\l6S6a ^ A ^MSSi^ImSw*? I THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES AN AUSTRALIAX COLONY. THE GOVERNMENT HANDBOOI VICTOJRIA^ iop aiittioritj): ROBT. S. BRAIX, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1359. C-qo\M vu \. G cc PREFACE. The absence of knowledge by a large number of residents in Great Britain and Ireland of the (Geographical Divisions of Australia, and of the Agricultural, Pastoral, and Mineral Resources of Victoria, is made apparent by numerous inquiries. In oi'der that information respecting the colony may be obtained by those seeking it, this brochure has been prepared. Victoria, although the smallest of the five colonies of the Continent of Australia, is one of the most prosperous. It has an area of 87,884 square miles, and one of the finest climates in the world. The difference in temperature throughout the year is slight, the average being 49"2° in winter, and 65'3° in summer. The average rainfall in the colony for a series of years was 26"81 inches. With such a genial climate, open-air work can be carried on throughout the year. Compared with European countries, Victoria occupies a very favorable position as regards the health of its people, and is entirely free from epidemical disease, from which less favoured countries suffer. The system of State Education is free, and schools are so situated as to be accessible for children in all parts of the colony. The standard of education is high, and many of our most successful men received their education in State schools. The value of imports for 1897 was £15,454,482 and exports £16,739,670. Of the area of 87,884 square miles, only 3,242,600 acres are under cultivation, and as most of the area is capable of cultivation, there are possibilities of extending it considerably. The value of the agiicultural products for the past year, which was an unfavorable one, was £5,000,000, and the pastoral products, including butter and cheese, £7,500,000. The mineral resources of the colony comprise most of the principal metals of economic value. The value of last yeaz''s pro- duction, principally gold, amounted to £3,500,000. The present population is 590,755 males, and 580,179 females; total, 1,170,934. Not counting the population of the metropolis and suburbs, which is 458,610, or any of the large towns and boroughs, it will be seen that the rural population is very limited, and there is ample scope for a considerable addition thereto. QQf^*:>r^ In compiliug this Handbook, the aim has been to supply the classes of mformatiou which have been found to be in greatest demand on the part of inquirers in the old country, and the result, therefore, is necessarily lacking in the completeness and symmetry that might be considered advisable from a local point of view. Having regard to the requirements of the readers for whom the book is specially intended, the endeavour has been, while pre- senting a general view of the colony, to deal more in detail with the Agricultural and Mining industries, in which the largest amount of interest is likely to be taken. The work of editing was intrusted to Mr. T. K. Dow, and I am pleased to acknowledge the able manner in which he has carried out his task. I also recognise the valuable assistance given by officers of several of the Government Departments who have furnished information, also that of the able writers whose name- are mentioned in connexion with the extracts. For the photographs used in some of the illustrations my thanks are due to the proprietors of The Aiistralasian, The Leadet; and The Weekly Times, as well as to the artists connected with these journals. J. W. TAVERXER, Minister of Agriculture. Melbourne, 1st June, 1898. A MOUNTAIN STREAM. CONTENTS Page Australia 7 Victoria 1] Financial Position of Victoria .. 26 Notes on Mining 32 Facts and Figures 53 Agriculture ... 80 Lands of the Colony ... 100 Dairying Industry 106 Pigs, Pork, and Bacon 111 Poultry and Eggs 114 Exports of Perishable Products 116 Other Industries . . 118 Sugar-beet Industry ... 122 Tobacco-growing 128 Why I Settled in Victoria 132 Horticulture 138 Fruit-growing Industry 153 Victorian Vineyards ... 158 Irrigation and Water Supply ... 166 Mildura Irrigation Colony 182 Flocks and Herds 188 AUSTRALIA. The island continent of Australia was the last great division of the world to claim the attention of the navigator and the explorer. Nothing definite was known of this vast and important section of the globe until about 300 years after the discovery of the " New World," and it was not until Britain had lost her American colonies that she turned her eyes towards the lands which her brave navigators had found in the southern seas. A little more than lOO years ago, viz., in 1788, the first settlement of the continent was made on the eastern shores ; and to-day Australia, with the adjacent island of Tasmania, comprises six prosperous self-governing colonies, whose agricultural and mineral wealth is a potent factor in the commerce of the world. Situated in the south- western portion of the Pacific Ocean, Australia lies between the parallels of 10° 40' and 30° 11' of south latitude, and the meridians of 113° and 153° 16' east longitude. The length from north to south is 1,970 miles, the width 2,400 miles, and the area 2,944,628 square miles. The areas occupied by the different Australian colonies are as follow : — Queensland ... ... 668,224 square miles New South Wales ... 309,175 „ „ Victoria 87,884 „ „ South Australia ... 903,425 „ ,, Western Australia ... 975,920 „ „ Total— Australia ...2,944,628 „ AusTRALiAx Federation. For many years a desire for federation has been growing among the people of the Australian colonies. The federal movement made slow progress at first, but recently important steps have been taken in rapid succession, and at present there are hopeful prospects of a speedy consumma- tion. A Federal Convention, charged with the duty of fiiuning an Australian Constitution, has recently success- fully completed its labours at Melbourne. The Bill has been well received by prominent men representing all shades of ])oIitical opinion, and there are good grounds for expecting it to be accepted by the people. If anything, however, should o/cur to disappuiut the present expectation, the resnlt will delay, but not defeat, the formation of the Australian Commonwealth. It must be regarded as saying much for the peoples of these colonies that, without the stimulus of a common danger, they should have so far over- come the provincial spirit, and chcrislied the wider national sentiment expressed by William Gay in the following lines: — " From all division let our land be free, For God has made her one ; complete she lies Within the unbroken circle of the skies, And round her indivisible the sea Breaks on her single shore ; while only we, Her foster children, bound with sacred ties Of one dear blood, one storied enterprise, Are negligent of her integritj'. — Her seamless garment, at great Mammon's nod, With hands unfilial we have basely rent, With iJctty variance our souls are spent. And ancient kinship under foot is trod : let us rise, united, penitent, And be one people, — mighty, ser\-ing God I " Mr. Henry Heylyn Hayter, C.M.G., late Government Statist of Victoria, writes thus of the discovery of Aus- tralia : — DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA. From the period of the expedition into India of Alexander the Great (b.c. 330 to 325), allusions to a Great South Land begin to be met with in the contemporary writings, and later on Strabo (b.o. 5«2, an obelisk of dressed bluestone. raised In- puldie subscription, was placed over his grave. Mr. Batman"s j(»urnal, and also the deed made with the natives, are now in the Melbourne Public Liltrary. Batman and Fawkner were soon followed by other pio- neers from Van Diemen's Land. The " Wild White Man "' Buckley, who had been 32 years among the blacks, became interpreter to one party of settlers. Ou the 10th of 15 November, 1835, 5U pure Hereford cows and 5UU sheep were landed. Stock was driven overland from New South Wales. The "downs of Iramoo" were soon covered with the flocks and herds of the white settlers. Officialdom in Sydney suddenly awoke to the fact that there was a southern part of Australia to govern and tax. The church, in the person of the Rev. Mr. Orton, a Wesleyan minister, had previously come to the fore. The first sermon was preached by him in April, 1836, under the shade of the Casuarina oaks on Batman's Hill. The State asserted itself five months later. Early Progress. On the 29th of September, 1836, (Aiptain William Lons- dale, of the 4th Regiment, arrived at Port Phillip, in H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Captain Hobson, after whom Hobson's Bay is named, and assumed the position of resident magistrate. He selected the present site of Melhourne for that of the future city, his selection being indorsed by Sir Richard Bourke, Governor of New South Wales, in his visit some six months after, in April, 1837. Captain Himter, military secretary ; G. K. Holden, private secretary ; Captain P. P. King ; and the late Mr. Robert Hoddle, surveyor, accom- panied Governor Bourke. Mr. Hoddle laid out the town of Melbourne, and the Governor gave it its name, after the then Prime Minister of Great Britain, and also named the principal streets. Prior to this time the settlement was variously known as Bearbrass, Bearpurt, Batmania, Doutigalla, Yarrow Yarrow, and Glenelg. A few months later James Baker, the Quaker missionary, thus describes the settlement : — •'•' The town of Melbourne, though scarcely more than fifteen months old, consists of about 100 houses, amongst which are stores, inns, a gaol, a barrack, and a school-house. Some of the dwelling-houses are tolerable structures of brick. A few of the inhabitants are living in tents or in hovels, resembling thatched roofs, till they can provide themselves with better accommodation. There is much bustle and traffic in the place, and gangs of prisoners are employed in levelling the streets. The town allotments (of half an acre each) were put up here a short time since at £5 each, the surveyor thinking £7 too much to ask for them; but the fineness of the country has excited such a mania for settling here that they sold for from £25 to £100 each." The Bank of Australasia was started in 1838. 16 Fawkner's first newspaper, the Adcerfiser. made its appear- ance the same year. Inhmd, pastoral man drove his flocks over the plains to the north and west. Far beyond Corio Bay most fertile land was discovered by the pioneers from Tasmania. The magnificent country around Lake Colac was taken up and afterwards purchased from the Crown by Mr. "William Robertson, of Hobart, one of Batman's syndicate. The Colac pure-bred herds have since been renowned, even in Great Britain. The city of Geelong, with its good harbor in Corio Bay, sprang into existence through the fertility of the western pastures. For a X^m^ time this was a formidable rival to Melbourne. The yearly exports of wool and tallow and hides from the province of Port Phillip went on increasing, immigration from Great Britain swelled the population, thousands of acres were under crop, Melbourne was made a city, and in 1850, the year previous to the gold discovery. Port Phillip, not fifteen years old. had a revenue of £230,000, its exports amounted to £760,000, and its population was over 76,000. Such figures show that the colony, even at that early day, had ample sources of prosperity quite irrespec- tive of the golden wealth which shortly was to bring it so prominently before the civilized world, making Melbourne by name the best known of any city iu the colonies of Eng- land. The year 1S51 was notable in Victorian history. In February the great "Imsh" fires occurred. For hundreds of miles the whole country was \\Tapped in flames, the most fertile districts were utterly wasted, flocks and herds were abandoned by their keepers, the whole population fled for their lives, destitution and ruin spread over the whole colony. The ashes from the forests on fire at Macedon. 46 miles away, fell into the streets of ^Melbourne. The annals of the colony contain no more disastrous day than '' Black Thursday." The Colony of Victoria.] On the 16th of July following, Mr. Charles Joseph Latrobe, who had been '' Superintendent " of the district of Port Phillip since 1839, was sworn in as Lieutenant-Governor of the new "Colony of Victoria.'' "Responsible Government" was not, however, introduced until 1^55. The present Con- stitution is moulded on those of the United Kingdom and the American States. The two Houses of Legislature make laws subject to the assent of the Crown, as represented generally 17 by the Governor of the colony, " advised" by Ministers hav- ing seats in Parliament. Both Houses are elective, members of the Legislative Council, or Upper House, being returned by voters possessing property qualifications. For the Legis- lative Assembly, or Lower House, an elector only needs residential qualification, practically manhood suffrage. In 1851, however, the Legislative Council, established by the Act of Separation from New South Wales, consisted of thirty members, ten Government nominees, the rest elected by the people. The early meetings of the Council were stormy, and Governor Latrobe was perhaps the best abused administrator the colonies have known. Discovery of Gold. But shortly occurred an event which drove all ideas of politics from the minds of Victorian colonists — the discovery of payable gold diggings " uplifted Victoria in a night, as it. were, to the position of a nation and a power in the world," and advanced her destinies liundreds of years at one bound. As early as January, 1 849, a shepherd in the employ of Mr. J. Wood Beilby, who had a station on the South Australian border, discovered gold in a creek near the Pyrenees, a mountain range in the west of the colony so named by Major Mitchell, who was a Peninsular veteran. Tliis shepherd sold his treasure to Mr. Charles Brentaui, a jeweller in Melbourne, but carefully concealed the locality of the trove^ until falling sick, and being nursed by his master, in gratitude he im- parted to him the secret that he had discovered, worked, and sold gold. Mr. Beilby communicated this to Governor Latrobe, who, following the tactics of the Sydney authorities, would have hushed up the fact. But there were other than ignorant shepherds to deal with. At the time when people from all parts of the world hastened to the Californian gold- fields, Australia suffered in losing hundreds of her people, who flocked thither. This in the end, however, proved a blessing, for when the gold-seekers returned they were struck with the similarity between the rock and soil of their adopted land and that they had just left. They sought for gold and found it. A man named Esmond discovered it in quartz rock at Clunes. Then it was found at Buninyong and at Ballarat. When the reports reached Melbourne, members of all classes were seized with the gold mania, and there was "a rush" to the gold-fields. Desks, offices, shops, ships were deserted. Closely following the Ballarat finds came . 1359. B 18 those of Mount Alexander and Bendiao. which fanned the flames of excitement to a frenzy. Tlie people were " drunk with the hope of gold." From every quarter of the globe ships sailed into the once peaceful harbor. Yictoria was crowded with searchers for fortune : in one year nearly 80,0u0 immigrants being added to the population of the colony. From that time it has advanced with giant strides. Well may Victoria and its capital be termed marvellous ! Well may old men who remember Collins-street as a broken forest shake their heads when they gaze upon the fashionable crowd on the " Block," and feel like Tulliver, that " the world is too much for them." Who would recognise in the Melbourne of 18(S5 the "bush town" of thirty years ago? Then the streets were full of gum-tree stumps and deep ruts. The principal thoroughfare, Elizabeth-street, was for months in the year a flooded quagmire, in which on one occasion a waggon and team of horses were absolutely swallowed up, and bullock drays were daily bogged. Iron buildings and bark " liumpies " were seen on every hand, and what is now the important municipality of South Melbourne was a sea of tents known as Canvas Town. The old pioneers who have not "made their pile" tell strange tales of the doings in those early days when Gold was King, and each man did that which was right in his own eyes. Yet the records of crime are very slight. The rude rough hard life on the gold-fields, whilst it i^roduced a few bushrangers, tempted by the enormous spoils within their grasp, was not productive of petty ofiences. With gold flowing from every man's hand and pocket, hunger and want were unknown here. Melbourne may not have been very moral in those days, but of "habitual" criminals it had few, and the vagrant and the pauper were unknown. The City of Melbourne. Melbourne is now one of the most beautiful capitals in the world, and it is also the most populous and important city in the Southern Hemisphere. Including its suburban municipalities, all lying within a radius of 10 miles from the Town Hall, it contains 45s,010 inhabitants. Mr. Anthony Trollope well described it as "one of the most successful cities on the face of the earth." It is well laid out with wide and regular streets, with broad side-walks well paved and lighted. Tree planting in the streets has been extensively carried on, giving a pleasant shade as 19 well as refreshing the eye. The buildings are not only handsome, but many are of great architectural merit. The cathedrals and cliurclies, scliools, Parliament House^ Treasury, Town Hall, Post Office, Law Ourts, Custom House, University, Museum, Free Library, National Gallery, clubs, theatres, and other public institutions are worthy of specig,! admiration. The banking corporations are settled in build- ings which would adorn Threadneedle-street. The wharfs on the banks of the Yarra now give accommodation to large ocean-going steamers. The shops and warehouses are equal to those of most cities in the Old World. Everything necessary to make life content and easy can be procured in Melbourne. And the mansions in the fashionable suburbs are only less gratifying evidences of the prosperity of the people than the thousands of pleasant cottages which one sees on every road within a few miles of the city. Any visitor to the colony must be struck with the perfect arrangements for water supply. There is hardly the smallest cottage without its bath-room. The most important reservoir is the Yan Yean, which is an artificial lake at the foot of the Plenty Ranges, nearly 19 miles from Melbourne proper. The numerous parks and reserves and public gardens in and around Melbourne are heritages sacred to the health and enjoyment of the people, which astonish the " new chum " from crowded Euro- pean cities, where one is taxed for space to breathe. This is above all a place for the people. In no large town of the world has a working man so many enjoyments as in Mel- bourne, or so many privileges. There is no State Church here, but free State schools give secular instruction to children whose parents may be willing to accept it. Children between the ages of six and fifteen who do not attend the State schools must give evidence that they are educated at a private school up to a given standard. The whole country, as well as the metropolis, is dotted with State schools. The Free Library, Museum, and Picture Galleries, and the Botanic and Zoological Gardens afford free recreation and instruction to the lal)Ourer and mechanic, as well as to the clerk or shopman. Melbourne is plentifully furnished with provident, charitable, literary, scientific, and social institu- tions to suit all classes and creeds. In the matter of amuse- ment, the inhabitants of the metropolis are furnished with four theatres and several music-halls. At the Exhibition Building and at the Town Hall grand concerts are frequently given. But theatre and concert loving as are the Victorians 20 generally, it is in outdoor sports that they chiefly relax. Cricket, lawn tennis, football, rowing, yachting, and bicycle riding are the most popular amusements. In cricket our native youth have made their mark against the Gentlemen and Players of England at Lord's. There are no more perfect arrangements of the kind in the world than those at the MelV)Ourne Cricket Ground, where the members' pavilion is not only a " grand stand," but possesses dining, billiard, and bath rooms. Football is as popular here as in some parts of England. Next to cricket, horse-racing absorbs the affections of the Victorian people. In any new township a race-course is one of the first things laid out. Young Australian natives of both sexes are as much at home in the saddle as Arabs or Comanche Indians. Melbourne possesses two first-class race-courses within a few minutes' ride by rail from the city. At riemiogton the greatest race in Australia, the " Melbourne Cup," is run early in November (our spring). From every part of the continent people of all classes then flock to Victoria's metropolis. The *• Cup Week " is the Carnival of Australia. If Flemington is like Epsom, Caul- field course may be said to be the Ascot of 3Ielbourne. The stranger at the Cup meeting will perhaps get a better sample of Victorian customs than anywhere else. There is an annual attendance of nearly 100,OOU jjeople on Cup Day, yet the *' new chum "" will be surprised to see that itolicemen are conspicuous by their rarity, that there is scarcely a trace of drunkenness, and that amongst the vast crowd, the members all well dressed, and Avith money in their pockets, nothing but good-humoiu'ed order prevails. Here, where every one's working hours are so much shorter than in other parts of the world, the toiler with hand or brain has no temjitation to make a Saturnalia of his holiday. There is less drunken- ness in Victoria and as Little crime as any where in the world. The City of Ballarat. Victoria, however, should not be judged only by its metropolis. The inland townships deserve mention. Ballarat, the second city in the colony, is situated exactly 74 miles from Melbourne. It well bears the title of the' " Golden City." In the early days, the gold-yielding powers of Ballarat were simply marvellous. No district in the world produced so much gold in such a short space of time. It has been stated that, in many instances, "claims" not more 21 than 8 feet square, and about the same depth, yielded from £10,000 to £12,000 each. At the Prince Re,o-ent mine men made as much as £16,000 eacli for a few months' work. At one claim a tubful of dirt yielded £3,325. Those days have gone, but Ballarat, as it is now, is still more wonderful than when gold was, in very truth, "more plentiful than black- berries." when it was " scattered a thousand times like seeds upon the earth." Anthony Trollope, some 24 years ago, said with justice, of Ballarat, that it struck him with more surprise than any city in Australia, that " in point of archi- tectural excellence, and general civilized city comfort, it is certainly the metropolis of the Australian gold-fields." Sturt-street, the principal thoroughfare, is a mile and a half long, 200 feet wide, and has a fine double row of trees in the centre. The principal buildings on either side are the City Hall, Post Office, Mechanics' Institute, banks, theatre, hospital, and several large churches. The population is 46,158. The reservoirs from which the water supply is obtained have a storage capacity of 600,000.000 gallons. These works cost £300,000. Lake Wendouree now adds to the charming aspect of the city ; hundreds of small yachts, miniature steamers, and rowing boats in numbers float on the lake, which is stocked with perch, trout, and carp. The Botanical Gardens, on the other side of the lake, are prettily laid out and well kept. The finest wool in the world is produced near Ballarat, and on the late Sir William Clarke's estate, a few miles from the town, and on the small farms in the Forest of Buugaree, s])lendid crops are grown. Ballarat is now not only "a city of gold," but is an important inland centre. The City of Bendigo. Bendigo is a little over 100 miles from Melbourne. It has a population of about 40,000. In 1851, shortly after the first gold discovery, Bendigo was found to con- tain that precious metal in such abundance that in a short time it became famous for the number of its immense nuggets, the best known of which was the " Victoria Nugget," which was bought by the Victorian Government and presented to Her Majesty. In 1872, Bendigo took rank as a principal Victorian city. It is certainly equal to any European city of the same size. The most prominent buildings are the Post Office, the Masonic Hall, the Town Hall, and hospital, together with a very fine theatre. The 22 streets of Bendigo are beautifully planted with Eng-lish trees, the cool shade of which is as pleasant to visitors as to the residents. In the centre of the town is a public fernery tnown as " Rosamond's Bower." Pall Mall is the prinripal business thoroughfare. The streets have a total length of ^bout 100 miles. Bendigo is rich in other ways besides gold. The district produces yearly more than 1,000,000 bushels of grain, 17,000 tons of hay, and some 60,000 gal- lons of good wine. Fruits of all kinds grow most luxuriantlv in the surrounding districts. Schools of Mines have been established at Bendigo and Ballarat, to which are attached museums, containing geo- logical and technological specimens, models of mining machinery and mining plant, sections of mines, and geologi- -cal maps and plans. At these schools instruction is given not only in the various branches of science connected Vith mining operations, in the theory and practice of mining -and safe conduct of mining works, mining surveying and mining engineering, but also in many other subjects not necessarily connected with mining. Students at the Bendigo school number about 3.^0, and at the Ballarat school about oOO. The annual income of the two institutions is about £5,900, of which all but £1,900 is granted by Government. Schools of Design have also been established at twenty-five other places in Victoria, in connexion \^^th a Royal Com- mission for promoting technological and industrial instruc- tion. There are over 2,800 pupils on the rolls of these schools. An exhibition of the works of pupils is held yearly in Melbourne, and local exhibitions are held in other towns. Othee Towns. Geelong, which takes rank as fourth in Victorian cities, is picturesquely situated on CJorio Bay. At one time it was thought it would continue to rival Melbourne, and from its fine harbor, position, and rich back country there was a good foundation for the idea. But an idea it remains, although Geelong is ever ready to come to the front. Some important woollen factories are situated here, and •' Geelong tweeds" are celebrated in the colonies. In the Western District of Victoria there are many important towns, Warr- nauibool being the chief centre as well as an important shippin? port. Belfast and Portland rank next to Warr- nambool as sea-port towns. Hamilton, nearer to the South ^i Ur- '- ^ ^ MURRAY BRIDGE, ECHUCA.-MuRRAY River. A BUSH HUT. 23 Australian border, is tlic capital of a fine pastoral district. In the east, Sale is the chief town in Gippshind, an extensive and prosperous division of the colony, which was discovered by Mr. Angus MacMillan in 1839. Echuca, on the Murray, is the principal city in the north of Victoria. In the old days this was a crossing-place for stock from New South Wales. From Ecliuca there is a vast river traffic. The Murray River. During the winter months, when the Murray's waters are swelled by the thousand tributaries from the Australian Alps, steamers ply to Albury on the one hand, and to South Australia, New South Wales, and ftir inland rivers on the other. Echuca, a river port, is only second to Melbourne in the amount of its shipping tonnage inwards and outwards. The most beautiful thing in Echuca is the park, chiefly be- cause nature has been encouraged, educated in fact. Sitting here on the logs in careless happy indolence, watching the river in its ever-flowing passage to the sea, and listening to the sweet warbling of the l)irds overhead, every sense is pleased, " drinking delights from the murmur of streams and the flutter of wings." The railway bridge at Echuca is the finest thing of the kind in the Southern Hemisphere. Of iron (over 4,000 tons being used in its construction), it is 1,905 feet long, and cost £124,000, having been built at the joint expense of the two colonies. It was opened in March, 1879. The Murray is for nearly 1,000 miles the northern boundary of Victoria. It was dis- covered and crossed in 1824 by Hume and Hovell. But Captain Charles Sturt, in 1830, was the first to explore this splendid river. From New South Wales he traced the Lachlau to the Murrumbidgee, and tlie latter to its c/6'/;(9^<- chure into a magnificent stream of 350 feet wide, and from 15 to 20 feet deep, which, in honour of the then Colonial Secretary, Sir George Murray, he gave its present name. Leaving the main body of the expedition in depot on the Murrumbidgee, Captain Sturt started down the river in a whale-boat and a small skifi', built in seven days. Ca])tain Sturt overcame all obstacles — dangers from snags as well as from the hostile natives on shore — and in 32 days arrived at a large but shallow lake, where, finding it impossible to force a passage through the dangerous navigation of Lake Alexandria to the sea, he turned back. The return journey was one of suffering, as the stock of provisions were all but 24 exhausted. Brave Charles Stiirt lost the use of his eyes through blight and lack of proper treatment on these journeys. He died iu England, in 1869. Few men have done so much good work for Australia and received such a pittance of reward and honour. Until 1851 the mighty father of Australian waters, the Murray, was almost an aqua incognita. Xo sounds, save, perhaps, the " coo-ee " of some wandering blackfellow, or the screech of a wildfowl, flying startled from its nest among the reeds, awoke echoes in the quiet bends. The pelicans and the beautiful blue and white cranes lazily flapped their wings above the river's surface unmolested. The fish in its waters multiplied, unheeded by all except the natives and the hungry shags, whose descen- dants to this day haunt dead trees along the banks. The pant and thud of a river steamer, retarded by a hea^'ily-laden barge, ne'er, as now, caused a "mob" of kangaroos to pause, curious for a moment, and then to scamper across an arm of land till lost to sight in the bush. In 1853, Captain Francis Cadell, in the little steamer Lady Augusta, navigated the Murray for a distance of over 1,300 miles from its mouth. A true Argonaut was Captain Cadell, for he exploited the land of the real Golden Fleece, opening up a vast extent of country for pastoral purposes. The Murray would be one of the most useful rivers in the world if the channels of its head-waters were locked, and a supply stored for navigation during the dry season. Conclusion. It is but 64 years since the first settlement was made in Victoria ; now it possesses over a million of inhabitants. The country is traversed by a network of over 3,000 miles of railway, and dotted with ])rosperous townships. Victorians are j)roud of their colony, but they are also proud of being Australians of British blood. More than 95 per cent, of our Vi(;torian population is British, or of British parentage. England and Great Britain are yet sjioken of as " home " here. In spite of the establishment of the Melbourne University, which grants every degree except those in divinity, a large number of Victorian youths are yearly sent " home " to school and college. Yet there is room liere for many of our race ; for although, by the side of the flocks and herds of the squatter, one sees the corn-fields and potato-patches of the small farmer, and the vineyards of the wine-maker, there is plenty of forest yet to be cleared and bush laud to be cultivated. 25 Those early pioneers I From Henty and Batman and Fawkner and Robertson to the men of the last decade, farmer or sailor, or trader or miner, they were all the very salt of the earth ! Durino- the gold fever, the brains and the blood, the mental courage, as well as the bone and muscle, of Euroj^e flocked hither ; and the fittest survived. Victoria has ever been essentially a pioneer colony. It owed nothing to Government aid ; in fact, its early prosperitv was retarded by Government interference. ^ It was founded solely by individual energy ; and its people have ever remained pioneers. It is in their blood. Victorians — Burke and Wills — were the first to cross the continent in 1860. They lost their lives, but made their names immortal. A massive monolith of granite was placed over their graves in Melbom-ne Cemetery, and a fine bronze statue of the two explorers, from a design by Charles Summers, was for years the chief sight of Collins-street— an oljject-lesson for our youth. It has now been removed to a more retired spot to make room for the cable tramway. The Burke and Wills expedition cost the people of Victoria £57,000. The end justified it, for within two years of the death of the leaders from starvation, " tierces of beef were displayed in Melbourne, salted down from cattle pasturing on the spot where they perished." Far away in the " back l)locks " in the centre of the continent, in the sugar lands of the North, on every new gold-field, Victorian muscle and energy and capital are to be found. In the South Sea Islands, in the pearl fisheries of Torres Straits and Western Australia, Victorian pioneers are foremost ; and Victorian enterprise has done much towards the exploration of New Guinea. Although they claim Victoria to be the richest, the most populous, the most prosperous, and the most energetic of all the Australian colonies, yet Victorians were the first to raise their voices for the Federation of the Colonies, the Political Unity of Australia. Then the peoples of all the provinces, at present divided by absurd local prejudices and jealousies, will be joined together for defence, and, if need be, for defiance ; and some day in the future, following out the manifest destiny of the British race, with the dear Old Mother Country, and her eldest-born the United States of America, will be linked together in a strong bond, ruling land and seas and giving laws to all the ^^orlA.— Julian Thomas. 26 THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF VICTORIA. The Colony of Victoria has no " National Debt." There have been no wars, earthquakes, or other vrealth-destroAdng disasters to involve the community in national indebtedness. Victoria, however, has a '■ Public Debt," which is a very- different matter. All prosressive communities of limited population, occupying new countries, have adopted a system of making use of the public crecUt for the purpose of financing large national undertakings of a reproductive character. Under this system loans are raised from time to time by the Government, for the carrying out of public works, and a Public Debt is thus created. It is evident that in such cases a country's financial position is not to be judged so much by the amount of the Public Debt as by the character of the works upon which the borrowed money has been expended. The Public Debt of Victoria is small, and 94 per cent, of the entire amount represented has been expended in revenue-producing public works. The remaining 6 per cent, has been expended, for the most part, upon harbor improvements, bridges, public buildings, schools, and defence works, so that even this small balance may be considered as representing expenditure which is indirectly reproductive. Balance-sheet. The Public Debt of the colony amounts in round figures to 45 millions sterling, and of this amount 35^ millions have been expended on railways, and 5 milhons on water supply and irrigation works. The balance is represented by expenditure upon docks, harbor improvements, public buildings, and other permanent works. If the railways be valued at the cost of their construction, the estimate will be a moderate one, for their earning power is destined to increase witli the development of the country which they serve. The unsold Crown lauds of the colony constitute a tangible agset, which, at the lowest valuation, is worth 30 millions sterhng. "When it is remembered that £1 per acre is the price received for the lands which are oflfered by the Government as a special inducement to homestead settlement, it will be admitted that for the remaining 30 million acres, which include the valuable State forests and the rich auriferous and other mining' reserves, the valua- tion is well under the mark. A deficit of £2,GU0,0U0, which accumulated during the recent period of universal depression, has to be reckoned among the colony's liabilities. The following are the tabulated figures : — Assets. Railwavs ... ... £38,294,191 Waterworks ... ... 4,909,707 Crown Lands ... ... 30,000,000 £73.203,898 Liabilities. Loans ... ... ... £45,170,164 Deficit ... ... ... 2,604,346 Assets Balance ... ... 25,429,388 £73,203,898 Upon these moderate estimates the public account shows a credit balance of over 25 millions sterling. No account has been taken of the remunerative investment represented by the Yan Yean Waterworks supplying the city of Mel- bourne, this being under the control of the Metropolitan Board of Works. If we accept the estimate of Mr. Hayter, late Government Statist, as to the private wealth of the colony, viz., £407,000,000, we have a total surplus of 432 millions. Details of Expenpituee, If the whole of the capital represented by our Public Debt had been lost in war it is evident, from the amount of our national wealth, that the colony could, by the ordinary methods of taxation, readily provide for the liability, but as 94 per cent, of the sum has been expended upon reproductive works, taxation is only required to make up the deficiency between the amount payable as interest and the income 28 accruing from the railways and other State-conducted ser- Tlie loan moneys have been expended as follows : — vices. Railways ... Country Waterworks Defences ... Yan Yean (taken over by Me- tropolitan Board of Works) Graving Dock Law Courts Schools Parliament House . Yarra Bridge Public Offices Harbors ... Country Tramways . Mining, &c. It will be observed that in estimating the assets of the colony no account was taken of any of the above public works except railways and country waterworks, although they uncj^uestionably possess a high value. £35,490,451 4.900,707 98,299 3.142,578 341,818 347,322 1,063,507 242,463 106,258 162,430 303,995 60,000 14,658 the assets of the above Eevenue and Expenditure. As expenditure upon the railways has absorbed by far the largest part of the capital borrowed by the colony, the revenue of the railway system is a matter of first importance in connexion with the public finances. The primary object of the State railways being rather to develop the resources of the country than to make profits, it is not surprising that many of the lines should at the outset be unremunerative, nor is it to be wondered at that during times of great general prosperity an expensive system of management should have been developed. The rail- ways were certainly extended somewhat beyond the existing requirements of the population, and the character of the management suffered the consequences of a long period of unusual prosperity. The results were a serious annual deficiency when the colony was struck later on by the world's period of commercial depression. The railway deficit for a time seriously afi'ected the general revenue of the colony, but among the several methods adopted by the Government of Sir George Turner for balancing the National Ledger was a new system of railway management, which A STREAM IN THE MOUNTAINS. 29 has already made considerable progress towards placing the lines upon a satisfactory financial basis. The profits over expenses made by the railways for the year ending 30th June, 1897, amounted to £1,052,130, and, as the amount payable by way of interest on railway loans is £1,447,452, the deficiency to be made up from the general revenue of the colony is £395,322. Although the various methods of reducing the cost of working have not yet had time to produce their full effect, the position already reached is that the railways yielded for the year mentioned a net revenue of 2| per cent, on their total capital cost, or 3 per cent, on the debenture capital expended in their construction. Con- sidering that a large expenditure would be necessary on roads and bridges if it were not for the railways, and that the lines have greatly increased the value of land and other property, the indirect profits of the system far outweigh the apparent temporary loss of £395,000 per annum. The rail- way traffic is showing a satisfactory increase, so that, with the working out of the economies in management which have been instituted, this first-class public asset, the indirect cause of so much wealth, may be expected at no distant date to cease being any charge upon the general revenue of the colony. In considering the general revenue and expenditure of the colony, it is well to note how small a sum requires to be annually raised by taxation for the ordinary purposes of government. About 65 per cent, of the interest on the public debt is provided by the earnings derived from public works, while a large proportion of the annual expenditure represents the working expenses of these State undertakings. The total annual interest on loans is £1,823,343, of which £92,446 is provided by the Metropolitan Board of Works. The estimated income for the current year from railways and other reproductive works is £1,176,526, leaving £554,371, or a little over half-a-million, only to be derived from taxation and land revenue, on account of interest. As only 50 per cent, of the general revenue for all pur- poses is raised by taxation, it would be easily j^ossible for the Government to provide for much larger responsibilities than have yet been undertaken. So far, however, from undertaking larger responsibilities, the policy of the Govern- ment during recent years has been to considerably reduce the public expenditure. A lengthened period of national 30 prosperity broucflit about a system of la^^sh Government expenditure, which in 1889-90 reached £9.535,151, When the succeeding depression in the commercial world touched the colony, retrenchment of the ci\al service, restricted expenditure on public works, and general economy ot government were inaugurated, which, without resorting to severe taxation, brought the public expenditure ^\-ithin the amount of the revenue. The expenditure, which for the year 18U6-7 was £6,564,843, may be considered as having come do^Ti to its normal and proper dimensions. In 1872 a 4 per cent. Victorian Government Stock was erected, redeem- able in 25 years, and under this authority over £2,000,000 was raised locally. Last year Parliament determined upon its redemption, and at the same time created a new stock bearing interest at 3 per cent., holders of the first stock being given the right of conversion at par. This privilege was availed of in full, with the exception of about £120,000, and for this amount public tenders were recently called, with the result that it was locally disposed of most success- fully, a premium of £3 8s. per cent, being obtained. According to the Budget statement of the Treasurer and Premier, Sir George Turner, the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1897-8 show a surplus of £166,364, vdthout taking into account the sum of £250,000 re<|uired for retiring Treasury-bonds ; the statement is as follows : — Revenue. Kxpenditure. Taxation ... £3,453,239 ... £2,317,720 Public Estate ... 452,895 ... 257,437 Pailwavs and other Public Works 2,897,062 ... 4,061,675 £6,803,196 £6,636,832 Surplus ... ... £166,364 As an evidence of the increasing prosperity of the colony, it may be noted that the number of depositors in the Govern- ment Savings Banks increased last year by 9,602, while there was an increase of £322,553 in deposits. Nearly 30 per cent, of the population (men, womeo, and children) arc depositors in these banks. The Savings Banks fulfil another usei'ul mission liesides serving as a perfectly safe investment for the people's savings — under the Credit Foncier system the Commissioners lend to farmers at 4^ per cent. 31 Summary. Of the public debt, 94 per cent, has been expended in directly reprodnctive works ; the most of the remainder upon indirectly reproductive permanent improvements. The public balance-sheet shows a credit of £25,000,000, making-, with the private wealth of the colony, a credit of £432,000,000. The earnings of the railway system are increasing, and already the profits over working expenses are equal to 3 per cent, interest upon the debenture capital expended, A period of exceptional depression has been successfully passed through, and all financial engagements have been met, without resorting to severe measures of taxation. The revenue of last year was more than sufficient to meet the expenditure, and a surplus is shown upon the Budget statement for the current year. The yield of gold shows a steady increase, that for 1896 being 805,087 ounces. This quantity is considerably greater than that produced in any other Australian colony. The total yield to the 30th June, 1897, is 01,394,150 ounces. Various other sources of national wealth are dealt with in the difterent chapters of this volume. 32 NOTES ON THE MINING INDUSTRY OF VICTORIA. By James Stirling, Government Geologist. Althouo-h territorially Victoria is the smallest State in Australasia, covering an area of 87,889 sqnare miles, yet its variety of physical features, climatic conditions, soils, &c., and more especially the proved stability of its splendid anriferous resources, render it at once the premier colony of the continent. When it is stated that since the early gold discoveries in 1851-2 no less a sum than £246,400,000 has been won — the bulk of this from a relatively small portion of the proved auriferous area — and that the gold-mining industry is only approaching a condition of permanency, through a l»etter hnowledge of auriferous matrices, economic methods of mining and treating the ore, it will not be difficult to realize how important a factor the mineral wealth, both actual and potential, has been, and will con- tinue to 1)6, in stimulating all other forms of production. Not only in the higliest altitudes, over 6,000 feet above sea- level ; in the deep recesses of the vaHeys, only a few feet above sea-level ; but at depths of over 3,000 feet from the surface — or 2,000 feet below sea-level — are mining opera^ tions being profitably carried on. New discoveries in the depth of the dense forest-clad mountainous areas, as tracks are being cut into their secluded recesses, are constantly being made. Deep leads, concealed beneath extensive basaltic flows, are being traced over hundreds of miles of territory l)y boring operations. And as the areas over which tlie metallic substances are extended, and the methods of production cheapened, together with a constantly in- creasing feeling of greater stability in the mineral resources as fields for investment, so will the j^rogress and prosperity of the colony proceed pari passu with the development of its gold-mining industry. Physical Features. Fully two-thirds of the colony consists of mountains and undulating ranges, traversed by perennial streams and covered by a vigorous arboreous vegetation. The Main Dividing Range, which traverses the colony from N.E. to <> ^-Ol -i^ *? ~r DISH WASHING OR PANNING. 33 S.W,, vises to altitudes of (3,100 feet, while lateral water- shed lines, formed by high ridges and elevated plateaux, rise to still higher levels — as Mount Feathertop, 6,300 feet, and Mount Bogong, 6,507 feet. The deviated talile-lands, which are formed as extensions of the lateral water-shed lines both to the north and south of the ]\Iain Divide, com- prise the Snowy High Plains, covering an area of 400 square miles ; Dargo High Plains, 200 square miles ; Nuninyong and Gelantipy, 500 square miles ; and the Bogong High Plains, about 160 square miles. Gold-bearing Formations. The principal gold-bearing formations, covering fully one- half of the entire area, consist of silurian slates and sand- stones, which have been intraded upon by plutonic rocks, such as granite, porphyry, diorite, &c., and w^hich are over- lain in the western portion of the colony by extensive lava flows — the basalts of tertiary age. Roughly speaking, there are X!9,000 square miles of exposed silurian rocks, which are almost everywhere intersected by auriferous quartz veins or covered in the valley by auriferous drifts, while there can- not be less than 15,000 miles of silurian sedimentary rocks concealed beneath the tertiary lava flows or tertiary sedi- mentary rocks. In short, the older gold-bearing palaeozoic rocks extend from the western portion of the colony, in the Glenelg Valley, to the boundary of the colony on the east, a distance of over 500 miles. In the eastern part of the colony the silurian formations are in places overlain by massive Devonian rocks, and in the southern by Jurassic rocks ; while in the west are remains of an extensive forma- tion — the Grampians — whose age is still uncertain. With the exception of one locality in the Devonian area of limited extent, these formations are not known to be auriferous. The relative areas covered by the different rock masses at the surface may be estimated as under : — vSedimeutary formations: Paleeozoic Devonian, lower, middle, and upper, 8,500 square miles; carboniferous, '100 square miles. Cambrian, 100 scj^uare miles; silurian, upper and lower, 28,300 square miles. Mesozoic : Triassic, -200 square miles : Jurassic, 3,684 square miles. ];i59. c 34 Tertiary : Eocene or oligocene, miocene, pliocene, pleisto- cene, recent, 30,000 square miles. Plutonic and Igneous rocks: Basalt, 11,000 square miles ; granite, 4,000 square miles : porphyries, diorites, 2,000 square miles. Bendigo Gold-field. The principal reefs in this field occur in the fissures pro- duced by the arches formed by a buckling of the strata into a series of folds ; or, in other words, the prominent feature of the field consists of numerous more or less parallel axial lines, luning a strike of N. 16 deg. W., along the course of which the great mass of slate and sandstone rocks are bent over into a series of auticlinals, with corresponding synclinals or troughs between. The dip of the beds to the east and west is about 60 feet. These axial lines or centre country do not continue horizontal for any distance, but have an end-long dip or pitch. The reefs are called saddles, and thicken and diminish in size as they are traced along the axial lines. The eastern and western extensions are called legs. The saddles are often from 20 to 50 feet across, while the legs are from 1 to 4 feet, but frequently become attenuated in depth. A succession of such saddles occurs at ditterent levels, not generally immediately below the other, but listed to one side, jtriufipally to the west. In a limited area of about 7 miles in length by 3 miles in 'width, there are no fewer than twelve distinct lines of saddle reefs, known as centre country. Mining operations have extended to a depth of over 3,000 feet with profitable results. No less a quantity than £18,009,150 worth of gold has been won from this limited area, and from the Bendigo district up to date £53,063,356. The deepest shafts on the field include : — Feet. LaIl^t•li■s ifcU Mine ... ... ... 3,350 New (Jliuni Consolidated ... ... 3,267 Ijazarus Co. ... ... 3,210 New Chum Kaihvay ... ... ... 3,037 New Chum and Victoria ... ... 3,l00 Shamrock ... ... ... ... 3.000 35 The enormous wealth realized from a few of the Bemligo saddle reefs may be estimated from the following figures : — The Carlisle Company (now amalga- mated with North Garden Gully, Carlisle, and Pass By) has produced over 350,000 oz., value £1,400,000 Garden Gully United, 346,000 oz., value 1,384,000 Johnson's Reef, 281,u00 oz., value... 1,124,000 Great Extended Hustler's, 235,000 oz., value 940,000 Catherine Reef (on New Chum line, Eaglehawk), 162,000 oz., value ... 648,000 Although the reefs in the central area of Bendigo occur in the form of saddles, yet to the north-west, as at Marong ; north, at Sebastian, Raymond, &c. ; or south, at Mandu- rang, they assume different forms. At Marong, wher(^ gold occurs in the slates near the surface, slightly inclined or even vertical veins occur, in places forming irregular seams of quartz in a band of sandstone. At Mandurang, towards the Crusoe reservoir, fiat veins occur ; and where such veins intersect a particular band of strata which (contains a thin, almost parallel band or seam, of slightly different mineral composition to the enclosing strata, the richest gold is found. I have no hesitation in affirming that there is work for centuries to come, not only in exploiting the saddle forma- tions down to as great a depth as 4,000 feet,* but in tracing the auriferous belt to the north and south, or developing such parallel belts as Ellesmere to Axedale on the east, or Marong to Lockwood on the west. It is estimated that, making due allowance for the increased cost of haulage and deep sinking, quartz containing 5 dwt. of gold to the ton can be made to pay in the deep levels at Bendigo. AuEiFERous Contact Zones. The influence exerted on the silurian strata by the eiior- rnous masses of eruptive rocks, such as granites, porphy- rites, diorites, felsites, &c., and which now appear as bosses and apophyses, known as dykes, &c.; and the structural and * Recent temperature observations tend to show that at the rate of increase measured by 1 deg. Fahr. for every 137 feet, mining will be possible at 4,000 feet, so far as the heat of the rock is concerned. 36 chemical changes of tlie mineral components along the planes of the contacts has for some time been the subject of critical research : but it was not until the relation l^etween the t>ccnrrence of auriferous quartz veins formed at or near the contacts, both in the eruptive rocks, and to a greater extent in the sediments they invaded, that the attention of practical miners was drawn to the value of following out the contacts in the field as a guide to prospecting operations. To Mr. A. ^y. Howitt, F.G.S., the Victorian mining com- munity is indebted for first scientifically directing attention to the importance of such contact zones, by liis classic i)etro- logical investigations of the rocks of the Australian Alps. For instance, it was shown that, at Swift's Creek, in the Tambo Valley, certain intrusive granites, diorites, pori)hy- rites, ttc, luul invaded the silurian sediments at places where these rocks were both metamori)hosed and unaltered, and had converted the sediments into hornfels rocks in one ])]ace and mica schists in another ; and that the auriferous lode forma- tions are found to be connected with the contact action of the intrusive rocks. Similarly in the Dargo Valley, auriferous contact lodes have been generated by the intrusion of diorite masses into the silurian sediments. Mr. Howitt's exact descrii)tiou of this contact ])henomena has undoubtedly paved the way for mining exploration in many other districts where such features occur. In the north-eastern district, in an area hardly yet touched by systematic prospecting, it is esti- mated that there are fully 300 miles of contact rocks inter- sected l)y auriferous ([uartz veins. Two of the older gold- fields where some phases of contact metamorphism of the sedimentary silurian rocks and their associated auriferous veins may be studied are Maldon and Stawell. Maldon. The Maldon gold-fiehl is principally to the east of the granitic rocks at Mount Tari'engower. The alteration of the sediments lias produced rocks of tlie hornfels type. A well- define absent, the space between the walls is filled with broken-up rubbly shale or slate with thin quartz leaders. 38 Typical examples of such dykes are seen at Wood's Point, Wallialla, Foster, Tanjil, Raspberry Creek, Coster- field, kc. Walhalla. At the celebrated Long Tnnnel mine, Walhalla. the dyke trends parallel -w-ith the strike of the strata west of north. It is impregnated more or less Avith iron and arsenical pyrites. Two qnartz lodes meeting in an apex or cap accompany the dyke along or near to its walls on either side, while others intersect the body of the dyke. The shoots of auriferons quartz dip northerly, the underlie being westerly. This mine is a splendid instance of the permanency of the auriferous veins associated with the dykes ; it has yielded over 631,344 oz., or in value £2,525.376, and has been carried to a depth of nearly 2,UO0 feet. The whole of the belt of coimtry extending northerly from '\^'alhalla through the heads of the Jordan and over the Dividing Range at Matlock to Wood's Point, and still farther northerly to Jamieson, is auriferous and of similar charac- ter, although on the Dividing Range, near Matlock, there is probably a junction of the upper and lower silurian beds, from the occurrence of fossil graptolites found there by my colleague, Mr. Ferguson. 300 feet or more below the saddles. Ballarat, At Ballarat there are at least four well-defined lines of reef, such as the Guiding Star, Star of the East or Consols, the Indicator on the Llauberris and Speedwell line, and the Fire Brigade line. It is l)elieved that the Indicator belt of coimtry on the eastern side of the field will be found to extend past Creswick and Allandale towards the Moolort Plains. Some idea of the enormous value of the gold mines within a limited area in the Ballarat district may be gleaned when it is stated that the }ield of gold up to the present has been £71,886,080. One mine alone, the Star of the East, carriebelltown : A series of })arallel faults, filled with an ironstone conglomerate, form the indicator. The faults are irregular, and intersect the quartz veins nearly at right angles. Wliere the quartz strikes the latter portion of the fault the veins are very rich. At Gaffney's Creek : A sandstone band, crossed nearly at right angles by quartz leaders ; contain gold only when crossing the sandstone 1)and. My object in dwelling somewhat upon the different " iuiUcators " is to direct the closer attention of practical miners to their value as an aid to prospecting operations in newly-discovered gold-bearing districts. The axiom, " Like produces like," is as true in geology and mining as it is in other activities. In addition to such indicators, there are in many districts, especially in areas covered by the upper silurian shales and sandstones, various eruptive dykes having a special local significance. Those belonging to the diorite and diabase class may be referred to. It may be inferred from the fact of nuggety or lumps, slugs, &c., of gold occurring in associa- tion with these " indicator " bands, that in those districts where heavy alluvial is found indicators may be searched for. My colleague, Mr. E. Lidgey, has recommended such districts as from Beaufort, through Redbank and Stuart Mill, to St. Arnaud, the Scarsdale and Smythesdale district, Enfit'ld. Ballarut, Creswick, and on to Wedderburn. Wood's Point. The Morning Star dyke, which trends on the surface 54 deg. west of north, is intersected by quartz veins, which are nearly horizontally disposed, inclining but slightly to north- west. They penetrate the adjacent slates, and are richest near the contact. Several bores were put down, which proved floors of quartz at lower levels, and show that the quartz veins occur to great depths in the dyke masses. 41 Foster. Auriferous (juartz veins penetrate into tlie adjacent rocks beyond the porpliyritic dyke whicli intersects the sihirian rocks at this ])hice. Other localities where the dykes have associated with them auriferous quartz veins are numerous in the country occupied by the upper siluriau beds, as at Alexandra, heads of Big River, Tanjil, Cassilis, Ovens Valley, Queenstown, &c., &c. Meridional Belts of Reefs. A feature which is common both to the lower and upper Silurian beds, no matter what the amount of local variation in the direction or formation of the quartz veins may he, is the meridional belts which come into view when the posi- tion of the quartz veins are plotted on the map — i.e., there is a general meridional trend of the gold-bearing portions of strata. This significant fact was drawn attention to by Captain Panton, P.M., and C. W. Ligar, ex-Surveyor- General, during 1858 — by the former in the Mining Journal, and by the latter in the Transactions of the Mining Institute. In the latter publication the following preg- nant remarks were made : — " With reference to the great national importance of the quartz reefs of the colony, every circumstance tending to illustrate the general law under which they have been called into existence must be of interest. . . To the casual observer the relative position of the groups of what are termed paying quartz reefs . . appear to be scattered over the country in an indiscriminate manner. . . I consider there is reason for supposing that such is not the case, but that they exist in lines running north and south in the magnetic meridian, and that these lines have generally a very remarkable equal relative distance from each other in an east and west direction. If 80. significant facts are established for future exploration, and it may be that remunerative reefs will be discovered by a careful examination of these meridional lines within cer- tain limits of deviation to be determined on after future investigation. In this way reefs of great value may be brought to light which evade the eye."' Several of such lines were shown on a map accompanying the article to which I have referred. Now, these remarks are suggestive, and my predecessor, Mr. R. A. F. Murray, was able to direct special attention 4a to their importance by defining a nnmber of anriferons lielts or zones (vide Physical Geography and Geology oj Victoria). Later discoveries go to confirm the prediction of Messrs. Panton and Ligar in a remarkable degree, so that now fally thirty of such auriferous belts may be mentioned. I can only refer to the localities intersected by them as an instance of the fact without attempting a description of the local details. Of course, in tracing these belts on the map their continuity will be found to be broken in places by the granite, basaltic, and upper palaeozoic rocks. Commencing from the western portion of the colony, the first belt extends south from Balmoral, where alluvial auriferous deposits occur, but as yet no reefs. Xo. 2 is on the Upper Glenelg, on the east of the Black Range, where several reefs have been prospected. No. 3. On the eastern side of the Grampians a belt may be traced from Moyston to Fr}i.ngpan, where both quartz and alluvial workings occur. No. 4. From Ararat, through Great Western, to Stawell, comprising both alluvial leads and auriferous quartz veins. The Hopkins Valley lead originates within this belt. No. 5. East of Stawell a belt extends from Navarre, in the Pyrenees, southward to Buangor. (There is good scope for loaming along the western slopes of the Pyrenees within the limits of this belt.) No. 6. From St. Arnaud (where there is a group of three well-defined lines of reef — one of these, the Lord Nelson, being mined to a depth of over 1,600 feet with highly payable results) an auriferous belt extends south through Stuart Mill to Redbank. Moonambel, Percydale, and from the Avoca Valley across the Dividing Range past Elmhurst to Beaufort, and still further south to Lillie Plains, where deep al hi vial ground occurs right across to the Skipton diggings. No. 7. Still further east a belt may be traced from north of Bealiba through Homebush and Avoca leads to Wansford, Carngham, Scarsdale, and Pitfield Plains. (In the latter, recent borings suggest that a deep lead may be found to extend beneath the hasiiltic plains towards Lake Corangamite on the west.) No. 8. From Ballarat a belt extends nortlierly through Creswick, Clunes, Maryborough, Carisbrook, Majorca, and Timor, Duuolly, Tarnagulla, Moliagul, to Wedderburn. 43 Referring to this belt, Mr. Murray remurks that within this great auriferous zone he would include the gold-fields of Inglewood, Tarnagulla, and Kay's diggings, nortli of the plains of the Loddon VaJley, and to the south the gold-helds of Smeaton, Kingston, Creswick, Ballarat, Buniuyong, and the Durham, the last-named localities being continuous with one another as regards auriferous character, there being no break from Durham to Smeaton, a distance ol 25 miles north to south in the alluvial gold workings, over a width of about 4 miles from east to west. The belt of the Leigh River has been })roiitably worked 20 miles south from Durham, and auriferous gravels have been traced from its banks under the plains south of Mount Mercer, where the fm^ther continuation of the Durham lead is sure to exist. It is, therefore, Mr. Murray thinks, quite likely that the belt of silurian rocks extencUng soutliward from Ballarat may be found to have regained its auriferous character, and that the deep ground resting on it beneath the basalt may be as rich in gold as those to the northward. As regards the portion between Smeaton and Tarnagulla, there is every reason to believe that the belt retains its character from the Madame Berry line, a distance of 30 miles to Tarnagulla, and that all the alluvial leads in its com'se will jjrove profitable. On a smaller scale, the flat alluvial country along the Bui Bui Creek, between Tarna- gulla and Inglewood, is likely to prove auriferous in the vicinity of a line between these two places. No. 9. From Inglew^ood (where a number of reefs have been worked to shallow depths, four distinct lines being traceable for a distance of 4 miles) a belt of auriferous country certainly extends through Newbridge, Baringlmp, Campbelltown, Bullarook, and east of Mount Buninyong to Elaine. No. 10. From Maldon south through Muckleford, Daylesford, Ballan, and Steigiitz (several of the mines at Daylesford have been carried to a depth of 1,800 feet, and there are no geological reasons why a highly auriferous zone should not be met with at lower levels than the present lowest workings). Similarly, the Steigiitz gold-field, Avhich has produced £763,316 worth of gold, should yield profit- able returns as deep as that now worked at Ballarat. Two mines alone (the United Albion and New Mariner) gave the following returns : — United Albion, depth 1,050 feet, £54,000, declaring £15,000 in dividends, on a cajutal of 44 £0,00<) : New Mariuer. £liJ9,00U, dividends £56,000, on a capital of £ -,uOu. No. 1 1 . A very important belt extends southerly from BemliiTO, through Castlemaine, Chcoton. Elphinstone, and Blackwood, towards Bacchus Marsh. Castlemaiue. which has produced £1,80::^, 604 worth of gold, has long been known for its surtacc auriferous wealth ; and it is believed that deep mining will reveal, between the 1,000 feet and 3,000 feet levels, a payable aiu-iferous zone, and that at these deep levels saddles, similar to the Bendigo field, may be met with. Of course, the structural feature of the reefs will dei)end on the direction and extent of the comj)ressive forces acting on the strata. It is probable that the granite masses between Castlemaiue and Bendigo have played an important part in the genesis of the reef formations. No. 12. East of Bendigo recent mining developments are disclosing the existence of a belt extending from Goornong, through Ellesmere (Fosterville) to Axedale, and further south to Redesdale, and on towards Macedon, intersecting the basaltic leads to the east of Kyneton and Malms- bury. No. 13. From Runnymede, through Heathcote — where gold has recently been found in C|uartz veins intersecting a diabase dyke, near the junction of lower and upper Silurian formations, which rest upon still older Cambrian rocks — to Lancefield, Romsey, and Riddell's Creek. Xu. 14. An important belt, characterized by the occur- rence of antimony ore in association with the auriferous quartz veins passed from Redcastle, Costerfield, Py along, Kilmore (where scheelite has been found), on towards the Moraug district, near Melbourne. Xo. 15. Another similar antimony-bearing belt extends from Rushworth (where cross, i.e., east and west, lines of reef occur) through Whroo, Mitchelstown, Reedy Creek (Broadford), Whittlesea, west of Queenstown, east of Oaklci^di, and on to Tabberabbera, on the ]Mornington Peninsula, where quite recently gold was found in granitic rocks. No. 10. From Murchison south through Yea and on to Enweald, east of the Dandenong Ranges. Xo. 17. From Merton to Alexandra, Marysville, and soiitli f.. \. .rim. intersected bv dvke formations. 45 Xo. 18. Au important belt extends from Uookie, where ironstone de])Osits occur, south through Maindaniple, Darling-ford, Frenchman's Creek, on the Big- River, through the heads of the Yarra, to tlie west of Mount Baw Baw, and on to the Tangil, extending also, in all prohalnlity, heneath the South Gippsland mesozoic beds to Foster's and Wilson's Promontory. Xo. 19. Another, and perhaps the most interesting of all the Ijelts, extends south from Benalla, through Toombullup, Jamieson, Lauraville, AVood's Point, Matlock, Jericho, and Walhalla. This is, par excellence, the belt of dioritic dykes, extend- ing uninterruptedly for over 70 miles. The dykes run at various angles, with the strike of the enclosing strata. When they are parallel, or nearly so, the reefs are more persistent," and the shoots of gold longer, than in those cases where the dyke cuts the strike of the strata nearly at right angles. At present, between Walhalla and Toombon, at least 50 leases are being worked. Such mines as Long Tunnel, Long Tunnel Extended, Great Long Tunnel South, Toombon, Loch Fyne, the Hope, &c., may be referred to. In the east of the Walhalla am-iferous belt there is a large area covered by Devonian rocks, which have not yet proved payably gold-bearing. Although two minor belts may be traced — one from Cameron's Creek on the Howqua River, south to the east of Mount Useful and on the Siaton, and the other from near Briagolong (Gladstone Creek) northerly through the Wonnangatta Valley to the heads of the Buffalo River. No. 20. From Rutherglen, wdiere deep alluvial leads occur, a belt may be traced in a S.S.E. direction through Everton, Myrtleford, Buffalo River, across the Dividing Range, to tlie Wongungarra Valley and Crooked River. No. 21. From Barnawartha, through Woorragee to the east of Beechworth, on to Bright (the yield of gold for the Bright district being £2,294,556), Harrietville, west of Mount Hotham, to the head of the Dargo, over the Dargo High Plains to Grant and Lower Dargo. It is on this belt that the highest altitude at which auriferous veins have been found is attained, as ''on the western side of Feather top ridge, at 6,000 feet above sea-level. 46 No. 22. Still further east u very extensive belt stretches from Bethang:ii, on the Murray, through Eskdale, Snowy Creek, and Mount Wills, Livingstone (the yield of gold for the Omeo district being £1,203,732), Cassilis, Haunted Stream, and to Monkey Creek, near Bruthen. No. 23. From Granya, through the head of the Dark River, to the Gibbo River, and in all probability through the head of the Tambo, southerly towards Mount Tara. No. 24, From Corryong through Wheeler's Creek and Buckwiug, to the Limestone River, and heads of the Buchan River. No. 25. On the eastern side of the Snowy River recent mining exploratioDs suggest several auriferous belts, as under : — From McLachlan's Creek, on the border line between New South "Wales and Victoria, through Deddick, Mount Bo wen, and the heads of the Yalma, west of Mount EUery, and on to Cabbage Tree Creek. No. 26. From Bonang, through Boulder Creek, to Club Terrace, Lower Bemm, and Rearl ]\Iount, on the coast. No. 27. From Mount Delegate, through Bendock, over the coast range, to the eastern heads of the Bemm and western heads of the Cann River valleys. No. 28. On the extreme eastern portion of the colony, from Mallacoota Lilet, across the Genoa Valley, into New South Wales. Enough has been stated to demonstrate beyond the possibility of doubt the enormous extent of the gold-bearing belts of strata, and that there is practically an inexhaustible supply of gold yet to be won ; in not only following the down- ward prolongations of the reefs already discovered, but in renewed search for further surface outcrops along the exten- sion of the belts I have indicated. No theoretical specula- tions respecting the genesis of gold-bearing veins need militate against successful mining enterprise in those districts where the downward prolongations of the auriferous reef formation is at present a matter of conjecture. The fact remains that from the highest surface altitudes to a depth of 3,000 feet below sea-level gold-bearing strata undoubtedly exists. The permiinency of Victoria's gold-mining industry is an established fact so far as the quartz-bearing formations are concerned. HAND DOLLYING. Alll-vial Deposits and Leads. There is hardly a single river in Victoria which does not contain alluvial auriferous deposits along some portion of its com'se. These detrital deposits have been classed as "surfacing," comprising earth or thin layers of clay, rubble, and decom2)osed rock on the slopes or summits of hills com- posed of silm'ian rock. The gold is found free, or associated with fragmentary quartz, from the surface earth down to chinks and crevices of the bed-rock. River, Creek, and Gully Workings. — Deposits of gravel, drift, &c., resting on the silurian bed-rock, or on the banks of water-courses ; in some cases terraces are met with on the rocky slopes high up above the present river beds. Leads. — Gravels, conglomerates, &c., deposited in the beds of ancient rivers, in some cases only covered by recent accumulations, and in others by several layers of basalt. The beds of these ancient rivers are in some localities above, and in others below, those of the existing streams, as the Dargo High Plains and Chines or Ballarat districts res2)ec- tively, and are worked by tunnels or shafts accordingly. In addition to the above there are widespread deposits of gravels, conglomerates, &c., believed to be due to estuarine or marine action ; the gold is more patchy in its occurrence, though sometimes found in deiined runs ; not necessarily in the deepest hollows of the bed-rock, but often on the ridge or slopes thereof. Some of these deposits cap hills of silurian rock ; others constitute reef washes, beneath the basalt, but at higher levels than the deep lead gutters. Localities of Lead Systems. Commencing at the western end of the colony, the first is that along Mather's Creek, south of Balmoral, although there is a limited extent of slightly auriferous gravel south-west of Harrow, on the Glenelg. The Stawell leads comprise the deep lead and its tributaries, situated from 3 to 5 miles north-west of the town ; and the Commercial-street lead and its tributaries, commencing at the reef and terminating at Seventy Foot Hill, about 3 miles west of the town. These leads may still be traced further afield. The Great Western lead, from which over £100,OuO worth of gold has been obtained, has been worked for over 2 miles to a width which exceeds in places 1,200 feet. Gold occms principally in fine scales. Ararat : A number of shallow leads trend 4S towanls the llu})kins Valley, where they coinbiue iuto one iiiaiu lead, which extends southerly beneath the basalt. The bcirinofs put down prove that this lead system extends in all probal)ility for at least 8 miles, with a covering of from 230 to :}0() ieet of basalt. Landsborongh : This ex- tends northerly from Barkly, past Landsborongh, to Navarre, and on towards the Wiinmera Valley. The tributary leads at Navarre were very rich ; ihe depth of sinking from 5U to over 100 feet. Beaufort. — This lead, kl]o\^^l as Fiery Creek, has been worked from the head of Fiery Creek, through the town of Beaufort, in an easterly direction, to its junction with the AVaterloo lead. It is believed that fi-om this \)oh\t the lead will be found to extend easterly through Windermere, and probablv junction with the extension of the Haddon lead. Smythesdale. — Rising in the Hard Hills, the Linton lead trends southerly to its junction with the Standard lead, and beyond that it is called the Happy Valley lead, which, trend- ing rajjidly to the east, enters the main Smythesdale lead, which rises near Nintingbool, and trends southward through Piggoreet, Cape Clear, and on to the Pitfield Plains. Many of the tributary leads to this system have been very rich. The continuation of the deep ground of the Stanley, near Cape Clear, remains to be proved. It is thought tliat the Victoria Mint Com})any is near it. The Snake Valley lead falls northward from the Hard Hills, and junctions with the Preston Hill lead. It is probable that these two leads will eventually join with the Haddon lead, and the latter junction with the Midas leads. As an instance of the richness of [Hjrtion of these leads, the ^lagnum Bouum claim, covering an area of 12 acres, yielded at a depth of 102 feet 6,639 oz. of gold, value £26,5.56. Ballarat. — Here several lead systems trend southerly, westerly, and north-westerly, noted for their richness and for the occasional discovery of large nuggets in such tril)utary leads as Little Bendigo, Canadian and Hiscock's — such nuggets as The Welcome, found at Bakery Hill, which realized .-£0,325 : the Lady Hotham, at Canadian Gully, £3,000; the Nil Desperandum, £1,050; and another at Canadian Gully of £5,532. During 1855-6 such loads as Iiikerman, lied Streak, Frenchman, Esmonds, Malakoff, Milkmaids, an' municipalities, whose revenue consists of amounts received from rates, licences, dnes, (tc. supplemented by a State subsidy. In 1896 their total revenue amounted to £1.157,838, of which £111,967 was from Government and £905.458 chiefly from local taxation ; and their expenditure to £1,098.336 (exclusive of loans). The State subsidy, which is divided amongst the different municipalities, with certain exceptions, according to a scale based upon the amount they respectively le^y from rates, is at present £100.000 per annum. There are also otliei local bodies, viz., a Harbor Trust (Melbourne), with a revenue of £125,000 ; a Water and Sewerage Board, with one of £167,000 ; besides several waterworks and irrigation trusts, two tire boards, »i:c. Public Debt. On the 3 carcasses of sheep and 860,904 of rabbits were treated for export. Railways. The Railways in Victoria are exclusively the property of the State, whose policy has been not only to systematically open up the interior and keep pace with the development of the country, but also to anticipate settlement ; and although in the past they were not, nor were intended to be, worked on strict commercial principles, still the whole community has derived from them incalculable benefits, and it is believed that few railway systems in the world could show from their inception so favorable a record. Their success would have been still greater, but for the construction of a large number of political lines, the heavy cost of construction — due to the sudden rise in the price of land immediately it was known to be required for railway purj30ses, and the high rate of interest on public loans. All these things, however, are now changed. The railways have been removed from political control, and an attempt is being made to work them on commercial principles ; unreasonable prices are not now paid for land, which is indeed in many cases obtained free of cost ; whilst the cnrrent rate of interest on loans, formerly as high as 6, 5, and 4 per cent., has fallen to 3 per cent., which will result in a considerable saving as the loans mature. On the 30th June, 1897, 3,112 miles were open for traffic, about 300 miles of which were laid with double lines. The cost of construction of lines open for traffic was, inclusive of rolling-stock, £38,325,517, or an average of about £12,315 per mile ; of this amount about £35,521,777 was raised by means of loans, and the remainder — or about 7 per cent. — was contributed from the general revenue. The 68 train mileage daring the year was 9,228,687. The total receipts amounted to £2,615,935, and the working expenses to £1, 563,806. The net income was thus £1,052,129, which is equivalent to a return of 2J per cent, on the mean eapital cost, or close on 3 j)er cent, on the debenture capital. This must be considered a satisfactory result, considering the adverse effect on the revenue of the failure of the harvest, and seeing that at the present time the average rate of interest payable upon the railway loans is between 3| and 4 per cent. Posts and Telegraphs. Post-offices. A very efficient postal system exists in Victoria, and post-oflSces are established throughout the length and breadth of the colony; 1,572 of such institutions now exist, as against 1,342 twelve years since. In the year 1^96 the letters passing through the post numbered 84,124,347, in addition to which there were large numbers of newspapers, packets, and parcels. The postage on letters to places in any of the Australasian colonies is twopence per ounce, and on newspapers one halfpenny each. The postage on letters to the United Kingdom is twopence halfpenny, and on newspapers one penny. Money Orders. Money-order offices in Victoria in connexion with the post- office have been established in 443 places, and the system is being rapidly extended by the opening of fresh offices. Besides the issue and payment of money orders at these places, such orders are issued in favour of Victoria, and Victorian orders are paid, not only at places in Great Britain and Ireland and in the various Australasian colonies, but also in the principal British possessions and foreign countries throughout the world. The nucnber cif money orders issued during the year l.s96 was 217,878, of an aggregate value of £66b,8?52. The commission on money orders for supis not exceeding £5 is 6d. to places in Victoria; and 6d. for sums under £2, and Is. for those under £5, to places in the other Australasian colonies ; and so on proi)orti(>nately for larger sums up to £20. To the United Kingdoui and other countries, the charge is on a scale 69 averaging about Is, for every £2, with a further rate varying- from 3(1. to 9d. for orders passing through the London office. The limit for a single order is £20 to places in the Australasian colonies, ( -hina, Italy, (Tcrmany, and the United States, and £10 to other places. Money orders may be made payable in all the Australasian colonies by telegraph on payment of the minimum charge for a telegram in addition to the above rates, except in the case of New Zealand, in which instance the charge for a money-order telegram is 5s. Postal Notes. Postal notes are also issued, chiefly for use within the colony, for any amounts not exceeding £1, at charges rang- ing from ^d. to 3d. The number of such notes paid during 1896 was 944,028, having a total nominal value of £385,403. Electric Telegraphs. Telegraphs in Victoria are Government property, and are worked in connexion with the Post-office. Telegraphic communication exists between 791 stations within the colony, and the Victorian lines are connected besides with the lines of New South Wales, and by means of them with Queensland and New Zealand. They are also connected with the lines of South Australia, and by their means wath Western Australia, and with the Eastern Archipelago, Asia, Europe, and America. They are likewise united with a sub- marine cable to Tasmania. In 1896 the miles of line along which poles extended numbered 6,977, of which 3,140 miles belonged to the Railway Department, and the miles of wire 14,389, including 5,018 miles used for railway purposes ; the telegrams transmitted numbered 1,872,615, of which 64,281 were on Government business. To places within Victoria, telegrams containing not more than nine words are sent for 9d., Id. extra being charged for each additional word. To New South AVales the charge is Is. for ten words; to South Australia and Tasmania, 2s. ; to Western Australia and Queensland, 3s. ; and to New Zealand, 3s. 6d. For each addi- tional word 6d. is charged to the last named, 3d. to Queens- land, and 2d. to the other colonies. To England or the Continent of Europe, the rate is 4s. lOd. j^er word ; to India it varies from 4s. lOd. to 5s. Id.: and to the United 70 States, from 5s. lOd. to 6s. 6d. In the case of telegrams to places on the Australian Continent, names and addresses are not charged for ; to places in Tasmania they are not charged for unless they exceed ten vrords. but all words above that number are charged for as part of the message. In the case of telegrams to Xew Zealand. England, the Continent of Europe, India, and the United States, the names and addresses of both sender and receiver are charged for as part of trie message. Telephones. During the last few years, telephonic has in a large measure superseded the less expeditious postal and tele- graphic communication in the chief centres of population, and the telephone system has been rapidly extended to meet public requirements. At the end of 1896, there were thirteen public exchanges, having 2,754 subscribers, whilst the length of wire used exceeded 1U,UU0 miles. A few bureaux for the use of the public have already been established. Education. University. The Melbourne University, which has been established since 1855, is empowered to grant in any faculty except * 9) -•• Milkmen for dairie s „ „ Cheesemakers ... )> >» • • • Keapers * per acre, ,, Mowers * yy 9* ■** Threshers* per bushel, ,, Cooks ... per annum, „ Dairy milkmaids Cooks ... General servants „ Married couples) (generally useful)/ " Hop-pickers ... per bushel Maize-pickers ... per bag Females. per annum, with board and lodging 20s. to 30s. 20s to 30s. 1 5s. to 25s. 15s. to 20s. 20s. to 65s. 15s. to 25s. 15s. to 20s. £30 to £35 £50 to £100 15s. to 20s. 12s. 6d. to 15s. lOs. to 15s. 25s. to 40s. 10s. to 15s. 4s. to 6s. 5d. to 7d. £50 to £60 £30 to £35 £30 to £40 £20 to £30 £50 to £60 2d. to 3|d. 4d. to 6d. The greater part of the reaping, mowing, and threshing is being done by machinery. 7(i Wages ix Melbolrxe, 181»6 — continued. Description of Labour. Boundary riders., Shepherds Stockmen Cooks ... Labourers Drovers Sheepwashers . . Shearers Cooks ... General servauts Married couples 4. —Station Servants. Mates (with rations). .. per annum per week per 100 sheep shorn Females. per annum, with board and lodging per annum, with rations ... 5. — Workers in Books, etc. Printers — Compositors ... per 1,000 Machinists ... per week Lithographers ... „ Binders Paper rulers ... „ Sewers and folders) (females) J 6. — In Watches, Jewellery, and Watchmakers ... per week Manufacturing \ jewellers /" " Precious Metals per dav per week 7. — In Metals other than Gold and Silver. Blacksmiths Die-sinkers Engravers Farriers — Firemen „ „ Floormen „ Hammermen ... per dav Fitters ... ... ^^ ' Turners Boilermakers and platers, per day Riveters ... per day Lamp-makers ... per week Pattern-makers ... per day Moulders Brassfinishers, coppersmiths, per day Tinsmiths ... per week Japanners Ironworkers Galvanizers Plumbers, L'asfittf-rs Rate. £-10 to £60 £36 to £5-2 £50 to £60 £60 to £70 15s. to 20s. 25s. to 40s. 15s. to 25s. 15s. to 16s. £30 to £60 £30 to £36 £50 to £70 Is. £2 12s. to £3 £2 10s. to £3 10s. £2 10s. to £4 £2 10s. to £3 10s. 12s. 6d. to 27s. 6d. £2 to £3 £1 10s. to £4 9s. to lis. £2 108. to £4 10s £1 15s. to £3 £2 to £2 5s. £1 15s. to £2 2s. 6s. 6d. to 7s. 9s. to 10s. I 9s. to 10s. . lOs. to lis. los. to lis. £1 15s. to £3 8s. to lOs. 9s. to lOs. 4d. 8s. to 10«.. £2 to £2 14s. £2 to £2 I As. £2 to £3 6s. £2 to £3 6s. £1 10s. to £3 Wages in Melbourne, 1896 — continued. Description of Labour. Rate. 8. — In Carriages and Harness. Smiths... ... per week ... £2 to £3 Body makers ... „ £2 to £2 1 Os. Wheelers ... „ £2 to £2 lOs. Painters ... per day 6s. to 8s. 4d. Trimmers ... per week £2 to £2 14s. Vycemen ... „ £1 lOs. to £2 Collar-makers ... „ £1 5s. to £3 Harness-makers... ,, £1 5s. to £3 Saddle-makers ... „ £1 5s. to £3 Saddle-tree makers „ £1 15s. to £2 lOs Whip-makers ... ,, £1 10s. to £3 108 9. — Ships and Boats. Sailors — Sailing vessels... per month, and found £3 to £4 Steam-ships „ X £6 Ship carpenters, shipwrights (steam), per month, and found £9 Stevedores' men,^ . lumpers | P'^'' ^^^^ Ss. to 10s. 10. — In Houses ane Buildings. Masons ... ... per day 8s. Plasterers ... „ 6s. to 7s. Bricklayers ... „ s. . ... ... 6s. to 8s. Slaters ... „ 7s. to 8s. Carpenters ... „ 6s. to 8s. Labourers ... „ 5s. to 6s. Painters and glaziers „ 5s. to 8s. Signwriters ... „ 7s. to 8s. Paperhangers ... „ 5s. to 7s. 11. — In Furnit DRE, ETC. Cabinetmakers ... per week £1 5s. to £2 10s. Carvers ... „ ... £2 5s. Turners ... „ £2 58. Uphol.sterers ... „ £2 to £2 15s. Polishers ... ,, £2 to £2 IDs. Coopers ... per day 7s. to 9s. 12.— Workers IN Dress. Tailors ... ... per hour lOd. to Is. , ... ... per week £2 to £3 10s. „ m factories „ £2 to £3 Mantlemakers ... „ 10s. to 26s. Milliners — First class ... „ £3 to £4 Second class ... „ ... 158. to £2 5s. 78 Wagks rs Melbouene, 1896 — continued. Description of I^abour. Rate. 12. — ^YoKKEES IN Dress — continued. Dressmakers per week 128. to 25s. Needlewomen >» 12s. to 25s. Bootmakers riveting, per pair — children's 5d. hoys' "i to 9d. women's 8d. to Is. Id. men's lid. to Is. 9d. » machine sewing, per pair — children's and boys' 6d. to 9d. women's Is. Id. men's Is. 5d. ,, making Wellingtons to order, sewn, 1 3s. 6d. »> pegged 8s. 6d. ,. ■>. making elastics to order, sewn 10s. ,, „ ,, pegged . 7s. 6d. „ Machinists, per week lOs. to 25s. Hatters- Gossamer trade— - Bodymakers — silk hats, per dozen lOs. to 22s. Finishers perdozen 12s. to 24s. Shapers ,, 4s. to 12s. Crown sewers J) ••* • • • ••- 3s. 6d. to 4s. Trimmers 6s. to 9s. Felt Hat Trade- _ Body makers per week £3 5s. Blockers £3 Finishers ,. £3 Sliapers „ £3 Binders (females) „ 24s. Trimmers ,, ,, 20s. Clothing Factories- _ Cutters ,, ... ... £2 10s. Pressers 30s. to 40s. Tailoresses „ 12s. 6d.to 27s. 6d. ^^achinists ,, 1 2s. 6d. to 25s. Shirtmakers ... ,, 14s. to 408. Drapers' assistants , carpet salesmen, per week J.-i.— 1.\ Food. £1 10s. to £5 Bakers — Foremen per week £2 5s. to £3 10s. Second hands ... „ £2 to £2 10s. Butchers — Shopmen „ £2 5s. to £2 10s. Slaufjhtermen... „ £2 10s. to £3 10s. Boys... „ with board £1 to £1 12s 6d. Small-goods men ., „ £1 10s. to £2 10s. Maltsters £2 2s. to £2 15s. i 79 Wacjes in Melbourne, IbOG — continued. Description of Labour. Rate. 14. — In Animal Matters. Brush-makers ... per week ,, Female drawing hands, per week Curriers ... per week Tanners ... „ Beamsmen ... „ Shedsmea .. „ Fellmongers ... „ Portmanteau, "| Trunk-makers J " 15. — In Vegetable Matters. Basket-makers ... per week Broom-m;ikers ... „ Cigar-makers ... „ Tobacco (plug) makers „ Cork-cutters ... ,, 16. — In Stone, Clay, etc. Brickmakers — Clay-hole men ... per 1,000 Setters ... „ Drawers ... ,, Burners Potters Quarry men Labourers Stonebreakers Tarpavers Asphalters per week per hour per day per cuhic yard per day 17. — In Mines. General managers per week Legal „ Mining ,, ,, Engineers ... ,, Engine-drivers ... ,, Pitmen ... ... ,, Blacksmiths ... ,, Carpenters ... ,, Foremen of shift ,, Miners ... ,, Surfacemen-Labourers^,, Boys ... ... ,, £\ 10s. to £3 15s. to 25s. £2 2s. to £3 30s. to 36s 40s. to 45s. 30s. to 40s. 28s. to 40s. £1 158. to £2 5s. £2 to £2 10s. 30s. to 40s. 30s. to 40.«. £2 to £4 3Cs. to £2 15s. Is, 9d. 8d. 8d. £2 lOd. to Is. 6s. to 8s. 5s. to Cs. 6d. is. to 3s. 6s. 6d. 10s. £3 to £10 £5 to £6 £2 10s. to £& £2 8s. to £5 £2 5s. to £3 £2 to £3 10s. £2 to £3 lOs. £2 2s. to £3 ISs. £2 5s. to £3 6d. £2 to £2 10s. £1 10s. to £2 10s. 10s. to £2 80 AGRICULTURE. The agricultural resources of the colony, although only yet developed to a comparatively limited extent, have con- tributed in a marked degree to place Victoria in its present proud position, and the best guarantee for its future progress is to be found in the agricultural expansion capable of resulting from its rich soil, genial climate, and various other advantages. What has already been accomplished is the best indication of what may be expected in the future. Pioneering Work Done. In the past all the difficulties connected mth carrying on agricultural operations in a new country have had to be overcome. The pioneer farmer had to learn the peculiarities of the soil and the special conditions of climate vnih which he_had to cope in an unknown and untried country, and all this had to be done under special difficulties. Seeds, plants, tools, and implements had to be imported from distant countries ; horses, cattle, sheej), swine, and poultry had also to be brought from abroad, while the breeds best suited to the new conditions, and the peculiar treatment necessary, had to be learned by experiments more or less expensive. In establisliiug agriculture amidst all these difficulties there were other obstacles which had to be overcome. There were Init few large towns, so that the markets for produce were limited, and it frequently happened that when a successful harvest was obtained tlie farmer would lind the port glutted with foreign products. Not only were markets limited, but they were difficult of access. There were no roads through the forests, over the hills, or across the plains. Rivers had to be bridged and roads had to be made before the farmers' produce could l)e taken to market. All this u})-liill work had to be carried on liy farmers who were far from schools, churches, and social institutions. Prosperity Assured. Those who commence farming now, either upon Crown lands or upon farms purchased from settlers, have none of these diffic;ulties to overcome. The large cities provide markets for produce, and sai)ply iin])lements and machinery of the most approved kind, niuuufai'tured locally and in Euroj)e and America ; seeds and plants of every kind have #>>'. t5 *X STRIPPING WHEAT STRIPPING WHEAT 81 3een brought from all parts of the world ; all the best breeds )f live stock are available ; aud the conditions of soil and dimate have been so well ascertained that all branches oi' igriculture can be carried on with a complete knowledge of ;he most suitable treatment to be pursued. Roads have 3een made in every direction, the rivers have been bridged it all necessary points, and railways have been extended ;o all settled portions of the colony, with the certainty that ;hey will follow the settlers to the districts not yet occupied. Ln addition to all this, schools have been established in the nidst of every group of settlers, churches have been built in jvery village, and even the most distant portions of the iolony enjoy social advantages not sm-passed in any country n the world. Eakly Progkess. Much has been done in a short time. It is only 64 years since the first white man settled ujion Victorian soil, but a uuch shorter time has elapsed since the march of j)rogress Droperly began with the inrush of population soon after the liscovery of gold in 1851, The development of agriculture lad a still more recent commencement, for at the time of :he gold diggings the land was in the possession of Crown ;enants, who leased it as sheep and cattle runs, and many l^ears passed before the new colonists, attracted by the liscovery of gold, could succeed in passing laws for the :hrowing open of the laud to agricultural settlers. Up to :he year 1860 land could only be obtained at auction, and it ;vas difficult for men of small means to obtain farms ; and ilthough more liberal land laws were passed after that date ^t was not until 1869 that an Act was framed under which agricultural settlement was effectually encouraged. During bhe period intervening between the landing of the first svhite men and the passing of the Land Act of 1869 agricul- bural settlement made very slow progress, but much useful work was done, the beneficial effects of which are still 3xperienced. Mr. Henty, the first settler, commenced to 3ultivate immediately after arriving, and the plough which he used is preserved in Melbourne as a valual)le historical relic, being the plough which turned the first sod in Victoria. The farms afterwards established near Melbourne, Ballarat, Geelong, Lancefield, Kilmore, Warrnambool, Belfast, and other early towns tested the quality of soils, and made known the peculiar treatment required by different crops in 1359. F 82 the climate of the colony. Owing also to the enterprise of the early colonists, live stock of different breeds were imported, so that when the public lauds were thrown open for selection in 1869 the colony was well suj^plied with trained farmers of local experience, stud herds of shorthorn, Hereford, Ayrshire, and Jersey cattle had been established^ as well as studs of the best draught and thoroughbred horses, flocks of merino, Lincoln, and Leicester sheep, wdth well-bred representatives of other kinds of live stock. Later Development. It was under the above circumstances that the agricultm-e of the colony began a career of remarkable development some 25 years ago. It may be mentioned also that the mining industry had been for some time affording employ- ment to a diminishing number of men, and that many of the miners settled upon land under the liberal provisions of the new Land Act. Under preceding Land Acts the greater portion of the best land in the coast districts had been alienated, many large estates used for grazing purposes having been formed, so that agricultural settlement under the more liberal j)rovisions of the Act of 1869 had to extend mainly over the northern or inland portion of the colony. Settlements were rapidly formed in all parts of the northern areas, and wheat-growing, the most suitable industry for the pioneering stages of such districts, was quickly developed to larger proportions. Three years after the Act came into- force — viz., in 1873 — the land under cultivation amounted to only 964,996 acres, while ten years later, in 1883, the area had increased to 2,215,923, and in 1893 to 3,019,002 acres. The total extent of land under the wheat crop in 1873 was 349,976 acres, and in 1893 it was 1,469,359 acres. As the production of all otlier farm products also increased during the same ])eri()d, while live stock mulfii)lied, and marked im})rovemeut Avas made in the quality of the various breeds, the natural advantages possessed by the colony for carrnng on the various branches of agricultural industry are clearly manifested by the rapid progress which has taken place. Between 1881 and 1895 the number of sheep in the colony increased from 10,360,285 to 13,180,945, and the number of cattle from 1,286,267 to 1,833,900. AVheu it is taken into account that the population of Victoria is only at present a little over one million, and that important mining, manufacturing, pastoral, and other industries have ^'iz/rM 1 -. r» i ^ - :\ U-^ 83 l)een carried ou, the development of agriculture which has ;aken place proves conclusively that the soil and climate )f the colony afford special advantages for agricultural pursuits. In a new country the people are eager for large profits, and so mucli attention would not have been given to igriculture had not the favorable conditions of climate and soil made the industry remunerative. Fektility of the Soil. It was soon discovered that the soil of Victoria was exceedingly fertile. It had all the experience of being rich, md wdien tried it more than realized expectations. Only a 'ew years after the landing of the first settlers "Port Fairy " )Otatoes won fame, on account of their superior quality, in )]der-established parts of Australia, and other products were lOon afterwards grow'n with equal success. The potatoes ^ere grown at Belfast and Warrnambool, on the south-west ;oast of the colony, districts still famed for the production )f root crops. The rich soil of this region is of volcanic )rigin, being very friable and of a reddish or chocolate iolour, capable of growing all kinds of crops for many ^ears without manure. A yield of from 12 to 15 tons )er acre of potatoes is sometimes obtained, and 10 tons )er acre is a frequent yield. The Lancefield, Daylesford, Jyneton, Ballarat, and Gippsland districts contain land of he same kind, and all over the colony a large proportion of he soil is exceedingly fertile. Even in those parts of the olony where the yield of the crops is smaller the defect is lot so much in the soil as in the supply of moisture. There .re in the inland northern portions of the colony districts rhich do not enjoy such a liberal rainfall as others. In uch localities the yield of the crops is generally compara- ively light, but the soil is rich, a fact that is proved from he large yield obtained in a moist season. Having extensive xeas of fertile soil in all parts of its territory, and con- equently under different conditions of climate, the j^roducts f the colony are both abundant and varied. The Genial Climate. " The finest climate in the world." Such is the verdict f all observant colonists who have travelled enough to give weight to their opinion. There is no winter, in the English r American sense of the w^ord. The time called winter is aerely the season in which there is more rain and less heat 84 than in summer. Very few Australians have ever seen snow. Upon the inland mountain ranges and the elevated land in their vicinity a little snow falls occasionally, but only sufficient to make the ground white for a few hours. The native trees are evergreen, not casting their leaves in the winter, although English trees and others indigenous to cold countries go through the form apparently out of respect to old-established family customs, and altogether the winter is only a modified summer. Stock are neither housed nor fed in the winter. The merino sheep, which j^roduce the finest wool in the world, run out on the pastures all the winter, generally without even a hedge to shelter them ; cattle in the same way are not only able to live on the pastures through the winter, but to fatten fit for the butcher. The dairy cows also are kept milking without being housed or fed. and when horses are not at work they sj)eDd the whole winter in the open fields. Any farmer who knows what it is to provide for housing and feeding his live stock through the winter in England, Scotland, Ireland, or America will be able to understand what special advantages Victoria possesses in its winterless climate. The Rainfall. In order to obtain a clear idea of the rainfall of Victoria, it will be necessary to take note of the physical feattires of the colony. It will be .observed, by looking at the map, that the eastern coast range of the Australian Continent terminates abotit 100 miles south of the northern boimdary of Victoria, or in the Gippsland district. From the terminal point a spur called the Great Dividing Range strikes ofi" to the westward and extends across the colony of Victoria. This Dividing Range di^'ides the colony into two parts, viz., the northern and southern division, or, if we take the whole course of the mountain chain, iucluding the portion of the eastern coast range of the continent which extends into Victoria, we have the colony divided into the inland and coast districts. On the coast side of the mountains the territory, which averages a little over 100 miles wide, enjoys a copious rainfall, while in the inland country, averaging roughly over 100 miles from the River Murray, the average rainfall is somewhat less. All over the coast districts the rainfall is sutficient for the requirements of cereal and some kinds of root crops. Wheat, oats, and barley are success- fully cultivated, and permanent pastures of English grasses m '^ • < 3. 85 can also be laid down. Root crops also do well, good crops of potatoes being obtained in many districts ; and, althongh but little success has been obtained with turnips, mang-olds and beets yield satisfactorily. The rainfall of Melbourne, which may be taken as representing the coast districts of the colony, has averaged for 30 years 25-44 inches. This is more than the rainfall of Loudon (24 inches), Nottingham (23*7 inches), and Paris (22-9 inches). In the northern or inland districts the average rainfall is generally below 20 inches, and some specially dry localities do not average more than 10 inches. In the less dry sections of the northern districts, where the annual rainfall varies from 15 inches to 20 inches, oats, barley, and wheat are cultivated, and satisfactory yields are obtained, but root crops are rarely cultivated with success, while in the drier portions of the inland districts, where the rainfall varies from 12 to 16 inches, the wheat crop is the only one that can be depended upon to yield a fair return in average seasons. Cheap Methods of Production. It is important to note that the largest number of Victorian farmers are settled in the northern or inland districts, and, if the climate may seem to be too dry, it must be remembered that there are special advantages which compensate in a great measure for a deficiency of moisture. The land is generally ready for the plough, and even when some clearing is necessary the work is light and inexpensive. Stock of all kinds thrive remarkably well in the warm climate, and the Australian system of harvesting, viz., " stripping," or reaping and threshing at one operation, by far the cheapest in the world, can be adopted. The climate is, no doubt, drier than might be desired in t'lese districts, but, with the advantages referred to, the farmers are able to carry on their industry successfully. The wheat-growers of the colony of South Australia have to contend against a drier climate and a smaller yield of grain per acre. It is only in the driest sections of the inland districts that oats and barley cannot be successfully grown, so that only a comparatively small number of farmers are compelled to restrict their agricultural operations to the growing of wheat. If we examine the driest sections of Victoria, we find that the settlers are in a prosperous condition, arisiag from other advantages which tend to compensate for the 86 deficiency of moisture. The cheap system of cultivation and harvesting which is carried on enahles the ftirmer to make good profits from light crops. There is comparatively little timber in the dry districts. Trees enough grow in patclies or belts to provide fencing timber, but every farm contains a large area of open plain land which is ready for the plough. This land is more fertile and as easy tilled as the prairies of Western America, while a cheaper system of harvesting is adopted. The peculiar dryness of tlie air enables the stripper, which is a combined reaping and threshing machine, to be used, while on the American prairies the grain has to be reaped, bound, stooked, carted, and threshed. In the colony of South Australia, where this clieap system of cultivating and harvesting is adopted, the wheat-growers have been able to make a living from crops averaging only 5 bushels the acre. In the dry parts of Victoria the system of farming is similar, and the average yields vary from 10 to 15 bushels per acre. In the dry districts, too, the natural pastures are excellent, and, as the climate is warm, stock thrives well. Farmers in these parts, therefore, make profits, both from cultivation and stock-keeping, and they are generally prosperous and well content with their j^rospects. The system of irri- gation recently introduced will .make some of the arid districts the most productive portions of the colony. (See article upon "Irrigation.") A tract of 11, OUU, 000 acres of laud lying in the northern j)ortioii of tlie colony called "the Mallee,'' owing to being covered with a scrub of that name, is now being extensively cultivated by means of the South Australian scrub roller and stump-jump plough. The wheat grown here is of the highest standard of quality, and this tract has become now the great wheat-i)roducing belt of the colony. Crops and Yields. The rich soil and warm genial climate combine to render the colony's productions al)undant and varied. In the coast districts, where all kinds of cereals and leguminous and root croj)s are cultivated, the yields obtained from the unmanured land are all that could be desired. The average of the whole colony is always lower than the results obtained by farmers who understand their business. The system of farming carried on stands much in need of improvement. The majority of those upon the land have had no training as 87 farmers, and the system, like that of all new countries, is not calculated to produce the best results. Farmers who understand their business, and give the land reasonable cultivation, obtain from 35 to 45 bushels of wheat, oats, and barley per acre in districts where the general average is not more than from 15 to L^O bushels per acre. Mucli heavier yields than those stated are frequently obtained, but from 35 to 45 bushels per acre are common when the land is well cultivated. With potatoes, mangolds, beets, and peas, the same difference is observed between the average obtained by a rough system of farming and upon land properly cultivated. About 5 tons of potatoes per acre is a payable crop, and from 12 to 15 tons per acre are frequently obtained. Hay, which is made from wheat or oats, yields from 2 tons to 4 tons per acre, and English grasses for pasture are success- fully cultivated in all the coast and elevated districts. Maize is a crop which grows well in the more moist portions of the coast districts, and as much as 100 l)ushels per acre is frequently obtained. Owing to the defective system of ftirmiug, many of the crops for which the colony is suitable are much neglected, the tendency of settlers being to neglect rotation and confine their attention to growing a single description of grain. Tlius wheat-growing is carried on more extensively than most other departments of farming. All over the northern or inland districts wheat can be profit- ably produced, while in some sections other cereals do not do so well, and this fact also tends to swell the proportion ot the colony's wheat production. The statistics of the harvest of 1883-4 show that the colony produced 15,570,000 bushels of wheat, 4,717,624 bushels of oats, 1,069.000 bushels of barley, 117,294 bushels of maize, 701,093 bushels of peas, 161,088 tons of potatoes, 18,906 tons of manoolds. 139,540 tons of onions, 433,143 tons of hay, 15,717 cwt. of hops, 9,124 cwt. of tobacco, besides smaller quantities of carrots, turnips, chicory, grass seed, and other products. In 1893-4 the wheat yield was 15,255.200 bushels ; oats, 4,951,371 bushels ; barley, 1,033.861 bushels ; maize, 180,442 bushels ; peas and beans, 1,050,082 busliels ; potatoes, 144,708 tons; mangolds, 19,340 tons; turnips, 3,465 tons ; onions, 203,980 tons ; hay, 503,385 tons ; hops, 5,684 cwt. ; tobacco, 8,952 cwt." The three last harvests have come short of these figures owing to excep- tionally unfavorable seasons. The wheat production of the colony is capable of great expansion, but there are more nnmeroiis opportunities aud larger profits to be made by- developing the various branches of husbandry which are partially neglected by the farmers. Wheat. The wheat grown in Victoria is the finest in the world. It always brings the highest price in the London market, fetching considerably more than English, Indian, American, or New Zealand wheat. The wheat crop is generally the fi.rst sown by the new settler, as it quickly returns a profit, and brings in resources to keep the farmer going until stock- raising, dairying, or other l)ranches of iuchistry are estab- lished. Many settlers have found continuous wheat-growing upon the rich virgin soil of the colony a profitable business ; but the rule is that the best farmers, after a year or two, add the growing of other crops in rotation, and establish herds of cattle, flocks of sheep, breeding also horses and swine upon the farms. Oat8. Oats grow well in all the coast districts of the colony and in the more moist of the inland districts. Even in the driest sections of the inland districts good yields of oats are being obtained by adopting the Algerian variety, while the straw is also valuable for fodder. In the moist districts from 40 to 50 and up to 60 and 70 bushels per acre are obtained with good cultivation, and the crop is successfully grown in rotation with wheat, barley, and roots. Barley. As barley requires more moisture tlian wheat, there are dry districts inland from the coast ranges where it cannot be properly grown, but the area of its cultivation is more ex- tensive than that of oats. It yields good returns all over the coast half of the colony, and upon about half of the inland area. English barley grows well, producing a fair malting sample and a good yield, the crop being a profitable one. Those farmers who grow barley in rotation with oat, wheat, and root crops are generally the most successful. Maize. The maize crop is one which is not understood by the majority of Victorian farmers. Although crops of 100 bushels per acre, or as heavy as in any part of America, are obtained, and those who engage in its cultivation make large profits, the majority of farmers do not yet pay as much 89 attention to the cnltivation of this cereal as they should. In America it is much more extensively cultivated even than wheat, maize beiug, in fact, the staple crop of the country. It is grown as a <2:eueral crop in those States where only from 30 to 4U bushels per acre are obtained, and 'there are but few of the coast districts of Victoria where better yields would not be produced. The cultivation of maize, if attended to by the farmers, would be as profitable in Victoria as in many parts of America. Leguminous Crops. Peas are largely grown with most satisfactory results. Good yields are obtained, and the crop is profitable in more ways than one, for it has been found highly valuable in a system of rotation. Lands which had been impoverished by continuous grain growing have been brought l)ack to a state of fertility by sowdng the pea crop, and in limited districts where the merits of the pea crop are understood it plays a leading part in the system of maintaining the productive- ness of the soil. Beans and vetches are also found to do satisfactorily. It is by the cultivation of many of these neglected crops that the agriculture of the colony is now being greatly developed. The comparatively backward state of our farming system offers encouraging- opportunities for an influx of farmers, whose skill would turn om- various unused advantages to account. Root Crops. The potato crop has been cultivated in most of the coast districts of the colony, and it yields, as a rule, a much more profitable retm-n than cereals. Farms upon which potato- growing is carried on usually command an exceptionally high value, a fact which bears the best testimony to the profit- ableness of the crop. Mangolds have also been successfully grown, very heavy crops being obtained, but, owing to the defective system of farming, the potato is the only root which has received much attention. Potatoes, being required for human food, find a ready market, and hence their com- paratively extensive cultivation by the farmers; but as mangolds, beets, and carrots are required principally for feeding stock, they receive very little attention. Feeding stock is a system not proi)erly understood in the colony. The rich pastures, and the absence of cold winters, euable farmers to keep their stock in the fields all the year round, 90 and at the same time cause the business of feeding stock to be neglected. Notwithstanding the richness of the jjastures and the mildness of the winters, much could be done in the way of increasing the profitableness of stock-keeping by producing food, and the neglect of taking advantage of such an opportunity is one of the principal defects of our farming system. Those farmers who grow food for dairy cows, pigs, and other stock find the system profitable, and they are generally more prosperous than their neighbours. Where heavy root crops can be grown, it is not the fault of the country if they are not cultivated. As the system of farming improves, the growing of mangolds and carrots may be expected to increase, and it is believed that the cultivation of beets for sugar-making will ere long become an important industry. Most of the onions used in the Australian colonies are grown in Victoria. The crop in the coast districts yield from 10 to 15 tons per acre, and the soil, which is never manured, shows no sign of exhaustion after more than 30 years' cultivation. Hay and Grasses. Hay, which is extensively grown in the colony, ;is made from oats or wheat, cut just before ripening. The yield is from 2 to 4 tons per acre, the last named being the return ol)tained in the coast districts, and the former in the inland districts. In moist localities, or where irrigation is prac- tised, lucerne is grown for hay, and it is one of the most profitable of crops. From 4 to 6 tons per acre are obtained, the crop yielding from four to six cuttings of about 1 ton each. In all of the coast districts, rye-grass, clover, cocks- foot, fog, foxtail, fesques, and other grasses are successfully cultivated, ami it is the ])ractice to lay down fields in })asture after they have been growing grain for a number of years. Very little manure is used in the colony, letting out the land in cultivated pasture being the most common means of maintaining fertility. In the northern or inland districts the rainfall is not sufficient to render the cultivation of English grasses })rofitable, but in those localities the growth of the natural grass is so rajnd, and the quality of the pasture is so rich, that no inconvenience is experienced from the absence of artificial grasses. After the cereal crop there is good pasture afforded by the self-sown grain, and in the second year the natural grass lias established itself so well as to carry more stock than the unbroken pasture. ^^ STUDENTS PRUNING -LONGERENONG Agricultural College. THE BLACKSMITH'S SHOP Dookie Agricultural College. 91 Hops. Hop eulture has been established in the colony for some years, and there are extensive districts along the coast and near the mountain ranges specially well suited for the industry. Althongli ho]i-gi-owiug was introduced at a com- paratively recent date, and much Ji:ul to be learned as to the cultivation of the plant :ind the treatment of the hops, the industry has already assumed an imi)ortant jmsition. The soil and climate are much better suited for hop-growing than those of England or the eastern states of America, as shown in the higher yields obtained. From 20 to 25 cwt. per acre are frequently obtained from unmanured vii-gin soil, and about 10 cwt. per acre is yielded by yearling hops. California is the only country in the world that can show results in hop-growing equal to those of Victoria. Other Products. The tobacco crop is one wliich may be expected to increase as time passes. The soil and climate have been proved to be well suited for tobacco culture, and the cultivation of such a valuable crop may be expected to show develoi)ment with the increase of population and the progress of the (country. Great advantage to this industry has resulted from tlie employment by the Government of an American expert to instruct growers in improved methods. It will have been gathered from what has already been said that the climate resembles that of the South of Europe, and it follows that the various products of France, Si)ain, and Italy can l)e culti- vated in the colony. Tliis is not a matter of theory only, for practical experiments have already been tried "^ which prove tfiat the various rural industries of Southern Europe can be introduced with an assurance of greater success than ever attended them in their native country. Fruits of all kinds — from apples, pears, plums, j^eaches, apricots, and clierries to grapes, oranges, lemons, and olives — have been tried and found to flourish in a manner which astonislies natives of the Soutli of Europe. The mulberry grows luxuri- antly, and the development of silk culture is only a matter of time. The only reason why the colony does not produce more fruits, olive oil, and silk is that it is too prosperous. Wages are so high that other industries involving less lalxnir absorb the attention of tlie population. The state of Cali- fornia, however, the climate of which resembles that of 92 Victoria, is teaching ns that, by adopting machinery and laboiir-sa%*iug methods of management, many of the indus- tries of Southern Europe can be profitably carried on when the population is limited and the rate of wages high. The attention of colonists has been attracted to the fact that in California fruit-growing has developed marvellously on account of the system which is adopted of drying apples, apricots, prunes, raisins, and currants, and preserving fruit in cans, and some progress is already being made to intro- duce the same system into the colony. Vines and fruit trees of all kinds grow well both in the coast and inland districts of the colony, and those colonists who are engaged in the cultivation of vineyards and orchards are generally even more prosperous than the farmers who grow grain. Dairy Farming. That the colony is peculiarly well suited for dairy farming follows from what has already been said in regard to the soil and climate. Kich natural pastures covering a fertile soil are sources of wealth in any country, but where the climate is so mild that stock require no shelter even in wdnter, special value attaches to well-grassed land. Just as the sheep farmer or the settler, who fattens cattle for the market, allows his stock to graze all the year round in the open fields, so the dairy farmer will take no special care of his milking cows. There are here and there farmers who take their cows into sheds on winter nights, feeding them upon straw or green fodder, but they are exceptions, the dairy cows in general, as all other stock, finding all their food and what shelter they need in the open fields. Those who had some straw, hay, or green food in the winter are rewarded by extra returns, and larger profits would be made if farmers did more in the way of growing sui)plies of winter feed for dairy cows, but the natural advantages of the country are indicated by the fact that dairying is generally carried on without resorting to any system of artificial feeding. (See article under the heading of " The Dairying Industry."') Irrigation. The most productive portions of America are those in which the rainfall is so deficient that it has to be supple- mented by means of irrigation. The Government and Press Commissions from this colony to America (see " Victoria 93 compared with America ") saw no districts in their travels which were so productive, or which were so profitably cultivated or thickly populated, as the irrigated portions of California, Colorado, Utah, ;uid New Mexico ; and their reports established the fact that irrigation can be carried on with great success even in thinly-] lopidated new countries. From this it is predicted that the inland districts of Victoria, in which the rainfall is lighter than on the coast side of the Dividing Range, will ultimately become the most productive and the most thickly populated. At present the land in the inland section is occupied in holdings of from 600 to 1,000 acres in extent, upon which a combined system of grain- growing and stock-keeping is carried on, but with irrigation the land will become so productive that subdivision into smaller holdings will take j^lace. The Murray, the largest river in Australia, and the Goulburn and other Victorian rivers only require to be utilized in order to bring about such beneficial changes as have taken place in some of the driest tracts of Western America. Not only is the suitable- ness of irrigation founded upon American experience, but it has been fully proved by considerable practical experience within the colony itself. The Government, a few years ago, completed a scheme of irrigation which made the surplus water of all the princiijal rivers available for apjilication to the land, and the results, wherever the water has been used for irrigation, have been highly satisfactory. Owing to the seasons having been less dry than usual since the completion of the water schemes, and the want of skill in the details of irrigation possessed by settlers, only slow j^rogress has been made in turning such a valuable source of wealth to account, but those farmers who have watered their crops have been richly rewarded. The area under irrigation is now rapidly increasing, a fact which furnishes the best proof that farmers are finding the system profitable. The present farmers, who hold large areas of fi'om 300 to 600 and 1,000 acres, -^dll no doubt soon be glad to subdivide and sell their land in small and moderate-sized holdings, and such dense settlements as Ontario, Pomona, and Riverside, in Southern California, will come into existence, in place of the present extensive wheat farms. Those who buy farms before extensive irriga- tion shows the marvellous productiveness of the soil when supplied with water will have the best chance of obtaining cheap land. (See further remarks on this subject under the heading of "Irrigation Schemes.") 94 Fruits, Wine, Sugar-beet, and other Products. Owing- to different climatic conditions existing in various parts of the colony, from the coast districts to the elevated slopes of the Australian Alps and Dividing Range, to the dry warm plains of the north, the range of productions is wide. In addition to the branches of agriculture already dealt with, such subjects as Orchards, Vineyards, the Beet- sugar Industry, Tobacco, and Oil and Fibre Plants will be treated of in separate chapters. Victoria compared with America. North America receives a constant stream of population from the United Kingdom and Europe, and, in most cases, emigrants have l)ettered their condition by going to the newer country. Can Victoria offer equal inducements to the agriculturist who is seeking a new field of operation ? Happily, an authoritative and satisfactory answer can be given to that question. In 1883, the two leading news- papers of Victoria sent special agricultural reporters to America to report upon the condition of farming in that country. The farmers of the colony wished to know what they had to fear from American competition in grain- growing, wool production, and other branches of agri- culture, and to be instructed in the best and cheapest methods of carrying on farming operations. In order to "supply this information, each of the two leading journals of Melbourne sent a special agTicultural reporter to travel all over the United States in the year mentioned. The ^Titer of these pages, who was one of the special reporters thus sent, reported that the colony had nothing to fear from American competition, and dwelt upon the many superior advantages possessed by Victoria. Upon these points the special reporter of the other journal fully agreed with the present writer, and thus the superiority of the colony was testified to by two independent experts. In 1885, a member of the Government, as chairman of a Royal Commission upon Irrigation, visited the United States, and he was accompanied by two rej)orters representing the same news- papers. The reports of the mendier of the Government referred to, and of press representatives who accompanied him, all agreed in testifying to the superior richness of the soil, and the more genial character of the climate, of tliis colony, as compared with those of the United States. The verdict of all those independent and well-qualified witnesses 95 was that, as far as climate, soil, and other natural condi- tions were concerned, tlie balance of advantages was on the side of Victoria. California was the only state in wliicli the climate was anything like as ftivoraltic to agricultural and pastoral pursuits as that of the colony. The severe winter in the best parts of the Mississippi Valley, or out on the Western Prairies, is a great drawback to the progress of the farmer and stock-breeder. In America the farmer must house and feed his stock in winter, while iu Victoria the custom is almost unknown. The fine-woolled merino sheep, the horse stock, the fattening cattle, and the dairy cows, all thrive throughout the year without shelter upon the open natural pasture lands. The lands in America available for settlement are from 1,000 to 2,(J00 miles from the sea-ports, while the compact colony of Victoria, with its extensive coast-line, lies near its shipping ports, the most distant districts being little more than 300 miles inland. The seasons are opposite to those of the Northern Hemi- sphere, giving the colony command of the great markets of the world, while those of India, China, and Japan are close at hand. What was worthy of imitation in American machinery, and methods of carrying on farming in a new country, was brought under notice, and the latest improve- ments are now being adopted. The farmer in Victoria can adopt the best American methods and labour-saving machinery ; he lives under institutions second to those of no other nation in freedom and liberality, and he carries on his industry upon a soil and iu a climate unsurpassed iu the whole world. Agricultueal Education. The importance of instructing the youth of the colony in scientific and practical agriculture has long been recognised by thoughtful colonists, but little of importance was accom- plished until 1885, when the Government set apart 150,000 acres of land as an endowment for agricultural colleges and experimental farms. The endowment lauds were assigned to three trustees, and a Council of Agricultural Education, representing the Agricultural Societies of the colony and the Government, was appointed. Two colleges have been established, at which students receive a thoroughly liberal English education, combined with scientific agriculture, as well as practical experience of all branches of farming industry. 96 It is proposed to extend the scojie of agricultural educa- tion Ly the establishment of a Dairy School ; and a Viticul- tural School, whirh will shortly be organized, has already been erected by the Government. Students are also instructed in horticulture at the Government Horticultural Gardens at Burnley, near Melbourne ; and a Government Scent Farm is also carried on to give instruction in scent flower farming. Experts are also employed by the Government to give instruction to settlers engaged in dairying, fruit- growing, viticulture, tobacco-growing, and the cultivation of libre and oil producing plants. The absence, for many years, of any such schools, and the fact that the majority of the settlers have had no previous agricultural experience, accounts for the backward condition of many branches of colonial farming. While this state of things offers special advantages to new-comers with good agricultural training and experience, the new colleges will in time raise the standard of agricultiu'e in the colony. The instruction is free at the agricultural schools, as it is in the ordinary State schools, and the charge for board and lodging, £26 per annum, is as low as the bare paying of expenses will admit of. The existence of such colleges should offer no small inducement to intending emigrants to make a home in Victoria, for a means of practically training one's family for a colonial career, while obtaining their education, is of no small importance. There are institutions in England which profess to give an agricultural education fitting young men for colonial life, but the training obtained under such circum- stances must be very defective. The knowledge of colonial conditions must be wholly theoretical, and the time spent in such institutions is likely to be almost entirely lost. In the agricultural colleges and upon the experimental farms which are established in Victoria, students receive a practical and scientific education, which will fit them for a successful career in any of the Australasian colonies. Wages. The rate of wages must be studied in connexion with the peculiar condition of agriculture in the colony. The genial climate enables the farmer to dispense with the heavy staff of men needed in the old country. There is no hand feeding of stock, and thus a great deal of labour is saved. The rich virgin soil requires no manure for many years, and hence there is more saving: of labour. Labour haxing: always been 97 hi^h, all kinds of labour-saving machinery has been introduced, so that, from the double, three furrow, and multi furrow plough to the reaper and binder and Australian stripper, the system tends to keep down the expenditure upon wages. Farm labourers are generally provided with board and lodging, and the wages average as follow : — Ploughmen, per week, 16s. to 2ls. ; ordinary farm hands, 13s. to 19s. ; married couples, 21s. ; females, 8s. 6d. to 10s. ; mowers, 24s. to 34s. ; mowers, per acre, 4s. lid. to 5s. 5d. ; reapers, per week, 24s. ; threshers, 6d. to 7d. per bushel ; shepherds, £30 to £40 per annum ; stock-keepers, £40 to £60 per annum ; generally useful, 14s. to 20s. per week ; 'fiheepwashers, i5s, to 22s. per week; shearers, 14s. to 16s. per 100. The rate of machine labour is as follows : — Reaping, without binding, from 4s. Id. to 5s. per acre ; reaping and binding, about 6s. to 9s. per acre ; mowing, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 7d. per acre ; threshing, including winnowing, £1 2s. lOd. to £1 3s. 7d. per 100 bushels ; threshing, with ivinnowing, 14s. 4d. to 20s. per 100 bushels. The cost of machine labour to the farmer who works his own machinery with his own teams is much less than the fio:ures stated. Prices of Products. In studying the market prices of agricultural produce, it is necessary to remember the circumstances affecting the <;ost of production. In Victoria, while the rate of wages is high, the value of land or rent is low, advanced labour-saving implements and machines are employed in cultivating and harvesting, there is no expenditure for manures, and the taxes are low. In the city of Melbourne, which is connected by railway with all the important producing districts of the colony, wheat is at present (Oct., 1897) 5s. 7d. per bushel. Between 1885 and 1895 the prices varied from Is. lOd. to 5s. 9d. per bushel. Prices for oats have ranged dm-ing the last eleven years from Is. Id. to 3s. lOd. per bushel ; malting barlev from 2s. 8|d. to 4s. 2d. per bushel ; maize from Is. 8id. to 4s. lOd. per bushel ; hay from £1 13s. to £5 2s. per ton; potatoes from £1 18s. to £4 per ton, and in one jear reaching £8 3s. 2d. ; mangels from 17s. 9d. to £1 lOs. 7d. i^er ton ; flour, £5 to £13 15s. per ton ; butter (retail), 6d. to 2s. 6d. per lb., since 1892 8d. to 2s. per lb. ; ■cheese (retail), 4d. to Is. 6d. per lb., since 1892 6d. to 9d. 1359. G 98 per lb. ; ])eef (retail;, 2d. ro lOd. per lb., since 1892 2d. to 8d. per lb.: mutton (retail), l^d. to od., since 1892 Hd. to 4d. per lb. ; pork (retail), 3d. to 9d. per lb. Prospects of Agriculture. From what has already been said, it will be seen that the scope for agricultm-al development in Victoria is almost unlimited. With the exception of wheat-growing, all branches of farming may be considered in their infancy. There is great room for improvement in the system of carrving on each branch of agriculture, and there are rm-al industries caj^able of almost unlimited extension, which have as yet made scarcely any progress. Cultivation has of late years made satisfactory progress, and all the surroundings of the case show that the rate of development will be much more rapid in tlie future. The greatest increase has taken place in the production of wheat, a result which may be accounted for by the suitableness of the product for export and the facilities offered by the crop in the way of giving a quick return to the occupiers of new country. Dairying, fruit-growing, vine-growing, hop culture, the cultivation of tobacco, and other lucrative branches of industry require some extra attention, and hence their progress has been less rapid. These latter industries are now receiving increased attention, and their progress opens up a very wide field for future development. For many years the special industries referred to were kept back through having to depend upon the local markets. The American system of pushing exports of Initter, cheese, hams, and bacon, dried and canned fruits and vegetables, out into the markets of the world had not been yet adopted, and hence prices ruled low for what should have been our most valuable products. Now, how- ever, steps are being taken to organize an export trade in the various products for which our soil and climate are specially favorable. Now, fresh butter made here in our luxuriant spring and summer reaches London to catch the high winter market, and the dairying industry will soon far surpass the production of grain. A few fruit-canning factories have been established, and the increase of these will enable our orchards to be extended in every direction, su]iplying fruit to distant markets, and so on with the varicnis rural industries which at present are subordinate to wheat-o-roNviuij. 99 A Promising Outlook. Those who are now engaging in agriculture will take part in the colony's new career of agricultural progress, and at the present time the colony offers special inducements to new-comers. It would be difficult to find a more promising field for the emigrant with capital, small means, or only his labour to depend upon. Wages are on a liberal scale, living is cheap, and capital commands a comparatively high rate of interest. The capitalist can find a profitable investment, be his resources extensive or limited, and the man who has no money can soon turn his labour into capital. Land being cheap, the freehold of a farm can easily be acquired, and the farmer carries on his industry npon rich soil, in a mild genial climate, under the security of the British flag, and in a country where the rough pioneering system has given place to the comfort and conveniences, as well as the educational and social advantages, of civilized life. For further information apply to Mr. J. M. Sinclair, the Representative in London of the Victorian Department oi Agriculture. 100 THE LANDS OF THE COLONY. Cheap Land. Free land is generally worthless, and is only obtainable in inaccessible or badly-governed countries, where it can be of little value to the settler. Even in the United States oi America, where homestead farms are given to settlers, there \ are no available State lands near railways which can be taken up for nothing. Every alternate block is granted to the railway companies which have made the lines, and the remaining State lands within the area are raised to double the price of more distant areas. In a word, free laud is not obtainable in any part of the world where railways, markets, and other advantages, without which land is valueless, are provided. As the colony of Victoria has been provided with railways, roads, bridges, schools, local government, and all the advantages of modern civilization, there is no free land. There is cheap land, however, and that is more to the pur- pose. In the United States, Avhere free land is obtainable in distant places far from markets or railways, settlers prefer to purchase from railway companies or private owners near railways, and within reasonable distances of large towns. It is considered better to give £2 or £3 per acre near a railway town, £15 or £20 per acre near large cities, and from £20 to £40 per acre in fruit-growing districts supplied with water for irrigation, than to go out into the wilds and settle upon free land. In like manner there are distant portions of some of the Australian colonies where land is nominally much cheaper than in Victoria, but, when its inaccessibility and distance from market are taken into account, it is really dearer. Purchase money is paid once for all, but distance from market means paying annually a heavy tax in the shape of carriage, which would represent the annual interest upon an immense sum of money. Land a Good Investment. In Victoria land is nominally and really cheap. It gives such a good return upon the market value that it is con- sidered by capitalists one of the best investments. During the last 30 years the Government have been offering the public lands at a low price to i)romote settlement. Land A BIG TREE IN THE FOREST. 101 worth from £2 to £3 per acre could be had from the Government for £1 per acre, with from ten to twenty years to pay the purchase money. This fact, together with the rough system of farming carried on, is sufficient to show that land could not rise to its natural value. Had an ad- vanced system of farming been carried on, obtaining the best possible results from the soil, and if no land could be had without purchasing in the open market from holders who knew its worth, land values would have risen to their intrinsic standard. But land of the best quality could all along be obtained at the nominal rate of £1 per acre, with long terms, and the soil has not been developed to its full extent. At the present time purchasers get the advantages of these circumstances. They obtain land near markets, and upon railway lines, at a cheap rate. Favorable Opportunities. In the inland dry districts, where land is rising in value owing to its productiveness having been tested, good land is sold at from £1 10s. to £3 per acre. Farms with fencing and buildings upon them change hands at from £2 10s. to £4 10s. per acre. These may be taken as average prices. In positions specially convenient to large towns, first-class agricultural land is worth from £20 to £25 per acre, and land which is suitable for the potato crop fetches from £30 to £50 per acre, but these are exceptional values. It fre- quently happens that sheep formers give from £2 to £3 per acre for unimj^roved grass land, to be used for grazing purposes alone, and the agriculturist can generallv obtain a much larger return than the keeper of stock. It will be readily understood that the present value of land is low when compared with the returns obtainable from the soil, for the price is regulated by the circumstances of the country. Those circumstances which tend to keep down the price of land are the limited population, the quantity of Government land offered for the nominal sum of £1 per acre, with easy terms, and the absence of a system of high farming. When the Government lands are all taken up, and the growth of population increases, the demand bringing into existence also a system of high farming, laud will command a much higher price than at present. The time is, therefore, a favorable one for obtaining cheap land. Farms are always to be had, as they change hands, and those who purchase 10--2 Tsithin the next few years will uot only make profits upou their agricultural operations, but at the same time gain advantage by the increasing value of the land. Government Land. The colony of Victoria is 56,245,760 acres in extent. Of this area about 23,000,000 acres have been alienated to private owners. Of the 30,000,000 acres available for settlement, 11,500,000 acres are what is known as the mallee country, which occupies the extreme north-western portion of the colony. The mallee country was some years ago set apart for occupation under a system of leases from the Crown. The mallee in its original condition being insufficiently supplied with water, and covered more or less with a scrub of small trees and shrubs, was unsuitable for being taken up in farms of the ordinary size. It was accordingly let in large areas for twenty years. At the end of the leases the land reverts to the Crown, and lessees are compensated for permanent improvements. At the expira- tion of the leases, the laud, having being improved, will be suitable for occupation in smaller areas. About 2,000,000 acres of mallee land is now availal)le for agricultural settle- ment. The exact figm'es are as follows : — Area of colony ... ... ... 56,245,760 Area alienated and in ])rO('ess of alienation 23,090,664 Area neither alienated nor in process of alienation 33,155,096 Area of mallee lands (exclusive of Mildura, 250,000 acres, and roads through mallee country 155,207 acres) 166,793 Area of mallee country available ... 2,195,380 Area of pastoral lands available 1,872,038 Area of agricultural and grazing lands available 6,059,840 7,932,478 Pastohal Areas. An area of about 7,000,000 acres of Crown lands, apart from the mallee, is now open for settlement under an Act ". *.^'. '' V 'Mr' ■^%. , #■ 103 of Parliament })assed in 1890. Tliis area is divided into " Pastoral lands " and '' Agricultiiriil and gruzing- lands.*' These pastoral holdings are leased till the end of 1898, the rent being Is. per head for sheep and 5s. per head for cattle, the carrying capacity of the holding to be determined npon a basis of not less than 10 acres to a sheep. Agricultukal Allotments. The agricultural and grazing lands are surveyed in blocks of not more than 1,000 acres each. These areas are leased for a term of fourteen years, expiring at the end of 1898, the rents being fixed at not less than 2d. per acre or more than 4d. per acre, the valuation, according to quality, being made by officers of the Government. The allotments are sm'veyed, and shown numbered upon a plan. The applicant makes application for a given block, and if there are more than one application, a land board decides which party is to obtain the land. The occupier of one of these allotments can obtain the ownership of 320 acres of it npon easy terms. Any per- son who has not previously taken up land in the colony can select 320 acres of his leased land as a freehold. If an occupier selects a freehold, he must pay for it at the rate of Is. per acre annually for six j^ears. At the end of the six years, he can either continue paying at the rate of Is. per acre until a total amount of 20s. per acre has been paid, or he may pay the balance of 14s. per acre and obtain a Crown grant. The conditions are that the selector must reside upon his allotment or within 5 miles of it, for six years, and within that period put on improvements to the value of £1 per acre. All applications for agricultural and grazing lands, whether opposed or not, are heard by local land boards. Non-residence licensees, in addition to paying £2 per acre for their holdings, must also make improve- ments to the value of £2 per acre during the licence term — £1 per acre to be effected within the first three years, and the additional £1 per acre to be made before the expiry of the licence. Under the existing law, also, grazing licences are granted over auriferous lands and State forests. A limited extent of Crown land is sold at auction annually, and special leases are granted for swamp lands, but the great bulk of the remaining State territory is dealt with as " Pastoral lands " and " Agricultural and grazing lands." 104 Mallee L.ajsds. About 2,rt, and all dairy herds, should undergo veterinary inspection. Jt cannot be made too widely known that many of our butter factories have had this system in operation for over twelve months, and that a veterinary surgeon's certifi- cate as to the health of the cows from which the milk was produced accompanies every box of butter these factories export. No doubt all the factories will gradually adopt a similar system, even although their milk suppliers' herds may be in perfect health. As for the beef, mutton, rabbits, hares, and poultry that Victoria exports, 1 am pleased to be able to report that a system of veterinary inspection has been riyidly carried out during the past two shippin.^ seasons, a veterinary certificate accompanying every carcass of mutton and beef, and every package of poultry, hares, and rabbits, certifying that same has been inspected, and is fit for human consumption. To a very large extent, therefore, we have anticipated the recommendation of the committee of the House of Commons." Room foe New-comers. There are openings for large numbers of dairy farmers iu all the districts containing factories as well as in many localities where factories conld be profitably established. Dairy farms can be purchased at low prices or leased for reasonable rentals, so that only a small capital is required by freehold or tenant farmers. The "share s} stein" of farming has lately been adopted in connexion with dairying, and the results have been so satisfactory that there is now a demand for dairymen t" take land and cattle on shares in different parts of the colony. In some cases the farms alone no are takeu uuder this system, but the most common method is for the owner of the hind to supply land, cattle, and other requisites, the tenant providing only the labour. Large estates formerly devoted to the keeping of sheep or the fattening of cattle are, in suitable dairying districts, now being turned to more profitable use in supplying milk to the butter factories under this form of the share system. The plan is one which suits the land-OM^ner where workers ot a suitable kind are scarce, and it opens up a profitable held for the employment of families wliose only capital is their labour. The successful establishment of the dairying industry has thus done much to start the colony on a new career of prosperity by opening up a fresh avenue of employ- ment for land, capital, and labour. 11] PIGS, PORK, AND BACON. The keejjing of pigs, wliile receiving some Jittention on nany farms, has not been developed in the colony to the ixtent which the prospects seem to warrant. The fact that m export trade has not yet been established npon a perma- lent basis may be taken as accounting for the slow ])rogress )f an industry calculated under the peculiarly favorable local sonditions of yielding handsome profits. Excellent speci- nens of the best breeds were introduced in early times, and jareful breeding has been carried out for many years, so that he stock of the colony is generally of good quality. The Berkshire breed has met with the most favour, but recently iampshires have been introduced, so that, with these and iTorkshires previously imported, the Berkshires are in some jases being crossed, in order to }»roduce a type fulfilling the 'equirements of the modern market. Favokable Local Conditions. Cold weather is the condition which the fattener of pigs, LS of other stock, finds it most difficult to cope with. Keep- ng up the heat of the animal body being an imperative first luty of food, a cold climate places a severe tax upon the 'attening ration. In Victoria, the mild climate renders the vork of the stockfeeder peculiarly profital)le. Not only is be cost of expensive housing saved, but a large proportion )f the food consumed is relieved fi'om the duty of protecting i/gainst the cold and devoted to the making of flesh and fat. [he pig-feeding experiments conducted at the Longerenong Agricultural College had the effect of demonstrating the avorableness of the climatic conditions under which pig- eeding is carried out in this colony. Feeding on Grain and Milk. In 1895, when grain was abnormally cheap, the writer, ,hen Principal of the Longerenong Agricultural College, n the Wimmera district, carried out a series of experiments ;o test the question as to the retm-n obtainable from feeding- Digs with wheat, oats, and a mixture of both these cereals, vith and without skim milk. The experiments were com- nenced on the 14th June, and continued for 92 days, the 3igs being weighed at the commencement and the con- ilusion. Nine thrifty young pigs were selected as nearly as 112 possible of the same size and quality, and divided into three pens, each containing three pigs. Pen No. 1 was fed with wheat and separated milk ; jDen Xo. 2 with a half-and-halt mixture of wheat and oats, along with separated milk ; and pen Xo. 3 with wheat and water. The grain was crushed and soaked in water for twelve hom's. In the case of pens 1 and 2 separated milk was given at the rate of 2 gallons per pig i)er day, and the same quantity of water in pen 3. Grain was fed at the rate of G lbs. per pig per day in two meals. The results were : — Weight. 14th June. "^^s.^^ Gain. Gain per day. \ ^^e^r'^y^'^ lbs. Pen 1, 195 lbs. ... 608 Peu 2. 204 lbs. ... 595 Peu 3, 208 lbs. ... 552 lbs. 413 391 344 lbs. lbs. 4-489 1-496 4-25 1-416 3-739 1-246 Reckoning the live weight at 2d. per lb., the pigs in pen 1 returned a sum equal to 2s. 6d. per bushel for the wheat consumed. In pen 2 half the food was oats. Making an allowance of lUd. per bushel for the oats, the S25 lbs. of wheat returned 3s. 5M. per bushel for the wheat consumed. The most striking features of the experiments are the profitable results of the wheat and oats mixture, and the beneficial eftects of separated milk. The difference in the treatment of pens 1 and 3 was that one had separated milk and the other water, and the difference in the results were 69 lbs., or 23 lbs. per pig, a daily difference of ^ lb. This o:ives a value of O^d. per gallon to the separated milk. As the pigs fed with the milk were quite as fat, though lighter than those fed vaih water, the effect of the milk seemed to have been to produce a rapid growth. In pens 1 and 2 the difference in weight was only 22 11)8. Thus the selling price of the pigs would be only aVjOut lod. per head less than if fed <.in all wheat, whilst the saving through the use of half oats amounted to 5s. 9d. per head, or a clear gain of 4s. 6d. per head. In pen No. 1 the increase in live weight for the whole l»eriod amounted to 1^ lbs. per day per pig, and 4 lbs. of wheat made 1 lb. of live weight or 15 lbs. of pork for each bushel ot wheat. In estimating the value obtained for the grain used in feeding, it should be remembered that in the above cal- culations the gain or increased live weight had only been taken into account, whilst the feeding liad also resulted in the whole animal becoming salealde at fat pig rates. Thus in pen 3 the 344 lbs. gain gives a return of 2s. Id. per Imsliel for the wheat consumed, hut tlie (juantity of fat live Avei^'ht for sale was 552 l])s. If the pigs had been sold in store con- (htion the original 208 lbs. would not have fetched the same price as fat pigs. If Qid. per pound were allowed as the difference m value between fat and store pigs, there was a gain of 8s. 8d. on the pen, or 2s. KJid. per pig from that source, making the return on the wheat about 2s. Sfd. per bushel. I consider a good deal of the success is due to the mild climatic conditions of the country. A Promising Industry. Pig-keeping in this colony is one of the most profitable branches of agricukure, the genial climate being specially favoral)le, and it is likely that in the immediate future the industry will l)e largely extended. Like all departments of production confined to supplying local markets, the raising of swine has been seriously kept back by the periodical occurrence of over-production and low prices. The attention which is now being paid, however, to opening up markets for more or less perishable products in London and else- where is likely to result in an outlet being found for our surplus of pork, bacon, and hams, so that an industry which is so j^rofitable to such countries as America and Denmark will probably show a rate of expansion akin to that of the butter trade. 1359. 114 POULTRY AXD EGGS. The keeping of poultry, like several other minor branches of rural industry, is at the present time undergoing a change, which is likely to result in a great expansion of the liusiness. Until recently local markets were relied upon, and these frequently became over-supplied, \^^th the result that prices for both eggs and tal)le birds fell to very discoiu-aging rates. Under such circumstances poultry- keeping was kept within defined limits, and progress was impracticable. The opening up of an export trade, how- ever, has entirely changed the prospects of this industry, and it is almost certain that the progn-essive movement which has now been commenced will be continuous. Local conditions, and especially the exceptionally favorable climate, have long been recognised as offering special advantages to poultry-keeping, but continuous progi-ess could not be exjtected until an outlet for the produce had been assured. Special Advantages. The wonderfully mild climate of Victoria, with absence of cold winters, is exceptionally favorable to poultry-keeping, as it is to so many other rural pursuits. Very few native- born Victorians have ever seen snow, and it is rare to find ice as thick as a penny on shallow pools in the coldest parts of the colony. Under these conditions poultry thrive, "^-ith the minimum of food and attention, and there is another natural condition which is of immense importance, viz., the geographical position of the colony. Situated at the An- tipodes, the time of the various seasons is opposite to that of the Northern Hemisphere. When England, Russia, Belgium, France, as well as Canada and the United States, are enduring the severity of the northern winter, Victoria is enjoying the warm summer. It would seem as if the colonies at the Antipodes had been intended by nature to compensate northern countries for the losses of the rigorous winter. However this may l)e, it is certain that a beginning has l)een made })y this colony in a system under which the cheaply produced altundunce of our spring and summer months will find a j)roHtaltle market during the winter scarcity of the Northern Hemisjthere. Our exports of eggs and poultry have not yet reached any considerable dimension, for the IIT) practicability of exporting has too recently been demon- strated, but the market liaving been fountl remunerative, and the transport practicable, the expansion of this business has been fully assured. Profitable for Families. The interest of the poultry fancier in the colony is an important one. All the best breeds are represented by birds of the highest quality, and through the importing and stud-breeding operations of the fanciers, those carrying on the ordinary poultry business of the colony are able to obtain the stock most suitable for their purposes under local conditions. While there are a few poultry farmers who carry on the production of table birds or eggs as a se])arate busi- ness, the bulk of the produce of the colony comes from farmers, orchardists, vignerons, or gardeners who make poul- try-keeping an adjunct to other brandies of rural industry, and the poultry yard is generally a profitable and reliable department. The Department of Agriculture has rendered great service by organiziuir the export trade. It gives directions as to suitable breeds of p< ultry, and the methods of management, while it also undertakes the proper shii)- ment of eggs and birds through the Government (*ool Storage Depot. The industry is one requiring very little capital, and, as suitable land for the purpose can be reailily obtained near railway stations and large towns, it offers promising opportunities to new settlers. 116 EXPORTS OF PERISHABLE PRODUCTS. Tlie modern system of preseiNing fresh perishable produce by means of cool storage has raised Victorian agricultm^e, and set it upon a new plane of prosperous development. Our limited population provided only a restricted local market, and our di^^tauce from the world's great centres of consump- tion confined agricultural development to the production of such staple commodities as grain and wool that were suit- able for exportation. All the valuable perishable products of agriculture had to be kept strictly within the narrow limits of local consumption. The introduction of the cool storage system has produced a revolution. Artificially cooled stores, refrigerated railway trucks, cold storage depots at the ports, and refrigerating chambers in ocean steam-ships, have opened up the markets of the world to the most perishable products of our farms, dairies, orchards, and vineyards. A beginning only has been made in exploiting this new field of agricultural wealth. Dairying has certainly, with wonderful rapidity, demonstrated the potency of the change, but the various other branches of agriculture are only taking the first steps in this new career of prosperity. Exports for 1897. The exports for the year ending April, 1897, through the depot of, and under the inspection of the Department of Agriculture, give an indication of the variety of products which the colony is now beginning to place upon the British markets : — Produce. Butter (tons) ... Mutton and Lamb (carcasses) Rablnts (pairs) ... Hares (,,) ... Game (,,) ... Turkeys (,,) ... Ducks, Fowls, and Geese (pairs) Eggs (dozens) ... Milk (tons) Mutton (legs) ... ,, (haunches) lieef (quarters) ... Pork (carcasses) Kidneys (crates) Veal, Sausages, Ox Tails, Tongues, and Sundries (packages] Totals ... Quantity. Estimated Value. ' £ *. d. 9,895i 942,247 3 4 79,062 39,531 932, 203 77,683 11 8 5,533 1,.383 5 316i 31 13 064^ 664 10 10,219 3.832 2 6 12,338 616 18 11 123 4 12,3.38 1,2.33 16 58 11 12 400 1,000 434 868 54 54 es, and 165 200 — £1,069,480 15 6 IN THE COLD STORAGE DEPOT.-Melbourne. WHEAT AT COUNTRY RAILWAY STATION. 117 In the above the exports of some private companies who ship beef and mutton from other ports, such as Geelong and Portland, are not taken into account. So far, the exports of chilled meat from these ports have not reached large dimensions, but they may be expected to increase consider- ably in future years. For further information apply to Mr. J. M. Sinclair, the Representative in London of the Victorian Department ot Ao:riculture. 118 OTHER INDUSTRIES. Some of the rural industries dealt with under this heading are sometimes called "novel" on account of being generally unrepresented among the avocations of ordinary farmers. Requiring si)ecial skill or unusual conditions for their development, they are not so common as grain-growing, dairying, stock-raising, and other ])ranches of agriculture, but in many cases they are quite firmly established, and in as advanced a condition. In the old colonial days, circum- stances prevented their extension beyond prescribed limits, but the conditions affecting them are rapidly changing under modern conditions. Bee Farming. Bee-keeping is receiving increased attention in the colony, and owing to its profitableness it may be expected to extend to large dimensions. Under the old close hive system the expansion of the industry was held in check by the limited yields of the stocks and the ravages of disease. The new system of frame hives, however, enable the bee-keeper at once to prevent disease, and greatly increase the yield of honey. The natural forests which surround the various farming districts ])rovide excellent bee pastures, and the sunny climate of the colony provides a long working season. Under these circumNtances it is not surprising that bee- keeping is a profitable business. At times, the prices of honey have been discouraging, owing to the local and other colonial markets becoming temj)orarily over-supplied, but already sometliing has been done in the way of finding markets for exports. In 1895, 204,435 lbs. of honey was exported, 180,055 lbs. having l)een sent to the United Kingdom. The bee business requires very little capital, and it is one presenting special inducements to settlers, either for their exclusive attention or as an adjunct to other branches of rural industry. Hop-growing. Hop-growing has had a long and checkered career in the colony, much money having been both made and lost during the various phases of the industry. The soil and climate in the hojt-growing districts have been proved to be specially suitable, and much heavier crops of hops can be relied upon 119 than in England, but as the industry is one involving much hand labour, tliere has been a difficulty, owing to oiu* limited population, in keeping the cost of production dowTi to the level required in the carrying on of an expoi-t trade. Om- exports are principally confined to the neighbouring colonies, and the hop-growers, with all their natural advan^ tages, have yet to accomplish the feat of producing cheaply enough to compete in the markets of the world. Upon the fertile river flats of Gippsland, in the east of the colony; along the rivers flowing into the Murray, in the north-east ; as well as in the Otway Forest, in the west, successful hop gardens are carried on. The number of growers at present is 128, cultivating an area of 791 acres. Yields sometimes reach a ton of dried hops to the acre, and an average Of 15 cwt. to the acre is frequently obtained. In the hop-growing districts the school holidays are given at the picking season in order to allow^ the children to assist in the work. With an increase in the population, and the adoption of more labour- saving methods, it may be expected that this industry, for which there is almost unlimited scope amid exceptionally favorable natural conditions, will be largely extended. Flax and Linseed. That flax would grow luxuriantly in the colony has been known from the earliest times, but owing to the labour involved in managing the fibre crops, very little attention was, until recently, given to the growing of flax or linseed. During the last few years, however, a stimulus has been given to the industry by the action of the Hon. J. W. Taverner in importing fibre working and oil making machinery, and employing experts to give instruction in the various manufacturing processes. In all but the very di'iest districts of the colony flax grows well, producing a good yield of both seed and fibre, and as a market is being found for the products, it may be expected that the area devoted to its culture will rapidly increase. Mr. Jos. Knight, the Government Expert, says—" The flax crop should find a place in the ordinary farm rotation ; the industry is a payable one, suitable for all classes of our agriculturists, and requires only to be properly understood to receive that attention to which its merits entitle it." Farmers understanding flax culture in the old country would, no doubt, find in this industry profitable scope for their experience. 120 Olive Culture. Olive culture is one of the most promising industries in the colony. Trees planted in various parts of Victoria grew so well and yielded so freely, that settlers were impelled some years ago to take note of a product of which they possessed little knowledge. An olive grove, also which was planted twenty years ago at the Dookie Experimental Farm, in the north-eastern district, began after the establishment of an Agricultural College at the farm to produce olive oil of excellent quality. Later on olive culture and tlie making of olive oil were esta])lished at the Longerenong Agricultural College, in the nortli-western district, and that was followed by the successful production of olive oil at Mildura, the irriga- tion settlement on the Murray River. As the result of these and some other local experiments, it has been demonstrated that the extensive inland areas of the colony are specially suitable for the growth of the olive. In Southern Europe the olive does not bear until ten years old, but in Northern Victoria trees begin to bear at three years old, and profit- able crops are obtained after the fifth year. Very heavy yields are sometimes obtained, bnt 60 gallons to the acre is considered a fair average. The working expenses are reasonable, being not more tlian £7 per acre, including in- terest on cost of manufacturing machinery, so that there is a handsome margin of profit. The prices obtained for the locally-produced oil have ranged between 7s. and 10s. per gallon. Even at tfce lower price a profit is shown of £14 per acre, while it may be concluded that such a special product as pure olive oil will always command a good market. Oil Seeds and Scents. In addition to the growing of linseed, such plants as sunflowers, castor oil beans, and pea nuts are beginning to receive attention. That they grow well in different parts of the colony has been fully proved, for settlers from early times have been led to make trials of nearly every known kind of useful })laurs. AVhile sunflowers and castor oil plants have been found to grow well and yield heavy returns the absence of a market for the produce has prevented their extensive cultivation. The I)ei)artment of Agriculture, however, has done nmch to encourage these cultures by iin])<)rting an oil mill, and thus assisting to create a market for the seeds. The results so far have been highly ORCHARD WORK.-MiLDURA. A GROUP OF HOP PICKERS. 121 encouraging, and there is no doubt that castor oil plants, sunflowers, and other oil-producing crops will in a few years be extensively cultivated. Flower farming for the production of essential oils is another industry which has recently been receiving attention, and which is likely to be developed under the highly favorable climatic conditions of the colony. An Experimental Farm for testing various scent plants was established by the Government some years ago, and the result has been to direct attention to an industry which is likely when better understood to be highly profitable. Silk Culture. Natural conditions are exceptionally favorable to the silk- growing industry, which is so great a som'ce of wealth to different countries ; but as a dense population with an abundance of cheap labour is necessary for its development, only limited progress has been made. This interesting industry, however, has received attention from sanguine persons from early colonial times, and at present an active society is pushing its interests with considerable success. As silk culture is suitable for profitably employing the members of a settler's family who cannot engage in the heavier work of rural life, the industry is likely to make gradual progress and ultimately assume considerable importance. 122 THE SUGAR-BEET INDUSTRY. The production of sugar-beet has received attention at various times during the last 25 years, but from different causes arising out of the peculiar nature of the business the several attempts to establish the industry have proved un- successful. The suitableness, however, of extensive areas in Victoria for the production of heavy crops of beet prevented the expectation of successfully introducing the sugar-beet industry from being entirely abandoned, and a company is now operating which is likely to establish this important branch of production upon a sound basis. The conditions of sugar-beet production are such that its inauguration stands specially in need of Government assistance. Farmers have no inducement to grow the l)eet crop until sugar factories exist which will provide a market, aud capitalists have no inducement to erect factories until a supply of beet is assured. Government Encouragement. Recognising the peculiar nature of the case, the Turner Government resolved to render the necessary assistance. The Beet Sugar Works Act of 18'.-6 was accordingly intro- duced and passed into law, under which lil)eral encourage- ment to the industry was provided. Under this Act advances are made to companies which carry out the sugar-beet business upon stated lines, aud in a manner satisfactory to the Government. Any company establishing a factory in an approved district where there is an area of lOOOo acres of suitable land within a radius of 10 miles, and which has entered into contract -with farmers for the cultivation of at least 2,i>00 acres of beet crop for three years, is entitled to claim advances which ultimately reach the value of £2 for every £1 ex])ended by the company. These advances are to be rejtaid in 46 half-yearly instalments, the sum bearing interest at 4 per cent., and the property of the company being security under a first mortgage for the loan. The Mai'I'RA Sugar Beet Company. The only company as yet established under the Act is the Maffra Sugar Beet Company Limited. The capital is £r)0,ijOO, in 50,0system of farming would not be thought much of in England, it returns a profit, and that is more than can be said for the system under which I lost about £1 per acre per annum for some years in Yorkshire. An English tenant farmer can easily start as a freeholder in this country, and a labourer can become a tenant farmer. Many labourers have become freeholders here by settling on the lands which were granted on easy terms by the Govern- ment, and others have rented farms, some making money enougli to ])uy out the land. Making a Start. It suited me better to buy a well-improved farm near one of the large towns than to go inland and settle as a " selector," but the selecting system offers good opportunities for those who have less capital, and who want to become land-owners at the beginning. As the Government undertakes the making of railways, the new settlers are soon followed by the lines, so that their produce is carried to the sea-board at low rates. There are plenty of opportunities for men of very small capital to get on to the land. Good farms near the large towns can be taken at low rents by men who have little more capital than their labour and that of their families ; while by going to the more distant districts opened up by the railways, the selector can obtain land at 20s. per acre, being allowed twenty years to complete the purchase, or he can obtain perpetual leases from the Government at a few pence per acre. And then there is the " share system " of farming, under which a 'start can be made by men of no capital. 134 Under this system farms are taken for one, two, or three years, the tenant doing the best he can, and the landlord taking a share of the crop as rent. The landlord's share is from one-third to one-fourth of the cro]), according to arrange- ment. The advantage to the tenant is that the rent is in proportion to the yield of the land. When it is remembered that in this country land is plentiful and the population small, it will be understood that there are many oppor- tunities of entering into the business of farming. Things are cut very fine in England, l)ut here most of the settlers were not bred to farming, so that carrying on under easy con- ditions, they could not be expected to have developed a high system of agriculture. Skilled farmers from older countries are not likely to fail where so many untrained settlers succeed. Neithek Fkost NpK Snow. There is no doubt that cheap land was the principal cause of the great fall in the values of agricultural produce, but the cheapness of the fertile lands of Victoria is only one of the advantages which the colony possesses in competitive production. There are cheap lands in Canada and the United States, but it is only in Australia that a genial climate prevails. There is literally no winter here in the English sense of the term. Snow is a rarity seen only on the highest mountains, and all that is known of frost is an occasional hoar-frost, whicli does not injm-e ordinary crops. The climate is even milder than that of the Mediterranean coast, and growth continues all through the winter. There is no housing or feeding of live stock, but the flocks and herds remain in the fields throughout the year, growing and fattening u])on the rich pastures provided by nature. This natural pasture, which is very abundant, is highly nutritious and fattening, and it produces the best butter in the world. It has only recently been proved that the butter made from the natural pastures of Victoria possesses qualities of firmness and flavour unequalled by the ])est in the London market. At i'he Antipodes. In speaking of the immense advantages possessed by Victoria in her wonderful cliinate. the Yorkshire farmer missed out a j)oint of great inn)ortance, viz., the unique good fortune of the colony in being situated at the Antijiodes. It is often referred to as an interesting fact that Victoria is on » «-< -=, ^, >«i#*i»«JJ»#*«*«7«**" •...V'^* GRAIN BOAT ON THE MURRAY. BOATING ON THE MURRAY. 13n the opposite side of the globe to Eng-hiiul — that it is (Uiy in Victoria wlien it is night in Enghmd ; winter here when it is snmmer there, and so on ; hnt tlie vast pra(;tical im- portance of this state of things is seldom re(^ogniseotanic research in Victoria. Mr. Bosisto, singularly enough, was a fellow labourer in the paths of science with Baron von Mueller in South Australia as far back as 1849, and afterwards both were closely identified with the imporrant discoveries connected with the Euca- ]y])tus vegetation. In all matters connected with materia medica Mr. Bosisto occu}>ies a high position, and the College of Pharmacy in Melbourne now stands as a monument of his efforts as a le«:islator to advance the cause of science. 139 Public Parks and Gardens. Land for Public Parks, Gardens, and Recreation Grounds has been reserved in connexion with all the most important cities and towns in the colony ; the land bein^ti; ])la-ced under the management of the respective town and borough councils. The grounds are supported by rates, subsidized by annual grants from the general revenue. During the year 1884-5, the sum of £7,233 7s. 6d. was granted to 67 councils, in sums varying from £2 3s. to £957, independent of those in the neighbourhood of the metropolis. The latter comprise an area of 4,766 acres, including 604 acres under the joint control of the Government and the Melbourne City Council ; the Botanic Garden, 84 acres ; Government House Domain, 152 acres ; University Grounds, 109^ acres ; and the Burnley Experimental Garden and School of Horti- culture, 28 acres. The grant for Horticultural Societies amounts to £300 per annum. Botanic Gardens. Public Gardens, generally termed Botanic Gardens, are common throughout the colony, ground for the purpose having been set apart in connexion with all the principal towns. The gardens of Ballarat, Bendigo, Castlemaine, and other inland cities are very handsome. The Melbourne Botanic Garden, situated on the banks of the River Yarra Yarra, about a mile from the city of Melbourne, is 84 acres in extent. It adjoins the grounds of Government House and the public Domain, of which it forms a part. It was formerly under the direction of the Government Botanist, the late Baron von Mueller, Init some years ago the garden was placed in charge of a landscape gardener, under whose curatorship the grounds have been extended, altered, and greatly improved. The newer portions, as well as some of the old ground, have been laid out in broad gravel walks, and extensive lawns with clumps and single specimens of trees and shrubs, which have rendered the garden highly attractive to the public, who frequent it in large numbers on Sundays and holidays. The garden contains two large conservatories, one devoted to the cultivation of ferns and some plants of industrial value ; the other is filled with a miscellaneous collection of stove plants in pots, A smaller house is occupied by succulent plants. There are also several other small houses 140 for propagating and other purposes, besides frames, and a large shelter shed for tlie hardier plants. The older portions of the gardens contain numerous fine specimens of palms, araucarias, and other conifers, various oaks, elms, and other deciduous trees, besides Grevilleas, of which G. robusta forms a s])lendid picture when in flower, and numerous other native trees and shrubs. Among other recent improvements, an extensive " fern gully " has been formed ; large collections of palms and cycads have been planted, as well as groups of the more hardy of the Queensland plants. In the lower portion of the grounds, near the river, is a large and beautiful lake, spanned in places by rustic bridges, and dotted with cliarmiug little islands, which, planted with ornamental trees and shrul)s picturesquely arranged, produce a splendid effect. A portion of the native vegetation, ha^^ng been allowed to remain, adds to the interest of the scene. Upwards of £100,000 has been spent on the gardens and Domain during the ten years between 1876 and 1886, and the sums annually granted by Parliament for the purchase of plants have enabled such an increase in the col- lections to be made that the total number of plants catalogued exceeds 7,000 species, exclusive of varieties. The whole of the species are distinctly labelled with name, native country, and natural order. The condition of the gardens is in every way creditable to the city of .Melbourne, and especially to its present Director, Mr W. K. Guilfoyle, F.L.S. Adjoining the Botanic Garden is the Domain, 305 acres in extent, including the grounds of Government House of 157 acres in gardens, pleasure grounds, and extensive lawns, the wliole in charge of the Director of the Botanic Garden The Domain is intersected by walks and drives leading to the city and various parts of the southern sul)urbs. A small part remains in its natural condition, but the greater portion has been jdanted with an immense number and variety of trees. These have attained a considerable size, and produce a fine effect on the landscape, the Domain extending within close proximity to and commanding one of the best views to be obtained of the city. Horticultural Societies. Societies for the advancement of horticulture have been established in every city and town of any im])ortance iu the 141 colony, while half-a-score exist in Mel})Ourne and its imme- diate neighbourhood. They are sup})orted by the subscrip- tions of members, supplemented by annual grants from Government ; the Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria, located in Mell)ourne, the oldest and most important, for many years conducting an experimental garden. The garden, now carried on by tlie Uovernnient, is situa,ted in Richmond Park, about 3 miles from the city. It com- prises an area of :^8 acres, one-half of which is under cultivation as orchard, shrubbery, flower, and vegetable grounds, the remainder being ])lantcd ^\ath specimens of ornamental trees. The collection of fruit is very large, the varieties numl)er- ing — 7UU apples, 7 almonds, 48 apricots, 5 brambles, 18 crabs, yO cherries, 4 chestnuts, 2 citrons, 28 cm*rants, 56 figs, 12U gooseberries, 5 guavas, 2 limes, 5 lemons, 5 medlars, 7 mulberries, 27 nectarines, 21 filberts, 21 oranges, 10 olives, 400 pears, 102 peaches, 17 Japanese persimmons (Diospyros Kaki), 148 plums, 7 quinces, 18 raspberries, 4 shaddocks, 50 strawberries, 170 grapes, 2 walnuts. Of these, scions are available to members and Government institutions, and the number distributed has averaged 20,000 annually during the past ten years. Seeds and roots are also distributed to members. The fruit produced is exhibited at the monthly meetings of the society ; at the great exhibitions, of which two or more are held annually ; collections are also sent to country societies ; and the surplus, amounting to about 3 tons, a year, is distributed among the charitable institutions. New varieties of fruit are annually imported from Europe, America, Japan and other centres of production. Com- munications and exchange of scions, &c., are maintained with the neighbouring colonies, India, Japan, and other countries. The gardens were for many years in charge of the late Mr. George Neilson, a gentleman who devoted many years of his life to practical horticulture, and to whose unremitting care tlie present high state of perfection attained in the gardens is mainly due. The present Princi])al is Mr. C. Boyne Luff"- mann, and pupils are received for instruction in horticulture. Market Gardening. The business of growing vegetables for market has attained a high degree of proficiency in the colony, more especially in 142 the neighbourhood of the metropolis, where a large area of laud is devoted to it, aud wheuce supplies are sent to up-country towns, as well as to the ueigh])0uring colonies, nearly 2,o'0U tons being yearly exported. In the country the principal supply of vegetaljles is grown by Chinese, who are located in the neighbourhood of the principal towns, and also in the suburl)S of Melbourne. They are the chief hawkers of vegetables, aud, besides growing a supply for that purpose, purchase largely from European cultivators. The Chinese cultivate their gardens in small patches by hand labom-, but the Europeans employ horse labour wherever it can be applied. The bulk of the gardens are situated to the east and south-east of Melbourne, where the soil is almost pure sand, and easy to work. Some of the yields of vegetables obtained are simply marvellous. Cabbages averaging 26 lbs. weight, and parsnips oO inches in length, are common ; while mangel-wurzel are grown turning the scale at 56 lbs. The land is highly manured, and heavy fields are obtained. The produce is also of excellent quality. Two crops a year, or three crops in two years, are generally grown. The pro- duce not exported is disposed of in the metropolitan markets, chiefly the Victoria Market, where an average of 30(1 carts attend twice a week dm-iug the summer season, each grower selling his own produce. Plant Nurseeies. These have become numerous of late years, one or more being established in the neighbourhood of every large town, and several in country places, where the i)ropagation of fruit trees constitutes the principal business ; the demand for these being very large both in Victoria, the neighbouring colonies, and New Zealand. In the neighbourhood of ^lelbourne, nurseries are numerous, some being of considerable extent, and ke])t in a style that would be creditable to similar estab- lishments in any part of the world. The collections of plants are now very extensive aud are being annually increased by importations. Owing to the mildness of the climate in winter, a large nimiber of species that require to be housed in Europe thrive out of doors the year round, stove plants alone requiring the protection of glass and artificial heat : but they are not much grown in nurseries, owing to the smallness of the demand. Fuchsias, pelargoniums, cinerarias, cyclamens, and Chinese primroses are grown in unheated houses. In these nurseries the plants are mostly grown in 143 pots, aud, except when being propagated, are located ia shelter sheds constructed of frames, covered with lattice- work or brushwood. There are also a large number of smaller nurseries, in which flowers and market plants are grown. A large business is done in bompiets both in the markets and in shops in town, where excellent taste is dis- played in their make-up. Flowers are plentiful both summer and winter. Nurserymen's catalogues have attained a size which, with the exception of orchids and other stove plants, will bear comparison with those of Britain. Numerous seed shops exist in the principal towns, some of them managed in conjunction with plant nurseries. The bulk of the seeds consumed is raised in the colonies and New Zealand, whence a large proportion of the grasses and clovers are obtained. Several improved varieties of vege- tables have originated in Victoria, obtained by means or crossing aud selection. The newer varieties of flowers and vegetables are annually imported from Europe aud America by the principal seedsmen. Some business is also done in the exportation of cauliflower and other vegetable seeds to Britain. Private Gardens. These are rapidly increasing in number, especially in the neighbourhood of the cities and towns. Villa gardens generally contain one or more glazed structures for the culture of greenhouse and stove plants, including orchids, of which some collections are being formed. Among the estate owners in the country districts are some who have gardens of a few acres in extent, but in general they are no larger than is necessary to meet household requirements, though some have planted trees rather largely for shelter and orna- ment. Cottage gardens are numerous aud generally well kept, the climate admitting. of their being gay with flowers throughout the year. Scientific gardeners are not in great demand, but there are a few in the colony whose productions would pass with credit in any part of the world. Flower gardening is chiefly of the old-fashioned style, massing or any other form of bedding being rarely attempted. In shrub])eries and other ornamental grounds a great variety of trees and shrul)s are to be found, most of the best species and varieties procurable in Europe, America, and other parts of the world having been imported, the enter- prise of nurserymen and some amateurs being great in that 144 direction. Conifenv are in great reqnest, nearly all the pines and cypresses procnrable in California, besides many others, being cultivated. Of these, Finns insignis and Cupressns macrocarpa are in the greatest demand, many thousands being planted annually for shelter or ornament. Both of these grow with great rapidity in almost any kind of soil, and in a few years form large timber trees. European pines are also grown, as well as those of the Abies and the Picea sections, which, however, succeed best in the cooler districts. Of cedars, the Deodar is the favorite, being the (juickest grower and the most graceful. The Wellingtonia (Sequoea) gigantea thrives fairly, handsome specimens of 30 feet or more in height being not uncommon. Of Araucarias, some six species are grown, formiug specimens of perfect symmetry and great beauty. A. imbricata is the most suitable for the cooler districts, the others preferring a more genial climate. The bunya bunya, of Queensland {A. Bidwilli). grows very ra])idly, and forms a handsome specimen, well furnished with a massof polished green foliage. The golden arbor vit* ( Biota aurea) is in great request. The native pines — Frenella — form handsome dwarf trees. The larch thrives in the cooler districts, where it competes for pre-eminence with Abies Donglasii. Taking a few of the more ornamental shrubs in alpha- betical order, the acacias are amongst the most beautiful when in flower. The tree myrtles — Acmena — form very handsome finely-sha])ed bushes, beautiful both in flower and fruit. The American aloe, agave, grows luxuriantly, and flowers at from twelve to twenty years of age. The species of arbutus succeed fairly well in the drier parts, and much better where the tem})erature is lower. Brugmausias stand exposed the year ramd, and flower magnificently. Cacti of numerous kinds thrive admirably out of doors. Camellias require shade when grown in the open air, and then flower magnificently. The common and Portugal lam-els thrive and attain the size of trees in the cooler districts. Euca- Iy])tus ficifolia, which produces crimson flowers in abundance while quite young and small, forms an object of exceeding beauty. The labuiniun ])refers tlie cooler climates, and flowers freely. Tiic native and New Zealand species of Dracjena form noble objects. Ficus australis and F. macro- j)iiylla lorm large dense bushes or low trees. Magnolias of all species form large bushes, and flower magnificently. Xeriums thrive well, and flower freely. The plane — platanus 145 — attains a large size in the cooler districts. Pittospornms are, of all evergreens, the best adapted to the climate, forming handsome specimens and fine ornamental hedges. Rhododendrons require shade in the warmer parts of the colony, but flourish exposed in the cooler districts. Schinus molle is of great value as a shade tree. Besides those already mentioned, there are an immense number of dwarf shrubs that attain great perfection, such as the Indian azalea, daphne, indica boronia, bouvardia, chorizema, deut- zia, eriostemon, erica, erythrina, escallonia, fuchsia, hy- drangea, lantana, lasiandra, pomegranate, pelargonium, petunia, salvia, veronica, and weigela. Of roses, about 400 varieties are grown. Among climbers are bignonia, bougainvillea, clematis, lapageria, passion flowers, including Tacsonia and Glycine sinensis. Among herbaceous j^lants, dahlias, chrysanthemums, phloxes, pentstemons, carnations, columbines, cyclamens, iris, mesembryanthemum — numerous species — and verbenas. Bulbous and similar plants flourish exceedingly, including amaryllis, anemone, gladiolus — grown in every garden — • hyacinth, ixia, lilium — magnificent, narcissus, ranunculus, tulip, sparaxis, Guernsey lilies, tuberoses, tritoma, tritonia, and several others. Fkuit. Fruit cultm-e is practised throughout nearly the whole of the colony. In some of the more densely-populated districts orchards of 100 to 150 acres have been planted, and their numbers are rapidly increasing. They are very numerous in the neighbourhood of the metropolis, where they generally exist in conjunction with market gardening ; these range from 8 to 20 acres in extent. Owing to the variety of climatic conditions, all the fruits of temperate regions can be cultivated. A large number of varieties are grown, all the best to be obtained in Eiu*ope and America having been imported and propagated. Numerous varieties of fruit have been raised from seed, the parent blossoms being, in most cases, carefully intercrossed. In apples, varieties of great excellence, both dessert and cooking, some of the former almost equalling the best of the imjjorted sorts. While in pears, some colonial varieties are unsurpassed by the best European sorts. Peaches, plums, cherries, and strawberries of excellent quality have been also raised. 1359. K 146 Apple. This friiit is, of all others, the most esteemed ; it thrives iu all parts of the colony, succeeding best where the summer temperature is moderate. The trees grow with great luxuri- ance, come early into bearing, and yield a crop every year, unless the blossoms happen to be injiu-ed by insects or frosts, which, liowever, rarely occurs. They thrive in all kinds of soil, from a nearly pure sand to a strong loam. The fruit is large in size, fine in colour, and excellent in flavour. Canker in apple-trees is unknown in the colony. Apiicot. The apricot is highly esteemed, and is in great demand for dessert, cooking, and preserving. It thrives everywhere, but prefers the warmer regions, where its produce is both large and fine. The trees attain a large size, and rarely miss yielding a heavy crop. Almond. The almond thrives everywhere ; it is specially adapted to dry stony soil, and requires very little attention. It is fre- quently used for shelter on the exposed sides of orchards, and bears abundantly. In the shrubbery it forms a splendid object when closed with a mass of blossoms in early spring. Seedling almonds are frequently used as stocks for peaches. Cheny. This fruit is very largely grown, the trees almost invariably bearing a heavy crop. It thrives in all climates, and is the best ada])ted of all fruit trees to the strong volcanic loams that exist in various parts of the colony. The fruit attains a large size, and is of excellent quality. The trees commence to bear at an early age, and occasion very little troultle in ])runing; they are very rarely attacked by either disease or insects. Currant. The different kinds of currants succeed well in the cooler districts, Avhcre they yield heavy crops of fine fruit. The bhick currant is in great request for jam-making and other culinary purposes. 147 Fig. The fig thrives in all, except the coldest, parts of the colony, and exceptionally well in the warmer northern dis- tricts, where it grows with great luxuriance, the trees attain- ing a large size, and fruiting heavily every year, the fruit being of large size and good quality. Fig-drying has been successfully practised, but has not yet become established as a business. Filbert. Trees of the filbert and other nuts grow with remarkable luxuriance in the rich soil of valleys in the more temperate regions, where they bear enormously. Nuts are in great demand, and bring high prices in the market. Gooseberry. This well-known fruit thrives in all parts of the colony except thQ warmest, but grows best where the summer temperature is low. In such situations the bushes attain a large size, and bear enormous crops. The fruit is much used for cooking and jam-making. Grape. The grape and wine-making have been treated elsewhere ; it is only necessary to remark that, as a dessert fruit, it thrives and ripens its fruit in all but the coldest climates, and in all varieties of soil or situation. It grows as a bush in gardens, or trained to a fence or trellis ; it rambles over the cottage verandah, and even in the heart of a city or town it continues to thrive, its roots extending dozens of yards beneath the pavement. It, however, brings its fruit to the greatest perfection in the zones of highest temperature, where bunches and berries of enormous size, fine colour, and excellent flavour are produced. Melon. The melon thrives in the open ground in all the warmer and more temperate parts of the colony ; the seed being sown in ordinary garden soil; little or no attention is required by the plants until the fruit is ready to gather. Both rock melons and water melons are in great demand in the markets, and also a cross-bred variety of sugar melon, svhich attains a large size and is much used for jam. 148 Mulberry. This is well adapted to the more moderate zones, where it rapidly forms a tree and produces abimdance of fruit. The silk-worm mulberry also grows well, but is rarely utilized. Peach. This fruit, one of the most delicious grown in the colony, ripens its fruit nearly everywhere. The trees require much attention in warding off the attacks of aphides in spring, and they are not long-lived. AVhen in good soil the fruit attains a large size, and acquires an excellent flavour. A number of colonial seedlings have been raised ; these i)rov< more robust than some of the imported varieties and arr generally preferred by growers for market. Pear. The pear is highly esteemed as a dessert fruit, many ot the imported, as well as several seedling, varieties being unsurpassed for flavour. The trees quickly attain a large size, and rarely fail to produce a full crop, the fruit attaining a large size. They thrive in nearly all parts of the colony. Persimmon {Diospyros Kaki). This fruit, introduced only a few years ago, is becoming popular on account of the rich flavour and fine colour of its fruit, which renders the trees highly ornamental ; these are very precocious, trees of 3 or 4 feet in height producing several dozens of fruit. Young trees are annually imported from Japan. Plums. Plums are in great request, and are largely gro\\Ti in all districts. The trees are very prolific, rarely failing to pro- duce a full crop, and when not overloaded the fruit is very large ; it is much used for jam and other culinary ])urj»oses. On account of its abundance, the fruit can be obtained in the markets at a low rate. Quince. This fruit is grown, though in small numbers, in nearly €very garden. The trees crop well, and produce fruit of larj'e size. 149 Raspberry . This frnit succeeds well in the moderately cool districts, where it bears ahundantly, rarely missin<2^ a crop. The fruit is highly esteemed, and in great request by jam manufacturers as well as private persons. It is grown in several parts of the colony, chiefly for local supply. The metropolis obtains its principal supply from the rich valleys of the upper portions of the Yarra, and it is estimated that the value of this fruit forwarded to Melbourne exceeds £150,000 per annum ; the average price in the market being 3d. to 6d. per pound. Strawberry. The strawberry is very prolific, and the plants continue to bear for a great number of years ; two crops invariably, and sometimes a third, being borne in succession every year. The fruit attains a large size on properly-enriched soil. Walnut. This tree thrives in all districts except the hottest, and produces abundance of fruit at an early stage, but is not extensively grown. Vegetables. Vegetables of all the kinds commonly grown in temperate climates, and some that cannot be successfully grown in Britain, succeed well, and are extensively cultivated, hardly a family in the longer-settled districts being without a daily supply, either purchased or grown by themselves, all the year round. A large quantity can be grown with a moderate amount of labour, where the soil is properly tilled and manured. Asparagus. This esteemed vegetable grows luxuriantly in all parts of the colony, and attains a large size under liberal culture. It is in great request during a long season, and can be purchased at reasonable rates. Bean. Broad beans can be grown in all climates, as the seed is sown in autumn, and the crop gathered in spring before the heats of summer arrive. Kidney beans, both dwarf and runner, are grown extensively ; they bear abundantly, and 15U are in season from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. They are sold at such rates as bring them within the reach of all classes. Beet. This root succeeds in all soils and all climates. It is lin great request, being used in a fresh or pickled state. The roots, like others of similar nature, are allowed to remain in the ground until wanted for use, a supply being obtainable at all seasons. Brocoli. This is rarely grown, as the plants require too great a length of time to attain maturity, and its place is filled by the cauliflower. Cabbage. The cabbage is the most largely grown of all green vegetables. The plants come quickly into use, and attain a large size ; cabbages can be had every day in the year, and with very little labour. Cauliflower. The cauliflower is one of the most esteemed of vegetables ; it may be obtained throughout the year in the cooler districts, and in others except during two or three of the hottest months. It grows luxuriantly, becomes rapidly fit for use, and attains a large size. Plants, including leaves, stem, and roots, have been grown to 42 lbs. weight, the head, dressed for market, weighing 36 lbs. Carrot. This root, which thrives everywhere, is in great request, and very extensively grown. The roots are rarely troubled with any kind of insect. Celery. Celery prefers the cooler districts, but may be had everywhere during winter and spring. Its culture has greatly increased of recent years. Cucuynber. A few growers cultivate the cucumber in heated houses during the winter season, but the demand is not great at tliat time. Large quantities are grown in the open ground in snmmer. They are in considerable demand for pickling. 151 Leek. This attains an immense size under liberal culture ; it is in use for nine mouths in the year. Lettuce. This grows well, with little trouble, throughout the year. The summer crops are sown where they are to remain. Only the cabbage lettuce is used. Onion. Onions are grown in large quantities both in the garden and the field, many tons being exported. In gardens the early crops are sown in autumn and transplanted ; field crops are sown in spring. Pea. Peas can be gathered throughout the year, except occasionally in summer, should the drought be severe ; they are, of course, finest in spring and early summer. The plants are rarely supported in any way, as they do not attain a great length. Potato. Potatoes are very largely grown in gardens and fields, a large proportion being exported. Young potatoes may be obtained in gardens at all seasons. Pumpkin. This fruit attains a large size ; it is grown to some extent for use in winter. Rhuharh. This is in great request, and is largely grown by market gardeners, who are able to pull three or four crops a year from each plant. It is in use during eleven months out of the twelve. Tomato. The demand for this fruit has largely increased within recent years, and immense quantities are now gro^Ti and sold very cheaply. For early crops the plants are raised 152 in heat and planted against fences or walls, where they some- times remain till the following season, fruiting all the while. Later crop plants are supported bv stakes or trellises. Tlie markets are supplied for about nine months in the year. J'urnip. Turnips are in season eyery day in the year. They become quickly fit for use, but do not succeed well in the drier dis- tricts, except during the winter season. Vegetable Marrow. There is a large consumption of this yegetable. The seed is sown in the open ground in spring, and where the soil is good heavy crops are yielded ; very little attention beyond gathering the fruit being rec|uired. ;^-- •/'. t,..»*M r r i>/ J 153 THE FRUIT-GROWING INDUSTRY. (By I), ^f. Dow, of The Leader.) Fruit-growing is one of the most promising industries in Victoria, Settlers who have been engaged in the orchard business for many years are generally among the most prosperous members of the conmiunity, while there are few colonial industries that can compare with fruit-growing in offering encouraging prospects of future development. The past history of the industry has served to prove its profitable- ness. The scope for expansion is practically unlimited. Will it Pay? Some few years ago, when fruit-growing as a business was receiving a large share of attention, the most contradictory statements were made in regard to the prospects of the industry. Persons interested in promoting the growing of fruit pointed to the wonderful results obtained in California and elsewhere, while others, posing as practical men on the strength of having produced wlieat or potatoes, ])ronounced strongly upon the impossibility of a family being able to live upon a holding of 10 or 20 acres. The owners of established orchards not being desirous of calling too many competitors into the field had very little to say on the matter. The yields of their orchards, however, gave encouragement to the advocates of progress, and ;is the objectors had nothing but prejudice to contribute to the controversy, the victory was with the progressive party. As the result, an important movement in the direction of tree-planting was made in nearly all parts of the colony, and under the stimulus of Government bonuses the area of land under orchards was greatly increased. Most of the new orchards have now come into bearing, and from a variety of causes the financial returns have fallen somewhat short of expectations. Many new planters are disap])ointed with the results, and their complaints, added to the statements of the original objectors, constitute a charge of failure against the fruit-growing industry. Those who always opposed progress are saying, "I told you so," and disapi^ointed planters are aiding by misrepresenting the position and prospects of an important and promising industry. 154 Expecting Too Much. In seeking to arrive at the actual position of the case, the views of those may be disregarded who say — "' I always told you fruit-growing would not pay," for they have learned nothing from recent experiences ; ))ut the men who have invested in fruit-growing, and are disappointed, have a right to be heard. Their complaint is that the business is not what it was represented to be ; and this is a fact. There is no doubt that many were induced to plant orchards upon exaggerated estimates of the returns to be obtained. Maxi- mum yields and high prices were quoted as an encourage- ment to planters, and persons who were induced to invest in what was too often represented as a fortune-making enter- prise have naturally been disappointed. In regard to the quality of the fruit there is no complaint, for in this respect the most sanguine expectations have been realized ; but the }ields have in some cases come short of anticipations. In the matter of yields, the disappointment has arisen in most cases through planters having been led to expect fidl returns too soon. Trees from seven to ten years old have seldom failed to yield heavy crops ; but, as growers expected maximum returns two or three years earlier, grounds have been furnished for discontent. This objection, it is evident, time will be able to remove, and the industry must be judged by its actual results rather than by its relation to the exaggerated anticipations of investors. Good Local Makkets. The markets, too, have been a cause of some disappoint- ment. The expectation of higher prices for fruit has perhaps caused more discontent than having to wait an extra year or two for maximum yields. In the matter of prices, however, growers cannot plead tliat they were encouraged to expect a local fresh fruit market at payable rates for the produce of their orchards. An export trade in fresh fruits and a resort to canning and drying were always insisted upon as neces- sary to place the industry on a sound basis. In all the circumstances of the case, the growers could not have expected better prices in the fresh fruit market than have been obtained. Instead of resorting to canning and drying, the whole of the colony's fruit has practically been thrown u})on the local market. Not only has the local consumer been expected to take the produce of our orchards, but he 155 has been required to make use of it within a few months, and then he has been allowed to supply himself with im- ported preserved fruit for the rest of the year. When the surroundings of the case are taken into account the wonder is that the fresh fruit market has stood this process of glut- ting as well as it has done. At a time when the large area of new orchards brought into existence by the planting bonuses were coming into bearing, the colony was passing through a period of extraordinary depression. With a greatly restricted purchasing power, the colony's demand for fresh fruit has absorbed the produce of our enlarged orchard area, a highly encouraging result that is nothing short of surprising. Room for Expansion. A common saying is that "there are too many in the industry"; but this does not fit in consistently with the fact that Victoria imports £59,000 worth of fruit per annum. Going into details, it is found that the quantity and value of fruits and jams imported into Victoria during the year 1897 were : — Fruits, Jams, &c. Bottled fruits... Dried fruits (unenumerated) Currants Raisins Jams and jellies Totals ... ... .5,260,765 ... 59,166 And 59,581 doz. pks. The Tariff rates are : — Fruit, dried, boiled or partly boiled, or pulp ... ... ... ... 3d. per lb. Fruits, preserved in bottles, &c. — Quarts and over a pint ... ... 6s. per doz. Pints and over half- pint ... ... :3s. per doz. Half-pints and smaller ... ... Is. 6d. per doz. Over a quart and not exceeding a gallon 18s. per doz. Fruits, green, being oranges and lemons 9d. per bush. Fruits not otherwise enumerated • ... Is. 6d. per bush. Quantity. Value. Dozen packets. £ 59,581 .. . 4,277 Lbs. 839,327 .. . 11,307 3,215,476 .. . 25,882 1,116,579 .. . 15,461 89,383 .. . 2,239 156 If the question is asked — -'"Why, in spite of these pro- tective duties. Victorian growers do not supply the market?" tlie rei)ly seems to be " Because foreign competitors give their attention to the selection of high-class fruit, and adopt ujvto-date methods in their general management." Fruit-preserving. Canning and drying liave not been resorted to, except to a gmall extent, because prices are believed to have not yet readied a preserving level. The most sanguine advocates of fruit-growing anticipated that preserving would have been necessary before this, and they formed their conclusions without supposing that a check was to be put upon the increase of the colony's population. To account for the circumstance that, in spite of the depression, fruit-preserv- ing has not required to be resorted to, it must be concluded that the lower prices have led to a greatly increased con- sumjition of fresh fruit. The manner in which prices have stood the strain of the present crisis gives rise to hopeful anticipation as to the future of the industry. In the first place, there is a prospect of an enlarged fresh fruit market from an increase of population. It is not- to he supposed that the colony is going to stand still. Progress is again taking place, and fruit-gruwiug will advance \\'ith the colony in general. There is not likely to l)e another planting boom for a considerable time, so that even the local fresh fruit market is not to be despaired of. But this is apart from the prospect opened up by the export trade in the various branches of fruit-preserving. It is well known that a very small surplus is capable of briuging about a very serious fall in a market. In view of this fact, it is evident that a comparatively small j)reserving trade would serve to give a considerable relief to the market for fresh fruits. The fact that our total output of fruit has not yet been able to force prices down to a preserving basis shows that the canning or drying of only a small proportion of future crops will suthce to secure fair values for the general bulk. An Export Trade. When, by means of co-operative preserving factories, we are catering for the colony's requirements throughout the year, instead of for only a few months, the demand will be no increased that there is likelv to be little cause for 157 complaints of glutted markets. It will be said by those who oppose progress that we cannot compete with (valifornian preserved fruits ; but, as we are not handicapped by any natural disadvantages, the statement amounts to a serious reflection upon our intelligence as a people. We are to-day competing successfully for an export trade with the most advanced dairying countries in the world, and yet our natural conditions are quite as favorable for fruit-groNving as for dairying. If dairy farmers can do this, surely fruit- growers can supply the local markets all the year round. Nothing has, so far, been said of the export of fresh fruit to the London market. Another season's experience has demonstrated, that there is a demand in London for all the good fruit that we can send, and that a successful method of getting the fruit to the market is in a fair way of being discovered. From a view of local markets and the prospects of an export trade, there are no grounds for any but hopeful anticipations concerning the future of the fruit-growing industry. For further information apply to Mr. J. M. Sinclair, the Representative in London of the Victorian Department of Ao-riculture. 158 VICTORIAN VINEYARDS. The prodnction of wine is unquestionably destined to be- come one of Victoria's greatest industries. Receiving attention from the earliest days of the colony, the progress of wine-growing has been slow but sure. Measured by the volume of production, development has been only moderate : estimated by the extent to which the colony's resources have been successfully tested, and the manner in which the superiority of the wines has been demonstrated, it has been immense. It was from the first recognised that with a limited population wine production could not become a great industry without depending upon an export trade, and consequently improving the quality of the wine has always received more attention than the extension of the vineyards. The result has been that Victoria, with a com- paratively small area under vines, has since 1851 been repre- sented at all the great exhibitions of the world. Ha^'ing proved by the honours won at the various exhibitions that wines of the highest quality could be produced, the exten- sion of the vineyards was commenced about twenty years ago. The area under vines now reaches 30,000 acres, yielding annually about 2,500,000 gallons of wine. As wine is not the ordinary beverage of the local population, a sur- plus of from 200,000 gallons to 400.000 gallons is annually exported, and as our wines become better known to the con- sumers of the old world the demand for them will gradually increase. The consumption of such superior wines as our vineyards produce is upon such a large scale that, with the footing already secured in the world's markets, our vintages will rapidly take their places among the most valuable pro- ductions of the colony. Early History. In dealing with the early history of the industry, as well as the other branches of the subject which follow, extensive use is made of the writings of Mr. Hubert de Castella, one of the pioneers of wine-growing in Victoria, and author of the interesting book, John BulVs Vineyard. In 1860, says this authority, the number of acres under vines had not reached 2,000. Some of tlie wines made, however, had already found their way al^road, and obtained favorable 159 notice. About that time a rush for establishing vineyards took place ; the Victorian Government offered, in various localities, lands considered as ))est adapted to that cultiva- tion, under especially favorable conditions ; the newspapers issued periodical encouragements in shape of reports on the plantations going on, and on the successes obtained or ex- pected ; the Argus gave a large gold cup to the best- appointed vineyard ; lawyers, doctors, and men of means, taking land under the wine industry clause, planted by proxy ; various companies were formed to w^ork large areas of vines. In four years over 2,000 acres were planted. All, in fact, seemed to indicate great and immediate prosperity. Unfortunately, however, the colonial taste was for strong drinks. Port and sherry advocates had taken up the move- ment, the warmest districts were proclaimed as the best to settle in, and the men who planted in more temperate countries were pitied for their mistake. But to those growers w^ho took as types the strong wines of low commerce, it was not sufficient to obtain, by proper matm-ity, musts equal in richness to those of Spain and Portugal. Many of them left their grapes standing on the vines until they were turned into raisins ; and we recollect the case of an amateur vigneron who had his grapes placed on the zinc roofs of his house and cellars, previous to crushing them, in order to leave them for two days improving, as he called it, under a burning sun. Wines made in this fashion, not from must, but from syrup, incapable of a complete fermentation, true compounds of sugar and alcohol, soon turned to vinegary sourness. The light wines of the cooler districts, mixed by inexperi- enced wine merchants with these strong ones, only developed their acidity. Day by day the name of colonial wine became more ignominious, the trade died out, and neglected vine- yards were gradually rooted out. The statistics of 1880 showed a diminution of 553 acres of vines, as compared with those of 1875. The Turning Point. All the while, however, a few persevering men, both in the northern districts and around Melbourne and other towns, careful of their plantations and diligent in study, were every year improving their vintages, and the Melbourne Inter- colonial Exhibition of 1881, displaying a real and solid advance, again brought the wine industry to the fore. 160 A gi'aud jjrix, a trophy of solid silver, of the value of £800, was offered hy the Emperor of Germany to be awarded "to an exliibitor in one of the Australasian Colonies as an acknowlfut in England and in foreign countries was the announcement received with marked interest. From that day colonial wine was no longer thrown pro miscuously under general condemnation. People who had never tasted it before condescended to have it on their tables. Clubs and hotels, full of visitors, could no longer refuse it admission, since it had obtained such high recognition. It was a benefit to all. A few months afterwards the growers of Victoria could count the value of their produce, even of their properties, substantially advanced. Yet another benefit, still more imjwrtant, was conferred by that eminent distinction upon the wine-growers at large. It opened their eyes to the requirements of the public taste — at least, of educated taste — aud it educated their own. Many viguerons, some of them possessors of smaller extent of vines than the lucky winners of the Emperor's prize, had run closely with them in the race. Their wines had been of equal value, but were exhibited on a lesser scale. The result was that the other growers — those who, to that day, had desired to obtain strength, and what they mistook for body — began to ponder over the list of awards. AVhen they found these awards given to delicacy and bouquet, to light vNines principally, and to those only amongst the heavy ones which were free fr(jm alcoholic taste and non-converted sugar, faith in alcohol was shaken in their hearts, and the value of proper fermentation dawned upon them. From that time dates a general improvement in the manufacture. At Other Exhibitions. Australia's best cliance of making lier wines known was by sending them to the World's Great Exhibitions. Her first s'atimuk and Horsham, though a few are of the agricultural class. Besides these colonies there are a number of individual holders who have 181 patches of irrigation, eithvY fruit trees, vines, or lands i)er- manently laid down in fodder plants. Some are supplied from the channels, some by pumping from the river. These settlers cultivate fruit trees, lucerne, sorghum, and pastures. The fruits, other than gra})es, comprise apricots, peaches, almonds, oranges, lemons, apples, and mixed fruits. The vines are cliiefly of raisin varieties, though no raisins are yet made on any commercial scale, and there is no wine-making in the district. (JONCLUUING KeMARKS. These embrace by far the greater portion of the areas within Victoria where irrigation is now practised as an aid to agriculture. There are others, certainly. At Bacchus Marsh there are two small trusts, one of which has its scheme of works practically completed and in operation, the area operated upon, however, being exceedingly small. Then there are several trusts whose works are in process of con- struction, but have not yet proceeded so far as to be able to supply any water to irrigators. Among these are the Campaspe Trust, the scene of whose operations is the land on both sides of the C'ampaspe River, in the neighbourhood of Rochester ; the Bairnsdale Irrigation Trust, formed with the view of irrigating the extensive and fertile area bordering the Mitchell River above Bairnsdale, known as the Liudenow Flats, and the country adjacent; and some others of less note. As to the probable eventual outcome of irrigation in Victoria, it may be briefly summarized thus : — Many of us have been too sanguine ; men are prone to be so in view of any novelty that jiromises increase of wealth. But, this admission being unreservedly made, there remains the solid fact that a large section of the land of this colony cannot be turned to its most profitable account without the aid of irri- gation, the necessary water supply for which is likewise available ; and that prominent among the accelerating or retarding causes in the realization of this profit must be the action of the State in guiding, promoting, or discouraging the movement. 182 THE MILDURA IRRIGATION COLONY. In introducing a system of irrigation into Victoria, the Government not only passed the Irrigation Act, under which the various water supply trusts have been formed, but made special arrangements with a firm of Californian experts for the establishment of an irrigation colony — Mildura, on the Murray River, being the result. An extensive grant of land with liberal water ])rivileges was given on easy terms to the Messrs. ChafFey Brothers, of Ontario, California, on condition that they would establish such an irrigation colony as would not only prove the suitableness of the mallee country for such purposes, but also serve as an object-lesson on irrigation to settlers in other parts of Victoria. The Mildura colony, which has now been ten years in existence, has proved the suitableness of the mallee for irrigation pur- poses, and has served as a valuable object-lesson in various branches of fruit-growing under irrigation, and the preserva- tion and marketing of several varieties of fruit, although the colony itself, from a number of causes to be herein explained, has not been so successful as was at one time expected. It is sufficient for the present to say that the causes of such disappointment as has been met with in connexion with Mildura are in no way connected with the profitableness of irrigation as a system, or any natural unsuita])leness of the «oil or climate for the purposes originally intended. Founding the Colony. Five years after the agreement was made with the pro- moters, Mr. Stuart Murray, the Chief Engineer of Water Supply, wrote as follows : — " Any account of the progress of irrigation in Victoria that did not take note of Mildura would be incomplete. Tlie Mildura settlement is the scene of the greatest experiment in irrigation yet undertaken here, and the success or failure of irrigation at Mildura would have largely influenced its success or failure throughout the colony. The Government has not invested money in the ( 'liafiFey enter ])rise as it has invested money in the form of loans advanced to trusts, ami in the construction of costly national works in the Goulbnrn Valley, in the Loddon Valley, and throughout the settled jiortions of the dry northern districts : yet it has a distinct CULTIVATING AN ORCHARD. -MiLDURA. GATHERING FRUIT.-Mildura. rio^bt of property in Mildiira in virtne of the concessions it has made to its founders. They liave been given, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions on their part, a block of 50,000 acres of land as a free gift, with a further area of 200,000 acres on very favorable terms. But, more than all, they have had handed over to them a large share of the colony's inheritance in the waters of tlie Murray River — a concession, practically in perpetuity, of so much water as may l)e required for the complete irrigation of this enormous block of 250,000 acres, and for the service of the community of, it may be, 500,000 or more of people that will eventually dwell there. " The agreement between the Victorian Government and the Messrs. Cliaffey was signed in May, 1887, and possession of the property was entered upon on the 4th of August follow- ing. The progress may be briefly summarized as follows : — The present population numbers 4,000, of whom nearly one- half are actually engaged in the clearing, jireparation, and cultivation of the soil, either as land-owners or as workmen. The area of land sold by the Messrs. Chafi'ey is, in round numbers, 17,000 acres, whereof 10,000 have been planted, 500 are under various kinds of annual or green crops, and an additional 3,000 are cleared and ready for cultivation or planting. The remainder are held for future improvement. Of the plantations about two-thirds consist of raisin vines. The others, in the order of their importance, comprise wine grapes, apricots, oranges and lemons, peaches, olives, and other fruits. The expenditure by the Messrs. ChafFey on works for the service of the settlement has been far in excess of that provided for liy their agreement. These comprise eleven pumping plants (ranging from 200 to 1,000 horse- power each), 150 miles of main and 300 miles of secondary and distributing channels (whereof about 3 miles are lined with concrete, made from the local lime), together with syphons, flumes, bridges, and other secondary works. " So much for the extent and character of the settlement and the work done. Now for the results of the work, in its financial and commercial aspects. So far the settlement has been maintained chiefly by the capital brought into it by the settlers themselves and by the expenditure of the firm of Chaffey Brothers and Co. Little of what it has produced has been sold to the outside world. No doubt a material contribution to the support of the settlers has been derived from their own produce. Some of them have earner! a few 184 pounds by growing fodder for the horses employed by the tirm and in other simihir ways, and one or two of the more energetic and enterprising have made a living by su^jplying fruit" and vegetables to their neighbours. But all this con- tributes nothing to the sohition of the main problem. Even the few tons of raisins and dried apricots purchased from the settlers by the firm last year, or the larger quantity pur- chased this year, go but a little way towards soh-ing it. The price the iirm -niHpay for these small lots of first produce is hardly any criterion of what the world will give for the general bulk of the crop, when the whole of the land is under cultivation and the limit of the local market has been reached. It is a fact that, at the present moment, as much as 5d. per lb. may be obtained in Melbourne for first-class samples of colonial-grown cooking raisins, and good currants fetch a price but slighly lower. In the London market, however, good currants are worth no more than Hd. per lb., cooking raisins 2^d., and the best table raisins 7d. The difference between the Melbourne and London prices is due to the import duty of 2d. per lb., the cost of freight, insurance, &c., and the addition of the charges of the merchant and shipper. " The wine industry at Mildura is on a somewhat different footing from the dried-fruit business. Victorian wine may be feirly said to have already found its place among the beverages of the world. Rutherglen and Great Western are not fo well or widely known as Bordeaux and Dijon, but they are undoubtedly in a fiiir way of becoming so. People who drink good wine, and who can afford to pay for what they drink, consume tlie wines of these localities, not because they can get no other, but of choice. They are drunk under their proper titles in England, and to some extent on the continent of Europe ; and there is good reason to believe that they are ustd for blending purposes, or, in other words, for the production of high-priccd French clarets. Vic- torian wine, therefore, may be said to have passed the ordeal. Its price, in competition with other wines of a like class, is established ; and the grower who can live by his vineyard now may assume that he is in possession of a property that will maintain its value, and that will provide a living for himself and his descendants in per]jL'tuity. But Mildura will not produce good wines of tlie claret and Bur- gundy class. Auy attempt to produce these, in its soil and climate, would result in failure. But it will produce good ' 1^1^.1 "* •' ^i'- J^-i 185 wines of another class —heavy-bodied, rich, or fruity red wines, suitable for the manufacture of port or for blendino- with the thinner but more delicately-flavoured dry wines', will do well here. So also probably" will the heavier class of sherries. The results thus far obtained from the vine- yard of Messrs. :\Iurray and Seal, in Deakin-avenue, point to this conclusion ; and there is everv reason to think that the crops will be heavy. The deep "soil, strongly impreo-- nated with lime, the hot sun, and the ever-available wate'r, will insure a large production of must. For high-class brandy Mildura will, in all probability, attain a reputation that will be worth money to vignerons. " It would be hardly possible to speak too highly of the manner in which the Messrs. Chaffey's firm has given efi'ect to their part of the agreement relating to the Mifdura settlement, or the pains they have taken to instruct, guide, and assist the settlers there. It has been such as to entitle' them to all the assistance and support the Government can fairly and lawfully give. The position and j^rospects of the cultivating land-owners is as hopeful and promising as reasonable men will expect. By the outlay of a little capital and a good deal of hard work, the industrious may be as- sured a present livelihood, under conditions that to most will prove agreeable. The future promises competence, independence, fortune, to those who are willing to labour and wait." Progress Suspended. Soon after this date troul.le arose at Mildura. The long period of prosperity in Victoria began to give place to commercial depression. Many banks and other financial institutions failed, and the promoting companv — Chaffey Brothers Limited— which had been lavish in its expenditure began to get into serious difficulties. The income of the company depended largely upon the selling of land in the irrigation colony, and land sales almost entirelv ceased, partly on account of the general depression, and partly owing to serious disputes which arose between the promoters and the settlers. These disputes were continued for a lengthened period, and finally the promoting company was compelled by adverse circumstances to go into liquidation. As the pro- moters were no longer able to perform their functions under the contract the Government was obliged to step in and make arrangements for the proper carrying on of the colony. 186 Careful inquiry was made, the various interests concerned were considered, and an arrangement, which it is expected will be satisfactory, was made under an Act of Parliament passed into law during the year 1897, The New ARRANfiEMEXT. Under the Act of 1897 the affairs of Mildura are carried on by the irrigation trust which is elected by the settlers, and possesses the necessary rating powers. The Government of Victoria assists the trust with a sum of £40,700, and if necessary, with an additional £2,000 per annum for five years. Settlers had, in many instances, mortgaged their holdings, and the promoting company had issued del>ertures. Under this arrangement mortgagees have been required to reduce the rate of interest, and advance to the trust the sum of £l.oOo, while the debenture-holders are required to advance £2,500, and expend upon planting and improving property a further sum of £7,500 within five years. The various sums provided are for putting the channels in proper repair, keeping the pumps going, and generally securing the successful carrying out of the original scheme. The financial troubles of the promoters, the necessity of making these arrangements, and the delays which have necessarily taken place have seriously interfered with the progress of the settlement, and caused great loss and disappointment to settlers, but under the new arrangements it is hoped and expected that Mildura will soon enter upon another era of prosperity. The Future of Mildura, If ]\Iildura's j^rogress had been checked by any disappoint- ing results of irrigation or fruit-growing there would be less hope of a successful future for the settlement. As it is those who are best acquainted with the resources of the settlement are the most hopeful of its future. The returns from the irrigated orchards and vineyards have exceeded expectations both as to quantity and quality. One source of local dis- appointment must ])e mentioned, and that is the discovery tliat there are limited jiatches of alkaline soil which has jtroved to be unsuital)le for various fruits, es])ecially fruits of the citrus family. It was not until irrigation had been carried on for some time and the application of water had brought the silt from an underground stratum that this defect was discovered. The area of such soil, however, is comparatively limited, and the indications of alkaline 187 deposits are now well known, so that further loss is not likely to be sustained from this cause. Such hinds will in future he avoided by jdanters ; the>- will be devoted to tlie growing of cereal and fodder crops, and there is a very large area availalde for extending the orchards and vine- yards. The yields of fruit as has been said have exceeded expectations, and all qualified judges who have seen the fruit have spoken of them in the highest terms. A railway connecting Mildura with Melbourne, Ballarat, Bendigo, and other large towns is necessary to insure the success of the settlement. It was expected by the first settlers that a railway would soon be constructed, but soon after the period of colonial depression the proposal to make this line was indefinitely postponeth Recently, however, the matter has been again receiving public attention, and the Government are now seriously inquiring into the prospects of such a line proving remunerative. Tliere is a growing opinion among public men that a railway to Mildura cannot be much longer delayed, and there is no doubt that railway communication would give a great impetus to the settle- ment. New-comers to Victoria, who may intend entering upon fruit-growing, would do well to see Mildura l^efore settlmg down. Owing to the check which this settlement has met with, planted orchards and vineyards in full bearing can be purchased much cheaper than they are ever likely to be again, and investors who avoid the small patches of alkaline land already described have good prospects of doing well. 188 FLOCKS AND HERDS. The keeping" of live stock may be considered the pioneering- branch of Victorian agricultnre, for it was as pastures for flocks and herds that the fertile lands of the colony were first occupied. The rich natural pastures, and the genial climate of the I'ort Philli}) district, attracted pastoralists from the adjacent island of Tasmania and the more northern portion of New South Wales, and the occupation of the country for grazing purposes led to the discovery of gold with its influx of po})ulation, and the introduction of the various branches of agricultiu-e. At first stock-raising was carried on upon large divisions of country called " runs," which were leased from the Crown, and afterwards when a great portion of the land was alienated large estates were acquired, upon which the grazing of sheep, cattle, and horses were carried on, while the keeping of live stock also became an important feature of the farming system adopted by settlers who acquired smaller holdings. In the colony, therefore, we have the breeding of sheep and cattle as a separate industry, as well as a dei)artment of general farming. Owing to the excel- lence of the natural pastures and the mild climate, grazing has from the beginning continued to be highly profitable, the small amount of labour involved having been a favor- able condition where wages have always been high. Sheep. The merino wools of Victoria (first known as Port Phillip) are the finest in the world. Mr. G. A. Brown, author of The Merino Sheep in Australia, writes as follows upon the introduction of the merino into the colony : — " Victoria, under the old name of Port Phillip, was the first of the Australian Colonies to demonstrate to the world that merino wool of the exceptional fineness, length of staple, softness, and lusti-e could be grown in large quantities on the wide pasture lands. For nearly half-a-century the wool produced by the famous flocks of Victoria has held a foremost place in the estimation of European manufacturers, and has always realized the highest prices in the markets of Europe. Though great strides have been made by the flock-masters in the other Australasian Colonies, Victoria still holds her pride of place in the front rank. The advantage that Victoria possesses over other pastoral lands in the production of merino wool, of the highest quality, is in a measure due to 189 the skill of her flock-masters ; but it must be admitted that the beauty of Victorian wool is maiuly o\vin<2^ to the climate and pastures of the country. In summer the heat as measured by the thermometer is very f^reat, but such is the character of the atmosphere that Europeans can work under the blazing- sun, and in the greatest heat, without injury to their health. In winter the cold is never excessive ; snow is seldom seen save on the highest mountains. Frosts are frequent, but not so severe as to injure the stock, and the sharjDest frost is dissipated before the sun is a couple of hours high. The climate much resembles that in which the merino flocks were reared in their old home in the Spanish Peninsula, when they passed the summer in the mountains of Moutanat, the winter on the plains of Estremadura. By some people it has been thought that in this peculiarity of climate lies the secret of the beauty of Victorian merino wool." The Land of the Golden Fleece. " Victoria," says the same authority, " has been justly called the land of the golden fleece, for it is her golden fleeces that have brought wealth to the country more than any other industry. This colony is another illustration of the truth of the old Spanish proverb — ' Sheep have golden feet, and whenever the print of their footstep is seen the land is turned to gold.' The originals of the Victorian merino flocks were obtained from the mother colony of New South Wales and from the adjacent island of Tasmania. The country was for- tunate in having for its first inhabitants men having sufficient skill, backed up by a fair amount of capital, to secure the finest sheep in both colonies. It is, however, to Tasmanian flocks that the best Victorian studs trace their origin, and even now rams from the island flocks are highly prized, and realize very high prices at the annual ram fairs held in Melbourne. The first to introduce sheep into Victoria were the Messrs. Henty, who sailed fi'om Launceston in 1834, and settled down near Portland, now a small town on the coast of Victoria. These gentlemen were not only the. first to introduce sheep in Victoria, but they were the first colonists who set foot in the land. To Mr. T. Henty and his sons Australia is greatly indebted for the introduction of merino sheep of the highest class. The flock was formed in Eng- land, towards the end of the last century, with pure merinos obtained from the flock kept by H.M. George III. The following notice of this flock appears in Thos. W. Horsefield's 190 History of Sussex : — 'In the year 1796. Thomas Henty, Esq., purchased the demesne lands in this parish (West Tarringj, consisting of 281 acres The breed of merino sheep has been brought by Mr. Henty to great perfection, and from his flock many have been sent to New South Wales.* Mr. Henty took first prizes wherever he exhibited liis sheep in England, till at last he became an exhibitor merely for honour, being barred from taking prizes on account of the immeuse superiority of his sheep over those of any other flock in Great Britain. This flock wandered a long distance before it rested in its final home in the west of Victoria. A portion was shipped to Western Australia in 1829 in charge of two of Mr. Henty's sons ; but. finding the sheep did not thrive, they shipped them on board the Cornrcallis and sailed for Tasmania, where they were joined l)y their father with the rest of the flock. Being- unable to obtain the grant of land he was led to expect on leaving England, Mr. Henty sailed for the mainland of Australia, and took up his residence at Portland Bay, in what was then an unknown land. Sheep from Mr. Henty's flock have been used in many of the old and most famous studs of Victoria ; but the flock itself, owing to bad manage- ment and neglect, has been entirely lost. "Another source whence early Victorian colonists obtained merino sheep was at the annual sales held by the Van Diemen's Laud Company. This company was formed in 1827 with the imtriotic object of relieving England from dependence upon foreign countries for a supply of fine wool. The company imported all descriptions of stock into Tas- mania, and in one year expended £3U,UU0 in the purchase of merino sheep from the best flocks in Germany. Many pri- vate individuals in those days imported Saxon merinos, and of their produce a fair share of the finest specimens found their way across the straits to the rising young colony of Port Phillip. From New South Wales some good sheep were obtained, but almost the only flock of any note was the celebrated Camden flock, established by Captain Macarthur in 1797 with a few pure merinos imported from the Cape of Good Hope. These were the first merinos ever brought to Australia. The only sheep added to this flock were a few purchaseeyond previous limits. The extensive wool stores of Melbourne are amongst the promi- nent features of the city, and during recent years large quantities of this wool have been sold in the colony, buyers from all parts of the world attending the local sales in order to obtain sup])lies at first hand. Fi'om 60 per cent, to 70 l)er cent, of the colony's wool jiroduct is now disposed of at the local sales. The possiliilitics of increasing production being considerable, it is likely that exj)orts of wool will increase and that this staple will maintain its place among the leading contributors to the sum of the colony's wealth. Light Horses. The first need of the pastoral settlers who occupied the extensive grazing hinds of the colony Avas ibr riding horses, and this need was supplied by the importation of thorough- Ijred stock from England. In the earlier times of the V.K) colony racing- was established as t\w. most popular amuse- ment, and tlie liacks used in doing the ])ioneering work of the colony soon became renuirkable for speed and endurance. A liking for good horses thus easily established has been maintained through all subsequent changes. The meetings of the Victoria Racing Club, at the Flemington course, near Melbom-ne, have become national events, and racing is a popular sport in all the country districts, while the importa- tion and breeding of thoroughbred horses receive a large share of attention in all parts of the colony. Light driving horses are much used in colonial life, and their breeding is an important branch of rural industry. During recent years the American trotting horse has been introduced, while ponies of all kinds, which have long been represented, are becoming more numerous. The principal outside market is the Indian army, and to this Victoria sends large numbers of remounts and artillery horses. Dkaught Hoeses. The discovery of gold and the introduction of agriculture caused a demand for draught horses, and colonists from tlie first showed a preference for good animals. Importations of high-class stallions and mares from Scotland and Eng- land were at once introduced, and systematic breeding was introduced, the standard having been continuously raised by fresh importations. Local conditions proving highly favor- able, the early breeders were successful, and they have been followed by increasing numbers of imitators, so that Vic- toria has not only been able to supply its own requirements, but has sent large numl)ers of draught horses to the neigh- bouring colonies. English bred horses are represented in the colony, but the more popular breed is the Clydesdale. There have been fluctuations in the values of good draught horses, but on the whole the business of the breeder has been a profitable one, while owing largely to the demand created by the mining development in Western Australia the pros- pects at the present time are highly encouraging. The number of horses of all kinds in the colonv increased from 180,342 in 1873 to 431,547 in 1894. Cattle. In the pioneer days of the colony cattle increased so rapidly, and the consumi)tion of the limited po})ulation was so small, that large numbers of the stock had to be boiled 1359. N l'.»4 down for the tallow, which, with hides, constituted an exportable product. This state of things was changed by the influx of population which followed the discovery of gold, and cattle-raising became a profitable industry. Settlers fi'om the first believed in keejiing good stock, so that the Shorthorn and Herefords were introduced at an early date. The Shorthorn herd retained the most perma- nent hold of public favoiu-, and in the 70"s there was a " Shorthorn boom " in Victoria, dm-iug which as high as 4,00U guineas was given for an imported " Duchess "" bull and 2,0U< » guineas for a locally bred heifer. A period of low prices followed, and several of the best herds were broken up, resulting in stock animals of the first quality being widely distributed over the colony. A nimiber of first-class stud herds have been retained, and the general stock of the country has been more gTaded up, while Victoria continues to do a good business in stud animals with some of the other colonies. There are pure herds of Herefords and Polled Angus cattle, with a few Devons ; but the Shorthorn is the most popular of the beef-producing breeds. In 1873 the cattle of the colony numbered 883.763, and there was from that date a gradual increase, reaching 1,833,900 in 1894. Dairy Cattle. The jx)pular milking breeds of cattle, viz., Ayrshires and Jerseys, were introduced at an early date by the importation of pure stud animals, and since the recent extension of dairying the numbers have greatly increased while Holsteins and Kerries have been added. By the use of these herds the ordinary cross-bred dairy herds of the colony are being improved, but it cannot be claimed that the average milking qualities of the dairpng cattle are satisfactory. Dairying has increased too rapidly for the breeding of the Ijest kind of cows to keep pace with the demand. Breeding, liowever, is receiving some attention, and the use of the milk tester will enable our dairymen in a few years to produce a more profitable class of stock. That dairying should have jiroved highly remunerative by the use of the ordinary stock of the country before breeding for the special purpose could be carried out, gives an indication of the liberal margin of profit possessed hx the industry. The retin-ns for 1896 show a total of 462,578 cows on dairy farms, and 217,930 calves. f/%, « ^'4 CO 111 > _l < o Ll O Q. o en o o^ «^\y iro' fw'Si^Ss 3 Y^Pi^'"iiiiiiiiiii!rfifil I UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 004 149 9