■^^mrim«t*immm^^i*«**~ ratmn m DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE CITY OF NEW YORK THE Manual Training Schedule SUGGESTED EXERCISES IN DRAWING CONSTRUCTIVE WORK AND DESIGN FOR ALL GRADES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX NEW YORK CITY WILLIAM H. MAXWELL, City Superintendent JAMES P. HANEY, Director of Manual Training NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, 500 PARK AVE. PRIMARY OBJECT DRAWING- o ^^ ^/. \ /o //. /d'^.-Ll. o ^^ '3 m ^ L^ 6rcic/e //3 ^ n npep[>too^i '^^\£ s.. urcide dO Z^/v/r/c-J/^^T]'^' ^qO f"K i' "'e^^i Mx rC>i 3/oltc7' Coi/er<^ So oh ricnAj J- # *>v ^00/x/cr ^?7i^e/o^& i LO )C _ 1_ -I- _ . r^ /7eec^/e 3ooAj 1 1 6rcic/e 3 A frqjram Coyir CcU7di/^Dox 1/ A«/\l/vt/, \1/ J/ ^<^j/ 9oa/^ Cot/crz^ \J 3oofi. Hdrh. ^ni/e/op c M. "'T' r* ^*N* ""J 1,^ ..^.:^ ^s' For^fo//0 fj7i/e/op^ rrcec/Ic-Qooki Grade, ^G J^. _ _ ^ ^>- _^!^,^ ^ -, 1 ^, /• 7r "iv 7ri^ vl/n ^w^ /^"SV □ ^3S h^cn PfCiurCfrdnii^ orCd/c-Tic/c/r /iau/7^3 ^f^3 no/der Pi77Qc/// l-2*»— 3 -^ \J_^Cdr7di/ Oox /yefme /ytcd/e Qooh Lssued Oct., 1Q02. Suggested Kxercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE I A. Total time per week i8o minutes, to be divided into five periods of appropriate length, for lessons on Drills, Object Drawing, Illustrative Drawing, Color and Design and Constructive Work. For Half Da}^ Classes : the lessons on Object Drawing and Constructive Work are suggested. LINE DRILLS. — A lesson on drills should be given the day before each les- son in Object Drawing. Backward pupils should practice these drills upon the blackboard. Aim to secure in this practice, correct pencil holding:, flexible wrist and free arm movement. For the last five weeks a lesson on plant form drawing should be substituted for the drill lesson. OBJECT DRAWING LESSONS.— One Lesson Each Week. Aim to secure large drawings, centrally placed. Emphasize proper pencil holding: and free arm movement. In plant form drawing aim at true direction of line and Shape of mass. Lise .-.olor where possible. In Object Drawing, use crayon or pencil ; in Plant Form drawing, crayon, chalk, charcoal or brush. 1. Drill on horizontal lines. 4. Straight line object, as window 2. Drill on vertical and horizontal lines. ^, , , . . . 5. Oblong object, as picture frame or 3. Square object, as handkerchief. flag. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. 6. Vegetable or fruit in mass. 7. Triangular object, as ccxrked hat. 8. Triangular object, as pennant. 9. Circular object, as hoop. 10. Circular object, as fan. 11. Splierical object, as ball or orange. 12. Vegetable or fruit in mass. 13. Flat object, as slate or shovel, or Vegetable or fruit in mass. 14. Line Drill : grass strokes. 15. Plant form, as grasses. 16. Grasses in mass or simple leaf in outline. 17. Simple flowers in mass, or large leaf in outline. ILLUSTRATIVE DRAWING.— A lesson each week as appropriate oppor- tunity offers, in connection with language Work (Poems, Stories, etc.). Nature Study (Plants, Animals, Natural Phenomena, etc.). Individual Experiences (Occupations, Games, Holidays, etc.). Aim to secure clear, simple, expressive drawings, telling the story in tlie child's way. Suppress details and develop idea of proportion. Have no copying. LESSONS ON CONSTRUCTION, COLOR .AND DESIGN. Two Lessons Each Week. CONSTRUCTION.— Aim to develop skill and neatness in the making of forms representing familiar objects. . DESIGN. — Aim to secure regularity in spacing:, size and arrangement, in the repetition of simple units, used as decorations on constructed and other forms. COLOR. — Aim to develop reco§:nition of the six standard colors, as they appear apart and in the study of color in nature, design and construction. In the following lessons the exercises are suggested by the seasons, holidays and pupils' interests. Other forms than those indicated may be substituted after consultation with the Special Teacher. Use paper, sticks, raffia or other appropriate material. 1. Spectrum presented; lesson on choice of color. 2. Fold book, or make simple object on desk, as sled or shovel (sticks). 3. Fold sled, or make car, wagon, cabin (sticks or sticks and tab- lets). 4. Color families — connect with colors in fruits, vegetables, and textiles. 5. Fold window with shutters, or make simple object, as dish, stove, broom (sticks and tab- lets). 6. Spectrum laid by relation. Con- nect with colors in fruits, veg- etables and textiles. 7. Fold boat or hat_, or make cart, lad- der or hatchet (sticks and tab- lets). 8. Study of standard color chosen by class. 9. Fold kite, or make railroad or trol- ley car (sticks and tablets). 10. Design — Lay on desk, border of circular tablets. 11. Lay on desk border of square tab- lets. 12. Study color nearest related to color studied 8tli lesson. 13. Lay on desk original borders of tab- lets (any shape). 14. Practice drawing original borders: spots of different shapes. 15- Practice drawing original borders: spots or short lines. 1 6. Fold form, as Easter card or cnvel- 0|>c and decorate (original bor^- der of spots or linc^V 17. Study standard color nearest re- lated to color studied 12th lesson. ift. Fold form, as umbrella or seed box, or Make rake, shovel, etc. (sticks and tablets). Ill I'rarticc drawing borders of lines r spots froni dictation and copy. 20. Practice drawing oricin.nl borders, lines or spots. 21. Make and decorate form, as picture frame or booklet for pictures (original Ixirder, lines or spots). 22. Study standard color nearest re- lated to color studied 17th les- son. 23. Free cutting or tearing: practice cutting or tearing straight or curved lines, or Fold tent. 24. Free cutting or tearincr: fringe for May pole or cut or tear, tree or leaf or boat, or Fold fonii, as wall pocket. 25. Free cutting or tearing: leaves or vegetable form, or Fold flower basket. 26. Make form, as chains for May pole, or Free cutting or tearing: basket, boat, etc., or Fold tent. 2~. Study slaiulard color nearest re- lated to color studied 22d lesson. jS l'"rcc cutting or tearing; leaf, liird fontj, etc., or I'old boat with sail. JO. Make lorni f<> W Cc/rcl toM for \/ ,'Qy f-f,r Jcichc/: 3c/^ /^ Cdnc/y Dox V-'^YK Ocichc/r Oaq ' '[ ' ' L ' ro/dfor aa;/ li T\ ffn vc /Opc /"o /c / for rnt/c/o pt Cd}>dk J//cA 1 II II //// ■■■■ ccccc iJLfJLf^ /////= ^ = .ir^^r^_^^ #'" m^m^^^^^^^ IssiseO Oct.. tgoz. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE IB. Total time per week i8o minutes, to be divided into five periods of appropriate length, for lessons on Drills, Object Drawing, Illustrative Drawing-, Color and Design and Constructive Work. For Half Day Classes : the lessons in Object Drawing and Constructive Work are suggested. LINE DRILLS. — A lesson on drills should be given the day before each lesson in Object Drawing. Backward pupils should practice these drills upon the blackboard. Aim to secure in this practice, correct pencil holding:, flexible wrist and free arm movement. For the last five weeks a lesson on plant form drawing should be substituted for the drill lesson. OBJECT DRAWING LESSONS.— One Lesson Each Week. Aim to secure larg^e drawings centrally placed. Emphasize proper pencil holding: and free arm movement. In plant form drawing aim at true direction of line and Shape of mass. Use color where possible. In Object Drawing, use crayon or pencil; in Plant Form drawing, crayon, chalk, charcoal or brush. 1. Drill on straight lines. 3. Oblong object, as flag with diag- onals. 2. Square object, as handkerchief. 4. Oblong object, as envelope. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. 5- Oblong object, as storm flag, with ball. 6. Triangular object, as pennant, with ball, or \'...r.>f it.i.- .,r fruit f. >nn in mass. 7. |-i.it <>i»jr»t, .IS uuiinond-shapcfi kite, or Vegetable or fruit form in mass. 8.9. Circular object, as hoop, plate, fan. 10. Semi-circular object, as fan, or Wgetable or fruit in mass. 1 1. Flat object, with handle, as beach or other shovel, or numeral frame. 12. Flat object, as square storm flag, with square in the center. 13. Plant form, as grasses, or vegetable in mass. 14. Plant form, as grasses, in mass, or simple leaf in outline. 15. Plant form, as grasses, in mass, or simple leaf in outline. 16. 17. Grasses, or simple flower in mass, or leaf in outline. ILLl'STRATIVE DRAW IX G. — A lesson each week as appropriate oppor- tunity ofTcrs, in connection with Language Work (Poems, Stories, etc.), Nature Study (Plants, Animals. Natural Phenomena, ctc.V Tmlivirlual Experiences (Occupations, Games, Holidays, etc.). Aim to secure clcnr, simple, expressive drawings, telling the story in the child's way. Suppress details and develop idea of action and proportion. Have no copying. LESSONS IN CONSTRUCTION, COLOR AND DESIGN. Two Lessons Each Week. CONSTRUCTION.— Aim to develop Skill and neatness in the making of forms representing famiHar objects. DESIGN. — In the decoration of constructed and otlier forms aim to secure regularity in spacing: and arrangement of simple units, showing alternation of position, form or size. COLOR. — Aim to develop recognition of the six standard colors, as they appear apart, and in the study of color in nature, design and construction. In the following lessons the exercises are suggested by the seasons, holidays and pupils' interests. Other forms than those indicated may be substituted after consultation with the Special Teacher. Use paper, sticks, raffia or other appropriate material. 1. Lay on desk_, dictated and original 7. Matching red and orange in fruits, borders : two kinds of tablets. vegetables or textiles. 2. Practice drawing original borders : 8. Fold card basket, or make kite, or spots of different shapes, or lines Free cutting : kite, top, etc. ^ ■ 9. Practice drawing original borders 3. Make form^ as valentine, and deco- (lines and spots). rate (original^ border spots and ^^ p^^^^j^^ ^^^^^.^^ ^^.^.^^^ ^^^^^^^ (units showing combinations of 4. Lay spectrum (12 or 18 colors). two elements). 5. Fold window or hat, or n. Fold and decorate form, as envel- Free cutting : straight and curved ope for weather record or for lines. pictures (original border, lines , ^ , , . . and spots), o. rold picture frame^ or Free cutting : hatchet, hat, gun, 12. Fold crown or windmill, or drum, etc. Free cutting : fruit or vegetable. 13. Review yellow and green in nature 24. Decorate form made 22nd lesson and textiles. (original borders, lines and 14. Practice drawing original single units (combinations of two ele- ^5. I-oUl handkerchief case, or make ments— lines or spots) and prac- chicken coop or make May ticc borders wreaths, or 15. Practice original iH.r.uT- i luus .m-i Free cutting: leaves, tree, basket, spots). etc. n.. Fold and .R.-i.... .,uu,. ..> i.i>tcr ^^-^ F,,U1 table, chair or flower basket, or card, booklet, or i-nvelnpr f„ritr- p^cc cutting: tree, house, etc. inal border). 27. Matching colors in textiles or nat- 17. Fold tent or barn, or ural forms. Free cutting: fruit or vegetable. 18. Fold square tent, or umbrella, or ^8. Make form as picture mount, or fan. Free cutting: umbrella or l)oot. ,,^ Practice original units (two ele- ^"^' *^*'' ments— lines and spots). 19. Fold wall pocket No. i or seed box, or Free cutting: animal form, or vegetable or fruit. 3i- Decorate form made 28th lesson: 2«). Review blue and violet in nature and original border. textiles. 22. I-old sofa or make flag, or -;i. 1 old wall iHH.kct, or Free cutting: animal form, flow- Free cutting: rake, shovel, etc. cr, leaf, etc. Like form to be decorated, as book- i^. T'old hanging basket, or lot f.-r pl.ttirt-v Free cutting: animal form, ac- .. 1 r I 1 t'on figure, etc. null •iiLjiii.ii iHiKitTs (^imes and ** spots) for decon.ii.m f.T t-,,mi 34. Matching colors in flowers, leaves, made 22nd lesson etc. 30. Practice original borders, lines and spots. PRIMARY PAPER FOLDING-GRADE iB s \ 'v •» "^ » ' : * » ' ~ w " I — — ^ >»^_ ^ /h/a' W /Y//7(/on^ h//nc/oi^ /^a^/rc /fd/nc CcJrc/ Qc/jAcir /^o/c/ Aor Jc//'A^r/^ Oc///6oof \ 1 X 1 • \ N 1 • / 1 ^ ■ / \ / 1 V -1 — -^^ •^ -:-,¥, ^ — I — i^ /l?/c/ /or C/ni^rc//ci /o/c/ for fY/n c/in/// H/a meters cinc/ ZT'^AV ^ iJcractrc Ten I i| |l /^/c/ore /r.i'mc 3ooA/VarA fo/dj /or /?i,}fr Sc/jhe/- w fru/f^cij/c/ h'd// /ocAct /YoJ Occ /o/' /or Vent \1 KYd// rochd /yo-^ /7a/?o'Acr(:,//c/ V C//cAen Coop 1 1 1 . 1 C V ,<^ V - ' V V ^ , Od//hoc;t (Jcc h/d for A7an_^/;/aDaj/^cc /ru/t Ddjnt Oct /o/d/orJcnl' TctSk lI Ao/c/^ for Chd/r ^/k y\\/\ 1/ Z7r,. ^. etc- 16. Make fomj as Easier card, and decorate, or Make sofa, or Free cutting: bird, rabbit, bas- ket, etc. ■ form as Ik»x for seeds, or . rce cutting: vri^t-f.-ihlc. fruit. animal form. 18. Make table or basket, or Free cutting : fish or turtle, etc. 19. Shades of six standard colors. 20. Make standing picture mount, or booklet or other form to be dec- orated. J I rr.Ktice design for constructed rm : original rosettes, or bal- anced or corner units. 22. Practice design for coiistructccl form. 2^. Decorate form constructed 20th les- son (original rosette, or balanced or comer units). 24. Make form, as tent, or Free cutting : suggested by picture, or by Spring games. 25. Make fofv '^ <:\i\ boat, or row boat. or Free cutting: animal form, or n.-»i.iti »i 26. Lay scales of one or more standard colors, with tints and shades. 2y. Make form as lunch basket, or Free cutting: suggested by games. 28. Make form as chicken coop, or Free cutting: suggested by pic- ture, or by reading lesson. (Four alternative exercises in con- struction are now offered. The folds and cuts may be made according to di- rection, or the pupils may be alloved to make original fort-^s f-om or-ginal foldings.) 29. Make form to be decorated, as fan, or match box, or Make original "form. 30. Practice design for constructed form (original balanced units), or Make origiunl form. 31. Practice design for constructed form, or Make original form. 32. Decorate constructed form : origi- nal balanced units, or Make original form. 33. Make form, as bridge, or Free cutting: suggested by story or coming holiday. 34. Matching tints and shades in natu- ral forms. PRIMARY CONSTRUCTIVE WORK-GRADE 2A — I — _ X ,--t-^ X ' 1 ■ ' 1 1 1 i 1 ' i ■-^11" ?m mm< 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -1 ,-- 1 1 X X , --r 1 ' K X X^ x1^ '0/7 r/c/^. ^'^^!^J—K^^ CoUC/1 /)cJfAcf^cUACi, EL 1 V T 1 XI X ' X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X X X X J.LJ.-LL 1 1 ■ ; : 1 ' 1 1 1 '. ' A7dtcA Jtr/Mc V DooA //arA rr Li /%rAc: Dc/jAc/ UIUIUI _-,_-. n ; n; u Dc/rn //f//<:/^ • /^^^ ,-1 ^ TT? C/?a/r \\ ^. /ecorai. .. ..^iructed form (origi- nal rosette or balancctl unit or border). 24. 25. Make cradle, church or bird house. (Four alternative exercises are now offereil in construction. The folds and cuts in these four lessons may be made according to direction, or the pupils may be allowed to make original forms from original foldings ' 26, 27. Make wheellwri'w mi tvi'ii:>^ wagon, or Make original form (2 pieces of paper). 28. 20. Make bootblack stand or car- riage, or Make original form (2 pieces of paper) . 30. Matching colors, tints and shades, in leaves and flowers. 31, 32. Make form to be decorated, as picture mount. 33. Practice design for constructed form (original rosette or bal- anced or corner units). 34. Decorate form constructed 32d les- son. LESSONS FOR GIRLS.— One Lesson Each Week. 1. Review stanc r//rtc/?n//i UHmi inrnu .!_ i.'il. 1 1 1 ^ \ ^ 1 , 1 , '1 1 ' Doot bhch Jtdnd 1 t 1 --r-f-t- X mm 'ill Copy 3 CO h Coyer ^r^/o//o » ^1 If > 1 1 ^ 1 _ i . i.:^ _ _ ,_ _ I- _ /T^r/r -?' «>f^ ^1^ ^•^ ^f- >> -^K^ ^> >!^ ^l-i i!« 1 1 ' 1 -- -- 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ i 1 1 - - r - 1 1 ' 1 " ' 1 ■ I X 1 ^ » 1 1 1 ^ ' — 1 r— ' . _ _ 1 \ ■-■ -- - ' 1 — 1 1" 1 ■'' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - -1 — 1 X 1 » " 1 -> 1 Jofd i[Z] /3 i/rCrlli Q/knddr .'^ojjjii Issued Oct.. 1902. Carncigc tni/c/ son. 10. Practice original rosettes or bal- anced units for design for con- structed form. 11. Mix yellow and orange or yellow and g^een to make intermedi- ates. Practice flat washes of colors made. 12. Paint design on form completed 9th lesson. Use any intermediate. 13. Draw pattern for useful form, as picture frame or work box, or Practice design for form, as needle book or pin ball. 14. Complete picture frame, or Practice design for work box or for needle book or pin ball (original rosettes, balanced or corner units). 15. Practice design for picture frame (original corner units), or Paint design on work box, pin ball or needle book. ^Cy Mix green and blue and blue and violet to make intermediates. Practice flat washes, or Practice units for design for program cover. 17. Paint design on picture frame, or Complete work box, or Paint design on program cover. PRIMARY CONSTRUCTIVE WORK— GRADh ^,a SooAtt f r 1 1 1 ky^ -r J_ - a V y4 r "^i /^ ^ ^ y-)f- ir-^^ y^ Hcitch JCrfhej Copi/ 3(?o/\ Coiner /^ort^o//o lyca/hcr nccorrl PorthZ/o / 'V ■ \, ^ • / ^ / \ \ v'N' / \_ 2- -t 2-^ ?" J tni/c/opt C&Jt s 1 ^ < 1 1 L — J /^dncrn for /7am e Jjt »f t Mf W M Ji^fi ^11 iji )!^^ ,V jT iir ,v i? V»^ ^" ^;^ V ^i *> !'::'::»! xX)i^ 5;^ >$ 5^ 53 n" ** * ** ^^^^\^^^ Issued Oct., 1902. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 3B. Total time per week i8o minutes, to be divided into four periods of appro- priate length, for lessons on Object Drawing, Illustrative Drawing, Color and De- sign and Constructive Work. OBJECT DRAWING LESSONS.— Boys and Girls.— One Lesson Each Week. Aim to secure in drawings of gOOd Size and placing;, the representation of the circle, triangle and square, in objects seen at difiFerent levels below the eye (circle also above eye). ; Careful study of proportions of each solid, especially the comparative pro- portions of top and front face. JudgfC apparent slant of edges by comparing them with pencil held liorizontally. Indicate table line. Use individual models wherever possible. In plant form drawings aim to secure expression of life and growth. A short drill on lines, for correct pencil holding and free arm movement, should precede each lesson on Object Drawing. 1. Cylinder below eye. below eye. Practice in sketch- ing appearance. Disc may be 2. Cylindrical object, below eye, as used as an aid in studying ap- can, jar, tumbler. pearance of top of solid. 3. Cylindrical object, below eye, as . , , n ^ 1 ^xi 8. Square prism, or pencn box, hor- flower pot, or bottle. ^. \ , r • ,1 izontal and facmg, below eye. 4. Hemisphere, or hemispherical ob- ject, below eye, as bowl or basin. 9. Triangular prism, edge front, be- low eye. 5. Cylindrical object, above eye, as tin pail. 10. Study of top of square prism, edge 6. Cylindrical object above eye, or front, at different levels below ygo-etable. ^y^- Practice in sketching ap- pearance. Disc may be used as 7. Study top of square prism, horizon- an aid in studying appearance of tal and facing, at different levels top of solid. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. 11. Square prism, or familiar object 14- Large simple or lobed leaf. like square prism, vertical, edge ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ front, below eye. 16. Spray of two simple leaves, or 12. Cube or familiar cubical object. flower in mass. r,\tTi- fr. iiif Im'Iow eye. 17. Spray of two simple leaves, or ij. «..r.t^>. . r i.irgc- M.nple leaf. fl""'^'' ''i mass. ILLUSTRATIVE DRAWING.— Boys and Girls. Aim to secure Clear expressive drawings with the story told by each pupil in IlKiiTidaul manner. Develop power of expressing distance. The emphasis should be priin.irilv on tmtll and vividness of drawing, rather than upon pictorial compo- sition. Prn.-ti.r r.M firm. lit s may be given, but no illustration is to be copied. .•'\ ic>»"ti i-.irii WICK, .IS appropriate opfX)rtunity offers, in connection with Lan- guage Work (Poems, Myths, Stories, etc.). Nature Study (Plants, Animals, Nat- ural Plienomcna, etc.). History (Indian, Pilgrim, Biographical Stories), Individual Experiences (Occupations, Games, Holidays, etc.). Tlic following lessons in water color or colored chalk are suggested as alterna- tives for the illustrative work of the last five lessons. 13. Grasses. 14. Vegetable with leaves. 15. Vegetable or spray of leaves. 16. Flower or spray of leaves. 17. Flower or spray of leaves. CONSTRUCTION, COLOR AND DESIGN. CONSTRUCTION. — In making forms rising from tlie child's needs and interests aim to secure dexterity in handling and accuracy in measurement. Knowledge of the reasons for each step taken should be developed, that the pupil may be prepared to use such knowledge in the making of original forms. DEISIGN. — In the decoration of constructed and other forms aim to secure original units showing both simplicity and variety in repetition, alternation and radiation. Use few elements anr con^iructcd ilanccd units or _;. Make intermediates with brush. Practice flat washes of color, 28. Paint design on constructed form. Use any intermediate. 29, 30, Draw pattern and cut useful form, as pencil box or desk waste basket. 31,32. Practice design for form drawn and cut. 33. Paint design on form cut 30th les- son. 34. Complete form of 30th lesson. FOR GIRLS' CLASSES.— One Lesson Each Week, 1. Draw pattern for useful form, as copy book cover or portfolio for weather record or for pictures. -• ' omplcle f'"-"' Jr.,.,, np,l (^,,f ,^t lesson. 3. Practice brush blots and original units of lines anfl blots. ' 'ractice original rosettes for center of /orm, made 2d lesson. 5. Practice original corner units for decoration of form completed 2d lesson. 6. Make intermediates with brush. Practice flat washes of colors made. 7. Paint design on constructed form : central rosette and corner units. Use any intermediate, iw pattern for useful form, as envelope holder, picture frame, ICaster card, etc. '' te form drawn and cut 8th ■n. 10. Practice original 'balanced units or •es, for design for form com- 11. Matching tints of standards wath brush. Practice flat washes of colors made. 12. Paint design on constructed form. T^nminant liarmnny. 13. Draw pattern for useful form, as workbox, or Practice design for needle book or pin ball : original rosettes or balanced units, ) 4. Complete pattern for w orkbox, or Continue w^ith practice for design for pin ball or needle book. 15. Practice design for workbox: orig- inal rosettes or balanced units, or Paint design on pin ball, or needle book, 16. Paint design on workbox, or Practice design for program cover: original rosettes or bal- anced or corner units. 1 7. Complete workbox, or Paint design on program cover. PRIMARY CONSTRUCTIVE WORK-GRADE )B riciaon l/'g/it /uiu.)c Sr/c/oc «l « i I « V -•- • ^'^ —"• ! I '* ■ /ix ^r////lete fonn mnimenccd 4th les- I'll 1 i I V. ,l>ot- 7. Uraw aiira\v cylindrical object, above eye, as Japanese lantern. .;. Decorative arrangement: free spot- ting for design for constructed fonn. 10. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Unexpected Meeting"— Peel. 11. Trace decorative arrangement. 12. Hemisphere or hemispherical oMoct. as half apple, below eye . 13. Practice jwinting flat washes of graved cqcJ^/o,y /or or/dfna/ //cU'rc/yoi/zil' ^ticA 0/ Hou/rt f Ji/qgcj/zdr? for fc/^/(rn for flaunt or/g/ndf ficfur^ /lour/t DdcA of rfounf -^- Mc f^c/L'cni for Do/? ban Bon Juaquf/onj for or;^z//c// So/?hon /%'A ^Orffof/O f?//Mrn fornn60JC/c Ji'/Ocrej^'onfororoynr/ffor/fof/c , ,, a i, ^^ of f^or/fof^a ^___ -o. Issued Oct., ,002 Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 4B. BOYS. Total time per week i8o minutes, to be divided into three periods, one for Object Drawing and two for Construction and Design. OBJECT DRAWING.— One Lesson Each Week. Aim to secure in drawings of good size and placing the representation of the foreshortened circle, triangle and square, as these appear in objects seen at dififerent levels below the eye (circle also above eye). Require careful Study of proportions of each solid, especially the comparative proportions of top and front face. Direction of lines should be tested by pencil holding. Use individual models wherever possible. Tn plant form and other object drawing seek quality of line expressive of texture. Use of accented line should be taught. I. Draw appearance of top of cylinder, lo. Draw appearance of top of square at different levels, below eye, or Picture Study : "Arabs"— Schreyer. 2. Cylinder or cylindrical object, below eye. 3. Cylindrical object, as flower pot, or wooden measure, below eye. 4. Cylindrical object, as pail or lantern, above eve. prism, edge front, at dififerent levels, below eye. 11. Square prism, edge front, below eye. 12. Cube, edge front, below eye. 13. Cube, or square prism, edge front, below eye, or Picture Study: "The Young Handel" — Dicksie. 5. Review pail or lantern, or Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "James, Duke of Richmond" — Van Dyke. 6. Draw appearance of top of cube or i5- Draw large leaf, or 14. Draw grasses, show growth, or Paint vegetable with leaves, in water color. square prism, horizontal and fac- ing, at different levels, below eye. 7. Cube, or square prism, horizontal and facing, below eye. 8. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "At the Water- ing Trough" — Bouveret. 9. Triangular prism, edge front, below eye. Issued Feb. 1903. Paint simple spray in water color. 16. Draw large leaf, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 17. Draw large leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study: "Madame Le Brun and Daughter"— Le Brun. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. rONSTRUCTION AND APPLIED DESIGN.— Two Lessons Eacli Week. C'OXSTRUCTION.— In making forms rising from tlie chikl's needs and interests, aim to secure dexterity in handling and accuracy in measurement. Knowledge of the reasons for the operations taught should be developed, that the child may be prepared to make use of his acquired skill in the construction of oriffinal forms. It is recommended that the pupils be encouraged to make at home Original forms, sh«)\ving modifications of the forms made in the class room, or new models, suggested by other lessons or by home interests. For constructive work, use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, book linen, strawlxiard, or other available material. DESIGN. — Aim to develop appreciation of beauty in form anauiUii.L; lial washes of grayed colors illustrated on col- or chart. Practice also painting units for design. 13. Paint decorative arrangement. Dominant or contrasted har- mony. 14. Cul)e or square prism, horizontal and facing, below eye. 15. Original modifications of geometric unit, for design for handker- chief case, pencil case or pin cushion cover, or Draw and cut pattern for pic- ture frame or work box. 16. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "At the Water- ing Trough" — Bouveret. 17. Continue with unit for design for handkerchief case, etc., or Modify geometric unit for work box. 18. Draw triangular prism, edge front, below eye. 19. Trace design on cloth, or Make original modifications of geometric unit for picture frame, or Complete unit for work bo.\ and trace. 20. Draw appearance of top of square prism, edge front, at difFcront levels, below eye. 21. Practice painting for design on cloth, or Trace design on picture frame, or Practice painting for work bo.x desig^. 22. Paint design on cloth or on work box. Dominant harmony, or Practice painting for picture frame. J3. Draw square prism, edge front, be- low eye. 24. Draw and cut pattern for portfolio, or picture frame, or Complete work box or Paint design on picture frame. 25. Complete form commenced 24th lesson, or Original modifications of geo- metric unit for design for pin ball or needle book. 26. Draw cube, edge front, below eye. 27. Original modifications of geomet- ric unit for form completed 28th lesson, or Continue design for pin ball or needle book. 28. Draw cube or square prism, edge front, below eye, or Picture Study: "The Young Handel" — Dicksie. 29. Complete unit for form finished 25th lesson and trace design, or Trace design on pin ball or needle book. 30. Draw large leaf, or Paint simple spray in water color. 31. Paint designs, contrasted or domi- nant harmony. 32. Draw large leaf, or Paint simple spray or flower in water color. 33. Draw large leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or llower in water color. 34. Draw large leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or flower, or Picture Study : "Madame Le Brun and Daughter" — Le Brun. GRAMMAR CONSTRUCTIVE WORK— GRADE 4B LeUcf ^o/c/cr Gb 3 .^ r\ .^ii^QCJt/onj tor d // on a/ net/ Ic/ic r tToTcTcr (i^ rtd \ t\ 1 I ffott Qooh or Copy Booix Coi/er. Juaqcjt/on /^or c//? or/j//?c// //otc or Copy doohCotfr Cdrd cdJC ^/a/}?d/ nhj/er/xue or/c rdUi^rn f-or r/cli'/rc /rrir77e-. JuQ^cjtionj/ orong/nd/ /f ctmc. f^'^f^^^ i::.L:A:i:i7^ r0rl/0//0. (Cohere o^j I I le/-^er/J'/& Inj/c/e of rorl/o/^O ^//O^ElTvaTrTol rorfh/zo a hr Por//-o//'0 ■pocAc/' □ Juj^(ij/'/on 'A rd/icrn.l tor later ff/C c Cdkncldr ar/i2/'?d/ Cd/cr? ctdrt^ou nt floi/nt ^ rocttctDoot\ llllf 5 •a Jii^Q'cjt/on tvror/y/nd/ /^acA£:tr t3oot\ I>sued Oct , iqo2. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and JDesign. GRADE 5A. BOYS. Total time per week i8o minutes, to be divided into three periods, one for Ob- ject Drawing and two for Construction and Applied Design. OBJECT DRAWING.— One Lesson Each Week. Aim to secure in drawings of gOOd size and placing the representation of the foreshortened circle and square as these appear in objects seen at different levels below the eye (circle also above eye). Require careful Study of relative size and position of o])jects in simple groups. Tests of direction should be made by pencil holding:. Use individual models wherever possible. In plant form and other object drawing seek quality of line to express tex ture. Use of accented line should be taught. 1. Cylinder below eye, or Picture Study: "Dignity and Impudence" — Landseer. 2. Cylindrical object, below eye, as wooden measure or pail. 3. Cylindrical object, above eye, as tin pail. 4. Cylindrical object, above eye, as tin pail or lantern. 5. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: 'Song of the- Lark" — Breton. 6. Sketch group, cyHnder and sphere. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative propor- tions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 7. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete drawing — attention to ren- dering. 8. Sketch group, square prism, edge front, and hemisphere or small water cup. Proceed as in lesson 6. 9. Complete drawing of group. Proceed as in lesson 7. 10. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Washington Crossing the Delaware"— Leutze. 11. Sketch group, jar and hemispheri- cal fruit. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative propor- tions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 12. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete group — attention to render- ing. 13. Draw group, bottle or bowl and vegetable, or Picture Study: "Return to the Farm" — Troy on. 14. Practice blocking in large leaf, or Paint vegetable with leaves, in water color. 15. Blocking in large leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in wa- ter color. 16. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 17. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study: "Queen Louise and Her Sons" — Steffeck, Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. CONSTRUCTION AND APPLIED DESIGN.— Two Lessons Each Week. i . .\>TRUCTION.— In making forms rising from the child's needs and interests! aim to secure dexterity in handhng and accuracy in measurement. Knowlciige of the reasons for the operations taught should be developed, that the child may be prepared to make u-- <'f hi'; .-icquircd skill in the construction of orlj^lnal forms. It is recommended that the pupils be encouraged to make at home original forms, showing modifications of the forms made in the class room, or new models, suggcsle«l by other lessons or by home interests. For constructive work, use oak tag, lx)gus or cartridge paper, gingham, straw- board or other available material. I)i:SlGN.--.\im to tlevelop appreciation of beauty of form and line, in mak- ing original units, designed as decorations for constructed and other forms. Emphasize simplicity. COLOR.— .\im to secure harmonious or of standard or intermediate colors with iant colors. I. 2, 3. Class Model. — Folding pic- ture frame, pocket h<><>k. pencil case or portfolio. 4. 5. ^. 7- Original form for folding picture frame, pocket book, pen- cil case or portfolio. 8. Draw and cut unit for free spotting. 9. Decorative arrangement: free spot- ting, for design for constructed fonn. lo. Trace decorative arrangement on constructed form. combinations of tones of the same color, a neutral. Avoid combinations of brill- 11. Practice painting flat washes of grayed colors, illustrated on col- or chart. Practice also, paint- ing units for design. 12. Paint design on constructed form. Dominant harmony. 13. 14. 15. Class Model.— Cash box, spool box, pencil box, glove box, necktie box. 10. 17. Draw pattern for original form of box. 18. Original design. — Interlacing SMuares or oblongs to form tile pattern for decoration of box top. 19. Complete tile design. 20. Trace tile design on constructed form. 21. Practice painting tile design in grayed colors. 22. Paint tile design. Dominant har- mony. 2^. Complete box. 24, 25. 26. Class Model. — Match box, flower pot holder, or work bas- ket, or Fold and sew together, leaves for book. 2j, 28. Draw original pattern for form completed 26th lesson, or Complete book. 29. Draw a good example of Greek lily from copy. 30. Original modifications of lily form, for design for original construct- ed form, or for book. 31. Complete unit for design. 32. Trace design on original construct- ed form. 33. Paint design on constructed form. 34. Complete form. GIRLS. Time per week 120 minutes to be divided into two periods, for lessons on Object Drawing and Applied Design. For constructed forms use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim or other available material. OBJECT DRAWING. — Aim to secure in drawings of good size and placing the representation of the foreshortened circle, and square as these appear in objects seen at different levels below the eye (circle also above eye). Rccjuirc careful Study of relative size and position of objects in simple groups. Tests of direction should be made by pencil holding. Use individual models wherever possible. In plant form and other object drawing seek quality of line to express tex- ture. Use of accented line should be taught. DESIGN.- -Aim to develop appreciation of beauty of form and line in original units designed as decorations for constructed and other forms. Emphasize Simplicity. COLOR. — Aim to secure harmonious combinations of tones of the same color, or of standard or intermediate colors with a neutral. Avoid combinations of brill- iant colors. 1. Draw cylinder below eye, or Picture Study : "Dignity and Impudence" — Landseer. 2. Draw and cut pattern for useful form, as letter holder or port- folio. 3. Draw cylindrical object, as wooden measure or pail, below eye. 4. Complete pattern commenced 2d lesson. 5. Draw cylindrical object, above eye, as tin pail. 6. Draw and cut units for free spot- ting. 7. Draw cylindrical object, above eye, as pail or lantern. 8. Decorative arrangement : free spot- ting for design for constructed form. 9. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Song of the Lark"— Breton. 10. Trace decorative arrangement on form drawn and cut 4th lesson. 11. Sketch group, cylinder and sphere. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative proportions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 12. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete drawing — attention to ren- dering. 13. Practice painting flat washes of grayed colors, illustrated on col- or chart. Practice also painting units for design. 14. Paint decorative arrangement. Con- trasted or dominant harmony. 15. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Washington Crossing the Delaware" — Leutze. 1 6. Complete constructed form. 17. Sketch group. s(iuarc prism, edge front, antl water cup or hemi- sphere. Proceed as in lesson 11. 18. Complete drawing of group. I'roceed as in lesson 12. II) Drsign for handkt-rchief case, doily, cushion cover, table mat. Draw a good example of Greek lily from copy, or Draw pattern for flower pot holder, picture frame, or work l)asket. 20. Original mcKlihcation of lily form, for design on cloth, or complete picture frame or Design for flower pot holder or work basket : Draw a good ex- ample of Greek lily from copy. ji. Draw group, jar and hemispherical fruit. 22. Complcti- unit for design on cloth, or Design for picture frame : Draw a good example of Greek lily from copy, or Original moclification of lily form, for design for flower pot holder or work basket. 23. Draw group, bottle or bowl and vegetable, or Picture Study: 'Return to the Farm" — Troyon. 24. Trace design on cloth, or Make original modification of lily form, for picture frame, or Complete unit for design for flower pot holder or work basket. 25. Paint design on cloth, or Complete unit for picture frame, or Trace design on flower pot hold- er or work basket. 26. Draw pattern for pencil case or picture frame, or Trace design on picture frame, or Paint design on flower pot hold- er, or work basket. 27. Practice blocking in large leaf, or I'aint vegetable witli leaves, in water color. 28. Complete form commenced 26th lesson, or Paint design on picture frame, or Complete flower pot holder, or work basket. 29. Blocking in large leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in wa- ter color. 30. Original modifications of lily form, for form completed 28th lesson, or for Design for whisk broom holder, table mat or doily. 31. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint simple spray or flower in water color. 32. Trace design on constructed form, or on whisk broom holder, table mat or doily. ^2- Paint design on constructed form, or on whisk broom holder, etc. 34. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint simple spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study: "Oueen Louise and Pier Sons"— Stefifeck. GRAMMAR CONSTRUCTIVE WORK-GRADE sA s V -G- i 6- . J CO -^im i .Aj^h. —M It.i-.*— 3"--'HiVl ^L/g^ejP/c/7r /or Or/qrna/ tbr/Zo/za T- Cash t3ox I — 1_^ •3/*- k. I Ju00e5t/an for Jujaej/'/c/? for ar/y/r?d/Jpuo/dox ^' — n /"^Cnc/I DoX ■r-r— 4" — *i'^i ()i,/qOe^/^/(?J7 for orwim/ / N ^^^ , Ju0^c^//a/7 /oror/j//rcf/ Qoye dc/H 3(i3& \ rforhDo\ y ^11 ^""^^f/"^ Ji,/^oc.>^/(??7foror/^/7?c// fT\ r^"': \4t* /5ajc .J /7:fM aO!( Dooh Juo^ej/'/on for or/ff/r/ril flmer Pot flc/i'dcr j Issued Oct., igo2. MECHANICAL DRAWING-STRUCTURAL DESIGN-GRADES sR-yB ^ StcIcIc J^/J ^^1 rH Grdclt 6 A -i cT r/m^^i- Pnt "'" '-'^'■"^ / (cU oActi/iec/ from inode/) ,, , , . , ^^.■- • 1 I .,'.J f ^ lli.... -'fC i;:-A /f^^/y/rr// r,;jjAc ^c/?c<^ from model) ^^^"^^ ^^ /oJiidk rnoc/if/Cc/ftonj of /Jrdc/^e^ fr?d/7or//x /nh Jtand J.L thjj/d/c moc/if/cci//Vjnj of //7/\ J/c//?c/ 'i; I' I z7^/ (a J J /latched , from modeh CtcicIc 7 a r- dz- z- -_-_■: fOjj/S/6 3Tt:: i;.i:i:; I I I I Grade -/D j ' z?//^ g r /7o/c/e r ('/rom~rnoc/e^ Fhji/bk inod/f/CcflfOni of fc/DC-r r/o/dcr Issued Oct., 1902. APPLIED DESIGN-GRADES ^B-yB Issued October, 1902 Dept. Educ, X. Y. C. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 5B. BOYS. Total time per week 120 minutes to be divided into two periods of appropriate length, for lessons in Object Drawing, Working Drawing, Structural and Applied Design. WORKING DRAWING. — Develop and emphasize the purpose of working drawings. Aim to secure clear and well placed free hand sketches, followed by accurate mechanical drawings, carefully lettered and dimensioned. Insist on neatness in execution. In STRUCTURAL DESIGN develop law of Fitness to purpose—/, e., that use determines form and material, and that desire for strength and beauty deter- mines proportions. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Working Drawing. — Explanation of their nature a-nd use in gen- eral, and of their use in class work. Position of planes — 3rd angle — and views. Use and character of extension, dimension and cen- ter lines explained. Practice in making free hand working drawings (2 views) of familiar objects, as tumbler, pen- cil box, ink well, etc. Use hard pencils. 2. Working Drawing (free hand) of cylinder on end. Two views, full size. Extension, dimension and center lines. Dimensions marked. 3. Working Drawing (mechanical) of cylinder on end, from free hand working drawing made 2d lesson. Extension, dimen- sion and center lines. Figures on vertical dimensions should be turned to read from bottom of sheet toward the top. 4. Working Drawing (free hand) (Third angle; two views, full size) from model furnished by Shop Instructor, or From Match Box or other mo- del furnished by Special Teach- er. Extension, dimension lines, etc., indicated. Use hard pencils. Study of model to develop prin- ciples of structural design (fit- ness of model to purpose ; beau- ty in proportion, proper relation of parts), with a view toward the making by each pupil of a model showing original dimen- sions. 5. Each pupil will plan within given limitations, original proportions for his model. The diniensions planned may be marked upon the free hand working drawing made last lesson. If necessary a new free hand drawing will be made and dimensioned. 6. Plan original modifications in out- line, of model dimensioned last lesson. Make several sketches. 7. Each pupil will draw full size such part of the model as is modified in outline. This drawing is to be followed in shop or class- room in the construction of the original form.. 8. Working Drawing (mechanical) of original model. Position of drawing on paper to be decided by pupils. Two views lightly drawn, show- ing parts without modified out- line. 9. Make careful drawing of such part of model as is modified in outline. Cut this out and use as template in completing working drawing. Extension, dimension lines, etc. 10. Practice free hand printing and numbering. Print name and title and dimension drawing. Issued Feb. 1903. Uept. of Educalioii, N. Y. C. DRSIGX —In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge of: Balance- equality V'f ^veijjhts or consistency of attractions, Rhythm— continuous or related luovcnicnt. Harmony— consistency or relationship of masses. EniplKiMzi- the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space decorated, and the refinement of the cKinonts of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. II. UnguKil Design. — Sketches of units made of flower parts, for decoration for match hox, or other form to be constructed. 12. Continue with unit for design. 13. Complete unit for design and trace on paper. Make two tracings, one to be painted, the other to be used in tracing the design on constructed form. 14. Practice painting flat washes of grayed colors, suitable for stain- ing wood, as illustrated on color chart. Paint background of design. 15. Practice painting colors showing harmonious relations with back- ground color. Practice painting units for design. 16. Complete painting design. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure in drawings of good size, placing and accent, the representation of foreshortened faces as these appear in objects seen at tlittcrcnt levels below the eye. Require careful study of relative size and posit'on of objects in simple groups. I'^c pencil measurements to t^.■•^t pmporiions. Test direction of retreating edges l)y pencil holding. L'sc individual models wherever possible. In Plant Eorm and other object drawing seek quality of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 17. Object Drawing. — Cylinder, below eye, or Picture Study: "Autumn" — Mauve. 18. Draw cylindrical object, below eye, as flower pot. 19. Draw cylindrical object above eye, as lantern. 20. Test Drawing. — Cylindrical object below or alxjve eye. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. rected. Complete drawing with attention to rendering. 24. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Return of the Mayflower" — Bayes. 25. Draw square prism, edge front. 21. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Boatmen Barcelona" — Baixeras. 22. Sketch gfToup, as bottle and vege- table. Note size and placing; general proportions ; relative propor- tions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. -J ^ umplcte drawing of group sketched 21st lesson. Group placed in position. Errors in proportion and appearance cor- 26. Draw square prism turned at 30" and 60"". 27. Draw square prism, turned at un- equal angles. 28. Sketch group, square prism and water cup, or Cereal box and cup or bowl. q£ Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative propor- tions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 29. Complete drawing of group sketched 28th lesson. Group placed in position. Errors in proportion and appearance cor- rected. Complete drawing with attention to rendering. 30. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Wood and Cat- tle" — F. Bonheur. 31- 32. Plant Form Drawing. — Blocking 33. in large leaf, or Paint vegetable with leaves in water color. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in wa- ter color. 34- Blocking in and drawing large leaf. Attention to rendering, or Paint spray or flower in water color. Draw leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study : " St. Cecelia" — Raphael. GIRLS. Time per week 120 minutes, to be divided into two periods, for lessons in Con- struction, Applied Design and Object Drawing. For constructive work use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim, straw board or other available material. Two Lessons Each Week. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge : of Balance- equality of weights or consistency of attractions. Rhythm — continuous or related movement. Harmony — consistency or relationship of masses. Emphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space decorated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. 1. Design for head rest, tea cozy, book bag or pin cushion cover. Make sketches of unit composed of flower parts, or Draw pattern for photo folder, folding picture frame, or port- folio. 2. Continue with unit for design on cloth, or Complete pattern for constructed form. 3. Complete unit for design on cloth, or Complete constructed form. 4. Trace design on cloth, or Make original sketches of unit composed of flower parts for de- sign for form made 3rd lesson. 5. Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth, or Continue sketches for unit for design for constructed form. 6. Complete painting design on cloth, or Complete unit for design and trace on form made 3rd lesson. 7. Draw pattern for portfolio, photo folder, folding picture frame, or Paint design traced 6th lesson. for con- 8. Continue with pattern structed form, or Make sketches composed of flower parts for design for whisk broom holder, pencil case, needle book, head rest, book bag, etc. 9. Complete form drawn and cut 8th lesson, or Continue with unit for design for whisk broom holder, pencil case, etc. 10. Design for constructed form. Original sketches for unit com- posed of flower parts, or Complete unit for design for whisk broom holder, etc., and trace. 11. Complete unit for design for form made 9th lesson, or Practice painting units for de- sign for whisk broom holder, etc. 12. Paint designs. OB TECT DRAWING— Aim to secure in drawings of gOOd Size, placing: and accent, the representation of foreshortened faces as these appear in objects seen at different levels below eye. Require careful Study of relative size and position of objects in simple groups. I'sc rencil measurements to test proportions. Test direction of retreating edges by pencil holdinf. I'se individual models wherever possible. In Plant Form and other object drawing seek quality of line expressive of te.xture. Two Lessons Each Week. 13. Draw cylinder below eye, or Picture Study: "Autumn" — Mauve. 14. Draw cylindrical object, below eye, as flower pot. 15. Draw cylindrical object, above eye, as lantern. i(». Test Drawing. — Cylindrical object below or above eye. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. 17. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Boatmen of Barcelona" — Baixeras. 18. Sketch group, as bottle and vegeta- ble or jar and water cup. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative propor- tions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 19. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appear- ance corrected. Complete draw- ing — attention to rendering. 20. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Return of the Mayflower" — Bayes. 21. Draw square prism, edge front. 22. Draw square prism, turned at 30^ and 60*'. 23. Draw square prism, turned at un- equal angles. 24. Sketch group, square prism and water cup, or Cereal box and cup or bowl. Note size and placing. General proportions of group, relative proportions and pos.tion of ob- jects. Sketch whole group lightly. 25. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Complete drawing — attention to rendering, or Picture Study : "Wood and Cat- tle" — P. Bonlieur. 26. Blocking in large leaf, or Paint vegetable with leaves in water color. 27. Blocking in and drawing large leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 28. Blocking in and drawing large leaf. Attention to rendering, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 29. Draw leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study: "St Cecelia"— Raphael. DESIGN. — Decorative Arrangement. 30. Make note book cover, library list cover or portfolio. 31. Decorative arrangement, for design for form made 30th lesson. Free spotting, flower forms or ar- rangement of sprav. 32. Complete decorative arrangement. 33. Trace decorative arrangement. 34. Practice painting and paint design. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 6A. BOYS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appropriate length for lessons in Working Drawing, Structural and Applied Design and Object Drawing. WORKING DRAWING.— Develop and emphasize the purpose of working drawings. Aim to secure Clear and well placed free hand sketches, followed by accurate mechanical drawings, carefully lettered and dimensioned. Insist on neatness in execution. DESIGN.— In STRUCTURAL DESIGN develop law of Fitness to purpose— i. e., that use determines form and material, and that desire for strength and beauty determines proportions. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Teach use of drawing board. Prac- tice exercises in ruling horizon- tal, vertical and oblique lines with T square and triangle. 2. Working Drawing (free hand)— Pencil tray. Two views, full size. Extension, dimension center lines indicated and dimensions marked. 3. Practice free hand printing and numbering. 4. Working Drawing (mechanical) — Pencil tray, from sketches made 2d lesson. Extension dimension lines, etc., indicated. Print name and title. Vertical dimensions should be turned to read from bottom of page toward the top. 5. Working Drawing (free hand — 3 views — 3rd angle drawing) from model furnished by Shop In- structor or from Clock Bracket or other model furnished by Spe- cial Teacher. Extension, dimen- sion lines, etc., indicated. Use hard pencil. Study model to develop princi- ples of structural design (fitness of model to purpose, beauty of proportion, proper relation of parts, etc.), with a view toward the making by each pupil of a model showing original dimen- sions. 6. Each pupil will plan within given limitations, original proportions for his model. The dimensions planned may be marked upon the free hand working drawing made last lesson. If necessary a new free hand drawing will be made and dimensioned. 7. Plan original modification in outline of model dimensioned last lesson. Make several sketches. 8. Each pupil will draw, full size, such part of the model as is modified in outline. This drawing is to be followed in shop or class- room in the construction of the original form. 9. Working Drawing (mechanical) of model designed 6th lesson. Position of drawing on paper to be decided by pupil. Three views lightly drawn showing parts of model, without modified outline. ID. Make careful drawing of such part of the model as is modified in outline. Cut this out and use as template in completing working- drawing. Extension, dimension lines, etc., indicated, and dimen- sions marked. Print name and title. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Balance -equalized weights <.r consistency of attractions. Rhythm— contiiuious or re- lated movement, Harmony— consistency or relationship of masses. lunphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space deco- rated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 1 1. 12. »3- 14. Design for constructed form. Orig- inal sketches, conventionalized flower or flower and leaf, for de- sign for constructed form. Continue sketches for desig^n. Complete design for constructed form. Trace on paper design for con- structed form. Make two trac- ings, one to be painted, the other to use in tracing design on wood. 15. Practice painting flat washes of grayed colors, suitable for stain- ing wood, as illustrated on color chart. Paint background of de- sign. 16. Practice painting units for design in colors, showing harmonious relations with background color. 17. Paint desig^. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure correct foreshortening and accent in drawings of familiar cylindrical and prismatic objects. Require careful study i.t relative size an : position of objects in simple groups, and tests by pencil holdlni: .111(1 pencil measurement of directions and proportions. In all drawings seek quality of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 18. Draw cylinder capped by smaller cylindrical plinth (made of paper), below eye, or Picture Study: "The Balloon" — Dupre. 19. Sketch group, cylindrical object, as •"■ ■ r bottle, below eye, and vege- Decide on general propor- ii<>u> of group; on placing of drawing on paper ; on relative proportions, and position of ob- jects. Sketch lightly each object. 20. Complete drawing of group sketched 17th lesson. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and apjxjarance corrected. Com- plete drawing — attention to ren- dering. , 21. Test Drawing. — Group, cylindrical object and vegetable. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing- 22. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Lost" — Schenck. 2^. Draw square prism, on side, turned at 30° and 60°. 24. Draw square prism, on side, turned at unequal angles. 2=). Test Drawing. — Square prism turned at unequal angles. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing. 26. 28 Draw vegetable form, or Picture Stuily : "Columbus at the Court of Spain" — Von Brozik. Book or box turned .■.t v.nequal angles. Make several quick sketches. Sketch book or box turned at un- equal angles. General propor- tions ; position on paper ; relative proportions. Sketch object lightly. 29. Complete drawing of book or box, or Picture Study: "The Edge of the Woods" — Rousseau. 30. Test Drawing. — Book or box, turned at unequal angles. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing. 31. Blocking in leaf with turned edges, 33. Blocking in and drawing leaf with or turned edges, or Paint vegetable with leaves in ^^^"^ spray or flower in water water color. color. Z2. Blocking in leaf with turned edges. ^^- ^rawleaf or simple spray, or ^ ^ *= Paint spray or flower in wz color, or Paint vegetable or spray in water Picture Study : "Moses, Joshua, color. Elijah"— Sargent. or ,'ater GIRLS. Total time per week 120 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length, for lessons in Object Drawing and Constructive Work with Applied Design. For constructive work use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim, straw board or other available material. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Balance- equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm — continuous or related movement, Harmony — consistency or relationship of masses. Emphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space decorated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Design for collar, pin cushion cover, work bag, head rest, table mat. Original sketches, conventional- ized flower form, or Draw pattern for picture frame, scrap book or portfolio. 2. Continue with unit for design on cloth, or Continue with pattern for con- structed form. 3. Complete unit for design on cloth, or Complete constructed form. 4. Trace design on cloth, or Original sketches, conventional- ized flower form, for design for constructed form. 5. Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth, or Continue with sketches for unit for design for constructed form. 6. Complete painting design on cloth, or Complete unit for constructed form and trace design. 7. Draw pattern for scrap book, port- folio, picture frame, or Paint design on constructed form. Grayed colors illustrated on color chart. 8. Continue with pattern for construct- ed form, or Design for work bag, book bag, portfolio. Make original sketches, conventionalized flower form. 9. Complete form of 8th lesson, or Continue with unit for design on cloth. 10. Design for constructed form. Origi- nal sketches, conventionalized flower form, or Complete unit for design on - cloth. 11. Complete unit for design for con- structed form, and trace, or Trace design on cloth. 12. Paint designs: grayed colors illus- trated on color chart. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure correct foreshortening: and Accent in (Irawinjjs of familiar cyliiulrical and prismatic objects. Require careful study of relative size ami position of objects in simple groups, and tests by pencil holding and pencil measurements of directions and proportions. In all drawings seek quality of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 13. Object Drawing. — Draw cylinder capped by smaller cylindrical plinth (made of paper) below eye, or Picture Study : "The Balloon" — Dupre. 14. >kctch group, cylindrical oliject, as jar or Ix^ttle, below eye, and vege- table. N(.>te size and placing; general proportions ; relative proportions and position of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 15. Complete drawing of group. Group placed in position. Errors in pro- portion and appearance corrected. Complete drawing with attention to rendering. 10. lest Drawing. — Group, cylindrical object and vegetable. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. 17. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study : "Lost" — Schenck. 18. Draw square prism on side, turned at 30° and 60°. Make several quick sketches of solid turned at different angles. 19. Draw scjuare prism, on side, at un- equal angles. 20. Test Drawing. — Square prism, turned at unequal angles. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing. 21. Draw vegetable fonn, or Picture Study : "Columbus at the Court of Spain" — Von Brozik. 22. Book or box, turned at 30° and 60°. Make several quick sketches of object at different angles. 23. Sketch book or box turned at un- equal angles. 24. Complete drawing of book or box. Pest Drawing. — Book or box turned at unequal angles. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing ; or Picture Study : "The Edge of the Woods" — Rousseau. -0 26. Plant Form Drawling Blocking in leaf wnth turned edges, or Paint vegetable with leaves in water color. 27. Blocking in and drawing leaf with turned edges, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 28. Blocking in and drawing leaf, or simple spray, or Paint spray or flow-er in water color, 29. Draw leaf or simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study: "Moses, Joshua, Eli j ah' ' — Sargent. Desig^. — Decorative Arrangement. 30. Design for initial letter, tail piece, note book cover, composition or library list cover. Decorative ar- rangement, spray of leaves. Make sketches. 32. Trace design. 33. Practice painting for design. Grayed colors, illustrated on color chart. 31. Complete decorative arrangement. 34. Paint design Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 6B. BOYS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length, for lessons in Working Drawing, Structural and Applied Design and Object Drawing. WORKING DRAWING. — Develop and emphasize the purpose of working drawings. Aim to secure Clear and well placed free hand sketches, followed by accurate mechanical drawings, carefully lettered and dimensioned. Insist on neatness in execution. DESIGN.— In STRUCTURAL DESIGN develop law of Fitness to purpose — /. e., that use determines form and material, and that desire for strength and beauty determines proportions. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Working Drawing (free hand). End mortise joint. Two views, half size. Extension, dimension, lines, etc. 2. Working Drawing (mechanical). End mortise joint. From sketches made ist lesson. Ver- tical dimensions should be turned to read from bottom of page to- ward the top. 3. Practice free hand printing and numbering. Print name and title on working drawing. 4. Working Drawing (free hand — 3rd angle, 3 views). From model furnished by Shop Instructor, or from Ink Stand or other model furnished by Special Teacher. ■ Extension, dimension lines, etc., indicated. Use hard pencils. Study of model to develop the principles of structural design (fitness of model to purpose; beauty in proportion, proper re- lation of parts), with a view to the making by each pupil of a model showiiog original dimen- sions. 5. Each pupil will plan within given limitations original proportions for his model. The dimensions planned may be marked upon the free hand working drawing made last lesson. If necessary a new free hand drawing will be made and dimensioned. Plan original modifications in out- line of model dimensioned last lesson. Make "several sketches. Each pupil will draw full size such part of the model as is modified in outline. This drawing is to be followed in shop or class room in the construction of the original form. Working Drawing (mechanical) of original model from sketches made 6th lesson. Position of drawing on paper to be decided by pupil. Three views, lightly drawn, showing parts of original model, without modified outline. Practice printing name and title. Make careful drawings of parts showing modified outline, cut these out and use as templates in completing working drawing. Extension, dimension lines, etc. Print name and title. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Balance —equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm— continuous or re- lated movement, Harmony— consistency or relationship of masses. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept, of Etiucation, N. Y. C. l-:,Hi.liasi/e in.- i.roi.cr relation of the decorating mass to the space decorated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 10. II. 12. 13- 14 Design for constructed fonn. Sketches, original units from flower or from leaf and flower. Continue with sketclies for design for constructed form. Continue with sketches for design. Complete design for constructed form. Trace on pajHir design for con- structed form. Make two tracings. One to be painted, the other to be used in 15- i6. tracing design on constructed form. Practice painting flat washes of grayed colors suitable for stain- ing wood, as illustrated on color chart, and Paint background of design. Practice painting units for desigfn in colors showing harmonious relations with background color. 17. Complete painting design. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure correct foreshortening and accent in drawings of familiar cylindrical and prismatic objects, vegetable and leaf forms. Require careful study of relative size and position of objects in simple groups; and tests by pencil holding and pencil measurements of directions and proj>ortions. I'sc individual iiiotlcls wherever possible. In all drawings seek quality of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 18. Draw cylindrical object, below or alxjve eye, or Picture Study: "Morning in Al- sace" — Marchal. 19. Sketch group, as jar and water cup. Note size and placing. General proportions of group. Relative pro|K)rtions and position of ob- jects. Sketch whole group lightly. 20. Complete draw ing of group sketched 17th lesson. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete dr.iw iiiL' ;ittfnfi( III to ren- dering. 21. Test Drawing. Liroup. c_\lmdncal object and cup or vegetable. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing. 22. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Reading from Homer" — Alma Tadema. 23. Sketcli two books turned, or straw- berry box turned. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative proportions. Sketch group or object lightly. 24. Complete drawing sketched 23rd lesson, or Proceed as in lesson 20, or Picture Study: "John Alden and Priscilla" — Boughton. 25. Triangular prism, horizontal and turned. Make several quick sketches of the model turned at different angles. 26. Draw triangular prism, horizontal and turned. 27. Test Drawing. — Triangular prism, horizontal and turned. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. 28. Sketch book, partly open, standing on long edges, turned like tri- angular prism. Proceed as in lesson 19. 29. Complete dra\ying of book, sketched last lesson. 30. Draw vegetable, foreshortened, or Picture Study : "Harlem River- Evening" — Parton. 31. Plant Form Drawing. — Blocking in foreshortened leaf, or Paint vegetable with leaves in water color. 32. Blocking in foreshortened leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 33. Blocking in and drawing foreshort- ened leaf. Attention to render- ing, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 34. Blocking in and drawing leaf or simple spray, or Picture Study : "Delphic Oracle" — Michael Angelo. GIRLS, Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length, for lessons in Object Drawing, and Constructive Work with Applied Design. For constructive work use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim, straw board or other available material. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Balance — equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm — continuous or related movement. Harmony — consistency or relationship of mass. Emphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space deco- rated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Design for collar, table mat, bureau scarf or cushion cover. Original sketches, conventionalized unit, from flower, or from leaf and flower, or Draw pattern for book, work bas- ket or portfolio. 2. Continue sketches for convention- alized unit, or Continue pattern for constructed form. 3. Complete conventionalized unit for design on cloth, or Complete constructed form. 4. Trace design on cloth, or Make original sketches, conven- tionalized unit, from flower, or leaf and flower, for design for form completed 3rd lesson. 5. Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth, or Continue sketches for conven- tionalized unit for design for constructed form. 6. Complete painting design on cloth, 12. or Complete unit for constructed form and trace. 7. Draw pattern for book, work basket, portfolio, etc., or Paint design on constructed form. Grayed colors, illustrated on color chart. 8. Continue with pattern for con- structed form or Design for table mat, bureau scarf, portfolio. Make original sketches, conventionalized unit from flower, or leaf and flower. 9. Complete form of 8tli lesson, or Continue sketches for conven- tionalized unit. 10. Design for form made 9th lesson. Original sketches, conventional- ized unit, from flower or from leaf and flower, or Complete unit for design on cloth and trace. Complete unit for design for con- structed form, and trace, or Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth. Grayed colors, illustrated on color chart. Paint design on constructed form, or Complete painting design on cloth. II. OBJECT DRAWING— Aim to secure correct foreshortening: and accent in drawings of familiar cylindrical and prismatic objects, vegetable and leaf forms. Require careful study of relative size and position of objects in simple groups; and tests by pencil holding: ;incl pencil measurements of directions and proportions. Use individual models wherever possible. In all drawings seek quality Of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 13. Object Drawing. — Draw cylindrical object, below or above eye, or Picture Study: "Morning in Al- sace" — Marchal. 14. Sketch group, as jar and water cup. Note size and placing. General proportions of wiiolc group; rel- ative proportions and position of objects. Sk( tell whole tjroup lightly. 15. Complete drawing ot group sketched last lesson. Groups placed and studied. Errors in proportion, appearance and placing of objects corrected. Drawing completed with attention to rendering. 16. Test Drawing. — Group cylindrical object and cup or vegetable. De- velopment of lesson to precede drawing. 17. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Reading from Homer" — Alma Tadema. 18. Sketch two books turned, or straw- berry box turned. Note size and placing. General proportion and relative propor- tions. Sketch lightly. ly. Complete drawing sketched iSth lesson. Objects present and studied. Errors in proportion and appear- ance corrected. Drawing com- pleted with attention to rendering. 20. Draw foreshortened vegetable, or Picture Study: "John Alden and Priscilla" — Boughton. 21. Triang^ilar prism, horizontal and turned. Make several quick .V'- 3» sketches of model turned at dif- ferent angles. 22. Draw triangular prism, horizontal and turned. 2^. Test Drawing. — Triangular prism, horizontal and turned. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. 24. Sketch book, partly open standing on long edges, turned like tri- angular prism. Note size and placing. General proportions ; relative proportions. Sketch object lightly. 25. Complete drawing of book sketched last lesson. Object placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete drawmg with attention to rendering, or Picture Study : "Harlem River — Evening" — Parton. 26. Plant Form Drawing. — Blocking in foreshortened leaf, or Paint vegetable with leaves in water color. 2j. Blocking in foreshortened leaf, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 28. Blocking in and drawing foreshort- ened leaf. Attention to render- ing, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 29. Blocking in and drawing simple spray, or Picture Study : "Delphic Oracle" — Michael Angelo. Design. — Decorative Arrangement. 1 'csign. lur cu_k book cover, menu card or note hook cover. Deco- •inent, spray of ketche?. Continue sketches for decorative ar- rangciv- "' 32. Trace decorative arrangement. 33. Practice painting for design. Grayed colors, illustrated on col- or chart. 34. Paint designs. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 7A. BOYS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length for lessons in Object Drawing, Working Drawing, Structural and Applied Design. WORKING DRAWING.— Develop and emphasize the purpose of work- ing drawings. Aim to secure Clear and well placed free hand skctclics. followed by accu- rate mechanical drawings, carefully lettered and dimensioned. Insist on neatness in execution. STRUCTURAL DESIGN. — Aim to develop law of Fitness to purpose— t. e., that use determines form and material, and that desire for strength and bcautv determines proportions. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Working Drawing (free hand ; three views, 3rd angle), from model furnished by Shop Instructor, or from Box with cover, or other model furnished by Special Teacher. Extension, dimension lines, etc., indicated. Use hard pencils. Study of model to develop prin- ciples of structural design (fit- ness of model to purpose ; beauty in proportion, proper relation of parts) with a view toward the making, by each pupil, of a mo- del showing original dimensions. 2. Each pupil will plan, within given limitations, original proportions for his model. The dimensions planned may be marked upon the free hand work- ing drawing made last lesson. If necessary a new free hand draw- ing will be made and dimen- sioned. Vertical dimensions should be turned to read from bottom of page toward the top. 3. Plan original modifications in out- line of model dimensioned last lesson. Make several sketches, or Complete free drawine: of Box. hand working 4. Each pupil will draw, full size, such ])art of model as is modified in outline. This drawing is to be followed in shop or class room in the con- struction of the original form. In classes where Box has been designed: practice in free hand printing and numbering. 5. Working Drawing (mechanical) of original model from free hand working drawing. Position of views on paper, decided by each pupil. 6. Continue working drawing of origi- nal model. Three views drawn showing parts without modified outline. 7. Continue working drawing. ]\Iake careful drawings of such parts as show modified outlines. Cut these out to use as templates in completing working drawing. 8. Practice in free hand printing and numbering. Practice also print- ing name of pupil and title of drawing. 9. Complete working drawing. Trace parts showing modified outlines. Dimension and letter drawings. Issued Feb. 1903. Uept. of Education, N. Y. C. In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Balance— equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm— continuous or related move- ment. Harmony— consistency or relationship of masses. Emphasize the proper relation ».f the decorating mass to the space decorated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 10. Design for constructed form. Original sketches, conventional- izcil unit from leaf and flower. 11. Continue sketches for design. 12. Continue sketches for design. 13. Conii)lele design for constructed form. 14. Make two tracings of design. One of these is to be painted, the other 16. to be used in tracing design on constructed form. Practice painting flat washes of col- or, suitable for staining wood, as illustrated on color chart. Paint background of design. Practice painting units for design in colors showing harmonious re- lations with background color. Complete painting design. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure correct foreshortening and accent in drawings of familiar cylindrical and conical objects, vegetable and leaf forms in various positions. Require careful study of relative Size and position of objects in simple groups; and tests by pencil holding and pencil measurements ot directions and proportions. Use individual models wherever possible. In all drawings seek quality Of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 18. Object Drawing, — Study cylinder on side, turned in different posi- tions. Sketch axes and appear- ance of end only, or Picture Study : "Shepherdess" — Le Rolle. 19. Draw cylinder, horizontal and turned. Make several sketches of model turned at different angles. 20. Draw cylinder, horizontal and turned. 21. Test Drawing. — Cylinder, horizon- tal and turned. Development of lesson to precede drawing. 22. Draw foreshortened vegetable, or strawljcrry box turned, or Group cylinder standing and cyl- inder lying and turned, or Picture Study : "Aurora" — Reni. 2^. Sketch group. Cylindrical object on side, turned, and vegetable. Note size and placing. General proportions of group ; relative proportions and position of ob- jects. Sketch whole g^oup lightly. 24. Complete drawing of group sketched 2 1 St lesson. Groups placed and studied. Er- rors in proportion and appear- ance of objects corrected. Draw- ing completed with attention to rendering. 25. Cone on side, turned, base visible. Make several sketches of model turned at different angles. 26. Draw cone, on side, turned. 2j. Test Drawing. — Cone, on side, turned. Development of lesson to precede drawing, or Picture Study: "Joan of Arc" — Le Page. 28. Sketch conical object, as funnel, on side, turned. Proceed as in lesson 23, 29. Complete drawing of object sketched last lesson. Attention to render- ing. Proceed as in lesson 24. 30. Draw vegetable form, or Picture Study: "Autumn Oaks" — Inness. 31. Plant Form Drawing. — Blocking in and drawing simple spray, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 32. Draw simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 33. Draw simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 34. Draw simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study : "The Angelus" —Millet. GIRLS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length for lessons in Object Drawing and Constructive Work with Ap- plied Design. For constructive work use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim, straw board or other available material. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge : of Balance — equality of weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm — continuous or related movement, Harmony — consistency or relationship of masses. Emphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the space deco- rated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 1. Design for tray cloth, table cloth, cushion cover, etc. Original sketches, conventionalized unit from flower and leaf, or Draw pattern for waste basket, or portfolio. 2. Continue sketches for design on cloth, or Continue with form to be con- structed. 3. Complete unit for design on cloth, or Complete constructed form. 4. Trace design on cloth, or Design for constructed form — original sketches, conventional- ized unit from leaf and flower. 5. Practice painting grayed colors, il- lustrated on color chart, and commence painting design on cloth, or Continue with sketches for de- signs for form completed 4th lesson. 6. Continue painting design on cloth. or Complete design for constructed form and trace. 7. Complete painting design on cloth, or Paint design on constructed form. 8. Draw pattern for waste basket, work basket, portfolio, collar box, or Design for table mat, bureau scarf, cushion cover, tray cloth : original sketches, conventional- ized unit, from leaf and flower. 9. Complete design for constructed form, or Continue sketches for design on cloth. 10. Design for constructed form : make original sketches, conventional- ized unit from leaf and flower, or Complete unit for design on cloth. 11. Complete design for constructed form, and trace, or Trace design on cloth. 12. Practice painting and commence painting designs on constructed forms or on cloth. 13. Complete painting designs on con- structed forms or on cloth. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure correct foreshortening and accent in drawing's of familiar cylindrical and conical objcci"^, vo^vlablc and leaf forms in various positions. Require careful study of relative size and position of objects in .simple groups; and tes'.s by pencil holding: and pencil measurements of directions and proiiortions. I'm' individual models who rover possible. In all drawings seek quality of line expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 14. Object Drawing. — Study cylinder, on side, turned in ditYerent posi- tions. Sketch axes and appearance of end only, or Picture St"'lv • "Sliopherdess" — Le Rolle. 15. Draw cylinder, horizontal and turned. 16. Draw cylinder, horizontal and turned in dift'erent position. 17. Test Drawing. — Cylinder, horizon- tal and turned. iS. Draw foreshortened vegetable, or strawlx'rry box. turned, or ('iroup, cylinder standing and cyl- inder horizontal and turned, or Picture Study: "Aurora" — Reni. 19. Sketch group, cylindrical object on side. turned, and vegetable. .Note size and placing. General proportions of gronp ; relative proportions and position of ob- jects. Sketch whole group lightly. 20. Complete drawing of group sketched 19th lesson. Groups placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete drawing witli attention to rendering. 21. Draw foreshortened vegetable, or Group, cylindrical object, on side, aiul vegetable, or Picture Study: "Joan of Arc" — Le Page. 22. Cone, on side, base visible. Make several quick sketches of model, turned at dififerent angles. 23. Draw cone on side, base visible. 24. Test Drawing. — Cone on side, turned. Development of lesson to precede drawing. 25. Sketch conical object as funnel, on side, turned. Direction of axes, general proportions, relative pro- portions. Sketch object lightly. 26. Com])lete drawing of object sketched last lesson. Object placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Com- plete drawing with attention to rendering, or Picture Study :. "Autumn Oaks" — Inness. 2j. Plant l''orm Drawing. — Blocking in and drawing foreshortened leaf, or Paint vegetable in water color. 28. Blocking in and drawing simple spray, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 29. Draw simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 30. Draw simple spray, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Studv : "The Angelus" —Millet. Design. — Decorative Arrangement. 31. Design for library list cover, book plate, magazine cover, note book cover, portfolio, or menu card. Decorative arrangement. Spray of leaves or leaves and flower. Make sketches. 32. Continue with sketches for decora- tive arrangement. 33. Trace decorative arrangement. 34. Paint design. Grayed colors, il- lustrated on color chart. Suggested Exercises in Drawing, Constructive Work and Design. GRADE 7B. BOYS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length, for lessons in Object Drawing, Working Drawing, Structural and Applied Design. WORKING DRAWING. — Develop and emphasize the purpose of work- mg drawings. Aim to secure Clear and well placed free hand sketches, followed by accu- rate mechanical drawings, carefully lettered and dimensioned. Insist on neatness in execution. STRUCTURAL DESIGN.— Aim to develop law of Fitness to purpose— i. e., that use determines form and material, and that desire for strength and beauty determines proportions. Two Lessons Each Week. I. Working Drawing: (free hand — 3rd angle — 3 views) from model furnislied by Shop Instructor, or From paper holder, or other model, furnished by Special Teacher. Extension, dimension lines, etc., indicated. L^se hard pencils. Study of model to develop prin- ciples of constructive design (fit- ness of model to purpose ; beauty in proportion ; proper relation of parts), with a view to the making by each pupil of a model show- ing original dimensions. 2. Each pupil will plan, within given limitations, original proportions for his model. The dimensions planned may be marked upon the free hand working drawing made last lesson. If necessary a new free hand drawing will be made and dimensioned. Vertical dimensions should be turned to read from bottom of page toward the top. 3. Plan original modifications in out- line of model dimensioned last lesson. ]\Iake several sketches. Each pupil will draw, full size, such part of the model as is modified in outline. This drawing is to be followed in shop or class room in the construction of the original form. Working Drawing (mechanical) of original model from free hand working drawing. Position of views on paper decided upon by each pupil. Continue working drawing of origi- nal model. Three views drawn, showing parts of original model without modified outline. Continue working drawing. Make careful drawings of parts show- ing modified outline. Cut these out to use as templates in com- pleting working drawing. Practice in free hand printing and numbering. Practice also print- ing name of pupil and title of drawing. Complete working drawing. Trace l)arts showing modified outlines. Dimension and letter drawings. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Bal- ance—equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhythm— continuous ov related movement, and Harmony — consistency or relationship of masses. Issued Feb. 1903. Dept. of Education, N. Y. C Emphasize the proper relation of tlie decorating masS to tlie space deco- rated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. 10. Original design for constructed form: make sketches, conven- tionalized imit from leaf and flower. 11. tontimie witli sketches for design. 12. Continue with sketches for design. 13. Complete design for constructed form. 14. Make two tracings on i)aper of de- sign for constructed form. One of these is to be painted, the other to be used in tracing design on constructed form. 15. Practice painting flat washes of colors, suitable for staining wood, as illustrated on color chart. Paint background of design. 16. Practice painting units for design in colors showing harmonious re- lations with background color. 17. Complete painting design. OBJECT DRAWIXG.— Aim to secure individual work in drawing vege- lahlc. leaf forms and familiar objects singly and in simple groups. Emphasize correct foreshortening:. Require careful pencil tests to determine proportions and directions. Use class models. In all drawings emphasize quality of Lne expressive of texture. Two Lessons Each Week. 19. 20. iS. Praw square prism, horizontal and turned. Make several quick sketches of the model turned in ditlcrent jxDsitions, or Picture Study : "The Sower" — Millett. Draw s(iuarc prism, horizontal and turned. Draw large book, horizontal and turned. . Test Drawing. — Large book or bo.x horizontal and turned. Develop- ment of lesson to precede draw- ing. -J. Draw group, cylinder standing and square prism, horizontal and turned, or Picture Study : "Mona Lisa" — Da \'inci. 2^. Sketch group, as cereal box stand- ing and turned, and water cup on side, or Book partly open, standing on long edges, turned, like tri-prism. on top of book horizontal and tunied. Note size and placing. General and relative proportions and po- sition of objects. Sketch whole group lightly. 24. Complete drawmg of group, sketched 23d lesson. Group placed in position and studied. Errors in proportion and appearance corrected. Draw- ings completed with attention to rendering. 25. Draw foreshortened vegetable, or cone, on side, base visible, or Picture Study : "The Temeraire" — Turner. 26. Draw cone on side, turned. 27. Sketch group, flower pot standing and one on side, turned, or Cylinder standing and one on side turned. 28. Sketch group, cylindrical object standing and conical object, hori- zontal and turned. Proceed as in lesson 23. 29. Complete drawing of group sketched 27th lesson. Attention to rendering. Proceed as in lesson 24. 30. Test Drawing. — Group illustrating principles reviewed during the term, or Picture Study: "Paysage" — Corot. 31. Plant Form Drawing. — Blocking in 33. Draw simple spray in vertical posi- or and drawing foreshortened leaf, Paint vegetable or spray in water color. 2)2. Draw simple spray in vertical posi- tion, or Paint vegetable or spray in water color. tion, or Paint spray or flower in water color. 34. Draw simple spray in vertical posi- tion, or Paint spray or flower in water color, or Picture Study : "Madonna of the Chair" — Raphael. GIRLS. Total time per week 90 minutes, to be divided into two periods of appro- priate length, for lessons in Object Drawing and Constructive Work with Applied Design. For Constructive Work use oak tag, bogus or cartridge paper, gingham, denim, straw board or other available material. DESIGN.— In APPLIED DESIGN aim to develop knowledge: of Bal- ance — equalized weights or consistency of attractions, Rhytlun — continuous or related movement, and Harmony — consistency or relationship of masses. Emphasize the proper relation of the decorating mass to the Space deco- rated, and the refinement of the elements of the mass. Two Lessons Each Week. I. Design for cushion cover, table cover, tray cloth, bureau scarf, table mat. Original sketches, conventionalized unit from flow- er and leaf, or Draw pattern for glove box, work box, necktie box. Continue with sketches for design on cloth, or Continue with form commenced 1st lesson. Complete unit for design on cloth, or Complete form commenced ist lesson. Trace design on cloth, or , Design for constructed form : original sketches, conventional- ized unit from flower and leaf. Complete tracing design on cloth, or Continue with original design for constructed form. Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth, or Complete unit for constructed form and trace design. Complete painting design on cloth, or Paint desio-n on constructed 10. II, 12. form. Grayed colors, illustrated on color chart. Draw pattern for glove box, work box, necktie or cuff box, or Design for cushion cover, table cover, bureau scarf, table mat: make original sketches, conven- tionalized unit from leaf and flower. Complete form commenced 8th les- son, or Continue sketches for design on cloth. Design for constructed form : origi- nal sketches, conventionalized vuiit from flower and leaf, or Complete unit for design on cloth. Continue sketches for. design for constructed form, or Trace design on cloth. Trace design on constructed form, or Practice painting and commence painting design on cloth. Paint design on constructed form, or Complete painting design on cloth. OBJECT DRAWING.— Aim to secure individual work in drawing vege- t.il.Ir. If.if form- and familiar objects singly and in sinii)le groups. Emphasize correct foreshortening:. Kc(|uirc careful pencil tests to determine proportions nn,i — Da V'inci. 19. Sketch group, as cereal box, stand- ing and turned, and water cup on side, or Book partly oix*n standing on long edges, turned, like tri-prism on top of lxx)k horizontal and tunie