UC-NRLF 1DM bib ire GIFT OF American Wire Rope . American Steel & Wire Company Sales Offices CHICAGO 72 West Adams Street NEW YORK 30 Church Street WORCESTER 94 Grove Street BOSTON 120 Franklin Street CLEVELAND Western Reserve Building PITTSBURGH Frick Building BUFFALO . ' 337 Washington Street DETROIT Foot of First Street CINCINNATI Union Trust Building OKLAHOMA CITY State National Bank Building ST. LOUIS Third National Bank Building ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS .... Pioneer Building, St. Paul DENVER First National Bank Building SALT LAKE CITY . . . Walker Bank Building United States Steel Products Company EXPORT DEPARTMENT: NEW YORK . . . 30 Church Street PACIFIC COAST DEPART.: SAN FRANCISCO . . Rialto Building PORTLAND, Sixth and Alder Streets SEATTLE, 4th Ave. So. & Conn. St. Los ANGELES, Jackson & Cent. Aves. Warehouses For the convenience of our customers, we have established ware- houses at different points throughout the country from which quick shipment may be made, as follows: BALTIMORE KANSAS CITY, Mo. RICHMOND, IND. BUFFALO Los ANGELES SALT LAKE CITY CEDAR RAPIDS LOUISVILLE SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO MEMPHIS SAVANNAH CLEVELAND NEW HAVEN, CONN. SEATTLE COUNCIL BLUFFS NEW ORLEANS ST. Louis DENVER NEW YORK ST. PAUL DES MOINES PHILADELPHIA TRENTON, N. J. DETROIT PITTSBURGH WICHITA FARGO PORTLAND, ORE. WORCESTER, MASS American Wire Rope Catalogue and Hand Book American Steel & Wire Company Copyright 1913 by American Steel & Wire Company ,*" \ Issued January 1, 1933 5 Contents Hand Book Section Page Chapter I. Standard Methods and Facilities for Testing Wire Rope. 10 Chapter II. Materials Composing Wire Rope and their Physical Characteristics. 11-13 Chapter III. Standard Types of Wire Rope Construction The Strand and Various Combinations of Wires "One-Size Wire"; " Warrington" and "Scale Type" Construction. Composition of the Various Classes of Rope " Haulage," "Hoisting," "Extra Flexible," "Special Flexible," " Running Rope," etc. Abbreviated notation for describing Rope. The Structural advantages of different kinds of Rope, their susceptibility to abrasion, flexibility, strength, etc. Smooth and Flat Ropes, Regular and Lang's Lay. 14-26 Chapter IV. Variety of Uses for Wire Rope of the various types. Examples showing the scope of Wire Rope adaptability. 27-28 Chapter V. Mechanical Theory of Wire Rope. Stresses in Rope from: (1) Dead and Live Loads, (2) Bending, (3) Impact, on starting and stopping, (4) Slopes, (5) Spans. The maximum stress for Machinery in relation to the strength of the rope. The power derivable from multiple sheave blocks. Mathematical formulae and stress tables and graphical diagrams. Stresses in guys, and tables and diagrams for guy factors. Factors of safety advisable for various conditions of service. Sizes and kinds of rope for various stresses. 29-66 Chapter VI. Practical Hints and Suggestions. Gauging the diameter. Sheaves and Drums, Grooves, Overwinding, Alignment; "Lead" from Sheave to Drum; Wear of Sheaves and Drums. Disadvantages of High Speed, Reverse Bending and Sudden Stresses. Proper Handling of Wire Rope. Strength of Galvanized Ropes. Lubrication, Power Transmission and effect of Heat on Wire Rope. 67-70 Chapter VII. Instructions for Ordering Wire Rope. List of Items of Information that should accompany orders. Illustrative Sketches. 71 Chapter VIII. Typical Applications of Wire Rope in Practice! Aeroplanes, Cableways, Tramways, Cable Roads, Clam Shell and Orange Peel Buckets, Cranes, Derricks, Elevators of various kinds, Excavating Machinery, Dredges, Ferries, Guying, Loading and Unloading Machinery, Lumbering, Mining Machinery, Suspension Bridges, Stump Pulling, Towing and Oil Well Drilling. 72-118 Catalogue Section Page Chapter IX. Lists of Prices, Sizes, Strengths and Proper Diameters of Drums or Sheaves for Round and Flattened Strand Ropes, arranged in the order of their flexibility, commencing with the Least Flexible and running to the Most Flexible; in the following grades, viz.: (1) Iron, (2) Crucible Cast Steel, (3) Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel, (4) Plow Steel and (5) Monitor or Improved Plow Steel ; and for the following purposes, viz.: Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope, Hoisting, Tiller or Hand Rope, Galvanized Rigging or Guy Rope, Running Rope, Hawsers and Mooring Lines, Deep Sea Towing Hawsers, Bridge Cables, Sash Cord, Aeroplane Strands, Galvanized or Tinned Flexible Aeroplane or Motor Boat Cord, Mast Arm or Arc Light Rope, Sawing Strand for Sawing Sandstone, Clothes Lines, Special Strands for " Messenger " work, Catenary Con- struction and Lightning Arresters, etc. Round and Interlocked Tramway Strands and Flat Rope. Table of estimated average number of coils of hollow cable clothes line per barrel, packed. Description of Flat Rope, of method of repairing it. Description and prices of American Steel and Wire Shield Filler for lubricating purposes. 119-199 Chapter X. Lists of Prices and Descriptions of Special Equipment and Accessories Fittings and Methods of Attachment. Methods of joining two Ropes, Thimbles, Clips, Clamps, open and closed Sockets, Regular and Bridge Type, Single and Sister Hooks, Swivels applied to Sockets, Thimbles and Hooks. 200-215 Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope with Single and Double Fittings. 216-219 Turnbuckles, Iron Guy Shackles, Heavy W T ire Rope Blocks, Sheaves, Accessories, Endless and Special Slings and Pulling in Cables. 220229 Directions for Splicing, with Illustrations. 230-233 Tables of Power Transmitted, Weights of Materials Handled, Comparison of Strength of Wire Rope versus Manila Rope, Numbers, Dimensions and Capacities of Reels, etc. 234-238 Glossary of Terms used in the Wire Rope Industry. 239-243 Index. 243-247 American Steel and Wire Company The Properties THE trend of all Evolution is in the direction of greater adaptability of means to ends, and before entering upon the detailed discussions of the modern wire rope in all its variety of appli- cations it is eminently proper to investigate somewhat briefly its true inwardness as a mechanical device. By wire rope is here meant the rope of twisted wire, the successor of the twisted hemp rope, as distinct from the wrapped cable of straight parallel wires often used in suspension bridges. It is by no means as simple a contriv- ance as it appears, and a brief study of its construction and functions will throw a penetrating light upon how and why it has been respon- sible for the growth of several enormous industries. Adaptability in an engineering sense means economy and safety. The wire rope excels in economy for many purposes because of its long life under heavy duty, and be- cause of its superiority in strength per unit of size and weight it is for many uses the only available appliance that has yet been de- veloped. Compared with its hemp- en predecessor it has the following peculiarities : (1) Enormously greater strength for the same diameter. (2) Much greater strength for the same weight. (3) Equal strength whether wet or dry, which is decidedly not the case with a hemp rope. of Wire Rope (4) Constancy of length under all weather conditions. (5) Uniformity of strength throughout its length and through- out its life when properly used and cared for. (6) Greater certainty with which its strength can be computed. (7) Greater indestructibility. (8) Far greater variety in types of construction for different uses. (9) Approximately the same flex- ibility for the same strength. (10) Less softness for hand work. (11) Greater rigidity under stress, and smaller range of elasticity. (12) Lower cost per unit of strength. The above list is not supposed to be complete, but it is believed to be fairly representative of all actual working facts. It is appar- ent that except under certain con- ditions governing (9), (10) and (11), the wire is a better material for the purpose than hemp. A hemp rope is composed of three, or sometimes four, strands, each of which is formed by twist- ing together a comparatively large number of filaments or fibres. These filaments may be single threads of hemp or of yarn spun from a number of these threads or fibres. Since the original threads will seldom average more than three feet long, and often a good deal less than this, it is evident that the strand depends for its continuity of strength upon the binding action of the several helical American Wire Rope fibres under tension in the manner illustrated below. The action of fibres in a strand is identical with that of strands in a rope. Consider (Fig. 1) in section three circular strands, of equal length, whose centers are A, B and C, and which are laid parallel with each other untwisted and under no tension. Let their common length be denoted by L. Assume now that one end of the rope is fixed, and that the other end is rotated one complete revolution, still with- out tension. Then the axis of each strand will take the shape of a helix of which the radius of rotation is R, and the pitch is P, somewhat less than L. The length of the axis of each strand is L = V47r2 R 2 + JH to which equals 2H. Therefore F = 2^ H, and the radial force per unit length of a strand = Now apply to the rope a vertical tensile force 3T acting parallel to its axis, and which must act through each strand; and prevent the rope from untwisting by the force H, acting horizontally in each strand. These horizontal forces at each end of the rope form horizontal couples acting against each other and resisted by radial stresses N in the strands. The stress H may be compared to the tension in a band around a water tank resisting the radial forces of the water. Let F = 2N, represent the entire sum of the radial forces in one circumference. Then the radial force per unit of circumference will F be , and the forces perpendic- ular to any diameter will amount + H 2 = S 2 . Note that V must always be less than S, which ac- counts for the fact that in any rope the strength of the whole is less than the sum of the strengths of the strands. -5 = tan / = ? ^ If the angle of friction of the material composing the strands be less than /^, then the strands will tend to slide upon each other. We are now in position to under- stand many of the observed facts about twisted rope of all kinds. In the hemp rope, the strands are made from yarns that are them- selves composed of parallel fibres of short length. It is manifest that the fibres would immediately pull apart upon subjecting the rope to tension were they not crowded together by the forces H. If H is sufficient as compared with V to securely bind the fibres to- gether, their tensile strength will be fully developed. Otherwise when brought under strain they would slide upon each other, and cause the rope to "pull out" with- out the actual breaking of the fibres. Wetting the hemp fibres will decrease their angle of friction, from which it follows that a hemp rope which is properly designed when dry to develop the proper friction to keep it from pulling out may have as much as thirty per Ill American Steel and Company cent, less strength when wet. The smaller the pitch of the rope the smaller the value of V in proportion to S, and consequently the weaker the hemp rope per unit of diameter. It is therefore evident that if the hemp rope be not twisted enough the elements of it will pull apart, while if twisted too much it will yield in tension under less than its normal load. In the above discussion we as- sumed an external couple equal to 3 R H at each end of the rope to prevent untwisting, assuming absence of friction between the strands. As a matter of fact this couple 3 R H is just what is pro- vided by the friction in the rope itself. It is very much reduced in practice by laying up the alternate layers of yarn and strands in op- posite directions, the twist of one layer acting from left to right, while the adjacent ones act from right to left. The radial components of H tend to draw each strand into the axis of the hemp rope. Therefore, there is a limit to the number of strands that can be arranged around each other in stable equi- librium without a core. Thus three strands, in hemp rope practice, as we all know, make a stable struc- ture, no one strand having a tend- ency to crowd between the other two, while four strands theo- retically would tend to work into three in stable position with the fourth on the outside. Successful four-strand hemp ropes are on the market, the above-mentioned diffi- culty having been overcome of late years by making the strands of special shape and winding with great care. Thus a much smoother hemp rope is obtained, which, with a longer pitch, should be corre- spondingly stronger than a three- strand hemp rope. When a well made hemp rope is stretched beyond its strength, the friction from the H forces is so great as sometimes to cause enough heat to make the rope smoke; the fibres and strands approach each other with a reduction in the value of R, and the generation of internal heat amounting to the applied en- ergy. If A represents the length of the rope before stretching, and B its length just before yielding, then the amount of heat energy de- T veloped is (A B) . The action of a hawser used in warping a large vessel into dock against or across a strong tide strikingly exemplifies these facts. As a rope comes under stress, being more or less elastic it stretches and the pitch increases proportionately. The angle O therefore increases and the ratio of V to H increases, and it thus, up to its elastic limit, becomes more capable of resisting a given load the more it is stretched. Now the pitch of the fibres in the strands of hemp rope is greater than that of the strands in the rope in propor- tion to their respective diameters. Therefore when stretched the yarns would reach their ultimate stress sooner than the strands, were not American Wire Rope IV these latter given an initial stress by supplementary twisting during the process of manufacture. There is always some danger in the older hand made ropes there was great danger that the inner strands may actually break while the outer ones remain intact, thus leading to the gradual destruction of the hidden part of the rope which is not subject to inspection, and therefore without giving warn- ing of the loss of strength. The main characteristic of a hemp rope is its flexibility, which is incidental to its twisted structure. The fibres, yarns and strands not being parallel to the axis of the rope, when the latter is bent around a block or sheave the ele- ments composing it are partially free to roll upon each other, thus adjusting themselves more or less to changes in the direction of the axis, and being subject to far less tension and compression in bend- ing than would be the case were they laid up parallel to the axis. They are, however, subject to some direct tension because they are not entirely free to roll, and it is this tension coupled with torsion and rubbing together in the rolling process that destroys any rope either hemp or wire going over a small sheave faster than one going over a large one. By the nature of this problem it is evident at first sight that a mathematical investiga- tion covering all the factors, particu- larly those of rolling and torsion in the individual wires, would be very elaborate and complicated and would cover ground upon which we have but little experimental data, so it has not yet been at- tempted, but it is equally clear that the flexibility is very de- pendent upon the arrangement of the elements in the rope. Flexi- bility in a wire rope is increased by the insertion of hemp centers, etc. When a wire rope is not under stress the individual wires are pressed together only by the initial stress caused by the twist, and adjacent wires touch each other only at the helical loci of their common tangent points. When a heavy load is applied the wires are crowded together, generating a considerable amount of pressure between adjacent wires, and con- sequently compressing each other and the hemp centers if there are any. Hence, besides an elongation due to longitudinal strain, there is a lengthening caused by the change of pitch due to the lessen- ing of the mean diameter of the rope through the H forces described above. The unit strain for the same unit stress is therefore a good deal greater than in the case of a steel bar or wire. If X be the strain in the length P, and T be the tension on a steel area a, neg- lecting the strength of the hemp centers, which cannot be considered on account of the vast difference between the Modulus of Elasticity of hemp and that of steel, then X T - is the unit strain and is P a the unit stress. Therefore E, the American Steel and Wire Company Modulus of the rope, will be X PT a divided by = . The quan- Jr a X. tity X is the only one that will be materially affected by the twisting of the wires, since a is the cross sectional area of the metal. We see that X will be much larger for a rope than for a bar or chain, and therefore E will be correspondingly smaller. It is apparent from the above that no one value of E will do for all kinds of wire rope; the more the twist and the larger the proportion of hemp in the rope, the larger will be the value of X and the smaller that of E. For practical purposes of ordinary computation a compromise value for the different classes of wire rope has been de- termined as a fair average for general experience. See Chapter V. Section 2. Still another fact is apparent from a consideration of the last named formula. As the wires get stretched and crowded more and more into what may be called a permanent position, there will be less and less movement of the wires about each other upon the application of tension to the rope. Therefore as the rope grows older in use the value of E may be ex- pected to increase unless the per- manent set of the wires is inter- fered with by the bending of the rope around sheaves or drums. In general, then, when used on very large drums or sheaves the value of E tends to increase, while on small drums the opposite will be the case. Reduction in the value of E may also be caused by gradual deterioration of the hemp centers, in wire ropes used for long periods. In modern construction and min- ing work ropes of great length are very generally used, and the weight of the rope itself is a considerable item in the total load that the upper end of it has to carry. The upper end, then, must undergo a heavier stress than the lower end. The lower end, however, is subject to more severe impact stresses than the upper, since before raising a load, be it a bucket or skip or mine car, there is a slack to be taken up. This slack comes out with a jerk when the rope becomes taut, and develops an impact stress that is difficult to estimate. The jerk or impact is absorbed by the elasticity of the rope more and more in pro- portion as the impact wave travels away from the impact point. Therefore it is minimum at the top. We thus have the heaviest load stresses at the top and the heaviest impact stresses at the lower end, and for this reason it is the two ends rather than the middle that should be examined periodically for deterioration. Of the two the lower end is more dangerous than the upper, because the upper end is usually wound on a drum in a nice, warm, dry engine house, while the lower end is generally exposed to wet, hard knocks, twists and various other abuses. See Chapter V. Section 3. In a solid bar of steel, such as a chord member in a bridge, the " straining" or elongation and American Wire Rope VI shortening of the material is ac- companied by molecular motion of its particles. In a rope, besides this molecular motion of the par- ticles, there is a molar motion of the units, fibres or wires, com- prising the structure itself. The loss of power incidental to this molar motion can be very largely reduced by the use of internal lu- brication, which is a comparatively recent development in wire rope practice. The consequent reduc- tion of internal friction makes for a high mechanical efficiency of tackle, and eliminates a great deal of destructive effect of intermittent stresses on the rope itself. This is applicable to straight ropes that do not carry a quiescent load, but more particularly to all ropes that run over sheaves and drums. Ex- ternal lubrication, also, is valuable where the rope is subject to corro- sive action or mechanical attrition. Hemp rope deteriorates with age and with use. Wire rope deteri- orates with use, but not with age when properly cared for, and the rate of deterioration depends, among other things, on the follow- ing factors : (1) Character of the metal. (2) Arrangement of the wires. (3) Ratio of the stresses to the strength. (4) Ratio of the maximum to the minimum stress. (5) Diameter of sheaves and drums. (6) Corrosive and abrasive ex- ternal effects. (7) Quality of lubrication, in- ternal and external. To guard against deterioration frequent inspections and occasional tests of the rope are important, particularly when the rope is used for handling men. In different European countries there are well defined rules for testing and in- specting and in this country many of the States have laws intended to guard against breakages in service. The practice here has not yet been satisfactorily standardized as between the different States. Although in a wire rope the pitch of the inside strands is not the same as that of the outside ones, the outside wires are more likely to break than the others on account of the greater bending stresses of drums, etc. The binding action of the twist, that in a wire rope is not accompanied by initial torsion, is such as to equalize and dis- tribute the strain on all the wires between the center and the cir- cumference in a way that is an- alogous to the action of the rein- forcing steel in a concrete beam. As a corollary to the above, ex- ternal inspection of a wire rope is much more to be depended upon than outside inspection of a hemp one. If the visible wires are sound it is altogether probable that the inside ones are, too. This fact should not, however, be taken as an excuse to neglect regular and careful tests. A long rope, such as a mine hoisting cable, is subject to vibra- tions which become intensified at the load end, with the effect of causing a more rapid fatigue of the American Steel and Wire Company metal at the point of attachment to the car or skip than elsewhere. We therefore recommend cutting a few feet off of this end periodically and refastening the rope as before. By using in combination the qualities of flexibility and tensile strength, all the various contriv- ances of sheaves, pulleys and drums are applied for the transmission and multiplication of power. When a rope is bent against its own re- sistance, work is performed on it, and this work necessarily reduces the efficiency of the tackle. In ordinary manila tackle with blocks of good quality, the mechanical efficiency of a six-ply rig, for ex- ample, is likely to be between seventy and eighty per cent, of the theoretical figure, the remaining power being dissipated in the friction of the blocks and the work done by bending and stretching the rope. An important factor in the con- sideration of ropes is the efficiency of the various forms of knots and splices. For manila rope the fol- lowing results were obtained in tests at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, viz.: Efficiency of Knot KIND OF KNOT 90% 80% 65% 60% 50% 45% Eye splice over iron thimble. Short splice in the rope. Timber hitch, round turn, half hitch. Bowling slip knot, clove hitch. Square knot, weaver's knot, sheet bend. Flemish loop, overhand knot. These percentages are in terms of the full strength of the rope. The mechanical applications of rope may be divided into the fol- lowing classes : I. Static, such as guys, bridge cables, shrouds, etc. II. Kinetic, such as power trans- mission lines, running ropes, tackles, etc. In the static class there will be no bending stresses, except such as are incidental to the anchorages and splices. These by various mechanical contrivances are now capable of a very large percentage of efficiency, in contrast to the knot factors of hemp rope men- tioned elsewhere in this chapter. For static use flexibility is no ob- ject, and the most satisfactory types of rope for this purpose are therefore the dense ones of few wires and long pitch, thus giving the smallest cost and greatest durability for the required strength. A form of static rope is that used for cable way main cables, wherein the rope acts as a monorail besides acting in static tension, and suffers attrition of the outer wires. Special twisting of the outer strands and American Wire Rope such construction as the inter- locking wire rope are peculiarly adapted for such a purpose, since they combine economy of cost and weight with a comparatively smooth wearing surface. The span of the main cable in cableways often controls the kind of material that must be used in the wires of the cable. If the spans are reason- ably short the stresses in the cable from its own weight are small as compared with those from the load, and an ordinary steel wire of low price is suitable. Where the spans are long, however, and where, from the topography of the ground, the amount of allowable sag is limited, the stresses from the weight of the cable become very important and wire of a higher tensile strength and higher price must be used. A careful study of all the conditions, as well as an intimate knowledge of the various classes of rope on the market, is necessary in order to select the most economical one for the purpose. See page 53. For kinetic uses a rope of con- siderable flexibility is necessary. Mine hoists, for deep working, generally have drums of fairly large diameter, and the load carried by the rope is very considerable, be- sides which the weight of the rope, when the car is at the bottom, is a large item. Therefore, for this purpose a strong high tension material is necessary, together with moderate flexibility. For use with derricks, cable way falls, elevators and hoists, where the loads are comparatively light, and where the rope must run over sheaves of small diameter, flexibility becomes more important and high tensile strength per unit of weight less so. Hence for these purposes we need the hoisting ropes of small and numer- ous wires. There is a very large variety to choose from in selecting a rope for a specific purpose, and there can be only one kind that will be satisfactory for a particular purpose. Therefore, before order- ing any rope, the object that it is intended to fulfill as well as the characteristics of the rope should be thoroughly considered. When in doubt as to which of two ropes to select, it is better to take the chance of erring on the side of too much flexibility than on that of too little. The necessary strength will control the diameter, which can be taken from the tables in this volume. The effect of wear on a hoisting rope is most important. When used on a derrick such as in the construction of a bridge or high building, frequently the fall rope is used in a three-ply com- bination of sheaves, and where the fall rope is long the rope becomes twisted upon itself by the revolu- tion of the load. The raising and lowering of the load under these conditions, causing the ropes to rub each other while twisting about each other, is highly destructive of the rope. In the foregoing pages the prin- cipal characteristics of the wire rope, and its antecedent, the hemp rope, have been given, and it is believed that a perusal of them TX American Steel and Wire Company will place the reader in possession of so many of the general facts and conditions of the rope problem, as may be necessary to a good general conception of it. A great deal more of general discussion might be written. There is already an ex- tensive literature on wire rope, and as a mechanical device it represents a large field of investigation not yet covered by the mathematician, the testing expert and the metal- lurgist. The effects of tension, tor- sion and attrition acting simultane- ously, complicated by temperature changes and the results of corro- sion, lubrication and, at times, electrolysis, offer problems at once fascinating and elusive. The fact that many of them are still un- solved, however, does not detract from the certainty that as pro- duced in the mills of to-day, the wire rope is an appliance that is wonderfully well adapted to a mul- titude of uses, manifest and undis- covered, with a composition and a structure that can be varied almost endlessly to meet given conditions. It can be made with very great accuracy and reliability under proper service, and not least of its virtues is the fact that for the quan- tity of goods delivered it is far and away the most economical tool to be had for its purposes. The field of its use and its adaptability to various purposes have grown by leaps and bounds, and were never growing so fast as to-day. American Wire Rope Ffg. I. Fig. 2. 'ib American Steel and Wire Company Chapter I Standard Breaking Strengths of Wire Rope The demand for accurate information regarding wire rope has led the various manufacturers of the United States to adopt standard figures for the strength of all sizes and qualities of rope. It was formerly the practice of most manufacturers and nearly all users of wire ropes to test the individual wires and to consider their combined strength as the strength of the finished rope. Strengths thus obtained were greater than actual strengths obtained by breaking the ropes as a whole. It was on this account that the standard strengths now given in this catalogue were adopted, all figures representing actual breaks. In no case was the intrinsic strength of the ropes reduced, but more accurate and scientific data are shown in the line of progress. With some constructions and qualities of rope, the strength given represents 95 per cent of the total strength of the wires taken singly, but in other cases with different constructions it may run down to 80 per cent or even less. The question which interests the user is whether a rope will stand when new the strain given in the tables, and we can state positively that our ropes will meet the strengths given herein if properly tested. Method of Testing American Wire Rope The testing of a wire rope is not a difficult matter, but it must be properly done or it is valueless. All finished wire used in our wire rope is given a rigid test on both ends of each coil to determine its strength, tough- ness and uniformity. No coil of wire that fails to meet the rigid tests is used in American wire rope. We have not only the latest and best methods of wire testing, but we have the most improved machinery capable of testing to rupture any wire rope shown in this catalogue. Tests are constantly being made of finished ropes to assure their adherence to the standard strengths given in the tables. The strengths given are correct only for our standard product of the construction shown, it being obvious that any variation or modification of the standards would somewhat alter the strength of the rope. We have figures for these modified constructions and qualities and can furnish them when required. These testing facilities are complete from a machine for the smallest wire to one for the largest rope listed herein, so that customers may rely absolutely on the information given. American Wire Rope 11 Chapter II Material in Wire Rope Wire ropes are made almost exclusively from iron or steel and there have been applied to the various grades of strength of materials certain names which have clung to them until they can hardly be dispensed with. To many perhaps these terms have been more or less misleading or confusing. It is our intention to set this subject briefly before the trade so that there may be a clear understanding of the various trade names used in this catalogue. The materials used in the wire ropes as described in the succeeding pages are grouped into five main divisions as follows : 1. Iron. 2. Crucible Cast Steel 3. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 4. Plow Steel 5. Monitor, or Improved Plow Steel and Tico Special 6. Hemp Centers. First : IRON This material was used almost entirely in the early days of rope manufacture and is employed to a limited extent at the present day, although by no means so extensively, owing to the development of the stronger and tougher steels. Iron is a very pure material containing very small amounts of phosphorus, sulphur and carbon. The physical characteris- tics of iron are softness, ductility and low tensile strength, being approximately 85,000 pounds per square inch in the drawn wire entering into ropes. This applies to the iron transmission and hoisting rope illustrated on pages 121 and 127. Purchasers of our bright iron rope are assured that it contains the best material that can be produced. Second: CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL This brand of steel derived its name from the early method of making carbon steel which could be hardened. This was formerly made in small crucibles capable of being operated by hand and containing from 50 to 100 pounds of steel each. This steel was then cast into small ingots or bars. The same grade of steel for rope is now universally made, both in Europe and America by the Siemens-Martin open hearth furnace, which differs from the original crucible principally in size and amount which can be made at one time. With the old crucible process, each small ingot was of different chemical composition, but with the open hearth furnace, the larger units of steel are of the same chemical composition and each batch from the Siemens-Martin furnace will make a number of large castings or ingots. American Steel and Wire Company When drawn into wire and properly treated, our crucible open hearth steel* will have a tensile strength from 150,000 to 200,000 pounds per square inch of sectional area, depending upon the size of finished wire and the properties required. Third: EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL This, as its name indicates, is a stronger grade of crucible open hearth steel of somewhat different chemical composition, the strength of which runs from 180,000 to 220,000 pounds per square inch of sectional area, depending upon the size of finished wire and properties required. Fourth: PLOW STEEL This name originated in England many years ago, and was applie/i to a strong grade of crucible steel wire which was used in the construction of very strong ropes employed to operate gangs of plows. The name of " plow steel," as applied to rope, means a high grade open hearth steel of a tensile strength in the wire of 200,000 to 260,000 pounds per square inch of sectional area, depending upon the size of the finished wire and the properties required. The name, although somewhat vague and unsatis- factory, has been associated with the trade for a long time. Eifth: MONITOR, OR IMPROVED PLOW STEEL AND Tico SPECIAL We have adopted the trade names of " Monitor" and "Tico Special" for the strongest grades of wire rope which we produce. ~ These are made of very carefully selected open hearth steel wire having a tensile strength from 220,000 to 280,000 pounds per square inch of sectional area, depending upon the size of the finished wire used in the rope. These are the toughest materials of high strength that have yet been produced. They have a large and constantly growing field of use. Sixth : Hemp centers are usually employed in wire ropes to form an elastic cushion for the strands of the rope to rest upon. These are selected with great care and only the finest and most uniform fiber is used. The merits of these various grades of materials may be summarized briefly. Iron This is a low tensile strength material, very soft and ductile, but the heaviest in proportion to its strength and consequently of only limited usefulness. Crucible Cast Steel This is a medium tensile strength material, tough and pliable, of moderate cost and general utility. It weighs only about one-half as much as iron for the same strength and its lightness makes it very efficient. It is harder than iron and better resists external wear. term open hearth steel must not be confused with crucible open hearth steel, as the latter applies only to the higher grade of material of crucible quality, whereas the former may mean any grade of steel produced by the open hearth furnace. American Wire Rope 13 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel This is a grade midway between crucible steel and plow steel in tensile strength, and is a very serviceable material, tough, pliable, a little lighter for the same strength than crucible steel, and about two and a half times the strength of iron. Plow Steel This is next to the strongest material used in wire rope, combin- ing lightness and great strength. It is tough, but somewhat stiffer than crucible steel, and possesses very nearly three times the strength of iron. Monitor, or Improved Plow Steel This is a little stiffer in the same diameter than the preceding kinds, but strength for strength equally flexible. It is very useful where great strength, lightness and abrasive resisting qualities are required. It is the toughest steel of its strength that can be produced, and is fully three times as strong as iron. Tico Special Steel This special grade of steel wire is used in the manu- facture of Tico special ropes, which possess the highest degree of resilience and strength possible without sacrificing the inherent elasticity of the material. For list prices, see Monitor rope. The manufacture of these various grades of steel is an art in itself, which has been perfected after a half of a century of effort to its present high standard by the American Steel & Wire Company. Consumers mnv be assured that the materials used to-day in rope manufacture are more reliable tharv at any time in the past. The selection of ingredients going into the production of our rope steels is more carefully and scientifically handled and the resulting product more uniform than has hitherto been deemed possible. It will be found that the materials entering into American wire rope contain the smallest possible amounts of phosphorus and sulphur, the delete- rious effects of which are well known. Every heat of rope steel made is carefully analyzed and checked, and only such as conforms to our rigid chemical tests is ever used for wire rope. The same watchful supervision is given every process in the manufacture of the wire for the finished rope. The steel must be cast into ingots, rolled into billets, re-rolled from billets to small bars and then into rods before it reaches the wire-drawing stage. These rods must then be cleaned, drawn, given successive heat treatments and further drawing until the wire has been brought to the finished point. If at any of these stages the material shows mechanical defects, however slight, it is rejected, and every coil of the finished wire is given further exacting tests, all to determine its quality, which is the keynote in the production of American wire rope. 14 American Steel and Wire Company Chapter III Constructions In the development and application of wire rope there have been devised many constructions, some good and some bad, but in course of time odd com- binations of wires have been discarded and certain types have become standard. These standard constructions constitute the greater percentage of the wire rope ordinarily used in commercial work to-day. Wire rope as now produced consists of a group of strands the wires of which are twisted together symmetrically according to a definite geometrical arrangement. A group of strands is correspondingly laid symmetrically around a center core or neutral axis. Strands The fundamental unit in rope construction is the strand, and a short explanation of this is necessary to place the subject logically before rope users. To begin with, a vast number of geometrical combinations of wires are possi- ble, but for ordinary work the practice is to use one wire in the center of the strand, surrounding this with a layer of six wires, then successively with layers of twelve, eighteen, twenty -four and thirty wires, etc., this construction being known as concentric strand. 12 18 24 30 . 1 Wire Wij 19 Wires 37 Wires 61 Wire. 91 Wires The addition of one layer of six wires around a center wire produces a strand for a haulage rope. A supplementary layer of twelve wires makes a nineteen-wire strand for a hoisting rope. This strand in turn may be covered by a third layer of eighteen wires, making a thirty-seven-wire strand that is used in a special flexible hoisting rope. In connection with illustrations of strands of uniform diameter it is evident that the greater the number of wires in the strand, the more flexible will be the rope constructed therefrom. American Wire Rope 15 7 Wire Strand 19 Wire Strand 37 Wire Strand 6 1 Wire Strand 91 Wire St 16 American Steel and Wire Company In the making of standard hoisting ropes, i. e., of six strands of nineteen wires each, certain desirable features result from a slight modification of the strands and wires : 1. Common one-size-unre construction, nineteen wires all of one size, is the simplest hoisting rope strand made. 2. Three-size-wire construction, sometimes called " Warrington" con- struction, consists of seven inside wires of uniform diameter surrounded by twelve wires which are alternately large and small. This combination increases the metallic area and strength by approximately ten per cent. Experience has demonstrated the advantages of this construction for general hoisting purposes and has led to its adoption in the manufacture of standard steel hoisting ropes. 3. Seale construction, in which the center wire is large, the next layer of nine wires small and the outer layer of nine wires large. These strands produce a rope somewhat stiffer than the first two mentioned. See further reference to Seale construction. It is possible to make strands using two, three, four or five wires in place of one center wire, and to cover these wires with successive layers of wires, but these constructions are rarely used and have little commercial value. There are a few cases where odd constructions are advisable, and we shall be glad to give our customers any information necessary upon application. The types of concentric strand shown in the preceding illustrations are compact, present a uniform external surface to take wear and give a wide range of flexibility. Rope A number of strands, usually six, are laid together around a hemp center to form a completed rope. In the order of their flexibility from coarse to fine constructions they are 6 strands, 7 wires each, known as " haulage rope " 6 strands, 19 wires each, known as hoisting rope, "Seale type" 6 strands, 19 wires each, known as "hoisting rope" 6 strands, 37 wires each, known as " special flexible " 8 strands, 19 wires each, known as " extra flexible rope" 6 strands, 12 wires each, known as " running rope" 6 ropes, 6 strands, 7 wires each, known as " tiller or hand rope" In describing a rope construction it is customary to use the following abbreviated notation, e. g. 6 x 7, which means six strands of seven wires each, the number of strands coming and the first number of wires last. American Wire Rope 17 Haulage, Transmission and Standing Rope Construction The coarsest rope, i. e., the 6x7 construction, is a relatively stiff rope with large wires capable of resisting external wear or abrasion, but it is the least flexible type shown and its use is limited to conditions where abrasion is excessive and bending around sheaves is a minor feature. See chapter on "Practical Applications," page 72. Scale Construction The next rope in point of flexibility is the 6 x 12 with one hemp core (each strand composed of three wires covered by nine wires), or better still the 6 x 19 Scale type. The use of the 6 x 12 construction is not recommended, as it mak^s a poor rope structurally, and the 6 x 19 Seale type is not only identical so far as external surface of the strand goes, but is properly constructed internally. The name " Seale type construction" is applied to a rope each strand of which is composed of one large center wire surrounded by nine small IS American Steel and Wire Company wires and then by nine large wires, making a perfect mechanical construction. The Scale type is suited to a limited number of applications and is sold at the same price as the regular 6 x 19 construction. Hoisting Rope Construction The next step toward flexibility is the 6 x 19 construction, known universally as hoisting rope, due to its application to general hoisting purposes. The wires are smaller than in the 6x7 haulage rope and are less able to resist abrasion, but can be more easily bent around sheaves and drums. Special Flexible Hoisting Rope Construction The 6 x 37 special flexible rope is composed of still smaller wires than the 6 x 19, possesses great flexibility and may be bent round fairly small sheaves, but it should not be subjected to much external wear, particularly in the smaller sizes, as the wires will be worn off too quickly. American Wire Rope 19 Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope The 8 x 19 extra flexible rope has more flexibility than the 6x19, being composed of two additional strands, and may be used over smaller sheaves than the latter. It is about as flexible as the 6 x 37 construction but not as strong, owing to its larger hemp center. Running Rigging Construction and Mooring Hawsers The 6 x 12 running rope is a modification of the 6 x 19 construction, being identical so far as external appearance goes, having a hemp core in each strand or seven in all. This type of construction is more flexible than the 6 x 19 but only about two-thirds as strong. 20 American Steel arid Wire Company Tiller Rope Construction The 6x6x7 tiller rope construction makes an exceedingly flexible rope, and is capable of bending around very small sheaves. It is the most flexible standard rope on the market to-day. Being composed of very fine wires it will stand less surface wear than any type mentioned and the load should be light. Special Constructions In addition to the preceding constructions there are a number of special constructions which have been developed to meet unusual conditions. The particular qualifications of each are referred to in the following pages. Non-spinning Rope, 18 Strands 7 Wires This is a special construction of hoisting rope designed to prevent the rotating of a free load on the end of a single line. It is the only type of rope that really does accomplish this and is excellent for the purpose for which it is designed. American Wire Rope 21 Flattened Strand Hopes, Hoisting and Haulage Type A Type B Type C Type D 22 American Steel and Wire Company Type E These five styles of flattened strand have been designed to secure greater wearing surface and at the same time to retain as much flexibility as possible. It will be easily seen from an examination of the illustrations that these ropes more nearly approach a solid bar so far as external surface is concerned than is possible in the case of any style of rope made of round strands. In fact, flattened strand ropes possess about 150 per cent more wearing surface than the ordinary round strand rope. This is a distinct advantage for some wire rope applications where external wear on the wires results in a considerable decrease in strength as well as shorter life of the rope. Types C (5 x 9), D (6 x 8), and E (5 xll) correspond in general to the 6x7 round rope, and types A (5 x 28) and B (6 x 25) to the 6x19 construc- tion in the general line of flexibility and usage. Their further uses are explained in detail under the various lists, pages 145 to 154. Steel Clad Hoisting Rope This kind of hoisting rope has each strand spirally served with flat steel strips, which give considerable additional wearing surface over the ordinary type. In fact, when the flat strips of a steel clad rope have worn through, there still remains a complete hoisting rope with unimpaired strength, Where ropes wear out quickly, this feature is a distinct advantage. American Rope Flat Rope This rope corresponds to a flat wire or ribbon and might be likened to a flat clock spring in this respect, that it will wind upon itself in a very narrow space. Some conditions are eminently suited to this type of construction, which can be made in any reasonable width, thickness or length. Further information regarding uses will be found on page 194. American Steel and W^ire Company Round Track Cable for Aerial Tramways Locked Wire Cable For cable spans or cableways there have been devised two special cables which present fairly smooth surfaces for wheels to run upon. The better is the interlocked type, as it presents the smoother external surface. See also pages 190-191 for further details. A point that should be noted in the foregoing discussion of wire rope constructions is that in going from a coarser to the next finer construction, or with each increase in flexibility, there is a corresponding decrease in the size of the wires and consequently in the wear resisting qualities. This should be borne carefully in mind in the selection of the type of wire rope to be used for a given application. In this connection a further discussion of this subject is found in the chapter on " How to Calculate Wire Rope Prob- lems," on pages 30-66. American Wire Rope Wire Rope Lays There are two general methods of laying up rope : the common type known as Regular lay, and the other as Lang's lay. Regular lay, right hand rope, 6x 19 lay, 6x7 In the Regular /ay, the wires of the strands are twisted in one direction and the strands laid into the rope in the opposite direction, giving the appear- ance shown in the first illustration. Most of the rope used in America is made in this manner, and it has become standard for general work. In the Lang's lay rope both the wires in the strands and the strands in the rope are twisted in the same direction, giving the peculiar appearance noted in the second cut. Lang's Jay rope is more easily untwisted than Regular lay and it is more difficult to tuck the strands securely in a splice, but it is especially adapted to resist external wear and grip action. Lang's lay rope should not be used without first consulting with us as to its adaptability. No universal rule can be given regarding its application, other than that its use is limited as compared with the standard Regular lay. It will be noted that all flattened strand ropes are made I J ang' l s lay. See illustrations on preceding pages 21 and 22. 26 American Steel and Wire Company Regular lay, right hand rope Regular lay, left hand rope Rope is usually made right lay, which is standard for all our rope as well as that of all other manufacturers in the United States. Right lay rope corresponds to a right hand threaded screw of long pitch and left lay to a left hand threaded screw of long pitch. The use of left lay rope is limited and confined to rope used in pairs on elevators and similar places where the tendency of left lay rope to untwist in one direction is offset by the tendency of the right lay rope to untwist in the opposite direction. The majority of oil well drilling ropes are also made left lay. Reverse lay rope, also known as right and left lay rope This consists of a rope in which the alternate strands are made Regular and Lang's lay. In the case of a six-strand hoisting rope, as shown, there are three strands regular lay and three strands Lang's lay. Not many ropes are made in this way, but this description would be incomplete without reference to it. American Wire Rope 27 Chapter IV Range of Application The use of wire rope for mechanical purposes has increased very largely in the past few years, so that it has almost completely superseded the older methods employing manila rope and steel or iron chain. The scope of application has become universal, involving the selection or at times the designing of a special rope to meet the conditions imposed. It sometimes necessitates a radical departure from the ordinary forms of construction. With the facilities and plants at our. command, we can try out rope for every class of service and give our customers not an experiment, but a proven rope. We make a complete line of wire rope for every practical purpose to which a wire rope can be applied. Some of the principal uses to which wire rope may be put are as follows: Haulage rope for mines, docks, etc. Hoisting rope for elevators of * all kinds, mines, coal hoists, ore hoists, conveyors, derricks, stump pullers, steam shovels, dredges, logging, ballast, unloaders, etc. Special flexible and extra flexible rope for cranes, counterweights, ammunition hoists, dredges and kindred uses. Flattened strand rope of all kinds for all purposes. Track cable for aerial cableways, both ordinary and locked types. All the foregoing ropes except the interlocked track strand are made in all strengths of material, viz. : Iron. Crucible Cast Steel. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel. Plow Steel and Monitor grades and may be furnished galvan- ized if necessary. The following additional ropes are also made : Extra Galvanized Standing Rope for derricks, ships' rigging, etc. Extra Galvanized Hoisting and Running Rope for mooring and messenger lines, cargo hoists, ships' rigging, etc. Extra Galvanized Hawsers for mooring and towing. Galvanized Cables for suspension bridges. Wire Sash Cord, annealed, galvanized or tinned, iron or copper. Galvanized Mast Arm or Arc Light Rope. Galvanized and Extra Galvanized Strand in all sizes. Special Ropes of every size, construction or quality made to order on short notice. If it is rope or stranded wire we make it. All sizes of copper cable and strand for all electrical pur- poses. Also fittings of all kinds for attaching to wire rope. American Steel and Wire Company In the general definition of wire rope is included practically everything that is twisted into strands or ropes. Even wire sash cord -^ inch in diameter is a rope just as truly as a large dredge rope 2^ inches diameter and a small tiller or hand rope as much as a large mine hoisting rope. A small aeroplane stay strand differs from a large bridge cable only in size ; both are stranded products. It is difficult to give all the various uses to which v/ire rope can be put, but -from very small to very large sizes they cover a wide range of utility. Almost any special type of construction may be made if required by the conditions of use. It will be seen from the foregoing summary that wire rope in its vari- ous sizes is adaptable to the most delicate mechanisms, as well as to the handling of the heaviest and largest machinery. Its adaptability is one of its strongest merits. See also chapter on practical wire rope installations pages 72 to 118. Chapter V How to Calculate Wire Rope Problems 30 American Steel and Wire Company Chapter V How to Decide Size, Quality and Construction of Wire Rope In discussing this important question, around which hinges the successful use of wire rope, we will consider it under two general headings. A. STRESSES. B. SIZES AND QUALITY OF ROPE TO MEET THE STRESSES. Under Stresses, the following detail sections will be taken up in the order given : Page 1. Dead and live loads ...... 30 2. Bending stresses . . . . . . . 31 3. Stresses due to shocks of starting and stopping . 47 4. Stresses of inclines and slopes . . . . . 49 5. Stresses in spans . ... 53 6. Stress limitations of machinery .... 58 7. Multiple sheave blocks ...... 58 8. Wire rope guys ....... 60 9. Factors of safety ....... 64 The above nine sections constitute the principal factors requiring con- sideration in wire rope operations. A. Stresses Section 1 Dead and Live Loads Wire rope applications divide themselves into two general classes, one in which the load is stationary and the other in which it is movable or fluctuating. It is a comparatively easy matter to estimate the stresses in a rope when the loads are what might be termed dead loads, such as occur in guy ropes and similar uses. On the other hand, a live load immediately brings us to a point where a number of factors must be carefully considered. The principal factor of course is the changing of motion of the load. All loads are dead loads until they begin to move and then they become live loads. The effect of a live load at times is not very greatly different from that of a dead load, provided the stress induced is uniform, but there are many cases where the load is started and stopped quickly and such cases result in a series of stresses due to shocks of start- ing and stopping. Stresses due to shocks of starting and stopping will be considered under Section 3, of this chapter. American Wire Rope 31 Section 2 Bending Stress on Wire Rope The subject of this section is not a new one by any means, but it has been regarded by many wire rope users as of no practical importance. This view of the case is erroneous, and we shall endeavor to show that it is not only im- portant, but neglect of consideration often leads to very poorly designed apparatus and subsequently high maintenance charges, discouraging both to the user as well as to the builder. The user often finds his maintenance charges excessive, and it is difficult at times for him to understand clearly that his rope conditions are at fault. SOLID BAR ROPE SENT AROUND DRUM The bending stress in a wire rope, as we define it, is the stress which is produced in the metal composing it when the rope is bent around a sheave or drum of any diameter. Unlike ordinary stresses it does not appeal to the eye of the rope user in the same way that a live or dead load does, but it exists to a greater or lesser degree in all wire rope applications. It takes its toll, whether it is recognized or not, and while it is not possible to eradicate it entirely, still when its value is known its deleterious action can be reduced to a minimum, provided sheaves and drums are made proper size. It is serious to neglect consideration of any of the stresses effecting a rope, no matter how produced, because the success or failure of such appliances centers around these points. It is not surprising perhaps that many rope users and even some engineers have avoided this subject, because it is a fact that a good deal of the information now extant upon the subject contains just enough of truth to American Steel and Wire Company be deceiving. This is because after an elaborate mathematical process one wrong assumption has been made which nullifies completely the results obtained. In the present chapter we have availed ourselves of data gleaned from practical experiments, covering a considerable period of time, and numerous tests, so that the information given may be taken at face value. l% If we attempt to bend a bar of iron or steel one inch in diameter around a sheave or drum three feet in diameter we would find that the material had been stressed beyond the elastic limit, or, in other words, it had stretched permanently. On the other hand, if a wire rope one inch in diameter were taken in the same way it would be found that it not only bent more easily but that it had little, if any, permanent set. The rope, however, has been stressed, although to a lesser degree. In fact, if it were a 6 x 19 rope it would have a stress of 20,000 pounds per square inch, or multiplying by the area of the wire in the rope, we have 3 . 72 tons. The stress in the iron bar would be approximately 800,000 pounds per square inch, according to standard formulae. This figure looks absurd, but it shows about forty times as much stress in the round bar as in a hoisting rope of the same diameter bent around sheaves of identical diameter. Of course, long before the stress reached 800,000 pounds per square inch in the round bar, the material composing the bar would have begun to stretch as it would in the case of steel when the stress reached about 30,000 pounds per square inch. If it were possible to make material with an elastic limit of 800.000 pounds, the round bar would have that stress when bent around a 3-foot sheave. The formula usually used for calculating the stress in a solid bar bent around a sheave is given in most books on mechanics as follows : where S = stress per square inch in material due to bending E = Youngs modulus = 29,000,000 for steel d = diameter of bar D = diameter of bend It has been the practice of some engineers to calculate the bending stress on a rope by means of the above formula (1) modifying it by taking d = diameter of wire in the rope. This would be correct if a wire rope were composed of straight wires, but it is decidedly incorrect because of the fact that the wires of a rope are twisted, and the stress very much different. This is the principal point of the entire problem. American Wire Rope The twisting of the wires spirally in a rope has the effect of reducing the stress materially over that in a round bar. The keynote of the problem lies in taking the right modulus of elasticity, this fact being apparent when this subject is investigated, and it is this practical point which has been the stumbling block to many theoretical calcu- lators. We have determined by careful tests that the modulus of elasticity for ordinary wire ropes with a hemp center does not exceed 12,000,000 pounds when the rope is new, and we have used this figure in the calculation of the tables given on the following pages. The formula used to make these calculations is S-E ^D where E K = modulus of elasticity of the whole rope value = 12,000,000 pounds for six-strand ropes d = diameter of wire in the rope D = diameter of sheave to center of the rope or neutral axis S = stress per square inch in wires of rope due to bending around sheave of diameter D The values obtained which have been tabulated on the following pages are reasonable, accurate and applicable to the calculation of all rope problems. They show the stress in a wire rope from the smallest to the largest practicable sheave that is used for any work, and we ask the careful consideration of them by all rope users. For the purpose of getting a line of uniform stress in a wire rope we have drawn zigzag diagonal lines which show the stresses in tons for a uniform stress per square inch, which will be valuable in indicating whether the sheaves and drums in a wire rope system are properly proportioned. In general the bending stress should be kept at as low a value as possible. This varies with the class of work or nature of application; values that would be considered high in mine work would be low for some classes of machinery, because in the latter case it may be necessary to sacrifice the life of the rope for the sake of greater economy in other respects. We do not believe in sacri- ficing the rope service until other means of successful solution of a problem have been carefully considered, because in the long run such propositions are usually expensive and unsatisfactory to the owner, and oftentimes present a difficulty that at best can only be partially solved by the rope manufacturer. It would hardly be advisable to use as large sheaves on a hand crane or machine operated only intermittently as on an apparatus that is constantly working. The effect of the bending stress is shown usually in the decreased life of a rope. 34 A merit mi Steel and Wire Company The practical application of the following tables is best shown by an example solved in accordance with this rule : 1. Divide the breaking strength of the rope as given under the tables of strength by the factor of safety which it is desired to use. From this quantity deduct the bending stress for the diameter of rope and size of sheave or drum under consideration, and the result will be the proper working load. e. g. What load will a ^s-rope carry with a factor of safety of 5 over a 3-foot sheave? Catalogue strength of S/ 8 plow = 15.5 tons (6x19 Rope) Divide by 5 = 3.1 tons Deduct bending stress . . . = 0.91 ton Proper working load . . . = 2.19 tons which means that the working load is 2.19 tons after considering the bending stress. It must be noted in particular that the bending stress must not be deducted from the total strength of the rope, but only after the factor of safety has been applied. The total load on the rope is 3.1 tons, of which 2.19 tons is useful load and 0.91 ton is non-utilizable load or bending stress. It is only necessary to consider in any problem the minimum size of sheave because the maximum stress is produced by the smallest sheave, and the passing over more than one sheave does not alter the bending stress, although the greater the number of sheaves the greater will be the surface wear upon the rope. It is also true that the fewer the sheaves used in any wire rope system the longer the rope will last. American Wire Rope 35 Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6x7 Rope in Net Tons Diatn.o Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 15'-0' 14'-0' 13'-0" 12'-0" ll'-O' lO'-O* 9'-6' 9'-0' 8'-6" 8'-0' 1# 1# IX 1# 1 5.04 5.40 4.16 5.82 4.48 6.30 6.87 5.29 7.56 7.96 8.40 6 47 8.89 6 85 5.14 9.45 7.27 5.46 3.88 1 2.91 4.85 8JJ4 5.82 4 37 6.13 1 4.60 j 3.12 2.24 3.36 2.42 3.97 2.86 4.86 L 3 49 2. 01) 1.49 2.62 1.87 3.14 2.24 3.31^ 2.36 3.69 3.92 2.80 1.60 1.72 2.04 2.49 2.64 jfe % # A # 1.03 0.63 1.11 0.67 1.19 1.29 1.41 1.55 1.63 1.72 1 82 1.94 0.72 0.42 0.78 0.46 0.85 0.94 0.99 0.58 L 1.04 1.11 1.18 0.37 0.26 0.39 0.28 0.50 0.36 0.55 0.39 0.28 0.61 0.65 , 0.46 0.69 0.49 0.30 L.0.22 0.33 0.23 0.41 29 0.43 31 0.19 0.20 25 33 35 A 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.09 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.12 0.20 0.13 0.21 0.23 24 H A A 0.08 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.06 0.13 0.14 0.08 0.15 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.08 ' 0.03 0.04 04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 For 6x7 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 7'-V 7MT 6'-6" 6'-0" 5'-6" 5'-0" 4'-6" 4'-0" 3'-6" 3'-8' 1# iKs IX l# 1 10.08 10.80 8.32 11.64 8.96 12.60 13.74 10.58 15.12 16.80 13.94 18.90 14.54 10.92 8.96 6.88 7.761 5.82 9.70 1 L 7.28 11.641 8.74 6.24 6.72 4.84 7.941 5.72 9.72 6.98 4.18 2.98 4.48 3.20 5.24 L 3.74 1 6.28 1 4.48 7.84 5.60 3.44 4.08 4.98 6.40 H X & A %_ 2.06 1.26 2.22 1.34 2.38 2.58 [ 2.82 3.10 3.44 3.88 4.49 4.76 2.88 1.44 0.84 1.56 0.92 L 1.70 1.88 2.08 2.36 2.68 1 0.74 0.52 0.78 0.56 1.00 0.72 1.10 0.78 0.56 1.22 i 1.38 L 0.98 1.56 1.68 0.66 L 0.43 0.66 0.46 0.86 O.C2 1.12 L 0.80 1.20 0.38 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.86 i TS H A A 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.18 0.32 0.36 0.38 0.24 0.43 0.48 0.56 0.34 0.60 0.16 0.09 0.17 0.10 0.20 0.22 [ 0.12 0.26 0.30^ L 0.18 0.36 0.21 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.16^ 0.11 0.20 ' 0.14 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.15 36 American Steel and Wire Company Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6x7 Rope in Net Tons Diam.ol Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 3'-0" 2'-9" 2'-0" 3'-3" 2'-0" IMP l'-G" l'-3" r-0" IK 1H 1* l# i 7.48 # H # 9 1? # 5.16 8.12 5.64 6.20 4.16 4.72 3.12 [ 2.64 3.40 3.76 2.20 1.84 1.32 2.00 1.44 1.00 2.44 1.72 2.76 1.96 1.40 1.56 1.12 2.24 1.60 0.92 1.24 1.84 rV Ks T 6 * A 0.64 0.70 0.76 0.86 0.96 0.59 1.12 1.28 0.79 0.40 0.23 0.43 ' 0.24 0.18 ^J).47 0.52 0.68 0.39 0.28 0.20 0.31 0.22 0.35 0.47 [ 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.28 American Wire Rope 37 Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6x 19 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 20'-0' 18'-0' 16'-0" 15'-0" 14'-0" 13'-0" 12MT ll'-O" lO'-O* y-6" 2# 2^ 2X 2 1M 11.63 12.92 9.71 14.54 15.51 11.65 16.47 12.48 17.89 19.39 14.57 21.15 15.89 23.26 24.50 18.40 8.74 1 6.37 10.92 1 7.96 13.45 9.81 17.48 1 12.74 7.08 1 4.98 8.49 5.97 9.10] 6.40 10.61 7.47 11.58 1 8.15 13.41 9.43 4.481 3.00 5.60 3.74 6.89 1 4.61 8.96^ 5.99 3.33] 3.99 4.28 4.99 5.45 6.31 i# iK i# iX 15* 2.40 1.88 2.67 3.001 2.36 3.20 3.43 3.69 2.90 4.00 4.36 3.43 4.801 3.77 2.91 5.05 2.09 1 1.62 2.51 1.94 2.69 1 2.08 3.14 1 2.42 3.97 3.06 2.30 1.46 1.09 1.82 1.36 2.24 1 1.68 2.65] 1.98 1.21 0.88 1.45 1.06 1.56 1 1.14 1.82 1 1.33 2.18] 1.59 0.80 ' 0.99 1.22 1.45 1.68 i H H H A 0.56 0.62 0.42 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.54 0.86 0.93 L 0.63 1.01 1.12 0.75 1.18 0.79 0.37' 0.47 0.50' 0.58 0.68 , 0.37" 0.21 0.40 0.43' 0.47 0.50 0.23 0.25^ 0.19 L 0.27 0.29 0.20 0.21 # rV H T 5 * 0.13 0.14 0.15 For 6 x 19 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 9'-0" 8'-G- 8'-0" 7'-G" 7'-cr G'-6" G'-O" 5'-6" 5MT 4'-6" 2# 2K 2X 2 IK 25.84 27.36 29.08 [21.84 31.02 32.94 35.78 26.90 38.78 42.29 31.78 46.52 34.96 25.48 28.32 19.92 19.48 L 14.16 20.56 14.99 23.30 ( 16.98 24.96 18.20 29.141 21.22 15.92 11.20 19.62 13.78 23.16 16.29 9.96 [ 6.66 10.55 7.05 11.94 7.98 12.801 8.56 14.94 17.92 7.48' 9.22 9.981 10.88 11.98 13.32 \H W i# ix \y% 5.34' L 4.18 5.65 6.00 6.40 5.02 6.86 1 5.38 4.16 7.38 8.00 6.28 8.73 6.85 5.29 9.60 10.68 [ 8.36 4.44 3.42 4.72 3.64 5.80 4.48 3.36 7.54 5.82 4.36 3.24' 2.42 3.88 2.90 4.841 3.64 6.48 4.84 3.52 2.56 1.87 2. 72' 1.98 3.12 3.96' 2.89 1.76 2.12 2.28 2.44 2.66 3.18 i H X K & 1.24 1.32 1.40 0.94 1.50 1.00 1.60 1.72 1.16 L 1.86 2.04' 2.24 2.48 [ 1.68 0.84 LJK52 0.88' 0.55 1.08 1.26 1.36 0.85 1.50 0.59 0.63 L 0.36 0.67 0.39 0.74 0.80 0.94' 1.04 0.30 0.22 0.32 0.23 0.34 0.24 0.42 0.46 L 0.33 0.49 0.54 ( 0.60 0.26 0.28 0.30 0.36 0.40 L 0.44 */2 A H A X 0.16 0.16 0.11 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.23 0.15 0.25 0.16 0.28 0.18 [ 0.32 0.21 0.12 0.13 0.08 0.13 0.08 0.14 0.09 0.05 0.10 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.06 0.03 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.13 0.08 0.04 38 American Steel and Wire Company Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6x19 Rope in Net Tons Diam.of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 4'-0" 3'-9" 8'-G" 3'-3' 3'-0" 2'-9" 2'-6" 2'-3" 2'-0" IMP 2K W 2X 2 1% 31.84 33.96 25.60 [ 19.96 21.76 23.96 22.40 14.96 23.881 15.96 17.12 18.44 1% IX Itt IX Itf 12.00 9.44 12.80 13.72 L 10.76 14.76 11.60 8.96 16.00 12.56 9.68 17.46 19.20 15.08 16.72 12.96 14.56 10.88 7.92 12.48 9.12 10.02 7.76 13.70 10.58 7.92 7.28 5.44 8.32 11.64 8.72 6.36 5.80 6.24] 4.56 j 6.72 7.28 L 5.32 9.68 7.04 3.96 4.24 4.88^ 5.78 1 H X H ft 2.80 3.00 3.20 2.16 [ 3.44 3.72 4.08 2.72 L 4.48 4.96 5.60 3.76 [ .6.40 1.88 1.18 2.00 1.26 2.32 2.52 3.00 1.88 3.861 4.32 [ 2.68 1.34 1.48 0.84 1.60] 0.91 L 0.66 1.70 2.08 2.36 0.68 0.48 0.72 0.52 0.78" 0.56 0.98" 0.72 1.08 1.201 0.88 1.36 L 1.56 0.60 0.801 0.96 1 1.12 l /2 & H A X 0.34 0.24 0.38 0.26 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.30 0.50 0.32 0.56 0:62 0.42 ^0.68 0.80 0.27 0.17 0.28^ 0.18 0.36] 0.24 "0.47 0.30 0.54 0.33 0.15 0.09 0.05 0.16" 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.22 0.13 0.26 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.11 0.06 0.12] 0.06 0.14] 0.17 0.19 L o.io 0.07 0.07" 0.08 0.09 For 6x19 Rope in Net Tons Diam.of Rope in Inches Dia.meter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches l'-6" l'-3" l'-0" 0'-9' 2# 2^ 2X 2 1M Ifc 1# 1/8 IX ij* 10.64 1 # X X A 7.44 8.96 6.00 7.52 L 4.72 5.04 3.20 3.76 2.16 1.82 1.32 2.72 1.82 1.60 % A H A X 0.93^ 0.63 1.12 1.36 L 0.94 0.72 0,48 0.40 0,23 0.12 0.60 0.34 0.28 0.14 0.17 American Wire Rope 39 Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6 x 37 Rope in Net Tons Diam.of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches U'-O" 18'-0' 12'-0" ll'-O- lO'-O" 9'-0" 8MT 7'-6' 7' -or 6'-6' 2X 2^ 2X 2 1* 11.11 11.97 8.99 12.96 14.15 10.63 15.56 17.40 12.99 19.45 20.75 L 15.60 22.22 16.70 23.94 17.98 13.10 8.35 1 6.09 9.74 7.10 11.69 8.52 14.61 10.65 6.55 4.62 7.75 9.47 L 6.67 11.36 L 8.00 12.18 8.58 4.29 1 2.89 5.00 5.45 3.68 6.00 1 7.50 9.24 L 6.22 3.11 3.38] 4.05 4.50 5.06 [ 5.40 5.78 1# IK 1# IX 2.29 ' 1.80 2.47 j 2.68 2.10 2.92^ 2.29 1.77 3.21 3.57 1 2.80 4.01 4.28^ 3.36 4.58 4.94 3.96 1.98 L 1.49 2.52 1.94 1.46 3.15 2.43 3.60 2,78 1.39 1.04 1.62 1.22 2.181 1.62 2.59^ L 1.95 2.98 2.24 1.12 1.33 1 1.83 2.08 1/8 1 # X # T 9 * 0.76" 0.54 0.82 0.88 0.97 1.06 1.18 1.33 0.94 1.42 1.00 1.52 1.64 1.16 0.58 0.631 L 0.42 L 0.68 0.75 0.51 0.831 1.04 L 0.72 0.38 0.23 0.39 0.25 0.46] 0.29 0.56 0.63 0.68 0.78 0.261 0.15 0.31 0.35 0.20 0.39 0.42 ^0.46 0.50 0.14^ 0.17 0.18 1 0.13 0.23 0.17 0.24 0.18 0.26 0.28 [ 0.20 0.12 1 0.151 0.19 K TV X For 6 x 37 Rope in Nei Tons Diam.of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 6-0' 5'-6" 5'-0" 4'-6' 4'-0" 3'-9" 3'-6' 3'-3" 3'-0" 2'-9" 2X 2 1 A 2X 2 !M 25.92 28.30 31.12 34.80 25.98 38.90 41.50 33.40 35.96 [26.20 20.00 21.80 ^14. 72 19.48 14.20 21.26 23.38 17.04 29.22 21.30 31.20 22.72 L 16.00 15.50 10.90 18.94 13.34 24.36 17.16 10.00^ 6.76 12.00 15.00" 18.48 [12.44 7.36 8.10 L 9.00 10.12" L 10.80 11.56 13.52^ IH iK 1# IX 1% 5.36 4.20 5.84 6.42 5.04 7.14 5.60 L 4.36 8.02 8.56 6.72 5.18 9.16 9.88 L 7.92 L10.72 11.68 L 9.16 4.58 3.54 6.30 4.86 3.66 7.20 5.56 4.16 8.40 1 6.48 3.24^ 2.44 3.89^ 2.92 5.96 4.48 7.08 L 5.32 2.66 1.94 3.24 2.36 3.90 [ 2.84 4.88^ 3.54 1.76 2.13 2.66 3.04 3.28 3.88 i ft X X T 9 * 1.26 1.36 0.92 1.50 1.66 L 1.12 1.88 2.00" L 2.08 2.32 2.52 1.68 L 2.72 0.84" 0.52 1.01 1.26 1.36 1.44 1.56 1.84 L 1.16 0.58 0.63 L 0.36 0.70 0.78 0.84 [ 0.48 0.92 1.00 1.04 0.30 0.22 0.33 0.24 0.40 0.30 0.44 0.33 0.52 0.38 0.56 0.41 0.61 L 0.68 0.27 0.361 0.44 L 0.48 # TV X L 0.23 0.25 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.34 L 0.23 0.14 0.21 0.13 40 American Steel and Wire Company Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 6x37 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 2'-6" 2'-3" 2'-0" l'-9" l'-6" r-ar l'-0" 0'-9" W 2^ 2% 2 1# 24.00 16.20 18.00 20.24 1# 1# 1/8 IX 1# 12.84' 10.08 14.28 16.04 12.60 18.32 14.40 L 12.96 11.68 8.52 11.201 8.72 7.78 5.84 9.72" 7.32 11.12 8.32 6.48] 4.72 9.76 L 7.08 4.26 5.32 6.06 1 ft X # A 3.00 3.32 ] 2.24 3.76 4.16 L 5.04 6.00 4 04 7.52 5.04 2.02 ' 1.26 2.52 1.56 3.08 3.36 2.08 1.40] 0.80 1.84 2.521 3.12 0.73 ' 0.54 0.92 0.66 1.04 0.76 1 22 1.401 1.84 0.60] 0.88 1.08 1.32 y 2 A H 0.38 0.25 0.16 0.41 0.46 0.31 0.52 0.62 0.42 0.76 0.92 0.28] 0.17 0.39 23 0.50 1 0.32 0.62 0.19 0.26 0.38 American Wire Rope II Bending Stress for Different Sizes of Sheaves and Drums For 8x 19 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 7'-0" 6'-0" 5'-0" 4'-6' 4'-0' 8'-9" 8'-6" 8'-8" 3'-0" 1# 1# IX 1# 1 3.29 3.84 [ 2.96 4.61 5.12 3.94 5. 76 6.15 6.58 L 7.10 7.68 5.92 2.54 1 1.91 3.55 2.67 4.44 3.34 4.73 1 3.56 2.59 5.08 5.47 1 4.11 2.22 1.62 2.96 1 2.15 1.52 3.82 2.78 4.44 3.24 1.39 0.98 1.94 L 1.37 2.43 1 1.71 2.99 1 2.12 1.14 ' [ 1.83 1.96 2.28 H % fl A ^ 0.65 0.41 0.76 0.91 0.58 [ 1.01 1 1.14 1.21 1.30 0.82 1.40 1 0.89 1.52 0.48 0.28 0.64 1 0.36 0.72 0.77 1 0.96 0.56 0.24 0.17 0.33 0.24 0.42 0.30 0.45 1 0.32 0.48 0.51 1 0.20 0.14 0.27 1 0.19 0.34 0.24 0.37 1 0.26 0.40 0.12 0.17 0.21 0.23 1 0.28 A X A X 0.13 1 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 1 0.11 0.19 0.12 For 8x19 Rope in Net Tons Diam. of Rope in Inches Diameter of Sheave or Drum in Feet and Inches 2'-9" 8>-6' 2'-3" 2'-0" l'-9" l'-G' l'-3" l'-0" 0'-9" 1# 1H IX V/B 1 8.38 9.22 [ 7.10 7.88 5.92 8.88 6.68 4.86 7.64 5.56 3.92 6.48 4.56 7.76 5.38 . 6.45 4.85 5.34 3.88 3.53 2.49 4.30 [ 3.04 2.74 3.42 % X X A g 1.65 1.05 1.82 2.02 ' 2.28 2.60 [ 1.64 3.04 3.64 2.32 4.56 2.88 1.68 2.24 1.60 1.16 [ 0.66 1.28 s 0.72 1.44 1.92 [ 1.12 0.'60 0.44 0.84 0.16 [ 0.96 1.32 L 0.97 0.48 [ 0.34 0.54 ' 0.38 0.68 0.48 L 0.80 1.20 L 0.86 0.31 0.43 _ 0.56 L 0.68 1.12 & H A X 0.20 0.23 0.14 0.26 0.16 0.28 0.32 0.21 [ 0.38 0.44 0.29 0.56 L 0.76 0.13 0.18 0.24 L 0.14 0.36 ' L 0.21 L 0.48 0,12 0.14 0.09 0.28 0.20 0,15 42 American Steel and Wire Company SONHOd Nl SSHdlS ONIQN38 American Wire Rope 43 1S OL g S x 01 VO <* 5 ^S ml o: Q k CD 01 Z cc 5 z u. X / X saNnod NI ssaais American Steel and W^ire Company UJ UJ Q-n: O to lit LU Q SONHOd Nl SS3yiS ONIQjN.38 American \Vire Rope 45 SQNnOd Nl SS3yiS ONIQN39 46 American Steel and Wire Company SQNinOd Nl SSBdlS 9NIQN3a American Wire Rope 47 Section 3 Stresses Due to Fluctuation of Load in Starting and Stopping The amount of stress upon a rope, the velocity of which changes fre- quently, is a factor dependent entirely upon the rapidity with which the change of velocity is made. A problem will make this perfectly clear. Let us consider a rope that is to lift a load vertically, starting from rest and to reach a certain speed within a given time. Let t = the time of acceleration. W = the weight to be lifted (mine cage, ore or similar proposition). w = the weight of the rope per foot in pounds. E r = the modulus of elasticity of the rope. a = the acceleration or retardation of the load in feet per second. S = the space in which the acceleration or retardation is made. V = the velocity of the load in feet per second. K the kinetic energy of the load. k = the kinetic energy of the moving rope. Kt= the total kinetic energy. 1 = the length of rope hanging vertically. g = the force of gravity. Kt= K + k. K t = C (W + wl). When C equals a constant by which the load is increased due to kinetic energy, C being a factor representing the increase of the total load. Therefore, K t = - - - = (W + wl) but V2 = 2 a S substituting we have C (W + wl) = (W + wl) or a = ^ o _ a 2 t s 2g C. If t is equal to 1, a = \ 2 g C or a = 8.02j/C~~ In order to facilitate estimating the stresses, the following table has been calculated using the above formulae. In the first column are values of C rang- ing from to 5.00, while in the second column are the corresponding acceler- ations (a) in feet per second, squared. The third column shows the corresponding velocities (v) in feet per second, and these values will also represent the distance in feet (S) the load would travel during one second. The fourth column shows the total stress factor, and the fifth the safety factor corresponding to the acceleration (a) upon the basis of a factor of safety of 10 with a quiet load. 48 American Steel and Wire Company Stresses of Acceleration and Retardation c a Feet per Second 2 s Feet per Second C + 1 Total Stress Factor Safety Factor 10 for Quiet Load 0. 0. 0. 1.00 10.00 0.10 2.54 1.27 1.10 9.09 0.20 3.59 1.79 1.20 8.34 0.25 4.01 2.01 1.25 8.00 0.30 4.39 2.20 1.30 7.70 0.40 5.07 2 54 1.40 7.15 0.50 5.67 2.84 1.50 6.67 0.60 6.21 3.11 1.60 6.25 0.70 6.71 3.36 1.70 5.88 0.75 6.94 3.47 1.75 5.72 0.80 7.17 3.58 1.80 5.66 0.90 7.61 3.81 1.90 5.27 1.00 8.02 4.01 2.00 5.00 1.25 8.97 4.48 2.25 4.44 1.50 9.82 4.91 2.50 4.00 1.75 10.61 5.31 2.75 3.64 2.00 11.34 5.67 3.00 3.33 2.50 12.68 6.34 3.50 2.86 3.00 13.89 6.94 4.00 2.50 3.50 15.00 7.50 4.50 2.2$; 4.00 16.04 8.02 5.00 2.00 4.50 17.01 8.50 5.50 1.82 5.00 17.93 8.96 6.00 1.67 ^ For example : With the value of C equal to 1, which corresponds to a change of kinetic energy equal to the load during the first second, the load could receive an acceleration of 8.02 feet per second 2 or would have moved a distance of 4.01 feet, doubling the stress on the rope over that of the corre- sponding dead load : in other words, if the factor of safety were 10 with a quiet load, it would be 5 with the load accelerated 8.02 feet in the first second. It will thus be seen that it is very necessary that the acceleration at the start be gradual, in order to be sure that the stress is not unduly increased, because it may readily be seen that if the acceleration is sufficiently high, the rope would be in danger of being snapped off. This is particularly true of shorter lengths of rope. While it is not impossible to break a long mining rope by a sudden starting of the engine, it is not as likely to occur in a long rope as it is in a shorter mining rope, owing to another factor which enters into the problem. This factor is the extension or permanent elasticity of a wire rope or the amount of stretch for different applications of load. For instance, with the value of C equal to 1, the following table shows the amount of extension which partly compensates for the stress on a rope at starting. Length Rope Feet Extension Crucible Steel Feet Extension Plow Steel Feet Length Rope Feet Extension Crucible Steel Feet Extension Plow Steel Feet 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0.833 1.667 2.500 3.333 4.167 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 3000 3500 4000 4500 5.000 5.833 6.667 7.500 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 American Wire Rope I'. I This extension varies directly as the length of the rope. It will be noted from this table that taking a rope, say 2,500 feet long, if it were to be stressed to a value of C equal to 1 corresponding to an acceleration of 8.02 feet per second, the value of C would really not be as great as 1, owing to the fact that the stretch in the rope of 4.16 feet would be almost exactly equal to the space traversed in the first second or the value of C would be only .50. If, however, the value of C were increased, the factor of safety of course would be cut down correspondingly. Section 4 Inclined Planes Many wire rope applications require that a wire rope operate on a slope or incline where the stress on the rope is a variable quantity due to the angle of the plane. The stress on a wire rope so employed is of course a function of the angle of inclination, the value of which can be accurately determined. A diagram and development of formula for making this calculation is given below. Let 6 = the angle of inclination. X = be = the height of the plane measured vertically. Y = ac = the length of the incline measured horizontally. Z = ab = the length of the incline measured along the slope. P! = the pull on the wire rope due to load neglecting friction. P 2 = the pull on the wire rope due to its own weight on the incline. F = the friction factor which is a function of W. W weight resting on the incline. P = the pull on the wire rope, friction and weight of rope included. P =P P a . WX = sn e = where W, X and Z are known. 50 American Steel and Wire Company The friction F of the cars on the incline operates normally to the line ab and is therefore a function of cos d. The maximum friction is for a value cos 0=1 or on a dead level, and the minimum for cos = or 90 vertical. It is the starting friction which is the greater and if we take a value of 2% or -^ for this quantity we have (1) _ Wcosfl sin 50 Therefore P= P t + F + P 2 = W sin e + W c se +PZ= w ( si oO oO / Take the weight of the rope into account Let w = weight per foot of the rope 1 = length of rope on the incline. (2) Therefore P 2 = wl (si \ sin 50 ; (3) P = P x + F + P g = (W + wl) (sin e + LetC = (sme + C -^} V 50 ) (4) Then P = (W + wl) C For short inclines an approximate value of P may be obtained by neglect- ing the weight of the rope or (5) P = C W The values of C = (sin e H jhave been plotted in a curve from which 50 / it will be easy to pick the constant by which the load is to be multiplied to get the pull on the rope. For a good many places the length of J;he incline makes it imperative that the weight of the rope be considered, and it is better to allow for this by using formula (3) or (4). For obtaining the number of degrees on an incline we advise the use of a degree rule which is similar to a carpenter's two-foot rule containing a spirit level and a degree graduation. In case a rule of this kind is not at hand, the degree of inclination may be determined by measuring the vertical elevation in 100 feet of distance along the incline, and from curve on page 51 the degree can be found at once. American Wire Rope 51 1 \ a \ cc - u J L U 56 \ LL - " < E \ u (f 1 V. ) Li ^ c L cc L 1 -J C , L J J <& \ <3 \ a r 2 "j ~ r ti \ e ! Q c J \ cc : u J x \ > r - ^: i r K 5 | \ \ ill \ Z \ s d N V " 5 z \ U. o \ Ul \ S.S \ * o UJ \ . Q \ \ o Q \ \ \ s \ & \ \ \ \ | N v \ \ \ 3Sld 52 American Steel and Wire Company 'J cc r LL ! u J LL a * < c 1 \ u a C u i , \ c h L 1 J c I 3 j \ L <3 : ^ r \ LL Q J J \ <3 U ^ 2 r \ J C - J r ^ 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . y \ \ s \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ \. \ s \ V \ \ \ \ * \ t 3 $ c ? > i c \ = 0< \ * D 3* \ C \ 3 t c ?. s c < s 3 s c D i c 5 3 c <: s c QV01 American Wire Rope Having found the degree of inclination, the curve on page 52 will give the load factor or C = (sin d -\ -jfrom which by formula (4) page 50, the stress on the rope P is readily calculated. EXAMPLE : A load of 50 tons is to be pulled up an incline of 20 feet per 100 feet of slope. The total length of the slope is 2000 feet. Required the size of rope necessary to handle the load if Plow Steel Rope 6 x 19 is to be used, and factor of safety of 0. 1. Get the approximate diameter of the rope by using formula (5) page 50. For 20-foot rise per 100 feet of slope the degree of inclination = Il*4> (See page 51), and the load factor C = 0.22. (See page 52.) Hence the approximate value of P = 0.22 x 50 = 11 tons. This means a rope with a strength in excess of 66 tons. A 1^-inch rope has a strength of 58 tons, and a 13/6-inch rope a strength of 72 tons. Let us take the 13/8-inch rope which weighs 3 pounds per foot. P = C (W + wl) C = 0.22 W = 100,000 pounds w = 3 pounds f = 2000 feet P = 0.22 (100,000 + 6000) = 23,320 pounds = 11.06 tons. This shows that the 13/6-inch rope is the right rope to be used. In this case the weight of the rope added about 6 per cent, to the load. Section 5 Stresses in Spans The subject of this chapter is one on which a book might easily be written if we were to include all the data and statistical information available, but it would be difficult for the general reader to pick from such a mass of information the parts that would apply to the particular case under consideration. There are times, hovfever, when a rope user wants to know quickly whether he can accomplish certain results with a cable suspended horizontally in the air between two towers or supports and it is for such purposes that the information contained in these pages is given. The stress or tension on a cable suspended between two points is entirely different from that of any other type of rope application and is usually much greater than the suspended load. It is very necessary to recognize this fact because a rope sometimes breaks if the user has not made proper calculations of the stresses. It is usually required that a cable span shall have as small a sag or center deflection as possible, which is of course the condition of maximum tension on a cable span. 54 American Steel and Wire Company To show what some of the stresses present in a cable span are, it is necessary to only mention that all of the following factors must be considered carefully in important calculations : 1 . Weight or load to be supported by cable span 2. Position of load and whether position is stationary or movable 3. Weight of supporting cable 4. Stress due to fluctuations in temperature 5. Ice load 6. Wind load 7. Modulus of elasticity of cable used in span 8. Are both points of span support on a level? 9. Height of towers above any given datum line if points of support are o?i different levels 10. Length of spa?i 11. Amount of deflection or dip in center of span 12. Length of cable hanging between supports Other minor factors may need to be considered. In the case of large installations it is well to have the advice of the manufacturer so that all the various points may be given careful consideration. The formula for calculating the stress in the case of a span with level supports is as follows : Let L = the total span in feet = AB D = the deflection in feet = EF W = the dead load at point F w = weight per foot of the cable S = tension in the cable at F X = AE, the position of load W with reference to point A. American Wire Rope 55 For the deflection due to weight of rope alone we have -^pr 81) the center of the span This formula (1) is applicable to all cases of uniformly distributed load such as a wire rope or large guy strand used for supporting a lead telephone or power cable, or a bare copper high tension feeder cable, at frequent intervals. The value of w must be taken however as the total weight per foot of both suspended and supported cables. The stress due to the weight alone is S 2 = at the center of the span (3) wL 2 + 2WL L (wL+ 2W) Sl * ~8D~ ~8D~ From the formula (3) we can get the stress on any cable due to load and weight of cable. In order to facilitate these calculations we have devised curves for calcu- lating the strain, which are found on the following pages. In using these curves it should be borne in mind that they represent the distributed load. If the load is in the center it is necessary to multiply it by 2. e. g. 1000 pounds in the center of a 100 span is = 2000 pounds distributed load or 20 pounds per foot The curves are calculated on one pound per foot distributed load, so it is necessary to multiply the stress obtained from the curves by the distributed load per foot. EXAMPLE : What stress is produced in a 1-inch rope weighing 1.6 pounds per foot on a 500-foot span with a deflection of 20 feet and a distributed load of 1000 pounds ? From the curve, page 56. A 500-foot span and 20-foot deflection gives a stress of 1562.5 pounds. Distributed load per foot = 1.6 + = 3.6 pounds 500 1562.5 X 3.6 pounds = 5625. pounds tension The maximum stress on a cable span is at the supporting points A and B when the load is suspended in the center. Tension at A or B = tension in center + the tension due to weight of rope wL and load W times the deflection I). (4) T = S + D (wL + W) The length of cable hanging between supports can be determined from the single curve for various ratios of sag to span, shown on page 56. American Steel and Wire Company NVds oiovs ouva 3 American Wire Rope 133J Nl NOI1D31J3Q U31N3D 58 American Steel and Wire Company Section 6 Stress Limitations of Machinery In connection with the use of wire rope a very important factor, namely, the power of the machinery, should be carefully considered. It is a well known fact that on many machines the pull which the engine drums are capable of exerting is very close to the strength of the rope, which is put on. This is considered bad practice because it permits overstraining of the rope and very often results in breaking it which may entail considerable damage. Users as well as designers of machinery should always ascertain the pull on a wire rope when full power is on, and if this approaches the strength of the rope, provision should be made in case of a steam engine or boiler to reduce the steam pressure or throttle the steam, and in the case of an electric motor to provide an automatic cut-out capable of regulating the maximum pull. Some unsuccessful applications of wire rope have had their trouble traced to this cause which may exist on a small or large piece of apparatus. A wire rope has a certain definite ultimate strength when new, but this should never be approached if good results are to be obtained. Section 7 Multiple Sheave Blocks In a direct single line hoist, as shown by Fig. 1, with a sheave of good diameter, the stress upon the rope equals the load hoisted. By using a triple block with a double block, as in Fig. o, the five parts of the rope carry the load so that the stress upon each part is only one-fifth of the load. In brief, to ascertain the stress on the hoisting rope, divide the maximum load by the number of ropes, or by the number of parts of the same rope, carrying the hoisting hook and load, and add the bending stress to get the total stress on the rope. For bending stress, see Section 2, page 31. American Wire Rope 59 60 American Steel and Wire Company Section 8 Wire Rope for Guys Many devices employing wire rope must be held in place by guy lines or ropes and since the action of these ropes is different from that of ropes under a straight pull, it is necessary to calculate the stresses in them very carefully. In order to do this a table has been devised which shows the relation between the number of guys upon a derrick or similar piece of machinery and the equivalent effective number of guys acting for any position of the load. This latter quantity is known as the guy factor. Reference to curve on page 03 shows the maximum and minimum values which the guy factor represents. If it is desired to find the number of guys working on a derrick, for example, all we have to do is to refer either to the table or to the curve and we will get directly the quantities involved. For example, on a derrick with 11 guys, the minimum value of the guy factor is 3.494 or, in other words, for any position of the load the derrick guys have a strength equal to 3.494 times the strength of one guy. Maximum values have been given but these should not be used in calculations. They have been given simply to show that there is a variable effective number of guys acting for different positions of the load. Reference to the diagram, page 63, and the table page 61, will show conclu- clusively that it is best always to use an odd number of guys in guying a piece of apparatus of any size. This is because the maximum and minimum values of the guy factor are very close together for an odd number of guys, whereas with an even number of guys there is a much lower minimum value. For example, a derrick employing 6 guys has a guy factor of 1.732. The addition of one guy or increasing the guys by ^ will increase the value of the guy factor to 2.248, an increase of 30 per cent. In the interest of economy it is always advisable, therefore, to use a large number of guys. It is further very essential that the guys be spaced evenly so that the angle between each pair of guys is the same as that between every other pair. See page 98. Another point that should be taken into consideration on guys is the angle that they make with the horizontal. It is apparent that when a guy pulls on the mast of a derrick that it will not give its full strength unless it pulls absolutely in a horizontal line. Whenever it pulls at an angle, the pull will be somewhat less than the total strength of the guy. Reference to curve on page 62 will show the value of the guy pull for various angles of the guy rope with the horizontal. The smaller the angle (9 of the guy of the horizontal the more effective the guy, but for practical purposes this angle may come up to about 26 degrees and still have at least 90 per cent of the strength of the guy. In figuring the strength of the guys, it is first necessary to get the guy factor by reference to curve on page 63 or the table on page 61, then refer to curve on page 62 and get the per cent of the guy acting and multiply this American Wire Rope (11 decimal by the guy factor. The result obtained is the amount of pull in a horizontal line or perpendicular to the mast of a derrick, which pull will act to support a load. This pull must be multiplied by a factor of safety of not less than 4 and preferably 5 for all loads to be lifted. Values of Guy Factors and. Positions of Maximum and Minimum Values for Guy Ropes Equally Spaced No. Guys Min. Values Guy Factor Corresponding Line of Action of Force Max. Values Guy Factor Corresponding Line of Action of Force 3 0.866 30 from 1 iruy 1 000 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 4 5 1.000 1.538 Opposite 1 guy 18 from 1 guy 1414 1 618 Half way between 2 guys Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 6 1.732 30 from 1 guy .... 2.000 Opposite 1 guy 7 2.193 12 51 ' from 1 guy . . . 2.248 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 8 2.414 Opposite 1 guy .... 2.611 Half way between 2 guys 9 2.835 10 from 1 guy .... 2.879 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys" 10 3.078 18 from 1 guy .... 3.236 Opposite 1 guy 11 3.494 8 11' from 1 guy 3.514 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 12 3.732 Opposite 1 guy .... 3.864 Half way between 2 guys 13 4.120 6 55' from 1 guy 4.150 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 14 4.381 12 51' from 1 guy . . 4.494 Opposite 1 guy 15 4.757 6 from 1 guy .... 4.783 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 16 5.027 Opposite 1 guy .... 5.126 Half way between two guys 17 5.399 5 18' from 1 guy 5.422 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 18 5.671 10 from 1 guy .... 5.758 Opposite 1 guy 19 6.046 4 44' from 1 guy . . 6.054 Opposite 1 guy or half way between 2 guys 20 6.314 Opposite 1 guy .... 6.392 Half way between 2 guys 62 Americaii Steel and Wire Company GUY ROPES CURVE SHOWING RELATION BETWEEN ANGLE OF GUY ROPE WITH THE HORIZONTAL AND THE PER CENT OF THE GUY ACTING AT ANY GIVEN ANGLE. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / 1 1 / / g g R 8 S 3. $ S S (xmVWI03Q Q3SS3adX3) SNIIDV AHS JO 1N30 H3d American Wire Rope 63 V y 8 \ ^ >- S \\ \ s LU S N \ O \ LU X ^ \ ^ LU n Ll_ i 5 ^ LU rH V \^ H >- \\ ID -! Q. o % ^\ CO III CO LU ^ \ O _J \\ u. > > \ A oc LU | \ \ CQ ^ X \\ z I \ 5 \ II II LU \ \ LU Ij A _J D \ \ ^ t \ \ U- Q \ \ 1 - 3 i I - l cr I ? 1 - SAno jo do swu3 NI 64 American Steel and Wire Company Section 9 Factors of Safety In the previous sections many of the principal forms of stresses that are commonly present in wire rope applica- tions have been considered. Not all of them are present in any one case, but the factor of safety must always be considered. The proper selection of this factor is of vital importance, for on it depends to a great extent the success- ful operation of ,any mechanism employing wire rope. While it is not possible to give exact figures which should be employed for the many uses of wire rope, still certain general principles can be evolved which will indicate very approximately the figures that should be used. It is the practice of some users of wire rope to use a large factor of safety and figure on only dead load, whereas the load is probably a live one and the rope is bent around fairly small sheaves. In a case of this kind a large factor of safety may allow for the increased stress, but at best it is an unsatisfactory way to treat the subject. It is much better to determine what the stresses are and then apply a simple factor of safety. In the eight preceding sections we have considered the principal stresses to which a wire rope is subjected, and if these stresses are calculated wherever any of them occur and the result added to the already known load upon the rope, it will facilitate the use of an ordinary factor of safety. The figures given in the catalogue are for a factor of safety of approximately 5, neglecting the bending stress. This amounts to a net factor of safety of between 4 and 4^ when this is considered with the sheaves given in the table. We would not recommend a factor of safety much lower than these figures for any class of work, and for a good many places the factor of safety ought to be larger. For example : It is the practice on elevators to have the wire rope calculated on a factor of safety of from 5 to 10, and similar practice is found in many mining propositions where the rope is not very long, the reason for which has already been explained in Section 3 of this chapter. Where ropes are very long, as sometimes occurs in mining practice, the weight of the rope itself is sufficiently great to deduct considerably from the strength of the rope. When this is the case the factor of safety is sometimes cut down as low as 4^ , because it is not possible to get quite as large a factor of safety as might otherwise be desired. For slow speed the factor of safety may be somewhat less than for high speed. For example : A derrick frequently works on what would be considered in other places a very low factor of safety, and the reason for it is that the load is steady and the speed slow enough so that there is no added strain on the rope other than that due to the load and the bending stress over the sheaves. In fast operating machinery, however, such as ore and coal handling clam shell buckets, the factors of safety employed are usually greater, and some run up as high as ten. It is generally conceded the greater the factor American Wire Rope 65 of safety the longer the rope will last and the safer it is. Particular pains must be taken to avoid having too large a factor of safety. For example : The factor of safety such as 25 is altogether too large and the result is somewhat like using a 1-inch rope where a f^-inch would do. In other words, a rope could not give its best results under such light loading as a factor of safety of 25 would indicate. Every device using wire rope has of course to be considered on its own merits, as regards the selection of a factor of safety. On ballast unloader rope, such as is used for plowing material from flat cars by means of a plow and a wire cable, it frequently happens that the strain on the rope may run up to nearly one-half its breaking strength. This is because it is not possible to use a large drum and a larger rope and handle it economically, but such heavy loading in a case like this, where there is no risk to life, should not be taken as a precedent for heavy loading under other conditions where it is possible to use a sufficiently heavy rope. Derrick guy ropes are frequently strained severely when an exception- ally heavy stone is lifted, but it is never safe to strain them on the heaviest possible lift to over one-third of the breaking strength of the guys. It is probably true that the greater number of applications requiring the quick handling of loads employ a factor of safety ranging from 5 to 10. B Size and Quality of Rope to Meet the Stresses Having carefully considered the various stresses found in a wire rope and calculated them in accordance with the nine preceding sections, the question naturally arises what size of rope should be used for a given con- dition? This cannot be answered off hand, but there are factors entering into the problem which can be briefly generalized. In the first place, Section 2 must be carefully considered on all problems, and an unusually high bending stress in a rope is an indication that its life will be rather short. If on the other hand the bending stress is not excessive, the service obtained should be fairly good. Rope users should refer to the tables of bending stresses *for the construction which they propose to use and see what this amounts to before definitely deciding upon any construction In case of doubt as to which construction should be used our engineers are always ready to consider the problem and give the customer the benefit of our experience. In general, it might be noted that in a rope of a given strength we could use on hoisting rope say 1-inch crucible steel or a J^ inch plow steel and get almost exactly the same factor of safety. In a case where the sheaves must of necessity be small, the ^6 -inch plow steel probably would be preferable to the 1-inch crucible steel, referring of course to the same construction. The figures given in the lists for proper working loads should be used for rough calculation only, because the factor of safety should be carefully 66 American Steel and Wire Company considered as outlined in Section 8 of this chapter and the proper factor of safety selected for the work at hand. The relative strengths of the various materials in a wire rope are given in Chapter II, dealing with materials. This is also shown by the various strengths given in Chapter IX. Sections 1, 2, 3 and 8 will enter into consideration of practically every common wire rope problem. The remaining Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 enter into the consideration of special rope problems. See page 30. American Wire Rope Chapter VI Suggestions to Rope Users The success or failure of a wire rope installation often hinges upon practical points which are sometimes overlooked. Such being the case there have been compiled a number of suggestions gathered from our long experience which are offered to the trade not as a final word but as an indication of what should be avoided and what may be beneficial to wire rope service. How to Gauge Wire Rope The diameter of a wire rope is the diameter of the circle which will just enclose all the strands. Care should be taken in gauging a wire rope to take the greatest and not the smallest diametrical dimension, as shown above. Sheaves and Drums Most wire rope applications use sheaves over which the rope runs and drums upon which it winds. These are indispensable units and the use of as large drums and sheaves as practicable is strongly recommended. Particularly attention is called to the section descriptive of bending stresses of rope found in the chapter on "Wire Rope Stresses," page ol. The effect of too small sheaves and drums will readily be seen by making a calculation in accordance with the information given therein. Drums should be lagged if possible, and wherever feasible the use of a grooved drum on hoisting machinery is recommended as better than 68 American Steel and Wire Company a flat drum without grooves. It is important to have the grooves on drums spaced so that there is ample clearance between the successive windings. For example : A drum for a ^ inch rope should be arranged so that the grooves are not nearer than, say ^ of an inch on centers. This will prevent undue crowding or rubbing of one part or wrap of a rope against another. The grooves of sheaves and drums should be made smooth in order not to cut the wires of the rope which winds upon it. They also should be made of a slightly larger radius than the rope which is to run on them so that the rope will not wedge nor pinch. Overwinding It is also important wherever possible to have the drum large enough or wide enough so that the wire rope may wind upon it in one layer. The term overwinding has been applied to cases where wire rope has to wind two or more layers deep on a drum. This is a very bad condition and one that should be carefully avoided, because the wire rope will mash and jam more or less and will not last nearly as long. It may be a little more expensive to provide a larger drum and may necessitate a change in the gearing of the machinery, but for the best working conditions and lowest cost of operation overwinding must be avoided. Alignment of Sheaves and Drums The best possible alignment of sheaves and drums should be obtained, other- wise there will be undue wear on the side of the sheaves and drums as well as on the rope. In general the lead sheaves over which the rope runs from the drum should be lined up with the center of the drum, or if the drum is not entirely filled it should be in line with the center of that portion of drum on which the rope is wound. Leads It is necessary to have the proper amount of space between the lead sheave and the drum in order to avoid too sharp an angle. We recom- mend an angle not exceeding 1 30' between the line from the center of sheave to center of drum and the line from the center of sheave to the outer side of drum. Renewal of Sheaves The upkeep of a piece of machinery is essential in order to secure the best wire rope service. If sheaves become badly scored or worn, a new rope will not work properly and many careful users of wire rope insist on changing the sheaves or turning out the grooves before a new rope is put on. This insures best conditions for rope service. For mine hoisting in particular the best practice is to make the large sheaves and drums with liners which can be taken out and renewed when they wear out or whenever a new rope is installed. American Wire Rope Speed of Wire Rope A high velocity on a wire rope means that the rope will not last as long as if only a medium velocity were employed. Of course a high velocity means that more work is accomplished in a given time, but it is better to have the load increased and the rope slightly larger with the speed correspondingly slower to get the best results as far as tonnage handled. Reversed Bending By this term we refer to that sort of bending in which a wire rope is first bent around one sheave in one direction and at some other section the same rope is passed around another sheave with a bend diametrically opposite. This is an exceedingly severe condition of rope service and its use should be avoided wherever possible. There is no known way in which a wire rope may be worn out more rapidly by bending than by the use of the reversed bend. We have practically demonstrated that this is one of the severest conditions that wire rope has to meet. In many places by a little study or a slight change in design this feature can be avoided. It is of sufficient importance that many users of rope cha-nge their machinery over to get around it on account of the vastly increased service which they obtain from a rope where this condition is absent. Reverse bending cannot be too strongly condemned. There is a very limited number of cases where this reversed bending cannot be avoided, and at such times the rope has to be sacrificed, but knowing the bad effects resulting from such reversed bending, it is desired to sound a note of warning that should be heeded by all. Handling of Wire Rope It is not probable that any one would intentionally mishandle a piece of wire rope in installing it, but we feel that a word of caution should be given. In the first place a wire rope does not handle like a manila rope, in that structurally it differs. It must not be coiled or uncoiled like a hemp rope. If it is received in a coil it should be unrolled on the ground like a hoop and straightened out before attempting to pass it around the sheaves on machinery. If it is received upon a reel, the reel should be mounted upon jacks or a shaft so that it will turn and the rope be properly unwound. Sudden Stresses It is very essential to avoid sudden stresses or jerks on a wire rope because this increases the load to a great extent, as will be noted by reference to Chapter V, Section 3, page 47. A simple experiment will demonstrate the effect of this. A piece of twine fairly strong may be easily snapped by a quick pull. Galvanized Rope This is not used for general hoisting or general pur- poses because the zinc wears off rapidly from running over sheaves and drums. Galvanized ropes are about 10 per cent less in 70 American Steel and Wire Company 7? strength than ungalvanized ropes. The strengths forv galvanized ropes not shown in this catalogue can be furnished upon application. Protectiftn of Wire Rope A wire rope that runs out of doors should be protected as far as possible from the weather by the application of some suitable lubricant. We manufacture a lubricant which is an especially heavy compound for coating wire rope. It will adhere as tenaciously as any compound that we know of and has been successfully used for this purpose. All ropes, whether for inside or outside work, should be given some lubrication to keep them pliable. If this lubrication is omitted, internal as well as external rust may set in, stiffening the rope and causing it to give poor service. See page 199. Working Loads These have been carefully considered in Chapter V, Section 9, but a good rule to follow is that these should not exceed one-fifth of the ultimate breaking stress of the rope. On a guy rope this is sometimes exceeded, but it never should be in mines or elevators where human life is at stake. Wire Rope Transmission There are not a great many applications requir- ing an endless wire rope for transmitting power. Such applications, however, require pulleys lined with wood, leather or rubber in order to ensure the most successful operation. See page 234. Rope Exposed to Heat A few conditions exist where rope is exposed to intense heat and at such places a soft iron wire center is usually substituted, and sometimes asbestos. The latter, however, rapidly disintegrates under constant bending, and we therefore do not recom- mend its use. For either of these special centers add 10 per cent to the list price of rope with hemp center. American Wire Rope 71 Chapter VII How to Order Wire Rope Use the exact terms given in catalogue describing the rope required, stating length, size, diameter (or circumference), quality, number of strands, number of wires in the strand, and whether hemp center or wire center is wanted, also whether bright or galvanized is desired, e. g., 750 feet long, 1^ inches in diameter, plow steel hoisting rope, six strands, nineteen wires, hemp center, one piece. If rope is to be equipped with thimbles, sockets, hooks, links, loops or other fittings, state the length from the pull of thimble, socket, hook, link, loop, etc., to end of the rope. Where fittings are to be put on each end, be sure and state the length from pull to pull of fittings. If in doubt as to the material to be used, the conditions under which the rope operates should be given or a sample of rope that is satisfactory sub- mitted so that the proper quality and construction may be furnished. If possible, submit a rough sketch with the order, or inquiry showing the size and relative position of the sheaves, together with the figures of maximum load in pounds. This greatly facilitates a complete understandir ~ of the require- ments which the rope must fill. See page 72. When ordering rope for elevators, state whether hoisting, counterweight, or hand or valve or safety rope is wanted, also whether right or left lay is desired. The ropes used for these purposes all differ and are not inter- changeable. For convenience in installing elevator hoisting or counterweight ropes when used in pairs or two-part lines, we will, at no extra expense, wind the rope upon a reel with the length of rope doubled in the middle so that the loop will come off the reel first or last as desired. Further information is contained in Chapter VIII on practical applications of wire rope, pages 72-118. American Steel and Wire Company Chapter VIII Practical Wire Rope Applications The vast number of devices employing wire rope as a flexible medium for utilizing mechanical or electric power in the handling of various commercial problems, would require a large work if each were to be but briefly described. The leading principles involved can, however, be shown by a few typical illustrations selected from the many that are available. The following seven- teen divisions have been chosen for illustration : Page 1. Aeroplanes ......... 73 2. Cableways and tramways .,... 74 3. Cable roads ......... 77 4. Clam shell buckets 79 5. Cranes .......... 81 6. Derricks 83 7. Elevators hydraulic, electric and power driven . . 85 8. Excavating machinery, including dredges, steam shovels, etc. 92 9. Ferries 96 10. Guying for derricks, ships, etc. ..... 97 11. Loading and unloading machinery . . . . .102 12. Lumbering, including skidding and loading . . . 104 13. Mining rope arrangements ...... 107 14. Oil well drilling 114 15. Suspension bridges . . . . . . .116 16. Stump pulling ........ 117 17. Towing devices . . . . . - . . . 118 In order to more clearly show the rope action, the working parts of the machinery involved alone have been depicted in most cases, all details that would obstruct the clearness of the diagrams having been omitted. Wire rope for any of the purposes detailed in this chapter, as well as many others, can oe supplied, but in case customers have machinery of the types shown herein, it will facilitate a clear understanding if reference is made in correspondence to the type of the machinery that is being used, provided it is illustrated herein. Machinery shown represents commercial machinery of leading machine builders in the United States. American Wire Rope 7:5 Division 1 Aeroplanes One of the latest comers into the field of wire rope users is the aeroplane, and for its use special kinds have been devised known as aeroplane stay strand and flexible rudder steering cord (page 183). .| " i| || 'i. t. .! !, i! II .1 II V !l i II n FT 74 American Steel and Wire Company Division 2 Cableways and Tramways Cableways consist of one or more large stationary track cables stretched between suitable towers with auxiliary smaller ropes for moving the mechanism. The principal use of cableways is for conveying large loads for a limited distance between the two main towers, also for excavating, dam building, canal work, logging, deep pit quarrying, and the conveying of any bulk material where natural obstructions interfere with any other method of operation. It is preferable to use for the Si S3 o o American Wire Rope 75 main cables the locked wire track cable shown on pages 24 and 101, especially if the cableway is for constant operation, as the efficiency will be greater than the round wire cable described on page 190. The first cost of the locked wire type is of course greater than that of the round wire cable, but the increased life of the former makes it cheaper in the long run. The two types of cable ways shown below are among the latest types and are facsimiles of the thirteen now being used at the Panama Canal, building the locks at Gatun. Each uses a two and one-quarter-inch locked wire track cable for the main cable. 76 American Steel and Company As usually constructed, cableways may be used to handle a single load at any point between the towers and discharge at any other point between them, either into cars or to a spoil bank. Aerial Tramways are recognized in contradistinction to cableways in the fact that, as ordinarily constructed, they are designed to move a number of lighter loads in a continuous circuit over comparatively long distances. The materials are carried in receptacles (buckets usually) suspended from carriages on stationary track cables of the Locked Coil construction (see page 190) supported at varying elevations above the ground. The loaded carriers travel along a line of track cable in one direction, and the empty carriers in returning along a similar parallel track cable, these cables being of sizes corresponding to the weights they have to support. Motion is imparted to the carriers by a comparatively light endless rope commonly known as the traction rope, by means of large sheaves at either end, one for driving, and the other, which is usually mounted on a slide actuated by a counterweight, for maintaining the requisite tension in this rope. The application of tension, however, may be at either terminal station as desired. The carriers are despatched at definite intervals, determined by the individual loads, the amount of material to be transported in a given time, and the speed. For further particulars parties are referred to our separate pub- lication entitled "Aerial Tramways," which fully describes and illustrates the various equipments of this kind that we manufacture. ~SS 2W5 fe *5 355- PROFILE OF BUEICHERT AERIAU TRAMWAY American \Vire Rope 77 Division 3 Cable Roads Before the introduction of electric power for street railways, cable roads were very largely used. They are still used for very steep inclines, and also on industrial narrow gage roads. The illustrations which follow show a large broad gage industrial cable road, also two narrow gage industrial roads used on docks for handling coal and iron ore. Also an illustration of an incline railway running up a mountain. CABLE ROAD CAP. GKIP.S c i 1 1- H 1 COAL DOCK HAULA6E ROAD AND BFUDGC 78 Americaii Steel and Wire Company I 1 1 1 1 1 l COAL DOCK HAVLACE OAO OOVBIC. U- ol ial vui*ed iron, traaiU, 7 wire* each, 2 1>2 inohra ciroumlereuce. 18.OOO i Guys on Battleship Connecticut The stacks of the Connecticut are guyed with galvanized iron guy rope composed of six strands of seven wires each about a hemp center, having a strength of nine tons. On the top of the stacks and at the midway anchorages they are fastened to the stacks by means of heavy galvanized shackles, and upon the deck, turret and flying bridge anchorages, they are fastened by means of turnbuckles. The guys running between the stacks are similarly anchored, turnbuckles being inserted on the bowsides of the second and third stacks. The guy ropes attached to the flying bridge are made of phosphor bronze, because the use of steel or iron rope would affect the magnetic instruments in the chart room just below them. The turnbuckles attaching them to the flying bridge are also made of phosphor bronze. The tables, page 101, show how largely wire rope has displaced manila rope for yacht rigging. The advantages possessed by an American galvanized plow steel wire rope over manila rope may be given briefly as follows : It does not shrink nor stretch as does all manila rope. Has seven times the strength of the same size of manila rope. Is one-third the diameter of manila rope of the same strength. Is 50 per cent lighter than manila rope of the same strength. Being made of heavily galvanized wires, it does not rust nor rot, but is good for many years of hard service. 100 American Steel and Wire Company Guys on Sailing Yacht Specifications of the Wire Rope and Manila Rope Employed in the Equipment of the Yacht "Taormina" Designed and Built by Geo. Lawley & Son, Boston American Wire Rope Used A. Mainsail D. B. Foresail E. C. Fore-staysail F. The Sails Jib Jib topsail Small jib topsail G. Foregaff-topsail H. Main gaff-topsail I. Main topmast-staysail Sail and Rigging Plan oi Yacht American Wire Rope J , , , ;V', \ ' ',/> ^; j'v 10J, J ' The Crucible Wire Rope Galvanized Plow Steel Hoisting Rope, six strands, nineteen wires each, one hemp center. Flexible for running through blocks. Circumference in Inches Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Diameter in Inches W 1 1M K W 18 IX TV W 2 IK K W 20 IX TV W 8 iK W 21 IX W 11 \y% H W 22 i* W 12 IX yV W 28 W 16 IX W 32 IK K W 17 IX TV Galvanized Plow Steel Standing Rope, six strands, seven wires each, one hemp center. For standing shrouds or straight hauls only. Not for running through blocks. Circumference in Inches Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Diameter in Inches W 3 2 H W 19 IX . W 4 IK K W 23 3 W 5 2 W24 2X W 6 IX TV W 25 IX TV W 7 IX TV W 26 K W 9 IX _7 W27 2 2 ^ W 10 2 ^ W 29 3 1 W13 IK K W30 IX W 14 K W 31 IX V W 15 IX The Manila Rope Rigging Four strands, long fibre. Circumference Diameter Circumference Diameter in Inches in Inches in Inches in Inches M 1 2K if M 6 2X X M 2 IX TV M 7 M 3 IX TV M 8 IX TV M 4 M 5 IX IX M 9 M10 2X r The use of manila rope is confined to the sheets and lower purchases on halyards and backstays. The topmast backstay W 9, is of wire with a manila purchase near the deck for greater convenience in handling and fastening to the deck cleats. The upper parts of halyards are of wire, but the lengths leading on to the deck are of manila. Ainerican Steel and Wire Company Division 11 Loading and Unloading Machinery For the handling of bulk materials such as iron ore, coal, etc., from vessels to cars, there have been designed in recent years very efficient hoists employing some kind of clam shell bucket. For unloading iron ore from vessels we have ore conveyors or ore bridges, and for unloading coal, the coal tower. The various ore handling machines are usually named from their makers, and Brown hoists, Hewlett machines, fast hoists, etc., are familiar names to many rope users. The diagrams shown below illustrate some of the types in common use. CUE UNLOADE* P.I6 ORE UNLOADER RlG American Wire Rope 103 CPE UNLOADED 3A'_LK5r VNUOAPER AND TRAIN. 104 American Steel and Wire Company Division 12 Lumbering, including The great lumbering industry depends for its suc- Skidding and Loading C essful operation to a marked degree on getting the logs to the mill with the least possible expense. To facilitate this, there have been devised skidding machines of different kinds, loaders and pull boats. Where the ground is swampy, overhead cableway skidders are largely used, but where the ground is firm a portable skidding machine with one or two booms is usually employed for medium sized timber. For very large timber, however, it is customary to mount a large engine, boiler and geared drum on a heavy log platform and pull the logs in by main force. The type of machinery is thus adapted to the character of the work, and it is also true that the kinds of wire rope employed for these several uses have been designed to meet as far as possible the character of the machinery and the kind of work to be performed. In no other industrial work is wire rope worked under such con- stantly heavy loads, and it is not surprising that under such conditions that sometimes a strand breaks or the rope parts. Logs frequently foul with roots, stumps and other logs, and much skill is required of operators of skidding machines to get out the logs promptly without unduly overstraining the rope. Where timber is located along a navigable stream, pull boats are frequently used which pull logs for several miles out of the woods. OVERHEAD LOG SKIDOtR American Wire Rope 105 4 LINE SKIODER WITH DECKING LINES COWBINtD SKIDOER AMD LOADER 106 American Steel and Wire Company LOG LOADER o SKIDDING Rape GROUND -SKID0ER American Wire Rope 107 Division 13 Mining Rope Arrangements For vertical shaft work it is customary to use almost universally the 6x19 construction rope of one of the grades shown on pages 129-131 of this handbook. The cages are usually arranged in pairs so that as one is lowered the other is raised, this being known as the balanced hoist system. Two types of hoisting drums are in common use, the flat drum and the conical drum, the latter being designed to give a slower starting speed when the cage is lifted from the bottom of the mine. D BALANCED HOIST FLAT DRUMS D BALANCED HOIST CONICAL DRUMS 108 American Steel and Wire Company The simplest arrangement is for the ropes to pass directly from the drum to two head sheaves carried on a wooden or steel tower, each sheave lined with the center of that part of the drum on which the rope has to wind. It is customary with either the flat or conical drum to attach one rope to the under side of the drum and the other rope to the top of the drum, leaving several turns on the drum when the cage is resting on the bottom of the mine shaft. The names " underwind " and " overwind " are applied to these two ropes. Conical drums are used more frequently on shorter mine ropes, but unless the smaller end has nearly as large a diameter as would be used for a flat drum, the rope service may not be much better than with a flat drum. It is a debatable point as to which type of drum is the better. We recommend wherever possible that installations of mine hoist ropes be made with as few bends as possible in a similar manner to the two preceding diagrams. In case a shaft has to be changed or if the engine room cannot be located, so as to carry the rope in the manner indicated, a turn sheave may be used with suitable lead and intermediate supporting sheaves to carry the rope. American Wire Rope 109 BALANCED WHITING HOIST HIM 6X19 ROPE Mine haulage systems are very widely different one from another, so much so that it may almost be said that there are hardly any two alike. At the same time there are in common use three leading systems known respectively as 1. Endless Haulage Rope System. 2. Tail Rope System. J. Gravity Inclined Plane. 110 American Steel and Wire Company 1. The endless system consists of a wire rope usually Gx7 construction, spliced endless with small cars gripped on to the rope at regular intervals either singly or in groups of two or three. Two kinds of drum driving arrangements are usually employed known as the elliptical and the figure 8 style respectively. The elliptical arrangement is preferable to the figure 8 as the rope in the latter case is subjected to reverse bending on the drums. Suitable slip rings should always be used on drums to equalize the tension of the different winds of rope, and a tension carriage with counterweight is also necessary. Position of engine and driving drums is usually dependent upon the location of pit mouth. Slow speed of about 3 to 4 miles per hour is the average of this system. ENDLESS ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM ENDLESS ROPE HAULAGE SY-STEM American Wire Rope 111 6X7 ffOPC LNDLESS ROPE HAULAGE ENDLE.S5 ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM 112 American Steel and Wire Company 2. Tail rope systems consist of two ropes known respectively as head line and tail line, the latter usually being about double the length of the former. Each rope is carried upon a separate drum and it differs from the endless system in that its operation is intermittent and the cycle of operations is for the head line to pull out a trip of about fifty loaded cars at a speed of about ten miles per hour. The time taken for the trip is dependent upon the length of the head line. The tail line is always attached to the rear car of the trip and as soon as the loaded cars have been run to the tipple by gravity, an empty trip of cars is pulled back into the mine by the tail line while the head line is at the same time attached to the front end of the train. The train of loaded cars or empty cars, as the case may be, is thus always under perfect control whether coming from the mine or returning to it. TAIL ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM _LL 6 K7 F?OP TAIL ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM American Wire Rope 113 TAIL ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM TAIL ROPE HAULAGE SYSTEM 114 American Steel and Wire Company Division 14 Oil Well Drilling The oil wells of the United States use many thousands of feet of wire rope in the drilling of wells. The first thing that is done to drill an oil well is to erect a square tapering tower, or derrick as it is called, some 90 to 100 feet high. At the top of the derrick are located the sheaves for the drilling line and sand line, also the tackle block for the tubing or casing line. Oil Well Drilling Rig With Carnegie Steel Derrick American Wire Rope 115 The first operation of drilling is known as spudding and consists in starting the well and drilling a short distance. The early portion of the work is fre- quently done with manila rope and the well drilled to a depth of 600 to 800 feet. Wire rope is, however, being successfully used for the whole length and gradually displacing manila, especially where drillers are using the most advanced methods. Below a depth of 600 or 800 feet wire rope is almost invariably used. Wells are usually started with 10-inch or 12-inch casing which is carried down as far as possible, when the next size smaller is inserted and carried down a considerable distance farther. It frequently happens that a well has to be finished with 4-inch casing. For each different size of casings different sizes and weights of tools are used, depending upon the character of the soil through which the well is being dug. After drilling a short time the drilling line and tools are pulled out of the well and the well bailed out with the sand line which is attached to a tube with valve in the bottom known as a bailer that is lowered to the bottom of the well and back again as often as may be necessary to get out the mud and water. Another length of casing is then attached to the main casing after drilling about 20 feet and the casing lowered that far before drilling is resumed. The above method is usually followed where the soil conditions are such that the hole is liable to cave. If, however, the drilling is through rocky ground the casing is usually placed at the time the drilling of the well is completed. The successful drilling of an oil well is not a matter of chance, but requires a high degree of skill, for the well driller must be able to tell by placing his hand on the drilling line just how his drills are working. Many difficulties may be encountered, such as the casing becoming crooked and the rope wearing it in two, or the tools may stick and the rope break in getting them out, requiring a fishing job to recover the tools. All these conditions must be met by the drilling line. Our drilling lines are especially constructed to meet these conditions. Either the 6 x 19 or the 6 x 7 extra strong crucible steel, left lay, may be used for this work, although the 6x 19 rope should prove the superior of the two constructions, on account of its greater flexibility. See pages 123 and 130 of this book. Further particulars about oil wells will be found in a separate pamphlet which will be sent upon request to those who are interested in this line of wire rope activity. 116 American Steel and Wire Company Division 15 Suspension Bridges While very large suspension bridges are not composed of twisted wire cables, still smaller highway bridges and foot bridges may be so easily and cheaply made by using wire ropes as to be worthy of attention. The ropes usually used for this work are those shown on pages 175 and 181 of this book. Two suitable towers are necessary, one on either bank of the stream and the main ropes passed over the towers and carried back to suitable anchorages. Such a bridge is illustrated below. If the vertical suspenders are short, rods may be used together with clamps, washers and nuts and the cross floor timbers attached to them. The figures necessary to calculate the size of the cables are the total weight to be supported by each cable per foot, due to weight of floor and suspender rods, and also the maximum live load on the bridge at any given time, and whether the live load is uniformly distributed or in the center of the span. The formulae and information in Chapter V, pages 53 and 57, may then be used to calculate the size of bridge cables. American Wire Rope 117 Division 16 Stump Pulling To clear land of stumps or imbedded rocks, a stump pulling or grubbing machine is almost universally used. This grubbing machine consists of a compact horse-power windlass upon which a wire rope is wound, the outer end being fastened around the stump or rock to be removed. Only wire rope of great strength and toughness can withstand the severe strain and the bending stresses incident to this service. GROSSING rvtACHIMe FOR 5TUIY1P PULLING 118 American Steel and Wire Company Division 17 Towing Devices For all heavy sea and lake towing, tugs and towing steamers are equipped with automatic steam towing machines and galvanized steel wire hawsers. The hawser from the tow leads directly on to the towing machine drum, which is operated by steam. In a sea way, the tension of the hawser varies. Under a heavy strain the hawser is drawn from the drum, but as the drum rotates it opens the engine throttle until the steam pressure in the cylinders equalizes the pull on the hawser. When the tension is diminished, the steam causes the engines to haul in the hawser to its normal position, when the throttle is automatically closed. Thus a uniform tension is maintained on the hawser. The service requires an extra galvanized steel hawser of great flexibility and strength. American Wire Rope 119 Catalogue Section Chapter IX List Prices of Wire Rope Issued Jan. 1, 1913. Subject to Change Without Notice No. 1 Transmission Rope ..... 2 Hoisting Rope ....... 3 Extra Flexible Rope ..... 4 Special Flexible Rope ..... 5 Flattened Strand Rope ..... 6 Tiller Rope ....... 7 Non-spinning Rope ..... 8 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope .... 9 Galvanized Guy Rope ..... 10 Galvanized Running Rope .... 11 Galvanized Hawsers and Mooring Lines 12 Galvanized Bridge Cables .... 13 Sash Cord ........ 14 Galvanized High Strength Aeroplane Strand 15 Galvanized Flexible Aeroplane or Motor Boat Cord ....... 16 Galvanized Mast Arm ..... 17 Stone Sawing Strand ..... 18 Galvanized Strand ...... 19 Track Strand, Round and Locked . . 20 Clothes Lines ....... 21 Flat Rope ........ 22 A. S. & W. Shield Filler . 12O-125 126-132 133-137 138-143 144-155 155 156-16O 162-171 175 177 178-18O 181 182 183 183 184 184 186-188 189-191 192-193 194-198 199 120 American Steel and Wire Company Wire Rope Lists Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope We present these lists in the order of their flexibility, from the least flex- ible to the most flexible. This rope is composed of 6 strands of 7 wires each, all laid around a hemp core. Their detail application is explained briefly under each of the five following lists. The particular advantage of this type of con- struction consists in its coarse wires which resist abrasion and corrosion to the greatest possible extent. It is not a flexible rope, however, and when- ever used must have the largest possible sheaves and drums over which to operate. This rope is made in five grades or strengths, as follows : 1. Iron 2. Crucible Cast Steel 3. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 4. Plow Steel 5. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel and Tico Special American Wire Rope 121 Iron Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1'JIO 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.51 ! 4X 3.55 32 6.4 16 .43 IK 4X 3 28 5.6 15 .36 IX 4 2.45 23 4.6 13 .30 IK 3/^ 2 19 3.8 12 .24 i 3 1.58 15 3 10.5 .18# K 2X 1.20 12 2.4 9 '.14 -^X .89 8.8 1.7 7.5 .12 .10 I 2 8 .75 .62 7.3 6 1.5 1.2 7.25 7 .08X IX .50 4.8 .96 6 .06^ K 1# .39 3.7 .74 5.5 .05^ yV IX .30 2.6 .52 4.5 .04^ H 1/8 .22 2.2 .44 4 .03^ T 6 * 1 .15 1.7 .34 3.5 A # .12^ 1.2 .24 3 All ropes not herein listed and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Siemens- Martin steel rope, having 25 per cent greater strength than iron rope, at same prices as iron rope. Add 10 per cent to prices for wire center or galvanized rope. Iron haulage rope is not extensively used at present, except in some of the smaller sizes. It is composed of very soft wires, which do not possess high tensile strength. Some of the sizes given above are never used, but figures are given for comparison with the stronger grades. 122 American Steel and Wire Company Crucible Cast Steel Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands- 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.60 IX 4X 3.55 63 12.6 11 .51 Itt 4X 3 53 10.6 10 .43 IX 4 2.45 46 9.2 9 .36 in 3^ 2 37 7.4 8 .29 3 1.58 31 6.2 7 .22^ H 2^ 1.20 24 4.8 6 .17 If 2X .89 18.6 3.7 5 .uy 2 2>^ .75 15.4 3.1 4X .12 & 2 .62 13 2.6 4^ .10 T 9 * 1# .50 10 2 .08 1 A 1# .39 7.7 1.5 3^ .06^ 7 T7? 1^ .30 5.5 1.1 3 .05^ H w .22 4.6 .92 2# .04^ A 1 .15 3.5 .70 2X .04 A # .12# 2.5 .50 IX All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This rope covers a wide range of utility, being particularly adaptable for use in mine haulage work, which includes tail rope and endless haulage sys- tems, gravity hoists, as well as coal and ore dock haulage roads operating small grip cars. In sizes, ^, T 7 -g, }4, T \, ^, it rinds use as sand lines for oil wells, and in the larger sizes, fyfa, %, fa, 1, is sometimes used for oil well drilling. In general, rope from this list can be used where abrasion is severe and flexibility required a minimum quantity. American Wire Rope 123 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- Diameter ing Load in of Drum or Tons of 2000 Sheave in Pounds Feet Advised $0.75 1# 4X 3.55 73 14.6 11 .64 1H 4X 3 63 12.6 10 .53 IX 2.45 54 10.8 9 .44 i# 3^ 2 43 8.6 8 .35 3 1.58 35 7 7 .27 H 2X 1.20 28 5.6 6 .20 X 2X .89 21 4.2 5 .17 H 2^ .75 16.7 3.3 4X .14X H 2 .62 14.5 2.9 4^ .12 & .50 11 2.2 4 .09^ % IX .39 8.85 1.8 3^ .07^ T 7 * IX .30 6.25 1.25 3 .06 ^8 1H .22 5.25 1.05 2% .05^ T 5 * .15 3.95 .79 2X .05 A H .13# 2.95 .59 IX All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This being the next stronger rope of this construction, its use is prac- tically the same as that of the crucible steel, except that in many cases a smaller rope can be used and the same strength obtained. This rope also covers a wide range of utility, being particularly adaptable for use in mine haulage work, which includes tail rope and endless haulage systems, gravity hoists, as well as coal and ore dock haulage roads operating small grip cars. In sizes -3/6, T 7 ^, *^, T 9 ^, y%, it finds use as sand lines for oil wells, and in the larger sizes, f, ^, ?/8, 1, is sometimes used for oil well drilling. In general, rope from this list can be used where abrasion is severe and flexibility required a minimum quantity. r_>4 American Steel and Wire Company Plow Steel Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 20UO Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.90 1# 4X 3.55 82 16.4 11 .76 IX 4X 3 72 14.4 10 .62 IX 4 2.45 60 12 9 .51 1# 3X 2 47 9.4 8 .41 1 3 1.58 38 7.6 7 .32 # 2X 1.20 31 6.2 6 .24^ X 2X .89 23 4.6 5 .21 2^ .75 18 3.6 4X .17# ^8 2 .62 16 3.2 4^ .14^ I 9 T IX .50 12 2.4 4 .11/2 K Itf .39 10 2 3^ .09 TV IX .30 7 1.4 3 .0614: ^8 1# .22 5.9 1.2 2X .06 A .15 4.4 .88 2X .05^ A H .12^ 3.4 .68 IX All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6x8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This is a very strong rope, and its wires are harder and capable of with- standing more external wear than the softer crucible steel. Its general scope of application is for mine haulage, including endless, tail rope systems and gravity hoists, as well as ore and coal dock haulage roads operating small grip cars. Where it is necessary to secure increased strength and the physical requirements render it impossible to alter the working conditions, a plow steel rope may be used to distinct advantage without increasing the diameter of the rope. American Wire Rope 125 Monitor Plow Steel Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands -7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.05 1# 4X 3.55 90 18 11 .88 1# 4X 3 79 46 10 .72 IX 4 2.45 67 13 9 .58 1# 3K 2 52 10 8 .48 1 3 1.58 42 8.4 7 .37 H 2# 1.20 33 6.6 6 .28^ X 2X .89 25 5 5 .24^ .20^ if S* .75 .62 20 17# 4 3.5 4X 4X .17 A W .50 13 2.6 4 .13^ % W .39 11 2.2 3/2 .11/2 TV IX .30 1% 1.5 3 08X H IX .22 Q/ 2 1.3 2X All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This is the strongest rope of this construction, and although somewhat stiffer than the preceding qualities, may be used to advantage where conditions are suitable. For its strength it is the toughest rope that can be made, and in general a smaller diameter rope of this type should be used than any of the preceding qualities. When this is done it will give a good account of itself. Its uses are similar to those described under plow steel, extra strong and crucible steel. Sheaves for this rope should be somewhat larger than for the preceding qualities if possible, in order to get the very best results. Tico special rope, sold from same list. 126 American Steel and Wire Company Standard Hoisting Rope 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core This term is applied to hoisting rope composed of 6 strands of 19 wires each, laid around a hemp core. It has a wide and varied list of applica- tions, some of the principal ones of which are detailed under their respective lists. It is composed of smaller wires than the 6x7 construction and is more readily passed around sheaves and drums of moderate size. Its wires being smaller, it will not stand as much abrasion as the coarser transmission rope. This rope is made in six grades or strengths as follows : 1 . Iron 2. Mild Steel 3. Crucible Cast Steel 4. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 5. Plow Steel (>. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel and Tico Special American Wire Rope 127 Standard Iron Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.70 2X 8# 11.95 111 22.2 17 1.40 2^ 7^8 9.85 92 18.4 15 1.17 2X ^ 8 72 14.4 14 .95 2 6X 6.30 55 11 12 .88 1# 5# 5.55 50 10 12 .80 1# 5^ 4.85 44 8.8 11 .65 1# 5 4.15 38 7.6 10 .57 1^ 4X 3.55 33 6.6 9 .49 1# 4X 3 28 5.6 8.5 .40 ix 4 2.45 22.8 4.56 7.5 .33 1# 3^ 2 18.6 3.72 7 .26 1 3 1.58 14.5 2.90 6 .20 # 2X 1.20 11.8 2.36 5.5 .16 X 2X .89 8.5 1.70 4.5 .12 X 2 .62 6 1.20 4 .10 A IX .50 4.7 .94 3.5 .08^ y* IK .39 3.9 .78 3 .07^ TV IX .30 2.9 .58 2.75 .07 rs 1# .22 2.4 .48 2.25 06X T 5 6 .15 1.5 .30 2 .06^ X X .10 1.1 .22 1.50 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 10 and less than 37 wires, take 37 wire list. Siemens- Martin Steel Rope, having 25 per cent greater strength than iron rope, at same price as iron rope. Add 10 per cent to list price for wire center or galvanized rope. The wires in our iron rope are made from the best quality iron, being soft, tough and pliable. Iron Hoisting Rope is most generally used for eleva- tor hoisting where the strength is sufficient. It is almost universally em- ployed for counterweight ropes, except on traction elevators (see page 91). For traction elevators we recommend the Mild Steel Hoisting Rope described on the following page. Iron Hoisting Rope is sometimes used for the transmission of power where the pulleys are comparatively small. 128 American Steel and Wire Company Mild Steel Elevator Hoisting Rope 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet $0.66 i# 3.55 54 10.80 7 .56 i* 4X 3 45 9.00 6.25 .46 1 */ 4 2.45 38 7.60 5.75 .38 IX 3^ 2 30.5 6.10 5.25 .31 1 3 1.58 24 4.80 4.50 .24 H 2^ 1.20 18.5 3.70 4 .19 X 2X .89 13.5 2.70 3.5 .14 H 2 .62 9.5 1.90 3 .12 & IX .50 7.7 1.54 2.70 .11 */2 IX .39 6 1.20 2.30 .10 TV IX .30 4.6 .92 2 .09^ 9* IX .22 3.4 .68 1.75 Made especially for traction elevators in tall buildings (see page 91) where, on account of usual quick starting and stopping, a stronger and lighter rope is required than the Iron quality. This Mild Steel Elevator Hoisting Rope is not recommended for all styles of elevators. For elevators employing separate counterweight ropes, the Iron Hoisting Rope is recommended. American Wire Rope Standard Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $2.10 W 8^ 11.95 211 42.2 11 1.75 2/ 2 7^ 9.85 170 34 10 1.44 2X 1 1 A 8 133 26.6 9 1.16 2 6X 6.30 106 21.2 8 1.02 1H 5^ 5.55 96 19 8 .90 1% 5X 4.85 85 17 7 .77 1% 5 4.15 72 14.4 6.5 .66 IX 4X 3.55 64 12.8 6 .56 IH 4X 3 56 11.2 5.5 .46 ix 4 2.45 47 9.4 5 .38 IX z/ 2 2 38 7.6 4.5 .31 A 3 1.58 30 6 4 .24 H *u 1.20 23 4.6 3.5 .19 X V .89 17.5 3.5 3 .14 S A 2 .62 12.5 2.5 2.5 .12 & IX .50 10 2 2.25 .11 % IX .39 8.4 1.68 2 .10 7 T H 2 .62 14 2.80 2.5 .14 T7T IX .50 11.2 2.24 2.25 X \y z .39 9.2 1.84 2 .11 V^ A IX .30 7.25 1.45 1.75 .11 .22 5.30 1.06 1.50 .iox 5 l .15 3.50 .70 1.25 .io# X X .10 2.43 .49 1 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires take 37 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This rope is made from selected cast steel wires of higher tensile strength than the crucible steel, and, possessing greater strength, ropes from this list may be used with somewhat heavier loads than crucible steel. It has been found particularly useful for oil well drilling and tubing lines. Its other general uses are similar to those of the crucible steel, except that it may be used where loads are somewhat heavier. American Wire Rope 131 Standard Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.00 2# 8# 11.95 275 55 11 2.50 2^ 7^ 9.85 229 46 10 2.00 2X 7M 8 186 37 9 1.58 2 6X 6.3 140 28 8 1.46 1# 5% 5.55 127 25 8 1.30 1# 5>/ 2 4.85 112 22 7 1.08 IH 5 4.15 94 19 6.5 .93 1# 4X 3.55 82 16 6 .79 Itt 4X 3 72 14 5.5 .65 IX 4 2.45 58 12 5 .54 1 1 A 3^ 2 47 9.4 4.5 .43 i 3 1.58 38 7.6 4 .34 # 2X 1.20 29 5.8 3.5 .26 X 2X .89 23 4.6 3 .19 H 2 .62 15.5 3.1 2.5 .16 & IX .50 12.3 2.4 2.25 .14 % IK .39 10 2 2 .13 A IX .30 8 1.6 1.75 .12% /8 1# .22 5.75 1.15 1.50 .12X T 5 .15 3.8 .76 1.25 .12 X X .10 2.65 .53 1 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires take 37 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This is a very strong type of hoisting rope, used particularly for heavy mine hoisting, derricks, inclined planes, dredges, cableways for heavy logging and similar uses. In the case of deep mine shafts and long inclines it is especially efficient, because it possesses great strength for its weight. Conse- quently, it is the most economical rope to use where the weight of the rope has to be considered, or where the capacity of the machinery is to be increased without a corresponding increase in sheaves and drums. 132 American Steel and Wire Company Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.45 2X S5/i 11.95 315 63 11 2.80 T/8 9.85 263 53 10 2.50 2X 8 210 42 9 1.85 2 6X 6.30 166 33 8 1.75 1H 5X 5.55 150 30 8 1.60 IX 5X 4.85 133 27 7 1.30 5 4.15 110 22 6/4 1.10 IX 4X 3.55 98 20 6 .90 l^i 4X 3 84 17 5/4 .75 IX 4 2.45 69 14 5 .62 iy & 3X 2 56 11 4X .50 1 3 1.58 45 9 4 .39 % 2X 1.20 35 7 3/^ .31 X 2X .89 26.3 5.3 3 .22^ X 2 .62 19 3.8 %y 2 .19 9 IX .50 14.5 2.9 2X .17 X IX .39 12.1 2.4 2 .15^ 7 IX .30 9.4 1.9 IX 14/^ II .22 6.75 1.35 13X 1 .15 4.50 .9 IX !l3 5 X .10 3.15 .63 1 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires take 37 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This grade of hoisting rope has been developed to provide a rope of very great strength, and in this respect has no equal. It is particularly useful on derricks, skidders, dredges and stump pullers. Being very strong, a smaller rope may be used than any of the preceding qualities of this construction. It is somewhat stiffer in the same diameter than the plow and crucible steel grades, but strength for strength, it is equally flexible. Sheaves should be somewhat larger for this quality of rope, if possible, to obtain the very best results. Tico special rope sold from same list. American Wire Rope 133 Extra Flexible Steel Hoisting Rope 8 Strands 19 Wires to the StrandI Hemp Core This rope is composed of 8 strands of 19 wires each laid around a hemp core. It will be noted that there are two more strands in this type than in that of the Standard Hoisting Rope. The addition of these two strands increases the flexibility and permits of the rope beirig used over comparatively small sheaves and drums such as are frequently found on derricks. It is not good practice to use it where there is much overwinding, because it would flatten or lose shape more quickly than 6 x 19 rope. Galvanized Extra Flexible Crucible Cast Steel hoisting rope is much more pliable than the six-strand hoisting rope, and is preferred by the leading yachtsmen to the galvanized crucible cast steel running rope shown on page 177. For list prices add 10 per cent to the list for the bright rope. This rope is made regularly in four grades or strengths as follows : 1. Crucible Cast Steel. 2. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel. 3. ' Plow Steel 4] Monitor or Improved Plow Steel, and Tico special. NOTE The words " Extra Flexible " mean 8 strands, 19 wires each, one hemp core. The term " Special Flexible " means 6 strands, 37 wires each, one hemp core. For rope of the latter construction, see page 138. American Steel and Wire Company Extra Flexible Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.73 1^ 4^ 3.19 58 11.6 3.75 .62 1/8 4X 2.70 51 10.2 3.5 .51 IX 4 2.20 42 8.4 3.2 .42 1# 3X 1.80 34 6.8 2.83 .34 1 3 1.42 26 5.2 2.5 .27 H 2 1.08 20 4 2.16 .21 % 2X .80 15.3 3.06 1.83 .16 ft 2 .56 10.9 2.18 1.75 .14 A 1# .45 8.7 1.74 1.5 .12 1 A IX .35 7.3 1.46 1.33 .11 IX .27 5.7 1.14 1.16 .10^ a| 1$ .20 - 4.2 .84 1 .10X T 5 6 1 .13 2.75 .55 .83 .10 X .09 1.80 .36 .75 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This rope is particularly adaptable for use over fairly small size sheaves on derricks, steam dredges, coal and ore handling machinery, pile drivers, and also for logging purposes, as well as tubing lines for oil wells. It is not quite as strong in the same diameter as the regular hoisting rope, 6x19, due to its larger hemp center, but it is more flexible. This rope when galvanized is known as galvanized extra flexible crucible cast steel hoisting rope and is much used by yachtsmen. American Wire Rope 135 Extra Flexible Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.88 IK 4X 3.19 66 13 3.75 .75 1# 4X 2.70 57 11 3.5 .62 IX 4 2.20 47 9.4 3.2 .51 1 3^ 1.80 38 7.6 2.83 .41 1 3 1.42 29.7 5.9 2.5 .32 # 2^ 1.08 23 4.6 2.16 .25 X 2X .80 17.6 3.5 1.83 .18# % 2 .56 12.4 2.5 1.75 .16 & IX .45 10.1 2 1.5 .14 /2 IK .35 8. 1.6 1.33 .13 IX .27 6.30 1.26 1.16 .12# H 1# .20 4.66 .93 1 .12 .H# 3 X .13 .09 3.05 2.02 .61 .40 .83 .75 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This rope is made from selected cast steel wires of higher tensile strength than the crucible steel, and, possessing greater strength, ropes from this list may be used for somewhat heavier loads than crucible steel. Its general uses are similar to those of the crucible steel described on the preceding page. 136 American Steel and Wire Company Extra Flexible Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 8 Strands-19 Wires to the Strand- 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Loads in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.03 IK 4V 3.19 74 14.8 3.75 .87 \y% 4X 2.70 64 12.8 3.5 .72 IX 4 2.20 52 10.4 3.2 .60 3K 1.80 43 8.6 2.83 .48 1 3 T.42 33 6.6 2.5 .38 H 2X 1.08 26 5.2 2.16 .29 2X .80 20 4 1.83 .21 jM& 2 .56 14 2.8 1.75 .18 T 9 * IX .45 11.6 2.32 1.50 .16 K IK .35 8.7 1.74 1.33 .15 T^ IX .27 6.90 1.38 1.16 .14 Y% .20 5.12 1.02 1 13/^ 6 1 .13 3.35 .67 .83 '.13X X X .09 2.25 .45 .75 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This is a very strong as well as a very flexible rope, principally used on derricks, dredges, coal and ore handling machinery, pile drivers and logging, where small sheaves necessitate a flexible rope and where greater strength than shown for preceding grades is required. This rope is also made galvanized and is then known as galvanized extra flexible plow steel hoisting rope, largely used on ships and yachts. American Wire Rope 137 Extra Flexible Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.19 1# 4# 3.19 80 16 3.75 .98 1ft 4X 2.70 68 13 3.5 .82 W 4 2.20 56 11 3.2 .68 w 3^ 1.80 46 9.2 2.83 .55 1 3 1.42 36 7.2 2.5 .43 n 2# 1.08 28 5.6 2.15 .34 X 2X .80 22 4.4 1.83 .25 # 2 .56 15 3 1.75 .22 .19 * 1# IX .45 .35 12 9.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.33 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This is a very efficient rope for its strength where loads are heavy, it being the strongest rope that can be made in this type of construction. It is preferable to employ sheaves somewhat larger with this quality so as to insure greater durability. Tico special rope sold from same list. 138 American Steel and Wire Company Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core This rope is composed of 6 strands of 37 wires each, laid around a hemp core. It is a very flexible rope and much used on cranes and similar machinery where sheaves are of necessity rather small. Its wires are smaller than in the 6-strand 19-wire rope and consequently will not stand as much abrasive wear. It is a very efficient rope because a little over 50 per cent of the wires and consequently over 50 per cent of the strength are in the inner layers of the strand, protected from abrasion. This explains its particular advantage in addition to its flexibility. Hoisting ropes larger than 1 % inches are usually made of 6 strands of 37 wires each, rather than of 6 strands of 19 wires. Special Flexible Hoisting Rope is made in five grades : 1. Crucible Cast Steel 2. Extra Strong Crticible Cast Steel 3. Special Flexible Crane Rope (price same as Plow Steel) 4. Plow Steel 5. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel, and Tico special Special Flexible Crane Ropes These are composed of 6 strands of 37 wires to the strand, with a hemp center ; are sold from the plow steel list and are especially designed for service on electric cranes. NOTE The term " Special Flexible " means 6 strands, 37 wires each, one hemp core. The words " Extra Flexible " mean 8 strands, 19 wires each, one hemp core. For rope of the latter construction, see page 133. American Wire Rope 139 Special Flexible Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 ProperWork- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Diameter of Drum or Sheave in in Pounds Pounds Pounds Feet Advised $2.30 2X 8^ 11.95 200 40 1.92 2^> 7^$ 9.85 160 32 1.60 2X 7/^ 8 125 25 1.35 2 6X 6.30 105 21 1.20 IX 5X 5.55 94 18.8 1.05 IX 5^ 4.85 84 17 .89 l^J 5 2 4.15 71 14 .79 \y 2 4X 3.55 63 12 3.75 .65 IX 4X 3 55 11 3.5 .55 IX 4 2.45 45 9 3.2 .46 IX 3^ 2 34 7 2.83 .37 1 3 1.58 29 6 2.5 .28 * 2M 1.20 23 5 2.16 .23 2X .89 17.5 3.5 1.83 .18 # 2 .62 11.2 2.2 1.75 .15 IX .50 9.5 1.9 1.5 .13 l !/ .39 7.25 1.45 1.33 !i2 2 * IX, .30 .22 5.5 4.2 1.1 .84 1.16 1 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6x37. Add 10 per cent, for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for general hoisting work where loads are moderate and where sheaves are small. It is a stronger construction than the extra flexible, but somewhat more expensive, and its wires will not stand as much abrasion as the 6 x 19 construction. 140 American Steel and Wire Company Special Flexible Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Diameter of Drum or Sheave in in Pounds Pounds Pounds Feet Advised $2.80 2X 8# 11.95 233 47 2.35 2 l /t 7% 9.85 187 37 1.90 2X 71^ 8 150 30 1.55 2 6X 6.30 117 23 1.41^ 1H 5.55 106 21.2 1.28 IX 5^ 4.85 95 19 1.07 1^6 5 4.15 79 16 .95 \y 2 4X 3.55 71 14 3.75 .78 \y% 4X 3 61 12 3.5 .65 IX 4 2.45 50 10 3.20 .55 iy s 3K 2 39 8 2.83 .44 1 3 1.58 32 6.4 2.5 .34 # 2X 1.20 25 5 2.16 .27 X 2X .89 19 3.8 1.83 .21 2 .62 12.6 2.5 1.75 17# IX .50 10.5 2.1 1.5 !l5 y^ .39 8.25 1.65 1.33 .14 yV 1^ .30 6.35 1.27 1.16 .13 Ks .22 4.65 .93 1 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent, for wire center. This is the next stronger grade of this construction and can be used for heavier loads than the crucible steel, being considerably stronger in the same diameter. Its general uses are similar to the crucible steel. American Wire Rope 141 Special Flexible Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of *000 Diameter of Drum or Sheave in in Pounds Pounds Pounds Feet Advised $3.30 2X 8^ 11.95 265 53 2.75 2/^ 7^6 9.85 214 43 2.20 2X 7 H? 8 175 35 1.80 2 6X 6.30 130 26 1.65 in 5.55 119 23.8 1.50 IX 5^ 4.85 108 22 1.25 i>6 5 4.15 90 18 1.10 i/^ 4X 3.55 80 16 3.75 .91 \y % 4X 3 68 14 3.5 .75 IX 4 2.45 55 11 3.2 .64 1^ 3^ 2 44 9 2.83 .51 i 3 1.58 35 7 2.5 .40 n ^x 1.20 27 5 2.16 .31 X ^x .89 21 4 1.83 .24 # 2 .62 14 3 1.75 .20 _9 IX .50 11.5 2.3 1.5 .17 \/ IM .39 9.25 1.85 1.33 .16 T 7 ff IX .30 7.2 1.4 1.16 .15 Ks .22 5.1 1 1 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent, for wire center. Ropes of this construction are largely used on electric traveling cranes, dredges and similar machinery, where loads are heavy and sheaves are of necessity small. These ropes are very efficient and give excellent service where conditions favor their use. 142 American Steel and Wire Company Special Flexible Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.75 2X 8# 11.95 278 55 3.15 2^ 7^ 9.85 225 45 2.50 2X 7 /^ 8 184 37 2.10 2 6X 6.30 137 27 1.92X 1^ 5.55 125 25 1.75 1% 5K 4.85 113 23 1.45 IX 5 4.15 95 19 1.25 4^ 3.55 84 17 3.75 1.05 IX 4X 3 71 14 3.50 .86 IX 4 2.45 58 11 3.20 .75 IX 3^ 2 46 9.2 2.83 .59 1 3 1.58 37 7.4 2.50 .46 X 2% 1.20 29 5.8 2.16 .36 X 2X .89 23 4.6 1.83 .27 X 2 .62 16 3.2 1.75 .23 T 9 T 1^ .50 12X 2.5 1.50 .20 y z 1/4 .39 9.75 1.9 1.33 18/4 7_ IX .30 7.50 1.5 1.15 17I** H IX .22 5.30 1.06 1 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6x37. Add 10 per cent, for wire center. This is the strongest rope of the 6 x 37 construction made and suitable where conditions are unusually severe. It is largely used on dredges both for main hoist and spud ropes. We recommend its use where loads have to be increased without corresponding increase in diameter of rope. Tico special rope sold from same list. American Wire Rope L43 Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 6 Strands 61 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Crucible Cast Steel List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised 3X 10 % 16.60 280 56 11 3 9/4 14.20 240 48 10 $2.53 2^ 8>6 11.95 200 40 9 2.112 2^2 77/8 9.85 160 32 8 1.76 2% 8.00 125 25 7 1.485 2 6X 6.30 105 21 6 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel . 3X iox 16.60 315 63 11 . 3 9^ 14.20 275 00 10 $3.08 2% 85/s 11.95 233 47 9 2.585 2/2 7# 9.85 187 37 8 2.09 2% 7 l /s 8.00 150 30 7 1.705 2 W 6.30 117 23 6 Plow Steel 3X K>X 16.60 350 70 11 3 9# 14.20 310 62 10 $3.63 2% 8# 11.95 265 53 9 3.025 2/ 2 l# .80 63 12.6 3.10 68 13.6 3.45 8 IX .68 54 10.8 2.55 58 11.6 2.80 W l# .54 43 8.6 2.05 46 9.2 2.30 6X .45 35 7.0 1.65 38 7.6 1.80 5^ 7 A .35 28 5.6 1.24 30 6.0 1.38 5 X .27 21 4.2 .92 22.7 4.54 1.00 4K ft .18 14.5 2.9 .64 15.7 3.14 .72 3^ # .14 8.85 1.77 .40 9.6 1.92 .45 2K H .11 5.25 1.05 .23 5.7 1.14 .25 2 This is a stronger rope than crucible cast steel and may be used for heavier loads, as shown by table above. Type D is the most popular con- struction and is frequently used on coal dock roads and similar places. Always made Lang's lay. Add 10 per cent, for wire center for Type D. American Wire Rope 149 Flattened Strand Monitor Plow Steel Haulage or Transmission Rope Type C 5 Strands- 9 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type D 6 Strands 8 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type C Type D Type C TypeD Diameter in Inches List Price per Foot Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised IX $0.88 67 13.4 2.55 73 14.6 2.80 9^ 1# .70 52 10.4 2.05 56 11.2 2.30 8 1 .58 42 8.4 1.65 46 9.2 1.80 6# H .44 33 6.6 1.24 36 7.2 1.38 6 X .35 25 5.0 .92 27 5.4 1.00 5X H .25 17# 3.5 .64 19 3.8 .72 4K X 16X 11 2.2 .40 11.9 2.38 .45 3# This is the strongest flattened strand haulage rope made and is used principally in type D for some coal dock haulage roads and in small sizes for logging. Always made Lang's lay. Add 10 per cent, for wire center for Type D. 150 American Steel and Wire Company Flattened Strand Hoisting Ropes Type A 5 Strands 28 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type B-6 Strands 25 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Flattened strand hoisting ropes are made in two types, known as type A and type B ; type A being the older construction and type B the newer one. These ropes compare in flexibility with the standard hoisting rope shown on page 126. They possess, however, about 150 per cent greater wearing surface than the round strand ropes of the same diameter, and they have been used generally in the same places. Type A is made in four grades, as follows : 1. Iron 2. Crucible Cast Steel 3. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 4. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel Type B is made in three grades, as follows : 1. Crucible Cast Steel 2. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 3. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel Type A Type B American Wire Rope 151 Flattened Strand Iron Hoisting Rope Type A 5 Strands 28 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type A Diameter in Inches List Price per Foot Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised 2X $1.52 72 14.4 8.00 nx 2 1.20 55 11 6.30 10# 1% 1.04 44 8.8 4.85 9 1% .82 38 7.6 4.15 7 1 A IK .74 33 6.6 3.55 W 1H .625 28 5.6 3.00 6>( IX .52 22.8 4.56 2.45 5^ l# .43 18.6 3.72 2.00 5X i .34 14.5 2.90 1.58 4# H .26 11.8 2.36 1.20 4 X .21 8.5 1.70 .89 3^ % .155 6.0 1.20 .62 3 TS .13 4.7 .94 .50 2^ % .105 3.9 .78 .39 2 H .095 2.4 .48 .22 1 The use of this type of rope is confined almost entirely to elevators, but it is not used as largely as the iron hoisting rope shown on page 127. These ropes are always made Lang's lay. 152 American Steel and Wire Company Flattened Strand Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Type A 5 Strands 28 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type B 6 Strands 25 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type A Type B Type A Type B Diameter in Inches List Price per Foot Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx. Strength in Tons of 200U Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2009 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised 2X $1.82 133 26.6 8.00 146 29.2 9.20 8/2 2 1.44 106 21.2 6.30 117 23.4 7.25 8 IX 1.21 85 17.0 4.85 94 18.8 5.60 7X 1^6 .96 72 14.4 4.15 79 15.8 4.75 6X 1> .86 64 12.8 3.55 70 14.0 4.00 &X 1^ .73 56 11.2 3.00 62 12.4 3.45 5^ IX .595 47 9.4 2.45 52 10.4 2.80 5 1/8 .50 38 7.6 2.00 42 8.4 2.30 4^ .395 30 6.0 1.58 33 6.6 1.80 4 # .30 23 4.6 1.20 25 5.0 1.38 3X .24 17.5 3.5 .89 19.3 3.86 1.00 3 ^ .18X 12.5 2.5 .62 13.8 2.76 .72 2X T 9 .165 10 2 .50 11 2.2 .58 IX % .145 8.4 1.68 .39 9.3 1.86 .45 Type A is more frequently used in the sizes smaller than one inch, although occasionally used in the larger sizes as well. Type B is used in all sizes for coal hoisting, dredging, etc. This rope is always made Lang's lay. Add 10 per cent, for wire center for Type B. American Wire Rope 153 Flattened Strand Extra Strong Crncible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Type A-5 Strands -28 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type B 6 Strands 25 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type B Type A Type B Diameter in Inches List Price per Foot Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised W $2.20 160 32 8.00 176 35.2 9.20 8^ 2 1.77 123 24.6 6.30 135 27 7.25 8 1# 1.55 99 19.8 4.85 109 21.8 5.60 ?X 1# 1.30 83 16.6 4.15 91 18.2 4.75 6X IK 1.05 73 14.6 3.55 80 16 4.00 5^ 1# .90 64 12.8 3.00 70 14 3.45 5/ 2 IX .70 53 10.6 2.45 58 11.6 2.80 5 1# .59 43 8.6 2.00 47 9.4 2.30 4K 1 .48 34 6.8 1.58 37 7.4 1.80 4 K .38 26 5.2 1.20 29 5.8 1.38 3K H .30 20.2 4.04 .89 22.2 4.44 1.00 3 # .225 14 2.80 .62 15.4 3.08 .72 2X A .195 11.2 2.24 .50 12.3 2.46 .58 1# K .175 9.2 1.84 .39 10.1 2.02 .45 IK Types A and B are made and both have the same general uses as Crucible Cast Steel except that somewhat heavier loads may be handled than with the Crucible Cast Steel. This rope is always made Lang's lay. Add 10 per cent, for wire center for Type B. 154 American Steel and Wire Company Flattened Strand Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Type A 5 Strands 28 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type B 6 Strands 25 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Type A Type B Type A Type B Diameter in Inches List Price per Foot Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx. Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Approx. Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum ' or Sheave in Feet Advised 2X $2.85 210 42 8.00 231 46.2 9.20 12 2 2.25 166 33.2 6.30 183 36.6 7.25 11 IX 2.08 133 26.6 4.85 146 29.2 5.60 9 1* 1.56 110 22 4.15 121 24.2 4.75 8^ 1/2 1.37 98 19.6 3.55 108 21.6 4.00 8 iX 1.12 84 16.8 3.00 92 18.4 3.45 ly* IX .89 69 13.8 2.45 76 15.2 2.80 7 i# .71 56 11.2 2.00 62 12.4 2.30 6 .60 45 9 1.58 50 10.0 1.80 5 n .49 35 7 1.20 39 7.8 1.38 4^ X .375 26.3 5.26 .89 29 5.8 1.00 4 x .28 19 3.8 .62 21 4.2 .72 3K & .25 14.5 2.9 .50 16 3.2 .58 3 % .20^ 12.1 2.42 .39 13.3 2.7 .45 2^ This is the strongest rope of this construction that is made, and it is particularly adapted for dredging and heavy hoisting. Type B is preferable to type A. This rope is always made Lang's lay. Add 10 per cent, for wire center for Type B. American Wire Rope 155 Tiller Rope or Hand Rope 6 Strands of 42 Wires Each 252 Wires in All 7 Hemp Cores Diameter in Inches Circum- ference in Inches List Price per Foot Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Inches Advised Approximate Breaking Strength Iron Crucible Cast Steel Iron, Lbs. Crucible Cast Steel, Lbs. 1 3 $0.33 $0.43 1.10 24 22,000 35,000 H 2^ .27 .36 .84 21 15,500 26,000 X sx .22 .30 .62 18 11,000 18,000 X 2 .17 .24 .43 15 7,000 13,500 T 9 * 1# .14 .20 .35 18# 6,300 11,000 # 1# .11# .17 .28 12 5,800 9,000 IX .10 .15 .21 10# 4,000 6,500 y% i# .09 .14 .16 9 3,000 4,800 i .08 .12^ .11 1 l /2 1,900 3,600 X X -07^ .11 .07 6 1,300 2,500 The wires in this rope are very fine, and should not be subjected to much abrasive wear. It is used to a limited extent for steering lines on yachts and motor boats. Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope, 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core, is preferred by many for motor boats. Three-eighths and one-half-inch diameter Iron Tiller or Hand Rope is used for starting and stopping elevators. This rope is also called Elevator Shipper Rope. Tiller Rope of tinned or galvanized iron or steel is furnished if required. For this rope add 10 per cent to the foregoing list prices. 156 American Steel and Wire Company American Non-spinning Hoisting Hope 18 Strands Composed of 7 Wires Each 1 Hemp Core Side View of American Non-spinning Rope, Showing Exact Lay of Inside and Outside Wires Non-spinning Hoisting Rope is constructed as follows : First, 6 strands of 7 wires each, Lang's lay (wires in the strands and strands themselves twisted to the left), are laid around a hemp core ; second, these strands are then covered with an outer layer composed of 12 strands, 7 wires, Regular lay (wires in the strands twisted to the left and strands themselves twisted to the right). The real object of this combination of lays is to prevent a free load sus- pended on the end of a single line from rotating. The spinning of a load endangers the lives of employees, and the constant attention required to guide the load in its ascent not only means extra trouble but expense as well. We recommend this type of rope for "back-haul " or single line derricks; also for shaft sinking and mine hoisting where bucket or cage swings free without guides. Non-spinning Rope works best where it does not overwind on drum. Either a closed socket or an open socket makes the best fastening on the end of Non-spinning Rope. See pages 206 and 207. These may be fastened in the same manner as any rope socket, but great care must be taken in attaching the socket to the rope to see that the strands do not untwist or allow any slack to work back into the rope. It is best to seize the end of the rope tightly for a distance of 4 or 5 inches just outside of the socket until the socketing is completed, when it may be taken off. When- ever possible, it would be advisable for customers to have us attach the socket at our factory to ensure the best possible results. This rope is made in five qualities or strengths, as follows : 1 . Iron 2. Crucible Cast Steel 3. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 4. Plow Steel 5. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel American Wire Rope 157 Non-spinning Iron Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 18 Strands 7 Wires Each-1 Hemp Core Patented List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2UOO Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.80 1# 5/ 2 5.50 45.80 9.1 7.00 .65 1# 5 4.90 39.80 7.9 6.50 .57 1# 4^ 4.32 34.00 6.8 6.00 .49 1/8 4X 3.60 28.20 5.6 5.50 .40 IX 4 2.80 23.40 4.6 5.00 .33 1* 3/ 2 2.34 19.60 3.9 4.50 .26 1 3 1.73 14.95 2.9 4.00 .20 # 2^ 1.44 11.95 2.3 3.50 .16 X 2X 1.02 8.85 1.7 3.00 .12 ^ 2 .70 5.90 1.1 2.50 .10 T 9 6 1# .87 4.85 .97 2.25 .08^ y 2 IX .42 3.65 .73 2.00 .07^ T5 IX .31 2.63 .52 1.75 .07 H 1# .25 2.10 .42 1.50 This grade of rope is not used very much, but figures given are largely for comparative purposes. 158 American Steel and Wire Company Non-spinning Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 18 Strands 7 Wires Each 1 Hemp Core Patented List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $0.90 IX 5X 5.50 85.90 17.1 7.00 .77 1# 5 4.90 74.40 14.8 6.50 .66 1# 4X 4.32 63.80 12.7 6.00 .56 1# 4X 3.60 52.00 10.4 5.50 .46 IX 4 2.80 43.80 8.7 5.00 .38 1# 3^ 2.34 36.80 7.3 4.50 .31 3 1.73 28.00 5.6 4.00 .24 10 2^ 1.44 . 22.50 4.5 3.50 .19 X 2X 1.02 16.70 3.3 3.00 .14 H 2 .70 11.10 2.2 2.50 .12 A 1# .57 9.10 1.8 2.25 .11 AS 1# .42 6.90 1.8 2.00 .10 TV IX .31 4.90 .98 1.75 .09^ H 1# .25 3.90 .78 1.50 This rope works best when used as a single end line, as it holds a load perfectly still, without untwisting. It should not be loaded as heavily as ordi- nary hoisting rope. It is especially adapted for single end derricks, mine shaft sinking, etc. It should not overwind on drum. American Wire Rope 159 Non-spinning Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 18 Strands 7 Wires Each 1 Hemp Core Patented List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.10 1# 5^ 5.50 101.00 20.2 7.00 .94 1# 5 4.90 87.60 17.5 6.50 .80 IK 4X 4.32 75.00 15.0 6.00 .68 w 4X 3.60 62.40 12.4 5.50 .56 IX 4 2.80 51,60 10.3 5.00 .46 1# 3^ 2.34 43.20 8.6 4.50 .37 1 3 1.73 33.00 6.6 4.00 .29 # 2^ 1.44 26.50 5.3 3.50 .22 X 2X 1.02 19.60 3.9 3.00 .16^ # 2 .70 13.10 2.6 2.50 .14 T 9 * IK .57 10.70 2.1 2.25 .12^ /2 1# .42 8.10 1.6 2.00 .n/ 2 IX .31 5.80 1.1 1.75 .11 8 1# .25 4.60 .92 1.50 This rope is stronger than crucible cast steel and will carry somewhat heavier loads. It works best when used as a single end line, as it holds the load perfectly still without untwisting. It should not be loaded so heavily as ordinary hoisting rope if best results are to be obtained. This rope is especially adapted for single line derricks, mine shaft sinking, etc. It should not overwind on drum. 160 American Steel and Wire Company Non-spinning Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 18 Strands 7 Wires Each 1 Hemp Core Patented List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or > heave in Feet Advised $1.30 1# 5^ 5.50 111.10 22.2 7.00 1.08 1% 5 4.90 96.30 19.2 6.50 .93 IX 4^r 4.32 82.50 16.5 6.00 .79 1# 4X 3.60 68.60 13.7 5.50 .65 IX 4 2.80 56.80 11.3 5.00 .54 1# 3^ 2.34 47.50 9.5 4.50 .43 3 1.73 36.30 7.2 4.00 .34 ft 2^ 1.44 31.80 6.3 3.50 .26 % 2^ 1.02 24.60 4.9 3.00 .19 ft 2 .70 15.75 3.1 2.50 .16 T* 1# .57 12.80 2.5 2.25 .14 * IK .42 9.75 1.9 2.00 .13 IX .31 6.85 1.3 1.75 -12X 1/8 .25 5.55 1.1 1.50 This is a very strong rope, and capable of lifting heavy loads. It works best when used as a single end line, as it holds a load perfectly still without untwisting. It should not be loaded so heavily as ordinary hoisting rope if best results are to be obtained. This rope is especially adapted to single line derricks, mine shaft sinking, etc. It should not overwind on drum. American Wire Rope 161 Noii-spinniii Monitor Plow Steel Hoisting Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 18 Strands- 7 Wires Each 1 Hemp Core Patented List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drumor Sheave in Feet Advised $1.60 IX 5/2 5.50 122.00 24.4 7.00 1.10 IX 4X 4.32 90.70 18.1 6.00 .90 1/8 4X 3.60 75.50 15.1 5.50 .75 IX 4 2.80 62.50 12.5 5.00 .62 1# 3^ 2.34 52.20 10.4 4.50 .50 1 3 1.73 39.00 7.8 4.00 .39 H 2X 1.44 35.00 7.0 3.50 .31 X 2X 1.02 27.00 5.4 3.00 .22^ 2 .70 17.30 3.4 2.50 .17 % 1# .42 10.70 2.1 2.00 .uy 2 X 1* .25 6.10 1.2 1.50 Where the requirements are severe we recommend Monitor Plow Steel Rope. It is the strongest and most efficient rope produced. It works best when used as a single end line, as it holds a load perfectly still without untwisting. It should not be loaded so heavily as ordinary hoist- ing rope if best results are to be obtained. This rope is especially adapted for single line derricks, mine shaft sinking, etc. It should not overwind on drum. 162 American Steel and Wire Company Steel Clad Hoisting Rope 6 Strands 19 Wire* to the Strand 1 Hemp Core 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core 6 Strands 61 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Steel Clad Ropes Are made in three constructions for the purpose of securing different degrees of flexibility. These con- structions are the 6 x 19, 6 x 37 and 6 x 61 types, each of which is furnished in four grades : 1. Crucible Cast Steel. 2. Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel. 3. Plow Steel. 4. Monitor or Improved Plow Steel. The flat strips of steel which are wound spirally around each of the six strands composing the rope, give it additional wearing surface without sacrific- ing the flexibility in any way. When the outer flat steel winding is worn through in service, a complete hoisting rope remains, with unimpaired strength, the flat strip having served to protect the inner wires from all wear up to this point. The worn flat strips naturally crowd down between the strands of the rope, and in this manner they provide additional wearing surface for the rope where it runs over sheaves or drums. These ropes are designed to meet very severe conditions of service. The increased life obtained by the use of steel clad rope easily offsets any increased first cost. In many places where conditions are suitable, additional service of from 50 to 100 per cent is frequently obtained. American Wire Rope 163 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2-000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised #1.56 2X 2 8.45 106 21.2 8 1.29 2 1% 6.70 96 19.2 7.5 1.16 1% 1% 6.02 85 17.0 7 1.01 5.25 72 14.4 6.5 .89 Ift I l /2 4.62 64 12.8 6 .78 I l /2 I ft 3.95 56 11.2 5.5 .67 IH 1% 3.30 47 9.4 5 .57 1% 1/-6 2.80 38 7.6 4.5 .49 iyi i 2.12 30 6.0 4 .41 1 7/X 1.72 23 4.6 3.5 .36 7 /s H 1.30 17.5 3.5 3 .30 % H 1.00 12.5 2.5 2.5 .26 H .70 8.4 1.68 2 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. 164 American Steel and Wire Company Steel Clad Hoisting Rope Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in In< ics Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $1.74 2X 2 8.45 123 24.6 8 1.52 2 4 1% 6.70 112 22.4 7.5 1.36 1^5 13/ 6.02 99 19.8 7 1.18 I 3 / 15^ 5.25 83 16.6 6.5 1.03 IX !X 4.62 73 14.6 6 .90 IX IX 3.95 64 12.8 5.5 .77 IX 3.30 53 10.6 5 .65 IX 1^ 2.80 43 8.6 4.5 .55 1 2.12 34 6.80 4 .46 1 ft 1.72 26 5.20 3.5 .39 X 1.30 20.2 4.04 3 .32 K H 1.00 14 2.80 2.5 .27 * .70 9.2 1.84 2 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. American Wire Rope 165 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope Plow Steel Strands 19 Wires to the Strand I Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised #1.98 oy 2 8.45 140 28 s 1.73 2 4 17/ S 6.70 127 25 7.5 1.56 17/ S 13^ 6.02 112 22 7 1.32 IV 15^ 5.25 94 19 6.5 1.16 1^ 1^ 4.62 82 16 6 1.01 iy 2 iy g 3.95 72 14 5.5 .86 1H *X 3.30 58 12 5 .73 IX 1^ 2.80 47 9.4 4.5 .61 1 2.12 38 7.6 4 .51 1 % 1.72 29 5.8 3.5 .43 ^ X 1.30 23 4.6 3 .35 X ^ 1.00 15.5 3.1 2.5 .29 * y* .70 10 2.0 2 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. 166 American Steel and Wire Company Steel Clad Hoisting Rope Monitor Plow Steel 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised ' $2.25 2X 2 8.45 166 33 8 2.02 2 1# 6.70 150 30 7.5 1.86 IH Itf 6.02 133 27 7 1.54 i* 1# 5.25 110 22 6.5 1.33 i# 1# 4.62 98 20 6 1.12 i# 1# 3.95 84 17 5.5 .96 iH IX 3.30 69 14 5 .81 IX Itf 2.80 56 11 4.5 .68 1# 2.12 45 9 4 .56 1 # 1.72 35 7 3.5 .48 J/ 8 X 1.30 26.3 5.3 3 .38 % # 1.00 19 3.8 2.5 .32 # .70 12.1 2.4 2 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. American Wire Rope 167 Steel Clad, Special Flexible Hoisting Rope Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised #2.52 2% 2^ 12.05 160 32 8 2.10 2/ 2 2X 9.90 125 25 7 1.75 2)4 2 8.00 105 21 6 1.47 2 IH 6.60 94 18.8 5.25 1.31 IH IK 5.90 84 17 4.75 1.13 IK i 4.90 71 14 4.25 1.02 i# IK 4.30 63 12 3.75 .87 i# 1/8 3.75 55 11 3.5 .76 i# IX 3.05 45 9 3.2 .65 IX 1# 2.40 34 7 2.83 .55 i# 1 2.00 29 6 2.5 .45 i # 1.75 23 5 2.16 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. It's use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. 168 American Steel and Wire Company Steel Clad, Special Flexible Hoisting Rope Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot _ Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in . Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised #2.95 2X 2^ 12.05 187 37 8 2.40 2 y& 2X 9.90 150 30 7 1.95 2% 2 8.00 117 23 6 1.68 2 1# 6.60 106 21.2 5.25 1.54 Iff 1% 5.90 95 19 4.75 1.31 IK 1 5^ 4.90 79 16 4.25 1.18 \y^ \y 4.30 71 14 3.75 1.00 ll A 1/8 3.75 61 12 3.5 .86 1/8 IX 3.05 50 10 3.2 .74 1 X 1 i^ 2.40 39 8 2.83 .62 ly^ 1 2.00 32 6.4 2.5 .51 1 * 1.75 25 5 2.16 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. American Wire Rope 169 Steel Clad, Special Flexible Hoisting Rope Plow Steel 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.35 2X 2 y 2 12.05 214 43 8 2.70 2 Vz 2X 9.90 175 35 7 2.20 2X 2 8.00 130 26 6 1.92 2 1^ 6.60 119 23.8 5.25 1.76 1# !K 5.90 108 22 4.75 1.49 IX 1^ 4.90 90 18 4.25 1.33 1^ l/^ 4.30 80 16 3.75 1.13 1# 1^1 3.75 68 14 3.5 .96 IN !X 3.05 55 11 3.2 .83 IX \y % 2.40 44 9 2.83 .69 1/^5 I 2.00 35 7 2.5 .57 1 ?/ * 1.75 27 5 2.16 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. 170 American Steel and \V^ire Company Steel Clad, Special Flexible Hoisting Rope Monitor Plow Steel 6 Strands -37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.75 2# 2X 12.05 225 45 8 3.00 2/^ 2X 9.90 184 37 7 2.50 2.// 2 8.00 137 27 6 2.19 2 1# 6.60 125 25 5.25 2.01 1# 1# 5.90 113 23 4.75 1.69 IV 1 $A 4.90 95 19 4.25 1.48 1^ \y 4.30 84 17 3.75 1.27 1^ IH 3.75 71 14 3.5 1.07 1/8 i# 3.05 58 11 3.2 .94 i/^ 2.40 46 9.2 2.83 .77 l^J i 2.00 37 7.4 2.5 .63 1 # 1.75 29 5.8 2.16 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. American Wire Rope 171 Steel Clad, Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 6 Strands -61 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Crucible Cast Steel List Price per Foot Finished Diameter over Serving in Inches Diameter of Bare Rope in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Work- ing Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised $3.90 3.23 2.71 2.26 1.88 S* 3 2X 3 2^ 2^ 2X 2 16.80 14.35 12.05 9.90 8.45 240 200 160 125 105 48 40 32 25 21 10 9 8 7 6 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel #4.55 3.78 3.18 2.59 2.10 3 4 P 3 2% 2^ 2 4 16.80 14.35 12.05 9.90 8.45 275 233 187 150 117 55 47 37 30 23 10 9 8 7 6 Plow Steel #5.10 4.33 3.62 2.92 2.38 3 4 3 2# 2# 2 16.80 14.35 12.05 9.90 8.45 310 265 214 175 130 62 53 43 35 26 10 9 8 7 6 Monitor Plow Steel #5.70 4.82 4.06 3.25 2.71 3 4 !# 3 2 4 16.80 14.35 12.05 9.90 8.45 325 278 225 184 137 65 55 45 37 27 10 9 8 7 6 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for unusually severe conditions of rope service where the additional wearing surface due to the flat strips spirally served, materially increases the durability of the rope thus employed. Its use is recommended particularly for dredging and similar difficult conditions of rope usage. 172 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Wire Rope This rope is extra galvanized by our special process, which ensures adhe- sion of the zinc to the metal. The galvanizing does not crack, chip nor flake. Used where exposure to the weather, constant or periodical moisture, etc., are among the conditions that would tend to corrode a rope not protected in this way. Ship's Rigging or Guy Rope Usually made of 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core. Large sizes are sometimes constructed of 6 strands, 12 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core. Both constructions may be had in Iron, Crucible Cast Steel and Plow Steel grades, extra galvanized. Galvanized Iron Rope is used for ship's rigging, guys for derricks, smokestacks, etc. Yacht Rigging or Guy Rope Made of 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, for yacht or ship's standing rigging and derrick guys, and of 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core, for running rigging and mooring lines. Our Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope, 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core, because of its light weight, strength and durability, is American Wire Rope 173 now most generally employed for yacht or ship's standing rigging, and for derrick guys. When greater strength is required, we offer Galvanized Plow Steel Rope of 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core. Flexible Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope, 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core, is used for mooring and messenger or warping lines on ocean and lake steamships, steering or tiller rope on motor boats, and for straight-hauls 'and backstays on yachts. See Galvanized Motor Boat Cord, page 183. 4 Running Rope Made of 6 strands, 12 wires to the strand, 7 hemp cores, in Iron and Cru- cible Cast Steel grades, extra galvanized. Designed for running rigging service where great flexibility is required and exposure to moisture is frequent. This construction, however, has much less strength than Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope, 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core. Hawsers and Mooring Lines Made of 6 strands, 12 or 24 wires to the strand, 7 hemp cores, in Crucible Cast Steel quality, extra galvanized. These lines, with a hemp core in each strand as well as in the center of the rope, are commonly called " English Hawsers or Mooring Lines," and are used chiefly on foreign ships and steamers. 174 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Steel Deep Sea Towing Hawsers The construction is 6 strands, 37 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core. These hawsers are used in connection with automatic steam towing machines for sea, river and lake towing, where the greatest strength, flexibility and dura- bility are demanded. More than 50 per cent of the wires in the strands are on the inside, so that the outside layer of wires may be considerably worn before the strength of the inside wires become impaired. Our towing hawsers have been tested under the most severe conditions of service. It is not prac- ticable to coil wire hawsers like manila hawsers ; wire hawsers should be wound onto deck reels especially designed for the purpose. See page 118. American Wire Rope 175 Galvanized Iron Ship's Rigging or Guy Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 7 or 1 2 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Circumference of Manila Rope of Equal Strength 7 Wires per Strand 12 Wires per Strand $0.44 $0.46 IX 5/2 4.85 42 11 .41 .43 144 5X 4.42 38 10^ .38 .40 1H 5 4.15 35 10 .35 .37 4X 3.55 30 9X .31# .33^ IT* 4^ 3.24 28 9 .28^ .30^ 1H 4X 3 26 8^ .25 .26^ IX 4 2.45 23 8 .22^ .24 1A 3X 2.21 19 7^ 19/^ .21 l/^ 3/^ 2 18 6/^ .17^ .18^ 1 T V 3X 1.77 16.1 6 .15 .16 1 3 1.58 14.1 5X .13 H 2# 1.20 11.1 5X .11 . it 2^ 1.03 9.4 5 .09 . X 2X .89 7.8 4X .08 # 2 .62 5.7 .07 9 IX .50 4.46 3X .06 % .39 3.39 3 .05 7 IX .30 2.35 2^4 .04^ H .22 1.95 2X .03K T 5 * 1 .15 1.42 2 5 Strands .03 -3 9 H .125 1.20 IX 02 X X X .09 .99 IX 02X . A .063 .79 IX .02 A 1/2 .04 .61 176 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rigging or Guy Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Flexible Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Circumference of Manila Rope of Equal Strength Guy Rope 7 Wires per Strand Flexible Yacht Rope 19 Wires per Strand $0.47 $0.50 IX 4 2.45 42 13 .44 .46 1 T \ 3X 2.21 38 12 .39^ .41# \Y% 3/^ 2 34 11 .35 .38 1 T V 3X 1.77 31 10 31X .34 1 3 1.58 28 9 .24^ .26X H 2X 1.20 22 8/2 .22 .23^ if 2^ 1.03 19 8 18 l/ 2. .2034- & 2X .89 16.8 7 !i3 x 15X g 2 .62 11.7 6 .11 .13 T? IX .50 9 5X .08M .12 i/ 2 IK .39 7 4X .08 .11 J^ 15 \y% .34 6 4 /4 .07 ill rV IX .30 5 4X .06 .iox H .22 4.2 3X 04X .10 A i .15 3.2 3 In ordering, specify exact construction desired. American Wire Rope 177 Galvanized Iron and Crucible Cast Steel Running Rope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 12 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores List Price per Foot Approximate Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diameter in Circumference Weight per Inches in Inches Foot Iron Crucible Cast Steel in Pounds Iron Cast Steel $0.22 $0.30 lyV 3X 1.18 10.1 22.5 .20 .27 1 T * 3 4 1.05 8.7 19.5 .17 .23 y% %H .80 6.9 15.5 .14^ .20 it 2>^ .68 6 13.5 .12 .16^ H 2X .59 5.1 11.5 .10 .14 H 2 .42 3.6 8 .08 .11 TS 1% .33 2.8 6.5 .07 .09 .26 2.2 5 .06^ .08^ & ix .20 1.7 3.9 .06 07^ ^ 1# .14 1.8 2.85 .05^ ^07 1 .10 .82 1.98 In ordering, specify whether Iron or Crucible Cast Steel quality is desired. 178 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Steel Hawsers and Mooring Lines Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands -12 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Size of Manila Hawsers of Equal Strength Circumference $0.78 2& W 4.43 83 .72 2 6X 4.20 77 .67 HI 6 3.89 71 .62 HI 5^ 3.42 66 .57 i5 5^ 3.23 61 13.5 .53 !H 5^: 2.94 57 13 .49 1^6 5 2.76 53 12.5 .44 1# 4K 2.36 45 12 .41 4^ 2.16 41 11.5 .38 iH 4X ^ 38 11 .35 IX 4 1.63 31 10 .33 3^ 1.47 28 9.25 .31 ill 3X 1.33 26 8.75 For smaller sizes, see Galvanized Running Rope 6 strands, 12 wires to the strand, 7 hemp cores. American Wire Rope 179 Galvanized Steel Hawsers and Mooring Lines Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands-24 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Size of Manila Hawsers of Equal Strength Circumference $1.22 2i 6/>2 5.81' 113 1.14 2 T * 6^ 5.51 106 1.06 Hf 6 5.09 98 1.00 IT! 5^ 4.48 88 .93 IK 5^ 4.24 82 .86 iH 5# 3.86 76 80 1&$ 5 3.63 74 .73 \v 3.10 63 13.5 .67 .62 \i 4K 2.92 2.62 55 50 13.0 12.0 .57 .51 IX 4 2.15 1.93 42 38 12.0 11.0 .45 ill gi/ 1.75 34 10.25 .40 .35 I* 3X 1.54 1.38 27 25 9.25 8.75 .29 % 2|/ 1.05 20 .25 13 2/^i .90 17 .22 * 3X .78 14 180 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Steel Deep Sea Towing Hawsers Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds $1.60 2^ ll/2 8.82 188 1.52 2JL 75? 8.36 182 1.44 2X 7^g 8 171 1.35 2/^ 6^ 7.06 155 1.28 3 yV 6^ 6.65 140 1.20 2 6X 6.30 132 1.12 lyf 6 5.84 125 1.05 113 5|^ 5.13 112 .98 1^ 5X 4.85 104 .91 1H 5X 4.42 97 .84 i# 5 4.15 87 .77 i^ 4X 3.55 76 .71 i 7 4^ 3.24 72 .65 i^i 4X 3 66 .60 IX 4 2.45 54 .54 l* 3X 2.21 47 .48 1/^5 35^ 2 42 .42 lyV 3X 1.77 38 2(7 1 3 1.58 31.5 isi # 2^ 1.20 26 .26 if 2^ 1.03 22 .23 2X .89 20 This rope is only furnished galvanized. American Wire Rope 181 Galvanized Steel Cables for Suspension Bridges Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 Composed of 6 Strands, with Wire Center Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Plow Steel 2^ 8^ 12.7 310 f 2# 8X 11.6 283 f 2^ 7^ 10.5 256 > 2^8 7^ 9.50 232 2X 7>^ 8.52 208 2M 6^ 7.60 185 , 2 6X 6.73 164 t IH 5^ 5.90 144 t IX 5/ 2 5.10 124 i# 5 4.34 106 . i# 4X 3.70 90 m itf 4X 3.10 75 IX 4 2.57 62 We do not build or erect suspension bridges, but are prepared to supply cables fitted with special bridge sockets ready for attaching to anchorage bolts. Further particulars and prices furnished upon application. 182 American Steel and Wire Company Sash Cord 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Cotton Core Trade List Price per Foot Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Pounds Number in Inches Annealed or Bright Galvan- ized Iron Copper Iron Copper Bright Iron Annealed Iron Bright Copper 26 $0.03 $0.04 $0.09 X .101 .115 2200 1650 1320 27 .02^ .03X .07^ A .077 .087 1800 1411 1080 27^ .02X .03 .06 A .056 .064 1400 1100 840 28 .01% .02X M/2 tf .025 .029 550 425 350 28^ .01^ .02 .03^ A .014 .016 320 250 200 29 .01* .01* .03 TV .006 .007 140 110 90 Sash cord will be made " dead soft " unless specifically ordered to the con- trary. Used principally for window weights, bell cords, automobile brakes and whistles. Three thirty-seconds inch diameter Galvanized Sash Cord is used on electric open-car curtain fixtures. One-sixteenth inch Galvanized Sash Cord is used on steam car curtain fixtures. American Wire Rope 183 Galvanized High Strength Aeroplane Strand Net Prices per 100 Feet Diameter in Inches Number of Wires Weight per 1000 Feet in Pounds Breaking Strength in Pounds $3.75 !T 19 51.0 3000 2.50 >| 19 33.0 2000 1.75 & 19 17.0 1100 1.50 A 19 8.9 500 .75 7 23 125 Put up in coils 50, 100, 500, 1000 feet each ; or on 5000 or 10,000 feet reels. For reliable strength, light weight, flexibility, toughness and elasticity, this Galvanized High Strength Aeroplane Strand is unrivaled. This may be readily fastened and resists sudden strains and vibration better than a single stay wire. The sizes most commonly used are ^-inch and ^-inch diameter. The smaller sizes, however, are employed for light stays on the elevating and rudder frames. Approximately 600 feet of strand is required to properly guy a biplane, and about 250 feet for a monoplane. Galvanized or Tinned Flexible Aeroplane or Motor Boat Cord Net Prices per 100 Feet Diameter in Inches Construction Weight per 1000 Feet in Pounds Breaking Strength in Pounds $5.75 ' 19x7 55.2 2600 5.00 19x7 38.5 1800 4.50 19x3 24.5 1150 4.00 & 12x3 15.5 725 Designed to meet the demand for a light weight, flexible steel cord, with a minimum amount of stretch, to connect the control levers or wheel with the flexible wing tips, ailerons, elevating planes and rudder on an aeroplane, or for small motor boat steering cord. 184 American Steel and Wire Company Galvanized Mast-arm or Arc Light Hope Standard Strengths, Adopted May 1, 1910 List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Pounds Construction $0.07 Y2 .335 4700 9x7 .06 T 7 fi .245 3400 9x7 .05 H .163 2200 9x7 .03^ fV .107 1530 9x4 .02X X .077 1125 9x4 Used for arc lights, mast-arms or other purposes where exposed to moisture. This rope is more durable than manila rope and does not shrink. Stone Sawing Strand 3 Wires Twisted Together List Price per 1000 Feet Approximate Diameter in Inches Approximate Gage of Wire Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet $13.50 .210 12 100 11.50 .184 13 70 9.50 .160 14 50 8.00 .144 15 45 6.75 .126 16 35 This is suitable for sawing blocks of sandstone or similar soft stone but should not be used for marble or granite. American Wire Rope is: Galvanized Strand 7 Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand Standard Steel Strand Galvanized or Extra Galvanized Diameter in Inches Seizing Strand Trade Number Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet Pounds Approximate Strength in Pounds List Prices per 100 Feet H 800 14000 $7.25 t - 650 510 11000 8500 5.75 4.50 415 6500 3.75 H .- 295 5000 2.75 6 210 3800 2.25 X 125 2300 1.75 F? 95 1800 1.50 T 3 ff 75 1400 1.25 fs 55 900 1.15 9 18 40 700 1.10 % 19 32 500 1.00 & 20 25 450 .90 A. 21 22 20 13 400 300 .80 .70 This strand is used chiefly for guying poles and smokestacks, for sup- porting trolley, wire, and for operating railroad signals. For overhead catenary construction of suspending trolley wire, the special grades of strand are considered preferable because they possess greater strength and toughness. The last five sizes listed are sometimes called Galvanized Seizing Strand, used for seizing or binding the ends of wire rope and thimble splices, and for tying rope into coils. 186 American Steel and Wire Company Extra Galvanized Special Strand 7 Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand We manufacture three qualities of special grades of Extra Galvanized Strand that should meet all requirements for durability, strength, toughness and light weight. Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand. Extra Galvanized High Strength (Crucible Steel) Strand. Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength (Plow Steel) Strand. All three qualities are composed of 7 wires, having the heaviest coating of galvanizing that will ensure the longest life. Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand Diameter in Inches Tensile Strength in Pounds List Price per 100 Feet Minimum Elongation Per Cent in 10 Inches Diameter in Inches Tensile Strength in Pounds List Price per 100 Feet Minimum Elongation Per Cent in 10 Inches # 19,000 $4.35 10 X 3,060 $1.00 10 X 11,000 2.80 10 T 3 * 2,000 .85 10 T 7 * 9,000 2.30 10 X 900 .55 10 ^8 6,800 1.80 10 & 4,860 1.48 10 A 4,380 1.10 10 Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand # 25,000 $6.25 6 9 ? 7,300 $1.75 6 % 18,000 3.95 6 l /4 5,100 1.50 6 7 iff 15,000 3.45 6 A 3,300 1.30 6 H 11,500 2.70 6 H 1,500 .80 6 A 8,100 2.10 6 Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength Strand X 42,500 $8.75 4 9 10,900 $2.10 4 y z 27,000 5.50 4 X 7,600 1.90 4 7 22,500 4.60 4 3 TIT 4,900 1.60 4 H 17,250 3.55 4 H 2,250 1.05 4 A 12,100 2.70 4 When either intermediate sizes or strengths are called for, if they are exactly midway between two sizes provided for, the average price of the two sizes shall apply : otherwise the price of the nearest size and strength shall apply. \ American Wire Rope 187 The use of special grades of Extra Galvanized Strand is constantly in- creasing. The principal uses to which these special grades of strands are particularly adapted are as follows : Guy Strand Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand is now frequently used because of its strength and uniform quality, to guy electric railway, telegraph and telephone poles. Messenger Strand The heavy lead encased telephone wire cables are not in themselves sufficiently strong, without an unusual deflec- tion, to safely withstand the strain incident to stringing those cables between poles at considerable distances apart. It is a common practice now to stretch from pole to pole with very little sag y^-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand, ^-inch diameter or T 7 g-inch diameter Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand, and from this "messenger strand," so called, the heavy telephone cable is suspended by means of clips, wire or cord at short intervals. The messenger strand thus sustains most of the stress due to weight of cable, wind, or ice load. We have mentioned the sizes and qualities now generally employed by the largest telephone companies. The Extra Galvanized, Extra High Strength Strand, while affording the greatest strength for its weight, is naturally stiff and springy and difficult to fasten. The common galvanized strand should never be used for messenger lines as it does not possess the requisite strength and uniform toughness of the special grades of strand. Catenary Method of In the ordinary electric railway overhead con- Supporting Trolley Wire struction, the copper trolley wire dips and sags between the supporting points, which are oppo- site poles and from 100 to 125 feet apart. The catenary method of carrying the trolley wire consists of one or more messenger strands stretched over the center of the tracks. Every few feet along this messenger strand are pendant hangers that clamp on to the trolley wire and retain it in a rigid, straight, horizontal line, an especially desirable feature for the operating of electric cars at high speed. The catenary construction also makes it possible to space the poles at greater distances apart, but this necessarily causes great tension on the messenger strand and poles. The common galvanized strand is not suitable for this work. The selection of the best size and quality of strand depends upon the length of spans, the deflection of the messenger strand, and the weight of the trolley wire. In general, however, for a single messenger strand carrying a 4/0 copper trolley wire, we would recommend the following: For spans 125 to 150 feet, ^6-inch or T 7 ^-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand. For longer spans up to 225 feet, ^-inch or ^-inch Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand. 188 American Steel and Wire Company These two qualities have been found the best for catenary work. The messenger strand and trolley wire may be made to follow track curves by increasing the number of poles at the curve, but this is obviated by attaching to the hangers near the center of the spans what are known as " pull-off " strands. Our J^-inch or ^-inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens- Martin Strand is usually employed for this purpose. For reasons already explained, the poles should be well guyed, especially at the curves, with ^-inch or T ?-,-inch diameter extra galvanized Siemens- Martin strand. Lightning Arrester for In erecting the high tension current transmission Transmission Lines lines, which consist of bare copper cables strung on tall steel towers, it is customary to stretch between the highest points of the towers a 24 -inch diameter Extra Galvanized Siemens- Martin Strand, known as an "overhead ground strand." The purpose of this is to arrest lightning and convey it safely to the ground. The Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand is employed almost exclusively because it possesses greater conductivity than the other grades of high strength strarib. Long Spans in High Tension Current Transmission Line Long spans cannot be made with copper cables, because copper has a strength of only 65,000 pounds per square inch. Where it is necessary to cross rivers, lakes or bays with power transmission lines, the current is conducted through an Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand or an Extra Galvanized High Strength (crucible- steel) Strand of the size and strength that will show a safety factor of at least five. Properties of Special Cirades Kxtra Galvanized Special Strands Diameter of Strand Number of Wires Strength S. M. Strand Strength Crucible Strand Strength Plow Strand Approximate Weight per Foot in Inches in Strand in Tons in Tons in Tons in Pounds 1# 61 55 91.5 121 4.75 1/8 61 45.5 76 100 3.95 IX 37 38 63.5 85 3.30 i# 37 32.5 54 72 2.62 1 37 25.5 43.7 60 2.25 H 19 19 32 45 1.70 X 19 14.2 23.7 35 1.25 H 19 10 16.5 23.5 .81 American Wire Rope IS!) Track Cable for Aerial Tramways 19 Wires 37 Wires 61 Wires 91 Wires Crucible Steel Plow Steel i nameier -> uinuer in of Wires in Inches Strand vv eigm per 100 Feet in Pounds List Prices per 100 Feet Breaking Stress in Tons of 2UOO Pounds List Prices 100 Feet Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds 2X 91 1310 $176.00 285.00 $246.50 335.00 2X ' 91 1036 137.50 233.00 192.50 266.00 2}| 91 935 123.25 204.00 172.50 240.00 2 61 840 115.50 185.00 161.75 218.00 1ft 61 728 101.50 161.00 142.00 189.00 IX 61 659 87.75 145.80 122.75 171.00 i# 61 563 76.00 124.00 106.50 146.00 1% 37 488 68.00 108.40 95.25 127.50 i# 37 401 53.00 88.80 74.25 105.00 IX 37 323 44.25 71.80 62.00 84.60 1% 37 270 38.25 60.00 53.50 70.70 1 19 220 31.25 49.20 43.75 58.00 # 19 169 24.75 37.60 34.75 44.40 % 19 124 19.00 27.60 26.50 32.50 H 19 86 14.75 19.20 20.75 22.30 The importance of the wire rope tramway for transporting all kinds of material makes it expedient to insert the foregoing table of two different grades of track strand. This strand is designed to give as much flexibility as possible as well as a fairly smooth surface for traveler wheels to run upon. The plow steel quality affords the greatest strength with the least weight a very important advantage, especially in long spans. For end fastenings, see page 208. 190 American Steel and Wire Company Locked Coil Track Cable Crucible Cast Steel List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Approximate Approximate Circumference in Weight per Foot in Breaking Stress in Inches Pounds Tons of 2000 Pounds 11.17 1# 5^ 6.30 103 1.00 1% 4# 5.30 89 .85 1# *# 4.40 75 .72 IX 4 3.70 62 .60 IX 3^ 3.00 50 .49 1 2.35 40 .37 7 /s 2# 1.80 30 Locked Coil Track Cable, illustrated above, is a modification of the Locked Wire Cable shown on the following page, and differs from it simply in the fewer number of wires composing it. These wires, consequently, are of larger diameter. Hence, the Locked Coil Track Cable is the stiffer of the two kinds, but it possesses sufficient flexibility to allow it to be shipped in coils from o feet to 6 feet in diameter. Locked Coil Track Cable is used expressly as a stationary overhead cable for aerial tramways. For such purposes it is superior in durability to any other construction and is used for the Bleichert Aerial Tramways, manufactured by us. If a cheaper track cable than the Locked Coil type is desired, the smooth coil cable shown on the preceding page may be used, but it is not as durable and its external surface is not as smooth for the carriage wheels that run upon it. American Wire Rope 191 Locked Wire Cable Crucible Cast Steel List Price per Foot Diameter in Inches Approximate Circumference in Inches Approximate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds $3.00 2K 7% 15.60 240 2.20 2X 7^ 12.50 190 1.75 2 6X 10.00 160 1.35 1* 5/ 2 7.65 120 1.17 1H 5/8 6.60 103 1.00 IK 4X 5.70 89 .85 itt 4X 4.75 75 .72 IX 4 3.80 62 .60 i# 3^ 3.15 50 .49 3 2.50 40 .37 H 2^ 1.88 30 .27 % 2X 1.30 22 .18 H 2 .90 15.5 .16 & IK .72 12.5 .14 X 1# .57 10 This cable may be used for fixed track lines on overhead cableways having fixed spans, and because of its very smooth external surface will not wear out the carriage wheels which run upon it. For such use it has no equal. This cable is suitable only for fixed spans and cannot be used for running purposes. Customers should give full information as to the use to which it is to be put and character of the work. For end fastenings, see pages 208-210. 192 American Steel and Wire Company Hollow Cable Clothes Lines, Galvanized No. 17 Wires No. 22 Gajie .,,,,, No. 2-9 Wires-No. 22 Gage No. 3-12 Wires-No. 22 Gage No. 411 Wires No. 2O Gage No. 186 Wires No. 18 Gage American Wire Rope i9: v > No. 19 Wires No. 19 Gage No. 206 Wires No. 2O Ga*e Prices quoted per dozen coils. Put up in coils of 50, 75 and 100 feet and packed in barrels. Estimated Average Number of Dozen to Barrel Style Sizes KM) Feet .K) Feet 7") Feet GO Feet ;"i() Feet 10 Feet Hollow Cable Lines fNo. 1 J No. 2 1 No. 3 [No. 4 12 8 (> 5 12 8 6 5 15 12 8 8 21 14 11 9 24 16 12 10 25 16 12 10 fNo. 17 5 5 6 7 8 10 Twisted j No. 18 2 6 t 2 10 12 Lines 1 No. 19 [No. 20 8 10 s 10 10 12 12 14 15 18 16 25 Solid fNo. S W 5 6 7 8 Lines ^ No. 9 5# 6 i 8 9 (One Wire) [NO. 10 6^ 7 8 9 10 Estimated Average Weight in Pounds per Dozen Hollow Cable Lines fNo. 1 j No. 2 1 No. 3 [No. 4 18 22 30 42 16 20 27 38 14 17 23 32 11 13 18 25 9 11 15 21 7 9 13 18 fNo. 17 56 50 42 34 28 30 Twisted j No. 18 46 41 35 27 24 24 Lines 1 No. 19 35 31# 25 21 17 17 [No. 20 25 22# 20 15 13 13 Solid ( No. 8 ' 84 76 63 50 42 Lines -1 No. 9 70 63 52 42 35 (One Wire) [No. 10 58 52 r 43 35 29 American Steel and Wire Company Flat Rope American Wire Rope 195 Flat Rope Flat Rope is composed of a number of wire ropes called u flat rope strands," of alternate right and left lay, placed side by side, then secured or sewed together with soft Swedish iron or steel wire, thus forming a complete rope as shown in the cut, usually of crucible steel, although it can be made of iron or plow steel, if necessary. The sewing or filling wires, being so much softer than the steel wires composing the strands of the rope, act as a cushion or soft bed for the strands, and wear out much faster than the harder wires composing the latter. When the sewing wires are worn out, the flat rope can be resewed with new wire, and if any of the rope strands are also worn or damaged, these can be replaced by new portions. In fact, flat ropes admit of being repaired by the replacing of any worn or injured part. Strands of any kind, size or quality can be furnished. A large stock of Swedish iron sewing wire is carried in warehouse, which can be furnished to repair or sew flat rope at the mine. Flat Rope is used principally for hoisting purposes. When large and long rope is used in hoisting heavy loads out of deep shafts, round rope requires large and heavy drums on which to wind, while flat rope, winding on itself, needs a reel but little wider than the width of the rope. When space for machinery is an object, the advantage of using the style of rope requiring the smallest I '-Hi American Steel and Wire Company reel is obvious. Furthermore, flat rope does not spin or twist in the shaft. Flat rope can be furnished from 1^ inches to 8 inches in width, and from Y^ inch to 7/6 inch in thickness, the length varying from 20 to 3,000 feet. Flat Rope Flat Rope is particularly applicable to the operating of spouts on coal and ore docks, also for raising and lowering of emergency gates on canals and similar machinery, giving long and satisfactory service. Its compact form combines the desirable features of flexibility and great strength, thus making possible the use of simple and compact hoisting machinery. Flat rope will wind on a drum of small diameter, as shown on page 1S)7. We recommend the use of either a closed or an open socket for fastening the outer end of the rope, as shown on page 210. If desired, a thimble can be sewed into the end of a flat rope but it will not give the full strength of the rope, as shown in the tables. The socket, on the other hand, can be depended upon to give the strength shown in the tables of strength. For attaching to the drum of a hoisting machine three methods are in vogue, viz : First. Where the drum is large so that the rope can be brought inside, it may be attached by clamps around a pin or spoke. This method is the least desirable. Second. A small loop can be sewed into the end of the rope and fastened to the drum by means of a pin. Third. A tapered hole, wedge-shaped, cast in the drum when it is made, so that rope may be socketed directly to the drum. We recommend this third method as the safest, strongest and simplest method that can be devised, as it requires only a quarter of one lap, compared with a lap and a half for the No. 2 method. We can furnish details on application regarding No. 3 method to those desiring to purchase this type of rope. Flat ropes are usually made single stitching, using eight sewing wires. More wires can be used, but we do not recommend the use of over ten or twelve sewing wires. The number of sewing wires is dependent upon the size of wire used in sewing. Double sewing is sometimes used but it increases the thickness of the rope over single sewing and is undesirable for that reason. Its use is not recommended as it frequently gives trouble. We have expert flat rope sewers constantly in our employ and can make up any of the sizes listed at short notice. The widths given for flat ropes are nominal, i. ^ 3.50 68 13.6 79 15.8 # x4 4.00 79 15.8 92 18.4 # x 4;^ 4.55 91 18.2 105 21.0 5 /8 X5 5.10 102 20.4 119 23.8 ft X5/2 5.65 114 22.8 132 26.4 % x6 6.15 125 25.0 145 29.0 ft x7 7.30 148 29.6 171 34.2 . # x8 8.40 170 34.0 197 39.4 %-Inch Thick . . . |^x5 3^X6 % x7 ^ x8 6.85 7.50 8.25 19.75 135 151 168 202 27.0 30.2 33.6 40.4 157 175 194 234 31.4 35.0 38.8 46.8 %-Inch Thick . . . H x5 H x6 ^x7 H x8 7.50 8.53 9.56 10.60 155 31.0 180 36.0 203 40.6 225 45.0 177 209 233 258 34.4 41.8 46.6 51.6 American Wire Rope 199 A. S. & W. Shield Filler This Shield Filler has been compounded to meet the demand for a first class lubricant of moderate cost, which should be suitable for as many wire rope conditions as possible. It is particularly recommended for mine hoists and haulage systems, coal dock haulage roads, dredge ropes, logging ropes, steam shovel ropes, oil well drilling ropes, quarry ropes, and, in fact, any rope where a heavy lubricant is desirable. A. S. & W. Shield Filler adheres very tenaciously to a wire rope and may be applied without any difficulty to a rope that has already had a coating of grease. It has a high drip point and is a flexible compound at low temperatures. Tests on mine ropes subjected to bad acid mine water have proven conclusively that it will protect such ropes as completely as possible from the corrosive action of such water, and thus prolong the rope service. It does not dry up quickly and flake off, like many compounds, but retains to a marked degree the elasticity necessary for a rope lubricant. Application of this lubricant is readily made by passing a rope slowly through a small tank which is filled with hot compound and arranging a wiper to take off any excess of compound. In order to heat the compound for application, a steam coil may be used, or, for small amounts, the cans may be heated by putting into hot water until contents are warmed clear through. If heat is not available, the Shield Filler can be applied without warming, but it will flow better when hot. For convenience, this material is furnished in 2, 5 and 10-gallon cans or about 50-gallort barrels. List Prices for A. S. & W. Shield Filler 2-gallon cans . . . . $8 . 00 per can 5-gallon cans 6 . 50 per can 10-gallon cans 12. 00 per can 50-gallon barrels ........... .11 per pound -00 American Steel and Wire Company Chapter X Special Equipment List Prices of Wire Rope Fittings and Methods ol Attachment Issued Jan. 1. 1913. Subject to Change Without Notice These various methods of attachment in common use, together with the necessary fittings, will be taken up in the following order : Paie 1 Thimbles or Eyes, Regular or Extra Large, Spliced in End of Rope 2O2 2 Crosby Clips and Thimbles 2O4 3 Clamps, Regular and Strand, for Making Loops 2O5 4 Closed Socket Fastened to End of Rope . . 2O6 5 Open Socket Fastened to End of Rope . . 2O7 6 Bridge Socket, Closed Type .... 2O8 7 Bridge Socket, Open Type 2O9 8 Step Socket 21O 9 Socket with Chain 211 10 Flat Rope Sockets 21O 1 1 Swivel Hook and Thimble, Loose and Spliced In 211 12 Swivel Hook and Socket 212 13 Socket and Hook, Loose and Attached . . 213 14 Hook and Thimble, Loose and Spliced In . 214 15 Sister Hook and Thimble, Loose and Spliced In 315 16 Single Locomotive Switching Ropes . . . 216 17 Double Locomotive Switching Ropes . . 217 18 Wrecking Ropes, Single Fittings . . . 218 19 Wrecking Ropes, Double Fittings . . . 219 20 Turnbuckles - 22O 21 Shackles 222 22 Wire Rope Blocks 223 23 Wire Rope Sheaves 225 24 Endless Rope Splicing 226 25 Wire Rope Slings 227 26 Drawing-in Cables 229 27 Wire Rope Splicing 23O American Wire Rope 201 Chapter X Special Equipment Wire Rope Fittings and For the proper fastening of wire ropes to different Methods of Attachment kinds of apparatus and machinery there have been developed various methods which can be successfully used. There are some types of fastenings which can be made by anyone, but there are others which require a certain amount of skill to make them advan- tageously. As a general rule, a factory-made fastening may be depended upon to give the best results. We have a large force of skilled workmen constantly employed and are prepared to do all kinds of splicing and attaching of rope fittings at reasonable rates. Customers will find it to their advantage to have such work done at our factory where our complete equipment enables us to handle it promptly as well as at a reasonable price. The successful use of wire rope frequently depends upon the proper selec- tion of the right kind of fitting or end fastening, and in the succeeding pages will be found illustrations of a large variety of fittings for different purposes. It is possible by a proper combination of them to accomplish any desired result for rapid and economical operation. Each represents the best of its type in general design, being compact, strong and universal in scope and adaptation. For example : Two ropes may be joined together in any one of the following ways : First. Closed socket on one rope and open socket on other, the pin on the open socket passing through the loop of the closed socket. Second. An open socket on one rope and a thimble spliced in the other rope are quickly connected by passing the pin of the closed socket through the eye of the thimble. Third. A shackle, page 222, may be used to connect any two ropes equipped in the following manner by removing the pin and putting the shackle through the fittings and reinserting the shackle pin. A. Two ropes with open sockets, page 207, on mating ends. B. Two ropes with closed sockets, page 206, on mating ends. C. Two ropes with thimbles spliced, page 203, on mating ends. D. Two ropes with thimbles and links spliced on mating ends. Fourth. Turnbuckles of one of the styles shown on page 221 are usually used to take up the slack on derrick guys, ships' rigging and other places where such slack would be objectionable. They are made with all styles of ends so as to make a quick and secure fastening to a rope equipped with a thimble, open or closed socket fastening. 202 American Steel and Wire Company Fifth. Swivel hook and thimble, page 211, allows the turning of a rope under load to avoid kinking. Sixth. Regular sockets, pages 206 and 207, are used on smaller ropes, but for very large ropes on cableways and bridges it is customary to use the bridge sockets, pages 208 and 200. In addition to the fittings shown herein, we are prepared to make and attach to wire ropes any practical design of fitting required by special work. Prices on such fittings and attaching them to rope will be furnished upon application to nearest Sales Office. Galvanized Oval Thimbles Regular Extra Large Diameter Diameter List Price in Cents Size Thimble Width of Circumfer- ence of of Pin that may be inserted in of Pin that may be inserted in Length Inside in Inches Length Inside in Inches Approxi- mate Weight in Pounds Approxi- mate Weight in Pounds Each vScore in Inches Rope in Inches Regular Thimble Extra Large Thimble Regular Thimble Extra Large Thimble Regular Thimble Extra Large Thimble in Inches in Inches 50 1/4 4X 2A 3^ 4X 1.80 2.20 42 1/8 2yff 2"H 3^ 4X 1.40 2.00 33 IX 4 4 2/8 ^yi 3X 4f^ 1.05 1.50 25 20 1* 3 2 iff 2ft 0^8 4X .90 .60 1.20 .85 16 7 A 2X IT^ 2 2^ 3^ .44 .75 15 2X lyV IX 2^ 3^ .37 .50 13 ^ 2 IX IT'* 2/^ 2^ .22 .30 12 TG IX 2 . .13 11 \ 1/5 iA . . . 1# . . . .13 10 TV IX 1 IX .09 9 M H .06 8 8 $ 1 X 1/8 . . . .05 .03 Our Galvanized Oval Thimbles are heavily coated with zinc. American Wire Rope Galvanized Thimble Spliced Into Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices Complete for Steel Rope List Prices Complete for Iron Rope 1# 4X $6.50 $6.00 \y% 4X 5.75 5.25 l * 4 4.70 4.35 3^ 3.90 3.65 i '" 3 3.00 2.85 % 2X 2.55 2.40 X 2X 2.00 1.85 H 2 1.55 1.45 _ 14/ 1.30 1.20 ^ 1^ 1.25 1.15 If IX 1.20 1.10 1.15 1.05 T\ 1 1.10 1.00 X X 1.10 1.00 We secure all of the thimbles to the ropes with four tucks of each strand. The seizing is not used for strength purposes, as it serves solely to make a finished rope end -and protect the hands of operators from injury when hand- ling it. 204 American Steel and Wire Company Crosby Wire Rope Clips Galvanized Size Clip Corresponding to Rope Diameter in Inches List Price Each Approximate Weight Each in Pounds Size Clip Corresponding to Rope Diameter in Inches List Price Each Approximate Weight Each in Pounds 2^ $11.50 1 $0.85 3.00 2X 9.50 # .75 2.00 2 7.50 X .65 1.75 1% 5.50 # .55 .87 1H 3.50 X .45 .75 1/2 1.50 5.75 7 TB" .45 .37 IX 1.25 5.75 3 /* .40 .37 IX 1.10 3.75 T 5 * .35 .25 1# .95 3.75 X .35 .25 Clips are not recommended as permanent fastening on hoisting ropes. They are easily applied and taken off, requiring no special skill, as in the case of thimbles spliced in or sockets attached. Care should be taken to see that the U-bolt bears on the short end of the rope so that the flat base of clip rests on the tension side of the rope, otherwise rope will be injured by putting a crimp into the tension side of rope. Not fewer than 2 clips to be used and preferably 4 to 6, particularly on large sizes of rope. American Wire Rope 205 Wire Rope Clamps Extra ll-a> List Price Each * Size Clamp and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Price Each Si/.e Clamp and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches $13.75 2X 7/8 : $1.75 1 3 8.50 2 6X 1.30 n 2^ 5.50 IX 1.15 18 Tff 2% 5.00 1^5 5 1.05 2X 3.80 ITS 4^ .90 2 2.50 IX 4 .60 & 1 2.25 1-j^f ^X .60 /4 l/^ 1.90 l/^ 3j^ .45 A IX 1.90 1 T V 3X .30 T^ ( 1 Clamps are not recommended for permanent fastenings. From 2 to 6 clamps should be used for one end fastening. Alternate clamps and Crosby Clips are better than all clamps, but for permanent work sockets are preferable to either. See pages 206 to 210. Galvanized Three-bolt Telephone Clamp This is known as the standard A. T. & T. Co. hot galvanized rolled steel strand clamp or guy clamp; made from open hearth bar steel. Will hold any size of strand from ^ inch to ^ inch diameter. Prices on application. 20(> American Steel and Wire Company Closed Sockets For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Size Socket and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Price for Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Pin that may be inserted in Socket Loop in Inches Length of Basket in Inches Length Over All in Inches Approximate Weight in in Pounds Loose Fastened 2X 1/8 $21.00 $32.00 2 6X 16.00 25.50 1# 5/ 2 13.00 21.00 1# 5 12.00 18.00 IX 4X 6.80 11.80 3# 5K 12# 18.25 1/8 4X 6.00 10.25 2X 5 11^ 10.00 IX 4 4.50 8.00 2X 5 11^ 12.75 1# 3X 3.30 6.15 2X . 4K 10^ 10.50 1 3 2.40 4.65 2X 4X iox 8.75 # 2X 1.85 3.85 2 4 9X 6.00 2X 1.65 3.15 IX 3>/8 8 3.75 # 2 1.35 2.65 IX 3 6# 2.25 A IX 1.10 2.35 1A 2X 6 1.85 X IK 1.10 2.25 1 *T* 2X 6 1.50 A IX .85 2.00 1H 2X 5X 1.25 tf Itf .85 1.85 W 2X 5X .87' A 1 .70 1.60 if 1^ 3X .65 X X .70 1.60 if 1^ 3X .44 As we attach them they are the strongest rope fastenings made, utilizing the full published strength of the ropes. All standard type sockets are drop forged weldless and stronger than any rope that may be inserted in them. Sockets of special dimensions take special prices. American Wire Rope '207 Open Sockets For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Size Socket and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Price for Steel or Iron Rope Width Between Jaws in Inches Diam- eter of Pin in Inches Length of Basket in Inches Length Over All in Indies Approximate Weight in Pounds Loose Fastened 2X 7^ $23.00 $34.00 3X 4 9X 22 120 2' 6X 16.50 26.00 8X 8X 20 98 IX 15.50 23.50 i 2X 3X 16X 66 IX 5 * 18.00 19.00 j 2 T 7 fi 2X y% 13# 45 4X 8.00 13.00 3 iV 2X 5^ 13 30 IX 4X 7.50 11.75 1 2 l / 8 \ 7 / 8 5 UK 24 IX 4 6.10 9.60 | 2/s 1 7 /K 5 18.5 IX 3/^ 4.50 7.35 1# \fa 4^ 10 2 15.5 1 3 3.15 5.40 1% 1^6 4/^ 10 12.75 7 /8 2X 2.50 4.50 Ir 9 ff IX 4 8^ 8.00 X 2X 2.10 3.60 1* IX 3^ 7^ 5.25 X 2 1.65 2.95 1 3 6X 3.87 IX 1.35 2.60 t ^ 2X 6 3.00 ? 1.35 2.50 t* ^ 2X 6 2.25 IX 1.00 2.15 X 2/^ 5y 2 1.75 x IX 1.00 2.00 H X 2/^ 5K 1.25 1 X .85 .85 1 X iH s| .95 .62 As we attach them they are the strongest rope fastenings made, utilizing the full published strength of the ropes. All standard type sockets are drop forged weldless and stronger than any rope that may be inserted in them. Sockets of special dimensions take special prices. 208 American Steel and Wire Company Bridge Sockets Closed Type List Price Each Size and Diameter of Rope in Inches Diameter in Inches of U-bolts Center to Center of Bolt Holes Thickness or Depth of Socket in Inches Outside Length of Socket in Inches Length from Pull of U-bolt to End of Bolts Take-up in Inches Approx. Weight in Pounds Fastened Loose $106.70 $82.85 2% 3X 12 12 19 42 18 589 89.30 68.75 2/4 3 4 a/4 11 17V 42 18 485 69.90 53.80 2/4- 2% iox 10 16X 40 18 378 53.60 41.25 2 9/^5 9 15 38 18 290 40.70 31.30 IK 2X s*A 8 13^ 36 18 218 31.25 24.05 IH 2 8 7X 12/ 2 32 15 170 26.50 20.50 1/2 1% 7V. 7 12 31 15 144 22.00 16.90 IV 7/4 6/4 11/4 28 12 119 15.75 12.15 IX i* 11/4 6 10* 27 12 87 These sockets are constructed throughout of steel and are suitable for attaching to the galvanized bridge cables shown on page 181, and may also be used on the locked tramway and cable way strand shown on pages 190 and 191, or any rope that corresponds in size to the opening. These fittings develop the full strength of the rope when properly attached. American Wire Rope 209 Bridge Sockets Open Type Length List Price Each Size and Diameter of Rope in Inches Diameter n Inches of Eye-bolts Center to Center of Holt Holes in Inches Thick- ness or Depth of Socket in Inches Size Eye in Inches Outside Length of Socket in Inches from Center of Eye- bolt to End of Same in Distance Between Eye- bolts in Inches Take-up in Inches Approx. Weight in Pounds Fastened Loose Inches $123.75 $95.25 23^ 3X 12 12 5^ 19 42 5 18 658 101.60 78.15 2# 3 nx 11 o 173^ 42 4^ 18 538 80.10 61.60 23/ K>X 10 41^ 16X 40 4 18 422 63.25 48.65 > 2J-2 v/4 9 4 15 38 *x 18 332 47.60 35.90 1% 2X 8/2 8 3X 13^ 36 3# 18 244 35.40 27.25 1^ 2 8 7^ 3X 12X 32 >x 15 188 30.35 23.35 1 V 1^ 7V 7 3X 12 31 3 15 160 24.70 19.00 \'y % 7/^ 6/4 2X \\y 2 28 '2X 12 131 16.25 12.50 ix IK 7X 6 2X 10X 27 2^ 12 89 The distance between eyes can be varied to suit point of service. These sockets are made of steel throughout and develop the full strength of the rope to which they are attached. They may be used with galvanized bridge cables, page 181, locked tramway and cableway strand, shown on pages 190 and 191, or any rope that corresponds in size to the opening. American Steel and Wire Company Step Socket Made especially for Locked Wire Cable, shown on pages 190 and 191, Prices furnished upon application. Special Flat Rope Sockets This special steel socket has been designed to meet the rigid require- ments of this kind of rope fastening. It is made of steel throughout and when attached to a flat rope will develop the full strength of the rope (see pages 194 to 198). Full particulars as to price and general dimensions for roue of any width and thickness will be furnished upon request. American Wire Rope 211 Hook, Swivel and Thimble For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices for Steel Rope List Prices for Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened IK 4X $27.00 $32.00 $22.00 $27.00 4 // 21.00 25.25 17.00 21.25 IX 4 17.00 20.50 13.50 17.00 3K 12.00 14.85 9.00 11.85 1 ' 3 " 8.35 10.60 5.70 7.49 % 2X 7.00 9.00 4.75 6.75 X 2X 5.25 6.75 4.00 5.50 # 2 4.60 5.90 3.60 4.90 l^/ 3.75 5.00 3.00 4.25 K IK 3.55 4.70 3.00 4.15 rV IX 2.85 4.00 2.55 3.70 3^ 2.70 3.70 2.35 3.35 A i /8 2.30 3.20 2.00 2.90 2.30 3.20 2.00 2.90 This hook swivel and thimble permits the load to rotate without unduly untwisting the rope. Socket and Chain Made for any size rope. Prices depending on length and size of chain. 212 American Steel and Wire Company Swivel Hook and Socket Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices for Steel Rope List Prices for Iron Rope , Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1 ^2 4X $35.00 $40.00 $30.00 $35.00 1^8 4X 28.50 32.75 24.50 28.75 IX 4 23.10 26.60 19.60 23.10 l/^ 3/^ 16.50 19.35 13.50 16.35 1 3 11.50 13.75 8.85 11.10 7 A 2X 9.50 11.50 7.25 9.25 X 7.35 8.85 6.10 7.60 ^ 2 4 6.25 7.55 5.25 6.55 TV IX 5.10 6.35 4.35 5.60 l /2 1# 4.90 6.05 4.35 5.50 7 Ttf IX 3.85 5.00 3.55 4.70 H 3.70 4.70 3.35 4.35 T 5 f 1 3.15 4.05 2.85 3.75 X X 3.15 4.05 2.85 3.75 American Wire Rope 21:5 Hook and Socket For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices for Steel Rope List Prices for Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened " w $14.50 $19.50 $12.50 $17.50 1# 4X 12.30 16.55 10.25 14.50 IX 4 t 10.00 13.50 8.00 11.50 8.25 11.10 6.25 9.10 1 8 3 2 6.50 8.75 4.60 6.85 7 A 2% 5.25 7.25 3.70 5.70 X 2X 3.85 5.35 3.00 4.50 H 2 2.90 4.20 2.30 3.60 TK 1^ 2.45 3.70 2.00 3.25 l /2 iK 2.10 3.25 1.95 3.10 T v IX 1-70 2.85 1.55 2.70 y& IX 1-65 2.65 1.50 2.50 * 1 1.45 1.45 2.35 2.35 1.25 1.25 2.15 2.15 These fittings may be attached to any style or construction of rope, but they are especially useful when attached to our Non-Spinning Rope, pages 156 to 161. An open socket can be supplied, if desired, for a slight advance over above list (prices on application). Hooks are made extra strong to equal strength of rope. 214 American Steel and Wire Company Hook and Thimble For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices for Steel Rope List Prices for Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1# 4X $7.00 $13.50 $5.00 $11.00 \y% 4X 5.40 11.15 3.40 8.65 IX 4 4.60 9.20 2.65 6.90 3^2 4.40 8.15 2.40 5.90 1 8 3 3.75 6.70 1.90 4.65 7 A 2X 2.90 5.35 1.40 3.70 X 2X 1.85 3.75 1.10 2.85 $ 2 1.40 2.85 .85 2.20 A IX 1.10 2.40 .75 1.95 2 l/^ .80 2.05 .65 1.80 T* IX .75 1.95 .60 1.70 rg l/'s .70 1.85 .55 1.60 5 1 .65 1.75 .50 1.50 X .65 1.75 .50 1.50 Used in many places, such as derricks, cranes, skidders, slings, etc. American Wire Rope Sister Hooks and Thimble For Use with Either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices for Steel Rope List Prices for Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1% 4X $7.00 $13.50 $5.00 $11.00 1# 4X 5.40 11.15 3.40 8.65 IX 4 4.60 9.20 2.65 6.90 1 1 A 3X 4.40 8.15 2.40 5.90 i 3 3.75 6.70 1.90 4.65 H 2X 2.90 5.35 1.40 3.70 X 2X 1.85 3.75 1.10 2.85 tt 2 1.40 2.85 .85 2.20 1* IK 1.10 2.40 .75 1.95 x 1# .80 2.05 .65 1.80 TV IX .75 1.95 .60 1.70 H 1# .70 1.85 .55 1.60 A 1 .65 1.75 .50 1.50 X X .65 1.75 .50 1.50 Sister hooks are frequently employed where a rope has to be quickly attached and detached from a load and at the same time to hold the load locked in position so long as the rope is under strain. Illustration shows the two parts of the hook apart ready to attach load. Such devices are used frequently for logging and drawing-in cables. (See page 229 for illustration of latter.) 216 American Steel and Wire Company Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope Single Fittings Hook and thimble in one end ; thimble and link in other end. To determine the list price of Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Ropes, add to the list price of the length, size and quality of rope specified (the length to be added being measured from the bearing of hook in one end to the bearing of the last link in the other end) the following extras for fittings spliced in: List Prices for Fittings Fastened to Ropes Diameter in Inches List Fittings Diameter in Inches List Fittings Diameter in Inches List Fittings 2 m i% \%> $36.00 32.00 25.00 21.25 IK 1 3 A IX 1H $17.25 13.25 10.00 9.50 1 n ^and ) smaller ( $7.00 6.75 4.00 Example : For 30 feet 1 inch diameter crucible cast steel switch rope, 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, single fittings : List price for fittings spliced in $7 . 00 List price of 30 feet 1 inch diameter cast steel rope at 31 cents foot . 9.30 List price complete, 30 feet single switch rope 16.30 For convenient use, the list prices of Crucible Cast Steel Switching and Wrecking Ropes, complete, of different sizes and lengths are given below. List Prices of Complete Locomotive Switching Ropes Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand One Hemp Core Single Fittings Hook and thimble in one end ; thimble and link in the other end. Length in Diameter in Inches Feet IK 1^8 i^ 1% IK 1/8 l % M 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 $43.00 47.50 52.00 56.50 61.00 65.50 70.00 $36.65 40.50 44.35 48.20 52.05 55.90 59.75 $30.45 33.75 37.05 40.35 43.65 46.95 50.25 $24.45 27.25 30.05 32.85 35.65 38.45 41.25 $19.20 21.50 23.80 26.10 28.40 30.70 33.00 $17.10 19.00 20.90 22.80 24.70 26.60 28.50 $13.20 14.75 16.30 17.85 19.40 20.95 22.50 $11.55 12.75 13.95 15.15 16.35 17.55 18.75 $ 7.80 8.75 9.70 10.65 11.60 12.55 13.50 Breaking Strengths Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Ropes Crucible Cast Steel Rope Diameter of rope in inches 1^ 15/& 1>^ 1^/8 1^ l/^ I fa 3 A Breaking strain in tons . 85 72 64 56 47 38 30 23 17-5 Extra High Strength Plow Steel Rope Diameter of rope in inches Breaking strain in tons . 112 94 82 1^8 72 58 47 1 38 American Wire Rope 217 Locomotive Switching, Wrecking or Ballast Unloader Rope Crucible Cast Steel Rope Single Fittings Hook and thimble in one end; thimble and link in other end Extra High Strength Locomotive Switching, Wrecking or Ballast Unloader Rope Plow Steel Rope Single Fittings Hook and thimble in one end; thimble and link in other end 218 American Steel and Wire Company Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope Double Fittings Hook, thimble and link at one end ; thimble and two links in other end. List Prices for Fittings Spliced to Rope Diameter in Inches List Fittings Diameter in Inches List Fittings Diameter in Inches List Fittings 2 $43.00 38.00 30.00 25.75 1* $21.25 16.75 13.00 12.00 1 H % and { smaller \ $9.00 8.60 5.50 Extras for Other Styles List for thimble and two links spliced in both ends is same as for double, List for thimble and two links spliced in one end is one-half oft. double. List for thimble and two links spliced in one end and thimble and hook other end, or thimble and link spliced in one end and thimble link and hook other end, is half-way between single and double. For convenient use, the list prices of Crucible Cast Steel Switching and Wrecking Ropes, complete, of different sizes and lengths are given below. List Prices ol Complete Locomotive Switching Ropes Crucible Cast Steel 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand One Hemp Core Double Fittings Hook, thimble and link in one end; thimble and two links in the other end. Length in Feet Diameter in Inches 1% iH 1% 1J4 IK 1/8 1 % H 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 $48.00 52.50 57.00 61.50 66.00 70.50 75.00 $41.15 45.00 48.85 52.70 56.55 60.40 64.25 $34.45 37.75 41.05 44.35 47.65 50.95 54.25 $27.95 30.75 33.55 36.35 39.15 41.95 44.75 $22.20 24.50 26.80 29.10 31.40 33.70 36.00 $19.60 21.50 23.40 25.30 27.20 29.10 31.00 $15.20 16.75 18.30 19.85 21.40 22.95 24.50 $13.30 14.50 15.70 16.90 18.10 19.30 20.50 $ 9.30 10.25 11.20 12.15 13.10 14.05 15.00 Breaking Strengths Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope Crucible Cast Steel Rope Diameter of rope in inches 13/ 1^ 1^ 1^4 1^ 1^8 1 Breaking strain in tons . 85 72 64 56 47 38 Extra High Strength Plow Steel Rope Diameter of rope in inches 1^ l^j 1^2 1^ 1# 1/8 Breaking strain in tons . 112 94 82 72 58 47 I ft M 30 23 17.5 1 38 29 23 American Wire Rope 219 Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope Crucible Cast Steel Rope Double Fittings Hook, thimble and link in one end; thimble and two links in the other end. Extra High Strength Locomotive Switching, Wrecking and Ballast Unloader Rope Plow Steel Rope Heavy Double Fittings Hook, thimble and link at one end ; thimble and two links in other end 220 American Steel and Wire Company Turnbuckles Size ' Amount Turnbuckle and Outside Diameter of Thread in Inches Approximate Breaking Strength in Pounds Recom- mended Working Load in Pounds of Take-up Length in the Clear Between Heads Length of Buckle Outside in Inches Galvanized List, Each Plain List, Each Length Pull to Pull When Extended in Inches Approx- imate Weight Each in Pounds in Inches X 1350 270 4 4X $0.85 $0.75 12 .40 2250 450 4X 5X .90 .80 1 ; >X .60 9 3350 670 4/^> 1.10 .90 14 .90 4650 930 5 6X 1.25 1.00 16/4 1.31 ft 6250 1250 6 7/2 1.50 1.30 18X 1.87 & 8100 1620 ?x 9 . 1.85 1.70 23^ 3.00 ft 10000 2000 S/ 2 10>2 2.20 1.80 24X 3.69 X 15000 3000 9X 11* 3.25 2.50 5.81 Y* 21000 4200 10 5.00 4.25 30>J 8.81 i 27500 5500 11 14 4 5.50 4.75 33 . 12.56 iy& 34500 6900 12 15K 7.00 5.25 39 17.00 IX 44500 8900 13 16* 8.25 6.25 40 25.00 52500 10500 14 18 9.50 7.50 50 36.00 1/4 64500 12900 15 1Q/4 11.00 9.00 51 40.00 1ft 75500 15100 16 21 15.00 13.00 51^ 48.00 1% 87000 17400 18 23 20.00 17.00 55 1 A 52.00 lj% 102500 20500 18 23 25.00 22.00 66 89.00 2 115000 23000 24 31 28.00 25.00 74 98.00 2/ / 6 132500 26500 24 31 33.50 30.50 ^ . w 151000 30200 24 32 38.50 35.00 . . . Turnbuckles are necessary in many places, such as guy ropes, etc., to take up slack and maintain a uniform tension on each rope. From the strengths and working loads given the proper size is readily selected, which in every case should be equal to the strength of the rope as given in the price lists. Where greater take-up than given in column No. 4 is required, two turnbuckles may be used. State style of ends wanted. Style No. 228 is most commonly used. American Wire Rope 221 Turnbnckles With Eye and Hook. Trade No. 227O With Two Eyes. Trade No. 228 With Shackle and Eye. Trade No. 229 With Two Shackles. Trade No. 229O American Steel and Wire Company Iron Guy Shackles Galvanized or Black Select size of shackle having strength equal to rope with which it is to be used. Size in Inches of Shackle (Diam. of Iron in Bow) List Galvanized Each List Black Each Gov. Test Max. Strength in Pounds Length Inside Inches Width Between Eyes Inches Diam. of Pin in Inches Approximate Weight of Each in Pounds H $0.25 $0.23 10,890 1H H X 0.30 & /2 .80 .3(5 .28 .32 15,200 18,390 1% ift tl ft 0.48 0.70 & .40 .36 24,800 V/8 H ii 0.90 ft .46 .40 33,400 W 1& 1.40. % .55 .46 43,400 3 1& H 2.20 % .73 .61 55,200 3^ IH i 3.40 1 1.08 .84 74,900 4 i# i# 5.00 1# 1.67 1.34 90,200 4^ 1/8 IX 6.80 1# 2.10 1.67 92,040 5 2 1^ 9.40 1# 2.70 2.15 94,100 5/2 2^ 1^ 12.20 \v* 3.60 2.90 103,800 6 2X 1^ 16.40 i# 4.20 3.35 155,542 Q/2 2/ 2 nr 19.00 i# 5.30 4.25 172,400 7 2^ i^ 24.00 2 9.25 7.55 235,620 8 3X 2^ 38.20 Shackles are used to connect ropes, the ends of which are equipped with thimbles, sockets, turnbuckles, etc. American Wire Rope 223 Heavy Wire Rope Blocks " American " Wire Rope Blocks are noted for their liberal dimensions, exceptional strength and weight. They are made in all sizes, single, double, triple and quadruple, with shackles, with and without plain or swivel hooks. Sheaves are made of specially selected iron, hard enough to prevent rapid wear from rope and tough enough to prevent fracture from such rough handling as a block is constantly required to withstand. Bushings Sheaves can be furnished plain bore or with the well-known " American " self-lubricating bushing, a factor which increases the life of a sheave fifty per cent, over the ordinary common bushed sheave. They do not cut the axles and new bushings can be put in an old sheave. Grooves are ground smooth and true to size to prevent undue wear on the rope. Hubs are accurately bored so that bushings can be renewed at any time. Axles are of generous dimensions, fastened so as to prevent their turning with the sheave. When sheave is to be lubricated by hard grease the axle is center bored and a heavy malleable grease cup is screwed on the axle. Shells The sheaves on our blocks are guarded by heavy steel plates which protect the sheaves from chipping or breaking, and absolutely prevent the rope from jumping the sheave. They are well turned to prevent chafing of the rope. Pins are of very hard cold rolled steel of ample size for the requirements. Hooks The " American " hook is of the finest quality of forging steel and of exceptional weight and strength. Either swivel or plain "American" hooks are interchangeable one with another and between single and double blocks. Shackles Can be attached to any " American " block when desired. They are of the same quality as the hooks and exceptionally strong. 224 American Steel and Wire Company 217 722 218 429 Heavy Wire Rope Block With Plain Hook Outside Diameter of Sheaves Inches Diameter Rope Inches Iron Bearings Self-lubricating Bushings Price Single Price Double Price Single Price Double 11 14 16 18 20 Hr/2 s/8or% X H i $ 9.00 10.00 12.00 19.00 21.50 $14.50 17.50 23.50 32.00 35.00 $10.00 11.00 13.00 21.00 23.50 $16.50 19.50 25.50 36.00 39.00 Cheeks for Wire Rope Blocks The cheeks are cast iron weights suit- able for the requirements made to overhaul the line of the hoisting drum. They are neat and can be attached to any " American" Block. 11 14 16 18 20 Blocks Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Price Price Price Price Price Light cheeks Heavy cheeks Heavy Wire Rope Block With Swivel Hook Outside Diameter of Sheaves Inches Diameter Rope Inches Iron Bearings Self-lubricating Bushings Price Single Price Double Price Single Price Double 11 14 16 18 20 Hor l / 2 ftr% X H $13.00 14.00 19.00 34.50 37.00 $15.50 21.50 34.50 45.00 48.00 $14.00 15.00 20.00 36.50 39.00 $17.50 23.50 36.50 49.00 52.00 Wire Rope Snatch Blocks This is of the strongest construction possible. The block is locked and unlocked by turning the hook and head to the required angle. This is easily accomplished and still always leaves the block securely locked. Outside Diameter of Sheaves Inches Diameter Rope Inches Iron Bearings Price Self- lubricating Bushings Price 11 14 16 18 y&or y z ft or y 4 I $15.00 16.50 24.00 31.50 $16.00 17.50 25.00 33.50 American Wire Rope 225 Heavy Wire Rope Block Without Hook 219 Outside Diameter of Sheave Inches Diameter of Rope Inches Iron Bearings Self-lubricating Bushings Price Single Price Double Price Single Price Double 11 ^or X $ 6.50 $ 9.00 $ 7.50 $11.00 14 X or % 7.50 11.00 8.50 13.00 16 X 8.50 12.00 9.50 14.00 18 % 12.00 17.00 14.00 21.00 20 14.50 20.00 16.50 24.00 Heavy Wire Rope Rlock With Shackle Outside Diameter of Sheave Inches Diameter of Rope Inches Self-lubricating Bushings Triple, Price Quadruple, Price 14 H r X $26.00 $32.00 16 X 35.00 45.00 18 H 46.00 57.00 20 60.00 75.00 Solid Iron Sheaves For Elevators and Derricks Outside Diameter of Sheave Inches Diameter at Bottom of Groove Inches Finished Standard Bore Thickness Through the Hub Maximum Size of Rope that can be Used Net Price Each 30 27 2^ 3 1 $12.00 28 25 2^ 3 1 10.50 26 23 2^ 3 1 9.00 24 21 2^ 3 1 8.00 22 19 2 3 1 7.00 20 17 2 2X 1 5.75 18 15X W 2X 1 4.50 16 is# l*/2 2 1 4.00 14 12 w 2 1 3.25 12 10 l*/2 2 X 2.50 10 8 s/ 2 6^ IX IX 2 2 * 1.50 1.30 226 American Steel and Wire Company List Prices for Labor for Splicing Endless Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches List Prices Diameter of Rope in Inches List Prices 1# to IX 1M to 7 A % to y 2 $4.50 4.00 3.50 T V tO H A to X $3.00 2.50 The above charges are for labor in making splices at our works, and do not include the additional 20 to 30 feet of rope used in making the splice. A special charge will be made for splicing done elsewhere, such charge depend- ing on the circumstances of each individual case. Exact lengths of endless transmission ropes should be specified, or else the exact distance from center to center of wheels, together with circumference of wheels. American Wire Rope 227 Wire Rope Slings 228 American Steel and Wire Company Wire Rope Slings On the preceding page are illustrated two kinds of wire rope slings selected from the many which may be made. Also several special rope fittings, the use of which is self explanatory. A. Socket and swivel hook. B. Socket and hook. C. Self-locking swivel hook. Sling " D " as shown is equipped with two hooks, " E " and " F," but it is frequently made with special round links instead of the hooks. Such a modified sling is useful for handling heavy shafting, dynamos, motors, etc., or several slings may be used to lift locomotives or similar machinery. Sling " G " consists of a wire rope spliced endless. This may be passed around a block of stone or similar object and the end of the loop put into a crane or derrick hook. Where extra strong slings are required, these are made in such a manner as to give maximum strength. Suggestions for other types of slings are shown on page 71. In ordering slings for special work, a blue print or sketch with full particulars should accompany each order. American Wire Rope 229 Extra Flexible Plow Steel Pulling-in Cables 8 Strands 19 Wires Each 1 Hemp Center Thimble spliced in one end. Thimble, swivel and sister hooks spliced in other end. Diameter of Rope in Inches List Prices of Rope Per Foot List Prices of Thimble Spliced In List Prices of Thimble, Swivel and Sister Hooks Complete Spliced In # $0.21 $1.55 $5.90 .18 1.30 5.00 y* .16 1.25 4.70 7 .15 1.20 4.00 y* .14 1.15 3.70 A .18* 1.10 3.20 230 American Steel and Wire Company These cables are used for pulling electrical cables into underground con- duits, and for cleaning sewers. The sister hooks snap into the eye of a wire pulling grip that is attached to the end of the cable to be drawn into the con- duit. The thimble end of the rope is wound on a small drum or hand winch. The most common sizes are ^ inch and ^ inch diameter. The lengths vary from 300 feet to 600 feet, measured from pull of thimble to pull of sister hooks. In ordering, state diameter of conduit or pipe in which rope is to be used. Directions for Splicing Wire Rope The tools required are a small marline-spike, nipping cutters, and either clamps or a small hemp rope sling with which to wrap around and untwist the rope. If a bench vise is accessible, it will be found very convenient for holding the rope. In splicing rope, a certain length is used up in making the splice. An allowance of not less than 16 feet for ^-inch rope, and proportionately longer for larger sizes, must be added to the length of an endless rope, in ordering. This extra length is equal to the distance "EE" in Fig 1, page 232. The additional length recommended for making a splice in different sizes of wire rope is as follows : Diameter of Rope in Inches Extra Length Allowed for the Splice, Feet Diameter of Rope in Inches Extra Length Allowed for the Splice, Feet H 16 1 32 /2 16 1# 36 % 20 IX 40 X 24 1# 44 ft 28 Having measured carefully the length the rope should be after splicing and marked the points J/and M' (Fig. 1), unlay the strands from each end E and E' to M and J/', and cut off the hemp center at M and M' , and then : First. Interlock the six unlaid strands of each end alternately, cutting off the hemp centers at M and M' and draw wire strands together, so that the points J/and M' meet, as shown in Fig. 2. Second. Unlay a strand from one end, and following the unlay closely, lay into the seam or groove it opens the strand opposite it belonging to the other end of the rope, until there remains a length of strand equal in inches to the length of splice EE in feet, e. g., the straight end of the inlaid strand A on one-half inch rope equal 16 inches for 16-foot splice. Then cut the other strand to about the same length from the point of meeting, as shown at A (Fig. 3). Third. Unlay the adjacent strand in the opposite direction, and following the unlay closely, lay in its place the corresponding opposite strand, cutting the ends as described before at B (Fig. 3). The four strands are now laid in place terminating at A and' B, with the eight remaining at J/and M\ as shown in Fig. 3. American Wire Rope 231 It will be well after laying each pair of strands to tie them temporarily at the points A and B. Pursue the same course with the remaining four pairs of opposite strands, stopping each pair of strands so as to divide the space between A and B into five equal parts, as shown in Fig. 4, and cutting the ends as before. All the strands are now laid in their proper places with their respective ends passing each other, as shown in Fig. 4. All methods of rope splicing are identical up to this point ; their variety consists in the method of securing the ends. One good way is as follows : Clamp the rope either in a vise at a point to the left of A (Fig. 4), and by a hand clamp applied near A open up the rope by untwisting sufficiently to cut the hemp core at A, and seizing it with the nippers, let your assistant draw it out slowly. Then insert a marlin spike under the two nearest strands to open up the rope and starting the loose strand into the space left vacant by the hemp center, rotate the marlin spike so as to run the strand into the center. Cut the hemp core where the strand ends, and push the end of hemp back into its place. Remove the clamps and let the rope close together around it. Draw out the hemp core in the opposite direction and lay the other strand in the center of the rope in the same manner. Repeat the operation at the five remaining points, and hammer the rope lightly at the points where the ends pass each other at A, A ', jS, B ', etc., with small wooden mallets, and the splice is complete, as shown in Fig. 5. If a clamp and vise are not obtainable, two rope slings and short wooden levers may be used to untwist and open up the rope. A rope spliced as above will be nearly as strong as the original rope, and smooth everywhere. After running a few days, the splice, if well made, cannot be pointed out except by the close examination of an expert. American Steel and Wire Co. 2.32 M C\l ffl 234 American Steel and Wire Company Power Transmitted by Wire Rope A table showing the proper relation between the rope and wheels used in transmitting power by means of wire rope, and approximately the amount of power that may be thus transmitted. The calculations are based upon a rope of the 6 strand, 7 wires per strand construction, as described on page 121. Diameter of Wheel in Feet Number of Revolutions per Minute Diameter of Rope Horse- power Diameter of Wheel in Feet Number of Revolutions per Minute Diameter of Rope Horse- power 3 80 tf 3 7 140 A 35 3 100 3 A 3^ 8 80 H 26 3 120 H 4 8 100 H 32 3 140 H 4^ 8 120 H 39 4 80 3 A 4 8 140 % 45 T 9 6 47 4 100 H 5 9 80 H 48 A 58 4 120 ft 6 9 100 H 60 T 9 fi 69 4 140 x 7 9 . 120 # 73 A 82 5 80 TV 9 9 140 H 84 ft 64 5 100 T ? 6 .11 10 80 H 68 # 80 5 120 T\ 13 10 100 II 85 Qft 5 140 A 15 10 120 7 tt 7U 102 3 112 6 80 X 14 10 140 11 119 93 6 100 y* 17 12 80 3? 99 tt 116 6 120 y* 20 12 100 124 H 140 6 140 % 23 12 120 149 7 80 A 20 12 120 ^ 173 141 7 100 A , 25 14 80 W 148 i 176 7 120 A 30 14 100 IX 185 Comparatively few places now use wire rope for power transmission only, but the above table gives data sufficient for such cases. American Wire Rope 235 Weights of Materials Handled by Wire Rope Material Weight per Cubic Foot Material Weight per Cubic Foot 166.5 96 55- 66 38 87 504-524 100 125 135 140-150 112-140 450 60 78 42 35 120-150 50- 55 84 63 120-140 554 72- 80 82- 92 90-100 104-120 35 162 164 156-172 1208 48 160-170 90-106 143 24 53 58.7 317 327 245 239 450 480 Lead 710 53-75 170-200 109 35- 53 49 160-180 144-165 183 90-100 80-110 120 59 48 55 25-30 34 45 1344 165 69 45- 49 90-106 118-129 144 162 655 175 5- 12 166-175 25 490 125 37 62 110-120 459 170-200 20- 30 38 62.3 437 Anthracite, Pennsylvania, solid Anthracite, Pennsylvania, Lime, quick, loose .... Limestone . Magnesium Mahogany, dry Asphaltum Brass . .... Maple, dry Marble Masonry, granite, limestone or sandstone Mica Mortar Mud, dry Mud, wet, maximum Oak live dry Brick hard Brick, fire Cement, Portland, loose . . Cement, Rosendale, loose . Oak, white, dry Cherry, dry ...... Chestnut, dry Clay Petroleum Pine, white, dry Pine, yellow, Northern . Pine, yellow, Southern . Platinum Coal, broken, bituminous . Coal, solid, bituminous Coke ..... Concrete Copper Earth, common loam, loose . Earth, common loam, shaken Earth, common loam, rammed Quartz Salt . ... Sand, dry and loose .... Sand, perfectly wet .... Earth, as soft as flowing mud Shales, red or black .... Felspar Flint . ... Slate Glass Snow Gold Grain at 60 pounds per bushel Soapstone . ... Steel Oravpl Gypsum (plaster of Paris) . Hemlock dry Sycamore Tar Hickory dry Tile Tre Tin, cast Iron ore, magnetic .... Iron ore, red hematite . Iron ore, brown hematite . Iron ore, spathic .... Iron cast . ... Trap rock Turf or peat, dry .... Walnut, black, dry .... Water, pure Zinc Iron, wrought 236 American Steel and Wire Company Numbers and Dimensions of Reels For Wire Rope and Strand Worcester Works No. Diameter of Head in Inches Diameter of Barrel in Inches Width Inside in Inches Width Outside in Inches Arbor Hole in Inches Average Weight in Pounds W600 6 4X IX 2 2 1 W601 6 4X 2 2% 2 1 W 602 8 4^ 5/2 1% 2 2 W 603 8 4X 5/2 1% IX 2 W604 20 9 8 11# 2^ 12 W605 28 14 13/2 18 3^ 32 W 606 32 15# 18# 18 3X 82 W 607 32 16 15 19# 7X 80 W'608 38 20 22^ 27X ^X 165 W609 44 24 23 27K 7X 190 W610 50 28 32 37X ^X 340 W611 56 30 35X 42 7X 475 W 612 56 30 41 # 48 ?x 490 W613 60 30 41 & 48 7^ 550 W614~ 66 30 41# 48 7X 610 W615 50 25X 16 19# nx 320 W617 35 16# 18# 18 3X 80 W618 36 15# u# 18 3X 85 W619 72 30 47 53X 7X 1045 W622 80 40 47^ 58 16^ 1800 W623 84 40 60^ 71 16^ 2000 W624 90 40 60X 73 1Q/2 2600 W625 90 40 72 84 W/2 3100 W 626 94 40 72 84 16^ 4000 W 627 102 42 85 98 16^ 6000 W628 112 44 89 102 16^ 6100 W629 116 44 85 98 16^ 6500 W630 28 18# 13# 18 3X 32 W 631 92 40 44^ 52 16^ & 9 3600 W633 50 28 23 28X 7X 360 W634 56 40 34 40X 7X 500 W635 60 40 35^ 42 7X 580 W636 66 36 33^ 40 7X 650 W 638 80 36 32^ 39 7X 1600 W 641 35 24 16 20^ ?X 106 W 642 50 28 32 37X 7X 372 W643 44 24 22^ 27 ^X 642 W644 100 36 40 53 16^ 2900 W645 78 36 42 53 16X 1600 W646 20 9 8 11^ 2/s 25 W 647 10 3X 6 9^ ft 10 W648 15 6 4X 8X ft 16# W649 24 10 20^ 24 3X 38 W650 22 10 19 22^ 3X 35 W651 28 14 18# 17 4 51 W 653 12 4X 5/2 7X 2 4 W654 16 10 8 10^ 2^ 11 W655 42 30 23 27^ 7X 160 W656 12 4 5X 7 IA 6 W657 12 4^ 6X 8/2 i# 6 American Wire Rope 237 Tensile Strength, Manila and Wire Rope Compared Approximate Breaking Stress Calculated in Tons of 2,OOO Pounds Diameter Wire Transmission Rope. One hemp core surrounded by six strands of seven wires each. Wire Hoisting Rope. One hemp core surrounded by six strands of nineteen wires each. Average Quality New Inches Iron Crucible Cast Steel Extra Strong Crucible Plow Steel Iron Crucible Cast Steel Extra Crucible Plow Steel Manila Rope Cast Steel Cast Steel Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons 2^ 111 211 243 275 26 2*2 92 170 200 229 21 ^/2 23/ 72 133 160 186 17 /^T 2 55 106 123 140 13^ 1 44 85 99 112 - Lt '/2 11 /*T IH 38 72 83 94 9jZ /*> 1# 32 63 73 82 33 64 73 82 8 /2 w 28 53 63 72 28 56 64 72 7 IX 23 46 54 60 22.8 47 53 58 6 1# 19 37 43 47 18.6 38 43 47 5 1 15 31 35 38 14.5 30 34 38 4' # 12 24 28 31 11.8 23 26 29 3 K 8.8 18.6 21 23 8.5 17.5 20.2 23 2X # 6 13 14.5 16 6 12.5 14 15.5 $ A 4.8 10 11 12 4.7 10 11.2 12.3 1# # 3.7 7.7 8.85 10 3.9 8.4 9.2 10 1 TV 2.6 5.5 6.25 7 2.9 6.5 7.25 8 # H 2.2 4.6 5.25 5.9 2.4 4.8 5.30 5.75 % T 5 * 1.7 3.5 3.95 4.4 1.5 3.1 3.50 3.8 3 /* A 1.2 2.5 2.95 3.4 5 1.1 2,2 2,43 2.65 5 Signal Strand Reels All Works No. Diameter of Head in Inches Diameter of Barrel in Inches Width Inside in Inches Width Outside in Inches Arbor Hole in Inches Average Weight in Pounds 700 42 20 24 27^ 2% 150 701 38 20 24 27^ 2% 115 702 36 20 24 27M 2^ 105 703 35 16 14M 18 2j| 80 704 35 16 13^ 17 2% 75 705 34 12 16 19K 2% 80 706 32 12 16 WK 2^ 70 707 32 12 13K 17 2% 65 708 32 16 14M 18 2K 68 709 30 12 16 19H 2K 60 710 28 12 16 19 2y 2 53 711 28 12 18 17 2% 47 712 26 12 12 15^ 2M 40 713 24 12 12 15^ 2^ 35 714 22 12 12 15M 2% 32 715 20 12 12 15j| 2% 27 716 20 12 8 11^ 2% 23 717 18 12 12 M>j| .Zvg 25 718 28 13 Yz 16 19K 1% 32 719 28 13^ 14M 18 f>&7 32 720 26 13*1 16 1H 1% 28 721 26 13Jfc 12 15^ IM 26 722 26 16 14K 18 2^ 27 723 24 13 12 15^ 1 20 724 24 16 14H 18 2V? 23 725 22 13 12 15Ji 1% 18 726 22 18H 14K 18 2H 19 727 20 12 12 15H 1% 14 728 20 10 8 11 jl 2S 12 729 18 12 12 I5H 1% 11 238 American Steel and Wire Company Numbers and Capacity of Reels in Feet of Different Sizes of Rope Diam. N o, of Reel Weight in Inches 653 646 651 606 607 641 617 608 609 in Pounds J/ 2000 5000 10000 .10 JL 1800 4000 5280 5280 .12^ 3 6* re # $ H 7/R 650 450 330 250 200 160 1500 1000 800 600 500 400 250 3000 2500 1500 1150 900 700 500 5000 4000 3300 2500 2000 1500 1000 800 5000 4000 3300 2500 2000 1500 1000 800 1800 1500 1000 800 8000 5000 3600 3000 2400 1800 1000 900 11000 8000 6000 5000 3500 2800 1700 1100 15000 11000 8000 6000 4800 3900 2500 1900 .15 .22 .30 .39 .50 .62 .89 1.20 1' 1 1 A . . . 600 600 600 800 600 1000 700 1400 1200 1.58 2 I 1 / 900 2 45 A 7 13% 800 3 1 14 700 3.55 1/2 633 610 642 635 611 612 613 614 619 JL 14000 .30 V-> 8000 10000 10000 14500 16000 16000 .39 T 9 6 # # # 1 1# IX 1H IK 1# 1# 2 5000 3400 2500 1800 1400 1100 950 750 8250 6000 4200 3400 2500 2000 1600 1300 1150 900 750 8250 6000 4200 3400 2500 2000 1600 1300 1150 900 750 11400 9200 6400 4750 3600 2800 2300 1900 1600 1350 1100 12000 10000 6500 5200 3900 3000 2500 2000 1800 1400 1200 900 13000 11000 7200 6000 4100 3200 2600 2100 1800 1500 1300 1000 15000 14000 9400 7200 5500 4500 3600 3000 2400 2000 1750 1200 17000 12500 9000 7700 5400 4400 3600 3100 2600 2200 1700 26000 20000 13700 10000 8200 6700 5500 4650 4000 3400 2600 .50 .63 .89 1.20 1.58 2 2.45 3 3.55 4.15 4.85 6.30 2 5/ 700 800 1000 1300 2000 8 2^ 650 750 1100 1650 9.85 2 550 600 900 1350 11.95 Reels mentioned are those most generally used. American Wire Rope 239 Wire Rope Glossary Abrasion. External or surface wear on the wires of a cable. Amount of abrasion is a partial criterion of service given by a cable. Aeroplane Mrand. A small seven or nineteen-wire galvanized strand made from high strength plow steel wire. Also made from crucible steel. Ammunition Hoists. A device for hoisting ammu- nition from the magazine of a warship to guns by means of wire rope. Anchorage Bolts. Foundation bolts to which a wire rope socket is attached on a cableway or bridge. Arc Light Rope. A rope consisting of nine strands of four or seven galvanized wires and hemp center used for supporting arc lights. Back Haul Derrick. A derrick using a single or double end line on which a multiplying tackle is used on the back of the mast to increase power of hoisting engine. Bail of a Socket. The U-shaped loop on a closed socket. Ballast Unloaders. A device consisting of a V-- shaped plow, a large wire rope and an engine with geared propelling drum ; used for stripping flat cars of gravel, rock, etc., in railroad or excavation work. Basket of a Socket. The hollow conical tapered part of a socket into which a wire rope is inserted. Bending Stress. Stress produced in a wire rope when it is bent around a sheave or drum. It varies with the construction of the rope and the diameter of the sheave or drum. It is constant for a fixed ratio of drum to rope diameter for a given construction of rope. Bicycle Cord. A small rope consisting of nineteen strands of three wires each, made either from crucible or plow steel. Boom Fall Hoist. A rope on a derrick for support- ing and also for raising and lowering the boom. Usually used with four to nine parts in the hoisting block. Brake Cables. Short pieces of galvanized flexible steel cables used on electric cars to give spring to the braking mechanism. Breaking Strength. The load which a wire rope will stand at the point of rupture. Breaking Stress. Stress induced in a wire rope at the point of breaking and corresponds to breaking strength. Breaking Strain. Strain produced in a material at the point of rupture. Is not synonymous with the term breaking stress. It is the stress that produces the strain. Bridge Crane. A crane for outdoor work consisting of a fixed girder attached to movable towers, which span a given place. Bridge Socket. A (special) type of wire rope socket used especially for suspension bridge work and large aerial cableways. It is made in two types, viz. : open and closed, the former consisting of a casting with tapered conical hole into which cable is inserted, spread and held up, filling the interstices with babbitt, lead or zinc, and also two eye bolts, nut and pins ; the closed type being similar except that it consists of a U-bolt instead of two eye bolts. Bright Rope. Any wire rope that is not galvanized or tinned. Brittle ness. A condition of crystallization. Shown by inability of wire to stand bending when new. Bucket Dredge. A dredge having a series of buckets propelled by an endless chain. Bull Sheave. A large single grooved deflecting sheave used in wire rope applications. Button Rope. A wire rope used on a cableway to distribute the trail carriers by means of special clamps fastened to the rope. Cable. An indeterminate name applied frequently to a wire rope. It may consist of stranded, or twisted, or bunched wires, or it may be made of fibrous ma- terial. Cableine. A wire rope dressing of a black, sticky nature. Cable Laid. Twisted or laid together like a cable. Usually applied to a compound rope construction, e. g., 6 x ti xJ7. Also sometimes called hawser laid. >le E se toget Cable Road. A tramway or street railroad operated Cable Laid Rope. A compound laid rope consisting of several ropes or several layers of strands laid ether into one rope, e. g., 6 x 6 x 7. by means of an endless wire rope furnishing power, and cars propelled therefrom by means of detachable grips. Cableway. A movable piece of machinery consisting of two towers and a cable hung between them for conveying bulk material intermittently back and forth. Car Dumper. A machine for raising and tilting cars to unload contents into bins or chutes, used princi- pally for coal and iron ore. Cargo Hoist. A derrick hoist rigged to a mast on shipboard for unloading and loading boats. Carrier. A moving traveler used on a cableway car- riage consisting of a frame and suitable sheave sheels. Carriage Rope. A rope for pulling the carriage of a cableway back and forth. Casing Lines. A line used with a multiplying tackle block for placing the casing on an oil well and raising or lowering the same. Center. The heart of core around which the strands of a wire rope are laid. It may be cotton, hemp, jute, manila or a steel twisted strand or rope. Checker. A short length of wire rope used in logging operations to attach to a lot to pull it to the loading point. Circumference. The distance around a wire rope, used more frequently in designating the size of ships' rigging and hawsers. Clam Shell Bucket. A bucket consisting of two movable scoops hinged together resembling some- what a gigantic clam, from which it derives its name. It is largely employed for handling ore, coal, etc. Closed Socket. A rope fastening device consisting of a casting or forging consisting of a U-shaped bail and a tapered conical hole into which the end of a wire rope is spread out and held by filling the inter- stices with babbitt, lead or zinc. Closing Rope. A wire rope used on a clam shell or orange peel bucket for shutting or closing the bucket and scooping up the load. Coal Hoists. Consist usually of a movable hoisting tower and clam shell bucket with hoisting apparatus for same. Used for unloading coal from boats to cars, docks or stock pile. Coil. A circular bundle of rope or wire of any diam- eter. Also used in designating wire, etc. Concentric Strand. A geometrical collection of wires twisted helically and symmetrically in any number of layers about a central wire. All the wires in each layer are equidistant from the center of gravity on the strand. Conical Drum or Tapered Drum. A grooved drum of varying diameter designed to give variable speed to a mine hoist and other similar machinery. End of rope is usually attached to the small end of the drum. Conveying Rope. A wire rope used on a cableway for moving the carrier or load from one point to an- other. Also an endless rope used to handle material in bulk. Core. The center or heart of a wire rope and consists of wire, hemp, jute, manila, sisal or cotton, according to conditions. Corrosion. Oxidation or wearing away of a wire rope due to atmospheric conditions or moisture containing acid of acid fumes. Is usually present in mine work and where ropes are frequently wet. Counterweight Rope. A wire rope used on an ele- vator for supporting weight used in balancing the weight of empty cage or car ; also any rope used on machinery to counterbalance a piece which has to be moved more or less frequently. Crane Rope. A wire rope consisting of six strands of thirty-seven wires around a hemp center. 240 American Steel and Wire Company Cranes. A movable bridge or girder with hoisting apparatus for lifting and transferring machinery, etc Crosby Clip. A grooved casting and U-shaped bolt and nuts for fastening wire ropes together. Named from the patentee. Crystallization. The brittleness induced in a wire rope either from vibration or bending around too small sheaves. It is usually coincident with worn out condition of a wire rope. Crucible Steel. A carbon acid open hearth steel having a tensile strength of 150,000 to 200,000 pounds per square inch in finished wire. Cypress Skidder. Usually an overhead skidder for logging cypress and similar woods in swampy coun- try. Consists of a suspended cable, movable carriage and engine operating carriage and hoisting lines. Dead Line -Endless A flexible wire rope used ioi removing discarded oil well tubing. Dead Load. A quiet or steady load on a wire rope. Deflection. The amount of dip at the center in a cableway or bridge span of wire rope. Derrick. A general term for an apparatus consisting of a fixed mast and a movable boom for lifting the load. The mast is usually guyed at the top with six or more lengths of wire rope. Diameter. The normal unit of measurement of the size of a wire rope. It is the distance across a circle circumscribing the strands of the same. Digging Rope. A wire rope used on a clam shell or orange peel grab to close and fill the bucket without lifting the bucket. Dip. The sag in the center of a cable span. Dipper Dredge. A dredge equipped with a dipper for excavating under water. Double Galvanized Strand. Strand made from very heavy galvanized wire capable in most sizes of stand- ing four dip immersion test. Double Switch Rope. A switch rope with hook and link in one end and double link in other end. Dragon Rope. A 6 x 25 triangular flattened strand rope with alternate regular and lang lay strands, usually made with hemp center. Drilling Line. A wire rope of varying construction used for drilling oil wells from a depth of 800 feet and over. Drilling lines are usually made left lay. Drum. A round barrel upon which a wire rope is wound or stored when in use. Dump Rope. A wire rope used on a cableway to discharge by tilting a loaded bucket of material. Ears of a Socket. The two projections on an open socket through which is passed a pin. Elastic Limit. The point at which the ratio of stress to strain ceases to be a constant or the point beyond which the material, if further stressed, takes perma- nent set. Elongation. Amount of stretch in a material when stressed to breaking point. Usually expressed as a percentage. Elevator. A cage or car operated usually by wire cable for moving passengers or freight. Elevator Rope. Wire rope used for hoisting ele- vators. It is usually made of iron and composed of six strands, nineteen wires, one hemp core. Emergency Hawser. A very flexible steel hawser for emergency towing purposes. Endless Rope. A wire rope having two ends spliced together and made continuous. Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope. A rope consisting of eight strands of nineteen wires each with a large hemp center. Extra High Strength Strand. A plow steel strand made of extra galvanized wires. Extra Strong Crucible Steel. A carbon acid open hearth steel somewhat stronger than crucible steel. Tensile strength runs from 180,000 to 220,000 pounds per square inch. Eye Bolt. A bolt with a loop welded or forged in one end and the other end threaded. Used for an- chorage purposes on guys, etc. Eye. A thimble or loop spliced in the end of a wire rope. Factor of Safety. The number of times stronger a rope is than the load it has to carry. Fall Rope. The main hoisting rope of a derrick used in any number of parts. Fall Block. The main hoisting block of a derrick or cableway. Fall Rope Carrier. A device for supporting the operating rope on a cableway and preventing undue Fast Hoist. A machine for discharging cargoes of iron ore. Ferry Rope. A rope consisting of six strands, seven wires each, either bright or galvanized, used for guiding a ferry boat across a stream. Ferry Traveler. A carriage operating on a wire cable used for guiding a ferry boat across a river. Flat Drum. A drum of uniform diameter, usually smooth, but sometimes grooved. It is the common type in use. Flat Rope. A rope consisting of alternate right and left lay rope strands, each rope strand consisting of four strands of seven wires, all sewed together with a number of soft iron sewing wires. Flattened Strand Rope. A wire rope having non- cylindrical strands, usually of the oval or triangular type, so called from the fact that the center wire of each strand is an oval or a triangular wire. Flexibility. Pliability. A comparative term employed by rope users to distinguish between different con- structions as regards the ease of bending the com- pleted rope. Galvanized Rope. A rope made up f roin wires coated with zinc for protection from rust. Galvanized Signal Strand. A seven-wire strand made up from single galvanized wire ; sometimes made with nineteen wires. Glotzen. A wire rope dressing of a heavy nature used on mine rope haulage and hoisting. Grass Rope. A wire rope used in lumbering for pull- ing back a skidding line. Gravity Hoist. Any balanced hoist arranged so that the loaded car in descending an incline pulls an empty car back. This type of hoist is usually found in mine or quarry work, where the material has to be trans- ferred to a lower level. Gravity Plane. A balanced incline hoist where the empty car is pulled up by a loaded car descending Grip. An attachment for clamping to a moving cable to transmit power to cars, etc. Gripwheel. A special type of sheave equipped with numerous dogs whose sides grip a rope due to lateral pressure caused by tension on the rope. It takes the place of several wraps around a drum. Grooved Drum. A drum fitted with scores or grooves helically arranged to guide the rope in winding on and off. Grooves. Semi-circular channels cut in drums or sheaves to guide a wire rope in its winding or un- winding Ground Skidder. Consists of a donkey engine boiler and winding machinery for coiling a wire rope. It is used for pulling logs out of the woods by main strength. Grubber Rope. A strong plow steel rope used for clearing land from stumps after logging operations Guy Rope. A galvanized rope consisting usually of six strands of seven wires each and one hemp core used principally for derricks and ships' stranding rigging. Guy Strand. Galvanized seven-wire strand for guy- ing poles, smokestacks and such like. Hand Rope. A very flexible rope used to operate the valves on a hydraulic elevator or the clutch on a mechanical lift. It consists of six ropes each, com- posed of six strands of seven wires each and seven hemp cores. Hardness. An indefinite term allied to stiffness. Is really the measure of the resistance of a material to abrasion from outside sources. Haulage Rope. A rope usually composed of six strands, seven wires each, one hemp core. Used largely in mines, inclined planes, coal docks, etc. Hawser. A wire rope used on ships for towing pur- poses. Consist usually of six strands, thirty-seven wires, one hemp core, or six strands twenty-four wires, seven hemp cores. American Wire Rope 241 Haul Down Line. A wire rope used on a cableway for changing the length of the digging rope by means of a tackle block. Hay Press Wope. A rope used to operate a hay press, usually (5 x 19 or 8 x 19 construction. Head Hope. The pulling out rope on a mine haulage system. Head Sheave The sheave at the top of a mine shaft. Heart. The center or core of a rope usually of fibrous material. Hemp. A general term applied to manila, jute, sisal and other kindred fibers. Grows in many different countries. Originally a plant of the genus Cannabis, the fibrous skin of bark of which is used for cordage. High Strength Strand. A crucible steel strand com- posed of double galvanized wires. Hoisting Rope. A wire rope consisting of six strands of nineteen wires each, usually made with a hemp center. Also any rope used for lifting or hoisting a load. Holding Rope. The wire rope used on a clam shell or orange peel bucket for holding the empty bucket while opening to take the grab. Idler. Any supporting sheave for a wire rope. Inclined Plane. A system of wire rope application where the rope works up an incline. Inertia Is that property of a body by virtue of which it tends to continue in its state of rest or motion in- definitely unless acted upon by some external force. Inhaul Rope. A wire rope used on a cableway to pull the carriage back to landing or dumping point. Inlay. To insert or tuck a wire or strand or wind or twist together. Interlocked Tramway Strand. A concentric strand composed largely of special interlocking wires to make a smooth external surface. Iron. As applied to wire rope means a soft Bessemer or Basic steel of low phosphorous and sulphur content. Ironsides. A heavy wire rope dressing used in some mines for protecting rope. Jupiter Wire Rope Clip. A wire rope clip consist- ing of a swinging U-bolt and nut together with cast iron or steel gripping piece. Jute. The strong fiber of the East Indian Cochorus olitorius and Corchorus capsularis used for making bagging, cordage, paper, etc. Kinetic Energy. The energy possessed by a body due to its weight and velocity. May be applied to any wire rope problem, including moving rope and load. Kink. A short, sharp bend in a wire rope very inju- rious to the material composing it. Knock-off Hook A hook arranged with a latch which can be quickly fastened or released. Lang Lay. A wire rope in which both the wires in the strands and the strands in the rope are twisted in the same direction. Left Lay. A wire rope whose strands form a helix like a left-hand screw thread. Made by a right-hand revolution of the laying machine. Left Twist. Made by a left-hand rotation of the rope machine ; is also called right lay. Laid. Closed or twisted together, e. g., strands are laid into a rope. Lay. The pitch or angle of the helix of the wires or strands of a rope usually expressed by the ratio of the diameter of the strand or rope to one complete twist. Live Load A fluctuating, moving or changeable load. Lloyd's Hawser. A hawser composed of six strands, twenty-four wires and seven hemp cores. Load Factor. The quantity by which the actual weight of a load must be multiplied to get the stress corresponding thereto. See inclined planes, spans, etc. Loading Line. A short piece of wire rope used on a skidder for loading logs on to cars. Locomotive Crane. A boom crane mounted on a car capable usually of self propulsion from one point to another. Loop. A large eye of any size spliced in the end of wire rope. Manila. A fibrous hemp obtained from the Musa textilis, a plant allied to the banana, growing in the Philippine and other East India islands, called by the natives, " abaca." Marline. A small hemp twine used on ships for serving splices. Marline ^pike. A long tapered steel spike used in rope splicing for opening up a wire rope. Mast Arm Rope. The same as arc light rope. Con- sists of nine strands of four or seven wires each on hemp core. Messenger Lines. Lines or ropes used on shipboard for moving boats short distances at the docks to facilitate loading, etc. Messenger Strand. Seven-wire galvanized strand used for supporting lead-covered telephone cables. Modulus of Elasticity. The ratio of the load ap- plied per square inch to the extension in inches. Is known as Young's modulus. As applied to wire rope we deduct the permanent stretch from the total extension to get the true modulus. Monitor. The strongest and highest grade of plow steel for wire rope purpose. Runs from 220,000 to 280.000 pounds per square inch, according to size. Mooring Hawser. A. short piece of galvanized wire rope used for mooring ships ; 6 x 1 2 construction sometimes used. Mooring Lines. Short lengths of galvanized hoist- ing or galvanized extra flexible hoisting rope with loops in one end, used for holding boats to the dock. Non-spinning Rope. A wire rope consisting of eighteen strands of seven wires each in two layers, the inner layer of six strands lang lay and left lay around a small hemp core, and the outer twelve strands regular lay, right-hand lay. Will carry a load on a single end without untwisting. Open Socket. A rope fastening device consisting of a casting or forging with a tapered conical hole into which the end of a wire rope is spread out and held by filling the interstices with lead, babbitt or zinc, latter material preferred. (Composed of a conical tapered basket with two ears and a pin through the ears ) Orange Peel Bucket. A clam shell bucket with four leaves resembling an orange with the peel partly opened up. Ore Bridge. A crane operated in connection with clam shell buckets for unloading iron ore. Outhaul Rope. A wire rope used on a cableway to haul the carriage from dumping to loading point. Overhead Skidder. One that uses an overhead line and traveller for skidding logs from swamps and similar places. Overwinding. The winding of one layer of rope over another on a drum. Very bad practice for any wire rope and should be avoided if possible. Pile Drivers. A hoisting engine and weight operated by a wire rope for setting piles. Pine Skidder. A semi-overhead skidder used for logging hard pine timber. Plow Steel. A medium high carbon acid open hearth steel having a tensile strength in finished wire from 220,000 to 260,000 pounds per square inch, according to size. Pullboat. A boat used for logging operations. Car- ries engines and long lengths of wire rope. Pulley. A term sometimes applied to a sheave. Regular Lay. Strands twisted to the right and rope twisted to the left. Helix of the strands takes the direction of a right-hand screw thread. Reel. A round cylindrical wooden drum with two flanges around which wire rope is wound for shipping and storage purposes. Reverse Bending. Consists in passing of a wire rope over sheaves in different directions so that it alternates the strain in the wires from tension to compression, a condition very destructive to life of a wire rope. Reverse Laid. Alternate right and left lay strands in a wire rope. Reverse Laid Rope. A wire rope with alternate strands, right and left lay. 242 American Steel and Wire Company Rheostat Rope. A small rope consisting of eight strands of seven wires, used to operate controllers on electric cars. Right Lay. Known also as regular lay. Strands twisted to the right and rope twisted to the left. Corresponds to a right-hand screw thread. Right Twist. Corresponds to left lay, or to a left- hand screw thread. Rope Clips. A light compact fastening consisting of U-bolt, casting and two nuts for clamping together ends of a wire rope to make a loop, etc. The best type is known as the Crosby Clip. Rope Clamps. Consist of two castings and two or three bolts for clamping together the ends of a wire rope to make a loop. Rope Dressing. Any compound applied to a wire rope for lubricating or preserving it. Rope Drive. Term applied to wire rope application for power transmission. Rope Laid. A term applied to a rope composed of a number of small ropes laid together into a larger rope. Also applied to a rope composed of the ordin- ary number of strands and wires in contradistinction to concentric laid. Rope Lubricant. A mixture having for its base an oil or grease adapted to reducing friction on a wire rope, particularly in passing over sheaves or drums. Rope Wire. A general term for wire used in making wire rope, but usually means crucible or plow steel grades. Running Rope. A flexible rope used largely on ship- board usually composed of six strands, twelve wires each and seven hemp cores. Sag. Amount of deflection at center of a cable span when both ends of cable are at same level. Selvage. An early type of wire rope not used now. It consists of a bundle of straight wires. Sand Line. A small rope of six strands, seven wires, used for pumping out sand and water from oil wells during the process of drilling. Sash Cord. A small rope consisting of six strands, seven wires, one hemp core, used for window weights, car curtains, etc ; sizes % inch and smaller. Is used galvanized or plain. Scale Patent. A special strand and construction made in one operation consisting of one large center wire surrounded by nine small wires and then by nine large wires, making nineteen in all. Seize. To wrap or wind closely with wires or marline, e. g., a thimble splice is seized. eizit Seizing Strand. A small galvanized seven-wire strand used on shipboard for serving rope splices, usually made l /$ inch diameter and smaller. Semaphore Strand. A signal strand used on rail- roads to operate signals, and made of galvanized wires. Serve. To wrap closely with marline, wire or strand. All thimble and eye rope splices are sewed. Sewing Wire. A soft iron wire for sewing flat ropes. Shackles. A U-shaped clevis with pin for fastening for connecting two pieces of wire rope. Shears. Machinery arranged in connection with wire rope for hoisting materials in bulk. An indefinite term for a semi-derrick apparatus. Sheave. A round grooved wheel around which a wire rope is passed on machinery. Ship's Rigging. A term applied usually to a gal- vanized rope of six strands, seven wires, one hemp core which is used for guying masts, etc. Side Line. A wire rope used to move logs sidewise in connection with a ground skidder. Siemens Martin Steel. A grade of steel interme- diate in strength between iron and crucible steel. Used largely for special grade of strand known as S. M. strand. Signal Strand. Unusually consists of a seven-wire galvanized strand. Single Galvanized Strand. Strand made from sin- gle galvanized wire. Single Switch Rope. A switch rope with hook in one end and one link in the other end. Sisal. A hemp fiber prepared from the Agave Amer- icans or American aloe. It is a cactus growing in Yucatan and is named from the port of Sisal. Sister Hooks. A pair of hooks, right and left hand, arranged to prevent the hooks from slipping out under load. Used largely for electric cable instal- lation in underground ducts. Skidding Line. A wire rope used for skidding logs. Skidding Hachine. A machine used for logging purposes. Skip Hoist. A term applied to apparatus on a blast furnace for charging it with ore, coke and limestone. Skip Rope. A wire rope attached to a skip or car in a mine or blast furnace hoist. Sling. A short piece of wire rope especially equipped for binding together or holding any load that is to be hoisted or moved from one point to another by means of derrick crane or other appliance. Sometimes made endless. Snatch Block. A quickly detachable wire rope block used in lumbering for side lining purposes. Socket. A rope fastening device consisting of a cast- ing or forging with a tapered conical hole into which the end of a wire rope is spread out and held by fill- ing the interstices with babbitt, lead or zinc, the latter material preferred. The best known type of rope fastening, as well as the strongest and most efficient. Span. The distance between the supporting points of a wire cable suspended between two towers. Special Flexible Hoisting Rope. A wire rope con- sisting of six strands, thirty-seven wires and one hemp core. Splice. The method of uniting two separate pieces of wire rope, or of making an eye or loop in the end of the same. Spud Rope. A wire rope used for raising and lower- ing the spuds on a dredge boat. Standing Rope. Another term applied to galvanized guy rope which consists of six strands, seven wires, one hemp core. Step Socket. A series of sockets, one behind the other, for fastening successive layers of wires on a tramway strand. Used principally one interlocked strand, although not necessary as ordinary bridere socket will hold. Stone Sawing Strand. A short lay three-ply strand for sewing limestone rock. Strand, n and v. A geometrically arranged and helically and regularly twisted assembly of wires. To strand is to become untwisted or opened up. Stranded. The state of having become loosened up or untwisted as applied to a strand. Street Railway Cable. A wire cable used for street railway purposes. Stump Pulling Rope. Otherwise known as grubber Sucker Rod. A heavy seven-wire galvanized strand used for operating a number of oil well pumps from a central power plant. Suction Dredge. A dredge consisting of a rotary cutter for churning up mud and rock, and suction pumps for carrying the mud to spoil point. Operated by two wire ropes known as swinging cables. Suspended Skidder. A type of overhead skidder used in lumbering operations. Suspension Bridge. A bridge held or carried by two or more cables, e. g., Brooklyn bridge, etc. Suspension Bridge Cable. A cable used in con- struction of a suspension bridge consisting in large sizes of straight wires laid parallel and bound together. They are usually constructed in position. Swinging Cable. Wire rope used for swinging dredges, steam shovels, etc. Swinging Rope. Same as swinging cable. Switching Rope. A short length of rope equipped with hook one end and link other end, or with hook and link one end and double link other end, used for railroad shipping. Swivel Socket. A socket with swivel eye in the end. Tackle Block. A collection of sheaves around which a wire rope is passed. Tag Line. A light wire rope used in lumbering to return the skidding line. Tail Rope. A wire rope used in mine haulage for pulling the head rope back into the mine. Tail Sheaves. A sheave for taking up slack in a wire rope system. American Wire Rope 243 Taper Rope. A wire rope made of gradually de- creased size of wire. A beautiful theory but very bad practice commercially. Thimble. An oval steel reinforcement piece around which a wire rope is bent when splicing an eye in a piece of rope. It also serves as a protector against internal chafing from pin which goes through the eye. Tightener. A sheave used for taking up slack on a wire rope drive. Tiller Rope. A rope consisting of six ropes of six strands each, seven wires and seven hemp cores used originally for steering gear on boats but now almost exclusively for hand ropes or elevators. Tinned Rope. A wire rope composed of tinned wires. Rarely made and used only in sash cord. Torsion. The twisting of a. wire about its neutral axis. Towing Hawser. A large flexible wire rope made of galvanized wires. Usual construction, 6 x 37 or 6x24. Track Strand. A concentric type of strand used for cableway spans. Made with a smooth outside surface for wheels to run on. Trail Carrier. A device for supporting inhaul and outhaul ropes on a wire rope cableway to prevent undue sagging. Tramway. A combination wire rope system for transferring material in frequent small amounts con- tinuously. Transmission Rope. A wire rope composed of six strands, seven wires each and one hemp core. Also a rope spliced endless for transmitting power from a distance. Traveller. A block containing supporting sheaves and rope sheaves for use on cableway or ferry. Triangular Flattened Strand Rope. A six-strand Lang lay rope with a triangular center wire around which the strand is twisted. Trolley. A combination carriage used on a cableway for running back and forth on the main cable. Trolley Rope. A wire rope used to operate a trolley or carrier on a cableway or similar apparatus. Tubing Lines. Wire rope used for placing oil well tubing. Tuck. The finishing operation of a wire rope splice consisting of inserting the strand into the center of the rope. Turnbuckle. Two nuts connected by two bars, one with right and one with left-hand threaded nuts ; and bolts equipped with eyes, clevises or hooks for taking up slack in cables and similar work. Twist. To form a strand or rope. Twisted. Any collection of wires or strands formed helically together. Universal Lay. Another name for Lang lay. Warrington Lay. Known also as three-size wire construction. Whipping. The undue and violent slapping back and forth of a wire rope when in motion. Wire Cable. A geometrically arranged collection of wires into strands evenly and helically twisted and the assembly of strand helically into a wire rope or cable. Wire Center. An arrangement of wires replacing the hemp core under certain very severe conditions. Sometimes made of a single strand of 7, 19 or 37 wires, but it is preferred to make it of a rope 6x7, 7 x 7, 6 x 19 or 7 x 19, etc. Wire Rope. A collection of strands helically twisted with a uniform pitch about a central axis or core, each strand consisting of a plurality of wire twisted helicaiiy with a uniform pitch around a central axis or core. Wire Rope Preservative. Any compound designed for application to a wire rope for the purpose of pre- venting rust or corrosion. Working Load. Breaking strength of the rope divided by the safety factor used, which runs from 5 to 10 on wire rope applications. Wrecking Rope. A short piece of strong wire rope equipped with extra heavy wire rope fittings for wrecking purposes on railroad work. Yacht Rigging. Galvanized wire rope either of six strands, seven wires, or six strands, nineteen wires, any size used for guys, etc., on yachts, ships, der- ricks, etc. Yarding Lines. Short pieces of wire rope used in connection with skidding machinery for piling the skidded logs ready for loading. 244 American Steel and Wire Company Ind ex PAGE Aeroplanes 73 Aeroplane Strand 183 Alignment of Sheaves and Drums . . 68 A. S. & W. Shield Filler 199 Arc Light Rope 184 Back Haul Derrick 83 Balanced Mine Hoists, Vertical, with Flat and Conical Drums . . . 107 Ballast Unloader Rope 103 Bending Stress Curves .... 42-46 Bending Stress Tables .... 35-41 Bending Stresses 31 Breaking Strength of Wire Rope . . 10 Bridge Cables 181 Bridge Sockets, Open and Closed . . 208 Bridges, Suspension 116 Cable Roads 77 Cableways 74 Casing Lines 134 Clamps 205 Clam Shell Buckets 77 Closed Sockets 206 Closed Bridge Sockets . . . . .208 Clothes Lines 192 Closed Sockets, Loose and Fastened . 206 Coal Dock Haulage Roads .... 79 Coal Handling Machinery .... 102 (Constructions of Wire Rope) ... 14 Constructions of Strands 14 Constructions of Ropes 16 Crane Derrick 84 Crane Rope 138 Cranes 81 Crosby Clips 204 Crucible Cast Steel Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope 134 Crucible Cast Steel Haulage Rope . 122 Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope . 129 Crucible Cast Steel Special Hoisting Rope 139 Crucible Cast Steel Standing Rope . 122 Crucible Cast Steel Transmission Rope 122 Crucible Cast Steel Wire 11 Dead and Live Loads . . Derricks Derrick Guys Dictionary of Wire Rope Terms Double Galvanized Strand PAGE 30 83 60 240 185 Dredges, Large, Medium, Suction and Bucket Types 93-95 Drilling Lines for Oil Wells . . . 123-130 Jilasticity of Wire Rope 47 Electric Geared Elevators .... 89 Elevators, Hydraulic, Electric and Power Driven 86-91 Electric Traction Elevators .... 91 Electric Traveling Cranes .... 81 Endless Haulage Systems .... 110 Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength Strand 186 Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand 186 Extra Galvanized Siemens Martin Strand 186 Extra Galvanized Strand 185 Extra Flexible Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope 134 Extra Flexible Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope . . . 135 Extra Flexible Monitor or Improved Plow Steel Hoisting Rope ... 137 Extra Flexible Plow Steel Hoisting Rope 136 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Haulage Rope 123 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope 130 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Special Flexible Hoisting Rope . 140 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Standing Rope 123 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Transmission Rope 123 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Wire 12 Extra Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 143 .r actors of Safety Ferries 64 96 American Wire Rope 245 PAGE Flat Rope Construction 23 Flat Rope 198 Flat Rope Sockets 210 Flattened Strand Rope 144 Flattened Strand Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope 152 Flattened Strand Crucible Cast Steel Haulage Rope 147 Flattened Strand Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Hoisting Rope ... 153 Flattened Strand Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Haulage Rope . . . 148 Flattened Strand Hoisting Rope . . 150 Flattened Strand Haulage Rope . . 145 Flattened Strand Monitor Haulage Rope 149 Flattened Strand Monitor Hoisting Rope 154 Flattened Strand Rope Constructions 21 Flattened Strand Iron Haulage Rope 146 Flattened Strand Iron Hoisting Rope 151 Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rigging or Guy Rope .... Galvanized High Strength Aeroplane Strand ......... Galvanized Iron and Crucible Cast Steel Running Rope . . . . Galvanized Iron Ships Rigging or Guy Rope .......... Galvanized Mast Arm or Arc Light Rope .......... Galvanized Sash Cord ..... Galvanized Siemens Martin Strand . Galvanized or Tinned Flexible Aero- plane or Motor Boat Cord . . . Galvanized Special Strands .... Galvanized Steel Cables for Suspen- sion Bridges ....... Galvanized Steel Deep Sea Towing Hawsers, 6x37 ...... Galvanized Steel Hawsers and Moor- ing Lines, 6 x 24 ...... Galvanized Steel Hawsers and Moor- ing Lines, 6 x 12 ...... Galvanized Ropes ....... Galvanized Strand ....... Galvanized Wire Rope ..... 176 183 177 175 184 182 186 183 189 181 18 !79 178 172 185 172 PAGB Gravity Inclined Plane 77 Ground Skidder 106 Guy Factors 61 Guying for Derricks, Ships Rigging, etc 98-99 Guy Rope 1 75 Handling of Wire Rope 69 Hand Rope 155 Haulage Rope, 6x7 120 Haulage Rope (Flattened Strand) . 145 Hawsers, 6 x 37 l&Jjj Hawsers, 6x24 179J Hawsers, 6x12 178 [ Hoisting Rope (Standard, 6x19). . 126 Hoisting Rope (Flattened Strand) . 150 Hoisting Rope (Special Flexible, 6x37) 138 Hoisting Rope (Extra Flexible, 8 x 19) 133 Hoisting Rope (Galvanized, 6 x 19) . 176 Hook and Chain 210 Hook and Thimble 214 Hook and Sockets 213 Hook, Swivel and Thimble .... 211 Horizontal Plunger Elevators ... 88 How to Order Wire Rope .... 71 Hydraulic Elevators 85 How to Gage Wire Rope .... 67 Inclined Cable Ropes 77 Inclines and Slopes 49 Interlocked Track Strand .... 191 Iron 11 Iron Haulage Rope, 5x9 . . . . 145 Iron Haulage Rope, 6 x 7 .... 121 Iron Hoisting Rope, 6x19. . . . 127 Iron Hoisting Rope, 5 x 27 . . . . 151 Iron Standing Rope 121 Iron Transmission Rope 121 Lang Lay Rope 25 Lay of Rope 25 Lead of Rope 68 Left Lay Rope 26 Loading and Unloading Machinery . 102 Locomotive Cranes 82 Locomotive Switching Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 216 Locomotive Wrecking Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 218 246 American Steel and Wire Company PAGE Log Loaders 106 Lumbering, including Skidding and Loading 104 Lubrication of Wire Rope .... 70 PAGE Plow Steel Transmission Rope, 6x7. 124 Plow Steel Standing Rope, 6x7 . . 124 Plow Steel Wire 12 Pulling-in Cables 229 IManila Rope Compared with Wire Rope 236 Mast Arm Rope 174 Materials in Wire Rope 11 Mild Steel Elevator Rope .... 128 Mining Rope Arrangements .... 107 Monitor Haulage Rope 125 Monitor Hoisting Rope 132 Monitor Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope 137 Monitor Special Flexible Hoisting Rope 142 Monitor or Improved Plow Steel . . 12 Monitor Wire 12 Mooring Hawsers, 6x12 178 Multiple Sheave Blocks 59 Non-spinning Hoisting Rope, Crucible Cast Steel .158 Non-spinning Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 159 Non-spinning Hoisting Rope, Monitor 161 Non-spinning Hoisting Rope, Plow Steel 160 Non-spinning Hoisting Rope, Iron . 157 Oil Well Drilling 114 Open Bridge Sockets 209 Open Sockets, Loose and Attached . 207 Ore Unloading Machinery .... 102 Ore Dock Haulage Ropes .... 78 Overhead Skidders 104 Overwinding 68 Pile Drivers, Rope for 129 Plow Steel 12 Plow Steel Haulage Rope, 6x7 . . 124 Plow Steel Hoisting Rope, 6x19 . . 131 Plow Steel Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope, 8 x 19 136 Plow Steel Special Flexible Hoisting Rope, 6x37 144 Quarry Derrick ....... 84 Range of Rope Application ... 27 Regular Lay Rope 26 Renewal of Sheaves 68 Reverse Bending 68 Reverse Lay Rope ....... 26 Right Lay Rope 26 Rope Exposed to Moisture, Heat, etc. 70 Rope Reels, Capacities of .... 238 Rope Reels, Sizes of 239 Round Track Strand 199 Running Rigging ....... 177 Sand Lines . . 123 Sash Cord 182 Seale Patent Rope 17 Sewing Wire for Flat Rope .... 195 Shackles, Plain and Galvanized . . 222 Sheaves and Drums 67 Sheaves and Wire Rope Blocks . . 224 Ships Rigging, Galvanized Iron . . 175 Siemens Martin Strand 186 Single Galvanized Strand .... 185 Sister Hooks and Thimble, Loose and Attached 215 Skidding Machines, Single and Double Slings 227 Slopes 49 Socket with Chain 210 Sockets, Open and Closed .... 206 Sockets, Bridge Type 208 Spans 53 Special Constructions 20 Speed of Wire Rope 69 Special Extra Galv'd Strands ... 189 Special Flexible Hoisting Rope, 6 x 37 138 Special Wire Rope Fasteners . . . 227 Splicing Endless, etc 226 Splicing Wire Rope, Instructions . . 230 Standard Hoisting Rope, 6 x 19 . . 126 Standard Breaking Strengths of Wire Rope 10 Standing Rope 120 American Wire Rope 247 PAGE Steam Shovels 92 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope, 6 x 19 . . 162 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope, 6 x 37 . . 167 Steel Clad Hoisting Rope, 6 x 61 . . 171 Step Socket 210 Stone Sawing Strand 184 Strands, Construction of 14 Stresses Due to Shocks on Wire Rope 47 Stress Limitations of Machinery . . 58 Stresses Due to Bending ..... 31 Stresses Due to Dead and Live Loads 30 Stresses in Multiple Sheave Blocks . 59 Stresses in Wire Rope Guys ... 60 Stresses Imposed by Machinery . . 58 Stresses in Spans 53 Stresses in Wire Rope 30 Stresses Due to Shocks 30 Stresses of Inclines and Slopes . . 49 Stresses of Acceleration and Retarda- tion 47 Stump Pulling 117 Sudden Stresses 69 Suggestions to Wire Rope Users . . 67 Suspension Bridges 116 Switching Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 216 Swivel Hook and Socket 212 Tail Rope Haulage Systems . . . 112 Telephone Clamps 205 Testing of Rope and Wire .... 10 Thimbles, Loose, Regular and Extra Large 202 PAGE Thimbles, Spliced In 203 Tiller Rope 155 Towing Devices 118 Track Strand, Round and Locked . . 24 Track Strand for Aerial Tramways, Round 190 Track Strand for Aerial Tramways, Locked 191 Tramways 76 Transmission Rope, 6x7. ; . . . 120 Transmission Rope, 5x9 145 Turnbuckles with Eyes, Hooks and Clevis End . 221 TT eights of Miscellaneous Substances 235 Whiting Hoist . 109 Wire Rope Blocks 224 Wire Rope Clamps 205 Wire Rope Clips 204 Wire Rope Lists 119 Wire Rope Transmission .... 234 Working Loads 70 Worm Geared Elevator, Electric and Belt Driven 86-91 Wrecking Trains 103 Wrecking Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 218 Yacht Rope a . . 176 Yarder for Logs ... .... 106 248 American Steel and Wire Company Products of the American !ire Americore Rubber Covered Wire American Wire Rope Aeroplane Wire and Strand Piano Wire Mattress Wire Weaving Wire Broom Wire Fence Wire Flat Wire Flat Cold Rolled Steel Spoke Wire for Wire Wheels Wire Hoops Nails, Staples, Spikes Electrical Wires and Cables Barbed Wire Rail Ronds Woven Wire Fences Rale Ties Fence Gates Tacks Steel Fence Posts Ignition Wire Springs Auto Towing Rope Concrete Reinforcement Juniata Horse Shoes and Calks Sulphate of Iron Poultry Netting Wire Rods Shafting Cold Drawn Steel Wire of Every Description Separate illustrated catalogue issued for each of these products Furnished free upon request The Read Printing Co. 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