^HlMlSq* c THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS N FINE ARTS THIRD EDITION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH For sale by the 1^22 Superintendent of Document* PrlCC lOC Oo-remment Printing Office S843 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS N FINE ARTS THIRD EDITION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1922 L. C. card, 22-26002 8 2 4 94 lis N I 9 a.2. C^ ^ PREFATORY NOTE TO ISSUE OF 1910 The following schedules have been prepared under the direction and supervision of Mr. Charles Martel, Chief Classifier, and while subject to revision, they represent the arrangement of books in the Library of Congress at the present time. In their preparation vari- ous schemes of classification and catalogs of special libraries have been consulted, notably the Dewey Decimal and the Cutter Expan- sive systems and for special features, the catalog of the Library of the Kunstgewerbe-Museum at Berlin. The Library of the Art Insti- tute of Chicago has also furnished helpful suggestions in its modi- fications of the Decimal Classification. The schemes were produced originally in the Classification Section in the interv^als of other work, and have been subsequently developed to their present form by the actual classification of the collection of books on fine arts in the Library of Congress. December 4, 1909. Two editions of Class N having been exhausted, the schedules are now reissued, incorporating additions which have been made since 1909. Clarence W. Perley Chief of Classification Division Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, February, 1922. -yA i >^' CONTENTS Page. Prefatory note 3 Table of contents 4 Synopsis 5 Outline &-8 Schedules 9-130 Tables of subdivisions: Tables I-III 133-134 Table IV 135-143 Art cities 144 English counties 145 Index 147-165 Additions 167 •4: SYNOPSIS N FINE ARTS (GENERAL) NA ARCHITECTURE NB SCULPTURE NC GRAPHIC ARTS IN GENERAL.— DRAWING.— DESIGN ND PAINTING KE ENGRAVING NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY.— DECORATION ANTD ORNAMENT OUTLINE Fine arts (General) N General form-divisions 1-55 Theory. — Philosophy. — Esthetics 61-79 Study and teaching 81-390 Art museums, galleries, etc 405-3970 Photographs in art museums, etc 4010-4035 Exhibitions 4402-5097 Private collections 5210-5297 History 5300-7413 General worlis 7420-7521 Special subjects of art 7560-8250 Art critics, patrons, dealers, etc 8350-8680 Art and the State. Public art 8700-8850 Architecture NA General form divisions 1-60 Architecture and the State 100-130 History 200-1613 Study and teaching 2000-2320 Museums.— Exhibitions 2400-2460 General works 2500-2635 Drawing and details 2700-3060 Decoration 3310-4010 Special classes of buildings 4100-S4S0 Governmental 4180-4510 Religious 4600-6113 Sepulchral 6120-6199 Commercial 6210-6510 Recreative 6800-6930 Domestic 7100-7880 Buildings for clubs and societies 7910-8120 Farm architecture 8200-8260 Minor buildings 8300-8480 Esthetics of cities 9000- Sculpture NB General 1-1160 Special 1170-1950 Sepulchral monuments 1800-1880 Graphic arts. — Drawing. — Desig'n NC General 1-720 Special 730-1940 Caricature 1300-1760 Painting ND General 25-1257 Special 1259-3416 Water-color painting 1700-2399 Mural painting 2550-2S76 Illumination.— Miniatures 2890-3416 OUTLINE Engraving NE General l-9'8 Wood-engraving 1000-1325 Metal-engraving 1400-1S79 Etching 1940-2210 Dry-point 2220-2225 Lithography 2250-2570 Art applied to industry. — Decoration and ornament NK Industrial arts. — General 1-1133 Arts and crafts movement 1135-1149 Decoration and ornament 1160-1590 General special. Ecclesiastical art 1650-1657 Interior decoration 1700-3505 Generalities 1700-2138 Decorative painting 2140-21S0 Church decoration 2190 Furniture 2200-2740 Rugs and carpets 2775-2896 Tapestries 2975-3096 Upholsteiy 3175-3296 Wall-paper, etc 3375-3505 Special subjects, alphabetically. Alphabets, initials, etc 3600-3640 Book ornamentation 3660 Ceramics 3700-4680 Costume 47004890 Enamel 5000-5015 Furniture. See 2200-2740. Glass 5100-5430 Glyptic arts 5500-^050 Gems 5505-5733 Cameos 5720 Intaglios 5730 Jade 5750 Ivory 5800-5998 Horn and bone 6020 Netsukes 6050 Leather work 6200 Medals, plaques, etc 6300-6309 Metal-work 6400-8450 Arms and armor 6600-6699 Gold and silver. — Plate. — Jewelry 7100-7695 Jewelry 7300-7695 Brasses 7800-7899 Bronzes 7900-7999 Copper work 8100 Ironwork 8200-8299 Lead work 8350 Pewter 8400-8419 Mosaic ornaments 8500 Musical instruments 8550 Paper articles, in TT. 7 OUTLINE Art applied to industry. — Decoration and ornament. Special subjects, alphabetically — Continued. Pottery. See Ceramics, 3700-4680. Pyrograpby 8600-8605 Stencil work 8650 Stone work 8700-8705 Textile arts and needlework 8800-8899 Woven fabrics 8900-8999 Rugs, carpets, upholstery. See 2775-3296. Needlework 9100^9199 Embroidery 9200-9310 Lace 9400-9499 Tapestries. See 2975-3096. Transfer pictures 9510 Woodwork 9600-9699 Furniture. See 2200-2740. Wood-carving 9700-9799 Lacquer 9900 Marquetry. — Inlaying 9920 Miscellaneous 9950 8 FINE ARTS (GENERAL) FINE ARTS (GENERAL) N Periodicals. 1 American and English. 2 French. . AlX^■LA^cr^cAn a^v-^ Er^hs^. 3 German. 4 Italian. 5 Dutch and Flemish. 6 Russian. Slavic. 7 Spanish and Portuguese. 8 Other, including Oriental. 9 Yearbooks. Societies. 10 General. 11 American. 12 English. 13 French and Belgian. 14 German, Austrian, and Swiss. 15 Italian. 16 Spanish and Portuguese. 17 Other. 21 Congresses. Collected writings. 25 Several authors. ■■ :i. ^-^l- v. 27 Individual authors. 31 Encyclopedias. 33 Dictionaries. Art terms. 40 Biography — Collective. Biography of special countries with History, N 6501-7413. Biography of special subjects, see Architecture, Sculpture, etc. 43 Women artists (Collective). ~^ 1^2 Juvemie works. 45 Artists' marks and monograms. Directories. 50 General. 51 United States. 55 Other special countries, A-Z. 11 ]V FINE ARTS Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics. Cf. General works, N 7420-7440. See also BH, Esthetics (Philosophy) N 61 History. Early (to 1870). 62 English. 63 French. 64 German. < '. 4 65 Other. - Eecent. 66 English. 67 French. 68 German. 69 Other. 70 Theories of art. 71 Psychology of the artist. fl J Cf. N. 8350; ML 3838; BF 725-7. 72 Art in relation to ethics, music, etc. 73 The nude in art. ' 3 74 Style. 75 Taste. 76 Symmetry. Proportion. Ehythm. Cf. NA, NC, etc. 78 Beautiful in nature. . 79 Miscellaneous. Essays, etc. Study and teaching. 81 Periodicals and societies. 85 General works. 87 General special. 90 History — General. 100-284 Special countries. Table II. Under each : (1) General. (2) Local. Art schools. 325 General. Special schools (by place). 330 United States. 331 Other American. 332 European. 333 Other. 335 Correspondence schools. 340 Art examination papers. 12 N FINE ARTS K Study and teaching. 3^5 O^^ "^'"i^^^t;:^ ■"' "bSTi -Sic'Art study in the elementary -sehoel. ?i.w!k 3ecfiY\ka«^ stWaU- ~ Cf. NC 390-635, Study of drawing ; also " f e^i-'i. L^ LB 11S7-11SS, Art for the kindergarten. 350 General. 55B In the United States. ^f'^ C^lUre^i ^ art.^i.. 354 States, A-Z. 355 Cities, A-Z. 357 Special systems. Under each : (1) Teachers' manuals; (2) Text-books. Special grades. 361 Primary. 362 Grammar. 363 High school. 365 In foreign countries, A-Z. 370 Picture study in the school and the home. Lists of pictures for schools. 373 Select lists. 375 Dealers' catalogs. 377 Supplies, materials, etc. 380 Study of the history of art. Cf. N 5305, Outlines, syllabi. 3g^ 385 In the United States. Spec. a\ vx-n,v«ws.t-»es^ Gt^.oc-e,eNc, h-2 390 In other countries, A-Z. r~- ^ Uv\ci«v« ea. Art nmseums, galleries, etc. ^^ Xr^T^\ ^v>-^•^*v.s,+v>s, Cf. AM, General museums. ^ 5(iVM)o\s, eVc^ f\-X . 405 Collections of catalogs, handbooks, etc. ^,^ . gj (^>ey.-w^a>^v 410 General works. • g 32 et? So ■>-'->->. U-n>w«v-s^"V-a.V Kuv,wvx.seuv;yv, Detroit. ,^£-^ TJalUi.TftvAs. Fitchburg. 5 5 y D'- ^ - D? f . Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth college. Indianapolis. John Herron art institute. Minneapolis. Muskegon. New Haven. New York. General. Municipal collections. Lenox library. -'^ fv^Ui* litr-'-i Metropolitan museum. A'^ ?>v«-Ue.tiirt< Special collections (by name). Loan exhibitions (by date). New York historical society. n a • „ ^f other, A-Z. I '-^'^^r; °''^;""-''" '^'•^■ Norwich. Slater memorial museum. Omaha. Lininger art gallery. '^'' «^--,^. ^^.^ c^4- c , iWi., / -6. Philadelphia. Collective. Pennsylvania academy of fine arts. ^^ Penft^lvania museum -a«d school ^ ifidiistrid i art. Philadelphia. Memorial Hall, Fairmont Park. 5752:,. l~7 Us/ Yale university. Vv^,H„ (VSO St. Louis. Museumof fine arts (Washington university). .74(T San Francisco. Mark Hopkins institute of art.^ "~^ ' ?43 Savannah. Telfair academy. --^^ '+^'' 'Vi ^^^"^7 ^- ^"^:WJ"*r> ^., 750 Southampton, N. Y. Art museuna.-^-go^^,^ g.^w^v^e^^-^ "'f^.'sj- s^IiL^ - W"^ u, /V- - goo Syracuse. Museum of fine arts. '^ 4fc v^^, (St^^v.; ^ . ^>^ """^^^.'J^ ' ■:-W^.: 820 Toledo. .., ^ , ^ S^^^^^c^^^ ^ ' ^ .. ^' 845 Washington. -^^^^^-^->---..:.^ 850 Corcoran gallery. ^^^i Special colUdio^s A-: 853 U. S. Capitol. ^eg .Cfc Cl^-k colU.ti 855 , U. S. Library of Congress. ^^.^ ,j^'_ KUtVl. ^aU*^^ oifjvt, (CoWtct.c- 857*" ^. 0. Nu ff lmia^-^g«il^t^y- ' 'gf"aTtl a^^i buMJiV* ^.yc-A \>n| ^*4»-tw t^«H»»'] 858 Other special, A-Z. e. g. .P4, Pliillips memorial art gallery. eollejfe. Fart^sv..-.. 863 Westerly, E. L ^ ^So P-*ub, ar-^ie\(C\^)t\^-&xo^y^V 870 Worcester. Art museum. "^^^^^^'^^ ' ''- ' ' - /'/\v5eo deVej/avs Other American countries, ^y^^**-^a' .-^Ai ei^Xj!^,^ '^*2-«- i^^wi^'3 V\e.i^\co- " "* Europe.^ ,\ , i , > \ j^uiU^ cKIi^. 1020 Collective. i y ,^ ^ ^ .'v:^jEAi. l*yo Sheffield. Mappm art gallery. 1510 Warrington. 1550 Windsor Castle. Austria-Hungary. 1610 Collective. 1615 Budapest (National gallery). pf:-./j 1630 Prague, Rudolphinmri. / Vienna. ' ' ' ''^'^ ''''' 1650 Collective. ' ' 1^^^ K. K. Akademie der bildenden kiinste. 1670 Albertina. Belvedere collections, see N 1680. \<\o^- J^m. v^ N FINE AKTS N Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. Austria-Hungary. Vienna — Continued. t'^-j;^ Hofburg. Hausschatz, see NK 7415.A8. """^'^ TCnnsthistorisches hof -museum. 2010 Collective. ir^aris. 2020 Collective. 2025 Bibliotheque nationale. 2080 Louvre (Musee national, royal, imperial, etc.). 2031 Folios. 2032 Special collections (by name, A-Z). 2040 Luxembourg. Musee national. 2045 Musee des Thermes et de I'Hotel de Cluny. 2048 Palais des beaux-arts. 2049 Special collections, A-Z. 2050 Other Parisian, A-Z. c / ,^ > -o i Other French galleries. 2052.A2 Abbeville. ^o^^ A\'o\ , ^-^-^^e^ - VAu^* 2054 Avignon. Musee Calvet. 2057 Bagneres de Bigorre. Musee. ^osB.E^ Baa.uva.U 2059.C4 Chambery. Musee. .B4> Bo^cieaay,'^- .CS Chantilly. Musee Conde. ' S7 Bou.v-|r; 2060 . („2^) Compiegne. Palais. 2070 " Lille. 2080 Lyons. Musees de la ville. 2110 Marseilles. Musee. 2319—22 2 17 .e: s. .^ ^^ FINE ARTS V Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. Great Britain— Continued. Places other than London. i r £ n 1195 Bath. Holbourne art museum. ^ "'^^^•^'^•^ I^IP Birmingham. 1214 ElnplrKnvr. - N 1830 Collective, I'rfX /^u^e.^. dommunai 1835 Musees royaiix d'art et d»histolre. (Fusees royanx des art§ decortalls et industrlels. Musees royaux de Ginquantenair^, etc. 1836 Kusees royaux ... Musees de Ravenstein. a^w^s and armor, see KK 6602.B8 1840 Musees royaux de peinture et de sculpture de Belgique. , ^^ , , T'-i ^""^ -Lieicester. Art gallery. Liverpool. 1^^^ Royal institution. 1^10 Walker art gallery. 1430 ^ Manchester. Art gallery. 1440 Nottingham. ' 1^^ Norwich castle museum. ^^^^ Oxford. University galleries. , ^ ■ ^ '. 1480 Salford. ""'• 1AS5 Porl Sut.Ug .. 1490 Sheffield. Mappin art gallery. ^"'^'^ ^"'^" ^^ ^^""K 1^10 Warrington. 1550 Windsor Castle. Austria-Hungary. 1610 Collective. 1615 Budapest (National gallery), r / 1630 Prague. Rudolphinum. / Vienna. ' ' \ ' -r^te?^, ^/^^. 1650 Collective. i^fi^A ?■ ^- ^kademie der bildenden kiinste. 1670 Albertina. Belvedere collections, see N 1680. >^-/. 16 N FINE AKTS N /f/i-~ 1677 1680 1710 1750 1760 1770 1810 1830 1880 1910 1920 1925 1930 2010 2020 2025 2080 2031 2032 2040 2045 2048 2049 2050 2052Jl2 2054 2057 2059.C4 .C5 2060-^ 2070" 2080 2110 Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. Austria-Hungary, Vienna — Continued. Hofburg. Hausschatz, see NK 7415.A8. Kunsthistorisches hof-museum. ' •Vn c-vrN^«jws. Gemalde-galerie. \ (a 6 5" Oesterreichisches museum* Belgium. Collective. Antwerp. Collective. Musee royal. fr) "70S bsh ''. '- 3r i Musees-royaux. Bruges., Brussels Denmark. • ■"" Copenhagen. Glyptotek. Thorvaldsens museum. Others, A-Z^ p,^^^ A-Z &50 OtVier Se.\^ia»i c'ltres S-t-«.+>>v\; France. Collective. Paris. Collective. Bibliotheque nationale. Louvre (Musee national, royal, imperial, etc.). Folios. Special collections (by name, A-Z). Luxembourg. Musee national. Musee des Thermes et de I'Hotel de Cluny. Palais des beaux-arts. Special collections, A-Z. Other Parisian, A-Z. ^^ ^^^^^ ^^j,^ Other French galleries. Abbeville. -0^=5, A\b\ , '^■'^"^^^ Avignon. Musee Calvet. Bagneres de Bigorre. Musee, Chambery. Musee. Chantilly. Musee Conde. , - ^) Compiegne. Palais. ^"^ Lille. Lyons. Musees de la ville. Marseilles. Musee. VAu'be.ei.. *) 2319—22 2 17 »<>.« 31 <^^i N FINE ARTS N Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. France. Other French galleries — Continued. 2120 Montpellier. Musee Fabre. 2140 Nancy. Musee. 2143 Nantes. I^'^^ ^^^rs. NoUck^u^^.. 216^ Eouen. Musee des antlc(uitis.~ h155 Q 'a.'vmt)er-. 2165 St. Germain-en-Laye. 2170 Tours. Musee. ^,^!'rZ ^Kas b«u.^ 2180 Versailles. Musee natioiial. Germany. 2210^1,1 Collective, ti r- L,^ .-- -^i i » i *i 2214: Augsburg. _K. Gemalde-galerie. Berlin. r'^';/- 2220] Collective. K. Museen. I2230;) K. Gemalde-galerie. Others, see revised list on p. 167. 2255 Bonn. _, ^ , , 2260 Brunswick.'^"''^ ""^"^'^ ^^^^^' 2264 Colmar. Museum. 2265 Cologne. Museum Wallraf-Richartz. 2267 Darmstadt. Grossherzogl. Hessisches museum. Dresden. 2270 Collective. 2275 Albertinum. 2280 K. Gemalde-galerie. Griines gewolbe, see NK480.D8. 2285 Sachsischer altertumsverein museum. Diisseldorf. 2294 Electoral gallery. 2295 Kunst-akademie. 2298.E7 Erlangen. Universitat. Frankfurt am Main. ■2 3 02. 5" KaiSi-leT 2303 Stadelsches kimstinstitut. «..,.«,^,-^.2304 Stadtische galerie. ?„305.H4 Har,^V£r.LaU«.r,... .. j ^s-UX>A 2318 Antiquarium. ^ , • o '^'^'^'" ^ " 2320 Glyptothek. ^^^'^'^ Q>o^^^^^ Casp-- ^^2.1 Hau:. d^r DeuVscVte Kiir\<.V- 18 ^-C-t t'M-'i' IT FINE AETS N Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. German3\ Munich — Continued. 2325 Old Pinakothek. 2330 New Pinakothek. . -, 2335^^^^ Schack galerie. ^^-^^TT^ ^'^' Nuremberg. ^ ^^^ '^r-'^. A -2. e.^. . /V^ /i.pU^ ^C,^; 2350 Germanisches nationalmuseum. '^P^'^^t.^i^.^-i.v-^ 2355 St. Morizkapelle. ^ 2360 Oldenburg. Grossherzogl. kunstsammlungen. 2375 Schleissheim. K. Gemaldegalerie. 2380 Schwerin. Altes schloss. ' .-VVrv-nbergv<.c1ae SV^a.Vs3a\e.v^j.. 2i05 Wiirzburg. Universitat. ^ Z'.'^''^^'^"" ' '^^^^^'^^" Greece. 2410 Collective. 2420 Athens. Holland. 2450 Collective. Amsterdam. 2460 Eijks-mnseum. 2463 Stedelijkmuseum. Haarlem. ,. , Ht-U - |viui ?« vw , 2475 Stedelijkmuseum. 2477 Teyler's stichting. Hague. 2480 K. Museum. K. Kabinet van Schilderijen. 2482 Gemeente-museum. ^484 , ._,,^ Museum Mesdag. u.; . i , . w 2505 Rotterdam. Museum-Boijmans. Italy. 'i^iii CrCv~4JL^ /-? 2510 Collective. X ■^-5'/ f '^-^<[.il^, 7?i^. ,,, 2517 Bergamo. Accademia Carrara. 2520 Bologna. R.Pinacoteca (Accademia di belle arti). 2525 Brescia. Museo. Florence. ^55-6 ^i«-.5^«.>t-<„ Tptt^^j^^ ^-ruo 2540 • Collective. 2550 Accademia di belle arti (Galleria antica e mdderna) 2555 Museo nazionale. '" ■^•^'•^''' 'n^'-^-- 2560 Palazzo Pitti (Galleria Palatina). 2570 Palazzo degli Uffizi. 2571 Folios. 19 N FINE AKTS K Art museums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. Italy — Continued. 2610 Forli. Pinacoteca. 2620 Genoa. 2630 Palazzo Bianco. 2640 Palazzo Rosso, j^,;,^'^ U>^0- >^"- V"— -^».,.ru^ 2660 Milan. a /, -.- AVco..^:. f^'^'sec >,a^'o>H;,. 2670 Pinacoteca di Brera. p,-rp 2690 Modena. 2720 Naples. -y.o ,^ 2730 Museo nazionale (Museo Borbonico). Parma. 2740 E. Galleria. 2741 R. Museo di antichita. 2743 Perugia. ^ Pinacoteca Vannucci. Pisa. 2745 Campo santo. 2746.P6 Museo civico. 2747 Prato. 2750 Eavenna. Museo nazionale. Eome. 2810 Collective. 2812 Accademia di San Luca. 2813 Albani, Villa. 2815 Barberini gallery. 2818 Boncompagni museum ( formerly in Villa Ludovisi) . 2820 Borghese, Villa. Museum Gabinum. '^^^' 2830 Capitoline museum (Campidoglio). 2840 Colonna gallery, 2850 Conservatori, Palazzo del. 2860 Corsini gallery. Diocletian's baths (National museum) , see N 2934 2875 Dodwell gallery. 2880 Doria-Pamphili gallery. 2890 Galleria d'arte moderna. 2910 ^''^^^^"^ ^''^^^onf^le d'arte antica.a^i\^'. „a^'^^U i\ \ ^^^0 Gal Jena nazionale e gabmetto delle stampe. "" ' ' ' 2925 Kircherian museum. 2930 Lateran collections. 2934 Museo nazionale romano. 2937 Sciarra gallery. 20 N FINE ARTS Art museums, galleries, etc, / Special countries and special museums, Europe , Italy. Rome - Continued, 2940 Vatican collections, 2941 Biblioteca vaticana, 2943 Museo Chiaramonti, 2944 Museo etruseo gregoriano, 2945 Museo Pio-ClementiHO, etc, 2947 Pinacoteca (1932- ), 2950 Sistine Chapel, 2963 Sassari Museo G,A, Sanna, 2970 Siena, Regia pinacoteca. Formerly Institute provinciale di belle arte. 2975 Sorrento, Museo Correale, 2976 Taranto, Museo Nazionale, 2977 Trapani. Museo Pepoli, Turin. 29SO Galleria sabanda, 2983 Museo civico di belle arti, 2985 Museo di antichitd, 2987 Others, A-Z. e.g. .A4 Academia albert ina di belle arte, Regia galleria, 3005 Urbino. Galleria nazionale. Venice. 3010 Collective, 3020 Accademia di belle arti (R,R, Galleria), 3025 Galleria. Giorgio Franchette alba Ih d*oro, 3030 Museo civico, 3040 Palazzo ducale, 3042 Others, A-Z, e.g, ,S4 Serainario patriarcale di Santa Maria della salute, 3060 Verona, Museo civico, 3062 Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, 3064 Vicenza, Museo civico, Pinacoteca. 3065 Viterbo, Museo civico, 3070 Zara. Museo nazionale, Norway, 3110 Collective, 3120 Bergen, Billedgalleri. 3125 Oslo, Bymuseet. 3130 Oslo ( Christ iania), Oslo. Nasjonalgalleriet, Portugal. 3210 Collective. 3219 Evora. Biblioteca publica. 3221 Guimaraes, Museo de Alberto Sampaio. 3228 Lisbon. Collective. 3230 Lisbon. Museu nacional das bellas artes. 3231 Other galleries of Lisbon, A-Z, a +i,'. N FINE ARTS Art museioms, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe, Russia. 3310 Collective, 3315 Gorki, Grosudarstvennyi khudozhestvennyi muzei. 3317 Gosudarstvennyi muzei imeni Khadnenko, 331s Kuibyshev. Khudoz hestvennyi muzei, 3320 Moscow, 3321 Grosudarstvennyi muzei iziasbchnykh iskussto, 3322 / Gosudarstvenmd muzei novoga, V»-^^rYU^c W^V2M/aiM'^i>3u- ^^2^^3 5-4 Rumiantsov museum. ^^TuauTi vaev^vN^Kk u.Uijdr>i.^.Mki>v .^lev^N 3325 ,. Tretiakov gallery, 6-t-tk.^va.. / ^"^Oporto, 333 '^'Z ^Collective, 3236 V Special museum, A-Z. 3340 St. Petersburg. PetrogFad. Leningrad, 3342 1^ Akademia khudozhestv. Leningrad. 33^ ^ Gosudarstvennyi russkii muzei, 3350 Hermitage, Spain, 3/+IO 'collective, 3413" Burgos, Museo aroueologico provincial, 3415 ^' Cadiz. Museo de bellas artes. 3418 1' Escorial, 3^30 Madrid, 3440 Biblioteca nacional, 3442 Cortes. 3445 Museo de arte moderno. 3450 Museo nacional (Mu'^eo del Prado), 3457^ Martorell. Museo Santacana, 3463^ Orihuela. Museo, 3465*^ Sarae^ossa, Museo provincial, 3470 Seville, Museo provincial, 3471" Seville, Other museums, e.g, .C3 Cathedral museum. 3^474-'' Toledo, Collective, 3475^ Toledo. Cathedral. MiT^eum, 3^4-^5" Valencia. Collective, 34B6>^ Special museum, A-Z, 3490/^,. Valladolid, Museo nacional de escultura. K^^ U FINE ARTS ^ Art nmseums, galleries, etc. Special countries and special museums. Europe. Italy. / Rome — Continued. 2940 Vatican collections. ^ ^1 ^ . ^ | ; ^^.^^ 2943 Museo Chiaramonti. ^^^^ , ji^^x^ ^,*^,„.,*,U^. 2945^^'"^^ Museo Pio-Clementino, etc. ^.^i a- f T . .?..- .- Nii^ 2950 Sistine Chapel. p,^,._^.^.. , ' , 2970 Siena. Istitute-provinciale. Turin. .,,^.,.,,^ i - I 2980 Pinacoteca.""'^'*^*'"''"" U f 2983 Museo civico di belle artiC Venice: — {JuJk^. 3010 Collective. 3020 Accademia di belle arti (R. R. Gallena). 3030 Museo civico. 3040 Palazzo ducale. 3060 Verona. ISIiiseo civico. . ^ j^ Norwav. ^' _a 3110 Collective. ^ . S\a^ 0^\o • Sl^mu?.e-^- '^^' ''- 3120 Bergen. Billedgalleri. vi ., Nc\r ^- 3130 Christiania^ Kunstmuseet. ^sfe*::^,: _ . .^ r , . Portugal. prr_5:^.2.\ Qv^f-wr^raes. 'v)v;5«u ci« /^Ibev-to ^a-rvspa^o. ^&9o.5/gz'.3210 Collective. ■^.-:^ L-.: - . '^-^'v^, Lisbon. Museu nacional das bellas artes. Collective. ^^^^ ,.a»*«^ " -T^ aJ^^U^JLu..^ _zJu^.U^ y 3320 Moscow. -.-.-.^i^., «> — — - '-^ 3323 Rumiantsov museum. , 3325 Tretiakov gallery. •3^^«S ^^""/^ H eat ive - 3340 St. Petersburg, Petrograd. az'b(i> ?i^a ' - 1 1 1 5 .A1-.A4 .A&-.A7 .A8-.Z9 4402 Aberdeen. 4405 Agra. 4406 Agram. 4407 Alexandria. 4410 Algiers. Amsterdam. 4414 1859. 4415 1869. 4420 Antwerp. 4424 Athens. Atlanta. 4426 1881. 4427 1895. 4429 Bahia. 4430 Baltimore. 4433 Barcelona. 4436 Basel. 4439 Batavia. 4440 Berlin. 4450 Birmingham. 4452 Bogota. 4453 Bombay. 4456 Bordeaux. 4460 Boston. 4463 Brisbane, 1875. 4465 Brussels. 4475 Bucharest. 4478 Budapest. 4482 Buenos Aires. 4485 Buffalo. -* 4488 Calcutta. 4491 Canton. 4494 Cape Town. 4495 Caracas. 4497 Charleston. Chicago. 4499 1873. 4500 1893. 4511 Christiania. 4515 Cincinnati, 1879. 4516 Cincinnati, 1888. 4520 Cleveland. 4550 Detroit. 4555 Dresden. 4560 Dublin. 4561 Duluth. 4565 Dunedin. 4570 Edinburgh. 4590 Florence. 4606 Geneva. 4610 Genoa. 4618 Glasgow. 4619 Gratz. 4620 Guatemala. 4621 Haarlem, 1861. 4624 Hague. 4631 Hamburg. 4633 Hanoi. 4835 Havana. 4640 Hong Kong. 4645 Indianapolis. 4648 Jamestown. 4650 Johannesburg. 4655 Klagenfurt. 4660 Leeds. 4665 Leipzig. .4670 Ligge, 1905. , , \\V 4675 Lima, 1898. 4681 Lisbon. 4684 Liverpool. London. 4690 1851. 4691 1862. 4695 1871. 4697 1887. 4710 Lyons. 4715 Madrid. 4719 Manchester. J'J^9 Petrograd, see N 4868. Philadelphia. 4825 1876. 4828 Pisa. 4830 Pittsburgh. Portland, Oreg. 4834 1905. 4836 Prague. 4840 Rio de Janeiro. 4850 Rome. 23 N FINE ARTS N Exhibitions. International exhibitions — Continued. 4-1 ■ 4860 St. Louis, 1904. 4865 St. Paul. 4868 St. Petersburg. 4873 San Diego, 1915. ^874 San Francisco. 4877 San Jose. Santiago de Chile. 4879 1873. 4880 1875. 4883 1910. 4885 Schwerin. 4888 Seattle. 4^92 Seoul. 4896 Shanghai. 4910 Stockholm. 4920 Sydney. 4937 Tokio. 4940 Toronto. 4944 Triest. 4947 Turin. 4949 Valladolid. 4951 Valparaiso. 4955 Venice. ;// ; >] ^ 4960 Vienna, 1873. 4975 Warsaw, '"^ '"t- . '4983 Washington. ^^'1 dh^ty 4990 Yokohama. 4995 Zurich. 6010 5015 5020 5030 5050 5051 5053 5054 5055 5056 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 Other general exhibitions. Collective. America. United States. Societies not limited to one city (by place). Exhibitions in special cities. Other American exhibitions (by place). Europe. Collective. Great Britain. Collective. London. Collective. Eoyal academy. Other London exhibitions. Other English cities. Austria (by place). Belgium (by place). Denmark (by place). France. Collective. Paris. Collective. The two salons. The salon (Societe des artistes frangais). The salon of the Societe nationale des beaux-arts. Other Paris exhibitions. Other French cities. Germany (by place). Greece (by place). Holland (by place). 24 N FINE ARTS Exhibitions. Other general exhibitions. Europe — Continued. 5073 Italy (by place). 5074 Norway (by place). 5075 Portugal (by place). 5076 Russia (by place). 5077 Spain (by place). 5078 Sweden (by place). 5079 Switzerland (by place). 5080 Other European (by place). 5085 Asia (by place). 5090 Africa (by place). 5095 Australia (by place). 5097 Pacific (by place). Private collections. 5210 Collective. United States. 5215 Collective. 5220 Special. 5230 Other American* European. 5240 Collective. 5245 Great Britain. 5250 Austria. .as-c. ^2^^ Belgium. ^,t.V^o^^ov..V; y>. 5257 Denmark. 5260 France. 5265 Germany. 5270 Greece. 5272 Holland. 5273 Italy. 5274 Norway. 5275 Portugal. 5276 Russia. 5277 Spain. 5278 Sweden. 5279 Switzerland. 5280 Other European. 5285 Asia. 5290 Africa. 5295 Australia. 5297 Pacific. N 25 K FINE ARTS N HISTORY 6300 General. 6301 Illustrations. » ^,. x/^^r,. 6303 General special. (Including collections of historical essays.) 6305 Outlines. Syllabi. 6310 Prehistoric art. Origins of art. Cf. NK 1177, Ornament. 6315 Ancient and medieval art. Ancient art. Artistic archeology. Methods and aims of archeology, CC. Inscriptions, CN. Historical studies, D. Architecture, NA. Sculpture, NB, Prehistoric archeology, GN. American archeology, E, F. cv ;■? (^ ^.j^^ Antiquities (Local), D, E, and F. Critics and historians (e. g. Winckelmann) , N 8370-8375. 6320 General periodicals. 5325 General societies. 5329 History and method of artistic archeology. 5330 General treatises. 6331 Folios. 5333 General special. e. g. Seven wonders of the worlds 5334 Pictorial works. 6335 Special collections. Prefer N 510-3970, Art museums. 6340 Miscellaneous groups of countries. 5343 Ancient Oriental art— General, including India, etc. 6345 Classic Orient (Egypt and southwestern Asia). e. g. Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt. Special countries and groups of countries. 5350 Egypt. 5351 Folios. 5370 Chaldea. Babylonia. Assyria. 5380 Nineveh. 5390 Persia. Media. 5410 Phenicia and its colonies. 5420 Carthage. 5430 Cyprus. 5440 Sardinia. 5460 Judea. Syria. 6470 Arabia. 26 N FINE ARTS N Ancient art. Artistic archeology. )otot I a Special countries and groups of countries — Continued, 5480 Asia Minor. 5490 Cappadocia. 5510 Galatia. 5520 Gordion. 5530 Lycia. 5540 Mysia. 5545 Pergamum. 5550 Phrygia. 5560 . Troy (Ilium). Classic art. Periodicals and societies, see N 5320-5325. Museums and collections, see N 510-3970, 5210-5297. 5605 Collected works. 5610 Treatises. 5613 General special. 5615 Pictorial works. Special countries. Greece. 5630 General. 5633 Miscellaneous — Special. 5634 Catalogs of collections. 5635 Catalogs of exhibitions. 5640 Aegina. 5645 aT?^^' I-*^^^^ ^o<\u. Athens.L(^55Cofm\\\. 5650 5660 Crete. 5670 Delos. 5672 Delphi. 5680 Dordona. 5687 Macedonia. 5690 Melos. 5700 Mycenae. ^^q^ q W^Wvl^ . 5710 Tanagra. ^to-**^ ■v=>cy<^cK.y~r\ 5720 Tiryns. Ancient Italy. 5740 General works. 5750 Etruria. 5751 Folios. 5760 Rome. 5761 Folios. 5763 General special. 27 N FINE ARTS K Ancient art. Artistic axcheolog^. Special countries. Classic art. Ancient Italy — Continued. 5769 Pompeii and Herculaneum. 5770 Pompeii. 5771 Folios. 5775 Herculaneum. 5790 Other cities, A-Z. 5801-5896 Other countries. Table I. cAcva r^L. ^. .^ + A^-' e. g. .TS, Tusculum. td. ."SS 5c.yth.iaj.. 5940 Medieval and modern art. '^ 5941 Folios. Medieval art. General. 5950 Periodicals. ^,. ^ 5960 Societies. ^3(^3 Mueeu»^'. Collections. Rxhlbitlono. 5965 Dictionaries. 5970 Treatises. 5971 Folios. 5975 Miscellaneous — Studies, essays, etc. Special. 6240 Celtic art. Ancient Irish art. i 6245 Carolingian art. 6250 Byzantine art. 6260 Mohammedan. Moorish. Arabic. Cf. NA 380-8, Architecture; NK 1270-5, 1820, Decora- tion; NK 720-5, Industrial art. 6261 Folios. 6270 Moors in Spain. 6271 Folios. See also special countries and cities, e. g. N 79S8, Cairo. 6280 Romanesque art. For special countries, see 6501-7413. 6310 Gothic art. For special countries, see 6501-7413. 6311 Folios. Modern art. 6350 General. 6351 Folios. 6370 Renaissance art. For special countries, see N 6501-7413. 6410 17th and 18th centuries. 28 N Modern art General Folios Renaissance art Special aspects or movements, A-Z. .M3 Mannerism 17th and l8th century \^^ F^r spac'.a )coo, 17th century ^ ! ^ ^.r ^'a.-,. -.^. General , Special aspects or movements, A-Z, N 405-5297 .B3 Baroque . l8th century ) General ! Special aspects or movements, A-Z. j .N^ Neoclassicism I .R6 Rococo j 19th century Special by year Special aspects or movements, A-Z. .P6 Point illism ■ 20th century Art and the European War (General) For special countries, see N 6512-7^^1. art.) Exhibitions ..^ Special by year , ■"■ • tj^pe-^\i?^e-. Special aspects or movements, A-Z pw"^-' .A2 Abstract art i ,A8 Assemblage .C6 Collage ■ . ,06^ Constructivism .C8 Cubism .F5 Fig-^rative art .F6 Found objects ! . F8 Futurism .K5 Kinetic art .M5 Minimal art .N6 Art nouveau .P6 Pop art .S7 Spatialism ,S8 Surrealism tl3. "" * ' "•f'T i T a w ii i n — mm i iii - - ~-\ r r*" "^ > i ii f i , |i>n ii j t ijii i ' i>ii ijj« >"'"''*"~^ N 576 577 577 577 579 5801-589 ^ 694 595( 596( 596i 597( 597] 5971 624( 624J 625( 626( 6261 6270 6271 6280 6310 6311 6350 6351 6370 6410 N FINE ARTS N Modern art — Continued. 6450 19th century. 6460 Special by year. e. g. The art of 1898. 6490 20tli century. 6491 Art and the European War (General). For special countries, see N 6512-7441. , ^^^^.-2, _ExhibitionS. ^^^ ^-^eu^^- - ■^^■r{CiSc \ T 6501-7413 <-Special countries (Table IV), >.;., -;. Guide boolis to the galleries and collections, see N 405-5297. '^' ' Cf. ND 1242-1257. 7415 Jewish art. Ancient art. see 5460. General works. 7420 Early works (to 1800). 7425 Treatises, 1800-. 7428 General special. e. g. Comparisons of ancient and modern art. 7430 Technique, composition, etc. e. g. The problem of form, The artists' way of working. 7433 Popular manuals. 7434 Models. Cf. NC 765, Drawing. 7435 Art criticism. (Including popular works on the appreciation of art.) Cf. ND 1143, Paintings. .,r i 7438^ Miscellaneous."''- ; "^^ "'^'''' ,^%' Uu . f.^ "''' , X ■ r 2c/ ■; _. m I a-fcid r&pV\V . etc . e. g. Hind's Education of an artist, ^ "^ *^ Adventures among pictures. 7440 Juvenile works. Cf. History and biography, N 4 land N 5300. A^ddresses, essays, lectures, thoughts, and sayings. Collective. 7443 Several authors. 7445 Individual authors. 7450 Single papers. 7460 Anecdotes and curiosities of art and artists. 7470 Facetiae. Atlases. Iconographies. 7510 Periodicals. 7511 Folios. 7520 General collections. 7521 Folios. Special periods and countries, see N 5300-7413. 29 1525 ImLejx.e'i . Reperl cic&s,. Ci. M 7620 , Porttaits . N FINE AETS SPECIAL SUBJECTS OF AET 7560 Choice of subject. Titles. Quotations, etc. Cf. ND 45. Human figures. Cf. NC, Drawing, Art anatomy and physiognomy. 7570 General. 7575 Portraits. Cf. N 7627-S, 7633-9, 7643-9. NC 773, Drawing. NC 1300-1760, Caricatures. ND 1300-33, Painting. ND 2200, Water-colors. NE 218-330, Engravings. 7580 Ancient. 7582 Egyptian. 7585 Greek and Roman. 7586 Greek iconographies. 7587 Special, A-Z. 7588 Eoman iconographies. 7589 Special, A-Z. e. g. Julius Caesar. 7591 Other. 7592 Medieval and modern. For books with notable biographical text prefer CT, D-F. America. 7593 United States. 7594 Canada and British America. 7595 Special, A-Z. 7596 Mexico. 7597 Other countries, A-Z. Europe. 7598 Great Britain. 7599 Scotland. 7600 Ireland. 7601 Colonies. 7602 Austria. 7603 Belgium. 7604 France. 7605 Germany. 7606 Italy. 7607 Netherlands. 7608 Russia. 7609 Scandinavia. 7610 Special countries, A-Z. N 30 N FINE ARTS N Special subjects of art — Continued. Portraits. Medieval and modern. Europe — Continued. 7611 Spain and Portugal. 7612 Portugal. 7613 Switzerland. 7614 Other European, A-Z. 7615 Other countries, A-Z. 7616 Portrait miniatures. Cf. ND 1330-37, Painting. 7620 Indexes of portraits (General). Catalogs of collections. 7621 Public. National portrait gallery, London, see N 1090. 7622 Private. 7624 Dealers' catalogs. Cf. NE 218-330, Engraved portraits. (7625) Special classes, see subject in B-Z. e. g. Musicians, ML 140. Cardinals, BX 4663-5. 7626 Men. Portraits. (National collections, see N 7580-7615.) 7627 General. 7628 Individual. Cf. N 7587-7589. Women. (Cf. N 8070-8080.) 7630 General. 7632 Minor collections, picture-books, etc. Portraits. 7633 General. 7634 American. 7635 English. 7638 Other countries, A-Z. 7639 Individual, A-Z. e. g. .M3 Mary, Queen of Scots. .V5 Queen Victoria. 7640-7649 Children. (Divided like N 7630-7639.)" 7660 Animals. Cf. NC 780, NK 1555. ZCsCS Y 7680 Plants. Trees. Flowers. Cf. NC 805-815, NK 1560. 7690 Devices. Fictitious animals, etc. "& \ r d f) 31 N FINE ARTS IT Special subjects of art — Continued. -£'* 7710 Allegories. , ., ^ . 7720 Dance of death. _ c,^^ ^^^^ ^.i:^br^'\.■s.^. ir 7740 Symbolism. Emblematic art. ot^ufr^Urrv. Cf. PN 6349-635S, Emblems (Literature). 7750 Fables. 7760 Mj^thology. Heroes. Legends. Cf. Saiuts, N 8080. KELIGIOUS ART 7790 General. - , ?flB>^ Christian art, awl symbolism, m ^•^^' 7810 Periodicals. 7820 Societies.^ / ' • 7825 Dictionaries. 7826 Catalogs — General (Catalogues raisonnes, etc.). 7827 Catalogs of collections. 7828 Catalogs of dealers. 7829 Sources. e. g. Mitralis of Sicardus. 7830 General works. 7831 General special. 7832 Early Christian and medieval 7840 Art of the catacombs. Cf. DG 807.4. 7901-7996 Special countries (Table I). Special subjects. Bible illustrations. 8020 General. 8023 Before 1700. See also Holbein woodcuts in NE 1205. 8025 1701-1820. 8026 1820-1875. 8027 1875- New Testament. 8030 General. 8033 Before 1700. 8035 1701-1820. 8036 1820-1875. 8037 1875- 8040 God in art. 8050 Christ in art. 8052 The Good Shepherd and similar figures in an- cient art. 8053 The crucifixion and the crucifix. N FINE ARTS N Special subjects of art. Christian art and symbolism. Special subjects — Continued. 8054 Lord's supper. Eucharist. 8055 The Holy Spirit. 8060 Nativity. Holy family. 8063 Adoration of the magi. 8070 INIadonna. Virgin ^lary. 8080 Apostles. Saints. 8090 Angels. 8110 Bible characters. 8120 Last judgment. 8140 Devil. - H c a v t -v . n e 8160 Nimbus, aureola, etc. 8180 Miscellaneous. 8185 Special works. e. g. Speculum humanae salvationis. 8190 Religious art — Non-Christian. 8210 Historical subjects. 8213 Landscapes, views, mountains, etc. 8215 Literary subjects. Scenes from the works of great authors. Illustrations by several artists, accompanying the text, are to be classified preferably in PA-PT, with added entry here. Added entries may also be made for the artists in NC, NE, or ND. Illustrations after the drawings or paintings of special artists are to be classified under the artist in NC, NE, or NT), as the case may be, with added entry here and in PA-PT under the author illustrated. In the case of authors such as Shakespeare, Dante, and Goethe classification in Literatui-e is to be preferred. Other special subjects (alphabetically). 8217.D5 Death. — ^ _S'S •'^^ ^'''^• Industry. Labor. .It) T->iJ,-^>i-'-,. Love. 'L''^., e,^, A4S- v4euJ. 8218 8220 8223 8226 48247]b 8250 8270 8350 8370 8375 Medicine. -^^^^^f^S.^-?^ Music. --'-- Nfi-^rr^- Ships, see VM 307. Sport. Hunting, fishing, etc. Cf. NE 960, Sporting prints. Lines, ornaments, etc., see NK 1570, Miscellaneous. Grotesque, etc. Cf. N 79, Esthetics. Artists. Art as a profession. Psychology of the artist, see N71. Art critics and historians. ^^Aortc^^P'^^i Special, A-Z. e. g. .W7, Winckelmann. w a.Ma,\ Ay\a marine. 'M5o7 S>i"i)»S .T3 The -1 81L.2. U^^ 2319—22 3 33 N FINE ARTS N Art collectors, patrons, etc. Cf. Z 987-996 Book collecting. AM 200-401 Collectors and collecting. 8380 General. Art collectors and collecting. United States. 8383 General. 8384 Special. Great Britain. 8385 General. 8386 Special. France. 8387 General. 8388 Special. Germany. 8389 General. 8390 Special. Italy. 8391 General. 8392 Special. 8395 Other countries, A-Z. 8397 Special collectors (other than l:hose in 8384-8392) 8410 Art patrons. Art and the state, see 8700-8850. 8510 Art studios, materials, etc. 8520 Studios. 8530 Materials. 8540 Catalogs. 8550 Framing of pictures. Cf. TT 3S0, Gilding. 8553 Tables, etc. 8560 Preservation. Cleaning. Restoration. 8580 Copying and reproducing. Art dealers. 8610 Periodicals and societies. 8620 General works. 8630 Directories. 8640 Catalogs. 8650 Special sales. Cf. Private collections, N 5210-5297. 8660 Special dealers, A-Z. Prices of paintings, prints, etc. Cf. ND 46-8, Paintings. NE 63-85, Engravings. 8670 Periodicals. Annuals, etc. 8675 General works. 8680 Economics of art. 34 N FINE ARTS N AKT AND THE STATE. PUBLIC AU,T Cf. Architecture and the state, NA 100-130, Beautification of cities, NA 9000-9425. Landscape gardening, parks, SB 469-485- Municipal improvement, etc., JS 93-99. Ceremonials, pageants, etc., GT. €T00 Periodicals. 8710 Societies. Commissions. 8720 Congresses. ' "JZ^S "^ -w-w's-*- 8750 Protection and cultivation of art. 8770 Law and legislation. Tariff on works of art. Copyright, see Z 653. 8790 Forgeries. Public art. 8810 General treatises. 8820 Essays, addresses, etc, 8850 Preservation of monuments. Prefer CC 135 : Preservation of historic monuments, land- marks, scenery, etc. Cf. NA 4201-4384, Public buildings. NA 701-1613, Architecture of special countries. (8900-9084) Special countries and cities. Table II. For added entries for art commissions, etc., e. g. S925.D6. District of Columbia ; 8927.B7, Boston. Books to be shelved N 6501-7413. Cf. NA 9101-9284. 35 ARCHITECTURE o^> 87 ARCHITECTURE NA Periodicals. 1 American and English. 2 French, 3 German. 4 Italian. 5 Spanish and Portuguese. 6 Other. 9 Yearbooks. Societies. 10 General works on societies. 11 American. 12 English. 13 French and Belgian. 14 German, Austrian, and Swiss. 15 Italian. 16 Spanish and Portuguese. 17 Other. 21 Congresses. Collected writings. 25 Several authors. 27 Individual authors. 31 Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, glossaries, etc, 40 Biography — Collective. Biography of special countries and special architects, in NA. 701-1613. Directories. Cf. TA 12, TH 12-13. 50 General. 53 United States. 54 Special states. 55 Special cities. 60 Other countries, A-Z. Architecture and the state. Cf. NA 2000-2420, Education. NA 4170-4510, Public buildings. 100 General. 105 Preservation and restoration of architectural monuments. See also N 8850. 39 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Architecture and the state — Continued. Examination and licensing of architects. 120 General. 123 United States. 124 Special states. 125 Special cities. 130 Other countries, A-Z. Architects and the law. Cf. TH 219-255. 135 General. Special countries. 140 United States. 144 States, A-W. 145 Cities, A-Z. 150 Other countries, A-Z. HISTORY (Including historical monuments.) 200 General. 201 Folios. 202 Pictorial works (without text). 203 General special. Miscellaneous. 204 Handbooks of architectural styles. Cf. 2810-7. 205 Primitive. Cf. GN 413, Ethnology. 207 Primitive American. Cf. E-F. Ancient architecture. 210 General works. 211 Folios. 215 Eg^^pt. 216 Local. 220 Chaldea. Babylonia. Assyria. 221 Local. 225 Persia. 226 Local. 230 Phenicia. Cyprus. Carthaginia. Sardinia. 231 Local. 240 Judea. Syria. 243 Temple of Jerusalem. Solomon's temple. 245 Other special (by place). 250 Asia Minor. 251 Local, A-Z. For Greek cities (Ephesus, Halicarnassus, Pergamum, etc.), prefer NA 285. 40 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Ancient architecture — Continued. Classic. Greek and Roman. Cf. DE, DF, DG. 260 General. 261 Folios. 265 Pelasgic. "Cyclopean." Greek. 270 General. 271 Folios. Special subjects. Temples. 275 General. Special, see NA 281-5. 277 Palaces. 278 Others, A-Z. e. g. .T5, Theaters. 279 Special divisions, islands, etc., A-Z. e. g. .L5, Lesbos ; .M3, Magna Graecia. Special cities, towns, etc. Including the Greek cities of Ionia, Magna Graecia, etc. 280 Athens. 281 Parthenon. 283 Other special buildings, A-Z. 285 Other, A-Z. e. g. Ephesus, Halicarnassus, Pergamum, Paestum. 295 Ancient Italy. 300 Etruscan. 301 Local, A-Z. Roman (including city of Rome). 310 General. 311 Folios. Special classes of buildings. 313 Amphitheaters. The Colosseum. (315) Arches, Triumphal - . l\ew->ov\Q\ qvicI tv-'iowipVNai, o^jl. Hfi'a57«0-R5-7 317 Baths. 320 Palaces. 323 Temples. 324 Villas. 325 Others, A-Z. e. g. .T5, Theaters. 327 Special Italian cities, A-Z. Pompeii, see N 5770-5771. Rome, see NA 310-325. 335 Cities outside of Italy, A-Z. e. g. Baalbec, NJmes, Palmyra. 340 Special architects, A-Z. e. g. .V5, Vitruvius. 41 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Medieval architecture. 350 General. 351 Folios. 360 Early Christian. 361 FoHos. 365 Carolingian architecture. 370 Byzantine. 371 Folios. 373 Modern designs in Byzantine style. 380 Mohammedan architecture. Moorish architecture. Cf . NA 1361-73, Turkey ; 1460-1530, Asia ; 15S0-9, North Africa. See also 4670, Mosques. 381 Folios. 385 Moors in Spain. 386 Folios. 387 The Alhambra. 388 Buildings in Moorish style in non-Mohanunedan countries. e. g. .W5, The Wilhehna. Romanesque architecture. 390 General. 391 Folios. Special countries. Cf. NA 701-1613. 395 Austria. 397 France. 400 Germany. Great Britain, see NA 429. 405 Italy. 407 Netherlands. 410 Scandinavia. 415 Spain and Portugal. 417 Switzerland. 419 Other, A-Z. Norman architecture. 423 General. 425 Normandy. See also NA 1049.N7. 427 Italy. Sicily. See also NA 1113; 1119.S5. 429 England. See also NA 963. Gothic architecture. 440 General. 441 Folios. 445 Great Britain, English Gothic. Cf. NA 963. 42 NA ARCHITECTUEE NA Medieval architecture. Gothic architecture — Continued. 447 Continental Gothic. Cf. NA 1003-1455. 450 Austria. 453 France. 455 Germany. 457 Italy. 460 Netherlands. 465 Scandinavia. 470 Spain and Portugal. 475 Other. A-Z. Gothic details. 480 General. Gothic arch, see XA 440-441. 483 "Windows and window traceries. 485 ^Moldings. 487 Ornament. 489 Miscellaneous. Military architecture. Cf. UG 400-4G0, Military engineering. 490 General. 493 City walls and gates. 495 Gateways. Towers, see XA 2930. 497 Special countries, A-Z. Modem architecture. 500 General. 510 Eenaissance. Cf. KA 701-1613. 520 Italy. 521 Special divisions, A-Z. Special cities. 523 Eome. 525 Others, A-Z. e. g. .F7, Florence; .V5, Venice. Other countries. 530 Austria. 533 France. 535 Germany. 540 Great Britain. 545 Greece. 650 Netherlands. 43 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Modem architecture. Renaissance. Other countries — Continued. 555 Scandinavia. 557 Denmark. 559 Norway. 561 Sweden. 5ft5 Spain and Portugal. 570 Switzerland. 575 Other. 590 Baroque. Rococo. 600 Greek revival. 610 Gothic revival. 620 Tudor. Cf. NA 965. 625 Elizabethan. Cf. NA 965. 627 18th century. 630 Queen Anne. Cf. NA 966. 640 Georgian. Cf. NA 966, NA 707. American "Colonial", see NA 707. 645 19th century. 650 Neo-Greek. 660 Swiss. Timber. 670 Romanesque revival. 680 20th century. Recent. 701-1613 Architecture of special countries. Table IV. For " Special artists " read " Special architects." See also special periods and styles, NA 200-670. 13^5 PltcKi.tte.tL>Lr Study and teaching. a. pro5escir 2000 General. ]^^n Women h.". 2005 General special. arcWi+eda. 2101-2284 Special countries. Table II. Special schools. 2300 United States. 2303 Correspondence schools. 2305 Other American. 2310 Europe. 2320 Other. Competitions. "Concours." 2335 General. 2340 United States. 2345 Other American. 44 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Competitions. "Concours" — Continued. 2350 Europe. 2360 Other countries. Museums (by place). 2400 United States. 2405 Other American. 2410 Europe. 2420 Other. Exhibitions (by place). 2430 International. Local. 2440 United States. 2445 Other American. 2450 Europe. 2460 Other. General works. 2500 Theory. Esthetics. Architectonics. 2510 Comprehensive works. e. g. Durm's Handbuch der architektur. General treatises. 2515 Early works (to 1800). (2516) Quartos.* 2517 Folios. 2520 Works since 1800. (2521) Quartos.* 2522 Folios. 2530 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 2540 General special. Hints for architects, etc. 2550 Works for general readers. (Poetry of architecture, Seven lamps of architecture, etc.) Addresses, essays, lectures. 2560 Collective. 2563 Single. 2570 Business management for architects. 2580 The architect in legal relations. ■ t: H K I ?>5 - 1 5 • Of. NA- W0-15e!. 2590 Tables, pocket-books, etc. Cf. TH 151, Building, which contains most of this material. 2595 Miscellaneous maxims, etc. 2597 Anecdotes and curiosities of architecture and architects. 2599 Facetiae, satire, etc. ♦ Discontinued. 45 NA AECHITECTUEE NA Atlases, collections of plans, architectural sketch books, etc. See also Special classes of buildings, NA 4100-8480. 2600 General. 2605 American. 2610 Folios. 2620 English. 2625 French. 2630 German. 2633 Italian. 2635 Other. Contracts and specifications. Cf. TA 180. General, see TH 425. (2640) Periodicals. Annuals. (2645) Treatises. Special buildings, see NA 4416-8480. Architectural drawing. 2700 General. 2710 Perspective. Cf. NC 749-750; T 369. 2715 Shades and shadows. 2725 Lettering. Cf. T 371. 2750 Architectural design- 2760 Composition. Proportion. Architectonics. 2770 Plan. 2775 Elevation. 2780 Eendering in color, pen and ink, etc. 27<)5-2790__ Models and modeling. ^,1 lye. V>rDw\y {^' - aYoViWc-ir-x/*-) 2800 Architectural acoustics. Orders of architecture. 2810 Early works. 2812 Folios. 2815 Works since 1800. 2817 Folios. Architectural details, motives, etc. Cf. TH 2031-2555, Building (Construction). 2835 Periodicals. 2840 General and miscellaneous. 2841 Folios. 2850 Interiors. 2851 Folios. 46 NA AECHITECTURE NA Architectural details, motives, etc. — Continued. 2860 Piers. Columns. 2870 Capitals. 2875 Plinths. Socles. 2880 Arches. Crypts. Vaults. 2890 Domes. 2900 Roofs. 2910 Roof decoration (External). 2920 Gables. rk^/Vnfe.nts. 2930 Towers. Spires. 2940 Walls. 2950 Ceilings. 2960 Moldings. Cornices. Cf. NA 485, Gothic moldings. 2965 Friezes. Cf. NK 2120, Decoration. 2970 Floors. 2980 Tiles. Cf. Mosaics, NA 3750-3850. 2985 Catalogs. Gateways and portes-cocheres. see NA 8385. 3000 Doors and windows. 3010 Doors and doorways. 3020 Windows. Cf. Gothic windows, NA 483. 3030 Grilles. Fan-lights. 3040 Ornamental chimneys. 3050 Chimney-pieces. Fire-places. Mantels. 3055 Catalogs. 3060 Stairs. Balustrades. Cf. TH 5670-5680, Building. Architectural metal-work, see TH 1651-1655. Architectural papier mache, staff composition, see TH 1550, Architectural decoration. Cf. NK. 3310 Early works to 1800. 3320 General works, 1801-. 3321 Folios. 3330 Ancient. 3331 Folios. 3335 Egyptian. 3340 Classical. 3341 Folios. 3350 Greek. 3360 Roman. 3370 Pompeian. 47 NA AKCHITECTURE NA Architectural decoration — Continued. 3390 Medieval. 3391 Folios. 3400 Early Christian. 3410 Byzantine. 3420 Eomanesque. Gothic, see NA 487. 3450 Modem. 3460 Eenaissance. 3461 Folios. 3470 Romanesque revival. 3480 Gothic revival. 3501-3596 Special countries. Table I. Under each : ,A1. General. .A5-Z Special cities. e. g. NA 3549.P2, Paris. Painted decoration, see ND 2550-2876, Mural painting and NK, Decoration and ornament. 3680 Decoration in relief. Sculptured decoration. 3683 Caryatids. « 3686 Catalogs. 3690 Decorative plaster. Stucco. 3700 Terra cotta. 3703 Pressed brick. 3705 Tiles (Floor and wall). 3710 Incrustation. Veneering. Paper hanging, see TH 8423-8471, NK 3375-3496. 3750 Mosaic. Tesselated work. 3760 Ancient. 3770 Roman. Pompeian. 3780 Early Christian. Byzantine. 3790 Medieval. 3810 Modern. 3820 Venetian. 3830 Florentine. 3840 American and English. 3850 Other, A-Z. e. g. German, Roman. Stained glass, see NK 5300-5430. 3900 Woodwork. Cf. NK 9600-9950, TH 1151-1155. 3950 Ironwork. Cf. NK 8200-8299, TH 1651-1655. 4010 Fixed furniture. Miscellaneous accessories. ^OSo iC^tht^ A -2 n. .IS' I>xscr ijittons. NA ARCHITECTUEE NA SPECIAL CLASSlES OF BUILDINGS 4100 4110 4115 4120 4125 4130 4135 4140 4150 4160 4170 4180 4185 4193 4195 4201-4384 4410^510 Classed by material. Cf. Domestic arcbitecture, NA 7150-7170, General works. Wood. Half-timbered. Brick and tile. Concrete. Stone. Iron and steel. Cf. NA 6230. Other. Classed by form. Basilicas. Other special forms. e. g. " Zweischiffige zentralbauten." Classed by use. Public buildings. International. Peace tribumils. ^ ^^^ Hague. Palace of peace. Other. Bureau of American republics. National, state, municipal, etc. Including documents of architectural departments, Special countries. Table II. Under each : (1) General. (2) Local. Government buildings. Historical monuments preferably in NA 701-1613. Under each : 0. General. 1. United States. 2. States. 3. Cities. 5. Foreign countries, A-Z. (1) General. (2) Local, A-Z. e. g. .G3, Germany — General. .G4, Germany — Local. Contracts and specifications. 6. United States. By place only, A-Z. 7. Foreign. By place only, A-Z. 2319—22- 49 NA ARCHITECTURE NA >i^ai. Government buildings — Continued. 4410-4417 Capitols. 4420-4427 Government offices and bureaus. Prefectures, etc. 4423 United States government offices in special cities, A-Z. 4430-4437 City halls. Town halls. 4440-4447 Official residences. "^ e. g. 4443. W3, White House. Cf. NA 7710-86, Palaces. 4450-4457 Post offices. 4460-4467 Custom houses. 4470-4477 Court houses. [Prisons, in HV.] 4480-4487 Armories, barracks, etc. Cf. UC 400-405. 4490-4497 Police stations. 4500-4507 Engine houses. 4510 Other buildings, A-Z. e. g. .C7 Community centers. .M5 Mints (General). JM6N5 Mint, New Orleans. RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTUEE 4600 General works. 4601 Folios. 4610 Non-Christian. Temples — General. Cf. Greek temples, NA 275. Roman temples, NA 323. Egyptian temples, NA 215-216. Temple of Jerusalem, NA 243. 4620 General works. 4621 Folios. Rock temples, Cave temples. Cf. DS 401-20, India. 4640 General. 4641 Folios. 4670 Mosques — General. Mosques of special countries, see 5801-11, Spain ; 5861- 71, Turkey ; 5960-6030, Asia ; 6080-90, North Africa. 4690 Synagogues — General. 4710 Bahai temples. Christian architecture. 4800 General works. Including history, architectural symbolism, etc. For symbolism of church art in general, see N 7831-7832. 4801 Folios. 50 NA ARCHITECTUEE NA Christian architecture — Continued. 4810 Plans and designs. 4811 Folios. 4813 Contracts and specifications. 4815 Great churches of the world. General works. 4817 Early Christian. 4820 Roman Catholic. General, Benedictine, Cistercian, etc. -^ 4823 Spanish American (General). ^ ' - AV^v- ^ /^ . z Special classes of buildings. "^'t '^5 Chn&i.ap Sciat^^e Under each : (3) Plans and designs. (6) Contracts and specifications. Special countries and special buildings, see 5201-6113. 4830 Cathedrals — General. 4840 Bishops' palaces. 4845 Special, A-Z. e. g. Lambeth Palace. 4850 Convents and monasteries — General. 4870 Chapels — General, e, -, ,v ^ .n 30-)7 a 5, ^D Co) p-tuve-. ^^ ^ 4880 Parish houses. 4890 Sunday school buildings. 4900 Y. M. C. A. buildings. 4910 Other buildings. 4950 Miscellaneous details. 5000 Interior decoration. Ecclesiastical furniture, etc. 6050 General. 5051 Folios. 5060 Altars. 5065 Pulpits. 5070 Baptismal fonts. 5075 Choir stalls. Pews. Benches. 5080 Screens. Rood screens. Reredos. 5090 Candelabra. Chandeliers, etc. 5201-6113 Religious architecture of special countries. Examples : Boston churches. Table IV. General NA 5230.B7 Trinity Church .B75^ B«\< English cathedrals, abbeys, etc. j Bell's cathedral series 5460 . General works 5461 1 ^■X. Ci^vtcrb' London churches. -^1 t-0->,V^me.v\iA. Cf. RA 639-640, Cremation. "^ Sepulchral monuments (Architectural). (Tombs, mausoleums, etc.) Cf. KB 143, 1500-1805, Sculpture. 6120 General works. 6125 Designs and plans. 6127 Miscellaneous minor works. History. Under special countries: .Al-3 General. .A5-Z Special. 6130 General. 6132 Ancient. Egypt, see DT 47, 57-63. 6133 Assyria. Babylonia. Cf. DS. 6134 Persia. Media. 6135 Judea. Syria. 6136 Arabia. 6137 Asia Minor. Halicarnassus, see NA 285.H3. 53 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Sepulchral monuments (Architectural). History. Ancient — Continued. 6138 Classic. 6139 Greek. 6140 Etruscan. 6141 Roman. 6142 Other ancient. 6143 Medieval. 6145 Mohammedan. IMoorish. 6146 Romanesque. 6147 Gothic. 6148 Modern. Special countries. Cf. D-F, Local antiquities. 6149 America. North America. 6150 United States. 6151 States. 6152 Cities. 6153 British America. Canada. 6154 Local. 6155 Mexico. 6156 Central America. 6157 Local. 6158 West Indies. 6159 Local. 6160 South America. 6161 Local. 6162 Europe. 6163 Great Britain. 6164 Austria. 6165 France. 6166 Germany. 6167 Italy. 6168 Netherlands. 6169 Belgium. 6170 Russia. 6172 Scandinavia. 6174 Spain and Portugal. 6176 Switzerland. 6177 Turkey. 6178 Other.^ 54 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Sepulchral monuments (Architectural). History. Special countries — Continued. 6179 Asia. 6180 Asia Minor. 6181 Persia. 6182 Central Asia. 6183 India. Ceylon. 6184 Indonesia. Malaysia. 6185 Dutch East Indies. 6186 Philippines. 6187 Eastern Asia. 6188 China. 6189 Japan. 6190 Northern Asia. Siberia. 6191 Africa. 6192 Egypt. 6194 Other countries. 6195 Australia. 6196 Local. 6197 New Zealand. 6198 Pacific islands. 6199 Special. 6210 Commerce and business. Under each of the main divisions: (6) Contracts and specifications. 6220 Stores. Shops. b-^ ^ o=: . ^ e^S Shop fronts, etc. 6225 6230 Office buildings. "Sky scrapers." 6231 Folios. 6233 Special buildings (by city). 6240 Banks. Safe deposit buildings. Cf. TH 9615. Vaults. 6243 Special buildings (by city). 6250 Exchanges. Boards of trade. 6253 Special buildings (by city) . 6260 Markets. 6270 Cattle markets, stoclr^ards, abattoirs. Cf. TS 1970-3. 6273 United States. 6275 Foreign, A-Z. 6280 Other. /^Z 55 NA ARCHITECTURE NA 6300 Transportation and storage. Under each : (G) Contracts and specifications. 6310" Railway stations, freight houses, etc. t32a Cf. TF 30O. ^^ r J t ' p i. '■ Dock buildings, TC 355. '"^'^ -^—^v /W" a.....^ ^ . 6330 Ferry houses. 6340 Warehouses. 6350 Grain elevators. (Machinery, in T.T 1415.) 6360 Ice houses (Commercial). (Private, NA 8350.) 6370 Other. 6400 Factories, mills, etc. Under each : (6) Contracts and specifications. 6410 Textile mills. 6420 Breweries. Distilleries. 6430 Foundries. 6440 Machine shops. 6450 Rolling mills. 6460 Wood working mills. 6470 Carriage factories. 6480 Paper mills. 6490 Flour mills. 6510 Other. 6581 Mine buildings. Prefer Til 4561. t/ GfcCO p , Educational buildings. ^r^O-,-. ., ..^r;:-sSA. Under each: a>w,U-: aj^ United Ciatts. (6) Contracts and specifications. ■ Special mstitutiont Schools, see LB 3205-3281. dt I.Ii. 6fil^. ^lilitary academies (by place). Specjcd' ia^iLtulilrr ^^^ museums and galleries, see N 450. s[e LB-lSy^O INIuseums. 6750 Exhibition buildings, by place, A-Z. (^-,5-3 j 6760 Charitable institutions. T Hospitals and asylums. '^ ' ^"' \ . ^^ r.,^^.iJUu1 Hospitals, see RA 967-. qaa. eot.i 6766 Asylums. -{ ^ iKt^T ' Cf. HV, also RC 439, Asylums for the insane. (6780) Prison architecture, see HV 8805-8829. "Divide like NA 4410. 56 \ NA ARCHITECTURE NA 6800 6810 6820 6821 6826 6830' 6835 6840 h^^ 6850 6860 6870 6880 6890 ilo^f. oV '.<\^ic 6920 Buildings for recreation. Under each : (6) Contracts and specifications General. ' Casinos. ^-^^ ^ r-.. A ,^ A t V^ ^ u , • Theaters. Opera houses. Music halls. General works. / ^^ / ,- xj i ^ Before 1800. ^^'^ nu 1801-. Contracts and specifications. United States. ^* "'' Special cities. Foreign countries, A-Z. e. g. .F6 France. .F7 Paris. .F8 Opera House. .FSl-98 Other special, Greek theaters, see NA 278.T5. Roman theaters, see NA 325.T5. Panoramas. (-;ciur« ... Amphitheaters. Stadia. Grand stands. Convention halls, coliseums, lecture halls, etc. Ice palaces. Bowling alleys, see GV 909 Gymnasiums, see GV 405. Rinks, see GV 849-851. Boat houses. C,f TV A TQTn '^Kt ^ei«"tey^ 68a Ger^ra/ C^\^ S^eCol Cot;rii» c- . /i -2 Uhtifr ffsch ^ CO G^^T'^rz- . (2^ Ucc5\,A-Z, «•'*!' .67 (^^Tvt ^uvphV-^^ef.. ,(S^u u!" J '^T/^ T 6753 Halls of fame.. Tgmples of fame. 6755 Special, A-Z, e.g. .B3 Barmen, Germany. .W3 Ruhmeshalle. New York university. Hall of fame, see E 176. b Walhalla (near Ratisbon, Bavaria ) . 67 NA ARCHITECTURE NA 6300 Transportation and storage. L'nder each : (G) Contracts and specifications. 6310" Railway stations, freight houses, etc. 4,320 Cf. TF 300. M r ^ r ' e j. ^ j Dock buildings, TC 355. '^^^ ^^^-— *^./^A-^. ^ 6330 Ferry houses. 6340 Warehouses. 6350 Grain elevators. (Machinery, in TJ 1415.) 6360 Ice houses (Commercial). (Private, NA 8350.) 6370 Other. 6400 Factories, mills, etc. Under each : (6) Contracts and specifications. 6410 Textile mills. 6420 Breweries. Distilleries. 6430 Foundries. 6440 Machine shops. 6450 Rolling mills. 6460 Wood working mills. 6470 Carriage factories. 6480 Paper mills. 6490 Flour mills. 6510 Other. 6581 Mine buildings. Prefer TH 4561. Educational buildings. : / EaM <^^^ W.'gg.^^.y^ Under each: x-./.U ry^.AA (6780) Prison architecture, see HV 8805-8829. "Divide lilie NA 4410. 56 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Buildings for recreation. Under each : (6) Contracts and specifications. 6800 General. 6810 Casinos. r=va ^^-. A ^-r A ^ Ui-i-r-,- ^ Theaters. Opera houses. Music halls. General works. /^ t r- /a a -t- 6820 Before 1800. ^^ ' ^ ni^d^IbT'LU^v.s 6821 1801-. 6826 Contracts and specifications. . 6830 United States. ^"^ " --^^^^^^^ o\ £<^aj^ 6835 Special cities. 6840 Foreign countries, A-Z. e. g. .F6 France. .F7 Paris. .F8 Opera House. .FSl-98 Other special. Greek theaters, see XA 278.T5. f^c.- Roman theaters, see NA 325.T5. 6850 Panoramas. pc^^r* .. 6860 Amphitheaters. Stadia. 6870 Grand stands. ^gv- 6880 Convention halls, coliseums, lecture halls, etc. -^6890 Ice palaces. " ''' ^ ' ' '^ ""^'^ -v-,^,^tc Bowling alleys, see GV 909. Gymnasiums, see GV 405. Rinks, see GV 849-851. 6920 Boat houses. Cf. NA 7970. Riding halls, see SF 310. 6930 Park buildings. Other public buildings. Under each : (6) Contracts and specifications Restaurants, see NA 7855. 7010 Baths and wash houses. 7020 Public comfort stations. Prefer RA 607. ^Kt Ct^ri^y^ ^8a Ger^ral C9^^ ^'^ecol Csontr-KTc,^ P-2 g- Jhtlpr rscb .' ZJ Ci) &*^-erz^ ,, :2^ Uocsl , A -2. f.^^ .^^7 Crfat w.ev .>, auippl/ftSj ere. 67 NA AECHITECTURE NA DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE. HOUSES. DWELLINGS 7100 Periodicals. 7105 Historj' — General. 7110 General works. 7115 Planning. 7120 Popular works. 7123 Historic houses — General. 7125 Miscellaneous minor. Collections of plans and designs, -j , -,^ Xy\\ <- > ■ ' '^^'^ "" 7127 American works. 7130 Folios. 7132 English works. 7133 French works. 7134 German works. 7135 Other. 7140 Contracts and specifications — General. Special materials (other than wood). 7150 Brick. 7155 Hollow tile. 7160 Concrete. Stucco. 7170 Stone. ''" 7/7i, HAK'-t/mJier /idi/Sds, 7201-7476 Special countries. Table III. ^.ar u ^^- ^V"^^' / ' Colonial American, see NA 707^'^^ V^tu^•,v:^ ^,j^ex.^x\ tiat-^.e. Under England: 7331, English counties, A-Z, e.a. .A»^ Aaen 7332, London. ^ ' ^ 7333, Other cities, A-Z. City houses. u -hd e v^ >eae V^ -, 7511 American. C'^ G.€>^tv(!i 7512 English. (?^ \-oca\. • 7513 French. ^^^ 5^....^^ an+.s+s,/).^ 7514 German. ^^' , ^ L^+^^^a>^;a 7515 Other. ,l^^, L.oca\. Special houses, in NA 7201-7476. .l£? Sf-e H) Cf. HD 7286-7780. 7551 American. 7552 English. 7553 French. 7554 German. 7555 Other. 58 NA ARCHITECTURE NA 7557 Workingmen's villages — Architecture. 7558 Special, A-Z. Country homes. Small country houses. Farm houses, see NA 8210. 7561 American. '^ ■15(.^ - .. .. 7562 English (English cottages). 7563 French. 7564 German. 7565 Italian. 7566 Other. Bungalows. 7571 American. 7572 English. 7573 Modern houses in "Colonial" style. Summer houses. 7575 American. 7576 English. 7577 French. 7578 German. 7579 Other. 7580 Villas. Special countries. Under each : (1) General. (2) Special villas. e. g. Villa Medici, NA 7595.M5. Royal villas preferably in NA 7710-7786 ; Wilhelrua, see NA 388. Ancient Rome, see NA 324. 7586-7 United States. 7588-9 Great Britain. 7590-1 France. 7592-3 Germany. 7594-5 Italy. 7596 Other. Country seats, manor houses, etc. Cf. Domestic architecture of special countries, NA 7201-7500, especially 7205, United States ; 7328, Great Britain. 7600 General. 7610 American. 7613 States, A-Z. 7615 Special houses. English. 7620 General. 7621 Counties, A-Z. 7625 Special houses. 59 NA ARCHITECTUEE NA Castles. Chateaux. Palaces. 7710 General. Special countries. Under each : (1) General. (2) Special. e. g., under NA 7756 .R6 Palaces of modern Rome (Ancient Rome, see NA 320.) .R8 Vatican. .V4 Palaces of Venice. .V5 Ducal Palace. .V51-69 Others (alphabetically). 7720-1 Austria.' '■ .^^- ■' ^^^"^- 7725-6 Belgium. 7730-1 Denmark. 7735-6 France. 7740-1 Germany. 7745-6 Great Britain. 7750-1 Holland. 7755-6 Italy. 7760-1 ^ovv^^j. 11 CZ-"^ ?oUK.rJ. 7765-6 Portugal. 7770-1 Russia. 7775-6 Spain. Alhambra, see NA 387. 7780-1 Sweden. 7785-6 Switzerland. Other countries, in NA 701-1613. 7800 Hotels. Inns. 7810 For cities. 7820 For resorts. 7830 For country places. 7840 United States. 7845 Special cities. e. g. Tremont House, Boston, NA 7845.B7T8. 7850 Other countries, A-Z. 7855 Restaurants. 7860 Apartment houses. Flats. 7880 Tenement houses. 7910" Clubhouses, r.^^v^r^n p.nU,..-,. 7920" City clubs. 7930" Country clubs. 7940" Golf clubs. 7950" Cricket clubs. May be divided like NA 4410. 60 NA AKCHITECTUEE NA Club houses — Continued. 7960" Athletic clubs. 7970" Yacht clubs. Boat clubs. 8000" Houses for societies. 8010" Secret societies. 8020" College fraternities. Chapter houses. 8023 American colleges, A-Z. 8050 Gild houses. 8055 Austria. 8060 Belgium. 8065 Denmark. 8070 France. 8075 Germany. 8080 Great Britain. Guildhall, London, see NA 4435.G7L7. 8085 Holland. 8090 Italy. 8095 Norway. 8100 Portugal. 8105 Russia. 8110 Spain. 8115 Sweden. 8120 Switzerland. Farmarchitecture^^^.-YWVq W -4q 1 C , Bm \a ; ..9 8200 General. 8201 American. 8202 English. 8203 French. 8204 German. 8205 Italian. 8206 Other. 8210 Farm houses. Stables, see NA 8340. 8230 Bams. 8240 Granaries. 8250 Dairies. 8260 Other. Minor buildings, gates, fences, etc. 8300 General. 8301 American. 8302 English. 8303 French. "May be divided like NA 4410. 61 NA ARCHITECTURE NA Minor buildings, gates, fences, etc. — Continued. 8304 German. 8305 Italian. 8306 Other countries. 8310 Lodges. 8320 Servants' quarters. 8330 Kitchens. Laundries. 8340 Stables. Carriage houses. (8345) Fittings for stables, coTv-barns, etc., see SF 92. 8348 Garages. 8350 Ice houses. Cf. NA 6360. 8360 Conservatories. 8370 Dovecotes. ^-^^,rr Greenhouses, see SB 416. 8380 Sarden walls'. 8385 Gateways and portes-cocheres. Cf. NA 493-7, City gates. 8390 Gates and fences. 8392 Ironwork. 8450 Ornamental buildings for parks and gardens. Pergolas. 8460 "Grotesque architecture." 8465 Rustic work. 8470 Cabins, camps, etc. 8480 Portable buildings. I'^'^eV^'pir.iCb-iea. loi-'ilcLi'-rtp's, (^ESTHETICS OF CITIES. "ciTY PLAN-NING AND BEAUTIFYING General works. 9000 Periodicals. Societies. Collections. q^'" --9010 Congresses. - 9015 Exhibitions. (f . 9027 Early works (to 1870). 9030 Treatises (since 1870). ■^ Addresses. Essays. Lectures. 9040 Collections. 9045 Single papers. 9050 Special aspects and subjects. ^■f-^^^'>5'-365.5;TP.aff;c ev^Veer.^^ e. g. Harmony of design in city blocks, Zoning.2iill-koJkfaa ate n^Sa4o-6 (9060) Public parks and gardens. Cf. SB 481-485, DA, etc. 9070 Public squares and promenades. Biography. 9080 Collective. 9085 Individual. 62 NA AECHITECTURE NA Esthetics of cities — Continued. History. 9090 General. 9092 Ancient. 9093 Medieval. 9100 Collections of plans (not limited to a single country or city). 9101-9284: Special countries and cities. Table II. Ornamental structures (Monuments, arches, fountains, etc.). 9320 General. 9325 War memorials. Monuments. Cf. NB 1330-18S0, Sculpture. 9335 Ancient. 9340 Special (by place). e. g. .R6, Eome. Column of Marcus Aurelius. 9345 Modern. Special (by place), '^s+i'dti-.e-.a-z, ' United States. - rK-^-^* -■•-^^' or a■fi^^.- Icc^i 9350 9355 Foreign. e. g. .R7, Rome. Monument to Victor Em- manuel II. 9360 Memorial and triumphal arches. 9365 Ancient. 9370 Special (by place). Rome, .R5-7. 9375 Modern. 9380 Special (by place). e. g. Paris, .P2-5. New York, .N5-6. Obelisks, see DT 62.02. Fountains. Cf. NB 1895, WeUs. 9400 General. 9405 United States. ^„ ,^ . v 9410 Cities. ^9^i5.': 9415 Foreign cities, A-Z. ' e. g. .P2 Paris. .R7 Rome. 9420 Catalogs. 9425 Electric fountains. -^2 63 SCULPTURE 2319—22 5 65 SCULPTURE NB 1 Periodicals and societies. Exhibitions. 15 International. 17 Local. Special sculptors, see NB 201-1113. Museums. Collections, Cf. N 405-3970, 5210-97, NB 87. 20 Collective. 23 Special countries, A-Z. Special museums. 25 United States. 27 Foreign. 30 Private collections. 33 Catalogs of photographs of sculpture. 35 Trade catalogs. Collected writings. 43 Several authors. 45 Individual authors. 50 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. Cf. N 81-33. History. 60 General. 61 Minor. Essays. 62 Primitive sculpture. Cf. GN 462. Ancient sculpture. 69 Early works (to 1850). 70 General works since 1850. 71 Special collections. 75 Egyptian. 80 Assyro-Babylonian. Persian. 85 Classical. 86 Iconographies. 87 Special collections. Se*? slielV l^bt, Greek. 90 General. 91 Special localities (place of origin). e. g. ,A5, Aegina ; .A7, Athens. 6T NB SCULPTURE NB History. Ancient sculpture. Greek — Continued. Special collections. 92 Elgin marbles. Others, see NB 87. 93 Color in Greek sculpture. 94 Miscellaneous (Gauls, genre, eyes, etc.). Special sculptors. 98 Lysippus. 100 Phidias. 101 Polycletus. 102 Praxiteles. 103 Pythagoras of Rhegion. 104 Scopas. 105 Others, A-Z. 110 Etruscan. 115 Roman. 118 In countries other than Italy, A-Z. e. g. Remains in the Netherlands, .N5. 120 Special sculptors, A-Z. 130 Other ancient. e. g. .C8 Cypriote (Cesnola collection, see N 611.C5). .J5 Jewish. .L9 Lycian. 133 Greek and Roman reliefs. Cf. NB 143. Special materials of ancient sculpture other than stone. 135 Bronzes. 140 Greek. 143 Sepulchral monuments. Cf. NB 1800. 145 Terra-cottas. 150 Statuettes. Figurines. 155 Greek. 157 Tanagra. 158 Asia Minor. 159 . Other special, A-Z, e. g. .A7, Apulian; .E3, Egyptian. Glyptics (Carved gems, etc.), see NK 5500-6050. Special subjects of ancient sculpture. 160 Mythological. 163 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A7 Apollo^^p^^,^ ^j. f^pWAvlc .V5 Venus^i rs^cJ:- a\- .V6 Venus of Melos. , . « , Y&^ c^r; """ . ; ., '. - .,-t YP« s^ Pi ^^ 68 NB SCULPTUEE History. Ancient sculpture. Special subjects — Continued. 164 Personal. 165 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A4 Alexander the Great. .A^ J Antinous. 169 Miscellaneous. e. g. Canephorae, Centaurs. iro Medieval sculpture. 175 Romanesque. ^ gj^^e^^^^xe- 180 Gothic. 185 Modern sculpture. 190 Henaissance. Italian, see NB 615. 193 17tli-18th centuries. Baroque. 197 19th century. 198 20th century. Recent. 201-1113 Special countries. Table IV. 1115 Sculptors — Collective biography. Special in NB 200-1050. e. g. Bartholdi, 553.B2 (French). Begas, 588.B5 (German). Canova, 623.C2 (Italian). Donatello, 623.D7 (Italian). Gilbert, 497.G5 (English). Master of the Neukirchen altar, 588.M3 (German) Michaelangelo (Buonarroti). 62.3.B9 (Italian). Robbia, Luca della, 623.R7 (Italian). St. Gaudens, 237.S2 (American). Thorwaldsen, 723.T5 (Danish). Thornycroft, 497.T5 (English). Study and teaching. 1120 General. 1125 United States. 1130 Foreign countries, A-Z. Special schools. 1132 United States. 1133 Foreign. General works. 1135 Theory. Esthetics. 1137 Relation to other arts. Sculpture and architecture. Cf. NA 3680, Architectural decoration. 1140 Treatises. Compends. 1143 Juvenile works. 1145 Addresses, essays, lectures. NB 69 NB SCULPTUKE NB General works — Continued. 1150 Atlases. Iconographies. Special artists, see NB 201^1113. 1160 Designs for sculpture. 11 TO Technique. 1180 Modeling. 1185 Modeling in general education. 1190 Making of plaster casts. 1195 Instruments and apparatus. 1199 Restoration of sculptures. Sculpture in special materials other than stone. Cf. Ancient sculpture, NB 135-15S. 1220 Metals. Cf. Metal-work, NK 6400-99. 1230 Bronze. Cf. Bronzes, KK 7900-99. 1240 Other metals. 1250 Wood. Cf. Wood-carving, NK 9700-99. 1255 Special, by place, A-Z. Ivory, see NK 5800-5998. 1265 Terra-cotta. (Ancient, see NB 145-158.) 1270 Other materials, A-Z. 1275 Color in sculpture. Polychromy. 1280 Sculpture in relief (Bas-relief, high relief, etc.). 1282 Portals. 1283 Special (by place). 1285 Doors. 1287 Special (by place). e. g. .F7, Florence — Baptistry. 1290 Monumental reliefs. 1291 Special (by place). e. g. .S3, Saratoga monument. Sculpture — Special forms. Statues, see General works on sculpture. Works of special sculptors, see NB 98-1113. 1293 Equestrian statues — General, 1295 Special works of unknown sculptors. 1300 Busts. 1310 Masks. e. g. Button's " Portraits in plaster." .?3 Piter. ^- .S4. Sa^/ 70 NB SCULPTURE Sculpture — Special forms — Continued. 1330 Sculptured monuments. 1340 Ancient. 1350 Etruscan. 1360 Greek and Roman. 1370 Greek. 1380 Roman. 1390 Other. 1420 Medieval. 1450 Modern. 1501-1684 Special countries. Table II. Public monuments, see NA 9335- e. g. Washington monument, NA 9350. W2. 1750 Religious monuments. Crosses, see CC. 1800 Sepulchral monuments. Ancient, see NB 1340-1390, NB 143. 1805 Mausoleums. 1810 Sarcophagi. 1820 Effigies. 1830 Incised slabs. 1840 Brasses. Incised bronzes. 1841 American. 1842 English. 1843 French. 1844 German. 1845 Italian. 1846 Other, A-Z. Stone mosuments, tablets, etc. 1850 General. 1851 Drawing and design. 1853 Gothic styles. American. 1855 General works. 1856 Special places, A-Z. 1857 Designs and catalogs. 1860 English. 1865 French. 1870 German. 1875 Italian. 1880 Other. NB 71 NB SCULPTUEE NB Sculpture — Special forms — Continued. Soldiers' and sailors' monuments. Technical works, see NA 9350-. Historical works, see E, F. Vases, see NK 4620-55. 1895 Wells. Special subjects. 1910 Eeligious. Cf. Religious art, N 7810-8190. 1920 Mythological. Cf. NB 160-163, N 7760. 1930 Human. Cf. NB 1293-1300, NB 104-5. 1940 Animals. Cf. N 7660, NK 1555. 1950 Plants. Cf. NA 3683, NK 1560-5. n GRAPHIC ARTS 73 GRAPHIC ARTS IN GENERAL DRAWING. DESIGN. NC 1 Periodicals and societies. Prefer N 1-17, NC 610. 5 Congresses. Dictionaries and encyclopedias, see N 31-33. 15 Exhibitions of dra^vings. Museums and collections of drawings. 25 United States. 27 Foreign. Private collections. 30 United States. 33 Foreign. 37 Catalogues raisonnes. 38 Sales catalogs. Collected writings. 40 Several authors. 42 Individual authors. 45 Collected biography. History of drawing. 50 General. 53 General special. (54) Primitive, see N 5310, :NK 1177. 55 Ancient. 57 Greek. 60 Eoman. 65 Other. 70 Medieval. 80 Modern. 85 Renaissance. 90 19th century. 95 20th century. 101-376 Special countries. Table III. Under each : (1) General. (2) Local. (3) Special artists, A-Z. Cf. NC 1005-1260. Collections of drawings. 75 NC GRAPHIC ARTS NC Study and teaching. 390 History. 401-584 Special countries. Table II. Under each: (1) General. (2) Local. Cf. NC 597. 590 General works. 593 General special. 597 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 599 Examinations, questions, etc. Elementary instruction. 610 Periodicals, societies. 615 General works. Theory. Essays, etc. 620 Special systems of instruction. outA* ^^^J-'tjiysu^^ 4jt f (1) Teachers guides. ,. . ^..^^l ^ (2) Text-books. A ^ (3) Drawing-books. Special grades. 625 Kindergarten and primary. 630 Grammar school. 635 High school. 640 Correspondence school text-books. 650 Popular works for self-instruction. 655 For children. 660 Studies and patterns for purposes of instruction. Cf. NC 735. 670 Drawing-books for children's amusement. General works. 703 Theory of design. Cf. Design in application to ornament, NK 1160-2138. 705 Early works to 1850. 710 Treatises, compends, 1851-. 715 General special. Miscellaneous. 720 Essays, lectures, etc. Technique. 730 General. 735 Studies for artists. Cf. NC 660. 740 Composition. 745 Balance. Rhythm. Symmetry. Proportion. .A2 Early works to 1800. Perspective. 749 Early works to 1800. 750 Treatises, 1801-. 76 NC GRAPHIC AETS NC Technique. Perspective — Continued. (753) Studies of perspective in the works of special artists. (To be classified with biography, ND 237-1113, NA, NC, etc., with added entry here.) 755 Light and shade. 757 Reflections. 760 Art anatomy. 765 Figures. Proportions. 770 Faces. Heads. 773 Sketching of portraits. 775 Draperies. 780 Animal anatomy and drawing. t^2. Cf. N 7660, NK. . ^ ^^ 785 Action in art. Animal locomotion, see QP301. 790 landscapes. 795 Sketching. 799 Sketching machines. 800 Landscape studies. 805 Trees. Plants. Flowers. Cf. N 7680, 'nK. 810 Trees. 815 Plants and flowerg. ■ 5,5 sh\^>s ^^^ Drawing— Special materials. /GsrapV^Cc. at-V >rna-^-e^\a\^ onA -V-e<^'f^^^^' 850 Charcoal, charcoal and crayon. 855 Crayon. 860 Crayon portraits. 865 Blackboard drawing. Chalk talks. 870 Colored crayons. 875 Stump drawing. 880 Pastel. 885 Pastels — Reproductions. 890 Pencil. 895 Pencil drawings — Reproductions. 900 Silver point. 905 Pen and ink. 910 Silhouettes. jr ,->., a._v 9.50 Drawing for reproduction. ^.q. .A'?>"5 AvtOvusVa arT . 960 Illustration. '^ e>ar-a^V^ Wx-a^r<:^^u^^^^^. Cf. Z 276, 1023. -^^ S^aW^v ^a^v>t. 965 Illustration of children's books. 970 Newspaper illustration. 973 Book cover design. Cf. Z 269-70, 276. 77 NC GRAPHIC ARTS NC Illustration in special countries. 975 United States. 976 Other American countries. 977 Europe. 978 Great Britain. 979 Austria. 980 France. 981 Germany. 982 Italy. Netherlands. 983 Holland. 984 Belgium. 985 Russia. 986 Scandinavia. 987 Spain. Portugal. 988 Switzerland. 989 Other European. 990 Asia. 991 Japan. 992 Other. 993 Africa. 994 Australia. New Zealand. 995 Other. Commercial (advertising) drawing. Cf. NC 12S0, Calendars, etc.; NC 180O-1S50, Posters; HF 5841, 5851, 6133, Advertising. ^""''^""""^^VP^-, Mechanical drawing, Industrial drawing, see T 351-377. See also applications to special trades and industries, TA-TX, NA, and NK. Books of reproductions of drawings. Cf. NE. 1005 General. 1010 Ancient. 1015 Medieval. 1020 Old masters. 1025 English. 1030 Dutch. 1035 French. 1040 German. 1045 Italian. 1050 Other countries, A-Z. 1055 Special artists, A-Z. 1057 Special works, by name (artists unknown). e. g. W2, Warwick manuscript. 78 NC GRAPHIC ARTS NC Books of reproductions of drawings — Continued. Modern artists. 1060 General. American. United States. 1070 General (including illustrations from American magazines) . 1075 Special artists, A-Z. lOSO-o" British American. 1090-5" Latin American. 1100 European. 1110-5" English. 1120-5" Dutch. 1130-5" French and Belgian. 1140-5" German and Austrian. 1150-5" Italian. 1160-5" Russian. 1170-5" Scandinavian. 1180-5" Spanish and Portuguese. 1190-5" Swiss. 1200 Other. 1210 Asiatic. Oriental. 1220 Chinese and Japanese. 1230-5" Chinese. 1240-5" Japanese. 1250-5" Indian. rJi.^ 1260 Other countries. ., <:;rc,i£ . 1280 Chapbooks, broadsides, calendars, cards, etc.\^siCt)&£Sia.{ (Imagerie populaire, vieux papiers.) CARICATURE. PICTORIAL HUMOR AND SATIRE 157 -T, e.uJ I .^ M /?-Z. 1300 Periodicals and s( Cf. AP loi-n 1320 General works. History. 1325 General. 1330 Ancient. 1335 Medieval. 1340 Modern. 1345 18th century. 1350 19th century. 1355 20th century. Humorous magazines. Divided like NC 1070-1075. 79 NG GRAPHIC ARTS KC Caricature — Continued. Special countries. 1400 America. 1410 North America. United States. 1420 General. 1423 Before 19th century. 1425 19th century. 1426 20th century. Recent. 1427 Collections. Exhibitions. Special artists, see NC 1429. 1428 Collections from special periodicals. Catalogs of collections, iu NC 25-33. Special events and persons, in D-F. 1429 Special artists, A-Z. 1440-9" Canada. 1450 Latin America. 1455 Special countries. 1460 Special artists. 1465 Europe. 1470-9" Great Britain. 1480-9" Austria-Hungary. 1490-9" France. 1500-9" Germany. 1510-9" Greece. 1520-9" Italy. 1530-9" Netherlands. 1540-9" Holland. 1550-9" Belgium. Flemish art. 1570-9" Russia. 1580-9" Scandinavia. 1590-9" Denmark. 1600-9" Iceland. 1610-9" Norway. 1620-9" Sweden. 1630-9" Spain and Portugal. Spain. 1640-9" Portugal. 1650-9" Switzerland. 1660 Other countries. 1670 Special artists of other countries, A-Z, •Divided like NC 1420-1429. 80 NC GKAPHIC AKTS NC Caricature. Special countries — Continued. 1680 Asia. 1690-9' China. 1700-9" Japan. 1710-9' India. 1720-9' Other. 1730 Africa. 1740 Special countries. 1750 Special artists, A-Z. Australia. New Zealand. 1760 Special artists, A-Z. '-- ■ ^.■■^. -- 1765 Moving-picture cartoons. , tc - ^-^ Posters. r 7""' ''^^'" '^^ ' «- i^ eAr .' 1800 Periodicals and societies. ,^ . U^UtJ^ 1810 General works. Catalogs of collections. 1820 Public. 1830 Private. 1840 Trade catalogs. 1850 Posters by special artists, A-Z. - g^^^ posi^v stamp- . 1860 Pictorial cards of greetings. (Christmas cards, Biedermeier-wiinsche, etc.) Postal oardB, Pkt«r€, ;i-<-^ ..*i.^ <^ - :^a^-^cL^ . / A 7 r 1870 Periodicals. - :^^->-^^^^^,-^;-^^^-^--^^^^ /S77 J875 Collections. /,.|^vc\«c,o.«,v>l.l-laV^V3ox \cxV3cls. /9>'i!r 1900 Copying, enlarging, and rednction of drawings. Cf. TR 900-923, Photography. 1920 Pantograph. 1940 Transfer processes. Pr^te.reti^-- Divided like NC 1420-1429. 2319—22- 81 PAINTING 83 PAINTING ND Periodicals, see N 1-8 and ND 1160. Societies, see N 10-17 Congresses, see N 21. Exhibitions, see N 4402-5097. Collections, see N 405-3970, 5210-97. Collected writings. ' 25 Several authors. 27 Individual authors. 30 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries of painting. Biography. Cf. N 40. Collective. 34 Early works to 1800. 35 General works, 1801-. 36 Popular works. 38 Women painters. Cf. N 43. Individual, see ND 201-1113. 40 Catalogues raisonnes (General). (Special countries, in ND 201-1113.) 45 General catalogs of paintings, arranged by subject. Prices of paintings. Sales catalogs. Cf. N 8660-70, Art prices (general). 46 Early works to 1800. 47 General works, 1801-. (48) Auction catalogs, dealers' catalogs, since 1801, see N 8650. For collections of known owners, see N 5220-97. History. 49 Early works to 1800. 50 General works. 53 General special. e. g. Comparisons of ancient and modern painting. 55 Miscellaneous. 60 Ancient and medieval. Ancient. 70 General. 73 Miscellaneous. 85 ND . PAINTING ND History. Ancient — Continued. 75 Egyptian. 100 Classical. 110 Greek. 115 120 Special painters A-?. ^ .f^.;..,*;) Eoman. ^ £t,-.., ..1 , ..c HI) l^o 125 Fompeian. 127 Special painters, A-Z. 130 Other ancient. Early Christian, see N 7832-7840. Medieval. 140 General. 145 Miscellaneous. 150 Old masters. 160 Modern. 170 Eenaissance. 15th-16th centuries. 180 17th-18th centuries. 190 19th century. 13^- M.oK,-.mme- A,, 19,0 20th century. Recent art. prun.tino'. 201-1113 Special countries. Table IV. Study and teaching. r / -_ ■> 1115 General. 1120 General special. Special countries and schools, see N 81-365. General works. 1130 Early works to 1800. 1133 Comprehensive works. 1135 Treatises since 1800. 1140 General special. Special aspects of the general subject. 1141 Miscellaneous. Maxims. Popular works. 1142 General. Miscellaneous. 1143 How to judge of pictures. Cf. N 7435. 1145 Famous pictures described and interpreted. 1146 Juvenile works. Picture study for elementary schools, see N 370. 1150 Essays, lectures, etc. 1155 Anecdotes of painters and painting. 86 ND PAINTING NB Books of reproductions. Special artists and countries, see ND 200-1113. 1160 Periodicals. 1170 General collections. 1180 Ancient. 1190 Medieval. 1200 Old masters. 1210 Modern. 1220 17th-18th century. 1230 19tli century. 1240 20th century. Recent. Art treasures of special countries. Cf. N 510-3970, Art museums, galleries, etc. 1242 United States. 1245 Special cities, A-Z. 1246 Great Britain. 1247 Austria. 1248 France. 1249 Germany. 1250 Italy. 1251 Netherlands. 1252 Eussia. 1253 Scandinavia. 1254 Spain. 1255 Switzerland. 1256 Other European countries. 1257 Other countries. Technique. Styles. Materials and methods. 1259 Periodicals. 1260 General. 1262 Minor technical. 1263 Composition. 1265 Impressionism. Post-impressionism. Cubism. Futurism. 1270 Eealism. Color. Cf. QC 495. 1279 Early works to 1800. 1280 General works since 1800, 1288 Elementary works. 1285 Plates of color standard's. 1286 Miscellaneous. e, g, Color symbolism. Cf. BH. 87 ND PAINTING ND SPECIAL SUBJECTS OF PAINTING (Technique and history.) Eeproductions, see N 7575-8210. Subjects for water-color painting, see ND 2190-2360. General catalogs of paintings arranged by subjects, see ND 45. 1290 Human figures. Portraits. Cf. N 7575-7615; NE 220-375. 1300 General works. ^ -^ o I £ < wU \ Ko v. 3 P< . ^ tr j^* .4 U«-.^t .-. 89 ND PAINTING ND MATERIALS OF PAINTINQ 1500 General. 1510 Pigments. Cf. Color, ND 12S0-1286. 1520 Brushes. 1530 Varnishes. 1540 Miscellaneous. 1550 Trade catalogs. Special surfaces for painting. Fresco painting, see ND 2470. 1570 Canvas. Linen. 1573 Transparency painting. Cf. ND 1595. 1575 Wood. 1580 Stone. 1585 Paper. Yellum. Glass. Cf. ND 1620, r;:<53oo-ss. Glass painting in general, see NK 5300-99. 1595 Lantern slides. It. Tk'CQ, 1605 Metal. 1615 Ivory. 1620 Miscellaneous. Amateurs' manuals for painting on china, satin, glass, etc. China painting. China and glass painting, see NK 4605. Glass painting, see NK 5304. 1625 Silk, satin, and other fabrics (Kensington, Lustra, etc.). 1640 Preservation and care of paintings. 1650 Eestoration. WATER-COLOR PAINTING 1700 Periodicals. Societies. 1711 United States. 1712 Other American. 1713 Great Britain. 1714 France. Belgium. 1715 Germany. Austria. 1716 Italy. 1717 Netherlands. Belgium. 1718 Scandinavia. 1719 Spain and Portugal. 1720 Switzerland. 1721 Other countries. 90 ND PAINTING Water-color painting — Continued. 1725 Museums. Collections. Exhibitions. 1730 International. 1731 United States. 1732 Other American. 1733 Great Britain. 1734 Other European. 1735 Other countries. Collected writings. 1740 Several authors. 1742 Individual authors. 1750 Collective biography. History. 1760 General. 1770 Ancient. 1780 Medieval. 1790 Modem. 1795 17th-18th centuries. 1797 19th century. 1798 20th century. Recent. 1801-2094 Special countries. Table III-A. Under 3-figure places: (1) General. (2) Local, A-Z. (3) Special artists, A-Z. Under 4-fignre places: (1) General. (2) Special divisions, A-Z. (3) Special cities, A-Z. (4) Special artists, A-Z. Study and teaching. 2110 General. 2113 Outlines, syllabi, etc. 2115 Special topics. General works. 2125 Early works to 1800. 2130 General works since 1800. 2133 Technical treatises. 2135 Elements. 2137 Juvenile. 2140 General special. 2145 Miscellaneous. 2150 Addresses, essays, lectures. ND 91 NP PAINTING UD Water-color painting — Continued. Reproductions of water-colors. 2160 General. Special countries and special artists, in ND 1801- 2094. Special subjects of water-color painting. 2190 Human figures. 2200 Portraits. 2240 Landscapes. 2241 Sketching. 2270 Marines. 2280 Animals. Birds. 2290 Still life. 2300 Flowers. Fruit. 98©^ — R oprod ^tteiioRST - JFa€-s4 mil e6. 2310 Architectural subjects. 2350 Genre. 2360 Miscellaneous. Materials for water-color painting. 2380 General. :l17<:p F^r^.-i^p pci.,\^ti^ 2395 Catalogs. 2397 Outline design cards. 2399 Painting-books for children. Other methods of painting. 2450 Gouache. 2460 India-ink and sepia brush-work. Neutral tints. 2470 Distemper. Fresco. 2480 Encaustic. 2490 Miscellaneous. Mural painting. Cf. ND 2470, NK 2119. 2550 General works. 2555 Ancient and medieval. 2560 Ancient. 2575 Roman. Pompeian, see N 5770-5771. 2580 Medieval. 2590 Modem. 2601-2876 Special countries. Table III. Special artists, see ND 237-1113. ^xjiIwo^-Z 2880 Panoramas, etc. , , . ., ^ » , . sl n 2' -'«.i CosMor*i.wbC. 2885 Scene-painting. (I^cUiJ-^^.-v^iM-. / Cf. PN 2001, Theater. •"" i->>'«^^\») 5-Vaci6- S€i^U'<7f oiieJ l'v've<> S^ Private. * / 57 United States. 59 Europe. ^^ Ordar>\'z.a.V,ova and a^ rvM-n«s\ra\i6nS> o9 Sales catalogs. W.uae-u kv.& a^A a6Ueat.<.n^. 63 Before 1801. 65 Auction catalogs (1801-). Cf. NE 57-59. 70 Dealers' catalogs (1801-). 75 Publishers' catalogs. Cf. N 4035. (80) Catalogs of special engravers, see NE 501-794. (Etchers, wood engravers, etc., with special subject.) 85 Prices of prints. Cf. NE 880-885; N 8670-8675. Catalogues raisonnes. Peintre-graveurs. 90 General. 93 15th-l7th centuries. 95 18th century. 96 19th century. 97 20th century. Eecent. 101-196 Special countries. Table I Special subjects. 210 Historical. 215 Special countries. e. g. .G3 Germany. .G4 Prussia. .G49 Wurttemberg. .G5N9 Nuremberg. 2319—22 7 97 NE ENGRAVING NE Engraved portraits. 218 General works. Catalogs of engraved portraits. 220 General. 230 Public collections. 240 Private collections. 250 Dealers' catalogs. Special countries. 260 American. 265 British. 266 English counties, A-Z. 270 France. 275 Germany. 280 Italy. 285 Netherlands. 290 Eussia. 295 Scandinavia. 300 ^,^ Spain and Portugal. . ot\\fr c ovuvvVrics, A'^- 320 Special persons, A-Z. (330) Engraved portraits by special engravers, A-Z. 370 Engravings after special artists, A-Z. e. g. Raphael, Gainsborough. Turner, see NE 642.T95. Special engravers, see NE 501-794. 375 Miscellaneous subjects. Special engravers, see NE 501-794. 380 Conservation and restoration of prints. Cf. Z 110.C7, Conservation and restoration of mss. Collected works. 390 Several authors. 395 Individual authors. History of engraving, Cf. 1030-1199, History of wood engraving; 1750, Copper engrav- ing, etc. Catalogues raisonngs, see NE 90-196. 400 General. 405 Ancient. 410 Oriental. 415 Classic Orient, A-Z. 420 Others, A-Z. e. g. Rome. Modern. General, see NE 400. 440 14th-17th century. 445 Origins. Cf. GV 1233-1235, Playing cards. Z 240-241, Block books. 98 NE ENGRAVING NE History of engraving. Modern — Continued. 480 18th century. 485 19th century. 490 Recent. 501-794 Special countries. Table III-A. Cf. NE 1310-1325, Japanese prints (wood). Under 3-flgure places : (1) General. (2) Local, A-Z. (3) Special artists, A-Z. Under 4-figure places : (1) General. (2) Special divisions, A-Z. (3) Special cities, A-2. (4) Special artists, A-Z. Engravers (Lives and works, including catalogs). See also Collections, NE 900-950. See also Wood engravers, 1200-17; Etchers, 2110-15, etc. See also History of special countries. 800 Collective. (803) Before 18th century. 805 Unnamed masters. e. g. .M3 Master E. S. of 1466. .M4 Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet. .M45 Master of the Banderoles (Master of 1464). .M5 Master of the Gardens of Love. .M55 Master of the Playing-cards. .M6 Master W. of the Gable. 18th century. (810) American. (812) Foreign. 19th century and later. (815) American. (817) Foreign. Special, A-Z, see NE 501-794. 820 Engravers' marks, monograms, etc. General works. Treatises. Before 1851. 830 Technical. 835 Minor. 840 Popular. 1851-. 850 Technical. 855 Minor. 860 Popular. 863 Miscellaneous. e. g. Suppressed plates. 99 NE ENGRAVING NE General works — Continued. 865 Addresses, essays, lectures. 870 Miscellaneous minor works. Collectors' manuals. 880 Before 1851. 885 1851-. Cf. NE 85-215. Collections of prints in book form (including reproductions). Under the heading collections it is intended to class engravings (and fac-similes) noteworthy for their age, method of execution, or artistic excellence, but not works in which the process of re- production is secondary in interest to the works of art thus represented. For example: Engravings of masterpieces of painting are to be classed in KD unless by very notable engravers, in which case prefer NE 501-794. Engravings of drawings, outline sketches, caricatures, etc., of famous artists are to be classed in NC. Certain subjects, moreover, are to be classed independently of the method of reproduction, e. g. Portraits, Christian art. Dance of Death. General collections (both metal and wood). 900 General. 15th-17tli centuries. 902 "Einblattdruck" series. 903 Other series. 905 Miscellaneous collections. 907 Collections in special libraries. 915 17th-18th, 17th-19th centuries. 930 18th-19th centuries. 940 19th century. 950 20th century. ^^ ^ c\o^^r ^-^k l-r^^W T>r\^Ji^. 955 Military prints. ^ a.^yvy^.vw=..oi_.o.^ — .^- 960 Sporting prints. '^^'^ N-.\ pf^v^t^ q 1 2 Cf . N 8250, Sports in art Study and teaching. (T O'^. v^j.v^.«;t»^ ^ ////^£a)\W''> "- Oojc<'i ■■ 480. L7-79 London. South Kensington museum. ""^v^ 480. D8 Dresden. Grunes gewolbe. . ' 490 Other. v.^x^.^^ ^^^ mu^t " i pollections of ecclesiastical art objects, see NK 1656.^ ^ * 3 ^^^ D©U-houses in museums, etc. Dc>\h anA. doW-hoixst'-. , (in m.as,eu-iais, etc) ef. Gv 1220. Exhibitions (by place). 510 International. 520 Local. Private collections. 530 United States. 540 Other American. 550 European. 560 Other. 570 Auction catalogs. (If collection of known owner, in NK 530-560.) History. 600 General. 610 Ancient. 613 Museums. 615 Collections. 620 Oriental. 630 Egyptian. 633 Museums. 635 Collections. 640 Assyro-Babylonian. 650 Persian. 660 Phenician. ^ 665 Classic 670 Greek. 675 Etruscan. 680 Roman. 685 Other ancient, A-Z. e. g. .C8, Crete. 700 Medieval. 705 Irish (Early). 710 Anglo-Saxon. 715 Early Christian. Byzantine. 112 NK AUT APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK History. Medieval — Continued. 720 Arabic. Mohammedan. 725 Moors in Spain. 730 Romanesque. 740 Gothic. 750 Modern. 760 Renaissance. 15th-16th centuries. 770 17th-18th centuries. 775 19th century. 780 20th century. Recent, 801-1094 Special countries. Table III-A. See note to ND 1801-2094. General works. 1100 Early works (to 1800). 1105 Treatises (since 1800). 1110 General special. (Including outlines and syllabi.) Collected designs. 1115 Several artists. 1120 Individual artists, A-Z. 1125 Collectors' manuals (Miscellaneous art objects). Cf. AM 200-. ^ 1 ^ ,^ 1130 Technical manuals for amateurs. 1132 Addresses, essays, lectures. 1133 Dealers' catalogs, etc. Cf. NK 1149. AETS AND CRAFTS MOVEMENT 1135 Periodicals. 1136 Societies. 1137 Exhibition of societies. History. 1140 General. 1141 United States. 1142 Great Britain. Other countries, see NK 801-1094. 1145 General works. Addresses, essays, lectures. 1147 Collections. 1148 Single papers. 1149 Special shops, etc. Direci'flr /£.i o-r de^e.fs. 2319—22 8 113 NK A.RT APPLIED TO INDUSTEY NK DECORATION AND ORNAMENT. DESIGN 1160 Periodicals and societies. 1165 Dictionaries. Cf. NK 30. 1170 Study and teaching. Textbooks, etc., see NK 1510. History. 1175 General. 1177 Primitive ornament. Evolution of decorative art. Cf. GN 419 ; N 5310. 1180 Ancient. 1183 General special. 1185 Oriental. 1190 Egyptian. 1195 Assyro-Babylonian. 1205 Persian. 1215 Phenician 1225 Classic. 1230 Greek. 1235 Etruscan. 1240 Roman. 1245 Pompeian. 1250 Other ancient. rcoavit. ^. 1260 Medieval. 1263 General special. 1264 Irish, Celtic, etc. Cf. KK 705. 1265 Early Christian. Byzantine. 1270 Arabic. Mohammedan. Moorish. Cf. NK 1575, Arabesques; N 6260-6271, Moorish art. 1275 Moors in Spain. 1285 Romanesque. 1295 Gothic. 1320 Modem. 1330 15th-16th centuries. Renaissance. 1332 France, 1333 Germany. Austria. Switzerland. 1334 Great Britain. 1335 Italy. 1336 Netherlands. 1337 Scandinavia. 1338 Spain and Portugal. 1339 Other. 114 NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK Decoration and ornament. History. Modern — Continued. 1340 17th-18th centuries. 1345 Baroque. 1350 Louis XIV, 1355 Rococo. Louis XV. Regency. 1360 Louis XVI. 1370 Empire. 1380 19th century. 1390 20th century. 1401-1496 Special countries. Table I. 1498 Decoration and ornament in the work artists. of special e. g. 1498.D9, "Ornainentik bei Diirer." Cf. NK 1535. 1505 Theory of ornament and design. 1510 General works. e. g. Jones, Grammar of ornament. Crane, Bases of design. 1520 Miscellaneous aspects of general subject. 1525 Addresses, essays, lectures. Collections of designs. 1530 General. 1533 Minor. 1535 Special artists, A-Z. Special subjects for design. 1550 Human figure. 1553 Nature in ornament. e. g. Day, Nature in ornament. 1555 Animals. Birds. 1560 Plants. Trees. Flowers. 1565 Conventionalized forms. 1570 linear. Geometric. 1575 Arabesques. Cf. N 6260-6271, Moorish art. 1580 Scrolls. 1585 Allegorical figures, emblems, etc. 1590 Other. Ecclesiastical art (Decorative and industrial). Cf. NK 2190 Interior decoration. NK 48.50 Ecclesiastical vestments. NK 7215 Ecclesiastical plate. NK 9310 Ecclesiastical embroidery. .or-i^^^ General. ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^1655 Special (by place). 1657 Trade catalogs, etc. 115 Jiii(a X, \azr>yr- NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY INTERIOR DECORATION. HOUSE DECORATION (Including decorative painting.) 1700 ^Periodicals and societies. History and styles. 1710 General. 1720 Ancient. 1730 Oriental. 1740 Egj^ptian. 1750 Greek and Roman. 1760 Greek. 1770 Roman. Pompeian, see N 5770-5771. 1780 Other. 1800 Medieval. 1810 Early Christian. Byzantine. 1820 Arabic. Moorish. 1830 Romanesque. 1840 Gothic. 1860 Modern. 1870 15th-16th centuries. Renaissance. 1880 17th-18th centuries. 1890 Louis XIII. 1900 Louis XIV. 1910 Baroque. 1920 Rococo. Louis XV. 1930 Louis XVI. 1950 Empire. 1960 19th century. 1980 20th century. Special countries. 2000 America. 2001 North America. 2002 United States. 2003 Colonial period to 1830. 2005-2096 Other countries. Table I. General works. 2105 Early works (to 1850). 2110 Treatises (since 1850). 2113 General special. 2115 Popular works. Minor manuals, etc. ^2117 Special rooms, drawingrooms, bedrooms, etc. NK 116 NK AKT APPLIED TO INDUSTKY NK Interior decoration. Special parts of rooms. 2119 Ceilings. Walls. Floors. Cf. NK 3175-, Upholstery, wall-hangings, etc. 2120 Friezes, moldings, etc. Cf. NA 2960-5, Architecture. 2121 Doors and windows. 2125 Addresses, essaj^s, lectures. 2130 Collections of designs from various sources. 2135 Collections of designs by special artists. 2137 Trade publications. 2138 Auction sales (by name of owner if known). Decorative painting (Industrial). Cf. ND 2550-2876, Mural painting (Fine arts). 2140 Periodicals. Cf. TH 8001 and TT 300. History. For Special buildings see NA. 2150 General. 2155 Ancient. 2165 Medieval. 2170 Modern. 2175 General works. 2180 Designs by special artists. 2190 Church decoration. Cf. NA 5000-5090 Architectural decoration. NK 1650-1657 Ecclesiastical art. Furniture. Cf. NA 5050-90, Ecclesiastical furniture. 2200 Periodicals. 2205 Dictionaries. 2210 Exhibitions (by place). 2215 Museums (by place). 2220 Private collections. e. g. .W5, Windsor Castle furniture. 2229 Early works (to 1850). 2230 General treatises (since 1850). 2235 Styles. 2240 Collectors' manuals. "Old furniture", etc. 2250 Addresses, essays, etc. 2260 Collection of designs from several sources. Cf. NK 2542. 2265 Dealers' catalogs, etc. 117 NK AKT APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK U. Furniture — Continued. Study and teaching. 2267 General works. 2268 Schools. e. g. Grand Rapids. College of furniture design. History. 2270 General. 2280 Ancient. 2285 Oriental. 2290 Egyptian. 2295 Assyro-Babylonian. 2305 Greek. 2310 Etruscan. 2315 Koman. 2320 Other. 2335 Medieval. 2340 Eomanesque. 2345 Gothic. 2350 Modern. 2355 Renaissance. 15th-16th centuries. 17th-18th centuries. 2360 General works. Special styles. Cf. NK 2547-2550, Furniture in France. 2365 Baroque. 2370 Louis XIV. 2375 Rococo. Louis XY. 2380 Louis XVI. 2385 Empire style. 2390 19th century. 2395 20th century. Recent. 2401-2694 Special countries. Table III-A. Under each 4-flgure place: (1) General. (2) Old furniture (to 1830). (3) Recent. (4) Special designers, A-Z. Under each 3-figure place: (1) General. (2) (3) Special designers, A-Z. Examples under 2401-2604 : :.:? NK 2406 Colonial (American). ^^r?i \ooui. " NK 2529 -Georgian < English). NK 2542.C5 Chippendale designs . NK 2542.Ho Hepplewhite designs. NK 2542.S2f 5" Sheraton designs. ',1 •^ W5 V^.t. 118 NK AET APPLIED TO INDUSTEY NK Furniture — Continued. 2710 Marquetry and inlaid woods applied to furniture. Cf. NK 9970. 2712 Built-in furniture. Special articles of furniture. 2713 Beds. 2715 Chairs. 2720 Clock-cases. 2725 Coffers. 2740 Tables. Rugs. Carpets. 2775 Periodicals. 2780 Exhibitions (by place). 2785 Museums (by place). 2790 Private collections. 2795 General works. Collectors' manuals. Oriental rugs, see XK 2808-2810. 2799 Dealers' catalogs, etc. History. 2800 General. 2803 Ancient. 2805 Medieval. 2807 Modern. Special countries. Oriental. 2808 General. 2809 Special. e. g. .P4 Persian. 2810 Trade publications. 2811 North America. 2812 United States. 2813-2896 Other countries. Table I. 2910 Screens. Tapestries. 2975 Periodicals. 2980 Exhibitions (by place) . 2985 Museums (by place). • 2990 Private collections. 2995 General works. 2999 Dealers' catalogs, etc. 119 NK AKT APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK Tapestries — Continued. History. 3000 General. 3003 Ancient. 3005 Medieval. 3007 Modern. Special countries. Under each : •Al General. .A5-Z Special. e. g. NK 3049.B3 Bayeux. NK 3049.G7 Gobelin. 3011 North America. 3012 United States. 3013-3096 Other countries. Table I. Upholstery. Wall hangings, etc. 3175 Periodicals. 3180 Exhibitions (by place). 3185 Museums (by place). -»/<9 7 3195 General works. /\ jf^^i^l \ > ^ 3199 Dealers' catalogs. c History. 3200 General. 3203 Ancient. 3205 Medieval. 3207 Modern. Special countries. 3211 North American. 3212 United States. 3213-3296 Other countries. Table I. Wall-papers. 3375 Periodicals. 3380 Exhibitions. 2 2<3r- m „^ 3395 General works. 3399 Dealers' catalogs. History. 3400 General. Special countries. 3412 United States. 3413-3496 Other countries. Table I. 3505 Lincrusta-Walton. Woodwork, see 9600-. 120 NK AET APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK OTHER ARTS AND ART INDUSTRIES Alphabets. Initials. Cf. NE 2710 Engraving. ND 3335 Illumination. T 371 Mechanical drawing — Lettering. NA 2725 Architectual drawing — Lettering. TT 3G0 Sign-painting, show-cards, etc. Z 250-251 Type and type-founding. 3600 General (all periods). 3610 Medieval. "' " "^ 3615 14th-18th centuries. 3620 19th-20th centuries. 3630 Specimens of decorative lettering. 3640 Monograms, marks, etc. 3650 Bead^vork. ' -^-^'^^ -^"^^ • 3660 Book ornamentation. Cf, Book arts (General), Z 276; Illustrated books, Z 1023. Cover design, NC 973. Binding, Z 266. Illumination, ND 2890-3395. Alphabets and initials, NK 3600-3640. Book plates, Z 993-995. CERAMICS Cf. TP 785-820, Pottery— Technology. 3700 Periodicals and societies. Exhibitions. 3710 International (by place). 3720 Other (by place). Museums. Collections. 3730 Public. 3740 Private. Dealers' catalogs, etc., see NK 4255. 3760 Collected writings. 3770 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias. History. 3780 General. 3785 General special. --,,,-, _.. <.^,.^,cic 3795 Primitive. Prefer GN 433. 3800 Ancient. 3803 General special. 3805 Oriental. 3810 Egyptian. 3820 Assyro-Babylonian. 121 NK AKT APPLIED TO INDUSTEY NK S8A-Z) AAyci'-v-iaizan Ceramics. ' History. Ancient — Continued. 3825 Persian. 3830 Phenician. 3835 Classic. 3840 Greek. Cf. Vases, NK 4620-4653. and pnz.- 3845 Myo^nean . 3850 3855 3870 3880 3900 3920 3930 4001-4184 4200 4210 4215 4220 4225 4230 4235 4245 4247 4250 4255 4260 4265 4267 4270 4275 4280 4285 Recent. Table II. Etruscan. Roman (Aretine, terra sigillata, etc.). Other ancient. Medieval. Mohammedan. Modern. 19th century. 20th century. Special countries. Anglo-American, NK 4006. American Indians, see E 98.P8. Collective biography. Individual potters, A-Z. Potters' marks. General works. Treatises. To 1800. After 1800. Collectors' manuals (How to identify old china, etc.). Cf. 4215 and 4370. General special ^..^^ SUay ^v^ /^menca 4711 North America. 4712 United States. J- 3 , 4713-4796 Other countries. Table I. A-lhZ I\r^^^K; n^ ve.^, 4799 Dealers' catalogs. 4850 Ecclesiastical vestments. Special articles. 4870 Fans. 4890 Others, A-Z. 125 NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK 508^ GesBO. '^t7,^,U^, 4 -Z. , f'f. .•^3 fia^t^^^t- Enamel. 5000 General ^vorks.. 5010 Cloisonne. 5013 Byzantine. 5015 Japanese and Chinese. Floral arrangements, see SB 449. 6100-5199 Glass. Divided like NK 4700-4799. 5300-5399 Stained glass. Glass painting. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Under each country : .Al-2. General. .A3-Z. Special cities. 5410 Glass painting for amateurs. 5420 Leaded glass. 5430 Mosaic glass. ^i^^Cho ^^"^'^ Glyptic arts. (Carving or engraving of gems and hard stones, shells, coral, ivory, boxwood, ebony, etc.) 5500 General works. Gems (Engraved stones). 6505 Exhibitions (by place). 5510 Museums (by place). 5515 Private collections. 5517 Catalogues raisonnes. 5520 Dealers' catalogs, etc. 5523 Early works (to 1800). 6525 General works (since 1800). 5530 Collectors' manuals. 6535 General special. 5540 Addresses, essays, etc. 6545 Collections of designs. History. 5550 General. 5555 Ancient. 6567 Oriental. 6559 Egyptian. 5561 Scarabs. 126 NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK Glyptic arts. Gems (engraved stones). History. Ancient — Continued. 5563 AssA^ro-Babylonian. 5565 Classical. Greek and Roman, 5566 General special. e. g. Starred gems. 5580 Other ancient. 5585 Medieval. 5595 Modern. 5601-5696 Special countries. Table I. 5698 Special artists, A-Z. Special varieties. 5720 Cameos. 5730 Intaglios. 5733 Special subjects, A-Z. 5735 Plaster reproductions of gems. 5750 Jade. Ivory carving. Ivories. 5800 Exhibitions (by place). 5810 Museums (by place). 5815 Private collections. 5820 Dealers' catalogs. 5825 General works. 5835 General special. 5840 Addresses, essays, etc. History. 5850 General. 6860 Ancient. 5870 Medieval. 5890 Modern. 5895 15th-16th centuries. 6900-5996 Special countries. Table I. 5998 Special artists, A-Z. 6010 Boxwood, ebony, etc. (art objects). Cf. NK 9700-9799, Wood-carving. 6020 Horn and bone carving. 6050 Netsukes. 6200 Leather work. Cf. Z 266-, Bookbinding. 6210 Leather bottles, black jacks, etc. 6300-6399 Medals, plaques, etc. Divided like NK 4700^799. Cf. CJ, Numismatics. 127 NK AET APPLIED TO INDUSTKY NK (o?V^5 La.dQevc. 6400-6499 Metal-work. Divided like NK 4700-4799. 6510 Enameling, coloring, etc. 6520 Chasing, engraving, etc. 6525 Niello. For relations to history of engraving, see NE 445. 6530 Hammered work and its imitations (including re- pousse and chasing combined). 6535 Modeling of metal. Metalloplasty. 6600-6699 Arms and armor. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Cf. GT, Manners and customs. U 800-, Military science. Prefer U except for collections of art museums. 6700-6799 Swords and sword guards. Divided like NK 4700-4799. (Tsubas in NK 6784.) 6900-6999 Firearms. Guns and pistols. Divided like NK 4700^799. (7000-7099) Coins and medals, see NK 6300-99. Cf. CJ, Numismatics. Divided like NK 4700^799. 7100-7199 Gold and silver. Plate. Jewelry. (Orfevrerie.) Divided like NK 4700-4799. Prefer NK 7215 for all church plate. 7210 Hall-marks and other marks. 7215 Ecclesiastical plate (Chalices, patens, etc.). 7218 Miscellaneous plate. e. g. Gold and silver trophies of Charles V, 7220 Gold plate, vases, etc. Prefer NK 7112-7196. 7225 Special pieces. e. g. Golden patera of Kennes. 7230 Silverwork, vases, etc. Prefer NK 7112-7196. 7235 Spoons. '^ :d;A •^ i^'' 7240 Silver plated ware. Cf. TS 675. 7250 Sheffield plate. 7300-7399 Jewelry. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Crown jewels, insignia, regalia (Kleinodien). Cf. CR 4480, Heraldry. Prefer NK 7407 to NK 7401-7403 for Ancient. . 7400 Periodicals. 7401 Exhibitions. 128 NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7415 7417 7419 7440-7459 7480-7499 7650 7660 7680 7690 7695 7800-7899 7900-7999 8100 8200-8299 8350 8360 8400-8419 Metal work. Gold and silver. Plate. Jewelry. Jewelry. Crown jewels, insignia, regalia — Continued. Museums (by place). Collections. General works. Collected designs. History. Ancient. Medieval. Modern. Recent. North America. United States. Foreign countries, A-Z. Special artists, A-Z. Trade catalogs, etc. l^^S M^ces^Cerevy^ovwCT.1 Eings. Divided like NK 7400-7419. Watches and clocks. Divided like NK 7400-7419. Wooden clock-cases, see NK 2720. Precious stones. Cf. NK 5505-5735. Diamonds. Pearls. Others, A-Z. Miscellaneous. Brasses. (Including works on brass, bronze, and copper.) Divided like NK 4700-4799. Bronzes. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Copper-work. Iron- work. (Serrurerie. Schmiedekunst.) 8440 8450 Divided like NK 4700-4799. Lead-work. Lighting fixtures. Pewter. Divided like NK 7400-7419. Miscellaneous articles of metal. Mirrors. Spoons (General). Cf. NK 7235, Silver spoons. ._a31L Uutle-rNf, <5 A i ^ -f" >'V^ - Vf-S-m 2319— 2S 129 NK ART APPLIED TO INDUSTRY NK 8500 8550 8580 e.j. PWcv.i.-cr.s.H, 8600 8605 8700 8705 8800-8899 8900-8999 b5(o0 fA^itrn b\'\n■\:\r](i()\A)^^^\- Al«CnMfi.ctu<"! . obacco q5?5 VwtAt.- va>^e^ 9100-9199 9200-9299 9310 9400-9499 9503 ' 9516 9580 9600^9699 Mosaic ornaments and jewelry. Musical instruments (Art collections). Paper articles, see TT 870-892. Permodello modeling. Pyrography. Periodicals. General works. Stencil work (Decorative). Stonework. Marble work. Cf. NB Sculpture. Lettering. Textile arts and art needlework. Divided like NK 4700-^799. Woven fabrics. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Cf. Costume, NK 4700-. Rugs and carpets, NK 2775-2896. Tapestries, NK 2975-3096. Upholstery, Wall-hangings, etc., NK 3175-3296. Needlework. (Including samplers, quilts, etc.) Divided like NK 4700-4799. Embroidery. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Ecclesiastical embroidery. Xace. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Batik. ^, Cf. NK 8880, Dutch East Indies, Transfer pictures (Deealcomanie). Cf. Transfer printing on pottery, NK 4607. Wax modeling. Wax portraits. Ceroplastic. , Woodwork. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Cf. Architectural decoration (Woodwork), NA 3900. Floors, NA 2970. Furniture, NK 2200-2740. Ecclesiastical furniture, NA 5050-. Sculpture in wood, NB 1250-1255. i ieco* •_-»- o-' '^-* 9700-9799 Wood-carving. Divided like NK 4700-4799. Cf. NK 6010, Glyptics. 9900 Lacquer. 9920 Marquetry. Inlaying. Cf. NK 2710, Inlaid furniture, etc. 9930 Fretwork. 9950 Miscellaneous. 130 1'\5S TTi-iJ ccC/a^c-n^,; ^ttc'<,Cc^ u-J /-r<^rr(__^ /) -2. . q C\Clrj .or £..;. tOs mi'^'-rf- TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS 131 A^^a N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS N Tables I to III-A I II III III-A (100) (200) (300) (300) 01 America 01 01 01 AIll 02 North America 03 03 03 03 United States 05 05 05 Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century 06 06 06 19th century 07 07 07 20th century 08 08 08 05 New England 10 10 10 06 South 11 14 14 07 Central 14 18 18 08 West 17 23 23 09 Pacific states 19 25 25 10 States, A-W 25 35 35 11 Cities, A-Z 27 38 38 12 Special artists, A-Z 28 39 39 13 Canada 29 41 41 14 Mexico 31 44 44 15 Central America 33 47 47 16 British Honduras 35 50 50 17 Costa Rica 37 53 53 18 Guatemala 39 56 56 19 Honduras 41 59 59 20 Nicaragua 43 62 62 21 Panama 45 65 65 22 Salvador 46 67 67 23 West Indies 47 68 68 24 Bahamas 49 71 71 25 Cuba 51 74 74 26 Haiti 53 77 77 27 Jamaica 55 80 80 28 Porto Rico 57 83 83 29 Other 58 86 86 30 South America 59 89 89 31 Argentine Republic 61 92 92 32 Bolivia 63 95 95 33 Brazil 65 98 98 34 Chile 67 101 101 35 Colombia 69 104 104 36 Ecuador 71 107 107 37 Guiana 73 110 110 38 Paraguay 75 113 113 39 Peru 77 116 116 40 Uruguay 79 119 119 41 Venezuela 81 122 122 42 Europe 83 125 125 43 Great Britain. England 85 128 128 44 England— Local 87 131 131 45 Scotland 89 134 134 133 ir TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS N I II III III-A Europe. Great Britain — Continued. 46 Ireland 91 137 137 ' 47 Wales 93 140 140 Special artists, A-Z 142 142 48 Austria 95 143 143 49 France 97 146 147 50 Germany 99 149 151 51 Greece 101 152 155 52 Italy 103 155 159 53 Netherlands 105 158 163 54 Holland 107 161 167 55 Belgium. Flanders 109 164 171 56 Russia lU 167 175 p^ f.^^U 57 Scandinavia 113 170 179 '^ 58 Denmark 115 173 183 59 Iceland 117 176 187 60 Norway 119 179 191 61 Sweden 121 182 195 62 Spain. Spain and Portugal 123 185 199 63 Portugal 125 188 203 64 Switzerland 127 191 207 65 Turkey 129 194 211 66 Other Balkan States 131 197 215 67 Bulgaria 133 200 219 68 Montenegro 135 203 223 69 Rumania 137 206 227 70 Servia 139 209 231 71 Other countries, A-Z 141 212 235 72 Asia. The Orient 143 215 237 78 Southwestern Asia. Near East. Levant. Asia Minor. Turkey in Asia 145 218 238 74 Persia 147 221 241 75 Central Asia 149 224 244 76 Southern Asia. India. Ceylon 151 227 247 77 Indo-China. Farther India. Malay Peninsula— 153 230 250 78 French Indo-China 155 233 253 79 Indonesia. Malay Archipelago 157 236 256 80 Dutch East Indies 159 239 259 81 Philippines 161 242 262 82 Eastern Asia 163 245 265 83 China 165 248 268 84 Japan 167 251 271 ^5 Northern Asia. Siberia. Russia in Asia 169 254 274 ""87 Africa 173 260 280 88 Egypt 175 263 283 89 Other divisions, A-Z 177 266 286 90 Australia and New Zealand 179 269 289 91 Special (including Tasmania), A-Z 180 270 290 93 New Zealand 181 272 291 95 Pacific Islands 183 275 293 96 Special, A-Z 184 276 294 I i Ki OY-t-K 134 iGH.5' 2.535 ^Ti-^" Bfc CHInfiJn courit'ri.u.s, A-Z 13 2.7SI N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Table IV 01 America. 02 Spanish America. 03 North America. 05 United States. or Colonial period; 18th (and early 19th) century. 10 19th century. 12 20th century. 15 New England. 20 South. 25 West. 28 Pacific states. 30 States, A-Z. 35 Cities, A-Z. 36 Collective biography. 37 Special artists, A-Z. Canada. 40 General. 43 Before 1800 (New France). 44 19th century. 45 20th century. 46 Special divisions, A-Z. 47 Special cities, A-Z. 48 Collective biography. 49 Special artists, A-Z. 50^59 Mexico (like 40-49). 60 Central America. British Honduras. 70 General. 71 Local. 72 Special artists, A-Z, 73-75 Costa Rica (hke 70-72). 76-78 Guatemala (like 70-72). 79-81 Honduras (Republic) (like 70-72). 82-84 Nicaragua (like 70-72). 85-87 Panama (like 70-72). 88-90 Salvador (like 70-72). 91 West Indies. 100-2 Bahamas (like 70-72). 103-5 Cuba (like 70-72). 106-8 Haiti (like 70-72). 109-11 Jamaica (like 70-72). 112-4 Porto Rico (like 70-72). 115 Other, A-Z. 135 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N 120 South America. 130-9" Argentine Republic. 140-9" Bolivia. 150-9" Brazil. 160-9" Chile. 170-9" Colombia. 180-9' Ecuador. 190 Guiana. 195 British Guiana. 196 Dutch Guiana. Surinam. 197 French Guiana. 198 Special cities, towns, etc. 199 Special artists. 200-9" Paraguay. 210-9" Peru. 220-9" Uruguay. 230-9" Venezuela. Europe. 250 General. 251 Folios (used only for NA 951). (252) Ancient. (See Ancient art in general period divisions, N 5315-5899, etc.) 253 Medieval (used only for NA 5453). In other cases see the general period divisions. 254 Modern. 255 Renaissance (used only for NA 5455). In other cases see the general period divisions. 256 I7th-18th centuries. 25T 19th century.. 258 20th century. Special countries. Great Britain. England. 261 General works. 262 Ancient. 263 Medieval. Gothic. (In NA includes general architectural antiquities.)' 264 Modem. 265 14th-16th centuries. (Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan periods.) 266 I7th-18th centuries. (Georgian period.) \ \ \ -i 19t-h century. 1 ^''^^ • I'^cifapMAelilri'&VM.- mUv^g- NQ AI'>1 267 268 20th century. ' '^s'^'*- ^ • l^ossetti = . ^(ffj P. G» - ^^ov^iti^ . )?1 " Like 40-49. 136 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Europe. Special countries. Great Britain. England — Continued. England — Local. 269 English counties. 270 London. 271 Other English cities, A-Z. Scotland. 272 General. 273 Ancient. 274 Medieval. (In NA includes general architectural antiquities.) 275 Modern. 276 • 14th-16th centuries. 277 17th-18th centuries. 278 19th century. 279 20th century. 280 Special counties. 281 Special cities. Ireland. 282 General. 283 Ancient. 284 Medieval. (In NA includes general architectural antiquities.) 285 Modern. 286 14th-16th centuries. 287 17th-18th centuries. 288 19th century. 289 20th century. 290 Special counties. 291 Special cities. Wales. 292 General. 293 Counties. 294 Cities. 295 Other local, A-Z. e. g. .W6, Isle of Wight. 296 Collective biography. British artists. 297 Special artists, A-Z. Austria-Hungary. Austria. 301 General works. 302 Ancient. 303 Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque. 137 K TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Europe. Special countries. Austria-Hungary. Austria — Continued. 304 Modern. 305 14th-16th centuries. Eenaissance. 306 17th-18th centuries. 307 19th century. 308 20th century. 309 Special divisions of Austria, A-Z. Hungary and Bohemia, see 312-332. Hungary. 312 General. 314 Ancient. 315 Medieval. 316 Modern. 317 14th-16th centuries. 318 17th-18th centuries. 319 19th century. 320 20th century. 321 Special divisions, A-Z. Bohemia. 323 General. 325 Ancient. 326 Medieval. 327 Modem. 328 14th-16th centuries. 329 17th-18th centuries. 330 19th century. 331 20th century. 332 Special divisions, A-Z. Special cities of Austria-Hungary. 335 Vienna. 336 Others, A-Z. 337 Collective Austro-Hungarian biography. 338 Special artists, A-Z. France. 341 General works. 342 Ancient. 343 Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque. 344 Modern. 345 14th-16th centuries. Eenaissance. 346 17th-18th centuries. 347 19th century. 348 20th century. 349 Special divisions, A-Z. 138 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Europe. Special countries. France — Continued. 350 Paris. 351 Other special cities, A-Z. 352 Collective biography. 353 Special artists, A-Z. German, Flemish, and Dutch. See 41 Germany. -368 Like 340-348. ( r^^ M^. ) Special divisions. 369.A- A-Als. 370 Alsace-Lorraine. 371.A-B Alsr-Bad. 372 Baden. 373 Bavaria. 374.B-H Bav-Hes. 375 Hesse. 376.H-P Hes-Pr. 377 Prussia. 378.P-R Pr-Rh. 379 Rhine provinces. 380.It-S Rh-Sax. 381 Saxony. 382.S-W Sax-Wu. 383 Wiirttemberg. 384.AV-Z Wu-Z. 385 Berlin. 886 Other cities, etc., A-Z. 387 Collective biography. 388 Special artists, A-Z. Greece. 391 General works. 392 Ancient. 393 Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque. 394 Modem. 395 14th-16th centuries. 396 I7th-18th centuries. 397 19th century. 398 20th century. Recent. 399 Special divisions, A-Z. 400 Athens. 401 Other special cities, A-Z. 402 Collective biography. 403 Special artists, A-Z. 139 \ N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Europe. Special countries — Continued. 411-423 Italy (like 391-403, except 420, Eome). 425 Dutch, Flemish, and German, collectively. 431-438 Netherlands (like 391-398). vm.^.* 441-453 Holland (like 391-403; 450, Amsterdam) 461-473 Belgium. Flanders. (Divided like 391-403; 470, Brussels). Slavic art. 476 General works. Russia. 481-488 Like 391-398. Special division of European Russia. Poland. Polish art. 491 General works. Finland. Finnish art. 493 General works. 495 Others, A-Z. Special cities. 496 St. Petersburg. Petrograd. 497 Others, A-Z. 498 Collective biography. 499 Special artists, A-Z. Scandinavia. 501 General works. 502 Ancient. 503 Medieval. Gothic. Romanesque. 504 Modern. 505 14th-16th centuries. Renaissance 506 I7th-18th centuries. 507 19th century. 508 20th century. 509 Collective biography. Denmark. 511-518 Like 500-508. 519 Special divisions, A-Z. 520 Copenhagen. 521 Other special cities, A-Z. 522 Collective biography. 523 Special artists, A-Z. 541-553 Iceland (like 511-523; 550 omitted). 561-573 Norway (like 511-523; 570, Christiania). 581-593 Sweden (like 511-523; 590, Stockholm). Spain and Portugal. Spain. 601-613 Like 511-523; 610, Madrid. 621-633 Portugal (like 511-523; 630, Lisbon). 140 TS TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Europe. Special countries — Continued. 641-653 Switzerland (like 511-523; 650 omitted). 661-673 Turkey (like 511-523; 670, G on G tantinopl o) . 675 Other Balkan states. 681-693 Bulgaria (like 511-523; 690 omitted). 701-713 Montenegro (like 511-523; 710 omitted). 721-733 Rumania (like 511-523; 730 omitted). 741-753 Serbia -(like 511-523; 750 omitted). ■si.r\>i,^ ,\^o&\avia.^ 755 Other countries, A-Z. Asia. The Orient. 760 General. 765 Southwestern. Asia Minor. Turkey in Asia. Asiatic Turkey— Local (except 770-779). 767 Special regions, A-Z. e. g. .D5 Diarbekir. .1 7 Irak-Arabi. .K9 Kurdistan. .M5 Mesopotamia. 768 Special cities, A-Z. e. g. .A3 Aleppo. .B2 Bagdad. .S6 Smyrna. Bethlehem, Damascus, Jerusalem, see 778; Mecca, see 771. 770 Arabia. 771 Local, A-Z. 772 Special artists, A-Z. 774-776 Armenia (like 770-772). 777-779 Palestine and Syria (like 770-772). Persia. 780 General. 783 Before 1800. 784 19th century. 785 20th century. 786 Special divisions, A-Z. 787 Special cities, A-Z. 788 Collective biography. 789 Special artists. A-Z. 790 Other divisions, A-Z. e. g. .C9, Cyprus. 791 Central western. 792 Afghanistan. 793 Beluchistan. 794 Bokhara. 795 Khiva. 796 Turkestan. 141 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Asia. The Orient. Central western — Continued. 797 Other divisions, A-Z. 798 Special cities, A-Z. 799 Special artists. A-Z. Southern. Southeastern. India. Hindu art. 801 General works. 802 Before 1800. 803 19th century. 804 20th century. 805 Ceylon. 806 Burma. 807 Other divisions, A-Z. 808 Special cities, A-Z. 809 Collective biography. 810 Special artists, A-Z. 811 Indo-China. Malay Peninsula. 813 French Indo-China. 814 Annam. 815 Cambodia. Khmer art. 816 Laos. 817 Tonking. 818 Other divisions, A-Z. 819 Special cities, A-Z. 820 Special artists, A^Z. Siam. 821 General. 822 Local, A-Z. 824 Other divisions, A-Z. 825 Indonesia. Malay Archipelago. 826 Dutch East Indies. Java. .- 827 Philippine_Islands. /^^^ h^^fi-Z 830 Other divisions, A-Z. ^ i-? 1>f£^J a.r^^/ ^''^ Eastern. China, Japan, etc. 836 Collections. Catalogs. 837 General works. China. 840 General. 842 Collections. Catalogs. 843 Before 1800. 844 19th century. 845 20th century. 846 Special divisions, A-Z. e. g. .M2 Manchuria; .T5 Tibet. 142 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS— TABLE IV N Asia. The Orient. Eastern. China, Japan, etc. China — Continued. 847 Special cities, A-Z. 848 Collective biography. 849 Special artists, A-Z. 850-859 Japan (like 840-849). e. g. 856.F7, Formosa. 860-869 Korea (like 840-849). Northern. 870-879 Siberia. Russia in Asia. (Like 840-849.) Africa. 880 General. 882 Egypt. Coptic art, see N 7988. 883 Cairo. 884 Other local. A-Z. 885 Special artists, A-Z. 887 Barbary States. 888 Special divisions, A-Z. 889 Special cities, A-Z. 890 Special artists, A-Z. South Africa. 892 General. 894 Special divisions, A-Z. 895 Special cities, A-Z. 896 Special artists, A-Z. 897 Other divisions, A-Z. Australia. 900 General. 901 Native art. 902 Special divisions, A-Z. e. s:. .T2 Tasmania. 903 Special cities, A-Z. 904 Collective biography. 905 Special artists, A-Z. New Zealand. 906 General. 907 Local. A-Z. 908 Special artists, A-Z. Pacific islands. 910 General. 911 Special, A-Z. 912 Special cities, A-Z. 913 Special artists, A-Z. 143 N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS FINE ARTS— GENEEAL ART CITIES N Amsterdam N 6950 Madrid N 7110 Angoiileme 6851.A6 Mantua 6921.M3 Antwerp 6971.A6 Messina 6921.M5 Assisi 6921.A8 Milan 6921.M6 Athens 6900 Moscow 6997.M7 Ancient 5650 Munich 688G.M9 Augsburg 6886.A9 Nancy 6851.N2 Basel 7151.B3 Naples 6921.N2 Beaune 6851.B4 Nimes 6851.N7 Bologna 6921.B7 Nuremberg 6886.N9 Berlin 6885 Bruges 6971.B8 Padua 6921.P2 Brunswick 6886.B8 Palermo 6921.P3 Brussels 6970 Paris 6850 Budapest 6836.B9 Pisa 6921.P6 Poitiers 6851.P7 Cairo 7383 Pompeii 5770^1 Christiania 7070 Prague 6836.P8 Cologne 6886.C7 Constantinople 7170 Ravenna 6921.R3 Copenhagen 7020 Rome 6920 Cordova 7111.C7 Rouen 6851.R8 Cracow 6836.C8 St. Petersburg 6996 Dantzig 6886.D2 Seville 7111.S5 Dijon 6851.D5 Siena 6921.S6 Florence 6921.F7 Stockholm 7090 Strassburg 6886.S8 Genoa 6921.G4 Syracuse 6921.S9 Ghent 6971.G4 Granada 7111.G8 Toledo 7111.T6 Grenoblej 6851.G8 Tours 6851.T7 Ulstarxbui 71- Tunis 7389.T9 Hague 6951.H2 Turin 6921.T7 Hildesheim 6886.H6 Venice 6921. V5 Lisbon 7130 Verona 6921.V6 Liverpool 6771.L7 Versailles 6851.V5 London 6770 Vienna 6835 1 ^- . (v oa.ragossa. Vf-ar agoza^ 7111.; N TABLES OF SUBDIVISIONS LIST OF ENGLISH COUNTIES N Bi Bedfordshire. Bo Berkshire. B9 Buckinghamshire. C2 Cambridgeshire. C5 Cheshire. C7 Cornwall. C9 Cumberland. D4 Derbyshire. Do Devonshire. D7 Dorsetshire. D9 Durham. E8 Essex. Go Gloucestershire. H2 Hampshire (Hants). H5 Herefordshire. H9 Huntingdonshire. K3 Kent. L2 Lancashire. L5 Leicestershire. L7 Lincolnshire. M6 Middlesex. M8 Monmouthshire. N5 Norfolk. N6 Northamptonshire. N7 Northumberland. N8 Nottinghamshire. 09 Oxfordshire. E9 Rutlandshire. ■S3 Shropshire. 55 Somersetshire. 56 Staffordshire. 57 Suffolk. 58 Surrey. 59 Sussex. TVS Warwickshire. "W5 Westmoreland. W7 Wiltshire. W9 Worcestershire. Y5 Yorkshire. 2319—25 -10 145 INDEX 147 7ti'chjrec-r^rc:N'A-ti«il. INDEX Abbeys (Architecture) : NA 4800-6113. Acoustics, Architectural : NA 2800. , Action in art : NC 785. « ^'=^N^t:^^,^^sthetics:N61-79. '^'^^^^^^^^t^'^ -" a; br =.Vi -~>lgraphy: NE2560. ort-r'^ if^lhambra (Architecture) : NA3S7. ncsvS.viiB. Allegorical art: X 7710-20. Decoration and ornament : NK 1585, Alphabets: NK3600-40. Altars: NA 5060. Aluminium lithography : NE 2560. Amphitheatres: NA6860. Eoman: NA313. Anatomy, Art : NC 760-75. Ancient art: N 5343-5899. Architecture: NA 210-335. Comparison with modem : N 7428 ; ND53. Decoration and ornament : NK 1180- 1250. Furniture : NK 2280-2320. Gems : NK 5555-80. Industrial arts : NK 610-85. Interiors : NK 1720-80. Ivories : NK 5860. Painting: NT) 70-130. Sculpture : NB 69-169. Angels in art : N 8090. Animals in art : N 7660. Drawing: NC 780. Painting: NTD 1380. Water colors : NT) 2280. Decorative design : NK 1555. Sculpture : NB 1940. Apartment houses : NA 7860. Apostles in art : N 8080. Aquatint (Engraving) : NE 1820-30. Arabesque (Decoration and ornament) : NK 1575. Arabic art : N 6260-71. Decoration and ornament : NK 1270- 1275. Industrial arts : NK 720-25. Interiors : NK 1820. Archeology, Art : N 5320-5899. Arches : NA 2880. Memorial : NA 9360-80. Roman : NA 315. Architectonics: NA 2500. Architects Biography Collective : NA 40. Individual : NA 700-1613. Business management : NA 2570. Directories : NA 50-00. Examination, licensing : NA 120-30. Legal relations : NA 2580. Architectural acoustics : NA 2800. Architectural decoration : NA 3310-4010. Architectural details, motives : NA 2835-3060. Architectural drawing : NA 2700-90. Architectural sketch books : NA 2600- 2635. Architecture : NA. Acoustics : NA 2800. Ancient: NA 210-335. Atlases : NA 2600-35. Baroque : NA 590. Biography Collected : NA 40. Individual : NA 701-1618. Brick buildings : NA 4120. Byzantine: NA 370-73. Christian : NA 360-1 ; NA 4800-6113. Classic : NA 260-335. Collected works : NA 25-27. "Colonial" : NA 707. Commercial : NA 6210-6510. Competitions : NA 2335-60. Concrete buildings : NA 4125. Congresses: NA 21. Contracts: NA 2640-5. Decoration : NA 3310-4010. Details, motives : NA 2835-3060. Dictionaries : NA 31. Directories : NA 50-60. Domestic : NA 7100-8480. Drawing : NA 2700-90. Ecclesiastical : NA 4800-6113. 149 INDEX Architecture — Continued, Egyptian : NA 215-16. Eliza bet lian : NA 625, 965. Encyclopedias: NA 31. Esthetics: NA 2500. Etruscan : NA 300-01. Exhibitions: NA 2430-60. Farm : NA 8200-60. Georgian : NA 640, 707, 966. Gothic : NA 440-80. Gothic re\aval : NA 610. Greek : NA 270-301. Greek revival : NA 600. "Grotesque" : NA 8460. History : NA 200-1613. Iron and steel buildings : NA 4135. Military : NA 490-497. Mohammedan : NA 380-88. Moorish: NA 380-88. Museums: NA 2400-20. Neo-Greek: NA 650. Norman : NA 423-29. Orders of architecture : NA 2810-17. Pelasgic : NA 265. Periodicals: NA 1-6. Plans: NA 2600^5. Primitive: NA 205-7. Public : NA 4180-4510. Queen Anne : NA 630. 966. Religious: NA 4600-6113. Renaissance: NA 510-75. Rococo: NA 590. Roman : NA 310-35. Romanesque: NA 390^19. Rustic: NA 8465. Schools : NA 2300-20. Sepulchral: NA 6120-99. Societies: NA 10-17. Specifications: NA 2640-5. Stone buildings : NA 4130. Study and teaching : NA 2000-2320. Swiss: NA 660. Tables, etc. : NA 2590 ; TH 151. Theory : NA 2500. Treatises: NA 2510-50. Tudor: NA 620, 965. Wooden buildings: NA 4110-15. Yearbooks: NA 9. Armorial china : NK 4374. Arms and armor: NK 6600-6999. Art Anatomy: NO 760-75. Ancient: N 5343-5899. Art — Continued. Architecture: NA. Atlases: N 7510-21. Biblical : N 8020-37. Biography: N 40. Byzantine: N 6250. Christian : N 7810-8180. Classic: N 5CK)5-5899. Collection : N 25-7. Composition: N 7430. Congresses: N 21. Decoration and ornament : NK. Decorative: NIv 1100-1590. Dictionaries: N 33. Directories: N 50-55. Art dealers: N 8630. Drawing, design: NO. Ecclesiastical : NK 1050-57. Economics: N 8680. Encyclopedias: N 31. Engraving: NE. Exhibitions : N 4402-5097. T44'^ • N 405-3970. N l/v eo 1 - 1 T -i Galleries, museums; Gothic: N 6310-11. Greek: N 5630-5720. History: N 5300-7413. Industries: NIv. Law : N 8770. Copyright: Z 653. Materials, etc.: N 8510-80. Medieval: N 5940-6311. Modern : N, 6350-7413. Mohammedan, Moorish : N 6260-71. See also subdivisions under Mo- hammedan art. Painting: ND. Periodicals: N 1-8. Religious: N 7700-8190. Roman: N 5740-75. Romanesque : N 6280 ; N 6501-7413. Schools: N 325-33. Sculpture: NB. Societies: N 10-17. Study and teaching; N 81-390. Tariff: N 8770. Technique: N 7430. Theory : N 61-79. Ti-eatises: N 7420-30. Yearbooks: N 9. Art and morals: N 72. Art and religion: N 7810-8180. Art and the state: N 8700-8850. .Art Cec\ev-<> Mf^fc^n. Art collectors: N 8380-8410. 150 INDEX Art criticism : N 7435. Art critics: N 8370-5. Art dealers: N 8610-75. Art industries : NK. Art objects : NK. Art treasures in Europe: ND 1246-57. in U. S. : ND 1242-5. Artists : N 8350. Biograpliy : N 40. By countries: N 6500-7413. Directories : N 50-55. Women : N 43. Artists' marks: N 45. Arts and crafts movement : NK 1135- 1149. Assyro-Babylonian art: N 5370-80. Architecture: NA 220-1. Decoration : NK 1195. Sculpture: N^ 80. Athletic club buildings: NA 7960. Atlases, Art : N 7510-21. Architecture: NA 2600-35. Sculpture: NB 1150. Aureola in art: N 8160. Babylonian art: N 5370-80. Architecture: NA 220-1. Decoration : NK 1195. Sculpture: NB 80. Bahai temples: NA 4710. Bank buildings: NA 6240. Bams: NA 8230. Baroque architecture: NA 590. Baroque decoration : NK 1345. Baroque furniture: NK 2365. Basilicas: NA 4150. Baths Public: NA 7010. Roman: NA 317. Batik : NK 9503. Bayeux tapestries: NK 3049.B3. Beadwork: NK 3650. Beauty : N 61-79. Philosophy: BH. Beds: NK 2713. Biblical art: N 8020-37. Bible characters: N 8110. Illuminated Bibles: KD 3355-61. Biography: N 40-43; N 6537-7413. Architects Collective : NA 40. Individual : NA 737-1613. Biography — Continued. Artists: N 40-3; N 6537-7413. Decorative art : NK 839-1094. Engravers Collective: NE 800. Individual: NE 501-794, 805. Wood :, NE 1200-17. Etchers: NE 2110-15. Lithographers: NE 2410^15. Painters Collective: ND 34-8. Individual : NT> 237-1113. Water-colors: ND 1750. Potters : NK 4200-10. Sculptors Collective: NB 1115. Individual: NB 237-1113. Birds m art General : N 766<8t. Decorati on and ornament : NK 1555. Painting: NTD 1380. "^ Zi-ri...^u^ ; ^^ -,^^ Water-colors: ND 2280. ' Bishops' palaces: NA 4840-5. Blackboard drawing: NC 865. Board of trade buildings : NA 6250. Boat club buildings: NA 7970. Boat-houses: NA 6920. Bone carving: NK 6020. Book ornamentation : NK 3660. Covers: NC 973. Illuminating: ND 2890-3416. Illustrating: NC 950-95. Books of hours. Illuminated : ND 3363. Brasses: NK 7800-99. Incised: NB 1840-46. Braziers: NK 4690. Breviaries, Illuminated: ND 3365. BreweiT buildings: NA 6420. Brick buildings: NA 4120. Dwellings: NA 7150. Bronzes: NK 7900-99. Ancient: NB 135-43. Sculptured: NB 1230. Brushes: NT> 1520. Built-in fui-uiture: NK 2712. Bungalows: NA 7571-72. Busts: NB 1300. Byzantine art :, N 6250. Ai-chitecture : NA 370-73. Decoration and ornament : NK 1265 ; NA 3410. Enamels: NK 5013. Industrial arts: NK 715. Interior decoration : NK 1810. 151 INDEX CI ij lKH 9^ "Colonial" architecture : NA 707. Modern houses : NA 7573. Interior decoration : NK 2003. "Colonial" furniture : NK 2406. Color (Painting) : ND 1279-86. Color in sculpture General : NB 1275. Greek : NB 93. Color prints : NE 1850-79. Photo-engraving : NE 2630 ; NE 2680. Columbaria (Architecture) : NA 6117. Columns : NA 2860-70. Commercial architecture : NA 6210- 6510. Commercial art : NC 997. Community centers : NA 4510.C7. Comparison of ancient and modern art : N 7428. Painting: ND 53. Competitions, Architectural : NA 2335- 2360. Composition (Art) : N 7430. 152 INDEX Composition (Art) — Continued. Drawing, design : NC 740. Drawing design : NC 740. Painting: ND 1263. Concrete buildings: NA 4125. Dwellings : NA 7160. Conservation of prints : NE 3S0. Conservatories : NA 8360. Contracts and specifications, Architec- tural : NA 2640-5. Convents : NA 4850. Convention halls: NA 6880. Copper and steel engraving Biography : NE 501-805. Collections : NE 1635-1739. Exhibitions : NE 1410. History : NE 1430-95. Periodicals : NE 1400. Printing : NE 2840. Treatises : NE 1620-30. Copper work : NK 8100. Copying of art works : N 8580. Copying processes (Drawing) : NC 1900-40. Corinthian order of architecture : NA 2810-17. Corinthian vases : NK 4646. Cornices: NA 2960. ' r,tor^635 Country seats : NA 7600-7786. Court houses (Architecture) : NA 4470. Cover design : NC 973. Crayon drawing : NC 855-75. Crematories (Architecture) : NA 6117 Cricket club buildings : NA 7950. Criticism, Art: N 7435; N 8370-5. Crown jewels : NK 7400-19. Crypts : NA 2880. Cubism : ND 1265. Curiosa, Art : N 7460. Custom-house buildings : NA 4460-67. Cyclopean architecture : NA 265. Dairy buildings : NA 8250. Dance of death : N 7720. 1S(,^- Decalcomanie : NK 9510. Decoration and ornament: NK 1160- 1590. Designs : NK 1530-35. Dictionaries : NK 1165. History : NK 1175-1496. Periodicals : NK 1160. Study and teaching : NK 1170. Theory : NK 1505. Treatises: NK 1510. Decoration of pottery : NK 4600. Delft ware : NK 4295. Design : NC 703. Architectural drawing: NA 2700-90, Ceramic : NK 4250. Costume: NK 4705. Decorative: NK 1160-1590. Furniture: NK 2235. Jewelry : NK 5545. Sculpture : NB 1160. Detached houses: NA 7530. Devil in art : N 8140. Diamonds: NK 7660. Directories Architects : NA 50-60. Art dealers : N 8630. Artists : N 50-55. Lithographers : NE 2283. Distilleries : NA 6420. vn. - ■ -^ -- ■ Dell-houses in m u sou ma : NK -495. Domes : NA 2890^ Domestic architecture : NA 7100-8480. Doors : NA 3000-30. Doric order: NA 2810-17. Double houses : NA 7525. Doulton w^are : NK 4.367.D7. Dovecotes: NA 8370. Draperies (Drawing) : NC 775. Drawing and design : NC. Anatomy : NC 760-75. Animal drawing : NC 780. Architectural : NA 2700-90. Blackboard drawing: NC 865. Caricature : NC 1300-1760. Catalogs : NC 37. Charcoal drawing: NC 850. Collected works : NC 40-42. Composition : NC 740. Copying processes : NC 1900-40. Crayon drawing : NC 855-75. Dictionaries, encyclopedias : N 31-33. Draperies : NC 775. Exhibitions : NC 15. 153 INDEX Drawing and design — Continued. Figures: XC 765. History: XC 50-376. Illustrating: NC 950-05. Landscai>es: NC 790-815. Liglit and shade: NC 755. Museums: NC 25-33. Pastel drawing: NC 880. Pen and ink : NC 905. Pencil : NC 890-95. Priodicals : N 1-8 ; NC 610. Perspective: NC 749-50. Picture post cards: NC 1870-75. Posters: NC 1800-50. Portraits: NC 773. Proportion : NC 745. Reflections : NC 757. Reproductions: NC 1005-1260. Shadows: NC 755. Silhouettes: NC 910. Study and teaching : NC 390-670. Symmetry : NC 745. Technique: NC 730-910. Theory: NC 703. Treatises: NO 705-10. Dresden porcelain: NK 4380. Dress Art: NK 4700-4890. Drinking vessels Gold and silver : NK 7100-7230. Greek vases: NK 4650.D8. Dry point : NE 2220-2225. E Earthenware: NK 4260-85. Ecclesiastical art: NK 1G50-57. Architecture: NA 4800-6113. Embroidery : KK 9310. Furniture, etc. : NA 5050-90. Plate: NK 7215. Vestments: NK 4850. Economics of art: N 8680. Effigies (Sculpture) : NB 1820. Egyptian art: N 5350-1. Architecture: NA 215-16. Ceramics: NK 3810. Decoration and ornament : NK 1190. Furniture: NK 2290. Gems: NK 5559-61. Industrial arts: NK 630-35. Interior decoration : NK 1740. Painting: ND 75. Sculpture: NB 75. '^V^ Electric fountains: NA 9425. Elgin marbles: NB 92. Elizabethan architecture: NA 625, 965. Emblematic art: N 7740. Decoration: N^ 1585. Engraving: NE 1683. Embroidery: NK 9200-9310. Empire style Decoration: NK 1370. Furniture : NK 2385. ' , - ,,^ , ^c-c- Enamel: NK 5000-15. '■""^""'^r Enameled earthenware: NK 4270. Opaque enamels: NK 4290-4340. Enameled nietal-work : NK 6510. Encaustic painting: ND 2480. Engine-houses: NA 4500-07. English manor-houses: NA 7620-25. Engraving: NE. Aquatint: NE 1820-39. Biography Collective: NE 800. Indivdual: NT] 501-794, 805. Etchers: NB 2110-15. Lithographers: KE 2410-15. Wood engravers: NE 1200-17. Catalogs General: NE 90-199. Etchings: NE 1960. Lithographs: NE 2280. Portraits: NE 220-320. Sales catalogs : NE 90-199. Chromollthography : NE 2500-29. Collections General : NE 900-960. Copper and steel: NE 1635-1739. Etchings: NE 2150-2210. Lithographs: NE 2450-59. Photo-engravings: NE 2600-80. Wood engravings: NE 1237-95. Conservation and restoration of prints: NE 380. Copper engraving: NE 1750-75. Dictionaries: NE 25. Directories: NE 30. Lithography: NE 2283. Encyclopedias: NE 20. Etching: NE 1040-2225. Exhibitions General: KE 40-45. Copper, steel: NE 1410. Etchings: NE 1950-55. Lithographs: NE 2270-75. Wood engravings : NE 1010. 154 INDEX Engraving — Continued. Historical prints: NE 1685. History General: NE 400-794. Copper and steel engraving : NE 1430-95. Etching: NE 1980-2099. Lithography: NE 2295. Wood engraving: NE 1030-1199. Instruments: NE 977-8. Line engraving: NE 1785. Lithography: NE 2250-2529. Machine-engi-aving : NE 2720. Manuals: NE 880-85. Mezzotint : NE 1815. Museums: NE 53-9. Mythological prints: NE 1680. Ornamental work on metals: NE 2700. Periodicals General : NE 1. Copper and steel engraving: NE 1400. Etching: NE 1940. Lithography: NE 2250. Wood engraving: NE 1000. Photo-engraving: TR 925-977. Photo-mechanical processes : NE 2890; TR 925-97. Portraits: NE 220-320. Prices of engravings: NE 85. Printing of engravings : NE 2800-90. Religious prints: NE 1675. Sporting prints: NE 960. Steel engraving: NE 1805. Stipple engraving: NE 1795. Study and teaching : NE 970-73. Symbolical prints : NE 1680. Treatises General: NE 830-03. Copper and steel: NE 1620-30. Etching: KE 2120-35. Lithography: NE 2420-30. Wood engraving: NE 1220-27. Wood engraving: NE 1000-1325. Yearbooks: NE 10. Enlargement of drawings, etc. : NC 1900-40. Equestrian statues: NB 1293. Esthetics Art : N 61-79. Architecture: NA 2500. Sculpture: KB 1185. Etching: NT] 1940-2225. Biography: NE 2110-15. Catalogs: NE 1960. Collections: NE 2150-2210. Exhibitions: NE 1950-55. History: NE 19.80-2099. Periodicals: NE 1940. Treatises: NE 2120-35. Etruscan art : N 5750-1. Architecture: NA 300-01. Ceramics: NK 3845. Decoration and ornament : NK 1235. Furniture: NK 2310. Industrial arts: NK 675. Sculpture: NB 110. Exhibitions: N 4402-5097. Architectural: NA 2430-60. Arts and crafts: NK 1137. Ceramics : NK 3710-20. Costume: NK 4701. Engravings : NE 40-45. Copper, steel: NE 1410. Etchings: NE 1950-55. Furniture: NK 2210. Gems: NK 5505. Industrial arts: NK 510-20. Ivories: NK 5800. Lithographs: NE 2270-75. Painting : N 4402-5097. Rugs and carpets : NK 2780. Sculpture: NB 15-17. Tapestries: NK 2980. Upholstery, wall hangings: NK 3180. Wall paper : NK 3380. Water-color paintings: NT) 1730-5. Wood engravings: NE 1010. Fables (Art) : N 7750. Faces (Drawing) : NC 770-3. Factory buildings: NA 6400-6510. Faience: NK 4290-4340. Famous pictures : ND 1145. Fans: NK 4870. Farm architecture: NA 8200-8260. Ferry houses: NA 6330. Fictitious animals : N 7690. Figure drawing: NC 765. f ;re. \n ar-\- ■. ^'6ti\T.^^. Fire-places: NA 3050-5. Firearms: NK 6900-99. Firing of china : NK 4610. Five orders of architecture : NA 2810- 2817. 155 INDEX Flour mills : NA 6490. Flowers in art : N 7680. Decorative design : NK 1560-5. Drawing : NC 805-15. Painting: ND 1400. Sculpture : NB 1950. Water-colors: ND 2300-5. Fonts, Baptismal : NA 5070. Forgeries, Art : N 8790. Form (Art) : N 7430. Foundries : NA 6430. Fountains, Municipal : NA 9400-25. Fraternitj^ houses : NA 8020-23. Fresco painting : ND 2470. Fretwork : NK 930. Furniture: NK 2200-2740. Catalogs : NK 2265. Collections: NK 2220. Dictionaries: NK 2205. Designs : NK 2260. Ecclesiastical : NA 5050-90. Exhibitions : NK 2210. History : NK 2270-2694. Museums : NK 2215. Periodicals : NK 2200. Treatises : NK 2229-30. Futurism : ND 1265. G Gables : NA 2920. Galleries, Art : N 405-3970. Sculpture : NB 20-30. Garages : NA 8348. Gates and gateways : NA 8385-92. City gates : NA 493-7. Gems : NK 5505-5750 ; NK 7650-90. Catalogs: NK 5520. Collections : NK 5515. Exhibitions: NK 5505. History : NK 5550-5698. Museums : NK 5510. Treatises : NK 5523-5. Genre painting : ND 1450. Water-color : ND 2350. Geometric decoration and ornament : NK 1570. Georgian architecture : NA 640, 707, 966, Georgian furniture : NK 2529. Gild houses : NA 8050-8120. Glass : NK 5100-5430. Glass painting : NK 5410. Glazed pottery : NK 4270-4287. Glyptic arts : NK 5500-6050. Gobelin tapestries: NK 3049.G7. God in art : N 8040. Gold and silver work : NK 7100-7695. Golf clubs (Architecture) : NA 7940. Gothic art General : N 6310-11. Local : N 6501-7350. Architecture : NA 440-89. Decoration and ornament : NK 1295. Furniture : NK 2345. Industrial arts : NK 740. Interior decoration : NK 1840. Sculpture : NB 180. Gothic revival (Architecture) : NA 610. Decoration : NA 3480. Gouache painting: ND 2450. Government buildings : NA 4410-4510. Granaries : NA 8240. Grand stands : NA 6870. Gravestones : NB 1850-80. Greco-Roman art : N 5605-5775.. Greek art : N 5630-5720. Architecture : NA 270-301. Decoration : NA 3350. Revival : NA 600. Bronzes : NB 140. Ceramics : NK 3840. Vases : NK 4623-4654. Decoration and oi'nament : NK 1230. Furniture: NK 2305. Gems: NK 5565-6. Industrial arts : NK 670. Interior decoration : NK 1750-70. Painting: ND 110-15. Sculpture : NB 90-105. Terra cotta statuettes : NB 155-8. Vases : NK 4623-4654. Greek revival (Architecture) : NA600. Greenhouses : S 501. Grilles : NA 3030. "Grotesque architecture" : NA 8460. Grueby pottery : NK 4340.G7. Guide books (to art galleries and col- lections) General : N 410. Europe. General : N 1010. Guns : NK 6900-99. H Half-tone process Specimens : NE 2600-80. Technique : TR 975, 156 t--M \r\ ac^'. f^%^\l.HS. INDEX NK 6530. NC 770-3. NK 2542. H5. 5775. Halicarnassus mausoleum : NA 285.H3. Hall marks Ceramics : NK 4215. Jewelry : NK 7210. Halo in art : N 8160. Hammered metal work : Heads (Art anatomy) : Hepplewhite furniture : Herculaneum (Art) : N Hispano-Moresque ware : NK 4310. Historical painting : ND 1440. Historical prints : NE 210-5 ; NE 1685, 1717, 1727, 1737. Hollow-tile houses : NA 7155. Holy Family in art: N 8060, Horn carving: NK 6020. Hotel architecture : NA 7800-7850. House decoration, see Interior decora- tion. Houses (Architecture) : NA 7100-8480. Human figure in art : N 7570-7649. Art anatomy : NC 760-775. Design : NK 1550. Painting : KD 1290 . Sculpture : NB 1930. Ice houses Private : NA 8350. Commercial : NA 6360. Ice palaces : NA 6890. Iconographies, Art : N 7510-21. Portraits : N 7575-7615. Sculpture: NB 1150. Classical : NB 86. Idealism in art : N 61-79. Illuminating of books and mss. : NT) 2890-3416. Illustrating : NC 950-95. Illustrations to works of literature : N 8215. Imagination, Artistic : N 61-79. Impressionism (General) : N 70. Impressionism (Painting) : ND 1265. India ink Drawing: NC 905. Painting: ND 2460. . 4,^„j ,^ ^+ Industrial arts : NK. c? i ?.rb' Arts and crafts: NK 1135-49. Catalogs Auction : NK 570. Dealers: NK 1133. Ceramics: NK 3700-4680. Industrial arts — Continued. Costume: NK 4700-99. Decoration and ornament : NK 1150- 1590. Designs : NK 1115-20. Dictionaries, encyclopedias : NK 30. Exhibitions : NK 510-20. Furniture: NK 2200-2740. Gems : NK 5500-5735. Glass : NK 5100-5430. History : NK 600-1094. Interior decoration : NK 1700-3505. Ivories : NK 5800-5998. Jewelry : NK 7100-7695. Metal work : NK 6400-8450. Museums : NK 460-90. Needlework : NK 8800-9499. Periodicals : NK 1-8. Rugs and carpets : NK 2775-2896. Study and teaching: NK 50-440. Tapestries : NK 2975-3096. Treatises: NK 1100-1110. Upholstery : NK 3175-3296. Vases: NK 4620-57. Wall paper : NK 3375-3505. Yearbooks : NK 9. Industry in art : N 8218. Initials: NK 3600-40. Illumination : ND 3335. Inlaying (furniture) : NK 2710. Insignia, Jeweled : NK 7400-19. Ihscflfjtiot^s (A'" Instruments, Engraving: NE 977-8. ttctut~a.l Jitu^r Intaglios : NK 5730. Interior decoration : NK 1700-3505. Designs: NK 2130^5._ Hist'ory :'nK 17lo-20Q6. Periodicals: NK 1700. Treatises : NK 2105-10. Interiors (Architecture) : NA 2850-1. Ionic order of architecture : NA 2810- 2817. Irish art. Ancient : N 6240. Illuminating: ND 2940. Iron and steel structures : NA 4135. Ironwork, Architectural : NA 3950. Ironwork, Ornamental: NK 8200-99. Ivories : NK 5800-5998. Catalogs : NK 5820. Collections : NK 6815. Exhibitions : NK 5800. History : NK 5850-5998. Treatises : NK 5825. Ivory painting: NT) 1615. i/on ) A ^Jf 157 INDEX Jade: NK 575. Japanese art: N 7350-9. Architecture: NA 1550-9. Decoration and ornament : IsK 1484. Drawing: NC 351-3. Engraving: NE 771-4. Color prints: NE 1310-25. Industrial arts: NK 1071-3. Ceramics: NK 4167-8. Cloisonne : NK 5015. Ivories: NT5 5984. Netsiikes: NK 6050. Porcelain: NK 4567-8. Sword-guai'ds : NK 6784. Vases: NK 4655. Painting: ND 1050-9. Sculpture: NB 1050-9. Jewelry: NK 7100-7695. K Kitchens: NA 8330. Lace: KK 9400^99. Lacquer work: NK 9900. "Lambeth faience" : NK 4367.D7. Lamps, Ancient: NK 4680. Landscape drawing : NCi 790-815. Landscape painting: NT3 1340-67. Water-color: ND 2240-1. Lantern slides (Painting) : ND 1595. Last Judgment in art : N 8120. Laundry buildings: NA 8330. Lead-work, Ornamental : NK 8350. Leaded glass: KK 5420. Leather work: NK 6200-6210. Lecture halls: NA 6880. Legends (Iconography) : N 7760. Lettering: NK 3600-^0. Stone, marble: KK 8700-05. Libraries: Z 679. L>oW+ ,nar-^'. M9«l3.\.5.Liglit and shade: NC 755. Lighting fixtures: NK 8360. Lincrusta-Walton : NK 3505. Line engraving: N^ 1785. Linear decoration and ornament : KK 1570. Lithography: NE 2250-2529. Biography: NE 2410-15. Catalogs: NE 2280. Collections: NE 2450-59. Lithography — Continued. Directories: NE 2283. Exhibitions: NE 2270-75; History: NE 2295. I'eriodicals : NE 2250. Treatises: NE 2420-30. Lodges: NA 8310. Louis XIV style Decoration and ornament : NK 1350. Furniture: NK 2370. Louis XV style Decoration and ornament : NK 1355. Furniture: NK 2375. Louis XVI style Decoration and ornament : NK 1360. Furniture: NK 2380. Lowestoft porcelain : KK 3499.L7. Luster ware: NK 4399.L9. Lustra painting: ND 1625. Lysippus: NB 98. M Machine-engraving: NE 2720. Madonnas in art : N 8070. Magazine illustrating: NC 950-95. Majolica ware: N"K 4315-20. Manor-houses: NA 7600-25. Mantels: NA 3050-5. Manuscripts, Illuminated: ND 2890- 3416. Marble work, Ornamenbil : NK 8700-05. Marine painting: ND 1370. Water-color: KD 2270. ISIarket buildings (Architecture) : NA 6260-75. IMarquetry: NK 9920. Inlaid furniture: NK 2710. Mary, Virgin, in art: N 8070. Masks (Sculpture) : NB 1310. Materials (Painting) : KD 1500-50. Water-color: ND 2380-95. Mausoleums: NA 6120-99. Sculpture: NB 1805. Mazers: NK 7218. Medals: NK 0300-99. Medieval art: N 5940-6311. Architecture: NA 350-1. Decoration and ornament : NK 1260- 1295. Fumture: NK 2335-45. Gems: NK 5585. Industrial arts: NK 700-40. Interior decoration: NK 1800-40. 158 IXDEX ->i^^'7- Medieval art — Continued. Ivories: XK 5870. Painting: ND 140-50. Sculpture: ^'B 170-80. Tapestries: NK 3005. Ikleissen porcelain : NK 4380. ^^lemorial arches: NA 9360-80. Metal- work : KK &i00-8450. MetaUoplasty : XK 6335. jVIezzotint engraving : NE 1815. Military architecture: NA 490-497. Military prints: NE 955. Miniatures (Illuminated books) : . NT) 2890-. .fv%x-p,-H\v;v.« tftj&: Miniatures ( Portraits) i'-'^' *4 1330-1337. Modern : NT) 160-95. Mural painting: ND 2550-2876. Mythological painting : ND 1420. Panorama painting : ND 2880. Periodicals : N 1-8. Pigments: ND 1510. Popular works : ND 1142-47. Portrait painting: NT) 1300-30. Realism : ND 1270. Religious painting : ND 1430. Roman : ND 120-27. Sepia painting : NT) 2460. Painting — Continued. Societies : N 10-17. Still life painting : ND 1390-1400. Study and teaching : ND 1115-20. Surfaces : ND 1570-1025. Symbolical painting : ND 1420. Technique : ND 1259-§6, Treatises: ND 1130-35. Water-color painting : ND 1700-2399. Palaces: NA 7710-86. Greek : NA 277. Roman : NA 320. Panorama buildings : NA 6850. i Panorama painting : ND 2880. Pantograph : NC 1920. Paper mills (Architecture) : NA 6480. Parish houses : NA 4880. ^ fa^u^.tj>u*LU ,f/\).^u^ ■' \ NA 265. NC 905. Park buildings : NA 6930 Parthenon : NA 281. Pastels: N^, 880-5, Pearls : NK 7680. Pelasgic architecture Pen and ink drawing Pencil drawing : NC 890-95. Pergolas: NA 8450. Periodicals Architecture : NA 1-6. Art : N 1-8. Art study : N 81. Arts and crafts : NK 1135. Ceramics : NK 3700. Costume : NK 4700. Decoration and ornament : NTI 1160. Drawing, design : N 1-8 ; NC 610. Engraving: NE 1. Copper, steel : NE 1400. Etching : NE 1940. Furniture : NK 2200. Industrial arts : NK 1-8. Interior decoration : NK 1700. Painting : NK 2140. Lithography : NE 2250. Painting : N 1-8 ; ND 1160. Pyrography: N^ 8600. Rugs, carpets : NK 2775. Sculpture: NB 1. Tapestries: NK 2975. Upholstery, wall hangings : NK 3175. Wall paper : NK 3375. Water-color painting : ND 1700. Wood engraving : NE 1000. Persian art : N 7280-9. Ancient : N 5390. 160 INDEX Persian art — Continued. Decoration and ornament: NK 1205. Industrial arts: NK 650. Rugs : NK 2809. Perspective : NC 749-50. Pewter: NK 8400-19. Phidias: NB 100. Photo-engravings. Collections of: NE 2600-80. Photographs of art works Collections of: N 4010-35. Sculpture: NB 33. Photomechanical processes: NE 2890. Pictorial satire, caricature: NC 1300- 1760. Picture framing: N 8550-53. Picture post cards: NC 1870-75. Picture study: N 370. General: NT) 1115-20. Popular: ND 1142-7. Pictures Catalogs Public galleries: N 405-3970. Private: N 5210-97. Pictures, Famous : NT) 1145. Piers, columns: NA 2860-70. Pigments (Painting) : NT) 1510. Pistols: NTi 6900-99. Planographic printing: NE 2570. Plans, architectural atlases: NA 2600- 2635. Plants in art : N 7680. Decorative design : NK 1560-65. Drawing: NC 805-815. Painting: NT) 1400. Sculpture: NB 1950. Water-colors: ND 2300-5. Plaques; NK 6300-99. Plaster casts: NB 1190. Plaster copies of gems : NK 5735. fl-a6"V«c plaster, Decorative: NA 3690. 5cu.\p vur<; Plate, Gold and silver: NK 7100-7605. ^B R70.f 5 piinthsT NA 2875. ^Af.^f'i^. ^1- ' Police stations : NA 4496-97.' ' Polychromy General: NB 1275, Greek: N^ 93. Polycletus: NB 101. Pompeian art : N 5769-71. Decoration and ornament : NK 1245. Porcelain: NK 4370-4584. Porches Churches; NA 4950. Porches — Continued. Dwellings: NA 7125. Portable buildings: NA 8480. Portals, Sculpture of: NB 1282-3. Portes-cocheres : NA 8385. Portland vase: NK 4653.P7. Portrait miniatures : N 7616. Painting: ND 1330-3. Portraits: N 7575-7649. Ancient: N 7580-91. Children: N 7&40-9. Drawing: NC 773. Crayons: NC 860. Pastels : NC 880-5. Engravings Catalogs: NE 218-320. Men: N 7627-8. Miniatures: N 7616. Modem nations: N 7593-7615. Painting: ND 1300-37. Water-color: ND 2200. Women: N 7633-9. Postal cards, Picture: NC 1870-75. Posters: NC 1800-50. Post-office buildings: NA 4450-^7. Potters' marks: NK 4215. Pottery: N"K 3700-4680. Praxiteles: NB 102. Prayer-books, illuminated : NT> 3363- 3380. Precious stones: NK 7650-90. , , , i \ I J- Prehistoric art : N 5310. ' \^r «- V a b •-) -c^t^d ^^ > l 1430. Prints: KB 1675, 1712, 1722, 1732. Sculpture: NB 1910. Renaissance art: N 6370. Architectural decoration : NA 3460- 3461. Architecture: NA 510-75. Decoration and ornament : NK 1330. Furniture: NK 2355. Industrial aits: NK 760. Reproductions of Drawings: NO 1005-75. Engraved gems : NK 5735. Paintings: ND 1160-1240. Water-colors: ND 2160. Reredos: NA 5080. Restaurant architecture : NA 7855. Restoration of art works: N 8560. Paintings: NT> 1640-50. Prints: ISB 385. Sculpture: NB 1199. Resurrection in art : N 8050. Rhythm (Art) : N 76. Rings (Jewelry) : NK 7440-59. Robbia ware: NK 4325. Rocli temples: NA 4640-41. Rococo Architecture: NA 590. Decoration and ornament : NK 1355. Furnitux-e: NK 2375. Roman art : N 5740-75. Architecture : NA 310-35 ; NA 3360- 3370. Ceramics: NK 3850. Decoration and ornament: NK 1240-5. Roman art — Continued. Furniture: NK 2315. Gems: NK 5565-6. Industrial arts: NK 680. Interior decoration : NK 1750-70. Painting: ND 120-27. Sculpture: NB 115-20. Sculptured monuments : NB 1360-80. Romanesque art : N 6280, 6501-7350. Architecture : NA 390-419 ; NA 3-120. Decoration and ornament: NK 1285. Furniture: NK 2340. Industrial arts : NK 730. Interior decoration : NK 1830. Sculpture: NB 175. Rood screens: NA 5080. Roofs, roof decoration : NA 2900-10. Rookwood pottery : NK 4340.R7. Rotogravure printing: NE 2890. Rugs: NK 2775-2896. Catalogs: NK 2799, Collections: NK 2790. Exhibitions: NK 2780. History : NK 2800-96. Museums : NK 2785. Periodicals: NK 2775. Treatises: KK 2795. Rugs, Oriental : NK 2808-10. Rustic architecture: NA 8465. Saints in art: N 8080. Samplers: NK 9100-9199. Sarcophagi ( Sculpture) : NB 1810. Satin painting: ND 1625. Scarabs, Egyptian : NK 5561. Scene-painting: ND 2885. School architecture (see LB 3205-81). Schools of industrial art : NK 410-40. Scopas: NB 104. Screens: NK 2910. Ecclesiastical: NA 5080. Scrolls (Decoration and ornament) : NK 1580. Sculptors, Greek : NB 98-105. Sculptors, Roman: NB 120. Sculpture: NB. Ancient: NB 69-169. Atlases: NB 1150. Biography Collective: N^ 1115. Special: NB 98-120; 237-1113. Catalogs: NB 33-35. Classical: NB 85-120. 162 INDEX r Sculpture — Continued. Collected works: NB 43-5. Design: NB 1160. Dictionaries : XB 50. Egyptian : XB 75. Encyclopedias : XB 50. Esthetics: NB 1135. Etruscan: NB 110. Exhibitions: NB 15-17. Galleries: N'B 20-30. Gothic: NB ISO. Greek: N'B 90-105. History: NT? 60-1113. Iconographies : NB 1150. Classical: NB 86. Medieval: NB 170-80. Metal: 'KB 1220-40. Modeling: NB 1180-85. Modern: NB l,S5-98. Monumental: N'B 1330-1880. Museums: NB 20-30. Mythological: NB 160-3. Periodicals: N^B 1. Primitive: NB 62; GN 462. Relief: NB 1280-91. Religious: NB 1910. Schools: KB 1120-33. Technique: NB 1170-95. Terra cotta : NB 1265. Theory: NB 1135. Treatises: N'B 1135-40. Sepia painting: ND 2460. Ui-^^ci.sx Sepulchral architecture: NA 6120- 6199. Sepulchral monuments: NB 1800-80. Servants' quarters : NA 8320. Seven wonders of world : N 5333. Sevres porcelain : NK 4390. Shadows (Drawing) : NC 755. Sheffield plate : NK 7250. Sheraton furniture: NK 2542.S2. Shops: NA 6220. Shop fronts : NA 6225. Silhouette drawing: NC 910. Silk painting: ND 1625. Silver point drawing: NC 900. Silver plated ware: KK 7240. Sketch books, Architectural : NA 2600- 2635. Sketching (Drawing) Landscapes: NC 795. Portraits : NC 773. Sketching (Painting) : NT) 1341. ^u.\o-^o.rej\NJ^ai«.St NC°)\5.'5^. '^Sky scrapers" -^A^e^O-l. Socles: NA 2875. Soldiers' and sailors' monuments: NA 9350. Solomon's temple: NA 243. Spires: NA 2030. Sp^-Vt^r 'mNc c^rauJ^.>o^ Spoons: NK 8450. Silver: NK 7235. Sporting prints: NE 960, Stables: NA 8340. Stadia (Architecture) : NA 6860. Stained glass: NK 5300-5410. Stairs (Architecture) : NA 3060. Stationery engraving: NE 2715. Statues: NB. (See Sculpture.) Statuettes, Ceramic: NK 4660. Steel engraving: NE 1805. Stencil work: NK 8650. Still life painting : ND 1390-1400. Water-color: ND 2290-2305. Stipple engraving: NE 1795. Stone buildmgs: NA 4130. Dwellings: NA 7170. Stone vases : NK 4625. Stoneware: NK 4360-67. Stonework, Ornamental : NK 8700-05. Stores, shops: NA 6220-25. Stucco Architectural decoration: NA 3690. Dwellings: NA 7160. Students, Art : N 81-390. Studios: N 8520. Study and teaching of art : N 81-390. Stump drawing : NC 875. Style (Art) : N 74. Suburban dwellings: NA 7551-73. Simday school buildings : NA 4890. Surfaces (Painting) : ND 1570-1625. Swiss architecture: NA 1341-53. In other countries: NA 660. Swords: NTS 6700-99. Symbolical painting: ND 1420. Symbolical prints : NE 1680, 1716, 1726, 1736. Symbolism Christian art: N 7810-8180. Church architecture : NA 4800. Color: ND 12.86. Esthetics : N 61-79. Iconography : N 7740. Symmetry (Art) : N 76. Drawing, design : NO 745. Synagogues: NA 4690. 163 INDEX Tables (Furniture) : NK 2740. Tanagra figui-ines: NB 157. Tapestries: NK 2975-3096. antalogs: NK 2999. Collections: NK 2990. Exhibitions: NK 2980. History : NK 3000-3096. Museums: NK 2985. Periodicals: NK 2975. Treatises: NK 2995. Tariff on art works: N 8770. Taste (Art) : N 75. Technique (Art) : N 7430-33. Drawing, design: NC 730-910. Painting: ND 1259-86. -I Sculpture: NB 1170-95. rA^^.Td^-rve^■V/lUgi.^^°^Pl^ ^^ Jerusalem: NA 243. Temples: NA 4620-1710. Egyptian: NA 215-16. Greek: NA 275. Jewish Ancient : NA 243. Modern : NA 4690. Rock: NA 4640-41. Roman : NA 323. Tenement-house architecture: NA 7880. Terra-cotta Architecture: NA 3700. Pottery: NK 4267. Robbia ware: NK 4325. Sculpture: NB 1265. Statuettes ( Greek ) : NB 145-58. Tesselated work : NA 3750-3850. Textile arts: NK 8800-8999. -< ■ / Textile mills (Architecture) : NA 6410. Theaters (Architecture) : NA 6820-40. Greek: NA 278.T5. Roman : NA 325.T5. Tiles Architectural decoration : NA 3705. Decorative art : NK 4670-5. Mosaics: NA 3750-3850. Tombs: NA 6120-99. Towers: NA 29.30. Town halls: NA 4430-37. Transfer pictures (Decalcomanie) : NK 9510. Transfer printing (Pottery) : NK 4607. Transfer processes (Dra\\ing) : NO 1940. Transparency painting: ND 1573. Trees (Drawing) : NC 810. T^dic ca4^-. fAf^t? Triumphal arches: NA 9360-80. Tsubas (Metal-work) : NK 6784. Tudor architecture: NA 620. 965. Tuscan order: NA 2810-17. Two-family houses : NA 7525. TJ Unglazed earthenware: NK 4265-7. Upholstery: NK 3175-3296. Catalogs: NK 3199. Exhibitions: NIv 3180. History: NK 3200-96. Periodicals: NIv 3175. Treatises: NK 3195. Varnishes (Painting) : NT) 1530. A'ases: NK 4620-^657. Vaults: NA 2880. Villa architecture: NA 7580-96. Roman : NA 324. Virgin, Holy, in art: N 8070. W Wall decoration: NK 2119. Wall hangings: NK 3175-3296. Wall paper: NK 3375-3505. Catalogs: NK 3399. Exhibitions: NK 3380. History: NK 34(X)-96. Periodicals: NK 3375. ■ Treatises: KK 3395. Walls (Architecture) : NA 2940. War memorials: NA 9325. Warehouses (Architecture) : NA ()340. Warwick vase: NK 4625. W3. Watches: NK 7480-99. Water-color painting: ND 1700-2399. Animals: ND 2280. Architectural subjects : ND 2310. Biography : ND 1750. Birds: ND 2280. Exhibitions: ND 1730-35. Figures: ND 2190. Genre: ND 2350. History: ND 1760-2094. Landscapes: ND 2240-41. Marines: NT) 2270. Periodicals: ND 1700. Portraits: ND 2200. Societies: ND 1711-21. Still life : ND 2290-2305. Study, etc.: ND 2110-15. Treatises: ND 2125-37. 164 INDEX Water-works buildings: XA 4500-7. Wax modeling: NK 9580. Wedgewood ware: NK 4335. Wells: NB 1895. White House (Architecture) : NA 4443. W3. Window decoration NK 2121. Wine f Windows (Architecture) : XA 3000-30. arV: Women, Portraits of: N 7633-9. jjgltl. Women artists: N 43; XD 38. Women in art: N 7630-9. Women painters : XD 38. Wood-carving: XK 9700-99; XK 6010. Wood-engraving: XE 1000-1325. Biography: XE 1200-17. Collections: XE 1237-95. Exhibitions: NE 1010. History: XE 1030-1196. Manuals: XE 1220-27. Periodicals: XE 1000. Treatises: XE 1220-27. Wood-engravings, Printing of: XE 2830. Wooden buildings: XA 4110-15. Woodworic, Architectural: XA 3900. Woodwork, Ornamental: XK 9600- 9950. Worcesterj>orcelain£NK4395. vV„^K ^^^ ^o^rKers r^^- Workingmen's cottages: XA 7551-8. ve-s.e^i-ed I'r; a.rf:/\JiXlcif. Xylography: XE 1000-1325. y. M. C. A. buildings : XA 4900. Yacht clubs (Architecture) : XA 7970. Yearbooks, Art : N 9. Zincographs, Printing of: XE 2870. Zincography: XE 2550. 165 ADDITIONS TO MAECH 1, 1922 N 2146 Puy. 21T3 Troyes. Berlin (revised scheme). 2220 Collective (including K. Museen in general), Special. 2230 K. Gemalde-galerie. 2231 Altes imd neues museum. 2232 Kaiser Friedrich-museum. (Gemalde-galerie, see X 2230.) 2233 National-galerie. Kunstge^verbe-museum, see XK 480.B5. 2250 Other special, A-Z. e. g. .R2, Rauch museum. 167 / 88 4 2 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 47584 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LiBRARv FACILIT III Modern Renaissance. 15th-l6th centuries. General Special aspects or movements, A-Z ,M3 Mannerism 17th century. General Special aspects or movements, A-Z .B3 Baroque 19th century- General Special aspects or movements, A-Z ,1^ Impressionism 20th century General Special aspects or movements, A-Z .06 Oonstructivism .08 Oubisra .F3 Fauvisra i .S8 Surrealism UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY