ENGINEERING LIBRARY x^ *'^- ;^^ APPLIED AERONAUTICS — THE AIRPLANE — i. PUBLISHED BY AIRPLANE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT McCOOK FIELD, DAYTON, OHIO U. S, A, . iiijii | i»iii 1 1 m i l ji i j i I I. imi.» I.. -j^!iB|!|l!'?^!.J-' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF BALDWIN M.WOODS i APPLIED AERONAUTICS — THE AIRPLANE — APPLIED AERONAUTICS — THE AIRPLANE — First Edition 1918 Published by Airplane Engineering Department McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio U. S. A. ll.n^in> ermg Cv libraiy PREFACE TODAY the subject of aeronautics appeals to nearly everyone, due largely to the wonderful progress which has been made in the de- velopment and utility of the airplane since the beginning of the war. Although the airplane is among the most important features of modern warfare, yet there are comparatively few comprehensive texts which the beginner in aviation can readily understand. In many cases the student aviator and the aero mechanic have had but a limited tech- nical training nor have many of them been specially trained in nuithe- matics, particularly in the higher branches. Therefore, many of the present-day text-books on aeronautics, which the aeronautical engineer would consider quite elementary, are very difficult for the beginner. Realizing the difficulty under which the beginner labors, the Airplane Engineering Department felt that an elementary course in applied aero- nautics and practical aviation was needed, and has brought forth this volume with the hope of filling this need, primarily for the instruction of the men at McCook Field. This book, however, is not intended as a text on the design of airplanes, but was written solely with the thought of imparting a clear idea of the principles of flight, together with such other practical information as can be applied readily by the man in the shop or in the air. The text is base^r/?7 Fig. 2 — Prof. Langlei/'.'^ ajtimratus for inrcs!ti(i'. 10 sho^^•s; the plane AB of heavy cardboard to which is fastened a light strip of paper at the ptunt A and left free at the point C. When the plane is placed in a wind blowing in the direction of the arrows the paper is seen to be drawn up to the position AC a>\ay from the i)lane AB. Fi(j. 10 — Hhon-i)i36 /S .Oi >3'^ Oi >32 /^ .OL 3 ^ "^ N .06 za / '\ s. ^ y^* /> OC 2e > / s V y / 4 .Ot >24 f ;> <, /e .OL )22 I / r \ ,i^ .06 -^y r^ / r \ ».< ^ fO Ot // <0 s / \ ^, .06 i /^ 1 i 7 r V N 6 •)/4' V / \ .0 1 /2 5 / \ \ e lot V /: s s^ .Oi >M < -J / ^^ 'P ec /. "fc 7/ 'O ^ >^ N yoi ^^ / % 7r> e= 6 .Oi ')OA ■ 2 .06 Q 02 O 0° r a° 3°-^" .5"" e^ 7°a° &" /(r/r/2''/3r/^r/sve''/T/8''/9''2o'' A NGLE or /rs/C/OBNCE OF W/As/G CHORD Fig. 19 — Curves slioir'nif/ values of Ul and Lift/Drift ratio for a fypieal icing section THEORY OF FLIGHT 27 Tf now wi' cliaiiue the angle of attack to 3i dei''., keeping the surface and vt'kK'ity the same, we find from the chart that k^ = 0.0014 and r = 13.5, hence, L = kLSV= = 0.0014 X 60 X (70)= = 412 lbs. L 412 D = = = 30 lbs. r 13.5 Horizontal Flight For horizontal flight the lift produced by the machine's velocity must at all times exactly equal its weight. For if the lift were less than the weight of the plane would fall, while if the lift were greater than the weight the machine would begin to climb. We therefore can replace the lift by the weight W. Then we would have for horizontal flight : Weight (W) = kLSV- and the drift (D) = W/r. For example, a given airplane weighs I with load) 1800 lbs. Its aero- foils are of the type illustrated and the lifting surface is 120 sq. ft. What will be its velocity for horizontal flight at an angle of attack of 12deg.? From the chart, Fig. 10, we find that for this type of plane and angle of attack, kL = 0.0029, whence, L = W = kLSV^ or 1800 = 0.0029 X 120 X V- 1800 transposing, V^ =-- = 5172 .0029 X 120 hence, V = >/5172 = 72 m.p.h. If now we reduce the angle of attack to 5 deg., the chart. Fig. 19, shows that kL becomes 0.00175, whence, 1800 = 0.00175 X 120 X V= 1800 transposing, V- = = 8572 0.00175 X 120 hence, V = yy8572 or 92+ m.p.h. The above example illustrates this important priuci])le that, since a machine in horizontal flight, except for a slight loss due to consump- tion of gasoline, maintains a constant weight and a constant surface and since k^ for a given plane de])ends solely upon tlic angle of attack, the V'elocity for horizontal flight is completely determiued Avheu we know the angle of attack. Xow since the pilot can control the auglf of attack by means of his elevators he can control the velocity for horiz(Uital fliglit. 28 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Fig. 20 shows four different positions of the plane corresponding- to four different angles of attack. In each case the machine is flving horizontally, though at first sight one might think that in position 4 the machine was climbing. Fig. 20 FOUR POSITIONS FOR FLIGHT (1) Minimum angle. — This is the smallest angle at which horizontal flight can be maintained for a given power, area of surface, and total weight. The minimum angle gives the maximum horizontal flight velocity at low altitude. Note that the propeller axis is inclined slightly downwards when flying at this angle. (2) Optimum atngle. — This is the angle at which the lift-drift ratio is highest. In modern airplanes the propeller axis is generally horizontal at the optimum angle, as shown at (2) in the above figure. Note that in the position shown the velocity of the airplane will be less than when flying at the minimum angle. The effective area of wings and angle of incidence for the optimum angle are such as to secure a slight climb- ing tendency at low altitude (3) Best climbing angle. — This angle is a compromise between the optimum and maximum angles. Modern airplanes are designed with a compromise between climb and horizontal velocity. At this angle the difference between the power developed and the power required is a maximum, hence the best climb is obtained at this angle. See Fig. 22. (4) Maximum angle. — This is the greatest angle at which horizontal flight can be maintained for a given power, area of surface and total weight. If the angle is in- creased over this maximum, the lift diminishes and the machine falls. It would seem at first that we have entirely neglected the engine, especially as there is a general impression that the yelocity of a machine depends upon the power of the engine, while as a matter of fact the form of wing sections together with the plane's dimensions are equally, If not more, important. In tlie preceding discussion we have simply assumed THEORY OF FLIGHT 29 that tlie eii.uiiic liad tlic necessary powci- t(» iiiaiiitaiii the ]»hiiie at sucli a vehx-ity as was (h'teniiined l)y that aiiule of attack at wiiicli the i»ih>t drives the maeliiue. Engine Power The power of any enjiiue is measured by the velocity at which it can move a body against a ^ven resistance, and its nnit. the horsepower, may be define y '~~" -/ r, /o \ ^ y L 1 /^^ 8 6 4 a o / \ / \ / A >j s, / /^ \ / / 'V ^ / / ^^ — . — y / ! / 1 1 1 1 r ii ■>o 4 o f> >o t r /C r // •>o /4 10 /f> O /^ Ano/e of /nc/c/Gnce. FUl. 'll—Yulue of kj^ ?/ ''/' iy /'- 70 ^ '^ 'r. i^ \^ 9 '/ o \60 ^" i ^ r J i' r / ,^ ^ 1 A '^^ ?/ ""Z ^/ / } r 1^0 / y . .' 1- ,r;1 / r y t. *• ,^ 1 t ^o: '> ^^ o ^^0 \ ,f^ r^( )/ \^ ;K; ^ > ^ ^z* / \ v o C/C, '/ ( •^ ■A <. N 30 A ?>> N -^ > ^ ^' \ £7^/ idl f/o ns /b> - /C '''^ ?* ^ Mc x./r na^ T) I y,r o£> - ao i n" . c 6r6 'aA s/ a'// 'ference •'Ci y/ r:? "a ^ be? we* in^ >OM 'er avc //- /o 'C ah/ s a nc^ po •s/e •re- 9^ rec 1 ^ 45 60 65 60 65 70 75 60 65 \3pee d /n m/7e>s per hour Fig. 22 — Shoiving poioer required at different angles, also power delivered in turn depends upon the angle of attack, we may state that for a given machine with its load, the horsepower is completel}^ determined when we know the angle of attack at which the machine flies. Fig. 21 corresponds for the entire machine to Fig. 19 for the aerofoil itself and gives the value of k^ for a given machine, as well as the lift- drift ratio. Fig. 22 gives in the heavy curve the power required to drive the machine at the angles of attack marked on the curve, which correspond to the speed in miles per hour given at the bottom. The other set of curves, four of them dashed and one a light line, give the power delivered to the machine by the engine through the propeller. The latter would be straight horizontal lines were it not for the fact that the efficiency of the propeller varies Avith the velocity of the airplane. The ordinates as shown on the left side of the diagrajn correspond to horsepower. Let us consider the case where the engine is making 1200 r.p.m. It will be seen that if the pilot changes his elevators so as to fly with an angle of attack of a little less than 1 deg., or of a velocity of about 82.5 m.p.h., he will be using every particle of power that his engine can de- THEORY OF FLIGHT 31 liver at that speed. Any slight decrease in the angle of attack will ( jiiisc him to go down probably in a nose dive. As he increases the angle of attack we come to a point where the distance between the two curves, power delivered and power required, is the gi'eatest. Here we will have (2*120"^ 21'" SZ'T^ 23"^ 24f" 25"^ 26^ 27"^ 26^ 29'" 30"^ F\(j. I'o — ^ower expended in the climb alone equal to WV/R, and the total horsepower becomes : THEORY OF FLIGHT 33 m) ^300 i ZOO "^/oo ^ f on ://) Vo, ?c // ?M ' "G^ 5AS ta -7<; • ^ >^ ^, / > ■L. ^ ^ < /o o r,^ y z' a \ ,< o; y LA N^ /■* > f e; !>- /I > ^ ^ o 4 P ^ ^ -t , :^ s\ f-? ^ ^' / -^c /V3 9 5.0 ^ ^0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 QO 65 ^peed in rr)/7csper/iour Fifi. 25 — SJi(nr'uif/ Jioir drift, ixtraxiic resistance and il(>t. This is illustrated in Fig. 25. Stability One of the most important considerations in an airplane is stabiliiv. which is generally considered under three headings, viz.. longitudinal, lateral and directional. 34 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Para//e/ to Chore/ 'of Lokver H^/r?^ 1 /Jspecf /^ah'o =3- =3 /J spec/- /Pa//o ='-§=j-^ ASPECT PATJO -3fag(jer STAGGER onc/DECALAGE GAP LA TERAL D/HEDRA L anc/ SPAN ^ r-A/ig/i? o/'/nc/c/ence D/hec/ro/ LONG/TUD/NAL D/HEDPAL Fif/. 2(J — niiistnit'tiH/ iiictiiiiii;/ of .some (icntiKniticul fcfmH THEORY OF FLIGHT 35 \ CenferofFre^^ure Center cfn-e^ure Ceo^rof/^re^3e/rc Cenferof FUj. -7 — llic center of pressure of u flat phiiie mores forintnl as the angle of incidence is decreased Center of Pre^ssure Center of/^re&surc Center of Pre-ssure Fi(j. 28 — T'/ze center of pressure of a ciirred surface mores foru-ard uitJi decreasiuf/ (uu/Jes of iucidence up to aJtout 12 deg. Below this ce reduced /Deqree to / Dearee — f5tabiliz/ng Surface "D/recf/on of Mot/on ~Anole of Incidence reduced /De^ee to ^ Degrees "^D/recfion ofMof/on Fi with the center of pressure at approx- imately the position indicated. If it is suddenly tipped into jtositiou A, it will be seen that the front part has a negative angle of incidence, which results in a do\\nward i)ressure on this portion. The center of pressure of the surface being the resultant of all forces acting, it is obvi- ously affected l)y this action at the front, and moves backwards. If the surface is tipped still further, the backward nunemeut of the center of pressure is increased and therefore there is still less tendency to push the front up, Avhen such a tendency would l»e utost desirable. On the other hand if the auule of iuci to push the front up and .i;ive the surface a still <>reater an^le of incidence. Therefore, it is necessary to have some way of compensating; foi- this instability of cambered surfaces, and this is done by the use of 'an auxil- iary stabilizing; surface somt^ distance back from the main surface and set at a lesser anj>le of incidence than the main surface. Such a stabilizer is a necessary feature of all modern airplanes. Fi"-. 29 shows two such surfaces in tandem, thus formiui- an elementary aiiplane. (\>nsider the airplane to be traveling; horizontally with the an^le of incidence of the ■T^erf/cc?/ Ax/s W/hc/ Verf/ca/ /y'n Fifj. 30A — Diafjnnii to show action of fcrticd] fin in preserrinr/ directional stafiilitij main surfaces (> deo-. and the lear one-third of this, or 2 de.u. Xow sup- posing a sudden gust pitches the plane into some such position as shown in the lower part of the diagra.m. The angle of incidence of both surfaces is now reduced say 1 deg., the main surface being at a 5 deg. angle and the rear surface at 1 deg. In other words, the main surface has lost only about IT percent of its angle of incidence, whereas the stabilizer has lost 50 percent, ronsecjuently the stabilizer has lost more of its lift than the main surface, and it therefore must fall relative to the position of the main surface, bringing the combination back into normal position again. On the other hand, if the front of the ])lane is suddenly forced up, the stabilizing surface receives a relatively greater increase in angle of 38 APPLIED AERONAUTICS iucidence than the main surface, lienee relatively greater increase in lift, causing- the hack, end of the plane to be brought up until the combination again is normal. Lateral stahUity. — This stability is necessary to prevent the machine from rolling about its horizontal axis. It is difficult to secure, but is often promoted by having a slight lateral dihedral angle between the upper wing surfaces, as shown in Fig. 30. Should the airplane suddenly be tipped to one side, in the position shown to the right of the diagram, the planes on the dov.n side become more nearly horizontal, whereas, those on the other side assume an angle still greater than they had when flying normally. Thus, the effective projected lifting surface on the side A is increased and that on side B is decreased, briugiug the i)lane back to its normal lateral position. Other features are introduced to aid lateral stfll)ility, such as "wash in" on the left side to give this side slightly more lifting ability to compensate for the torque of the propeller. Directional stahUltji. — Sucli stal)ility aids in keeping the plane on its course. In order to prevent ya^^■ing with every gust of wind, the vertical tail fins present on nearly all modern ])lanes are used. Kefer- ring to Fig. 30 A, suppose a sudden gust of wind to deflect the airplane from its normal course A so that the nose points off the course to the pilot's left, as indicated by the dotted lines in position B. This swings the tail around to the right so that the right side of the vertical fin pre- sents a flat surface to the wind pressure resulting from the tendency of the machine still to move forward in the direction A, due to its inertia, even though it is temporarily pointing in direction B. A moment with arm r is thus set up, which tends to swing the plane back on its vertical axis until the fin is again parallel to the direction of the relative wind. The action is similar to that of a wind vane, the vertical fin of which always keei>s it pointing in the direction of the wind. Chapter 2 TYPES OF MACHINES General divisions — Dirigibles and balloons — Heavier-than-air craft — Training machines, primary and secondary — Pursuit planes — Reconnoissance machines — Bombing and raiding machines, day and night. ALL aircraft arc divided into two iicneral classes: heavier tlian air and lighter than air. In tlie li.uliter-than-air class ( which <-onsists of aircraft snpported in the air Ity the Itno.vancy of a ii'as, li.uhter than the ail- it displaces, contained in a jias l)aii <»f some convenient fornii. a further snh-divisiou may he made into diriiiihles, or craft e(|uipped with a power plant, propeller and vertical and horizontal rn-, and which therefore drift with the wind unless held captive hy means of a cahle anchorinii' them firmly to a point on the liround. Diriiiihles are further divided into three types, the rijiid, the semi- rigid and the non-riiiid, all three of which are being- used to a consider- al)Ie extent in the present war. The Z(^])i>elin. which has ])roven such a costly failure for Germany, is the outstanding example of the rigid con- struction. The Blimp as used so successfully by the British in coast- guard observation and anti-submai-ine work, and as being made in this country, is a good example of the non-rigid type. There are several ex- anijiles of the semi-rigid construction, such as the German Parseval and others. In the balloon, or non-dirigible class, the captive observation balloon and particularly the kite type balloon are being employed to a consider- able extent, even though they may fall an easy prey to enemy airi)lanes unless strongly protected, ^^'ith improved methods of i)rotection, by means of anti-aircraft barrage, the employment of winches which rapidly pull the captive balloon to cover, and a thorough protective patrol by scouting airplanes, the balloon as a means of reconnoissance and for long distance artillery observation has come into increased favor. Important improvements are also being attempted by using non-inflammable gas in the balloon, or by fitting a protective housing consisting of an outer baa' containinu' an inert "as such as nitronen. 40 APPLIED AERONAUTICS In any case the observer in a captive balloon is always equipped with a parachute ready for immediate use in case the balloon should be destroyed by the enemy by any means before it could be pulled down. Aircraft Heavier Than Air There are four types of heavier-tlian-air machines: airplanes, kites, helicopters and ornithopters. Only one of these, the airplane, for prac- tical reasons is worth considering at this time. This type, bein<>- of gi'eat- est importance will be studied botli from the standpoint of its uses and its constructional features. Airplanes for military use are divided into five i>eueral types: train- ini>-, pursuit, combat, reconnoissance and bond)ino or raiding-. Traiuuu) machines are either primary or secondary. The former is used in elementary training and is generally of the dual control type, so as to allow the instructor to control the machine until the pupil be- comes accustomed to the "feel" of it, under the guidance of an experi- enced pilot, then take over the control gradually, and to allow the in- structor to correct mistakes of the pupil before they can have serious consequences. Machines called "rollers"' or "penguins," having curtailed wings to prevent them actually rising off the ground, are also used in primary instruction. Secondary school machines are generally similar to those used for actual fighting work ; this being particularly true of scout or pursuit nmchines for "stunt'' flying. Training machines should be easily handled, should possess marked inherent stability and should have a fairl}^ slow get-away speed. A familiar machine used in this country has the following characteristics : Tractor biplane Two seater Horsepower — 80 to 120. Radius of flight— 200 mi. Rate of climb — 300 ft. per min. Minimum flying speed — 45 m.p.h. Maximum speed — 75 m.p.h. In France and England, quite a number of Farman and B. E. pusher machines are used for training, and for advanced work the Nieu- port Scout, the Bleriot monoplane and similar machines are used, espe- cially in French schools. Pmsiiit planes. — This class comprises the fastest and most easily handled machines that it is possible to produce. Their offense depends on speed and their defense on ability to maneuver. Due to the great strains imposed in "stunt" flying, the monoplane has lost favor on ac- count of structural weakness. The ^lorane monoplane which is still in use is, however, an exception. The Nieuport one-and-one-half plane, — probably the most successful pursuit machine — the Spad, the English Bristol and the Sopwith scouts are all popular with Allied aviators. The TYPES OF MACHINES 41 prime requisites for scouts are speed, ability to climb ami power to ma- neuver. Scouts may be either sinjile or two-seaters. They always carry one <»un either fixed and firin*; tlirouj^h the propeller or on tlie upper plane. Other gun mountings may be used, however, especially when an extra passenger is carried. The princiijal characteristics of scouting machines are : Tractor biplane Horsepower — above 150 One or two-seater Kadius of fligiit— 300 mi. Kate of cliud> — over 800 ft. per min. Minimum flying speed — 50 m.p.h. Maximum speed — 150 m.p.h. Ceiling— 20,000 ft. Combat itKicliiiirs. — Airplanes of the combat type are used exten- sively for strictly fighting i)urposes, and are essentially the same as the reconnaissance type machines except that they are stripped of wireless equipment, photographic apparatus and other accessories not essential for fighting purposes. The combat machine is a two-seater and carries four guns, two in the observer's cockpit, and movable on a circular track surrounding the cockpit, and the other two fixetl and synchronizi^l to fire between the propeller blades and operated by the pilot. These ma- chines usually have a ceiling of between 20,000 and 23,000 ft. and carry oxygen tanks for the passengers. They are of the tractor biplane type, and considering their weight and fighting ability, have .remarkable maneuverability. The principal features of combat planes are : Tractor biplane Horsepower — 250 or more Two passengers IJadius of flight — 300 miles or more Kate of flying— 10,000 ft. in 10 min. 31inimum speed — 50 m.p.h. ^Maximum speed — 150 m.p.h. or over Ceiling— 20,000 to 23,000 ft. The recoil nois.w nee machine. — This type, usually carrying an ob- server, wireless, photographic apparatus and sometimes a number of light bondis is usually armed with one or two machine guns. The pur- pose of this type is to do various forms of scout and observation work both above and behind the lines, and also contact patrol work. These machines fly at altitudes of from 2,000 to 0,000 feet and usually rely on the pursuit machines for ju'otection. This class of machines is one which comprises a large assortment of constructions. They are gener- ally biplanes, pusher or tractor, and quite often with single, double or triple motors. The armament consists generally of two machine guns. 42 APPLIED AERONAUTICS one mounted fixed and firing ahead, tlie other niovahh^ and operated by the observer. The general (jualities of these phxues are as f oUows : Biplanes — tractor, pusher or combination Two passenger or more Horsepower — 200 or over IJadius of flight — 300 mi. or over Kate of clind) — 200 ft. per min. or over Mininmm flying s])eed — 50 m.i).li. ^Maximum speed — 110 or over BomhiiKi or r(ti<1iii(/. — These machines are large, slow, weight-carry- ing planes. In order to get the latter quality, a biplane, triplane or even a multiplane construction is necessary since there is a limit to the span of wings. Parasite resistance is high and horsepower must necessarily be large. This form of machine is rather new and has been developed dur- ing the i-ecent war, because of its wonderful possibilities, and it is only reasonable to suppose that very nuirked improvements will conu^ in the future. The larger Handley-Page (British) bombers, and tlie Italian Caproni triplanes are an indicarion of what developments are being made in raiding machines. If the Allies are successful in clearing the air of German j)lanes, any destruction or offensive operations must be accom- plished by the bomber. The extent of damage which might be inflicted in this way is limited only by the nuudter of machines and the amount of bombs dropped. These planes rely on the accompanying pursuit planes for protection. Paiding or bombing exj)editious are always carried out in fornuition and the number taking part is unlimited. The character- istics likewise are without limit. The principal features of the large boud)ing planes are as follows: Biplane, Triplane Horsepower — no upper limit. (As many as five engines are being used. ) Xund)er of passengers — from two up Kange of action — over 300 mi. Weight carried — above 1000 lbs. Bate of climl) — 250 ft. per min. and over ^lininnnn flying speed — 45 m.p.h. Maximum speed-— up to 85 m.p.h. Ceiling— 10,000 ft. A further classification of day and night bombers is made. Night work is dependent on suitable lighting signaling arrangements, proper landing signals and the ability to reckon position in the dark. The Ger- mans have given considerable attention to this branch and it is also bfeing practiced by the Allies. Chapter 3 SHIPPING, UNLOADING AND ASSEMBLING Shipping instructions — Marking boxes — Methods of shipping^ — Railroad cars used — Un- loading — Method of loading on truck — Tools required — Unloading from truck — Unloading uncrated machines — Opening boxes — Assembling — Fuselage and landing gear — Center panel and wings. ^HJPPIXG iii-sf ructions. — Boxes in \vliii(' contents (or lenj>th, widtli and heiiiiht). Box and shipment nnmlier. Hoistiiiii' center. "This side np." }f('tliO(]s of sJtipiiiii!/ iiHtcliiiK's. — Machines are shipped cither hy loadinu in a railroad car withont cratini*, or by crating in two boxes. In the latter case the win^s, center section panel, tail snrfaces, landinii geiu' and propeller are removed from the fnselaije, and the fnselai»e, land- iiii» j.iear, propeller and radiator are packed securely in the fnselaiie box. The other parts are packed in the panel box. All aerofoil sections are stood on their enterin<»- edi^es and secnrely padded to protect their cover- ing's. Stmts are stood on end. If the machine is not to be crated only the followiiiii i)arts are re- moved — winii's, center section panel, tail surfaces and jn'opcllcr. The fnselai>e is loaded into the railroad car and allowed to rest on the landiuj; ijear. The latter should be blocked np, however, to take the l<»ad off the tires of the iandinu _i;var wheels and off the shock absorl)ers. The fiisel- aiie iiinst of course be secnrely fastened in the car to ])revent movement in any direction. The win«is and other separate ])arts are crated aiiainsr the sides (►f the car. The win- mobile cars are used for transportation of airi»lanes. Sometimes with crated machines sondola cars are used, and with uncrated machines. 44 APPLIED AERONAUTICS ordinary box ears having no end doors. In the hitter ease, however, it is necessary that the side doors of the railroad car be as wide as possible, to allow working the fuselage in and out without damage. For transporting machines (either crated or uncrated) from the railroad, a flat top truck is used. If the truck is short it will be necessary to use a trailer to support the overhang of the boxes. Unloading Metliod of Joadiny on truck. — Before unloading a machine, every- thing in the railroad car should be inspected for loss or damage. If everything is O. K. proceed with the unloading, but if any loss or damage is discovered report fully at once to the receiving officer and await his instructions before doing anything further. The tools required for removal <»f airplane boxes from the railroad car are : 1 axe or hatchet, 2 crow bars, 6 or 8 rollers and 100 ft. of 1 in. rope. The cleats holding the boxes to the car floor are first removed with the axe and crow bars, and the panel box removed from the car. If the fuselage box is not marked to show which is the front end it should be lifted slightly, if possible, first at one end and then at the other, to de- termine which is the engine end. This end, being the heavier, should come out first if possible. The truck is backed up to the door of the car, rollers are placed under the fuselage box and it is then rolled out onto the truck. The rope is now used to fasten the box to the truck. After this is done the truck is moved forward slowly and the box is thus pulled out of the car. If a trailer is to be used it should be placed under the box before the latter is taken all the way out of the car. When taking the fuselage out tail end first, the same methods are used, except that the light end is blocked up ^^ilen removed from the car and a truck is put under the heavy end. When moving along roads care should be taken to go slowly over rough places, tracks and bad crossings. It is also a good policy to have a man on each side of the box to watch the lashings and see that nothing comes loose. Panel Box The wing box (or panel box) is removed from the car in the same manner as the fuselage box. Unloading ho.res from triicl\ — For this work 2 planks about 2 in. x 12 in. X 12 ft. long should be used. These should be fastened to the end of the truck with one end resting on the ground, so that they will act as skids. The tail end of the fuselage box is depressed until it rests on the ground, then by moving the truck forward carefully the box will slide down the planks onto the ground. Unloadinf/ uncrated machines. — In this case all of the smaller parts should be removed first. Then the cleats and ropes are removed which SHIPPING, UNLOADING AND ASSEMBLING 45 hold the inachiiie in the oar. Two lon^ plauks are placed from the door of the car dowu to the j^roimd and are used to roll the machine ont of the car. Open ill (J })().i-es. — A screw driver and bit brace should be used to re- move the screws in the top, sides and ends of the box. The top is re- moved first, then one side. All smaller parts of the machine should be taken out, after which the remaining- side of the box is removed, and lastly the ends. Asseiiihliitfj a machine. — The landing gear should be put on first. To do this the fuselage must be raised by one of two methods. The first is by chain falls or l)lock and tackle. The rope sling should be passed under the engine sill just to the rear of the nose plate. The tail of the machine is allowed to rest on the tail skid while the nose is raised. The second method is by shims and blocking. This latter method is the most common because chain falls are not always available. Enough blocks should be secured to raise the fuselage high enough to slip the landing gear underneath. The tail is first raised l)y 2 men and blocks are i^laced under Station 5 or the rear wing section strut. The blocking must be directly below the strut and must have padding upon it. Then the tail is depressed and another block is put under the forward wing strut. This operation is then repeated until the fuselage is high enough for the land- ing gear when the nmchiue is blocked under nose and tail and the other l)locks are removed. Three or four men are all that should l)e required for this second method. Assembling Wings After the landing geiir is assembled the center section panel should be attached and approximately lined up. Then the wings are assembled. There are two methods for doing this; one is to put on the top i)lanes, place supports under the outer edges, then put in struts and lower planes and connect up the wires. The other method is to assemble the wings completely while on the ground. Wings are stood on their entering edge, struts are put in and wires tightened up to hold the wing sections together. Then the wings are attached to fuselage by turning them over and attaching the top wing first, then the lower wing. One side of the machine must be supported until the opposite set of wings is attacheove the other at the rear end of the fuselage, and are joined to the tail post or vertical hinge post on which the rudder is mounted. Lightened Construction In order to lighten the construction of the fuselage as much as pos- sible, the rear portions of the longerons are often cut out to an I section and spruce is often substituted for ash for the rear half, suitable splices .strengthened with fish plates being used wherever joints are nmde in the longerons. It is possible to lighten the rear portion of the fuselage in this way for the reason that this part of the body does not support as much weight or undergo as severe stresses as the forward portion. In a machine of neutral tail lift (one in which the rear horizontal stabilizers are set at such an angle that they barely sustain the weight of the rear portion of the machine when flying horizontally in the air I the stresses in the longerons are exactly the opposite when the machine is in the air to those obtaining on the ground. When the machine is at rest on the ground it is supported near the front and i-ear ends of the fuselage by the landing gear and the tail skid. Tliis metliod of su])port produces tension in the lower longerons and compression in the u])per. 48 APPLIED AERONAUTICS When in the air the machine is supported by the wings which are attached to the fuselage at the center wing- section. The system of supports, trusses and stay wires between the upper and lower wings transfers most of the support from the wings to the center panel section of the upper wing. This results in tension in the upper longerons and compression in the lower. The fuselage struts are usually made of spruce, although ash is some- times used. The struts are joineruce. Very often they are further strength- ened by several Avrappings of linen twine. The struts with their fit- tings constitute important members and should be carefully examined at frequent intervals. Failure or collapse of these struts would be almost certain to cause a serious accident when landing. These struts are attached to the lower side of the fuselage, usually to the lower longerons themselves by means of metal socket fittings. The lower ends of the struts on each side of the landing gear are joined to- gether by a metal bridge. This bridge not only serves to tie the lower ends of the struts together, but it also forms a yoke or housing in which the axle box plays up and down. The bridge is made of a steel stamping or drop forging. The axle box may be in the form of a whole box or a half box. When it is in the form of a half box it is generally called a saddle. Its purpose is to support the axle and to guide its vertical motion in the bridge. The saddle may be either of bronze or aluminum. It is held in its place in the bridge by a Avrapping of elastic cord, which consists of a number of strands or bands of rubber bunched together and enclosed in a loosely- braided covering. The assembly of the saddle, bridge and elastic cords is called the shock absorber. The axle is made of steel tubing and is enclosed, between the bridges connecting the pairs of struts, in an axle casing. This is made of wood, or sheet metal, built around the axle itself and is of streamline shape or section to reduce air resistance. The wheels are the ordinary type of wire wheels of rather small diameter and usually fitted with pneumatic tires. They do not, how- ever, ordinarily run on ball bearings, as a slight amount of friction in the wheel bearings is of little or no conseciuence Avhen leaving the ground RIGGING 51 at the eoinineueeiuoiil of a flij;lit, aud it assists soiiicw hat in briii^iiii^- the machine to a stop without going too far after aligliting. The sides of the wheels are covered with linen cloth discs to decrease air resistance. Not all landing gears are like the one described, but this may be taken as standard practice. Some are provided with a skid or a single wheel projecting ahead of and above the main wheels for the purpose of preventing the machine from taking a header or nosing into the ground on landing, in case it strikes the ground at too sharp an angle. Other minor details of construction will be noted, too, on different types of nmchines, particularly in the construction of the shock absorbers. The tail skid is a skid or arm projecting below the fuselage near- its rear end. The purpose of the tail skid is twofold; first, to support the rear end of the airplane when on the ground or in landing and prevent damage to the rudder and elevators and their controls, and secondly, to act as a drag or brake to assist in bringing the machine to a stop when landing. The tail skid is frequently hinged or pivoted where it is at- tached to the lower longerons and its upper end, extending above the pivotal point, fitted with rubber cords similar to those used in the shock absorbers on the axle of the landing gear. This construction acts the same way as the shock absorber and prevents damage to the empaunage and rear portion of the fuselage when landing. Airplanes are often fitted with wing skids which consist of small auxiliary skids under the outer ends of each lower wing. These skids ordinarih' do not come into action and are only provided to prevent dam- age to the outer wings in alighting on rough ground or in case a sudden side gust of wind should tend to upset the machine when alighting or rising. Landing Gear of Seaplanes Seaplanes and flying boats are of course fitted with entirely dif- ferent types of landing gear from that described. Seaplanes are fitted with pontoons or floats suitable for arising from and alighting on the water. Usually tliere are one or two main pontoons under the forward section of the fuselage, these corresponding roughly to the main landing- gear of the airplane. There is also a smaller pontoon mounted under the rear end of the fuselage and one under the outer end of each wing to prevent the wings dipping or the whole machine upsetting in rough water. The flying boat is so constructed that the whole fuselage is in the shape of a boat and the whole macliine is therefore supported on tlie fuselage when resting on the water and when alighting and rising from the water. The flying boat is also usually fitted with small auxil- iary pontoons under the outer end of the wings to keep the machine steady in rough water. The main members running the full length of the wing are called the spars. They are usually spoken of as front and rear spars. Some- times the front spar is called the main spar. The cross members joining the spars together are called ribs. There are two kinds of these, compression ribs and the web ribs. The function S2 APPLIED AERONAUTICS RIGGING 53 vi the web ribs is merely to siippoit the linen covering of the wings and to resist the lifting force of the air, due to the forward motion of the air- plane. 'I'here is not much end pressure against these ribs, therefore, the central portion is cut out for the sake of lightening them. The function of the compression ribs is not only to resist the lifting force of the air, but also to take the thrust due to the stay wires. The ribs are not continuous, that is, they do not pass through the spars. The ribs are made in three sections, the nose section, center section and tail section. 'J'he nose section of a rib is the section which projects for\\ard of the front or main spai*. The center section is the section between the front and rear spars. The tail section of the rib is that which projects to the rear of the rear spar. The nose sections and tail sections are sometimes called nose ribs and tail ribs and are also frequently spoken of as nose webs and tail webs, because they are cut out to a Aveb form. These rib sections are not, of course, called upon to stand compression stresses, as these stresses are all centered in or taken through the front and rear spars. A thin strip of wood running from the nose web across the spars to the rear end of the tail webs (lengthwise of the airplane itself) and serving to bind all the wing parts or ribs together, is called the cap strip. There is a top cap strip and a bottom cap strip on each set of ribs. Entering and Trailing Edges The front edge of the wing section which is the part carrying the nose webs or nose ribs is called the entering edge of the wing. The rear edge of the wing is known as the trailing edge. The nose webs are tied together by a strip of spruce running full length of the wing or crosswise of the airplane itself. This strip forms the leading edge of the wing and is called the nose strip. From the nose strip to the front or main spar, on the upper side of the wing, there is a covering of thin laminated wood colled the nose covering. Its pur- pose is to reinforce the covering fabric as it is at this point that the effect of wind pressure due to velocity is most severe. t^econdary nose ribs are placed between each pair of full ribs to give additional support to the nose covering. There are usually two rod-like members running from end to end of the wing through the central part of the ribs. These are called stringers and are used for the purpose of giving lateral stiffness to the ribs. The trailing edge of the Aviiig is made of thin flattened steel tubing attached to the tail webs by metal clips. The spars are continuous throughout their length. Furthermore, they have reinforcements of wood at the points where the interplane struts connecting the upper and lower wings are attached. Steel bearing- plates are bolted to the Aving spars at these points. The bolts attaching these bearing plates to the wing spars do not pass through the spars themselves, but through the reinforcements. This is to avoid weakening the spars. 54 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Nearly all wood used in wing construction is spruce, with the ex- ception of the nose covering which is made of birch or gum wood, the web ribs, which are made of laminated wood, and small quantities of pine or other woods in the sidewalk and other unimportant places. The sidewalk is a boxed-in or wood-covered portion of the inner end of the lower wing. It furnishes a solid footing for the pilot or observer when entering or leaving the cockpit and for mechanics working around the engine, guns, instruments, control mechanism, etc. Steel hinge pieces are bolted to the inner ends of the wing spars and serve as a means of connecting the lower wings to the fuselage and the upper wings to the center wing panel. Interplane struts are vertical or inclined wooden struts of stream- line section used to transfer compression stresses from the lower wings to the upper wings when the machine is in flight. These struts are used in conjunction with diagonal stay wires which serve to transfer the load towards the center of the machine when in flight. The stay wires are divided into two general groups, those which take the drift load or fore-and-aft stresses due to the forward motion of the airplane, and those which take the lift load or vertical load due to the weight of the machine itself and the vertical resistance when in the air. The lift wires are again divided into those which take the load when the machine is flying and those which take it when on the ground. The wires which take the lift load when the nuichine is in the air are called the flying wires, and those which take the load when on the ground are called ground or landing wires. Drift and Anti-Drift Wires The set of wires in the wings which carry the drift load when flying- are called the flying drift wires, or drift wires for short. There is no reversal of load in these wires when the machine is on the ground, but opposition wires are necessary to maintain structural symmetry. These latter are called the anti-drift wires. When the wing frames are covered it is of course impossible to in- spect the internal stay wires of the wings, hence every precaution must be taken to guard against corrosion. The wire used at this point is tin coated before assembling, the steel parts of the turnbuckles and other fittings are copper plated and when completely assembled, all the metal parts are given a coat of enamel paint. All screws, tacks and brads are of brass or copper. Wings are covered with a closely woven fabric. At present un- bleached linen seems to give the best satisfaction. Owing to its scarcity, ho^^ever, a satisfactory substitute is being sought for. A cloth made of long fibre sea island cotton is used to some extent and makes a fairly satisfactory substitute. Linen fabric weighs 3^ to 4f oz. per sq. yd. and has a strength of GO to 100 lbs. per in. of width. Its strength is increased 25 to 30 RIGGING 55 perceut by d(>i»iii;^, liowevei'. The weight of cotton faln'ie iw 2 to 4 o/>. per sq. yd., its strength 30 to 60 lbs. per in. of width, and its strength is in- creased 20 to 25 jK'rceut by the ap]tlicatioii of dojM'. The cloth surfaces or wing coverings nnist be taut, otherwise on pass- ing through the air they would vibrate or whip. This would not only increase the resistance to a great extent, Itut soon would lead to the de- struction of the fabric. A preparation called dope is used to tighten up the fabric and give a smooth, taut surface. It also tends to make the cloth weather-proof. Dope should be easy of applicati(jn, durable, fire resisting and have a preserving effect on the cloth. Dopes at present are divided into two classes or chemical groups, those which are made from a base of cellulose nitrate or pyroxylin and those made from a cellulose acetate base. The base is dissolved in a suitable solvent, such as acetone for instance, and sometimes other substances are added to preserve flexibility or prevent drying out and cracking and checking or to modify shrinkage. The greatest difference between these two dopes is in their relative inflammability. The acetate dope makes the fabric not fireproof, but slow burning. A cloth treated with this dope will shrivel and char l)efore burning, but one treated with nitrate do])e will burst into flame immedi- ately on the application of a lighted match or when exposed to a strong spark or punctured by a flaming bullet, etc. See "Airplane Dopes," by Gustavus J. Esselen, Jr., in Aviation, July 5, 1917. Inspection windows are often inserted in wing sections over and under certain control joints where the latter are carried inside the wing section itself. For instance, the aileron control cables are frequently run inside the lower wing sections to a jJuUey attached to the front or main spar opposite the middle of the aileron, the cable then passing down at a slight angle and through a thimble or sleeve in the lower covering of the wing section to the point \A'here the cable is attached to the aileron control mast. With this construction inspection windows would be set in the upper and lower coverings of the lower wing immediately above and below the pulley ovjer which the control cable passes. The inspec- tion windows are usually of celluloid or other transparent material firmly sewn into the wing covering material. Stay Wires and Splices Stay wires and cables are used extensiveh^ in airplane construction. Much of the safety of the nmchine and pilot depends upon the quality of the material in the stay wires, the care used in adjusting them and on the character of the terminal splices. Three kinds of materials are used for stay wires: solid or aircraft wire, stranded wire or aircraft strand, and a number of strands twisted together to form a cable and known as aircraft cord. Aircraft wire is a hard drawn carbon steel wire coated with tin to protect it against cor- rosion. Its strength runs from 200,000 to .SOO.OOO llis. per sq. in., depending upon how small it is drawn. Drawing increases both the 56 APPLIED AERONAUTICS strengtli and hardness of this type of wire, but if drawn until too hard it cannot be bent with safety. The aim is to produce a wire of maximum strength, yet with sufficient toughness to allow it to bend without frac- ture. A standard test for bending is to grip the wire in a vice whose jaAvs have been rounded off to 3/16 in. radius, and bend the wire back and forth through an angle of 180 deg. Each bend of 90 deg. counts as one bend. The minimum number of bends for various sizes of aircraft wires should be as follows : For wire of B. For wire of B. For wire of B. For wire of B. For wire of B. For wire of B. & S. gauge Xo. 6- & S. aauae Xo. 8- 5 bends without fracture. 8 bends without fracture. & S. gauge No. 10 — 11 bends without fracture. & S. gauge No. 12 — 17 bends without fracture. & S. gauge No. 11 — 25 bends witliout fracture. & S. gauge No. 10 — 31 bends without fracture. Aircraft strand is composed of a number of small wires, usually 19, twisted together. The individual wires of the strand are galvanized or zinc coated before being twisted into the strand. The complete strand /s/. o 13 117 2/?c/. 3rd. 4/k VX^ F'kj. 33 — ^tcps ill rnal'iiuj an cud .splice in solid icire is more flexible than a solid wire of the same diameter and is therefore more suitable for stay wires that are subject to vibration. The stay wires of the fuselage at the engine and wing panels are of aircraft strand or cord, but for the remaining stay wires of the fuselage aircraft Avire is ordinarily used. Aircraft cord is much more flexible than the strand. It is used for control cables where these must pass over comparatively small pul- RIGGING 57 leys. Tlie usual iMdistnutiou of niiTi-alt cord is 7 strands of I'J wires each tAvisted together to form a cable. This specification is known as 7 X 10 aircraft cord. The individual wires of the cord are very small and are tin-plated before being stranded. For a given diameter, the solid wire is stronger than either the strand or cord. Weight f(»i- weight, however, the cord is a little stronger than the wire, as shown l»y the following tabh'. Weight Strength for a Strength for a per 100 ft. given diameter given weight Wire 8.84 lbs. 5500 lbs. 5500 lbs. (;ord 0.47 lbs. 4200 lbs. 5000 11)S. A wire or cord is no stronger than its terminal splice. The splice may be formed in a variety of ways. For solid wire the formation of the eye is important. An eye in which the reverse curve has the same radius as the eye proper is called a perfect eye and is the one recom- mended. The inside diameter of the eye should be about three times the diameter of the wire itself. After the eye is formed a flattened wrapped wire ferrule, somewhat like a coiled spring flattened to eliptical section, is slipped over the wire and the free end. The latter is then bent back over the ferrule. Such a terminal will have an efficiency of 60 to 05 percent of the strength of the Avire itself. When this tyjte of terminal fails it is usually by slipping. If the free end of the wire is tied doAvn, after being bent back over the ferrule, with an additional wrapping of wire, the efficiency of the termi- nal as a whole will be increased to 80 percent of the strength of the wire. If the whole terminal is soldered the efficiency will be increased to 100 percent according to static tests. This is misleading, however, as such tests take no account of live load stresses or vibration. Another form of terminal is made by substituting a thin metal fer- rule or section of flattened tul)e for the wrapped wire ferrule. It can be made secure either by soldering or twisting after being put in place. This terminal for live or vibrational loads is superior to the wrapped wire terminal as there is not so much difference in mass between the wire and the ferrule. Aircraft Strand Terminals The terminal eye of the aircraft strand is formed around a thimble. The free end of the strand is In-ought around the thimble and either wrapped to the main strand with small wires and soldered, or the free end is spliced into the main strand. Before bending around the thimble, the strand is wrapped with fine wire in order to prevent flattening oi- caging of the strand. The terminal eye of the airci'aft cord is always made by splicing the free end of the cord into the main strands after wrap]iing the cord around a thimble. Sometimes the splice is soldered but more often it is wrapped 58 APPLIED AERONAUTICS with harness twine. Foreign engineers are opposed to soldering, claim- ing that the disadvantages in the way of corrosion and overheating of the wire outweigh the advantages of the stronger terminals. The theory of the splice is simple. A strand or wire of the free end is wrapped around a strand or wire of the main cord, care being taken to have the lay of the wires the same. Three to five complete turns are given, three for the first and four to five for the last weaves of the splice in order to taper the splice gradually. Objections to soldering. — The most serious objections to soldering are : a. overheating ; b. corrosive action of fluxes. It is very easy to over- heat and soften the wire and this is all the more serious because the softening takes place at a point where the wire is enlarged by the joint. The stress is naturally localized at this point. Some of the so-called non-corrosive fluxes will upon application be found to be more or less corrosive. Even with strictly non-corrosive fluxes, there is a carbonaceous residue, due to heat, driven into the inter- stices between the wires of strands or cords. This serves as a holder for moisture and will in time cause corrosion. The corrosive effects of acid fluxes can be neutralized by the appli- cation of an alkaline solution, such as soda water. Washing the soldered splice of a solid wire with such a solution is very effective, but with strands and cords, where the acid is driven into the interior through the application of heat, it is questionable whether any system of washing will eliminate or neutralize the acid. Corrosion of the interior wires of a strand or cord may be concealed by a perfectly good exterior, giving an entirely false appearance of security. Turnbuckles Turnbuckles are made of three parts, the ferrule or sleeve, and the two ends. To distinguish the ends, they are called the yoke and eye ends, or the male and female. Great care should be exercised when tightening or loosening turnbuckles that the cables are not untwisted or frayed. If the cables are untwisted a caging of the strands results which greatly weakens the cable. Cable that has been caged should be replaced. No pliers should be used when tightening or loosening turnbuckles. The correct method is to use two drift pins or nails, one through the terminal eye of the cable to prevent the end of the cable twisting, the other through the hole in the barrel of the turnbuckle. Pliers will scar the wires, which is objectionable for three reasons, the first two of which may lead to serious consequences. These reasons are : First, breaking the pro- tective coating given to guard against corrosion. Second, a nick or scar in a wire or cable which would weaken it considerably. The wire or cable may not show much reduction of strength under a static load or test, but with a live or vibrational load the strength is greatlv reduced and a RIGGING 59 slight nick will determine the point of fracture. Third, disfiguration of the parts is offensive to the eye and bespeaks slouchy or careless work- manship. Locking Devices A fair proportion of accidents occurs to moving mechanism through nuts or other tlireaded fastenings working loose. It is safe to say that several hundred patents have been taken out for nut-locking devices, but of this great number, a few only are of practical value and used to any extent. The castellated nut and cotter pin used of course with a drilled bolt or stud is one of the few devices that finds large application. It is generally used in automobile and airplane work. The spring locking washer is another good device. This is used where the fastening is of a permanent or semi-permanent character. Another method is to batter or hammer down the end of a bolt a little. This should be practiced only as a last resort or as an absolutely permanent job and must be carefully done, otherwise serious damage will result to the bolt and nut. It is suf- ficient to close one thread on the bolt for part of the circumference only. Turnbuckles are secured against turning or loosening by running a wire through the adjusting hole in the turnbuckle sleeve and carrying the vdre back and binding it around the ends of the turnbuckle. See Fig. 41. Chapter 5 ALIGNMENT Fuselage alignment — Horizontal and vertical stabilizers — Landing gear or under-carriage — Center wing section — Wings — Lateral dihedral angle — Table for lateral dihedral — Stagger — Overhang — Rigger's angle of incidence — Wash-out and wash-in — Over- all measurements — Aileron controls — Elevator controls — Rudder control — Notes on aligning boards. BY the term airplaue aligmneut is meaut the art of triiiug up an air- plane, and adjusting the parts in their proper relation to each other as designated in the airplane's specifications. The inherent stability, the speed, the rate of climb, the efficiency, in short the air\yorthiness of an aircraft depend in large measni'e on its correct alignment. For this reason the importance of careful and correct alignment cannot be oyer- estimated. The instructions as giyen in this chapter are not intended to lie a comiDlete and exhaustiye treatise on the Ayhole subject of airplane align- ment, but are designed rather to giye the beginner a. good general idea of how the work is done. Thus with these instructions as a ground work he can become proficient in the work after having had good practical experience in the hangars. The work of aligning an airplane divides naturally into several dis- tinct and separate groups or divisions — a. fuselage, b. horizontal and vertical stabilizers, c. landing gear, d. center wing section, e. wings, f. controls. Alif/iiiitent of fiischuje. — The fuselage is aligned before leaving the airplane factory and normally this alignment will last for some time. Tlie fuselage alignment should be checked over carefully, however, after an airplane has been shipped in disassembled condition. Strains on the fuselage caused by rough handling, bad landings, etc., will make it nec- essary to re-align it. Before attempting to align any part of an airplane the erection draw- ings should be referred to if available, and the directions furnished by the makers should be followed carefully unless the operator has had a great deal of previous experience upon the particular type of airplane to be aligned, and is familiar with better methods of procedure than those recommended bv the maker. ALIGNMENT 61 In general the procedni'e in aligning a fuselage will lie about as fol- lows: A horizontal reference plane is nsnally specified by the makers in connection with the fuselage. Sometiuies the top longerons are taken as this reference plane, in which case they are to be aligned horizontally, laterally, and longitudinally from a specified station to the tail post. Sometimes horizontal lines are drawn on the vertical fuselage struts, and the fuselage is so aligned that these lines all fall in the same horizontal plane. Alignment of Longerons In the first case, after the fuselage has been placed in a flying posi- tion, the top longerons are aligned for straightness, using a straight edge and a spirit level to aid in finally placing them laterally and longitudi- nally in a liorizontal plane. The longerons are next aligned symmetrically with respect to the imaginai'y vertical plane of symmetry through the fore-and-aft axis of the fuselage. There are two general methods of doing this, as follows : First Method — The center points are mai'ked on all horizontal fuselage struts. A small, stout cord is stretched from the center of the fuselage nose to the tail post and the horizontal bracing wires adjusted until the centers of the horizontal struts fall beneath this line. A small surveyor's plumb bob is held at different points so that the suspending cord just touches the fore-and-aft aligning cord. The centers of the bottom horizontal struts should fall directly below the bob. Second Method — A plumb line is dropped from the center of the propeller and from the tail post and a string is stretched on the ground or floor between these two points. Plumb bobs dropped from the centers of the horizontal struts must point to this line. The whole fuselage alignment is checked to make sure that it agrees with the specifications. If the airplane has a nou-liftiug tail, it would be advisable as the next step to support the fuselage in such a way that the rear part (about two-thirds of the total fuselage length) remains un- supported, and then re-check tlie fuselage alignment once more. All turnbuckles should then be securely locked and the fuselage carefully inspected. Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizers The vertical stabilizer is examined to see that tlie bolts holding it in place are properly drilled and cotter-pinned, also to see that it is set parallel or dead on to the direction of motion. It is trued up vertically by the turnbuckles on the tie wires or brace wires connected to it. These turnbuckles are then properly safetied. The horizontal stabilizer usually is braced with tie wires fitted with turnbuckles. By means of these its trailing edge should be made straight and at right angles to the horizontal center line of the fuselage. All bolts fastening the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage should be in- spected to make sure they are properly drilled and cotter-pinned. All turnbuckles should be safetied, as shown iu Fig. 41. 62 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Alignment of laiidiiuj gear or under-carriage. — In assembling an airplane which has been completely dismantled, the landing gear should be assembled to the fuselage and aligned with it before the wings are attached. In assembling and aligning the landing gear, the fuselage should be so supported that the landing gear hangs free and the wheels do not touch the ground. The fuselage is placed in the flying position, or at least in such a position that the lateral axis is horizontal. There are three general methods of aligning the landing gear, as follows : First Method — A small plumb bob is dropped from a point on the fore-and-aft center line of the fuselage above the axle of the landing gear. A tack is placed in the exact center of the axle casing or a scratch is made on the axle at its center. The transverse tie wires are then adjusted until the tack or center line mark falls exactly below the plumb bob. The wires are made moderately tight. The exact degree of tautness required can- not very well be described; it is a matter of experience or personal in- struction. All turnbuckles are safetied and the landing gear inspected carefully. The strut fittings and the elastic shock absorbers should be inspected very carefully. Second IMethod — The two forward transverse tie wires are adjusted until equal in leng^th, then the rear transverse tie wires are similarly adjusted until they also are equal in length. All transverse tie wires are tightened equally and the turnbuckles safetied. The landing gear is then given a final inspection. Third Method — The transverse tie wires are adjusted until the axle is horizontal as shown by a spirit level. This adjustment is made with the fuselage in the flying position or with the lateral axis horizontal. The transverse tie wires are tightened equally to the correct tautness, the turnbuckles safetied, and the landing gear inspected as before. Center Wing Section Alignment of center luing section. — The fuselage is first placed in the flying position, and the center wing section adjusted symmetrically about the fore-and-aft center line of the fuselage in plan. A tack driven in the middle of the leading edge of the center panel will then be directly above the center line of the fuselage. This is tested with a small plumb bob and checked by measuring each pair of transverse tie wires to see if the two wires of each pair are equal in length. The alignment for stagger is made by adjusting the stagger or drift wires in the fore-and-aft direction until the leading edge of the center panel projects the required distance ahead of the leading edge of the lower plane as given in the airplane specifications. This align- ment is checked by dropping a plumb bob from the leading edge of the center panel and measuring forward in a horizontal plane from the lead- ing edge of the lower plane to the plumb line. The adjustment for stag- ger fixes the rigger's angle of incidence. All turnbuckles are safetied and the alignment re-checked. ALIGNMENT 63 Aliy II incut of icings. — Before any attempt is made to align the wings the fuselage should be carefully inspected to make sure that it is properly rigged and in proper alignment. Failure to do this ma}' cause much delay and waste ot time in aligning the wings. The next step is to make a general inspection of the wings, noting if all bolts and clevis pins are properly cotter-pinned. Note particularly the clevis pins where the interplane brace wires are fastened to the upper plane fittings. One of the largest airplane makers in this country puts these clevis pins in head down. In this position if the pins are not prop- erly cottered, there is great danger of their working loose and dropping out, disconnecting the wires. Such matters are more easily remedied before the wings are aligned than afterwards. Loosen all wires between the planes including flying wires, ground wires, stagger wires and external drift wires. Examine the turnbuckles to see that the same number of threads show at both ends. If not, take the turnbuckle apart and remedy this. It will mean a saving of time in the end if these matters are looked after before the actual truing up of the wings is begun. Flying Position Place the fuselage in the flying position as defined in the airplane's erection drawings. This may mean aligning the top longerons or the engine bed or other specified parts laterally and longitudinally horizon- tal. This must be done carefull}', using a good spirit level, because the wings are aligned from the fuselage upon the assumption that this flj^ing position is correct. If it is necessary to get into the cockpit or in any other way disturb the fuselage during the alignment of the wings, make sure that the fuselage is still in the correct flying position before pro- ceeding further. Lateral dihedral angle. — There are thi'ee common methods of ad- justing for lateral dihedral : Aligning Board First Method — Aligning Board.* If an aligning board is available its use saves considerable time due to the fact that the rigger secures the lateral dihedral angle, straightness of wing spars, and correct angle of incidence near the wing tips all at the same time. The protractor level should read directly in degrees. Set this instrument at the number of degrees dihedral stated in the airplane's specifications. Place the align- ing board parallel to the front spar (by measuring back from the strut fittings) and, keeping the flying and stagger wires loose, pull up on the ground wires until the bubble on the protractor level reads almost level. Since the aligning board is a straight edge it is easy to keep the front spar perfectly straight by glancing beneath the aligning board occasionally. It should rest on at least three ribs, one near each end and one near the middle. The space between the other ribs and the aligning board should be slicrht. *See note on aligning boards at end of this chapter. 64 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Spiht Lei/el Dihedral Board F'kj. 34 — Metliod of ni ;nnl Avash-ont to tlie riulit. To increase the angle of incidence the rear spar must be warped down hv slackening all the wires connected to the bottom of the strut and tightening all which are connected to the toj) of the struts, until the desired amount of wash- in is secured. This process is reversed to secure wash-out. For purposes of increased stability wash-out is sometimes given both wings although of course some lift is lost by doing this. If it is still de- sired to compensate for the reaction due to the propeller toriiue, more wash-out is given on one side than on the other. The side having the least wash-out then has wash-in relative to the other side. Fig. 41 — The proper way to lock a iurnhuckle Over-all measurements. — Tighten the external drift wires only mod- erately tight. The following over-all measurements should now be taken, using a steel tape (see Fig. 35) : Make BA = DC and LH = MX. Then OA should equal OC and HE should equal EX. These measurements should be made at points on the upper wing panels as well as the lower, making eight check measurements in all. Fi0 de*i. F. The ])iv()t rests in a socket whose bot- tom X is a sappliire jewel to form a bearinrinciple of the spirit level are very inaccurate, being subject to error due to acceleration. Fig. 5(1 is an illustration of the airplane incli- nometer. (See also incidence indicator and clinometer.) Air Speed Indicator The construction of this instrument is l>ased on the theory of a i^poed measuring device known, after its inventor, as a Pitot tube. Such an instrument contains two essential elements; tlic first is the dvnamic 98 APPLIED AERONAUTICS opeuing or mouth of the impact tube. (See Fig. 58.) It points directly against the current of gas or liquid in which the speed is to be measured and receives the full impact of the current. The second is a static open- ing for obtaining the so-called static pressure of the moving fluid, that is, the pressure that would be indicated by a pressure gauge moving with the current and not subject to impact. To avoid the influence of impact the static opening is placed at right angles to the dynamic opening. If the two pressure heads are connected to the opening of a U tube partly filled with liquid, and a current of air generated against the mouth of the impact tube it will be seen that the liquid will indicate a difference in pressure between the two openings. Starting with the formula V = V2gh where h is the difference in elevation between the levels, and g the measure of acceleration due to gravity, a measurement can be ob- tained of the velocity of the air current by measuring the difference in pressure between the two openings. Fig. 58 is a cross section of the opening in a Pitot tube. While the dynamic pressure can be accurately determined, the static pressure is very uncertain, as the air rushing by the static opening is apt to cause suction. The instrument should there- fore be calibrated. P/tof Head Venfun Meter Fig. 58 — Shoiving operating principles of two forms of air speed meters Another form of air speedometer, also shown in Fig. 58, is based on the principle of a venturi tube. This tube consists of a short converging inlet folloAved by a long diverging cone. The opening is placed at right angles to the air current and a measurement is made of the difference in pressure existing between the oj)ening diameter and the smallest diameter of the throat. This measurement is based on the ratio of entrance to throat area, these being the names of the opening and of the smallest area. The tube is provided with connections to a differential gauge by which this difference in pressure is measured. The Incidence Indicator The incidence indicator, as its name suggests, is used to measure the angle of attack. For this purpose an instrument, if possible, should be "dead beat," or in other words, free from any tendency to swing, and it must actually register any change in the direction of the flow of air to the supporting wings or surfaces. INSTRUMENTS 99 Fig. 59 — Incidence indivator mounted on one of the forward struts. It operates colored lights in the dial shoim in Fig. 60 Fig. 59 illustrates a form of indicator which is attached to one of the forward struts of an airplane at a point where it will be entirely free from any influence of the propeller. AB is a vertical strut on the air- plane, to which is attached a wind vane CD, revolving about an axis EF, and actuating a dial K. This wind vane CD is horizontal and always points in the direction of the relative wind, in other words the airplane revolves about the axis EF, as the angle of attack changes. This device is then wired to an electric lamp box indicator similar to the sketch in Fig. 60. Fastened to the shaft EF (Fig, 59) is a commutator which closes the contact at certain points, and completes the circuit to the different Fig. 60 — Indicating dial connected to incidence indicator sthou-n in Fig. 59 100 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Fuj. 61 — Hitcrrij clinometer lamps shown in Fi.j;. (>U. When the airplane is in danger of stalling the proper light flashes the information to the pilot. The same is true of the other two lights. The Sperry clinometer is designed \\\i\\ the idea of telling the pilot the inclination of the axis of the airplane. Fig. 01 is an illustration of such an instrument. Fig. 02 is a cross-section of the same instrument, showing its con- struction, which, it will he noted, is based on the principle of the plund)- bol). The scale S is mounted on the periphery of a wheel W, which is damped by floating in a liquid. The base of the wheel has a small weight X to maintain it constantly in a vertical condition. There is also an expansion chamber and a filling screw similar to the liquid compass. It is to be noted that this and similar instruments are subject to an error due to lag, caused by the inertia of the wheel for an al)rupt change of direction. The clinometer is usually mounted in the cockpit where it can be seen at all times. Skillful pilots pay very little attention to in- struments of this kind, however, relying almost entirely on instinct. The Automatic Drift Set Before explaining the operation of this instrument, it might be well to include a word in connection Avith the term "drift," as here used. An aviator, desiring to fly to a point due north of his starting point, with a west wind blowing, will find at the end of a certain length of time that he is considerablv to the eastward of his destination, having been blown INSTRUMENTS 101 from his course. To .miaid aiiniiist this, two forms of drift indicators are in use. The first is very simple and consists of an eyepiece, contain- inii' cross-hairs similar to a surveyor's transit. Uy lookiuii directly at the ground, the ai>]>ar('nt motion of surface olijects can he (dtsei'ved and made to coincide with the cross-hairs (»f the eyei)iece. Tliis is done hy rotating the eyepiece about the axis of tlu' teh'scope, and tlie anuuint of this rotation, read from a graduated circle, gives the drift angle directly. The pilot then steers "off his course" an amount eijual to this angle of drift but in the opposite direction, A more improved type of this instrument is the Autonmtic Drift Set sho^^■n in Fig. 03. As before, an eyepiece is used to determine the angle of drift as observed from the apparent motion of objects on the ground. As the eyepiece turns to coincide with this line of motion, the connecting- cables shown turn the compass case, so that the "lul»l»er line" of the compass is turned automatically in the opposite direction to the drift, and to an equal amount. The pilot then simply steers his predetermined course on the shifted lubber line. The Bourdon Gauge This is an instrument for measuring the pressure exerted by a gas or liquid, and is the type used in nearly all steam gauges. It is used on airplanes for registering circulating oil pressure, the pressure of air in Fi(j. U2 — Cross-section of Spcrnj cliitonietcr 102 APPLIED AERONAUTICS F'hi. 63 — ^ perry Aiitoinatic Drift Set^ consisting of a small revolving telescope which is connected to compass case in such a way that compass case icith luhher line is automatically turned to compensate for side drift when sighting telescope is turned to line up cross-hairs u'ith apparent motion of plane over ground I INSTRUMENTS 103 the fuel tank, etc. It depends for its action upon the principle that a bent tube if subjected to internal pressure tends to straighten out. Its action can be seen in Fig. 64. A is a tank of air which can be compressed to any desired pressure, as indicated by the pressure gauge C. D is a piece of rubber tube with the outer end closed, and E is a steam gauge from which the dial and covering have been removed. By opening the valve V a pressure is exerted internally in the rubber tube D, tending to straighten it out. The same principle is involved in the metal tube E Fig. 64 — Test outfit showing principle of operation of Bourdon gauge such as used for indicating steam pressure. This principle is also used in radiator thermometers, air and oil pressure gauges, etc. 104 APPLIED AERONAUTICS A AfoB full of liquid Bourdon Gauge Fig. (Jo — l>>liowiii*H O O yr. lO iC c lO o o o <>^ X X oc cr ic i-o CO be jz ^- c OJ •— * C « _a; .= c •r be 1 - 2 t JS c o c; o c^ Cw lO o o Q,> 3 a ■^ .s 1^ w O w (M t- I- X O cr & tn O tn be-- c .~ ■- s^ c o o >o IC o c o c IQ X lO O ) C C^l c o c< XXX ^ ^ -s .s a c a = rt 2 M a° tri X o c c c o c o o o C 3 c O i^ LQ If: lo 5 c: o o a cr tn -t- cc -* CC •o -t CO CO 00 ■M c o c •— o o c o c o c lO o o c be O C^l c CO c IC r- CD t^ t^ jr c ■i-J "^ be >-' c c en -o ji: ~ '- o c o c o o c un C qj rt o o c o c o c 3 c. 3 o c o It; lo It: lO o o O cr ■ « o oc ^ ^ CO o" lO CD CO a en " _be j- en 1 S. IS o ^ •a lO ir: O iC lO c LO O X 'S ■- 3 ^ 'rt 'C Tf >+ iC cc lO rf (M CO (M ^ a U •o "o ■c OJ o E o^ ^ a. be u >^ C -1- , be S ii c tl _n _u - ^ r- U •J- -v 5 s c ^ (£ ^r.\ ^ =/} «: o Zf. ^ c^ c/) '*' 1) y. ,:= C3 c; •f. Chapter 9 NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS Based on official nomenclature recommended by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and definitions used and standardized by the U. S. Army School of Military Aeronautics at Ohio State University. AERODYNAMICS — The science which treats of the air or other gaseous bodies under the action of forces and of their mechanical effects. AEROFOIL — A thin wing-Hke structure, flat or curved, designed to obtain reaction upon its surfaces from the air through which it moves. AERONAUTICS — That branch of engineering Avliich deals with the design, construction and operation of aircraft. AILERON — A movable auxiliary surface used for the control of rolling mo- tion of an airplane, i. e., rotation about its fore and aft axis. AIRCRAFT — Any form of craft designed for the navigation of the air; air- planes, balloons, dirigibles, helicopters, kites, kite balloons, ornithopters, glid- ers, etc. ; ; *«*l^ AIRDROME — The name usually applied to a ground and buildings used for aviation. AIRPLANE — A form of aircraft heavier than air, which has wing surfaces for sustentation, stabilizing surfaces, rudders for steering, power plant for propulsion through the air and some form of landing gear ; either a gear suit- able for rising from or alighting on the ground, or pontoons or floats suitable for alighting on or rising from water. In the latter case, the term "Seaplane" is commonly used. (See definition.) Pusher — A type of airplane with the propeller or propellers in the rear of the wings. Tractor — A type of airplane with the propeller or propellers in front of the wings. Monoplane — A form of airplane whose main supporting surface is dis- posed as a single wing extending equally on each side of the body. Biplane — A form of airplane in which the main supporting surface is divided into two parts, one above the other. Triplane^ — A form of airplane whose main supporting surface is divided into three parts, superimposed. NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS 107 Multiplane — An airplane the main lifting surface of which consists of numerous surfaces or pairs of superimposed wings. One and One-Half Plane — A biplane in which the span of the lower plane is decidedly shorter than that of the upper plane. Flying Boat — An airplane fitted with a boat-like hull suitable for naviga- tion and arising from or alighting on water. Seaplane — An airplane fitted with pontoons or floats suitable for alight- ing on or rising from the water. AIR POCKET — A local movement or condition of the air causing an airplane to drop or lose its correct attitvide. AIR SPEED METER — An instrument designed to measure the velocity of an aircraft with reference to the air through which it is moving. ALTIMETER — An instrument mounted on an aircraft to continuously indi- cate its height above the surface of the earth. ANEMOMETER — An instrument for measuring the velocity of the wind or air currents with reference to the earth or some fixed body. ANGLE OF ATTACK — The acute angle betvvcen the direction of relative wind and the chord of an aerofoil, i. e., the angle between the chord of an aerofoil and its motion relative to the air. (This definition may be extended to any body having an axis.) Best Climbing — ^The angle of attack at which an airplane ascends fastest. An angle about half way between the maximum and optimum angle. Critical — The angle of attack at which the lift is a maximum, or at which the lift curve has its first maximum ; sometimes referred to as the "burble point." (If the lift curve has more than one maximum, this refers to the first one.) Gliding — The angle the flight path makes with the horizontal when flying in still air under the influence of gravity alone, i. e., without power from the engine. Maximum — The greatest angle of attack at which, for a given power, surface and weight, horizontal flight can be maintained. Minimum — The smallest angle of attack at which, for a given power, surface and w^eight, horizontal flight can be maintained. Optimum — The angle of attack at which the lift-drift ratio is the highest. ANGLE OF INCIDENCE (Rigger's Angle)--The angle between the longi- tudinal axis of the airplane and the chord of an aerofoil. APPENDIX — The hose at the bottom of a balloon used for inflation. In the case of a spherical balloon it also serves for equalization of pressure. ASPECT RATIO — The ratio of span to chord of an aerofoil. AVIATOR — The operator or pilot of heavier-than-air craft. This term is applied regardless of the sex of the operator. AVION — Tlie official French term for military airplanes only. AXES OF AN AIRCRAFT— The three fixed lines of reference ; usually pass- ing through the center of gravity and mutually rectangular. The principal axis in a fore and aft direction, usually parallel to the axis of the propeller and in the plane of symmetry, is the Longitudinal Axis or the Fore-and-Aft Axis. 108 APPLIED AERONAUTICS The axis perpendicular to this and in the plane of symmetry is the Vertical Axis ; the third axis perpendicular to the other two is the Lateral Axis, also called the Transverse Axis or the Athwartship i\xis. In mathematical dis- cussion the first of these axes, drawn from front to rear is called the X Axis ; the second. dra\\ n upward ; the Z Axis ; and the third, forming a "left-handed" system, the Y Axis. BALANCED CONTROL SURFACE— A type of surface secured by adding area forward of the axis of rotation. In an airstream a force is exerted on this added area, tending to aid in the movement about the axis. BALANCING FLAPS— (See AILERON.) BALLONET — A small balloon within the interior of a balloon or dirigible for the purpose of controlling the ascent or descent, and for maintaining pres- sure on the outer envelope so as to prevent deformation. The ballonet is kept inflated with air at the required pressure, under the control of a blower and valves. BALLOON — A form of aircraft comprising a gas bag and a basket and sup- ported in the air by the buoyancy of the gas contained in the gas bag, which is lighter than the amount of air it displaces ; the form of the gas bag is main- tained by the pressure of the contained gas. Barrage — A small spherical captive balloon, raised as a protection against attacks by airplanes. Captive — A balloon restrained from free flight by means of a cable at- taching it to the earth. Kite — An elongated form of captive balloon, fitted with tail appendages to keep it headed into the wind, and deriving increased lift due to its axis being inclined to the wind. Pilot — A small spherical balloon sent up to show the direction of the wind. Sounding — A small spherical balloon sent aloft, without passengers, but with registering meterological instruments for recording atmospheric conditions at high altitudes. BALLOON— DIRIGIBLE— A form of balloon the outer envelope of which is of elongated horizontal form, provided with a car, propelling system, rud- ders and stabilizing surfaces. Dirigibles are divided into three classes : Rigid, Semi-rigid and Non-rigid. In the Rigid type the outer covering is held in place and form by a rigid internal frame work and the shape is maintained in- dependently of the contained gas. The shape and form of the Semi-rigid type is maintained partly by an inner framework and partly by the contained gas. The Non-rigid type is held to form entirely by the pressure of the con- tained gas. BALLOON BED — A mooring place on the ground for a cai)tiv,e balloon. BALLOON CLOTH— The cloth, usually cotton, of which balloon fabrics are made. BALLOON FABRIC— The finished material, usually rubberized, of which balloon envelopes are made. NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS 109 BANK — To incline an airplane laterally, i. e., to rotate it abont the fore-and- aft axis when making a turn. Right bank is to incline the air])lane with the right wing down. Also used as a noun to describe the position of an airplane when its lateral axis is inclined to the horizontal. BAROGRAPH — An instrument for recording variations in barometric pres- sure. In aeronautics the charts on which the records are made are prepared to indicate altitudes directly instead of barometric pressure, inasmuch as the atmospheric pressure \aries almost directly with the altitude. BAROMETER — An instrument for measuring the pressure of the atmos- phere. BASKET — The car suspended beneath the balloon for passengers, ballast, etc. BIPLANE— (See AIRPLANE.) BODY (OF AN AIRPLANE)— A structure, usually enclosed, which contains in a streamline housing the power plant, fuel, passengers, etc. Fuselage — A type of body of streamline shape carrying the empannage and usually forming the main structural unit of an airplane. Monocoque — A special type of fuselage constructed of metal sheeting or laminated wood. A monocoque is generally of circular or elliptical cross- section. Nacelle — A type of body shorter than a fuselage. It does not carry the empannage, but acts more as a streamline housing. Usually used on a pusher type of machine. Hull — A boat-like structure which forms the body of a flying-boat. BONNET — The appliance, having the form of a parasol, which protects the valve of a spherical balloon against rain. BOOM— (See OUTRIGGER.) BOWDEN WIRE — A stiff control wire enclosed in a tube used for light con- trol work where the strain is comparatively light, as for instance throttle and spark controls, etc. BOWDEN WIRE GUIDE— A close wound, spring-like, flexible guide for Bowden wire controls. BRIDLED — The system of attachment of cables to a balloon, including lines to the suspension band. BULLS EYES — Small rings of wood, metal, etc., forming i)art of balloon rigging, used for connection or adjustment of ropes. BURBLE POINT— (See ANGLE— CRITICAL. ) CABANE (OR CABANE STRUT)— In a monoplane, the strut or pyramidal frame work projecting above the body and wings and to which the stays, ground wires, braces, etc., for the wing are attached. In a biplane, the compression member of an auxiliary truss, serving to support the overhang of the upper wing. CAMBER — The convexity or rise of the curve of an aerofoil from its chord, usually expressed as the ratio of the maximum departure of the curve from the chord as a fraction thereof. Top Camber refers to the top surface and Bottom Camber to the bottom surface of an aerofoil. Mean Camber is the mean of these two. no APPLIED AERONAUTICS CAPACITY-CARRYING— The excess of the total lifting capacity over the dead load of an aircraft. The latter includes structure, power plant and essen- tial accessories. Gasoline and oil are not considered essential accessories. The cubic contents of a balloon. CAPACITY-LIFTING— (See LOAD)— The maximum flying load of an aircraft. CATHEDRAL — A negative dihedral. CEILING — The maximum possible altitude to which a given airplane can climb. CENTER — The point in which a set of effects is assumed to be accumulated, producing the same effect as if all were centered at this point. There are five main centers in an airplane— Center of Lift, Center of Gravity, Center of Thrust, Center of Drag and Center of Keelplane Area. The latter is also called the Directional Center. The stability, controllability and general air worthiness of an airplane depend largely on the proper posi- tioning of these centers. CENTER OF PRESSURE OF AN AEROFOIL— The point in the plane of the chords of an aerofoil, prolonged if necessary, through which at any given attitude the line of action of the resultant air force passes. (This defi- nition may be extended to any body.) CENTER PANEL — The central part of the upper wing (of a biplane) above the fuselage. The upper wings are attached to this on either side. CHORD — (Of an aerofoil section.) A straight line tangent to the under curve of the aerofoil section, front and rear. CHORD LENGTH— (Or length of Chord.)— The length of an aerofoil sec- tion projected on the chord, extended if necessary. CLINOMETER— (See INCLINOMETER.) CLOCHE — The bell-shaped construction which forms the lower part of the pilot's control lever in the Bleriot control and to which the control cables are attached. COCKPIT — The space in an aircraft body occupied by pilots or passengers. CONCENTRATION RING— The hoop to which are attached the ropes sus- pending the basket (of a balloon). CONTROLS — A general term applied to the mechanism used to control the speed, direction of flight and altitude of an aircraft. Bridge (Deperdussin-"Dep" Control) — An inverted "U" frame pivoted near its lower points, by wdiich the motion of the elevators is controlled. The ailerons are controlled by a wheel mounted on the upper center of this bridge. Dual — Two sets of inter-connected controls allowing the machine to be operated by one or two pilots. Shoulder — A yoke fitting around the shoulders of the pilot by means of which the ailerons are operated (by the natural side movement of the pilot's body) to cause the proper amount of banking when making a turn or to correct excessive bank. (Used on early Curtiss planes.) Stick (Joy-stick) — A vertical lever pivoted near its lower end and used to operate the elevators and ailerons. NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS 111 COWLS — The metal covering enclosing the engine section of the fuselage. CROW'S FOOT — A system of diverging short ropes for distributing the pull of a single rope. (Used principally on balloon nets.) DECALAGE — The difference in the angular setting of the chord of the upper wing of a biplane with reference to the chord of the lower wing. DIHEDRAL (In an airplane) — The angle included at the intersection of the imaginary surfaces containing the chords of the right and left wings (con- tinued to the plane of symmetry if necessary). This angle is measured in a plane perpendicular to that intersection. The measure of the dihedral is taken as 90 deg. minus one-half of this angle as defined. The dihedral of the upper wing may and frequently does differ from that of the lower wing in a biplane. Lateral — An airplane is said to have lateral dihedral when the wings slope downward from the tips toward the fuselage. Longitudinal — The angular difference between the angle of incidence of the main planes and the angle of incidence of the horizontal stabilizer. DIRIGIBLE — A form of balloon, the outer envelope of which is of elongated horizontal form, provided with a propelling system, car, rudders and stabil- izing surfaces. Non-Rigid — A dirigible whose form is maintained by the pressure of the contained gas assisted by the car suspension system. Rigid — A dirigible whose form is maintained by a rigid structure con- tained within the envelope. Semi-Rigid — -A dirigible whose form is maintained by means of a rigid keel and by gas pressure. DIVING RUDDER— (See ELEVATOR.) DOPE — A preparation, the base of which is cellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate, used for treating the cloth surfaces of airplane members or the fabric of balloon gas bags. It increases the strength of the fabric, produces taut- ness, and acts as a filler to make the fabric impervious to air and moisture. DRAG — The component parallel to the relative wind of the total force on an aircraft due to the air through which it moves. That part of the drag due to the wings is called "Wing Resistance" (formerly called "Drift") ; that due to the rest of the airplane is called "Para- site Resistance" (formerly called head resistance). The total resistance to motion through the air of an aircraft, that is. the sum of the drift and parasite resistance. Total Resistance. DRIFT — The component of the resultant wind pressure on an aerofoil or wing surface parallel to the air stream attacking the surface. Also used as synonymous with lee-way. (See DRAG.) DRIFT INDICATOR — An instrument for the measurement of the angular deviation of an aircraft from a set course, due to cross winds. Also called Drift Meter. DRIFT WIRES— Wires which take the drift load and transfer it through various members to the body of the airplane. 112 APPLIED AERONAUTICS DRIP CLOTH — A curtain around the equator of a balloc^n wliich prevents rain from dripping into the basket. DROOP— (a) An aileron is said to have droop when it is so adjusted that its trailing edge is below the trailing edge of the main plane. (b) When a wing is warped to give wash-out or wash-in. its trailing edge will, relative to the leading edge, be displaced progressively from one end to the other. A downward displacement is called droop. ELEVATOR — A hinged surface, usually in the form of a horizontal rudder, mounted at the tail of an aircraft for controlling the longitudinal attitude of the aircraft, i. e., its rotation abovit the lateral axis. EMPANNAGE — A term applied to the tail group of parts of an airplane. (See TAIL.) ENGINE SILL, BEARERS, SUPPORTS— The members forming the en- gine bed. ENTERING EDGE — The foremost part or forward edge of an aerofoil or propeller blade. ENVELOPE — The portion of the balloon or dirigible which contains the gas. EQUATOR — The largest horizontal circle of a spherical balloon. FAIRING — A wood or metal form attached to the rear of struts, braces or wires to give them a streamline shape. FAIR LEAD— A guide for a cable. FIN — A small fixed aerofoil attached to part of an aircraft to promote stabil- ity; for example, tail fin, skid fin, etc. Fins may be either horizontal or ver- tical and are often adjustable. (See STABILIZER.) FIRE DASH — A metal screen dividing the engine section of an airplane body from the cockpit section. FLIGHT PATH — The path of the center of gravity of an aircraft with ref- erence to the earth. FLOAT — That portion of the landing gear of an aircraft which provides buoyancy when it is resting on the surface of the water. FLYING BOAT— (See AIRPLANE.) FLYING POSITION — The position of a machine, assumed when flying horizontally in still air. When on the ground the machine is placed in a fly- ing position by leveling both longitudinally and laterally. The two longerons, engine sills or other perpendicular parts designated by the maker are taken as reference points from which to level. FOOT BAR— (See RUDDER BAR.) FUSELAGE— (See BODY.) FUSELAGE COVER — A cover placed on a fuselage to preserve a streamline shape. GAP — The shortest distance between the planes of the chords of the upper and lower wings of a biplane. GAS BAG— (See ENVELOPE.) GLIDE — To fly without power and under the influence of gravity alone. NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS 113 GLIDER— A form of aircraft similar to an airplane but without any power plant. When utilized in variable winds it makes use of the soaring principles of flight and is sometimes called a soaring- machine. GLIDING ANGLE— (See ANGLE.) GORE — ( )ne of the segments of fabric comprising the envelope of a balloon. GROUND CLOTH — Canvas placed on the ground to protect a balloon. GUIDE ROPE — A long trailing rope attached to a spherical balloon or diri- gible to serve as a brake and as a variable ballast. GUY — A rope, chain, wire or rod attached to an (.>bject to guide or steady- it, such as guys to wing, tail or landing gear. HANGAR — An airplane shed. HEAD RESISTANCE— (See PARASITE RESISTANCE.) HELICOPTER — A form of aircraft whose supi)ort in the air is derived from the vertical thrust of propellers. HORN-CONTROL ARM— An arm at right angles to a control surface to which a control cable is attached, for example, aileron horn, rudder horn, elevator horn, etc. More commonly called a Mast. HULL— (See BODY.) INCLINOMETER — An instrument for measuring the angle made by the axis of an aircraft with the horizontal. Indicator-Banking — An inclinometer indicating lateral inclination or bank. INSPECTION WINDOW — A small transparent window in the envelope of a balloon or in the wing of an airplane to allow inspection of the interior, or of aileron controls when the latter are mounted inside an aerofoil section. INSTABILITY — An inherent condition of a body, which, if the body is dis- tributed, causes it to move toward a position away from its first position, instead of returning to a condition of equilibrium. KEEL PLANE AREA — The total effective area of an aircraft which acts to prevent skidding or side slipping. KITE — A form of aircraft without other propelling means than the tow-line pull, whose support is derived from the force of the wind moving past its surfaces. LANDING GEAR — The understructure of an aircraft designed to carry the load when resting on, or running on, the surface of the land or water. LEADING EDGE— (See ENTERING EDGE.) LEEWAY — The angle of deviation from a set course over the earth, due to cross currents of wind. Also called Drift. LIFT — The component of the force due to the air pressure of an aerofoil re- solved perpendicular to the flight path in a vertical plane. LIFT-DRIFT RATIO— The proportion of lift to drift is known as the lift- drift ratio. It expresses the efficiency of the aerofoil. LIFT BRACING— (See STAY.) LOAD— Dead — The structure, power plant and essential accessories of an air- craft. 114 APPLIED AERONAUTICS Full — The maximum weight which an aircraft can support in flight; the gross weight. Useful— "J he excess of the full load over the dead weight of the aircraft itself, i. e., over the weight of its structure, power plant and essential accessories. (These last must be specified.) (See Capacity.) LOADING — The weight carried by an aerofoil, usually expressed in pounds per square foot of superficial area. LOBES — Bags at the stern of an elongated balloon designed to give it direc- tional stability. LONGERON — The principal fore-and-aft structural members of the fuselage or nacelle of an air])lane. (See LONGITUDINAL.) LONGITUDINAL — A fore-and-aft member of the framing of an airplane body, or of the float in a seaplane, usually continuous across a number of points of support. LONGITUDINAL DIHEDRAL— (See DIHEDRAL.) MAST— (See HORN.) MONOCOQUE— (See BODY.) MONOPLANE — A form of airplane whose main supporting surface is a single wing extending equally on each side of the body. (See AIRPLANE.) MOORING BAND — The 1:)and of tape over the top of a balloon to which are attached the mooring ropes. NACELLE— (See BODY.) NET — A rigging made of ropes and twine on spherical balloons, which sup- ports the entire load carried. NOSE DIVE — A dangerously steep descent, head on. NOSE PLATE — A plate at the nose or front end of the fuselage in which the longerons terminate. NOSE SPIN — A nose dive in which the airplane rotates about its own axis due to the reaction from the propeller. It usually results from failure to shut off the engine in time when going into a nose dive, and is likely to cause complete loss of control. ORNITHOPTER — A form of aircraft deriving its support and propelling force from flapping wings. OUT-RIGGER — -Members, independent of the body, extending forward or to the rear and supporting control or stabilizing surfaces. OVERHANG — The distance the wings project out beyond the outer struts. PAN CAKE, TO — To descend as a parachute after a machine has lost for- ward velocity. To strike the ground violently without much forward "motion. PANEL — A portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts. Applied to the fuselage it is the area bounded by two struts and the longerons. An entire wing is often spoken of as a panel. Thus the upper lifting surface of a biplane is usually of three parts designated as the right upper panel, left upper panel and the center panel. NOMENCLATURE FOR AERONAUTICS 115 PARACHUTE — An a|)])aralus made like an nnihrclla used to retard the ilescent of a fallini;' Ixxlw PARASITE RESISTANCE— 'Ihe total resistance to motion through the air of all parts of an aircraft not a j)art of the main lifting- surface. PATCH SYSTEM — A system of construction in which patches or adhesive tlaps are use;,/-9/4T(A5618)444 TEfi LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNU LOS ANGELES LITHOMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER Manufaclurtd by GAYLORD BROS. Inc. Syracuie, N. Y. 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