V- .iwil^ liiillil^ '^^.Mim^mimM^M GIFT OF Mrs. F. M. Foster )a^\/ / 3 —/%? THE TENTH AND TWELFTH BOOKS OF THE INSTITUTIONS OF QUINTILIAN WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES BY HENRY S. FRIEZE iATK PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NEW EDITION REVISED AND IMPROVED NEW YORK •:• CINCINNATI .:• CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Copyright, 1865, 1883, 1888, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. FRIEZE QUIN. W. P' 9 GIFT ffian^^'^'f'fi MA PEEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, Since the appearance of the first edition of my Quintilian in 1865, a very thorough, revision of the entire text of the Institutions has been made by Carl Halm, and published by B. G. Teubner at Leipsic in 1868; and new and valuable help has been contributed to the interpretation of the tenth book by G. T. A. Krliger, in his commen- tary on that book, the second edition of which was published at Leipsic by the same house in 1874. The text of the present edition of the tenth and twelfth books has been revised with careful reference to the changes introduced by Halm, and such changes have been adopted where they are well authorized, or where, in cases of doubt- ful authority, they seemed to yield a more satis- factory meaning. Much assistance has also been derived, in the preparation of the notes of the tenth book, from the excellent and scholarly edi- tion of Kriiger. On the twelfth book no new commentary has appeared. Mf^/l«-'mP. 4 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The notes on both, books in this second edition have been greatly amplified, and no labor has been spared to make them helpful wherever help seemed to be needed. I take this opportunity to express my grateful acknowledgments to Professor E. P. Crowell, of Amherst College, and to my colleague, Professor Elisha Jones, for much aid and many very im- portant suggestions. Henry S. Frieze. University of Michigan, January ^ 1888, PKEFACE TO THE FIKST EDITION. We learn from Professor Bonnell, in the preface to his second edition of the tenth book of the Institutions, that Quintilian has been of late years extensively introduced into the Ger- man schools. The occasion of the increased at- tention given to this great master both of Latin- ity and of rhetoric is the admirable fitness of his work to impart instruction at once by precept and example. While no writer after Cicero presents a more perfect model of purity and elegance, no author, not even Cicero himself, teaches in a manner more clear, methodical, and practical, the principles of good writing and speaking. The study of Quintilian, therefore, affords a rare opportunity of combining what is more immediately with what is more remotely useful ; of getting knowledge which has a direct bearing on professional life, and of attaining a higher scholarship in the Latin language. In the gymnasia, at least in many of them. 6 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. this study has found a place in the first or highest classes (the Primaner) ; the members of which, so far as relates to classical studies, are in a position corresponding very nearly to that of students in our best universities and colleges. Feeling the need of a Latin text-book somewhat different from any hitherto introduced into the middle classes of our course, I was led by the example of the German schools — an authority which in this day no classical teacher can ques- tion — to make trial of Quintilian. The experience of two years has shown not only that this author can be read with the ad- vantages above suggested, but also that classes are better prepared by this study to take up the more peculiar and more difiicult writers of " the silver age,'" and especially Tacitus. The gulf, if I may so express it, between the Latinity of Livy and Tacitus, is in a manner bridged over by what may be called the intermediate or transitional style of Quintilian. For while, in the general principles of taste, and in simplicity, naturalness, and directness, he follows the models of the Ciceronian age, he necessarily uses the diction, and falls in with the idioms of his own time. In the absence of any edition of Quintilian adapted to the wants of American students^ the PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 7 editor has selected for publication the tenth and twelfth books, and appended such explanatory and critical notes as seemed, most needed. The interest and importance of the topics discussed in these two books will suflficiently explain why these have been selected in preference to any others. That the student may readily learn their character, I have prefixed to the notes on each chapter a summary of the principal ideas em- braced therein. Whatever merit the present edition may pos- sess, either in the text or the notes, is chiefly due to the labors of those German scholars, who have for so many years devoted themselves to the clearing up of doubtful points, both in the text and in the interpretation of this author. The most elaborate and most valuable edition of Quintilian, which has yet appeared, is that pub- lished at Leipsic in six volumes, commenced by Spalding and completed by Zumpt. The first volume of this edition was printed in 1795, and the sixth in 1834, the latter edited by Bonnell. Professor Bonnell has also published an edition of the text in the Teubner series of classics, be- sides a separate edition of the tenth book with notes. These eminent scholars, gathering up, and by their own researches greatly enriching all that had been previously accomplished, have left 8 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. little further to be desired in the elucidation of Quintilian. The text here given departs but slightly from that of Bonnell. Some deviations from the ordinary orthogra- phy of Latin books printed in our country will be readily detected, and doubtless have already become familiar through the constantly increas- ing use of German editions of the classics. H. S. Frieze. . University of Michigan, June, 1865. INTRODUCTION. Most of the representative writers of the so-called silver age were natives of Spain, though some of them were probably descendants of Roman colonists. Cor- dova gave birth to the two * Senecas and Lucan. Pom- ponius Mela was from Cingitera, Martial from Bilbilis, Columella from Gades, and Quintilian from Calagurris. That so many distinguished authors, each at that period first in his class, should make their appearance in a country but just now peopled with warlike barbarians, indicates a change in national character and pursuits such as only Roman conquerors and Roman laws could have produced. Indeed, the Iberians or native Span- iards, though the most obstinate of all the foreign tribes ever encountered by the Roman armies, and the most difficult to subdue, were, after their subjugation, imbued more rapidly and more thoroughly than any other European nations with the manners and civilization of their new masters. The elder Seneca, even in the time of Horace, migrated from Cordova to Rome, and there took a high position as a teacher of rhetoric. And it was not without reason that the poet spoke of the Span- ^ The ekler Seneca, M. Annaeus, is properly assigned to the post-Augustan or silver age, as his writings were published in the reign of Tiberius, though he also flourished as a teacher under Augustus. 10 INTRODUCTION. iard even then, as tlie peritus Iber.^ Nor is the tradi- tion without significance which tells of a Spanish scholar of Cadiz making a pilgrimage to Rome on purpose to see the historian Livy.f Such incidents shadow forth the fact that the literary cultivation of the Romans had already permeated the Spanish provinces ; and there is good reason for the remark of Mr. Merivale, that " the great Iberian Peninsula was more thoroughly Roman- ized than any other part of the dominions of the repub- lic"! In return for the boon of civilization, Spain reared a noble succession of scholars and writers to infuse new vigor into the thought and the literary life of the mother- country. As the conquered Italians* two centuries earlier had given to Roman literature its first impulses, and had impressed upon the Latinity of the golden age its characteristic types, so now the provincials of Spain became the teachers of the great metropolis, and im- parted to the literature of the silver age all the principal features of thought and style which distinguished it from that of the preceding period. Two of these Spanish authors, the two most widely known and most universally read, were Seneca, the younger, and Quintilian. And it is worthy of remark that with these two illustrious writers originated the two antagonistic schools or styles of Latinity which were struggling with each other for pre-eminence during the latter part of the first century of the empire. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus was born at Calagurris, now Calahorra, in the northeastern or Tarraconese province of Spain, about A. D. 35. || It is said, though on * 0. 2, 20, 19 sq. f Plin. Ep. 2, 3. ^ Merivale's " History of the Romans under the Empire." * Nearly all the fathers of Roman literature, especially the early poets, were Italians rather than Romans. II Others give the date 40 or 42. INTRODUCTION. H doubtful authority, that the father of Quintilian was a successful orator and teacher of rhetoric. At an early- age Quintilian accompanied his father to Rome, and was placed under the charge of Domitius Afer,* a native of Gaul. Afer was one of the most eminent of the Roman orators or advocates then living, and was far advanced in life. After the death of Afer, which took place about A. D. 60, Quintilian returned to Calagurris, and com- menced his professional life as a legal advocate and teacher of rhetoric or forensic oratory. It was then that his reputation and singular merit attracted the notice of Galba, who was at that time Governor of Hispania Tar- raconensis, and who soon afterward, on his accession to the imperial throne (a. d. 68), invited the young and brilliant orator to accompany him to Rome. Quintilian entered the city in the train of the new emperor, and henceforth made Rome his x>ermanent abode. He at once gained applause both as an advocate and lecturer. His success and his fame were unexampled. Students flocked to Rome from Italy and from distant provinces to receive his instructions. The first year of Quin- tilian's residence in Rome was marked by a rapid series of political revolutions, terminating in the overthrow of Vitellius, and the rise of Vespasian and the Flavian family We now hear, for the first time in the history of Roman education, of government patronage extended on a general and systematic plan to teachers and men of letters. Vespasian, though himself illiterate, convinced of the importance of encouraging education through- out the vast dominions which had fallen under his sway, established annual salaries for the support of Greek and Roman rhetoricians and grammarians. f Quintilian was the first to whom such a pension was assigned. Twenty years were thus devoted, under the happiest auspices, to the instruction of youth and to the duties of * Inst. orat. 5, 7, 7. f Suet. Vesp. 18. 12 INTRODUCTION, the advocate. At the expiration of this period, follow- ing out the precept which he has expressed in the Insti- tutions, that the orator should withdraw from public life before he begins to be inferior to himself,* he re- tired from the bar and from the lecture-room. Some years later he was appointed by Domitian instructor of his nephews, and was raised by the same emperor to the consulship. Though Quintilian had been so fortunate in his pro- fessional career, he was not exempt from the trials and misfortunes of life. At the beginning of the sixth book of the Institutions he speaks of the loss of his wife, who had died young, and of the recent death of his two sons, both of whom had given high promise. We learn from this passage that the elder and last surviving of these sons died when the work was already nearly half com- pleted, and indeed that it had been undertaken partly with reference to his education. But, like Cicero, he sought in literary labor a solace for affliction. Alluding to Cicero's example, he says : Credendum doctissimis hominibus qui unicum adversorum solatium liter as putaverunt.-\ He lived to an advanced age, and is supposed to have died about the year 118 of our era, at the beginning of the reign of Hadrian. Of the works of Quintilian the Institutio Oratoria, or Education of the Orator, is the only one which has been preserved. Two other works are ascribed to him, though on insufficient grounds. One of these is a col- lection of declamations or argumentative speeches on fictitious law cases, some of which are elaborate ; most of them, however, merely sketches or studies, and few of them bearing any resemblance to the writings of * Inst. Orat. 12, 11, 1 : decet hoc prospicere ne> quid peius quam fecerit, facial. f Inst. Orat. 6, prooemium 14. INTRODUCTION. 13 Quintilian. The other is the elegant treatise entitled Dialogus de Oratoribiis^ usually published with the works of Tacitus, and now generally conceded by critics to be from the pen of that author.* The only work be- sides the Institutions known to have been published by Quintilian is alluded to by our author himself in several passages of the Institutions, and its subject is indicated in the prooemium of the sixth book and in the follow- ing sentence at the end of the eighth : sed de hoc satis, quia eundem locmn plenius in eo libro, quo causas cor- ruptae eloqueyitiae reddebamus^ tractavimus. The words sive causas corruptae eloquentiae have some- times been appended to the title of the above-mentioned Dialogue de Oratoynhus^ on the supposition that this is the work referred to by Quintilian. But this theory is sufficiently disproved by the one argument that the Dia- logue does not treat of the locum or topic, namely, the Hyperbole, discussed by Quintilian in the last part of the eighth book.f The Institutio Oratoria is an invaluable contribu- tion both to polite literature and to liberal education. It is not in any sense a rival of the rhetorical works of Cicero. These, at least the best of them, were designed for the entertainment, perhaps for the more perfect fin- ish, of such as had already attained a position as public speakers. But the book of Quintilian is a practical guide for the young man who is passing through the course of preliminary training for public life. It gath- ers up within comparatively narrow limits, and adapts to the purposes of instruction, the principles and doc- * See the excellent introduction to Nipperdey's edition of Tacitus, where the difference between the style of the " Dia- logue " and that of the other works of Tacitus is satisfactorily accounted for. f The various arguments are summed up in the note on this passa.ge by Capperonier. 14 INTRODUCTION. trines widely diffused through the rhetorical writings of Aristotle, Theophrastus, Dionysius, Cicero, Caecilius, and many others. A didactic treatise like this must be characterized by simplicity of method, precision of state- ment, and fullness of detail. It must not presuppose in the reader, as do the finest works of Cicero, a high de- gree of culture in philosophy and letters already at- tained. In the Institutions, therefore, we shall not look for that originality,* that breadth, that freedom of di- gression, and that noble negligence which distinguish the de Oratore^ the Brutus, and the Orator. But in its kind the book of Quintilian yet seeks an equal. It aims to present a proper idea of the responsibility and dignity of the orator's work. It assumes the maxim of the elder Cato, that an orator in the Roman sense, a speaker who would persuade the Roman Senate or the Roman courts, must be not only a master of speech, but also a good man: vir bonus dicendi peritus.f The preparation it proposes for this high oflBce commences almost from the cradle. It takes into view the moral and intellectual discipline of the child as well as that of the youth, and upon this earlier training of the nursery and the elementary school it rears the more immediate and technical education of the professional school and the forum. It unfolds in a distinct and practical man- ner every principle pertaining either to the matter or to the form of oratory, and sets forth every rule of conduct essential to success and reputation. The Institutions are comprised in twelve books. They were published about a. d. 95. The whole work is commonly entitled de Institutione Oratoria Libri xii. I * Quintilian says of Cicero : Non enim pluvias, ut ait Pin- darus, aquas coUigit, sed vivo gargite exundaf. Inst. 10, 1, 109. t Inst. Orat. 12, 1, 1. X The title has been variously given as M. F. Quintilian. de Institutione Oratoria Libri xii ; M. F. Q. Institutionum Orato- INTRODUCTION, 15 The topics discussed in the several books are briefly stated by the author in the introduction.* The first book gives an account of the home-training and the school discipline which should precede the lessons of the rhetorician ; ea quae sunt ante officium rhetoris. The second book treats of the primary exercises of the pupil in rhetoric ; prima apud rhetorem elementa^ and of the nature and object and the utility and dignity of the art of oratory ; quae de ipsa rhetoricae substantia quaerun- tur. The remaining books, except the last, are devoted to the five topics embraced in every complete system of rhetoric, the partes rhetoricae of Cicero, invention^ dis- position, or arrangement, style, memory, and delivery, f The discussion of invention and arrangement closes with the seventh book. The next four books are occu- pied chiefly with the subject of style, or form of expres- sion.! Of these the eighth and ninth treat of the ele- ments of a good style, the tenth of the practical studies and exercises necessary to the actual possession and command of these elements, the eleventh of adapting the style to the occasion, and of memory and delivery. In the twelfth and last book the author presents his views of the character which should be cultivated by the orator after leaving the school of rhetoric, what principles should govern him in assuming, investigating, and pleading causes, what should be his style of elo- quence, at what period of life he should retire from his work, and how spend the evening of his days ; qui mo- res ejus, quae in suscipiendis, discendis agendis causis ratio, quod eloquentiae genus, quis agendi debeat esse riarum Lib. xii ; M. F. Q. Institutionis Oratoriae Libri xii. The last is the prevailing form in the best MSS. * Prooemium, 21. f Cic. de inventione, i, 7, 9 ; inventio, disposition elocutio^ memoria, pronunciatio (vel actio), X Elocutio. 16 INTRODUCTION, jinis^ quae post finem studia. This he regards as the most important and at the same time the most advent- urous part of his work. It opens a wide and almost unexplored region. Unum modo in ilia, immensa vas- titate cernere videmur Marcum Tullium. And even Marcus Tullius has limited himself to a single one of these topics, the kind of eloquence to be cultivated by a perfect orator.* But Quintilian ventures to add also, as no less vital to the development of the perfect orator, some observations on the personal morals, the responsi- bilities, duties, and proprieties pertaining to the whole life of the public speaker. At nostra temeritas etiam mores ei conahitur dare, et assignabit officia. Such is the substance of the only extant work of Quintilian — a work deservedly eminent as a summary of all that was taught and practiced in the eloquence of the ancient republics, and as itself a model of classical purity and beauty. Quintilian as an author has been remarkably fortu- nate. No writer ever found a public better prepared to appreciate and applaud. He had stood before the Ro- man world for twenty years, at once the most perfect teacher and pattern of eloquence. His hearers had cop- ied, and circulated here and there in Italy and the provinces, occasional specimens of his lectures. When it was known that he was himself writing a book which was to embody in an enduring form the rich stores of his learning and experience, all students, as well as teachers of oratory, looked impatiently for its appear- ance. It was greeted, of course, with universal applause. The Institutions of Quintilian became at once in oratory what the Codes and Pandects afterward became in law. The book was admirably fitted to meet the wants of the day. Public speaking was still, in the imperial times, * Cic. Orat. 1, 8 ; quaeris quod eloquentiae genus prohem maxime. INTRODUCTION. 17 even as in the republican period, one of the highest oc- cupations of the Roman citizen ; and it was still one of the surest avenues to honor and wealth. The sphere of eloquence, indeed, was now confined to the senate and the civil courts. Those great popular assemblies which had once quickened the orator to his grandest efforts, had been long ago wholly suppressed. But the occa- sions for speaking were no fewer, though less stirring, and grandeur and pathos were now and then called for even in the centumviral courts and in the sessions of the dignified though servile senate. It is needless, there- fore, to say that all education culminated in oratory, and that educatoi'^ and students found in the practical char- acter of the new " Institutions " exactly what was needed to perfect their training according to this Roman theory of culture. Thus it happened, in consequence of the prestige of the author's reputation, and the adaptation of the treatise to the wants of the public, that he eclipsed in the minds of his contemporaries all who had written before him on the same subject. The result was that the rhetorical treatises of Cicero were but little read, and those of the Greeks still less. Nor has this great work of QuintiHan been less fortu- nate in subsequent times. Its reputation was preserved through the uiiddle ages, and though the manuscripts had gradually disappeared or become mutilated,* so that in the time of Petrarch only imperfect copies were in use, it happened that the Florentine scholar Poggio, while attending the Council of Constance in 1417, dis- covered a perfect exemplar in an old tower of the mon- astery of St. Gall. The recovered treasure was eagerly caught up by the scholars of the Renaissance. It was multiplied in manuscript, and soon afterward by the * Is (Quintilianus) vei'o apud nos antea (Itaios dico) ita laceratus erat, ita circumcisus, ut nulla forma, nuJlus habitus hominis m eo recognosceretur. — Poggio's Letter to Guarini. 18 INTRODUCTION. newly-invented art of printing". It was translated into all the polite languages ; and so it continued to be, as in the silver age, the normal law of eloquence. Though the position which Quintilian has gained in the literary world by this happy combination of circum- stances is perhaps higher than that which would be awarded by the verdict of an exact and candid criticism, yet we can scarcely overestimate the actual worth of his treatise, and the benefits which both modern and an- cient eloquence have derived from its study. His true position, as compared with that of Cicero, is thus hap- pily stated by Oampanus: Proinde de Quintiliano sic habe : post unam beatissimam et unicam felicitafem M. TulUi, quae fastigii loco suspicienda est omnibus et tanquam adoranda, hung unum esse quern praecipuum habere possis in eloquentia ducem. A notice of Quintilian would be incomplete without some account of the influence of his criticism upon the writings of his age. It was the principal aim of his in- struction to reform the corrupted eloquence of his con- temporaries, and to bring back a purer style of Latinity. In the century which had elapsed between Cicero and Quintilian, Rome had been thoroughly transformed from an aristocratic republic to a military autocracy. During the same interval the manners of the higher classes had become effeminate, artificial, and depraved. This political revolution and social degeneracy had been attended by a change equally marked in the style of Ro- man eloquence. The language both of orators and writ- ers was now characterized by showy declamation, rhe- torical parade, and by much of that quality which is now called sensationalism. The reading public relished, in books, speeches, and recitations, something kindred to the artificial dishes contrived by tlie surfeited Roman nobility to quicken their pampered appetites. Every- thing must strike and stimulate. They craved only that INTRODUCTION. 19 kind of literature which was stuffed with novel ideas and spiced with antithesis and epigrammatic point. That chaste and elegant style which had been brought by the writers of the golden age to the highest pitch of richness and beauty, " the style which leaves the thought to its direct and natural development, adorning it only with wealth of expression, and with the lofty movement of the period, which is everywhere marked by symmetry and harmony," * the style of Cicero, Caesar, and Livy, had become too commonplace for the ambitious orators and authors of the imperial times, and too tame for their sensual hearers and readers. The literary Apicius who ministered most acceptably to this morbid craving for sensational writing was Lu- cius Annaeus Seneca. This truly great thinker and al- most inspired moralist was led as much, perhaps, by an innate love for boldness of expression as by the desire of pleasing his contemporaries, to clothe his ideas in the fashionable dress. Certainly no writer cultivated this manner to greater perfection, or used it with keener relish or more telling effect. It had only needed the sanction and example of a master-mind to impress it thoroughly on the literature of the period, and to make it supplant, for a time at least, the Latinity of the classi- cal age. Such high authority it found in Seneca. If philosophy, and that, too, of the Stoic school — for Sen- eca, though disclaiming to represent any school, was nev- ertheless substantially a Stoic — could clothe its moral lessons in the most brilliant and studied forms of rheto- ric, it follows that history and memoirs, and all writ- ings of the epideictic class should be not less adorned. All prose literature, therefore, now abounded in showy passages, adapted to quotation, in forms caught from the earlier poets and in new and striking phrases. Even poetry was declamation in verse, and oratory, of course, * Nipperdey, Introd., p. 27. 20 INTRODUCTION. was set ofip with the stilted and foppish rhetoric of the schools. Susceptibility of quotation was the test of ex- cellence. The youth x^ursuing* his literary studies at Rome eagerly caug-ht up " fine sentences " from popular orators and lecturers. He wished to carry home some- thing brilliant and deserving of memory. Such things as pleased his fancy he often transmitted to his friends in the colonies and provinces.* This denjand the speak- ers were ambitious to meet. Thus, at the time of Quinti Han's final settlement in Rome, he found every department of letters pervaded with all possible enormities of corrupted taste. Seneca had taught the philosopher to declaim in moral essays, Valerius had declaimed in historical anecdotes, and Lu- can in epic poetry. Even natural history and geogra- phy were composed in the declamatory vein. Every writer sought to appear ingenious, keen, and oracular. Abruptness, obscurity, affectation, uniform brilliancy, bombast, extravagance, every vice of a depraved taste, was rife in the speeches and publications of the day.f Fortunately for Quintilian, in his attempt at reform, he was not compelled to encoimter the living influence of Seneca. The tragic death of that eminent philoso- pher had occurred several years before. Another cir- cumstance which favored Quintilian was the marked change in the tone of feeling and in the habits of the Romans, brought about by the accession of the Flavian family to the empire. The people were sobered, and social life was less ostentatious and artificial. A cor- rected judgment in respect to the fashions of society might be expected to heed the teachings of sound criti- cism in letters. Thus Quintilian, superior as he was in gifts and attainments to most of the literary men then living, surrounded by a multitude of devoted pupils * See the Dialogue of Tacitus de Orat. 20, f Inst. Orat. 2, 21 ; 3, 23 ; 8, prooem. 23, sqq. INTRODUCTION. 21 from families of influence in Italy and the provinces, respected and befriended by the imperial court, must have entered upon his labor of love with the strongest assurance of success. He did not intend, and could not hope, to bring back the Latinit}^ of the Ciceronian age in all its characteristic features. It is not in the power of criticism to make the language of one generation precisely like that of genera- tions past.* Quintilian could have no more reproduced Cicero in his own writings, except as a literary curi- osity, than Macaulay could have adapted to our times the prose style of Milton. His aim was simply to in- duce the writers of his day to employ the existing ma- terials of the language according to the immutable laws of taste. His purpose is thus distinctly exj)ressed in the tenth book : '' I am striving to call back the style of eloquence, corrupted and vitiated by every fault, to se- verer standards." t In the style of the Institutions, composed in the full maturity of his powers, and in the perfect development of his judgment, he has fully exemplified all that he aimed throughout his professional life to enforce by precept. We can plainly see the happy influence of Quintil- ian's earnest teachings in the Latin works which ap- peared while he was still engaged in public lecturing, as well as in some of those which were published after he had retired from professional life. It is most apparent in the " Dialogue concerning Orators," and in the letters of the younger Pliny. The latter was a pupil of Quin- tilian, and ever remained his warm admirer and fast friend. His letters, indeed, indicate the man of refine- * Cicero himself says of the archaic writers, Imitari nequ?. possim si velim, nee velini, fortasse, si possim. Brut. 83, 28. f Corruptum ei omnibus vitiis fractum dicendi genus revo- oare ad severiora indicia contendo. X, 1, 125. 22 INTRODUCTION. ment rather than of power, but as specimens of episto- lary composition, apart from their historical value, they are deservedly ranked among the best of ancient times. The " Dialogue on Orators," ascribed to Tacitus, and cer- tainly written in the reign of Vespasian,* is the most finished work in Latin subsequent to the golden age, and will bear comparison even with the most perfect productions of that period. " There is no Latin book," says M. Pierron, " I do not except even the finest books of Cicero, to which the reader is held with a livelier in- terest. We learn much from it, and we meet, not here and there, but on every page and in almost every line, those marks of genius, thoughts, images, expressions, which prove that the author had good reason for affirm- ing that, after the heroes of ancient literature, new he- roes could still arise. " t That this treatise was inspired by the teachings of Quintilian, there can be no reason- able doubt. At any rate, this most eminent of all the rhetoricians who were lecturing at Rome at the time when Tacitus was finishing his education there, must have powerfully influenced the mind and the taste of this young orator and future historian. Tacitus was al- ready the intimate friend of Pliny, and must have been with him an admirer if not a pupil of Quintilian. But, of course, it was not so much in general litera- ture as in oratory itself that Quintilian had aimed to make himself felt ; and it was here that he had the hap- piness of witnessing in the evening of his life the full fruition of his early labors. We can easily imagine him in these later years, as he sat in the Roman senate among his colleagues of consular rank, and listened with rapt attention to the eloquence of those who had been trained by his instruction, and in whom he now realized his hopes and ideals, experiencing the deep and lively * See Dial, de Orat., 17. f Pierron, " Histoire de la Literature Roraaine," p. 564. INTRODUCTION. 23 satisfaction of having done so much to make them what they were. When, for example, before a crowded sen- ate, in presence of the Emperor Trajan, Pliny and Taci- tus, as prosecutors on the part of the state, arraigned in powerful speeches Marius Priscus, the Warren Hast- ings of that day, on the charge of maladministration of a province, and were answered on the side of the ac- cused by three senators, their rivals in speech, Marcelli- nus, Salvius, and Fronto, he who had probably been the master of most of them, and of many orators conspicu- ous like them in the senate and at the bar, must have felt that in striving so earnestly throughout the active period of his life to bring back Roman eloquence to its primitive purity, he had not labored in vain.* * This remarkable state trial, which is described in PL Ep. ii, 11, occurred in the year a. d. 100. M. FABII QUmTILIANI INSTITUTIONIS- OEATORIAE LIBRI X ET XII M. FABII QUINTILIANI IJNSTITUTIOl^IS OEATOEIAE LIBER DECIMUS. QUOMODO FIRMA FACILITAS PARETUR. CAPUT I. DE COPIA VERBORUM. I. Sed haec eloquendi praecepta, sicut cogni- tioni sunt necessaria, ita non satis ad vim di- cendi valent, nisi illis firma quaedam facilitas^ quae apud Graecos c^i? nominatur, accesserit ; ad quam scribendo plus an legendo an dicendo con- feratur, solere quaeri scio. Quod esset diligenti nobis examinandum cura, si qualibet earum re- rum possemus una esse contenti. Verum ita 3 sunt inter se conexa et indiscreta omnia, ut, si quid ex bis defuerit, frustra sit in ceteris labora- tum. Nam neque solida atque robusta fuerit umquam eloquentia, nisi multo stilo vires accep- erit, et citra lectionis exemplum labor ille carens rectore fluitabit ; qui autem sciet, quae, quoque sint modo dicenda, nisi tamen in procinctu para- tamque ad oninis casus habuerit eloquentiam, velut clausis tbesauris incubabit. Non autem ut 3 quidque praecipue necessarium est, sic ad effici- 28 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 4-7. endum oratorem maximi protinus erit momenti. Nam certe cum sit in eloquendo positum oratoris officium, dicere ante omnia est, atqne hinc init- inm eius artis f uisse manifestum est ; proximam deinde imitationem, novissimam scribendi quo- 4 que diligentiam. Sed ut perveniri ad summa nisi ex principiis non potest, ita procedente iam opere minima incipiunt esse quae prima sunt. Verum nos non, quomodo instituendus orator, hoc loco dicimus (nam id quidem aut satis aut certe uti potuimus dictum est), sed athleta, qui omnis iam perdidicerit a praeceptore numeros, quo genere exercitationis ad certamina praepa- randus sit. Igitur eum, qui res in venire et dis- ponere sciet, verba quoque et eligendi et conlo- candi rationem perceperit, instruamus, qua ra- tione, quod didicerit, facere quam optime, quam facillime possit. 5 Num ergo dubium est, quin ei velut opes sint quaedam parandae, quibus uti, ubicumque deside- ratum erit, possit ? Eae constant copia rerum 6ac verborum. Sed res propriae sunt cuiusque causae, aut paucis communes, verba in universas paranda; quae si rebus singulis essent singula, minorem curam postularent ; nam cuncta sese cum ipsis protinus rebus offerrent. Sed cum sint aliis alia aut magis propria aut magis ornata aut plus efiicentia aut melius sonantia, debent esse non solum nota omnia, sed in promptu atque, ut ita dicam, in conspectu, ut, cum se iudicio dicen- tis ostenderint, facilis ex his optimorum sit 7electio. Et quae idem significarent solitos scio ediscere^ quo facilius et occurreret unum ex plu- INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 8-11. 29 ribus, et, cum essent usi aliquo, si breve intra spatium rursus desicleraretur, effugiendae repe- titionis gratia sumerent aliud, quo idem intellegi posset. Quod cum est puerile et cuiusdam infe- licis operae, turn etiam utile parum ; turbam enim tantum congregat, ex qua sine discrimine occupet proximum quodque. Nobis autem copia cum iudicio paranda est 8 vim orandi, non circulatoriam volubilitatem spec- tantibus. Id autem consequemur optima le- gendo atque audiendo. Non enim solum nomina ipsa rerum cognoscemus bac cura, sed quod quoque loco sit aptissimum. Omnibus enim 9 fere verbis praeter pauca, quae sunt parum vere- cunda, in oratione locus est. Nam scriptores qui- dem iamborum veterisque comoediae etiam in illis saepe laudantur ; sed nobis nostrum opus in- tueri sat est. Omnia verba, exceptis de quibus dixi, sunt alicubi optima ; nam et humilibus inte- rim et vulgaribus est opus, et quae nitidiore in parte videntur sordida, ubi res poscit, proprie dicuntur. Haec ut sciamus atque eorum non sig- lo nificationem modo, sed f ormas etiam mensurasque norimus, ut, ubicumque erunt posita, conveniant, nisi multa lectione atque auditione adsequi nullo modo possumus, cum omnem sermonem auribus primum accipiamus. Propter quod infantes a mutis nutricibus iussu regum in solitudine edu- cati, etiamsi verba quaedam emisisse traduntur, tamen loquendi facultate caruerunt. Sunt autem ii alia buius naturae, ut idem pluribus vocibus dec- larent, ita ut nihil significationis, quo potius uta- ris, intersit, ut 'ensis' et 'gladius'; alia vero^ 30 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 12-17. quae etiamsi propria rerum aliquarnm sint nomi- na, TpoTTLKios [quasi] tamen ad eundein intellectum 12feruntur, ut ^ferrum'' et 'mucro.^ Nam per abusionem 'sicarios' etiam omnis vocamus, qui caedem telo quocumque commiserint. Alia cir- cuitu verborum plurium ostendimus, quale est ' et pressi copia lactis.' Plurima vero mutatione figuramus : * scio/ ' non ignore ' et ' non me f ugit ' et ' non me praeterit ' et ' quis nescit ' ? et ^ nemini 13 dubium est.' Sed etiam ex proximo mutuari libet. Nam et 'intellego' et ''sentio' et Wideo' saepe idem valent quod ' scio.' Quorum nobis uberta- tem ac divitias dabit lectio, ut non solum quomo- do occurrent, sed etiam quomodo oportet utamur. 14 Non semper enim haec inter se idem f aciunt, nee sicut de intellectu animi recte dixerim ' video/ ita de visu oculorum ' intellego/ nee ut ' mucro ' gladium, sic ' mucronem * gladius ' ostendit. 15 Sed ut copia verborum sic paratur, ita non verborum tantum gratia legendum vel audien- dum est. Nam omnium, quaecunque docemus, Iloc sunt exempla potentiora etiam ipsis quae traduntur artibus (cum eo qui discit perductus est, ut intellegere ea sine demonstrante et sequi iam suis viribus possit), quia, quae doctor prae- cepit, orator ostendit. 16 Alia vero audientis, alia legentis magis adiu- vant. Excitat qui dicit spiritu ipso, nee imagine et ambitu rerum, sed rebus incendit. Vivunt omnia enim et moventur, excipimusque nova ilia velut nascentia cum favore ac sollicitudine. Nee fortuna modo iudicii, sed etiam ipsorum qui 17 orant periculo adficimur. Praeter haec vox^ actio INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 18-22. 31 decora, coniinoda, ut quisqiie locus postulabit, pronuntiandi, vel potentissinia in dicendo, ratio et, ut semel dicam, pariter orania docent. In lectione certius indicium, quod audienti frequent- er ant suns cuique favor aut ille laudantium clamor extorquet. Pudet enim dissentire, et ve- 18 lut tacita quadam verecundia inliibemur plus nobis credere, cum interim et vitiosa pluribus placent, et a conrogatis laudantur etiam quae non placent. Sed e contrario quoque accidit, ut 19 optime dictis gratiam prava indicia non referant. Lectio libera est nee ut actionis impetus trans- currit; sed repetere saepius licet, sive dubites sive memoriae adfigere velis. Repetamus autem et tractemus, et ut cibos mansos ac prope lique- factos demittimus, quo facilius digerantur, ita lectio non cruda, sed multa iteratione mollita et velut confecta memoriae imitationique tradatur. Ac din nonnisi optimus quisque et qui ere- 20 dentem sibi minime fallat legendus est, sed dili- genter ac paene ad scribendi sollicitudinem ; nee per partes modo scrutanda omnia, sed perlectus liber utique ex integro resumendus, praecipue oratio, cuius virtutes frequenter ex industria quo- que occultantur. Saepe enim praeparat, dissim-21 ulat, insidiatur orator, eaque in prima parte actionis dicit, quae sunt in summa profutura. Itaque suo loco minus placent, adliuc nobis quare dicta sint ignorantibus, ideoque erunt cog- nitis omnibus repetenda. Illud vero utilissimum, 22 nosse eas causas, quarum orationes in manus sumpserimus, et quotiens continget, utrimque babitas legere actiones: ut Demosthenis atque 32 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 23-26. Aeschinis inter se contrarias, et Servii Siilpicii atque Messalae, quorum alter pro Aufidia, con- tra dixit alter, et Pollionis et Cassii reo Aspre- 23nate aliasque plurimas. Quin etiam si minus pares videbuntur, aliquae tamen ad cognoscen- dam litium quaestionem recte requirentur, ut contra Ciceronis orationes Tub'eronis in Ligarium et Hortensii pro Verre. Quin etiam easdem cau- sas ut quisque egerit utile erit scire. Nam de domo Ciceronis dixit Calidius et pro Milone orationem Brutus exercitationis gratia scripsit (etiamsi egisse eum Cornelius Celsus falso exis- 24timat), et Pollio et Messala defender unt eos- dem, et nobis pueris insignes pro Voluseno Catulo Domitii Afri, Crispi Passieni, Decimi Laelii ora- tiones ferebantur. Neque id statim legenti persuasum sit, omnia, quae optimi auctores dixerint, utique esse perf ecta. Nam et labuntur aliquando et oneri cedunt et in- dulgent ingeniorum suorum voluptati, nee semper intendunt animum, nonnumquam f atigantur ; cum Ciceroni dormitare interim Demosthenes, Horatio 25 vero etiam Homerus ipse videatur. Summi enim sunt, homines tamen, acciditque his, qui, quidquid apud illos repererunt, dicendi legem putant, ut deteriora imitentur (id enim est facilius) ac se abunde similes putent, si vitia magnorum conse- 26 quantur. Modesto tamen et circumspecto iudicio de tantis viris pronuntiandum est, ne, quod pleris- que accidit, damnent quae non intellegunt. Ac si necesse est in alteram errare partem omnia eo- rum legentibus placere quam multa displicere maluerim. INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 27-31. 33 Plurimum dicit oratori conferre Tlieophfas-27 tus lectionem poetarum, multique eius iudi- ciuni sequuntur neque immerito. Nainque ab his in rebus spiritus et in verbis sublimitas et in adfectibns motus omnis et in personis decor peti- tur, praecipueque velut attrita cotidiano actn forensi ingenia optime rerum talinm blanditia reparantur. Ideoque in bac lectione Cicero re- quiescendum pntat. Meminerimus tamen nonSS per omnia poetas esse oratori sequendos nee libertate verborum nee licentia figurarum ; genus ostentationi comparatum, et praeter id, quod so- lam petit voluptatem eamque etiam fingendo non falsa modo, sed etiam quaedam incredibilia sec- tatur, patrocinio quoque aliquo iuvari : quod 29 adligata ad certam pedum necessitatem non sem- per uti propriis possit, sed dejDulsa recta via necessario ad eloquendi quaedam deverticula confugiat, nee mutare quaedam modo verba, sed extendere, corripere, convertere, dividere cogatur ; nos vero armatos stare in acie et summis de re- bus decernere et ad victoriam niti. Neque ergo 30 arma squalere situ ac rubigine velim, sed fulgo- rem in iis esse qui terreat, qualis est ferri, quo mens simul visusque praestringitur, non qualis auri argentique, imbellis et potius babenti peric- ulosus. Historia quoque alere oratorem quodam31 uberi iucundoque suco potest, verum et ipsa sic est legenda, ut sciamus plerasque eius virtutes oratori esse vitandas. Est enim proxima poetis et quodammodo carmen solutum, et scribitur ad narrandum non ad probandum, totumque opus 3 34 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 32-35. non ad actum rei pugnamque praeseiitem, sed ad memoriam posteritatis et ingenii famam com- ponitur ; ideoque et verbis remotioribus et liberi- 32oribus figuris narrandi taedium evitat. Itaque, ut dixi, neque ilia Sallustiana brevitas^ qua nihil apud aures vacuas atque eruditas potest esse perfectius, apud occupatum variis cogitationibus iudicem et saepius ineruditum captanda nobis est, neque ilia Livii lactea ubertas satis docebit eum, qui non speciem expositionis, sed fidem 33quaerit. Adde quod M. TuUius ne Thucydidem quidem aut Xenopliontem utiles oratori putat, quamquam ilium bellicum cane re, buius ore Musas esse locutas existimet. Licet tamen nobis in digressionibus uti vel bistorico nonnum- quam nitore, dum in bis, de quibus erit quaestio, meminerimus, non atbletarum toros, sed militum lacertos opus esse, nee versicolorem illam, qua Demetrius Pbalereus dicebatur uti, vestem bene 34 ad f orensem pulverem f acere. Est et alius ex bis- toriis usus et is quidem maximus, sed non ad praesentem pertinens locum, ex cognitione re- rum exemplorumque, quibus imprimis instructus esse debet orator, ne omnia testimonia expectet a litigatore, sed pleraque ex vetustate diligenter sibi cognita sumat, boc potentiora, quod ea sola criminibus odii et gratiae vacant. 35 A pbilosopborum vero lectione ut essent multa nobis petenda, vitio factum est oratorum, qui quidem illis optima sui operis parte cesse- runto Nam et de iustis, honestis, utilibus, iisque quae sint istis contraria, et de rebus divinis maxi- me dicunt et argumentantur acriter; et alterca- INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 36-41. 35 tionibiis atque interrogationibus oratorem futu- riim optime Socratici praeparant. Sed his quo- 36 que adhibendum est simile iudiciuui, ut etiam cum in rebus versemur iisdem, non tam.en ean- dem esse condicionem sciamus litium. ac dis- putationum., fori et auditorii, praeceptorum et periculorum. Credo exacturos plerosque, cum tantum esse 37 utilitatis in legendo iudicemus, ut id quoque adiungamus operi, qui sint legendi, quae in auctore quoque praecipua virtus. Sed persequi singulos infiniti fuerit operis. Quippe cum in 38 Bruto M. Tullius tot milibus versuum de Ro- manis tantum oratoribus loquatur et tamen de omnibus aetatis suae, qui tum vivebant, exceptis Caesare atque Marcello, silentium egerit; quis erit modus, si et illos et qui postea fuerunt et Graecos omnis et pMlosoplios ? Fuit igitur 39 brevitas ilia tutissima, quae est apud Livium in epistola ad filium scripta, legendos Demos- then em atque Cicero n em, tum ita, ut quisque esset Demostheni et Ciceroni simillimus. Non est dissimulanda nostri quo- 40 que iudicii summa. Paucos enim vel potius vix ullum ex his, qui vetustatem pertulerunt existimo posse reperiri, quin indicium adhibentibus adlatu- rus sit utilitatis aliquid, cum se Cicero ab illis quoque vetustissimis auctoribus, ingeniosis qui- dem, sed arte carentibus, plurimum fateatur adiutum. Nee multo aliud de novis sentio. Quotus enim quisque inveniri tarn demens potest, 41 qui ne minima quidem alicuius certe fiducia partis memoriam posteritatis speraverit ? Qui 36 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 42^6. si quis est, intra primes statim versus deprelien- detur et citius nos diniittet, quam ut eius nobis magno temporis detrimento constet experimen- 42 turn. Sed non quidqnid ad aliquam partem scientiae pertinet, protinus ad faciendam etiam plirasin, de qua loquimur, accommodatum. Verum antequam de singulis loquar, pauca in universum de varietate opinionum dicenda sunt. 43 Nam quidam solos veteres legendos putant neque in ullis aliis esse naturalem eloquentiam et robur viris dignum arbitrantur, alios recens liaec las- civia deliciaeque et omnia ad voluptatem multi- 44 tudinis imperitae composita delectant. Ipsorum etiam qui rectum dicendi genus sequi volunt, alii pressa demum et tenuia et quae minimum ab usu cotidiano recedant, sana et vere Attica putant, quosdam elatior ingenii vis et magis concitata et plena spiritus capit ; sunt etiam lenis et nitidi et compositi generis non pauci amatores. De qua differentia disseram diligentius cum de genere dicendi quaerendum erit. Interim summatim, quid et a qua lectione petere possint, qui con- firmare facultatem dicendi volent, attingam: 45paucos enim (sunt eminentissimi) excerpere in animo est ; facile est autem studiosis, qui sint his simillimi, iudicare ; ne quisquam queratur, omis- sos forte aliquos, quos ipse valde probet ; fateor enim pluris legendos esse quam qui a me nomi- nabuntur. Sed nunc genera ipsa lectionum, quae prae- cipue convenire intendentibus, ut oratores fiant, existimem, persequar. 46 Igitur, ut Aratus ab love incipiendum INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 47-50. 37 putat, ita nos rite coepturi ab Honiero videmur. Hie enim, quemadmodum ex Oceano dicit ipse amnium fontiumque cursns initium capere, om- nibus eloquentiae partibus exemplum et ortum dedit. Hunc nemo in magnis rebus sublimitate, in parvis proprietate superaverit. Idem laetus ac pressus, iucundus et gravis, tum copia tum brevitate mirabilis, nee poetica modo, sed ora- toria virtute eminentissimus. Nam ut de laudi- 47 bus, exhortationibus, consolationibus taceam, non- ne vel nonus liber, quo missa ad Achillem legatio continetur, vel in primo inter duees ilia contentio vel dictae in seeundo sententiae omnis litium ac consiliorum explicant artes ? Adf eetus quidem 48 vel illos mites vel bos coneitatos nemo erit tam indoctus, qui non in sua potestate hune auetorem habuisse fateatur. Age vero, non in utriusque operis sui ingressu in paueissimis versibus legem prooemiorum non dico servavit, sed eonstituit ? Nam benevolum auditorem invocatione dearum, quas praesidere vatibus creditum est, et intentum proposita rerum magnitudine et docilem summa celeritur comprensa facit. Narrare vero quis49 brevius quam qui mortem nuntiat Patrocli, quis signifieantius potest quam qui Curetum Aetolo- rumque proelium exponit ? lam similitudines, amplificationes, exempla, digressus, signa rerum et argumenta ceteraque genera probandi ac re- futandi sunt ita multa, ut etiam qui de artibus scripserunt plurima harum rerum testimonia ab boe poeta petant. Nam epilogus quidem quis 50 Vimquam poterit illis Priami rogantis Achillem precibus aequari ? Quid ? in verbis, sententiis, 38 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 51-56. figuris, dispositione totins operis nonne hiimani ingenii naodum excedit ? ut magni sit virtutes eius non aemulatione, quod fieri non potest, sed 51 intellectu sequi. Verum hie omnis sine dubio et in omni genere eloquentiae procul a se reliquit, epicos tamen praecipue, videlicet quia clarissima 52 in materia simili comparatio est. Raro adsurgit Hesiodus, magnaque pars eius in nominibus est occupata; tamen utiles circa praecepta sen- tentiae levitasque verborum et compositionis probabilis, daturque ei palma in illo medio 53 genere dicendi. Contra in Antimaclio vis et gravitas et minime vulgare eloquendi genus habet laudem. Sed quamvis ei secundas fere grammaticorum consensus deferat, et adfectibus et iucunditate et dispositione et omnino arte deficitur, ut plane manifesto apj)areat, quanto 54 sit aliud proximum esse, aliud secundum. Pa- nyasin, ex utroque mixtum, putant in elo- quendo neutriusque aequare virtutes, alterum tamen ab eo materia, alterum disponendi ra- tione superari. Apollonius in ordinem a grammaticis datum non venit, quia Aristarclius atque Aristophanes neminem sui temporis in nu- merum redegerunt; non tamen contemnendum 55 edidit opus aequali quadam mediocritate. A ra- ti materia motu caret, ut in qua nulla varietas, nullus adfectus, nulla persona, nulla cuiusquam sit oratio ; sufficit tamen operi, cui se parem cre- didit. Admirabilis in suo genere Theocritus sed musa ilia rustica et pastoralis non forum modo, verum ipsam etiam urbem reformidat. 5g Audire videor undique congerentis nomina INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 57-61. " 39 plurimonim poetarum. Quid ? Herculis acta non bene Pisandros? Nicandrum f rustra secuti Macer atque Vergilius ? Quid? Eupho- r i o n e in transibimus ? quern nisi probasset Ver- giliuSj idem numquam certe conditorumCbal- cidico versu carminum f ecisset in Bucolicis mentioneni. Quid ? Horatius f rustra T y r t a e - u m Homero subiungit ? Nee sane quisquam est 57 tarn procul a cognitione eorum remotus, ut non indicem certe ex bibliotheca siimptum transferre in libros suos possit. Nee ignore igitur quos transeo nee utique damno, ut qui dixerim esse in omnibus utilitatis aliquid. Sed ad illos iam per- f ectis constitutisque viribus revertemur ; quod in 58 cenis grandibus saepe facimus, ut, cum optimis satiati sumus, varietas tamen nobis ex vilioribus grata sit. Tunc et elegiam vacabit in manus sumere, cuius princeps habetur Callimacbus, secundas confessione plurimorum Philetas oc- cupavit. Sed duni adsequimur illam firmam, ut dixi, 59 facilitatem, optimis adsuescendum est et multa magis quam multorum lectione formanda mens et ducendus color. Itaque ex tribus receptis Aristarchi iudicio scriptoribus iamborum ad l^tv maxime pertinebit unus Arcliilocbus. Summa in hoc vis elocutionis, cum validae tiim 60 breves vibrantesque sententiae^ plurimum san- guinis atque nervorum^ adeo ut videatur quibus- dam, quod quoquam minor est, materiae esse non ingenii vitium. Novem vero Lyricorum longe Pindarus61 princeps spiritus magnificentia, sententiis, figu- 4:0 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 62-65. ris, beatissima rerum verborumque copia et velut quodana eloquentiae flumine ; propter quae Hora- tius euro, merito credidit nemini imitabilem. 62Stesiclioruin, qnara sit ingenio validus, ma- teriae quoque ostendunt, maxima bella et claris- simos canentem duces et epici carminis onera lyra sustinentem. Reddit enim personis in agen- do simul loquendoque debitam dignitatem, ac si tenuisset modum, videtur aemulari proximus Homerum potuisse; sed redundat atque effund- itur, quod ut est reprehendendum, ita copiae 63vitium est. Alcaeus in parte operis aureo p 1 e c t r o merito donatur, qua tyrannos insectatus multum etiam moribus confert; in eloquendo quoque brevis et magnificus et diligens et ple- rumque oratori similis ; sed et lusit et in amores 64 descendit, maioribus tamen aptior. Simonides, tenuis alioqui, sermone proprio et iucunditate quadam commendari potest; praecipua tamen eius in commovenda miseratione virtus, ut qui- dam in hac eum parte omnibus eius operis auc- toribus praeferant. 65 Antiqua comoedia cum sinceram illam sermonis Attici gratiam prope sola retinet, turn facundissimae libertatis est et insectandis vitiis praecipua; plurimum tamen virium etiam in ceteris partibus habet. Nam et grandis et ele- gans et venusta, et nescio an uUa, post Homerum tamen, quem, ut Achillen, semper excipi par est, aut similior sit oratoribus aut ad oratores facien- dos aptior. Plures eius auctores ; Aristopha- nes tamen et Eupolis Cratinusque prae- cipui. INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 66-70. 41 Tragoedias primus in lucem Aeschylus66 protulit, sublimis et gravis et grandiloquus saepe usque ad vitium, sed rudis in plerisque et incom- positus; propter quod correctas eius fabulas in certamen deferre posterioribus poetis Athenien- ses permiserunt, suntque eo modo multi coronati. Sed longe clarius illustraverunt hoc opus S o p h o- 67 cles atque Euripides, quorum in dispari di- cendi via uter sit poeta melior, inter plurimos quaeritur. Idque ego sane, quoniam ad praesen- tem materiam nihil pertinet, iniudicatum relin- quo. lUud quidem nemo non fateatur necesse est, iis, qui se ad agendum comparant, utiliorem longe fore Euripiden. Namque is et sermone68 (quod ipsum reprehendunt, quibus gravitas et cothurnus et sonus Sophoclis videtur esse sub- limior) magis accedit oratorio generi, et senten- tiis densus et in iis, quae a sapientibus tradita sunt, paene ipsis par, et dicendo ac respondendo cuilibet eorum, qui fuerunt in foro diserti, com- parandus; in adfectibus vero cum omnibus mi- rus, turn in iis, qui miseratione constant, facile praecipuus. Hunc et admiratus maxime est, ut saepe tes- 69 tatur, et eum secutus, quamquam in opere diverso, Menander, qui vel unus, meo quidem iudicio, diligenter lectus, ad cuncta, quae praecipimus, efficienda sufficiat ; ita omnem vitae imaginem expressit, tanta in eo inveniendi copia et eloquen- di facultas, ita est omnibus rebus, personis, adfec- tibus accommodatus. Nee nihil profecto vide- 70 runt, qui orationes, quae Charisii nomine edun- tur, a Menandro scriptas putant. Sed mihi longe 42 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 71-74 magis orator probari in opere suo videtur, nisi forte aut ilia mala indicia, qnae Epitrepontes, Epicleros, Locroe habent, ant meditationes in Psopbodee, Noniotbete, Hypobolimaeo non omni- 71 bus oratoriis nnmeris snnt absolntae. Ego ta- men plus adbuc quiddam conlaturum eum de- clamatoribus puto, quoniam his necesse est se- cundum condicionem controversiarum plures subire personas : patrum, filiorum, militum, rusti- corum, divitum, pauperum, irascentium, depre- cantium, mitium, asperorum. In quibns omnibus 72 mire custoditur ab hoc poeta decor. Atque ille quidem omnibus eiusdem operis auctoribus ab- stulit nomen et fulgore quodam suae claritatis tenebras obdnxit. Tamen habent alii quoque comici, si cum venia leguntur, quaedam quae possis decerpere; et praecipue Philemon, qui ut pravis sui temporis iudiciis Menandro saepe praelatus est, ita consensu tamen omnium meruit credi secundus. 73 Historiam multi scripsere praeclare, sed nemo dubitat longe duos ceteris praeferendos, quorum diversa virtus laudem paene est parem consecuta. Densus et brevis et semper instans sibi Thucydides, dulcis et candidus et fusus Herodotus; ille concitatis hie remissis adfecti- bus melior, ille contionibus hie sermonibus, ille 74 vi hie voluptate. Theopompus, his proximus, ut in historia praedictis minor, ita oratori magis similis, ut qui, antequam est ad hoc opus sollicita- tus, din f uerit orator. Philistus quoque mere- tur qui turbae quamvis bonorum post eos auc- torum eximatur, imitator Thucydidis et ut multo INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 75-80. 43 infirmior ita aliquatenus lucidior. E p li o r ii s, ut Isocrati visum, calcaribus eget. Clitarclii pro- 75 batur ingeuiiim, fides infamatur. Longo post intervallo temporis natus Tiniagenes vel hoc est ipso probabilis, quod interinissaui historias scribendi industriam nova laude reparavit. X e n o p h o n non excidit mihi, sed inter pbiloso- phos reddendus est. Sequitur o r a t o r u ni ingens manus, ut cum 76 decem simul Atlienis aetas una tulerit. Quorum longe princeps Demosthenes ac paene lex orandi f uit ; tanta vis in eo, tam densa omnia, ita quibusdam nervis intenta sunt, tam nihil otio- sum, is dicendi modus, ut nee quod desit in eo nee quod redundet iuA^enias. Plenior A e s c h i- 77 nes et magis fusus et grandiori similis, quo minus strictus est ; carnis tamen plus habet, mi- nus lacertorum. Dulcis in primis et acutus Hyperides, sed minoribus causis, ut non dixe- rim utilior, magis par. His aetate L y s i a s mai- 78 or, subtilis atque elegans et quo nihil, si oratori satis sit docere, quaeras perfectius. Nihil enim est inane, nihil arcessitum; puro tamen fonti quam magno flumini propior. I s o c r a t e s in di- 79 verso genere dicendi nitidus et comptus et palae- strae quam pugnae magis accommodatus omnis dicendi veneres sectatus est, nee immerito ; audi- toriis enim se, non iudiciis compararat ; in inven- tione facilis, honesti studiosus, in compositione adeo diligens, ut cura eius reprehendatur. Ne-80 que ego in his, de quibus locutus sum, has solas virtutes, sed has praecipuas puto, nee ceteros pa- rum fuisse magnos. Quin etiam Phalerea 11- 44: INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 81-85, lum Demetriiim, qnamquam is primus incli- nasse eloquentiam dicitur, niultum ingenii habu- isse et facnndiae fateor, vel ob hoc memoria dignum, quod ultimus est fere ex Atticis, qui dici possit orator ; queni tamen in illo medio genere dicendi praefert omnibus Cicero. 81 Pliilosopliorum, ex quibus plurimum se traxisse eloquentiae M. Tullius confitetur, quis du- bitet Plato n em esse praecipuum sive acumine disserendi sive eloquendi facultate divina qua- dam et Homerica ? Multum enim supra prosam orationem et quam pedestrem Graeci vocant surgit, ut mihi non hominis ingenio, sed quodam 62 Delpliico videatur oraculo instinctus. Quid ego commemorem Xenopliontis illam iucundita-, tem inadfectatam, sed quam nulla consequi ad- fectatio possit ? ut ipsae sermonem. finxisse Gra- tiae videantur et, quod de Pericle veteris comoe- diae testimonium est, in liunc transferri iustissime possit, in labris eius sedisse quandam i^ersuaden- 83 di deam. Quid reliquorum Socraticorum elegantiam ? Quid Aristotelem? quem dubi- to scientia rerum an scriptorum copia an elo- quendi vi ac suavitate an inventionum acumine an varietate operum clariorem putem. Nam in Tlieoplirasto tam est loquendi nitor ille divinus, 64 ut ex eo nomen quoque traxisse dicatur. Minus indulsere eloquentiae Stoici veteres, sed cum bonesta suaserunt, tum in conligendo probando-. que, quae instituerant, plurimum valuerunt, rebus tamen acuti magis quam, id quod sane non adfec- taverunt, oratione magnifici. 85 Idem nobis per Pomanos quoque auctores INST, ORATOR, X, 1, 86-89, 45 ordo ducendus est. Itaque ut apud illos Home- Tus, sic apud nos Vergilius auspicatissimum dederit exordium, omnium eius generis poetarum Graecorum nostrorumque haud dubie proximus. Utar eniin verbis iisdem, quae ex Afro Domitio 86 iuvenis excepi, qui mibi interroganti, quern Ho- mero crederet maxime accedere, secundus, inquit, est Vergilius, propior tamen pri- mo quam tertio. Et liercule ut illi naturae caelesti atque immortali cesserimus, ita curae et diligentiae vel ideo in hoc plus est, quod ei fuit magis laborandum, et quantum eminentibus vincimur, fortasse aequalitate pensamus. Ceteri omnes longe sequentur. Nam Macer et Lu-87 cretins legendi quidem, sed non ut pbrasin, id est, corpus eloquentiae f aciant ; elegantes in sua quisque materia, sed alter humilis, alter difficilis. Atacinus Yarro in iis, per quae nomen est adsecutus, inter pres operis alieni, non spernendus quidem, verum ad augendam facultatem dicendi parum locuples. E n n i u m sicut sacros vetustate 88 lucos adoremus, in quibus grandia et antiqua ro- bora iam non tantam liabent speciem quantam religionem. Propiores alii atque ad lioc, de quo loquimur, magis utiles. Lascivus quidem in lierois quoque Ovidius et nimium amator in- genii sui, laudandus tamen in partibus. C o r n e- 89 1 i u s autem S e v e r u s, etiamsi versificator quam poeta melior, si tamen [ut est dictum] ad exem- plar primi libri bellum Siculum perscripsisset, vindicaret sibi iure secundum locum. Serranum consummari mors immatura non passa est: puerilia tamen eius opera et maximam indolem 46 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 90-93. ostendunt et admirabilem praecipiie in aetate ilia 90 recti generis volnntatem. Multum in Yalerio Flacco nuper amisimns. Vehemens et poeti- cum ingenium Saleii Bassi fuit, nee ipsum senectute maturuit. Rabirius ac Pedo non indigni cognitione, si vacet. Luc anus ardens et concitatus et sententiis clarissimus et, ut di- cam quod sentio, magis oratoribus quam poetis 91 imitandus. Hos nominavimus, quia Germani- cum Augustum ab institutis studiis deflexit cura terrarum, parumque dis visum est esse eum maximum poetarum. Quid tamen bis ipsis eius operibus, in quae, donato imperio, iuvenis seces- serat, sublimius, doctius, omnibus denique nu- meris praestantius ? Quis enim caneret bella melius quam qui sic gerit ? Quem praesidentes studiis deae propius audirent ? Cui magis suas 92 artis aperiret f amiliare numen Minerva ? Dicent . haec plenius futura saecula, nunc enim cetera- rum fulgore virtutum laus ista praestringitur. Nos tamen sacra litterarum colentis feras, Cae- sar, si non tacitum hoc praeterimus et Vergiliano certe versu testamur : inter victrices bederam tibi serpere laurus. 93 Elegia quoque Graecos provocamus, cuius mibi tersus atque elegans maxime videtur auctor Tibullus. Sunt qui Propertium malint, O V i d i u s utroque lascivior, sicut durior G a 1 1 u s. S a t u r a quidem tota nostra est, in qua primus insignem laudem adeptus Lucilius quosdam ita deditos sibi adhuc babet amatores, ut eum non INST. ORATOR, X, 1, 94-97. 47 eiusdem modo operis auctoribus, sed omnibus poetis praeferre non dubitent. Ego quantum ab 94 illis tantum ab Horatio dissentio, qui Lucilium fluere lutulentum et esse aliquid, quod tollere possis, putat. Nam eruditio in eo mira et libertas atque inde acerbitas et abunde salis. Multum est tersior ac purus magis Horatiuset, nisi labor eius amore, praecipuus. Multum et verae gloriae quamvis uno libro P e r s i u s meruit. Sunt clari hodieque et qui olim nominabuntur. Alterum illud etiam prius saturae genus, sed 95 non sola carminum varietate mixtum condidit Terentius Varro, vir Romanorum eruditis- simus. Plurimos bic libros et doctissimos com- posuit, peritissimus linguae La.tinae et omnis antiquitatis et rerum Graecarum nostrarumque ; plus tamen scientiae conlaturus quam eloquen- tiae. Iambus non sane a Romanis celebratus est 96 ut proprium opus, quibusdam interpositus, cuius acerbitas in Catullo, Bibaculo, Horatio, quamquam illi epodos interveniat, reperietur. At Lyricorum idem Horatius fere solus legi dignus ; nam et insurgit aliquando, et plenus est iucunditatis et gratiae et variis figuris et verbis f elicissime audax. Si quem adicere velis, is erit Caesius Bassus, quem nuper vidimus ; sed eum longe praecedunt ingenia viventium. Tragoediae scriptores veterum A 1 1 i u s at- 97 que Pacuvius clarissimi gravitate sententia- rum, verborum pondere, auctoritate personarum. Ceterum nitor et summa in excolendis operibus manus magis videri potest temporibus quam ipsis 48 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 98-101. defuisse. Virium tamen Attio plus tribuitur, Pacuvmm videri doctiorem, qui esse docti ad- 98fectant, volunt. lam Yarii Thyestes cuilibet Graecaruni comparari potest. Ovidii Medea videtur mihi ostendere, quantum ille vir prae- stare potuerit, si ingenio suo imperare quam. in- dulgere maluisset. Eorum. quos viderim. longe princeps Pom.ponius Secundus, quem. senes quidem. parum tragicum. putabant, eruditione ac nitore praestare confitebantur. 99 Incom.oedia maxiine claudicam.us, licet Var- ro Musas, Aelii Stilonis sententia, Plautiiio dicat sermone locuturas fuisse, siLatine loqui vellent, licet Caec ilium veteres laudi- bus ferant, licet^Terentii scripta ad Scipionem Africanum. referantur; quae tamen sunt in hoc genere elegantissima et plus adhuc habituia 100 gratiae, si intra versus trimetros stetissent. Vix levem consequimur umbram, adeo ut mibi sermo ipse Romanus non recipere videatur illam solis concessam Atticis venerem, cum eam ne Graeci quidem in alio genere linguae obtinuerint. Toga- tis excellit Afranius; utinam non inquinasset argumenta puerorum f oedis amoribus, mores suos fassus. 101 At non historia cesserit Graecis. Nee op- ponere Tliucydidi Sallustium verear, nee in- dignetur sibi Herodotus aequari T. L i v i u m, cum in narrando mirae iucunditatis clarissimique can- doris, tum in contionibus supra quam enarrari potest eloquentem ; ita quae dicuntur omnia cum rebus, tum personis accommodata sunt ; adf ectns quidem, praecipueque eos gui sunt dulciores, ut INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 102-106. 49 parcissime dicam, nemo historicorum commenda- vit magis. Ideoque immortalem illam Sallustiiioa velocitatem diversis virtutibus consecutus est. Nam m.ilii egregie dixisse videtur Ser villus No 111 an us, pares eos magls quam similes; qui et ipse a nobis audltus est, clari vir ingenli et sententlis creber, sed minus pressus quam lils- torlae auctorltas postulat. Quam, paulum aetate 103 praecedens eum, Bass us Aufldius egregie, utique in llbrls belli Germanicl, praestitlt, genere ipso probabllls, sed in quibusdam operibus suis ipse vlribus minor. Superest adhuc et exornat 104 aetatis nostrae gloriam vir saeculorum memoria dignus, qui ollm nomlnabitur, nunc intellegitur. Habet amatores nee imitatores, ut cul libertas, quamquam circumcisis quae dixisset, nocuerit. Sed elatum abunde splritum et audaces senten- tias deprebendas etlam in lis, quae manent. Sunt et alii scrlptores bonl, sed nos genera degustamus, non blbllotbecas excutlmus. Oratores vero vel praeclpue Latlnam elo- 105 quentlam parem facere Graecae posslnt. Nam Ciceronem culcumque eorum fortlter opposu- erim. Nee Ignoro, quantam mibi concltem pug- nam, cum praesertlm non sit id propositi, ut eum Demosthenl comparem hoc tempore, neque enim attinet, cum Demosthenem in primis legendum vel ediscendum potius putem. Quorum ego lOfc virtutes plerasque arbltror similes : consilium, ordinem, dividendi, praeparandi, probandi ratio- nem, omnia denique quae sunt inventionis. In eloquendo est aliqua diversitas : densior ille, hie copiosior, lUe concludit astrictius, hie latins, pug- 4 50 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 107-111. nat ille acumine semper, Mc frequenter et pon- dere, illi nihil detrahi potest, huic nihil adici, 107 curae plus in illo, in hoc naturae. Salibus certe et commiseratione, quae duo plurinium in adfec- tibus valent, vincimus. Et fortasse epilogos illi mos civitatis abstulerit ; sed et nobis ilia, quae Attici mirantur, di versa Latini sermonis ratio , minus permiserit. In epistulis quidem, quam- quam sunt utriusque, dialogisve, quibus nihil 108 ille, nulla contentio est. Cedendum vero in hoc, quod et prior fuit et ex magna parte Ciceronem, quantus est, fecit. Nam mihi videtur M. Tullius, cum se totum ad imitationem Graecorum con- tulisset, effinxisse vim Demosthenis, copiam 109 Platonis, iucunditatem Isocratis. Nee vero quod in quoque optimum fuit, studio consecutus est tantum, sed plurimas vel potius omnis ex se ipso virtutes extulit immortalis ingenii beatissi- ma ubertate. Non enim pluvias, ut ait Pinda- rus, aquas conligit, sed vivo gurgite ex- undat, dono quodam providentiae genitus, in quo totas vires suas eloquentia experiretur. 110 Nam quis docere diligentius, movere vehementius potest ? Cui tanta umquam iucunditas adfuit ? ut ipsa ilia, quae extorquet, impetrare eum cre- das, et cum transversum vi sua iudicem ferat, 111 tamen ille non rapi videatur, sed sequi. lam in omnibus, quae dicit, tanta auctoritas inest, ut dissentire pudeat, nee advocati studium, sed testis aut iudicis adf erat fidem ; cum interim haec om- nia, quae vix singula quisquam intentissima cura consequi posset, fluunt inlaborata, et ilia, qua nihil umquam pulchrius auditum est, oratio prae INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 11^116. 51 se fert tamen felicissimam facilitatein. Quarell2 non immerito ab liominibus aetatis suae regnare ill iudiciis dictus est, apud posterds vero id con- secutiis, nt Cicero iam non hominis nomen, sed eloqiientiae babeatiir. Hunc igitui' spectemus, hoc propositiini nobis sit exemplum, ille se pro- fecisse sciat, cui Cicero valde placebit. Multa in 113 Asinio Pollione inventio, summa diligentia, adeo nt qnibnsdam etiam niniia videatnr, et con- silii et animi satis; a nitore et iucnnditate Cice- ronis ita longe abest, ut \dderi possit saecnlo prior. At Messala nitidus et candidus et quo- dammodo praef erens in dicendo nobilitatem suam, viribus minor. C. vero Caesar si foro tantuniii4 vacasset, non alius ex nostris contra Ciceronem nominaretur. Tanta in eo ^n.s est, id acumen, ea ■ concitatio, ut ilium eodem animo dixisse, quo bellavit, appareat ; exornat tamen liaec omnia mira sermonis, cuius proprie studiosus fuit, ele- gantia. Multum ingenii in Caelio et praecipueiis in accusando multa urbanitas, dignusque vir cui et mens melior et vita longior contigisset. Inve- ni qui Cal vum praef errent omnibus, inveni qui Ciceroni crederent, eum nimia contra se calum- nia verum sanguinem perdidisse ; sed est et sancta et gravis oratio et castigata et frequenter vehemens quoque. Imitator autem est Attico- rum, fecitque illi properata mors iniuriam, si quid adiecturus sibi, non si quid detracturus fuit. EtServius Sulpicius insignem non immerito 116 famam tribus orationibus meruit. Multa, si cum iudicio legatur, dabit imitatione digna Cassius Sever us, qui si ceteris virtutibus colorem et 52 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 117-121. gravitatem orationis adiecisset, ponendus inter 117 praecipuos f oret. Nam et ingenii plurimuin est in eo et acerbitas mira, et urbanitas eius summa ; sed plus stomacbo qnani consilio dedit. Praeter- ea ut amari sales, ita frequenter amaritudo ipsa 118 ridicula est. Sunt alii niulti diserti, quos perse- qui longum est. Eorum quos viderini Domi- tius Afer et lulius Africanus longe prae- stantissimi : verborum arte ille et toto genere dicendi praef erendus et queni in numero veteruni habere non timeas; hie concitatior, sed in cura verborum nimius et compositione nonnumquam longior et translationibus parum modicus. 119 Erant clara et nuper ingenia. Nam et T r a c h a- lus plerumque sublimis et satis apertus fuit et quern velle optima crederes, auditus tamen maior ; nam et vocis, quantam in nullo cognovi, felici- tas et pronuntiatio vel scaenis suff ectura et decor, omnia denique ei, quae sunt extra, superf uerunt ; et Vibius Crispus compositus et iucundus et delectationi natus, privatis tamen causis quam 120publicis melior. lulio Secundo, si longior contigisset aetas, clarissimum profecto nomen oratoris apud posteros f oret ; adiecisset enim, atque adiciebat ceteris virtutibus suis quod de- siderari potest; id est autem ut esset multo magis pugnax et saepius ad curam rerum ab 121 elocutione respiceret. Ceterum interceptus quo- que magnum sibi vindicat locum ; ea est fa- cundia, tanta in explicando quod velit gratia, tam candidum et lene et speciosum dicendi genus, tanta verborum etiam quae adsumpta sunt pro- prietas, tanta in quibusdam ex periculo petitis INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 122-127. 53 significantia. Habebunt, qui post nos de oratori- 122 bus scribent, magnam eos, qui nunc vigent, mate- riam vere laudandi. Sunt enim summa liodie, quibus inlustratur forum, ingenia. Namque et consummati iani patroni veteribus aemulantur, et eos iuvenum ad optima tendentium imitatur ac sequitur industria. Supersunt, qui de pbilosopbia scripserunt, 123 quo in genere paucissimos adliuc eloquentes lit- terae Romanae tulerunt. Idem igitur M. Tul- lius/qui ubique, etiam in hoc opere Platonis aemulus extitit. Egregius vero multoque quam in orationibus praestantior Brutus suffecit pon- deri rerum ; scias eum sentire quae dicit. Scripsit 124 non parum multa Cornelius Celsus, Sextios secutus, non sine cultu ac nitore. Plautus in Stoicis rerum cognitioni utilis. In Epicureis levis quidem, sed non iniucundus tamen auctor est Catius. Ex industria Senecam in omni 125 genere eloquentiae distuli propter vulgatam falso de me opinionem, qua damnare eum et invisum quoque habere sum creditus. Quod accidit mihi, dum corruptum et omnibus vitiis f ractum dicendi genus revocare ad severiora indicia contendo. Tum autem solus hie fere in manibus adulescen- i2G tium fuit. Quem non equidem omnino conabar excutere, sed potioribus praeferri non sinebam, quos ille non destiterat incessere, cum, diversi sibi conscius generis, placere se in dicendo posse iis, quibus illi placent, diffideret. Amabant autem eum magis quam imitabantur tantumque ab eo defluebant, quantum ille ab antiquis descenderat. Foret enim optandum, pares aut saltem proximos 127 54 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 128-131, illi viro fieri. Sed placebat propter sola vitia et ad ea se quisque dirigebat efi&ngenda, quae pote- rat; deinde cum. se iactaret eodeni modo dicere, 128 Senecam inf amabat. Cuius et inultae alioqui et magnae virtutes fuerunt, ingenium facile et copiosum, plurirQum studii, multa rerum cogni- tio ; in qua tamen aliquando ab his, quibus in- quirenda quaedam mandabat, deceptus est. Trac- tavit etiam omnem fere studiorum materiam. 129 Nam et orationes eius et poemata et epistulae et dialogi feruntur. In philosophia parum diligens, egregius tamen vitiorum insectator fuit. Multae in eo claraeque sententiae, multa etiam morum gratia legenda ; sed in eloquendo corrupta plera- que atque eo perniciosissima, quod abundant dulci- 130 bus vitiis. Velles eum suo ingenio dixisse, alieno iudicio ; nam si aliqua contempsisset, si pravum non concupisset, si non omnia sua amasset, si rerum pondera minutissimis sententiis non fre- gisset, consensu potius eruditorum quam puero- 131 rum amore comprobaretur. Yerum sic quoque iam robustis et severiore genere satis firmatis legendus vel ideo, quod exercere potest utrimque indicium. Multa enim, ut dixi, probanda in eo, multa etiam admiranda sunt, eligere modo curae sit ; quod utinam ipse f ecisset. Digna enim fuit ilia natura quae meliora vellet, quae quod voluit effecit. INST. ORATOR. X, 2, 1-5. 55 CAPUT II. DE IMITATIONEo II. Ex his ceterisque lectione dignis auctori- bus et verborum sumenda copia est et varietas figurarum et componeiidi ratio, tum ad exemplum virtutum omnium mens dirigenda. Neque enim dubitari potest, quin artis pars magna continea- tur imitation e. Nam nt invenire primum fuit estque praecipuum, sic ea, quae bene inventa sunt, utile sequi, Atque omnis vitae ratio sic 3 constat, ut quae probamus in aliis facere ipsi velimus. Sic litterarum ductus, ut scribendi fiat usus, pueri sequuntur, sic musici vocem docenti- um, pictores opera priorum, rustic! probatam experimento culturam in exemplum intuentur, omnis denique disciplinae initia ad propositum sibi praescriptum formari videmus. Et liercules necesse est aut similes aut dissimiles bonis simus. Similem raro natura praestat, frequenter imita- tio. Sed lioc ipsum, quod tanto faciliorem nobis rationem omnium facit quam fuit iis, qui nihil quod sequerentur habuerunt, nisi caute et cum iudicio adprehenditur, nocet. Ante omnia igitur imitatio per se ipsa non4 sufficit, vel quia pigri est ingenii contentum esse iis, quae sint ab aliis inventa. Quid enim futu- rum erat temporibus illis, quae sine exemplo fuerunt, si homines nihil, nisi quod iam cogno- vissent, faciendum sibi aut cogitandum putas- sent ? Nempe nihil f uisset inventum. Cur igi- 5 56 INST. ORATOll. X, 2, 6-10. tur nefas est reperiri aliquid a nobis, quod ante non fuerit ? An illi rudes sola mentis natura ducti sunt in hoc, ut tarn multa generarent : nos ad quaerendum non eo ipso concitemur, quod 6 certe scimus invenisse eos, qui quaesierunt ? Et cum illi, qui nullum cuiusquam rei liabuerunt magistrum, plurima in posteros tradiderint: no- bis usus aliarum rerum ad eruendas alias non proderit, sed nihil liabebimus nisi beneficii alieni ? Quemadmodum quidam pictores in id solum student, ut describere tabulas mensuris ac lineis sciant. 7 Turpe etiam illud est, contentum esse id con- sequi quod imiteris. Nam rursus quid erat futurum, si nemo plus effecisset eo quem seque- batur ? Nihil in poetis supra Livium Androni- cum, nihil in historiis supra j)ontificum annales haberemus, ratibus adhuc navigaretur.; non esset pictura, nisi quae lineas modo extremas umbrae, quam corpora in sole fecissent, circumscriberet. 8 Ac si omnia percenseas, est nulla ars, qualis in- venta est, nee intra initium stetit ; nisi forte nos- tra potissimum tempora damnamus huius infe- licitatis, ut nunc demum nihil crescat. Nihil 9 autem crescit sola imitatione. Quodsi prioribus adicere fas non est, quo modo sperare possumus ilium oratorem perfectum ? cum in his, quos maximos adhuc novimus, nemo sit inventus, in quo nihil aut desideretur aut reprehendatur. Sed etiam qui summa non adpetent, contendere lOpotius quam sequi debent. Nam qui agit ut prior sit, forsitan, etiam si non transierit, aequa- iDit. Eum vero nemo potest aequare, cuius ves- INST, ORATOR. X, 2, 11-14. 57 tigiis sibi utique insistendum putat; necesse est' enim semper sit posterior qui sequitur. Adde quod plerumque facilius est plus facere quam idem ; tantam enim difficultatem liabet similitu- do, ut ne ipsa quidem natura in hoc ita evaluerit, ut non res simplicissimae, quaeque pares maxime videantur, utique discrimine aliquo discernantur. Adde quod, quidquid alteri simile est, necesse est 11 minus sit eo, quod imitatur, ut umbra corpore et imago facie et actus liistrionum veris adfecti- bus. Quod in orationibus quoque evenit. Nam- que eis, quae in exemplum adsumimus, subest natura et vera vis ; contra omnis imitatio ficta est et ad alienum propositum accommodatur. Quo fit ut minus sanguinis ac virium decla- 12 mationes babeant quam orationes, quod in illis vera in Ms adsimulata materia est. Adde quod ea, quae in oratore maxima sunt, imitabilia non sunt, ingenium, inventio, vis, facilitas, et quid- quid arte non traditur. Ideo plerique, cum 13 verba quaedam ex orationibus excerpserunt aut aliquos compositionis certos pedes, mire a se quae legerunt effingi arbitrantur ; cum et verba interci- dant invalescantque temporibus, ut quorum cer- tissima sit regula in consuetudine, eaque non sua natura sint bona aut mala (nam per se soni tan- tum sunt), sed prout opportune proprieque aut secus conlocata sunt, et compositio cum rebus accommodata sit, tum ipsa varietate gratissima. Quapropter exactissimo iudicio circa banc 14 partem studiorum examinanda sunt omnia. Pri- mum, quos imitemur ; nam sunt plurimi, qui similitudinem pessimi cuiusque et corruptissimi 58 INST. ORATOR. X, 2, 15-18, conciipierunt ; turn in ipsis, quos elegerinms, quid 15 sit, ad quod nos efficiendum compareiuus. Nam in magnis quoque auctoribus incidunt aliqua vitiosa et a doctis inter ipsos etiam niutuo repre- liensa ; atque utinam tarn bona imitantes dicerent melius quam mala peius dicunt. Nee vero saltem iis, quibus ad evitanda vitia iudicii satis fuit, sufficiat imaginem virtutis effingere et solam, ut sic dixerim, cutem, vel potius illas Epicuri figu- 16 ras, quas e summis corporibus dicit effluere. Hoc autem Ms accidit, qui non introspectis penitus virtutibus ad primum se velut aspectum oratio- nis aptarunt ; et cum lis f elicissime cessit imita- tio, verbis atque numeris sunt non multum diffe- rentes, vim dicendi atque inventionis non adse- quuntur, sed plerumque declinant in peius et proxima virtutibus vitia comprehendunt fiuntque pro grandibus tumidi, pressis exiles, fortibus temerarii, laetis corrupti, compositis exultantes, 17 simplicibus neglegentes. Ideoque qui borride atque incomposite quidlibet illud frigidum et inane extulerunt, antiquis se pares credunt, qui carent cultu atque sententiis, Atticis scilicet, qui praecisis conclusionibus obscuri, Sallustium atque Thucydidem superant, tristes ac ieiuni Pollionem aemulantur, otiosi et supini, si quid modo longius circumduxerunt, iurant ita Ciceronem locuturum ISfuisse. Noveram quosdam, qui se pulchre ex- pressisse genus illud caelestis liuius in dicendo viri sibi viderentur, si in clausula posuissent esse videatur. Ergo primum est, ut quod imitaturus est quisque intellegat et, quare bonum sit, sciat. INST. ORATOR, X, 2, 19-23, 59 Turn in suscipiendo onere consulat suas vires. 19 Nam quaedam sunt imitabilia, quibus aut infirmi- tas naturae non sufficiat aut diversitas repugnet. Ne, cui tenue ingeniuni erit, sola velit fortia et abrupta, cui forte quidem, sed indomitum^ amore subtilitatis et vim suam perdat et elegantiam quam cupit non adsequatur ; nihil est enim tam indecens, quam cum mollia dure fiunt. Atque20 ego illi praeceptori, quern instituebam in libro secundo, credidi non ea sola docenda esse, ad quae quemque discipulorum natura compositum videret ; nam is et adiuvare debet, quae in quo- que eorum invenit bona, et, quantum fieri potest, adicere quae desunt et emendare quaedam et mutare ; rector enim est alienorum ingeniorum atque formator. Difficilius est naturam suam fingere. Sed ne ille quidem doctor, quamquam21 omnia quae recta sunt velit esse in suis auditori- bus quam plenissima, in eo tamen, cui naturam obstare viderit, laborabit. Id quoque vitandum, in quo magna pars errat, ne in oratione poetas nobis et historicos, in illis operibus oratores aut declamatores imitandos putemus. Sua cuique proposita lex, suus cuique 22 decor est ; nam nee comoedia cotburnis adsurgit, nee contra tragoedia socco ingreditur. Habet tamen omnis eloquentia aliquid commune; id imitemur quod commune est. Etiam hoc solet23 inconimodi accidere iis, qui se uni alicui generi dediderunt, ut, si asperitas iis placuit alicuius, hanc etiam in leni ac remisso causarum genere non exuant; si tenuitas ac iucunditas, in asperis gravibusque causis ponderi rerum parum re- 60 INST. ORATOR. X, 2, 24-27. spondeant : cum sit diversa non causarum modo inter ipsas condicio, sed in singulis etiam causis partium, sintque alia leniter alia aspere, alia con- citate alia remisse, alia docendi alia movendi gratia dicenda ; quorum omnium dissimilis atque 24 diversa inter se ratio est. Itaque ne lioc qui- dem suaserim, uni se alicui proprie, quem per omnia sequatur, addicere. Omnium perfectissi- mus Graecorum Demosthenes, aliquid tamen ali- quo in loco melius alii, plurima ille. Sed non qui maxime imitandus, et solus imitandus est. 25 Quid ergo ? non est satis omnia sic dicere, quo- modo M. Tullius dixit ? Mihi quidem satis esset, si omnia consequi possem. Quid tamen noceret vim Caesaris, asperitatem Caelii, diligentiam Pol- lionis, indicium Calvi quibusdam in locis adsu- 26 mere ? Nam praeter id quod prudentis est, quod in quoque optimum est, si possit, suum facere, tum in tanta rei difficultate unum intueutes vix aliqua pars sequitur. Ideoque cum totum expri- mere quem elegeris paene sit homini inconces- sum, plurium bona ponamus ante oculos, ut aliud ex alio haereat, et quod cuique loco conve- niat aptemus. 27 Imitatio autem (nam saepius idem dicam.) non sit tantum in verbis. Illuc intendenda mens, quantum fuerit illis viris decoris in rebus atque personis, quod consilium, quae dispositio, quam omnia, etiam quae delectationi videantur data, ad victoriam spectent ; quid agatur prooemio, quae ratio et quam varia narrandi, quae vis proband! ac ref ellendi, quanta in adfectibus omnis generis movendis scientia, quamque laus ipsa popularis INST. ORATOR. X, 2, 28; 3, 1-3. 61 utilitatis gratia adsumpta, quae turn est pulcher- rima, cum. sequitur, non cum arcessitur. Haec si perviderimus, turn vere imitabimur. Qui vero28 etiam. propria his bona adiecerit, ut suppleat quae deerant, circumcidat, si quid redundabit, is erit, quern quaerim.us, perfectus orator; quem nunc consummari potissimum oportebat, cum tanto plura exempla bene dicendi supersunt, quam illis, qui adbuc summi sunt, contigerunt. Nam erit baec quoque laus eorum, ut priores super- asse, posteros docuisse dicantur. CAPUT III. QUOMODO SCRIBENDUM. III. Et haec quidem auxilia extrinsecus adhi- bentur ; in iis quae nobis ipsis paranda sunt, ut laboris, sic utilitatis etiam longe plurimum adfert stilus. Nee immerito M. TuUius hunc opti- mum effectorem ac magistrum dicendi, Vocavit ; cui sententiae personam L. Crassi in disputationibus, quae sunt de oratore, adsignando, indicium suum cum illius auctoritate coniunxit. Scribendum ergo quam diligentissime et quam 2 plurimum. Nam ut terra altius effossa generan- dis alendisque seminibus fecundior fit, sic profec- tus non a summo petitus studiorum fructus et fundit uberius et fidelius continet. Nam sine hac quidem conscientia ipsa ilia ex tempore dicendi facultas inanem modo loquacitatem dabit et 62 INST. ORATOR. X, 3, 3-7. Syerba in labris nascentia. lUic rad .ces, illic fun- damenta sunt, illic opes velut sanctiore quodam aerario conditae, nnde ad snbitos quoque casus, cum res exiget, proferantur. Vires faciamus ante omnia, quae sufficiant labori certaminum et 4usu non exhauriantur. Nihil enim rerum ipsa natura voluit magnum effici cito praeposuitque pulcherrimo cuique operi difficultatem, quae nascendi quoque banc fecerit legem, ut maiora animalia diutius visceribus parentis contineren- tur. Sed cum sit duplex quaestio, quomodo et quae maxime scribi oporteat, iam bine ordi- nem sequar. 5 Sit primo vel tardus dum diligens stilus, quaeramus optima nee protinus offerentibus se gaudeamus, adbibeatur indicium inventis, dis- positio probatis. Delectus enim rerum verbo- rumque agendus est et pondera singulorum ex- aminanda. Post subeat ratio conlocandi versen- turque omni modo numeri, non ut quodque se eproferet verbum occupet locum. Quae quidem ut diligentius exequamur, repetenda saepius erunt scriptorum proxima. Nam praeter id quod sic melius iunguntur prioribus sequentia, calor quoque ille cogitationis, qui scribendi mora refrixit, recipit ex integro vires et velut repetito spatio sumit impetum; quod in certamine saliencv^ fieri videmus, ut conatum longius petant et ad illud, quo contenditur, spatium cursu f erantur ; utque in iaculando brachia reducimus et expulsu- 7 ri tela nervos retro tendimus. Interim tamen, si f eret flatus, danda sunt vela, dum nos indulgentia ilia uon f allat • omnia enim nostra, dum nascun- INST. OKATOR. X, 3, 8-13. ^3 t\tr, placent ; alioqui nee scriberentur. Sed redea- mus ad iudicium et retractemus suspectam facili- tatem. Sic scripsisse Sallustium accepimus, et8 sane manifestus est etiam ex opere ipso labor. Vergilium quoque paucissimos die composuisse versus auctor est Varius. Oratoris quidem alia condicio est; itaqne banc moram et sollicitudi- 9 nem initiis impero. Nam primum hoc constitu- endum, boc obtinendum est, nt quam optime scribamns ; celeritatem dabit consuetudo. Paula- tim res facilius se ostendent, verba respondebunt, compositio seqnetur, cnncta denique ut in familia bene institiita in officio erunt. Summa baec est 10 rei: cito scribendo non fit, iit bene scribatur, bene scribendo fit, nt cito. Sed turn maxime, cum facultas ilia contigerit, resistamus et providea- mus et ferentis equos frenis quibusdam coercea- mus; quod non tam moram faciet quam novos impetus dabit. Neque enim rursus eos, qui robur aliquod in stilo fecerint, ad infelicem calum- niandi se poenam adligandos puto. Nam quomodo 11 sufficere officiis civilibus possit, qui singulis actionum partibus insenescat ? Sunt autem qui- bus nibil sit satis; omnia mutare, omnia aliter dicere, quam occurrit, velint ; increduli quidam et de ingenio suo pessime meriti, qui diligentiam putant facere sibi scribendi difficultatem. Nee 12 promptum est dicere, utros peceare validius pu- tem, quibus omnia sua placent an quibus nihil. Accidit enim etiam ingeniosis adulescentibus frequenter, ut labore consumantur et in silentium usque descendant nimia bene dicendi cupiditate. Qua de re memini narrasse mibi lulium Secun- 64 INST. ORATOR. X, 8, 13-16. dum ilium, aequalem meum atque a me, nt notum est, familiariter amatum, mirae facundiae virum, infinitae tamen curae, quid esset sibi a l3patruo suo dictum. Is fuit lulius Florus, in eloquentia Galliarum, quoniam. ibi demum. ex- ercuit eam, princeps, alioqui inter paucos disertus et dignus ilia propinquitate. Is cum Secundum, scbolae adhuc operatum, tristem forte vidisset, interrogavit, quae causa f rontis tam adductae ? 14 Nee dissimulavit adulescens, tertium iam diem esse, quod omni labore materiae ad scribendum destinatae non inveniret exordium ; quo sibi non praesens tantum dolor, sed etiam desperatio in posterum fieret. Tum Florus arridens, num- quid tu, inquit, melius dicere vis quam 15 p o t e s ? Ita se res habet : curandum est, ut quam optime dicamus, dicendum tamen pro fac- ultate; ad profectum enim opus est studio non indignatione. Ut possimus autem scribere etiam plura celerius, non exercitatio modo praestabit, in qua sine dubio multum est, sed etiam ratio ; si non resupini spectantesque tectum et cogitatio- nem murmure agitantes expectaverimus, quid obveniat, sed quid res poscat, quid personam de- ceat, quod sit tempus, qui iudicis animus, intuiti, bumano quodam modo ad scribendum accesseri- mus. Sic nobis et initia et quae sequuntur na- 16 tura ijDsa praescribit. Certa sunt enim pleraque et, nisi conniveamus, in oculos incurrunt ; ideo- que nee indocti nee rustici diu quaerunt, unde incipiant ; quo pudendum est magis, si difficulta- tem facit doctrina. Non ergo semper putemus optimum esse quod latet ; immutescamus alioqui, INST. ORATOR. X, 3, 17-21. 65 si nihil dicendum videatur, nisi qnod non inveni- mus. Diversum est liuic eorum vitium, qui primo 17 decurrere per niateriam stilo quam velocissimo volunt et sequentes calorem atque impetum ex tempore scribunt ; hanc s i 1 v a m vocant. Repe- tunt deinde et componnnt quae effuderant; sed verba emendantur et numeri, manet in rebus teme- re congestis, quae fuit, levitas. Protinus ergo ad- 18 hibere curam rectius erit atque ab initio sic opus ducere, ut caelandum, non ex integro fabrican- dum sit. Aliquando tamen adfectus sequemur, in quibus fere plus calor quam diligentia valet. Satis apparet ex eo, quod banc scribentium 19 neglegentiam damno, quid de illis dicta ndi de- liciis sentiam. Nam in stilo quidem quamlibet properato dat aliquam cogitation! moram non consequens celeritatem eius manus ; ille cui dicta- mus urget, atque interim pudet etiam dubitare aut resistere aut mutare, quasi conscium infirmi- tatis nostrae timentis. Quo fit, ut non rudia20 tantum et fortuita, sed impropria interim, dum sola est connectendi sermonis cupiditas, effluant, quae nee scribentium curam nee dicentium im- petum consequantur. At idem ille, qui excipit, si tardior in scribendo aut incertior in legendo velut offensator fuit, inhibetur cursus, atque om- nis, quae erat, conceptae mentis intentio mora et interdum iracundia excutitur. Tum ilia, quae 21 altiorem animi motum sequuntur quaeque ipsa animum quodammodo concitant, quorum est iactare manum, torquere vultum, femur et latus interim obiurgare, quaeque Persius notat, cum leviter dicendi genus significat, 5 66 INST. ORATOR. X, 3, 22-26. nec pluteum, inquit, caedit nee deinor- sos sapit unguis, 22 etiam ridicula sunt, nisi cum soli sumus. Deni- que ut semel quod est potentissimum dicam, secretum in dictando perit. Atque liberum arbi- tris locum et quam altissimum silentium scri- bentibus maxime convenire nemo dubitaverit. Non tamen protinus audiendi, qui credunt aptis- sima in hoc nemora silvasque, quod ilia caeli libertas locorumque amoenitas sublimem ani- 23 mum et beatiorem spiritum parent, Mihi certe iucundus bic magis quam studiorum bortator videtur esse secessus. Namque ilia, quae ipsa delectant, necesse est avocent ab intentione operis destinati. Neque enim se bona fide in multa si- mul intendere animus totum potest, et quocum- que respexit, desinit intueri quod propositum 24erat. Quare silvarum amoenitas et praeterla- bentia flumina et inspirantes ramis arborum aurae volucrumque cantus et ipsa late circum- spiciendi libertas ad se trabunt ; ut mibi remit- tere potius voluptas ista videatur cogitationem 25 quam intendere. Demostbenes melius, qui se in locum, ex quo nulla exaudiri vox et ex quo nibil prospici posset, recondebat, ne aliud agere men- tem cogerent oculi. Ideoque lucubrantes silen- tium noctis et clausum cubiculum et lumen unum 26velut tectos maxime teneat. Sed cum in omni studiorum genere, tum in hoc praecipue bona valetudo, quaeque eam maxime praestat, frugali- tas, necessaria est, cum tempora ab ipsa rerum natura ad quietem refectionemque nobis data in acerrimum laborem convertimus. Cui tamen INST. ORATOR. X, 3, 27-30. 67 non plus inrogandum est quam quod somno supererit, liaud deerit. Obstat enim diligentiae 27 scribendi etiam fatigatio, et abunde, si vacet, lucis spatia sufficiunt ; occupatos in noctem ne- cessitas agit. Est tamen lucubratio, quotiens ad earn integri ac refecti venimus, optimum secreti genus. Sed silentium et secessus et undique liber ani- 28 mus ut sunt maxime optanda, ita non semper possunt contingere, ideoque non statim, si quid obstrepet, abiciendi codices erunt et deplorandus dies; verum incommodis repugnandum et bic faciendus usus, ut omnia quae impedient vincat intentio ; quam si tota mente in opus ipsum direxeris^ nihil eorum, quae oculis vel auribus incursant, ad animum perveniet. An vero fre-29 quenter etiam f ortuita hoc cogitatio praestat, ut obvios non videamus et itinere deerremus : non consequemur idem, si et voluerimus ? Non est in- dulgendum causis desidiae. Nam si nonnisi re- fecti, nonnisi Mlares, nonnisi omnibus aliis curis vacantes studendum existimarimus, semper erit propter quod nobis ignoscamus. Quare in turba, 30 itinere, conviviis etiam faciat sibi cogitatio ipsa secretum. Quid alioqui fiet, cum in medio f oro, tot circumstantibus iudiciis, iurgiis, f ortuitis eti- am clamoribus, erit subito continua oratione di- cendum, si particulas, quas ceris mandamus, nisi in solitudine reperire non possumus ? Propter quae idem ille tantus amator secreti Demosthenes in litore, in quo se maximo cum sono fluctus in- lideret, meditans consuescebat contionum fremi- tus non expavescere. 68 INST, ORATOR. X, 3, 31-33; 4, 1. 31 Ilia quoque minora (sed niliil in studiis par- vum est) non sunt transeunda: scribi op time ceris, in quibus f acillima est ratio delendi ; nisi forte visus infirmior membranarum potins usum exiget, quae ut iuvant aciem, ita crebra relatione, quoad intinguitur, calami morantur manum et 32 cogitationis impetum frangunt. Relinquendae autem in utrolibet genere contra erunt vacuae tabellae, in quibus libera adiciendo sit excursio. Nam interim pigritiam emendandi angustiae faciunt aut certe novorum interpositione priora confundant. Ne latas quidem ultra modum esse ceras velim, expertus iuvenem, studiosum alio- qui, praelongos habuisse sermones, quia illos nu- mero versuum metiebatur, idque vitium, quod frequenti admonitione corrigi non potuerat, mu- 33tatis codicibus esse sublatum. Debet vacare etiam locus, in quo notentur quae scribentibus Solent extra ordinem, id est ex aliis, quam qui sunt in manibus loci, occurrere. Inrumpunt enim optimi nonnumquam sensus, quos neque inserere oportet neque differre tutum est, quia interim elabuntur, interim memoriae sui intentos ab alia inventione declinant ideoque optime sunt in deposito. CAPUT IV. QUOMODO EMENDANDUMo IV. Sequitur emendatio, pars studiorum longe utilissima; neque enim sine causa credi- INST. ORATOR. X, 4, 2-4. 69 fcum est stilum non minus agere, cum delet. Huius autem operis est adicere, detrahere, mutare. Sed facilius in iis simpliciusque indi- cium, quae replenda vel deicienda sunt ; premere vero tumentia, humilia extoUere, luxuriantia as- tringere, inordinata digerere, soluta componere, exultantia coercere, duplicis operae ; nam et dam- 2 nanda sunt quae placuerant, et invenienda quae fugerant. Nee dubium est optimum esse emen- dandi genus, si script a in aliquod tempus repo- nantur, ut ad ea post intervallum velut nova atque aliena redeamus, ne nobis scripta nostra tamquam recentes fetus blandiantur. Sed neque 3 hoc contingere semper potest praesertim oratori, cui saepius scribere ad praesentis usus necesse est ; et emendatio ipsa finem habeat. Sunt enim qui ad omnia scripta tamquam vitiosa redeant et, quasi nihil fas sit rectum esse quod primum est, melius existiment quidquid est aliud, idque faci- ant, quotiens librum in manus resumpserunt, similes medicis etiam Integra secantibus. Acci- dit itaque, ut cicatricosa sint et exsanguia> et cura peiora. Sit ergo aliquando quod placeat aut4 certe quod sufficiat, ut opus poliat lima, non ex- terat. Temporis quoque esse debet modus. Nam quod Cinnae Smyrnam novem annis accepimus scriptam, et Panegyricum Isocratis, qui parcissi- me, decem annis dicunt elaboratum, ad oratorem nihil pertinet, cuius nullum erit, si tam tardum fuerit, auxilium. 70 INST. ORATOR. X, 5, 1-4. CAPUT V. QUAE SCRIBENDA MAXIME. Vc Proximum est, ut dicamus, qnae prae- cipue scribenda sint. Non est huius qui- dem operis, ut explicemus, quae sint materiae ; quae prima aut secunda aut deinceps tractanda sint ; nam id factum est etiam primo libro, quo puerorum, et secundo, quo robustorum studiis ordinem dedimus ; sed, de quo nunc agitur, unde copia ac f acilitas maxime veniat. 2 Vertere Graeca in Latinum veteres nostri oratores optimum iudicabant. Id se L. Crassus in illis Ciceronis de Oratore libris dicit factitasse; id Cicero sua ipse persona frequen- tissime praecipit, quin etiam libros Platonis at- que Xenophontis edidit hoc genere translates ; id Messalae placuit, multaeque sunt ab eo scriptae ad liunc modum orationes, adeo ut etiam cum ilia Hyperidis pro Phryne difficillima Romanis sub- Stilitate contenderet. Et manifesta est exercita- tionis liuiusce ratio. Nam et rerum copia Graeci auctores abundant et plurimum artis in eloquen- tiam intulerunt, et bos transferentibus verbis uti optimis licet ; omnibus enim utimur nostris. Figuras vero, quibus maxime ornatur oratio, multas s^ varias excogitandi etiam necessitas quaedam est, quia plerumque a Graecis Romana dissentiunt. ' 4 Sed et ilia ex Latinis conversio multum et ipsa contulerit. Ac de carminibus quidem INST. ORATOR. X, 5, 5-8. 71 neminem credo dubitare, quo solo genere exerci- tationis dicitur usus esse Sulpicius. Nam et sub- limis spiritus attollere orationem potest, et verba poetica libertate audaciora non praesumunt ea- dem proprie dicendi facultatem. Sed et ipsis sententiis adicere licet oratorium robur et omissa supplere, effusa substringere. Neque ego para- 5 phrasim esse interpretationem tantum volo, sed circa eosdem sensus certamen atque aemulatio- nem. Ideoque ab illis dissentio, qui vertere orationes Latinas vetant, quia optimis occupatis, quidquid aliter dixerimus, necesse sit esse deteri- us. Nam neque semper est desperandum, aliquid illis, quae dicta sunt, melius posse reperiri, neque adeo ieiunam ac pauperem natura eloquentiam fecit, ut una de re bene dici nisi semel non possit. Nisi forte histrionum multa circa voces easdem6 variare gestus potest, orandi minor vis, ut dicatur aliquid, post quod in eadem materia nibil dicen- dum sit. Sed esto, neque melius quod invenimus esse neque par, est certe proximis locus. An vero 7 ipsi non bis ac saepius de eadem re dicimus et quidem continuas nonnumquam sententias ? Nisi forte contendere nobiscum possumus, cum aliis non possumus. Nam si uno genere bene dicere- tur, fas erat existimari praeclusam nobis a priori- bus viam; nunc vero innumerabiles sunt modi plurimaeque eodem viae ducunt. Sua brevitatiS gratia, sua copiae ; alia translatis virtus, alia pro- priis ; hoc oratio recta, illud figura declinata commendat. Ipsa denique utilissinaa est exerci- tationi difficultas. Quid, quod auctores maximi sic diligentius cognoscuntur ? Non enim scripta 72 INST. ORATOR. X, 5, 9-13. lectione secura transcurrimus, sed tractamns singula et necessario introspicimiis et^ quantum virtutis liabeant, vel lioc ipso cognoscimus^ quod imitari non possunius. 9 ISTec aliena tantum transferre, sed etiana nostra pluribus modis tractare proderit : ut ex industria sumamus sententias quasdam easque versemus quam numerosissime, velut eadem cera aliae lOaliaeque formae duci solent. Plurimum autem parari f acultatis existimo ex simplicissima quaque materia. Nam ilia multiplici personarum, causa- rum, temporum, locorum, dictorum, factorum di- versitate facile delitescet infirmitas, tot se undi- que rebus, ex quibus aliqimm apprehendas, 11 offerentibus. Illud virtutis indicium est, fundere quae natura contracta sunt, augere parva, varie- tatem similibus, voluptatem expositis dare, et- bene dicere multa de panels. In hoc optime f acient infinitae quaestio- n e s, quas vocari t b e s i s diximus, quibus Cicero 12 lam princeps in re publica exerceri solebat. His confinis est destructioet confirmatio sen- tentiarum. Nam cum sit sententia decretum quoddam atque praeceptum, quod de re^ idem de iudicio rei quaeri potest. Tum loci commu- nes, quos etiam scriptos ab oratoribus scimus. Nam qui baec recta tantum et in nullos flexus recedentia copiose tractaverit, utique in illis plu- res excursus recipientibus magis abundabit erit- iSque in omnis causas paratus. Omnes enim generalibus quaestionibus constant. Nam quid interest ^ Cornelius tribunus plebis, quod codicem legerit, reus sit,^ an quaeramus: * violeturne males- INST. ORATOR, X, 5, 14-17. 73 tas, si magistratus rogationem suam populo ipse recitaverit ? ' ' Milo Clodium rectene occiderit/ veniat in indicium, an, ^ oporteatne insidiatorem interfici vel perniciosnm rei pnblicae civem, etiamsi non insidietur ? ' ' Cato Marciam hones- tene tradiderit Hortensio/ an, ^conveniatne res talis bono viro ? ' De personis indicatnr, sed de rebus contenditur. Declamationes vero, quales in scbolis rhe- 1^ torum dicuntur, si modo sunt ad veritatem ac- commodatae et orationibus similes, non tantum dum adolescit iuvenis sunt utilissimae, quia in- ventionem et dispositionem pariter exercent, sed etiam cum est consummatus ac iam in f oro clarus. Alitur enim at que enitescit velut pabulo laetiore facundia et assidua contentionum asperitate fa- tigata renovatur. Quapropter historiae non- 15 numquam ubertas in aliqua exercendi stili parte ponenda et dialogorum libertate gestiendum. Ne carmine quidem ludere contrarium fuerit; sicut athletae, remissa quibusdam temporibus ciborum atque exercitationum certa necessitate, otio et iucundioribus epulis reficiuntur. Ideoque 16 miM videtur M. TuUius tantum intulisse elo- quentiae lumen, quod in bos quoque studiorum secessus excurrit. l^am si nobis sola materia fuerit ex litibus, necesse est deteratur fulgor et durescat articulus et ipse ille mucro ingenii coti- diana pugna retundatur. Sed quemadmodum forensibus certaminibus 17 exercitatos et quasi militantis reficit ac reparat baec velut sagina dicendi, sic adulescentes non debent nimium in falsa rerum imagine detineri et 74 INST. ORATOR. X, 5, 18-21. inanibns se sinmlacris usque adeo, ut difficilis ab his digressus sit, adsuefacere, ne ab ilia, in qua prope consenuerunt, urabra vera discrimina velut 18 quendam solem ref ormident. Quod accidisse eti- am Porcio Latroni, qui primus clari nominis pro- fessor fuit, traditur, ut, cum ei summam in scbo- lis opinionem obtinenti causa in f oro esset oranda, impense petierit, uti subsellia in basilicam trans- ferrentur. Ita illi caelum novum fuit, ut omnis eius eloquentia contineri tecto ac parietibus vide- 19retur. Quare iuvenis, qui rationem inveniendi eloquendique a praeceptoribus diligenter accepe- rit (quod non est infiniti operis, si docere sciant et velint), exercitationem quoque modicam fuerit consecutus, oratorem sibi aliquem, quod apud maiores fieri solebat, deligat, quem sequatur, quem imitetur ; iudiciis intersit quam plurimis et sit certaminis, cui destinatur, frequens specta- 20 tor. Tum causas vel easdem, quas agi audierit, stilo et ipse componat, vel etiam alias, veras mo- do, et utrimque tractet, et, quod in gladiatoribus fieri videmus, decretoriis exerceatur, ut fecisse Brutum diximus pro Milone. Melius hoc quam rescribere veteribus orationibus, ut fecit Cestius contra Ciceronis actionem habitam pro eodem, cum alteram partem satis nosse non posset ex sola defensione. 21 Citius autem idoneus erit iuvenis, quem prae- ceptor coegerit in declamando quam simillimum esse veritati et per totas ire materias, quarum nunc f acillima aut maxime f avorabilia decerpunt. Obstant huic, quod secundo loco posui, fere turba discipulorum et consuetudo classium certis diebus INST. ORATOR. X, 5, 23, 23; 6, 1. 75 audiendarum, nonniMl etiam persuasio patrum numerantium potius declamationes quam aesti- mantiiiin. Sed, quod dixi primo, ut arbitror, 22 libro, nee ille se bonus praeceptor maiore numero quam sustinere possit onerabit, et inanem lo- quacitatem recidet, ut omnia quae sunt in contro- versial non, ut quidem volunt, quae in rerum natura, dicantur; et vel longiore potius dierum spatio laxabit dicendi necessitatem vel materias dividere permittet. Una enim diligenter effecta 33 plus proderit quam plures inclioatae et quasi degustatae. Propter quod accidit, ut nee suo loeo quidque ponatur, nee ilia quae prima sunt servent suam legem, iuvenibus floseulos omnium partium in ea quae sunt dieturi eongerentibus ; quo fit, ut timentes, ne sequentia perdant, priora confun- dant. CAPUT VI. DE COGITATIONE. YI. Proxima stilo eogitatio est, quae et ipsa vires ab hoc accipit, estque inter scribendi laborem extemporalemque fortunam media quae- dam et nescio an usus frequentissimi. Nam scri- bere non ubique nee semper possumus, eogitationi temporis ac loei plurimum est. Haec paucis ad- modum lioris magnas etiam causas eomplectitur, haee, quotiens intermissus est somnus, ipsis noe- tis tenebris adiuvatur, haee inter medios rerum actus aliquid invenit vacui nee otium patitur. 76 INST. ORATOR. X, 6, 2-6. 2Neque vero rerum ordinem modo, qncwi ipsuni satis erat, intra se ipsa disponit, sed verba etiam copulat totamqne ita contexit orationem, ut ei nihil praeter manum desit ; nam memoriae quo-. que plerumque inhaerent fidelius, quae nulls scribendi securitate laxantur. Sed ne ad hanc quidem vim cogitandi perve^ 3niri potest aut subito aut cito. Nam primum facienda multo stilo forma est, quae nos etiam cogitantis sequatur ; turn, adsumendus usus pau- latim, ut pauca primum complectamur animo, quae reddi fideliter possint ; mox per incrementa tam modica, ut onerari se labor ille non sentiat, augenda vis et exercitatione multa continenda est, quae quidem maxima ex parte memoria con- stat ; ideoque aliqua mihi in ilium locum diffe- 4renda sunt. Eo tamen pervenit, ut is, cui non refragetur ingenium, acri studio adiutus tantum consequatur, ut ei tam quae cogitarit quam quae scripserit atque edidicerit in dicendo tidem ser- vent. Cicero certe Graecorum Metrodorum Scep- sium et Empylum Rhodium nostrorumque Hor- tensium tradidit, quae cogitaverant, ad verbum in agendo rettulisse. 5 Sed si forte aliquis inter dicendum offulserit extemporalis color, non superstitiose cogitatis de- m.um est inhaerendum. Neque enim tantum ha- bent curae, ut non sit dandus et fortunae locus, cum saepe etiam scriptis ea quae subito nata sunt inserantur. Ideoque totum hoc exercitationis genus ita instituendum est, ut et digredi ex eo et ^regredi in id facile possimus. N'am ut primum est domo adferre paratam dicendi copiam et cer- INST. ORATOR. X, 6, 7; 7, 1, 2. 77 tarn, ita refutare temporis munera longe stultissi- mum est. Quare cogitatio in hoc praeparetur, ut nos fortuna decipere non possit, adiuvare possit. Id autem fiet memoriae viribus, ut ilia, quae com- plexi animo sumus, fluant secura ; non sollicitos et respicientes et una spe suspensos recordationis non sinant providere. Alioqui vel extemporalem temeritatem malo quam male cohaerentem cogi- tationem. Peius enim quaeritur retrorsus, quia, 7 dum ilia desideramus, ab aliis avertimur, et ex memoria potius res petimus quam ex materia. Plura sunt autem, si utrumque quaerendum est, quae inveniri possunt quam quae inventa sunt. CAPUT vn. QUEMADMODUM EXTEMPORALIS FACILITAS PARE- TUR ET CONTINEATUR. VII. Maximus vero studiorum fructus est et velut praemium quoddam amplissimum longi laboris extempore dicendi facultas, quam qui non erit consecutus, mea quidem sententia, civilibus officiis renuntiabit et solam scribendi facultatem potius ad alia opera convertet. Vix enim bonae fidei viro convenit auxilium in publi- cum polliceri, quod praesentissimis quibusque periculis desit ; intrare portum ad quem navis accedere nonnisi lenibus ventis vecta possit ; si- 3 quidem innumerabiles accidunt subitae necessi- 78 INST. ORATOR. X, 1, 3-6. tates vel apud magistratus vel repraesentatis iudiciis continiio agendi. Qnarnm si qua, non dico cuicumque innocentium civium, sed amico- rum ac propinquorum. alicui evenerit, stabitne mutus et salut arena petentibiis vocem statimque, si non succurratur, perituris moras et secessum et silentium qnaeret, dnm ilia verba fabricentur et memoriae insidant et vox ac latus praeparetur ? 3 Quae vero patitur hoc oratio, nt quisquam pos- sit orator omittere casus ? Quid, cum adversa- rio respondendum erit, fiet ? Nam saepe ea, quae opinati sumus, et contra quae scripsimus, f allunt, ac tota subito causa mutatur ; atque ut guberna- tori ad incursus tempestatum, sic agenti ad varie- 4 tat em causarum ratio mutanda est. Quid porro multus stilus et adsidua lectio et longa studiorum aetas facit, si manet eadem quae fuit incipienti- bus difficultas ? Periisse profecto confitendum est praeteritum laborem, cui semper idem labo- randum est. Neque ego hoc ago, ut ex tempore dicere malit, sed ut possit. Id autem maxime hoc modo consequemurc 5 Nota sit primum dicendi via ; neque enim prius contingere cursus potest quam scierimus, quo sit et qua perveniendum. Nee satis est non ignorare quae sint causarum iudicialium partes, aut quaestionum ordinem recte disponere, quam- quam ista sint praecipua ; sed quid quoque loco primum sit ac secundum et deinceps ; quae ita sunt natura copulata, ut mutari aut intervelli 6 sine confusione non possint. Quisquis autem via dicet, ducetur ante omnia rerum ipsa serie velut INST. ORATOR. X, 7, 7-10. Yd duce ; propter quod liomines etiam modice exer- citati facillime tenorem in narrationibus servant. Deinde, quid qnoque loco qnaerant, scient, nee circnmspectabunt nee offerentibus se aliunde sensibus turbabuntur nee eonf undent ex diversis orationem velut salientes hue illue nee usquam insistentes. Postremo habebunt modum et finem, 7 qui esse eitra divisionem nullus potest. Expletis pro facultate omnibus, quae proposuerint, per- venisse se ad ultimum sentient. Et baec quidem ex arte, ilia vero ex studio : ut eopiam sermonis optimi, quemadmodum prae- eeptuni est eomparemus ; multo ae fideli stilo sie formetur oratio, ut scriptorum eolorem etiam quae subito effusa sint reddant; ut, eum multa scripserimus, etiam multa dicamus. Nam con- 8 suetudo et exercitatio f acilitatem maxime parit ; quae si paululum intermissa fuerit, non velocitas ilia modo tardatur, sed ipsum os quoque coneur- rit. Quamquam enim opus est naturali quadam mobilitate animi, ut, dum proxima dicimus, stru- ere ulteriora possimus, semperque nostram vocem pro visa et f ormata cogitatio excipiat, vix tamen 9 aut natura aut ratio in tam multiplex officium diducere animum queat, ut inventioni, disposi- tioni, elocutioni, ordini rerum verborumque, tum iis, quae dicit, quae subiuncturus est, quae ultra spectanda sunt, adhibita vocis, pronuntiationis, gestus observatione, simul sufficiat. Longe enim 10 praecedat oportet intentio ae prae se res agat, quantumque dicendo consumitur, tantum ex ulti- mo prorogetur, ut, donee perveniamus ad finem. 80 INST. ORATOR. X, 7, 11-15. non minus prospectii procedamus quam gradu, si non intersistentes offensantesque brevia ilia at- qne concisa singnltantium modo eiecturi sumus. 11 Est igitur iisus quidam inrationalis, quern Graeci aXoyov Tpi/Srjv vocant, qua manus in scri- bendo decurrit, qua oculi totos simul in lectione versus flexusque eorum et transitus intuentur, et ante sequentia vident quam priora dixerunt. Quo constant miracula ilia in scaenis pilariorum ac ventilatorum, ut ea quae emiserint ultro ve- nire in manus credas et qua iubentur decurrere. 12 Sed bic usus ita proderit, si ea de qua locuti su- mus ars antecesserit, ut ipsum illud, quod in se rationem non habet, in ratione versetur. Nam mibi ne dicere quidem videtur nisi qui disposite, 13 ornate, copiose dicit,- sed tumultuari. Nee f ortu- iti sermonis contextum mirabor umquam, quem iurgantibus etiam mulierculis superfluere video ; cum eo quod, si calor ac spiritus tulit, frequenter accidit, ut successum extemporalem consequi 14cura non possit. Deum tunc adfuisse, cum id evenisset, veteres oratores, ut Cicero dicit, dicti- tabant. Sed ratio manifesta est. Nam bene con- cepti adfectus et recentes rerum imagines con- tinuo impetu feruntur, quae nonnumquam mora stili refrigescunt et dilatae non revertuntur. Utique vero, cum infelix ilia verborum cavillatio accessit et cursus ad singula vestigia restitit, non potest ferri contorta vis, sed, ut optime vocum singularum cedat electio, non continua, sed com- posita est. 15 Quare capiendae sunt illae, de quibus dixi, re- rum imagines, quas vocari c^avrao-tas indicavi= INST. ORATOR. X, 7, 16-19. 81 mus, omniaque, de quibus dicturi erimus, per- sonae, quaestiones, spes, metus habenda in oculis, in adfectus recipienda ; pectus est enim, quod disertos facit, et vis mentis. Ideoque imperitis quoque, si modo sint aliquo adfectu concitati, verba non desunt. Turn intendendus animus, 16 non in aliquam rem unam, sed in plures simul continuas ; ut, si per aliquam rectam viam mitta- mus oculos, simul omnia quae sunt in ea circaque intuemur, non ultimum tantum videmus, sed us- que ad ultimum. Addit ad dicendum etiam pu- dor stimulos, mirumque videri potest, quod, cum stilus secreto gaudeat atque omnis arbitros re- formidet, extemporalis actio auditorum frequen- tia, ut miles congestu signorum, excitatur. Nam- 17 que et difficiliorem cogitationem exprimit et expellit dicendi necessitas, et secundos impetus auget placendi cupido. Adeo pretium omnia spectant, ut eloquentia quoque, quamquam pluri- mum habeat in se voluptatis, maxime tamen praesenti fructu laudis opinionisque ducatur. Nee quisquam tantum fidat ingenio, ut id sibi 18 speret incipienti statim posse contingere ; sed, sicut in cogitatione praecipimus, ita facilitatem quoque extemporalem a parvis initiis paulatim perducemus ad summam, quae neque perfici ne- que contineri nisi usu potest. Ceterum pervenire 19 eo debet, ut cogitatio non utique melior sit ea, sed tutior ; cum banc facilitatem non in prosa modo multi sint consecuti, sed etiam in carmine, ut Antipater Sidonius et Licinius Archias ; creden- dum enim Ciceroni est ; non quia nostris quoque temporibus non et fecerint quidam hoc et faciant. 6 82 INSl. ORATOR. X, 7, 20-24 Quod tamen non ipsum tain probabile puto, (ne- que enim habet aut usum res aut necessitatem) quam exhort andis in banc spem, qui foro prae- 20 parantur, utile exemplum. Neque vero tanta sit umquam fiducia facilitatis, ut non breve saltern tempus, quod nusquam fere deerit, ad ea quae dicturi sumus dispicienda sumamus : quod in iudiciis ac foro datur semper ; neque enim quis- quam est, qui causam quam non didicerit agat. 21 Declamatores quosdam perversa ducit ambitio, ut, exposita controversia, protinus dicere velint, quin etiam, quod est in primis frivolum ac scaeni- cum, verbum petant, quo incipiant. Sed tam contumeliosos in se ridet invicem eloquentia, et qui stultis videri eruditi volunt, stulti eruditis 22 iudicantur. Si qua tamen f ortuna tam subitam fecerit agendi necessitatem, mobiliore quodam opus erit ingenio, et vis omnis intendenda rebus, et in praesentia remittendum aliquid ex cura ver- borum, si consequi utrumque non dabitur. Tum et tardior pronuntiatio moras habet et suspensa ac velut dubitans oratio, ut tamen deliberare, non 23 haesitare videamur. Hoc, dum egredimur e por- tu, si nos, nondum aptatis satis armamentis, aget ventus ; deinde paulatim simul euntes aptabi- mus vela et disponemus rudentes et impleri sinus optabimus. Id potius, quam se inani verborum torrenti dare quasi tempestatibus, quo volent, auferendum. 24 Sed non minore studio continetur haec facul- tas quam paratur ; ars enim semel percepta non labitur, stilus quoque intermissione paululum admodum de celeritate deperdit ; promptum hoc INST. ORATOR, X, 7 , 25-28. 83 et in expedite positura exercitatione sola conti- netur. Hac uti sic optimum est, ut cotidie dica- mus audientibus pluribus, maxime de quorum, simus iudicio atque opinione soUiciti ; rarum est enim, ut satis se quisque vereatur. Vel soli ta- men dicamus potius quam. omnino non dicamus. Est et ilia exercitatio cogitandi totasque m.aterias 25 vel silentio (dum tamen quasi dicat intra se ip- sum) persequendi, quae nuUo non et tempore et loco, quando non aliud agimus, explicari potest, et est in parte utilior quam haec proxima ; dili- 26 gentius enim componitur quam ilia, in qua con- textum dicendi intermittere veremur. Rursus in alia plus prior confert, vocis firmitatem, oris facilitatem, motum corporis, qui et ipse, ut dixi, excitat oratorem et iactatione manus, pedis sup- plosione, sicut cauda leones facere dicuntur, hor- tatur. Studendum vero semper et ubique. Ne- 27 que enim fere tam est ullus dies occupatus, ut nihil lucrativae, ut Cicero Brutum facere tradit, operae ad scribendum aut legendum aut dicen- dum rapi aliquo momento temporis possit ; siqui- dem C. Carbo etiam in tabernaculo solebat hac uti exercitatione dicendi. Ne id quidem tacen-28 dum est, quod eidem Ciceroni placet, nullum nostrum usquam neglegentem esse sermonem; quidquid loquemur ubicumque, sit pro sua scili- cet portione perfectum. Scribendum certe num- quam est magis, quam cum multa dicemus ex tempore. Ita enim servabitur pondus, et innatans ilia verborum f acilitas in altum reducetur ; sicut rustici proximas vitis radices amputant, quae illam in summum solum ducunt, ut inferiores 84: INST. ORATOR. X, 7, 29-32. 29 penitus descendendo firmentur. Ac nescio an, si Titrumque cum cura et studio fecerimus, invicem prosit, ut scribendo dicamus diligentius, dicendo scribamus facilius. Scribendum ergo, quotiens licebit ; si id non dabitur, cogitandum ; ab utro- que exclusi debent tamen id efficere, ut neque deprensus orator neque litigator destitutus esse videatur. 30 Plerumque autem multa agentibus accidit, ut maxime necessaria et utique initia scribant, cetera quae domo adferunt cogitatione complectantur, subitis ex tempore occurrant ; quod f ecisse M. Tullium commentariis ipsius apparet. Sed ferun- tur aliorum quoque et inventi forte, ut eos dictu- rus quisque composuerat, et in libros digesti, ut causarum, quae sunt actae a Servio Sulpicio, cuius tres orationes extant; sed hi de quibus loquor commentarii ita sunt exacti, ut ab ipso mihi in memoriam posteritatis videantur esse compositi. 31 Nam Ciceronis ad praesens modo tempus aptatos libertus Tiro contraxit; quos non ideo excuso, quia non probem^ sed ut sint magis admirabiles. In hoc genere prorsus recipio hanc brevem adno- tationem libellosque, qui vel manu teneantur, et 32 ad quos interim respicere fas sit. Illud quod Laenas praecipit displicet mihi, vel in his quae scripserimus summas in commentarium et capita conferre. Facit enim ediscendi neglegentiam haec ipsa fiducia et lacerat ac deformat oratio- nem. Ego autem ne scribendum quidem puto, quod non simus memoria persecuturi. Nam id quoque accidit, ut revocet nos cogitatio ad ilia elaborata nee sinat praesentem f ortunam experiri. INST. ORATOR. X, 7, 33. 85 Sic anceps inter utrumque animus aestuat, cum 33 et scripta perdidit et non quaerit nova. Sed de memoria destinatus est libro proximo locus nee huic parti subiungendus, quia sunt alia prius no- bis dicenda. M. FABII QUINTILIANI IJ^STITUTIOlSriS OEATOEIAE LIBER DUODECIMUS. QUALIS A SCHOLIS DIMISSI DEBEAT OKATORIS ESSE VITA. PROOEMIUM. Ventum est ad partem operis destinati longe gravissimam. Cuius equidem onus si tantum opinione prima concipere potuissem, quanto me premi fereiis sentio, maturius consuluissem vires meas. Sed initio pudor omittendi, quae promise- ram, tenuit ; mox, quamquam per singulas prope partis labor cresceret, ne perderem, quae iam effecta erant, per omnis difficultates animo me 2sustentavi. Quare nunc quoque, licet maior quam umquam moles premat, tamen prospicienti finem mihi constitutum est vel deficere potius quam desperare. Fefellit autem, quod initium a parvis ceperamus; mox velut aura solicitante provecti longius, dum tamen nota ilia et pleris- que artium scriptoribus tractata praecipimus, nee adliuc a litore procul videbamur et multos circa velut iisdem se ventis credere ausos habe- INST. ORATOR. XII, 3,4; 1,1. 87 banlus. lam cum eloquendi rationem. novissim.e 3 repertam paucissimisque temptatam ingressi su- mus, rarus qui tam procul a portu recessisset, reperiebatur. Postquam. vero nobis ille, quem instituebamus, orator a dicendi magistris dimis- sus aut suo iam impetu fertur, aut maiora sibi auxilia ex ipsis sapientiae penetralibus petit, quam in altum simus ablati, sentire coepimus. Nunc caelum undique et undique pon-4 tus. Unum modo in ilia inimensa vastitate cernere videmur M. Tullium, qui tamen ipse, quam vis tanta atque ita instructa nave hoc mare ingressus, contraliit vela inhibetque remos et de ipso demum genere dicendi, quo sit usurus per- fectus orator, satis habet dicere. At nostra te- meritas etiam mores ei conabitur dare et adsigna- bit officia. Ita nee antecedentem consequi possu- mus, et longius eundum est, ut res feret. Proba- bilis tamen cupiditas honestorum et velut tutio- ris audentiae est temptare, quibus paratior venia est. CAPUT L NON POSSE ORATOREM ESSE NISI VIRUM BONUM. I. Sit ergo nobis orator, quem constituimus, is, qui a M. Catone finitur, vir bonus dicendi p e r i t u s ; verum, id quod et ille posuit prius, et ipsa natura potius ac mains est, utique vir bo- nus: id non eo tan tum^ quod, si vis ilia dicendi malitiam instruxerit, nihil sit publicis privatis- 88 INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 2-5. que rebus perniciosius eloquentia^ nosque ipsi, qui pro virili parte conferre aliquid ad facultatem dicendi conati sumus, pessime mereamur de rebus humanis, si latroni comparamus haec arma^ non 2 militi. Quid de nobis loquor ? Rerum ipsa na- tura in eo, quod praecipue indulsisse homini vide- tur, quoque nos a ceteris animalibus separasse, non parens, sed noverca fuerit, si facultatem di- cendi, sociam scelerum, adversam innocentiae, bostem veritatis invenit. Mutos enim nasci et egere omni ratione satius fuisset, quam provi- dentiae munera in mutuam perniciem convertere. 3 Longius tendit hoc iudicium meum ; neque enim tantum id dico, eum, qui sit orator, virum bonum esse oportere, sed ne futurum quidem ora- torem nisi virum bonum. Nam certe neque in- tellegentiam concesseris iis, qui, proposita bones- torum ac turpium via, peiorem sequi malent, ne- que prudentiam ; cum in gravissimas frequenter legum, semper vero malae conscientiae poenas a semet ipsis improviso rerum exitu induantur. 4Quodsi neminem malum esse nisi stultum eun- dem, non modo sapientibus dicitur, sed vulgo quoque semper est creditum, certe non fiet um- quam stultus orator. Adde quod ne studio qui- dem operis pulcherrimi vacare mens, nisi omni- bus vitiis libera, potest : primum quod in eodem pectore nullum est bonestorum turpiumque con- sortium, et cogitare optima simul ac deterrima non magis est unius animi, quam eiusdem bomi- 5 nis bonum esse ac malum ; tum ilia quoque ex causa, quod mentem tantae rei intentam vacare omnibus aliis etiam culpa carentibus curis opor- INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 0-9. 89 tet. Ita demum enim libera ac tota, nulla dis- tringente atque alio ducente causa, spectabit id so- lum, ad quod accingitur. Quodsi agrorum nimia 6 cura et sollicitior rei familiaris diligentia et ve- nandi voluptas et dati spectaculis dies multum studiis auferunt (huic enim rei perit tempus, quodcumque alteri datur), quid putamus facturas cupiditatem, avaritiam, invidiam, quarum impo- tentissimae cogitationes somnos etiam ipsos et ilia per quietem visa perturbant ? Nihil est enim 7 tam occupatum, tam multiforme, tot ac tam variis adfectibus concisum atque laceratum quam mala mens. Nam et cum insidiatur, spe, curis, labore distringitur, et etiam cum sceleris compos f uit, sollicitudine, paenitentia, poenarum omnium expectatione torquetur. Quis inter liaec litteris aut ulli bonae arti locus ? Non bercule magis quam frugibus in terra sentibus ac rubis occu- pata. Age, non ad perferendos studiorum laboresS necessaria frugalitas ? Quid igitur ex libidine ac luxuria spei ? Non praecipue acuit ad cupidita- tem litterarum amor laudis ? Num igitur malis esse laudem curae putamus ? lam hoc quis non videt, maximam partem orationis in tractatu aequi bonique consistere ? Dicetne de his secun- dum debitam rerum dignitatem mains atque in- iquus. Denique, ut maximam partem quaestionis exi- 9 mam, demus, id quod nullo modo fieri potest, idem ingenii, studii, doctrinae, pessimo atque op- timo viro : uter melior dicetur orator ? Nimirum qui homo quoque melior. Non igitur umquam 90 INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 10-15. 10 mains idem homo et perf ectus orator. Non enim perfectura est quidquam, quo melius est aliud. Sed, ne more Socraticorum. nobismet ipsi respon- sum finxisse videamur, sit aliquis adeo contra veritatem obstinatus, ut audeat dicere, eodem in- genio, studio, doctrina praeditum. niliilo deterio- rem futurum. oratorem malum virum quam bonum : convincamus liuius quoque amentiam. 11 Nam hoc certe nemo dubitabit, omnem oratio- nem id agere, ut iudici, quae proposita fuerint, vera et honesta videantur. Utrum igitur hoc facilius bonus vir persuadebit an mains ? Bo- nus quidem et dicet saepius vera atque honesta. 12 Sed etiam si quando aliquo ductus officio (quod accidere, ut mox docebimus, potest) f also haec ad- firmare conabitur, maiore cum fide necesse est audiatur. At malis hominibus ex contemptu opinionis et ignorantia recti nonnumquam exci- dit ipsa simulatio ; inde immodeste proponunt, 13 sine pudore adfirmant. Sequitur in iis, quae cer- tum est effici non posse, deformis pertinacia et irritus labor ; nam sicut in vita, in causis quoque, spes improbas habent. Frequenter autem accidit, ut iis etiam vera dicentibus fides desit, videatur- que talis advocatus malae causae argumentum. 14 Nunc de iis dicendum est, quae mihi quasi conspiratione quadam vulgi reclamari videntur. Orator ergo Demosthenes non fuit ? atqui malum virum accepimus. Non Cicero ? atqui huius quo- que mores multi reprehenderunt. Quid agam ? magna responsi invidia subeunda est, mitigandae 15 sunt prius aures. Mihi enim nee Demosthenes tarn gravi morum dignus videtur invidia, ut om- INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 16-20. 91 nia, quae in emn a"b inimicis congesta sunt, cre- dam, cum et pulclierrinia eius in re publica con- silia et fineni \4tae clarum legam ; nee Marco 16 Tullio defuisse video in ulla parte civis optimi voluntatem. Testimonio est actus nobilissime consulatus, integerrinie pro^T.ncia adniinistrata et repudiatus vigintiviratus, et civilibus bellis, quae in aetatem eius gravissima inciderunt, ne- que spe neque metu declinatus animus, quo minus optimis se partibus, id est rei publicae, iungeret. Parum fortis videtur quibusdam, qui- 17 bus optime respondit ipse, n on se timidum in suscipiendis, sed in providendis peri- c u 1 i s ; quod probavit morte quoque ipsa, quam praestantissimo suscepit animo. Quodsi defuitlS his viris summa partus, sic quaerentibus, an ora- tores fuerint, respondebo, quomodo Stoici, si inter- rogentur, an sapiens Zeno, an Cleantlies, an Clirysippus, respondeant : magnos quidem il- los ac venerabiles, non tamen id, quod natura bominis summum habet, con- secutos. !N"am et Pytbagoras non sapientem se, 19 ut qui ante eum fuerunt, sed studiosum sapientiae Yocari voluit. Ego tamen secundum communem loquendi consuetudinem saepe dixi dicamque, perfectum oratorem esse Ciceronem, ut amicos et bonos viros et prudentissimos dicimus vulgo, quorum nihil nisi perfecte sapienti datur. Sed cum proprie et ad legem ipsam veritatis loquen- dum erit, eum quaeram oratorem, quem et ille quaerebat. Quam quam enim stetisse ipsum in 20 fastigio fateor, ac \i.x, quid adici potuerit, in- venio, fortasse inventurus, quod adhuc abscisu- 92 INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 21-24. rum putem fuisse (nara fere sic docti iudicave- runt, plurimum in eo virtutum, nonnihil fuisse vitiorum, et ipse se multa ex iuvenili abundantia coercuisse testatur) : tamen, quando nee sapientis sibi nomen, mininie sui contemptor, adseruit et melius dicere, certe data longiore vita et tempore ad componendum securiore, potuisset^ non malig- ne crediderim defuisse ei sunimam illam, ad quam 21 nemo propius accessit. Et licebat, si aliter senti- rem, fortius id liberiusque defendere. An vero M. Antonius neminem a se visum eloquentem, quod tanto minus erat, professus est ; ipse etiam M. Tullius quaerit adbuc eum, et tantum imagi- natur ac fingit : ego non audeam dicere, aliquid in hac, quae superest, aeternitate inveniri posse 22 eo, quod f uerit, perf ectius ? Transeo illos, qui Ciceroni ac Demostheni ne in eloquentia quidem satis tribuunt; quamquam neque ipsi Ciceroni Demosthenes videatur satis esse perfectus, quem dormitare interim dicit, nee Cicero Bruto Calvo- que, qui certe compositionem illius etiam apud ipsum reprebendunt, nee Asinio utrique, qui vitia orationis eius etiam inimice pluribus locis inse- quuntur. 23 Concedamus sane, quod minime natura pati- tur, repertum esse aliquem malum virum summe disertum, niliilo tamen minus oratorem eum ne- gabo. Nee omnibus, qui fuerint manu prompti, viri fortis nomen concesserim, quia sine virtute 24 intellegi non potest f ortitudo. An ei, qui ad de- fendendas causas advocatur, non est opus fide, quam neque cupiditas corrumpat nee gratia aver- tat nee metus frangat; sed proditorem, transfu- INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 25-27. 93 gam, praevaricatorem donabimus oratoris illo sacro nomine ? Quodsi mediocribus etiam patro- nis convenit baec, quae vulgo dicitur, bonitas, cur non orator ille, qui nondum fuit, sed potest esse, tam sit moribus quam dicendi virtute perfectus ? Non enim f orensem quandam instituimus operam 25 nee mercenariam vocem neque ut asperioribus verbis parcamus, non inutilem sane litium advo- catum, quern denique causidicum vulgo vocant, sed virum cum ingenii natura praestantem, turn vero tot pulcherrimas artis penitus mente com- plexum, datum tandem rebus bumanis, qualem nulla antea vetustas cognoverit, singularem per- fectumque undique, optima sentientem optimeque dicentem. In hoc quota pars erit, quod aut inno- 26 centis tuebitur aut improborum scelera compe- scet aut in pecuniariis quaestionibus veritati contra calumniam aderit ? Summus ille quidem in his quoque operibus fuerit, sed maioribus clarius elucebit, cum regenda senatus consilia et popularis error ad meliora ducendus. An non 27 talem quendam videtur finxisse Vergilius, quem in seditione vulgi iam faces et saxa iaculantis moderatorem dedit : tum pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem conspexere, silent arrectisque auribus astant. Habemus igitur ante omnia virum bonum ; post haec adiecit dicendi peritum : ille regit dictis animos et pectora muL cet. 94 INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 28-32. 28 Quid ? non in belli s quoque idem ille vir, qnem instituimus, si sit ad proelium miles cohortandus, ex mediis sapientiae praeceptis orationem trahet ? Nam. quom.odo pugnam ineuntibus tot simul metus laboris, dolorum, postrem.o mortis ipsius exciderint, nisi in eorum locum pietas et f ortitu- 29 do et bonesti praesens imago successerit ? Quae certe melius persuadebit aliis, qui prius persuase- rit sibi. Prodit enim se, quamlibet custodiatur, simulatio, nee umquam tanta fuerit loquendi facultas, ut non titubet atque baereat, quotiens ab animo verba dissentiunt. Vir autem malus 30 aliud dicat necesse est quam sentit. Bonos num- quam bonestus sermo deficiet, numquam rerum optimarum (nam iidem etiam prudentes erunt) inventio ; quae etiamsi lenociniis destituta sit, satis tamen natura sua ornatur, nee quidquam 31 non diserte, quod honeste, dicitur. Quare, inven- tus, immo omnis aetas (neque enim rectae volun- tati serum est tempus ullum) totis mentibus buc tendamus, in boc elaboremus ; f orsan et consum- mare contingat. Nam si natura non probibet et esse virum bonum et esse dicendi peritum, cur non aliquis etiam unus utrumque consequi pos- sit ? cur autem non se quisque speret fore ilium 32 aliquem ? Ad quod si vires ingenii non suff ece- rint, tamen ad quem usque modum processeri- mus, meliores erimus ex utroque. Hoc certe procul eximatur animo, rerum pulcberrimam eloquentiam cum vitiis mentis posse misceri. Facultas dicendi, si in malos incidit, et ipsa iudi- canda est malum ; peiores enim illos f acit, quibus contigit. INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 33-36. 95 Yideor mihi audire quosdam (neque enim de- 33 erunt umquam, qui diserti esse quam boni malint) ilia dicentis : quid ergo tantum est artis in elo- quentia ? cur tu de coloribus et difficilium causa- rum defensione, nonnihil etiam de confessione lo- cutus es, nisi aliquando vis ac facultas dicendi expugnat ipsam veritatem ? Bonus enim vir non agit nisi bonas causas, eas porro etiam sine doctrina satis per se tuetur Veritas ipsa. Quibus 34 ego, cum de meo primum opere respondero, etiam pro boni viri officio, si quando eum ad defensio- nem nocentium ratio duxerit, satisfaciam. Per- tractare enim, quomodo aut pro falsis aut etiam pro iniustis aliquando dicatur, non est inutile, vel propter boc solum, ut ea facilius et deprebendamus et ref ellamus ; quemadmodum re- media melius adbibebit, cui nota, quae nocent, f uerint. Neque enim Academici, cum in utram- 35 que disseruerunt partem, non secundum alteram vivunt, nee Carneades ille, qui Romae audiente Censorio Catone non minoribus viribus contra iustitiam dicitur disseruisse quam pridie pro iustitia dixerat, iniustus ipse vir fuit. Verum et virtus quid sit, adversa ei malitia detegit, et aequitas fit ex iniqui contemplatione manifestior, et plurima contrariis probantur. Debent ergo oratori sic esse adversariorum nota consilia ut bostium imperatori. Verum et illud, quod prima propositione du- 36 rum videtur, potest adferre ratio, ut vir bonus in defensione causae velit auferre aliquando iudici veritatem. Quod si quis a me proponi mirabitur, (quamquam non est baec mea proprie sententia, 96 INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 37-41, sed eorum, quos gravissimos sapientiae magistros aetas vetus credidit) sic iudicet: pleraque esse, quae non tarn factis quam causis eorum vel ho- 37 nesta fiant vel turpia. Nam si hominem occidere saepe virtus, liberos necare nonnumquam pul- cherrimum est, asperiora quaedam adhuc dictu, si communis utilitas exegerit, facere conceditur : ne hoc quidem. nudum, est intuendum, qualem causam vir bonus, sed etiam quare, et qua mente 38 def endat. Ac primum concedant mihi omnes oportet, quod Stoicorum quoque asperrimi con- fitentur, facturum aliquando virum bonum, ut mendacium dicat, et quidem nonnumquam levi- oribus causis : ut in pueris aegrotantibus utilita- tis eorum gratia multa fingimus, multa non 39 f acturi promittimus ; nedum si ab homine occi- dendo grassator avertendus sit, aut hostis pro salute patriae fallendus ; ut hoc, quod alias in servis quoque reprehendendum est, sit alias in ipso sapiente laudandum. Id si constiterit, multa lam video posse evenire, propter quae orator bene suscipiat tale causae genus, quale remota ratione 40 honesta non recepisset. Nee hoc dico (quia seve- riores sequi placet leges) pro patre, fratre, ami- co periclitantibus, tametsi non mediocris haesi- tatio est, hinc iustitiae proposita imagine, inde pietatis. Nihil dubii relinquamus. Sit aliquis insidiatus tyranno atque ob id reus: utrumne salvum eum nolet is, qui a nobis finitur, orator ? an, si tuendum susceperit, non tam falsis defen- det, quam qui apud indices malam causam tue- 41 tur ? Quid si quaedam bene facta damnaturus est index, nisi ea non esse facta convicerimus, non INST. ORATOR. XII, 1, 42^5. 97 vel hoc modo servabit orator non innocentem modo^ sed etiam laudabileni civero. ? Quid si quaedara iusta natura, sed condicione temporum inntilia civitati sciemns, nonne utemur arte di- cendij bona qiiidem, sed malis artibus simili ? Ad hoc nemo dubitabit^ quin, si nocentes mntari 42 in bonam mentem aliquo modo possint, sicut posse interdiim conceditur, salvos esse eos magis e re publica sit quam puniri. Si liqneat igitur oratori, fiiturum bonum virum, cui vera obicien- tnr, non id aget, ut salvus sit ? Da nunc, ut 43 crimine manifesto prematur dux bonus, et sine quo vincere hostem civitas non possit, nonne ei communis utilitas oratorem advocabit ? Certe Fabricius Cornelium Rufinum, et alioqui malum civem et sibi inimicum, tamen, quia utilem scie- bat ducem, imminente bello, palam consulem suffragio suo fecit atque id mirantibus quibus- dam respondit, a cive se spoliari malle quam ab hoste venire. Ita, hie si fuisset orator, non de- fendisset eundem Rufinum vel manifesti pecula- tus reum ? Multa dici possunt similia, sed vel 44 unum ex iis quodlibet sufficit. Non enim hoc agimus, ut istud illi, quem formamus, viro saepe sit faciendum, sed ut, si talis coegerit ratio, sit tamen vera finitio, oratorem esse virum bonum dicendi peritum. Praecipere vero ac discere, 45 quomodo etiam probatione difficilia tractentur, necessarium est. Nam frequenter etiam optimae causae similes sunt malis, et innocens reus multis veri similibus premitur ; quo fit, ut eadem actio- nis ratione defendendus sit, qua, si nocens esset. lam innumerabilia sunt bonis causis malisque 7 98 INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 1-3. communia, testes, litterae, suspiciones, opiniones. Non aliter autem veri similia quam vera et con- firmantur et refelluntur. Quapropter, ut res feret, flectetur oratio, manente honesta voluntate. CAPUT II. COGNOSCENDA ORATORI QUIBUS MORES FORMAN- TUR. II. Quando igitur orator est vir bonus, is au- tem citra virtutem intellegi non potest, virtus, etiamsi quosdam impetus ex natura sumit, tamen perficienda doctrina est: mores ante omnia oratori studiis erunt excolendi, atque omnis ho- nesti iustique disciplina pertractanda, sine qua nemo nee vir bonus esse nee dicendi peritus 2 potest. Nisi forte accedimus iis, qui natura con- stare mores et nibil adiuvari disciplina putant; scilicet ut ea, quae manu fiunt, atque eorum etiam contemptissima, confiteantur egere doctori- bus, virtutem vero, qua nihil bomini, quo ad deos immortales propius accederet, datum est, obviam et illaboratam, tantum quia nati simus, habea- mus. Abstinens erit, qui id ipsum, quid sit absti- 3 nentia, ignoret ? et f ortis, qui metus doloris, mortis, superstitionis nulla ratione purgaverit ? et iustus, qui aequi bonique tractatum, qui leges, quaeque natura sunt omnibus datae, quaeque propriae populis et gentibus constitutae, num INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 4-8. 99 quam eruditiore aliquo sermone tractarit ? O qiiam istud parviim put ant, quibus tarn facile videtur I Sed hoc transeo, de quo neminem, qui 4 litteras vel primis, ut aiunt, labris degustarit, dubitaturum puto. Ad illud sequens praevertar, ne dicendi quidem satis peritum fore, qui non et naturae vim omnem penitus perspexerit et mores praeceptis ac ratione formarit. Neque enimS frustra in tertio de Oratore libro L. Crassus cuncta, quae de aequo, iusto, vero, bono deque iis, quae sunt contra posita, dicantur, propria esse oratoris adfirmat, ac pliilosoplios, cum ea dicendi viribus tuentur, uti rhetorum armis, non suis. Idem tamen confitetur, ea iam esse a pbilosophia petenda, videlicet quia magis haec illi videtur in 6 possessione earum rerum fuisse. Hmc etiam illud est, quod Cicero pluribus et libris et episto- lis testatur, dicendi facultatem ex intimis sapi- entiae f ontibus fiuere, ideoque aliquamdiu prae- ceptores eosdem fuisse morum atque dicendi. Quapropter haec exhortatio mea non eo pertinet, ut esse oratorem philosophum velim, quando non alia vitae secta longius a civilibus officiis atque ab omni munere oratoris recessit. Nam quis 7 philosophorum aut in iudiciis frequens aut clarus in contionibus fuit ? Quis denique in ipsa, quam maxime plerique praecipiunt, rei publicae ad- ministratione versatus est ? Atqui ego ilium, quem instituo, Romanum quendam velim esse sapientem, qui non secretis disputationibus, sed rerum experimentis atque operibus se vere civi- lem virum exhibeat. Sed quia deserta ab his, 8 qui se ad eloquentiam contulerunt, studia sapien- 100 INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 9-12. tiae non iam in actu suo atque in liac fori luce versantur, sed in portions et in gymnasia pri- mum, mox in conventns scholarnni recesserunt, id, quod est oratori necessariuni nee a dicendi praeceptoribus traditur, ab iis petere nimirum necesse est, apud quos remansit. Evolvendi peni- tus auctores qui de virtute praecipiunt, ut oratoris v.Ha cum scientia divinarum rerum sit humana- 9 rumque coniuncta. Quae ipsae quanto maiores ac pulcbriores viderentur, si illas ii docerent, qui eti- am eloqui praestantissime possent ? Utinamque sit tempus umquam, quo perfectus aliquis, qualem optamus, orator banc artem, superbo nomine et vitiis quorundam bona eius corrumpentium invi- sam, vindicet sibe ac, velut rebus repetitis, in 10 corpus eloquentiae adducat. Quae quidem cum sit in tris divisa partis, naturalem, morale m rationale m, qua tandem non est cum oratoris opere coniuncta ? Nam ut ordinem retro agamus, de ultima ilia, quae tota versatur in verbis, nemo dubitaverit, si et proprietates vocis cuiusque nosse, et ambigua aperire, et perplexa discernere, et de falsis iudi- care, et conligere ac resolvere, quae velis, orato- 11 rum est. Quamquam ea non tam est minute atque concise in actionibus utendum quam in disputationibus, quia non docere modo, sed mo- vere etiam ac delectare audientis debet orator, ad quod impetu quoque ac viribus et decore est opus ; ut vis amnium maior est altis ripis multo- que gurgitis tractu fluentium quam tenuis aquae 12 et obiectu lapillorum resultantis. Et ut palaestri- ci doctores illos, quos numeros vocant, non idcirco INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 13-17. 101 discentibus tradunt, ut his omnibus, qui didice- runt, in ipso luctandi certamine utantur (plus enim pondere et firmitate et spiritu agitur), sed ut subsit copia ilia, ex qua unum aut alterum, cuius se occasio dederit, efficiant : ita haec pars d i a- 13 lectica, sive illam dicere malumus disputa- t r i c e m, ut est utilis saepe et finitionibus et com- prehension ibus et separandis, quae sunt differen- tia, et resolvenda ambiguitate, distinguendo, divi- dendo, inliciendo, implicando, ita, si totum sibi vindicaverit in foro certamen, obstabit melioribus et sectas ad tenuitatem suam vires ipsa subtilitate consumet. Itaque reperias quosdam in dispu- 14 tando mire callidos, cum ab ilia cavillatione dis- cesserint, non magis sufficere in aliquo graviore actu quam parva quaedam animalia, quae, in an- gustiis mobilia, campo deprehenduntur. lam quidem pars ilia m o r a 1 i s, quae dicitur, 15 Ethice, certe tota oratori est accommodata. Nam in tanta causarum, sicut superioribus libris diximus, varietate, cum alia coniectura quae- rantur, alia finitionibus concludantur, alia iure summoveantur vel transf erantur, alia conligantur vel ipsa inter se concurrant vel in diversum ambiguitate ducantur, nulla fere dici potest, cuius non aliqua in parte tractatus aequi ac boni reperiatur ; plerasque vero esse quis nescit, quae totae in sola qualitate consistant ? In consiliis 16 vero quae ratio suadendi est ab honesti quaestio- ne seposita ? Quin ilia etiam pars tertia, quae laudandi ac vituperandi officiis continetur, nempe 17 in tractatu recti pravique versatur. An de iusti- tia, fortitudine, abstinentia, temperantia, pietate 102 iNST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 18-21. non plurima dicet orator ? Sed ille vir boiiTiSj qui haec non vocibus tantum sibi nota atque nominibus aurium tenus in usum linguae per- ceperit, sed qui, virtutes ipsas mente complexus, ita sentiet, nee in cogitando laborabit et, quod sciet, vere dicet. 18 Cum sit omnis generalis quaestio speciali po- tentior, quia universo pars continetur, non utique accedit parti quod universum est, profecto nemo dubitabit, generales quaestiones in illo maxime iOstudiorum more versatas. lam vero cum sint multa propriis brevibusque comprehensionibus finienda, unde etiam status causarum dicitur finitivus, nonne ad id quoque instrui ab iis, qui plus in hoc studii dederunt, oportet ? Quid ? non quaestio iuris omnis aut verborum proprietate aut aequi disputatione aut voluntatis coniectura continetur ? quorum pars ad rationalem, pars ad 20 moralem tractatum redundat. Ergo natura per- mixta est omnibus istis oratio, quae quidem oratio est vere. Nam ignara quidem huiusce doctrinae loquacitas erret necesse est, ut quae vel nullos vel falsos duces babeat. Pars vero naturalis, cum est ad exercitatio- nem dicendi tanto ceteris uberior, quanto maiore spiritu de divinis rebus quam liumanis loquen- dum est, tum illam etiam moralem, sine qua nulla esse, ut docuimus, oratio potest, totam com- 21 plectitur. Nam si regitur providentia mundus, administranda certe bonis viris erit res publica ; si divina nostris animis origo, tendendum ad vir- tutem nee voluptatibus terreni corporis servi- endum. An haec non frequenter tractabit ora- INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 22-25. 103 tor ? lam de auguriis, responsis, religione deni- que omni, de quibus maxima saepe in senatu consilia versata sunt, non erit ei disserendum, si qnidem, nt nobis placet, futurus est vir civilis idem ? Quae denique intellegi saltem potest elo- quentia hominis optima nescientis ? Haec si 23 ratione manifesta non essent, exemplis tamen crederemus. Siquidem et Periclem, cuius elo- quentiae, etiamsi nulla ad nos monumenta vene- runt, vim tamen quandam incredibilem cum historici tum etiam liberrimum liominum genus, comici veteres tradunt, Anaxagorae physici constat auditorem fuisse, et Demostlienem, prin- cipem omnium Graeciae oratorum, dedisse ope- ram Platoni. Nam M. Tullius, non tantum se23 debere scbolis rhetorum quantum Academiae spatiis, frequenter ipse testatur; neque se tanta in eo umquam fudisset ubertas, si ingenium suum consaepto fori, non ipsius rerum naturae finibus terminasset. Verum ex hoc alia mihi quaestio exoritur, quae s e c t a conf erre plurimum eloquentiae pos- sit; quamquam ea non inter multas potest esse contentio. Nam in primis nos Epicurus a se24 ipse dimittit, qui fugere omnem disciplinam navi- gatione quam velocissima iubet Neque vero Aristippus, summuni in voluptate corporis bonum ponens, ad hunc nos laborem adhortetur. P y r r h. o n quidem quas in hoc opere habere par- tis potest ? cui indices esse, apud quos verba faciat, et reum, pro quo loquatur, et senatum, in quo sit dicenda sententia, non liquebit. Ac a- 25 d e m i a m quidam utilissimam credunt, quod mos 104 INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 26-29. in utramque partem disserendi ad exercitatio- nem forensium causarum proxime accedat. Adi- ciunt loco probationis, quod ea praestantissimos in eloquentia viros ediderit. Peripatetici studio quoque se quodam oratorio iactant ; nam thesis dicere exercitationis gratia fere est ab iis institutum. Stoici, sicut copiam nitoremque eloquentiae fere praeceptoribus suis defuisse con- cedant necesse est, ita nullos aut probare acrius 26aut concludere subtilius contendunt. Sed liaec inter ipsos, qui velut sacramento rogati vel etiam superstitione constricti nefas ducunt a suscepta semel persuasione discedere; oratori vero nihil 27 est necesse in cuiusquam iurare leges. Mains enim est opus atque praestantius, ad quod ipse tendit, et cuius est velut candidatus, si quidem est futurus cum vitae tum etiam eloquentiae laude perfectus. Quare in exemplum dicendi facundissimum quemque proponet sibi ad imi- tandum, moribus vero formandis quam honestis- sima praecepta, rectissimamque ad virtutem viam deliget. Exercitatione quidem utetur omni, sed tamen erit plurimus in maximis quibusque ac 28natura pulcherrimis. Nam quae potest materia reperiri ad graviter copioseque dicendum magis abundans quam de virtute, de re publica, de providentia, de origine animorum, de amicitia ? Haec sunt, quibus mens pariter atque oratio in- surgant: quae vera bona, quid mitiget metus, coerceat cupiditates, eximat nos opinionibus vul- gi animumque caelestem . . . 39 ISTeque ea solum, quae talibus disciplinis conti- nentur^ sed magis etiam, quae sunt tradita an- INST. ORATOR. XII, 2, 30, 31 ; 3, 1. 105 tiquitus dicta ac facta praeclare, et nos- se et animo semper agitare conveniet. Quae pro- fecto nusquam plura maioraqiie quam in nostrae civitatis monumentis reperientur. An f ortitudi- 30 nem, iustitiam, fidem, continentiam, f rugalitatem, contemptum doloris ac mortis melius alii doce- bunt quam Fabricii, Ci^rii, Reguli, Decii, Mucii, aliique innumerabiles ? Quantum enim Graeci praeceptis valent, tantum Romani, quod est mai- ns, exemplis. Tantum quod non cognitis ille31 rebus adquieverit, qui non modo proximum tem- pus lucemque praesentem intueri satis credat, sed omnem posteritatis memoriam spatium vitae honestae et curriculum laudis existimet. Hinc mihi ille iustitiae haustus bibat, Iiinc sumptam libertatem in causis atque consiliis praestet. Ne- que erit perfectus orator, nisi qui boneste dicere et sciet et audebit. CAPUT III. NECESSARIAM JURIS CIVILIS ORATORI SCIENTIAM. TIL luris quoque civilis necessaria huic viro scientia est et morum ac religionum eius rei publicae, quam capesset. Nam qualis esse suasor in consiliis publicis privatisve poterit tot rerum, quibus praecipue civitas continetur, ignarus ? Quo autem modo patronum se causarum non fal- so dixerit, qui, quod est in causis potentissimum, 106 INST. ORATOR. XII, 3, 2-5. sit ab altero petiturus, paene non dissimilis iis, 2 qui poetarum scripta pronuntiant ? Nam quo- dammodo mandata perferet, et ea, quae sibi a iudice credi postulaturus est, aliena fide dicet, et ipse litigantium auxiliator egebit auxilio. Quod ut fieri nonnumquam minore incommodo possit, cum domi praecepta et composita et sicut cetera, quae in causa sunt, in discendo cognita ad iudi- cem pert eret : quid fiet in iis quaestionibus, quae subito inter ipsas actiones nasci solent ? non de- formiter respectet et inter subsellia minores ad- 3 vocatos interroget ? Potest autem satis diligen- ter accipere, quae turn audiet, cum iam dicenda sunt, aut fortiter adfirmare aut ingenue pro suis dicere ? Possit in actionibus : quid fiet in alter- catione, ubi occurrendum continuo, nee libera ad discendum mora est ? Quid, si forte peritus iuris ille non aderit ? Quid, si quis non satis in ea re doctus falsum aliquid subiecerit ? Hoc enim est maximum ignorantiae malum, quod credit eum 4 scire, qui moneat. Neque ego sum nostri muris ignarus oblitusve eorum, qui velut ad arculas se- dent et tela agentibus sumministrant, neque idem Graecos quoque nescio factitasse, unde nomen his pragmaticorum datum est. Sed loquor de ora- tore, qui non clamorem modo suum causis, sed 5 omnia, quae prof utura sunt, debet. Itaque eum nee inutilem, si ad boram forte constiterit, neque in testationibus faciendis esse imperitum velim. Quis enim potius praeparabit ea, quae, cum aget, esse in causa velit ? Nisi forte imperatorem quis idoneum credit in proeliis quidem strenuum et fortem et omnium, quae pugna poscit, artificem. IJSST. OKATOK. Xil, '6, (5-10. 107 sed neque delectus agere nee copias contraliere at- que instruere nee prospieere eommeatus nee lo- eum eapere eastris seientem; prius est enim certe parare bella quam gerere. Atqui similli-e mus huie sit. advoeatus^ si plura, quae ad vineen- dum valent, aliis reliquerit, cum praesertim hoc, quod est maxime necessarium, nee tarn sit ardu- um, quam procul intuentibus fortasse videatur. Namque omne ius, quod est certum, aut scrip- to aut moribus constat ; dubium aequitatis regula examinandum est. Quae scripta sunt aut posita 7 in more civitatis, nullam babent difficultatem, cognitionis sunt enim, non inventionis ; at quae consultorum responsis explicantur, aut in verbo- rum interpretatione sunt posita aut in recti pravi- que discriniine. Vim cuiusque vocis intellegere aut commune prudentium est aut proprium ora- toris ; aequitas optimo cuique notissima. Nos 8 porro et bonum virum et prudentem in primis oratorem putamus, qui cum se ad id, quod est optimum natura, derexerit, non magnopere com- movebitur, si quis ab eo consultus dissentiet, cum ipsis illis diversas inter se opiniones tueri conces- sum sit. Sed etiam si nosse, quid quisque sense- rit, volet, lectionis opus est, qua nihil est in studiis minus laboriosum. Quodsi plerique, des- 9 perata facultate agendi, ad discendum ius decli- naverunt, quam id scire facile est oratori, quod discunt, qui sua quoque confessione oratores esse non possunt ? Yerum et M. Cato cum in dicendo praestantissimus, tum iuris idem fuit peritissi- mus, et Scaevolae Servioque Sulpicio coneessa est etiam f acundiae virtus. Et M. Tullius non modo lo 108 INST, ORATOR. XII, 3, 11, 12; 4, 1, inter agendum niimqiiani est destitutus scientia iuris, sed etiam componere aliqua de eo coeperat ; lit appareat, posse oratorem non discendo tantum iuri vacare, sed etiam docendo. 11 Verum ea, quae de moribns excolendis studio- que inris praecipimus, ne qnis eo credat reprelien- denda, quod multos cognovimus, qui taedio labo- ris, quem f erre tendentibus ad eloquentiam neces- se est, confugerint ad haec deverticula desidiae. Quorum alii se ad album ac rubricas transtule- runt et formularii vel, ut Cicero ait, leguleii qui- dam esse maluerunt, tamquam utiliora eligentes 12 ea quorum solam facilitatem sequebantur, alii pigritiae arrogantioris, qui subito fronte conficta immissaque barba, veluti despexissent oratoria praecepta, paulum aliquid sederunt in scliolis philosopliorum, ut deinde in publico tristes, domi dissoluti, captarent auctoritatem contemptu cete- rorum; pliilosopliia enim simulari potest^ elo- quentia non potest. CAPUT IV, ITEM HISTORIARUM, IV. In primis vero abundare debet orator ex- emplorum copia cum veterum tum etiam no- vorum, adeo ut non ea modo, quae conscripta sunt historiis aut sermonibus velut per manus tradita^ quaeque cotidie aguntur^ debeat nosse^ INST. ORATOR. XII, 4, 2; 5, 1, 2. 109 verum ne ea quidem, quae sunt a clarioribus poetis ficta, neglegere. Nam ilia quidem priora 2 aut testimoniorum aut etiam iudicatorum obti- nent locum ; sed haec quoque aut vetustatis fide tuta sunt aut ab hominibus magnis praeceptorum loco ficta creduntur. Sciat ergo quam plurima^ unde etiam senibus auctoritas maior est, quod plura nosse et vidisse creduntur, quod Homerus frequentissime testatur. Sed non est expectanda ultima aetas, cum studia praestent, ut, quantum ad cognitionem pertinet rerum^ etiam praeteritis saeculis vixisse videamur. CAPUT V. QUAE SINT ALIA ORATORIS INSTRUMENTA. V. Haec sunt, quae me redditurum promise- ram, instrumenta non artis, ut quidam putave- runt, sed ipsius oratoris. Haec arma habere ad manum, horum scientia debet esse succinctus, accedente verborum figurarumque facili copia et inventionis ratione et disponendi usu et memo- riae firmitate et actionis gratia. Sed plurimum ex bis valet animi praestantia, quam nee metus frangat nee acclamatio terreat nee audien- tium auctoritas ultra debitam reverentiam tardet. Nam ut abominanda sunt contraria bis vitia con- 2 fidentiae, temeritatis, improbitatis, arrogantiae, ita citra constantiam, fiduciam, f ortitudinem nihil ars, nihil studium, nihil prof ectus ipse prof uerit ; 110 INST. ORATOR. XII, 5, 3-6o ut si des arma timidis et imbellibus. Invihis meliercule dico, qnoniam et aliter accipi potest, ipsam verecundiam, vitium quidem, sed amabile et quae virtutes facillime generet, esse inter ad- versa multisque in causa fuisse, ut bona ingenii studiique in lucem non prolata situ quodam 3 secreti consumerentur. Sciat autem, si quis haec forte minus adhuc peritus distinguendi vim cu- iusque verbi leget, non probitatem a me reprehen- di, sed verecundiam, quae est timor quidam redu- cens animum ab iis, quae f acienda sunt ; inde confusio et coepti paenitentia et subitum silenti- um, Quis porro dubitet vitiis ascribere adfec- 4 tum, propter quem f acere bonesta pudet ? Neque ego rursus nolo eum, qui sit dicturus, et sollici- tum surgere et colorem mutare et periculum intellegere ; quae si non accident, etiam simulan- da erunt. Sed intellectus hie sit operis, non metus ; moveamurque, non concidamus. Optima est autem emendatio verecundiae fiducia, et quamlibet imbecilla f rons naagna conscientia sus- tinetur. 5 Sunt et naturalia, ut supra dixi, quae tamen et cura iuvantur, instrumenta, vox, latus, decor; quae quidem tantum valent, ut frequentur fa- mam ingenii facianto Habuit oratores aetas nos- tra copiosiores, sed, cum diceret, eminere inter aequalis Tracbalus videbatur. Ea corporis subli- mitas erat, is ardor oculorum, frontis auctoritas, gestus praestantia, vox quidem non, ut Cicero desiderat, paene tragoedorum, sed super omnis, 6quos ego quidem audierim, tragoedos. Certe cum in basilica lulia diceret primo tribunali, INST. ORATOR. XII, 6, 1-3. HI quattuor antem iudicia, ut moris est, cogerentur, atque omnia clamoribus fremerent, et audi turn eum et intellectum et, qnod agentibus ceteris contumeliosissiniuni fuit, laudatum quoque ex quattuor tribunalibus memini. Sed hoc votum est et rara f elicitas ; quae si non adsit, sane suffi- ciat ab iis, quibus quis dicit, audiri. Talis esse debet orator, baec scire. CAPUT VI. QUOD SIT INCIPIENDI CAUSAS AGERE TEMPUS. VI. Agendi autem initium sine dubio secundum vires cuiusque sumendum est. Neque ego annos definiam, cum Demosthenem pueruna admodum actiones pupillares habuisse manifes- tum sit, Calvus, Caesar, Pollio multum ante quaestoriam omnes aetatem gravissima indicia susceperint, praetextatos egisse quosdam sit tra- ditum, Caesar Augustus duodecim natus annos aviam pro rostris laudaverit. Modus mihi vide- 2 tur quidam tenendus, ut neque praepropere de- stringatur immatura frons et, quidquid est illud adhuc acerbum, proferatur (nam inde et con- temptus operis innascitur, et fundamenta iaciun- tur impudentiae, et, quod est ubique perniciosis- simum, praevenit vires fiducia) ; nee rursus differ- 8 endum est tirocinium in senectutem ; nam cotidie metus crescit, maiusque fit semper, quod ausuri 112 INST. ORATOR. XII, 6, 4-6. sumus, et, dum deliberamus, quando incipiendum sit, incipere iam serum est. Quare fructura studiorum viridem et adliuc dulcem promi decet, dum et veniae spes est et paratus favor et audere non dedecet, et, si quid desit operi, supplet aetas, et, si qua sunt dicta iuveniliter, pro indole acci- 4 piuntur ; ut totus ille Ciceronis pro Sexto Roscio locus: quid enim tarn commune quam spiritus vivis, terra mortuis, mare fluc- tuantibus, litus eiectis? Quae cum sex et viginti natus annos summis audientium clamori- bus dixerit, defervisse tempore, et annis liquata, iam senior idem fatetur. Et hercule quantumli- bet secreta studia contulerint, est tamen proprius quidam fori prof ectus, alia lux, alia veri discrimi- nis f acies ; plusque, si separes, usus sine doctrina 5 quam citra usum doctrina valet. Ideoque non- nulli, senes in schola facti, stupent novitate, cum in indicia venerunt, et omnia suis exercitationi- bus similia desiderant. At illic et index facet et adversarius obstrepit et nihil temere dictum perit, et, si quid tibi ipse sumas, probandum est, et laboratam congestamque dierum ac noctium studio actionem aqua deficit, et omisso magna semper flandi tumore in quibusdam causis lo- quendum est ; quod illi diserti minime sciunt. 5 Itaque nonnullos reperias, qui sibi eloquentiores videantur, quam ut causas agant. Ceterum il- ium, quem iuvenem tenerisque adliuc viribus nitentem in forum deduximus, et incipere a quam maxime facili ac favorabili causa velim, ferarum ut catuli molliore praeda saginantur, et non utique ab boc initio continuare operam et INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 20-24. 129 neque torrentibus turbidis, sed lenibus stagnis similes babentur. Nemo igitur dubitaverit, longe esse optim.um 20 genus Atticorum. In quo ut est aliquid inter ipsos commune, id est indicium acre tersumque, ita ingeniorum plurimae formae. Quapropter21 mibi f alii multum videntur, qui solos esse Atticos credunt tenuis et lucidos et significantis, sed qua- dam eloquentiae frugalitate contentos ac semper manum intra pallium continentis. Nam quis erit bic Atticus ? Sit Lysias ; bunc enim amplectun- tur amatores istius nominis modum. Non igitur iam usque ad Coccum et Andocidem remittemur ? Interrogare tamen velim, an Isocrates Attice dixerit ; nibil enim tam est Lysiae diversum. 22 Negabunt; at eius scbola principes oratorum dedit. Quaeratur similius aliquid. Hyperides At- ticus ? Certe, at plus indulsit voluptati. Trans- eo plurimos, Lycurgum, Aristogitona et bis pri- ores Isaeum, Antipbonta ; quos, ut bomines inter se genere similes, differentis dixeris specie. Quid ille, cuius modo fecimus mentionem, 23 Aescbines ? nonne bis latior et audentior et ex- celsior ? Quid denique Demostbenes ? non cunc- tos illos tenues et circumspectos vi, sublimitate, impetu, cultu, compositione superavit ? non in- surgit locis ? non figuris gaudet ? non transla- tionibus nitet ? non oratione ficta dat tacentibus vocem ? non illud iusiurandum per caesos in 24 Maratbone ac Salamine propugnatores rei pub- licae satis manifesto docet, praeceptorem eius Platonem fuisse ? quern ipsum num Asianum appellabimus plerumque instinctis divino spiritu 130 I^ST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 25-28. vatibus comparandum ? Quid Periclea ? simi- lemne credimus Lysiacae gracilitati, quern, ful- minibus et caelesti fragori comparant comici, 25 dum illi conviciantur ? Quid est igitur, cur in iis demum, qui tenui venula per calculos fluunt, Atticum saporera putent ? ibi demum thymum redolere dicant ? Quos ego existimo, si quod in his finibus uberius invenerint solum f ertilioremve segetem, negaturos Atticam esse, quod plus, quam acceperit, seminis reddat; quia banc eius terrae 26 fidem Menander eludit. Ita nunc, si quis ad eas Demosthenis virtutes, quas ille summus orator babuit, tamen quae defuisse ei sive ipsius natura seu lege civitatis videntur, adiecerit, ut adfectus concitatius moveat, audiam dicentem, ' non fecit boc Demosthenes ? ' et si quid numeris exierit aptius (fortasse non possit, sed tamen si quid exierit) non erit Atticum ? Melius de hoc nomi- ne sentiant credantque, Attice dicere esse optime dicere. 27 Atque in hac tamen opinione perseverantis Graecos magis tulerim. Latina mihi facundia, ut inventione, dispositione, consilio, ceteris huius generis artibus similis Graecae ac prorsus dis- cipula eius videtur, ita circa rationem eloquendi vix habere imitationis locum. Namque est ipsis statim sonis durior, quando et iucundissimas ex Graecis litteras non habemus, vocalem alteram, alteram consonantem, quibus nullae apud eos dulcius spirant ; quas mutuari solemus, quotiens 28 illorum nominibus utimur ; quod cum contingit, nescio quomodo hilarior protinus renidet oratio, ut in ^ Ephyris ' et ^ Zephyr is ' ; quae si nostris INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 29-33. 131 litteris scribantur, siirdiim quiddam et barbarum efficient, et velut in locum earum succedunt tris- tes et horridae, qnibus Graecia caret. Nam et29 ilia, quae est sexta nostrarum, paene non humana voce vel omnino non voce potius inter discrimina dentium efflanda est; quae, etiam cum vocalem proxima accipit, quassa quodammodo, utique quotiens aliquam consonantium frangit, ut in hoc ipso ^ frangit,' multo lit borridior. Aeolicae quoque litterae, qua '^servum cervumque' dici- mus, etiamsi forma a nobis repudiata est, vis tamen nos ipsa persequitur. Duras et ilia sylla- 30 bas facit, quae ad coniungendas demum subiectas sibi vocales - est utilis, alias supervacua, ut ' equos ' hac et ' aequum ' scribimus ; cum etiam ipsae hae vocales duae efficiant sonum, qualis apud Graecos nullus est, ideoque scribi illorum litteris non potest. Quid ? quod pleraque nos 31 ilia quasi mugiente m littera cludimus, in quam nullum Graece verbum cadit: at illi ny iucun- dam et in fine praecipue quasi tinnientem illius loco ponunt, quae est apud nos rarissima in clau- sulis. Quid ? quod syllabae nostrae in b litteram 32 et d innituntur adeo aspere, ut plerique non anti- quissimorum quidem, sed tamen veterum mollire temptaverint non solum ' aversa ' pro ' abversis ' dicendo, sed et in praepositione b litterae abso- nam et ipsam s subiciendo. Sed accentus quo- 33 que, cum rigore quodam, tum similitudine ipsa, minus suaves babemus, quia ultima syllaba nee acuta umquam excitatur-nec flexa circumducitur, sed in gravem vel duas graves cadit semper. Itaque tanto est sermo Graecus Latino iucundior. 132 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 84-H«. nt nostri poetae, quotiens dulce carmen esse voln- 34eriint, illorum id nominibus exorneut. His ilia potentiora, quod res plurimae carent appellationi- bus, ut eas necesse sit transf erre aut circumire ; etiain in iis, quae denominata sunt, summa pau- pertas in eadem nos f requentissime revolvit ; at illis non verborum modo, sed linguarum etiam inter se diff erentium copia est. 35 Quare qui a Latinis exiget illam gratiam ser- monis Attici, det mihi in eloquendo eandem iu- cunditatem et parem copiam. Quod si negatum est, sententias aptabimus iis vocibus, quas babe- mus, nee rerum nimiam tenuitatem, ut non di- cam pinguioribus, fortioribus eerte verbis misce- bimus, ne virtus utraque pereat ipsa confusione ; 36 nam quo minus adiuvat sermo, rerum inventione pugnandum est. Sensus sublimes variique eruan- tur ; pernio vendi omnes adfectus erunt, oratio translationum nitore illuminanda. Non possu- mus esse tam graciles : simus f ortiores. Subtili- tate vincimur : valeamus pondere. Proprietas 37 penes illos est certior : copia vincamus. Ingenia Graecorum, etiam minora, suos portus liabent : nos plerumque maioribus velis moveamur, validi- or spiritus nostros sinus tendat ; non tamen alto semper feremur, nam et litora interim sequenda sunt. Illis f acilis per quaelibet vada accessus : ego aliquid, non multo tamen, altius, in quo mea 38 cymba non sidat, inveniam. Neque enim, si tenu- iora haec ac pressiora Graeci melius, in eoque vincimur solo et ideo in* comoediis non contendi- mus, prorsus tamen omittenda pars haec oratio- nis, sed exigenda ut optime possumus ; possumus INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 39-43. 133 aiitem reriim et modo et iudicio esse similes; verborum gratia, quam in ipsis non habemus, extrinsecus condienda est. An non in privatis et 39 acutus et indistinctus et non snpra modum elatus M. TuUius ? non in M. Calidio insignis haec virtus ? non Scipio. Laelius, Cato in eloquendo velut Attici Romanorum fuerunt ? Cui porro non satis est, quo nihil esse melius potest ? Ad hoc quidam nullam esse naturalem putant 40 eloquentiam, nisi quae sit cotidiano sermoni simillima, quo cum amicis, coniugibus, liberis, servis loquamur, contento promere animi volun- tatem nihilque arcessiti et elaborati requirente ; quidquid hue sit adjectum, id esse adfectationis et ambitiosae in loquendo iactantiae, remotum a veritate fictumque ipsorum gratia verborum, quibus solum natura sit officium attributum, ser- vire sensibus : sicut athletarum corpora, etiamsi 41 validiora fiant exercitatione et lege quadam cibo- rum, non tamen esse naturalia atque ab ilia specie, quae sit concessa hominibus, abhorrere. Quid enim, inquiunt, attinet circuitu res osten- dere et translationibus, id est aut pluribus aut alienis verbis, cum sua cuique sint adsignata nomina ? Denique antiquissimum quemque max- 42 ime secundum naturam dixisse contendunt ; mox poetis similiores extitisse, etiamsi parcius, simili tamen ratione, falsa et impropria virtutes ducen- tis. Qua in disputatione nonnihil veri est, ideo- que non tam procul, quam fit a quibusdam, rece- dendum a propriis atque communibus. Si quis43 tamen, ut in loco dixi compositionis, ad necessa- fia, quibus nihil minus est, aliquid melius adiece- 134 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 44-47. rit, non erit liac calumnia reprehendendus. Nam mihi aliam quandam videtur habere naturam sermo vulgaris, aliam viri eloquentis oratio ; cui si res m.odo indicare satis esset, nihil ultra verbo- rum. proprietatem elaboraret ; sed cum debeat delectare, movere, in plurimas animum audientis species impellere, utetur his quoque adiutoriis, 44 quae sunt ab eadem nobis concessa natura ; nam et lacertos exercitatione constringere et augere vires et colorem trahere, naturale est. Ideoque in omnibus gentibus alius alio facundior habetur et eloquendo dulcis magis. Quod si non eveniret, omnes pares essent ; at idem homines aliter de re alia loquuntur et servant personarum discrimina. Ita, quo quisque plus efficit dicendo, hoc magis 45 secundum naturam eloquentiae dicit. Quaprop- ter ne illis quidem nimium repugno, qui dandum putant nonnihil etiam temporibus atque auribus, nitidius aliquid atque effectius postulantibus. Itaque non solum ad priores Catone Gracchisque, sed ne ad hos quidem ipsos oratorem alligandum puto. Atque id f ecisse M. Tullium video, ut cum plurimum utilitati, tum partem quandam delecta- tioni daret ; cum et suam se rem agere diceret, 46ageret autem maxime litigatoris; nam hoc ipso proderat, quod placebat. Ad cuius voluptates nihil equidem quod addi possit invenio, nisi ut sensus nos quidem dicamus pluris ; neque enim non fieri potest, salva tractatione causae et di- cendi auctoritate, si non crebra haec lumina et 47continua fuerint et invicem offecerint. Sed me hactenus cedentem nemo insequatur ultra ; do tempori, ne hirta toga sit, non ut serica, ne inton- IXST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 48-51. 135 sum caput, non ut in gradus atque anulos comp- tum ; cum eo quod, si non ad luxuriam ac libidi- nem referas, eadem speciosiora quoque sint, quae honestiora. Ceterum hoc, quod vulgo sen ten- 48 tias vocamus, quod veteribus praecipueque Graecis in usu non fuit, (apud Ciceronem enim invenio) dum rem contineant et copia non redun- dent et ad victoriam spectent, quis utile neget ? Feriunt animum et uno ictu frequenter impellunt et ipsa brevitate magis haerent et delectatione persuadent. At sunt qui baec excitatiora lumina, etiamsi49 dicere permittant, a componendis tamen orationi- bus excludenda arbitrentur. Quocirca milii ne hie quidem locus intactus est omittendus ; nam plurimi eruditorum aliam esse dicendi rationem, aliam scribendi putaverunt, ideoque in agendo clarissimos quosdam nihil posteritati mansuris- que mox litteris reliquisse, ut Periclem, ut Dema- den ; rursus alios ad componendum optimos, ac- tionibus idoneos non fuisse, ut Isocraten; prae-50 terea in agendo plus impetum valere plerumque et petitas vel paulo licentius voluptates ; commo- vendos enim esse ducendosque animos imperito- runi ; at quod libris dedicatum in exemplum edatur, id tersum ac limatum et ad legem ac regu- 1am compositum esse oportere, quia veniat in manus doctorum et indices artis habeat artifices. Quin illi subtiles, ut sibimet ac multis persuase- 51 runt, magistri TrapaScty/xa dicendo, ivOvfxrjfjia scri- bendo esse aptius, tradiderunt. Mihi unum at- que idem videtur bene dicere ac bene scribere, neque aliud esse oratio scripta quam monumen- 136 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 52-56. turn actionis habitae. Itaque niillas non, ut opinor, debet habere virtutes, virtutes dico, non vitia. Nam imperitis placere aliquando quae 52 vitiosa sint, scio ; quo different igitur ? Quodsi mihi des consilium iudicum sapientium, perquam multa recidam ex orationibus non Ciceronis modo, sed etiam eius, qui est strictior multo, Demosthenis. Neque enim adfectus omnino mo- vendi erunt, nee aures delectatione mulcendae, cum etiam prooemia supervacua esse apud talis Aristoteles existimet; non enim trahentur Ms illi sapientes; proprie et significanter rem indi- 53 care, probationes colligere, satis est. Cum vero index detur aut populus aut ex populo, laturique sint sententiam indocti saepius atque interim rustic!, omnia, quae ad obtinendum, quod intend- imus, prodesse credemus, adhibenda sunt ; eaque et cum dicimus promenda et cum scribimus os- tendenda sunt, si modo ideo scribimus, ut docea- 54mus quomodo dici oporteat. An Demosthenes male sic egisset, ut scripsit, aut Cicero ? aut eos praestantissimos oratores alia re quam scriptis cognoscimus ? Melius egerunt igitur an peius ? Nam si peius, sic potius oportuit dici, ut scripse- runt; si melius, sic potius oportuit scribi, ut 55 dixerunt. Quid ergo ? Semper sic aget orator, ut scribet ? Si licebit, semper. Quodsi impedi- ant brevitate tempora a iudice data, multum ex eo, quod oportuit dici, recidetur; editio habebit omnia. Quae tamen secundum naturam iudi- cantium dicta sunt, non ita posteris tradentur, ne 56videantur propositi fuisse, non temporis. Nam id quoque plurimum refert, quomodo audire INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 57-61. 137 index velit, atque eius vultus saepe ipse rector est dicentis, ut Cicero praecipit. Ideoque instanduin iis, quae placere intellexeris, resiliendum. ab iis, quae non recipientur. Sermo ipse, qui facillime iudicem doceat, optandus. Nee id mirum sit, cum etiaiu testium personis aliqua mutentur. Prudenter enim, qui cum interrogasset rusticum 57 testem, an Amphionem. nosset, negante eo, de- traxit aspirationem breviavitque secundam. eius nominis syllabam, et ille eum sic optim.e norat. Huiusmodi casus efficiunt, ut aliquando dicatur aliter quam scribitur, cum dicere, quomodo scri- bendum est, non licet. Altera est divisio, quae in tris partis et ipsa 58 discedit, qua discerni posse etiam recte dicendi genera inter se videntur. Nam que unum sub- tile, quod tcrxvoi/ vocant, alterum grande atque robustum, quod aSpov dicunt, constituunt, ter- tium alii medium ex duobus, alii floridum (namque id dvOrjpbv appellant) addiderunt. Quo- 59 rum tamen ea fere ratio est, ut primum docendi, secundum movendi, tertium illud, utrocumque est nomine, delectandi sive, ut alii dicunt, con- ciliandi praestare videatur officium ; in docendo autem acumen, in conciliando lenitas, in movendo vis exigi videatur. Itaque illo subtili praecipue ratio narrandi probandique consistet, sed saepe id etiam detractis ceteris virtutibus suo genere ple- num. Medius hie modus et translationibus ere- 60 brior et figuris erit iucundior, egressionibus amoenus, compositione aptus, sententiis dulcis, lenior tamen ut amnis lucidus quidem, sed vi- rentibus utrimque ripis inumbratus. At ille, 61 138 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 62-65. qni saxa devolvat et pontem indignetur et ripas sibi faciat, multus et torrens iudicem vel nitentem contra feret cogetque ire, qua rapiet. Hie orator et defunctos excitabit, ut Appium CaecTini, apud hunc et patria ipsa exclamabit, aliquandoque, ut Ciceronem in oratione contra 62 Catilinani in senatu, alloquetur. Hie et ampli- ficationibus extollet orationem, et in superlatio- nem quoque erigetur : quae Charybdis tarn vorax? et Oceanus medius fidius ipse; nota sunt enim iam studiosis haec lumina. Hie deos ipsos in congressum prope suum sermonem- que deducet : vos enim Albani tumuli at- que luci; vos, inquam, Albanorum obru- tae arae, sacrorum populi Romani sociae et aequales. Hie iram, liic misericordiam in- spirabit ; hoc dicente index deos appellabit et flebit et per omnes adfectus tractatus buc atque 63illuc sequetur nee doceri desiderabit. Quare si ex tribus his generibus necessario sit eligendum unum, quis dubitet hoc praeferre omnibus, et validissimum alioqui et maximis quibusque cau- 64 sis accommodatissimum ? Nam et Homerus bre- vem quidem cum iucunditate et propriam (id enim est n o n d e e r r a r e verbis) et carentem supervacuis eloquentiam Menelao dedit, quae sunt virtutes generis illius primi ; et ex ore Nes- toris dixit dulciorem melle profluere ser- mon em, qua certe delectatione nihil fingi mains potest ; sed summam expressurus in Ulixe facun- diam, et magnitudinem illi vocis et vim orationis nivibus hibernis et copia verborum atque impetu 35 parem tribuit. Cum hoc igitur nemomorta- INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 66-70. 139 Hum contendet; liunc ut deuni homines in- tuebuntur. Hanc vim. et celeritatem in Pericle miratur Eupolis, hanc fulminibus Aristophanes comparat, haec est vere dicendi facultas. Sed neque his tribus quasi f ormis inclusa elo- 66 quentia est. Nam ut inter gracile validumque tertium aliquid constitutum est, ita horum inter se intervalla sunt, atque inter haec ipsa mixtum quiddam ex duobus medium est eorum. Nam et 67 subtili plenius aliquid atque subtilius et vehe- menti remissius atque vehementius invenitur, ut illud lene aut ascendit ad f ortiora aut ad tenuiora summittitur. Ac sic prope innumerabiles species reperiuntur, quae utique aliquo momento inter se differant, sicut quattuor ventos generaliter a toti- dem mundi cardinibus accepimus flare, cum inte- rim plurimi medii et eorum varia nomina, et qui- dam etiam regionum ac fluminum proprii, depre- henduntur. Eademque musicis ratio est, qui, cum 68 in cithara quinque constituerunt sonos, plurima deinde varietate complent spatia ilia nervorum, atque his, quos interposuerunt, inserunt alios, ut pauci illi transitus multos gradus habeant. Plures igitur etiam eloquentiae facies, sed 69 stultissimum quaerere, ad quam se recturus sit orator, cum omnis species, quae modo recta est, habeat usum, atque id ipsum non sit oratoris, quod vulgo genus dicendi vocant. Utetur enim, ut res exiget, omnibus, nee pro causa modo, sed pro partibus causae. Nam ut non eodem70 modo pro reo capitis et in certamine hereditatis et de interdictis ac sponsionibus et de certa credita dicet, sententiarum quoque in senatu et contio- 140 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 71-75. num et privatorum consiliorum servabit discrimi- na, multa ex differentia personarum, locorum temporumque mutabit : ita in eadem oratione ali- ter concitabit, aliter conciliabit, non ex isdem haustibus iram et misericordiam petet, alias ad docendum, alias ad movendnm adhibebit artis. 71 Non unns color prooemii^ narrationis, argumen- torum, egressionis, perorationis servabitur. Di- cet idem graviter, severe, acriter, vebementer, concitate, copiose, amare, comiter, remisse, sub- tiliter, blande, leniter, dulciter, breviter, urbane ; 72 non ubique similis, sed ubique par sibi. Sic fiet cum id, propter quod maxime repertus est usus orationis, ut dicat utiliter, et ad efficiendum, quod intendit, potenter, turn laudem quoque, nee doctorum modo, sed etiam vulgi consequatur. 73 Falluntur enim plurimum, qui vitiosum et corruptum dicendi genus, quod aut verborum licentia exultat aut puerilibus sententiolis lasci- vit aut immodico tumore turgescit aut inanibus locis baccliatur aut casuris, si leviter excutiantur, flosculis nitet aut praecipitia pro sublimibus ha- bet aut specie libertatis insanit, magis existimant 74 populare atque plausibile. Quod quidem placere multis nee infitior nee miror; est enim iucunda auribus ac favorabilis qualiscumque eloquentia et ducit animos naturali voluptate vox omnis, neque aliunde illi per f ora atque aggerem circuli ; quo minus mirum est, quod nulli non agentium 75 parata vulgi corona est. Ubi vero quid exquisi- tius dictum accidit auribus imperitorum, quale- cumque id est quod modo se ipsi posse despe- rent, babet admirationem, neque immerito ; nam INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 76-80. 141 ne illiid qiiidem facile est. Sed evanescnnt liaec atque emoriuntur comparatione meliorum, ut lana tincta f uco citra purpuras placet ; at s i c o n- tuleris Tyriae earn lacernae, conspectu melioris obruatur, ut O vidius ait. Si vero 76 iudiciuin his corruptis acrius adliibeas ut fucinis sulphura, iam ilium, quo fefellerant, exuant men- titum color em et quadam vix enarrabili foeditate pallescant. Lucent igitur liaec citra solem, ut quaedam exigua animalia igniculi videntur in tenebris. Denique mala multi probant, nemo im- probat bona. Neque vero omnia ista, de quibus locuti su- 77 mus, orator optime tantum, sed etiam facillime faciet. Neque enim vim summam dicendi et os admiratione dignum infelix usque ad ultimum sollicitudo persequitur nee oratorem macerat et coquit aegre verba vertentem et perpendendis coagmentandisque eis intabescentem. Mtidus 78 ille et sublimis et locuples circumfluentibus undi- que eloquentiae copiis imperat ; desinit enim in ad versa niti, qui pervenit in summum. Scan- denti circa ima labor est ; ceterum quantum pro- cesseris, mollior clivus ac laetius solum. Et si 79 haec quoque iam lenius supina perseverantibus studiis evaseris, inde fructus inlaborati offerunt sese et omnia sponte proveniunt ; quae tamen cotidie nisi decerpantur, arescunt. Sed et copia babeat modum, sine quo nihil nee laudabile nee salutare est, et nitor ille cultum virilem et inven- tio indicium. Sic erunt magna, non nimia ; sub- 80 limia, non abrupta ; f ortia, non temeraria ; seve- ra^ non tristia ; gravia, non tarda j laeta^ non 142 INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 1-4. luxTiriosa ; iucunda, non dissoluta; grandia, non tumida. Similis in ceteris ratio est ac tutissima fere per medium via, quia utriusque ultimum vitium est. CAPUT XI. QUAE POST FINEM STUDIA. XI. His dicendi virtutibus usus orator in in- diciis, consiliis, contionibus, senatu, in omni deni- que officio boni civis finem quoque dignum et Optimo viro et opere sanctissimo f aciet ; non quia prodesse umqu^m satis sit et ilia mente atque ilia facultate praedito non optandum operis pulcber- rimi quam longissimum tempus, sed quia decet lioc quoque prospicere, ne quid peius, quam fece- 2rit, faciat. I^eque enim scientia modo constat orator, quae augetur annis, sed voce, latere, firmi- tate; quibus fractis aut imminutis aetate seu valetudine cavendum est, ne quid in oratore sum- mo desideretur, ne intersistat fatigatus, ne quae dicet parum audiri sentiat, ne se quaerat priorem. 3Vidi ego longe omnium, quos mihi cognoscere contigit, summum oratorem, Domitium Afrum valde senem, cotidie aliquid ex ea, quam merue- rat, auctoritate perdentem, cum agente illo, quem principem fuisse quondam fori non erat dubium, alii, quod indignum videatur, riderent, alii eru- bescerent ; quae occasio f uit dicendi, malle eum 4deficere quam desinere. Neque erant ilia qualia- cumque mala, sed minora. Quare antequam in INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 5-9. 143 has aetatis veniat insidias, receptui canet et in portum Integra nave perveniet. Neque enim minores eum^ cum id fecerit, stu- diorum fructus prosequentur. Aut ille monu- menta rerum posteris aut^ ut L. Crassus in libris Ciceronis destinat, iiira quaerentibus reddet aut eloquentiae componet artem aut pulclier- rimis vitae praeceptis dignum os dabit. Fre-5 quentabunt vero eius domum optimi iuvenes more veterum et vere dicendi viam velut ex ora- culo petent. Hos ille formabit quasi eloquentiae parens, et ut vetus gubernator litora et portus et, quae tempestatum signa, quid secundis flatibus, quid adversis ratio poscat, docebit, non bumani- tatis solum communi ductus officio, sed amore quodam operis ; nemo enim minui velit id, in quo 6 maximus fuit. Quid porro est lionestius quam docere quod optime scias ? Sic ad se Caelium deductum a patre Cicero profitetur, sic Pansam, Hirtium, Dolabellam in morem praeceptoris ex- ercuit cotidie dicens audiensque. Ac nescio an 7 eum tum beatissimum credi oporteat fore, cum iam secretus et consecratus, liber invidia, procul contentionibus famam in tuto collocarit et senti- et vivus eam, quae post fata praestari magis so- let, venerationem et, quid apud posteros futurus sit, videbit. Conscius sum mibi, quantum mediocritate 8 valui, quaeque antea scierim, quaeque operis huiusce gratia potuerim inquirere, candide me atque simpliciter in notitiam eorum, si qui forte cognoscere voluissent, protulisse. Atque id viro bono satis est, docuisse quod sciret. Vereor9 144 INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 10-13. tamen, ne aut magna nimium videar exigere, qui eundem virum bonum esse et dicendi peritum velim aut multa, qui tot artibus in pueritia dis- cendis morum quoque praecepta et scientiam iuris civilis praeter ea, quae de eloquentia trade- ban tur, adiecerim, quique baec operi nostro ne- cessaria esse crediderint, velut nioram rei perbor- lOrescant et desperent ante experimentum. Qui primum renuntient sibi, quanta sit buniani in- genii vis, quam potens efficiendi quae velit, cum maria transire, siderum cursus numerosque cog- noscere, mundum ipsum paene dimetiri minores, sed difficiliores artes potuerint. Tum cogitent, quantam rem petant, quamque nullus sit, boc 11 proposito praeinio, labor recusandus. Quod si mente conceperint, buic quoque parti facilius ac- cedent, ut ipsum iter neque impervium neque sal- tern durum putent. Nam id, quod prius quodque mains est, ut boni viri simus, voluntate maxime constat ; quam qui vera fide induerit, facile eas- 12dem, quae virtu tem docent, artis accipiet. Ne- que enim aut tam perplexa, aut tam numerosa sunt quae praecipiuntur, ut non paucorum admo- dum annorum intentione discantur. Longam enim facit operam, quod repugnamus : brevis est institutio vitae bonestae beataeque, si cedas na- turae. Natura enim nos ad mentem optimam genuit, adeoque discere meliora volentibus promp- tum est, ut vere intuenti mirum sit illud magis, ISmalos esse tam multos. Nam ut aqua piscibus, ut sicca terrenis, circumfusus nobis spiritus volu- cribus convenit, ita certe facilius esse oportebat secundum naturam quam contra earn vivere. INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 20-24. 129 neque torrentibus turbidis, sed lenibus stagnis gimiles habentur. Nemo igitur dubitaverit, longe esse optimnin 20 genus Atticorum. In quo ut est aliquid inter ipsos commune, id est indicium acre tersumque, ita ingeniorum plurimae formae. Quapropter21 mibi f alii multum videntur, qui solos esse Atticos credunt tenuis et lucidos et significantis, sed qua- dam eloquentiae frugalitate contentos ac semper manum intra pallium continentis. Nam quis erit hie Atticus ? Sit Lysias ; bunc enim amplectun- tur amatores istius nominis modum. Non igitur iam usque ad Coccum et Andocidem remittemur ? Interrogare tamen velim, an Isocrates Attice dixerit ; nihil enim tam est Lysiae diversum. 22 Negabunt; at eius schola principes oratorum dedit. Quaeratur similius aliquid. Hyperides At- ticus ? Certe, at plus indulsit voluptati. Trans- eo plurimos, Lycurgum, Aristogitona et his pri- ores Isaeum, Antiphonta ; quos, ut homines inter se genere similes, differentis dixeris specie. Quid ille, cuius modo fecimus mentionem,23 Aeschines ? nonne his latior et audentior et ex- celsior ? Quid denique Demosthenes ? non cunc- tos illos tenues et circumspectos vi, sublimitate, impetu, cultu, compositione superavit ? non in- surgit locis ? non figuris gaudet ? non transla- tionibus nitet ? non oratione ficta dat tacentibus Yocem ? non illud iusiurandum per caesos in 24 Marathone ac Salamine propugnatores rei pub- licae satis manifesto docet, praeceptorem eius Platonem fuisse ? quem ipsum num Asianum appellabimus plerumque instinctis divino spiritu 130 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 25-28. vatibus comparandum ? Quid Periclea ? sirai- lemne credimus Lysiacae gracilitati, queni ful- minibus et caelesti fragori comparant comici, 25 dum illi conviciantur ? Quid est igitur, cur in iis demum, qui tenui venula per calculos fluunt, Atticum saporem putent ? ibi demum thymum redolere dicant ? Quos ego existimo, si quod in his finibus uberius invenerint solum f ertilioremve segetem, negaturos Atticam esse, quod plus, quam acceperit, seminis reddat; quia banc eius terrae 26 fidem Menander eludit. Ita nunc, si quis ad eas Demosthenis virtutes, quas ille summus orator babuit, tamen quae defuisse ei sive ipsius natura seu lege civitatis videntur, adiecerit, ut adfectus concitatius moveat, audiam dicentem, ' non fecit boc Demostbenes V et si quid numeris exierit aptius (fortasse non possit, sed tamen si quid exierit) non erit Atticum ? Melius de boc nomi- ne sentiant credantque, Attice dicere esse optime dicere. 27 Atque in bac tamen opinione perseverantis Graecos magis tulerim. Latina mibi facundia, ut inventione, dispositione, consilio, ceteris buius generis artibus similis Graecae ac prorsus dis- cipula eius videtur, ita circa rationem eloquendi vix babere imitationis locum. Namque est ipsis statim sonis durior, quando et iucundissimas ex Graecis litteras non babemus, vocalem alteram, alteram consonantem, quibus nullae apud eos dulcius spirant ; quas mutuari solemus, quotiens 28 illorum nominibus utimur ; quod cum contingit, nescio quomodo bilarior protinus renidet oratio, ut in ' Epbyris ' et ' Zepbyris ' ; quae si nostris INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 29-33. 131 litteris scribantur, surdum quiddam et barbarum efficient, et velut in locum earum succedunt tris- tes et horridae, quibus Graecia caret. Nam et29 ilia, quae est sexta nostrarum, paene non humana voce vel omnino non voce potius inter discrimina dentium efflanda est ; quae, etiam cum vocalem proxima accipit, quassa quodammodo, utique quotiens aliquam consonantium frangit, ut in boc ipso * frangit,' multo lit borridior. Aeolicae quoque litterae, qua ''servum cervumque' dici- mus, etiamsi forma a nobis repudiata est, vis tamen nos ipsa persequitur. Duras et ilia sylla- 30 bas facit, quae ad coniungendas demum subiectas sibi vocales est utilis, alias supervacua, ut ' equos ' bac et ' aequum ' scribimus ; cum etiam ipsae hae vocales duae efficiant sonum, qualis apud Graecos nullus est, ideoque scribi illorum litteris non potest. Quid ? quod pleraque nos 31 ilia quasi mugiente m littera cludimus, in quam nullum Graece verbum cadit : at illi ny iucun- dam et in fine praecipue quasi tinnientem illius loco ponunt, quae est apud nos rarissima in clau- sulis. Quid ? quod syllabae nostrae in b litteram 32 et d innituntur adeo aspere, ut plerique non anti- quissimorum quidem, sed tamen veterum mollire temptaverint non solum ^ a versa ' pro ' abversis ' dicendo, sed et in praepositione b litterae abso- nam et ipsam s subiciendo. Sed accentus quo- 33 que, cum rigore quodam, tum similitudine ipsa, minus suaves habemus, quia ultima syllaba neo acuta umquam excitatur nee flexa circumducitur, sed in gravem vel duas graves cadit semper. Itaque tanto est sermo Graecus Latino iucundior. 132 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 'S4r-'6ii. Tit nostri poetae, quotiens dulce carmen esse volu- 34erunt, illorum id nominibus exornent. His ilia potentiora, quod res plurimae carent appellationi- bus, ut eas necesse sit transf erre aut circuniire ; etiam in iis, quae denominata sunt, summa pau- pertas in eadem nos f requentissime revolvit ; at illis non verborum modo, sed linguarum etiam inter se differentium copia est. 35 Quare qui a Latinis exiget illam gratiam ser- monis Attici, det milii in eloquendo eandem iu- cunditatem et parem copiam. Quod si negatum est, sententias aptabimus iis vocibus, quas habe- mus, nee rerum nimiam tenuitatem, ut non di- cam pinguioribus, fortioribus certe verbis misce- bimus, ne virtus utraque pereat ipsa confusione ; 36 nam quo minus adiuvat sermo, rerum inventione pugnandum est. Sensus sublimes variique eruan- tur ; permovendi omnes adfectus erunt, oratio translationum nitore illuminanda. Non possu- mus esse tam graciles : simus fortiores. Subtili- tate vincimur: valeamus pondere. Proprietas 37 penes illos est certior : copia vincamus. Ingenia Graecorum, etiam minora, suos portus babent: nos plerumque maioribus velis moveamur, validi- or spiritus nostros sinus tendat ; non tamen alto semper feremur, nam et litora interim sequenda sunt. Illis facilis per quaelibet vada accessus: ego aliquid, non multo tamen, altius, in quo mea 38 cymba non sidat, inveniam. Neque enim, si tenu- iora baec ac pressiora Graeci melius, in eoque vincimur solo et ideo in comoediis non contendi- mus, prorsus tamen omittenda pars baec oratio- nis, sed exigenda ut optime possumus ; possumus INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 39-43. 133 autem rerum et modo et iudicio esse similes; verborum gratia, quam in ipsis non habemus, extrinsecus condienda est. An non in privatis et 39 acutus et indistinctus et non supra modum elatus M. TuUius ? non in M. Calidio insignis haec virtus ? non Scipio. Laelius, Cato in eloquendo velut Attici Romanorum fuerunt ? Cui porro non satis est, quo niMl esse melius potest ? Ad hoc quidam nuUam esse naturalem putant 40 eloquentiam, nisi quae sit cotidiano sermoni simillima, quo cum amicis, coniugibus, liberis, servis loquamur, contento promere animi volun- tatem nihilque arcessiti et elaborati requirente ; quidquid hue sit adjectum, id esse adfectationis et ambitiosae in loquendo iactantiae, remotum a veritate fictumque ipsorum gratia verborum, quibus solum natura sit officium attributum, ser- vire sensibus: sicut athletarum corpora, etiamsi41 validiora fiant exercitatione et lege quadam cibo- rum, non tamen esse naturalia atque ab ilia specie, quae sit concessa bominibus, abborrere. Quid enim, inquiunt, attinet circuitu res osten- dere et translationibus, id est aut pluribus aut alienis verbis, cum sua cuique sint adsignata nomina ? Denique antiquissimum quemque max- 42 ime secundum naturam dixisse contendunt ; mox poetis similiores extitisse, etiamsi parcius, simili tamen ratione, falsa et impropria virtutes ducen- tis. Qua in disputatione nonniliil veri est, ideo- que non tam procul, quam fit a quibusdam, rece- dendum a propriis atque communibus. Si quis43 tamen, ut in loco dixi compositionis, ad necessa- fia, quibus niliil minus est, aliquid melius adiece- 134 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 44-47. rit, non erit hac calumnia reprehendendus. Nam mihi aliam quandam videtur habere naturam sermo vulgaris, aliam viri eloquentis oratio ; cui si res m.odo indicare satis esset, nihil ultra verbo- rum proprietatem elaboraret; sed cum debeat delectare, movere, in plurimas animum audientis species impellere, utetur his quoque adiutoriis, 44 quae sunt ab eadem nobis concessa natura ; nam et lacertos exercitatione constringere et augere vires et colorem trahere, naturale est. Ideoque in omnibus gentibus alius alio facundior habetur et eloquendo dulcis magis. Quod si non eveniret, omnes pares essent ; at idem homines aliter de re alia loquuntur et servant personarum discrimina. Ita, quo quisque plus efficit dicendo, hoc magis 45 secundum naturam eloquentiae dicit. Quaprop- ter ne illis quidem nimium repugno, qui dandum putant nonnihil etiam temporibus atque auribus, nitidius aliquid atque effectius postulantibus. Itaque non solum ad priores Catone Gracchisque, sed ne ad hos quidem ipsos oratorem alligandum puto. Atque id f ecisse M. Tullium video, ut cum plurimum utilitati, tum partem quandam delecta- tioni daret ; cum et suam se rem agere diceret, 46ageret autem maxime litigatoris; nam hoc ipso proderat, quod placebat. Ad cuius voluptates nihil equidem quod addi possit invenio, nisi ut sensus nos quidem dicamus pluris ; neque enim non fieri potest, salva tractatione causae et di- cendi auctoritate, si non crebra haec lumina et 47continua fuerint et invicem offecerint. Sed me hactenus cedentem nemo insequatur ultra ; do tempori, ne hirta toga sit, non ut serica, ne inton- INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 48-51. 135 sum caput, non ut in gradns atque anulos comp- tum ; cum eo quod, si non ad luxuriam ac libidi- nem referas, eadem speciosiora quoque sint, quae honestiora. Ceterum hoc, quod vulgo sen ten- 48 tias vocamus, quod veteribus praecipueque Graecis in usu non fuit, (apud Ciceronem enim invenio) dum rem contineant et copia non redun- dent et ad victoriam spectent, quis utile neget ? Feriunt animum et uno ictu frequenter impellunt et ipsa brevitate magis haerent et delectations persuadent. At sunt qui baec excitatiora lumina, etiamsi49 dicere permittant, a componendis tamen orationi- bus excludenda arbitrentur. Quocirca mihi ne bic quidem locus intactus est omittendus ; nam plurimi eruditorum aliam esse dicendi rationem, aliam scribendi putaverunt, ideoque in agendo clarissimos quosdam nihil posteritati mansuris- que mox litteris reliquisse, ut Periclem, ut Dema- den ; rursus alios ad componendum optimos, ac- tionibus idoneos non f uisse, ut Isocraten ; prae- 50 terea in agendo plus impetum valere plerumque et petitas vel paulo licentius voluptates ; commo- vendos enim esse ducendosque animos imperito- rum ; at quod libris dedicatum in exemplum edatur, id tersum ac limatum et ad legem ac regu- 1am compositum esse oportere, quia veniat in manus doctorum et indices artis habeat artifices. Quin illi subtiles, ut sibimet ac multis persuase- 51 runt, magistri TrapdSeLy/jia dicendo, ivOviir^jxa scri- bendo esse aptius, tradiderunt. Mihi unum at- que idem videtur bene dicere ac bene scribere, neque aliud esse oratio scripta quam monumen- 136 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 53-56. turn actionis habitae. Itaque nullas non, ut opinor, debet habere virtntes, virtutes dico, non vitia. Nam imperitis placere aliquando quae 52 vitiosa sint, scio ; quo different igitur ? Quodsi mihi des consiliura iudicura sapientium, perquara multa recidam ex orationibus non Ciceronis modo, sed etiam eius, qui est strictior multo, Demosthenis. Neque enim adfectus omnino mo- vendi erunt, nee aures delectatione mulcendae, cum etiam prooemia supervacua esse apud talis Aristoteles existimet; non enim trahentur his illi sapientes; proprie et significanter rem indi- 53 care, probationes colligere, satis est. Cum vero index detur aut populus aut ex populo, laturique sint sententiam indocti saepius atque interim rustici, omnia, quae ad obtinendum, quod intend- imus, prodesse credemus, adhibenda sunt ; eaque et cum dicimus promenda et cum scribimus os- tendenda sunt, si modo ideo scribimus, ut docea- 54mus quomodo dici oporteat. An Demosthenes male sic egisset, ut scripsit, aut Cicero ? aut eos praestantissimos oratores alia re quam scriptis cognoscimus ? Melius egerunt igitur an peius ? Nam si peius, sic potius oportuit dici, ut scripse- runt; si melius, sic potius oportuit scribi, ut 55 dixerunt. Quid ergo ? Semper sic aget orator, ut scribet ? Si licebit, semper. Quodsi impedi- ant brevitate tempora a iudice data, multum ex eo, quod oportuit dici, recidetur; editio habebit omnia. Quae tamen secundum naturam iudi- cantium dicta sunt, non ita posteris tradentur, ne 56videantur propositi fuisse, non temporis. Nam id quoque plurimum refert, quomodo audire INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 57-61. 137 index velit, atque eius vultns saepe ipse rector est dicentis, lit Cicero praecipit. Ideoque instaudum iis, quae placere intellexeris, resiliendum ab iis, quae non recipientur. Sermo ipse, qui facillime indicem doceat, optandus. Nee id mirum sit, cum etiam testium personis aliqua mutentur. Prudenter enim, qui cum interrogasset rusticum 57 testem, an Ampliionem. nosset, negante eo, de- traxit aspirationem. breviavitque secundam eius nominis syllabam, et ille eum. sic optime norat. Huiusmodi casus efficiunt, ut aliquando dicatur aliter quam scribitur, cum dicere, quomodo scri- bendum est, non licet. Altera est divisio, quae in tris partis et ipsa 58 discedit, qua discerni posse etiam recte dicendi genera inter se videntur. Namque unum sub- tile, quod la-xyov vocant, alterum g r a n d e atque robustum, quod aSpbv dicunt, constituunt, ter- tium alii medium ex duobus, alii floridum (namque id avOrjpov appellant) addiderunt. Quo- 59 rum tamen ea fere ratio est, ut primum docendi, secundum movendi, tertium illud, utrocumque est nomine, delectandi sive, ut alii dicunt, con- ciliandi praestare videatur officium; in docendo autem acumen, in conciliando lenitas, in movendo vis exigi videatur. Itaque illo subtili praecipue ratio narrandi probandique consistet, sed saepe id etiam detractis ceteris virtutibus suo genere ple- num. Medius hie modus et translationibus ere- 60 brior et figuris erit iucundior, egressionibus amoenus, compositione aptus, sententiis dulcis, lenior tamen ut amnis lucidus quidem, sed vi- rentibus utrimque ripis inumbratus. At ille, 61 138 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 6^65. qui saxa devolvat et pontem indigneturet ripas sibi faciat, multus et torrens mdicem vel nitentem. contra feret cogetque ire, qua rapiet. Hie orator et defunctos excitabit, ut Appium Caecum, apud hunc et patria ipsa exclamabit, aliquandoque, ut Ciceronem in oratione contra esCatilinam in senatu, alloquetur. Hie et ampli- ficationibus extoUet orationem, et in superlatio- nem quoque erigetur : quae Cbarybdis tarn vorax? et Oceanus medius fidius ipse; nota sunt enim iani studiosis baec lumina. Hie deos ipsos in congressum prope suum sermonem- que deducet: vos enim Albani tumuli at- que luci; vos, inquam, Albanorum obru- taearae, sacrorumpopuli Romani sociae et aequales. Hie iram, liic misericordiam in- spirabit ; hoc dicente index deos appellabit et flebit et per omnes adfectus tractatus hue atque 63illuc sequetur nee doceri desiderabit. Quare si ex tribus his generibus necessario sit eligendum unum, quis dubitet hoc praeferre omnibus, et validissimum alioqui et maximis quibusque cau- 64 sis accommodatissimum ? Nam et Homerus bre- vem quidem cum iucunditate et propriam (id enim est n o n d e e r r a r e verbis) et carentem supervacuis eloquentiam Menelao dedit, quae sunt virtutes generis illius primi ; et ex ore Nes- toris dixit dulciorem melle profluere ser- mon em, qua certe delectatione nihil fingi mains potest ; sed summam expressurus in Ulixe f acun- diam, et magnitudinem illi vocis et vim orationis nivibus hibernis et copia verborum atque impetu 05 parem tribuit. Cum hoc igitur nemomorta- INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 66-70. 139 Hum contendet; hunc ut deum homines in- tuebuntur. Hanc vim. et celeritatem. in Pericle miratur Eupolis, hanc fulminibus Aristophanes comparat, haec est vere dicendi facultas. Sed neque his tribus quasi f ormis inclusa elo- 66 quentia est. Nam ut inter gracile validumque tertium aliquid constitutum est, ita horum inter se intervalla sunt, atque inter haec ipsa mixtum quiddam ex duobus medium est eorum. Nam et 67 subtili plenius aliquid atque subtilius et vehe- menti remissius atque vehementius invenitur, ut illud lene aut ascendit ad f ortiora aut ad tenuiora summittitur. Ac sic prope innumerabiles species reperiuntur, quae utique aliquo momento inter se differant, sicut quattuor ventos generaliter a toti- dem mundi cardinibus accepimus flare, cum inte- rim plurimi medii et eorum varia nomina, et qui- dam etiam regionum ac fluminum proprii, depre- henduntur. Eademque musicis ratio est, qui, cum 68 in cithara quinque constituerunt sonos, plurima deinde varietate complent spatia ilia nervorum, atque his, quos interposuerunt, inserunt alios, ut pauci illi transitus multos gradus habeant. Plures igitur etiam eloquentiae facies, sed 69 stultissimiim quaerere, ad quam se recturus sit orator, cum omnis species, quae modo recta est, habeat usum, atque id ipsum non sit oratoris, quod vulgo genus dicendi vocant. Utetur enim, ut res exiget, omnibus, nee pro causa modo, sed pro partibus causae. Nam ut non eodem70 modo pro reo capitis et in certamine hereditatis et de interdictis ac sponsionibus et de certa credita dicet, sententiarum quoque in senatu et contio- 140 INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 71-75. num et privatorum consiliorum servabit discrimi- na, multa ex differentia personarum, locorum temporumque mutabit : ita in eadem oratione ali- ter concitabit, aliter conciliabit, non ex isdem haustibus iram et misericordiam petet, alias ad docendum, alias ad movendum adhibebit artis. 71 Non unus color prooemii, narrationis, argumen- torum, egressionis, perorationis servabitur. Di- cet idem graviter, severe, acriter, vebementer, concitate, copiose, amare, comiter, remisse, sub- tiliter, blande, leniter, dulciter, breviter, urbane ; 72 non ubique similis, sed nbique par sibi. Sic fiet cum id, propter quod maxime repertus est usus orationis, ut dicat utiliter, et ad efficiendum, quod intendit, potenter, tum laudem quoque, nee doctorum modo, sed etiam vulgi consequatur. 73 Falluntur enim plurimum, qui vitiosum et corruptum dicendi genus, quod aut verborum licentia exultat aut puerilibus sententiolis lasci- vit aut immodico tumore turgescit aut inanibus locis bacchatur aut casuris, si leviter excutiantur, flosculis nitet aut praecipitia pro sublimibus ha- bet aut specie libertatis insanit, magis existimant 74 populare atque plausibile. Quod quidem placere multis nee infitior nee miror ; est enim iucunda auribus ac favorabilis qualiscumque eloquentia et ducit animos naturali voluptate vox omnis, neque aliunde illi per f ora atque aggerem circuli ; quo minus mirum est, quod nulli non agentium 75 parata vulgi corona est. Ubi vero quid exquisi- tius dictum accidit auribus imperitorum, quale- cumque id est quod modo se ipsi posse despe- rent, habet admirationem, neque immerito ; nam INST. ORATOR. XII, 10, 76-80. 141 ne illud quidem facile est. Sed evanescunt haec atqiie emoriuntiir comparatione meliorum, ut lana tincta fuco citra purpuras placet; at si con- tuleris Tyriae earn lacernae, conspectu melioris obruatur, ut Ovidius ait. Si vero76 iudicium his corruptis acrius adhibeas ut fucinis sulphura, iam ilium, quo fefellerant, exuant men- titum color em et quadam vix enarrabili foeditate pallescant. Lucent igitur baec citra solem, ut quaedam exigua animalia igniculi videntur in tenebris. Denique mala multi probant, nemo im- probat bona. Neque vero omnia ista, de quibus locuti su- 77 mus, orator optime tantum, sed etiam facillime faciet. Neque enim vim summam dicendi et os admiratione dignum infelix usque ad ultimum sollicitudo persequitur nee oratorem macerat et coquit aegre verba vertentem et perpendendis coagmentandisque eis intabescentem. Nitidus 78 ille et sublimis et locuples circumfluentibus undi- que eloquentiae copiis imperat ; desinit enim in adversa niti, qui pervenit in summum. Scan- denti circa ima labor est ; ceterum quantum pro- cesseris, mollior clivus ac laetius solum. Et si 79 haec quoque iam lenius supina perseverantibus studiis evaseris, inde fructus inlaborati offerunt sese et omnia sponte proveniunt ; quae tamen cotidie nisi decerpantur, arescunt. Sed et copia babeat modum, sine quo nihil nee laudabile nee salutare est, et nitor ille cultum virilem et inven- tio iudicium. Sic erunt magna, non nimia ; sub- 80 limia, non abrupta ; f ortia, non temeraria ; seve- ra, non tristia ; gravia, non tarda ; laeta, non 142 INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 1-4. luxuriosa; iucunda, non dissoluta; grandia, non tumida. Similis in ceteris ratio est ac tutissima fere per medium via, quia utriusque ultimum vitium est. CAPUT XI. QUAE POST FINEM STUDIA. XI. His dicendi virtutibus usus orator in iu- diciis, consiliis, contionibus, senatu, in omni deni- que officio boni civis finem quoque dignum et Optimo viro et opere sanctissimo f aciet ; non quia prodesse umquam satis sit et ilia mente atque ilia facultate praedito non optandum operis pulcber- rimi quam longissimum tempus, sed quia decet hoc quoque prospicere, ne quid peius, quam fece- 2rit, faciat. Neque enim scientia modo constat orator, quae augetur annis, sed voce, latere, firmi- tate; quibus fractis aut imminutis aetate seu valetudine cavendum est, ne quid in oratore sum- mo desideretur, ne intersistat fatigatus, ne quae dicet parum audiri sentiat, ne se quaerat priorem. 3Vidi ego longe omnium, quos miM cognoscere contigit, summum oratorem, Domitium Afrum valde senem, cotidie aliquid ex ea, quam merue- rat, auctoritate perdentem, cum agente illo, quem principem fuisse quondam fori non erat dubium, alii, quod indignum videatur, riderent, alii eru- bescerent ; quae occasio fuit dicendi, malle eum 4deficere quam desinere. Neque erant ilia qualia- cumque mala, sed minora. Quare antequam in INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 5-9. I43 has aetatis veniat insidias, receptui canet et in portum Integra nave perveniet. Neque enim minores eum, cum id fecerit, stn- diorum fructus prosequentur. Aut ille monu- menta rerum posteris aut^ ut L. Crassus in libris Ciceronis destinat, inra quaerentibns reddet aut eloquentiae componet artem aut pulcher- rimis vitae praeceptis dignum os dabit. Fre-5 quentabunt vero eius domum optimi iuvenes more veterum et vere dicendi viam velut ex ora- culo petent. Hos ille formabit quasi eloquentiae parens, et ut vetus gubernator litora et portus et, quae tempestatum signa, quid secundis flatibus, quid adversis ratio poscat, docebit, non humani- tatis solum communi ductus officio, sed amore quodam operis ; nemo enim minui velit id, in quo 6 maximus fuit. Quid porro est lionestius quam docere quod optime scias ? Sic ad se Caelium deductum a patre Cicero profitetur, sic Pansam, Hirtium, Dolabellam in morem praeceptoris ex- ercuit cotidie dicens audiensque. Ac nescio an 7 eum tum beatissimum credi oporteat fore, cum iam secretus et consecratus, liber invidia, procul contentionibus famam in tuto collocarit et senti- et vivus eam, quae post fata praestari magis so- let, venerationem et, quid apud posteros futurus sit, videbit. Conscius sum mibi, quantum mediocritate 8 valui, quaeque antea scierim, quaeque operis buiusce gratia potuerim inquirere, candide me atque simpliciter in notitiam eorum, si qui forte cognoscere voluissent, protulisse. Atque id viro bono satis est, docuisse quod sciret. Vereor9 144: INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 10-13. tamen, ne ant magna nimiuni videar exigere, qui eundem virum bonum esse et dicendi peritnm velim aut multa, qui tot artibus in pueritia dis- cendis morum quoque praecepta et scientiam inris civilis praeter ea, quae de eloquentia trade- bantur, adiecerim, quique baec operi nostro ne- cessaria esse crediderint, velut moram rei perhor- lOrescant et desperent ante experimentum. Qui primum renuntient sibi, quanta sit bumani in- genii vis, quam potens efficiendi quae velit, cum maria transire, siderum cursus numerosque cog- noscere, mundum ipsum paene dimetiri minores, sed difiiciliores artes potuerint. Tum cogitent, quantam rem petant, quamque nullus sit, hoc 11 proposito praemio, labor recusandus. Quod si mente conceperint, huic quoque parti facilius ac- cedent, ut ipsum iter neque impervium neque sal- tem durum putent. Nam id, quod prius quodque mains est, ut boni viri simus, voluntate maxime constat ; quam qui vera fide induerit, facile eas- 12dem, quae virtu tem docent, artis accipiet. Ne- que enim aut tam perplexa, aut tam numerosa sunt quae praecipiuntur, ut non paucorum admo- dum annorum intentione discantur. Longam enim facit operam, quod repugnamus : brevis est institutio vitae bonestae beataeque, si cedas na- turae. Natura enim nos ad mentem optimam genuit, adeoque discere meliora volentibus promp- tum est, ut vere intuenti mirum sit illud magis, ISmalos esse tam multos. Nam ut aqua piscibus, ut sicca terrenis, circumfusus nobis spiritus volu- cribus convenit, ita certe facilius esse oportebat secundum naturam quam contra earn vivere. INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 14-17. 145 Cetera vero, etiamsi aetatem nostram non spa^tio senectutis, sed tempore adulescentiae metiamur, abunde multos ad discendum annos habent ; om- nia enim. breviora reddet ordo et ratio et raodus. Sed culpa est in praeceptoribus prima, qui liben- 14 ter detinent qiios occiipaverunt, partim cupiditate diutius exigendi mercedulas, partim ambitione, quo difficilius videatur esse quod pollicentur, partim etiam inscientia tradendi vel neglegentia. Proxima in nobis, qui morari in eo quod novi- mus, quam discere quae nondum scimus, melius putamus. Nam ut de nostris potissimum studiis 15 dicam, quid attinet tam multis annis, quam in more est plurimorum (ut de bis, a quibus magna in hoc pars aetatis absumitur, taceam) declami- tare in scbola et tantum laboris in rebus falsis consumere, cum satis sit modico tempore iniagi- nem veri discriminis et dicendi leges comperisse ? Quod non dico, quia sit umquam omittenda di- 16 cendi exercitatio, sed quia non in una sit eius specie consenescendum. Res varias cognoscere et praecepta \dvendi perdiscere et in foro nos ex- periri potuimus, dum scbolastici sumus. Dis- cendi ratio talis, ut non multos poscat annos. Quaelibet enim ex iis artibus, quarum babui men- tionem, in paucos libros contraM solet, adeo non est infinito spatio ac traditione opus. Reliqua est exercitatio quae vires cito facit, cum fecit, tuetur. Rerum cognitio cotidie crescit, et tamen quam 17 multorum ad earn, librorum necessaria lectio est, quibus aut rerum exempla ab Mstoricis aut di- cendi ab oratoribus petuntur ? Philosophorum quoque consultorumque opiniones, sicuti alia, ve- 10 146 INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 18-31. limns legere, nee, quod ne fieri quidem potest, omnia. Sed breve nobis tempus nos facimus; 18 qnantnlnm enim stndiis partimnr ? Alias boras vanns salntandi labor, alias datum fabulis otium, alias spectacula, alias convivia trabunt. Adice tot genera ludendi et insanam corporis curam, peregrinationes, rura, calculorum anxiam sollici- tudinem, invitamenta libidinum et vinum et flagrantes omni genere voluptatum animos : ne 19 ea quidem tempora idonea, quae supersunt. Quae si omnia studiis impenderentur, iam nobis longa aetas et abunde satis ad discendum spatii videre- tur vel diurna tantum computantibus tempora; ut nihil noctes, quarum bona pars omni somno longior est, adiuvarent. Nunc computamus an- nos, non quibus studuimus, sed quibus viximus. 20 Nee vero si geometrae et musici et grammatiei ceterarumque artium professores omnem suam vitam, quamlibet longa fuerit, in singulis artibus consumpserunt, sequitur ut pluris quasdam vitas ad plura diseenda desideremus. Neque enim illi didicerunt baee usque in senectutem, sed ea sola didieisse eontenti fuerunt ac tot annos non in percipiendo exhauserunt, sed in praecipiendo. 21 Ceterum, ut de Homero taceam, in quo nullius non artis aut opera perfecta aut eerte non dubia vestigia reperiuntur : ut Eleum Hippiam transe- am, qui non liberalium modo disciplinarum prae se seientiam tulit, sed vestem et anulum erepidas- que, quae omnia manu sua feeerat, in usu babuit, atque ita se praeparavit, ne cuius alterius opere egeret : inlusisse tot malis, quot summa senectus habet, universae Graeeiae eredimus, Gorgiam^ INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 23-26. 147 qui qiiaerere auditores, de quo quisque vellet, iubebat. Quae tandem ars digna litteris Platoni 2k defuit ? Quot saeculis Aristoteles didicit, ut non solum, quae ad philosophos atque oratores perti- nent, scientia complecteretur, sed animalium satorumque naturas omnis perquireret ? Illis haec invenienda fuerunt, nobis cognoscenda sunt. Tot nos praeceptoribus, tot exemplis in- struxit antiquitas, ut possit videri nulla sorte nascendi aetas felicior quam nostra, cui docendae priores elaborarunt. M. igitur Cato idem sum- 23 mus imperator, idem sapiens, idem orator, idem historiae conditor, idem iuris, idem rerum rusti- carum peritissimus fuit ; inter tot operas militiae, tantas domi contentiones, rudi saeculo, litteras Graecas aetate iam declinata didicit, ut esset bominibus documento, ea quoque percipi posse, quae senes concupissent. Quam multa, paene24 omnia tradidit Varro! Quod instrumentum di- cendi M. Tullio defuit ? Quid plura ? cum etiam Cornelius Celsus, mediocri vir ingenio, non solum de his omnibus conscripserit artibus, sed amplius rei militaris et rusticae et medicinae praecepta reliquerit, dignus vel ipso proposito, ut eum scisse omnia ilia credamus. At perficere tantum opus arduum, et nemo 25 perfecit. Ante omnia sufficit ad exhortationem studiorum, capere id rerum naturam, nee, quid- quid non est factum, ne fieri quidem posse ; tum omnia, quae magna sunt atque admirabilia, tem- pus aliquod quo primum eflScerentur babuisse; nam et poesis ab Homero et Vergilio tantum 26 fastigium accepit et eloquentia a Demostbene at- 148 INST. ORATOR. XII. 11, 27-30. que Cicerone, Denique quidquid est optimum, ante non fuerat. Verum etiamsi quis summa desperet, (quod cur faciat, cui ingenium, valetu- do, facultas, praeceptores non deerunt ?) tamen est, ut Cicero ait, pulchrum insecundis terti- 27isque consistere. Neque enim, si quis Achillis gloriam in bellicis consequi non potest, Aiacis aut Diomedis laudem aspernabitur, nee qui Ho- meri non, Tyrtaei. Quin immo si hanc cogi- tationem homines habuissent, ut nemo se melio- rem fore eo, qui optimus fuisset, arbitraretur, hi ipsi, qui sunt optimi, non fuissent, neque post Lucretium ac Macrum Yergilius nee post Cras- sum et Hortensium Cicero, sed nee illi, qui post 28 eos f uerunt. Verum ut transeundi spes non sit ; magna tamen est dignitas subsequendi. An Pollio et Messala, qui iam Cicerone arcem tenente eloquentiae agere coeperunt, parum in vita digni- tatis habuerunt, parum ad posteros gloriae tra- diderunt ? Alioqui pessime de rebus humanis perductae in summum artes mererentur, si, quod 29 optimum, fuisset. Adde quod magnos modica quoque eloquentia parit fructus, ac, si quis haec studia utilitate sola metiatur, paene illi perf ectae par est. Neque erat difficile vel veteribus vel no vis exemplis palam f acere, non aliunde maiores opes, honores, amicitias, laudem praesentem, fu- turam hominibus contigisse : nisi indignum litte- ris esset, ab opere pulcherrimo, cuius tractatus atque ipsa possessio plenissimam studiis gratiam refert, hanc minorem exigere mercedem, more eorum, qui a se non virtutes, sed voluptatem, 30 quae fit ex virtutibus, peti dicunt. Ipsam igitur INST. ORATOR. XII, 11, 31. I49 orandi maiestatem, qua niliil dii immortales me- lius homini dederunt, et qua remota muta sunt omnia et luce praesenti ac memoria posteritatis carent, toto animo petamus nitamurque semper ad optima, quod facientes aut evademus in sum- mum aut certe multos infra nos videbimus. Haec erant, Marcelle Victori, quibus praecepta 31 dicendi pro virili parte adiuvari posse per nos videbantur, quorum cognitio studiosis iuvenibus si non magnam utilitatem adferet, at certe, quod magis petimus, bonam voluntatem. NOTES Grammatical references are made to the Latin grammars of Harkness, Zumpt, and Madvig, designated respectively bj H., Z., and M. Eoman numerals, except in grammatical notes, refer to the books of the Institutions. NOTES INSTITUTIONS OF QUINTILIAlSr. BOOK X. HOW TO ATTAIN READINESS AND POWER IN SPEECH. The Tenth Book treats of the studies and exercises necessary to the actual possession and ready command of the elements of good oratory described in the preceding books. These exercises must supplement theoretical knowledge {cognitid). They are mainly three : reading, icriting, and declamation. But with reading is naturally associated, also, hearing ; and in these two the aim is partly the command of diction (copia verboriim), and partly the imitaticn of good qualities in general. Writing in- volves the consideration of method, emendation, and /orm ; and declamation may be prepared by writing, or premeditation, or may be purely extemporary. Hence, the book is divided into seven chapters : the first on reading, including also hearing, the second on imitation, as an appendix to the first, the third on the manner of writing, i'hQ.lowxth. on emendation, the fifth on the material and form of writing, the sixth on premeditation, and the seventh (last in order, though first in importance) on extem- porary declamation. CHAPTER I. COMMAND OF LANGUAGE OBTAINED FROM READING AND HEARING. 1^. Introductory to the entire book, rather than to the first chapter alone. Which of the three exercises, writing, reading, and speaking, contributes most to read}' command of speech (firma faciUtas), is a question of little practical importance, since all three are indispensable. 154: NOTES. X, 1, 45. Fet, in fact, the practice of speaking is the most important (ante omnia), as being the essential and characteristic thing in oratory, and as origi- nally the only one of the three taught by the rhetoricians in their first attempts at a system or art of rhetoric [hinc initium eius artis fuisse, manifestum est). Afterward, imitation, or reading and hearing, the basis of imitation, and finally writing, were also found necessary as prelimi- nary studies, and were embodied in this art. But the question in entering upon the present book is, the order of treatment ; and this will not be the order of the relative importance of the three ; for, as in all other .L idies, we attain the chief or ultimate object (summa) by starting from suosidi- ary beginnings iprincipia), so here, reading and writing will be first taken up, as the* preliminary conditions of effective speech, and then wiU foUow the discussion of speaking or declamation, as the more immediate preparation for public speaking. Thus the things which are first in order {prima) will in the end become relatively unimportant {minima), and speaking, as the exercise which is permanently essential to success, and can never be remitted,* will take precedence. But it must be remembered {verum, etc.) that the object of the present book is not to teach the principles or theory of rhetoric, already fully dis- cussed in the preceding books, but to point out the exercises by means of which the student can put in practice what he has learned in theory. 1. haec eloquendi praecepta. The reference is especially to the rhetorical or stylistic principles taught in the eighth and ninth books. Corap. vii, 10, 17, at the end. sicut — ita, as also nt — if a, sometimes express the relation of " though — yet." So quemadmodum — sic, 5, 17. cognitioni, here theoretical knowledge, as opposed to vim dicendi, or actual oratorical power. firma facilitas, an Jinhitual readiness or well-grounded habit. The equivalent in xii, 9, 21 is vires facilitatis. 2. indiscreta, inseparable, multo stilo, with much labor of the pen. citra, in the post- Augustan writers, is frequent for sine, fluitabit, ivill he afloat; will be vague, confused; not piloted, as it were (carens rectore) by good examples. Comp. vii, prooem. 3. in procinctu, i7i line of battle, or ready for conflict ; a figure not used by Cicero. If the practice of decla- mation, especially extemporary, is not cultivated, so as to keep the orator always armed and ready for the emergencies of the forum, all that he has gained by the use of the pen and the study of books will be like the useless hoard of a miser (velut clausis ihesauris incubabit). quae dicenda refers to invention ; quo modo, to style or expression (elocufio). * See Chapter VII, § 24. JVOTKS. X, 1, 3-7. 155 3. protinus, at once, immediately, at the very first. That which is most essential and most characteristic (as here, the practice of speaking) is not necessarily taken up first in the order of study, ut — sic, according as — so. ante omnia sometimes indicates order of time and place, and sometimes of rank or im- portance. Here, as in iv, 3, 125, xii, 2, 1, it is to be taken in the latter signification. See introductory note on 1-4. Speaking is the most essential practice for the orator, and the beginning of the science or system of instruction {artem) was the exercise of speaking alone ; but now, since imitation and writing have become parts of this course of training, they are taken up and discussed before that which came before them in the historical development of the art ; while the latter is reserved for the last part of our teaching ; or as the last topic of the present book. imitationem, diligentiam, supply /wme, depending on mani- festum est. 4. athleta, our athlete ; orator noster velut aihleta. nume- ros, elements, parts, or principles ; a usage of numerus derived from the practice in the gymnasium of indicating the various movements and postures of the athlete by numbers. Comp. xii, 2, 12. qui sciet, perceperit. In works of instruction the future is often used in intermediate relative clauses instead of the subjunctive perfect; as 5, 10, 13, 17, etc. 5-15. Only by reading and hearing can the orator acquire an ample supply or equipment of words (copia verborum) ; and while these are learned in their best usage by reading the best writings and by hearing the best orators (optima legendo atque aiidiendo), by this means also the student has access to actual examples of all the rhetorical principles taught in the schools {omnium quae docemus) in the way of theory. 6. causae, cases or causes ; in the legal or technical sense. propria, literal, nota ; so as to be recognized when seen or heard, in promptu — in conspectu, i7i readiness, and, as it were, (always) in view, through the actual and habitual use of them. 7. solitos (esse) ; sc. declamatores, or discipulos. Our au- thor quite frequently leaves these words, and also orator and lector, to be understood, cuiusdam, a certain kind. This pro- noun often implies that the writer is using a word with some 156 NOTES. X, 1, 8-10. peculiar meaning, or that it comes nearest to the expression of his idea. In this usage it may be rendered variously : as it were, so to speak, in some seyise, in some measure, a hind of, something nice, etc. Comp. 76, 81, xii, 10, 17, et al. infelicis operae, of fruitless ivork. congregat, occupat. See above on solitos. sine discrimine. This constitutes the fault. 8. quod ; sc. nomen. 9. nam is elliptical here, as frequently : " and we may go even farther," for. It may be translated indeed, and indeed, nay, more, etc. iamborum ; lampoons or satirical lyrics of a per- sonal character, invented by Archilochus, and thus named be- cause the iambus was the predominant foot. Hor. A. P. 79: Archilochum propria rabies armavit iamho. Examples are found among the epodes of Horace. See §§ 59, 96. in illis, in the use of these {parum verecundis). nostrum opus intueri, to have regard to our own work ; that of the orator alone. lOo ut sciamus, norimus ; dependent on adsequi. See H. 498, ii. formas mensurasque ; forms and measures ; the effect of words, so far as it depends upon their form and their rhythmical elements. The orator, more or less consciously, in the composition of his phrases and sentences hits upon words which not only convey his meaning, but also are most pleasing in sound. But the effect, in respect to sound, depends partly on the shape of the word, that is, on the elemental sounds (rep- resented by letters) of which it is formed (see viii, 3, 16), and partly on the feet and measures which words make in the com- position. The commentators generally take forma here to mean the grammatical forms of inflection ; but at the advanced stage of rhetorical education implied in the teachings of the present book, our author would hardly think of prescribing exercises for learning declensions and conjugations, iussu regum. Herodotus, 2, 2, tells us that such an experiment was made by the Egyptian king Psammetichus. Confirmation, if any were needed, of Quintilian's remark, is afforded in the accounts, given by some of our recent missionaries in India, of young children rescued from the dens of wolves, who had evidently carried them away in infancy. Two such children, recently in the Sundra mission school, are described by the superintendent, Rev. J. Erhardt, in his report of 1873, as being still unable to make NOTES. X, 1, 11-16. 15Y known their wants in any way but " half smothered whines " and " most unearthly sounds." 1 1. sunt autera, etc. The necessity of attention to read- ing and hearing, in order to learn the proper usage of words, is illustrated by several examples, alia, alia, some, other; sc. verba, vocibus ; sounds or forms, as distinguished from verba, here referring more particularly to the sense, significationis, as to the meaning. So vii, 2, 20 : nihil interest actionum. The regular form would be ad significationem. H. 408, iv ; Z. 450. propria, literal, taken in their literal signification. rpoviKus, tropically ; "by a turn," or change of application, quasi is printed in Spalding's text without brackets, on the ground that Quintilian intended to suggest by quasi that this substitution of ferrum for mucro had become too common to be recognized as a trope, feruntur, are adapted; conveyed. 12. nam. See on §> 9. abusionem, catachresis; violent, or bold metaphor. See viii, 2, 5. 13. ex proximo mutuari, to borrow from something analo- gous, intellego, sentio, video, and scio express analogous ideas; are in proximo to each other, quomodo occurrent. Comp, § 7, ad. fin. 14. inter se idem faciunt, reciprocally express the same idea. ostendit= i?idicat, significat. 15. ut — ita. See on § 1. omnium ; all the principles per- taining to a system of rhetoric, hoc is correlated to the follow- ing, quia; for this reason — because, etiam ipsis — artibus, even than (rhetorical) theories themselves (however excellent) V hich are taught in the schools. Artes is not infrequently thus used for rules, precepts, or theories, sine demonstrante, without a guide or teacher, 16-19. The comparative advantages'of hearing and reading. 16. alia — adiuvant, some benefits aid hearers, etc., or some benefits attend hearing, others reading. Alia does not refer to some particular kinds of speeches, but has a cognate meaning with the verb. In the passive form the reading would be : aliter audientes adiuvantur aliter legentes, or, aliter audiendo discipulus adiuvatur aliter legendo. spiritu ipso, by his very spirit, by his living voice, by his living (or personal) presence ; 158 NOTES. X, 1, 17-19. without the cold medium of written symbols ; explained below in vivunt omnia et moveyitur, etc. ambitu ; an outline draw- ing. The written speech is only a silent picture of the real and living speech, iudicii, the trial. It is t\iQ judicial orator that Quintilian has chiefly in mind. 17. actio embraces either the whole idea of "delivery," or, as here, where it is distinguished from vox and projiuntiare, it means simply gesture, or the management of the person. Comp. 7, 9. pronuntiandi ; in the general sense of delivery, taking in both voice and gesture. In iii, 3, 1, and xi, 3, 1, Quintilian observes that actio and pronuntiatio are used indifferently (utraque appellatione uti licet), both alike including voice and gesture, vel potentissima. xi, 3, 6 : Demosthenes, quid esset in toto dicendi opere primum interrogatus, prommtiatiojii pal- mam dedit, eidemque secundum ac tertium locum. Cicero, in quoting the same passage from Demosthenes (Brut. 38), uses actio instead of pronuntiatio. The word " action," often used in expressing the sentiment of Demosthenes in English, is likely to convey a wrong idea, semel, in short, suus cuique favor, his (the auditor's) particular preference for each (or for any 07ie). The relation of favor to its object is expressed by in (Tacit. Hist. 1, 53), by erga (id. Germ. 33) and j^ro (Quint. Inst, iv, 1, 9); the dative here may be referred to H. 393, i ; M. 344, obs. 5. ille clamor. Besides those who were interested for one side or the other, idlers were often brought together {conrogatis) for a fee to applaud the speakers in the courts. See iv, 3, 37. The younger Pliny, in Ep. 3, 14, expresses his disgust at the prac- tice. 18. cum interim, while at the same time, while neverthe- less. 19. gratiam non referant, /ai7 to award due praise, ut actionis im.petus, as {/iJce) the movement of speaking ; which leaves the mind no /ree moment of reflection, but holds its atten- tion hound to the swiftly passing arguments of the orator. Readmg is not necessarily continuous. repetam.us, let us re- view, let us read over. tractem.us, let us criticise, digeran- tur, for concoquantur, in the English sense of digest, applied to food. So digestmn cibum, xi, 3, 35. In the comparison mollita answers to mansos, and confecta to liquefactos. So Bonnell. NOTES. X, 1, 20-23. 159 20-26. In the study of speeches our reading should at first be slow and critical, with careful attention to parts and passages, and followed by a review of the whole ; and the subjects and " causes'" to which they re- late should be studied, and also speeches on both sides, and even others on the same side should be read, if accessible. 20. nonnisi in the post-Augustan age takes on the sense of taiitum, and in this sense is written as one word, fallal ; that is, as a model of style, ad scribendi soUicitudinem, ivith {according to) the careful deliberation of writing ; just as thoughtfully and slowly as in writing, perlectus. after it has been read through, quoque ; often as here, in the sense of etiam. even. 21. saepe enim, etc. Comp. xii, 9, 4. actionis, argii- ment, speech, oration ; as frequently, summa. last, repeten- da; as in § 19. suo loco, in their place ; taken by themselves alone, and without a knowledge of their bearing on the whole argument. 22. nosse causas ; to be acquainted with all the facts and the histoiT of cases or questions. Demosthenis et Aeschi- nis {actiones) ; the orations in the case de corona, or against Ctesiphon. pro Aufidia. The case of Aufidia is not men- tioned elsewhere, reo Asprenate, when Asprenas was on trial; in the trial of Asprenas. Gains Nonius Asprenas. a friend of Augustus, was prosecuted by Cassius for poisoning, and defended by Pollio. 23. si minus pares ; even if somewhat inferior as exam- ples of oratory, requirentur : often in the sense of " hunt up," read up, or study. Ciceronis orationes : that is, pro Ligario and in Verrem. Tuberords, Hortensii; so. oratio. easdem causas. etc. ; how each orator argued (egerif) the same cases, or on the same side. Calidius ; one of the younger orators commended by Cicero in the Brutus, 274, as 7ion unus e multis, potius inter multos prope singularis. pro Milone. Brutus wrote this speech, not to deliver in public, but exercitationis gratia. In it he argued that Milo was justified in the killing of Clodius by the fact that he was a bad citizen ; whereas, Cicero based his defense on the allegation that Clodius had formed an ambuscade for the murder of Milo. M. Junius Brutus, to whom Cicero was tenderly attached, was born b. c. 85, and perished at 160 NOTES. X, 1, 24-27. Philippi B. c. 42. egisse, to have actually delivered it; op- posed to scripsit. Celsus. See on § 124. 24. Voluseno Catulo ; not mentioned elsewhere. Do- mitii Afri. See Introduction, page 11, and below, § 118. Crispi Passieni ; called by Suetonius (Nero, 6) the step- father of Nero. Decimi Iiaelii ; possibly the Laelius Bal- bus spoken of by Tacitus (Ann. 6, 47) as the prosecutor of Acutia. ferebantur, used to he spoken of ; were well known, or in circulation, neque id, etc. ; an additional admonition to the reader, statim, at once, or as a matter of course ; with persuasum sit. auctores in Quintilian's time gets the sense of scriptores, without the notion of " authority." There is a transition of the thought here from orators to writers in general, labuntur ; often in the sense of " slip in judg- ment," err : as below in § 94. As to the thought comp. 2, 15. oneri, the burden ; the exhausting toil of authorship, and the greatness of their themes, indulgent — voluptati, give free rein to the pleasure of conscious genius. Comp. § 98. Marked examples are Stesichorus (§ 62), Aeschylus (§ 66), and Ovid (§§ 88, 98). dormitare. The remark, repeated in xii, 1, 2, can not be found in the extant writings of Cicero ; though he says, in Orat., 104, that Demosthenes " does not always satisfy his ear." interim, as frequently, for non7iumquam, or ali- quando. Comp. 3, 7. Horatio. See A. P. 359. 26. plerisque, very many, in alteram partem, on one side or the other. 27-36. Not only from the study of speeches but also from that of the poets, historians, and philosophers can the orator gain much ; from poetry a more elevated spirit and diction (27-30), from history a rich and genial aliment (uberi iucundoque suco) (31-34), and from philosophy familiarity with the principles of ethics and dialectics, and the laws of nature, as well as acuteness in controversy (35, 36) ; but the orator must avoid those characteristics of each which are not suitable for speeches. 27. Theophrastus. See § 83. neque immerito, and not without reason ; frequent in Quintilian to introduce the ground of a foregoing statement. Comp. ^ 79. spiritus, liveliness, animation, a higher tone. Comp. 5, 4. motus omnis, every emotio7i, or kind of emotion. From them is learned the eifective way of appealing to every feeling of the soul. Comp. 2, 27. NOTES. X, 1, 28-31. 161 in personis decor, fitness (or propriety) in respect to persons ; that is, correct judgment in adapting speech to the person or persons to whom it relates ; in the case of the advocate, to himself, the judges and the client. See § 71, 2, 27; 3, 15. vi, 1, 25 : prosopopoeiae, id est fictae alienarum personarum ora- tio7ies quales Utigatorem decent vel patronem. Comp. Horace, A. P. 156, sqq. actu, speaking or pleading, rerum talium blanditia, the charm (or restful pleasure) of such studies. Cicero putat. Oral, pro Archia, 6. 28. figurarum. The reference is to word-figures, as illus- trated by the examples in § 12. genus — comparatum, that it is a kind (of writing) composed for e?itertainment. Supply esse depending on meminerimus. ostentationi ; of course, in no disparaging sense ; the notion is " beauty of presentation." The author means that poetry is " epideictic " in its character, and has not in view, like forensic oratory, an immediate and practical end. praeter id quod, besides the fact that ; fre- quent in Quintilian for praeterquam quod. Comp. 2, 26, 3, 6. patrocinio — iuvari, that it is favored also hy some indulg- ence. 29. adligata ; supply poesis ; which the writer has uncon- sciously substituted in his mind for genus (poeticum). pro- priis, simple, direct, or itiartificial terms, eloquendi dever- ticula, by-ways of expression, mutare verba, to cha^ige the use of words; including both libertate verborum and licentia figurarum. extendere, corripere, to lengthen, contract, con- vertere, to transpose; remove from their usual order, divi- dere, to separate; that is. by tmesis: as 'Vergil. Aen. 1, 610 quae me cumque vocant terrae ; and Georg. 3, 381 ; septem sub iecta trioni. nos ; that is, advocates, stare ; in the same con struction as esse sequendos, etc. 30. neque, but not ; as in 80 ; 5, 5, and 7, 4. ergo ; namely, because I have given this caution to the orator about too close imitation of the poetic manner, habenti periculosus. The characteristic beauties of poetry, aiming simply to please the taste and delight the fancy, if employed by the practical speaker, either disgust the judges or withdraw their attention from the point at issue, and thus weaken or endanger his cause. 31. at ipsa ; as well as poetry. Comp. § 28. sic ut scia- 11 162 NOTES. X. i. 32-34. mus, in such a way thai we keep in mind ; in such a manner as to keep the fact in mind, that, etc. carmen solutum, a poem ivithout meter ; solutum ah necessitate pedum, not adligatum. totum opus, this whole class of work, the whole body of his- torical work. Opus as genus in § 28. Comp. 35, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 96, 123 ; 2, 21. ad actum rei, for the doing of a thing, for action. Others, for the arguing of a case, pugnam. ; the con- flict of debate, pugjia forensis. rem.otioribus, as libertate ver- horum in § 28, refers to the employment of less common terms than in oratory, or of words more removed from their every-day usage. 32. ut dixi ; namely, in iv, 2, 45, where he makes a similar remark in connection with the proper style of narrative in judi- cial speeches, aures vacuas at que eruditas ; generally true of readers, as compared with the juryman (iudicem), occupatum variis cogitationibus et saepius ineruditum ; for, as with us, the juryman, appointed by the praetor directly or by lot, was not learned in the law. See Smith's Diet, of Antiq., art. index, no- bis ; that is, oratorihus. lactea ubertas ; milky richness ; ex- pressive of a style, genial, copious, and pure ; the same as described in ii, 5, 19, by the terms candidissimum and maxime expositum, and partially in § 101, by clarissimi candoris. Oppo- site qualities would be ieiunus {meagei'), aridus (dry), and lutu- lentus (muddy), eum; the index, speciem expositionis, beauty of narration. 33. adde quod; quite frequent in Quintilian for praeterea. Comp. 2, 10, 11, 12. Thucydiden, Xenophontem ; the nearest Greek prototypes of Sallust and Livy. Comp. 73, 82. bellicum canere, to sound the war signal ; his style is stirring like a bat- tle signal. Cic. Orat. 12, 39. musas esse locutas. Cic. Orat. 19, 62. toros, brawn, lacertos, tough sinews. Comp. § 77. Demetrius Phalereus. See § 80. Cic. Brut. 9, 38 : hie (Deme- trius) primus inflexit orationem et eam mollem teneramque red- didit, versicolorem vestem; a metaphor descriptive of a style too ornamental for the forum, viii, prooem. 20: versi- color elocutio. bene facere, to serve ivell. 34. historiis. For this use of the plural see on § 75. praesentem locum. The present topic is " copia verborum." a litigatore, from the client ; from him the essential facts of NOTES. X, 1, 35, 36. 163 the case must be learned. See xii, 8, 7, 15. diligenter cognita, well understood ; thoroughly investigated ; for without this an ingenious and more learned opponent may turn the supposed his- torical analogy, or some supposed precedent, against the adversary who has quoted it. sumat. Supply ut ; the positive form of the purpose being suggested by the foregoing negative ne expectet. criminibus odii, etc. The statements of parties in a suit and those of their witnesses must often be received by the court with more or less distrust, on account of charges {criminibus) and suspicions of enmity or of personal interest (gratiae). See v, 11, 36, 37. 35. nobis. See on § 33. qui quidem — cesserunt. Cicero and Quintilian insist upon the truth that philosophy, and espe- cially moral philosophy, is a legitimate part of the orator's equipment, and the orator and rhetorician should never have " withdrawn from this noblest part of their work," and left it to the philosophers. See 1, prooem. 10, 13, xii, 2, 8. Cic. de Or. 3, 15 : neque disiuncti doctores, sed iidem erant vivendi praecepto- res atque dicendi. iustis — contraria, indicates the topics of moral philosophy, or the things pertaining to human conduct ftnd society, res humanae. rebus divinis includes divinity and the divine creation ; all things which do not proceed from the human mind and will ; the philosophy of nature in the widest sense of nature. See also on xii, 2, 20. altercationibus, debates, interpellations ; the brief passages of controversy which often occur in trials, sometimes when an advocate is interrupted in the course of his plea by a question from the opposite side, but more frequently during the examination of witnesses. This kind of forensic sparring is called by Quintilian, in vi, 4, 2, actio irevis, the shori speech, as opposed to actio perpetua, or the con- tinuous speech, interrogationibus, interrogatories ; question- ing and cross-questioning of witnesses. Socratici, the Socratic writers; the writers of the Socratic form of dialogue, Plato, Xenophon, and Aeschines Socraticus. v, 7, 28 : in quibus (So- craticis) adeo scitae sunt interrogationes, ut, cum plerisque bene respondeat ur, res tamen ad id, quod volunt efficere, perveniat. 36. his quoque, to these also ; as well as to the poets and historians. See § 28, 31. sciamus. See on § 31, in rebus iisdem ; on the same topics ; questions of right and wrong, etc.j. 164 JSOTES. X, 1, 87-40. common to the law and philosophy, disputationum, pAi7o' sophical discussions, periculorum, judicial trials. 37-42. In laying out a plan of reading for the present purpose our author can not be expected to notice individually ( persequi singulos) all the writers in both languages ; though it is his judgment in general {iudi- cii summa) that almost all writers, whether old (qui vetustatem pertu- lerunt) or new, are worth reading, at least in part ; but the present object is to read what is profitable for the formation of style (ad faciendam phrasin), and not that which is valuable in relation to some branch of knowledge (quidquid ad aliquam partem scientiae pertinet). 37. persequi singulos, to notice all individually ; to go through the whole line of authors one by one. 38. omnibus aetatis suae qui turn vive"bant, includes only the orators of his own times, ivho were then livijig ; that is, all of his contemporaries who were living at the time of the writing of the Brutus, b. c. 46. In the Brutus, 65, 231, Cicero says : quoniam in hoc sermone statui neminem eorum, qui vive- rent, nominare, . . . eos, qui iam sunt mortui, nominabo. Ac- cordingly he gives a very minute account of the orators of his own times who have passed away, but of his living contempo- raries he mentions none but Caesar and Marcellus. In the case of these two he makes an exception in compliance with the re- quest of Brutus. See Brut. 71, 248. For the usual reading, quibuscum vivebat, which is conjectural, and has been adopted from the Aldine edition, I have substituted qui turn vivebant, one of the proposed emendations given in the margin of Halm's text. The manuscripts here are entirely at variance, and quite unintelligible. Aetatis suae, taken by itself, would embrace either the whole career of Cicero as an orator, about thirty-five years, to the time here spoken of, or else his life from the time when he began to hear the orators of the forum as a student (b. c. 90), a period of forty-four years. Brut. 88, 303 : hoc (Horten- sius) igitur florescente, Crassus est mortuus, Cotta pulsus, indicia intermissa hello, nos (Cicero) in forum venimus. et illos; namely, the living contemporaries of Cicero. After si supply persequi velim, 39. apud Livium. This letter of the historian Livy is also referred to in ii, 5, 20, and probably in viii, 2, 18. 40. nostri iudicii summa, my opinion in general or i» NOTES. X, 1, 41-44 165 brief; as opposed to the notice of all writers individually. Comp. 3, 9. What the substance or gist of this opinion is, he gives in the following statement introduced by emm. vetus- tatem pertulerunt, have stood the test of time ; survived an- tiquity, or the past, vetustissimis ; Quintilian has in mind here the writers and orators of the period from about b. c. 200 to 120. Of these Cicero in the Brutus singles out especially Cato (Brut. 15, 61, sqq.) and Gains Gracchus (33, 125). But in general Quintilian uses veteres and antiqui of the times of Cice- ro himself as well as his predecessors, and novi of those of the post- Augustan period. See ii, 5, 23. 41. quotus enim quisque, etc., for how rarely can an author he found so destitute of common sense as not to have hoped for the memory of future times with even the smallest con- fidence at least in some portion (of his writings). Almost every author must have had judgment enough not to have published a book without the consciousness that there was something in it worth reading, at least here and there, fiducia is the reason or ground of speraverit. partis is an objective genitive after fiducia. detrimento, loss, or cost ; an ablative of price. 42. protinus, at once, as a matter of course, necessarily. ad faciendam phrasin, for the formation of style. Comp. § 87, and viii, 1, 1. phrasin facere, may be compared with vires facere, 3, 3, and usum facere, 3, 28. 43-45. Preliminary to the proposed sketch of typical authors a word must be said about the different opinions or tastes of orators and critics on the several schools and styles of eloquence ; especially of the prejudices of some who stand opposed to each other as the admirers respectively of the old writers {veteres) and the moderns {novi), and of the difference in taste and genius which leads even those {ipsi) who ap- prove the best type of eloquence {rectum dicendi genus) to adopt only one of the three kinds into which it is divided. 43. veteres ; here in the sense mentioned in note on § 40. recens haec lascivia deliciaeque, this meretricious and fop- pish style of our own day. See Introduction, p. 20 ; and on laS' civus, § 88. 44. ipsorum qui — volunt. Those who are partisans nei- ther of the veteres nor of the 7iovi, but seek to attain that true standard of eloquence which finds some examples in all periods. 166 NOTES. X, 1, 45. This one right kind, not like the recens et lascivum, overwrought with prinkish ornament, and calling away the attention from the substance to the form, but always aiming to convey the thought in the clearest and most effective manner, the kind which is true to nature, is termed in ii, 5, 11, sermo rectus et secundum 7iaturam enuntiatus, and in ix, 3, 3, simplex rectumque loquendi genus. It had been brought to great perfection by the Greeks, and by Cicero and some of his contemporaries. See Introduction, p. 19. Though termed here a genus, it is itself divided into three kinds, also called genera : 1, the simple, terse, concise, almost conversational {tenue, subtile, pressum, quod minimum ah usu quotidiano recedit) ; 3, the grand, broad, lofty, stirring, passionate (grande, amplum, elatum, concitatum) ; 3, the flowing, plastic, polished, smooth, melodious, intermediate Qene, nitidum, suave, compositum, medium). See xii, 10, 58. Cicero (Orat. 5, 20), referring to these three kinds, says tria sunt omnino genera dicendi, quihus in singulis quidam fioruerunt, peraeque autem, id quod volumus, perpauci in omnibus. In the judgment of Quintilian Cicero fully attained his desire of excel- lence in all three. See § 108. pressa, compact, sententious ; akin to tenuia, simple; fine-spun, as it were; free from all superfluity of words, terse, demum, as often, in the sense of (mly ; implying that some conclusion has been reached as the only thing that remains to be accepted after every alternative has been considered, vere Attica putant. These take an altogether too narrow view of what is embraced in the term Attic ; for it comprehends the best examples of all three genera. Quintilian protests against this misrepresentation of the Attic school in xii, 10, 21, sqq. ; and Cicero, in the Brutus, 82, 284 ; 84, 290. compositi, harmonious ; rhythmical, cum de gene- re quaerendum erit ; in xii, 10. summatim, in a general way, briefly, facultatem dicendi ; the " firma facilitas " of §1. 45. ne queratur ; elliptical ; I say this, lest, etc. studio- sis refers here especially to students of forensic oratory, gene- ra ipsa, the particular hinds. In genera here and in § 104, Quintilian seems to mean classes or kinds, as represented by their characteristic or typical writers, existimem ; H. 503. 46-84. A SKETCH OF REPRESENTATIVE GrEEK AUTHORS OF NOTES. X, 1, 46. 167 THE CLASSES OR GENERA MOST PROFITABLE FOR THE STUDENT OF ORATORY. 46-59. Epic poets, or writers of narrative and didactic poems in hex- ameter verse : Homer, Hesiod, Antimachus, Panyasis, ApoUonius, Ara- tus, Theocritus ; and a word in passing about the Elegiac poets, the chief of whom are CaUimachus and Philetas. 46. Aratus. See on § 55. The didactic poem of Aratus entitled " Phaenomena," opens with the words e/c Aihs apx<^/J-e(rda, we must begin with Zens, videmur; sc. nobis; as in § 56, videor (mihi). coepturi ; the future participle instead of the in- finitive after videmur. So in v, prooem. 5: divisuri videmur. ex oceano — capere. Horn. II. 21, 195 : 'flKeavoio, e| olircp irdvres TTorafxol Kol irScro QdXaaaa KaX iratrai Kprjvai koI (ppeiara (jLOxph. vdovaiv. omnibus — dedit. The essential elements and parts of practi- cal oratory, of which Homer affords such abundant examples, are : 1, the three genera dicendi, indicated respectively by the terms sublimitas (the genus elatum), proprietas and pi'essus (the genus tenue), and laetus (the genus nitidum) (§ 46); 2, the two classes of practical speeches, judicial and legislative or delibera- tive (litium ac consiliorum) % 47) ; 3, the mastery of the affec- tions {ad feet us) {^ 48) ; 4, the four principal parts of a regular forensic speech : the ingressus, prooemium, or exordium, the narration or statement of the facts, the argumentative part, embracing the genera probandi ac refutandi, the peroration, or closing appeal (epilogus) (§§ 48, 49, 50) ; 5, well-chosen terms, well-put thoughts (sententiae), lively figures, and everywhere clear arrangement (disposilio) (§ 50). In this notice of Homer and in that of Cicero (^ 105, sqq.), and of Seneca (§ 125 sqq.), Quintilian introduces more of detail than in his brief remarks on the rest of the authors in his sketch. In general his plan, as indicated above in §§ 44, 45, is to mention the typical writers of different departments of literature best adapted to the pur- poses of the orator or forensic advocate, and in a few words to point out their characteristics with particular reference to their fitness as exemplars of oratorical style, or (ppdcris. As this is his sole aim, so distinctly stated, the strictures of some critics on the brevity and meagerness of these notices show that they have failed to comprehend the purpose of the author, proprietate, 168 NOTES. X, 1, 47, 48. in simplicity ; strictly, the quality of being literal {proprius\ unfigurative, plain. Comp. §§ 6 and 11 ; 5, 8, et al. supera- verit ; pofenfial. laetus, ornate, exuberant ; a metaphor for a rich, flowery, and beautiful style; the genus nitidum ; opposed to pressus, pruned, trimmed down, concise ; kindred in meaning here to its use as a metaphor for richness of vegetation, as in Verg, Georg. 1, 74 ; 3, 385 ; and for the good condition of well- fed cattle, id. Aen. 3, 220. iucundus, sprightly, lively ; pleas- ing, agreeable, entertainiiig ; relieving the description of stern conflict with passages of entertaining narrative, and occasionally even of playfulness and humor, gravis, serious. 47. laudibus, exhortationibus, consolationibus. Eulo- gistic, hortatory, and consolatory addresses pertain to the non- practical, or epideictic kind of speeches. Our author will not dwell upon Homer's excellence in this class, but pass on to his admirable fitness for study with reference to forensic and legis- lative debates {Htium ac consiliorum). artes ; arts, in a good sense ; all the oratorical methods properly employed in lawsuits and in deliberative assemblies. 48. adfectus, feelings, affections; here, and generally in Quintilian, both those which are emotional and powerful {con- citati), as anger, terror, grief ; and the mild, gentle, quiet {mi- tes, compositi), as benevolence, friendship, piety. The latter class, as being in general an habitual and characteristic condi- tion of individual minds, the Greeks called ^Oos ; the former, on the contrary, is for the most part occasional, and more positive, and therefore called irdQos, passion. Quintilian says of ^dos (vi, 2, 8), that the Roman language has no name for it. Therefore the term adfectus, though it signifies a positive influencing or impelling of the soul, and strictly corresponds only to irddos, is applied by usage to both of these classes of feeling, or conditions of mind. They are treated of in vi, 2, 8, sqq. Comp. also § 73> 101. utriusque operis ; that is, of the Iliad and Odyssey. Horace, A. P. 140, sqq., quotes the opening verses of the latter as a model exordium, benevolum, etc.; iv, 1, 5: causa prin- cipii{ingressus) nulla alia est quam ut auditorem, quo sit nobis in ceteris partibus accommodatior, praeparemus. Id fieri tribus maxime rebus constat, si benevolum, attentum, docilem feceri- mits. intentum. iv, i, 33 : plerumque attentum iudicem facit. NOTES. X, 1, 49, 50. 169 ti res agi videiur nova, magyia, atrox, etc. docilem. iv, i, 34: docilem sine duhio et haec ipsapraestat attentio; sed et illud, si hreviter et dilucide snmmam rei, de qua cognoscere debeaf, indi- caverimus ; quod Homerus atque VergiUus operum suorum prinr cipiis faciunt. summa, the scope, the theme, celeriter, briefly. 49. qui nuntiat : Antilochus. II. 18. 18. sqq. qui ex- ponit ; that is. Phoenix, id. 9, 529, sqq. significantius. more clearly, iam, again, noiv again; marking a transition, as in g 98. similitudines, etc. This passage relates to the argu- mentative part of a speech, amplificationes. The various rhetorical means of amplifying or expanding and enforcing ideas, are discussed in viii, 4, 3, sqq., under the heads of incre- mentum, comparatio, ratiocinatio, and congeries, signa rerum, the evidence of facts ; sensible proofs of things; as cruenta ves- tis, clamor, color, etc. ; to be distinguished from argumenta, inferences ; logical deductions from circumstantial facts, v, 10, 11 : cum sit argumentum ratio . . . quae quod est dubium per id, quod noji est dubium, confirmat. genera; \\qyq, forms, ways. Comp. 5, 2. etiam qui. etc. Even those who have written on the principles {artibus) of rhetoric, and not on the art of poetry, make Homer their authority for such principles, testimonia, illustrations ; confirmatory examples of the power and beauty of these things ; namely, similitudes, amplifications, etc. 50. nam. See on § 9. " But I have not said all " ; for. epi- log's. As the advocate, in his closing appeal or peroration, deals chiefly with the feelings and passions, he will find many pathetic and emotional passages in Homer, such as the petition of Priam to Achilles (II. 24, 486, sqq.), which will be helpful in this part of his work, sententiis. thoughts; pithy sayings. Sententia, or "thought." in this frequent sense, includes not only the thought conceived in the mind, but also its felicitous embodiment in words. It is a use of the word midway between its meaning of pure thought, judgment, or opinion, as in § 99, xii, 1, 36, and that of grammatical sentence, period, or compre- hensio verborum, as in § 130 and 5, 7. It may be rendered, ac- cording to the connection, thought, idea, proverb, maxim, apho- rism, magni. etc.; genitive of price; it is (a matter) o/^rea^ value ; icorth much. It may be taken, however, in the sense of magni viri ; a reading actually given in some MSS. 170 NOTES. X, 1, 51-53. 61. in omni genere eloquentiae, in every kind of style. See on § 46. epicos ; writers of narrative and didactic poems in hexameter verse, clarissima comparatio, the contrast is most striking. 52. Hesiodus. Hesiod of Askra in Boeotia, lived about B. c. 850. His epya Kai T]ix4pai, " Works and Days,'' is a didactic poem in epic form, or heroic hexameter, as also the deoyovia, or origin of the gods and the world, a work commonly ascribed to the same author, though on questionable authority, pars eius ; metonymy for pars eiiis operis. in nominibus. This would seem to refer especially to the " Theogony." tamen ; though in general unfitted to the oratorical style, circa praecepta, in respect to moral principles, doctrines, or teachings, sententiae. See on § 50. A book of " proverbs " might be gathered from the " Works and Days." levitas, etc., the smoothness of his diction arid rhythm, compositionis. See on §§ 44 and 79. probabilis ; in the predicate, like utiles, medio genere. See on § 44. 53. Antimacho. Antimachus of Claros in the dominion of Colophon, lived about 405 b. c. His greatest work was entitled Thebais, or the Thebaid ; a A^oluminous epic narrative of the wars of the Seven Heroes of Thebes and of the Epigoni. Frag- ments of this and of his other poems have been preserved. secundas {partes) ; the second place ; a stage term. The Greek critics, indeed, assigned to him a rank second to Homer ; but Quintilian, below, § 86, claims this place for Vergil among all poets, both Greek and Roman, grammaticorum. This term in Latin was applied to learned literary critics, such as Aristar- chus and Aristophanes among the Greeks, and Gnipho and Hyginus among the Romans, quanto sit aliud, etc. It seems to be implied here that the Greek critics would have expressed themselves more accurately, if they had called Antimachus next (proximus) , and not second to Homer. Horace, 0. 1, 10, 18-20, says that nothing exists similar or second to Jupiter, but that Pallas holds the place of honor 7iext to him {proximos illi tamen occupavit honores). Thus one may be called proximus, but not strictly second, who comes nearest to the first, though by a wide interval, or far below in level or grade. No one, unless of royal blood and in the line of succession, can properly be called seconcj NOTES. X, 1, 54, 55. 171 to a prince, and no poet in the time of the Greek grammarians of Alexandria had shown such kinship to Homer as to be placed in the same high grade or class, and therefore to be ranked as second to him, for he stood alone on that high level. Vergil, however, in the estimation of Quintilian, has won a position on this highest plane, and therefore deserves to be called not only- second to Homer, but even nearer than second. See g 85. 54. Panyasin. Panyasis of Halicarnassus, author of an epic poem on the deeds of Hercules {Heracleia, or Heracleias^ lived about b. c. 490. Fragments of his "Heraclead " are extant. Another work, the " lonica," is entirely lost, utroque refers to Hesiod and Antimachus. putant ; sc. grammatici, the critics. Quintilian has in mind especially the judgment expressed by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. alterum-materia ; Hesiod, whose themes are not heroic. Apollonius ; surnamed Rhodius, be- cause he was honored with the citizenship of Rhodes, though born in Alexandria, and about b. c. 196 librarian of the Alex- andrian library. His epic, the " Argonautica," or account of the expedition of the Argonauts, is still extant. Translations and imitations of it were written in Latin by Atacinus Varro and by Valerius Flaccus. See on §§ 87 and 90. in ordinem., etc., into the classification givefi by the critics; namely, those of Alexandria, of whom Aristophanes of Byzantium (b. c. 264) and Aristarchus (b. c. 200) were the most noted, and both in charge of the Alexandrian library. The categories of approved authors drawn up by them constituted what they called the canon (Kavcvu), termed here ordo, and generally followed by Quintilian in this sketch of Greek writers, aequali-mediocritate ; not in a disparaging sense ; of a certain uniform and tnedium ex- cellence ; join with opus. Comp. § 86. 55. Arati. Aratus of Soli in Cilicia, under the patronage of Antigonus Gonatus of Macedon, at whose court he resided B. c. 270, wrote a didactic epic poem on the heavenly bodies and meteorology, entitled ^aiv6fi€va nal Aioa-n/xeTa {Phaenomena et Prognosticd), which is still extant. It was translated into Latin by Cicero and afterward by Caesar Germanicus, the nephew of Tiberius. A paraphrase of it was also written by Avienus in the 4th century of our era. motu caret, etc. The paraphrase of Avienus, written long after Quintilian's time, alleviated this Ji 172 NOTES. X, 1, 56-58, fault by varying the monotony of the astronomical detail with myths and traditions which involved action (motus), passion (adfectus), and living character (persona). Theocritus, of Syracuse, the most distinguished writer of idyls or pastorals, lived at Alexandria under Ptolemy Philadelphus and at Syra- cuse under Hiero, in the third century b. c. 56. plurimorum poetarum. Here, of course, the reference is especially to those who wrote in heroic hexameter, acta ; supply canif. Pisandros, of Cameiros in Rhodes, about b. c. 645, wrote the "• Ileracleia," an epic narrative of the deeds of Her- cules. Nicandrum. Nicander, whose two didactic poems, called &r)piaKa Kal ' AAe^KpdpfiaKa {venomous animals and poison- cures), are still extant, lived at the court of Eumenes II and Attains II of Pergamus about b. c. 150. frustra, ivithout good reason. Macer. Aemilius Macer of Verona, a friend of Vergil and Ovid, wrote two poems, the " Ornithogonia " (bird-breeding) and " Theriaca," no remains of which are in existence. Vergil " followed " Nican- der only in occasional passages of his poems ; as Georg. Ill, 415, sqq. : 425, sqq., et al. Euphorionem. Euphorion of Chalcis lived in the time of Antiochus the Great, b. c. 215, and among other works wrote a 'Ha-ioSos, probably a Georgic, or agricultural poem. Only fragments of his writings remain. The passage of Vergil referred to is Eel. x, 50: Chalcidico quae sunt mihi con- dita versu carmina, pastoris Siculi modulabor arena. As Eu- phorion is of Chalcis, his verse is styled by Vergil " Chalcidic." Horatius, etc. See A. P. 401. Tyrtaeum. Tyrtaeus was a soldier and poet, supposed by some to have been a native of Athens, or Aphidna in Attica, by others of Lacedaemon, or of Miletus. He became a leader of the Lacedaemonians in the second Messenian war, about b. c. 680, and contributed to their success by his wise counsels and by his battle songs. 57. indicem certe, etc. Any one can at least make out a list of them in some private or public library, and note their titles in his memoranda (libros). nee utique, nor hy any means, ut qui dixerim. § 40. 58. iam — viribus, ivhen noiv our (the student's) strength shall have been developed and established : i. e., by the reading of the epics best adapted to our present purpose. Comp. §^ 59 and 131. ut introduces the explanation of quod facimus in the NOTES. X, 1, 59-61. 173 form of a result. Comp. 3, 6 ; 5, 18 ; 7, 11. tunc ; namely, when our strength shall have been established, elegiam. The elegy is characterized by Horace, A. P. 75-78, as exiguus, and as employed for the expression of feeling. Callimachus, of Gy- rene, one of the Alexandrian poets, and librarian b. c. 260. Philetas, of Cos, instructor of Ptolemy Philadelphus, died about B. c. 290. 59. sed dum adsequimur ; hut while we are attaining ; as opposed to the time anticipated in the foregoing iam perfedis inribus, and tunc, ut dixi. See § 1. ducendus, to be coiitract- ed, formed. Kriiger quotes Vergil, Eel. 9, 49 : duceret apricis in collibus uva colorem. Comp. xii, 10, 71. color ; sometimes, as here, style, or characteristic phraseology adapted to the occa- sion; sometimes disguise or dissimidation, in a good or bad sense, and also extenuation, excuse, etc. Comp. § 131 ; and 6, 5. 59-64. Of the iambic poets the typical writer is Archilochus ; the lyric poets are represented by Pindar, Stesichonis, and Alcaeus. itaque, therefore (passing by the elegiac poets), ex tribus. The three iambic writers admitted (recepti) into the canon of Aristarchus (see on § 54) are Archilochus of Paros (b. c. 700), Simonides of Samos or Amorgos (b. c. 660), Hipponax of Ephe- sus (b. c. 540). iamborum. See on g§ 9 and 96. maxime Tiiius. See H. 444, 3 ; Z. 691. 60. elocutionis, expression, style, (ppdcris. validae, breves, vibrantes, powerful, concise, brilliant, sententiae. See on § 50, and comp. xii, 9, 3. quod quoquam. minor est, the (fact) that he comes behind any (even the foremost of poets). This clause is the subject of videatur. For this usage of quisquam see H. 457, M. 491, b. materiae vitium, the fault of his sub- ject matter; mainly personal character and conduct in com- mon life, not admitting of the range and elevation of epic poetry. 61. novem. Of the nine lyric poets admitted into the " canon " those not mentioned here are Bacchylides, Ibycus, Anacreon, Alcman, and Sappho. Pindarus, born at Thebes 521, died 441 b. c. Of his many works only the " Epinicia," or Triumphal Odes, have come down to us. spiritus. See on § 27. sententiis ; as in § 50. beatissima ; metaphorically 174 NOTES. X, 1, 62-65. for very fertile, prolific, exuberant, rich. Horatius. Hor. O. 4, 2, 1, sqq. 62. Stesichorus of Himera, in Sicily, flourished about b. c. 625, and is especially famed either for inventing or perfecting the Doric choral ode. Fragments of his poems are extant. epici — sustinentem. He treats successfully in the lyric form the warlike themes which are more especially the material of epic poetry, si tenuisset modum. Quintilian thinks that he gave too free rein to his imagination and eloquence. So of Ovid, §§ 88, 98. ut, ita. See on § 1. copiae vitium est. This very fault is a proof of superior power, ii, 4, 4 : peius tamen illud (vitium) quod ex inopia quam quod ex copia venit. 63. Alcaeus; of Mitylene, in Lesbos, b. c. 600. aureo plectro. Hor. 0. 2, 13, 26. tyrannos. These were Myrsilus and Pittacus. That portion of the lyrics {parte operis) of Al- caeus, which relates to the ten years' civil war waged against these tyrants, was called a-TaaiuTiKd. Fragments of his poems have been preserved, in eloquendo, in style, diction, sed et lusit, but he also trifled; but his muse was also playful. Hor. 0. 1, 32 : Venerem et iUi semper haerentem puerum canebat, et Lycum. maioribus — aptior ; more gifted, however, for higher themes (than for love-songs) ; maioribus is neuter. 64. Simonides of Ceos, from 556 to 449 b. c, noted for his epigrams, dithyrambs, epinician odes, and for his elegies ; to be distinguished from Simonides of Samos, mentioned in the note on § 59. There are but few remains of his poems, tenuis eMoqyii, though meager ; though without richness. He lacked copiousness and force ; but in pathos, in commovenda misera- tione, Dionysius regards him as superior even to Pindar, qui- dam, though plural, probably has special reference to the opin- ion of Dionysius. See on § 54. in hac parte, in this part or element of the poet's work or function, eius operis, of that (lyrical) ivork, or class of poetry. 65-72. The old comedy is represented by Aristophanes, Eupohs, and Cratinus ; tragedy by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides ; the new comedy by Menander and Philemon. 65. antiqua comoedia, the old comedy, or the Attic come- dy in its first form and character, as distinguished from the NOTES. X, 1, 66-68. 175 later, in which both the chorus of the old comedy, and also its freedom (libertas) of personal satire, were abolished, sinceram gratiam, simple beauty ; the quality expressed below by elegans et venusta {pure and graceful) ; consisting in the use of the pure Attic, characteristic of born Athenians in their common conver- sation. Comp. § 100. facundissimae libertatis, of the most out-spo'ken freedom; indulging in the boldest license of speech. praecipua, most conspicuous. It was characterized especially by its unsparing ridicule and satire of vice and folly, in ceteris partibus, in its other elements or qualities ; those, namely, which are immediately mentioned, grandis ; in those passages where the subject rises above the ordinary level of comedv. Hor. A. P. 93 : interdum et vocem comoedia tollit. uUa ; supply poesis, as in § 29. ut Achillen, etc. Horn. II. 3, 673 : Nipevs, os KaWia-ros avhp vTrh "IKiov ?i\d€ rCiv ^Wuv Aavawv /ier' afivixoua U-nXeluva. eius, sc. comoediae. Aristophanes, the most famous of the comic poets, flourished at Athens b. c. 427. Ciatinus was older than Aristophanes, Eupolis, younger. Horace associates the names in Sat. 1, 4, 1. Of the fifty-four plays of Aristophanes eleven have been preserved. None of those of Eupolis and Cratinus are extant. 66. Aeschylus ; born in Eleusis, probably b. c. 525, died at Gela, in Sicily, b. c. 456. in plerisque, in most parts or places; in general; that is, as compared with his more finished successors, incompositus, inliarmonious. correctas eius fabulas, etc. That the tragedies of Aeschylus were again brought into competition {in certamen) some time after his death for the tragic prize, is probably true ; but Boeckh thinks the statement that they were " corrected " is unfounded, coro- nati, crowned; honored with a prize, and reproduced on the stage. 67. opus. See on § 31. Sophocles, Euripides. The former was born at Colonos, in Attica, b. c. 495, and died b. c. 405. The latter was born in Salamis, on the day of the battle of Salamis, fifteen years later, and died in b. c. 406. 68. quod ipsum ; the very fact that his language {sermo) is more akin to that of practical speaking {oratorio generi). cothurnus, a metonymy for tragic style, sententiis densus, compact tvith, crowded with, abounding in thoughts, apothegms, 176 NOTES. X, 1, 69-71. or maxims. See on § 50. Euripides had been a disciple of Anaxagoras. iis quae — tradita sunt ; especially the princi- ples and precepts of ethical philosophy, miseratione, in moving compassion, Conip. § 64. 69. ut saepe testatur. No such testimony is found, how- ever, in any of the remaining fragments of Menander. in opere diverse, iyi a. different kind of work ; comedy, as distinguished from tragedy. Menander, of Athens, called princeps novae comoediae, lived from 342 to 291 b. c. Only fragments are now extant of his numerous plays, the character of which may be partially understood from those of Terence, his Roman imitator. Of his imitation of Euripides, Schlegel, quoted in Smith's Diet, of Anc. Biogr., Art. Menander, remarks : " Euripides was the forerunner of the New Comedy ; the poets of this species ad- mired him especially, and acknowledged him for their master. Nay, so great is this affinity of tone and spirit between Eurip- ides and the poets of the New Comedy, that apothegms of Euripides have been ascribed to Menander, and vice versa. On the contrary, we find among the fragments of Menander max- ims of consolation which rise, in a striking manner, even into the tragic tone." copia, facultas. Supply est. 70. nee nihil viderunt, 7wr have (those critics) lacked dis- crimination. They have manifested a proper insight into the excellence of some parts of the plays of Menander as models of oratory, in expressing the opinion that he actually wrote the speeches ascribed to Charisius. Charisius was an Athenian ora- tor, contemporary with Demosthenes, in opere suo, etc., in his oicn work (as a writer of comedy) 1 think he proves himself an orator far more (than in these speeches of Charisius ; sup- posing him to have composed them), nisi forte implies an ab- surd hypothesis, mala ; predicate after sunt, indicia, judi- cial arguments; speeches suitable to be made before a court. Epitrepontes, etc., titles of some of the lost plays of Menan- der : The Trusting, The Heiress, The Locri, The Timid JIan, The Lawyer, The Changeling, meditationes, studies, law- school speeches, declamations, iv, 2, 29 : declamatio forensium actionum (est) meditatio. omnibus orator iis numeris, all the elements ov principles of oratory. Comp. ^91. TL adhuc for etiam (still, even), with the comparative, is NOTES. X, 1, 72-74. 177 post- Augustan, declamatoribus. The " declaimer " in tne Roman school was not only a student who made a set speech, a " declamation " in our sense, but also one engaged in exercises more like some of those of our law-students, in which debates are conducted, or controversial speeches {controversiae) are made on questions which are fictitious, yet akin to such as are argued in the courts of law. plures subire personas, to assume vari- ous characters ; such, namely, as are supposed to be involved in any of these fictitious cases ; to represent them, impersonate them in spirit and feeling, just as the advocate in real cases enters into, and represents the situation and sentiment of his client. The following genitives limit personas, the appositive understood after the foregoing personas. decor. See on § 27. 72. eiusdem operis ; that is, the " New Comedy." ful- gore quodam, etc., has drawn a shadow over them (made them to seem in the dark), as it were, hy the hrightness of his own glory. See on § 7. Philemon, of Soli, or, as some say, of Syra- cuse. He was a little older than Menander, though he died some years later, b. c. 262, at the age of nearly one hundred years. Plautus was an imitator of his plays, all of which, ex- cept fragments, have been lost, ut, ita ; as in § 1. 73-75. History is illustrated by Herodotus, Thucydides, Theopompus, Philistus, Ephorus, and Clitarchus, and later by Timagines. 73. quorum, diversa virtus ; in the same sense as quorum dispar dicendi via in § 67. densus. See on § 68. One may be brevis and not seyitentiis densus. instans sibi. following himself up : pushing his thoughts, as it were, closely one after the other. The words are exegetical of densus. Thucydides, of Athens, b. c. 471 (or 456)-396. candidus ; of style ; lucid. See on § 32. Herodotus, of Halicarnassus. in Caria ; b. c. 484- 408. The latter date is not certain, concitatis, powerful. remissis, gentle^ mild. See on § 48. serm.onibus, in conver- sations. 74. Theopompus, of Chios, born b. c. 378. He was a dis- ciple of Isocrates, by whose advice he wrote the " Hellenica " and " Philippica," two historical works, which have been lost. His speeches were chiefly panegyrics, praedictis, tliose just men- tioned ; abl. after minor, sollicitatus ; that is, by his teacher, 12 178 NOTES. X, 1, 75, 76. , Isocrates. See Cic. de Orat. 2, 13, 57. hoc opus ; this hind of work ; history. Philistus ; an eminent historian of Syracuse, and also a powerful supporter of the two Dionysii. He died by his own hand in b. c. 356. meretur ; in the sense of dignus est, and hence, followed here by the subjunctive in the relative clause, quamvis ; join with honorum. aliquatenus, post- Augustan for aliquanto. Ephorus, of Cumae, died about b. c. 333. He was under the instruction of Isocrates at the same time with Theopompus. His great historical work, which has been lost, embraced the history both of Greeks and barbarians, from the return of the Heraclidae to b. c. 340. 75. Clitarchi. Clitarchus accompanied Alexander on his expeditions, and wrote a history of them. Timagenes, of Alexandria, was brought as a prisoner to Rome, in b. c. 55, where he afterwards taught rhetoric, and wrote a history of Alexander and his successors. He enjoyed the patronage of Augustus, though finally driven from the city in consequence of speaking too boldly of the members of the imperial family. historias, historical ivorks. So the plural, § 34. The singular number usually denotes history as a germs ; comp. §§ 31, 73, 74, 101, 102 ; seldom a history, as in i, 8, 20. Xenophon ; distin- guished both for his historical and philosophical works, b. c. 444 (?)-354 (?). 76-80. The typical orators are Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides, Lysias, Isocrates, and Demetrius of Phaleron. 76. ut cum, since indeed. So frequently in Quint. The earlier form vras guippe cum, or utpote cum. See Cic. Ep. ad Att. 10, 3, and ad farail. 10, 32, et al. aetas una, etc. Cic. Brut. 36 : hnic (Demostheni) Hyperides proximus et Aeschines fuit et Lycurgus et Dinarchus et is, cuius nulla extant scripta, Demades alii que plures. Haec enim aetas effudit hanc copiam. The five orators of the canon not mentioned here by Quintilian are Antiphon, Andocides, Isaeus, Lycurgus, and Dinarchus. The ten lived from the early part of the fourth century b. c. nearly to the end. Demosthenes ; b. c. 385 (f)-322. quibus- dam nervis intenta (see on § 7) ; strained as it were hy sin- ews ; hy some thi7ig like sinews ; as those of the arm in dealing powerful blows. His style is " nervous " ; the opposite of otio° NOTES. X, 1, 77-79. , 179 sum, languid, nerveless, negligent, modus, due measure; pro- portion ; the greater or less amplification suited to the topic in hand. See on xii, 10, 38. Aeschines; greatest of Athenian orators next to Demosthenes. After he had failed in the trial '* about the crown," he retired to Rhodes, where he died b. c. 314. His three published orations are still preserved. 77. grandiori simiiis, like something greater ; having the appearance of something greater than Demosthenes, and this on account of his greater diffuseness, as compared with the " dense- ness " and •' intensity " of his rival. Grandiori is better taken as neuter than with some as masculine, with oratori understood. quo, etc., hy how much {just as in fact) he is less compact, strictus ; kindred in meaning to densus and nervis intenta. lacertorum., sinews ; as opposed to carnis, flesh. So Cic. Brut. 64 : in Lysia saepe sunt etiam lacerti sic ut fieri nihil possit valentius. acutus, pointed, clean-cut, keen, terse (subtilis, ten- uis) ; not of mental acuteness here, but of language ; as in xii, 10, 39. So Cic. Orat. 25, 84 : huic acuta {suhtili, tenui) ilia (vin- cula numerorum) fugienda sunt. See also on acumen, § 114, Hyperides ; a disciple of Isocrates, put to death by command of Antipater 322 b. c. 78. Lysias, like Hyperides, excelling in the simple and chaste style of eloquence {subtilis atque elegans), lived to the age of eighty years, and died b. c. 378. Of his 450 speeches, 32 have been preserved more or less complete, docere. The simple phraseology of Lysias and his school is the best for the state- ment of facts, or for teaching; but eloquence has two chief functions besides this ; namely, to please and entertain the hearer and arouse his feeling {movere). Cic. Brut. 185 : tria sunt enim, quae sint efficienda dicendo : ut doceatur, apud quern dicetur, ut delectetur, ut moveatur vehementius. arcessitum^ affected, studied, propior, mo)'e akin. 79. Isocrates ; at first an orator, but for the greater part of his life a teacher of oratory and writer of occasional speeches, lived to the age of ninety, and died by his own hand in b. c. 338. Twenty of his orations are extant, nitidus. See § 44, and note, palaestrae quam. pugnae, to the play-ground rather than to the battle-field ; to the lecture-room and to rhe- torical exhibitions rather than to the controversies of the courts 180 NOTES. X, 1, 80-83. and the public assembly. Comp. § 29, ad fin. veneres, charms ; a usage of the word introduced by the poets, nee immerito, and not without good reason; and justly, too. auditoriis se compararat. As his reason for this course, Isocrates says (Panathenaeic Oration, 10) that he devoted himself to teaching on account of his diffidence and his weak voice, honesti : the noble and refined (in diction) ; excellent speech, beautiful lan- guage. So ix, 4, 146 ; compositio debet esse honesta, iucunda, varia. So in viii, 3, 16, honesta denotes something in the lan- guage high-toned, refined, elegant, beautiful ; but the predomi- nant sense of the word is honorable, respectable, worthy, in a moral sense. compositione, rhythmical structure ; prose^ rhythm. See on § 44. Isocrates was the first who treated sys- tematically of the principles of oratorical rhythm or harmony. Cic. Brut. 8, 32 : (Isocrates) primus intellexit, etiam in soluta oratione, dum versum effugeres, modum tamen at numerum quen- dam oportere servari. 80. Phalerea Demetrium. Demetrius of Phaleron had command of Athens under Cassander, b. c. 317-307, but was then banished by Demetrius Poliorcetes, and died at Alexan- dria B. c. 284. inclinasse. Cicero (see on § 33) says that De- metrius was the first who enfeebled (inflexit) the style of Athe- nian eloquence, medio. See on § 52. 81-84. The chief writers on philosophy are Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle ; the Stoics being omitted, as unprofitable to the orator. 81. M. TuUius. See Orator, 3. 12. Platonem ; 429-348 B. c. quadam, quodam. See on § 7. pedestrem ; ireChv \6yov. The term, as descriptive of prose, was first used by Horace. 0. 2, 12, 19. Cicero's expression is oratio soluta. See Brut. 32= 82. Xenophontis. See on § 75. inadfectatam, unstud- ied. Pericle. Cic. Brut. 59 : vaOdi) — quam deam in Pericli labris scripsit Eupolis sesitavisse. Plin. Epist. 1, 20, 17: 7iec me praeterit, summum oratorem Periclem sic a comico Eupolide laudari : li^idli) ns itreKadTjTo Tolai xe/Aeo-tf. 83. Socraticoruni. See on § 35. elegantiam, chaste simplicity. Aristotelem. b. c. 384-322. copia, the great number, inventionum acumine ; freely rendered : his pene- tration in discovery, nam. See on § 9. Theoplirasto. NOTES. X, 1, 84-87. 181 Theophrastus of Eresus, in Lesbos, born b. c. 371, succeeded Aristotle as the head of the peripatetic school at Athens, where he died in b. c. 287. The story of his name being changed from Tyrtamus to Theophrastus on account of the " divine beauty " of his style, e^ffir^iriov (ppda-ews, is probably a fancy of his biog- raphers. 84. conligendo, in arguing ; literally in syllogizing ; but not necessarily in the technical form of statement employed in the schools, quae instituerant, what they had laid down; their principles. 85-131. The representative Roman authors. 85-92. Epic poets : Vergil, Macer, Lucretius, Atacinus Varro, Ovid, Cornelius Severus, Serranus, Valerius Flaccus, Saleius Bassus, Rabirius Pedo. and Lucan. Ennius is mentioned in passing, and the Emperor Do- mitian complimented. 85. Vergilius, 70-19 b. c. dederit, may afford; a polite form, less positive than the indicative, and frequent in Quin- tilian. See H. 485. eius generis ; namely, of the epic or he- roic class, proximus ; next to Homer. See on § 53. 86. Afro Domitio. Domitius Afer was the teacher of Quin^ tilian on his first visit to Rome. See Introduction, page 11 ; and also on § 118. secundus. See on § 53. ut — ita. See on § 1. cesserimus does not depend on ut, but is a subjunctive used potentially for cedendum est. So Spalding. Corap. §§ 45, 85. eminentibus, in striking passages. See Hor. A. P. 144. vin- cimur, pensamus ; the first person plural, as above in cesseri- mus, implies that in this rivalry for poetic fame the Roman nationality is represented by Vergil. '• We, in the person of our poet are surpassed." So in §§ 93, 99, 107. aequalitate, imiform excellence. Comp. § 54 Vergil never falls below himself. 87. Macer. See on § 56. Lucretius. L, Lucretius Carus, author of the celebrated poem " De Rerum Natura," which em- bodies the Epicurean system of nature. He lived probably from 95 to 51 B. c. phrasin. See on § 42. Atacinus Varro. P. Terentius Varro Atacinus, a native of Gallia Narbonensis, flour- ished toward the end of the republic, and obtained reputation as a poet chiefly on account of his translation of the " Argonauti- ca " of Apollonius ; and thus he was interpres operis alieni. He 182 NOTES. X, 1, 88-90. also wrote a poem entitled " Bellum Sequanicum." A few lines only of his poems remain. 88. Ennium.. Q,uintus Ennius ; born at Rudiae in Cala- bria, B. c. 239, died at Rome b. c. 169. He may be styled the father of Roman literature, and especially of Roman poetry. The most famous of his poems was a Roman history in Latin hexameters, called the Annales. Only fragments of his works are preserved, robora; here, trunks, religionem, sanctity. propiores ; Kriiger interprets : nearer to Vergil ; but it may be understood quite as naturally nearer (or more kindred, more suitable) to our own times, as contrasted with Ennius. las- civus, luxuriant, extravagant ; a fault in his habit of thought and in his style ; not of his morals. He gives too free rein to fancy, and too often, like ambitious declaimers in the schools, crowds in ornament where it is out of place. Quintilian has in mind here the Metamorphoses ; of which he says in iv, 1, 77 : Ovidius lascivire in Metamorphosesin solet, quern tamen excu- sare necessitas potest res diversissimas in speciem unius corporis colligentem. Bonnell translates lascivus by the German tdn- delnd, giddy, toying. Quintilian uses the word and the verb lascivio to denote the same or kindred qualities in ix, 4, 28, 142, and, below, § 93. in herois, in his heroic or epic poems. Ovid- ius. P. Ovidius Naso of Sulmo, b. c. 43-a. d. 17. 89. Cornelius Severus was a contemporary of Ovid, who addressed to him the epistle from Pontus iv, 2, 1, beginning with the lines : Quod legis, vales magnorum maxime regum, venit ah intonsis usque. Severe, Oetis. He did not live to com- plete the " Bellum Siculum." ut est dictum : i. e., by the critics. secundum locum ; the second place among Roman epic poets ; Vergil holding the first. Serranum. This epic poet is men- tioned in company with Saleius and Lucan by Juvenal 7, 80. But the reading here is conjectural. I have adopted it in place of sed eum in my former text, consummari, to be fully de- veloped. Comp. § 122. in aetate ilia, at that time of life; at that youthfid age. recti generis ; supply dicendi, which is ex- pressed after genus, ^ 44, where see note, voluntatem ; here. love, preference. 90. Valerio Flacco. Valerius Flaccus flourished during the reign of Vespasian, was a friend of Martial, and died at the NOTES. X, 1, 91. 183 beginning of the reign of Trajan, a. d. 88. His unfinished poem, the " Argonaiitics," is still extant. Saleii Bassi. Sa- leiiis Bassus lived at the same period as the foregoing. He is warmly praised in the Dialogue de Orat. 5, 9, 10, where he is called a most finished poet {absolutissimus), and said to have been assisted by a liberal gift of money from the emperor Ves- pasian. Rabirius ac Pedo. C. Rabirius and C. Pedo Albino- vanus were both contemporaries of Ovid, by whom their talents were highly estimated. He calls the former Rahirius magm oris, and the latter sidereus. See Ov. Epist. ex Ponto, 4, 16, 5, sq. Iiucanus. M. Annaeus Lucanus of Corduba (Cordova), author of the " Pharsalia," nephew of the philosopher Seneca. He was born A. D. 38, and died by the command of Nero for participation in the conspiracy of Piso, a. d. 65. sententiis. See on § 50. 91. hos nominavimus, quia; elliptical; thege, and these only, we have named, because, etc. Germanicum Augustum. Quintilian here speaks of the Emperor Domitian. who assumed the title of Germanicus after his pretended victories over the Germans in a. d. 84. His affected love of letters, and especially his pretensions to poetic talent, it was fashionable during his life-time to eulogize. He wrote a poem on the war conducted by his father and brother in Judea. The translation of Aratus, sometimes ascribed to him, was more probably the work of Ger- manicus, the son of Drusus. donato imperio, having given up the imperial power ; namely, as he pretended, to his father, Ves- pasian, and his brother Titus. Suetonius says that, after he became emperor, he did not hesitate to boast publicly in the senate et patri se et fratri imperium dedisse. Suet. Domit. 13. See, also. Tacit. Hist. 4, 86. numeris. See on § 70. sic gerit. The reference is to his sham victory over the Chatti, which Tacitus speaks of with so much contempt in Agr. 39. deae. In honor of the muses Domitian instituted quinquennial con- tests in music, poetry, and eloquence on the Capitoline hill, over which he presided in person. Suet. Domit. 4. This festival, called the Agon Capitolinus, was continued down to the fifth century. See Merivale, Rome und. the Emp., vol. 7, p. 163. propius ; with more favor. So Verg. Aen. 1. 526 : propius res aspice nostras, familiare. " Domitian affected to believe that he was the special favorite of Minerva, and, according to Philos- 184 NOTES. X, 1, 92-94. tratus (Life of Apollonius of Tyana, 7, 12), a son of the goddess. He founded annual contests in her honor at his Alban villa, and in these, too, he combined poetry and rhetoric with musical and gymnic exhibitions." Merivale, as above. 92. inter victrices, etc. The words are quoted from Ec- logue 8, 13, addressed to Pollio. serpere is made here to de- pend on testamur. 93. Elegiac poets : TibuUus, Propertius, Ovid, Gallus. 93. elegia quoque ; not only in epic poetry, but also in elegy, provocamus. See on vincimur, § 86. Tibullus. Al- bius Tibullus, a Roman knight, born b. c. 59 or 54, died b. c. 18, the year after Vergil's death. Propertium. Sextus Aurelius Propertius was a contemporary of Tibullus ; probably of Assi- sium in Umbria. Ovidius. See on § 88. lascivior ; here, as in § 88, describes a quality of the style and manner of Ovid ; not implying immorality or indecency. He is too luxuriant, and somewhat deficient in masculine strength and dignity. durior, sturdier; more masculine; in contrast with lascivior. Gallus. Cornelius Gallus, to whom Vergil addressed his tenth eclogue, was born at Forum Julii (Frejus) in Gaul, about b. c. 66. He distinguished himself as a poet and orator, and also as a general under Augustus. Falling under the displeasure of the emperor, he put an end to his own life in b. c. 26. Ovid, Trist. 4, 10, 5, 3, ranks him as the first of the Roman elegiac poets. He has been adopted as the hero of Becker's " Gallus." 93-95. Satire is a kind of poetry original with the Romans, and repre- sented in its later form by Lucilius, Horace, and Persius ; though Teren- tius Varro reproduced the earlier and mixed form of satirical writing. satura nostra. " Satire, both in its form and aim, as pre- sented in Roman literature, was wholly unknown to the Greeks.'' Bernhardy, Gesch. der R. L„ p. 494. Lucilius, Gains Lucil- ius of Suessa Auruncorum, a Roman knight, and in his youth a friend of Scipio Africanus the younger and of Laelius. b. c. 148-103. 94. Horatio ; Q. Horatius Flaccus, b. c. 65-8. dissentio. Quintilian regards the passages in Horace, Sat. 1, 4, 11, and 1, 10, 68, as unjustly severe, libertas, etc. The keen satire NOTES. X, 1, 95,96. 185 (acerbitas) of Lucilius and the unrestrained flow of his wit (abunde salis), directed against the society and individual citi- zens of his time, and even against his illustrious friends, was due to his personal independence and sense of equality. See Hor. Sat. 2, 1, 62, sqq. labor, I err; slip in judgment; not the same figure as labitur {ex animo) 7, 24. multum et verae gloriate, much reputation, and that genuine. Persius. A. Flaccus Persius of Volaterra, a Roman knight, a. d. 34-62. His six satires are still extant, sunt — nominabuntur, there are illustrious (satirists) not only flourishing to-day, hut uho will also have a name hereafter. On the connection indicated by que and et, see H. 554, 1, 5. Comp. also g 132. It is not known what contemporary poets Quintilian has in mind. 95. alterum — raixtum. There was before the time of Lucilius a species of satire, invented by Ennius, and consisting of different kinds of verses. But, later, Terentius Varro (of Keate, b. c. 116-27) composed (condidif) satires, styled Menip- pean, in which he employed not only the variety of meters of that earlier kind, but also a mixture of prose and verse, and that too both in Latin and Greek words. But few fragments of these are in existence. Of the other works of Varro, numbering about 500, there are now extant only the three books " de Re Rusti- ca," and some portions of the treatise " De Lingua Latina." prius is an adjective here : former, earlier. Though this mixed kind of satire was older, yet Lucilius, in § 93, is called the first, or father of the satirists, because he gave to this species of writing its fixed form in hexameter, as adopted by Horace, Persius, and Juvenal, and known by distinction as the Roman satire. But by the mention of satire Quintilian is reminded of that earlier style of composition, that mixture, or " olla podrida," which was originally meant by the term satura. rerum, history. 96. The iambic and lyric poets : Catullus, Bibaculus, Horace, Caesius Bassus. 96. iambus. See on §§ 9 and 59. The iambic trimeter was used so much by Archilochus in his lampoons, that poems of this kind were called iambi, though Archilochus, as well as others, employed also other meters, and the iambic dimeter as well as the trimeter. Horace's seventeenth epode is an example 186 NOTES. X, 1, 97, 98. of the original form of the Archilochian iambic trimetrical ode. celebratus, cultivated, or m^ich employed, quibusdam inter- positus, (though) iyitei'mingled by certain (Roman poets) ; i. e., by certain Roman poets the iambic form of odes was introduced occasionally among their other poems. For the dative of the agent, see H. 388. acerbitas. See on § 94. Catullo. Q. Va- lerius Catullus of Verona, born b. c. 87. Bibaculo. M. Furius Bibaculus was born at Cremona b. c. 99. illi refers to iambus. Though the epode, or added line interrupts, or breaks in upon the regular iambic verses which give name to this kind of poem, that does not diminish its pungency, epodos (6 eVwSc^s), as here used, means the odd or added verse, either iambic dimeter or in some other meter, following the iambic trimeter. It must be distinguished from the same word used as the name of entire poems, like the " Epodes " of Horace ; so called, however, not by Horace himself, but by his later editors, idem Horatius ; i. e., just mentioned. Caesius Bassus, to whom Persius ad- dressed his sixth satire, perished in his villa in the eruption of Vesuvius, A. D. 79. Viventium. Perhaps Statius is one of these, as his " Sylvae " are poems of a lyrical character. 97-100. Dramatic writers : in tragedy, Attius, Pacuvlus, Varius, Ovid, Pomponius Secundus ; in comedy, Plautus, Caecilius, Terence, Afranius. 97. Veterum ; in contrast with the later poets, such as Varius and Ovid, presently mentioned, Attius. L. Attius, or Accius, B. c. 170-84. Pacuvius. M. Pacuvius of Brundisium, probably a nephew of Ennius. He was born b. c. 220, and died about B- c. 130. temporibus ipsis refers especially to the com- paratively undeveloped state of the language of literature in the times of Attius and Pacuvius. Thus it was the age itself, or the state of the language itself in that archaic period, and not any want of ability in these old poets, that made their style less per- fect than that of their successors. 98. iam : here a particle of transition. Comp. § 49 and note. Varii. L. Varius, one of the most cultivated men, and one of the best poets of the Augustan age. He was the intimate friend of Vergil and Horace. Graecarum. Supply tragoediarum. indulgere. See on §§ 88, 93. viderim. See H. 503, i; Z. 559. The indicative is also used ; as xii, 10, 11 : in iis, quos ipsi NOTES. X, 1, 99-101. 18Y vidimus. Pomponius Secundus. A distinguished poet and general in the time of Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. He is highly praised by Tacitus both as a soldier and poet. Ann. 12, 28. 99. Claudicamus. See on vincimur, § 86. Aelii Stilo- nis ; a Roman knight who devoted his life to the study of the Roman poets, and to the gratuitous instruction of the young men of his time in letters and eloquence. Varro and Cicero were among those on whom his teachings made a lasting impres- sion. See Cic. Brutus, 56. sententia, according to, or in the opinion. See H. 416. Join with locuturas fuisse. Plautino. T. Maccius Plautus lived from about 254 to 184 b. c. Cae- cilium. Statins Caecilius died about b. c. 168. laudibus fe- rant, for the more usual laudibus efferant. ad Scipionem Africanum. Suetonius says (Life of Ter. 3) that Terence him- self gave some countenance to the report that he had received help from Laelius and Scipio, because he took but little pains to defend himself against the charge. See Adel. prol. 15, sqq. Terentii. P. Terentius Afer, of Carthage, b. c. 195-159. si — stetissent, if they had confined themselves within the limits of trimeters. This judgment of Quintilian would have left less liberty to Terence than was taken by Aristophanes. 100. umbram, the shadow, i. e., of the excellence of Greek comedy, sermo ipse Romanus, etc. The Roman speech in its very nature is insusceptible of the peculiar charm of the Attic comedy, and, indeed, this was to be expected, since not even the Greek in any other dialect than the Attic {alio genere linguae), is capable of it. The Latin is more formal and rhe- torical, and does not easily fall into the simple naturalness and directness of the Attic Greek, togatis. Supply fabulis, plays. Comedies which represented Roman life were called togatae ; Latin comedies representing Grecian life and manners were palliatae. Of the latter kind were the plays of Plautus, Cae- cilius, and Terence. Afranius. Lucius Afranius jlourished B. c. 150. fassus (thus) betraying. 101-104. Historians : Sallust, Livy, Bassus Aufldius. 101. cesserit, verear, indignetur. See on § 85 ; also Madv. 350, b. Sallustium. C. Sallustius Crispus of Amiter- 188 NOTES. X, 1, 102-104. num, B. c. 86-35. T. Livium. T. Livius of Patavium, b. c. 59-A. D. 17. candoris describes the clearness and purity of his style. See on § 73. ita; explanatory of turn — eloquentem. adfectus. See on § 48. commendavit magis, has repre- sented more 'perfectly. 102. velocitatem, rapidity; describing the swift transi- tion from one idea to another by the employment of few but expressive words ; the quality of style indicated in § 73 by the words semper instans sibi. consecutus est ; here, has compen- sated for ; has attained something equal to. Servilius Nonia- nus, who died a. d. 60, was distinguished as a historian and orator, qui et ipse, and, indeed, he himself, sententiis. See on § 50. 103. quam refers to historiae auctoritas. Translate: hut this. Bassus Aufidius ; an eminent historian and orator, contemporary with Servilius. Besides the history of the Ger- man war, here referred to, he wrote a history of the civil wars. Pliny the Elder took up the latter at the point where Aufidius left it at his death. See PI. Ep. 3, 5, 6. praestitit, afforded^ illustrated, genere ipso ; iyi his kind (of writing) as a kind ; in his style generally, or 07i the ivhole ; as contrasted with the occasional exceptions immediately mentioned. Comp. ix, 2, 44. suis viribus minor, less than {inferior to) his oivn abilities. 104. superest adhuc vir, etc., there is a man still living and adorning, etc. The historian here referred to is probably Fabius Rusticus, praised by Tacitus (Agr. 10) as eloquentissimus recentium, and repeatedly quoted in the " Annals." The his- torical work of Fabius came down, at least, to the end of the reign of Nero, possibly later, and, therefore, must have been published some time after a. d. 68. And though we know noth- ing of the date either of his birth or death, he may very well have been living at an advanced age when Quintilian was writ- ing this passage, about a. d. 93, and when the expression '* still living " or " surviving," naturally suggestive of some one outliv- ing the average of life, would be properly applied to him. The qualities denoted by the terms libertas {independence of thought and word), elatum spiritum {elevated tone), audaces senten- tias {bold originality of language), are not unlikely to have been characteristic of one who was an intimate friend of Seneca NOTES. X, 1, 105-107. 189 (Tacit. An. 13, 20), and a writer so much admired by Tacitus. That such " audacity " or bold freedom as is ascribed to this writer, in departing from the old standards of style, should have hurt his reputation {iiocuerit), and should have been offensive to Quintilian and his conscientious school, is not surprising ; espe- cially before his writings had been pruned (circumcisis) and chastened under the influence of criticism and of a maturer taste.* genera. See on § 45. 105-122. Orators : Cicero, Asinius PoUio, Messala, Caesar, Caelius, Calvus, Servius Sulpicius, Cassius Severus, Domitius Afer, Julius Africa- nus, Trachalus, Vibius Crispus, Julius Secundus. 105. vel praecipue, even more than all others ; more than any other class of Latin authors, possint. See on § 85. Eorum refers to the Greeks, who are implied in Graecae {elo- quentiae). For the construction ad synesin, see H. 636, iv, 4. quantam pugnam : ivhat (unreasonable) opposition ; arising from the prejudice existing in the time of Quintilian against the style of Cicero. See introduction, page 19. cum is ellip- tical. It is implied that this anticipated hostility to the judg- ment of Quintilian is uncalled for since especially, etc. We may tranlate it with praesertim, though indeed. 106. consilixini, ordineia, plan, arrangement, dividend!, praeparandi, probandi rationem, the method of analysis, introduction, proof, eloquendo, style. Comp. § 1. conclu- dit, reasons or argues. Comp. xii, 2, 25. The reference here is to the handling of argumentative passages, not to the closing of an entire speech, inventionis, as opposed to the following eloquendi, includes the whole mental process pertaining to the consilium, ordinem, etc. acumine, ivith point ; here a quality of style, not, as in §§ 81, 83, of mind. See also on §§ 77, 114 ; xii, 10, 59. frequenter et pondere, often also with weight ; i. e., with weight, or breadth and fulness of expression in addition to the terse and pointed style. 107. in adfectibus, in respect to the emotions ; i. e., in ex- citing the feelings ; whether of pain or pleasure. See on § 27. vincimus. See on vincimur, § 86. epilogos — abstulerit, * Nipperdey, also, in the introduction to his "Annals of Tacitus," sayB that " in all probability " Fabius Rusticus is the historian referred to by Quintilian in this passage. 190 NOTES. X, 1, 108-113. the custom of the state deprived him of (the opportunity of) closing appeals to the feelings. This is true only of judicial speeches at Athens before the Areopagus, where it was unlawful to attempt any appeal to the passions. See Aristotle's " Rhe- torica," 1. Quintilian seems to regard this restriction as applying to all Athenian tribunals. Comp. vi, 1, 7; ii, 16, 4; and xii, 10, 52. ilia, etc. See §§ 65, 100. Cicero's disadvantage in the want of a simple and flexible language is as great as that of Demosthenes in the lack of opportunity for addressing the pas- sions, epistolis. The six letters erroneously ascribed to De- mosthenes are on mere matters of business, and, of course, can not be fairly compared with the numerous and elegant letters of Cicero, dialogis. The works of Demosthenes are exclu- sively speeches. He attempted no productions, such as those of Cicero, in the form of dialogue, after the plan of the Socratic philosophers ; so that no comparison can be made between him and Cicero in these ; in which (quibus) he wrote nothing. 108. cedendum est, we must yield the precedence, effinx- isse, to have reproduced ; to have fashioned in himself. 109. in quoque, in each of them, se ipso refers to in- genii. beatissima. See on § 61. pluvias, etc. The words are from some poem of Pindar no longer extant. 110. docere, movere, iucunditas. See on § 78; and on iucundus, § 46. transversum. The conception is of some ob- ject lying in our way, and carried along before us by the force of our mere movement. 111. advocati ; here, as generally in Quintilian, in the modern sense of advocate. In earlier times it had been used to denote the friends summoned by a litigant to give him coun- tenance and support merely by their presence in court, cum interim, though at the same time, quae — posset. There is a conditional clause suppressed : si vellet. oratio, language, style. 112. regnare; twice said by Cicero of himself in his let- ters. Epist. ad Fam. xii, 24 ; ix, 18. consecutus, ut habea- tur. See 11. 498, ii ; Z. 618. exemplum is to be taken with the predicate. For the gender of hoc see H. 445, 4 ; Z. 372. 113. Asinio Pollione. C. Asinius Pollio (b. c. 76-a. d. 4), one of the most prominent statesmen of the Augustan age, dis- NOTES. X, 1, 114, 115. 191 tinguished as an orator, historian, and poet. See Hor. 0. 2, 1. diligentia, accuracy or correct7iess of language, consilii et animi, of method and spirit, saecculo prior, a century ear- lier. In the Dialogue de Oratt. the author, referring to the anti- quated style of Pollio, says Asi7iius — videttir mihi inter Mene- nios et Appios studuisse. Messala. M. Valerius Corvinus. B. c. 69-A. D. 3. nitidus et candidus. Comp. gg 73 and 79. nobilitatem suam, his high birth, viribus minor, inferior in power (of thought) ; that is, not so excellent in thought as in oratorical form. 114. C.Caesar. C.Julius Caesar, the dictator, b. c. 100- 44. acumen, point; a pointed, incisive style, marked by the omission of every superfluous term, and the use of the best word in the best place ; clean cut, as it were, and sharp- ened. See on § 106. cuius proprie studiosus ; freely : ivhich he made a special study. Suetonius, Caes. 56, speaks of a work in two books on correct Latinity, entitled " de Analogia," writ- ten by Caesar while traveling over the Alps to join his army in Gaul. Cicero, in Brutus 253, refers to the same work in proof of Caesar's earnest study of purity in the use of Latin. 115. Caelio. M. Rufus Caelius, b. c. 82-48. Cicero says of him (Brut. 273), that as long as he adhered to good counsels he was an effective supporter of the senate ; but that he finally joined the party (i. e., Caesar's) which he had formerly aimed to overthrow, urbanitas ; here ivit, or tvit and humor, dignus must be understood of his talents, not of his character, mens melior, a better purpose ; i. e., in political life. Calvum. C. Licinius Calvus, a contemporary of Caelius. The remark of Cicero here mentioned is found in Brut. 283. calumnia here denotes a morbid habit of self-reproach ; self-criticistn. Comp. 3, 10. verum sanguinem, his natural vigor, perdidisse seems to depend grammatically on crederent ; but perhaps we may better supply dicenti, after Ciceroni, sancta, jswre ; the opposite of corrupfa. castigata, severely finished ; thoroughly corrected ; retaining nothing superfluous or inaccurate. So Horace, A. P. 294: carmen quod multa litura castigavit ad unguem. properata, premature, si quid adiecturus sibi, if he would have added anything to himself ; i. e., to the devel- opment of more freedom and strength as a public speake/. 192 NOTES. X, 1, 116-119. Comp. 120. si quid detracturus, if he would have taken any- thing away ; namelv, by keeping up the same habit of excessive self-criticism. 116. Servius Sulpicius; the most profound jurist of the age of Cicero. He was the first Roman, says Cicero (Brut. 152), who applied dialectics to the discussion of legal questions. He published only three speeches. Cassius Severus ; the most talented advocate of the latter part of the Augustan age. He was banished to the island of Seriphos, and died there a. d. 34. Tacitus (Dial. 19) describes him as an orator of remarkable gifts, and as impressing a character upon the eloquence of his day in keeping with the transformed tastes of the Romans, which he was the first to comprehend and to satisfy. Vidit namque cum conditione temporum ac diversitate aurium, formam quoque ac speciem oraiionis esse mutandam. colorem. See on § 59. The word here may be rendered decorum. Severus did not suffi- ciently disguise or color his personal feeling, but gave free rein to bitter invective, wit, and sarcasm ; thus violating the proper self-restraint and politeness which we call the courtesy of the bar. As Tacitus again says of him. Dial. 26 : omissa modes- tia ac pudore verhorum, ipsis etiam, quihus utitur, armis, in- compositus et studio feriendi plerumque deiectus, nonpugnat, sed rixatur. So below, plus stomacho quam consilio dedit. gravi- tatem, dignity ; of speech. 117. urbanitas. See on § 115, amari sales, acrimoni- ous wit. amaritudo, hitter personality ; mere personal abuse, without wit. ridicula est, is an occasion of laughter ; moves laughter. Success in exciting the mirth of the court and the audience is not always a proof of the orator's wit ; but is often due to mere bitterness of invective, and coarse and rough, or droll terms of abuse. Comp. vi, 3, 7. 118. viderim. See on § 98. Domitius Afer, of Nemau- sus (Nismes), died a. d. 58. See Introduction, page 11. lulius Africanus, of Gaul, flourished in the reign of Nero. He is mentioned by Tacitus, Dial. 15. compositione longior, tedious {OT prolix) in his phraseology, viii, 3, 52: ea (ofioioKoyla) et sen- ientiis et figuris et compositione longa. 119. et Trachalus. et is correlative here to the following et before Vihius. M. Galerius Trachalus was consul with the NOTES. X, 1, 120-123. 193 poet Silius Italicus a. d, G8. His voice was remarkably strong and musical. Hence he appeared to greater advantage when heard, auditus maior, than when read. See xii, 10, 11. velle optima, to have the best aims; to be understood here not of conduct, but of a high standard of attainment in eloquence. Comp. meliora vellet, § 131. Vibius Crispus flourished under Nero and Vespasian ; the former of whom he served in the infa- mous character of delator, or informer. oomi^ositvLS, fnished ; rhythmical and smooth, causis ; ablative of limitation, as ad- fedibus melior, § 73. 120. lulio Secundo. Julius Secundus, of Gaul, is one of the principal personages introduced by Tacitus in the " Dia- logue," and is supposed to have died a. d. 88. He is mentioned also in 3, 12, and in xii, 10, 11. id refers to the deficiency im- plied in desiderari. pugnax. He should be more co7itentious, or aggressive ; direct his attention more earnestly to the contro- versy, and look away from the mere form of the expression (elocutione). See on palaestrae and pugnae, § 79. 121. interceptus quoque, even (though) cut off early, ea, such, explicando ; not to be understood here of explaining or unfolding a question, but of the clear expression of ideas in lan- guage ; a quality of style, candidum, pure, limpid. See on §§ 32, 73. lene, gentle, quiet, quae adsumpta sunt, ivhich are used figuratively, proprietas. See on § 46. ex periculo petitis, literally, sought on trial, or adventurously ; newly in- vented, bold. So, a periculo, ii, 11, 3. 1 22. sunt ingenia ; orators such as Tacitus, Pliny, Clau- dius Marcellinus, Salvius Liberalis, and Fronto Catius. These, and many others mentioned here and there in Pliny's letters, were flourishing when Quintilian was writing the " Institutes." See Introduction, page 23. veteribus ; dative after aemulantur. In § 62 we have the accusative, eos refers to patroni. optima ; as in § 119. 123-131. Philosophers : Cicero, Brutus, Cornelius Celsus, the Sextii Catius, Seneca. 123. qui ubique. Manifestly there is an ellipsis to be sup- plied such as : aemulus extitit Graecorum. Brutus. See on § 23. ponderi rerum, for the gravity of (philosophical) subjects. 13 194: NOTES. X, 1, 124-126. 124. Comelms Celsus ; a voluminous writer of the age of Augustus and Tiberius ; best known to us by his treatise on medicine. See also xii, 11, 24. Sextios. There were two philosophers of this name, father and son, flourishing under Caesar and Augustus. They were said to have been followers of Pythagoras, though Seneca, Ep. 64, calls the father a stoic. Plautus. There is some uncertainty as to the reading ; whether Plautus, or Plancus. C. Rubellius Plautus, a descendant of Tiberius, belonged to the stoic school. Owing to the jealousy of Nero he retired to Asia Minor, where he was murdered by the emissaries of the emperor in a. d. 62. Catius ; an Insubrian Gaul, whom Cicero mentions in a letter, written in b. c. 45, as having recently died. 125. Senecam. L. Annaeus Seneca, son of the rhetorician Annaeus Seneca, was born at Cordova (Corduba), in Spain, about B. c. 4, and died by the command of Nero, a. d. 65. See Intro- duction, page 20. in omni genere eloquentiae, in connection with, or in treating of every class of literature. In treating of the various departments of Roman authorship, I have purposely reserved my observations on Seneca for the close of the whole chapter. He might also have been classed with poets or orators. Accidit ; the perfect, dum contendo, ivhile I was striving. See H. 467, 4 ; Z. 506. corruptum, etc. See Introduction, page 21. This vicious style is here referred to as that of the times, and not of Seneca alone : a kind of speakirig, or the (prevailing) style of writing {dicendi genus). 126. Turn denotes the time when Quintilian was engaged in teaching ; a few years after Seneca's death, excutere, i. e., e manibus adolescentium. illi refers to potioinbus, the more com- mendable writers ; those of the Ciceronian period, imitaban- tur is used here in its first meaning : to copy, represent, resemble, successfully imitate; as in x, 2, 11 ; 5, 8; xi, 3, 55, et al. In its other signification : seeking to resemble, it is also very frequent ; as in X, 2, 7. and 18, et al. The admirers of Seneca did not imitate him in the first sense, did not, as implied in the next sentence, make themselves similar to him or nearly so {pares aut proximos). tantum, etc. Seneca had been inferior to the early writers in taste and style alone ; but his admirers fell be- low him both in style and matter. NOTES. X, 1, 127-131. 195 127. foret optandum {nobis). The form implies that the wish could not have been realized. Senecam infamabat, brought reproach upon Seneca; for they claimed, and were understood to represent his characteristics, while in fact they were but feeble imitators even of the pleasing and brilliant faults (vitia) which alone had attracted their admiration. With- out his wonderful gifts of mind they could produce nothing but caricatures of his peculiar manner, and thus made his school ridiculous. Their folly was akin to that of the superficial imita- tors described in 2, 16, sqq. 128. rerum cog-nitio, knowledge of facts. See § 34. 129. orationes, etc. Besides the moral essays and the epistles of Seneca, none of his works have been preserved, except- ing his tragedies and his " Quaestiones Naturales," or treatise on the facts of nature, parum diligens, not very critical. He was not a careful student of the literature of philosophy in all its schools ; but gave his mind more especially to practical ques- tions of life and conduct. 130. alieno iudicio, with the taste (or more commendable style) of others, aliqua, sua, refer to qualities of style peculiar to his writings, rerum pondera, grave topics ; important truths or noble thoughts. Comp. § 123. minutissimis sen- tentiis ; brief sentences ; not occurring at intervals, to relieve and diversify the more elaborate and flowing periods ; but in a continuous chain, and the predominating characteristic through- out his works. On this account his writings leave upon us the impression of an almost unbroken series of coruscations, inter- esting, indeed, on account of their fullness of meaning; but soon tiring because of the constant strain; and thus better for occasional perusal. Like the faults of all great geniuses, they are dangerous as models for inferior or for immature minds. 131. Sic quoque, even (being) thus ; even as he is. Comp. § 121. iam robustis, by those who are now (already) mature; well established in the true principles of style. Comp. ^ 57. severiore. Comp. § 125. genere. Supply dicendi. utrimque, in both ways, on both sides ; both in approving and comdemn- ing. eligere, as subject nominative. See H. 538; Z. 597. CuraSo H. 390; Z. 422. meliora, better aims; i. e., in his 196 NOTES. X, 2, 1-6. manner of writing. That genius (natura), which achieved what- ever it desired, deserved to aspire to something nobler in the way of form of expression. CHAPTER II. OF IMITATION. 1-3. While the command of words, figures, and phraseology is to be acquired by the study of good authors, as recommended in the foregoing book, the mind must also be exercised in the imitation of all the good qualities exemplified in their works. 1. componendi ratio, style of phraseology. See on i, 79. ad exemplum ; not to, but according to the example. So vi, 5, 2 : ad ea iudicium dirigatur. Comp. x, 7, 3. artis, art, in general ; not rhetorical art alone. 2. omnis vitae — constat, the ivhole course (or laid) of life is so constituted, ductus, drawings or writing-copies made on wax tablets, in exemplum, for, or as an example. So fre- quently, propositum is here a participle ; below, in § 12, it is used substantively, ad praescriptum, according to the rule, or traditional usage. 3. lioc ipsum, this very fact; this very advantage ; i. e., of having examples to follow. This meaning seems to be sug- gested by the context ; though others refer the words to imita- iio. apprehenditur, is employed. 4-6. Only a dull spirit will be content to do nothing but imitate, while Inventing nothing new. 5. in hoc ; frequently for ad hoc. Non concitemur. See H. 486, ii ; Z. 530. The form of the question implies that we can not fail to be aroused. 6. cuiusquam. See H. 457, i ; Z. 129. beneficii alieni ; supply quod sit; that ivhich is due to the favor of others. describere mensuris ac lineis ; to copy hy measures and lines. The picture to be copied and the board or surface on which the copy was to be made, were divided into equal num- NOTES. X, 2, 7-11. 197 bers of squares by lines drawn across at right angles ; a common process also now. The squares are the mensurae. 7-13. Besides the folly of confining ourselves to exact imitation, it is also a disgrace (turpe etiam est) to be satisfied with being just equal to the models we imitate ; especially in the case of orators ; for there ia much in oratory that is characteristic of individual orators, and due to their natural gifts, which can not be made matter of imitation ; and for this we must compensate by adding excellencies of our own. 7. id consequi, etc. Merely to come up to, or barely equal our exemplar, is servile imitation. If we go beyond this, do something more, our imitation is not incompatible with fresh- ness and originality, nirsus, again, with reference to ante omnia, § 4. Livium Andronicuni. Livius Andronicus, of Tarentum, a half-Greek, came to Rome soon after the first Punic war, about b. c. 240, and became famous as a teacher, and tragic actor and poet. 5is Latin translation of the " Odyssey," though in crude and rugged style, compared with the works of later poets, long continued in use as a school-book. See Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 69. historiis. See on 1, 75. pontificum annales ; called also annales maximi, because they were kept by the pon- tifex maximus, or president of the college of pontiffs, were brief records of the public events of the civil year. They were con- tinued down to the pontificate of Mucins Scaevola, b. c. 130. Comp. Cic. de Orat. 2, 12, 52. pictura; painting, as an art; a painting is tabula or tabella. quae lineas, etc., that marked the outlines of the shadow made hy bodies in the sunlight. The earliest painting was only in contour. ■ 8. nee stetit, etc., supply ulla ars ; nor has any art re- mained u'ithin its original limits, nisi forte, as in 1, 70, im- plies a supposition which would be absurd, infelicitatis ; a genitive of penalty. 9. ilium oratorem. See § 28. summa, perfection, con- tendere, compete, rival. 10. vestigiis ; dative after insistendum. adde quod. See H. 540, iv ; Z. 628. The phrase is rather carelessly repeated in §§ 11 and 12. So quin etiam in 1, 23. 11. quidquid alteri simile est, whatever is imitative of another th ing. minus, less than, inferior to ; that is, inferior in the characteristic qualities of the object which it imitates (eo 198 NOTES. X, 3, 12, 13. quod imitatur), or aims to resemble, actus histrionum, etc. In vi, 2, 35, the, passions as represented by actors are called falsi adfectus. in orationibus, in the case of speeches ; that IS, in the imitation of real public speeches, alienum proposi- tum, another's purpose ; the purpose, not of the original writer or speaker, but that of the imitator. 12. declamationes, school speeches on fictitious questions, as opposed to orationes, or speeches in the courts on real ques- tions. See also on 1, 71. quidquid arte, etc.; whatever depends upon natural gifts and their exercise, and is not imparted {tra- ditur) by precept, rules, and examples ; that is, by " art." 13. aliquos certos pedes, some particular phrases ; meas- ures, or rhythmical groups of words, ix, 4, 116 : quern i?i poemate locum habet versificatio, etim in oratione compositio. Certus {defi?iite, fixed, particular) is frequently joined with aliguis. efl&ngi. to be reproduced ; " shaped out," here, in the way of imitation, et verba — et compositio, etc. The error of such imitators relates both to words and phrases : they are struck, perhaps, with the good effect of a certain word employed by the author they are following, and so adopt it in the expectation of producing a similar impression ; whereas {cum) the felicity of the original may have been due to the usage of the times, or to the fitness of the term to the thought (opportime, proprieque), or to its collocation with other words, determining its effect as to sound and emphasis; and also in the same expectation, they quote from their models certain forms of phraseology {composi- tio), whereas this, too, may owe its effect in the original some- times to its adaptation to the idea {rebus accommodata), and sometimes to the liveliness it imparts to the style by diversity of form, breaking up monotoray. intercidant, invalescant, fall out of use, come into use. temporibus, in periods; with the times, or fashions. Hor. A. P, 70, sq. : multa renascentur quae iam cecidere cadentque, quae nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus. eaque, and ivhich. The demonstrative occasion- ally takes the place of the relative in a co-ordinate clause of a relative sentence. Z. 806. et, correlative to the foregoing et, connects this sentence with verba intercidant, etc., and, there- fore, requires the subjunctive sit. Halm, however, adopts the reading et cum verba, etc., in the first clause, and substitutes est NOTES. X, 2, 14-16. 199 for sit in the second, cum, correlative to turn, does not affect the mood. 14-18. Imitation, therefore, is a part of our work to be carried on with great circumspection ; first, in the choice of our models ; then, in distin- guishing, even in these, their excellencies from their defects ; and, lastly, as to the difference between superficial imitation and that which is based upon the thorough study of the work imitated. 14. quos imitemur, quid sit ; dependent upon examinan- dum est, suggested in the foregoing sentence, corruptissimi ; said of a vicious style, as in 1, 125. ad quod eflB-ciendum, for the working out, or the imitation of which ; efficere in the same sense as effingi, § 13. 15. a doctis — reprehensa, mutually charged upon or thrown out against each other by accomplished authors; said with reference especially to the strictures interchanged by dis- tinguished rival orators, inter ipsos, and not inter se, is used when the noun referred to is not in the nominative or accusative. So Cic, de Off. 1, 7. 20; societas hominum inter ipsos; id. 1, 16, 51; latissime quidem patens hominibus inter ipsos . . . societas haec est. See also i^ 23. mala. Supply imitantes. nee sal- tern. Saltern with a negative is sometimes in the post- Augustan writers, as here, equivalent to ne — quidem, sometimes standing before, and sometimes after the word emphasized. Here it qualifies sufficiat. Epicuri figuras. The allusion is to the Lucretian theory of vision, according to which images or €<5a)\a are formed in the eye by atoms continually emanating from the surfaces of things. Lucret. 4, 46 : dico igitur rerum effigias tenuisque figuras mittier ab rebus summo de corpore earum, sqq. Also 158, 9 : perpetuo fluere, ut noscas, e corpore summo texturas rerum tenuis, tenuisque figuras. summis cor- poribus, the surfaces of bodies. 16. numeris, phrases; rhythmical groups. See on § 13. vim, force, significance, inventionis, matter, thought, prox- ima virtutibus vitia. ii, 12, 4: est quaedam virtutum vitio- rumque vicinia (affinity), qua maledicus pro libero, temerarius pro forti, effusus pro copioso accipitur. Comp. also xii, 10, 80. pressis. See on 1. 44. fortibus temerarii, violent instead of powerful, ii, 12, 11 : vim appellant quae est potius violentia. 200 NOTES. X, 2, 17-19. laetis corrupt!, vicious for luxuriant, compositis exul- tantes, bounding for measured, or jingling for harmonious; a style of prose writing in which the study of rhythm {com- posilio) is carried too far, so as to render it affected and puerile ; something which is neither prose nor verse, but unpleasantly suggestive of both. To writing of this kind Quintilian applies the terms exultare, resultare, saltare, lascivire, to bound, hop, dance, wanton. See ix, 4, 28, 66, 142 ; x, 4, 1, xii, 10, 12. neg- legentes, careless, or slovenly. 17. quidlibet illud frigidum et inane, that something cold and vapid, sententiis, thoughts, ideas. Atticis. Sup- ply pares, conclusionibus, periods, tristes, dreary, color- less, aemulantur. See on 1, 122. otiosi et supini, spiritless and feeble, si quid, etc., if once they have roimded out some period longer than visual. 18. se expressisse dependent on sibi viderentur, is equiv- alent to putarent se expressisse. Comp. v, 10, 5. genus, style (dicendi genus), in dicendo; join with caelestis; divine in speech, esse videatur; a favorite phrase of Cicero touched upon by Aper in his strictures on Cicero, in Tac. Dial. 23. Puerile imitators made the phrase ridiculous, primum est ut ; after the analogy of necesse est, tit. See H. 501, i, 2 : Z. 623. So varum est ut, 7, 24. But in g 1, after primum,, we have the infinitive. 19-21. The student must consider what his own gifts qualify him to imitate, and the contrary. 19. quibus — sufficiat — repugnet is a concessive relative sentence. Certain qualities are in themselves susceptible of im- itation, which, nevertheless, the natural deficiency or peculiarity of some individuals will not permit them to imitate. The old- est manuscripts give inimitabilia ; but this would seem to have no connection with the question under consideration here — namely, what good qualities each individual will be capable of imitating, tenue ingenium, a simple taste; a gift for plain or simple speech, amore subtilitatis, with the desire of sim- plicity, or love of a simple style. With perdat and adsequatur supply ne. elegantiam, delicacy ; the same here as subtilitas. xnollia, delicate things; such a quality of style as is implied in NOTES. X, 2, 20-23, 201 the terms tenue, siibtilitatis, elegantiam, dure fiunt. A strong, but violent nature {ingenium forte, sed indomitum), will be apt to handle too harshly the sentiment and language of the gentle and winning class of eloquence ; such a nature must use the bold, passionate, and grand. 20. atque ego, etc. The general sense of the passage seems to be this : And yet, what I have here said may appear incon- sistent with my remark in the second book, where 1 advised the teacher to exercise his pupils in other directions as well as in those for which they might have a natural bent ; and this, be- cause the teacher's office is to mold the minds of others, not his own, which would be a more difficult task. But what 1 now say is only a qualification of that former remark, and not a contradiction of it. For while the discreet teacher will in gen- eral try to develop his pupils in a symmetrical way, even such a teacher will not go so far in this effort as to insist upon that (laborare in eo) which he finds absolutely repugnant to their natures. Such would be the clashing of the tenue ingenium with the fortia et abrupta, etc., just spoken of. atque, and yet ; so in 3, 22. libro secundo. ii, 8. credidi, 1 expressed the belief. 21. quamquam velit. See on 1, 33. auditoribus; here disciples or pupils, naturam, natural gifts. 21-26. In oratory we must not imitate the characteristic quaUties of poetry and history, nor in these the manner of orators and declaimers ; we must adapt the style to the topic and occasion ; and we should not limit ourselves to one model exclusively. 21. illis operibus ; i. e., poetic and historical writings. As to the caution, comp. 1, 28-34. 22. declamatores. See on 1, 71. cuique, each thing; each class or department of writing, decor, propriety or char- acter. See 1, 27 and 71. tamen; though each has its indi- viduality, yet all departments of writing (omnis eloquentia) have something in common. 23. uni alicui generi, some one style ; whether the plain (tenue), or smooth and dispassionate {lene ac remissum), or the bold and exciting {asperum). asperitas, passion, tenuitas, simplicity. See on § 19. iucunditas. See on iucundus, 1, 46. 202 , NOTES. X, 2, 24-28. asperis, exciting causes ; such as arouse the more violent passions, cum, whereas. Comp. § 18. inter ipsas. See on §15, 24. suaserim, se addicere ; for suaserim, ut se addicat. See H. 535, iv; Z. 615. For the subject, see on 1, 7. uni alicui, to some one (model orator or author), onmium per- fectissimus. Comp, 1, 39. alii, ille. Supply fecerunt, fecit, Comp. 3, 25, 25. quid tamen noceret must be taken in connection with the foregoing sentence : yet, even if I could rival Cicero in every respect, what harm would it do, etc, Caesaris. See 1, 114. Caelii. See 1, 115. Pollionis. See 1, 113. iudicium; here, taste. Calvi. See 1, 115, 26. praeter id quod, etc., besides this, that it is {while it is) the part, etc. Comp. 1, 28. pars, element, ^quality, sequitur, etc., attends, is attained hy those ivho look at one (author) alone. 37-28. Imitation must not be confined to words. 27. idem dicam. See §^ 13, 16, and 1, § 15. decoris. See on § 22. prooemio, narrandi, probandi, refellendi, adfec- tibus m.ovendis, indicate the five essential parts of a judicial speech ; the introduction, the narrative, the proof, the refuta- tion, and the closing appeal to the feelings {epilogus, peroratio). See iii, 9, 1. om.iiis generis. See on 1, 48. utilitatis gratia adsumpta {sit), is employed for the sake of advantage ; i. e., applause is made available for carrying the case : not sought by the advocate in order to gratify his vanity or ambition, arces- situr, is courted. 28. quem quaerimus, whom ive seek for ; desire to see ; who does not yet exist, perfectus orator. Comp. § 9. con- summari, to be fully developed. Comp. 1, 89, eorum refers to the summi ; those who have hitherto {adhuc) been pre-eminent. NOTES. X, 3, 1-4 203 CHAPTER HI. THE MANNER OF EXERCISING THE PEN, 1-4. Introductory to the three chapters on writing. The practice Ox writing is a most useful part of the orator's training ; necessary to ac- curacy, richness, and readiness of speech. It is to be treated, first (Chap. ni), with reference to the manner of conducting the work {quo modo), which includes also emendation (Chap. IV) ; and, second, with reference to the matter and form (Chap. V). 1. haec auxiHa ; the helps, namely, which have been treated of in the foregoing chapters, nobis ipsis. The benefit to be derived from the practice of writing depends chiefly upon one's own gifts and industry. M. Tullius. De Orat. 1, 33: caput autem est quam plurimam scribere. cui sententiae, etc. The English usage would rather reverse the construction ; thus: by attrihuting this opinion to the person, Qic. Crassi. L. Licinius Crassus (b. c. 140-91), the greatest Roman orator before Cicero, is made the chief personage in the discussions of the " de Oratore." 2. profectus, progress or improvement; not a Ciceronian word, non a summo petitus. not sought from the surface, but from below, and by deeper tillage ; not from superficial, but from severe and thorough study. Comp. 2, 15. sine h.ac con- scientia, equivalent to sine huius rei conscientia, without the consciousness (or experience) of this labor. We may translate freely : without this discipline. Conscientia here must signify not merely knowledge but experimental knowledge, thorough practice. For this usage of the pronoun, see H. 450, 4, N. 3 ; M. 314. 3. illic; that is, in stilo. sanctiore aerario. A part of the public money at Rome was reserved for great emergencies, and therefore sanctiiis. See Liv. 27, 10 ; Caes. Bel. Civ. 1, 14, quodam, a Icind of, as it were. See on 1, 7. vires faciamus, let us acquire strength. So faciendus usus, § 28. Comp. xii, 7, 1. labori certantium. The metaphor is drawn from agonistic combats. 4. rerum natura, nature, or the law of nature. The phrase 204: NOTES. X, 3, 5-7. " nature of things " in English conveys a different notion, nascendi, of gpneration. quae fecerit, for she has made. H. 517; Z. 564. The quo modo is treated of in the present and the following chapter ; quae maxime scribi oporteat is reserved for the fifth, iam hinc, literally : from fust here ; simply : now. Some have proposed hunc for hi?ic ; but iam hinc, indicating the point of departure, is quite frequent. See viii, 3, 40; ii, 2, 15 ; iii, 1, 1 ; ii, 11, 1, et al. 5-18. As to the manner of this exercise of writing, it should at first be slow and cautious, with much study of each successive phrase and sen- tence ; but gradually accelerated, especially by the student of oratory ; who can not be fitted for his profession without getting rid of too much revision and self-criticism, and without acquiring the habit of writing promptly, naturally, and clearly. But a degree of haste inconsistent with logical order and clear expression must be avoided. 5. diligens, accurate, optima, the best things, includes both ideas and words, as indicated by the words rerum and verhorum, below, nee. For no7i, negue, and nee with the sub- junctive of prohibition, see Z. 529, note ; H. 488. protinus, at onee ; Join with gaudeamus, not with the participle offerenti- hus. inventis ; the things (words and ideas) which have sug- gested themselves to us. delectus agendus, choice must be exercised. So v, 6, 3 : agere curam. ratio conlocandi, the way, or manner of arrangement, numeri, the composition or phraseology ; rhythmical series or groups of words ; as in 2, 16. ut, just as. 6. scriptorum proxima, what we have last written ; the last preceding words or sentences, praeter id quod. See on 1, 28. repetito spatio. By going over the last passage written, before beginning the next, the writer gets a new impulse, just like the athlete who goes back some little distance, and by run- ning over this space to the point of the leap, secures a more powerful spring, ut conatum longius petant, so that they try to get a start farther hack. For the usage of ut here, see 1, 58. quo, ivherein ; the ablative denoting the space in ivhich the leap is made (contenditur), or which it covers, nervos, the hou'strings. 7. interim. See on 1, 24. dum non. dum or modo with non instead of ne is a usage taken from the poets. Comp. xii, NOTES. X, 3, 8-13, 205 10, 48. alioqui, otherwise, nee ; frequent in Quintilian for ne — guide m. retractemus, let us review, 8. die ; for the more usual form iji die. Varius. See on 1, 98. condicio, the case, the circumstances. 9. compositio. See on 1, 79. familia ; family in the sense of slave-family ; the body of slaves pertaining to a house- hold. 10. ferentis equos ; literally: steeds hearing {us along); rushing steeds, analogous to Vergil's vento ferenti (Aen. 8, 473), and ventos ferentis (id. 4, 430) ; also feret flatus, above, § 7. quibusdam. See on 1, 7. neque enim. The ellipsis may be thus supplied : But I recommend this curbing and self-restraint only when it will 7wt cause injurious delay ; for neither, again, etc. robur fecerint. See on § 3. infelicem. Comp. 1, 7. calumniandi. See on 1, 115. 11. oflS.ciis civilibus, the duties of a citizen; here, espe- cially, those of a public speaker, whether in the senate or in the courts. Comp. 7, 1. actionum. speeches, pleadings, arguments. partibus ; dative after insenescat. velint. Supply qui. The construction of the relative is continued, though its case is changed to the nominative, increduli quidam. somehow afraid of themselves ; having a sort, or degree of distrust of their own abilities ; but not absolute distrust. See on 1, 7 and 76. de ingenio suo pessime meriti, haviyig treated, or served their natural gifts most unfairly, diligentiam, accuracy, is the predicate with esse understood ; and the subject is facere — difficultatem. 12. in — usque; for the usual order usque in. lulium Secundum. See 1, 120. 13. in eloquentia Galliarum. Eloquence was much cul- tivated in the Gallic provinces under the Caesars. The emperor Caligula established premiums at Lyons for successful competi- tors both in Roman and Grecian oratory. Suet. Calig. 20 demum here has the sense of Just, only ; as frequently, alio- qui, moreover; apart from this fact, even if compared with orators in general and outside of his own country, inter paucos ; to be classed among few as being his equals ; like few. propinquitate. His relationship to Secundus is meant. scholae operatum, devoted to school or study; attending school. 206 NOTES. X, 3, 14-18. operari, in the sense of operam dare, takes the dative. See For- cellini's Lex., art. operor. 14. tertium diem esse quod. Some copies give quo ; but Pliny, Ep. 4, 27, 1, uses quod in a similar connection: tertius dies est quod audivi recitantem Sentium. It is like our indef- inite use of " that." So also Plant. Amph. 1, 1, 146. materiae is to be taken as the dative of the remote object of inveniret. 15. ut possimus ; after praestahit. See on sciamus, 1, 10. ratio, reflection, resupini does not necessarily imply lying down ; only the upturned face. Martial. 9, 43, 3 : resupino voltu. tectum, the ceiling, or roof, cogitationem. m.unnure agitantes, exciting ou?^ thought by muttered ivords ; seeking to stimulate thought by talking to ourselves in a suppressed tone. So ii, 11, 4: murmure incerto velut classico instincti. quid obveniat ; tvhat may suggest itself, personam, the character, namely, of the court or judges, and of the parties in the suit, including the advocates themselves. hum.ano : befitting a man ; rational, natura ; that of the question, cause, or sub- ject. 16. certa sunt pleraque, most things (pertaining to a given subject) are sure ; so identified with the subject that they are suggested by the very thought of it. non putemus. See on § 5. immutescamus ; a compound found only here and once in Statins (Theb. 5, 542). The usual word is obmutescere. alioqui; as in § 7. nisi quod non invenimus, but that which we have not thought of; which has not occurred to us. 17. diversum in Quintilian and later writers is followed by the dative ; in Cicero by ab. Different to, instead of different from, is a similar idiom often used in England, silvam, tim- ber, ivood, material, v^v- Cicero employs this word to denote a mass of facts and ideas thrown together, componunt, arrange the ivords; with reference to euphony. See on 1, 44. numeri, phrases, as above, in § 5. levitas, want of solidity ; want of logical coherence or order ; not the levitas of x, 1, 52. 18. protinus, at the outset, ducere, to mold. Comp. 5, 9. sequemur, the future as a softened imperative. 19-27. The practice of dictating to amanuenses is condemned, as in- terfering with perfect solitude. Yet rural seclusion and attractive scenery are not favorable to concentration of thought ; closed doors are better ; NOTES. X, 3, 19-21. 207 and especially the hours of the night are helpful to literary labor ; but not to be employed to excess. 19. deliciis, indulgence. The employment of an amanuen- sis to write from dictation was a kind of luxurious self-indul- gence, as it saved the orator the drudgery of the pen. in stilo ; i. e., when used by the author himself, dat, etc. The hand in the process of writing, being slower than our thought, affords it time for shaping out the phraseology in advance of the pen. pudet. Supply nos or oratorem. resistere, to stop. So 7, 14. conscium. The amanuensis is a witness of any deficiency in readiness of thought and language on the part of his employer. 20. rudia et fortuita has reference to inelegant words and phrases hurriedly thrown out under the pressure of dictation. impropria, inappropriate, irrelevant ideas, connectendi ser- monis : not here logical connection, but uninterrupted, un- hesitating continuity of discourse or words. efiS-uant, drop from us. curam = diligentiam, accuracy, impetura, force, liveliness, consequantur, attain, possess. Comp. 1, 102 ; 2, 25. in legendo. The amanuensis {ide7?i ille qui excipit) is sometimes required to stop writing and to read aloud what has already been dictated. If he reads indistinctly and hesitatingly, or even if he is too slow (tardior) with the pen, we are impatient and irritated, velut oflfensator, as it were a hinderer ; stum- bling block. The word is not found elsewhere and some edi- tions, therefore, substitute offensatus. quae erat (eoncepta); i. e., the thought which we had formed before dictating, con- ceptae mentis intentio, attentioji to the conceived thought; mens here signifies the series of ideas combined in one general conception, as the line of remark to be pursued. So Verg. Aen. 1,676: nostram nunc accipe mentem. Comp. 7, 14. The ob- jective genitive is also found after intentio in § 23. 21. ilia, those movements, obiurgare; equivalent in this sentence to fer-ire, or caedere, strike. Seneca de Ira, 3, 12, 6 : servulum istum verberibus obiurga. Suet. Calig. 20 : ferulis obiurgari. Persius. The quotation is from Sat. 1, 106, where the satirist has in mind a driveling versifier who is without poetic feeling and imagination, and does not in self-forgetf ul- ness and passion strike the desk and bite his finger-nails. leviter, without earnestness, or feeling, caedit, sapit. The 208 NOTES. X, 3, 22-30. subject understood is ille, referring to the would-be poet, de- morsos, bitten to the quick. Hor. Sat. 1, 10, 79 : vivos roderet unguis. 22. ut semel dicam. Comp. 1, 17. protinus, at once, necessarily. Comp. 1, 3. in hoc ; for the regular form ad hoc, or huic rei. sublimem animum., an elevated tone, beatiorem spiritum, a more fertile imagination. So heatissima in 1, 61. 23. quae ipsa = quae per se. bona fide, faithfully ; ear- nestly, quod propositum erat, the subject before it, or in hand. 25. Demosthenes ; supply fecit. The fact referred to is mentioned in Plutarch's life of Demosthenes, ch. 7: e/c tovtov Kardydov juei/ otKoSoytt^croi fxeXerijTTjpiov. velut tectos, as if under cover. The better authorized reading is rectos ; but it yields no satisfactory meaning, maxime, for potissimum. We may render: as the best thing. This profound secrecy should be resorted to in preference to anything else. 26. in hoc. Supply genere studiorum ; in this kind, or manner of labor, frugalitas, temperance, in the widest sense ; freedom from all irregularities and excess in living, cum con- vertimus, when we apply ; meaning inasmuch as we apply. Other examples of cum implying cause, and yet followed by the indicative, are found ; as i, 6, 2. cui — inrogandum, on which (labor) we must expend, quod somno supererit, haud deerit, what shall remain after (sufficient) sleep, (and) shall not be needed for sleep. 27. occupatos ; the antithesis to vacet. 28-30. But solitude can not always be enjoyed, and the orator must get accustomed to think and write, and prepare himself for debate, in spite of hindrances, and even in the midst of the noise and confusion of public places. 28. codices ; ivriting-tablets ; cerae. deplorandus, to be given up for lost, faciendus usus. See on § 3. 29. si et voluerimus. If we add the power of will to such merely accidental interest, how much more able shall we be to forget outside things, nonnisi refecti, 07ily when fresh. See on 1, 20. 30. alioqui. See on § 7. tot — clamoribus. The nave NOTES. X, 3, 30, 31. 209 of the Roman court-house or basilica served as a sort of busi- ness exchange, and the galleries were thronged with spectators and idlers. The courts were held in the tribunes or hemicycles recessed at the ends and sides of the basilica, but still were liable to be disturbed by the confusion from without. Besides this, we learn from Quintilian, xii, 5, 6. that in the Basilica Julia, which was the principal court-house, and on the side of the Forum Romanum, there were usually four courts in session at the same time ; and that the voice of an advocate in one of them was sometimes, as in the case of Trachalus, heard by all the others, and this so distinctly as even to withdraw their at- tention from their own proper cases. tot circumstantibus-iudiciis, so many trials, wranglings, accidental cries, surrounding us ; freely : ^n the midst of so many courts, disputes, etc. subito, ex tempore, particulas, brief heads ; generally necessary to be noted down by the advocate, however hastily, when called upon to speak ex tempore in con- tinuous discourse (continua oratione). If he can not collect his thoughts sufficiently to write down such headings in spite of the surrounding confusion, he will certainly be unprepared to make effective arguments ex tempore, and so be unfit for his profession. Comp. 7, 1. ceris, tablets, in litore in quo, etc. Not on the shore in general, but on a shore, or some part of the shore, such that the wave dashed there {in quo se inlideret) ivith the greatest noise. The subjunctive is one of result, meditans, practicing, or by practicing. expavescere, to tremhle at, or dread; transitive, as also in ix, 4, 85. Cicero, de Fin. 5, 2, understands the object of Demosthenes to have been to increase the power of his voice so as to be heard above the din of public assemblies ; but he neces- sarily at the same time would accomplish the object indicated by Quintilian. 31-33. The proper writing materials. 31. Ceris; i?i is omitted, as in viii, 6, 64: ceris Platonis. nisi forte with the indicative is usually ironical, as in 1, 70, and 2, 8 ; but not so here, nor in v, 2, 2. relatione, by carry- ing the pen back, or to and fro, in supplying it with ink. The word in this literal meaning is used only here. 14« 210 NOTES. X, 4, 1-4. 32. relinquendae contra vacuae tabellae, llanh pages should he left opposite (to those written upon), adiciendo ex- cursio, free space for additions, angustiae, iva7it of room. confundant ; potential, expertus, for 1 have known. 33. loci, topics or subjects ; the various parts or passages of a discourse, inrumpunt, flash upon {us), sensus, thoughts or ideas, interim — interim = nunc — nunc, inventione, liTie of thought, in deposito, in store ; freely : noted down. CHAPTER IV. CORRECTION. 1-4. Emendation consists in adding, cutting out, and changing ; but there must be some limit to it, especially on the part of the orator. 1. pars longe utilissima ; literally : a far most useful part ; freely : one of the most useful parts (of this work of writ- ing). M. 310, obs. 2, ad fin. The exercise of the pen in general (as described in Chap. Ill, IV, and V), has already been pro- nounced " far the most useful." See 3, 1. non minus agere, is not accomplishing less; namely, than when writing, pre- mere, extollere, etc., are the species comprised in the general term mutare. luxuriantia, the exubera7it ; ambitious things. inordinata, the irregtdar ; incorrect arrangement of words. soluta, the inharmonious; a disjointed or unrhythmical ar- rangement, the opposite of compositum. exultantia coercere, to tone down jingling measures ; combinations of words produc- ing an undignified, skipping, or dancing movement; that is, prose rhythm or compositio carried to a vicious extreme. Solu- tus, on the other hand, is the lack of rhythm. See on 2, 16. 3. sunt enim, etc. These are the increduli of 3, 11. primum ; what is first thought of or written, quidquid est aliud ; whatever new or different idea or form strikes us, after writing that which first suggested itself. See 3, 16. cura, by treatment. 4. quod accepimus, et dicunt, as to our having learned^ and as to their saying; literally: as to {the fact) that we have NOTES. X, 5, 1. 211 learned, etc. Cinnae Smymam. C. Helvius Cinna, a friend of Catullus, wrote a poem, of which Smyrna or Myrrha was the heroine. Of the time spent in its composition Catullus says (carmen 95) : Smyrna mei Cinnae nonam post denique messem quam coepta est, nonamque edita post hiemem. Panegyricum Isocratis. The panegyric composed by Isocrates, and named from the iravhyvpis, or great national assembly at the Olympic games, was finished in 01. 99, 4 (b. c. 380), in ten years, accord- ing to those who give the shortest time {qui parcissime dicunt), or, as some say, in fifteen years, ad oratorem nihil pertinet ; because the " Smyrna " was an epic narrative, and not a speech, and the " Panegyric," though a speech in form, was not expected to be actually spoken. See Rauchenstein's " Isocrates," intro- duction to the " Panegyric." CHAPTER V. THE MATERIAL AND FORMS OF WRITING TO BE EMPLOYED FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF FACILITY. 1-8. First : Translations from the Greek. These exercise the writer in choosing the best terms in his own language. Second : Paraphrasing the best authors in his own language. This stimulates him to a kind of rivalry of the Latin author, by varying the phraseology. 1. non est huius, for the old hoc exuherantis sit, is the conjectural reading of Halm, huius operis refers to the pres- ent part of the work ; that is, the topic of the present chapter. quae sint materiae, what are the subjects ; i. e., what are the kinds of subjects in general which should be handled in a course of rhetorical training, quae prima, etc., what forms of writing, whether stories and fables, discussions, or theses, should be taken up, according to the age and progress of the student. primo libro, secundo. See i, 9; ii, 10. robustorum. See on 1, 131. sed. There is an ellipsis of explicandum est or explicemus, on which depends the interrogative clause unde, etc. (id) de quo — agitur, the question now before us ; namely, from what materials {unde = quibus ex materiis), readiness may best be attained. 212 NOTES. X, 5, 2-4. 2. L. Crassus dicit, etc. See Cic. de Orat. 1, 34, 15£k Cicero praecipit. In his account of his own education, Brut. 310, Cicero says that he practiced declaiming in Greek in order to acquire the habit of expressing himself with like propriety in Latin ; also in the beginning of " de Officiis " and " de Finibus " he speaks of the advantage of studying Greek in connection with Latin ; but in no existing passage of his writings is the exercise of translation expressly enjoined. See Cic. de Off. 1. and de Fin. 2, sq. Platonis, Xenophontis. Cicero translated the " Protagoras " and " Timaeus " of Plato. A fragment of the lat- ter is still preserved. His translation of the " Oeconomics " of Xenophon is not extant, hoc genere ; in this kind, or way ; that is, as an exercise of the pen ; genus, " sort of thing," " kind of labor, work, study," may often be rendered by the various terms "kind," "way," "style," "manner," etc. Messalae. See 1, 118. ad hunc modum = hoc genere. cum ilia sub- tilitate, with that simple style, or unadorned eloquence of Eyperides (in his speech) for Phryne. Phryne ; an Athenian courtesan, put on trial for impiety. Quintilian says (ii, 15, 9) that her acquittal was due rather to her beauty than to the eloquence of Hyperides. difificillima Romanis. Comp. 1, 100. For the style of Hyperides, see 1, 77. 3. verbis optimis. When translating from a foreign lan- guage, we can choose without restriction the best words of our own ; whereas in writing paraphrases of the works of our own authors, as indicated below in § 5, we do not feel at liberty to use the terms already employed by them, and thus we are often confined to expressions inferior to theirs, figuras. Figures of words as well as grammatical figures are here meant. The Greek and Latin, and languages generally, present a wide differ- ence in these ; so that a figure which is allowable in one may not be in use in another. 4. ex latinis conversio. The words signify the para- phrasing of Latin writers in their own tongue. The pupil bor- rows their ideas, but clothes them in new phraseology, multum et ipsa, much also of itself ; to say nothing of translating from the Greek ; or, apart from translations; that is, even paraphrase may help much, though not so good an exercise as translation. Bonnell, however, gives the rendering : much and indeed of it- NOTES. X, 5, 5-8. 213 self; comparing 1, 94: muUiun et verae gloriae. Sulpicius. See 1, 116. orationem, language or style ; as often, praesu- raunt, preclude; literally, take before, proprie, literally, or directly ; as opposed to the less commonplace, more imaginative, and more figurative terms of the poet ; poetica libertate auda- ciora. sententiis, \\Qve, poetic fancies. 5. paraphrasim is the subject of esse, sensiis, thoughts, ideas, as in 3, 33. certamen — aemulationem ; a contest and rivalry with the original in regard to felicity of expression ; an effort to reproduce the same ideas in an equal or better clothing of words, optimis refers to words and forms of expression as well as ideas, ut una de re, etc., freely : that there is only one possible form of saying any one thing. 6. circa voces easdem, in connection ivith the same words. In uttering the same passages different actors use different gest- ures ; but words are related to thoughts as gestures to words, and are capable of Just as much variation in expressing one and the same idea as gesture in delivering one and the same sen- tence, esto — esse. Horace, Ep. i, 1, 81, uses the infinitive in like manner as the subject of esto: esto, alios teneri. But Quint, ix, 2, 84 : sed esto, voluerit ; and Verg. Aen. iv, 35 : esto, nulli flexere mar it i. 7. continuas sententias, successive sentences, clauses, or periods, uno genere, in only one manner, form. Comp. 8, 26, and above, on ^ 2. fas erat, it would have been right. H. 475, 4 : Z. 518. eodem, to the same end ; to the expression of the same idea. 8. translatis, tropes, propriis, literal terms, oratio recta ; not here in the technical sense ; but simple speech, or natural language as opposed to figura declinata, an indirect form, or rhetorical figure, sic ; i. e., by this effort to reproduce the ideas of these authors in our own words, lectione secura, ivith the indifference or ease of reading ; in which we do not often stop to take in the full significance and beauty of individual passages. 9-13. It will be an advantage to put our own ideas into various forms of expression, and to cultivate the power of amplifj-ing : and to this at- tamment the writing of theses or discussions of general propositions will contribute ; and also judicial decisions and loci communes, which are kindred to theses. 214 NOTES. X, 5, 9-12. 9. aliae aliaeque fornaae, successive forms,' shapes, one after another, duel, to be shaped or molded ; a metaphor de- rived from forming things out of plastic materials. Comp. 3, 18. 10. ilia diversitate. In the great variety of facts con- nected with almost all trials the advocate can rarely fail to think of topics to speak about, and so poverty of invention may be concealed, causarum : here, of subordinate legal questions occurring within particular causes, or during the trial of them. 11. fundere, to amplify, expand, expositis, common, familiar things, in hoc facient, will serve for this end. In hoc as in 2, 5. infinitae quaestiones. Quint, iii, 5, 5, defines such questions thus : Unlimited questions are those which set aside all circumstances of person, time, place, and the like, and are treated both affirmatively and negatively. " The Grreeks," says he, " call such questions deaeis, Cicero, propositiones. Some term them quaestiones universales civiles; Athenaeus, partem causae. Cicero divides them into two classes : those of theory (scientia) and those of action (i. e., the speculative and the practical). Of the first class the following is an example : An providentia mundus regatur f Of the second : An accedendum ad rempublicam administrandam f " iam princeps. In the year b. c. 49, at the breaking out of the civil war, Cicero writes to Atticus : ne me totum aegritudini dedam, sumpsi mihi quas- dam tanquam Bea-eis. And again : dea-eis meas commentari non desino. Ad Att. 9, 4. Gesner remarks that the paradoxa, also written by Cicero after he had held the highest oflBces of the state (iam princeps), were discussions of the same nature as the thesis, exerceri; in the sense of a middle voice: to exercise himself. 12. destmctio — sententiarum, the confuting and sus- taining of (Judicial) decisions or opinions. Destructio and con- firmatio correspond respectively to the Greek terms avaa-Kev^ and KaraffKcv)). used in ii, 4, 18 of arguing for and against the truth of historical anecdotes. Here the reference is to argu- ments for and against the decisions, opinions, or sentences of courts, taken as general propositions, nam cum sit sententia, etc. sententia and iudicium, which are synonymous here, pertain to individual cases (res) ; but the particular sentence or NOTES. X, 5, 13. 215 judgment is also a kind of (general) decree and prescription, or general rule of law ; because, to be sustained or refuted, it must be put into a general form or statement like such a general decree. Thus the special sentence is argued (guaeritur) on the same grounds as the case itself (res) on which it has been pro- nounced. See the case of Milo, quoted below, in § 13. Of course, no specific question of fact will come into such a dis- cussion ; only a general one of right or wrong, of legal prece- dent, or of law in general, loci communes. Supply in hoc facient. Loci communes, general topics, are speeches, or, more commonly, passages of speeches which dwell upon general truths, principles, or sentiments in the abstract, and without reference to persons and details of fact : as, for instance, the duty of patriotism, the infamy of treason, the folly of avarice. Such a topic or passage of discourse is said to be communis, because it is of a general nature and common, or equally applicable to an indefinite number of individual cases. Cic. de Orat. 3, 27, 106 : illi loci, qui, quamquam proprii causanmi, et inhaerentes in earum nervis esse dehent, tamen, quia de universa re tractari Solent, communes a veteribus nominati sunt, scriptos ab ora- toribus ; as for example, by Cicero and Hortensius. ii, 1, 11 : communes loci, sive qui in vitia derecti, quales legimus a Cice- rone compositos, seu quihus quaestiones generaliter tractantur, quales sunt editi a Quinto quoque Hortensio. haec refers to the three forms of material just mentioned : infinitae quaestiones, sejitentiae, and loci communes, recta tautum., only {nothing else than), that is, absolutely, wholly, simple, straightforward, direct ; explained by the following in nullos flexus recedentia, digressing into no windings of detail. These general discussions do not turn aside from the direct track of abstract statement. in illis ; in those causes, namely, which in fact make up the great majority, and are familiar to us all. plures excursus recipientibus, admitting of many digressions, or departures from the direct line of abstract argument, and introducing many particulars of time, place, and person. See § 10. 13. omnes {causae)-, all specific or actual cases in court, generalibus ; synomymous with infinitis. Cornelius, C. Cornelius, quaestor under Pompeius Magnus, and tribune ol the commons in b. c. 67, brought forward a bill {codicem, rogck' 216 NOTES. X, 5, 14-16. tionem) which provided that no person should be exempt from the operation of any law except by vote of the people. This was intended to put an end to the power exercised by the senate of exempting individuals in certain cases from particular legal obligations. Cornelius was opposed by one of his colleagues, Servilius Globulus, who forbade the clerk to read the bill before the assembly. Hereupon Cornelius himself read the bill. At the expiration of his office he was arraigned on the charge of violating the constitutional right of intercession, and was suc- cessfully defended by Cicero, maiestas, here the constitution. Cato — Hortensio. Marcia, the wife of Cato, lived with Hor- tensius from b. c. 56 until the time of his death, in b. c. 50, and then returned to her husband. Cato had consented to this transfer on the request of Hortensius. conveniatne, etc., and above, oporteatne, etc., are the special questions generalized or treated as quaestiones infinitae. de personis, concerning per- sons ; special cases, personal interests, rebus ; here for rebus generalibus, general questions, principles. 14-16. The writing of declamations, or school speeches on fictitious cases is also recommended ; as well as that of histories, dialogues, and even poems. 14. declamationes ; here recommended as exercises for the pen. orationibus, speeches ; real speeches made in court. pariter, equally ; just as much as language and style. These declamations, as a discipline in writing, cultivate the orator in invention and arrangement not less than in rhetorical excellence. alitur — facundia. Eloquence is made, as it were fat and well- liking by this kind of exercise, like animals fed on richer pastur- age {pabulo laetiore). enitescit, becomes sleek; shining with good " feed." 1 5. gestiendum. ive must seek delight, must indulge, con- trarium, to our disadvantage, ciborum certa necessitate, the fixed regimen of food ; auayKocpayia. 16. durescat articulus, that the finger-joint become stiff, articulus here stands for eloquence, as fulgor for its brilliancy. As the opposite notion we have in ii, 12, 2, mollis articulus; said literally of the gladiator handling his sword ^iih. flexible fingers. In xi, 1, 70, the phrase is metaphorical : quani molli articulo (Cicero) tractavit Catonem. NOTES. X, 5, 17-20. 217 i7-20. The student must not be held too long to these preparatory ex- ercises of the school ; but as soon as he is well disciplined he must attach himself to some eminent pubUc speaker, and accompany him to the courts ; and he must also write speeches at home on the questions he hears debated in public ; not neglecting, at the same time, the composi- tion of discourses on subjects of his own choosing. 17. sagina dicendi, rich nourishment of eloquence; the same as the iucundioribus epulis in § 15. quemadmodum — sic, ivhile — yet; as sicut — ita, i, 1. falsa rerum imagine. The reference is to the fictitious arguments, or declamations on fictitious cases in school. Comp. xii, 11, 15. ab ilia iiinbra, after that shade; a usage of ah, derived from the notion of coming away from, and found also in Livy and the poets. Livy, 44,34: ah his praeceptis contionem dimisit. umbra is a fre- quent metaphor of Cicero to denote the seclusion and shelter of the school, as opposed to the open sunlight, heat, and turmoil of the forum. See Brut. 9, 37. 18. Porcio Latroni. M. Porcius Latro, a Spaniard by birth, and friend of the elder Seneca, lived in the reign of Augustus. His school for the study of declamation, in which he taught chiefly by his own example, was widely known and much frequented, professor, in the modern signification of the word, came into vogue in the silver age. ut petierit. For the construction, see on 1, 58. opinionem = existima- tionem, reputation, in foro ; contrasted with in scholis. im- pense ; in its figurative sense : earnestly, uti — transferrentur. This request was that the benches should be removed from the open forum into some basilica adjacent to the forum. 19. inveniendi eloquendique express briefly the whole compass of theoretical rhetoric, exercitationem ; such prac- tice as is recommended in the present book. Comp. 1, 4, ad fin. fuerit consecutus. The construction of the relative pronoun qui is continued by quoque : and who also has attained, etc. quod apud maiores, etc. The custom referred to is well described in Tacit, Dial. 34. 20. et ipse, himself also, as well as the advocate he has been listening to. veras modo. Comp. § 14: si modo, etc. utrimque, o;i both sides ; pro and contra, decretoriis, m^A decisive (or real) weapons. The contrary expression would be 218 NOTES. X, 5, 21, 23. arma lusoria. Spalding compares Suet, Calig. 54: hattuehat pugnatoriis (i. e., decretoriis) armis. Brutum. — pro Milone. See 1, 23. Cestius ; L. Pius, a native of Smyrna, who taught declamation at Rome a few years before the death of Augustus. One of his favorite exercises was the writing of arguments in reply (rescribere) to the speeches of Cicero. 21-23. The youth will be more speedily fitted for the forum who shall be required by the teacher to treat his subjects naturally and thoroughly, instead of selecting from them only the most popular and attractive topics ifavorabilia), and crowding these together without regard to logi- cal connection. 21. idoneus, ready ; prepared, that is, for public speaking, especially in the courts, in declamando ; here, in writingor preparing declamations. See on 17. nunc, noivadays ; ac- cording to the present custom, favorabilia, attractive ; likely to win applause ; in § 23 called flosculos. quod secundo loco posui ; that is, the second of the two directions just given : per totas ire materias. classium ; not Ciceronian in this sense of school classes, certis diebus, on fixed, or stated days, perhaps once in the week of eight days ; the Roman ninth day, or nundinae. Every member of the section or class, according to the custom referred to, must have his piece ready for this day, and must be limited to a certain number of minutes in speak- ing, even though the subject were one which demanded a longer period than the eight days for study and preparation, and more space than could be afforded by the time of one declamation, persuasio, belief, opinion, numerantium po- tius quam aestimantium ; judging of the progress of their sons by the number rather than by the excellence of their speeches. So ii, 7, 1 : ita demum (patres) studere liber os snos, si quam frequentissime declamaverint, credunt; cum profectus praecipue diligentia constat. 22. primo libro. i, 2, 15. ut volunt. The ambition of the young declaimers to "spread themselves" is referred to. quidam, adopted by Halm from the best MSS., yields a less satisfactory meaning than guidem, which also has good MS. authority, in rerum natura, in the whole universe, longiore spatio; a longer period than the certis diebus. vel mate- lias, etc., or, he can accomplish the same end by allowing NOTES. X, 6, 1, 3. 219 the subject to be treated in parts on successive declamation days. 23. una ; sc. materia, eflfecta, worked out, thoroughly handled, quod refers to plures inchoatae et degustatae. legem, law of place ; order, priora confundant. The youth in their eagerness to crowd into their limited speeches (in ea quae sunt dicturi), or into those passages they will have time to speak, all the fine things that pertain to the entire subject (flosculos om- nium partium), break up the logical order of the matter, mixing what should precede with what should follow. CHAPTER VI. PREMEDITATION. 1-7. Premeditation, occupying the middle ground between writing and pure extemporizing, and perhaps more frequently employed than either of them {nescio an usus frequent issimi), can be cultivated to such a degree by progressive exercise, that an entire discourse may be pre- pared without the use of the pen. But the orator must not so scrupu- lously adhere to what he has premeditated as to exclude every new idea {color) suggested or inspired during the actual delivery of the speech. 1. quae et ipsa, a7id this itself also ; premeditation also as well as speaking ; which, as stated in 3, 1-4, derives its strength chiefly from the pen. Compare the use of et ipsa, 1, 31, and see note, extemporalem fortunam. Comp. §§ 5, 6 ; and 7, § 13. inter medios rerum actus, in the midst of legal pro- ceedings, or of the trials of cases. While arguments or pleadings of causes are in progress, the well trained advocate can be think- ing out a speech. So inter ipsas actiones, xii, 3, 2. 2. satis erat. See on fas erat, 5, 7. intra se, hy itself ; thought carries on this work within itself and without recourse to writing, praeter manum ; i. e., praeter stilum. nam. See on 1, 12. scribendi ; genitive of cause. Writing furnishes a sure means of recalling our ideas; hence, when we have this security, our arguments are not fastened {inhaerejit) carefully in the memory, but rather are loosened (Jaxantur) ; the mind mak- ing no effort to retain what can be at any moment recalled by 220 NOTES. X, 6, 3-6. a glance at the paper, ne ad hanc quidem ; no more to this power than to that of writing. See 3, 5-9. 3. facienda forma est, form must he attained ; a habit of casting words into good forms and phrases must be so estab- lished by much use of the pen {multo stilo), that when we are thinking out a speech, the proper words may come into our minds at once with the ideas, and spontaneously fall into their places. See 3, 5-10 ; especially § 9 : verba respondebunt, etc. reddi fideliter, correctly or faithfully uttered; just as pre- meditated, vis, jjoiver ; power of mind sufficient to grasp and hold ideas and words in premeditation alone, and without the help of the pen. continenda, to be kept up ; mairitained. ilium locumL. The subject of memory is treated of in xi, 2. 4. pervenit. Supply vis. cui — ingenium., whom his own nature (his want of attention and memory) does not hinder. acri studio, by persistent, or severe exercise, ei fidem. ser- vent, keep their faith with him; do not fail to recur to his mind at the proper moment in his speech. Cicero — tradidit. The passage relating to Empylus, who is not elsewhere men- tioned, is no longer extant. The remark about Metrodorus of Scepsis is in De Orat. 2, 88 ; that about Hortensius, in Brut. 88. in agendo, in delivering their speeches. 5. extemporalis color ; some felicitous thought. The tone imparted to a speech by an unprepared idea or expression, sud- denly flashing {offidgejis) upon the speaker's mind. The opposite notion is scriptorum color, 7, 7. demum, alofie. See on 1, 44. liabent. The subject is cogitata. premeditated things, curae, careful accuracy ; namely, in their preparation, fortunae ; that is, extemporary chance, etiam scrip tis — inserantur. Even in writteji speeches, which are usually more exact than those which are only premeditated, suddenly inspired thoughts {subito 7iata) are often introduced at the time of delivery. 6. domo adferre, to bring from home. Comp. 7, 30. re- futare ; in the sense of repudiare, reject, desjjise. temporis m.unera, the inspii^ations of the moment, nos — decipere, to make us stumble ; by catching us unequipped with well shaped thoughts, well memorized, non. After the first no7i supply Jiet ut ilia, sollicitos ; supply nos. una spe suspensos re- cordationis, depending only on the hope of remembering, non NOTES. X, 7, 1. 221 sinant, forbid, providere, to look forward; to anticipate what is coming next in order ; as opposed to the foregoing re- spicientes, looking hack, and trying to recall our premeditated ideas, temeritatem, daring or rashness ; the plunging into a s{ieech without any preparation whatever, male cohaeren- tem, poorly memorized ; imperfectly held together in the memory. 7. peius quaeritur retrorsus ; XiiQYsXly peius {for the worse) is adverbial and joined with the impersonal quaeritur ; freely: it is worse to look back. We should be at a greater disadvantage in going back, as it were, to find the premeditated ideas that we have forgotten, than to give up all thought of them, dum ilia desideramus, while we are at a loss for them; namely, the things we have prepared by premeditation, si utrumque quaerendum est, if (or since) both things require seeking. The two things meant by utrumque are, on the one hand, our ill remembered premeditation or prepared thoughts {cogitata), and, on the other, fresh ideas still contained in the subject. There must be an eifort on the part of the speaker to find something to say either in one or the other of these two things ; both alter- natives alike involve the necessity of seeking ; and, if so, it will be better to look forward, and seek and find (invenire) his mat- ter in the subject itself than to go back, as it were, and grope about for it in his half-forgotten train of preconceived thought ; for more new ideas can still be found in the subject than it has previously suggested. Halm adopts utcumque (any how, in either case) for utrumque. CHAPTER VII. THE EXERCISE OF EXTEMPORARY SPEAKING. 1-4. The ability to speak effectively on the spur of the moment is indispensable to an orator. 1. renuntiabit. In this sense renuntiare is followed either by the accusative or dative of the thing renounced, in publi- cum = in commune ; for the common good ; for the benefit of the state and the citizen, intrare depends upon convenit. 222 NOTES. X, 7, 2-4. " Entering a harbor " here is, of course, as a pilot, ad quein — possit is only another way of saying " dangerous " ; reached through an unsafe channel. A pilot who offers his services to steer ships into such a port must have skill and presence of mind, especially in stormy weather or in baffling winds. So an advocate must have the ability of extemporaneous speech to meet the sudden change of issues and all emergencies which are the windings, rocks, and shoals in judicial controversies. 2. repraesentatis iudiciis, trials heing suddenly appointed; brought on without notice, continuo; join with agendi ; of speaking at once; instantly, petentibus, perituris; dative of interest : will he seek for them, or for their heneflt. 3. quae — casus. This is the reading of Bonnell in his edi- tion of the Tenth Book, ratio for oratio, adopted by Spalding from early editions, has no MS. authority. The sense seems to be : What speech (argument, occasion of forensic speaking) al- lows any advocate to leave sudden issues unnoticed {omittere casus). The speaker may find himself confronted with some unexpected fact in the evidence, or with some question or ob- jection suddenly raised by his opponent or by the court, giving a new aspect to the case ; sometimes, too, the new evidence and the questions may suggest something advantageous to his own side. In either case he is unfit for his office, if he is not ready to meet them or to take advantage of them on the instant, and without regard to his written or premeditated speech. He can not pass by in silence, or ignore such accidents of litigation and be an orator. Comp. 1, 2, xii, 9, 20. fallunt, disappoint us, cheat our expectation; the advocate on the opposite side not pursuing the line of argument which we had anticipated, and "against which we had prepared our written speech." ad incursus. See on 2, 1. agenti, by the speaker, or advocate ; dative of the agent after mutanda est. ad varietatem, ac- cording to the changiiig aspect ; ad varios casus. 4. malit, possit. Supply orator. See on 1, 7. 5-33. Certain Practical Exercises necessary to Success in Extemporary Speaking. 5-7. First, in this exercise let the student be sure of the order, method, pathway, or track of his argument {nota sit via dicendi) ; and NOTES. X, 7, 5-8. 223 not only the order of the regular partes or divisions (that is the introduc- tion, the narrative, proof, and conclusion), and the order of the principal points (questionum), but also the order of the matter and thought in all its detail, under every head and in every passage and paragraph (quoque loco). 5. neque — potest, freely translated: for we can not run a race, quo, to wJuit end ; qua, hy what track. We must keep our eyes on both the goal and the track, quae sint is the reading of Zumpt, substituted for quae sunt in the MSS. quae — copulata. The ideas legitimately belonging to any passage or topic have a natural and logical connection and order. 6. ante omnia, instead of primum, introduces the first advantage, deinde the second, and postremo the last, quae- rant, look for, as matter of discourse. Comp. 6, 7. The subject to be supplied as in 1, 7. sensibus, as in 3, 33. ex diversis, Old of or ivith incongruities ; ideas seized upon at random, as they happen to strike the mind in its haste and confusion. 7. citra, as in 1, 2. divisionem; here, the distribution of the matter of the speech both into the general divisions and subordinate heads, and also into the minuter passages and sen- tences ; their order constituting the via dicendi. expletis — proposuerint, all the propositions which they have stated, being fully argued, sed quid quoque loco, etc. vii, 10, 5: 7ion enim causa tantum universa in quaestiones ac locos diducenda est, sed hae ipsae partes habent rursus ordinem suum. 7-10. Second, command of words and facility of speech to be kept up by unremitting exercise ; so that by habit the speaker may readily pro- nounce one passage while anticipating another. haec quidem, etc., these (foregoing) things depend on art ; that is, are reducible to specific directions or methods ; but the following {ilia) depend upon study ; that is, severe labor, such as that of reading, imitation, writing, previously treated of, and the exercise of speech itself according to the following sugges- tions, quemadmodum praeceptum ; namely in Chap. 1. {u() stilo — formetur oratio, as taught in Chaps. Ill, IV, and V. ut — dicamus, as taught in the present chapter, scripseri- mus. For the mood, see on xii, 10, 53. 8. consuetude, etc., has reference to the last mentioned 224 NOTES. X, 7, 9-11. practice of speaking constantly in connection with writing, os concurrit, the mouth comes together ; is dosed ; loses its facility of utterance, natural! — mobilitate animi. The mind must be naturally quick of movement that can express properly what is to be said on the instant {proximo), and at the same time be shaping (struere) what is further on. provisa et for- mata cogitatio, thought anticipated and molded, is a fuller expression of struere ulteriora. vocem — excipiat, may he ready for our voice, or utterance. 9. vix — queat. Yet this natural quickness of itself is not enough for the manifold or complicated task {pfficium) of the extemporary speaker ; he must also possess as a second nature habits of language and action which will operate spon- taneously, and as it were, take care of themselves, ratio = ars. elocutioni, the language, dicit, in the relative clause, takes a new subject, orator, adhibita — observatione, while (at the same time) attention is given to delivery. Delivery {actio, pro- nuntiatio, in their generic sense) comprehends the management of the voice and that of the person, or gesticulation ; but pro- nuntiatio is restricted here to the voice, just as actio sometimes is to gesture. See 1, 17. 10. prae se res agat. Our attention or thought must, as it were, be pursuing or chasing the ideas that are still in ad- vance of us. prorogetur, should he drawn; a metaphor de- rived from money transactions. The speaker is to be calling forth, or drawing continually from his reserved funds, that is, from the remaining or latter part of his subject matter {ex ultimo), just so much as he is momentarily expending in de- livery, brevia, concisa, short, broken phrases; indicating unreadiness. 11-14. Third. Hence the necessity of a mechanical or unreasoning {inrationalis) habit ; the Greek aXoyos rp>,^-q. 11. flexus, transitus. The action of the eye itself in read- ing is ascribed to the lines of the manuscript. Flexus seems to refer to the turning of the eye from the end of a line to the beginning of the next, and transitus the passing from one column of the manuscript to the next, dixerunt. The sub- ject is changed to lectores. Comp. § 9. quo constant, and of NOTES. X, 7, 12-14. 225 this nature are. quo relates to the sort of habitual thing or process indicated in the foregoing illustrations, pilariorum ac ventilatorum, ball-throwers and jugglers ; performers with the cups and balls and of sleight-of-hand tricks. The words are not thus used elsewhere. The genitive limits scaenis {shows\ not mir acuta. 12. ita — si. In a limiting sense: only so far as. de qua locuti sumus ; the art, namely described in § 5-7. in ratione versetur, may he associated with method; based upon art, method, or rational principle, though mechanical through habit. tumultuari, to rant. 13. sermonis contextum, the mere continuity of speech; the mere train of words, cum. eo quod, moreover. This ellip- tical phrase occurs in Quintilian, ii, 4, 30, and xii, 10, 47, as well fls in other writers of the silver age. Fully expressed the sense is> : Besides this it must be added that ; moreover, it is a fact that. Halm substitutes quod si. tulit, impels. The perfect here is used, like the Greek aorist, to denote an action of com- saon occurrence. So § 14, accessit, restitit; and 3, Q, refrixit. tit — possit ; " Ut successus orationis extemporalis vincat suc- cessum curae et meditationis."" Spalding, cura, study; that of writing and premeditation. 14. Cicero dicit. The passage in Cicero is not extant. bene concepti adfectus, well-wrought, or deeply-felt emotions. recentes rerum. imagines, fresh, vivid conceptions ; that is, a lively imagination, refrigescunt, etc. Comp. 3, 6. infelix cavillatio; the morbid self-criticism spoken of in 1, 115, and 3, 10. ferri contorta vis. The metaphor is drawn from the hurling of missile weapons ; perhaps especially the sling. Cicero uses the same figure in Or. 20, 66 : haec contorta et acris oratio ; and 70, 234 : Demosthenes, cuius non tam vihrarent fulmina, nisi numeris contorta ferrentur. We may translate freely : the holt of eloquence can not be hurled, ut, though, non con- tinua sed composita, the language does not flow on, hut is put together. It has not the character of spontaneous eloquence, but that of studied composition. For the subject of est supply oratio. Comp. § 26, and 1, 29. 15-17. Fourth. The extemporary speaker, therefore, must cultivate a lively imagination, that his feelings may be deeply impressed with all 15 226 NOTES. X, 7, 15-17. the facts of place and person and all the interests of the case ; must have distinctly in view the whole pathway of his discourse ; he will also get incitement even from the presence of his audience. 15. quare ; because, namely, of the power of recenies imagines, just spoken of. capiendae, to be caught, seized upon ; fully apprehended, de quibus dixi. As, for example, in viii, 3, 64, where he says that Cicero has his imagination so impressed with the appearance of Verres on a certain occasion, and so describes it, that the hearer non solum ipsos intueri videatur, et locum et habitum, sed quaedam etiam ex iis, quae dicta nan sunt, sibi ipse adstruat. quas — indicavimus. vi, 2, 29 : quas (pavraa-las Graeci vocant, nos sane visiones appellemus, — has quisquis bene conceperit, is erit in adfectibus potentissi- mus. in adfectus recipienda. The depth of emotions de- pends upon the vividness of the images in the mind, pectus et vis mentis, passion and force of imaginatiori, correspond- ing to the above adfectus and oculis. The order of the ideas is the same as in § 14, adfectus, imagines. 16. turn introduces the second help pointed out in this paragraph. The first was imagines, etc. ; the third, below, is etiam pudor, etc. circa, on either side. He sees not only the avenue itself, but ail the objects along the sides of it. pudor. Dreaded shame, the fear of failure, is an incentive, congestu signorum ; bg the mustering of the standards. Halm has adopted the reading congestu signorum on the authority of the Bernese and Bamberg MSS. The assembling of the legionary standard bearers with their ensigns around the tribunal of the general, while he addressed the army on the eve of battle, is illustrated on the monumental column of Trajan at Rome. 17. difficiliorem ; too much laboring ; thought that usually moves, or works itself out, too slowly, exprimit et expellit, develops and hurries forth ; i. e., in utterance, secundos im- petus ; the successful impulses occasioned by dicendi necessitas. pretium ; here for praemium, which some editions substitute. opinionis, reputation. See on 5, 18. 18-23. Sixth. No one can hope to attain extemporary facility with- out the same gradual and patient course just now recommended in premeditation ; nor should the orator presume so much on his ability as not to take a moment, before rising, to glance mentally at the heads of NOTES. X, 7, 18-23. 227 his discourse ; and in the courts there is always opportunity for this ; but jf on any occasion no time is allowed for it, he must begin deliberately, and go on slowly, but without faltering, until he can get his ideas in order. 18. nec fidat. See on 3, 5. id; this readiness in off-hand speaking, in cogitatione praecipimus. See 6, 3. sum- mam, perfection, contineri ; as in 6, 3. 19. debet. Supply ea, or facilitas extemporalis. non utique m.elior, not necessarily better, cum. banc, etc. ; and we can make it fully equal to premeditation, since, etc. prosa, carmine. Cicero would have said in prosa, in carjnine. which, indeed, is found in one of the MSS., and adopted by Halm. Antipater of Sidon, an Alexandrian poet, flourished about 130 B.C. Cicero, de Orat. 3, 50: quod si Antipater ille Sidonius . . . solitus est versus hexametros aliosque variis modis atque numeris fundere extetnpore, . . . quanto id facilius in oratione, exercitatione et consuetudine adhibita, conseqiiemur. Licinius Archias. See Cic. pro Archia, 8, 18. non quia ; elliptical : I do not quote Cicero's authority because we have not abundant examples in our own times, but because his authority, at any rate, will be unquestioned, quod ipsum, ivhich (accomplish- ment) in itself, in banc spem ; for huius in rei spem. See on 3, 2. 20. neque sit. See on nec fidat, § 18. saltern. See on 2, 15. didicerit. See on xii, 8, 1= 21. declamatores. See on 1, 71. exposita controversia, as soon as the question is stated, frivolum ; not a Ciceronian word, scaenicum, like the stage ; because actors start off in this way with a " cue." petant ; connected by quin etiam to velint. 22. si ; as in 6, 7. habet, secures, suspensa ac dubitans oratio, speech (manner of speaking) slow and thoughtful, de- liberare, haesitare ; to seem to be pondering, considering what ideas to choose is consistent with strength and self-possession ; not so to halt and falter. 23. hoc; sc. faciendum est, ov fieri potest ; an ellipsis found also in vi, 4, 10, xi, 1, 76. id potius {est). Comp. viii, 6, 25, ix, 4, 57. 24-29. Seventh. The exercise of declamation must never be re- mitted, even during professional life ; aided, too, by the practice of mental speaking, or cogitatio, by correct habits of language in conversa- tion, and, above all, by constant use of the pen. 228 NOTES. X, 7, 24-27. 24. continetur — ars. Art (science, theory, rules), once un- derstood remains fixed in the mind {non labitur) ; even the pen loses but little by the remission of practice ; but this extem- porary ability, the essential characteristic of which is readiness for action, is kept up (continetur) by active exercise alone. With labitur supply ex animo. The sense as used here is fully ex- pressed in V^erg. Eel. 1, 64: quam nostra Ulius labatur pecfore voltus. promptum hoc, etc., translated freely: this attain- ment which requires readiness and instant actio?i ; quite liter- ally : this thing, off hand (as it is) and consisting i7i readifiess (in expedito). A similar form occurs in ix, 1, 13 : simplici atque in promptu posito dicendi modo. But Kriiger takes promptum and positum as abstract nouns: this promptness, this corisisting in readiness; referring to Z. 637, n. positum, lying in, con- sisting in, dependent on; as in 1, 3, xii, 3, 7. hac; sc. exer- citatione. rarum est, ut ; equivalent to rarum fit, ut. See on 2, 18. 25. est et ilia exercitatio, we have also (as a help) that practice, etc. See 6, 3 and 4. dicat ; sc. orator, explicari, freely developed, worked out. in parte : here, in one respect. haec proxima ; namely, the exercise of declamation just men- tioned in ^ 24. 26. diligentius — componitur. It (that is, discourse thus premeditated) is more accurately put together. The grammati- cal subject is exercitatio ; but the verb is chosen with reference to the speech itself, or to the train of thought, on which the mind is exercised. Hence oratio may be considered the virtual subject, ilia, like proxima, refers to the practice of extempore speaking, either alone or in the presence of others, in which we are ashamed to stop in order to think of the most appropriate ideas and words, contextum dicendi. See on § 13. in alia; explained by firmitatem, etc., which are in the same con- struction after in. Either the accusative with the preposition or the dative is used after conferre in the sense of contribute, or to be advantageous. See 1, 1, 63, 71, 95. prior ; namely, speak- ing, oris facilitatem, ease o/ W/era?ice. ut dixi. See 3, 21. hortatur, arouses. 27. lucrativae. The earlier manuscripts give this word; but as it belongs to the Latin of a much later period than NOTES. X, 7, 28-80. 229 Quintilian, it is questionable here. The passage referred to in Cicero is quoted only in substance. Quintilian has in mind the remark addressed to Brutus in the Orator, 10, 34 : quantum illud est, quod in maximis occupationibus numquam intermittis stit- dia dodi'mne ; semper aut ipse scribis aliquid, aid me vocas ad scribendum. C. Carbo was consul b. c. 120, and the year afterward was driven to suicide by the prosecution successfully conducted against him by the young orator Crassus. Cicero, in the Brutus, 27, 103, 105, commends his eloquence and his industry. Cicero also says that L. Gellius spoke of himself as having been a tent-companion of Carbo. Nothing, however, is known of any military campaign carried on by Carbo. 28. Ciceroni. The remark referred to is not extant, ser- monem, our language or speech, in general, even in ordinary conversation, pondus, solidity. Writing leads us to criticise the words we use, and thus secures to our expression more of significance and substance, innatans, ,^oa^m^ ; here superfi- cial, in altum reducetur, freely rendered, ivill be brought to depth of significance, proximas radices, the topmost roots. 29. ac — prosit, and 1 rather think there is a reciprocal advantage ; that each helps the other, scribendum — videa- tur. This passage has reference to the preparation for cases in hand. If the advocate has time for writing, that is the best thing ; if there is no opportunity for writing, then he must re- sort to premedita,tion ; but if excluded from both, he should, by means of the discipline recommended in the present chapter, always be ready to speak whenever called upon, and able to serve a client even without writing or premeditation, depren- sus, takeji by surprise, destitutus, deserted. 30-33. Eighth. The proper use of notes and skeletons. 30. domo adferunt. Comp. 6, 6. subitis, for emergen- cies; unforeseen questions, or developments in the course of the trial, commentariis, from his note-books ; memoranda, outlines, or skeletons. Quintilian also mentions Cicero's out- line speeches in iv, 1, 69. None of them have been preserved, not even the abbreviated copies made by Tiro, feruntur, are spoken of. See 1, 24. ut eos, etc., qualifies inventi forte : they have been found, perhaps, just as, or in the form in which each 230 NOTES. X, 7, 31, 32. orator intended to make the actual speech, eos is the object of composuerat. dicturus, tvhen ahout to deliver them, ut, as, for example, causarum ; sc. commentarii ; outlines of cases. Sulpicio. See 1, 116, and note. M, these extant commentaries of Sulpicius, as distinguished from his three extant oratio?ies. ab ipso, by (Sulpicius) himself; not by a secretary, as in the case of Cicero's commentaries about to be spoken of. 31. nam. I mention this finished character of the three outline speeches {commentarii) of Sulpicius, as written out by himself; for Cicero's were different, being prepared by him {aptatos) only for the occasion, and afterward reproduced by Tiro in a shorter form, contraxit, abbreviated. Tiro has left these sketches still briefer than they were written by Cicero. So Bonnell and others. Some, however, take contraxit in the sense of collected, non ideo quia non probem. H. 516, ii, 2 ; Z. 537. quia instead of quod in this idiom belongs to the later prose writers, ut sint as the purpose of excuso, is sub- stituted for the regular apodosis : sed quia sunt eo magis ad- mirabiles. The sense is this : I do not make this apology or explanation {excuso) as to the character of Tiro's skeletons of Cicero, compared with the studied and literary finish of those of Sulpicius, with any idea of implying inferiority ; but rather that their admirable adaptation to the purpose of such notes may be the more apparent {magis admirabiles). Such sketches should be estimated by their fitness for the temporary occasion, not as permanent literature, in hoc genere ; i. e., in this kind of ex tempore preparation, recipio, / allow, admit. 32. Laenas. Popilius Laenas is mentioned in iii, 1, 21, as a contemporary of Cornelius Celsus. See x, 1, 24. He is named elsewhere only in xi, 3, 183. vel in his — conferre. The genuine text here can not be determined. The passage, accord- ing to our reading, may be thus interpreted : Laenas teaches us even in our written speeches {in his quae scripserimus) to gather the principal arguments {stimmas) into a memorandum and heads ; that is, to make outlines of written speeches, with which to help the memory. Instead of in his, limiting summas con- ferre, we might have eorum, limiting summas. quae scrip- serimus; written speeches as opposed to the hoc genere {the extemporary kind) just mentioned, in which such notes of topics NOTES. X, 7, 33. 231 are admissible, haec fiducia. The security one feels in having such notes to fall back upon, leads to negligence in memorizing the written speech, and thus it is marred and dis- figured. See on 3, 2. quod. — persecuturi, what we do not in- tend to commit perfectly to memory ; for it is better to extem- porize. Non is omitted by Spalding and others, following the best MSS. id quoque accidit, etc. What is remarked here of the disadvantage of imperfect memorizing in connection with written discourses, is parallel to what is said on iil- remembered premeditation in 6, 6 ; subjecting the speaker to doubt and hesitation between the things he has written and can hardly recall, and the new ideas {nova) still contained in his subject, which he might better extemporize. 33. de mexnoria. xi, 2. BOOK XII. THE MORAL CULTURE, THE SUBSIDIARY STUDIES, AND THE DUTIES OF THE ORATOR. The Twelfth Book, according to the purpose stated by the author in the prooemium of the first book (§ 22), treats of the moral character to be cultivated, the studies to be engaged in, and the course of life to be followed by the orator after leaving the school of the rhetorician. The book is divided into eleven chapters, introduced by a prooemium. Chapter first discusses the proposition that none but the good man ought to be an orator, or can be a true orator. Chapter second treats of things necessary to the formation of the morals of the orator ; chapter third, of the importance of studying law; chapter fourth, of the study of history and fiction; chapter fifth, of desirable qualities of mind and person ; chapter sixth, of the proper time for en- tering upon the practice of the profession ; chapter seventh, of the principles which should guide the advocate in accepting or declining the charge of cases ; chapter eighth, of the proper mode of investigating cases ; chapter ninth, of what should be the aim of the orator in his pleadings ; chapter tenth, of the style of eloquence he should cultivate ; chapter eleventh, of his pursuits after giving up the profession of public speaking. THE PROOEMIUM. The difficulty of the author's task in writing the Institutions, already found much more formidable than he had anticipated at the beginning, will be greatly enhanced in this final book, both on account of the new- ness of the subject and of the absence of any example or authority ex- cepting that of Cicero. 1. ferens, ivh He (actually) bearing it ; as opposed to opinione ^rima, the first estimate or conception of the task (onus). NOTES. XII, 1, 1. 233 2. a parvis, from, or with small things ; namely, the advice in regard to elementary instruction given in the first two books. dum — praecipimus, while I was teaching. See H. 467, 4 ; and note on x, 1, 125. The reference here is to that part of the work which treats of invention, nee — et ; correlative, as below in § 4; ivhile not — at the same time. 3. rarus — reperiebatur. When treating of the subject of style {eloquendi rationem) in the eighth and the following books, the author found fewer authorities to follow than in the fore- going divisions of his work, which were occupied with the sub- stance rather than the rhetorical form of discourse, vi, 2, 3: certe sunt semperque fuerunt non parum multi^ qui satis perite, quae essent probationihus utilia reperirent. 4. caelum undique, etc. Aeneid, 3, 193. M. Tullium. Orator, 53 : id mihi quaerere videbare, quod genus ipsius ora- tionis optimum iudicarem. Cicero aims in the " Orator " to de- scribe the kind of style which the public speaker must possess in order to adapt himself to all occasions, and without which he can not be a consummate orator. He does not treat, how- ever, of the other topics which Quintilian proposes to discuss in the present book, demum, only, or alone, mores. The topics are given a little more fully in the prooemium of Book I, § 22. See also Introduction, pages 14-16. antecedentem. ; sc. quemquam scriptorem. honestorum.; subst. neuter, quibus — est (things, enterprises), to which indulgence is more readily accorded. CHAPTER I. NONE BUT THE GOOD MAN CAN BE AN ORATOR. 1, 2. The orator, that is, the public speaker who takes upon himself the responsibility of advising the people and the senate, or of pleading in the courts, must be not oxAj able in speech but also a good man ; this is the sentiment handed down to us hy Cato, and must be accepted as an axiom ; for no man has a right to pervert nature's beneficent gift of elo- quence to evil uses. 1. a Marco Catone finitur. This definition was given by Cato in his " de Oratore." a treatise addressed to his son, and mentioned by the elder Seneca, in the preface to his " Contro- 234 NOTES. XII, 1, 3-6. versiae," i, 1. It is adopted by Quintilian in ii, 15, 1. verum — utique, hut hy all means ; at any rate, id — quod refers to the following vir bonus {sit), id non eo tantum, this {let him he), not only for this reason. Non tantum should regularly be fol- lowed by sed etiam, introducing the apodosis rerum ipsa, etc. ; but the period is broken by the insertion of the question quid de nohis loguor, as a livelier substitute for the proper connectives. The sense seems to be this : Not only would eloquence, if the bad man could properly be an orator, become a curse, and I also, as a teacher of it, an accessory to crime, but to say nothing of myself, nature, too, would be found an enemy to her own children in bestowing upon them such a powerful instrument of mischief. 3-8. But I go still further : not only do I maintain that none but the good man has any right (oportere) to be an orator (political and judicial), but that none other in fact can become such (futuruni) ; none other can effectively accomplish the proper work of the orator ; for, first, the bad man can not be intelligent and prudent ; second, the corrupt mind while it has no affinity with noble studies, at the same time, distracted by evil passions and aims, has no power to concentrate itself upon a severe study such as that of eloquence ; and, again, by lust and luxury it is unnerved for labor, while it can neither have any laudable ambition nor that love of justice and equity which is essential to the true orator. 3. cum — induantur, since they are involved, entangled; followed regularly in this sense by in and the accusative. 4. sapientibus dicitur. It was the sentiment of the Socratic school that the bad man was necessarily a foolish man. For the dative of the agent in the later prose writers, see Z. 419, note. 5. etiam, etc. Even the ordinary cares and the innocent pursuits of private life, though free from reproach {culpa caren- tihus), are incompatible with the severe and persistent study necessary to perfect oratory ; much more the distractions of a vicious mind and life. 6. huic — rei perit, is lost to this occupation, cupiditatem ; here ambition, as in Pliny, Panegyr. 7. impotentissimae. impotens (sc. sui) is very frequent in the sense of ungovernable^ unbridled, somnos — et ilia — visa perturbant, disturb our slumbers and (breed) those nightmares ; occasion restless slum- bers and those fearful dreams. NOTES. XII, 1, 8-13. 235 9-13. But even if it were conceivable that the bad man could be equal to the good in talent {iiigenii), earnestness of application {studii), and at- tainment {(ioctrinae), he would necessarily be inferior to the good in the effect and success of his eloquence ; and therefore not a perfect orator ; for the chief end of oratory is to convince and move ; and so far from accomplishing this, the bad man, often through failure in his false simu- lation of honest motives, and always through his evil reputation, weakens the cause he advocates ; while the good man, even if under some neces- sity {aliquo ductus officio) he defends an unjust cause, yet through the very fact of his good reputation will be likely to carry his point with the jury and with his audience. 8. frugalitas ; as in x, 3, 26. 9. demus, let ws concede, idem ; partitive, as in 9, 11, 1, 2, 14, et al. 10. more Socraticorum.. The Socratic philosophers were accused of fashioning the supposed objections of opponents in their imaginary dialogues in such a manner as to make the reputation of them easy for themselves. 12. si quando — conabitur, if he shall ever strive to main- tain these propositions falsely. Haec refers to the things, quae proposita fuerint, in § 11. ut m.ox docebim.us. See below, ^5 33, sqq. opinionis, reputation ; as in x, 5, 18. excidit — sim.ulatio, their disguise falls off. The bad spirit in the man asserts itself in spite of his effort to seem good and sincere. inde ; illative, hence. imm.odeste, imprudently, rashly. They make hasty assertions that they can not prove or sustain, sine pudore. They feel no shame in maintaining what they know to be false. 13. quae — non posse. They persistently and to no pur- pose strive to accomplish things which are absolutely impossi- ble ; that is, to make their hearers accept their statements as trustworthy, while they themselves are notorious for the lack of moral principle and especially of veracity, improbas, in- ordinate. 14-22. In reply to the question : were not Demosthenes and Cicero orators, though not good men, the answer is given in the first place, that notwithstanding the charges alleged against them, they were eminent for public virtue ; and again, as we call some men wise, not meaning that they are absolutely so. but wise compared with men in general, in like manner we may call these two men orators, though not absolutely per- fect ; and, moreover, in this relative sense, or humanly speaking, Cicero 236 NOTES. XII, 1, 14-20. may be called even a perfect orator ; though he himself did not think that the true orator had yet appeared. 14. invidia, censure ; likely to be incurred by the answer of Quintilian, as it will take the ground that Demosthenes and Cicero were, after all, not absolutely perfect orators, mitigandae — aures,^rs^ I must win their ears ; I must persuade these question- ers to think better of the moral character of the two great orators. 16. in uUa parte, ifi any particular, provincia admin- istrata. Cicero was governor of Cilicia in b. c. 51. repudia- tus vigintiviratus. Caesar's agrarian law (b. c. 59) provided that twenty commissioners should be appointed to superintend the distribution of Campanian lands, contemplated in the law; but Cicero declined the place offered to him on this commission, though honorable and likely to be lucrative. See Ep. ad Atti- cum, 9, 2. declinatus, swayed, turned away ; that is, by the in- fluence of Caesar and his followers, optimis — partibus. This term and also optimi were in common use to denote the party of the senate, at this time headed by Pompey ; at least, they assumed to be the optimi. 17. non se timidum, etc. The precise words can not be found in any extant work of Cicero. The sentiment, however, is expressed by him in several places ; as in Ep. ad Familiares, vi, 21 : itaque ego. quern turn fortes illi viri et sapienfes, Domitii et Lentuli, timidum esse dicebant (eram plane : timeham enim, ne evenirent ea, quae acciderent), idem nunc nihil timeo, et ad omnem eventum paratus sum. 18. sic — quomodo ; correlatives, as in x, 2, 25, et al. 19. quorum — datur, of ivhich (qualities) none is attributed, etc. proprie — veritatis : as opposed to comniunem loquendi consuetudinem. quaeram. See on x, 2, 28. 20. vix — invenio. See x, 1, 106, sqq. fortasse inven- turus, though perhaps 1 may find. For this concise usage of the participle, see H. 549 ; Z. 639, note, adhuc abscisurum., he would have still pruned off. He would have still further chastened the exuberance of his earlier style. See Brut. 91, and Orat. 107, sq. Comp. also 6, 7. securiore, more undis- turbed ; that is, by public cares, non maligne crediderim, not unjustly may I venture to think ; in no carping spirit I would express the belief, summam. See on x, 7, 18. NOTES. XII, 1, 21, 22. 237 21. et — perfectus. There are different interpretations of this passage. It may be paraphrased thus : I have said that Cicero, humanly speaking, was a perfect orator, and that no one has come nearer to absolute perfection. But even if I thought otherwise, if I thought him still less perfect than I do, I should be at liberty (licehat), and I should have no fear to maintain this (id defendere) more boldly even than what I have already said ; for I have the example of Antony asserting that he had never seen one that could properly be called eloquens, even in a limited sense; which was saying so much less in praise {quod tanto minus erat), so much more in disparagement of all orators, than I should say of Cicero, even if I should put him still lower than I do. For he is certainly eloquens, no matter how imperfect. Cicero also himself says that he seeks in vain his ideal among actual orators. May I not then venture to say that something more perfect may come to light in the eternity still before us? quaerit, seeks (in vain). Comp. 11, 2, x, 2, 28. 22. transeo illos ; because their hypercritical severity is not worthy of our attention, dormitare. See x, 1, 24, and note, qui — reprehendunt. The allusion may be to the strictures of Calvus and Brutus on Cicero, mentioned in the Dialogue de Orat. 18 : legistis utique et Calvi et Bruti ad Ciceronem missas epistolas, ex quibus facile est deprehendere , . . Ciceronem a Calvo male audivisse tamquam solutum et enervem, a Bruto autem, ut ipsius verbis utar, tamquam fractum atque elumbem. compositionem, the structure of his periods ; that is, with reference to harmony, apud. ipsum, in his own presence, as it were; or to his face; because expressed in letters addressed to him personally, apud is thus used in xi, 1, 21 : in epistolis aliquando familiariter apud amicos dicit. Cicero, also, Ep. ad Atticum, 14, 20, mentions a letter of Brutus disapproving of his ideas of style and "composition," as pre- sented in the " Orator." Asinio utrique ; that is, the father and son. The former is mentioned in x, 1, 113. His unjust criticism of Cicero is referred to in the " Suasoriae " of the elder Seneca, 6. The son lived under Augustus and Tiberius, and was put to death by the latter. He wrote a critical review of the eloquence of his father, comparing it with that of Cicero, and giving it the preference. 238 NOTES. XII, 1, 23-29. 23-32. But allowing that some bad man may be possessed of consum- mate power in speech {summe disertum) ; we shall still refuse to call him a perfect orator ; for our ideal orator must be superior to the regular pleader [causidicum) in the courts. Though pre-eminent in the courts both as a defender and prosecutor, he will be still more illustrious (clarius elucebit) in the higher duty of guiding the counsels of the senate and in dissuading the populace from error; his eloquence will everj^where, even in the camp, be more effective than that of the bad man ; for the latter will often lack confidence in himself and his own motives, and his speech will be at variance with his thought ; while the other in his bravery and earnestness will never be at a loss for earnest words {honestus sernio) ; and so the man possessing both virtue and readiness in speech maj^ hope to attain to an eminent degree of eloquence, and perhaps even perfection; but the gift of oratory in an evil man is itself an evil, and makes him stUl worse, 23. manu prompti, hold in deed, quick, or daring in fight ; as opposed to the following viri fortis, the resolute, courageous, or valiant man, whose fortitude is made constant and enduring by his virtuous principles. 24. ille, qui nondum fuit. See x, 2, 28, and note. 25. operam, day-laborer, toiler, drudge, ut asperioribus — parcamus, to abstain from harsher terms ; rabula [rariter), would have been one of these more opprobrious names, cau- sidicum, a pleader ; here, a professional lawyer, tot; ellipti- cal; so many as we necessarily associate with the great orator; many, datum rebus bumanis, granted (as a boon) to human affairs ; to advance the welfare of mankind. 26. in boc quota pars ; some genitive must be supplied ; as laudis : " in this perfect orator how small a part of his glory it will be that {quod), etc. calumniam, here, fraud, deception. 27. turn pietate, etc. ; Verg. Aen. 1, 151. 28. ex mediis sapientiae praeceptis, from amid the maxims of wisdom. Whether the commander be himself a moralist or not. in haranguing his army before battle he will appeal to principles and motives which are the material of moral philosophy, tot metus, so many fears ; the manifold terrors. See on § 25. 29. prodit se — simulatio. The pretense or counterfeit of fortitude, love of country, duty, and honor, will betray itself somehow in his speech, while he is attempting to persuade his folio wers, Comp. § 12. NOTES. XII, 1, 30-35. 239 30. honestus, candid, sincere; not language that dis- guises one's real thoughts, rerum optimarum inventio, the {ready) conception, the flow of the best thoughts, lioneste, candidly, earnestly ; with the earnest and unconscious free- dom inspired by strong conviction of the truth and by the sense of duty. 31. inventus, onmis aetas ; appositives of the subject nos; all of us, whether young or of every period of life, in hoc ; probably the accusative ; as in Seneca, Ep. 108 : in rem unam lahoremus. The relation is different in v, 10, 119, where the notion is, not laboring for an end, but in certain lines of study, hue and hoc refer to the desired perfection both of virtuous character and of speech. 32. ad queiii (= quemcumque) usque modum, iip to what- soever degree, so far as. ex utroque, /rom, in consequence of each (thing) ; namely, each of the two kinds of attainment, moral and rhetorical, hoc, this idea, sentiment; explained by the infinitive clause following. 33-35. Objections to these sentiments may be expected from such as prefer to be eloquent rather than good {diserti quam boni). To these the author first says something in respect to his own duty as a teacher {de suo opere) requiring him to discuss ( pertractare) the manner of speaking {quomodo dicatur), or mode of arguing in support of what is untrue or unjust (pro falsis, pro iniustis) ; which the student of oratory must un- derstand in order to be armed against imscrupulous opponents. 33. coloribus ; better translated by the singular : rhetorical artifice. The term is used here to include every means resorted to in legal practice to cover up the weak points in a case. See iv, 2, 88 ; vi, 5, 5 : xi, 1, 81, where such colores are spoken of. confessione. The admission of the fact is sometimes the course to be adopted, and then the crime to be palliated, or all actual guilt to be disproved, etc. ; as illustrated in iv, 68-75, xi, 1, 76. expugnat veritatem ; that is, excels, surpasses truth, in im- portance and value. 34. opere ; the work, office, or duty of Quintilian as an in- structor of the orator, adhibebit ; sc. medicus. 35. in utramque partem, on both sides ; here, of a moral question, neque — vivunt, yior indeed do the disciples of the Academy fail to live according to one of the two ; that is, the 240 NOTES. XII, 1, 36-38. principles of one side rather than the other, On the sense of alteram, com p. x, 1, 26, and note. Carneades, the chief of the academic school, was sent by the Athenians, b. c. 155, as an ambassador to the Roman senate, accompanied by Diogenes the Stoic, and Critolaus the Peripa- tetic. It was on this occasion that his discourses, the one in defense of justice, and the other overthrowing it, so offended Cato, that he caused a decree to be enacted by the senate requir- ing the philosophers to depart from Rome. 36-45. Right reason sometimes justifies the good man, when arguing a case before a judge, even in disguising the truth ; things must be deemed right or wrong, honorable or base, not by reason of the acts themselves (factis), but of the motive and occasion (causis) ; a good man may be obliged to use falsehood and deception in the case of a sick child ; much more in diverting an assassin from his intended victim {ab honiine occidendo), or in dealing with an enemy at war with his country ; there- fore our orator may be good, and still do a seeming wrong in order to secure the state or the individual citizen against great injustice and great evil, and to promote the greatest good ; and so of necessity right and wrong are sometimes defended by similar methods, and the orator, whether advocating one or the other, must employ the same resources of his art. 36. prima propositione, on the first statement, at the first glance, adferre, to allege, assert ; so frequently, auferre iudici veritatem. This blinding of the judge, or " withhold- ing the truth " from him, is also spoken of as one of the re- sources of the pleader in iv, 5, 6. gravissimos {esse) magis- tros; for example, such as Panaetius, Cic. de Off. 2, 14: nee . . . habendum est religioni, nocentem aliquando, modo ne nefa- rium impiumque, defender e. . . . Quod scribere non auderem, nisi idem placeret gravissimo Stoicorum Panaetio. Comp. Quint, ii, 17, 26. 37. hominem — virtus. Examples are Spurius, Ahala, Scipio Nascica, the elder Brutus, and Manlius Torquatus. as- periora adhuc dictu, deeds still more horrible to mention; such, perhaps he means, as the exposure of Andromeda to the sea-monster, or as the sending of Athenian children annually to be devoured by the Cretan minotaur. 38. ut mendacium. dicat. ii, 17, 27: nam et mendacium dicere etiam sapienti aliquando concessum est. Plato gives ex- NOTES. XII, 1, 40-43. 241 amples of justifiable "falsehood in the " Republic," ii, p. 382, ed. Steph ; as in the case of deceiving an enemy in war, or of avert- ing harm likely to be done by persons through insanity or igno- rance : irpSs T€ Tovs iroKe/jLlovs /col raiv KaXovfiej/uu (pl\(i}v. orav 5ta /jLOviav ¥) Tiva i.voiau KaK6u Tt iTTix^ipuxTt irpdrTeip. nedum. There is an ellipsis of uf sif vetitum mentiri ; much less that, etc. 40. nee hoc dico. etc. The following is the interpretation given by Boeckh of this troublesome passage : Nor do I say this as if in all cases I would justify on the ground of duty the act of defending a father, brother, or friend, when placed on trial {periclitantihus) and really guilty; for (quia) in general I am in favor in such cases of obeying the laws in all their severity ; though indeed there may well arise at times in such circum- stances a doubt as to the path of duty, and some case of this kind might easily justify deception on the part of the defense; but let us take an example which shall leave no room for hesita- tion on the ground of natural affection, or on account of a claim of kinship, such as to make us ready to excuse even crime com- mitted in obedience to it ; not taking advantage of such an ex- treme case, I will sustain my proposition by examples in which the question is the naked one of duty to society or to the in- dividual citizen, qui — orator ; see § 1. 41. nonne utemur — simili. " Will it not be right for us, in such emergencies, to employ the art of oratory in disguising facts and in supporting untruth, somewhat in the same manner as bad men use it ? The art is good indeed in itself and in its general application, but yet in its method of appealing to the minds of men it is similar- to the evil devices {malis artihus) of imscrupulous orators, or to rhetorical methods used for evil purposes." This interpretation the context seems to require, though others understand arte here in a more restricted sense : an art, a device of oratory, good indeed in the use here contem- plated, yet kindred to dishonest devices. But this sense of arte would probably have been expressed by quadam arte dicendi. 42. ad hoc =p7'aeterea. posse, sc. eos. futurum, is des- tined to he, ivill become, cui vera obicientur, against whom well grounded charges shall he presented. 43. advocabit ; in its frequent sense of " summoning to the defense of" with the dative of the party or person defended. 16 242 NOTES. XII, 2, 1-3, Fabricius, Rufinum ; both distinguished in the war against Pyrrhus. The words here quoted are said by Cicero (de Orat. ii, 66) to have been addressed by Fabricius to Rufinus himself on the occasion when the latter had returned thanks to Fabri- cius for nominating him, though a personal enemy, to the con- sulship. Rufinus is called by Aulus Gellius (iv, 8), furax homo et avaritia acri. 45. praecipere ac discere, etc., recall the topic of §§ 34, 35. probatione, join with difficilia, not with tractentur ; diffi- cult in their proof , or to prove. So Badius and Spalding. CHAPTER II. MEANS OF FORMING THE ORATOR'S CHARACTER. 1-9. Above all things {ante omnia), the orator must cultivate his character by the study of philosophy ; for natural tendency to goodness is not enough without instruction ; and as orators and rhetoricians have hitherto left this part of their own proper work to the professed teachers of philosophy, the student of eloquence must still seek it from the latter. 1. virtus — est. A continuation of the protasis, et being omitted. The sentiment is that of Horace, 0. 4, 4, 33 : Doctrina sed vim promovet insitam, Rectique cultus pectora roborant. ante omnia ; not first of all things in the order of time, but as in X, 1, 3, in importance. 2. scilicet ut confiteantur, so that forsooth (as the neces- sary result implied in such an opinion) they allow or admit. contemptissima, the most humble, virtutem vero h.abea- xnus ; in the same construction as confiteantur, after ut. 3. metus — purgaverit. Such fears as the result of corrup- tion and blindness of mind, need to be removed by the purifying influence of philosophy, tractatum tractarit ; a remarkable instance of negligence in an author of such correct habits. We may translate : has discussed the doctrines, que — que, both — atid ; as in 11, 8. populis et gentibus, states and nations. The words, however, are often synonymous, eruditiore ser- mone, in philosophical discourse. NOTES. XII, 2, 4-9. 243 4. ad illud sequens ; that is, to the second part, or apodosis of § 1 ; the necessity of adding instruction to natural gifts. praevertar, / will rather turn to ; I will direct the discussion to. So Horace, Sat. 1, 3, 38. 5. tertio de Oratore libro. Cic. de Orat. 3, 19, 27, 31. dicendi viribus, with the powers, or resources of eloquence. haec ; sc. philosophia. illi refers to Crassus. iam, now ; but not originally and properly, in possessione. Philosophy was not originally the exclusive owner of these moral topics, but she has obtained undisputed possession of them through the negligence of orators and the teachers of rhetoric, who should have retained these things in their own domain. See x, 1, 35. 6. hinc ; from this truth, or in accordance with this truth ; namely, that ethics are inseparable from the work of the orator. illud, quod; explained by the infinitive clauses facultatem fluere, eosdem fuisse. et libris et epistolis ; de Orat. 3, 15 ; Orat. 2, 12 ; Ep. ad Fam. 15, 4, et al. praeceptores eosdem. De Orat. 3, 15 : iidem erant vivendi praeceptores atqtie dicendi. 7. plerique praecipiunt. Seneca, de Tranquil. 1,7: sequor Zenona, Cleanthen, Chrysippum, quorum tamen nemo ad rem- publicam accessit et nemo non misit. SiOmanum quendam, etc., a kind of Roman philosopher, such that {qui), etc. It was not thought consistent with the duties of a Roman citizen, espe- cially a senator, to give himself up to the abstractions of phil- osophy. See Tacit. Agr. 4. 8. in actu sue, in their own, or proper sphere of action ; in affairs of real life ; the reference being especially to the pre- cepts of ethical philosophy, porticus, gymnasia ; the porticos and gymnasia of Athens. In these the Greek philosophers taught their disciples, conventus scholarum, the assemblies of the schools, has reference to schools at Rome, evolvendi penitus, must be completely unrolled ; thoroughly perused, or studied, scientia — humanarumque. Cic. de Off. 2, 2 : sapien- tia est rerum divinarum et humanarum, causarumque quibus hae res continentur, scientia. See also note on x, 1, 35. 9. artem. Philosophy is an " art " in the broad Latin sense of the word, superbo nomine, by reason of their pretentious name. The philosophers of the Roman times seem generally to have departed from the modesty of Pythagoras and the Greeks, 244 NOTES. XII, 2, 10-13. who adopted the name of " philosopher " to indicate that they were seekers after wisdom, not claiming to be (To,nounced separately, ipsae ; even 278 NOTES. XII, 10, 31-34. without the q preceding, hae vocales duae. The two vowels thus combined after q may be either ua, ue, ui, uo, or uu. 31. ny; or nii, the name of the Greek letter v, used here for the letter itself, in clausulis, at the ends (of words). 32. innituntur, terminate in ; " lean," as it were, or fall forward upon, sed et — subiciendo, hut moreover by annexing s, (though) itself also an unmusical (letter), to the letter h in the preposition {ah). So d of the preposition ad, was generally omitted in certain compounds ; as in asto and aspicio. 33. similitudine, monotony ; want of the pleasing variety of the Greek system of accentuation, acuta, flexa, as acuted, as circumflexed ; in the nominative agreeing with syllaha. These adjectives in the feminine may have been used with an ellipsis of vocalis or else of irpoffwUa (accent), as suggested by Cap- peronier in his note on i, 5, 23, or of vox, which Cicero uses for r6vos or accent in Orat. 18 ; and so they may be taken here, with some, in the ablative {acuta irpoawUa, etc.) ; but such an ellipsis lacks authority. However, with excitatur and circumducitur we may translate : the final syllahle is never raised with the acute accent nor lengthened out with the circumflex. The accent is a tone or pitch of sound, high or low, not mere stress of voice. gravem; supply syllaham. Verhum or vox, the subject of cadit, was left out, Buttmann suggests, either by the negligence of the author or of the copyists, duas graves. The word ends in two falling syllables or tones, when the acute is on the antepenult, nominibus, terms, words ; referring especially to nouns and adjectives. 34. his refers to Latin, ilia to Greek words, carent ap- pellationibus ; that is, in the Latin language, transferre, to express metaphorically, circumire, to employ circumlocu- tion; to convey their meaning by circumlocution, etiam in iig — revolvit. Even in regard to objects which are actually named, or for which we actually have names {denominata sunt), our lack of variety or richness of synonyms {paupertas) con- tinually brings us back to the same words again, linguarum copia, a rich variety of dialects ; dialectic idioms. .35-39. This disadvantage of the Latin language must be compensated in Roman eloquence by ingenuity and power of thought, and by rhetori- cal ornament. NOTES. XII, 10, 35-39. 279 35. gratiam sermonis Attici. Comp. x, 1, 65 and 100. rerum nimiam tenuitatem, extreme simplicity of matter, nimiam, excessive, seems to have reference to the following comparatives. The matter may possess a degree of simplicity or delicacy incompatible with too fulsome {pinguiorihus), or with too powerful (fortioribus) terms or rhetorical figures, virtus utraque ; both simplicity of matter and fitness of diction, confusione, hy the (forced) combination. 36. sensus, ideas, conceptions, graciles = tenues, plain. subtilitate. in refinement, in finish, or in terseness ; kindred to tenues. proprietas, liter^ahiess, exactness, certior, more assured; more easily commanded, copia, in (rhetorical) ful- ness ; not here richness of terms. Copia dicendi, not copia verborum. 37. ingenia Graecoruni, etc. Even those of the Greek writers w^ho are of an inferior order find their harbors; find ports for the disposal of their goods ; or, without a figure, find interested and approving hearers and readers, and that on ac- count of the simple grace of style which is inseparable from their language, nam — inveniam. For we must sometimes imitate the plainness and simplicity of the Greeks ; but even then the different nature of our language compels us to keep away somewhat from the vada, or very plainest style, and to seek aliquid altius, some deeper water for our craft than the shallows in which, if need be, the Grecian writer can safely sail, sidat, ground, touch bottom. 38. non contendimus. See x, 1, 100. pars haec, this element; this simple style, exigenda, must be worked out, cultivated, modo et iudicio, in measure and choice; in the due prominence given to each topic or idea in the discourse, and in the exercise of judgment in the selection out of the many things possible to be said on every subject those which will be most pertinent to the occasion, modus as in x, 1, 76. ex- trinsecus ; from ivithout. As within the Latin words them- selves {in ipsis) we lack attractiveness, we must compensate the deficiency by rhetorical ornament, and by graces of delivery also, condienda est ; not here, must be seasoned, but must be imparted by seasoning. 39. in privatis ; supply causis. In private or personal 280 NOTES. XII, 10, 40-46. lawsuits simplicity and brevity are to be expected, acutus ; of style; pointed, direct, terse; as in x, 1, 77, and as acumefi in x, 1, 106, 114, and in xii, 10, 59. See note on x, 1, 77. indistinc- tus, unadorned ; not set out with ornament, cui, etc. " Who can fail to be satisfied with the example afforded by such Roman orators as these, possessing an Attic simplicity that can not be surpassed ? " qui has been substituted in some editions for cwi, but without advantage to the sense. 46-48. The error of insisting exclusively upon plain speech and re- pudiating all ornamental or rhetorical eloquence. 40. fictum, rendered artificial. 41. lege ciborum. Comp. x, 5, 15. esse; sc. putant. 42. extitisse ; sc. oratores. etiam — ducentis, though more cautiously, yet on the same principle (as the poets), regarding as excellencies terms which are artiflcial (falsa) and figurative {impropria). recedendum ; sc. oratorihus. 43. in loco compositionis. Prose rhythm is the topic of ix, 4, 3, sqq. quibus — est, than which nothing less is possible ; that is, nothing less can convey the thought, melius ; better, more interesting ; more ornamental in form of expression ; some improvement on literal speech, liac calumnia; namely, the stricture expressed in quidquid hue sit adiectum, etc., in § 40. species, forms, states of feeling. 44. lacertos ; by synecdoche, as in x, 1, 33, for sinews, or muscles, servant — discrimina, keep their differences of char- acter ; preserve their personal characteristics in speech. 45. effectius, more elaborate ; more artificial, non solum (woTi)— sed ne— quidem. See H. 553, 2 ; Z. 724, b ; M. 461, b. utilitati, to the advantage of his case, or of his client. Comp. § 72. cum diceret, etc. ; rather negligently written for cum, ut ipse dicebat, suam rem ageret ; ageret autem, etc. ; " when, as he himself used to say, he was advancing indeed his own in- terest (as an orator), but (at the same time) he was advancing most of all that of his client." 46. cuius voluptates, whose agreeable qualities, charms, or beauties of style. Comp. § 50. nisi ut sensus. See Intro- duction, page 14. neque enim — potest, and, indeed, this is possible, dicendi auctoritate, the impressiveness or dignity NOTES. XII, 10, 47-52. 281 of the speech, lumina = sensus, brilliant ideas, or passages. invicem. If they occur too frequently they neutralize each other, ending in the fault of " uniform brilliancy." 47. non in gradus. The more foppish orators tricked themselves out after the extreme of fashion. The hair was arranged in tiers of rolls and ringlets. The follies of dress are described in Tacit. Dial. 26. cum eo quod, besides this. See on X, 7, 13. speciosiora, more attractive, beautiful, hones- tiora, more decorous, tasteful, comely. 48. sententias ; equivalent to sensus in § 46. 49-57. A difference between spoken and written discourse sometimes, though by no means always necessary. 49. excitatiora lumina, more brilliant ornaments, com- ponendis orationibus, as the antithesis to dicere. refers to written speeches, ideo ; because they thought that their speeches as actually spoken would be unsuitable for future times {posteritati), and for permanent literature (mansuris mox litteris), unless so modified when written that their genuineness would be lost, mox, here in the sense oipostea. 50. voluptates. See on § 46, at quod — edatur, but that which, co?isigned, or committed to books, is published as a model ; an exemplar of finished oratory. 51. subtiles ; not here of the style, as in x, 1, 78, but of the judgment, as in i, 4, 25, acute, discriminating, critical, ut — persuaserunt {id esse), for ut sibimet ac multis videntur. The reading is conjectural. TrapaSci'yfia, the example, as a technical term, means the induction from examples; rhetorical induc- tion ; argument based upon analogous facts. See v, 11, 1, sqq. eV^u/irj/ia, the rhetorical syllogism, reasoning from probabilities, is better fitted for discourse to be read, tradiderunt ; for do- cuerunt. monumentum, the record ; written record, permanent form, or copy, debet ; the subject is or alio scripta. 52. consilium, a body or a court. The word is used by Quintilian indifferently in the sense of counsel and council. strictior. See x, 1, 106. apud talis, in the presence of judges of this character. Comp. iv, 1, 73. The authority is Aristot. Rhet. iii, 14, 8 : Aft Se /t7j Xavdav^iv, '6ti — t^ roiavra irphs afjLapTO€ir-ns, in the description of the speaking of Menelaus, II, 3, 213, sqq. dul- ciorem — sermonem. Hom. II. 1, 249 : airh yKd^a-a-ris fieMros y\vKlwu phv avH. in XJlixe, etc. Hom. II. 3, 221-223 : ak\' ore 5^ p. oira T6 iJ.eyd\r}i^ eK crrTj^eos 'iei Koi cTrea vtcpaZ^ffffiv ioiKSra \iilxcpiri(Xiv. OvK 6.V eiretr' 'OSutr^t 7' epi(rt\av6pa}irla is that the former leaves the object, and the latter the subject of the feeling to be understood. 6. Caelium — Cicero profitetur. See Cic. pro Gael. 4. Pansam, Hirtium, Dolabellam. See Cic. Ep. ad Famil. 9, 16, where, however, mention is made only of Hirtius and Dola- bella by name. In an anecdote introduced by our author in viii, 3, 54 (Spalding's text), Pansa appears in a similar relation to Cicero. 7. nescio — fore ; grammatical order : nescio an oporteat fore eum credi. secretus et consecratus ; closely connected in sense; set apart and sanctified ; wo longer in contact with the profane strifes and ambitions of the forum, but devoted to the sacred pursuits of learning and instruction ; sacra littera- rum colentis (x, 1, 92), 8-31. THE CONCLUSION. 8-9. Though the author to the best of his modest ability {quantum mediocritate valuit) has now embodied in this treatise all the knowledge of the subject acquired in his professional life and all that he has been able to learn by investigation {inquirere) in the progress of the work, he fears that even those who accept all that he has laid down as essential conditions of perfect oratory, will be deterred from undertaking a task seemingly so formidable. 8. que — que = e^ — et; as in ii, 5, 7, et al. inquirere, in- vestigate, ascertain. NOTES. XII, 11, 9-13. 289 9. multa. Supply nimium. praeter ea, quae de elo- quentia tradebantur. That is, besides the teaching of those rhetorical principles which form the specific and proper subject of my treatise, tradebantur, in the sense of teaching, as in x, 1, 15, and below, in § 14. velut— perhorrescant, lest they should shrink, as from a tedious delay (waste of time) in the work, rei, here, is the whole work of preparation prescribed by Quintilian, and as a genitive denotes the cause of moram ; like scribendi in x, 3, 6, and stili in x, 7, 14. 10-13. But let them consider (renuntient sibi) what the human mind has achieved in other sciences, as, for example, in navigation, astronomy, and geometry ; and then, think of the greatness of oratory and its high reward ; the ease with which a student with resolute will can acquire the principles of virtue, and the readiness with which all the other required accomplishments {cetera) can be attained by one who has begun his work with this moral f oimdation. 10. mundum dimetiri denotes the science of geometry, i, 10. 46 : se eadem geometria tollit ad rationem usque mundi. artes ; subject of potuerint. 11. quod relates to the two preceding injunctions : renunti- ent sibi and cogitent. huic parti accedent, they will agree to this {toWowing) proposition, ut; explanatory of j^ar^^■ ; namely that, saltern. See on x, 2, 15. artis, principles of philosophy ; ethical systems. 12. intentione, earnest study ; close application, insti- tutio vitae honestae beataeque, the discipline of an honor- able and happy life ; the moral training that secures a perfect life, meliora ; of moral virtues ; not as in x, 1, 131. 13. sicca; neut. pi. substantively, terrenis; sc. animali- bus. circumfusus nobis spiritus = aer. cetera, as opposed to the institutio vitae honestae beataeque, or moral discipline just mentioned, embraces all the other attainments demanded by Quintilian in the present treatise, etiamsi — modus. Even if we limit the labor of this preparation to the period of youth, and do not extend it into that of old age, system and method will make that period amply sufficient. 14-20. The chief impediment to the proposed work is the misspend- ing of time, partly through the mercenary motives or the ambition or the Incompetency of teachers, leading them to detain pupils under their 290 NOTES. XII, 11, 14-ia instruction for an unnecessary length of time, partly through our own fault, as students of oratory, in resting content with what we have learned, or keeping up too long the study of fictitious declamation, in- stead of passing on to real questions in actual practice ; then, again, we waste a large part of life, that might be given to study, in the corrupting and frivolous pursuits of the world. 14. nobis; students of oratory; aspirants to the fame of eloquence. 15. ut de his — taceam seems to refer to such teachers and orators as Porcius Latro, mentioned in x, 5, 18. in rebus falsis ; inanihus simulacris. Comp. x, 5, 17. 16. dicendi exercitatio. The practice of speaking may be not only of the kind {specie) cultivated in the school of rhetoric, but that which the author in x, 7, 24, sqq. recommends the orator to keep up through his professional life, dum scholastici sumus. See 6, 6, and x, 5, 19. discendi ; here of learning or studying in the schools, in emphatic contrast with cognoscere, perdiscere, experiri, the practical learning spoken of in the foregoing sentence, ratio, the nature, habui men- tionem ; in § 10. adeo ; so true is it that, spatio ac tradi- tione, hendiadys for spatio tradendi. reliqua est — exerci- tatio. After the acquisition of the learning of the schools, which demands this comparatively brief period of time, the kind of exercise that remains for the orator is of that practical nature which speedily develops his powers, and also maintains them in their vigor, vires facit ; as in x, 3, 3. 17. et — petuntur. Bonnell, contrary to the earlier edi- tions, has made this sentence interrogative. The context seems to require that it should be answered negatively. Though the multitude of books keeps pace with the increase of human knowledge, after all, the reading of a limited number will fur- nish the orator with ample illustrations of facts and of oratory, and also abundant instruction in philosophy and law. quoque ; also, as well as historians and orators, nee, and yet not ; as in viii, 6, 74. sed breve, etc. This comment on the perverse em- ployment of time is a brief epitome of the reflections of Seneca on the same topic in the essay " de Brevitate Vitae," 1, 3, sqq. 18. salutandi labor, the task of salutation ; of morning calls to attend the receptions of the nobility, fabulis ; here, NOTES. XII, 11, 19-2L 291 not dramatic performances, but stories or fictions, whether in the form of plays or of narrative^, for reading ; as Cicero de Finibus, 5, 19 : fictas fabulas, e quibus utilitas nulla duci potest, cum voluptate legimus, spectacula includes theatrical and all other public shows, rura ; country seats. The excess- ive outlay of time and labor in rendering country villas and their surroundings luxurious and beautiful, Quintilian thinks, is reprehensible, calculorum soUicitudinem, concern about recJcormigs ; worriineiit about financial affairs, ne — super- sunt. Even the spaces of time remaining from that which is squandered upon all these cares and follies, are unavailable (ne quidem idonea), unfitted by the condition of the mind thus en- gendered to do any effective labor. 19. quae omnia ; not tempora quae supersunt, but all the misused time above described, ut ; concessive ; even though the nights should afford us no help, bona pars — longior est, A large portion of the night outlasts all needed sleep ; extends beyond all the time required by nature for sleep, nunc com- putamus. Seneca de Tranquil. 3, 7 : saepe grandis natu senex nullum aliud habet argumenttim, quo se probet diu vixisse, praeter aetatem. 20. quasdam. See on x, 1, 7. ad plura discenda, for learning several things, or arts, haec, these particular sciences {artes singulae) to which alone they devoted themselves, sed ea sola — fuerunt. But those single studies pursued exclu- sively {sola) as they were, these great men were satisfied to have acquired once for all, not thinking it necessary to give the whole of life to the mere learning of them. 21-24. The examples of many great men show how much can be achieved by a life wisely employed. 21. in quo — reperiuntur. In the Homeric poems is mani- fested the knowledge of all human arts, either in the elaborate and complete description of their processes and productions {opera perfecta), or in allusions and terms showing distinctly {non dubia vestigia) the author's acquaintance with them. Hip- piam. Hippias of Elis, whose name is used as the title of two dialogues of Plato, the " Hippias Major " and " Hippias Minor," was a sophist, and contemporary with Socrates. The universal 292 NOTES. XII, 11, 22, knowledge which he professed {prae se tulit) was as superficial as general, ita se praeparavit, he so trained himself. Quin- tilian seems to have in mind the passage in Cic. de Orat. 3, 32 : Eleus Hippias, cum Olympiam venisset, maxima ilia quinguen- nali celehritate ludorum, gloriatus est, cuncta paene audiente Oraecia, nihil esse idla in arte rerum omnium, quod ipse nesci- ret, sqq. inlusisse — iubebat. This is to be taken as the independent statement of the sentence. " To say nothing of Homer, whose vast erudition is matter of inference, and of Hippias, whose claim to universal knowledge rests upon his own boastful assertions, we have the voice of all Greece bearing testimony to the wonderful attainments of Gorgias." For the construction inlusisse Oorgiam Graeciae credimus, see x, 1, 115. Gorgiam. Gorgias, of Leontini in Sicily, an illustrious sophist and orator, born in the early part of the fifth century b. c, lived to be more than a hundred years old, preserving his vigor of mind and body to the end, and thus setting at naught all the ills that extreme old age is subject to {inlusisse tot malis, etc.). His views on philosophy and oratory are embodied in Plato's *' Gorgias." qui — quaerere. Cic. de Orat. 3, 32 : isque (Gor- gias) princeps ex omnibus ausus est in conventu poscere qua de re quisque vellet audire ; cut tantus honor habitus est a Graecia, soli ut ex omnibus Delphis, non inaurata statua, sed aurea statueretur. This invitation, of course, and the answers and discourses in reply to questions thus elicited, were proof to all Greece of the variety and genuineness of his learning. The passage does not very distinctly say what it seems to mean ; that Gorgias lived to extreme old age, always to the last acquiring, and always imparting knowledge ; as we are assured by the ac- counts of his readiness to discourse on all possible questions proposed to him in presence of all Greece assembled at the great national games. And thus Gorgias is a splendid example of what can be achieved in life by the proper use of time. 22. quot saeculis, like quam multorum librorum in ^ 17, expects here a negative answer. Aristotle was employed for no long period, not centuries, but only a life-time, in attaining so much knowledge. See x, 1, 83. nobis cognoscenda, by us they are only to be learned (not discovered). We therefore are inexcusable if we sutler life to pass away without even greater NOTES. XII, 11, 23, 24. 293 attainment than theirs, sorte nascendi ; that is, the fortunate time of our birth ; the providential allotment of our birth to this advanced period of civilization. 23. igitur, therefore, proceeding with our examples, sum- mus imperator. Cato was rewarded with a triumph in b, c. 394 for his great military successes in Spain, sapiens. Cic, de Amicitia, 2, 6 : fe {Laelium) sapientem et appellant et existi- mant. Tribuebatur hoc modo M. Gatoni ; scimus L. Atilium apud patres nostros appellatum esse sapientem ; sed Atilins quia prudens esse in iure civili putabatur, Cato quia mul! arum rerum usum habebat. orator. Cic. Brut. 17, 65 : refertae sunt ora- tiones (Catones) amplius centum quinquaginta {quas quidem adhuc invenerim et legerim) et verbis et rebus illustribus. his- toriae conditor. Cato wrote a historical work entitled the " Origines." iuris. He probably devoted one of the treatises in the form of letters intended for the education of his son to the subject of Roman law. See Mommsen's Hist, of Rome, 5, 12. See also xii, 3, 9. rerum rustiearum peritissimus. The treatise " de Re Rustica " is the only work of Cato extant. Fragments only of the rest have been preserved, conten- tiones. '^ Accusator assiduus malorum Galbam octogenarius accusavit ; ipse quadragies quater accusatus, gJoriose absolutus." Aurel. Victor Vir. Illust. 47. litteras Graecas — didicit. Cic, Acad. 2, 2 : cum Graecas litteras M. Catonem in senectute didi- cisse acceperim. And in de Senect. 8, 26, Cato is represented as saying : quid qui {series) addiscunt aliquid 9 ut et Solonem versibus gloriantem videmus, qui se quotidie aliquid addiscentem dicit senem fieri, et ego feci, qui litteras Graecas senex didici. 24. Varro. See x, 1, 95, and note. M. Tullio. See x, 1, 107, 123 ; 5, 2, 16 ; xii, 2, 23 ; 3, 10 ; 10, 39. Cornelius Celsus, See on X, 1, 124. de his omnibus artibus refers to the artes liberates : dialectics, literary criticism, oratory, mathematics, astronomy, geometry, and music. 25-31. Some may say that this perfection is very difficult, and hitherto unattained ; but let them remember that no law of Nature forbids it, nor is anything impossible simply because it has not yet been done ; all great things are the work of time, and the most perfect things had no prior ex- istence. Moreover, the aspiration to reach the highest, even if unsuccess- ful, may secure an honorable place near to it ; nor, if men had felt that ZM)thing was attainable better than the old, would great writers or orators 294 NOTES. XIl, 11, 25-31. have existed at all ; and, finally, while eloquence brings its reward even in worldly emolument, yet not on this account, but because it is one of the noblest attributes of man, for its own sake should students of oratory strive to attain the highest excellence. 25. at introduces an objection to which ante omnia — fuerai is the answer, sufficit, etc. The fact that Nature is capable of achieving this difficult work, and that whatever has not been done is not (therefore) impossible is enough to incite us to effort. capere, to admit, allow, or he capable of ; as in i, 11, 14: dum infirma aetas inaiora non capiet ; v, 7, 1 : reprehensionem non capit ipsa persona, id refers to perficere opus, cadere in rerum naturam, the reading of the old editions, is not so well authorized by the MSS. as capere id rerum naturam. 26. nam poesis — accepit, for poetry reached its climax only in Homer and Vergil; that is, not before Homer among the Greeks, nor before Vergil among the Romans. The old editions read quantum — ah Homer o et Vergilio, tantum — a Demosfhene atque Cicerone, quis summa desperet. Comp. x, 2, 9. ut Cicero ait. Orat. 1, 4: prima enim sequentem honestum est in secundis tertiisque consistere. 27. fuissent, fuerunt, sc. optimi. Vergilius, Cicero, illi; sc. optimus, optimi fuisset, fuissent. 28. ut ; concessive, alioqui — fuisset ; more fully ex- pressed : " Moreover, art in its highest development would have rendered very poor service to mankind, if what was best had already been achieved; thus leaving no hope or incentive to genius for the future." 29. erat difficile. See on x, 5, 7. qui a se— peti dicunt. These are the followers of Aristippus and Epicurus. Cic. de Off. 3, 33, 116: ah Aristippo Cyrenaici atque Annicerii philoso ■ phi nominati omne honum in voluptate posuerunt viy'tutemque censuerunt oh eam rem esse laudandam, quod efficiens esset vo- luptatis ; quihus obsoletis floret Epicurus eiusdem fere adiutor auctorque sententiae, 31. bonam voluntatem, a good aim, ox purpose; a desire for what is best {optima) in eloquence. THE END, Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions By JAMES C. EGBERT, Jr., Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Latin, Columbia University- Half Morocco, large 12nno, 468 pages. With numerous illus- trations and exact reproductions of inscriptions . $3.50 This work is designed as a text-book for the use of students in Universities and Colleges, and also to furnish an account of this branch of archaeological study for general readers. It has been prepared in the belief that a knowledge of epigraphy forms an essential part of the equip- ment of a teacher of the classics, and that the sub- ject itself has become so important as to justify its introduction, in elementary form at least, into the curriculum of undergraduate studies. A distinctive feature of the book is the num- ber and character of its illustrations, — there being over seven hundred cuts and diagrams of inscrip- tions, for the purpose of illustrating the text, and for practice in reading. Of these, over one hundred are photographic reproductions, showing the forms of the letters and the arrangement of the inscriptions. The work is also supplied with an exhaustive bibliography and valuable tables of abbreviations, archaisms, etc. Copies sent, prepaid, on receipt of the price, American Book Company New York ♦ Cincinnati ♦ Chicago (S. 266) A Gtammeit of Attic and Ionic Gteck By FRANK COLE BABBITT. Ph.D. (Harvard) Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Trinity College, Hartford ; formerly Fellow of the American School of Classi- cal Studies at Athens. PRICE, $l.50 THIS grammar states the essential facts and principles of the Greek language in concise form, with only so much discussion as may reasonably be demanded for a clear understanding of the subject. It therefore meets the wants of secondary schools and at the same time is sufficient for all ordinary demands of the college course. The book incorpor- ates the results of the more recent philological studies, and includes many departures from conventional presentation. Due regard is paid to the fact that analogy plays an important part in language, and that the context is often more important than grammatical rules in determining the exact significance of mode or tense. The treatment of cases is thoroughly logical and clear. The true genitive and the ablative genitive are dis- tinguished from each other and considered separately; like- ",vise the true dative, the locative dative, and the instrumental dative. In this way much confusion is avoided. The general rules of agreement are first given in a prelim- inary paragraph and are then followed by a general statement regarding attraction and coiistructio ad seiisum, and its appli- cation to substantives, adjectives, verbs, etc. The general significance of each mode is summarized briefly at the begin- ning, with its uses grouped and treated under the head of statements, questions, wishes, commands, etc. The various forms of statement are taken up and contrasted, thus allowing the student to perceive at a glance their similarities and differ- ences. The subject of indirect discourse is put at the end of syntax, and the principles have been fully stated in their proper places. The general principles are clearly enunciated, followed by the details with numerous examples. Tables of syntactical usage for reference are included to make it possible for the pupil to perceive the normal usage at a glance. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Publishers (S. 284) The First Greek Book By clarence W. GLEASON, A.M. Master in the Roxbury Latin School AND CAROLINE STONE ATHERTON, A.M. Late of the Roxbury Latin School WITH AN INTRODUCTION By WILLIAM C. COLLAR, A.M. C'.oth, 12mo, 299 pages . . . . Price, $1.00 This First Greek Book, from its logical se- quence of subjects, its clearness and conciseness of statement, and its freedom from unnecessary details, will appeal to both teacher and pupil. Believing that the true aim of Greek study is the development of the power to read Greek, the pupil is introduced at an early stage to practice in the translation of a continuous text, including dialogues, fables, and reading exercises. 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The Introduction gives a clear and comprehen- sive outline of the life, character, and philosophy of Socrates. This historical sketch is followed by other aids to an understanding of Plato's dramatic representation of his great master and by a criti- cal analysis of the argument pursued in the Dialogues. The Appendix contains a brief account of the notable manuscripts and editions of Plato's works and some of the more important variations in the text of the Apology^ the Crito^ and the Phaedo^ together with the principal authorities for each variation. Copies sent, prepaid, on receipt of the price. American Book Company New York ♦ Cincinnati ♦ Chicago (S. 295) HISTORIES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS ESSENTIALS IN ANCIENT HISTORY Half Leather, 528 Pages. Price, $f.50 By ARTHUR MAYER WOLFSON, Ph.D* Assistant in History^ De Witt Clinton High School^ New York City In Consultation with ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, LL*D. 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The numerous maps show only the places mentioned in the text, thus avoiding confusion from too much detail. The illustrations, although attractive, have been chosen primarily with the purpose of accurately explain^ ing the text. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Publishers (S. 237) -, on the date totTkh t^^P^d ^eiow, or — AU&^-jHSI- f'l'„|;-I00»,.6,.56 UniSS^^'Rlrarr GEMERftL UBRRRV-U.C. BERKELEY i m mm m li