Getting On The Confessions of a Publisher Printed by W. H. Smith & Son at the Arden Press, Letchworth Getting On THE CONFESSIONS OF A PUBLISHER By John Adams Thayer London T. WERNER LAURIE CLIFFORD'S INN Copyright, 1911 By John Adams Thayer Entered at Stationers' Hall American edition under the title "Astir: A Publisher's Life- Story French edition , under the title " Les Etapes du Succes; Souvenirs d'un 'business man' Americaine " To My Wife: My Best Friend and Comrade 810877 Contents Chapter Page 1. A Publisher at Thirteen .... 1 2. A Union Printer 16 3. Type Founding before the Trust . 33 4. On the Road from Texas to Maine. 46 5. A Type Expert in Philadelphia . . 66 6. Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal "... 83 7. A Month and a Day with Munsey . 105 8. A Year with a Newspaper . . . 131 9. Bleaching a Black Sheep .... 152 10. The Fight for Glean Advertising . 164 11. My Master Stroke in Advertising . 178 12. Publishing Everybody's Magazine . 191 13. The Discovery of Tom Lawson . . 212 14. Divorced with Alimony .... 234 A Confidence Writing is work, and the hardest kind of work. The man who digs with pick and shovel in the street has an easy job in comparison." As I thought over his words I won- dered if I, too, could not write a book. I believed I had something to say. If the art of writing came by work and work and yet more work, there was hope for me. Had I not written and re- written advertisements till they passed muster, and in the end realized large sums? But an advertisement while it may be a short story is rather a dis- tant relation of a book. How should I clothe my ideas to fit them for the polite society in leather and cloth on the world's great bookshelf? I envied the trained writer, who, knowing the style of many men the lucid Howells, the picturesque Gautier, the descriptive Dickens could, as I thought, fashion to his own ends the diction that best suited his A Confidence theme. I know now that a writer, if he is sincere, does not pick this or that style as a printer chooses this or that font of type. Good or bad, it must be as much a part of him as his character. But this I had to learn, and, while I was groping for light, some one told me to read the memoirs of a famous general. At the end of the first chapter I put the book aside, for it told only of ancestors. I have ancestors myself one, they say, made himself felt in William the Conqueror's day but their dim ghosts played no part in my world of actualities, and plainly had no busi- ness in my book. Disappointed in my general, I decided to tell this story in my own way. Dates and figures, which bore most people, I have avoided. Details I have given when details seemed significant, and old letters and scrapbooks, preserved from boyhood, have repeatedly recalled them with a XI A Confidence precision which no memory, however retentive, could equal. Though it was my good fortune to know some of them intimately, I have not essayed to depict or characterize the employers and co-workers with whom I have touched elbows in my business career. I have merely set down, in all sincerity, and without prejudice, a few plain truths, and I trust that the most romancing spirit will see naught else between the lines. This autobiography is a story of hard work, not luck. To quote an apprecia- tive friend: "When a man starts as a printer and makes a habit of working unlimited hours a day, using every pound of pressure and energy, developing every atom of his originality and initiative, I don't think it particularly lucky if he arrives somewhere at the end of forty odd years. It recalls Maurice Barrymore's remark at billiards, when he made a Xll A Confidence twice round the table shot on a fluke, which caused his opponent to drop his cue and exclaim: "Holy God!" With his sweet smile, Barrymore replied : "No, not wholly God. I was in it, too." Hard work has entered into these pages, but with the work has come pleasure. To live one's business life over again, as I have here, is a pri- vilege which few know. With the opti- mism which has been my lifelong tonic, I send this book forth. American youth is ambitious to do something worth while. As I see it, there is but one legitimate road to that goal. Xlll A Publisher at Thirteen Chapter One HEN as a mere child I went upon the platform at a Sunday School concert and recited : ' ' When Pm a man, a man, I'll be a printer if I can, and I can," I was probably as heedless of the real meaning of the couplet as I was of its prophecy. Led to a seat beside my mother, I sat with my hand in hers and heard the other boys declare, "I'll be a lawyer," and "I'll be a preacher if I can, and I can," with equal uncon- sciousness that these callings also would figure among my future ambitions. As advertising then ranked as neither art, A Publisher at Thirteen trade nor profession, it found no place among these stimulative jingles. I don't know where I got the idea of becoming a preacher, but I did enter- tain it. In fact, I have in my scrap-book a twenty-five year old letter from the Secretary of the Boston Unitarian As- sociation acknowledging my application for assistance, and promising its serious consideration. The matter went little further, however. I consulted my dear old friend, Daniel Monroe Wilson, au- thor of the well-known book "Where Independence was born," then pastor of the first Unitarian Church of Quincy, Massachusetts, and I remember that while he did not advise me against entering the ministry, he spoke of the small salaries received by ministers, of his own many charges and of the diffi- culties he had met in trying to make his sermons please the important men in the church, and at the same time interest the A Publisher at Thirteen women. I felt then that I had a "call" to preach, but I have come to doubt its force. Had it been serious, nothing would have stopped me from following my bent. At that period too many young men without funds burned to undertake the cure of souls, but since even the clergy confuse their sources of inspiration it is not surprising that the lay mind often goes astray. It was one of the cloth who in later years told me the story of a brother minister who resigned a charge of many years to accept a parish only ten miles away. "I feel that I am called," he said. A practical member of his ves- try inquired what salary the new parish was to pay, and on receiving his answer, dryly remarked: "Dear brother, that is not a call; it's a raise." As for the law, that was my father's idea, as was the idea which grew out of it and determined my career. A native of Vermont, my father came in early 3 B2 A Publisher at Thirteen manhood to Massachusetts at the time Sumner, Wilson and Wendell Phillips were spurring people to think about the great issues which had their final settle- ment in the War of the Rebellion. He took an active interest in the problems of labour, abolition and currency re- form and became known as a man of sterling principle, fearless speech, and as an uncompromising opponent of slavery. My mother's interest in these matters was no less keen. She had early developed a talent for writing, and even as a girl had been, with Lucy Larcom and Mary Livermore, a contributor to that once famous journal of her birth- place, "The Lowell Offering." In later life she wrote much for the local papers of Cambridge, the "Boston Common- wealth" and "The Woman's Journal;" while the "Christian Leader" con- tained weekly contributions from her, both prose and poetry. Of such parent- A Publisher at Thirteen age, I was born in Boston, February 20, 1861, two weeks before the inaugu- ration of Abraham Lincoln, and re- ceived my father's name. Several horo- scopes, given me for my amusement in after years, agree that on that date Mars and Jupiter were in friendly juxtaposition, and therefore I could be considered lucky. So I have been con- sidered, but inasmuch as for twenty years after my schooldays my lot con- sisted of hard work at long hours for small pay, I have concluded that luck, as Matthew Arnold said of genius, is largely a question of energy. I am will- ing to concede, however, that it was a piece of good fortune to begin life in a community which from colonial times downwards has smelled of printer's ink. This local characteristic had beyond doubt its influence in shaping that second idea of my father's which I mentioned at the top of this long paragraph. His A Publisher at Thirteen future lawyer must have an education, and realizing that the "printing art," as he called it, was a great educator, he purchased for me in my thirteenth year a small printing press and a few fonts of type. I began by printing calling cards at ten to twenty cents a dozen, and as it was then a fad for young people to ex- change them, I soon put money in my purse. Within a year I had made enough to buy a small foot-power press, and by adding to my fonts of type, I was able to print business cards and do other modest commercial jobs. My ambition outran this little success, however, and I launched a four-page monthly paper about four by six inches in size. I called this pygmy "The Printer," and at the head of the editorial column styled my- self "Editor and Publisher." Under the caption "Terms" one might further read that the paper was to be had for A Publisher at Thirteen ten cents a year, a prudent stipulation adding that the annual postage, which amounted to twelve cents, was to be paid by the subscriber. The advertising rates were as tempting as the price of subscription. Three cents would pur- chase a line of Long Primer or what is now known as ten-point I had no Agate; while fifteen cents would insure a whole inch of publicity placed beside "pure" reading. But, as for securing advertis- ing, I recall no precocious signs of fit- ness for the business I was eventually to follow. Such as I obtained was chiefly taken on the "exchange" basis, and some fruit, candy, or a bunch of mild cigarettes, for strictly private consump- tion, would in a twinkling exhaust the earnings of an inch of space. My real profits were indirect. I picked up, self- taught, the rudiments of a valuable trade, and I absorbed enough of the "lead poisoning of type," to borrow A Publisher at Thirteen Oliver Wendell Holmes' phrase, to colour my whole future. "Keep on, John," said Charles Walker, Superin- tendent of the famous Riverside Press, from whom I used to buy scrap paper for my diminutive monthly; "some day you will be the head of a publishing house as big as this." Meanwhile I shared the usual pas- times of the American schoolboy. For us Cambridge lads there was swimming in the Charles at an old dilapidated fort called the "magazine," some boating, and an occasional excursion across the bridge to the Beacon Park race-course in Brighton. We did not sit in the grand-stand. A few of us knew a secret passage under a corner of the fence, which for a number of seasons escaped the vigilance of the guardians of the Park. The best race I thus saw was the one in which Goldsmith Maid trotted a mile in 2.14, 8 A Publisher at Thirteen the record at that time. If there were no races, we boys would ourselves make trials of speed for a quarter of a mile or more. One of my companions was John Glarkson, who afterwards gained cele- brity as a baseball pitcher. He was then, in fact, the pitcher of a club called the "Centennials" which I captained. One match game with a Boston club I can never forget. Both pitchers were excel- lent, and at the end of the fifth inning neither side had made a run. The "Cen- tennials" were on the outfield, Clark- son had struck out two men and excite- ment ran high. My position at this critical juncture was that of catcher, and, as gloves and masks were expen- sive, our club did not possess them. The upshot of this enforced economy was disastrous for me. Clarkson's next ball was a foul tip, and as he already had much of the speed for which he was celebrated later, it shot through my A Publisher at Thirteen hands, and, striking my mouth, knocked me down. Obliged to go to a neighbour- ing house for repairs, I found on my return that our opponent had scored three runs. I was able to resume my place, however, and as the rival pitcher lacked Clarkson's staying power, the Boston Club went home defeated. I bear with me yet, unnoticed by the world, some results of that, to me, famous game of ball. As for my education, in the literal sense of the word, it was sound so far as it went. I was graduated from the Webster Grammar School and attended the High School for about a month. Many a time since I have wished that I could have continued, for it is this latter training, even more, perhaps, than a college course, which is the young man's mainstay when he enters business. But my people were poor, a livelihood had to be gained, and so it fell out that 10 A Publisher at Thirteen the composing-room became my high school and the world my university. I sought work in a printing office as a matter of course. It was the natural thing to do. I had not only handled my own type; I had almost all my boyhood neighboured and had the freedom of the Riverside Press. Knowing the Super- intendent and many of the workers, I had become familiar with every branch of the business. Thus it was that I found my first employment, not as an office boy, but as a bona fide printer. My pay was five dollars a week ; my hours were from seven till six. The story of the next five years may be briefly told. It was a struggle to rise by shifting from one printing office to another. Sometimes a change would mean slightly more pay; or again, the same wage with a better opportunity to master the business. So it was that in those five years I worked in seven dif- 11 A Publisher at Thirteen ferent places, and thereby gained in- valuable experience, for practically every printing office has its distinct line of work. For example, with my first employer, Daniel Dwyer, of Sudbury Street, Boston, I got my first knowledge of newspaper work, for he printed "The Daily Hotel Reporter," a paper which chronicled the hotel arrivals, the weather probabilities and information of like value. The weather report came late, and as in those days there was only an hourly horse-car to Gam- bridge, the tardy item often compelled me to choose between a tedious wait for the pottering car or a walk home. Many a night, as I tramped over the Charles, I kept myself awake by sing- ing "I stood on the bridge at midnight," but though it was the same old bridge of Longfellow's song, the clocks some- how always struck a later hour. The poet himself was an occasional 12 A Publisher at Thirteen visitor to the composing-room of one of my places of employment. This was the University Press in Cambridge, the old- est printing establishment in America and the home of many famous books. I recall that I worked on a new edition of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" among others, and it was, of course, his own volumes which brought Longfellow's snowy locks and beard amidst our dingy toil. Of charming personality, and a manner at once dignified and sweet, it was a pleasure to the workmen even to see him, while to have a word with him in reference to a piece of his work in hand was counted a great honour. Changing from shop to shop as I did puzzled my friends. It made it difficult for them to keep track of me and it also caused them to believe that there was something radically wrong in my make- up. Yet during these migrations my 13 A Publisher at Thirteen salary increased by successive stages till at nineteen I held a permanent situa- tion at twelve dollars a week, with a prospect of a small advance. But I was too ambitious to be content with this, and having heard much of the success of a few young men who had followed Horace Greeley's historic advice, I de- cided to throw up my position and go to Chicago, which meant West to me. It conveyed another meaning to my fellow-workers in the printing office, however. They had planned to give me a bowie knife and a revolver, but on learning that I was only going to Chi- cago, decided that I would need nothing of the kind, and presented me with their good wishes instead. I remember distinctly the day I went down to draw my last week's salary. The leading member of the firm looked over his glasses kindly, but not sym- pathetically, and said : 14 A Publisher at Thirteen "So you are going to Chicago, are you?" "Yes," I replied. "Have you a job out there?" "No." ' "Well," he said, "I guess you'll get one ; you've a good trade. But remem- ber, *A rolling stone gathers no moss.'" 15 A Union Printer Chapter Two T this time trade unionism was not deeply rooted in Boston. So lax, in fact, was its grip that members of the Typographical Union were allowed, if they chose, to work at a lower wage than the fixed scale of fifteen dollars a week. In Chicago the situation was far different, and before I started West I was strongly urged by one of my fellow workmen to join the union in Boston, and obtain a travel- ling card, permitting me to work in all offices throughout the country. As this implied a jump from twelve to eighteen dollars a week, the prevail- ing scale in Chicago, I lent a willing ear. But on looking into the question of 16 A Union Printer eligibility I found the constitution pre- scribed that a union printer must be twenty-one, at least, and have worked as many years as an apprentice, as love-sick Jacob first agreed to serve for Rachel. It seemed to me that I had run against a dead wall, but my friend reassured me by saying, that although I was only nineteen, my knowledge of the business was such that he felt war- ranted in arranging the matter for me, which he did. Thus equipped, I began a journey which etched itself on my memory as lany of far greater scope have not. For one thing, I had my first and only ide on an engine, an experience I have lever yearned to repeat, as the engineer lerived more amusement from me than did from his hospitality. The Grand Trunk Railway, by which I went on account of its low fare, quite upheld its inglorious reputation. There were 17 G A Union Printer countless delays, an accident to the en- gine, and a loss of nearly a day in the schedule, but arrive we did at last and I began my hunt for work. The value of my travelling card was at once made plain. Within two or three days after I reached Chicago, I found employment at the union scale. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of union membership also developed. My position was temporary, the dull season came, and I found myself in the street, handicapped by the local prohibition against accepting less than the standard wage. The work was there. Again and again during those weeks of idleness I could have had it. At last I came across a most tempting opening. A foremanship in an office publishing a number of edu- cational papers offered a kind of experi- ence which had not previously come my way. It was not a union shop, however, and its pay fell two dollars short of the 18 A Union Printer prescribed scale. I decided that the situa- tion was desperate and needed a desper- ate remedy. But what? Long pondering persuaded me to appeal to authority against the cast-iron rule. Acting on this idea, I called on the secretary of the Typographical Union, and was by him passed along to the chairman of some forgotten committee, whom I found in the composing room of the "Inter-ocean," making up the paper for the day. In this forum I pleaded my case. I was out of work; I needed money; if I could have permission to accept this lower wage until another opportunity came I would not only relieve my ne- cessity, but keep a "rat" out of a job. I think this latter argument must have struck him as new. * * Rats, " as non-union men were called, were not regarded with favour in Chicago, and as I waxed elo- quent on the wisdom of excluding them from work, I perceived that my court 19 G2 A Union Printer of appeal was duly impressed. The per- mit was granted and I took the coveted place till the dull season passed. The fact that I was now for the first time a foreman impressed me but little, for, bound as I was to keep my promise to secure union work as soon as possible, I knew my authority would be brief. The value of this stop-gap lay in the character of the shop itself, which bore out my father's belief that the printing art was a great educator. This office was differ- ent from any of my former places, and the various educational books, papers and pamphlets which flowed from its presses, gave me at once an insight into the care one must expend on work of this kind and widened my notion of my calling. In the popular fancy a printer is an ink-smudged pressman, or a com- positor who sticks the type of a book or daily newspaper; but just as there are many branches of the business, so 20 A Union Printer there are many kinds of printers. Used in its broad and proper sense, the term "printer" means much, and brings to mind not only the names of men like Gutenberg, Gaxton and Franklin, but a whole train of reflection on the force which the art they practised has exerted upon human history. Taking the rank it did, the shop of my temporary fore- manship could not fail to influence a youth eager to get on, but besides the benefit I had from the character of its output, I enjoyed the special advantage of frequent talks with the cultivated gentleman who held the chair of editor. On publication day, the last hour before going to press was usually devoted to changing words in particular passages, and this hour the editor would spend with me. To this day I marvel at the ease with which this expert would trace words back to their original source that he might use the ones 21 A Union Printer which most authoritatively expressed his thought. The slack season over, I readily found work with the J. M. W. Jones Company, one of the largest printing offices of that period. Here again was another phase of the business. They called themselves railroad printers, and, although they also handled poster and job work, the print- ing of rate books, coupon tickets, thou- sand-mile books and the like was their principal feature. Few things could be more tedious. For a fortnight I satura- ted my brain with U P, D & R G, G B & Q, G & A, P R R, etc., as I set up a route book for the use of ticket agents throughout the country. Seeing no glim- mer of progress ahead of me in this sad stuff, I chose an opportune time to but- tonhole the foreman and tell him of my training for the higher forms of job work. This means the typography of letter- heads, booklets, invitations and such 22 A Union Printer orders, from manuscript copy, and is a class of work which barely one out of a hundred ordinary compositors can per- form. Owing to the illness of one of the men, I was given a trial, and, acquitting myself satisfactorily, I was retained in preference to many employees of longer service who were laid off when dull times again came round. In this office I participated in my only strike. Conducted with admirable dignity, it vividly impressed me at the time and I think deserves mention here. I have al- ready pointed out that the Typographi- cal Union in Chicago was a powerful organization. Each large printing office had a "chapel," so called, and whenever a local difficulty of any sort arose, the chairman had merely to say the word and the matter would be discussed on the spot. One afternoon there came to my ears the same sound Mr Speaker makes when he calls the House of 23 A Union Printer Representatives to order. It was the Chairman of our Chapel. He had no gavel, but his liberal use of a mallet on the marble slab, found in all printing offices for the imposition of type pages, brought us flocking round him instantly. When all the hundred or more com- positors were assembled, he said that a number of members had requested him to call a special meeting, and with this brief preface asked a compositor named Cummings to state the case. Mr Cum- mings was also brief. "There are few men here," he said, "who are satis- fied with the present foreman. I don't question his ability as a printer or his efficiency as an executive. The volume of work he turns out daily is immense. Unfortunately, the volume of his pro- fanity is also immense. We have made complaints, but the truth is he can no more change his foul speech and hector- ing manner than the leopard can change 24 A Union Printer his spots. We are men, not slaves, and I know I only voice the general opinion of my fellow-workmen when I say that this office needs a new head. As we have previously brought this matter to the attention of the General Superintendent without result, I move that we quit this office in a body and do not return until another foreman is appointed from among the employees of this room." The reso- lution was carried unanimously, and, changing quietly to our street clothes, we departed. We all returned the next morning. There was a new foreman. The change in executive made no dif- ference to me. Handling my own work with despatch, I had come in for none of the deposed foreman's profanity, while I flattered myself that I had en- trenched myself in a position which I could have as long as I liked. But with this conviction came the query: Where will it lead? A foremanship would be 25 A Union Printer the next step, after long service ; then an office of my own, which would require capital. I decided that if I meant some day to be my own master it behoved me to acquaint myself with the busi- ness end of printing, and with this in view, I one morning took off my apron and presented myself to the super- intendent. In a little speech, which I had carefully prepared beforehand, I told him that I had had wide experience in artistic job work and knew, if he would transfer me to his business de- partment, that, on account of my ability to sketch and plan, I could give ideas to customers which would increase orders. I also added, when he asked what salary I wanted, that though I now drew the usual composing-room wage of eighteen dollars, I was perfectly willing to work for twelve dollars until I had proved myself worth more. The superintendent listened to me patiently throughout, promised to 26 A Union Printer consider the matter and probably for- got all about it. Having then little of the persistency which I later found it necessary to develop, I made no second call upon him, but continued in the room above till after about a year's absence, the incessant hot weather joined forces with a fit of homesickness to drive me back to my parents, my friends, and the salt breezes I knew so well how to find in a sail-boat in Boston Harbour. The foreman yielded a very reluctant assent to this vacation project of mine. In fact, his last word was a charge to hurry back and give the other boys a chance. The knowledge and experience I had gained in the West proved of such value, however, that I secured a Boston foremanship at a Chicago salary. Thus another year passed. More experience came with it, of course, but no real pro- gress toward my ideals, and I therefore accepted the offer of a New Bedford 27 A Union Printer printer who wanted a foreman. This man cherished a dream of starting a daily newspaper as soon as conditions should warrant the venture, but the scheme hung fire in my time, and the close of a year in his employ again found me ripe for change. I was and have ever been a stout heretic regard- ing the rolling stone adage, which my old-time employer tagged to his sober godspeed for Chicago. Moss is for ruins. In change lie possibilities. It was at this juncture that I had my first real experience in soliciting adver- tising. The week before I left New Bedford there appeared in one of the daily papers three columns of taking description of various local enterprises. It belonged in what is known as the "reading notice" category. In reality an advertisement, it read like news. I thought the language used was worthy of a better cause, but the scheme itself 28 A Union Printer interested me, for, happening to meet the man who controlled it, he talked to me of his methods and of the towns he had " worked." His first move, on ar- riving in a promising field, was to engage a column or two of space in one of the leading dailies at advertising rates. He would then call upon the chief firms, advertisers or non-advertisers, and, pre- senting his newly-printed card inscribed "Special Editorial Writer" to the paper in which for the time being he owned space, would confide his intention to fill two or three columns of Saturday's issue with live editorial comment upon the foremost business houses of the town. He would state that a big an- nouncement was not necessary, the smaller the paragraph the better, and then, if an order were given him, gravely note the personnel of the estab- lishment, the date of its founding, and its speciality. By evening these memo- 29 A Union Printer randa would reappear in an item of ir- resistible praise. If a merchant said he would take twenty lines, the paragraph would fill forty, so cleverly dovetailed that to eliminate half would ruin all. Naturally, the labour of writing amounted to nothing after this self-styled editor and his assistants had covered a number of cities. If an item were needed for a florist, say, they had only to turn to an indexed book to find a flowery para- graph which had already done good service. This man's account of his success led me to believe that advertising, then in its infancy, was something it might be well to add to my fund of practical ex- perience. In any event, it promised a living while I looked about for another stepping-stone. So reasoning, I invaded Rhode Island and worked the editorial advertising scheme with the "Provi- dence Times." I took two young men 30 A Union Printer with me, advancing their travelling ex- penses on the understanding that they should reimburse me out of the profits from their work. My assistants, how- ever, showed no aptitude for soliciting orders. Having paid down a deposit for space, the work had to be pushed to completion, but as I did practically all of it myself, meanwhile footing the bills for three, my personal gain was small. Indeed, I even worked one night on the "Times" as a compositor to add five dollars to my funds. The publisher of the paper congratulated me on filling so much space at a time when adver- tising was languid, and even debated offering me a position as solicitor, but nothing came of it. Nor did anything come of my round of the printing offices. There was but one offer made me which seemed worth a second thought. This was from a master printer who wished to give up active work. I was to 31 A Union Printer manage his place for a year, and then, taking it over myself, pay him out of the profits. The plant had been success- ful, but as I looked over the office, with its dark corners and low-studded walls, I contrasted it with the large well-lighted composing rooms to which I had been accustomed, and there and then told myself it was no place to spend my life. With this decision, more momentous than I knew, I again set my face toward Boston. 32 Type Founding Before the Trust Chapter Three OSTON seemed to be my Mecca. It did not worry me that I was going back without a position. I had my trade and the Typo- graphical Union here would not require me to work at a specified wage. By now, however, I had the fixed idea that the printing business and I should part company, and I decided to advertise for a place in a publishing house or some kindred business in which my previous experience would tell. An opening turned up. Galling at the Boston Type Foundry, I learned to my delight that there was a possibility of 33 Type Founding Before the Trust a few weeks' service in the specimen department. Delight ! The word is not half strong enough. To give a job com- positor free rein in a type foundry is like turning a youngster loose in a toy shop. Brimful of enthusiasm I presented myself to Mr. John K. Rogers, who, though he bore in print the unusual title " Agent," was the actual head and largest owner of this solid house which traced its beginnings back to the adminis- tration of President Madison. He was a Bostonian of the old school, dignified, courteous, amiable, and so considerate of others that he hesitated to let me take this temporary work because he thought it might cost me a permanent position elsewhere. My eagerness overcame his scruples, however, and I was engaged at the same, unescapable salary of eigh- teen dollars a week, for a term, as he carefully explained, not exceeding three weeks, the hours being from eight to 34 Type Founding Before the Trust five. This was my first encounter with the eight-hour plan, and I showed my surprise. "I long ago decided," he said, jestingly, 1 ' that the proper division of time is eight hours for work, eight hours for play, eight hours for sleep " "And eight dollars a day?" I continued, completing the rhyme. "Not yet, young man," he smiled. "Not yet." I think I would have worked for eight cents a day rather than forego the toy shop. The first days were full of surprises. Great novelties to me were the types for the blind, and the Hawai- ans, both of which were exclusive pro- ducts of this foundry. It was a wonder, too, where all the type went to, for over a thousand pounds were cast and finished every day. But this was be- fore the Mergenthaler type-setting machine revolutionized methods, and 35 D2 Type Founding Before the Trust while country weeklies would use their outfits for a decade or more, the big dailies, issuing many editions and print- ing from stereotype plates on rotary presses, required a new " dress" every second year. Neither the hydraulic hot press, nor the later cold press, had been introduced, and stereotyping from papier- mache matrices was generally in vogue, the matrix being prepared in the old- fashioned way by beating the paper into the type form with brushes. One famous newspaper, the " Salem News," was still printed directly from the type on a curved rotary press and many was the paragraph, which, through hasty " justi- fication," spilled out while the press was running. Conditions being such, outfits of body and job letter were always being shipped to the papers of New England and their supply was an important factor in the business. But the most profitable branch of type- 36 Type Founding Before the Trust founding then, as now, was the manufac- ture of "job" faces, used for headings, newspaper advertisements, and, more especially, circulars, business cards, let- ter heads and the like. Fresh designs were from time to time brought out by the various type-founders, and when I entered the Boston establishment three new series of letters were ready to be shown to printers. It was amusing to discover one of the oldest tricks of trade in general, playing its part in the sale of these wares. Just as the fruit vender always puts the largest and rosiest apples at the top, so the type-founder selects certain plump capitals to grace his spe- cimen sheet and keeps others out of sight. There were less than twenty letters in our alphabet. A F L P T W and Y were avoided, but M, considered the most perfect, was chosen as the "monitor" and all the other letters had to line with it. 37 Type Founding Before the Trust Two imaginary sign-boards: JOHN ROBINSON HIDES WILLIAM LATHAM-PAPER best illustrate the type-founder's discreet arrangement of his apple-cart. As I studied the specimen sheets which had hitherto been issued to display new type faces, I perceived why Mr Rogers felt sure that he needed my services for only three weeks. But I forgot the time limit. I saw an opportunity and I felt I was equal to it. Why not show these different faces in a manner so attractive and unusual that printers would not glance and pass by, but grow absorbed and decide that they could not do without them? On my way home from my second day's work I bought two bot- tles of coloured ink red and green some paste and a ruler; and with the printed samples of type before me, I worked far into the night, preparing a 38 Type Founding Before the Trust proposed specimen sheet, to be printed in colours. Previously these had shown merely two or three sample lines, and then left it to the printer's imagination if he had one to discover how the type could best be used. My sheet gave, not only samples, but adequate illustra- tions. Taking my night's work to the foun- dry, I showed it to my sole associate of the specimen department, a pressman. He thought it novel and admirable, but doubted if I could put the scheme through. More valuable was his sugges- tion that I delay broaching the subject till after lunch, a piece of advice capable of wide application. The early afternoon is the time to take any new suggestion to any employer. Approaching Mr Rogers, therefore, when the important affairs of the morning were off his mind and the small bottle of claret he drank daily was still a warm and cheering memory, I 39 Type Founding Before the Trust found him not only pleased with the interest I had taken, but even willing, as soon as I made it plain that it was no more difficult, if one knew how, to print in colours than in black, to give me au- thority to go ahead. It thus fell out that the third day of my employment saw me in charge of the specimen department, consisting of one man, one press, and, most important, types and materials for my every want. This foothold obtained, I worked with an aim more far-reaching than the sale of this particular series of type. I wanted this specimen sheet to coax such prompt and liberal orders from the printers as should prove the value of my idea, and remind my employer that he had other fine faces of type, too gingerly shown in the past, which I could also display in an attractive manner. On the day the sheets were mailed, I took care that the foreman of every large printing- 40 Type Founding Before the Trust office in the city should personally re- ceive a copy. The result was all I hoped. Orders flowed in at once, the three-week limit was passed in safety, and plans for new sheets and new specimen books multiplied so fast that I saw myself a fixture for as long as I chose to remain. With the assurance of permanency came the same old query: "Where will it lead?" A rolling stone who had profited by nearly every roll, I could never settle into an easy corner and forget the thought of advancement. It seemed to me now that, with my knowledge, I could help both the business and myself if I were to see the printers personally, as a salesman, but my employer vetoed the idea. Another suggestion, which I still believe sound, also failed to appeal to him. There were in St Louis two foun- dries; one the St Louis Type Foundry, the other the Central Type Foundry, once a branch of our own house, but 41 Type Founding Before the Trust now a separate concern manufacturing both faces and type bodies identical with those of the parent establishment. It struck me that if we could arrange with the former firm to keep a consignment of our faces in stock, we should have a new outlet in the South-west for Boston- made type. It must be remembered that these were the days when the type bodies of the foundries differed one from another so widely that it was the part of wisdom for a printer to deal exclu- sively with a single house. These various bodies of type, known under the arbi- trary nomenclature of "Nonpareil," "Long Primer," "Pica," and other names as unmeaning to the layman, were done away with by mutual agreement even before the Type Trust came into being, so that now the type bodies of all American, and even the English foundries, are on a basis of "points." Framed to deal with the haphazard con- 42 Type Founding Before the Trust dition of things before the point system, my plan had a value which would, I think, have justified itself in practice, but the conservatism of both the Boston and St Louis foundries was such that nothing came of it except the conviction on my part that it was time for me to try another field. Thinking that perhaps one of the large English firms might be susceptible to American ideas, I wrote to the two leading type foundries of London. The reply from the Gaslon Type Foundry was novel and gave a piece of good advice. "Whilst thanking you for the offer of your services," it ran, "we beg to say that, in our opinion, it is better for a young man to remain in a country where labour is, and is likely to be for some time, at a pre- mium, than to go to an old country where labour is, and is likely to be for some time, at a discount." The immediate cause of my leaving 43 Type Founding Before the Trust the Boston Type Foundry was a patent hammer, one of the inventions of my father. This particular hammer, which I now undertook to manufacture, was an improvement upon an earlier model which had been put successfully on the market some twelve years before. This later attempt was less fortunate. Technical difficulties arose, and in less than a year the cost of production had swallowed not only the profits from the sales, but twelve hundred dollars of borrowed money besides. Boston being glutted already, I set out with a trunk full of hammers for Chicago, but as my arrival coincided with the annual stock- taking of the hardware stores, I could as easily have sold parasols to the Es- quimaux. Once more I fell back on my trade. Turning up next morning at the print- ing office where I had been employed so many years before, I found the fore- 44 Type Founding Before the Trust man to be a fellow- workman of the days of the profanity strike. With a brief summary of my fortunes in the inter- vening years, I told him that I wanted, at once, three or four weeks' work. "All right," he said. "Will you begin now or to-morrow morning?" I took off my coat. 45 On the Road from Texas to Maine Chapter Four HIS return to my old trade, I determined should be but a make-shift. During the following week I therefore wrote the chief type-foun- ders of the West, applying for a position as salesman. I told of my work with the Boston Type Foundry, and enclosed a copy of a letter given me by Mr Rogers which contained a sentence I felt sure would catch the eye. This testimonial, as old-time in its flavour as its author, ran: "I believe that Mr Thayer's ability and honour- able conduct entitle him to a more prominent place in the business world." From the St Louis Type Foundry came 46 On the Road from Texas to Maine a favourable response. They were in need of a man to travel in Texas, but naturally wished to see him in the flesh before coming to terms. Disposing of my hammers to one of the big hard- ware stores which ten years later still had them on sale I said good-bye to my trade for the last time, and took train for St Louis. Face to face, the matter was soon arranged. I was to cover Texas and Arkansas, with expenses paid, at a salary larger than I had previously received. The prospect exhilarated me. The eighteen-dollar-a-week mark was finally passed; I could "roll" to my heart's content. As the firm not only manufactured type, machinery, and other printers' supplies, but dealt largely in paper, I spent a preliminary fortnight wandering round the great es- tablishment studying the latter business, of which I knew little. By the end of 47 On the Road from Texas to Maine a week I had memorized the various classifications and could with my eyes shut tell the difference between machine- sized and book paper, or No. 1 and No. 2 news. Prices were high in those days and the dailies paid six cents a pound for paper which now costs less than two. My maiden trip was to last four months, and the programme of the first two weeks had been mapped out in minute detail. Midsummer notwith- standing, I was supposed in this space of time to visit several places in Arkan- sas, and then, crossing the Texas border, make eighteen or twenty towns and cities on the exact days specified in my strenuous itinerary. I found it novel, interesting and hot. Despite its name, Hot Springs, Arkansas, proved cool, but once in Texas I sighed for the sea breezes and invigorating nights of the East. I thought of the East, too, as I 48 On the Road from Texas to Maiae now ran squarely against the Colour Line. One piping Sunday in New Bos- ton, when the mercury had climbed to 105 in the shade of the hotel piazza, where, book in hand, I waited for even- ing, a negro approached, and halting at a respectful distance, asked for a drink of water. "Of course," I said. "Go back to the rear of the house." But I had scarcely taken up my book again when "Get out of here, you black trash ! There ain't no water here for such as you ! " came explosively from the pro- prietor's wife, and the negro shot by. The poor wretch was out of sight be- fore intercession was possible, and I could only wonder what my abolition- ist parents in the other Boston would think of such a refusal on such a day. It was perhaps unfair to judge Texas by Eastern standards, however. Life was still rough and chaotic there in many localities. Texarkana, which, as 49 E On the Road from Texas to Maine its name implies, owes allegiance to two commonwealths, was the scene of nu- merous shooting affrays and one of its notorious saloons stood in Arkansas so near the State line that a fugitive had merely to cross the street to reach Texas and absolute immunity till re- quisition papers could be obtained. In odd contrast, was the collapsed * * boom " town, Denison, which, once boasting twenty thousand souls, now reckoned its population by hundreds. The story of its decline is soon told: the railroad had failed to come that way. The fac- tories and fine residences were tumbling to ruin ; the pavements were grass-grown and treacherous ; the lamp-posts had a Pisa Tower incline ; and the inhabitants, neither rural nor urban, were, for lack of a police force, compelled to take turns in patrolling the silent streets. The lot of a salesman in such a country had little variety and less ease. I used no 50 On the Road from Texas to Maine Pullman cars. A few were in use on the "Gannon-Ball" trains, but they were not for me. When night overtook me on the road, I curled up in the seats of an ordinary day-coach with one valise for a foot-rest, the other for a pillow. Tra- velling thus, it will surprise no one that my expenses averaged only two dollars and a half a day. Once when I spent nearly twice that amount I explained my extravagance in the weekly report sent to headquarters. Under the head- ing " Remarks" I wrote: "The large expense on this day was occasioned by the fact that I left Waco at 4 a.m., saw our customers in Temple and Belton, and arrived at Georgetown the next morning at three." Valuable experi- ence came with the hardships, however; my persistence developed, my knowledge of human nature broadened. I bent all my energy towards obtaining orders from responsible firms, and the harder 51 E2 On the Road from Texas to Maine the nut to crack the more pleasure I took in dragging it from its shell. In Galveston, to give an illustration, the principal publishers greeted me with the statement that they made all their purchases in New York and that I could sell them nothing. Why should they buy of me when the freight rate direct to New York by steamer was less than half that to St Louis by rail? Nevertheless, when I left town two days later, one of the best orders of my whole trip stood in their name. This showing so satisfied the firm that they straightway packed me off on another campaign. On this second trip I added much to my knowledge of selling goods; learned much also about travelling salesmen, and made up my mind, if I ever got back, that Texas should see me no more. To bring the company to agree with me was another thing, as I recognized, perhaps a week 52 On the Road from Texas to Maine after my next return to St Louis, when I was told to get my samples ready be- cause the Old Man meaning the Presi- dent, William Bright intended to start me off again at once. Mr Bright, be it said, was no ordinary man. An in- defatigable worker, whose one defect was a too close attention to detail, he brought to the direction of this capacity a mind fertile in ideas. Beyond ques- tion he invented the card index system for book-keepers. The ledger of our entire business was kept on cards arranged alphabetically in special tin boxes patented by him, a rod and a padlock securing each file in the man- ner now widely known. Fortunately for me, our personal relations were of the pleasantest. Often his guest at luncheon, and a frequent visitor at his country house, I met an indulgent, if astonished hearing, when without mincing words, I announced that I had 53 On the Road from Texas to Maine decided to travel in Texas no more. Asked for reasons, I furnished many, but the heavy shot was this: "I intend to marry some day," I said, "and I owe it to my future wife whom I haven't met not to become a confirmed travel- ling man, unable to do anything else, and saddled, perhaps, with bad habits." To the head of a family as happy as it was numerous, this domestic argument made its prompt appeal and he inquired kindly what I meant to do. I modestly suggested that he permit me to try city trade, a field in which we had no one, and the novelty of the idea taking his fancy, a city salesman I became. A year of such service followed. Then, choosing an op- portune time, I asked him if he did not think I was entitled to a better salary. He hesitated for a moment before he answered. " Don't be in a hurry, boy," he said, looking benevolently over his glasses. "There's George, and Ernest 54 On the Road from Texas to Maine and Frank, who have grown up with me. If I raise your salary, I feel that I must raise theirs." I did not see the logic of this reasoning, and soon after trans- ferred my allegiance to a brass foundry. This move proving as ill-judged as my experiment with patent hammers, I thereupon committed an even graver error than leaving the type foundry: I went back to it. The end of another year found me still marking time. It was a home letter, telling how much I was needed by my parents in their old age, which gave a final spur to my unrest, and I began to cast about for ways and means to return. Learning that with the death of Mr Rogers, the old Boston Type Foundry had passed into the control of its former St Louis branch, I proposed myself as a salesman for my former house. A new specimen book of the combined faces of both firms was just then under consideration, and my offer to take this 55 On the Road from Texas to Maine over as well, clinched the matter and I was engaged forthwith. My expenses paid, not for the journey merely, but for the cities I visited en route to see our resident agents, I returned with flying colours. That home-coming remains a touching memory to me, for I then came to appreciate the truth, which many learn too late, that life's real joys lie in doing for others. My work on the specimen book forbade continuous travel, and as I now mapped my own route, ^followed no cast-iron itinerary, and made few trips of more than a week's length, I found my jour- neys far pleasanter than in the South- west. Hard as they had been, however, the experiences of Texas and Arkansas proved of value, and thanks to their schooling I sold outfits and dresses to many a crusty printer and publisher of conservative New England. Nowhere, east or west, had I known such an ob- 56 On the Road from Texas to Maine stinate case as I presently encountered in that stronghold of odd characters, Vermont. This opinionated citizen of Burlington bore a reputation so difficult that salesmen thought it a waste of time to cross his threshold. Transferred to the Dark Ages, he would have built up a lurid reputation as an ogre. Undis- mayed by these tales, I went early for my first call, and finding the publisher out as I had hoped mounted to the composing room, and with the free- masonry ot an old printer, soon had the confidence of the foreman. His^equip- ment was as bad as I expected, and as he unburdened his troubles, I told him that I meant to see his employer later, and suggested that we draw up a memo- randum of the type and material really necessary to his work. As time sped on the list grew, and finally, in the hope that I might secure an order for a small part of the things I had set down, I went 57 On the Road from Texas to Maine below. His mail finished, the Terror sat barricaded by his desk, the cares of the universe wrinkling his brow. A curt nod acknowledged merely acknow- ledged my existence, and his perusal of a newspaper continued. Seating my- self near, I waited for him to speak. After fifteen minutes he swung sud- denly round in his chair. "What can I do for you? "he de- manded peremptorily. Tone and remark were alike familiar. I had heard them too often to tremble. Handing him my card, I said that it being my duty to call on the leading publishers of Burlington, I had come to his office earlier in the day, and finding him out, had visited his com- posing room. As a practical printer, I felt sure I could do something for him. "What is it?" he snapped. I produced my list. 58 On the Road from Texas to Maine "Here are the things your foreman thinks he needs." He merely glanced at it. "We don't need this," he blustered, but prodded the push-button for the foreman. I was such an interested listener to the dialogue which ensued that they with- drew to finish it out of hearing. The list came back cut in half, but the half was mine. Over the hotel dinner that night I made a present of my method to the other salesmen. It was at this period I heard of the wonderful commissions given book agents, and while I suspected that sell- ing books must be hard indeed to secure such terms from the publishers, I de- cided to have a try at it during a two weeks' vacation at Bar Harbour. My book was an attractively illustrated volume about that resort; the commis- sion, equally attractive, was forty per 59 On the Road from Texas to Maine cent. I felt sure that if I could only get at the people who lived in these impos- ing homes, I should sell many copies, but occupied, as the colony was, with social affairs, personal interviews proved impossible, and after two days of rebuffs I fell back on the vain expedient of sending the book with an inspired letter. The real reason for my non-success was the false pride which is the bane of the immature. I did not want the fascinat- ing young ladies of my hotel to think I was a book agent ! One volume only found a purchaser. The subscription blank I sent to the publisher was a copy; the original, which I still retain, bears the signature of James G. Blaine. But this was merely by the way. My real work, in sufficient quantity, lay else- where. In addition to the special services I had contracted to perform I handled a large amount of the firm's correspon- dence, which, neglected by the mana- 60 On the Road from Texas to Maine ger, who held his place by virtue of family ties, would frequently fall to me. I did not resent this. Active and full of energy, I even took pleasure in attack- ing a mass of orders, telegrams and letters a foot high, writing everything by hand. Many a night I would go to the office, work till two o'clock, drop in at the old Boston Tavern for a few hours' sleep, and then return early to my desk. I learned much of business methods in this way, but I could not lift my salary above twenty-five dollars a week, though I did piece out my income with expert appraisals of publishers' and printers' fire losses, which, though infrequent, brought me from thirty to fifty dollars a day. Matters stood thus, when, in 1891, there came persistent rumours that the type foundries of the country proposed to enter a trust backed by English capital. This was absorbing news for me. If the old Boston Type Foundry were submerged, 61 On the Road from Texas to Maine what sort of life-preserver would I get? I therefore wrote, without delay, to Mr James A. St John, of St Louis, who was the virtual head of our combined houses, asking the truth about this report and my own chances for an increased salary. His reply was not reassuring. Unfamiliar with the details or the results of my work, he could promise no ad- vancement till he had, sometime in the vague future, paid a visit to Boston; as for the trust, it looked to him as if it would go through, in which case he would no longer be identified with the business. Plainly it behoved me to seek pastures new. Some months before I had tried to enter a publishing house. The attempt had failed, but the belief remained that such a business held great possibilities for a man of my practical knowledge, and I was even now studying how best to ob- tain recognition when I saw an advertise- 62 On the Road from Texas to Maine mentinthe "Boston Herald." It was not a * ' want ad. , " so-called. Displayed in large type and occupying three inches of promi- nent space, it spoke to me as emphati- cally as if it called me by name. WANTED A FIRST GLASS MAN To take charge of the advertising pages, make up and direct artistic composition, etc. Must be familiar with the whole range of advertising business, and something of an ex- pert at devising artistic display. "The Ladies' Home Journal," Boston Office, Temple Place. I read and reread that advertisement as a street car bore me to Cambridge, and with every reading the conviction grew that here at last was the field for which all my varied experience had been a prepa- ration. There would be many answers, of course. How could I make my own effec- 63 On the Road from Texas to Maine tive? Galling at the Boston office of the Journal, I learned that only written appli- cations would be received, and that night was devoted to the all-important letter. This I next day supplemented by three other letters written for me by promi- nent Bostonians who knew my qualifica- tions. One was from Mr Robert Luce, the author and legislator; another from Mr Potter, then publisher of "The New Eng- land Magazine," who told of his satisfac- tion with the type I had selected for him without consultation ; while the third was from my boyhood encourager and life- long friend, Charles Walker, superinten- dent of the Riverside Press. Taking care to have my application type-written, I thereupon despatched the whole array to the local office of the publication and awaited results. A few days later the editor, coming to Boston, sent for me. My application had been specially remarked, and after making note thereon that I 64 On the Road from Texas to Maine would accept forty dollars a week, he said that it would be considered. A silence of some days ensued which I myself broke by writing directly to the head of the com- pany. This brought a response from the publisher, who asked me to come and see him in Philadelphia. I did not get the forty dollars a week then but I did get the position. 65 A Type Expert in Philadelphia Chapter Five ARRIVED in Philadelphia early one Monday morning, enthusiastically happy over the prospect which lay be- fore me. I remembered the inspiring rise of that other Boston printer who first trod these streets in the early morning, eating a roll as he came. With a purse better lined than his I breakfasted at Green's, but as I struck into Arch Street opposite the office of my new employer, I paused by the iron grating of the quiet church- yard where Franklin lies, and with bared head paid my silent tribute to his memory. The Philadelphia of 1892 seemed any- thing but the "decaying place" he had 66 A Type Expert in Philadelphia found it, and "The Ladies' Home Jour- nal," though not the great publication it is to-day, had already begun its extraordi- nary march towards success. Some two years before my coming, Mr Edward W. Bok, a young man who had served his literary apprenticeship with Charles Scribner's Sons, had been entrusted with its editorial direction. Widely heralded as the youngest and highest paid editor in America, he had no easy task before him, but his ability was as remarkable as his opportunity, and the magazine sparkled with new life. Many novel series of articles piqued the public inte- rest: "Unknown Wives of Well-known Men," "Unknown Husbands of Well- known Women," and most effective of all, a Famous Daughters number, to which the children of Thackeray, Dick- ens and other literary celebrities con- tributed. Meanwhile the Journal's typogra- 67 F2 A Type Expert in Philadelphia phical appearance remained unchanged until the publisher, Mr Cyrus H. K. Curtis, one day conceived the plan, new at that time, of issuing a periodical which should be artistic from cover to cover. This meant that he must not only use better illustrations, but replace all the black and heavy types, then used for advertising, with the lighter styles just coming into vogue. To carry out this revolution was my task, and to me, knowing little of advertising, it seemed to present no great difficulty. But my cheery optimism struck an immediate snag in the simple fact that advertisers prepared and electrotyped their own announcements, and, having in many cases used the same advertisement for years, had come to reverence its crude yet familiar features as the cause and mascot of their prosperity. Yet here we came with the impious proposal, that if they wished to advertise with 68 A Type Expert in Philadelphia us, the sacred fetish must change and purify its face! We had to make our own precedent in this matter. One newspaper, the "New York Herald," had laid down arbitrary rules forbidding display type altogether, and formed its larger letters by combinations of the capitals of usual reading size; but there was no instance of such action on the part of a magazine publisher, and our clients rebelled most vigorously against the innovation. Ac- customed to deal with publishers who would accept any copy, they would fre- quently hold back an advertisement till the last moment in the hope that it would slip into our pages unrevised, but, intuitively sure of my employer's back- ing, I tried the drastic remedy of leav- ing these late-comers out. This, though effective in some cases, had its financial drawbacks, and I resorted to the gentle expedient of a registered letter to all 69 A Type Expert in Philadelphia advertisers, acquainting them with our rules of display. To insure the better printing of the magazine, I explained, all advertisements must be reset in our own type. We could use no electrotypes sent us, but, if sufficient time were given, we ourselves would be glad to submit proofs for approval; otherwise advertising mat- ter must undergo such modifications as would permit its insertion under our rules. Open war followed. Taking the offensive themselves, they flatly re- fused to pay for advertisements thus in- serted. But they fought in an out-of-date cause. A valuable medium, steadily grow- ing in favour, the " Journal" could not be ignored, and as its appearance improved, their desire to make use of it strengthened. Inevitably they came to our way of think- ing, settled their unpaid bills and continued with us on our own terms. In this general house-cleaning, black cuts naturally had to go. This reform 70 A Type Expert in Philadelphia was, in its way, more difficult than the change of type, because it often neces- sitated a new engraving at our own ex- pense ; but in this work, too, the sup- port of my chief was sure. It is often said of Mr Curtis that once he has the right man in the right place, he gives him full sway. Certainly, I could not complain on this score. I was given suf- ficient rope to make or hang myself. Only once in all my typographical changes did I consult him. A full-page advertisement, the price of which was three thousand dollars for the single issue, had put me in a quandary. Arriving just before we went to press, the proof bore the warning : "Will not accept any change in this advertisement," yet its top line, "How to Feed the Baby" was displayed in as flagrant disregard of our new rules as big black type could make it. To leave out a full page now was a serious matter, for beyond the money 71 A Type Expert in Philadelphia loss loomed the necessity for alteration of the magazine's make-up. Hoping to get permission to reset the line in lighter type, or to "stipple" it, I set the long distance telephone humming, but it was a Boston client, and in the Massachu- setts calendar that particular day stood consecrated to Bunker Hill. Hanging up the receiver, I decided to leave the decision to headquarters, and taking my way in some trepidation to Mr Curtis, I showed him the proof. He gave it a brief glance. "Well, what about it?" "It doesn't come within our rules of display," I answered. To my relief he did not ask me to define them. "You're the doctor," he said tersely, and handed the proof back. I felt that explanations were due, how- ever, and pointed out that the page must either go in as it was, or be left out alto- 72 A Type Expert in Philadelphia gether and reading matter found to take its place. Its money value being what it was, I had hesitated to act without con- sulting him. At this he turned in his chair and delivered some axiomatic truths about weak-kneed publishers who went to the wall because they did not adhere to their rates; gave out inflated circu- lation statements ; formulated policies and broke them ; and committed other sins common at the time. But of the page in hand, never a word ! Our mail a few days afterward con- tained a letter from the advertising manager who had sent me the omitted advertisement. One paragraph ran: "As we have never been favoured with a copy of your rules of display, would it not be well to send us either a framed or an unframed impression of these im- pediments to business, to hang in our outer office for our own reference, and as an awful example to the many repre- 73 A Type Expert in Philadelphia sentatives of other publications who call upon us?" We retained this advertiser's business notwithstanding. Out of this endeavour to make our pages attractive throughout grew a policy which, as far as I personally was concerned, came to wear the aspect of a crusade. I had been with the Jour- nal but a short time when there came a six-time order for an advertisement of a certain syrup of hypophosphites, set in a black type which I saw must be changed materially. To its subject matter I gave no thought. Endorsed by physicians, it had the earmarks of a first-class adver- tisement, and as such had received Mr Curtis' sanction. I knew little or nothing about patent medicines myself, for in my home they were never used, my father's only cure-alls being tincture of rhubarb and tincture of turpentine ; but after this special remedy had paraded its claims before my eyes for several issues I began 74 A Type Expert in Philadelphia to investigate proprietary medicine as a whole, and to perceive something of the vast range of fraud and quackery which lay behind its philanthropic mask. Choosing an opportune time, I suggested that it would be to our benefit to decline, not only this particular advertisement, but patent medicines of every kind. Mr Curtis' assent was immediate and hearty. He said my predecessor had failed to use good judgment in this matter; that he personally had no desire to accept such advertising, and that he was glad I un- derstood it. So began, modestly enough, a course of action which was to have consequences more far-reaching than I dreamed. While these problems were, one after another, meeting solution, there sim- mered in my mind a thought which I hoped time might translate into some- thing more substantial. It took its rise from a letter which our Boston agent 75 A Type Expert in Philadelphia addressed me perhaps a week after my service with the Journal began. There was nothing remarkable about the con- tents of this letter, but its envelope gave me the title "Advertising Manager." What did it mean? Inexperienced as I was in the details of the business with which I was grappling, I had few leisure moments, but whenever the chance came I would fish this envelope out of a drawer and recall a piece of advice given me years before: "Put your ambition high, and work up to it." For some time, however, I would always slip the en- velope back again with the reflection that I had much to learn and must make good my present footing before I bothered my head with titles. The "department" at the outset consisted of myself and a desk, but my employer, hearing that I often worked far into the night, presently instructed me to hire a clerk to keep my records. This spare time gained, I began 76 A Type Expert in Philadelphia to study how to better myself. To im- prove the typography of the Journal, to make it up in first-class shape, and to keep a record of the accounts were my ostensible duties, but in thinking over my experience as a salesman, I saw no reason why, if I could sell types and printing presses, I could not also dispose of advertising, and so prove myself of further value to the house. I saw my chance in the Journal's back cover. Full-page advertisements were rare, even at this time of low prices, and the back-cover page usually held four announcements, though in dull seasons even eight would sometimes mar the space which I reasoned could be more artistically and more profitably devoted to one. My plan to utilize our cover in this manner was quickened by the fact that "The Youth's Companion," with half a million circulation, was be- ginning to insert full-page advertisements 77 A Type Expert in Philadelphia prepared and sold by Mr Francis A. Wilson, then the most successful pro- moter of advertising of a truly national scope. It was a novelty for a publication to prepare advertisements for a customer, but as advertising agents had already suf- fered shocks at our hands, I could see no harm in administering a few more, and with the firm resolve to sell full pages to some of our clientele, I began to scan our order book for likely victims. At that day advertisers would contract for a definite period, with the privilege of increased space at the same price, there- by gaining an advantage over those less prudent, if the rate in the meantime ad- vanced. Selecting my man, provisioned in this way, I spent several days analys- ing his advertising, and then formulated a full-page announcement which, I be- lieve, struck straight at the heart of his special needs. My complete plan in- cluded a handsome wood engraving at 78 A Type Expert in Philadelphia the top of the page, but wood engravings meant money. At this pass I went to Mr Bok, who had often complimented me on my achievements, took him frankly into my confidence, found him a willing listener, and gained his consent to incur the necessary expense. But for that bit of encouragement from a fertile mind, ever open to ideas from others, my advertising career might perhaps have been nipped in the bud. As it was, it bore fruit al- most as soon as planted. Long before this, of course, I had made my adver- tiser's acquaintance by letter, and I had now only to tell him that I meant shortly, on a trip to Boston, to stop off, meet him personally and show him an advertise- ment I had prepared. I had chosen well my customer, a future friend, and the day I sold him my first full page remains one of the happiest memories of my business life. My arrangement with the Journal 79 A Type Expert in Philadelphia stipulated for an increase of salary at the end of the third and sixth months, but inasmuch as at the close of the eighth month I had secured by per- sonal solicitation nearly six thousand dol- lars worth of advertising, I requested that beginning with October my pay be raised from forty to fifty dollars a week. In the formal reply, the Treasurer said, that while my services were fully appreciated, they deemed my application untimely and recommended that any further requests for an increase be deferred to the end ot the year. But this disappointment was soon forgotten. For years, with- out any requests whatsoever, my re- muneration continued to grow and on the announcement of my forthcoming marriage another unexpected increase in salary came my way. Taught diplomacy by this, I went gingerly about that other project which had its inspiration in the 80 A Type Expert in Philadelphia envelope still reposing out of sight in my desk drawer. There was a sound reason behind my ambition to wear the title of the office I filled in fact. Personality nowhere counts more than in the advertising business, and as my correspondence grew I saw the need of emphasizing this factor. Feeling sure, however, that any direct suggestion on my part would come amiss, I arranged a little coup d'etat. Planning a letter- head for the exclusive use of the Adver- tising Department, I had my own name placed in one corner in very small type. The Treasurer's name, on the contrary, bulked quite as large as a treasurer's should, and my modesty won his gratified approval. But there remained Mr. Curtis. Without his authority the en- graved letter-head bearing my name was waste paper. Delaying its use, there- fore, I watched my opportunity, and in the course of routine it came. Having a 81 G A Type Expert in Philadelphia few days latter to confer with him on an important matter, I submitted a letter on the subject, which, as regards con- tents, could not fail to meet his appro- val. In heading, it was open to doubt, for it was written on the new paper. The letter, true to my expectation, passed muster. The heading escaped com- ment, but not notice. The following day, he, in turn, showed me a letter, wherein to my great satisfaction, he referred to me as "my advertising manager." Not long afterwards I ran across a sailor-man, who, years before, had cap- tained a relative's yacht in which I had enjoyed many outings in Boston Har- bour. On his asking what I was doing, I rippled off: "Pm Advertising Manager of 'The Ladies' Home Jour- nal,' Philadelphia." "I don't know what that means," he said, his moon face wreathed in smiles, "but it sounds good." 82 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" Chapter Six NY account of my own activities as Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" should be prefaced with a word about the striking cam- paign for a larger circulation set on foot by Mr Curtis before I entered his employ. No such project had been at- tempted since the days of Robert Bonner. The latter, so the story goes, took whole pages of space in the " New York Herald," and in small type duplicated, a thousand times or more, the single line: "Are you reading the new story in this week's * New York Ledger ?" The cost was of course great, and his friends thought him mad; 83 G2 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" but when the pastor of his church, a man who never read an advertisement, called to show him the error of his ways, Mr Bonner had a clear vision of his ultimate success. So it was with Cyrus Curtis. The publishing world prophesied bank- ruptcy, but he footed his extravagant bills with a stout faith. Aiming at a feminine clientele, one of his first and most telling moves was to follow the advice of his agents, N. W. Ayer & Son, and take large space in "The Delineator, " which, with a circulation of half a million monthly even then, was spreading broad- cast fashions to exploit its paper patterns. This counsel was disinterested, for the usual commission given advertising agents was denied, but it would have been cheap at any price. "The Delineator's" rates were low, and six thousand dollars spent in announcements, cleverly prepared and exceptional in size and style, so beguiled the women of the country, that Mr 84 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" Curtis, as sure as Bonner of his final victory, straightway decided to disburse a thousand dollars a day for a year. The full benefits, naturally, did not accrue at once, but the course of display so lavishly begun was all the time making for success, and work in plenty developed for the department of which I now became the responsible head. Continuing the plan of preparing announcements for adver- tisers I had used so successfully in selling my first full page, I designed others with such good results that Mr Curtis hit upon the idea of establishing a "Service Bu- reau," and engaged Miss Jennie Frazee solely to write advertisements. A delight- ful little woman who wrote as she talked, she had won her spurs with the dry goods house of Barr Brothers, of St Louis, where her work attracted Mr Curtis by its origi- nality. Her advertisements were aimed at the average customer, not the literary critic, and if one caught her up for a lapse 85 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" of grammar, she would reply, "Yes, but that's the way the majority of people would say it." Her coming necessitated the services of an artist, and we accord- ingly enlisted the aid of Miss Jessie Will- cox Smith, now well known as an illus- trator. Announcements written by Miss Frazee and illustrated by Miss Smith proved successful from the outset; and when advertisers, who usually took twenty-five or fifty lines, saw the work of these clever collaborators, they would double, triple and even quadruple their space. Other artists were soon needed, and our bureau was further strengthen- ed by the work of Miss Violet Oakley and Miss Elizabeth Shippen Green, who also have since achieved marked distinc- tion in the world of art. At this time I entered my first and only prize contest. Allcock's Porous Plasters were my theme, and as they had alleviated the penalty of too long 86 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" hours at my desk, I wrote in full sympathy with the subject. In one in- spired evening I produced a series which brought me one hundred and fifty dol- lars, the first prize. Advertising was then placed mainly by advertising agents, and one of them, Mr J. Walter Thompson, of New York, find- ing it impossible to obtain a special rate in the Journal, not unusual for him in other publications, now proposed, in con- sideration of a five per cent discount, to pay for all advertising in advance, a cheque to accompany every order. As Mr Curtis' expenditures were enormous, this suggestion from a man who placed an immense volume of advertising held ad- vantages too great to neglect, and with the understanding that other agents should receive the same discount for such payments, this radical departure from custom was adopted. Soon after my coming to the Advertising Department, 87 Advertising Manager of " The Ladies' Home Journal " we issued a new rate card, and announc- ing this plan, added that we should deem advance payments proof of an advertiser's or agent's financial stability. The rigour of this rule was later modified to allow five days' grace from the date of the bill ; failure to settle within that time, the post- mark of the letter being admitted as evi- dence, serving to deprive the tardy of any discount whatever. To the manufac- turers of dress goods and other feminine wear the notion of paying for advertise- ments nearly a month in advance seemed revolutionary in the extreme. They gave their customers from three to six months' time, and dated their bills ahead at that ! But the Journal was a powerful me- dium, five per cent was five per cent and they fell in line. This scheme of payment made it neces- sary to forward copies of the magazine to advertisers, in advance of publication, to the end that they might see their an- 88 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" nouncements before ordering the next insertion. For a number of years, there- fore, our advertising clients would receive a complete copy three weeks ahead of the reading public. But one day there appeared in a Philadelphia daily, accre- dited to a Chicago newspaper, a poem by Eugene Field, which a too zealous exchange editor had cribbed from some advertiser's advance copy of the forth- coming Journal. The press of a push- button brought about an immediate con- sultation with the justly indignant editor, and I was asked, as soon as might be, to devise some effective check upon thefts of this nature. Half an hour later, Mr Bok's face lit with surprise and pleasure as I laid before him a "dummy" which solved the problem. It contained the cover, the advertise- ments and the titles of the articles, but of other matter not a stickful. In this form, the reading part blank, it went out 89 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" thereafter and so continues to this day. Owing to definite agreements and other causes, several of the patent medicines to which I have already alluded, for some time remained a thorn in my side, but, hoping to be rid of them all by and by, I had to content myself with making full- page glorifications of Beecham's Pills, Scott's Emulsion and Dr William's Pink Pills for Pale People as inoffensive in type and copy as I could. Guticura was especially difficult to whip into present- able shape, but I wrestled with it to such good purpose that a full-page advertise- ment of the soap ran monthly, yet with- out affront to the eye, for nearly a year. As Mr Curtis' publicity campaign brought business from other sources, these pro- blems, and in fact the whole body of objectionable advertising from which they sprang, gradually dropped out of sight. The very first medium in the publishing 90 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" world which an advertiser put upon his list, we could afford to pick and choose and be as fastidious as we pleased. Many fallacies were dispelled here, many theories tested. One interesting advertising fact we developed was woman's undoubted influence over man. A manufacturer of men's suspenders, for example, thought it a waste of money to advertise in a woman's maga- zine. We proved him wrong. Follow- ing up this idea, probably the first political announcement aimed at men through women, now appeared in our publication. Paid for by the National Republican Committee, it devoted a page to an entertaining tale of a woman who went abroad thinking she could buy su- perior dress goods cheaper than at home. Samples of fabrics were illustrated and prices compared. High protection was then rampant and the little tale reached the inevitable climax that the fair travel- 91 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" ler returned to America without buying anything. The advertisement was headed "Where I Purchased After All." Some numbers of a magazine, particu- larly those of April and November, always overflow with business, and as advertisers are prone to wait till the last moment, I put in practice another novel method. Two days before we closed one of these issues, my assistant handed me a memorandum to the effect that if we received all the copy for which we had orders and promises, every inch of space would be filled. Need- ing all the time I could get to arrange this specially large amount of business, I ac- cordingly wrote this telegram: "Please do not send any more adver- tising for the April number, as the space is fully taken." Showing this to Mr Curtis, I told him that I meant to send copies of it to every one of the forty odd advertising agents of the country. Here, as always, lengthy 92 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" explanations were needless. Handing the telegram back, he said: "Good idea. Send them." Half an hour later, my assistant came with a sad face to tell me that she had made the mistake of counting a full- page advertisement twice. Telling her to be more careful in the future, I cheered her up with the assurance that the mes- sage would bring to us more than the four columns we lacked. And so it proved. Never does an advertiser long to use a publication so much as when he is barred out. These strategic telegrams of mine roused much favourable comment in the advertising world, but when similar mes- sages left our office in the future the space was actually taken. While things fared so well in my depart- ment, the western office, under the man- agement of Mr Thomas Balmer, was such an important factor that the advertising from the West often more than equalled the amount obtained in the East. To Mr 93 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" Balmcr, more than any one man, is due the credit of lifting the advertising busi- ness to the high plane it now occupies. Bringing to his work a long experience gained in other walks of life, he sug- gested ideas which in some cases seemed Napoleonic, but which we know as standard policies to-day. Realizing that a truly scientific advertising must base itself on psychology, he set to work to analyse business failures, and conclu- sively proved, among other things, that the advertiser who buys small space, pays dearest. Again, scrupulous of the ethics of his profession, he originated the contract plan between agent and pub- lisher which makes it obligatory for the former to retain the publisher's full com- mission and give rebates to no one. These instances indicate the remarkable calibre of the man, who, becoming the first west- ern representative of an eastern publica- tion, ever carried out the policies of his 94 Advertising Manager of " The Ladies' Home Journal" home office with unflinching loyalty and a firm hand. During my connection with "The Ladies' Home Journal" I saw many business managers come and go, and as I wished to broaden my experience of pub- lishing I took it into my head that, when the next vacancy occurred, I would make a bid for it. Presently the chance came, and I told Mr Curtis that I be- lieved I could fill the place acceptably. He pointed out, as I felt sure he would, that neither in salary nor rank was the position as important as my own. Where- upon I brought to light my carefully devised plan of driving a double team, or, in other words, acting as Business Manager and Advertising Manager at the same time, with an assistant in each department. His rejoinder to this, ended the interview. "It is not my policy," he said, "to put two departments in the hands of one man." 95 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" I should not have been my self, however, had I not made that attempt. The aspira- tion to get on which spurred me from office to office as a union printer still persisted, and, undiscouraged by this rebuff, only bided its time. Casting my eye over the magazine field I saw possibilities in the " Atlantic Monthly." Printed at River- side Press, it was the first magazine of which I had any knowledge. A great publishing house was behind it, with a list of books by famous old-time authors as well as newer favourites. As a business proposition for the book end, the idea was sound, if, as I planned, the magazine could be increased from its small circulation of less than 25,000 copies up into the hundred thousands. To do this, the "Atlantic" would have to be materially changed and illustrated. On one of my trips to Gam- bridge, I pointed out to my old friend, Charles Walker, this striking opportunity, and he, speaking of it to the publishers, 96 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" brought about an early interview. The delightful gentleman who has been for so many years the head of this old house was interested, but to change the magazine in any way never ! It was Boston. As was generally the case wherever my lines were cast, my next difference of opi- nion with my employer hinged upon the question of salary. Indeed, with the ex- ception of Mr Curtis, I had never worked for anybody who raised my pay as often as I thought I deserved. I was not always right in so thinking, for when I became an employer myself, I learned that rapid pro- motion may handicap a young man's use- fulness. Be this as it may, I had these notions about my services, which, until I came to Philadelphia, no one seemed to appreciate at their full value. Here, for five years, increases came regularly. Then I was forgotten, or at least it seemed so, for one day the looked-for raise failed to appear. Selling personally large quanti- 97 H Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" ties of advertising space in addition to many full pages, I believed my work should be better paid and resolved that, if I could not persuade my employers to agree with me, I would again get out into the world of opportunities. Nothing de- veloping at the next meeting of the Board of Directors, I frankly petitioned Mr Cur- tis for five thousand dollars a year. My reasons were two; I felt I was worth it, and I needed the money. To the latter argu- ment he dryly replied, that whether I needed the money or not was a personal matter in which he had no interest. As for the salary, he stated that so many heads of departments had requested more pay for their subordinates that the total amount involved had decided him to de- lay all increases for another year. My disappointment must have been evi- dent, for a few days later I was told that I might go abroad at the company's expense a suggestion I had often advanced and Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" that in the fall the salary I asked would be mine. Supplied with ample funds and fol- lowed by a bon voyage telegram from the editor, I set out on my first transatlantic trip. The outing broadened my point of view, and put me in the way of meeting many advertisers and advertising men whose acquaintance later proved valu- able assets. I now first came to know the hospitable courtesies of Mr Thomas H. Barratt, Managing Director of Pears' Soap, whose remarkable offices and beau- tiful home with its art collection, which included Millais' " Bubbles" and Land- seer's "Monarch of the Glen," I found full of interest. The fall saw me back at work and my salary at the five-thousand-dollar mark promised. Those were piping times everywhere and the Journal rode on the crest of the wave. Totalling a quarter of a million dollars at my coming, the business of my department 99 H2 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" now had a yearly volume of twice that amount. It was the heyday of ad- vertising, and the salaries of advertising men were beginning to mount with the profits. Repeatedly, I could have gone to newspapers at a higher salary. Syste- matized to the last detail, the Chicago and the New York offices practically in- dependent, my department ran with the precision of a faultless machine. By normal standards I should have been content. But I was not. I had leisure now for reflection, and reflection told me an unwelcome truth. Lodged perma- nently among the odd scraps of philo- sophy by which I steered my course, was a watchword given me by a well-disposed friend early in my business life. ' * Don't get into a rut, my boy," he warned. " If you find you are in one, pull yourself out quick." Was I not in a rut now? I had been with the Journal six years a long time for me to work for one em- 100 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" ployer. If I were not to become, as I hoped, a vital part of this concern, would not continued service unfit me to do battle elsewhere? In the fiercely com- petitive business world, I had watched new men come, and old men go. A mere employee, I too, some day, my maximum usefulness past, might tread their melan- choly way. Speedily, and yet with deliberation, I set down my thoughts in a letter to the publisher, which I sent to a Boston friend for revision. This friend, an advertising agent well-acquainted with Mr Curtis, had acquired the art of "smooth" writ- ing. My own style is to call a spade a spade, and not "an agricultural imple- ment for removing the crust of the earth," but I realized the importance of this step and wanted the best advice pos- sible. I received the advice, and my chief the letter. I said that I was satis- fied with my position and my salary, but 101 Advertising Manager of " The Ladies' Home Journal " in contemplating the future, as a young man should, it seemed to me that "I should be placed where others of my class are: with such a stock interest, in addition to a fair living salary, that I could feel myself a part of the integral whole, all working for a common end." This, I suggested, could be arranged by giving me an option on twenty thousand dollars worth of the company's stock. Mr Curtis' reply was not " smooth." "There is no such quantity of stock for sale," he stated, and as the flash in his dark eyes met mine, I read that my future was to him another "personal" matter in which he had no concern. I was as a spoke in a wheel; a part of his great machine, and I had failed to interest him beyond the day's work. I did not take umbrage at this, though to know it was worth while. Men, who are not slaves, make of their lives what they will. Before this brief 102 Advertising Manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal" interview ended, there flashed across my mental vision other positions which I had declined ; other possibilities in the world yet untried. To my optimistic nature change still meant progress. To take one more roll, before the moss gathered, was my determination. And I saw an- other milestone near; another break in the life-line of my business career. Within a month I resigned, having meanwhile secured a position as business manager for Frank A. Munsey. I asked no advice this time. Men of affairs, seeking counsel of their fellows, desire merely to have their plans approved. Munsey was considered impossible. Other men had gone to him and stayed but a few weeks. All advice would be against the experiment. Therefore, I sought none. Just before I left for New York, my friends rich, well-to-do and poor gave me a costly farewell dinner at the Belle- 103 Advertising Manager of " The Ladies' Home Journal " vue Hotel. I had never figured so pub- licly as guest of honour, and, touched by this tribute, I promised myself that I would some day show my appreciation. As the feast neared its close the chair- man received and read this telegram: "To be dined and wined upon entering a town is one thing. To be dined and wined by friends and business people after six years of citizenship is quite another thing. I wish I were with you to-night to join in personal felicitations to Mr Thayer. Frank A. Munsey. 104 A Month and a Day with Munsey Chapter Seven RANK A. MUNSEY is a brilliant man in more ways than one. A real genius seldom makes a success of a business un- dertaking, but a man who is a genius in spots can be successful in business. Munsey is a genius in spots. During the financial panic of 1907 his purchases of common steel were so large that he made millions of dollars on the rise in values, and those who followed his advice at that time likewise profited, as I have good reason to know. His career as a publisher is a most interesting tale. Braving New York with "a gripful of manuscripts and about forty dollars in cash" to use his own words he for years 105 A Month and a Day with Munsey faced what seemed almost sure failure. Seeing plan after plan crumble, doing two men's work by day, writing his own serials at night, meeting changing business con- ditions with fresh ideas, and, finally, a hundred thousand dollars in debt, fighting a single-handed battle with a great dis- tributing monopoly which tried to shut him from his public such was the rise of the man who after a quarter of a century found himself owner of several daily news- papers and many monthly magazines. It has been said by a rival that * ' Munsey is not a magazine publisher, but a maga- zine manufacturer." As it is a known fact that the Frank A. Munsey Company's annual profits exceed a million dollars, it is clear that, as far as earnings go, he is the most successful "manufacturer" in the magazine world. Some men issue magazines at a loss ; Munsey makes his to sell. It was not a manufacturing pub- lisher who drew the above distinction. 106 A Month and a Day with Munsey My first day with Mr Munsey stands out in my mind as distinctly as the one, when a boy, I was promoted to long pants. I was told that first morning to attempt no actual work, but to " breathe in the at- mosphere of the place." This was a new line of work for me, but I did my best. My arrangement was for a year at a salary of seventy-five hundred dollars; our actual relationship lasted for a month and a day. The story is best told in two letters and a prophecy. As a New Year's present, the following letter was handed to me at the close of day, December 31, 1897 : " New York, December 31, 1897. "My dear Mr Thayer, "This week which ends to-night com- pletes your fourth week with us. I have been studying you I suppose about as closely as I should expect you to study a new man in your department. If I 107 A Month and a Day with Munsey were in your place and you in mine, I should be glad to have a frank statement from you of the impressions you had formed of me. Feeling this way myself, I naturally assume that you would like to know what impressions I have formed of you, and for this reason I write you this letter. "In a word, you are not the strong man I expected you to be. You have shown nothing of the versatility I expected to find in you, nothing of the alertness of temperament I expected to find in you. You have brought no new ideas to the house, no new ideas to the advertising department. You have brought no busi- ness, either directly or indirectly, to the advertising department in the four weeks you have been here not so much as a line. You have shown no extraordinary genius in your correspondence ; you have written no advertising, have got up no advertising. And in your handling of the 108 A Month and a Day with Munsey force you have not evidenced any re- markable executive ability or even first- rate diplomacy. "When you complained yesterday that I did not show sufficient confidence in you, I replied that you had done nothing yet to command my confidence. You an- swered that it was three months before you did anything at 'The Ladies' Home Journal* [sic]. Be this as it may, I sub- mit to you that there is a very wide dif- ference between the young man direct from a type foundry, with absolutely no knowledge of the advertising business, and no pretence of knowledge of the adver- tising business, and on a nominal salary between such a man and a giant in the business, a full grown man, a fully equipped man, a great big salaried man. From the one I should not expect much, from the other I have every right to expect a great deal. "Such answers as these on this point 109 A Month and a Day with Munsey show a lack on your part of a closely reasoning mind, and no man can appeal to me, can command my confidence in a managerial position unless he shows well thought out reasons for every act, every move he makes, every statement he makes. This is only one of the instances that lead me to believe that you are not a close reasoner. Moreover, your ten- dency towards red tape, your tendency to surround yourself with a halo of ex- aggerated importance, your petty jealousy when a man from the advertising depart- ment comes to me, or I send to him to come to me all this is extremely dis- tasteful to me, and will not go for a minute in this house. "In the four weeks you have been here you have hardly been out of your office. I expected, as a matter of course, that you would lose little time in putting yourself in touch with the advertising agents and with the army of advertising 110 A Month and a Day with Munsey solicitors employed by these agents, to say nothing of bringing your personality to bear upon the leading advertisers of New York and New England. I made it quite plain to you a few days ago that the course you were pursuing did not appeal to me as the wisest one, and I think you announced to Mr Ridgway that hereafter you would be in your office only a small portion of the time, or. something to this effect. But in discussing the matter yes- terday or the day before you told me that there were so many of our solicitors in town that it was not wise for you to go down and recover the ground. In a word, if it is not wise for you to do this, and if it is not wise for you to establish a personality with all these men as the representative head of the department, then it is not wise for me to keep you as the representative head of the depart- ment. "Now I will tell you, my dear Mr 111 A Month and a Day with Munsey Thayer, just where the great big mistake has been, and there is no question in my mind but that you have made a mistake and that I have made a mistake. You have over-estimated your capacity to do for us and under-estimated our capacity to do for ourselves. This is the mistake you have made. The mistake I made was engaging you on the great big repu- tation you had, the glowing statements of your friends, and the showing you made for yourself in the several conver- sations you had with me. "Here is what Mr Barber said to me in Boston one day last fall. 'There is a possibility, Mr Munsey, that you can get a great genius in the advertising business.' 'Yes,' I said, 'who is he?' 'Who is he,' Mr Barber replied with a smile, 'why there is but one man in the whole coun- try.' After a good deal of fencing, and the promise of strict secrecy on my part, I learned that that one man was Mr 112 A Month and a Day with Munsey Thayer, of 'The Ladies' Home Jour- nal,' and Mr Barber assured me that it was Mr Thayer who had brought the advertising department of 'The Ladies' Home Journal' up to its matchless stan- dard stood for the department, made the department, was the department. And Mr Barber added that, with 'The Puritan' on my hands in addition to my other publications, if I could have the assistance of Mr Thayer, could have Mr Thayer at the head of my advertising department, I need have no further thought of it, and that Mr Thayer would make such a showing as we never could hope to have without him. "Well, all this impressed me tremen- dously; it would have impressed most men tremendously. Then, too, there was Mr Clark's statement to the effect that you were a wonderful business man, a man of rare energy, an indefatigable worker, etc., etc., etc. 113 I A Month and a Day with Munsey "These are the causes that led to my mistake, and I think I stated accurately the causes that led to the mistake on your part. You may not be ready to grant even yet that your coming here was a mistake, but from my point of view there is absolutely no doubt about its being a mistake at the salary at which you came. No man, I do not care who he is or what his line of work is, can afford for a minute to allow himself to accept a salary bigger than he is himself. The minute he does this that minute he is at a serious disadvantage. "It is possible you might be worth this much, or at all events a good handsome salary, to a house that knows nothing of the advertising business itself, to a house having a moderate knowledge of the publishing business, but here it is different. Your mind has not covered a wider range of thought than the com- bined minds operating this business, and 114 A Month end a Day with Munsey your experience has been less rather than greater than that of the combined forces operating this business. This being the fact you have brought nothing to the business, no knowledge we did not al- ready have, and as to your individual capacity candour compels me to say that we have with us half a dozen men whose average salary is one-third of yours all of whom are men who can make them- selves of greater value to me than I believe it possible for you to be. "This is a straightforward, unbiased, and as kindly a statement as I can make of my impression of you at the end of the four weeks with us. I regret exceedingly that I cannot make you a report that would be full of glowing praise, but it cannot be done. "With this statement before you you will not be misled. You can bring your reasoning powers to bear upon the prob- lem, and together with me help to figure 115 12 A Month and a Day with Munsey out the wisest way we can both get out of the mistake we have made. I regret the mistake vastly more on your account than I do on my own, and it is my pur- pose to treat you in the most generous possible way to do whatever I can for you to help you in making other con- nections or to help you in starting a business of your own something, any- thing that will be to your best interest and to my least disadvantage. I can better afford the loss than you can, and I want to stand back of you to the greatest degree possible in all rational consider- ation. Between us we ought to be able to devise some plan that would let you out without injury to your reputation. The sooner some move of this sort is made the more I can afford to do for you and the better it will be for you in every way. Feeling as I do, you see how unwise it would be for you to attempt to go on seriously with the work. On the other 116 A Month and a Day with Munsey hand, it would be very unwise for you to seem not to go on with the work as usual until some definite plan is fixed upon be- tween us. There is no reason why this thing cannot be handled gracefully, cleverly and satisfactorily to both you and myself. It will depend very largely upon your disposition in the matter, upon whether you accept my view in the case gracefully and reasonably or whether you oppose it in a way to annoy me. "Let me repeat that above all else, above all personal consideration, I want to help you to the greatest possible reason- able degree in getting out of the mistake we have jointly made. "Let me say one word more. If you prefer to stay here throughout the year, and for which I agreed to pay you a salary of seventy-five hundred dollars, you may stay. I made a year's agree- ment with you at this salary, and it shall stand if you wish it to, but to my mind 117 A Month and a Day with Munsey it would be a most unwise thing for you to do. "Very truly yours, (Signed) " Frank A. Munsey." A Sunday and a holiday came with this letter. Perhaps you can imagine the feel- ings of a man, who, only a few weeks before, in a position considered to be the most prominent in its line in the country, now, in his change for betterment, found himself, at an inopportune time, and under adverse conditions, cast out into the "cold, gray world." Notwithstanding this letter, I was not crushed. The last paragraph, in which Mr Munsey put into writing his agree- ment with me, up to that time only verbal, was an earnest of the honesty and fairness of the man. As an uninterrupted conversation with Mr Munsey was quite impossible, I wrote him the following letter: 118 A Month and a Day with Munsey "January 3, 1898. "My dear Mr Munsey: "I have your letter and I admire the frank way in which you have put the matter. I have naturally been studying you very closely, but this letter tells me more than a dozen interrupted interviews. You are a wonder to me, and the more I see of you the more I wonder and marvel at the great success you have made and are making. My study has developed the fact that you reason closely but sometimes often your quickness of perception is colored changed altered entirely by your emotional instincts. I realize that you are slow to put confidence in any one, but I say most emphatically right here at the start that you engaged me for a defi- nite purpose, and I should have your confidence from the beginning and that confidence should not grow less until I made serious mistakes or exercised bad judgement. I came to you on the record 119 A Month and a Day with Munsey I have made, and when you say I lack all or any one of the business qualities that go to make up a progressive business man you accuse my former employers of lack- ing business acumen and sense and imply that my business friends men with whom I have come into contact and know me for the work I have done, know me for the business I have taken from them person- ally are blind, ignorant imbeciles. * 'If you were manager of a railroad and engaged an engineer you would tell him: 'There's the train; there's your assis- tant; there's your schedule, go by it. I want you to run that train and I'll look to you for its safe arrival at its destina- tion.' If, however, before the train started you told the fireman that he could use just two shovels full of coal an hour and gave the conductor and train hands to understand that you didn't want the pas- sengers hurried, etc., you could not expect results, until such time that you 120 A Month and a Day with Munsey decided that was not the way to run a train. "I have been in New York four weeks. I have been put in a cage and you have walked around and looked at me and said to yourself, 'He's not doing any thing.' I knew you were studying me, but baffled at every turn in attempts to do anything, I could do nothing but think of what was needed to be done and of the results that would come from such action. "Taking up the advertising end of the business: I do not over-estimate my capacity to do for you in this line, for it is run in the most expensive and unbusi- nesslike manner, and the results are far from what they should be. Advertise- ments are inserted without any order; conditional orders are accepted and the conditions not complied with; advertise- ments are charged at the wrong price and charged to irresponsible agents, etc., etc. the general idea everywhere being to 121 A Month and a Day with Munsey get through the day and take no thought of the morrow. * * My judgement tells me that we would have just as much and more business if the agents and their solicitors and the adver- tisers were not seen so often. The principal reason why advertisers use your publications is because they have value. This is the thing that should be impressed upon advertisers by letter, by circular, by an occasional personal call. Where friendship secures one order, merit, rate and circulation bring twenty. Too much personal solicitation is annoying to the advertiser and agent. This personal plea of asking advertisers and agents to send you advertisements to put money in your pocket is a false theory to work upon every prominent adver- tiser and agent will tell you this. "I believe that both Mr Barber and Mr Clark gave you their honest opinion. Mr Barber said in your words, 'If 122 A Month and a Day with Munsey Mr Thayer was at the head of your ad- vertising department you would need to have no thought of it.' He meant this, and I am certain that he is right in the matter, for I managed an advertising de- partment with an income of nearly a half million dollars and there is no rea- son to think for one moment that when I left that department, I also left my brain, my sense and my judgement in Philadelphia. "You didn't tell all that Mr Clark said. When I told Mr Clark, after my resigna- tion, that I had heard from you that he had said good things of me, he told me that you wouldn't tell me all he said. This was to the effect that I would do for you if I was given a chance if you would let me do something. He also affirmed that I couldn't do anything, for you wouldn't let me. I went on to tell him that I didn't believe anything of the kind. I had been with two large concerns whose 123 A Month and a Day with Munsey owners wanted to run everything, but I found that they were very willing to drop part of their labour on my shoulders. And when they discovered that I was a man who could assume responsibility, do things satisfactorily and bring results, they were glad to have it so, for it made their mind free for other and more im- portant things. "With you now, whether you believe it or not, you are showing the strain of overwork. You will feel this more as time goes on, and you will have to drop it. What better thing could you do right now than to throw on me the advertising end of the business? You doubt my ability? If you have such doubts it is because your overworked brain leads you to doubt everyone. Your great business needs me much more than I thought it did. There is lots of work. Much time is wasted by lack of a little system, expensive salaries paid without proportionate results. 124 A Month and a Day with Munsey "The salary of seventy-five hundred dollars that you are paying me is meagre, compared with the results that I could show at the end of the year. How much money did you lose last year in unpaid accounts? Do you know? You are aware of the fact that good judge- ment in this particular alone is worth at least twenty-five per cent, of the amount you lost last year. "I should be false to my own honour, my loyalty to you, if at this time I should give up thoughts of making your success much greater. In the years to come I expect to see your great publishing house the first in the land, its fame world-wide. I anticipate a success that will far surpass that of Sir George Newnes. At that time I will be glad to stand by your side as one of the faithful lieutenants who has done his part to bring this about. "Look around at the men who have overworked their brain the result is 125 A Month and a Day with Munsey always the same. You may have more power than any of them, and I believe that you have. There is a limit, how- ever, to all power, all endurance. You will admit that Sir George Newnes has made a wonderful success. Take him for an example: how has he done it? By looking after every department of his business? No, indeed. His advertising manager told me in London that when Sir George wanted to see him he gave him twenty-four hours' notice ; when he wanted to see Sir George he gave a week's notice and the appointment was made. This could be called 'red tape'; it is carrying things too far. "I know that I can manage the adver- tising end of your business, perform all the functions of the business management to your entire satisfaction, but not, how- ever, unless you believe in me, in my worth, in my ability, in my judgement. " It is a necessity for you to have loyal 126 A Month and a Day with Munsey lieutenants who understand business me- thods. Your business has grown so fast that you did not have time to educate young men. You have engaged me as a man who knows, without further educa- tion or training. There is lots to learn in your great big business. I am yet a young man; Fm pliable and can change ways to meet the situation. You need the benefit of my education, my training, and my year's service will prove this to be true, and the * bright and brilliant* men who think I have made a mistake in coming to you will hold a different opinion of the matter will have a dif- ferent opinion of the great personality whom I now hail * Chief.' "Faithfully (Signed) ' ' John Adam Thayer. " But my reply did not change the state of affairs. Mr Munsey rejoined that he had given thirty days' long, deep, earnest 127 A Month and a Day with Munsey thought to the problem before he wrote me. "Were you in fact a man of all the strength that your reputation gave you, with my estimate of your ability, you would be so seriously handicapped that it would be impossible now for you to work out the problem here for which you came." A few days after the passing of the letters I sat in Mr Munsey's office, which was then on the eleventh storey of the Constable Building, looking down on Fifth Avenue. It was raining. The flicker- ing lights below, the hurrying cabs and people all told of the end of another business day. It was the end, too, of my term with Munsey, a milestone on the road of my career. After a long- continued conversation we had reached a settlement. I was to give my resigna- tion and receive a cheque for twenty- five hundred dollars, and, that I might go abroad, an order for one page of 128 A Month and a Day with Munsey space in " Munsey 's Magazine," worth five hundred dollars, and good for the advertisement of any steamship line. This was in addition to the salary I had drawn weekly. Financially, the settlement was satisfactory, but I was keenly disappointed to lose the year's service and its consequent experience. Mr Munsey believes himself to be a close reasoner, and this, probably, was the cause of his insisting, in defence of his arbitrary action : ' ' Thayer, I say again that I will do anything I can to help you. I hope you believe that I have treated you fairly. But I must re-affirm to you that you are not the strong man your friends represented you to be." I started to interrupt him, but he continued, "Five years from now will prove it, whether you believe it at this time or not." If you were a scratch golf player, and someone to belittle your knowledge of 129 K A Month and a Day with Munsey the game, said that you and Colonel Bogey were eighteen holes apart, would you not feel indignant ? I was indignant. I jumped to my feet, raised the forefinger of my right hand and looked him squarely in the face. Then, with the emphasis an energetic advertising man often uses to clinch an important deal, I told him that he had given me no opportunity to do anything for him ; that he was absolutely mistaken in his estimate of me. I closed the inter- view by assuring him, and the words came deliberately, that it would not take five years to prove him wrong. Handi- capped though I might be by his action in forcing me out without a chance to show my ability, I would do it in less time. 130 A Year with a Newspaper Chapter Eight UT I did not go abroad. Indeed, I still have among my assets the order for a page of space in "Munsey's Magazine"; I toured New York's publishing houses instead, looking for another position. It was not a cheering experience. For gossip, no village sewing circle can sur- pass the advertising fraternity of the American metropolis. A story will il- lustrate its possibilities. Two well-known advertising men agreed to say to the first magazine solicitor they met, "Have you heard that Mixon is to make a change?" Upon a reply in the negative, they were to add, "Well, if you haven't heard of it, don't say anything about it." Each, it 131 K2 A Year with a Newspaper was understood, was to speak to but one person. Now Mixon held an enviable position. He had been for years the advertising manager of one of the big magazines, enjoyed a very handsome salary, and entertained no thought what- ever of leaving so snug a berth. Sud- denly he found his peace troubled. Forty- eight hours after the jokers dropped their seed on Broadway, it bore fruit in Chicago in the breast of a man who wanted to succeed Mixon and wired to bespeak his influence. This was but a foretaste. The next few days showered him with con- gratulations, and his bewildered firm with inquiries and applications for the position he was to vacate. There was nothing vague or half-way about these statements. They had a ring of downright fact which his employers thought demanded expla- nation. In the upshot, the victim even felt it necessary to announce in "Printer's Ink," an advertising journal, that the 132 A Year with a Newspaper rumours were absolutely without founda- tion. Such conditions are more amusing to hear about than to confront, but, facing the gossip myself, I took a Mark Tapley pride in being jolly under depressing cir- cumstances. I could put up well enough with the sorry-for-you tone of voice and the I-could-have-told-you-so friend, but it was less easy to learn that some people thought the great woman's magazine had made me, and that without it as a prop I was down and out. I had known men to leave good positions only to find them- selves worse off. But I would not admit that such was my case. In a dark mo- ment, however, the thought did come to me that Mr Munsey might be right in his estimate, and it startled me to such an extent that I put my head in my hands, as I had done many times before when the occasion was less serious, and fought the issue squarely to a finish. Reviewing 133 A Year with a Newspaper the long struggle I had made, I could come to but one conclusion: I had been dumped out on my life's journey by an accident. I had misjudged not myself, but my vehicle. While I cast about for exactly the best opening, I deemed it best to "get out of the wet," as the saying goes, and my umbrella took a form I had little antici- pated. My calls on the publishers and advertising men had been fruitless. My Munsey salary, which was known, seemed to stand as a bar, and no offers were forthcoming. In the vast quantity of information I collected in these rounds, however, I came across the ser- viceable hint that "The Boston Journal," a daily newspaper, needed an advertising manager. I cannot say I was tempted. Indeed, when I recalled my first news- paper experience, it took courage to face the prospect at all. While I was in Phila- delphia, as I have mentioned, I had 134 A Year with a Newspaper several opportunities to become adver- tising manager for dailies, but I did not look favourably on such work. That they appeared daily was one great draw- back. Another, more vital, was the fact that they then thought nothing of run- ning all sorts of patent medicine and ob- jectionable advertising. But a newspaper was better than stag- nation, so off went a type-written letter to Stephen O'Meara, who was the "Journal's" publisher. In applying for the position I pointed out that there were some things, as yet untried by dailies, which could be pushed to success with a strong conservative paper such as his own. The advertisements could be set in a manner new to Boston; they could be written more effectively ; they could be illustrated artistically all with the aim of attracting the large dry goods houses, which, unlike Wanamaker's and the great firms of other cities, neglected 135 A Year with a Newspaper to make adequate use of publicity. This letter appealed to Mr O'Meara, as did my reply, when, at a later conference, he broached the question of pay. I said frankly that I did not wish a big salary just enough to live on would do; but what I did want was a percentage of the increased business which I would bring to his paper. This suited him precisely, and I once more took up life in my old home. Naturally, I brought a fresh pair of eyes to bear upon my birthplace. Boston, as one of her noted sons has said, is un- like other great American cities. "Some of her institutions, through antiquity or association, have acquired a positive sanctity. Pedigree is important. The average inhabitant spends much of his time watching the grandson of his neigh- bour's father to see the old man's charac- teristics crop out in him. The boy's failures will be remembered against his 136 A Year with a Newspaper own offspring fifty years hence. It is a city of long memories and traditions." I now met this dead weight of the past at every turn. With "The Ladies' Home Journal" I had dealt with large adver- tisers, and I expected to reach a similar clientele here. But the pillars of Boston commerce were another race of beings altogether. As regards advertising, the great majority of dry goods merchants still dwelt in the Middle Ages. They put in a new elevator occasionally ; they now and then enlarged their stores ; but, prosperous by Boston standards, they saw no reason why they should change their outworn methods of advertising. Entrenched behind their Chinese Wall of indifference, I found them as difficult to get at as the residents of Bar Harbour, who, in my one experience as a book agent, would neither see me nor the volume I had to sell. Finally, I drove an entering wedge with 137 A Year with a Newspaper the house of Shepard, Norwell and Com- pany. Mr Edward E. Cole, the junior partner, a man of keen business calibre and old-school amiability, became in- terested in my ideas, and told me he had planned a similar innovation some time before with Mr Loring F. Deland, whose advertisements, though simple, were remarkably effective. Mr Cole ordered a half-page advertisement to appear weekly for six months. I was not only to advise and suggest, but write and illustrate the items in any man- ner I saw fit. In pursuance of this plan I would even take hats and garments of various sorts from the store for an artist to sketch before I wrote my own copy. With this beginning, one would think, as I thought, that other firms would prove easily accessible, but such was not the case. Often the heads of houses refused to see me at all, and the one chance I had of talking to perhaps the most prominent 138 A Year with a Newspaper of them, was obtained by standing guard till he issued from his private office. I ap- proached him, stopped when he stopped, walked on when he walked, and so, fol- lowing him round his great establishment as he made a journey to a distant depart- ment, I put my argument as best I could. He would hardly listen and kept referring me to his advertising manager, a man with- out power, on whom I had already wasted many hours. Knowing that his prejudice against my paper had its source in an of- fensive news item, I pointed out that years had elapsed since it appeared ; that the "Journal" was under entirely new management, and, a stronger medium in every way, would bring him sure re- turns for his advertising if he would only try it. It was no use. This was Boston of the long memory. He could not, even for profit, forgive the paper which long ago exploited the news that his son had married a shop-girl. 139 A Year with a Newspaper But I had been in similar predicaments and had no doubt of the outcome. I re- membered an amended proverb quoted by a former employer: "All things come round to him who will but wait" if he hustles while he waits. My task was to build up such a medium as would compel people to advertise. I had already abol- ished the black, inartistic type used by other Boston dailies for headings and ad- vertisements, and the new faces wrought a great improvement in our typographical appearance. But I realized that some- thing more unusual than this must be done to acquaint advertisers with the fact that the " Journal" had taken on a new lease of life and energy. It has fallen to me more than once in my experience to hit on ideas in advance of the times, and the proposition it now occurred to me to employ was one which later became very popular, and, under the name of Sunday Supplement, is a feature of many 140 A Year with a Newspaper newspapers in America. I suggested to Mr O'Meara that he reduce the " Sunday Journal" to half its size, and, using a larger type and better paper, make it in effect a weekly magazine, with the news of the world thrown in for good measure. He began to smile, as I continued, and took from a drawer of his desk a showing of half the Sunday issue in the form I advocated. He was pleased that he had anticipated my sug- gestion by a year or more, and as this made my own way easier, I was no less glad. Few men of ideas get anywhere in this world unless they harness power to their originality. The valuable idea is the idea which in the expres- sive slang of the day delivers the goods. So it was, that barring the news section, the Sunday paper was halved in size and doubled in quantity of pages. The type and paper did not conform 141 A Year with a Newspaper to my plan, but we had taken the step, which was the main thing. Following up the campaign, I urged Mr O'Meara to publish daily the figures of our growing circulation. To this he demur- red, saying that we would suffer by comparison with the grossly overstated statement of the "Boston Herald." But just here seemed to me our opportunity. His knowledge of the "Herald's" real standing being exact, I persuaded him to offer to give a thousand dollars or so to some hospital if our rival could prove to a selected committee of advertisers that its circulation came within fifty thousand of its printed claims. This appealed to him, and we were soon in the thick of a circulation war with the battery all on our side. The breastworks of the enemy were soon levelled by the pungent editorials for which Stephen O'Meara was noted, and not long afterward, with a change of management, the colours 142 A Year with a Newspaper fell, too, and the circulation figures were withdrawn. This controversy and the change in size proved most effective. Circulation increased and orders for advertising so multiplied that one Sunday, in addition to many columns of smaller advertisements, I marshalled eleven full-page announce- ments of local houses. As the receipts naturally showed a healthy growth of several thousand dollars each week, I deemed the time ripe to ask my chief to put our scheme through in its entirety. But Boston conservatism once more blocked the march of progress. He was gratified with my work, but stronger than his ambition to see the " Journal" use better paper, larger type and modern illustrations, was his wish to repay his friends some of the money they had advanced him to secure control of the property. My argument that they were wealthy, had no need of the 143 A Year with a Newspaper money, and would beyond doubt approve of the change was of no avail. He agreed in theory, but balked at practice. In two other things I met disappoint- ment. I wanted to see advertisements take their proper place at the bottom of the page, instead of alongside reading matter at the top in the clumsy fashion to which Boston still clung; and I longed for authority to turn all objectionable advertisements from the door. But these policies involved decreased receipts for an indefinite period, and decreased receipts, though they meant an up-to-date publica- tion, were unpopular in the counting-room. I made the best of the situation, hoping presently to see a loophole for further reform, but the future, instead of accom- modating me, produced the Spanish War. This event, while not materially affecting Boston, made a vast difference in the plans of general advertisers, and with the can- cellation of orders of this class, I found 144 A Year with a Newspaper that my successful local work merely stopped the gap of a deficit. After the battle of Santiago, the general advertising returned, and this, coupled with my local business, plainly indicated, that if I could renew my contract on the same terms, my second year would net me a handsome income. When the matter came up for discussion, however, I was again made to realize that I dwelt in the city of sancti- fied traditions. I was told that for the year to come I must be limited to seventy-five hundred dollars, which was "a good salary for Boston." This final example of conservatism so disgusted me that I resigned on the spot. A half hour in my own office, with my head in my hands, altered my point of view. I again went upstairs and with a smiling countenance said I had thought the matter over, and concluded that, after months of hard work, day and night, I was tired out. If he approved, 145 L A Year with a Newspaper I would withdraw my resignation and take a vacation. Mr O'Meara readily assented, as I felt sure he would, and I went to Cuba. Vacations have properly slight rele- vance to this story of a business career, but as on this particular outing I for once saw history in the making, it, perhaps, deserves a digression. Arriving in Ha- vana the afternoon of December 31, 1898, the day before Spain surrendered the island, I presented to Major General Ludlow a letter of introduction from the son of one of his close friends, and asked for a pass which would enable Mrs Thayer and myself to see the next day's ceremo- nies at the palace. He referred me to his Adjutant-General, who was with him at the time, and the pass was presently forth- coming. I was unaware that President McKinley, out of consideration for Spain, had cabled instructions that the cere- monies should not be public, only the 146 A Year with a Newspaper militia and two Press representatives to be witnesses ; and in the same ignorance I set out the following day for the palace. American troops guarded the building, but the general's pass took us by without de- lay in the wake of a group of gentlemen in evening dress. Following their lead, we entered, by mistake, a side entrance of the palace, and to our surprise found ourselves in the private apartments of Governor-General Gastellanos. Knowing no Spanish, I could only extend my pass to his secretary, but the card worked its immediate magic, and amidst bows from the assembled suite, which made our way seem like a royal progress, we were ushered to the throne room. This great chamber we found tenanted only by our- selves, but as we glanced from its immense windows into the plaza we saw on a near building a group of Americans, among whom we identified the wives of generals, senators and other notables who chanced 147 L2 A Year with a Newspaper at that time to be in Cuba. Believing now that a mistake had certainly been made, I displayed my pass to a gentleman in a wonderful uniform and was assured in musical Spanish, of which I understood not a syllable, supplemented by gestures as plain as English print, that our location for the ceremonies was absolutely perfect. So it proved. I looked at my watch. It was five minutes to twelve. At that in- stant rose the solemn strains of the Spanish anthem. As it ceased there was a mo- ment's silence. Then up through the case- ments came the Star Spangled Banner, and the procession, which had formed be- low, wound its way through the great portal and up into the room where we were. Major-General Brooke, and the officers under his command, their dress uniforms and yellow sashes a bright note of colour, entered first; then came the swarthy Cuban leaders, their uniforms less splendid, but their dignity beyond 148 A Year with a Newspaper question; and, last of all, General Castel- lanos and his staff. The scene was too painful to prolong. A moment of forma- lities and it was over, and the defeated said farewell. It was an ordeal for a man of Castellanos' temperament. Tears came to his eyes. "I have been in many bat- tles, " he faltered, * * many trying situations, but never in a position like this." Then, as we watched, the little handful of Spanish troops, headed only by fife and drum, set their faces towards Spain. The drama which began with Columbus was finished. Returning to my desk, I took up work again with my old-time energy, but hav- ing by now gauged the possibilities of Boston, I worked with an eye open for another position elsewhere. It was not long in appearing. Just at this time Mr George W. Wilder obtained control of the Butterick Publishing Company, a million dollar concern in New York, manufacturing paper dress patterns and 149 A Year with a Newspaper publishing a monthly periodical called "The Delineator." This great enterprise, of which his father had been the brains, had through mismanagement fallen into a bad way, but by hard work Mr Wilder and his brothers finally purchased the stock interest of Ebenezer Butterick and secured the direction of its destinies. Casting about for an advertising man, he consulted the advertising manager of the American Tobacco Company, who, at Mr Wilder's suggestion, wrote to ask if I would entertain an offer. He was, he remarked, looking not for the most bril- liant man in the business, but an honest one; a requirement that shed a certain light on the task with which that man would have to cope. A few days after- wards I went to New York and a brief interview settled my engagement. Our plans we threshed out a week later at Mr Wilder's country home, Cheshire Place, in the New Hampshire hills, 150 A Year with a Newspaper where I pointed out to him the great possibilities I saw in "The Delineator," and showed him the first real rate-card which that sadly bungled periodical was to possess. 151 Bleaching a Black Sheep Chapter Nine EORGE WARREN WILDER, the real head of the Butterick Company, has a sense of humour. Returning from lunch with him and some of the staff one day soon after I became his adver- tising manager, I was escorted to a pair of Fairbanks' scales in the shipping department. With solemn mien my new chief indicated that my weight was to be taken, and after prolonged adjust- ments of the various digits, it was as gravely announced that I tipped the beam at one hundred and eighty-eight pounds. Whereupon, leaving the other witnesses of this rite behind, he took my arm, led me by devious ways to an obscure, seldom- 152 Bleaching a Black Sheep used office, and carefully closing the door, turned the key. "You have been here long enough," he said, his face all seriousness, "to know that the advertising department of 'The Delineator* has been grossly mismanaged. We have had no fixed rate. For years ad- vertisers and advertising agents have had no confidence in us. We lack character. Now I believe you will remedy this, for I am told that you are the very man in the advertising world who can do it best and do it quickest. It means much to me, for I have great plans for enlarging this busi- ness. You will have a very hard job to bleach this black sheep of ours, but it will be worth while." Then, his blue eyes lighting with amusement, he added with a smile: "Forget your weight taken to- day. You're going to lose a lot of it." I found the sheep not only as black as he had stated, but unsound in body in other ways for which, as an adver- 153 Bleaching a Black Sheep tising man, I had scarcely expected to prescribe. During my days in the New Hampshire hills, I had blue-printed the possibilities of the future so strongly on Mr Wilder's mind that that ever-active organ demanded prompt and tangible results, but these involved more than increased advertising receipts. Better printing, better illustrations, improved typography, attractive front-cover pages, and, logically, a larger circulation, were all imperative. In all these matters, out- side my province, I assisted materially, and the selection of the circulation mana- ger and his assistant, the art director, and the foreman of the composing-room where our advertisements were set, also devolved upon me in the course of my service. It was natural for Mr Wilder to advise with me in these affairs, for his own knowledge of the publishing business was meagre, but my all-round zeal brought down on me the displeasure of the heads 154 Bleaching a Black Sheep of other departments, who could not make out why an advertising man should suggest and push to completion ideas which did not pertain to his speciality. They did not know that my knowledge of publishing included every branch of the business, and I had no occasion to explain. Of the paper pattern depart- ment familiar to the women of countless households I had no knowledge. Nor did I seek it. I believed that if I con- centrated my abilities on the problems of publication, Mr Wilder's hopes would be the sooner realized. Meanwhile, I had my particular share of the black sheep to look after. Of my association of nearly four years with the Butterick Company, the first twelve months were at once the most difficult and the most interesting. My arrange- ment ran, that, if I increased the adver- tising receipts by fifty thousand dollars during the first year, my salary should 155 Bleaching a Black Sheep be ten thousand dollars, but, this in- centive aside, I realized that the plans for enlarging the business made a larger income from this special source of high importance. With a circulation of nearly half a million monthly, "The Delinea- tor" had been issued primarily as a catalogue of its pattern industry, and its advertising receipts, which at the time of my coming averaged 136,000 dollars a year, were merely incidental. It is very difficult to establish a fixed price for advertising in a publication which has never had one, but this was what I now had to do. The advertising agents of America who handled the busi- ness which was worth while had lost all confidence in "The Delineator," but they knew me, and when I announced that the rate was now two dollars to all comers they showed their faith to a man. Perhaps I should say, except one man. There was a Doubting Thomas, who, 156 Bleaching a Black Sheep holding the magazine's past in sore re- membrance, could not believe his ears, and requested me to put the amazing new doctrine in black and white. He had lost many orders in the past because of the dickering and cutting which had prevailed, and wanted a letter guaran- teeing him a rebate if he could prove, after sending us business, that any other advertiser or agent had secured a lower price. I not only gave him the guaran- tee he asked, but offered him access to our books, files and correspondence should he harbour suspicion in the future. I had never met the man or dealt with him in any way, but my letter convinced him and he became a constant client thereafter. Once made, I kept the rate as rigid as the laws of the Medes and the Persians, disappoint whom it might. This some- times had humorous consequences. Per- haps a month after I took hold of the 157 Bleaching a Black Sheep department, I received a letter from Mr Charles E. Raymond, the Chicago man- ager of the advertising agency of the J. Walter Thompson Company, enclos- ing an order for one of his customers at the old rate. He explained, that on account of absence from the city, he had neglected to send it before or write me concerning it ; and as Mr Raymond was then, as he is still, a dependable man in his field, I knew he wrote the truth. It was important that no exceptions be made, however, and I accordingly replied that I knew he was acting in good faith, and that under ordinary circumstances his order would be accepted, but the advertising department of "The Deline- ator" had such a dubious past that I would do nothing to stir even a breath of suspicion in the future. I closed with a reference to the man who lived so up- right a life that he leaned backwards, saying that, while I did not want to 158 Bleaching a Black Sheep appear to play that role, conditions were such that I must decline his order. Mr Raymond's laconic answer ran: "Dear Sir: You are leaning backwards." A curious paradox of this question is the fact that, although it is suicidal for a publisher to have more than one price for advertising of the same kind, it is yet possible for a publication to contain in the same issue announce- ments of three advertisers all charged at a different rate. A rise in circu- lation naturally involves a better rate, but a notice of an intended increase is customary, and up to a specific date the publisher will take orders to run a year at the ruling price. Sometimes a publisher is forced to take such action oftener than yearly, with a correspond- ing shortening of the time allowance, and so it fell out that during my connection with "The Ladies' Home Journal," "The Delineator," and later with "Every- Bleaching a Black Sheep body's Magazine," there would be ad- vertisements at different rates in a single issue, though the periodicals were on an absolutely one-price basis to all. The end of the first year found the rate firmly established, but the receipts of my department, owing to my war on the objectionable advertisement of which I shall speak in detail later, fell seven thousand dollars short of the expected increase of fifty thousand dollars. But I was highly pleased with our showing, notwithstanding, for "The Delineator" was unmistakably on the upward march. Moreover, my work gained me the maximum salary after all. The unde- sirable advertising I had refused was taken into account, for, as one of the firm pointed out, there was no reason why I should be punished for working for the best interests of the business. During all this time I had in the back of my head the intention to get my old- 160 Bleaching a Black Sheep time friend and co-worker of "The Ladies' Home Journal " to assist me. I needed the strongest possible man in the West, and that man, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was Thomas Balmer. But how should I persuade Mr Wilder to add to my staff an assistant who would demand a salary equal to my own ? The right opportunity seldom fails to come to one who can curb his impatience and bide his time. I recognized the "psychological moment," which novelists are so fond of mentioning, as I sat, fishing-rod in hand, on the bank of a pond at Cheshire Place. "I'm going to get a stronger man in the West very soon," I dropped as casually as if it were a mere question of bait. "Are you?" said my host. "Who is he?" "Thomas Balmer. The strongest ad- vertising man in the world." 161 M Bleaching a Black Sheep "What!" smiled Mr Wilder. "I thought you were it." I assured him that Mr Balmer had no equal as a result-getter, and was un- doubtedly what I had just said, the greatest man in the business. With this opening I proceeded to outline his pro- gress as Western manager of "The Ladies' Home Journal," and the innova- tions for which the advertising world in general was his debtor. The question of cost followed, and I said that while I knew he had declined many big-salaried offers, I believed I could get him to come to us for my own salary if he might have the same increase when he proved him- self worth it. Whereupon Mr Wilder interrupted: "Let's go over to that other pond. There's more fish there." With the requisite authority I left New Hampshire the next morning, happy in the thought that I was sure of a stanch ally in the special reform I had 162 Bleaching a Black Sheep so close at heart. Even more serious to me in the bleaching process than the rate was the question of quality. As much as the company needed greater receipts and as I wanted to earn my maximum salary, I could at no time tolerate the thought of any compromise with my arch-enemy the objectionable advertise- ment. I longed to drive it, not only from our own magazines, but, if I could, from the printed page everywhere. More than any other professional am- bition, I wanted to see American ad- vertising clean. 163 M2 The Fight for Glean Advertising Chapter Ten HEN in the regeneration of ' * The Delineator's " adver- tising department, I faced the question of quality, I lost no time debating a policy. The only course I could pursue was the one to which I had so far consistently adhered: all patent medicine, objectionable and doubtful matter must be declined. But where draw the line? Fraudulent ad- vertising is objectionable always, but objectionable advertising is not always fraudulent. There are grades in adver- tising matter as in conduct. Black and white are easily distinguished; it is with the greys that doubt comes. It happened that one of these neutral 164 The Fight for Clean Advertising cases arose soon after my coming and I saw in it a chance for an object lesson more forcible than a Niagara of verbal argument. There turned up one day an order for a hair restorer, an advertise- ment which had found** The Delineator" a friendly medium for years. I decided to decline this order, but I wanted the company to know what I was doing: the Official I picked out to consult was bald. As I put before him the large advertise- ment of the hair restorer, with its ** Be- fore" and ** After" cuts of a man as ill- thatched as himself, I told him that the order amounted to three thousand dol- lars; that we had space for it; that it had run for many years past. I added that to me, however, it seemed a grave error to accept it unless it could do the things it promised. "Do you believe in such things?" I asked. "I!" he exclaimed. **Do you think 165 The Fight for Clean Advertising that if there was a remedy, I'd have stayed bald for thirty years?" In carrying out this policy, I had a most invaluable assistant in Mr Balmer, who, with his high ideals, was naturally in sym- pathy with the idea. There was nothing half-way about our reform. It struck clear to the root of the evil. Many ad- vertisers promised impossible values for trivial amounts, and it was not long before we announced that not only patent medi- cines and objectionable advertisements would be declined, but all which were extravagantly phrased. Thus an asser- tion that a lady's suit worth seventy-five dollars would be sent on receipt of twenty-five dollars in cash would be considered "extravagantly phrased" and the order declined, unless personal ex- amination proved its truth. It is diffi- cult to explain to the layman the detail with which every announcement was censored. The word "cure" had to be 166 The Fight for Clean Advertising stricken from every advertisement before it appeared in our columns. If a well- known make of vaseline was said to "cure" sunburn, we obtained the adver- tiser's consent to change the word to "relieve," or declined his money. In our printed communications to clients, as well as in the magazine itself, we enlarged upon what we were doing in this line, and made a bid solely for high-grade adver- tising. It came in good volume. So much so, in fact, that the close of our second year saw our total income from this source nearly one hundred thou- sand dollars more than the year before. But, as I have intimated, my crusade in this cause embraced a wider field than the columns of "The Delineator." I wanted to see this much-needed purge universal. Nearly all the general maga- zines inserted advertisements of liquors, patent medicines and other matter as questionable, and with the exception of 167 The Fight for Clean Advertising the " Saturday Evening Post," published by Cyrus Curtis, the weeklies were also transgressors, the religious organs in some cases out-Heroding their secular contemporaries in guilt. The chief sin- ners of all were the great daily news- papers, many of which carried adver- tisements grossly fraudulent. I was characterized as a drastic reformer in my efforts to suppress some of this shameless trading on the sick and feeble- minded, and I daresay I deserved both the title and the epithet. Certainly, wherever I saw an offending head I hit it. My great opportunity came when I was asked to speak on any topic I chose before the Sphinx Club, an association of men devoted to various advertising interests. I delivered this address at the Waldorf-Astoria, October 8, 1902. My subject, illustrated by stereopticon slides, was " Should a Publisher accept Fraudu- lent and Objectionable Advertising?" 168 The Fight for Clean Advertising The daily newspapers furnished me with sufficient ammunition. Of the nu- merous humbugs they had helped foist upon the public I chose three conspicuous examples for comment: the "divine healer," Francis Truth; the so-called Lucky Box; and "Five-hundred-and- twenty-per-cent " Miller. The exploits of these charlatans are doubtless graven deep in the minds of their victims, but the general memory is a thing of wax, and it will do no harm briefly to recapi- tulate these outrageous swindles at which so many newspapers of America con- nived. It is the press of New England which should bear the odium of Francis Truth's shameless success. This quack, schooled to unusual cunning among fakers of the most dangerous type, easily found com- plaisant publishers to print his advertise- ments, headlines and all, in the guise of news. Thanks to their trumpeting of his 169 The Fight for Clean Advertising miraculous "cures," he established him- self luxuriously in one of Boston's best sections and surrounded himself with scores of clerks, who, with series of manifolded letters, "treated" the stricken and deluded thousands who could not flock directly to his door. To those who did come he showed a trophy -room decorated with discarded canes, crutches and braces. Among these convincing relics were also displayed the charred ends of many expensive cigars, for even the smoking habit came within the range of his divine activities. When the crash came, the office boy testified that these stumps had been smoked by the Healer himself after his exhausting labours for ailing humanity. But there were profits before the crash ; ten months of profits, which accumulated at the astounding figure of thirty thousand dollars a week. Then Francis Truth was placed under arrest. The publishers escaped. 170 The Fight for Clean Advertising Intellectual Boston, the haven of all cranks and "isms," was also the friendly nursery of that monumental fake, Park- er's ' ' Three Star Ring Lucky Box. " This talisman, which cost less than a cent to manufacture and sold for ninety-nine, was made of wood and contained a suspended brass ring bearing three stars. The first advertisement announced that "Boston was mystified." Trust Boston! It fur- thermore stated that hundreds had been made happy. Its heading was similar to that of a regular news story, and as news it undoubtedly passed with careless thous- ands. As the superstitious paid in their money and the swindle thrived, two- column announcements detailed the won- ders it had worked. A woman lost her valuable watch; ninety-nine cents invested in a lucky box recovered it. A ship went down in fifteen fathoms of water; the sole survivor carried a lucky box. The happy possessor of another lifted the mortgage 171 The Fight for Clean Advertising on his home lifted it with the box. A Wall Street operator wanted a tip in a panic, a poor man wanted a job, a girl wanted to go to the Paris Exposition, a spinster wanted a husband the lucky box brought them all their heart's desire. The lame threw away their crutches, the drunkard forsook his cups, nothing was impossible in the advertisements! The crowning stroke of knavery was the injunction: * * Successful people with health and wealth are requested not to send for any more boxes, as Mr Parker prefers to deliver the remaining lot to those who are in greater need of this world's goods. " Over 75,000 of these boxes were sold, and when the postal authorities intervened 20,000 letters still awaited delivery. The news- paper publishers of the Modern Athens, who ran this advertising, shared in the loot at the rate of three dollars and a half per inch. W. F. Miller spread a still wider net. 172 The Fight for Clean Advertising He began his financial career with a ten dollar bill loaned him by two friends. He ended it after handling millions in State's prison. Through the newspapers of New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other cities he held out the glittering bait of ten per cent a week on an investment of twenty dollars. And he paid it for a while. The timid pioneers who sent him their little capital found themselves draw- ing the astounding interest of 520 per cent, and every man-jack of them be- came, on a five per cent basis, a willing agent to coax others to send their savings to this wizard with the Midas touch. The advertisements continued, the money poured in. One week saw seventy thousand dollars withdrawn from Boston and Philadelphia savings banks to swell the flood which at high tide reached a mark not far from three million dollars. Miller's press agent styled him a Napo- leon of Finance. His scheme was 173 The Fight for Clean Advertising certainly Napoleonic in its audacity. Nothing could be more simple. He paid the dividends out of the principal. Advertising, and advertising alone, made Miller and Parker and Truth pos- sible. Unabetted by the press, they would never have risen from the obscure ranks of the thimble-riggers and the adepts at three card monte. And it is not the publishers who need the money who print such advertising ; it is not offered to them. It is the paper of good standing, large circulation and high advertising rates which gets the business, and, open-eyed, becomes party to the fraud. A bill, introduced recently in the Massachusetts Legislature, to prohibit the publication of certain paid matter in newspapers unless marked as an adver- tisement, will be a corrective of many similar frauds. Like others who attempt to remedy ex- isting evils, I found myself in advance of 174 The Fight for Clean Advertising the times. Nothing showed this more plainly than the difficulties I now met in trying to form a society for the suppres- sion of fraudulent and objectionable ad- vertising. Prominent men, identified with advertising, when asked to serve on the Board of Directors, regretted that they had not sufficient time. Others declined for the reason that they knew there were other men better able to cope with the situation. I vigorously advocated the for- mation of this society, engaged a secre- tary and personally met the contingent expenses, but disappointed at the lack of interest shown and finding it required too much of the time which I felt belonged to my employer, I reluctantly put the idea aside. But the fight itself I did not abandon. If I could not raise a regiment, I could at least do my part as an independent sharp- shooter. I accordingly stood rigidly by my creed in practice, and by letter and word 175 The Fight for Clean Advertising of mouth did what I could to win over the publishers of other periodicals. This private campaign had one striking result. Among the letters I sent out was one to * * Collier's Weekly. " It was of the * * Con- stant Reader" brand, which sometimes has an influence with a publisher. It ran: "I see * Collier's* every week and I find in it patent medicine and other advertisements which 'The Ladies' Home Journal' and 'The Delineator' do not insert. Why do you accept such advertising? I am sure you do not need the money." A Phila- delphia man fathered the communication, and the response, duly forwarded to me, was cheering. "Upon receipt of your let- ter," it read, "I called our advertising staff together, and we have decided, as soon as certain contracts are completed, to discon- tinue the insertion of such advertising." The letter was signed by Robert Collier, the brilliant son of the founder of this great house. Occupied as editor, this ad- 176 The Fight for Clean Advertising vertising phase had not been seriously con- sidered by him. He needed but this word of mine to set him thinking. Filled with crusading zeal himself, Mr Collier not only drove every doubtful advertisement from the pages of his famous weekly, but, enlisting the trained intelligence of Mr Samuel Hopkins Adams, printed the series of articles entitled "The Great American Fraud." These, combined with the vigorous attack made by ' 'The Ladies' Home Journal," dealt patent medicine advertising the severest blow it ever re- ceived. 177 N My Master Stroke in Advertising Chapter Eleven HE Cinderella -like trans- formation of "The Deline- ator " gave me many knots to untie, and I count my handling of one of them the master stroke of my advertising career. It was not as might be imagined a contract for advertising space footing up into many thousands of dollars. Contracts of from six to twelve pages of space were not unusual. This, on the contrary, was the cancel- lation of an order and its story with its sidelight on the business methods of two kindred yet widely dissimilar nations is not uninteresting. About five years before my engagement, the But- terick Company entered into a contract 178 My Master Stroke in Advertising with the Pears' Soap Company, of Lon- don, for back-cover advertising in "The Delineator" and a pattern catalogue or two, this space to be paid for quarterly on the basis of about six shillings per thousand circulation, the latter to be guaranteed under oath. Two years before my coming, the contract had been renewed for three years with an option for still three more at the same price. Any one can understand that with a circulation of 500,000 at six shillings per thousand, the amount of money thus received for the back cover would be about seven hun- dred and fifty dollars. But here was a virtually new "Delineator," a well- printed and well-made publication, with page-space twice the size of the ordinary magazine, and therefore qualified to ask twice the amount which the ordinary magazine of equal circulation could de- mand. Upon learning of this contract with 179 N2 My Master Stroke in Advertising its ill-advised mortgage on the future, I took the matter up with the officers of the company, and a letter was de- spatched to the London offices to see what could be done. Nothing was accom- plished, however, for the London repre- sentative was not an advertising man, and when he broached the question, it was put in such a way that Mr Barratt, the managing director of the company, de- clined to cancel any part of the order. Realizing how detrimental it would be to our interests to have such a long time contract on our books, I arranged to sail for the other side. I had met Mr Barratt previously, as mentioned in an earlier chapter, and knowing that there was really only one way of doing business in London, I decided to play the game strictly according to English rules. My first call on Mr Barratt, therefore, was at a time when I knew he would not be in his office. I left a card with the name 180 My Master Stroke in Advertising of my hotel, the exclusive Garlton, which I had decided to patronize because I re- membered it had a place in Mr Barratt's affections. Two days later I received a letter from his secretary, asking me to call the next day at five o'clock. I suppose my call extended over an hour. We talked of London, of English art, English cathedrals, English weather of course but of the purpose of my visit not a word. Just as I was about to go, I casually men- tioned that before leaving for Paris I should like to take up a business matter with him, and asked for an appointment. He as casually regretted that as he was leaving in about a week on a fishing trip, he feared he could make no appointment. Finally, however, he so far sacrificed his sacred routine as to ask me to come in the next day. I was prompt and brief. First telling him of my work with "The Delineator," and of the great strides that had already been made, I added that I 181 My Master Stroke in Advertising found myself handicapped in my progress because I could not give an American advertiser any of the back-cover pages. "What do you want me to do?" he asked. I thereupon explained that since Mr Wilder's son had secured control of the company he had enlarged its scope mate- rially by the purchase of a competing company, which likewise published a magazine for women. Would he not be willing to give up six pages of "The Delineator" and use pages in the other publication instead? "Will this assist you personally?" he asked. "Yes," I said. "Then I'll do it." I cabled my office that evening, and a few days later in Paris word came that the first page vacated by Pears had been sold to another advertiser for twelve 182 My Master Stroke in Advertising hundred dollars. But there still remained the ill-starred option. Waiting till the existing contract had nearly run its term, I brought up the question of its renewal in a letter to Mr Barratt, in which I took pains to state that I had looked up the amount of money he had paid us for advertising, and was surprised to learn that it amounted to over one hundred thousand dollars. I reasoned, of course, that when his conservative British eye fell upon this good round sum he would feel constrained to reduce his advertising in our mediums. And I was right. He gave up his option, discontinued for a time, and when Pears' advertising again appeared, the regular price was paid. By reason of increased circulation and improvement in the magazine, the back- cover page of "The Delineator" brought twenty-four hundred dollars within two years thereafter. In the campaign to lift "The De- 183 My Master Stroke in Advertising lineator's" circulation from the five hun- dred thousand we had to the million we obtained, we ourselves became extensive advertisers. Daily newspapers and other magazines were our chief mediums, of course, but for a time we also used the bill-boards to familiarize the public with a catch phrase I had devised. I tried more than a year to hit upon something suitable, but nothing came to me till one day I read an article on the psychology of advertising, by Professor Scott, in which he made it plain that the direct injunction "Cut this coupon out and mail it to-day " would draw more replies than the less emphatic "Use this cou- pon." Acting on this hint, I had repro- duced the line in my handwriting, "Just Get 'The Delineator,'" and waited to see if the women of the country would obey. They did. To my personal knowledge the phrase even tantalized men into buying copies to satisfy their 184 My Master Stroke in Advertising curiosity. One hundred thousand dollars were spent to popularize this phrase. Early in the first year of my service, Mr Wilder began carrying out his plans for the enlargement of the business. One day he said bluntly: "Have you ten thousand dollars?" "No," I replied, my thoughts skipping to the Boston savings bank where I had tucked away three thousand of Mr Munsey's money. "Not all of it, but I can get the balance." The conversation ended as abruptly as it had begun, but it had its sequel later in the announcement that I could buy a hundred shares of stock in the Butterick Publishing Company, Ltd, for a hundred dollars a share if I could raise the money within a week. I had had one modest experience in finance in Philadelphia, where I borrowed money to buy a small block of "Ladies' Home Journal" stock, which I closed out on leaving the city, 185 My Master Stroke in Advertising but this was a larger affair altogether. I had friends and friends, but as I can- vassed the seven-thousand-dollar variety I racked my brain making a list of those who, having the sum, might loan it. Eventually, by the process of elimination, I got down to five names. I went to the wealthiest man first. He lived in Boston, but had a summer home on the coast, and my acquaintance with him was such that I went to the latter, and, as he was away, waited for his return. He arrived late, but promptly invited me to dinner. As we took our coffee afterwards on the broad verandah overlooking the ocean, I made known the purpose of my visit. He listened carefully, and telling me that I was probably paying twice over what the stock was worth, advised me against the investment. As he had related his own early struggles for success, first as a clerk in a drug house, and later as a manufacturer, I was much impressed. I 186 My Master Stroke in Advertising knew that he was even more than a mil- lionaire, and that seven thousand dollars was a small amount for him to loan me if he believed in the proposition as much as I knew he believed in me. So reasoning, I went back to New York. Conservative Boston had taken two days of the precious seven. How- ever, there were five left, one of which was Sunday. Two Philadelphia friends were next on the list, and, working late, I took the midnight train to the Quaker City. Philadelphia may be quieter than Boston, but it is less conservative. The first man I called upon heard me out with interest, told me that no man ever made money until he got into honest debt, and promptly said, that as I could probably get a loan from a bank of sixty per cent on the stock, he would endorse my notes. I was elated, thanked him heartily, and departed. I thought it wise, however, to call on my other listed friend, and 187 My Master Stroke in Advertising after telling him my story mentioned the offer which I had just received, and asked his advice. He volunteered to loan me the remaining thousand dollars upon my note, but thought perhaps he could let me have the entire amount in cash, I to send him the stock as security. He would advise me the next day. I thus obtained the stock in the parent com- pany, and by the absorption of other companies at different times later, my ten thousand dollars doubled and tripled in value. But that is another story, and of its kind most interesting. When a Captain of Finance like George Warren Wilder transforms a company with a million dollars into three, six, and then twelve million dollars of capital, he achieves what the great financier Morgan did in a larger way with United States Steel. And the end is not yet. The profit which came to me by the purchase of this stock was put to a good use, as I 188 My Master Stroke in Advertising shall soon relate. Had I followed my Boston friend's advice, this story would never have been written. This was my last borrowing experience, for I went to banks thereafter the only really legiti- mate place for loans. Three years and a half went by. The concern, which, as some one has pic- turesquely put it, began with a capital of "a ream of paper, a pair of scissors and a good idea," continued its steady march toward the great financial success I have outlined. The share my own department played is most succinctly told in figures. The 137,000 dollars received in adver- tising by the Butterick Company the year previous to my coming had grown, in the final year of my service, to over 600,000 dollars. It exceeds a million to-day. One day, in the President's office, I saw the architect's drawing of a massive stone edifice, fourteen stories high, to be built 189 My Master Stroke in Advertising for and devoted solely to the business of the Butterick Company. Facetiously, the Treasurer remarked: " Look at your new building ! " As I looked I thought : "Many a true word is spoken in jest." As Treasurer, he well knew that my department made it possible. But the new building never housed me. Mr Thomas Balmer, my successor, occu- pied the sumptuous offices of the adver- tising director, for, before the structure was roofed, I perceived a long-awaited opening to become a publisher myself. I had resigned many times before, but on this occasion I took my employer with me. As I said at the outset, Mr Wilder has a sense of humour. To all of our advertisers and advertising agents he sent a printed postal card on which my own name was blazoned in type which broke all rules of display. It read: "Wanted A successor to John Adams Thayer." 190 f Publishing "Everybody's Chapter Twelve URING these many years of hard work to upbuild other people's publications I naturally had at the back of my head the idea of one day becoming a publisher on my own account, but my special knowledge of the field had taught me that it usually meant a long fight to put a publication on its feet. The story of McGlure's struggle had come to me from his own lips. I was a Philadelphian when he started his maga- zine, but we met from time to time, and he one day outlined his life. Boyhood, his college days at Knox, where his later partners, Brady and Phillips, were his classmates ; his varied experiences 191 Publishing "Everybody's" with Albert A. Pope, of bicycle fame, with the Century Company, with his own syndicate, and, finally, with "McClure's Magazine" all were passed in review, and I remember his adding that he had reached the enviable position at last where he did not care whether he made fifteen or a hundred thousand dollars a year. Change and rest were what he wanted now. And there was Munsey. I could not forget his eleven heart-breaking years; his severe toil by day, his still more ex- hausting drudgery by candlelight, when, as he himself has said, he made "a com- plete switch from red-hot actualities to the world of fancy," and by sheer force of will produced serial stories for his magazines at the rate of six thousand words a week. Both these men gambled with their health and nervous energy; and as I realized the risks they had run, because 192 Publishing "Everybody's" of their ignorance of the game, I resolved to bide my time until I was assured of two things : capital, or financial backing, large enough to lift the venture over the rough and stubbly spots always found in the critical first year; and an associate as familiar with the manufacturing branch as I was with the advertising and business end. But, the novice may ask, what about the editor? The prosaic answer is, that with a few notable exceptions, editors do not make magazines financially successful. It is far more difficult to secure a capable advertising manager, and he will demand, and probably re- ceive, twice the editor's salary. Cognizant of these facts, I felt that I had reached another significant mile- stone when Mr Erman J. Ridgway advanced the idea of purchasing ' 'Every- body's Magazine." During my brief term as Mr Munsey's business manager, Mr Ridgway and I served a common 193 O Publishing "Everybody's" employer, but as he was located in New London at the printing plant, we did not come into personal contact. After my return to New York, however, we oc- casionally met, and I received various letters from him, which I showed to Mr Wilder in the hope that we could find a place for him as superintendent of the mechanical department. We were both convinced that in certain lines he had ability of a very high order, but, the emergency not arising, nothing ever came of these talks, and, till we joined forces, our actual acquaintance was slight. In some of our casual meetings, how- ever, he had mentioned his ambition to publish a magazine and his many futile attempts to interest moneyed men in such an enterprise, and it fell out, there- fore, that when he brought his latest project to me, I saw in him the ally for whom I had been waiting. I was eager for the experiment. After 194 Publishing "Everybody's" nearly twelve years as an advertising man I found my work monotonous. Aside from a steadily increasing salary, which had then reached probably the top-notch of the time, I had lost sense of progression and craved a new outlet for my energy. I found it promptly now. Monotony and stagnation were unknown in the days which followed. There was first the question of finance. To invest all my savings in a publishing venture was not my intention at the start. Ridg- way, who was younger than I, had no money, so in talking over plans for the purchase we decided that we would take a third partner and let him finance our work, we to draw small salaries until we put the magazine on a paying basis. The thought of coming down from a thousand dollars a month to five thou- sand dollars per year had no disturbing influence upon me. When the matter was broached to Mr Wilder, whom I 195 02 Publishing "Everybody's" selected to be the " angel," a phase of business acumen appeared which I had not anticipated. It was simply this: I had the money covering one-third of the purchase price of the magazine therefore I should back the venture; Ridgway, having no capital, could not do likewise, but an insurance policy would be taken out, covering his life, the premiums to be taken care of by the company until we had paid the purchase price of the magazine out of our profits and were out of debt. My optimism was such that I needed no time to consider this serious aspect of the transaction. I assented at once. Definite negotiations were then begun by Mr Wilder, whose experience in dealing with big men and big figures made it easy for him to put the matter in such a light that an offer of one-fourth less than the asking price of one hundred thousand dollars was accepted. Fifteen 196 Publishing "Everybody's" monthly notes for five thousand dollars each were duly signed, endorsed and delivered to Mr Robert G. Ogden, then the New York partner of John Wan- amaker, and the magazine was ours. To be sure the notes had yet to be met, but as the payment of the first lay six months in the rosy future, we glowed with the self-satisfaction of the improvident man, who, settling his debts in similar fashion, said, "I'm glad that's paid and off my mind." Mr Ogden's final words showed that he shared our confidence, and read to-day, have a ring of prophecy. "Boys," he said in part- ing, "I know you will make a big suc- cess. That is the principal reason why I entertained your offer in preference to others even larger. I want to see the magazine win out handsomely, and as I am retiring from active business, I shall watch its growth with great interest. I believe it is now on such a basis that 197 Publishing "Everybody's" I can compare it to a peach-tree, well- planted and nurtured, with ripe fruit that needs only plucking." We had our own notions about culti- vating our peach-tree, however, and in our talks with our readers, which we made a special feature, we stated just what kind of a magazine we proposed to give them. As we followed word with deed the news promptly got abroad that "Everybody's" was different from the common run. A paragraph, which appeared in a well-known weekly, bears witness to the impression we made, and in its way voices our ideal. It ran: "Everybody's Magazine begins to be something more than an entertaining ten cents worth of fiction and articles. An identity has been developed a sturdy and aggressive identity all its own and full of interest and promise. Thus far the magazine has prided itself on the time- liness of its features and the healthy 198 Publishing "Everybody's" virility of its fiction. Now it has found itself entered on its own mission, headed out on its particular crusade. The key- note of this individuality is the article by Alfred Henry Lewis, 'The Madness of Much Money.' It is safe to say that it will be generally read and appreciated all over the country. Throughout this number the magazine shows a purpose to depart from the baleful worship of Mammon and its possessors, which char- acterizes so much of the writings in cur- rent periodicals." When I entered their field, many pub- lishers offered me frank sympathy, but as I am no pessimist I gave more weight to the cheerier welcome of Mr William W. Ellsworth. " I congratulate you," he said. "You will get a lot of fun out of it." As the secretary of the Century Company, I felt that he, if anybody, ought to know, but I understood better the special brand of amusement he had in mind after he 199 Publishing "Everybody's" had told me a story of Theodore Roose- velt. Meeting the latter in Union Square one piping midsummer afternoon during his stirring term as Police Commissioner, Mr Ellsworth expressed his surprise that he was not then enjoying himself at Oyster Bay, to which Mr Roosevelt characteristically replied : "Do you think I could get more real fun anywhere than I am having right now in New York?" So it was with us. We worked hard, but the work was as absorbing as a game. The objectionable advertisement loomed in the forefront of our problems, this time a more insidious enemy, because, like the Greeks, it came bearing gifts. In com- mon with other general magazines. "Everybody's" at the time of our pur- chase was running patent medicine and other advertisements at variance with the high standard I had set for myself. The test came over an order for a num- ber of pages of Orangine Powders, which 200 Publishing "Everybody's" reached us a few days after we assumed control. Just at this juncture the adver- tising agent, who some years before had edited my " smooth" letter to Cyrus Curtis, dropped in to see me, and, hand- ing him the order, I asked his opinion. I expected him to confirm my own convic- tion that, a publisher now myself, I could do no less than practise the doctrine I had so energetically preached. To my sur- prise he disagreed. "Other magazines are beginning to decline these things," he said. "Take the money they turn away. Wait till you have many pages of advertising. Then you can afford to be more particular." I thanked him for his advice, but the headache "cure" went back. The next day I joyously announced to my associate that business was looking up : I had even declined several pages. Asked for par- ticulars, I told of the temptation I had put away. He stared his surprise. 201 Publishing "Everybody's" "But isn't that good business?" he de- manded. "'Munsey' and other maga- zines take it." "' Munsey' and the others can afford to take it," I answered. "If we can't make a success of 'Everybody's Maga- zine' without running the stuff I have declined for so many years, then we'll make a failure of it, and I shall lose my money and you your time." From that moment we were in hearty accord in this policy. The next day I sent broadcast an elaborate announce- ment of our policy. In this circular I told of our appeal to the agent, of our belief in his friendship, of our regard for his opinion. We felt, however, that in this instance he was wrong hence the announcement. We had use for the money, but in this reform we were lead- ers, not followers. We now began advertising in the daily papers, but of our many advertisements, 202 Publishing "Everybody's" the first, though small, is best remem- bered. As our initial number was for June, we increased the output only ten thousand copies, for magazine sales are less as summer comes. A week after publication, the entire edition being sold, my professional eye saw an opportunity to advertise, and on the train to my office I formulated an advertisement headed "Our First Mistake." Reading the an- nouncement to my co-worker, I asked his opinion. The day was a sultry one, and we were both fagged with the work on our first issue. Without hesitation he said, "Oh, I don't know. I guess not." "All right," said I, and the advertise- ment in a dozen pieces went into the basket. I had much to do, and knew we would get along without its aid. No one little thing could stop our success. But on returning from lunch, Mr Ridgway said 203 Publishing "Everybody's" he had been thinking it over, and that he did not know but it would be a good plan to advertise as I suggested, and there- upon mentioned a point of which I had not thought. So we sat opposite each other at our big flat desk, and I waited for him to write the advertisement. This done, he tossed it over. "What do you say?" I read it. "Oh, I don't know. I guess not," I replied, and back I tossed it. He thereupon tore the paper up and threw it into the basket. The humour of our action struck us in an instant, and we looked into each other's eyes and laughed. I then suggested that he get his draft, I mine, and that jointly we prepare one which would suit. So we stuck together the torn fragments. The advertisement was sent to the leading newspapers of the country and was a great success. Our assistant editor, a 204 Publishing "Everybody's most intelligent woman, told me that she read it without realizing it was our own till the very end. With the editorial work of the magazine I did not concern myself. Mr Ridgway directed this department with the aid of able editors, both men and women. I did, however, reserve the right to pass finally upon the contents before it went to press. Occasionally a picture or an article was cut out on my suggestion and others sub- stituted. I had a hand, too, in "With Everybody's Publishers," which at the beginning was a strong feature of the magazine. The department, "Under a Spreading Chestnut Tree," was also one in which I became interested. In fact, I recall that I paid twenty-five dollars to the man who suggested this heading and some stories which came with it. The stories were returned. The heading should have gone back also, for I found out later that this also was a "chestnut," having 205 Publishing "Everybody's" been used in a New York paper for many months. I was always eager to get the type- written copy of "Frenzied Finance" be- fore it went through the editorial depart- ment. Thereby hangs a tale. In one of Mr Lawson's chapters he referred to a "meeting of the Board of Directors of the United States Steel Corporation, wherein Mr Henry H. Rogers, having made his invariable plea for quick action, was in- terrupted by the president of the corpora- tion, who blurted out: 'Mr Rogers will vote on this question after we have talked on it.' In a voice that those who heard it say sounded like a rattlesnake's hiss in a refrigerator, Mr Rogers replied: 'All meetings where I sit as a director vote first and talk after I am gone.'" Re-read- ing this, after it had been put in type, I found that our editors had changed the species of the snake. Demanding a rea- son, I was informed that neither did 206 Publishing "Everybody's" snakes inhabit refrigerators nor rattle- snakes hiss, but that on conferring together in the absence of the editor-in-chief, they had decided to let the refrigerator remain, but to make it a black snake, which really did hiss. I instructed these sticklers for exact biology to restore the sentence to its original pungent form. A few days afterwards, Mr Ridgway, who was in the West, also noticed the alteration and tele- graphed: "Have editorial department change black snake to rattlesnake as originally sent." The man who turns the pages of his magazine in slippered ease seldom reali- zes the labour involved in its preparation. He appreciates that authors have written, artists plied brush and pencil, and editors racked their brains to provide these novel- ties which instruct or beguile his evening hour, but of the enormous mass of detail the important little things which lies beyond, he knows nothing. Who, for ex- 207 Publishing "Everybody's" ample, imagines that the weather enters into the magazine publisher's calcula- tions ? Yet it is one of the factors which must be considered when the monthly question "How many copies shall we print ?" presents itself. An April number issued during the last days of March will sag dismally if the usual bad days are passed before it reaches the news-stands. In fact, I should say that a too lamb-like exit of March would make a difference of twenty thousand in the sales of an edition of half a million copies. The caprices of climate aside, it is never an easy matter to gauge the size of an edi- tion save in the case of a gradual increase or a gradual decline of circulation. Or take the cover design. Who con- siders with what effort it may have been evolved? In our early days we had much assistance from Ralph Tilton, son of Theodore Tilton, in handling this troublesome detail. It was he who pro- 208 Publishing "Everybody's" posed that we have auto-chromatic plates made from actual designs, photographed down to the proper size. While our first cover was not particularly artistic it represented two hearts cut on a birch tree it was yet different from all other magazine covers, and caused comment by reason of its sentiment and novelty. He formulated many other ideas for us, suggesting them often in less time than it takes me to tell of it. After " Frenzied Finance" began, the endless problems which came up in regard to business, advertising and editorial, crowded us so closely that we all, including the art director who was very capable in his line had difficulty in finding new designs, but in such emergencies Ralph Tilton never failed us. Once when we were in desperate straits, I telephoned him to meet me at the Caf6 Martin for luncheon. An idea was at once forthcoming. " You say your Lawson article treats of stock 209 P Publishing "Everybody's" market operations. To me that suggests bulls and lambs. Why not go to a toy store and get a bull's head and a little lamb on wheels ? Arrange them artistic- ally, with a suitable background, and you will have a good cover." Whereupon he pencilled on the table-cloth a rough sketch for a design, which was not only appropriate but highly striking. Sugges- tions of this kind stimulated our imagina- tions, and I believe that one of our most effective covers was that of a tiger, photo- graphed direct in its natural colours from a beautiful two thousand dollar rug that I happened to see in the shop-window of a Broadway furrier. I had read the manuscript of the Lawson article the pre- vious day, and as it contained the ex- pression, "This cruel, tigerish system," the beast's eyes, glaring at me through the glass, brought me to a halt, and in an instant gave me the idea. 210 Publishing "Everybody's" On its business side, as well as in quality, " Every body's Magazine" was created afresh during the first twelve months of our ownership. Abolishing the cut-price club plan, we put the sub- scription list on a stronger basis, and in a year doubled our circulation. As a natural result, we also doubled our adver- tising rate. When we bought the pro- perty, its price was one hundred and fifty dollars a page, one dollar per page per thousand circulation being the re- cognized rate among general magazines, though an extra twenty, or even fifty, thousand is often given for good measure. With a showing of three hundred thou- sand we could ask three hundred dollars a page, and on this healthy footing we already stood when the publication of " Frenzied Finance" began to increase our circulation to the merry tune of fifty thousand copies a month. 211 P2 The Discovery of Tom Lawson Chapter Thirteen i was as a private in a company of Hayes and Wheeler Cadets that I had my first glimpse of Thomas W. Lawson. That curious phase of our political life, the torchlight club, reached its cli- max of extravagance in the legion of plumed knights who eight years later went down to defeat with James G. Blaine, but it was a sprightly and pictur- esque factor in the Tilden-Hayes cam- paign, and, as such, served as a vent for the abundant energy of the youthful Lawson. I did not know him personally then, for he was a captain, and, even in campaign clubs, captains and privates are far removed. But I heard so much of 212 The Discovery of Tom Lawson him as we made our noisy crusades about the suburbs of Boston that his share in this boyish episode persisted in my me- mory till our actual acquaintance began. In the twenty odd years which inter- vened, the captain of the torchlight com- pany became a captain of finance. If a single word can summarize an epoch, the word for that quarter century is money. Colossal fortunes never rolled themselves up more quickly; men of commanding intellect never devoted themselves with more relentless'energy to a sordid ideal. The ally of the foremost financiers, Thomas W. Lawson's knowledge of the inner history of this period was second to none, and when one day, disgusted .with the methods of his associates, he told the press of America that he meant to spend the rest of his life and his fortune if necessary in showing up Standard Oil, our silent partner, Mr Wilder, was struck with an idea. Dining with me that even- 213 The Discovery of Tom Lawson ing, he suggested that if we could get Tom Lawson to write the story of Amal- gamated Copper for our magazine, we should have something worth telling, something people would be eager to read, something which would boom our circu- lation. The idea made an instant appeal to me, and the next morning I men- tioned it to Ridgway, saying I approved of it, and that, if he agreed, I would at- tempt to secure the story. He replied that Wilder had telephoned him about it the day before, and that while he doubted if we could get it, he saw no harm in try- ing. That night, notwithstanding I had received no answer to a telegram in- quiring whether Mr Lawson was there, I went to Boston, taking with me the editor, John O'Hara Gosgrave. As a preliminary move we first called on my friend, General Charles H. Tay- lor, of "The Boston Globe." It is not a matter of common knowledge that Gene- 214 The Discovery of Tom Lawson ral Taylor was one of the pioneer ten- cent magazine publishers. Launching his venture under the name of " American Homes," he was on the threshold of a tremendous success when the great Boston fire of 1872-73 destroyed his editions and plant. But for this he would doubtless have set the pace for other magazines instead of concentrating his energy upon publishing the powerful daily so ably man- aged by his talented sons. Retaining a keen interest in the field where he him- self had turned so promising a furrow, he readily gave me a letter of introduction, and as I have often known trifles to score where larger artillery fails, I thought it expedient to ask him to mention that, a Boston boy myself, I had once marched among Mr Lawson's torchlight hosts. This General Taylor did, and, as Mr Lawson himself afterwards told me, the allusion reached its mark. Our first attempt to see him, however, 215 The Discovery of Tom Lawson was unsuccessful, but his secretary told us that we had interested Mr Lawson, who wished to know exactly the kind of articles we wanted and what we pro- posed to do about advertising them. Then, finally, at the close of the day there was brought to our hotel a type- written paragraph, unsigned, which stated that he knew just what we desired, but not being certain he wanted then to begin to write it, would give the matter con- sideration. With this showing, which might mean all or nothing, the editor and I returned to New York. Now foremost among the personal characteristics of Mr Gosgrave is the quality of persistence. He had assisted Doubleday-Page in editing "Every- body's" under the John Wanamaker regime, and coming over to us at the time we bought the property, was the acting editor of the magazine under Mr Ridgway. He had already shown signs of 216 The Discovery of Tom Lawson the great ability, which, on the establish- ment of "Ridgway's Weekly," later won him the full editorship of " Everybody's," at a salary equalled by few editors. At the time of which I write this dominant quality was even stronger, untempered by experience, than it is now, and in the hope that he might put our business in so plausible a light that Mr Lawson would consent, we sent him back to Boston. It was without doubt his resolute siege of the financier's outer office which finally won, for after many days Mr Lawson became so impressed with his persistence that he granted him an interview. This talk had its prompt sequel in a general conference which settled the matter on a basis beyond our rosiest dreams. In his characteristic manner Mr Lawson outlined what he hoped to accomplish, disclosed his remedy for the evils he proposed to attack, and then stating that having looked us up since our first 217 The Discovery of Tom Lawson request for an interview and decided that we were game, told us that he intended to write the articles for serial publication without payment, and to advertise them in the daily newspapers at his own expense. We had secured a prize unique in the annals of magazine publishing. But where, it was often asked, did Lawson come in ? There was no ready answer to the question, for we never precisely knew. "The Remedy," which he explained to us at our second inter- view, was only to be given to the public after " Frenzied Finance " was finished. It was his belief that when this was unfolded and the American people, with the great downfall of the trusts, had come into possession of the millions ruthlessly pillaged from them, he also, in common with the people, would reap the material benefit of his work. The profit to "Everybody's" was 218 The Discovery of Tom Lawson happily less remote. Mr. Lawson's first article sketched, in his inimitable way, what he meant to tell. The hors- d'ceuv res of the feast to follow, it whetted the appetite of the American public as never did cocktail and caviar tempt the palate of the veriest gourmet. Nor did Jonah open wider eyes upon his record-break- ing gourd than we turned on the miracle wrought in our circulation. We beheld the wonderful vision of owning a great magazine property without the long, hard preparatory struggle of a "Mun- sey" or a "McClure"; we saw our- selves, free of worry as to personal needs, possessed of power to continue our work for what we believed to be the common good. Mr. Lawson's laurels were not to pass unchallenged, however. The July issue, wherein ** Frenzied Finance " began its spectacular career, also con- tained the first instalment of a serial 219 The Discovery of Tom Lawson which we had arranged to publish long before the Lawson project arose. In the early autumn Mr. Hall Gaine per- formed his annual pilgrimage to London to call upon his publisher. The latter, having transatlantic connections, men- tioned to the author that the circulation of " Everybody's Magazine" had made extraordinary gains. "Yes," said Mr. Caine, "I expected it. That is the American magazine which is publishing my new story, *The Prodigal Son." It was my lot to have many interviews with our remarkable contributor, some of them intensely interesting. Indeed, I may say that although I have waited hours, even days, to see him so many were the demands upon his time I have always felt repaid for the delay. A fluent talker, his conversation was as entertaining as his literary style, which I need remind no one has a racy vigour all its own. These visits of mine had mainly to do 220 The Discovery of Tom Lawson with the exploiting of " Frenzied Fi- nance." At the time he promised us the story we had discussed many suggestions for its advertisement. One was that we offer fifty thousand dollars as a prize for the best essay on * * Frenzied Finance " at the end of its serial run. As Mr Lawson put this forward as the condition on which he would give us his story, we readily assented, though we believed, and even- tually persuaded him, that there were more effective ways of advertising. The regular monthly announcements each in- volved a race against time. Magazine publishers usually send out the advertise- ments of their forthcoming issue in ad- vance, the agent mailing them direct to the newspapers with instructions to insert on the day of publication. It was never possible for us to follow this custom. Written by Mr Lawson the afternoon before the magazine was to appear, the advertisements of ** Frenzied Finance" 221 The Discovery of Tom Lawson were put in type by some Boston news- paper, and then rushed to the other dailies throughout the country by telegraph. Once in a while the announcement would be ready in time for someone to carry it to New York, whence it could be tele- phoned to nearer points, like Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. But these occasions for economy were rare. Joining him late one afternoon for a twelfth hour consultation of this sort, I found his desk heaped high with a mass of letters, telegrams and cheques, all in answer to one of his large financial adver- tisements of the day before. He was forming a five-million-dollar pool for the purpose of selling short American Smelt- ing and certain other stocks which he claimed were grossly inflated. By the action of this pool these stocks were to be put down to a point near their real value. Only wealthy men were invited to parti- cipate, and the smallest cheque acceptable 222 The Discovery of Tom Lawsofi from any one person was twenty-five thousand dollars. Taking up one of these letters, with its lemon-coloured enclosure, he turned it over to me with the remark, "That's a good-sized cheque, Thayer." The amount was fifty thousand dollars; the letter, which began "Dear Tom," said briefly that the writer believed in the pool and would later in the week, perhaps, double his subscription. Both letter and cheque were signed "Russel Sage." Since the venerable financier had been handled without gloves in his articles, I was surprised, but as the cheque also bore the usual scrawl of a bank cashier, it did not occur to me to doubt its authenticity. A few days later, however, happening to call on the Vice- President of the Corn Exchange Bank, upon which the cheque was drawn, I asked to see their method of certification, and then perceived that the five-million- dollar pool was short a distinguished 223 The Discovery of Tom Lawson member. When I next saw Mr Lawson I told him that he had deliberately de- ceived me. The wonder in his blue eyes turned to merriment as I explained. "That was fair," he said. "It was sent me as a joke I passed it on." During one of my trips to New Eng- land I chanced to be a witness of his sensational meeting with the mining operator, Colonel Greene. The latter, using page advertisements in the daily press, had called the author of ' ' Frenzied Finance" a liar, a fakir and a charlatan, and stated that he proposed to take an early train to Boston to settle with him. On the appearance of this advertisement, we received a telegram from a city in the far West, addressed to Mr Lawson. It ran: "Bully boy. You are doing a great work. Others besides Colonel Greene have notches in their guns. I am taking first train to Boston." I also took the first train to Boston, in the hope 224 The Discovery of Tom Lawson that I might arrive in advance of these two redoubtable warriors. In the morn- ing papers that day appeared a telegram, supposedly from Mr Lawson to Colonel Greene, to the effect that as he had much consideration for his office, which contained many art treasures, he would meet him in front of the Old State House where the blood of patriots had pre- viously been shed. Crowds thronged the historic spot, but Colonel Greene failed to appear. On my way to Mr Lawson's home that evening, he regaled me with a number of interesting episodes of his earlier life, wherein attempts to assassinate him had proved futile. Se- curing lodging for the night at the Touraine, the clerk telephoned me early the next morning that Mr Lawson had called and sent in his card to Colonel Greene, who by now had reached the battle-ground. Hastily donning my clothes, and without breakfast, I de- 225 Q The Discovery of Tom Lawson scended just in time to witness their meeting in the hotel corridor, and to mount with them to Colonel Greene's apartments. No weapons were used in this encounter. It was a battle of words, in which the author of " Frenzied Fi- nance" was an easy victor. At this period Mr Lawson figured in an episode closely personal to myself. I have referred in an earlier chapter to the touching tribute paid me by my friends when I left Philadelphia. It remained a warm memory in the years which followed, and I cherished the hope that I might some day show my appre- ciation. In January, 1905, this thought of a decade crystallized in a definite plan. I decided that I would myself give a dinner and ask, not only those old-time friends, but such new ones as had in the meantime come upon my horizon. Public dinners are often stupid affairs, and unless a Patrick Francis Murphy or 226 The Discovery of Tom Lawsofl a Simeon Ford is to speak, they are avoided by the man fond of home and family. Private dinners, without some amusing feature, may be quite as unin- teresting, and I therefore planned that my guests should be entertained in some novel way. Given under such circum- stances, no list of guests was issued, no representatives of the press were per- mitted to be present, no speeches were reported. Notwithstanding this fact, the newspapers of New York and other cities printed various accounts of the dinner. The one which follows has its humorous points : LAWSON OF BOSTON BRINGS PROSPERITY TO MAGAZINE Publisher of "Frenzied Finance" Series Gives Dinner at St Regis, on Gold Plates Lawson Talks over Phone. "New York, February 20. (Special) John Adams Thayer, who is Secretary 227 Q2 The Discovery of Tom Lawson and Treasurer of the Ridgway-Thayer Publishing Company, gave a dinner at the St Regis Hotel to-night to celebrate his birthday anniversary. Incidentally the dinner also celebrated the prosperity of * Everybody's Magazine* since it became the medium through which Thomas W. Lawson of Boston exposes himself and others. "It was a feast fit to celebrate a six months' hunt for the money devil. About Thayer sat nearly forty congra- tulants. Some of them share his present prosperity, but most of them are men with whom he had been associated in the past. They had been invited with cards which were engraved in facsimile of Thayer's own handwriting. As a cheerful jest they had also been furnished with cards entitling them to admission at the front entrance of the St Regis. *'The dinner was served on a modest collection of plate which the hotel clas- 228 The Discovery of Tom Lawson sifies as its 'special banquet gold ser- vice.' The menus were bound in brown leather, and included a letter from Law- son to Thayer, which carefully was copyrighted by Thayer, thus keeping it from any possibility of reproduction by vulgar newspapers. "Telephones had been provided at the place of each guest, and at ten o'clock the inevitable Thomas Lawson, who is in Boston, was put into connection with all of them at once. He talked for twenty minutes. Some of his auditors said afterward it wouldn't do at all for them to tell what he said. Others said simply they couldn't remember. "Certainly Lawson dealt cheerfully with the host of the evening, and com- plimented him on his prosperity in batt- ling with the armies of greed and their vulgar display of ill-gotten wealth. Like- wise, he said the past, present and future finance was known only to one man, and 229 The Discovery of Tom Law-son that one man was at the Boston end of the telephone." Mr Lawson's speech by telephone was not at all serious. His letter, on the other hand, struck a different note, yet one equally characteristic of the man. It was entitled "Looping the Life Circle," and was read by Mr Ridgway, who has oratorical abilities of no mean order. Copyrighted as it was at the time, it has never before been published. "Looping the life circle is the order of human existence. Old Ringmaster time cracks his whip as the man steps out upon the flying zone to begin his wonderful journey by way of sunland, moon and starland to the enchanted chamber at the world's end. Round the great orbit he swings through spring days and summertime, and above the music of the spheres the crack of the Ringmaster's whip signals the passing 230 The Discovery of Tom Lawson years, faintly at first, louder as the mel- low autumn shadows fall and in thunder tones as the circle spins into the hoary regions where Winter is king. To-night the echo of the whip's crack, dimly heard, is in the air, and we who cling near your rim of the circle rejoice that its course is still in the August loop, and that before you and us stretch glorious days of racing in space amid suns and constellations hung out for our delec- tation. Afar off, indefinite as a dream, is the enchanted chamber, so that what need we care, while our grip on the rim is strong, for the lightning play or the bleak wind that blow in the wild waste places, or for the grey gates man at the world's end. To-night's flight is through the perfume of stellar gar dens; to-morrow we will pick the ripened fruit in Orion's orchards, and before Time's whip cracks out again, who knows through what Aladdin realm we 231 The Discovery of Tom Lawson may be flitting. So let us be glad glad of the speed and the beauty, of the per- fume and the vision, but most of all glad that Fate has set us so close together on the circle rim that while the echo of the Ringmaster's whip is still in the air, we can clasp each other's hands and know that whatever storms lower, we have not to weather them alone." I possess two personally inscribed books of Mr Lawson's. One is "The Lawson History of the America's Cup,"' the other "Frenzied Finance." In the latter he penned this : "My dear Thayer: "As sure as water seeks its level, released balloons the sky, and stocks the earth, crime will hunt its creator. "You little thought when General Taylor sent you with that note that you and I would be condemned to travel hell together without a fire extinguisher 232 The Discovery of Tom Lawson or insurance policy, but we live and learn. "To show you I do, and that I pick blooms from the bush of forgiveness as I travel, I wish you and yours a most happy Christmas. Believe me, "Yours very truly, "Thomas W. Lawson. "Boston, December 25, 1905." 233 Divorced with Alimony Chapter Fourteen R LAWSON'S great serial began its course in July, and as it is customary to give the cover design of that month a patriotic touch, this issue, the best we could produce, bore an eagle with outspread wings ? the American flag printed in strong colours. The red, white and blue attracted much attention on the news-stands. It also drew the notice of the Chief Police Commissioner of Boston, who declared that the American flag was used as an adver- tisement, and that therefore the magazine could not be sold. The news-dealers in Boston, however, always ready for an emergency, decided that their customers should be supplied, even without the covers, and so announced by large signs. 234 Divorced with Alimony Whereupon the Commissioner's decision, of course, got into the newspapers, whose many comments and editorials led to in- creased sales in Boston and vicinity. Perceiving a chance to help the sales in other parts of the country, I made a hur- ried trip to Boston and had a talk with the Commissioner. He had a charming personality and was very polite, but in- sisted that he must obey the letter of the law and prohibit the sale of the magazine. After my talk with him I gave an inter- view to the Boston papers, told of the conference and stated that the publishers of "Everybody's Magazine" had no thought of desecrating the American flag in fact, that we did not consider the cover an advertisement at all. Our idea was to encourage rather than to dis- courage patriotism. Changing the cover of the second edition, which was then on the presses, we reproduced in a large broadside many of the editorials and Divorced with Alimony items referring to the suppression of the first edition, and sent these sheets to the editors of newspapers throughout the country, requesting them, as believers in right and justice, to reprint some of them, with or without comment. The fact that we were ourselves large advertisers at the time helped considerably, and the immense amount of free advertising which we received resulted in the sale of the second edition. In many places throughout the country copies of the July issue were sold at three and four times its regular price, and extraordin- ary stories reached us of the manner in which the magazine circulated from hand to hand. In a letter which came to us from an isolated town near Quebec, it was stated that one copy of the July issue had been read by forty-five different people. Then began the incessant call for back numbers. The demand was so great 236 Divorced with Alimony that we printed a little pamphlet called "The Chapters Which Went Before," and this assisted greatly in putting the story in the hands of the public. Al- though the August issue exceeded its predecessor by fifty thousand copies, it yet fell twenty-five thousand short of the newsdealers' requirements. Month by month we taxed the full capacity of a number of printing establishments, until, in less than a year after Mr. Lawson's articles began, we announced an edition of one million, which he himself had predicted. In the meantime we had to effect a revolution in our advertising. With our circulation climbing in the amazing fashion I have described, we justly felt that our price for advertising should increase pro rata, but as it is customary for publishers to give notice of an ad- vance, meanwhile taking orders at the old rate for a year, we found ourselves in a dilemma. The unusual situation 237 Divorced with Alimony seemed to warrant unusual measures, and we accordingly decided to break with tradition and announce an immediate increase, without notice, to four hundred dollars per page. To impress advertisers with the fact that the occasion was excep- tional in every way, we printed this an- nouncement in two colours on Japanese parchment paper, and, giving it the form of a proclamation, affixed the signature of the secretary and the seal of the company at the bottom. Yet, even before a later rate of five hundred dollars per page, was established, our circulation had so grown that we felt certain of an ultimate monthly issue of a million. We there- upon made a price of a dollar a line per thousand circulation, with a bonus of one hundred thousand thrown in, but this de- vice was short-lived. Advertisers must know in advance what they are to pay ; otherwise it is impossible for them to arrange their expenditure. 238 Divorced with Alimony These rapidly advancing prices made our back-cover page very costly, for this position in all magazines is valued at four times a regular page. It so happened that one of these back-covers was for once not sold in advance. A week remained in which to find a customer at its fixed price ; I was in a quandary. We had announced an edition of a million copies, and this space, which at the old rate had brought as high as two thousand dollars, had now doubled in value. Who would buy a page worth four thousand dollars? Then I had an inspiration. Why not advertise it! Such a thing had never been done, but if anything of value could be sold by advertising, why not this ? The idea came to me in the early morning at the hour when dreams come and it was so realistic that I awoke, rose and wrote the announcement. Then I sought repose again and found it. I also found a buyer for the page. On the very day of 239 Divorced with Alimony its appearance in the morning "Sun" my advertisement brought a customer. Those were roaring times in the adver- tising world generally, and, what with the growth of the field and the dearth of spe- cialists, I had presently to pay [fifteen thousand dollars annually, with a Con- tract for three years, to the wonderfully efficient man who took the burden of "Everybody's" advertising department off my shoulders. Giving our readers the same number of reading pages as "Harper's" and "The Century," we felt that we were entitled to more than ten cents a copy. But to raise the subscription price of a magazine is an important step. I was well aware of this, for "The Ladies' Home Journal" had doubled its price a few years before I went to it, and I had specially studied the work- ing of this phase of publishing. With our mounting circulation and low advertising rate, for the higher prices, though an- 240 Divoroed with Alimony nounced, were not yet in force, profits were small. At fifteen cents a copy, there would be little loss on circula- tion. When to make the change was the problem. Then, one morning, the daily newspapers did us the kindness to print the statement that "Everybody's Maga- zine" was to be suppressed. The attor- ney for Henry H. Rogers, of Standard Oil fame, had written the American News Company that if the magazines were dis- tributed and put on sale throughout the country, action at law would be taken. The elevated train, on which I rode that morning, seemed to creep at a snail's pace. Arriving at my office, I burst in on Mr Ridgway. "Now's the time!" I cried. With the dignity of a foreign ambassa- dor, the active partner of my troubles leaned back in his chair and smiled. "Yes; for what?" said he. "To increase our price!" 241 R Divorced with Alimony My co-worker took fire himself. In a moment he had our printer on the tele- phone, the presses were stopped, and the change was made. The free advertising given us by the magic name of Standard Oil was so immense that the edition for the month, though larger than before, was swept from the news-stands on the day of publication. Our horizon was sometimes troubled with clouds without this silver lining of gratuitous advertisement. We never wor- ried about the money for the pay-roll, or for the paper, or for the printer those nightmares which haunt the bedsides of many publishers ; but we did face breath- taking situations. These were more or less closely related to Mr Lawson's per- sonality. One such episode had its storm centre in a picture of Mr J. Pierpont Morgan, to whom Mr Lawson referred in one of his chapters. Not finding a good photograph for reproduction, we asked 242 Divorced with Alimony Mr Lawson if he had one we might use, with the upshot that we made a plate from a steel engraving which was in itself a work of art. After the magazine ap- peared on the news-stands we were waited upon at our offices by the pub- lisher of the engraving a limited edition and he came prepared. He had with him, in fact, the law of copyright, which clearly stated that one dollar a copy could be claimed for every impression we had made. Inasmuch as our output that month totalled 700,000 copies, we were liable for seven hundred thousand dollars. It was a most interesting after- noon. Another incident, as disconcerting, reached its climax while we were pre- paring to issue "Frenzied Finance" in book form. Literary friends of Mr Law- son had advised him that his material should be re-arranged for book publica- tion, and to this he agreed. At the last 243 R2 Divorced with Alimony moment, however, by a quick decision of the author, it was all restored to the original shape in which it had appeared in the magazine. As we were very anxious to publish the first volume promptly, this embarrassed us, but we pushed the work forward, and, having more than half the book in type, were pluming ourselves on our wonderful progress, when Mr Law- son again called a halt with a long tele- gram. Our dismay may be imagined as we read that he preferred another style of type and that the book must be reset. He added that it was one of his constitu- tional proclivities to change things, and referred us to a certain remark made by District Attorney Jerome at a public din- ner in Kansas City. On this occasion, which was in Mr Lawson's honour, Mr Ridgway had used this language: "When God needed a father of his country, He raised a Washington ; when He needed an emancipator for the country, He raised a 244 Divorced with Alimony Lincoln; when He needed a saviour of the country He raised a Lawson." Mr Jerome, who followed, paraphrased this dizzy flight by saying that, in his opinion, when God created Lawson He needed some one to raise hell. The close of ** Frenzied Finance" found us issuing between five and six hundred thousand copies monthly. Long before this we had striven to produce a maga- zine which, outside the Lawson feature, should be well worth its price, and hence it fell out that the great bulk of the circu- lation was retained. With an increased advertising income, not only were divi- dends in order, but also larger salaries. Visions came of owning my own home and an automobile or two. The magazine was on such a sound footing that it would take years of mismanagement or extrava- gant expenditure to injure the property. With the advertising department in the hands of a capable manager, I planned to 245 Divorced with Alimony travel extensively, taking turns with my partner. I even thought of going around the world. "See America first," was in my thought, however, and soon a trip was made to California. I dined at the Poodle Dog in San Francisco, fished at Catalina Island, saw the Grand Canon of Arizona ; spent a delightful afternoon and evening with Professor John Muir on the edge of the Petrified Forest and returned in Mr Wilder's private car to New York. I had been gone two months. During my absence ambitious plans for the establish- ment of a weekly paper had been hatched by Mr Ridgway. It was to be a great na- tional journal, published under the name of " Ridgway 's A Militant Weekly for God and Country." As big locally as nationally, it was to be published in four- teen of the largest cities of the country with responsible heads and assistants in each city. The Washington Bureau was to be the great important feature. The 246 Divorced with Alimony people were to be told exactly what the Government was doing with the thou- sand millions of dollars it spends every year. In this city alone a staff of from six to ten news-gatherers and editors would garner the week's history and telegraph it on Friday to each of the cities where "Ridg way's" was to appear. Moreover, it was to have, the Foreword stated, good wholesome fiction, with honest sentiment and "red blood." I was not in sympathy with this grandi- ose dream. I had risked my all at the establishment of " Everybody's," and now that we were out of debt, I wanted to see a surplus before I gave serious thought to another publication. I there- fore advised my partner to put it aside for another year or two till we should be in a better position to take it up. Sur- prised as I was at his determination not to delay the founding of his weekly, I was still more taken aback when the project 247 Divorced with Alimony was seconded by our silent partner. Mr Wilder, during our business life, sat as judge upon our differences, which were few and far between, and in this instance I felt as confident as I had on the other occasions that he would decide with me. I found myself in the minority, however. Their idea was another "engine fighting for the common good." In my own life, I had fought long and hard for my daily bread, and before taking up the fight for others on this colossal scale, I wanted to see myself so entrenched that I need not worry about personal needs. I was be- tween the upper and nether millstones. One of my partners was blessed as few men are blessed, and in addition had much of this world's goods. Mr Ridg- way had his interest in the magazine and the ambition to plant his Excelsior flag on loftier heights. Divorce, there- fore, was the natural outcome, and it came quickly. Disposing of the larger 248 Divorced with Alimony part of my interest at a price which was considered fair, my alimony was further swelled by the continuance of my salary for three years. S. S. McGlure and John S. Phillips, of "McClure's Maga- zine," parted company about the same time, but the sentiment which attended the break between these college chums and intimate friends, played no part in my separation from Mr Ridgway. We were merely co-workers for three happy years of business life. To Mr Wilder I was bound by other ties. Since then water has flowed under the bridge. The weekly I opposed long since completed its short cycle from premature birth to early death. Its nineteen num- bers entailed a loss of over three hundred thousand dollars! But "Everybody's," soundly based, has gone on from strength to strength. Even as I end this chapter the newspapers tell me that, by increasing 249 Divorced with Alimony its stock by three millions, the Butterick Company has acquired " Everybody's Magazine." Three millions of Butterick stock for the publication we bought in 1903 for seventy-five thousand dollars! And it is worth it even more. Since then, also, I have enjoyed to the full the vacation I have earned. The reader who has followed these pages to their close my companion for thirty- five years will realize what this has meant to me. I have looked upon men and cities. I have circled the globe. And, indeed, it is a small globe. Even in India my eyes fell upon the hoary advertise- ment, * ' Mother Almost Gave Up Hope, " and as I recognized one after another familiar nostrum, exiled from its native land, I perceived that the heathen in his blindness bows down to more than wood and stone. In this holiday of mine there comes to me every now and then that sage warn- 250 Divorced with Alimony ing of my old-time friend: "Don't get in a rut." Recalling this, I think of men who have retired temporarily from busi- ness, only to lose all desire to resume their share in the world's work. Then I ask myself if this happy, do-as-you- please life is growing on me? Am I be- coming a chronic pleasure-seeker? Am I falling into a vacation rut ? And I say to myself: "Look out!" 251 L 006 481 962 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 162876 5