A A 4 = b = ? = JlLii— TO 8 m 6 = ■& 3 = =^= O — -c 4 — '.J ',&!,; 1^v University of Calilorma Southern Regional Library Facility LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE AMERICAN OCCUPATION OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1898-1903 BY APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER Reprinted from the List of Books (with references to periodicals) on the Philippine Islands 1903 With some additions to 1905 11 an 19 ■ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 J > i » » > * J , > » * t > i > J > J < > > ' » * » » » . » » L. C. card, 5-20003. 2> 0013^ c?V3 3 « • • • • PREFATORY NOTE As indicated on the title page, this is a reprint from plates of pages 145-1T7, 183-226 of the "'List of books on the Philippine Islands," which were devoted to the American occupation of the Philippine Islands. There have been a few changes, namely, the addition of a few of the more important Government documents and of articles in periodicals published subsequentl}^ to the issue of the original list. The list is issued to meet requests for titles on the policy of expan- sion in the acquisition of the Philippines. For convenience a short list of pros and cons on the subject of expan- sion is given on pages 90-91. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bihllographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Waskmgton, D. 6*1, February 17^ 1905 3 PHILIPPIlSrE ISLANDS AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903 See also United States Government Documents Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio. Kesena veridica de la revolucion filipina. Reim- presa por orden del Sr. A. Guevara, jefe superior militar interino. Impr. ''La Bicolana," Nueva Cdceres, 1899. 35, {1) pp. 24°. American chamber of commerce. Resolutions of American chamber of com- merce at Manila. Feb. 3, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. {U. S. 57th Congress, 1st session, House document no. 351. ) Ames, Charles Henry. Good cheer in the Philippines. [Boston, 1902]. 11 pp. 24°. Cover-title. " Reprinted from The Congregationalist of April 5, 1902." Andrews, E. Benjamin. History of the United States from the earliest discovery of America to the end of 1902. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1903. {2), 427 pp. Illustrations. Por- traits. 12°. The Philippines, pp. 258-300. The Anti-imperialist, v. 1, no. 1-6, June, 1899-Oct., 1900. Brookline, Afass.: E. Atkinson [1899-1900']. 1 vol. 8°. Ceased publication with the number for Oct., 1900. Atkinson, Edward. The cost of a national crime. Paper, prepared by Edward Atkinson, entitled "The cost of a national crime — the hell of war and its penalties," as bearing upon the future increase of pensions growing out of the late war with Spain. January 27, 1899. 34 pp. 8°. {U. S. 55th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 8:2.) Criminal aggression: by whom committed? An inquiry by Edward Atkinson, Brookline, Mass., February 22, 1899. A sequel to I. The cost of a national crime; II. The hell of war and its penalties. March 1, 1899. 13 pp. 8°, ( U. S. 55th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 163. ) Baldwin, Simeon E. The constitutional questions incident to the acquisition and government by the United States of island territories. (In American historical association. Annual report, 1898, pp. 313-343. ■ Washington, 1899.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The new Pacific. New York: The Bancroft company, 1900. iv, {2), 738 pp. Map. 8°. Philippine archipelago and Asiatic isles, pp. 566-582. Barrett, John. The Philippine islands and America's interests in the Far East. An address delivered before the Shanghai general chamber of commerce, January 12th, 1899, together with extracts from addresses delivered before the Oriental society of Tokio and the Odd volumes society of Hongkong. [Hongkong: Printed by Kelly & Walsh, 1899.] (4), 65 pp. 8°. Bellairs, Edgar G. As it is in the Philippines. New York: Lewis, Scribner & co., 1902. :vi, {3), [111-263 pp. Plates. Por- traits. 12°. 5 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Volkerpsychologisches in der Philippinenfrage. Berlin: Gebruder Paetel, \_1899'\. 234-241 pp. 8°. Separatabdruck. Deutsche Rundschau, 25. Jahr., Heft 8, Mai 1899. Bonsai, Stephen, ed. The golden horseshoe. Extracts from the letters of Capt. H. L. Ilerndon, of the 21st U. S. infantry, on duty in the Philippine islands, and Lieut. Lawrence Gill, A. D. C. to the military governor of Puerto Rico, with a postscript by J. Sherman, private, Co. D, 21st infantry. Neiv York: The Macmillan company, 1900. xi, (1), 316 pp. 12°. The editor states that these letters are authentic, with names changed only. Bourne, Henry E. Lessons from the recent history of European dependencies. (/n American historical association. Annual report;, 1898, pp. 301-312. Washington, 1899.) Brandis, Adolph von. Philippines military memorandum book and map. ,1. von Brandis, New York, 1901. xl, 60, {1) leaves. Folded, map. 16°. Bride, Charles Louis Marie. La guerre hispano-americaine de 1898. Avec de nom- breux croquis dans le texte. Paris: R. Chapelot et cie, 1899. (2), 275 pp. Maps. 8°. Les Am^ricains i Manille, pp. 157-177: La chute de Manilla, pp. 240-256. Bryan, William Jennings, and others. Republic or empire? The Philippine ques- tion. Chicago: The Independence compawi, 1899. [2), 762 pp. Portraits. Plates. 8°. ConsLsts of speeches, etc., in opposition to expansion by W. J. Bryan, Andrew Carnegie, J. B. Weaver, B. R. Tillman. George G. Vest, George F. Hoar, S. M. White, Samuel Gompers, Charles Francis Adams, Arthur P. Gorman, Henry M. Teller, George F. Edmunds, Marion Butler, A. E. Stevenson, David Starr Jordan, W. V. Allen, Chas. A. Towne, Carl Schurz, J. W. Daniel, Henry Van Dyke, H. D. Money, W. E. Mason, H. R. Chilton, A. O. Bacon, George W. Turner, J. McLaurin, A. S. Clay, H. U. John- son, J. G. Carlisle, J. L. Spalding, G. C. Lorimer, J. L. Barton, H. C. Potter, Geo. P. Fisher, T. J. Conaty, Daniel Merrlman. Also the following documents: No imperialism should be recognized, by Dr. Thomas J. Conaty; Success as a missionary nation, by Rev. Daniel Merriman: McEnery and Bacon resolutions; The gospel of force, Bertrand Shadwell. Appendix— Protocol of agreement; Treaty of peace; Letter of Admiral Dewey; Aguinaldo's proclamation- dictatorial; Aguinaldo's establishment of revolutionary government; Message of the I'resident of the Philippine revolution. State correspondence; Aguinaldo to the President; Aguinaldo to Mr. Williams. Bryan, William S., ed. Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pen- cil. Introduced by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, United States Army; with special descriptive matter and narratives by Jose de Olivares. Embracing perfect photographic and descriptive representations of the people and the islands lately acquired from Spain, including Hawaii and the Philippines. The N. D. Thompson publishing co. , St. Louis, [etc. ] , 1899-1900. 24 pts. Illus- trations. Colored plates. Photographs. Maps. F°. Buel, J. W., and Marcus J. Wright. Our late wars; Spain and our new possessions. De luxe library ed. [Wmhington, D. C: American history society, 1900.} 474 pp. Plates. 8°. {Library of American history.) The Philippine Islands, pp. 268-137. Bujac, E. Precis de quelques campagnes contemporaines. IV. La guerre hispano- americaine. Paris: Henri Charles-Lavauzelle. 420 pp. Folded map. Charts. 8°. CONTENTS. La qu&stion cubaine; L' insurrection de 1895-98; Prolegomfenes diplomatiques; Les bellig6rantes; Le theatre de la guerre; Les Philippines; Santiago-de-Cuba; Puerto- Rico; La fin de la guerre. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 7 The Bureau of non-Christian tribes for the Philippine islands. David J. Bar- rows, Chief of Bureau. Circular of inforuiation; instructions for volunteer field workers; the museum of ethnology; natural history and commerce. Manila, 1901. 16 lip. 8°. Burguete, Ricardo. La guerra! Filipinas. Memorias de un herido. Barcelona: Casa Editorial Maucci, 1902. 239 ])p. Illustrations {woodcuts) . 12°. Butler, Charles Henry. Our treaty with Sj)ain; triumphant diplomacy. Annotated by Charles Henry Butler. Washington law book company, Wa.shington, D. C, 1898. 64 pp. 8°. Callahan, James Morton. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1901. 177 pp. 8°. {Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and 2iolitical science. Series 19, nos. 1-3.) "Occupation of the Philippines," pp. 149-155. Cervera y Topete, Pascual. The Spanish-American war. A collection of docu- ments relative to the squadron operations in the West Indies, arranged by rear-admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete. Translated from the Spanish. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 165 pp. 8°. ( U. S. Office of naval intelligence. War notes, no. 7. Information from abroad. ) Chetwood, John. Manila or Monroe doctrine. Robert Lewis Weed company, New York, [1898]. 52 pp. 12°. Pp. 25-34. Europe as a factor at Manila. Pp. 38-45. Questions of duty at Manila. Pp. 45-52. The opportunities at Manila. Church, A. M., ed. Picturesque Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. A photographic panorama of our new possessions. Published by Mast, Croivell & Kirkimtrick, Springfield, OJiio, [1898']. 121 pp. Illustrations in text. 4°. "The Philippines," pp. 107-121. Concas y Palau, Victor M. The squadron of Admiral Cervera. Translated from the Spanish. Washington: Government printiiig office, 1900. 117 j^p. 8°. {U.S. Office of naval intelligence. War notes, no. 8. Information from abroad.) Condict, Alice Byram. Old Glory and the gospel in the Philippines. Notes gath- ered during professional and missionary work. Fleming H. Revell company, Chicago, [etc.] 1902. 124 pi^. Portraits. Plates. 12°. Gopeland, Thomas Campbell. American colonial handbook. A ready reference book of facts and figures, historical, geographical, and commercial, about Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Hawaii, and Guam. Funk & Wagnalls company. New York and London, 1899. 180, {1) pp. Maps. 12°. "The Philippines," pp. 105-137, Crafts, Wilbur F., and others. Protection of native races against intoxicants and opium based on testimony of one hundred missionaries and travelers. Fleming H. Revell company, Chicago, etc., [1900]. 288, {!) pp. Portraits. Illustrations. Maps. 12°. Philippines, pp. 187-214. Craig, George C. The American victories before Manila. {In Military service institution of the United States. Journal, vol. 26, pp. 26-48. Governor's island, 1900.) 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Daily, John Wesley. The Philippine islands, their number, aggregate area, and population. Origin, discovery, location, latitude, climate, soil, [etc.] C. C. Daily publishing company, Boston, 1898. 4o pp. 12°. Davis, Oscar King. Our conquests in the Pacific. Illustrated. Xeu- Yorlc: Frederick A. Stokes company, {1899']. iv, 352 j^P- 12°. Dean, John Marvin. The cross of Christ in Bolo-Land. Fleming H. Bevell company, Chicago, [etc.], 1902. {2), 233 pp. Plates. 8°. El Defensor de Filipinas: organo libre de los Filipinos. Madrid: Ano I, nos. 1-4. July 1, 1901-Oct. 1, 1901. 8°. All published. Continuation of " Filipinas ante Europa." La Democracia. Daily. Manila: July, 1901-1903. Received regularly. [Dewing', .1.] .Vmerican and oriental series. Manila and the Philippine islands. Sixteen or more pictures in each number, with descriptive text. 1898: The J. Dewing company, San Francisco. 2 nos. Illustrations. Obi. 8°. Doherty, David Jessup. Medicine and disease in Philippines. Chicago, [1900]. 20pp. 12°. " Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association, June 16, 1900." [Donnelly, Thomas F.] Nociones de historia de los Estados Unidos. Con ilustra- ciones. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: American book company, [1900]. 286, 24 pp. 12°. Contains " Suplemento. Los Filipinos y su historia." 24 pp. Dotter, George C. The Philippines through a camera. Los Angeles, Cal.: [Kingsle y- Barnes & Neuner co.], 1899. {2) pp. 189 plates. Obi. 16°. Collection of photographs. Driscoll, Katherine E. A story from the Philippines. The Abbey press, Neiv York, 1902. {6), 75 pp. Plates. 8°. Ellicott, John M. Effect of the gun fire of the United States vessels in the battle of Manila bay (May 1, 1898). Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 13 pp. 8°. {U.S. Office naval intelligence. War notes, no. 5. Information from abroad.) Esty, Thomas Bruce. Views of the American press on the Philippines. E-sty A Esty, Xeiv York, 1899. 68, (2) pp. 16°. Everett, Marshall, ed. Exciting experiences in our wars with Spain and the Fili- pinos. Official autograph edition. 1899: Book publishers' union, Chicago, III. 415, {33) pp. Illustrations. 4°. Facts about the Filipinos. See The Philippine review. Faust, Karl Irving. Campaigning in the Philippines. San Francisco: The Hicks- Judd company, 1899. rii, {1), 314 pp. Illustrations {photogravures). Maps. 8°. Filipinas ante Europa: organo defensor de aquel pueblo. Illustrated. Madrid: Ano 1-IIL Nov. 25, 1899-Jiine 10, 1901. F° . All published. Continued as "El defensor de Filipinas." Fisher, Horace N. Principles of colonial government adapted to the present needs of Cuba and Porto Rico and of the Philippines. Boston: L. C. Page and company, 1899. 56 pp. 8°. The Philippines, pp. 30-51. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 9 Fiske, Amos K. The story of the ThiUppines. A popuhir account of the islands from their discovery by INIagellan to the capture by Dewey. New York: The Army and navy illustrated, 1898. vi, [2), 158 pp. Illustrations. Folded map. 8°. Ford, John D. An American cruiser in the East; travels and studies in the Aleutian islands, Behring's sea, eastern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Formosa, and the Philippine islands. With numerous illustrations and three maps. Portrait. New York: A. S. Barnes and company, 1898. xiii, (7), 468pp. 8°. " Manila," pp. 417-431; "The Philippines," pp. 432-440. , Foster, John W. American diplomacy in the Orient. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 190.3. xiv, {2), 498 pp. 8°. The Philippines, pp. 6, 401-107, 438. Freeman, Needom N. A soldier in the Philippines. F. Tennyson Neely CO., New York, London, [1901}. {2), 106 pp. 12 o Garcia Ageo, Gabriel. Memorandum on the Chinese in the Philippines. {In United States. Philippine commission. Report Jan. 31, 1900, vol. 2, pp. 432-415. Washington, 1900. 8°.) George, Marian M. A little journey to the Philippine Islands. For intermediate and upper grades. Chicago: A. Flanagan company. 102, {1) pp. Illustrations in text. 12°. {The plan-hook series, vol. 4, no. 4- ) Gomez Nunez, Severo. The Spanish-American war. Blockades and coast defense. Translated from the Spanish. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 120 pp. Maps. 8°. {U. S. Office of naval intelligence. War notes, no. 5. Information from abroad. ) Greater America. The latest acquired insular possessions. 1900: Perry Mason company, Boston. (4), 189 pp. Illustrations. 12°. In the Philippines: pp. 65-128. Griffis, William Elliot. America in the East. A glance at our history, prospects, problems, and duties in the Pacific ocean. New York: A. S. Barnes and company, 1899. x, (2), 244 pp- Plates. 12°. Halstead, Murat. Aguinaldo and his captor. The life mysteries of Emilio Agui- naldo and adventures and Achievements of General Funston. Historical stories of two memorable men. Cincinnati: The Halstead publishing company, 1901. 4S7 pp. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. 8°. Our new possessions. Natural riches, industrial resources ... of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, the Ladrones, and the Philippine islands, with epi- sodes of their early history. Chicago: The Dominion co., 1898. 400pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8°. Issued simultaneously also under the title " The story of the Philippines." The story of the Philippines. Natural riches, industrial resources, statistics of productions, commerce and population; the laws, habits, customs, scenery, and conditions of the Cuba of the East Indies and the thousand islands of the archipelagoes of India and Hawaii, with episodes of their 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Halstead, Murat. The story of the Vhilip-pines—Cordinued. early history. Events of the war in the West with Spain, and the con- quest of Cuba and Porto Rico. [adcago:] Our possessions publishing co., [1898]. 400 pp. Plates. Por- traits. 8°. Identical with " Our new possessions." Hamm, Margherita ArUna. Manila and the Philippines. F. Tenniison Neebj, London, New York, [1898']. 218 pp. Photographs. 13°. Based on letters written for newspapers from Manila. Harden, Edward W. Report on the financial and industrial condition of the Philip- pine i^ilands. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 34 pp- 8°. {U.S. 55th Con- gress, 3d session. Senate document no. 169. ) Haslam, Andrew J. Forty truths and other truths. An interesting publication on the life of a soldier in the Philippine islands; also touching on the life and habits of the Tagalos. Manila: The Philippine publishing CO., 1900. 187 pp. Plates {woodcuts) . 8°. Hoar, George Frisbie. "Before everything — liberty." Our duty to the Philippines. A letter reprinted from the "Springfield Republican," January 11, 1900. Publi.'^hed by the New England Anti-imperialist league, 1900. 15 pp. 12°. Letter, March 29, 1899 (to a citizen of Massachusetts [George S. Boutwell] on the Philippine policy). [Boston']: Published by the Anti-imperialist league, 1899. 14 pp. 12°. No vassal states. No subject people. Speech before the Republicans of Wor- cester, November 1, 1898. [Worcester, 1898]. 4 pp. 8°. Our duty to the Philippines. From the Independent, New York, November 9, 1899. [New York: 1899.] 8pp. Sm. 4° ■ A question of conscience. Letter to the editor of the Boston Herald, January 2, 1900. [Washington: 1900.] 11pp. 8°. No title-page. Caption title. Same as " ' Before everything — liberty.' Our duty to the Philippines." In the Philippines: A part of Greater America. Selections from the Youth's Companion. 1900: Perry Mason company, Boston. 64 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Jacobsen, Hermann. Sketches from the Spanish-American war, by Commander J. . . . Translated from the German. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 2 parts. Maps. 8°. ( U. S. Office of naval intelligence. War notes, no. 3, 4- Information from abroad. ) Jardine, ,S'(V John. The Indian civil service as a model for Cuba and the Philippines. {In Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review, 3d ser., vol. 7, Apr., 1899, pp. 225-241. Woking. ) Jordan, David Starr. Imperial democracy. A study of the relation of government by the people, equality before the law, and other tenets of democracy, to the demands of a vigorous foreign policy and other demands of imperial dominion. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1899. iz, {1), 293 ]>p. 12°. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 11 Jordan, David Starr. Imperial democracy — Continued. CONTENTS. "Leat we forget;" Colonial expansion; A blind man's holiday (U.S. in the Philip- pines); The colonial lessons of Alaska; The lessons of the Paris tribunal of arbitra- tion; A continuing city; The captain sleeps (President McKinlcy); The last of the Puritans (John Brown). "The present volume contains eight addresses bearing on the policy of the United States, especially concerning the war with Spain and its results." The controlling idea of these addresses is opposition to the expansion of the United States by acquisition of the Philippines. The question of the Philippines. An address delivered before the Graduate club of Leland Stanford Junior University on Feb. 14, 1899. Palo Alto, California: Printed for the Graduate Club, 1899. 65, {!) pj). 8°. Justicia. Weekly. Manila, P. I.: 1902. Vol. 1, nos. 1-33. Mar., 1902-Nov., 1902. 4°. Kidd, Benjamin. The control of the tropics. New York: The Macmillan co., 1898. {4), 101 pp. 12°. "Lays down in the light of historical experience, the true administrative principles upon which the United States should proceed in V^e practical work of making itself useful in the Philippines and in dealing successfully with the West Indies." Enapp, Adeline. The story of the Philippines; for use in the schools of the Philip- pine islands. Silver, Burdette and company, New York, [etc.], 1902. 250 pp. Illustrations. Frontisjnete. Maps. 12°. Leonidas, Marion. Private Smith at the Philippines. 1899: Franklin printing and publishing co., [Hammond, Ind.}. 216 pp. Illustrations. 8°. Leslie's official history of the Spanish-American war. A pictorial and descriptive record of the Cuban rebellion, the causes that involved the United States, and a complete narrative of our conflict with Spain on land and sea; sup- plemented with fullest information respecting Cuba, Porto Eico, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Compiled from the official records at Wash- ington. [New York, 1899]. 612, {2) pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Maps. F°. Lodg-e, Henry Cabot. The war with Spain. Illustrated. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1900. ix, 288 pp. Plates. 8°. Manila, pp. ■15-67; The blockade of Manila, pp. 191-220. Long, S. S. A few short notes on the administration of the United States army in the Philippines. [In United service institution in India. Journal, vol. 28, pp. 129-138. Simla, 1899.) Reprinted in Military service institution of the United States. Journal, vol. 25, July, 1899, pp. 125-135. Maclay, Edgar Stanton. A history of the United States navy from 1775 to 1902. New and enlarged edition. Vol. 3. Illustrated. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1902. xxii, 537 pp. Plates. Maps in text. 8°. Americans in the Far East, pp. 135-146; Sailing for Manila, pp. 147-170; Battle of May first, pp. 171-188; The second round, pp. lS)-200; After the battle, pp. 201-212; Dewey's place in history, pp. 213-225; Dewey's final acts in the Philippines, pp. 425-432; Recent operations in the East, pp. 433-440. McEinley, William. Messages, proclamations, and executive orders relating to the Spanish-American war. ( Jw Richardson, J. D. A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897, vol. 10, pp. 123-223. Washington, 1899. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d sess., House mis. doc. 210, pt. 10.) 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. McManus, Joseph. Soldier life in the Philippines, being a series of stories and articles accurately portraying the varied experiences of an American soldier in service in the Philippines. Press of liiverside printing company, Milwaukee, [1900'] . 176 pp. Illustrations. S°. ' Mag-con, C'harles E. Report on the legal status of the territory and inhabitants of the islands ac(}uired by the United States during the war with Spain, con- sidered with reference to the territorial boundaries, the constitution, and laws of the United States. Washington: Government priiiting office. 72 pp. 8°. {U.S. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 234. ) Reports on the law of civil government in territory subject to military occu- pation by the military forces of the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 808 pp. 8°. Manila American. Daily. Manila: Jan., 1900-1 90S. Received regularly. Manila Freedom. Daily. Manila: .fan., 1900-1903. Received regularly. March, Alden. The history and conquest of the Philippines and our other island possessions, embracing our war with the Filipinos in 1899, together with a complete history of those islands from the earliest times to the present. John C. Winston & co., Philadelphia, Chicago, Toronto [1899']. xxii, 25-498 pp. Plates. Map. 4°- Philippines, pp. 25-250. Markey, Jt)seph Ignacius. From Iowa to the Philippines; a history of company ]M, Fifty-first Iowa infantry volunteers. Red Oak, lotva: The Thos. D. Murphy co., 1900. 320 pp. Illustrations. Por- traits. 8°. Mead, Edwin Doak. The two Englands and their lessons for America. Boston, 1900. 24 pp. 8°. "Reprinted from New England magazine, October, 1899." Millet, Francis Davis. The expedition to the Philippines. New York and London: Harper <£• brothers, 1899. x, (2), 275 pp. Plates. Photograimres. 8°. Morris, Charles. Our island empire. A handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philij)pir;e islands. /. B. Lippinr.olt company, Philadelphia, 1899. xii, 7-488 pp. Maps. 12°. "The Philippine Islands," pp. 323^72. The war with Spain. A complete history of the war of 1898 between the United States and Spain. With maps and illustrations. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott company, 1899. 383 pp. Plates. 12°. The sea fight at Manila, pp. 150-169; The siege at Manila, pp. 361-374. Mowry, William A. The territorial growth of the United States. Silver, Burdette and company. New York, [etc.], [1902]. vii, (i), 237 pp. Maps. 12°. "The Philippine Islands," pp. 208-219. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 13 Musick, John R. History of the war with Spain. With a complete record of ita causes, with incidents of tlie strugt^le for suprematiy in the Western hem- isphere. Fully illustrated. New York: J. S. Ogilvie publishing company, \^1898']. v, («"), ^68 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Accounts of the war in the Philippines are to bo found, pp. 13.'S-15S, 195-217, 303-321, 411-424. My boys in the tropics. (Illustrated. ) Containing sixty-three engravings of inter- esting scenes and incidents relative to the war in the Philippine islands. Published by tlie My boys publishing company, San Francisco, Cal., \_1901^. 127 pp. Illustrations. Ohl. 24° . Printed on one side of leaf only. An album of illustrations, with no text beyond the captions for the pictures. Neely, Frederick Tennyson. Fighting in the Philippines. Authentic original pho- tographs. F. Tennyson Neely, London, \_etc.'\, 1899. {160) pj). Illustrations. Obi. 24°. Neely' s color photos of America's new possessions. 1899, F. Tennyson Neely, New York, [e/c.]. 63, {8) pp. Plates. Obi. 16°. Noyes, Theodore W. Conditions in the Philippines. Editorial correspondence of the Evening Star, Washington, D. C, Jan. 1, 1900-June 27, 1900. 91 pp. Plates. 8°. (f/. S. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 432.) OUero, Andres F. Teatro de la guerra. Descripcion geografica, historica, estadis- tica, militar y man'tima de las islas de Cabo- Verde, la Martinica, Puerto- Rico, Cuba, Filipinas y los Estados-Unidos. [Madrid, 1898.'] 45, {2) pp. Folded map. 8°. Cover-title. " Islas Filipinas," pp. 29-33. Packard, Robert L. Education in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. I. Cuba and Porto Rico. II. The Philippines. [In United States. ' ureau of education. Report of the Commissioner for the year 1297=987 vol, 1^ patt i , chapter 20, pp. 909-983. Washington, 1899. ) Philippines, pp. 968-983, with bibliography. Education in the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and Samoa. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 1595-1659 pp. 8°. {U. S. Bureau of education. Chapter from the report of the commissioner of educa- tion for 1899-1900.) Cover-title. Advance sheets. "Education of the Filipinos," pp. 1595-1640. Peflfer, William A. Americanism and the Philippines. Crane & company, Topeka, Kansas, 1900. 150 pp. 12°. Petin, Hector. Les Etats-Unis et la doctrine de Monroe. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1900. {2), 452 pp. 8°. Les Philippines, pp. 402-423. General sketch of the Philippines and review of the events of 1896-1900 and of Agui- naldo's leadership. Criticism of the policy of the United States in attempting to overstep the sphere of influence imposed by the Monroe doctrine. Philippine information society. [Facts about the Filipinos.] 1st ser., [no.] 2-9; Dec. 25, 1900-Apr. 22, 1901. Boston: 1900-1901. 8°. Issued as separate pamphlets. A revised edition of the series was published with the above title in semi-monthly numbers from May 1-Sept. 15, 1901. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Philippine information society — Continued. Thure were three numbers announced, but not printed in the first edition (1, 10, and 11). No. 1, "Jos6 Rizal, the Filipino patriot," was never printed as a separate pamphlet, but a section of no. 1 of the revised edition is devoted to Rizal. Nos. 10 and 11 were issued under slightly changed titles as nos. 9 and 10, respectively, of the revised edition. Facts about the Filipinos. Issued every other week by the Philippine infor- mation society, v. 1, no. 1-10; May 1-Sept. 15, 1901. Boston: 1901. Map. 8°. Forms the revised edition of the first series of publications of the society. The series as originally printed from Dec. 2.5, 1900-Apr. 22, 1901, was in 8 numbers (2-9) issued as separate pamphlets. Of the 3 other numbers announced (1, 10. and 11), no. 1 was never printed as a separate pamphlet, nos. 10 and 11 were issued as nos. 9 and 10, respectively, of the revised edition. A letter from the secretary of the Society states that the " series was revised so that all the material contained in the series as first planned is contained in Facts about Klipinos." The " Philippine review " forms the second series of publications ol the society. CONTENTS. No. 1. The islands and the people; no. 2. Our relations with the insurgents prior to the fall of Manila, August, 1898. Were promises made to Aguinaldo? no. 3. The insurgent government of 1898: the crucial test; no. 4. Aguinaldo and the American generals, .August, 1898, to January, 1899. The parting of the ways; no. 5. Iloilo: an episode of January, 1899. Crossing the Rubicon; no. 6. Outbreak of hostilities, Feb. 4, 1899, and Seeking an armistice; no. 7. Luzon campaign of 1899; no. 8. Taking the southern islands, February, 1899, to July, 1900; no. 9. A period of guerrilla war- fare, November, 1899, to September, 1900; no. 10. Progress in pacification, September, 1900, to July, 1901. Philippine islands. Gobierno revolucionario 1898. Decreto del Gobierno revo- lucionario sobre las provincias reconquistadas para su nuevo regimen. Nueva Cdceres, Imp. "La Bicolana," 1898.^ 7, (1) pp. 16°. No title-page. Decreto sobre el vestuario del ejercito filipino aprobado en 25 de Noviembre de 1898 por decreto presidencial. Kamarines Sur: Imprenta "La Bikolana," Nueva Kdceres, 1898. 8pp. 24°. In addition to the decree on the equipment of the Philippine army is a copy of a law regarding a loan of 20,000,000 pesos, signed by Aguinaldo. • Dbligaciones del soldado del Gobierno de Filipinas. Reimpreso. Impr. " La Bikolana," Nueva Kdceres, 1899. 8pp. 16°. Cover-title. [Reglamento del decreto del Sr. Aguinaldo de 18 de junio y las instrucciones sobre el regimen de las provincias y pueblos. ] [Nueva Cdceres, Impr. "La Bicolana," 1898.'} 20 pp. 24°. Constitucion poli'iica de la Republica filipina; promulgada el dia 22 de enero de 1899. Ed. ofieial. Barasouin {Balacan): Z. Fajardo, 1899. 46, [2) pp. 24°. Same. Reimpresa. Impr. " Di Bicolana," Nueva Cdceres, 1899. 32 pp. 24°. The Philippine review. New York: 1901-1902. MorUhly. 8°. Published tjy the Philippine information society. Title varies: 1900— Facts about the Filipinos; 1901-2— The Philippine review. The Philippines. The first civil governor, by Theodore Roosevelt; Civil govern- ment in the Philippines, by William H. Taft. Neiv York: The Outlook company, 1902. 142 pp. Portrait. 8°. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 15 The Philippines Argonaut; a Sunday jourual. Afunild, P. I.: 1901. vol. 1, nos. 1-3. Weekly. F°. Pliiddemann, Max. Comments of Rear-Admiral Pliiddemann, German navy, on the main features of the war with Spain. Translated from the German. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 18 pp. 8°. ( V. S. Office of naval intelligence. War notes, no. 2. Information from abroad.) El Progreso. Daily. Manila: Jan., 1901-1903. Received regularly. Publicola {j)seud.'\. The duty of the American people as to the Philippines. {1898.'] 28 pp. 8°. No title-page. Argues for holding the Philippines on philanthropic and commercial grounds. Randolph, Carman F. The law and policy of annexation with special reference to the Philippines, together with observations on the status of Cuba. Longmans, Green, and co., London and Bombay, 1901. .ci, {1), 226 pp. 8°. CONTENTS. Chapter I. The annexation of the Philippines: The Spanish title. Acquisition by the United States. Effect of our acquisition; Chapter II. The constitution and the Philippines: Arguments against the rule of the constitution examined; Chapter III. The application of the constitution in the Philippines: Status of persons. Rights of persons. Taxation — Commerce. Value of the constitution in new territory. Con- clusion.s in regard to the constitution; Chapter IV. The governing of the Philip- I pines: The powers of the President. The powers of Congress. Our relation to the old order; Chapter V. The alienation of the Philippines: The right of alienation. The terms of alienation — the protectorate. The expediency of alienation. Obser- vations on the status of Cuba. Appendix of documents. A. Joint resolution In regard to Cuba; Declaration of war; Protocol of August 12, 1898; Proclamation of the protocol- Treaty of Paris; Act of March 21, 1899. B. Lease of Kiao-Chau: Charter of German colonization society; French protectorate over Madagascar; Transfer of Mysore to a native ruler; Lagos protectorate order in council. Index of cases. General index. "The annexation of the Philippines is the immediate reason for this book, which, in dealing with the event itself, advocates withdrawal of our .sovereignty from the islands, and suggests a method for its accomplishment." — Preface. The Philippine question is first discussed from a constitutional standpoint; and in conclusion the author reviews the commercial and moral considerations involved in the retention of the Philippines. Notes on the law of territorial expansion with special reference to the Philip- pines. Submitted to the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate of the United States, March 16, 1900. \_New York: The De Vinne press, 1900']. 54pp. 8°. CONTENTS. The status of the Philippines, pp. 3-7; The constitution and the Philippines, pp. 7-34; The governing of the Philippines, pp. 35-47; The disposition of the Philippines, pp. 47-54. Reyes y Florentine, Isabelo de los. Filipinas. ; Independencia y revolucion! Coleccion de los principales articulos de propaganda de I. de los Reyes y Florentino, ilustrada con muchos fotograbados de los principales personajes y episodios de la pre-sente epopeya. Madrid: J. Corrales, 1900. 160 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. 12°. Ria-Baja, Carlos. El desastre filipino. Memorias de un prisionero. Barcelona: Tipografia la Academica, de Serra Hermanos y Russell, 1899. 368 pp. Portrait. 12°. Ria-Baja was taken prisoner by the Filipinos under General Macabules. The work contains information about .\guinaldo and his army. Battle of Manila, pp. 58-63. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Bice, G. D. Coal fields of the Philippines. Facts in regard to their location, extent, quality of the coal, and the opportunities for profitable operation. (/;i Mines and Minerals, vol. 21, Dec, 1900, pp. 205-207. Scranton, 1900.) From the American gas light journal. Bice, William H. What shall we do with the Filipinos? Another view. Chicago: Geo. E. Marshall ct- co., 1899. 15pp. 8°. •' Can we as a nation, with such allies among us, and such a record of missionary work behind us, afford to turn from the appeals of any people whom God has given into our hands? Dare we permit them to drop back into barbarism now that we have given them a hope for better things?" Bichards, Julian W. A handbook of the Spanish-American war of 1898 and the insurrection in the Philippines, including a chronological record of mes- sages of President McKinley, acts of Congress, movements of the Army and Navy, and battles of the war. Compiled from official reports, etc. Cedar Rapids: The Republican jyrinting company, 1899. 36, {2) pp. 8°. Einne, F. Zwischen Filipinos und Amerikanern auf Luzon. nannover: Gebri'ider Jdnecke, 1901. (6"), 81 pp. Illustrations. 12 o Bobinson, Albert Gardner. The Philippines: the war and the people; a record of personal observations and experiences. New York: McClure, Phillips & co., 1901. 407 jyp. 8°. " Major part of volume consists of letters sent to X.Y. Evening Post," July, 1899-Feb., 1900. "That the book is, in its general tenor, a pro-Filipino argument, I freely admit." Author's note. Beckett, Perley Fremont. Our boys in the Philippines. A pictorial history of the war and general views of the Philippines. The natives, industries, habits, etc. Published by P. Fremont Rockett, San Francisco, 1899. 88 pp. 85 plates {from photographs) . Obi. 12°. Boosevelt, Theodore. The first civil governor: William H. Taft. {In The Philippines, pp. 9-28. New York, 1902. S°.) Sawyer, Frederic H. The inhabitants of the Philippines. London: Sampson Low, Marston and company, 1900. xxviii, 4^^ pp- Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8° pO " The writer . . . w.as led to write this book by a wish to set forth the natives in a more favorable light than has been done by most recent writers. This more favor- able estimate is extended also in part to the Spanish administration. The first half of the book deals with the general history, geography, resources, etc., of the group, while the second treats in detail of the various tribes, with abundant photographic illu.strations." Contains chapters on the religious orders, secret societies, resources, commerce, for- ests, minerals, the native races, with descriptions of Luzon, Mindanao, the Visayas, Palawan or Paragua. The American administration is also studied. Schurman, Jacob Gould. Philippine affairs: a retrospect and outlook. New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1902. (6), 109 pp. 8°. CONTENTS. Introductory; Diplomat'c negotiations: The questions of immediate independence and an American protectorate for the Filipinos; Plan of government for the Philip- pines; The present situation in the Philippines; The future of the Philippines. The Philippine islands and their people. An address. (In American geographical society. Bulletin, vol. 32, pp. 133-1.50. New York, 1900.) AMEKICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 17 Seward, George F. The Philippine question. [New York]: JS9S. 10pp. 12°. Mr. Seward was formerly minister at Pekin. Considers the question in the following order: 1. Ditficulties of establishing our control over the I'liilippines. 2. Dangers to our State from such control. 3. Lack of good reasons for embarking upon the enterprise. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Tlie Filipino raartyr-j. A story of the crime of Feb. 4, 1899, by an eyewitness. .John Lane, London and Netv York, 1900. 212 pp. 12°. Shoemaker, INIichael Meyers. Quaint corners of ancient empires. Southern India, Burma, and Manila. Illustrated. G. P. Putnam's sons, New York and London, 1899. xlx,{l), 212 pp. Plates (photogravures). 8°. Sonnichsen, Alliert. Ten months a captive among Filipinos. Being a narrative of adventure and observation during imprisonment on the island of Luzon, P. I. Netv York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1901. xiii, [1), 388 pp. Portrait. Map. 8°. " Interspersed with the narrative are interesting descriptions of native manners and customs in these little provincial villages through which the writer passed . . . Every chapter takes the reader farther north along the coast . . . .A.t San Isldor, Lieutenant Gillmore and his companions from Yorktown, who had been taken captive on the Pacific coast . . . were joined to the little group of prisoners of whom the author was one . . . The last stage of the journey was inland to the mountains of Bangued . . . where Mr. Sonnichsen determined to make one last effort to escape, and the clo.sing chapters of his book contain vivid accounts of his adventures in pushing his way back to the coast of Vigan, where he had the good fortune to see the Oregon lying at anchor." Spears, John Randolph. The history of our navy from its origin to the end of the war with Spain 1775-1898. Vol. 5. Neiv York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1899. xix^ 654 pp- IllvMrations. Por- traits. Diagrams. Folded diart. 3faps. 8°. " Dewey at Manila," pp. 256-295; " Capture of Guam and Manila," pp. 445-451. Stevens, Joseph Earle. Yesterdays in the Philippines. Illustrated. New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1898. xx, 262 pp. Plates. Folded map. 8°. [Storey, Moorfield, and Julian Codman.] Secretary Root's record. "Marked severities" in Philippine warfare. An analysis of the law and facts bear- ing on the action and utterances of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root. Boston: George H. Ellis co., 1902. 119 pp. 8°. Prepared at the request of a committee composed of Charles Francis .\dams, Carl Schurz, Edwin Burritt Smith, and Herbert Welsh. Sweetman, George H. What shall we do with the Philippines? The question of the hour. Boston: A. L. Winship & CO., 1899. 48 pp. Portrait. 16°. " By permission of the Boston Herald." Swift, Morrison I. Imperialism and liberty. Los Angeles: The Ronhroke press, 1899. ix, {1), 491 pp. 8°. Opposed to Philippine acquisition. Taft, William H. Civil government in the Philippines. {In The Philippines, pp. 29-142. New York, 1902. 8°.) 21226—05 2 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Taylor, Jolin \V. Facts about the Philippines. San Francisco: Cunningham, Curtiss& Welch, 1899. 43, (S) pp. Folded map. 12°. Thomas, A. W. The Phihppines and the purpoge. Being the facts concerning the PliiHppines and the acts of the administration in relation thereto, as officially transmitted by the President to Congress, proving the purpose of imperialism. [ Wash ington: ' ' The Jeffersonian democrat publishing company, 1900. ] 243, (1), a pp. 8°. Opposed to the administration. Papers collected for use in the presidential cam- paigrn of 1900. Toral, Juan, rtnrZ Jose Toral. El sitio de Manila (1898). Memoriasdeun voluntario. Manila: Imp. litografia Partier, 1898. 321 pp. Maps. 8°. Towne, Charles A. National policy. Address delivered on "Washington's birthday, 1899, at Ann Arbor, Mich., before the faculty and students of the Uni- versity of Michigan. March 1, 1899. 13 pp. 8°. ( U. S. 55th Congress, Sd session. Senate document no. 161. ) Turot, Henri. Les hommes de revolution. Aguinaldo et les Philippins. Preface par Jean Jaures. Paris: Leopold Cerf, 1900. xi, {!), 344 pp. 12°. Annexed are: Le militarisme aux Philippines, p. 300; Memorandum relatif au droit qu'a la R^publique Philippine k etre reconnue, p. 315; M6moire au S6nat des Etats- Unis, p. 326. Valentine, John J. "Imperial democracy." Dutch colonizers in Malaysia. Annexation of the Philippines. San. Francisco, California: \_The Hicks-Judd company'], February 18, 1899. 50, {!) pp. 8°. Consists of two essays directed against the annexation of the Philippines, the first arguing from the precedent of Dutch Java. Van Bergen, Robert. Tales of our new possessions. The Philippines. San Francisco: The Whitaker & Ray company, 1899. 160 pp. Illustrations. 24°. ( Western series of readers, vol. 5. ) Van Dyke, Henry. The American birthright and the Philippine pottage. A ser- mon preached on Thanksgiving day, 1898. Charles Scribner's son.f, Xeiv York, [1898]. r, [1), 16 pp. 12°. Van Meter, Henry Hooker. The truth about the Philippines from official records and authentic sources. Published by the Liberty league, Chicago, [1900]. {2), 432 pp. Folded map. 12° . [Van Tyne, Claude Halstead. ] History of the United States of America. Constitu- tion of the United States of America with amendments. Declaration of Independence. Map of the United States of America. Published under the direction of Arthur Mac Arthur, major general, U. S. A., military gov- ernor of the Philippine islands. {Philadelphia, 1900.] 78pp. 8°. English and Spanish on opposite pages. Verdades, El capildn [pseud.?]. La guerra hispano-americana. Historia negra; relato de los escundalos ocurridos en nuestras ex-colonias durante lag ultimas guerras por el capitan Verdades, con un prologo de Adolfo Sudrez de Figueroa. Barcelona: Cam editorial Maucci, [etc.], 1899. 255 pp. 12°. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 19 Verea, F. G. Guide for the American in the PhiUppines. A description of each of the provinces of the archi{)elago, its history, area, topographical condi- tions, chmate, language, number of inhabitants, towns, products, indus- tries, mines, and other features of interest, ending with instructions for the preservation of health, adapted to the requirements of Americans in this country. Translated from the Spanish by F. C. Fisher. Manila: 1899. Oiofre y comp. {'£), v, {5), l7'\-289 pp. Folded maps. 16°. Vivian, Thomas J., ed. With Dewey at Manila: being the plain story of the glorious victory of the United States squadron over the Spanish fleet Sunday morning. May 1 , 1898, as related in the notes and correspondence of an officer on board the flagship Olympia. R. F. Fenno & company, New York, [1898]. 100, {6) pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Sq. 12°. Vivian, Thomas J., and Ruel P. Smith. Everything about our new possessions. Being a handy book on Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. New York: R. F. Fenno & co., 1899. 182 pp. 12°. " Philippine Islands," pp. 6-41. Walton, Clifford Stevens. The civil law in Spain and Spanish America, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippine islands, and the Spanish civil code in force, annotated and with references to the civil codes of Mexico, Central and South America. Washington, D. C: W. H. Loiodermilk & co., 1900. xix, (1), 672pp. 8°. Welsh, Herbert. The other man's country. An appeal to conscience. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincoit company, 1900. 257 pp. 12°. Discussion of the Philippine question. White, Trumbull. Glimpses of the Orient, or, the manners, customs, life, and his- tory of the people of China, Japan and Corea, the Philippine, Caroline and Ladrone islands. With an account of American naval and military operations in the Philippines. {^Philadelphia: Franklin hook co., 1898.} xi, 24-437 pp. Illustrations. 8°. "The Philippines," pp. 391-115; " The conquest of Manila," pp. 427^37. Our war with Spain for Cuba's freedom. Including a description and history of Cuba, Spain, Philippine islands. Monarch book company, Chicago, Philadelphia, [1898]. 416 pp. Plates. Portraits. Folded map. 8°. The Philippines, pp. 327-333. Wilcox,. Marrion, ed. Harper's history of the war in the Philippines. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1900. (6), 471, {1) pp. Itlustra- tions. Plates {partly colored). Maps. F°. A short history of the war with Spain. New York: Frederick A. Stokes company, {1898}. li, 350pp. 12°. Wilcox, W. B., and L. R. Sargent. Trip through the island of Luzon. A copy of the report of paymaster W'. B. Wilcox and naval cadet L. R. Sargent, on a trip through the island of Luzon. February 26, 1900. 22 pp. 8°. ( U. S. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 196. ) Williams, Frederick Wells. The problem of Chinese immigration in further Asia. {In American historical association. Annual report, 1899, vol. 1, pp. 171-204. Wash- ington, 1900.) Williams, Henry Llewellyn. Taking Manila, or. In the Philippines with Dewey. Giving the life and exploits of Admiral George Dewey, U. S. N. New York: Hurst & company, [1899]. 228 pp. Portrait {frontispiece). 12°. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. -Williams, Ora. Oriental America. Official and authentic records of the dealings of the United States with the natives of Luzon and their former rulers. Complete reference book. Chronology, history, statistics, official reports, authentic statements, opinions of public men. Oriental American publishing CO., Chicago, [etc.], 1899. lUpP- 8°. Criticises Philippine policy. "Winslow, Erving. An epitome of historical events and of official and other corre- 'spondence connected with the acquisition and other dealings of the United States with the Philippine islands. Washington: Government imnting office, woe. 21pp. S°. {U.S. 57 th Con- gress, 1st session. Senate document no. 375.) Woodward, James H. What shall we do with the Philippine islands? This prob- leu) solved. Seward, Nebr., 1900. 8 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury. America's foreign policy: Essays and addresses. New York: The Century ro., 1898. x, (4), 294 pp. 12°. . "The future of the Philippines," pp. 101-111. Worcester, Dean C. The Philippine islands and their people. A record of per- sonal observation and experience, with a short summary of the more important facts of the history of the archipelago. New York: Maonillan, 1898. xix,{l) ,529pp. Plates {photogravures) . Folded map. 8°. Younghusband, George John. The Philippines and round about. "With illustra- tions and map. New York: The Macmillan company, 1899. xiv, 230pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, United States. President. Communications between the Executive departments of the government and Aguinaldo, etc. Message [s] from the President, . . . March 5, 1900, March 27, 1900, April 18, 1900, May 15, 1900, June 6,1900. o parts. 8°. {56t}t Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 208, ptfi. 1-5. ) Message from the President, transmitting copy of an order to the Ijrovost-manshal-general of Manila relative to the liquor traffic in Manila. May 12, 1900. 7 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 361. ) Spain. Suspension of hostilities. Proclamation, August 12, 1898. 1 page. 8°. Broadside. Board on geographic names. Special report of the United States board on geographic names relating to the geographic names in the Philippine islands. Wa.0 islands. By Frank H. Hitchcock. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 160 pp. Map. S'^ Geological survey. Memorandum on the mineral re.sources of the Philippine islands, by George F. Becker. (In 19th annual report, 1897-98, part 6, pp. GS7-693. Washington, 1900. 4°) Brief memorandum on the geology of the Philippine islands, by George F. Becker. {In 20th annual report, 1898-99, part 2, pp. 1-7. Washington, 1900. 4°.) Report on the geology of the Philippine islands, by George F. Becker; followed by a version of ITeber Tertiare Fossilen von den Philippinen (1895), by K. Martin. (771 21st annual report, parts, pp. 487-62.5. Washington, 1901. 4°. 66th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 5.) Topographic and geologic insular surveys. A communication from the Director of the geological survey, inclosing a report on topographic and geologic insular surveys. January 19, 1900. 10 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 115. ) Department of labor. Prices of commodities and rates of wages in Manila. {In Bulletin no. 32, Jan., 1901, pp. 29-42. Washington, 1901. S°.) Military governor of the Philippine islands. Report on civil affairs. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. ii, 328 pp. 8°. ( U. S. War department. Annual report, 1900, vol. 1, part 10. ) 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. . TTnited States. Xavi/ department. Annual reports. Report of the Secretary of the navy. Miscellaneous reports, 1898-1901. WaMngton, 189S-1901. 5 voU. 8°. Copy of a letter from Admiral Dewey, dated March 31, 1898, relative to the capture of Manila. January 11, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 73. ) Trip through the island of Luzon. Report of paymaster W. B. Wilcox and naval cadet L. R. Sargent on a trip through the island of Luzon. Februarv 2B. 1900. 22 pp. 8°. (SGth Congress, 1st .session. Senate document no. 196.) Letter from the Secretary of the navy, relating to the expenditures of the naval service in the Philippines. March 9, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 498. ) Reports emljracing information relative to the armed vessels, tenders, and Avar ships sent to the Philippines, or from there, since May 1, 1898, their tonnage, travelling distance, etc., tolls paid the Suez canal company, distance covered and time of cruise of Oregon from the Pacific coast to Manila, cost of coal consumed by Admiral Dewey's ships on homeward voyage, distance covered, etc. December 5, 1900. 7 pii. 8°. {56th Con- gress, 2d session. Senate document no. S2.) Statement of the amount of money expended and the amount for which the Government is liable for equipment, transportation, supplies, and naval operations in the Philippine islands each year from May 1, 1898, to the present time. May 23, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 372.) Report of a commission on the establishment of a naval station in the Philippine islands. December 16, 1901. 28 pp. Folded plate. Folded maps. 8°. {o7th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 1 40.) A copy of a communication from the Secretary of the navy submitting an estimate of appropriation for naval station at Cavite, P. I. February 28,1902. 1 page. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 4^4-) Office of naval intelligence. Notes on the Spanish- American war. 1899-1900. 8 parts. 8°. { War notes, no. 1-8. Information fron^ abroad. ) {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 388. ) CONTENTS. Battles and capitulation of Santiago de Cuba, by Jos6 Miiller y Tejeiro; Comments of Rear-Admiral Pliiddemann, German navy, on the main features of the war with Spain; Sketches from the Spanish-American war, by Commander J[acobsen]; Effect of the gun fire of the United States vessels in battle of Manila Bay, by John M. Ellicott; The Spanish- American war, Blockades and coast defense, by Severo G6mez Ni'iiiez; The Spanish-American war — A collection of documents relative to the squadron operations in the West Indies, arranged by Pascual Cervera y Topete; The squadron of Admiral Cervera, by Victor M. Concas y Palau. Philippine commission {Schurman). Report to the President. January 31, 1900. Washington: Government printing office, 1900-1901. 4 vols. Plates {photo- graw.res). Folded sheets. Folded maps. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 138. ) CONTENTS. Vol. 1. Efforts of the commLssion toward conciliation and the establishment of peace; The native peoples of the Philippines; Education; The government of the Philip- pine Islands: 1. The Spanish government of the Philippines. 2. Governmental reforms desired by Filipinos. 3. Plan of government for the Philippines- The AMERICAK OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 28 United States. I'MUppine commission {Schurman) — Continued. judicial system; The condition and needs of the United States in the Philippines from a naval and maritime standpoint; The secular clergy and religious orders; A registration law; The currency; The Chinese in the Philippines; Public health; Exhibits: 1. The preliminary report of the commission, Nov. 2, 1899. 2. Instruc- tions of the Pre.sident, Jan. 20, 1899. 3. Letters brought by Arguelles to the com- mission, Apr. 29, 1899. 4. The constitution of the so-called Philippine republic, otherwise known as the Jfalolos constitution, of Jan. 21, 1S99. 5. A proposed con- stitution for the island of Negros. G. A draft of a constitution prepared for the commission by certain eminent Filipinos. 7. Paterno's scheme of government, being scheme of autonomous government proposed to Spain, June 19, 1898, prior to American occupation of Manila. 8. Kirkwood's memorandum on the administra- tion of British dependencies in the Orient. 9. Communication with respect to a department of health in the Philippines. Vol 2. Testimony and exhibits: Agui- naldo to brother Filipinos, asking a Christmas present from brother Filipinos; Memorandum on the Chinese in the Philippines, by Gabriel Garcia Ageo; Public instruction in the Philippines during the time of Spanish sovereignty. Vol. 3. Chorography; Orography, or mountains and mountain systems; Hydrography; Mineral resources and geology, by George F. Becker; Botany; Timber and fine woods; Zoography; Ethnography: 1. Origin of the Philippine peoples. 2. Charac- teristics of the races inhabiting the Philippines. 3. Usages and customs of the Philippine peoples; Ethology; Idiomography. Vol. A. State of agriculture; Public works and edifices; Health, hygiene, police, and public order under Spanish sovereignty; Benevolent institutions;. State of industry; Commerce; Means of com- munication; Foreign population; Public lands or domain; Religion, by the Jesuit fathers; Climatology: Climate and meteorological features; Chronology. Philippine comm,ission (Schurman). Proclaina. Al pueblo Filipino, Manila 4 de Abril de 1899. [In Spanish and Tagal.] Broadside. Proclamation. To the people of the Philippine islands. Manila, April 4, 1899. Broadside. — Philippine Commission {Taft.) Acts of the United States Philippine commis- sion, nos. 1-55. {In Reports of the Taft Philippine commission, Jan. 25, 1901, pp. 245-333. 56th Con- gress, 2d session. Senate document no. 112.) Acts of the United States Philippine commission, nos. 54-80. (Dec. 3, 1900- Jan. 26, 1901.) In sheets as issued. — Acts of Philippine commission, nos. 1-263. {In Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine commission, pp. 13-704. Washington, 1901. 8°) - Acts of the Philippine commission. [Nos. 264—424.] Washington: Government printinrj office, 1902. xvi, 413 pp. 8°. {U.S. War department. Annual reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1902. Vol. 11. ) 57th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 2. Acts of the Philippine commission, nos. 425-493. {In Third annual report of the Philippine commission, 1902, pp. 1053-1156. Wash- ington, 1903. S°.) The acts are given currently in the Official gazette. An act for the establishment and maintenance of an efficient and hon- est civil service in the Philippine Islands. Manila, September 25, 1900. 10 pp. 8°. El archipielago Filipino. Coleccion de datos geogrdiicos, estadisticos, cronologicos y cientificos relativos al mismo, entresacados de anteriores obras u obtenidos con la propia observacion y estudio por algunos padres de la mision de la compania de Jesiis en estas islas. Washington: Imprenta del gobierno, 1900. 2 vols. Colored frontispiece. Plates. Maps. Charts. Folded sheets. L. 8°. Atlas, SO colored maps. F° The atlas was published by U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. fO 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OK THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. •United States. Philippine commission ( Taft). Reports of the Taft Philippine com- inissiou. [Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a report of the Secretary of war, containing the reports of the Taft commission, its several acts of legislation, and other important informa- tion relating to the conditions and immediate wants of the Philippine islands. January 25, 1901. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 333 pp. Plates. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 112. ) CONTENTS. Civil service; The friars; Public lands; Municipal corporations; Forestry; Agriculture; Mining; Public health; Internal improvements; Franchises; Militia; Police; Crimi- nal code; Civil code; pourts; Banks and currency; Schools; Taxation; Acts of the Philippine commission, nos. 1-55. Report for the period from Dec. 1, 1900, to Oct. 15, 1901. Washington: Government jninting office, 1901. 2 parts. Plates. Charts. 8°. {Published by the Division of insular affairs, War department, Dec, 1901.) Appendix A. A history of the federal party, by T. H. Pardo de Tavera; B. [published separately] "Public laws and resolutions passed by the United States Philippine commission;" C. Minutes of provincial meetings and interviews; D. Inaugural address of the civil governor; E. Reports of the civil-service board; F. A sketch of the difficulties encountered in the application of the American system of surveys to the public lands in New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, and in the adjudication of the rights acquired under Spanish and Mexican grants in these territories; G. Memorandum as to the Spanish land system in the Philippines, with observa- tions as to certain advantages of the land system of the United States; H. Report of the acting chief of the forestry bureau for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901; I. Report of the acting chief of the forestry bureau for the period from July 1 to Oct. 2, 1901; J. Report of the special agent of the forestry bureau sent to investigate gutta-percha and rubber in the Straits Settlements, Java and Sumatra; K. Report of the chief of the mining bureau for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901; L. Report of the director of the Philippine weather bureau for the period from June 1, 1901, to Sept. 30, 1901; M. Report of the commissioner of public health for the period from Aug. 7, 1901, to Oct. 10, 1901; N. Report of the chief of the Philippines constabu- lary for the period from July IS, lEOl, to Oct. 4, 1901; 0. Report of the director- general of posts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901; P. Report of the oflicer in charge of the Manila suboflfice of the United States Coast and G-eodetic survey for the period from January 1, 1901, to October 1, 1901; Q. Agreement between the sub- sistence department of the United States army and the insular government of the Philippine Islands with reference to the insular cold storage and ice plant; i?. Report of the treasurer of the Philippine Arcliipelago upon the banks of the Philippine Archipelago, for the quarter ending June 30, 1901; *'. Reports of the treasurer of the Philippine .\rchipelago on special examinations of the Hongkong and Shanghai banking corporation at Manila and of the subagency of the chartered bank of India, Australia, and China at Cebu; T. Report of the treasurer of the Philippine Archi- pelago on special examinations by deputies of the insular treasurer of the branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai banking corporation at Iloilo, and of the chartered bank of India, Australia, and China, at Manila; U. Report of the solicitor-general on existing laws covering the transaction of banking business in the Philippine Islands by foreign corporations or by individuals; V. Statement of seized funds, by the treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago; W. Report of the auditor; X. Report of the treasurer of the Philippine Archipelago on the operations of the treasury for the fi.scal year ending June 30, 1901; }'. Report of the collector of customs for the Philippine Archipelago; (See Report of the Lieutenant-general commanding the army, pt. 2, pp. 282-341); Z. Receipts and disbursements of collector of internal revenue, Manila, from July 1, 1900, to Sept. 30, 1901; AA. Spanish records in the provinces; BB. Stations of teachers, by provinces and towns; CC. Home addresses of American teachers in the Philippines; DD. Unfilled quotas of institutions author- ized to appoint teachers; EE. Personnel of the bureau of public instruction, Sept. 18, 1901; FF. Report of the general superintendent of public instruction for the period from May 27, 1901, to Oct. 1, 1901, GO. Report of the chief ot the department of receipts and disbursements for the city of Manila, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901; HII. Population by provinces, according to five reliable reports; II, The Spanish census of 1896. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 25 / United States. Philippine commission {Taft). Report, Dec. 1, 1900, to Oct. 15, I'JOl. {U.S. War department. Annual report for the fi.'ical year ended June SO, 1901, vol. 1, parts 8, 9. Washington, 1901. ) Third annual report. 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 2 vols. Plates. 8°. {War department. Bureau of iuxvlar affairs.) Paged continuously. Contains the usual adininistr>',tive reports. Lands held for ecclesiastical or religious uses in the Philippine islands, etc. Message from the President, transmitting a report from the Secre- tary of war, with accompanying papers, relative to the lands held in mortmain or otherwise for ecclesiastical or religious uses in the Philip- pine islands; also transmitting certified copies of the acts of the Philip- pine commission, nos. 56 to 68, inclusive. February 25, 1901. 283 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Seriate document no. 190. ) Public laws and resolutions passed by the Philippine commission Washington: Government printing office, 1901. {2), xviii, 815 pp. 8°. {U.S. War department. Annual reports for the fiscal year ended June SO, 1901. Vol. 1, pt. 10. ) CONTENTS. Announcement: The President's instructions to the commission; Order appointing civil governor; Acts of Philippine commission, nos. 1-263; Resolutions, etc., of Phil- ippine commission; List of executive appointments made from Sept. 1, 1900, to Feb. 28, 1901. Appointments: By the Secrerary of war; By the commission and the mili- tary governor; By the commission; By the President of the United States; By the Secretary of war at the request of the commission; By the commission and by the civil governor with the consent of the commission; The Philippine judiciary. Civil service hoard. Official register of the officers and employees in the civil service of the Philippine islands, January 1, 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 121pp. 8°. {War depart- ment. Bureau of insular affairs. ) Forestry bureau. Compilation of notes on the most important timber- tree species of the Philippine islands. Prepared by George P. Ahern. [Manila, 1901.] 112 pp. Colored plates. 4°. Spanish public land laws (English translation) in the Philip- pine islands and their history to August 13, 1898. Translated and com- piled in the Forestry bureau under the direction of George P. Ahern, assisted by Gregorio Basa. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 61pp. 8°. {War department. Bureau of insular affairs.) Special report of George P. Ahern, in charge of Forestry bureau, Philippine islands, covering the period from April, 1900, to July 30, 1901. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 60 pp. 33 plates. 8°. {War department. Division of insidar affairs. ) Mining bureau. The coal measures of the Philippines. A rapid his- tory of the discovery of coal in the archipelago and subsequent develop- ments, with the full text of the record of the MacLeod coal concession in Cebu, or the Uling-Lutac coal and railway concession. Compiled from official records by Charles H. Burritt. Washington: Government pjrinting office, 1901. 269 pp. Folded maps. Folded • plans 8°. { War department. Division of insular affairs, Aug., 1901.) Report to the United States military governor in the Philippines. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. TJnited States. Fhilippine Islands special commissioner. Report on the financial and industrial condition of the Philippine islands; by Edward W. Harden. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 34 pp. . 8°. English and Spanish. Communication from the Secretary of state inclosing protest of the Chinese government against exclusion of the Chinese from the Philippines. April 11, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. {57 Ih Congress, 1st session. House document no. 562.) Supreme court. The insular cases, comprising the records, briefs, and argu- ments of counsel in the insular cases of the October term, 1900, in the Supreme court of the United States, including the appendixes thereto. Compiled and published by Albert H. Howe. 1901. (2), xxxii, 1075 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 509.) Unnumbered sheets intercalated. Opinions delivered in the insular tariff cases in the Supreme court of the United States, May 27, 1901. \_Washington: Government printing office, 1901.'] 2,176, {4) pj)- 8°. Treasury department. Commerce of the United States with Asia and Oceanica, and of the countries of Asia and Oceanica with other countries. {^Washington, 1898.] iv, 45pp. Map. 4°- From the Monthly summarj' of finance and commerce for April, 1898, pp. 1G17-1661. Depositaries of public moneys in islands under administration of United States. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, in relation to establishing depositaries of public money in islands under administration of the United States. December 13, 1899. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 177. ) Bureau of statistics. Customs tariff and regulations for the Philippine islands. (In Monthly summary of commerce and finance, no. 1, series 1898-99, pp. 367-388. Washington, 1898. 4°) 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. United States. Treasury department. Bureau of statistics. Foreign commerce ot Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Hawaiian, Philippine, and Samoan islands. Their imports and exports by countries; also the commerce of the United States therewith. [Washington: Government printing office, 1899.} iv, 1255-1399 pp. 4°- "Philippine Islands," pp. 1300-1324, includes "Memoranda concerning the situation in the Philippines on August 30, 1S9S," by F. V. Greene; ••Memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philippine Islands," by George F. Becker; "A sketch of the economic condition of the Philippines," by Max L. Tornow; "Commerce of principal countries with the Philippines;" " Financial and industrial conditions in the Pliilippine Islands," by E. W. Harden. " The Philippine Islands. Statistics of their commerce with principal countries of the world," pp. 1367-1372. Coast and geodetic survey. Atlas of the Philippine islands. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 24 pp. SO maps. F°. {Spe- cial pubUcdlion no. 3.) Published in connection with ' ' El Archipi61ago filipino ' ' under the supervision of Jos6 Algue. . Revenue-cutter service. The United States revenue-cutter service in the war with Spain, 1898. Washington: Government printing offiice, 1899. 49 pp. 8°. War department. Annual reports ... for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 2 vols, in 8. 8°. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 3 vols, in 13. 8°. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 3 vols, in 22. 8°. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 3 vols, in 17. 8°. The annual reports contain the reports of the Lieutenant-General of the Army. Customs tariff and regulations for the Philippine islands. pO Washington: Governinent printing office, 1898. 40 pp. 8 Tariff circular, no. 1-117. Aug. 24, 1898-Dec. 15, 1900. 12°. Sheets. (Amendments to tariff regulations for Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippine Islands. ) A copy of a communication from the Secretary of war, submitting an estimate of [deficiency in] appropriation for contingencies of the army. May 28, 1898. 2 pp. 8°. {55th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 507. ) Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting draft of a bill "To indemnify the governors of states for expenses incurred by them in aiding the United States to raise and organize and equip the volunteer army of the United States in the existing war with Spain." June 24, 1898. 2 pp. 8°. {55t]i Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 321.) Letter from the acting Secretary df war, transmitting a reply to inquiry of the House respecting the number of troops required for garrisoning towns in Porto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines. December 16, 1898. 1 page. 8°. {55l]i Congress, 3d session. House document no. 85.) Report as to the number of deaths and the health of our troops in the I'liilippines. February 2, 1899. 1 page. 8°. {55th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 99. ) AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 29 TJnited States. War department. Letter from the surgeon-general of the army, sul>mitting report and tal^iuhited statements concerning deaths and sick- ness of soldiers in the Pliilippine islands. February 9, 1899. 4 pp. 8°. {55th Congress, 3d session. Senate document 7io. 114-) Communication from the quartermaster-general relating to appropria- tion for the repatriation of the Spanish prisoners of war in tlie Philippines. February 28, 1899. 2 pp. 8°. {55th Congress, 3d sessto)i. House document no. 264- ) Communication from the Secretary of war, submitting an estimate of appropriation for transportation of the army and its supplies. January 4, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House doaiment no. 241 ■) Statement of claims for damages alleged to have been caused by United States troops in the war with Spain. February 21, 1900. 715 pp. Folded maps. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 460.) Letter from the acting Secretary of war on expenditures for military operations in the Philippine islands. March 3, 1900. 5 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 4S8. ) Letter from the acting Secretary of war, transmitting additional claims of damages alleged to have been caused by United States troops in the war with Spain. jNIarch 8, 1900. 38 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 460, jiart 2.) Communications from the adjutant-general of the army and the paymaster-general of the army relative to travel pay and commutation of subsistence to officers and soldiers returning from the Philippine islands to the United States, etc. March 15, 1900. 3 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document 7io. 223.) Letter from the Secretary of war in response to resolution of the Senate of March 16, 1900, directing the Secretary of war to communicate to the Senate a letter of Emilio Aguinaldo, dated at Bacoor, July 15, 1898, addressed to the American commander. March 24, 1900. 4 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 244-) The tariff schedules now in force and effect in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine islands. March 29, 1900. 326 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 254-) Reports of the quartermaster-general and the acting commissary- general of subsistence. United States army; report of all claims of record in the War Department audited and paid to individuals or corporations for expenses of subsistence, transportation, sheltering, and generally the maintenance of volunteers during the organization of the army for the Spanish war. March 31, 1900. 12 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 260. ) Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting additional claims arising from damages alleged to have been caused by the United States troops in the war with Spain. JNIarch 31, 1900. 61 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 460, j^art 3. ) Letter and signed memorandum from the surgeon-general of the army, urging that provision be made in the general deficiency bill for the travel- ing expenses of army nurses. May 15, 1900. 3 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document 7W. 368.) 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. United States. TT7n- department. General order made by the military governor of the Philippine islands and providino; for a system of municipal govern- ment. 3Iay 5, 1900. 16 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. House docu- ment no. 659. ) . Claims against the United States for damages to private property used or destroyed by troops in the military service within the limits of the Unite«l States during the war with Spain; also transmitting a draft of a bill providing for the settlement of such claims. May 10, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 359.) Statement in regard to the number of deaths of soldiers, volunteer and regular, in the Philippines; also, as to military operations in the Philippines. Jime 1, 1900. 17 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 4~6. ) Cablegram from the commanding general, division of the Philippines, in regard to the number of Filipinos killed, wounded, and captured since the breaking out of the present hostilities. June 4, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 435.) A letter relative to the cost of shipping troops and supplies for the army to and from the Philippines since May 1, 1898, by rail to and from the ports of embarkation. June 5, 1900. 7 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 439.) Annual reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. Report of the Lieutenant-general commanding the army. In five parts. Washington: Government prhiting office, 1901. 5 vols. 8°. ( Vol. 1, parts 3-8. ) Consists of reports of the Lieutenant-general and department commanders on opera- tions in the Philippine Islands, also reports of officials in charge of civil affairs in the islands. ; Operations of the Engineer department in the Philippines. {In Report of the Chief of engineers, 1901, part 1, pp. 43^.5, 975-986. Washington. 8°.) Reports of General MacArthur, and the accompanying reports of military officers performing educational work, on the subject of education in the Philippine islands. January 26, 1901. 67 pp. 8°. ' {56th Congress, Jd session. Senate document no. 129.) Papers relating to the deportation of A. Mabini and other prominent insurgent leaders to the island of Guam. February 2, 1901. 5 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 135. ) ^lajor-General MacArthur's proclamation outlining a more rigid policy, dated Manila, P. I., December 20, 1900. February 13, 1901. 4 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 167. ) Rules and instructions relative to the accounting system of the mili- tary government by the United States in the islands of the Philippine archipelago. (March, 1901.) 20 pp. 8°. Communication from the Secretarj' of war, submitting an estimate of [deficiency] appropriation for military post at Manila, P. I. December 11, 1901. 20 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 94.) Communication from the Secretary of war, submitting an estimate of appropriation for barracks, quarters, etc., in Philippine islands. Decem- ber 13, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 126.) AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903, 31 United States. War department. Communicatiou from the Seci'etary of war, sub- mitting an estimate of appropriation for defense of Ciuam. January 13, 1902. 2 PI3. 8°. {o7f]i, (J)ii(jreii^, 1st «'.s,svV>». Senate document no. 369.) Views on Philippines. A report of the Secretary of war dated May 29, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 390.) Supplementary report on the transport service at San Francisco. May 31,1902. 83 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. House document no. 537, part 2. ) Statement of money paid out of Philippine treasury for and on account of the Philippine commission; also of money paid by the United States for transportation of troops since the ratification of the peace treaty between the United States and Spain, and to what companies paid; also for what amounts now unpaid the United States is liable for supplies, etc., in the Philippine islands each year since May, 1898. June 19, 1902. 18 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 416. ) Effect of system of railroads in the PhiHppine islands. Letter from the Secretary of war. January 13, 1903. 2 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, M .^ess-ion.- Senate document no. 82. ) Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting petition of Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy asking legislation for the establishment of an agricul- tural bank in the Philippine islands. January 20, 1903. 7 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 303. ) Adjutant-generaV s office. Military information division. INIilitary notes on the Philippines. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. x,314pp- 50 folded maps. 8°. Philippine Islands in general, physical and social conditions, pp. 1-33; Luzon, pp. 35- 139; Mindanao, pp. 141-179; Adjacent islands, pp. 181-209; Visaya Islands, pp. 214-284; Sultanship of Jol6, p. 285. Notes and tables on organization and establishment of the Spanish army in the peninsula and colonies. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 218 pp. 12°. Division of insular affairs. Immigration regulations for the Philippine i.slands. June 7, 1899. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 9 2Jp. 8°. Translation of the civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. F. L. Joannini, translator. Wasliiitijton: Government printing office, 1899. 322 jyp. 8°. Translation of the code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, amended by the law of June 10, 1897, includ- ing the commercial registry regulations, exchange regulations, and other provisions of a similar character, with annotations and appendices. F. L. Joannini, translator. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. {2), iv, 291 pp. 8°. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 33 United States. War department. Division of insular affairs. Translation of the mininfr law and regnlationn in force in the Philij)pine8. F. L. Joannini and M. E. Beall, translators. Washington: Government printing office, J 900. 78 pp. 8°. Translation of the mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. 1893. F. L. Joannini, translator. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 90 pp. 8 o Translation of the notarial laws in force in the Philippine islands, and appendices relating thereto. F. L. Joannini, translator. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 72 j)p. 8°. Translation. Compilation of the organic provisions of the administration of justice in force in the Spanish colonial provinces, and appendices relating thereto. (1891.) F. L. Joannini, translator. Washington: Gorcrnment printing office, 1899. 170 pp. 8°. Translation of general regulations for the execution of the mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. (1893.) F. L. Joannini, translator. Washington: Government printing office, 1899. 1.56 pp. 8°. Translation of the railroad laws and regulations in force in the Philippines, including the police law of railways and other provisions of a similar character. F. L. Joannini and M. E. Beall, translators. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 71 pp. 8° . Translation of the penal code in force in the Philippines. F. L. Joannini and M. E. Beall, translators. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 155 jyp. 8°. Monthly summary of commerce of the Philippine islands. Nos. 1-12, series 1899-1900; nos. 1-12, series 1900-1901; nos. 1-12, series 1901- 1902; nos. 1-4, series 1902-1903. July, 1899-Oct., 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1900-1902. 40 nos. 4°- Report on the legal status of the territory and inhabitants of the islands acquired by the United States during the war with Spain, con- sidered with reference to the territorial boundaries, the constitution, and laws of the United States. By Charles E. Magoon. March 20, 1900. 72 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 234-) Memorandum for the Secretary of war on currency and exchange in the Philippines. Clarence R. Edwards, with comments and suggestions by A. E. Bates, Paymaster-general, U. S. Army. December 8, 1900. (6), xxvii, (1), 66 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. House docu- ment no. 160. ) The people of the Philippines. February 26, 1901. 76 pp. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 218. ) Customs tariff for the Philippine archipelago. September, 1901. ?o Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 104 PP- 8° Manual of information relative to the Philippine civil service. [Guggenheimer, Weil A co., Baltimore, 1902. '\ {4), 112 pp. 8°. A pronouncing gazetteer and geograi)hic»il dictionary of the Philippine islands. United States of America, witli maps, chart?, and illustrations. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. xiv, 224 pp. 8°. Advance sheets. Text only of part 1. The complete work is noted below. 21226—05 3 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. United States. War department. Divmon of imular affairs. A pronouncing gazet- teer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine islands. Washington: Government prinfmg office, 1902. xxxix, 933 pp. Plates. Maps. Charts. S°. Reports on the law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by the military forces of the United States. By Charles E. ISIagoon. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. ^08 pp. 8°. Tabular statement of Philippine commerce since date of Ameri- can occupation, covering the subjects of imports, exports, etc. January 31, 1903. 13 pp. 8°. {57th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 126.) Compilation of Philippine insurgent records. 1. Telegraphic correspondence of Emilio Aguinaldo, July 15, 1898, to February 28, 1899, annotated. Waxhington: Government printing office, 1903. 48 pp. Folded map. 8°. Division of the Philippines. Report on the military government of the city of Manila, P. I., from 1898 to 1901, by Brigadier-General George W Davis, U. S. Army. Manila, P. I., August, 1901. ir, 4S7 pp. Plates. Folded sheets. 8°. Annual report of Major-General Adna R. Chaffee, U. S. Army, commanding the Division of the Philippines. September 30, 1902. Manila, P. L: 1902. 3 vols. 12°. Roster of troops serving in the Division of the Philippines. Major-General George W. Davis, U. S. Army, commanding. Manila, Philippine islands. October 20, 1902. Manila: Bureau of public p)rinting, 1902. 91 pp. 8°. Weather bureau. Climate of Cuba; also a note on the weather of Manila. By W. F. R. Phillips. Washington: Weather bureau, 1898. 23 pp. 8°. {Bulletin no. 22.) UNITED STATES CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS. 1898. Philippine islands. Memorial from Francis J. Lippitt, in relation to the Philippine islands. December 12, 1898. 2 pp. 8°. o5th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 29. 1899. The cost of a national crime. Paper, prepared by Edward Atkinson, entitled "The cost of a national crime. — The hell of war and its penal- ties," as Vjearing upon the future increase of pensions growing out of the late war with Spain. January 27, 1899. 34 pp. 8°. 55th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 82. 1899. Phili|>jjine islands. Series of articles from the Singapore Free Press relating to the Philippine islands. February 1, 1899. 19 pp. 8°. o5th Congress, 3d session. Senate document no. 95. 1899. Criminal aggression: by whom committed? An inquiry by Edward Atkin- son, Brookline, Mass., February 22, 1899. .Y sequel to I. The cost rief compilation of the latest information and statistics obtainable on the numbers, areas, population, races and tribes, mineral resources, agriculture, exports and imports, forests, and harbors of the Philippine islands. (Published under the direction of the Senate Committee on the Philippines. ) February 15, 1900. 29 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 171. 1900. Message itom the President of the United States, transmitting . . . copies of cable dispatches from General Otis relative to efforts of Aguinaldo to bring about a conclusion of hostilities; also copies of correspondence with Admiral George Dewey relative to alleged saluting of the flag of the Philippine republic. May 21, 1900. 4 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 387. 1900. Conditions in the Philippines. Correspondence of the Evening Star, Washington, D. C, by Theodore W. Noyes, relative to conditions in the Philippines. June 4, 1900. 91 pp. Plates. 8°. 56tli Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 4^2. 1901. Memorial from the people of the city of Warrensburg, Mo., protesting against the extension of the liquor traffic into Cuba, Porto Rico, or the Philippine islands. January 12, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 101. 1901. Sketch of the islands of Cagayan Sulu and Sibutu. (Compilation of extracts. By A. P. C. Griffin.) January 22, 1901. 9 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 103. 1901. Cablegram from the Directory of the federal party, Manila, Philippine islands, urging both Houses of Congress to authorize the President to establish civil government in the Philippine islands whenever he deems it opportune. January 28, 1901. 1 page. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 11'.). 1901, Papers relating to the treaty with Spain. January 81, 1901. 66 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 14S. Copies of the instructions and all accompanying papers of the President to the com- missioners who negotiated the treaty with Spain at Paris. 1901. Partial list of the chartered vessels on the Pacific coast engaged in the transport service to Manila, etc. February 25, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 186. 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1901. Translation of proceedings of municipal governments of Cebu, Philippine islands, against establishment of American civil government therein. February 27, 1901. 50 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 2S4- 1902. Pacific cable. Hearing before the Committee on naval affairs, relating to the construction, operation, and maintenance of telegraphic cables between the United States and Hawaii, Guam, and Philippine islands and other countries, and to promote commerce. January 27, 1902. 52 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 141- 1902. Petition favoring suspension of hostilities in the Philippine islands. Mr. Hoar presented the following petition from sundry citizens of the United States favoring the suspension of hostilities in the Philippine islands and a discussion of the situation between the government and the Filipino leaders. February 4, 1902. 11 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 166. 1902. Treaty of peace between the United States and Spain, signed at the city of Paris, December 10, 1898, with Senate joint resolution no. 240, Fifty-fifth Congress, third session, and the votes upon said treaty and joint resolu- tion and the amendments in the Senate. February 11, 1902. 16 jip. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document vo. 182. 1902. Papers relative to jjolitical affairs in the Philippine islands. March 18, 1902. 48 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 259. Letters to Senor Buencamino, 1900-1901; a petition from citizens of the United States favoring suspension of hostilities in the Philippine Islands. 1902. Copies of articles published in the Saturday Evening Post, of Philadelphia, entitled ""Will the Philippines pay?" and "The real feelings of the Fili- pinos," by Augustus O. Bacon. March 31, 1902. 20 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 273. 1902. Petitions of natives of the Philippine islands. April 26, 1902. 55 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st sessio7i. Senate document no. 323. 1902. Affairs in the Philippine islands. Hearings before the Committee on the Philippinesof the United States Senate. April 10, 1902. 3 vols. Folded map. Facsimiles. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 331, parts 1-3. 1902. An eintome of historical events and of official and other correspondence connected with the acquisition and other dealings of the United States with the Philippine islands. By Erving Winslow. 21 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 375. 1902. Communication regarding our commercial relations with Cuba and the Philippine islands. July 3, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, Isl session. Senate document no. 388. 1902. The Philippine situation. Testimony and statements of witnesses, American and foreign, concerning: let. Conduct of our army. 2d. Reconcentra- tion. 3d. Effect of our administration on the people. 4th. Filipino self- government, and effect of American withdrawal. 5th. Foreign testimony on Filipino character and the situation. 6th. Summary. June 23, 1902. 78 pp. 8°. 67lh Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 422. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1903. 37 [Report] from the Com- 1 page. 8°. 1902. Philippine tariff. [Report] (with tlic views of the minority) from the Com- mittee on the Philippines. January 20, 1902. 2 i)arts. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 181, \_j>t. i.], pt. 2. 1902. Administration of civil government in the Philippines, etc. [Report, with the views of the minority] from the Committee on the Philippines. March 81, 1902. 6 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 915. 1902. Cables between the United States and Hawaii, Guam, and Philippine islands. [Report] from the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Feb- ruary 19, 1902. 23 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 568. 1902. Administration of civil affairs in the Philippine islands. [Report] from the Committee on insular affairs. April 10, 1902. 22 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1540. 1902. Civil government in the Philippine islands. [Report] from the Committee on insular affairs. June 14, 1902. 28 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2496. 1902. Submarine telegraph cables in the Pacific ocean. [Grant to the Pacific cable company, with special conditions.] December 4, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 24. 1902. Efficiency of the Philippine constabulary, etc. mittee on insular affairs. December 6, 1902. 57th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2781. 1902. Amendment to act providing revenue for the Philippine islands. [Report] from the committee on ways and means. December 17, 1902. .5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2907. 1902. Senate. Committee on the Philippines. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the Philippines in relation to a system of currency • for the Philippine islands. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 47 pp. 8°. 1902. House of Representatives. Committee on insular affairs. Statement before the Committee on insular affairs of the House of Representatives on conditions in the Philippine islands, by Felipe Buencamino. May 31, June 3, and 4, 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1902 . 86 pp. 8°. 1903. Standard of value and coinage system in the Philippine islands. [Report] from the Committee on insular affairs. January 9, 1903. 4 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 3023. 1903. Appropriation for barracks and quarters, Philippine islands. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of war submitting an estimate of appropriation for barracks and quarters, Philippine island.'r. January 12, 190.'!. 7 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 267. 1903. The Mabini case. Message from the President, transmitting to the Senate a letter from the Acting Secretary of the navy, with inclosures, relating to the government existing in Guam and the Mabini case, etc. January 24, 1903. 14 pp. 8°. 67th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 111. 1. 1-28 1.9 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY UF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1903. Statfuientof revenues and expenditures in tlie Philippine arcliipelago during the period from August 20, 1898, to June 30, 1902, as certified^ by the auditor. February 26, 1903. 143 pp. 8°. 57lh Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 182. 1903. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting a retiort showing the trials or courts-martial had in tlio Philippine islands in consequence of the instruc- tions communicated to Major-General Chaffee on April 15, 1902, together "with the action of the President or the Secretary of war thereon. March 3, 1903. 150 pp. 8°. 57l}i Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 213. 1904. Conditions in the Philippines. Paper on the conditions in the Philippines, by David H. [.?ic] Doherty. February 27, 1904. 20 pp. 8°. F,8t]i Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 170. 1904. The Philipi)ine islands and their people (reprinted from the National geo- graphic magazine for March, 1904), by Henry Gannet[t]. March 1, 1904. 14 i)p. 8°. 5Sllt Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 175. 1904. The duty of Americans in the Philippines. Address by Hon. William Howard Taft, civil governor of the Philippine :slands, delivered before the Union reading college, Manila, P. I., Thursday, December 17, 1903. March 8, 1904. -17 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 191. 1904. What has been done in the Philippines. A record of practical accomplish- ments under civil government. Washington, Government printing office, 1904- 42 pp. 8°. 5Sth Congress, 2d session. Senate document no 304- 1904. Civil government in the Philippine islands. P^eport from the Committee on the Philippines, April 4, 1904. 28 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1898. 1905. Administration of the civil government of the Philippine Islands. Report from the Committee on insular affairs, January 12, 1905. 1 page. 8°. 58t}i Congress, 3d, session. House report no. 3529. 1905. Public Lands for school purposes in the Philippine Islands. Report from the Committee on insular affairs, February 4, 1905. 1 page. 8°. 581}l Congress, 3d session. House Report no. 4218. AMERICAN OCCUPATION OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1898-li)0r) ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 39 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS, 1898-1905. 1898. Retain the Philippines. Charles E. Howe. Financial review, vol. 7 {May 27, 1898): 7. 1898. Our fleet and Spain's in the Philippines. Harper'' siveeMy, vol. 43 {May 7, 1898): 436. 1898. Au pays des moines, moeurs Philippines. J. Rizal. Humanite nouvelle, vol. 2 {May-June, 1898): 617-630. Translated by R. Sempau and H. Lucas. 1898. Bombardment of Manila. Independent, vol. 50 {May 5, 1898): 584 1898. The victory at Manila. Independent, vol. 50 {May 5, 1898): 586. 1898. Admiral Dewey and the Philippines. Dean C. Worcester. Independent, vol. 50 {May 12, 1898): 613-614. 1898. Dewey's great victory. Independent, vol. 50 {May 12, 1898) : 620. 1898. Our interests in the Pacific. Independent, vol. 50 {May 19, 1898): 652. 1898. The war in the Philippines. Leslie's weekly, vol. 86 {May 12, 1898): 298. 1898. Governing at a distance. Nation, vol. 66 {May 19, 1898): 376-377. 1898. The Philippines— and what next? Outlook {Eng.), vol. 1 {May 7, 1898): 432. 1898. Dewey's victory at Manila. Outlook, vol. 59 {May 7, 1898): 1-2. 1898. Commodore Dewey's victory. Outlook, vol. 59 {May 14, 1898): 99-101. 1898. Dewey's victory at Manila. Fublic opinion, vol. 24 {May 12, 1898): 579-583. 1898. What shall we do with the Philippines? \ Public opinion, vol. 24 {May 12, 1898): 583-585. 1898. Malay life in the Philippines. W. G. Palgrave. Scientific American .mpplement, vol. 4-5 {May 14, 1898) : 18684; {May 21, 1898) : 18698; {May 28, 1898): 18711. 1898. The capture (and fate) of Manila. Spectator, vol. 80 {May 7, 1898): 645. 1898. The fate of the Philippines. Spectator, vol. 80 {May 7, 1898): 645-646. 1898. Fate of the Philippines. Spectator, vol. 80 {May 14, 1898) : 690. -il 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THii PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1898. What au American saw in the Philippines. Joseph T. Mannix. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 17 {June, 1898): 689-697. 1898. The PhiUppines in history. Charles Johnston. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 17 {June, 1898): 698-705. 1898. Manila as seen by an American. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 17 {June, 1898): 731. 1898. The war with Spain, and after. Atlantic monthly, vol. 8 {June, 1898) : 721-727. 1898. A visit to the Philippines. Claes Ericsson. Contemporary review, vol. 73 {June, 1898): 829-837; Living age, vol. 218 {July 23, 1898): 269-275. 1898. Germany in the Philippines. Economist {London), vol. 56 {June 18, 1898): 902. 1898. :\Iap of the China seas, showing European possessions. Harpcfs weekly, vol. 42 {June 11, 1898): 568. 1898. The battle of Manila. Extract from Admiral Dewey's official report. Harpefs weekly, vol. 42 {June 25, 1898) : 622. 1898. The missionary problem in the Philippines. Independent, vol. 50 {June 16, 1898): 788. 1898. The expeditions to Manila. Mabel Clare Craft. Leslie's weekly, vol. 86 {.Tuue 16, 1898): 394. 1898. First men from the battle of Manila. Mabel Clare Craft. Leslie's weekly, vol. 86 {June 30, 1898): 429. 1898. Life in Manila. Joseph Earle Stevens. Living age, vol. 217 {June 11, 1898) : 763-764- 1898. The fate of the Philippines. Living age, vol. 217 {June 18, 1898): 837-839. 1898. An American in Manila. Joseph Earle Stevens. McClure' s magazine, vol. 11 {June, 1898): 186-192. 1898. Holdinf,' the Philippines. Xatlon, vol. 66 {June 9, 1898): 438. 1898. Manila. Nation, vol. 66 {June 23, 1898) : 475-477. 1898. The Philippine islands. (With map, chart, and illustrations.) F. F. Hilder. Naiional geographic magazine, vol. 9 {June, 1898): 257-284. "The National geographic magazine is taking excellent advantage of the interest in geography evoked Vjy the Spanish- American war, and now follows up its admirable Cuban number with a number devoted exclusively to the Philippine Islands." 1898. Notes on some primitive Philippine tribes. (With illustrations. ) Dean C. Worcester. National geographic magazine, vol. 9 {June, 1898): 284-301. 1898. Commerce of the Philippine islands. John Hyde. National geographic magazine, vol. 9 {June, 1898): 301-303. 1898. The di.sposition of the Philippines. Charles E. Howe. National geographic magazine, vol. 9 {June, 1898): 304- 1898. What shall we do with the conquered islands? John T. Morgan. North American review, vol. 166 {June, 1898): 641-649. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 43 1898. Strategical value of the Philij)2)ines. Truxtun Beale. North American review, vol. 166 {June, 1898) : 759-760. 1898. The Philippine islands. A descriptive sketch. Ramon Reyes Lala. Outlook, vol. 59 [June 4, 1898) : 265-270. 1898. The problem of the Philippines; racial, commercial, religious, political, and social conditions. W. Winthrop. Outlook, vol. 59 (June 11, 1898): 377-383. 1898. The missionary societies in the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 59 {June 25, 1898) : 489. 1898. Manila and the Philippines: The garden spot of the earth. Arthur Tappan Marvin. Overland, n. s., vol. 31 {June, 1898): 546-554. 1898. When England held Cuba and the Philippines. [1763.] Public opinion, vol. 24 {June 2, 1898): 695. 1898. Notes on the Philippines. (What an American saw in the Philippines.) I^ublic opinion, vol. 24 {June 16, 1898) : 747. 1898. Volcanoes of the Philippines. J. B. Steere. Public ojyinion, vol. 24 {June 23, 1898): 784. 1898. Japanese comment on the war. Public opinion, vol. 24 {June 30, 1898): 805. 1898. Volcanoes and earthquakes in the Philippines. J. B. Steere. Scientific American, n. s., vol. 78 {June 18, 1898) : 395. 1898. Fortifications of Manila. Scientific American supplement, vol. 45 {June 4, 1898): 18717. 1898. The battle of Manila. Scientific American supplement, vol. 45 {June 18, 1898): 18757-18759. 1898. Pests and poisonous creatures peculiar to Cuba and the Philippines. G. Archie Stock well. Scientific American supplement, vol. 45 {June 18, 1898): 18761-18762. 1898. Mineralogy and ethnology of the Philippines. American Catholic quarterly review, vol. 23 {July, 1898): 651-653. 1898. Manila and the Philippines. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 18 {July, 1898): 79. 1898. The Philippine islands. John A. Osborne. Chautauquan, vol. 27 {July, 1898): 377-380. 1898. Spain and the Philippine islands. John Foreman. Contemporary revieiv, vol. 74 {July, 1898) : 20-33; Eclectic magazine, vol. 131 {Aug., 1898): 251-261. 1898. Fate of the Philippines. Eclectic magazine, vol. 131 {July, 1898): 138-140. 1898. Les Philippines. Joseph Brucker. Etudes, vol. 76 {July, 1898): 115-122. 1898. The Philippine islanders. Lucy M. J. Garnett. Fortnightly review, vol. 70 {July, 1898): 72-87. 1898. The Philippine i.slands. Industries and resources. F. F. Hilder. Forum, vol. 25 {July, 1898) : 534-545. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1898. A suggestive incident. (Germany at Manila. ) Harper's xceekhj, vol. 42 {July 16, 1898) : 683. 1898. A parish feast at Manila. Lucy M. J. Garnett. Independent, vol. 50 {July U, 1898) : 105-107. 1898. What our soldiers will see in Manila. Map. Katherine Louise Smith. Journal of education, vol. 48 {July 14, 1898): 61. 1898. Dewey as a great commander. Edgar Stanton Maclay. I^>im's weekly, vol. 87 {July 21, 1898): 47. 1898. Germany in the Phihppines. Lh'iny age, vol. 218 {July 28, 1898) : 277-^9. 1898. Friars in the Philippines. F. de P. Castells. Missionary review, vol. 21 {July, 1898) : 517. 1898. Spanish rule in the Philippines. Mi.L 24, 1898): 934- 1898. Our troops in the Philippine;^. John F. Bass. Hdrper's weekly, vol. 4-2 {Sept. J4, 1898): 934. 1898. Attitude of the Filipinos (toward the United States.). Ramon Reyes Lala. Independent, vol. 50 {Sept. 8, 1898): 672. 1898. From Hawaii to Manila. (Our troops in the Philippines.) William G. Irwin. Independent, vol. 50 {Sept. 8, 1898): 693-695. 1898. Filipinos and the friars. Margherita Arlina Hamm. Independent, vol. 60 {Sept. 15, 1898) : 748-752. 1898. (Sketch of) Aguinaldo. Ramon Reyes Lala. Independent, vol. 50 {Sept. 22, 1898) : 810-812. 1898. Stories of a Manila hero: N. Mayo Dyer. Joanna Nicholls Kyle. * Leslie's weekly, vol. 87 {Sept. 15, 1898): 214. 1898. The trip to Manila with Merritt. Leslie's weekly, vol. 87 {Sept. 29, 1898): 247. 1898. The commercial promise of Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines. George B. Waldron. McClure' s magazine, vol. 11 {Sept., 1898): 481-484 1898. ' The Philippines as a fulcrum. Nation, vol. 67 {Sept. 1, 1898) : 161. 1898. A Philippine catechism. Nation, vol. 67 {Sept. 8, 1898): 178. 1898. Apropos of the Philippines. (Annexation : ethics of the war. ) Nation, vol. 67 {Sept. 22, 1898): 216. 1898. The problem of the Philippines. Charles W. Dilke, John Barrett, Hugh H. Lusk. North American review, vol. 167 {Sept., 1898): 257-277. 1898. A Catholic view of Catholicity in the Philippines. Charleson Shane. Public opinion, vol. 25 {Sept. 1, 1898) : 275. 1898. The peoples of the Philippines. Daniel G. Brinton. American anthropologist, vol. 11 {Oct., 1898) : 293-307. 1898. Problems of the Philippines. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 18 {Oct., 1898): 451-452. 1898. Our duty in the Philippines. Elbert D. Weed. Arena, vol. 20 {Oct., 1898): 453-459. 1898. Religious problem of the Philippines. A. P. Doyle. Catholic world, vol. 68 {Oct., 1898): 119-124. 1898. Knotty problems of the Philippines. Dean C. Worcester. Century, vol. 56 {Oct., 1898): 873-879. 1898. Our colonial possessions (Philippines, Porto Rico, Hawaii). Cyrus C. Adams. Chautauquan, vol. 28 {Oct., 1898): 33-40. 1898. Every-day life in the Philippines. Joseph Earle Stevens. Current literature, vol. 24 {Oct., 1898): 296-299. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1898. In the monsoon off Manila. Osiar King Davis. Harper's weekly, vol. 42 ( Oct. 1, 1898) : 958. 1898. (Superstition of the natives.) P. S. Davies. Illustrated American, vol. U {Oct- 7, 1898): 270-271. 1898. The Philippines. ( Insurrection in the Philippines. ) Independent, vol. 50 ( Oct. 6, 1898) : 941. 1898. The conquest of Manila. William Gilbert Irwin. Independent, vol. 50 {Oct. 6, 18'JS): 979-981. 1898. Admiral Dewey on his flagship. Murat Halstead. Independent, vol. 50 {Oct. 13, 1898): 1019-1024- 1898. The Filipinos: who they are. ]\Iargherita Arlina Hamm. Independent, vol. 50 {Oct. 20, 1898) : 1098-1100. 1898. Washington's foreign policy and the Philippines. James Albert Woodburn. Independent, vol. 50 { Oct. 27, 1898) : 1170-1173. 1898. Education in Hawaii and the Spanish islands. A. Tolman Smith. Independent, vol. 50 ( Oct. 27, 1898) : 1191. 1898. What shall be done about the Philippines? Mayo W. Hazeltine. North Amencan review, vol. 167 {Oct., 189S): 385-392. 1898. Articles used in the Philippines. Bureau of the American Republics. Monthly bulletin, vol. 6, p>t. 2 {Nov., 1898): 831-832. 1898. Why we won at Manila. B. A. Fiske. Century, vol. 57 {Nov., 1898): 127-135. 1898. The campaign in the Philippines. William Gilbert Irwin. Chautauquan, vol. 28 {Nov., 1898): 158-160. 1898. Die Lage auf den Philippinen. Export, vol. 22 {Nov. 24, 1898): 592-593. 1898. Shall we keep the Philippines? C. Denby. Forum, vol. 26 {Nov., 1898): 279. 1898. Some facts about the Philippines. Harper's bazar, vol. 31 {Nov. 12, 1898) : 979. 1898. The Filipino republic. Frank D. Millet. Harper's weekly, vol. 42 {Nov. 12, 1898): 1110. 1898. From America to Asia, touching our new possessions in the Pacific. Murat IlaLstead. Independent, vol. 50 {Nov. 3, 1898): 1238-1241. 1898. The character and rights of the Filipinos. Howard W. Bray. Independent, vol. 50 {Nov. 10, 1898)- 1312-1316. 1898. With the army at Manila. James Mailley. Independent, vol. 50 {Nov. 10, 1898): 1317-1319. 1898. Our plighted word and the Philippines. James Albert Woodburn. JndependeiU, vol. 50 {Nov. 17, 1898): 1381-1383. 1898. The Manila prisons. William Gilbert Irwin. hidependent, vol. 50 {Nov. 17, 1898): 1398-1400. 1898. The men at Manila. Murat Halstead. Independent, vol. 50 {Nov. 24, 1898): 1481-1485. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, ISDS-lfiO;! 49 1898. In old Manila. Juan del Eio. Land of sunshine, vol. 9 {Nov., 1898) : 279-289. 1898. Stories of the war. (Impressions of Manila. ) Edward Murphy. Leslie's weekbj, vol. 87 {Nov. 24, 1S98): 403. 1898. The Philippines and the Philippinos. F. de P. Castells. Missionary review, vol. 21 {Nov., 1898): 821-827. 1898. The empire of the Philippines, .lohii Foreman. National review, vol. 32 {Nov., 1898) : 392-400. Favors annexation to the United States. 1898. The Filipino protest. Ovtlook, vol. 60 {Nov. 26, 1898): 745-747. 1898. America in the Far East. The signal gun at Manila. William Elliot GrifBs. Outlook, vol. 60 {Nov. 26, 1898): 761-766. 1898. The American colonies. Spectator, vol. 81 {Nov. 5, 1898): 64O-641. Forecast of the difficulties of governing Cuba, Porto Kico, and the Philippines. 1898. A Moro wedding. Dean C. Worcester. Current literature, vol. 24 {Dec, 1898): 541- 1898. The decision at Paris. (Open door in the Philippines.) Harper' sweekiu, vol. 43 {Dec. 3, 1898): 1170. 1898. Manila: the climate and the people. Frank D. Millet. Harper's iveekly, vol. 42 { Dec. 24, 1898) : 1276. 1898. The American birthright and the Philippine pottage. Henry Van Dyke. Indep^endent, vol. .50 {Dec. 1, 1898): 1579-1585. 1898. Open door (Philippines). Lndependent, vol. 50 {Dec. 1, 1898): 1598. 1898. The Philippine islands. ( Facts about the Philippines. ) Independent, vol. 50 {Dec. 8, 1898) : 1622-1624. 1898. Porto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines. Hilary A. Herbert. Independent, vol. 50 {Dec. 8, 1898): 1646-1651. 1898. Foreign complications in the Philippines. Independent, vol. .50 {Dec. 8, 1898): 1711-1712. 1898. The Philippine islands. (Annexation.) Independent, vol. 50 {Dec. 15, 1898): 1731. 1898. The literature and legends of the Filipinos. Margherita Arlina Hamm. Independent, vol. 50 {Dec. 15, 1898): 176.5-1769. 1898. Deserves the thanks of Congress. (Consul-General Wildman and Admiral Dewey in the Philippines. ) Leslie's weekly, vol. 87 {Dec. 29, 1898): 515. 1898. Expelled from the Philippines. F. de P. Castells. Missionary revieiv, n. s., vol. 11 {Dec, 1898): 914-917. 1898. "Cooperation" and after. Arthur Hugh Frazier. Nation, vol.67 {Dec. 1, 1898) : 408. Cooperation with the Filipinos for their safety and welfare. 1898. Open door (Philippines) . Outlook, vol. 60 {Dec. 3, 1898): 805-807. 21226—0.5 4 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1898. The Anglo-Saxon in the tropics. William Elliot Griffis. Outlook, vol. 60 {Dec. 10, 1S98): 902-907. 1898. In the Philippines. (Present conditions.) Outlook, vol. 60 [Dec. 24, 1898): 988. 1898. How do you know that we must first conquer the Filipinos? An old soldier. Outlook, vol. 60 {Dec. 31, 1898): 1076-1077. 1898. 820.000,000 for the Philippines. Pnhlir opinio)!, vol. 25 {Dec. 1, 1898): 675-676. 1898. Open door in the Philippines. Public opinion, vol. 25 {Dec. 1, 1898): 676. 1898. Again the open door. Public opinion, vol. 25 {Dec. 8, 1898): 711-712. 1898. Church property in the Philippines. Public opinion, vol. 25 {Dec. 22, 1898): 785. 1898. Possibilities of Philippine trade. Public opinion, vol. 25 {Dec. 22, 1898): 797. 1898. La commission Hispano-Americaine. Francis Charmes. Revue des deux mondes, vol. 362 {Dec. 1, 1898) : 697-701. 1898. The Philippines. A descriptive sketch. St. Nicholas, vol. 26 {Dec, 1898): 172. 1898. The races of the Philippine archipelago. Daniel G. Brinton. Scientific American supplement, vol. 46 {Dec. 17, 1898) : 19210-19212. 1898. The fall of Manila. Aug. 13, 1898. T. Bentley Mott. Scrlbner'.^ magazine, vol. 24 {Dec, 1898): 683-688. 1899. Les cyclones aux Philippines et dans les mers de Chine. Etude th^orique et pratique. Jose Algue. Annales hydrographiques, 2d ser., vol. 21 {1899): 61-198; vol. 22 {1900): 47-161. 1899. Die Bevolkerung der Philippinen. }>hMof Erde, vol. 2 {1899): .W4-306, 330-333. 1899. Manila under the Americans. (With map.) C. B. Simonds. Boyal artillery institution. Proceedings, vol. 26 {1899) : 309-320. 1899. Our new colonial iiolity. J. P5. Tnc'ker. Arena, vol. 21 {.Jan., 1899): 84. 1899. The Spanish administration in the Philippines. Catholic vo rid, vol. 68 {Jan., 1899): 531-548. 1899. The Philippines— shall they be annexed? A.H.Whitfield. Cosmopolitan, vol. 26 {Jan., 1899): 351-354. 1899. Philippine woods. Current literature, vol. 25 {Jan., 1899): 31. 1899. The relations of the United States to their new dependencies. A. T. Mahan. Engineering magazine, vol. 16 {Jan., 1899): 521-526. 1899. A trip to Iloilo. John F. Bass. Harper's meekly, vol. 43 {.Jan. 14, 1899): 41. 1899. Our new possessions. (Government of) the Philippines. F.D.Millet. Harper' s weekly, vol. 43 {Jan. 28, 1899): 95,98. AMERICAN OCCUPATIOIsr, 1898-1905. 51 1899. In the Philippines: the I'rewident to the I''ilii)ino8. (Hostility to tiie United States. ) Independent, vol. ol {Jan. 12, 1899): 97. 1899. Tlie Philippine insurgents. William Gilbert Irwia. Independent, vol. 51 {Jan. 12, 1899): 122-123. 1899. (Annexation) Signs of a halt. Nation, vol. 68 {Jan. 19, 1899): 40. 1899. (Annexation) The Louisiana and Texas precedents. John Mosby. Nation, vol. 08 {.Tan., 1899) : 4.5. 1899. Objections to annexing the Philippines. G. G. Vest. North American review, vol. 168 {Jan., 1899): 112-120. 1899. Insurgents at Iloilo. Outlook, vol. 61 {Jan. 7, 1899): 1. 1899. The PhiUppine problem. Outlook, vol. 61 {Jan. 14, 1899) : II4-I24. I. The islands and their people. Dean C. Worcester. II. What is the problem? Henry L. Dawes. III. A Japanese view. Percy Alden. IV. Life in Manila, a trooper's diary. Huntington. 1899. The Philippine problem (of government). Outlook, vol. 61 {Jan. 21, 1899): 154-155. 1899. Must we conquer the Filipinos? An old soldier. Outlook, vol. 61 {.Tan. 21, 1899): I84. 1899. The Philippine commission personnel. Outlook, vol. 61 {Jan. 28, 1899): 199. 1899.' Philippine complications. (Aguinaldo's protest. ) Public opinion, vol. 26 {Jan. 5, 1899) : 5-6. 1899. The surrender of Iloilo to the insurgents. Public opinion, vol. 26 {Jan. 5, 1899): 6. 1899. La crise politique au Japon. Le Japon et les Philippines. D. Riziere. Que.stions diplomatique et coloniale, vol. 6 {Jan.-Apr., 1899): 6-9. 1899. Industrial conditions in the Philippines. Rand-McNalbj bankers' monthh/, vol. 17 {Jan., 1899): 18-27. 1899. Les Philippines et I'insurrection de 1896-1897. Revue militaire de I'etranger, vol. 55 {Jan., 1899): 5-39. CONTENTS. Description geographique et ethnographique; Regime economique; Organisation poli- tique; Organisation religieuse; Les societOs secretes; Organisation militaire; Marine; Situation int^rieure des Philippines; Insurrection de 1896-97. 1899. Reconstructing the Philippines. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 19 {Feb., 1899): 136. 1899. Aguinaldo: A character sketch. American monthly revievj of reviews, vol. 19 {Feb., 1899) : 165-175. 1899. The religious orders in the Philippine.s. W. A. Jones. Catholic world, vol. 68 {Frb., 1899): 579-593. 1899. After the capture of Manila. Frank R. Roberson. Cosmopolitan, vol. 26 {Feb., 1899): 378-392. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1899. Future of the Philippine islands. Margherita Arlina Hamm. Currenl literature, vol. 25 {Feb., 1899): 124. 1899. Costumes and huts of Filipinos. Current literature, vol. 25 {Feb., 1899) : Ul- 1899. Why the (Paris) treaty should be mtitied. Charles Denby. Fornm, vol. 2G (Feb., 1899): 641-649. 1899. With Dewey at Manila, .losepli L. Stickney. Harper' s magazine, vol. 98 {Feb., 1899): 476-484- 1899. Our new possessions — the Philippines. John F. Bass. Harper' sweekh/, vol. 4S {Feb. 4, 1899): 119. 1899. Manila. (Attitude of the Philippine insurgents.) Frank D. Millet. Harper's weekly, vol. 4^ {Feb. 4, 1899): 126. 1899. Our duty in Asia. Uarpi;'^ n-eekUj, vol. 43 {Feb. IS, 1899): 158. 1899. Third battle of Manila. Marrion Wilcox. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Feb. 18, 1899): 174- 1899. Hollo. (Gen. Miller's expedition.) John F. Bass. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Feb. 25, 1899) : 189. 1899. Diary of the (Philippine) revolt. Marrion Wilcox. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Feb. 25, 1899): 200; {Mnr. 4, 1899): 224; {Mar. 11, 1899): 249; {.Var. 18, 1899): 272; {Mar. 25,1899): 285; {Apr. 1, 1899): 321; {Apr. 8, 1899): 348; {Apr. 15, 1899): 365; {Apr. 22, 1899): 409; {Apr. 29, 1899): 436; {May 6, 1899): 460; {May 13, 1899): 473; {May 20, 1899): 509; {May 27, 1899): 533. 1899. For a Philippine republic. John Sherman. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 2, 1899): 319. 1899. Fighting in the Philippines. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 9, 1899): 383; {Feb. 23, 1899): 524; {Mar. 23, 1899): 796. 1899. Another victory in the Philippines. (Battle of Caloocan.) Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 16, 1899): 451. 1899. Fighting the Filipinos. William G. Bates. Independent, vol. 51 {Feb. 16, 1899): 468-470, 498. 1899. The President's Boston address. (Our duty in the Philippines.) Independent, vol. 51 { Feb. 23, 1899) : 566-567. 1899. Dewey at Manila. Edward W. Harden. MrOlnre' s magazine, vol. 12 {Fel,., 1899): 369-384. 1899. What if the (peace) treaty is not ratified. (McKinley's disregard of the Constitution. ) Nation, vol. 08 {Feb. 2, 1899): 80. 1899. A king of the Philippines. (United States Congress and constitutional limitations.) John S. Mosby. Nation, vol. 68 {Feb. 9, 1899): 107. 1899. The dilemma of the Filipinos. Raymond Macdonald Alden. Nation, vol. 68 {Feb. 9, 1899): 108. 1899. Tlie economic condition of tlie Philippines. Max L. Tornow. National geographic magazine, vol. 10 {Feb., 1899): 33-64. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 58 1899. Manila and tlie riiilippines. A. Falkner von Sonnenburg. National geographic magazine, vol. 10 {Feb., 1899): 05-72. 1899. Congress: Senators Teller and Hoar on constitutional limitations. (Distrust of ^IcKinley's policy.) Outlook, vol. 01 {Feb. 4, 1899): 247. 1899. The third battle of Manila. Outlook, vol. 01 {Feb. 11, 1899) : 335. 1899. A grave danger in the Philippines (respecting property rights). Outlook, vol. 01 {Feb. 11, 1899): 339. 1899. The Philippine resolution (and amendment). Outlook, vol. 01 {Feb. 25, 1899): 433-434. 1899. The President's (Boston) speech (on Philippine problem). Outlook, vol. 01 {Feb. 20, 1899): 44I-442. 1899. Campaigning in the Philippines. Pandia Ralli. Overland, n. s., vol. 33 (Feb., 1899): 1.54-107. 1899. The Philippine commission. Public opinion, vol. 20 {Feb. 2, 1899): 137. 1899. The fighting at Manila. Public opinion, vol. 20 {Feb. 10, 1899): 195-197. 1899. Une semaine aux Philippines. Andre Bellesort. Revue des deux mondes, vol. 151 {Feb. 15, 1899): 791-827. 1899. Our new war (and the peace treaty) in the Philippines. American monthly review of revieius, vol. 19 {Mar., 1899): 259-270. 1899. Philippine types and characteristics. American monthly revieiv of reviews, vol. 19 {Mar., 1899): 302-307. 1899. The native population of the Pnilippines. Juan Caro y 31ora. American monthly revieiv of reviews, vol. 19 {Mar., 1899): 308-312. 1899. The capture of Manila. Francis V. Greene. Century, vol. 57 {Mar., 1899): 785-791; {Apr., 1899): 915-935. 1899. .What shall we do with the Philippines? Charles Denby. Forum, vol. 27 {Mar., 1899): 47-51. 1899. Filipino characteristics. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 4, 1899): 220. 1899. Problem of expansion. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 11, 1899): 232. 1899. Along the shores of the Laguna de Bay in a dugout. John F. Bass. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 11, 1899): 245. 1899. The Filipino leaders. Frank D. Millet. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 11, 1899): 248. 1899. Map of Manila. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 11, 1899): 250. 1899. General Miller's expedition to Iloilo. John F. Bass. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 18, 1899): 208. 1899. Manila's defences. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 18, 1899) : 273. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1899. The trial of the dons. John F. Bass. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Mar. 25, 1899): 293. 1899. Our new possessions. James Bradley Thayer. Harvard law review, vol. 12 {Mar., 1899): 464-4S5. 1899. Rioting at Manila. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 2, 1899) : 590-592. 1899. Bible versions which the Philippines will need. B. Pick. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 2, 1899) : 647. 1899. Democratic policy (concerning the Philippines). Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 9, 1899): 663. 1899. Character of the Philippine leaders. Edward C. Andre. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 16, 1899): 735-737. 1899. Can we Americanize the Philippines? Ogden E. Edwards. Independent, vol.51 {Mar. 23, 1899): 802-804- 1899. With Admiral Dewey at Manila bay. Corwin P. Rees. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 23, 1899): 810-811. . 1899. Must we fight the Filipinos? Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 23, 1899): 842-843. 1899. The Filipinos retreating. Independent, vol. 51 {Mar. 30, 1899): 864-865. 1899. The first fight with the insurgents. William Gilbert Irwia, Independetit, vol. 51 {Mar. 30, 1899): 886-888. 1899. (Annexation). A great moral catastrophe. Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 2, 1899): 158-159. 1899. Who is responsible for Aguinaldo? Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 2, 1899): 159. 1899. "Chaos." (Gun government of Filipinos. ) Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 16, 1899) : 196. 1899. The situation. (United States situation in the Philippines.) Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 23, 1899): 216. 1899. Getting our eyes open. (Our ignoranc-e concerning the Filipinos. ) Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. 30, 1899): 234. 1899. The Fihpino's passion for liberty. S. M. Ilsley. Nation, vol. 68 {Mar. SO, 1899): 239. 1899. A republic in the Philippines. W. A. Peffer. North American review, vol. 168 {Mar., 1899) : 310-320. 1899. A chapter in the history of the Philippines. Ovilook, vol. 61 {Mar. 4, 1899) : 493-494- 1899. Tli(^ facts. (United States duty toward the Filipinos.) Outlook, vol. 61 {Mar. 18, 1899) : 620-621. 1899. The anti-imperialists' address. (Comment.) Outlook, vol. 61 {Mar. 25, 1899) : 669-671. 1899. History of the Philippine islands from 1899-1903. Outlook, vol. 61 {Mar. 25, 1899): 688. Prophecy. 1899. Some sights in the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 61 {Mar. 25, 1899): 706. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 55 1899. Campaigning in the Philippines. Pandia Ralli. Orerlaiid, n. s., vol. 33 {Mar., 1S99): 220-232. 1899. A word for Aguinaldo. Overland, n. s., vol. S3 {Mar., 1899): 286-288. 1899. The Democratic caucus on the Philippines. Puhlic opinion, vol. 26 \Mar. 9, 1899): 294. 1899. Germany's withdrawal from the Philippines. Fablic opinion, vol. 26 {Mar. 9, 1899): 295. 1899. Americanizing the Philippines. Public opinion, vol. 26 {Mar. 23, 1899) : 357. 1899. Memorandum on the mineral resources of the Philippine islands. George F. Becker. . Scientific American supplement, vol. 47 {Mar. 4, 1899): 19380. 1899. Material problems in the Philippine islands. Samuel W. Belford. American monthly review of renews, vol. 19 {Apr., 1899): 454~457. 1899. American rule in the Philippines. American monthly review of revieivs, vol. 19 {Apr., 1899): 462. 1899. The surrender of Manila. John T. Crutcheon. Century, vol. ,57 {Apr., 1899) : 935-942. 1899. The (first) battle of Manila bay. E. P. Wood. Century, vol. 57 {Apr., 1899): 957. 1899. History as it is made. (Fighting in the Philippines.) Chautauqua^, vol. 29 {Apr., 1899): 81-84. 1899. Die Philippinen. Export, vol. 21 {Apr. 27, 1899): 209-210; {May 4, 1899): 224-225; {May 11, 1899): 233-234; {May 18, 1899) : 245-246. 1899. Fighting in the Philippines. The revolt. John F. Bass. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Apr. 1, 1899): 319-320; {Apr. 8, 1899): 348, 355-358; {Apr. 22, 1899): 401-404; {Apr. 29, 1899): 429-432; {May 20, 1899): 501-505. 1899. Cost of maintaining the Philippines. Harper's weekly, vol. 43 {Apr. 8, 1899): 332. 1899. The Philippine problem. Harper's iceekly, vol. 43 {Apr. 22, 1899): 392. 1899. The taking of Iloilo. Harper's iveekly, vol. 43 {Apr. 22, 1899): 404- 1 899. The taking of Cebu. An officer of the United States navy. Harper's weekly, vol. 4S {Apr. 29, 1899): 432. 1899. Malolos captured. Map. Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 6, 1899): 930-931. 1899. The Eed Cross work in Cuba and the Philippines. Clara Barton. Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 6, 1899): 938-940. 1899. Philippine customs and oddities. Margherita Arlina Ilamm. Independent, vol.51 {Apr. 6, 1899): 961-965. 1899. Proclamation to the Filipinos. Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 13, 1899): 994- 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1899. The situation in the Philippines. Ramon Reyes Lala. Independent, vol. 31 {Apr. 13, 1890): 1025-1028. 1899. The Philippine policy. (What the Filipinos want.) Andrew Carnegie. Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 20, 1899): 1070-1072. 1899. Mr. Carnegie's impeachment. Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 20, 1899): 1098-1099. 1899. Captain Coghlan's blunder. ( Dewey's interview with, the representative of the German fleet.) Independent, vol. 51 {Apr. 27, 1899): 1161. 1899. The United States and the Philippines. M. von Brandt. Living age, vol. 221 {Apr. 22, 1899) : 261-263. 1899. The Filipinos (what they are and what they may become). Edwin Wildman. Munseifs magazine, vol. 21 {Apr., 1899) : 32-39. 1899. A plan for the Philippines. (Alfred Russel Wallace's plan.) Nation, vol. 68 {Apr. 20, 1899): 288. 1899. The policy of ignorance and drift (in the Philippines). Xafton, vol. 68 {Apr. 27, 1899): 306. 1899. The advance on Malolos. OutlooL; vol. 61 {Apr. 1, 1899): 701. 1899. The Philippine question; some dissenting opinions. Edwin D. Mead and others. Outlook, vol. 61 (Apr. 8, 1899): 840-844. 1899. The campaign in Luzon. Outlook, vol. 61 {Apr. 8, 1899): 799. 1899. The Philippine commission's proclamation. Outlook, vol. 61 {Apr. 15, 1899): 800-861, 890-891. 1899. International brotherhood applied to the conduct of the United States in the Philippines. Lyman Abbott. Outlook, vol. 61 {Apr. 15, 1899) : 865-870. 1899. The Philippine history. Outlook, vol. 61 {Apr. 22, 1899): 904-908. 1899. Is it a war of subjugation? Joseph Parker Warren. Outlook, vol. 61 {Apr. 22, 1899): 935-936. 1899. The lighting in the Philippines. Puhlie opinion, vol. 26 {April 6, 1899): 419. 1899. Agriculture and mineral resources of the Philippines. Public opinion, vol. 26 {Apr. 13, 1899) : 477. 1899. The health of Manila. O. F. Williams. Public opinion, vol. 26 {Apr. 27, 1899): 522. 1899. Capture of Iloilo. Scientific American supplement, vol. 47 {Apr. 15, 1899): 19478. 1899. .\nnex the Philippines. Edward A. Belcher. Anglo-American magazine, vol. 1 {Ma>j, 1899): 472-474. 1899. The first book on the Philippine islands. Luther S. Livingston. Bookman, vol. 9 {May, 1899): 263-264. On " De Molvccis," by Maximillanus Tmnsylvanus. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 57 1899. Manila under American rule. William Gilbert Irwin. Vhdutauqium, lol. 29 {MD): 689-703. American soldiers and Filipinos. James IMartin Miller. Munscy'b nia> weekly, vol. 44 {June 16, 1900): 560. Luzon salt makers. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {June 23, 1900): 586. The situation in the Philippines. Elwell S. Otis. Independent, vol. 52 {June 14, 1900): 1414-1415. Common schools in the Philippines. Carlos G. Calkins. h, dependent, vol. 52 (June 21, 1900): 1489-1491. The salotm in Manila. Harold Martin. Independent, vol. 52 {June 28, 1900): 1537-1540. • The Philippine native. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 16, 1900): 389-393. The aborigines of the Philippines. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 23, 1900^: 435-440. Amnesty in the Pliilippines. Outlook, vol. 65 {June SO, 1900): 464-465. ( jeneral Otis' s views. Public opinion, vol. 28 {June 21, 1900): 775-776. Notes on the climate in the Philippines. I. N. Brewer. Public opinion, vol. 28 {June 21, 1900): 785. Telegraph and telephone work in the Philippines. Scientific: American supplement, vol. 49 {June 16, 1900): 20452-20453. The i)olitical organization of the Filipinos. R. L. Packard. Scientific- American supplement, vol. 49 {June 16, 1900): 20459-20460. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 7l 1900, Are the Philipjiines worth liaviug? George F. Becker. Scribnefs magazine, vol. 27 {Jinu, J900): 739-753. 1900. Opportunities for estabhshment of electrical plants in the Philippines. G. P. Rice. Americnn gas light jownal, vol. 7S {.luhj in, 1900): 88-89. 1900. The amnesty proclamation. Harper^ s weekly, vol. 44 {July 7, 1900): 618. 1900. The Philippines: our approach to Asia. .Tohn Barrett. Harper^ sxveekly, vol. 44 {July 38, 1900): 702-703. 1900. Ethnology in the Philippines. F. F. Hilder. Independent, vol. 53 {July 13, 1900): 1676-1678. 1900. The demands of the Filipinos. Albert G. Robinson. Tndepeii(lenl, vol. 53 {July 19, 1900): 1734-1736. 1900. The mortmain estates in tlie Philippines. Independent, vol. 53 {July 26, 1900) : 1811-1813. 1900. The south and the Philippines. Nation, vol. 71 {Jtdy 36, 1900): 66. 1900. The projected cable line to the Philippines. Chandler Hale. North American review, vol. 171 {July, 1900): 83-89. 1900. The Philippine prol)lem. L. R. Ehrich. Outlook, vol. <;.5 {.My 7, 1900): 600-603. 1900. The natives of the Philippines. W. F. Norris. Outlook, vol. 65 {July -38, 1900) : 749-750. 1900. Amnesty and peace proposal in the Philippines. Public opinion, vol. 39 {Jtdy 6, 1900): 7-8. 1900. The present and future of the Philippines. F. F. Hilder. Forum, vol. 39 {Aug., 1900): 703-713. 1900. The present political aspect of the Philippine question. Charles Denby. Harjier's v;eekly, vol. 44 {Aug. 4, 1900): 731. 1900. The hospitals of Manila. William Dinwiddle. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {Aug. 4, 1900): 737-739. 1900. In southern Luzon and northern Mindanao. Horace M. Reeve. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. 33, 1900): 2035-3038. 1900. The friars in the Philippines. Harold Martin. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. 30, 1900): 2089-3091. 1900. The Jesuit college of the Philippines. Fernando Bernitez. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. SO, 1900): 3099-3100. 1900. A prisoner among Filipinos. James C. Gilmore. McClure's magazine, vol.15 {Aug., 1900): 291-303; {Sept., 1900): 399-410. 1900. The situation in the Philippines. Nation, vol. 71 {Aug. 16, 1900): 134-^125. 1900. The occupation of Marinduque. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 65 {Aug. 18, 1900): 919-934. 1900. A Filipino's statement of the case. Sixto Lopez. Outlook, vol. 65 {Aug. 25,1900): 983. 72 biblioCtRaphy of the Philippine islands. 1900. The cost of the PhiHppine war. Public opinion, vol. 29 {Aug. SO, 1900): 265-266. 1900. Some of the resources of the PhiHppines. G. D. Rice. Scientific American supplemetti, vol. 50 {Awj. IS, 1900): 20601. 1900. The only practical way to grant independence. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Sept., 1900): 267-268. 1900. Pressing needs of the Philippines. John H. Parker. American montldy review of reviews, vol. 22 {Sept., 1900): 312-314- 1900. Problems of government in the Philippines. Paul S. Reinsch. Arena, vol.24 {Sept., 1900): 281-292. 1900. Two Philippine sketches: The Colla; Lahaya. H. Phelps Whitmarsh. Atlantic monthly, vol. 86 {Sept., 1900): 364-368. 1900. The Igorrote's endurance. William Dinwiddle. Current literature, vol. 29 {Sept., 1900): 328-329. 1900. Hemp industry of the Philippines. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {Sept. 1, 1900): 819-820. 1900. A democratic view. James W. Gates. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {Sept. 1, 1900): 829. 1900. The Declaration of Independence and the Philippines. Independent, vol. 52 {Sept. 13, 1900): 2225-2226. 1900. A prisoner among the Filipinos. James C. Gilmore. - McClure's magazine, vol. 15 {Sept., 1900): 399-410. 1900. President's Philippine novelties. Nation, vol. 71 {Sept. 20, 1900): 222. 1900. Continued disturbances in the Philippines. Nation, vol. 71 {Sept. 27, 1900): 242-243. 1900. Will the United States withdraw from the Philippines? John Foreman. National review, vol. 36 {Sept., 1900): 52-62. 1900. The Filipinos' vain hope of independence. Marrion Wilcox. North American review, vol. 171 {Sept.. 1900): 333-347. 1900. A visit to the Visayas. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 66 {Sept. 15, 1900): 166-171. 1900. Which is imperialism? Outlook, vol. 66 {Sept. 29, 1900): 248-250. 1900. L'archipel des Soulou et les Etats-Unis. Edmond Plauchut. Revue .^cientifique, vol. 14 {Sept. 1, 1900): 266-269. 1900. Philippine games. Stewart Culin. American anthropologist, vol. 2 {Oct.-Dec, 1900): 643-656. 1900. Etymology of the name Aeta (Eta; Ita). Alex. F. Chamberlain. American anthropologist, vol. 2 {Oct.-Dec, 1900): 773-774. 1900. The practical Bryan policy for the Philippines. Edward M. Shepard. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Oct., 1900): 433-439. 1900. Some of Mr. Bryan's fallacies. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {Oct. 20, 1900): 981. 1900. Church property in the Philippines. Albert G. Robinson. Independent, vol. 52 {Oct. 4, 1900): 2377-2382. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 73 1900. The heart of the PhiUppine question. Marrion Wilcox. Independent, vol. 52 {Oct. 11, 1900): 24S7-2U0. 1900. The real Filipmo. Albert G. Robinson. Independent, vol. 52 {Oct. IS, 1900): 3487-2491. 1900. The first Protestant church in the Philippines. Fuhlic opinion, vol. 29 {Oct. 18, 1900): 499. 1900. Philippine studies. 1. Place names. 2. Folklore. .3. The Tagal language. Alexander F. Chamberlain. American (mUiqwirian and oriental journal, vol. 22 {Nov.-Dec, 1900): 39,3-399; vol 23 {Jan.-Feb., 1901): 49-54; {Mar.-Apr., 1901): 145-148. 1900. The problem of the Philippines. (The East of to-day and to-morrow.) Henry C. Potter. Century, vol. 61 {Nov., 1900): !:?9-135. 1900. First Protestant church in the Philippines. Chautauquan, vol. 32 {Nov., 1900): 129. 1900. The military government of Manila. Harold Martin. Independent, vol. 52 {Nov. 8, 1900): 2661-2666. 1900. The savages in the Philippines. Albert G. Robinson. Independent, vol. 52 {Nov. 8, 1900): 2677-2681. 1900. The Manila observatory. Jos6 Algue. National geographic magazine, vol. 11 {Nov., 1900): 427-438. "Sketch of the work done at the Manila observatory since its inauguration in 1865." 1900. The Sulu archipelago. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 66 {Nov. 3, 1900): 578-587. 1900. Our duty to the Philippines. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 12 {Nov., 1900): 320-322. 1900. Filipino fireplaces. William Dinwiddle. Harper's tveekly, vol. 44 {Dec 29, 1900): 1272. 1900. The next steps in the Philippines. E. S. Otis. Independent, vol. 52 {Dec. 6, 1900): 2904-2907. 1900. Tranquillizing the Philippines. Joseph Wheeler. Independent, vol. 52 {Dec. 20, 1900): 3043-3044- 1900. The province of Benguet. Charles Denby. Independent, vol. 52 {Dec. 20, 1900): 3045-3046. 1900. Prehistoric politics in the Philippines. Carlos G. Calkins. Land of sunshine, vol. 13 {Dec, 1900): 392-406. 1900. Gold in the Phihppines. F. F. Hilder. National geographic magazine, vol. 11 {Dec, 1900): 465-470. 1900. Independence or liberty. Outlook, vol. 66 {Dec 15, 1900) : 916-918. 1900. The men behind the plow. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 66 {Dec 15, 1900): 9.32-937. 1900. Education in the Philippines. Phelps Wliitmar.^h. Outlook, vol. 66 {Dec 22, 1900): 986-990. 1901. Conditions requisite to our succe.«9 in the Philippine islands. G.F.Becker. American geographical society. Bulletin, vol. 33 {1901): 112-123. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1901. The Filipino petition. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Jan. 26, 1901): 80. 1901. Scientific data from the Philippines. Independent, vol. 53 {Jan. 31, 1901): 276-277. 1901. GUmpses of life in the Philippines. I. Sara D. Wilson. Modern culture, vol. 12 {Jan., 1901): 405-411- 1901. The status of annexed territory and of its free civilized inhabitants. Benjamin Harrison. Xorth American review, vol. 112 {Jan., 1901) : 1-22. 1901. The Philippine petition. Outlook, vol. 67 {.Tan. 26, 1901): 196-199. 1901. The Sulu archipelago. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 67 {Jan. 26, 1901): 221. 1901. The Filipino petition. Public opinion, vol. 30 {Jan. 24, 1901): 101. 1901. The Phihppine problem. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Feb. 9, 1901): 138-139. 1901. Is the Philippine policy of the administration just? No. Mark Twain. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Feb. 9, 1901): 154- 1901. Is the Philippine policy of the administration just? Yes. John K. Bangs. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Feb. 9, 1901): 155. 1901. Letters on the Philippine problem. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Feb. 16, 1901): 171. 1901. Letters on the Philippine problem. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Feb. 23, 1901): 196-197. 1901. The Filipino case against the friars. Antonio Regidor. Independent, vol. 53 (Feb. 7, 1901) : 317-320. 1901. The Catholic church in the Philippines. Independent, vol. 53 {Feb. 7, 1901): 337-338. 1901. Glimpses of hfe in the Philippines. II. Sara D. Wilson. Modem culture, vol 12 {Feb., 1901): 508-513. 1901. To the person sitting in darkness. S. L. Clemens. North American review, vol. 172 {Feb., 1901): 161. 1901. Congressional inaction. Outlook, vol. 67 {Feb. 16, 1901): 384-386. 1901. The Philippines: Present condition and possible courses of action. George Keunan. Outlook, vol. 67 {Feb. 23, 1901): 439-447; {Mar. 2, 1901): 487-494; {Mar. 9, 1901): 567-584. 1901. Un confiit de races. Americains et Philippins. Andre Lebon. Berne des deux mondes, vol. 375 {Feb. 15, 1901): 893-919. 1901. The constitution and inequality of rights. Edwin B. Smith. Yale law review, vol. 10 {Feb., 1901): 146. 1901. Report of the Taft Philippine commission. American academy of poliiical and social science. Annals, vol. 17 {Mar., 1901): 381-384. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 75 1901. Give the country the facts. Atlantic monthly, vol. 87 (Mar., 1901): 424-426. 1901. Protestantism in the Philippines. Chautauquan, vol. 32 {Mar., 1901): 579. 1901. The Philippine question. George F. Seward. Cosmopolitan, vol. 30 {Mar., 1901): 561-563. 1901. ^Hand-made Filipino fabrics. Current literature, vol. 30 ( Mar. , 1901 ) : 355. 1901. Letters on the Philippine problem. Harper's weeklij, vol. 45 {Mar. 2, 1901): 239-242. 1901. Letters on the Philippine problem. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Mar. 9, 1901): 266. 1901. The beginning of the end. Oscar K. Davis. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Mar. 23, 1901): 324-325. 1901. The Philippines and Cuba. • Independent, vol. 53 {Mar. 7, 1901): 569-570. 1901. Criticisms of our Philippine policy. Charles Denby. Independent, vol. 53 {Mar. 21, 1901): 649-651. 1901. The Philippine friars. Independent, vol. 53 {Mar. 21, 1901): 689-690. 1901. Glimpses of life in the Philippines. III. Sara D. Wilson. Modern culture, vol. 13 {Mar., 1901): 65-70. 1901. Lifting the Philippine veil. Nation, vol. 72 {Mar. 7, 1901): 189-190. 1901. Geographical facts from report of the Taft Philippine commission. National geographic magazine, vol. 12 {Mar., 1901): 114-119. 1901. The Philippine exhibit at the Pan-American exposition. D. 0. Noble Hoffmann. National geographic magazine, vol. 12 {Mar., 1901): 119-122. 1901. Cuba and the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 67 {Mar. 9, 1901): 567-570. 1901. Around Mindanao. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 67 {Mar. 16, 1901): 637-643. 1901. The ascent of Mount Apo. Phelps Whitmarsh. Outlook, vol. 67 {Mar. 23, 1901): 678-682; {Mar. 30, 1901): 728-732. 1901. How may the United States govern the Philippine islands? Walter ^''heeler Cook. Political science quarterly, vol. 16 { Mar. , 1901 ) : 68-78. 1901. The report of the Taft Philippine commission. John T. Creagh. Catholic ivorld, vol. 73 {Apr., 1901): 6-16. 1901. Paradise found in the Philippines. Current literature, vol. 30 {Apr., 1901): 388-389. 1901. Native life in the Philippines. Sara D. Wilson. Modern culture; vol. 13 {Apr., 1901): 165-169. 1901, Un eroe caduto. Emilio Aguinaldo e gli avvenimenti delle Filippine. F. Vitale. Nuova antologia, vol. 176 {Apr. 16, 1901) : 677-697. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1901. Sixto Lopez on the Philippine question. Outlook, vol. 67 {Apr. 13, 1901): 845-847. 1901. The Philippine problem: A proposition for a solution. Sixto Lopez. Outlook, vol. 67 [Apr. 13, 1901): 857-859. 1901. Will the Philippines pay? Frank Doster. Arena, vol. 25 {May, 1901): 465-470. 1901. Wagef in the Philippines. Chautauquan, vol. 33 {May, 1901): 118. 1901. The unknown mineral deposits of the Philippines. Engineering magazine, vol. 21 {May, 1901): 256-259. 1901. Aguinaldo's capture and the Philippine commission. Marrion Wilcox. plrum, vol. 31 {May, 1901): 259-266. 1901. The supreme court of the Philippines. Harper's iveekly, vol. 45 {May 11, 1901): 4^9. 1901. Railroading in the PhiUppines. Wm. G. Irwin. Modem culture, vol. IS {May, 1901): 271-274- 1901. Justice in the Philippine islands. Pandia Ralli. Outlook, vol. 68 {May 4, 1901): 19-20. 1901. The formation of the Filipino people. Bryan J. CHnch. Yale review, vol. 10 {May, 1901): 53-69. 1901. Masiquen Laoak: A chapter of PhiUppine warfare. Paul B. Malone. CnthoUc world, vol. 73 {June, 1901): 348-359. 1901. The Manila censorship. Harold Martin. Forum, vol. 31 {June, 1901): 462-471. 1901. Christian unity in the Philippines. Homer C. Stuntz. Independent, vol. 53 {June 20, 1901): 1422-1423. 1901. Revelations of a Senate document. Sidney Webster. North American remew, vol. 172 {June, 1901): 867-881. " The injunction of secrecy was removed by the Senate in February last from an inter- esting and instructive document relating to the recent treaty with Spain, and containing copies of the first instructions given by the President to his representa- tives before their departure for Paris, and of the reports and instructions exchanged in the course of the negotiation." 1901. Missionary union in the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 68 {June 22, 1901) : 433-435. 1901. The races of the Philippines— the Tagals. Charles C. Pierce. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 18 {July, 1901) : 21-39. 1901. The semicivilized tribes of the Philippine islands. Oliver C. Miller. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. IS {July, 1901): 43-63. 1901. Das amerikanische Regiment auf den Philippinen (1901). Poultney Bigelow. Deutsche Revue, vol. 26 {July, 1901 ) : 109-118. 1901. Government salaries in the Philippines. George E. Walsh. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {July 6, 1901): 687. 1901. Preparing civil government in the Philippines. James A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 53 {July 4, 1901): 1525-1528. AMERICAN orcUPATION, 1898-1905. 77 1901. Home rule in Philippines. Jainen A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. 22, 1901): 1955-1958. 1901. The inauguration of civil government in the Philippinee. J. W. Ilillman. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. 29, 1901): 2017-2020. 1901. Native medical practice in the Philippines, with introductory ohservations. Philip F. Harvey. New York medical journal, vol. 74 {Aug. 3, 1901): 203-212. 1901. The Katipiman of the Philippines. L. W. V. Kennon. North American review, vol. 173 {Aug., 1901): 208-220. 1901. Court language in the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 68 {Aug. 10, 1901): 842. 1901. Some Filipino characteristics. Anna N. Benjamin. Outlook, vol. 68 {Aug. 31, 1901): 1003-1008. 1901. Cotton manufacture in the Philippines. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Aug., 1901): 232-233. 1901. Education in the Philippines. Frederick W. Nash. Educational review, vol. 22 {Oct., 1901) : 217-227. 1901. An Igorrote feast. William Dinwiddle. Harper's weekly, vol. 45 {Oct. 12, 1901): 1028-1029. 1901. American rule in the Sulus. Owen J. Sweet. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 3, 1901): 2329-2336. 1901. The higher administration of affairs in the Philippines. James A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 10, 1901): 2390-2393. 1901. Catholic church titles in the Philippines. Homer C. Stuntz. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 17, 1901): 2469-2470. 1901. The Pope, the Philippines, and the catholic press. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 17, 1901): 2487. 1901. System of local government. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 18 {Nov., 1901): 568-573. 1901. The last phase of the Philippine rebellion and the problems resulting there- from. John H. Parker. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 24 {Nov., 1901): 562-567. 1901. The viewpoint of the Filipinos. H. L. Hawthorne. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 24 {Nov., 1901): 567-571. 1901. The Manila bishop's pastoral. Independent, vol. 53 {Nov. 14, 1901): 2691-2695. 1901. United States-Philippine Islands. New customs tariff. Board of trade journal {Londoji), vol. So {Dec. 12, 1901): 498-502. Gives "the rates of duties now leviable on the principal articles of export to the islands from the United States, compared with those which were formerly charged." 1901. Southward from Samar. Mabel L. Todd. Current literature, vol. 31 {Dec, 1901): 690. 1901. The Philippine islands under the Spanish r(5gime. A. T. S. Education, vol. 22 {Dec, 1901): 24S-244- 1901. Municipal government in the Philippine islands. Carl C. Plehn. Municipal affairs, vol. 5 {Dec, 1901): 793-801. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1901. Taxation in the Philippine?. I, II. Carl C. Plehn. Folitical science quarterly, vol. 16 {Dec, 1901): 680-711; vol. 17 {Mar., 1902): JU-148. 1902. Coinage and banking in the Philippine islands. C. A. Conant. Bankers' magazine {N. Y.), vol. 64 {Jan., 1902): 89-102. 1902. A parallel to the South African war— The struggle in the Philippines. H. W. Wilson. Fortnightlt/ review, n. s., vol. 71 {Jan., 1902): 138-148. 1902. The Philippines and our military power. J. F. Shafroth. Forum, vol. 32 {Jan., 1902) : 594-597. 1902. Legal conditions in island of Negros. W. F. Norris. Green hag, vol. 14 {Jan., 1902): 19-25. 1902. The Philippines decision. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Jan., 1902): IO-I4. 1902. A war railroad. Arthur C. Williams. Junior Mansey, vol. 11 {Jan., 1902): 561-569. 1902. Filipino views of American rule. T. PI. Pardo de Tavera, Benito Legarda, Jose Ruiz de Luzuriaga. North American review, vol. 174 {Jan., 1902): 73-84- 1902. Manila. Frederick W. Eddy. Outlook, vol. 70 {Jan. 4, 1902) : 48-58. 1902. Art in the PhiHppines. G. D. Rice. Art Amateur, vol. 46 {Feb., 1902): 67. 1902. What shall we do with the Philippines? J. H. Parker. Forum, vol. 32 {Feb., 1902): 662-670. 1902. The Philippine problem. Outlook, vol. 70 {Feb. 1, 1902): 261-264; {Feb. 8, 1902): 361-362. 1902. The Philippine problem. 1. Immediate duty. 2. Not independence, but interdependence. 3. Eventual destiny. Outlook, vol. 70 {Feb. 15, 1902) : 409-411; {Feb. 22, 1902) : 456-458; {Mar. 8, 1902): 603-606. 1902. The educational problem in the Philippines. Fred W. Atkinson. Atlantic monthly, vol. 89 {Mar., 1902): 360-365. 1902. The economic future of the Philippines. Charles A. Conant. Atlantic monthly, vol. 89 {Mar., 1902) : 366-371. 1902. Our work in the Philippines. Charles A. Conant. International monthly, vol. 5 {Mar., 1902): 358-372. 1902. Some diseases that attack our animals in the Philippines. Coleman Nock- olds. Journal of the military service hutitution of the United States, vol. 30 {Mar., 1902): 250-255. 1902. The Philippines — after an earthquake. Stephen Bonsai. North American review, vol. 174 {Mar., 1902): 409-421. 1902. The new language despotism in the Philippines. Bryan J. Clinch. American catJtolic quarterly revievj, vol. 27 {Apr., 1902): 369-388. 1902. Education in the Philippines. Antonio R. Jurado. Arena, vol. 27 {Apr., 1902): 337-351. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 79 1902. The seamy side in the PhiHppines. Henry C. Rowland. Century, vol. GS {Apr., 1.90;:!) : SG2-S66. 1902. New ^ihase-s of the Philii)[)ine question. ('haiildiKjunn, vol. 35 [A/ir., 1902): 10-11. 1902. Philippine fundamentals. Jacob Gould Schurman. Ounion' s magazine, vol. 22 {Apr., 1902): 30S-315. 1902. America's duty in the Philippines. William M. Salter. International journal of ethics, vol. 12 [Apr., 1902): 360-375. 1902. Education in the Philippines. Fred W. Atkinson. Outlook, vol. 70 {Apr. 5, 1902): s.;j'S.;9. 1902. Cruelty in the Philippines. Outlook, vol. 70 {Apr. 26, 1902): 998-999. 1902. Record of the captivity of the Spanit^h friars in the Philippines. Rosary magazine, vol. 20 {Apr., 1902): 341-350; {May, 1902): 454-462, {June, 1902): 548-554; vol. 21 [July, 1902): 48-54- 1902. Watch and jewelry trade. Scientific American supplement, vol. 53 {Apr. 12, 1902): 21969 1902. Justice in the Philippines. W. F. Norris. Albany law journal, vol. 64 {May, 1902): 154-157. 1902. The civil service in our new dependencies. William Dudley Foulke. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {May, 1902): 340-351. 1902. Our trade with Cuba and the Philippines. Clarence R. Edwards. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {May, 1902): 370-376. 1902. The relation of the nation to its dependencies. Eugene Stevenson. American lav: review, vol. 36 {May-June, 1902): 366-3S6. 1902. The Philippine islands and the Declaration of Independence. B. O. Flower. Arena, vol. 27 {May, 1902): 538-539. 1902. Impressions of the Philippines. Edmund B. Briggs. Catholic ivor Id, vol. 75 {May, 1902): 141-149. 1902. Pronunciation of Philippine names. Chautauquan, vol. 35 {May, 1902): 117. 1902. The people of the Philippine islands. AVilliam H. Taft. Independent, vol. 54 {May 8, 1902): 1099-1104- 1902. The Philippines again. Jacob Gould Schurman. Independent, vol. 54 {May 8, 1902): 1104-1107. 1902. The squad formation: its advantages as illustrated by an infantry company in the Philippines. P. E. Pierce. Journal of the military service institution of the United States, vol. 30 {May, 1902) : 409-417. 1902. Military occupation of northern Luzon. W. L. Sibert. Journal of the military -service institution of the United States, vol. SO {May, 1902): 404-408. 1902. The opportunity of the United States. Andrew Carnegie. North American review, vol 174 {May, 1902) : 606-612. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. . 1902. The Moros and their country. Stephen Bonsai. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 10, 1902): 115-119. 1902. Civil government hi the Phihppines. William H. Taft. Outlook, vol. 71 {May 31, 1902): 305-321. 1902. Causes of the Philippine war. S. C. Parks. Arena, vol. 27 {June, 1902): 561-572. 1902. Some dead sea fruit of our war of subjugation. B. O. Flower. Arena, vol. 27 {June, 1902): 647-653. 1902. The Philippine war: two ethical questions. F. Adler. Forum, vol. 33 {June, 1902): 387. 1902. Dark days in the Philippines— Irrelevancy of " General Order No. 100''— The mistaken policy is responsible — Feasibility of ultimate independence — Our gravest danger and present duty. Hayes Robbins. Gunion' s magazine, vol. 22 {June, 1902): 4S5-497. 1902. Do the Filipinos desire American rule? Sixto Lopez. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {June, 1902): 502-510. 1902. Conditions in Samar. Outlook, vol. 71 {June 21, 1902): 518-519. 1902. Living with the FiUpinos. Robert B. Vaile. World's work, vol. 4 {June, 1902): 2238-2239. 1902. The real meaning of the cruelty in the Philippines. American monthlg reriew of revievjs, vol. 26 {.July, 1902): 87-88. 1902. Why I am opposed to imperialism. A symposium by George McA. Miller, Thomas E. Will, Bolton Hall, and Ernest Crosby. Arena, vol. 28 {.My, 1902): 1-11. 1902. Race prejudice in the Philippines. J. A. Le Roy. Atlantic, monthly, vol. 90 {July, 1902): 100-112. 1902. Letters on Aguinaldo. "The real Aguinaldo." Sixto Lopez. A rejoLider to Mr. Lopez. James A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 54 {July 10, 1902): 1659-1661. 1902. The friars and the Philippine priests. Independent, vol. 54 {July 17, 1902): 1732-1734- 1902. The Moro and pagan question. James A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 54 {July 24, 1902): 1762-1767. 1902. Governor Taft's mission to Rome. Independent, vol. 5S [July 24, 1902) : 1787-1789. '^ 1902. The problem of the friars. Independent, vol. 54 {July 31, 1902): 1799-1800. 1902. Fighting life in the Philippines. Henry C. Rowland. McClure's magazine, vol. 19 {July, 1902): 241-^47. 1902. Some Filipino characteristics. Arthur J. Brown. Missionary review, vol. 15 {July, 1902): 518-524- 1902. The peoples of the Philippines. Otis T. Mason. Mixaionary review, vol. 15 {July, 1902): 536-538. 1902. Catholics and the Philippines. Nation, vol. 75 {July 31, 1902): 84. AMERICAN OCCUPATION, 1898-1905. 81 1902. Philippines health problem. James A. I^ Roy. Outlook, vol. 71 {July 26, 190.2): 777-783. 1902. Views of Dr. Rizal, the Filipino scholar, upon race differences. F. Blumen- tritt. Translated by R. L. Packard. Popular Kfiencr monthli/, vol. 61 {July, 1902) : 222-229. 1902. The Philippine problem. President Roosevelt's memorial-day address. Senator Hoar's speech. The opinion of an American in the Philippines. James A. Le Roy. World's work, vol. 4 {July, 1902): 2344-2352. 1902. The rubber of Mindanao. American gas light journal, vol. 77 {Aug., 25, 1902): 259-260. 1902. Why I oppose our Philippine policy. Robert E. Bisbee. Arena, vol. 28 {Aug., 1902): 113-118. 1 902 . Letter from the Secretary of war concerning public schools in the Philippines. Catholic ivorld, vol. 75 {Aug., 1902) : 703-704- 1902. Another point of view. Emmet Densmore. Reply — G. Gunton. Gunton's magazine, vol. 23 {Aug.., 1902): 151-163. 1902. Education in the Philippines. James A. Le Roy. Independent, vol. 54 {Aug. 7, 1902): 1883-1887. 1902. The agricultural resources of the Philippines. Edward C. Andre. Independent, vol. 54 {Aug. 28, 1902) : 2076-2079. 1902. The Moros in peace and war. Oscar K. Da\ns. Munsey's magazine, vol S7 {Aug., 1902): 787-792. 1902. Forests of the Philippine islands. Scientific American supplement, vol. 54 {Aug. 16, 1902): 22260-22261. 1902. Political parties in the Philippines. William H. Taft. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {Sept., 1902): 307-312. 1902. The establishment of civil government in the PhiUppines. L. S. Rowe. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {Sept., 1902) : 313-327. 1902. Notes on colonies and colonial government. The Philippines. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {Sept., 1902): 466-469. 1902. The vexed question of the friars. A. P. Doyle. Catholic world, vol. 75 {Sept., 1902): 711-714. 1902. Commerce and tariffs in the Philippines. Carl C. Plehn. Journal of political economy, vol. 10 {Sept., 1902): 501-513. 1902. Religion in the Philippine islands. C. G. Roop. Missionary review, vol. 15 {Sept., 1902): 678-688. 1902. The Phihppine civil government law. Henry Cabot Lodge. National magazine, vol. 16 {Sept., 1902): 660-662. 1902. The new Philippine government. Sidney Webster. North American renev, vol. 175 {Sept., 1902): 299-308. 1902. Coal beds of Cebu and Masbate: Process of getting the i)ro.luct8. American gas light journal, vol. 77 {Oct. 6, 1902): 471-472. 21226—05 6 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1902. The military cable system of the Philippines. Edgar Russel. American imtilute of electrical engineers. Transactions, vol. 19 XOcL, 1903): 1319-13S1. 1902. The Philippine constabulary and its chief. Jeremiah W. Jenks. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 26 [Oct., 1902): 436-438. 1902. The work of the friars. Stephen Bonsai. North American revieiv, vol. 175 {Oct., 1902): 449-460. 1902. Note sur I'application de la eonstitutioA des Etats-Unis a Porto-Rico et aux lies Philippines. Edmond Alix. Societe de Ugidation comparee. Bulletin mensuel, vol. 33 ( Oct.-Nov.-Dec, 1902) : 501-503. 1902. The currency of the Philippine islands. Charles A. Conant. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {Nov., 1902): 518-533. 1902. Self-government in oriental dependencies. Jeremiah W. Jenks. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 26 {Nov., 1902): 580-588. 1902. Government in the Philippines, 1898-1902. A review of the successive steps in the evolution from military to civil administration. Arthur Wallace Dunn. American monthly revieiv of reviews, vol. 26 -{Nov., 1902): 594-597. 1902. The story of Jose Rizal, the Filipino: A fragment of recent Asiatic history. Hugh Clifford. Blacl-uood's Edinhuryh magazine, vol. 172 {Nov., 1902) : 620-638. 1902. The engineer in the Moro campaign. Engineering magazine, vol. 24 {Nov., 1902): 259-262. 1902. The labor problem in the Philippines. Jeremiah W. Jenks. Independent, vol. 54 {Nov. 6, 1902): 2625-2629. 1902. Some Philippine problems. 1. Shall the Filipinos. keep their land? 2. Chi- nese labor. Jeremiah W. .Tenks. McClure' s magazine, vol. 20 {Nov., 1902): 110-112. 1902. The problem of the Philippines. Stephen Bonsai. Pall Mall magazine, vol. 28 {Nov., 1902): 371-381. 1902. The Tagalog language. David J. Doherty. Educational revieiv, vol. 24 {Dec, 1902): 497-502. 1902. The belles of Manila. Minna Irving. Era, vol. 10 (Dec, 1902): 613-621. 1902. The friars in the Philippines. Homer C. Stuntz. Horn iletic review, vol. 44 {Dec, 1902): 483-492. 1902. How soldiers have ruled in the Philippines. D. H. Boughton. International remew, vol. 6 {Dec-Mar., 1902-1903): 215-228. 1902. The Philippine famine and Filipino laziness. Literary digef°- ' Bikle, Henry Wolf. The constitutional power of Congress over the territory of the I'nited States. [^Philadelphia: Avil printing co., IDOL] 1^0 pp. 8°. {Pennsylvania univer- sity. Department of law. Publications. ) Issued as a supplement to the American law register for August, 1901. Boutwell, George S. The crisis of the republic. Boston: Dana Estes & company, 1900. (4), 215 pp. S°. Carpenter, Edmund Janes. The American advance; a study in territorial expan- sion. London and New York: J. Lane, 1903. ix, 331 pp. Frontispiece (folded map). 8°. Chamberlin, Fred C. The blow from behind; or some features of the anti- imperialistic movement attending the war with Spain, together with a consideration of our Philippine policy. Boston : Lee & Shepard, 1903. xviii, 147 pp. 12°. Colqulioun, Archibald Ross. Greater America. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1904- ix, (2), 435, (1) pp. Frontispiece {portrait). 11 maps. 8°. The mastery of the Pacific. New York: The Macmillan company, 1902. xvi, 440 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Maj)s. 8°. "The expansion of the United .States," pp. 27-53. "The Philippines and the Filipinos," i)p. 5t-93. "The United States in the Philippines," pp. 94-116. "The future of the Philippines," pp. 117-153. Conant, Charles A. The United States in the Orient; the nature of the economic problem. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1900. x, 237 pp. 12°. Devins, John Bancroft. An observer in the Philippines, or life in our new po.-ses- sions. With a foreword by William Howard Taft, and an appendix containing extracts of addresses by President ]\IcKinley, President Roosevelt, Judge Parker, Secretary Hay, ex-Secretary Root, Secretary Taft, and Governor Wright. American tract society, Boston, New York, Chicago, [1903]. 416 ]>p. Plates. Portraits. Map. 8°. 92 BIBLIOGKAPHY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Gardiner, Charles A. Our right to acquire and hold forei^ni territory. G. P. Putnam's soiis, New York, 1899. {4), 56 ]>p. 12°. {Questions of the (lay, no. 93. ) Giddings,' Franklin Henrj-. Democracy and empire. With studies of their psycho- logical, economic, and moral foundations. New York: Macmillan compamj, 1900. x, 363 pp. 8°. Ireland, Allevne. The far western tropics; studies in the administration of tropical dependencies: Hongkong, British North Borneo, Sarawak, Burma, the federated ^lalay states, the Straits Settlements, French Indo-China, Java, the Philippine Islands. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1905. vii {£), 339 {!) pp. Folded map {in pocket). 8°. "Bibliographical appendix," pp. [303]-313; "The acquisition of the Philippine Island.s," pp. 180-197; "The government of the Philippine Islands," pp. 198-219; "The economic condition of the Philippine Islands," pp. 220-237; "American policy in the Philippine Islands," pp. 238-259; " Tables from the Philippine cen- .sus," pp. 315-326. Johnston, Willis Fletcher. A century of expansion. Neiv York, London: The Macmillan company, 1903. xi, 316 pp. 5 maps. 16°. Lander, Arnold Henry Savage-. The gems of the East; sixteen thousand miles of research travel among wild and tame tribes of enchanting islands. Xeui York and Lcndon: Harper A brothers, 1904- ^'iu, (~^), 566 pp. Plates. Folded map. Plan. Folded tables. 8°. Noyes, Theodore Williams. Oriental America and its problems. Washington, D. €'.: Press of Judd & Detweiler, 1903. ix, 236 j^P- 4°. Pow^ers, H. H. The war as a suggestion of manifest destiny. Philadelphia: American Academy of political and social science, 1898. 20 pp. 8°. {Publications of the Society, no. 235.) Raid, Whitelaw. Problems of expansion, as considered in papers and addresses. A>M' York: The Century co., 1900. x, {2), 294 pp. 12°. Schurman, Jacob Gould. Philippine affairs: a retrospect and outlook. Nev) York: CJuirles Scribner's sons, 1902. {6), 109 pp. 8°. Smith, Goldwin. Commonwealth or empire. A bystander's view of the question. Nem York: The Macmillan company, 1902. {4),82]>p. 12°. Storey, ]\Ioorfield. What shall we do with our dependencies? The annual address Ijefore the Bar association of South Carolina, January 16, 1903. Boston: Geo. H. Ellis CO., 1903. {2), 60 pp. 8°. Strong, Josiah. Expansion under new world conditions. New York: The Baker & Taylor co., 1900. 310 pp. Map. 12°. Stuntz, Homer Clyde. The Philippines and the Far East. Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye; New York: Eaton and Mains, [1904]. 514pp. Illustrations. Plates. Plan. Folded map. 12°. Territorial and commen-ial expansion of the United States, 1890-1900. {In Monthly summary of commerce and finance, no. 2, series 1902-1903, August, 1902, pp. 361^23. Wa.sliington, 1902. 8°.) Thomas, David Yancey. A history of nulitary government in newly acquired terri- tory of the United States. Neio York: The Colunibia university press, tJie Macmillan. company; London: P. S. King & son, 1904. 334 pp. 8°. {Studies in history, economics and public law, vol. 20, no. 2. ) SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES. 93 United States. Bureau of insular affairs. What has been done in the Philippinefi. A record of practical accomplishments under civil government. Washington: Govermnent printing office, 1904. 4^ Pl>- *^°. (oSth Congrts.'i, ^-li session. Senate document no. 304-) 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 1S2. Statement of revenues and expenditures in the Philippine archij^elago during the jieriod from August 20, 189S, to June 30, 1902, as certifieil by the auditor. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 143 pp. S°. Willis, Henry Parker. Our Philippine problem, a study of American colonial i)olicy. Xeic York: Henry Holt and company, 1905. x-iii, (1), 479 pp. Maps. 12°. AUTHOR INDEX. Page. Abbott, Lyman . 56 Adams, Cyrus C 47 Adams, John Alden 45 Adler, F 80 Aglipay, Gregorio 85 Agondllo, Felipe 57, 64 Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio 5 Ahern, (jeorge P 25 Alden, Percy 51 Alden, Raymond Macdonald 52 Algue, Jose 28, 50, 68, 73 Alix, Edmond 82 Allison, W. B 64 Ames, Charles Henry 5 Anderson, Thomas M 67, 70 Andre, E. M 64 Andre, Edward C 54,81 Andrews, E. Benjamin 5 Antona, Annetta Halliday 45 Atkinson, Edward 5,34 Atkinson, Fred W 78,89 Austin, Oscar Phelps 91 Bacon, Augustus 36 Bacon, Leonard Woolsey 65 Baldwin, F. Spencer 64 Baldwin, Simeon E 5 Bancroft, Hubert Howe 5 Bangs, John K 74 Barre, P 85 Barrett, John 5, 45,47,57,59,61,64,66,71 Barrows, David J 7 Barton, Clara 55 Basa, Gregorio 25 Bass, John F 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60 Bateman, Cephas C 85, 87 Bates, A. E 33 Bates, John C 35 Bates, William G 52 Beale, Truxtun 43 Beall, Marion E 33,85 Beattie, Helen P 88 Page Becker, George F 21 , 23,26,28,55,71,73 Beebe, Daniel ( « 21 Belcher, Edward A 56 Belford, Samuel W 55, 69 Bellairs, Edgar G 51 Bellesort, Andre 53, 57 Belmont, Perry 65 Bengough, William 61 Benjamin, Anna X . 77 Beringer, Pierre N 86, 87 Bernitez, Fernando 71 Beveridge, A Ibert J 68 Bicknell, Edward 91 Bigelow, Poultney 68, 76 Bikle, Henry Wolf 91 Bisbee, Robert ¥. 81 Blanchard, William Raymond 87 Blocksom, Augustus P 89 Blumentritt, Ferdinand 6, 60, 81 Bonner, Hugh S9 Bonsai, Stephen 6, 78, 80, 82 Boughton, D. H 82 Bourne, Henry E 6 Boutwell, George S 91 Bradford, R. B. 26 Brandis, Adolph von (i Brandt, M. von 56 Bray, Howard W 48 Brent, Charles H 85,89 Brewer, L N 70 Bride, Charles Louis ]Marie 6 Briggs, Edmund B 59, 64, 67, 79 Brinton, Daniel G 47, 50 Brooks, Sydney 89 Brown, Arthur J 80 Brownell, CD 21 Brucker, Josepli 43 Bryan, William Jennings 6, 60 Bryan, AVilliam S 6 Buel, J. W 6 Buencamino, Felipe 35 Bujac, E 6 95 96 AUTHOR INDEX. I'age. Ballard, R.L 86 Bullen, Frank T 45 Burguete, Ricardo 7 Burritt, Charles H 25, 85 Butler, Charles Henry 7 Calkins, Carlos Gilnian 60, 70, 73 Callahan, James Morton 7 Cameron, Brewster 83 Carlock, J. L 83 Carnegie, Andrew 56, 79 Caro y Mora, Juan - 53 Carpenter, Edmund Janes 91 Carus, Paul 67 Castells, F. de P ---- 44,49 Cervera y Topete, Pascual 7,22 Chadwick, John White 63 Chaffee, Adna R 34 Chamberlain, Alexander F 72, 73 Chamberlin, Fred C 91 Charmes, Francis 50 Chetwood, John 7 Chipman, N. P 66 Church, A. M 7 Clarke, Albert 73 Clemens, S. L 74 Clifford, Hugh 82 Clinch, Bryan J 58, 62, 68, 76, 78 Codman, Julian 17 Colquhoun, Archibald Ross 91 Conant, Charles A 78, 82, 91 Concas y Palau, Victor M 7, 22 Condict, Alice Byram 7 Cook, Walter Wheeler 75 Copeland, Thomas Campbell 7 Costigan, George D 21 Craft, Mabel Clare 42 Crafts, Wilbur F 7 Craig, George C 7 Creagh, John T 75 Crosby, Ernest 80 Crowell, John Franklin 65 Crutcheon, John T 55 Culin, Stewart 72 Cumming, Wallace 45 Curtis, H. G 67 Daily, John Wesley 8 Davies, P. S 45, 48 Davis, George W 34 Davis, Mrs. Jefferson 66 Davis, Oscar King 8, 46, 48, 57, 59, 70, 75, 81, 87 Davis, William H 58 Dawes, Henry L 51, 58 Page. Day, David T 57 Day, William R 68 Dean, John Marvin 8, 86 Denby, Charles 48, 52,53,65,66,67,70,71,73,75 Densmore, Emmet 81 Devins, John Bancroft 91 Dewing, J 8 Dilke, Charles W 47 Dinwiddie, William 61, 65, 67, 71, 72, 73, 77, 87 Doherty, David Jessup. . . 8, 38, 63, 82, 83 Donnelly, Thomas F 8 Doster, Frank . ^ 76 Dotter, George C 8 Doyle, A. P 47,81 Driscoll, Katherine E 8 Dunn, Arthur Wallace 82 Eddy, Frederick W 78 Edwards, Clarence R 33, 79, 88 Edwards, Ogden E 54 Ehrich, L. R 71 Ellicott, John M 8,22 Elliott, Isaac M 44 Ericsson, Claes 42 Esty, Thomas Bruce 8 Evans, Joel C 45 Everett, Marshall 8 Farenholt, Ammen 21 Faust, Karl Irving 8 Febiger, Harriet Arnold 84 Fehlinger, H 84,85 Fisher, F. C 19 Fisher, Horace N 8 Fiske, Amos K 9 Fiske, B. A 48 Fitch, G. H 64 Fleming, William Henry 57 Flower, B. 79,80 Flux, A. W 62 Forbes, Francis B 26 Ford, John D 9 Foreman, John 26, 43, 44, 49, 72, 88 Fortune, T. Thomas 85 Foster, John W 9 Foulke, William Dudley 79 Frazier, Arthur Hugh 49,69 Freeman, Needom N 9 Friedman, M 89 Funston, Edna B 69 Gannett, Henry 38, 87 Garcia Ageo, Gabriel 9, 23 Gardiner, Charles A 92 AUTHOR INDEX. \)1 Page. Garnett, Lncy M. J 26, 43, 44, 46 George, Marian M 9 Gibbs, David 84 Giddings, Franklin Henry 92 Gilmore, James C 71, 72 Gleason, Ranald P 85 Gomez Nunez, Severe 9, 22 Gray, David 89 Greely, A. W 84 Greene, Francis V 26, 28, 53 Griffin, A. P. C 35 Griffis, William Elliot 9, 45, 49, 50 88 21 5 81 58 71 80 Griffiths, Arthur Llewellyn Grow, Eugene J Guevara, A Gunton, G Haffner, E Hale, Chandler Hall, Bolton Halstead, Murat 9-10, 48 /Haram, Margherita Arlina 10, 47, 48, 49, 52, 55, 63 Hanks, Henry G 46 Harden, Edward W . . . . 10, 26, 28, 52, 57 Harriman, N. H 63 Harris, William T 61 Harrison, Benjamin 74 Harts, William W 85 Harty, J. J 85 Harvey, Philip F 77 Haslam, Andrew J 10 Hasson, Charles A 63 Hatheway , J. R 85 Hawthorne, H. L 77 Hayden, Everett 26 Hazeltine, Mayo W 48 Herbert, Hilary A 49 Hilder, F. F 20, 42, 43, 44, 71, 73 Hillman, J. W 77 Hitchcock, Frank H 21 Hoar, George Frisbie 10, 64, 66, 67, 81 Hoff , G 63 Hoffmann, D. O. Noble 75 Howe, Albert H 27 Howe, Charles E 41, 42 Huntington Hutter, Hauptmann Hyde, John Hykes, John R Ide, Henry C Ilsley,S.M Ireland, Alleyne 88, 89, 92 21226—05 7 51 61 42 57 84 54 Irving, Minna 82, 88 Irwin, William Gilbert 47, 48,51,54,57,67,76,83 Jacobsen, Hermann 10, 22 Jardine, Sir John 10 Jenks, Jeremiah W 82, 83 Joannini, F. L 32, 33 Johnston, Charles 42 Johnston, Willis Fletcher 92 Jones, W. A 51 Jordan, David Starr 10, 1 1 , 63 Jurado, A ntonio R 7H Karuth, Frank 44 Keasbey, Henry G ()9 Kennan, George ' 74 Kennon, L. W. V 77 Kidd, Benjamin 11 Kmdleberger, Charles P 45 King, Charles 35 Kirk, John Foster 57 Klemme, W 87 Knapp, Adeline 11 Knapp, Arthur IVIay • 58 Kyle, Joanna Nicholls 47 Laguna, Theodore de 83 Lala, Ramon Reyes 43, 47, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 69, 70 Lampe, F 46 Landor, Arnold Henry Savage 86, 92 Lebon, Andre 74 Legarda, Benito 78 Lemus, R. B 83 LeoXIII 84 Leonidas, Marion 11 Le Roy, James A 76, 77,80,81,83,85,86,87,89 Lippitt, Francis J 34 Livingston, Luther S 56 Lodge, Henry Cabot 1 1 , 66, 67, 81 Long, John D 84 Long, S. S 11 Lopez, Sixto 65, 67, 71, 76, 80 Loud, George A 45 Low, A. Maurice 44 Lucas, H 41 Lusk, Hugh H 45, 47 Mabini, Apolinario 66, 70 McCaskey, H. D 87 MacClintock, S : S3 :McCutcheon, John T 67 :SIcDonnell, Percy G 59 McGeehan, W. 6 82 98 AUTHOR INDEX. Page. McKinley, William 11 Maclay, Edgar Stanton 11, 44 McManus, Joseph 12 MacQueen, Peter 62, 65 Magoon, Charles E 12, 33, 34 Mahan, Alfred T 50, 66, 68 Mailley, James 48, 59 Malone, Paul B 76 Mannix, Joseph T 42 Marble, John H 64 March, Alden 12 IMarkey, Joseph Ignaeius 12 Martin, Harold 70, 71 , 73, 76 Martin, K 21 jMarvin, Arthur Tappan 43 Marvin, Winthroi? L 87 Mason, 0. T 61,80 Maxey, Edwin 84 Maxim, Hiram S 46 Mead, Edwin Doak 12, 56 Merritt, Wesley 26 Miley, J. D 62 Miller, George McA 80 Miller, James Martin 60, 61 Miller, Oliver C 76 Millet, Francis Davis 12, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 64 Mitchell, F. J. R 68 Morgan, John T 42 Morris, Charles 12 Morris, W. F 70 Mosby, John S 45, 51, 52, 63, 66 Moses, Bernard 86 Mott, T. Bentley 50 Mowry, William A 12 Miiller y Tejeiro, Jose 22 Mulford, H. B 85 Murphy, Edward 49 Musick, John R 13 Nash, Frederick W 77, 83, 86 Neely, Frederick Tennyson 13 Nockolds, Coleman 78 Norris, W. F 71, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 88 Noyes, Theodore W 13, 35, 92 Gates, James W 72 Olivares, Jos6 de 6 Ollero, Andres F 13 Osl )orne, John A 43 Otis, Elwell S 70,73 Packard, Robert L . . 13, 20, 21, 58, 66, 70 Palgrave, W. G 41 Palmer, Frederick 66 Page. Pardo de Tavera, T. H 24, 78 Parker, John H 72, 77, 78 Parks, S. C 80 Patterson, Thomas M 84 Pavey, Frank D 64 Peffer, William A 13, 54 Pentecost, George F 86 Persons, Remus C 21 Petin, Hector 13 Phillips, W. F. R 34 Pick, B 54 Pierce, Charles C 76 Pierce, P. E 79 Pinon, Ren6 89 Plauchut, Edmond 72 Plehn, Carl C 77, 78, SI, 86 Pliiddemann, Max 15, 22 Potter, Henry C 73 Powers, H. H 46, 92 Putnam, George R 86 Ralli, Pandia 53, 55, 62, 76^ Ramsden, H. A 68 Randolph, Carman F 15 Rees, Corwin P 54 Reeve, Horace M 69, 71 Reeves, Robert N 62 Regidor y Jurado, Antonio 74, 88 Reid, Thomas H 63 Reid, Whitelaw 92 Reinsch, Paul S 72 Reyes y Florentino, Isabelo de los. 15 Ria-Baja, Carlos 15 Rice, George D 16, 70, 71, 72, 78 Rice, AVilliam H 16 Richards, Julian W 16 Richardson, George A 66 Riggs, Arthur Stanley 84, 88, 89 Rinne, F 16 Rio, Juan del 49 Rizal, Jose 41 Riziere, D 51 Robbins, Hayes 80 Roberson, Frank R 51 Robinson, Albert Gardner 16, 67,68,71,72,73 Rockett, Perley Fremont 16 Rogers, James B 67 Roop, C. G 81 Roosevelt, Theodore 14, 16, 81 Rosenberg, Edward 85 Ross, Jonathan 68 Rost, E. C 86 Rouvier, Gaston 65 AUTHOR INDEX. 99 Page. Rowe, L. S 81 Rowland, Henry C 79,80 Ruiz de Luzuriaga Jose 78 Russel, Edgar 82 Russel, Florence K 57 S., A.T 77 Sargent, Leonard R 19, 22, 35, 61, 62 Sawyer, Frederic H 16 Schofield, John M . 57 Schurman, Jacob Gould. 16, 65, 66, 79, 92 Sempau, R 41 Seward, George F 17, 75 Shafroth, J. F 78 Shane, Charleson 44, 47 Shank, Burgess 84 Shepard, Edward M 72 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 17 Sherman, John 52 Shoemaker, Michael Meyers 17 Sibert, W. L 79 Simonds, C. B 50 Skinner, Charles M 60 Smith, A. Tolman 48 Smith, E. C 88 Smith, Edwin B .' 74 Smith, Goldwin 92 Smith, J. Russell 58 Smith, Katherine Louise 44 Smith, Ruel P 19 Sonnenburg, A. Falkner von 53 Sonnichsen, Albert 17 Spears, John Randolph 17 Spratling, Leckinski W 21 Steere, J. B 43 Steuart, A. Francis 88 Stevens, Joseph Earle 17, 42, 47 Stevenson, Eugene 79 Stewart, T. G 67 Stickney, Joseph L 52, 61 Stockwell, G. Archie 43 Storey, Moorfield 17,92 Strong, Josiah 92 Stuntz, Homer Clyde. . . 76, 77, 82, 84, 92 Sumulong, Juan 89 Sunderland, Edson R 60 Sweet, Owen J 77 Sweetman, George H 17 Swift, Morrison 1 17 Taf t, William Howard 14 17, 31, 38, 79, 80, 81, 87, 89 Taylor, John R. M 84 Page. Taylor, John W is Taylor, Rebecca J 83 Thayer, James Bradley 54 Thomas, A. W .' 18 Thomas, David Yancey 92 Thomas, Jerome B 85 Todd, Mabel L 77 Toral, Jose 18 Toral, Juan 18 Tornow, Max L 26, 28, 52 Towne, Charles A IS. 35 Townsend, Henry S 88 Tucker, J. B 50 Turot, Henri 18 United States Congressional docu- ments 34-38,93 United States Government docu- ments 20-34, 93 Vaile, Robert B 80 Valentine, John J 1 s, 58 Van Bergen, Robert 18 Vanderlip, Frank A 45 Van Dyke, Henry 18, 49 Van Meter, Henry Hooker 18 Van Tyne, Claude Halstead 18 Verdades, El Capitan 18 Verea, F. G 19 Vest, G. G 51 Vitale, F 75 Vivian, Thomas J 19 Wait, James J 62 Waldron, George B 47 Wallace, Lew 67 Walsh, George E 76 Walton, Clifford Stevens 19 Warren, Joseph Parker 56, 63 Weber, William 45 Webster, Sidney 7