V L ^^ ^^^ , TUPPER'S PEOYERBIAL PHILOSOPHI A BOOK OF THOUGHTS AND ARGUMENTS, ORIGINALLY TREATED. ALSO, A THOUSAND LINES, AND OTHER POEMS, BY MARTIN FAEQUHAR TUPPER, A.M.,F.R.S., OF CnRISTCIITJRCII, OXFORD, ATTDCR OF "THE CROCK OF GOLD," ETC. Sfivst anU Scconti Scvfea. LATEST AMERICAN EDITION. AUBURN : ALDEN & MARKHAM, PUBLISHERiS. No. 07 OENESEK-STREET, 1848. ^{V CONTENTS, FIRST SERIES Prefatory, The Words of Wisdom, Of Trath in Things False, Of Anticipation, Of Hidden Uses, Of Compensation, Of Indirect Influences, . Of Memoiy, The Dream of Ambition, Of Subjection, Of Rest, Of Humility, Of Pride, Of Experience, Of Estimating Character, Of Hatred and Anger, Of Good in Tilings Eril. Of Prayer, . The Lord's Prayer, Of Discretion, Of Trifles, Of Recreation, The Train of Religion, Of a Trinity, Of Thinking, . PAOE 9 II 12 15 16 19 23 26 29 30 37 39 42 43 45 51 52 56 59 GO 62 64 67 68 71 CONTENTS. Of Speaking, Of Reading, Of Writing, . Of Wealth, Of Invention, Of Ridicule, Of Commendation, . Of Self- Acquaintance, Of CiTielty to Animals, Of Friendship, . Of Love, Of Marriage, Of Education, Of Tolerance, , Of Sorrow, . Of Joy, Notes, Introductoiy, . Of Cheerfiilness, Of Yesterday, OfTo-Day, . . ■ Of To-Morrow, . ^ Of Authorship, . . ^ Of Mystery, , . f Of Gifts, . . ^ Of Beauty, . . f Of Fame, . . '- Of Flattery, . • F Of Neglect. . , :g Of Contentment, . ^ SECOND SERIES CONTENTS. Of Life, . Of Death, . Of Immortality, . Of Ideas, . Of Names, Of Things, . Of Faith, Of Honesty, . Of Society, Of Solitude, . The End, Notes, FAOK . 188 I 193 ^ • . 198 . 212 . 215 . 218 . 221 • 226 . 231 • 237 . 239 245 A THOUSAND LINES Prologue, Sloth, Activity, Adventure, . The Song of Sixteen, Forty, The Song of Seventy, . Nature's Nobleman, . Never Give Up, The Sun, . The Moon, The Stars (I.), The Stars (II.), Forgive and Forget, . My IVIind to Me a Kingdom la. Tarring Church, 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 261 262 ib. 263 ib. 264 ib. 266 275 CONTENTS. Sonnet, on a Birth, . Duty, . Counsel, . . . Home, . Byegones, . . Rule Britannia, , , The Emigrant Ship, The Assurance of Horace, The Assurance of Ovid, Post-Letters, Society, . , On an Infant, Epilogue, PAOB 275 276 276 277 277 278 280 281 282 282 284 285 286 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. FIRST SERIES. PJiOVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. PREFATORY. Thotj'GHTS; that liave tarried in my mind, and peopled its inner chambers, The sober children of reason, or desultory train of fancy ; Clear running wine of conviction, with the scum and the lees of specu- lation ; Corn from the sheaves of Science, with stubble from mine own garner ; iSearcliings after Trutli, that have traclved lier secret lodes, And come up again to the surface-world with a kuovvledgc grounded deeper ; Arguments of high scope, that have soared to the keystone of heaven, And thence have swooped to their certain mark, as the falcon to its quarry ; The fruits I have gathered of prudence, the ripened harvest of my musings, These commend I unto thee, O docile scholar of Wisdom, These I give to thy gentle heart, thou lover of the right. What though a guilty man renew that hallowed theme. And strike with feebler hand the harp of Sirach's son ? What, though a youthful tongue take up that ancient parable. And utter faintly forth dark sayings as of old ? Sweet is the virgin honey, though the wild bee have stored it in a reed ; And bright the jewelled band, that circleth an Etiiiop's arm ; Pure are the grains of gold in the turbid stream of Ganges, And fair the living flowers, that spring from the dull cold sod. Wherefore, thou gentle student, bend tliine ear to my speech, For I also am as thou art ; our hearts can commune together ; To meanest matters will I stoop, for mean is the lot of mortal ; I will rise to noblest themes, for the soul hath an heritiige of glory : 1* 10 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. The passions of puny man ; the majestic characters of God ; The feverisli shadows of time, and the miglity substance of eternity. Commend thy mind unto candour, and grudge not as though thou hadst a teacher, Nor scorn angelic Truth for tiic sake of lier evil herald ; Heed not him, but hear his words, and care not whence they come ; The viewless winds might whisper them, the billows roar them forth, The mean unconscious sedge sigh them in the ear of evening, Or the mind of pride conceive, and the mouth of folly speak them. Lo now, I stand not forth laying hold on spear and buckler, I come a man of peace, to comfort, not to combat ; With soft persuasive speech to charm thy patient ear, Giving the hand of fellowship, acknov/ledging the heart of sympathy : Let us walk togetlier as friends in the shaded paths of meditation, Nor judgment set his seal until he hath poised his balance ; That tlie chastenings of mild reproof may meet unwitting error, And charity not be a stranger at the board that is spread for brothers. THE WORDS OF WISDOM. Few and precious are the words which the lips of Wisdom utter : To wliat shall their rarity be hkened ? What price shall count their worth? Perfect and mucli to be desired, and giving joy with riches, No lovely thing on earth can picture tdl their beauty. They be chance pearls, flung among the rocks by the sullen waters of Oblivion. Which Diligence loveth to gather, and hang round the neck of Memory ; They be white-winged seeds of happiness, wafted from tlie islands of the blessed. Which Thought carefully tendetii, in the kindly garden of the heart ; They be sproutings of an harvest for eternity, bursting through the tilth of time, Green promise of the golden wheat, that yieldeth angels' food ; They be drops of the crj'stal dew, which the wings of seraphs scatter, When on some brighter Sabbath, their plumes cpaiver most with delight ; Such, and so precious, are the words which tlie lips of Wisdom utter. Yet more, for the half is not said, of their might, and dignity, and value ; For live-giving be they and glorious, redolent of sanctity and heaven : As the fumes of hallowed incense, that veil tlje throne of the Most High ; As the beaded bubbles tiiat sparkle on the rim of the cup of Immortality ; As wreaths of the rainbow spray, from the pure cataracts of Truth. Such, and so precious, are the words which the lips of Wisdom utter. Yet once again, loving student, suffer the praises of thy teacher. For verily the sun of the mind, and the hfe of the heart, is Wisdom: She is pure and full of light, crowning gray hairs with lustre, And kindling the eye of youth with a fire not its own ; And her words, whereunto canst thou liken them ? for earth cannot show their peers : 13 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. They be grains of the diamond sand, the radiant floor of heaven, Rising in sunny dust behind the cliariot of God ; , They be flashes of the day-spring from on high, shed from the windows of the skies ; They be streams of Hving waters, fresh from the foimtjun of InteUigence ; Such and so precious, are the words which the hps of Wisdom utter. For these shall guide thee well, and guard thee on thy way ; And wanting all beside, with these shalt thou be rich : Though all around be woe, these shall make thee happy ; Though all within be pain, these shall bring thee health ; Thy good shall grow into ripeness, thine e\dl wither and decay, And Wisdom's words shall sweetly charm thy doubtful into virtues : Meanness shall then be frugal care ; where shame was, thou art modest ; Cowardice riseth into caution, rashness is sobered into courage ; The WTathful spirit, rendering a reason, standeth justified in anger The idle hand halh fair excuse, propping the tlioughtful foreliead. Life shall have no labyrinth but ihy steps can track it, For thou hast a silken clue, to lead thee throiigli the darkness : The rampant Minotaur of ignorance sliall peri^li at thy coming. And thine enfrancliiscd fellows hail thy white victorious sails. (') Wherefore, friend and scholar, liear the words of Wisdom ; Whether she speaketli to thy soul in the full chords of revelation ; In the teaching earth, or air, or sea ; in the still melodies of thought, Or, haply, in the humbler strains that wowld detain thee here. OF TRUTH IN THINGS FALSE. Error is a hardy plant ; it flourisheth in every soil ; In the heart of the wise and good, alike with the wicked and foolish ; For there is no error so crooked, but it hath in it some lines of trutli ; Nor is any poison so deadly, that it serveth not some -wholesome use : And the just man, enamoured of the right, is blinded by the speciousness of \vrong. And the prudent, perceiving an advantage, is content to overlook the harm- On all things created remaineth the half-eflaced signatiure of God, OF TRUTH IN THINGS FALSE. 13 Somewhat of fair and good, though blotted by the finger of corruption : And if error cometli in hke a flood, it mixetli with streams of truth, And the Adversary loveth to have it so, for thereby many are decoyed. Providence is dark in its permissions ; yet one day, wlien all is known. The universe of reason shall acknowledge how just and good were they r. For the wise man leaneth on his \\'isdom, and tlie righteous trustetli to his righteousness, And those who thirst for independence, are suffered to drink of disappoint- ment. Wherefore ?— 'to prove and humble them; and to -teach the idolaters of truth. That it is but the ladder unto Him, on whom only they sJiouM. Irust. There is truth in the wildest scheme that imSiginative heat hatJvf engen^ dered. And a man may gatlier somewhat from the crudest theories of fancy : The alchemist laboureth in folly, but catcheth chance gleams of wisdonu And findeth out mimy inventions, though his crucible breed not gold ; The sinner, toying witli witchcraft, tliinJcetli to delude his fellows. But there be very spirits of evil, and what if they come at his bidding; He is a bold bad man who dareth to tiimper with the dead ; For their whereabout lieth in a mysteiy— that v'estibule leading to Eternity, The waiting-room for unclad ghosts, before the pi-esence-chamber of their King : Mind may act upon mind, tliougli liodies be far divided >' For the life is in the blood, but souls communicate unseen • And the heat of an excited intellect, radiating to its fellows, Dotli kindle dry leaves afar off', while the green wood arouud ''■ '^ "'*" wanned. Tlie dog may liave a spirit as well as his brutal master ; A spirit to Uve in happiness ; for wliy should he be robbed of his existence ') Hatli he not a conscience of evil, a gUmmer of moral sense, Love and hatred, courage and fear, and visible shame and pride ? There may be a future rest for tlie patient victiuis of the cruel ; And a season allotted for their bliss, to compensate for unjust sull'eringi. Spurn not at seeming error, but dig below its surface for the truth ;■ And beware of seeming truths, that grow on the roots of error : For comely are the apples that spring from tlie Dead Sea's cursed shore :■ But within are they dust and ashes, and the hand that plucked them shall rue it. 1-* PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. A frequent fimilar effect argiicth a constant cause : Yet who hath counted the links that bind an omen to its issue ? Who hath expounded the law that rendereth calamities gregarious, I^ressing down with yet more woes the heavy-laden mourner ? Wlio knoweth wherefore a monsoon should swell the sails of the prosper- ous, Blithely speeding on tlieir course the children of good luck ? Who hath companioned a vi^■ion from the horn or ivory gate, (') Or met an other's mind in his, and explained its presence ? Thei"e is a secret somewhat in antipathies ; and love is more than fancy ; Yea, and a palpable lintice warneth of an instant danger ; For the soul hath its feeler;^, cobwebs floating on the wind, That catch events in their approach with sure and apt presentiment, So that some halo of attraction heraldeth a coining friend. Investing, in his likeness, the stranger that passed on before ; And wliile the word is in thy mouth, behold thy word fulfilled, And he of whom we spake can answer for himself. O man, little hast thou learnt of truth in things most true, How therefore shall thy blindness wot of truth in things most false ? Thou hast not yet perceived the causes of life or motion ; Hov/ then canst thou define the subtle sympathies of mind ? For the spirit, sharpest and strongest when disease hath rent the body. Hath welcomed kindred spirits in nightly visitations, Or learnt from restless ghosts dark secrets of the living, And helped slow justice to her prey by the dreadful teaching of a dream. Verily, there is nothing so true, that the damps of error have not warp- ed it; Verily, there is nothing so false, that a sparkle of truth is not in it. For the enemy, the father of lies, the giant Upas of creation, Whose deadly shade hath blasted this once green garden of the Lord, Can but pervert the good, but may not create the evil ; He destroyeth, but cannot build ; for he is not antagonist deity : Mighty in his stolen power, yet is he a creature and a subject *, Not a maker of abstract v/rong, but a spoiler of concrete right : The fiend hath not a royal crown ; he is but a prowling robber, Suffered, for some mysterious end, to haunt the King's highway ; And the keen sword he beareth, once was a simple ploughshare ; Yea, and his panoply of error in but a distortion of the truth : OF ANTICIPATION. 15 The sickle that once reaped righteousness, beaten from its useful curve, With axe, and spike, and bar, headeth the marauder's halbert. Seek not furuher, O man, to solve the dark riddle of sin ; Suffice it, that thine own bad heart is to thee thine orijrin of evil. OF ANTICIPATION. Thou hast seen many sorrows, travel-stained pilgrim of the world, But that which hath vexed thee most, hath been the looking for evil ; And though calamities have crossed thee, and misery been heaped on thy head, Yet ills that never happened, have chiefly made thee wretched. The sting of pain and the edge of pleasure arc blunted by long expectation. For the gall and the balm alike are diluted in the waters of patience : And often thou sippest sweetness, ere the cup is dashed from thy lip ; Or drainest the gall of fear, while evil is passing by thy dwelling. A man too careful of danger liveth in continual torment ; But a cheerful expecter of the best hath a fountain of joy within him : Yea, though the breath of disappointment should chill the sanguine heart, Speedily glowetli it again, warmed by the live embers of hope ; Though tlie black and heavy surge close above the head for a moment, Yet the happy buoyancy of Conhdence riseth superior to Despair. Verily, evils may be courted, may be wooed and won by distrust ; For the wise Physician of our weal loveth not an unbelieving spirit ; And to those giveth he good, who rely on his hand for good ; And those leaveth he to evil, who fear, but trust him not. Ask for good, and hope it ; for the ocean of good is fathomless ; Ask for good, and have it ; for tliy Friend would see tliee happy : But to the timid heart, to the child of unbelief and dread, That leaneth on his own weak staff, and trusteth the sight of his eyes, The evil he feared shall come, for the soil is ready for the seed ; And suspicion hath coldly put aside the hand that was ready to help him ; Therefore look up, sad spirit, be strong, thou coward heart, Or fear will make thee wretched, though evil follow not behind : Cease to anticipate misfortune, — there are still many chances of escape ; But if it come, be courageous ; face it, and conquer thy calamity. 16 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. There is not an enemy so stout as to storm and take the fortress of the mind, Unless its iiitirmity turn traitor, and Fear unbar the gates. The valiant stiindetli as a rock, and the billows break upon him ; The timorous is a skiff unmoored, tost and mocked at by a ripple ; The valiant holdeth fast to good, till evil wrench it from him ; The timorous casteth it aside, to meet the worst half way : Yet oftentimes is evil but a braggart, that provoketh and will not fight ; Or the feint of a subtle fencer, who measureth his thrust elsewhere : Or perchance a blessing in a masque, sent to try thy trust. The precious smiting of a friend, wliose frowns are all in love : Often the storm threateneth, but is driven to other climes, And the weak hath quailed in fear, while the firm hath been glad in his confidence. •OF HIDDEN USES. The sea-wort (^) floating on the \\-aves. or rolled up high along the shore, Ye counted useless and vile, heaping on it names of contempt : Yet hath it gloriously triumphed, and man been humbled in his ignorance, For health is in the freshness of its savour, and it cumbereth the beach with wealth ; Comforting the tossings of pain with its violet-tinctured essence, And by its humbler ashes enriching many proud. Be tliis then a lesson to thy soul, that thou reckon nothing wortliless, Because thou heedest not its use, nor knowest the virtues thereof. And herein, as thou walkest by the sea, shall weeds be a type and an earnest Of the stored and uncounted riches lying liid in all creatures of God : Tliere be flowers making glad the desert, and roots fattening tlie soil, And jewels in the secret deep, scattered among groves of coral, And comforts to crown all wishes, iind aids unto every need. Influences yet unthought, and virtues, and many inventions, And uses above and around, which man hath not yet regarded. Not long to chann away disease, hath the crocus (*) yielded up its bulb, Nor the willow lent its bark, nor the nightshade its vanquished poison ; OF fflDDEN USES. 17 Not long hath the twisted«leaf, the fragrant gift of China, Nor that nuti-itious root, the boon of far Peru, Nor the many-coloured dahlia, nor the gorgeous flaunting cactus, Nor the multitude of fruits and flowers, ministered to Ufe and luxury ; Even so, there be virtues yet unknowoi in the wasted foliage of the elm, In the sun-dried harebell of the downs, and the hyacinth drinking in the meadow, In the sycamore's winged fruit, and the facet-cut cones of the cedar ; And the pansy and bright geranium live not alone for beauty. Nor the waxen flower of the arbute, though it dielh in a day. Nor the sculptured crest of the fir, unseen but by the stars ; And the meanest weed of the garden serveth unto many uses. The salt tamarisk, and juicy flag, the freckled orchis, and the daisy. The world may laugh at famine when forest-trees jdeld bread. When aconis give out fragrant drink, (®) and the sap of the linden is as fatness : For every green herb, from the lotus to tlie darnel, Is rich ^\^th delicate aids to help incurious man. Still, jMiud is up and stirring, and pryeth m the comers of contrivance, Often from the dark recesses picking out bright seeds of truth : Knowledge hath clipped the Ughtning's wings, and mewed it up for a purpose. Training to some domestic task the fiery bird of heaven ; Tamed is the spirit of the storm, to slave in all peaceful arts, To walk with husbandly and science ; to stand in the vanguard against death : And the chemist balanceth his elements witli more than magic skill, Commanding stones tliat they be bread, and drauiing sweetness out of wormwood. Yet man, heedless of a God, counteth up vain reckonings, Fearing to be jostled and starved out, by the too prolific increase of liis kind; And asketli, in imbelieving dread, for how few years to come Will tlie black cellars of the world yield unto him fuel for his winter. Might not tlie wide-waste sea be pent witliin narrower bounds ? Might not the arm of diligence make the tangled wilderness a garden ? And for auglit thou canst tell, there may be a thousand methods Of comforting tliy Umbs in wannth, thougi thou kindle not a spark. 18 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Fear not, son of man, for thyself nor thy seed : — with a multitude is plenty ; God's blessing giveth increase, and with it larger than enough. Search out the wisdom of nature, there is depth in all her doings ; She seemeth prodigal of power, yet her rules are the maxims of frugality : The plant refresheth the air, and the earth filtereth the water. And dews are sucked into the cloud, dropping fatness on the world : She hath, on a mighty scale, the general use of all things ; Yet hath she specially for each its microscopic purpose : There is use in the prisoned air, that swelleth the pods of the laburnum ; Design in the venomed thorns, that sentinel the leaves of the nettle ; A final cause for the aromatic gum, that congealeth the moss around a rose : A reason for each blade of grass, that reareth its small spire. How knoweth discontented man what a train of ills might follow, If the lowest menial of nature knew not her secret office ? If the thistle never sprang up, to mock the loose husbandry of indolence, Or the pestilence never swept away an unknown curse from among men ? Would ye crush the buzzing myriads that float on the breath of the evening ? Would ye trample the creatures of God that people the rotting fruil ? Would ye suffer no mildew forest to stain the unhealthy wall. Nor a noisome savour to exiiale from the pool that breedeth disease ? Pain is useful unto man, for it teacheth him to guard his life, And tJie fetid vapours of the fen warn him to fly from danger : And the meditative mind, looking on, winneth good food for its hunger, Seeing the wholesome root bring forth a poisonous berry ; For otherwhile falleth it out that truth, driven to extremities, Yieldeth bitter folly as the spoilt fruit of wisdom. O, blinded is thine eye, if it see not just aptitude in all things ; O, frozen is thy heart, if it glow not with gratitude for all things : In the perfect circle of creation not an atom could be spared. From earth's magnetic zone to the bindweed round a hawthorn. The sage, and the beetle at his feet, hath each a ministration to perform ; The brier and the palm have the wages of life, rendering secret service. Neither is it thus alone with the definite existences of matter ; But motion and sound, circumstance and quality, yea, all things have their office. The zephyr playing with an aspen leaf, — the earthquake that rendeth a continent ; OF COMPENSATION. W The moonbeam silvering a ruined arch, — the desert wave dashing up a pyramid ; The thunder of jarring icebergs, — the stops of a shepherd's pipe ; The howl of the tiger in the glen, — and the wood-dove calUng to her mate ; The vulture's cruel rage, — the grace of the stately swan ; The fierceness looking from the lynx's eye, and the dull stupor of the sloth ; To these, and to all, is there added each its use, though man considereth it Ughtly ; For Power hath ordained nothing which Economy saw not needful. All things being are essential to the vast ubiquity of God ; Neither is there one thing overmuch, nor freed from honourable servitude. Were there not a need-be of wisdom, nothing would be as it is ; For essence without necessity argueth a moral weakness. We look through a glass darkly, we catch but glimpses of truth ; But, doubtless, the sailing of a cloud hath Providence to its pilot, Doubtless, the root of an oak is gnarled for a special purpose. The foreknowTi station of a rusli is as fixed as the station of a king, And chaff from the hand of a winnow^er, steered as the stars in their courses. Man liveth only in himself, but the Lord liveth in all things ; And his peiTading unity quickeneth the whole creation. Man doeth one thing at once, nor can he think two thoughts together ; But God compasseth all tilings, mantling the globe like air : And we render homage to His wisdom, seeing use in all His creatures, For, perhance, the imiverse would die, w'ere not all tilings as they are. OF COMPENSATION. Equal is the government of heaven in allotting pleasures among men, And just the everlasting law, that liath wedded happiness to virtue : For verily on all things else broodeth disappointment with care, That childish man may be taught the shallowness of earthly enjoyment. Wherefore, ye that have enough, envy ye the rich man his abundance ? Wherefore, daughters of affluence, covet ye the cottager's content? Take the good with the evil, for ye all are pensioners of God, And none may choose or refuse the cup his w'isdom mixeth. 20 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. The poor man rejoiceth at his toil, and Ms daily bread is sweet to him : Content with present good, he looketh not for evil to the future : The rich man languisheth with sloth, and findeth pleasure in nothing, He locketh up care with his gold, and fearoth the ficldeness of fortune. Can a cup contain witliin itself the measure of a bucket ? Or the straitened appetites of man drink more than their fill of luxury ? There is a limit to enjoyment, though the sources of wealth be boundless ; And the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation. Also though penury and pain be real and bitter evils, T would reason with the poor afflicted, for he is not so wretched as he seemeth. What right hath an offender to complain, though others escape punishment, If tlie stripes of earned misfortune overtake him in his sin ? Wherefore not endure with resignation the evils thou canst not avert ? For the coward pain will flee, if thou meet him as a man : Consider, whatever be thy fate, that it might and ought to have been worse, And that it heth in thy hand to gather even blessings from afflictions : Bethink thee, wherefore were they sent ? and hath not use blunted their keeness ? Need hope, and patience, and courage, be strangers to the meanest hovel ? Thou art in an evil case, — it were cruel to deny to thee compassion, But there is not unmitigated ill in the sharpest of tliis world's sorrows : I touch not the sore of tliy guilt ; but of human griefs I counsel thee, Cast off the weakness of regret, and gird thee to redeem thy loss. Thou hast gained, in the furnace of affliction, self-knowledge, patience, and humility, And these be as precious ore, tJiat waiteth the skill of the coiner : Despise not tlie blessings of adversity, nor the gain thou hast earned so hardly. And now thou hast drained the bitter, take heed that thou lose not the sweet. Power is seldom innocent, and envy is the yoke-fellow of emmence ; And the rust of the miser's riches wasteth his soul as a canker. The poor man counteth not the cost at which such wealth hath been pur- chased ; He would be on the mountain's top without the toil and travail of the clunbing. OF COMPENSATION. 21 But equity demandeth recompense ; for high-place, calumny and care ; For state, comfortless splendour eating out the heart of liome ; For warrior fame, dangers and death ; for a name among the learned, a spirit overstrained ; For honour of all lands, the goad of ambition ; on every acquirement, the tax of anxiety. He that would change with another, must take the cup as it is mixed : Poverty, with largeness of heart ; or a full purse, with a sordid spirit : Wisdom, in an ailing body ; or a common mind with health : Godliness, with man's scorn ; or the welcome of the mighty, mth guilt : Beauty, with a fickle heart ; or plainness of face, with affection. For so hath Providence determined, that a man shall not easily discover Unmingled good or evil, to quicken his envy or abhorrence. A bold man or a fool must lie be, who would change his lot with another ; It were a fearful bargain, and mercy hath lovingly refused it ; For we know the worst of ourselves, but the secrets of another we see not, And better is certain bad, than the doubt and dread of worse. Just, and strong, and opportune is the moral rule of God ; Ripe in its times, firm in its judgments, equal in the measure of its gifts ; Yet men, scanning the surface, count the wicked happy : Nor heed the compensating peace which gladdeneth the good in his afflictions. They see not the frightful dreams that crowd a bad man's pillow, Like wreathed adders crawling round his midnight conscience ; They hear not the terrible suggestions, that knock at the portal of his will, Provoking to wipe away from life the one weak witness of the deed ; They know not the torturing suspicions that sting his panting breast. When the clear eye of penetration quietly readeth off the truth. Likewise of the good what know they ? the memories bringing pleasure. Shrined in the heart of the benevolent, and glistening from his eye ; The calm self-justifying reason that cstablisheth the upright in his purpose ; The warm and gushing bliss that floodeth all the thoughts of the religious. Many a beggar at tlie cross-way, or gray-haired slicphord on the plain. Hath more of the end of all wealth, than hundreds who multiply the means. Moreover, a moral compensation rcacheth to the secrecy of thought ; For if thou wilt think evil of thy neighbour, soon shalt thou have him for thy foe : 23 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. And yet he may know nothing of the cause that maketh thee distasteful to his soul, — The cause of unkind suspicion, for which thou hast thy punishment : And if thou think of him in charity, wishing or praying for his weal, He shall not guess the secret charm that lureth his soul to love thee. For just is retributive ubiquity : Samson did sin with Dalilah, And his eyes and captive strength were forfeit to the Philistine : Jacob robbed his brother, and sorrow was his portion to the grave : David must fly before his foes, yea, though his guilt is covered : And He, who seeming old in youth, (') was marred for others' sin, For every special crime must bear its special penalty : By luxury, or rashness, or vice, the member that hath erred suffereth, And therefore the Sacrifice for all was pained at every pore. AUke to the slave and his oppressor cometh night with sweet refreshment, And half of the life of the most wretched is gladdened by the soothings of sleep. Pain addeth zest unto pleasure, and teacheth the luxury of health : There is a joy in sorrow, which none but a mourner can know ; Madness hath hnaginary bliss, and most men have no more ; Age hath its quiet calm, and youth enjoyeth not for haste ; Daily, in the midst of its beatitude, the righteous soul is vexed ; And even the misery of guilt doth attain to the bliss of pardon. Who, m the face of the bom-blind, ever looked on other llian content ? And the deaf ear listeneth witliin to the silent music of the heart. There is evil poured upon the earth from the overflowings of con-uption, — Sickness, and poverty, and pain, and guilt, and madness, and sorrow ; But, as the water from a fountain riseth and sinketh to its level, Ceaselessly toileth justice to equalize the lots of men : For, habit, and hope, and ignorance, and the being but one of a multitude, And strength of reason in the sage, and dulness of feeling in the fool. And the light elasticity of courage, and the calm resignation of meekness. And the stout endurance of decision, and the weak carelessness of apathy. And helps invisible but real, and ministerings not unfelt. Angelic aid with worldly discomfiture, bodily loss with the soul's gain. Secret griefs, and silent joys, thorns in the flesh, and cordials for the spirit, ( — Short of the insuperable barrier dividing innocence from guilt, — ) Go far to level all things, by the gracious rule of Compensation. OF INDIRECT INFLUENCES. 23 OF INDIRECT INFLUENCES. Face thy foe in the field, and perchance thou wilt meet thy master. For the sword is chained to his wrist, and his armour buckled for the battle ; But find him when he looketh not for thee, aim between the joints of his harness. And the crest of his pride will be humbled, his cruelty will bite the dust. Beard not a lion in his den, but fashion the secret pitfall. So shalt thou conquer the strong, thyself triumphing in weakness. The hurricane rageth fiercely, and the promontory standeth in its might, Breasting the artillery of heaven, as darts glance from the crocodile ; But the small continual creeping of the silent footsteps of the sea Mineth the wall of adamant, and stealthily compasseth its ruin. The weakness of accident is strong, where the strength of design is weak: And a casual analogy convinceth, when a mind beareth not argument. Will not a man listen ? be silent ; and prove thy maxim by example : Never fear, thou losest not thy hold, though thy mouth doth not render a reason. Contend not in wisdom with a fool, for thy sense maketh much of his conceit ; And some errors never would have thriven, liad it not been for learned refutation ; Yea, much evil hath been caused by an honest wrestler for truth. And much of unconscious good, by the man that hated wisdom : For the intellect judgeth closely, and if thou overstep thy argument, Or seem not consistent with thyself, or fail in thy direct purpose. The mind that went along with thee, shall stop and return without thee, And thou shalt have raised a foe, where thou mightest have won a friend. Hints, shrewdly strown, mightily disturb the spirit. Where a barefaced accusation would be too rMculous for calumny : The sly suggestion toucheth nerves, and nerves contract the fronds. And the sensitive mimosa of affection trembleth to its root ; And friendships, the growth of half a century, those oaks tliat laugh at storms. Have been cankered in a night by a worm, even as the prophet's gourd. Hast thou loved, and not known jealousy ? for a sidelong look Can please or pain thy heart more than the multitude of proofs : 24 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY, Hast tlioTi hated, and not learned that tliy silent scorn Doth deeper aggravate thy foe than loud-cursing malice ? — A wise wise man prevaileth in power, for he screeneth his battering engine, But a fool tilteth headlong, and his adversary is aware. Behold those broken arches, that oriel all unglazed, That crippled line of columns bleaching in the sun, The delicate shaft stricken midway, and the flying buttress Idly stretching fortli to hold up tufted ivy : Tliinkest thou the thousand eyes that shine with rapture on a ruin. Would have looked with half their wonder on the perfect pile ? And wherefore not — but that light hints,' suggesting unseen beauties, Fill the complacent gazer with self-grown conceits ? And so, the rapid sketch winneth more praise to the painter, Than the consummate work elaborated on his easel : And so, the Helvetic lion caverned in the living rock Hath more of majesty and force, than if upon a marble pedestal. Tell me, daughter of taste, what hath charmed thine ear in music ? Is it the laboured theme, the curious fugue or cento, — Nor rather the sparkles of intelligence flashing from some strange note, Or the soft melody of sounds far sweeter for simplicity ? Tell me, thou son of science, what hath filled thy mind in reading ? Is it the volume of detail where all is orderly set down. And they that read may run, nor need to stop and think ; The book carefully accui-ate, that counteth thee no better than a fool. Gorging the passive mind with annotated notes ; — Nor rather the half-suggested thoughts, the riddles thou mayest solve, The fair ideas, coyly peepuig like young loves out of roses, The quaint arabesque conceptions, half cherub and half flower, The light analogy, or deep allusion, trusted to thy learning, The confidence implied in thy skill to unravel meaning mysteries ? For ideas are ofttimes shy of the close furniture of words, And thought, wherein only is power, may be best conveyed by a suggestion ; The flash that Hghteth up^ a valley, amid the dark midnight of a storm, Coineth the mind with that scene sharper than fifty summers. A worldly man boasteth in his pride that there is no power but of money : And he judgeth the characters of men by the differing measures of their means : OF INDIRECT INFLUENCES, 25 He stealeth all goodly names, as worth, and value, and substance, Which be the ancient heritage of Virtue, but such an one ascribeth unto Wealth : He spumeth the needy sage, A\hose wisdom hath enriched nations, And the sons of poverty and learning, without whom earth were a desert : Music, the soother of cares, the tuner of the dank discordant heart-strings, It is nought unto such an one but sounds, whereby some earn their living : The poem, and the picture, and the statue, to him seem idle baubles, Which wealth condescendeth to favour, to gain him the name of patron. But little wotteth he the might of the means his folly despiseth ; He considereth not that these be the wires which move the puppets of the world. ^ A sentence hath formed a character, (J) and a character subdued a kingdom ; A picture hath ruined souls, or raised them to commerce with the skies : The pen hath shaken nations, and stablished the world in peace ; And the whole full horn of plenty been filled from the vial of science. He regardeth man as sensual, the monarch of created matter, And careth not aught for mind, that linketh him with spirits unseen : He feedetlfhis carcass and is glad, though his. soul be faint and famished, And the dull brute po\ver of the body bindeth him a captive to himself. Man liveth from hour to hour, and knoweth not v.hat may happen ; Influences circle him on all sides, and yet must he answer for his actions, For the being that is master of himself, bendeth events to his wUl, But a slave to selfish passion is the wavering creature of circumstance. To this man temptation is a poison, to that man it addeth vigour ; And each may render to himself influences good or evil. As thou dircctest the power, harm or advantage will follow; And the torrent that swept the valley, may be led to turn a mill ; The wild electric flash, that could have kindled comets, May by the ductile wire give ease to an ailing child. For outward matter or event, fashion not the character within, But each man, yielding or resisting, fashioneth his mind for himself. Some have said. What is in a name ? — most potent plastic influence ; A name is a word of character, and repetition stablisheth the fact ; A word of rebuke, or of honour, tending to obscurity or fame ; And greatest is the power of a name, when its power is least suspected. 26 - PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. A low name is a tliorn ia tlie .side, that liiuileretli tlia footman in his run- ning ; But a name of ancestral renown shall often put the racer to his speed- Few men have grown unto greatness whose names are allied to ridicule, And many would never have been profligate, but for the splendour of a name. A wise man scometh notliing, be it never so small or homely, For he knoweth not the secret laws that may bind it to great efTects. The world in its boyhood was credulous, and dreaded the vengeance of the stars. The world in its dotage is not wiser, fearing not the influence of small things : Planets govern not tlie soul, no)* guide tSe destinies of man, But trifles, lighter than straws, arc levers in the building up of character. A man hath the tiller in his hand, and may steer against the current. Or may glide down idly with tiie stream, till his vessel founder in the whirl- pool. OF MEMORY. Where art thou, storehouse of the mind, garner of facts and fancies, — ■ In what strange firmament arc laid the beams of thine airy chambers ? Or art thou that small cavern, (**) the centre of the rolling brain, Whore still one sandy morsel testifiath man's original ? Or hast thou some grand globe, some common hall of intellect, Some spacious market-place for thought, where all do bring their wares, And gladly rescued from the littleness, the narrow closet of a self, The privileged soul hath large access,-coming in the livery of learning ? Live we as isolated v/orlds, perfect in substance and spirit, Each a sphere, with a special mind, prisoned in its shell of matter? Or rather, as converging radiations, parts of one majestic wliolc. Beams of the Sun, streams from the River, branches of the mighty Tree, Some bearing fruit, some bearing leaves, and some diseased and barren, — Some for the feast, some for the floor, and some — how many — for the fire ? Memory may be but a power of coming to the treasury of Fact, OF MEMORY. 27 A momentary self-desertion, an absence iu spirit from the now, An actual coursing hither and thither, by the mind, slipped from its leash, A life, as in the mystery of dreams, spent within the limits of a moment. A brutish man knoweth not tliis, neither can a fool comprehend it, But there be secrets of the memorj', deep, wondrous, and fearfiU. Were I at Petra, could I not declare, My soid hath been here before me ? Am I strange to the columned halls, tlie calm dead grandem- of Palm}Ta ? Know I not thy mount, O Carmel ! Have I not voyaged on the Danube ? Nor seen the glare of Arctic snows, — nor tlie black tents of tlie Tartar ? Is it then a dream, tliat I remember the faces of them of old. While v/andering in the grove with Plato, and listening to Zeno in the porch ? Paul liave I seen, and Pythagoras, and the Stagj-rite hath spoken me friendly, And His meek eye looked also upon me, standing with Peter in the palaca. Athens and Rome, Persepolis and Spaita, am I not a freeman of you all ? And chiefly can my yearning heart forget thee, O Jerusalem ? For tlie strong magic of conception, mingled with the fumes of memory, Giveth me a life in all past time, yea, and addeth substance to the future. Be ye my judges, imaginative minds, full-fledged to soar into the sun, Whose grosser natural thoughts the chemistry of wisdom hath sublimed, Have ye not confessed to a feeling, a consciousness, strange and vague, That ye have gone this way before, and walk again your daily life, Tracking an old routine, and on some foreign strand. Where bodily yc have never stood, finding your own footsteps ? Hath not at times some recent friend looked out an old familiar. Some newest circumstance or place teemed as with ancient memories ? A startling sudden flash lighteth up all for an instant. And then it is quenched, as in darkness, and leaveth the cold spirit treml> ling. T Memory is not wisdom ; idiots can rote volumes : Yet, what is msdom without memory ? a babe that is strangled in its birth ; The path of the swallow in the air ; the path of the dolphin in the waters ; A cask running out ; a bottomless chasm : such is wisdom without memory. There be many wise, who cannot store their knowledge ; Yet ftx)m themselves are they satisfied, for the fountain is withtu : 28 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Tlijere be many who store, but have no wisdom of their own, Lumbering their armory with weapons their muscles cannot lift : There be many thieves and robbers, who glean and store unlawfully, Calling in to memory's help some cunningly devised Cabala : But to feed the mind with fatness, to fill thy granary with corn, Nor clog with chaff and straw tlie threshing-floor of reason. Reap the ideas, and house them well ; but leave the words high stubble, Strive to store up what was thought, despising what was said. For the mind is a spirit, and drinketh in ideas, as flame melteth into flame ; But for words, it must pack them as on floors, cumbrous and perishable merchandise. To be pained for a minute, to fear for an hour, to hope for a week — ^how long and weary ! But to remember fourscore years, is to look back upon a day. An avenue seemeth to lengthen in the eyes of the wayfaring man. But let him turn, those stationed elms crowd up within a yard ; Pace the lamp-lit streets of some sleeping city, The multitude of cressets shall seem one, in the false picture of per- spective ; Even so, in sweet treachery, dealeth the aged with himself. He gazeth on the green hill-tops, while the marshes beneath are liidden ; And the partial telescope of memory piercetli t'^ie blank between. To look with lingering love at the fair star of childhood. Life is as the current spark on the miner's wheel of flints : Wliiles it spimieth there is light ; stop it, all is darkness : Life is as a morsel of frankincense burning in the hall of Eternity ; It is gone, but its odorous cloud curleth to the lofty roof ! Life is as a lump of salt, melting in the temple-laver ; It is gone, — yet its savour reacheth to the farthest atom ; Even so, foB evil or for good, is life the criterion of a man, For its memories of sanctity or sin pervade all the firmament of being, There is but the flitting moment wherem to hope or to enjoy, But in the calendar of memoiy, that moment is all time. THE DREAM OF AMBITION. 29 THE DREAM OF AMBITION. I LEFT the happy fields that .smile around the village of Content, And sought with wayward feet the torrid desert of Ambition. Ixmg time, parched and weary, I travelled that burning sand, And the hooded basilisk and adder were strewed in my way for palms ; Black scorpions thronged me round, with sharp uplifted stings. Seeming to mock me as I ran ; (then I guessed it was a dream, — But life is oft so like a dream, we know not where we are.) So I toiled on, doubting in myself, up a steep gravel cliif, Whose yellow summit shot up far into the brazen sky ; And quickly, I was wafted to the top, as upon unseen wings Carrying me xipward like a leaf: (then I thought it was a dream, — Yet life is oft so like a dream, we know not where we are.) So I stood on the mountain, and behold ! before me a giant pyi^amid, And I clomb with eager haste its high and difficult steps ; For, I longed, like another Belus, to mount up, yea to heaven. Nor sought I rest until my feet had spurned the crest of earth. Then I sat on my gmnite throne under the burning smi. And the world lay smiling beneath me, but I was wi'apt in flames ; (And I hoped in glimmering consciousness, that all tliis torture was a dream, — Yet life is oft so like a dream, we know not where we ai'e.) And anon, as 1 sat scorching, the pyramid shuddered to its root. And I felt the quarried mass leap from its sand foundations : Awhile it tottered and tilted, as raised by invisible levers, — (And now my reason spake with me ; I knew it was a dream ; Yet I hushed that whisper into silence, for I hoped to learn of wisdom, By tracking up my truant thoughts, whereunto they might lead.) And suddenly, as rolling upon wheels, adown the cliff it rushed, And I thought, in my hot brain, of the Muscovites' icy slope ; A thousand yards in a moment we ploughed the sandy seas, And crushed those happy fields, and that smiling village, And onward, as a living thing, still rushed my mighty throne. Thundering along, and {>ounding, as it went, the millions in my way : Before me all was life, and joy, and full-blown summer, ;iO PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Bohiiid me deatli and woe, the desert and simoom. Tlicn I wept and shrieked aloud, for pity and for fear ; 'But might not stop, for, comet-Uke, flew on the maddened mass 0\'er tlie crashing cities, and falling'obehsks and towers. And cohimns, razed as by a scythe, and high doomes, shivered as an egg- shell, And deep embattled ranks, and women, crowded in tlie streets. And children, kneeUng as for mercy, and all I had ever loved, Yea, over all, mine awful throne rushed on with seeming instinct. And over the craclding forests, and over the rugged beach, And on with a terrible hiss through the foaming wild Atlantic ■ Tliat roared around me as I sat, but could not quench my spirit, — Still on, through startled soUtudes we shattered the pavement of the sea, Down, down, to that central vault, tlio bolted doors of hell ; And these, with horrid shock, my huge throne battered in, And on to the deepest deep, where the fierce flames were hottest, Blazing tenfold as conquering furiously the seva that rushed in with me, — And there I stopped ; and a fearful voice shouted in mine ear, " Behold the home of Discontent ; behold the rest of Ambition !" OF SUBJECTION. Law hath dominion over all things, over universal mind and matter ; For tliere are reciprocities of right, which no creature can gainsay. Unto each there was added by its Maker, in the perfect chain of being, Dependencies and sustentations,. accidents, and qualities, and powers ; And each must fly forward in tbe ciu^'e, unto which it was forced from the beginning ; Each must attract and repel, or the monarchy of Order is no more. Laws are essential emanations from the self-poised cliaracter of Grod, And they radiate from that sun, to the circling edges of creation. Verily, the mighty Lawgiver hath subjected Himself unto laws, And God is the primal grand example of free unstrained obedience : His perfection is limited by right, and cannot trespass into wi'ong. Because He hath estabhshed Himself as the fountain of only good, And in thus much is bounded, that the evil hath he lefl unto another, OF SUBJECTION. 31 And that dark other liath usurped the evil wliicli Omnipotence laid down. Unto God there exist impossibilities ; for the True One cannot- lie, Nor the Wise One wander from the tracli which he hath determined for himself : For his will was purposed from eternity, strong in the love of order ; And that will altereth not, as the law of the Medes and Persians. God is the origin of order, and the first exemplar of his precept ; For there is subordination of his Essence, self-guided unto holiness ; And there is subordination of his Persons, in duo procession of dignity ; For the Son, as a son, is subject ; and to him doth the Spirit minister ; But thcoc things be rnJ^?tcric8 to man, lie cannot reach nor fathom them, And ever must he speak in paradox, when labouring to expound his God ; For, behold, God is Alone, mighty in unshackled freedom ; And with those wondrous Persons abideth eternal equality. So then, start ye from the fountain and follow the river of existence, For its current is bounded througliout by the banks of just subordination : Thrones, and dominions, and powers, Arc'iangels, Clicrnbim and Seraphim. Angels, and flaming ministers, and breathing chariots and harps. For there are degrees in heaven, and varied capabilities of bliss. And steps in the ladder of intelligence, and ranks in approaches to Per- fection : Doubtless, reverence is given, as their due, to the masters in wisdom ; Doubtless, there are who serve ; or a throne woirld have small glory. Regard now the universe of matter, the substance of visible creation. Which of old, \vith well-observing truth, the Greek hath surnamed Order ; (') Where is there an atom out of place ? or a particle that yield(^th not obe- dience ? Where is there a fragment that is free ? or one thing the equal of another? The chain is unbroken down to man, and beyond him the links are perfect : But he standeth solitary sin, a marvel of permitted chaos. And shall this seeming error in the scale of due subordination Bo a spot of desert i^ireclaimed, in the midst of the vineyard of the Lord ? Shall his presumptuous pride snap the safe tether of connexion, And his blind selfish folly refuse the burden of maintenance ? O man, thou art a creature ; boast not th3'solf above the law : Think not of thyself as free : thou art bound in the trammels of dependence. 32 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. What is the sum of thy duty, but obedience to righteous rule, To the great commanding oracle, uttered by delegated organs ? Thou canst not render homage to abstract Omnipresent power, Save through the concrete symbol of visible ordained authority. Those who obey not man are oitenest found rebels againest God •, And seldom is the delegate so bold, as to order what he knoweth to be wrong. Yet mark me, proud gainsayer ! I say not, obey unto sin ; But, where the Principal is silent, take heed tliat thou despise not the Deputy : And he that lovpth order ^vill bless thee for tliy fHith, If thou recognize his sanction in the powers that fashion human laws. Thou, the \'icegerent of the Lord, his high anointed image. Toward whom a good man's loyalty floweth from the hearts of his religion, Thou, whose deep responsibilities are fathomed by a nation's prayers, Whom wise men fear for while they live, and envy thee nothing but thy virtues, From thy dizzy pLunacle of greatness, remember thou also art a subject. And tlie throne of thine earthly glory is itself but the footstool of thy God. Tlie homage thy kingdoms yiel(^ thee, regard thou as yielded inito Hun ; And while girt with all tlie majesty of state, consider thee the Lord's cliief servant ; So shalt thou prosper, and be strong, grafted on the strength of another ; So shall thy virgin heart be happy, in teing luunble. And thou shalt flourish as an oak, the monarch of thine i:,land forests, Whose deep-dug roots are twisted around the stout ribs of the globe. That mocketh at the fury of the stomi, and rejoiceth in summer sunshine, Glad in tne smiles of heaven, and great in the stability of earth. A ruler hath not power for himself, neither is his pomp for his pride ; But beneath the emiine of his office should he wear the rough hair-cloth of humility. Nevertheless, everj' way obey him, so thou break not a higher command- ment ; For Nero was an evil king, yet Paul prescribeth subjection. If the rulers of a nation be holy, the Lord hath blessed that nation ; If they be lewd and impious, chastisement hath come upon that people : For the bitterest scourge of a land is ungodliness in them that govern it, And the guilt of the sons of Josiah drove Israel weeping into Babylon. OF SUBJECTION. 33 Yet he Llioii resolute against them, if they change the mandates of thy God. If they touch tlie ark of his covenant, wherein all his mercies are en- shrined : Be rosolnte, but not rebellious : lest thou ba of the company of Korah : tset thy face agtiinst them as a flint : but bo not numbered with Abiram. Daniel nobly disobeyed ; but not from a spirit of sedition ; And Azarias shouted from tlie furnace, — I will not bow down, O Kr.\G. If trutli must be sacrificed to unity, then faithfulness were folly ; If man must bo obeyed before God, the martyrs have bled in vain : Yet none of that blessed anny reviled the rulers of the land ; They were loud and bold against the sin, but bent before the ensign of authority. Honesty, scorning compromise, walketh most suitably witji Reverence ; Otiierwise righteous daring may show but as ob-^^tinate rebellion ; Therefoi'e, suffer not thy censure to lack the savour of courtesy. And rememi)er the mortal sinneth, but the staff of his power is from God. jlan, thou hast a social spirit, and art deeply indebted to thy kind : Therefi-re claim not all thy rights ; but yield, for thine own advantage. Society is a chain of obligations, and its links must support each other : The branch cannot but wither, tiiat is cut from the parent vine. Wouldst thou be a dweller in the woods, and cast away tlie cords that bind thee, Seeking, in thy bitterness or pride, to be exiled from thy fellows ? Behold, the beasts shall hunt thee, weak, naked, houseless outcast ; Disease and Death shall track thee out, as bloodhounds, in the wilder- ness : Better to be vilest of the vile, in the hated company of men, Than to live a solitary wretch, dreading and Avanting all things ; Better to be chained to tliy labour, in the dusky thoroughfares of life, Than to reign monarch of Sloth, in lonesome savage freedom. ^V"honcc then cometh the doctrine that all should be C'lual and free ? — It is the lie that crowded hell, when Seraphs flung away subjection. Xn man is his neighbour's equal, for no two minds are similar, .\nd accidents, alike with qualities, have every shade but sameness : 'J'he lightest atom of difference sliall destroy the nice balance of equality, AirZ-aJl things, from \yithout and from witiiin, make one man to differ from anotlier. 2* 34 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Wo ;irc oqnai an;l free ! was the wutcluvord that ppirited the legions of Satan, VVc are cfiiial and free ! is th-- double he that entrappeth to him conscripts from earih : Tlie incscengers of tiiat dark desjjot will pander to thy licerioC and thy pride, And draw thee from the crowd where thou art safe, to seize thee in the solitary dasert. Woo unto him whose heart the syren song of Liberty hath charmed ; Wne unto l.im whcse mind is bewitched by her treacherous beauty ; In mad zeal flingeth he away the fetters of diity and restraint, And yieldeth up the holocaust of self to that fair idol of tlie damned. No man hatii freedom in au<;ht save in that from which the wicked would be hindered, He is free toward God and good ; bat to all else a bondman. Thou art in a middle sphere, to render and receive honour. If thy king coinmandeth, obey : and stand not in the wiiy with rebels ; But if need be, lay thy hand upon thy sword, and fiar not to smite a trc,i;,or, P'or the universe acquitleth thee with honour, fighting in defence nf thy khig. If a thief break thy dwelling, and tlion take him, it were sin in thee to let him go ; Yea, thou.gh he pleadeth to thy mercy, thou canst not spare him and be blameless ; For his guilt is not only against thee, it is not thy moneys or thy mer- chandise, But he halh done damage to the law, which duty constraineth thee to sanction. Feast not thine appetite of vengeance, remembering thou also art a man, But weep for the sad compulsion, in which the chain of Providence hath bound thee : Mercy is not thine to give ; wilt thou steal another's privilege .' Or S(;nd abroad among thy neighbours, a felon whom iinpunity hath har- dened ? Remember the Roman father, strong in his stem integrity. And let not thy slothful self-indulgc-lice make thee a conniver attlio crind. Also, if tlae knife of the ir>urderer bo raised against thee or thincj OF SUBJECTION. 35 And throngli good Providence and courage, thou slay him that would havo slain theo, Thou loscPt not a tittl'^ of thy rectitude, having executed sudden justice; Still nvAyfii lliou walk among the blessed, though thy hands be red with bluod. For thyself, tiiou art ncith':"r worse nor better; but thy fcillows should co!:nt thee their creditor: Thou hast manfully protected the right, and the right is stronger for thy deed. Also, in the re.^cuing of innocence, fear not to smite the ravisher; AVhat though ho die at thy hand ? for a good name is better tiian tlie life ; An 1 if Phineas had everlasting praise in the matter of Salu's son, With how much greater honour standeth such a rescuer acquitted ? Uphold the laws of thy country, and fear not to figlit in their defence ; But first bj convinced in thy mind : for herein the do::bter sinneth. Above all things look thou well around, if indeed stern d'.ity forceth thee To draw the sword of justice, and stain it with the slaugliter of thy fellows. She that lieth in thy b').>om, the tender wife of thy affections, Must ob>y thee, and be subjert, that evil drop not on thy dwelling. The child that is used to constraint, feareth not more than he loveth ; But give thy son his way, he will hate thee and scorn thee together. The master of a well-ordered home, knoweth to be kind to his servants ; Yet he exactetli reverence, and each one feareth at his post. There is nothing on earth so lowly, but duty giveth it importance; No Ktalion so degrading, but it is ennobled by obedience : Yea, b'reak stones uj~on the highway, acknowledging the Lord in thy lot, Happy shalt tliou be, and honourable, more than many children of the mighty. Tiiou that despiscst the outward forms, beware thou lose not the inward spirit ; For they are as words unto ideas, as symbols to things unseen. Keep then the form that is good : retain, and do reverence to example ; xAnd in all things observe subo-dination, for that is the whole duty of maa A hoi-se knoweth his rider, be he confident or timid. And the fierce spirit of Bucephalus stoopeth mito none but Alexander; The tigress roused in the jtuigle by the prying spaniels of the fowler, Will quail at tlie eye of man, so he assert his digiiity ; 36 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Nay, tin very shi^is, thoiio giant swans breasting tha mighty waters, Roll in the trough, or break the wave, to the pilot's fear or courage : How much more shall man, discerning the Fountai.i of authority, Bow to superior commands, and make his own obeyed. And yet, in travelling the world, hast thou not often known A gallant host led on to ruin by a foeble Xerxes ? Hast thou not often seen the wanton luxury of indolence Sullying with its sleepy mist the tarnished crown of headship ? Alas ! for a thousand fathers, whose indulgent sloth Hath emptied the vial of confusion over a thousand homes : Alas ! for the palaces and hovels, that might liave been nurseries for heaven, By hot intestine broils blighted into schools for hell : None knoweth his place, yet all refuse to serve, None weareth the crown, yet all usurp the sceptre : And perhance some fiarcer spirit, of natural nobility of mind. That needed but the kindness of constraint to have grown up great and good, Now, — the rich harvest of his heart choked by unwceded tares, — All bold to dare and do, unchecked by wholesome fear, A scotFer about bigotry and priestcraft, a rebel against government and God, And standard-bearer of the turbulent, leading on the sons of Belial : Such an one is king of that small state, head tyrant of the thirtv, Brandishing the torch of discord in his village-home : And the timid Eli of the house, yon humble parish-priest, Liveth in shame and sorrow, fearing his o^vn handy-work ; The mother, heart-stricken years agone, hath dropped into an early grave , The silent sisters long to leave a home they cannot love ; The brothers, casting oft' restraint, follow their wayward wills ; And the chance guest, early departing, blessslh his kind stars. That on his humbler homo hath brooded no domestic curse. Yet is that curse the fruit ; wouldest thou the root of the evil ? A kindness — most unkin 1, thjt hath always spared the rod ; A weak and numbing indecision in the mjnd that should be master ; A foolish love, pregnant of hate, that never frowned on sin ; A moral cowardice of heart, that never dared command. A kingdom is a ne^t of families, and a family a small kino-dom ; And the government of whole or part differeth in nothing but extent. The house, where the master rulcth, is strong in united subjection. And the only commandment with promise, being honoured, is a blessing to that house 4 OF REST. 37 But and if he yieldeth up the reins, it is weak in discordant anarchy, And the bonds of love and union melt away, as ropes of sand. The realm, that is ruled with vigour, lacketh neither peace nor glory, It dreadeth not foes frojii witliout, nor the sons of not from within : But the meanness of temporizing fear robbeth a kingdom of its honour. And the weakness of indulgent sloth ravageth its bowels with discord. The best of human governments is the patriarchal rule ; The au.thorized supremacy of one, the prescriptive subjection of many : Therefore, the children of the East have thriven from age to age, Obeying, even as a gixl, the royal father of Cathay : Therefore, to this our day, the Rechabite \\'anteth not a man, (") But they stand before the Lord, forsaking not the mandate of their sire. Therefore shall Magog among the nations arise from his northern lair, And rend, in the fury of his power, the insurgent world beneath liim : P'or the thunderbolt of concentrated strength can be hurled by the will of one, While the dissipated forces of many arc harmless a.'i summer lightning. OF REST. (") In the silent watches of the night, calm night that brcedeth thoughts, ( ^) When the task-weary mind disporteth in the careless play-hours of sleep, I dreamf^d ; and behold, a valley, green and sunny and well watered. And thousands moving across it, thousands and tens of thousands : And though many seemed faint and toil-worn, and stmnbled often, and fell, Yet moved they on unresting, as the ever-flowing cataract. Tiicn I noted adders in the grass, and pitfalls under the flowers. And chasm'^ yawned among the hills, and the ground was cracked and slippery : But Hope and her brother Fear sulTered not a foot to linger ; Bright plnntom" of false joys beckoned allurinijly forward, While yelling grisly shapes of dread came hunting on behind : And ceaselessly, like I*ipland swarms, that miserable crowd sped along To the mist-involved banks of a dark and sullen river. There saw I, midway in the water, standing a giant fisher, And he held many lines in his hand, and they called him Iron Destiny. So I tracked those subtle chains, and each held one among the multitude • 38- PROVERBIAL PIIILOoOPHY. Then I unJen^tood what hiadiTed, that they rested i.ot in their patli : For the iislier had sport in his fisliing, and drew in hi;j lin33 continually, An.! the new-born babe, and tlie aged man, were drajifged into t'lat dark rivor: , And he |)uiled all those niynuds along, and none might r?st by the way, Till many, for sheer weariasss, were eagar to plangs into tlie drowning sir..a:n. So I knew that valley was Life, and it s'o|;cd to the waters of Death. Bat far on the thither ^iJe spread out a calm and silent sliore. Where all was tranquil as a sleet), and the crowded strand was quiet: And I saw there many I had known, but tlieir eyes glared chillingly upon me, As set in deepest slumber ; and they pressed their fingers to tlieir lips. Then I knew t!iat shore was the dwelling of Rest, where spirits held their 8abi)atb, And it s;;emed tliey would have told me much, but they miglit not break that silence ; For the law of their being was mystery : they glided on, hushing as tliey wont. Yet further, under t'le sun, at the root"; of purple mountains, I noted a blaze of glorj', as the night-fires on nortlicra skies ; And I heard the hum of joy, as it were a sea of melody ; An I far as the eye could reach, were millions of happy creatures Basking in the golden light ; and I knew that land was Heaven. Then ihe hill whereon I stood split asiniJer, and a crater yawnel at my feet, Black, and deep, and dreadful, fi^nced round with ragged ro3ks : Dimly wa-s the darkness lit up by ;-p:res of di-tant fia-ne : An^l I sav,' below a moving mass of life, like reptiles bred in corruption. Whore all was terrible unrest, shrieks and groans and thunder. So I woke, and I thought upon my dream : for it seemed of wisdom's ministratio.s. What man is he that findeth rest, though he hunt for it year after year ? As a child he had not yet been wearied, and cared not then to court it ; As a youth he loved not to be quiet, for excitement spurred him into strife ; As a man he tracketh rest in vain, toiling painfuJly to catch it. But .still is he pulled from the pursuit, by tiie strong compulsion of his fate. So he hopcth to have peace in old age, as he cannut rest in manhood. But troubles thicken witli his years, tUi Deatli hath dogged him to tlie grave. OF HUMILITY. 33 There rcniainclh a rest for the spirit, on tlio shadowy side of life ; But unto tliis world's piigriin no rest for the sole of his foot. Ever, from stage to .sttige, he travellcth wearily forward, And though he pluck ilowens by the way, he may not sleep among the llowcrs. IMIikI is tlie perpetual luotioii ; for it hi a running i^troaui From an unfathomable source, the depth of the divine Intelligence : And though it be stopped in its flowing, yet hath it a current within, The surface may sle^-p unruffled, but underneath are whirljjools of con- tention. Keekest thou rest, O mortal ? — seek it no more on earth. For de.stiny will not cease from dragging thee through the rough wilderness of life ; pSoekest thou rest, O imuiorlul ? — hope not to find it in Heaven, For slotli yieldstii not happiness; the bli^s of a spirit is action. Rest dwellcth only on an island in the mid-^t of the ocean of existence, Where the worl !-weary soul for a while may fold its tire.l wingt^, Until, afer ^hort sufiicient slumber, it is quickene! unto dea hlcss energy, And specdcth in cagle-iiight to the Sun of unapproachable perfection. OF HUMILITY. Vice is grown awcaiy of her gawds, and drancth russet garments, Lovin:r for change to walk as a nun, beneith a modest veil : For Pride hath not~d how all admire the fiirness of Humility, And to clutch the praise he coveteth, is content to be drest in hair-cloth ; And wily Lust tempteth t!ic young heart, tliat is proof against the bravery of harlots, With timi ! tears and retiring looks of an artless seeming maid ; And indolent Apathy, sleepily ashamed of his dull lack-lustre face, Is glad of the livery of meakn?s<, that charitable cloak and cowl ; And Hatred hideth his demon frown beneath a gentle mask ; And Slander, snake-like, creepeth in the dust, thinking to escape recrim- ination. But tlie world hath gained i;omev»liat frouj its years, alid is quick to peuo- trato disguises ; 40 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Neither in all these is it easily deceived, but rig^htly divideth the true from the false. Yet there is a meanness of spirit tliat is fiiir in the oyos of most men, Yea, and seemeth fair unto itself, loving to be thouglil Himiility. It-; choler is not roused by insolence, neither do injuries disturb it : Honest indignation is strange unto its breast, and just reproof unto it? lip. It s'lrinketh, looking fearfully on men, fawning at the feet of the great ; The breath of calumny is sweet unto .its ear, and it courtoth the rod of persecution. But what ! art thou not a man, deputed chief of the creation ? Art thou not a soldier of the riglit, militant for God and good ? Shall virtue and truth be degraded, because thou art too base to uphold them ? Or Goliath be bolder in blaspheming for want of a David in the camp ? I say not, avenge injuries ; for the ministry of vengeance is not thine; But wlierefore rebuke not a liar ? wherefore do dishonour to thyself? Wherefore let the evil triumph, when the just and the right are on thy side ? Rufh Humility is abject, it lackcth the life of sensibility. And that resignation is but mock, where the burden is not felt : Suspect thyself and thy meekness : thou art mean and indifferent to sin ; And the heart that should grieve and forgive, is case-hardened and forgetteth. Humility mainly beconieth the converse of man with his Maker, But oftentimes it seemsth out of place in the intercourse of man with man : Yet, it is the cringer to his equal, that is chiefly seen bold to his God, While a martyr, whom a world cannot browbeat, is humble as a child before Him. Render unto all men their due, but remember thou also art a man, And cheat not thyself of the reverence which is owing to thy reasonable being. Be courteous, and listen, and leani : but teach and answer if thou canst : S'Tve thee of thy neighbour's wisdom, but be not enslaved as to a master. Where thou perceivest knowledge, bend the ear of attention and respect ; But yield not further to the teaching, tlmn as thy mind is warranted by reasons. Better is an obstinate disputant, that yieldeth inch by inch, Than the shallow traitor to himself, who surrendereth to half an argument. Modesty wirmcth good report, but scorn cometh close upon servility ; OF HUMILITY. 41 Therefore use meelmess with discretion, casting not pearls before swine. For a fool will tread upon thy neck, if lie seeth thee lying in the dust ; And tlier? be compaiiies and seasons where resolute bearing is but duty. ■ If a good man discloseth his .secret fiulings unto the view of the profane, What docth lie but harm unto his brother, confirming him in his sin : There is a concealment that is right, and an open-mouthed humility tliat erretli ; There is a candour near akin to folly, and a meekness looking like shame. Masculine sentiments, vigorously holdon, well become a man ; But a weak mind liath a timorous grasp, and mistaketh it for tenderness of conscience. Many are despised for their folly, who put it to the account of their religion, And because men treat them with contempt, they look to their God for glory : Jjiit contempt shall still be their reward, wlio betrayed their Master unto ridicvde, Reilecting on Him in themselves, meanness and ignorance and cowardice. A Christian hatli a royal spirit, and need not be ashamed but imto One : Among just m?n walketh Tie softly, but tlie world should see him as a champion. His humbleness is fiir unlike the shame that coveretli the profligate and weak, When the sober reproof of virtue hath touched their tingling ears ; It-is born of love and wisdom, and is worthy of all honour. And the sweet persuasion of its smile changeth contempt into reverence. A 'man of a haughty spirit is daily adding to his enemies : He standeth as the Arab in the desert, and the hands of all men are against him : A man of a base mind daih' subtractetli from his friends, For he holdeth himself so cheaply, tTiat others learn to despise him. But where the meekness of self-knowledge veileth the front of self-respect, There look thou for the man, whom none can know but they will honour. Humility is the softening shadow before the stature of Excellence, And lieth lowly on the ground, beloved and lovely as the violet : Humility is the frar-haircd maid, that calleth Wortli her brother. The gentle silent nurse, that fostereth infant virtues : Humility liringeth no excuse ; she is welcome to God and man : Her countenance is needful unto an hath missed his mark, and liis fellows look no further. OF ESTIMATING CHARACTER. 47 Also, touching guilt and innocence : a man shall walk in his uprightness, Year after year without reproach, in charity and honesty with all : But in one evil hour the enemy shall come in Hke a flood ; Shall track him and tempt him, and hem Wra, — till he knoweth not whither to fly. Perchance his famishing little ones shall scream in his cars for bread, And, maddene'' hy that fierce crj-, he rusneth as a thief upon the world : The world that hath left him to starve, itself wallowing in plenty, — The world, that denieth him liis rights, — he daringly robbuth it of tliem. I say not, such an one is innocent : but, small is the measure of his guilt To that of his wealthly neighbour, who would not help him at his need ; To that of the selfish epicure, who turned away with coldness from his tale ; To that of unsufFering thousands, who look with complacence on his lull. Or perchance the continual dropping of the venomed words of spite, Insult and injury and scorn, have galled and pierced his heart ; Yet, with all long-sutfering and meekness, he forgiveth unto seventy times seven : Till, in some weaker moment, tempted beyond endurance. He striketh, more in anger than in hate ; and, alas ! for his heavy chance, He hath smitten unto instant death his spiteful, hfe-long enemy ! And none was by to see it ; and all men knew of their contentions : Fierce voices shout for his blood, and rude hands huiTy him to judgment. Then man's verdict cometh, — Murderer, with forethought malice ; And his name is a note of execration ; his guilt is too black for devils. But to the righteous Judge, sccmeth ho the suffering victim : For his anger was not unlawful, but became him as a Christian and a man ; And though his guilt was grievous when he struck that heavy- bitter blow, Yet light is the sin of the smiter, and verily kicketh the beam. To the weight of that man's wickedness, whose slow relentless hatred Mot him at every turn, Vith patient continuance in evil. Doubtless, eternal wrath shall be heaped upon that spiteful enemy. It is in vain, it is in vain, siiith tlie preacher ; there be none but tlie right- eous and the wicked. Base rebels, and stanch allies, the true knight, and the traitor ; And he beareth strong witness among men, There i.^ no neutral ground, 48 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. The broad liighway and narrow pitli map out the whole domahi ; Sit liere among the saints, these holy chosen few, Or grovel there a wretch condemned, to die among the million. And verily for ultimate results, there be but good and bad ; Heaven hath no dusky twilight ; hell is not gladdened with a dawn. Yet looking round among his follows, who can pass righteous judgment, Such an one is holy and accepted, and such an one reprobate and doomed ? There is so much of good among the worst, so much of evil in the best, Siich seeming partialities in providence, so many things to lessen and expand, Yea, and with all man's boast, so little real freedom of his will, — That, to look a little lower than the surface, garb or dialect or fashion, Thou shalt feebly pronounce for a saint, and faintly condem.n for a sinner. Over many a heart good and true, fluttereth the Great King's pennant : By many an iron hand, the pirate's black banner is unfurled : But there be many more besides, in the yacht and the trader and tlie fish- ing boat, In the feather'd war-canoe, and the quick mysterious gondola : And the armj^ of that Great King hath no stated luiiform ; Of mingled characters and kinds goeth ferth the countless host ; There is the turbaned Damascene, with his tattooed Zealand brother, There the slim bather in the Ganges, with the sturdy Russian boor, The sluggish inmate of a polar cave, with the fire-souled daughter of Brazil, The embruted slave from Cuba, and the Briton of gentle birth. For all are His inheritance, of all lie taketh tithe : And tiie Church, his mercy's ark, hath some of eveiy sort. Who art thou. O man, that art fLxing the limits of the fold ? Wherefore settest thou stakes to spread the tent of heaven ? Lay not the plummet to the line : religion hath no landmarks : No human keenness can discern the subtle shades of faith : In some it is as earliest dawn, the scarce diluted darlcness ; In some as dubious twilight, cold and gray and gloomy ; In some the ebon east is streaked with flaming gold : In some the dayspring from on liigli breaketh in all its praise. And who hath determined the when, separating light from darkness ? Who shall pluck from earliest dawn the promise of the day ? Leave that care to the Husbandman, lest thou garner tares ; Help thou the Shepherd in his seeking, but to separate be his : For I have often seen the noble erring spirit Wrecked on the shoals of passion, and numbered of the lost ; OF ESTIMATING CHARACTER. 49 Often Uie gfenerous heart, lit by unhallowed fire, Counted a brand among the burning, and left uncared-for, in his sin: Yet I waited a little year, and the mercy thou hadst forgotten Hath purged that noble spirit, washing it in waters of repentance ; That glowing generous lieart, having burnt out all its dross, Is as a golden censer, ready for the aloes and cassia : While thou, hard-\isaged man, unlovely in thy strictness, Who turned from him thy sympathies with self-complacent pride, How art thou shamed by him ! his heart is a spring of love, Wliile the drj- well of thine affections is choked with secret mammon. Sometimes at a glance thou judgest well : years could add Uttle to thv knowledge : When charity glowetii on tlie cheek, or malice is lowering in the eye, When honesty's open brow, or the weasel-face of cunning is before tnee, Or the loose lip of wantonness, or clear bright forehead of reflection. But often, by shrewd scrutiny, thou judgest to the good man's harm : For it may be liis hour of trial, or he slumbereth at his post, Or he hath slain Ins foe, but not yet levelled the stronghold. Or barely recovered of the wounds, that fleshed him in his fray with passion- Also, of the worst, through prejudice, thou loosely shalt thinli well : For none is altogether evil, and thou mayst catch him at his prayers. There may be one small prize, though all beside be blanks ; A silver thread of goodness in the black sergeclotli of crime. There is to whom all things are easy : his mind, as a master-key, Can open, with intuitive address, the treasuries of art and science : There is to whom all things are hard ; but industry giveth him a crow-bar. To force, with groaning laboin*, the stubborn lock of learning: • And often when thou lookest on an eye, dim in native dulness, Little shalt thou wot of the wealth diligence hatli gathered to its gaze ; Often the brov," that sliould be bright w ith the dormant fire of gemus. Within its ample halls, hath ignorance the tenant. Vet are not tlie sons of men cast as in moulds by the lot ? Tiie like in frame and feature hath much dike in spirit ; Such a shape hath such a soul, so that a deep discerner From his make will read the man, and err not far in judgment : Yea, and it holdeth in the converse, that growing similarity of mind Findetii or maketh for itself an apposite dwelling in the body : 3 so PROVERBIAL rillLOSOPHY. Accident may modify, circumstance may bevil, externals seem to change it, But still the pnmitive crystal is latent in its many variations : For the map of the i'acf^, and tho picture of tiie eye, are traced by the pen of jiassion ; And the mind fashioneth a tabernacle suitable for itself. A mean spirit boweth down the back, and the bowing fostereth meanness ; A resolute purpose knitteth the knees, and the firm tread nourisheth decision ; Love looketh softly from the eye. and kindleth love by looking ; Hate furroweth the brow, and a man may frown till he hateth : For mind and body, spirit and matter, have reciprocities of power, And each keepeth up the strife ; a man'^^ works make or mar him. There bo deeper things tlian tliese, lying in the twilight of truth ; But few can discern them aright, from surroundinjj dimness of error. For perchance, if thou knewest the whole, and largely with comprehensive mind Couldst read the history of character, the chequered story of a life. And into the great account, wliich -iumnieth a mortaFs destiny, Wert to add the forces from without, dragging him this way and that. And the secret qualities within, gratted on tlie soul from the womb, And the might of other men's example, among whoni his lot is cast. And the influence of want, or wealth, of kindness, or harsh ill-usage, Of ignorance he cannot help, and knowledge found for him by others, And first impressions, hard to be effaced, and leadings to right or to wrong And inheritance of likeness from a father, and natural human frailty, And the habit of health or disease, and prejudices poured into his mind. And the myriad little matters none but Omniscience can know, And accidents that steer the tlioujrhts, where none but Ubiquity can trace them ; — If thou couldst compass all thest^. and the consequents flowing from them, And the scope to which they tend, and the necessary fitness of all things, Then shouldst thou see as He seeth, who judgeth all men equal, — Equal, touching innocence and guilt; and difTerent alone in this, That one acknowledgetli his evil, and looketh to his God for mercy ; Another boasteth of his good, and calleth on his God for justice ; So He, that sendeth none away, is largely munificent to prayer, But, in tne heail of presumption, sheatheth the sword of vengeance. OF HATRED AND ANGER. Si OF HATRED AND ANGER. Blctjted unto goodness is the heart which anger never stirreth, | But that which hatred swelleth, is keen to carve out enl. Anger is a noble infirmity, the generous failing of the just, The one degree that riseth above zeal, asserting the prerogatives of virtue : But hatred is a slow continuing crime, a fire in the bad man's brea«t, A dull and hungry flame, for ever craving insatiate. Hatred would harm another ; anger would indulge itself: Hatred is a simmering poison ; anger, the opening of a valve : Hatred destroyeth as the upas-tre? ; anger t^miteth a^ a s^tafF: Hatred is the atmosphere of hell ; but anger is known in heaven. Is there not a righteous wrath, an anger just and holy, When goodness is sitting in the dust, and wickedness enthroned on Babel ? Doth pity condemn guilt ? — is justice not a feeling but a law Appealing to the line and to the plummet, incognizant of moral sense ? Thou that condemnest anger, small is thy sympathy with angels ; Thou that hast accounted it for sin, cold is thy conununinn with heaven. Beware of the angn,- in his passiou ; but fear not to approach hin\ after- ward ; For if thou acknowledge thine error, he himself will be sorry for his wrath : Beware of the hater in his coolness ; for he meditateth evil against thee ; Commending the resources of his mind calmly to work thy ruin. Deceit and treacherj- skulk with hatred, but an honest spirit flifth with anger : The one lieth secret, as a serpent ; the other clias*th, as a leopard. Speedily be reconciled in love, and receive the returning oflender. For wittingly prolonging anger, thou tarnperest unconsciously with hatred. Patience is power in a man, ner\ing him to rein his spirit : Passion is as palsy to liLs ann, v.'hile it yelletli on the coursers to their speed : Patience keepeth counsel, and standeth in solid self-possession, But the weakness of sudden passion layeth bare the secrets of the soul. The sentiment of anger is not ill, when thou lookest on the iinpudence of vice, M PROVERniAL PHILOSOPHY. Or savourest the breath of cahunii}', or hast earned the hard wages of in- justice, But see thou that thou curb it in expression, rendering the mildness of rebuke, So shalt thou stand without reproach, mailed in all the dignity of virtue. OF GOOD IN THINGS EVIL. I HEARD the man of sin reproaching the goodness of Jehovah, Wherefore, if he be Almighty I^ove, permitteth he misery and pain ? I saw tjjc child of hope vexed in the labyrinth of doubt, Wherefore, O holy One and just, is the horn of thy foul foe so high exalted ? — And, alas ! for this our groaning world, for tliat grief and guilt are here ; Alas ! for that Earth is the battle-field, where good must combat with evil : Angels look on and hold their breath, burning to mingle in the conflict, But the troops of the Captain of Salvation may be none but the soldiers of the cross : And that slender band must fight alone, and yet shall triumph gloriously, Enough shall they be for conquest, and the motto of their standard is Enovgh. Thou art sad, O denizen of earth, for pains and diseases and death, But remember, thy hand hath eanied tliern ; grudge not at the wages of thy doings : Thy guilt, and thy fathers' guilt, must bring many sorrows in their company, And if thou wilt drink sweet poison, doubtless it shall rot thee to the core. Who art thou but the heritor of evil, with a right to nothing good ? The respite of an interval of ease were a boon which Justice might deny tliee : Therefore lay thy hand up(jn thy moutli, O man much to be forgiven, And wait, thou child of hope, for time shall teach thee all things. Yet hSar, for my speech shall comtbrt thee ; reverently, but with boldness, I would raise the sable curtain, that hideth the symmetry of Providence. Pain and sin are convicts, and toil in tlieir fetters for good ; The weapons of evil are turned against itself, fighting under better banners: OF GOOD IN THINGS EVIL. 53 The leech deHghteth in stinging, and the wicked lovetJi to do harm, But the wise Physician of the universe useth that ill tendency for health. Verily from others' griefs arc gendered sympathy and kindness ; Patience, humility, and foith, spring not seldom from thine own : An enemy, humbled by his sorrows, cannot be far from thy forgiveness, A iVicnd who hatli tasted of calamity, shall fan the dying incense of thy love : And for thyself, is it a small thing, so to learn thy frailty, That from an aching bone thou savest the whole body ? The furnace of affliction may be fierce, but if it refineth thy soul, The good of one meek thought shall outweigh years of torment. Nevertheless, wretched man, if thy bad heart be hardened in the flame, Being earth-born, as of clay, and not of moulded wax. Judge not the hand that smiteth, as if thou wert visited in wrath ; Reproach thyself, for He is Justice : repent thee, for He is Mercy. Cease, fond caviller at wisdom, to be satisfied that every thing is wTong : Be sure there is good necessity, e\en for the flourishing of evil. Would the eye dehght in perpetual noon ? or the ear in imqualitied har- monies ? Hath v.'inter's frost no welcome, contrasting sturdily \\ifli summer ? Couldst thou discern benevolence, if there were no sorrows to be soothed ? Or discover the resources of contrivance, if notliing stood opposed to tlie means ? What were power without an enemy ? or mercy witliout an object ? Or truth, where the false were impossible ? or love, where love were a debt? The characters of God were but idle, if all things around him were per- fection, And virtues might slumber on like death, if tliey lacked tlie opportunities of e\'il. There is one all-perfect, ami but one ; man dare not reason of His Essence. But there must be deficiencies in heaven, to leave room for progression in bliss : A realm of unqualified best were a stagnant pool of being, And the circle of absolute perfection, the abstract cipher of indolence. Sin is an awful shadow, but it addeth new glories to the light ; Sin is a black foil, but it setteth off the jewelry of heaven ; Sin is the traitor that hath dragged tlie majesty of mercy into action ; 54 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Sin is the whelming argument, to justify tlic attribute of vengeance. It is a deep dark thought, and needoth to be dihgently studied, But perchance evil was essential, that God should be seen of his creatures: For where perfection is not, there lacketh possible good, And the al)sence of better that might be, taketli from the praise of it is well : And creatures must be finite, and finite cannot be perfect ; Therefore, though in small degree, creation involveth evil, He chargeth his angels with folly, and the heavens are not clean in Ilia sight : For every existence in the un'verse hath either imperfection or Godhead : And the light that blazeth but in One, nuist be softened witli shadow for the many. There is then good in evil ; or none could have known his Maker ; No spii'itual intellect or essence could have gazed on his high perfections, No angel harps could have tuned the wonders of Jiis wisdom, No ransomed souls have praised the glories of his mercy, No howling fiends have shown the terrors of his justice, But God would have dwelt alone in the fearful solitude of holiness. Nevertheless, O sinner, harden not thine heart in e^il ; Nor plume thee in imaginary triumph, because tliou art not valueless as vile ; Because thy dark abominations add lustre to the clrarity of Liglit ; Because a wonder-working alchemy draineth elixir out of poisons ; Because the same fiery volcano that scorcheth and ravageth a continent, Hath in the broad blue bay cast up some petty island ; Because to the full demonstration of the qualities and accidents of good, The swarthy legions of the devil have toiled as unwitting pioneers : For sin is still sin ; so hateful Love doth hate it ; A blot on the glory of creation, which justice must wipe out. Sin is a loathsome leprosy, fretting the white robe of innocence ; A rottenness, eating out the heart of the royal cedars of Lebanon ; A pestilential blast, tlic terror of that holy pilgrimage ; A rent in the sacred veil, whereby God left his temple. Therefore, consider thyself, thou that dost not sorrow for thy guilt : Fear evil, or face its enemy : dread sin, or dare justice. Yea, saith the Spirit : and their works do follow them ; OF GOOD IN THlNGt^ F.VIL, 55 Habits, and thoughts, and deeds, are shadows and satelhtes of self. What I shall the claimant to a throne stand forward with a rabble rout, — • Meanness, impiety, and lust ; riot and indolence and vanity ? Nay, man ! the train wherewith thou comest attend whither thou shall go ; A throne for a king's son, but an inner dungeon for the felon. For a man's works do follow him : bodily, standing in the judgment, Behold the false accuser, behold the slandered saint ; The slave, and his bloody driver ; the poor, and his generous friend ; The simple dupe, and the crafty knave : tlie murderer, and — his \'ictim ! Yet all are in many characters : the best stand guilty at the bar ; And lie that seemed the worst may have most of real e.xcuse. The t And the cable of a furlong is lost through an ill-wrought inch. The streams of small pleasures fill the lake of happiness : And the deepest wretchedness of life is continuance of petty pains. A fool obsen'eth nothing, and seemeth wise unto himself ; A wise man heedeth all things, and in his own eyes is a fool : He that wonuereth at nothing hath no capabilities of bliss ; But he that scrutinizeth trifles hath a store of pleasure to his hand. If pestilence stalk through the land, ye say, This is God's doing ; 64 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Is it not also His doin^, when an apliis crcepetli on a rose-bud ? — If an avalanche roll from its Alp, ye tremble at the will of Providence ; Is not that will concerned when the sear leaves fall from the poplar ? — A thing is great or little only to a mortal's thinking, But abstracted from the body, all things are alike important : The Ancient of Days noteth in his book the idle converse of a creature And happy and wise is the mtin to whose thought existeth not a trifle. OF RECREATION. To join advantage to amusement, to gather profit witli pleasure, Is the wise man's necessary aim, when he lieth in the shade of recre ation, For he cannot fling aside his mind, nor bar up the floodgates of his wisdom ; Yea, though he strain after folly, his mental monitor shall check him : For knowledge and ignorance alike have laws essential to their being, — The sage studietli amusements, and the simple laugheth in his studies. Few, but full of understanding, are the books of the library of God, And fitting for all seasons are the g;iin and the gladness they bestow : The volume of mystery and Grace, for the hour of deep communings. When the soul considereth intensely the startling marvel of itself; The book of destiny and Providence for the tiiue of sober study, When the mind gleanetli wisdom from the olive grove of history : An.d the cheerful pages of Nature, to gladden the pleasant holiday. When the task of duty is complete, and the heart swelleth high with sat- isfaction. The soul may not safely dwell too long with the deep things of futurity ; ThQ mind mav not alwavs be bent back, like the Parthian, straining at the pastiC") And, if thou art wearied with wrestling on the broad arena of science, Leave awhile thy friendly foe, half vanquished in the dust, Refresh thy jaded limbs, return with vigour to the strife, — Thou shalt easier find thyself his master, for the vacant interval of leisure. That which may profit and amuse b gathered from the volume of creation. OF RECREATION. 65 For every chapter therein teemeth with the playfulness of wisdom. The elements of all things are tlie s-ame, though nature hath mixed them with a difference, And Learning delighteth to discover the affinity of seeming opposites : So out of great things and small draweth he the secrets of the universe, And argueth the cycles of the stars, from a pebble flung by a a child. It is pleasant to note all plants, from the rush to the spreading cedar, From the giant king of palms, (") to the lichen that staineth its stem : To watch the workings of instinct, that grosser reason of brutes, — The river-horse browsing in tlie jungle, the plover screaming on the moor. The cayman, basking on a mud-bank, and the walrus anchored to an iceberg, The dog at his master's feet, and the milk-kine lowing in the meadow; To trace the consummate skill that hath modelled the anatomy of insects, Small fowls that sun their wings on the petals of wild flowers ; To learn a use in the beetle, and more than a beauty in the butterfly ; To recognize affection in a moth, and look with admiration on a spider. It is glorious to gaze upon the firmament, and see from far the mansions of the blest. Each distant shining v.-orld, a kingdom for one of the redeemed ; To read tlie antique history of earth, stamped upon those medals in the rocks Which Design hath rescued from decay, to tell of the green infancy of time ; To gather from the unconsidered shingle mottled star-like agates, Full of unstoried flowers in tlie bubbling bloom-clialcedony : Or gay and curious shells, fretted with microscopic caning, Corallines, and fresh seaweeds, spreading forth their delicate branches. It is an admirable lore, to learn the cause in the change. To study the chemistry of Nature, her grand, but simple secrets. To search out all her wonders, to track tlie resources of her skill, To note her kind compensations, her unobtrusive excellence. In all it is wise happiness to see the well-ordained laws of Jehovali, The harmony that filleth all his mind, the justice that tempercth his bounty, The wonderful all-prevalent analogy tliat testifietli one Creator, The broad arrow of the Great King, carved on .all tiie stores of his arsenaL But beware, O worshipper of God, tiiou forget not him in his dealings, 66 FROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Though the bright emanations of his power hide him in created glory ; For if, on the sea of knowledge, thou regardest not the pole-star of reli- gion. Thy bark will miss her port, and run upon the sandbar of folly : And if, enamoured of the mesms, thou considerest not the scope to whicli they tend, Wherein art thou wiser tlian the child, that is pleased with toys and baubles ? Verily, a trifling scholar, thou heedest but the letter of instruction : For as motive is spirit unto action, as memory endeareth place. As the sun doth fertilize the earth, as affection quickeneth the heart, So is the remembrance of God in the varied wonders of creation. Man hath found out inventions, to cheat him of the weariness of life. To help him to forget realities, and hide the misery of guilt. For love of praise, and hope of gain, for passion and delusive happiness, He joineth the circle of folly, and heapeth on the fire of excitement ; Oftentimes sadly out of heart at the tiresome insipidity of pleasure. Oftentimes labouring in vain, convinced of the palpable deceit ; Yet a man speaketh to his brother, in the voice of glad congratulation, And thinketh others happy, thotigh he himself be wretched : And hand joineth hand to help in the toil of amusement, VV'hile the secret acliing heart is vacant of all but disappointment. The cheapest pleasures are the best ; and nothing is more costly than sin ; Yet we mortgage futurity, counting it but little loss ; Neither can a man delight in that which breedeth sorrow. Yet do we hunt for joy even in the fires that consume it. Whoso would lind gladness may meet her in the hovel of poverty, Where benevolence hath scattered around tlie gleanings of the horn of plenty ; Whoso would sun himself in peace, may be seen of her in deeds of mercy. When the pale lean cheek of tiie destitute is wet with grateful tears. If the mind is wearied by study, or the body worn with sickness. It is well to lie fallow for a while, in the vacancy of sheer amusement ; But when thou prosperest in health, and thine intellect can soar untired, To seek uninstructive pleasure is to slumber on tlie couch of indolence. TIIE TRAIN OF RELIGION. (ft THE TRAIN OF RELIGION. Stay awhile, thou blessed band, be entreated, daughters of heaven ! While the chance-met scholar of Wisdom learneth your sacred names : He is resting a little from his toil, yet a little on the borders of earth, And fain would he have you his friends, to bid him glad welcome hereafter. Who among the glorious art thou, that walkest a Goddess and a Queen, Thy crown of living stars, and a golden cross thy sceptre ? Who among Howers of loveliness is she, thy seeming herald, Yet she boasteth not thee nor herself, and her garments are plain in their . neatness ? Wherefore is there one amon^ the train, whose eyes are red with weeping, Yet is her open forehead beaming with the sun of ecstii.sy ? And who is that blood-stained warrior, with glor\' sitting on his crest ? And wlio that solemn sasre, calm in majestic difrnitv ? Also, in the lengthening troop see" some clad in robes of triumph, Whose fair and sunny faces I iiave known and loved on earth : Welcome, ye glorified Loves, Graces, and Sciences, and Muses, That, like sisters of charity, temled in this world's hospital ; W^elcome, for verily I knew, }^ could not but be children of the light. Though earth hath soiled yrnir robes, and robbed you of half j-our glory ; Welcome, chiefly welcomfff for I find I have friends in heaven, And some I might scar^have looked for, as tliou, light-hearted Mirth ; Thou, also. star-robed/Urania : and thou, with the curious glass. That rejoicedst in tolcking wisdom where the eye was too dull to note it ; And art thou too gj^ong the blessed, mild, much injured Poetrv ? Who quickenest with light and beauty the leaden face of mutter, Who not unheard, though silent, fillest earth's gardens witii music, And not unseen, though a spirit, dost look down upon us from the stars, — • That hast been to me for oil and for wine, to cheer and uphold my soul, When wearied, battling with the surge, the stunning surge of lite : ( )f thee, for well have I loved thee, of thee may I ask in hope, Wlio among the glorious is she, that walketh a Goddess and a Queen ? And who that fair-haired Merald, and who that weeping saint ? And who that mighty warrior, and who that solemn sage ? Son, happy art thou that Wisdom hath led thee hither ward ; 68 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. For, otherwise never had.«t tliou known the joy-givuig name of our Queen. Behold her, tlie life of men, the anchor of their shipwrecked hopes : Behold lier, the shepherdess of souls, who bringeth back the wanderers to God. And for that modest herald, slie is named on earth, Humility: And hast thou not known, my son, the tearful face of Repentance ? Faith is yon time-scarred hero, walking in the shade of his laurels ; And Reason, the serious sage, who followeth the footsteps of Faith : And we, all we, are but handmaids, m.inisters of minor bliss, Who rejoice to be counted servants in the train of a Queen so glorious. ]Jut for her name, son of man, it is strange to the language of heaven, For those who have never fallen need not and may not learn it : Liegeance we sware to our God, and liegeance well have we kept ; It is only the band of the redeemed who can tell thee the fullness of that name; ('^) Yet will I comfort thee, my son, for the love where\\'ith thou hast loved me, And thou shalt touch for thyself the golden sceptre of Religion. So ttiat blessed train passed by me ; but the vision was sealed upon rny soul ; And its memory is shrined in fragrance, for the promise of the Spirit was true : I learn from the silent poem of all creation round me, How beautiful their feet, who follow in that train. OF A TRINITY. {'') DESPisE not, shrew d reckoner, the God of a good man's worship, Neither let thy calculating folly gainsay the unity of three ; Nor scorn another's creed, altliough he cannot solve thy doubts ; Reason is the follov/er of faith, where he may not be precursor : It is written, and so we believe, waiting not for outward proof, Inasmuch as mysteries inscrutable are the clear prerogatives of Godhead. Reason hatli nothing positive, faith hath nothing doubtful ; And the height of unbelieving wisdom is to question all things. OF A TRINITY. 68 Wlien tliere is marvel in a doctrine, faith is joyful and adoreth ; But when all is clear, what place is left for faith ? Tell mc the sum of thy knowledge, — is it yet assured of any thing ? Despise not what is wonderful, when all things are wonderful around thee. From the multitude of like effects, thou sayest, behold a law : And the matter thou art baffled in unmaking, is to thy mind an element. Then look abroad, I pray tliee, for analogy holdeth every where, And the Maker hath stamped his name on every creature of his hand : I know not of a matter or a spirit, that is not three in one. And truly should account it for a marvel, a coin without the image of its Ca3sar. Man talketh of himself as ignorant, but judgeth by himself as wise : His own guess counteth he truth, but the notions of anotlier are his scorn. But bear thou yet with a brother, whose thought may bo less subtle than thine own. And sufFor the passing speculation suggested by analogies to faith. Like bogetteth like, and the great sea of Existence In each of its uncounted waves holdeth up a mirror to its Maker : Like begetteth like, and the spreading tree of being With each of its trefoil leaves poinieth at the trinity of God. Let him whose eyes have been unfilmed, read this homily in all things, And thou, of duller sight, despise not him that readeth : Tiiere be three grand principles ; life, generation, and obedience ; Shadowing in every creature, the Spirit, and the Father, and tlie Sou. There be throe grand unities, variously rnixr-d in trinities, Three catholic divisors of the million sums of matter : Yea, though science hatli not seen it, climbing the ladder of experiment, Let faith, in the presence of her God, promulgate the mighty truth. Of three sole elements all nature's works consist : The pine, and the rock to which it clingeth, and the eagle sailing around it ; The lion, and the northern whale, and the deeps wherein he sporteth ; The lizard sleeping in the sun ; the lightning flashing from a cloud ; The rose, and the ruijy, and the pearl ; each one is made of three ; And the three be the hke ingredients, mingled in diverse measures. Thyself hast within thyself body, and life, and mind : Matter, and breath, and instinct, unite in all beasts of the field ; Substance, coherence and weight, fashion the fabrics of tlie earth ; The will, the doing, and the deed, combine to frame a fact : 70 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. The stem, the leaf, and the flower ; bej^inning, middle, and end ; Cause, circumstance, consequent ; and every three is one. Yea, the very breath of man's life consisteth of a trinity of vapours, And the noonday light is a compound, the tiiune shadow of Jehovah. ('") Shall all things else be in mystery, and God alone be understood ? Shall finite fathom infinity, though it sound not the shallows of creation ? Shall a man comprehend his Maker, being yet a riddle to himself? Or time teach the lesson that eternity cannot master ? If God be nothing more than one, a cliild can compass the thought ; But seraphs fail to unravel the wondrous unity of three. One verily He is, for there can be but one who is all-mighty ; Yet the oracles of nature and rehgiou proclaim Him three in one. And where were the value to thy soul, O miserable denizen of earth, Of the idle pageant of the cross, where hung no sacrifice for thee .' Where the worth to thine impotent heart, of that .stirred Bethesda, All numbed and palsied as it is by the scorpion stings of sin ? No, thy trinity of nature, enchained by treble death, Helplessly craveth of its (iod, himself for three salvations : The soul to be reconciled in lo\'e, the mind to be glorified in light, While this poor dying body leapeth into life. And if indeed for us all the costly ransom hath been paid, Bctliink thee, could less than Deity have owned so vast a treasure ? Could a man contend with God, and stand against the bosses of His buckler. Rendering the balance for guilt, atonement to the uttermost ? Thou art subtle to thine own thinking, but wisdom judgeth thee a fool, Resolving thou wilt not bow the knee to a Being thou canst not compre- hend : The mind that could comjiass perfection were itself perfection's equal ; And reason refuseth its homage to a God who can be fully understood. Thou that despisest mystery, yet canst expound nothing. Wherefore rejectest thou the fact that solveth the enigma of all things ? Wherefore veilest thou thine eyes, lest the light of revelation sun them, And puttest aside the key that would open the casket of truth ? Tlie mind and the nature of God is shadowed in all his works, And none could have guessed of his essence, had He not uttered it himself. Therefore, thou child of folly, that scoruest the record of his wisdom, Learn from the consistencies of nature tiia needful miracle of Godhead : OF THINKING. TI Yea, let the he;ithen be thy teacher, who adoreth many gods, For there is no wide-spread error that hath not truth for its beginning. Be content ; thine eye cannot see all the sides of a cube at one view, Nor thy mind in the self-same moment follow two ideas : There are now many marvels in thy creed, believing what thou seest, Then let not the conceit of intellect hinder thee from worshipping mystery. OF THINKING. RzrLECTiON is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance, But reverie is the same flower, when rank and running to seed. Better to read little with thought, Sian much with levity and quickness ; For mind is not as merchandise, which decreaseth in the using, But liker to the passions of man, which rejoice and expand in exertion : Yet live not wholly on thine own ideas, lest they lead thee astray , For in spirit, as in substance, tliou art a social creature ; And if thou leanest on thyself, thou rejectest the guidance of thy betters, Yea. thou contemnest all men, — Am I not wiser than they ? J'oolisli vanity hath blinded thee, and warped thy weak judgment ; For, though new ideas How from new springs, and enrich the treasury of knowledge, Yet listen often, ere thou think much : and look around thee ere thou judgest. J\remory, the daugter of Attention, is the teeming mother of Wisdom, And safer is he that storeth knowledge, than he that would make it for Wmself. Imagination is not thought, neither is fancy reflection : Tliought paceth like a hoary sage, but imagination hath wings as ;m eagle : Reflection sternly considereth, nor is sparing to condemn evil. But fancy lightly laugheth, in the sun-clad garden of amusement. For the shy game of the fowler the quickest sliot is the surest ; But with slow care and measured aim the gunner pointeth his cannon : So for all less occasions, tlie surface thought is best. But to be master of the great take tliou heavier metal. It is a good thing, and a wholesome, to search out bosom sins, 72 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. But to he the hero of selfish imaginings, is the subtle poison of pride : At night, in the stilhiess of tliy chuinher, guard and curb thy thoughts, And in recounting the doings of the day, beware that thou do it with prayer, Or thinking will be an idle pleasure, and retrospect yield no fruit. Steer the bark of thy mind from the syren isle of reverie, And let a watchful spirit mingle with the glance of recollection : Also, in examining tliine heart, in sounding the fountain of thine actions, Be more careful of the evil than of tlie good ; and humble thyself in tliy sin. The root of all wholesome thought is knowledge of thyself, For thus only can.-t thou learn the character of God toward thee. He made thee, and thou art ; he redeemed thee, and thou wilt be : Thou art evil, yet he loveth thee : thou sinnest, yet he pardonetJi thee. Tiioug gtithered, and the han-est of its wisdom bo brought in ? That book is easy to the man who setteth his heart to understand it, But to the careless and profane it shall seem the foolishness of God ; And it is a delicate test to prove thy moral state ; To the humble disciple it is bread, but a stone to the proud and un- believing : 74 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. A scorner shall find nothing bnt the husks, wliorewith to feed his hunger But for the soul of the simple, it is plenty of full-ripe wheat. The Scripture abideth the same in the sober majesty of truth ; And the differing aspects of its teaching proceed from diversity in mind^. He that would learn to think may gain that knowledge there ; For the living word, as an angel, standeth at the gate of wisdom, And publisheth, This is the way, v/alk ye surely in it. Religion taketh by the hand tlie humble pupil of repentance. And teacheth him lessons of mystery, solving the questions of doubt ; She maketh man worthy of himself, of his high prerogative of reason, Threadeth all the labyrinths of thought, and leadeth him to his God. Come hither, child of meditation, upon whose higli fair forehead Glittereth the star of mind in its unearthly lustre, Hast thou nought to tell us of tliine airy joys, — When borne on sinewy pinions, strong as the western condor, The soul, after soaring for a wliile round the cloud-capped Andes of reflection, Glad in its conscious immortality, leaveth a world behind, To dare at one bold flight the broad Atlantic to another ? Hast thou no secret pangs to wliisper common men, No dread of thine own energies, still active, day and night, Lest too ecstatic heat sublime thyself away. Or vivid horrors, sharp and clear, madden thy tense fibres ? In half-shaped visions of sleep hast thou not feared thy Sittings, Lest reason, like a raking hawk, return not to thy call ; Nor waked to work-day life with throbbing head and heart, Nor welcomed early dawn to save thee from unrest ? For the wearied spirit lieth as a l;unting maiden. Captive and borne away on the warrior's foam-covered steed, And sinketh down wounded as a gladiator on tlie sand, While the keen falchion of Intellect is cutting through the scabbard of the brain. Imagination, like a shadowy giant looming on the twilight of the Hartz, Shall overwhelm Judgment with aifright, and scare him from his throne : In a dream thou mayst be mad, and feel the fire within thee ; In a dream thou mayst travel out of self, and see thee with the eyes of another ; Or sleep in thine own corpse ; or wake as in many bodies : OF SPEAKING. 75 Or swell, as expanded to infinity ; or shrink, as imprisoned to a point ; Or among moss-grown ruins may wander with tlie sullen disembodied, And gaze upon their glassy C3'es until thy heart-blood freeze. Alone must thou stand, O man ! a'one at the bar of judgment ; Alone must thou bear thy sentence, alone must thou answer for thy deeds : Therefore it is well tliou rctirest often to secrecy and solitude. To feel that thou art accountnble separately from thy fellows : For a crowd hideth truth from the eyes, society drowneth thought, And, being but one among many, stifleth the chidings of conscience. Solitude bringcth woe to the wicked, for his crimes arc told out in his ear ; But addeth peace to the good, for the mercies of his God are numbered. Thou mayst know if it be well with a man, — loveth he gayety or solitude ? For the troubled river rusheth to the sea, but the calm lake slumbereth among the mountains. How dear to the mind of the sage are the thoughts that are bred in loneliness, For there is as it were music at liis heart, and he talketh within him as with friends : But guilt maddeneth the brain, and terror glareth in the eye, Where, in his solitary cell, the malefactor wrestleth with remorse. Give me but a lodge in the wilderness, drop me on an island in the deseit, And thought shall yield me happine.-:s, though I may not increase it by imparting : For the soul never slumbereth, but is as the eye of the Eternal, And, mind, the breath of God, knoweth not ideal vacuity : At night, after wearine.ss and watching, the body sinketh into sleep, But the mental eye is awake, and thou reasonest in thy dreams : In a dream thou mayst live a lifetime, and all be forgotten in the morning : Even such is life, and so soon perisheth its memory. OF SPEAKING. Speech is the golden harvest that foUoweth the flowering of thought ; Yet oftentimes runneth it to husk, and the grains be withered and scanty, Speech is reason's brother, and a kingly prerogative of man, 76 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. 'riiat likeneth him to his JIakcr, who spake, and it was done : Spirit may mingle with spirit, but sense reqiiireth a symbol ; And speech is the body of a thought, without which it were not seen. When thou walkest, musing with thyself, in the green aisles of the forest, Utter thy thinkings aloud, that they t;ike a shape and being ; For he that pondereth in silence crowdeth the storehouse of his mind, And though he have heaped great riches, yet is ho hindered in the using. A man that speaketh too little, and thinketh much and deeply, Corrodeth his own licart-strings, and keepeth back good from his fellows ? A man that speaketh too much, and mu.seth but little and lightly, Wastoth his mind in word.-, and is counted a fool among men : But thon, when thou hast thought, weave charily t!ie web of meditation, And clotiie the ideal s])irit in the suitable garments of speech. Uttered out of time, or concealed in its season, good savoureth of cvU ; To be secret looketh like guilt, to speak out may breed contention ; Often have I known the honest heart, flaming with indignant virtue, Provoke unneeded war by its rash ambassador, the tongue : Often have I seen the cliaritable man go so slyly on his mission, Tiiat tliose who met him in the twilight, took him for a skulking thief: I have heard tlie zealous youth telling out his holy secrets Before a swinish throng, who mocked him as he spake ; And I considered, liis openness was hardening them that mocked, Whereas, a judi'cious keeping-back might have won their sympathy ; T have judged rashly and harshly the hand liberal in the dark, Because in the broad daylight it hath holden it a virtue to be close ; And the silent tongue have I condemned, because reserve hath chained it, That it hid, yea from a brother, the kindness it had done by comforting. No need to sound a trumpet, but less to hush a footfall : Do thou tliy good openly, not as though the doing were a crime. Secrecy goeth cowled, and Honesty demandeth, Wiierefore ? For he judgeth, — ^judgeth he not well ? — that liothing need be hid but guilt ; Why should thy good be evil spoken of through thine unrighteous silence ? If thou art challenged, speak, and prove tlie good thou doest. The free example of benevolence, unobtruded, yet unbidden, Soundeth in the ears of sloth, Go, and do thou likewise : And I wot the hypocrite's sin to be of darker dye. Because the good man, feaiing, thereby hideth his light : OF SPEAKING. 77 But neither God nor man hath bid thee cloak thy good, Wlicn a ssasonable word would set thee in thy epliere, that all might see thy brightness. Ascribe the honour to thy Lord, but be thou jealous of that honour. Nor think it light and worthless, because thou mayst not wear it for thyself : K oniember thy grand prerogative is free unshackled utterance, And sutler not the floodgates of secrecy to lock the full river of thy speech. Come, I will show thee an affliction, imnumbered among this world's sorrows, Yet real, and wearisome, and constant, embittering the cup of life. There be, who can think within themselves, and the fire burneth at their heart. And eloquence waiteth at their lips, yet they speak not v.'ith their tongue : There be, whom zeal quickeneth, or slander stirreth to reply. Or need constraineth to ask, or pity sendeth as her messengers, But nervous dread and sensitive shrune freeze the current of their speech : The mouth is sealed as with lead, a cold weight presseth on the heart, Thu mocking promise of power is once more broken in performance, And they stand impotent of words, travailing with unborn thoughts : Courage is cowed at the portal : wisdom is widowed of utterance ; He that went to comfort is pitied ; he that should rebuke, is silent. • And fools who might listen and learn, stand by to look and laugh ; While friends, with kinder eyes, wound deeper by compassion, And tlio\ight, finding not a vent, smouidereth, gnawing at the heart, .\nd the man sinketh in liis sphere, fur lack of empty sounds. 'I'hore be many cures and sorrows thou hast not yet considered. And well may thy soul rejoice in the fair privilege of speech ; For at every tu.rn to want a word, — thou canst not guess that want ; It is as lack of breath or bread : life hath no grief more galling. Come, I will tell thee of a joy, which fiic parasites of pleasure have not known, Tho-.igh earth, and air, and sea, have gorged all the appetites of sense. Behold, what fire is in his eye, what fervour on his cheek ! That glorious burst of winged words ! — how bound they from his tongue ! The frdl expression of the mighty thought, the strong triumphant argu- ment, 78 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. The rush of native eloquence, resistless as Niagara, The keen demand, the clear reply, the fine poetic image, The nice analogy, tlie clenching fart, the metaphor bold and free, The grasp of concentrated intellect, wielding the omnipotence of truth, The grandeur of his speed), in his majesty of mind ! Champion of the right, — patriot, or priest, or pleader of the innocent cause, Upon whose lips the mystic bee hath droped the honey of persuasion, (") Whose heart and tongue have been touched, as of old, by the live coal from the altar. How wide the spreading of thy peace, how deep the draught of thy pleasures ! To hold the multitude as one, breathing in measured cadence, A thousand men with flashing eyes, waiting upon thy will ; A thousand hearts kindled by thee with consecrated fire. Ten flaming spiritual hecatombs offered on the mount of God : And now a pause, a thrilling pause, — they live but in thy words, — Thou hast broken the bounds of self, as the Nile at its rising, Thou art expanded into them, one faith, one hope, one spirit, They breathe but in thy breath, their minds are passive unto thine, Thou turnest the key of their love, bending t!)eir affections to thy purpose, And all, in sympathy with thee, tremble with tumultuous emotions. Verily, O man, with truth for thy tlieme, eloquence shall throne tliee witli archaiijjcls. OF READING. One drachma for a good bocjk. and a thousand talents for a true friend :- So standeth the market v,'here scarce is ever costly : Yea, were the diauionds of Golconda common as shingles on the shore, A ripe apple would ransom kings before a shining stone : And so, were a wholesome book as rare as an honest friend, To choose the book be mine : the friend let another take. For altered looks and jealousies and fears have none entrance there : The silent volume listeneth well, and sneaketh when thou listest : OF READING. 79 It praiseth thy good without envy, it chideth tliine evil without maUce, It is to thee thy waiting slave, and thine unbending teaclier. Need to humour no caprice, need to bear with no infirmity ; Thy sin, thy slander, or neglect, chilleth not, quencheth not, its love ; Unalterably speaketli it the truth, warped not by error nor interest ; For a good book is the best of friends, the same to-day and for ever. To draw thee out of self, thy petty plans and cautions. To teach thee what thou lackest, to tell thee how largely thou art blest. To lure thy thought from sorrow, to feed thy famished mind, To graft another's wisdom on thee, pruning thine own folly ; Choose discreetly, and well digest the volume most suited to thy case. Touching not religion with levity, nor deep things when thou art wearied. Thy mind is freshened by morning air, grapple with science and phi- losophy ; Noon hath unnerved thy thoughts, dream for a while on fictions ; Gray evening sobercth thy spirit, walk thou then with worshippers ; But reason shall dig deepest in the night, and fancy fly most free. O books, ye monuments of mind, concrete wisdom of the wisest ; Sweet solaces of daily life ; proofs and results of immortality; Trees yielding all fruits, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations. Groves of knowledge, where all may eat, nor fear a Aiming sword ; Gentle comrades, kind advisers ; friends, comforts, treasures ; Helps, governments, diversities of tongues ; who can weigh your worth ? — To walk no longer with the just ; to be driven from the porch of science ; To bid long adieu to those intimate ones, po?ts, philosophers, and teachers ; To see no record of the sympathies which bind thee in communion with the good ; To be thrust from the foet of Him, who spake as never man spake ; To have no avenue to heaven but the dim aisle of superstition ; To live as an Esquimaux, in lethargy ; to die as the Mohawk, in ignor- ance : O what were life, but a b'ank ? what were death, but a terror ? What were man, but a burden to himself ? what were mind, but misery 7 Yea, let another Omar burn the full library of knowledge, {") And the broad world may perish in the flames, oiTered on the ashes of its wisdom ! eO PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. OF WRITING. The pen of a read}' writer, wlicreunto .-^liall it he likened ? Ask of the scholar, lie shall know, — to the chains tlvit bind a Proteus : Ask of the poet, he shall say, — to the sun, the lamp of heaven ; Ask of thy neighbour, he can answer, to the friend that telleth my thought : The merchant considereth it well, as a ship freighted with wares; The divine holdeth it a miracle, giving utterance to tlie dumb. It fixeth, expoundeth, and disseminateth sentiment ; Chaining up a thought, clearing it of mystery, and sending it bright into the world. To think rightly, is of knowledge ; to speak fluci-tly, is of nature ; To read with profit, is of care ; but to write aptly, is of practice. No talent among men hath more scholars and fewer masters : For to write is to speak beyond hearing, and none stand by to explain. To be accurate, write ; to remember, write ; to know thine own mind, write : And a written prayer is a prayer of faith ; special, sure, and to be answered. Hast thou a thought upon thy brain, catcli it while thou canst ; Or other thoughts shall settle there, and this shall soon take wing : Thine uncompoimded unity of soul, which argueth and maketh it immortal, Yieldeth up its momentary self to every single thought ; Therefore, to husband thine ideas, and give them stability and substance Write often for thy secret eye : so shalt tliou grov.' wiser. The commonest mind is full of thoughts ; some worthv of the rarest ; And could it see them fairly writ, would wonder at its wealth. O precious compensation to the dumb, to write his wants and wislies I O dear amends to the stammering tongue, to pen his burning thoughts ! To be of the college of Eloquence, through the.se silent symbols ; To pour out all the flowing mind without the toil of speech ; To show the babbling world how it might di.'^conrso more sweetlv ; To prove that merchandise of words bringeth no monopoly of wisdom : To take sweet vengeance on a prating crew, for the tongue's dishonour, By the large triumph of the pen, the homage rendered to a writing. With such, that telegraph of mind is dearer th;in wealth or wisdom, Enablmg to please without pain, to impart without humiliation. Fair girl, whose eye hath caught the rustic penmanship of love, OF WRITING. 81 Let thy bright bow and blushing cheek confess in this sweet hour, — Let thy full heart, poor guilty one, whom the scroll of pardon hath just reached, — I'hy wet glad ftice, O mother, with news of a far-off child, — Thy strong and manly delight, pilgrim of other shores, Wlien the dear voice of tliy betrothed spcaketh in the letter of affection. — ] .-et the young poet exulting in his lay, and hope (how false) of fame, \\TiiIe, watching at deep midnight, he buildeth up the verse, — Let tlie calm child of genius, who.-e name shall never die, For that the transcript of his mind hath m?de liis thouglits immortal, — Let these, let all, with no faint praise, with no light gratitude, confess The blessings poured upon the earth from the pen of a ready writer. Moreover, their preciousness in absence is {)roved by the desire of tlieir presence : When the despairing lover waiteth day after day, Looking for a word in reply, one word writ by that h.and, And cursing bitterly the morn ushered in by blank disappointment : Or when the long-looked-for answer argueth a cooling friend. And the mind is plied suspiciously witli dark inexj)!icab!e doubts, While thy wounded heart counteth its imaginary scars. And thou art the innocent and injured, that friend the capricious and in fault : 'Or when the earnest petition, that craveth for thy needs Unheeded, yea, unopened, tortureth with starving delay : Or when the silence of a son, who would have written of his welfare, Racketh a father's bosom with sharp-cutting fears : For a letter, timely writ, is a rivet to the chain of atTection. And a letter untimely delayed, is as rust to the solder. Tiie pen, flowing with love, or dipped black in hate. Or tipped with delicate courtesies, or harshly edged with censure, Ilath quickened more good than the sun, more enl than the sword, More joy than woman's smile, more woe than frowning fortune ; And shouldst thou ask my judgment of that which hath most profit in the world, For answer take thou this, The prudent penning of a letter. Thou hast not lost an hour, whereof there is a record ; A \\Titten tliought at midnight shall redeem the livelong day. 4* 82 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Idea is a shadow that departeth, speech is flseting as the wind, Reading is an unreniembored pastime ; but a writing is eternal : For therein the dead heart livcth, the clay-cold tongue is eloquent. And the quick eye of the reader is cleared hy t!ie reed of the scribe. As a fossil in the rock, or a coin in the mortar of a ruin, So the symboUed thoughts tell of a doparted soul : The plastic hand hath its witness in a statue, and exactitude of vision in a picture, And so, the mind, that was among us, in its writings is embalmed. OF WEALTH. Prodigality hath a sister Meanness, his fixed antagonist heart-fellow, Who often outllveth the short carear of the brother she dijspissth : She hath lean lips and a sharp look, and her eyes are red and hungry ; But she sloucheth at his gait, and his mouth speaketh loosely and maudlin. Let a spendthrift grow to be old, he will set his heart on saving, And labour to build up by penury that which extravagance threw down : Even so, with most men, do riches earn themselves a double curse ; They are ill-got by tight dealing : they are ill-spent by loose squandering. Give me enough, saith Wisdom ; — for he feareth to ask for more ; And that by the sweat of my brow, addetii stout-hearted Independence : Give me enough, and not less, for want is leagued with the tempter ; Poverty shall make a man desperate, and hurry him ruthless into crime ; Give me enough, and not more, saving for the children of distress ; Wealth ofttimes killeth, where want but hindereth the budding : There is green glad summer near the pole, though brief and after long winter, But the burnt breasts of the torrid zone yield never kindly nourishment. Wouldst thou be poor, scatter to the rich, — and reap the tares of ingratitude ; Wouldst thou be rich, give unto the poor ; — thou shalt have thine own with usury : For the seciet hand of Providence prospereth the charitable all ways, Good luck shall he have in his pursuits, and his heart shall be glad within him; OF WEALTH. 83 Yet perchance he never shall perceive, that even as to earthly gains, The cause of his vi^eal, as of his joy, hath been small givings to the poor. In the plain of Benares is there found a root that fathereth a forest, Where round the parent banian-tree drop its living scions ; Thirstily they strain to the earth, like stalactites in a grotto, And strike broad roots, and branch again, lengthening their cool arcades. And the dervish madly danceth there, and the faquir is torturing his flesh, And the calm Brahmin worshippetli the sleek and pampered bull ; At the base lean jackalls coil, while from above depending With dull malignant stare watcheth the branch-like boa. Even so, in man's lieart is a sin that is the root of all evil ; Whose fibres strangle the affections, whose branches overgrow the mind : And oftenest beneath its shadow thou shalt meet distorted piety, — The clenched and rigid fist, with the eyes upturned to heaven. Fanatic zeal with miserly severity, a mixture of gain with godliness, And him, against whom passion hath no power, kneeling to a golden calf: The hungry hounds of extortion are there, the bond, and the mortgage, and the writ. While the appetite for gold, unslumbering, watcheth to glut its maw : — And the heart, so tenanted and shaded, is cold to all things else ; It sceth not the sunshine of heaven, nor is warmed by the light of charity. For covetousness disbelieveth God, and laugheth at the rights of men ; Spurring unto theft and lying, and templing to the poison and the knife;;. It sundereth the bonds of love, and quickeneth the flames of hate ; A curse that shall wither the brain, and case the heart with iron. Content is the true riciies, for wiihout it there is no satisfying. But a ravenous all-devouring hunger gnaweih the vitals of the soul. The wise man knoweth where to stop, as he runneth in the race of fortune, For experience of old hath taught him that happiness lingereth midway ; And many in hot pursuit have hasted to the goal of wealth, But have lost, as they ran, those apples of gold, — the mind and the power to enjoy it. There is no greater evil among men than a testament framed with injustice ; Where caprice hath guided the boon, or dishonesty refused what was due. Generous is the robber on the highway, in tlie o|)en daring of his guilt, To the secret coward, whose malice liveth and harmeth after him : 84 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Wlio sinootlily sank into the tomb with the smile of fraud upon his face, And the last black deed of his cxirttonce was injury without redress ; For deaf is the ear of the dead, and can hear no palliatinir reasons ; The smiter is not among the living, and Right pleadetli but in vain. Yet shall the curse of the ojjpressed be as blight upon the grave of the unjust ; Yea, bitterly shall that handwriting testify against him at iho judgment. I saw the humble relation that tended tlio peevishness of wealtli. And ministered with kind hand to the wailings of disease and discontent ; I noted how watchfulness and care were feeding on the marrow of her youth ; How heavy was the yolve of dependence, loaded by petty tyranny ; Yet I heard the frequent suggestion, — it can be but a little longer, Patience and mute submission shall one day reap a rich reward. So, tacitly enduring much, waited that humble friend, Putting off the lover of-her youth until the dawn of wealth ; And it came, that day of release, and the freed heart could not sorrow, For now were the years of promise to yield their golden harvest : Hope, so long deferred, sickly s])arkled in her eye. The miserable past was forgotten, as she looked for the happier future. And she checked, as unworthy and ungrateful, the dark, suspicious thought. That perchance her right had been the safer, if not left alone v.-ith honour : But, alas, the sad knowledge soon came, that her stern task-master's will Hath re\varded her toil with a jibe, her patience with utter destitution I — Shall not the scourge of justice lash that cruel coward, Who mingled the gall of ingratitude with the bitterness of disappointment? Shall not tlie hate of men, and vengeance, fiercely pnrsuin"-. Hunt down the wretched being that s^innetli in his '^rave ? He fancied his idol self safe from the wrath of his fellows, But Hades rose as he came in, to point at him tlie finger of scorn ; And again must he meet that orphan-maid to answer her, face to face, And her wrongs shall cling around his neck, to hinder him from risin^^ with the just : For his last most solemn act hath linked his name with liar, And the crime of Ananias is branded on his brow ! A good man commendetli his cause to the one great Patron of innocence, Convinced of justice at the last, and sure of good meanwhile. OF WEALTH. 85 He knoweth lie hath a Guardian, wise and kind and strong, And can thank Him for giving, or refusing, the trusit or the curse of riches : His confidence standetli as a rock ; lie dreadeth not malice nor caprice, Nor the whisperings of artful men, nor envious secret influence ; He scornetli servile compromise, and the pliant mouthings of deceit; Ho maketii not a show of love, where he cannot concede esteem; He regaideth ill-got wealth, as the root most fruitful of wretchedness, ' So he walkcth in strict integrity, leaning on God and his right. No gain, but by its price ; labour, for the poor man's meal, Ofttimes heart-sickening toil, to win him a morsel for his hunger: Labour, for the chapman at his trade, a dull unvaried round, Year after year, unto death ; yea, what a weariness is it ! Labour for tlic pale-faced scribe, drudging at his hated desk. Who bartereth for needful pittance the untold gold of health ; Labour, with fear, for the merchant, whose hopes are ventured on the sea ; Labour, with care, for the man of law, responsi!)!e in his gains; Ijiibour, with envy and annoyance, where strangers will thee VvCalth ; linbour, with indolence and gloom, where wealth fallcth from a father ; I/ibour, unto all, whether aching tliews, or aching head, or spirit, — The curse on the sons of men. in all their states, is labour. Nevertheless, to the diligent, labour bringeth blessing ; The thought of duty sweetencth toil, and travail is as pleasure ; And time spent in doing hath a comfort that is not for the idle ; The hardshij) is transmuted into joy, by the dear alchemy of Mercy. Labour is good for a man, bracing up his energies to conquest, And without it life is dull, the man perceiving himself useless : For wearily the body groaneth, like a door on rusty hinges. And the grasp of the mind is weakened, as the tr the torrid air breed flies, Or the water frame its monads, or the mist its swarming blight ? — • Mediately, through thousand generations, having seeds withm themselves, All things, rare or gross, own one common Father. Truly spake Wisdom, There is nothing new under the sun : We only arrange and combine the ancient elements of all things. Invention is activity of mind, as fire is air in motion. A sharpening of the spiritual sight, to discern hidden aptitudes ; From the basket and acanthus, is modelled the graceful capit^il : The shadowed profile on the wall helpeth the limner to his likeness: The footmarks stamped in clay, lead on the thoughts to printing ; The strange skin garments cast upon the sliorc suggest another hemi- sphere : (^') A falling apple taught the sage pervading gravitation ; The Huron is certain of his prey, from tracks upon the grass ; And shrewdness, guessing on the liint, followeth on the trail ; But the hint must be given, the trail must be there, or the keenest sight is as blindness. Behold the barren reef, wliic-h an earthquake hath just left dry ; It hatJi no beauty to boast of, no harvest of fair fruits : Bui soon the lichen fixeth there, and, dying, diggeth its own "-rave, (*^) And softening suns and splitting frosts crumble the reluctant surface; And cormorants roost there, and the snail addeth its slime, And efts, with muddy fset, bring their welcome tribute ; OF INVENTION. 87 And the sea casteth out her dead, wrapped in a shroud of weeds ; And orderly nature arrangeth again the disunited atoms : Anon, tlie cold smooth stone is warm with feathery grass, And the light sporules of tlie fern are dropt by the passing wind. The wood-pigeon, on swift wing, leaveth its crop-full of grain ; The squirrel's jealous care planteth the llr-cone and the filbert; Years pass, and the sterile rock is rank with tangled herbage ; The wild vine clingeth to the brier, and ivy runneth graen among the corn; Lordly beeches are studded on the down, and willows crowd around the rivulet ; And the tall pine and hazel thicket sliade the rambling hunter. Shall the rock boast of its fertility ? shall it lift the head in pride ? — Shall the mind of man be vain of the harvest of its thoughts ? The savage is that i«ock : and a million chances from without, By little and little acting on the mind, heap up the hotbed of society; And the soul, fed and fattened on the thoughts and things around it, Groweth to perfection, fidl of fruit, the fruit of foreign seeds. For we learn upon a hint, we find upon a clue. We yield an hundred-fold ; but the great sower is Analogy. There must be an acrid sloe before a luscious peach, A boll of rotting llax before the bridal veil, An egg before an eagle, a thought before a thing, A spark struck into tinder, to light the lamp of knowledge, A slight suggestive nod to guide the watching mind, A half-seen hand upon the wall, pointing to the balance of Comparison. By cidture man may do all things, short of the miracle, — Creation : Here is the limit of thy power, — here let thy pride be stayed : The soil may be rich, and the mind may be active, but neither yield unsown ; The eye cannot make light, nor the mind make spirit : Therefore it is wise in man to name all novelty invention : For it is to find out things that are, not to create the unexisting : It is to cling to contiguities, to be keen in catching likeness, And with energetic elasticity to leap the gulfs of contrast. The glob? kneweth not increase, either of tnatter or spirit ; Atoms and thoughts are used again, mixing in varied combinations ; And though, by moidding them anew, thou makest them thine own, Yet have they served thousands, and all their merit is of God. 88 PROVERBIAL PIULOSOPHY. OF RIDICULE. Seams of tho'.ighl for the sage"^ bnnv, and laughing lirifs for the foors face ; For all things leave their track in t:ie mind ; and the glass of the mind is faithful. Seest thou much mirth upon the cheek ? there is then little exercise of virtue ; For ho^that looketh on tlie world cannot ho glad and good: Seest thou much gravity in the eye ? be not assured of finding wisdom ; For she hath too great praise, not to get ma^iy mimics. There is a grave-faced folly ; and verily a Iangliter-lo\ing wisdom ; And what, if surface-judges account it vain frivolity ? There is indeed an evil in excess, and a field m-iy lie fallow too long ; Yet meiTinient is often as a froth, that mantleth on the strong mind : And note thou this for a verity, — the sr.btlest thinker when alone, From ease of thoughts unbent, will laugh the loudest with his fellows : And well is the loveliness of wisdom mirrored in a cheerful countenance ; Justly the deepest pools are proved bj' dimpling eddies ; For that a true philosophy commandeth an innocent life, And the unguilty spirit is fighter than a finnet's heart : Yea, there is no cosmetic like a holy conscience : The eye is briglit with trust, the cheek bloomed over with affection, The brow unwrinkled by a care, and the lip triumphant in its gladness. Ami for your grave-faced folly, need not far to look for her ; IIow seriously on trifles dote those leaden eyes, Hov/ ruefully she sigheth after chances long gone by, How sulkily she moaneth over evils without cure ! I liave luiown a true-born mirth, the child of innocence and wsdom, I have seen a base-born gravity, mingled of ignorance and guilt : And again, a base-born mirth, springing out of carelessness and folly, And again, a true-born gravity, the product of reflection and right fear. The wounded partridge hideth in a furrow, and a stricken conscience would be left alone ; But when its breast is healed, it runneth gladly with its fellows : Whereas the solitary heron, standing in the sedgy fen, OF COMMENDATION. 89 Holdeth aloof from the social world, intent on wiles nnd death. Need but of light phiio. ophy to dire tlio world's dread langh ; For a little mind coiir'eth noNjiiety, tn illustrate its puny self: But the sneer rf a man's own comrades trieth the muscles of courage, And to be derided in his home is as a viper in the nest : The laugh of a hooting world Iiath in it a notion of sublimity. But the tittering private circle stingeth as a hive of wasps. !So.ne have commended ridicule, counting it the test of truth, (**) Biit neither wittily nor wise!)'' ; for truth must prove ridicule : Otlierwise a blunt bulrush is to pierce the proof armour of argument, Because the stolidity of ignorance took it for a barbed shaft. Softer is the hide of the rhinoceros than the heart of deriding unbelief, And tnith is idler there than the Bushman's feathered reed : A droll conceit parrieth a thrust that should have hit tlie conscience, And the leering looks of hiunour tickle the cJiildisli mind ; For that the matter of a man is mingled most with folly, Neither can ho long endure the searching gaze of wisdom. It is pleasanter to see a laughing cheek tlian a serious forehead, And there liveth not one among a thousand whose idol is not pleasure. Ridicule is a weak weapon, when levelled at a strong mind ; But common men are cowards, and dread an empty laugh. Fear a nettle, and touch, it tenderly, — its poison shall bum thee to the shoulder ; But grasp it with bold hand, is it not a bundle of myrrh ? Betray mean terror of ridicule, thou shalt laid fools enough to mock thee ; But answer thou their laughter with contempt, and the scoffers will lick thy feet. OF C M M E N D A T I O X . Tjie praise of holy men is a promise of praise from their Master ; A forerunning earnest of thy welcome, — Well done, faithful servant ; A rich preludious note, that droppeth softly on thine ear, To tell thee the chords of thy heart are in tune with the choirs of heaven. Yet is it a dangerous hearing, for the sweetness may lull thee into slumber. And the, cordial qu;ilTed vvilh thirst may generate the fames of presumption. So seek it not for itself, but taste, and go gladly on thy way. 90 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. For the mariner slacketh not his sail, though the sandal-groves of Araby alhire him ; And the fragrance of that incense would harm thee, as when, on a sum- mer evening, The honied yellow flowers of the broom oppress thy charmed sense : And a man hath too much of praise, for he praiseth himself continually ; Neither lacketh he at any time self-commendation or excuse. Praise a fool, and slay him : for the canvas of his vanity is spread ; His bark is shallow in the water, and a sudden gust shall sink it : Praise a wise man, and speed him on his way ; for he carrieth the ballast of humility, And is glad when his course is cheered by the sympathy of brethren ashore. The praise of a good man is good, for he holdeth up the mirror of Truth, That Virtue may see her own beauty, and delight in her own fair face : The praise of a bad man is evil, for he hideth the deformity of Vice, Casting the mantle of a queen around the limbs of a leper. Praise is rebuke to the man v/hose conscience alloweth it not : And where conscience feeleth it her due, no praise is better tlian a little. He that despisetli the outward appearance, despiseth the esteem of his fellows ; And he that overmuch rcgardetli it, shall earn only their contempt : The honest commendation of an equal no one can scorn, and be blameless Yet even that fair fame no one can hunt for and be honoured : If it come, accept it and be thankful, and be thou humble in accepting ; If it tarry, be not thou cast down ; the bee can gather honey out of rue : And is thine aim so low, that the breath of those around thee Can speed tliy feathered arrow, or retard its flight ? The child shootetli at a butterfly, but the man's mark is an eagle ; And while his fellows talk, he hath conquered in the clouds. Ally thee to truth and godliness, and use the talents in thy charge : So shalt thou walk in peace, deserving, if not having. With a friend, praise him when thou canst ; for many a friendship hath decayed, Like a plant in a crowded corner, for want of sunshine on its leaves : With another, praise him not often — otherwise he shall despise thee ; But be thou frugal in commending ; so will he give honour to thy judg- ment: For thou that dost so zealously commend, art acknowledging thine own inferiority, OF COMMENDATION. 91 And he, thou so highly hast exalted, shall proudly look down on thy esteem. Wilt thou that one '•cniembor a thing ? — praise him in the midst of thy advice ; Never yet forgat man the word whereby he hath beon praised. Better to be censured by a tliousand fools, than reproved but by one man that is wise ; For the pious are slower to help right, than the profane to hinder it : So, where the world rebuketh, there look thou for the excellent, And be suspicious of the good, which wicked men can praise. The captain bindeth his troop, not more by severity than kindness. And justly, should roconipense well-doing, as well as be strict with an offender ; The laurel is cheap to the giver, but precious in his sight who hath won it, And the heart of tlie soldier rojoiceth in the approving glance of his chief. Timely given praise is even better than the merited rebuke of censure, For the sun is more needful to the plant than the knife that cuttcth out a canker ; Many a father hatli erred, in that he hath withheld reproof. But more have mo.~tly sinned, in withholding praise where it was due : There be many such as Eli among men ; but tliese be more culpable than Eli, Who chill tlie fountain of exertion by the freezing looks of indifference : Ye call a man easy and good, yet he is as a two-edged sword ; He rebuketh not vice, and it is strong : he comforteth not virtue, and it faintcth. There is nothing more potent among men tlian a gift timely bestowed ; And a gift kept back where it was hoped, separatetli cliief friends : For what is a gift but a symbol, giving substance to praise and esteem ? And where is a sharper arrow than the sting of unmerited neglect ? Expect not praise from the mean, neither gratitude from the selfish ; And to keep the proud thy friend, see thou do him not a service : For, beliold, be will hate thee for his debt : thou hast humbled him by giving ; And his stubbornness never shall acknowledge the good he hath taken * from thy hand : Yea, rather will he turn and be thy foe, lest thou gather from his friendship 92 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. That he doth accomit tlice creditor, ai.d standoth in tlie second place ; Still, O kindly fcolinir heart, bo not thou chillod by the thankless, Neither let the breatli of gratitude fan thee ink) momentary heat. Do good for good's o\\-n sake, looking not to worthiness nor love ; ning thy grain among the rocks, cast thy bread upon the waters, His claim be strongest to thy help who is thrown most helplessly upon thee, — So shalt thou have a better praise. an;l reap a richer Iiarvest of reward. If a man hold Hist to tliy creed, and fit his thinking to thy notions, Thou shalt take him for a man right-minded, yea, and excuse his evil : But sccst thou not, O bigot, that thy zeal is but a hunting after praise. And the full pleasure of a proselyte lieth in the flattering of self ? A man of many praises meeteth many welcomes. But he who blameth often, shall not keep a friend ; The velvet-coated apricot is one thing, and the spiked liorse-chestnut is another ; A handle of smootli amber is pleasanter than rough buck-hor;i. Show me a popular man ; I can tell thee the secret of his power ; He hath soothed them with glozhig words, lulling their ears with flatter}- ; The smile of seeming api'robation is ever the com^panion of his presence, And courteous looks, and warm regards, earn him all their heai'ts. Xotl.'ing but may be better, and every better might be best ; The blind may discern, and the simple prove, fault or want in all things ; And a little mind looketh on the lily with a microscopic eye, Eager and glad to pry out specks on its robe of purity ; I'ut a great mind gazeth on the sun, glorying in his brightness, And taking large Lnowledge of his good, in the broad prairie of creation: V»'hat, thougJi he hatch basili-ks ? what, though spots are on the sun ? In fullness is his worth, in fullness he his praise ! OF SELF- ACQUAINTANCE. Knowledge holdeth by the hilt, and heweth out a road to conquest;,; Ignorance graspeth the blade, and is wounded by its own good sword : OF SELF-ACQUAINTANCE. 93 Knowledge distilletli liealth from the virulence of opposite poisons ; Ignorance niLxeth wholesomes unto the breeding of disease : Knowledge is Ica^'ued with llie universe, and findeth a friend in all things ; But ignorance is every where a stranger ; unwelcome ; ill at ease, and out of place. A man is helpless and unsafe up to the measure of his ignorance, For he lacketh perception of the aptitudes conmiending such a matter to his use, Clutching at the hora of danger, while he judgeth it the handle of security, Or casting his anchor so widely, that the granite reef is just within the tetlier. Untaught in science he is but half aUve, stupidly taking note of nothing, Or listening with dull wonder to the crafty saws of an empiric ; Simple in the world, he triisteth unto knaves ; and then to make amends for folly, Dea.leth so shrewdly with the honest, they cannot but suspect him for a thief; With an unknown God, he maketli mock of reason, fathering contrivance on chance. Or doting with superstitious dretid on some crooked image of his fancy : But ignorant of self, he is weakness at heart ; the keystone crumljleth into sand, There is panic in the general's tent, the oak is hollow as hemlock ; Though the warm sap creepeth up its bark, filling out the sheaf of leaves, Though knowledge of all things beside add proofs of seeming vigour. Though the master-mind of the royal sage feast on the mysteries oi" wisdom. Yet ignorance of self shall bow down the sjiirit of a Solomon to idols ; The storm of tcmpiation, sweeping by, sliali snap that oak like a reed, And the proud luxuriance of its tufted crown drag it the sooner to tlie dust. Youth, conlident in self, tumpc reth witli dangerous dalliance. Till the vice his heart once hated hath locked him in her foul embrace : Manhood, tlirough zeal of doing good, seeketh high place for its occasions, Unwitting that the bleak mountain-air will nip the tender budding of Ids motives ; Or painfully, for love of truth, he climbeth the ladder of science, Till pride of intellect, heating his heart, warpeth it aside to delusion : The maiden, to give shadow to her fairness, plaiteth her raven hair, 94 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Heedlessly weaving for her soul the silken net of vanity : The gray-beard looketh on his gold, till he loveth its yellow smile, Unconscious of the bright decoy which is luring his heart unto avarice : Wrath avoideth no quarrel, jealousy counteth its suspicions, Pining envy gazeth still, and melancholy seeketh solitude : The sensitive broodeth on his slights, the fearful poreth over horrors, The train of wantonness is fired, the nerves of indecision are unstrung ; Each special pronencss unto harm is pampered by ignorant indulgence, And the man, for want of warning, yieldeth to the apt temptation. A smith at the loom, and a weaver at the forge, wej-e but sorry craftsmen ; And a ship that saileth on every wind never shall reach her port : Yet there be thousands among men who heed not the leaning of their talents, But, cutting against the grain, toil on to no good end ; And the light of a thoughtful spirit is quenched beneath the bushel of commerce. While meaner plodding minds are driven up the mountain of philosophy : The cedar withereth on a wall, while the house-leek is fattening in a hot-bed. And the dork with its rank leaves hideth the sun from violets. To every thing a fitting place, a proper honourable use ; The humblest measure of mind is bright in its humble sphere : The glowworm, creeping in the hedge, lighteth her evening torch, And her fiir-ofF mate, on gossamer sail, steereth his course by that star : But ignorance mocketh at proprieties, bringing out the glowworm at noon, And setteth the faults of mediocrity in the full blaze of wisdom. Ravens croaking in darkness, and a skylark trilling to the sun, The voice of a screech-owl from a ruin, and the blackbird's whistle in a wood, A cushion-footed camel for the sands, and a swift reindeer for the snows, A naked skin for Ethiopia, and rich soft furs for the Pole : In all things is there a fitness : discord with discord hath its music ; And the harmony of nature is preserved by each one knowing his place. The blind at an easel, the palsiwl with a graver, the halt making for the goal. The deaf ear tuning psaltery, the stammerer discoursing eloquence, — What wonder if all fail ? the shaft fiieth wide of the mark, or SELF-ACQUAINTANCE. 95 Alike if itself be crooked, or the bow be strung awry ; And the mind which were excellent in one way, but foolish!} toileth in another, What is it but an ill-strung bow, and its aim a crooked arrow ? By knowledge of self, thou provest thy powers ; put not the racer to the plough, Nor goad the toilsome ox to wager his slowness with the fleet : Consider thy failings, heed thy propensities, search out thy latent virtues, Analyze the doubtful, cultivate the good, and crush the head of evil ; So shalt thou catch with quick hand the golden ball of opportunity ; The warrior armed shall be ready for the fray, beside his bridled steed ; Thou shalt ward eft" special harms, and have the sway of circumstance, And turn to thy special good the common current of events ; Choosing from the wardrobe of the world, thou shalt suitably clothe tliy spirit, Nor thrust the white hand of peace into the gauntlet of defiance : The shepherd shall go with a staff, and conquer by sling and stone ; The soldier shall let alone the distiifF, and the scribe lay down the sword ; The man unlearned shall keep silence, and learn one attribute of wisdom ; The sage be sparing of his lessons before unhearing ears : Calm shalt thou be, as a lion in repose, conscious of passive strength, And the shock that splitteth the globe, shall not unthrone thy self-possession. Acquaint thee with thyself, O man ! so shalt thou be humble : The hard hot desert of thy heart shall blossom with the lily and the rose ; The frozen cliffs of pride shall melt as an iceberg in the tropics ; The bitter fountains of self-seeking be sweeter than the waters of the Nile. But if thou lack that wisdom, — thy frail skift' is doomed. On stronger eddy whirling to the dreadful gorge ; Untaught in that grand lore, — thou standest, cased in steel, To dare with mocking unbelief the thunderbolts of heaven. For look now around thee on the universe, behold how all tilings serve thee ; The teeming soil, and the buoyant sea, and undulating air, Golden crops, and bloomy fruits, and flowers, and precious gems. Choice perfumes, and fair sights, soft touches, and sweet music : For thee, shoaling up the bay, crowd the linny nations, For thee, the cattle on a thousand hills live, and labour, and die : 96 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Light is tliy daily slave, darkness invitclh thee to slumber ; Thou art scn'cd by Uie hands of Beauty, and Sublimity kneeletli at thy feet : Arise, thou sovereign of creation, and behold thy glory ! Yet more, thou hast a mind ; intellect wingetli thco to heaven, 'J'endeth thy state on earth, and by it thou divest down to hell ; TJiou hast measured the belt of Satuni, thou hast weighed the moons of Jupiter, And seen, by reason's eye. the centre of thy ghjbe ; Subtly hast thou numbered by Inllions the leagues between sun luid sun, And noted in thy book the coming of their shadows : Witli marvellous unerring truth thou knowest to an inch and to an instant, The where and the when of the comet's palh th.it shall seem to rush by at thy command : Arise, thou king of mind, and survey tliy dignity ! Yet more, — for once believe roligion's flattering tale ; Thoi^ hast a soul, aye, and a God, — but be not therefore humbled : Thy Maker's self was glad to live and die — a man ; The brighte.st jewel in his crown is voluntary' manhood : By deep dishonour and great price, bougiit he tliat envied freedom, But thou wast born an heir of ;dl, thy Master scarce could earn. O climax unto prid-', O triumph of humanity, O triple crown upon thy brow, most liigh and mighty Self! Arise thou Lord of all, thou greater than a God ! — How saidst thou, wretched being ? — cast thy glance within ; Regard that painted sepulchre, the hovel of thy heart. Ha ! v,-ith what fearl'ul imagery swarmeth that small chamber ; The horrid eye of murder scowling in the dark. The bony hand of avarice filching from the poor, The lurid fires of lust, the idiot face of folly, The sickening deed of cruelty, the foul, fierce orgies of the drunken, Weak contemptible vanity, stubborn stolid unbelief. Envy's devilish sneer, and the vile features of ingratitude, — Man, hast thou seen enough ? or are Uiose fidl proof That thou ait a miracle of mercy, and all thy dignity is dross ? Well said the wisdom of earth, O mortal, know thyself; But better the wisdom of heaven, O man, learn tliou thy God : By knowledge of self thou art conusant of e\il, and mailed in panoply to meet it : OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. 97 By knowledge of God cometh knowledge of good, and universal love is at tliy heart. « Every creature knoweth its capacities, running in the road of instinct, And reason must not lag behind, but serve itself of all proprieties : Tlie swift to tlie race, and the strong to the burden, and tlie wise for right direction ; For self-knowledge filleth with acceptance its niche in the temple of utiUty : But vainly wilt thou look for that knowledge, till the clue of all truth is in thy hand, For the labyrinth of man's heart windeth in complicate deceivings : Thou canst not sound its depths with the shallow pliunb-line of reason, Till religion, the pilot of the soul, have lent thee her unfatliomable coil : Therefore, for this grand knowledge, and knowledge is the parent of do- minion, Leam God, tliou shalt know thyself ; yea, and shalt have mastery of all tilings. OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Shame upon thee, savage monarch-man, proud monopolist of reason ; Shame upon creation's lord, the fierce ensanguined despot : What, man ! are there not enough, hunger, and diseases, and fatigue, — And yet must thy goad or thy thong add another sorrow to existence ? What ! art thou not content thy sin hath dragged down suffering and death On the poor dumb servants of thy comfort, and yet tliou must rack them \vith thy spite ? The prodigal heir of creation hath gambled away his all, — Shall he add torment to the bondage, that is galling his forfeit serfs ? The leader in nature's pajan himself hath marred her psaltery, Shall he multiply the din of discord by overstraining all the strings ? The rebel hath fortified his stronghold, shutting in his vassals with him — Shall he aggravate the woes of the besieged by oppression from within ? Thou twice deformed imago of thy Maker, thou hateful representative of Love, For very shame be merciful, be kind vnito the creatures tliou hast ruined ; Earth and her niiUion tribes are cursed for thy sake ; 6 98 PROVERBIAL V'lIILOSOPIIY. Earth and her iniUion tribes still writhe beneath thy cruelty : Liveth there but one anioiifr th^'' Hiillion that shall not bear witness against thee? A pensioner of land or air or h'<\. that hath not whereof it will accuse tliee? From the elephant toiling at a launch, to the shrew-mouse in the harvest- field, From the whale which the harpoonor hath stricken, to the minnow caught upon a pin, From the albatross wearied in its Hirrht, to the wTen in her covered nest, From the death-moth and lace-wiiioed dragon-fly, to the ludy-bird and the gnat. The verdict of all things is unanimous, finding their master cruel : The dog, thy humble friend, lliy trusting, honest friend ; The ass, thine uncomplaining sbive, drudging from morn to even ; The lamb, and the timorous hare, and the laboring ox at plough ; The speckled trout, bar^cing in ib.." shallow, and the jiartridge, gleaning in the stubble, And the stag at bay, and the worm in thy path, and the wild bird pining in captivity. And all things that minister alike to thy life and thy comfort and thy pride, Testify with one sad voice that man is a cruel master. Verily, they are all thint* freely mayst thou sen'e thee of tliem all ; They are thine by gift for thy needs, to lie used in all gratitude and kind- ness : Gratitude to their God and thine, — tlieir Father and thy Father, Kindness to them who toil for thee, and help thee with their all : For meat, but not by wantonness of slaving ; for burden, but with limits of humanity ; For luxury, but not tln-ough torture; for draught, but according to the strength : For a dog cannot plead his own right nor render a reason for exemption, Nor give a soft answer unto wrath, to turn aside the undeserved lash ; The galled ox cannot complain, nor supplicate a moment's respite ; The spent horse hideth his distress, till he panteth out his spirit at the goal ; Also, in the winter of life, when worn by constant toil, If ingratitude forget his senices, he cannot bring them to remembrance : OF FRIENDSHIP. 99 Behold, he is faint with hunger ; the big tear standeth in his eye ; His skin is sore with stripes, and he tottereth beneath his burden ; Hig limbs are stiff with age, his sinews have lost their vigour, And pain is stamped upon his face, while he wrestletli unequally with toil; Yet once more mutely and meekly endureth he the crushing blow ; That struggle halh cracked his heart-strings, — the generous brute is dead ! Liveth there no advocate for him ? no judge to avenge his wrongs ? No voice that shall be heard in his defence ? no sentence to be passed on his oppressor ? Yea, the sad eye of the tortured pleadeth pathetically for him : Yea, all the justice in heaven is roused in indignation at his woes : Yea, all the pity upon earth sliall call down a curse upon the cruel : Yea, the burning malice of the wicked is tiieir own exceeding punishment. The Angel of Mercy stoppeth not to comfort, but passeth by on the other side, And hath no tear to shed wlien a cruel man is damned. OF FRIENDSHIP. As frost to the bud, and blight to the blossom, even such is self-uiterest to friendship : For Confidence cannot dwell v/here Selfishness is porter at the gate. If thou see thy friend to be selfish, thou canst not be sure of his honestj- ; And in seeking thine own weal, thou hast wronged the reliance of thy friend. Fiattory hideth her vaniishcd face when Friendship sitteth at his board ; And the door is shut upon Suspicion, but Candour is bid glad welcome. For Friendship abhorreth doubt, its life is in mutual trust, And perisheth, when artful praise pro\'eth it is sought for a purpose. A man may be good to thee at times, and render thee mighty service, Whom yet thy secret soul could not desire as a friend ; For the sum of life is in trifles, and though, in the weightier masses, A man refuse thee not his purse, nay, his all in thine utmost need, Yet, if thou canst not feel that his character agreeth with thine own, Thou never wilt call liim friend, though tliou render him a heart full of gTatitude. A coarse man grindeth harshly the finer feelings of his brother ; 100 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. A common mind will soon depart from the dull companionsliip of wisdom; A weak soul dareth not to follow in the track of vigour and decision ; And the worldly regardeth with scorn the seeming foolishness of faith. A mountain is made up of atoms, and friendship of little matters, And if the' atoms liold not together, the mountain is crumbled into dust. Come, I will show thee a friend ; I will paint one worthy of thy trust. : Thine heart shall not weary of him : thou shalt not secretly despise him. Thou art long in learning him, in unravelling all his worth ; And he dazzleth not thine eyes at first, to be darkened in thy sight afterward, But risetli from small beginnings, and rDacheth the height of thy esteem. He remembereth that thou art only man ; he expecteth not great things from thee ; And his forbearance toward thee silently teacheth thee to be considerate unto him. He despiseth not courtesy of manner, nor neglecteth the decencies of life : Nor mocketh the failings of others, nor is harsh in his censures before thee ; For so, how couldst thou tell, if he talketh not of thee in ridicule ? He withholdeth no secret from thee, and rejecteth not thine in turn ; He shareth Lis joys wnth thee, and is glad to bear part in thy sorrows. Yet one thing, he loveth thee too well to show thee the corruptions of his heart : For as an ill example strengtheneth the hands of the wicked, So to put forward thy guilt is a secret poison to thy friend : For the evil in his nature is comforted, and he warreth more weakly against it, If he find that the friend wliom he honoureth, is a man more sinful than himself. I hear the communing of friends ; ye speak out the fullness of your souls, And being but men, as men, ye own to all the sympathies of manhood : ('*) Confidence openeth the lips, indulgence beameth from the eye, The tongue loveth not boasting, the heart is made glad with kindness : And one standeth not as on a liill, beckoning to the other to follow. But ye toil up hand in hand, and carry each other's burdens. Ye commune of hopes and aspirations, the fervent breathings of the heart, Ye speak with pleasant interchange the treasured secrets of affection, Ye listen to the voice of complaint, and whisper the language of comfort, And as in a double solitude, ye think in each other's hearing. Choose thy friend discreetly, and see thou consider his station, OF FRIENDSHIP. 101 For the graduated scale of ranks accordeth with the ordinance of heaven : If a low companion ripen to a friend, in the full sunshine of thy confidence, Know, that for old age thou hast heaped up sorrow : For thou sinkest to that level, and thy kin shall scorn thee. Yea, and the menial thou hast pampered haply shall neglect thee in thy death : And if thou reachest up to high estates, thinking to herd with princes, What art thou but a footstool, though so near a throne ? O rush among the lilies, be taught thou art a weed ; O brier among the cedars, hot contempt shall burn thee. But thou, friend and scholar, select from thine own caste, And make not an intimate of one, thy servant or thy master ; For only friendship among men is the true republic, ' Where all have equality of service, and all have freedom oT command. And yet, if thou wilt take my judgment, be shy of too much openness with any, Lest thou repent hereafter, should he turn and rend thee : For many an apostate friend hath abused unguarded confidence, • And bent to selfish ends the secret of tlie soul. Absence strengtheneth friendship, where the last recollections were kindly ; But it must be good wine at the last, or absence shall weaken it daily. A rare thing is faith, and friendship is a marvel among men. Yet strange faces call they friends, and say they believe, when they doubt. Those hours are not lost that are spent in cementing affection ; For a friend is above gold, precious as the stores of the mind. Bo sparing of advice by words, but teach thy lesson by example ; For the vanity of man may be wounded, and retort unkindly upon thee. There be some that never had a friend, because they were gross and selfish ; Worldliness, and apathy, and pride, leave not many that are worthy : But one who meriteth esteem, need never lack a friend ; P^or as thistle-down flieth abroad, and casteth its anchor in the soil. So philanthropy yearneth for a heart, where it may take root and blossom. Yet I liear the child of sensibility moaning at the wintry cold, Wlierein the mists of selfishness liave wrapped the society of men : He grieveth, and hath deep reasons ; for falsehood hath wronged his trust. And the breaches in liis bleeding heart have been filled with the briers of suspicion. 102 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. For, alas, how fovv be friend;', of whom charity hath hoped well ! How few there be among men who forget themselves for others ! Each one seeketh his own, and looketh on his brethren as rivals, Masking envy with friendship, to serve his secret ends. And tlie world, that corriqrtoth all good, hath wronged that sacred name, For it calleth any man friend, who is not known for an enemy ; And such be as the flies of summer, while plenty sitteth at thy board ; But who can wonder at their flight from the cold denials of want ? Such be as vultures round a carcass, assembled together for the feast : But a sudden noise scareth them, and forthv/ith are they specks among the clouds. There be few, O child of sensibility, who deserve to have tliy confidence ; Yet weep n.ot, for there are some, and such some live for thee : To them is the chilling world a drear and barren scene, And gladly seek they such as thou art, for seldom find they tiie occasion : For, though no man excludeth himself from the high capability of friend- ship, Yet verily is the man a marvel whom truth can write a friend. OF LOVE. There is a fragrant blossom, that uuiketh glad the garden of the heart : Its root lieth deep ; it is delicate, yet lasting, as the lilac crocus of autumn ; Jioncliness and thought are the dews that water it mom and even ; Memoi-y and Absence cherish it, as the balmy breathings of the south : Its sun is the brightness of affection, and it bloometh in the borders of Hope ; Its companions are gentle flowers, and the brier withereth by its side. I saw it budding in beauty ; I felt the magic of its smile ; The violet rejoiced beneath it, tlie rose stooped down and kissed it ; And I thought some cherub had planted there a truant flower of Eden, As a bird bringeth foreign seeds, tliat they may flourish in a kindly soil. I saw, and asked not its name ; I knew no language was so wealthy, Though every heart of every clime findeth its echo within. And yet what shall I say ? Is a sordid man capable of — Love ? OF LOVE. 103 Hath a seducer known it ? Can an adulterer perceive it ? Or he that seeketh strange women, can lie feel its purity ? Or he that changeth often, can he know its truth ? Longing for another's happiness, yet often destroying its own ; Chaste, and looking up to God, as the fountain of tenderness and joy ; Quiet, yet flowing deep, as the Rhine among rivers ; Lasting, and knowing not change — it '.\alketh with Truth and Sincerity. Love : — what a ^"olume in a word, an ocean in a tear, A seventh heaven in a glance, a whirlwind in a sigh, The lightning in a touch, a millennium in a moment : What consecrated joy or woe in blest or blighted love ! For it is that native poetry springing up indigenous to Mind, The heart's own-country music thrilling all its chords, The story without an end that angels throng to hear, The word, the king of words, carved on Jehovah's heart ! Oh ! call thou snake-eyed malice mercy, call envy honest praise, Count selfish craft for wisdom, and coward treachery for prudence, Do homage to blaspheming unbelief as to bold and free philosophy. And estimate the recklessness of license as the ritrlit attribute of liberty, — But with the world, thou friend and scholar, stain not this pure name ; Nor suffer the majesty of Love to be likened to the meanness of desire : For Love is no more such, than seraphs' hymns are discord, And such is no more Love, than ^Etna's breath is suunner. Love is a sweet idolatry, enslaving all the soul, A mighty spiritual force, warring with tlie dullness of matter. An angel-mind brenthed into a mortal, though fallen, yet how beautiful ! All the devotion of tiie heart in all its deptli and grandeur. Behold that pale geranium, pent within the cottage window ; How yearningly it stretcheth to the hght its sickly long-stalked leaves, How it straineth upward to the sun, coveting liis sweet influences, How real a living" sacrifice to the God of all its worship ! Such is the soul that loveth ; and so the rose-tree of affection Bcndeth its every leaf to look on those dear eyes, Its every blushing petal basketh in their light. And all its gladness, all its life, is hanging on their love. If die love of the heart is blighted, it buddeth not again ; 104 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. If that pleasant song is forgotten, it is to be learnt no more : Yet often will thought look back, and weep over early affection ; And the dim notes of that pleasant song will be heard as a reproachful spirit, Moaning in .-Eolian strains over the desert of the heart, Where the hot siroccos of the world have withered its one oasis. OF MARRIAGE. Seek a good wife of thy God, for she is the best gift of his providence ; Yet ask not in bold confidence that which he hath not promised. Thou knowest not his good-will : — be thy prayer then submissive there- unto ; And leave thy petition to his mercy, assured that he will deal well with thee. If thou art to have a wife of thy youth, she is now living on the earth ; Therefore think of her, and pray for her weal ; yea, though thou hast not seen her. They that love early become like-minded, and the tempter touches them not ; The]f grow up leaning on each other, as the olive and vine. Youth longeth for a kindred spirit, and yeameth for a heart that can com- mune with his own ; He meditateth night and day, doting on the image of his fancy. Take heed that what charmeth tliee is real, nor springeth of thine own imagination ; And suffer not trifles to win thy love ; for a wife is thine unto death. The harp and the voice may thrill thee, — sound may enchant thine ear, But consider thou, the hand will wither, and the sweet notes turn to dis- cord : The eye, so brilliant at even, may be red with sorrow in the morning ; And the sylph-like form of elegance must writhe in the crampings of pain. O happy lot, and hallowed, even as the joy of angels, Where the golden chain of godliness is entv.'ined with the roses of love : But beware, thou seem not to be holy, to win favour in the eyes of a crea- ture, OF MARRIAGE. 105 For thegriilt of the hypocrite is deadly, and winneth tliee wrath elsewhere. The idol of thy heart is, as thou, a probationar}- sojourner on eartii ; Therefore be cliar}' of her soul, for that is a jewel in hor casket. Let her be a child of God, that she bring with her a blessing to thy hous?, — A blessing above riches, and leading contentment in its train : Let her be an heir of heaven ; so shall she help thee on thy way ; For those who are one in faith, fight double-handed against evil. Take heed lest she love thee before God ; that she be not an idolater : Yet see thou that she love thee well: for her heart is the heart of woman t And the triple nature of humanity must be bound by a triple chain, For soul and mind and bcl. VII. 42, " Projecta vilior alga." (*) '■•Hath the crocus yielded up its bull),''' <^c. Page K!. The autumnal crocus, or colchicum, which consists of little more than a d'^ep bulbous root, and a delicate lilac flower, produces a substance which is called veratrin, and has been used with signal success in the cure of gout and similar diseases. A few lines lower down, with reference to the elm, I would remark, that no iLse has yet been di.=>eovered in the principle called " ulraine." " The boon of far Peru " is the potato. 6 122 PROVERBIAL FHILOSOPMY. (') "When acorns give out fragranl drink" c^-r. Page 17. At a meeting of the Medico-Botanical Society, (in 1837,) the President introduced to the notice of the members a new beverage which veiy much resembled coffee, and was made from acorns peeled, cho|)ped, and roasted. Bread made from sawdust is certainly not very palatable, but no one can doubt that it is far more sweet and whou.some than " no bread ;" in a famine, this discovery, which has passed almost sub silentio, would prove to be of the highest importance. The darnel, it miiy be observed, in passing, is highly poisonous, and a proper opposite to the lotus. (") '-He, 7i-ho eeeminir eld in youth,'" cfc. VagQ 22. Compare Isa. lii. 1-1, " His visnge was so marred more than any man, and liis form more than the sons of men," with the idea implied in the observ;!tioii, John viii. ^u, " Tb.in an not yet yZ/Vj/ yrars old, and hast thou seen Abraham ? Our Lord was then thirty-tliree, or, according to some chronologists, even younger. C) "A i^cniencc hath fonned a charnrter, and a character subdued a iiW-g' dom." Pcioe 25. A better instance of this could scarcely be found than in the late Lord Ex- mouth, who fir.«t directed his thonghis to the sea from a casual remark made by n groom. See his Life. (") '"Tiat sinall cavern j'^ q-c. Pago 26. The pineal gland, a small cvyl about the size of a pea, situated nearly in the centre of the brain, and generally found to contain, even in children, some particles of gi-avel. Galen, and after hiin Des Cartes, imagined it the seat of the soul- ('; '■'■The Greek lialh nirv.amed, ORriEE." Page 31. KocTjucj. The Latins also, who rarely can show a beautiful idea which they have not borrowed from Greece, have made a similar application of t!ie term " mundns " to tb.e fabric of the world. ('") "7'o fnlsour dny the Ri-clialnl.e icanteth not a vmn" cfe. Pnjre -37. I have hoard it related of Woi.fe, the missionary, that when in Arabia, he fell in with a small wandering tribe, vvho refused to drink wine, not on .Mohnni- medan principles, bat because it had in oiden time been '•' forbidden by Jonadnbj the son of Rechab, their father." Compare Jeremiah xx.w. It), " Jonadab, the son of Rechab, shall not want a man to stand before ma for ever." It will be found in Mr. Wolfe's Journal. NOTES. 123 C')''OfResL" Page 37. A verj' obvious objection to the views of Rest here given has probably oc- curred to more than one rehgious reader of the English Bible ; " there remaineth a rest for the people of God ;" doubtless intending the heavenly inheritance. If tlie Greek. Testament is referred to (Meb. iv. 9), the word trans- lated " rest " will be found to be a.ilS^uncjioi ; a sabbatism. or perpetual Sabbath a rest indeed from evil, but very far from being a rest from good : an eternal act of ecstatic intellectual worship, or temporary acts in inSnite series. It is true that another word, Kari-avan, implying complete cessation, occurs hi the context ; but this is used of the earthly image, Joshua's rest in Canaan ; the material rest of earth becomas in the skies a spiritual Sabbath ; although I am ready to admit that the apostle gnes on to argue from the word of the type. In passing, let us obseiTC, by way of shov.-ing the uncertainty of tru.siing to any isolated expression of the present scriptural version, that there are no less than six several words of various meaning which in our New Testament are all indifierently rendered rest: as in Matt. xii. 53, dvaTruvji; ; in John xi. 13, Kc!yri7ti ; in Heb. iii. 1] , xaTajrav^is ; in Acts xi. 31, doii-.-ni. in 2 Thcss. i. 7, uir.cii ; and m Heb. iv. 9, aalliJaritrjia;. The Kaifiriai; is, I apprehend, what is generally meant by rest : so v.'ishes Byron's Giaour to " sleep without the dream of what he was ;" so he who in life " loathed the languor of repcpe," avows that he "would not, if he might, be blest, and sought no Paradise bat Rest." Such, at least, is not the Christian's Sabbath, which indeed fully agrees, J»s might be expected, with metaphysical inquiries : a good spirit cannot rest from activity in good, nor an evil one from activity in evil. Rest, in its common slothful acceptation, is not possible, or is, at any rate very improbable, in the case of spiritual creatures. ("^) "Calm nifrhi ihai hrecdelli thong];! sJ' Pago 37. Ki^p6i/>]. Another delicate example of the Greek elegance in mind and language. (13) ^'Proig.,^^" t^,c. PagG 43. Compare Virgil, Geor. IV. 406, 412. " Turn varite eludent species atque ora ferarurn. Fiet enim subito sus horridus, alraque tigris, Squaniosusquf: draco, ct fulvi cervice leena ; Aut acreni fiamnife sonitum dabit, atque ita vinclis E.'ccidet ; aut in aquas tonucs dilapstis abibit. Sed, quanto ille niagis formns se vertet in omr.cs, Tanto, nate, magis contende tcnacia vincla." 124 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. ('*) " We wait, like the sage of Salamis, to see tchat the end ivill be." Page 45. Ill allusion to the well-known anecdote of Solon at the court of CrcDSUS. (") ''Crowded with a rainhuw of emerald, the green memorial of earth.'' "Page 58. See Rev. iv. 3, " Tliere was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald :" it may be a fanciful but it is a pleasing idea, that this emerald rainbow was, as ix were, a reflection of the earth, which " God so loved,', and whose universal robe is green. ('«) "Like the Parthian:' Page 64. Compare Horace, Od. I. 19, 12, " Versis animosura equis Parthum," and Virg. Geo. III. 21, " Parthas fidensfug^, versisque sagittis,', with Psalm Ixxviii. 9, " The children of Ephraim carrying bows, who turned themselves back in the day of battle." ('^) '■'■The giant king of palms." Page 65. The magnificent Talipat palm, the column of which frequently exceeds one hundred feet in height, whose leaves are each thirty feet in breadth, and whose single crop of fruits feasts a whole country. (") "It i'.s- onlii the band of the redeemed icho can tell thee the fullness of that name:'' Page 68. Strictly speaking, only a fallen being is capable of religion, a bringing or binding hack of the aflections to their proper object. An angel or other pure intelligence, c^n have no sympathies with the fallen, as such, and therefore can know nothing ot' re-ligion, as such ; his worship is allegiance or liegeance. ('») "0/w Trinitij:' Page 68. The candid reader who dissents from the doctrine of the Trinity, will have the goodness to remember, that the question itself stands on far other and higher grounds than those of mere analogy: this observation is made in case the slight argument here urged should seem weak and unsatisfactory to a reflective mind : it is nothing more than an addition pro lacro. It does not at all aflect the argument that the three elements of all things should be now unknown, or unsuspected. The idea throwni out may one day be found to be correct ; and in fact it will be very difficult to prove the contrary, inasmuch as to an assertion of its falsity, " ready ansNver cometh," — wait until we know more. NOTES. 195 ('") "J^he noonday light is a compound, the triune shadow of Jehovah." Page 70. The rainbow, which is light analyzed, Is but three colours, blue, yellow, and red, with their intermediate shades. I think no one of these can be mixed or made of others, and in their union they produce colourless light. (^') "Upo7i whose lips (he mystic bee,^' cj^c. Page 78. The classical reader will not need to be reminded of the omen that hap- jiened to the infant Pindar. ('•'^) "Z/"/ another Omar hum the full library of knowledge.'" Page 79. The Alexandrian library, compiled by Ptolemy Euergetcs, contained 700,000 manuscripts, all of which were burnt by the fanatical calif Omar. ('^) "T/ji? strange skin garments cast upon the shore suggest another hemisphere." Page 86. An anecdote I have somewhere heard of Columbus, who, having sailed as far as Florea, one of the Western Islands, was induced to proceed further from hearing that savage robes and weapons had been cast up by the sea, after the prevalence of westerly gales. It will probably be met with in Washington Irving's Life of Columbus. ('^^) "The lichen . . . dying, diggeih its own grave." Page 86. One of the great uses of these pioneers of vegetation is to corrode and fret the smooth surface of the rocks, by an acid which they generate during decom- position. (") ''Ridicule—the test of truth. Page 89. One of the weakest points in the Shaftesbury philosophy, which woidd weigh principles against puns. ^28'j ii\i,j being hut men, as men, ye own to all the sympalhies of manhood." Page 100. The noble and masculine sentiment of Terence, which of old electrified the whole theatre " Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienem puto." (^^) "Ganesa." Page 113. The clephant-lieaded god of prudence who is invoked on every occasion by the Hindoos. Kali, called also Durga, is a destroyijig power. Kamala signi- fies " lotus-like," a type of beauty, and one of the names of Lakshmi. Vishnu is the great Preeer\'er in the Brahmin triad : his incarnations are called avatars. 126 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. ('^) "GoJ will not love tliee less, bzcausz men love ihee more." Pftge 116. It may be scarcely necessary to remark, that the gist of the argument in Matt. V. 11, "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you," lies in the " falsely, for my sake." This verse has all the characteristica of an epigram, — paradox, brevity, and final satisfaction. PEO\'EEBIAL nilLOSOPHY. SECOND SERIES. PROYEMIAL PHILOSOPHY. INTRODUCTORY. Come again, end greet me as a friend, fellow-pilgrim upon life's highway: 'Leave awhile tlic hot and dusty road, to loiter in llic greenwood of Re- flection. Come, unto my cool dim grotto, th.at is watered by the rivulet of truth, And over whos3 time-stained rock climb the fairy flowers of content ; Here, upon thi.5 moss^y bank of leisure fling thy load of cares, Taste my simple store, and rest one soothing hour. Behold, I Vv'ould count thee for a brother, and commune with thy charitable son! : Though wrapt within the m.antle of a propliet, I stand mine ovai weak scholar. Heed no disciple for a teacher, if knowledge be not found upon his tongue; For vanity and folly were, the lessons these lips untaught could give : The precious staple of my merchandise cometh from a better country, Tlie harvest of my reaping sprang of foreign seed : And this poor pensioner of Mercy — sliould he boast of merit ? The grafted stock, — .should that be proud of apples not its own ? Into the bubbling brf)ok I dip my hermit shell ; Man receiveth as a cup, but Wisdom is t!ie river. Moreover, for this fillagTee of fancy, this Oriental garnish of similitude, Alas, tlie world is old, — and all thmgs old witliin il : I walk a trodden path, I love tlie good old ways : Prophets, and priests, and kings have tuned the harp I faintly touch. 6* 130 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. Truth in a garment of the p;ist, is my choice and simple theme ; No truth is new to-day ; and the numtle was another's. Still, there is an insect swarm, the ])uzzing cloiul of iningery. Mote-like steaming on my sight, and thronging my rehicUuit mind ; The memories of studious culling, and multiplied mialogies of nature, Fresh feelings unrepressedj welling from the heart spontiineous. Facts, and comparisons, and meditative atoms, gathered on the heap of conihinaticiu, IVIingle in the fashion of uiy speech with gossamer dreams of Reverie. I need not beat the nuderv>'ood for game ; my pheasants flock up-n. Yield to the phantasy, — thou sinnest ; resist it. He will aid thee. Out of him there is no help, nor any sober couraoe. Feeble is the comfort of the faithless, a man without a God ; Who dare counsel such an one to fiing away his fears ? Fear is the heritage of him, a portion wise and merciful, To drive the trembler into safety, if haply he ni^.y turn and fivo : Nevertheless, let him reckon if he will, that all he counteth casual May as well he for him as against him : dice have many sides : And, even as in ailments of the body, diseases folio-.v closely upon dreads. So, with infirmities of mind, is fear the pallid harbiaser of failure. It were wise to talk undaunted even in an accidental chaos, OF CHEERFULNESS. 13j For the brave man is at peace and free to get the mastery of circumstance Tlie stoutest armour of defence is that which is worn within the bosom, And th3 weapon that no enemy can parry, is a bold and cheerful spirit : Catapults in old war worked like Titans, crushing foes with rocks ; So dotli a strong-springod haart throw back every load on its assailants. I went heavily for cures, and fell hito the trance of sorrow : And behold, a vision in my trance, and my ministering angel brought it : There stood a mountain Imge and steep, the awful Rock of Ages ; The sun upon its summit, and storms midway, and deep ravines at foot; And, a> I looked, a dense black cloud, suddenly dropphig from the thunder, Filled, like a cataract, v.'itli yeasty foam, a narrow smiling valley : Close and hard that vaporous mass seemed to press the ground. And lamentable sounds came up, as of some that were smothering beneatli- Then, as I walked upon the mountain, clear in summer's noon. For charity I called aloud, Ho I climb up hither to the sunshine. And even like a stream of ligiit my voice had pierced the mist : I saw below two families of men, and knev.^ their names of old : Courage, struggling through the darkness, stout of heart and gladsom.e, Run up the shining hidder wliich the voice of hope ];ad made ; And tririping lightly by his side, a su-eet-eyed helpmate with him, I looked upon her face to welcome pleasant Cheerfulness ; And a babe was cradled in her bosom, a laughing little prattler. The child of Cheerfulness and Courage, — could liis name be other than Success ? So, from his happy v.ii'e, when they both stood beside mo on tlie mountain, Tiie fond father took that babe, and set him on his shoulder in the sunshine. .\gc'ln I peered into the valley, for I heard a gasping moan, A desolate weak crj', as mutiled in the vapours. S'o dowTi that crystal shaft into the poisonous mine I sped for charity to seek and 5.ave, — and those I sought fled from me. .At length, I spied far distant, a trembling withered dwarf, Who crouch .-d beneath the cloak of a tall and spectral mourner ; Tiien I knew Cowardice and Gloom, and followed them on in darkness^ (juided by their rustling robes and moans and mntlled cries, Until in a sutibcating pit the wretched pair had perished, — And lo, their whitening bones were sliaping out an epitaph of Failure., 134 PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY. So I saw that despondency was de;it!i, and flung my burdens from me, And, lightened by that effort, I was raised above the world ; Yea, in the strangeness of my vision, I seemed to soar on wings, And tlie names they called my wings were Cheerfulness and Wisdom. OF YESTERDAY. Sfeak, poor almsman of to-day, whom none can assure of a to-morrow, Tell out, with honest heart, the price thou settest upon yesterday. Is it then a writing in the dust, traced by the finger of idleness, Which Industry, clean housewife, can w"ipe away for ever ? Is it as a furrow on the sand, fashioned by the toying waves, Quickly to bo trampled then again by the feet of the returning tide ? Is it as the pale blue smoke, rising from a peasant's hovel. That melteth into limpid air, before it topped the larches ? Is it but a vision, nnstable and unreal, which wise men scon forget ? Is it as the stranger of the night, — gone, we heed not whitlier ? Alas ! thou foolish heart, whose thouglits are but as these, Alas ! deluded soul, tliat hopeth thus of Yesterday. For, behold, — those temples of Ellora, the Brahmin's rock-built shrine, Behold, — yon granite cliff", which the North Sea buflTeteth in vain, — That stout old forest fir, — these waking verities of life, — This guest abiding ever, not strange, nor a servant, but a son, — Such, O man, are vanity and dreams, transient as a rainbow on the cloud, Weighed against that solid fact, thine i!l-remembered Yesterday. Come, let me show thee an ensample, where ?