, would be to outline in detail an entire course of study, to reproduce juvenile conversation, and to suggest plans of correlation beyond the province or purpose of the authors. Little effort has been made to classify the words, because careful gradation interferes with close classification. The less difficult words are at the beginning of chapters, because other subjects of the curriculum are so arranged and graded. The lists are not designed to place a limit upon the number of words to be taught in each grade ; they are presented simply as a minimum requirement. Each teacher is at liberty and is expected to teach such other words as are necessary. This plan should prevent a vast amount of duplication and much unnecessary drill upon words already well known. In the preparation of matter for this book I have been ably assisted by two grammar-school principals of White Plains, Miss Lodiski L. Williams and Miss Julia Van Orden. To them and all the teachers who have assisted in preparing the different lists, I desire to express my appreciation. I wish also to credit Superintendent Fred E. Knapp, of Hempstead, N.Y., with giving me the first suggestion which led to this publication. S. R. SHEAR. Kingston, N.Y. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS METHOD 1. At each recitation the words for next lesson should be spelled orally, pronounced, their meaning discussed, and their use illustrated. Words should be carefully scrutinized, the teacher calling attention to any peculiarity in spelling. 2. The pupils afterwards prepare this lesson for next day. 3. At the next spelling recitation the advanced lesson is treated as above, and the pupils are then called upon to write from memory the words discussed on the previous day. 4. It is well to have words pronounced by those pupils who are naturally deficient in enunciation or phonics. 5. Have an oral review at least once each week. If a lesson is properly prepared, it is unnecessary for the teacher to pronounce the words, and there is no doubt that pupils will make a more thorough preparation if they do not have the pronunciation to lean upon. This method has stood the test of practice, and the results are highly gratifying. Better spelling is obtained in all written work, greater concentration and less dreaming are manifested in recitation as well as in the preparation of every subject. Spelling is largely a matter of memory, and the chief reasons why children spell so poorly is that they copy words incorrectly, they dawdle over the preparation, and they gain wrong concepts of the words or no concept at all. MATTER 1. Each teacher should not only teach the words of her own grade, but should give a sufficient amount of drill upon the words of pre- ceding grades; no recitation should be confined entirely to the study of new words. 2. The spelling of all geographical terms and proper names should be taught as the words occur in the daily lessons. In all subjects, either elementary or advanced, new words should receive careful attention, and the spelling as well as the meaning should be mastered. 3. Homonyms and antonyms are extremely troublesome to children, hence a large number of exercises involving such words are presented. Most of these have been taken from class work or have been suggested by the grammar-school pupils. That the great law of comparison may be utilized, the words are arranged in groups, although some educators object to this plan. Sentences instead of definitions have 5 been used in the lower grades to elucidate this class of words, because the illustration is more likely to be neglected by the teacher, while the definition, because of brevity, is apt to be misleading if not wrong. Above the fifth grade neither sentences nor definitions are given, as the pupils at this age are supposed to be able and anxious to help themselves to the meaning and use of such homonyms and antonyms as may be presented in each lesson. 4. Dictation exercises should be used to test penmanship, capitali- zation, paragraphing, syntax, and spelling, but it should be remem- bered that spelling is only a feature of this sort of work. To afford material for dictation work of a helpful kind, synonyms have been introduced with the other w^ork in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. At first each group is supposed to occupy two periods ; one for discussion and preparation and the other for recitation. A study of synonyms not only improves the sj)elling, but it enlarges the child's vocabulary, increases his interest in the dictionary, and leads to greater fluency of expression. 5. As an outgrowth of the work in synonyms, words easily con- fused are presented in the seventh grade. This line of work is helpful in the matter of enunciation and discrimination, and it can be increased as the teacher may desire. 6. Children should consult a dictionary not only for the pronuncia- tion and spelling of words, but for the origin and meaning. Webster's dictionary is recommended for use in this work. 7. One of the chief reasons why children spell so poorly is that rules are seldom taught. Keeping this fact in mind, we present some of the most common as well as the most general rules of orthography, and at a time when the children are able to make intelligent use of them. 8. No attempt has been made to present an exhaustive list of abbreviations. As they arise from day to day in arithmetic, geog- raphy, language, and other subjects they should be thoroughly taught and thoroughly illustrated. 9. The poems at the end of the chapters for the lower grades are introduced for memorizing, and to aid in the method recommended. 10. All written work must be carefully reviewed and correct spelling required at all times. 11. Sight, hearing, motor activity, attention, and every possible faculty should be brought to bear during a spelling period. Insist upon concentration and the results will be certain. ', ■> ) > :>,',', ,,,53 'I'j j' IID SECOND YEAR Every Fifth Lesson to he an Oral Review Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 day came and man play made hand ran ate make land sang Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 have ba'by fast are lad say grass was has says gave what Lesson 1 Lesson 2 wet dry hot cold yes no up Lesson 3 down Mr. Master or Mister. Mrs. Mistress. Lesson 4 ate John ate an apple, eight Mary has eight cents, be Be kind to all you meet. bee A bee stnng Jane. Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 arm ears she then mam ma' eat three them pa pa' tea feet get Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 bench nest her * bird sent eggs harm girl cent eyes hear were Lesson 1 Lesson 2 first last gooc. bad old new Lesson 3 come go St. Street I or Saint. ]^o. Number. Lesson 4 hear Hear the bird sing. here My hook is here. cent Papa gave me a cent. sent Mamma sent vie to school. SECOND YEAR 9 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 ike his sing ook five lim thing lame pine six this slate Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 book of snow run took stop know son hood for nose sum Lesson 1 • Lesson 2 love hate light dark laugh cry Lesson 3 meet » part A.M. before noon. P.M. afternoon or postmaster. Lesson 4 son John is Mr. Poiver^s son. sun The SU71 shines to-day. know Do you know that man ? no No; I do not know him. 10 SECOND YEAR Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 how love ball two loud done but now cow does put our Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 you that come knew your they one louse four ver' y mean horse Lesson 1 Lesson 2 save waste grave m '.OSS gain tame wild Lesson 3 pc. paid. ct. cent. Lesson 4 new / have a new ball. knew He knew the way to our house. one / will not waste one minute. won Do you know who tvon the game f SECOND YEAR 11 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 must walk fish tell west talk ship ten 3en'ny tall miss went Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 wool sto'ry spring w^ho work goes sis'ter shoe week whole riv'er into Lesson 1 1 Lesson 2 sad glad rich poor off on much lit'tle Lesson 3 mo. month. jr. year. Lesson 4 1 Shall I tell you about my little sister ? eye The poor dog has lost one eye. see See the fish that we caught in the river. sea Ships sail on the sea. 12 SECOND YEAR REVIEW ar^ fo]ir no§^ ta^ arm gir' of tall •• at^ go^§ old that ba'by grass one the/ bal. !iand papa' thing bird harm pen'ny this cent hav^ poor three cold he^r rich t^o com^ hors^ riv'er yery cow hous0 sa/ waj'k d6^§ into' se^ wast0 don^ l^new see week down l^no^ sent went dry lajigh ship wer^ egg§ li#t sho^ wet e/#t lik^ sing what #^§ mam ma' sis'ter A^hol^ fast man SIX won fish me^n son wool fiv^ much spring work secon: D YEAR 33 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 would their wind star conic. theirs win'dow stem should where win'ter smal Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 try when might will sky which ;dte learn fly while bite loaf Lesson 1 Lesson 2 hard soft m.ore ".ess low high some none Lesson 3 hr. hour. wk. week. Lesson 4 their The girls lost their hats in the grass, there I found them there this morning, knows The man knows hoiv to tvork. nose Your nose is a part of your face. 14 SECOND YEAR Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 bread leaf cake east broth'er live call e Ven ing brown milk car lis'ten Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 chick'en out amb food child round lamp moon chair mouse flag room Lesson 1 Lesson 2 right left front back lead foot over un'der Lesson 3 wt. weight. lb. pound. lbs. pounds. Lesson 4 to Boys like to play ball. too Do not eat too much candy. two Mary bought ttvo pounds of sugar. SECOND YEAR 11 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 apple num'ber dish blue be gan' fun'ny drink flew hap'py mud'dy di^um bloom Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 ma'ple month dance aunt name moth'er class lark safe .a'dy ant fa'ther Lesson 1 Lesson 2 give take long short buy sell Lesson 3 thin thick OZ. ounce or ounces. doz. dozen. Lesson 4 blue The sky is blue. blew TJie ivind blew from the west. ant An ant is a small i?isect. aunt That lady is my aunt. 16 SECOND YEAR Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 seed kind earn slial teeth knife learn sheep trees mine burn shine Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 schoo". warm red drawn worth wa'ter read dress orange saw rest yard Lesson 1 Lesson 2 rise fall hope fear sink swim coax drive Lesson 3 yd. yard, JNT.Y. New York. Lesson 4 red The apple is red. read Have you read tJie story ? fair / liope that the day will he fair. fare Who paid your fare on the car f SECOND YEAR IT Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 air sum'mer rob'in heat rain sun'ny from horn train south frog hole. Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 great ride but'ter young green nine trap yarn grow time burst yell Lesson 1 L Lesson 2 late early sick well best worst right wrong Lesson 3 qt. quart pt. ]pinL Lesson 4 hole Jolm dug a hole in the sand. whole / have a whole orange. heel The heel is a part of the foot heal What will heal a burn or cut ? BALD. SPEI-LEB 2 18 SECC I )ND YEAH REVIEW ant e^st le^rn south ap'pl^ eV^n ing lis'^^n siimnier a]int fa'tiier liv^ teeth be gan' first lo^f the/r blew flag ma'pl^ thin blu^ fly mi^]it tra/n bre^d frog moth'er iin'der broth'er from mous^ warm burst front nin^ wa'ter biit'ter gr^at non^ when Hf gro^ niim'ber wher^ cha/r hi# or'ang^ wind chick'en hol^ re^d win'do^ child horn rob'in worst class kit^ round worth co^x |tnif^ sc|iool wo]iJd dra^^n la'dy sho]/iJd ^rong drink lam]/} small yard diiv^ lamp soft yell e^rFy le^f som^ y^ung SECOND YEAR 19 THE CHILDREN'S HOUR Between the dark and the daylight, When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day's occupations, That is known as the Children's Hour. I hear in a chamber above me The patter of little feet, The sound of a door that is opened, And voices soft and sweet. From my study I see in the lamplight, Descending the broad hall stair, Brave Alice, and laughing Allegra, And Edith with golden hair. A whisper, and then a silence : Yet I know by their merry eyes They are plotting and planning together To take me by surprise. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall ! By three doors left unguarded They enter my castle wall ! 20 SECOND YEAR They climb up into my turret, O'er the arms and back of my chair; If I try to escape they surround me ; They seem to be everywhere. They almost devour me with kisses, Their arms about me entwine, Till I think of the Bishop of Bingen In his Mouse Tower on the Rhine ! Do you think, blue-eyed banditti. Because you have scaled the wall, Such an old mustache as I am Is not a match for you all ? I have you fast in my fortress, And will not let you depart, But put you down into the dungeon In the round-tower of my heart. And there will I keep you forever, Yes, forever and a day. Till the walls shall crumble to ruin. And molder in dust away. -— Henby Wadswobth Longfellow. THIRD YEAR Every Fifth Lesson to he a Review, 1 2 3 4 health felt boarc. lawn tenth self boat leave sixth blow roac. sur'face third field rowed les'son noth'ing gift grove vi'o let 1 2 3 4 toe paws sound skate torn pause ground grate town be cause' sec'ond grain triec. wood builc. gar 'den un til' noon gold heart 1 cheap dear 2 white black lost found here there be fore' after above' be low' B.C. Before Christ. Ave. Avenue, A.D. In the year of our Lord, paws A dog has paics. ^^w^Q We pause for rest. great Great meii are good, grate The grate is of iron. led He led the horse. lead Lead is heavy. 21 22 THIRD YEAR 1 2 3 4 ice through case each ink threw race edge since throw gate elm vil'lage throat gait en joy' still truth wag'on guess 1 2 3 4 inch a mong' pray nei'ther march a bout' prey both reach a round' speiring these peach a live' a sleep' those bleach A'pril grape an oth'er 1 warm cool 2 friend foe life death be fore' be hind' fat lean strong weak 3 in. inch, ft. foot, feet. yd. yard. pray 4: G'^oocZ men pray often. prey Lions seek their prey at ni ght. gate The gate ivas left open. gait The horse ivent at an easy gait. through Go through the hall. threw A7ina threw the hall. THIRD YEAR 23 1 2 3 4 bright quick naught catch sight quite caught charge fright quiet whose cher'ry bought ; queer why chil'dren ought square world church 1 2 3 4 trunk comb gen'tle mouth speak thumb fa'ble arith'me tic mod'est climb lone'ly Thurs 'day kept plumb on'ly write kitch'en such glo'ry porch full 1 emp'ty 2 shun seek break mend saint sin'ner sweet sour wise J fool'ish 3 Thurs. Thursday. Ft. Fort by The hoys 4 are hy the door. buy The girls ivill buy some candy. been I have been to church. bin The grain , is in the hin. 24 THIRD YEAR 1 2 3 4 ear hun'gry plant breeze earth an'gry paint brink ear'nest hur'ry scent brake heard pret'ty sense broad herd pit'y hence branch 1 2 3 4 breast street cov'er missed heav'en need cor'ner mist wear knee din'ner stand wean dream fin'ger stood means seize sup 'per stool 1 keen dull 2 smile frown wide nar'row for'mer lat'ter sharp blunt ab'sent pres'ent E. east, W. west. N. north. S. south. 4 herd Tlie shepherd watches his herd. heard James heard the drums. fir The fir tree is an evergreen fur The cats fur is very soft. break Did you hreah your pencil ? brake The wheel has a brake 07i it. THIRD YEAR 25 1 2 3 4 tear easy clock oak pair every care oar spare bar' ley coal ore hair du'ty com'ing o'er hare dirt'y coffee low'er 1 2 3 4 must fringe sil'ver June just Fri'day let'ters July' jump fresh No vem'ber u'nit sud'den frost per haps' use liun'dred fruit but'ter fly use'ful 1 freeze thaw 2 i'dle bus'y fine coarse pain pleas 'ure ever nev'er oft'en sel'dom Fri. Friday. Sat. Saturday. S.S. Sunday School. 4 oar The oar of the boat ivas broken. o'er The birds are singing o'er head. ore Iron ore is dug out of the earth. hair The hair keeps the head ivarm. hare A hare is much like a rdbhit. 26 THIRD YEAR 1 2 3 4 cost j9our lose po'ny cot'ton flow'er prune stud'y count show'er noise mer'ry cross sure glance Sun 'day doc 'tor shore once Mon'day 1 2 3 4 year a'ny think scold near said thank wel'come clear sev'en plank per'fect sheaf next please mu'sic heap tent tease A mer'i ca 1 few ma'ny joy 2 grief bind loose shy bold peace war with a gainst' Sun. Sunday. Mon. Monday, Dr. Doctor or debtor. pair Slie has a new pair of gloves. pear The pear tree is in the garden, pare Tou may pare the apple. sell Farmers sell grain and hay. cell The had man ivas put in a cell. THIRD YEAR 27 REVIEW ab'sent edg^ mod'est Sj^ent A mer'i ca elm mouth sec'ond an'gry en joy' mti'sic se/z^ an oth'er ev er y na]/i^|it sev'en a'ny f/eld nei'ther sil'ver a ritli'me tic foorish next sixth a sleep' freez0 noise speiring be cause' fr/end noth'ing squSr^ bo^rd gen'tl^ No vem'ber stud'y br^ak glancj^ of'jK^n sud'd^n bro^d g]iess once stir^ b^ild health on'ly sur'face clie^p h^art 6im t^ar cMrdren hiin'drec. pa]is^ te^s^ clim]^ hiir'ry per'fect tenth coffee inch pit'y third com]i jump po'ny thum]i com'ing jiist porch Thurs'da/ cot't(^n kept pres'ent truth cov'er kitch'en pret'ty u'nit dirt'y la\/^n prun0 un til' doc'tor les'sj^n queer us^'ful du'ty lon^'ly quilt vi'o let e^r'nest ma'ny quite ^hos^ e^s'y mer ry said ^rit^ 28 THIRD YEAR 1 2 3 4 prayer heav'y want par'ley par'ent feath'er wash par'lor par'rot pleas'ant war nut mar'ble peel deaf wheel doriar pork weath'er whis'per ge og'ra phy 1 2 3 4 sew Sat'ur day na'ture eighth sow hurt ache weight store pur'ple al'ways weighed move pearl a loud' wheth'er vis'it worms po ta'to oth'er eve 1 morn don 2 doff feast fast bless curse tight loose top bot'tom Nov. November. Cr. credit or creditor. way This is the ivay the morning daivns. weigh Bid they iveigh the coal f wait You may ivait here. weight What is your iveight f none Pencils ivere given to those tvho had none. nun The sister in the convent is called a. nun. THIRD YEAR 29 faith'M raise rai'sin wait strange 1 soil voice joy'M hour soup 2 fence De cem'ber ceriar piece pen'cil 2 is'land siege sig'nal fas 'ten chest'nut 3 treat wheat preach tea' spoon re main' 3 can'dy cru'el court ex pect' in' sect 4 ford fourth fought doubt cloud 4 slay vain vane la'bor ba'ker back chill worse forth fe'ver bet'ter lend bor'row fear'ful fear'less hill dale Dec. December. Mt. Mount or Mountain, piece Talce a piece of cake. peace " Peace on earth, good ivill to men.'^ fourth April is the fourth month of the year. forth The soldiers ivent forth to battle. cellar The house has a large cellar. seller A man who sells goods is a seller. 30 THIRD ' YEAR 1 2 3 4 be lieve' thread ei'ther an 'gel yield stead' y e lev'enth an'gle re ceive' break'fast fee'ble an'i mal sleigh breath e ras'er ad'der vein breathe eas'i ly lan'guage 1 2 3 4 fleece a fraid' thought trout sail' sage dai'ly brought coun'ty nice'ly dain'ty daugh'ter coun'try office dai'sy up 'right couch re cess' fair'y fright'ened though in'let out'let straight 2 crook'ed in'ner out'er rough smooth in side' out side' tough ten'der ans. answer. min. minute, pk. peck. 4 slay Did the hunter slay the deer f sleigh We rode in a sleigh last tvinter. vane The iveather vane is on the ham. vain The peacock is vain. vein The hloodjloios through the veins. THIRD YEAR 31 1 2 3 4 hon'ey beech cap'i tal stick mon'ey beach fam'i ly taste blos'som teach 'er Jan'ii a ry ta'ble blot'ter seat ham'mer ta'ken Oc to'ber 'east mar'row yes'ter day 1 2 3 4 creep pen'man ship Au'gust tim'id course re mem'ber au'tumn trick crown shelf fault trav'el scorch selfish scratch tru'ant de tect' slen'der snatch tru'ly 1 fore aft po lite' 2 sau'cy ebb flow dwarf gi'ant height depth past fu'ture Oct. October, Jan. January. Aug. August. beach It is cool on the beach in summer. beech There are many nuts on the beech tree. week Seven days make a iveek. weak The child is quite weak. coarse An Indian has coarse black hair. course The course of a stream must be down hill. 32 THIRD YEAR 1 2 3 4 quar'ter ques'tion prom'ise bowl writ'ten busi'ness dust'y un'cle beau'ti f ul obey' Tues'day pris'on i'ron prize ninth spi'der peo'ple up 'per sul'try grand' moth er 1 2 3 4 Sep tem'ber fer'ry source ov'en pep 'per lem'on on 'ward chirp cir'cle com'ic hov'er shov'el rest'less cheese col'or some'time jel'ly be tween' col'lar some 'thing up 'ward 1 down 'ward 2 in hale' ex hale' for 'ward hith'er back 'ward thith'er im port' ex port' gath'er scat'ter 3 Tues. Tuesday, Sept. September, sec. second. 4 boll Have you seen the cotton hoUf bowl Put the milk in a howl. dear TTie dear child has done ivelL deer The deer in the park seem very wild, meat Meat is the flesh of animals, meet We meet at school every day. THIRD YEAR 33 1 2 3 4 pic'ture fen'der cloth to-day' pitch'er wan'der clothes to-mor'row worn 'an er'rand close toward wom'en far'ther Feb'ru a i y stored twelfth fifth fig'ure rib'bon 1 2 3 4 quar'rel length laughec. tongue pud'ding pu'pil min'ute tongs moun'tain shad'ow o'cean val'ley fea'ture surprise' pi an'o whis'tle com'pany u'su al brought Wednes'day 1 surien cheer 'ful for get' 2 re mem'ber cour'age de spair' home a broad' suc'cess fail'ure mild se vere' Feb. February, Wed. Wednesday, Co. Company. four Four tivos are eight, fore A horse has hoo fore legs, wood Wood is used to hum. would I ivould not he careless, our There is no flag like our oivn. hour Sixty minutes make an hour. BALD. SPELLER — S 34 THIRD YEAR REVIEW a fra/d' alVa/s a]i'tum|i b^^u'ti ful be Ijfev^' blos'som bo^l bre^k'fast bro^^lit busi'ness cap'i tal §eriar chest'nut Qir'cl^ cloth clothes col'lar com 'fort com'ic com'pa ny Cj^ur'ag0 cojirt De cem'ber dol'lar dou^t e^s'i ly ei'ther er'rand fa^th'ful fa]ilt fe^th'er fig'tir^ fo]/lrth min'ut^ moun't^m 6 \)ef' o'cean Oc to'ber of'fic^ 6th 'er par'lor pe^rl pe(^'pl^ pleas' ant fri^jit ^n^d p6 ta'to^s gath'er geog'raphy he^v'y h^i^lit hon'^y hurt i'ron i^'land Jan'u a ry lan'guagi' la]igh^d length mai-'bl^ pra/^r preach prom 'is j pud'dmg pti'pil pur'pl^ ra/'sm re ce/v^' re cess' re ma/n' rib'b^n r^ugh Sat'tirda/ sa]i'cy scrajtch shov'el sle/^}i so]/tp stra/^|it sur pris te^' spoon thoyt^li tho^^'p thread tim'id t6ng]i^s trav'^l twelfth tin'cl^ val'l^y ve/n vis 'it J. voic^ wag'on wal'nut we^th'er wejf^'Jit wheth'er THIRD YEAR 35 THE BAREFOOT BOY Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan ! With thy tnrned-up pantaloons And thy merry whistled tunes ; With thy red lip, redder still Kissed by strawberries on the hill ; With the sunshine on thv face. Through thy torn brim's jaunty grace : From my heart I give thee joy, — I was once a barefoot boy ! Prince thou art — the grown-up man Only is republican. Let the million-dollared ride ! Barefoot, trudging at his side, Thou hast more than he can buy In the reach of ear and eye, — Outward sunshine, inward joy ; Blessings on thee, barefoot boy ! Oh, for boyhood's painless play, Sleep that wakes in laughing day, Health that mocks the doctor's rules, Knowledge never learned of schools, Of the wild bee's morning chase, 36 THIRD YEAR Of the wild-flower^ s time and place, Flight of fowl and habitude Of the tenants of the wood; How the tortoise bears his shell, How the woodchuck digs his cell, How the ground mole sinks his well ; How the robin feeds her young, How the oriole's nest is hung; Where the whitest lilies blow, Where the freshest berries grow, Where the groundnut trails its vine, Where the wood grape's clusters shine ; Of the black wasp's cunning way, Mason of his walls of clay, And the architectural plans Of gray hornet artisans ! For, eschewing books and tasks, Nature answers all he asks ; Hand in hand with her he walks, Face to face with her he talks. Part and parcel of her joy; — Blessings on thee, barefoot boy ! — John Greenleaf Whittier. FOURTH YEAR 1 and 21 end, object, aim animal, brute, beast notice, heed, mind 3 agt. agent, bbl. barrel, bro. brother. C.O.D. cash on delivery. rowed We roived the boat across the river. road The road to the river is very rough. rode / rode past the mill. SO Why do you ivalJc so fast F sew We seiv ivith a needle and thread. SOW Farmers sow grain. ab'sence ac cept' a'corn ac'tion ad den' da ad di'tion a dopt' arbum a mount' ap pear ,f 3 a'pron Ar'abic ar'row at ten'tion at 'tic balloon' bar'rel bar'ren bare basli'ful 1 To THE Teacher : — Use synonyms as an aid to the use of the dictionary. Let the first lesson be a discussion of the meaning and use of words, and the second lesson an exercise in spelling. 37 38 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 bent, curved, crooked, awry bring, fetch, carry alter, change, vary cwt. hundrediveight, def. definition. D.D. Doctor of Divinity. 4 beet I found a large heet in the garden. beat Fred will heat the drum for marching, bury You must hiiry the seed in the eai^th. berry George found a large red herry, bread Bread is made of flour. bred The hoy was polite and well hred. 1 2 3 4 ba'sin beneath' canoe' cer'tain bas'ket ber'ries car'pet chalk bath bod'ies car'riage chart bathe brav'ery cas'tle ci'pher bat'tle buoy cen'ter cli'mate begged cam'el cen'tral chim'ney begin'ning cape cat'tle clos'et FOURTH YEAR 39 1 and 2 rough, rude, saucy, coarse hue, tint, color, shade displease, offend, vex do. the same. Gent. Gentleman. G. A.R. Grand Army of the Republic. 4 hue The water has a greenish hue, hew The ivooclcutters hew the timber. barren Greenland is cold and barren. baron A baron lives in a castle. floiir WJieat is ground into flour. flower The violet is a dainty flower. 1 2 3 4 com'ma con'ti nent croup de mand' com'pass cor'rect cur' tain des'ert com plain' cot'tage cus'tard des serf con nect' cow'ard dai'sy died con sid'er co'zy dan'ger differ ence con tain' era' die dar'ling . dig'its con tent' crim'son de light' di rec'tion 40 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 haul, tug, draw, drag glooniy, dismal, depressing mistake, blunder, error 3 ex. example, hund. hundred. inst. The present month. sent Edith was sent to school. cent Ralph has only one cent. scent The scent of a rose is sweet. new The words are not all new. knew We hneio some of them hefore. gnu TJie gnu is a kind of animal. 1 2 8 4 dis a'ble doubt'ful e lect' ex cept' dis cov'er drowned em ploy' ex plain' dis like' duck 'ling end'less far'mer dis'tance dy'ing en'ter fatli'om di vide' ea'ger es'say fel'low div'i dend ea'gle ex am 'pie fern di vi'sor ecli'o e'vil fick'le dou'ble el'bow ex act' fid 'get FOURTH YEAR 41 1 and 2 mold, shape, form, fashion guard, defend, watch sacred, holy, divine 3 Me. Maine. Mich. Michigan. Mo. Missouri, Mont. Montana, 4 hose Tliefire company has a new hose, hoes The gardener has many rakes a7id hoes. dun You must pay the hill or he ivill dim you* done His work was very ivell done. guessed William guessed the ansiver. guest We had only one guest for dinner. 12 3 4 film giv'ing gulf ha'zel flan'nel glis'ten halves hedge flax glove hard'ware he'ro flim'sy gov'ern har'ness . hol'i day for'est group harVest hol'ly frock grum'ble has'ten horn'y fre'quent growl hatched hon'or fu'ri ous gur'gle hate'ful horse'shoe 42 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 meek, lowly, humble idle, lazy, indolent linger, loiter, lag, tarry, saunter, dawdle J. P. Justice of the Peace, M.A. Master of Arts. L.L Long Island, mo. Month. hail Hail is frozen drops of rain, hale The miller was hale and hearty. lane They ivalked through a green, shady lane. lain The snow had lain on the ground a week, idle Some hoys are never idle. idol A heathen loorships an idol. 1 2 3 4 hop'ing in quire' king'dom lil'y hop'ping in stead' vneel lin'en i'cy in'stant knocked link ink'y in vite' la'dle liz'ard im pa'tient isth'mus lev'el lump in'flu ence joined li'bra ry mar'gin in'ju ry joist light'ning meas'ure in' no cent just'ly li'lac mer'chant FOURTH YEAR 43 1 and 2 message, news blend, mix, mingle, compound pride, conceit, vanity N.A. North America. Messrs. Gentlemen. No. Number. O.K. All Correct. 4 maid Mahel is a bright little maid. made The i lady made a cake for her. mail Wliy was the mail so latef male The male bird is a siveet singer. need Do you need some help f knead The cook ivill knead the dough. 1 2 3 min'u end mus'lin nu'mer a'tion mi'nus naugh'ty ob tain' mit'ten na'tion o'dor mo'ment nee'dles or'cliard muVti pli cand neph'ew or'gan murti pli ca'tion niece ounce murti pli er nine'ty oys'ter miil'ti ply no ta'tion pack'age 44 FOUKTH YEAR 1 and 2 share, division, portion calm, quiet, tranquillity commend, praise, applaud, extol P.O. Post Office, R.R. Railroad. pkg. package. Ry. Railway. 4 peal The hell sent forth one long, loud peal. peel Please peel my orange. pail Will you hring a pail of loater f pale The lame hoy ivas pale ayid thin. rose Did you water the rose hush f rows There are eight roivs of seats in the hall. 1 par'cel pas 'tor pas'ture pa'tron pat'tern peace'ful peb'bles pen'knife 2 pic'nic pig'eon pla teau' pock'et po lice' prat'tle prod'uct pro mote' pub'lic re main'der puz'zle re pair' quaint re pulse' quench ridge quo'tient roam rail 'road roast re'gion rogue re gret' Ro'man FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 ready, apt, prompt honest, true, sincere, plain untruth, lie, falsehood, falsity 45 Soc. Society. Rev. Beverend. Sen. Se7iior, pp. pages. 4 sail We will go for a sail on the lake, sale Our houses are not for sale. strait A strait is a naiToiv neck of ivater, straight Cayi you draw a straight line f seem Did the time seem long f seam The seam should have been j^ressed. 1 2 3 4 sail 'or serv'ant spasm tow'er sau'cer shel'ter sponge tick'et scar'let si'lence squir'rel tin'gle sea' son sir'loin stocking ti'ny se'cret slope sub tract' trem'ble se cure' sor'row sug'ar to geth'er sen'tence sor'ry s war low ug'ly se'quel soap sway va ca'tion 46 FOURTH YEAR REVIEW absence difference measure rogue accept discovered minuend scarlet apron displease minus sentence attention echo multiplicand silence attic evil multiplication sirloin balloon example multiplier sorrow barrel except multiply sorry basin govern nephew spasm beast guard niece sponge beginning guest notice squirrel beneath hatched orchard subtract bury health organ swallow canoe hero oyster ticket carriage hew package tingle caught holiday parcel tiny certain holly picnic together chalk holy pigeon tremble chart hue pocket truly cherry instead police ^^giy chimney isthmus prattle untruth cipher joist product vacation closet level quarrel vanity continent library quench whistle courage linen quotient woman cozy listen ridge written FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 47 allow, permit, consent suffer, tolerate, admit pleasing, agreeable, gratifying A.B. Bachelor of Arts. Amer. America. acct. account. amt. amount. eyes Her eyes ivere blue. ayes A vote was taken, and the ayes were counted. noes There luere afeiv noes to he counted also. nose The hahy has a small nose, knows Fred knows his lesson. 1 2 3 4 ac'cent af fair' an'lde at tract' ac'ci dent aisle ap'pe tite a void' a 'ere a live' ar rive' a wak'en a cute' a long' ar'ti cle awe ad dress' al read'y art'ist aw'ful ad mire' al though' as cend' ax'le ad'jec tive a muse' ash'es az'ure ad ven'ture an 'gel as sort' ba'con ad vice' an'gle as'ter bait 48 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 bear, endure, support storm, gale, blast, gust, tempest reason, cause, motive Md. Maryland. Conn. Connecticut, Fla. Florida. Del. Delaware. 4 birth At Christmas ive remember the birth of Christ. berth Every berth in the sleeping car ivas taken. chews The cow chews her cud. choose We will choose our captain now, bear A large bear ivas seen in the woods. bare In the winter the trees are bare. 1 2 3 4 ba na'na bit'ten bur'glar chain beefsteak blan'ket bush'y chance bee'hive blood'y bus'i ly chap'ter bi'cy cle breadth bus 'tie cho'rus bind'ing bro'ken cap'tain Christ'mas birch bruise cap'tive cit'y bis'cuit bul'let cap'ture clum'sy bi'son bun 'die carve clus'ter FOURTH YEAR 49 1 and 2 principal, chief, main deceit, fraud, imposition equal, even, equable, uniform chap, chapter. Capt. Captain. D.C. District of Columbia, earn Can you not earn some money f urn The coffee urn is made of silver. die The leaves fall and die when ivinter comes- dye The dye ivas a bright color. dying The sun is setting, the day is dying. dyeing The children are dyeing Easter eggs. 12 3 4 col'lect debt di'amond eregant col'umn debt'or dis'cord elk com mand' de ceive' dis cour'age em brace' con di'tion de scend' doorVay em'pire con fess' de sire' dove en cour'age con sist' de spise' driz'zle en'gine con'quer de stroy' eaves en'vy ere a'tion de tain' eel e qual'i ty BALD. SPELLEB — 4 50 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 reasonable, moderate, tolerable respect, regard, esteem firm, fixed, stable, solid 3 etc. and others ; and so forth, F.O.B. free on hoard, fig. figure, 4 foul Afoul hall counts for nothing. fowl The hen is a useful fowl. pain You should never cause pain to another. pane The window pane was hroken. main We walked through the main street. mane The horse has a long hlack mane. 1 2 es cape' expres'sioi ex act'ly ex'tra ex am'ine fam'ine ex'cel lent fa'mous ex cite' fare well' ex elude' fac'to ry ex erf Feb'ru a ry ex ist' fet'ter flut'ter gar'ment for ev'er gen'er al for'tune ghost fran'tic gi'ant fret'ful grant frol'ic grate'ful fur'nace greed'y FOURTH YEAR 61 1 and 2 grand, sublime, superb mourn, grieve, lament hesitate, falter, stammer, stutter int. interest, ins. insurance. hhd. hogshead. ib., ibid, in the same place. hall We have a long hall iyi our house. haul The hoys ivill haul stones in the cart, him We ivatched him while he ivorked. hymn Sing the hymn you like best. aisle The church aisle is narrow. isle There is a green isle in the mill pond. 1 grind griz'zly gro'cer gross guilt'y halt hearth heart'y her'ring hick'o ry hid'den his'to ry home'ward hop'per hor'ri ble hos'pi tal huge hum 'bug hus'tle i'ci cle im'age im ag'ine im me'di ate in'come in'crease in'dex in fleet' in'te ger in'ter est in ter rupt' i'tem is'let 52 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 journey, voyage, trip lean, bend, incline lift, erect, elevate, exalt M.D. Doctor of Medicine. Lieut. Lieutenant. Maj. Major, Esq. Esquire, knot Please tie a knot in the rihhon. not We will not go until to-morrow. plane The carpenter loill plane the hoard, plain A plain is a level tract of land. rap Did you hear a rap on the door f wrap Wear a warm wrap, for the wind is cold. 1 jan'i tor 2 knowledge 3 lone 'some 4 mere judge lack'ey ma chine' mer'it judgement lad'der maid'en met'al jui'cy law'yer man 'age meth'od jus'tice laz'i ly mead'ow midst just'ly lem on ade' med'al mil'dew ker'nel lib'er ty med'i cine min'er al knit lil'ies mer'cy mir'ror FOURTH YEAR 53 1 and 2 sign, mark, note, symptom, token, indication careless, negligent, remiss port, harbor, haven 3 Ph . G. Graduate of Pharmacy, Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy. N.B. note well, or take notice, Prin. Prhicipal. 4 seen She had never seen the river hefore. scene Snoio and ice make a pretty scene. stair He fell from the top stair, stare Children should 7iot stare at straiigers, sole Is the sole of your shoe loorn out f soul The soul will live forever. 1 2 3 4 mis'chief north 'ern or'der per plex' na'tive numb or'phan per' son nat'u ral bliae' pal 'ace pitch nec'es sa ry ob serve' palm plas'ter neigh 'bor on 'ion pan 'try plu'ral news'pa per op press' pa'tient po'em nick 'el op pose' * pave'ment po'et noo'dle or' bit per'fume po'et ry 54 FOURTH YEAR 1 and 2 relation, relative, kinsman, kindred repeat, recite, rehearse return, restore, repay 3 Prof. Professor. reed, received. Pres. President. ques. question. 4 praise Did the teacher praise your work f prays Albert prays for his friends. missed You missed the first lesson. mist It does not rain, hut thei^e is a mist. side The heart is on the left side. sighed The man sighed when he read the letter. 12 3 4 po si'tion pro long' pur'chase re pel' pos'sible pronounce' qual'i ty require' poul'try proud quan'ti ty re serve' prance pro tect' quo ta'tion re sist' pre pare' pud'dle rath'er re solve' pre serve' pulse re fuse' re sort' prob'a ble pump'kin re lieve' re spond' pro duce' pun'ish ren'der re tain' FOURTH YEAR 55 1 and 2 describe, recount, relate senior, elder, older slow, tardy, tedious, dilatory 3 sr. senior. ult. last month. jr. junior. U.S. United States. 4 sum Nine is the sum of four and five. some May I have some ivater f tail The squirrel has a hushy tail. tale Come! listen to a fairy tale. toe He hurt his toe ivith the hammer. tow The steamer ivill toio your boat to shore. 1 2 3 4 re spect'ful scalp shoul'der • sue ceed' roost scarce sign'post sug gest' ru'by schol'ar sin'ful surround' ru'in search sir 'up tan'gle ru'ral sev'er al smoth'er tem'per sad 'die sev'entli so'ber tem'per ate sa lute' slial'low sol'dier tem'ple sav'age shep'lierd sor'rel ter'ri ble 56 FOUKTH YEAR accident acre agreeable aisle already ankle appetite article ascend awful azure banana bicycle birth breadth bruise burglar captain captive chorus Christmas clumsy column debt deceive REVIEW descend hesitate despise hickory diamond history discourage horrible discourse hospital eaves elegant encourage engine equality exclude extra factory falter famous fierce frantic frolic furnace ghost grateful grieve guide guilty hearth huge hymn icicle image imagine immediate increase integer interrupt janitor judgment juicy kernel lawyer lilies machine meadow medicine mirror mischief motive neighbor oblige onion orbit orphan palace patient permit principal probable pulse purchase quality relieve rural salute savage scholar shoulder sirup sober soldier terrible uniform FOURTH YEAR 57 SUPPOSE How dreary would the meadows be In the pleasant summer light, Suppose there wasn't a bird to sing, And suppose the grass was white. And dreary would the garden be. With all its flowery trees, Suppose there were no butterflies. And suppose there were no bees. And what would all the beauty be, And what the song that cheers. Suppose we hadn't any eyes. And suppose we hadn't ears. For though the grass were gay and green. And song birds filled the glen. And the air were purple with butterflies. What good would they all do then ? Ah, think of it, my little friends; And when some pleasure flies, Why, let it go, and still be glad That you have your ears and eyes. — Phoebe Cart. FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 alone, solitary alarm, terror, fright, consternation adore, reverence, venerate 3 g.c.d. greatest common divisor. bk. hanh or hook. l.c.m. least common multiple. sq. square. 4 bad Arthur is not a had hoy. bade Mother hade me stay at home. • all The children were all present awl A shoemaker uses an awl. bell That is not the school hell. belle Miss Brown is quite a helle. ball Is this your hall? bawl A thoughtful child will never hawh 12 3 4 ab bre'vi a'tion allot' ar'chiperago Austra'lia a cros'tic al'most Arc'tic av'e nue ad ja'cent an'chor ar rest' axis adVer tise' an'cient a shamed' bab'ble af fec'tion anx'ious A'si a bag'gage Af 'ri ca At lan'tic at'mos phere bak'er y ag'ri ciil ture a poFo gy at tend'ance bar'gain arii ga tor ap ply' at tractive bed'stead FIFTH YEAR 59 1 and 2 nimble, brisk, agile, active diligent, industrious answer, reply, response argue, dispute, debate n.d. no date. ch. c, hapter. Ind. Indiana, 111. Illinois. canvas \ The tent is 4 made of white canvas. canvass The agent will canvass the town. bough The hough was broken hy the wind. bow She made ^ a very low how. creek The creek overflowed its hanks. creak Do you hear those hinges creak f dost Dost know thy duty f dust Brush the dust from the chair. 1 2 3 4 beg'gar build cel'e brate clutch be seech' bu'reau ce ment' co'coa blus'ter ca nar chap'el com mence' bor'der can'cel la'tion char'ac ter com'merce bounce can'dle char'i ty com'mon bound'a ry canter choc'o late com pose' bou quet' care'f ul ly choir com'po si'tion bridge car'pen ter cit'i zen con'flict 60 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 complete, finishj accomplish hide, conceal, secrete enough, plenty, abundance barter, exchange, swap C.E. Civil Engineer, D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law, 4 currant Are these currant hushes ? current This stream has a strong current, died Mrs, Smith died of fever, dyed My dress was dyed hlacJc. doe We saw the doe feeding in the 'park, dough The dough will he kneaded into loaves, feet There are three feet m one yard. feat The man performed quite a wonderful feat. con'stant con'trast cop'y cough crowd cu'cum her cu'ri ous curl 2 cudg'el cul'ture cush'ion dai'ry dec'i mal de crease' de gree' di'a ry die ta'tion dic'tion a ry di ges'tion dif fi cult dis ap point' dis ease' de nom'i na'tor dis patch' di vis'i ble dodge don'key drain'age du et' eis^ht'een el'e phant el e va'tion FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 61 particular, punctual, exact, accurate imagination, fancy pardon, forgive, absolve, remit fame, renown, reputation hdkf. handkerchief, e.g. for example, et al. and others ; and elsewhere. 4 faults We must try to correct our faults. false Never he false to a friend. groan I heard the animal groan. grown How rapidly thai \ plant has grown. hoop Let me roll your hoop. whoop We could hear him whoop in ; the distance. heart The heart pumps the blood. hart A hart is a kind of deer. 1 2 3 4 en coun'ter ex cla ma'tion foun'tain grate'ful en gi neer' ex plo'sion fre'quent grav'el en ter tain' fac'tor frig'id greed'y enVel ope fash'ion fu'el grid'dle e qua'tor fi'er y fu'ture growth e rup'tion for'eign gallon half Es'ki mo for bear' gyp'sy hand'ker chief Eu'rope fort'night gi raffe' hea'then 62 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 load, cargo, burden, freight, lading fruitful, fertile, prolific candid, frank, free, open irksome, wearisome, tiresome lat. latitude i.e. that is. gr. grain. hist, history. Hon. Honorable. Co. County. lessen 4 Words alone do not lessen pain. lesson This lesson is quite hard. heir He is heir to the property. air We should breathe pure air. ere I must be off ere day dawns. loan The banker will loan me the money. lone We found one lone birdie in the nest. 1 2 3 4 hem'i sphere hy'phen in'di vid'u al jew'el he ro'ic im'i tate in'dus try jus'ti fy hitch im mense' in'fant ker'o sene hon'or a ble im por'tant in'ter val knight hor'i zon'tal in elude' in tro duce' knuckle hor'rid in'den taction inVa lid ko'dak hun'dredths In'di an it self' lat'i tude hus'band in'di go iVo ry launch FIFTH YEAR 63 1 and 2 idea, notion, belief guide, conduct, direct rule, law, maxim, precept peaceable, tranquil long, or Ion. longitude. Mme. Madame. Mile. Mademoise lie, M. Monsieur. N.E. northeast or northeastern. lax The bandage is 4 better tight than too lax. lacks Many a man lacks ambition. leak There is a leak in the gas pipe. leek A leek is sofnewhat like an onion. meet Will you meet me at jive o'' clock f meat Where did you buy the meat? might We might have gone yesterday. mite Little Nell was hut a mite of a child. 1 2 3 4 laun'dry lum'ber mo'tion be'di ence leop'ard mack'er el mul'ti pie ob lique' leath'er mag'a zine na'sal ob tuse' ledge mag'net na'tion al oc ca'sion li'on man'u fac'ture nerv'ous of fi cer liq'uid mim'ic non'sense op'er a'tion lo'cate moist nour'isli oVoid lon'gi tude mo las'ses nu'mer a'tor Pa cif Ic 64 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 petition, request, entreaty profit, benefit, advantage riches, wealth, opnlence, affluence kingly, royal, regal N.W. northwest or northwestern. pi. plural. sing, singular, Ps. Psalms. 4 profit The profit on these goods is small. prophet A prophet foretells things that are going to happen. reign The king will reign while he lives. rein A good driver holds a tight rein. rain The rain made the walks wet. choir There are many good singers in the choir. quire There are twenty -four sheets in a quire of paper. par'al lei par'a sol pa'tri ot'ic peas'ant pen in'su lar per'il pe'ri od per'ish per suade' per tain' per vade' pi az'za pledge proc'ess pow'der pre pare' pres'ence pre tend' prin'ci pie prism proj'ect pro'noun psalm quince 4 rab'bit rec'og nize re duce' reg'u lar re lax' re lease' re pub'lic rinse FIFTH YEAR 65 sec. S.A. 1 and 2 tax, tariff, customs, tribute festival, banquet, entertainment size, bulk, greatness, magnitude spread, separate, disperse, dispel 3 secretary . S.W. southwest or southwestern. South America. S.E. southeast or southeastern, Rt. Rev. Right Reverend, ruff Would you like to wear a ruff about yo ur neck ? rough The road is very rough. tacks We will drive tacks into the carpet. tax The school tax is for the support of the schools. steel Steel is a very hard kind of iron. steal To steal is always wrong. teas The teas which I sell really come from China, tease Do not tease your little brother. 1 2 8 4 se lect' straw'ber ry Syria ble tired shin'gle sub scribe' ten'dril tor'rid shrub sub trac'tion thief tri'al singeing sub'tra hend thim'ble trickle slum'ber suit thirst'y tried sti'fle sup pose' thou'sand trum'pet stingy sup press' tim'ber un e'ven strength thanks'giv ing un der neath' union BALD. SPELLER 5 66 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 silent, speechless, dumb, mute show, exhibit, display costly, valuable, precious weight, heaviness, gravity S.J. Society of Jesus, 3 U.S.M. United States Mail. tr. transpose. U.S.N. United States Navy. waste We must 4 not waste our time. waist The lady wore a blue waist. ware He sells tin and iron ware. wear Bid you wear your mittens to-day ? ring The gold ring is surely lost. wring Wring th e cloth until it is dry. holy The Bible is a holy hooJc. wholly The hoy i was not wholly to blame* 1 2 3 4 u nite' view wher ev'er wrench un tie' vol ca'no wick'ed wres'tle urge wa'fer wis'dom wretch vanish war'ble wit'ness wrin'kle var'nish warp wor'ry wrist vase wea'ry wound yeast velVet wedge wreath yon'der ver'ti cal wharf wreathe youn'gest FIFTH YEAR 6 REVIEW abbreviation canvass diligent heir abundance carpenter disappoint hemisphere accomplish celebrate disease honest adjacent chapel divisible honorable advertise character dodge hoping affectionate chocolate donkey horizontal agile choir duet horrid agriculture citizen eighteen hundredths alligator cocoa elephant hyphen anchor commence encounter idea apology common engineer imitate arctic conceal envelope immense ashamed consternation L equator indigo atmosphere copy eruption individual avenue cough explosion innocent baggage crowd foreign instant bakery cucumber fortnight introduce bargain curious frigid invalid bedstead curl furnish ivory beggar currant gallon jewel belief cushion giraffe justice beseech dairy gnu kerosene boundary decimal grateful knuckle bouquet decrease gravel kodak bureau denominator greedy latitude canal diary group launch cancellation difficult gypsy laundry canvas digestion handkerchief leather 68 FIFTH YEAR leopard obedience reduce trial lilac oblique regular tribute liquid obtuse rein trumpet locate occasion reply underneath longitude operation republic uneven mackerel parallel reputation union magazine parasol reverence urge magnet pardon rinse valuable magnitude particular royal varnish margin patriotic secrete venerate measure peasant select vertical medicine peril separate view mimic period shrub violet moist petition singeing waist molasses piazza sleigh wealth motion plateau solitary wear multiple precious speechless wearisome muslin presence steal wedge nasal principle strength wharf naughty prism subscribe wherever necessary process suit wholly needles profit suppose wicked nervous prophet syllable worry ninth psalm terror wreath nonsense punctual thief wrestle notation quire thimble wring nourish quotient thirsty wrinkle numeration rabbit torrid wrist numerator recognize tranquil yield FIFTH YEAR 69 1 and 2 real, actual, positive afflict, distress, trouble enemy, adversary, antagonist allure, entice, decoy anon. A.U.C. Brig. Gen. altar alter sailer sailor flew flue arc ark anonymous, att. attorney. In the year of the building of Borne. Brigadier G-eneral. 4 There is an altar in the church. You must alter your ways of doing. The boat is a fine sailer. The young lady wears a sailor hat. The bird flew to a high brajich. Smoke passes through the flue. An arc is a part of a circle. Noah built an ark. 1 ab sorb' ab stract' ^a bun'dant ac quaint' ac'cu ra cy ac'tor a dapt' al'co hoi al miglit'y al'to geth'er arum am mo'ni a an'ces tor an'nu al a pos'tro phe ap proach' be siege' at tached' au'di ence a venge' bach'e lor bal'ance bea'ver brief 4 as sem'ble bi og'ra phy be nev'o lent butch'er cam'phor ca na'ry can'di date can'on 70 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 improve, amend, reform expel, banish, exile convey, transport, transmit terminate, finish, complete Brit. Britain^ British. cash. ( cashier. Can. ( lanada. Cath. Catholic, 4 council The doctors held a council. counsel Lawyer Brown was my counsel . bald His head is becoming bald. bawled The child bawled out in church boar They hunted a wild boar in the forest. bore The child bore the pain without ' a murmur. in Was Edward in school to-day t ) inn The horses were changed at the i inno 1 2 3 4 canyon cin'der con duct'or crac'kle ca'pa ble cin'na mon con gear countless car'a van cir'cu late con'science crawl cat'a ract cir'cu lar con'scious crea'ture cav'al ry cir cum'f er ence con'test crevice ce'dar civ'il ize con tin'u al crick'et cham'ber colon con tror crys'tal lize chis'el con'crete coun'ter cul'ti vate FIFTH YEAR 71 1 and 2 vacant, void, devoid force, energy, vigor agony, anguish, pang endeavor, strive, contend 3 Fahr. Fahrenheit. cent. centigrade^ a hundred. com. committee^ commodore, 4 due The money is due to-day. dew The grass was wet with dew this morning. gilt Put gilt 071 the frame. guilt He showed guilt in his face, low The river is quite low. lo Lo ! ivho comes here ? more Will you have some more fruit? mower Get the lawn mower from the ham, 12 3 4 cu'po la de serve' di men'sion el'e ment cu ri os'i ty des'per ate di min'ish e nam'el dan'de li on de tacli' dis'a gree'a ble e nor'mous de ci'sion de ter'mine dis hon'est en tire'ly de fer' dell cate dis may' e ter'nal de vour' de vote' dis turb' es pe'cial ly derta di am'e ter di'al es'tu a ry de scribe' dig'ni ty e lec'tric e vap'o rate 72 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 fragile, frail, brittle accomplish, realize, fulfill abandon, resign, forego gracious, merciful, magnanimous Eng. England, eng. engraving. D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery, F. and A.M. Free and Accepted Masons, climb Do not climb that tall tree. clime The i birds have gone to a southern clime. bail We had to bail the water from the boat. bale The ; man bought a bale of hay ' idol A false god is an idol. idle He was an idle, thriftless fellow. high The kite flies very high. hie The little birds hie to their nests. 1 2 3 ex am'i na'tior L . f aVor ite ger'mi nate ex cur'sion fe ro'cious gi gan'tic ex cuse' for'tu nate gla'cier ex haust' frac'tion glo'ri ous ex pe'ri ence galler y glyc'er in ex per'i ment gas'o line gor'geous ex treme' gen'er ous grad'u al fa miriar gen'u ine grad'u ate FIFTH YEAR 73 1 and 2 assist, help, succor grave, serious, solemn teach, instruct, inform mock, ape, mimic, imitate 3 incog, {incognito) unknown. gram, grammar. mfg. manufacturing. moan We could hear him moan. mown They crossed the mown fields. lie It is never right to tell a lie. lye Lye is made of ashes. oh Oh^ how wonderful is the sea! owe I oive him a little money. ode He wrote an ode to summer. owed They owed one montKs rent. 1 hatch'et hid'e ous hinge hur'ri cane ig'no ranee im propter im pris'on in sane' in dig'nant in duce' in flam ma' t ion in for ma'tion in hab'it ant in ter'ro ga'tion kin'der gar'ten in'ci dent 3 in i'tial in vis'i ble i'sin glass jeal'ous jour'nal in'jure knob knell knit'ting king'fish er lau'rel lan'guid le'gal ly lib'er al lim'ber lunch'eon 74 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 limit, extent, space owner, master, proprietor, possessor opinion, sentiment Maj. Major. mem. memorandum. M.E. Methodist Episcopal^ Mechanical Engineer. night The night is darh and cold. knight He was a good^ brave knight. rung The hell has rung for school. wrung The woman wrung her hands. right Always do that which is right. write Did you write to your Aunt Martha rite Baptism is a solemn rite. ma jor'i ty ma te'ri al men ag'e rie miri ta ry mis'chiev ous mis'er a ble mis for'tune moc'ca sin mon'arch y mos qui'to mu'ci lage mus'cle mu se'um mu si'cian nav'i ga'tion no'tice a ble nu'mer ous ob'e lisk ob'sta cle ob'sti nate oc'cu paction op'por tu'ni ty or'di na ry pa rade' par 'a graph par'a site pa ren'the sis FIFTH YEAR 75 1 and 2 reckon, account restrain, restrict, confine concise, summary, succinct sufficient, adequate ms. manuscript. per cent, hy the hundred. pop. population. supt. superintendent. ceiling The ceiling is light gray. sealing Use sealing ivax on your letter, size What is the size of your shoes ? sighs She sighs over her work. stake Drive the stake into the ground. steak You may broil the steak now. read Which hook did you read f reed The reed grew tall and straight. phy si'cian por'ce lain post'man prai'rie preVi ous prog'ress re cline' re joice' 2 re mark' rhyme sal'ad sci'ence scis'sors seaVard seizing sen'si ble shining shiv'er sheriff shield sig'ni fy siml lar so'cia ble soil tude 4 spar'kle spec'ta cles stom'ach suFphur sum'mit su'per in tend' su pe'ri or sus pi'cious 76 FIFTH YEAR 1 and 2 special, specific testimony, evidence, proof provide, supply, furnish, procure confidence, trust, expectation R.S.V.P. s.g. Vice Pres. Answer if you please. Specific gravity. Vice President, soar sore soot suit told tolled toad towed 1 swoU'en sword sym'pa thy sys'tem ta'per ta'pir tel'e graph tel'e phone Larks soar high in the air. I have a sore finger. Tom was often black with soot. Have you seen my new suit of clothes ? I was told to come this day. The hell tolled solemnly. We saw a toad in the garden. Four boats were towed up the river. tem'per a ture ther mom'e ter thor'ough to bac'co tor na'do tor'pid treas'ure tre men'dous trib'u ta ry tu'lip type um breria um'pire un just' ush'er ut'ter ance 4 vac'ci nate va'grant valve val'ue va niria va ri'e ty va'ri ous vas'e line FIFTH YEAR 77 1 and 2 prevent, hinder, obstruct, impede risk, hazard, venture impertinent, impudent, insolent 3 vol. volume. V.S. Veterinary Surgeon. Y.M.C A. Young Men's Christian Association. W.C.T.U. Women's Christian Temperance Union, throne thrown tied tide wade weighed wrote rote veg'e ta ble ven'ti la'tion ve ran'da ver'dure ver'i f y ves'sel vex a'tion vi'cious The king sat on his thro7ie. He was thrown from his horse. She tied the ribbon in a knot. The boats were driven ashore by the tide. Children like to wade in shallow water. I was weighed on my birthday. She wrote two long letters. They learn their lesson by rote, . 2 vic'tim vic'to ry vig'i lant vin'e gar vi'o late vi lin' vol'ume vul'gar 3 vul'ture war'ri or weap'on wea' sel whith'er whole'some whom with'er wor'ship wreck wretch'ed ze'bra ze'nith ze'ro zig'zag zinc 78 FIFTH YEAR REVIEW abstract abundant accuracy actor adversary alcohol altar altogether ammonia ancestor annual apostrophe approach audience bachelor balance beaver benevolent besiege camphor candidate cannon capable caravan cataract cavalry cedar chamber chisel cinnamon circular circulate civilize concrete congeal conscience control convey counter crawl crevice crystallize cultivate cupola curiosity dandelion decision defer delicate delta desperate determine diameter dignity dimension diminish disagreeable dishonest distress disturb electric element enamel endeavor enormous especially estuary evaporate evidence exile expectation expel experience experiment extreme familiar favorite ferocious forego fragile fulfill gasoline ~* generous genuine germinate glacier glorious glycerin gorgeous gracious gradual hazard hideous hurricane ignorance impede improper incident inflammation inhabitant initial injure invisible isinglass "~ jealous journal kneel laurel legally limit luncheon magnanimous FIFTH YEAR 79 majority progress sympathy verdure material proprietor system vessel menagerie realize taper vexation military reform telegraph vicious mischievous remark telephone victim moccasin restrict temperature victory monarchy rhyme thermometer vigilant mosquito science thorough vigor mucilage scissors tobacco vinegar muscle sealing tornado violate museum sensible treasure violin noticeable sentiment tremendous volume numerous sheriff tributary vulgar obelisk shield tulip warrior obstacle shiver type weapon obstinate signify umbrella weasel obstruct similar umpire weighed occupation sociable utterance whither opportunity solemn vacant wholesome ordinary solitude vaccinate whom paragraph sparkle value wither parasite stomach vanilla within parenthesis sufficient . variety worship physician sulphur various wreck porcelain summary vaseline wretched possessor superior vegetable zenith postman suspicious ventilation zero prairie swollen venture zigzag previous sword veranda zinc SIXTH YEAR Use previous review lists for one lesson each week and corv- tinue oral review* 1 acceptable, gratifying win, acquire, attain attend, escort, accompany 2 Benj. Benjamin* Cal. California, Fla. Florida, Gov. Grovernor* Homonyms 3 to he used in sentences. nay ascent axle neigh assent axil base adds beau bass adz bow 1 2 8 tropical daffodil oriole altitude apricot ostrich meridian arbutus domestic irrigate bamboo suburban Antarctic peony crocodile area geranium larva atlas petal migrate capitol sepal nectar Capricorn crocus venison cancer root so skeleton SIXTH YEAR 1 advance, proceed salutation, greeting, obeisance ill-bred, impolite, uncivil 81 2 ni. or Ills. Illinois, W .1. West Indies, Ind. Indiana, Wash. Washington, axes 3 brood jam axis brewed jamb lair feign flee layer fain flea 1 2 3 district petroleum institution caucus turpentine universal nominate cruiser academy ballot league asylum politics marine college policy merchandise cathedral constitution saleratus missionary president opium Christianity expansion admiral Catholic province carbonic Baptist congress hydrogen bishop legislature oxygen deacon senate benzine clergy BALD. SPELLER 6 82 SIXTH YEAR effort, exertion, strain attempt, imdertaking, enterprise declare, publish, proclaim 2 Edw. Edward, adj. adjective. Ga. Creorgia, Alex. Alexander. humerus 3 patience palate humorous patients palet vale yoke pallet veil yolk palette 1 2 3 human municipal medical ignite commercial remedy incite architect chronic inflame trolley contagious lozenge trestle curable meter trellis remittent me thinks tunnel rupture mizzen ambassador healthful misuse minister healthy fissure ammunition complexion fisher alderman intoxicate wrangle mayor physic SIXTH YEAR 1 S3 velocity, speed, movement damage, impair, despoil intellect, talent, genius adv. adverb. Dan. Daniel, Ala. Alabama. Jer. Jeremiah. H.M.S. Mis {or Her) Majesty's Steamer^ Ship, or Service. pore serge laid pour surge lade maze tear vice maize tare vise 1 2 3 obvious tissue decade absurd membrane centennial obscure mucous elapse distinct fibers leisure confused respiration permanent economy perspiration temporal capacity nutrition recent ability secretion almanac enthusiasm coagulate dedicate solution physical finally amaze surgical exploit porous cuticle granite 84 SIXTH YEAR government, administration lawful, legal, legitimate toil, drudge, slave conj. conjunction. Ariz. Arizona. Ark. Arkansas. Chas. Charles. Ind. T. Indian Territory/. root 3 lee pole route lea poll core serf load corps surf lode 1 2 3 approve enroll affect abolish equip » effect dismiss elude contact menace establish contract reverse investigate dormant substitute represent corpse institute utilize precede regulate wield rosin interfere achieve rouge intrude pursue segment corpulent serfdom contention legality toilsome legalize SIXTH YEAR 85 lodgings, apartments dampness, moisture, humidity ridiculous, laughable, ludicrous M.C. Member of Congress. Ark. Arkansas. M.P. Member of Pa. rliament. disct. . discou7it. laps 3 rye • seed lapse wry cede shear pleas arc sheer please ark 1 2 3 mention brilliant convenient accuse cautious delicious lotion courteous disastrous loathe forlorn fragrant ascertain intimate hoary assure particular inferior congratulate peculiar ' injurious distill precise legible distribute roguish -prominent investigate progressive sprinkle department pleasurable station ridicule concession stockade S6 SIXTH YEAR punish, torment, torture advise, admonish, exhort tourist, excursionist, traveler cent, centigrade, a I hundred. Ger. Grerman. SC. he engraved it. vid. see. • gage 3 ought plate gauge aught plait lief mode rough leaf mowed ruff 1 2 3 cashier banister analysis chemist bellows anvil detective cistern artificial oculist corridor career optician cupboard captivity 23ilgrim dungeon bias acquaintance faucet beverage cannibal fixture behavior companion lasso ballad couple vestibule average creditor stairway available criminal lobby obligation SIXTH YEAR 87 list, register, record, roll estimate, compute, enumerate rate, proportion, ratio 2 Tenn. Tennessee. pro tem. for the time being. Vt. Vermont. pp. pages. S.P.C.A. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. ale 3 hay levy ail hey levee carat breach radical carrot breech radicle 1 2 3 thigh chemistry synonym gristle astronomy homonym demolish geometry alphabet alleviate botany consonant rescue zoology vowel practice orthography definite fatal physics delegate recipe algebra extinguish receipt literature reprimand specimen geology rivulet registry philosophy exaggerate excess theory elementary 88 SIXTH YEAR exceed, surpass, excel perform, execute, discharge prospect, landscape, vista 2 o.s. Old Style, pwt. pennyweight. W.Va. West Virginia. Wis. Wisconsin. S.P.C.G. Society f 07' the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. knave 3 stile rude nave style rood links step site lynx steppe sight 1 2 3 property restaurant textile mortgage scallop manual terrace passenger mental structure locomotive moral niche motor partial panel luxury hollow partition legacy grievous explode nobility inconsistent extravagant omnibus elastic expense orchestra durable tapestry concert devious surpassing valise destiny SIXTH YEAR 89 REVIEW ability bass contagious absurd behavior convenient academy bellows corpse acceptable beverage corridor accuse botany couple achieve brilliant courteous acquaintance bureau creditor acquire business crocodile admiral cancer crocus algebra cannibal cruiser alleviate capitol cupboard almanac Capricorn curable alphabet captivity daffodil ambassador career damage analysis cashier decade Antarctic Catholic definite anvil caucus delegate apricot cautious delicious arbutus cede disastrous artificial centennial distinct ascertain chemist dungeon asylum Christianity durable atlas chronic economy available cistern effect axis college elapse ballot commercial elastic bamboo complexion elementary banister constitution enroll 90 SIXTH YEAR enthusiasm intellect motor equip interfere mucous establish intimate municipal estimate irrigation necessary exaggerate lapse neigh excel laughable niche execute league nobility expense legacy nominate extinguish legal nutrition extravagant legible obscure fatal leisure oculist faucet literature opium feign loathe optician finally locomotive orchestra fissure lodgings oriole forlorn luxury ostrich fragrant lynx palate gauge maize palette genius manual panel geranium marine partial government medical partition grievous membrane passenger homonym menace peculiar humorous mention peony hydrogen merchandise permanent inconsistent meridian perspiration inferior missionary petal injury moral petroleum institution mortgage philosophy SIXTH YEAR 91 physical rescue tapestry pilgrim respiration temporal plait restaurant terminate pleasurable reverse terrace politics ridicule textile pour ridiculous theory practice roguish tissue precede rouge toilsome president rupture tourist proceed saleratus trellis progressive salutation trestle prominent scallop trolley property secretion tunnel proportion senate turpentine prospect separate uncivil province serfdom universal punctual skeleton utilize pursue solemn vale ratio solution valise recent specimen veil receipt stairway velocity recipe structure venison register style vestibule registry substitute vista regulate surgical vowel remedy surpass wield remittent sjrmptom wrangle represent S3rQonym Wright reprimand talent zoology 92 SIXTH YEAR decorate, adorn, embellish contrary, opposite, adverse description, narration, narrative. pop. population, viz. namely. N.H. New Hampshire. vol. volume, Prox. or prox. of the next month. mean canon sighs mien cannon size beer fate correspondence bier fgte correspondents 1 2 3 communicate population provocation document registration epidemic mandate percentage formidable publication vicinity microscope recommendation vicissitude occurrence ensign environment fluid preface patronize function introduction situation consequence directory negotiate decease supplement insurgent narcotic decoration contradiction descriptive adornment opposition disgraceful SIXTH YEAR 93 dwell, reside, inhabit, abide, sojourn assert, affirm, avouch comment, observation, explanation, exposition Mass. Massachusetts. Va. Virginia. Ky. Kentucky. scr. scruple. troop 3 kiln medal troupe kill meddle key glazier time quay glacier • thyme 1 2 3 invention scythe stretch evolution stirrup resemble crisis revolver relapse criticism portico rival dependence circuit clamor purpose onyx perceive propose emerald perforate pulmonary fabric protrude unique substantial harass privilege suitable reconcile habitation controversy remarkable dwelling disputation commendable residence argument observable 94 SIXTH YEAR model, likeness, resemblance careful, prudent, provident unalterable, imchangeable, invariable N.J. New Jersey. Pa. Pennsylvania. N.C North Carolina, R.I. Rhode Island. liar 3 peddle peak lyre pedal pique plum miner grieves plumb minor greaves 1 2 3 chromatic discipline guarantee rhythm jungle reconnoiter rhetoric liquor recollection S3niibol temptation disposal recitation millinery inference practical disturbance implement vigorous external condiment reluctant faculty spinach vague disapprove specie persistence probation culinary fiction duration cookery providence existence diet SIXTH YEAR 95 hint, refer, allude curtail, abridge, condense soothe, allay, appease, mitigate, assuage S.C. South Carolina, 0. Ohio. hhd. hogshead. Bart. Baronet, frieze 3 bays cite freeze baize sight reek gild mead wreak guild meed 1 2 3 pensive Congregationalist dignify reverie primitive diligence depression agility Scripture omitted activity prescribe incentive quadruped prosperity intermediate perennial pedestal triangular translate anniversary rugged antique jubilant pshaw immortality volunteer robust brevity valiant soothing contraction allowance mitigation abridgment suggestion 96 SIXTH YEAR memory, remembrance, recollection favor, kindness, civility forbid, prohibit, interdict 2 Miss. Mississippi, obs. obsolete. reed. received. vs. Kan. Kansas, against. sac 3 rise leave sack rice lieve lean cord place lien chord plaice 1 2 3 scribe persevere photograph tranquillity recommend religion cornice accumulate superstition Presbyterian wampum sacrifice centiped transom procession pedestrian virus architecture biennial sentry bravado vogue apparatus authority unsightly recede wigwam unforeseen intercede vagabond hindrance effective barber prohibition executive barbarous SIXTH YEAR 97 flexible, pliable, pliant, supple celebrated, renowned, illustrious converse, discourse, commune get. aged. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society, Minn. Minnesota. La. Louisiana. Dist. Atty. District Attorney. tear 3 throw pier tier throe peer mantel sweet plate mantle suite plait 1 2 3 synagogue transaction bivouac torpedo allegiance carcass bituminous sandwich appropriate anthracite portfolio deposit barbarian millionaire signatm^e yacht ravine eclipse zephyr salmon comparative possession adequate derivative sanction promontory educate prefix community competition proverb conversation celebration provoke commendation illustration BALD, SPELLER — 7 98 SIXTH YEAR deluge, inundation, flood anger, resentment, wrath, ire, indignation clever, skillful, expert, dexterous N. Dak. North Dakota, Ne^) Nevada. S. Dak. South Dakota. sing ;. singular. Neb. Nebraska, plu. plural. vial 3 slight chute viol sleight shoot colonel teem rest kernel team wrest 1 2 3 portrayal studio pyramid essential reservoir eventually intervene cartoon majesty kaleidoscope bulwark sculpture liabilities poisonous articulate transparent destine armor alternate celluloid acquisition preference alkali manacle magnificent picturesque assistance encore chamois expiration expertness reckless computation SIXTH YEAR 1 trifling, trivial, petty, frivolous nuKder, assassinate, slaughter foretell, predict, prognosticate 99 Eccl. Ecclesiastes • Wyo. Wyoming. agt. agent. amt. amou7it. roe 3 cruel metal row crewel mettle quarts pall tract quartz pawl tracked 1 2 3 prejudice satisfactory degradation extinct retinue • pronunciation fascinate gridiron cigarette manicure metropolis dilute extraordinary pathology pamphlet sanitary contumely periodical premises elixir convention marvelous profanity emigrant forgery federation paralyze sapphire section emphasis topaz sector emphasize distinctly dissect prediction 100 SIXTH YEAR employment, vocation, profession, avocation language, speech, idiom, dialect inhuman, brutal, atrocious N.M. New Mexico, av. average. Ore. Oregon, bal. balance. Tex. Texas. C.H. Courthouse. G.B. Great Britain, anon. anonymous. rays 3 seer you raise sear yew raze cere ewe 1 2 3 premium bazaar resolute convenience k cafe absolute devastation drama despotic security cemetery senator prosecute reception sovereign elocution estate legislative development jubilee judicial radiant knapsack deportment intelligence coupe democracy rarity licorice aristocracy rarefy pistol execution brutalize pistil commotion ^ I ->' ' I i'^vy\'^j'\\l SIXTH YEAR ^ ■' '^''''^4i)i' REVIEW absolute celebration criticism adequate celluloid culinary adverse cemetery daughter agility centiped decease alkali chamois decorate allegiance chord deposit alternate chromatic despotic anniversary chute development anthracite cigarette dialect antique circuit diligence apparatus cite directory appropriate civility disapprove architecture clamor discipline argument clever disposal articulate colonel document authority commendable drama barbarian commimicate eclipse bazaar community economy biennial comparative elixir bier competition embellish bituminous Congregationalist emerald bivouac consequence emigrant bravado consonant emphasis brevity convenience epidemic brutal cornice evolution cafe correspondence executive carcass coupe extinct cartoon crisis extraordinary 102 SIXTH YEAR fascinate magnificent persevere favor majesty persistence fete manicure photograph flexible marvelous picturesque fluid medal pique foretell metropolis pistol forgery microscope poisonous frieze millinery population guarantee millionaire portfolio harass mitigate portico idiom narcotic portrayal immortality narrative possession implement negotiate practical incentive obvious precept inference occupation prediction inhabit occurrence preference insurgent omitted prejudice intelligence onyx premises intercede opposition premium intermediate pamphlet Presbyterian invention paralyze prescribe jubilant patronize primitive jubilee pedestal probation judicial pedestrian procession kiln pensive profanity knapsack perceive prohibition legislative percentage promontory licorice perennial pronunciation liquor perforate prosperity SIXTH YEAR proverb rugged suitable providence sacrifice suite pshaw salmon superstition publication sandwich supplement purpose sanitary symbol pyramid sapphire synagogue quadruped satisfactory temptation quay Scripture torpedo ravine sculpture tranquillity realize scythe transaction recede section transom recitation security transparent reckless senator transport recollection sentry triangular reconcile signature unforeseen reconnoiter situation unique refer skillful unsightly registration sleight vagabond relapse sojourn vague religion soothe valiant reluctant soothing vicinity renowned sovereign vicissitude resemble specie vigorous reservoir spinach virus retinue stirrup volunteer reverie stretch wampum rhythm studio wigwam rival substantial yacht robust suggestion zephyr 103 104 SIXTH YEAR PRACTICAL RULES FOR SPELLING Final e when preceded by a consonant is dropped before adding a syllable beginning with a vowel. admire admiring value valuable desire desired combine combination In monosyllables a final consonant preceded by a single vowel is doubled before a suffix with a vowel. bar barred stir stirring slip slippery Y after a consonant becomes i before a suffix be- ginning with a vowel. hearty heartiest happy happier greedy greediest Put % before e, except after c or when the two together are sounded like a as in neiglibor or iveigli. Exceptions : seize, either, neither, leisure, eider, and a few others. SEVENTH YEAR Once a week have a written review. Use all previous review lists as frequently as possible. 4 tragedy shrivel gazelle nether suicide ottoman antelope wether autopsy buffet baboon missal sacrilege chandelier camelopard missile versify pavilion raccoon find villain caramel reindeer fined tenement doughnut turtle higher jeopardy doily tortoise hire debris cretonne terrapin invade squalor chromo jackal inveighed 1 2 3 4 barouche narcissus hyena artisan surcingle mignonette opossum artichoke crupper fuchsia kangaroo stork breeching anemone rhinoceros stalk chaise azalea alpaca cue phaeton syringa merino queue veterinary cypress amphibian coming equipage zinnia cocoon combing granary dahlia genus puss trough alder nursling push 105 106 SEVENTH YEAK 1 2 3 4 diocese gingham turnip whirl disciple satin cabbage whorl ceremony silesia rhubarb serial edifice chintz gherkin cereal crusade cheviot gelatin flooring martyr jean paraffine flowering testament corduroy caraway straightened stampede mohair bluing straitened 1 2 3 4 festivity cambric porridge eyelet marriage calico gruel eaglet macaroni ipecac hemorrhage dragon fricassee morphine hiccough dragoon mahogany laxative pestilence deference damask quinine syringe deprecate portable iodine catarrh candor heliotrope arsenic lassitude canker 1 2 3 4 phlox sarsaparilla surgeon click apparel chloroform ambulance clique lacquer valerian synopsis mustard chiffonier paregoric cologne mustered financier pleurisy swath pendent usury paroxysm crystal pendant bankrupt acknowledge heifer passable subpoena pedigree phosphate passible SEVENTH YEAR 107 1 2 3 4 affidavit parachute annex phrase verdict stereotype plantain frame deficit stereopticon avalanche fugitive larceny precipice mixture franc referee fortification pulley exercise acquittal ammunition larva exorcise brake man sieve license celery daybreak skein coercion salary 1 2 3 4 whereabouts quadrille iceberg witch subdivide lucre forehead wizard cowardice nucleus maneuver pillar silhouette satchel precinct pillow witticism progeny recruit liniment apprentice pursuit reprieve lineament repartee belfry auspices hearse prodigy negligee concession hoarse 1 2 3 4 celebrity legend harangue choler prestige nymph opponent collier revenge raiment omission query scion habitude artifice queerly monastery regalia plaudits courier imitation horde scrutiny currier impetus glamour label indite tutelage heritage libel indict 108 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 programme tension abyss cession librarian extortion efficacy session bauble agitation subtility voracity pretension adversity prudence veracity recreant toleration efficiency subtle epithet purport elegance subtile appellation procrastination predicate surplus deviation vengeance habitual surplico 1 2 3 4 denunciation concurrence consistency ally ignominy purloin harmony alley oblivion effulgence ebullition radish gibbet proficiency compliance reddish blandishmentg J preposition horticulture compliment raillery cartilage inherit complement strategy cylinder gesture mote parricide lettuce competitor moat 1 2 3 4 beggary asparagus automobile bowlder unction confectionery society bolder apostasy caterpillar souvenir woolly miniature catamount carnival woolen vacuum cornucopia masquerade calendar supremacy ebony ingratitude calender assassin bivalve asthma coffer contempt juncture diphtheria coughing SEVENTH YEAR 109 1 2 3 4 billiard utility neuralgia workman humor dentist pneumonia operative channel urgency bronchitis mechanic challis necessity rheumatism laborer coquette protector dyspepsia artificer croquette scenery tuberculosis machinist croquet gladiator typhoid operator bolster tremor paralysis motorman 1 2 3 4 scaffold squadron naphtha counselor massacre committee ether councilor traitor bombardment strychnine fort defense parliament laudanum forte consult statistics bacteria slue warrant auxiliary hydrant slew bonus historian stupor slough indemnity novelist substance sloe 1 2 3 4 campaign orator harbinger oasis arsenal vocabulary counterfeit oases equinox crayon secretary stationery crescent emblem solicitor stationary deputy octagon auctioneer vicar proxy spheroid inspector vizier geyser sphinx curator populous territory florist stenographer populace 110 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 detritus clematis typewriter stature veteran hyacinth rector statute militia aroma temperament statue viceroy fragrance clergyman status benefited announcing plagiarize statics ostracize vitiate stimulate impossible oscillate mutilate inaudible impassible crochet embarrass supersede impassable 1 2 3 4 propagate persecute massage signet delineate perspire memorize cygnet coalesce pioneer hoard wave deodorize propel italicize waive assimilate permeate resuscitate mall malign putrefy election maul dissipate precipitate eradicate drought compete reciprocate inaugurate draught 1 2 3 4 humiliate eying emancipate elicit censure vindicate espouse illicit discriminate 1 vintage modulate hammock veneer pension cajole hummock extricate vitiate obliterate settler consign transcend endurance sutler penetrate superfine meditate formally gesticulate adjourn adroit formerly SEVENTH YEAR 111 1 2 3 4 forcible illiterate jocund cousin spherical infinite beneficent cozen venial ingenious irrevocable auger zealous laborious juvenile augur alien effeminate beneficial bridle neutral aquiline labial bridal intruder effectual intrepid faint imperial copious conducive feint 1 2 3 4 insidious laconic amateur gourd eloquent opaque original gored humid hazardous technical popular garrulous fallacious obnoxious poplar equation primeval manageable precede gaudy prodigious spirituous proceed heinous pompous timorous petition erroneous ostentatious mutual partition 1 2 3 4 genial preliminary turbulent plaintive opulent resonant tangible plaintiff competence prosaic ligament scuttle grotesque tacit oleander sculptor monotonous conferrable rehearsal gambol transient promissory indelible gamble vehement bilious irresistible martial tremulous billion versatile marshal 112 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 luscious commentary visible brooch nauseous exclamatory cordial broach irreligious credible affectionate hospitable sacrilegious shrewd ambitious hospital millennial conscientious staple salable courageous hostile galvanic sailable courtier outrageous mediocre devise strenuous nonpareil preferable device transferable derelict inseparable prophecy insipid anonymous mortality prophesy limpid translation florid illusion incessant thirtieth clayey allusion 1 2 3 4 stubborn uncouth rancid weir lucid tepid phosphorescent wire odorous unique phlegmatic rout voracious wondrous perceptible route accessory querulous exhilarate apparent condemn reiterate lazily evident demeanor semicolon milliner monarch emulate tyranny pinnacle plenteous infallible wearily potentate plentiful languish ample review stipendiary manifest animate sincerely philosopher phenomenon enliven visual phonograph SEVENTH YEAR 113 REVIEW Including also some difficult words learned in the fourth, fifth, and sixth years. abyss antelope beneficial chandelier accessory anxious benefited chiffonier accident apostasy bicycle cheviot accuracy apparent bilious chintz acquittal appellation bilHard circular acre apprentice bouquet clematis actual aroma bronchitis clergyman adjourn arsenal bureau coalesce advertise arsenic burglar cocoon affidavit artifice busily coercion agitation asparagus cajole cologne agriculture assassinate calendar committee alcohol asthma campaign competitor alien auctioneer cannonade complement almanac audience caramel compliment alpaca auspices carriage concession alter automobile cartilage concurrence altogether autopsy catarrh condemn amateur auxiliary caterpillar conducive ambitious avalanche celebrate confectionery ambulance bachelor celery conferrable ammunition bacteria censure conscience amphibian barouche ceremony conscientious anemone beggary chaise conscious animate belfry challis consistency BALD. SPELLER 8 114 SEVENTH YEAR copious cordial counselor counterfeit courageous courier cowardice crayon credible crescent cretonne crochet croquet crusade crystal cylinder cypress dahlia debris defense deficit delicate delineate demeanor deportment detritus deviation diocese diphtheria disciple discriminate dissipate dyspepsia ebony ebullition edifice efficacy efficiency effulgence elegance elementary elicit eloquent emancipate embarrass emulate enamel endeavor enliven epithet equinox equipage equitable eradicate erroneous evident exaggerate exhibit exhilarate extricate eying fallacious festivity financier forcible forehead fricassee frivolous fuchsia futile garrulous gasoline gauge gazelle gelatin gesticulate gestmre geyser gibbet gingham gladiator glamour granary grotesque guarantee harangue hazardous heifer height heinous heliotrope heritage hiccough hospitable humiliation hyacinth hydrant hyena icicle ignominy illicit illiterate imitation impetus inaugurate indelible indemnity infallible infinite ingenious innocent inseparable insidious intercede intrepid invalid SEVENTH YEAR 115 iodine mahogany necessity penetrate ipecac malign neuralgia permeate irreligious manageable neutral perspire irresistible manifest nucleus pestilence irrevocable ! marriage nymph phaeton isinglass martyr oasis phenomenon italicize masquerade obliterate phosphate jeopardy massacre obnoxious piazza juncture massage oculist pinnacle justice meditate omission plagiarize juvenile menagerie opaque plantain kangaroo merino opossum plenteous kerosene mignonette opponent plentiful label millennium opposite pneumonia laborious milliner optician politics laconic millionaire original pompous lacquer miniature oscillate popular languish missile ostentatious populous larceny moccasin palate potentate lassitude monarch parachute prairie lawyer monastery parallel precinct lazily monotonous paralysis precipice legitimate morphine paralyze precipitate leisure mucilage parasol preliminary lettuce mutilate paregoric prestige librarian naphtha parliament pretension liniment narcissus parricide primeval luscious nauseous pavilion procrastination macaroni necessary pedigree prodigious 116 SEVENTH YEAR prodigy rhubarb strychnine typewriter proficiency sacrilegious stupor typhoid progeny salary subpoena tyranny programme satchel subtle uncouth promissory scenery subtility unique propagate scion supersede urgency proprietor scissors supremacy vaccinate pulley scrutiny surcingle vacuum pursuit secretary surgeon vaseline putrefy semicolon syllable veneer quadrille separate synonym venerate querulous silhouette synopsis vengeance quinine similar syringe venison radish sincerely tacit versatile raillery skeleton tangible veterinary raiment slough technical vindicate rancid souvenir temperament visible receipt spherical tenement visual reciprocate spheroid territory vitiate recreant spirituous testament vizier recruit squadron toleration vocabulary referee squalor tortoise voracity regalia stationery tragedy warrant reindeer statistics traitor wearily reiterate statue transcend weir resuscitate stenographer transient witticism review stereotype tremor zealous rheumatism stipendiary trivial zenith rhinoceros strategy tutelage zinnia SEVENTH YEAR 117 1 2 3 4 caliph cantaloupe voluntary association yeoman marigold temporary conglomeration vampke mulberry capillary depreciation urchin foliage predatory deliberation tenant sycamore sedentary conciliation athlete tamarack sanctuary courtesy pontiff pomegranate monitory pugilism pirate nautilus monetary curvature 1 2 3 4 siren universe vulnerable hippopotamus sergeant trinity variable simultaneous seraph worshiper treasonable supercilious scoundrel sepulcher navigable university * lymph sacrament serviceable valedictory cumbrance armament tabernacle ichthyology curfew aqueduct presidency homeopathy spousal premises necromancy genealogy 1 2 3 4 bracelet vitriol mesmerism testimonial bowsprit nitrogen caricature subterranean bombshell platinum nomenclatur e physiognomy comet sediment casualty contemporary rapier camera atomizer intelligible locust calomel luminary ornithology buzzard calcium exemplary parallelogram lobster phosphorus breviary inaccessible phantom comedy apiary erysipelas 118 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 wrathful tournament tiara mythology turbid theater cantata polygamy nuptial hippodrome arena tautology noxious guillotine malaria calamity poignant nihilism chimera concavity tasteless symphony rotunda complacency sanguine denizen inertia deficiency morbid demagogue contralto declivity 1 phonic 2 vertebrate 3 archangel 4 debility nascent ventricle archbishop mendacity pious tympanum amethyst phrenology turmoil tubercle dulcimer philology tonnage follicle advocate philanthropy wristband ganglion agave susceptible turquoise trachea barricade conceivable asphalt germicide chariot obsequious 1 2 3 4 capsule tentacle . transgression nefarious portrait tegument congestion mysterious tankard artery presumption salubrious gangrene scrofula artesian superfluous franchise antidote carnation deciduous mortise anecdote tarpaulin prevaricate mortar pauperism suspicion approximate pincers bilberry conclusion degenerate tinsel crematory compulsion subordinate SEVENTH YEAR 119 1 2 3 4 tincture tragical compulsion melodeon tenon nautical subversion aquarium guinea ultimate triumphant monopolize pillion obdurate translucent superlative pepsin aggregate concordance declarative blemish agonize deponent topography malice isolate • arrangement technology penult currency component transparency 1 2 3 4 murmur vehemence trochaic confederacy torture condolence terrific hypocrisy tether temperance gymnastic congenial surfeit attitude pneumatic hysterical trespass prevalence sulphuric demoniac ravage calumny phonetic tragedian breastwork caliber decrepit harmonicon ramparts genesis precocious vernacular 1 2 3 4 satire verdancy nocturnal astrologer sarcasm truancy successful ubiquity cadence density defensive audacity grandeur gluttony deceptive conformity tactics gallantry tenacious voluptuous syntax pillory vivacious unanimous tumor pharmacy precocious assiduous tendon canister vermilion carnivorous 120 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 cactus gossamer deplorable undulation chorister tricycle delectable transposition bobolink telescope tyrannical transportation columbine telegram traditional confirmation pelican catalogue tonsorial • depravation cholera handicraft terrestrial deprivation buffalo calaboose vociferate demonstration periphrase cablegram asphyxiate demarcation 1 2 3 4 miasm supersede specialty transcendental piety supervise amnesty superficial subterfuge tambourine episode mediaeval myriad privateer profligate mathematics pickerel nectarine dynasty surreptitious succotash condescend lineage vermicelli cassimere buccaneer bigamy arbitration calumet emanate leprosy concentration 1 2 3 4 preterit anodyne ambuscade comprehension polygon aniline bayonet complication synthesis cabinet battlement compilation symmetry bulletin battery definition metaphor boomerang crucifix revocation simile colander crucible retribution substantive filigree alchemy resurrection terminal filament patricide imprecation pantomime manuscript contraband revolution SEVENTH YEAR 121 1 2 3 4 vitrify colossal anatomy ornamental victimize facetious commodity rudimental sanctify malignant felicity aggravation calcimine loquacious rapacity innuendo supplicate redundant reliable panacea compromise quiescent appreciate panorama gravitate spasmodic perambulate J academic gormandize impartial botanical accusation 1 2 3 4 vaporize relinquish colloquial subjunctive testify interpret perpetual stupendous castigate bewilder compendium implicit confiscate embroider comedian aesthetic tantalize embezzle luxuriant parotid satiate impromptu analogous contagion vegetate palaver fastidious consumption obviate diploma apologize reversion 1 2 3 4 supreme mackintosh combustible retrospect condign commodore ventriloquism imprudence delaine manikin aeronaut divergent athwart magistrate discomfiture discernment confront pedagogue contingency contrivance cadet sinecure continuance immodest transfer livelihood diagonal statistics demure communism aerial solicit transverse aliment incurable repugnant 122 SEVENTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 turbine vitreous radiator propulsion poniard venomous evanescent conversion pinnace treacherous generation conundrum pinion tortuous declamation cohesion caisson igneous compensation emulsion porpoise pitiful combination cotillion traction piteous apprehension cosmetic gentian sinuous reminiscence credentials 1 2 3 4 transfuse scrupulous antiseptic impressible demise sumptuous antecedent contiguous surmise virulent repetition dispensary suffice truculent admiration chirography morass confidant adulation' inoculate grimace confident abdication disconsolate tirade subsequent immovable dilapidate transcribe transitive administer contaminate 1 2 3 4 thorax imbecile agglomerate spectator pharynx nutritive retaliate profusion phthisic sedative inquisitive proboscis mania ocular diminutive crustacean malady secular contemplative amalgam aerie premature rusticity cretaceous cherub tractable stupidity pathetic sturgeon plausible barometer paternal respite labyrinth domicile corrosive SEVENTH YEAR 123 1 2 3 4 brasier blunderbuss pallid impious boatswain combatant docile acrobat colleague regiment reptile abstinence blockhead commonwealth skirmish rendezvous cynic feudalism solder renegade blackguard rectangle social stigmatize sportsman quadrangle solstice sodium linguist aperture immerse sorcery buoyant breakwater adieu omelet blithesome quarantine sophism opera livid colonnade sorghum opiate level perjury stalwart immigrant lucent nonage stealthy renovate 1 2 3 4 lavish perfidy adjustment imminent specious rectitude imbroglio eminent sprightly excrement soprano requisite dungeon recompense sonata reservoir bayou apathy sonorous soluble almond flippancy absorption somnolent spikenard etiquette starvation optimism righteous regency stagnation authorship rigid meteor reprisal socialist skeptic firmament remonstrance oratory chloral speculum remittance accordion basalt spectroscope sobriety implacable barracks diaphragm immunity impervious suction stratify acclivity abbreviate 124 SEVENTH YEAR REVIEW Use also all previous reviews. aeronaut deciduous palaver synthesis aesthetic demoniac panacea tambourine alchemy deponent pantomime tarpaulin aliment erysipelas parallelogram technology amethyst facetious pelican telegram aquarium genesis pharynx tenon artesian gentian pillory terrestrial asphyxiate grandeur pneumatic terrific audacity guinea poignant tether breviary homeopathy polygamy trachea buccaneer hypocrisy poniard tragedian bulletin hysterical precocious tragical cadence imbecile preterit transverse calcimine innuendo ravage triumphant caliber isolate retaliate trochaic caliph labyrinth salubrious turquoise camera leprosy satiate tympanum capillary lineage sepulcher tyrannical capsule mediaeval sergeant unanimous chimera melodeon sinecure vehemence chorister miasm spasmodic vermilion colander mortise subterranean vitreous comedian myriad surfeit vitrify courtesy nascent susceptible vitriol crematory nefarious suspicious vivacious crucible nihilism sycamore vociferate EIGHTH YEAR Two lessons and two oral i reviews each week during the first half-year. 1 2 3 4 brigade masticate aggressor conservatory burlesque analyze beleaguer pecuniary finance amputate battalion involuntary collapse expiate lieutenant extemporary brevet relegate vagary subsidiary brevier petrify redemption defamatory bassoon reenforce preferment constituency adult perpetrate precedence refrigerator 1 fallible 2 clarify 3 effervesce 4 ceremonial bountiful jessamine coincide aboriginal bounteous lavender promenade immaterial maritime cormorant resource controversial penitent cocliineal pasha economical penniless chrysalis papoose biographical redolent creosote contour contrariety lubricate albumen chastise justifiable 1 appendix 2 dynamite 3 organism 4 .acrimonious annoyance crystalline orthodox immorality fanatic credulous paradigm animosity exchequer lenient paraphrase cosmopolitan collision lacteal stratagem antiquarian perdition duteous barrister cyclopedia percussion dutiful paganism 125 amphitheater 126 EIGHTH YEAR 1 2 3 4 beguile desolation studious aluminum betroth. dissolution stupefy convivial allege preexistence residue irrational cohere inconclusive reticent equivalent blaspheme congregation retrocede irrelevant cocaine consolation L risible belligerent blancmange incandescent ruminate alternative cuirass dissertation aggrandize intransitive 1 2 3 4 prosody palpitate contravene accelerate punctuate pantheist chevalier originate epigram stimulant reproduce corroborate classical stipulate reprehend ejaculate literal parable absentee itinerant biblical paradox connoisseur interpolate corporal increment cavalier invertebrate prismatic sedulous prologue consolidate 1 2 3 4 corruptible dormitory backgammon chalcedony invincible participle bandanna catastrophe extenuate ' patrimony authentic conspiracy confederate spiritual chaotic soliloquy compositor purgatory ceramic olfactory insoluble contumacy cathartic pugnacity intangible copulative connivance propensity intemperance amiable conjecture proximity exterior embassy derision chronometer EIGHTH YEAR 127 1 2 3 4 chemise stagnant culmination desirable addict squalid jurisdiction destructible chagrin solace altercation connubial champagne ! steadfast speculator centrifugal champaign chalice lamentation chameleon augment awkward derivation centurion chaplain bagpipe avaricious chry san themum splendor balsam desperado encomium 1 2 3 4 alibi balcony imperative colonization alias cavalcade abstemious ramification emgj centiped imperious alliteration countenance champion spontaneous cooperation circumstance chargeable certificate specification pectoral conjugate conspicuous disadvantageous payable palisade ambiguous accumulation patriarch palliate considerable characteristic 1 2 3 4 baneful somnolent centenary repository banjo orient cauliflower abominable standard sophomore dignitary impermeable stamen detriment epilepsy deteriorate consul devastate lavatory antediluvian skeptic catapult irritable autobiography pastry catechism alimony spermaceti baptism auricle dromedary cotyledon sortie oracle avoirdupois coruscation 128 EIGHTH YEAR GENERAL REVIEW Words 7iot given informer reviews, administration dexterous intoxicate perpendiculai diaphragm investigate phlegmatic emphasize itinerant privilege ammunition anxious archipelago artifice assimilate average azalea battalion bivah^e celebrity cereal chemistry chloroform chrysalis circumference coagulate competence congratulate connoisseur coquette cornucopia councilor democracy deprecate derivative destiny endurance epilepsy equable equitable etiquette exchequer exhibit famine firmament jeopardy rancid kaleidoscope refrigerator legalize legitimate lucrative machinist manacle mediocre meteor formidable negligee frivolous negligent gigantic oblivion habitual octagon horticulture omnibus illustrious opulence imbroglio incessant indict indisrnant oscillate ostracize ottoman rehearsal relegate rendezvous repartee reservoir residence residue resigned risible soliloquy spermaceti stimulate stratagem stupefy subtrahend surplice outrageous symptoms terrapin industrious pantheist inseparable papoose utility inspector paradigm vagary intangible paroxysm valor interval peninsula yeast fb J6b/U 54nr64 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Jj 1. 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