UC-NRLF B 3 315 317 MUSTMFID GIFT OF John C. Lynch BAYARD TAILOR. A Brief Sketch of Mia u fe< Bayard Taylor was born near Kennett SteP >md h , aua, u R525, and when a lad was apprenticed the printing business. He traveled in E rooe, mostly on foot, in 1844-6, and on his return published an account of his trave Me then became editor of a paper at Phce- mxville lor one year, and afterwards a co?- N 1 V *? ypMterary World and ?he -New York Tribune, subsequently becom ing a member of the editorial staff of e huter, and also a stockholder in the associ! on. On the breaking out of the gold 1SUe ttl ! ft)rui returnin i in K Eur Ue ^turning S In became Secretary of Legation at bt. Peterebwi*. and in 1863 ChaWd Af taires there. He had previously ? mlrried daughter of Professor Hanseu, the d/sUn- guisned German astronomer. Upon h s return from liussia, in 1864, Mr. Taylor devoted bimseif to writing and lecturu i He revisited California, and made a some wimt protracted stay in Colorado andThe" region once known as the Great America, Desert, in 1866-67. la 1871, wit h a pirty ot iriends, he traversed the route of he Aortnerii Pacific Kail way, making an ex! cursion into Manitoba. In Pebruan President Hayes, and the nomination : u u,ly confined bf ih e ? Senate. r to his departure for abroad Mr Tav- lor was tendered a number of receptions and banquets, and upon his am val in Germany he was received in the warn es manner by the people there, to whoai he was well known by reputation. M se-^^SJS&g sa.rSs?aS ous and prolific of literary men, yet eve v thing he gave to the public was characteV- d by artistic finish. He occasional! v mingled volumes of poetry among his de^ bcnptive works, but until 1863. hid never T/IYLi0I\ ILLUSTRA TED. BOSTON: WILLIAM F. GILL & CO 1877. COPYRIGHT, 1876, BY WILLIAM F. GILL & CO EiACirotyptid by SMITH & Mc^OUSAL. t><-nzea L-y FILMED <& CLASS. PUBLISHERS NOTE. THE Memorial Freedom Poem, which may be fittingly termed the poem of the centennial year, was written for the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of American Independence, held within the shadow of Indepen dence Hall, July 4th, 1876. Its delivery by the author was the crowning success of the memorable exercises of this eventful day. The poem has already been translated into several different languages, and has received many other honors rarely bestowed. Its picturesque richness and variety afforded such rare opportunities for the artist s pencil, as to suggest its issue in a permanent form, in the holiday attire in which it is now produced. [The engravings are by JOHN ANDREW & SON, A. BOBBETT, JOHN P. DAVIS, J. L. LANGRIDGE, J. T. SPEER, JOHN FILMER, F. JUEXGLING, and RUSSELL & RICHARDSON.] LIBERTY S LATEST DAUGHTER . . . . THE NATIONAL ODE VIGNETTE . . VIGNETTES TO NOTE VIGNETTE . HEAD-PIECE TO ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . HALF-TITLE TO POEM AMERICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA . . . . VIGNETTE HEAD-PIECE I THE CLEFTS OF THE ROCKS (Half-title to Verse First VIGNETTE " And over the severing ocean "... "And the peace of the vesper skies" . " In the crash of woods that fall " . . " When the lines of battle broke, We saw her face in the fiery smoke " . ARTIST. PAGE MARY A. HALLOCK . . Front. L. S. IPSEN Title. ROBERT LEWIS . , Title. L. S. IPSEN ALFRED FREDERICKS . . ROBERT LEWIS 14 L. S. IPSEN 15 A. R. WAUD 15 ROBERT LEWIS 16 T. MORAN 17 . .- 18 19 ALFRED FREDERICKS 20 Illustrations. ARTIST. PAGE HEAD-PIECE II L. S. IPSEN 21 ASSUR S MOUND (Half-title to Verse Second] A. R. WAUD 21 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 22 "A large divinely-moulded Fate Questions the rights and purposes of a State " ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 23 " From all unchronicled and silent ages " F. LANCELOT 24 " Till history dared, at last, To write eternal words on granite pages" ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 25 " Imperial heads, in ghostly grandeur rise, And say, through stony lips and vacant eyes " " " ... 26 HEAD-PIECE III L. S. IPSEN 27 THE RIVER -HEAD (Half-title to Verse Third} A. R. WAUD 27 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 28 " On the shores of a continent cast " . T. MORAN 29 " She planted homes on the savage sod " " 30 " She drove her plowshare deep " . . ALFRED FREDERICKS . . . - 30 " Where the flushed Sierra, snowy-starred, Her way to the sunset barred " . . . T. MORAN 31 "Where the haunted waves of Asia die On the strand of the world -wide sea" ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 32 HEAD-PIECE IV L. S. IPSEN 33 As OVER EARTH THE SKIES (Half-title to Verse Fourth) A. R. WAUD 33 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 34 "The race, in conquering, Some fierce Titanic joy of conquest knows" " " 35 THE SHIELD OF LIBERTY (Tail-piece). . " " 36 HEAD-PIECE V L. S. IPSEN 37 THE CHOSEN OF HER SEED (Half-title to Verse Fifth) A. R. WAUD 37 Illustrations. ARTIS PAGE VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 38 " Foretold when the martyrs bled " . . ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 39 " As the sea returns the rivers in rain " E. WIMPERIS 40 " As e er went worldward from the island wall " T. MORAN 41 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 42 HEAD-PIECE VI L. S. IPSEN 43 Bow TO THE GREATER (Half-title to Verse Sixth) A. R. WAUD 43 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 44 "O er peril conquered and strife subdued" " 45 " He faileth not to smite The idle ownership of right "... ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 46 HEAD-PIECE VII L. S. IPSEN 47 BESIDE THESE HOLY WALLS (Half-title to Verse Seventh) A. R. WAUD 47 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS ... .48 LIBERTY AS JUSTICE, " When for a captive race She grandly staked and won " . . ALFRED FRFDERICKS ... 49 "The people saw her head, And shouted to the world : The King is dead! ". .- ROBERT LEWIS 51 VIGNETTE 52 HEAD-PIECE VIII L. S. IPSEN 53 THE PANTHEON OF THE PAST (Half-title to Verse Eighth} A. R. WAUD 53 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 54 "Arise, recrown thy head, Radiant with blessings of the dead" . ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 55 " Beside clear-hearted right, That smiles at Power s uplifted rod " VIGNETTE . , 5 s Illustrations. HEAD-PIECE IX : L. S. IPSEN 59 THE BRINKS OF DANGER {Half-title to Verse Ninth] A. R. WAUD 59 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 60 " And dim the eyesight grew That was so sure in thine old solitudes" T. MORAN . 61 HEAD-PIECE X L. S. IPSEN 63 BUT FAIR AS MORNING (Half-title to Verse Tenth} A. R. WAUD 63 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 64 "Wearing thy priestly tiar on Judah s hills " T. MORAN 65 " Or from Rome s central seat "... 66 " No more a Chieftainess with wampum- zone, And feather-cinctured brow". . . A. R. WAUD 67 TAIL-PIECE ROBERT LEWIS ..... 68 HEAD-PIECE XI L. S. IFSEN 69 THE OAK AND THE ROSE (Half-title to Verse Eleventh] A. R. WAUD 69 VIGNETTE ROBERT LEWIS 70 " Look up, look forth, and on . . . ALFRED FREDERICKS ... 71 "There s light in the dawning sky" . T. MORAN 72 "But keep thy garments pure, Pluck them back with the old disdain" MARY A. HALLOCK ... 73 VIGNETTE (Emblem of Peace) .... ROBERT LEWIS 74 i THE NATIONAL ODE. SUN of the stately Day, Let Asia into the shadow drift, Let Europe bask in thy ripened ray, And over the severing ocean lift A brow of broader splendor! Give light to the eager eyes Of the Land that waits to behold thee rise The gladness of morning lend her, With the triumph of noon attend her, The National Ode. And the peace of the vesper skies! For lo ! she cometh now With hope on the lip and pride on the brow, Stronger, and dearer, and fairer, To smile on the love we bear her, To live, as we dreamed her and sought her, Liberty s latest daughter ! In the clefts of the rocks, in the secret places, 18 The National Ode. We found her traces ; On the hills, in the crash of woods that fall, We heard her call; When the lines of battle broke, We saw her face in the fiery smoke ; Through toil, and anguish, and desolation, We followed, and found her With the grace of a virgin Nation As a sacred zone around her ! The National Ode. Who shall rejoice With a righteous voice, Far-heard through the ages, if not she ? For the menace is dumb that defied her, The doubt is dead that denied her, And she stands acknowledged, and strong and free AH, hark ! the solemn undertone On every wind of human story blown. A large, divinely-moulded Fate The National Ode. Questions the right and purpose of a State, And in its plan sublime Our eras are the dust of Time. The far-off Yesterday of power Creeps back with stealthy feet, Invades the lordship of the hour, And at our banquet takes the unbidden seat. From all unchronicled and silent ages Before the Future first begot the Past, H The National Ode. Till History dared, at last, To write eternal words on granite pages ; From Egypt s tawny drift, and Assur s mound, And where, uplifted white and far, Earth highest yearns to meet a star, And Man his manhood by the Ganges found, The National Ode. Imperial heads, of old millennial sway, And still by some pale splendor crowned, Chill as a corpse-light in our full-orbed day, In ghostly grandeur rise And say, through stony lips and vacant eyes : " Thou that assertest freedom, power and fame, Declare to us thy claim ! " 1 - ON the shores of a Continent cast, She won the inviolate soil By loss of heirdom of all the Past, And faith in the royal right of Toil ! She planted homes on the savage sod : Into the wilderness lone She walked w r ith fearless feet, In her hand the divining-rod, Till the veins of the mountains beat With fire of metal and force of stone ! The National Ode. She set the speed of the river-head To turn the mills of her bread ; She drove her plowshare deep Through the prairie s thousand-centuried sleep; The National Ode. To the South, and West, and North, She called Pathfinder forth, Her faithful and sole companion, Where the flushed Sierra, snowy-starred, Her way to the sunset barred, the nameless rivers in thunder and foam Channeled the terrible canyon ! The National Ode. Nor paused, till her uttermost home Was built, in the smile of a softer sky And the glory of beauty still to be, Where the haunted waves of Asia die On the strand of the world-wide sea ! 33 34 THE race, in conquering, Some fierce Titanic joy of conquest knows : Whether in veins of serf or king, Our ancient blood beats restless in repose. Challenge of Nature unsubdued Awaits not Man s defiant answer long ; For hardship, even as wrong, Provokes the level-eyed, heroic mood. This for herself she did ; but that which lies, As over earth the skies, 35 The National Ode. Blending all forms in one benignant glow, Crowned conscience, tender care, Justice, that answers every bondman s prayer, Freedom where faith may lead or Thought may dare, The power of minds that know, Passion of hearts that feel, Purchased by blood and woe, Guarded by fire and steel, Hath she secured ? What blazon on her shield, In the clear Century s light Shines to the world revealed, Declaring nobler triumph, born of Right? THE CHOSEN OF HER SEED 37 FORESEEN in the vision of sages, Foretold when martyrs bled, She was born of the longing of ages, By the truth of the noble dead And the faith of the living fed ! No blood in her lightest veins Frets at remembered chains, Nor shame of bondage has bowed her head. 39 The National Ode. In her form and features still The unblenching Puritan will, Cavalier honor, Huguenot grace, The Quaker truth and sweetness, And the strength of the danger-girdled race Of Holland, blend in a proud completeness. From the homes of all, where her being began, She took what she gave to Man : Justice, that knew no station, Belief, as soul decreed, Free air for aspiration, Free force for independent deed ! She takes, but to give again, As the sea returns the rivers in rain ; And gathers the chosen of her seed From the hunted of every crown and creed. Her Germany dwells by a gentler Rhine ; Her Ireland sees the old sunburst shine ; Her France pursues some dream divine ; The National Ode. Her Norway keeps his mountain pine ; Her Italy waits by the western brine ; And, broad-based under all, Is planted England s oaken-hearted mood, The National Ode. As rich in fortitude As e er went worldward from the island-wall ! Fused in her candid light, To one strong race all races here unite : Tongues melt in hers, hereditary foemen Forget their sword and slogan, kith and clan ; Twas glory, once, to be a Roman ; She makes it glory, now, to be a Man ! BOW TO THE GREA TER. I ..-. Bow down ! Doit thine aeonian crown ! One hour forget The glory, and recall the debt : Make expiation, Of humbler mood, For the pride of thine exultation O er peril conquered and strife subdued ! But half the right is wrested When victory yields her prize, And half the marrow tested When old endurance dies. In the sight of them that love thee, Bow to the Greater above thee! He faileth not to smite, The idle ownership of Right, The National Ode. Nor spares to sinews fresh from trial And virtue schooled in long denial, The tests that wait for thee In larger perils of prosperity. Here, at the Century s awful shrine, Bow to thy Fathers God and thine! BEHOLD ! she bendeth now, Humbling the chaplet of her hundred years : There is a solemn sweetness on her brow, The National Ode. And in her eyes are sacred tears. Can she forget, In present joy, the burden of her debt, When for a captive race She grandly staked and won The total promise of her power begun, And bared her bosom s grace To the sharp wound that inly tortures yet? Can she forget The million graves her young devotion set, The hands that clasp above From either side, in sad, returning love ? Can she forget, Here, where the Ruler of to-day, The Citizen of to-morrow, And equal thousands to rejoice and pray Beside these holy walls are met, Her birth-cry, mixed of keenest bliss and sorrow? Where, on July s immortal morn Held forth, the People saw her head 5 The National Ode. And shouted to the world : " The King is dead, But lo ! the Heir is born ! " When fire of Youth, and sober trust of Age, In Farmer, Soldier, Priest, and Sage, Arose and cast upon her Baptismal garments, never robes so fair Clad prince in Old-world air, Their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor ! 53 / ^ ARISE ! Recrown thy head, Radiant with blessing of the Dead ! 35 The National Ode. Bear from this halloAved place The prayer that purifies thy lips, The light of courage that denes eclipse, The rose of Man s new morning on thy face ! Let no iconoclast Invade thy rising Pantheon of the Past, To make a blank where Adams stood, To touch the Father s sheathed and sacred blade, Spoil crowns on Jefferson and Franklin laid, Or wash from Freedom s feet the stain of Lincoln s blood ! Hearken, as from that haunted hall Their voices call : " We lived and died for thee : We greatly dared that thou might st be ; So, from thy children still We claim denials which at last fulfill, And freedom yielded to preserve thee free ! Beside clear-hearted Right That smiles at Power s uplifted rod, 56 The National Ode. Plant Duties that requite, And Order that sustains, upon thy sod, And stand in stainless might Above all self, and only less than God ! " 57 6o HERE may thy solemn challenge end, All-proving Past, and each discordance die Of doubtful augury, Or in one choral with the Present blend, 61 The National Ode. And that half-heard, sweet harmony Of something nobler that our sons may see ! Though poignant memories burn Of days that were, and may again return. When thy fleet foot, O Huntress of the Woods, The slippery brinks of danger knew, And dim the eyesight grew That was so sure in thine old solitudes, Yet stays some richer sense Won from the mixture of thine elements, To guide the vagrant scheme, And winnow truth from each conflicting dream ! Yet in thy blood shall live Some force unspent, some essence primitive, To seize the highest use of things ; For Fate, to mold thee to her plan, Denied thee food of kings, Withheld the udder and the orchard-fruits, Fed thee with savage roots, And forced thy harsher milk from barren breasts of man ! O SACRED Woman-Form, Of the first people s need and passion wrought,- No thin, pale ghost of Thought, But fair as Morning and as heart s-blood warm,- Wearing thy priestly tiar on Judah s hills ; Clear-eyed beneath Athene s helm of gold ; Or from Rome s central seat Hearing the pulses of the Continents beat 65 The National Ode. In thunder where her legions rolled ; Compact of high heroic hearts and wills, Whose being circles all The selfless aims of men, and all fulfills ; Thyself not free, so long as one is thrall ; Goddess, that as a Nation lives, And as a Nation dies, That for her children as a man defies, And to her children as a mother gives, Take our fresh fealty now ! The National Ode. No more a Chieftainess, with wampum-zone And feather-cinctured brow, No more a new Britannia, grown To spread an equal banner to the breeze, 67 The National Ode. And lift thy trident o er the double seas ; But with unborrowed crest, In thine own native beauty dressed, The front of pure command, the unflinching 1 eye, thine own ! *, ir THE OAK AND THE ROSE. j 7 o LOOK up, look forth, and on ! There s light in the dawning sky : The clouds are parting, the night is gone The National Ode. Prepare for the work of the day Fallow thy pastures lie And far thy shepherds stray, And the fields of thy vast domain Are waiting for purer seed Of knowledge, desire, and deed, For keener sunshine and mellower rain ! But keep thy garments pure : Pluck them back, with the old disdain, From touch of the hands that stain ! The National Ode. g&\ ^afvJJfl , jj So shall thy strength endure. Transmute into good the gold of Gain, Compel to beauty thy ruder powers, 73 The National Ode. Till the bounty of coming hours Shall plant, on thy fields apart, With the oak of Toil, the rose of Art ! Be watchful, and keep us so : Be strong, and fear no foe : Be just, and the world shall know ! With the same love love us, as we give ; And the day shall never come, That finds us weak or dumb To join and smite and cry In the great task, for thee to die, And the greater task, for thee to live. 74 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BQjQKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ... MAY 86 1993 * irmnKrnpr FEB 26 93 FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 /83 BERKELEY, CA 94720 LiD 21-100w-7, 40 (6936s) U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES C022Bflt,M31 544674 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY