■fifti l.'l ^ ^^F » » iM t V THB AUSTRALIAN CRUSOES; THE ADVENTURES OP Sin (fiigliBti, Irttlrr nii^. [ife /nmilij J 'Hf,i:pij'. ;, ', I ,\ WILDS OF AUSTRALIA, CHARLES ROWCROFT, ESQ., A RESIDENT MAGISTRATE. FROM THE SIXTH LOXDOX EDITION, mm illustrations. PHILADELPHIA: J. W. BRADLEY, 48 N. FOURTH STREET. 1859. zy o . < L'/l ^ It is with the view of describing the process of settling in a new country ; of the precautions to be taken ; of the foresight to be exercised ; of the early difficulties to be overcome ; and of the sure reward which awaits the prudent and industrious colonist, that the editor has collected the following tales ; and he may add, that he can testify to the accuracy of the descriptions which they contain from his personal experience as a resident magis- trate in the colony. The first tale which is pre- sented to the public is the journal of a settler, detailing in his own homely language, the actual progress, day by day, from the beginning, of the establishment of a colonist's farm. (iii) mm-1392 LIFE IN AUSTRALIA. THE settler's JOURNAL. I DO not pretend to be philosoplier enougt to analyze deeply the reasons which induce me, after a long and active life, passed for the most part in laborious but pleasurable occupations, to lay down the axe for the pen, and to write an account of my life in this country. Perhaps it is that my family being grown up, and gently pushing, as the young do, the aged from their stools, by supplying my place in overseeing my farm, the leisure that has come over me prompts me to employ my mind, which from habit is disinclined to inaction, in recalling past scenes and old recollections. Or it may be that, at sixty-two years, the garrulousness of old age inclines me to indulge on paper in the talk which every one around me seems too busy to attend to orally. I would fain hope that I am actuated by a better reason than any such as these : that the desire to present a useful history of a settler's life, and to show by my own (5) C Why I Write. instance how mucli may be accompHshed by prudence, industry, and perseverance, incites me to write this record of facts and feelings. Whether these accounts may ever appear in print I do not know, although I will confess that it is not without a secret inclination that they may, in some shape, find their way to the perusal of the public, that I now proceed to arrange them. Whether thej appear in print or not, I have at least the satisfaction of toping, that when I shall repose beneath the si)i) of: this beautiful country, which I have learned to love AO. clearly, my children's children after me may sometimes turn to this manuscript of the old man's recollections not without advantage from ita perusal, ii^fi^itx IrrnnK Mr. William Thornley, a sort of Half-farmer in the County of Sur- rey, finding that he cannot live on his Small Capital, turns his thoughts to the Colonies — Reasons for Emigration — A Wife's hearty Consent an indispensable Preliminary — Preparations — Voyage to Van Diemen's Land — Appearance of the Country — He has an Interview with the Governor — Mode of obtaining a Grant of Land. It is now twenty-two years since I left London for Van Diemen's Land. When I got on board ship, I remember I found many of the passengers keeping journals, so I did the same, though I can't say I found, at first, much to put in it ; however, the habit of keep- ing a journal stuck to me after I landed, so that I was never easy at night unless I wrote down what had occurred during the day. I am glad of it now, as I find that the looking back on what I have gone through is useful to me, and makes me the more thankful for what I have got now, and the reading of it will^ I think, be of advantage to those who come after me ; so I will first describe how it was that I came to emigrate, and then I shall copy all my bits and scraps of journals fairly out, that those who may think that some profit is to be got from them may easily read them. It was in the beginning of the year 1816 that I was first in difficulties in England ; that was just after the close of the long war. There was great distress in the country ; all seemed to go wrong. So many lost em- (7) 8 Thoughts or Emigration. ployment from the change of war to peace, that many were starving, and there was great confusion and riots. If I recollect right, it was the year when the " Blank- eteers" came from the north to present a petition to the king. I had carried on, for many years, a pretty good business at Croydon, in the corn trade. I did something with coals too, the canal being handy (by-the-by, that gave me the idea when I went abroad of the advantage of water-carriage), and I never refused any sort of small trading that seemed likely to turn to profit. But the corn business was my main stay, and that brought me a good deal into communication with farmers, and their way of farming ; but I found that farming was a very different thing here in Van Diemen's Land to what it was in Surrey. I remember, as if it was yesterday, that one morning, when I went to the corn-market, I found a cluster of farmers and others standing round a neigh- bour of mine reading a letter ; it was from a son of his — a wild sort of chap — who had gone out as mate of a vessel to Sydney, or Botany Bay, as it was called then. By-the-by, Boty a little stream. The appearance of the asceuti 72 Ascent of a Perpendicular Hill before us was very formidable; it is not very much bettei now ; but at that time the country was little known, and an untravelled road always appears, the first time, longer and worse than it is. Here we made another halt, to gather up courage to face the ascent, and to recruit the strength of the cattle and their drivers. Crab looked at the hill covered with a thick mass of trees, and without any visible opening, and then at the carts and bullocks, with a very long fiice. I confess I had some misgivings myself. I had gone over the hill before, when I wont to look at the land at the Clyde ; but going over such a hill on foot, and surmounting it with laden carts, are two very different things. As we discussed some bread and meat on the grass, we were all very serious, even the children regarding the black, dense mass of trees rising one above another be- fore us with fearfulness and perplexity. We turned to Crab instinctively, expecting to hear fi-om him some of his usual evil prognostications. But he preserved a rigid silence, stufiing huge pieces of damper into his mouth, with a diligence and perseverance that seemed to imply he was doubtful when he might have the chance of doing so again, and enjoying maliciously, I was in- clined to think, the novel disappointment of his unusual taciturnity. At last, seeing that the thing must be done, I shook off the lethargic feeling which fatigue, the heat, and apparently insurmountable difficulties before us had cast over me, and I braced myself up for the effort. We got on pretty well for about a rjuarter of a mile, but the steepness of the way and the impediments of the dead timber, lying on all sides about, brought us to a stand- Halt Half-way Up. 73 Btill. Putting pieces of wood behind the whe'cls of the carts, to prevent tlieir rolling backwards, we looked inquiringly at one another. It seemed a hopeless task. Crab said nothing. The men looked at the bullocks despairingly. " It's more than mortal cattle can do," said Bob, who had shown himself a civil and diligent fellow; "you might as well attempt to climb up the walls of a house." I thought so too, but I took care to keep my thoughts to myself. I was puzzled to know what to do ; and the evening was drawing in, and the clear light failing us, though at that time of the year the nights are never quite dark in Van Diemen's Land. In this difhculty my wife came to our aid. '^ If four bullocks cannot draw one cart up the hill, why not put the whole eight on, and draw one cart up at a time ?" It was like Columbus's egg; nothing more easy wheu it was done. In a trice we unharnessed the provision cart, Crab lending himself with alacrity and energy to the movement ; and with prodigious labour, and the exhaustion of the whole party, we succeeded, after two hours' work, in dragging the cart, with my wife and children, to the summit of this terrible hill. It was now nearly dark, and we had left the provision-cart about a mile behind us, and the animals were too much exhausted to render further attempts possible. Under these circumstances, we were obliged to pass the night, as it were, under arms, with the bullocks yoked and chaiu'^d, for we were afraid to let them wander to feed, not knowing the country. Crab volunteered to mount guard over the cart below, and to keep up a good fire to 74 ^VrriveattheFarm. point out' his whereabouts. We did the same ; and in this way we passed the night, not very commodiously; but the genial warmth of the season, and the brilliant fineness of the night, reconciled us to our rough lodg- ment, and as we had plenty of covering for the children, they slept soundly, and all passed oif well. At the first sign of light we were stirring. "We had to pursue the same process to get up our provision-cart, when we made a hearty breakfast, and not the less so from having gone without our supper. Our way was now all dow^nhill by a gentle inclination ; and sometimes following the faint track, and sometimes guided by the notched trees, and making our way over the dead timber and through the bushes as well as we could, we arrived in about a couple of hours at the site of my future farm. It was now noon. The sun was intensely hot, and we very tired, bullocks and all ; but we had arrived safe, and we felt in spirits. And here we were, our little party, alone in the wilderness. To the west there was no human habitation between us and the sea ; and the nearest settler's residence was not less than eighteen miles. There was j^asturage for sheep and cattle for scores and scores of miles, and no one to interfere with them. But I had not yet a single sheep, nor a single head of cattle, except my eight working bul- locks. We turned th(^m out to graze on the plain before us, through which ran the Clyde, then better known by the name of the Fat Doe River ; we had no fear of their straying, for they were tired enough with their journey. The two men then set up the tents without bidding. I remember I sat on a fallen tree, with my wife and Unload OUR Goods. 75 children and ter mother stretched on the ground in the shade, for some time absorbed in thoughts of mingled pain and pleasure. Crab had strolled into the bush. It •was a brilliant day. There was a solemn stillness around that was imposing ; the sun shining gloriously in the heavens, and the prospect around most calm and beautiful. I felt melancholy. Thoughts crowded thick upon me. I had undertaken a vast task, to establish a home in the wilderness. The fii-st stage of my enter- prise I had accomplished ; through toil, and labour, and difficulty, and danger ; but I had accomplished it. The first object was gained. I had reached the land of pro- mise. I had taken possession of my land, and a noble domain it was. But what were the risks and difficulties that remained ? I felt fearful at the work before me. No help near in case of danger ; no medical assistance ; no neighbour. I looked at my wife and children lying listlessly on the dry and parched grass; I looked around me, and tried to penetrate into the obscurity of the future and guess the end. Worn out with thought, and weary with travel, I insensibly gave way to the feeling of lassitude which possessed us all, and fell asleep on the grass. My wife would not have me wakened, but taking on herself, without hesitation and without delay, the duties of a settler's wife, she silently gave directions for unloading the carts, and preparing our canvass house. The smaller tent she made the temporary storehous<3 for our multifarious goods ; the larger one was converted into a general bedchamber for herself, her mother, and the children. The store tent was destined for mo to sleep in. Two boxes formed a table on the outside, and fitting logs of wood formed appropriate seats. A fii-e 76 Success to the First Farm. was kindled near the spot, and dinner got ready. It •was quite an early settler's meal ; boiled salt pork and damper, with tea and brown sugar, and rice for the children. All this was prepared while I slept. I was awakened by Crab, who had been absent about a couple of hours on his exploring expedition. " Holloa !" said he; " here's a pretty settler, to go to sleep while his wife works for him. Look here, I've got something for you." I awoke at this, and felt quite refreshed and ready for action. Crab displayed a brace of wild ducks, which pro- duced a general curiosity among the party. Without stopping to ask questions, Crab prepared them for the spit after his way. But spit we had none, so we contented ourselves with throwing them on the hot embers, native fashion, and hooking them out with the ramrod of one of our muskets. "We distributed them among young and old in equitable proportions. I had brought up with me a five gallon cask of rum, rather in compliance with the customs of the colony than with my own inclination ; but on this occasion, and to do honour to the splendour of our repast of game, I served out a moderate ration of it, much to the satisfaction of the two men, who were well pleased at the unexpected libation. We soon got very merry, and at last felt so reconciled to our new position, that I caught myself proposing three-times-three to the success of the First Farm on the Fat Doe River. And now, having rested and refreshed, we all began to bestir ourselves in earnest to our work. My eldest boy, Will, was set to watch the bullocks, to prevent their straying too far. The men busied themselves in erecting a sod hut for themselves about a hundred yards from the Preparations to Build. 77 tents. Crab got out the grindstone, fixed it on a conve- nient stump of a fallen tree, and prepared the axes. My first care was to put our fii-e-arms in order, and handy for use. I had two muskets with bayonets, a fowling- piece, and two pair of pistols, one a large pair of horse- pistols; I had besides a yeomanry broad-sword and a hanger, so that we were tolerably well armed. Crab looked grim at my warlike preparations. " Ah \" said he, " a pretty way of taking possession of a farm, with guns and blimderbusses, instead of ploughs and harrows. Well, to be sure; the madness of the people to come to such a place as this to fight with the natives and the bush-rangers. However, as you are here, I suppose something must be done to get a roof over your heads. I have found some capital timber not a quarter of a mile off, that would do to build a log-house. You'll find that the best thing you can do, is to house yourself comfortably ; — comfortably ! yes, pretty comfort there is in the bush! we look very comfortable, don't we? all alone in the wilderness, without a soul near us to help us, and not a drop of beer to be had for love or money. Well, as you have made your bed you must lie on it. You are in for it for a while, and so I suppose you must make the best of it." With these appropriate and gratifying observations, the cross-grained, but diligent Crab, furnished himself with the heaviest axe of the lot, and we went together, to the verge of the forest ; our encampment having been formed on a piece of ground nearly clear of timber. We eyed some hard looking gum trees for a little time, pausing to select those most fit for our purpose. "Now," said Crab, "who is to strike the first stroke ?" 78 FellinqThees. "That will I do," said I, and fetching a blow at a gum tree before me, struck my axe in the bark. " Well done for a beginning," said Crab ; " here goes for another." At this he struck a sturdy stroke on the other side of the tree, but without producing much impression. " Hard stuif this," said Grab. " I'm thinking we have harder work before us than we thought for ! I wonder how long it will take you and me to cut down this tree ? but let us at him again." We chopped, and chopped, and sweated, and worked till we were fairly exhausted ; we made a pretty decent gap on both sides, but the tree gave no intimation of coming down. " This vn]l never do," said I ; " there must be some- thing wrong here ; we must not be all day cutting down one tree." " Casting my eye on the axes that lay on the ground, it occurred to me that the fault was in the tools. We had made use of heavy, broad axes, which after experi- ence taught us were quite unfit for felling timber. "There's something wrong with these axes," said Ij "let's try the axes which I bought in camp." They were much longer from heel to edge, and much narrower, presenting not more than half the breadth of edge to the wood. The first cut showed their superiority. " This is the article," said Crab ; and with that he gave a flourish with his axe in the air, and shivered ofi" a prodigious slice of the obstinate gum-tree. We went at it merrily, and presently the tree began to shiver, and suddenly it fell down with a prodigious crash to the ground. A New Kind of Assistant! 79 "That's number one," said Crab, ''and precious hara work it is, I must say. And this is what we have come to t 'other side of the earth for ! to cut down gum trees ! A nice employment for middle aged gentlemen, I must say. I'm thinking we might have had enough of this pleasure at home, without coming so far for it. How- ever, every one to his mind. And now for the next, mas- ter. Here is a good looking chap ; let's have a chop at him." "Let us try the saw," said I ; " it's ready set, perhaps that will do it easier." "Any way," said Crab, "so long as we are amused. I take it, in about six months at this rate, we shall be able to get timber enough for a hut. But here's a nice breeze got up. Oh, this is what they call the sea-breeze that comes in the afternoon ; but sure we are too far from the sea to feel it." "Well, never mind where it comes from ; it's too plea- sant to be asked questions about. Upon my word I thought it was rather warmish." The wind now rose so as to bend the branches of the trees, and its grateful coolness was unspeakably refresh- ing, after the sultry heat of the day. I saw the tents agitated by it, and the loose things on the grass dancing about, and the children merrily chasing them. But I found the breeze more than pleasing ; it was a useful help in felling the trees, and we quickly took advantage of it. Cutting the side of the tree next to the breeze, we found that the force of the wind saved us half our labour, for the branches being full and thick in leaf, they presented such a hold to the wind, that a slight notching of them brought them down. In this way we felled eight trees 1 80 NlGHT-TlIOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE=, aud gave tbe appearance of a little clearing to thai spot. In the meantime the evening was drawing in, and thft shades of night soon fell on xxs. The men had raised the walls of their sod hut, and covering it over with branches of trees, they were content for the night. The bullocks showed no disposition to stray ; so, after seeing all things put in order as well as the circumstances per- mitted, we disposed ourselves for rest. Crab insisted on keeping watch with nuisket and fixed bayonet ; and with a cartouch-box slung behind him, he made a most for- midable figure. All was still; the stars were bright in the heavens, and I could distinguish the faint outlines of the distant hills. It was long before I could compose myself to sleep. I was full of thought and anxiety. I had every- thing to do; mine was really a beginning. The soil around me had not been disturbed by civilized man since its creation. The vast wilderness seemed to have re- ceived us into its ample bosom, and to have closed around us, shutting us out from all communication with humanity. We formed but a little speck on the vast space of the uninhabited country. I endeavoured to picture to myself the future farms that might arise around us, and the coming of neighbours to cheer and strengthen us. But the reality was too present and too strong to admit of the consolations of the imagination. I felt committed to an act of doubt and difficulty. I revolved my past life in England, and wondered how any state of misfortune oould have been urgent enough to induce me to embark in so fearful an undertaking as that of a settler's life in the wilderness. But the very Implores Divine Help. 81 per; of my position served at last to nerve me up to the encounter. I felt the deep responsibility of my: position as the father of a young family, and the husband of an affectionate wife, who, by my act, had been conveyed from home, from relations and from early friends, to brave the risks and adventures of a settler's life. With the serious thoughts with which this contem- plation inspired me, I lay down to rest, not without returning my grateful thanks to the Great Disposer of all events, for having arrived thus far with my family in health and safety, and entreating the Divine protec- tion and help in my solitary encampment; with such prayer I addressed myself to sleep to gather strength for the morrow. G A Settler's dail^' labours — Chopping down gum-trees tough work — • Builds a Log-house — Buys some Sheep — Shoots a wild animal — Black cockatoo-pie — A Kangaroo steamer. Thursday, FehriLary 2St7i, 1817. — Up. at daylight. Set the men to work to cross-cut the trees that we felled yesterday. Ci'ab helped, and they sawed and felled alternately. Crab said it was regular nigger work; when they were tired of chopping down the gum-trees, they had to set to to saw 'em — to rest themselves ! * « * -X- * 5f: Walked over my land ; guessing, as well as I could, the extent of twelve hundred acres, at the rate of one- thii-d frontage to the river. Fixed on the line where the measurement of my lot should begin. After a good deal of consideration and examination of the parts about, I settled on the spot for building our log-house. I thought that the time might come when I should be able to erect a better house, so I marked the place for our temporary habitation close to the spot for the future building, and so as to form a part of the general plan. Marked out in my mind a garden and entrance. After this I set to work to help Crab and the men in prepar- ing split logs, for the hut. My wife says she doesn't like me to call it a " hut ;" so, mem., '' to call it a cot- tage." Got twelve more trees down to-day. My eldest boy, Will, who had been watching the working (82) Sunday A Day OF Rest. 83 bullocks Tvitliiii sight of the tents, told us at dinner that he had seen a kangaroo, with a young one in her pouch, grazing not far from him. I must get dogs, not only for hunting occasionally, but for safety, to give the alarm at night, and in the day-time too. The weather beautiful. TTe live in the open air, and it seems to me it would not harm us to sleep in the open air ; but we have our tents. No one came near us all day. Friday, March 1. — At work all day with Crab and the men, sawing the fallen timber into lengths and splitting it to set up. Crab has been splitting shingles to serve instead of tiles for the roof. Bob said that many huts are thatched with a sort of grass, abundant in all marshy places, and which serves the purpose of straw pretty well; but I don't like the idea of having a com- bustible roof where you are exposed to fire, as well from the natives as from the accidental firing of the dry grass in the summer season; so, although it is more labour and more expense, I have decided against thatch. Had the shingles split ten inches long and four broad. Only cut four more trees. Saw no one all day. Sundai/, March 3. — Could not make up my mind at first what to do, whether to go on with our cottage, which was a pressing want, or to keep the Sunday as a day of rest. Consulted with my wife. She thought it was proper to keep up the distinction of the Sunday for the sake of preserving the good habits of the children. Pondered over the matter a good deal. As to there being any harm in working on a Sunday on such mat- ters as we were engaged, I did not think there was ; but as the weather was fine, I thought it best not to disturb Sunday habits. So after we had read prayers to the 84 Commence Building. children, we passed the day talking, and jilanuiug, and strolling among the trees, but not far from the house. And I don't think there was any time lost, after all ; for our day's rest made us the fresher and stronger for Monday's work. As I am upon this subject, I may say here, that in my experience I never knew any harm fome to a man's constitution from working the six days t)f the week as hard as he might, if he rested on the seventh. But I have observed that when a man in his eagerness has worked every day without taking his rest on the seventh, it has worn him out, and that he has become used up much sooner than the man who rested one day in the week. And this remark holds good, as I have had occasion to know, with those who worked with their heads as well as with those who worked with their hands. Saw no one all day. No Sunday visitors here. Monday. — Began setting up the logs to form the walls of the house. House to be sixty feet long and sixteen broad, and the logs nine feet out of the ground; to be divided into one large room, twenty feet long ; a passage ten feet wide ; and on the other side of the passage four rooms, one to be a store-room. At the end of the pas- sage, facing the entrance, a closet for all sorts of things. At the back of the long room of twenty feet, a skillion, to serve as a kitchen, &c. When I showed the plan to Crab, he said, '' I should never live to finish it; however, I might go on building it till I left, and he would not balk my humoiir if I had a fancy for it." Saturday. — More chopping and sawing. Sunday. — Passed as before. Monday, March 11. — Hard at work at the house, and A Settler's Daily Life 85 all tlie week; put the logs in the ground two feet aeep; got all the shingles split for the roof. Tuesday, March 19. — The cottage presents a respecta- ble appearance. Shingled it over as far as the long room, then stopped for want of shingle nails. We had not had fresh meat since we got on the land, and my wife thought the childi-en were not thriving. Arranged to send the bullock-cart to camp for a fresh supply of nails and flour, and to bring up as much as it could carry of our goods from the merchant's store — Crab to go, with one man. Wednesday. — Saw the cart off. "We all felt very lonely. We did not lose time, however, but finished odd things about that wanted attending to. Thursday, March 21. — Took my gun, to see if I could bring down some ducks, to make a fresh meal for the children; for we had been living on the salt pork we had brought up with us. Tried to keep the tents and new building in sight, but was led further than I intended. Came up to a lot of ducks swimming leisurely about at a part of the river that was very deep, with the current not so rapid as in the shallow parts. I was go- ing to have a shot at about twenty of them, when sud- denly a gun was fired into the midst of them, close to me. I was in a terrible fright — the suddenness of the report, and its unexpectedness, filling me at the moment, with all sorts of fears. My first impulse was to run home to my wife and children ; and then the thought occurred that I should be exposed and defenceless that way, to be shot at, if there was any one of a mind to do it. AU these thoughts passed through my head in an ia- 86 New Way of Making Acquaintance. stant ; and in the meanwhile, the man who had fired the shot advanced rapidly through the shrubs after his game. As he came on, his eyes lighted on me with my gun cocked, and pointed towards him. I saw at once by his manner that he was as much frightened at me as I was at him. The Fat Doe River at this place is about forty feet across : he was on the other side. There we stood for a little while, he stopping and gaping, and I stand- ing with my piece in the position to fire. How long we should have remained in these positions, each in fear of the other, I can't pretend to say; but the suspense ended by a flock of ducks that came flying between us, just over oui- heads. The ducks were so close, they looked so plump as I stood under them, and I wanted them so much, that I could not resist the temptation. By a sort of instinct, for I was always fond of sporting, I raised up my piece, and forgetting my usual caution, I let fly at them. Down came three. ''Well done I" cried out the stranger; "I see there's no harm in you, or you would not have flung your fire that way ; but you'll loose your ducks, if you don't mind ; there are two in the water sailing down the stream." I soon found a long rod, with which I secured my birds ; and the stranger going further down the stream, recovered the four which he had shot before me. "I suppose you took me for a bush-ranger?" bawled I, speaking to him as he was standing and holding his wet ducks by the legs, on the other side of the narrow stream. " I did not iLke the looks of you, as you stood with your gun pointed at me as you did ; that's just the way of 'em. I suppose*you're looking for land?" ObtainsomeDogs. 87 " I have found my land, and I'm on it, not a 0|uarter of a mile from here. What are you doing ?" " I have got charge of a stock-yard, about fifteen miles off, and I'm going my rounds to see how the cattle lie." " Cattle ! I wish I had known there were cattle here- abouts; I should have been glad of some of the fresh meat. I've seen none near us. But, to be sure, I have never left my tents before to-day, to go as far as this even. But we can talk as we go home ; they are waiting for me, and glad enough will they be at what I am bring, ing them." With this we proceeded homewards, till we came to the part of the stream where a tree had fallen across, which served as a bridge for the stock-keeper to come over to me. When we got to the tents, he went, as a matter of course, to the men's sod-hut, where Bob did the honours ; this relieved me from a little embarrassment, for I did not know on what footing to treat the stock-keeper. After a while Bob appeared with the stranger's four ducks, saying that he would be glad of salt pork instead, as it would be a treat to him. Friday, 3Iarch 22. — The stock-keeper slept in Bob's hut. I found that he had two kangaroo dogs for sale, a dog and a bitch — asked twelve dollars each for them. Thought it a large sum, but after some explanation agreed to give it. To bring the dogs on Tuesday. Saturday, Ilarch 23. — Tried my hand with Bob at making a table. Took some of the cleanest of the split logs, and splitting them again, contrived, by smoothing them with the axe, and planing them where possible, to produce a tolerably even surface. It was six feet long, and four wide. My wife praised my ingenuity, and her 88 Start off to Buy Sheep. mother declared it was a splendid piece of furniture. The '"hildren were very merry at it, and Betsy, my eldest girl, who was christened after her grandmother, covered it with an old green cloth, that had served to pack things in, which gave it quite a genteel look. We were all abed and asleep, when we were awakened by a prodigious cracking of whips and sounds of voices in the distance. "We were agreeably surprised by the arrival of the bullock-cart, with Crab and the man, bear- ing fresh supplies and additions to our stores, for we did not expect him till next day. Sunday, 24. — Passed as usual. Crab says he has seen a fine lot of sheep — one hundred and eighty ewes with their lambs, and forty wethers, to be had cheap for money, near the Green Ponds. Thought of the sheep all night, but could not plan how to keep them without another servant. Monday, 25. — Found that John Bond, one of my go- vernment men, had been used to sheep in England. Determined to have a look afthe sheep nest day, but very reluctant to leave home. Tuesday, 26. — Crab and Bob set to work to complete the shingling of the cottage. Seeing the importance of beginning to get stock about me, and of taking advan- tage of cheap sales, I started off at daylight with John Bond to the Green Ponds. Arrived there at mid-day ; examined the sheep, bought the whole lot at 10s. 6c?. a head, that is, reckoning the ewe and lamb as one. The lambs are about five months old. This comes to four hundred and sixty-two dollars, dollars passing for five shillings, which cost me four shillings and fourpence in London. ANightAlarm. 89 They were large carcassed sheep, partaking more of the Leicestershire breed than any other; their wool far from fine, but not positively coarse. These one hundred and eighty ewes formed the basis of my future flocks, of the rise of which I shall have to speak in the proper place. I paid for the sheep by an order for so much money in camp. When I had bought them, the next thing was how to get them home. I and my man drove them to the foot of the Den Hill that evening, and then letting them feed in the valley, they rested quietly where they were when the day closed. We kept watch and watch all night. About the mid- dle of the night the sheep became very restless, and I wondered what was the matter, and was easily alarmed, being in constant apprehension of bush-rangers and na- tives. I had my gun ready, and listened attentively ; I could hear nothing but my man snoring. Presently I thought I heard a sort of snuffing, as of some animal, and peering through the dark, I thought I saw an out- line different from that of a sheep, and standing by itself. I knew there were no wild animals in the country that would attack man, but I felt a little queerish at the ap- pearance of the shadowy form of a creature which I took to be the native dog, as I had heard it called in camp. I was curious to know what it was, and, prompted by that feeling of using the gun which grows with one in the bush, I fired. The whole flock roused up at this, and my man awoke directly. I told him what I had done, and when we had settled the sheep down again, we went to the 'spot, and found an animal killed and warm. When the daylight came, I found I had killed a sort of animal peculiar to the country, as all animals are in 90 Arrive at Home with my Sheep. Van Diemen's Land. It was more like a large wild dog or jackal than anything else; about the size of a New- foundland dog, but not so thick and heavy ; of a brown- ish colour, and was partly striped and partly spotted like a leopard. It was a female, and possessed the peculiarity attached only to the animals of New South Wales, of the false belly or pouch for containing the young one. I was not naturalist enough to make out to what description of animal the creature belonged, but my friend Mr. Moss, who settled near me some years after, has told me since, that the animal is of the canine genus, and of a species before unknown. My man skinned it for me, and when we got home Betsy covered the stump of a gum-tree with it, and it being elegantly stuffed with dry grass, it formed a seat of honour for my wife. We lost no time iq^etting the sheep over the long hill, and then letting them travel leisurely, we reached home with them before noon. There was a fine stir about the tents when the sheep came in sight. We were welcomed by my wife, and her mother, and the children in a body. Even Crab seemed pleased. "Well," said he, "here's more company, at any rate. You must look sharp after them, or not a tail will you see to-morrow morning. The sheep in this country are dreadful creatures to stray. And no wonder, poor things ! they naturally try to find some grass fit to eat, which they never do, and that makes 'em eternally wandering about. We shall have a pretty job to brand 'em. Where do you mean to mark 'em." " Why," said I, " I must do as well as I can, for I have no marking-irons." AnoteerTriptoTown. 91 " No marking-irons ! Here's a mess ! TVe must make another journey to town. Only think of travel- ling fifty or sixty miles, and the same back, after mark- ing-irons, or any little thing that may be wanted. "Why, there isn't a blacksmith nearer than camp ! Well, i suppose we must make another trip ?" ''And no great harm in that/' said I; ''I don't see the use of putting the plough in the gTOund yet; it's too late and too early; so we had better take advantage of the leisurCj^'and cart everything up that must be carted." " Why, you never mean to drag all your goods up here, when you're sure to have to drag them all back again V said Crab ; '• for as to staying here, that's out of all question. You'll soon have a visit from the bush- rangers when they smell out there is something to be got; or else the natives will call on you in a friendly way, and make a bonfire of your, new house ; or else — you'll make a bonfire of it yourself, when you come to be sick of the whole affair, as you soon will." " We shall see," said I. And so it was settled that the cart should go down next day with Crab and Bob, as we should want the other man to mind the. sheep. We turned our little flock into the meadow, where we could see for a mile before us, with only trees enough to make the place look pleasing, like a gentleman's park in England. The stock-keeper came this afternoon with the two kangaroo dogs. Hector and Fly ; I found they were the very same dogs I had met with at New Norfolk. They soon got used to us. Wednesday, March 27. — Crab went to camp with Bob, and one of the carts, and four bullocks. The stock- 92 A Kangaroo Steamer. keeper stayed with us to-day to lend a hand to finish the ihingling ; but my boy was mad to take the dogs out ifter a kangaroo, and the stock-keeper promised to go mth him and show him the sport next morning. Got on well with the shingling to-day. Thursday, Jfarch 28. — Finished the shingling to-day all but the skillion. Just after dark, Will came home with his new friend, the stock-keeper, tired enough, and he soon made an end of the remains of a cockatoo-pie. He brought with him the tail of an immense kangaroo as a trophy, while the stock-keeper bore on his shoulders the hind-quarters of another, holding the two hind-legs before him, while the tail was hanging down his back nearly to the ground. I asked what they had done with the kangaroo that Will's tail belonged to, and they said they had left the fore- quarters on the ground, and that they had hoisted up the hind-quarters and the skins on a tree, some six or seven miles from the tents. I thought this a sad waste, but it was the general custom in those times. The wo- men then busied themselves in cooking part of the venison for supper, under the instructions of the stock- keeper, who was an experienced epicure in kangaroo cookery. The tenderest parts, and those most free from the tendons and fibres with which the flesh of the kan- garoo abounds, were carefully cut out, and chopped up fine; some slices of salt pork were added to this, and the whole put to steam slowly over the fii'e. This national dish of the Van Diemen's Land bush is called a ''Steamer." I think I never ate anything so delicious; we all had a hearty stuff, and the old lady insisted on having the rum introduced, to celebrate, as My Son's Keturn. 93 she said, Will's first exploit of huntiog. The tail was left on the fire in a Papin's digester, to make soup for the next day. The soup was better even than the steamer ; but I must not anticipate. As we sat round the fire on our logs of wood, enjoying ourselves after the bush fashion, I sitting, as my custom was at that time, with my gun over my arm, for fear of surprises, but feeling more safe since the arrival of the dogs, which in this country act not only as hounds for hunting, but as capital watch-dogs, the ladies were curious to know how "Will had contrived to catch the kangaroos, and what sort of sport it was. Will was very tired, but the cockatoo-pie and the steamer had refreshed him, and he soon fired up at the recollection of the sport, and told us what had happened to him. As this was my boy's first expedition, I noted down his description in my journal, thinking it might interest him in after times ; and to do it the greater honour, I have made it the subject of a separate chapter. Cjiajitn (Bigljtli. A Kangaroo tunt — Description and habits of the animal— Crab dilates on the topsy-turviness of all things animal, vegetable and geographical in Van Diemen's Land. It was just light when the stock-keeper called me, and I wasn't long dressing. I took one of the large pistols that father said I might have, and the stock-keeper had a musket, and we had half a damper and a paper of salt, and I had my big hack -knife, and so oif we went. I do think Hector knew he was going to have some kangaroo, for he seemed so glad, and licked his chops, and Fly wag- ged h-er tail, and the morning was so beautiful; and what do you think, father, the bird that mother likes to hear so much is a magpie ! it is indeed, for I saw it, and it's just like an English magpie, only it sings so beautifully. We walked over the plain till we came to the hills; the dogs kept quiet behind us. The stock-keeper said I might see they had been well trained; they kept their heads low, and their tails hanging down behind them, as if they had no life in them ; but you should have seen them when they got sight of a kangaroo, did'nt they pluck up ! We went on till we got about four or five miles from the tents, and then we did not talk, for the kangaroos are startled at the least noise; they are just like hares for that. Then the stock-keeper stood still. He said to the dogs, " Go find;" and then the dogs can- (94) A Kanqaroo*IIunt. 95 tered about round us, going farther and farther, till Hec- tor began to smell aboiit very earnestly. "He has got scent," said the stock-keeper, and so he had, for he galloped off with his nose to the ground, straight ahead. Fly saw him, and she galloped after. " I think it's a big one," said the stock-keeper, " the dogs seem so warm at it." I was running after them as fast as I could, when the stock-keeper called after me to stop. " Stop," said he ; " it's of no use for you to run, you could not keep up with them." " Why, what are we to do ?" said I ; " if. they kill a kangaroo, how can we find it ?" "Wait a bit," said he ; " all in good time. If the dogs kill a kangaroo, we shall find him, I'll warrant." So we waited and waited till I was quite tired ; and a good while after. Hector came back quite slowly, as if he was tired, with Fly following after. The stock-keeper looked at his mouth. "What's that for?" said I. " To see if he has killed," said he ; " look here, his mouth is bloody, and that's come by killing a kangaroo, you may be sure of it." Then the stock-keeper stood up and said to Hector, "Showj" and then Hector trotted off, not fast, but pretty fast, so that I was obliged to trot too to keep up with him; and he trotted on and on till I was rather tired, I dare say for three miles from where we were at first ; and on he went, and we following him, till he brought us to a dead kangaroo, close to a little pool of water. It was a monstrous big one, with such a claw on each of his hind-legs ;• a claw that would rip up a dog in a moment, or a man too, if he got at him. 96 Fight avit^ the Kangaroo. " Good dog \" said the stock-keeper, and Hector wagged Lis tail, and seemed to like to be praised. Then the stock-keeper gave me his guu to hold, and he cut open the kangaroo and gave the inside to the dogs. Then he skinned the upper part down to the loins, and cut the kangaroo in half, and hung it up in a tree, noting the place ; the other half he left on the ground • that is, when he went away from the place, for he would not let the dogs have more than a taste of the blood, lest it should spoil their hunting. ''What's to be done now?" said I. ''We'll till another," said the stock-keeper, "if you are not tired." I said I was not tired a bit ; so after we had rested a little while, we went on again, the dogs following us as at first. We saw plenty of brush kangaroos, but we would not touch them. After we had got a mile or two, the stock-keeper, who had been examining the ground all the way along, said, " I think there are some big ones hereabouts, by the look of the marks;" so he said to the dogs, "Go find," as he had said before. Almost directly, we saw such a large fellow — I'm sure he was six feet high — he looked at us and at the dogs for a moment, and then off he went. My gracious ! what hops he did give ! he hopped with his two hind-legs, with his fore-legs in the air, and his tail straight out behind him, — and wasn't it a tail ! — it was as thick as a bed-post ! and this great tail went wag, wag, up and down, as he jumped, and seemed to balance him behind. But Hector and Fly were after him. This time the stock-keeper ran too, for the ground was level and clear of fallen timber, and you could see a good way before you. I had begun to feel a little tired, but I didn't feel tired then. Hop, hop went Chase another Kangaroo. 97 the kangaroo, and the dogs after him, and we after the dogs; and we scampered on till I was quite out of breath j and the kangaroo was a good bit before the dogs, when he turned up a hill. "Now we shall have him," said the stock-keeper; " the dogs will beat him up hill." I wanted my breath, but I kept up, and we scrambled up the hill, and I thought the dogs would get him ; but the kangaroo got to the top of the hill first, and when we srot a sight of him, he was bounding down the hill, Co? o making such prodigious leaps at every jump, over every thing, that you could'nt believe it, if you did'nt see it. The dogs had no chance with him down hill. ''It's of no use," said the stock-keeper, "for us to try to keep up with him; we may as well stay here. He'll lead the dogs a pretty chase, will that fellow ; he's a Boomah, and one of the biggest rascals I ever saw." So we sat down at the top of the hill, under a gum-tree, and there we sat a long time, I don't know how long, until we saw Hector coming up. The stock-keeper looked at his mouth. " He has killed," said he ; " but he has got a little scratched in the tussle, and so has Fly. That big chap was almost too much for two dogs." Then he said, " Go, show !" and Hector and Fly trotted along straight to where the kangaroo lay, without turning to the right or left, but going over everything, just as if they knew the road quite well. We came to a hollow, and there we saw the kangaroo lying dead. Just as the stock-keeper was going to cut him open, I saw another kangaroo not a hundred yards off. 98 Kangaroo Fights the Dogs. "There's another/' said I; and the dogs, although ihej had had a hard battle with the kangaroo lying dead, started off directly. Close by us was a large pond of water, like a little lake. The kangaroo was between the dogs and the lake. Not knowing how to get past, I suppose, he hopped right into the lake, and the dogs went after him. He hopped further into the lake, where the water got deeper, and then the dogs were obliged to swim, but they were game, and would not leave their work. When the kangaroo found himself getting pretty deep in the water, he stopped, and turned on the dogs; but he could not use his terrible hind claws, so when one of the dogs made a rise at his throat (they always try to get hold of the throat), he took hold of him with his fore- legs, and ducked him under the water. Then the other dog made a spring at him, and the kangaroo ducked him in the same way. " Well," said the stock-keeper, " I never saw the like of that before ; this is a new game." And all the while the dogs kept springing at the kan- garoo's throat, and the kangaroo kept ducking them un- der the water. But it was plain the dogs were getting exhausted, for they were obliged to swim and be ducked too, while the kangaroo stood with his head and fore-legs from out of the water. " This will never do," said the stock-keeper; "he'll drown the dogs soon at this rate." So he took his gun from me, and put a ball in it. " Now," said he, " for a good shot ; I must take care not to hit the dogs." He put his gun over the branch of a dead tree, and ■^^atching his time, he fired, and hit the kangaroo iu the M A K E A D I N X E R F H I M . 99 neck, and down it came in the water. He then called off the dogs, and they swam back to us. " He is such a prime one," said he, " it would be a pity to lose his skin ;" so he waded in after him, and dragged him out. " It's a pity," said he, '^to lose so much meat, but his hind-quarters would be a bigger load than I shoidd like to carry home ; but I must have his skin, and I'll tell you what, young fellow, you shall have his tail, though I'm thinking it's rather more than you can carry home." This roused me a bit, to think I couldn't carry a kan- garoo's tail; so I determined to take it home, if I dropped, though I must say it was so heavy that I was obliged to rest now and then, and the stock-keeper carried it a good part of the way for me. " What shall we do with the meat ?" said I. "What shall we do with it!" said he; "are you hungry ?" " 1 believe you," said I. " Then we'll make a dinner off him," said the stock- keeper. With that we got together some dry sticks, and made a fire, and the stock-keeper took the ramrod of his mus- ket, and first he cut a slice of the lean off the loins, which he said was the tenderest part, and put the ramrod through it, and then he cut out a bit of fat, and slid it on after the lean, and so on a bit of fat and a bit of lean, till he had put on lots of slices, and so he roasted them over the fire. He gave me the ramrod to hold, and cutting a long slice of bark out of a gum-tree, made two plates • capital plates, he said, for a bush dinner. I told you we had got some salt and some damper, and I was 100 Nature of the Kanc4Aroo. pretty hungry, as you may suppose, and I thought it the most delicious dinner I ever ate. When I had dono, I laid down on the grass, and Hector and Fly came and laid themselves down beside me, and somehow, I don't know how it was, I fell asleep, I was so tired. I slept a good while, for the stock-keeper said it would have been a sin to wake me, I was in such a sweet sleep. I woke up, however, after a good nap, and felt as if I could eat a bit more kangaroo. But it was getting late, and so we made the best of our way home. We passed by the place where we had killed the first kangaroo ; so the stock- keeper brought home the hind-quarters and the three skins, and I brought home a tail; and really I don't know which is best, kangaroo steaks or kangaroo steamer. "Or cockatoo-pie," said his mother; " and now to bed. I dare say we shall dream all night of your ' Tale of a Kangaroo.' " * * * * Will's account of his sport amused us very much ; and it was a correct description of the way of hunting the animal. I may remark here on the amazing quantity of grass that a kangaroo eats ; it eats nothing else in its wild state, but the quantity found in it has often aston- ished me. When caught very young, and tamed, it will eat all sorts of vegetnbles ; but of all things I ever tried it with, it is fondest of browu sugar; it will follow you about for brown sugar, just as sheep will follow the shepherd to get a lick of a lump of salt. It is a timid, fearful animal ; very pretty in appearance when its head and neck only are visible over the bushes, 'but an ungainly creature in its whole aspect. The feature of its false belly or pouch, into which the young one creeps to sleep or to avoid danger, is peculiar to the females of all tne native animals of this country. Cjmjitjr liiutlj. Takes posstssion of his new house — Delight of independence — Crab puts the plough into the ground — The garden, and sheep-shear- ing — The settler takes stock and makes a discovery. Ajivil 1. — Took possession of our new house, ard "worked hard at the doors and window-shutters. Frost at night. Ajjril '2. — All hands at the stone chimney. Made a rough job of it, but got on pretty well. The stone is easy to work; it easily breaks into flakes handy for working; as for mortar, we use some sandy loam mixed with clay from the river, and it seems to make cement good enough for our purpose. April 3 and 4. — Finished the stone chimney, and lighted a blazing fire, for the nights are cold now ; and with our large table iu the middle of the room, with Betsy's green cloth on it, and seated on our logs of wood, we formed a cheerful party at supper. April 5. — Eose early, according to my custom, and surveyed my new dwelling with a particular sort of satis- faction. "No rent to pay for you," said I; "no taxes, that's pleasant ; no poor-rates, that's a comfort ; and no one can give me warning to quit, and that's another comfort; and it's my own, thank God, and that's the greatest comfort of all." I cast my eyes on the plain before me, and saw my flock of sheep stiidding the plain, with my working bullocks at a little distance. My dogs * (101) 102 A New Feeling OF Independence. camo "jp and, lii;k,cd, my Lands. Presently my children came^ out m,to the frosk, morning air, which was rather Bracing, a,j the weather >i;as getting colder every day, in the morning and evening, but still warm in the middle of the day, and we had a romp with the dogs. As we sat at breakfast that morning in our rude cottage, with the bare walls of logs of trees, and the shingle roof above us, all rough enough, but spacious, and a little too airy, I began to have a foretaste of that feeling of in- dependence and security of home and substance which I have so many years enjoyed in a higher degree than I then looked for; but I must not anticipate. •K- * * - * -;5- ^ ^ Finished all the doors and shutters, and put on good fiistenings of bolts and locks which I had brought from England. April 6. — Considered in my mind whether it would not be well to turn up some ground to sweeten ready for spring sowing in September. The winter frosts, should there be any, of June, July, and August, would pulve- rize the clods a bit. I can't help smiling while I write this of June, July, and August, being the wiiUer months ; it shows how topsy-turvy things are here. Consulted Crab about it, for he understands farming well. Crab says there must be something wrong about it ; he can- not understand how I can pretend to have a Spring sowing in September ! "It's against reason," he says, "and against nature, and he can't encourage such nonsense." Aj)ril 7. — Thought I'd try a bit of land about a quarter of a mile from the house, and that lay handy for fencing — about twelve acres. Stuck the plough into Improving the Farm. 103 it this morning, and it turned up rarely. Crab came to laugh at us. I saw he eyed the furrows wistfully, and cast a longing look at the plough. At last he grew very fidgetty, and taking occasion to find fault with the fur- rows for not being straight, he seized hold of the shafts, shoving me aside without much ceremony, saying, '' Heaven be good to us ! do you call that ploughing ? Here, give us hold." His grim visage seemed actually to change and light up when he felt the wood in his hands, and giving the word. Bob smacked on the bul- locks, and Crab, in the exuberance of his joy, began to sing some extraordinary Shropshire song, which made the woods ring again, and the work went on merrily. Frem that hour Crab would allow no one to touch the plough but himself, and he really seemed to enjoy his work with all the relish of an unexpected restoration to an old and loved occupation. The ground was quite clear of trees, and without many stones, and in little more than a fortnight the whole was turned up. Then we set to, to cut down the light tim- ber in the vicinity to make a bush fence, which employed us for some time. After that, we worked hard to fence in a bit of ground for a garden. We had to go rather farther from home after some stringy-bark trees best for splitting laths, and contrived to enclose about an acre. Then we had a stock-yard to build, and pens for the sheep, and to fence it with bush fences. Building the stock-yard was hard work, as we had to form it of the solid trunks of trees, about nine inches to a foot in diameter, and from twenty to thirty feet long ; these we had to drag by bullock-chains and four bullocks, from 1 spot about a mile and a half from the house : heavy 104 More about my Farm. work, and hard labour to set them up. I determined to do everything well, and in such a way as to fall in with my plan of the future farm and buildings. All this work, and the sending of the cart three times to Camp to bring up various articles, occupied the whole of the winter months of June, July, and August. I ought to say here, that I found the winter very mild. The snow lay on the ground once for three days, about two inches thick, and there was ice strong enough to bear in one or two places, in a deep hollow about three miles from the cottage, which the rays of the sun did not reach. The mornings and evenings were cold, particularly just before daylight, when the cold was sharpest, but the middle of the day was like a bright October day in England. There is very little rain in the autumn in Van Diemen's Land, that is, from the begin- ning of March to the end of May ; and not much rain during the winter months of June, July and August. The rainy season is for about sis weeks or two months in the spring, that is, in September and October. November 1. — My one hundred and eighty ewes, which I bought last March, have produced me two hun- dred and twenty lambs, many having dropped two lambs a-piece. I trust the wool will be improved, as I had taken care to choose the best rams I could find shortly after I bought them. This makes my flock look re- spectable. This month I bought six cows heavy with calf, for four pounds each. They are fine cows, but rather wild. Applied for another servant from the government, and had assigned to me a tolerably good one, but he knows nothing of farming. We find now that we have plenty Summer in Decejniber! 105 to do. My poor wife v.'orks lianl, for tlie female ser- vants are generally idle, troublesome things. Her mother, however, helps her with the children. * * Got the windows of the cottage glazed, and covered the floor all over with boards, and put boards over our heads for a ceiling. The shepherd found some whitish earth, like whiting, about six miles from the cottage. I had long since plastered it inside and out with sand and river clay, and now I gave it a coat of this whitewash outside, which gave it a very smart appearance. For the inside, I mixed with the white earth some of the red ochre which is abundant in many parts of the coun- try : this produced something of a salmon colour, and the plaster being smooth, the ochre gave it the appear- ance of stucco, and it looked very well and seemly. We begin to think something of ourselves, and should assume airs of importance, only there is no one near us to show them to. Decemhei-. — We are now getting to the end of De- cember, and summer is coming on. The wheat looks well, which Crab attributes to his peculiar method of ploughing, which he has endeavoured to explain to me ; but I .cannot understand it, although I agree with him, of course. He says he shall wait to see how the wheat comes up, and then he shall bid me good-by and go home. The garden comes on beautifully. Peas want stick- ing. Cabbages and cauliflowers transplanted last month doing well. The six cows dropped their calves this month. This will make them attached to the place. The l)€(jinning of the farm looks thriving ; may the end not disappoint me ! (Cjin|itrr (fotlj Expenses of settling — Increase of sheep and cattle — Anecdotes of snakes — His position in 1821 — Increase of sheep and cattle in lS2i — Sheep-stealing increases in the Colony — Hears some dis- agreeable accounts of bush-rangers — His prosperous state in Jlay, 1824 — His tranquillity is suddenly disturbed by distressing cries of alarm from a neighbouring farm. March Isf, 1818. — As I had from the first formed the plan of attending particularly to the breeding of sheep, as the easiest and most profitable occupation that could be pursued in Van Diemen's Land, I did not em- barrass myself by attempting to bring a large quantity of land under cultivation, and I applied myself there- fore to the tillage of my farm no more than was suffi- cient to supply my own consumption. I kept my atten- tion steadil}' fixed on the raising of wool, as a commo- dity, should the value of the carcass fail, of easy con- veyance, compared with corn, and of certain sale as an article of export. Decemher 31, 1818 — Divided my sheep into two flocks. Their numbers stand thus : — In March last I find the numbers 702. Since then, lambs dropped in October from the 180 old ewes — ewes, 118 ; wethers, 100=218 lambs. The 100 young ewes dropped in November 62 ewe lambs and 58 wethers^^- 120. This makes— old flock . . .702 Old ewes' lambs . . . .218 Young ewes' lambs . . . . 120 1040 (106) I N C R K A S E OF iM Y F L O C K S . 107 Deducting from this number S4 head consumed on the farm, my two flocks amount to 956. My -working bullocks are the same as before, namely eight. My six cows have produced me six more calves, raising my stock of cattle to 18, besides the working bullocks. * ^- * * * I was a little puzzled to know what to do with my wool, the expense of carting it to town being great. An agent of one of the merchants offered me three- pence per pound to take it away at his own expense, which, after some consideration, I thought it best to accept. - I worked hard this year at my fencing, which is one of the most difficult, laborious, and expensive of a new settler's operations ; but if it can be done without en- croaching too much on his funds, it amply repays the labour and outlay ', I mean the fencing in of his corn- fields, paddocks, sheep-yards, and homesteads. I have not said much about the snakes to be seen all over the colony. We have killed a great many of them, but we have never been bitten by them. They always avoid you, and are glad to get out of your way. I have -re or two anecdotes to relate of them, which I may as well introduce here. I was one day walking with my shepherd, and ob- serving the sheep, when being tired, we sat down on the grass; there was dead wood scattered around. I had only just seated myself, when turning my head I bfbeld a monstrous black snake close behind me ; it was c^arly six feet long, and apparently asleep, at least it was quite motionless. I silently pointed out the reptilo 108 Anecdotes op Snakes. to the stock-keeper, and drawing from my pocket the pistol which I usually carried, and which was loaded ■with ball, I approached cautiously within a few inches of the creature's head, intending to blow its brains out. Drawing the trigger, the powder flashed in the pan, but the charge having escaped, either from careless ramming or from having long carried it about in my pocket, the remaining powder in the barrel was only just sufficient to move the ball, which rolled slowly out of the muzzle, and dropping on the snake's head, roused it. I think I never was in such a terrible fright in my life ; I made sure that I should kill the snake on the instant, and there I was on one knee close to it, and without the chance of escaping if it made a dart at me. By some extraordinary good luck, the snake was frightened too; it raised up its head — looked at me for a moment — and then glided away. We were both in such a fright that we had not presence of mind to kill it with sticks, and so it escaped, and right glad were we to escape the danger. At another time, I was looking about at a short dis- tance from the cottage, in the autumn, when the rivers get very low, when I observed on the opposite side of a deep pool of water a rustling among the long grass, and pres- ently the head of a snake appeared over the bank, peer- ing with curious eye into the pool below. I judged, from the creature's movements, that it had been accus- tomed to drink out of this pool, and was disappointed to find the water so low as to be out of its reach. It seemed to ponder a good deal on this state of things, turning its head to the right and left, as if to devise Bome means of getting at the water. At last it turned Another Snake Story. i09 its head towards the long wirj grass around it, and selecting an appropriate tuft close to the edge of the bank, it twisted the end of its tail round the grass, and so letting itself down and hanging by the extremity of its tail, it was enabled to reach the water. It then drank, frequently raising up its head as a fowl does when it drinks. I was observing the motions of the gentleman all the time with much curiosity, and with my fowling-piece ready to shoot it before it retired ; for the deadliest war is the constant proclamation of the colony against all snakes, and no mercy is ever shown to this most dangerous and insidious enemy. I fired and killed it. It measured nearly five feet and a half in length. I shall tell only one more story of snakes. I was riding on the other side of the colony, about twenty miles from Launceston, when I suddenly came upon a snake crossing the road; it was not a very large one, but I was struck with the remarkable beauty and bril- liancy of its colours. I had my double-barrel fowling- piece slung at my back, as was usual with me, and in my hand I had one of the little straight horsewhips used on horseback. The snake crossed just before me, and I stopped immediately and alighted, with the inten- tion of killing it, urged by that instinct to kill a snake wherever seen, which becomes added, I think, to -our other natui-al instincts, after a residence in the colony. The creature moved away with great rapidity towards some trees at the distance of about a hundred and fifty yards, on a path which I directly saw was a snake-track. I had great difficulty in making my horse follow me in this chase. "When I came up to the reptile, I reached out my arm and gave it a slash on its tail with my horse- 110 A Battle with Him. ■whip. This made it stop, and turn its head and hiss, with a threat to dart at me. Then I kept back, and the snake made another start, till I brought it to a stand- still by another cut of my whip. I could see no broken bough near me to smash it with, and I did not like to dirty my fowling-piece by discharging it. This running fight lasted for some score of yards, till at last the snake, getting exasperated, turned, and stood at bay. I relate this anecdote principally, because of the attitude which the snake now assumed, which I had often seen in pictures, but never before in nature. The snake coiled itself up into a close coil, so as to form a good foundation, it seemed, for a spring. It reminded me, in this attitude, of the picture of the snake in an old edition of Milton's " Paradise Lost," where the serpent is represented tempting Eve. This resemblance occurred to me while I was fighting it. We now had a grand battle. I let go the reign of my horse, and fought the snake with my horsewhip, I slashing it occasionally round the neck and body, and it darting out at me, and hissing furiously, with its eyes as bright as diamonds. It was rather rash of me, I confess, but I was excited at the time, and did not think of the risk that I ran. I could not master it, however, with my slight weaJDon, so I retired, when it immediately made off again, as much as to say, "Let me alone, and I'll let you alone." I followed it till I came to some broken boughs, when I easily killed it by a blow on the body. ^ ^ ^ ^ • On looking over my journal, I do not find anything de- eerving of particular mention up to 1821. I ploughed. The Neighborhood Increases. Ill and I sowed, and I reaped in due order, and my flocks and herds increased without much attention on my part, except to keep them together. I attended carefully to the garden. My children had suffered no illness since I had arrived in the colony. In 1821 some new settlers took land in this district, and the place began to assume the appearance of becoming more inhabited, A surgeon, a gentleman-like and clever man, settled near us; but there was nothing for him to do except attending to an occasional accident. A blacksmith, at the close of this year, established himself on the banks of the Clyde, and this was a great convenience to us, during this year I planned out a cut from a river, where a natural bend afforded the facility for the purpose of erecting a flour-mill, which was much wanted, as there was no mill nearer than camp, fifty miles off; and we had to cart our wheat down to the town, and return with the flour — a tedious and expensive process. I had to manage with a hand-mill for my own use, but the time consumed in grinding corn in this way was very great, and the labour of it was distasteful to the servants, so that it was frequently out of order. In the course of the following year I erected a small floui' mill, with an undershot wheel, which answered very well, and its cost was soon repaid by its convenience to myself, and by the toll which was paid to me by my neighbours as the inhabitants in- creased. In 1821, a careful census was taken of the statistics of the colony, which I find in my journal to stand thus : — Number of inhabitants, 7,185; acres in cultivation, 14,940; sheep, 170,000; cattle, 35,000; horses, 350. 112 My Wealth Increases. During 1822 two magistrates were appointed for ttia district. May, 1824. — Matters remained much as usual up to May, 1824. This completes my seventh year in the colony. During these seven years the colony had assumed a very diiferent appearance. Numerous emigrants had arrived, and the country had become more settled. The value of sheep had risen in 1821, and good ewes sold currently for 20s. a head, and if with lambs by their side, from 20s. to 30s. This state of things put the old set- tlers who had attended to their stock in fine spirits, for the influx of settlers kept up the price of stock for some years. I did very well by the sale of mine, and had the good fortune not to neglect taking advantage of the op- portunity. I realized considerable sums by the sales which I made, and my sheep sold well, as the wool was fine enough to command a ready sale at the same time that the carcass was heavy enough to suit the new set- tlers, who wanted sheep as meat for consumption. I find, on referring to my journal, that in May, 1824, my stock stood as follows : — Sheep— ewes, 3,650 ; wethers, 290. Total, 3940. Cattle— 75. Working bullocks — 14. This year I bought three horses, two mares heavy with foal for £50 and 60£, and a gelding, for which I gave £65, for my own riding, as my circuits began to be too heavy to be performed on foot. I was in Hobart Town at the close of the autumn of 1821, at which time there was more than one excellent hotel, when, in walking about, I came upon a bit of land, about half an acre (within the town I may say), and covered with rubbish Sheep-Stealing more Frequent. 113 and stagnant water here and there, and looking •wTetched and neglected; the run of new buildings had taken a tura in another direction, and this piece of waste had been overlooked. Living at a distance, I could not help being struck with the rapidity with which the town was increasing ; a sightly church had been built ; a new court-house in progress of completion ; the government house completed in its improved state ; there was a talk of the establish- ment of a bank ; and the colony was thriving and im- proving rapidly. I took all these things into considera- tion, and was surprised to find this plot of ground ne- glected ; but so it was, and nobody seemed to care for it. Having spare money which I did not at the moment well know how to dispose of, I made inc{uiries about the owner and price, and found that I might have the lot for a hundred pounds. So I bought the bit of waste land ; but other matters distracting my attention from it, I did nothing with it for some years after. What was done with it I shall have to relate in its proper place. Sheep-stealing had been rife for the last two or three years, the value of the animal making it a great temp- tation, and the facilities for driving off and concealing sheep being considered, it is not to be wondered at. One or two bush-rangers have also been abroad ; I was on business in town this year (1824), and heard the in- formation of a party who had been attacked by bush- rangers. It made a very disagreeable impression on me, and I felt very uneasy as I listened to it, from thinking that my own family was exposed at that moment to the same disaster. 8 114 Bush-Rangers Abroad. I could not sleep all niglit after hearing this news of bush-rangers being out. Hitherto we had not been mo- lested at the Clyde, but it occurred to me that the arri- val there of fresh emigrants likely to have money and valuables about them, and new to the country, and thereby more easy to be attacked, might tempt the con- victs to go up there. These thoughts kept possession of me all night, and I could not resist the desire of re- turning home. At dawn of day, therefore, I set out, and my horse being fresh, I had no difficulty in reaching the Clyde before two o'clock the same day. I may re- mark here that the horses in Van Diemen's Land are capable of cndviring great fatigue ; they are small, but strong and hardy; sure-footed, and capable of support- ing their work on the natural grass of the country on their journeys. * * * j -^yas glad to find all safe at home, but I made my wife rather uneasy by my report of the marauding of the bush-rangers at Pitt. Water. This information about the sheep-stealing coming upon the news of the bush-rangers at Pitt Water, made me un- comfortable and restless. But the sight of my foraily and my home soon restored me to my usual cheerfulness. * * * * * Extract from my journal of May, 1824 : — " Kept a sharper look-out after my own flocks. Cer- tainly I have been very lucky hitherto; things have thrived with me most prosperously. I am now in pos- session of a numerous flock of sheep ; of a tolerable herd of cattle ; I have forty -five acres of land under tillage ; the building of my new stone house proceeds favourably; I have a fair portion of land fenced in ; my garden has succeeded admirably ; I have all sorts of English vegeta- Family Matters. 115 bles in abundance ; strawberries, raspberries, gooseber- ries, currants, young apple and pear trees, vigorous and growing fast. " My family, now increased to six, begin to be com- panions to me; and theii" education, even in this out-of- the-way place, has not been neglected. The place is be- coming settled around me, which although it curtails the run for my sheep and cattle, increases the feeling of se- curity, and aifords some society. " My eldest boy, now seventeen years of age, is a valu- able assistant to me, and affords the promise of becoming a healthy, intelligent, and honourable man. My daughter Betsy grows a fine, handsome girl; and my other chil- dren are healthy, happy, and improving. I have the plea- surable feeling of caring little whether my consumption of meat and flour is a little less or a little more. Abund- ance reigns around me. The feeling of anxiety w|^th which I used to be haunted in England, in respect to how my children could be made certain of lodging, food, and clothes, has departed from me. There is plenty for all ; and the dominant desire now is changed to that of be- coming wealthy. To be sure, we still live rather in the rough; but usage has made it familiar to us. We use no fine furniture, wear no fine clothes, and our establishment still bears the impress of a settler's early life. But I am rich (for independence is riches) in sheep and cattle, and house and land. My large room has become furnished with an ample supply of books, and I find recreation and advantage in their perusal. ' ' The climate, on experience, we find healthy, though very changeable, and subject to extreme variations of heat and cold. I find, by the register of my thermome- 116 A Great Change. ter, that the temperature has varied thirty-two degrees between night and noon ; being below freezing-point in the night, and above sixty-three at twelve and one o'clock. These variations, do not affect the health of any of us ; we/ee? the cold, — that is all. " This year we have added fish to our table. We threw a net across a narrow part of the river, about half a mile from the house, and we now obtain a plentiful supply of eels at most times. We catch also a small fish of the na- ture of the gudgeon, but larger, which we call the fresh water smelt. But the rivers in this colony, at least the inland portions of them, are not prolific offish; nor do the large lakes, the sources of several of them, supply much. Scarcely a fish, indeed, is to be found in the lakes of the colony. There is plenty of wild fowl at the lakes ; 1 have seen flocks literally of thousands of wild ducks on one of them." But to return to my Journal. Thus, in May, 1824, all things prospered with me. But now the uniform life which I had led for some years, experienced a great change. Just before the winter, that is, toward the end of May, 1824, we were sitting round our cheerful fire, and the servant had with difficulty borne in a huge log to replenish it; it was about nine o'clock, and quite dark, when the barking of the dogs announced the arrival of a stranger; he was on horseback, as we could hear from the sound of the horse's hoofs on the hard ground. He was quickly shown into the house, and according to the custom of the colony, food and drink were placed before him ere he was troubled with any questions. But he was eager to communicate tho tidings with which he was charged. Startling Outcries. 117 Information had been received by tlie government of the escape of a body of convicts from Macquarie Har- bour, who were spreading consternation over the district of Pitt Water, -vrhere they had plundered and ill-vised many settlers, and where they had been joined by fur- ther bands of convict servants. Our guest was in haste to communicate the intelligence to the resident magis- trates, as it was thought likely that the band of bush- rangers would turn their steps to this district, as being unprotected, and abounding to the west in places of concealment. We were still in earnest conversation on this alarming news, and I was hastily revolving in my mind the best means of guarding against an attack, when loud cries, seemingly for help, from the opposite side of the river, on which a new settler had lately fixed himself, caused us suddenly to break up our party. I lost no time in preparing our arms, which from habit were always kept in a state of efficiency, and calling in two of my men on whom I could entirely depend, I entrusted them with a musket a-piece, and made such preparations for our own defence as the circumstanees afforded. Crab, who had now become part of the family, under- took to defend the house ; and after a hasty consulta- tion, we agreed that it would not be kind or manly to abandon our neighbours in their distress and difficulty. I was perplexed to contrive how to render them the re- quisite assistance, and to leave a sufficient defence at home, when a fresh and violent barking of the dogs caused us a further alarm. The night was quite dark, but the stars shone brightly. The dogs barked furi- ously, and it was plain to us, who were acquainted with 118 Go toKender Help. the language of their warnings, that they were excited by the approach of some unusual object, and of more than a single individual. Seeing the necessity of prompt and decisive action, I advanced from the door of the cottage, being protected in the rear by one of the men. A voice amidst the tu- mult called out to me to call off the dogs, who were fu- rious. I thought I recognised the voice of the speaker, and it proved to be a neighbour who had settled about four miles off. He had been going his rounds to look after his sheep, marauders being abroad, when, approach- ing within half a mile of my cottage, his attention had been attracted by the cries which had alarmed us. Ho was well armed, and accompanied by two friends, also well armed. Cheered by this reinfoi'cement, I lost no time in ac- quainting them with the news of the escape of the con- victs from Macquarie Harbour, aud of my fears that our new neighbour was in the hands of the bush-rangers. They at once agreed to lend him their help ; and as I was well acquainted with the point where the river could be best crossed, and my home being now secure from any sudden attack, we advanced without delay to the scene of danger. But as this forms one of the epochs of my life, I must reserve the account of the adventures and disasters, which now came thick upon me, to an- other chapter. iDlinjitur (E'lrnnitlj. Hastens with a party of friends to his neighbour's assistance — The dangerous passage of the river on the trunk of a tree — The lifelei^s body of a young girl strangely discovered — The plundered dwell- ing, and the desolate mother. The family which we were hastening to help had not arrived on their land more than three weeks, and con- sisted of a Mr. Moss, his wife, a daughter about seven- teen, and two young boys of seven and six years of age. They had been well off at one time, but a succession of misfortunes had reduced their means to an income too small for a bare subsistence in England, but amply suf- ficient for a prosperous establishment in Van Diemen's Land. Mrs. Moss had been highly educated, and her daughter was possessed of more than the usual accom- plishments of her age, and of their former station. The arrival of this young lady at our settlement seemed, as a young friend of mine expressed himself, *' like the springing up of a beautiful flower in the wilderness." We all felt a strong interest in these new settlers, and we were ready to risk much to seiTO them. While my friends put themselves in fighting order, I buckled my old cavalry broad-sword round me so as not to interfere with my movements, for having served in the yeomanry in Surrey, I had ever after a liking for the weapon, to which I felt I could trust in case of close conflict ; and with ray double-barrel fowling-piece slung (119) 120 Dangerous Passage of the Kiver. over my back, aud my large horse-pistols in the pockets of my shooting-jacket, I led the way across the river. My companions followed cautiously and silently in In- dian file. It was quite dark, with the exception of such glimmering light as the brilliancy of the stars afforded. It was my plan to cross the river by the trunk of a tree, which had fallen over from the opposite bank, and formed a natural bridge, a rough one, and not easily to be passed by day; and in the dark, the passage over it was rather a dangerous experiment. There was a dead silence around, which seemed more terrible than the cries by which we had recently been alarmed, and filled US with ominous fears for the fate of our neighbours. We Cj[uickly reached the crossing-place, and in a low whisper I warned my companions of the dangerous points of the bridge. My young neighbour, Beresford, was particularly anxious on this occasion. I did not remark it at the time, as we were all active and excited j but subsequent events made me remember it. The river at this spot is narrow, and flows with the rapidity of a mountain torrent. I observed in the gloom that Beres- ford's two companions hesitated at the sight of this dif- ficulty. " I wish we had light for this work," said one ; " I can see the foam of the water, and I think I can see something which I suppose is the tree lying across it ; but it's an awkward job this." " Speak low," said I; "you don't know what ears may be listening to you." " Speak low ! — why, the roaring of this water is mough to drown all the noise that we shall make on ■his side. The river seems to be angry to-night. I I Lead the "Way. 121 uops you are sure of your tree-bridge. I .should not like to find myself in that boiling gulf below ; if I did, I'm inclined to think no one else would find me." '•' It's an ugly sight," said the first speaker ; "but if Thornley is sure of the passage, I'll venture it; and don't let us lose any time, for if we are to do any good, we must be quick about it." "Well, we are in for it; we can't go back; who leads the way ?" "I'll lead -the way," said Beresford; "I'm the youngest of the party ; now, follow me." " No," said I, " that's my business ; I know the pas- sage best. ..." "Perhaps not better than I do," .said Beresford; "come on." "How can that be?" said I; "you have not occa- sion to cross the river so often as I have." Beresford said something which the noise of the waters prevented me from hearing. I led the way, and began to crawl over on my hands and knees. I must confess that it was not without a momentary tremor that I beheld the white foam of the torrent dash- in »• furiously past beneath me. A single false movement was death ; and the disagreeable feeling came over me, that if an enemy should have had the foresight to guard this pointj I and my companions, in our defenceless posi- tion were exposed to sure destruction. With these thoughts agitating me, and the darkness of the night, the incessant rushing of the water, and the danger of our expedition, all tending to inspire doubt and fear, it is impossible to describe my sensations, when, utretching forward my arm fo feel the way before me, my 122 A Thrill of Horror. Land encountered what seemed to be a human head of hair. I was clinging to the trunk of the tree, in a po- sition disabling me from the use of my weapons, nor in- deed did the necessity of holding fast allow me to have more than one hand momentarily disengaged in my creeping posture. All sorts of fears were instantly con jured up in my horror and bewilderment. My first thought was that the bush-rangers, suspect- ing our intention, were lying in ambush, and every in- stant I expected to receive a volley from the opposite bank. Then visions of the natives arose, and I actually crouched up, the better to defend myself against the shower of spears which I knew would be the beginning of their attack. My companions behind me, embar- rassed by my stoppage, and not knowing the cause, urged me to proceed, as the swift running of the white waters beneath their eyes was beginning to produce giddiness. For nearly a minute I was totally at a loss what to do. At last the mist with which the sudden alarm had enve- loped my brain began to disperse ; I reasoned with my- self rapidly and decisively. I knew that to go back over our perilous bridge was, in the dark, and encumbered as we were with our arms, impossible. Go on we must. As I formed this resolu- tion, it suddenly occurred to me that the form before me must be in the same embarrassment as to advancing or retreating as myself; and that at any rate the chances were equal in the event of a struggle for mastery. Em- boldened by this thought, I stretched out my hand again, and met with the same object. It seemed cer- tainly a human head ! It was motionless, and had re- mained, as well as I could judge, in the precise position A Lifeless Female Form. 123 in wliicb my hand lighted on it before. But the second time, the hair struck me as being softer, and the sensa- tion flashed across me that it was not a man's hair that I was feeling. My wonder increased b}' this new dis- covery, and my fears yielding to my excitement, I ex- tended my arm, and traced the long ringlets of a woman ! My alarm was now changed to wonderment and horror. Laying my hand on her fiice, I found it deadly cold ; her arms were encircled round the trunk of the tree, but they hung lifeless, and I at once guessed that the female, whoever she might be, in attempting to cross the river by this dangerous place, rendered more dangerous and frightful by the darkness, had been terrified by the roar of the raging waters, and had faiuted. What to do in this unexpected dilemma, I was at a loss to imagine. My companions began to be alarmed, and the infection of superstitious fear was beginning to unnerve chem. In these perplexing and dangerous cir- cumstances, I felt the necessity of coming to some prompt decision. The female before me had evidently either fainted, or perhaps overcome by fear and exhausting ex- citement, was dead ! But her lifeless body formed an obstacle to our further progress, and I considered that, at that very moment, while I was deliberating, the work of death might be going on among our neighbours whom we were endeavouring to succour, and that our assistance was prevented by an impediment to whom all help per- haps now was vain. With this feeling — that four lives were at stake on the trunk of the tree, trusting to my guidance, and that other lives were jeopardized by the delay of our assistance, the exquisitely painful thought came over me, that stern ne- 124 Danger Makes me Calm, cessity justified the sacrifice of the one for the many, and that we must risk the dislodging of the body of the -wo- man for the purpose of completing our passage across the river. The form lay motionless, and on the balance on the slippery trunk of the tree ; the slightest motion was suflUcient to overturn it into the boiliug and roaring gulf below! 3Iy companions urged me to proceed. I ex- plained to them in a few words the cause of my stoppage ; but they still continued to press me to go forward, their fear of the present peril overcoming their apprehension of the remoter hazard, should the bush-rangers be in ambush on the other side, and waiting for us to rise up to get the surer aim ; they vehemently and angrily com- plained that they could no longer keep their hold, and that they could neither recede nor advance. Impelled by the imminency of the danger, my senses benumbed by the cold, and my mind confused by the un- ceasing roaring and foaniing of the furious waters, my presence of mind almost forsook me. I stretched out my hand again : the form was still motionless — but I traced the outline of the small and delicate features of that cold face, and quick as lightning the thought of my own daughter flashed across me. That thought restored my wandering senses. I became instantly calm and col- lected : and with a sort of desperate energy I raised my- self to a sitting posture across the tree, and propelling myself with my hands towards the object before me, I took firm hold of her long tresses to prevent the bodj from slipping from its dangerous resting-place. All con- tinued to be still around, except the noise of the river. I now I'aised my voice to overtop the roaring of the wa- ters, and turning my head towards my wondering can.- Beresford Saves Her! 125 panions, I communicated to them my intention to pre- serve the body, dead or alive. " It is the form/' said I, " of a young girl." " A young girl !" exclaimed Beresford. "Then " " In the name of Heaven," said the man behind him, "do not stay talking. Man or woman, young or old, we must pass now to the other side. Necessity has no law. jMove on quickly, for I shall not be able to hold on half a minute longer." "Yes," cried out the hindermost, "move on — move on — I dare not attempt to move backwards. As it is, the cold has so benumbed me, and I am so giddy with the roaring of these waters under me, that every moment I expect to slip off. Move on, I say ; this is no time for fine feelings ; our own lives are at stake. We are lying here to be murdered, if there are really bush- rangers abroad — and this afiair looks like it. Move on, I say, or by I shall be tempted to make a way for myself." • " Stop," said Beresford; " stop — for God's sake, stop. I have a horrible presentiment of who this poor girl must be. We must make an effort to save her. Let me try to pass you (speaking to me) ; or stay — I think I see a branch below that the water is rushing against; I will make the attempt to save her if I perish." With that my young friend, passing his fowling-piece to me to hold for him, threw himself by a bold and ac- tive movement under the tree; and clinging by the broken boughs, by a succession of desperate struggles succeeded in gaining a position on the other side of the female, where the thick part of the trunk afforded a surer footing. He then gradually drew the motionless form 126 We Approach the Hut. towards him, and taking it in Lis arms, bore it to a small distance from the river, and laid it on the grass, glisten- ing with the Tvhite frost. In the meantime we had all succeeded in crossing the bridge safely; and the men finding themselves on firm ground, soon recovered their presence of mind and courage, and were ready for action. There was no time to be lost. The spot which we had to reach was less than a quarter of a mile distant, and we were all eager to move forward. But what was to be done with the lifeless female ? Young Beresford had been endeavouring to restore warmth by chafing the hands of the inanimate body, but without success. It seemed as dangerous to leave it on the cold ground, should life be not quite extinct, as to bear it with us. But decision was necessary; and yielding to the en- treaties of Beresford, whose interest in the inanimate form seemed overpowering, we hastily agreed that he should bear the body with us, while I advanced before, being best accjuaintcd with the locality, his two friends following close after me. In this order we approached the spot where our new neighbour had raised his homely dwelling. As I neared the place, my foot lighted on a soft sub- stance, which induced me to stoop down to examine it. It was a dead kangaroo dog. I felt it, and found that its brains had been dashed out by some heavy instru- ment. This occurrence foreboded danger, and we pro- ceeded rapidly and silentl}^ but with increased caution. The outline of the hut now loomed through the dark ; all was silent. We were perplexed how to proceed ; we could see no enemy, and feared some plot to entrap us. We continued our advance, however, to the door of the An Appalling Sight. 127 hut in a line, young Beresford bearing the body in the rear. I held his fowling-piece in my hand, with my own slung behind me. We reached the door ; it was fastened, but we thought we could distinguish stifled breathing within. We knocked ; no answer. We were impressed with the conviction that tne enemy, whoever it might be, was there. I directed Beresford, in a whisper, to take the body to the side pf the hut, that it might be out of the line of fire from the windows and door. Then, with one dash of my foot, I burst the door from its hinges, and we three rushed in. A scream, so deep, so piercing, so full of mortal fear and agony, that it even now thrills through me as I recall it, arrested our steps. But I guessed on the instant the real state of the case. On the hearth the embers were still red. Snatching a handful of thatch from the roof, I made a blaze. That light revealed to me the form of a woman, crouched in a comer, bound, with two young children beside her. The transient blaze of the lighted grass ceased, and we were again in darkness. " Oh, God !" cried the woman, " are you come again ? I have never spoken — not one word — indeed I have not — and the children have scarcely breathed — but if you are determined " <' We are friends," said I, " come to assist you; we heard yoiu* cries " "Oh, why did you not come sooner ? — my husband — my child — my daughter, where is she ? — she ran out to get help — is she drowned ? — what have they done with her ? — my God ! my God ! shall I ever recover the horrors of this dreadful night?" 128 Endeavour to 11 est ore Life. While she spoke these words, Tvhich pierced our very Bouls, and filled us with the most fearful forebodings, one of my neighbour's friends had again lighted up some thatch on the hearth, which threw a glare around, and enabled us to see about us ; fortunately, a candle which had been extinguished was found close at hand ; this afforded us a dim and dismal light. Beresford, who heard the scream, had caught the words of the mother, and while I stationed one of our party at the door of the hut, and another at the back, he hastily brought in the body of the apparently lifeless girl. The mother, whom I had unbound, did not speak; she gazed on the body of her child in speechless agony. " She is dead ;" at last she muttered — " she is dead ! — they have killed her ! — better so, perhaps, than worse ! What may have happened ? Am I awake, or is it a di-eam ? Oh, no — it is all real — cold and dead — cold and dead !" A passionate burst of tears followed these words, ut- tered in all the calmness of despair, and the children, now recovering from their stupor, mingled their cries with the bursting sobs of the mother." But my young friend was not inactive during this pain- ful scene. With wonderful coolness and presence of mind, he took all the steps that were likely to restore conscious- ness, if life remained ; and the energies of the mother beginning to revive, she presently added her assistance He had placed the body of the poor girl on a rough wooden couch, with her feet close to the fire, which was now blazing up briskly. The mother rubbed her feet, and my friend chafed her hands ; but life seemed to have departed. The mother said nothing, but worked on Friends Join Us. 129 silcutly, the two children looking on in ti-embling expec- tation. I stood by, racking my brain to remember all the mean.s that I had read or heard of to restore sus- pended animation. There "was no apparent injury, her mother assured us, to cause death, and our hopes revived even at the faint prospect of restoration which this intel- ligence afforded us. All that I have related, since we began to cross the river, took place in less than twenty minutes, so that the possibility of life being not yet quite extinct still remained ; but the hope became everj- mo- ment less and less. While we were thus employed and thus agitated with our various fears — the mother for her child, the young man for the beautiful girl before us — and I, as a parent, entering into the bitter sorrows of their weeping mother, we heard loud shouts proceeding from the direction of the place where we had recently crossed the river, and presently, at a rapid pace, a party of friends joined us. The news of " bush-rangers abroad" had quickly spread from neigbbour to neighbour, and the present party having assembled, they learnt at my house our ex- pedition and its object, and immediately started to sup- port us. They had crossed at a point of the river higher up, but affording an easier and a safer passage. Fortu- nately the gentlemen who had settled among us as a sur- geon was among the party, and his attention was imme- diately directed to the apparently lifeless form of the beautiful young girl. It was a moment of most painful expectation. He felt her pulse long and anxiously. I saw his countenance change. He held before her lips a small pocket looking glass, which he first, with professional coolness, carefully wiped. He iuspected it once — twice ! 130 Efforts to Restore Life. "Place lier," said he, "ou her side." It vras done. Again he applied the glass to her lips. It was untar- nished. " Throw more wood on the fire," said the surgeon. " Light wood — quick — make it blaze up." He applied the glass again. Gradually his countenance changed from the expres- sion of hopelessness which had saddened it, and suddenly it lighted up as the brightness of the glass became ob- scui-ed. We were breathless. " Hush !" said he. " Be calm," addressing her mother. " All will depend on your coolness and presence of mind. If you can command your feelings, I may do much. She is not dead !" Here an hysteric sob seemed to choke the mother, but she stifled itj and, with hands clenched, and cheeks streaming with silent floods of tears, she sunk on her knees, with her eyes dimly gazing at him who seemed to be her guardian angel. " She is not dead 1" repeated the sui-geon, in a low tone. " Life — I think — I am sure — still remains ; but the slightest shock would instantly destroy it. Beware of exciting her by questions or by disastrous news, should I succeed in restoring her to consciousness. Nothing but silence and soothing will save her from death or insanity. Has any one some brandy with him ?" Fortunately one of the party — the most drunken fel- low in the settlement — had a travelling flask of rum, which, indeed, he was never without. It was quickly produced; and, after its owner had taken a sip of it. He is Successful. 18 1 ''to see." as he said, "that it was the right stuff/' he handed it to the surgeon. I am inclined to think that that fiask of rum saved the young lady's life, but it cost its propi'ietor his own sooner than in the ordinary course of thipgs, for from that moment he was never without his flask, always emptied, and ever refilled, " in case," as he used to say, " any other unfortunate person might chance to want some of it; and so, on the sti'ength of the life that he boasted it had saved, he hastened the end of his own. " And now, gentlemen," said the surgeon, " be pleased to retire from the hut, and leave me alone with this lady. There seems to be more work for you to do before this family can be set to rights." We silently obeyed. I was the last who quitted the room ; and as I was going out at the door, the poor mother laid her hand convulsively on my arm, and with a sort of desperate calmness whispered, " 5Iy husband — have they murdered him ?" " Surely not," I said; " hope for the best — you see we are strong enough to take active measures for his safety. Depend on us that we will neglect nothing to find him, and to restore him to you." " I am sure you will. See, the surgeon is trying to pour some spirit down my poor child's throat. Now leave us." All this time Beresford had not spoken a word. I found him, as I passed, stationed close to the door. There was a light outside the Jiut now, as some of the party had kindled a fire in front of it, which threw its ■ glare around for a considerable distance. All our party now assembled together; and it was agreed that we 132 I AM MADE Leader. should keep watch round the place during the uight, and that at daybreak we should go in search of our neighbour. We made a diligent examination of the parts about, as we conjectured that the bush-rangers might have bound and gagged him, and left him at a distance from the hut ; but we could find no traces of him or of them. With one accord I was chosen the leader of the present expedition, as being the oldest settler, and the one best acquainted with the bush. I had mustered my party with the view of allotting to them their different stations, when a cry from the hut arrested our attention, and young Beresford came run- ning to us, and crying out, — " She is saved ! She is saved ! She is alive ! She is breathing 1 And now," said he, " for her father; that's the next thing to attend to. It's the first inquiry she will make when she recovers her senses, and if she should suspect the worst, the consequences in her present state I am sure would be instantly fatal." "That is our object," said I; "we must find the poor fellow. And now let us make our arrangements. There are twelve of us ; I dare say we are strong enough to cope with the other party ; for we have the right on our side, and that is a tower of strength. I propose that at break of day we should remove this family to my cottage. In the mean time it is necessary that we should prepare ourselves for bushing it, for some days perhaps. Let four men go to my cottage, and procure ail the necessaries that we shall want, and don't forget the kangaroo rugs, for the nights are cold, and we shall need them." " Don't forget some brandy," said one. Prepare to Pursue tue Rangers. 131? ''Nor the tea and sugar," said another; 'Mhere's nothing like a cup of tea in the bush ; it's more refresh- ing than all the spirits in the world." "Bring plenty of pannikins," said a third; ''one apiece will not be in the way." "Take care to bring plenty of rice," said I; "it lies in a small compass, and is more handy for the bush than flour; but tell them at home to make as many small dampers as we can carry; and bring away all the baked bread in the house. My men will help you to carry the things." " How are your powder-horns ?" said young Beres- ford. "Plenty of powder, but little shot." " Ask for the bag of slugs and the little bag of balls, that hang by my bed's head," said I ; " and bring a dozen or two of spare flints with you, and anything else that you think will be useful." " Would it not be well," said one, "to give notice to the magistrates?" "Right," said I, "who will volunteer to go over the plain this dai-k night, and tell the one farthest ofi"?" " That will I do," said a spirited young fellow ; " I know every inch of the way ; if I meet with anj'thing, I will fii'e off my piece." " You can tell one of my servants to apprise the other magistrate of this night's work, as his house is in a line from my cottage. If he is at home, he will be with us by daylight, you may depend on it ; for he is young, and has no wife nor child, and he likes these expeditions. It may be useful, too, to have a magistrate among us to sanction our proceedings, so ask him to come with us, and 134 My Dogs Follow Me. say that we should be obliged to him if he would be our leader ; and you may as well say that no one could do it so well as himself. There's nothing like being civil, and we all like to be flattered a bit. Who knows what it is o'clock ?" " Not eleven yet." " Then we have the whole night before us." " And so have the bush-rangers ; they may get well away before morning." '.'No," said another; " it is impossible to travel fast on a night so dark as this. Let us have daylight before us, and get well on their tracks, and they can't escape us." " Shall we try the dogs after them ?" " No ; the kangaroo dogs are of no use as bloodhounds; they will track those they are used to for any distance, but they don't understand being set to track strangers. But we must take some dogs with us, for we shall want to pull more than one kangaroo for our dinners before we have done, I'm thinking." " Here is one to begin with," said I, " as I felt a cold nose thrust into my hand. Hector and Fly are growing old now, but here's one of thei;- breed, and here's an- other. They have found me out you see. Now let some one get two more, so that the four may not all belong to one party, in case of being separated. Shall we take any horses? I have three in the stable amd four more in the bush that are sure to come for their corn in the morn- ing. Perhaps they're in the open stable now, for they often come up and get under shelter when the nights are wet or cold." It was agreed that four- of the party should be The Kest op that Night. i35 mounted, to act as scouts ; but as it was likely that the marauders would choose the most inaccessible paths, where a horseman would be taken at great disadvantage, it was thought best that the rest of the party should be on foot. '■'■ Take another horse, as a pack-horse," said one, '' to carry our provisions, and let one of your men lead him." " A bright thought !" said I, '■'■ and now I think we shall be well prepared for the bush ; and so I recommend all to sleep as much as they can till daylight, that we may be the fresher for the work." "Oh, never mind sleep; we are too much excited to sleep to-night ; but let us have some supper." " Will you come to my cottage, or stay here ?" " Oh, stay here ; we will not leave the poor woman to-night; no, we'll sup here, and make a bush night of it to begin with ; but it's terribly cold. There," said the speaker, throwing a heavy log on the fire, which made the sparks fly up like a fire-work ; " there's some food for you; and there's another, and another. By George, we'll have a jolly fire, and make a merry night of it. I say, how's the young woman ?" Beresford required no further hint than these words ; looking at me, I gave him a nod, and he disappeared in an instant. He tapped gently at the door of the hut, and returning to us immediately, whispered to me — " She lives ! she has not spoken ; but she sleeps." "Good," said T, "and now do you sleep too; we shall want all your strength to-morrow." He smiled, and shook his head — " I will never sleep," said he, " till I have found her father." 186 The Mother's Story. '' I do not doubt," said I, " that you will spare no ex- ertion to recover him ; aud now let us try to get some information about this sad afiair. Is the mother cool enough to tell us her story ? It would be a help to us to know something of the character and numbers of the party who attacked the hut. We should not lose any time by it, as it would be useless to start in pursuit of the bush-rangers till daylight. See if the poor lady can leave her daughter for a while ; the surgeon can sit by her while the mother is away ; and we ought to know all the particulars as well as she can tell them." Bcrcsford went to the hut, and presently returned with Mrs. Moss, from whom we were happy to learn that her daughter still breathed and slept. We placed the afflicted lady on a log of wood before our bush-fire, and our sentinels being planted in suitable places, to guard against surprise, she described the attack in the following terms. (0I;n|itrr Cmrlftji. The attack of the bush-rangers — The mysterious fate of the losi husband — It is resolved to pursue the bush-rangers — Preparations for the expedition — The magistrate heads the party — Horrible discovery. I HARDLY know where to begin : I have very little to tell. It all seems now to have passed in a moment. We were sitting round the fii'e, I and my husband, and my poor Lucy, and the two children. Since we came up here, my husband always used to keep his gun in his hand, or else close by him, ready for use, for our greatest horror was these bush-rangers, and I don't know really whether I was most frightened to see him always carry- ing that eternal gun about with him, or to see him with- out it; though it would have been but little protec- tion against so many ! Perhaps it's all for the best.- If he had fired, and killed one of them, it might have ex- asperated them, and they might have done worse. Well, we were assembled round the fire, as I said, and my husband was particularly cheerful; he was sitting in the corner close to the window, with his gun leaning against the wall close to his hand, when he got up to close the shutter on the other side, as the wind was chilly. It seems that we had been watched all the evening, and I suspect one of our men (we have only one man besides the shepherd) was a spy on us, for my husband (137) 138 Attack op the Bush-rangers. had left tlie corner where his gun was, only for a mo- ment, when a man in a kangaroo jacket rnshed into the room, and got between my husband and his weapon, which he seized hold of, and pointing his own gun at my husband, commanded him to throw up his hands over his head, or he would fire. "We were all in a cluster together, and my husband fearing, I dare say, that we might be wounded or killed, held up his arms. On this the bush-ranger threw his gun over his arm ; but my husband in an instant rushed at him, and clasped him round the body. In the strug- gle, the bush-ranger's gun went off. But in the mean- time more bush-ranger's had come; two of them imme- diately seized my husband from behind, and the first struck him over the head with the end of his gun, which I think stunned him for a time. They then bound him tightly hand to foot, and at the same time two of them held me and bound me also, and another man took hold of the children. Looking round, I missed Lucy, and guessed that she had escaped from the back window of her little bedroom. God help her! I hardly know whether to wish she may be restored to life and con- sciousness or not. But God's will be done ! Well, gentlemen, when they had bound my husband, they asked him where he had put his money ; for being new settlers, we had been so imprudent as to bring nearly a thousand dollars with us, besides a little plate, and our watches, and other articles of value, of which no doubt the bush-rangers had information. My poor husband was scarcely recovered from the stunning blow of the bush-ranger's gun, but he declared that we had no money ; that we were poor settlers, and had nothing with us but a few necessaries, such as flour and tea and sugar. My Husband's Life Tiire.^ tened 189 The man who had first pointed his gun at him, now placed it close to his head, and swore most horribly that if he did not instantly tell him where the money was hid, he would blow out his brains. This man seemed to be the leader. " Money," said he, " we will have; we know you have got it, so tell us where it is, or" — and here he swore a dreadful oath — " you shall have the contents of this bar- rel through your brains." I was held by two men, who had tied a handker- chief over my mouth, and it was in vain that I struggled to get loose. The bush-ranger put his finger on the lock of his gun, and I heard a click ; I knew well what the click meant. In another instant I expected to behold my poor husband's head shattered to pieces. With a desperate strength, which nothing but despair could have lent to me, I loosened one arm, and tearing the handker- chief from my mouth, I exclaimed, " Oh! tell them, tell them I For Grod's sake tell them ! — life is better than money ..." "Oh — ho !" said the leader, ''so there is money, after all. Then I think Til find a way to get it. Here," he said to one of the men, '^ put your musket close to this gentleman's head ; that's right — now cock it — now put your finger on the trigger, and if he oflfers to cry out — fire ! And now for the lady. Just put the handker- chief over her mouth again, and this time take care she doesn't get it off again ; a woman can't hold her tongue, though her husband's brains may be blown out from her talking. In the meantime, ma'am," said he, with a sort of mock politeness, " I'll trouble you to walk into the inner room, I should not like to shock a lady's nerves. 140 They Find the Money. nor a gentleman's neither, with what is usual in these cases." " I will not move/' said I, horrified at his words. " I will not move ; I will not leave my husband and my children. Kill me, if you will, but here I will stay." "By no means," said the mocking bush-ranger; "we never wish to kill anybody if we can help it, that's not our game; but if you will not walk, you must be carried." The two men who held me then lifted me up in an instant, and carried me into the bedroom, where they threw me on the bed. " Now," said the leader, " is the lady put comfortably to bed ?" "Ay, ay," said the man who held me down; "we've got her tight enough." " You see," he said to my husband, for I could hear him speak plainly, as the two rooms are separated only by the log partition, "you see how things are; you had better tell at once, before we proceed to further extremi- ties." Extreme terror and faintness had kept me silent till this moment, but now fear for my husband and my chil- dren, as well as the horror of my own condition, over- came all other feelings, and I cried out, " I'll tell ! I'll tell ! Don't fii-e ! Take up the stone before the hearth — the money is there." The leader immediately desired some one outside to bring a strong stake to lift up the stone, telling him to be quick, for they had no time to lose, as they had far to travel before morning. Then I heard them remove the Bione, and the dollars chinked as the man pulled out the bag and threw it on the floor. The sight of the Discover My Daughter's Escape. 141 heavy bag and the sound of the money, I fancy, put the party in good humour, for the men who held me relaxed their hold, and one left, telling the other not to lose sight of me. Presently I heard the leader say — " Where's the young girl V No one seemed to know. "By ," said he, the young hussy has escaped, and she will give the alarm. Be quick, my men, quick — quick ; leave nothing behind that you can carry away — blankets, sheets, clothes — everything. We shall want them when we get to the lake. It's a pity, though, that the girl has escaped. She will set her father free, and that may be awkward for us. Stay ; we'll take him with uy, and then he can't give any information about us." " To shoot him is the shortest way," said one. " Hang him," said another. " Chuck him into the river, and there he'll be snug till somebody finds him." "Don't stand talking about it," said a third; "shoot- ing him would give the alarm, and throwing him into the river is unnecessary trouble. Just lend me a bit of cord, or a silk handkerchief, and I'll warrant he'll be quiet enough after." I conjectured he was about to strangle my helpless husband, for I heard the leader say — " Stop ! — no murder, if we can help it. We can do that with him at any time, if his living is likely to harm us. For the present we will take him with us. Loose his legs and bind his arms behind his back. And now let us be off. But first let us make the lady safe." I was taken accordingly into the sitting-room ; and then they bound me fast, and left me as you found me. My 142 The Bush-Rangers Leave. husband had been silent all this time, with the object, no doubt, which he carried into effect when he was removed outside the hut. When he found himself on the outside, where his voice could be heard, he immediately set up a loud shout for help, that made the woods ring; he was answered by screams near the river, which proceeded, I do not doubt, from Lucy. My husband's cries were in- stantly silenced. " Gag him I" cried out a voice. " Let us knock that young vixen on the head before we go," said another voice; "she will rouse the neigh- bourhood, and our plan will be defeated." "It's too late," said the leader; "the alarm is given already. It would do us no good to put the girl out of the way now; we should only lose time; we must be quick, and place a good distance between us, before we can be pursued. We shall gain a march, for we cannot be tracked till daylight ; but we can travel all night, and so get well ahead." With that they left me, threatening me and my chil- dren with instant death if I uttered the least sound of alarm. I think I must have fainted ; for I remember nothing more, till I was a'roused by the door of the but being burst open, which the bush-rangers, I suppose, be- fore they left, had fastened on the outside. " How many in number," said I, "do you think they were ?" " I cannot tell ; I think there must hare been eight or ten at one time in the hut ; at the same time I heard the voices of some outside. All those whom I saw were armed with a gun of some sort. They were very wild- Plan next day's Expedition. 143 looking; the leader had on a kangaroo-skin jacket, and he did not look very ferocious, but he was very deter- mined." '' It was your husband's and your daughter's cries," said I, " that we heard on the other side of the river, and it is plain, from your story, that your daughter endeavoured to cross the river for help, but was terrified by the roar of the waters and the diiEculty of the pas- sage, and that, overcome with exhaustion, she fell into the fit on the trunk of the tree in which we found her. Let that fortunate escape," added I, '' inspire you with a hope that we may be successful in finding your hus- band uninjured." The lady then returned to her daughter ; and our companions, who had gone on their several missions, having returned, we passed the remainder of the night by the fire, planning our nest day's expedition, and giving and receiving mutual information on the best course to be pursued, and the likeliest track of the bush- rangers. The day had just begun to break, when we were cheered by the appearance of the young magistrate on horseback, with a servant and two friends also mounted, and two constables on foot. They were all well armed ; and when he had communicated to us the intelligence which he had received in the night of the numbers and desperation of the bush-rangers, we were not a little glad to be joined by such an efiicient reinforcement. The magistrate immediately took on himself the con- duct of the expedition ; and his activity and determina- tion were so well known, that all the party were happy to place themselves under his direction. 144 We Discover their Track. The plundered family having been first removed with the greatest care to my house, the poor young lady showing no other sign of life than a low breathing, we lost no time in putting ourselves in order. The magis- trate divided our body into two parties, entrusting the command of one party to me, and the other to young Beresford. As the four horses brought by our last reinforcement were sufficient for the purposes of scouts, the remainder of the party proceeded on foot, so that each of our parties, Beresford and mine, consisted of seven, including ourselves. With these preliminary dispositions we set about searching for the track of the bush-rangers, extending ourselves in a line, the better to cover the ground. The track was soon found, as the large body of the bush-rangers, laden with their booty, could not conceal the marks of their passage. " Stick to the track," said our leader to the constable who acted as guide, "and let nothing distract you from it. Gentlemen," said he, addressing us, "1 shall leave on the track all those on foot, who I trust will be ready for action. I and one of my friends will gallop on for some distance towards the tall tree on the high hili yonder, and try the chance of coming up with the rascals. Two of the horsemen will scour the country on your flanks. We are only eighteen in number, and the bush-rangers are reported to have more than thirty among them. But we are in a better state of efliciency than they can be. Take care not to throw away your fire. Now, we will go and clear the way for you." Saying this, he galloped off in the direction to which the track of the bush-rangers seemed to lead us. We continued our course warily but rapidly for about Start in Pursuit. 145 ten miles, when we found the magistrate and his three companions waiting for us at the spot where two tracks were distinctly visible. We had scarcely exchanged a few words, when the horseman to our left galloped into view, and made silent hut expressive signs for us to come to him. He motioned us to be cautious, and to look about us. I beckoned to the horseman on our right to join us, and, leaving him as a sentinel to mark the point of the track from which we had been called off, we moved quickly to our left, and soon reached the spot to which the horseman had called. Here our eyes were suddenly arrested by a spectacle which caused us all in- stinctively to throw forward our arms, and gaze anx- iously around us. The sight chilled our very blood, and was sufficient to strike the boldest among us with son- sternation and horror. 10 ClmiitBr Cljirtmitli. The ruins of the burnt Stock-keeper's hut — The murderer Musquito and the Natives — The sagacity of the Kangaroo dogs — Native's tomb — The Natives begin an attaclc — Skirmish with the Bush- rangers. Amidst the ruins of a stock-keeper's hut, recently burned down, we beheld a form which we recognized as human only from the outline of the body. One arm was totally consumed; the other was shrivelled up. The body was literally roasted and charred, li was in vain, after we had recovered the first emotions which the horrid sight created, that we endeavoured to trace the features of the disfigured head ; it was a shapeless mass of calcined bone. The clothes, which might have served to identify it, were, of course, utterly consumed. It must not be supposed that in making this examina- tion we were neglectful of our own safety. Our active magistrate immediately despatched the two unemployed horsemen, to make circuits of discovery round the place, and while he, with one of the constables, made a close investigation of the ruins, the remainder of our little party stood in order with our arms prepared in readiness to meet any attack. Our first impression was, that the hut had been visited by the bush-rangers, who either in malice or revenge, had set fire to the hut, and burned to death the unfortunate occupant. But the truth was pre- (146) A Sickening Sight. 147 seudy made manifest by one of the horsemen, who hailed us from a little distance, to join him. We proceeded towards the spot where he was standing, and we presently came on two dead bodies, evidently stock-keepers from their clothes and appearance. They were quite dead and cold. Their wounds at once in- formed us that they had been killed by the natives. On laying bare their clothes, we found their bodies pierced with innumerable small holes caused by the long, thin spears used by the natives in their encounters. Their heads were battered to a jelly-like mass, from the frequent blows of the waddies, a small and light club of hard wood, which forms the weapon of the natives of Australia, in close combat. The sickening sight of these two bodies, coupled with the horrid form amidst the ruins of the hut, told plainly what had happened. The stock-keepers had been at- tacked by the natives, who had, no doubt, intercepted the two unfortunate men before us, and had killed them after a hard fight, as the number of their wounds testi- fied. The third stock-keeper, it seemed, had been able to gain the hut, in which, perhaps, he had defended himself for some time against the natives ; and the black people had set fii-e to the thatch of native grass, and so consumed it and him. We searched again, and more narrowly amongst the charcoal ruins, and found the barrel of a musket partially melted by the fii-e, with the lock nearly whole, and the piece of brass belonging to the butt of the piece. This was confirmation of our surmise. The stock-keeper in the hut had very likely wounded or killed one or more of the natives, and they, rendered more savage by their wounds, had burnt him alive 1 148 MUSQUITO AND THE NATIVES. At this time a native of Australia, by name Musquito, a tall and powerful man, had been committing many atro- cities in Van Diemen's Land. He had been sent from Sydney some years before for an offence, I think it was murder, that he had committed, by Governor Macquarie, a proceeding complained of at the time, but gradually forgotten, as Musquito, until within the last year or so, had conducted himself well, and had proved himself useful on several occasions, by tracking runaway con- victs, and lost or stolen sheep. It was known that he was at the head of a mob of natives, consisting of about thirty ; but we had no idea that he was in this part of the island ; however, this looked very like some of his work, and we were not a little troubled at the prospect of having to contend against the treacherous natives as well as with the fierce and desperate bush-rangers. This was an addition to our difficulties and our danger on which we had not calculated, and the magistrate called a council of war to deliberate on the best mode of pro- ceeding. We took advantage of the opportunity of this halt to refi'esh ourselves, as we anticipated hard work. On the hearth of the demolished hut we found a tripod, such as was in common use then, and now too for boiling things in, holding three or four gallons. One of the constables cleaned it out to make tea in. There were many of the shrubs known by the name of the tea-tree gi-owing near, and as we wished to husband our stock, we made tea of some of the leaves, which make a very good substitute for the China tea. The leaf resembles the leaf of the privet, which is common in the hedges in some parts of England. In the meanwhile some of our party buried Sagacity of the Kangaroo Dogs 149 the two dead stock-keepers, after having first examined their clothes narrowly, to see if we could find any paper or marks by which they could be identified. On one we found a tin tobacco-bos, which was given in charge to one of the constables, and on the other was his pass, from which we ascertained his name, and also that he had recently arrived from Hobart Town. All this time we took care to guard against surprise, for we did not know who might be watching us, but we felt no fear from an open attack of any body of natives that could be collected against us ; but if by chance Musquito and his mob of natives should join with the bush-rangers, we felt that such a body of sixty or more persons, with the bush-rangers well armed and despe- rate, might be more than we could cope with. These considerations troubled us all not a little, and we made haste to despatch our meal, keeping a strict lookout the while. Our banquet was not a very merry one, I must say ; we all had very long faces, with some slight misgivings of the prudence of our expedition; not that there was any want of courage among us, or of the spirit of enter- prize ; we were bold and cool enough ; but some of us had left wives and families behind, and we felt that we were fighting against odds ; that we were risking our own lives, which were precious, against the lives of rascals which were worthless. These thoughts, with the burial of the dead and dis- figured men, and the sight of the other man burnt into charcoal, cast a gloom over us which was painful and dispiriting. Our kangaroo dogs went smelling about with their tails down, and crouching with that expres- 150 Hector Scents the Natives. sion of fear which these hounds display when they ar< in the \dcinity of an unusual object, and especially whei? they see or smell a native. One of them poked about the ruins, and startled us with a howl so dismal that it almost chilled us with a sort of superstitious fear. " Young Hector is uneasy," said one. " He knows there's something wrong," said another; " and he can't make out what that charcoal body means. I don't think he has much spirit in him just now to pull a kangaroo." Hector, however, suddenly belied this surmise, for, ascending the little eminence above the ruins, he assumed an attitude of lively and fixed attention. His head be- came erect, his eyes keenly piercing into the bush, and his body ready for a spring. " Silence," said I; " Hector has got scent of something; I know his ways well. . See, he looks at me, to intimate that there is something in the wind. Go see," said I; " see, Hector, good dog, what is it ?" The intelligent animal immediately set off into the bush stealthily, and without barking or growling. He was soon out of sight. " It's only a kangaroo," said one of the constables. ''It's more than a kangaroo," said I; "Hector is almost equal to his old sire, who could do everything but speak, and indeed I think he could have talked, if he only knew how to begin ; but I understand his signs well. Depend upon it, there's a reason for what he does." As I spoke these words, we observed the dog canter- ing back to us at a swift pace. He came straight up to me, and whined with peculiar signs of fear. He Leads Us to the Attack. 151 " He has seen a native," said I; " that I'll swear. I can't mistake him. We had better be prepared, though I can't think they would have the temerity to attack us." " Let us go and face the danger/' said our young leader ; " it is better to put an end to it one way or the other : as to retreating, that is out of the C{uestion." " Oh," said we all, — "■ no retreat, no retreat !" '/ Then put yourselves in order, gentlemen, and let us move on." "Let us follow the dog," said I, "and go warily about it; these natives hide behind the trees, and you can hear nothing of them till you find a spear stickinof in you. Keep the other dogs back, and let me and Hector go first. Now, Hector, good dog ; where is it ?" Hector licked my hand, as if to say, " take care of yourself," and trotted on before. I kept immediately behind, taking care not to over-run him, and the rest of our party followed quickly after us, on the alert, and with their arms ready. Hector continued at his trotting pace for about two hundred and fifty yards, when he stopped, and assumed the attitude of a dog pointing at game. I tried to pierce into the bush with my eyes, but I could discover nothing. I looked back, and saw my party behind, all ready for action. " Go see !" I said to the dog. The dog hung down his tail, sniffed, whined, and standing up, pawed me with his fore-legs. I patted him. " What is it. Hector ?" But some terror hung over the hound, and he was re- luctant to move forward ; but he looked towards a parti- 152 A Dead Native Discovered. cular part of the busli, and uttered the low whine expres- sive of unusual fear." The magistrate now, leaving the others behind, joined me. "What is the matter with the dog?" said he. " I can't tell," said I ; "but there is some reason for all this; I'm sure there are natives about by his manner; if they were bush-rangers he would bark or growl." "We must put an end to this suspense," said the ma- gistrate ; " observe him now, he is looking intensely at some object not far off. Stand here, and hold my horse, and I will go on the line the dog points to." He immediately advanced on foot, having first observed the bearing of an object behind me, in order that he might keep in a line straight to the point to which the dog's eye was directed. In the meantime the party be- hind came up to where I stood, and we all held ourselves ready for an alarm. The magistrate had not advanced far before he stopped, and looking cautiously around him, holding his fowling-piece in a position to fire, and with- out turning his head, beckoned with his arm for us to advance. We came up to him, and he silently pointed to a hollow and blackened trunk of a tree, the branches of which were still standing, and covered with the late autumn leaf. Within the trunk we saw standing up a native, with his face turned towards us. The blackness of his colour assimilating with the charcoal of the burned tree prevented the body from being distinguished from the blackened trunk, until we got close to it, but the acute- ness of the hound's organs had enabled him to detect this object at a considerable distance. The sight of this na- A Native's Tomb. 153 tive lurking within the body of the tree instantly filled us with the fear that there were more close at hand, and we expected every moment to receive a volley of spears from the hidden enemy; but none appeared, and all was silence; the dogs, however, showed symptoms of unea- siness, which made us look about us. "Shall I fire?" said one of the constables; "it's a sure shot." " Stop," said the magistrate ; " let us try to take him alive ; we have got him safe ; he can't get through tlie back of the tree, and we hem him in at the front. But it's odd that he doesn't move." We were about thirty yards from the tree, but as the native was within the trunk, we could not discern in the obscurity more than his dusky body ; the trees were very thick all round, forming a dense mass of trunks as close as they could grow. It was a favourable place for the natives to fight in, and they are so active, and so clever in hiding themselves, that you may be in the midst of hundreds in such a place without being able to catch a sight of one of them. "I'll put an end to this," said the magistrate; "be ready, my friends, and don't let him escape." Saying this, he ran towards him with his fowling-piece pointed towards the tree. " Why, he's dead ! and we have come upon a native's grave ; I have heard of them, but never saw one before. This is one of the black fellows that the stock-keeper shot, no doubt, before he was burnt to death in the hut." On examining the body, we found the mark of the musket-ball that had gone through his heart and passed out at his back. He was most likely close to the hut 154 Natives Begin the Attack. wlicu he was shot, and must have been killed instantane- ously. We were clustering round the tree, gazing at this sight, and a little off our guard, when a whirr was heard among us, and a long thin spear passing through the group of heads without wounding any one, stuck in the bark of the tree. We were quickly roused by this compliment, and we turned about, looking round on all sides; but we could see nothing. Presently we heard the tramp of a horse's feet, and a crashing through the bushes, and the horseman whom we had left as a sentinel came into view. A spear was sticking in his back, and two pieces of bro- ken spears were sticking in the sides of the horse, which seemed maddened with fright and pain. It was with diffi- culty that the rider could direct his horse towards us, the animal being almost unmanageable. " Look out !" he cried ; " the natives are on us — I have not seen them; but they have marked me and my horse. Depend upon it they arc joined by the bush-i'angers, or they would not think of attacking an armed man on horse- back. Musquito is with them you may be sure, and he has taught them that the danger is over when a fire-arm is discharged ; I dropped mine when this spear struck me. It came on me unawares; and, in catching at the bridle when the horse started, I dropped my piece. I am not much hurt; but this spear makes me smart a bit." "Oh never mind a spear wound," said our young magistrate; " we have got a surgeon among us, so we are all right." While these words were passing, we had secured the horse, and our friend dismounted. The spear had pene- trated the flesh under his right arm, and the point was Being Speared no Joke. 155 sticking out of the wound three or four inches on the other side. It was a small spear, about ten feet long. The end had been sharpened and hardened in the fire, by scorching it, according to the custom of the natives, and it formed an ugly weapon to be lodged in a gentleman's person. The two constables quickly drew out the pieces of broken spear from the horse's side ; they found more than a dozen spear-holes in the horse's body, which bled freely, but none of them seemed to be deep, except two. All this passed in less than half a minute ; and we were all the time looking out for an attack, but could not guess from which quarter it would come. "We stood in this way for several minutes, straining our eyes to dis- cover our enemies, but in vain. Suddenly our young leader, who was sitting on horseback, cried out — '' Holloa, they're at me !" We turned and looked. A spear had gone through his hat sideways, and knocked it off; but we could see no one. " That was a good shot," said one of us. " Perhaps the next may be better — look out !" A shower of spears fell among us from the same quar- ter, hitting one of the constables, and wounding another. As the distance, however, was great, they did little more than penetrate the skin, and a laugh was raised at the expense of the sufferers. The parties speared, however, did not appear to enjoy the joke at all. "It's of no use," said one of them, ''to stand here to serve as targets for these black rascals ; let us make a rush into the bush, and come to close quarters." "They will not let you," said our leader; "you have no chance against them that way ; but we must do some- 156 Bush-rangers Join the Natives. thing. We must try to drive them through this belt of wood, and get them into the plain beyond, where we shall be able to see what we are about. But we must be very cool, and very cautious. Take three of your party," said he to me, '^to the left; and do you, Beresford, take three of yours to the right, so as to slant the black ras- cals, and drive them from the trees. Take care to keep us in sight, and don't advance too far. The rest must advance steadily straight on ; I and the two on horseback will be ready to give assistance to either party." We lost no time in effecting this movement, and pro- ceeded at a brisk pace through the wood. Beresford's party had the first shot : — the natives moved round to the other side of the trees; then we had a shot at them; and in front was our main body. They could not stand this long ; they did throw some spears at us, but they fell harmless. They scampered off, in number about thirty or forty, as near as we could guess, and we after them, till they came to the edge of the bank bounding the wood, over which they disappeared. We were hastening after them, when suddenly thirty or forty armed men started up from beneath the bank, and fired a volley on us, which brought us to a stand- still. We were all in a line, separated, but not far from each other, the chase after the natives having caused us to break our ranks. I looked down our line when the volley was fired, and it was with the most painful con- cern that I saw my young friend Beresford drop to the ground. It was clear that the natives had formed a junction with the bush-rangers, and our little party now stood in their presence, with fearful odds against us, and with Fairly in for it. 157 threg of us disabled. Thus fairly brought into action, we had nothing to trust to but our courage and disci- pline, and the moral superiority which the right has over the wrong. The bush-rangers, after their first volley, had disappeared under the bank. Our leader instantly called out, " Reserve your fire — close together ■ — now follow me." The Bush-rangers retreat — The Magistrate's party pursue — A Bivouac — Tracks of the Bush-rangers — Crossing of the big river — The pursuit grows warm. We immediately turned to the right to a point about fifty yards off, where there was a clump of trees which projected from the main mass of the forest. By this manoeuvre we turned the position of the bush-rangers, which at first was in their favour, to our own advantage, as it enabled us to take them along their line, so that they stood in one another's way ; and while they were unprotected in the open plain, we were sheltered by the trunks of the trees. As I followed with my division of the party, I passed poor Beresford, whom I had seen fall at the first volley of the bush-rangers. Raising him up, we bore him to the shelter of the wood. Our present position enabled us now to see the movements of the bush-rangers. It was not their game to fight, only to disable and embar- rass the pursuit; we were not surprised, therefore, though I must confess I felt considerably relieved, to behold the bush-rangers in rapid retreat stealing under the bank. Perhaps it would have been prudent in us, seeing their numbers and determination, and assisted by a harassing body of natives, to have let them alone, and to have suffered them to retire without molestation. (158) The Bush-rangers Retreat. 159 But our blood vras up, and as I have often observed on other occasions, there seems to be a fighting instinct iu human nature, so that two men, or two bodies of men, when they have got opposite each other with the in- tent of fighting, do not like to separate without exchang- ing blows. These thoughts occurred afterwards, for I was as hot as any of us at the time, and as eager to continue the pursuit. The sight, too, of our neighbour fired us. We saw him amidst his plunderers, with his hands tied be- fore him, and goaded on by two or three of them.- We were all going helter-skelter after them, when we were stopped by the voice of our young leader, who was the coolest among us. "Stop, gentlemen," said he; "we must not go too fast. Remember that our lives are precious, and it is my duty not to allow you to expose yourselves unneces- sarily. I am afraid these rascals are too strong for us. You may observe that the natives seem to be confident in their numbers. We are only eighteen in number, and our enemies are at least sixty or seventy. I make no doubt that a party of soldiers which the Government has directed to the Clyde, will follow our steps, and they can easily track us to where we are. My advice to you is to wait here till that help reaches us ; then we shall be a match for them." 'No waiting," cried out one bold young fellow; "let us go at them while we are in the humoui- for it. Those rascals will never fight when it comes to the scratch ; let us make a rush at them, and put an end to it." " If you will allow me to give my advice," said I, "1 am of the same opinion as our magistrate. We 160 We Use Stratagem. ought to endeavour to take these fellows alive ; it would be a dear victory if we were to buy it at the expense of many of our own lives." " Oh ! let us fight it out now/' cried several; " why, these bush-rangers will be joined by more convicts, de- pend on it, as they go on. Let us crush them at once, before they get to a strength too much for us to put down." " Well/' said the magistrate, " if you are determined to go on with this job, I will not disappoint you; but we must use a little stratagem in our proceedings. It is now four o'clock; in a few hours it will be dark, when, you know, the natives will not stir, for they are afraid of the evil spirit which they believe wanders about in the night-time. I propose, then, that we should remain where we are for two hours, so as to make the bush- rangers think, if they watch us, that we have given up the pursuit. Then we must track them to their resting- place for the night, and so surprise them asleep or off their guard, for our object is to secure them alive, and to rescue our friend from their hands, with as little risk as possible to ourselves. Are you agreed ?" " Agreed," said we all. " Then now let us lose no time in attending to young Beresford." We were all glad to find, on examination, that Beres- ford had only been stunned by a ball which had grazed his head ; there was not much bleeding from the wound, hut as the blood had flowed down his face, which was j^ale as death, it gave him a ghastly appearance. In less than half an hour he was sufficiently recovered to sit up, but he complained of headache, and weakness of tho limbs. PEPARE FOR THE StrUOGLE. 161 " Do you think you could keep up 'with us ?" said our leader. ''I'll try," said he, "and at any rate you shall not be stopped on my account. I would rather stay behind." " And be speared by the natives," said I, ''which you certainly would be. No — no ; if we go on, you must go with us, if we have to carry you, for our party is too weak to be divided." " And now, gentlemen, pray make the best use of your time. Rest yourselves ; and while you have the opportunity, put your arms in order, and I recommend you to put new flints in your -hammers. It is half the battle to have your weapons in good order. "We shall have the advantage of the bush-rangers there, for their muskets must be rusty, and out of order." We set ourselves about the work accordingly, and put our arms in good condition, keeping a good lookout the while, but we were not molested. At the end of two hours, one of the horsemen was despatched on the track of the enemy, and after him another to keep the first in view, and to "communicate with the main body. The third wounded horse we feared would be of little use, so he was turned loose in the bush, and his saddle and bridle stowed away in the fork of a tree, and covered over with bark to keep it dry. His rider's wound was a little stiffish, but he said he should be all right if it came to a brush, and he got warmed to the work. Our party was divided as before. I had the direction of six men, and Beresford of six more. The dismounted horseman made Beresford's party amount to seven. Our . leader, who was well mounted, made excursions of observation on either side. 11 162 A Disagreeable Night. Ie this order wc proceeded on the track of the busli- rangers till tlie dusk of tlie evening, when we made another halt. Planting sentinels around, whom we relieved at stated times, we remained in this position till midnight. We then resumed our march in Indian file, calculating that we should reach the resting-place of the hush-rangers at three or four o'clock in the morning, at which time the slumher of sleepers is most profound. But we found that we had overrated our powers of tracking ; we had not proceeded half a mile before we were brought to a stand-still ; we had lost the track, and in the obscurity of the night we found it impossible to recover it. Wc remained, therefore, where we were, afraid to light a fire, lest we should reveal our position. We made cautious excursions to the right and left, in the hope of discovering our enemies from the light of their fire ; but we could see nothing, and the night passed away in one of the most disagreeable bivouacs I ever witnessed. We contrived the best supper that we could in the dark, and those who could got some sleep. At the first dawn of light we were up and stirring, but it was a good half-hour before we could recover the lost track. The morning was hazy and raw, and we all felt that it was anything but a pleasurable expedition that we were engaged in. I have often admired how much difiesrence a good night's rest and a good supper make on the capabilities of a man ; it is in vain that enthu- siasm lends its aid to support us in arduous under- takings ; man, after all, depends much on his physical condition, and the old proverb of an English soldier being in the best fighting condition after a good dinner, I have had frequent opportunities to test the truth of. We Resume the Chase. 163 On we went with very long faces, and very blue noses, for about three miles, when we came to a brook about twenty feet wide, and not very deep, to the border of which our track led. The walk, or rather the trot, had warmed us up a bit, and, without any hesitation, we all dashed into it. It was nearly up to our middle, and the stream ran very strong, but we crossed it merrily. Pro- ceeding onwards, the track led us to the summit of a green hill, at which point it appeared the bush- ranfrers had taken a sudden resolution, for the track now proceeded at a right angle from the old one, and, after following it for a couple of miles, we found our- selves on the bank of the Shannon River. Here we were a little at fault, for the stream was too deep and too rapid to be forded, and we were not suffi- ciently ingenious to construct an extempore canoe from the bark of a tree, as the natives of New South Wales are accustomed to do. On the other side of the river, which was about sixty yards wide, was a stock-keeper's hut, which looked as if it had been abandoned, so deso- late and wretched was its appearance. The tracks on our side of the river were quite fresh, and it was evident that a body of men had recently crossed at the spot where we stood. Our leader des- patched the two constables to the right and left to make discoveries; but they returned, after the lapse of an hour, with the report that they could find no means of crossinrf the river, and that they had discovered no track. After similar explorations on all sides, we were com- pelled to come to the conclusion that they had crossed the river at the point where we were standing, but how they had done it was the puzzle. There was no sign of 164 Stopped by a Kiver. way living creature on the opposite bank, and the stock- hut, iToin its roofless condition, and the general aspect of things aboiit i*, seemed to have been long since aban- doned. It was rz "^"iin that we held a council of war ; no one could help «« ^ut of our difficulty ; there was the deep river between us and our enemy, and there we might stay for ever, if we waited till it had done flowing. *' Let us cross the river higher up," said one, ''till we come to a place that is fordable." " Lord bless you !" said one of the constables ; " you will find no ford on the Shannon. It's the most ram- bustious river in the whole colony, and always goes ramping and roaring along as if it were in the most ter- rible hurry in the world to get over the ground. It's quite a speck to cross it on horseback, unless your horse is a real good one, and in the dry season. But, what do I see there? Look ! Don't you see a little sort of a punt behind those sedges ? It is a punt ! Depend upon it, the bush-rangers crossed by that thing." We all gazed anxiously; and, sure enough, there was a something about six feet long, and how wide we could not tell, which looked like an outlandish wash-tub set to soak, and which might, by a vivid stretch of the im- agination, be likened to a punt. '' Well," said the magistrate, " we will not be stopped by the Shannon, or by anything else, in doing what we have a mind to. The horse that I am on will do any- thing that a horse can do, and I will make the attempt. Do you, gentlemen, draw yourselves up so as to protect my crossing, in case of enemies lying on the bank opposite, and I will try what Diamond can do." With that he was about to urge his horse into the water, when the constable called out — Magistrate Swims the River. 165 " Stop, sir, stop ! You don't understand the strength of the stream, or jou would not attempt to cross straight over. You must go up a hundred yards or so, and you will find the force of the current will not allow you to land on the other side nearer than the point opposite. Better say a hundred and fifty yards up, and pray take care to keep your horse's head well up the stream, or you will be turned over in no time.^' " Thank you," said the magistrate, " for your coun- sel. I always listen to the advice of old hands." Taking the stream at about a hundred and fifty yards to the right, he plunged in, taking a little leap from the bank. He went under water as high as his waist, but it was only for a moment, for as he leaped his horse against the stream, the force of the current, aided by the exertions of the horse in an opposite direction, buoyed him up directly. He had taken the precaution of holding his fowling-piece in his hand above his head, so that his weapon escaped damage. The action and struggle of the horse, guided by a practised hand, were beautiful The rampant stream swept on with a sort of fury, as if ravenous for the prey upon its bosom, but our young leader, as cool as if he was on the high road, with his fowling-piece raised high out of the reach of the spray of the waters, held on his course, undismayed by the rushing waters. It was a short course and a dangerous one, for the utmost efibrts of the noble and powerful animal, whose energies were called forth to battle the impetuous current of the famed Shannon Eiver, were barely sufficient to enable him to reach the landing-place. But he did reach it, and our breathless suspense was allayed by a 166 Succeeds in (tetting a Boat. success which, during its progress, seemed all but im- possible. He waved his gun to us when he was safe, and we replied by a cheer, forgetting our habitual caution, and the necessity of silence in a bush expedition. We then observed him ascend the bank, and approach the ruined hut. Some argument that he made use of was irresisti- ble, for presently, to our great surprise, we saw a man emerge from the building in the usual habiliment of a sojourner in the bush, that is, a kangaroo jacket. This detected individual proceeded with some alacrity, partly prompted b}^ his desire to assist his fellow crea- tures in crossing the stream, and partly, I suspected, by the persuasive influence of the magistrate's gun, which I observed to be most pertinaciously pointed at the head of this inhabitant of the Shannon, to the place where the washing-tub punt was moored under the bank. Some- tliing that the magistrate said to him seemed to have the effect of making him redouble his exertions. Having taken his place in the punt, he proceeded to creep up the bank, sometimes propelling his frail boat by a sort of oar, and sometimes catching hold over the shrubs and inequalities of the bank. Having obtained the requisite distance to enable him to shoot the passage, he used his paddles with the most commendable vivacity, stimulated, perhaps, by the sight of a tolerable number of gun-barrels ready to inflict instant punishment on any vacillation or treachery, and quickly came to laud a lit- tle above the spot where we were standing. When we saw this nondescript species of craft, we were amazed at any one trusting himself to such a speculative attempt at navigation. We looked at the punt, and we looked at Eathek a Ticklish Affair 167 one another, but no one offered to take his seat in this novel addition to the transport service. "Now, Worrall," said one of the constables to the other, ''you're the man to set the example. Did'nt you cross the Derwent once in a bark canoe when you were "Hold your tongue," said Worrall; "if I was a fool once, it's no reason why I should be a fool again. Get into it yourself with your fat carcass, and then perhaps there will be one rogue less in the world." "Not cross in my punt !" said the Columbus of Van Diemen's Land; "why there's no danger at all. There was a stock-keeper last week who crossed, that is, who would have crossed if he had not been so obstinate. He icoidd lift .up his head as he was lying at the bottom of the punt, and of course it upset, and I got a wetting, and was very near losing my punt. But it was his own fault that he was drowned. Now, misters, who comes first ?" No one seemed at all inclined to " come first," and there were whisperings about wives and families, and the first duty of a man, and such like. Meanwhile the magistrate on the other side, was making earnest ges- tures for us to join him, and I felt that it was necessary for some one to take a decisive part, so I stepped forward with the intention of making the first trial. But the gallant young Bercsford anticipated me, and, without saying a woi'd, he placed himself in the punt, and the man of the river pursuing the same process of crawling up the side of the stream by which he had reached us, landed him safely on the other side. This put us all on our mettle, and it was not who should shrink from the risk, but who should go first, that was now the question. 168 We All Cross Over. I have often tliought since of the hazard of this crossing, and wondered how we escaped; but so it was; we all crossed over in safety, and leaving a couple of sentinels on the outside, we all entered the hut. We were wet, and cold, and tired. The sight of glow- ing embers, therefore, on the hearth was very cheering. We quickly provoked the fire to a blaze, and enjoyed the warmth with unusual satisfaction. There was a tripod on the fire, in which we immediately made tea for the party, for tea is always cherished as the grand restorer of fatigue in bush excursions ; spirit heats and debilitates, but tea refreshes and strengthens ; such is the experience of all in Van Diemeu's Land. I don't know whether porter or ale might not do as well, or better ; but por- ter and ale are not to be found in the bush, and they are commodities too bulky to be carried about with you ; so that the universal ingredient is tea ; and a rough look- ing stock-keeper, in appearance something between a bear and a badger, talks of his tea with the same gusto as an old woman at a Scotch christening. With tea, then, we made our bush breakfast, and as we were all particularly well pleased with our own courage in crossing the river, we were in high spirits. We endeavoured to ascertain from the occupant of the hut something of the condition and probable route of the bush-rangers, but this ambiguous individual pro- tested most vehemently that he had seen nothing of them, and that how the marks of the footsteps came which we pointed out to him surpassed his comprehen- sion ! We knew that this was a lie, and some of us were stronglyjnclined to shoot him on the spot, to prevent We Proceed. 169 his giving information about us ; but the magistrate prevailed on us to postpone this summary mode of exe- cution till we came back, observing that shooting was too good for him, and that he would certainly come to be hanjred without our taking the trouble to interfere in expediting so desirable a consummation. Having refreshed ourselves and dried our clothes, and having carefully examined our locks and ammunition, we pro- ceeded gaily on the track of the enemy. CljKlitu /iftnittlj. Arrival at the great lake — Bush-rangers at bay — The Fight — Simul- taneous attack of the Natives — Matters remain in suspense — Thornley looks out for a Kangaroo for supper. We followed the track, but we could not come up with the bush-raugers. We kept on for about twenty miles over a rough and difficult country, crossing the big river by a ford, till we came to the foot of a tier of hills too steep for a fatigued party to encounter. Here we made a halt for the night. The next morning we continued the pursuit. When we reached the top of the tier, we beheld in the bottom before us the wide and beautiful lake then known by the name of x\rthur's Lake. The scene was beautiful beyond description. The morning broke clear and bright, and the sharp mountain air was exhilarating and exciting. Behind us was a romantic country of undulating hill and dale, and before us were the tranquil waters of the great lake. We were all struck with the impressive character of the scene, and for some minutes we were silent. " How beautiful and quiet the lake looks," said our leader, " with the morning sun lighting it up ; it seems a pity to disturb such a place with sounds and acts of blood and battle, but I have a notion that we shall hem in the bush-rangers on the borders of that lake, and then, when we bring them to bay, we may prepare for a (170) '>» Arrive at the Gtreat Lake. 171 desperate struggle. Now, gentlemen, if you have satis- fied your love for the picturesque, we will move on." As well as we could calculate, we were about four miles from the margin of the lake, and we proceeded at a tolerably rapid pace, following the track of the bush- rangers till we came to its banks. Here, it seems, they had come to a halt, and were doubtful how to proceed ; for the shore was much ti-ampled by men walking to and fro. "We did not stop long, for, observing that the track led to the left, we followed it. It seemed that the bush- rangers were undetermined how to proceed, for they fol- lowed the winding of the margin of the lake for some distance, when, suddenly quitting that course, their track led direct to a point of the lake where some cedar-trees grew on a tongue of land stretching into the lake about a quarter of a mile. As we proceeded, we observed a smoke to arise from the extremity of this point, which we had no doubt was the fire of the bush-rangers. After our long and toil- some pursuit, we hailed this indicator of the refuge of the bush-rangers with joy and satisfaction, although with a secret consciousness that the end was not to be attained without a sharp and desperate struggle. At the en- trance of this little peninsula we halted, and our leader, assuming the air of one on whom rested a serious respon- eibility, urged on us the importance of discipline, and the necessity of attending strictly to orders in the com- ing conflict. " My friends," said lie, "we are about to engage with men whom we are driving to desperation. If that fire, as I believe it does, indicates the presence of the bush- rangers, you will observe that our approach will hem 172 Preparations por Attack. them in, and tliat they will have no means oi escape but by our destruction. Are you resolved and ready?" " Resolved and ready !" said Beresford, who had re- covered all his energy, although looking a little pale from the eifects of his wound ; " do you think we have come thus far to shrink back when the decisive moment is come ? What would any one of us feel if he was in the hands of the bush-rangers, and saw his friends and neighbours sneaking oflf when it came to real blows, and afraid to go on with the enterprise they had begun ? I, for one, am ready for the worst; I have been hit once, but I have no mind to duck my head for all that." "Wo are all ready and resolved," we said; "do you lead us, and depend on it, you may trust us as if we were drilled soldiers." " Then," said he, "let us lose no time, but endeavour to surprise them in their lurking-place. I think they don't suspect they are followed, or they would never have chosen a ground from which they have no retreat." " Or, perhaps," said one, " they are confident in their strength." "It may be so. At any rate it behoves us to use the utmost caution and address in our advance. And now let us move on." We adyanced accordingly, with that sort of tremulous- ness produced by excitement, not fear, which is apt to pervade those ou the eve of a dangerous exploit. But our hope of surprise was soon shown to be in vain, for we had not proceeded more than two or three hundred yards, when a shot from behind a tree warned us that our approach was discovered. This did not stop our advance, however, and rapidly ascendipg a gi'een knoll, Battle with the Bush-rangers. i.73 we beheld before us the party of bush-rangers in battle array. We levelled our pieces^ but the voice of our leader arrested our impetuosity. " Stop/' said he; "that is not according to promise. You must not fire without the word." " The bush-rangers will not wait for the word," said one of us, for at that moment they fired a volley at us. Again my poor young friend Beresford had the misfor- tune to be hit. He dropped to the ground. Quitting my party, I ran to him ; he was bleeding fast. Several slugs had struck him on his right side ; he was in great pain, and almost fainting from loss of blood, for the jagged shot made from split bullets had torn him sadly. Without losing a moment in asking questions, I con- trived to drag him behind the dead trunk of a tree which was lying close to us. Our leader lost no time neither. In an instant he formed our little party in the position most advantageous to it, by moving us a little to the right. Our enemies had not had time to load again ; but they were busy about it, and as they stood in a position slant- ing from us, the six shots fired promptly, but coolly, confused them not a little ; it stopped the loading of more than one musket, and before they could recover them- selves, my party of seven put in a deliberate fire, for we were all used to the bush, and were not at all flurried. We now observed three of their men to drop ; but two got up again, one remaining on the ground, apparently shot dead. In the meantime, Beresford*s party were ready to fire again, and almost at the same time about a dozen shots came from the bush-rangers; not one struck us : but one ball struck the hollow trunk of the tree be- 174 Their Leader. bind wliicli Beresford was lying, and was stopped by his body. The bush-rangers were now ranged in a line opposite to us, and we counted thirty-one, three having fallen. Seve- ral of those, however, who were standing in line were disabled, for one or two were stamping and writhing with pain, and we saw one man with a fowling-piece in his left hand, and with his right arm hanging down, and seem- ingly rendered useless by a shot. There was one man among the bush-rangers whom we could not help no- ticina; and admiring. He was one' of the finest men I ever saw. Tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular, his whole form denoted great strength, combined with great activity. He stood a little in advance of his party, as cool as a cucumber, and quite regardless of the shots that flew about him. As the two parties were not above a hundred yards distant from each other, we occasionally heard his voice encouraging his men. " Fire away, my hearties," he cried out, while he was reloading his musket with all diligence, — "fire away; better die by a musket ball than a rope." With that I saw him delibeivately examine the pan of his piece. He was not quite satisfied with its appearance, for he paused for a moment, as if in seai'ch of something. Stooping down to the ground, he picked up a little twig or stiif straw, and coolly cleared the touch-hole of its ob- struction. He then primed the pan quickly but without hurry from his powder-horn, and putting his musket to his shoulder, pointed it here and there among us, as if seeking for the best mark. He was not long in finding one. The magistrate who was on horseback, formed a conspicuous object. The other two on horseback were The Natives join in the Attack. 175 behind us among some trees, to guard against a surprise from the natives. I saw the bush-ranger take a quick and steady aim, and immediately after, a cry from our leader made me fear that the shot had taken effect. It was certainly a capital shot ; it went through his hat, and knocked it off. "Everybody seems to have a spite against my hat," said the magistrate; " the natives sent a spear through it the other day, and now these rascals have put a bullet throuch it. Any more of this fun will spoil my best hat. Keep up your fire," said he to me and my party. "This bit of a scrimmage is no joke, gentlemen. Fire coolly, and take aim at a particular man. They are double our numbers, but we have the advantage of position. Who is that man in front ? There he is, going to fire again ; — he has fired, and one of you is down. This is a bad job," said he to the wounded man, "but we can't help it. But what do I see behind us ? The natives ! By George ! they are on us ! Look out for the spears ! and keep steady, for God's sake. Now we are fighting for our lives indeed. Keep steady, and fire quick. Keep it up — keep it up ! Show a firm front, and I with the other two horses will make a rush at them." We heard the natives at our back uttering loud cries and screams, and inciting one another to close with us. I had enough to do to attend to my own work, for we were almost tired with loading and firing, and another shot from the bush-rangers tore open the left arm of one of our party. The yells of the natives now became louder and fiercer, and the fire of the bush-rangers became quicker, and I thought I observed symptoms of an intention to 176 Natives Routed. make a rush at us, simultaneously with the advance of the natives. Spears now fell thick among us, and I thought a crisis had come which would settle the fight without any more long shots, when suddenly I saw our leader, with the two other horsemen, dash in among the natives, and slash away with their swords. They had served in the yeomanry in England, and understood the use of the broad-sword well, and every cut told on the naked bodies of the natives. The waddies were of no use against the broad-swords of horsemen, and their slight spears were not strong enough to serve as pikes, so that they were completely at the mercy of the sabres. If it had been among trees, the horsemen would have stood no chance against such a body of natives ; they would have been riddled like sieves by their spears, with- out being able to get a cut at them ; but in the plain the horsemen had all the advantage, for the natives were afraid of the horses as much as of the riders, and find- ing themselves unexpectedly assailed in that fashion, they were for a little while panic-struck, and incapable of resistance. They soon found the use of their legs, however, and they scampered off like deer across the little plain towards the entrance of the peninsula. The horsemen followed them for some distance, and then re- turned towards us. In the meanwhile a brisk fire was kept up on both sides. We had at this time seven of our men disabled, and about thirteen of the bush-rangers were in the same con- dition. But this increased the odds against us; for we were now only six, and with our throe friends on horse- back, nine against twenty-one. But we had the advan- Bush-rangers Slacken their Fire. 177 tage of position, and we had got rid of the natives ; but the hazard seemed desperate. I now observed the magistrate with his two compa- nions to the left of the bush-rangers. They had sheathed their swords, and unslung the double-barrel fowling- pieces which they carried at their backs. All this did not take long in occurrence, though it requires many words to relate. They immediately fired at the bush- rangers and hit two of them. This move evidently puz- zled the enemy ; but their leader soon formed his party to meet it. Some of them faced about and fired, and one of the horses was hit, as I observed by its plunging about. The fire of the horsemen, however, sensibly relieved us from the shots of the enemy, and our little party of six now redoubled their fire, and the bush-rangers becan to waver and show signs of unsteadiness. It was plain that their weapons were not in the same state of efii- cicDcy as ours, for although they all had pieces of some description, their fire was slack and unfrequent, while every one of our barrels told ; besides, we were all ac- customed to the use of fire-arms, which most of the bush-rangers were not. I am inclined to think, too, that they were fearful of expending all their ammuni- tion., which they would have a difficulty in replacing. This and other reasons combining, caused them to slacken their fire. Their fii-e-arms, too, for want of proper cleaning, and from the damp of the bush, became every minute more and more unserviceable, and all the while we were pelting them with our shots, sheltered by the trees behind which we fought. Once I thought they had fully made up their minds 12 178 TiiEY Turn and Hun. to a rush, and the result might have been fatal to us. They gathered themselves up in a compact body, and the leader led them about fifty paces towards us at a running pace, but at this distance our volley told fear- fully. We fired plump into the midst of them, at about fifty yards' distance, while the horsemen gave them the contents of three barrels on their left. This was enough for them. Five fell — two got up again, and three remained on the ground. They now broke, and ran away over the little plain. Their leader was the last to run. He turned round, and levelling his musket, gave us a parting shot. This was the only shot that came close to me, to my knowledge, during this bloody fight. The ball struck the left-hand side of the tree be- hind which I was standing loading my piece ; it knocked off the end of my ramrod, which in the act of ramming projected of course beyond the trunk of the tree. I thought it an odd shot, but I was too satisfied that it did not knock ofi" me, to make any remark about it at that time. I thought the horsemen would have pursued the bush- rangers as they were running ofi", but, contrary to my expectation, they galloped toward us. " Keep where you are, gentlemen," said our leader. " Don't let the bush-rangers see how we are reduced in number. On the plain they would be more than a match for us, and they might turn and defeat us. We must be content with what we have done, and think ourselves well off". And now for our wounded friends : where is the surgeon ?" " lie was one of the first of us that was hit; he is Ij" mo- on the other side of the mimosa tree." Our Party Reduced to Nine. 179 " That's unlucky ; but we must do the best we can. Let us see — how many of us remain fit for service ?" Six of us stood forward. " Here are six, and that with myself and my two com- panions on horseback, makes nine out of eighteen. A melancholy deficit. But with our small numbers it would be madness to force a close conflict with desperate men. "We must take counsel what to do. In the mean time let us show a bold front. I did not expect, I must confess, that the bush-rangers would fight so well; but they are desperate, and they feel that their alternative is a halter." We all thought that our situation, with the bush- rangers in superior numbers on one side, and with the natives on the other, was desperate indeed. We felt as doomed men ; but unwilling to give up our lives without a struggle, and retreat being now as dangerous as to stand where we were — to say nothing of the impossibility of our forsaking our wounded companions — we deter- mineu to sell our lives as dearly as possible. We there- fore drew ourselves up in three parties of two each, posted behind the trees. In this position we stood for about half an hour with- out any signs of future attempts from the bush-rangers ; they had ceased firing, and so had we ; and presently afterwards they retired behind a green ridge about a hun- dred yards behind them, close to the water's edge. r>uring the fight, we had seen nothing of our friend whom the bush-rangers had taken with them from the Clyde, and to tell the truth, in the urgent necessity of defeating them and of defending our own lives, we had almost forgotten that his rescue was a principal reason 180 Care of Our Wounded. for our pursuit of the bush-rangers. The horsemen now did good service; they served as patroles to guard our little party from surprise to the right and left, and one of them made occasional excursions to the rear, to look after the natives, but it seemed they had had enough of it for the present. Relieved from the apprehension of an immediate at- tack, we now turned our attention to the wounded. They had contrived to drag themselves behind the big hollow log of the tree where I had placed poor Beresford, and we were relieved to find them all still living. The course of the conflict had drawn us more to the right, and in the excitement and the noise of the firing we had not been able to pay attention to those who were hit ; it was as much as we could do to defend ourselves from being massacred by the numbers against us. It was an agreeable surprise to us, therefore, to find the sur- geon, with a bloody handkerchief tied round his head, as busy as possible with his patients. During his sojourn in the colony, and indeed in the whole course of his life, he had never, he said, had such a favourable opportunity of gaining experience in gun-shot wounds. I could not help thinking, notwithstanding our dis- tress and peril, and the ghastly faces of the wounded, that the professional gratification at the sight of such a variety of lacerations, acted like a charm on his own wound. Planting the two horsemen, and two on foot as sentinels, we bent all our attention to the care of ou'" suffering companions. There was plenty of water at no great distance; wo fetched some, and it refreshed them greatly. The sur- geon was sadly troubled, however, at the prospect of The Surgeon's Resources. 181 passing the night in the open air, for there were three of them in a bad way, and he feared the cold, frosty air of the hikes wouhl be too sharp for the sick, and we had doubts about the prudence of lighting a fire. In this oc- cupation the remainder of the day wore away, when I saw our four dogs coming to us. I was startled at first, for really I had never missed them, the fighting and firing having put everything else out of my head. Hector came up to me with a mean- ing air, as I thought, and I looked at his chops, and saw that he had assisted in the killing of a kangaroo not long before ; the other dogs looked significantly about something, but they kept in the rear of Hector, paying a sort of deference to his superior sagacity and favour. It struck me that a kangaroo steamer, if we could venture to make a fire to cook it, would be no bad thing in our present circumstances, and it was agreed that I should go after it, if it did not lead me too far. ''Take my horse," said the magistrate; "if you should fall in with the natives, he will save you from a spearing, and I'll stay to help the surgeon. He wants some splints, he says, for Worrall's arm, but there's no surgical instrument-maker with a shop hereabouts, I fancy." "I have it," said the surgeon, "I have it; where's your axe ?" said he to the other constable ; " here Tucker, chop me a strip of bark from this tree. That's right ; that's a capital piece. Here," said he, cutting some longitudinal slips in it, " here's a beautiful cradle for a wounded arm ! This is another wrinkle for me ! I never thought, when I was serving my time in Aber- deen, thab I should have to invent splints from the bark 182 I GO TO Hunt Supper. of a gum-tree in Vau Dicmcn's Laud I Now, my man, it's almost worth while to get one's arm shattered a bit to have it done up so nicely; that's it; don't wince, man ; stop, give me a pocket-handkerchief, one of you, or something; there — that will make a nice soft bed for it. A little water do you want ?" " Couldn't you put a little brandy in it?" «< j^o — no brandy; inflammation, you know, and all that. And now for the others. Well, to be sure, I have enough to do with you all. Where have you been hurt," said he, " Mr. Nicholls ?" " Here, on the right side. I feel very faint." " I see ; but we must get out the ball ; it isn't deep in. How to do it, though — that is the question — for I have not got the tools with me." "I have got a corkscrew," said Worrall. " A cork-screw ! Why, I never did hear of balls being extracted by a cork-screw ; but — " Nicholls groaned. Seeing that I could be of no use in this difficulty, and thinking that the meat would be a help to us, I slung my fowling-piece behind me, and throwing the horse's bridle over my arm, I set off in search of the kangaroo. I first did all that it was possible for me to do for my young friend Beresford. His left arm had been shattered by a ball, and he was suffering the most excruciating pain. The surgeon, who was much attached to him, but who, under the present circumstances, made no distinction, helping those first who most wanted assistance, now took Beresford's case in hand, and our mutual friend, the magistrate, gave him all the aid ho could think of. (!^lin|itBr lixtnntlj. Hector points at unexpected game — Thornley meets with a party of Soldiers — His joy thereat— His disappointment thereon — His la- mentable predicament — His fortunate escape from a pistol-bullet — His release — A letter from his 'Wife — The Bush-rangers escape to an Island in the Lake — Melancholy news from the Clyde — Thornley resolves to return home. The day was drawing to a close; I judged there was a good hour and a half's daylight. I saw there was some- thing in Hector's manner more than usual, but I set it down to the recent scrimmage with the natives, and the firing. I bid him " Go show !" He trotted on, and at about half a mile's distance he brought me to the dead kangaroo, lying not far from the lake. I did not wait to cut it up, but threw it as it was across the saddle, and was about to return to my friends, but Hector exhibited a strange unwillingness to go back, and ran on a little way in the direction from which we had come from the Clyde. Being well acquainted with his ways, and knowing the wonderful instinct of the dog, I was uneasy ; my mind being full of the fear of natives being at hand. But the signs he gave were not the signs of natives ; they meant something else. The bush-rangers, I knew, were behind me, and that they could not pass our little party without an alarm being given. " Well," thought I, " the dog knows something that he seems to think I ought to know (183) 184 Meet with Soldiers. too. I'll follow him a little way at any rate ;" so I threw down the kangaroo from the horse, and mounted. Hector seemed pleased at this, and knowing that I could keep up with him on horseback, he cantered off at a pretty good pace, keeping the track by which we had reached the lake. When we had gone about a mile, I stopped ; but Hector still showed a great anxiety to pro- ceed. "Well, Hector," said I, "I'll trust you, but I can't understand what you are at; if it is to go home that you're trying for, that won't do." The other three dogs had staid by the kangaroo, which I had thrown on the ground, so that I was alone with Hector. We had proceeded in this way about three miles, and I was beginning to think I had gone far enough, when Hector suddenly stopped, and assumed the attitude of pointing at game. " What's in the wind now ?" thought I. "Is it an emu that the dog has been bringing me to ? It's worth a shot, however, for the sake of the fat; but I must be wary !" I got off my horse, which I tied to a tree, and advanced stealthily into the direction to whichi Hector pointed. I had not proceeded more than twenty steps, when to my surprise, and I must confess, exceed- ing fear, a quick sharp voice cried out — " Who goes there ?" "More bush-rangers," thought I; " now I'm in for it!" " Who goes there ?" repeated the voice, and I heard the well known click of the cocking of a musket ; it came from the direction of a thicket close by. I looked, and saw the muzzle of a musket projecting just beyond the leaves. I was in a terrible fright. '' A friend," said I in a hurry. They take Me for a Bush-ranger. 185 "Stand, friend; if you move, I fire !" "I'm done I" thought I; " it's all over ! I shall be made a target of by these rascals, and there's the lake handy by to throw me into afterwards I" As these horrible thoughts crossed me, I heard the peculiar sound of the shouldering of arms together by drilled soldiers, and immediately afterwards a sergeant's party showed themselves in line to the left of the thicket. " Hurrah !" said I, jumping about in delight; " well done, Hector !" " Hurrah ! What the devil is the man hurrahing about ?" said the sergeant. " I've a notion, my friend, that the next caper you cut will be from a tight rope. Secure him ! Present ! There, you see, resistance is of no use. The rascal has got a beautiful fowling-piece with him, stolen, of course, from some unfortunate settler." "What the devil are you about?" said I; " you're mistaken " " No mistake at all. There, tic his arms behind his back — a little tighter. Two file, present at him. Now, my friend, lead us on to where your other blackguards are nestling, or by , you shall have a couple of the most beautiful balls through your rascally body that ever were cast by the king's commissioners. Lead on — I say! you won't ! Fix your bayonets, and touch him up behind. Ah, that makes him move !" " Holloa !" said I, " none of that fun ; I'm not a bush-ranger; I'm after them myself. I'm a gentleman!" The laugh that the soldiers set up at this assumption of dignity made the woods ring again. " A gentleman ! a beautiful gentleman you are, ar'n't you ? It's a pity you hav'n't got a glass, to see how a gentleman looks when he has taken to bush-ranging I" 186 My Unpleasant Position It struck me then for the first time, that my appear- ance might well lead the soldier,s wrong as to the personal consideration which was due to my standing in the colony. I had on my bush-dress, which was dirtied and stained with travel, and ray hands, face, and clothes were smeared with the blood of my wounded companions, whom I had recently been assisting. In addition to these unfavourable indications, my beard was of three days' growth, so that it may be easily imagined that I presented a capital likeness of a hunted bush-ranger to the eyes of the soldiers. I might have laughed at my ludicrous position if it had not been so dangerous, for the two soldiers behind me, with cocked muskets and fixed bayonets, which seemed to have been sharpened up for my especial ac- commodation, kept their fingers, as I observed, and I shuddered at the sight, on their triggers, ready to treat me with the contents of their barrels at the least sigu from their commander ; and soldiers, I well knew, were not very particular about shooting a bush-ranger in the bush, and taken, as the lawyers say, in JJagrante delicto. I was in a cold sweat, and my excessive per- turbation was visible to the men. '^ Look at the sneaking hound," said the sergeant; " what a desperate funk the coward is in just at the chance of being shot ! Be steady, my men, don't shoot him if you can help it. Now, my beauty, use your stumps." " I'll take you," said I, with a sort of desperate eagerness, " to where you will find the bush-rangers- — and—" " Oh — you will, will you ? You're a nice fellow for Suspected as a Murderer! 187 a Dusb-ranger ! A pretty blackguard you — to betray your comrades I" " I don't betray any body," said I. " I " " Hold your jaw/' said tbe sergeant, " and get on, or you sball bave anotber spur from bebind ; and take care you don't tbink of betraying us, or you'll regret it as long as you live, tbougb tbat wouldn't be long, you may depend on it. And — bold your jaw," again said be, seeing I wanted to speak — " lead us to your comrades in silesce; we don't want you to give 'em notice of our coming by your blackguard and treacberous tongue." Compelled tbus to be silent, witb my arms tied bebind my back, if I bad been inclined to pbilosopbize, I migbt bave mused on tbe instability of buman affairs ; but my contemplations were interrupted by tbe sigbt of my horse witb his bridle hooked over tbe branch of a tree. ''0, bo!" cried out my tormentor, '' bush-rangers ride a-horseback now-a-days, do they ? Tbe Clyde ma- gistrate's horse, by George ! You infernal rascal ! you've shot tbe magistrate, that's clear ; and here's his gun that you stole. Don't speak; we want none of your lies. Wilbams, lead the horse. Ob ! tbe villain, to shoot a magistrate ! A husli-ranger to shoot a magis- trate ! ! That deserves double hanging ! Now, don't attempt to give us any of your jaw, or we'll gag you in no time. Prick him up behind if he speaks. A mur- dering bush-ranger is not going to come over ?'e had recently passed. *204 A Lonely Night. The recovery of the shoe quite lightened my heart, and I strode back to the horse with some glee, with my trea- sure. It was in vain, however, that I tried every ima- ginable scheme to replace the shoe. I tried to bind it on with my handkerchief, but that was an idle attempt. So there I was with a lame horse in a dead fix. In the meantime the shades of evening began to close in upon me, and I felt weary and hungry. Having no fear of the horse's straying suddenly, I took off his sad- dle and bridle, and fastened the holster pistols round my waist with my handkerchief. He presently began to feed, and that pleased me. But what was I to do ? To drag him after me in his lame state was an impossible task, and I could not at once make up my mind to leave him. " At any rate," I thought, " I will try the chance of a night's rest; that may restore him sufficiently, perhaps, to take me home." So I set about establishing myself for the night, and as I was used to bush expeditions, I soon made myself tolerably comfortable. There was the kangaroo rug for my bed and covering, and the saddle for a pillow, and that was luxurious accommodation for the bush. I wished to go after a kangaroo, but I was too tired, and it was getting too dark for that sport. I looked for water, and fortunately found a little spring running over a shelving rock at no great distance. I took a good drink of it, and then tried to get the horse to it, but it would have been too loag a job ; so I filled my hat, and by that means contrived to give him a drink too. I then kindled a fire, by flashing some loose powder in the pan of one of the pistols, and lighted a piece of charred punk, which is as good for the pur- Awakened by the Cold. 205 pose as the G-ermau tiuder wliicli lias been brought to the colony by some settlers. Sitting down by my fire, I proceeded to eat my supper in great state, the kangaroo rug forming a comfortable carpet, and the saddle a rest- ing-place for my elbow. The fire burned briskly and cheerfully, and I discussed a huge piece of damper with considerable relish. As I did not expect to be out in the bush another night, I was rather lavish with my provision, and Hector and Fly came in for a more than liberal share of the supper. I confess I felt as if I wanted something more, and I was vexed to lose a night, and to have to pass it in the bush unnecessarily ; but there was no help for it, so I prepared myself for a sleep. With my pistols in my belt, and my fowling-piece alongside of me, I rolled myself up in the kangaroo rug, my feet towards the fire, and my head resting on the saddle for a pillow. Hector nestled himself close to my head, and feeling secure against any sudden surprise with my faithful dog watching me, overpowered with fatigue I soon fell asleep. I slept for some hours, and was awakened by the cold air of the early morning. The sharpest time of the twenty-four hours in Van Diemen's Land is just before sunrise, and as it was now the beginning of winter, I felt the frosty air very disagreeable. It was still dark, and the fire was quite out. Not liking to stumble about in tne dark after fire-wood, and expecting that the morn- ing would break in about an hour or so, I unrolled my- self from my rug, and kept myself warm by walking, taking short seaman's turns backwards and forwards. The time seemed very long before daylight came, but 206 Take a Farewell or My Horse. as the longest night must at last come to an end, so did .nis, and my sight was gladdened by the coming light, but the morning was very foggy. From this foggy state of the atmosphere I was inclined to suspect that I was in the vicinity of some lake, but how I could have wandered back to the Great Lake, if I had done so, it puzzled me to make out. The hazy state of the weather, however, was a serious evil, as it prevented me from seeing the sun, and deprived me of that guide to my course. When it was light enough, I looked eagerly round for the horse, and saw him close to the spot where I had left him the previous night. I went np to hira and examined him 3 he was in a pitiable condition indeed j his foot was swelled frightfully, and it was plain that it was quite out of the question to hope that he could carry me, for he could not even carry himself beyond a few steps on his three tottering legs. Well, this was a bad job; but I had my own legs to carry me, and they had never failed me yet; it would take more time for me to get home, certainly, but I had not the slightest apprehension of being able to reach it. So, as there was no help for it, I was obliged to abandon the poor horse to his fate ; his saddle and bridle I placed under a shelving rock, and I marked the place in my mind by taking various bearings, so that I might know it again. Having done this, and having patted the horse as a sort of farewell — the creature seemed to look beseech ingly at me not to leave him — I set about considering the direction in which I should proceed- I felt rather sharp-set, the damper having become digested with pro- Travel without Breakfast. 207 yoking rapidity, but as I had nothing to eat, I was obliged to do (I used to say to my boysj as the King of Prussia did when he had no bread — I went without I decided on the direction at once, my mind being still clear, and I tramped on lustily up hill and down dale for about ten miles, when I found myself becoming tu-ed, and still embosomed, to my great perplexity, in the midst of these eternal hills. At last I got angry at my situa- tion — my head became confused — I grew distrustful of myself and of my judgment, and I felt myself rapidly losing all sense and power of deciding on any direction as the right one. My head, however, did not yet give way ; I had still "sufficient self-possession to be aware of the danger of suffering my mind to lapse into the perilous state of fear and indecision in the bush, and I thought if I could get some food, the restoration of the body' s strength might help to keep the mind in its equilibrium. I looked out, therefore, for something to shoot ; but in that desolate place I could not spy a single bird of any description. I thought I would try what the dogs could do. I looked narrowly about for some distance around, but could see DO trace of a kangaroo. I thought I would try, however, — so summoning up my spirits, and assuming a cheerful tone, I bid the dogs " go hunt !" To my great and most pleasurable surprise, they immediately began to hunt in circles around me, till the wideness of their range with- drew them from my' sight. I flattered myself, by their not returning, that they had got scent, and I remained very anxiously at the spot where they had left me for more than two hours. During this time, a fear came t)ver me that the dogs 20h My Dogs find Gajie. might leave me, and that I should lose the help of their ■vratchfulness and instinct in the bush ; but this fear was an injustice to their fidelity, for at the end of the time they returned looking sorely jaded, but with the marks on their mouths of having killed their game. My two hours' rest had refreshed me, and it was with a joyful and eager voice, partly prompted by an exceed- ingly sharp appetite, and partly by the instinctive de- light of a huntsman at success, that I bid them " go show !" They trotted on, and I aft-er them, and a weary way they led me. Right over the steepest hills and down the sharpest precipices, without once stopping or swerv- ing from their line, they took me over seven or eight miles of the severest country that I ever travelled over before or since. Several times I thought I should have been obliged to give in, but hunger is a fierce prompter, and I knew there was killed game at the end, and at length I reached it. Even the dogs were tired ; I sat down for a while, for I was dead beat, and I felt faintish. The sight of the kangaroo, however, was a restorative. I soon cut him up, and gave the dogs a meal; and then I kindled a fire, and was not very particular about the cookery, I assui-e you. I cut ofi" slices from the loin, the tenderest part of the animal and the bush-ranger's tid-bit, and throwing them on the glowing embers, ate my vension stakes hot and hot without waiting for salt or seasoning. I left oif, because I could not cat any more, and then I began to think, What was I to do ? I had now got into a part, still among steep hills, where I had lost absolutely all idea of which way I had come, or which way I ought to go. I was besides very tired, and my feet and limbs More and more Lost. 209 were getting tender from scrambling over stony ground, and over rocks and precipices. I felt too much fatigued to encounter more wandering that day, for the evening was coming on ; — so I made the best of it. I missed my kangaroo rug and saddle for blanket and pillow, but I lighted up a good fire, and sometimes lying down, and sometimes walking about to prevent the night air from benumbing me, and occasion- ally having d, peg at the kangaroo, making capital broils, I contrived to get through the night without losing my spirits. When daylight came I cut off from the kangaroo as much flesh as I could carry, and then looking out for the highest hill in my vicinity, I ascended it, and endeavoured to make out where I was, and which was my proper course. I could see nothing but hills, like the vast and tumultuous waves of a troubled sea. The atmosphere was still misty, and I could not, therefore, help myself by observing the position of the sun. I tried to put the instinct of the dogs into exercise, and I spoke angrily to Hector, and bid him "go home." The dog crouched, and obeyed reluctantly 5 when he had got fifty yards or so I called him back, and then taking the bearings of different points I pursued the line which Hector had taken, hoping it was in the direction towards home, or to some inhabited place to which the instinct of the animal had prompted him. Cherishing this hope, I proceeded in this course for many miles, but over a dreadfully fatiguing country, but still without ex- tricating myself from my embarrassing entanglement in those perplexing and confusing hills. It was now beyond mid-day, and I sat down to rest 14 210 Meet with an Eagle. myself, and, kindling a fire, dined heartily on the flesli of the kangaroo which I carried with me, taking care to feed the dogs well, that hunger might not tempt them to stray from me. Having so refreshed myself, I earn- estly bent all my faculties to discover whereabouts I could be, and which was tie proper course to pursue. In my difficulty and anxiety, I thought the best thing to do was to try to discover my own track, which I hoped the tread >f the horse's feet would leave sufficiently plain, and so find my way back to the point from which I had first deviated, when I sought for an easier passage across the tier, on leaving the Great Lake. This I knew would be a tedious journey, but it seemed my only resource. I set about it, therefore, with all the coolness and vigilance which I could summon up, and choosing a direction which I judged would lead me across my own track, I set diligently to work. But all my ef- forts were in vain. Each succeeding mile seemed only to plunge me deeper and deeper into the recesses and mysteries of the woods. At the close of day, when the light began to fail me, I found myself at the foot of a rocky and scraggy mountain, at the base of which was a black and stag- nant-looking pool. An eagle arose from the margin of the water as I approached, and slowly soared to the sum- mit of the mountain. There were no trees near this spot, nothing but a few ragged and stunted bushes. It was the very picture of loneliness and desolation. Its gloomy and fearful aspect struck a chill into my very soul, and the coming darkness helped to fill my now weakened mind with all sorts of superstitious fears. I held my fowling-piece in my hand for a considerable Fairly Lost in the Bush. 211 time, with a vague sort of apprehension of danger from I knew not what. At hist I roused myself up sufficiently to light a fii-e, which was a difficult matter, so scanty was the fuel in that barren place. I contrived to kindle one, however ; but its faint light seemed to multiply my terrors, and to aggravate the feeling of loneliness and desolation around me. I felt that I was rapidly falling into that state of mind of which I had heard, but which I had never experienced — the confusion of intellect, and the deprivation of the power of judging, causing the peculiar aberration of mind which seizes on those who feel the terrible conviction of being " lost in the bush I" I was now lost in the bush ! That calamity, however, frightful as it was — with my body enfeebled, and my mind wandering — was not the worst evil that was to befall me. But I must pause here, and recover myself before I attempt to describe the horrible fate that awaited me in the desolate wild of the dismal bush. Cljnpttr (BigijtBButlj. Is threatened by Eagles — His sufferings — The Magnetic Needle — The Dogs give notice of the Natives — Their attack — His fight single-handed with the Savages. I SHALL never forget my sufferings on tliat wretclied night. It was piercingly cold, as the nights usually are in the month of June in Van Diemen's Land, and it was with the greatest difficulty that I could contrive, by incessant motion, to prevent my limbs from becoming benumbed. The thoughts of my family, of my ruined farm, and of the disasters which seemed to thicken on me, with the dreadful feeling of my present state of helplessness, almost maddened me. At last, towards morning, I sat dbwn by the fire, and from mere exhaustion fell asleep. I was soon awakened by the nipping cold of the early morning. My sleep, however, short as it was, served to calm me. I began coolly to reflect on my position. " I certainly was lost in the bush ; but was there no way out of the difficulty ? If I continued in a straight line in any one direction, I must at last come to some stream, or perhaps to some stock-hut, or to some known point, which would be the means of recovering my way; — the great danger to be avoided was straying to the west, in which direction there were neither settlements nor stock- yard stations, and nothing but the wild and untrodden bush between me and the sea. If I could keep an east- (212) Strength and Spirits Kestored. 213 ward course, I must at last arrive at some broad track, and certainly at the higli road across the island." Such were my thoughts. I tried, therefore, to observe tbe rising sun, but the fogginess of the morning was too great to allow me to do more than ascertain the point from which light seemed to come. That was some help, however; so, summoning up my strength, and endea- vouring to preserve the coolness of mind necessary to en- able me to keep a straight course, I set out. But I had not proceeded many miles before the same doubt, and confusion, and indecision of mind, which I had experienced the day before, again seized on me. When I perceived this fit coming on, I immediately paused and lighted a fire. While I was lighting it, a kangaroo hopped into sight ; the dogs pulled it down in less than a couple of minutes, not a hundred yards from the fire. This I looked on as a good omen, and it reassured me. I made a good bush meal, and felt my strength some- what restored. It was now past mid-day, and I again set myself earn- estly to consider the right direction. There was a bar- ren hill to my right, very steep, and without trees to ob- struct the view. I determined to climb up it, in order to get a better prospect of the country around, and with that view I looked about for a stick to use as a walking staff. I soon found a young sapling fit for my purpose, and having provided myself with this help, I buckled my gun behind me, that my hands might be at liberty T then climbed, with a good deal of scrambling, to the top of the hill. Having gained the top, I proceeded to examine the country around mo very carefully, hoping that I might 214 Attacked by Eaoles. catch sight of some point, or high hill, or particular tree, by which I might learn my present position. I was anxiously engaged in this manner, and quite ab- sorbed by my anxious survey, when suddenly there was an obscuring of the light above my head. I raised up my eyes to ascertain the cause of it, when, to my exceeding terror, I beheld one of the largest of the eagles of those regions poising itself on its wings not twenty yards above my head, and in the attitude of pouncing down on me. I had more than once witnessed the attack of an eagle on a sheep, which is by fixing its claws on the body of the animal, and digging out its eyes with its beak; the sheep then becomes an easy prey. The thought of this horrible fate made me instantly put my hands over my eyes, so imminent was the danger, and so great was my fright. I fancied I heard the flapping of the creature's wings, and in a sort of despair I whirled the stick which I held in my hand over my head to ward off the expected attack. Looking up at the same moment, I perceived a second eagle who had joined the first, and they now flew in rapid circles just above me. I guessed at once that I had ap- proached the spot where they were accustomed to build their nest, and that they were angry at the intrusion. I slipped my fowling-piece from my back, and fired both barrels, first at one and then at the other. They uttered a fierce scream, but did not leave ms. I did not wait any longer, but ran helter-skelter down the hill, making more than one summerset before I got to the bottom. Luckily, however, my gun escaped any damage in this scrambling tumble ; and although I felt a Further Sufferings. 215 good deal bruised, I lost no time in reloading it, and then I felt secure. The peril to which I had been exposed shook me a great deal, and I sat down at the foot of the hill in a very disconsolate mood, feeling that my nerve was giving away under the terrors of being lost in the bush, for at any other time I fancy I should have been glad of the opportunity of getting such a good shot at an eagle, and particularly of getting a sight of their haunts. This thought made me very sad ; but I still kept up my spirits, and my bodily strength was not yet subdued. I was well armed, and had my faithful dogs with me, and another effort might bring me to some known track. Again, therefore, I braced myself up to the task, and choosing a direction which, according to my judgment, led eastward, I determined to make a vigorous effort. My efforts, however, were all in vain, and the fourth night found me still an almost hopeless wanderer. The fifth day passed in the same wearisome endeavours. My strength now began to fail me; not so much, I think, from bodily fatigue, as from the exhausting operation of anxiety of mind and uncertainty of direction. Towards the close of the evening I arrived, at dusk, at the foot of a rocky hiU. The dogs were uneasy, and whined a good deal, but I set it down to their sj-mpathising with my own appearance of sorrow and dejection. I had scarcely strength to raise a fire and broil some of the flesh of the kangaroo which I carried with me. I had no water, and in the dark I could not discover any. A sort of numbness of the mind had now come over me ; a leaden feeling of cold despair. In my strange frenzy, I fancied I must have wandered towards the western coast, 216 Repair my Clothes. for I could not otherwise account for my not being ablo to discover some track or point known to me. Tn this state I lay down by the side of the fire in a state of complete bodily and mental exhaustion. My dogs crouched close to me, and I fell asleep. I awoke once in the night with a feeling of cold ; I replenished the fire with some large fuel, and slept again. I must have slept soundly ; for in spite of the cold, and of the thirst which was on me, I did not wake till the light roused me. It was a glorious morning; very cold, but the air was clear and bright. I tried to get up, but found my limbs so benumbed that I could hardly move. I contrived, as I lay on the ground, to push with with my feet the loose pieces of dead timber about to the fire, which was still faintly burning. Presently there was a good blaze, and the warmth restored me a little. I continued to heap dead wood on till I made a complete bonfire. This exertion and the heat of the blaze revived me completely, and once more I endeavoured to rouse my- self to the labour of fresh exploring in the bush. This was the morning of the sixth day. Casting my eyes about me, I saw, not far ofi", a; sort of natural basin hollowed out in a rock, about a foot deep, and as clear as crystal. Feverish with thirst, I took a good drink, but the water was very cold. I then sat down beside it to consider what I should do. In my tumble down the hill I had torn off the strap of one of my leather gaiters, and its looseness was an an- noyance to me in walking. As I always carried a house- wife with me in my bush expeditions, I thought I would spend a few minutes in sewing on the strap again ; so I The Magnetic Needle 217 undid the case, aud placed it by the side of tne rocky basin. I took out a needle, and with my arms resting on the side of the basin, proceeded to thread it, when it slipped through my fingers and fell into the water be- neath; but instead of sinking, it floated on the top. I was struck with this circumstance, and admired how the needle floated at the top of the water, when I observed it slowly to turn half-way round, and then remain sta- tionary. It instantly occurred to me that the needle had become magnetized, and I remembered that, some weeks ago, my youngest daughter had been amusing herself with a magnet and the needles in this case. I tried it again ; taking the needle from the water, I rubbed it di-y and clean, and then holding it parallel to the surface of the water, I let it drop; it floated, and turned itself slowly to the same point as before. I was full of joy at this discovery, as I nov',- had the means of ascertaining the points of the compass, and my confidence in myself returned. "Without leasing any time, I prepared for another start. I breakfasted gaily on some of the kangaroo steak that remained, and talk- ing to my dogs, proceeded on my way. I had not gone far, however, when I perceived by the dogs' significant signs that there was something in the wind. It was not a kangaroo, that was certain ; but I flattered myself that we were approaching some human habitation, and that the sagacity of the hound had detected its vicinity. I spoke to him, therefore, and encouraged him to look about him, but the dog exhibited a strange reluctance to leave me, and presently began to whine in the man- ner which I knew indicated his scent of the natives. Broken down as I was with excessive fatigue and 218 Hectou Discovers Natives! anxiety, I confess that this apprehension almost over- powered me ; a tremulous fear possessed me ; my limbs for a while refused to move ; my sight became clouded, and a cold sweat came over me. This was my sixth day of wandering and privation in the bush, and where I was, or how far from home, was unknown to me. I sat down on the log of a tree, and tried to rally my fleeting spirits. I thought of my wife, of my children — of my home, or rather the spot where my home once was — and made a powerful effort to recover my coolness of mind, and to summon up my courage. " After all, it might not be the natives ; the dog might be mistaken, or they might have passed away." I ti'ied to delude myself with these hopes, but a glance at the dog was sufficient to convince me that the natives were near. Hector was v ry uneasy; he whined, and licked my face, and exhibited signs of fear too ex- pressive to be mistaken. With this horrible conviction on my mind that a deadly struggle for life must soon take place, the very extremity of my danger, and the force of my fear caused a reaction in my frame. I nerved myself up with a sort of terrible despau-. I looked around, but as yet saw no signs of my dreaded enemies. I examined the two barrels of my fowling-piece, and assured myself that the charges in them and in my pistols were unshaken. I carefully inspected the pans, probed all the touch-holes, and felt that the flints were firmly fixed and clean, and dry at their edges. Then I looked at my powder-horn, and calculated how many charges it would supply to me. I had a little bag of bullets with me; these I placed loose in a convenient pocket, Find My Broadsword. 219 All the -while I -was searching the bush with my eyes on every side. No signs of the natives ! I began to indulge in the hope that after all it was a false alarm, and again I proceeded on my way, but slowly and warily. I had gone about two miles, when I came to a spot which I thou"-ht was familiar to me. Looking about, I recog- nised the place where I had stopped five nights before with my lame horse j the horse had disappeared — per- haps strayed away — but I saw on the ground my old broadsword which I had left there as an encumbrance to my walking. Full of fears of the natives, I greeted this weapon as an old friend, and seized on it eagerly. I felt more se- cure with this additional means of defence, and drawing it from its sheath, which I cast on the ground, I carried the sword in my hand. I had scarcely resumed my jour- ney, when Hector began to growl and whine in a way which put me on my guard. As my object is to record all the emotions of my mind during this time of my being lost in the bush, and ex- posed to the new peril which I am describing, I must not forget to tell that the unexpected recovery of my broad- sword produced a strange revolution in my mind and feelings. I recovered from the extreme depression of spirits which had weighed me down and deprived me of aU hope and courage, and I now felt a full confidence that I was a match for the natives, and that I should be able to keep them at bay. Perhaps the restoration of mind caused by the acci- dental discovery of the magnetic needle on the water, and the confidence of the right direction which that dis- covery produced, helped to restore my coolness and cou- 220 Natives Attack Me. rage. However, without more philosophising on that point, I will proceed to describe my fight with the na- tives. Fight or no fight, I thought that the best thing I could do was to make progress onwards to the east with all the speed that my strength would allow. I strode on, there- fore, towards a gentle acclivity, beyond which there seemed to be some clear ground, as the light was strong beyond it. I was in a valley about a quarter of a mile broad, clear of trees, with a rise on each side of me thickly wooded. I ascended the acclivity, and was cheered with the prospect of a more open country, and with a scenery which seemed not unknown to me. Turning back to look at the ground which I had passed over, and to take the bearings for my straight progress, I thought I detected on my left hand through the trees, the glimmering of a faint light. I was quite cool, and fully prepared for a conflict, but as may be supposed, I had no desire to seek it. Knowing the importance, how- ever, of not being taken unawares, I stood still for a few minutes; but I saw no more of the light. This light, I have no doubt, was caused by the two pieces of lighted stick which the natives carry about with them to light their fire. They have discovered, by some accident, that two pieces of lighted stick, or charcoal, crossed and in contact, will keep alight ; whereas a single piece would soon become extinguished. The settlers have borrowed this hint from the natives. I had turned round to proceed on my way, when my steps were arrested by a spear which passed by me to the right, and stuck in the ground. ''Oh, oh \" thought I, I Keep Cool. 221 " the fun is about to begin, is it ? "Well, I have four barrels for you, my beauties; two long shots and two close ones, besides my broadsword for a tussle." I am surprised, when I look back, at my extraordinary coolness ; but it was so. I did not fire, for I did not like to lose a shot, but suspending my broadsword by its leather to my left wrist, I held my piece ready. I was in a tolerably favourable position, on the top of a low green hill, so that I could see all around me, and I kept a sharp look-out, I can assure you, for I did not know from which quarter the attack might come. I atrain turned round and proceeded a few steps, when another spear came close to me. I did not care much for their spears so long as they were cast from a distance, as they do not inflict any dangerous damage unless they are within forty yards or so; but this second spear was an in- dication of a determination to attack me, and it showed that I was watched, and that the natives were ready to take me at a disadvantage. How many there might be I had no means of know- ing, but I took it for granted it was one of their wander- ing mobs, consisting of about twenty persons, men, women, and children. I gazed earnestly in the direc- tion whence the spear had come, but I could see nothing; the trees were about eighty or a hundred yards distant from me. While I was looking, a native showed himself, and running a little way towards the spot where I stood, cast a womera at me. I had never witnessed the casting of this curious native weapon in a hostile manner before, and having had that satisfaction, I certainly have no 222 Disabled! curiosity to see it cast in that manner again. Tlie womera would have struck me if I had not skipped aside in time, and as it was it was only by a hair's breadth that I avoided it. Almost before I could take aim at the native, the womera, skimming through the air, returned to the spot from which the native had cast it. I was unwilling to fire without a positive necessity, and I refrained from drawing the trigger, though I still kept my piece in the position of taking aim. The native picked up his womera, and without wait- ing cast it at me again. I saw it whirling towards me with great velocity, and in an instant afterwards I felt myself struck with considerable violence on my left leg, which, at the moment, I thought it had broken. The shock brought me on one knee to the ground. The native gave a cry of exultation, and I immediately fired at him. The discharge of my piece was a signal for a rush from the whole body ; about a dozen of them sud- denly shot out from among the trees, and with wild and terrific shouts, rushed towards me. Supposing that I was defenceless after the discharge of my gun, they came on swiftly, boldly brandishing their waddies in the air, with the intent of shortly exer- cising them on my unfortunate skull. I did not lose my presence of mind, but remaining on one knee, I fired off my second barrel, and hit the foremost man. The second discharge puzzled them, and they halted not knowing what to make of a gun that could fire twice without being loaded. Seeing them hesitating, ] drew one of my horse-pistols, and treated them with A Halt in tue Attack 223 another shot ; this completed their dismay, and they all scampered off as fast as they came, behind the shelter of the trees. I lost no time in reloading my three barrels, and stood on my guard again. Hector and Fly were of no use to me j they were afraid of the naked savages. After waiting in my posture of defence for some minutes, I thought I might venture to make a move away from them, as I had given them a taste of what I could do: but on attempting to walk, I found that the blow of the womera had been so sevei-e, that it had almost deprived me of the use of my leg. I limped on, however, as well as I could, deeming any advance homewards a gain. I picked up the womcra and carried it away with me. It was in the shape of a half circle, with a peculiarity of make which must be seen to be understood, but of the efficiency of which I had received a sharp illustra- tion. The natives seeing me bear away the womera, which is a scarce weapon among them, and much prized, and observing by my limping that I was wounded, raised a loud cry of anger and triumph, which sounded in my ears very disagreeably, as it betokened an inclination on their part to continue a conflict which I should have been very glad to avoid, though still without fear as to the result, if I could hold out long enough. Had I been aware that th,e fierce and vindictive Syd- ney Black, known by the name of Musqueeto, was among them, my confidence would have been consider- ably abated ; bat the worst was to come, and the fight presently began to assume a more serious air than I had calculated on. 224 See next Chapter! The terrible extremity, however, -which I have to tell of is of a nature so horrible and appalling, that I can- not summon up spirits to enter on it to day ; my mhid sickens and revolts at the recollection of its horrors. The description of that fearful trial must form the subject of a separate chapter of my eventful history. (^jjitjittr jiiintlrriitfi. Takes refuge in a deserted Hut— The Natives besiege him, and set fire to the Roof— His Escape— He climbs into a Tree— The Xd,- tives set fire to it— Death seems certain— His Rescue. The day was clear and bright, and though the early time of June is the beginning of winter in Van Diemen's Land, the beams of the sun, which shone splendidly at mid-day, had still power to spread a feeling of summer warmth over the park-like plains. I shall never forget that memorable day of my light with the natives. Xhne — buried in the wilderness of the vast woods — wearied by a six days' travel in the bush in which I had been lost — worn down from want of sleep, and feeble from scanty fare, I was now exposed to a deadly struggle with a body of furious natives, led on by the fierce and malignant Musqueeto. I am amazed, when I look back on the events of that fearful day, that I did not sink under its difficulties, and that I am still alive to relate the story. But to proceed. I hastened on my way in the direction of the east, trusting that by such a course I should come upon some settlement, or stock-keeper's hut, which would afford me a place of defence, or at least on some track of man or beast on which I could rely to lead me to human habitations. The natives ceased to molest me for some miles, nor could I detect any signs of their vicinity, but it will 15 (225) 226 Take Refuge in a Hut. be seen by the sequel that they did not lose sight of me. I was in some pain, and limped a good deal at first from the efiects of the womera which had struck me on the leg, but as I got warm the pain left me, and I ceased for a time to feel much inconvenience from the wound. In this manner I proceeded some miles, when my sight was gladdened by the appearance of a stock-keeper's hut, to which I eagerly hastened. I looked round when I approached it, but I saw no sign of the natives. When I got to the doQr I called out — "■ Hulloa ! anybody here ?" No answer. " Is there any one inside ? I have been lost in the bush, and the natives have been attacking me. Don't be afraid of me; I am William Thornley, of the Clyde." No reply I then knocked loudly at the door, thinking that some one might be asleep inside, and not liking to burst in suddenly, lest I should be mistaken for a bush-ranger, and fired at ; for the equivocal appearance which my per- son had presented a week since to the soldiers had not been improved, I felt aware, by a six days' scramble in the bush ; but as no reply was made to my repeated knocking I concluded that the hut was empty. I tried the latch, therefore, of the upper half of the door : it was not fastened ; I opened it easily, and looked in, first taking a look behind me, for fear of a surprise. I saw no* signs of an inhabitant; so I opened the lower half of the door, and stepped in. A view of the interior satisfied me at once that the hut had not been occupied for some time. I was sorry for this, as I had hoped that I should meet with some one to direct me on my way. Make it Secure. 227 and who might assist me in my defence against the na- tives. But on the whole, I was pleased with the dis- covery of this hut, tenantless as it was, as it afforded me, I thought, a temporary place of refuge. I examined its capabilities of defence, and found that it consisted, as usual, of two rooms or divisions, in the inner of which was a window, and a shutter at the back ; there was another window and shutter in front by the side of the door ; when I say a " window," I mean an opening to let in the light without glass or window- frame; when the door and shutters were shut, it was dark, with the exception of the light which penetrated through the crevices of the logs of which the hut was rudely built. Without losing any time, I set to work to render the hut as secure as possible against the natives, should they have the mind to follow up their first attack. The up- right logs seemed all to be pretty tight set, and strong enough to resist any ordinary violence. The window at the back was awkward, as it afforded the facility of a back entrance while I was engaged in front. To render this point secure, I pulled down the par- tition of split logs that divided the two rooms, and con- trived to barricade the back window with them, so as to ensure me from any sudden inbreak on that side. I then barricaded the front window in the same manner, and I put a split log against the lower part of the door, with one end jammed fii'mly in the earthen floor of the hut ; the top part of the door I left to the security of the bolt, intending to open it occasionally for the conve- nience of firing through its opening. These preparations occupied me for about an hour, 228 My Unpleasant Position. and, having concluded them, I felt that I was very hungry, and what was worse, that I was suffering from thirst. There was an iron tripod on the hearth, the usual piece of kitchen furniture in a stock-keeper's hut, and being heavy and bulky, it had not been removed. It occurred to me that the spot chosen to build a hut on was sure to be near to water. As the extremity was pressing, I thought I might venture to get a drink, so I clambered over the lower part of the door, followed by Hector and Fly, who stuck close to me, to look for the spring. The dogs were panting for water, so I left them to their instinct, and presently Fly, after a little snuffing about, went straight to a pool formed by a spring, not twenty yards from the back of the house. I first took a good drink, which refreshed me greatly, and then I cast about how to get a supply of water in- side the hut. The tripod was too clumsy and too heavy to be taken to the pool, so I got over the half-door, and lifted it close to the entrance ; then I went back to the pool, and, filling my hat with water, ran back with it, and poured it over the door into the tripod. While I was repeating this operation, I was terribly startled by Hector suddenly darting off in the direction of the bush. I thought, to be sure, that the natives were on me, and, dropping my hat full of water, I scram- bled over the door into the hut again. But it was a false alarm, for in a few seconds after Hector came to the door wagging his tail, with a kangaroo-rat in his mouth, which he had killed, and which was the cause of bis run into the bush. I was not a little rejoiced at this vmexpected supply, They Attack Me in the Hut. 229 for I was sadly at a loss for food. I was not long in kindling a fire, and skinning my prize, which was rather a large one of the sort, nearly as big as a rabbit, and ex- cellent eating, and made a broil of it, which afforded me a delicious repast. My spirits revived after this refection, and I began to ■consider that I was perhaps only losing time by remain- in" in the hut. It was now, as nearly as I could judge, about two hours past mid-day, and I had plenty of day- light before me to make considerable progress before night. I had recourse to my needle again, and I dropped it into the tripod ; it sunk to the bottom imme- diately, being affected by the iron ; so I filled my hat with water, and removing it to a distance from the iron tripod, had the satisfaction of ascertaining the points of the compass. I prepared, therefore, to leave the hut, and put myself in order accordingly. I was in the very act of throwing my leg over the half-door, when I was stopped in my exit by a growl from Hector, who immediately galloped towards a thicket of trees about a hundred yards or more in front of the hut. He quickly returned, and by his crouching attitude and peculiar whine I at once knew that he had scented the natives. It was too true ; in less than a minute afterwards, a body of about twenty men and women, headed by Mus- queeto, moved rapidly towards the hut. Being invigorated by food, refreshed with partial rest, and confident in the power of my fire-arms — appalling as this attack appears to me when I look back on it — I felt at the time no fear. I was confident in the security of my little fortress, and for a moment I felt a sort of re- 230 I Shoot Several. hictancc to fire into the mob of naked natives — savage as they were — to the certain destruction of some of them ; but this disinclination lasted only for a moment, for the natives, with the grim Musqueeto, whom I now re- cognised at their head, were fast approaching, and the feeling of self-preservation regained its predominant influence. My left-hand barrel contained a single ball; I fii-ed; a native fell, but the others continued to advance, and sent a shower of spears at the open part of the door; one of them went through the lower part of the back of my left hand, where it stuck, while some went past me into the hut, narrowly missing me, and some stuck in the wall on each side. I fired off my second barrel loaded with shot, and slamming the door close, bolted it. This second dis- charge, I judge, checked their rush; and fortunately, for so determined were they, that I feel convinced, on looking back, they would otherwise have succeeded in their intention of forcing open the door. They now commenced a furious yelling round the hut, and some of them tried the back window, but they found it secure. In the meantime I reloaded my fowling-piece, putting a couple of balls in each barrel, for I felt that the natives were in earnest, and that it would require my utmost efforts to save my life from their furious assault. I was standing by the door uncertain what to do nest, when suddenly a spear was thrust between the crevice of the lower and the upper door ; fortunately it encoun- tered my shot-belt, which it perforated, and gave me time to jump back. It seems that my movements were watched from the They Fire the Roof. 231 outside through some crevice, for immediately on my retreat, a rush was made at the door ; had it been made on the upper part, the savages -would have effected an entrance; but the lower part, having been secured by a log, resisted the attempt, and placing the muzzle of my piece at the same crevice through which the spear had been thrust at me, I fired first one barrel and then the other at the assailants. A horrid yell, that made the woods re-echo, proclaimed that my fire was successful, and I could hear the tramping of their feet as they re- treated to a distance. There was now a pause for some time, and a dead silence. I reloaded my piece and stood on my guard. I was afraid of placing my eye close to a crevice, lest a spear should be thrust into it by some devil watching me. I remained in this state of suspense for some minutes, which seemed to me as many hours, wondering what was to come next. While I thus stood, my ears were assailed again with the horrid shouts and yells of the natives, whose rage seemed to have redoubled at the sight, probably, of their dead companions. Fearing that the strength of the upper part of the door was not sufficient to stand against a rush, I lifted up a heavy log that had formed one of the door-posts of the partition which I had broken down, and placing one end of it against the door-flap I added my own weight to it, pushing it down the door as firmly as I could. But this sort of precaution was unnecessary. The devils had hit on a surer and safer means of accomplish- ing my destruction. I was soon made sensible of their operations by a smell of smoke, which, to my terrible dismay, became rapidly stronger and stronger. They 232 The Natives fire the Hut. had set fire to the thatch of the hut. The smoke ia- creased, and presently the light of the flame was visible. I now perceived that the thatch had been set on fire on all sides, and as the smoke and flames increased, the rejoicing natives yelled and screamed with frantic delight. My presence of mind almost forsook me at this crisis. Escape seemed impossible ; and I felt that I was doomed to the most horrible of deaths — that of being burnt alive ! The light of the flames increased, and the smoke in- side the hut became almost insufi"erable. Feeling that if I remained where I was death was certain, I deter- mined to make a desperate efi'ort to escape. There was a little wind, which blew the smoke in the direction of the back of the hut; the natives, as I knew by their cries, were assembled in the front. I detemined to attempt my escape by the back window, hoping that the smoke in that direction would serve to conceal my exit at the moment of getting out of the window, when my position would be defenceless. I hastily tore down my barricade of logs, and jumped through the opening into the smoke. I was almost suffocated, but with my gun in my hand I dashed through it. For the moment I was not perceived; but the natives soon got sight of me, and a volley of spears Around me, one of which struck me in the back, but dropped out again, proclaimed that they were in chase. I kept on running as long as I could towards a tree that was in the middle of the little plain over which I was passing, in- tending to make that my fighting-place, by setting my back to it, and so to protect myself in the rear. IEscapetoaTree. 233 The spears flew around me and near me, but I reached the tree, and instantly turning round I fired among the advancing natives. This checked them, for they were now becoming afraid of my formidable weapon, and see- ing that I stood resolute and prepared for them, they re- treated to some distance ; but they continued to throw some spears, most of which fell short, and kept up a shouting and yelling in a frightful manner, capering and dancing about in a sort of frenzy — ferocious to get at me, but kept at bay by my terrible gun. My blood was now up. I was excited to a pitch of joyful exultation by my escape from the burning hut, and I felt that courage of excitement which almost prompted me to rush on my enemies, and to bring the matter to an issue by a bodily conflict with my broad- sword. But prudence prevailed; and I placed my hope and my dependence on my trusty gun, which had already done me such good service. Taking advantage of the temporary inaction of the natives, I felt for my powder-horn to re-load the barrel which I had discharged. To my unspeakable horror and disappointment, it was missing. I searched every pocket in vain. I had laid it on the table in the hut, and there I had left it. To recover it was impossible, as the hut was all in flames, and while I gazed on the burn- ing mass, a dull report, and a burst of sparks from the building, made known to me that the powder had become ignited, and was lost to me for ever. In my agony of mind at this discovery, my hair seemed to bristle up ; and the sweat ran down my forehead and obscured my sight. I now felt that nothing but a mi- racle could save me ', but the love of life increasing in 234 Climb It proportion to the danger of losing it, I once more sum moned up my failing energies for a last effort. I had three barrels loaded ; one in my fowling-piece and two in my pistols ; I had also my broadsword, but that would not avail me against their spears. If I could hold out till night, I thought I might be able then to elude my savage enemies, as the natives have a fear of moving about at night, believing that in the darkness an evil spirit roams about, seeking to do them mischief, and who then has power over them. Casting my eyes upwards to the branches of the tree under which I was standing, I observed that it was easy to climb, and there appeared to me indications of a hollow in the trunk between the principal branches, which might serve me for a place of shelter till the night should enable me, under the cover of its darkness, to escape from my pursuers. I formed my plan on the instant, and without losing a moment I slung my gun behind me, and catching hold of a branch within reach, I clambered up. The natives, who were watching my motions, renewed their shouts and yells at this manoeuvre, and rushed towards the tree in a body. I scrambled as fast as I could to the fork of the tree, and found, to my infinite relief, that my anticipation was right ; there was a hollow large enough to admit my whole body, and efi"ectually to shield me from the spears of the savages. As my foot reached the bottom, it en- countered some soft body which I quickly learned was an opossum, the owner of the habitation, which asserted its rights by a sharp attack on the calf of my leg with teeth and claws : I was not in a humour to argue the matter Safe for a Time. 235 with my new assailant, so with my thick bush shoes I trampled the creature down into a jelly, though it left its remembrances on my torn flesh, which smarted not a little. AVhen I recovered my breath, I listened to as- certain the motions of my enemies outside. They had ceased their yells, and there was a dead silence, so that I could hear my own quick breathing within the trunk of the tree. " What are they about?" thought I. While I mentally ejaculated this thought, I felt an agitation of the tree, from which I guessed that some venturous savage was climbing up to attack me in my retreat. I cautiously raised myself up to look around me, but the appearance of my hat above the hole was the signal for half a dozen spears, three of which passed through it, one of them grazing the scalp of my head. "That plan will not do," thought I; ''I must keep close." As I crouched myself down, I thought I heard a breath- ing above me ; I looked up and beheld the hideous visage of one of the savages glaring oa me with his white eye- balls, which exhibited a ferocious sort of exultation. He had a waddy in his hand, which he slowly raised to give me a pat on the head, thinking that he had me quite safe, like an opossum in its hole. "You're mistaken, my beauty," thought I ; " I'm not done for yet." Draw- ing one of my pistols from my pocket, which was rather a matter of difficulty in my confined position, I fired. The ball crashed through his face and skull, and I heard his dead body fall heavily to the ground. A yell of fear and rage arose from his black compa- nions. I took advantage of the opportunity, and raised myself up so as to look about me, but their threatening 236 They Fire the Tree! spears soon drove me back to my retreat. There was now another pause and a dead silence ; and I flattered myself with the hope that the savages, having been so frequently baffled, and having sufi"ered so much in their attacks, would now retire. But the death and the wounds of their comrades, it appears, only whetted their rage and stimulated them to fresh endeavours; and the cunning devices of that devilish savage, Musqueeto, were turned in a new and more fatal direction. As I lay in my retreat, I heard a sound as if heavy materials were being dragged towards the tree. I ven- tured to peep out, and beheld the savages busy in piling dead wood round the trunk, with the intention, as I im- mediately surmised, of setting fire to it, and of burning me in my hole. My conjectures were presently verified. I saw emerg- ing from the wood one of their females, bearing the lighted fire-sticks which the natives always carry with them in their journeys. I looked on these agreeable pre- parations as a neglected but not indifierent spectator, the natives disregarding my appearance above the opening, and waiting with a sort of savage patience for the sure destruction which they were preparing for me. The native woman approached with the fire, and the natives forming a circle round the tree, performed a dance of death as a prelude to my sacrifice. I was tempted to fire on them ; but I did not like to part with my last two shots, except in an extremity even greater than this. In the meantime the natives continued their dance, seeming to enjoy the interval between me and death, like the epicure who delays his attack on the deli- Timely Arrival of Friends. 237 cious feast before him, that he may the longer enjoy the exciting pleasure of anticipation. Presently, however, their death-song broke out into loud cries of fury ; they applied the fire to the faggots, and as the blaze increased, they danced and yelled round the tree in a complete de- lirium of rage and exultation. The fire burned up ! — the smoke ascended ! I already felt the horrid sensation of being stifled by the thick at- mosphere of smoke before the flames encompassed me. In this extremity I determined at least to inflict some vengeance on my savage persecutors. I scrambled up from my hiding-place, and crawled as far as I could on one of the branches, which was most free from the suffocating smoke and heat, and fired the remaining barrel of my fowling-piece at the yelling wretches, which I then hurled at their heads. I did the same with my remaining pistol, when, to my amazement, I heard the reports of other guns; but whether they were the echoes of my own, or that my failing senses deceived me, I knew not, for the smoke and flame now mastered me. Stifled and scorched, I remember only falling from the branch of the tree, which was not high, to the ground, when my senses left me. I was roused from my trance of death by copious de- luges of water, and I heard a voice, which was familiar to me, exclaiming, — " Well, if this is not enough to disgust a man with this horrid country, I don't know what he would have more. For years and years have I been preaching to him that nothing good could come of this wretched den of bush-rangers and natives, and now you see the evil is come at last." 238 I AM Saved. I opened my eyes at these words. It was the voice of Crab, whom Heaven had directed with a party of friends to this spot to deliver me. Overcome with the intensity of my emotions, racked with pain, and sick with the very fulness of joy at my escape from death, I uttered a piercing and agonizing cry of mingled pain and delight, and fainted. ^Ut €mtnihl^. B.5 recovers his senses and finds himself among Friends — Account of the Bush-rangers at the Great Lake — Moss's extraordinary escape. It was some time before I recovered from this fainting fit, as the surgeon called it, " of physical exhaustion and mental emotion." When consciousness returned, I heard around me the subdued hum of human voices, and for a moment I thought that I was in the power of the natives, and that I was under preparation for being roasted at the fire of the blazing tree from which I had fallen, scorched and stifled. I kept my eyes closed for a short space ; presently I distinguished the voice of the magistrate of the Clyde. " He seems in a bad way, poor fellow ! Have the devils touched any vital part with their spears ?" "No," said another voice, which seemed to me that of my old friend, the surgeon; " he has not received any mortal hurt that I can see, but he has had a sharp rap on his left leg from some blunt instrument that has cut and bruised it at the same time ; but there's no bone broken." " He'll never come to any more," said some one, which seemed strangely to me like Crab's voice, but I could not imagine how it could be his: "never; that's my opinion ! Why, he has been lost in the bush for a week, (23?) 240 I Recover M y S e n s e s . without any thing to eat, I'll be bouud, aud without a drop of water, for there's never a drop to be had in this country when you want it — in summer, especially. No, poor gentleman ! I've stood by him for many a year, trying to persuade him all I could to leave this horrid place. I always told him that something would happen at last J but I never thought it would be so bad as this. He used to say, poor fellow, while he was alive, that 1 was always roasting him ; he little thought he would be roasted in real earnest ! And there's that new sample of Cape wheat that he was to try this season : all lost ! What could induce him to get up that tree, I can't conceive." " The tumble from the tree can't have done him any good," said the magistrate. " No ; but the branch was not high, and it was a nice soft bed of turf for him to fall on ; it was good luck that he was not hit by our shots when we banged at the natives." " He is a long time coming to." '' No, he's all right. This is more exhaustion than anything else. His pulse is coming back now. You sec, he has been in the bush for six days, suffering un- der the sensation of being lost, and that wearing of the mind is enough to exhaust the strongest energies. But he's coming to fast now." ''Will you bleed him?"' ''Oh, no ! A glass of brandy would do him more good than bleeding, in his present state." "Here's a flask of brandy." At the suggestion of bleeding me I opened my eyes, not wishing to give the worthy surgeon the trouble of performing that operatiou. i?iND Myself among Friends. 241 "By George !" said "Wonall, the constable; "do yon. see how he opened his eyes, and roused up, when he heard the talk about the brandy ? I do think that a glass all round would do us good !" "■ Well, my boy," said the magistrate, " how do you find yourself after your tumble 1" ''How do you find yourself, master?" said the rough and honest voice of Crab; "how do you find yourself, now you're come to life again ? I always told you how it would be ; but you never would believe me ; and there's the farm burnt down, and all the home-flock of merinos the Lord knows where ; and there's Miss Betsy taken ill, and Missus is but poorly, and they are in a pretty confusion with one thing and another ; and the blood-foal's dead, and the tame h'erd has taken to the bush, and I don't know what else to say to revive you, except that they say the small-pox is about, and ruina- tion is going on everywhere ; and — " "Hold your tongue, you villanous old grumbler," said the magistrate ; " you have croaked enough to make a sound man sick. Let him alone." My head was still confused, and I was perplexed to account for what I heard and saw around me. My thoughts reverted to the day when we had our skirmish with the bush-rangers at the lake, and for a few moments it seemed to me that I was awaking from a long sleep, and had been sufiering under the influence of a hideous dream. But the sight of the blazing tree quickly re- called to my memory the late terrible scenes; a feeling of sickness came over me, and I closed my eyes again. "Give me your brandy-flask," said the surgeon; ** here, Thornley, take a little sip." 16 242 A Drink Refreshes Me. He put the bottle to my lips, and I drank a few tear spoonsful. " Is brandy a good thing for faintness, doctor?" said Worrall. " Nothing better ; it's a capital medicine when you know how to use it." " I feel very faint, myself," said Worrall; "poor Mr. Thornley's condition has quite overcome me. Could you obli'^e me with the brandy-flask ? I know how to use it." " From long practice, I dare say." " Gro and mind your business, Worrall," said the ma- gistrate. " You shall have brandy enough when you get home, for you have behaved well, and deserve it, but now let us be moving ; — that is if the doctor thinks our friend can travel." * •' See if you can find a spring hereabouts, Worrall," said the doctor, " and we will give our friend a refresher." A pannikin of water was presently brought to me, into whieh the excellent doctor put a fair proportion of brandy. "We must get him home somehow," said he, "and set him to rights when we get there. We can't treat him as if he was comfortable in a nice sick-bed." I took the drink with eagerness, and looking up, be- held the face of our lost neighbour, Moss. " How did you get away from the bush-rangers V were the first words that I uttered. " Oh !" said Moss ; " we'll tell you all about that by- and-by ; I have to thank my friends here for my re- covery, and you among the rest, not forgetting our young friend Beresford ; but that story will keep; we'll tell you all about it in good time." We Start for Home. 243 I now saw that Beresford was near, but a little behind me, with his left arm in a sling. I reached out my hand to him, and, handing his gun to Mr. Moss, he extended his right arm to me, and raised me up. " That's right," said Worrall, who now came up to us; " never say die. We are all ready," he said to the magistrate, touching his hat, '' and we can get home be- fore morning ; the night will be fine, and we have day- light enough to cross the Big River, and then it will not be more than twenty miles or so to the Shannon." "I am ready," said I; "but" — and I tried to move a few steps — " I can't walk ! I feel as stiff as if I ac- tually had been roasted at the fire yonder." " Well," said the sugeon, "I'm inclined to think you would not have taken long to roast at that same fire, if we had not come up in time to stop the cooking of you ; but there's a horse for you, and we must contrive to carry you with us." " What has become of the natives ?" said I. " There are some of them lying dead not far from us," said the magistrate ] " the rest did not stay to make a fight of it with our number. They are off in the bush somewhere. But as to following them there, you might as well look for a needle in a stack of ha3^ Besides, we have had enough of it, and I think the natives, for this once^ have had enough of it too. But we must not waste fime in talking; we have the Big River to cross beforp- dark, so let us make a start." I was helped on to a horse, and we proceeded as fast as we could to the banks of the Big River. We reached it before dark, but we coidd not find a ford. We con- sumed the remaining daylight in searching for one with- 244 HoAV Crab got Here. out success ; and it was resolved at last that we shoul bivouac on its banks, and resume our search at daylighi We lighted up several fires, and by the aid of some loose branches, and the bark of trees, by means of which was made a breakwind, I shortly began to feel tolerably com- fortable, to which some kangaroo steaks and brandy-and- water not a little contributed. As we lay by the fire, I was curious to learn some account of the bush-rangers, who had escaped, when I left my companions, to a small island in the lake, at no great distance from the main land. *' Will it do him any harm," said the magistrate, " to keep him awake with the story ?" " Oh ! no," said the surgeon ; " it's early yet. Go on, and then you will sooner have done." "Bo you describe it. Moss," said the magistrate; "you saw it best, and you can praise us, and so relieve our modesty from the painful necessity of praising our- selves." "Very well," said Mr. Moss; " as I was only a spec- tator of the fight, perhaps I can best describe it." " How did Crab come among you?" said I. " Oh ! that's easily told," said Crab. " After the soldiers left us, Missus's mind misgave her that they would never find you, and I entirely agreed with her on that point; so seeing what a taking she was in, I off'ered to go for you and bring you back, that is, if the natives left any of you, for I told Missus they were terrible, voracious cannibals. It seems, however, that the soldiers did find you, or rather that you found them, and by all accounts you had no reason to be over-pleased with their treatment of you." Crab's Search for Me. 245 "Say nothing about it," said I, rubbing myself be- hind; "there was a mistake." " Was there ? And is it true that they touched you up, and made you dance ? Lord ! how they did laugh when they told me of it ! they said" " Say nothing more about it; I don't want to be re- minded about that." " "Well, a corporal's party came up from camp next morning to stay at the Clyde as a post of observation, so I left Missus quite safe and comfortable, oily that every thing she had was burned, and the whole family was in distress and confusion; and I promised her, if you were killed by the bush-rangers, which I told her I had no doubt you was, for it's always best to know the worst, that I would bring home your dead body for her to bury, which would be a great consolation to her, poor lady, I dare say. So I and Bob set out on your tracks, and we reached the lake the very morning you left it for the Clyde. And how it was that we missed you I can't un- derstand, except that nobody can ever find his way in this wild country when he's once lost." "I see," said I, " I thought to take a shortcut to the right, and so I missed you." "That's always the case," said Crab, "in this mise- rable place; nothing did ever go right in it, nor ever will. But I'm getting old now — the more fool I for stopping in it so long. But it won't be long before I'm out of it ; this last business has been a sickener." "You're one of Job's comforters, Crab," said I; " but now pray don't interrupt Mr. Moss in his story." 246 Mr. Moss'Account THE CAPTURE OF THE BUSH-RANGERS. When the fight in which you were engaged, (said Mr. Moss,) was ended, the bush-rangers retired behind the green bank by the margin of the lake. They lay close all night, but they sent ovit scouts to see what you were about, and when one of them came back to warn them of the arrival of the soldiers, they were in a great fright, not knowing what to do. Some of them proposed to make a dash through your party, but that was thought too rash ; one or two who were wounded hinted the pru- dence of surrender, but the Grypsey, as they called him, who acted as their leader, threatened to blow out any man's brains who proposed a surrender. " Better be shot," he said, " like men, than be hanged like dogs." Two of the bush-rangers had been seafaring men, and they proposed that we should swim over to the little island that was not more than some few hundred yards from the shore. "And what's to become of our arms and of the wounded ?" said the G-ypsey. '^Oh I" said they, ''make a little raft, and put our arms and clothes on the top of it, and then swim and push it over; there's no tide, and the lake is as smooth as glass." "A capital plan," said the Gypsey; "we'll do it, — and then we can defy the murdering villains that are after us ; for if they attempt to get at us, we shall have all the advantage of firing at them under cover." The bush-rangers were not long in putting this scheme in execution. All the time you were watched by two Rangers Swim to the Island. '247 scouts, and they saw you sitting by your fire and enjoying yourselves ; but it was not their game to excite your at- tention. The rogues worked hard, and by launching some dry logs into the lake, which they lashed together with bullock-hide, they soon made a sufficient raft for that purpose. '< Now," said the G-ypsey, '' are you all ready? But I forgot — can you all swim ?" Three of them, who had been mechanics of some sort, declared they could not swim a stroke. '' Here's a mess ! Well, I tell you what you must do, my fine fellows ; you must hold on in the water by the raft — that will keep you from sinking. But what shall we do with our prisoner?" " Oh, let him go — he'll only be in the way ?" " No, no, we'll keep him, we may find a use for him yet. Now, sir, can you swim?" ''No," said I — for the thought struck me of a strata- gem to escape — '' and I hope you will not expose me to the risk of being drowned." '' Oh, you must take your chance ; it's no worse to be drowned than to be hanged; so strip. Mister, and bundle into the water.'' I took oflF my clothes, and the scouts having been withdrawn, and the whole party collected, we advanced towards the water. " Stop," said one of the sailors ; "how much line can we make by putting it all together ?" By a general contribution of neckcloths, garters, cords, and bullock-hide, they made a line of about a hundred and fifty yards in length. " What's this for ?" said the Gypsey. 248 Moss EscAPESPROM Them. " You'll see the use of it presently/' said tlie sailor. " Now for it ;" and we all got into the water. " Where's the prisoner ?" said the Gypsey. "Alongside me," said the other sailor; " he's all safe." In this manner the swimmers slowly and with great diflBculty pushed forward the raft, those who could not swim, and I, pretending not to be able to swim, holding on. They had reached the middle of the passage, or a little more, when the sailor to the right said to the one by me, " Mate, take the end of the line and swim to the shore, I think it will reach it now, and then haul on gently, and that will quicken our work and lighten it too, for it's getting more than we can do. Be alive, for this is too hard work to last long." My near companion quitted me with much alacrity, glad to be relieved from his share of the toil of propel- ling the clumsy wood-work, and shortly afterward I felt that the raft was being hauled in from the shore. The attention of the bush-rangers around being dis- tracted from me by this circumstance, I took advantage of the opportunity, and quietly dropped under water, for I had been taught to swim, as a necessary part of my education, in early youth ; and I was as confident in the water, so long as my strength lasted, as on dry land. On this occasion I had need of all my skill. My limbs were torpid and benumbed from inaction in the water, and by the exposure of my hands and arms to the cold night air. I may add, that all the bush-rangers complained of the piercing coldness of the lake-water, and there was a terrible chattering of teeth among the holders-on before I left them. He is Almost Frozen. 249 Well — I dropped quietly under water, taking care to keep my head, as I thought, towards the shore ot the main land; and although my limbs were almost para- lysed by the cold, I contrived by a vigorous effort to strike out for nearly half a minute under water, there's no knowing what a man can do till his life is at stake — and when I came to the surface, I had the satis- faction to find that I was at a fair distance from the raft. I swam on lustily, but in my hurry, and, I suppose, anxiety and confusion of mind, instead of swimming to- wards the main land, I swam towards another island, which in the darkness I mistook for it. This island was nearly a mile from the spot that I quitted, and being de- ceived as to its distance, I expected to reach it without much effort, and I nearly exhausted myself by quick swimming before I was much more than half-way over. Fortunately, there was not a breath of air stirring, and the water was quite smooth, but bitterly cold. I rested in the water for some seconds, but the cold was so pierc- ing that I was afraid of cramp ; so I struck out again and worked hard. I reached the shore of the island at last. but I was so completely exhausted that I could scarcely stand. The morning now began to break, and I per- ceived that I was about half a mile from a low point of land which ran out from the main shore into the lake. I was too tired to venture into the water again, and I assure you that my situation was a very awkward one, indeed. I kept running up and down for some time to keep myself warm, and at last I thought I might as well be drowned as die of cold where I was, so I plunged in- to the water again, and made an effort to reach the op- posite shore. 250 Rejoins His Party. I had got little more than half-way across, when my strength failed me, and I began to sink slowly into the water . I gave myself up for lost, and I began to utter that which I considered my last prayer, when I felt my foot strike against the ground ; the water reached to my chin, and I was just saved. I cautiously waded on, fearing to fall into some hole every moment ; but the water grew shallower and shallower, and the sand beneath my feet was firm and even, and I arrived at the dry land. Without losing a moment, I set oif to the point where I expected to find my friends; I met them on their way to the concealed boat. They were much astonished, as you may suppose, at the sight of a creature that evi- dently was not a kangaroo, but that was similarly unen- cumbered by any article of dress. , But matters were soon explained, and they had a fine laugh at the joke, when I told them how I had escaped. There was a friendly subscription of articles of apparel, to which the slain bush-rangers were made to contribute more efficiently. .("Vvrell — and did you find the boat?" We found the boat in pretty good condition, with a couple of sculls in her. We soon launched her, and then it was debated what should be our mode of attack. The old sergeant — what a grim old fellow he is ! — pro- posed that we should attack them on three sides at once, and make two rafts to assist us. " If we go all together in a huddle in this little boat," said he, " they will fire at us in a heap, and we shall have no chance, at least not without great loss, and that we should endeavour to avoid ; whereas, by firing from three points at once, we shall distract their atten- tion, and those in the boat m.ay dash in and charge them. They Plan the Attack. 251 Of course, we soldiers will go in the boat; it will just hold us and no more." *' I don't like your lives to be risked even in this way," said the magistrate. " I think the safer plan will be to starve them out. We gain nothing by exposing our lives unnecessarily in a conflict with hardened felons and murderers : they can do no harm where they are, and they must be starved out at last. We can keep a strict watch on them by the aid of our boat, and my opinion is, some of them will get tired of being starved, and will betray the rest." ''Just as you please, sir," said the sergeant; "it's all one to us ; but I should like to make a dash at 'em, the cowardly scoundrels, to murder a soldier in cold blood, and fire at his back ! But if these rascals were to put another dodge on us, and steal ofi" while we are looking on, there would be a fine laugh against us when we got back to Camp. We don't mind doing it alone, rather than not do it at all — what do you say, my men; shall we try the boat ?" "Ay, ay," said the men ; "we can fire close, and they can never stand it ; besides, we can fixe three times to their one, as they have to load from their powder-horns, while we have our cartridges. Better have it over at once, and rap at them while we can." " Well," said the magistrate, " I have my doubts; but it certainly is of importance to secure these despe- rate fellows, and it would not be pleasant to have the •augh against us if they escape; so let us set about it without losing time." We all set to work, and- we were busy constructing our raft, when Crab and your man appeared on horseback. 252 First Attack Fails. " Yes," said Crab, " we tracked you to the place where you had the fii'st fight, and then we easily tracked you ou to the boat. And such a set of mad fellows I never saw before in all the days of my life ; one would have thought you were going to have a frolic instead of a deadly fight with desperate men ; but this horrid country makes all the people mad, and mad they must have been to come to it, and madder to stop in it — that's my opinion I" "Mr. Crab entertains peculiar views," said Moss, " and he has his own way of expressing himself : but to proceed with my story — that is, if I am not making it too long." " Not a bit," said I ; "we have nothing to do but to hear it ; and, as I was at the beginning of the fray, I should like to hear the end of it." "Well, then," said Moss, " we worked hard all that day, but we could not construct anything to our minds as a fighting raft. Half of the soldiers were despatched to keep watch on the part of the shore which we had quitted, and which was nearest to the island. We passed the night as usual, but we had plenty of fires to keep the cold off. Next day we finished our raft, which we launched into the water. It was then towed by the boat towards the island. When we approached within range, a musket-shot was fired from the shore, which we ob- served fell short of the boat in the water, but we saw no one on the beach." " This will never do," said the magistrate; " we shall all bo picked oif this way." He then called out to the sergeant to go back, which was done, and we returned to the land to the point from which Soldiers Join the Party 253 the busli-rangers had started the morning before. We all went on shore again, and consvilted on what sh juld be done. We were engaged in this deliberation, when we were agreeably surprised by the appearance of a cor- poral's party of soldiers, and presently afterwards by a bullock-cart drawn by four bullocks, and bearing another boat, which had been despatched from Hobart Town to the lake, as it was guessed such an assistance might be wanted. This boat was larger and stronger than the one we had found, and being thus provided, and our strength being reinforced by the addition of the corporal's party, it was at once resolved that we should force the bush- rangers in their retreat by a simultaneous attack on dif- ferent points. The sergeant took the command of one boat, and the magistrate of the other. The Governor's Proclamation — The Magistrate's Mission — The Ser- geant's Device — The Bush-rangers Captured. We were just shoving oflP from the shore, when a mes- senger on horseback arrived from Hobart Town, bearing a letter from the Governor to the magistrate, which of course we stopped to read, as the despatch was marked "Important and immediate." The magistrate having read it over to himself, said that as its contents concerned us all, he would read it aloud, which he did to the fol- lowing effect : — " By , Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of his Majesty's Settlements on Van Diemen's Land, &c. &c. &c. "Whereas the convicts named in the margin, who have been sent to the new settlement of Macquarie Harbour, have effected their escape by passing the mountains, and are now at large; and whereas it has been represented to me by , Esq., at whose house the said convicts, or several of them, were on the 9th instant, that they or several of them were desirous of surrendering themselves to the Government; I do hereby declare that all or any of the convicts named in the margin, together with such others as may have made their escape from Macquarie Harbour at the same time, shall be pardoned for all (254) The Governor's Proclamation. 255 offences committed by them, murder excepted, upon sur- rendering themselves, with their arms, to any of the under-named gentlemen, they being in the nomination for the magistracy of this island, or to any ofl&cer or non- commissioned officer commanding a party of the King's troops, provided that such surrender shall be made on or before the 21st instant. " And I do hereby require and authorize , Esq., of the Clyde; , Esq., of Jericho; and- , Esq., of the Clyde, they being in the nomination of the magistracy, to receive all or any of the said convicts on their voluntary surrender, to convey to them a pledge on my part that no charge shall be exhibited against them for any offence committed by them in this island, mur- der excepted, provided they shall surrender themselves, with their arms, on or before the 21st instant. " And I do hereby declare, that in the event of the said convicts not accepting the mercy herein offered, and of their continuing in a state of resistance to the laws after the time specified, I will cause the whole of the King's troops, together with the armed inhabitants, to be put in motion against them, and that I will put a price upon each of their heads, authorizing all his Majesty's subjects to bring them in, dead or alive. " And I do hereby further declare that I do by this paper, under my hand, and the seal of the colony, convey to you full power to pledge me to the several convicts for the performance of all herein expressed and declared on my part, and to receive their surrender. " , Lieutenant-Governor. " Government-House, Hobart Towa, " To , Esq., " River Clyde." 2f)6 The M a g i s t r a t k ' s Resolution. '•'Now, mj friends," said the worthy justice, ''it is all very well to show your courage and your determina- tion in making an attack on these bush-rangers, but we must not be too hasty in the matter. Bear in mind that our object should be to capture these dangerous men without necessarily exposing our own lives, or the lives of these brave soldiers who are so eager to get to close quarters with the murderers of their comrade. As the Government has empowered us to offer that their lives should be spared, with the exception of the actual murderers, on the condition of their surrendering themselves, it is my duty to make the clemency of the Grovernment known to them, and to give them this chance of saving their lives." There was some murmuring at this, and it was con- tended that no terms ought to be kept with villains who had committed outrages and atrocities so horrible as these had done ; but the magistrate was firm in his sense of his duty, and declared that he was determined to give effect to the merciful intentions of the Government. " But how are we to acquaint them with it ?" said the sergeant; "they will be sm-e to fire on us if we approach them in a body, and I don't suppose that any one of us is inclined to go alone into their den of wolves I" " I will not ask any one to do my duty for me," said the magistrate ; " I shall take one of the constables with me to pull the boat, and go alone, and without arms ; my mission wiU be a mission of peace and mercy, and J must take my chance of the rest. Come, Worrall," said he, •' step into the boat and pull me over." " I'm a bad hand at pulling," said Worrall, " and be- sides, they have a particular spite against me, and would skin me alive if they could get me ; not that I mind, only I would rather anybody else did the job this time." Worrall's Fears. 257 '* You can pull a long face," said the sergeant, *' at an_y rate ; but one of us can go, if his honour pleases." "No, no," said the magistrate; '^ Worrall is the proper man ; it is right that he should attend me in his official capacity." It was with the most ludicrous reluctance that Wor- rall proceeded to exercise his official functions on this dis- agreeable occasion ; and as his face was turned towards us as he sat in the boat with the sculls in his hand, the dolorous countenance of that usually facetious indi- vidual raised a general shout of laughter. " I know," said Worrall, in most lugubrious accents, "I'm booked; I shall be riddled like a sieve. Ah ! you may laugh, but how would you like it yourselves ? And the bush-rangers always put jagged balls in their guns, out of spite ; as if smooth ones would not do as well." ' Grive me a stick — and tie something white — a hand- kerchief, or something, to it, that we may not run any useless risk. That will do — now shove us off — and — Worrall — ^what's the matter with the man ? Give way ! the sooner we are there, the sooner it will be over." "Well," said Mr. Crab, " if you don't like to be shot yourself, you needn't disgust other people with it. What made you stay in this horrid country? It's your own fault for stopping in it, where there's nothing but wild bush-rangers and savage natives to murder and de- vour you — that's my opinion." " Oh !" groaned Worrall, " it will be all over soon enough !" The boat proceeded languidly on its way, feebly pro- pelled by exceedingly slow strokes, the sculls, as we ob- served, rising perpendicularly into the air, and descend- 17 258 Parley with the Rangers. mg again in a straight line into the water, thereby caus- ing the least possible motion to the boat which bore the wretched Worrall to his miserable doom, who ever and anon looked over his shoulder towards the anticipated spot of his expected sacrifice, ducking his head occa- sionally with a quick and frantic motion, to avoid the shots which his fears suggested were being aimed at him. The magistrate, who was standing up in the boat with the white flag in his hand, at last seized hold of "Wor- rall' s almost paralysed hands, and forcing him to row, by a few vigorous strokes the boat was soon forced into the mid-channel. We now observed the bush-rangers assembling on the beach of the island in order of fighting, and with their arms in their hands. As the boat approached the shore, we saw the magistrate wave his white flag in one hand, while in the other he held up the open letter which he had received from the Governor. The boat now neared the shore and became stationary, but we could not hear what passed. " I will supply that deficiency," said the magistrate. " I confess I did not feel very comfortable as we ap- proached the spot where the bush-rangers were assem- bled, and when I felt that my life was in their power ; but I lost no time in telling them of the merciful ofier of the Governor. Worrall had laid himself down at the bottom of the boat, which I saw excited the bush- ranger's suspicions; I made him get up, therefore, and when they caught sight of his face, there was a general shout of anger, and more than one piece was levelled at him. I put up my hand and appealed to their honour, and said that I had trusted myself among them in order Refuse TO Surrender. 259 to save life ; that I was bound to do my duty, and that I could not better evince my desire to save them from the consequences of their holding out, than by my present act in confiding to their good feelings. I am in- clined to think that my eloquence would not have saved me from their murderous inclinations, if it had not been for their leader, who really is a fine fellow, and I should like to save him if I could. Some of the rascals called out ' Treachery !' and pointed their guns at me, but their leader (the Gypsey) stopped them, and he and I had a parley together. I should say that I observed evident signs in some of them of an inclination to submit them- selves. " ' WiU all our lives be spared ?' said the G-ypsey, ' if we surrender ?' ' Not all,' said I ; ' but all except those who actually committed the murders with which you are charged.' ' But we are all in for it,' said he, ' and we must stand or fall together; we won't agree to have some picked out from the rest to be hanged in Camp yonder!' 'I cannot engage,' said I, 'that all your lives shall be spared ; but your immediate and quiet surrender would no doubt go far in your favour.' ' Let us hear that part of the Governor's letter read to us word for word/ said the Gypsey. " I read it to them from beginning to end, but they shook their heads at it. " ' It wont do,' said the Gypsey ; ' we may as well be shot as be hanged. But you see we are well armed, and prepared for you. We don't wish to do you any harm; I believe you mean well to us ; but if you attack us, you must take the consequence. We will fight it out to the death. What say you my men, shall it be life or death 260 False Signals. with us ?' ' Ay, ay/ said the men ; ' no surrender, no surrender.' ''I thought my position was getting ticklish, for the bush-rangers were working themselves up to a pitch of savage fury. I, therefore, thought of the best mode of retiring. " ' I will give you,' said I, ' another hour to consider of the offer of the Governor ; if before the end of that time you will consent to submit, hold up a bough by the water's edge, which we shall be able to see from the other side. I leave you now, hoping that you will con- sider the merciful offer of the Governor, and take advan- tage of this chance of saving your lives.' So saying, and without waiting for a reply, I immediately took the sculls and pulled back ; and glad enough was I to escape so well, I can assure you. And now. Moss, do you tell the rest." We waited till the expiration of the hour (said Moss), but we observed that the bush-rangers were very busy with the dead wood, and with boughs of trees, which they cut down and dragged to the shore, to form, as it seemed, a shelter, behind which they might defend them- selves, and at the end of the time we saw one of them holding the bough of a tree in his hand, which he waved about. " They have agreed to surrender," said the magis- trate ; "don't you see the signal which we agreed on?" "Not a bit of it," said the old sergeant; " those forti- fications have not been run up for nothing : the treache- rous devils, they show that branch as a feint, depend upon it, to put us off our guard. But I think we may take advantage of their own stratagem, and by pretend- The Sergeant's Stratagem. 261 ing to be deceived, we shall be able to deceive them. Now, sir," said he to the magistrate, " will you be ruled by me for this once ? I'm an old peninsular campaigner, and have had some experience in the bush with the Yankees, and I am up to their manceuvi-es." " With all my heart," said the magistrate ; " what do you propose to do ?" " Why this is what I propose. First, do you get into the boat again with Worrall, as if you saw and understood their signal, and relied upon their meaning to surrender. When you are sure they have seen you do this, then come back, as if you had determined on some other plan of receiving their submission. Now look at the wind. You see it blows from us to them pretty smartish. Let all of us hoist white flags or boughs of trees j they will see us from the other side, and they will think we are sure of their surrendering quietly, and so being deceived, if they mean treachery, we shall be able to circumvent them. Now you see the wind, as I said, blows from us to them. We must make a large fire, as if for cooking, and to make it look as if we had abandoned all thoughts of fighting." ''How will that help us?" said the magistrate. " Why, you see when we make a good fire, we can make at the same time a good smoke, and smoke enough to hide us from the view of the bush-rangers." " And what will you do then?" " Let one boat go straight forward, making all the noise you can, to fix their attention, while the other steals round to the side of the island. We soldiers will go in that, and take them in flank, and then we shall have them nicely ; and while they are engaged with us, you 202 They throw off the Disguise. can push on and land, and so they will be between two ■fires." " Grood !" said the magistrate ; " a capital scheme ; that is, if you can make smoke enough." " Oh, let me alone for that," said the sergeant ; " I learnt that trick long ago in America ; I'll warrant I' 11 make a smoke that a man can't see a pot of beer through it." The sergeant's plan was immediately carried into exe- cution. We collected a quantity of dead leaves, which at this season of the year are damp and difficult to in- flame. We first made a fire as usual, and then we pro- ceeded to light others along the shore, taking care to smother them with dead leaves, which raised plenty of smoke, which the wind carried over the water in the di- rection of the island. We then manned the boats, and pursuing the plan of the sergeant, made as much noise as possible in pulling over. In the meantime, under cover of the smoke, the second boat, with the sergeant and his party, made the best of its way to the side of the island. When we came within speaking distance, a voice hailed us : — "What the devil do you kick up such a smoke for?" " The wood by the side of the lake is damp, and will not burn. We saw your signal, and we are come to re- ceive your surrender." '^ Surrender be ! More fools you to suppose we were going to give ourselves up to be hanged like sheep in a slaughter-house. Take that for your folly." At these words a volley was fired at us, but we were prepared for it, and by falling down in the boat we es- caped it altogether, the shots, in the obscurity of the smoke, going over our heads. Without returning the The Double Attack. 263 fire, we immediately pulled off, and when we had got to a safe distance, we began to fire, to distract the attention of the bush-rangers from the second boat. "NVe con- tinuod to fire for some minutes, till the smoke cleared away, and then we had the satisfaction- to see that the boat with the soldiers had succeeded in getting round a point of land which concealed them from the sight of the bush-rangers. " The murderous and treacherous rascals !" muttered Worrall, " they deserve to be punished for this villanous treachery. Lucky we were to escape from them, but I suppose the Gypsey thought he should secure our de- struction best by this trick." "Now," said the magistrate, "we may calculate the soldiers have landed. Let us pull inshore and be ready to second them. Fire as fast as you can till we get close in, and then let 'half reserve their fire. There are the soldiers stealing round ! The bush-rangers don't see them yet ! They little expect an attack from that quarter ! Now, my friends I Fire away ! Keep it up. There go the soldiers ! Give way ! — pull — pull — reserve your fire ! There go the soldiers again ! The rascals are puzzled ! They don't know what to make of it. Pull away ! Pull away !" We were not long in reaching the shore, and the bush- rangers being engaged with their unexpected enemy, seemed panic-struck. They fired at the soldiers, but without vigour and without aim. In the meantime we were upon them on the other side ; and the soldiers, fix- ing their bayonets, without hesitating, charged in among them. We got up to them at nearly the same time, and stopped 264 Escape of G-ypsey. their retreat. They were so bewildered by the sudden ness of the unexpected attack of the soldiers, that they made but little resistance, with the exception of the Gryp- sey and another man, who seeing that their game was lost, darted into the wood. Thinking that we had them safe within the island, we first turned our attention to the securing of those we had got, whom we bound hand and foot before they had time to recover from their panic ; three of them lay dead from the fire of the soldiers, and several were slightly wounded. "Where's their leader?'^ cried the magistrate. " He has escaped for the j^resent, but we are sure to have him at last." "The boat," said the sergeant; ^' the boat on the other side — look to it" It was too late. The Gypsey had been too quick for us. We saw him above a couple of miles from the shore, pulling with his companion with all their might to the main land. "There they go," said Crab — "and all that we have done is of no use, and I have got one of their buck-shot through my arm; more fool I for going after them. What have I to do with fighting bush-rangers ? And there go the two greatest rogues of the lot ; tbey were the ringleaders and the stirrers up of all the mischief; and all our work is to do over again. I'll be bound, be- fore night, they'll commit a dozen murders at least. Well, this is making a silly end of it — that's my opinion !" '•'Corporal," said the sergeant, "lose no time; you must put yourself on their tracks ; you and your party will be enough for those two ; I will take care of ihe prisoners." Keturn to the Clyde. ±65 *' Put the corporal's party on shore/' said the magis- trate, to the two constables, " where the other boa: lands. You can then return and tow it back with you." Worrall and his fellow-constables stepped into the boat, and the corporal ruaking the usual military salaam, departed with his men in pm-suit of the terrible Gypsey When they returned, we all crossed over to the main land, much to the joy of our friend Beresford, and the relief of the Government messenger. We immediately set off on our return to the Clyde, when to our surprise we learnt that you had not yet arrived. We feared that you had been killed by the natives, but Crab insisted on immediately going in search of you, as he said you might be lamed or lost in the bush. Information was brought to us that the magistrate's horse, on which you had started from the lake, had re- turned home lame, and without saddle or bridle. This increased our fears for your safety, and we had no diffi- culty in mustering a sufficient party to aid you in case of danger. Thank God we found you when we did. " It was just in time," said I. "It was, indeed; but that's over now; and when you get home to your family you will soon recover yourself, and cret things to rights again." With this we turned ourselves to sleep, and I slept soundly. The morning light found me refreshed and re- stored, and I roused up the party to lose no time in cross- ing the river. We found a fording place higher up, and crossed without accident. Beresford placed himself by my side, and we strode cheerfully on. After a sharp march of some miles, we passed the Shannon, and I began to feel myself again 266 M I s s M s s . " What has become of poor Lucy Moss ?" said I. " It was you who saved her life on that awful night. When we left her on our expedition to the lake, she had not recovered consciousness. Is she still alive ?" '' Miss Moss has to thank your wife for her recovery/' said Beresford, "more than me. But look there ! Did you ever see such a shot ? — that cockatoo on the end of the branch of the tree there." "Never mind the cockatoo, man," said I; "we have had shooting enough for one bout ; let the cockatoo alone. Well, poor girl, I hope she is gi-ateful to you for her life, when you carried her in your arms on that terrible night that we found her lying on the trunk of the tree over the Clyde. It is not every one that would have perilled his life by scrambling along that tree like an opossum, as you did ; and I remember how very kind you were 3 and when we offered to help you, you said the poor girl was not in the least heavy, and I suppose — but bless the man, what is the matter with him ? you are not going to faint are yoti ? And what makes you tui-n so red in that odd way?" "It's my arm," said he, " that gives me a twinge now and then." "Oh! — is it? and who has done it up so nicely? Here's been a woman's hand in this, I'll swear. Was it my wife that sewed on all these little black ribands so prettily— eh?" " It was not Mrs. Thornley who did it exactly . . ." " Exactly ! What, had anybody else a hand in it ?" "Not particularly — that is, not altogether; but Mrs. Thornley had the kindness to hold my arm — while — - I think it was Miss Moss who sewed on the ties." "Oh ! it was; and who" Home! 267 "There's the Clyde at last," said Beresford. "Look, — cast your eyes just over that bare branch of the high gum tree — don't you see the water? It can't be more than four miles from us." "You seem to be in a particular hurry to get back. Nothing wrong about your affairs, I hope ?" " Oh dear, no ! The truth is, that — that I want — that is — that I'm anxious" 'Anxious to do what?" " To see how your men — that is, my men — have got on with the hedging and ditching since I've been away." "Indeed!" said I. I did not make any further observation to my young friend, who suddenly quitted my side, but I thought a good deal, and I said to myself — " I've seen many curi- ous things in my time, but I never knew a young fellow in such a hurry to see a hedge and ditch before ! But I was now drawing nearer and nearer to home, and that feeling put out of my head all other thoughts. The loud and joyous shouts of our party proclaimed from a distance their approach and their success. In a mo- ment I crossed the memorable tree across the river, and found myself once more in the embraces of my wife and children. He returns to his Home — Sets about repairing his Disasters — How to build a House with pulverized Earth — Mr. Crab's in- creased importance, and how sheep may increase from one hundred to two thousand — The building of a stone House re- solved on. It is now fourteen years since the events whicli I have related happened ; but I remember them as if they were of yesterday. Taking my wife in one hand, and my eldest daughter in the other, I led them silently to the humble hut, which now formed our only dwelling. Our hearts were too full to speak. I looked round for William • my wife guessed my thought?. '* William is out seeking for you over the hills to- wards Sorrell's Lake." I looked on my other children, and kissed them one by one. " Let me be alone," I said, " for a little while : — my head is giddy." I sat down on a wooden bench, and tried to collect my thoughts ; but the revulsion was too much for me. The terrible emotions which I had suffered had shaken me more than I was aware of: the events of a lifetime seemed to have been crowded into the ten days' space since I had left my happy home. In that brief time how much had I suffered ! I had fought in some desperate conflicts ! I had been lost for (268) Affecting Meeting. 269 sii. days in the dreary and dismal bush ! I had been all but overcome in my death-struggle with the natives ! Desolation now met my eyes where I had left abundance ; and the blackened ruins of my once cheerful cottage lay in a melancholy heap as I passed them by ! Overcome by the sudden rush of all these thoughts which at once assailed me, and overpowered with the sur- passing joy of beholding those whom so recently I had never expected to see again, I felt that choking at the throat which seizes on those who are torn by conflicting emotions : mine were joy and sadness. I think my bosom vfould have burst had not tears come to my relief; I tried to check them as unmanly and unseemly at such a moment : but they came thicker and thicker, and in the fulness and thankfulness of my joy I sobbed aloud. My dear wife took my hands and pressed them ten- derly ; motioning ber to kneel down with me, I raised my heart in gratitude and prayer to that Being, through whose help I had been sustained in my many perils. Then summoning my children, I caressed them again, and my dear William soon after coming in, with all the boisterous gladness of a young heart, shouted out his joyous greeting. That evening was one of joy and thankfulness ; we did not think of what we had lost, but of what we had gained. But a sort of brain fever was the consequence of the excitement to which I had been exposed, which confined me for many days to my bed. Wben I recovered sufficiently to attend to my affairs, I found that I had in a great measure to begin again the work of a settler in the country ; but industry and per- eeTerance will conquer most difficulties ; so I set about 270 Beresford's Attentions. repairing my disasters with a stout heart, and as we all worked willingly, we worked cheerfully, stimulated by the feeling that we were working for ourselves, and that every improvement that we made — every stone that we laid — and every stick that we planted, was on our land, and for the benefit of ourselves and our children. My first care was to look after my sheep ; for that was my main stock, and what I most depended on. I had the mortification to find that my home flock of merinoes had got dispersed in the bush, but my three other flocks at their different runs, consisting of about three thou- sand, were safe. It took some time to recover my me- rinoes, for they had strayed away, and had become mixed with the sheep of various neighbours, but I got them nearly all together again after a short time. As to the tame cattle, they were gathered in by degrees, but it cost my horses severe work to get in the wild herds, with which they were mixed. The worst part of the business was the loss by fire at home of furniture, bedding, books, and indeed of almost everything that the old cottage and the adjacent build- ings contained. But there were no lives lost, and that was a great consolation. My friend Moss was re-established in his log hut on the other side of the river, and I heard that young Beres- ford was particularly attentive in giving them the benefit of his assistance in putting their little farm to rights, and my daughter Betsy, then sixteen years of age, and inclined to be saucy occasionally, told me very demurely "that Mr. Beresford was so very kind; that he was there every day, showing Miss Moss how to plant her little flower-garden, which must be an exceedingly diflicult Necessity for a House. 271 thing to do," Betsy remarked, ^' on the other side of the river, as the flower-garden did not seem to make much progress, although her instructor was always explain- ing to her from morning to night something or other about it." This was said in such a sly way, that I looked on Betsy with eyes which betokened some little surprise at her observations, and it suddenly struck me that eight years had passed away since I first came to the Clyde, and that my eldest daughter, now sixteen years of age, was assuming the airs of womanhood. My son William, too, who had reached his eighteenth year, had lately been throwing out hints on the propriety of his making a visit to Hobart Town to purchase razors. I had put a stop to that sort of presumption some time before by gravely ofi"ering him a cart and four bullocks to bring up a razor for him, but I felt that these pretensions would at no distant time assume a character which re- quired care and consideration, and that it was incumbent on me to provide for them in time. These thoughts acted as further stimulants to my exertions. "This is a bad job, Crab," I began, "but it might have been worse ; there have been no lives lost from this sad fire, that is one great consolation ; but we can't live without a house ; the point to be settled is, what sort of one we shall build. You have seen a good deal of these new sort of houses at Pitt Water, what do you think of them ?" Now it must be premised, that Mr. Crab had become a very important personage in the district of the Clyde. At the beginning of 1817, seven years before, I had pre- vailed on him to purchase with his small capital a hun- 272 Peofitable Speculation. dred ewes heavy with lamb, and to put them out " on thirds ;" which he did with an honest settler on the other side, the Launceston side, of the island. As the keeper of the sheep was to have one-third of their produce to re-imburse him for his care and expense, two-thirds remained for the owner; and as Crab con- sumed none, and sold little of the increase, excepting for the purpose of replacing the wethers with breeding ewes, in the course of seven years Crab's original one hundred ewes had increased, notwithstanding theft and all sorts of losses, to two flocks of sheep of above one thousand each, which he had established on separate runs, to the eastward of Salt Pan Plains. He had continued to live with me in my house, and was considered, as he consi- sidered himself, a part of the family, and maintained his authority as the autocrat of the ploughs and corn-fields. I must add, that having now attained the age of sixty- eight, he had become more obstinate in his opinions than ever, and my recent calamities, which he declared he had all along foreseen and expected, confirmed him in his conviction of his superior penetration and sagacity. " What do you think, Crab," said I, " of running up a pise house? It's easily done, and we can do it with the men we have got about us." Crab slowly raised himself from the log of a tree on which he was sitting, and placing on the rough table of gum-tree boards his two hard and brown hands, he in- clined his head a little forwards to me, and with much solemnity replied : — " And is it possible, Mr. Thornley, that you are think- ing of building another house in this miserable place ? Have you not had warning enough, by bush-rangers, and Betsy's Expostulation. 273 by natives, and by fires, to show you the wrongness of all that you have done ? And eight years ago, in this very place, did I not tell you what would happen ? and hasn't it happened ? And now you are thinking of be- ginning it all over again ! Why, it's a mere tempting of Providence !" " Oh, papa," said Betsy, " do let us go back to Eng- land. Since all this work about the bush-rangers and na- tives, I declare I'm quite frightened; and besides there's not a shop near us, one must send to Hobart Town for everything; and if one wants a new riband for a bonnet, a bullock cart must be sent fifty miles for it. The idea of bringing up a new bonnet in a cart drawn by four bullocks I" " Nonsense, Betsy," said "William ; '' what do you want with new bonnets up here, where there are nothing but cows and sheep to see you? ('ain't there, though?' I thought Betsy muttered). To be sure, it is awkward not to have a boot-maker near, and if you want any trifle done to your gun, you must take it to town. That cer- tainly is a nuisance." " Miss Betsy is a very sensible young lady," said Crab, " and I think the best thing to be done is for us all to go home again to England, and there we can have a nice little farm, and in Shropshire I know many that are to be got at a low rent." "Rent!" said I; ''that would be a settler. Crab, if there was no other argument against it. Thank heaven ! we have done with rent ! Our land is our own ; wc are our own masters ; depending on our own exertions for prosperity and fortune !" " A pretty prosperity has come of it !" said the indo- 18 274 PROsrEuiTY and Fortune. mitable Crab. "It's a very prosperous state of affairs, isn't it, when a man is shot at day after day by bush- rangers, and gets lost in the bush, and is hunted by na- tives — and — I ask you, now, master, whether, in your conscience, you can deny that you ought at this moment to be a roasted man V " A roasted man !" said my wife. '^Good heavens! Mr. Crab, what odd ideas you have \" "But I'm not roasted yet," said I, "and, excepting that clip which the natives' womera gave me on the leg, I'm not much the worse for it. And, by-the-by. Crab, how do your sheep get on beyond the Salt Pan Plains ? Why, you will have more sheep in a short time than you will know what to do with. What would you do with them in England ? It would require a good bit of land to feed two thousand sheep ; and then the rent ! No rent to pay here — eh !" "Eh V said Crab — "ah ! but it's better to pay rent and have your property safe, than pay it in the shape of bush-rangers, sheep-stealing, and burning, and such like." " That's a drawback," said I, "it must be confessed; but still, my friend Crab, with all these drawbacks, and in spite of all the inconveniences and disadvantages of this wretched country, as you call it, you have contrived to make two thousand sheep out of one hundred in seven years ! I am inclined to think that you would not have got together a flock of two thousand sheep in England in that time, or in any time." "May be not," said Crab — "may be not; but then in England you can sleep in your bed without getting up next morning and finding your throat cut, or your Crab's Advice. 275 house burnt about your ears. Well, well — a wilful man must have his way 1 I suppose you must wait for an- other disaster worse than this before you'll hear reason ; but the end will come at last, and then you'll regret you did not take my advice." ^' Come, give us your advice about a pise house, as you have seen some of them and I have not ; will they do?" " Do ! Lord bless you — never think of making a mud- pie and calling it a house. "Who ever heard of patting mud up into a heap, and then setting a roof on it? Why, it must crumble to pieces, or be washed away by the first rain that comes. But why talk of a mud house when you have plenty of stone on your own land ?" ''Yes; but stone-masons' work is so very expensive in this country, and such a house would take so long in building." ''Of course it would; everything is very expensive in this country ; but you should have thought of that before you came into it. But the stone house that I mean is one which you might build of the same sort of stone that the old chimney of the cottage was built of; only to be done in a more sightly manner. Why, you might build a house a hundred feet long for a few hun- dred pounds, that would really be a place fit for a gen- tleman to live in, and which some new fool of a settler, with plenty of money, would buy, perhaps, when you went back to England. And I '11 tell you what I '11 do," continued Crab, in his enthusiasm: "I've too many sheep by a great deal for me to look after. I'll sell one of the flocks, and that shall build the new house 276 A GrENEROus Offer. for you, and I '11 start to Salt Pau Plains about it this very day." ''Indeed/' said I, ''you will do no such thing." '' And why not, pray; can't I do as I like with my own sheep ?" " You may do as you like with your own sheep, but you shall not sell them to build our house ; there will be about fifteen hundred pounds due to me in another month, which I shall not lend again, so that I shall have plenty of money for house, furniture, and all." "Well," said Crab, considering a little, "perhaps it's as well ; it will be all the same in the end, and you would only lose your money by lending it. Very well; the sheep are sure to increase if you leave them alone. So now to find a good stone-quarry." " Let us all go," said my wife; the day is beautiful. I want to see Mrs. Moss on the other side of the river, and you can help us over Lucy's bridge, and leave us in Mrs. Moss's Cottage." " Come, then," said I; " where 's my fowling-piece? and. Will, do you take yours." "Why, what on earth," said Crab, "do you want with your guns ? — you are not going a mile from home." "Perhaps not; but there's no harm in taking them with us." "My fowling-piece is dirty," said William; "but Acre 's a musket clean, with the bayonet all ready fixed ; and here's a cartouche-box of cartridges.'' , "A pretty place to live in!" said Crab; "togoa- Beeking for a stone-quarry with muskets and fixed bayo- aets !" " It's always best to be prepared," said I; "and, to Precautionary Measures. 277 my tliinking, precaution betokens courage, as it slunvs the calculation of danger, and the predetermination to face it." It will be seen that it was well, on this occasion, that we did not leave our arms behind us. Stone-quarries — Mannei- of Gardening by young Ladies in new Colonics — A Stranger — Miss Betsy suddenly becomes scientific respecting Stone-quarries and other matters — The large Ants re- sent the intrusion on their territories — Wild cattle hunting — A young Bull gets maddened, and galloping into the Bush, meets with Betsy — Thornley sees her peril and gives her over for lost Van Diemen's Land abounds in stone of all sorts, and especially in a sort of stone which easily splits into flakes ; it is commonly used to build the chimney of a log-house, where bricks and lime are not easily to be had. It is not so sightly as bricks, but it answers the purpose very well, and almost anything in the shape of mud serves for a cement. There was plenty of this sort of stone on my land; indeed, too much of it, enough to build a town, and on one rise there were so many fine flat slabs of stones lying on the surface, that it made one long to find a use for them. The object of our search was to find a quarry of stone easy to be worked, near the intended site of the house, so as to avoid the expense and trouble of carting. But first we proceeded in a body to the other side of the river, passing in single file over the trunk of the tree which had now obtained the name of " Lucy's-bridge ;" Crab brought up the rear, with a crow-bar over his shoulder, which it pleased him to carry on this occasion, for the purpose of raising specimens of the stone. ( 278 > A Stranger. 279 We found our friends busy about their cottage, which, at Mrs. Moss's request, our diligent neighbour was care- fully fortifying. The inside was hardly large enough to contain us all, so we proceeded in a body to the new garden, which Miss Moss, with great taste, had planned near the river. "Bless me," said Betsy, ''why I declare Miss Moss has two gardeners to assist her; there's Mr. Beresford sitting on the log of a tree, working dreadfully hard in- deed, and explaining, I suppose, something or other; and there's another helping him, only he's too far off to join in the conversation, with a gun over his shoulder. That's a stranger ; I wonder who he can be ?" Our approach interrupted young Beresford's disserta- tion on horticulture, and he came forward with a very red face to greet us, while Miss Moss immediately began to rake about the earth desperately. " Rather cold work," said I, " to be idle. The mouth of June is not the season to sit still in the open air. A good fire, and the inside of a house, would be more comfortable." '' I thought it was very pleasant," said Beresford. "So it appeared," said I; "but I can't stop to talk this morning. We are going to look for stone to build our new house. Who is that young stranger ? He is very like you." " That's my brother. You know I have been expect- ing him for some months. He came up here a week ago." " What is his age ? He is younger than you." " Hp is nineteen — four years younger than I am. He nas got terrible notions in his head about natives and bush-rangers, and nothing on earth will induce him to 280 Behesfoud's Excuse. part with his gun : he cats, and drinks, and sleeps with it." As my friend thus spoke, the stranger advanced, and saluted us with a very good air, and I was prepossessed in his favour at once, by his modest and unassuming manner. I am inclined to think that there was another of the party who regarded him with favourable eyes ; but of this I shall have to speak in its proper place. " Who's for a walk ?" said I. " Come, Beresford, man, don't sit on that log all day ; a brisk walk will do you good." ''I would go with you with all my heart, but the truth is, I have promised Miss Moss to show her how to trench the ground for Indian corn." "Trench ground for Indian corn in June! Well, that's a new idea, at any rate. You don't mean to say that you are going to sow Indian corn in the middle of winter ?" " Sow it ! No — not to sow it, but there's nothing like being prepared in time." _ "Right there," said I; "and as you like to prepare in time, had you not better come with us and look out for a convenient stone quarry, for it seems to me you'll soon be wanting a larger house than your present one ?" Miss Moss, at this recommendation, worked away witb her rake again with great energy ; but she had the courage to say, "The surgeon, Mr. Beresford, desired you not to use your arm ; and you know he said that any exertion would be dangerous. But pray don't let me keep you from joining your friends. I have plenty to do inside the cottage." So saying, she bid us a hasty adieu, and we proceedea Hunt FOR Stone Quarries. 281 on our walk. Beresford said he had to speak to Mr. Moss about some sheep; but his brother, he added, would be glad to accompany us to see the country. "Well, then," said I, ''you can stay with your mo- ther, Betsy, and we will go on with our search." "I should like to go with you," said Betsy; "the day is so fine, and I am so fond of seeing stone quarries." "Fond of seeing stone quarries !" thought I; "what has come to the hussy; she never was so interested about stone quarries before. Come, then," I said, " and don't complain of being tired, for we shaU make a long walk of it, perhaps." We re-crossed the river, and struck into the bush, William going on before, and I and Crab following se- dately behind, while Betsy and the stranger camelfter us. We soon came on some stone quarries, but we saw none that pleased us. There were so many that we were fastidious about them. " J know of a capital lot of stone just on the other side of that little green hill," said Crab, " if it would not be too far for carting; but it all lies on the surface, so the distance of cartage would be saved by the ease of getting at the stone." " It can do no harm for us to see it," said I, '< so let us push on. Betsy! where the deuce is the girl? Don't loiter behind so, or you'll be lost in the bush, and your new acquaintance would not be able to help you in such a strait, I think, eh ?" " Oh, no fear, papa, of being lost in the bush, close at home. I have more fear of the wild cattle that the men are bringing in to-day." 282 The Red Ants. "Wild cattle!" said George Beresford; "are the cattle then so wild here? are they savage when mo- lested?" " Savage !" said Crab, " there's nothing savage about the poor things ; but they are angry at times, and so would you be if you had half a dozen men on horseback riding after you for some hours, and cracking their whips at you enough to deafen a gum-tree. They are wildish a bit now and then, and when there's a mob of them rampaging along they can't stand on ceremony. You must get out of their way, that's all. A little more to the left, master, if you please ; no need to go over a hill when you can go round it. There's no end to hills in this country." We walked on till we had gone about two miles from home, when we came upon a splendid lot of stones, of all shapes and sizes, and Crab, in his zeal, began to use his crow-bar to heave up a slab here and there, to see what was under it. Our new acquaintance, to manifest his desire to render assistance in our search, took the crow-bar, and worked away with great vigour in an irre- gular pit of stones, which looked of an inviting quality. He had not proceeded far in his task, before he uttered a sharp cry, and began to dance about. " What's the matter ?" said William; " has the crow- bar fallen on your toe ?" " Toe ! it's not my toe ! I've been bit by a snake !" " A snake ! It's strange that we did not observe it ! But I see ; it's no snake, it's the red ants that you have disturbed, and one has given you a nip. I'll soon bring •some more of them out." So saying, he took the crow-bar, and, peering about, Their Hostility. 283 struck it lightly at the entrance of the passage several times. Immediately a swarm of these prodigious ants sallied out, elevating their nippers, and showing signs of anger and irritation. These red ants are about an inch and a half long, very bold and fierce in their nature, and they do not hesitate to attack any intruder on their do- mains. About four years before this time, one of my men, who was employed in raising stone about a half a mile from the house, was obliged to abandon the quarry from the numbers and determined hostility of these courageous and daring creatures. We, who knew what was coming, got out of the way, but our friend, with the curiosity of a new comer, waited in the pit, to examine the appearance and motions of this curious army of ants. He did not stay there long, however, for the angry ants attacked him in a mo- ment, and, biting his shins, and crawling under his clothes, set him a-dancing in a manner that did infinite credit to his agility. The pleasure of this novel sen- sation was not increased by the loud laughter which ac- companied his capers from all — all excepting my daugh- ter Betsy, whose usual love of mirth had become sub- dued, from politeness and in courtesy to a stranger. " For heaven's sake, William," she called out, '' do help Mr. Beresford ; those horrid ants will bite him to death." " I'll fire at 'em," said William, " if he will only stand still and let me pick 'em ofi" one by one. But, never mind, they only bite, and they are not venomous — at least much — and I never knew any harm come from their bites. Our Bob has been bitten by them all over, and he's used to them now, he .says, and, upon my word, I tnink the ants learned to know him, for they left oft attacking him after a bit." 284 Betsy's Absence. " This will do, Crab," said I ; '' this is capital stone, and plenty of it, and ft's all down hill, or nearly so, to the new house. So here we will fix for our quarry And now we will go home." "Not home yet, papa; Mr. Beresford wants to set the falls of the Clyde." " Well, do you and William go with him, and show him the falls ; but they are little worth seeing in June ; the spring-time, in September or October, is the time for the falls, after the rains ; then they are a sight worth seeing." Leaving the young party to continue their walk, I and Crab turned our steps homewards, as I expected a herd of wild cattle to be driven into the stock-yard during the day. When we got home, I found that my wife had returned. She blamed me for letting Betsy go so far from home, in these troublous times, as she called them ; but I told her there was no fear of bush-rangers or natives in the daytime so near a settlement, and we followed such occupations as demanded our attention. When the time had elapsed, however, for Betsy's return home, my wife began to be uneasy at her absence, and urged me to go in search of her." " She is gone into some friend's house on the way," said I ; '' there's no cause for being uneasy ; William is with her, and the falls are not a quarter of a mile from a settler's house." But all I could say could not calm my wife's uneasi- ness, for her late troubles had made her timid and nervous, till I began to be uneasy myself. I took my double-barrelled fowling-piece, and bidding two of my men, whom I could trust, to come with me, I set out in the direction of the falls. Arrival of Wild Cattlk. 285 I had not proceeded a hundred yards before I thought I heard the distant lowing of cattle, and presently after the cracking of the hunters' whips apprised me that the herd which I had been expecting all day was approach- ing the stock-yard. Judging that an additional rider would be of use in forcing them into the yard, I returned to the hut, near which temporary stables had been erected, and putting a saddle on the horse that was there — the two others were out after the cattle — I was soon in the midst of the sport. The forcing the cattle into the stock-yard is the most difficult part of the task, as they are apt to break away when they scent the enclosure, and to divide in separate mobs, which it is exceedingly difficult to get together again, as they fly off in all directions, and become savage and furious as they are hard pressed by the shouts and whips of the huntsmen. In collecting them from their various runs, it is the practice for three to five or six horsemen to set out to- gether at the earliest break of day. The horsemen are provided with a roughly-made whip, with a leather thong, and a peculiar sort of lash at the end of it, made from an old silk handkerchief, which is the best material for pro- ducing a loud crack. To make this lash, two strips of an old silk handker- chief, about six inches long, are wetted, and twisted tight separately, and then twisted tightly together. It is sur- prising to those who have never tried this peculiar lash, to hear the astonishing loud crack that it will make. It is the noise of these cracking whips that frightens the cattle into the required direction; and without these whips it would be useless to attempt to drive them. 286 Mode of C a v t u ii i n a T ii e m . Thus provided, the hunters proceed to the spots where they divine that cattle have rested the preceding night, observing especially the brows of hills sheltered from the wind. When they see a mob of cattle, a dozen, more or less, they note the spot, and pass on, taking care not to disturb them, and continue their search after more. In this way they proceed, spreading themselves over the country, and going twenty miles, perhaps, from home, noting the different little mobs here and there on their passage. They then gently urge the mob farthest off towards the mob nearer home, and then urge the mob so joined to the next one, and so on. After a little while, the cattle begin to suspect mis- chief, and then the furious riding begins, and the smaller the number, the more difficult it is to drive them. A horseman takes each flank of the mob, and the rest of the hunters take charge of the cattle from behind. Every now and then the cattle break off to the right or left, and then the horseman, with loud shouts, pursues them, and with the cracking of his whip drives them back to the main body. Sometimes the whole body of cattle will make a rush to escape, and then the utmost efforts of the hunters are necessary to prevent them from dispersing. The country being in a state of nature,' and for the most part covered with dead timber, the sort of riding may be imagined. Copses are dashed through, dead trunks of trees are continually to be leaped, for the herd must be followed and kept in the right direction at all hazards to man and horse ; and whatever the country, it must be taken, up hill or down hill, up precipice or down precipice. Its Exciting Nature 287 Sometimes the cattle take a direction round tlie brow of a steep mountain, with a wall of turf on your left hand, and a precipice of a hundred feet or two on your right ! No matter; on you must go; hooting, shouting, and cracking the never-resting whip, and never thinking of the danger till you have passed it. Talk of fox-hunting ! It is nothing compared with wild cattle-hunting ! and as to the excitement, cattle-hunting is ten times more exciting, but it must be added, incom- parably more dangerous ! Besides, in cattle-hunting you see your game, and a multitude of wild cattle in a state of fury from hard driving is a grand and imposing spec- tacle. I say nothing of the additional enlivement of be- coming the pursued instead of the pursuer, from some devil of a bull taking it into his head to resent the affront put upon his independence. Then the chase assumes a very different complexion, and cool must be the man and steady must be the rider to escape when the wild bull is determined, and inclined to be vicious. I remember one of my men was chased between the Shannon and the Clyde for ten miles on end by a furi- ous bullock, who kept his horse at the stretch of his speed the whole "way, till the rider came to a deep part of the Clyde, when he dashed in, glad to escape from his tormentor any way. When a pretty good number are collected in this way, they are more easily driven, as they are in each other's way, and impede each other's motions ; but they are the more dangerous when they make a rush at you. The only thing to be done then is to ride with all your speed to the right or left, and keep up with them in a parallel line till their speed is spent ; then the work has to be done again. 2S8 Successful Chase. On the present occasion, my men had collected a mob of above a hundred, some of which belonged to other parties, and as it was winter-time, and the cattle were not exhausted by the heat, as they sometimes are in summer — for I have known a fat bullock to lie down when thus driven from exhaustion, and I have not been able to make him get up even by whipping him — they were in fine condition for a run, and I soon saw that there would be more than ordinary difficulty in getting them into Ihe stock-yard, which was less than a quarter of a mile from the building where I was temporarily residing. We were five horsemen in all; three of my own horses, and two of my neighbour's, who, from love of the sport, had joined in the hunt. We had just got them to the entrance of the yard, where they stood hesitating and obstinate, when a fine young bull uttered a savage cry, and, darting between me and another rider, galloped into the plain, followed by the whole herd. It was quite a narrow escape for both, of us, and we were only just in time in avoiding the rush of the infu- riated animals. But we were too well used to the work to be baffled, and in a short time we had them all under command, though it required all the shouting and whip- cracking that we could raise to urge them to the entrance again. As it was, I think we should have lost them, had it not been for two cows belonging to our tame herd, which, fortunately, this time, were in front, and they being used to the yard, cantered in to avoid the pressure from behind, and then another simxiltaneous shout on our parts, and a renewed cracking of whips forced them all in ; then up bars, and we had them safe. The young bull, however, did not approve of the trick, y..'^t.;•^^-C^ Terrible Apprehension. 289 aud he bellowed and galloped about the yard in a state of perfect fury, lashing his tail about, and plunging his horns into the ground till he got quite mad. In his anger he made a dash at the heavy logs of which the yard -was built, aiid butting his head against them, he made the whole stockade vibrate with the concussion. Finding it too strong to break through, he bellowed and plunged about with increased rage, when suddenly ho made a run at the logs, and with one desperate bound he leaped right over them, although they were nearly eight feet high, and dashed into the bush. I admired the vigoiu- and determination of the ani- mal, and as we did not want him, I let him go his way, when it suddenly struck me that the course which ho had taken was the same which my daughter would be pursuing on her way home. I communicated my fears to my two men, who were standing by me, and, instantly seeinf the danger, they mounted their horses without delay, and we proceeded after the furious animal, intend- ing to head him, so as to tui-n him away from the path where he might do mischief. The short time that elapsed between his escape and my thought of its danger was sufficient to enable him to get considerably ahead of us, I took the way to the right, being best mounted ; and my horse being fresh, I put him to the top of his speed, riding over everything in my way in my terrible anxiety. A couple of miles were passed in almost less time than I have taken to relate it, when my worst fears were re- alized ! I beheld the infuriated animal, rendered more furious by our pursuit and our cries, with its horns near the ground, in the act of rushing towards ray daughter 19 290 Miraculous Escape. Betsy, -who, with my son and the young stranger, seemed for the moment stupified with horror at the suddenness and the imminence of the danger. The red ribands of the unfortunate bonnet about which poor Betsy had been so facetious a few days before, as being honoured with a cart and four bullocks for its special conveyance from Hobart Town, were streaming in the wind, and whether or not that colour is really hateful to cattle, I do not know, but in the present inr stance the raging bull seemed to me to disregard her two companions, and with an appalling bellowing that made the woods re-echo, and filled me with a heart-rend- ing fear, which I cannot describe in words, it rushed to the spot where my poor girl, in an agony of terror, with eyes fixed and hands uplifted, had fallen on her knees before him. The furious brute rushed on, and I had already given up my dear child for lost, when I saw the young stranger with a bound leap forward between them; — instantly falling on one knee, and taking a rapid but cool aim, he fired — the ball with which his musket was loaded struck the animal between its horns, and the huge bull sud- denly tumbled over and over on the grass, striking down, in its plunging course, our heroic preserver, and, as I afterwards found, breaking his musket to pieces. Almost at the same moment I reached the spot, and at the report of the musket, and the fall of the bull, my well-trained and intelligent horse immediately checked himself, and stood snorting with inquiring ears. For some seconds no one stirred ; the bull lay on the ground dead ; my daughter knelt with her hands clasped, still in the attitude of fear, and George Beresford remained motionless by her side. Cl]n|itBr tt^inrntii-fnurtlr* The Stranger saves Betsy's life — The Surgeon appears agaii — Thornley sets off for Ilobart To^vn. The two horsemen who had accompanied me from the stock-yard now dismounted, and their advance broke the spell of fear and doubt which for a moment entranced my faculties. I threw myself from my horse, and clasped my daughter in my arms. Grasping my hand convul- sively, she rose from her knees, and turned to the spot where our young friend was lying insensible and pale. Betsy did not speak, but kneeling down by the body, clasped her hands, and looked up to us appealingly. " Eide hard to the surgeon's ; it's not half a mile oflF," said William to one of the men. '' Give him your horse to come back on." In less than five minutes the surgeon was with us. The young man still remained insensible. ""We must bleed him instantly," said the surgeon. " Raise him up. Hold his arm out — so. Cut open the sleeve of his coat ; no time for ceremony. There, that will do; he is all right; you'll see he will come to presently. I hope there are no bones broken." '•'Good heavens!" said Betsy, "he will bleed to death." "No fear of that; do him good; very good blood; body in good state — so it ought to be at his age. There he is — coming to — beautifully. Now we'll bind his arm (291) 292 The Stranger Revives. up. Who has got something to bind it with ? Ah ! this red riband will do very well. But you'll spoil your smart bonnet. That's it — and I declare here's young Thornley has got a pannikin of water for him. You're a thoughtful lad, and no doubt this young fellow will do as much for you another time." " Thank ye," said Will; "I hope I shall not have to trouble him. I wish he had let me shoot the bull, though ; but Betsy was right before me, and I was afraid of hitting her if I fired." " You needn't be sorry that you didn't kill the bull, Master William," said one of the men; "there's Mr. Crab will be in a terrible taking about it ; it was his fovourite one of the herd, and a nice, tight, clean-made cretur he was, poor fellow." " That's right, Mr. what's his name ?" said the surgeon. "Mr. G-eorge Beresford," said Betsy; "he is Mr. Beresford's brother." " Oh ! the brother that's going to be married to Lucy Moss : — well, then, Mr. Beresford, how do you find your- self? Pain anywhere ?" "I feel a little faint— where's the bull ?" " There he is ; but I hope he is not only stunned too ; perhaps he'll start up and give us a poke. Let us ex- amine him a bit. He's quite dead. Struck between the horns ! a lucky shot, by George ! You have had a nar- row escape, some of you." " A capital shot, sir ; but Mr. Crab will not like it. I really don't know what he will do ! this, bull was such a pet of his ! He saved it between four and five years ago, from being killed — like. I know I shouldn't like to be the one to tell him of it." Departure for Hobart Town. 293 " Rather an odd animal to make a pet of; but every one to his taste. Now, my young friend ; I recommend you to go home, and go to bed, and lie still for a day or eo. There are no bones broken, but you may have re- ceived more injury than appears at first, and the best way is to guard against it, to avoid fever and so forth. But what's the matter with the young lady, eh ? Oh ! fright ; well, it is allowable for young ladies to be fright- ened.. Let me feel your pulse. There, shake hands with the gentleman — ' your preserver,' as you call him. Proper to be grateful : very right feeling ; — pulse not quite right, though ! Odd sort of fluttering ! There — that will do, young gentleman — you needn't be shaking hands all day ! Get home and keep quiet." So saying, our excellent and kind-hearted surgeon took his leave, and I with Betsy and William returned home. On my arrival there, I found a letter for me which had been sent express from Hobart Town, re- quiring my presence as a witness on the approaching trial of the bush-rangers who had been captured on our late expedition. As the matter admitted of no delay, I imme- diately prepared for my departure, intending to ride about eighteen miles before night, and sleep on the road. Giving such directions as were necessary in my absence, I slung my fowling-piece over my shoulder, and set ofiF on my journey. The facetious Attorney — Colonial modo of getting rid of a "Wife— Thornley attends an execution wliicli makes him Sick — ^he re- turns homewards — A Chase after Sheep — Encounter with a hush- ranger. I SLEPT that night at the Green Ponds, and met with nothing remarkable. I got into town about four o'clock next day, and ascertained that the trial of the bush- rangers was to take place in a few days. As I had nothing particular to do, I amused myself with walking about, and I looked at the bit of land that I had bought a month or two before, and it seemed to me that it would be better if I could have the hundred pounds which I had given for it in my own pocket again ; but I could not find any one who would give the money for it down ; there were plenty who would have bought it on credit at nearly double the price, but I did not like that way of dealing ; so after walking over it very discon- tentedly, I came back to my inn in no very good humour. I found a friend of mine, the sheriff, waiting for me, who was tei-ribly out of spirits at having to attend the execution of four men the next morning, one of them for sheep-stealing, and two for bush-ranging; the fourth man's case was a remarkable one, which, as I find it noted in my journal, I will relate as illustrative of the manners and customs of the colony at that period. (294) TnE Lawyer's Story. 295 I dined with the sheriff that day, and the attorney, Mr. Kasay, who defended the murderer, happened to be present, and he was very merry with the story, the more so as the sheriff heiug out of sorts, the attorney good naturedly wanted to raise his spirits with stories of mur- ders and suicides, and such like. I shall endeavour to give the story in the lawyer's own words, for I confess that, horrible as it was, I could not help feeling an inclination to laugh at the way in which it was told. But lawyers get callous to scones of crime and misery from their professional habits, as surgeons come to disregard the cries of a patient during an operation. " It was a very bad case," said the lawyer, '' as I told my client from the first; but of course it was my duty to do what I could for him. He followed the trade of a pork-butcher, and one day, when he had a quarrel with some other fellow — he was a baker — he took his knife, with which he was accustomed to operate on his pigs, and ' more suo' stuck it into his acquaintance, and ripped him up ' secundum artem.' '' He must have been a clever fellow at his trade, for the stickee didn't need a second cut; he died, of course, and my gentleman was duly committed, and all that. I tried hard for him at the trial to get it turned into man- slaughter, on the ground that the sticking was not done with ' premeditation ;' for, as we argued, his knife being in his hand, which was a sort of implement of trade, he couldn 't help, from habit (we are all creatures of habit), from sticking it into anything in his way that seemed to want it. " But it wouldn 't do. The judge was as crusty as if 296 Parson Jorawaigh. he had supped off pork-chops (he night before, and the jury were tired, and wanted to get their dinner. So they soon made up their minds about it, and we were found guilty of course. So my man was marched off to the condemned cell to wait till they were ready to hang him; no pleasant contemplation : but it's nothing when you're used to it. ''It's curious what a revulsion it makes in a man's feelings when he is found guilty. I 've had many a fine fellow through my hands, who had been as dashing a chap as you 'd wish to see, up to that point, and with all the impudence of oppressed innocence; but when the foreman turns up the whites of his eyes — (you may al- ways tell what's coming by their sanctified looks) — and whispers out that little word ' Guilty !' Lord ! what a change comes over the brave fellow in the dock ; but all this is nothing; I shall come to my story presently. , " You know Parson Jorawaigh ? He 's the man to stir 'era up ! Only give him a little time, sir, and he '11 make a poor devil turn himself completely inside out — what the Scotch call ' making a clean breast of it !' " Well, sir, my friend the pork-butcher grew very re- ligious after he was condemned, as I have observed most people do when they are going to be hanged; and you know the motto among the convicts, 'Never give away a chance.' "The parson stuck to him, and, as the gaoler said, put the poor wretch into such a stew, that he declared pri- vately to him that he would prefer being hanged — much, very much prefer it — to having any more of the parson's jaw. But the parson is not the man to neglect his duty, and Le kept walking in to him day after day, till at last A Modern Bluebeard. 297 he got the 'penitent,' as he called him tome, to confess; and a pretty confession it was ! " This was his fourth murder ! Yes, sir, positively his fourth ! And who do you think were the victims of the organ of destrnctiveness, so largely developed — for it all goes by bumps, you know, now-a-days — in the head of this modern Bluebeard? His three wives! that is, he confessed to three — how many more he killed one really can't say; but the parson was satisfied with his confes- sing to three, and ' talked' to him no more. " But the most curious part of the story is the way in which he did it. Upon my life, I'm not sure that it's right to tell the secret; there are so many ready to take advantage of it. But, however, as we are among friends, I '11 trust to your discretion, never to repeat it to a married man. It was vei-y ingenious; quite origi- nal. Well, we live and learn. It would make the for- tune of a man in London for a tragedy, or a farce; only it is so very dreadful. " His plan, sir, was this. His wife got drunk, or he made her so — all the same thing : when she was in that happy state, what was more natural than that she should throw herself on the bed, face downwards ? and if she neglected to place herself in that position, why it was very easy to turn her over, eh ? My gentleman then clapped a pillow on her head, and sat upon it, ' as long,' as he expressed himself, ' as he thought was necessary !' '' Horrible ! isn't it ? To think what some men will do to get rid of their wives I And the rascal confessed, that as he sat there, he used to smoke his pipe, ' to take off the dulness,' as he said. It's ver}' dreadful to think of ! But really there's something droll in the idea ! 298 His Crimes Terminated. Not but that I feel the atrocity of such an act — although the woman was his wife — it was a cool trick — very cool ! " When the job was done, as he confessed, he went to the public-house hard by, and staid there drinking and smoking, till the news came that his poor wife was found dead ! But all seemed fair and square. It seemed that the woman had got drunk ! — natural enough — had fallen down on the bed with her face on the pillow — got smothered ! — natural enough ; — the hus- band did not express any particular sorrow at the event — natural enough. All seemed right, and while some pitied him on account of the melancholy occur- rence, others congratulated him on having got rid of a drunken wife. " So after a short time he married another. She went off the same way. He was a man of nerve, however, and he tried a third. Same as before. ' The neigh- bours did talk,' he said, about this last melancholy oc- currence ;' but he put on a suit of mourning, bran-new, with black crape round his hat, and attended evening prayer in his neighbourhood, regularly, so he was con- sidered a model of a husband, but peculiarly unfor- tunate. '' How many more wives he might have mui'dered it is impossible to tell, had not this last misfortune stopped his fun. Parson Jorawaigh says he is the most penitent lamb he ever had the happiness to save ! but for my part, I don't think much of the penitence of a rogue going to be hanged ! And if the parson has not more luck with his miserable soul than I have had with his miserable body, I must say that my friend the pork- butcher will be in a worse mess after he is hanged than Trifling Remarks. 299 before. However, to-morrow he will have a sheriflTg breakfast, eh ! old boy, a hearty choke and a caper ! and you will have the particular satisfaction of ridding the world of a vagabond ! Smothering his wives was bad enough ! — still there might have been some excuse for that — but killing a baker was going too far, particularly in this place, where bakers are wanted." The sheriff, who was a mild and gentlemanlike man, of great benevolence of character, and of rather a nervous temperament, did not relish the vivacious remarks of the facetious attorney. I should be sorry to be the means of exhibiting the latter personage in any light that might seem unfavourable, which would be contrary to my desire, and an injustice to him, for he was one of the best of his tribe ; and it is only due to him to record, that he has often befriended a client in difficulties, by discounting his bill at sixty per cent, (on good security, of course), without charging his customary fee of six- and-eight-pence for attendance in the transaction ; and so for the present I leave him. The next morning, at the request of my friend the sheriff, I accompanied him to the place of execution. I had never witnessed this painful scene before, and I made a vow never to witness it again. I should not per- haps have made mention of the circumstance in my journal, if it had not been for the remarkable coolness of one of the sufferers. He was a fine man, and I could not help thinking it was a pity to deprive a human being of life for such an offence as sheep-stealing ; but the practice had risen to such a mischievous height at that time, that it was thought imperatively necessary by the Government to make some severe examples. 300 An Execution. That man's death, ho-svever, haunted me for months after. I was standing at the foot of the ladder up which the condemned had to mount, and for more than a minute I stood side-by-side of this man, who was the last in the line, and who had to wait while some mistake about the ropes on the platform above was remedied. I exchanged some words with him, which very much prepossessed me in his favour, and he spoke with all the self-possession of a man going about some ordinarj^ business instead of to be hanged. The under-sherifi' had to draw his atten- tion to the matter in hand — for the poor fellow was quietly talking with me — by hailing him from the plat- form : — " Now, my good man, we are waiting for you.'" " I beg pardon, sir, I was only talking to this gentle- man; I'll be up in a moment!" Lightly stej^ping up the ladder, he joined his associates above, and presently after, the falling of the platform warned us that all was over ! I went back to my inn, sick at heart, and with a wretched headache. I threw myself on the sofa, and remained there the greater part of the day. The next morning, vexed with myself, I did not know why, and tired with the sight of the tcwn, I set off home, without waiting for the trial of the bush- rangers, as there was evidence enough without me, and glad to get rid of the business. I had some money matters to arrange with a settler at New Norfolk, so I took that road, intending to cut across the country to the Clyde. I stopped at New Norfolk that night, and proceeded on my journey early the next morning. There was nothing to prevent my reaching home before night, though the country was hilly, as my Return Home. 301 horse was in a good condition. I had no fear of bush- rangers or natives, for all the bush-rangers excepting two had been taken ; and of natives I never had any fear when armed and on horseback. I met with nothing worth noting till I got within about eight miles from home, when I saw a lot of sheep with my brand on them, which I knew at once were part of my home flock of merinoes. Impelled by that sort of acquired instinct which prompts a settler, I think, to go after his lost stock wherever he comes across them, I followed the sheep, which led me a pretty dance over the hills. There were not above twenty of them, but they scudded away like deer; for lost sheep soon become wild in Van Diemen's Land, and it surprises those who have not had experience of their habits, to find how fast and how long they can run j it is quite a chase. Without a dog and alone, I had no chance with them. My hunt after these sheep, however, had drawn me near one of the steep hills overlooking the Clyde ; and as my horse was rather fagged with the run over the hilly country of that dis- trict, I thought I would give him a little rest and a drink ; so, dismounting, I led him by a circuitous path down to the water, where there was a small patch of rich grass, and tethered him there. I then re-ascended the hill to look about me, for it seemed to me that I had fallen on a little nook where there was good feed for five or six hundred sheep, or perhaps more, which no one had taken possession of. I was scanning the place with a wistful eye, and had advanced to the edge of a precipice overlooking the river, and about a hundred feet above it, the better to take in 302 Meets the Gypsey Leader. the prospect, when I observed a man emerging from a thicket of bushes, at some little distance, with a gun in his hand. He had the appearance of a stock-keeper, and not thinking of bush-rangers at the moment, I supposed him to be some one who had been beforehand with me in bespeaking a good run. I felt a little disappointed at the sight, for I had al- ready in my mind established a stock-hut near the spot, and was calculating how many sheep it would feed, while the supposed stock-keeper continued his advance towards me. My fowling-piece was lying on the grass, as I had taken it off to ease myself while I was taking a survey of the country; but in truth I was not thinking of the necessity of using it, being near the Clyde, and having no thought of the bush-rangers. In the meantime, the man approached me nearer and nearer, and an odd manner which he seemed to have of holding his musket excited my suspicions. I observed him more attentively, and to my exceeding surprise, and I must add, consternation, I recognised the features of the Gypsey leader of the late gang of bush-rangers. I had only time to snatch my fowling-piece from the grass, when, pointing his musket at me, at a distance of about fifty yards, he called out to me to lay down my arms ! My gun was already pointed at him, and my only notice of his command was to cock it, and place my finger on the trigger, ready to fire. Awkward predicament — The Bush-ranger declares himself— Unex- pected appeal. "We remained in this position for nearly a minute, till I felt my arms ache with holding out my gun in the attitude of taking aim ; I lowered it, with the muzzle, however, still pointed at the bush-ranger, and with my finger ou the trigger. At this movement, I observed he hesitated a little ; and then lowered his gun as I had done. I was at a loss what to do at this extraordinary adven- ture. I did not like to be the first to fire, for he might have companions at hand ; and I guessed he was unwil- ling to run the risk of firing at me, for if he missed he woidd be at my mercy. As I anxiously examined my antagonist, it seemed to me that he had a wearied and subdued appearance. So far as his rough garments and his grisly beard went, he looked ferocious enough ; but there was something in his eye which conveyed to me the feeling that he had no mind to make a fight of it, if he could avoid it. Impressed with this idea, I threw my gun over my arm, and mo- tioned him to do the same. ' Who are you ?" said I, " and what do you want?" "Who are you?" '' One who does not wish to do you any harm, even if you are what I suspect you to be." ( 303 ) 304 Awkward Predicament. '' And what do you suspect me to be ?" ''You look as if you had taken to the bush; but I don't want to meddle with you, if you don't meddle with me." At these words he advanced towards me — within a dozen yards or so. "I see," he said, ''you are not one of the soldiers — I think I can trust you." "Don't come any nearer/' said I; "you must excuse me, but the times are dangerous. You may trust me, but you can't expect me to trust you." "True," he said. He looked round, and hesitated for a few moments, and then gazed at me earnestly. " You are one of the old settlers ?" " I am 3 and my farm is on the banks of this river, about a dozen miles up. My name is William Thornley, and now you know all about me that is necessary for you to know. Who are you V I knew who he was well enough, but I did not think it prudent to let him know that I recognised him ; so I let things take their course. " Who am I !" said the bush-ranger. " Ah ! that is not easy to say. But, however, I will show you that I can trust you. You will give me your word that you will take no advantage of me ? Not that I fear it " '' Oh ! I will give you my word not to attempt any- thing against you — but what is your object ? What do you want with me ?" He made no reply, but laid his gun gently on the grass, and then passed round me, and sat down at a few yards' distance, so that I was between him and his weapon. " Well, Mr. Thornley," said he, "will that do ? You The GtYpsey's Appeal. 305 gee I am now tiiianned. I don't ask you to do the same, because I cannot expect you to trust to me; but the truth is, I want to have a little talk with you. I have something on my mind which weighs heavy on me, and whom to speak to I do not know. I know your cha- racter, and that you have never been hard on your go- vernment men, as some are. At any rate, speak to some one I must. Are you inclined to listen to me?" " I was exceedingly moved at this unexpected appeal to me at such a time, and in such a place. There was no sound, and no object save ourselves, to disturb the vast solitude of the wilderness. Below us flowed the Clyde, beneath an abrupt precipice ; around were undu- lating hills, almost bare of trees ; in the distance towered the snowy mountain which formed the boundary to the landscape. I looked at my companion doubtfully; for I had heard so many stories of the treachery of the bush-rangers, that I feared for a moment that this act- ing might only be a trick to throw me off my guard. Besides, this was the very man whom I knew to have been at the head of the party of bush-rangers who had been captured at the Great Lake. He observed the doubt and hesitation which were ex- pressed in my looks, and pointed to his gun, which was on the other side of me. ''What more can I do," said he, "to convince you that I meditate neither violence nor treachery against you ? Indeed, when you know my purpose, you will see that they would defeat my own object." " What is your purpose, then ? Tell me at once — are you one of the late party of bush-rangers who have done such mischief in the island V 20 306 Requests a Favour '^I am : and more than that, I am — or rathor was — their leader. I planned the escape from Macquarie Har- bour ; and it was I who kept them together, and made them understand their strength, and how to use it. But that's nothing now. I do not want to talk to you about that. But I tell you who and what I am, that you may see I have no disguise with you ; because I have a great favour — a very great favour — to ask of you; and if I can obtain it from you on no other terms, I am almost in- clined to say, Take me to Camp as your prisoner, and let the capture of the Gypsey ah ! I see you know that name, and the terror it has given^ and still gives, to the merciless wretches who pursue me — I say, let the cap- ture of the Gypsey, and his death, if you will — for it must come to that at last — be the price of the favour that I have to beg of you." '' Speak on, my man," I said; " you have done some ill deeds, but this is not the time to taunt you with them. What do you want of me ? and if it is anything that an honest man can do, I promise you beforehand that I will do it." " You will ! but you do not know it yet. Now listen to me," The Unsli-ranger's Tale — His Crimes and his Sufferings — Hig Es- cajjc fiom Macquarie Harbour. '•' Perhai'S jou do not know that I have been in the colony for ten years. I was a lifer. It's bad that; better hang a man at once than punish him for life ; there ought to be a prospect of an end to suffering ; then the man can look forward to something; he would have hope left. But never mind that ; I only speak of it be- cause I believe it was the feeling of despair that first led me wrong, and drove me from bad to worse. Shortly after my landing, I was assigned to a very good master. There were not many settlers then, and we did not know so much of the country as we do now. As I was handy in many things, and able to earn money, I soon got my liberty on the old condition; that is, of paying so much a week to my master. That trick is not played now, but it was then, and by some of the big ones too. However, all I cared for was my liberty, and I was glad enough to get that for seven shillings a week. But still I was a government prisoner, and that galled me, for I knew I was liable to lose my license at the caprice of my master, and to be called into government employ. Besides, I got acquainted with a young woman, and mar- ried her, and then I felt the bitterness of slavery worse than ever, for I was attached to her sincerely, and I (307) 308 The Bush-ranger's Tale. could not contemplate the cliance of parting from her without pain. So about three years after I had been in this way, I made an attempt to escape with her in a ves- sel that'was sailing for England. It was a mad scheme I know, but what will not a man risk for his liberty ?" '' What led you to think of going back to England? What were you sent out for ?" " Why, now, sir, if I tell you, you will not believe me, perhaps, for there is not a prisoner that is asked the question who will not say that he was innocent; and indeed I don't think it a fair question to ask them, for how can you expect a man to condemn himself?" " I should not have asked you if you had not begun to'tell me your story; but if you don't like to tell me, say nothing." " I have no reason to care for telling the truth. I was one of a gang of poachers in Herefordshire, and on a certain night we were surprised by the keepers, and some- how, I don't know how, we came to blows, and the long and the short of it is, one of the keepers was killed, and there's the truth of it." "And you were tried for the murder?" " I and two others were j and one was hanged, and I and my mate were transported for life." '' Well, the less that's said about that the better; now go on with your story, but let me know what it is you would have me do for you." '' I'll come to that presently ; but I must tell you some- thing about my story, or you will not understand me. I was discovered in the vessel, concealed among the casks, by the searching party, and brought on shore with my wife, and you know, I suppose, that the punishment is His Attempted Escape. 309 deatli. But Colonel Davey — he was governor tlien — let me oflf; but I was condemned to work in chains in government employ ; this was a horrid life, and I deter- mined not to stand it. There were one or two others in the chain-gang all ready for a start into the bush, if they had any one to plan for them. I was always a good one at head-work, and it was not long before I contrived one jiight to get rid of our fetters. There were three others besides myself. We got on the top of the wall very cleverly, and fii'st one dropped down (it was as dark as pitch, and we could not see what became of him) ; then another dropped, and then the third. Not a word was spoken. I was the last, and glad enough was I when I felt myself sliding down the rope outside of the yard. But I had to grin on the other side of my mouth when I came to the bottom. One of the sneaks whom I had trusted had betrayed us, and I found myself in the arms of two constables, who grasped me tightly. I gave one of them a sickener, and could have easily managed the other, but he gave the alarm, and then lots of others sprang up, and lights and soldiers appeared. I was overpowered by so many. They bound my arms, and then I was tried for the attempt to escape, and the assault on the constable, and condemned to Macquarie Harbour for life." " I don't want to stop you in your story," said I, "but what has all this to do with the service that you want of me? The sun is going down behind that hill, and " " Wait a bit — wait a bit — you will see. I have not told you that my wife brought me a child. It is now seven years old. I loved that child, Mr. Thornley, more than a parent usually loves its child. It was all in all 810 Pare N TAL Affection. to me. It was the only bright thing that I had to look upon. When I was sentenced to Macquarie Harbour for life, it would have been a mercy to put me to death. I should have put myself to death if it had not been for the thought of that little girl. Well, sir, I will not say more about that. When a man takes to the bush, and has done what I have done, he is thought to be a mon- ster without feeling or aifection. But people don't un-. derstand us. There is no man, sir, depend upon it, so bad that he has not some good in him ; and I have had some experience, for I have seen the worst of us — the very worst — in the most miserable of all conditions, for that Macquarie Harbour is a real hell upon earth ! There is no time to tell you about the hardships and the miseries which the prisoners suffer in that horrible place — it soon kills them. But my greatest misery was being deprived of my little girl — my plaything — my darling — my life ! I had not been at Macquarie Harbour a month before news came that my wife was dead. I'll tell you the truth, sir, attached to her as I was, I was rather glad than sorry for it. I could not bear the thought of her tailing into anybody else's hands, and as our separa- tion was now absolutely and hopelessly forever — it is the truth — I was rather glad than sorry when I heard of her death. But my poor little child ! I thought of her night and day, wondering and thinking what would become of her. I could think of nothing else ; at last my thoughts began to turn to the possibility of escaping from Mac- quarie Harbour, desperate as the attempt appeared ; for to cross the bush without arms and without provisions, exposed to the attacks of the natives, seemed all but an impossibility. But almost anything may be done, by Prisoners' Plan. 311 resolution and patience, and -watching your opportunity. I have learned to know that secret." I now became interested in the Gypsey's story, judg- ing that some useful information might be got from it, and I rather eagerly asked him — "And how did you escape ? how did you do it ?" "Ah ! that 's a trick worth knowing ! but I want you to befriend me, and so I '11 tell you all about it." " How many were there who escaped with you?" " We were fourteen in all. You know, perhaps, that the labour at Macquarie Harbour is dreadfully severe, and the privations very great 3 and if the prisoners were not kept down by a most vigilant system of superinten- dence, there would be mutinies every day. But each prisoner is so watched and guarded, that, working in chains, which are constantly examined, escape is almost impossible; and even if escape were possible, wander- ing in the bush without arms or provisions is hardly less dreadful. However, we did not think so ; we were re- solved to escape at all risks, and take our chance of the rest. It was a very difficult matter to communicate to- gether, so as to agree on the plan of escape, and having been deceived once before, I was wary of trusting my secret intention to escape to any suspicious person. You must know that the different gangs that work in chains are watched by overseers, who have their eyes constantly on them, and guarded by sentinels with loaded muskets. It must happen, however, that at some times particular gangs are set to work at a little distance from the rest, on the outside of the general work. It was for one of these occasions that I waited. There were fourteen of us in all, and we went on working — cutting 312 Successful Manoeuvre. down timber and dragging it to the sawpits, the usual work there — giving no cause for suspicion, till dusk, when we managed so that we proceeded homeward in a straggling line. There were two sentinels on the line, whom we had to pass, and there were two overseers who followed after us. At a given signal one of our confe- derates rushed on the sentinel fai'thest off, while, at the same time, I clasped the sentinel near me round the waist and arms. This prevented them from firing off their muskets, and giving the alarm. While that was doing, another party of us gagged' and bound the two overseers. Thus we had them all in our power, and it was but the work of a moment, though it takes longer to tell. The muskets were wrenched from the soldiers, and these, with their cartouch boxes, in each of which we found twenty- rounds of ball-cartridge, furnished us with arms. We bound and gagged the soldiers as we had done the over- seers, so that you see we accomplished our purpose with- out taking life ; not that we should have hesitated to sacrifice them all, had it been necessary, but it was not, and it 's always bad policy, to my mind, to take away life uselessly ; it 's only wantonness and cruelty to do so, and it prejudices a man on his trial. The next thing to be done was to get rid of our chains, for there was no time to be lost, as we knew that if we were not present at muster, the officer would send to look after us." C^ljfljitn (Tmnitif-ngljtli. Passage across the Country of the escaped Convicts — The Bush- ranger's confession — No man so bad but there is some good in him — His last request — His awful death. '' "We scrambled away as well as we could, till we got a little distance off, and out of hearing, and then we set to with a will, and rid ourselves of our fetters, all except three, and those were too tightl}' fitted to be got off on a sudden without better tools. We got the three chained men along with us, however, as well as we could, for we would not leave them ; so we helped them on by turns, and the nest day, when we were more easy, we contrived to rid them of their encumbrances. We hastened on all night. I ought to tell you that we heard the bell rung, and the alarm given, but we had gained an hour good, and the ungagging of the sentinels and the overseers, and hearing their story, took up some time, no doubt. Besides, it is not easy to hit on a track in the dusk, and as there were fourteen of us, armed with two muskets, our pursuers would not proceed so briskly as they other- wise might, and would not scatter themselves to look after us. We were without provisions, but we did not care about that, and not being used to long walks, we were soon knocked up. But the desire of liberty kept us up, and we struck right across the country in as straight a line as we could guess. The second day we (313) 314 Passage across the Country. were all very sick and faint, and the niglit before waa cold, and we were cramped and unfit to travel. The second night we all crept into a cave, which was sandy inside, where we lay pretty warm, but we were raven- ously hungry. We might have shot more than one kangaroo that day, but it was agreed that we should not fire, lest the report of our gun should betray our resting- place to our pursuers. As wo lay huddled together, we heard the opossums squealing in the trees about, and two of us, who were least tired, tried to get some of them. When we climbed up the trees, they sprang away like squirrels, and we had no chance with them that way ; besides, it was dark, and we could distinguish them only faintly and obscurely. We did contrive, how- ever, to kill five by pelting them on a long overhanging bough, but they remained suspended by their tails, and did not drop, although dead. To hungry men a dead opossum is something, so one of us contrived to climb to them, and get them down ; and then we lighted a fire in the cave, quite at the extremity inside, to prevent the flame from being seen, and roasted them as the natives do. They were horrid rank things to eat, and almost made us sick, hungry as we were ; but I don't think a hair of them was left among us. The next day we shot a kangaroo, but we feared to light a fire because of the smoke, so we eat it raw. Well, Mr. Thornley, I will not take up your time by telling you every little thing we did in the bush. We came at last •' ^' Did you see any good land in your way ?" said 1. " The part that you crossed between the settlements and Macquarie Harbour has never been explored. Any good land for a run ?" Try to leave the Colon y. 315 " Not much ; the most of the country we crossed was scrub; a great many stony hills. We saw very few kangaroos, and few signs of them. It's a poor country; but here and there was a nice bit. " "Plenty of water ?" '' No want of water; but it's not a good part of the country for a run, if that's what you're thinking of. The best part of Van Diemen's Land is to the eastward ; all the western part of the island is far inferior to the east. I could tell you of some good land for sheep run near the eastern coast. ''Thank you/' said I; "but are you not wandering from the subject a little ?" "Oh ! I was telling you that we first struck on the outskirts of New Norfolk, and we debated what we should do. Some were for attacking the settlement, and getting arms ; but I persuaded them that it would be better for us to endeayoui" to seize some small vessel, and escape altogether from the colony; and in the meantime to keep ourselves close, and not give any alarm. My com- panions agreed to this, and we struck across the country to Brighton Plains, and so to Pitt Water, where we ex- pected to find some large boats, or, perhaps, some small vessel, by means of which we might get away." " And how was it that you did not follow that plan ?" " We did follow it ; we got to Pitt Water, and lay snug there for a while ; but we were obliged to rob a settler's house of provisions for food, and that first gave the alarm. We made a dash at a boat, but it was too late; precautions had been taken, and the soldiers were out after us. We were then obliged to retreat from Pitt Water, intending to get into the neighbourhood of tho 316 Gypsey's Confession Continued. lakes, and go farther westward, if necessary, and retreat to the coast, where we judged we should be too far off to be molested." "You did a great deal of mischief at Pitt Water, be- fore you left it, if all the stories are true ?" "We did, Mr. Thornley, I own it; but my men were determined to have arms, and the settlers of course re- sisted, and some of my men got wounded, and that made them savage." "And afterwards you attacked poor Moss's cottage ?" " My men had been told that he had a large sum in dollars at his hut; — I am surprised that settlers can be so foolish as to take valuables into the bush — that was all they wanted." " But why did you take poor Moss along with you V " I was obliged to do it to save his life ; some of my men would have knocked him on the head if I had not prevented them. It's true, Mr. Thornley, it is indeed; I sa-ved his life." " Well — that's something in your favour. And now as the sun is sinking fast, and as the dusk will come on us presently, tell me at once what you would have me do for you." ' ' Mr. Thornley," said the bush-ranger, " I have told you of my little girl. I have seen her since the dispersion of my party at the Great Lake. You know that I and another escaped. Since then, I have ventured, in disguise, into Hobart Town itself, and have there seen my child. The sight of her, and her embraces, have produced in me a strange feeling. I would willingly sacrifice my life to do her good ; and I cannot conceal from myself that the chances are that I must be taken at last; and that if I do His Last Request. 317 not perish miserably in the bush, I shall be betrayed, and shot, or hanged." " And what can I do to prevent it V " You can do nothing to prevent that end, for I know that I am too deep in for it to be pardoned ; if I were to give myself up, the government would be obliged to hang me for example's sake. No, no — I know my own condi- tion, and I foresee my own fate. It is not of myself that I am thinking, but of my child. Mr. Thornley, will you do this for me ; will you do an act of kindness and charity to a wretched man, who has only one thing to care for in this world ? I know it is much to ask, and that I ought not to be disappointed if you refuse it. Will you keep your eye on my poor child, and, so far as you can, protect it ? I cannot ask you to provide for it ; but be its pro- tector, and let her little innocent heart know that there is some one in the wide world to whom she may look up for advice — for assistance, perhaps, in difficulty — at all events, for kindness and sympathy. That is my request ; will you have so much compassion on the poor, blasted, and hunted bush-ranger as to promise to do for me this act of kindness V I gazed with astonishment, and I must add, not with- out visible concern, on the passionate appeal of this des- perate man in behalf of his child. I saw he was in earnest ; there is no mistaking a man under such cir- cumstances. I rapidly contemplated all the inconve- niences of such an awkward charge as a hanged bush- ranger's orphan. As these thoughts passed through my mind, I caught the eye of the father; there was an ex- pression in it of such utter abandonment of everything but the fate of his little daughter, which seemed to de- 318 A Desperate Struggle. pi-nd on my answer^ that I was fairly overcome, and could not refuse him. '' I will look after her," I said, "but there must be no more blood on your hands ; you must promise me that. She shall be cared for, and now that I have said it, that's enough. I never break my word." ^" Enough I" said he, ''and more than I expected. I thank you for this, Mr. Thomley, and could thank you on my knees. But what is that? Look there, a man on horseback — and more on foot. I must be on my guard." As he spoke, the horseman galloped swiftly towards us. The men on foot came on in a body, and I per- ceived they were a party of soldiers. • The Gypsey re- garded them earnestly for a moment, and then ran to his gun, but in his eagerness, he tripped and fell. The horseman, who was one of the constables from Hobart Town, was too quick for him. Before he could recover himself and seize his gun, the horseman was upon him. "Surrender, you desperate villain, or I'll blow your brains out." The Gypsey clutched the horse's bridle, which reared and plunged, throwing the constable from his seat. He was a powerful and active man, and catching hold of the Gypsey in his descent, he grappled with him, and tried to pinion his arms. He failed in this, and a fearful struggle took place between them. "Come on," cried the constable to the soldiers, "let us take him alive." The soldiers came on at a run. In the meantime the constable had got the Gypsey down, and the soldiers were close at hand, when suddenly, and with a convtal- An Awful Death. 319 sive effort, the Gypsey got his arms round the body of his captor, and with desperate eflPorts rolled himself round and round, with the constable interlaced in his arms, to the edge of the precipice. " For God's sake/' cried the constas now past eight o'clock. There was a writing- desk in the parlour in which I had had the interview with the person who called himself John Wolsey, which was open and deranged, as if some papers had been hastily abstracted from it. The magistrate looked rapidly through it, and then sealed it up, and gave it into the charge of one of the constables. Various parts of dress were scattered about in the principal room, which seemed to have been left in a hurry, and among them the pair of drab trousers and the black gaiters which I had ob- served the evening before. I pointed them out, and the constable, who had opened the door with his skeleton key, examined them closely. " These are country made," said he, "I'll swear, by the stitches. Perhaps the maker has put his mark on them, as they do sometimes in tho country at home/' 374 StartinPursuit. Turning up the waistband, he showed us a bit of canvass, on which was the words "■ Thomas Sparks, York." "It's very thoughtless," said the constable, proud of his cleverness, ''for a gentleman that is engaged in this sort of fun to go about with breeches with a brand-mark on 'em. We have got a clue to where these clothes were made at any rate." ''York!" said the magistrate; ''that corresponds with the information contained in the Gypsey's papers. Take care of all these clothes, and especially of these trousers ; make them into a bundle, and I will put my seal on them." ''And now," said I, '' what's to be done nest?" " The rogues have got the start of us," said the mag- istrate ; " I should not wonder if they have gone to the place of rendezvous at Seven-mile Beach ; we must go after them ; but first I must provide for the Yellow Jacket and his friend, at their meeting this evening, in case we should not be back in time. Go," said he to one of the constables, " and get the ferry-boat ready to cross over to Pitt- Water — the horse ferry-boat — we may want to ride. Two of you will go with me on a secret expedition." We then repaired to our inn, and having made a hasty breakfast, we went down to the jetty, and, accompanied by two of the constables, we leaped our horses into the ferry-boat, and pushed off from the shore. (C^jmiitH '^liirti|-/nErtli. The Colonel Constable — The Track in the Snow — Seven-milo Beach — The Desolate Hut — The Discovery — Baulked again. "We urged the boatmen to make the best of their way over the river to the Pitt-Water side, and the constables assisting, we soon neared the opposite shore. " The snow lies thick on the land/' obseiTcd the magistrate. " It won't lie there long," said one of the boatmen ; " the wind has got into the north, with a little west- ing in it ; when the sun comes out, the snow will dis- appear in no time ; see how the light air draws down the river." "Many persons passed this morning?" asked my friend. *' Not many; may be half a dozen or so. There was one party in a precious hurrj' to get across, a little be- fore sis o'clock; they took a wherry and sculled over to Kangaroo Point. It's a shame to let people go over that way when there's a regular ferry-boat ! Keep her off the point a bit, Bill ; mind the shoal. It's a shame ; and the Governor ought to stop it. But they were no good, I'll warrant. There was one pale-faced chap in a black coat that looked as if the baillies were arter him." "Which way did they take when they landed?" said I. " Oh ! we couldn't see which way they took from the (S76) 376 Tracks in the snow. jetty ; but they told inc they went oflF in the direction of Knopwood's Farm ; but I dont see what could tak6 'cm that Avay; that's not the way to Pitt-Water. They're arter no good, I'm sure, or else they'd ha' gone by the reg'lar ferry what's provided for people on pur- pose." So saying, by a shift of the helm, he brought the broad-side of the boat abreast of the landing-place ; and we all got out of the boat, — our horses, who were used to the work, jumping out with the same readiness as the biped. Taking a hint from the boatman's communication, we immediately proceeded in the direction of Knopwood's Farm, and it was not long before we came to marks of footsteps in the snow. There were marks of two persons having passed that morning, the impression of the feet of one being large and broad, and of the other small and narrow. " These are our game," said one of the constables ; " they have been in a hurry to get over the ground ; see how they have digged their toes into the snow in their haste. You see when a person walks slow and leisurely, he puts his foot flat on the ground, and takes it up even; but when he runs or walks quick, he bends his foot, and digs his toe into the ground, leaving quite a different trace from the other." " Well — that's good," said the magistrate ; "I should never have thought of that. Why (to the constable), you can track like a native !" " Better, I hope, a little," replied the constable ; '' though those black chaps have a knack of tracking in the bush quite wonderful to see at times; but I know a Start ON Their Track. 377 trick more than they, I fancy. Look at thi.s ; nere'.>? a shoe that I found in the red-house. A native wouldn't have thought of that now. Look here ; it fits exactly the small print in the snow. Now we're right on the scent, I reckon; but they're a good bit ahead of us, and we have no time to loose, if we are to spoil their fun." " Now we are sure of our track," said the magistrate ; '' I think you and I, Thornley, had better ride on. The marks are so plain that we cannot miss them ; and we will leave the constables to follow us." " That 's the way," said the constable, " try to get up with them, sir, if you can; but I don't think you'll be far before us, if I guess right." "We trotted on accordingly, and easily tracked the foot- steps till we came to one end of the Seven-mile Beach, when the marks were lost in the sea. We tied our horses to a tree, and searched narrowly about, but we could not recover the trace of the footsteps. The tide was still coming in, but it was nearly high-water. "We directed omveyes along the beautiful margin of the crescent- shaped beach, on which the sea was breaking loudly. The white foam of the waves sparkled in the sun, giving an animated appearance to the scene, that inspired cheer- fulness and activity, but we could see no sign of living thing ; but a low-masted vessel was disappearing in the distance. We were quite at fault, and we rambled from the stony beach to the bush, and from the bush to the beach, quite at a loss how to recover the track, which seemed lost in the sea. While we were still searching for it, the constables came up at a trot, and Sanders, the one who had exhibited his knowledge of tracking in the snow, sat down on the shingles. 378 The Constable's Adroitness. ''Excuse mc, sir," lie said, '' but I'm blown with this run. Here's a beautiful place! It's remarkable tha., the sea is always rough on this beach ; it always breaks more or less as you see it now, and you may hear the roaring for miles and miles when there's a high wind setting in-shore. Well, sir, your honour seems dead beat. Water leaves no track ?" " We have searched all about for more than a mile round, and we can find nothing," said the magistrate. " I fancy they must have been taken off by a boat, for it's plain they have gone to the water's edge, but here I lose them." " Let me think," said Sanders, "Jim Burke's hub must be about midway between this and the other end of the beach, and about half a mile inland, behind that rise yonder that you see in the distance, with some scrub on it. I'll be bound they've kept on the sands, knowing the tide was coming in, and then cut over to the hut, but we'll soon find that out." We proceeded in a body along the margin of -the shingle, the other constable searching inland, and con- tinued our way without discovering the track for three or four miles, when the other man, who was a little in advance of us, made a sign with his hand. " That's the way to do it," said Sanders; '' never shout out or make a noise when you're after game in the bush, whether it's man or beast." " He's found the track, I suppose?" said I. '' To be sure he has, and so have we ; look here ; let's try my shoe — ^fits exactly ! Now we have 'em again, sir." " Follow us as fast as you can," said the magistrate, " we'll push on." The Deseeted Hut. 379 "You'll see the hut directly you round the little hill/' said Sanders; "but if they show fight, better -wait till we come up. Soft and easy does it." We cantered on to the little hill before us, and in a few minutes we reached the hut. It was the very picture of desolation. The sides were constructed of that which is technically known in the colony by the name of " wattle- and-dab," formed of upright stakes, with twigs interlacing them hurdle fashion, and rudely plastered with mud. The roof, which was thatched with native grass, was rough and out of order, and some planks nailed together and fastened to a cleft log by hinges of bullock' s-hide, com- posed the door. A curtain of kangaroo-skin, much the worse for wear, and looking as if it had the mange, was pegged over the opening which formed the window. Some big pebbles from the beach, with rough slabs of the stone which is abundant almost everywhere in Van Piemen's Land, were piled up with an intermingling of mud, to serve the purpose of a chimney. We saw in a moment that it was empty. *' Poor country house for an independent gentleman," said Sanders ; " but retired — very ! Nobody would think of looking for this rural retreat, unless he knew where to pitch on it. Many a stolen sheep has been cut into mutton- chops in this hut, I'll be bound, without troubling the butcher to call at the Marine Villa for orders." "Don't lose any time, Sanders," said the magistrate, " we must go to work again; you're a clever fellow, so try if you can discover anything to give us information of the parties we are in pursuit of." " Let Scroggs try first, please sir," said Sanders, " and that will give me time to rest, for I'm almost knocked up." 380 SomeDiscoveries. The other constable made a rigorous search, but he could find nothing in or near the hut but the remains of some scorched sheepskins, which had most likely been burnt to avoid detection. "Now Sanders/' said the magistrate, "try what you can do; but you must look sharp, for the sun is melting the snow fast, and we shall soon lose the tracks." " Ay, ay, sir," said Sanders, roused by this remark, " I did not think of that. Now let's have a look at the premises." ''Scroggs," said he, '^have you searched the thatch where it has been disturbed there ?" " It's only the wind," said his less observant coadjutor; " the wind has blown the thatch about all round." " Yes," said Sanders, " but that's to leeward of the wind ; don't you see, by the bend that the trees have got, which way the wind blows in these parts ? That thatch has been disturbed lately, I'll swear, and not by the wind, or I know nothing of my trade." Thus speaking, the acute and practised constable mounted on the shoulders of his fellow, and thrust his arm into the part of the thatch which had excited his suspicions. " I thought so," said he ; "but what have we got here ? A tinder-box ! No great find this. Lots of tinder, with flint and steel all complete ! Handy to get a light with, but no great use at present." "Let me look at it," said the magistrate. " Turn out the tinder, and see if there are marks about the box." " No marks about it, sir," said Sanders, " except the tinman's. Don't let the wind blow away the tinder, Sam ; one never knows what one may want in the bush. I've Important Discovery. d81 known the time when its weight in gold would have been given for that bit of tinder at Oyster Bay. Let me put it back again Eh ! what's this ? Look here, sir, here's a name on the unburnt part of the tinder ? The rag has been the upper part of an old stocking, and here's the name of 'John Shirley;' who's this John Shirley now, I should like to know ?" The magistrate took the tinder-bos, without making any remark, and drawing me aside, we conversed for a few minutes apart. " George Shirley is the real name of the Gypsey," said the magistrate, "if his packet speaks truth. It seems that we have lighted on a near relation when we least expected it." " I see it all," said I, a sudden flash of light breaking in upon me ; " the person that called himself John Wol- sey struck me that night as resembling some one whom I had seen before ; it's the bush-ranger. He gave me a look, when he discovered my disguise, which reminded me of other features which I could not caU to mind; it was the look of the Gypsey bush-ranger as he rolled over the precipice at the Clyde. That's it! I see it all! This is the brother who is next heir, if the girl was out of the way. Depend upon it, that's the clue to all this mystery." " I think as you do," said the magistrate ; " but there's a great deal to be explained still. In the mean time let us try to recover the poor child, for if our surmises are correct, the party who has gone so far will not stop short in effecting his object. I hope the poor girl may not be murdered before we come up with her. I don't like the appearance of that schooner that we saw in the distance 382 Our Mortification. when we came to the Seven-milc-Beach. But we liave no time to lose, let us be moving ; the men are rested by this time, and we can push on." " There ought to be a third track here_," said Sanders, '' but I don't see it. A child's foot is light, but it ought to leave its mark on the snow. Here are the other two, and a new one, as if making off in the direction of the creek, where a boat could take them off, but I don't see the little one's. The large foot makes a deep mark in the snowj and deeper than before. How's that ? I have it ; the large foot has carried the child, to conceal the taking of it. Thoughtful that; but it's hard if I can't match any one in the colony at this game. There they go ; and large-foot doesn't like his load, for you see he goes stumbling on, and here he has been down ; but he's up again — and there they go; and, by George, here's the print of the little one's foot, when her bearer had the tumble. They trod it out, as they thought, but here it is as plain as can be on the top of this tuft of native grass, with the snow on it, like the sugar of a twelfth-cake ; Hurrah ! my lads, we have 'em ! Three miles will bring us to the creek, and then we shall see what comes next." In little more than half an hour we came to the edge of the creek, which at high water is deep and navigable, but at the fall of the tide is a succession of shoals, through which it is difi&cult to direct even a small boat. The searching eye of Sanders soon espied an indentation which had recently been made by the prow of a boat striking against the bank, and we had the mortification to feel that the parties of whom we were in pursuit had by that means escaped for the present beyond our reach. The Consultation — Middle-aged Gentleman gets tired of Adven- tures at last — The Track regained — An extempore Dinner and fresli Oysters — A new Horror. • The diligent constable examined with great care all the parts about, but there was no trace of footsteps. The snow was now disappearing fast, but there was enough on the ground to show the mark of the foot. The sun shone brilliantly and warm, and we stood round the spot for some minutes looking into the water, as if by some miracle we should see the track of the boat. The magistrate was the first to break silence. "Where's the nearest boat to be got?" " Nothing to be had nearer than Pitt Water," said Sanders, " and it's all a chance if there's one there ; but if we had a boat, what could we do with it ; how could we tell which way they have gone ?" " They might have made use of some boat to cross over to the land on the other side," said the magistrate, ''for the purpose of baffling our track; in that case, the track would be visible on the other side." " To be sure," said Sanders ; " how was it that I didn't think of that ? If it was not for the shoals and the mud, we might swim it with one of the horses ; but there's no help for it; we can't get on without a boat of some sort." (333) 384 A Consultation. "Then we must lose no time about it 3 can you show me the shortest cut to the township at Pitt Water?" "Let me alone for that," said Sanders; "I should like to know the place in Van Diemen's Land that I couldn't show you the shortest cut to." "Then come with me, and perhaps Mr. Thornley will lend you his horse, that we may get over the groxind the quicker." " One word with you," said I, "before we go further. I don't quite liie this new adventure," I added, drawing the magistrate aside; "to tell the truth, I am tired of being dragged into new scrapes; as soon as one ends, an- other begins. Besides, we are not prepared for a lengthened pursuit, and my head is not right; that knock on it from the life-preserver has left a sensation which is anything but agreeable ; and we are not armed." " You have youi' double-barrel." " But you have no arms, and the constables have no- thing but their sticks. Sanders, have you got any weapon about you ?" Sanders exhibited the huge stick which served as his walking staff." "I don't mean that; have you got any fire-arms?" " You don't see any, do you ?" " No ; that's why we ask." "Do you think," said Sanders, "that an old hand ■would ever engage in anything that looks like business without his tools ?" and opening his waistcoat, he dis- closed two small pistols in a concealed pocket on each side of his waistcoat. " And your mate ?" I GET Tired of such Adventures. 385 " He has nothing but his staflF. But Lord bless you, sir ! it seldom comes to that. I carry mine for caution's sake, but it's seldom necessary to show 'em, even. You see, when a man's pounced upon by a constable, he's cowed like, because he thinks that an officer has £ right to take him, and his mind is used to feel that ^e can't resist an officer; it's a habit like that loose characters get. So while he is nonplused, we just take him gently, and clap the darbies on him, and then we have him like bricks." "That's all very well," I continued, walking a few steps aside, "but really I don't see that I am called on to expose my life in this matter. Had we not better let the police magistrate take it up ? He is clever, and used to these things. Besides, I don't see the necessity of taking the matter into our own hands ; it is an affiiir for the authorities to interfere in ; for if the girl is the daughter of the Yorkshire G-eorge Shirley, and the Gyp- Bey's tale is true, she is an important personage, and it's a matter for the government to take up." ''All very true, my dear fellow," said my friend, "but it's the time. While we are going back, and going about the business formally, these rascals may convey the gu-1 away, or, God knows ! murder her, perhaps." "I rather think," said I, "they have some motive for not killing her, or they would have done it before, and not have encumbered themselves with her in this chase ; to marry her, maybe, to some one. But we have no time to indulge in surmises on that point, nor would it DC of any use to us to resolve it at this moment. The matter in hand is to consider the propriety of our taking on ourselves the finding of the girl." 25 386 Magistrate makes a Discovery. "As to that," said the magistrate, "my mind is made up ; I can act in any part of the colony, my commission being made out for the whole of the island, though for convenience sake, we are all appointed to particular dis- tricts, and we are expected, of course, not to meddle with matters beyond them unnecessarily. But I con- sider this a case of necessity, and a pressing one, and I think it my duty not to neglect it. I must in fairness allow that I like these excitements, but I am differently circumstanced to you, who have a family. But wait here, at all events, till we return to relieve you ; this spot ought not to be left imwatched ; and indeed, I want your horse, if you have no objection, to mount the con- stable as a guide, as he is the only one among us who knows the road." " Well," said I, " if it must be so, it must; but I must say frankly, I am tired of these expeditions. I'm wanted at home, and I've had enough of them." "I see," said my friend, " you are not romantic." " Not I ! I'm a plain Surrey farmer turned into a settler, and as to your romance, I leave that to young fellows like you. I would rather have half a dozen mut- ton-chops just now than any dish of romance that you could cook up for me." And so saying, I sat myself down by the side of the water, with the other constable for my companion, and the magistrate and Sanders can- tered off in the direction of Sorrell-Town, the nascent me- tropolis of Pitt- Water. I was almost tired out, when a shout from the opposite side of the inlet attracted our attention, and I sprung to my feet. I saw the magistrate on horseback, standing on the high bank. He took off his hat and waved it, The Bo atman' s Information. 387 from which I concluded that he had some good news for us ; but I could not tell what, for it was too far for his voice to reach us. My companion thought he could dis- tinguish the word '' boat/' but to me it seemed only the usual " cooee," the colonial way of throwing the voice to a distance. But my companion was right, for pre- sently afterwards we discovered a boat making its way to us through the intricate passages of the inlet, for it was now almost low water, and the numerous shoals made the navigation very difficult. As it was, we had to plunge into the mud before we could get into the boat, and we were obliged to make a long round before we could reach the shore. While we were making the pas- sage, I asked the man in the boat, for there was only one, what the news was. "No news," said he, " except that I hear you are in pursuit of two men and a girl who passed over here in the morning. I was down here looking after some fish, when I saw them just about where I took you up, and they said they wanted to cross over, and they offered me, that is, the gentleman did, a couple of dollars, if I would put them over. I thought it odd to see the girl with them, but it was no business of mine." " What sort of a girl was she ?" I asked eagerly, for this was the first person I had met who had seen my troublesome charge. "Oh ! just like other girls, but I did'nt see her face; but she seemed very tired and sick, poor thing ! One of the men carried her in his arms, and I think she had been crying a good deal; but she didn't cry in the boat; she seemed afraid of the man in the black coat. She can't be more than six or seven years old, I take it; and 888 Land Sharks. what their game is I don't understand. However, it's no business of mine." " Much fish hereabouts ?" said I. "Fish! bless you, the waters hereabouts are as full of fish as they can cram ; but they are poor things for eating, most of them. As you get farther up the inlet, the creeks and little ponds that the tide leaves are full of fish ; and the ground-sharks arc as thick as they can swim." " Grround-sharks ! that's unpleasant. How big are they?" ''Not big enough to do much mischief; they're most of them as big as a large codfish — some bigger — weigh- ing a matter of ten, or fifteen, or twenty pounds. The natives eat 'em, but they're rank things to my taste." " How do the natives catch them ?" ''They don't catch them at all; they spear 'em with their long thin spears; and then they put them over the fire a bit, and eat 'em half raw; but they don't seem to like 'em much. It's only when they can't get other food. And now, masters, this is as near as I can bring you,; the mud is awkward, but it isn't above leg-deep, and the bottom is hard enough when you get there. But if you are good climbers, I can run you right against the clifi" yonder, and so you may get on the shore dry- footed." Receiving my assent to this latter proposition, he ran his boat to the bank accordingly, and with a good deal of difficulty I and the constable scrambled to the top. We found the magistrate and Sanders waiting to receive us, with another man on horse-back, and on the ground was a huge basket which they had brought with i,hem. The Track Kegained. 389 A bust-fire of dead wood which they had kindled was burning briskly. The snow had almost disappeared, but there was still Bufficient for a keen eye accustomed to the bush to dis- tinguish the sunken traces of the party we were in pursuit of. " You see," said the magistrate, pointing to the almost obliterated footsteps, '^we are on the scent, but they have got the start of us, and the snow is nearly melted, for it don't remain long on the gi'ound in this country." " Upon my word," said I, '' I think I must decline going any further. I am so weak and faint, that really I am not fit for a bush excursion; and I must confess I am so vulgar as to want something to eat." "We have thought of that," said Sanders, "there's the prog ; we wouldn't break into it, but waited till you could join us." " Now, my lad," said the magistrate, " produce your provisions." The stranger, who had the appearance of a respectable servant, immediately spread on the log of the tree on which we were sitting a white table-cloth ; and arranged plates, and knives, and forks. " I wish I could get a drink of something," said I, " but I suppose there's no water hereabouts but what's brackish." ''Water! who thinks of water?" said the magistrate, gaily; "here's a bottle of Barclay's own stout. Who has got a corkscrew ? Here's a job ! no corkscrew ! It's strange how people will go about without a corkscrew, the the only thing that is ever useful, and never to be had when wanted. Oh, you have got one, my lad, that's 390 A GrOOD Dinner. very clever of you. Here, Thomley, drink. There's nothing like porter in the hush, only it's not to be had everywhere. You see, I did not forget you." "What have you got to eat?" said I, considerably refreshed with my draught ; " I had but a scanty break- x'ast." " Then you shall make the better dinner. Bring him out, my lad ! There's a splendid fellow ! A goose is better hot, perhaps, but I think we can manage him as he is ; — allow me," helping me to a leg and a wing, and alloting the same portion to himself; — "and as to our friends the constables, they may solace themselves with that cold shoulder of mutton." " rU have a dig at the miitton in a minute," said Sanders; "but I shall treat myself to a few oysters first." ''Oysters! Is the man distraught with fasting? You're not near Billingsgate-market, friend. What puts oysters into your head ?" " I'll put the oysters somewhere else in five minutes," said the constable; "you don't know whereabouts you are ; — this little bay is full of oysters, as I'll soon show you. Scroggs, my boy," said he to his mate, " will you have some natives ?" '' I don't mind if I do," said the accommodat- ing Scroggs; "a few dozens of oysters sharpen the ap- petite." Without more ado, the two constables took off their shoes and stockings, and stripping their trousers high up their legs, they borrowed a large cloth from the lad with the basket, and waded into the water thirty or forty yards. Reaching down their arms, they soon GoosK AND Oystees. 391 filled the cloth with oysters, and brought them to us, rattling them down in a great heap, and went back to the water for a fresh supply. "Here, my lad," said my friend, "chuck some armsful of these into the fire to roast, while we pass away the time with the others. Who's got an oyster knife? That's another thing that people never think of carrying about with them, though they never know when it may be wanted, as you see. Oh ! you've got a knife ; handy knife this. There, lad, hook out the oysters directly you hear them crack, or they'll burn. No bad fare, my friend, for the bush — cold goose and oyster sauce. I say, this knife puts odd ideas into my head. Suppose this most respectable gentleman, John Shirley, Esq., was to use the same sort of tool on the poor little girl — eh ? There, don't lay down your knife and fork — I only hinted it. Take some more goose, a leg and a wing are nothing for a hungry man. Don't spare the oysters, plenty more where those came from. I'll join you in another glass of stout." " With all my heart," said I, feeling better and stronger for my meal; " and, after all, it would be a pity not to make an effort to recover the poor girl. I shall never forget the agony of the Gypsey when he talked of her before he was dashed to pieces over that horrible pre- cipice." " Come, you feel in better heart now, and all ready for another start, eh ? We must make our men despatch and get ready for our march; we have brought a couple of muskets with us, and lots of cartridges ; and you see my Sorrell-Town acquaintance has lent me this fowling-piece, shot-belt, and powder-horn, all complete. I found a party 392 A Neav Horror. just sitting dowu to dinner with malice prepense against this late goose — peace to his remains ! But I soon ex- plained matters to them, and they desjDatched this lad on horseback with the provender. The lady of the house wa3 so interested about your young heroine, that a little per- suasion, I think, would have induced her to join us in the pursuit. Come Sanders," he continued, raising his voice, ''another batch of oysters! Why, man, you'll grow shelly if you take in so many of those testaceous deli- cacies ! Holloa ! — what's the matter with the men ? They have thrown down their load on the beach, and are stand- ing aghast at something. Look, Thomley." I turned my head, and beheld the two constables anxiously and fearfully examining something that they saw on the beach. We hastened to the spot ; and San- ders, pointing to the spot that had attracted his attention, said, to our dismay, in a more feeling tone than I had given him credit for : — " I fear they have done for the poor child, sir ; — this is sadly suspicious." We looked, — and in the shade near the base of the overhanging cliff, we saw the marks of tramping feet, and the white snow was crimsoned with large drops of blood. The sight of the blood filled us all with the most anxious apprehensions ; and even the phlegmatic Scroggs was moved at what appeared to denote the sad catastrophe of the little girl's murder. " I've knocked many a bullock on the head," said he, " and cut many a sheep's throat, and never cared for the sight of the blood — it was natural, and it's what animals are used to; but me ! if I ever felt like this before, AliveorDead? 393 — it's enough to turn one sick — after eating oysters, too I I couldn't have cut the throat of that little girl, now — • though I've never seen her, — but a child's a child, — no, not for a hundred dollars — no, nor a thousand neither. Poor little thing ! how she must have scriggledl" Who is the Murderer and the Victim ? — A Settler's Fare — An Ex- cuse for a Glass of Grog — Kangaroos in Miniature — The Chase. ''The blood looks bad/' said the magistrate, after a pause, " but that might happen a thousand ways. It's the trampling of the earth round about that looks most suspicious. See ! here has been a tuft of rushes pulled up in the struggle. These rushes are thick and strong — too strong for a child to pull up, I think, even in a death- struggle. No, this was not done by a child's hand ! Let us make a closer examination." Pursuing our investigation, we found the mark of the heel of a man's shoe, which had been digged violently into the ground, apparently in a struggle to rise, and beyond the circle where our own footsteps had trodden down the snow, and which for a moment had prevented our observing the space beyond it, we traced the ap- pearance of some heavy body having been dragged for some distance to a spot where there was a deep hole, at the foot of some straggling rocks. By throwing in peb- bles, we ascertained that the hole was of considerable depth. In looking about, the intelligent constable ob- served the mark of a stone of a large size having been removed, the earth in which it had been imbedded ex hibiting a surface which, from its freshnesS; it was plain (394) My Sympathies Excited. 395 had been but recently exposed to the air ; and at short distances two more indications of the same sort were dis- covered. '' That pool holds the dead body of somebody, I'll be sworn," said Sanders; "but that's a secret that lies at the bottom, and I don't see the way to get at it just now ; but time will show, for there never was a murder ever so secret that was not found out at last." After a diligent search, we could find no other mai-ks of blood than those which had fii-st attracted the atten- tion of the constables ; but it was clear that a desperate struggle had taken place on the spot, but who was the victim, or whether there was more than one, was involved in mystery. By this time, having recovered from the eifects of my previous night's sufifering, I began to warm to the work; and being moved at the sight of the blood, and the thought of the peril that the poor ghrl was in, if she was still alive, I was eager to continue the pursuit. I pro- posed, therefore, that we should not lose time in discus- sing the probabilities of what had taken place, but mark the exact spot, so as to be able to find it again without difficulty, and move forward without delay to the rescue of the child, whose precarious fate had inspired me with an interest which I was surprised at myself; — but I thought of my own children, and could not but feel strongly for an orphan who had been cast on my care under circumstances so remarkable, and against whose life or welfare it was evident there was some nefarious design. We sent back our Sorell-Town purveyor liberally re- compensed, and started ofi" on the track, now become 396 The Pursuit Continued. very faint, at a rapid pace, Sanders taking the lead. It was now drawing towards the evening, and the sun was sinking fast, afifording to us the not very agreeable pros- pect of passing the night in the bush under a winter's sky, with the likelihood of a heavy fall of snow for feather beds. We were glad, therefore, when we found that our course led us in the direction of the Coal-River, where we knew there were many settlers, some of them indeed verging towards the position of wealthy agricul- turists. We skirted a succession of small farms, looking very cold and desolate at the decline of the day in the winter season, till we came to where a log fence had been broken down ; we followed on, and presently came into view of the red-brick house of some thriving settler in a hollow beneath the hill. The marks of the footsteps in the snow became more and more indistinct, but after passing the centre of the enclosure, we observed the prints of the shoes of a horse. " This looks like business," said Sanders. " You see, sir, these chaps are determined to go through with their ■work. They have taken some poor devil of a settler's horse, and depend upon it, sir, they have made up their minds for a run." "I have no doubt," said the magistrate, "that their object is to get away from the island; and having been stopped at Hobart-Town, I shouldn't wonder if they were to make an attempt at Launceston." " That would be leading us a pretty dance," said I. "It's a chase of a hundred and twenty miles at least; but we must hope to come up with them before then. If they keep their horse, they will leave a good track behind them ; we must take care not to lose it. It would b» A Settler's Hut. 397 well/' I added, "to measure the size and shape of the horse's shoes while we have light enough." Sanders took the hint, and found that the horse had a broad shoe on the left fore-foot and a narrow-shaped one on the other. He took down the exact size of each shoe, and noted them with a pencil in a pocket-book. Some flakes of snow now began to fall, and the dusk came on, warning us that if we thought of seeking a shel- ter for the night, it was time to look about us; but we kept on our way as long as we could distinguish the track, but the snow falling faster and faster, and dark- ness coming on beside, we made a halt, and deliberated on what was best to be done. "With submission to you, sir," said Sanders to the magistrate, "it's of no use to follow a track at night; there's more lost than gained by it; for the fatigue makes one the less able to do the work next day. You see, we have 'em safe if this snow continues, which looks likely, for they cannot rub out their marks, and they must go between the river and the tier of hills; so ihat, by crossing the line between, we shall come on Iheir track again. If I might venture to advi.se, sir, you will be all the better to-morrow for a night's rest, and if we could borrow a couple of horses hereabouts, it would be all the better, and we could make more speed in the morning." We thought the experienced constable's advice good, and under his guidance we turned aside to the left, and after half an hour's march we came to the door of a set>- tler's hut, where we asked permission to pass the night. It proved to be the dwelling of a man for whom the magistrate had procured a ticket of leave about two 898 A Settler's Fare. years before, for guod conduct, iiudwho had since rented a farm of three hundred acres, of which there were about fifteen under tillage, with the working-bullocks and farming conveniences usually let with the land on such occasions. This was a lucky hit. Our first busi- ness was to make inquiries after the parties we were in pursuit of, but our new acquaintances could give us no information. We were made welcome with all the means which the humble dwelling afforded, and the united efibrts of the farmer and his wife were cheerfully rendered to furnish out our entertainment. Fresh logs were thrown on the fire, and some very lean mutton-chops, cut from a lan- tern-looking sheep, which was suspended from the branch of a tree outside, were immediately put into the frying- pan by the man, while the woman busied herself with the tea-things; mutton-chops for eating, and tea for beverage, being the usual repast on almost all occasions in the houses of the poorer class of settlers. While these preparations were being made inside, we looked to our horses out of doors. There was but poor accommodation for them, but a sort of shed protected them from the snow, and they were obliged to put up with a bran mash for supper, and a tolerable feed of barley. Hay and oats were for the most part unattainable luxu- ries in Van Diemen's Land at that time, and not often to be obtained now ; barley and wheat, or barley in the straw, being their customary food, with the grass of the country as it grows in its natural state. We were quickly summoned by our host to the repast prepared for us. f' Rather poor mutton for you, sir," said the man; An Excuse for Grog. 399 '' we have but a poor run here for sheep, and it's not easy to get them through the winter with anything on their bones, but you shall have our best." ''Why, you're getting on, Richard," said the magis- trate, " if you have got a flock of sheep. How many have you ?" " There's near three hundred of 'em ; but they are not my own ; I wish they were. I have 'em on the thirds ; they were part of the farming stock, and thanks to you, sir, the owner has trusted me with them, with the rest. of the farminor things." " Can you manage a cow ?" " Not yet, sir ; we have four working-bullocks, pretty good ones; but we can't manage a cow yet. This is no place for stock. If we could contrive half a dozen cows, we could make our money of them, for wife's a good dairy-womian, and we are within reach of Camp, where we could get half-a-crown a pound in money for every pound we could make. But won't you eat, sir ? the things are clean, though they're homely. Will you drink tea with your meat ?" " Have you nothing but tea, Dick, for the gentlemen," said Sanders, making a wry foce, which was reflected by Scroggs, " in these parts ? There used to be better stuff to be had not lonn ago." Dick pointed with his hand to the magistrate, and shook his head. I understood the meaning of these masonic signs very well ; so as I wished to please the constables, whom it was important for us to keep in good humour, without compromising my friend's official dignity, I displayed two five dollar notes to Sanders, who thereupon gave a significant nod, and disappeared with Scroggs/' 400 The Magistrate Winks at It. " Good water, hereabouts ?" said the magistrate. " There's not much water for stock till you get to the river, but there's a spring handy by, that serves for our own use." " It doesn't taste well out of a pannikin. Bah ! it's like a mineral spring. You haven't got a glass tumbler, Richard ?" " We had one, sir, but it's broke, and we can't be very nice at first ; but there's a teacup if you like it better. It's done enough now," said he to his wife, who had been frying a cake in the pan, and her own face at the same time, while we were discussing our dish of mutton-chops and damper. "There's a real settler's cake for you, gentlemen, made nice and light, like a pancake, only it wants eggs and milk." " A glass of grog, now, would be no bad thing," said my friend; ''but I suppose that's not easy to be got here. How far are we from any public house ? Rum is better than nothing, at a pinch, though it's sad stuff generally — new and rank — the common rum from Ben- gal, one of the most unwholesome of all spirits ; but as a medicine, now and then " The worthy magistrate's dissertation on the qualities of Bengal rum was cut short by Sanders, who appeared with a bottle of that popular liquor, the same having been only half-watered, in deference to the distinguished company, for whose especial refection Sanders had en- joined the sly-shop, it was on this occasion particularly dedicated. "Where does this come from ?" asked the magistrate, in a little absence of mind, and pouring into the panni- kin a decent portion of the liquid. Liquor Disappears. 401 " Out of the bottle," said I. " I take it as a medicine," rejoined my friend, taking the hint at the same time — " only as a medicine (San- ders and Scroggs shook their heads doubtfully); for, after all, it only spoils the water — but this water is brackish." With this my excellent friend imbibed, with consider- able relish, as it seemed to me, a tolerable dose of the medicine, and knocking the table with the edge of the tin pannikin, which made a ringing sound, as if com- plaining of being empty, he laid his hand promiscuous- like on the neck of the bottle, and tilting it over, directed its muzzle, in a sort of fit of abstraction; towards the capacious mouth of the pannikin. "Any sugar, Richard?" "Only brown, sir; we never have anything but brown j white is too expensive for new settlers." "True, Richard, true; — this is brown sugar, but it tempers the spirit. I think I'll try it this time with hot water. Bale out a little from the tripod with the other pannikin. In cold weather, it's well to keep up the yital heat, Dick." My friend sipped his boiling grog with a philosophic cheerfulness, and a readiness in accommodating himself to circumstances extremely gratifying to an intelligent mind, and when he had got half through his second pannikin, he condescended, with much complacency, to observe, that " after all, it was a tipple not to be despised, if taken now and then, and in moderation !" Sanders and Scroggs, however, did not view the alarm- ing deficit, which was increasing, in the solitary bottle, with the same composure, their minds, I presume, not 2G 402 Australian Boomahs. being so philosophically constituted ; and it was with the most lively apprehensions, therefore, that they saw the magistrate raise his hand for the third time in a threat- ening way to the neck of the bottle, which stood handy to his reach. The intellects of the latter functionary being sharpened by the pressing nature of the danger, he forgot, in his agony, the deep respect due to the offi- cial dignity of his worship, and being unable to repress his feelings, he vociferated a tremendous '^Oh I" "What's the matter?" said the magistrate; "have you done your supper ? You had better have a glass of grog. Here, Sanders, take the bottle. And now for a turn in. Eichard, how can you manage for us ?" " If it wasn't for my wife, sir, you should have our little room, but we'll make you up a shake-down in this corner by the fire, and you'll lie soft enough on the wool." "Wool! No boomahs! I hope — eh! Dick?" begin- ning to scratch himself instinctively at the sight of the wool. "Pretty well for that, sir, but they will come where- ever there's a house. It's the dogs, I suppose, that har- bour them ; but they don't meddle with us much ; or else we are used to them." " Used to them ! Bless ye !" said Sanders, "all the settlers' houses in this district are full of 'em; they're 'digenous to the place. You may see 'em in summer time going down to the Coal-River to water quite regu- lar, and hopping back again, like Christians. Lively little creturs they are, and love company. They're a sort of kangaroo in minaturc; and I dare say if you took the trouble to examine 'em, you would find 'em Liveliness of the Boomahs. 403 with tails and false bellies, all complete. There's one : and there's another ! he's a regular boomah ! Ah ! my fine fellow ! I can see you are grinning at me, and ex- pecting an elegant supper on my unfortunate person, but (here we heard a peculiar sort of crack) I'll disap- point you, you blackguard ! And you too (another crack), and — confound them! here's a regular colony 1 Well, bite away, my hearties, it's of no use trying to get rid of you, I see ! "What must be, must ! I'm a doomed victim !" The night passed away in similar complaints from the whole party, each individual waging unsuccessful war against hosts of assailants, and seasoning his maledic- tions, according to his quality, with such oaths and curses as came most readily to hand. As soon as the first gleam of the morning light appeared, we were on our legs ; and, after the usual preliminaries of fried mut- ton chops and hot tea, without milk, and damper without butter, we prepared for our march. " Well, Richard," said the magistrate, "much obliged to you for your night's lodging. But we must not eat you out of house and home. You will just give this to your wife (proffering a four-dollar bank note) to make the pot boil." "Not I, sir," said our host; "you don't think I'd take money from you, sir, after all your goodness to me. You are welcome to all I can offer you; but you don't think, sir, I would be paid for seeing my" — friends, he was about to say, but he checked himself — " for being hospitable." "Very well, Dick, just as you like." But as I did not like to consume the man's provisions 404 Try to Find the Lost Track. without recompensing him for it, I pressed a two-dollar note on the lady of the mansion; and as my friend told me that he had contrived to convey the rejected four- dollar note to the same quarter, we had the satisfaction of feeling that our visit would not put the family to any inconvenience. There had been a heavy fall of snow during the night, and it lay some inches thick on the ground. The clouds threatened more ; and we resumed our pursuit with no very agreeable anticipations. "Now, Sanders," said the magistrate, "let me see what you are worth in a difficulty. Which is our way ? and how are we to find the track of the runaways ? for this snow will have covered up all traces of their footsteps — the horses' and all." " Never fear," said the constable, " the same snow that has hid one track will show another. If a snow-track is bad for following, it's worse for hiding; they can't get away from us ; and if I don't find 'em, as sure as ever Scroggs would nose a bottle of rum in a plant, I'll for- feit my ticket of leave." With this professional encouragement, we set our- selves diligently to work to discover the lost track. The Chase — Scroggs's Pathos — Confirmation of the Fugitive — Un- expected Information — A Sailor on Horseback — A new Arrival. We Tvere now in the most fertile part of Van Die- men's Land, the agricultural district in which the greatest part of the wheat grown in the colony was then raised, and which, from its fertility and its propinquity to water-carriage, is particularly adapted for tillage- farms. The soil in this district is above the average quality of the land in the island; some of the wheat lands having yielded good crops for more than fifteen years without manure or artificial irrigation; but it is not suited for sheep and cattle, the unlocated gra zing- ground being too limited in extent. From the desirable nature of the locality — the facility of water-carriage be- incf such a prodigious advantage for the transport of grain in a young colony — small farms soon became nu- merous in this neighbourhood, but, from their close proximity, there can be, of course, but few opportunities for back runs. Our direction lay on one side of these settlements, and as it was early morning, we did not meet with a single person on our route, nor did we think it worth while to go out of our way to seek for information, as it would have been a certain loss of time, which was very precious, for a very uncertain benefit ; besides, we could not ten whether wc might not do more mischief than (405) 406 Soroqg's Pathos. good by entnisting our object to promiscuous persons. We kept steadily on, therefore, for five or six miles, and then we crossed the line on which we calculated the pur- sued party would pass, hoping to hit on their track, but without success, and it was not until we got near Brighton Plains, to the right, that we came on their footsteps. " You see, sir," said Sanders, " we have 'em ; they can't escape us now; but by the sinking of the marks, they must have made good use of their time in the night." " The poor little girl must have suffered terribly from the cold of last night," observed the magistrate; '4t was brutal to expose a child of such tender years to the inclemency of a winter's frost and snow." " Poor little thing !" the passive Scroggs ventured to remark ; " poor little thing ! you don't think they cut her throat then, sir, do you ? The sight of that blood has been worrying me ever since. I remember once, before I came to this country, I had to slaughter a lamb for my master, and, by mistake, I killed the pet-lamb of my young Missis. She came up just as I was a-doing of it, and I never shall forget the look she gave me. I was standing with the lamb's head between my legs and my knife " " Weil — well, my man," said I, for the picture that he had conjured up made me feel sick — " that will do. We can't be sure whether the child is alive or not, but it is likely that she is, by their taking the horse; I wish we could find some sign that would relieve us from our suspense. Keep your eyes open, and there's a bottle of rum for you, if you can discover anything to help us in our search." Two Tracks. 407 "Ay, aj, sir, I'll keep a sharp look-out; not that I care about the rum ; it's the child, poor little thing. I fancy I am always seeing her with her poor little head hangiuc;; down, and her throat " DO ' " There — there, say no more about it, but get on ahead, and try if you can make any discovery. An hour — nay, a few minutes — may make the difference of life or death." Thus urged, the obedient Scroggs moved forward in advance with some appearance of alacrity, and, stimu- lated partly by the present danger of the child, whose fate I believe he sincerely commiserated, and partly by the bottle of rum in prospective, he cast his eyes vigi- lantly about on all sides, and it was not long before he had the satisfaction of detecting a digression in the path of the pursued. " There's been something new going on here," said he ; " the small-footed man has gone away to the left, and the other man and the horse have gone on." " It's the small foot, " said Sanders, " that's plain enough ; and he has gone off to the left, and I don't .see the sign of his having come back. What's to be done now ? There is some dodge in this that's certain." " Do you three," said the magistrate, " go on till you get to the rise with the big gum-tree on the top of it, and wait there till I join you. I will follow this track for a mile or so, and then we can consult on the best mode of proceeding, should it appear that the parties we are in pursuit of have separated." He cantered off, accordingly, and we presently lost sight of him behind a little hill, but before we reached the big gum-tree, he passed us at an angle, and waited 408 Satisfactory News. for our coming up, wlien he communicated the result of his visit. Behind the hill there was a stock-keeper's hut, which we could not see from the spot where we were, and there the magistrate learned that before dawn of day a new settler had called at the hut, and asked for refreshment, saying that he had a companion whom he had left at a little distance, and for whom, as well as for himself, he wanted a supply of provisions. " It was easy to tell he was a new settler," said the stock-keeper, " because he had on a black coat and waist- coat, and a new hat in the bush, and didn't mind show- ing his money to strangers !" The stock-keeper gave him what he had ready, which consisted of some cold mutton-chops, and nearly a whole damper, with about ten pounds of uncooked meat, for which the stranger gave him a four-dollar note. My friend asked to see the note, and, pretending that he wanted a note of that particular signature, the stock- keeper readily exchanged it for other small notes. " This note," observed the magistrate, "may help to trace our man." My friend did not think it necessary to tell the inha- bitant of the hut that we were in pursuit of this new settler, '' as it was better," he said, " not to be making confidants without necessity." As the track of the small foot in the snow was easily seen on leaving the hut, he followed it up to the point where we rejoined him. This was so far satisfactory ; we were on the track of this John Wolsey, or John Shirley, and we could not be very far from him, but still there was no trace of the Hungry! 409 little girl ; but the manner of his obtaining provisions, in going alone to the hut, seemed to show that he had left the child with his companion, from the fear of being traced the more easily if she was seen with him. This consideration gave us a hope, so that we continued the pursuit with renewed spirit. We were beginning to feel the want of food ourselves, however, and we were at a loss where to obtain it with- out considerable delay; and it was necessary that we • should not neglect to procure a supply while we were within a reasonable distance of the settled part of the country, for our route was leading us more and more into the bush ; the parties whom we were pursuing being obviously desirous of keeping away from the inhabited parts of the district through which they fled. We did not allow these thoughts to slacken our pace, and leaving Bagdad on our left, we continued our way through a very difficult country, still with the track in view, till we came to a point which we calculated was abreast of the Green Ponds. It was now considerably past noon, and we were desperately hungry, but we did not like to relax in our pursuit, for we expected every minute to come up with the fugitives, when the track made a sudden bend to the left, and we observed the same divergence as before, but this time it was the broad- footed man. Not caring for him, we did not stop to examine into his movements, but the reason of his ab- sence was presently explained, for about three miles far- ther we found the track of a second horse joining the track which we were pursuing ; and from the appearance of the strides of the two horses, and the marks of the . Bnov that was kicked up, it was plain that they had con- 410 Rapid Pursuit. trived to get possession of a second horse, and that WqI- sey, not being detained by his companion being on foot, ■was pushing forward with all speed. On this the magistrate immediately decided what to do. He wrote on a leaf of his pocket-book, in pencil, a re- quest addressed to any one who might read it, that, for the purpose of furthering the ends of justice, the con- stables might be supplied with horses, for the hire, or the purchase of which, if necessary, he would be respon- sible. " Now Sanders," said he, " there's not a moment to be lost ; I and Mr. Thornley will follow them up on horse- back, and take the chance of what comes ; get up with them we must, or we may be too late. Try to procure horses and follow us with all speed, for we may want your assistance. And now do your best. You will not leave me at this push, I suppose, Thornley?" said he; " but if it does not suit you to stay away from your farm, I will go alone." " I will not leave you," said I ; — " if you have duty to prompt you, I have inclination." " I have both duty and inclination," said he, and off we set at a smart canter. The party whom we pursued was evidently guided by some one who had an accurate know- ledge of the country, for their track proceeded in a straight line across the island, so far as was consistent with their keeping clear of the various small settlements and farms in their route. In this way we passed through a country much less hilly than before, skirting on our left the fat flat of the " Cross Marsh," and a few miles farther the beautiful district of " The Lovely Banks/' till we came to the base of the Tier over which the road The Pursuit Grows "Warm. 411 had been cut by a steep hill to Jericho, which is about forty miles from Hobart Town. Having got over Spring- Hill Tier, which winded our horses a bit, we had a strong inclination to make a tour to our left, to Jericho, to set some refreshment ; but the sight of the fresh track pro- voked and incited us, and we pushed on after them through Fourteen-Tree Plain, and past Lemon Springs, till we got to Oatlands, the neighbourhood in which the notorious bush-ranger Howe, performed many of his exploits. It was in this part of the country that he made the remarkable escape which is still remembered in the colony, and related to new-comers over a bush fire and a kangaroo steamer. He had been taken, and his arms bound behind him ; one soldier with a loaded musket went before him, and another behind. By some means never discovered he contrived to get possession of a knife, with which he quietly cut the bands that fastened him. Watching his opportunity, as they passed round the narrow base of a high hill, and before the soldier behind had come into sight, he sprung on the one before, and stabbing him in the back laid him prostrate. Seizing his musket he fired at the soldier behind, who was has- tening up, and shot him dead. He then escaped into the bush. But we met with no living thing, and we still kept on, angry at not being able to overtake the black-coated gentleman and his victim, and we passed, with longing eyes and ravenous appetites, Albany Vale and St. Peter's Pass. We had now a fine level country, but thinly cov- vered with trees, to the neighbourhood of AntilFs Ponds. By this time our horses were nearly exhausted, but the tracks now appeared fresher and fresher as we gained 412 Salt-Pa N Plain s. upon the fugitives; Ave were tempted to make another effort, and we presently reached Salt-Pan Plains. At any other time we should have taken time to admire the magnificent view of these extensive plains^ where the eye can range for many miles without obstruction ; for in a country where timber abounds, which forms one of the most serious obstacles to the increase of a settler's tillage, the sight of a large expanse of country clear of trees never fails to excite in a colonist of Van Diemen's Land the most pleasurable contemplations. We could not help pulling up our tired horses for one minute to ad- mire the sinking of the setting sun behind the lofty mountains to our left, causing their cloud-capped tops to glow with a peculiar light of serene and placid bril- liancy. To the east of these plains are extensive ponds satu- rated with salt, from which the settlers within reach ob- tain their supplies in the summer season by evaporation, by means of the sun's heat. In front of us was the superb mountain of Ben Lomond, the outlines of which, though the dusk was coming on, were still distinct in the white line of snow which covered its towering summit. '' One effort more," said the magistrate, " and we shall come up with them." But our horses were sadly fagged, and in want of food, as well as ourselves. We alighted, took off their sad- dles, and rubbed down their backs with our handker- chiefs. "Don't let our horses get stiff," said my friend; "as long as they're warm, they will keep on, but if they get stiffened in the cold they will knock up. One effort more." Our Horses Exhausted. 413 But our horses, good as they were, and fitted, like most of the horses on the ishiud, to bear long and continued fatigue with but scanty refreshment, soon showed une- quivocal symptoms of exhaustion. We turned to the left, therefore, towards Blackmau's Bridge, near which we knew we could obtain food and shelter. With that sort of instinct which I have often observed in the animal, our wearied horses pricked up their ears as we turned them in the direction of the inn; and snort- ing with visible signs of gladness, their strength appeared to revive, and they bore us gaily to our place of rest. Our first care was to sec them properly tended. We gave them a warm mash of siftings, and let them pick a little at some barley in the straw, till they had recovered from the excitement of their travel. In the meanwhile, we put some barley in soak in boiling water, for there were no oats to be had, which we mixed with a small portion of siftings, and fed them well, taking care not to give too much at a time. We took particular pains to have them well rubbed down, particularly their legs and heels, for a good dressing is as good as meat and drink to a tired horse. " You've given them a warming," said the ostler, who, from a weaver in England, had become the tender of horses in Van Diemen's Land ; they seem to be made of a good sort of stuff, these beasts, but they look a little mottled now with sweat, like shot silk by a side light. Where are you come from 2" " We have come some distance," said we, " but we have ridden very fast, which has blown the horses a bit." I did not choose to tell him that we had come nearly seventy miles without pulling up, although, for 414 A Sailor on Horseback. the honour of colonial horse-flcsli, I had a strong inclina- tion to brag of it. Having seen our horses' feet steeped with a cooling application, and our minds being at ease about their com- fort, we entered the public room of the inn. I need scarcely say, that while we were looking to our horses, the usual meal of the country, the eternal mutton- chops, were prepared for our entertainment by the peo- ple of the house, to which were added some kangaroo-tail soup, and the unusual luxury of pancakes made with eggs. Some capital bottled stout, Barclay's, of course, added a zest to our supper, and by the aid of some excel- lent brandy, we soon found ourselves restored to our usual spirits. We were discussing the propriety of a second tumbler, when the clattering of a horse's hoofs, which suddenly stopped at the door of our hostel, and the slight bustle usual on such occasions, announced the arrival of a new guest. As there was only one room for travellers in the inn, which had been hastily built of weather-boards on speculation, the landlord ushered in the new-comer to the apartment where we were sitting, and he entered the room without ceremony, shaking from his rough great coat a plentiful shower of snow. " Servant, gentlemen, hope I don't intrude. Land- lord — steward — landlord — d' — , that is, bless my eyes, get us something to eat. Here have I been riding on that rickety old craft; d' — him — that is, bless him — he's as crank as a Norway timber-ship — for I don't know how long, and the cold has made me so sharp set, I'm ready to eat the purser !" The stranger, whom we had regarded with some cu- Sailor or Landsman? 415 riosity, as he gave vent to his nautical effusions, was a seafaring man, by his dress, which his language seemed to corroborate ; but as I had recently attempted the per- sonation of that character myself, I was not disposed to give him credit for the reality without further exami- nation. Thought I to myself, '' It's all very well to call a horse a * craft,' and to sport your ' starboard,' and ' larboard/ but who knows that this is not another would-be sailor?" I gave a glance at the magistrate, as I revolved these thoughts, and 1 saw by the gleg of his eye that he had the 'same suspicion as myself ; so by a sort of tacit con- federacy, we began to sift our new acquaintance. ''You don't seem to have enjoyed your ride, sir?" said my friend. " Enjoy it ! Lots of enjoyment in riding an old brute like that in a snow-storm. I thought it never snowed iu this country ?" "Sometimes," I said, " but not often, and snow does not remain long on the ground. You seem, sir, to have had a feathering ?" " Feathering, do you call it? It wasn't much like a feather bed, I can tell you. Three times have I been capsized coming from that last place — Antill Ponds, I think they call it; they have the queerest names for places in this country. Oh ! here's my supper ; mutton- chops ! of course — I'm d' — that is, I'm blessed if I've ate anything but mutton-chops since I've been in the country; the sheep in these parts are all chops, from head to starn, I think !" '' There's some capital kangaroo-tail soup," suggested the landlord. il6 Not used to Horseback. " Kangaroo-tail soup ! Ah! there it is again. I'm blessed if I've heard about anything but kangaroo-tail soup all the while I was at Launceston. They souped me there night and day. It was a regular caulking. If I'd gone on with it, I do believe I should have been quite transmogrified, for I felt a tail a-growing, and was beginning to hop already ! But d' — " '* What's the matter ?" said I, for our facetious friend suddenly stopped, and with knife and fork outstretched, seemed to be taken with a fit. I got up instantly, with visible signs of alarm, to assist him; but he held up the hand that had the fork in it. ''Avast there!" said he, "I was only counting twenty." "Counting twenty! what on earth do you count twenty for ?" " Oh, you see, my wife made me promise, whenever I was going to swear, to count twenty, to stop it's coming out; so I always do it, 'cept in a gale of wind or so, when one can't be particular; and that's why I say ' bless me,' because, as my wife says, if I must say something to relieve myself, better say something good than the other. Ay, ay, she's the one to keep a good look-out ahead; there's nothing in the voyage of life like having a consort. She was like to lose me though, once, for my craft gave a tremendous lurch just before I got here. I held hard on by the leather tackle, but it was of no use ; down I came by the run." '' You are not used to riding on horseback, I sup- pose ?" said my friend. " Used to it ! no — nor never shall be. I started off to see tlie interior of the country, ten days ago, and TuE Sailor's Destixation. managed very well while I trusted to my own legs, though it's not so pleasant walking on shore as at sea — there's no motion to steady you. But when I was at Jericho — there's a rum name for a place ! — I got a letter from my skipper to tell me I must come back with all sail. So what did I do, but I hired that horse, that somebody wanted to send back to Launceston." '' But that enabled you to get on quicker ?" '' Slower, by four knots ! for such a pitching about I never had before ! It wasn't easy to get steerage-way at all, the thing was so slow and lumbersome ; and when you did, it wasn't much better, for somehow the cantan- kerous brute never would answer the helm the right way, let alone the awkwardness of the tiller- ropes coming aft instead of for'ard, which kept confusing me ; at last I clapped my hand to his tail, and then the brute stopped and gave a heave up with his starn legs, but I contrived, by twisting his tail hard to starboard or larboard, as I wanted it, to make him steer this side and that; for I tried to keep him in the middle of the road, to have the force of the tide, and he kept sheering to the side, as if he was in a back eddy. It was a rare sight to see, I fancy ! But here I am, safe at last I" " Starboard and larboard \" said I to myself, " it's all very well, but it won't do !" " And pray, sir," said I, aloud, " how was it that you happened to get aboard that clumsy craft that has occasioned these mishaps ?" '' Eh ?" said he, inquiringly, and suspending his draught of rum-and-water ; " and pray, mate," said he, with an incredulous grin, " what ship do you belong to?" " Me :" " Ay — look at your rig ! Oh, oh 1 — I seo ! — Yes, 2^ 418 News from Yorkshire. yes," putting his finger on his nose ; "false colours! Want to steal off! — Blue jacket better than a yellow- one — eh ?" '' Why," said I, " what do you take me for ?" " Not for a sailor ! But, never fear, never tell tales ! No business of mine ! Wish you well out of it, and better luck another time, that's all I can say." Thought I, to myself, " the tables are turned drolly enough," for I had on the sailor's d/sss in which I had disguised myself in Hobart Town, with the exception of the little tarpaulin hat, which I had replaced by my own black beaver, and I was exposed to the very suspicion which I had rather too hastily formed of our new ac- quaintance. This was provoking, especially as the real sailor obstinately persisted in mistaking me for a pris- oner in disguise, trying to escape from justice. " And pray," said I, "how do you know I am not a sailor?" " How do I know ? Lord love ye ! D'ye think one sailor can't tell another, and know a landsman from a blue-jacket ? Did you ever see a sailor sit with his back against a chair, and one leg crossed over another that fashion ? what would become of his sea-legs ? But nevei mind ; I'm as mute as a stock-fish ; a Yorkshireman. you know, can see through an inch-board, but he never tells what's behind it." " A Yorkshireman, are you ?" said I eagerly; " from what part ?" "From Whitby; that is, I served my time at Whitby, but I was born on Squire Shirley's estate, near Lime- dale, close by Heron Abbey — everybody knows it in Yorkshire. My father was a tenant of Squire Shirley's, but I would go to sea, as boys will sometimes." A Consultation. 419 '' Then you know this Squire Shirley ?" " To be sure I did — ^William Shirley ; but he's dead now." " How long ago V '' It's about two years since." " Had he any children?" *'No children, but he had two brothers." "And what is become of them ?" " The eldest, George, went away somewhere, nobody knew whither. He was a wild chap in his youth, was George; but the youngest, John, is at the Abbey, be- cause, as there was no account of George, of course John was next heir to the estates." " What are the estates worth ?" asked I. " I don't know that, but it is one of the prettiest es- tates in the county." "Did William leave any will?" asked the magistrate. " There was a talk about some will, but I never knew the rights of it. It was said George died years ago, but some people thought there was some mystery about it." I exchanged looks with my friend the magistrate at this information, which had come on us thus unexpect- edly, and in so strange a way, but we did not think it necessary to communicate to our new acquaintance the deep interest which we took in these inquiries ; and, un- der the pretext of our seeing our horses well littered down for the night, we left the room, and had a short private conversation together on our way to the stable. *' Can we make any use of our new acquaintance?" said I. " I don't see that he would be of any use at present," 420 ANeav Arrival. said the magistrate ; '' he would Lo ratlier in the way than otherwise. But we shall see when we get to Lauuceston, and then we can act accordingly." The snow lay two or three inches deep on the ground, but the night was clear and bright, and we regretted the time that we were losing, but it was unavoidable; for the darkness of the night, which aids a man to escape, is an effectual bar to his pursuit in a country where he can be followed only by the foot-marks that he leaves behind him. We were obliged, therefore, to put up with the delay, and, indeed, our horses would not have been in a condition to travel before the morning ; so, bidding our new acquaintance good night, and leaving him to the enjoyment of a large tumbler of grog, in which we had induced the landlord to join him, we retired to our beds, having made arrangements for resuming our journey at the first dawn of day on the morrow. But the course of events did not allow us to enjoy our rest unbroken. A little after midnight we were waked up by a vigorous knocking at the door from the butt-end of a heavy whip, and we heard a voice outside demand- ing admittance. CijEjiti^r '(ivljirti[-ngjjt Ij. The Van Diemen's Land Jockey — Swopping— The Chase Renewed — Retributive Justice — The Natives — New Dangers. " You need'ut knock the door in with your hammer- ing," called out a voice, which I recognised as that of the landlord of the Emu — " can't you wait till people put a bit of clothes on ? Who are you ? and what do you want at this time of night?" ''Who am I, and what do I want? Well, that's a good one ! Don't you know Charley Chaflfem ?" "The Sandy Bay Jockey ! By George ! here's a spree ! Why, what has brought you to this side of the island ? — and snow on the ground too." "Why, a horse has brought me; that is, two horses; one that I'm on, and one that I'm off; and there's a riddle for you, Master Jemmy." " And where have you come from V " I only left the Coal Eiver this morning. What do you think ? Some busy gentleman has walked oflF with my bay horse ! He didn't come home last night for his corn, and I knew there was something wrong, but I could do nothing till daylight, and then I tracked him right across the country, with two other blackguards with him, for there were three horses in aU, and afterwards a fourth — so there's a lot of them in for it — till the dark came, and then I cut across to the high road. But don't stand (421) 422 The Jockey's Arrival. talking there ; open the door, and be alive ; I want to come in and get a snack of something." As I guessed that this visit from the owner of the stolen horse would render some explanation necessary, I thought it best to meet the difficulty at once, so I got up and dressed myself. By the time that I had entered the public room, which was next to my bedroom, the inqui- sitive Charley ChaiFem had visited the stable, which I expected, where he had examined the magistrate's horse and mine, which were comfortably reposing themselves on luxurious beds of straw. " He can't be far off," said he to the landlord, alluding to the thief, in continuation of some comments in which he had been pleased to indulge in the stable, " for here are two of the blackguards safely housed with you. I know them by the shoeing of their horses ; they're Nick Naylor's shoes, of Frog-street, in Camp. You may al- ways swear to his shoes when they're new. I tracked them all the way, and I could pick 'em out among a hundred. A pretty pass the country is come to, when people take to stealing of horses ! but I'll make the rascals swing for it, if there's law to be had in the colony." '' A very pleasing compliment," thought I, "to me and my friend. My good sir," I said, " I am the owner of one of those horses, and my friend is the owner of the other. I could not help overhearing what you said as you entered the room, but I assure you you are mis- taken, as I could easily explain to you if I was at lib- erty to do so." " Hear him !" cried out our acquaintance of the night before, who had risen from his wooden sofa with the ha^ His Accusation. 423 bitual readiness of a seaman — "bear him! be was a sailor last nigbt, and now be's jawing away like a sea- lawyer ! I say my friend." said be to me, " no go ! eb ? grabbed ! rather unlucky ; but sailors shouldn't meddle with horses; always come to mischief when they try to show off like the long-tails." " The devil's in it," thought I, " I shall be in another mfes if I don't take care I" " The long and the short of it is," said I aloud, ''I know no more where your horse is than you do, except that I have been following it all day as well as yourself." ■" The long and the short of it is," said the angry jockey, ''that you must answer for this before a magis- trate, and then, I think, my hearty, it won't be long be- fore they make short work of you," giving a significant chuck under his left ear. . " Why, what's all this about ?" said the magistrate, who now entered the room, with a silk handkerchief round his head, and a blanket by way of dressing-gown. "What ! Charley Chaffem ! what brings you here ?" "Hurrah!" cried Charley; "here's the Clyde magis- trate. Now, my beauty, you're booked, and no mistake; You needn't laugh — you'll laugh on the wrong side of your mouth presently. I charge this fellow with steal- ing my horse," pointing to me viciously; "and I give him into custody." " What, my friend Thornley ! why, what have you got int^ your head, Charley ? Oh ! — I see — I see — it wag your horse that the rascals stole last night — or I suppose I must call it the night before last, for it's two o'clock in the morning now. We have had a rare hunt after him all day." 424 His Suspicions Removed. " Indeed !" said the jockey, piizzled to understand the meaning of what he heard — " thou what t'other chap — > beg his pardon, Mr. Thornley — said was true, and you and he have been in pursuit all day of the rascal who made oflF with my horse ? Well ! that beats everything ! But you might as well have run after the wind as after Roderick ! if the rascal knew how to ride him. I think the magistrate knows there's not a faster horse nor sounder bottom in the colony !" " The riddle's out !" said my friend ; " I wondered we could not overtake the runaways ; we have been hunting the Sandy Bay racer all day ! But with your assistance, Charley, I think we may do it now. Do you know this part of the country ?" " Every inch — all over the country, wherever cattle have strayed, or wild horses run. I'll be bound I know every pass and every ford in the country wherever the foot of white man has been, and more too, for the matter of that. But what's to be done, sir ? Of course, now we are with you, it's all right; and if you're taking the matter in hand, we shall be sure to get well out of it?" " Can we make any progress at night, Charley ? "What do you think ?" "No use in life, sir, to try to follow tracks in the night ; better go at it fresh in the morning." "That is my opinion. It is now half-past two; when will there be light enough to follow the track?" "Not before six o'clock, after breakfast," said the landlord; "but it's hardly worth while for you to go to bed again. Shall I get some supper for you all round ? There's capital brandy, and rum, and bottled stout — so that you may pass an hour pleasantly before you start." A Social Party. 425 " Do so," said the magistrate ; " and we can talk jyer the matter leisurely. It will take us half an hour to trot to the point of the track from which we broke off, so that we must start at five to be ready to take advantage of the first light." Upon this we formed a social party round the table, and discussed the likelihood of the fugitives crossing the Macquarie Eiver by the bridge, or by a ford, which whs passable, about twelve miles up the stream. "Bless your heart," said the jockey, "that horse — Koderick— that's his name, sir (to me), Roderick would as easy swim the Macquarie as walk from here to that stable — his rider may go with him anywhere and over anything in nature I" "1 have reasons to think that they would not attempt to swim the Macquarie," said the magistrate, " so that we must make for the ford, if we don't find the trace of him towards the bridge. But I think he can't escape us now, with you, Charley, to help us." " You know him, then ?" said the jockey. " We think we do, but we are not sure; but there is reason to believe that his object is to get over the coun- try to Launceston as quickly as possible." " Then his mark is to go by the Jupiter," said the sailor ; "she is to sail to-morrow morning, my skipper writes me, and that's why I'm wanted back in such a hurry. I say, master," said he to the jockey, "as you are so knowing about horses, couldn't you do something to my brute ? for I'm blessed if I can make anything of him ; he steers so wild, I defy the best hand that ever held a tiller to keep him on a wind — one tack or t'other — and when you let him go free, he stands with 426 Jockey Intormation. ais head between his legs, and backs all sail, so that he gets starn-v?ay ; how I'm to get to Launceston on him IS more than I can tell !" " I'll tell you how to manage him," said the jockey; "I know him well; he's a Sydney horse, and near twenty years old, and as cunning as a fox. He was bred out of a mare that McCarthy reared at Parramatta ; Captain Firebrace brought him over to Hobart Town, and then Parker bought him, and "Weston had him after- wards, and Bullfield kept him as a stock-horse, but no- body could make anything of him, and Bullfield swopped him with Spring for thirty ewes ' heavy with lamb ; and he thought he had done Spring nicely ; but the biter was bit, for the ewes were all old 'uns, and past their time, and the devil a lamb did they ever have again, for they hadn't got a tooth in the heads of 'em all ; and then Spring exchanged him for a pair of work- ing bullocks, and of course they ran into the bush next day, for they were young ones, only put into the yoke for the swop, and it's supposed they are somewhere beyond the lakes towards the Western Coast; and how many hands old Slyboots has been in since then is more than I can say, but I'll tell you how to be up with him." The receipt for a vicious horse was for that time lost to posterity, for the rapid clattering of hoofs suddenly called off the attention of the jockey, and in half a minute after two horsemen rode up to the door of the inn, whom we immediately recognised as the ingenious Sanders and the phlegmatic Scroggs. " Ha ! Sanders, my buck !" said the jockey, " are you come to join us? And Scroggs I — why, what brings you so far from home, old boy ?" Start Again. 427 "We are on a secret expedition," said Sanders, with as much dignity as he could assume on a sudden, with a very red face and a very blue nose. ''And I see I am eome to the right place, taking off his hat to the magis- trate, and entering the house. I have been lucky enough eir," he added, " to get horses, as you see, and right good ones they are." "So they are," chimed in the jockey; ''that roan is as good a horse as ever put one leg before the other. Mr. Fallowfield, of the Green Ponds, gave sixty guineas for him, and cheap too. That white horse, that Scroggs was on, has been a racer in his time ; and I've seen a hundred and twenty guineas, dollars down, given for him within these eight years; he is getting aged now. Young Oakley gave two pair of working bullocks and a cow heavy with calf for him — and that's as good as forty pounds — the autumn before last; and he's worth all the money, for there's half a dozen years' work in him yet, I'll go and look after them for you. Better give 'em a mash of siftings, for horses are apt to feed greedy at first, and corn does 'em no good, if they arn't cool when they eat it." " You must make haste with your preparations," said the magistrate, "for it is past three o'clock, and at five we must start." "It's pushing the horses rather too hard," said the jockey, "but what's the use of them if they can't help you at a pinch ? Ah ! if I only had Roderick under me, I should like to see the heels of the horse that I couldn't pass in no time !" At five o'clock we set off, the jockey leading the way. The sailor thought it best to make a start at the same 428 The Sailor's Awkwardness. time, but as his destination was the high road, which he called, "keeping in the stream," we did not wait for him to accomplish the difl&cult feat of getting aboard his " craft," and we left him, therefore, with one foot in the stirrup and the other hopping on the ground in chase of his cranky steed, which performed an unceasing gyra- tion in resistance to the attempt to mount him. The last words that we heard of the enraged sailor were '^ D' — , that is, bless — no, I won't be balked this time — I say, damn him !" " You followed 'em to the valley between the two banks of mimosas, by a sugar-loaf hill, didn't you say?" said the jockey, after we had gone about four miles. ''Then this must be near the spot where you turned off. Let us walk leisurely, if you please, sir ;. no need to go over more ground than necessary. About here, was it ? You are right; here are your tracks, see ! There's the track of Mr. Thornley's horse — he throws out the right fore-leg as he trots, a leetle more than the left; and there's the track of Roderick. Look at his stride; any one may tell that stride from a hundred; and there's the print of the jackass shoe that I was obliged to put on him, poor fellow, for I had no other at hand ; but I little thought anybody could be such a brute as to make him gallop in it. You see he don't like it, for he just fa- vours that leg the least bit in the world. No one else would observe it, but I know bis ways. Now, gentle- men, if you are of a mind to push on, I'll engage to keep on Roderick's track. Pretty country this, for a pack of hounds. What a glorious run you may give a horse on Salt-pan Plains. There's nothing to stop you one way for twenty miles." Fresh Tracks. 429 The track now led us over Blackman's Bridge. " Oh, ho I" said the jockey ; " I see the rascal shies the water; he prefers the bridge; now, I think, we shall have him." But, contrary to our expectation, the track led us some miles to the left, to a ruined hut, where it seemed the fugitives had passed the night; for there were marks of a fire having been kindled the night before, and the hearth still retained some heat. " Stole away !" said Chaffem; " but the form is still warm, and puss can't be far off. The rascal has got the start though, and Roderick is not the horse to lose his ground." "We left the hut, and followed the track in the direc- tion of Ross Bridge, on the Macquarie River; but here it seemed the fugitives had misgivings of the prudence of proceeding on the highway, for within half a mile of the bridge they crossed the road, and made a circuit to the right. ''They don't like to chance the bridge," said the con- stable. *'Now, if their point is Launceston, they must either swim the river or make for the ford. There is one higher up the stream, but it's a long round ; do you know it, Charley ?" "Know it! ay, and many's the time I've crossed it; and Roderick knows it, too; but they'll never go all that way round; they'll take to the water, you'll see, when we come to the bend." But in this the jockey was mistaken, for we passed the bend, and the tracks continued to a spot about half a mile from the ford, near which there was a clump of mimosas standing apart on the plaia, and at a short dis- 430 Marks op the Natives. tance from a forest of thickly-growing trees. At this place they had evidently made a halt, for the ground was trampled down within a small circumscribed space, as if they had been hiding there for a time. We did not wait to examine it further, but pushed on in the direction of the ford. But here a sight met our eyes that explained the cause of the halt, and the hiding of the fugitives. The quick-eyed Sanders was the first to detect the traces of numerous naked feet. " Pull up I" he cried out — " pull up for a minute. Look, sir, the natives have been prowling about here. Look to the right there. Don't press the marks — let us see how many of the black fellows have been together." We drew up on the margin of the tracks of the na- tives, which were in the direction of the ford, and it seemed as if there had been about twenty of them, to judge from the confused prints of their naked feet." " I'll bet a guinea," said Sanders, " this is what made 'em hide up for awhile among those mimosas. They saw the natives between them and the ford, and they feared to face them." "Keep on," said the magistrate, 'Uheir tracks lead to the ford — and I think I see some object on the bank of the river." He was right ; a few minutes' trot brought us to the ford, and by the side of the stream was lying a man in a fustian dress, whose countenance I thought I remem- bered. On examining him more closely, I recognised the face of the man in the yellow jacket whom I had met on the jetty in Hobart Town, and who was one of those who attacked and overpowered me in the red- bouse. In two words I told this to the magistrate. The Murdered Man. 431 The poor wretch was still alive, but his appearance told the tale of his miserable fate. His skull was pounded in by the waddies of the natives, and his body was pierced in many places by their thin and pointed spears. " If we could only get him to speak now," said the constable, " he might give us some useful information. Scroggs, where's your bottle ?" Upon this the provident Scroggs produced a pint bottle of rum — a sovereign remedy, in his opinion, for all disorders. " What's the use of giving him rum, if he's dead ?" remonstrated Scroggs; " it's only wasting it that way." " He's not dead," said Sanders, " though it won't be long first, seemingly. Let us try to make him speak; he may be able to tell us of the oth«r one. It's Bill Simmons, one of the biggest rascals in the whole colony, but that's no matter now. Give us the bottle." He raised up the expiring wretch, and Sanders poured down his throat a portion of the rum, while the magis- trate dashed some cold water from the river over his head and face. For a considerable time the man gave no other signs of life than a faint breathing, and it was not until after the lapse of two hours, which seemed to us two ages, that he was able to articulate. '' We are losing time sadly," exclaimed the impatient jockey, " and what has become of poor Roderick all this time? Entangled, perhaps, with the reins, and his head kept aown, and drowned in the river ! That's dreadful !" '' Hush !" said the magistrate, " the man is going to speak." 432 He gives Us News. " They have got the child/' murmured out the dying man. " Who have got the child V • " The natives — they — attacked — me in — the ford." " And your companion, where is he ?" *'I saw him swimming in the river — but — in his haste — he abandoned — the child — to save himself — and the natives took the child — the Gypsey — the G-ypsey — the Gypsey's child ?" "Did the natives kill the child?" asked I, full of anxious horror at the probable fate of the poor gii-1. " They — have — killed — me. Their waddies — my head — spears — child carried off. " " How long ago is it," asked the magistrate, "since they attacked you ?" ^'I don't know — it — was — just — at — daybreak. I — didn't — like to pass the bridge — so — I made for the ford — and the natives — attacked us — and they have taken the— child. . . ." " What's o'clock ?" asked Sanders. " Half past ten," said I. " Then the natives have got the start of us by about four hours and a half," resumed the constable ; " and if they have taken to the hills, it will be a difficult job to follow them on horseback." "We can easily track them in the snow," observed the magistrate. "While the snow lasts," replied the constable ; " but, by the look of Ben Lomond, we shall have a change of weather, and there's a northerly wind this morning, and that, with the sun, will soon melt this snow. Following the natives in the bush is no easy matter. A white MUSQUEETO WITH TUE NATIVES. 133 man might as well try to track a bird as a native in the bush I" " I shall go after them," said the magistrate; '^what do you say, Thornley — shall we leave this little girl to the mercy of the savages ?" "I'm ready to go with you," said I, "but let us go prepared ; this is a bad time of the year for bushing it. Is there no place near here, Sanders, where we could borrow some kangaroo-rugs, and get a supply of provi- sions V "I have it!" said Sanders; "Mark's sheep-run is not more than two miles from the ford, and if he will let one of his shepherds. Black Tom, go with us — he's a Syd- ney native — we'll set a black fellow to hunt black fel- lows, and come over them that way." "Come on, then," said the magistrate, "and lose no time. I will go with you to remove any objection. Stay ! the dying man is going to speak again. I think he un- derstood what we were saying. What is it, my man ?" he added, in a soothing tone to the dying man ; " what have you got to say?" " Mus — quee - - to !" said the man, with his last breath. " Musqueeto !" said Sanders, "then there's no time to be lost; that's the cruelest savage that ever tormented a colony ; he kills for killing sake, without reason." " I have had a taste of him," said the magistrate. " And so have I," said I. " There's no time to be lost, if we are to save the child." The magistrate, guided by Sanders, immediately gal- loped off; and in less time than we expected, they re- 28 434 The Girl Carried OFF BY Natives. turned at a brisk pace, laden with kangaroo-rugs/ and various necessaries for a bush expedition, and followed by Tom, a fine tall native of the continental island of Australia, dressed with much neatness, in a cloth jacket and trousers of good texture ; the civilized natives soon catching the colonial predilection for cloth of a superior quality. " And what's to become of me ?" said the disconsolate jockey; " and what has become of Roderick? I say, friend, didn't you say your rascally companion crossed the ford ? He's as dead as a door nail ! There's no getting any more out of him; it serves him right for making off with poor Roderick ! I never knew a horse- stealer to come to a good end ! But I'll be after him ! Good day, gentlemen ; I wish you luck. Take care of your horses, and let them take their time up those terri- ble hills. I'll go after Roderick !" And so saying, the jockey plunged his horse into the stream, and we turned our attention to the object of our expedition. "Will not the native, being on foot, retard us?" inquired I; "he can never keep up with our horses." " Never fear," said Sanders; " if our horses can keep up with him we shall do very well. Now, Tom, my boy, are you ready ?" Tom nodded his head. " Which way are you going to take us ?" Tom looked at the tracks, among which the prints of tiny feet were plainly discernible, and pointed to the hills. "Now," said the magistrate, "for another adven- ture. I never had a hunt after natives before. Not the best of weather for lying out at night's; — but it We Pursue Them. 435 would never do to leave that little girl to bo butcliered by Musqueeto !" We moved on at a good pace, Tom, with his long legs, keeping our horses just beyond a quick walk, and we were soon buried in the deep recesses of the woods. Winter in Van Diemen's Land — The Pursuit of the Black Fellows — Native Habitations — News of the Child. The dense mass of spreading branches, with their win- ter leaves of sombre green, which formed a canopy high above our heads, had allowed but little snow to fall on the forest ground; but there were ample signs of the natives to enable the sagacious Sydney black to guide us through the intricacies of the tall straight stems of the stringy-bark trees, with their ragged, shreddy coats, without hesitation. Ever and anon he would turn round to us, without discontinuing his course, and displaying, with a self-satisfied grin, his formidable rows of ivory teeth, he would point to the track, and seek, with his piercing and restless black eyes, deep set in his woolly head, for our approbation of his sagacity. It occupied us nearly two hours to pass through the forest, and we then emerged into an ample plain nearly clear of trees, resembling a vast park. The noonday sun had melted nearly all the snow, and it was only here and there, under the shade of some gigantic gum-tree, or umbrageous mimosa, that any signs of it were visible. Wc were glad to get rid of the snow, as, under the gui- dance of the black, we had no fear of losing the tracks of the natives, and we pushed on without stopping for nearly twenty miles, in a south-easterly direction, over a (436) Winter in Australia. 437 fine country of undulating hill and plain, till we came to tte foot of a tier of low hills, on which were scattered a few of the trees of the she oak. These trees present a scraggy appearance to the eye, but their wood is much prized as fuel, from its pleasing fragrance and good qua- lities for burning. It is not easy to get a plank from these trees of more than six or eight inches in width, but, when polished, it is admirably adapted for ornamental furniture. Here we made a pause,, to rest our horses, which we tethered out by the hide ropes, which we car- ried with us on the front of our saddles, giving them the range of a circle of about eighty feet in diameter, to feed on the native grass, shifting them occasionally as their food grew scanty. The constables kindled a fire, and proceeded with the usual arrangements for a bush meal. They put a handful of black tea into the kettle, which Scroggs bore in his portion of the luggage, and set it on to boil — tea forming the favourite beverage of settlers of every degree in their bush expeditions. The dexterous black, who carried a long-shanked, narrow axe, quickly sliced from an adjacent gum-tree some pieces of bark, which formed extempore plates and dishes, and some steaks of young beef being duly broiled, aided by one of the dampers, which formed part of our provisions, we made, with the relish of hunger, a satisfactory repast. The constables then got up a second edition of the feast, with some additional supplies, for Black Tom, not liking to remain idle during our banquet, had contrived to catch three kangaroo-rats and a bandicoot, which he disem- bowelled with much delicacy, and threw them in their furry coats on some clear embers of the fire. Scroggs produced from the recesses of a mysterious garment a 438 Coldness of the Nights. bottle of rum, but it was unanimously decided that this luxury should be reserved as a medicine for special occa- sions. Much to the disappointment of the thirsty indi- vidual, therefore, the cork remained undrawn, and the disconsolate Scroggs was obliged to solace himself with a pannikin of hot tea from the boiling kettle. Our rough repast ended, we proceeded on our way, till the sinking of the sun behind the snow-topped mountains to the west, warned us to turn our attention to the means of passing the night; for the nights in the winter season in Van Diemen's Land are too cold to allow of their being passed with impunity in the open air. As we felt the fullest confidence of coming up with the natives, we did not push our horses to the extreme, for we knew that Musqueeto and his mob would not travel many days without making a stop in some locality favourable for the collection of gum, and the resort of opossums. We had but one axe among us, but there were more than one who knew well how to use it, the cleverest of whom was the Sydney black ; so that, in a short time, they managed to erect two bush-huts well covered in with heavy branches. The opening of the huts being next to the fire, which was kept up all night, we contrived, with the aid of our warm kangaroo-rugs, to pass the night without incon- venience. Towards the early morning, the air became frosty, and the next day, under a clear sky and a brilliant sun, we continued our pursuit of the natives. At noon the air became mild and warm, and if it had not been for our apprehensions of the calamitous fate of the child to whose rescue we were hastening, we should have enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the almost unexplored country Several Days Elapse. 439 through which we travelled ; but a second day and night having passed without coming up with the natives, our uneasiness increased to a pitch of painful anxiety. We could discover no trace of the little foot, nor indeed could our less acute sense of sight detect any marks of the retiring natives, although, to the black's stronger and more sensitive organs, the marks were so plain as to cause him no apparent trouble to pursue. We consoled ourselves, however, with the reflection, that the absence of any mark of the child's foot which Tom could not trace, might be accounted for by her having been carried in the arms of the natives, though what could be their object, or the object of Musqueeto in bearing her away, we were at a loss to conjecture, and we feared the worst. With these doubts and fears, we passed an uneasy night; the more so as our provisions being nearly ex- hausted, we could not keep up the animal strength to counteract the depression of the spirits. Under cir- cumstances so favourable for the opening of the grog- bottle, the longing Scroggs made several insinuating at- tempts to get our assent to that measure, but it was steadily resisted, and with a stoicism on the part of his reflecting coadjutor which I particularly admired. "Cold work this!" said Scroggs to Sanders; "and cold water is poor stuff to put heart into a man. A fire is very well to warm the outside, but the inside is the place to keep up the heat ; then it spreads all over one in a glow ! It's surprising how small a quantity of spi- rit — a single glass or so — I've often tried it — wiU warm a man's whole body, to the very tips of one's fingers !" " To the tip of your nose, you ought to say, old buck," rejoined his mate, " for you have put that sponge of 440 We Get Depressed. yours into such a glow some time, that it has never got cool again." "None of your nonsense; — it's all owing to smoking out of a short pipe ; I went to sleep with it one night in my mouth, and I slept so sound, though I had drunk nothing to speak of, that the end of my nose got briled on the bowl of the pipe before I woke up." '^ I wish you had thought to bring two bottles, instead of one," said Sanders, '* then you might have soaked your nose in one and kept the other. But you don't know what may happen in the bush, and a sup of rum may save a man's life. Better keep it till it's wanted." " But it is wanted," persisted the persevering Scroggs; " I declare I feel so queer I don't know what to make of it ; and that bit of opossum that I was fool enough to eat makes me smell all turpentine. What harm could it do," he added, in a melancholy tone, " if I took only the least sip in the world — just a taste — only a smell at the bottle ?" But Sanders was firm, and as Scroggs stood too much in awe of the magistrate to venture on so flagrant a breach of duty as a burglary on the rum-bottle, he be- took himself sadly to bed, and covering himself up in his kangaroo-rug, after a few dolorous moanings, the sounds which proceeded from his fiery nose proclaimed that he was sound asleep. The next morning found us much less fresh than the preceding one, and no one seemed inclin^jd for conversa- tion, our spirits being damped by the unsuccessful pur- suit, and by the contemplation of the uncertain distance to which we might be led in our chase, and of the un- certain time which might be consumed in it. We had Discover the Natives. 441 bivouacked at the base of a tier of hills, and it was not without anxiety that we shared the remainder of our provisions, and prepared for the steep ascent before us. We had not proceeded far, however, when, on some moist ground beneath a spring, which trickled down the hill, Black Tom pointed out to us the fresh mark of a native foot. We were leading our horses up the ascent, and it was with lively curiosity that we regarded the sign of the probable propinquity of the natives. We immediately looked to our arms, wiped our flints, re- newed our primings, and examined our barrels, to see that the charges had not become loosened in the journey. The prospect of danger spread animation among the party, mixed with some anxiety, for we had by this time pene- trated into a part of the country never, perhaps, trodden before by a white man's foot, and far removed from all assistance. We advanced, therefore, with great precau- tion till we got close to the summit of the hill, when the magistrate directed us to stand still, and motioned the black to reconnoitre. Tom advanced cautiously and silently upwards, crawl- ing on his belly, and winding his way like a snake over the tufts of grass, till he was enabled to project his black poll — hardly to be distinguished from the rough logs of charred timber that lay -about over the ridge of the hiU. For some seconds he remained motionless, and then withdrawing himself by imperceptible degrees from his place of observation, he communicated to us the re- sult of his discovery. " Bkck fellows in bottom," said Tom, softly ; " Mus- queeto with 'em." <♦ What are they doing ?" asked the constable. 442 We Reconnoitre. " Make fire — and eat." " Is the piccaninny with them ?" said I. " Can't see. Go behind trees, there/' continued Tom, pointing to the right, " then you see all." On the right was a clump of bushes, to which we bent our steps. Leaving our horses under the charge of the constables, we edged round the declivity of the hill and crept up to the top, where we stationed ourselves behind the bushes. From this position we observed the natives in the hollow below. They had evidently arrived at a spot at which they proposed to sojourn for a while, for they had raised up in two or three places, and with more than usual care, break-winds formed of branches of trees, and lined with wide strips of bark. These rude protections from the wind were about four feet high, and we remarked that one apart from the rest had the distinction of an attempt at a roof, but of dimensions not more than suf- ficient to contain a single person. Large fires were lighted before the break-winds, at which some of the na- tives reclined ; others were standing listlessly here and there, and some of the women were engaged in tending their children. Almost the whole party was naked; but one man, whom by his stature and bearing we re- cognised as Musqueeto, was distinguished by a black hat, with waistcoat and trousers, and one or two of the women had something which looked like old and dirty blankets thrown over their shoulders. "We remained for some time watching them from oiu* hiding-place, but we could observe no signs of the child whom we had come so far to rescue ; and we had sad misgivings of her safety. Having made all the observations in our power, Are the Natives Cannibals? 448 we retreated back to the brow of the hill, and consulted together as to the best course to pursue. " If you would be pleased to take my advice, sir/' said Sanders, " I would wait till night, when the natives are afraid to move about, and then, by advancing two together, we might take them by surprise, and the first thing would be to shoot down Musqueeto, and the men of the party, and then if they run away with the child — that is, if they haven't murdered it already, which I think most likely — we can pursue them with our horses, for they're terribly afraid of a horse ; they think it bites, and fights with its fore-legs." " I confess," said the magistrate, '^ I am very much disappointed not to see the little girl ; our object is to release her, not to slaughter these naked savages. Did you ever know them to eat a white person ? Let us find out from Tom ; do you speak to him, Sanders ; he knows you, and would tell you perhaps more freely than us." '' Tom," said Sanders, " black fellow eat white picca- niany ?" Tom looked suspiciously at the constable with his deep-set, restless eyes, one of the characteristics of the natives of Australia, and seemed unwilling to reply ; for the Sydney blacks, as well as the few who have commu- nication with the settlements of Van Diemen's Land, are well aware of the horror of the whites at the prac- tice of eating human flesh. " Tom never eat man," said Sanders, coaxingly, " no — never ; but bad black fellow eat man, and eat piccaninny, sometimes ?" "Bad black fellow eat man, sometimes," replied 444 Black Tom's Testimony. Tom, " while be very angry, and figlit ; — me never eat man." "No, not you; but black man eat wbite man, some- times V " Yees." ''And eat wbite piccaninny, sometimes; bad black fellow ?" a Yees— bad black fellow." '' The nasty inhuman savages !" exclaimed Scroggs, who was within hearing, holding the horses. "To think of that poor little gal being eat by those black devils, just as if she was mutton or beef ! Here, Sanders, come and put your hand in my pocket, and take out the bottle of i-um ; — take it, I say ! I, for one, will give it up, and let the natives' have it for the child. I should like just to have one sup of it before it goes; but never mind, Til give it all, rather than the child should be eat up by those black rascals I" "Well done, Scroggs," said the magistrate; "depend upon it this generous instance of self-denial shall not be forgotten, for I know the effort which it must have cost you ; but I think we can manage without putting your virtue to so severe a trial. Tom," said he to our guide, "will you go and try if you can see a little white pic- caninny among the black fellows ? Piccaninny so high," describing the height of a child of six or seven years of age. Tom understood what was said to him in English much more easily than he could find words to reply. He com- prehended the magistrate in a moment, and looking on the ground for a while in a thoughtful attitude, — " Me go," said he. Tom makes an Explanation. 445 Without further talk, for the natives are remarkably taciturn and sententious among themselves, as well as among the whites, Tom proceeded to strip himself of the encumbrance of his clothes, even to his shoes and stock- ings, and displayed himself in the natural undisguise of our great progenitor, Adam, about whose colour there is, among many of the nations of the earth, a difference of opinion; but as the subject is foreign to the nature of these humble memoirs, I shall not enter into that vexa- tious question. The disencumbered Tom formed his plan on the instant, and taking a wide circuit to the left, he was soon lost to view, leaving us in a state of anxious and nervous expectation. After the lapse of an hour he returned, and in the cold apathetic manner of the natives, he communicated his information with his usual sententious brevity : — " White piccaninny with black fellows." " That's capital," said the magistrate; " the poor little thing is alive, at any rate. How does she look, Tom ?" But Tom did not understand this question, and seeing that an answer was expected, he replied, — '' Piccaninny in little house," — describing by gesture the single break-wind which we had observed from be- hind the bushes. "What are they going to do with the piccaninny ?" said I. " Eat her, I'll be bound," said Scroggs; " that's what they are going to do with her ; and they are fattening her up in that pen as we do a lamb, till she's in good condition. The black villains ! Let us march right at 'em and shoot 'em down, every one. I'm ready for it !" " There is something in this," observed the magistrate. 446 P R E P A R A T I N S . '' which I cannot understand. It is difficult sometimes to penetrate into the motives of savages ; but as they seem at present to be in a peaceful humour, I think our best plan is to send on Tom a little in advance to parley with them, and to assure them that we have no hostile inten- tions. We can follow immediately behind him on horse- back, with our arms ready, in case of their showing fight; but as we shall take them by surprise, I think it very likely that they will not attempt any resistance. You all know that it is the particular desire of the Colo- nial Government, which is conformable, indeed, with sound policy and with humanity, never to commit an ag- gression on the natives uselessly and without the most pressing necessity; but on all occasions to treat them with benevolence and tenderness, and to endeavour to win them over by acts of kindness, instead of alienating them by the wanton or thoughtless exercise of superior power." "If you please, sir," said Sanders, " Musqueeto has committed more than one murder, and he's a Sydney black, and ought to know better. We have orders from Camp to endeavour to take him if we should have the opportunity." "We shall act according to circumstances," replied the magistrate. " At present, our object is to rescue the child from the clutches of the savages ; and, in doing that, we must endeavour to avoid shedding blood." I agreed with the magistrate in the propriety of his mode of action, and although I had a strong presenti- ment that there would be a murderous conflict, I relied on the superioi-ity of our amis and our horses, and had little doubt of the result. Approach the N^,tives. 447 "We descended the hill, therefore, and forming our- selves into the order laid down by our leader, we moved round the hill to the right, that we might reach the level ground before we should be perceived by the na- tives, and, advancing at a moderate pace, tve soon found ourselves in front of their curious habitations Cimiitn /nrtiBtli A Native Encampment — Conference with Musqueeto — A Savage has a Soul — The lost Child recovered — How to catch an Opossum — A Kangaroo hunt by the Natives — The Apparition of Spears and AVaddies excites disagreeable suspicions. The Sydney black preceded us about twenty yards in advance, and as soon as he arrived within easy speaking distance of the natives, we pulled up, and with much anxiety waited for the issue of his conference. He had previously resumed his clothes, but it was easy for the natives to perceive by his colour and his features that he was allied to their general race. To our extreme sur- prise — although the aborigines of Van Diemen's Land have a strong antipathy to the natives of the continental island — our messenger was allowed to approach their fires without exciting the slightest visible sensation. Their simulated unconcern might have been produced, perhaps, by the sight of our party on horseback ; but the strangeness of this unexpected apathy, on the part of Musqueeto and his companions, made us fear some treachery, and we looked round to try if we could per- ceive any appearance of an ambuscade ; but we could detect nothing to excite suspicion. I have often had occasion to observe the dull, listless, and almost idiotic appearance of the natives of Van Diemen's Land, when not excited by hunger or some passionate desire. It has struck me that in this respect they much resemble the (448) A Native Encampment. 449 nnthinkino; beasts of the fields, so inanimate and locr-like in their usual manner. The women will sometimes chatter a little, for it seems nature makes them all alike as to that matter, but the men have the most reserved ati taciturn habit of any race of savages that I have known or read of. The strange contrast of their silence and immobility, with the yells and wildness for which we were prepared, filled us with a vague sort of super- stitious fear, which was heightened by the chilly stillness of the vast wilderness in which we were now enclosed. In the mean time a monosyllabic '^corrobara" had taken place between our guide and the chief of the sable community, the meaning of which Tom concentrated in the following brief communication : — "Musqueeto say, you come." " Why, what is the meaning of this ?" said the magis- trate. "They don't show any signs of fear, nor do they look as if they thought of fighting ! Is there some strat- agem in this ? what do you think of it, Thornley ?" " Upon my word," I replied, " this takes me so much by surprise, I don't know what to think of it. Sanders, you know their ways, do you see any of their waddies or spears about ?" " One can never tell, sir," said Sanders, "what those treacherous savages are at ; they're always hatching some deviltry or other. You see, sir, I take it, we have come on one of their places for encamping, if you can call those bits of break-winds camps. But Musqueeto can be civil enough, sometimes. Scroggs, you've often come across Musqueeto, what is he after now ?" "He's always after some wickedness," responded 29 450 Precautions Against Treachery. Scroggs ! ''but I think the natives are. going to have a feast. Don't you see that string of opossums yonder, by the blue gum-tree ? and there's something hanging up inside the bushes ; — the Lord have mercy on us, it must be the child I and the black devils are going to cook it for their dinner !" " The child !" exclaimed the magistrate; " no, impos- sible ! — Tom saw the child alive a quarter of an hour ago ! Gro, Tom, ask Musqueeto if he has got the white man's piccaninny." Tom made the inquiry, accordingly, and presently re- turned with a reply. "Musqueeto say, white man kill piccaninny; Mus- queeto kill white man. Piccaninny in piccaninny house —there." "This is very extraordinary," said the magistrate; " the most extraordinary thing that has occurred to me in all my adventures in the colony. What can be Musqueeto's object in this ? However, as they seem quietly disposed, let us advance close to them, and try to get possession of the poor child by peaceable means." " Better let two of us stand on guard, in case of any attack," suggested the constable; "no need, sir, for us all to be sacrificed." " That's a very prudent precaution, Sanders ; do you and Scroggs remain here in charge of the horses, and I and Mr. Thornley will go to them on foot — that is, if Mr. Thornley has no objection." "None in the least," said I; ^' the best way with savages, and all animals in general, is to show that you have no fear of them." " Better take my bottle of rum," suggested Scroggs, The Savage in His Lair. 451 in the exuberance of his generosity ; "let Muiqueeto have a sup at it, and perhaps that will put him in good humour." "Xo, no," said the magistrate, " keep the rum till we want it. A savage is awkward enough to deal with when he is sober, but, with a little rum in him he is worse than a madman. Now, Thornley, let us go among them boldly." Accordingly we went up to Musqueeto, who was stand- ing by one of the fires in front of the little wigwam in which we had been given to understand the little girl of whom we were in search, was secreted. He had, I thought, the same stupid and sullen look which I had remarked on other occasions, as he stood in the listless and dozing attitude which was usual with him when not engaged in any hunting or predatory expedition. A« close investigation, however, might detect in his half- shut, but ever restless eyes, a watchfulness that allowed nothing to escape his observation. I confess it was not without a little nervous apprehension, and some slight bumping in the region of my leftside, that I approached the formidable savage in his lair. He raised up hia eyes and glanced at us, but gave no sign of recognition, or of being affected by our presence. We remained for a brief space in this unpleasant posi- tion, with the awkward feeling of having intruded on a gentleman's privacy without an invitation. Neither of us spoke — my friend being under the same difficulty as myself to hit upon an appropriate topic by which to commence a conversation with this chief of a band of savages, and the usual salutation of a " very fine day," seeming to me, under the circumstances, inappropriate 452 A Consultation Dinner. to the individual and the occasion ; but I was relieved by the magistrate breaking silence. " Much kangaroo, Musqueeto, in this part of the country ?" " Boomah — there," replied Musqueeto, pointing out an immense kangaroo in the bushes, which had attracted the attention of the horrified Scroggs. My excellent friend presuming, I suppose, that eating and drinking among friends facilitated conversation, and being stimulated besides by certain internal promptings that his fast had continued for more than a reasonable time, immediately intimated to his new acquaintance hia inclination for a steak. Musqueeto uttered a few words to one of his retinue, and without further ceremony, some pieces of the kan- ^ garoo were brought to us ; we motioned to them to put the venison on the fire, which they did with a readiness to oblige which inspired us with some confidence in their present sincerity. When the meat was cooked, we sat down on the ground, on which Musqueeto also squatted down oppo- site. Some of his companions stood at a little distance, eyeing us with much curiosity, but without rudeness ; and in this way, with a charming absence of all ceremony, we partook of a sociable meal with our new acquaintance, but in perfect silence. Thinking the occasion favourable, I suggested to my friend the expediency of propitiating our host by a glass of rum, as an appropriate introduction to the object of our journey. The magistrate agreed with me, and called (juietly to Scroggs to bring the bottle and a pannikin. I observed that Musqueeto gave a flash of his eye ai M USQUE ETo's Suspicion. 453 the magistrate's call, and gathered up his legs under him, ready for a spring, upon which I instantly called to Scroggs, " Show the bottle of rum !" Scroggs raised on high his long-cherished bottle, at the view of which, I saw that Musqueeto's eyes resumed their usual expression, and he quietly returned to his former position of repose. Meanwhile the disappointed Scroggs, with his mouth watering at the sight of a re- past in which he did not share, and his eyes becoming tearful at the prospect of the total consumption of his beloved rum, approached with slow and reluctant steps to resign his treasure. " These savages, sir," said he, in an insinuating way, to the magistrate, " are very suspicious — very. If you like, sir, I wiU taste a little of the rum first — that he may see it is all right, and that we mean no harm to him. Allow me to take out the cork ?" "Make haste back," said the magistrate, "and mount your horse, that you may be ready to act in case of need. This rum may be of service to us, and we don't want it for our own drinking ; we can get plenty more when we go home." So saying, my friend took summary possession of the bottle, which the disconsolate Scroggs relinquished with a pitiable sigh, and the salt and savour of life having now departed from him, he resumed his seat lugubriously on the back of his horse with his hapless body, leaving his soul behind him in the bottle. The magistrate poured into the pannikin a portion of the rum with the same seriousness with which it might be supposed he would have oflfered a libation to the in- 454 A Savage has a Soul! fernal gods, and proffering it to the presiding deity of the spot, that condescending personage turned it down •with an off-handed dexterity which would have done honour to an inhabitant of the far-famed St. Giles in the mother country, and with gusto which overcame the habitual reserve of a native. He evinced his delecta- tion at the imbibing of the liquor by a grim smile, which made me involuntarily grasp my fowling-piece a little closer, and slapping his breast he held out the pan- nikin for a fresh supply. But we thought this a fit opportunity to enter into some sort of treaty for the re- storation of the child. " Musqueeto kill white man ?" said the magistrate; " why Musqueeto kill white man ?" " White man great rascal," replied Musqueeto, "try kill piccaninny — Musqueeto kill him." ''Why Musqueeto take piccaninny?" pursued my friend; "Musqueeto want to keep piccaninny and make her gin to black man ?" Musqueeto shook his head, and it seemed to me if he had known how he would have laughed at this in- quiry. " Piccaninny white !" said he; "not good for black man." " Why take piccaninny ?" persisted my friend ; " why save her from bad white man ?" It seemed that Musqueeto suddenly understood what the magistrate was driving at, for his countenance as- sumed an appearance almost of intelligence, and he im- mediately replied : — " Gypsey's piccaninny ; Gypsey die ; Gypsey good to Musqueeto — he Musqueeto's brother ; Musqueeto not let bad white man kill Gypse/s piccaninny." I MusQUEETo's Erotiier! 455 My friend and I gazed at each other with astonish- ment at these words, and reading each other's thoughts, "we could not but admire tlie strange concatenation of events which had preserved the life of the bush-ranger's daughter from such imminent perils ! But as I had been constituted guardian of that deceased character's child, I considered that there was a means of easy understanding if I could make the native comprehend the nature of my legal and social position in respect to his temporary ward. " Gypsey," said I, " Musquceto's brother." " Grypsey, Musquecto's brother," repeated the black chief Thought I to myself the Gypsey's family would not consider themselves very much flattered by this unex- pected claim on their relationship by my black friend here, but 'at any rate he has done one good action to atone for his multitude of crimes, and so I will not flinch from claiming my right to be considered as a member of the family. " Musqueeto," said I, " you know me ?" He had been more than once at my house with his mob, and had been regaled with damper and boiling hot tea plentifully sweetened with brown sugar, not forgetting an occasional glass of rum. " You Mister Thornley V said Musqueeto. * Yes," said I; " and I Gypsey's brother !" Musqueeto gave me a quick look, which none but a savage could give, in which was expressed the blended wonder and suspicion which my assumption of relation- ship with the Gypsey had excited, and I continued — " Gypsey Musqueeto's brother; Gypsey Thornley's brother ; Thornley Musqueeto's brother." 456 An Australian Beauty. 1 wished to lead the savage, by this ingenious process of ratiocination, as my friend the magistrate called it in his jocose way, to consider me as an intimate friend and relation, for my object was to get possession of the child, with his concurrence, so as to avoid bloodshed. Musqueeto mused, I observed, for a while, on these words, and then, with the caution of the savage, he asked — " Why you Gypsey's brother?" "The G-ypsey," said I, "when bad white man kill him, say to me — ' Give bread and meat to my picca- ninny — little, so big' " — said I, describing the size of a child of six or seven years of age. ''I say to Gypsey, Thornley Gypsey's brother." Musqueeto rose from his sitting position when I had said this, and spoke to one of his people, who disappeared, and presently returned with a tall and slender young lady of a bright black colour, who, from her air and pretentions we immediately concluded was the favourite gin of the grim Musqueeto. A soldier's old jacket, without buttons, and which, with a graceful negligence remained open in front, formed an airy spencer suitable for summer or for winter wear, and a red cotton hand- kerchief tied around her woolly black poll gave her a superior air, which distinguished her from her less favoured associates of the seraglio. No other article of dress than that of which we have made modest mention, prevented the free exercise of her supple and well-formed limbs. As an honest historian I am obliged to record that her nose was very broad and very flat, but her eyes were large and bright. Various coquettish devices, depicted in a mixture of resinous gum and red ochre, The Child Recovered! 457 formed a striking relief to the monotonous hue of her sable skin, and a fish-bone, stuck through her nose, added a finish to the splendour of her personal appear- ance. To this amiable divinity Musqueeto gave some brief directions, and the lady, retiring, quickly re-appeared, leading by the hand the timid and shrinking form of the Gypsey's daughter. I have often thought that when her fancy recals, in after life, the romantic scenes of her early youth, the recollection of this memorable day must form a curious contrast vrith her present fortunes. She raised up her large black eyes, which instantly reminded mfe of the last wild look of the Gypsey bushranger, and sought among us for some familiar foce ; but meeting only with the countenances of strangers, she cast them down again in disappointment and sadness, as if doubt- ful whether to regard the white strangers as friends or foes. <'Greorgiana," said I, softly. The little thing started at the secret name, and clasp- in"' her tiny hand, she stood with one foot advanced, tremblino- and irresolute, while she searched me with her lustrous eyes, to discover in me some trace of a former friend. I think I never saw so beautiful a child ; she was the very picture of loveliness, and possessed that indefina- ble and irresistible charm with which infancy and inno- cence never fail to move the coldest human heart. Struck with the desolate condition of the child, and possessed with the sacred nature of the trust that I had taken on me, I held out my arms, and said to her in tones which touched her little heart — 458 The Savages Affected. " Come to ine,my poor little orphan girl ; you shall bfl a daughter among my children, and I will be a friend and a father to you." The child screamed with sudden joy ; bursting into tear? she bounded into my arms, and with passionate sobs liid her little face in my bosom. The very savages were affected by the scene. The women gathered round us, gazing with earnest interest, and the harsher lineaments of the faces of the men be- came softened at the touch of nature, which makes the whole world kin. " Look out, sir !" cried Sanders, who with Scrogga had approached in this moment of excitement close' to the mingled group ; " Take care, they don't take you at a disadvantage. You never know when to trust a na- tive." " You've dropped the bottle," whined Scroggs; " there it is under your legs, and in another moment it will be broken, and all the rum will be lost." ''And now," said the magistrate to me, "let us get back to some place of settlement without loss of time, while we are all in good humour. We can easily carry the child with us on horseback. Now, my men," he continued to the constables, "keep your eyes about you ; home's the word." " I've had no dinner," said Scroggs, with a woeful face. '' I declare I feel as if my two sides would come together, I'm so empty. I've taken in my handker- chief round my middle twice; the next tie I shall come quite in two." "It will not do," said I, "to attempt going back without a supply of provisions; and we have no dogs How toCatch an Opossum. 459 with us to pull a kangaroo. That was a sad mistake ; you should never go into the bush without kangaroo dogs; they are at once sentinels and purveyors." "Let us try the natives," said the magistrate; "per- haps they can help us to some provisions." " Musqueeto, can you get some kangaroo for us ?" "Kangaroo? Tees." He gave some directions to his followers, who entered into the project with much alacrity, and they immedi- ately commenced their preparations, sharpening up their spears and getting ready their waddies. It is remarkable that the natives of Van Diemen's Land, like the natives of the Continental Island, have not invented the bow and arrow, although they have more than one sort of wood well adapted, from its tough- ness and its straightness, for both purposes. The long and tough sinews of the kangaroo are well fitted for bow-strings, and the Van Diemen's Land natives have contrived to fabricate from the fibres of the bark of a tree, to which the name of stringy-bark tree has been given by the settlers, a sort of rough net in which they deposit the edible gum which they collect in their journeys; but they have not applied the sinews of the kangaroo to the uses which might easily be made of them. Their only weapons are the spear and the waddy, and the cres- cent-shaped womera which they hurl at their enemies in battle, and at the kangaroo in hunting. The women understanding that we wanted meat for the piccaninny, one of them approached us with a small axe made of sharpened stone, in her hand, and laughing and smiling, and using an abundance of words, which we could not understand, invited us by jestures, to wit- 460 Extraordinary Feat. ness her operations. "We accompanied her accordingly ; the constables, to whom we had distributed the remainder of our kangaroo dinner, still remaining on guard, with the difference only, that we thought they might venture to tether out our horses in a nook where there was a tolerable show of native grass. We followed the black woman to the margin of a forest of stringy-bark trees at a little distance. After snuiEng about for a short time, like a hungry spectator at the window of a savom-y cook-shop, she fixed on a tree in which, her olfactory organs informed her, opos- sums dwelt. As she was unencumbered by any article of apparel, she had no occasion to take off her clothes to perform her dangerous exploit, which we presently un- derstood was to ascend the naked stem of the tall tree after an opossum. The woman first made an incision on the bark of the tree not much more than sufficient to re- ceive her great toe, at about two or three feet from the ground. Placing her toe in the gap, she raised herself up, sustaining her weight on that single member of her foot, aided by a sort of clinging to the tree, which was far too thick to be embraced with one hand and arm ; with her other arm she made a second incision with her native axe, and repeating her operation at the necessary intervals, she rapidly ascended the tree to a height of at least fifty feet, before she reached its spreading branches. In the fork of the trunk, in a little hollow, was an opos- sum, which she quickly pulled out and killed. Holding the animal in one of her hands, she descended the tree with an agility which excited our admiration, and with a rapidity and apparent carelessness that made us tremble I had often heard talk of the natives performing this Power of Finery. 461 feat, but I had never witnessed it before, and it was with the most lively curiosity, therefore, that I watched the operation. I felt quite relieved when she placed her foot safe on the ground, although she did not seem aware that she had done anything extraordinary'. Holding the dead opossum by one ear, she gave it, laughing, to my little charge, and, with nods and laughter, retired. I was at a loss how to reward this act of unaffected kind- ness, when luckily, recollecting that I had a purple silk handkerchief in my pocket, I presented it to our sable benefactor ; and I had the satisfaction to observe, from the deference, mixed, I thought, with a little female envy, which was paid to her by her less fortunate com- panions, and from their eager examination and lively admiration of the finery, that I had conferred on her a gift of no trifling importance. She immediately tied it round her waist, and casting a triumphant glance at the sultana with the red cotton handkerchief, much in the same way as a young lady in the old country, in the conscious superiority of a new bonnet, of the latest fashion, regards a humiliated rival in an old one, she took a seat on the log of a fallen gum tree, in an atti- tude of easy dignity — not courting, but submitting to the admiration which she excited. In the meantime, the preparations for the chase of the kangaroo, after the fashion of the natives, were com- pleted, and Musqueeto, summoning the united strength of his establishment, male and female, old and young, we sallied forth from the encampment, leaving the con- stables to guard the horses. Holding the little Georgi- ana by her hand, for she would not quit me for an in- stant, I and the magistrate accompanied the mob, which 462 A Kangaroo Ckase consisted of five-and-twenty persons, two or three females remaining behind to take care of the children, half a dozen of which had emerged from some back recesses on the occasion of this general activity. I did not much like the distribution of a bundle of spears among the men who all had waddies, which they held in their hands with their spears. "I hope/' said I to the magistrate, "■ that all will go on well; if these savages should become excited by the hunt, they might try a spear on us." ''Especially," replied my friend, "if Musqueeto, or one of his fellows should recognise you as the hero who gave them those disagreeable doses of swan-shot from the hut among the hills some time since." " Oh \" said I, ''I had a beard of ten days' growth then, and my dress was entirely different." " That may be ; but these savages have sharp eyes, and they never betray their emotions till the opportunity ar- rives for action. Those spears and waddies make one feel very disagreeable. Heaven grant that this hunting may not prove as disastrous as the Chevy Chase in times of yore." With these doubts and fears we should have been glad to back out of this t-icklish expedition, but it was too late. Cjnijitrr /nrtij -first. A Kangaroo Hunt by the Natives — Thoy recognise an old Enemy —The Flight— The Skirmish— The Attack renewed— Scrogg's generous Devotion — Return to the Clyde — Crab resolves to leave the Country. The usual torpidity of the natives was now changed to the most lively activity, in which the women, and even the youngest children, joined. The men jabbered to one another, the women chattered all together, and the children cut little savage capers, casting juvenile spears at one another in sport and frolic. I made our guide understand that we wished him to warn us of any appearance of treachery, but he had no apprehension of any hostile intentions. " No want to fight now,'' said he; " hunt kangaroo." We observed, however, that he did not mingle with the natives in their proceedings, but with a sort of in- stinct that he was safer in our immediate vicinity than among the "black fellows," as he called them, he kept close to our side. The naked group made their way to the rear of the en- campment, and, at the distance of about half a mile, Musqueeto assumed the management of the hunt. He directed half of his party to proceed, as Tom interpreted to us, to a distance of about four miles from the spot where we stood, and another party to extend themselves (463) 464 Native Kangaroo Hunt. circularly to the right, while others made a similar cir- cuit to the left. By these means it was intended to en- close a circle, and to drive all the game to the centre. In the dry season it is the practice of the natives to set fire to the woods and so dislodge the game, which they slaughter as it flies from the flames towards their am- buscades. But, on the present occasion, as the grass will not burn in the winter season, they were obliged to pursue a more laborious expedient. Musqueeto now sat down on the grass, and we followed his example, stationing ourselves on the log of a tree, and Tom informed us that we should have to wait till the first detachment of natives reached their destination be- fore it would be time for us to advance. We endeavoured, in the meanwhile, to engage Mus- queeto in conversation, but he was not inclined to talk, and seemed to be engaged in some mental calculation. '' This is a new scene," observed the magistrate; "1 little thought that you and I should be engaged in a hunt- ing expedition with our equivocal acquaintance here." " T hope it may all end well," said I. " Since you have hinted about their recognising me, I have had very disagreeable sensations. A fight with the savages would be an awkward affair, encumbered as we should be with our little charge impeding our motions." The girl crept closer to me at the expression of these fears, but said nothing. "It was only a few days ago," said the magistrate "that I was reading a specious argument of a French writer in favour of natural over civilised life ; I am in- clined to think that if the eloquent sophist had possessed the experience which we have of these savages — whose Primitive state of Society. 465 condition may be considered as the very perfection and model of the primitive state of society which the Gene- vese philosopher extolled — he would have modified his opinion." " The natives of Van Diemen's Land," said I, " seem to be but one degree removed from the animal creation — a sort of connecting link between man and the brute. Having only one idea above the brute, and that is — to eat him ! But they have only one brute to eat — to wit, the kangaroo. In my opinion, the degraded con- dition of the natives of this island may be ascribed in a great measure to the nature of the country itself. There is no fruit, herb, or root indigenous to the soil which is fit for the sustenance of man, and no animal, like an ox, a sheep or a goat, capable of being domesticated so as to furnish a regular supply of food. The only animal fit to eat, apart from the opossum and such nasty things, is the kangaroo, and to catch the kangaroo the natives must be continually shifting their ground ; consequently they are prevented from acquiring any fixed habitation, and are deprived of the advantage of those domestic habits which seem to form the first step in the progress of civilization." ''Could you ever find out," said I, "whether they have any idea of a Divine Being ?" " All that inquirers have been able to make out," re- plied my friend, "is, that they have a belief in an evil spirit, which seeks to do them harm, but they cannot discover any notion among them of a good or creative spirit. Cook and Flinders have described long ago the religious, or rather the superstitious ceremonies of the Sydney natives j but the aborigines of this island either 30 466 Excitement of the Chase. do not practise the same comicalities, or we have not been able to witness tliem." " Our ignorance of their language," I observed, "must be an obstacle to our acquiring a correct knowledge of their religious belief, or of their customs." "No doubt; but their language, so far as we can un- derstand it, seems capable of expressing only the most simple ideas ; and indeed it is only the most simple ideas that they want to express." "They are good mimics," said I. •'So are all savages; and many animals excel in the same way; birds imitate sounds, and monkeys imitate gestures. But our host is getting up ; I suppose the sport is about to begin." Musqueeto rose languidly from the ground, and ejacu- lated an order right and left to the natives within hear- ing, who repeated the word till it was lost in the dis- tance. We then moved forward, Musqueeto taking, or seeming to take little notice of us, and retaining his u.sual sulky, stupid look. But as the shouts of his comrades grew louder and louder, and the distant view of the game occasionally met his eye, the passions of the savage were roused up, and his listless demeanour rapidly changed to that of intense animation, as he grew hot in the excite- ment of the hunt. The spirit of the savage now began to develope itself, and it was with hideous sounds and frantic gestures, which I should in vain attempt to de- scribe, that he performed his part towards frightening the game into the centre of the circle, which at wide in- tervals, was formed around the scared and terrified ani- mals. But these intervals, as we continued our advance^ gradually grew less and less, till we came within hearing MusQUEETO Kills nis Game. 4(57 of tliose who formed the farthest verge of the enclosure. As the circle narrowed, and as we caught occasional glimpses of a terrified kangaroo, the cries and antics of Musqueeto, and the other natives to the right and left, who were in sight, became more violent and furious, and the black naked savages, rattling their spears and bran- dishing their waddies, and screaming and dancing about in the most raging state of excitement, resembled a band of demons engaged in some infernal orgies. And now, with immense strides, a monstrous kangaroo standing six feet high, and with his gigantic tail heaving up and down behind him, hopped past us to the left. Mus- queeto saluted him with a spear, which stuck in his shoulder, but broke off among the bushes; he was met by the natives at their post, who drove him back again by their shouts. Musqueeto darted out to meet him, and before the animal could stop itself in its career, he struck it sharply on the crown with his waddy. The creature shook its beautiful head and ears a little, stunned by the stroke, and Musqueeto, taking advantage of its confu- sion, repeated his blows, nimbly avoiding the dashes which the kangaroo made at him with the formidable claws of its hind feet, till he brought him to the ground. A yell of triumph proclaimed this first •success, and Musqueeto, no longer the apathetic native which he so lately appeared, now exhibited himself in all the ferocity of the savage. His blood was up from his struggle with the kangaroo, and his exertions had lashed him into a state of almost ungovernable fury. Seeing him in this state we repented having engaged in this perilous sport, but to withdraw at such a moment would have excited the suspicion, and perhaps the anger of the natives. We 468 A Sportsman's Habits. kept our fire-arms ready, therefore, and endeavoured to preserve our coolness and presence of mind in the midst of the general excitement. The circle had now become narrowed as close as was desired, and we saw five kangaroos — foresters — in the middle, and one prodigious fellow, whom the natives greeted with the title of boomah ! boomah ! Three of the foresters wei-e quickly dispatched with spears and waddies, but the boomah ! stood in the midst looking with a sort of defiance on his enemies, who pressed upon him. Several spears were soon fixed in his body. He gave a bound as each sharp missile pierced his skin ; but he still stood erect seeking for a passage through the ranks of his assailants. At last, as a party of three or four rushed at him from the point opposite to us, and tried to reach his head with their waddies, he gave a sudden plunge, and bounding towards the spot where the magis- trate, with me and the little girl, were standing in silence, he effected his escape beyond the circle. Musqueeto stamped on the ground with riige and passion at the loss, and at that moment, the habit of the old sportsman taking possession of me, I raised up my piece and selecting the right-hand barrel, which always contained a ball, I fired ; I was lucky enough to hit the back of its head, the ball passing through it. The animal made no cry, for the kangaroo never utters any sound, and giving one last tremendous bound into the air, fell dead. At the report of my fowling-piece the cries of the natives instantly ceased, and they became motionless as statutes, casting rapid glances of suspicion and fear at me and at one another. This sudden silence succeeding the furious outcries of the preceding moment had a peculiar and The Constables Alarmed. 469 startling ofFoct. I imiuodiutely ran to the game, and first, with the precaution of an old settler in the bush, I re- loaded my piece, the natives gazing at me in silence. I then beckoned to the nearest native to come to me, point- ing to the kangaroo, and inviting him by gestures to take the animal; he hesitated, and looked at the others. Calling black Tom, I bade him explain to the natives that I considered the game belonged to them, and as soon as they understood my meaning they came forward, but slowly and doubtingly. Musqueeto, however, came up without ceremony, and, examining the venison with the precision of a connoisseur, he evinced unqualified de- light at the prize. Four natives, uniting their strength, contrived to carry the kangaroo to their encampment, which was at no great distance ; while the rest went for- ward to make preparations for a feast. Before we ar- rived at the fires we were met by the two constables, who had been alarmed by the report of my piece. They had lost no time in throwing the saddles on the horses, and had started immediately to our assistance. "We feared that you were in for it," said Sanders; *' and Scroggs was all ready for a scrimmage, for he's no flincher when it comes to business — and that's the use of him." "It's no use," said Scroggs, "to stand shilly-shall}-- ing ; the best way is to shoot 'em down at once, and then you're sure they can't do you any harm. Never trust a native !" "Better mount your horse, sir," advised Sanders; "they've got their spears and their waddies ready in their hands, and there's no knowing when they may be inclined to use them. Look at those three black 470 A Suspicious Confidence. guards yonder jabbering together, and pointing to Mr Thornley." " They are talking about his capital shot/' replied the magistrate, " and wondering, perhaps, how it was done." '' May-be, sir ; but I don't like the way they left off when we looked at them. Better be on our guard, sir." We had no apprehension of any violence being at- tempted, but we thought it best to be ready, so we took our horses from the constables and led them by the bri- dle. I put the child on mine, telling her not to be frightened, but to hold on fiist by the mane. In this order we proceeded back to the fires, and the natives distributed themselves about, the game being cast in the middle of the open space. I saw two snakes lying by the side of the kangaroos, and I asked Tom what they were going to do with them. " Eat 'em," said Tom ; " snake good — eat many snake at Sydney." As he spoke, a native took up the snakes, and, without skinning them, or performing any other operation of cleanliness, threw them on the fire; and after they had been done to his mind, he and one or two others, who seemed to have a right to partake, devoured them with much apparent satisfaction. They now proceeded to dismember the largest of the kangaroos, and as the pieces of flint, which served as knives, were but clumsy tools to work with, I took out my bush-knife and presented it to Musqueeto. The knife contained one powerful blade and a smaller one, with a saw. I opened the saw, and explained its use to the natives around, who were much struck with the con- N A T I V E s' Curiosity. 471 trivance ; but the large blade pleased them most. Mus- queeto condescended, on this occasion, to make use of his new acquisition, by cutting to pieces the kangaroo. He first cut off the head, which he threw on one side, and then separated the shoulders and body from the loins, and with more politeness than I had given him credit for, he pushed towards us the hind quarters — the best part of the animal — inviting us to take it. Sanders, dismounting, threw it over the pommel of his saddle, and resuming his seat, urged us to lose no time in set- ting out, as we were now supplied with sufficient pro- vision jo last until we should reach some stock-hut, or settler's farm. T\'e mounted accordingly, but the mag- istrate and I lingered for a few moments to observe the curiosity with which the natives examined the head of the kangaroo, which had been pierced by the ball from my fowling-piece. From the examination of the hole throuo-h the head, they were led to the examination of the instrument that effected it, and three or four of them crowded around me, pointing eagerly to the ornamental stock which was studded with bright silver nails, and had a broad piece of silver plate on the bend" of the stock, usually placed there to receive the engraving of the name. As I had held the stock of my piece under my right arm, the natives had not had the opportunity of observing it before, but now they gazed on it with an expression of eagerness and surprise as if they recognized it as an old acc^uaintance. '' Look out, sir," said Sanders, " the same three sav- ages that we remarked jabbering together before, have p^t their eyes on your fowling-piece." "Thornley," said the magistrate, earnestly, "I am 472 The Natives Attack Us. sure you are recognized ; those natives remember your piece ; we had better be off. Do you go first with the child, and I with the two constables will bring up the rear, three abreast. Can Tom run at a pinch 1" " As fast as you can canter," said Sanders. " Move on then, and let us lose no time." I and the magistrate mounted our horses, when a yell broke out from the clustering savages, which made the woods ring again ; a yell so loud and thrilling, that it made our horses start and champ their bits. Had any other stimulus been wanting to hasten our movements, it now appeared in the shape of a spear thrown by a willing arm at me, but which missed and stuck in the flank of Scroggs's horse. The animal did not wait for a second spurring, nor Scroggs for a second hint, and the sight of this open declaration of war operated on us all.- With one accord we gallopped off round the base of the hill, Tom preceding us, who, however, was quickly left behind. Seeing this, the magistrate called out to us to pull up, and he directed Sanders to let Tom mount behind him as the ground was level, till we got beyond the reach of the natives. The delay, however, enabled the natives to intercept us at the turn of the hill, and we encountered them standing on the bank on our right. We sheered our horses off beyond the reach of their spears, but a womera, cast by some vigorous native, struck' Scroggs's horse on the hind leg, and caused a temporary halt. " Steady," cried the magistrate, '^ we have a clear field and no trees." A shower of spears interrupted his speech. " Sanders, pick off that native to the right, with the bundle of spears in his left hand." The Fight Continued. 473 The constable fired, and the native fell. At this check the rest retreated among the trees and bushes. " Now, Scroggs, my man, you must make your horse go ; man's life is worth more than a horse's. Keep up for four-and-twenty hours, and we are safe." But we could make but slow progress with the crip- pled horse, and we would not leave the man behind. We jogged on, therefore, for another hour, skirting a thick wood to our right, till we came to the base of a scrubby hill. "Now, sir," said Sanders, "if the natives are deter- mined to make a fight of it, this is the place where they'll do it. They have found out that Mr. Thornley is the same white man whom they fought with before, and no doubt he killed some of their relations at that time, and the survivors will have blood for blood ; it's always the way with the natives." "How was it," said I, "■ that Musqueeto was so quiet then ? he must have known me." " You see, sir, he's a Sydney native, and doesn't rightly belong to any tribe in this island. If you had hurt one of his gins, that would have been another mat- ter, for the natives are like the whites in that — they don't like our people to take their gins ; and that's what gives rise to most of the quarrels between the natives and the stock-keepers. The stock-keepers entice their gins away by a tenpenny nail, or a bit of broken glass bottle, or, best of all, a red handkerchief — there's no- thing like a bit of red rag to come over a gal with, let her be black or white, and then the natives don't like it, and so they have to fight it out." " And so must we fight it out," said the magistrate, 474 The Native/s Challenge. " for there are the natives coming forward in a body. I am sorry for it, but if we must defend our lives, the best way is to act decisively." By this time we had reached the top of the hill, and beneath us was a level plain of considerable extent, but the descent of the hill was very steep and rugged. We drew ourselves up on a clear space, and waited for the attack. The natives also drew themselves up at a dis- tance of about a hundred yards, and one of them, advanc- ing towards us, with a waddy in his right hand, and a bundle of spears in his left, began a speech in a loud but calm voice, using abundant action, but without un- seemly noise or passion. " What does he say, Tom ?" said the magistrate. " He say you all bad white men." "And what more ? he must say more than that in that long speech." " He say you come take his country, and eat his kan- garoo, and take his gins. He say you very bad white men. And he say, this gentleman, jMitter Thornley, very bad white man indeed ; he kill him brudder — brudder of black fellow dere — and he say he want Mitter Thorn- ley to go stand there for him to throw spear at him." "He sends you a challenge to fight a duel, Thornley," said the magistrate. '' As a gentleman and man of honour you can't refuse, or Blackee will post you." " Mitter Thornley go tand dere," said Tom, " black fellow throw one, two, three, many spear at him j then black fellow no want to fight ; only kill Mitter Thornley ; then very good friends." " Come, Thornley," said my friend, laughing, " it is plain that you must perform the part of Quintus Curtius on this occasion." A Parley. 475 " Please, sir," said Scroggs, " I don't know how Squint- ing Curtis managed with the natives, but if we have only to do with that one jawing away there, we might buy him off, perhaps, with something that we have about us. There's the remains of the bottle of rum; offer him that." Tom advanced accordingly, calling out "corrobara," meaning thereby that he wished for a parley to talk the matter over a bit with the aggrieved native. Tom pro- posed that the half bottle of rum should end the affair amicably, but the offer was indignantly rejected. Tom reported progress, and the native continued his ha- rangue, enumerating over and over again the injuries •which he had received, and the vengeance which he would take. "Let us try him with something more," said the mag- istrate, "it is something to get him to negotiate at all for the price of his revenge; if it is only a question of amount I think we may manage it. Let us consult Tom; Tom, what shall we give him?" "You give bottle of rum; Mitter Thornley's red handkerchief for his gin; and give him buttons from yoixr coat." " My coat buttons !" said the magistrate. " Well, to save my friend's valuable life, and to prevent a breach of the peace — for I see Thornley is red hot to fight this duel — I suppose I must let him have them." Tom was accordingly despatched with these new presents; but the native now took a fancy to Tom's axe, and, after some chaffering, Tom surrendered it. But there was still a hitch, and our ambassador returned again. 476 ScROoas for a Target. "Black fellow say, that, 'cause Mitter Thornley hab the piccaninny, he throw one little spear at that man there instead." " Throw a spear at me !" exclaimed Scroggs, " I won't have any spears thrown at me ! Tell him to go and be hanged I" "Black fellow say," said Tom, "he must throw one little spear at somebody, 'cause if he no throw spear all the mob point finger at him. He say, he no hurt white man, only stick spear in him a little bit." " Stick a spear in me a little bit !" said Scroggs ; "I'll stand no such thing ! Let him stick his spears into the gum-trees, if he likes. What am I to have spears stuck in me for, more than anybody else ?" "My good fellow," said the magistrate, " if the sacri- fice of yourself will have the efiiect of preventing a fight, and of saving the efi"usion of blood, I should advise you to consent ; but, of course I cannot order you in such a matter ; it is entirely for your own consideration and generosity to determine whether you will be the means, for a trifling smart perhaps, to save many human lives. Remember Quintus Curtius !" '' Squinting Curtis ! He never stood up to have spears shied at him I'll be bound." "If you go through this part well," said the magis- trate, "I shall certainly recommend you to the governor for reward and promotion." " It's very hard," whined Scroggs, "but I am always to be the one to have the worst hand at the game. It was my bottle of rum that those black rascals swallowed, and now that it has got their pluck up, I am to be a cockshy for that rampaging devil there, that keeps bran- dishing his spears about." Money or Life? 477 "I'll tell jou what, my man," said I, " I don't think any harm will come of it, or I would not consent to your going ; but if you'll take the job off my hands, as I've got the child to take care of, I'll give you a hundred dollars I" "Well, said Scroggs, "I'll go, but I dont like it. You mean a hundred dollars in money, not property ?" "Yes," said I, " a hundred silver dollars down." " It's for the sake of the child I go, not the money. But nobody can say I haven't a right to something for making a target of myself for that black rascal to stick his spears in." " Why, he'll never hit you," said Sanders. " You have a right to one spear to defend yourself with accord- ing to the customs of the natives." '' The desire to get the dollars outweighing his fears, the doughty constable proceeded to the spot where this novel sort of monomachia was to take place, and stand- ing about forty yards from the native, waited with a most rueful countenance for the commencement of the ceremony. The native treated him in the first place with an explanatory and expostulatory harangue, which the miserable Scroggs received much in the same way as a criminal listens to the congratulatory condolences of the executioner before he is turned off. The native then performed various mystic evolutions, which so pro- tracted the proceedings, that the impatient Scroggs cried out — " D you, if you're going to throw a spear at me, shy away, and don't keep me waiting in this manner !" The only word which the black man understood was the first, which almost all the natives had picked up from 478 How ScROQGs Stands it. the frequent use of that expletive by the stock-keepers, with whom they mostly came in contact; but as he well knew it was an epithet of vituperation, he took it as a sign of heroic defiance from the magnanimous Scroggs, and suddenly stopping short in his fantastic antics, he cast a spear at the constable, which narrowly missed his arm, and whirred rapidly past him for more than twenty yards. " Hulloa," cried Scroggs, " that's too close to be plea- sant. Take it easy, will you, you ugly blackguard I" The next spear struck him on his right side, but meet- ing there with a tobacco-box, it was luckily stopped from doing further mischief than stavino; in the lid of it. But this was too much for Scroggs. Bestowing a hearty curse on all the natives in'the island, and including him- self in his general execration for being such a fool as to stand there to be made a sieve of, he ignominiously turned tail, and the next missile projected by the savage took effect in his fleshy protuberance behind. Scroggs gave a roar that might have done credit to a wild bull, and with- out waiting for further compliments, ran back to us, Sanders laughing heartily at his condition. '' I say, Scroggs, my boy, you'll never be able to show your wounds that way. Do you remember the sergeant of the 40th showing us his wounds in front ? It will never do to leave them behind. Go and let the black fellow have another shy at your chest, that you may get honourably marked and look respectable." " A hundred dollars," said Scroggs, '' in dollars, not property !" pleased to find himself without more hurts. ''Well — I wouldn't mind standing another shy for the same money." Arrive at Home. 479 The native, who had given a yell of triumph when he saw his victim with the spear sticking in behind him. now gathered up his spoils, and returning to his compan- ions we saw no more of the natives for that time, and we proceeded on our way. We had to sleep one night in the bush, which we managed as well as we could, and towards the night of the next day we reached a stock-hut to the east of Salt- Pan Plains. Here we parted with Tom, the magis- trate giving him an order on a storekeeper at Launeeston, to supply him with anything he pleased to the amount of five pounds; and cutting across the country to Oat- lands, we were glad to repose ourselves at a comfortable inn. At this place we learnt that the Jupitei' had sailed two days before, and as I was anxious to get home with my charge, I begged the magistrate to proceed to Launeeston and ascertain what had become of the uncle of Georgiana. I may as well say here, that my friend found that he had escaped from the island on board that vessel. The subsequent difficulties which my charge had to encounter, I shall have to relate in their proper place. The constables, at my request, accompanied me to the Clyde, striking across the country by a short cut from Jericho. I rewarded them liberally for their activity and good conduct, giving Scroggs an order on the bank at Hobart Town, for the hundred dollars, according to my promise. My wife