GIFT OF ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PARTPTC METEOROLOGICAL TABLES SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. SMITHSONIAN METEOROLOGICAL TABLES [BASED ON GUYOT'S METEOROLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL TABLES.] (REVISED EDITION) CITY OF WASHINGTON: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1896 QW3 . Dept* u PRINTED FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BY \V. F. ROBERTS, WASHINGTON 1896 PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION. The original edition of Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, issued in 1893, having become exhausted, necessitating a second edition, a care- ful examination of the original work has been made, at my request, by Mr. Alexander McAdie, of the United States Weather Bureau. All errata thus far detected have been corrected upon the plates, and a few slight changes have been made. The International Meteoro- logical Symbols and an Index have been added. S. P. I;ANGLEY, Secretary. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, February 15, 1896. iii 701401 PREFACE In connection with the system of meteorological observations estab- lished by the Smithsonian Institution about 1850, a collection of meteorological tables was compiled by Dr. ARNOLD GUYOT, at the request of Secretary HENRY, and published in 1852 as a volume of the Miscellaneous Collections. Five years later, in 1857, a second edition was published after careful revision by the author, and the various series of tables were so enlarged as to extend the work from 212 to over 600 pages. In 1859 a third edition was published, with further amendments. Although designed primarily for the meteorological observers report- ing to the Smithsonian Institution, the tables obtained a much wider circulation, and were extensively used by meteorologists and physicists in Europe and in the United States. After twenty-five years of valuable service, the work was again revised by the author ; and the fourth edition, containing over 700 pages, was published in 1884. Before finishing the last few tables, Dr. GUYOT died, and the completion of the work was intrusted to his assistant, Prof. WM. LIBBEY, JR., who executed the duties of final editor. In a few years the demand for the tables exhausted the edition, and thereupon it appeared desirable to recast entirely the work. After very careful consideration, I decided to publish the new tables in three parts: METEOROLOGICAL TABLES, GEOGRAPHICAL TABLES, and PHYSICAL TABLES, each representative of the latest knowledge in its field, and independent of the others ; but the three forming a homo- geneous series. Although thus historically related to Dr. Guy of s Tables, the present work is so substantially changed with respect to material, arrange- ment, and presentation that it is not a fifth edition of the older tables, but essentially a new publication. vi PREFACE. In its preparation the advantage of conformity with the recently issued International Meteorological Tables has been kept steadily in view, and so far as consistent with other decisions, the constants and methods there employed have been followed. The most important difference in constants is the relation of the yard to the metre. The value provi- sionally adopted by the Bureau of Weights and Measures of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, i metre = 39.3700 inches, has been used here in the conversion-tables of metric and English linear measures, and in the transformation of all formulae involving such conversions. A large number of tables have been newly computed ; those taken from the International Meteorological Tables and other official sources are credited in the introduction. To Prof. WM. LIBBEY, JR., especial acknowledgments are due for a large amount of attention given to the present work. Prof. LIBBEY had already completed a revision, involving considerable recomputation, of the meteorological tables contained in the last edition of Guyot's Tables, when it was determined to adopt new values for many of the constants, and to have the present volume set with new type. This involved a large amount of new computation, which was placed under the direction of Mr. GEORGE E. CURTIS, who has also written the text, and has carefully prepared the whole manuscript and carried it through the press. To Mr. Curtis' s interest, and to his special experi- ence as a meteorologist, the present volume is therefore largely due. Prof. LIBBEY has contributed Tables 38, 39, 55, 56, 61, 74, 77, 89, and 90, and has also read the proof-sheets of the entire work. I desire to express my acknowledgments to Prof. CLEVELAND ABBE, for the manuscript of Tables 32, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86; to Mr. H. A. HAZEN, for Tables 49, 50, 94, 95, 96, which have been taken from his Hand-book of Meteorological Tables ; and also to the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, and the Chief of the Weather Bureau, for much valuable counsel during the progress of the work. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PAGE Description and use of the Tables xi to lix THERMOMETRICAL TABLES. TABLE PAGB Conversion of therniometric scales 1 Reaumur scale to Fahrenheit and Centigrade ...... 2 2 Fahrenheit scale to Centigrade 3 3 Centigrade scale to Fahrenheit 7 4 Centigrade scale to Fahrenheit, near the boiling point of water 9 5 Differences Fahrenheit to differences Centigrade .... 9 6 Differences Centigrade to differences Fahrenheit .... 9 7 Reduction of temperature to sea level Hnglish measures . . 10 8 Reduction of temperature to sea level Metric measures ... n 9 Correction for the temperature of the mercury in the thermometer stem. For Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers . 12 BAROMETRICAL TABLES. Reduction of the barometer to standard temperature 10 English measures 14 1 1 Metric measures 34 Reduction of the barometer to standard gravity at latitude 45 1 2 English measures 58 13 Metric measures 59 Reduction of the barometer to sea level English measures. 1 4 Values of 2000 m 60 1 5 Correction of 2000 m for latitude 69 16 B -B^B(io m i} 70 Reduction of the barometer to sea level Metric measures. 17 Values of 2000 m 78 1 8 Correction of 2000 m for latitude 90 19 B -B = B(io m -i) 91 Vlii TABI.K OF CONTENTS. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. Continued. TABLE PAGE Determination of heights by the barometer English measures. 20 Values of 60368 [i + 0.0010195 x 36] log - ^ 100 21 Term for temperature 104 22 Correction for latitude and weight of mercury 106 23 Correction for an average degree of humidity 108 24 Correction for the variation of gravity with altitude . . . 109 Determination of heights by the barometer Metric measures. 25 Values of 18400 log no 26 Term for temperature in 27 Correction for humidity 112 28 Correction for latitude and weight of mercury 114 29 Correction for the variation of gravity with altitude . . . 115 30 Difference of height corresponding to a change of o. i inch in the barometer English measures 116 3 1 Difference of height corresponding to a change of i millimetre in the barometer Metric measures 117 Determination of heights by the barometer. 32 Formula of Babitiet 118 Barometric pressures corresponding to the temperature of the boiling point of water 33 English measures 119 34 Metric measures 119 HYGROMETRICAL TABLES. Pressure of aqueous vapor (Brock) 35 English measures .............. 122 36 1 A , . . f 128 > Metric measures ............... \ 43 j I 142 37 Pressure of aqueous vapor at low temperatures (C. F. Marvin] English and Metric measures .......... 1 30 38 Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic foot of saturated air English measures .............. 132 39 Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic metre of saturated air Metric measures ............... 133 Reduction of psychrometric observations English measures. 40 Pressure of aqueous vapor ........... 1 34 41 Values of 0.000367 B (//,)( l 42 Relative humidity Temperature Fahrenheit ....... I3 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix HYGROMETRICAL TABLES. Continued. TABLE PAGE Reduction of psychrometric observations Metric measures. 43 Pressure of aqueous vapor 142 44 Values of 0.000660 B (t /,) (i + ^~ J ) J 43 45 Relative humidity Temperature Centigrade 144 Reduction of snowfall measurements. 46 Depth of water corresponding to the weight of snow (or rain) collected in an 8 -inch gage 146 47 Rate of decrease of vapor pressure with altitude 146 WIND TABLES. Mean direction of the wind by Lambert's formula 48 Multiples of cos 45 ; form and example of computation . . 148 49 Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (go a) 149 50 Synoptic conversion of velocities 154 5! Miles per hour into feet per second 155 52 Feet per second into miles per hour 155 53 Metres per second into miles per hour 156 54 Miles per hour into metres per second 157 55 Metres per second into kilometres per hour 158 56 Kilometres per hour into metres per second , . 159 57 Beaufort wind scale and its conversion into velocity 160 GEODETICAL TABLES. 58 Relative acceleration of gravity at different latitudes .... 162 59 Length of one degree of the meridian at different latitudes . . 164 60 Length of one degree of the parallel at different latitudes . . . 165 61 Duration of sunshine at different latitudes 166 62 Declination of the sun for the year 1894 177 63 Relative intensity of solar radiation at different latitudes . . . 178 CONVERSION OF LINEAR MEASURES. 64 Inches into millimetres 180 65 Millimetres into inches 187 66 Feet into metres . . 200 67 Metres into feet 202 68 Miles into kilometres 204 69 Kilometres into miles 206 70 Interconversion of nautical and statute miles ...*... 208 71 Continental measures of length with their metric and English equivalents 208 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. CONVERSION OF MEASURES OF TIME AND ANGLE. TABLE PAGE 72 Arc into time 210 73 Time into arc 211 74 Days into decimals of a year and angle 212 75 Hours, minutes and seconds into decimals of a day 216 76 Decimals of a day into hours, minutes and seconds 216 77 Minutes and seconds into decimals of an hour 217 78 Mean time at apparent noon , . . 217 79 Sidereal time into mean solar time 218 80 Mean solar time into sidereal time 218 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. 81 Density of air at different temperatures Fahrenheit .... 220 Density of air at different humidities and pressures English measures. 82 Term for humidity: auxiliary to Table 83 221 r h 0.378 83 Values of = 222 29.921 29.921 84 Density of air at different temperatures Centigrade 224 Density of air at different humidities and pressures Metric measures. 85 Term for humidity : auxiliary to Table 86 225 f h 0.378 86 Values of = 226 760 760 87 Conversion of avoirdupois pounds and ounces into kilogrammes . 226 88 Conversion of kilogrammes into avoirdupois pounds and ounces 230 89 Conversion of grains into grammes 230 90 Conversion of grammes into grains 231 91 Conversion of units of magnetic intensity 231 92 Quantity of water corresponding to given depths of rainfall . . 232 93 Dates of Dove's pentades 232 94 Division by 28 of numbers from 28 to 867 972 233 95 Division by 29 of numbers from 29 to 898971 234 96 Division by 31 of numbers from 31 to 960969 235 97 Natural sines and cosines 236 98 Natural tangents and cotangents 238 99 Logarithms of numbers 240 100 LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS 243 APPENDIX. Constants 258 Synoptic conversion of English and metric units 260 Dimensions of physical quantities . 262 International Meteorological Symbols ... 263 INTRODUCTION. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF THE TABLES. THERMOMETRICAI, TABLES. COMPARISON OF THERMOMETRIC SCALES. Conversion of readings of the Reaumur thermometer to readings TABLE 1 of the Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers. The argument is given for every Reaumur degree from -f 80 to 40 Reaumur, and the corresponding readings Fahrenheit and Centigrade are given to hundredths of a degree, permitting the exact values to be expressed. A column of proportional parts gives the values corresponding to tenths of a Reaumur degree. By the help of the column of proportional parts, the table is also conveniently used for converting Fahrenheit to Centigrade and Reaumur, and Centigrade to Fahrenheit and Reaumur throughout the thermometric scale from the boiling point of water to 60 F. or 51 C. The formulae expressing the relation between the different scales are given at the bottom of the table, where F = Temperature Fahrenheit. C = Temperature Centigrade. R = Temperature Reaumur. Examples : To convert i8.3 Reaumur to Fahrenheit and Centigrade. From the table, i8.o R. = 7 2 50 F. = 22^50 C. From column Prop. Parts, 0.3 = 0.675 = -375 18^3 R. = 73.2 F. = 22.9 C. To convert i47-7 Fahrenheit to Centigrade and Reaumur. From the table, i46.75 F. = 63:75 C. = 5ioR. From column Prop. Parts, 0.95 = 0.53 = 0.4 i 47 .7 F.= 6 4 r 3 C. = 5 To convert i6.9 Centigrade to Fahrenheit and Reaumur. From the table, i6.25 C. = 61:25 F. = 13*0 R. From column Prop. Parts, 0.65 = 1.17 = 0.5 16:9 C= 62.4 F. = itfsR. xi X INTRODUCTION . TABLE 2. Conversion of readings of the Fahrenheit thermometer to readings Centigrade. The conversion of Fahrenheit temperatures to Centigrade temperatures is given for every tenth of a degree from + 130:9 F. to jolqF. The side argument is the whole number of degrees Fahrenheit, and the top argument, tenths of a degree Fahrenheit ; interpolation to hundredths of a degree, when desired, is readily effected mentally. The tabular values are given to hundredths of a degree Centigrade. The formula for conversion is C=| (F--32-) where F is a given temperature Fahrenheit, and C the corresponding temperature Centigrade. Example : To convert 79:7 Fahrenheit to Centigrade. The table gives directly 26.5O C. For conversions of temperatures above 13 i / 7 , use Table i. TABLE 3. Conversion of readings of the Centigrade thermometer to readings Fahrenheit. The conversion of Centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures is given for every tenth of a degree Centigrade from -f- 5o.9 to 5O.9 C. The tabular values are expressed in hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit. The formula for conversion is where C is a given temperature Centigrade, and F the corresponding temperature Fahrenheit. For conversions of temperatures above the upper limit of the table, use Tables i and 4. TABLE 4. Conversion of readings of the Centigrade thermometer near the boiling point to readings Fahrenheit. This is an extension of Table 3 from 90^0 to ioo.9 Centigrade. Example : To convert 95:74 Centigrade to Fahrenheit. From the table, 95?o C. = 204:26 F. By interpolation, 0.04 = 0.07 95.74 C. = 204:33 F. THERMOMETRICAI, TABLES. xiii Conversion of differences Fahrenheit to differences Centigrade. TABLE 5. The table gives for every tenth of a degree from o to 20^9 F. the corresponding lengths of the Centigrade scale. Conversion of differences Centigrade to differences Fahrenheit. TABLE 6. The table gives for every tenth of a degree from o to 9^9 C. the corre- sponding lengths of the Fahrenheit scale. Example : To find the equivalent difference in Fahrenheit degrees for a difference of 4.72 Centigrade. From the table, 4^70 C. = 8.46 F. From the table by moving the decimal point for 0.2, 0.02 = 0.04 4.72 C. = 8.50 F. REDUCTION OF TEMPERATURE TO SEA I.EVEI,. English Measures. TABLE 7. Metric Measures. TABLE 8. These tables give for different altitudes and for different uniform rates of decrease of temperature with altitude, the amount in hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit and Centigrade, which must be added to observed tem- peratures in order to reduce them to sea level. The rate of decrease of temperature with altitude varies from one region to another, and in the same region varies according to the season and the meteorological conditions ; being in general greater in warm lati- tudes than in cold ones, greater in summer than in winter, and greater in cyclones than in anti-cyclones. For continental plateau regions, the reduction often becomes fictitious or illusory. The use of the tables there- fore requires experience and judgment in selecting the rate of decrease of temperature to be used. The tables are given in order to facilitate the reduction of temperature either upwards or downwards in special investigations, but the reduction is not ordinarily applied to meteorological observations. The tables, 7 and 8, are computed for rates of temperature change ranging from i Fahrenheit in 200 feet to i Fahrenheit in 900 feet, and from i Centigrade in 100 metres to i Centigrade in 500 metres ; and for altitudes up to 5,000 feet and 3,000 metres respectively. Example, Table 7 : Observed temperature at an elevation of 2,500 feet, 52.5/ r . Reduction to sea level for an assumed decrease in tem- perature of iF. for every 300 feet, + 8.3 Temperature reduced to sea level, 6o.8 F. XIV INTRODUCTION. Example, Table 8 : Observed temperature at an elevation of 500 metres, I2.5 C. Reduction to sea level for an assumed decrease in tempera- ture of i C. for every 200 metres, -f- 2^5 Temperature reduced to sea level, i5.o C. CORRECTION FOR THE TEMPERATURE OF THE MERCURY IN THE THER- MOMETER STEM. TABLES. Fahrenheit thermometers ; Centigrade thermometers. When the temperature of the thermometer stem is materiall}- differ- ent from that of the bulb, a correction needs to be applied to the observed reading in order to correct it for the difference in the length of the mer- cury column caused by this difference in its temperature. This correction frequently becomes necessary in physical experiments where the bulb only is immersed in a bath whose temperature is to be determined, and in meteorological observations it may become appreciable in wet-bulb, dew point, and solar radiation thermometers, when the temperature of the bulb is considerably above or below the air temperature. If f be the average temperature of the mercury column, t the observed reading of the thermometer, n the length of mercury in the stem in scale degrees, and a the apparent expansion of mercury in glass for i, the correction is given by the expression an (f /) in which, for Centigrade temperatures, a = 0.000154 or 0.000155. The average temperature of the mercury column can not be directly observed and is difficult to determine, for it differs from the temperature of the glass stem by an amount depending on the conduction of heat between the bulb and the mercury column. Practically however it is possible to use the actually observed temperature of the glass stem as the value of f by making a small compensating change in the value of a, and this appears to be the simplest method that has been proposed. Mr. T. E. Thorpe (Journal of the Chemical Society, vol. 37, 1880, p. 160) has determined by a series of experiments that the proper thermometric cor- rections will be obtained by this method if 0.000143 be used as a coefficient (for Centigrade temperatures) instead of the value of a given above, and this value has been adopted in the present tables. The correction formulae are, then, T= t 0.0000795 n (f t} Temperature Fahrenheit. T*=- t 0.000143 n (f O Temperature Centigrade, in which T= Corrected temperature. t = Observed temperature. f = Mean temperature of the glass stem. n = Length of mercury in the stem in scale degrees. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. XV When f is \ s icttw:i \ than /, the numerical correction is to be I I less J I Example : The observed temperature of a black bulb thermometer is 120^4 F., the temperature of the glass stem is 55.2 F. and the length of mercury in the stem is 130 F. To find the corrected temperature. With n = 130 F. and / 7 /= [ ] 65 F., as arguments, the table gives the correction 0^7 F., which by the above rule is to be added to the observed temperature. The corrected temperature is therefore 1 2 1 .i F. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. REDUCTION TO A STANDARD TEMPERATURE OF OBSERVATIONS MADE WITH BAROMETERS HAVING BRASS SCALES. The indicated height of the mercurial column in a barometer varies not only with changes of atmospheric pressure, but also with variations of the temperature of the mercury and of the scale. It is evident therefore that if the height of the barometric column is to be a true relative measure of atmospheric pressure, the observed readings must be reduced to the values they would have if the mercury and scale were maintained at a constant standard temperature. This reduction is known as the reduction for temperature, and combines both the correction for the expansion of the mercury and that for the expan- sion of the scale, on the assumption that the attached thermometer gives the temperature both of the mercury and of the scale. The freezing point is universally adopted as the standard temperature of the mercury, to which all readings are to be reduced. The temperature to which the scale is reduced is the normal or standard temperature of the adopted standard of length. For English scales, which depend upon the English yard, this is 62 Fahrenheit. For metric scales, which depend upon the metre, it is o Centigrade. As thus reduced, observations made with English and metric barometers become perfectly comparable when converted by the ordinary tables of linear conversion, viz.: millimetres to inches and inches to millimetres (see Tables 64, 65), for these conversions refer to the metre at o Centigrade and the English yard at 62 Fahrenheit. The general formula for reducing barometric readings to a standard tem- perature is l+m(t -T} Xvi INTRODUCTION. in which C= Correction for temperature. B = Observed height of the barometric column. / = Temperature of the attached thermometer. T= Standard temperature of the mercury. m = Coefficient of expansion of mercury. / = Coefficient of linear expansion of brass. = Standard temperature of the scale. The accepted determination of the coefficient of expansion of mercury is that given by Broch's reduction of Regnault's experiments, viz : m (for i C) = io"9(i8i792 -{- 0.175/4- 0.0351 16/ 2 ). As a sufficiently accurate approximation, the intermediate value m = 0.0001818 has been adopted uniformly for all temperatures in conformity with the usage of the International Meteorological Tables. Various specimens of brass scales made of alloys of different com- position show differences in their coefficients of expansion amounting to eight and sometimes ten per cent, of the total amount. The Smithsonian Tables prepared by Prof. Guyot were computed with the average value /(for i C) = 0.0000188 ; for the sake of uniformity with the International Meteorological Tables, the value 7 = 0.0000184 has been used in the present volume. For any individual scale, either value may easily be in error by four per cent. A small portion of the tables has been independently computed, but the larger part of the values have been copied from the International Meteoro- logical Tables, one inaccuracy having been found and corrected. TABLE 10. Reduction of the barometer to standard temperature English measures. For the English barometer the formula for reducing observed readings to a standard temperature becomes M(;-32*)-r/(/-62 ) i+m(t- 32) in which B = Observed height of the barometer in English inches. / = Temperature of attached thermometer in degrees Fahrenheit. m 0.0001818 X | = o.oooioi / = 0.0000184 X | 0.0000102 The combined reduction of the mercury to the freezing point and of the scale to 62 Fahrenheit brings the point of no correction to approximately BAROMETRICAL TABLES. Xvii 28 5 Fahrenheit, and this is therefore the standard temperature to which all readings are reduced. For temperatures above 28.5 Fahrenheit, the correction is subtractive, and for temperatures below 28. 5 Fahrenheit, the correction is additive, as indicated by the signs ( + ) and ( ) inserted throughout the table. The table gives the corrections for every half degree Fahrenheit from o to ioo. The limits of pressure are 19 and 31.6 inches, the corrections being computed for every half inch from 19 to 24 inches, and for every two- tenths of an inch from 24 to 31.6 inches. Example : Observed height of barometer Attached thermometer, 54^5 F. Reduction for temperature Barometric reading corrected for temperature = 29.075 TABLE 11. TABLE 11. Reduction of the barometer to standard temperature Metric measures. For the metric barometer the formula for reducing observed readings to the standard temperature, o C., becomes i + mt in which C and B are expressed in millimetres and t in Centigrade degrees. m 0.0001818 ; / = 0.0000184. In the tables, the limits adopted for the pressure are 440 and 795 mil- limetres, the intervals being 10 millimetres between 440 and 600 milli- metres, and 5 millimetres between 600 and 795 millimetres The limits adopted for the temperature are o + and -f- 35.8, the intervals being o.5 and i.o from 440 to 560 millimetres, and o.2 from 560 to 795 millimetres. For temperatures above o Centigrade the correction is negative, and hence is to be subtracted from the observed readings. For temperatures below o Centigrade the correction is positive, and from o C. down to 20 C. the numerical values thereof, for ordinary baro- metric work, do not materially differ from the values for the corresponding temperatures above o C. Thus the correction for 9 C. is numerically the same as for + 9 C. and is taken from the table. In physical work of extreme precision, the numerical values given for positive temperatures may be. used for temperatures below o C. by applying to them the following corrections : XV111 INTRODUCTION. Corrections to be applied to the tabular values of Table 1 1 in order to use them when the temperature of the attached thermometer is below o Centigrade. Temper- ature. PRESSURE IN MII,UMETRES. 450 500 550 600 650 7OO 750 800 C. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. - i O.OO O.OO 0.00 0.00 O.OO O.OO 0.00 0.00 - 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OO .00 .00 10 O.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OO + O.OI + 0.01 + O.OI ii .00 .00 .00 .00 + O.OI .01 .01 .01 12 .00 .00 .00 + 0.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 13 .00 .00 + 0.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 -14 .00 + 0.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 -15 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 16 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 17 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 18 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 -19 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 20 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.02 21 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 22 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 23 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 -24 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 3 Example : Observed height of barometer, 763. 17^^-: attached thermometer, 12 C. Numerical value of the reduction for + 12 C. Correction for temperature below o C. Reduction for 12 C. Observed height of barometer Barometer corrected for temperature Temperature of the = 764.68 REDUCTION OF THE BAROMETER TO STANDARD GRAVITY AT LATITUDE 45 f The atmospheric pressure is measured by the weight of the mer- curial column of the barometer, but by common usage the pressures are expressed in terms of the height of the barometric column instead of by its weight. The observed height however is not a true measure of the pressure, because it changes with the temperature of the mercury and with the variations in the value of gravity. Therefore to obtain a height that shall be a true relative measure of the atmospheric pressure, the ob- served height of the mercurial column must be reduced to that which would be measured at a standard temperature and under a uniform stand- ard value of gravity. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. xix The standard value of gravity adopted is that prevailing at latitude 45 and sea level. The reduction, accordingly, consists of two parts a correction for altitude and a correction for latitude. The gravity correc- tion for altitude is usually combined with the reduction of the barometer to sea level ; the gravity correction for latitude, which is here given, is commonly called simply the "gravity correction," or the "reduction to standard gravity." If B$ and B^ represent the barometric heights (corrected for tem- perature) at latitudes and 45, and g$, g^ the acceleration of gravity at these latitudes, we have *t la B K ft' and the correction to the observed height will be & 45 If the earth be an ellipsoid of revolution composed of homogeneous homofocal layers arranged according to any law of density, in which k is a constant depending on the ellipticity of the earth ; and the correction becomes C = k cos 2 < B$. The value of k adopted here is that determined by Prof. Harkness,* k = 0.002662. The correction is the same numerically for < = 45 -f a and < = 45 a. It is negative for latitudes below 45 and positive for latitudes above 45. TABLES 12,13. TABLE 12 (English measures) gives the correction in thousandths oi an inch for every degree of latitude and for each inch of barometric pres- sure from 19 to 30 inches. TABLE 13 (Metric measures) gives the correction in hundredths of a millimetre for each 20 millimetres barometric pressure from 520 to 770 mil- limetres. Example : Barometric reading (corrected for temperature) at Dodge City, latitude 37 45', = 27.434 Gravity correction for latitude from Table 12, = 0.018 Barometer reduced to latitude 45, =27.416 * WM. HARKNESS : The solar parallax and its related constants. Washington, 1891, 4, pp. 169. XX INTRODUCTION. REDUCTION OF THE BAROMETER TO SEA The fundamental formula for reducing the barometer to sea level and for determining heights by the barometer is the original formula of Laplace, amplified into the following form in which h = Height of the upper station. h = Height of the lower station. Z=h h . p = Atmospheric pressure at the upper station. p Atmospheric pressure at the lower station. R = Mean radius of the earth. 6 = Mean temperature of the air column between the altitudes h and h . e Mean pressure of aqueous vapor in the air column. b = Mean barometric pressure of the air column. < Latitude of the stations. K= Barometric constant. a Coefficient of the expansion of air. k = Constant depending on the figure of the earth. The pressures p and p are computed from the height of the column of n mercury at the two stations ; the ratio - of the barometric heights may be .0 substituted for the ratio ^7, if B and B are reduced to the values that would P be measured at the same temperature and under the same relative value of gravity. The correction of the observed barometric heights for instrumental tem- perature is always separately made, but the correction for the variation of gravity with altitude is generally introduced into the formula itself. If B , B represent the barometric heights corrected for temperature only, we have the equation being a constant depending on the variation of gravity with altitude. log = log ^ + log (i +/*) Since - is a very small fraction, we may write JK. M being the modulus of common logarithms. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. T) By substituting for Z its approximate value Z=K log -5, we have 13 ' **('+) -IF*** I- With these substitutions the barometric formula becomes Z= K(i+ =i + * cos 2 As a further simplification we shall put /? = 0.378 -T-. y = k cos 2< and 17 = =- and write the formula + aff) Values of the constants. The barometric constant A' is a complex quantity denned by the equation tr A x Bn '~8xM ' B n is the normal barometric height of I^aplace, 760 mm. A is the density of mercury at the temperature of melting ice. M. Marek ( Travaux et MZmoir'es du Bureau international des Poids et Mesures, t. II, p. D 55) gives the value, A = 13.5956, and finds that different specimens of mercury purified by different processes differ from this by several units in the fourth decimal. The International Meteorological Committee have taken the value A = I3-5958, and for the sake of uniformity this value is here adopted. 8 is the density of dry air at o C. and under the pressure of a column of mercury B n at the sea level and at latitude 45. The value adopted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures ( Travaux et MSmoires, t. i, p, A 54) is 8 = 0.001293052. M (the modulus of common logarithms) = 0.4342945. These numbers give for the value of the barometric constant K '= 18400 metres. XX11 INTRODUCTION. For the remaining constants, the following values have been used : a = 0.00367 for i Centigrade. (International Bureau of Weights and Measures : Travaux et Memoir es, t. I, p. A 54.) y = k cos 2 0.002662 cos 2 . (Harkness : The solar parallax, etc., see p. xix.) R = 6367324 metres. (A. R. Clarke : Geodesy, 8, Oxford, 1880.) t] = - = 0.002396. (Ferrel : Report Chief Signal Officer, i885 v K. pt. 2, p. 393.) In reducing the barometer to sea-level, h =o, and the factor ( i H JT) becomes (i+ ). Taking the product of this factor and K (i + ad) \ J[\_ i (i + n), and neglecting the term in 6Z, the formula becomes in metric measures Z (metres) = (18444 + 67.530 c - + 0.003 Z) (^j) (i + r) lo g f- ' and in English measures / T \ R Z(feet) = (56573 + 123.1 0* + 0.003 Z )(T g/t 1 + y) lo S^' The form adopted for the tables is that of M. Angot.* Taking the formula in English measures, let Z i m 56573 + 123.10 + 0.003 Z i ft n Then disregarding the small correction for gravity, m = log - gives an B approximate value of B , and the correction to be added to the observed pressure to obtain the sea-level pressure is If m^ be the value of m corrected for gravity, we have m m^ = j_ or, approximately, = m my. The correction for gravity is therefore made by applying to the approxi- mate value m the small correction my. With this corrected value of m, the reduction to sea-level is given by the expression i). The above fraction designated m contains the altitude Z, the mean temperature 0, and the humidity factor - --- In the Smithsonian tables, meteorological and physical, by Dr. A, Guyot, the distinguished author *A. ANGOT : Annales du Bureau Central Metiorologique. Anne 1878, 1. 1, p. C. 13. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. XX111 in treating of this humidity factor in connection with hypsometric tables took the following position : - ' ' To introduce a separate correction for the expansion of aqueous vapor is, in the writer's view, a doubtful improvement. The laws of the distri- bution and transmission of moisture through the atmosphere are too little known, and its amount, especially in mountain regions, is too variable, and depends too much upon local winds and local condensation, to allow a ' ' reasonable hope of obtaining the mean humidity of the layer of air between ' l the two stations by means of hygrometrical observations made at each of " them. These doubts are confirmed by the experience of the author and "of many other observers, which shows that, on an average, I^aplace's " method works not only as well as the other, but more uniformly well. At " any rate the gain, if there be any, is not clear enough to compensate for ' ' the undesirable complication of the formula. ' ' Since this position was taken by Dr. Guyot forty years ago, there has been no such advance in our knowledge as to impair the practical conclusion in conformity with which he constructed his hypsometric table. Accord- ingly in treating this portion of the formula in the construction of the present tables for the reduction of the barometer to sea level, it has been deemed advantageous to retain the method adopted by Guyot, and to incorporate the humidity factor in the temperature term, thereby assum- ing the air to contain the average degree of humidity corresponding to the actually prevailing condition of temperature. In evaluating the humidity factor as a function of the air temperature, the tables given by Prof. Ferrel have been adopted {Meteorological researches. Part Hi. Barometric hypsometry and reduction of the barometer to sea level. Report, U. S. Coast Survey, 1881. Appendix 10.) These tables by inter- polation, and by extrapolation below o F., give the following values for ft: For Fahrenheit temperatures, e ft 6 ft e ft F. F. F. F. -20 0.00008 10 0.00104 36 0.00267 62 0.00724 -16 .00020 12 .00111 38 .00293 6 4 .00762 12 .00032 14 .00118 40 .00322 66 .00801 - 8 .OOO44 16 .00126 42 00353 68 .00839 18 .00134 44 .00386 ?o .00877 - 6 0.00050 20 .00143 46 .00421 72 .00914 - 4 .00056 22 .00153 48 .00458 2 .OOO62 24 .00163 50 .00496 76 0.00990 .00068 26 .00174 52 .00534 80 .01065 + 2 4 .00075 .00082 28 30 .00187 .00203 8* .00572 .00610 84 88 .01141 .01217 6 .00089 32 .00222 58 .00648 9 2 .01293 8 0.00096 34 0.0243 60 .00686 96 .01369 INTRODUCTION. For Centigrade temperatures, ft ft c. C. c. -18 0.0007 0.0022 18 0.0077 -16 .0008 + 2 .0026 20 .0084 -14 .0009 4 .0031 22 .0091 12 .0010 + 6 .0037 24 .0097 + IO .0012 8 .0043 26 .0104 - 8 .0013 10 .0050 28 .0111 - 6 .0015 12 .0056 30 .0118 - 4 .0017 14 .0063 32 .0125 2 .0019 16 .0070 34 .0132 36 .0139 The practical tables consist essentially of two mutually dependent parts : the first gives values of 2000 m in a table of double entry of which the altitude of the station and the mean temperature of the air between the station and sea level are the arguments ; the second gives the reduction to sea level in a table of double entry of which the arguments are 2000 m and the observed barometric height corrected for temperature. In addition, a subsidiary table gives the small correction for latitude to be applied to the values of 2000 m. This correction, while of theoretical interest, seldom becomes of practical importance, since its effect is in general overshadowed by the relatively large uncertainties incident to the determination of the true mean temperature. The mean temperature of the air column is to be obtained from the observed temperature at the station by employing some assumption as to the rate of change of temperature with altitude. In the discussion of barometric observations made in the mountain and plateau regions of the United States, it has been found that this rate of change is a climatic factor which needs to be determined for every station for different seasons of the year, and for different atmospheric conditions. When the results of such investigations are embodied in tables for reduction to sea level, the tables and the method of their use may be simplified and the labor of obtaining the reduction greatly abridged ; but in the nature of the case, these special methods can not be utilized in the construction of general tables which are to be applicable to all phases of topography and climate. Whatever method be used for obtaining the mean temperature of the air column (0) from the observed temperature at the station, the former and hence the latter is subject to the important condition that it shall not contain the diurnal fluctuation. Hence in reducing to sea level any indi- vidual observation of the barometer, the simultaneous observation of air temperature used in obtaining should be reduced to the daily mean by a correction, or, better, the actual mean temperature of the preceding twenty- four hours should be taken. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. XXV TABLES 14, 15, 18. TABLES 14, 15, 16. Reduction of the barometer to sea level English measures. Table 14 gives values of 2000 x m. Z i 5^573 + 123- 1 + 0.003 Z i - ft The temperature varies by intervals of 2 from 20 F. to 96 F., except near the extremities of the table where the interval is 4? The alti- tude Z varies by intervals of 100 feet from 100 to 9000 feet. The values of 2000 m are given to one decimal. In order to facilitate interpolations for iractions of a 100 feet in altitude, the tabular differences for 100 feet have been added on each line. Table 15 gives a small correction to 2000 m for latitude, computed from the expression 2000 m x 0.002662 cos 2 <. The arguments are 2000 m, which varies by tens from 10 to 350, and the latitude, which varies by 5 from o to 90! The correction is to be subtracted for latitudes below 45 and added for latitudes above 45. The tabular values are given to one decimal. Table 16, with the value of 2000 m thus corrected, gives the correction which must be applied to the barometric reading B (corrected for tem- perature) to reduce it to sea level. The arguments are B, which varies by 0.5 inch from 31.00 inches to 19.5 inches, and values of 2000 m y which are given for every unit from i to 334. The reduction values B B are given to o.oi inch. Example : Let .# = 26.24 inches be the barometric reading (corrected for temper- ature) observed at a station whose altitude is 3572 feet, and latitude 32 Suppose the mean temperature of the air column = 63^0 F. Table 14 gives (p. 63) with Z= 3,500 feet and 6 = 62.8 F., 2000 m = 108.0 The difference for 72 feet is 2.2 The approximate value of 2000 m is 110.2 Table 15, with 2000 m = no and latitude = 32, gives the subtractive correction o.i. Hence the corrected value of 2000 m is no.i. With 20oom = 110.1 and .# = 26.24, Table 16 (p. 72) gives the reduc- tion to sea level, 3.55 inches. Accordingly the barometric pressure reduced to sea level is B. = 26.24 + 3-55 = 29-79 inches. XXvi INTRODUCTION. TABLES 17, 18, 19. Reduction of the barometer to sea level Metric measures. For reducing to sea level readings of the metric barometer, the baro- metric formula in metric measures derived on page xxii is treated in the same manner as the formula in Bnglish measures just described in detail, and the method of construction of the tables is the same. Table 17 gives values of 2000 m. Z i m 18444 + 67.53 + 0.003 Z'l The temperature & varies by intervals of 2 from 16 C. to -f 36 C. except near the extremities of the table where the interval is 4. The alti- tude Z varies by 10 metres from 10 to 3000 metres. The values of 2000 m are given to one decimal. Table 18 gives the small correction to 2000 m for latitude. The argu- ments are 200am, which varies by tens from 10 to 350, and the latitude which varies by 5 from o to 90 The correction is to be subtracted for latitudes below 45 and added for latitudes above 45. The tabular values are given to one decimal. The value of 2000 m thus corrected is then used in entering Table 19. Table 19 gives the correction which must be applied to the barometric reading B (corrected for temperature) to reduce it to sea level. The argu- ments are B, which varies by lomm. from 790 mm. to 480 mm., and values of 2000 m which vary by units from i to 345. The tabular values B B are given to o. i mm. Example : I/et B= 648.7mm. be the barometric reading observed and corrected for temperature at a station whose altitude is 1353 metres and latitude 32. Suppose the mean temperature of the air column 0= i4?3 C. Table 17 gives (p. 83) for = 14 and Z 1353, 2000 m = 138.6 The proportional part for 0^3 is .15 Hence the approximate value of 2000 m is 138.45 Table 18, with 2000 m 138 and latitude 32, gives the subtract! ve correction 0.15. Hence the corrected value of 2ooom is 138.3. With this value and B 649 mm. as arguments, Table 19 gives # B = 112.0 mm. Accordingly the barometric reading reduced to sea level is B 648.7 + 1 12.0 = 760. 7 mm. THE DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. TABLES 2O, 21, 22, 23, 24. English Measures. The barometric formula developed in the preceding section (see p. xxi) is arranged in the following form for determining heights by the barometer. BAROMETRICAL TABLES, (l +a0) (l + k COS XXV11 1+17) in which A' (log -# log B} is an approximate value of Z and the factors in the brackets are correction factors depending respectively on the air temperature, the humidity, the variation of gravity with latitude, the varia- tion of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of mercury in the barometer, and the variation of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of the air. With the constants already given, the formula becomes in English measures : Z (feet) = 60368 (log B - log B) [i +0.002039(0 32)] (*+ffl (l + O.002662 COS 2<) (l + 0.00239) In order to make the temperature correction as small as possible for average air temperatures, 50 F. will be taken as the temperature at which the correction factor is zero. This is accomplished by the following trans- formation : i + 0.002039 ( 3 2 ) = C 1 + 0.002039 (0 50)] [i + 0.0010195 x 36]. The second factor of this expresssion combines with the constant, and gives 60368 (i +0.0010195 x 36) = 62583.6. The first approximate value of Z is therefore 62583.6 (log B - log B). In order further to increase the utility of the tables, we shall make a further substitution for log B log B, and write - log 62583.6 (log B - log B) = 62583.6 log Table 2O contains values of the expression 62583.6 log ^ for values of B varying by intervals of o.oi inch from 12.00 inches to 30.90 inches. The first approximate value of Z is then obtained by subtracting the tabular value corresponding to B from the tabular value corresponding to B (B and B being the barometric readings observed and corrected for temperature at the upper and lower stations respectively). xxviii INTRODUCTION. Table 21 gives the temperature correction Zx 0.002039 (0 50). The side argument is the mean temperature of the air column (0) given for intervals of i from o to 100 F. The top argument is the approximate difference of altitude Z obtained from Table 20. For temperatures above 50 F. , the correction is to be added, and for temperatures below 50 F., the correction is to be subtracted. It will be observed that the correction is a linear function of Z, and hence, for example, the value for Z 1740 is the sum of the corrections in the columns headed 1000, 700, and 40. In general, accurate altitudes can not be obtained unless the temperature used is freed from diurnal variation. Table 22 gives the correction for latitude, and for the variation of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of the mercury. When altitudes are determined with aneroid barometers the second factor does not enter the formula. In this case the effect of the latitude factor can be obtained by taking the difference between the tabular value for the given latitude and the tabular value for latitude 45? The side argument is the latitude of the station given for intervals of 2. The top argument is the approximate difference of height Z. Table 23 gives the correction for the average humidity of the air at different temperatures; the values of the factor (i + ft) adopted by Prof. Ferrel and given on page xxiii have been used. This correction could have been incorporated with the temperature factor in Table 21, but it is given separately in order that the magnitude of the correction may be apparent, and in order that, when the actual humidity is observed, the correction may be computed if desired, by the expression Z (0.378 f where e is the mean pressure of vapor in the air column, and b the mean barometric pressure. The side argument is the mean temperature of the air column, varying by intervals of 2 from 20 F. to 96 F., except near the extremities of the table where the interval is 4. The top argument is the approximate difference of altitude Z. Table 24 gives the correction for the variation of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of the air. The side argument is the approximate difference of altitude Z, and the top argument is the elevation of the lower station h . The corrections given by Tables 22, 23 and 24 are all additive. BAROMETRICAL, TABLES. XXIX Example : the barometric pressure observed, and corrected for temperature, at the upper and lower stations be, respectively, B = 23.61 and B = 29.97. Let the mean temperature of the air column be 35 F., and the latitude 44 16'. To determine the difference of height. Feet Table 20, argument 23.61, gives 6420 Table 20, " 29.97, " 64 Approximate difference of height (Z) = 6484 Table 21, with Z= 6484 and = 35 F., gives 198 Table 22, with Z= 6300 and <#> = 44, gives -f 16 Table 23, with Z= 6300 and = 35. F., gives + 17 Table 24, with Z= 6300 and k = o, gives + 2 Final difference of height (Z) = 6321 If in this example the barometric readings be observed with aneroid barometers, the correction to be obtained from Table 22 will be simply the portion due to the latitude factor, and this will be obtained by subtracting the tabular value for 45 from that for 44, the top argument being Z 6300. This gives 16 15 = i. TABLES 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Metric Measures. The barometric formula developed on page xxi is, in metric units, Z (metres) = 18400 (log B log E) (i + 0.00367 ec.) (i +0.378!-) (l + 0.00266 COS 2 <) (l +O.O0239) , 6 367 323 The approximate value of Z (the difference of height of the upper and lower station) is given by the factor 18400 (log B log B}. This expression is computed by means of two entries of a table whose argument is the barometric pressure. In order that the two entries may result at once in an approximate value of the elevation of the upper and lower stations, a transformation is made, which gives the following identity: 18400 (log B - log B) = 18400 (log ^ - log ^?) - TABLE 25 76O Table 25 gives values of the expression 18400 log-^- for values of B varying by intervals of i mm. from 300 mm. to 779 mm. The first approxi- mate value of Zis then obtained by subtracting the tabular value corresponding to B Q from the tabular value corresponding to B (B and B being the barometric readings observed and reduced to o C. at the upper and lower XXX INTRODUCTION. stations respectively). The first entry of Table 25 with the argument B gives an approximate value of the elevation of the upper station above sea level, and the second entry with the argument B gives an approximate value of the elevation of the lower station. Table 26 gives the temperature correction : 0.00367 C. x Z. The side argument is the approximate difference of elevation Z and the top argument is the mean temperature of the air column. The values of Z vary by intervals of 100 m. from 100 to 4000 metres and the temperature varies by intervals of i from i C. to 10 C. with additional columns for 20, 30, and 40 C. Attention is called to the fact that the formula is linear with respect to 0, and hence that the correction, for example, for 27 equals the correction for 20 plus the correction for 7 When the table is used for temperatures below o C., the tabular correction must be subtracted from, instead of added to, the approximate value of Z. Table 27 (pp. 1 12 and 113) gives the correction for humidity resulting from the factor 0.378 -r x Z= ft Z. g Page 112 gives the value of 0.378-7 multiplied by icooo. The side argument is the mean pressure of aqueous vapor, e, which serves to repre- sent the mean state of humidity of the air between the two stations. e = -J (/+/ ) (/and/ being the vapor pressures observed at the two stations) has been written at the head of the table, but the value to be assigned to e is in reality left to the observer, independently of all hypothesis. The top argument is the mean barometric pressure \(B-\- B^) . The vapor pressure varies by millimetres from i to 40, and the mean barometric pressure varies by intervals of 20 mm. from 500 mm. to 760 mm. The tabular values represent the humidity factor ft or 0.378-7, multiplied by 10000. Page 113 gives the correction for humidity, with Z and 10000 x 0.378 -? (derived from page 112) as arguments. The approximate difference of altitude is given by intervals of 100 metres from 100 to 4000 metres, and the values of icooo/2 vary by intervals of 25 from 25 to 300. The tabular values are given in tenths of metres to facilitate and increase the accuracy of interpolation. Table 28 gives the correction for latitude, and for the variation of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of the mercurial column. When altitudes are determined with aneroid barometers, the latter factor does not enter the formula. In this case the effect of the latitude factor can be obtained by subtracting the tabular value for latitude 45 from the tabular value for the latitude in question. The side argument is the approximate difference of elevation Z, varying by intervals of 100 metres from 100 to 4000. The top argument is the latitude varying by intervals of 5 from o to 75. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. XXxI TABLE 29. Table 29 gives the correction for the variation of gravity with altitude in its effect on the weight of the air. The side argument is the same as in Table 28 ; the top argument is the height of the lower station varying by intervals of 200 metres from o to 2000, with additional columns for 2500, 3000 and 4000 metres. Example : Let the barometric reading (reduced to o C. ) at the upper station be 655.7mm.; at the lower station, 772.4mm. Let the mean temperature of the air column be 0=i2.3 C. } the mean vapor pressure e = g mm. and the latitude < = 32! Table 25, with argument 655.7, gives IJ 79 metres. Table 25, " " 772.4, " 129 Approximate value of Z = 1308 Table 26, with Z= 1300 and = 12. "3 C, gives 59 Table 27, with e = 9mm. and Z= 1370, gives 7 Table 28, with Z 1370 and <= 32, gives 5 Table 29, with Z= 1370 and h = o, gives o Corrected value of Z = 1379 metres. TABLE 30. TABLE 30. Difference of height corresponding to a change of o.i inch in the barometer English measures. If we differentiate the barometric formula, page xxvii, we shall obtain, neglecting insensible quantities, dZ 26281 g- (i + 0.002039 (0 32)) (i+#)- in which B represents the mean pressure of the air column dZ. Putting dB o. i inch, dZ = -j^ (\ +0.002039 (# 32)) (i+/3) The second member, taken positively, expresses the height of a column of air in feet corresponding to a tenth of an inch in the barometer on the parallel of 45 latitude. Since the last factor (i -f /3), as given on page xxiii, is a function of the temperature, the function has only two variables and admits of convenient tabulation. Table 30, containing values of dZ for short intervals of the arguments B and 0, has been taken from the Report of the U. S. Coast Survey, 1881, Appendix 10, Barometric hypsometry and reduction of the barometer to sea level, by Wm. Ferrel.* * Due to the use of a slightly different value for the coefficient of expansion, Prof. Ferrel's formula, upon which the table is computed, is + 0.002034 ($ 32)) (!+) XXXii INTRODUCTION. The temperature argument is given for every 5 from 30 F. to 85 F., and the pressure argument for every 0.2 inch from 22.0 to 30.8 inches. This table may be used in computing small differences of altitude, and, up to a thousand feet or more, very approximate results may be obtained. Example : Mean pressure at Augusta, October, 1891, 29.94 ; temperature, 6o.8 F. Mean pressure at Atlanta, October, 1891, 28.97 J temperature, 59.4 Mean pressure of air column, .# = 29.455; # = 6o.i Entering the table with 29.455 an( i 6oi as arguments, we take out 94.95 as the difference of elevation corresponding to a tenth of an inch difference of pressure. Multiplying this value by the number of tenths of inches difference in the observed pressures, viz. 97, we obtain the difference of elevation 921 feet. TABLE 31. Difference of height of air corresponding to a change of i millimetre in the barometer Metric measures. This table has been computed by converting Table 18 into metric units. The temperature argument is given for every 2 from 2 C. to + 36 C. ; the pressure argument is given for every millimetre from 760 to 560 mm. TABLE 32. Babinet "s formula for determining heights by the barometer. Babinet's formula for computing differences of altitude* represents the formula of L,aplace quite accurately for differences of altitude up to 1000 metres, and within one per cent for much greater altitudes. As it has been quite widely disseminated among travellers and engineers, and is of con- venient application, the formula is here given in English and metric measures. It might seem desirable to alter the figures given by Babinet so as to con- form to the newer values of the barometrical constants now adopted ; but this change would increase the resulting altitudes by less than one-half of one per cent without enhancing their reliability to a corresponding degree, on account of the outstanding uncertainty of the assumed mean temperature of the air. The formula is, in English measures, Z (feet) = 5*494 and in metric measures, in which Z is the difference of elevation between a lower and upper station at which the barometric pressures corrected for all sources of instrumental error are B and B, and the observed air temperatures are / and t, respectively. * Comptes Rendus, Paris, 1850, vol. xxv., page 309. BAROMETRICAL TABLES. XXxiii For ready computation the formula is written Z=Cx|^|, and the factor C, computed both in English and metric measures, has been kindly furnished by Prof. Cleveland Abbe. The argument is -J (t + /) given for every 5 Fahrenheit between 10 and 100 F., and for every 2 Centigrade between 10 and 40 Centigrade. In using the table, it should be borne in mind that on account of the uncertainty in the assumed temperature, the last two figures in the value of C are uncertain, and are here given only for the sake of convenience of interpolation. Consequently one should not attach to the resulting altitudes a greater degree of confidence than is warranted by the accuracy of the temperatures and the formula. The table shows that the numerical factor changes by about one per cent of its value for every change of five degrees Fahrenheit in the mean temperature of the stratum of air between the upper and lower stations ; therefore the computed difference of altitude will have an uncertainty of one per cent if the assumed temperature of the air is in doubt by 5 F. With these precautions the observer may properly estimate the reliability of his altitudes whether computed by Babinet's formula or by more elaborate tables. Example : Let the barometric pressure observed and corrected for temperature at the upper and lower stations be, respectively, B = 635 mm. and BO 730 mm. Let the temperatures be, respectively, ^=15 C, to 20 C. To find the approximate difference of height. With i (/ + f] = i7?5 C., the table in metric measures gives C= 17120 metres. - 1365 The approximate difference of height = 17120 x -*~- = 1191.5 metres. THERMOMETRICAI, MEASUREMENT OF HEIGHTS BY OBSERVATION OF THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BOILING POINT OF WATER. When water is heated in the open air, the elastic force of its vapor gradually increases, until it becomes equal to the incumbent weight of the atmosphere. Then, the pressure of the atmosphere being overcome, the steam escapes rapidly in large bubbles and the water boils. The tem- perature at which water boils in the open air thus depends upon the weight of the atmospheric column above it, and under a less barometric pressure the water will boil at a lower temperature than under a greater pressure. Now, as the weight of the atmosphere decreases with the elevation, it is obvious that, in ascending a mountain, the higher the XXXIV INTRODUCTION. station where an observation is made, the lower will be the temperature of the boiling point. The difference of elevation between two places therefore can be deduced from the temperature of boiling water observed at each station. It is only necessary to find the barometric pressures which correspond to those temperatures, and, the atmospheric pressures at both places being known, to compute the difference of height by the tables given herein for com- puting heights from barometric observations. From the above, it may be seen that the heights determined by means of the temperature of boiling water are less reliable than those deduced from barometric observations. Both derive the difference of alti- tude from the difference of atmospheric pressure. But the temperature of boiling water gives only indirectly the atmospheric pressure, which is given directly by the barometer. This method is thus liable to all the chances of error which may affect the measurements by means of the barometer, besides adding to them new ones peculiar to itself, the prin- cipal of which is the difficulty of ascertaining with the necessary accuracy the true temperature of boiling water. In the present state of ther- mometry it would hardly be safe, indeed, to rely, in the most favorable circumstances, upon quantities so small as hundredths of a degree, even when the thermometer has been constructed with the utmost care ; more- over, the quality of the glass of the instrument, the form and substance of the vessel containing the water, the purity of the water itself, the position at which the bulb of the thermometer is placed, whether in the current of the steam or in the water, all these circumstances cause no inconsiderable variations to take place in the indications of thermometers observed under the same atmospheric pressure. Owing to these various causes, an obser- vation of the boiling point, differing by one-tenth of a degree from the true temperature, ought to be still admitted as a good one. Now, as the tables show, an error of one- tenth of a degree Centigrade in the temperature of boiling water would cause an error of 2 millimetres in the barometric pressure, or of from 70 to 80 feet in the final result, while with a good barometer the error of pressure will hardly ever exceed one-tenth of a millimetre, making a difference of 3 feet in altitude. Notwithstanding these imperfections, the hypsometric thermometer is of the greatest utility to travellers and explorers in rough countries, on account of its being more conveniently transported and much less liable to accidents than the mercurial barometer. A suitable form for it, designed by Regnault (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Tome xiv, p. 202), consists of an accurate thermometer with long degrees, subdivided into tenths. For observation the bulb is placed, about 2 or 3 centimetres above the surface of the water, in the steam arising from distilled water in a cylin- drical vessel, the water being made to boil by a spirit-lamp. HYGROMETRICAL TABLES. XXXV TABLES 33, 34. Barometric pressures corresponding to the temperature of boiling water. TABLE 33. English Measures. TABLE 34. Metric Measures. Table 33 is a conversion into English measures of Table 34. The argument is the temperature of boiling water for every tenth of a degree from i85o to 2i2.9 Fahrenheit. The tabular values are given to the nearest o.oi inch. Table 34 is Regnault's table of barometric pressures corresponding to temperatures of boiling water, revised by A. Moritz (Acad. Sci. Bull., St. Petersburg, xiii., 1855, col. 41-44). To the degree of precision here desired, these values do not differ from the more recent reduction by Broch. The argument is given for every tenth of a degree from 8o.o to ioo.9 C. The tabular values are given to the nearest o. i mm. HYGROMETRICAI, TABLES. PRESSURE OP AQUEOUS VAPOR IN SATURATED AIR. Tables 35, 36, and 43, giving the pressure of aqueous vapor in saturated air, are based upon Dr. Broch' s reduction of the observations of Regnault {Travaux et Memoires du Bureau international des Poids et Mesures, t. I, p. A 19-39). This reduction assumes that the observations may be repre- sented by the empirical formula in which F is the pressure of aqueous vapor expressed in millimetres of standard mercury, that is at o C. and at latitude 45 and sea level, its density being 15.59593. t, the temperature expressed in normal Centigrade degrees. = 0.003667458 By using the simultaneous values of F and t given by Regnault's observations, Dr. Broch obtained a series of observation equations whose solution by the method of least squares gave the following values for the coefficients : A= 4.5686859 b= io- 2 x 3.134366 174 C = IQ-5 XI. 416 1 12 423 d= IQ-7 X 1-935338308 = icr9 x 2. 646 535 103 /= io- 11 x 1.139377158 From this formula Broch' s tables of vapor pressure were computed. XXXVI INTRODUCTION. TABLE 35. Pressure of aqueous vapor English measures. This table is a conversion into English measures of Table 36. It gives the vapor pressure in saturated air for temperatures varying by o?2 from 20.o to 2i4o Fahrenheit. The tabular values are given in inches to four decimals. A column of differences for o.i is added for convenience in interpolating. TABLES 36, 43. Pressure of aqueous vapor, Metric measures. These tables, taken from Broch, give the pressure of aqueous vapor to hundredths of a millimetre for temperatures varying by o.i C. from 29^0 to 100^9 Centigrade. The values for temperatures between o C. and 45 C. are given in Table 43, the remainder in Table 36. TABLE 37. Pressure of aqueous vapor at low temperature. (C. F. Marvin.'] Broch's vapor pressures at temperatures below o C. (32 F.} as given in Tables 35 and 36, when compared with the actual observed values of Reg- nault are found to be systematically too large. This discrepancy signifies that the empirical formula adopted by Broch fails to represent accurately the law of variation of vapor pressure for temperatures both above and below the freezing point. Moreover, the failure in the application of the formula might be inferred from the laws of diffusion following from the kinetic theory of gases, for these give no reason to suppose that the function expressing the relation between vapor pressure and temperature is continuous between the two states of water and ice. Under proper conditions water can be cooled far below o C. (32 F.} before solidifying, so that at the same temperature we may have it either in the liquid or the solid state, and experiments confirm the theory of diffusion in showing that the pressure of the vapor is different according as it is in contact with its liquid or its solid at the same temperature. The method hitherto employed of combining vapor pressures above and below freezing, and attempting to represent them by a single continuous function, must therefore be considered as radically erroneous. Recognizing the systematic errors of the vapor pressures given by Broch's formula for temperature below freezing, the Chief Signal Ofiicei lately authorized a new determination by direct observation. This experi- mental investigation has been carried out by Prof. C. F. Marvin, from the results of which (Annual Report Chief Signal Officer, 1891; Appendix No. 10,) Table 37 is reproduced. The interpolation between the observed press- ures which were noted at intervals of about 5 F., was effected graphically and not by mathematical formula. The vapor pressures were determined for the case of the vapor in con- tact with ice and not a water surface. For the temperature of melting ice (o C. or 32 F.) all values agree. Below this temperature Marvin's vapor pressures are slightly smaller than Regnault's, but differ from the latter less than any other tabular values. HYGROMETRICAI, TABLES. XXXvii The argument of the table is given for every two-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit from 60^0 to 32.o Fahrenheit. The tabular values are given in millimetres and inches to three and four decimals respectively. TABLES 38, 39. TABLE 38. Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic foot of saturated air English measures. TABLE 39. Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic metre of saturated air Metric measures. The weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic metre of saturated air is given by the expression w= _**_ F_ I -fa/ ' 760' a is the weight of a cubic metre of dry air (free from carbonic acid) at temperature o C. t and pressure of 760 millimetres of standard mercury at 45 latitude and sea-level: a = 1.29278 kg. (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures : Travaux et Mmoires, t. I, p. A 54.) 8 is the density of aqueous vapor : 8 = 0.6221 F is the pressure of aqueous vapor in saturated air whose temperature is /; Broch's values are adopted, expressed in millimetres. a is the coefficient of expansion of air for i C. : a = 0.003667 t is the temperature in Centigrade degrees. Whence we have p W (grammes) = i .0582 1 x -- TZ~~* ' i -f 0.003667* Table 39 is computed from this formula and gives the weight of vapoi in grammes in a cubic metre of saturated air for dew-points from 29 to 40 C, the intervals from 6 to 40 C. being o.i C. The tabular values are given to three decimals. The weight W of aqueous vapor in a cubic foot of saturated air is obtained by converting the foregoing constants into English measures. The weight of a cubic foot of dry air at temperature 32 F. and at a pressure of 760 mm. or 29.921 inches is We have therefore, ii , - ^ a '* P W (grains) = - x T-T.. -- ^ J 29.921 l+a'0?- 3 2) _ F_ _ I ' 7459 i +0.002037 (*'-32) The temperature f is expressed in degrees Fahrenheit ; the vapor pressure F*, expressed in inches, is obtained from Table 35. xxxviii INTRODUCTION. Table 38* gives the weight of aqueous vapor in grains in a cubic foot oi saturated air for dew-points given to every o.5 from ig?$ to 115 F. t the values being computed to the thousandth of a grain. The computation of Tables 38 and 39 has been furnished by Prof. Wm. lyibbey, jr. REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS WITH THE PSYCHROMETER AND DETERMINATION OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY. The psychrometric formula derived by Maxwell, Stefan, August, Regnault and others is, in its simplest form, f=f t -AB (/-/,), in which / Air temperature. /, = Temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer. /= Pressure of aqueous vapor in the air. yj Pressure of aqueous vapor in saturated air at temperature t r B = Barometric pressure. A = A quantity which, for the same instrument and for certain conditions, is a constant, or a function depending in a small measure on ^ . The important advance made since the time of Regnault consists in recognizing that the value of A differs materially according to whether the wet-bulb is in quiet or moving air. This was experimentally demonstrated by the distinguished Italian physicist, Belli, in 1830, and was well known to Espy, who always u.sed a whirled psychrometer. The latter describes his practice as follows : ' ' When experimenting to ascertain the dew-point by means of the wet-bulb, I always swung both thermometers moderately in the air, having first ascertained that a moderate movement produced the same depression as a rapid one." The principles and methods of these two pioneers in accurate psychrom- etry have now come to be adopted in the standard practice of meteor- ologists, and psychrometric tables are adapted to the use of a whirled or ventilated instrument. The factor A depends in theory upon the size and shape of the ther- mometer bulb, largeness of stem and velocity of ventilation, and different formulae and tables would accordingly be required for different instruments. But by using a ventilating velocity of three metres or more per second, the differences in the results given by different instruments vanish, and the same tables can be adapted to any kind of a thermometer and to all changes of velocity above that which gives sensibly the greatest depression of the wet- bulb temperature; and with this arrangement there is no necessity to measure or estimate the velocity in each case further than to be certain that it does not fall below the assigned limit. *The table has been computed with the factor 11.7449-, which results from Clarke's value for the conversion of the metre, instead of with the value 11.7459 above derived. HYGROMETRICAI, TABLES. Xxxix The formula and tables here given for obtaining the vapor pressure and dew-point from observations of the whirled or ventilated psychrometer are those deduced by Prof. Wm. Ferrel {Annual Report Chief Signal Officer, 1886, Appendix 24) from a discussion of a large number of observations. Taking the psychrometric formula in metric units, pressures being expressed in millimetres and temperatures in Centigrade degrees, Prof. Ferrel derived for A the value A = 0.000656 (i + 0.0019 O In this expression for A, the factor depending on /, arises from a similar term in the expression for the latent heat of water, and the theoretical value of the coefficient of /, is 0.00115. Since it would require a very small change in the method of observing to cause the difference between the theoretical value and that obtained from the experiments, Prof. Ferrel adopted the theoretical coefficient 0.00115 and then recomputed the obser- vations, obtaining therefrom the final value A = 0.000660 (i + o.ooi 15/0. With this value the psychrometric formula in metric measures becomes f=fi o.ooo66o.# (t t^) (i + O.OOH5/,) In order to adapt the formula to convenient tabulation, Prof. Ferrel substituted t t^ for /, in the last factor, a modification which produces appreciable error only in extreme cases. The error in the computed vapor pressure will be ^ = 0.00000076 #(*/,) (/ 2/,)- Expressed in Knglish measures, the formula is /=/i- 0.000367 B (/-/O [i +0.00064 (/ I - 3 2)] and with the same modification in order to render the formula more con- venient for tabulation, we have /=/ -0.000367^ (t- /,) (i + 0.00064 (/- /,)), >n which /= Vapor pressure in inches. /, = Vapor pressure in saturated air at temperature /, . / Temperature of the air in Fahrenheit degrees. /, = Temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer in Fahrenheit degrees. B Barometric pressure in inches. TABLES 40, 41. Reduction of Psychrometric Observations English measures. TABLE 40. Pressure of aqueous vapor. TABLE 41. Values of 0.000367 B (tt^(\ + - l) These two tables provide for computing the vapor pressure and dew- point from observations of ventilated wet- and dry-bulb Fahrenheit ther- mometers. xl INTRODUCTION. Table 40, with the wet-bulb temperature ^ as an argument, gives the value of / , the first term of the formula for the vapor pressure / given above. It is simply an abbreviation of Table 35 for temperatures above 32 F., and of Table 37 for temperatures below 32 F., reprinted for convenience. Table 41, with t /, and B as arguments, gives the value of the second term of the formula, viz : 0.000367 *.(/- The top argument is given for every half inch from 30.5 to 18.5 inches; the side argument, t /,, is given for every whole degree up to 40 F. Tabular values are given to thousandths of inches. With the two tables we then have, f (vapor pressure) = Table 40 Table 41 . The value of / in Table 40, corresponding to the vapor pressure thus obtained, is the dew-point. Examples : 1. Given / = 84! > 3; ^ = 667, and B = 30.00 inches, to find the vapor pressure and dew-point. Table 40, with ^ 66^7, gives / = 0.654 inches. Table 41, with t ^ = 84$ 66.y = i76 and B 30.00 inches as arguments, gives 0.196 inch as the value of the last term of the expression above. Hence we have the vapor pressure / = 0.654 0.196 = 0.458 inch. The temperature (Table 40) corresponding to this value of/ is the dew-point, d 56^6 F. 2. Given t = ^^\ /, = 29^4, and #-=-22.3 inches, to find the vapor pressure and dew-point. Table 40, with /, = 29^4, gives/, = o. 162 inch. Table 41, with / /, 34^5 29^4 = 5^1 and B= 22.5 inches (the nearest value in the table to 22.3 inches) as arguments, gives 0.042 inch as the value of the second term of the expression for/. Hence we have the vapor pressure/ = o. 162 0.042 = o. 120 inch. The temperature in Table 40, corresponding to this value of/ is the dew-point, d=22o. NOTE In using Table 40, the proportional part for tenths of the argument, t /,, may be easily obtained by taking one-tenth of the tabular value belonging to the same number of degrees ; for instance, in the first example, the tabular value for 17 is 0.189, and the proportional part for o?6 is one-tenth the tabular value for 6?o, viz., one-tenth of .066, or .007. Hence we get o. 189 -f 0.007 = - J 96. TABLE 42. Relative humidity Temperature Fahrenheit. Table 42 gives the relative humidity of the air in hundredths, having given the air temperature t and the dew-point d in Fahrenheit degrees. HYGROMETRICAI, TABLES. xli It is computed by the formula Relative humidity ^. r f and F are the maximum pressures of vapor corresponding respectively to the temperatures d and / as given in Table 35 for temperatures above 32 F. and in Table 37 for temperatures below 32 F. The top argument is / d, extending by half degree intervals from o to 15 F., and by increasing intervals from 15 to 75 F. The side argument is the air temperature /, given for intervals of four degrees from 32 to 120 F. Example : L,et the air temperature be 62 F. and the dew-point 51 /*"., to find the relative humidity. With t d = 1 1 for the top argument, and t = 62 for the side argument, the table gives 67.5 per cent as the relative humidity. TABLES 43, 44. Reduction of Psychrometric Observations Metric measures. TABLE 43. Pressure of aqueous vapor, TABLE 44. Values of 0.000660 B (t ,) ( i -f- - 1 ) * \ 873 / These two tables provide for computing the vapor pressure and dew- point from observations of ventilated wet and dry-bulb thermometers Centigrade. Table 43, with the wet-bulb temperature ^ as an argument, gives the value of/,, the first term of the formula for the vapor pressure/, viz : /=/, 0.000660 B (t * t )[i +0.00115 (* /,)] It gives the vapor pressure to hundredths of a millimetre from 30^0 C. to 45 ?9 C., the intervals being i for temperatures below o C. and o.i for temperatures above o C. Table 44, with the depression of the wet-bulb / /,, and the barometric pressure B as arguments, gives the value of the second term of the formula. The top argument is given for every 10 millimetres from 770 to 460 mrn, ; the side argument t t^ is given for every whole degree up to 20. Tabular values are given to hundredths of a millimetre. From the two parts of the table we then have Vapor pressure, / (mm) = Table 43 Table 44. The temperature in Table 43, corresponding to the vapor pressure thus, obtained, is the dew-point. xlii INTRODUCTION. Example : Given t= io.4 C. ; ^ = 8?3 C. and B = 740 mm. , to find the vapor pressure and dew-point. Table 43, with the argument /, = 8.3 C, gives/, = 8. 15 mm. Table 44, with t t^= 2.i and B 740 as arguments, gives 1.03 mm. as the value of the last term of the expression for/. Hence we have the vapor pressure, /= 8.15 1.03 = 7. 12 mm. The value of the temperature in Table 40, corresponding to this vapor pressure, is the dew-point d = 6.3 C. TABLE 45. Relative humidity Temperature Centigrade. Table 45 gives the relative humidity of the air in hundredths, having given the air temperature t and the dew-point d in Centigrade degrees. It is computed by the formula Relative humidity = ~, r f and F being the maximum pressures of aqueous vapor corresponding to the temperatures d and t as given in Tables 36 and 43. The top argument is the dew-point d, extending by 5 intervals from - 15 to 30 C. The side argument is the depression of the dew-point t d, given for every o.2 C. from oo to ioo ; for every o.5 from ioo to 20^0, and for every i from 2oo to 3O.o. Example : Given the air temperature 21" C. and the dew-point 17 C, to determine the relative humidity. With / d = 4 C. for the side argument, and d 17 C. for the top argument, the table gives 78 per cent as the relative humidity. TABLE 46. REDUCTION OF SNOWFAU, MEASUREMENT. The determination of the water equivalent of snowfall has usually been made by one of two methods : (a) by dividing the depth of snow by an arbitrary factor ranging from 8 to 16 for snow of different degrees of com- pactness ; () by melting the snow and measuring the depth of the resulting water. The first of these methods has always been recognized as incapable of giving reliable results, and the second, although much more accurate, is still open to objection. After extended experience in the trial of both these methods, it has been found that the most accurate and most convenient measurement is that of weighing the collected snow, and then converting the weight into depth in inches. The method is equally applicable whether the snow as it falls is caught in the gage, or a section of the fallen snow is taken by collecting it in an inverted gage. WIND TABLES. xliii TABLE 46. TABLE 46. Depth of water corresponding to the weight of snow (or rain) collected in an 8-inch gage. The table gives the depth to hundredths of an inch, corresponding to the weight of snow or rain collected in a gage having a circular collecting mouth 8 inches in diameter this being the standard size of gage used throughout the United States. The argument is given in avoirdupois pounds, ounces and quarter ounces in order that it shall be adapted to the customary graduation of commercial scales. Example : The weight of snow collected in an 8-inch gage is 2 Ibs. 2^ oz. To find the corresponding depth of water. The table gives directly 1.18 inches. TABLE 47. TABLE 47. Rate of decrease of vapor pressure with altitude. From hygrometric observations made at various mountain stations on the Himalayas, Mount Ararat, Teneriffe, the Alps, and also in balloon ascensions, Dr. J. Hann (Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie, vol. ix, 1874, p. 193-200) has deduced the following empirical formula showing the average relation between the vapor pressure f at a lower station and/ the vapor pressure at an altitude h metres above it : / - -~p- I0 6 5 T 7' J o This is of course an average relation for all times and places from which the actual rate of decrease of vapor pressure in any individual case may widely differ. Table 47 gives the values of the ratio -y- for values of h from 200 to 6000 metres. An additional column gives the equivalent values of h in feet. WIND TABLES. CALCULATION OF THE MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Lambert's formula for the eight principal points of the compass is E - W + (NE+SE-NW- SW} cos 45 N-S+(NE + NWSE SW)co&4$ 9 ' a is the angle of the resultant wind direction with the meridian. E, NE, N, etc. , represent the wind movement from the corresponding directions Kast, Northeast, North, etc. In practice instead of taking the total wind movement, it is often considered sufficient to take as proportional xliv INTRODUCTION. thereto the number of times the wind has blown from each direction, which is equivalent to considering the wind to have the same mean velocity for all directions. If directions are observed to sixteen points, half the number belonging to each extra point, should be added to the two octant points between which it lies ; for example, NNE = 6 should be separated into N= 3 and NE = 3 ; ESE = 4 into E 2 and SE 2 . The result will be approximately identical with that obtained by using the complete formula for sixteen points. TABLE 48. Multiples of cos 45 ; form for computing the numerator and denominator. TABLE 49. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a). Table 48 gives products of cos 45 by numbers up to 209, together with a form for the computation of the numerator and denominator, illustrated by an example. The quadrant in which a lies is determined by the follow- ing rule : When the numerator and denominator are positive, a lies between A^ and E. When the numerator is positive and the denominator negative, a lies between S and E. When the numerator and denominator are negative, a lies between 5 and W. When the numerator is negative and the denominator positive, a lies between A^ and IV. Table 49 * combines the use of a division table and a table of natural tangents. It enables the computer, with the numerator and denominator of Lambert's formula (computed from Table 48) as arguments, to take out directly the mean wind direction a or its complement. The top argument consists of every fifth number from 10 to 200. The side argument is given for every unit from i to 50 and for every two units from 50 to 150. Tabular values are given to the nearest whole degree. Rule for using the table : Enter the table with the larger number (either numerator or denomi- nator) as the top argument. If the denominator be larger than the numerator, the table gives a. If the denominator be smaller than the numerator, the table gives 90 a. a is measured from the meridian in the quadrant determined by the rule given with Table 48. *From Hand-book of Meteorological Tables. By H. A. Hazen. Washington, 1888. A corrected copy of the table has been kindly furnished for the present volume by the author. WIND TABLES. Xlv Example: tana = 22. 27 Table 49 gives 90 a = 32 W. NOTE. If the numerator and denominator both exceed 150 or if either exceeds 200, the fraction must be divided by some number which will bring them within the limits of the table. The larger the values, provided they are within these limits, the easier and more accurate will be the computation. For example, let tan a = ! . I 4 The top argument is not given for 18, but if we multiply by 5 or 10 and obtain - or - the table gives, without interpolation, 90 a = 38 and a = N 52* W. CONVERSION OF VELOCITIES. TABLE 50. TABLE 50. Synoptic conversion of velocities. This table*, contained on a single page, converts miles per hour into metres per second, feet per second and kilometres per hour. The argu- ment, miles per hour, is given for every half unit from o to 78. Tabular values are given to one decimal. For the rapid interconversion of velocities, when extreme precision is not required, this table has proved of marked convenience and utility. TABLE 51. TABLE 51. Conversion of miles per hour into feet per second. The argument is given for every unit up to 149 and the tabular values are given to one decimal. TABLE 62. TABLE 52. Conversion of feet per second into miles per hour. The argument is given for every unit up to 199 and the tabular values are given to one decimal. TABLE 53. TABLE 53. Conversion of metres per second into miles per hour. The argument is given for every tenth of a metre per second up to 60 metres per second, and the tabular values are given to one decimal. TABLE 54. TABLE 54. Conversion of miles per hour into metres per second. The argument is given for every unit up to 149, and the tabular values are given to two decimals. * From Hand-book of Meteorological Tables. By H. A. Hazen. Washington, 1888. With permission of the author. INTRODUCTION. TABLE 55. Conversion of metres per second into kilometres per hour. The argument is given for every tenth of a metre per second up to 60 metres per second, and the tabular values are given to one decimal. TABLE 56. Conversion of kilometres per hour into metres per second. The argument is given for every unit up to 200, and the tabular values are given to two decimals. TABLE 57. Beaufort wind scale and its conversion into velocity. The personal observation of the estimated force of the wind on an arbitrary scale is a method that belongs to the simplest meteorological records and is widely practiced. Although anemometers are used at meteor- ological observatories^ the majority of observers are still dependent upon estimates based largely upon their own judgment, and so reliable can such estimates be made that for many purposes they abundantly answer the needs of meteorology as well as of climatology. A great variety of such arbitrary scales have been adopted by different observers, but the one that has come into the most general use and received the greatest definiteness of application is the duodecimal scale introduced into the British navy by Admiral Beaufort about 1800. The definitions of the successive grades of the Beaufort scale were made in terms of the effect of the wind on the sails of a full-rigged ship, so that navigators of all nations have generally acquired a very uniform and definite idea of their meaning and a very considerable expertness in the use of the scale. The Table gives the designations of the 1 2 grades together with several conversions of the scale into wind velocities as made by different meteorologists. A committee appointed by the Royal Meteoro- logical Society to establish a conversion of the Beaufort scale into wind velocity made a preliminary report (Quart. Journal Roy. Meteorological Soc. , vol. 13, 1887), but did not consider their work sufficiently complete to present a definite conversion table, f GKODETICAL TABLES. TABLE 58. Relative acceleration of gravity at sea-level at different latitudes. The formula adopted for the variation of gravity with latitude is that of Prof. Harkness* <> =** C 1 0.002662 cos 2<) in which g$ is the acceleration of the gravity at latitude <, and g^ the acceleration at latitude 45. The table gives the values of the ratio " to six decimals for every 10' <^45 of latitude from the equator to the pole. * WM. HARKNESS : The solar parallax and Us related constants. Washington, 1891. I Modern steamships move with velocities sufficient to affect all wind observations aboard of them. GEODETICAL TABLES. xlvii LENGTH OF A DEGREE OF THE MERIDIAN AND OF ANY PARALLEL. The dimensions of the earth used in computing lengths of the meridian and of parallels of latitude are those of Clarke's spheroid of 1866.* This spheroid undoubtedly represents very closely the true size and shape of the earth, and is the one to which nearly all geodetic work in the United States is now referred. The values of the constants are as follows : a, semi-major axis = 20926062 feet ; log a = 7.3206875. d, semi-minor axis = 20855121 feet ; log = 7.3192127. a 2 b* = 2 -f- ^ , A< = < 2 ~~ 0i > < 2 = en d latitudes of arc. For the length of i degree, the formula becomes : i degree of the meridian, in feet = 364609.9 1857.1 cos 2< -f 3.94 cos 4<. The length of the parallel is given by the equation i degree of the parallel at latitude <, in feet = 3 6 553 8 -4 8 cos < 310.17 cos 3^ + 0.39 cos 5<. TABLE 59. TABLE 59. Length of one degree of the meridian at different latitudes. This gives for every degree of latitude the length of one degree of the meridian in statute miles to three decimals, in metres to one decimal, and in geographic miles to three decimals the geographic mile being here defined to be one minute of arc on the equator. The values in metres are computed from the relation : i metre = 39.3700 inches. The tabular values represent the length of an arc of one degree, the middle of which is situated at the corresponding latitude. For example, the length of an arc of one degree of the meridian, whose end latitudes are 29 30' and 30 30^ is 68.879 statute miles. TABLE 60. TABLE BO. Length of one degree of the parallel at different latitudes. This table is similar to Table 59. * Comparisons of standards of length, made at the Ordnance Survey office, South- ampton, England, by Capt. A. R. Clarke, R. E., 1866. xlviii INTRODUCTION. TABLE 61. Duration of sunshine at different latitudes for different values of the sun's declination. Z be the zenith, and NH the hori- zon of a place in the northern hemisphere. P the pole; QEQ the celestial equator; RR the parallel described by the sun on any given day; S the position of the sun when its upper limit appears on the horizon; PN the latitude of the place, <. ST the sun's declination, 8. PS the sun's polar distance, 90 8. ZSthe sun's zenith distance, z. ZPS the hour angle of the sun from meridian, /. r the mean horizontal refraction = 34' approximately. s the mean solar semi-diameter 16' " z = 90 -f r + 5- = 90 50' In the spherical triangle ZPS, the hour angle ZPS may be computed from the values of the three known side by the formula sin * ZPS = f sin i (ZS + PZ PS} sin j- (ZS + PS-PZ) \ sin PZ sin PS or sin *- 1 = |si \ sin j Qg + 8- 0) sin j p? - 8 + cos < cos 8 The hour angle /, converted into mean solar time and multiplied by 2 is the duration of sunshine. Table 61 has been computed for this volume by Prof. Wm. L,ibbey, jr. It is a table of double entry with arguments 8 and <. For north latitudes northerly declination is considered positive and southerly declination as negative. The table may be used for south latitudes by considering southerly declination as positive and northerly declination as negative. The top argument is the latitude, given for every 5 from o to 40, for every 2 from 40 to 60, and for every degree from 60 to 8o. The side argument is the sun's declination for every 20' from 6" 23 2 7' to N 23 27'. The duration of sunshine is given in hours and minutes. To find the duration of sunshine for a given day at a place whose latitude is known, find the declination of the sun at mean noon for that day in the Nautical Almanac, and enter the table with the latitude and declination as arguments. CONVERSION OF LINEAR MEASURES. xlix Example : To find the duration of sunshine, May 18, 1892, in latitude 49 30' North. From the Nautical Almanac, 8 = 19 43' N. From the table, with 8 19 43' N and ^ = 49 30', the duration of sunshine is found to be 15* 31. TABLE 62. TABLE 62. Declination of the sun for the year 1894. This table is an auxiliary to Table 61, and gives the decimation of the sun for every third day of the year 1894. These declinations may be used as approximate values for the corresponding dates of other years when the exact declination can not readily be obtained. Thus, in the preceding example, the declination for May 18 may be taken as approximately the same as that for the same date in 1894, viz. 19 37'. RELATIVE INTENSITY OF SOLAR RADIATION AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES FOR DIFFERENT SEASONS OF THE YEAR. TABLE 63. Mean vertical intensity for 24 hours of solar radiation J and the solar constant A in terms of the mean solar constant A . This table is that of Prof. Wm. Ferrel, published in the Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer, 1885, Part 2, and in Professional Papers of the Sig- nal Service, No. 14, p. 427, where the formulae and constants will be found. It gives the mean vertical intensity for 24 hours of solar radiation J in terms of the mean solar constant A for each tenth parallel of latitude of the northern hemisphere, and for the first and sixteenth day of each month ; also the values of the solar constant A in terms of A^ and the angular motion, of the sun in longitude for the given dates. CONVERSION OF LINEAR MEASURES. The relation here adopted between the metre and the English measures of length is that used and officially authorized by the U. S. Bureau of Weights and Measures, viz : i metre = 39.3700 inches. TABLE 64. TABLE 64. Inches into millimetres. The argument is given for every hundredth of an inch up to 32.00 inches, and the tabular values are given to hundredths of a millimetre. A table of proportional parts for thousandths of an inch is added on each page. Example : To convert 24.362 inches to millimetres. The table gives (p. 184) (24.36 + 0.02) inches = (6 1 8. 75 + 0.05 mm.) = 618.80 mm. 1 INTRODUCTION. TABLE 65. Millimetres into inches. From o to 400 mm. the argument is given to every millimetre, with subsidiary interpolation tables for tenths and hundredths of a millimetre. The tabular values are given to four decimals. From 400 to 1000 mm., covering the numerical values which are of frequent use in meteorology for the conversion of barometric readings from the metric to the English barometer, the argument is given for every tenth of a millimetre, and the tabular values to three decimals. Example : To convert 143.34 mm - to inches. The table gives 143 + .3 + .04 mm. = 5.6299 + 0.0118 + 0.0016 inches = 5.6433 inches. TABLE 66. Feet into metres. From the adopted value of the metre, 39.3700 inches i English foot = 0.3048006 metre. Table 66 gives the value in metres and thousandths (or millimetres) for every foot from o to 99 feet ; the value to hundredths of a metre (or centimetres) of every 10 feet from 100 to 4000 feet ; and the value to tenths of a metre of every 10 feet from 4000 to 9090 feet. In using the latter part, the first line of the table serves to interpolate for single feet. Example : To convert 47 feet 7 inches to metres. 47 feet 7 inches =47.583 feet. The table gives 47 feet = 14.326 metres. By moving the decimal point, -5 8 3 = 0.178 47.583 feet = 14.504 metres. TABLE 67. Metres into feet. i metre = 39.3700 inches = 3.280833 + feet. From o to 500 metres the argument is given for every unit, and the tabular values to two decimals ; from 500 to 5000 the argument is given to every 10 metres, and the tabular values to one decimal. The conversion foi tenths of a metre is added for convenience of interpolation. Example : Convert 4327 metres to feet. The table gives (4320 + 7) metres = (14173.2 -f 23.0) feet= 14196.2 feet. CONVERSION OF MEASURES OF TIME AND ANGI^E. H TABLE 68. Miles into kilometres. TABLE SB. i mile 1.609347 kilometres. The table extends from o to 1000 miles with argument to single miles, and from 1000 to 20000 miles for every 1000 miles. The tabular quantities are given to the nearest kilometre. TABLE 69. Kilometres into miles. TABLE 69. i kilometre = 0.621370 mile. The table extends to 1000 kilometres with argument to single kilo- metres, and from 1000 to 20000 kilometres for every 1000 kilometres. Tabular values are given to tenths of a mile. Example : Convert 3957 kilometres into miles. The table gives (3000 -(- 957) kilometres = (1864. i -f- 594.7) miles = 2458.8 miles. TABLE 70. Interconversion of nautical and statute miles. TABLE TO. The definition of the nautical mile here used is that adopted by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. A nautical mile is equal to the length of one minute of arc on the great circle of a sphere whose surface is equal to the surface of the earth. Computed on Clarke's spheroid of 1866, the nautical mile thus defined equals 6080.27 feet. (Report, U. S. Coast Survey, 1881, page 354.) The table gives, for nautical and statute miles from i to 9, the equivalent in statute and nautical miles, respectively, to four decimals. TABLE 71. TABLE 71. Continental measures of length with their mettic and English equivalents. This table gives a miscellaneous list of continental measures of length alphabetically arranged, with the name of the country to which they belong and their metric and English equivalents. CONVERSION OF MEASURES OF TIME AND ANGLE. TABLE 72. Arc into time. i = 4 m ; i'=4 s ; i" = ^ s = 0^067. TABLE 72 Example : Change 124 15' 24^7 into time. From the table, 124 8 h i6 m o 8 15' i o 24" i. 600 o'.'y = .047 8 h i7 m if 647 Hi INTRODUCTION. TABLE 73. Time into arc. 'i h =i5; i m =i5'; IS = 15"- Example : Change 8 h iy m 1^647 into arc. From the table, 8 h 120 i7 m = 4 15' I s 15" 0.64 = 9.60 By moving the decimal point, .007= 124 15'. 24:7 TABLE 74. Days into decimals of a year and angle. The table gives for the beginning of each day the corresponding decimal of the year to five places. Thus, at the epoch represented by the beginning of the 1 5th day, the decimal of the year that has elapsed since January i.o is computed from the fraction - - . The corresponding value in angle obtained by multiplying this fraction by 360, is given to the nearest minute. Two additional columns serve to enter the table with the day of the month either of the common or the bissextile year as the argument, and may be used also for converting the day of the month to the day of the year, and vice versa. Example : To find the number of days and the decimal of a year between February 12 and August 27 in a bissextile year. Aug. 27 : Day of year = 240 ; decimal of a year 0.65435 Feb. 12: " " " 43; " " " =0.11499 Interval in days = 197 ; interval in decimal of a year = 0.53936 The decimal of the year corresponding to the interval 197 days may also be taken from the table by entering with the argument 198. TABLE 75. Hours, minutes and seconds into decimals of a day. The tabular values are given to six decimals. Example : Convert 5 h 24 m 23?4 to the decimal of a day : 5 h = 0^208333 24 m = 016667 23 s = 266 By interpolation, or by moving the decimal for 4 s 0.4 = 5 0^225271 CONVERSION OF MEASURES OF TIMB AND ANGLE. Hii TABLE 76. Decimals of a day into hours , minutes and seconds. Example : Convert 0^225 271 to hours, minutes and seconds : 0.22 day = 4 h 48 m + 28 m 48 s = 5 h i6 m 48 s 0.0052 day = 7 m 12 s + I7f28 = 7 29.28 0.000071 day = 6fo5 + 0.09 = 6.14 TABLE 77. TABLE 77. Minutes and seconds into decimals of an hour. The tabular values are given to six decimals. Example : Convert 34 m 28^7 to decimals of an hour. 34 m = 0*566667 28 s = 7778 0.574639 TABLE 78. TABLE 78. Mean time at apparent noon. This table gives the time that should be shown by a clock when the sun crosses the meridian, on the ist, 8th, i6th, and 24th days of each month. The table is useful in correcting a clock by means of a sun-dial or noon-mark. Example : To find the correct mean time when the sun crosses the meridian on December 15, 1891. The table gives for December 16, n h 56. By interpolating, it is seen that the change to December 15 would be less than one-half minute ; the correct clock time is therefore 4 minutes before 12 o'clock noon. TABLES 79, 80. TABLE 79. Sidereal time into mean solar time. TABLE 80. Mean solar time into sidereal time. According to Bessel, the length of the tropical year is 365.24222 mean solar days,* whence 365.24222 solar days = 366.24222 sidereal days. Any interval of mean time may therefore be changed into sidereal time by increasing it by its part, and any interval of sidereal time 365.24222 F i may be changed into mean time by diminishing it by its ^ part. * The length of the tropical year is not absolutely constant. The value here given is for the year 1800. Its decrease in 100 years is about 0.6 s. liv INTRODUCTION. Table 79 gives the quantities to be subtracted from the hours, minutes and seconds of a sidereal interval to obtain the corresponding mean time interval, and Table 80 gives the quantities to be added to the hours, minutes and seconds of a mean time interval to obtain the corresponding sidereal interval. The correction for seconds is sensibly the same for either a sidereal or a mean time interval and is therefore given but once, thus forming a part of each table. Examples : Change i4 h 25 m $6?2 sidereal time into mean solar time. Given sidereal time i4 h 25 m 36^2 Correction for 14** = 2 m 17^61 25 m 4- 10 36^2 = 10 2 21. 8l 2 21.8 Corresponding mean time = 1423 14.4 2. Change 13** 37 m 22^7 mean solar time into sidereal time. Given mean time = i3 h 37 22?7 Correction for i2 h = + 2 m 8? 13 37 m = + 6.08 22?7 = -f- O.O6 + 2 14.27 + 2 14.3 Corresponding sidereal time 13 39 37.0 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. The following tables (81 to 86) give the factors for computing the density of air at different temperatures, humidities and pressures. The formula from which they have been computed is, in metric measures, g = 0.00129305 [7. ii i 615 3] /^o.378*\ i -h 0.003 67 / \ 760 / in which 3 is the weight of a cubic centimetre of air expressed in grammes, under the standard value of gravity at latitude 45 and sea level. b is the barometric pressure in millimetres. e is the pressure of aqueous vapor in millimetres. t is the temperature in Centigrade degrees. For dry atmospheric air (containing 0.0004 of its weight of carbonic acid) at a pressure of 760 mm. and temperature o C. , the absolute density, MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. Iv or the weight of one cubic centimetre, is 0.00129305 gramme. (Inter- national Bureau of Weights and Measures : Travaux et Memoires^ t. I, p. A 54.) In English measures, the formula becomes g = 0.00129305 / 0.378 e\ ~ i x 0.0020389 (/ 32) \ 29.921 / where 8 is denned as before, but b and e are expressed in inches and t in Fahrenheit degrees. Thus by the use of tables based on these two formulae, lines of equal atmospheric density may be drawn for the whole world (neglecting slight variations in gravity), whether the original observations are in English or metric measures. Prof. Cleveland Abbe has kindly fur- nished for the present volume the logarithms of the density given in the accompanying tables (81 to 86). TABLE 81. TABLE 81. Density of air at different temperatures Fahrenheit. This table gives the values and logarithms of the expression 0.00129305 i + 0.0020389 (/ 32) for values of / extending from 45 F. to 140* F., the intervals between o F. and 110 F. being i The tabular values are given to five significant figures. TABLES 82. 83. Density of air at different humidities and pressures English measures. TABLE 82. Term for humidity ; auxiliary to Table 83. 17 / s 0.378 TABLE 83. Values of ' - Table 82 gives values of 0.378 e to three decimal places as an aid to the use of Table 83. The argument is the dew-point given for every degree from 40 F. to 140 F. A second column gives the corresponding values of the vapor pressure (e) according to Broch. Table 83 gives values and logarithms of = - for values 29.921 29.921 of h extending from 10.0 to 31.7 inches. The logarithms are given to five significant figures and the corresponding numbers to four decimals. Example : The air temperature is 68 F., the pressure is 29.36 inches and the dew- point 51 F. Find the logarithm of the density. Table 81, for t = 68 F., gives 7.08085 10 Table 82, for dew-point 51, gives 0.378 76 " i + 0.003 67* for values of t extending from 34 C. to 69 C. The tabular values are given to five significant figures. Density of air at different humidities and pressures Metric measures. TABLE 85. Term for humidity: values of 0.378^. TABLE 86. Value, af. = *nJZ!t 760 760 Table 85 gives values of 0.378^ to hundredths of a millimetre for dew- points extending by intervals of i from 30 C. to 50 C. The values of Broch's vapor pressures (e) corresponding to these dew-points are given in a second column to hundredths of a millimetre. The table is thus conveniently used when either the vapor pressure or the dew-point is known. Table 86 gives values and logarithms of - - ~- for values of 760 760 h extending from 300 to 800 mm. The barometric pressure b is the barom- eter reading corrected for temperature and 0.378*? is the term for humidity obtained from Table 85. The logarithms are given to five significant figures and the corresponding numbers to four decimal places. TABLE 87. Conversion of avoirdupois pounds and ounces into kilogrammes. The latest comparisons made by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures between the Imperial standard pound and the "kilogramme proto-type ' ' result in the relation : i pound avoirdupois 453.592 427 7 grammes. This value has been adopted by the United States Bureau of Weights and Measures and is here used. For the conversion of pounds, Table 87 gives the argument for every tenth of a pound up to 9.9, and the tabular conversion values to ten-thousandths of a kilogramme. For the conversion of ounces, the argument is given for every tenth of an ounce up to 15.9, and the tabular values to ten- thousandths of a kilo- gramme. TA B LE 88. Conversion of kilogrammes into avoirdupois pounds and ounces. From the above relation between the pound and the kilogramme, i kilogramme = 2.204622 avoirdupois pounds. = 35.274 avoirdupois ounces. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. Ivil The table gives the value to thousandths of a pound of every tenth of a kilogramme up to 9.9 ; the values of tenths of kilogrammes in ounces to four decimals ; and the values of hundredths of a kilogramme in pounds and ounces to three and two decimals respectively. TABLES 89, 90. TABLE 89. Conversion of grains into grammes. TABLE 90. Conversion of grammes into grains. From the above relation between the pound and the kilogramme, i gramme = 15.432356 grains. i grain = 0.06479892 gramme. Table 89 gives to ten-thousandths of a gramme the value of every grain from i to 99, and also the conversion of tenths and hundredths of a grain for convenience in interpolating. Table 90 gives to hundredths of a grain the value of every tenth of a gramme from o. i to 9.9, and the value of every gramme from i to 99. The values of hundredths and thousandths of a gramme are added as an aid to interpolation. The computation of these two tables has been furnished by Professor William L,ibbey, who has used the relation, i gramme = 15.432 531 grains. This value is practically identical with the relation above adopted, differing from it by about i part in 3,000,000. TABLE 91 TABLE 91. Conversion of units of magnetic intensity. This table gives the conversion factors from i to 9 for converting Hsh measures of magnetic intensity into C. G. S. measures, and vice versa. The English unit of magnetic intensity is the force which, acting for i second on a unit of magnetism associated with a mass of i grain, produces a velocity of i foot per second. The C. G. S. unit of magnetic intensity is the dyne the force which, acting upon one gramme for i second, generates a velocity of i centimetre per second. The Gaussian unit of magnetic intensity, which has been extensively used, is a force which, acting upon a mass of i milligramme for i second, generates a velocity of i millimetre per second. By using the dimensions of magnetic intensity [M^/I^T], the inter- conversion of these units is easily made. i C. G. S. unit = . I00 M Gaussian units \ 10 1, = 10 Gaussian units i C. G. S. unit = f I5-432356 M English units X .03280833 L = 21.6882 English units Iviii INTRODUCTION. TABLE 92. Quantity of water corresponding to given depths of rainfall. This table gives for different depths of rainfall over an acre and a square mile the total quantity of water measured in imperial gallons and tons respectively. TABLE 93. Dates of Dove^s pentades. For tabulating and averaging meteorological data, Dove divided the year into seventy-three intervals of five days each, which have been called Dove's pentades, and this system of averaging has been used in the publication of a very considerable amount of meteorological data. Table 93 gives the initial and terminal dates of each pentade throughout the year. TABLE 94. Division by 28 of numbers from 28 to 867972. TABLE 95. Division by 29 of numbers from 29 to 898971. TABLE 96. Division by 31 of numbers from 31 to 960969. The frequent occasion in meteorological work to divide by the numbers 28, 29 and 31 renders useful the division tables compiled by Mr. H. A. Hazen {Handbook of Meteorological Tables, Washington, D. C., 1888), the use of which has been kindly granted. As here printed, the dividend is given in plain type and the quotient in heavy-face type, and in order that one shall never be mistaken for the other, a column is given containing the letters D and Q successively, which designates that all figures on a line with D are dividends, and all on a line with Q are quotients. The four columns to the right of this D-Q column give the last two figures of the dividend and of the quotient, namely, the units and tens. The ten columns to the left side of the D-Q column give the preceeding figures of the dividend, namely, the hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands. These two parts of the dividend to the left and right of the D-Q column are always to be taken on the same horizontal line. Each dividend is an exact multiple of the divisor, hence each quotient is exact or without remainder. For example, the dividend 17360 in Table 94 is found in two parts ; 173 is found in the column headed 600 on the left-hand side of the D-Q column, and 60 in the same horizontal row in the third column on the right- hand side. The hundreds figure of the quotient is given in bold-face type at the top, middle and bottom of the page, and each one obtains for all the dividend figures in its own column. The units and tens figures of the quotient are found, as already stated, on the right side of the D-Q column directly under the last two figures of the dividend. Thus in the above example, for dividend 17360 the hundreds figure of the quotient is 6 and the units and tens will be 20, or the quotient of 17360 divided by 28 is 620. When any given dividend MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. lix is not an exact multiple of the divisor, the nearest even multiple as given in the table must be used. For example, 23979 -5- 28 = 856 ; the 8 is in the 9th column above 239 and the 56 is under 68, the nearest figure to 79 in the right-hand part of the table. The last column, which is separated from the rest of the table by a triple line, is to be used when the quotient exceeds three figures, or 999. The bold-face figures in this column give the thousands and tens of thousands figures of the quotient, and the plain figures are the multiples thereof by the divisor. To use the column, find in it the number which, with three ciphers added, comes nearest to (but is less than) the dividend ; the heavy-face figures beneath it will be the first figures of the quotient. Subtract this multiple number from the given dividend, and with the remainder enter the main body of the table to obtain the last three figures of the quotient as already described. For example : Divide 833885 by 28. The nearest figure to 833000 in the last column is 812000 and the quotient 29000. 833885 812000 = 21885. Under 218 we have 7, and under 96, the nearest figure to 85 on the right, we find 82. 833885-^-28 = 29782. TABLE 97. TABLE 97. Natural sines and cosines. TABLE 98. TABLE 98. Natural tangents and cotangents. TABLE 99. TABLE 99. Logarithms of numbers. TABLE 100 TABLE 100. List of meteorological stations. This list of meteorological stations has been compiled for this volume from data furnished by the United States Weather Bureau. A geographical arrangement has been adopted as being most serviceable for the purposes for which the table will most generally be used. In making the selection of stations from the vast number available, the object has been to choose such of the higher order stations as will fairly represent the varied climatic conditions of each country. With few excep- tions, the stations are active ; in all cases there are published observations, which may generally be found in the monthly and annual reports of the national meteorological services of the countries in which the stations are situated, or by which they are politically controlled. So far as known, the list contains all first order stations, i. ' ^" +I00?03 +40 4-I22?00 +5o?oo +32?00 0?00 v ~1 O^w ~*1 ^ 1^CA> 79 209.75 98.75 39 H9.75 48.75 i 29.75 - 1.25 78 207.50 97.50 38 117.50 47.50 2 27.50 2.50 77 205.25 96.25 37 H5.25 46.25 3 25.25 3-75 R. F. 76 203.00 95.00 36 113.00 45-00 4 23.00 5.00 O.I .2 0.225 450 +75 +200.75 + 93-75 +35 +H0.75 +43-75 - 5 +20.75 -6.25 3 4 675 .900 74 198.50 92.50 34 108.50 42.50 6 18.50 7.50 5 1.125 73 196.25 91.25 33 106.25 41.25 7 16.25 8.75 .6 1-350 72 194.00 90.00 32 104.00 40.00 8 14.00 IO.OO 7 .8 1-575 1.800 7i I9 1 - 75 88.75 3i 101.75 38.75 9 11.75 11.25 0.9 2.025 +70 +189.50 + 87.50 +30 + 99.50 +37-50 -10 + 9-50 -12.50 69 187.25 86.25 29 97-25 36.25 ii 7.25 13.75 68 185.00 85.00 28 95.00 35-00 12 5.00 15.00 67 182.75 83.75 27 92.75 33-75 13 2.75 16.25 R. O.I C. 0.125 66 180.50 82.50 26 90.50 32.50 14 + 0.50 17.50 .2 .250 3 375 +65 +178.25 + 81.25 +25 + 88.25 +31-25 -15 - 1-75 -18.75 4 .500 64 176.00 80.00 24 86.00 30.00 16 4.00 20.00 5 .625 63 173.75 78.75 23 83.75 28.75 17 6.25 21.25 .6 750 0^._ 62 171.50 77-50 22 81.50 27.50 18 8.50 22.50 7 .8 .875 1. 000 61 169.25 76.25 21 79.25 26.25 19 10.75 23.75 0.9 1.125 +60 +167.00 + 75-00 +20 + 77.oo +25.00 -20 13.00 25.00 59 164.75 73-75 19 74-75 23.75 21 15.25 26.25 58 162.50 72.50 18 72.50 22.50 22 17.50 27.50 F. c. 57 160.25 71.25 17 70.25 21.25 23 19-75 28.75 0.25 0.14 56 158.00 70.00 16 68.00 20.00 24 22.00 30.00 50 .28 75 42 +55 +155.75 + 68.75 + 15 + 65.75 +I8-75 -25 -24.25 -31.25 1. 00 .56 54 I53-50 67.50 14 63-50 17.50 26 26.50 32.50 1-25 .69 Q_ 53 151.25 66.25 13 61.25 16.25 27 28.75 33-75 1.50 i-75 8 3 97 52 149.00 65.00 12 59-00 15.00 28 31.00 35-00 2.00 I. II 5i 146.75 63.75 II 56.75 13.75 29 33-25 36.25 +50 +144-50 + 62.50 + 10 + 54-50 +12.50 -30 -35-50 -37.50 49 142.25 61.25 9 52.25 11.25 3i 37-75 38.75 C. F. 48 140.00 60.00 8 50.00 IO.OO 32 40.00 4O.OO 0.05 0.09 47 137-75 58.75 7 47-75 8.75 33 42.25 41.25 .10 .18 46 135.50 57-50 6 45-50 7-50 34 44.50 42.50 15 .20 27 .36 +45 +133.25 + 56.25. + 5 + 43-25 + 6.25 -35 -46.75 -43-75 25 50 45 9 44 131.00 55-00 4 41.00 5-oo 36 49.00 45.00 75 1-35 43 128.75 5375 3 38.75 3-75 37 51.25 46.25 I.OO i. So 42 126.50 52.50 2 36.50 2.50 38 53.50 47.50 4i 124.25 51-25 + I 34-25 + 1.25 39 55-75 48.75 +40 4-122.00 + 50.00 + 32.00 0.00 -40 -58.00 50.00 F = - C+ 32 C = (F 32) R = ~- (F 32) 599 - R+ 2 - R C 4 4 5 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 2, FAHRENHEIT SCALE TO CENTIGRADE. Fahren- heit. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .e .7 .8 .9 c. C. c. c. c. c. c. c. C. c. +130 +54?44 +54?5Q +54?56 +546i +5467 +54?72 +5478 +54?8 3 +548 9 +54?94 129 53-89 53-94 54.00 54.06 54.ii 54.17 54.22 54.28 54.33 54.39 128 53-33 53-39 53-44 53.50 53.56 53.6i 53.67 53-72 53.78 53.83 127 52.78 52-83 52.89 52.94 53-oo 53-06 53-11 53.17 53-22 53.28 126 52.22 52.28 52.33 52.39 52.44 52.50 52.56 52.61 52.67 52.72 +125 +51-67 -f5 r -72 +5L78 +51.83 +51.89 +5L94 +52.00 +52.06 +52.11 +52.17 124 51.11 5i-i7 51.22 51.28 51-33 5L39 51-44 51-50 5L56 51.61 123 50.56 5.6i 50.67 50.72 50.78 50.83 50.89 50.94 51.00 51.06 122 50.00 50.06 50.11 50.17 50.22 50.28 50.33 50.39 50.44 50.50 121 49-44 49-50 49.56 49-6i 49.67 49.72 49.78 49.83 49.89 49-94 +120 +48.89 +49-94 +49.00 +49.06 +49- ! J +49-17 +49-22 +49.28 +49-33 +49-39 119 48.33 48.39 48.44 48.50 48.56 48.61 48.67 48.72 48.78 48.83 118 47.78 47.83 47.89 47-94 48.00 48.06 48.11 48.17 48.22 48.28 117 47.22 47.28 47-33 47-39 47-44 47.50 47.56 47.6i 47.67 47-72 116 46.67 46.72 46.78 46.83 46.89 46.94 47-00 47.06 47.11 47-17 + 115 +46.11 +46.17 +46.22 +46.28 +46.33 +46.39 +46.44 +46.50 +46.56 +46.61 114 45.56 45.6i 45.67 45.72 45-78 45.83 45-89 45-94 46.00 46.06 H3 45.00 45-06 45-11 45-17 45.22 45.28 45.33 45-39 45.44 45.50 112 44-44 44-50 44.56 44.61 44.67 44.72 44.78 44.83 44.89 44-94 III 43.89 43-94 44.00 44.06 44.11 44.17 44.22 44.28 44.33 44-39 + 110 +43-33 +43-39 +43-44 +43-50 +43.56 +43.6i +43.67 +43-72 +43.78 +43.83 109 42.78 42.83 42.89 42.94 43-00 43.06 43-n 43-17 43-22 43.28 108 42.22 42.28 42.33 42.39 42.44 42.50 42.56 42.61 42.67 42.72 107 41.67 41.72 41.78 41.83 41.89 41.94 42.00 42.06 42.11 42.17 106 41.11 41.17 41.22 41.28 41-33 41-39 41.44 41.50 41.56 41.61 +105 +40.56 +40.61 +40.67 +40.72 +40.78 +40.83 +40.89 +40.94 +41.00 +41.06 104 40.00 40.06 40.11 40.17 40.22 40.28 40.33 40.39 40.44 40.50 103 39-44 39-50 39.56 39.61 39.67 39-72 39-78 39.83 39-89 39-94 1 02 38.89 38.94 39-00 39.o6 39-11 39.17 39.22 39.28 39-33 39-39 IOI 38.33 38.39 38.44 38.50 38.56 38.61 38.67 38.72 38.78 38.83 +100 +37-78 +37.83 +37.89 +37-94 +38.00 +38.06 +38.11 +38.17 +38.22 +38.28 99 37-22 37-28 37-33 37-39 37.44 37-50 37.56 37.61 37.67 37.72 98 36.67 36.72 36.78 36-83 36.89 36.94 37-00 37.06 37.ii 37.17 97 36.11 36.17 36.22 36.28 36.33 36.39 36.44 36.50 36.56 36.61 96 35-56 35-61 35.67 35.72 35.78 35.83 35.89 35-94 36.00 36.06 + 95 +35-00 +35-06 +35-11 +35-17 +35-22 +35.28 +35-33 +35-39 +35-44 +35.50 94 34-44 34.50 34.56 34.61 34.67 34-72 34.78 34.83 34.89 34-94 93 33-89 33-94 34.oo 34.06 34-11 34.17 34-22 34.28 34-33 34-39 92 33.33 33-39 33-44 33-50 33.56 33.6i 33.67 33-72 33-78 33.83 9i 32.78 32.83 32.89 32.94 33-00 33-06 33-11 33.17 33-22 33-28 + 90 +32.22 +32.28 +32.33 +32-39 +32.44 +32.50 +32-56 +32.61 +32.67 +32.72 89 3!-67 31.72 3L78 31-83 31.89 31-94 32.00 32.06 32.11 33-17 88 31.11 3I-I7 31.22 31.28 31-33 31.39 31-44 31-50 31.56 31.61 87 30.56 30.61 30.67 30.72 30.78 30.83 30.89 30.94 31.00 31.06 86 30.00 30.06 30.11 30.17 30.22 30.28 3-33 30.39 30.44 30.50 + 85 +29.44 +29.50 +29.56 +29.61 +29.67 +29.72 +29.78 +29.83 +29.89 +29.94 84 28.89 28.94 29.00 29.06 29.11 29.17 29.22 29.28 29-33 29.39 83 28.33 28.39 28.44 28.50 28.56 28.61 28.67 28.72 28.78 28.83 82 27.78 27.83 27.89 27.94 28.00 28.06 28.11 28.17 28.22 28.28 81 27.22 27.28 27.33 27.39 27.44 27-50 27.56 27.61 27.67 27.72 + 80 +26.67 +26.72 +26.78 +26.83 +26.89 +26.94 +27.00 +27.06 +27.11 +27.17 .O .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 2. FAHRENHEIT SCALE TO CENTIGRADE. Fahren- heit. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. +80 + 2 6?67 +26? 7 2 +26? 7 8 +26?83 +26?8 9 +26?94 +2 7 ?00 +2 7 ?o6 +27?n +27?i7 79 26.11 26.17 26.22 26.28 26.33 26.39 26.44 26.50 26.56 26.61 78 25-56 25.61 25-67 25-72 25.78 25.83 25.89 25.94 26.00 26.06 77 25.00 25.06 25.11 25.17 25.22 25.28 25.33 25-39 25.44 25-50 76 24.44 24.50 24.56 24.61 24.67 24-72 24.78 24.83 24.89 24.94 +75 +23-89 +23.94 +24.00 +24.06 +24.11 +24.17 +24.22 +24.28 +24.33 +24-39 74 23-33 23.39 23.44 23-50 23-56 23.61 23.67 23.72 23.78 23-83 73 22.78 22.83 22.89 22.94 23.00 23.06 23.11 23.17 23.22 23.28 72 22.22 22.28 22.33 22.39 22.44 22.50 22.56 22.61 22.67 22.72 7i 21.67 21.72 21.78 21.83 21.89 21.94 22.00 22.06 22.11 22.17 +70 +21. II +21.17 +21.22 +21.28 +21.33 +21.39 +21.44 +21.50 +21.56 +21.61 69 20.56 20. 6l 20.67 20.72 20.78 20.83 20.89 20.94 21. OO 21.06 68 20.00 20.06 20.11 20.17 20.22 20.28 20.33 20.39 20.44 20.50 6 7 19.44 19.50 19.56 19.61 19.67 19.72 19.78 19.83 19.89 19.94 66 18.89 18.94 19.00 19.06 19.11 19.17 19.22 19.28 !9-33 19-39 +65 +18.33 +18.39 +18.44 +18.50 +18.56 +18.61 +18.67 +18.72 +18.78 +18.83 64 17.78 17.83 17.89 17.94 18.00 18.06 18.11 18.17 18.22 18.28 63 17.22 17.28 17.33 17-39 17.44 17-50 17.56 17.61 17.67 17.72 62 16.67 16.72 16.78 16.83 16.89 16.94 17.00 17.06 17.11 17.17 61 16.11 16.17 16.22 16.28 16.33 16.39 16.44 16.50 16.56 16.61 +60 +15.56 +15.61 4-15.67 +15.72 +15.78 +15.83 +15-89 +15.94 +16.00 +16.06 59 15.00 15.06 15-11 15.17 15.22 15-28 15-33 15.39 15-44 15.50 58 14.44 14.50 14.56 14.61 14.67 14.72 14.78 14.83 14.89 14.94 57 13.89 13.94 14.00 14.06 14.11 14.17 14.22 14.28 14-33 *4-39 56 13-33 13.39 13.44 13-50 13-56 13.61 13.67 13.72 13-78 13-83 +55 +12.78 +12.83 +12.89 +12.94 +13.00 +13-06 +13.11 +13.17 +13.22 -fi3.28 54 12.22 12.28 12-33 12.39 12.44 12.50 12.56 12.61 12.67 12.72 53 11.67 11.72 11.78 11.83 11.89 11.94 12.00 12. 06 I2.II 12.17 52 II. II 11.17 11.22 11.28 H-33 11-39 11.44 11.50 H.56 ii. 61 5i 10.56 10.61 10.67 10.72 10.78 10.83 10.89 10.94 11.00 1 1. 06 +50 +IO.OO +10.06 +10. 1 1 +10.17 +10.22 +10.28 +10-33 +10-39 +10.44 +10.50 49 9-44 9.50 9.56 9.61 9.67 9.72 9.78 9.83 9.8 9 9-94 48 8.89 8-94 9.00 9.06 9.II 9.17 9.22 9.28 9-33 9.39 47 8.33 8-39 8.44 8.50 8.56 8.61 8.67 8.72 8.78 8.83 46 7.78 7.83 7.89 7-94 8.00 8.06 8. ii 8.17 8.22 8.28 +45 + 7.22 + 7-28 + 7.33 + 7-39 + 7-44 + 7.50 + 7.56 + 7.6i + 7.67 + 7.72 44 6.67 6.72 6.78 6.83 6.89 6.94 7.00 7.06 7.11 7.17 43 6. ii 6.17 6.22 6.28 6.33 6-39 6.44 6.50 6.56 6.61 42 5.56 5.61 5-67 5-72 5.78 5.89 5-94 6.00 6.06 4i 5.00 5.06 5-II 5.17 5.22 5^8 5.33 5-39 5-44 5.50 +40 + 4-44 + 4.50 + 4.56 + 4.6i + 4.67 + 4.72 + 4.78 + 4-83 + 4.89 + 4.94 39 3.89 3.94 4.00 4.06 4.11 4.17 4.22 4.28 4-33 4-39 38 3-33 3-39 3-44 3-50 3.56 3.6i 3.67 3.72 3.78 3.83 37 2.78 2.83 2.8 9 2-94 3-00 3.06 3.11 3.17 3.22 3-28 36 2.22 2.28 2-33 2-39 2.44 2.50 2.56 2.61 2.67 2.72 +35 + 1.67 + 1.72 + L78 + 1.83 + 1.89 + 1-94 + 2.OO + 2.06 + 2.II + 2.17 34 + I.II + 1.17 + 1.22 + 1.28 + 1-33 + 1-39 + L44 + 1.50 + L56 + 1.61 33 + 0.56 + 0.61 + 0.67 + 0.72 + 0.78 + 0.83 + 0.89 + 0.94 + 1. 00 + 1.06 3 2 0.00 + 0.06 + O.II + 0.17 + 0.22 + 0.28 + 0.33 + 0.39 + 0.44 + 0.50 3i 0.56 0.50 - 0.44 - 0.39 - 0-33 0.28 0.22 - 0.17 O.II 0.06 +30 I.II - 1.06 1. 00 - 0.94 - 0.89 - 0.83 - 0.78 0.72 0.67 0.61 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 2, FAHRENHEIT SCALE TO CENTIGRADE. Fahren- heit. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. C. +30 - i?n - i?o6 - I?00 - o? 9 4 - o?89 -o?8 3 -o?78 -0? 7 2 - o?67 - o?6i 29 1.67 1.61 1.56 1.50 1.44 1-39 1-33 1.28 1.22 1.17 28 2.22 2.17 2. II 2.06 2.00 1.94 1.89 1.83 I. 7 8 1.72 27 2. 7 8 2.72 2.67 2.61 2.56 2.50 2.44 2.39 2-33 2.28 26 3-33 3-28 3.22 3.17 3.11 3.o6 3.00 2.94 2.89 2.83 +25 -3-89 -3.83 -3-78 - 3.72 -3.67 -3.6i -3.56 - 3.50 - 344 - 3-39 24 4.44 4.39 4-33 4.28 4.22 4.17 4. ii 4.06 4.00 3-94 23 5.00 4.94 4.89 4.83 4.78 4.72 4.67 4.61 4.56 4.50 22 5.56 5.50 5-44 5-39 5-28 5.22 5.17 5-II 5-o6 21 6.ii 6.06 6.00 5.94 5.89 5.83 5-78 5.72 5.67 5.6i +20 - 6.67 - 6.61 - 6.56 6.50 - 6.44 - 6.39 - 6.33 - 6.28 - 6.22 -6.17 *9 7.22 7.17 7.11 7.06 7.00 6.94 6.89 6.83 6.78 6.72 18 7.78 7.72 7.67 7.61 7.56 7.50 7-44 7.39 7-33 7.28 17 8-33 8.28 8.22 8.17 8.ii 8.06 8.00 7.94 7.89 7.83 16 8.89 8.83 8.78 8.72 8.67 8.61 8.56 8.50 8.44 8.39 + 15 - 9.44 - 9-39 - 9-33 9.28 9.22 - 9.17 - 9.11 9.06 9.00 - 8.94 14 10.00 9-94 9.89 9.83 9.78 9-72 9-67 9.61 9.56 9.50 13 10.56 10.50 10.44 10.39 10.33 10.28 10.22 10.17 IO.II 10. 06 12 II. II ii. 06 11.00 10.94 10.89 10.83 10.78 10.72 10.67 10.61 II 11.67 ii. 61 11.56 11.50 11.44 H-39 11-33 11.28 11.22 11.17 + 10 12.22 12.17 12.11 12.06 12.00 -11.94 11.89 -11.83 11.78 -11.72 9 12.78 12.72 12.67 12. 6l 12.56 12.50 12.44 12.39 12.33 12.28 8 13.33 13.28 13.22 I3-I' 7 IS." 13.06 13.00 12.94 12.89 12.83 7 J 3- 8 9 13.83 13.78 13.7^ 13.67 13.61 13.56 13.50 13-44 13.39 6 14.44 14.39 14.33 14.28 14.22 14.17 14.11 14.06 14.00 13-94 + 5 15.00 -14.94 -14.89 -14.83 -14.78 -14.72 -14.67 14.61 -14.56 -14.50 4 15-56 15-50 15.44 15.39 15.33 15-28 15.22 15.17 15.11 15.06 3 16.11 16.06 16.00 15-94 15.89 15.83 15.78 15.72 I5.67 15.61 2 16.67 16.61 16.56 16.50 16.44 16.39 16.33 16.28 16.22 16.17 I 17.22 17.17 17.11 17.06 I7.OO 16.94 16.89 16.83 16.78 16.72 + o 17.78 17.72 17.67 17.61 17.56 17.50 17.44 17.39 17.33 17.28 - -17.78 -17-83 -17.89 -17.94 -18.00 -18.06 18.11 18.17 18.22 -18.28 I 18.33 18.39 18.44 18.50 18.56 18.61 18.67 18.72 18.78 18.83 2 18.89 18.94 19.00 19.06 19.11 19.17 19.22 19.28 19.33 19-39 3 19.44 19-50 19-56 19.61 19.67 19.72 19.78 19.83 I 9 .89 19.94 4 20.00 20.06 20.11 20.17 20.22 20.28 20.33 20.39 20.44 20.50 - 5 20.56 20.61 20.67 20.72 -20.78 20.83 20.89 -20.94 21.00 21.06 6 2I-.II 21.17 21.22 21.28 21-33 21.39 21.44 21.50 21.56 21. 6l 7 21.67 21.72 21.78 21.83 21.89 21.94 22.00 22.06 22.11 22.17 8 22.22 22.28 22.33 22.39 22.44 22.50 22.56 22. 6l 22.67 22.72 9 22.78 22.83 22.89 22.94 23.00 23.06 23.11 23.17 23.22 23.28 -10 -23.33 -23.39 23.44 -23-50 -23-56 23.61 -23.67 -23.72 -23.78 -23.83 ii 23.89 23-94 24.00 24.06 24.11 24.17 24.22 24.28 24.33 24.39 12 24.44 24.50 24.56 24.61 24-67 24.72 24.78 24.83 24.89 24.94 13 25.00 25.06 25-11 25.17 25.22 25.28 25.33 25.39 25-44 25.50 14 25-56 25.61 25.67 25.72 25.78 25.83 25.8 9 25.94 26.00 26.06 - 15 26. 1 1 26.17 26.22 -26.28 -26.33 -26.39 -26.44 26.50 -26.56 -26.61 16 26.67 26.72 26.78 26.83 26.89 26.94 27.00 27.06 27.11 27.17 17 27.22 27.28 27-33 27-39 27.44 27.50 27.56 27.6l 27.67 27.72 18 27.78 27.83 27.89 27.94 28.00 28.06 28.11 28.17 28.22 28.28; 19 28.33 28.39 28.44 28.50 28.56 28.61 28.67 28.72 28.78 28.83 -20 -28.89 -28.94 29.OO 29.06 29.11 29.17 29.22 29.28 -29-33 -29.39 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 2. FAHRENHEIT SCALE TO CENTIGRADE. Fahren- heit. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. -20 -28?89 -28? 9 4 -29?00 2 9 ?06 29?! i -2 9 ?I7 29?22 -29?28 -29?33 -2939 21 29.44 29.50 29.56 29.61 29.67 29.72 29-78 29.83 29.89 29.94 22 30.00 30.06 30.11 30.17 30.22 30.28 30.33 30.39 30.44 30.50 23 30-56 30.61 30.67 30.72 30.78 30.83 30.89 30.94 31.00 31.06 24 31.11 3LI7 31.22 31.28 3L33 31.39 31-44 31.50 31-56 31.61 -25 -31.67 -31.72 -31.78 -31.83 31.89 -31.94 32.00 32.06 -32.11 -32.17 26 32.22 32.28 32.33 32.39 32.44 32.50 32.56 32.61 32.67 32.72 27 32.78 32.83 32.89 32.94 33-00 33-06 33-n 33.17 33-22 33-28 28 33-33 33-39 33.44 33-50 33-56 33.61 33-67 33.72 33.78 33.83 i 29 33.89 33-94 34.00 34.06 34-11 34.17 34-22 34.28 34.33 34-39 -30 -34.44 -34-50 -34.56 -34.61 -34.67 -34.72 -34.78 -34.83 -34.89 -34-94 3 1 35-00 35.o6 35-n 35.17 35-22 35.28 35.33 35-39 35.44 35-50 3 2 35.56 35-6i 35.67 35.72 35-78 35.83 35.89 35-94 36.00 36.06 33 36.11 36.17 36.22 36.28 36.33 36.39 36.44 36.50 36.56 36-61 34 36.67 36.72 36.78 36.83 36.89 36.94 37-00 37.06 37.11 37.17 -35 -37-22 -37.28 -37-33 -37-39 -37-44 -37.50 -37.56 -37-6I -37.67 -37.72 36 37-78 37.83 37.89 37-94 38.00 38.06 38.11 38.17 38.22 38.28 37 38.33 38.39 38.44 38-50 38-56 38.61 38.67 38.72 38.78 38.83 38 38.89 38.94 39-oo 39-o6 39-11 39-17 39-22 39.28 39-33 39-39 39 39-44 39-50 39.56 39.61 39-67 39.72 39.78 39.83 39.89 39-94 -40 40.00 40.06 40. 1 1 -40.17 40.22 40.28 -40.33 -40.39 -40.44 -40.50 4i 40.56 40.61 40.67 40.72 40.78 40.83 40.89 40.94 41.00 41.06 42 41.11 41.17 41.22 41.28 41-33 41.39 41.44 41.50 41.56 41.61 43 41.67 41.72 41.78 41.83 41.89 41.94 42.00 42.06 42.11 42.17 44 42.22 42.28 42.33 42.39 42.44 42.50 42.56 42.61 42.67 42.72 -45 -42.78 -42.83 -42.89 -42.94 -43-00 -43.06 -43.11 -43-17 43.22 -43.28 46 43.33 43-39 43-44 43-50 43.56 43.61 43.67 43-72 43.78 43.83 47 43.89 43-94 44.00 44.06 44.11 44.17 44.22 44-28 44-33 44-39 48 44.44 44.50 44-56 44.61 44.67 44.72 44.78 44-83 44.89 44-94 49 45.oo 45.06 45-n 45.17 45.22 45.28 45.33 45-39 45-44 45-50 -50 -45.56 -45.61 -45-67 -45.72 -45.78 -45.83 -45.89 -45.94 46.00 46.06 51 46.11 46.17 46.22 46.28 46.33 46.39 46.44 46.50 46.56 46.61 52 46.67 46.72 46.78 46.83 46.89 46.94 47.00 47.06 47.11 47.17 53 47.22 47-28 47-33 47-39 47-44 47.50 47.56 47-6i 47.67 47.72 54 47.78 47.83 47.89 47-94 48.00 48.06 48.11 48.17 48.22 48.28 -55 -48.33 -48.39 -48.44 -48.50 -48.56 -48.61 -48.67 -48.72 -48.78 -48.83 56 48.89 48.94 49.00 49.06 49.11 49.17 49.22 49.28 49.33 49-39 57 49-44 49-50 49.56 49.61 49.67 49-72 49-78 49-83 49.89 49-94 58 50.00 50.06 50.11 50.17 50.22 50.28 50.33 50.39 50.44 50.50 59 50.56 50.61 50.67 50.72 50.78 50.83 50.89 50.94 51.00 51.06 -60 -51.11 -51.17 51.22 -51.28 -51.33 -51.39 -51.44 -5i-5o -51-56 51.61 61 51.67 51-72 51.78 51-83 51-89 51.94 52.00 52.06 52.11 52.17 62 52.22 52.28 52.33 52.39 52.44 52.50 52.56 52.61 52.67 52.72 63 52.78 52.83 52.89 52.94 53-00 53.06 53.11 53.17 53.22 53-28 64 53-33 53-39 53.44 53.50 53.56 53.61 53.67 53.72 53-78 53-83 -65 -53.89 -53-94 -54-00 -54.o6 -54.11 -54.17 -54.22 -54-28 -54.33 -54.39 66 54-44 54-50 54.56 54.61 54.67 54.72 54.78 54.83 54.9 54-94 67 55-oo 55-o6 55.ii 55-17 55-22 55.28 55.33 55-39 55-44 55-50 68 55.56 55-6i 55.67 55.72 55.78 55.83 55.89 55-94 56.00 56.06 69 56. 1 1 56.17 56.22 56.28 56.33 56.39 56.44 56.50 56.56 56.61 -70 -56.67 -56.72 -56.78 -56.83 -56.89 -56.94 -57.00 -57.06 -57-11 -57-17 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 3. CENTIGRADE SCALE TO FAHRENHEIT. Centi- grade. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 F F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. +50 +I22?00 +I22?l8 +I22? 3 6 +I22? 54 +I22?72 +I22?90 +I23?o8 +I2 3 ?26 +i2 3 ?44 +I23?6 2 | 49 120.20 120.38 120.56 120.74 120.92 121. 10 121.28 121.46 121.64 121.82 48 II8.40 118.58 118.76 118.94 119.12 119.30 119.48 119.66 119.84 1 20.02 47 116.60 116.78 116.96 117.14 117.32 117.50 117.68 117.86 118.04 118.22 46 114.80 114.98 II5.I6 115.34 H5.52 115.70 115.88 116.06 116.24 116.42 +45 +113.00 +H3.I8 +H3.36 +113.54 +113.72 +H3.90 +114.08 +114.26 +114.44 +114.62 44 III. 20 111.38 111.56 111.74 111.92 112. 10 112.28 112.46 112.64 112.82 43 109.40 109.58 109.76 109.94 IIO. 12 110.30 110.48 110.66 110.84 111.02 42 107.60 107.78 107.96 108.14 108.32 108.50 108.68 108.86 109.04 109.22 41 105.80 105.98 106.16 106.34 106.52 106.70 106.88 107.06 107.24 10742 +40 +104.00 +I04.I8 +104.36 +104.54 +104.72 +104.90 +105.08 +105.26 +105.44 +105.62 39 102.20 102.38 102.56 102.74 IO2.92 103.10 103.28 103.46 103.64 103.82 38 100.40 100.58 100.76 100.94 IOI.I2 101.30 101.48 101.66 101.84 102.02 37 98.60 98.78 98.96 99.14 99-32 99-50 99.68 99.86 100.04 IOO.22 36 96.80 96.98 97.16 97.34 97-52 97.70 97-88 98.06 98.24 98.42 +35 + 95-00 + 95-I8 + 95.36 +95.54 + 95.72 + 95.90 + 96.08 + 96.26 + 96.44 + 96.62 34 93.20 93.38 93-56 93.74 93.92 94.10 94.28 94.46 94.64 94-82 33 91.40 9L58 91.76 91.94 92.12 92.30 92.48 92.66 92.84 93.02 32 89.60 89.78 89.96 90.14 90.32 90.50 90.68 90.86 91.04 91.22 3i 87.80 87.98 88.16 88.34 88.52 88.70 88.88 89.06 89.24 89.42 +30 + 86.00 + 86.18 + 86.36 + 86.54 + 86.72 + 86.90 + 87.08 + 87.26 + 8744 + 87.62 29 84.20 84.38 84.56 84.74 84.92 85.10 85.28 85.46 85.64 85.82! 28 82.40 82.58 82.76 82.94 83.12 83.30 83.48 83.66 83-84 84.02 27 80.60 80.78 80.96 81.14 81.32 81.50 81.68 81.86 82.04 82.22 26 78.80 78.98 79.16 79.34 79.52 79.70 79-88 80.06 80.24 80.42 +25 + 77-00 + 77.18 + 77.36 + 77-54 + 77.72 + 77.90 + 78.08 + 78.26 + 78.44 -t- 78.62 24 75-20 75.38 75-56 75-74 75-92 76.10 76.28 76.46 76.64 76.82! 23 7340 73-58 73.76 73-94 74.12 74.30 74.48 74.66 74.84 75-02; 22 71.60 71.78 71.96 72.14 72.32 72.50 72.68 72.86 73-04 73-22 21 69.80 6 9 . 9 8 70.16 70.34 70.52 70.70 70.88 71.06 71.24 71.42 +20 + 68.00 + 68.18 + 68.36 + 68.54 + 68.72 + 68.90 + 69.08 + 69.26 + 69.44 + 69.62 19 66.20 66.38 66.56 66.74 66.92 67.10 67.28 67.46 67.64 67.82 18 64.40 64.58 64.76 64.94 65.12 65.30 65-48 65.66 65.84 66.02^ 17 62.60 62.78 62.96 63.14 63.32 63.50 63.68 63.86 64.04 64.22 16 60.80 60.98 61.16 6i.34 61.52 6l.70 61.88 62.06 62.24 62.42j + 15 + 59-00 + 59-I8 + 59.36 + 59-54 + 59-72 + 59-90 + 60.08 + 60.26 + 60.44 +60.62 14 57.20 57.38 57.56 57.74 57-92 58.10 58.28 58.46 58.64 58.82! 13 55-40 55.58 55.76 55-94 56.12 56.30 56.48 56.66 56.84 57.021 12 53.60 53.78 53.96 54-14 54.32 54-50 54-68 54.86 55.04 55.22! II 51-80 51.98 52.16 52-34 52.52 52.70 52.88 53-06 53-24 53.42 + 10 + 50.00 + 50.18 + 50.36 + 50.54 + 50.72 + 50.90 + 51-08 + 51-26 + 51-44 +51.62 9 48.20 48.38 48.56 48.74 48.92 49.10 49.28 49.46 49.64 49.82 8 46.40 46.58 46.76 46.94 47.12 47-30 47.48 47-66 47.84 48.02 7 44.60 44.78 44.96 45-14 45.32 45.50 45-68 45-86 46.04 46.22 6 42.80 42.98 43.16 43-34 43.52 43.70 43-88 44.06 44.24 44.42 + 5 + 41.00 + 4I.I8 + 41.36 + 41-54 + 41.72 + 41.90 + 42.08 + 42.26 + 42.44 +42.62; 4 39-20 39.38 39.56 39-74 39-92 40.10 40.28 40.46 40.64 40.82 3 37-40 37.58 37.76 37-94 38-12 38.30 38.48 38.66 38.84 39-02 2 35-6o 35.78 35.96 36.14 36.32 36.50 36.68 36.86 37-04 37.22! I 33.8o 33.98 34.16 34-34 34-52 34.70 34-88 35-o6 35-24 35-42! + + 32.00 + 32.18 + 32.36 + 32.54 + 32.72 + 32.90 + 33-08 + 33-26 + 33-44 + 33.62 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 3. CENTIGRADE SCALE TO FAHRENHEIT. Centi- grade. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. -0 +32?00 +3I?82 +3i64 +3I> +3I?28 + 3 i?io +3Q?92 +30?74 +3Q?56 +3o?38 i 30.20 30.02 29.84 29.66 29.48 29.30 29.12 28.94 28.76 28.58 2 28.40 28.22 28.04 27.86 27.68 27.50 27.32 27.14 26.96 26.78 3 26.60 26.42 26.24 26.06 2-5.88 25.70 25.52 25-34 25.16 24.98 4 24.80 24.62 24.44 24.26 24.08 23.90 23.72 23.54 23.36 23.18 -5 +23.00 +22.82 +22.64 +22.46 +22.28 +22.10 +21.92 +21.74 +21.56 +21.38 6 21. 2O 2 1. 02 20.84 20.66 20.48 20.30 20.12 19.94 19.76 19.58 7 19.40 19.22 19.04 18.86 18.68 18.50 18.32 18.14 17.96 17.78 8 17.60 17.42 17.24 17.06 16.88 16.70 16.52 16.34 16.16 15.98 9 15.80 15.62 15.44 15.26 15.08 14.90 14.72 14.54 14.36 14.18 -10 +14.00 +13.82 +13-64 +13-46 +13.28 +13.10 +12.92 +12.74 +12.56 +12.38 ii 1 2. 2O I2.O2 11.84 11.66 11.48 11.30 II. 12 10.94 10.76 10.58 12 IO.4O IO.22 10.04 9.86 9.68 9.50 9.32 9.14 8.96 8.78 13 8.60 8.42 8.24 8.06 7.88 7.70 7.52 7.34 7.16 6.98 14 6.80 6.62 6-44 6.26 6.08 5.90 5.72 5-54 5-36 5.i8 -15 + 5-oo + 4.82 + 4-64 + 446 + 4.28 + 4-10 + 3-92 + 3.74 + 3.56 + 3.38 16 + 3-20 + 3-02 + 2.84 + 2.66 + 2.48 + 2.30 + 2.12 + 1-94 + 1-76 + 1.58 17 + 1.40 + 1.22 + 1.04 + 0.86 + 0.68 + 0.50 + 0.32 + 0.14 0.04 0.22 j 18 0.40 - 0.58 0.76 - 0.94 1. 12 - 1.30 1.48 - 1.66 - 1.84 2.02 19 2. 2O -2.38 -2.56 - 2.74 2.92 - 3-10 -3.28 - 3-46 - 3-64 - 3-82 , -20 4-00 4.l8 - 4.36 - 4.54 - 4.72 - 4.90 -5.08 -5-26 - 5-44 -5-62 21 5.80 5.98 6.16 6.34 6.52 6.70 6.88 7.06 7.24 7.42 22 7 .60 7.78 7.96 8.14 8.32 8.50 8.68 8.86 9.04 9.22 23 9.40 9.58 9.76 9.94 IO.I2 10.30 10.48 10.66 10.84 II. O2 24 II. 2O 11.38 11.56 11.74 11.92 12.10 12.28 12.46 12.64 12.82 -25 -13.00 -I3.I8 -13.36 -13.54 -13.72 -13.90 -14.08 14.26 -14.44 14.62 26 14.80 14.98 15.16 15.34 15.52 15.70 15.88 16.06 16.24 16.42 27 16.60 16.78 16.96 17.14 17.32 17.50 17.68 17.86 18.04 18.22 28 18.40 18.58 18.76 18.94 19.12 19.30 19.48 19.66 19.84 2O.O2 29 20.20 20.38 20.56 20.74 20.92 21.10 21.28 21.46 21.64 21.82 -30 22.00 22.18 22.36 -22.54 22.72 22.90 -23.08 23.26 -23.44 23.62 3i 23.80 23.98 24.16 24.34 24.52 24.70 24.88 25.06 25.24 2542 32 25.60 25.78 25.96 26.14 26.32 26.50 26.68 26.86 27.04 27.22 33 27.40 27.58 27.76 27.94 28.12 28.30 28.48 28.66 28.84 29.02 34 29.20 29.38 29.56 29.74 29.92 30.10 30.28 30.46 30.64 30.82 -35 -31.00 -3I.I8 -3L36 -31-54 -31.72 -31.90 -32.08 32.26 -32.44 32.62 36 32.80 32. 9 8 33.i6 33-34 33-52 33-70 33-88 34.o6 34-24 3442 37 34.60 34.78 34.96 35.14 35.32 35.50 35.68 35.86 36.04 36.22 38 36.40 36.58 36.76 36.94 37.12 37.30 37-48 37.66 37.84 38.02 39 38.20 38.38 38.56 38.74 38.92 39.10 39-28 39.46 39.64 39.82 -40 40.00 40.l8 -40.36 -40.54 -40.72 40.90 41.08 41.26 -41-44 41.62 4i 41.80 41.98 42.16 42.34 42.52 42.70 42.88 43-06 43-24 43-42 42 43.60 43.78 43.96 44.14 44.32 44-50 44.68 44-86 45-04 45-22 ! 43 4540 45.58 45.76 45-94 46.12 46.30 46.48 46.66 46.84 47-02 1 44 47.20 47.38 47.56 47-74 47.92 48.IO 48.28 48.46 48.64 48.82 -45 -49.00 49.l8 -49.36 -49.54 -49.72 -49.90 50.08 -50.26 -50.44 50.62 46 50.80 50.98 51.16 51-34 5L52 5L70 51-88 52.06 52.24 52.42 47 52.60 52.78 52.96 53.14 53.32 53-50 53-68 53-86 54-04 54.22 48 54-40 54.58 54.76 54-94 55-12 55-30 55-48 55-66 55.84 56.02 49 56.20 56.38 56.56 56.74 56.92 57-10 57.28 57.46 57.64 57-82 -50 -58.00 -58.18 -58.36 -58.54 -58.72 -58.90 -59.o8 -59.26 -59-44 -59.62 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 4. CENTIGRADE SCALE TO FAHRENHEIT- Near the Boiling Point. Centi- grade. .O .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. 100 2I2?00 2I2?l8 2I2? 3 6 2I2? 54 2I2?72 2I2?9O 2i3?o8 2I 3 ?26 2i344 2I 3 ?62 99 21O.2O 210.38 210.56 210.74 2IO.92 211. IO 211.28 211.46 211.64 211.82 98 208.40 208.58 208.76 208.94 209.12 209.30 209.48 209.66 209.84 210.02 97 206.60 206.78 206.96 207.14 207.32 207.50 207.68 207.86 208.04 208.22 96 2O4.8O 204.98 205.16 205.34 205.52 205.70 205.88 206.06 206.24 206.42 95 203.00 203. 18 203.36 203.54 203.72 203.90 204.08 204.26 204.44 204.62 94 2OI.2O 201.38 201.56 201.74 201.92 202.10 202.28 202.46 202.64 202.82 93 199.40 I99-58 199.76 199.94 2OO.I2 200.30 200.48 2OO.66 200.84 201.02 92 197.60 197.78 197.96 198.14 198.32 198.50 198.68 198.86 199.04 199.22 9i 195.80 195-98 196.16 196.34 196.52 196.70 196.88 197.06 197.24 197.42 90 194.00 194.18 194.36 194.54 194.72 194.90 I95.o8 195.26 195.44 195.62 TABLE 5. DIFFERENCES FAHRENHEIT TO DIFFERENCES CENTIGRADE. i Fahren- heit. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. ofoo o?o6 0?II 0?I 7 0?22 0?28 o?33 o?39 o?44 o?5o I 0.56 0.61 0.67 0.72 0.78 0.83 0.89 0.94 1. 00 i. 06 2 I. II 1.17 1.22 1.28 1-33 i-39 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.61 3 1.67 1.72 I. 7 8 1.83 1.8 9 1.94 2.OO 2.06 2.II 2.17 4 2.22 2.28 2-33 2.39 2-44 2.50 2.56 2.61 2.6 7 2.72 5 2.78 2.83 2.89 2.94 3.00 3-o6 3-n 3.17 3.22 3-28 6 3-33 3-39 3-44 3.50 3.56 3-6i 3-67 3.72 3-78 3-83 7 3.89 3-94 4.00 4.06 4.11 4.17 4.22 4.28 4-33 4-39 8 4-44 4-50 4.56 4.61 4.67 4-72 4-78 4.83 4.89 4.94 9 5-00 5-o6 5-n 5.17 5.22 5-28 5-33 5.39 5-44 5-50 10 5.56 5-6i 5.67 5.72 5-78 5.83 5-89 5-94 6.00 6.06 ii 6.ii 6.17 6.22 6.28 6.33 6-39 6.44 6.50 6.56 6.61 12 6.67 6.72 6.78 6.83 6.89 6.94 7.00 7.06 7.11 7.17 13 7.22 7.28 7.33 7.39 7-44 7.50 7.56 7.61 7.67 7.72 14 7.78 7.83 7.89 7.94 8.00 8.06 8.ii 8.17 8.22 8.28 15 8-33 8.39 8.44 8.50 8.56 8.61 8.67 8.72 8.78 8.83 16 8.89 8.94 9.00 9.06 9.11 9.17 9.22 9.28 9-33 9-39 17 9.44 9.50 9-56 9.61 9.67 9.72 9.78 9.83 9.89 9-94 18 10.00 10.06 10. 1 1 10.17 10.22 10.28 10.33 10.39 10.44 10.50 J 9 10.56 10.61 10.67 10.72 10.78 10.83 10.89 10.94 II. OO ii. 06 20 II. II 11.17 11.22 11.28 "33 n-39 11.44 11.50 11.56 11.61 TABLE 6, DIFFERENCES CENTIGRADE TO DIFFERENCES FAHRENHEIT. Centi- grade. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. 0?00 o?i8 o?36 o?54 0? 7 2 o?9o i?o8 I?26 i?44 I?62 i 1.80 1.98 2.16 2-34 2.52 2.70 2.88 3-06 3-24 3.42 2 3-6o 3-78 3.96 4.14 4-32 4.50 4.68 4.86 5.04 5.22 3 5.40 5.58 5.76 5.94 6.12 6.30 6.48 6.66 6.84 7.02 4 7.20 7.38 7.56 7-74 7.92 8.10 8.28 8.46 8.64 8.82 5 9.00 9.18 9-36 9-54 9.72 9.90 10.08 10.26 10.44 10.62 6 10.80 10.98 ii. 16 n-34 11.52 11.70 11.88 12.06 12.24 12.42 7 12.60 12.78 12.96 13-14 13.32 13-50 13.68 13.86 14.04 14.22 8 14.40 14.58 14.76 14.94 15.12 15-30 15.48 15.66 15.84 1 6. 02 9 16.20 16.38 16.56 16.74 16.92 17.10 17.28 17.46 17.64 17.82 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 7. REDUCTION OF TEMPERATURE TO SEA LEVEL. ENGLISH MEASURES. Rate of DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TEMPERATURE AT ANY AI/TITUDE decrease of AND AT SEA I,EVEI,. ature. ALTITUDE IN FEET. for 1 every 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 j Feet 200 o?50 I?00 i?50 2?00 2? 5 3oo 3?5 o 4?oo 4?50 5?oo io?oo i5oo 20?00 F. 25?00 205 0.49 0.98 1.46 !-95 2.44 2.93 3-4 1 3-90 4-39 4.88 9.76 14.63 I9-5I 24.39 210 0.48 o.95 1-43 1.90 2.38 2.86 3-33 3.81 4.29 4.76 9-52 14.29 I9-05 23.81 215 0.47 0-93 1.40 1.86 2.33 2-79 3.26 3-72 4.19 4.65 9-30 13.95 18.60 23.26 220 o.45 0.91 1.36 1.82 2.27 2-73 3-i8 3-64 4.09 4.55 9.09 13-63 18.18 22.72 230 0-43 0.87 1.30 1.74 2.17 2.61 3-04 3.48 3-91 4.35 8.70 13.04 17-39 21.74 240 0.42 0.83 1-25 1.67 2.08 2.50 2.92 3-33 3-75 4-17 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 250 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3-6o 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 260 0.38 0.77 I.I5 1-54 1.92 2.31 2.69 3.08 3.46 3.85 7.69 11-54 15.38 19.23 270 o.37 o.74 I. II 1.48 1.85 2.22 2.59 2.96 3.33 3-70 7.41 II. II 14.81 18.52 280 0.36 0.71 1.07 1-43 1.79 2.14 2.50 2.86 3-2i 3-57 7.14 10.71 14.29 17.86 290 0-34 0.69 1.03 1.38 i.73 2.07 2.41 2.76 3.10 3-45 6.90 10.34 13.79 17.24 300 0-33 0.67 I.OO 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 3.00 3-33 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 310 0.32 0.65 0.97 1.29 1.61 1.94 2.26 2.58 2.90 3.23 6-45 9.68 12.90 16.13 320 0.31 0.62 0.94 1-25 1.56 1.8 7 2.19 2.50 2.81 3.12 6.25 9.37 12.50 15.62 340 0.29 0-59 0.88 1.18 1.47 I. 7 6 2.06 2-35 2.65 2.94 5.88 8.82 11.76 14.71 360 0.28 0.56 0.83 i. ii 1-39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50 2.78 5.56 8.33 ii. ii 13.89 380 0.26 0-53 0.79 1.05 1.32 1.58 1.84 2.10 2.37 2.63 5.26 7.89 10.53 I3.I6 400 0.25 0.50 o.75 I.OO 1.25 1.50 1-75 2.00 2.25 2.50 5-00 7.50 10.00 12.50 420 0.24 0.48 0.71 0-95 1.19 i-43 1.67 1.90 2.14 2.38 4.76 7.14 9.52 11.90 440 0.23 o.45 0.68 0.91 1.14 1.36 1-59 1.82 2.05 2.27 4.55 6.82 9.09 11.36 460 0.22 0-43 0.65 0.87 1.09 1.30 1.52 1.74 1.96 2.17 4-35 6.52 8.70 10.87 480 O.2I 0,42 0.62 0.83 1.04 1-25 1.46 1.67 1.87 2.08 4.17 6.25 8-33 IO.42 500 O.2O 0.40 0.60 0.80 I.OO 1.20 1.40 1. 60 1.80 2.OO 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 520 0.19 0.38 0.58 0.77 0.96 I-I5 i.35 1-54 1-73 1.92 3-85 5-77 7.69 9.62 540 0.19 0-37 0.56 0.74 0.93 I. II 1.30 1.48 1.67 85 3-70 5.56 7.41 9.26; 560 0.18 0.36 o.54 0.71 0.89 1.07 1-25 1-43 1.61 79 3-57 5.36 7.14 8.93 580 0.17 0-34 0.52 0.69 0.86 1.03 1. 21 1.38 1-55 .72 3-45 5-17 6.90 8.62 600 0.17 0-33 0.50 0.67 0.83 I.OO I.I7 1-33 1.50 .67 3-33 5-00 6.67 8.33 620 o. 16 0.32 0.48 0.65 0.81 0.97 I.I3 1.29 1-45 .61 3-23 4.84 6-45 8.06 650 0.15 0.31 0.46 0.62 0.77 0.92 1.08 1.23 1.38 54 3-o8 4.62 6.15 7.69 700 0.14 0.29 0-43 0-57 0.71 0.86 I.OO 1.14 1.29 43 2.86 4.29 5-71 7.14 750 0.13 0.27 0.40 0-53 0.67 0.80 0-93 1.07 1.20 33 2.67 4.00 5-33 6.67 800 0.12 0.25 0-37 0.50 0.62 0-75 0.87 I.OO 1. 12 25 2.50 3-75 5-oo 6.25 850 0.12 0.24 o.35 0.47 0-59 0.71 0.82 0.94 1.06 .18 2-35 3-53 4.71 5.88 900 O.I I O.22 o.33 0-44 0.56 0.67 0.78 0.89 I.OO i. ii 2.22 3-33 4.44 5-56 Tabular values are to be added to the observed temperature to obtain the temperature at sea level. SMITHSONIAN TABLES 10 TABLE 8 REDUCTION OF TEMPERATURE Tp SEA LEVEL. METRIC MEASURES. Rate of DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TEMPERATURE AT ANY AI/TlTUDE decrease of AND AT SEA I,EVJCI,. tcmpGp- ature. 1C. ALTITUDE IN METRES. for every 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 3000 m. C. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. 100 I?00 2?00 3?oo 4?oo 5oo 6?oo 7?oq 8?oo 9?oo I0?00 20?00 3o?oo IO2 0.98 I. 9 6 2.94 3-92 4.90 5-88 6.86 7.84 8.82 9.80 I9.6l 29.41 104 0.96 1.92 2.88 3.85 4.81 5-77 6-73 7-69 8.65 9.62 19.23 28.85 106 0.94 1.8 9 2.83 3-77 4.72 5-66 6.60 7-55 8.49 9-43 18.87 28.30 108 o-93 1.85 2.78 3-70 4.63 5.56 6.48 7.41 8.33 9.26 18.52 27.78 110 0.91 1.82 2.73 3-64 4-55 545 6.36 7.27 8.18 9.09 18.18 27.27 H5 0.87 1.74 2.61 3-48 4-35 5.22 6.09 6.96 7-83 8.70 17-39 26.09 1 20 0.83 1.6 7 2.50 3-33 4.17 5.00 5-83 6.67 7-50 8.33 16.67 25.00 125 0.80 1. 60 2.40 3-20 4.00 4.80 5-60 6.40 7.20 8.00 16.00 24.00 130 o.77 1-54 2.31 3-o8 3-85 4.62 5.38 6.15 6.92 7.69 15-38 23-08 135 0.74 1.48 2.22 2.96 3-70 4.44 5.19 5-93 6.66 7.41 14.81 22.22 140 0.71 1-43 2.14 2.86 3-57 4.29 5.00 5-7i 6-43 7.14 14.29 21-43 145 0.69 1.38 2.07 2.76 3-45 4.14 4-83 5-52 6.21 6.90 13-79 20.69 150 0.67 i-33 2.00 2.67 3-33 4.00 4.67 5-33 6.00 6.67 13-33 20.00 155 0.65 1.29 1.94 2.58 3-23 3.87 4-52 5-i6 5-8i 6-45 12.90 19-35 160 0.62 1.25 .87 2.50 3.12 3-75 4.37 5-00 5-62 6.25 12.50 18.75 170 0-59 1.18 .76 2-35 2.94 3-53 4.12 4.70 5-29 5.88 11.76 17.65 180 0.56 i. ii .67 2.22 2.78 3-33 3-89 4.44 5.00 5.56 ii. ii 16.67 190 0-53 1.05 58 2.10 2.63 3.16 3-68 4.21 4-74 5.26 10.53 15.79 200 0.50 1. 00 50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3-50 4.00 4.50 5.00 IO.OO 15.00 210 0.48 0-95 43 1.90 2.38 2.86 3-33 3-8i 4.29 4.76 9.52 14.29 220 o.45 0.91 .36 1.82 2.27 2.73 3-i8 3-64 4.09 4-55 9.09 13.64 230 0-43 0.87 30 1.74 2.17 2.61 3-04 3.48 3-91 4-35 8.70 13.04 24O 0.42 0.83 25 1.6 7 2.08 2.50 2.92 3-33 3-75 4.17 8.33 12.50 250 0.40 0.80 .20 1.60 2.OO 2.40 2.80 3.20 3-6o 4.00 8.00 12. OO 260 0.38 0.77 15 1-54 1.92 2.31 2.69 3-o8 3-46 3-85 7.69 11-54 270 0-37 o.74 .11 1.48 J.8 5 2.22 2-59 2.96 3-33 3-70 7.41 II. II 280 0.36 0.71 .07 1-43 1.79 2.14 2.50 2.86 3.21 3-57 7.14 10.71 290 0-34 0.69 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.07 2.41 2.76 3.10 3-45 6.90 10.34 300 0-33 0.67 1. 00 i-33 1.67 2.OO 2-33 2.67 3.00 3-33 6.67 10.00 320 0.31 0.62 0.94 1.25 1.56 1.87 2.19 2.50 2.81 3-12 6.25 9.37 34o 0.29 o.59 0.88 1.18 1.47 I. 7 6 2.06 2.35 2.65 2-94 5-88 8.82 360 0.28 0.56 0.83 Mi 1-39 1.67 94 2.22 2.50 2.78 5.56 8.33 380 0.26 0-53 0.79 1.05 1.32 1.58 .84 2.10 2-37 2.63 5.26 7.89 400 0.25 0.50 0-75 1. 00 1.25 1.50 75 2.OO 2.25 2.50 5-00 7.50 420 0.24 0.48 0.71 0-95 1.19 1.43 .67 I. 9 2.14 2.38 4.76 7.14 440 0.23 0-45 0.68 0.91 1.14 1-36 59 1.82 2.05 2.27 4-55 6.82 460 0.22 0-43 0.65 0.87 1.09 1.30 52 1.74 1.96 2.17 4-35 6.52 480 O.2I 0.42 0.62 0.83 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.6 7 1.87 2.08 4.17 6.25 500 O.2O 0.40 0.60 0.80 1. 00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.OO 4.00 6.00 Tabular values are to be added to the observed temperature to obtain the temperature at sea level. SMITHSONIAN TABLES. II TABLE 9. CORRECTION FOR THE TEMPERATURE OF THE MERCURY IN THE THERMOMETER STEM. T= t 0.0000795 n (f /) Fahrenheit temperatures. T t 0.000143 n (t' f] Centigrade temperatures. 7" Corrected temperature. t = Observed temperature. t f = Mean temperature of the glass stem and mercury column. n = Length of mercury in the stem in scale degrees. CORRECTION FOR FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS. Values of 0.0000795 n ( /) t' t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. F. 10 0?OI O?O2 0?02 o?o3 o?o4 o?o5 o?o6 o?o6 o?o7 o?o8 20 O.O2 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 O.IO O.II 0.13 o. 14 o. 16 3 O.O2 0.05 O.O7 O.IO 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.24 40 0.03 O.O6 O.IO 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.29 0.32 50 O.O4 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 60 0.05 O.IO O.I4 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.48 70 80 O.O6 O.O6 O.II 0.13 0.17 O.I9 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.32 . Top argument : Height of the barometer (B). Side argument: Values of 2000 m obtained from Table 17. TABLE LEVEL. 19. 2000 m. HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER IN MII,I,IMETRES. 650 640 630 620 610 600 590 580 570 560 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. (70 140.5 138.4 136.2 134.0 I3L9 129.7 127.5 125-4 123.2 121. 1 171 141.4 139-3 I37.I 134.9 132.7 130.6 128.4 126.2 124.0 121. 8 172 142.3 140.2 138.0 135.8 133-6 I3L4 129.2 127.0 124.8 122.6 173 143-3 I4I.I 138.8 136.6 134.4 132.2 130.0 127.8 125.6 123.4 174 144.2 142.0 139-7 137.5 135.3 I33-I 130.9 128.6 126.4 124.2 175 I45-I 142.9 140.6 138.4 136.2 133.9 I3I.7 129-5 127.2 125.0 176 146.0 143.8 I4L5 139.3 137.0 134.8 132.5 130.3 128.0 125.8 177 146.9 144.7 142.4 140.1 137-9 135-6 I 33-4 I3I.I 128.8 126.6 178 147.8 145.6 143-3 141.0 138.7 136.5 134.2 I3I.9 129.6 127.4 179 148.8 146.5 144.2 I4L9 139.6 137.3 i35.o 132.7 130.4 128.2 180 149.7 147.4 I45-I 142.8 140.5 138.2 J 35.9 133.6 I3I.3 129.0 181 150.6 148.3 146.0 143-6 I4L3 139.0 136.7 134.4 132.1 129.7 182 I5L5 149.2 146.9 144-5 142.2 139.9 137-5 135-2 132.9 130.5 183 152.4 150.1 147.8 145.4 I43.I 140.7 138.4 136.0 133.7 I3I.3 184 1534 I5I.O 148.6 146.3 143-9 I4I.6 139.2 136.8 134.5 I32.I 185 154.3 I5L9 149-5 147.2 144.8 142.4 140.0 137-7 135.3 132.9 186 155-2 152.8 150.4 148.1 145-7 143.3 140.9 138.5 I36.I 133.7 187 156.1 153.7 I5I.3 148.9 146.5 I44.I 141.7 !39-3 136.9 134-5 188 I57.I 154-7 152.2 149.8 147.4 145.0 142.6 140.2 137.7 135.3 189 158.0 155.6 I53.I 150.7 148.3 145.8 143-4 141.0 138.6 I36.I 190 158.9 156.5 154.0 I5I.6 149.2 146.7 144-3 141.8 139.4 136.9 191 J59-9 157.4 154-9 152.5 150.0 I4/.6 I45-I 142.7 140.2 137.7 192 160.8 158.3 155-9 153-4 150.9 148.4 146.0 143.5 141.0 138.5 193 161.7 159-2 156.8 154.3 I5I.8 149.3 146.8 144.3 141.8 139-3 194 l6o.2 157.7 155.2 152.7 150.2 147.7 145-2 142.6 I40.I 195 161.1 158.6 I56.I 153-5 I5I.O 148.5 146.0 143.5 I4I.O 196 162.0 159-5 156.9 154.4 I5L9 149-4 146.8 144-3 I4I.8 197 162.9 160.4 157.8 155-3 152.8 150.2 147.7 I45.I 142.6 198 163-9 161.3 158.7 156.2 153.6 151-1 148.5 145-9 143-4 199 164.8 162.2 159.6 I57-I 154-5 151.9 149-3 146.8 144.2 200 165.7 163.1 160.5 157.9 1554 152.8 150.2 147.6 145.0 201 166.6 164.0 161.4 158.8 156.2 153.6 151.0 148.4 145-8 202 167.6 165.0 162.3 159.7 I57-I 154-5 151-9 149.2 146.6 203 168.5 165.9 163.2 160.6 158.0 155-3 152.7 I50.I 147.4 2O4 169.4 166.8 164.1 161.5 158.8 156.2 153-5 150.9 148.3 205 170.4 167.7 165.0 162.4 159-7 I57.I 1544 I5L7 I49.I 206 171-3 168.6 165.9 163.3 160.6 157.9 155-2 152.6 149-9 207 172.2 169-5 1 66. 8 164.2 161.5 158.8 156.1 153-4 150.7 208 170.5 167.8 165.1 162.3 159.6 156.9 154.2 I5I.5 209 171.4 168.7 165.9 163.2 160.5 157-8 I55.I 152.3 210 172.3 169.6 166.8 164.1 161.4 158.6 155-9 153.2 211 173.2 170.5 167.7 165.0 162.2 159-5 156.7 154.0 212 174.2 171.4 168.6 165-9 163.1 160.3 157.6 154.8 213 I75.I 172.3 169.5 166.7 164.0 161.2 158.4 155-6 214 176.0 173.2 170.4 167.6 164.8 162.0 159.2 156.5 215 176.9 174.1 I7I.3 168.5 165.7 162.9 1 60. 1 157-3 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 95 TABLE 19. REDUCTION OF THE BAROMETER TO SEA LEVEL. METRIC MEASURES. Bo-B=B(10 w -1). Top argument: Height of the barometer (B). Side argument: Values of 2000 m obtained from Table 17. 2000 m. HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER IN MILLIMETRES. 620 610 600 590 580 570 560 550 540 530 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 2I5 I74.I I7I.3 168.5 165.7 162.9 1 60. 1 157.3 154-5 I5L7 148.9 216 175-0 172.2 169.4 166.6 163.8 160.9 I58.I 155-3 152.5 149.6 217 176.0 I73- 1 170.3 167.4 164.6 161.8 158.9 156.1 I 53-3 150.4 218 176.9 174.0 171.2 168.3 165.5 162.6 159-8 156.9 I54-I I5I.2 219 177.8 174.9 172.1 169.2 166.3 163.5 160.6 157-7 154-9 152.0 220 178.7 175-8 172.9 I70.I 167.2 164.3 161.4 158.5 155.7 152.8 221 179.6 176.7 173-8 170.9 168.0 165.1 162.3 159.4 156.5 153-6 222 180.6 177.6 174.7 I7I.8 168.9 166.0 163.1 160.2 157.3 154.3 223 181.5 178.6 175.6 172.7 169.8 166.8 163.9 161.0 158.1 I55-I 224 182.4 179.5 176.5 173-6 170.6 167.7 164.7 161.8 158.9 155.9 225 183.3 180.4 177.4 174-5 I7I.5 168.5 165.6 162.6 159-7 156.7 226 184.3 181.3 178.3 175-3 172.4 169.4 166.4 163.4 160.5 157-5 227 185.2 182.2 179.2 176.2 173.2 170.2 167.3 164.3 161.3 158.3 228 I86.I 183.1 l8o.I I77.I I74.I 171.1 I68.I 165.1 162.1 159- l 229 187.0 184.0 iSl.O 178.0 175-0 172.0 168.9 165.9 162.9 I 59-9 230 188.0 184.9 181.9 178.9 175-8 172.8 169.8 166.7 163.7 160.7 231 188.9 185.8 182.8 179.8 176.7 173.7 170.6 167.6 164.5 161.5 232 189.8 186.8 183.7 180.6 177.6 174.5 I7I.5 168.4 165.3 162.3 233 190.8 187.7 184.6 181.5 178.5 175.4 172.3 169.2 166.1 163.1 234 191.7 188.6 185.5 182.4 179-3 176.2 I73-I 170.0 167.0 163.9 235 192.6 189.5 186.4 183.3 l8o.2 177.1 174.0 170.9 167.8 164.7 236 190.4 187.3 184.2 181.1 178.0 174.8 171.7 168.6 165.5 237 191.4 188.2 185.1 182.0 178.8 175-7 172.5 169.4 166.3 238 192.3 189.1 186.0 182.8 179.7 176.5 173-4 170.2 167.1 239 193.2 190.0 186.9 183.7 180.5 177.4 174.2 171.0 167.9 240 194.1 191.0 187.8 184.6 181.4 178.2 175-0 171.9 168.7 241 I95-I 191.9 188.7 185.5 182.3 179.1 175-9 172.7 169.5 242 196.0 192.8 189.6 186.4 183.1 179.9 176.7 173-5 170.3 243 196.9 193.7 i9 -5 187.2 184.0 180.8 177-5 174.3 171.1 244 197.8 194.6 191.4 188.1 184.9 181.6 178.4 I75-I 171.9 245 198.8 I95.5 192.3 189.0 185.7 182.5 179.2 176.0 172.7 246 199.7 196.4 193.2 189.9 186.6 183-3 180.1 176.8 173-5 24? 200.6 197-4 194.1 190.8 187.5 184.2 180.9 177.6 174-3 248 201.6 198.3 i95.o 191.7 188.4 185.1 181.7 178.4 I75-I 249 202.5 199.2 !95-9 192.6 189.2 185.9 182.6 179-3 176.0 250 200.1 196.8 193.4 190.1 186.8 183.4 180.1 176.8 251 201.0 197.7 194-3 191.0 187.6 184.3 180.9 177.6 252 202.0 198.6 195.2 191.9 188.5 185.1 181.8 178.4 253 202.9 199-5 196.1 192.7 189.4 186.0 182.6 179.2 254 203.8 200.4 197.0 193.6 190.2 186.8 183.4 180.0 255 204.7 201.3 197.9 194.5 191.1 187.7 184.3 180.8 256 205.7 2O2. 2 198.8 195.4 191.9 188.5 185.1 181.7 257 206.6 203.1 199.7 196.3 192.8 189.4 185.9 182.5 258 207.5 2O4.I 2OO.6 197.1 193.7 190.2 186.8 183-3 259 208.4 205.0 201.5 198.0 194.6 191.1 187.6 184.1 260 209.4 205.9 202.4 198.9 195-4 191.9 188.4 185.0 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 9 6 REDUCTION OF THE BAROMETER TO SEA METRIC MEASURES. Bo-B=B (10 W '-1). Top argument : Height of the barometer (B). Side argument : Values of 2000 m obtained from Table 17. TABLE LEVEL. 19. 2000 m. HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER IN MIUJMETRES. 590 580 570 560 550 540 530 520 510 mm. nini. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 260 205.9 202.4 198.9 195.4 191.9 188.4 185.0 181.5 178.0 261 206.8 203.3 199.8 196.3 192.8 189.3 185.8 182.3 178.8 262 207.7 204.2 200.7 197.2 193.6 190.1 186.6 183.1 179.6 263 208.6 205.1 201.6 198.0 194.5 191.0 187.4 183.9 180.4 264 209.6 206.0 202.5 198.9 . 195-4 191.8 188.3 184.7 181.1 265 210.5 206.9 203.3 199.8 196.2 192.6 189.1 185.5 181.9 266 211.4 207.8 204.2 200.7 I97.I 193.5 189.9 186.3 182.7 267 212.3 208.7 205.1 201.5 197.9 194-3 190.7 187.1 183.5 268 213.3 209.6 206.0 202.4 198.8 195.2 191.6 1 88.0 184.3 269 214.2 210.5 206.9 203.3 199.7 196.0 192.4 188.8 185.1 270 215.1 2II.5 207.8 204.2 200.5 196.9 193.2 189.6 185.9 271 216.0 212.4 208.7 205.0 201.4 197.7 194.1 190.4 186.7 272 217.0 213.3 209.6 205.9 202.3 198.6 194.9 191.2 187.5 273 217.9 214.2 210.5 206.8 203.1 199.4 195.7 192.0 188.3 274 218.8 2I5.I 211.4 207.7 204.0 200.3 196.6 192.9 189.1 275 219.8 216.0 212.3 208.6 204.9 201. 1 197.4 193.7 190.0 276 220.7 216.9 213.2 209.5 205.7 202.0 198.2 194.5 190.8 277 221.6 217.9 214.1 210.3 206.6 202.8 199.1 195.3 191.6 278 222.6 218.8 215.0 211. 2 207.5 203.7 199.9 196.1 192.4 279 223.5 219.7 215.9 212. 1 208.3 204.5 200.8 197.0 193.2 280 220.6 216.8 213.0 209.2 205.4 201.6 197.8 194.0 281 221.5 217.7 213.9 2 10. 1 206.3 202.4 198.6 194.8 282 222.5 218.6 214.8 211. 207.1 203.3 199.5 195.6 283 223.4 219.5 215.7 211. 8 208.0 264.1 200.3 196.4 284 224.3 220.5 216.6 212.7 208.8 205.0 201. 1 197.2 285 225.2 221.4 217-5 213.6 209.7 205.8 201-9 198.1 286 226.2 222.3 218.4 214.5 210.6 206.7 202.8 198.9 287 227.1 223.2 219.3 215.4 211.4 207.5 203.6 199.7 288 228.0 224.1 22O.2 2l6.2 212.3 208.4 2044 200.5 289 229.O 225.0 221. 1 2I7.I 213.2 209.2 205.3 201.3 290 229.9 225.9 222. 218.0 214.0 2IO. I 2O6. 1 202.1 291 230.8 226.8 222.9 218.9 214.9 2IO.9 206.9 203.0 292 231.8 227.8 223-8 219.8 215.8 211. 8 207.8 203.8 293 232.7 228.7 224.7 220.7 216.6 212.6 208.6 204.6 294 233.6 229.6 225.6 221.5 217.5 213.5 209.5 205.4 295 230.5 226.5 222.4 218.4 214.3 210.3 206.3 296 231.4 227.4 223.3 219.3 215.2 211. 1 207.1 297 232.4 228.3 224.2 2 2O. I 216.1 212.0 207.9 298 233-3 229.2 225.1 221. 216.9 212.8 208.7 299 234.2 230.1 226.0 221.9 217.8 213.7 209.6 300 235.1 231.0 226.9 222.8 218.6 214.5 210.4 301 236.1 231.9 227.8 223.6 219.5 215.4 211. 2 302 237.0 232.8 228.7 224.5 220.4 216.2 212. 1 303 237.9 233.8 229.6 225.4 221.2 2I7.I 212.9 34 238.9 234-7 230.5 226.3 222.1 217.9 213.7 305 239.8 235-6 231.4 227.2 223.0 218.8 214.6 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 97 TABLE 19. REDUCTION OF THE BAROMETER TO SEA LEVEL. METRIC MEASURES. Bo-B = B(10 7M -1). Top argument : Height of the barometer (B). Side argument : Values of 2000 m obtained from Table 17. 2000 m. HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER IN MIII,IMETRES. 560 550 540 530 520 510 500 490 480 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 305 235-6 23L4 227.2 223.0 218.8 214.6 210.3 206. 1 201.9 306 236.5 232.3 228.0 223.8 219.6 215-4 211. 2 206.9 202.7 307 237.4 233.2 228.9 224.7 220.5 216.2 212.0 207.7 203.5 308 238.3 234.1 229.8 225.6 221.3 217.1 212.8 208.5 204.3 309 239.2 235-0 230.7 226.4 222.2 217.9 213.6 209.4 205.1 3IO 240.2 235.9 231.6 227.3 223.0 218.7 214.4 2IO.I 205.9 3H 241.1 236.8 232.5 228.2 223.9 219.6 215-3 211. 206.7 312 242.0 237.7 233-4 229.1 224.7 220.4 216.1 211. 8 207.5 3i3 242.9 238.6 234.3 229.9 225.6 221.2 216.9 212.6 208.2 3M 243-9 239.5 235-2 230.8 226.4 222.1 217.7 213.4 20Q.O 315 244.8 240.4 236.0 231.7 227.3 222.9 218.6 214.2 209.8 3i6 245.7 241.3 237.0 232.6 228.2 223.8 219.4 215.0 2IO.6 3i7 246.6 242.2 237.8 233-4 229.0 224.6 2 20. 2 215.8 211.4 3i8 247.6 243.2 238.7 234.3 229.9 225-5 221. 1 216.6 212.2 319 248.5 244.1 239.6 235-2 230.8 226.3 221.9 217.4 213.0 320 249.4 245.0 240.5 236.1 231.6 227.2 222.7 218.3 213.8 321 250.4 245.9 241.4 237.0 232.5 228.0 223.6 2I9.I 214.6 322 251.3 246.8 242.3 237.8 233.4 228.9 224.4 219.9 215-4 323 252.2 247-7 243.2 238.7 234-2 229.7 225.2 22O.7 216.2 324 253.2 248.7 244.1 239.6 235.1 230.6 226.0 221.5 2I7.O 325 254.1 249.6 245.0 240.5 236.0 231.4 226.9 222.4 217.8 326 250.5 245.9 241.4 236.8 232.3 227.7 223.2 218.6 327 251.4 246.8 242.3 237-7 233.1 228.6 224.O 219.4 328 252.3 247.7 243.2 238.6 234.0 229.4 224.8 22O.2 329 253-3 248.7 244.0 239.4 234.8 230.2 225.6 221. 330 254-2 249.6 244.9 240.3 235.7 23I.I 226.5 221.8 33i 255-1 250.5 245.8 241.2 236.6 231.9 227.3 222.6 33 2 256.0 251.4 246.7 242.1 237.4 232.8 228.1 223.5 333 257.0 252.3 247.6 243.0 238.3 233.6 228.9 224.3 334 257.9 253-2 248.5 243-8 239.2 234-5 229.8 225.1 335 258.8 254.1 249-4 244.7 240.0 235.3 230.6 225.9 336 259-8 255.0 250.3 245.6 240.9 236.2 23L4 226.7 337 260.7 256.0 251.2 246.5 241.7 237.0 232.3 227.5 338 261.6 256.9 252.1 247.4 242.6 237.8 233-1 228.3 339 262.6 257.8 253-0 248.2 243-5 238.7 233-9 229.2 340 263.5 258.7 253.9 249.1 244.4 239-6 234.8 230.0 34i 264.4 259-6 254.8 250.0 245.2 240.4 235-6 230.8 342 260.6 255.7 250.9 246.1 24L3 236.4 231.6 343 261.5 256.6 251.8 247.0 242.1 237.3 232.4 344 262.4 257-5 252.7 247.8 243.0 238.1 233-2 345 263.3 258.4 253.6 248.7 243.8 238.9 234.1 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 9 8 TABLE 20. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Values of 60368 [1+0.0010195X36] log 29 - 90 . B Barometric Pressure. B. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 Inches. 12.00 Feet. 24814 Feet. 24791 Feet. 24769 Feet. 24746 Feet. 24723 Feet. 24701 Feet. 24678 Feet. 24656 Feet. 24633 Feet. 24611 12.10 24588 24566 24543 24521 24499 24476 24454 24431 24409 24387 12.20 24365 24342 24320 24298 24276 24253 24231 24209 24187 1 24165 12.30 24143 24121 24098 24076 24054 24032 24010 23988 23966 23944 12.40 23923 23901 23879 23857 23835 23813 23791 23770 23748 23726 12.50 23704 23682 23661 23639 23617 23596 23574 23552 23531 23509 12.60 23488 23466 23445 23423 23402 23380 23359 23337 23316 23294 12.70 23273 23251 23230 23209 23187 23166 23145 23123 23102 23081 12.80 23060 23038 23017 22996 22975 22954 22933 22911 22890 22869 12.90 22848 22827 22806 22785 22764 22743 22722 22701 22680 22659 13.00 22638 22617 22596 22576 22555 22534 22513 22492 22471 22451 13.10 22430 22409 22388 22368 22347 22326 22306 22285 22264 22244 13.20 22223 22203 22182 22162 22141 22I2I 22100 22080 22059 22039 13-3 22018 21998 21977 21957 21937 2I9I6 21896 21876 21855 21835 13.40 21815 21794 21774 21754 21734 2I7I3 21693 21673 21653 21633 13.50 2l6l2 21592 21572 21552 21532 2I5I2 21492 21472 21452 21432 13.60 21412 21392 21372 21352 21332 2I3I2 21292 21272 21252 21233 13.70 21213 21193 21173 2H53 2II34 2III4 21094 21074 21054 21035 13.80 2IOI5 20995 20976 20956 20936 20917 20897 20878 20858 20838 13.90 20819 20799 20780 20760 20741 20721 20702 20682 20663 20643 14.00 20624 20605 20585 20566 20546 20527 20508 20488 20469 20450 14.10 20431 20411 20392 20373 20354 20334 20315 20296 20277 20258 14.20 20238 20219 2O2OO 20l8l 20162 20143 20124 20105 20086 20067 14.30 20048 20029 20010 19991 19972 19953 J9934 199*5 19896 19877 14.40 19858 19839 I982I 19802 19783 19764 19745 19727 19708 19689 14.50 19670 19651 19633 19614 19595 19577 19558 19539 19521 19502 14.60 19483 19465 19446 19428 19409 19390 19372 19353 19335 19316 14.70 19298 19279 I926l 19242 19224 19206 19187 19169 19150 19132 14.80 19114 19095 19077 19059 19040 19022 19004 18985 18967 18949 14.90 18931 18912 18894 18876 18858 18840 18821 18803 18785 18767 15.00 18749 18731 I87I3 18694 18676 18658 18640 18622 18604 18586 15.10 18568 18550 18532 18514 18496 18478 18460 18442 18425 18407 15.20 18389 18371 18353 18335 18317 18300 18282 18264 18246 18228 I 5-3 I82II 18193 I8I75 I8I57 18140 l8l22 18104 18086 18069 18051 15.40 18033 18016 17998 17981 17963 17945 17928 17910 17893 17875 15.50 17858 17840 17823 17805 17788 17770 17753 17735 I77I8 17700 15.60 17683 17665 17648 17631 17613 17596 17578 17561 17544 17526 I5-70 17509 17492 17474 17457 17440 17423 17405 17388 I737I 17354 15.80 17337 I73I9 17302 17285 17268 I725I 17234 17216 17199 17182 15-9 17165 17148 I7I3I I7II4 17097 17080 17063 17046 17029 I70I2 16.00 16995 16978 16961 16944 16927 16910 16893 16876 16859 16842 16.10 16825 16808 16792 16775 16758 I674I 16724 16707 16691 16674 16.20 16657 16640 16623 16607 16590 16573 16557 16540 16523 16506 16.30 16490 16473 16456 16440 16423 16406 16390 16373 16357 16340 16.40 16324 16307 16290 16274 16257 I624I 16224 16208 16191 16175 16.50 16158 16142 I6I25 16109 16092 16076 16060 16043 16027 16010 16.60 J5994 15978 I596I 15945 15929 I59I2 15896 15880 15863 15847 16.70 15831 I58I5 15798 15782 15766 15750 15733 I57I7 I570I 15685 1 6.80 15669 15652 15636 15620 15604 15588 15572 15556 15539 15523 16.90 15507 I549I 15475 15459 15443 15427 I54H 15395 15379 15363 17.00 15347 I533I I53I5 15299 15283 15267 15251 15235 15219 15203 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 100 TABLE 20. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. 9Q QO Values of 60368 [1+0.0010195X36] log ^-f u . Barometric Pressure B. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 Inches. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. I 7.00 15347 I533I I53I5 15299 15283 15267 I525I 15235 15219 15203 17.10 15187 15172 I5I56 15140 15124 15108 15092 15076 15061 15045 17.20 15029 I50I3 14997 14982 14966 14950 14934 14919 14903 14887 1 17.30 14871 14856 14840 14824 14809 14793 14777 14762 14746 14730 17.40 I47I5 14699 14684 14668 14652 14637 14621 14606 1459 14575 17.50 14559 14544 14528 I45I2 14497 14481 14466 I445I 14435 14420 17.60 14404 14389 14373 14358 14342 H327 14312 14296 14281 14266 17.70 14250 14235 14219 14204 14189 I4I73 14158 I4I43 14128 I4II2 17.80 14097 14082 14067 14051 14036 14021 14006 13990 13975 13960 17.90 J3945 13930 I39H 13899 13884 13869 13854 13839 13824 13808 18.00 T 3793 13778 13763 13748 13733 13718 13703 13688 13673 13658 18.10 13643 13628 I36I3 13598 13583 13568 13553 13538 13523 13508 18.20 13493 T3478 13463 13448 13433 13418 13404 13389 13374 13359 18.30 133 U 13329 133*4 13300 13285 13270 13255 13240 13226 I32II 18.40 13196 13181 13166 I3I52 I3I37 13122 13107 13093 13078 13063 18.50 13049 13034 13019 13005 12990 12975 12961 12946 12931 12917 1 8.60 12902 12888 12873 12858 12844 12829 12815 12800 12785 12771 18.70 12756 12742 12727 12713 12698 12684 12669 12655 12640 12626 1 8.80 T 26ll 12597 12583 12568 12554 12539 12525 12510 12496 12482 18.90 12467 12453 12438 12424 12410 12395 12381 12367 12352 12338 19.00 12324 12310 12295 12281 12267 12252 12238 12224 I22IO 12195 19.10 12181 12167 12153 12138 12124 I2IIO 12096 12082 12068 12053 19.20 12039 I2O25 I2OII 11997 11983 11969 11 954 11940 II926 11912 19.30 11898 11884 11870 11856 11842 II828 11814 11800 II786 II772 19.40 11758 II744 II730 11716 11702 II688 11674 11660 11646 11632 19.50 11618 11604 II590 11576 11562 II548 H534 II520 II507 H493 19.60 11479 11465 U45I H437 11423 II4IO 11396 11382 II368 U354 19.70 11340 11327 U3I3 11299 11285 II272 11258 11244 II230 II2J7 19.80 11203 11189 "175 III62 11148 IH34 III2I 11107 II093 IIoSo 19.90 11066 11052 11039 II025 IIOII 10998 10984 10970 10957 10943 20.00 10930 10916 10903 10889 10875 10862 10848 10835 I082I 10808 2O.IO 10794 10781 10767 10754 10740 10727 I07I3 10700 10686 10673 20.20 10659 10646 10632 10619 10605 10592 10579 10565 10552 10538 20.30 10525 I05I2 10498 10485 10472 10458 10445 10431 I04I8 10405 20.40 10391 10378 10365 10352 10338 10325 I03I2 10298 10285 10272 20.50 10259 10245 10232 10219 10206 IOI92 IOI79 10166 IOI53 10139 20.60 10126 IOII3 IOIOO 10087 10074 10060 10047 10034 IOO2I 10008 20.70 9995 9982 9968 9955 9942 9929 9916 9903 9890 9877 20.80 9864 9851 9838 9825 9812 9799 9786 9772 9759 9746 20.90 9733 9720 9707 9694 9681 9668 9655 9642 9629 9617 21.00 9604 9591 9578 9565 9552 9539 9526 9513 9500 9487 21.10 9474 9462 9449 9436 9423 9410 9397 9384 9372 9359 2 1. 2O 9346 9333 9320 9307 9295 9282 9269 9256 9244 9231 21.30 9218 9205 9 J 93 9180 9167 9154 9142 9129 9116 9103 21.40 9091 9078 9065 9053 9040 9027 9015 9002 8989 8977 21.50 8964 8951 8939 8926 8913 8901 8888 8876 8863 8850 21.60 8838 8825 8813 8800 8788 8775 8762 8750 8737 8/25 21.70 8712 8700 8687 8675 8662 8650 8637 8625 8612 8600 21.80 8587 8575 8562 8550 8538 8525 8513 8500 8488 8475 21.90 8463 8451 8438 8426 8413 8401 8389 8376 8364 8352 22.00 8339 8327 8314 8302 8290 8277 8265 8253 8240 8228 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 101 TABLE 20. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER, ENGLISH MEASURES. 29.90 Values of 60368 [1 +0.0010195X36] log B Barometric Pressure. B. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 Inches. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 22.00 8339 8327 83H 8302 8290 8277 8265 8253 8240 8228 22.10 8216 8204 8191 8179 8167 8154 8142 8130 8118 8105 22.20 8093 8081 8069 8056 8044 8032 8020 8008 7995 7983 22.3O 7971 7959 7947 7935 7922 7910 7898 7886 7874 7862 22.40 7849 7837 7825 7813 7801 7789 7777 7765 7753 7740 22.50 7728 7716 7704 7692 7680 7668 7656 7644 7632 7620 22.60 7608 7596 7584 7572 7560 7548 7536 7524 7512 7500 22.70 7488 7476 7464 7452 7440 7428 7416 7404 7392 7380 22.80 7368 7356 7345 7333 7321 7309 7297 7285 7273 7261 22.90 7249 7238 7226 7214 7202 7190 7178 7166 7155 7143 23.00 7131 7119 7107 7096 7084 7072 7060 7048 7037 7025 23.10 7013 7001 6990 6978 6966 6954 6943 6931 6919 6907 23.20 6896 6884 6872 6861 6849 6837 6825 6814 6802 6790 23-30 6779 6767 6755 6744 6732 6721 6709 6697 6686 6674 23.40 6662 6651 6639 6628 6616 6604 6593 6 5 8l 6570 6558 23.50 6546 6535 6523 6512 6500 6489 6477 6466 6454 6443 23.60 6431 6420 6408 6397 6385 6374 6362 6351 6339 6328 23.70 6316 6305 6293 6282 6270 6259 6247 6236 6225 6213 23.80 6202 6190 6179 6167 6156 6145 6i33 6l22 6110 6099 23.90 6088 6076 6065 6054 6042 6031 6020 6008 5997 5986 24.00 5974 5963 5952 5940 5929 5918 5906 5895 5884 5872 24.10 5861 5850 5839 5827 5816 5805 5794 5782 5771 5760 24.20 5749 5737 5726 5715 5704 5693 5681 5670 5659 5648 24.30 5637 5625 5614 5603 5592 558l 5570 5558 5547 5536 24.40 5525 5514 5503 5492 5480 5469 5458 5447 5436 5425 24.50 54H 5403 5392 538i 5369 5358 5347 5336 5325 5314 24.60 5303 5292 5281 5270 5259 5248 5237 5226 5215 5204 24.70 5193 5182 5i7i 5160 5149 5138 5127 5116 5105 5094 24.80 5083 5072 5061 5050 5039 5028 5017 5006 4995 4985 24.90 4974 4963 4952 4941 4930 4919 4908 4897 4886 4876 25.00 4865 4854 4843 4832 4821 4810 4800 4789 4778 4767 25.10 4756 4745 4735 4724 4713 4702 4691 4681 4670 4659 25.20 4648 4637 4627 4616 4605 4594 4584 4573 4562 4551 2 5 -3 4540 4530 4519 4508 4498 4487 4476 4465 4455 ^/j/j/j 25.40 4433 4423 4412 4401 4391 438o 4369 4358 4348 4337 25.50 4326 43i6 4305 4295 4284 4273 4263 4252 4241 4231 25.60 4220 4209 4199 4188 4178 4167 4156 4146 4135 4125 25.70 4114 4104 4093 4082 4072 4061 4051 4040 4030 4019 25.80 4009 3988 3977 3966 3956 3945 3935 3924 39H 25.90 3903 3893 3882 3872 3861 3851 3841 3830 3820 3809 26.00 3799 3788 3778 3767 3757 3746 3736 3726 3715 3705 26.10 3694 3684 3674 3663 3653 3642 3632 3622 3611 3601 26.20 3590 358o 3570 3559 3549 3539 3528 35i8 3508 3497 26.30 3487 3477 3466 3456 3446 3435 3425 3415 3404 3394 26.40 3384 3373 3363 3353 3343 3332 3322 3312 3301 3291 26.50 3281 3270 3260 3250 3240 3230 3219 3209 3199 3i89 . SMITHSONIAN .T*B4ta. . 102 TABLE 20. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Values of 6O368 [1 + O.OO1O195 X 36] log 2990 . Barometric Pressure. B. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 Inches. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 26.50 3281 3270 3260 3250 3240 3230 3219 3209 3199 3l8 9 26.60 3179 3168 3158 3H8 3138 3128 3U7 3107 3097 3087 26.70 3077 3066 3056 3046 3036 3026 3016 3005 2995 2985 26.80 2975 2965 2955 2945 2934 2924 2914 2904 2894 2884 26.90 2874 2864 2854 2843 2833 2823 2813 2803 2793 2783 27.00 2773 2763 2753 2743 2733 2723 2713 2703 2692 2682 27.10 2672 2662 2652 2642 2632 2622 2612 2602 2592 2582 27.20 2572 2562 2552 2542 2532 2522 2512 2502 2493 2483 i 27.30 2473 2463 2453 2443 2433 2423 2413 2403 2393 2383 27.40 2373 2363 2353 2343 2334 2324 23 M 2304 2294 2284 27.50 2274 2264 2254 2245 2235 2225 2215 2205 2195 2185 27.60 2176 2166 2156 2146 2136 2126 2116 2107 2097 2087 27.70 2077 2067 2058 2048 2038 2028 2018 2009 1999 1989 27.80 1979 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1921 1911 1901 1891 27.90 1882 1872 1862 1852 1843 1833 1823 1814 1804 1794 28.00 1784 1775 1765 1755 1746 1736 1726 1717 1707 | 1697 28.10 1688 1678 1668 1659 1649 1639 1630 1620 1610 1601 28.20 I59 1 I 5 8l 1572 1562 1552 1543 1533 1524 1514 1504 28.30 '495 1485 1476 1466 1456 1447 1437 1428 1418 1408 28.40 1399 1389 1380 1370 1361 1351 1342 1332 1322 1313 28.50 1303 1294 1284 1275 1265 1256 1246 1237 T227 1218 28.60 1208 1199 1189 1180 1170 1161 1151 1142 1132 1123 28.70 1113 1104 1094 1085 1075 1066 1057 1047 1038 1028 28.80 1019 1009 1000 990 9 8l 972 962 953 943 934 28.90 925 915 906 896 887 878 868 859 849 840 29.00 831 821 812 803 793 784 775 765 756 746 29.10 737 728 718 709 700 690 681 672 663 653 29.20 644 635 625 616 607 597 588 579 570 56o 29.30 551 542 532 523 5M 505 495 486 477 468 29.40 458 449 440 43i 421 412 403 394 384 375 29.50 366 357 348 338 329 320 3 TI 302 292 283 29.60 274 265 256 247 237 228 219 210 201 192 29.70 182 173 164 155 146 137 128 118 I0 9 IOO 29.80 + 9i + 82 4- 73 + 64 + 55 + 45 + 36 + 27 + 18 + 9 29.90 o - 9 - 18 - 27 - 36 - 45 - 55 - 64 - 73 - 82 30.00 - 9i 100 -109 -118 - 127 -136 -145 -154 -163 - 172 30.10 181 190 -199 -208 -217 -226 -235 -244 -253 -262 30.20 -271 280 289 -298 -307 -316 -325 -334 -343 -352 30.30 -361 -370 -379 -388 -397 406 -415 -424 -433 -442 30.40 -4Si 460 -469 -478 -486 -495 -504 -513 -522 -53' 30.50 -54o -549 -558 -567 -576 -585 -593 602 -611 620 30.60 629 -638 -647 -656 -665 -673 -682 -691 -700 -709 30.70 -718 -727 -735 -744 -753 -762 -771 -780 -788 -797 30.80 -806 -815 824 -833 841 -850 -859 -868 -877 -885 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 103 TABLE 21. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Term for Temperature: 0.002039 (# 50) z. For temperatures 5o p' values are to be f added. 1 subtracted. Mean Temperature. 0. APPROXIMATE DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT OBTAINED FROM TABLE 20. 20 40 60 80 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 P F Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. AQ e 10 W 4 8 O 1 52 O O O O O O O O O O I I 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 47 53 O O O O I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 46 54 O O O I I 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 45 55 O I I I 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 56 O I I I 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 ii 43 57 O I I I I 3 4 6 7 9 10 ii * J 3 42 58 I I I 2 3 5 7 8 10 ii 13 15 4i 59 I I I 2 4 6 7 9 ii 13 15 17 40 60 I I 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 39 61 I I 2 2 4 7 9 ii 13 16 18 20 38 62 I I 2 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22 37 63 I I 2 2 3 5 8 ii 13 16 *9 21 24 36 64 I I 2 2 3 6 9 ii H 17 20 23 26 35 65 I I 2 2 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 28 34 66 I I 2 3 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 29 33 67 I I 2 3 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 31 32 68 I I 2 3 4 7 ii 15 18 22 26 29 33 3i 69 I 2 2 3 4 8 12 15 19 23 27 31 35 30 70 I 2 2 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 2 9 33 37 29 7i I 2 3 3 4 9 13 17 21 26 30 34 39 28 72 I 2 3 4 4 9 13 18 22 27 31 36 40 27 73 I 2 3 4 5 9 14 19 23 28 33 38 42 26 74 I 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 24 29 34 39 44 25 75 I 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 31 36 4i 46 24 76 I 2 3 4 5 ii 16 21 27 32 37 42 48 23 77 I 2 3 4 6 ii 17 22 28 33 39 44 50 22 78 I 2 3 5 6 ii 17 23 29 34 40 46 5i 21 79 I 2 4 5 6 12 18 24 30 35 4i 47 53 20 80 I 2 4 5 6 12 18 24 31 37 43 49 55 19 81 I 3 4 5 6 13 19 25 32 38 44 5i 57 18 82 I 3 4 5 7 13 20 26 33 39 46 52 59 17 83 I 3 4 5 7 13 20 27 34 40 47 54 61 16 84 I 3 4 6 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 55 62 15 85 I 3 4 6 7 14 21 29 36 43 50 57 64 14 86 I 3 4 6 7 15 22 29 37 44 5i 59 66 13 87 2 3 5 6 8 15 23 30 33 45 53 60 68 12 88 2 3 5 6 8 15 23 31 39 46 54 62 70 II 89 2 3 5 6 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 10 90 2 3 5 7 8 16 24 33 4i 49 57 65 73 9 9 1 2 3 5 7 8 17 25 33 42 50 59 67 75 8 92 2 3 5 7 9 17 26 34 43 5i 60 69 77 7 93 2 4 5 7 9 18 26 35 44 53 61 70 79 6 94 2 4 5 7 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 5 95 2 4 6 7 9 18 28 37 46 55 64 73 83 4 96 2 4 6 8 9 19 28 38 47 56 66 75 84 3 97 2 4 6 8 10 19 29 38 48 57 67 77 86 2 98 2 4 6 8 10 20 29 39 49 59 69 78 88 i 99 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2 4 6 8 10 20 31 4i 5i 61 7i 82 92 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 104 DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE ENGLISH MEASURES. Term for Temperature : 0.002039 (# 50) z. TABLE BAROMETER. 21, For temperatures 5 o p* } the values are to be added, subtracted. Mean Temperature. 0. APPROXIMATE DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT OBTAINED FROM TABLE 20. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 F. F. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 49 51 2 4 6 8 10 12 H 16 18 2O 41 48 52 4 8 12 16 20 24 2 9 33 37 41 82 47 53 6 12 18 24 31 37 43 49 55 61 122 46 54 8 16 24 33 41 49 57 65 73 82 163 45 55 10 20 31 4i 51 61 7i 82 92 IO2 204 44 56 12 24 37 49 61 73 86 98' no 122 245 43 57 H 29 43 57 71 86 IOO 114 128 J 43 285 42 58 16 33 49 65 82 98 114 130 147 163 326 4i 59 18 37 55 73 92 IIO 128 147 165 184 367 40 60 20 4i 61 82 1 02 122 143 163 184 204 408 39 61 22 45 67 90 112 135 157 179 202 224 449 38 62 24 49 73 98 122 147 171 196 220 245 489 37 63 27 53 80 106 133 159 1 86 212 239 265 530 36 64 29 57 86 114 M3 171 200 228 257 285 57i 35 65 31 61 92 122 r 53 184 214 245 275 306 612 34 66 33 65 98 I 3 163 I 9 6 228 261 294 326 652 33 67 35 69 104 139 173 208 243 277 3 I2 347 693 32 68 37 73 IIO H7 184 220 257 294 330 367 734 3i 69 39 77 116 155 194 232 271 310 349 387 775 30 70 4i 82 122 163 204 245 285 326 367 408 816 29 7i 43 86 128 171 214 257 300 343 385 428 856 28 72 45 90 135 I 79 224 269 3H 359 404 449 897 27 73 47 94 141 1 88 234 28l 328 375 422 469 938 26 74 49 98 H7 196 245 294 343 39i 440 489 979 25 75 5i 102 153 204 255 306 357 408 459 5io 1 020 24 76 53 1 06 J 59 212 265 318 37i 424 477 530 1060 23 77 55 IIO 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 55i IIOI 22 78 57 114 171 228 285 343 400 457 5H 57i 1142 21 79 59 118 177 236 296 355 414 473 532 59i 1183 20 80 61 122 184 245 306 367 428 489 55i 612 1223 19 81 63 126 190 253 316 379 442 506 569 632 1264 18 82 65 130 196 26l 326 39i 457 522 587 652 i35 17 83 67 135 202 26 9 336 404 47i 538 606 673 1346 16 84 69 139 208 277 347 416 485 555 624 693 1387 15 85 7i H3 214 285 357 428 500 57i 642 7H 1427 M 86 73 H7 22O 294 367 440 5H 587 66 1 734 1468 13 87 75 151 226 3 02 377 453 528 604 679 754 1509 12 88 77 155 232 310 387 465 542 620 697 775 1550 II 89 80 159 239 318 398 477 557 636 716 795 1590 10 90 82 163 245 326 408 489 57i 652 734 816 1631 9 9i 84 167 251 334 418 502 585 669 752 836 1672 8 92 86 171 257 343 428 5H 599 685 771 856 1713 7 93 88 175 263 35i 438 526 614 701 789 877 1754 6 94 90 179 269 359 449 538 628 718 807 897 1794 5 95 92 184 275 367 459 55i 642 734 826 918 1835 4 96 94 iSS 28l 375 469 563 657 750 844 938 1876 3 97 96 192 28 7 383 479 575 671 767 862 958 1917 2 98 98 196 294 39i 489 587 685 783 881 979 1957 T 99 IOO 200 3 00 400 500 599 699 799 899 999 1998 100 102 204 306 408 5io 612 7H 816 918 1 020 2039 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 105 TABLE 22. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Correction for Latitude and Weight of Mercury: z (o. 002662 #7.s 2 (+0.00239). Lati- tude. *. APPROXIMATE DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT OBTAINED FROM TABLES 2O-21. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. + 3 + 5 4-8 4-io 4-13 4-15 + 18 + 20 + 23 + 25 + 28 2 3 5 8 IO 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 4 3 5 8 IO 13 15 18 2O 23 25 28 6 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 2O 22 25 27 8 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 2O 22 25 27 10 + 2 4-5 4-7 -hio 4-i2 4-15 4-17 + 20 + 22 + 24 4-27 12 2 5 7 IO 12 14 17 19 22 24 27 14 2 5 7 9 12 14 17 *9 21 24 26 16 2 5 7 9 12 H 16 19 21 23 26 18 2 5 7 9 II 14 16 18 20 23 25 20 + 2 + 4 4-7 -h 9 f II 4-13 4-i6 -hi7 + 20 + 22 + 24 22 2 4 6 II 13 15 17 19 22 24 24 2 4 6 8 10 13 15 17 19 21 23 26 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 28 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 21 30 + 2 4-4 4-6 4- 7 4- 9 4-n 4-13 + 15 4-17 4-19 + 20 32 2 4 5 7 ii 12 14 16 18 20 34 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 36 2 3 5 6 8 IO II 13 14 16 18 38 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 14 15 17 40 4-i 4-3 4-4 4- 6 4- 7 4- 9 4-10 4- n 4-13 4-i4 + 16 42 i 3 4 5 7 8 9 ii 12 13 15 44 i 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 H 45 -f i 4-2 4-4 4- 5 -h 6 4- 7 -h 8 + 10 + 11 + 12 4-13 46 -hi 4-2 4-3 4- 5 4- 6 4- 7 -h 8 4- 9 + 10 -hH 4-13 48 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 50 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 52 -hi 4-2 4-3 4- 3 4- 4 -h 5 -h 6 -h 7 -h 8 4- 9 + 10 54 i 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 56 i 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 58 i 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 60 i 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 62 o + 4-i -h 2 4- 2 4- 3 4- 3 4- 4 -h 4 4- 5 4- 5 64 o i 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 66 o i I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 68 i I I I. 2 2 2 2 3 70 i I I I I I 2 2 2 72 O -h I -h I 4- i + I 4- i + I + I 74 O O i I i + I + I 76 O O O o 78 o O o O 80 o o o O I SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 106 TABLE 22. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Correction for Latitude and Weight of Mercury: z (0.002662 cos 2 < + 0.00239). Lati- tude. *. APPROXIMATE DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT OBTAINED FROM TABLES 20-21. 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 20000 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. + 30 + 35 + 40 + 45 + 51 + 56 + 61 + 66 + 71 + 76 + 101 2 30 35 40 45 50 56 61 66 71 76 101 4 30 35 40 45 50 56 60 65 70 75 101 6 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 100 8 30 35 40 45 49 54 59 64 69 74 99 10 f2 9 + 34 + 39 + 44 + 49 + 54 + 59 + 64 + 68 + 73 + 98 12 29 34 39 43 48 53 58 63 68 72 96 14 28 33 38 43 47 52 57 62 66 7i 95 16 28 33 37 42 46 5i 56 60 65 70 93 18 27 32 36 41 45 50 55 59 64 68 9i 20 + 2 7 + 3i + 35 + 40 + 44 + 49 + 53 + 58 + 62 + 66 + 89 22 26 30 34 39 43 47 52 56 60 65 86 24 25 29 33 38 42 46 50 54 58 63 83 26 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 81 28 23 27 3i 35 39 43 47 50 54 58 78 30 + 22 + 26 + 30 + 33 + 37 + 41 + 45 + 48 + 52 + 56 + 74 32 21 25 28 32 36 39 43 46 50 53 7i 34 2O 24 27 30 34 37 4i 44 47 5i 68 36 19 22 26 29 32 35 39 42 45 48 64 38 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 46 61 40 + 17 + 20 + 23 + 26 + 29 + 3i + 34 + 37 + 40 + 43 + 57 42 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 40 53 44 15 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 37 50 45 + 14 + 17 + 19 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 29 + 3i + 33 + 36 + 48 46 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 35 + 46 48 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 32 42 50 12 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 39 52 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 23 + 24 + 26 + 35 54 9 II 13 H 16 17 J 9 20 22 24 3i 56 8 10 II 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 28 58 7 9 10 II 12 13 15 16 17 18 24 60 6 7 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 21 62 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 -M8 64 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 IO II ii 15 66 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 12 68 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 70 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 72 + I + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 74 + I + I + i + i + I 76 O o 78 o O o o o 80 I I I I I SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 107 TABLE 23. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Correction for an Average Degree of Humidity. Mean Temper ature. APPROXIMATE DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT OBTAINED FROM TABLES 2O-2L 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 F. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. -20 O O O O O O + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 -16 O O O + I + 1 + 1 + 1 I 2 2 2 4 12 O O 4-i I I 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 - 8 O O I 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 9 - 6 O O I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 10 - 4 O + 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 n 2 O 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 12 O 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 r 4 + 2 O 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 15 4 O 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 16 6 O 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 8 O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 10 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 12 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 n 22 14 I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 n 12 24 16 I 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 n 13 25 18 I 3 4 5 7 8 9 ii 12 13 27 20 I I 3 4 6 7 9 10 ii 13 14 2 9 22 I 2 3 5 6 8 9 ii 12 14 15 31 24 I 2 3 5 7 8 10 ii 13 15 16 33 26 I 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 17 35 28 I 2 4 6 7 9 ii 13 15 17 19 37 30 I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 4i 32 I 2 4 7 9 ii 13 16 18 20 22 44 34 I 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 19 22 24 49 36 I 3 5 8 ii 13 16 19 21 24 27 53 38 I 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 23 26 2 9 59 40 2 3 6 10 13 16 19 23 26 29 32 64 42 2 4 7 ii 14 18 21 25 28 32 35 7i 44 2 4 8 12 15 19 23 27 3 1 35 39 77 46 2 4 8 13 17 21 25 2 9 34 38 42 84 48 2 5 9 14 18 23 27 32 37 4i 46 92 50 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 99 52 3 5 ii 16 21 27 32 37 43 48 53 107 j 54 3 6 ii 17 23 2 9 34 40 46 5i 57 I][ 4 , 56 3 6 12 18 24 30 37 43 49 55 61 122 58 3 6 13 19 26 32 39 45 52 58 65 130 j 60 3 7 H 21 27 34 4i 48 55 62 69 137 I 62 4 7 14 22 29 36 43 5i 58 65 72 145 1 64 4 8 15 23 30 38 46 53 61 69 76 152 66 4 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 1 60 68 4 8 17 25 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 1 68 70 4 9 18 26 35 44 53 61 70 79 88 175 72 5 9 18 27 37 46 55 64 73 82 9i 183 76 5 10 20 3 40 49 59 69 79 89 99 198 ! 80 5 n 21 32 43 53 64 75 85 96 106 213 84 6 II 23 34 46 57 68 80 9 1 103 114 228 88 6 12 24 37 49 61 73 85 97 no 122 243 9 2 6 13 26 39 52 65 78 9i 103 116 I2 9 259 96 7 14 27 4i 55 68 82 96 no 123 137 274 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 108 TABLE 24. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. . ENGLISH MEASURES. Correction for the Variation of Gravity with Altitude: ~i?-tl^o). K Approx- imate differenc of height. Z. HEIGHT OF I,OWER STATION IN FEET (k }. IOOO 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 IOOO 12000 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 500 O O o o O O O 4-i IOOO o O o 4- i 4-i 4-i 4-i 4-i 4-i i 150x3 o O O 4- I 4- I i i i i i 2 2 2OOO O -M I I i i 2 2 2 2 2 2300 o 4- i , I I i 2 2 2 2 3 3 3000 o i i I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3500 + 1 i i 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 4000 I i 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4500 I i 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 5000 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 55oo I 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 6000 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 6500 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 7000 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 7500 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 ii 8000 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ii 12 8500 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ii 12 13 9000 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 12 14 9500 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 13 15 10000 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii ii 12 13 14 16 I IOOO 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 18 12000 7 8 9 10 ii 13 H 15 16 17 18 21 13000 8 9 ii 12 13 H 16 17 18 '9 21 23 14000 9 ii 12 13 15 16 17 !9 20 21 23 25 15000 ii 12 M 15 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 28 16000 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 31 17000 M 15 17 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 30 18000 16 17 19 21 22 24 26 28 30 31 19000 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 32 20000 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 25. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER, METRIC MEASURES. Values of 18400 log 7 f- Barometric Pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mm. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 300 7428 7401 7375 7348 7322 7296 7270 7244 7218 7192 310 7166 7140 7H5 7089 7064 7038 7013 6987 6962 6937 320 6912 6887 6862 6838 6813 6789 6764 6740 6715 6691 330 6666 6642 6618 6594 6570 6546 6522 6 49 8 6475 6451 340 6428 6405 6381 6358 6334 6311 6288 6265 6242 6219 350 6196 6173 6151 6128 6106 6083 6o6l 6038 6016 5993 360 5971 5949 5927 5905 5883 5861 5839 5817 5795 5773 370 5752 5730 5709 5687 5666 5644 5623 5602 558i 556o 380 5539 55i8 5497 5476 5455 5434 54H 5393 5373 5352 390 5332 53ii 5291 5270 5250 5229 5209 5189 5169 5H9 400 5129 5109 5089 5069 5049 5029 5010 4990 4971 495i 410 4932 4912 4893 4873 4854 4834 4815 4796 4777 4758 420 4739 4720 4701 4682 4663 4644 4625 4606 4588 4569 430 455i 4532 45H 4495 4477 4458 4440 4422 4404 4386 440 4368 4350 4332 43H 4296 4278 4260 4242 4224 4206 450 4188 4170 4152 4134 4117 4099 4082 4064 4047 4029 460 4012 3994 3977 3959 3942 3925 3908 379 1 3774 3757 470 3840 3823 3806 3789 3772 3755 3738 372i 3705 3688 480 3672 3655 3639 3622 3606 3589 3573 3556 3540 3523 490 3507 3490 3474 3458 3442 3426 34io 3394 3378 3362 500 3346 3330 33H 3298 3282 3266 3250 3235 3219 3203 5io 3188 3172 3157 3i4r 3126 3110 3095 3079 3064 3048 520 3033 3017 3002 2986 2971 2955 2940 2925 2910 2895 530 2880 2865 2850 2835 2820 2805 2790 2775 2760 2745 540 2731 2716 2701 2687 2672 2657 2643 2628 2613 2599 550 2584 2570 2555 2541 2526 2512 2497 2483 2468 2454 560 2440 2426 2411 2397 2383 2369 2355 2341 2327 2313 570 2299 2285 2271 2257 2243 2229 2215 22OI 2188 2174 580 2160 2146 2133 2119 2105 2092 2078 2064 2051 2037 59 2023 20 10 1996 1983 1969 J 956 1942 1929 1915 1902 600 1889 1875 1862 1848 1835 1822 1809 1796 1783 1770 610 1757 1744 I73i 1718 1705 1692 1679 1666 1653 1640 620 1627 1614 1601 1588 1576 1563 1550 1537 1525 1512 630 1499 1486 1474 1461 1448 1436 1423 I4II 1398 1386 640 1373 1361 1348 1336 1323 1311 1298 1286 1273 1261 650 1249 1236 1224 1212 1199 1187 H75 1163 1151 "39 660 1127 ni5 1103 1091 1079 1067 1055 1043 1031 1019 670 1007 995 983 971 960 948 936 924 913 901 680 889 877 866 854 842 831 819 80 7 796 784 690 772 761 749 738 726 7i5 703 6 9 2 680 669 700 657 646 635 623 612 601 589 578 567 555 710 544 533 521 510 499 487 476 465 454 443 720 432 421 410 399 388 377 366 355 344 333 730 322 3ii 300 289 278 267 256 245 234 224 740 213 202 192 181 170 160 149 138 128 117 750 + 106 + 95 + 85 + 74 + 64 + 53 f 43 + 32 + 22 + ii 760 o 10 21 - 3i - 42 - 52 - 63 - 73 ~ 8 3 - 94 770 104 -US -125 -136 146 -156 -166 -177 -187 -197 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 110 TABLE 26. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. METRIC MEASURES. Term for Temperature: 0.00367 X z. For temperatures tbe values are o Approx- imate differ- ence of height. Z. MEAN TEMPERATURE: OF AIR COLUMN IN CENTIGRADE DEGREES (0). l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 100 O I I I 2 2 3 3 3 4 7 II 15 2OO I I 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 15 22 29 300 I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 n 22 33 44 400 I 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15 29 44 59 500 2 4 6 7 9 1 1 13 15 17 18 37 55 73 600 2 4 7 9 ii 13 15 18 20 22 44 66 88 700 800 3 3 i 8 9 10 12 13 15 15 18 18 21 21 23 11 26 29 5i 59 77 88 103 117 goo 3 7 10 13 17 20 2 3 26 30 33 66 99 132 1000 4 7 ii 15 18 22 26 29 33 37 73 no 147 1 100 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 81 121 161 I2OO 4 9 13 18 22 26 31 35 40 44 88 132 176 1300 5 10 14 19 24 2 9 33 38 43 48 95 143 191 1400 5 10 15 21 26 31 36 4i 46 5 1 103 154 206 1500 6 ii 17 22 28 33 39 44 50 55 no 165 220 1600 6 12 18 23 2 9 35 4i 47 53 59 117 176 235 1700 6 12 19 25 31 37 44 50 56 62 125 187 250 1800 7 13 20 26 33 40 46 53 59 66 132 198 264 1900 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 139 209 279 2000 7 T5 22 29 37 44 5i 59 66 73 147 220 294 2100 8 15 23 31 39 46 54 62 69 77 154 231 308 2200 8 16 24 32 40 48 57 65 73 81 161 242 323 23OO 8 17 25 34 42 5i 59 68 76 84 169 253 338 2400 9 18 26 35 44 53 62 70 79 88 176 264 352 2500 9 18 28 37 46 55 64 73 83 92 184 275 367 2600 10 J 9 29 3 48 57 67 76 86 95 191 286 382 2700 10 20 30 40 50 59 69 79 89 99 198 297 396 2800 10 21 31 4i 5i 62 72 82 92 103 206 308 411 2900 II 21 32 43 53 64 75 85 96 106 213 3^9 426 3000 II 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 no 220 330 440 3100 II 23 34 46 57 68 80 9 f 102 114 228 341 455 3200 12 23 35 47 59 70 82 94 106 117 235 352 4/0 3300 12 24 36 48 61 73 85 97 109 121 242 363 484 3400 12 25 37 50 62 75 87 IOO 112 125 250 374 499 3500 13 25 39 5i 64 77 9 103 116 128 257 385 5H 3600 13 26 40 53 66 79 9 2 106 119 I 3 2 264 396 528 3700 14 27 4i 54 68 81 95 109 122 136 272 407 543 3800 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 139 279 418 558 3900 14 29 43 57 72 86 IOO H5 129 143 286 429 573 4000 15 29 44 59 73 88 103 117 132 147 294 440 587 5000 18 37 55 73 92 no 128 147 165 183 367 551 734 6000 22 44 66 88 1 10 132 154 I 7 6 I 9 8 220 440 661 881 7000 26 5i 77 103 128 154 180 206 231 257 514 771 1028 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. Ill TABLE 27. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. METRIC MEASURES. Correction for Humidity: Values of 10000 (3. ft = 0.378 1 = 0.378 /+A. Mean Vapor Pressure. e-'+t MEAN BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN MILLIMETRES ( B + B *\ < 2 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. I 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 2 15 15 H H 13 13 12 12 ii ii n II 10 10 3 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 4 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 20 20 5 38 36 35 34 33 31 30 30 29 28 27 26 26 25 6 45 44 42 4i 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 7 53 5i 49 47 46 44 43 4i 40 39 38 37 36 35 8 60 58 56 54 52 50 49 47 46 44 43 42 41 40 9 68 65 63 61 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 47 4 6 45 10 76 73 70 68 65 63 61 59 57 56 54 53 51 50 ii 83 80 77 74 72 69 67 65 63 61 59 58 56 55 12 9i 87 84 81 78 76 73 7i 69 67 65 63 61 60 13 98 95 9i 88 85 82 79 77 74 72 70 68 66 65 14 106 102 98 95 9i 88 85 83 80 78 76 74 72 70 15 H3 I0 9 105 101 98 95 9i 89 86 83 Si 79 77 75 16 121 116 112 108 104 IOI 98 94 92 89 86 84 82 80 17 I2 9 124 II 9 H5 in 107 104 IOO 97 94 92 89 87 85 18 136 131 126 122 117 H3 no 1 06 103 IOO 97 95 92 90 19 144 138 133 128 124 1 20 116 112 109 106 103 IOO 97 95 20 151 145 140 135 130 126 122 nS H5 in 108 105 102 99 21 159 153 147 142 137 132 128 124 120 117 H3 no 107 104 22 166 160 154 149 143 139 134 130 126 122 119 116 1 12 IOQ 23 174 167 161 155 150 145 140 136 132 128 124 121 117 114 24 181 174 1 68 162 156 151 146 142 137 133 130 126 123 119 25 189 182 175 I6 9 163 157 152 148 H3 139 135 131 128 124 26 197 189 182 175 !6 9 164 159 154 149 145 140 137 133 129 27 204 196 189 182 176 170 165 159 155 150 146 142 138 134 28 212 204 196 I8 9 182 176 171 165 1 60 156 151 M7 H3 139 29 2I 9 211 203 106 189 183 177 171 166 161 *57 152 148 144 30 227 218 2IO 203 196 !8 9 I8 3 177 172 167 162 158 J 53 149 3i 234 225 217 209 202 *95 I8 9 183 178 172 167 I6 3 158 154 32 242 233 224 216 209 202 r 95 189 183 178 173 168 163 f59 33 249 240 2 3 I 223 215 208 201 195 189 183 178 173 169 164 j 34 257 247 238 230 222 214 207 201 195 189 184 179 174 169 35 265 254 245 2 3 6 228 220 213 207 200 !95 189 184 179 174 36 272 262 252 243 235 227 219 213 206 200 194 189 184 179 37 280 269 259 250 241 233 226 219 212 206 200 194 189 184 38 287 276 266 257 248 239 232 224 218 211 205 200 194 189 39 295 283 273 263 254 246 2 3 8 230 223 217 211 205 199 194 40 302 291 280 270 26l 252 244 236 22 9 222 216 210 204 199 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 112 TABLE BAROMETER. 27, DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE METRIC MEASURES. Correction for Humidity: loooofixz. Top argument: Values of 10000 ft obtained from page 112. Side argument : Approximate difference of height (z). Approximate Difference of Height. Z. loooo^ 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 100 0-3 0-5 0.8 I.O 1-3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2-3 2-5 2.8 3.0 200 0-5 I.O i-5 2.O 2-5 3.0 3-5 4.0 4.5 5-0 5.5 6.0 300 0.8 i-5 2.3 3-0 3-8 4-5 5.3 6.0 6.8 7-5 8-3 9.0 400 I.O 2.O 3-0 4.0 5-0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 IO.O II.O 12.0 500 i-3 2-5 3.8 5-0 6.3 7-5 8.8 IO.O "3 12.5 13.8 15.0 600 i-5 3-0 4-5 6.0 7-5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 700 1.8 3-5 5-3 7.0 8.8 10.5 12.3 14.0 15-8 17.5 19.3 21.0 800 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 IO.O 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 900 2-3 4-5 6.8 9.0 II-3 !3-5 15.8 18.0 20.3 22.5 24.8 27.0 1000 2-5 5.o 7-5 IO.O 12.5 15.0 17.5 20. o 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 I TOO 2.8 5-5 8-3 II.O 13.8 16.5 19-3 22.O 24.8 27.5 30.3 33-0 1 200 3-o 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21. 24.O 27.0 30.0 33-0 36.0 1300 3-3 6.5 9-8 13.0 16.3 19-5 22.8 26.0 29-3 32.5 35-8 39-0 1400 3-5 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 21.0 24-5 28.0 31-5 35-0 38.5 42.0 1500 3-8 7.5 II-3 15.0 18.8 22.5 26.3 30.0 33.8 37-5 4L3 45-0 1600 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 44-0 48.0 1700 4-3 8.5 12.8 17.0 21.3 25.5 29.8 34.0 38.3 42.5 46.8 51.0 1800 4-5 9.0 13-5 18.0 22.5 27.0 3L5 36.0 40-5 45-0 49-5 54.o 1900 4.8 9-5 14.3 19.0 23.8 28.5 33-3 38.0 42.8 47-5 52.3 57-0 2000 5-o IO.O 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 4O.O 45-0 50.0 55-0 60.0 2100 5-3 10.5 15.8 21.0 26.3 31-5 36.8 42.0 47-3 52-5 57-8 63.0 2200 5-5 II.O I6. 5 22.0 27-5 33.0 38-5 44.0 49.5 55-0 60.5 66.0 2300 5-8 n-5 17.3 23.0 28.8 34.5 40.3 46.0 51-8 57-5 63-3 69.0 2400 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.o 60.0 66.0 72.0 2500 6-3 12.5 18.8 25.0 31.3 37-5 43-8 50.0 56.3 62.5 68.8 75-0 2600 6.5 13-0 19.5 26.0 32.5 39-0 45-5 52.0 58.5 65.0 7i.5 78.0 2700 6.8 13.5 20.3 27.0 33-8 40.5 47-3 54-0 60.8 67.5 74-3 81.0 2800 7.0 14.0 21. 28.0 35-0 42.0 49.0 56.0 63.0 70.0 77-o 84.0 2900 7-3 14-5 21.8 29.0 36.3 43-5 50.8 58.0 65-3 72.5 79.8 87.0 3000 7.5 15.0 22.5 30.0 37-5 45-0 52.5 60.0 67.5 75-0 82.5 90.0 3100 7.8 15.5 23.3 31.0 38.8 46.5 54-3 62.O 69.8 77-5 85-3 93-o 3200 8.0 16.0 24.O 32.0 40.0 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 80.0 88.0 96.0 3300 8-3 16.5 24.8 33-o 41-3 49-5 57-8 66.0 74-3 82.5 90.8 99-o 3400 8.5 17.0 25-5 34.o 42.5 51-0 59-5 68.0 76-5 85.0 93-5 102.0 3500 8.8 17-5 26.3 35-0 43-8 52.5 61.3 70.0 78.8 87-5 96.3 105.0 3600 9.0 18.0 27.O 36.0 45-0 54.o 63.0 72.0 81.0 90.0 99.0 108.0 3700 9-3 18.5 27.8 37-0 46.3 55-5 64.8 74.0 83-3 92.5 101.8 III.O 3800 9-5 19.0 28.5 38.0 47-5 57.o 66.5 76.0 85.5 95-0 104.5 114.0 3900 9.8 19.5 29-3 39-0 48.8 58.5 68.3 78.0 87.8 97-5 107.3 117.0 4000 IO.O 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100. I IO.O I2O.O 5000 12.5 25.0 37-5 50.0 62.5 75-0 87.5 100.0 112.5 125.0 137.5 150.0 6000 15-0 30.0 45-0 60.0 75.o 90.0 105.0 I2O O 135-0 150.0 165.0 ISO.O 7000 17.5 35-0 52.5 70.0 87.5 105.0 122.5 I4O.O 157.5 175.0 192.5 210.0 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 28. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER METRIC MEASURES. Correction for Latitude and Weight of Mercury: z (0.002662 my 2 < 4-0.00239). Approximate difference . if-- |_x IvA TITU DK ( *)- of Height. Z. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 metres. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 100 I I O o o o o O O O 200 I I I I i I I I I O o 300 2 2 I I i I I i I I I o 400 2 2 2 2 2 2 I i I I I I o 500 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I I I o o 600 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 I I i o o 700 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 I I 800 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 I i o 900 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 I i o 1000 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 I I i 1 100 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 I i 1200 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 I i 1300 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 I i 1400 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 I i 1500 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 o 1600 8 8 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 o 1700 9 9 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 o 1800 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 o 1900 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 2000 10 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 2IOO ii ii 10 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 22OO ii ii ii 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 2300 12 12 ii ii 10 9 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 2 I 2400 12 12 12 ii II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 2500 13 13 12 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 o 2600 13 13 13 12 12 ii 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 o 2700 14 14 J 3 13 12 ii 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 2800 14 14 14 J 3 12 ii 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 2900 15 15 14 14 13 12 II 10 8 7 6 4 3 2 3000 15 15 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 7 6 4 3 2 3100 16 16 15 15 14 13 12 10 9 6 5 3 2 o 3200 16 16 16 15 14 13 12 ii 9 8 6 5 3 2 o 33oo 17 17 16 15 15 14 12 ii 9 8 6 5 3 2 I o 3400 17 17 17 16 15 14 13 ii 10 8 7 5 4 2 I o 3500 18 18 17 16 16 14 J 3 12 10 8 7 5 4 2 I 3600 18 18 18 17 16 15 13 12 10 9 7 5 4 2 I 37oo J 9 J 9 18 17 16 15 14 12 II 9 7 5 4 3 I o 3800 *9 J 9 !9 18 17 16 14 13 II 9 7 6 4 3 I o 3900 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 J 3 II 9 8 6 4 3 I o 4000 20 20 20 *9 18 16 15 13 II 10 8 6 4 3 I 4500 23 23 22 21 20 18 17 15 13 ii 9 7 5 3 2 o 5000 25 25 24 23 22 21 19 17 14 12 10 7 5 3 2 o 55oo 28 28 27 26 24 23 20 18 16 13 ii 8 6 4 2 o 6000 30 30 29 28 27 25 22 20 17 14 12 9 6 4 2 I 6500 33 33 32 31 29 27 24 21 19 16 13 10 7 4 2 I 7000 35 35 34 33 31 29 26 23 20 17 13 10 7 5 2 I SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 114 TABLE 29, DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. METRIC MEASURES. Correction for the variation of gravity with altitude: Approxi- mate difference of height. I. HEIGHT OP I,O WER STATION IN METRES (^ ). 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2500 3000 4000 metres. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. in. m. m. 200 o O O O O 300 o o o O o O O 400 O O o O I 500 o o o o o o o o I 600 o o o o o o O I 700 o o o o o I I 800 o I 900 o i I 1000 o o o o o o I 1 100 o o o o i 2 1200 o o I i 2 1300 I I i 2 1400 I I i 2 2 1500 o o I i 2 2 2 1600 o I i 2 2 2 1700 I i 2 2 2 3 1800 I I i 2 2 2 2 3 1900 I I i I 2 2 2 2 2 3 2000 I I i 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2100 I I i 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2200 I I i 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 2300 I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 24OO I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2500 I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 2600 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 2700 I 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 2800 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 2900 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 3000 I 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 3100 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 3200 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 3300 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 3400 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 3500 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 3600 3700 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 o/ v -*-' 3800 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 3900 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 4000 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 4500 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 5000 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 5500 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 12 6000 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 ii 13 6500 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 ii 12 13 15 7000 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 ii ii 12 12 13 14 16 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 30. DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT CORRESPONDING TO A CHANGE OF 0.1 INCH IN THE BAROMETER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Baro- metric Pres- sure. MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN FAHRENHEIT DEGREES. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Inches Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 22.0 119.2 120.5 121. 8 123.1 124.4 125.8 I27.I 128.5 129.8 I3I.2 132.5 133-9 .2 II8.2 119.4 120.7 122.0 123.3 124.7 126.0 127.3 128.7 130.0 I3L3 132.7 4 II7.I 118.3 119.6 I20.'9 122.2 123.6 124.9 126.2 127.5 128.8 130.2 I3I.5 .6 116.1 II7-3 118.6 II9.8 121. 1 122.5 123.8 125.1 126.4 127.7 129.0 130.3 .8 115.0 116.3 117.5 II8.8 1 20. 1 121.4 122.7 124.0 125.3 126.6 127.9 129.2 23.0 114.0 II5.3 116.5 II7.8 II9.0 120.3 121. 6 122.9 124.2 125.5 126.8 128.1 .2 113.1 II4-3 115.5 II6.8 II8.0 II9-3 120.6 121. 8 123.1 124.4 125.7 127.0 4 112. 1 H3-3 114.5 II5-8 II7.O 118.3 119.5 120.8 122. 1 123-3 124.6 125.9 .6 III. I II2.3 113.5 II4.8 116.0 II7-3 118.5 119.8 121. 122.3 123-5 124.8 .8 1 10. 2 III.4 112. 6 II3.8 115-1 116.3 117.5 118.8 I2O.O I2I.3 122.5 123.8 24.0 109.3 II0.5 111.7 II2.9 114.1 II5-3 116.5 117.8 II9.O I2O.2 121.5 122.7 .2 108.4 109.5 110.7 III.9 113.1 114.4 115.6 116.8 IlS.O II9.2 120.5 121.7 4 107-5 108.6 109.8 III.O 112. 2 1134 114.6 115.9 II7.I II8.3 119.5 120.7 .6 106.6 107.8 108.9 IIO. I III. 3 II2.5 113.7 114.9 116.1 II7-3 118.5 119.7 .8 105.8 106.9 108.1 109.2 IIO.4 in. 6 II2.8 114.0 115.2 II6.4 117.6 118.8 25.0 104.9 106.0 107.2 108.3 109.5 110.7 111.9 113.1 114.2 II5-4 116.6 117.8 .2 I04.I 105.2 106.3 107.5 108.7 109.8 III.O 112. 2 H3.3 H4.5 115.7 116.9 4 103-3 104.4 105-5 106.6 107.8 109.0 1 10. 1 111.3 112.4 II3.6 114.8 116.0 .6 102.5 103.6 104.7 105.8 107.0 108.1 109.3 110.4 in. 6 II2.7 113.9 115.1 .8 IOI.7 102.8 103.9 105.0 106.1 107.3 108.4 109.6 110.7 III.9 113.0 114.2 26.0 100-9 IO2.O 103.1 104.2 105.3 106.4 107.6 108.7 109.9 III.O II2.I II3-3 .2 IOO.I IOI.2 102.3 103.4 104.5 105.6 106.8 107.9 109.0 1 10. 1 111.3 112.4 4 99-4 100.4 101.5 102.6 103.7 104.8 106.0 107.1 108.2 109.3 II0.4 in. 6 .6 98.6 99-7 100.7 101.8 102.9 104.0 105.2 106.3 107.4 108.5 109.6 110.7 .8 97-9 98.9 100. IOI.I 102.2 103-3 104.4 105.5 106.6 107.7 108.8 109.9 27.0 97.1 98.2 99.2 100.3 IOI.4 102.5 103.6 104.7 105.8 106.9 IO8.O 109.1 .2 96.4 97-5 98.5 99.6 IOO.7 101.8 102.8 103.9 105.0 106.1 IO7.2 108.3 4 95-7 9 6.8 97.8 98.9 99-9 IOI.O 102. 1 103.2 104.2 105-3 106.4 107.5 .6 95-0 9 6.! 97.1 98.1 99.2 100.3 101.3 102.4 103.5 104.6 105.6 106.7 .8 94-3 95-4 96.4 97.4 98.5 99.6 100.6 101.7 102.7 103.8 104.9 105-9 28.0 93-7 94-7 95-7 96.7 97.8 98.8 99-9 IOI.O IO2.O 103.1 I04.I 105.2 .2 93-o 94.0 95-0 96.1 97-i 98.1 99.2 100.2 IOI.3 102.3 103.4 104.4 4 92.4 93-4 94.4 95-4 96.4 97.5 98.5 99-5 100.6 101.6 102.7 103.7 .6 91.7 92.7 93-7 94-7 95-7 96.8 97-8 98.8 99.9 100.9 IOI.9 103.0 .8 91.1 92.1 93.i 94.1 95-i 96.1 97.1 98.2 99.2 IOO.2 IOI.2 102.3 29.0 90.4 91.4 92.4 93-4 94-4 95-4 9 6 '5 97.5 98.5 99.5 100.5 101.6 .2 89.8 90.8 91.8 92.8 93.8 94.8 95-8 96.8 97-8 98.8 99-9 100.9 4 89.2 90.2 91.1 92.1 93-i 94-1 95.1 96.1 97.1 98.2 99.2 100.2 .6 88.6 89.6 90.5 91-5 92.5 93-5 94-5 95.5 96.5 97.5 98.5 99.5 .8 88.0 89.0 89.9 90.9 91.9 92.9 93-9 94-9 95-8 96.8 97-8 98.8 30.0 87.4 88.4 89-3 90.3 9L3 92.3 93-2 94.2 95-2 96.2 97-2 98.2 .2 86.8 87.8 88.7 89-7 90.7 91.7 92.6 93-6 94.6 95.6 96.5 97.5 4 86.3 87.2 88.2 89.1 90.1 91.1 92.0 93-o 94.o 94.9 95-9 96.9 .6 85-7 86.7 87.6 88.5 91.4 92.4 93-3 94.3 95-3 96.2 .8 85-2 86.1 87.0 88.0 88.9 89.9 90.8 91.8 92.7 93.7 94-7 95.6 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 116 TABLE 31. DIFFERENCE OF HEIGHT CORRESPONDING TO A CHANGE OF 1 MILLIMETRE IN THE BAROMETER. METRIC MEASURES. MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN CENTIGRADE DEGREES. Barometric Pressure. -2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 mm. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. 760 10.48 10-57 10.65 10.73 10.81 10.89 10.98 II. 06 H.I5 11-23 750 10.62 10.71 10.79 10.87 10.95 11.04 H.I3 II. 21 11.30 H.38 740 10.77 10.85 10.93 II. O2 II. IO 11.19 11.28 11.36 11-45 n-54 73 10.91 11.00 II.08 11.17 11.26 11-35 11-43 11.52 ii. 61 11.70 720 1 1. 06 11.15 11.24 11.32 11.42 H.5I H.59 11.68 11.77 11.86 710 11.22 11.31 11.40 11.48 11.58 11.67 11-75 11.85 11.94 12.03 700 11.38 11.47 11.56 11.65 11.74 11.83 11.92 12.02 12.11 12.20 690 n-55 11.63 11.72 11.82 11.91 12. OO 12.09 12.19 12.28 12.38 680 11.72 11.80 11.89 11.99 12.08 12.18 12.27 12.37 12.46 12.56 670 11.89 11.98 12.07 12.17 12.26 12.36 12.46 12.55 12.65 12.75 660 12.07 12. l6 12.26 12-35 12.45 12.55 12.65 12.74 12.84 12.94 650 12.26 12.35 12.45 12.54 12.64 12.74 12.84 12.94 13.04 13-14 640 12.45 12.55 12.64 12.74 12.84 12.94 13.04 I3-I4 13.24 13-35 630 12.65 12.75 12.84 12.94 13.04 I3-I5 13-25 13-35 13-45 13-56 620 12.85 12.96 13-05 13.15 13.25 I3-36 13.46 13-57 13.67 13.78 610 13.06 13.17 13.27 13-37 13.47 I3-58 13.68 13-79 13.89 14.01 600 13.28 13.39 13-49 13-59 13.70 13.80 I3-9 1 14.02 14.13 14.24 59 13-51 13.62 13.72 13.82 13-93 14.03 14-15 14.26 14-37 14.48 580 13-74 13.85 13.96 14.06 14.17 14.28 14.39 14-51 14.62 14.73 570 13.98 14.09 14.20 14.31 14.42 14-53 14.64 14.76 14.88 14.99 560 14.23 14.34 14.45 14.57 14.68 14.79 14.90 15.02 15.14 15.25 MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN CENTIGRADE DEGREES. Barometric Pressure. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 mm. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. Metres. 760 11.32 11.41 11.49 11.58 11.66 11-75 11.84 11.92 12.01 12.10 750 11.47 11.56 11.64 11-73 11.82 11.91 12.00 12.08 12.17 12.26 740 11.63 11.72 II.80 11.89 11.98 12.07 12. 16 12.24 12.33 12.42 730 11.79 11.88 11.96 12.05 12.15 12.23 12.32 12.41 12.50 12.59 720 U.95 12.04 12.13 12.22 12.32 12.40 12.49 12.58 12.68 12.77 710 12.12 12.21 12.30 12.39 12.49 12.58 12.67 12.76 12.86 12.95 700 12.29 12.39 12.48 12-57 12.67 12.76 12.85 12.94 13.04 13.13 690 12.47 12-57 12.66 12.75 12.85 12.94 13.04 13.13 13-23 I3-32 680 12.66 12-75 12.85 12.94 13.04 I3-I3 13.23 13-32 I3-42 I3-52 670 12.85 12.94 13.04 13.14 13-23 13-33 13-43 I3-52 13.62 13.72 660 13.04 13- J 4 13-24 13.34 13-43 13-53 13.63 13.73 13-83 13-93 650 i3- 2 4 13-34 13-44 13-54 13.64 13-74 13.84 13-94 14.04 I4-I5 640 13-45 13-55 13-65 13-75 13-85 13.96 14.06 I4-I5 14.26 14-37 630 13-66 13.76 13-87 13-97 14.07 14.18 14.28 14.38 14.49 14.60 620 13.88 13.98 14.09 14.20 14.30 14.41 14.51 14.62 14.72 14.83 610 14.11 14.21 14-32 14-43 14-54 14.64 14-75 14.86 14.96 15-07 600 14-35 14-45 14.56 14.67 14.78 14.89 15.00 15.11 15-21 I5-32 590 58o 14-59 14.84 14.70 14.95 14.81 15-07 14.92 I5-I7 15-03 15-29 15.14 15.40 15.25 15.52 15.36 15.63 15-47 15-74 rs-59 15-86 570 15.10 15.21 15.33 15-44 15-56 15.67 15-79 15.91 16.02 16.14 560 15-37 15.48 15.60 15.72 15.84 15-95 16.07 16.19 16.30 16.42 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 117 TABLE 32. DETERMINATION OF HEIGHTS BY THE BAROMETER. Formula of Babinet. z ~ C (in feet) =52494 fi + /0+ 1 "" 64 1 English Measures. C (in metres) = 16000 f~i + 2 ^^l Metric Measures. In which Z = Difference of height of two stations in feet or metres. BQ, B = Barometric readings at the lower and upper stations respectively, corrected for all sources of instrumental error. t , t = Air temperatures at the lower and upper stations respectively. Values of C. ENGLISH MEASURES. #(to + t). log C. C. F. Feet. 10 4.69834 49928 15 .70339 505H 20 .70837 51094 25 .7133 51677 30 .71818 52261 35 4-72300 52844 40 .72777 53428 45 .73248 540II 50 .73715 54595 55 .74177 55178 60 4.74633 5576i 65 .75085 56344 70 .75532 56927 75 .75975 575H 80 .76413 58094 85 4.76847 58677 90 .77276 59260 95 .77702 59844 IOO .78123 60427 METRIC MEASURES. #(to + t). log C. C. C. -10 4.18639 Metres. 15360 -8 .19000 15488 -6 19357 15616 -4 .19712 15744 - 2 .20063 15872 4.20412 16000 + 2 .20758 16128 4 .21101 16256 6 .21442 16384 8 .21780 16512 10 4.22II5 16640 12 .22448 16768 14 .22778 16896 16 .23106 17024 18 .23431 17152 20 4.23754 17280 22 .24075 17408 24 24393 17536 26 .24709 17664 28 .25022 17792 30 4.25334 17920 32 .25643 18048 34 .25950 18176 36 .26255 18304 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 118 TABLE 33. BAROMETRIC PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO THE TEMPERATURE OF THE BOILING POINT OF WATER. ENGLISH MEASURES. Tempera- ture. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 F. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 185 I7-05 17.08 17.12 17.16 17.20 17.23 17.27 I7-3I 17-35 17.39 186 17.42 17.46 17.50 17-54 17.58 17.61 17.65 17.69 17-73 17.77 187 I7.8I 17.84 17.88 17.92 17.96 18.00 18.04 18.08 18.12 18.16 188 1 8. 20 18.24 18.27 18.31 18.35 18.39 18.43 18.47 18.51 18.55 189 18.59 18.63 18.67 18.71 18.75 18.79 18.83 18.87 18.91 18.95 190 19.00 19.04 19.08 19.12 19.16 19.20 19.24 19.28 19.32 19.36 191 19.41 19.45 19.49 19-53 19.57 19.61 19.66 19.70 19.74 19.78 192 19.82 19.87 19.91 19.95 19.99 20.04 20.o8 20. 1 2 20.17 20.21 193 20.25 20.29 20.34 20.38 20.42 20.47 20.51 20.55 20.60 20.64 194 20.68 20.73 20.77 2O.82 20.86 20.90 20.95 20.99 21.04 2 1. 08 195 21.13 21.17 21.22 21.26 21.30 21-35 21.39 21.44 21.48 21-53 196 21.58 21.62 21.67 21.71 21.76 21.80 21-85 21.89 21-94 21.99 197 22.03 22.o8 22.12 22.17 22.22 22.26 22.31 22.36 22.40 22.45 198 22.50 22.54 22.59 22.64 22.69 22.73 22.78 22.83 22.88 22.92 199 22.97 23.02 23.07 23.11 23.16 23.21 23.26 23-3I 23-36 23.40 200 23-45 23-50 23-55 23.60 23.65 23.70 23-75 23.80 23.85 23.89 2OI 23-94 23-99 24.04 24.09 24.14 24.19 24.24 24.29 24.34 24-39 202 24.44 24-49 24-54 24.59 24.64 24.69 24.74 24.80 24.85 24.90 203 24-95 25.00 25.05 25.10 25-I5 25.21 25.26 25.31 25.36 25.41 204 25.46 25.52 25-57 25.62 25.67 25-73 25.78 25.83 25.88 25-94 205 25-99 26.04 26.10 26.15 26.20 26.25 26.31 26.36 26.42 26.47 206 26.52 26.58 26.63 26.68 26.74 26.79 26.85 26.90 26.96 27.01 207 27.07 27.12 27.18 27.23 27.29 27.34 27.40 27-45 27.51 27.56 208 27.62 27.67 27-73 27.79 27.84 27.90 27-95 28.01 28.07 28.12 209 28.18 28.24 28.29 28.35 28.41 28.46 28.52 28.58 28.64 28.69 210 28.75 28.81 28.87 28.92 28. 9 8 29.04 29.10 29.16 29.21 29.27 211 29.33 29-39 29-45 29-5I 29.57 29.62 29.68 29.74 29.80 29.86 212 29.92 29.98 30.04 30.10 30.16 30.22 30.28 30-34 30.40 30.46 METRIC MEASURES. TABLE 34. Tempera- ture. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 C. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 80 354-6 356.1 357-5 359-0 360.4 361.9 363.3 364.8 366.3 367.8 81 369-3 370.8 372-3 373.8 375-3 37 6.8 378.3 379-8 381.3 382.9 82 384.4 385.9 387-5 389.0 390.6 392.2 393-7 395-3 396.9 398.5 83 400.1 401.7 403-3 404.9 406.5 408.1 409.7 4H.3 413.0 414.6 84 416.3 417.9 419.6 421.2 422.9 424.6 426.2 427.9 429.6 431.3 85 433-0 434-7 436.4 438.1 439-9 441.6 443-3 445-1 446.8 448.6 86 450.3 452-1 453-8 455-6 457-4 459-2 461.0 462.8 464.6 466.4 87 468.2 470.0 471.8 473-7 475-5 477-3 479.2 481.0 482.9 484.8 88 486.6 488.5 490.4 492-3 494-2 496.1 498.0 499-9 ,501.8 503.8 89 505.7 507-6 509-6 5ii-5 513.5 515.5 517.4 5I9-4 521.4 523.4 90 525.4 527.4 529-4 531-4 533-4 535-5 537-5 539.6 541.6 543-7 9 1 545.7 547-8 549-9 55L9 554.0 556.1 558.2 560.3 562.4 564-6 92 566.7 568.8 57i o 573-1 575-3 577-4 579-6 581.8 584-0 586.1 93 588.3 590-5 592.7 595-0 597-2 599.4 601.6 603.9 606. 1 . 608.4 94 610.7 612.9 615.2 617-5 619.8 622.1 624.4 626.7 629.0 631.4 95 633-7 636.0 638.4 640.7 643.1 645-5 647.9 650.2 652.6 655.0 96 6574 659-9 662.3 664.7 667.1 669.6 672.0 674-5 677.0 679.4 97 681.9 684.4 686.9 689.4 691.9 694.5 697.0 699-5 702.1 704.6 98 707.2 709-7 712.3 714.9 717.5 720.1 722.7 725.3 727.9 730.5 99 733-2 735-8 738.5 741.2 743-8 746.5 749-2 751.9 754-6 757-3 100 760.0 762.7 765.5 768.2 770.9 773-7 776.5 779.2 782.0 784.8 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 119 HYGROMETRICAI, TABLES. Pressure of aqueous vapor (BrocH) English measures .............. TABLE 35 ( 36 Metric measures .............. \ 143 Pressure of aqueous vapor at low temperatures (C. F. Marvin} English and Metric measures ........ TABLE 37 Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic foot of saturated air English measures ............ TABLE 38 Weight of aqueous vapor in a cubic metre of saturated air Metric measures ............. TABLE 39 Reduction of psychrometric observations English measures. Pressure of aqueous vapor ........... TABLE 40 Values of 0.000367 B (t /,)(i -\ -- -J ..... 41 Relative humidity Temperature Fahrenheit . . . . . . TABLE 42 Reduction of psychrometric observations Metric measures. Pressure of aqueous vapor ........... TABLE 43 Values of 0.000660 B (*/,)( i + ^p ^) ..... 44 Relative humidity Temperature Centigrade . . . . . . TABLE 45 Reduction of snowfall measurements. Depth of water corresponding to the weight of snow (or rain) collected in an 8-inch gage ...... TABLE 46 Rate of decrease of vapor pressure with altitude .... TABLE 47 121 TABLE 35. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR, (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?l Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for O.I Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?! Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?l F. Inch. F. Inch. F. Inch. F. Inch. -20?0 0.0167 -I0?0 0.0277 0?0 0.0449 I0?0 O.O7IO -19.8 19.6 0.0168 .0170 i i i -9.8 9.6 0.0280 .0283 I I I + 0.2 0.4 0.6 0454 .0458 .0462 2 2 10.2 10.4 10.6 .0716 .0723 .0729 3 3 3 19.4 .0172 i 94 .0286 I 0.8 .0467 2 10.8 .0736 3 19.2 .0174 T 9.2 .0289 j 2 3 19.0 .0176 9.0 .0292 1.0 0.0471 11.0 0.0742 -18.8 0.0177 I I -8.8 0.0294 I i 1.2 1.4 0475 .0480 2 2 II. 2 II.4 .0749 .0756 3 3 18.6 18.4 18.2 .0179 .Ol8l .0183 I I S.6 8.4 8.2 .0297 .0300 .0303 I 2 1.6 1.8 .0484 .0489 2 2 2 n.6 n.8 .0762 .0769 3 3 3 18.0 .0185 I 8.0 .0306 2 2.0 0.0493 12.0 0.0776 -17.8 17.6 0.0187 .0189 I I I -7.8 7.6 0.0309 .0312 2 2 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 .0498 0503 .0507 2 2 2 12.2 12.4 12.6 .0783 .0790 .0797 3 3 3 17.4 .0191 I 7-4 .0315 2 2.8 .0512 2 12.8 .0804 4 17.2 .0193 7.2 .0318 2 4 17.0 .0195 I 7.0 .0322 2 3.0 0.0517 13.0 O.oSlI I 2 3- 2 .0522 2 13.2 .O8l8 4 -16.8 16.6 16.4 0.0197 .0199 .0201 I I I -6.8 6.6 6.4 0.0325 .0328 .0331 2 2 2 3-4 3-6 3-8 .0526 .0531 0536 2 2 2 13-4 13-6 13.8 .0825 0832 .0840 4 4 4 16.2 .0203 6.2 0334 2 4 16.0 .0205 6.0 0338 4.0 0.0541 14.0 0.0847 -15.8 O.O2O7 I I -5.8 0.0341 2 2 4.2 4.4 .0546 .0551 3 3 14.2 14.4 .0854 .0862 4 4 15-6 ,0209 I 5-6 .0344 2 4-6 .0556 3 14.6 .0869 4 15-4 .O2II I 5-4 0347 2 4-8 .0561 3 14.8 .0877 4 15-2 .0213 I' 5-2 0351 3 4 15-0 .0216 . 5-0 0354 5.0 0.0567 15.0 0.0885 -14.8 14.6 0.0218 .O22O I I I -4.8 4.6 0.0358 .0361 2 2 2 5-2 5-4 5-6 .0572 .0577 .0582 3 3 3 15-2 15-4 15.6 .0892 .0900 .0908 4 4 14.4 .O222 I 4.4 0365 2 5-8 .0588 3 15-8 .0916 4 14.2 .0225 4.2 .0368 3 4 14.0 .O227 4.0 .0372 6.0 0.0593 16.0 0.0924 -13.8 O.O229 I I -3.8 0.0375 2 2 6.2 6.4 .0598 .0604 3 3 16.2 16.4 .0932 .0940 4 13-6 .0232 I 3-6 0379 2 6.6 .0609 3 16.6 .0948 4 13.4 13.2 .0234 .0236 I 3-4 3-2 0383 .0386 2 6.8 .0615 3 3 16.8 .0956 4 4 13.0 .0239 3-o 0390 7.0 0.0620 17.0 0.0965 -12.8 12.6 12.4 12.2 0.0241 .0244 .0246 .0249 I I I I I -2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 0.0394 0397 .0401 .0405 2 2 2 2 2 7.2 7-4 7.6 7.8 .0626 .0632 .0637 .0643 3 3 3 3 -Z 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 0973 .0981 .0990 .0999 4 4 4 4 12.0 .0251 2.0 .0409 8.0 0.0649 o 18.0 0.1007 -11.8 n.6 11.4 II. 2 0.0254 .0256 .0259 .O26l I I I I -1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.0413 .0417 .0421 .0425 2 2 2 2 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 0655 .0661 .0667 .0673 3 3 3 3 18.2 18.4 18.6 18.8 .I0l6 .1024 1033 .1042 4 4 4 4 II. .0264 I I.O .0429 2 9.0 0.0679 3 19.0 O.I05I 4 -10.8 0.0267 -0.8 0.0433 9.2 .0685 3 19.2 .I060 10.6 .0269 0.6 0437 9-4 .0691 3 19.4 .1069 10.4 .0272 0.4 .0441 9.6 .0697 3 19.6 .1078 10.2 .0275 I 0.2 0445 2 9.8 .0704 3 3 19.8 .1087 5 SMITHSONIAN TABLE*. 122 TABLE 35, PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR. (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. D.ff. tor 0?l Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?l Temper- aturc, Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?l Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for 0?l F. Inch. F. Inch. F. Inch. F. Inch, 20?0 o. 1097 30?0 o. 1660 40?0 0.2465 50?0 0.3598 2O.2 .1106 5 30.2 .1673 7 40.2 .2484 IO 50.2 .3625 Z 3 2O.4 .1115 5 304 .1687 7 40.4 .2503 IO 504 .3652 T 3 T A 20.6 .1125 5 30.6 .1700 40.6 .2523 IO 50.6 .3679 J 4 T A 20.8 .1134 5 30.8 .1714 40.8 .2542 IO 50.8 .3706 X 4 5 7 IO 14 21.0 O.II44 31.0 0.1728 41.0 0.2562 51.0 0-3734 T A 21.2 II54 5 31.2 .1742 7 41.2 .2582 IO 51.2 .3761 X 4 21.4 .1163 5 314 .1756 7 41.4 .2601 IO T f-\ 51-4 .3789 T A 21.6 II73 31.6 .1770 7 41.6 .2621 1U 51-6 .3817 X 4 21.8 .1183 5 3i.8 .1784 7 41.8 .2642 IO 51.8 .3845 J 4 5 7 10 J 4 22.0 0.1193 32.0 0.1799 / 42.0 0.2662 TO 52.0 0.3874 T A 22.2 .1203 32.2 .1813 7 42.2 .2683 ID IO 52.2 .3902 X 4 T A 22.4 .1213 324 .1828 7 42.4 .2703 524 3931 A 4 , T A 22.6 .1223 5 32.6 .1842 7 42.6 .2724 IO T T 52.6 .3960 I 4 T ff 22.8 1234 5 32.8 1857 7 42.8 2745 1 I 52.8 .3989 I 5 23.0 0.1244 5 33.0 0.1872 7 43.0 0.2766 II 53.0 0.4018 15 23.2 1255 5 33-2 .1887 43-2 .2787 1 1 T T 53-2 .4048 T 5 T C 234 .1265 5 334 .1902 Q 434 .2808 1 1 T T 534 .4077 1 5 T C* 23.6 .1276 33-6 .1917 O 43-6 2830 1 1 53-6 .4107 J o 23-8 .1287 5 33-8 1933 43.8 .2851 1 1 53-8 4137 I 5 5 8 II 15 24.0 0.1297 34.0 0.1948 44.0 0.2873 54.0 0.4168 24.2 .1308 5 c 34-2 .1964 8 44-2 .2895 1 1 II 54-2 .4198 !5 1C 24.4 I3!9 o 344 .1979 444 .2917 544 .4229 *u T C 24.6 .1330 5 f. 34-6 .1995 44-6 2939 1 1 54.6 4259 15 rfi 24.8 .1341 o 34-8 .2011 44-8 .2962 I I 54-8 .4290 10 6 8 II 16 25.0 0.1352 6 35.0 O.2O27 8 45.0 o. 2984 1 1 55.0 0.4322 16 25-2 .1364 6 35-2 .2043 8 45-2 .3007 II 55.2 4353 16 254 1375 f. 354 .2059 454 .3030 T 1 554 4385 ifi 25-6 .1386 o . 35.6 .2076 45-6 .3053 1 T O 55-6 .4417 IO 16 25-8 .1398 O 35-8 .2092 45-8 .3076 1 55-8 4449 JLO 6 8 12 16 26.0 0.1409 36.0 0.2109 46.0 0.3099 1 2 56.0 0.4481 16 26.2 .1421 36-2 .2125 o 46.2 .3123 56.2 4513 jf. 26.4 1433 364 .2142 46.4 .3146 1 2 T O 564 4546 ID Tfi 26.6 26.8 1445 1457 6 36.6 36.8 2159 .2176 9 46.6 46.8 .3170 .3194 1 2. 12 56.6 56.8 4579 .4612 IO 17 6 9 12 *7 27.0 o. 1469 f. 37.0 0.2193 47.0 0.3218 T O 57.0 0.4645 T*7 27.2 .1481 o 37-2 .22IO 9 47.2 .3242 1.2, 57-2 .4679 A / 27.4 .1493 374 .2228 9 474 .3267 I 2 574 .4712 *7 TT 27.6 1505 37.6 .2245 9 47.6 .32 9 I 1 2 T O 57-6 .4746 l l T*7 27.8 .1518 37-8 .2263 9 47-8 .3316 1 2. 57-8 .4780 A / 6 9 12 17 28.0 0.1530 38.0 0.2281 48.0 0.3341 53.0 0.4815 28.2 1543 38-2 .2298 9 48.2 3366 T 3 58.2 .4849 J 7 T*7 28.4 .1555 384 .2316 9 48.4 3391 J 3 584 .4884 !/ T Q j 28.6 .1568 38.6 2334 9 48.6 .3416 J 3 58.6 .4919 IO T Q 28.8 .1581 38.8 2353 9 48.8 3442 T 3 58.8 4954 IO 6 9 13 18 ; 29.0 0.1594 39.0 0.2371 49.0 0.3467 T 1 59.0 0.4990 T Q 29.2 .1607 39-2 .2390 49.2 3493 1 6 T ? 59-2 5025 J.O T Q 29.4 .1620 394 .2408 494 3519 1 6 594 .5061 IO T q f 29.6 1633 7 39-6 .2427 9 49.6 .3546 Z 3 59-6 5097 10 T Q 29.8 .1646 7 39-8 .2446 10 49-8 3572 J 3 13 59.8 .5134 IO 18 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 123 TABLE 35. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR, (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for F. Inch. F. Inch. F. Inches. F. Incnes. 60?0 60.2 60.4 60.6 60.8 0.5170 .5207 .5244 .5282 5319 18 19 19 19 70?0 70.2 70.4 70.6 70.8 0.7320 7370 .7420 .7471 .7522 25 25 25 26 80?0 80.2 80.4 80.6 80.8 I.02I9 .0286 .0354 .0422 .0490 34 34 34 34 90?0 90.2 90.4 90.6 90.8 1.4081 .4170 .4259 4349 4439 44 45 45 45 19 26 34 45 61.0 61.2 61.4 61.6 61.8 0-5357 5395 5433 5471 5510 19 19 19 19 71.0 71.2 71.4 71.6 71.8 0.7573 7625 .7676 .7728 .7781 26 26 26 26 81.0 81.2 81.4 81.6 81.8 1.0558 .0627 .0697 .0767 .0837 35 35 35 35 91.0 91.2 91.4 91.6 91.8 1-4530 .4621 .4712 4805 4897 46 46 46 46 ig 26 35 47 62.0 62.2 62.4 0-5549 .5588 .5628 2O 2O 72.0 72.2 72.4 0.7834 .7887 .7940 27 27 82.0 82.2 82.4 1.0907 .0978 .1050 36 36 92.0 92.2 92.4 1.4990 .5084 .5178 47 47 A *7 62.6 62.8 .5667 .5707 2O 2O 72.6 72.8 7994 .8048 27 27 82.6 82.8 .1121 .1194 36 92.6 92.8 .5273 .5368 4/ 48 2O 27 36 48 63.0 0.5748 73.0 0.8102 83.0 I.I266 *9 *7 93.0 1.5464 63-2 .5788 2O 73-2 .8i57 2 7 oR 83-2 1339 37 in 93-2 .5560 4 634 63.6 .5829 .5870 2O 21 734 73-6 .8212 .8267 2o 28 834 83.6 .1413 .1487 37 37 "? *7 934 93-6 .5657 5755 49 A C\ 63.8 21 73-8 8323 83-8 .1561 37 93-8 .5853 49 21 28 37 49 64.0 64.2 644 64.6 64.8 0.5952 5994 .6036 .6078 .6120 21 21 21 21 74.0 74.2 744 74-6 74.8 0.8379 .8435 .8492 .8549 .8606 28 28 29 29 84.0 84.2 844 84.6 84.8 I-I635 .I7IO .1786 .1862 .1938 38 38 38 38 94.0 94.2 944 94.6 94.8 I-595I .6050 .6149 .6249 6350 49 50 50 50 21 29 38 51 65.0 0.6163 75.0 0.8664 85.0 I.20I5 95.0 1.6451 r T 65.2 .6206 22 75-2 .8722 29 85-2 .2093 39 95-2 6552 D 1 r T 654 .6249 22 754 .8780 29 854 .2I7O 39 954 -6655 D 1 r T 65.6 65.8 .6293 .6337 22 22 75-6 75-8 .8839 .8898 29 30 85.6 85-8 .2248 .2327 39 39 95-6 95-8 -6758 .6861 D 1 52 22 3 39 52 66.0 66.2 0.6381 .6425 22 76.0 76.2 0.8957 .9017 30 86.0 86.2 1.2406 .2485 40 Af~\ 96.0 96.2 1.6964 .7069 52 66.4 .6470 22 764 .9077 3 86.4 2565 40 Ar\ 96.4 .7174 r -2 66.6 66.8 .6514 .6560 22 23 76.6 76.8 .9137 .9198 3 30 86.6 86.8 .2645 .2726 40 40 96.6 96.8 .7279 .7385 Do 53 2 3 31 41 53 67.0 67.2 0.6605 .6651 23 77.0 77-2 0.9259 .9321 3i 87.0 87.2 1.2807 .2889 4i A T 97.0 97-2 1.7492 7599 54 674 67.6 67.8 .6697 6743 - .6789 2 3 23 23 774 77-6 77-8 .9383 9445 .9507 3i 874 87.6 87.8 .2971 .3054 .3137 4 1 41 42 974 97.6 97.8 .7707 .7815 .7924 54 54 68.0 68.2 68.4 68.6 68.8 0.6836 .6883 6930 .6978 .7026 23 24 24 24 24 78.0 78.2 78.4 78.6 78.8 0.9570 9633 .9697 .9761 .9825 32 32 32 32 88.0 88.2 88.4 88.6 88.8 1.3220 -3304 .3388 3473 -3558 42 42 42 42 43 98.0 98.2 98.4 98.6 98.8 1.8034 .8144 .8254 .8366 .8477 55 55 55 56 56 69.0 69.2 694 69.6 69.8 0.7074 .7123 .7172 .7221 .7270 24 24 24 25 25 25 79.0 79-2 794 79.6 79.8 0.9890 9955 1. 0021 .0087 0153 32 33 33 33 33 33 89.0 89.2 89.4 89.6 89.8 1.3644 3731 .3818 .3905 3993 43 43 43 44 44 44 99.0 99.2 994 99-6 99.8 1.8590 -8703 .8817 .8931 .9046 56 57 57 57 57 58 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I2 4 TABLE 35. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. I00?0 1.9161 8 IIO?0 2.5765 I20?0 3.4253 g I30?0 4.5044 121 IOO.2 IOO.4 100.6 100.8 .9277 9394 -9511 .9629 58 59 59 1 10.2 II0.4 1 1 0.6 1 10.8 -59I5 .6066 .6217 .6369 75 76 76 120.2 120.4 I2O.6 120.8 4445 4637 .4831 .5026 96 97 97 130.2 130.4 130.6 130.8 .5286 .5530 5775 .6020 122 122 123 59 77 9 8 123 101. 1.9747 III.O 2.6522 121.0 3-5221 131.0 4.6267 IOI.2 .9867 J~ III.2 .6676 77 121. 2 .5417 90 131.2 6515 124 IOI.4 101.6 101.8 .9986 2.0107 .0228 60 60 III.4 iii.6 111.8 68 3 I .6986 .7142 77 78 78 I2I.4 I2I.6 I2I.8 5615 5813 .6012 99 99 100 I3M 131.6 131.8 .6764 7015 .7266 I2 5 125 126 61 78 100 126 102.0 2.0349 61 112.0 2.7299 7Q 122.0 3.6213 IOI 132.0 4.7519 127 IO2.2 IO2.4 102.6 102.8 .0471 0594 .0718 .0842 61 62 62 II2.2 II2.4 II2.6 II2.8 7457 .7616 7775 7935 fy 79 80 80 122.2 122.4 122.6 122.8 .6414 .6616 .6819 .7023 101 102 IO2 132.2 1324 132.6 132.8 7773 .8028 .8284 .8541 127 128 129 62 80 I O2 129 103.0 103.2 103.4 103.6 103.8 2.0967 .1092 .1218 .1345 .1473 63 63 63 64 113.0 113.2 II3-4 113.6 113.8 2.8096 8257 .8420 8583 .8747 > CO 00 00 CO tO tO W M 123.0 123.2 123.4 123.6 123.8 3-7228 7434 .7641 .7849 .8058 103 103 104 104 133.0 133-2 *33-4 133-6 133-8 4.8800 959 .9320 9582 .9845 130 130 132 64 82 105 132 104.0 104.2 104.4 104.6 104.8 2.1601 .1730 .1859 .1989 .2120 64 65 65 65 114.0 114.2 114.4 114.6 114.8 2.8912 .9078 .9244 .9412 .958o 83 83 84 84 124.0 124.2 124.4 124.6 124.8 3-8267 .8478 .8690 .8903 .9117 105 106 106 107 134.0 134.2 134-4 134.6 134.8 5.0110 0375 .0642 .0910 1179 133 133 134 135 66 85 107 J -5 C 105.0 105.2 105.4 105.6 105.8 2.2251 .2384 .2516 .2650 .2784 66 66 67 67 115.0 115.2 II5-4 115.6 115.8 2-9749 .9919 3-0089 .0261 0433 85 85 86 86 125.0 125.2 125.4 125.6 125.8 3.9332 .9548 .9765 .9983 4.0202 108 109 109 no 135.0 135.2 135-4 135.6 135.8 5.I450 .1722 .1994 .2269 2544 136 136 137 138 67 87 no 138 106.0 106.2 106.4 2.2919 .3054 .3190 68 68 f.0 116.0 116.2 116.4 3.0606 .0780 0955 87 87 00 126.0 126.2 126.4 4.0422 .0643 .0865 in in 136.0 136.2 136.4 5.2820 3098 3377 139 139 106.6 .3327 Do n6.6 .1131 oo 00 126.6 .1088 112 136.6 .3657 140 T/lV 106.8 .3465 69 116.8 .1308 oo 126.8 .1312 112 136.8 3939 141 69 89 113 141 107.0 107.2 ! 107.4 107.6 2.3603 .3742 .3882 .4023 70 70 70 117.0 117.2 117.4 117.6 3.1485 .1663 .1842 .2023 89 90 90 127.0 127.2 127.4 127.6 4-1537 .1764 .1991 .2219 "3 114 114 137.0 137.2 1374 137.6 54221 .4505 4791 .5077 142 143 143 T A A 107.8 .4164 7 1 117.8 .2204 9 1 127.8 .2448 115 137.8 5365 144 71 91 IIS 145 1 108.0 2.4306 118.0 3-2386 128.0 4-2679 TT 138.0 5.5654 T A r 108.2 108.4 108.6 108.8 4449 4592 .4736 .4881 72 72 72 118.2 118.4 118.6 118.8 .2568 2752 2937 .3122 9 1 92 92 93 128.2 128.4 128.6 128.8 .2910 3143 3377 3612 1 1O 116 117 117 138.2 138.4 138.6 138.8 5945 6237 6530 .6824 T 45 146 147 147 73 93 118 148 109.0 109.2 109.4 109.6 : 109.8 2.5026 5172 .5319 .5467 5616 73 73 74 74 75 119.0 119.2 119.4 119.6 119.8 3-3308 3495 3683 .3872 .4062 94 94 95 95 95 129.0 129.2 129.4 129.6 129.8 4.3848 .4085 4323 .4562 .4802 119 119 120 120 121 139.0 139.2 139.4 139.6 139-8 5-7120 7417 .7715 .8014 .8315 149 149 150 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 125 TABLE 35. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR, (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Ofl Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. I40?0 140.2 140.4 140.6 140.8 5.8617 .8921 .9226 -9532 9839 152 152 153 154 I50?0 150.2 150.4 150.6 150.8 7.5521 .5897 .6275 6654 7035 188 !8 9 190 191 I60?0 160.2 160.4 160.6 160.8 9 !68 3 6 .7300 .7765 8233 231 232 233 234 I70?0 170.2 170.4 170.6 170.8 12.1870 .2432 .2997 3564 4133 281 282 283 285 I S4- 191 2 35 286 141.0 141.2 141.4 141.6 141.8 6.0148 .0458 .0770 .1083 1397 155 156 157 157 151.0 151.2 1514 151.6 151.8 7.7418 .7802 .8188 8575 .8964 192 194 195 161.0 161.2 161.4 161.6 161.8 9.8702 9173 .9647 IO.OI22 0599 236 237 238 239 171.0 171.2 171.4 171.6 171.8 12.4704 .5278 .5853 .6431 .7011 287 288 289 290 158 IQS 240 291 142.0 6.1713 152.0 7-9355 106 162.0 10.1078 1 A T 172.0 12.7593 142.2 142.4 142.6 142.8 .2030 .2348 .2668 .2989 159 160 161 152.2 1524 152.6 152.8 9747 8.0141 0536 .0934 iyu I 9 7 I 9 8 199 162.2 162.4 162.6 162.8 1559 .2O42 .2526 3013 ^41 241 242 243 172.2 172.4 172.6 172.8 8l77 .8764 9353 9945 292 293 295 296 161 199 2 44 2 97 143.0 143.2 143-4 143.6 143.8 6.3312 .3636 .3961 .4288 .4616 162 163 164 164 153.0 153-2 1534 153-6 153-8 8.1332 1733 2135 2539 .2944 2OO 2O I 2O2 203 163.0 163.2 163.4 163.6 163.8 10.3501 .3992 4484 4979 5475 245 246 247 248 173.0 173.2 1734 173.6 173.8 13-0538 1134 .1732 .2332 2935 298 299 300 301 165 2O4 249 303 144.0 144.2 6.4946 .5277 166 154.0 154.2 8-3351 .3/60 205 164.0 164.2 io.5974 6474 250 174.0 174.2 I3-3540 .4147 304 I 1444 144.6 144.8 .5610 5944 .6279 167 1 68 1544 154.6 154.8 .4171 4583 4997 2O5 2O6 207 164.4 164.6 164.8 6976 .7480 .7986 2 5 r 252 253 174.4 174.6 174.8 4756 .5368 5982 35 306 307 168 208 2 54 308 145.0 145-2 1454 145.6 145-8 6.6616 6954 7294 7635 .7978 169 170 171 171 155.0 155.2 1554 155.6 155-8 8.5413 .5830 .6249 .6670 .7092 209 2IO 2IO 211 165.0 165.2 165.4 165-6 165.8 10.8495 .9005 9517 11.0032 .0548 255 256 257 258 175.0 175.2 1754 175-6 175.8 13-6599 .7218 .7839 .8462 .9088 309 312 313 172 212 259 314 146.0 146.2 146.4 6.8322 .8668 .9015 173 174 156.0 156.2 156.4 8.7516 .7942 .8370 213 214 OT C" 166.0 166.2 166.4 11.1067 1587 .2109 260 26l fyfify 176.0 176.2 176.4 13.9716 14.0347 .0980 315 317 146.6 146.8 9363 9713 J 74 175 156.6 156.8 .8799 .9231 215 216 166.6 166.8 .2634 .3160 2O2 263 176.6 176.8 .1616 2253 319 176 217 264 320 147.0 147.2 7.0065 .0418 177 T T7 157.0 157.2 8.9664 9.0098 217 218 167.0 167.2 11.3689 .4220 265 266 177.0 177.2 14.2894 3536 321 'JO? 147.4 147.6 147.8 0773 .1129 .1486 1 / / 178 179 1574 157.6 157-8 0535 0973 219 220 167.4 167.6 167.8 4752 .5287 .5824 267 268 1774 177.6 177-8 .4181 .4828 .5478 3 2 3 324 325 180 221 27O 326 148.0 7.1845 T o n 158.0 9 *855 168.0 11.6363 178.0 14.6131 148.2 1 148.4 1 148.6 148.8 .2206 .2568 .2932 .3297 loo 181 182 183 158.2 158.4 158.6 158.8 .2299 2745 .3192 .3641 222 223 224 225 168.2 168.4 168.6 168.8 .6904 7447 7993 .8540 271 272 273 274 178.2 178.4 178.6 178.8 6785 7443 .8102 .8764 327 329 33 183 226 275 332 149.0 149.2 149.4 149.6 149.8 7-3664 .4032 4402 4774 5H7 184 185 186 187 187 159.0 159-2 1594 159.6 159-8 9.4092 4545 4999 .5456 59H 226 227 228 229 230 169.0 169.2 169.4 169.6 169.8 11.9090 .9641 12.0195 .0751 .1309 2 7 6 277 2 7 8 279 280 179.0 179.2 1794 179.6 179-8 14.9429 15.0096 .0765 1437 .2112 334 335 336 337 339 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 126 TABLE 35. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR. (Brock.} ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper, ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for Temper- ature. Vapor Pressure. Diff. for F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. F. Inches. I80?0 180.2 1804 180.6 180.8 15.2789 .3468 4150 4835 5522 340 342 344 I90?0 190.2 1904 190.6 190.8 19.0009 .0825 .1643 .2464 .3288 408 409 411 412 200?0 200.2 200.4 200.6 200.8 234530 .5502 .6478 7457 .8440 486 488 49 491 2IO?0 210.2 210.4 210.6 210.8 28.7497 .8651 .9809 29.0972 .2138 577 579 58i 583 345 414 493 585 181.0 181.2 1 1814 i 181.6 181.8 15.6212 .6904 7599 .8296 .8996 346 347 349 350 191.0 191.2 191.4 191.6 191.8 I94H5 4945 .5778 .6614 7453 415 416 418 419 201.0 2OI.2 201.4 201.6 201.8 23.9426 24.0415 .1408 .2404 3404 495 497 498 500 211.0 2II.2 2II.4 2II.6 2II.8 29.3308 .4482 .5660 .6842 .8028 587 589 593 351 421 502 595 182.0 182.2 1824 182.6 182.8 15.9699 16.0404 .1112 .1822 .2535 353 354 355 357 192.0 192.2 1924 192.6 192.8 19.8295 .9140 .9988 20.0839 1693 422 424 426 427 202.0 202.2 202.4 2O2.6 202.8 244407 .5414 .6424 .7438 .8455 503 505 507 509 212.0 212.2 212.4 212.6 212.8 29.9218 30.0412 .l6lO .2813 .4019 597 599 601 603 358 429 5 10 605 183.0 183.2 183.4 183.6 183.8 16.3250 .3968 .4689 .5413 .6139 359 362 363 193.0 193.2 1934 193.6 193.8 20.2550 .3410 4273 .5139 .6008 430 432 433 435 203.0 203.2 2034 203.6 203.8 24.9476 25.0500 .1528 2559 3594 512 514 213.0 213-2 213.4 213-6 213.8 30.5229 .6444 .7662 .8885 3I.OIII 607 609 611 613 364 436 519 615 184.0 16.6868 ~{.f. 194.0 20.6881 A iS 204.0 254633 214.0 3LI342 184.2 1844 184.6 184.8 7599 .8334 .9071 .9810 300 367 368 370 194.2 1944 194.6 194.8 .7756 .8635 .9517 21.0402 43 439 441 442 204.2 2044 204.6 204.8 .5675 .6720 .7769 .8822 523 525 527 371 444 528 185.0 185.2 17.0552 .1297 373 *)*1 A 195.0 195.2 21.1289 .2180 446 A A *7 205.0 205.2 25-9878 26.0939 530 1854 185.6 185.8 .2045 .2795 3548 374 375 377 1954 195.6 195.8 .3074 3971 .4872 44 / 449 450 2054 205.6 205.8 .2002 .3070 .4141 534 536 378 452 537 186.0 17.4304 196.0 21.5776 206.0 26.5215 ctr\ 186.2 .5063 379 196.2 .6683 454 /ICC 206.2 .6294 539 1864 186.6 186.8 .5824 .6588 7355 382 384 1964 196.6 196.8 .7593 .8506 .9422 455 457 458 206.4 206.6 206.8 .7376 .8461 .9551 543 545 385 460 547 187.0 187.2 1874 1 187.6 17.8125 .8897 .9672 18.0451 386 388 389 197.0 197.2 1974 197.6 22.0342 .1265 .2191 .3120 462 463 465 207.0 207.2 207.4 207.6 27.0644 .1741 .2842 .3946 549 550 552 C C A | 187.8 .1231 39 1 197.8 .4053 4 207.8 .5054 554 39 2 468 556 188.0 ! 188.2 18.2015 .2802 393 198.0 198.2 22.4989 5928 470 208.0 208.2 27.6166 .7282 558 ~- ( 188.4 i 188.6 ; 188.8 -3591 4383 .5178 395 396 398 1984 198.6 198.8 .6871 .7816 .8765 47i 473 475 208.4 208.6 208.8 .8402 .9525 28.0652 560 562 564 399 476 566 189.0 189.2 189.4 189.6 189.8 18.5976 .6777 7581 .8388 .9197 400 402 403 405 406 199.0 199.2 1994 199.6 199.8 22.9718 23.0673 .1632 .2595 3560 478 480 481 483 485 209.0 209.2 209.4 209.6 209.8 28.1784 .2919 4057 .5200 .6346 568 569 571 573 575 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 127 TABLE 36. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR. (Brock.} METRIC MEASURES. Tempera- ture. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 C. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. -29 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0-39 0-39 0.38 28 0.46 0.46 0-45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0-43 0-43 0.43 0.42 27 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.48 0-47 0.47 0.46 26 0-55 0.55 0-54 o.54 0.53 0-53 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 -25 0.61 0.6o 0.6o o.59 0.58 0.58 0.57 0-57 0.56 0.56 24 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.61 23 0.73 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.67 22 0.79 0.79 0.78 o.77 0.77 0.76 0.75 0-75 0.74 0.73 21 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.80 - 20 0.94 0.94 0-93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 19 1.03 .02 .01 I.OO 0-99 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0-95 18 1. 12 .11 .10 1.09 1.08 .07 .06 1.06 1.05 .04 17 .22 .21 .20 J 9 1.18 17 .16 I-I5 1.14 13 16 32 3 1 30 .29 1.28 .27 .26 1.25 1.24 23 - 15 44 43 .42 .40 39 .38 37 1.36 35 34 14 .56 55 54 .52 1.51 50 49 1.48 .46 45 13 .69 .68 .67 .65 .64 63 .61 1.60 59 57 12 .84 .82 .81 79 .78 .76 75 1.74 .72 71 II 99 97 . 9 6 94 93 91 .90 1.88 .87 .85 - 10 2-15 2.13 2.12 2.10 2.08 2.07 2.05 2.04 2.02 2.00 9 2-33 2.31 2.29 2.27 2.26 2.24 2.22 2.20 2.19 2.17 8 2.51 2.50 2.48 2.46 2.44 2.42 2.4O 2.38 2.36 2-34 7 2.72 2.69 2.6 7 2.6 5 2.63 ' 2.6] 2.59 2-57 2.55 2-53 6 2-93 2.91 2.8 9 2.86 2.84 2.82 2.80 2. 7 8 2. 7 6 2.74 - 5 3-16 3.H 3-ii 3-09 3-07 3.04 3-02 3-00 2.98 2-95 4 3-4i 3.38 3.36 3-33 3-31 3.28 3.26 3.23 3.21 3.18 3 3-67 3-64 3-62 3-59 3-56 3-54 3-51 3.48 346 3-43 2 3-95 3-92 3-89 3-86 3-84 3.8i 3.78 3.75 3.72 3.70 I 4-25 4.22 4.19 4.16 4.13 4.10 4.07 4.04 4.01 3.98 - 4-57 4-54 4.50 4.47 4.44 4.41 4-37 4-34 4-3 1 4.28 Values for temperatures between o and 45 are given in Table 43. + 45 71.36 71-73 72.10 72.48 72.85 72.23 73.60 73.98 74.36 74-75 46 75.13 75.52 75.91 76.30 76.69 77.08 77-47 77.87 78.27 78.67 47 79.07 79-47 79.88 80.29 80.70 8i.ii 81.52 8i.93 82.35 82.77 48 83.19 83.61 84.03 84.46 84.89 84.32 85.75 86.18 86.61 87-05 49 87.49 87.93 88.37 88.81 89.26 89.71 90.16 90.61 91.06 9 J .52 50 91.98 92.44 92.90 93.36 93.83 94.30 94-77 95.24 95-71 96.19 51 96.66 97.14 97.63 98.11 98.60 99.08 99-57 100.07 100.56 101.06 52 101.55 102.05 102.56 103.06 103.57 104.08 104.59 105.10 105.62 106.14 53 106.65 107.18 107.70 108.23 108.76 109.29 109.82 110.35 110.89 111.43 54 111.97 112.52 113.06 113.61 114.16 114.72 115.27 115-83 116.39 116.95 55 117.52 118.08 118.65 119.22 119.80 120.37 120.95 121.53 122.12 122.70 56 123.29 !2 3 .88 124.48 125.07 125.67 126.27 126.87 127.48 I28.O9 128.70 57 129.31 129.92 130.54 131.16 I3L79 132.41 133-04 133.67 134.30 134.94 58 135.58 136.22 136.86 137-50 138-15 138.80 139.46 140.11 140.77 I4L43 59 142.10 142.76 14343 144.11 144.78 145.46 146.14 146.82 I47.5I 148.19 60 148.88 149.58 150.27 150.97 151.68 152.38 153-09 153-80 154.51 155.23 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 128 TABLE 36. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR. (Broch.) METRIC MEASURES. Tempera- ture. 0?0 0, 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 C. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 60 148.88 149.58 150.27 150.97 151.68 152.38 153.09 153.80 154.51 155.23 61 155-95 156.67 157-39 158.12 158.85 I59-58 160.32 161.06 161.80 162.54 62 163.29 164.04 164.79 165.55 166.31 167.07 167.83 168.60 169.37 170.15 63 170.92 171.70 172.49 173.27 174.06 174.85 175.65 176.45 177.25 178.05 64 178.86 179.67 180.48 181.30 182.12 182.94 183.77 184.60 185.43 186.26 65 187.10 187.94 188.79 189.64 190.49 191.34 192.20 193.06 193-93 194.80 66 195.67 196.54 197.42 198.30 199.18 200.07 200.96 201.86 202.75 203.65 67 204.56 205.47 206.38 207.29 208.21 209.13 210.06 210.98 211.92 212.85 68 213.79 214.73 215.68 216.63 217.58 218.54 219-50 220.46 221.43 222.40 69 223.37 224-35 225-33 226.31 227.30 228.29 229.29 230.29 231.29 232.30 70 233.3I 234-32 235.34 236.36 237.39 238.42 239-45 240.48 241-52 242.57 71 243-62 244.67 245.72 246.78 247.85 248.91 249.98 251.06 252.14 253.22 72 254.30 255.40 256.49 257.59 258.69 259-80 260.91 262.02 263.14 264.26 73 74 265.38 276.87 266.51 278.04 267.65 279.21 268.79 280.39 269.93 281.58 271.08 282.76 272.23 283.95 273.38 285.15 274.54 286.35 275.70 287.56 75 288.76 289.98 291.19 292.42 293.64 294.87 296.11 297.34 298.59 299.83 76 301.09 302.34 303.60 304.87 306.14 307.4I 308.69 309.97 311.26 312.55 77 313.85 3I5.I5 316.45 317.76 319.07 320.39 321.72 323.04 324-38 325.71 78 327.05 328.40 329-75 33I.II 332.47 333.83 335-20 336.58 337-95 339-34 79 340.73 342.12 343-52 344.92 346.33 347-74 349- J 6 350.58 352.01 353-44 80 354.87 356.31 357.76 359-21 360.67 362.13 363.59 365-07 366.54 368.02 81 369.51 371.00 372-49 374-00 375.50 377-01 378.53 380.05 381.58 383-11 82 384.64 386.18 387.73 389.28 390.84 392.40 393.97 395.54 397.12 398.70 83 400.29 401.89 403.49 405-09 406.70 408.32 409.94 411.56 4i3- T 9 414.83 84 416.47 4I8.I2 4I9-77 421.43 423.09 424-76 426.44 428.12 429.81 43L50 85 433-19 434.90 436.60 438.32 440.04 441.76 443-49 445.23 446.97 448.72 86 450.47 452.23 454.00 455.77 457-54 459-33 461.11 462.91 464.71 466.51 87 468.32 470. 14 471-96 473-79 475.63 477-47 479-32 481.17 483-03 484.89 88 486.76 488.64 490.52 492.41 494.31 496.21 498.12 500.03 501.95 503-87 89 505.81 507.74 509.69 511.64 513.60 515.56 517.53 519.50 521.48 523.47 90 525.47 527.47 529.48 531-49 533-51 535.54 537-57 539.6i 541.65 543-71 9 1 545-77 547.83 549-90 551.98 554.07 556.16 558.26 560.36 562.47 564.59 92 566.71 568.85 570.98 573-13 575-28 577-44 579.61 i 581.78 583-96 586.14 93 588.33 590-53 592-74 594.95 597-17 599.40 601.64 603.88 606.13 608.38 94 610.64 612.91 615.19 617.47 619.76 622.06 624.37 626.68 629.00 631.32 95 633.66 636.00 638.35 640.70 643.06 645.43 647.81 650.20 652.59 654.99 96 657.40 659.81 662.23 664.66 667. 10 669.54 672.00 674.45 676.92 679.40 97 681.88 684.37 686.87 689.37 691.89 694.41 696.93 699.47 702.02 704.57 98 707.13 709.69 712.27 714-85 717-44 720.04 722.65 725.27 727.89 730.52 ; 99 733.16 735.81 738-46 74LI3 743.80 746.48 749-17 75L86 754-57 757.28 100 760.00 762.73 765.47 768.21 770.97 773-73 776.50 779.28 782.07 784.86 IOI 787-67 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 129 TABLE 37. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR AT LOW TEMPERATURES. (C. F. Marvin.'] ENGLISH AND METRIC MEASURES. Tempera- tures. 0?0 0?2 0?4 0?6 0?8 F. Inch, mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. -60 O.OOIO 0.026 59 .OOII .028 O.OOII 0.028 O.OOII 0.027 O.OOII 0.027 O.OOIO 0.026 58 .OOI2 .030 .OOI2 .030 .0011 .029 .0011 .029 .OOII .028 57 .0013 .032 .0013 .032 .0012 .031 .0012 .031 .OOI2 .030 56 .0013 034 .0013 .034 .0013 .033 .0013 033 .0013 .032 -55 0.0015 0.037 0.0014 0.036 0.0014 0.036 0.0014 0.035 0.0014 0.035 54 .0016 .040 .0015 039 .0015 039 .0015 .038 .0015 .037 53 .0017 043 .0017 .042 .0017 .042 .0016 .041 .OOl6 .040 52 .00l8 .046 .0018 045 .0018 045 .0017 .044 .0017 .043 5i .0019 .049 .0019 .048 .0019 .048 .OOI9 .047 .0018 .046 -50 0.0021 0.053 0.0020 0.052 0.0020 0.051 0.0020 0.051 O.OO2O 0.050 49 .OO22 057 .0022 .056 .0022 055 .0022 .055 .0021 054 48 .0024 .061 .0024 .060 .0023 059 .OO23 -059 .0023 .058 47 .OO26 .065 .0025 .064 .0025 .063 .0025 .063 .0024 .062 46 .0027 .069 .0027 .068 .0027 .068 .OO26 .067 .0026 .066 -45 0.0029 0.074 0.0029 0.073 0.0028 0.072 0.0028 0.071 0.0028 0.070 44 .0031 .079 .0031 .078 .0030 .077 .0030 .076 .0030 075 43 0033 .084 0033 .083 .0032 .082 .0032 .081 .0031 .080 42 0035 .089 0035 .088 .0034 .087 .0034 .086 .0033 .085 41 .0037 .094 .0037 093 .0036 .092 .0036 .091 0035 .090 -40 0.0039 0.100 0.0039 0.098 0.0038 0.097 0.0038 0.096 0.0037 0.095 39 .0041 .105 .0041 .104 .OO4I .103 .0040 .102 .0040 .IOI 38 .0044 .III .0043 .109 .0043 .108 .0042 .107 .0042 ,IO6 37 .0046 .117 .0045 ."5 .0045 .114 .0044 .113 .0044 .112 36 .0048 .123 .0048 .121 .0047 .120 .0047 .119 .0046 .118 -35 0.0051 0.130 0.0051 O.I29 O.OO5O 0.127 0.0050 0.126 0.0049 O.I24 34 .0054 .138 .0054 .136 0053 135 .0052 133 .0052 .132 33 .0057 .146 .0057 .144 .0056 .142 .0056 .141 .0055 139 32 .006l- .155 .0060 153 .0059 .151 .0059 .149 .0058 .147 3i .0065 .165 .0064 .163 .0063 .161 .0063 159 .0062 .157 -30 0.0069 0.176 O.OO69 0.174 O.OO67 O.I7I 0.0067 0.169 O.OO66 0.167 29 .0074 .187 .0073 .185 .OO72 .183 .0071 .180 .OO7O .178 28 .0078 .199 .0078 .197 .0077 > 1 95 .0076 .192 .0075 .190 27 .0083 .212 .0083 .210 .008l .207 .0080 .204 .0080 .202 26 .0089 .225 .0088 .223 .0087 .220 .0085 .217 .0085 .215 -25 0.0094 0.239 0.0093 0.236 0.0092 0.233 0.0091 0.230 0.0089 0.227 24 .0100 253 .0098 .250 .0097 .247 .0096 .244 .0095 .242 23 .0106 .268 .OIO4 .265 .OIO3 .262 .0102 259 .OIOI .256 22 .0112 .284 .OIII .281 .OIO9 .2 7 8 .0108 274 .0107 .271 21 .0119 .301 .0117 .297 ,OIl6 .294 .0115 .291 .0113 .287 -20 0.0126 0.319 0.0124 0.315 0.0122 0.3II O.OI2I 0.308 0.0120 0.304 19 0133 .338 .0131 334 .0130 330 .0128 .326 .0127 .322 18 .0141 358 .0139 354 .0138 350 .0136 .346 0135 342 17 .0150 .380 .0148 375 .0146 371 .0144 .366 .0143 .362 16 .0159 .403 .0157 .398 0155 393 .0153 389 .0151 .384 -15 0.0168 0.427 0.0166 0.422 O.OI64 0.417 0.0162 0.412 0.0160 0.407 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 130 TABLE 37. PRESSURE OF AQUEOUS VAPOR AT LOW TEMPERATURES. (C. F. Marvin.} ENGLISH AND METRIC MEASURES. Tempera- ture 0? 0? 2 0? 4 0? 6 0? 8 F. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. -15 0.0168 0.427 0.0166 0.422 0.0164 0.417 0.0162 0.412 O.Ol6o 0.407 H .0178 452 .0176 447 .0174 442 .0172 437 .0170 432 13 .0188 478 .0186 473 .0184 .468 .0182 .462 .0180 457 12 .0199 .505 .0196 0194 494 .0192 .488 .0190 483 II .0210 534 .0208 -528 .0206 .522 .0203 5i6 .0201 .510 -10 0.0222 0.564 0.0220 0.558 O.O2I7 0.552 0.0215 0.546 0.0213 0.540 9 .0234 595 .0232 .588 .0229 .582 .0227 576 .0224 570 8 .0247 .627 .0244 .620 .0242 .614 .0239 .607 .0237 .601 7 .O26O .661 .0257 .654 0255 647 .0252 .640 .0249 .633 6 .0275 .698 .0272 .691 .0269 683 .0266 .676 .0263 .669 -5 0.0291 0.738 0.0287 0.730 0.0284 0.722 0.0281 0.714 0.0278 0.706 4 .0307 .781 .0304 .772 .0301 764 .0297 755 .0294 747 3 0325 .826 .0322 .817 .0318 .808 0315 799 .0311 790 2 0344 .873 .0340 .863 .0336 854 .0332 844 .0329 835 I 0363 .922 0359 .912 0355 .902 0351 .892 0347 .882 o .0383 .972 0379 .962 0375 952 .0371 .942 .0367 932 + 0.0383 0.972 0.0387 0.982 0.0391 0.992 0.0394 1.002 0.0398 1. 01 2 i .0403 1.023 .0407 1.033 .0411 1.043 .0415 1.054 .0419 1.064 2 .0423 1-075 .0428 1.086 .0431 .096 0436 I.IO7 .0440 I.II8 3 .0444 1.129 .0449 1.140 0453 151 .0458 1.163 .0462 I.I74 4 .0467 1.186 .0472 1.198 .0476 .210 .0481 1.222 .0486 1.234 5 0.0491 1.246 0.0495 1.258 0.0500 .271 0.0505 1.283 0.0510 1.296 6 .0515 1.309 .0520 1.322 .0526 335 .0531 L349 0536 1.362 7 .0542 1.376 0547 1.390 .0553 1.404 .0558 1.418 .0564 M33 8 .0570 1.447 .0576 1.462 .0582 1-477 0587 1.492 0594 1.508 9 .O6OO 1.523 .0606 1-539 .0612 1-555 .0618 I-57I .0625 1-587 10 0.0631 1.603 0.0638 1.620 0.0644 1.636 0.0651 1-653 0.0657 1.670 ii .0665 1.688 .0671 1.705 .0678 1.722 .0685 1.740 .0692 1.758 12 .0699 1.776 .0706 1.794 .0713 1.812 .0720 1.830 .0728 1.848 13 0735 1.867 .0742 1.885 .0750 1.904 0757 1.923 .0765 1.942 14 .0772 1.961 .0780 1.980 .0787 1.999 0794 2.018 .0802 2.038 15 O.oSlO 2.058 0.0818 2.078 0.0826 2.098 0.0834 2.118 0.0842 2.138 16 .0850 2.158 .0857 2.178 .0866 2.199 .0874 2.22O .0882 2.241 17 .0891 2.262 .0899 2.283 .0907 2.305 .0916 2.327 .0925 2-349 18 933 2.371 .0942 2-393 .0951. 2.416 .0960 2-439 .0969 2.462 19 .0979 2.486 .0988 2.510 .0998 2-534 .1007 2.558 .1017 2.582 20 O.IO26 2.607 0.1036 2.632 0.1046 2.657 0.1056 2.683 0.1067 2.709 21 .1077 2.735 .1087 2.761 .1098 2.788 .II08 2.815 .1119 2.842 22 .1130 2.869 .1141 2.897 .1152 2.925 .1163 2-953 .1174 2.981 23 .1185 3.009 .1196 3.037 .1207 3.066 .1219 3-095 .1230 3-125 24 .1242 3.155 .1254 3-185 .1266 3-215 .1278 3-245 .1290 3-276 25 0.1302 3.307 0.1314 3.338 0.1327 3-370 0.1339 3402 0.1352 3434 26 .1365 3-466 .1377 3498 .1390 3-531 .1403 3-564 .1416 3-597 27 .1430 3-631 .1443 3.665 .1456 3.699 .1470 3-733 .1483 3.768 28 .1497 3-803 .1511 3-838 .1525 3.874 1539 3.910 1554 3.946 29 .1568 3.982 .1582 4.018 .1596 4.055 .l6ll 4.093 .1626 4-131 30 O.I64I 4.169 0.1656 4.207 0.1671 4.245 0.1687 4.284 0.1702 4.324 3i .1718 4-364 1734 4404 .1750 4-444 .1766 4485 .1782 4-526 32 .1798 4-568 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 38. WEIGHT OF AQUEOUS VAPOR IN A CUBIC FOOT OF SATURATED AIR. ENGLISH MEASURES. Temper- ature. 0?0 0?5 Diff. for 0?l Temper- ature. 0?0 0?5 Diff. for 0?l Temper- ature. 0?0 0?5 Diff. for 0?l Grains Grains Grains Grains Grains Grains troy. troy. . troy. troy. troy. troy. -19 0.230 O.224 i 26 1-675 1.709 7 71 8.240 8-372 27 -18 .242 .236 i 27 1-743 1.777 7 72 8.508 8.644 27 -17 254 .248 i 28 1.812 1.847 7 73 8.782 8.923 28 -16 .267 .260 i 29 1.882 1.919 7 74 9.066 9.2IO 29 -15 0.280 0.273 i 30 1.956 J-995 8 75 9.356 9.504 30 -14 .294 .286 i 3i 2.034 2.073 8 76 9.655 9.807 3i -13 .309 .301 i 32 2.113 2-153 8 77 9.962 IO.II8 32 12 324 .316 2 33 2.194 2.236 8 78 10.277 10.438 33 11 340 332 2 34 2.279 2.322 9 79 10.601 10.766 33 -10 0.356 0.348 2 35 2.366 2.411 9 80 10.934 11.103 34 - 9 373 .365 2 36 2-457 2-503 9 81 11.275 11.450 35 - 8 39 1 .382 2 37 2.550 2.598 10 82 11.626 11.805 36 - 7 .411 .400 2 38 2.646 2.695 10 83 11.987 12.170 37 - 6 430 .420 2 39 2.746 2-797 10 84 12.356 12-545 38 - 5 0.450 0.439 2 40 2.849 2.901 ii 85 12.736 12.930 39 - 4 .471 .460 2 4i 2-955 3.009 ii 86 13.127 13.325 40 - 3 493 .482 2 42 3.064 3.120 ii 87 13-526 I3-730 4i 2 .516 504 2 43 3-177 3-235 12 88 13-937 14.146 42 J 540 .528 2 44 3.294 3-354 12 89 !4-359 14-573 43 O 564 552 2 + 0.564 0.577 3 45 3414 3-477 12 90 14.790 15.011 44 i .590 .603 3 46 3.539 3-603 13 9i 15-234 15.460 45 2 .617 .630 3 47 3.667 3-733 13 92 15-689 15.920 47 3 .645 659 3 48 3.800 3.868 14 93 16.155 16.393 48 4 .674 .689 3 49 3.936 4.006 14 94 16.634 16.877 49 5 0.705 0.719 3 50 4.076 4.148 15 95 17.124 17.374 50 6 735 751 3 5i 4.222 4.296 15 96 17.626 17.883 52 7 .767 .784 3 52 4-372 4.448 15 97 18.142 18.404 53 8 .801 .819 4 53 4-526 4.604 16 98 18.671 18.940 54 9 837 854 4 54 4.685 4.766 16 99 19.212 19.487 55 10 0.873 0.891 4 55 4.849 4-933 17 100 19.766 20.049 57 ii .910 930 4 56 5.016 5-103 17 101 20.335 20.624 58 12 950 .970 4 57 5-191 5.280 18 102 20.917 21.214 60 13 .991 I. Oil 4 58 5-370 5.462 18 103 21.514 2I.8I7 61 14 L033 1.054 4 59 5-555 5-649 19 IO4 22.125 22.436 62 15 .077 .098 5 60 5-745 5-842 20 105 22.750 23.070 64 16 .122 .144 5 61 5-941 6.040 2O 106 23.392 23.718 66 17 .I6 9 193 5 62 6.142 6.245 21 107 24.048 24.382 67 18 .217 .242 5 63 6-349 6.456 21 108 24. 720 25.062 69 J 9 .268 .294 5 64 6-563 6.672 22 109 25.408 25.758 70 20 .321 347 5 65 6.782 6.895 23 MO 26.112 26.470 72 21 374 .402 6 66 7.009 7.124 23 in 26.832 27.199 74 22 .430 459 6 67 7.241 7.360 24 112 27.570 27.946 75 23 .488 .518 6 68 7.480 7.602 25 H3 28.325 28.708 77 24 549 .580 6 69 7.726 7-852 25 114 29.096 29.489 79 25 i.6n 1.643 6 70 7.980 8.109 26 115 29.887 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I 3 2 TABLE 39. WEIGHT OF AQUEOUS VAPOR IN A CUBIC METRE OF SATURATED AIR. METRIC MEASURES. Tem- pera- ture. Temper- ature. 0?0 0?5 Temper- ature. 0?0 0?2 0?4 0?6 0!8 C. Gram's. C. Gram's. Gram's. C. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. -29 0.496 -17 1.375 I.32I -5 3.407 3.359 3.3H 3.263 3-217 28 542 16 1.489 1.432 4 3-659 3.607 3.556 3.506 3.456 27 593 15 1.611 1.549 3 3.9 2 6 3.871 3.817 3.763 3.7H 26 .647 14 1.742 1.676 2 4.2II 4.I52 4-095 4.038 3.982 25 .706 13 1.882 1.811 I 4.513 4.451 4.390 4.329 4.270 24 .770 12 2.032 1.956 O 4.835 4.769 4.704 4.640 4.576 -23 0.839 -II 2.192 2.III + 4.835 4.901 4.969 5-037 5.106 22 .913 10 2.363 2.276 i 5.176 5.247 5.318 5.391 5.464 21 .992 9 2.546 2-453 2 5.538 5-6I3 5.68 9 5.766 5.844 2O 1.078 8 2.741 2.642 3 5.922 6.002 6.082 6.164 6.246 19 1.170 7 2.949 2.843 4 6.430 6.414 6-499 6.585 6.673 -18 1.269 - 6 3-171 3.058 + 5 6.761 6.851 6.941 7.033 7.125 Tem- pera- 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 ture. C. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. Gram's. + 6 7.2I 9 7.266 7.313 7.361 7.409 7-457 7.506 7-555 7.614 7.653 7 7.703 7-753 7.803 7.853 7.904 7-955 8.007 8.058 8. 1 10 8.162 8 8.215 8.268 8.321 8-374 8.428 8.482 8.536 8.591 8.646 8.701 9 8.757 8.813 8.869 8.926 8.982 9-39 9.097 9- I 55 9.213 9.271 10 9-330 9.389 9.448 9.508 9.568 9.628 9.689 9.750 9.811 9.873 ii 9-935 9-997 10.060 10.123 IO.I86 10.250 10.314 10.378 10.443 10.508 12 io.574 10.640 10.706 10.773 10.840 10.907 10.975 11.043 II. Ill I I.lSo 13 11.249 11.318 11.388 11.458 11.529 II. 600 11.672 11.744 11.816 11.888 14 11.961 12.035 12.108 12.182 12.257 12.332 12.407 12.483 12.559 12.635 15 12.712 12.790 12.867 12.945 13.024 13.103 13.182 13.262 13.342 13-423 16 13-505 13.586 13.668 I3.750 13.833 13.916 14.000 14.085 14.169 14.254 17 14-339 I4-425 14.511 14.598 14-685 14-773 14.861 14.950 15-039 15.128 18 15.218 15-308 15-399 I5.49I 15.583 15.675 15.768 15.861 15.955 16.049 19 16.144 16.239 16.335 16.431 16.528 16.625 16.723 16.821 16.920 17.019 20 17.118 17.218 17.319 17.420 17.522 17.624 17.727 17.830 17.934 18.039 21 18. 143 18.248 18.353 18.460 18.568 18.676 18.784 18.893 19.002 19.111 22 19.222 19-332 19.444 19.556 19.668 19.781 I9.895 20.009 20.124 20.239 23 20.355 20.471 20.588 20.706 20.824 20.943 21.062 21.182 21.303 21.424 24 21.546 21.668 21.791 21.914 22.038 22.163 22.287 22.414 22.541 22.668 25 22.796 22.925 23.054 23.184 23.314 23-445 23-577 23.709 23.842 23-975 26 24.109 24.244 24.380 24.516 24.653 24.790 24.928 25.067 25.207 25.347 27 25487 25.629 25.771 25.914 26.058 26.202 26.347 26.492 26.639 26.786 28 26.933 27.082 27.231 27.381 27.531 27.682 27.834 27.988 28.142 28.295 29 28.450 28.605 28.762 28.919 29.077 29.235 29.394 29.555 29.715 29.877 30 30.039 30.202 30.366 30.530 30.696 30.862 31.029 31.197 31-365 3L534 3i 3L704 31.875 32.047 32.219 32.392 32.567 32.741 32.917 33.094 33.271 32 33-449 33.628 33.807 33.988 34.169 34.351 34-534 34.718 34.903 35-089 33 35.275 35462 35.651 35.840 36.030 36.220 36.412 36.604 36.798 36.992 34 37.187 37.383 37.580 37-777 37.976 38.176 38.376 38.577 38-780 38-983 35 39- J 87 39.390 39-598 39.805 40.012 40.221 40.431 40.641 40.853 41-065 36 41.279 4L493 41.708 41.924 42.142 42.360 42.579 42.799 43.020 43.242 37 43.465 43.690 43-9H 44.140 44.367 44.596 44.825 45.054 45.286 45.5i8 38 45.751 45.985 46.220 46.456 46.693 46.931 47.171 47.411 47.653 47.895 39 48.138 48.385 48.628 48.875 49."3 49.372 49.621 49.872 50.124 50.377 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 133 TABLE 4O. REDUCTION OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. ENGLISH MEASURES. Pressure of Aqueous Vapor. Tempera- ture. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. -30 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004 20 .013 .012 .Oil .on .OIO .009 .009 .008 .008 .007 10 .022 .021 .O2O .019 .018 .017 .016 .015 .014 013 o .038 .036 034 033 031 .029 .027 .026 .025 .023 + 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.044 0.047 0.049 0.052 0.054 0.057 O.o6o 10 .06 3 .066 .070 .074 .077 .081 .085 .089 093 .098 20 .103 .108 .113 .118 .124 .130 .136 143 ISO 157 Tempera- ture. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 F. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. + 30 0.164 0.165 0.166 0.166 0.167 0.168 0.169 0.169 0.170 O.I7I 3i .172 173 173 .174 175 176 .177 .177 .178 .179 32 .180 .181 .181 .182 183 .184 .184 .185 .186 .186 33 .I8 7 .188 .189 .190 .190 .191 .192 193 193 .194 34 195 .I 9 6 .196 .197 .198 .199 .200 .200 .201 .202 35 0.203 0.204 0.204 0.205 0.206 0.207 0.208 O.2O8 0.209 0.210 36 .211 .212 .213 .213 .214 215 .216 .217 .218 .219 37 .219 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .225 .226 .227 38 .228 .229 .230 .231 232 233 233 234 235 .236 39 .237 .238 239 .240 .241 .242 243 .244 245 .246 40 0.247 0.247 0.248 0.249 0.250 0.251 0.252 0-253 0.254 0.255 4i .256 257 .258 259 .260 .261 .262 263 .264 265 42 .266 .267 .268 .269 .270 .271 .272 273 .274 .276 43 .277 .278 .279 .280 .281 .282 .283 .284 .285 .286 44 .287 .288 .289 .291 .292 293 294 295 .296 297 45 0.298 0.300 0.301 0.302 0.303 0.304 0.305 0.306 0.308 0.309 46 .310 3" .312 313 315 316 .317 3l8 319 .321 47 322 .323 .324 .325 .327 .328 329 330 332 333 48 334 335 337 338 339 340 342 343 344 345 49 347 348 349 351 .352 353 355 .356 357 358 50 5i 0.360 373 0.361 375 0.362 376 0.364 377 0.365 379 0.367 .380 0.368 .382 0.369 383 0.371 384 0.372 386 52 .387 389 390 392 393 394 396 397 399 .400 53 .402 403 405 .406 .408 409 .411 .412 .414 .415 54 .417 .418 .420 .421 423 .424 .426 .427 429 431 55 0.432 0.434 0.435 0-437 0.438 0.440 0.442 0-443 0-445 0.446 56 .448 450 451 453 455 .456 .458 .460 .461 .463 57 465 .466 .468 .470 .471 473 475 .476 478 .480 58 .482 483 .485 .487 .488 .490 .492 494 495 497 59 499 .501 503 504 .506 508 .510 512 .513 .515 60 0.517 0.519 0.521 0.523 0.524 0.526 0.528 0.530 0.532 0-534 61 .536 .538 539 541 543 545 547 549 551 553 62 555 557 559 .561 563 .565 .567 569 571 573 63 64 575 595 .577 597 579 599 .581 .601 583 .604 .585 .606 .587 .608 589 .610 591 .612 593 .614 65 0.616 0.618 0.621 0.623 0.625 0.627 0.629 0.631 0.634 0.636 66 -638 .640 643 645 .647 .649 .651 654 .656 .658 67 .661 .663 665 .667 .670 .672 .674 677 .679 .681 68 .684 .686 .688 .691 -693 695 .698 .700 703 70S 69 .707 .710 .712 715. .717 .720 .722 725 .727 .729 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 134 TABLE 4O. REDUCTION -OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. ENGLISH MEASURES. Pressure of Aqueous Vapor. Tempera- ture. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 0?6 0?7 0?8 0?9 F. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 70 0.732 0-734 0-737 0-739 0.742 0.744 0-747 0.750 0-752 0-755 7i 0-757 0.760 0.762 0.765 0.768 0.770 o.773 0-775 0.778 0.781 72 0.783 0.786 0.789 0.791 0-794 0-797 0.799 0.802 0.805 0.807 73 0.810 0.813 0.816 0.818 0.821 0.824 0.827 0.830 0.832 0.835 74 0.838 0.841 0.843 0.846 0.849 0.852 0-855 0.858 0.861 0.863 75 0.866 0.869 0.872 0.875 0.878 0.881 0.884 0.887 0.890 0.893 76 0.896 0.899 0.902 0.905 0.908 0.911 0.914 0.917 0.920 0.923 77 0.926 0.929 0.932 0-935 0.938 0.941 o.944 0.948 0-951 0.954 78 0-957 0.960 0.963 0.966 0.970 0.973 0.976 0.979 0.982 0.986 79 0.989 0.992 0-995 0.999 1.002 1.005 1.009 1. 012 I.OI5 1.019 80 .022 1.025 1.029 1.032 L035 1.039 1.042 1.046 1.049 1.052 81 .056 1-059 1.063 1.066 1.070 1.073 1.077 I.OSO 1.084 1.087 82 .091 1.094 1.098 I. IOI I.I05 I.I09 1. 112 .116 I.II9 1.123 83 .127 1.130 I-I34 1.138 I.I4I I-I45 I.I49 .152 1.156 1.160 84 .163 1.167 1.171 1.175 I.I79 I.I82 I.I86 .190 I.I94 1.198 85 .201 1.205 1.209 1.213 I.2I7 1. 221 1.225 .229 1.233 1.237 86 .241 1-245 1.248 1.253 1.256 1.260 1.264 .269 1.273 1.277 87 .281 1.285 1.289 1.293 1.297 I.30I 1.305 .310 I.3I4 1.318 88 .322 1.326 1.330 1.335 1-339 1.343 1-347 352 1.356 1.360 89 .364 1.369 1-373 1.377 1.382 1.386 1.390 395 1-399 1.404 90 .408 I.4I3 1.417 1.421 1.426 1.430 1.435 439 1.444 1.448 9i 453 1.458 1.462 1.467 I.47I 1.476 1.480 .485 1.490 1.494 92 499 1.504 1-508 1.513 I.5I8 1.523 1.527 .532 1.537 1.542 93 546 I-55I 1.556 1.561 1.566 I.57I 1.576 .580 1.585 1.590 94 595 1. 600 1.605 1.610 I.6I5 I.62O 1.625 .630 1-635 1.640 95 645 1.650 1.655 1.660 1.665 I.67I 1.676 .681 1.686 1.691 96 .696 1.702 1.707 1.712 I.7I7 1.723 1.728 -733 1.738 1.744 97 749 1-755 1.760 1.765 I.77I 1.776 1.781 .787 1.792 1.798 98 1.803 1.809 1.814 1.820 1.825 I.83I 1-837 .842 1.848 1.853 99 1.859 1-865 1.870 1.876 1.882 1.887 1.893 .899 1-905 1.910 100 1.916 1.922 1.928 J -934 L939 1-945 i.95i 1.957 1.963 1.969 IOI 1-975 1.981 1.987 J-993 1.999 2.005 2. Oil 2.017 2.023 2.029 IO2 2-035 2.041 2.047 2.053 2.059 2.066 2.O72 2.078 2.084 2.090 103 2.097 2.103 2.109 2.116 2.122 2.128 2.134 2.141 2.147 2.154 104 2.160 2.166 2.173 2.179 2.186 2.192 2.199 2.205 2.212 2.219 105 2.225 2.232 2.238 2.245 2.252 2.258 2.265 2.272 2.278 2.285 106 2.292 2.299 2.305 2.312 2.319 2.326 2-333 2.340 2.346 2-353 107 2.360 2.367 2-374 2.381 2.388 2-395 2.402 2-409 2.416 2.423 108 2.431 2.438 2.445 2.452 2-459 2.466 2-474 2.481 2.488 2-495 109 2-503 2.510 2-517 2-525 2.532 2-539 2-547 2-554 2.562 2.569 110 2.576 2.584 2.59 1 2-599 2.607 2.614 2.622 2.629 2.637 2.645 ITT 2.652 2.660 2.668 2.675 2.683 2.691 2.699 2.706 2.714 2.722 112 2.730 2.738 2.746 2-754 2.762 2.770 2-777 2.785 2-793 2.801 "3 2.810 2.818 2.826 2.834 2.842 2.850 2.858 2.866 2.875 2.883 114 2.891 2.899 2.908 2.916 2.924 2-933 2.941 2.950 2.958 2.966 115 2-975 2-983 2.992 3.000 3.009 3.017 3.026 3-035 3.043 3.052 116 3.061 3.069 3.078 3.087 3-095 3.104 3.H3 3.122 3- I 3 I 3.140 117 3.148 3-157 3.166 3.!75 3.184 3. J 93 3.202 3.211 3.220 3.229 118 119 3-239 3-331 3-248 3.340 3.257 3-349 3.266 3-359 3.275 3.368 3-284 3.378 3.294 3.387 3.303 3-397 3-312 3.406 3.321 3.416 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 135 TABLE 41. REDUCTION OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. ENGLISH MEASURES. Values of O.OOO367 B (t-t,)(l +*^y ) B = Barometric pressure. t = Temperature of the dry-bulb thermometer. ^ Temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer. tt, BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN INCHES (B}. 30.5 30.0 29.5 29.0 28.5 28.0 27.5 27.0 26'. 5 26.0 25.5 25.0 F. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 10 O.OII O.OII O.OII O.OII O.OIO O.OIO O.OIO O.OIO O.OIO O.OIO 0.009 0.009 2 .022 .022 .022 ,O2I .O2I .021 .O2O .O2O .019 .019 .019 .018 3 034 .033 033 .032 .031 .031 .030 .030 .029 .029 .028 .027 4 045 .044 043 043 .042 .041 .040 .040 039 .038 .038 .037 5 0.056 0.055 0.054 0.053 0.052 0.052 0.051 0.050 0.049 0.048 0.047 0.046 6 .067 .066 .065 .064 .063 .062 .061 .060 059 .057 .056 055 7 .079 .077 .076 075 .073 .072 .071 .070 .068 .067 .066 .064 8 .090 .088 .087 .086 .084 083 .081 .080 .078 .077 .075 .074 9 .101 .099 .098 .096 .095 093 .091 .090 .088 .086 .085 .083 10 O.II3 O.III 0.109 0.107 0.105 0.103- 0.102 0.100 0.098 0.096 0.094 0.092 ii .124 .122 .120 .118 .116 .114 .112 .no .108 .106 .104 .102 12 135 133 .131 .129 .126 .124 .122 .120 .118 .115 .113 .III 13 .147 .144 .142 .140 .137 .135 .132 .130 .127 .125 .123 .120 14 .158 .156 153 .150 .148 145 143 .140 .137 135 .132 .130 15 O.I7O 0.167 0.164 o. 161 0.158 0.156 0.153 0.150 0.147 0.144 0.142 0.139 16 .l8l .178 175 .172 .169 .166 .163 .160 .157 154 .151 .148 17 .192 .I8 9 .186 .183 .180 .177 .173 .170 .167 .164 .161 .158 18 .204 .200 .197 .194 .190 .187 .184 .180 .177 .174 .170 .167 19 215 .212 .208 .205 .2OI .198 .194 .191 .187 .183 .180 .176 20 0.227 0.223 0.219 0.216 0.212 0.208 0.204 O.2OI 0.197 0.193 0.190 0.186 21 .238 .234 .230 .226 .223 .219 215 .211 .207 .203 .199 .195 22 .250 .246 .242 237 233 .229 .225 .221 .217 .213 .209 .205 23 .261 257 253 .248 244 .240 .236 .231 .227 .223 .218 .214 24 273 .268 .264 259 255 .250 .246 .241 .237 233 .228 .224 25 0.284 0.280 0.275 0.270 0.266 0.26l 0.256 0.252 0.247 0.242 0.238 0.233 26 .2 9 6 .291 .286 .281 277 .272 .267 .262 .257 .252 .247 243 27 .307 .302 .297 .292 .287 .282 277 .272 .267 .262 257 .252 28 -3*9 .314 .309 303 .298 .293 .288 .282 277 .272 .267 .261 29 331 .325 .320 .314 .309 .304 .298 .293 .287 .282 .276 .271 30 0.342 0-337 0.331 0.325 0.320 0.314 0.309 0.303 0.297 0.292 0.286 0.281 3i 354 348 342 .336 .331 .325 .3!9 .313 .307 .302 .296 .290 3 2 .365 359 354 .348 .342 .336 .330 .324 .318 .312 .306 .300 33 377 371 .365 359 .352 .346 340 .334 .328 .322 .315 .309 34 389 .382 .376 370 .363 .357 351 344 .338 .331 .325 .319 35 0.401 0-394 0.387 0.381 0-374 0.368 0.361 0-355 0.348 0.341 0.335 0.328 36 .412 405 399 .392 .385 .378 372 .365 .358 351 345 .338 37 424 .417 .410 403 .396 .389 .382 375 .368 .361 354 347 38 .436 .428 .421 .414 .407 .400 393 .386 379 371 .364 .357 39 447 .440 433 .425 .418 .411 .403 .396 .389 .381 374 .367 40 0-459 0.452 0.444 0.437 0.429 0.422 0.414 0.406 0-399 0.391 0.384 0.376 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 136 TABLE 41, REDUCTION OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. ENGLISH MEASURES. Values of O.OOO367 B (t-t,)(l + f^j)- B Barometric pressure. t = Temperature of the dry-bulb thermometer. ^ = Temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN INCHES (J?). t ^ 24.5 24.0 235 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 20.5 20.0 195 19:0 18.5 F. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 10 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 2 .018 .018 .017 .017 .016 .016 .016 .015 .015 .015 .014 .014 .014 3 .028 .026 .026 .025 .025 .024 .024 .023 .023 .022 .021 .021 .020 4 .036 035 .035 034 033 .032 .032 .031 .030 .029 .029 .028 .027 5 0.045 0.044 0.043 0.042 0.041 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.035 0.034 6 054 053 .052 .051 .050 .049 .048 .046 045 .044 043 .042 .041 7 .063 .062 .061 .059 .058 057 055 054 053 .052 .050 .049 .048 8 .072 .071 .070 .068 .066 .065 063 .062 .060 059 057 .056 055 9 .081 .080 .078 .076 .075 073 .071 .070 .068 .066 .064 063 .061 10 0.090 0.089 0.087 0.085 0.083 O.oSl 0.079 0.077 0.076 0.074 0.072 0.070 0.068 ii .IOO .097 .095 093 .091 .089 .087 .085 .083 .081 .079 .077 075 12 .109 .106 .104 .102 .100 .097 .095 093 .091 .089 .086 .084 .082 13 .118 US 113 .110 .108 .106 .103 .101 .098 .096 .093 .091 .089 H .127 .124 .122 .119 .117 .114 .III .109 .106 .104 .101 .098 095 15 0.136 0.133 O.I3I 0.128 0.125 O.I 22 0.119 0.117 O.II4 O.I 1 1 0.108 0.105 0.102 16 145 .142 139 .136 133 .130 .127 .124 .121 .118 .116 113 .110 17 155 151 .148 145 .142 139 135 .132 .129 .126 .123 .I2O .117 18 .164 .160 157 .154 .151 .147 143 .140 -137 134 .130 .127 .124 19 173 .169 .166 .162 159 .155 .152 .148 .144 .141 137 .134 .131 20 0.182 0.178 0.175 O.I7I 0.167 0.163 0.160 0.156 0.152 0.148 0.144 O.I4I 0.137 21 .191 .I8 7 .183 .180 .176 .172 .168 .164 .I60 .156 .152 .148 .144 22 .201 .196 .192 .188 .184 .180 .176 .172 .168 .164 .160 155 .151 23 .2IO .205 .2OI .197 .193 .188 .184 .180 175 .171 .167 .163 .158 24 .219 .214 .2IO .205 .201 .I 9 6 .192 .188 .183 .179 .174 .170 .165 25 0.228 0.223 O.2T9 0.2J4 0.210 0.205 0.200 0.196 O.I9I 0.186 0.181 0.177 0.172 26 .238 233 .228 .223 .218 .213 .208 .203 .199 .194 .189 .184 .179 27 .247 .242 237 .232 .227 .222 .216 .211 .206 .201 .196 .191 .186 28 .256 .251 .245 .240 235 .230 .225 .219 .214 .209 .203 .I 9 8 !93 29 .266 .260 254 .249 .244 .238 .233 .227 .222 .216 .211 .206 .200 30 0.275 0.269 0.263 0.258 0.252 0.247 0.241 0.235 0.230 0.224 0.218 0.213 0.207 3i .284 .278 .272 .267 .261 .255 .249 243 .238 .232 .226 .220 .214 32 .294 .287 .281 .275 .26 9 .263 257 .251 245 239 .233 .227 .221 33 303 .296 .290 .284 .278 .272 .266 259 253 247 .241 235 .229 34 .312 .306 .299 293 .286 .280 274 .26 7 .261 255 .248 .242 .236 35 0.322 0.315 0.308 0.302 0.295 0.289 0.282 0.275 0.268 0.262 0.255 0.249 0.243 36 331 324 .317 311 34 .297 .290 .284 .277 .270 .263 257 .250 37 341 333 .326 319 .312 .305 .299 .292 .285 .278 .271 .264 .257 38 350 342 335 .328 .321 .314 .307 .300 293 .285 .278 .271 .264 39 359 .352 344 337 330 322 .315 .308 300 293 .285 .278 .271 40 0.369 0.361 0-353 0.346 0.338 0.331 0.323 0.316 0.308 0.301 0.293 0.286 0.278 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 42. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT. Air tem- InapQ DEPRESSION OF THE DEW-POINT (/ d}. ure. \ 1 t. 0?5 l?0 l?5 2?0 2?5 3?0 3?5 4?0 i 4?5 5?0 5?5 6?0 6?5 7?0 7?5 i 1 F. -32 100 97 94 92 89 -28 100 97 94 92 89 86 83 81 78 75 73 7i 69 67 65 63 -24 IOO 97 94 92 89 87 84 81 79 76 74 72 70 67 65 63 -20 IOO 97 94 92 89 87 84 82 79 77 75 73 7i 69 66 65 -16 IOO 97 94 92 90 87 85 82 80 78 75 73 7 1 69 67 65 12 IOO 97 95 92 90 87 85 82 80 78 75 73 7i 69 67 65 - 8 IOO 97 95 92 90 87 85 83 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 - 4 IOO 97 95 92 90 87 85 83 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 IOO 97 95 92 90 87 85 83 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 + 4 IOO 98 95 93 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 7i 70 68 8 IOO 98 95 93 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 7i 69 12 IOO 98 95 93 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 7i 69 16 IOO 98 95 93 9i 89 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 7i 69 20 IOO 98 95 93 9i 8 9 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 72 70 24 IOO 98 95 93 9 1 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 73 72 70 28 IOO 98 95 93 9 1 89 87 85 83 81 79 77 76 74 72 70 32 IOO 98 96 94 92 90 87 85 83 81 79 78 76 74 72 7i 36 IOO 98 96 94 92 9i 89 87 85 83 81 80 78 76 74 73 40 IOO 98 96 94 93 9 1 89 87 86 84 82 81 79 78 76 74 44 IOO 98 96 94 93 9 1 89 87 86 84 83 81 79 78 76 75 48 IOO 98 96 95 93 9 1 89 88 86 84 83 81 80 78 77 75 52 IOO 98 96 95 93 91 89 88 86 85 83 82 80 79 77 76 56 IOO 98 96 95 93 9i 90 88 86 85 83 82 80 79 77 76 60 IOO 98 97 95 93 9 1 90 88 87 85 84 82 81 79 78 76 64 IOO 98 97 95 93 92 90 88 87 85 84 82 81 79 78 77 68 IOO 98 97 95 93 92 90 89 87 86 84 83 81 80 78 77 72 IOO 98 97 95 93 92 90 89 87 86 84 ! 8 3 81 80 79 77 76 IOO 98 97 95 94 92 90 89 87 86 85 83 82 80 79 77 80 IOO 98 97 95 94 92 9 1 89 88 86 85 83 82 81 79 78 84 IOO 98 97 95 94 92 9 1 89 88 86 85 84 82 81 80 78 88 IOO 98 97 95 94 92 9 1 89 88 87 85 84 83 81 80 79 92 IOO 98 97 95 94 92 9 1 90 88 87 85 84 83 Si 80 79 96 IOO 98 97 95 94 93 9i 90 88 87 86 84 83 82 80 79 100 IOO 99 97 96 94 93 9 1 90 89 87 86 85 83 82 81 79 104 IOO 99 97 96 94 93 9 1 9 89 87 86 85 83 82 81 80 108 IOO 99 97 96 94 93 9 2 90 89 88 86 85 84 82 81 80 112 IOO 99 97 96 94 93 92 9 89 88 86 85 84 83 82 80 116 IOO 99 97 96 94 93 92 90 89 88 87 85 84 83 82 81 120 IOO 99 97 96 95 93 92 9i 89 88 87 86 84 83 82 81 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 138 TABLE 42, RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT. Air Temper- ature. t. DEPRESSION OF THE DEW-POINT (t d\ 8?0 8?5 9?0 9?5 I0?0 10:5 ll?0 ll?5 I2?0 I2?5 I3?0 I3?5 I4?0 I4?5 I5?0 F. -24 61 60 58 56 55 53 5i 50 49 -20 62 61 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 45 43 42 4i -16 63 61 59 58 56 54 53 51 49 48 46 45 44 42 4i 12 63 61 60 58 56 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 45 43 42 - 8 64 62 61 59 57 56 54 52 5i 49 48 47 45 44 43 - 4 65 63 61 60 58 56 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 45 43 65 63 61 60 58 57 55 53 52 5i 49 48 47 45 44 + 4 66 64 62 61 59 57 56 54 52 5i 50 49 48 46 45 8 67 65 64 62 60 59 57 55 54 52 5i 50 48 47 46 12 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 56 55 53 52 5i 49 48 47 16 67 65 64 62 61 60 58 56 55 54 52 5i 50 49 47 20 68 66 65 63 61 60 58 57 56 54 53 5i 50 49 48 24 68 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 56 55 54 52 5i 50 48 28 69 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 57 55 54 53 52 50 49 32 69 68 66 64 63 61 60 58 57 56 54 53 52 51 50 36 7i 69 68 66 65 63 62 60 59 58 56 55 54 52 5i 40 73 7i 70 68 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 57 55 54 53 44 73 72 7i 69 68 66 65 64 63 61 60 58 57 56 55 48 74 72 7i 70 68 67 66 64 63 62 61 59 58 57 56 52 74 73 7i 70 69 67 66 65 64 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 75 73 72 70 69 68 67 65 64 63 62 61 59 58 57 60 75 74 72 7i 70 68 67 66 65 63 62 61 60 59 58 64 75 74 73 7i 70 69 68 66 65 64 63 62 60 59 58 68 76 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 64 63 62 61 60 59 72 76 75 73 72 7i 70 68 67 66 65 64 63 61 60 59 76 76 75 74 72 7i 70 69 68 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 80 77 75 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 62 61 60 84 77 76 74 73 72 7i 70 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 88 77 76 75 74 72 7i 70 69 68 67 66 64 63 62 61 92 78 76 75 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 96 73 77 75 74 73 72 7i 70 69 67 66 65 64 63 62 100 78 77 76 75 73 72 7i 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 104 79 77 76 75 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 108 79 78 76 75 74 73 72 7i 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 112 79 78 77 76 75 73 72 7i 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 116 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 7i 70 69 67 66 65 65 120 80 79 77 76 75 74 73 72 7i 70 69 68 67 66 65 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 139 TABLE 42. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT. T Alf (Temper- ature. t. DEPRESSION OF THE DEW-POINT (t d}. 15 16 17 18 19 20 2|0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F. -20 4i 39 -16 4i 39 36 34 32 3i 29 12 42 39 37 35 33 3i 29 27 26 24 23 22 21 - 8 43 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 - 4 43 4i 39 36 34 32 3i 29 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 18 44 42 39 37 35 33 3i 29 28 26 25 23 22 21 T 9 18 + 4 45 43 40 38 36 34 32 30 29 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 8 46 43 4i 39 37 35 33 3i 30 28 26 25 2 3 22 21 20 12 47 44 42 39 37 35 34 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 21 20 16 47 45 43 40 38 36 34 32 3i 29 28 26 25 23 22 21 20 48 46 43 4i 39 37 35 33 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 22 24 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 3i 29 28 26 25 23 22 28 49 47 44 42 40 38 36 34 33 3i 30 28 27 26 24 23 32 50 47 45 43 4i 39 37 35 33 32 30 2 9 27 26 25 24 36 5i 49 46 44 42 40 38 37 35 33 32 30 28 27 26 25 40 53 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 33 31 3.0 28 27 26 44 55 52 So 48 45 43 4i 39 38 36 34 32 31 30 28 27 48 56 54 5i 49 47 45 43 4i 39 37 35 34 32 31 29 28 52 57 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 4i 39 37 35 34 32 31 29 56 57 55 53 5i 49 47 45 43 42 40 38 37 35 33 32 30 60 58 56 54 5i 50 48 46 44 42 4i 39 38 36 35 33 32 64 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 45 43 4i 40 38 37 35 34 33 68 59 57 55 53 5i 49 47 45 44 42 40 39 37 36 35 33 72 59 57 55 53 5i 49 48 46 44 43 4i 40 38 37 35 34 76 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 47 45 43 42 40 39 37 36 35 80 60 58 56 54 52 5i 49 47 45 44 42 4i 39 38 37 35 84 61 59 57 55 53 5i 49 48 46 44 43 4i 40 39 37 36 88 61 59 57 55 54 52 50 48 47 45 43 42 4i 39 38 36 92 62 60 58 56 54 52 5i 49 47 46 44 43 4i 40 38 37 96 62 60 58 56 55 53 5i 49 48 46 45 43 42 40 39 38 100 63 61 59 57 55 53 52 50 48 47 45 44 42 4i 40 38 104 63 61 59 57 56 54 52 50 49 47 46 44 43 4i 40 39 108 64 62 60 58 56 54 53 5i 49 48 46 45 43 42 4i 39 112 64 62 60 58 57 55 53 52 50 48 47 45 44 43 4i 40 116 65 63 61 59 57 55 54 52 5i 49 48 46 45 43 42 41 120 65 63 61 59 58 56 54 53 5i 50 48 47 45 44 42 4i SMITHSONIAN TABLES, I4O TABLE 42. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT. Air Temper ature, t. \ DEPRESSION OE THE DEW-POINT (t d}. 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 F. ! -4 15 13 15 13 ii + 4 16 13 ii 9 8 8 17 14 ii 10 8 7 12 17 14 12 10 8 7 6 16 18 15 12 10 9 7 6 5 4 20 18 15 13 II 9 8 6 5 4 4 24 19 16 14 II 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 28 19 16 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 32 20 17 14 12 10 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 36 21 18 15 13 II 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 40 22 19 16 14 12 10 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 44 23 20 17 15 13 ii 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 48 24 21 18 15 13 ii 10 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 52 25 22 19 16 14 12 10 9 8 6 5 5 4 3 3 56 26 23 20 17 15 13 ii 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 60 28 24 21 18 16 13 12 10 9 7 6 5 5 4 3 64 29 25 22 19 16 14 12 ii 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 68 30 26 23 20 17 15 13 ii 10 8 7 6 5 5 4 72 30 27 24 21 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 76 31 28 24 22 19 17 15 13 ii 9 8 7 6 5 4 80 31 28 25 22 20 18 15 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 84 32 29 26 23 20 18 16 14 12 ii 9 8 7 6 5 88 33 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 13 ii 10 9 8 7 6 92 33 30 27 24 21 19 17 15 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 96 34 30 27 25 22 20 18 16 14 12 ii 10 8 7 6 100 34 31 28 25 23 20 18 16 14 13 ii 10 9 8 7 104 35 32 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 13 12 II 9 8 7 108 36 32 29 26 24 21 19 17 15 14 12 II 10 9 8 112 36 33 30 27 24 22 20 18 16 14 13 II 10 9 8 116 37 33 30 27 25 22 20 18 16 15 13 12 ii 9 8 120 37 34 31 28 25 23 21 19 17 15 14 12 ii 10 9 SMITHSONIAN TABLEB. TABLE 43. REDUCTION OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. METRIC MEASURES. Pressure of Aqueous Vapor. (Brock.} Tempera- ture. 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. -30 0.38 0-35 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 20 0.94 0.87 0.79 0-73 0.66 0.61 0-55 0.50 0.46 0.42 TO 2.15 1.99 1.84 1.69 1.56 1.44 1.32 1.22 1. 12 1.03 O 4-57 4.25 3-95 3.67 3.41 3.16 2-93 2.72 2-51 2-33 Tempera- tue. 0?0 0?l 0?2 0?3 0?4 0?5 o?c 0?7 0?8 0?9 c. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. + 4-57 4.60 4.64 4.67 4.70 4-74 4-77 4.80 4.84 4.87 i 4.91 4-94 4.98 5.02 5.05 5.09 5.12 5.16 5.20 5.23 2 5-27 5-31 5-35 5-39 5.42 5.46 5-50 5-54 5.58 5.62 3 5-66 5.70 5.74 5.78 5.82 5-86 5-9 5.94 5.99 6.03 4 6.07 6.II 6.15 6.20 6.24 6.28 6-33 6-37 6.42 6.46 5 6.51 6.55 6.60 6.64 6.69 6.74 6.78 6.83 6.88 6.92 6 6.97 7.02 7.07 7.12 7.17 7.22 7.26 7.3i 7.36 7-42 7 7-47 7.52 7-57 7.62 7.67 7.72 7.78 7.83 7.88 7.94 8 7-99 8.05 8.10 8.15 8.21 8.27 8.32 8.38 8.43 8-49 9 8-55 8.61 8.66 8.72 8.78 8.84 8.90 8.96 9.02 9.08 10 9.14 9.20 9.26 9.32 9.39 9-45 9-51 9.58 9.64 9.70 ii 9-77 9.83 9.90 9.96 10.03 10.09 10. 16 10.23 10.30 10.36 12 10.43 10.50 10.57 10.64 10.71 10.78 10.85 10.92 10.99 II.O7 13 11.14 II. 21 11.28 11.36 11.43 11.50 11.58 11.66 11-73 II.8I 14 11.88 11.96 12.04 12.12 12.19 12.27 12.35 12.43 12.51 12.59 15 12.67 12.76 12.84 12.92 13.00 13.09 13.17 13-25 13-34 I3-42 16 13.51 13.60 13-68 13.77 13.86 13.95 14.04 14.12 14.21 14.30 i? 14.40 14.49 14.58 14.67 14.76 14.86 14-95 15.04 15-14 15.23 18 J5.33 15.43 15.52 15.62 15.72 15-82 15.92 16.02 16.12 16.22 19 16.32 16.42 16.52 16.63 16.73 16.83 16.94 17.04 I7.I5 17.26 20 17.36 17.47 17.58 17.69 17.80 17.91 18.02 18.13 18.24 18.35 21 18.47 18.58 18.69 18.81 18.92 19.04 19.16 19.27 19.39 19.51 I 22 19.63 19.75 19.87 19.99 20.11 20.24 20.36 20.48 20.61 20.73 23 20.86 20.98 21. II 21.24 21.37 21.50 21.63 21.76 21.89 22.02 24 22.15 22.29 22.42 22.55 22.69 22.83 22.96 23.10 23.24 23.38 25 26 23.52 24.96 23.66 25.10 23.80 25.25 23-94 25.40 24.08 25.55 24.23 25.70 24.37 25.86 24-52 26.01 24.66 26.16 24.81 26.32 27 26.47 26.63 26.78 26.94 27.10 27.26 27.42 27-58 27.74 27.90 28 28.07 28.23 28.39 28.56 28.73 28.89 29.06 29.23 29.40 29-57 29 29.74 29.92 30.09 30.26 30.44 30.62 30.79 30.97 3i.i5 31.33 30 3i.5i 31.69 31.87 32.06 32.24 32.43 32.61 32.80 32.99 33-18 3i 33-37 33.56 33.75 33-94 34-14 34-33 34-53 34.72 34.92 35-12 32 35.32 35.52 35.72 35-92 36.13 36.33 36.54 36.74 36.95 37.16 33 37-37 37.58 37-79 38.00 38.22 38.43 38.65 38.87 39-08 39-30 34 39-52 39-74 39-97 40.19 40.41 40.64 40.87 41.09 41.32 41.55 35 4L78 42.02 42.25 42.48 42.72 42.96 43-19 43-43 43.67 43.92 36 44.16 44.40 44.65 44.89 45-14 45-39 45.64 45.89 46.14 46.39 37 46.65 46.90 47.16 47.42 47.68 47.94 48.20 48.46 48.73 48.99 38 49-26 49-53 49.80 50.07 50.34 50.61 50.89 51.16 5L44 5L72 39 52.00 52.28 52.56 52.84 53-13 53-41 53.70 53-99 54.28 54-57 40 54.87 55-16 55.46 55-75 56.05 56.35 56.65 56.95 57.26 57.56 4i 57.87 58.18 58.49 58.80 59.ii 59-43 59-74 60.06 60.38 60.70 42 61.02 6i.34 61.66 61.99 62.32 62.65 62.98 63.31 63-64 63.97 43 64.3 1 64.65 64.99 65.33 65.67 66.01 66.36 66.71 67.05 67.41 44 67.76 68.11 68.47 68.82 69.18 69.54 69.90 70.26 70.63 70.99 45 71.36 71-73 72.10 72.48 72.85 73.23 73-60 73.98 74.36 74-75 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I 4 2 TABLE 44. REDUCTION OF PSYCHROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS. METRIC MEASURES. Values of O.000660 B (t-t,)(l +^|)' t = Temperature of the dry-bulb thermometer. /, = Temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer. t t BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN MILLIMETRES (B}. 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 690 680 670 660 650 640 630 c. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 1 0.52 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.46 045 0.44 0.44 043 0.42 2 1.03 1. 01 1. 00 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94 -93 0.92 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.85 0.84 3 1-54 1-52 1.49 1.47 145 143 1.41 1-39 1-37 1-35 1-33 1.32 I. 3 1.28 1.26 4 2.04 2.02 1.99 1.97 1.94 1.91 1.8 9 1.86 1.83 I.8l 1.78 1.75 1-73 1.70 I.6 7 5 2.56 2.52 2-49 2.46 243 2-39 2.36 2.32 2.29 2.26 2.23 2.19 2.17 2.13 2.09 6 3-07 3-03 2-99 2-95 2. 9 I 2.8 7 2.83 2-79 2-75 2.71 2.6 7 2.63 2-59 2.55 2.51 7 3-59 3-54 3-50 345 340 3.36 3.31 3-26 3-22 3-17 3.12 3-o8 3-04 2-99 2.94 8 4.11 4-05 4.00 3-95 3.89 3.84 379 3-73 3-68 3.63 3.58 3.53 348 342 3.36 9 4.62 4-56 4.50 4-44 4.38 4.32 4.27 4.21 4.15 4.09 4.03 3-97 3.91 3-85 3-79 10 5-15 5-08 5.01 4-94 4.88 4.81 474 4.68 4.6l 4-54 447 4.41 4-35 4.28 4.21 ii 5-66 5-59 5-51 5-44 5-37 5.30 5-22 5-15 5-08 5.00 4.93 4.86 4-79 4.71 4.63 12 6.19 6.ii 6.O2 5-94 5-86 5.78 5.70 5.62 5-54 546 5.38 5-30 5-22 5.14 5-06 13 6.71 6.62 6.53 6-45 6.36 6.2 7 6.18 6.10 6.01 5-92 5.83 5-75 5-66 5.57 549 14 7-23 7.14 7-05 6-95 6.86 6.76 6.67 6.58 6.48 6-39 6.29 6.20 6.ii 6.01 5-92 15 7-76 7.66 7-56 7.46 7.36 7.26 7.16 7.06 6.95 6.85 6.75 6.65 6.55 645 6-35 16 8.29 8.18 8.07 7.96 7.86 7.75 7.64 7-54 743 7.32 7.21 7.11 7.00 6.89 6.78 17 8.82 8.70 8.59 8.47 8.36 8.24 8.13 8.02 7.90 7.79 7.67 7.56 745 7-33 7.21 18 9-35 9.22 9.10 8.98 8.86 8.74 8.62 8.50 8.37 8.25 8.13 8.01 7-89 7-77 7.65 19 9.87 9-75 9.62 949 9-36 9-23 9.II 8.98 8.85 8.72 8-59 8.47 8.34 8.21 8.08 20 0.41 10.27 10.14 10.00 9.87 9-73 9.60 9.46 9-32 9.19 9.05 8.92 8.78 8.65 8.51 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN MILLIMETRES (B\ t-t, 620 610 600 590 580 570 560 550 540 530 520 510 500 490 480 c. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 1 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.40 0-39 0.38 0.38 0-37 0.36 0.36 0-35 0-34 0-34 0-33 0.32 2 0.82 0.81 0.8o 0.78 0.77 0.76 0-75 0.73 0.72 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.65 0.64 3 1.24 1.22 1. 2O I.I7 i.i5 I-I3 1. 12 1. 10 1. 08 1. 06 1.04 1.02 1. 00 0.98 0.96 4 1.65 1.62 1. 60 1-57 i-54 LSI 1.49 1.46 1.44 1.41 1.38 1.36 1-33 1.30 1.28 5 2.06 2.03 1.99 1.96 i-93 1.90 1.86 1.83 1.80 I. 7 6 i-73 1.70 1.66 1.63 1. 60 6 2.47 2-43 2-39 2-35 2.32 2.28 2.24 2. 2O 2.16 2.12 2.08 2.O4 2.OO I. 9 6 1.92 7 2.89 2.84 2.80 2-75 2.71 2.66 2.61 2.56 2.52 2-47 243 2.38 2.33 2.28 2.24 8 3-31 3-26 3-20 3-15 3.10 3.04 2.99 2.94 2.88 2.83 2.78 2.72 2.6 7 2.62 2.56 9 3-73 3.67 3.61 3-55 349 343 3.37 3-31 3.25 3.19 3-13 3-06 3-00 2.94 2.88 10 4.14 4.07 4.01 3-94 3.88 3-81 3.74 3.67 3-6i 3-54 348 341 3-34 3-27 3.21 ii 4.56 449 4.42 4-34 4-27 4.19 4.12 4-05 3.97 3.90 3.83 375 3-68 3.6o 3.53 12 4.98 4.90 4.82 4.74 4.66 4.58 4.50 442 4.34 4.26 4.18 4.10 4.02 3-93 3-85 13 540 5-31 5.23 5.14 5.05 4.96 4.88 4-79 4.70 4.62 4-53 444 4.36 4.27 4.18 14 5-83 5-73 5.64 5-54 545 5-35 5.26 5-17 5.07 4.98 4.88 4-79 4.70 4.60 4-51 15 6.25 6.15 6.05 5.95 5.85 574 5.64 5.54 5-44 5-34 5-24 5-14 5-04 4-94 4.84 16 6.68 6-57 6.46 6.35 6.24 6.14 6.03 5.92 5.8i 5.7i 5.6o 549 5.38 5-27 5-17 17 7.10 6.98 6.87 6.75 6.64 6.53 6.41 6.30 6.18 6.07 5-95 5-84 5.72 5.6i 5-50 18 7.52 7.40 7.28 7.16 7.04 6.92 6.80 6.67 6-55 6-43 6.31 6.19 6.07 5.95 5.83 19 7-95 7.82 7.70 7-57 7-44 7.3i 7.18 7-05 6-93 6.80 6.67 6-54 6.42 6.29 6.16 20 8.38 8.24 8.1 1 7-97 7.84 7.70 7.57 743 7.30 7.16 7-03 6.90 6.76 6.62 6.49 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 143 TABLE 45. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURE CENTIGRADE. Depres- sion of the dew-point. td. DEW-POINT (d}. -15 -10 -5 + 5 + 10 -f 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 c. 0?0 IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO 0.2 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 0.4 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 0.6 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 0.8 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 96 1.0 92 92 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 1.2 9i 9i 92 92 9 2 93 93 93 93 14 90 90 9i 9 1 9 1 92 92 92 1.6 88 89 90 90 90 9 1 9i 9 1 1.8 86 87 87 88 89 89 9 90 90 2.0 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 2.2 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 2.4 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 2.6 82 82 82 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 2.8 80 80 81 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 3.0 78 79 80 81 81 82 83 83 84 84 3-2 77 78 79 80 80 Si 82 82 83 83 34 76 77 78 79 79 80 Si 81 82 82 3-6 75 76 77 77 78 79 So So 81 82 3-8 74 75 75 76 77 78 79 79 80 Si 4.0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 79 So 4-2 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 77 78 79 44 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 77 78 4.6 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 76 76 77 4.8 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 75 76 5.0 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 75 5-2 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 75 54 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 5-6 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 5-8 63 64 65 66 68 69 69 70 7i 72 6.0 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 70 7i 6.2 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 6.4 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 6.6 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6.8 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 7.0 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 7.2 56 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 74 55 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 7-6 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 7-8 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 8.0 53 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 144 TABLE 45. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. TEMPERATURE CENTIGRADE. Depres- sion of the dew-point. t d. DEW-POINT (d). -15 -10 -5 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 c. 8?0 53 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 8.2 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 8.4 5i 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 8.6 5i 52 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 8.8 50 5i 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 9.0 49 5i 52 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 9.2 48 50 5i 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 94 48 49 5i 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 9.6 47 48 50 5i 53 54 55 56 58 9.8 46 48 49 5i 52 53 55 56 57 58 10.0 46 47 49 50 5i 53 54 55 56 57 10.5 44 45 47 48 50 51 52 54 55 II.O 42 44 45 47 48 49 5i 52 53 n-5 4i 42 44 45 47 48 49 5i 52 12.0 39 4i 42 44 45 47 48 49 50 12.5 38 39 4i 42 44 45 46 48 49 13.0 36 38 40 4i 43 44 45 46 48 13-5 35 37 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 14.0 34 35 37 38 40 4i 43 44 45 14.5 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 15-0 3i 33 35 36 37 39 40 42 15-5 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 40 16.0 29 3i 32 34 35 37 38 39 16.5 28 30 3i 33 34 36 37 38 17.0 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 17-5 26 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 18.0 25 27 28 30 3i 33 34 35 18.5 25 26 27 30 32 33 34 19.0 24 25 27 28 29 3i 32 33 19.5 23 24 26 27 29 30 3i 33 20.0 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 21.0 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 22.0 J 9 21 22 23 25 26 27 23.0 18 J 9 21 22 23 24 26 24.0 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25.0 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 26.0 15 16 17 18 20 21 27.0 14 15 16 17 18 2O 28.0 !3 14 15 16 17 19 29.0 12 13 14 15 16 18 30.0 II 12 13 H 16 17 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 145 TABLE 46. REDUCTION OF SNOWFALL MEASUREMENTS. Depth of water corresponding to the weight of snow (or rain) collected in an 8-inch gage. Snow. Oz. Oz. 1 4 Oz. 1 2 Oz. 3 4 Weight Snow. Oz. Oz. 1 4 Oz. 1 2 Oz. 3 4 Snow. Oz. Oz. 1 4 Oz. 1 2f Oz. 3 4 U>.0z. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. tt>.0z. Inch's Inch's Inch's Inch's tt>.0z. Inch's Inch's Inch's Inch's 0.00 O.OI O.O2 0.03 1 8 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.85 2 13 1-55 1.56 1-57 1-57 i 3 .04 05 .06 9 .86 .87 .88 .89 2 14 1.58 1.60 1.61 2 .07 .08 .09 .09 10 .89 .90 .91 92 2 15 1.62 i : 63 1-63 1.64 3 .10 .11 .12 13 ii 93 94 94 95 4 .14 15 15 .16 12 .96 97 .98 99 5 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 13 1. 00 I.OI I.OI 1.02 3 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 6 .21 .22 .22 23 14 1.03 1.04 1.05 1. 06 3 i 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.71 7 .24 25 .26 .27 15 1.07 i. 08 1.08 1.09 3 2 .72 i-73 1.74 1-75 8 .28 .28 29 30 3 3 75 1.76 1.77 1.78 9 31 32 33 34 3 4 79 i. 80 1.81 1.81 10 0-34 0.35 0.36 o-37 2 1. 10 .11 1. 12 I-I3 3 5 .82 1.83 1.84 1.85 ii 38 39 .40 41 2 I 1.14 .14 I-I5 1.16 3 6 .86 1.87 1.87 1.88 12 13 14 41 $ 42 .46 49 43 46 50 44 47 2 2 2 3 2 4 1.17 I.2O 1.24 .18 .21 25 I.I9 1.22 1.26 .20 23 .26 3 7 3 8 3 9 .89 1.93 1.96 1.90 i-94 1.97 1.91 1.94 1.98 1.92 i-95 1.99 15 52 52 53 54 1 0-55 0.56 o.57 0.58 2 5 1.27 .28 .29 30 3 10 2.00 2.00 2.01 2.02 I I 58 59 .60 .61 2 6 I-3I 32 32 33 3 ii 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 I 2 .62 63 64 65 2 7 i-34 .36 37 3 12 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.O9 i 3 65 .66 67 .68 2 8 1.38 iji 39 .40 3 13 2.10 2. II 2.12 2.12 i 4 .69 .70 7i 71 2 9 1.41 1.42 43 1.44 3 *4 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 3 15 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.19 1 5 0.72 0.73 o.74 o.75 2 10 1.44 145 .46 1.47 i 6 .76 77 77 78 2 II 1.48 1.49 1.50 1-51 4 2.20 i 7 79 .80 .81 .82 2 12 1.51 1-52 1-53 c o 2-75 TABLE 47. RATE OF DECREASE OF VAPOR PRESSURE WITH ALTITUDE. (According to the empirical formula of Dr. J. Hanri). f h '=10 6^7f Jo f,f = Vapor pressures at an upper and a lower station respectively. h = Difference of altitude in metres. Difference of Altitude. / /o' Difference of Altitude. / /o ; Difference of Altitude. / /o' metres. Feet. metres. Feet. metres. Feet. 200 656 o-93 1800 5905 0.53 3400 I"55 0.30 400 1312 87 2000 6562 49 3600 11811 .28 600 1968 .81 2200 7218 46 3800 12467 .26 800 2625 75 2400 7874 43 4000 13123 .24 IOOO 3281 0.70 2600 8530 0.40 4500 14764 O.2O I2OO 3937 65 2800 9186 37 5000 16404 17 I4OO 4593 .61 3000 9842 35 5500 18045 .14 1600 5249 57 3200 10499 32 6000 19685 .12 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 146 WIND TABLES. Mean direction of the wind by Lambert's formula Multiples of cos 45 ; form and example of computation . TABLE 48 Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a) 49 Synoptic conversion of velocities TABLE 50 Miles per hour into feet per second TABLE 51 Feet per second into miles per hour TABLE 52 Metres per second into miles per hour TABLE 53 Miles per hour into metres per second - . TABLE 54 Metres per second into kilometres per hour ...... TABLE 55 Kilometres per hour into metres per second ...... TABLE 56 Beaufort wind scale and its conversion into velocity . . . TABLE 57 147 TABLE 48. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. tan a = Multiples of cos 45. Number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i ~1 o.o 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3-5 4.2 4-9 5-7 6.4 10 7-i 7.8 8.5 9.2 9.9 10.6 n-3 12.0 12.7 13.4 20 14.1 14.8 15-6 16.3 17.0 17.7 18.4 I9.I 19.8 20.5 30 21.2 21.9 22.6 23.3 24.0 24.7 25-5 26.2 26.9 27.6 40 28.3 29.0 29.7 3"4 3i.i 31.8 32.5 33.2 33.9 34-6 50 354 36.1 36.8 37-5 38.2 38.9 39-6 40.3 41.0 41.7 60 42.4 43.1 43-8 44-5 45.3 46.0 46.7 47-4 48.1 48.8 70 49-5 50.2 50.9 51.6 52.3 53-0 53-7 54-4 55-2 55-9 80 56.6 57-3 58.0 58.7 59-4 60. i 60.8 61.5 62.2 62.9 90 63.6 64-3 65.1 65.8 66.5 67.2 67.9 68.6 69.3 70.0 100 70.7 71.4 72.1 72.8 73-5 74-2 75-0 75.7 76.4 77.1 no 77-8 78.5 79-2 79-9 80.6 81.3 82.0 82.7 83-4 84.1 120 84.9 85.6 86.3 87.0 87.7 88.4 89.1 89.8 90.5 91.2 130 91.9 92.6 93-3 94.0 94.8 95.5 96.2 96.9 97.6 98.3 140 99.0 99-7 100.4 IOI.I 101.8 102.5 103.2 103.9 104.7 105.4 150 106.1 106.8 107.5 108.2 108.9 109.6 110.3 III.O 111.7 112.4 160 113-1 113.8 114.6 II5.3 116.0 116.7 117.4 iiS.i 118.8 II9-5 170 120.2 120.9 121. 6 122.3 123.0 123.7 124.5 125.2 125.9 126.6 180 127.3 128.0 128.7 129.4 130.1 130.8 131-5 132.2 132.9 133.6 190 134.4 I35.I 135.8 136.5 137.2 137.9 138.6 139.3 140.0 140.7 200 I4I.4 142.1 142.8 143.5 144.2 145-0 145-7 146.4 147.1 147.8 Form for Computing the Numerator and Denominator. Directions. E W N 5 NE SW SE NW Observed values. 7 12 6 26 13 45 2 24 E-W N-S NE-SW SE- NW [ -5 ] [ ] [-3]x~<5- [-22]XOW45 Numerator(w). [ -5 ] + [ -22.6 ] + [ -15 6 ] = [-43.2] Denominator (W). [ _ 20 ] + [ -22.6 ] - [ -15 .6 ] = [-27.0] a is the angle between the mean wind direction and the meridian. The signs of the numerator (n) and denominator (d) determine the quadrant in which a lies. When n and d are positive, a lies between N and E : - = NE. When n is positive and d negative, a lies between S and E : ~ = SE. When n and d are negative, a lies between S and W : - = SW. When n is negative and d positive, a lies between N and W : J = NW. 148 TABLE 49. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a). a = tan-* n/d n or d. DENOMINATOR OR NUMERATOR (d OR ). 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 fO 2 O II 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 i i i i I 3 17 ii 9 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 22 15 n 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 5 27 18 14 ii 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 6 31 22 17 J 3 ii 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 7 35 25 J 9 16 13 ii 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 8 39 28 22 18 15 13 ii 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 9 42 31 24 20 17 14 13 ii 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 10 45 34 27 22 18 16 14 13 ii 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 ii 36 29 24 20 17 15 14 12 ii 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 12 39 31 26 22 *9 17 15 13 12 ii 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 13 4i 33 27 23 20 18 16 15 13 12 ii ii 10 9 9 8 8 7 14 43 35 29 25 22 19 17 16 H 13 12 ii ii 10 9 9 8 8 15 45 37 31 27 23 21 18 17 15 14 13 12 ii ii 10 9 9 9 16 39 33 28 25 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 ii ii 10 10 9 17 40 34 30 26 23 21 19 17 16 15 14 13 12 ii ii 10 10 18 42 36 31 27 24 22 20 18 17 15 14 13 13 12 ii ii 10 19 44 37 32 28 25 23 21 19 18 16 15 J 4 13 13 12 ii ii 20 45 39 34 30 27 24 22 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 ii 21 40 35 31 28 25 23 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 12 22 41 36 32 29 26 24 22 20 19 17 16 15 15 14 13 12 23 43 37 33 30 27 25 23 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 14 13 24 44 39 34 31 28 26 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 25 45 40 36 32 2 9 27 24 23 21 20 18 17 16 16 15 14 26 4i 37 33 30 27 25 23 22 2O 19 18 17 16 15 15 27 42 38 34 31 28 26 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 28 43 39 35 32 29 27 25 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 16 29 44 40 36 33 30 28 26 24 23 21 20 J 9 18 17 16 30 45 41 37 34 31 29 27 25 23 22 21 19 18 18 17 3i 42 38 35 32 29 2 7 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 32 42 39 35 33 30 28 26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 33 43 40 36 33 31 29 27 25 24 22 21 2O J 9 18 34 44 40 37 34 32 30 28 26 24 23 22 21 20 J 9 35 45 4i 38 35 32 30 28 27 25 24 22 21 20 19 36 42 39 36 33 31 29 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 37 43 39 37 34 3 2 30 28 26 25 24 22 21 2O 38 44 40 37 35 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 22 21 39 44 4i 38 35 33 31 2 9 27 26 25 23 22 21 40 45 42 39 36 34 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 22 4i 42 39 37 34 32 30 29 27 26 24 23 22 42 43 40 37 35 33 31 2 9 28 26 25 24 23 43 44 4i 38 36 33 32 30 28 27 26 24 23 44 44 4i 39 36 34 32 30 29 27 26 25 24 45 46 45 42 43 39 40 37 37 35 35 33 33 31 32 29 30 28 28 27 27 11 24 25 47 43 4i 38 36 34 32 30 29 28 26 25 48 44 4i 39 36 34 33 31 29 28 27 26 49 44 42 39 37 35 33 31 30 29 27 26 50 45 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 29 28 27 SMITHSONIAN TABLES 149 TABLE 49. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a). n or d. DENOMINATOR OR NUMERATOR (d OR ). 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 , i 1 2 i I i i i I i i i i 3 2 2 i i i I i i i i 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 7 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 10 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 n 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 12 13 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 I 5 6 I 5 5 5 5 5 5 14 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 15 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 16 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 17 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 18 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 19 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 20 n 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 21 ii ii 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 22 12 ii ii ' 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 23 12 12 ii ii 10 10 10 9 9 9 24 13 12 12 ii ii 10 10 10 9 9 25 13 13 12 12 ii II 10 10 10 9 26 14 13 13 12 12 II II ii 10 10 27 H 14 13 13 12 12 II ii ii 10 28 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 ii ii ii 29 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 ii ii 30 16 15 15 14 13 13 J 3 12 12 ii 3i 16 16 !5 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 32 17 16 16 15 14 14 J 3 13 12 12 33 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 34 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 35 18 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 36 19 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 37 19 19 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 38 20 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 39 20 20 19 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 40 21 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 15 15 4i 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 42 22 21 20 19 19 18 17 17 16 16 43 22 21 21 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 44 23 22 21 20 19 19 18 17 17 16 45 2 3 22 21 21 20 J 9 18 18 17 17 46 24 23 22 21 20 19 19 18 18 17 47 24 23 22 21 21 20 T 9 J 9 18 17 48 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 49 25 24 23 22 21 21 20 19 19 18 50 25 24 23 23 22 21 20 20 19 18 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 150 TABLE 49. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a). n or d. DENOMINATOR OR NUMERATOR (d OR ). 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 1 2 i i i i i i i i i i 3 i i i i i i i i i i 4 i i i i i i i i i i 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i i 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ii 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 13 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 15 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 16 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 17 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 18 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 19 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 20 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 21 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 22 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 23 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 24 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 25 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 26 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 27 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 28 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 29 ii IO IO 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 30 ii II 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 3i ii II II 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 32 12 II II ii 10 10 IO 10 9 9 33 12 12 II ii II 10 10 10 10 9 34 12 12 12 ii II II 10 10 10 IO 35 13 12 12 12 II II II 10 10 10 36 13 13 12 12 12 II II ii 10 10 37 13 13 13 12 12 12 II ii II 10 38 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 ii II II 39 H 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 II II 40 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 II 4i 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 42 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 43 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 44 16 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 45 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 46 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 47 17 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 48 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 H 14 13 49 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 50 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 49. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 a). n n DENOMINATOR OR NUMERATOR (d OR ). or d. 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 50 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 29 28 27 25 24 23 23 22 21 52 43 39 37 35 33 30 29 27 26 25 24 23 23 22 54 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 56 43 41 39 37 35 33 32 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 58 44 42 40 38 36 34 33 3i 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 60 45 43 41 39 37 35 34 32 3i 30 29 28 27 26 25 62 44 42 40 38 36 35 33 32 3* 29 28 2 7 26 25 64 45 42 40 39 37 35 34 33 31 30 29 28 27 26 66 43 40 38 36 35 33 32 30 29 28 27 68 44 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 32 30 29 28 70 45 43 4i 39 38 36 35 34 32 3i 30 2 9 28 72 44 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 32 3 1 30 29 74 45 43 41 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 31 30 76 44 42 40 39 37 36 35 33 32 31 30 78 44 43 4i 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 31 80 45 43 42 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 32 82 44 42 41 39 38 37 35 34 33 32 84 45 43 41 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 86 44 42 39 38 37 36 35 33 88 44 43 4i 40 39 37 36 35 34 90 45 43 42 4i 39 38 37 36 35 92 44 43 4 1 40 39 37 36 35 94 45 43 42 41 39 38 37 36 96 44 42 41 40 39 38 36 98 44 43 42 40 39 38 37 100 45 44 42 41 40 39 38 102 44 43 42 40 39 38 104 45 43 42 41 40 39 106 44 43 41 40 39 108 44 43 42 4i 40 MO 45 44 43 41 40 112 44 43 42 4 1 114 45 44 42 4 1 116 44 43 42 118 45 43 42 120 45 44 43 122 44 43 124 45 44 126 44 128 45 130 45 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 152 TABLE 49. MEAN DIRECTION OF THE WIND BY LAMBERT'S FORMULA. Values of the mean direction (a) or its complement (90 -a). n or d. DENOMINATOR OR NUMERATOR (d OR ). 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 50 21 20 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 H 14 52 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 17 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 54 22 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 56 23 23 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 58 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 16 60 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 19 J 9 18 18 18 17 17 62 25 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 64 26 25 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 66 27 26 25 24 24 2 3 22 22 21 21 20 20 J9 J 9 18 68 28 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 70 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 *9 72 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 2O 20 74 3 2 9 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 76 30 29 28 28 27 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 22 21 21 78 3 1 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 22 21 80 32 31 30 2 9 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 23 22 22 82 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 23 22 84 33 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 23 86 33 32 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 26 26 25 24 24 23 88 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 24 90 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 27 26 25 25 24 92 35 34 33 32 32 3 1 30 2 9 28 28 27 26 26 25 25 94 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 2 9 28 28 27 26 26 25 9 o 36 35 34 34 33 32 31 30 2 9 29 28 27 27 26 26 98 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 2 9 2 9 28 27 27 26 100 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 28 27 27 IO2 38 37 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 28 27 IO4 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 29 29 28 27 106 39 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 2 9 28 1 08 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 28 no 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 31 31 30 29 29 112 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 31 30 29 114 4 1 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 30 116 42 4 1 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 32 31 31 30 118 42 4 1 40 39 38 37 36 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 31 120 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 122 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 36 35 34 33 33 32 31 124 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 32 32 126 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 34 34 33 32 128 45 43 42 4 1 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 33 130 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 34 34 33 132 44 43 42 41 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 134 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 34 34 136 44 43 42 41 40 39 39 38 37 36 36 35 34 138 45 44 43 42 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 35 140 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 39 38 37 36 36 35 142 44 43 42 42 41 40 39 38 38 37 36 35 144 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 39 38 37 36 36 146 44 43 42 42 40 39 38 38 37 36 148 45 44 43 42 4 1 40 39 39 38 37 37 150 45 44 43 42 4i 4i 40 39 38 38 37 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 153 TABLE so. SYNOPTIC CONVERSION OF VELOCITIES. Miles per hour into metres per second, feet per second and kilometres per hour. Miles per hour. Metres per second. Feet per second. Kilome- tres per hour. Miles per hour. Metres per second. Feet per second. Kilome- tres per hour. Miles per hour. Metres per second. Feet per second. Kilome- tres per hour. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 26.0 u.6 38.1 41.8 52.0 23-2 76.3 837 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.8 26.5 n.8 38.9 42.6 52.5 23-5 77.0 84.5 I.O 0.4 1-5 1.6 27.0 12. 1 39-6 43-5 53-o 23-7 77-7 85.3 1-5 0.7 2.2 2.4 27-5 12.3 40.3 44-3 53-5 23-9 78.5 86.1 2.0 0.9 2-9 3.2 28.0 12.5 41.1 45-1 54.o 24.1 79.2 86.9 2-5 I.I 3-7 4.0 28.5 12.7 41.8 45.9 54-5 24.4 79-9 87.7 3.0 1-3 44 4-8 29.0 13.0 42.5 46.7 55.0 24.6 80.7 88.5 3-5 1.6 5-i 5-6 29-5 13.2 43-3 47-5 55-5 24.8 81.4 89-3 4.0 1.8 5-9 6.4 30.0 134 44.0 48.3 56.0 25.0 82.1 90.1 4-5 2.0 6.6 7.2 30.5 13.6 44-7 49.1 56.5 25.3 82.9 90.9 5-0 2.2 7-3 8.0 31-0 13-9 45-5 49-9 57-0 25.5 83.6 91.7 5-5 2.5 8.1 8.9 31-5 I4.I 46.2 50.7 57-5 25-7 84.3 92.5 6.0 2.7 8.8 9-7 32.0 14-3 46.9 5L5 58.0 25-9 85.1 93-3 6.5 2.9 9-5 10.5 32.5 14-5 47-7 52.3 58.5 26.2 85.8 94.1 7.0 3-1 10.3 1 1-3 33-o 14.8 48.4 53-i 59- 26.4 86.5 95.o 7-5 34 II.O I2.I 33-5 15.0 49.1 53-9 59-5 26.6 87.3 95-8 8.0 3.6 11.7 12.9 34-0 15.2 49-9 54-7 60.0 26.8 88.0 96.6 8-5 3-8 12.5 13-7 34-5 154 50.6 55-5 60.5 27.0 88.7 974 9.0 4.0 13.2 14-5 35.0 15-6 51-3 56.3 61.0 27.3 89.5 98.2 9-5 4.2 13.9 15-3 35-5 !5-9 52.1 57-1 61.5 27-5 90.2 99.0 10.0 4-5 14.7 16.1 36.0 16.1 52.8 57.9 62.0 27.7 90.9 99.8 10.5 4-7 154 16.9 36.5 16.3 53-5 58.7 62.5 27.9 91.7 100.6 I I.O 4-9 16.1 17.7 37-0 16.5 54-3 59.5 63.0 28.2 9 2 4 101.4 11.5 5-i 16.9 18.5 37-5 16.8 55-o 60.4 63-5 28.4 93.i IO2.2 12.0 54 17.6 19-3 38.0 17.0 55-7 61.2 64.0 28.6 93-9 103.0 12.5 5.6 18.3 20. i 38.5 17.2 56.5 62.0 64-5 28.8 94.6 103.8 13.0 5-8 19.1 20.9 39-o 17.4 57-2 62.8 65.0 29.1 95-3 104.6 13-5 6.0 19.8 21.7 39-5 17.7 57-9 63-6 65.5 29-3 96.1 1054 14.0 6.3 20.5 22.5 40.0 17.9 58.7 644 66.0 29-5 96.8 106.2 14-5 6.5 21.3 23-3 40.5 18.1 594 65.2 66.5 29.7 97-5 107.0 15.0 6.7 22.0 24.1 41.0 18.3 60.1 66.0 67.0 30.0 98.3 107.8 15-5 6.9 22.7 24.9 41.5 18.6 60.9 66.8 67.5 30.2 99.0 108.6 16.0 7.2 23-5 257 42.0 18.8 61.6 67.6 68.0 304 99-7 109.4 16.5 74 24.2 26.6 42.5 19.0 62.3 68.4 68.5 30.6 100.5 IIO.2 17.0 7.6 24.9 27.4 43.o 19.2 63.1 69.2 69.0 30.8 IOI.2 1 1 I.O 17.5 7-8 257 28.2 43-5 19.4 63-8 70.0 69-5 3I-I 101.9 HI.8 18.0 8.0 26.4 29.0 44.0 19.7 64.5 70.8 70.0 31-3 102.7 112.7 18.5 8.3 27.1 29.8 44-5 19.9 65.3 71.6 70.5 31-5 103.4 H3.5 19.0 8.5 27.9 30.6 45-o 20.1 66.0 72.4 71.0 31-7 104.1 II4-3 19-5 8.7 28.6 31-4 45-5 20.3 66.7 73-2 71-5 32.0 104.9 115-1 2O.O 8.9 29-3 32.2 46.0 20.6 67-5 74.0 72.0 32.2 105.6 II5-9 20.5 9.2 30.1 33-o 46.5 20.8 68.2 74.8 72.5 324 106.3 116.7 21.0 94 30.8 33-8 47.0 21.0 68.9 75.6 73.0 32-6 107.1 H7-5 21.5 9.6 3!-5 34-6 47-5 21.2 69-7 76.4 73-5 32.9 107.8 118.3 22.0 9.8 32.3 354 48.0 21.5 70.4 77-2 74.0 33-1 108.5 119.1 22.5 IO.I 33-o 36.2 48.5 21.7 71.1 78.1 74.5 33-3 109.3 119.9 23.0 10.3 33-7 37-0 49.0 21.9 71.9 78.9 75-0 33-5 IIO.O 120.7 23-5 10.5 34-5 37-8 49-5 22.1 72.6 79-7 75-5 33-8 110.7 121.5 24.0 10.7 35-2 38-6 50.0 22.4 73-3 80.5 76.0 34-0 111.5 122.3 24-5 I I.O 35-9 394 50-5 22.6 74.1 81.3 76-5 34.2 112. 2 123.1 25.0 II.2 36.7 40.2 51-0 22.8 74.8 82.1 77.0 344 II2.9 123.9 25-5 11.4 374 41 jo 5i.5 23.0 75-5 82.9 77-5 34-6 II3-7 124.7 26.0 n.6 38.1 41.8 52.0 23.2 76.3 83.7 78.0 34-9 1144 125.5 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 154 TABLE 51. MILES PER HOUR INTO FEET PER SECOND. i mile per hour = feet per second. Miles per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per Feet per sec. sec. sec. sec. sec sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. 0.0 i-5 2.9 4.4 5-9 7-3 8.8 10.3 11.7 13.2 10 14.7 16.1 17.6 I 9 .I 20.5 22.0 23.5 24.9 26.4 27-9 20 29-3 30.8 32.3 35-2 36.7 38.1 39-6 41.1 42.5 30 44.0 45-5 46.9 48 4 49-9 5L3 52.8 54.3 55-7 57-2 40 58-7 60. i 61.6 6 3 :i 64-5 66.0 67.5 68.9 70.4 71.9 50 73-3 74-8 76.3 77-7 79.2 80.7 82.1 83.6 85.1 86.5 60 88.0 89-5 90.9 92.4 93-9 95-3 96.8 98.3 99-7 IOI.2 70 102.7 104.1 105.6 107.1 108.5 IIO.O 111.5 112.9 114.4 H5.9 80 II7-3 118.8 120.3 121.7 123.2 124.7 126.1 127.6 129.1 130.5 90 132.0 133.5 134-9 136.4 137.9 139.3 140.8 142.3 143.7 145.2 100 146.7 148.1 149.6 151-1 152.5 154.0 155.5 156.9 158.4 !59-9 no 161.3 162.8 164.3 165.7 167.2 168.7 170.1 171.6 I73- 1 174-5 120 176.0 177-5 178.9 180.4 181.9 183.3 184.8 186.3 187.7 189.2 130 190.7 192.1 I93.6 I95.I 196.5 198.0 199.5 200.9 202.4 203.9 140 205.3 206.8 208.3 209.7 211. 2 212.7 214.1 215.6 217.1 218.5 TABLE 52. FEET PER SECOND INTO MILES PER HOUR. 30 i foot per second = miles per hour. 44 Feet per sec. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 0.0 0.7 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.4 4.1 4-8 5-5 6.1 10 6.8 7.5 8.2 8. 9 9-5 10.2 10.9 n.6 12.3 13.0 20 13.6 14.3 15.0 15-7 16.4 17.0 17.7 18.4 19.1 19.8 30 20.5 21. 1 21.8 22.5 23.2 23-9 24-5 25.2 25-9 26.6 40 27.3 28.0 28.6 29.3 30.0 30.7 31.4 32.0 32.7 33-4 50 34.1 34-8 35-5 36.1 36.8 37-5 38.2 38.9 39-5 40.2 60 40.9 41.6 42.3 43- 43-6 44-3 45-0 45.7 46.4 47.0 70 47-7 48.4 49.1 49-8 50-5 5i.i 51.8 52-5 53.2 53-9 80 54-5 55-2 55-9 56.6 57.3 58.0 58.6 59-3 6o.O 60.7 90 61.4 62.0 62.7 63.4 64.1 64.8 65.5 66.1 66.8 67.5 100 68.2 68.9 69.5 70.2 70.9 71.6 72-3 73-0 73-6 74-3 no 75-0 75.7 76.4 77.0 77.7 78.4 79.1 79-8 80.5 81.1 120 81.8 82.5 83.2 83.9 84.5 85.2 85.9 86.6 87-3 88.0 130 88.6 89-3 90.0 90.7 91.4 92.0 92.7 93-4 94.1 94.8 140 95-5 96.1 96.8 97.5 98.2 98.9 99-5 100.2 100.9 101.6 150 102.3 103.0 103.6 104.3 105.0 105.7 106.4 107.0 107.7 108.4 160 109.1 109.8 110.5 in. i in. 8 112.5 113.2 113.9 H4.5 115.2 170 II5-9 116.6 H7.3 118.0 118.6 U9.3 120.0 120.7 121.4 I2O.O 180 122.7 123.4 124.1 124.8 125.5 126.1 126.8 127.5 128.2 128.9 190 129.5 130.2 130.9 131.6 132.3 133-0 133-6 134.3 135.0 135.7 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 155 TABLE 53. METRES PER SECOND INTO MILES PER HOUR. i metre per second = 2.236932 miles per hour. Metres per second. 0.0 O.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.9 I.I i-3 1.6 1.8 2.0 i 2.2 2-5 2.7 2-9 3-i 3-4 3.6 3-8 4.0 4-3 2 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-6 5.8 6.0 6-3 6-5 3 6.7 6. 9 7.2 7-4 7-6 7-8 8.1 8.3 8.5 8-7 4 8.9 9-2 94 9.6 9.8 10. 1 10.3 10.5 10.7 II. 5 II. 2 TI.4 II.6 11.9 12. 1 12.3 12.5 12.8 13-0 13.2 6 13-4 13-6 13.9 14.1 14-3 14.5 14.8 15.0 15-2 15-4 8 15.7 17.9 15-9 18.1 16.1 18.3 16.3 18.6 16.6 18.8 16.8 19.0 17.0 19.2 17.2 19.5 17.4 19.7 17.7 19.9 9 20.1 20.4 20.6 20.8 21.0 21.3 21.5 21.7 21.9 22.1 10 22.4 22.6 22.8 23.0 23-3 23.5 23-7 23.9 24.2 24-4 ii 24.6 24.8 25.1 25.3 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.2 26.4 26.6 12 26.8 27.1 27.3 27.5 27.7 28.0 28.2 28.4 28.6 28.9 13 29.1 29.3 29.5 29.8 30.0 30.2 30.4 30.6 30.9 3I-I 14 3L3 31.5 31.8 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.7 32.9 33.1 33-3 15 33-6 33-8 34-0 34-2 34-4 34-7 34-9 35.1 35-3 35-6 16 35-8 36.0 36.2 36.5 36.7 36.9 37-1 37-4 37-6 37-8 17 38.0 38.3 38-5 38.7 38.9 39-1 39-4 39-6 39-8 40.0 18 40.3 40.5 40.7 40.9 41.2 41.4 41.6 41.8 42.1 42.3 19 42.5 42.7 43-0 43-2 43-4 43-6 43-8 44.1 44.3 44-5 20 44-7 45-0 45-2 454 45-6 45.9 46.1 46.3 46.5 46.8 21 47.0 47.2 47-4 47.6 47-9 48.1 48.3 48.5 48.8 49.0 22 49.2 49-4 49-7 49-9 50.1 50.3 50.6 50.8 5i.o 5L2 23 51-5 5i.7 5i.9 52.1 52.3 52.6 52.8 53-0 53-2 53-5 24 53-7 53-9 54.1 54-4 54-6 54-8 55-0 55-3 55.5 55-7 25 55-9 56.1 56.4 56.6 56.8 57.o 57.3 57-5 57-7 57.9 26 58.2 58.4 58.6 58.8 59-i 59-3 59-5 59.7 60.0 60.2 27 60.4 60.6 60.8 61.1 61.3 61.5 61.7 62.0 62.2 62.4 28 62.6 62.9 63.1 63.3 63.5 63.8 64.0 64.2 64.4 64.6 29 64.9 65.1 65.3 65.5 65.8 66.0 66.2 66.4 66.7 66.9 30 67.1 67.3 67.6 67.8 68.0 68.2 68.5 68.7 68.9 69.1 3i 69-3 69.6 69.8 70.0 70.2 70.5 70.7 70.9 71.1 71.4 32 71.6 71.8 72.0 72.3 72.5 72.7 72.9 73-i 73.4 73.6 33 34 73.8 76.1 74.0 76.3 74.3 76.5 74.5 76.7 74-7 77.0 74.9 77-2 75-2 77-4 75-4 77-6 75-6 77-8 75-8 78.1 35 78.3 78.5 78.7 79.0 79-2 79-4 79.6 79-9 80. i 80.3 36 80.5 80.8 81.0 81.2 81.4 81.6 81.9 82.1 82.3 82.5 37 82.8 83.0 83.2 834 83.7 84.0 84.1 84.3 84.6 84.8 38 85.0 85.2 85.5 85.7 85.9 86.1 86.3 86.6 86.8 87.0 39 87.2 87.5 87-7 87.9 88.1 88.4 88.6 88.8 89.0 89-3 40 89.5 89.7 89.9 90.2 90.4 90.6 90.8 91.0 9i.3 9 I -5 41 91.7 91.9 92.2 92.4 92.6 92.8 93.i 93-3 93-5 93-7 42 94.0 94-2 94-4 94.6 94.8 95-1 95-3 95-5 95-7 96.0 43 96.2 96.4 96.6 96.9 97.1 97-3 97-5 97.8 98.0 98.2 44 98.4 98.7 98.9 99.1 99-3 99-5 99.8 100.0 100.2 100.4 SMITHSONIAN TABLES 56 TABLE 53. METRES PER SECOND INTO MILES PER HOUR. Metres per second. 0.0 O.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 45 100.7 100.9 IOI.I IOI.3 IOI.6 IOI.8 IO2.O IO2.2 102.5 102.7 46 102.9 103.1 103.3 103.6 103.8 104.0 104.2 104.5 104.7 104.9 47 105.1 105.4 105.6 105.8 106.0 106.3 106.5 106.7 106.9 107.2 48 107.4 107.6 107.8 108.0 108.3 108.5 108.7 108.9 109.2 109.4 49 109.6 109.8 1 10. 1 II0.3 110.5 110.7 III.O III. 2 III.4 in. 6 50 in. 8 112. 1 112.3 II2.5 112.7 II3.0 II3.2 II3-4 II3.6 II3-9 5i 114.1 II4-3 114.5 II4.8 115.0 II5.2 II5-4 II5-7 U5-9 116. i 52 116.3 II6.6 116.8 II7.0 117.2 117.4 II7.7 II7.9 118.1 118.3 53 118.6 II8.8 119.0 II9.2 II9-5 119.7 II9.9 1 2O. I 120.4 1 20. 6 54 120.8 121. 121.3 I2I.5 121.7 121.9 122. 1 122.4 122.6 122.8 55 123.0 123.3 123.5 123.7 123.9 124.2 1244 124.6 124.8 125.1 56 125.3 125-5 125.7 126.0 126.2 126.4 126.6 126.8 I27.I 127.3 57 127.5 127.8 128.0 128.2 128.4 128.6 128.9 I29.I 129.3 129.5 58 129.8 130.0 130.2 130.4 130.7 130.9 I3I.I I3L3 I3I.6 131.8 59 132.0 132.2 132.5 132.7 132.9 I33.I 133-3 133-6 133.8 134.0 TABLE 54. MILES PER HOUR INTO METRES PER SECOND. i mile per hour = 0.4470409 metres per second. Miles per hour. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. O.OO 0-45 0.89 1-34 1.79 2.24 2.68 3-13 3-58 4.02 10 447 4.92 5.36 5.81 6.26 6. 7 I 7-15 7.60 8.05 8-49 20 8.94 9-39 9-83 10.28 10.73 II.I8 11.62 12.07 12.52 12.96 30 13.41 13-86 14.31 14-75 15.20 15.65 16.09 16.54 16.99 17.43 40 17.88 18-33 18.78 19.22 19.67 20. 1 2 20.56 21.01 21.46 21.91 50 22.35 22.80 23.25 23-69 24.14 24.59 25.03 25.48 25-93 26.38 60 26.82 27.27 27.72 28.16 28.61 29.06 29.50 29-95 30.40 30.85 70 31.29 3L74 32.19 32.63 33-08 33-53 33.98 34-42 34-87 35-32 80 35.76 36.21 36.66 37.10 37-55 38.00 38.45 38.89 39-34 39-79 90 40.23 40.68 41.13 41.57 42.02 42.47 42.92 43.36 43.81 44.26 100 44.70 45.15 45-60 46.05 46.49 46.94 47-39 47.83 48.28 48.73 no 49.17 49.62 50.07 50.52 50.96 5L4I 51.86 52.30 52.75 53-20 120 53.64 54.09 54-54 54-99 55-43 55-88 56.33 56.77 57.22 57-67 130 58.12 58.56 59- 01 5946 59-90 60.35 60.80 61.24 61.69 62.14 140 62.59 63.03 63.48 63.93 64.37 64.82 65-27 65.72 66.16 66.61 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 157 TABLE 55. METRES PER SECOND INTO KILOMETRES PER HOUR. i metre per second = 3.6 kilometres per hour. Metres per second. 0.0 O.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 0.0 0.4 0.7 I.I 1.4 1.8 2.2 2-5 2.9 3-2 i 3-6 4.0 4-3 4-7 5-0 5-4 5-8 6.1 6-5 6.8 2 7.2 7-6 7-9 8-3 8.6 9.0 9-4 9-7 10. 1 10.4 3 10.8 II. 2 II-5 11.9 12.2 12.6 13.0 13-3 13.7 14.0 4 14.4 14.8 I5-I 15.5 15.8 16.2 16.6 16.9 17.3 17.6 5 18.0 18.4 I8. 7 19.1 194 19.8 20. 2 20.5 20.9 21.2 6 21.6 22.0 22.3 22.7 23.0 23-4 23-8 24.1 24-5 24.8 7 25.2 25.6 25-9 26.3 26.6 27.0 27.4 27.7 28.1 28.4 8 28.8 29.2 29.5 29.9 30.2 30.6 3 I.O 31.3 3L7 32.0 9 32-4 32.8 33.1 33-5 33-8 34-2 34-6 34.9 35-3 35-6 10 36.0 36.4 36.7 37.1 37-4 37.8 38.2 38.5 38.9 39-2 ii 39-6 40.0 40.3 40.7 41.0 41.4 41.8 42.1 42-5 42.8 12 43-2 43-6 43-9 44-3 44.6 45-0 45-4 45-7 46.1 46.4 13 46.8 47.2 47-5 47-9 48.2 48.6 49-0 49-3 49.7 50.0 14 50.4 50.8 5LI 51.5 5L8 52.2 52.6 52.9 53-3 53-6 15 54-0 54-4 54-7 55-1 55-4 55-8 56.2 56-5 56.9 57-2 16 57-6 58.0 58.3 58.7 59-0 59-4 59-8 60. i 60.5 60.8 17 61.2 61.6 61.9 62.3 62.6 63.0 63-4 63-7 64.1 64.4 18 64.8 65.2 65.5 65-9 66.2 66.6 67.0 67.3 67.7 68.0 19 68.4 68.8 69.1 69.5 69.8 70.2 70.6 70.9 7i.3 71.6 20 72.0 72.4 72-7 73.i 73-4 73-8 74.2 74-5 74-9 75-2 21 75-6 76.0 76.3 76.7 77.0 77-4 77-8 78.1 78-5 78.8 22 79.2 79.6 79.9 80.3 80.6 81.0 81.4 81.7 82.1 82.4 23 24 82.8 86.4 83.2 86.8 83-5 87.1 83.9 87.5 84.2 87.8 84.6 88.2 85.0 88.6 85.3 88.9 85.7 89.3 86.0 89.6 25 90.0 90.4 90.7 91.1 91.4 91.8 92.2 92.5 92.9 93-2 26 93-6 94.0 94-3 95-0 95-4 95-8 96.1 96-5 96.8 27 97-2 97.6 97-9 98.3 98.6 99.0 99.4 99.7 100. 1 100.4 28 100.8 IOI.2 101.5 101.9 102.2 102.6 103.0 103-3 103.7 104.0 29 104.4 104.8 105.1 105.5 105-8 106.2 106.6 106.9 107.3 107.6 30 108.0 108.4 108.7 109.1 109.4 109.8 1 10. 2 110.5 110.9 III. 2 3i in. 6 II2.O 112.3 112.7 II3.0 113.4 II3.8 114.1 II4-5 II4.8 32 115.2 II5.6 II5-9 116.3 116.6 117.0 II7.4 117.7 118.1 II8.4 33 118.8 II9.2 H9.5 119.9 120.2 120.6 121. 121.3 121.7 122.0 34 122.4 122.8 123.1 123.5 123.8 124.2 124.6 124.9 125.3 125.6 35 126.0 126.4 126.7 127.1 127.4 127.8 128.2 128.5 128.9 129.2 36 129.6 130.0 130.3 130.7 I3I.O 131.4 I3I.8 132.1 132.5 132.8 37 133-2 133.6 133.9 134.3 134.6 135.0 135.4 135.7 136.1 136.4 38 136.8 137.2 137.5 137.9 138.2 138.6 139.0 139-3 139-7 140.0 39 140.4 140.8 141.1 I4L5 I4I.8 142.2 142.6 142.9 H3.3 143.6 40 144.0 144.4 144.7 I45-I 145-4 145.8 146.2 146.5 146.9 147-2 41 147.6 148.0 148.3 148.7 149.0 149.4 149.8 150.1 150.5 150.8 42 151.2 I5I.6 I5L9 152.3 152.6 153.0 153-4 153.7 I54-I 154-4 43 154.8 155-2 155-5 155-9 156.2 156.6 157.0 157-3 157-7 158.0 44 158.4 158.8 159- 1 159-5 159.8 160.2 160.6 160.9 161.3 IOI.6 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 158 TABLE 55. METRES PER SECOND INTO KILOMETRES PER HOUR. Metres per second. 0.0 O.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. per hr. 45 162.0 162.4 162.7 163.1 163.4 163-8 164.2 164.5 164.9 165.2 46 165.6 166.0 166.3 166.7 167.0 167.4 167.8 I68.I 168.5 168.8 47 169.2 169.6 169.9 170.3 170.6 I7I.O 171.4 I7I.7 I72.I 172.4 48 172.8 173.2 173-5 173-9 174.2 174.6 175-0 175-3 175-7 176.0 49 176.4 176.8 I77.I 177-5 177.8 178.2 178.6 178.9 179.3 179.6 50 180.0 180.4 180.7 181.1 181.4 181.8 182.2 182.5 182.9 183.2 5* 183.6 184.0 184.3 184.7 185.0 185-4 185-8 I86.I 186.5 186.8 52 187.2 187.6 187.9 188.3 188.6 189.0 189.4 189.7 190.1 190.4 53 190.8 191.2 I9L5 191.9 192.2 192.6 193.0 193.3 193.7 194.0 54 194.4 I 9 4.8 I95-I 195.5 195-8 196.2 196.6 196.9 197.3 197.6 55 198.0 I 9 8.4 198.7 199.1 199.4 199.8 200.2 200.5 200.9 201.2 56 201.6 202.0 202.3 202.7 203.0 203.4 203.8 204.1 204.5 204.8 57 205.2 205.6 205.9 206.3 206.6 207.0 207.4 207.7 208. 1 208.4 58 208.8 209.2 209.5 209.9 210.2 210.6 211. 211.3 2II.7 212.0 59 212.4 212.8 213.1 213.5 213.8 214.2 214.6 214-9 215.3 215.6 TABLE 56, KILOMETRES PER HOUR INTO METRES PER SECOND. 10 i kilometre per hour = metres per second. Kilome res per hour. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres metres per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. per sec. 0.00 0.28 0.56 0.83 I. II 1-39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50 10 2.78 3.06 3.33 3.61 3.89 4.17 4-44 4.72 5.00 5.28 20 5.56 5.83 6.II 6-39 6.67 6.94 7.22 7.50 7.78 8.06 30 8.33 8.61 8.89 9.17 9-44 9.72 10.00 10.28 10.56 10.83 40 ii. ii n-39 11.67 11.94 12.22 12.50 12.78 13.06 13.33 13.61 50 13-89 14.17 14.44 14.72 15.00 15.28 15.56 15.83 i6.n 16.39 60 16.67 16.94 17.22 17.50 17.78 1 8. 06 18.33 18.61 18.89 19.17 70 19.44 19.72 20.00 20.28 20.56 20.83 21. II 21.39 21.67 21.94 80 22.22 22.50 22.78 23.06 23.33 23.61 23.89 24.17 24.44 24.72 90 25.00 25.28 25.56 25.83 26.11 26.39 26.67 26.94 27.22 27.50 100 27.78 28.06 28.33 28.61 28.89 29.17 29.44 29.72 30.00 30.28 no 30.56 30-83 31.11 31-39 31.67 3L94 32.22 32.50 32.78 33.06 120 33-33 33- 61 33.89 34.17 34-44 34.72 35-00 35-28 35.56 35.83 130 36.11 36.39 36.67 36.94 37.22 37.50 37.78 38.06 38.33 38.61 140 38.89 39- 17 39-44 39-72 40.00 40.28 40-56 40.83 41.11 41.39 150 41.67 41.94 42.22 42.50 42.78 43.06 43.33 43.61 43.89 44.17 160 44-44 44-72 45.00 45.28 45.56 45.83 46.11 46.39 46.67 46.94 170 47.22 47.50 47.78 48.06 48-33 48.61 48.89 49.17 49.44 49.72 180 50.00 50.28 50-56 50.83 51." 51.39 51.67 51.94 52.22 52.50 190 52.78 53-06 53-33 53.61 53.89 54-17 54-44 54.72 55-00 55.28 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 159 TABLE 57. BEAUFORT WIND SCALE AND ITS CONVERSION INTO VELOCITY. Grade. Designation. Velocity in miles per hour. a b c d e o Calm. 3-3* 3 i Light air. 7 6.6 2 I 8 2 Light breeze. H 10.0 4 4 13 3 Gentle breeze. 21 17.5 8 10 18 4 Moderate breeze. 28 25.0 16 17 23 5 Fresh breeze. 35 32.5 24 24 28 6 Strong breeze. 42 40.0 32 32 34 7 Moderate gale. 49 47-5 40 40 40 8 Fresh gale. 56 55-0 50 48 48 9 Strong gale. 63 62.5 62 56 56 10 Whole gale. 70 70.0 78 67 65 n Storm. 77 77-5 96 82 75 12 Hurricane. 84 85.0 120 100 90 * Velocity 3.3 is assigned to 0.5 grade. (a.} COI,ONEI, SIR HENRY JAMES : Instructions for taking meteorological obser- vations ; with tables for their correction and notes on meteorological phenomena. 8vo. Lond., 1860. (d.) GEORGE NEUMAYER : Discussion of the meteorological and magnetical observations made at the Flagstaff Observatory, Melbourne, during the years 1858 to 1863. 4to. Mannheim, 1867. (c.} J. K. LAUGHTON : Physical geography and its relation to the prevailing winds and currents. 8vo. Lond., 1870. 2d ed., 8vo. Lond., 1873. (d.} C. A. SCHOTT : Meteorological observations in the Arctic seas. By Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, R. N. Made on board the Arctic searching yacht "Fox," in Baffin Bay and Prince Regent's Inlet, in 1857, 1858 and 1859. Reduced and discussed by Charles A. Schott. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 146. Washington, 1862. (e.} ROBERT H. SCOTT: An attempt to establish a relation between the velocity of the wind and its force (Beaufort scale). Quarterly Journal Meteorological Society, Lond., 1874-' 75, ii> P- 109-123. Instructions in the use of meteorological instruments. Compiled by direction of the Meteorological Committee. 8vo. Lond., 1877. 1 60 GEODETICAL TABLES. Relative acceleration of gravity at different latitudes . . . TABLE 58 Length of one degree of the meridian at different latitudes . . TABLE 59 Length of one degree of the parallel at different latitudes . . TABLE 60 Duration of sunshine at different latitudes TABLE 61 Declination of the sun for the year 1894 TABLE 62 Relative intensity of solar radiation at different latitudes for the first and sixteenth day of each month TABLE 63 161 TABLE 58. RELATIVE ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Ratio of the acceleration of gravity at sea level for each 10' of latitude, to its acceleration at latitude 45. - = I 0.002662 COS 2 -46 Latitude. <# 0' I0 / 20' 30 / 40' 50' o-997 338 0-997 338 o.997 338 0-997 338 0-997 339 0-997 339 i 340 340 34i 342 343 344 2 345 346 347 348 350 35i 3 353 354 356 358 360 362 4 364 366 368 37i 373 376 5 0.997 378 0.997 381 0.997 384 0-997 387 0.997 390 0.997 393 6 396 399 403 406 410 413 7 417 421 425 429 433 437 8 441 445 450 454 459 564 9 468 473 478 483 488 493 10 0.997499 0.997 504 0-997 509 0-997 515 0.997 520 0-997 526 ii 532 538 544 550 556 562 12 568 574 58i 587 594 601 13 607 614 621 628 635 642 14 650 657 664 672 679 687 15 0.997 695 0.997 702 0.997 710 0-997 7i8 0.997 726 0.997 734 16 742 75i 759 767 776 786 17 793 802 8n 819 828 837 18 846 856 865 874 883 893 19 902 912 922 93i 941 95i 20 21 0.997 961 0.998 022 0-997 97i Q.998 032 0.997 981 0.998 043 0.997 99i o.99 8 53 0.998 ooi 064 0.998011 074 22 08 5 096 107 118 129 140 23 151 162 173 185 196 207 24 219 230 242 254 265 277 25 0.998 289 0.998 301 0.998 313 0.998325 0-998 337 0.998 349 26 361 373 386 398 410 423 27 435 448 460 473 486 499 28 5U 524 537 550 563 576 29 589 603 616 629 642 656 30 0.998 669 0.998 682 9.998 696 0.998 709 0.998 723 0.998 737 3i 750 764 778 791 805 819 32 833 847 86 1 875 889 903 33 917 93i 946 960 974 988 34 0.999 003 0.999017 0-999 032 0.999 046 0.999 6o 0-999 075 35 0.999090 0.999 104 0.999119 0.999 133 0.999 148 0.999 163 36 177 192 207 222 237 251 37 266 281 311 326 34i 38 356 37i 386 4OI 416 43i 39 447 462 477 492 507 523 40 0-999 538 0-999 553 0.999568 0-999 584 0-999 599 0.999 614 4i 630 645 660 676 691 706 42 722 737 753 768 783 799 43 814 830 845 861 876 892 44 907 923 938 954 970 985 45 1. 000 000 1.000015 1.000030 1.000046 1.000062 i. ooo 077 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 162 TABLE 58. RELATIVE ACCELERATION OF GRAVITY AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Ratio of the acceleration of gravity at sea level for each 10' of latitude, to its acceleration at latitude 45. 45 = I O.OO2662 COS 2 Latitude. < 0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 45 I.OOOOOO 1.000015 i. ooo 030 1.000046 1.000062 1.000077 46 93 108 124 139 155 170 47 1 86 2OI 217 232 247 263 i 48 278 294 309 324 340 355 49 370 386 401 416 432 447 50 1.000462 1.000477 1.000493 1.000508 1.000523 1.000538 5i 553 569 584 599 614 629 52 644 659 674 689 704 719 53 734 749 763 778 793 808 54 823 837 852 867 881 896 55 1.000910 1.000925 1.000940 i. ooo 954 1. 000 968 1.000983 56 0997 I 012 I 026 i 040 1054 i 069 57 58 1083 i 167 1097 i 181 I III 1 195 i 125 i 209 1139 I 222 H53 1236 59 i 250 i 263 1277 i 291 1304 1318 60 [.001331 i.ooi 344 i.ooi 358 i.ooi 371 i.ooi 384 i.ooi 397 61 i 411 1424 1437 1450 1463 1476 62 1489 i 501 1514 1527 I 540 ^552 63 1565 1577 1590 I 602 I 614 i 627 64 1639 1651 1663 1675 1687 1699 65 i.ooi 711 i.ooi 723 i.ooi 735 i.ooi 746 i.ooi 758 i.ooi 770 1 66 1781 1793 1804 1815 I 827 1838 67 1849 1860 1871 1882 1893 1904 68 i9!5 i 926 1936 1947 1957 1968 I 69 1978 1989 1999 2009 2 OI9 2029 70 i. 002 039 i. 002 049 i. 002 059 1.002 069 1.002 078 1.002088 7i 2098 2 IO7 2 117 2 126 2135 2 144 72 2154 2163 2 172 2 l8l 2 189 2 198 73 2 2O7 2216 2 224 2233 2 241 2249 74 2258 2266 2274 2282 2 290 2298 75 1.002 305 1.002 313 I.00232I 1.002 328 1.002 336 1.002343 76 2350 2358 2365 2372 2379 2 3 86 77 2393 2399 2406 2413 2419 2 426 78 2432 2438 2444 2450 2456 2462 79 2468 2474 2480 2485 2491 2496 80 I.OO25OI 1.002 507 I.0025I2 I.0025I7 I.OO2 522 1.002 527 81 2532 2536 2541 2546 2 550 2555 82 2559 2563 2567 2571 2575 2579 83 2583 2587 2590 2594 2597 2 601 84 2604 2607 26lO 2613 26l6 2619 85 86 1.002 622 2636 I.OO2 624 2638 1.002 627 2640 I.OO2 629 2642 1.002 632 2644 1.002 634 2 646 87 2647 2649 2650 2652 2653 2654 88 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 89 2660 266l 2661 2662 2662 2662 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 163 TABLE 59. LENGTH OF ONE DEGREE OF THE MERIDIAN AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Latitude. Metres. Statute Miles. Geographic Miles, r of the Eq. Latitude. Metres. Statute Miles. Geographic Miles. 1' of the Eq. 110568.5 68.703 59-594 45 in 132.1 69.054 59.898 i 110568.8 68.704 59-594 46 in 151.9 69.067 59.908 2 110569.8 68.705 59-595 47 in 171.6 69.079 59.9 J 9 3 110571.5 68.706 59-596 48 111191.3 69.091 59-929 4 110573.9 68.707 59-597 49 111210.9 69.103 59-940 5 110577.0 68.709 59-598 50 111230.5 69.115 59-951 6 110580.7 68.711 59-6oo 5i 111249.9 69.127 59-96i 7 110585.1 68.714 59-603 52 in 269.2 69.139 59-972 8 110590.2 68.717 59-6o6 53 111288.3 69.151 59-982 9 110595.9 68.721 59.609 54 111307.3 69.163 59-992 10 110602.3 68.725 59-612 55 111326.0 69-175 60.002 ii 110609.3 68.729 59.616 56 III344-5 69.186 60.012 12 110617.0 68.734 59.620 57 111362.7 69.198 60.022 13 110625.3 68.739 59-625 58 111380.7 69.209 60.032 14 11063*4.2 68.745 59.629 59 111398.4 69.220 60.041 15 110643.7 68.751 59-634 60 111415.7 69.230 60.051 16 110653.8 68.757 59.640 61 111432.7 69.241 60.060 17 110664.5 68.763 59.646 62 111449.4 69.251 60.069 18 110675.7 68.770 59-652 63 111465.7 69.261 60.077 19 110687.5 68.778 59-658 64 111481.5 69.271 60.086 20 110699.9 68.786 59-665 65 111497.0 69.281 60.094 21 110712.8 68.794 59.672 66 111512.0 69.290 60. 102 22 110726.2 68.802 59-679 67 111526.5 69.299 60. no 23 1 10 740. i 68.810 59-686 68 111540.5 69.308 60.118 24 110754.4 68.819 59-694 69 in 554-1 69.316 60.125 25 110769.2 68.829 59.702 70 111567.1 69.324 60.132 26 110784-5 68.838 59-7io 7i 111579.7 69.332 60.139 27 1 10 800. 2 68.848 59-7I9 72 111591.6 69.340 60.145 28 II08I6.3 68.858 59-727 73 111603.0 69.347 60.151 29 II0832.8 68.868 59-736 74 111613.9 69.354 60.157 30 110849.7 68.879 59-745 75 111624.1 69.360 60.163 3i II0866.9 68.889 59-755 76 111633.8 69.366 60.168 32 110884.4 68.900 59-764 77 111642.8 69.372 60.173 33 IIO9O2.3 68.911 59-774 78 111651.2 69.377 60.177 34 IIO92O.4 68.923 59-784 79 111659.0 69.382 60. 182 35 II0938.8 68.934 59-794 80 111666.2 69-386 60.186 36 II0957.4 68.946 59.804 81 111672.6 69.390 60. 189 37 110976.3 68.957 59.8i4 82 111678.5 69-394 60. 192 38 H0995.3 68.969 59.824 83 111683.6 69.397 60.195 39 IIIOI4.5 68.981 5*9-834 84 111688.1 69.400 60. 197 40 III033.9 68.993 59-845 85 111691.9 69.402 60.199 4i III053.4 69.005 59-855 86 111695.0 69.404 60.201 42 III073.0 69.017 59-866 87 111697.4 69.405 60.202 43 III092.6 69.029 59-876 88 111699.2 69.407 60.203 44 III II2.4 69.042 59-887 89 111700.2 69.407 60.204 45 III I32.I 69.054 59-898 90 111700.6 69.407 60.204 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 164 TABLE 60. LENGTH OF ONE DEGREE OF THE PARALLEL AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Latitude. Metres. Statute Miles. Geographic Miles. 1' of the Eq. Latitude. Metres. Statute Miles. 6eo e!" 1' of the Eq. 111321.9 69.171 60.000 45 78850.0 48.995 42.498 i 111305.2 69.162 59-991 46 77466.5 48.135 4L753 2 111254.6 69.130 59.964 47 76059.2 47.261 40.994 3 111170.4 69.078 59.918 48 74628.5 46.372 40.223 4 111052.6 69.005 59.855 49 73 174-9 45469 39-440 5 110901.2 68.911 59-773 50 71 698.9 44-552 38.644 6 110716.2 68.796 59.673 5i 70200.8 43.621 37.837 7 110497.7 68.660 59.556 52 68681.1 42.676 37.018 8 110245.8 68.503 59.420 53 67 140.3 41.719 36-187 9 109960.5 68.326 59.266 54 65578.8 40.749 35.346 10 109641.9 68.128 59.095 55 63997.1 39.766 34-493 ii 109 290. i 67.909 58.905 56 62395.7 38.771 33.630 12 108905.2 67.670 58.697 57 60775.1 37.764 32.757 J 3 108487.3 67.411 58.472 58 59 J 35-7 36.745 3L873 14 108036.6 67.131 58.229 59 57478.1 35-7I5 30.979 15 I07553-I 66.830 57.969 60 55802.8 34.674 30.076 16 107 037.0 66.510 57.690 61 54110.2 33-622 29.164 17 106488.5 66. 169 57-395 62 52400.9 32.560 28.243 18 105 907.7 65.808 57.082 63 50675.4 31.488 27.313 19 105 294.7 65-427 56.751 64 48934.3 30.406 26.374 20 104649.8 65.026 56.404 65 47 178.0 29-3!5 25-428 21 103973.2 64.606 56.039 66 45407.1 28.215 24-473 22 103 265.0 64.166 55.657 67 43622.2 27. 106 23-5II 23 102525.4 63.706 55.259 68 41823.8 25.988 22.542 24 101 754.6 63.227 54.843 69 40012.4 24.862 21.566 25 IQ o 953-0 62.729 54-411 70 38188.6 23.729 20.583 26 100 120.6 62.212 53.963 7i 36353.0 22.589 19-593 27 99257.8 61.676 53.498 72 34506.2 21.441 18.598 28 98364.8 61.121 53.oi6 73 32648.6 20.287 17.597 29 97441.9 60.548 52.519 74 30780.9 19.126 16.590 30 96489.3 59.956 52.006 75 28903.6 17.960 15.578 3i 05507.3 59-345 5L476 76 27017.4 16.788 14-562 32 94496.2 58.717 50.931 77 25122.8 15.611 13.541 33 93456.3 58.071 50.371 78 23 220.4 14.428 12.515 34 92387.9 57.407 49-795 79 21 3IO.8 13.242 11.486 35 91 291.3 56.726 49.204 80 19 394.6 12.051 10-453 36 90166.8 56.027 48.598 81 17472.4 10.857 9.417 37 89014.8 55-311 47-977 82 15544-7 9.659 8.378 33 87835.6 54-5/8 47.341 83 I36I2.2 8.458 7-337 39 86629.6 53-829 46.691 84 II675.5 7-255 6.293 40 85397.0 53-063 46.027 85 9735-1 6.049 5.247 4i 84 138.4 52.281 45-349 86 7791.7 4.841 4.200 42 82 854.0 51-483 44.656 87 5845.9 3.632 3.I5I 43 81544.2 50.669 43-950 88 3898.3 2.422 2.IOI 44 80 209.4 49.840 43-231 89 I 949.4 1. 211 I.05I 45 78 850.0 48.995 42.498 90 0.0 O.OOO 0.000 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -23 27' 12 7 II 50 II 3 2 II 14 10 55 10 35 10 13 9 48 9 19 23 20 12 7 II 50 II 32 II 14 10 56 10 36 10 14 9 49 9 20 -23 o 12 7 II 50 ii 33 II 15 10 57 10 37 10 15 9 5i 9 23 -22 40 12 7 II 50 ii 33 ii 16 10 58 10 38 10 17 9 53 9 26 22 2O 12 7 II 51 ii 34 ii 17 10 59 10 40 10 19 9 55 9 2 9 22 O 12 7 II 51 ii 34 ii 18 II 10 41 10 20 9 58 9 3i -21 40 12 7 II 51 ii 35 ii 19 ii i 10 43 10 22 IO O 9 34 21 20 12 7 II 52 ii 35 ii 19 II 2 10 44 10 24 10 2 9 37 -21 12 7 II 52 ii 36 II 20 ii 4 10 46 10 26 io 4 9 40 -20 40 12 7 II 52 ii 37 II 21 ii 5 10 47 10 28 io 6 9 42 20 20 12 7 II 52 ii 37 II 22 ii 6 10 49 10 29 io 8 9 45 20 12 7 ii 53 ii 38 II 2 3 ii 7 10 50 10 31 10 II' 9 47 -19 40 12 7 ii 53 ii 38 II 23 ii 8 10 51 10 33 io 13 9 50 19 20 12 7 ii 53 ii 39 II 24 ii 9 10 53 10 35 io 15 9 53 19 o 12 7 ii 53 ii 39 II 25 II 10 10 54 10 37 io 17 9 55 -18 40 12 7 ii 54 ii 40 II 26 ii ii 10 55 10 38 io 19 9 58 18 20 12 7 ii 54 ii 40 II 27 II 12 10 57 10 40 10 21 10 I 18 o 12 7 ii 54 ii 41 II 28 II 13 10 58 10 42 io 23 io 3 -17 40 12 7 ii 54 ii 41 II 28 II 14 10 59 10 43 10 26 io 5 -17 20 12 7 ii 55 ii 42 II 29 II 15 ii i 10 45 10 28 io 8 -17 o 12 7 ii 55 ii 42 II 30 ii 16 II 2 10 47 io 30 10 10 -16 40 12 7 ii 55 ii 43 II 31 ii 17 ii 4 10 49 io 32 io 13 16 20 12 7 ii 55 ii 43 II 31 ii 18 ii 5 io 50 io 34 io 16 16 o 12 7 ii 56 ii 44 II 32 ii 19 ii 6 10 52 io 36 io 18 -15 40 12 7 ii 56 ii 44 ii 33 II 20 ii 8 io 53 io 38 10 20 15 20 12 7 ii 56 ii 45 ii 34 II 21 ii 9 io 55 io 40 io 23 - 15 o 12 7 ii 56 ii 45 ii 34 II 22 II IO io 57 io 42 io 25 -14 40 12 7 ii 57 ii 46 ii 35 II 23 ii ii io 59 io 44 10 28 14 20 12 7 ii 57 ii 46 ii 3 6 II 25 ii 13 II O io 46 io 30 14 'O 12 7 ii 57 ii 47 ii 37 II 26 ii 14 II 2 io 48 io 32 -13 40 12 7 ii 57 ii 47 ii 37 II 27 ii 16 ii 4 io 50 io 35 13 20 12 7 ii 58 ii 48 ii 38 II 28 ii 17 ii 5 io 52 io 37 -13 o 12 7 ii 58 ii 48 ii 39 II 29 ii 18 ii 7 io 54 io 40 -12 40 12 7 ii 58 ii 49 ii 40 II 30 ii 19 ii 8 io 56 io 42 12 20 12 7 ii 58 ii 49 ii 40 II 31 II 21 II IO io 58 io 44 12 12 7 ii 58 ii 50 ii 41 II 32 II 22 ii ii II io 47 -II 40 12 7 ii 59 ii 50 ii 42 ii 33 II 23 ii 13 II 2 io 49 ii 20 12 7 ii 59 ii 51 ii 43 ii 34 II 25 ii 15 ii 4 io 52 II O 12 7 ii 59 ii 5i ii 43 ii 35 II 26 ii 16 ii 6 io 54 -10 40 12 7 ii 59 ii 52 ii 44 ii 36 II 27 ii 18 ii 8 io 56 10 20 12 7 12 ii 52 ii 45 ii 37 II 28 ii 20 II IO io 59 10 12 7 12 O ii 53 ii 46 ii 38 II 30 II 21 II 12 ii i - 9 40 12 7 12 O ii 53 ii 46 ii 39 II 3 I II 23 II 14 ii 3 9 20 12 7 12 ii 54 ii 47 ii 40 II 32 II 24 ii 16 ii 5 - 9 o 12 7 12 I ii 54 ii 47 ii 41 ii 34 II 26 ii 17 ii 8 - 8 40 12 7 12 I ii 55 ii 48 ii 42 ii 35 II 28 ii 19 II IO ~ 8 20 12 7 12 I ii 55 ii 49 ii 43 ii 36 II 29 II 21 II 12 - 8 o 12 7 12 I ii 56 ii 50 ii 44 ii 37 II 31 II 23 II 14 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 166 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. tn. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -23 27' 9 7 853 8 38 8 22 8 4 7 44 7 22 6 56 6 27 5 52 23 20 9 8 8 54 8 39 8 23 8 5 7 45 7 24 6 58 6 29 5 54 23 o 9 ii 8 58 843 8 28 8 10 7 50 7 29 7 4 6 36 6 2 -22 40 9 14 9 i 8 46 831 8 14 7 55 7 34 7 10 6 43 6 9 22 20 9 17 9 4 8 50 835 8 18 8 o 7 39 7 16 6 49 6 17 22 9 20 9 7 853 8 38 8 22 8 4 7 44 7 22 655 6 25 -21 40 9 23 9 10 857 8 42 8 26 8 9 7 49 7 27 7 i 632 21 20 9 26 9 13 9 i 8 46 8 30 8 13 7 54 7 32 7 8 6 38 21 9 28 9 17 9 4 8 50 8 34 8 18 7 59 738 7 M 6 46 -20 40 9 3i 9 20 9 7 853 8 38 8 22 8 4 7 43 7 20 652 20 20 9 34 9 23 9 857 8 42 8 26 8 8 7 49 7 25 6 59 20 o 9 37 9 26 9 14 9 i 8 46 831 8 13 7 54 7 3i 7 5 -19 40 9 4o 9 29 9 17 9 4 8 50 835 8 18 7 59 7 37 7 12 19 20 9 43 9 32 9 20 9 7 8 54 8 39 823 8 4 7 43 7 18 19 o 9 46 9 35 9 24 9 ii 8 58 8 43 8 27 8 9 7 48 7 25 -18 40 9 48 9 38 9 27 9 15 9 2 8 47 832 8 14 7 54 7 3i 18 20 9 5i 9 4i 9 30 9 19 9 6 852 8 36 8 19 7 59 7 37 18 o 9 54 9 44 9 34 9 22 9 10 8 56 8 41 8 24 8 5 7 43 -17 40 9 56 9 47 9 37 9 25 9 13 9 o 8 45 8 29 8 10 7 49 17 20 9 59 9 50 9 40 9 29 9 17 9 4 8 50 8 34 8 15 7 55 17 o 10 2 9 53 9 43 9 32 9 21 9 8 8 54 8 38 8 20 8 i -16 40 10 5 9 56 9 46 9 35 9 2 5 9 12 8 58 8 43 8 26 8 6 16 20 10 7 9 59 9 49 9 39 9 28 9 16 9 2 8 47 831 8 12 16 o IO IO 10 I 9 52 9 43 9 32 9 20 9 7 852 8 36 8 17 -15 40 10 12 10 4 9 55 9 46 9 35 9 24 9 ii 857 8 41 8 23 15 20 10 15 10 7 9 58 9 49 9 39 9 28 9 15 9 2 8 46 8 29 -15 o 10 18 10 10 IO I 9 52 9 43 9 3i 9 !9 9 6 851 8 34 -14 40 IO 2O 10 13 10 4 9 56 9 46 9 35 9 23 9 ii 8 56 8 40 14 20 10 23 10 16 10 7 9 59 9 49 9 39 9 28 9 15 9 i 8 45 14 o 10 26 10 19 10 10 10 2 9 53 9 43 9 32 9 19 9 6 8 50 -13 40 10 28 10 21 10 13 10 5 9 56 9 47 9 36 9 24 9 ii 8 56 13 20 10 31 10 24 10 16 10 8 10 9 50 9 40 9 28 9 16 9 i -13 o 10 33 10 26 10 19 IO II 10 3 9 54 9 44 9 33 9 20 9 6 -12 40 10 36 10 29 IO 22 10 15 10 7 9 58 9 48 9 37 9 25 9 ii 12 20 10 38 10 32 10 25 10 18 10 10 10 I 9 52 9 4i 9 30 9 17 12 10 41 10 35 10 28 IO 21 10 13 10 5 9 56 9 46 9 35 9 22 -II 40 10 44 10 38 10 31 10 25 10 17 10 9 10 9 50 9 39 9 27 ii 20 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 28 10 20 10 13 10 4 9 55 9 44 9 32 II 10 49 10 43 10 37 10 31 10 23 10 16 10 8 9 59 9 49 9 37 -10 40 10 51 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 27 10 19 10 12 10 3 9 53 9 42 10 20 10 53 10 49 10 43 10 37 10 31 10 23 10 16 10 7 9 58 9 47 IO O 10 56 10 51 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 27 10 19 IO II 10 3 9 52 - 9 40 10 59 10 54 10 49 10 43 10 37 10 31 10 23 10 16 10 7 9 57 9 20 ii i 10 56 10 52 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 27 10 20 IO II 10 2 - 9 o ii 3 10 59 10 55 10 49 10 44 10 37 10 31 10 24 10 16 10 7 - 8 40 ii 6 II 2 10 57 10 52 10 47 10 41 10 34 10 28 10 20 IO II 8 20 ii 8 ii 4 II 10 55 10 50 10 44 10 38 10 32 10 25 10 16 8 o IT TO 1 II 7 ii 3 10 58 10 53 10 48 10 42 10 36 10 29 10 21 I SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I6 7 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 h. in. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -8 0' 12 7 12 I ii 55 II 50 ii 44 ii 37 II 31 II 23 II 14 -7 40 12 7 12 I ii 56 II 50 ii 45 ii 38 II 32 II 25 II 17 -7 20 12 7 12 I ii 56 II 51 ii 46 ii 40 ii 34 II 27 II 19 -7 o 12 7 12 2 ii 57 II 52 ii 47 ii 41 ii 35 II 29 II 22 -6 40 12 7 12 2 ii 57 ii 53 ii 48 ii 42 ii 37 II 31 II 24 6 20 12 7 12 2 ii 58 ii 53 ii 49 ii 43 ii 38 II 32 II 26 -6 o 12 7 12 2 ii 58 ii 54 ii 50 ii 45 ii 40 ii 34 II 28 -5 40 12 7 12 3 ii 59 ii 55 ii 5i ii 46 ii 41 ii 3 6 II 31 -5 20 12 7 12 3 ii 59 ii 55 ii 52 ii 47 ii 43 ii 38 ii 33 -5 o 12 7 12 3 12 ii 56 ii 53 ii 49 ii 44 ii 40 ii 35 -4 40 12 7 12 3 12 ii 57 ii 54 ii 50 ii 46 ii 42 ii 37 4 20 12 7 12 4 12 I ii 58 ii 55 ii 5i ii 47 ii 44 ii 40 -4 o 12 7 12 4 12 I ii 58 ii 56 ii 52 ii 49 ii 46 ii 42 -3 40 12 7 12 4 12 2 ii 59 ii 57 ii 53 ii 5i ii 47 ii 44 3 20 12 7 12 4 12 2 12 ii 58 ii 55 ii 52 ii 49 ii 46 -3 o 12 7 12 5 12 3 12 I ii 58 ii 56 ii 54 ii 5i ii 49 -2 40 12 7 12 5 12 3 12 I ii 59 ii 58 ii 55 ii 53 ii 51 2 20 12 7 12 5 12 4 12 2 12 ii 59 ii 57 ii 55 ii 53 2 12 7 12 5 12 4 12 3 12 I 12 ii 58 ii 57 ii 55 -I 40 12 7 12 5 12 4 12 4 12 2 12 I 12 O ii 59 ii 58 I 20 12 7 12 6 12 5 12 4 12 3 12 2 12 2 12 I 12 I 12 7 12 6 12 5 12 5 12 4 12 4 12 3 12 2 12 2 -0 40 12 7 12 6 12 6 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 4 12 4 o 20 12 7 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 8 12 9 + 20 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 9 12 IO 12 II o 40 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 8 12 9 12 10 12 II 12 12 12 13 1 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 12 II 12 13 12 14 12 15 I 20 12 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 12 II 12 I 3 12 14 12 16 12 17 I 40 12 7 12 8 12 9 12 10 12 12 12 14 12 l6 12 17 12 20 2 12 7 12 8 12 IO 12 II 12 13 12 15 12 17 12 19 12 22 2 20 12 7 12 8 12 10 12 12 12 14 12 l6 12 19 12 21 12 25 2 40 12 7 12 9 12 II 12 13 12 15 12 17 12 20 12 23 12 27 3 12 7 12 9 12 II 12 13 12 l6 12 19 12 22 12 25 12 29 3 20 12 7 12 9 12 12 12 14 12 17 12 20 12 23 12 27 12 31 3 40 12 7 12 9 12 12 12 15 12 18 12 21 12 25 12 29 12 33 4 12 7 12 10 12 13 12 l6 12 19 12 22 12 26 12 31 12 35 4 20 12 7 12 10 12 I 3 12 l6 12 20 12 23 12 28 12 3 2 12 38 4 40 12 7 12 10 12 14 12 17 12 21 12 25 12 29 12 34 12 40 5 12 7 12 10 12 14 12 18 12 22 12 26 12 31 12 36 12 43 5 20 12 7 12 IO 12 I 5 12 19 12 23 12 28 12 32 12 38 12 45 5 40 12 7 12 II 12 15 12 19 12 24 12 29 12 34 12 40 12 47 6 12 7 12 II 12 l6 12 20 12 25 12 30 12 35 12 42 12 49 6 20 12 7 12 II 12 l6 12 21 12 26 12 3 I 12 37 12 44 12 52 6 40 12 7 12 II 12 l6 12 22 12 27 12 32 12 39 12 46 12 54 7 12 7 12 12 12 17 12 22 12 28 12 34 12 40 12 48 12 56 7 20 12 7 12 12 12 17 12 23 12 29 12 35 12 42 12 50 12 58 7 40 12 7 12 12 12 IS 12 2 3 12 30 12 36 12 43 12 52 13 I 8 12 7 12 I 3 12 18 12 24 12 31 12 38 12 45 12 53 13 3 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 1 68 TABLE 61 DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. ni. h. m. -8 0' II II ii 7 ii 3 II 58 10 53 10 48 10 43 10 36 10 30 IO 21 -7 40 II I 3 II IO ii 5 II I 10 57 10 52 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 26 -7 20 ii 16 II 12 ii 8 ii 4 II 10 55 10 50 10 44 10 38 10 31 -7 o ii 19 II 15 ii ii ii 7 ii 3 10 59 10 54 10 48 10 42 10 35 -6 40 II 21 II 17 ii 14 II IO ii 7 II 2 10 58 10 52 10 47 10 40 6 20 II 23 II 2O ii 17 ii 13 II 10 ii 5 ii i 10 56 10 51 10 45 -6 o II 26 II 23 II 20 ii 16 ii 13 ii 9 ii 5 II 10 55 10 50 -5 40 II 28 II 25 II 23 ii 19 ii 16 ii 13 ii 8 ii 4 10 59 10 55 -5 20 II 31 II 28 II 25 II 22 ii 19 ii 16 ii 13 ii 8 ii 4 10 59 -5 o ii 33 II 31 II 28 II 25 ii 23 ii 19 ii 16 II 12 ii 8 ii 4 -4 40 ii 35 ii 33 II 3 I II 28 ii 26 ii 23 II 20 ii 16 ii 13 ii 8 -4 20 ii 38 ii 36 ii 34 II 31 ii 29 ii 26 II 2 3 II 20 ii 17 ii 13 -4 o ii 40 ii 38 ii 37 ii 34 ii 32 ii 30 II 27 II 24 II 21 ii 18 -3 40 ii 43 ii 41 ii 39 ii 37 ii 35 ii 33 II 31 II 28 II 26 II 22 3 20 ii 45 ii 43 ii 42 ii 40 ii 38 ii 37 ii 35 II 32 II 30 ii 27 -3 o ii 47 TI 46 ii 45 ii 43 ii 42 ii 40 ii 38 II 36 ii 34 ii 32 -2 40 ii 50 ii 49 ii 47 ii 46 ii 45 ii 44 ii 42 II 4O ii 38 ii 37 2 2O ii 52 ii 5i ii 50 ii 49 ii 48 ii 47 ii 46 ii 44 ii 43 ii 41 2 O ii 55 ii 54 ii 53 ii 52 ii 52 ii 50 ii 49 ii 48 ii 47 ii 46 -1 40 ii 57 ii 56 ii 55 ii 55 ii 55 ii 54 ii 53 ii 52 ii 5i ii 50 I 20 ii 59 ii 59 ii 58 ii 58 ii 58 ii 57 ii 57 ii 56 ii 56 ii 55 I O 12 2 12 2 12 I 12 I 12 I 12 I 12 I 12 O 12 O ii 59 -0 40 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 o 20 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 9 + 12 9 12 9 12 10 12 10 12 IO 12 II 12 II 12 12 12 I 3 12 13 o 20 12 II 12 12 12 13 12 13 12 14 12 14 12 15 12 l6 12 17 12 18 o 40 12 14 12 14 12 15 12 l6 12 17 12 17 12 19 12 20 12 21 12 23 1 12 l6 12 17 12 18 12 19 12 20 12 21 12 22 12 24 12 25 12 27 I 20 12 19 12 20 12 20 12 22 12 23 12 25 12 26 12 28 12 29 12 32 I 40 12 21 12 22 12 2 3 12 25 12 26 12 28 12 30 12 32 12 34 12 37 2 12 23 12 25 12 26 12 28 12 29 12 31 12 34 12 36 12 38 12 41 2 20 12 26 12 28 12 29 12 31 12 32 12 35 12 37 12 40 12 43 12 46 2 40 12 28 12 30 12 32 12 34 12 36 12 38 12 41 12 44 12 47 12 50 3 12 31 12 32 12 35 12 37 12 39 12 41 12 44 12 48 12 51 12 55 3 20 12 33 12 35 12 37 12 40 12 42 12 45 12 48 12 52 12 55 13 o 3 4o 12 35 12 38 12 40 12 43 12 46 12 49 12 52 12 56 13 o 13 4 4 12 3 8 12 40 12 43 12 46 12 49 12 52 12 56 13 13 4 13 9 4 20 12 40 12 43 12 46 12 49 12 52 12 55 12 59 13 4 13 8 13 14 4 40 12 43 12 46 12 49 12 52 12 55 12 59 13 3 13 8 13 13 13 19 5 12 45 12 48 12 51 12 55 12 58 I 3 2 13 7 13 I 2 13 17 13 23 5 20 12 47 12 51 12 54 12 58 13 2 13 6 13 ii 13 16 13 22 13 28 5 4o 12 50 12 53 12 57 13 I 13 5 13 1 13 14 13 20 13 26 13 33 6 12 53 12 56 12 59 13 4 13 8 13 13 13 18 13 24 13 31 13 38 6 20 12 55 12 59 13 2 13 7 13 ii 13 16 13 22 13 28 13 35 13 43 6 40 12 58 13 I 13 5 13 10 13 14 13 20 13 26 13 32 13 39 13 47 7 13 o 13 4 13 8 13 13 13 is 13 23 13 29 13 36 13 44 13 52 7 20 I 3 2 13 7 13 ii 13 16 13 21 13 27 13 33 13 40 13 48 13 57 7 40 13 5 13 9 13 H 13 19 13 25 13 31 13 37 13 44 13 53 14 2 8 13 7 13 12 13 17 13 22 I 3 28 13 34 13 4i 13 48 13 57 14 7 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 169 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. LATITUDE NORTH. Declination _ OT the Sun. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. in. h. m. + 8 0' 12 7 12 I 3 12 l8 12 24 12 31 12 38 12 45 12 53 13 3 8 20 12 7 12 13 12 19 12 25 12 32 12 39 12 47 12 55 13 5 8 40 12 7 12 13 12 19 12 26 12 33 12 40 12 48 12 57 13 8 9 12 7 12 13 12 2O 12 26 12 34 12 41 12 50 12 59 13 10 9 20 12 7 12 13 12 20 12 27 12 35 12 43 12 52 13 i 13 13 9 40 12 7 12 14 12 21 12 28 12 36 12 44 12 53 13 3 13 14 10 12 7 12 14 12 21 12 29 12 37 12 45 12 55 13 5 13 17 10 20 12 7 12 14 12 22 12 29 12 3 8 12 47 12 56 13 7 13 19 10 40 12 7 12 14 12 22 12 30 12 39 12 48 12 58 13 9 13 22 II 12 7 12 15 12 23 12 31 12 40 12 49 12 59 13 ii 13 24 ii 20 12 7 12 15 12 23 12 32 12 41 12 50 13 I 13 13 13 26 ii 40 12 7 12 15 12 24 12 32 12 42 12 52 13 2 13 15 13 29 12 12 7 12 15 12 24 12 33 12 43 12 53 13 4 13 17 13 31 12 20 12 7 12 l6 12 25 12 34 12 44 12 55 13 6 13 19 13 34 12 40 12 7 12 l6 12 25 12 35 12 45 12 56 13 8 13 21 13 36 13 12 7 12 l6 12 26 12 35 12 46 12 57 13 9 13 23 13 38 13 20 12 7 12 l6 12 26 12 36 12 47 12 58 13 ii 13 25 13 4i 13 40 12 7 12 17 12 27 12 37 12 48 13 o 13 13 13 27 13 43 14 12 7 12 17 12 27 12 3 8 12 49 13 I 13 14 13 29 13 46 14 20 12 7 12 17 12 28 12 39 12 50 I 3 2 13 16 13 31 13 48 14 40 12 7 12 17 12 28 12 40 12 51 13 4 13 17 13 33 13 5i 15 12 7 12 18 12 29 12 40 12 52 13 5 13 19 13 35 13 53 15 20 12 7 12 18 12 29 12 41 12 53 13 7 13 21 13 37 13 56 15 40 12 7 12 18 12 30 12 41 12 54 13 8 13 23 13 39 13 58 16 12 7 12 19 12 30 12 42 12 55 13 9 13 25 13 4i 14 i 16 20 12 7 12 19 12 31 12 43 12 56 13 ii 13 26 13 43 14 3 16 40 12 7 12 19 12 31 12 44 12 58 I 3 12 13 28 13 45 14 6 17 12 7 12 19 12 32 12 45 12 59 13 13 13 29 13 47 14 8 17 20 12 7 12 20 12 32 12 46 13 o 13 15 13 31 13 50 14 ii 17 40 12 7 12 20 12 33 12 46 13 i 13 16 13 33 13 52 14 14 18 12 7 12 2O 12 33 12 47 13 2 13 17 13 35 13 54 14 16 18 20 12 7 12 2O 12 34 12 48 13 3 13 19 13 37 13 56 14 19 18 40 12 7 12 21 12 34 12 49 13 4 13 20 13 38 13 58 14 22 19 12 7 12 21 12 35 12 50 13 5 13 22 13 40 14 o 14 24 19 20 12 7 12 21 12 35 12 51 13 6 13 23 13 42 14 2 14 26 19 40 12 7 12 22 12 36 12 52 13 7 13 25 13 44 14 5 14 29 20 12 7 12 22 12 36 12 52 13 8 13 26 13 46 14 7 14 32 20 20 12 7 12 22 12 37 12 53 13 10 13 28 13 47 14 10 14 35 20 40 12 7 12 22 12 37 12 54 13 ii 13 29 13 49 14 12 14 37 21 12 7 12 23 12 38 12 55 13 12 13 31 13 5i 14 14 14 40 21 20 12 7 12 23 12 39 12 56 13 13 13 32 13 53 14 16 14 43 21 40 12 7 12 2 3 12 39 12 56 13 14 13 34 13 55 14 19 14 46 22 12 7 12 24 12 40 12 57 13 16 13 35 13 56 14 21 14 49 22 2O 12 7 12 24 12 41 12 5 8 13 17 13 37 13 58 14 23 14 52 22 40 12 7 12 24 12 41 12 59 13 18 13 38 14 o 14 25 14 54 23 12 7 12 25 12 42 13 o 13 19 13 40 14 2 14 28 14 57 23 20 12 7 12 25 12 42 13 i 13 20 13 4i 14 4 14 30 15 2 3 27 12 7 12 25 12 43 13 i 13 20 13 4i 14 5 14 31 15 i SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I 7 TABLE 61 DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 8 0' 13 7 13 12 13 17 13 22 13 28 13 34 13 41 13 49 13 58 14 7 8 20 13 10 13 14 13 20 13 25 13 31 13 38 13 45 13 53 14 2 14 12 8 40 I 3 12 13 17 13 23 13 28 13 34 13 4i 13 49 13 57 14 6 14 17 9 13 15 13 20 13 25 13 31 13 38 13 45 13 53 14 i 14 ii 14 22 9 20 13 17 13 23 13 28 13 34 13 41 13 49 13 56 14 5 14 15 14 26 9 40 13 2O 13 25 13 31 13 38 13 44 13 52 14 o 14 10 14 20 14 31 10 13 22 13 28 13 34 13 41 13 48 13 56 14 4 14 14 14 25 14 36 10 20 13 25 13 31 13 37 13 44 13 5i 13 59 14 8 14 18 14 29 14 41 10 40 I 3 28 13 34 13 40 13 47 13 55 14 3 14 12 14 22 14 34 14 47 M 13 30 13 36 13 43 13 5o 13 58 14 7 14 16 14 27 14 38 14 52 II 20 13 32 13 39 13 46 13 53 14 i 14 10 14 20 14 31 14 43 14 57 II 40 13 35 13 41 13 49 13 56 14 5 14 14 14 24 14 35 14 48 15 2 12 13 38 13 44 13 52 14 o 14 8 14 18 14 28 14 40 14 53 15 8 12 2O 13 40 13 47 13 55 !4 3 14 12 14 22 14 3 2 14 44 14 58 15 13 12 40 13 43 13 50 13 58 14 6 14 16 14 25 14 37 14 49 15 2 15 18 13 13 46 13 53 14 i 14 10 14 19 14 2 9 14 4i 14 53 15 7 15 23 13 20 13 48 13 56 14 4 14 13 14 22 14 33 14 45 14 58 15 13 15 29 13 40 13 50 13 58 14 7 14 16 14 26 14 37 14 49 15 2 15 17 15 35 14 13 53 14 i 14 10 14 19 14 29 14 4i 14 53 15 7 15 22 15 40 14 20 13 56 14 4 14 13 14 23 14 33 14 45 14 57 15 ii 15 28 15 46 14 40 13 59 14 7 14 16 14 26 14 37 14 49 15 2 15 16 15 33 15 5i 15 14 i 14 10 14 19 14 29 14 40 14 52 15 6 15 21 15 38 15 57 15 20 14 4 14 13 14 22 14 33 14 44 14 56 15 10 15 26 15 43 16 2 15 40 14 7 14 16 14 26 14 36 14 48 15 o 15 14 15 30 15 48 16 8 16 14 10 14 19 14 29 14 40 14 52 15 4 15 19 15 35 15 53 16 14 16 20 14 12 14 22 14 3 2 14 43 14 55 15 8 15 23 15 40 15 59 16 20 16 40 14 15 14 25 14 35 14 46 14 59 15 13 15 28 15 45 16 4 16 26 17 14 17 14 28 14 38 14 50 15 3 15 17 15 32 15 50 16 10 16 32 17 20 14 20 14 31 14 4i 14 53 15 7 15 21 15 37 15 55 16 15 16 38 17 40 14 23 14 34 14 45 14 57 15 10 15 25 15 4i 16 o 16 20 16 45 18 14 26 14 37 14 48 15 i 15 14 15 29 15 46 16 5 16 26 16 51 18 20 14 29 14 40 14 52 15 4 15 18 15 34 15 50 16 10 16 32 16 58 18 40 14 32 14 43 14 55 15 8 15 22 15 38 15 55 16 15 16 38 17 4 19 14 35 14 46 14 58 15 ii 15 26 15 42 16 o 16 20 16 44 17 ii 19 20 14 37 14 49 15 i 15 15 15 30 15 46 16 5 16 25 16 50 17 17 19 40 14 40 14 52 15 5 15 19 15 34 15 51 16 10 16 31 16 56 17 24 20 14 43 14 55 15 8 15 22 15 38 15 55 16 15 16 37 17 2 17 3i 20 20 14 46 14 58 15 ii 15 26 15 42 16 o 16 20 16 42 17 8 17 38 20 40 14 49 15 2 15 15 15 30 15 46 16 4 16 25 16 47 17 14 17 46 21 14 52 15 5 15 19 15 34 15 50 16 9 16 30 16 53 17 20 17 53 21 2O 14 55 15 8 15 22 15 38 15 55 16 13 16 35 16 59 17 27 18 i 21 40 14 58 15 ii 15 26 15 42 15 59 16 18 16 40 17 5 17 34 18 8 22 15 i 15 14 15 29 15 46 16 3 16 23 16 45 17 ii 17 40 18 16 22 2O 15 4 15 18 15 33 15 49 16 7 16 28 16 50 17 17 17 47 18 24 22 40 15 7 15 22 15 37 15 53 16 12 16 32 16 56 17 23 17 54 18 32 23 15 10 15 25 15 40 15 57 16 16 16 37 17 i 17 29 18 i 18 41 23 20 15 13 15 28 15 44 16 i 16 21 16 42 17 7 17 35 18 8 18 49 23 27 15 14 15 29 15 46 16 3 16 23 16 44 17 9 17 37 18.11 18 52 SMITHSONIAN TADLES. 171 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Decimation of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -2327 / 552 531 5 8 442 4 ii 334 2 46 I 29 23 20 555 534 5 12 446 4 16 340 253 I 41 -23 o 6 2 543 52i 456 428 353 3 ii 2 II -22 40 6 10 55i 530 5 6 439 4 7 327 235 059 22 20 617 559 539 5i6 450 4 20 343 2 5 6 J 43 22 625 6 7 5 47 5 25 5 i 432 358 3 14 2 13 -21 40 632 6 14 556 5 34 5 ii 443 4 ii 33i 2 3 8 I I 21 2O 639 622 6 4 543 5 20 455 424 347 259 i 45 21 O 646 6 29 6 12 5 52 530 5 5 436 4 i 318 2 16 -20 40 652 637 6 20 6 i 540 5i6 448 4 16 335 241 I 2 20 20 659 644 627 6 9 549 526 459 429 35i 3 2 i 47 20 o 7 5 651 634 617 558 535 5 10 441 4 6 322 2 I 9 -19 40 7 12 658 6 42 625 6 6 545 5 21 453 4 20 339 244 19 20 7i8 7 4 649 633 6 14 554 53i 5 5 434 355 3 6 19 o 725 7 ii 656 6 41 623 6 3 54i 5i6 447 4 ii 3 26 -18 40 73i 717 7 4 648 631 6 12 55i 526 459 425 344 - 18 20 737 724 710 655 639 6 20 6 i 537 5 ii 439 4 i - 18 o 743 73i 7 17 7 3 647 6 29 6 10 547 5 22 452 4 16 -17 40 749 737 7 24 7 10 655 638 6 19 557 533 5 5 43i 17 20 755 743 73i 7 17 7 2 646 628 6 7 543 5 17 445 ! - 17 o 8 i 749 737 7 24 7 9 653 636 616 554 528 458 -16 40 8 6 755 744 73i 7 17 7 i 644 626 6 4 540 5 ii ' 16 20 812 8 i 750 738 724 7 9 652 635 6 14 5 5i 5 23 ! 16 o 817 8 7 756 744 73i 7 17 7 i 644 6 24 6 2 535 -15 40 823 813 8 2 75i 738 725 7 9 652 634 612 547 15 20 8 29 8 19 8 8 758 745 732 7 17 7 i 643 622 559 -15 o 834 825 815 8 4 752 739 725 7 9 652 632 6 10 -14 40 840 831 821 8 10 759 746 732 7 17 7 i 6 42 6 20 14 20 845 836 827 817 8 5 753 740 7 26 710 651 631 14 o 850 842 833 823 812 8 i 747 734 7i8 7 i 6 41 -13 40 856 847 838 8 29 8 19 8 7 755 74i 726 7 10 651 13 20 9 i 853 844 835 825 8 14 8 2 749 735 719 7 i -13 o 9 6 858 850 841 832 821 8 10 757 743 728 7 10 -12 40 9 ii 9 4 856 847 838 828 817 8 5 75i 737 7 20 12 20 917 9 10 9 2 853 844 834 8 24 8 12 759 745 729 12 922 915 9 7 859 850 841 831 8 20 8 7 753 738 -II 40 927 9 20 9 !3 9 5 856 847 838 827 815 8 2 747 ii 20 932 925 9 19 911 9 3 854 844 834 823 8 10 756 II O 937 93i 924 917 9 9 9 o 851 841 831 8 18 8 5 -10 40 942 936 929 922 915 9 7 858 849 838 826 8 14 10 20 947 941 935 9 28 921 913 9 5 856 846 834 822 IO O 952 946 940 934 927 919 911 9 3 853 842 831 - 9 40 957 95i 946 940 933 9 26 9 18 9 10 9 o 850 839 9 20 10 2 956 95i 945 939 932 925 9 16 9 8 858 847 - 9 o 10 7 IO 2 956 950 944 938 93i 923 915 9 5 855 - 8 40 IO II 10 7 IO 2 956 950 944 937 930 922 913 9 3 8 20 10 16 IO 12 10 7 10 2 956 950 944 937 929 921 911 - 8 o 10 21 10 17 10 12 10 7 10 2 956 950 943 936 9 28 9 19 SMITHSONIAN TABLES I 7 2 TABLE 61 DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -2327 / 23 20 23 o -22 40 22 20 22 -21 40 21 20 21 -20 40 20 20 20 o -19 40 i 3 19 20 i 50 -19 o 2 22 -18 40 2 47 I 5 IS 20 3 10 I 52 18 o 3 30 2 25 -17 40 3 49 2 52 I 6 17 20 4 6 3 14 i 55 - 17 o 4 22 3 35 2 29 -16 40 4 37 3 54 2 5 6 I 8 16 20 4 52 4 12 3 20 I 58 16 o 5 6 4 28 3 4i 2 32 -15 40 5 19 4 44 4 i 3 i I 10 15 20 5 32 4 59 4 19 3 25 2 2 -15 o 5 44 5 13 4 36 3 47 2 37 -14 40 5 56 5 27 4 52 4 7 3 6 I 13 14 20 6 8 5 40 5 7 4 26 3 3i 2 5 14 o 6 19 5 52 5 21 4 43 3 54 2 42 -13 40 6 29 6 5 5 35 5 o 4 14 3 12 I 15 - 13 20 6 40 6 17 5 49 5 16 4 34 338 2 10 - 13 o . 651 6 29 6 2 5 3i 4 52 4 2 2 48 -12 40 6 i 6 40 6 15 5 45 5 9 4 23 3 19 i 18 12 2O 7 ii 6 50 627 5 59 5 25 4 43 3 46 2 15 12 O 7 21 7 i 6 39 6 13 5 4i 5 2 4 10 2 55 -II 40 7 3i 7 12 651 6 26 5 56 5 19 4 32 3 27 I 21 ii 20 7 40 7 23 7 3 6 38 6 ii 5 38 4 53 3 55 2 2O II O 7 50 7 33 7 14 651 625 5 54 5 13 4 20 3 2 -10 40 7 59 7 43 7 25 7 3 6 34 6 9 5 3i 4 43 3 35 I 25 10 20 8 8 7 53 7 35 7 15 652 623 5 49 5 5 4 5 2 27 IO O 8 17 8 3 7 46 7 27 7 4 6 38 6 6 5 25 4 31 3 10 - 9 40 8 26 8 13 756 7 38 7 17 652 6 22 5 44 4 56 3 46 9 20 835 8 22 8 7 7 50 7 29 7 6 6 38 6 3 5 19 4 17 - 9 o 844 831 8 17 8 i 7 4i 7 20 653 6 21 5 40 4 44 - 8 40 853 8 41 8 27 8 ii 7 53 7 33 7 8 6 38 6 o 5 10 - 8 20 9 i 8 50 837 8 22 8 5 7 46 7 22 655 6 19 5 34 - 8 o 9 10 8 59 8 47 833 8 17 7 59 7 36 7 ii 638 5 56 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 173 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE; NORTH. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -8 0' IO 21 10 17 IO 12 10 7 10 2 956 950 943 936 9 28 9 19 -7 40 10 26 10 22 10 17 10 13 10 8 IO 2 956 950 943 935 927 -7 20 1031 10 27 1023 10 18 10 13 10 8 10 3 957 950 943 935 1 -7 o 1035 1032 10 28 1023 10 19 10 14 10 9 10 4 957 950 943 --6 40 10 40 1037 1033 10 29 10 25 10 20 10 15 10 10 10 4 957 95i 6 20 1045 10 42 1038 1034 1031 10 26 IO 22 10 16 10 II 10 5 958 -6 o 1050 1047 1043 10 40 1036 1032 10 28 1023 10 18 10 12 10 6 -5 40 1055 1052 1049 1045 10 41 1038 1034 10 29 1025 10 19 10 14 -5 20 1059 1056 1054 1050 1047 1044 1040 1036 1031 10 26 10 21 -5 o ii 4 II I 1059 1056 1053 1050 10 46 10 42 1038 1034 10 29 -4 40 ii 8 ii 6 ii 4 II I 1058 1055 1052 1049 1045 10 41 1036 4 20 ii 13 ii ii ii 9 ii 7 ii 4 II I 1058 1055 1052 10 48 1044 -4 o ii 18 ii 16 ii 14 II 12 II 10 ii 7 ii 4 ii i 1058 1055 1051 -3 40 II 22 II 21 ii 19 II 17 II 15 II 13 II IO ii 8 ii 5 II 2 1059 -3 20 II 27 II 26 ii 24 II 22 II 20 II 19 ii 16 ii 14 ii ii ii 9 ii 6 -3 o II 32 1131 ii 29 II 28 II 26 II 24 II 22 II 20 ii 18 ii 16 ii 13 -2 40 H37 1135 ii 34 H33 II 31 II 30 II 28 II 27 ii 25 ii 23 II 21 2 20 II 41 II 40 ii 39 II 3 8 ii 37 ii 3 6 ii 34 H33 1132 ii 30 II 28 2 II 46 ii 45 ii 44 ii 43 ii 43 ii 41 ii 40 II 40 1138 H37 H35 -I 40 II 50 ii 50 ii 49 ii 49 ii 48 ii 47 ii 46 II 46 ii 45 ii 44 ii 43 I I 20 ii 55 ii 55 ii 54 ii 54 H53 H53 1152 II 52 1152 ii 5i ii 50 I ii 59 ii 59 ii 59 ii 59 H59 H59 ii 58 H58 ii 58 ii 58 ii 58 -0 40 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 5 12 5 12 5 o 20 12 9 12 9 12 9 12 IO 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 II 12 II 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 14 12 14 12 15 12 15 12 l6 12 l6 12 17 12 IS 12 19 12 19 -f-o 20 12 18 12 19 12 19 12 2O 12 20 12 22 12 22 12 23 12 25 12 26 12 27 o 40 12 22 12 23 12 24 12 25 12 26 12 27 12 28 12 29 12 31 1233 1234 1 12 27 12 28 12 29 I2 3 I 1232 1233 1234 1236 1238 12 40 12 41 I 20 12 32 1233 1234 1236 1237 12 39 12 40 12 42 1244 1247 1249 1 I 40 1237 12 38 1239 12 41 1243 1244 12 46 1249 1251 1254 12 56 2 12 41 1243 1244 12 46 12 48 12 50 12 52 1255 1258 13 I 13 4 2 20 12 46 1247 1249 12 52 1253 12 56 1259 13 I 13 4 13 8 13 ii 2 40 12 50 1252 1254 1257 1259 I 3 2 13 5 13 7 13 ii 13 15 13 19 3 1255 1257 1259 13 2 13 5 13 8 13 ii 13 14 13 17 1322 13 26 3 20 13 o 13 2 13 5 13 7 13 10 13 13 1317 13 20 13 24 1329 1334 3 4o 13 4 13 7 13 10 13 13 13 16 1319 13 23 1327 i33i 1336 i34i 4 13 9 13 12 13 15 13 18 1322 13 25 13 29 1333 1338 1343 1349 4 20 13 14 13 17 13 20 1323 1327 13 31 1335 1340 1345 1350 1356 4 4o 13 19 13 22 1325 1329 1332 1337 I34i 1346 1352 1358 14 4 5 13 23 1327 13 30 1334 1338 1343 1347 1353 1358 14 5 14 ii 5 20 1328 1332 1335 1340 13 44 1349 1354 1359 14 5 14 12 14 19 5 40 1333 1337 1341 1345 1350 1355 14 o 14 6 14 12 1419 1427 6 1338 1342 1346 1350 1355 14 I 14 6 1413 14 19 14 26 1435 6 20 1343 1347 1351 1356 14 i 14 7 14 12 14 19 14 26 1434 1443 6 40 1347 1352 1356 14 i 14 7 14 13 14 18 14 26 1433 1442 I45i 7 1352 1357 14 I 14 7 14 12 14 19 1425 1432 1440 1449 1459 7 20 1357 14 2 14 7 14 13 14 18 1425 i43i 1439 1448 1457 ID 7 7 40 14 2 14 7 14 12 14 18 1424 i43i 1438 1446 1455 15 4 1515 8 14 7 14 12 14 17 1423 1430 H37 1445 1452 15 2 15 12 1523 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 174 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. -8 0' 9 10 8 59 8 47 833 8 17 758 7 37 7 10 6 38 5 56 -740 9 18 9 08 8 56 843 8 28 8 ii 7 50 7 26 6 56 6 18 -7 20 9 26 9 17 9 6 853 8 39 823 8 4 7 4i 7 14 6 38 -7 o 9 35 9 26 9 16 9 3 8 50 835 8 17 756 7 3i 6 58 -640 9 43 9 34 9 25 9 14 9 i 8 47 8 30 8 ii 7 47 7 17 6 20 9 5i 9 43 9 34 9 24 9 12 8 59 8 43 8 25 8 3 7 36 6 o 9 59 9 52 9 43 9 34 9 23 9 ii 8 56 8 39 8 19 7 54 -540 10 7 10 I 9 53 9 44 934 9 22 9 9 853 8 34 8 ii -5 20 10 15 10 9 IO 2 9 53 9 44 9 34 9 22 9 7 8 50 8 28 -5 o 10 23 10 17 10 II 10 3 9 55 9 45 9 34 9 20 9 5 8 46 -440 10 31 10 26 10 20 10 13 10 5 9 56 9 46 9 34 9 19 9 2 4 20 10 39 10 34 10 29 10 22 10 15 10 7 9 58 9 47 9 34 9 18 -4 o 10 47 10 43 10 3 8 10 32 10 26 10 18 10 10 IO O 9 49 9 34 -340 10 55 10 51 10 46 10 41 10 36 10 29 10 22 10 13 10 3 9 50 3 20 ii 3 i 59 10 55 10 51 10 46 10 40 10 34 10 26 10 17 10 6 -3 o ii ii ii 8 ii 4 II 10 56 10 51 10 45 10 39 10 31 IO 22 -240 ii 19 ii 16 ii 13 II 10 ii 6 II 2 10 57 10 52 10 45 10 37 2 2O ii 26 ii 24 II 22 II 19 ii 16 II 13 ii 8 ii 4 10 59 10 52 2 ii 34 ii 32 II 31 II 28 ii 26 II 23 II 20 ii 17 ii 13 ii 8 -I 40 ii 42 ii 41 ii 39 II 38 ii 36 ii 34 ii 32 ii 29 ii 26 ii 23 I 20 ii 49 ii 49 II 48 ii 47 ii 46 ii 45 ii 43 ii 42 ii 40 ii 38 I ii 57 ii 57 II 56 ii 56 ii 56 ii 55 ii 55 ii 55 ii 54 ii 53 -040 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 6 12 6 12 7 12 7 12 8 12 8 o 20 12 13 12 13 12 14 12 15 12 l6 12 17 12 IS 12 20 12 21 12 23 12 2O 12 22 12 22 12 24 12 26 12 28 12 29 12 32 12 35 12 38 + 20 12 28 12 30 12 31 12 34 12 36 12 3 8 12 41 12 44 12 49 12 53 o 40 12 36 12 3 8 12 40 12 43 12 46 12 49 12 53 12 57 I 3 2 13 9 1 12 44 12 46 12 49 12 52 12 56 13 o 13 5 13 10 13 16 13 24 I 20 12 52 12 55 12 58 13 2 13 6 13 II 13 16 13 23 13 30 13 40 I 40 12 59 13 3 13 7 13 II 13 16 13 22 13 28 13 36 13 44 13 55 2 13 7 13 ii 13 16 13 20 13 26 13 32 13 40 13 49 13 59 14 ii 2 2O 13 15 13 19 13 25 13 30 13 36 13 43 13 52 14 i 14 13 14 27 2 40 13 23 13 28 13 33 13 40 13 46 13 54 14 4 14 14 14 28 14 43 3 13 3i 13 36 13 42 13 49 13 57 14 5 14 16 14 28 14 42 14 59 3 20 13 39 13 44 13 5i 13 59 14 7 14 17 14 28 14 41 14 56 15 16 3 40 13 47 13 53 14 i 14 8 14 17 14 28 14 40 14 55 15 ii 15 33 4 13 55 14 2 14 10 14 18 14 28 14 4o 14 53 15 8 15 27 15 50 4 20 14 3 14 10 14 19 14 28 14 38 14 5i 15 5 15 22 15 43 16 7 4 4o 14 ii 14 19 14 28 14 38 14 49 15 2 15 18 15 36 15 58 16 25 5 14 19 14 28 14 37 14 48 15 o 15 14 15 3i 15 50 16 14 16 44 5 20 14 27 14 37 14 46 14 58 15 ii 15 26 15 44 16 5 16 31 17 3 5 40 14 35 14 45 14 56 15 8 15 22 15 38 15 57 16 20 16 47 17 22 6 14 44 14 54 15 5 15 19 15 33 15 50 16 ii 16 35 17 5 17 43 6 20 14 52 15 3 15 15 15 29 15 44 16 3 16 25 16 51 17 23 18 5 6 40 15 i 15 12 15 25 15 40 15 56 16 16 16 39 17 7 17 4i 18 27 7 15 10 15 22 15 35 15 50 16 8 16 29 16 53 17 23 18 i 18 50 7 20 15 18 12 31 15 45 16 i 16 20 16 42 17 8 17 40 18 21 19 16 7 40 15 27 15 40 15 55 16 12 16 32 16 55 17 23 17 58 18 42 19 44 8 15 35 15 50 16 5 16 23 16 44 17 9 17 39 18 16 19 5 20 15 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 175 TABLE 61. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. Declination of the Sun. LATITUDE NORTH. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 8 0' 14 7 14 12 14 17 1423 M30 1437 1445 1453 15 2 15 12 15 23 8 20 14 12 1415 1423 1429 1436 1443 1452 15 15 10 15 20 15 32 8 40 14 17 14 22 14 28 1435 1442 1450 1458 15 7 15 17 1528 1540 9 14 22 1427 1434 1441 1448 1456 15 5 15 14 15 25 15 36 1549 9 20 1427 1432 1439 1446 H54 15 2 15 ii 15 21 1532 1544 1557 9 40 I43 2 1438 1445 1452 15 15 9 15 18 15 28 1540 1552 16 6 10 1437 1443 1450 1458 15 6 15 15 1525 15 35 1547 16 o 16 15 10 20 1442 1449 1456 15 4 I 5 13 15 22 1532 1543 15 55 16 8 16 24 10 40 1447 1454 15 2 15 10 15 19 1528 1539 1550 16 3 16 17 1633 II 1452 1459 15 7 15 16 15 25 15 35 1546 1558 16 ii 1626 16 42 II 20 1457 15 5 15 13 1522 15 3i 1541 1553 16 5 16 19 1634 1652 II 40 15 2 15 10 15 19 15 28 1538 1548 16 o 16 13 16 27 1643 17 i 12 15 8 15 16 1525 1534 1544 1555 16 7 16 21 1635 16 52 17 ii 12 20 15 13 1521 1531 1540 1550 16 2 16 15 16 29 1644 17 i 1721 12 40 15 18 1527 1536 1546 1557 16 9 l6 22 1637 1653 1711 1731 13 15 23 1533 1542 1553 16 4 1616 1630 1645 17 2 17 20 1741 13 20 15 29 1539 1548 1559 16 ii 1623 1637 1653 17 10 1730 1752 13 40 1535 1544 15 55 16 5 16 17 1631 1645 17 i 17 19 1740 18 3 14 1540 1550 16 i 16 12 16 24 1638 1653 17 10 17 29 1750 18 14 14 20 1546 15 56 16 7 16 19 1631 16 46 17 I 17 19 1738 18 o 1826 14 40 i55i 16 2 16 13 16 25 1638 1653 17 9 17 28 1748 18 ii 1838 15 15 57 16 8 16 19 1632 16 46 17 i 1717 1737 1758 IS 22 1850 15 20 16 2 16 14 1626 16 39 1653 17 9 17 26 1746 18 8 1833 19 3 15 40 16 8 16 20 1632 16 46 17 i 1717 1735 1755 1818 1845 19 16 16 16 14 1626 1639 1653 17 8 1725 1744 18 5 18 29 1857 1930 16 20 16 20 1632 16 46 17 o 17 16 1733 1753 18 15 1 8 40 19 10 1945 16 40 1626 1639 1652 17 7 1723 1741 18 2 1825 1851 1923 20 I 17 1632 1645 1659 17 14 i73i 1750 18 ii 1835 19 3 1936 2O 17 17 20 1638 1652 17 6 17 22 1739 1759 18 21 1846 19 I 5 1950 2035 17 40 1645 1658 1713 17 29 1747 18 8 1831 i857 1928 20 6 2055 18 16 51 17 5 17 20 1737 1756 18 17 1841 19 8 1941 20 22 21 17 18 20 1658 17 12 17 28 1745 18 5 1826 1852 19 20 1955 2O 40 21 42 18 40 17 4 17 19 1735 1753 18 14 1836 19 3 1933 20 10 2059 22 13 19 17 ii 17 26 1743 18 2 1823 1846 19 14 1946 20 26 21 20 2258 19 20 17 17 1733 1751 18 10 1832 1856 1925 20 2044 21 45 19 40 17 24 1741 1759 18 19 1841 19 7 1937 20 14 21 3 22 l6 20 i73i 1748 18 7 1828 1851 1919 1950 2030 21 23 2259 20 20 1738 1756 18 15 1837 19 i 1930 20 4 2047 2447 20 40 1745 18 4 1823 1846 19 12 1942 20 19 21 5 22 17 21 1752 14 ii 1832 1856 1923 i9 2 5 2034 21 26 23 I 21 20 18 o 28 20 1841 19 6 1934 20 8 20 50 21 50 21 40 18 8 1828 1850 19 16 1946 2O 22 21 8 22 19 22 1816 1837 19 o 1927 1958 2037 21 29 23 2 22 20 18 24 1846 19 10 1938 20 II 2053 21 52 22 40 1832 1855 19 20 1950 20 25 21 II 22 21 23 1841 19 4 1931 20 2 20 40 21 31 23 3 23 20 1849 1913 1941 2O 14 2056 21 54 23 27 1852 19 17 1946 2O 19 21 2 22 3 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I 7 6 TABLE 61, TABLE 62. DURATION OF SUNSHINE AT DIFFERENT LATITUDES. DECLINATION OF THE SUN FOR THE YEAR 1894. Declination LATITUDE NORTH. of the Sun. 71 72 73 74 75 h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. + 8 0' 15 35 15 50 16 5 16 23 16 44 8 20 15 44 15 59 16 16 16 35 16 57 8 40 15 53 16 9 16 26 16 46 17 10 9 16 3 16 19 16 37 16 58 17 23 9 20 16 12 16 29 16 48 17 10 17 37 9 40 l6 22 16 39 16 59 17 23 17 5i 10 16 31 16 50 17 ii 17 35 18 5 10 20 16 41 17 o 17 22 17 49 18 20 10 40 16 50 17 ii 17 34 18 2 18 36 II 17 i 17 22 17 47 18 16 18 52 ii 20 17 ii 17 34 17 59 18 31 19 9 ii 40 17 22 17 45 18 13 18 46 19 27 12 17 32 17 57 18 26 19 i 19 46 12 20 17 43 18 9 18 40 19 18 20 7 12 40 17 55 18 22 18 55 19 35 20 29 13 18 6 18 35 19 ii 19 54 20 55 13 20 18 18 18 49 19 26 20 14 21 23 13 40 18 30 19 2 19 43 20 35 21 59 14 1843 19 17 20 I 21 22 50 14 20 18 56 19 33 20 20 21 28 14 40 19 10 19 49 20 41 22 2 15 19 24 20 7 21 5 22 52 15 20 19 40 20 26 21 32 15 40 19 55 20 46 22 5 16 20 13 21 IO 22 54 16 20 20 31 21 36 16 40 20 51 22 8 17 21 13 22 56 17 20 21 39 17 40 22 II 76 77 78 79 80 + 8 0' 17 9 17 39 18 16 19 5 20 15 8 20 8 40 17 23 17 38 17 55 18 12 18 35 18 56 19 29 19 56 20 50 21 33 9 17 53 18 30 19 17 20 25 22 35 9 20 18 8 18 48 19 41 20 59 9 40 18 25 19 8 20 6 21 40 10 18 41 19 28 20 31 22 39 10 20 18 59 19 5o 21 6 10 40 19 18 20 15 21 46 II 19 38 20 41 22 43 II 20 19 59 21 I 3 II 40 20 23 21 50 12 20 49 22 46 12 20 21 19 12 40 21 55 Day of Month. Jan. Feb. Mar. i -22 59' -17 i' -7 29' 4 22 42 16 8 6 20 7 22 21 15 13 5 10 10 21 55 14 15 4 o 13 21 26 13 15 2 49 16 -20 53 12 14 -i 38 19 20 17 II IO o 27 21 19 50 10 27 + 21 24 19 8 9 21 I 32 27 18 23 8 14 2 42 30 17 35 3 52 Apr. May. June. I + 4 39' +15 -10' +22 6' 4 5 48 16 3 22 28 7 6 56 16 53 22 47 10 8 3 17 42 23 3 13 9 9 18 27 23 14 16 +10 13 +19 10 +23 22 19 ii 16 19 50 23 27 21 ii 57 20 15 23 27 2 4 12 57 20 49 23 25 27 13 55 21 21 23 20 30 14 5i 21 49 23 II July. Aug. Sept. I +23 7' -J-I7" 58' + 8 12' 4 22 52 17 12 7 6 7 22 35 l6 22 5 59 10 22 13 15 30 4 5i 13 21 49 14 37 3 42 16 +21 21 +13 4i + 2 33 19 20 49 12 43 i 23 21 20 27 12 3 + o 37 24 19 50 II 2 -o 34 27 19 II 9 59 i 44 30 18 28 8 55 2 54 Oct. Nov. Dec. I - 3 17' -14 32' -21 52' 4 4 27 15 28 22 18 7 5 36 16 22 22 39 10 6 45 17 14 22 57 13 7 53 18 3 23 II 16 - 8 59 -18 49 -2 3 21 T 9 10 5 19 33 23 26 21 10 48 20 23 27 24 ii 5i 20 37 23 26 27 12 53 21 12 23 20 30 H^MB^^H 13 53 ^^^^i 21 42 ^^^^i 23 10 ^^^ ^ SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 177 TABLE 63. RELATIVE INTENSITY OF SOLAR RADIATION. Mean vertical intensity for 24 hours of solar radiation / and the solar constant A, in terms of the mean solar constant A . Date. Motion of the Sun in Longitude. RELATIVE MEAN VERTICAL INTENSITY ( ~ V A A * LATITUDE NORTH. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Jan. i 16 o?99 15.78 0.303 .307 0.265 .271 0.220 .229 0.169 .180 0.117 .129 0.066 .078 0.018 .028 1-0335 1.0324 Feb. i 15 31-54 45-34 .312 .317 .282 .293 .244 .261 .200 .223 .150 .177 .100 .118 .048 075 0.006 .027 1.0288 1.0235 Mar. i 16 59- J 4 73-93 .320 .321 .303 .313 .279 .296 .245 .270 .204 .236 .158 *95 .108 .148 .056 .097 0.013 .057 1.0173 1.0096 Apr. i 16 89.70 104.49 .317 .311 .319 .321 .312 .323 .295 .315 .269 .297 235 .271 195 .238 .148 .201 .101 .175 0.082 .177 1.0009 0.9923 May i 16 119.29 134.05 .303 .294 .318 .318 .330 .333 .329 339 .320 337 .302 .327 .278 .312 .253 .298 .255 .317 .259 .322 0.9841 0.9772 June i 16 149.82 164.60 .287 .283 315 .313 334 .334 345 .348 349 354 345 353 337 .348 344 .361 .360 378 .366 384 0.9714 0.9679 July i 16 179-39 194.13 .283 .287 .312 .314 .333 .332 347 342 352 345 351 .340 345 .329 .356 331 373 347 379 352 0.9666 0.9674 ^#". I 16 209.94 224.73 .294 .303 .316 .318 .330 .325 334 .322 .330 .310 .318 .291 .300 .264 .282 234 .295 .227 .300 .231 0.9709 0.9760 Sept. i 16 240.50 255.29 .310 .315 .318 .315 .316 .305 305 .284 .285 .256 .256 .220 .220 .178 .180 .130 .139 .107 .140 043 0.9828 0.9909 CW. i 16 270.07 284.86 .317 .316 .308 .298 .289 .271 .261 .236 .225 .194 .183 .147 .135 .097 .084 .047 .065 .015 0-9995 1.0080 Afoz>. i 16 300.63 315.42 .312 .308 .286 .276 .251 .235 .211 .190 .164 .140 .114 .089 .063 .040 .018 1.0164 1.0235 Ztar. i 16 330.19 344.98 .304 .302 .267 .263 .224 .218 .175 .167 .124 US .072 .064 .024 .016 1.0288 1.0323 F^r..... 0.305 0.301 0.289 0.268 0.241 0.209 0.173 0.144 0.133 0.126 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. I 7 8 CONVERSION OF UNEAR MEASURES. Inches into millimetres TABLE 64 Millimetres into inches TABLE 65 Feet into metres TABLE 66 Metres into feet TABLE 67 Miles into kilometres TABLE 68 Kilometres into miles TABLE 69 Interconversion of nautical and statute miles TABLE 70 Continental measures of length with their metric and English equivalents TABLE 71 179 TABLE 64. INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.51 0.76 1.02 1.27 1.52 1.78 2.03 2.29 0.10 2-54 2.79 3-05 3-30 3.56 3-8l 4.06 4-32 4-57 4.83 0.20 5-08 5.33 5-59 5.84 6.10 6-35 6.60 6.86 7.II 7-37 0.30 7.62 7.87 8.13 8.38 8.64 8.89 9.14 9.40 9.65 9.91 0.40 10.16 10.41 10.67 10.92 ii. iS H.43 11.68 11.94 12.19 12.45 0.50 12.70 12.95 13.21 13.46 13.72 13-97 14.22 14.48 1473 14.99 0.60 15-24 1549 15-75 16.00 16.26 16.51 16.76 17.02 17.27 17-53 0.70 17.78 18.03 18.29 18.54 18.80 I9.05 19.30 I9-56 19.81 20.07 0.80 20.32 20.57 20.83 21.08 21-34 21-59 21.84 22. IO 22.35 22.6l 0.90 22.86 23.11 23-37 23.62 23-88 24.13 24.38 24.64 24.89 25.15 1.00 25.40 25.65 25.9 1 26.16 26.42 26.67 26.92 27.18 2743 27.69 1. 10 27.94 28.19 28.45 28.70 28.96 29.21 29.46 29.72 29.97 30.23 1.20 30.48 30.73 30.99 31.24 31.50 31-75 32.00 32.26 32.51 32-77 1.30 33-02 33-27 33-53 33-78 34-04 34.29 34-54 34-80 35.05 35-31 1.40 35.56 35.81 36.07 36.32 36.58 36.83 37.08 37-34 37.59 37.85 1.50 38.10 38.35 38.61 38.86 39.12 39-37 39.62 39-88 40.13 40.39 1.60 40.64 40.89 4i.i5 41.40 41.66 41.91 42.16 42.42 42.67 42.93 1.70 43.18 43-43 43.69 43-94 44.20 44-45 44-70 44.96 45.21 45-47 i. 80 45-72 45.97 46.23 46.48 46.74 46.99 47.24 47.50 47-75 48.01 1.90 48.26 48.51 48.77 49.02 49.28 49-53 4978 50.04 50.29 50.55 2.00 50.80 51-05 5i.3i 51-56 51-82 52.07 52.32 52.58 52.83 53-09 2.10 53.34 53-59 53.85 54.10 54.36 54.61 54-86 55-12 55.37 55.63 2.20 55-88 56.13 56.39 56.64 56.90 57-15 57-40 57.66 57.9 1 58.17 2.30 58.42 58.67 58.93 59-18 59-44 59-69 59-94 60.20 60.45 60.71 2.40 60.96 61.21 61.47 61.72 61.98 62.23 62.48 62.74 62.99 63-25 2.50 63-50 63.75 64.01 64.26 64-52 64-77 65.02 65.28 65.53 65.79 2.60 66.04 66.29 66.55 66.80 67.05 67.31 67-56 67.82 68.07 68.33 2.70 68.58 68.83 69.09 69.34 69.60 69.85 70.10 70.36 70.61 70.87 2.80 71.12 71-37 71.63 71.88 72.14 72.39 72.64 72.90 73-J5 7341 2.90 73.66 73-91 74.17 74.42 74.68 74.93 75-iS 75-44 75.69 75-95 3.00 76.20 76.45 76.71 76.96 77.22 77-47 77.72 77.98 78.23 78.49 3.10 78.74 78.99 79.25 79-50 79.76 80.01 80.26 80.52 80.77 81.03 3.20 81.28 81-53 81.79 82.04 82.30 82.55 82.80 83.06 83-31 83.57 3-30 83.82 84.07 84.33 84.59 84.84 85.09 85.34 85.60 85-85 86.11 340 86.36 86.6 1 86.87 87.12 87.38 87-63 87.88 88.14 88.39 88.65 3.50 88.90 89-15 89.41 89.66 89.92 90.17 90.42 90.68 90.93 91.19 3.60 91.44 91.69 9L95 92.20 92.46 92.71 92.96 93.22 9347 93-73 3-70 93.98 94-23 94-49 94-74 95.00 95-25 95-50 95.76 96.01 96.27 3-80 96.52 96.77 97.03 97.28 97-54 97-79 98.04 98-30 98.55 98.81 3-90 99.06 99-31 99-57 99-82 100.08 100.33 100.58 100.84 101.09 101.35 4.00 10 1. 60 101.85 ro2.ii 102.36 102.62 102.87 103.12 103.38 103.63 103.89 4.10 104.14 104.39 104.65 104.90 105.16 105.41 105.66 105.92 106.17 106.43 4.20 106.68 106.93 107.19 107.44 107.70 107.95 108.20 108.46 108.71 108.97 4-30 109.22 109.47 109.73 109.98 110.24 110.49 110.74 III.OO 111.25 111.51 4.40 111.76 II2.OI 112.27 112.52 112.78 113-03 113.28 H3.54 113-79 114.05 4.50 114.30 H4o5 114.81 115.06 115-32 115-57 115.82 1 1 6.08 116.33 116.59 4.60 116.84 117.09 117-35 117.60 117.86 n8.ii 118.36 118.62 118.87 119.13 4.70 119.38 119.63 119.89 120.14 120.40 120.65 120.90 121. l6 121.41 121.67 4.80 121.92 122.17 122.43 122.68 122.94 123.19 123.44 123.70 123-95 124.21 4.90 124.46 124.71 124.97 125.22 125.48 125-73 125.98 126.24 126.49 126.75 5.00 127.00 127.25 127.51 127.76 128.02 128.27 128.52 128.78 129.03 129.29 Proportional Parts ^ nc ^' o.ooi 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 mm. 0.025 0.051 0.076 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 0.229 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 1 80 TABLE 64. INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 5.00 127.00 127.25 127.51 127.76 128.02 128.27 128.52 128.78 129.03 129.29 5-10 129.54 129.79 130.05 130.30 I3 .56 130.81 131.06 I3L32 J3I-57 131.83 5.20 132.68 132.33 132.59 132.84 133. 10 133.35 133.60 133-86 134.11 134.37 5-30 134.62 134.87 135.13 135.38 135.64 135.89 136.14 136.40 136.65 136.91 540 137.16 137.41 137.67 137.92 138.18 138.43 138.68 138.94 J39-I9 J39-45 5.50 139.70 139-95 140.21 140.46 140.72 140.97 141.22 141.48 141.73 141.99 5.60 142.24 142.49 142.75 143.00 143.26 143.51 143.76 144.02 144.27 144.53 5-70 144.78 145.03 I45.29 145.54 145.80 146.05 146.30 146.56 146.81 147.07 5-8o I47-32 147-57 147.83 148.08 148.34 148.59 148.84 149.10 149-35 149.61 5-90 149.86 I50.TI 150.37 150.62 150.88 I5LI3 I5L38 151.64 151.89 152.15 6.00 152.40 152.66 152.91 153.16 I53.42 I53.67 I53.9 2 I54.I8 154.43 154.69 6.10 154.94 I55.I9 155-45 155.70 155.96 156.21 156.46 156.72 156.97 157.23 6.20 157.43 157-73 157-99 158.24 158.50 158.75 159.00 159.26 I59.5I 159-77 6.30 160.02 160.27 160.53 160.78 161.04 161.29 I6I.54 161.80 162.05 162.31 6.40 162.56 162.81 163.07 163.32 163.58 163.83 164.08 164.34 164-59 164.85 6.50 165.10 165.35 165.61 165.86 166. 12 166.37 166.62 166.88 167.13 167.39 6.60 167.64 167.89 168.15 168.40 168.66 168.91 169.16 169.42 169.67 169.93 6.70 170.18 170.43 170.69 170.94 171.20 I7L45 171.70 171.96 172.21 172.47 6.80 172.72 172.97 173.23 173.48 173.74 173.99 174.24 174.50 174-75 175.01 6.90 175.26 I75.5I 175.77 176.02 176.28 176.53 176.78 177.04 177.29 177.55 7.00 177.80 178.05 178.31 178.56 178.82 179.07 179.32 I79.58 179-83 180.09 7.10 180.34 180.59 180.85 181.10 181.36 181.61 181.86 182.12 182.37 182.63 7.20 182.88 183.13 183.39 183.64 183.90 184.15 184.40 184.66 184.91 185.17 7-30 185.42 185.67 185.93 186.18 186.44 186.69 186.94 187.20 187.45 187.71 7.40 187.96 188.21 188.47 188.72 188.98 189.23 189.48 189.74 189.99 190.25 7.50 190.50 190.75 191.01 191.26 191-52 191.77 192.02 192.28 192.53 192.79 7.60 193.04 193.29 193.55 193.80 194.06 194-31 194.56 194.82 195.07 195.33 7.70 I95-58 195.83 196.09 196.34 196.60 196-85 197.10 197.36 197.61 197.87 7.80 198.12 198.37 198.63 198.88 199.14 J99-39 199.64 199.90 200.15 200.41 7.90 200.66 200.91 201.17 201.42 201.68 201.93 2O2.I8 202.44 202.69 202.95 8.00 203.20 203.45 203.71 203.96 204.22 204.47 204.72 204.98 205.23 205.49 8.10 205.74 205.99 206.25 206.50 206.76 207.01 207.26 207.52 207.77 208.03 8.20 208.28 208.53 208.79 209.04 209.30 209-55 209.80 210.06 210.31 210.57 8.30 210.82 211.07 211-33 211.58 211.84 212.09 212.34 ?T2.6O 212.85 213.11 8.40 213.36 213.61 213.87 214.12 214.38 214.63 214.88 215.14 215.39 215-65 8.50 215.90 216.15 216.41 216.66 216.92 217.17 217.42 217.68 217.93 218.19 8.60 218.44 218.69 218.95 219.20 219.46 219.71 219.96 220.22 220.47 220.73 8.70 220.98 221.23 221.49 221.74 222.00 222.25 222.50 222.76 223.01 223.27 | 8.80 223.52 223.77 224.03 224.28 224.54 224.79 225.04 225.30 225.55 225.81 8.90 226.06 226.31 226.57 226.82 227.08 227.33 227.58 227.84 228.09 228.35 9.00 228.60 228.85 229.11 229.36 229.62 229.87 230.12 230.38 230.63 230.89 9.10 231.14 23L39 231.65 231.90 232.16 232.41 232.66 232.92 233. J 7 233-43 9.20 233-68 233.93 234.19 234.44 234.70 234-95 235.20 235.46 235-71 235.97 9-30 236.22 236.47 236.73 236.98 237.24 237-49 237.74 238.00 238.25 238.51 9.40 238.76 239.01 239.27 239.52 239.78 240.03 240.28 240.54 240.79 241.05 9.50 241.30 24L55 241.81 242.06 242.32 242.57 242.82 243.08 243-33 243.59 9.60 243.84 244.09 244-35 244.60 244.86 245-11 245.36 245.62 245.87 246.13 9.70 246.38 246.63 246.89 247.14 247.40 247.65 247.90 248.16 248.41 248.67 9.80 248.92 249.17 249.43 249.68 249.94 250.19 250.44 250.70 250.95 251.21 9.90 251.46 251.71 25L97 252.22 252.48 252.73 252.98 253.24 253-49 253-75 10.00 254.00 254.25 254.51 254.76 255.02 255-27 255.52 255.78 256.03 256.29 Pro rti I P rt Inch - 001 - 002 -3 -4 -5 - 6 - 00 7 - 8 -9 mm. 0.025 0.051 0.076 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 0.229 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 181 TABLE 64. INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. 1 Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 10.00 254.00 254.25 254.51 254.76 255.02 255.27 255.52 255.78 256.03 256.29 10.10 256.54 256.79 257.05 257.30 257.56 257.81 258.06 258.32 258.57 258.83 IO.2O 259-08 2 59.33 259.59 259.84 260. 10 260.35 260.60 260.86 26l.II 261.37 10.30 261.62 261.87 262.1.. 262.38 262.64 262.89 263.14 263.40 263.65 263.91 10.40 264. 1 6 264.41 264.6^ 264.92 265.18 26543 265.68 265.94 266.19 266.45 10.50 266.70 266.95 267.21 267.46 267.72 267.97 268.22 268.48 268.73 268.99 10.60 269.24 269.49 269.75 270.00 270.26 270.51 270.76 271.02 271.27 27L53 10.70 271.78 272.03 272.29 272.54 272.8o 273.05 273.30 273.56 273.81 274.07 10.80 274.32 274.57 274-93 275.08 275.34 275.59 275.84 276.10 276.35 276.61 10.90 276.86 277.11 277-37 277.62 277.88 278.13 278.38 278.64 278.89 279- *5 11.00 279.40 279.65 279.91 280.16 280.42 280.67 280.92 28l.l8 281.43 281.69 II. IO 281.94 282.19 282.45 282.70 282.96 283.21 283.46 283.72 283.97 284.23 11.20 284.48 284.73 284.99 285.24 285.50 285.75 286.00 286.26 286.51 286.77 11.30 287.02 287.27 287.53 287.78 288.04 288.29 288.54 288.80 289.05 289.31 11.40 289.56 289.81 290.07 290.32 290.58 290.83 291.08 29L34 29L59 291.85 11.50 292.10 292.35 292.61 292.86 293.12 293-37 293.62 293.88 294.13 294.39 1 1. 60 294.64 294.89 295.15 295.40 295.66 295.91 296.16 296.42 296.67 296.93 11.70 297.18 297.43 297.69 297.94 298.20 298.45 298.70 298.96 299.21 299.47 11.80 299.72 299.97 300.23 300.48 300.74 300.99 301.24 301.50 301.75 302.01 11.90 302.26 302.51 302.77 303.02 303.28 303.53 303.78 304.04 304.29 304.55 12.00 304.80 305.05 305.31 305.56 305.82 306.07 306.32 306.58 306.83 307.09 12.10 307.34 307.59 307.85 308.10 308.36 308.61 308.86 309.12 309.37 309.63 12.20 309-88 310.13 310.39 310.64 310.90 3H.I5 311.40 311.66 311.91 312.17 12.30 312.42 312.67 312.93 3I3.I8 313.44 3 J 3.69 313.94 314.20 3U.45 3H.7I 12.40 314-96 3^5-21 315.47 315.72 315.98 316.23 316.48 316.74 316.99 317.25 12.50 317.50 317.75 318.01 318.26 318.52 318.77 319.02 319.28 3I9.53 319.79 12.60 320.04 320.29 320.55 320.80 321.06 321.31 321.56 321.82 322.07 322.33 12.70 322.58 322.83 323.09 323.34 323.60 323-85 324.10 324.36 324.61 324.87 12.80 325-12 325.37 325.63 325.88 326. 14 326.39 326.64 326.90 327.15 327.41 12.90 327.66 327.91 328.17 328.42 328.68 328.93 329.18 32944 329.69 329.95 13.00 330.20 330.45 330.71 330.96 331.22 33L47 33L72 33L98 332.23 332.49 13.10 332.74 332-99 333-25 333.50 333.76 334-01 334-26 334.52 334-77 335.03 13.20 335-28 335-53 335-79 336.04 336.30 336.55 336.80 337.06 337-31 337.57 I3-30 337.82 338.07 338.33 338.58 338.84 339-09 339-34 339.60 339-85 340.11 13.40 340.36 340.61 340.87 341.12 34L38 341.63 341-88 342.14 342.39 342.65 13.50 342.90 343- J 5 343-41 343-66 343-92 344.17 344.42 344-68 344-93 345.19 13.60 345-44 345.69 345-95 346.20 346.46 346.71 346.96 347-22 347-47 347.73 13.70 347.98 348.23 348.49 348.74 349.00 349.25 349-50 349.76 35o.oi 350.27 13.80 350.52 350.77 35L03 35L28 351-54 35L79 352.04 352.30 352.55 352.8i 13.90 353-06 353-31 353-57 353-82 354.08 354-33 354.58 354.84 355.09 355.35 14.00 355.6o 355.85 356.11 356.36 356.62 356.87 357-12 357.38 357.63 357.89 14.10 358.14 358.39 358.65 358.90 359.16 359.41 359-66 359-92 360.17 360.43 14.20 360.68 360.93 361.19 361.44 361.70 361.95 362.20 362.46 362.71 362.97 14.30 363.22 36347 363.73 363.98 364.24 364-49 364.74 365.00 365-25 365-51 14.40 365-76 366.01 366.27 366.52 366.78 367.03 367.28 367.54 367.79 368.05 14.50 368.30 368.55 368.81 369.06 369.32 369.57 369-82 370.08 370-33 370.59 14.60 370.84 371.09 37L35 371.60 371.86 372.ii 372.36 372.62 372.87 373.13 14.70 373.38 373-63 373.89 374.14 374-40 374.65 374-90 375-16 375-41 375.67 14.80 375.92 376.17 376.43 376.68 376.94 377.19 377-44 377.70 377-95 378.21 14.90 378.46 378.71 378.97 379.22 379.48 379-73 379-98 380.24 380.49 380.75 15.00 381.00 381.25 38I.5I 381.76 382.02 382.27 382.52 382.78 383-03 383-29 Pronorfonal Parts Tnch- ' I ' 2 ' 3 O-0 4 ' O 5 * 006 ' 7 ' 8 ' 9 mm. 0.025 0.051 0.076 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 0.229 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 182 INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. TABLE 64. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 15.00 381.00 381.25 38I.5I 381.76 382.02 382.27 382.52 382.78 383-03 383-29 15.10 383.54 383.79 384.05 384.30 384.56 384.81 385-06 385.32 385.57 385.83 15.20 386.08 386.33 386.59 386.84 387.10 387.35 387-60 387.86 388.11 388.37 15-30 388.62 388.87 389.13 389.38 389.64 389-89 390.14 390.40 390.65 390.91 15.40 391.16 39L4I 391.67 391.92 392.18 392.43 392.68 392.94 393-19 393-45 15.50 393-70 393-95 394-21 394.46 394-72 394-97 395-22 39548 395-73 395.99 15.60 396.24 39.649 396.75 397-00 397-26 397.51 397.76 398.02 398.27 398.53 15-70 398.78 399-03 399.29 399-54 399.80 400.05 400.30 400.56 400.81 401.07 15-80 401.32 401.57 401.83 402.08 402.34 402.59 402.84 403.10 403.35 403.61 15-90 403.86 404.11 404.37 404.62 404.88 405.13 405.38 405.64 405.89 406.15 16.00 406.40 406.65 406.91 407.16 407.52 407.67 407.92 408.18 408.43 408.69 16.10 408.94 409.19 409.45 409.70 409.96 410.21 410.46 410.72 410.97 411.23 16.20 411.48 411-73 411.99 412.24 412.50 412.75 413.00 413.26 413.51 4I3.77 16.30 414.02 414.27 414.53 414.78 415.04 415.29 415.54 415.80 416.05 416.31 16.40 416.56 416.81 417.07 417.32 417.58 4I7.83 418.08 418.34 418.59 418.85 16.50 419.10 419.35 419.61 419.86 420.12 420.37 420.62 420.88 421.13 421.39 16.60 421.64 421.89 422.15 422.40 422.66 422.91 423.16 423.42 423.67 423.93 16.70 424.18 42443 424.69 424.94 425.20 42545 425.70 425.96 426.21 426.47 16.80 426.72 426.97 427.23 427.48 427.74 427.99 428.24 428.50 428.75 429.01 16.90 429.26 429.5I 429.77 430.02 430.28 430.53 430.78 431.04 431.29 431-55 17.00 431.80 432.05 432.31 432.56 432.82 433.07 433-32 433.58 433.83 434.09 17.10 434-34 434.59 434.85 435-10 435.36 435-61 435.86 436.12 436.37 436-63 17.20 436.88 437.13 437-39 437.64 437.90 438.15 438.40 438.66 438.91 439.17 17.30 439-42 439.67 439.93 440.18 440.44 440.69 440-94 441.20 44L45 441.71 17.40 441.96 442.21 442.47 442.72 442.98 443.23 443.48 443.74 443-99 444-25 17.50 444.50 444-75 445.01 445.26 445.52 445-77 446.02 446. 28 446.53 446.79 17.60 447.04 447.29 447.55 447.80 448.06 448.31 448.56 448.82 449-07 449-33 17.70 449.58 449.83 450.09 450.34 450.60 450.85 451.10 451.36 45i-6i 451.87 17.80 452.12 452.37 452.63 452.88 453-14 453-39 453-64 453-9 454-15 454-41 17.90 454.66 454-91 455.17 455.42 455-68 455-93 456.18 456.44 456.69 456.95 18.00 457-20 457-45 457-71 457.96 458.22 458.47 458.72 458.98 459-23 459-49 18.10 459-74 459-99 460.25 460.50 460.76 461.01 461.26 461-52 461.77 462.03 18.20 462.28 462.53 462.79 463.04 463.30 463.55 463.80 464.06 464.31 464.57 18.30 464.82 465.07 465.33 465-58 465.84 466.09 466.34 466.60 466.85 467.11 18.40 467.36 467.61 467.87 468.12 468.38 468.63 468.88 469.14 469.39 469.35 18.50 469.90 470.15 470.41 470.66 470.92 471-17 471.42 471-68 471-93 472.19 18.60 472.44 472.69 472.95 473.20 473.46 473.71 473.96 474.22 474-47 474.73 18.70 47498 475-23 475-49 475.74 476.00 476.25 476.50 476.76 477-01 477.27 18.80 477-52 477-77 478.03 478.28 478.54 478.79 479.04 479-30 479-55 479.81 18.90 480.06 480.31 480.57 480.82 481.08 48i.33 481-58 481.84 482.09 482.35 19.00 482.60 482.85 483.11 483-36 483.62 483.87 484. 12 484-38 484-63 484.89 19.10 485.14 485.39 485-65 485.9 486.16 486.41 486.66 486.92 487.17 487.43 19.20 487.68 487.93 488.19 488.44 488.70 488.95 489.20 489.46 489.71 489.97 19.30 490.22 490.47 490.73 490.98 491.24 491.49 491.74 492.00 492.25 492.51 19.40 492.76 493.01 493.27 493-52 493.78 494.03 494.28 494-54 494-79 495.05 19.50 495.30 495-55 495-81 496.06 496.32 496.57 496.82 497.08 497-33 497-59 19.60 497.84 498.09 498.35 498.60 498.86 499.11 499.36 499.62 499.87 500.13 19.70 500.38 500.34 500.89 501.14 501.40 501.65 501.91 502.16 502.41 502.67 19.80 502.92 503-18 503.43 503.68 503.94 504.19 504.45 504.70 504.95 505.21 19.90 505.46 505.72 505.97 506.22 506.48 506.73 506.99 507.24 507.49 507.75 20.00 508.00 508.26 508.51 508.76 509.02 509.27 509.53 509-78 510.03 510.29 n . _ . Inch, o.ooi 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 Proportional Parts. mm. 0.025 0.051 -76 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 - 22 9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 183 TABLE 64. INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 20.00 508.00 508.26 508.51 508.76 509.02 509.27 509.53 509.78 510.03 510.29 20. i o 510.54 5I0.8o 5H.05 5H.30 5H.56 5II.8I 512.07 512.32 512.57 512.83 20.20 5I3-08 513.34 513.59 513.84 514.10 514.35 5I4.6I 514.86 5I5.II 5I5.37 20.30 515.62 515.88 516.13 516.38 516.64 5l6.8 9 517.15 517.40 5I7-65 5I7.9I 20.40 518.16 518.42 518.67 518.92 519.18 5I9-43 519-69 5I9.94 520.19 520.45 20.50 520.70 520.96 521.21 521.46 521.72 521.97 522.23 522.48 522.73 522.99 20.60 523.24 523.50 523.75 524.00 524.26 524.51 524.77 525.02 525.27 525-53 20.70 525.78 526.04 526.29 526.54 526.80 526.95 527.31 527.56 527.81 528.07 20.80 528.32 528.58 528.83 529.08 529.34 529.59 529-85 530.10 530.35 530.61 20.90 530.86 531-12 53L37 53 I -62 531.88 532.13 532-39 532.64 532.89 533.15 21.00 533.40 533-66 533-9 1 534-i6 534-42 534.67 534.93 535-18 535-43 535.69 21.10 535.94 536.20 536.45 536-70 536.96 537-21 537-47 537.72 537.98 538.23 21.20 538.48 538.74 538.99 539.24 539-50 539-75 540.01 540.26 540.51 540-77 21.30 541.02 54L28 541-53 54L78 542.04 542.29 542.55 542.80 543-05 543-31 21.40 543.56 543-82 544-07 544.32 544.58 544.83 545.09 545-34 545-59 545.85 21.50 546.10 546.36 546.6i 546.86 547-12 547-37 547.63 547-88 548.13 548.39 21.60 548.64 548.90 549.15 54940 549-66 549-91 550.17 550.42 550.67 550.93 i 21.70 551.18 551-44 551-69 551-94 552.20 552.45 552.71 552.96 553.21 553-47 21.80 553-72 553.98 554.23 554-48 554-74 554-99 555-25 555.50 555-75 556.01 21.90 556.26 556.52 556.77 557-02 557.28 557-53 557-79 558.04 558.29 558.55 22.00 558.80 559-o6 559.31 559.56 559-82 560.07 560.03 560.58 560.83 561.09 22. IO 561.34 561.60 561.85 562.10 562.36 562.61 562.87 563.12 563-37 563-63 22.2O 563.88 564.14 564.39 564-64 564-90 565-15 565-41 565.66 565-91 566.17 22.30 566.42 566.68 566.93 567.18 567.44 567-69 567.95 568.20 568.45 568.71 22.40 568.96 569-22 569-47 569-72 569-98 570.23 570-49 570.74 570.99 57L25 22.50 571.50 57L76 572.oi 572.26 572.52 572.77 573.03 573-28 573-53 573-79 22.60 574-04 574-30 574-55 574.80 575-06 575-31 575-57 575-82 576.07 576.33 22.70 576.58 576.84 577.09 577.34 577-60 577-95 578.11 578.36 578.6i 578.87 22.80 579-12 579.38 579.63 579-88 580.14 580.39 580.65 580.90 581.15 581.41 22.90 581.66 581.92 582.17 582.42 582.68 582.93 583.19 58344 583-69 583-95 23.00 584.20 584-46 584.71 584.96 585-22 585-47 585.73 585.98 586.23 586.49 23.10 586.74 587.00 587-25 587.50 587.76 588.01 588.27 588.52 588.77 589-03 23.20 589-28 589.54 589-79 590.04 590.30 590.55 590.8i 591.06 59i.3i 59* -57 23-30 591.82 592.08 592.33 592.58 592.84 593.09 593-35 593.6o 593.85 594-11 23.40 594.36 594.62 594.87 595-12 595.38 595.63 595.89 596.14 596.39 596-65 23.50 596.90 597-16 597.41 597-66 597-92 598.17 598.43 598.68 598.93 599- T 9 23.60 599-44 599.70 599.95 600.20 600.46 600.71 600.97 601.22 601.47 601.73 23.70 601.98 602.24 602.49 602.74 603.00 603.25 603.51 603.76 604.01 604.27 23.80 604.52 604.78 605.03 605.28 605.54 605.79 606.05 606.30 606.55 606.81 23.90 607.06 607.32 607.57 607.82 608.08 608.33 608.59 608.84 609.09 609.35 24.00 609.60 609.86 6lO.II 610.36 610.62 610.87 611.13 611.38 611.63 611.89 24.10 612.14 612.40 612.65 612.90 613.16 613.41 613.67 613.92 614.17 614.43 24.20 614.68 614.94 615.19 6i5.44 615-70 6i5.95 616.21 616.46 616.71 616.97 24.30 617.22 617.48 617.73 617.98 618.24 618.49 618.75 619.00 619-25 619.51 24.40 ' 619.76 620.02 620.27 620.52 620.78 621.03 621.29 621.54 621.79 622.05 24.50 622.30 622.56 622.81 623.06 623.32 623.57 623.83 624.08 624.33 624.59 24.60 624.84 625.10 625.35 625.60 625.86 626.11 626.37 626.62 626.87 627.13 24.70 627.38 627.64 627.89 628.14 628.40 628.65 628.91 629.16 629.41 629.67 24.80 629.92 630.18 630.43 630.68 630.94 631.19 631-45 631.70 63L95 632.21 24.90 632.46 632.72 632.97 633-22 633.48 633.73 633.99 634.24 634.49 634.75 25.00 635.00 635.26 635.51 635-76 636.02 636.27 636.53 636.78 637.03 637-29 Proportional P ts Inch - - 001 - 002 - 00 3 -4 -5 ao 6 -7 - o8 -9 mm. 0.025 0.051 0.076 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 0.229 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 184 TABLE 64 INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. inm. mm. 25.00 635.00 635.26 635.51 635.76 636.02 636*27 636.53 636.78 637.03 637.29 25.10 637.54 637-80 638.05 638.30 638.56 638.81 639.07 639.32 639.57 639.83 25.20 640.08 640.34 640.59 640.84 641.10 64L35 641.61 6 4 1.86 642.11 642.37 25-30 642.62 642.88 643.13 643.38 643.64 643.89 644.15 644.40 644-65 644.91 25.40 645.16 645.42 645.67 645-92 646. 1 8 646.43 646.69 646.94 647.19 64745 25.50 647.70 647.96 648.21 648.46 648.72 648.97 649.23 649.48 649-73 649.99 ~T-/ -/-/ 25.60 650.24 650.50 650.75 651.00 651.26 65L5I 65L77 652.02 654.27 652.53 25.70 652.78 653.04 653.29 653-54 653.80 654.05 654.31 654.56 654.81 655.07 25.80 655.32 655.58 655.83 656.08 656.34 656.59 656.85 657.10 657.35 657.6I 25.90 657.86 658.12 658.37 658.62 658.88 659.I3 659^9 659-64 659.89 660. 15 26.00 660.40 660.66 660.91 661.16 661.42 661.67 661.93 662.18 662.43 662.69 26.10 662.94 663.20 663.45 663.70 663.96 664.21 664.47 664.72 664.97 665.23 26.20 665.48 66,5-74 665.99 666.24 666.50 666.75 667.01 667.26 667.51 667.77 26.30 668.02 668.28 668.53 668.78 669.04 669.29 669.55 669.80 670.05 670.31 26.40 670.56 670.82 671.07 671.32 671.58 671.83 672.09 672.34 672.59 672.85 26.50 673.10 673-36 673.61 673.86 674.12 674-37 674.63 674.88 675.13 675.39 26.60 675.64 675.90 676.15 676.40 676.66 676.91 677.17 677.42 677.67 677.93 26.70 678.18 678.44 678.69 678.94 679.20 679-45 679.71 679.96 680.21 680.47 26.80 680.72 680.98 681.23 681.48 681.74 681.99 682.25 682.50 682.75 683.01 26.90 683.26 683.52 683.77 684.02 684.28 684.53 684.79 685.04 685.29 685.55 27.00 685.80 686.06 686.31 686.56 686.82 687.07 687.33 687.58 687.83 688.09 27.10 688.34 688.60 688.85 689. 10 689.36 689.61 689.87 690.12 690.37 690.63 27.20 690.88 691.14 691.39 691.64 691.90 692.15 692.41 692.66 692.91 693. 17 ! 27.30 693.42 693.68 693-93 694. 18 694.44 694.69 694.95 695.20 69545 * \ 695.71 27.40 695.96 696.22 696.47 696.72 696.98 697.23 69749 697.74 697.99 698.25 27.50 698.50 698.76 699.01 699.26 699.52 699.77 700.03 700.28 700.53 700.79 27.60 701.04 701.30 701.55 701.80 702.06 702.21 702.57 702.82 703.07 703.33 27.70 703-58 703.84 704.09 704.34 704.60 704-85 705.11 705.36 705.61 705.87 27.80 706.12 706.38 706.63 706.88 707.14 707.39 707.65 707.90 708.15 708.41 27.90 708.66 708.92 709.17 709.42 709.68 709.93 710.19 710.44 710.69 710.95 28.00 711.20 711.46 711.71 711.96 712.22 712.47 712.73 712.98 713.23 713.49 28.10 713.74 714.00 714.25 7I4.50 714.76 715.01 715.27 715.52 7I5.77 716.03 28.20 716.28 716.54 716.79 717.04 717.30 717.55 717-81 718.06 718.31 718.57 28.30 718.82 719.08 719.33 719-58 719.84 720.09 720.35 720.60 720.85 721.11 28.40 721.36 721.62 721.87 722.12 722.39 722.63 722.89 723.I4 723.39 723.65 28.50 723.90 724.16 724.41 724.66 724.92 725-17 72543 725.68 725.93 726. 19 28.60 726.44 726.70 726.95 727.20 727.46 727.71 727.97 728.22 728.47 728.73 28.70 728.98 729.24 729.49 729-74 730.00 730.25 730.51 730.76 731.01 731.27 28.80 73i.52 73L78 732.03 732.28 732.54 732.79 733-05 733.30 733-55 733-81 28.90 734.06 734-32 734-57 734-82 735-oS 735-33 735.59 735.84 736.09 736.35 29.00 736.60 736.86 737-n 737.36 737.62 737.87 738.13 738.38 738.63 738.89 29.10 739- J 4 739-40 739-65 739.90 740.16 740.41 740.67 740.92 741.17 741-43 29.20 74^.68 741.94 742.19 742.44 742.70 742.95 743-21 74346 743-71 743-97 29.30 744.22 744.48 744-73 744.98 745-24 745-49 745.75 746.00 746.25 746.51 29.40 746.76 747.02 747.27 747.52 747.78 748.03 748.29 748.54 748.79 749.05 29.50 749-30 749.56 749.81 750.06 750.32 750.57 750.83 751.08 751-33 75L59 29.60 75I-84 752.10 752.35 752.60 752.86 753.ii 753-37 753.62 753.87 754.13 29.70 754.38 754.64 754.89 755-14 755.40 755.65 755-91 756.16 756.41 756.67 29.80 756.92 757.18 757-43 757-68 757-94 758.19 758.45 758.70 758.95 759-2T 29.90 759.46 759-72 759-97 760.22 760.48 760.73 760.99 761.24 761.49 76i.75 30.00 762.00 762.26 762.51 762.76 763.02 763.27 763.53 763.78 764.03 764.29 Proportional Parts Inch ' ' l ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 0> 5 ' 6 ' 7 ' o8 ' 9 mm. 0.025 0.051 0.076 0.102 0.127 0.152 0.178 0.203 0.229 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 135 TABLE 64. INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES. i inch = 25.40005 mm. Inches. .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 30.00 762.00 762.26 762.51 762.76 763.02 763.27 763.53 763.78 764.03 764.29 30.10 764.54 764.80 765.05 765.30 765.56 765.81 766.07 766.32 766.57 766.83 30.20 767.08 767.34 767.59 767-84 768. 10 768.35 768.61 768.86 769.11 769.37 30.30 769.62 769.88 770.13 770.38 770.64 770.89 77LI5 771.40 771.65 771.91 30.40 772.16 772.42 772.67 772.92 773.18 773-43 773.69 773-94 774.19 774-45 30.50 774.70 774.96 775-21 775.46 775-72 775-97 776.23 776.48 776.73 776.99 30.60 777-24 777-50 777-75 778.00 778.26 778.51 778.77 779.02 779-27 779-53 30.70 779.78 780.04 780.29 780.54 780.80 781.05 781.31 781.56 781.81 782.07 30.80 782.32 782.58 782.83 783.08 783.34 783.59 783.85 784.10 784.35 784.61 30.90 784.86 785.12 785.37 785-62 785-88 786.13 786.39 786.64 786.89 787-15 31.00 787.40 787.66 787.91 788.16 788.42 788.67 788.93 789.18 789.43 789.69 31.10 789.94 790.20 790.45 790.70 790.96 791.21 791-47 791.72 791.97 792.23 31.20 792.48 792.74 792.99 793-24 793-50 793.75 794.01 794.26 794.51 794.77 31.30 795.02 795.28 795-53 795.78 796.04 796.29 796.55 796.80 797.05 797.31 31.40 797.56 797.82 798.07 798.32 798.58 798-83 799-09 799-34 799-59 799-85 31.50 Soo.IO 800.36 800.61 800.86 801.12 801.37 801.63 801.88 802.13 802.39 31.60 802.64 802.90 803.15 803.40 803.66 803.91 804.17 804.42 804.67 804-93 31.70 805.18 805.44 805.69 805.94 806.20 806.45 806.71 806.96 807.21 807.47 31.80 807.72 807.98 808.23 808.48 808.74 808.99 809.25 809.50 809.75 810.01 31.90 810.26 810.52 810.77 811.02 811.28 8H.53 811.79 812.04 812.29 812.55 32.00 8l2.8o Inch, o.ooi 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 Proportional Parts. - - SMITHSONIAN TABLE*. 186 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0.0000 0.0394 0.0787 0.1181 0.1575 0.1968 0.2362 0.2756 0.3150 0-3543 10 0-3937 0.4331 0.4724 0.5118 0-5512 0.5906 0.6299 0.6693 0.7087 0.7480 20 0.7874 0.8268 0.8661 0.9055 0.9449 0.9842 1.0236 1.0630 I.I024 1.1417 30 .1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 I.4I73 1.4567 1.4961 1-5354 40 1.5748 1.6142 1.6535 1.6929 1.7323 I.77I6 1.8110 1.8504 1.8898 1.9291 50 1.9685 2.0079 2.0472 2.0866 2.1260 2.1654 2.2047 2.2441 2.2835 2.3228 60 2.3622 2.4016 2.4409 2.4803 2.5197 2.559 2.5984 2.6378 2.6772 2.7165 70 2-7559 2-7953 2.8346 2.8740 2.9134 2.9528 2.9921 3.0315 3.0709 3.II02 80 3-I49 6 3.1890 3-2283 3.2677 3.3071 3.3464 3.3858 34252 3.4646 3-5039 90 3-5433 3.5828 3.6220 3.6614 3.7008 3.7402 3-7795 3.8189 3.8583 3.8976 100 3.9370 3.9764 4-0157 4.0551 4.0945 4.1338 4.1732 4.2126 4.2520 4.2913 no 4.3307 4-3701 4.4094 44488 4.4882 4.5276 4-5669 4.6063 4.6457 4.6850 1 20 4.7244 4.7638 4.8031 4.8425 4.8819 4.9212 4.9606 5.0000 5-0394 5.0787 130 5.1181 5.1575 5.1968 5.2362 5.2756 5.3150 5-3543 5.3937 5-4331 54724 140 5.5II8 5.5512 5.5905 5.6299 5.6693 5.7086 5.7480 57874 5.8268 5.8661 150 5.9055 5.9449 5.9842 6.0236 6.0630 6.1024 6.1417 6.1811 6.2205 6.2598 160 6.2992 6.3386 6.3779 6.4173 6.4567 6.4960 6-5354 6.5748 6.6142 6.6535 170 6.6929 6.7323 6.7716 6.8IIO 6.8504 6.8898 6.9291 6.9685 7.0079 7.0472 1 80 7.0866 7.1260 7-1653 7.2047 7.2441 7.2834 7-3228 7.3622 74016 7.4409 190 7.4803 7.5197 7.5590 7.5984 7.6378 7.6772 7-7165 7-7559 7-7953 7.8346 200 7.8740 7-9 J 34 7.9527 7.9921 8.0315 8.0708 8.1 102 8.1496 8.1890 8.2283 210 8.2677 8.3071 8.3464 8.3858 8.4252 8.4646 8.5039 8-5433 8.5827 8.6220 220 8.6614 8.7008 8.7401 8-7795 8.8189 8.8582 8.8976 8.9370 8.9764 9-0157 230 9.055I 9-0945 9-!338 9.1732 9.2126 9.2520 9.2913 9.3307 9.3701 9.4094 240 9.4488 9.4882 9.5275 9.5669 9.6063 9.6456 9.6850 9.7244 9.7638 9.8031 250 9.8425 9.8819 9.9212 9.9606 10.0000 10.0394 10.0787 10.1181 10.1575 10.1968 260 10.2362 10.2756 10.3149 10.3543 10.3937 10.4330 10.4724 10.5118 10.5512 10.5905 270 10.6299 10.6693 10.7086 10.7480 10.7874 10.8268 10.8661 10.9055 10.9449 10.9842 280 11.0236 11.0630 11.1023 II.I4I7 11.1811 II.22O4 11.2598 11.2992 H.3338 11.3779 290 II4I73 11.4568 11.4960 11-5354 11.5748 11.6142 11.6535 11.6929 11.7323 11.7716 300 11.8110 11.8504 11.8897 11.9291 11.9685 12.0078 12.0472 12.0866 12.1260 12.1653 310 12.2047 12.2441 12.2834 12.3228 12.3622 12.4016 12.4409 12.4803 12.5197 12.5590 320 12.5984 12.6378 12.6771 12.7165 12.7559 12.7952 12.8346 12.8740 12.9134 12.9527 330 12.9921 13.0315 13.0708 13.1102 13.1496 13.1890 13.2283 13.2677 13.3071 13.3464 340 13-3858 134252 134645 13.5039 13.5433 13.5826 13.6220 13.6614 13.7008 13.7401 350 13.7795 13.8189 13-8582 13.8976 13.9370 13.9764 14.0157 14-0551 14.0945 14.1338 360 14.1732 14.2126 14.2519 14.2913 14.3307 14.3700 14.4094 14.4488 14.4882 14.5275 370 14.5669 14.6063 14.6456 14.6850 14.7244 14.7638 14.8031 14.8425 14.8819 14.9212 380 14.9606 15.0000 15.0393 15.0787 15.1181 15.1574 15.1968 15.2362 15.2756 15.3149 390 T5.3543 15-3937 154330 15.4724 15.5118 15.5512 15.5905 15.6299 15.6693 15.7086 400 15.7480 157874 15.8267 15.8661 15.9055 15.9448 15.9842 16.0236 16.0630 16.1023 Tenths of a millimetre. Hundredths of a millimetre. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. mm. Inch. O.I 0.0039 0.6 0.0236 O.OI 0.0004 0.06 0.0024 .2 .0079 .7 .0276 .02 .0008 .07 .0028 3 .0118 .S .0315 .03 .0012 - .08 .0031 4 .oi57 .9 .0354 .04 .0016 .09 .0035 5 .0197 i.o .0394 .05 .0020 .10 .0039 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 'I8 7 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 ' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 400 15.748 15.752 15.756 15.760 15.764 15.768 15.772 15.776 15.779 I5./83 401 15.787 15.791 15-795 15.799 15-803 15.807 I5.8II 15.815 15.819 15.823 402 15.827 15.831 15.835 15.839 15.842 15.846 15.850 15.854 15-858 15.862 403 15.866 15.870 15.874 15.878 15.882 15.886 15.890 15.894 15.898 15.902 404 15.905 15.909 *5>9*3 15.917 15.921 15.925 15.929 !5-933 15.937 15.941 405 15-945 15-949 15.953 15.957 I5.96I 15.965 15.968 15-972 15.976 15.980 406 15.984 15.988 15.992 15.996 l6.OOO 16.004 16.008 16.012 16.016 I6.O2O 407 16.024 16.028 16.031 16.035 16.039 16.043 16.047 16.051 16.055 16.059 408 16.063 16.067 16.071 16.075 16.079 16.083 16.087 16.091 16.094 16.098 409 16. 102 1 6.106 16.110 16.114 16.118 I6.I22 16.126 16.130 16.134 16.138 410 16.142 16.146 16.150 16.154 16.157 16.161 16.165 16.169 16.173 16.177 411 16.181 16.185 16.189 16.193 16.197 16.201 16.205 16.209 16.213 16.217 412 16.220 16.224 16.228 16.232 16.236 16.240 16.244 16.248 16.252 16.256 413 16.260 16.264 16.268 16.272 16.276 16.279 16.283 16.287 16.291 16.295 414 16.299 16.303 16.307 16.311 16.315 16.319 16.323 16.327 16.331 16.335 415 l6 -339 16.342 16.346 16.350 16.354 16.358 16.362 16.366 16.370 16.374 416 16.378 16.382 16.386 16.390 16.394 16.398 16.402 16.405 16.409 16.413 417 16.417 16.421 16.425 16.429 16.433 16.437 16.441 16.445 16.449 16.453 418 16.457 16.461 16.465 16.468 16.472 16.476 16.480 16.484 16.488 16.492 419 16.496 16.500 16.504 16.508 16.512 16.516 16.520 16.524 16.528 16.531 420 16.535 16.539 16.543 16.547 16.551 16.555 16.559 16.563 16.567 16.571 421 16.575 16.579 16.583 16.587 16.591 16.594 16.598 16.602 16.606 16.610 422 16.614 16.618 16.622 16.626 16.630 16.634 16.638 16.642 16.646 16.650 423 16.654 16.657 16.661 16.665 16.669 16.673 16.677 16.681 16.685 16.689 424 16.693 16.697 16.701 16.705 16.709 16.713 16.717 16.720 16.724 16.728 425 16.732 16.736 16.740 16.744 16.748 16.752 16.756 16.760 16.764 16.768 426 16.772 16.776 16.779 16.783 16.787 16.791 16-795 16.799 16.803 16.807 427 16.811 16.815 16.819 16.823 16.827 16.831 16.835 16.839 16.842 16.846 428 16.850 16.854 16.858 16.862 16.866 16.870 16.874 16.878 16.882 16.886 429 16.890 16.894 16.898 16.902 16.905 16.909 16.913 16:917 16.921 16.925 430 16.929 16.933 16.937 16.941 16.945 16.949 16.953 16.957 16.961 16.965 43i 16.968 16.972 16.976 16.980 16.984 16.988 16.992 16.996 17.000 17.004 432 17.008 17.012 17.016 17.020 17.024 17.028 17.031 17-035 17.039 17.043 433 17.047 17.051 17.055 17.059 17.063 17.067 17.071 17.075 17.079 17.083 434 17.087 17.091 17.094 17.098 17.102 17.106 17.110 17.114 17.118 17.122 435 17.126 17.130 I7.I34 17.138 17.142 17.146 17.150 17.154 I7.I57 17.161 436 17.165 17.169 I7.I73 17.177 17.181 17.185 17.189 17.193 17.197 17.201 437 17.205 17.209 17.213 17.217 17.220 17.224 17.228 17.232 17.236 17.240 438 17.244 17.248 17.252 17.256 17.260 17.264 17.268 17.272 17.276 17.279 439 17-283 17.287 17.291 17.295 17.299 17-303 17.307 17.311 17-315 I7oi9 440 17.323 17.327 I7-33 1 17.335 17.339 I7-342 17.346 I/.350 17-354 17.358 441 17.362 17.366 17.370 17-374 17.378 17.382 17.386 17.390 17.394 17.398 442 17.402 17.405 17.409 17.413 17.417 17.421 17.425 17.429 17.433 17-437 443 17.441 17-445 17.449 17-453 17.457 17.461 17.465 17.468 17.472 17.476 444 17.480 17.484 17.488 17.492 17.496 17.500 17.504 17.508 17.512 17.516 445 17-520 17.524 17-528 17.531 17.535 17.539 17-543 17.547 17-551 17-555 446 17-559 17-563 17-567 17.571 17-575 17.579 17.583 17.587 17.591 17.594 447 17.598 17.602 17.606 17.610 17.614 17.618 17.622 17.626 17.630 17-634 448 17.638 17.642 17.646 17.650 17-654 17-657 17.661 17.665 17.669 17-6/3 449 17.677 17.681 17-685 17.689 17-693 17.697 17.701 17.705 17.709 17.713 450 17.717 17.720 17.724 17.728 17.732 17.736 17.740 17.744 17.748 17.752 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 188 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 450 17.717 17.720 17.724 17.728 17.732 17.736 17.740 17.744 17.748 17.752 45i I7.756 17.760 17.764 I 7 .768 17.772 17.776 17.779 17.783 17.787 17.791 452 17-795 17.799 17.803 17.807 17.811 17.815 17.819 17.823 17.827 17.831 453 17.835 17.839 17.842 17.846 17-850 17.854 17.858 17.862 17.866 17.870 454 17.874 17.878 17.882 17.886 17.890 17.894 17.898 17.902 17.905 17.909 455 17.913 17.917 17.921 17.925 17.929 17.933 17.937 17.941 17-945 17-949 456 17.953 17.957 17.961 17.965 17.968 17.972 17.976 17.980 17.984 17.988 457 17.992 17.996 18.000 18.004 18.008 18.012 18.016 I8.O2O 18.024 18.028 458 18.031 18.035 18.039 18.043 18.047 18.051 18.055 18.059 18.063 18.067 459 18.071 18.075 18.079 18.083 18.087 18.091 18.094 18.098 18. 102 18.106 460 18.110 18.114 18.118 18.122 18.126 18.130 18.134 18.138 18.142 18.146 461 18.150 18.154 18.157 18.161 18.165 18.169 18.173 18.177 18.181 18.185 462 18.189 18.193 18.197 18.201 18.205 18.209 18.213 18.216 18.220 18.224 463 18.228 18.232 18.236 18.240 18.244 18.248 18.252 18.256 18.260 18.264 464 18.268 18.272 18.276 18.279 18.283 18.287 18.291 18.295 18.299 18.303 465 18.307 18.311 18.315 18.319 18.323 18.327 18.331 18.335 18.339 18.342 466 18.346 18.350 18.354 18.358 18.362 18.366 18.370 18.374 18.378 18.382 467 18.386 [8.390 18.394 18.398 18.402 18.405 18.409 18.413 18.417 18.421 468 18.425 18.429 18.433 18.437 18.441 18.445 18.449 18.453 18.457 18.461 469 18.465 18.468 18.472 18.476 18.480 18.484 18.488 18.492 18.496 18.500 470 18.504 18.508 18.512 18.516 18.520 18.524 18.528 18.531 18.535 18.539 47i 18.543 18.547 i8.55i 18.555 18.559 18.563 18.567 18.571 18.575 18.579 472 18.583 18.587 18.591 18.594 18.598 18.602 18.606 18.610 18.614 18.618 473 18.622 18.626 18.630 18.634 18.638 18.642 18.646 18.650 18.654 18.657 474 18.661 18.665 18.669 18.673 18.677 18.681 18.685 18.689 18.693 18.697 475 18.701 18.705 18.709 18.713 18.716 18.720 18.724 18.728 18.732 18.736 476 18.740 18.744 18.748 18.752 18.756 18.760 18.764 18.768 18.772 18.776 477 18.779 18.783 18.787 18.791 18.795 18.799 18.803 18.807 18.811 18.815 478 18.819 18.823 18.827 18.831 18.835 18.839 18.842 18.846 18.850 18.854 479 18.858 18.862 18.866 18.870 18.874 18.878 18.882 18.886 18.890 18.894 480 18.898 18.902 18.905 18.909 18.913 18.917 18.921 18.925 18.929 J 8.933 481 18.937 18.941 18.945 18.949 18.953 18.957 18.961 18.965 18.968 18.972 482 18.976 18.980 18.984 18.988 18.992 18.996 19.000 19.004 19.008 19.012 483 19.016 19.020 19.024 19.028 19.031 19.035 19.039 19-043 19.047 19.051 484 I9. 55 19.059 19.063 19.067 19.071 19.075 19.079 19.083 19.087 19.091 485 19.094 19.098 19.102 19.106 19.110 19.114 19.118 19.122 19.126 19.130 486 i9- I 34 19.138 19.142 19.146 19.150 I9- I 54 i9- I 57 19.161 19.165 19.169 487 19.173 19.177 19.181 19.185 19.189 19.193 19.197 19.201 19.205 19.209 488 19.213 19.216 19.220 19.224 19.228 19.232 19.236 19.240 19.244 19.248 489 19.252 19.256 19.260 19.264 19.268 19.272 19.276 19.279 19-283 19.287 490 19.291 I9. 2 95 19.299 I 9-303 19.307 19.311 19-315 19-319 19-323 19.327 491 19.331 19-335 19-339 19.342 I9-346 19.350 19.354 I9.358 19.362 19.366 492 19.370 19-374 I9.378 19.382 19.386 19.390 19.394 19-398 19.402 19-405 493 19.409 I9.4I3 19.417 19.421 19425 19.429 19433 19-437 19.441 19-445 494 19.449 19.453 19.457 19.461 19465 19.468 19.472 19.476 19.480 19.484 495 19.488 19.492 19.496 19.500 19.504 19.508 19.512 19.516 19-520 19-524 496 19-528 19.531 19.535 19-539 19.543 I9.547 I9.55I 19-555 19-559 19-563 497 19-567 19.571 19-575 19.579 I9.583 19-587 19-591 19-594 I9-598 19.602 498 19.606 19.610 19.614 19.618 19.622 19.626 19.630 19.634 19.638 19.642 499 19.646 19.650 19-654 19-657 19.661 19.665 19.669 I9-673 19.677 19.681 500 19.685 19.689 19-693 19.697 19.701 19-705 19.709 19-713 19.716 19.720 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 189 TABLE 65 MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 500 19-685 19.689 19.693 19.697 19.701 19.705 19.709 19.713 19.716 19.720 50i 19.724 19.728 19.732 19.736 19.740 I9.744 19.748 19.752 19.756 19.760 502 19.764 19.768 19.772 19.776 19.779 I9.783 19.787 19.791 19-795 19.799 503 19.803 19.807 19.811 19.815 19.819 19.823 19.827 19.831 !9.835 J 9-839 504 19.842 19.846 19.850 I9.854 19-858 19.862 19.866 19.870 19.874 19.878 505 19.882 19.886 19.890 19.894 19.898 19.902 19.905 19.909 T 9-9i3 19.917 506 19.921 I9.9 2 5 19.929 !9-933 J 9'937 19.941 I9.945 19.949 J 9.953 T 9.957 507 19.961 !9-9 6 5 19.968 19.972 19.976 19.980 19.984 19.988 19.992 19.996 508 2O.OOO 20.004 20.008 2O.OI2 20.016 2O.O2O 20.024 20.028 20.031 20.035 509 20.039 20.043 20.047 2O.O5I 20.055 20.059 20.063 20.067 20.071 20.075 510 20.079 20.083 20.087 2O.O9I 20.094 20.098 2O. I O2 20. 1 06 20.110 20.114 5H 20.118 20.122 20.126 20. 130 20.134 20. 138 20. 142 20. 146 20.150 20.154 512 20.157 20.161 20.165 20. 169 20.173 20.177 20.181 20.185 20.189 20.193 5i3 20.197 20.201 20.205 20. 209 20.213 20.216 20.220 20.224 20.228 20.232 5i4 20.236 20.240 20.244 20.248 20.252 20.256 20.260 20.264 20.268 20.272 515 20.276 20.279 20.283 2O.287 20.291 20.295 2O.299 20.303 20.307 20.311 5i6 20.315 20.319 20.323 20.327 20.331 20.335 20.339 20.342 20.346 20.350 5i7 20.354 20.358 20.362 20.366 20.370 20.374 20.378 20.382 20.386 20.390 5i8 20.394 20.398 20.402 20.405 20.409 20.413 20.417 20.421 20.425 20.429 519 20.433 20.437 20.441 20.445 20.449 20.453 20.457 20.461 20.465 20.468 520 20.472 20.476 20.480 20.484 20.488 20.492 20.496 20.500 20.504 20.508 521 20.512 20.516 20.520 20.524 20.528 20.531 20.535 20.539 20.543 20.547 522 20.551 20.555 20.559 20.563 20.567 20.571 20-575 20.579 20.583 20.587 523 20.591 20.594 20.598 20.602 20.606 2O.6IO 2O.6I4 20.6l8 20.622 20.626 524 20.630 20.634 20.638 2O.642 20.646 20. 650 20.654 20.657 20.661 20.665 525 20.669 20.673 20.677 20.681 20.685 20.689 20.693 20.697 2O.7OI 20.705 526 20.709 20.713 20.716 20.720 20.724 20.728 20.732 20.736 20.740 20.744 527 20.748 20.752 20.756 20.760 20.764 20.768 20.772 20.776 20.779 20.783 528 20.787 20.791 20.795 20.799 20.803 20.807 20.8II 20.815 20.819 20.823 529 20.827 20.831 20.835 20.839 20.842 20.846 20.850 20.854 20.858 20.862 530 20.866 20.870 20.874 20.878 20.882 20.886 20.890 20.894 20.898 20.902 53i 20.905 20.909 20.913 20.917 20.921 20.925 20.929 20.933 20.937 20.941 532 20.945 20.949 20-953 20.957 20.961 20.965 20.968 20.972 20.976 20.980 533 20.984 20.988 20.992 20.996 21.000 21.004 2I.008 21.012 2I.OI6 2 1. 02O 534 21.024 2I.O28 21.031 21.035 21.039 21.043 21.047 21.051 21.055 21.059 535 21.063 21.067 21.071 21.075 21.079 21.083 21.087 21.091 21.094 21.098 536 21.102 21.106 21.110 21.114 2I.II8 21.122 21.126 21.130 21.134 21.138 537 21.142 21.146 21.150 21.154 21.157 21.161 2I.I65 2I.I69 21.173 21.177 538 21.181 21.185 21.189 21.193 21.197 21.201 21.205 21.209 21.213 2I.2I6 539 2I.22O 21.224 21.228 21.232 21.236 21.240 21.244 21.248 21.252 21.256 540 21.260 21.264 21.268 21.272 21.276 21.279 21.283 21.287 21.291 21.295 54i 21.299 21.303 21.307 21.311 2L3I5 21.319 21.323 21.327 21.331 21-335 542 21-339 21.342 21.346 21.350 21-354 2L358 21.362 21.366 21.370 21-374 543 21.378 21.382 21.386 21.390 21-394 21.398 21.402 21.405 21.409 21.413 544 21.417 21.421 21.425 21.429 21-433 21-437 21.441 21.445 21.449 21-453 545 21.457 21.461 21.465 21.468 21.472 21.476 21.480 21.484 21.488 21.492 546 21.496 21.500 21.504 21.508 21.512 2I.5I6 21.520 21.524 21.528 21.531 547 21.535 21.539 21-543 21-547 21.551 21-555 2L559 21.563 21.567 21.571 548 21.575 21.579 21.583 21.587 21.591 21.594 21.598 21.602 21.606 2I.6IO 549 21.614 21.618 21.622 21.626 21.630 21.634 21.638 21.642 21.646 21.650 550 21.654 21.657 2I.66I 21.665 21.669 21.673 21.677 2I.68I 21.685 21.689 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. IQO TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. x mm. = 0.03937 inch. Midi, metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 550 21.654 21.657 2I.66I 21.665 21.669 21.673 21.677 2I.68I 21.685 21.689 551 21.693 21.697 21.701 21.705 21.709 21.713 21.716 21.720 21.724 21.728 552 21.732 21.736 21.740 21.744 21.748 21.752 21.756 21.760 21.764 21.768 553 21.772 21.776 21.779 21.783 21.787 21.791 21-795 21.799 21.803 21.807 554 2I.8II 21.815 21.819 21.823 21.827 21.831 21.835 21.839 21.842 21.846 555 21.850 21.854 21.858 21.862 21.866 21.870 21.874 21.878 21.882 21.886 556 21.890 21.894 21.898 21.902 21.905 21.909 21.913 21.917 21.921 21.925 557 21.929 21.933 21-937 21.941 21-945 21.949 21-953 21-957 21.961 21.965 558 21.968 21.972 21.976 21.980 21.984 21.988 21.992 21.996 22.000 22.004 559 22.008 22.012 22.016 22.020 22.024 22.028 22.031 22.035 22.039 22.043 560 22.047 22.051 22.055 22.059 22.063 22.067 22.071 22.075 22.079 22.083 56i 22.087 22.091 22.094 22.098 22.IO2 22. 1 06 22.110 22.114 22.118 22.122 562 22.126 22.130 22.134 22.138 22.142 22.146 22.150 22.153 22.157 22.l6l 563 22.165 22.169 22.173 22.177 22.I8I 22.185 22.189 22.193 22.197 22.2OI 564 22.205 22.2O9 22.213 22.2l6 22.220 22.224 22.22 22.232 22.236 22.240 565 22.244 22.248 22.252 22.256 22.260 22.264 22.268 22.272 22.276 22.279 566 22.283 22.287 22.291 22.295 22.299 22.303 22.307 22.311 22.315 22.319 567 22.323 22.327 22.331 22-335 22.339 22.342 22.346 22.350 22-354 22.358 568 22.362 22.366 22.370 22.374 22.378 22.382 22.386 22.390 22.394 22.398 569 22.402 22.405 22.409 22.413 22.417 22.421 22.425 22.429 22.433 22.437 570 22.441 22.445 22.449 22-453 22.457 22.461 22.465 22.468 22.472 22.476 571 22.480 22.484 22.488 22.492 22.496 22.500 22.504 22.508 22.512 22.516 572 22.520 22.524 22.528 22.531 22-535 22.539 22.543 22.547 22.551 22-555 573 22.559 22.563 22.567 22.571 22.575 22.579 22.583 22.587 22.591 22.594 574 22.598 22.6O2 22.6o6 22.6IO 22.614 22.6l8 22.622 22.626 22.630 22.634 575 22.638 22.642 22.646 22.650 22.653 22.657 22.661 22.665 22.669 22.673 576 22.677 22.681 22.685 22.689 22.693 22.697 22.701 22.705 22.709 22.713 577 22.716 22.720 22.724 22.728 22.732 22.736 22.740 22.744 22.748 22.752 578 22.756 22.760 22.764 22.768 22.772 22.776 22.779 22.783 22.787 22.791 579 22.795 22.799 22.803 22.807 22.811 22.815 22.819 22.823 22.827 22.831 580 22.835 22.839 22.842 22.846 22.850 22.854 22.858 22.862 22.866 22.870 58i 22.874 22.878 22.882 22.886 22.890 22.894 22.898 22.902 22.905 22.909 582 22.913 22.917 22.921 22.925 22.929 22.933 22.937 22.941 22.945 22.949 583 22.953 22.957 22.961 22.965 22.968 22.972 22.976 22.980 22.984 22.988 584 22.992 22.996 23.000 23.004 23.008 23.OI2 23.016 23.020 23.024 23.028 585 23-031 23.035 23.039 23-043 23.047 23.051 23.055 23.059 23.063 23.067 586 23.071 23.075 23.079 23.083 23.087 23.091 23.094 23.098 23.102 23. 106 587 23.110 23.114 23.118 23.122 23.126 23.130 23.134 23-138 23.142 23.146 588 23.150 23.I53 23.157 23.161 23.165 23.169 23.173 23.177 23.181 23-185 589 23.189 23.I93 23.197 23.201 23.205 23.209 23.213 23.216 23.220 23.224 590 23.228 23.232 23-236 23.240 23.244 23.248 23.252 23.256 23.260 23.264 59i 23.268 23.272 23.276 23.279 23.283 23.287 23.291 23.295 23.299 23-303 592 23.307 23.3H 23-3!5 23-319 23.323 23.327 23.331 23.335 23.339 23-342 593 23.346 23.350 23.354 23.358 23.362 23.366 23.370 23-374 23.378 23.382 594 23.386 23.390 23.394 23-398 23.402 23.405 23.409 23413 23417 23.421 595 23.425 23.429 23.433 23-437 23.441 23.445 23-449 23-453 23-457 23-461 596 23.465 23.468 23.472 23.476 23.480 23.484 23.488 23.492 23.496 23-500 597 23.504 23.508 23-512 23.516 23.520 23.524 23.528 23-53 1 23-535 23.539 598 23.543 23-547 23-551 23-555 23.559 23.563 23-567 23.571 23.575 23.579 599 23.583 23.587 23.591 23.594 23.598 23.602 23.606 23.610 23.614 23.618 600 23.622 23.626 23.630 23.634 23.638 23.642 23.646 23.650 23.653 23.657 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES, i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 600 23.622 23.626 23.630 23.634 23-638 23-642 23.646 23.650 23.653 23.657 601 23.661 23.665 23.669 23.673 23.677 23.681 23-685 23-689 23.693 23.697 602 23.701 23.705 23.709 23.713 23.716 23.720 23.724 23.728 23.732 23.736 603 23.740 23-744 23.748 23.752 23.756 23.760 23.764 23.768 23.772 23.776 604 23.779 23.783 23.787 23.791 23.795 23-799 23.803 23.807 23.811 23.815 605 23.819 23.823 23.827 23.831 23.835 23.839 23.842 23.846 23.850 23.854 606 23.858 23.862 23.866 23.870 23.874 23-878 23.882 23.886 23.890 23.894 607 23-898 23.902 23.905 23.909 23.913. 23.917 23.921 23.925 23.929 23-933 608 23-937 23.941 23.945 23.949 23-953 23.957 23.961 23.965 23.968 23.972 609 23.976 23.980 23.984 23.988 23.992 23.996 24.000 24.004 24.008 24.012 610 24.016 24.020 24.024 24.028 24.031 24.035 24.039 24.043 24.047 24.051 611 24-055 24.059 24.063 24.067 24.071 24.075 24.079 24.083 24.087 24.091 612 24.094 24.098 24. 102 24.106 24.110 24.114 24.118 24.122 24.126 24.130 613 24.134 24.138 24.142 24.146 24.150 24.153 24.157 24.161 24.165 24.169 614 24.173 24.177 24.l8l 24.185 24.189 24.193 24.197 24.201 24.205 24.209 615 24.213 24.216 24.22O 24.224 24.228 24-232 24.236 24.240 24.244 24.248 616 24-252 24.256 24. 26o 24.264 24.268 24.272 24.276 24.279 24.283 24.287 617 24.291 24.295 24.299 24.303 24.307 24.311 24-3!5 24.319 24.323 24.327 618 24.331 24-335 24.339 24.342 24.346 24.350 .24-354 24.358 24-362 24.366 619 24.370 24-374 24.378 24.382 24.386 24.390 24.394 24.398 24.402 24.405 620 24.409 24.413 24.417 24.421 24.425 24.429 24-433 24-437 24.441 24.445 621 24-449 24.453 24-457 24.461 24.465 24.468 24.472 24.476 24.480 24.484 622 24.488 24.492 24.496 24.500 24.504 24.508 24.512 24.516 24.520 24.524 623 24.528 24.531 24-535 24.539 24-543 24-547 24-551 24-555 24-559 24.563 624 24.567 24.57I 24-575 24-579 24.583 24-587 24-59 1 24.594 24.598 24.602 625 24.606 24.610 24.614 24.618 24.622 24.626 24-630 24.634 24.638 24.642 626 24.646 24.650 24.653 24.657 24.661 24-665 24.669 24.673 24.677 24.681 627 24.685 24.689 24.693 24.697 24.701 24.705 24.709 24.713 24.716 24.720 628 24.724 24.728 24.732 24.736 24.740 24.744 24.748 24.752 24.756 24.760 629 24.764 24.768 24.772 24.776 24.779 24.783 24-787 24.791 24-795 24.799 630 24.803 24.807 24.8ll 24-815 24.819 24.823 24.827 24.831 24.835 24.839 631 24.842 24.846 24.850 24.854 24-858 24.862 24.866 24.870 24.874 24.878 632 24.882 24.886 24.890 24.894 24.898 24.902 24.905 24.909 24.913 24.917 633 24.921 24.925 24.929 24.933 24-937 24.941 24.945 24.949 24-953 24-957 634 24.961 24.965 24.968 24.972 24.976 24.980 24.984 24.988 24.992 24.996 635 25.000 25.004 25.008 25.012 25.016 25.020 25.024 25.028 25-031 25.035 636 25.039 25.043 25.047 25.051 25.055 25.059 25.063 25.067 25.071 25.075 637 25.079 25.083 25.087 25.091 25.094 25.098 25.102 25.106 25.110 25.114 638 25.118 25.122 25.126 25.130 25.I34 25.138 25.142 25.146 25.150 25.I53 639 25.157 25.161 25.165 25.169 25.173 25.177 25-181 25.185 25.189 25.I93 640 25.I97 25.201 25.205 25-209 25.213 25.216 25.220 25.224 25.228 25.232 641 25.236 25.240 25.244 25.248 25.252 25-256 25.260 25-264 25.268 25.272 642 25.276 25.279 25.283 25.287 25.291 25.295 25.299 25.303 25.307 25-3 11 643 25.315 25-3!9 25.323 25.327 25.331 25-335 25-339 25.342 25.346 25-350 644 25.354 25.358 25.362 25.366 25.370 25.374 25-378 25.382 25.386 25.39 645 25.394 25-398 25.402 25.405 25.409 25-4 I 3 25-417 25.421 25.425 25.429 646 25.433 25.437 25.441 25445 25-449 25-453 25-457 25.461 25465 25.468 647 25.472 25.476 25.480 25.484 25.488 25.492 25-496 25.500 25.504 25.508 648 25.512 25-516 25.520 25.524 25.528 25-53 1 25-535 25-539 25-543 25-547 649 25.55I 25-555 25.559 25.563 25-567 25.571 25.575 25-579 25.583 25-587 650 25-59 1 25-594 25.598 25.602 25.606 25.610 25.614 25.618 25.622 25.626 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 192 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 ' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 650 25-59 1 25-594 25.598 25.602 25.606 25.610 25-614 25.618 25.622 25.626 651 25-630 25.634 25.638 25-642 25.646 25.650 25.653 25.657 25.661 25-665 652 25.669 25.673 25.677 25.681 25.685 25.689 25.693 25.697 25.701 25.705 653 25.709 25.713 25.716 25.720 25.724 25.728 25.732 25.736 25.740 25.744 654 25.748 25.752 25.756 25.760 25.764 25.768 25.772 25.776 25-779 25.783 655 25.787 25-79 1 25.795 25.799 25.803 25-807 25.811 25.815 25.819 25.823 656 25.827 25.831 25.835 25.839 25.842 25-846 25.850 25.854 25.858 25.862 ! 657 25.866 25.870 25.874 25-878 25.882 25.886 25-890 25.894 25-898 25.902 658 25.905 25.909 25.913 25.917 25.921 25.925 25.929 25.933 25.937 25.941 659 25-945 25.949 25.953 25.957 25.961 25.965 25-968 25.972 25.976 25.980 660 25.984 25.988 25.992 25.996 26.000 26.004 26.008 26.012 26.016 26.020 661 26.024 26.028 26.031 26.035 26.039 26.043 26.047 26.051 26.055 26.059 662 26.063 26.067 26.071 26.075 26.079 26.083 26.087 26.090 26.094 26.098 663 26. IO2 26. 1 06 26.IIO 26.114 26.118 26.122 26.126 26.130 26.134 26.138 664 26.142 26. 146 26. 150 26.153 26.157 26.161 26. 165 26. 169 26.173 26.177 665 26.l8l 26.185 26.189 26.193 26.197 26.2OI 26.205 26.209 26.213 26.216 666 26.220 26.224 26.228 26.232 26.236 26. 240 26.244 26.248 26.252 26.256 667 26. 260 26.264 26.268 26.272 26.276 26.279 26.283 26.287 26.291 26.295 668 26.299 26.303 26.307 26.311 26.315 26.319 26.323 26.327 26.331 26.335 669 26.339 26.342 26.346 26.350 26.354 26.358 26.362 26.366 26.370 26.374 670 26.378 26.382 26.386 26.390 26.394 26.398 26.402 26.405 26.409 26.413 671 26.417 26.421 26.425 26.429 26.433 26.437 26.441 26.445 26.449 26.453 672 26.457 26.461 26.465 26.468 26.472 26.476 26.480 26.484 26.488 26.492 673 26.496 26.500 26.504 26.508 26.512 26.516 26.520 26.524 26.528 26.531 674 26.535 26.539 26.543 26.547 26.551 26.555 26.559 26.563 26.567 26.571 675 26.575 26.579 26.583 26.587 26.590 26.594 26.598 26.602 26.606 26.610 676 26.614 26.618 26.622 26.626 26.630 26.634 26.638 26.642 26.646 26.650 677 26.653 26.657 26.661 26.665 26.669 26.673 26.677 26.681 26.685 26.689 678 26.693 26.697 26.701 26.705 26.709 26.713 26.716 26.720 26.724 26.728 679 26.732 26.736 26.740 26.744 26.748 26.752 26.756 26.760 26.764 26.768 680 26.772 26.776 26.779 26.783 26.787 26.791 26.795 26799 26.803 26.807 68 1 26.8II 26.815 26.819 26.823 26.827 26.831 26.835 26.838 26.842 26.846 682 26.850 26.854 26.858 26.862 26.866 26.870 26.874 26.878 26.882 26.886 683 26.890 26.894 26.898 26.902 26.905 26.909 26.913 26.917 26.921 26.925 684 26.929 26.933 26.937 26.941 26.945 26.949 26.953 26.957 26.961 26.965 685 26.968 26.972 26.976 26.980 26.984 26.988 26.992 26.996 27.000 27.004 686 27.008 27.012 27.016 27.020 27.024 27.028 27.031 27.035 27.039 27.043 687 27.047 27-051 27.055 27.059 27.063 27.067 27.071 27.075 27.079 27.083 688 27.087 27.090 27.094 27.098 27.102 27.106 27.110 27.114 27.118 27.122 ! 689 27.126 27.130 27.134 27.138 27.142 27.146 27.150 27.153 27.I57 27.161 690 27.165 27.169 27.173 27.177 27.181 27.185 27.189 27.193 27.197 27.201 691 27.205 27.209 27.213 27.216 27.220 27.224 27.228 27.232 27.236 27.240 692 27.244 27.248 27.252 27.256 27.260 27.264 27.268 27.272 27.276 27.279 : 693 27.283 27.287 27.291 27.295 27.299 27.303 27.307 27.311 27.315 27.319 694 27.323 27.327 27.331 27.335 27.339 27.342 27.346 27.350 27.354 27.358 | 695 27.362 27.366 27.370 27-374 27.378 27.382 27.386 27.390 27.394 27.398 : 696 27.402 27-405 27.409 27.413 27.417 27.421 27.425 27.429 27-433 27-437 69? 27.441 27.445 27.449 27453 27.457 27.461 27.465 27.468 27.472 27.476 698 27.480 27.484 27.488 27.492 27.496 27.500 27.504 27.508 27.512 27.516 699 27.520 27.524 27.528 27.531 27-535 27.539 27-543 27.547 27.551 27-555 700 27.559 27-563 27.567 27.571 27.575 27.579 27.583 27.587 27.590 27.594 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 193 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 ' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 700 27-559 27.563 27.567 27.571 27.575 27-579 27.583 27.587 27.590 27-594 ' 701 27.598 27.602 27.606 27.610 27.614 27.618 27.622 27.626 27.630 ^ 1 27.634 702 27-638 27.642 27.646 27.650 27.653 27.657 27.661 27.665 27.669 27.673 703 27.677 27.681 27.685 27.689 27.693 27.697 27.701 27.705 27.709 27.713; 704 27.716 27.720 27.724 27.728 27.732 27.736 27.740 27.744 27.748 27.752 705 27.756 27.760 27.764 27.768 27.772 27.776 27.779 27.783 27.787 27.791 706 27.795 27.799 27-803 27.807 27.811 27.815 27.819 27.823 27.827 27.831 ; 707 27.835 27.839 27.842 2 7 .8 4 6 27.850 27.854 27.858 ; 27.862 27.866 27.870 708 27.874 27.878 27.882 27.886 27.890 27.894 27.898 : 27.902 27.905 27.909 i 709 27.913 27.917 27.921 27.925 27.929 27.933 27.937 27.941 27.945 27.949 710 27.953 27-957 27.961 27.965 27.968 27.972 27.976 27.980 27.984 27.988 711 27.992 27.996 28.000 28.004 28.008 28.012 28.016 28.020 28.024 28.028 ; 712 28.031 28.035 28.039 28.043 28.047 28.051 28.055 28.059 28.063 28.067 ' 7i3 28.071 28.075 28.079 28.083 28.087 28.090 28.094 28.098 28.102 28.106 714 28.110 28.114 28.118 28.122 28.126 28.130 28.134 28.138 28.142 28.146 715 28. 150 28.153 28.157 28.l6l 28.165 28. 169 28.173 28.177 28.181 28.185 716 28.189 28.193 28.197 28.201 28.205 28.209 28.213 28.216 28.220 28.224 717 28.228 28.232 28.236 28.240 28.244 28.248 28.252 28.256 28.260 28.264 718 28.268 28.272 28.276 28.279 28.283 28.287 28.291 28.295 28.299 28.303 719 28.307 28.311 28.315 28.319 28.323 28.327 28.331 28.335 28.339 28.342 720 28.346 28.350 28.354 28.358 28.362 28.366 28.370 28.374 28.378 28.382 721 28.386 28.390 28.394 28.398 28.402 28.405 28.409 28.413 28.417 28.421 722 28.425 28.429 28.433 28.437 28.441 28.445 28.449 28.453 28.457 28.461 723 28.465 28.468 28.472 28.476 28.480 28.484 28.488 28.492 28.496 28.500 724 28.504 28.508 28.512 28.516 28.520 28.524 28.528 28.531 28.535 28.539 725 28-543 28.547 28.551 28.555 28.559 28.563 28.567 28.571 28.575 28.579 726 28.583 28.587 28.590 28.594 28.598 28.602 28.606 28.610 28.614 28.618 727 28.622 28.626 28.630 28.634 28.6^8 28.642 28.646 28.650 28.653 28.657 728 28.661 28.665 28.669 28.673 28.677 28.681 28.685 28.689 28.693 28.697 729 28.701 28.705 28.709 28.713 28.716 28.720 28.724 28.728 28.732 28.736 730 28.740 28.744 28.748 28.752 28.756 28.760 28.764 28.768 28.772 28.776 73 1 28.779 28.783 28787 28.791 28.795 28.799 28.803 28.807 28.811 28.815 732 28.819 28.823 28.827 28.831 28.835 28.839 28.842 28.846 28.850 28.854 733 28.858 28.862 28.866 28.870 28.874 28.878 28.882 28.886 28.890 28.894 734 28.898 28.902 28.905 28.909 28.913 28.917 28.921 28.925 28.929 28.933 735 28.937 28.941 28.945 28.949 28.953 28.957 28.961 28.965 28.968 28.972 736 28.976 28.980 28. 9 8 4 28.988 28.992 28.996 29.000 29.004 29.008 29.012 737 29.016 29.020 29.024 29.028 29.031 29.035 29.039 29.043 29.047 29.051 738 29.055 29.059 29.063 29.067 29.071 29.075 29.079 29.083 29.087 29.090 739 29.094 29.098 29. IO2 29. 106 29.110 29.114 29.118 29.122 29.126 29.130 740 29- 134 29.138 29.142 29. 146 29.150 29.I53 29.157 29.161 29.165 29.169 74i 29.173 29.177 29.181 29.185 29.189 29.193 29.197 29.201 29.205 29.209 742 29.213 29.216 29.22O 29.224 29.228 29.232 29.236 29.240 29.244 29.248 743 29.252 29.256 29.260 29.264 29.268 29.272 29.276 29.279 29.283 29.287 744 29.291 29.295 29.299 29.303 29.307 29.311 29-315 29.319 29.323 29-327 745 29.331 29-335 29.339 29.342 29.346 29.350 29.354 29.358 29.362 29.366 746 29.370 29-3/4 29.378 29.382 29.386 29.390 29.394 29.398 29.402 29.405 747 29.409 29413 29.417 29.421 29.425 29.429 29.433 29437 29.441 29.445 748 29.449 29-453 29457 29.461 29.465 29.468 29.472 29.476 29.480 29.484 749 29.488 29.492 29.496 29.500 29.504 29.508 29.512 29.516 29.520 29.524 750 29.528 29.53I 29.535 29'539 29-543 29.547 29-55I 29.555 29-559 29-563 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 194 TABLE 65 MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 750 29.528 29-53I 29.535 29.539 29.543 29.547 29.551 29.555 29-559 29.563 75i 29.567 29.571 29-575 29.579 29.583 29.587 29.590 29-594 29.598 29.602 752 29.606 29.610 29.614 29.618 29.622 29.626 29.630 29.634 29.638 29.642 753 29.646 29.650 29.653 29.657 29.661 29.665 29.669 29.673 29.677 29.681 754 29.685 29.689 29-693 29.697 29.701 29.705 29.709 29.713 29.716 29.720 755 29-724 29.728 29.732 29.736 29.740 29.744 29.748 29.752 29.756 29.760 756 29.764 29.768 29.772 29.776 29.779 29.783 29.787 29.791 29-795 29.799 757 29.803 29.807 29.811 29.815 29.819 29.823 29.827 29.831 29.835 29.839 758 29.842 29.846 29.850 29.854 29-858 29.862 29.866 29.870 29.874 29.878 759 29.882 29.886 29.890 29.894 29.898 29.902 29.905 29.909 29.913 29.917 760 29.921 29.925 29.929 29-933 29.937 29.941 29-945 29-949 29.953 29-957 761 29.961 29.965 29.968 29.972 29.976 29.980 29.984 29.988 29.992 29.996 762 30.000 30.004 30.008 30.012 30.016 30.020 30.024 30.027 30.031 30.035 763 30.039 30.043 30.047 30.051 30.055 30.059 30.063 30.067 30.071 30.075 764 30.079 30.083 30.087 30.090 30.094 30.098 30. 102 30.106 30.110 30.H4 765 30.II8 30.122 30.126 30.130 30.134 30.138 30.142 30.146 30.150 30.153 766 30.157 30.161 30.165 30.169 30.173 30.177 30.l8l 30.185 30.189 30.193 767 30.197 30.201 30.205 30.209 30.213 30.216 3O.22O 30.224 30.228 30.232 768 30.236 30.240 30.244 30.248 30.252 30.256 30.260 30.264 30.268 30.272 769 30.276 30.279 30.283 30.287 30.291 30.295 30.299 30.303 30.307 30.311 770 30.315 30.319 30.323 30.327 30.331 30.335 30.339 30.342 30.346 30.350 771 30.354 30.358 30.362 30.366 30.370 30.374 30.378 30.382 30.386 30.390 i 772 30.394 30.398 30.402 30.405 30.409 30.413 30.417 30.421 30.425 30.429 773 30.433 30.437 30.441 30.445 30.449 30.453 30.457 30.461 30.465 30.468 774 30.472 30.476 30.480 30.484 30.488 30.492 30.496 30.500 30.504 30.508 775 30.512 30.516 30.520 30.524 30.528 30.531 30.535 30.539 30.543 30.547 776 30.551 30.555 30.559 30.563 30.567 30.571 30.575 30.579 30.583 30.587 777 30.590 30.594 30.598 30.602 30.606 30.610 30.614 30.618 30.622 30.626 778 30.630 30.634 30.638 30.642 30.646 30.650 30.653 30.657 30.661 30.665 779 30.669 30.673 30.677 30.681 30.685 30.689 30.693 30.697 30.701 30.705 780 30.709 30.713 30.716 30.720 30.724 30.728 30.732 30.736 30.740 30.744 781 30.748 30.752 30.756 30.760 30.764 30.768 30.772 30.776 30.779 30.783 782 30.787 30.791 30.795 30.799 30.803 30.807 30.8II 30.815 30.819 30.823 783 30.827 30-831 30.835 30.839 30.842 30.846 30.850 30.854 30.858 30.862 784 30.866 30.870 30.874 30.878 30.882 30.886 30.890 30.894 30.898 30.902 735 30.905 30.909 30.913 30.917 30.921 30.925 30.929 30.933 30.937 30.941 786 30.945 30.949 30.953 30.957 30.961 30.965 30.968 30.972 30.976 30.980 787 30.984 30.988 30.992 30.996 31.000 31.004 31.008 31.012 31.016 31.020 788 31.024 31.027 3L03I 3L035 3L039 3 I 043 31.047 3L05I 3L055 3L059 789 31.063 31.067 31.071 3L075 31.079 31.083 31.087 31.090 3I-094 31.098 790 31.102 31.106 31.110 31.114 31.118 31.122 31.126 3LI30 3LI34 3LI38 791 31.142 31.146 3LI50 3LI53 3LI57 31.161 3LI65 31.169 31.173 3LI77 792 3I.l8l 31.185 31.189 3LI93 3LI97 31.201 3L205 31.209 3L2I3 31.216 793 31.220 31.224 31.228 31.232 3L236 31.240 31.244 31.248 3L252 3I.256, 794 31.260 31.264 31.268 31.272 3L276 31.279 3L283 31.287 3L29I 3L295 795 31.299 3I-303 3L307 3I-3II 3L3I5 3L3I9 3L323 3L327 3L33I 31.335 796 3L339 3I-342 3L346 3L350 3*-354 3L358 31.362 3L366 3L370 3 T -374 797 31.378 3L382 3L386 3L390 3L394 3L398 31.402 3L405 3L409 3L4I3 798 3L4I7 3M2I 3L425 31.429 3L433 31-437 3L44I 3L445 3L449 3L453 799 3L457 3L46i 3L465 31.468 3I-472 3L476 31.480 31.484 3L488 3L492 800 31.496 31-500 31.504 31.508 3L5I2 3i.5i6 3L520 3L524 3L527 3L53I SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 195 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 ' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 800 3L496 3L500 3L504 3L508 3L5I2 3L5I6 3L520 3L524 3L527 3L53I 801 31-535 31.539 3L543 3L547 3L55I 31-555 3L559 3I-563 3L567 3L57I 802 3L575 31.579 3L583 3L587 3L590 3L594 31.598 31.602 31.606 31.610 803 31.614 31.618 31.622 31.626 31-630 31.634 31-638 31.642 31.646 31.650 804 31.653 31.657 31.661 31-665 31-669 31.673 31.677 31.681 31.685 31.689 805 31-693 31.697 31.701 31.705 31.709 3L7I3 31.716 31.720 3 I -724 31.728 806 3L732 31.736 3L740 3L744 3L748 3L752 3L756 31.760 31.764 3L768 807 31.772 31.776 31-779 31.783 3L787 3L79I 31-795 3L799 31-803 31.807 808 31.811 31.815 31.819 31.823 31.827 3L83I 3L835 31.839 31.842 31.846 809 31.850 31.854 31.858 31.862 31.866 31.870 31.874 3L878 31.882 31.886 810 31.890 31.894 31.898 31.902 3L905 31.909 3L9I3 3I.9J7 31.921 3L925 811 31.929 31.933 3L937 3L94I 3L945 31-949 3L953 3L957 31.961 31.965 812 31-968 31.972 31.976 31.980 31-984 31.988 31.992 31-996 32.000 32-004 813 32.008 32.012 32.016 32.020 32.024 32.027 32.031 32.035 32.039 32.043 814 32.047 32.051 32.055 32.059 32.063 32.067 32.071 32.075 32.079 32.083 815 32.087 32.090 32.094 32-098 32.102 32.106 32.110 32.114 32.118 32.122 ; 816 32.126 32.130 32.134 32.138 32.142 32.146 32.150 32.153 32.157 32.161 i 817 32-165 32.169 32.173 32.177 32.181 32.185 32.189 32.193 32.197 32.201 818 32.205 32.209 32.213 32.216 32.220 32.224 32.228 32.232 32.236 32.240 819 32.244 32.248 32.252 32-256 32.260 32.264 32.268 32.272 32.276 32-279 820 32.283 32.287 32.291 32.295 32.299 32.303 32.307 32.311 32.315 32-319 821 32.323 32.327 32.331 32.335 32.339 32.342 32.346 32.350 32.354 32-358 822 32.362 32.366 32.370 32.374 32.373 32.382 32.386 32.390 32.394 32-398 823 32.402 32.405 32.409 32.413 32-417 32.421 32.425 32.429 32.433 32.437 824 32.441 32.445 32.449 32.453 32.457 32.461 32.465 32.468 32.472 32.476 825 32.480 32.484 32.488 32.492 32.496 32.500 32.504 32.508 32.512 32.516 826 32.520 32.524 32.527 32.531 32.535 32.539 32.543 32.547 32.551 32.555 827 32.559 32.563 32.567 32.571 32.575 32.579 32.583 32.587 32.590 32.594 828 32.598 32.602 32.606 32.610 32.614 32.618 32.622 32.626 32.630 32.634 829 32.638 32.642 32.646 32.650 32.653 32.657 32.661 32-665 32.669 32.673 830 32.677 32.681 32.685 32.689 32.693 32.697 32.701 32.705 32.709 3 2 .7i3 831 32.716 32.720 32.724 32.728 32.732 32.736 32.740 32.744 32.748 32.752 832 32.756 32.760 32.764 32.768 32.772 32.776 32.779 32.783 32.787 32.791 833 32.795 32.799 32.803 32.807 32.811 32.815 32.819 32.823 32.827 32.831 834 32.835 32.839 32.842 32.846 32.850 32.854 32.858 32.862 32.866 32.870 835 32.874 32.878 32.882 32.886 32.890 32.894 32.898 32.902 32.905 32.909 836 32.913 32.917 32.921 32.925 32-929 32.933 32.937 32.941 32.945 32.949 ! 837 32.953 32.957 32.961 32.965 32.968 32.972 32.976 32.980 32.984 32.988 j 838 32.992 32.996 33.000 33.004 33.008 33.012 33.016 33.020 33-024 33.027 839 33-031 33.035 33.039 33.043 33.047 33.05I 33.055 33.059 33-063 33.067 840 33.071 33.075 33-079 33.083 33.o87 33-090 33-094 33-098 33.102 33.106 841 33-110 33.114 33-118 33.122 33.126 33.130 33-134 33.138 33.142 33.146 842 33.150 33.153 33-157 33-i6i 33-165 33-I69 33- I 73 33-177 33-iSi 33.185 843 33-189 33.193 33-197 33-201 33-205 33.209 33-213 33.216 33.220 33-224 844 33.228 33.232 33.236 33.240 33-244 33.248 33.252 33.256 33-260 33.264 845 33-268 33.272 33-276 33.279 33-283 33.287 33-29 1 33.295 33.299 33.303 846 33.307 33.311 33-3I5 33.319 33.323 33-327 33-331 33-335 33-339 33-342 847 33.346 33.350 33.354 33-358 33-362 33-366 33-370 33-374 33.378 33.382 848 33-386 33.390 33.394 33.398 33-402 33-405 33.409 33.413 33.417 33.421 849 33.425 33.429 33-433 33-437 33-441 33.445 33449 33.453 33-457 33.46I 850 33.464 33.468 33.472 33-476 33480 33484 33488 33-492 33.496 33-500 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- i metres. .0 .' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 850 33-464 33-468 33-472 33.476 33.480 33.484 33488 33.492 33.496 33.500 851 33-504 33.508 33.512 33.5I6 33-520 33.524 33.527 33.531 33.535 33-539 852 33-543 33-547 33.551 33-555 33-559 33.563 33.567 33-571 33-575 33-579 853 33.583 33.587 33-590 33-594 33.598 33.602 33.606 33-610 33-614 33-6i8 854 33.622 33.626 33.630 33.634 33.638 33.642 33.646 33.650 33.653 33.657 855 33-66i 33.665 33.66 9 33.673 33.677 33-681 33.685 33.689 33.693 33.697 856 33-701 33.705 33.709 33.713 33.7I6 33-720 33.724 33.728 33.732 33.736 857 33-740 33-744 33-748 33.752 33.756 33.760 33.764 33.768 33-772 33.776 858 33-779 33.783 33.787 33-791 33-795 33-799 33.803 33-807 33.8ii 33.815 859 33-819 33.823 33.827 33.831 33-835 33.839 33.842 33.846 33.850 33.854 860 33.858 33.862 33-866 33.870 33.874 33.878 33-882 33-886 33.890 33.894 861 33.898 33.902 33.905 33-909 33-9 J 3 33.9I7 33.92I 33-925 33-929 33-933 i 862 33-937 33.941 33.945 33-949 33-953 33.957 33.961 33-964 33.968 33-972 863 33-976 33.980 33.984 33.988 33.992 33.996 34.000 34.004 34.008 34.012 864 34.016 34.020 34.024 34.027 34-031 34-035 34-039 34.043 34-047 34.051 865 34-055 34.059 34.063 34.067 34-071 34-075 34.079 34-083 34-087 34.090 866 34-094 34.098 34.102 34.106 34.110 34-U4 34.118 34-122 34.126 34.130 867 34.134 34.138 34.142 34.146 34- 150 34-153 34-157 34- 161 34-165 34.169 863 34-173 34-177 34.181 34.185 34- 189 34.193 34-197 34-201 34-205 34.209 869 34.213 34.216 34-220 34.224 34.228 34.232 34.236 34-240 34-244 34-248 870 34-252 34.256 34.260 34.264 34.268 34-272 34.276 34-279 34.283 34.287 871 34-291 34.295 34.299 34.303 34.307 34-311 34.315 34-3J9 34-323 34.327 | 872 34.331 34-335 34.339 34-342 34.346 34-350 34-354 34-358 34.362 34.366 873 34.370 34-374 34.378 34.382 34.386 34-390 34-394 34.398 34.402 34.405 ' 874 34.409 34.413 34.417 34.421 34.425 34.429 34-433 34-437 34-441 34.445 i 875 34-449 34-453 34.457 34.461 34.464 24.468 34-472 34.476 34.48o 34.484 876 34.488 34-492 34.496 34-500 34.504 34.508 34.512 34.516 34-520 34.524 877 34.527 34.531 34-535 34-539 34-543 34.547 34-551 34.555 34.559 34-563 878 34.567 34-571 34-575 34-579 34-583 34.587 34.590 34-594 34-598 34-602 879 34.606 34.6io 34.614 34.618 34.622 34.626 34.630 34.634 34-638 34-642 880 34-646 34.650 34.653 34-657 34-66i 34.665 34-669 34.673 34.677 34.681 ! 881 34.685 34.689 34.693 34.697 34-701 34.705 34.709 34.713 34.7i6 34-720; 882 34.724 34.728 34.732 34.736 .34.740 34-744 34.748 34-752 34.756 34.760 883 34-764 34-768 34-772 34-776 34-779 34-783 34.787 34.791 34-795 34.799 : 884 34-803 34.807 34.811 34.815 34.819 34-823 34.827 34.831 34.835 34.839 885 34-842 34-846 34-850 34.854 34.858 34.862 34.866 34.870 34.874 34.878 886 34.882 34.886 34-890 34.894 34.898 34.902 34.905 34.909 34.913 34-917 887 34.921 34.925 34-929 34.933 34-937 34.941 34-945 34-949 34-953 34.957 888 34.96i 34.964 34.968 34.972 34.976 34.98o 34.984 34.988 34-992 34.996 1 889 35.000 35-004 35.oo8 35-012 35-oi6 35.020 35-024 35.027 35-031 35.035 890 35.039 35-043 35-047 35-051 35-055 35.059 35.063 35.o67 35.071 35-075 891 35-079 35-083 35.087 35.090 35-094 35-098 35-102 35.io6 35.114 892 35-118 35-122 35-126 35.130 35-134 35.138 35.142 35.146 35.150 35.153 893 35.157 35.161 35.165 35-169 35-173 35-177 35.i8i 35.185 35.189 35.193 894 35-197 35.201 35-205 35-209 35-213 35.2i6 35-220 35-224 35-228 35.232 895 35-236 35.240 35-244 35.248 35.252 35.256 35-260 35.264 35.268 35.272 896 35-276 35.279 35.283 35-287 35-291 35.295 35.299 35.303 35.307 35.311 897 35.315 35.3 J 9 35.323 35.327 35-331 35-335 35-339 35-342 35.346 35.350 898 35-354 35.358 35-362 35-366 35-370 35-374 35-378 35.382 35.386 35.390 899 35-394 35.398 35-402 35.405 35.409 35.413 35.417 35-421 35.425 35.429 900 35-433 35-437 35-441 35-445 35.449 35.453 35-457 35.46i 35.464 35-468 SMITHSONIAN TABLE*. 197 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 ' .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 900 35-433 35-437 35.441 35-445 35-449 35-453 35.457 35.461 35464 35.468 901 35-472 35.476 35.480 35.484 35.488 35.492 35.496 35.500 35.504 35.508 902 35-512 35.5I6 35.520 35.524 35.527 35.531 35-535 35-539 35.543 35.547 93 35-551 35-555 35-559 35.563 35.567 35.571 35-575 35.579 35.583 35.587 904 35-59 35-594 35.598 35.602 35.606 35.610 35.614 35.618 35.622 35.626 905 35-630 35.634 35.638 35.642 35.646 35.650 35.653 35.657 35.661 35.665 906 35-669 35.673 35.677 35.681 35.685 35.689 35.693 35.697 35.701 35.705 907 35-709 35.713 35.716 35-720 35.724 35.728 35.732 35.736 35-740 35.744 908 35-748 35-752 35.756 35.76o 35.764 35.768 35.772 35.776 35-779 35.783 909 35.787 35.791 35-795 35-799 35.803 35.807 35.8H 35.815 35.819 35.823 910 35.827 35.831 35.835 35.839 35.842 35.846 35.850 35.854 35.858 35.862 911 35-866 35.870 35.874 35.878 35.882 35.886 35.890 35.894 35.898 35.902 912 35-905 35.909 35.913 35.917 35.921 35.925 35.929 35-933 35-937 35-941 9 J 3 35-945 35.949 35-953 35.957 35.961 35.964 35.968 35-972 35-976 35.980 914 35.984 35.988 35-992 35.996 36.000 36.004 36.008 36.012 36.016 36.020 915 36.024 36.027 36-031 36.035 36.039 36.043 36.047 36.051 36.055 36.059 916 36.063 36.067 36.071 36.075 36.079 36.083 36.087 36.090 36.094 36.0 9 8 917 36. 102 36. 106 36.110 36.114 36.118 36.122 36.126 36.130 36.134 36.138 918 36.142 36. 146 36.150 36.153 36.157 36.161 36.165 36.169 36.173 36.177 919 36.181 36.185 36.189 36.193 36.197 36.201 36.205 36.209 36.213 36.216 920 36.220 36.224 36.228 36.232 36.236 36.240 36.244 36.248 36.252 36-256 921 36.260 36.264 36.268 36.272 36.276 36.279 36-283 36.287 36.291 36.295 922 36.299 36.303 36.307 36.3H 36.315 36.319 36.323 36.327 36.331 36.335 923 36.339 36.342 36.346 36.350 36.354 36.358 36.362 36.366 36.370 36.374 924 36.378 36.382 36.386 36.39 36.394 36.398 36.402 36.405 36.409 36.413 925 36.417 36.421 36.425 36-429 36.433 36.437 36.441 36.445 36.449 36.453 926 36.457 36.461 36.464 36.468 36.472 36.476 36.480 36.484 36.488 36.492 927 36.496 36.500 36.504 36.508 36.512 36.516 36.520 36.524 36-527 36.531 928 36.535 36.539 36.543 36.547 36.551 36.555 36.559 36.563 36.567 36.5/1 929 36.575 36.579 36.583 36.587 36.590 36.594 36.598 36.602 36.606 36.610 930 36.614 36.618 36.622 36.626 36.630 36.634 36.638 36.642 36.646 36.650 93i 36.653 36.657 36.661 36.665 36.66 9 36.673 36.677 36.681 36.685 36.689 93 2 36.693 36.697 36.701 36.705 36.709 36-713 36.716 36.720 36.724 36.728 933 36.732 36.736 36.740 36.744 36.748 36.752 36.756 36-760 36.764 36.768 934 36.772 36-776 36.779 36.783 36.787 36.79 1 36.795 36.799 36.803 36.807 935 36.811 36.815 36.819 36.823 36.827 36-831 36.835 36.839 36.842 36.846 936 36.850 36.854 36.858 36.862 36.866 36.870 36.874 36.878 36.882 36.886 937 36.890 36.894 36.898 36.902 36.905 36.909 36.913 36.917 36.921 36.925 938 36.929 36.933 36.937 36.941 36.945 36.949 36.953 36.957 36.961 36.964 939 36.968 36.972 36.976 36.980 36.984 36.988 36.992 36.996 37.000 37.004 940 37.008 37-012 37.016 37.020 37.024 37.027 37.031 37-035 37-039 37.043 941 37.047 37-051 37-055 37.059 37.063 37.067 37.071 37.075 37.079 37.083 942 37.087 37.090 37-094 37-098 37.102 37.106 37.110 37.*I4 37.118 37.122 943 37.126 37.130 37.134 37.138 37.142 37.146 37.150 37-153 37.157 37.161 944 37.165 37.169 37.173 37.177 37.181 37-185 37.189 37-193 37.197 37-201 945 37.204 37.208 37-212 37.2i6 37.220 37.224 37-228 37.232 37.236 37.240 946 37.244 37.248 37.252 37.256 37.260 37.264 37.268 37.272 37.276 37.279 947 37-283 37-287 37.291 37.295 37.299 37.303 37.307 37-3 11 37-3*5 37-3 I 9 948 37.323 37.327 37.331 37-335 37-339 37-342 37.346 37-350 37-354 37.358 949 37-362 37.366 37.370 37-374 37.378 37.382 37.386 37.390 37-394 37.398 950 37.402 37405 37.409 37.413 37.417 37.421 37.425 37.429 37-433 37437 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 198 TABLE 65. MILLIMETRES INTO INCHES. i mm. = 0.03937 inch. Milli- metres. .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 950 37.402 37.405 37.409 37.413 37.417 37.421 37.425 37.429 37.433 37.437 95i 37-441 37-445 37-449 37-453 37-457 37.461 37.464 37.468 37.472 37.476 952 37.480 37.484 37.488 37.492 37.496 37.500 37.504 37.508 37-512 37.516 953 37-520 37.524 37.527 37.531 37-535 37-539 37-543 37-547 37.551 37.555 954 37-559 37.563 37.567 37-571 37-575 37-579 37.583 37.587 37.590 37-594 955 37.598 37.602 37.606 37.610 37.614 37.6i8 37.622 37.626 37.630 37.634 956 37.638 37.642 37.646 37.650 37.653 37.657 37.661 37.665 37.669 37.673 957 37.677 37.68i 37-685 37.68 9 37.693 37.697 37.701 37.705 37.709 37.713 958 37.716 37.720 37.724 37.728 37.732 37.736 37-740 37-744 37.748 37.752 959 37.756 37.760 37.764 37768 37.772 37.776 37-779 37.783 37.787 37-79 1 960 37-795 37-799 37.803 37.807 37.811 37.815 37.8i9 37-823 37.827 37.831 961 37.835 37.839 37.842 37.846 37.850 37.854 37.858 37-862 37-866 37.870 962 37.874 37.878 37-882 37-886 37.890 37.894 37.898 37.901 37.905 37.909 963 37.9*3 37.917 37.921 37.925 37.929 37-933 37.937 37-941 37.945 37-949 964 37-953 37.957 37.961 37.964 37.968 37-972 37.976 37.980 37.984 37.988 965 37.992 37.996 38.000 38.004 38.008 38.012 38.016 38.020 38.024 38.027 966 38.031 38.035 38.039 38.043 38.047 38.051 38.055 38-059 38.063 38.067 967 38.071 38.075 38.079 38-083 38.087 38.090 38.094 38.098 38.102 38.106 968 38.110 38.114 38.118 38.122 38.126 38.130 38.134 38.138 38.142 38.146 969 38.150 38.153 38.157 38.161 38.165 38-169 38.173 38.177 38.181 38.185 970 38.189 38.193 38.197 38.201 38.205 38.209 38.213 38.216 38.220 38.224 971 38.228 38.232 38-236 38.240 38.244 38.248 38.252 38.256 38.260 38.264 972 38.268 38.272 38.276 38.279 38.283 38.287 38.291 38-295 38.299 38-303 973 38.307 38.3H 38.315 38.319 38.323 38-327 38.331 38.335 38.339 38-342 974 38.346 38.350 38.354 38.358 38.362 38.366 38.370 38.374 38.378 38.382 975 38.386 38.390 38.394 38.398 38.401 38-405 38.409 38.413 38-417 38.421 976 38.425 38.429 38.433 38.437 38.441 38.445 38.449 38.453 38.457 38.461 977 38.464 38.468 38.472 38.476 38.480 38-484 38.488 38-492 38.496 38.500 978 38.504 38.508 38.512 38-516 38.520 38.524 38.527 38.531 38.535 38.539 979 38.543 38.547 38.551 38.555 38.559 38.563 38.567 38.571 38.575 38.579 980 38.583 38.587 38.590 38.594 38.598 38.602 38.606 38.610 38.614 38.618 981 38.622 38.626 38-630 38.634 38.638 38.642 38.646 38.650 38.653 38.657 i 982 38.661 38.665 38.669 38.673 38.6/7 38.681 38-685 38.689 38.693 38.697 \ 983 38.701 38.705 38.709 38.713 38.716 38.720 38.724 38.728 38.732 38.736 984 38.740 38.744 38.748 38.752 38.756 38.760 38.764 38.768 38.772 38.776 985 38.780 38.783 38.787 38.791 38.795 38.799 38.803 38-807 38.811 38.815 986 38.819 38.823 38.827 38-831 38.835 38-839 38.842 38.846 38.850 38-854 987 38.858 38.862 38.866 38.870 38.874 38-878 38.882 38.886 38.890 38.894 988 38.898 38.901 38.9 5 38.909 38.913 38.917 38.921 38-925 38.929 38.933 989 38.937 38.941 38.945 38.949 38.953 38.957 38.961 38.964 38.968 38.972 990 38.976 38.980 38.984 38-988 38.992 38.996 39.000 39.004 39.008 39.012 99 1 39.016 39.020 39.024 39.027 39-03I 39-035 39-039 39-043 39.047 39-051 992 39-055 39-59 39-063 39.067 39.071 39.075 39-079 39-083 39.087 39.090 993 39-94 39.098 39.102 39.106 39.110 39- "4 39.118 39.122 39.126 39-130 994 39-J34 39.!38 39.142 39.146 39-!50 39- I 53 39-J57 39.161 39' l6 5 39.169 995 39- I 73 39-177 39.181 39- J 85 39-189 39-193 39-J97 39.201 39-205 39.209 996 39-213 39.216 39.220 39.224 39.228 39-232 39.236 39-240 39-244 39-248 997 39-252 39-256 39.260 39.264 39.268 39.272 39.276 39.279 39-283 39.287 998 39.291 39.295 39.299 39-303 39-307 39-311 39-3I5 39.319 39-323 39-327 999 39-331 39-335 39-339 39-342 39.346 39.350 39-354 39-358 39.362 39-366 1000 39-370 39-374 39.378 39.382 39.386 39.390 39-394 39.398 39-401 39-405 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 199 TABLE 66. FEET INTO METRES. i foot = 0.3048006 metre. Feet. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 0.000 0.305 0.610 0.914 1.219 1.524 1.829 2.134 2.438 2-743 10 3.048 3-353 3.658 3.962 4.267 4.572 4.877 5.182 5.486 5.791 1 20 6.096 6.401 6.706 7.010 7.315 7.620 7.925 8.230 8.534 8.839 30 9.144 9-449 9-754 10.058 10.363 10.668 10.973 11.278 11.582 11.887 40 12.192 12.497 12.802 13.106 I3.4H 13.716 14.021 14.326 14.630 14-935 50 15.240 15.545 15-850 16.154 16.459 16.764 17.069 17.374 17.678 17-983 60 18.288 18-593 18.898 19.202 I9-507 19.812 2O.II7 20.422 20.726 21.031 70 21.336 21.641 21.946 22.250 22-555 22.860 23-165 23.470 23.774 24.079 80 24.384 24.689 24-994 25-298 25-603 25.908 26.213 26.518 26.822 27.127 90 27.432 27.737 28.042 28.346 28.651 28.956 29.261 29.566 29.870 30.175 to 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30.48 33-53 36.58 39-62 42.67 45-72 48.77 51-82 54-86 57.91 2OO 60.96 64.01 67.06 70.10 73.15 76.20 79-25 82.30 85-34 88.39 300 91.44 94-49 97-54 100.58 103.63 106.68 109.73 112.78 115-82 118.87 400 121.92 124.97 128.02 131.06 134.11 137.16 140.21 143.26 146.30 149.35 i 500 152.40 155-45 158.50 161.54 164.59 167.64 170.69 173-74 176.78 179.83 ! 600 182.88 185-93 188.98 192.02 195.07 198.12 201.17 204.22 207.26 210.31 700 213.36 216.41 219.46 222.50 225.55 228.60 231.65 234.70 237.74 240.79 800 243.84 246.89 249-94 252.98 256.03 259.08 262.13 265.18 268.22 271.27 900 274.32 277.37 280.42 283.46 286.51 289.56 292.61 295-66 298.70 301.75 1000 304.80 307-85 310.90 313.94 316.99 320.04 323.09 326.14 329.18 332.23 IIOO 335.28 338.33 34L38 344-42 347.47 350.52 353-57 356.62 359.67 362.71 I2OO 365.76 368.81 371-86 374.90 377.95 381.00 384-05 387.10 390.14 393.191 1300 396.24 399.29 402.34 405-38 408.43 411.48 4I4.53 417-58 420.62 423.67 1400 426.72 429.77 432.82 435-86 438.91 441.96 445.01 448.06 451-10 454.15 1500 457.20 460.25 463.30 466.34 469-39 472.44 475-49 478.54 481.58 484.63 1600 487.68 490-73 493.78 496.82 499.87 502.92 505-97 509.02 512.07 515.11 : 1700 518.16 521.21 524.26 527-31 530.35 533-40 536.45 539-50 542-55 545-59 ; 1800 548.64 551-69 554-74 557-79 560.83 563.88 566.93 569.98 573-03 576.07 1900 579- I2 582.17 585.22 588.27 59 I -3i 594.36 597.41 600.46 603.51 606.55 2000 609.60 612.65 615.70 618.75 621.79 624.84 627.89 630.94 633.99 637-03 2100 640.08 643.13 646.18 649.23 652.27 655-32 658.37 661.42 664.47 667.51 2200 670.56 673.61 676.66 679.71 682.75 685.80 688.85 691.90 694-95 697.99 2300 701.04 704.09 707.14 710.19 713-23 716.28 7I9-33 722.38 725.43 728.47 2400 73L52 734-57 737.62 740.67 743-71 746.76 749.81 752.86 755-9 1 758.95 2500 762.00 765-05 768. 10 77LI5 774-19 777.24 780.29 783.34 786.39 789.43 2600 792.48 795-53 798.58 801.63 804.67 807.72 810.77 813.82 816.87 819.91 2700 822.96 826.01 829.06 832.11 835-15 838.20 841.25 844-30 847.35 850.39 2800 85344 856.49 859-54 862.59 865.63 868.68 871.73 874-78 877.83 880.87 2900 883.92 886.97 890.02 893.07 896.11 899.16 902.21 905.26 908.31 9 ir -35 3000 914.40 9*7.45 920.50 923-55 926.59 929.64 932-69 935-74 938.79 941.83 3100 944.88 947-93 950.98 954-03 957-07 960.12 963.17 966.22 969.27 972.31 3200 975.36 978.41 981.46 984-51 987.55 990.60 993.65 996.70 999-75 1002.79 3300 3400 1005.84 1036.32 1008.89 1039-37 1011.94 1042.42 1014.99 1045.47 1018.03 1048.51 1021.08 1051.56 1024.13 1054.61 1027.18 1057.66 1030.23 1060.71 1033.27 1063.75 3500 1066.80 1069.85 1072.90 1075.95 11078.99 1082.04 1085.09 1088.14 1091.19 1094.23 3600 1097.28 1100.33 1103.38 1106.43 1109.47 1112.52 IU5.57 1118.62 1121.67 1124.71 3700 3800 1127.76 1158.24 1130.81 1161.29 1133.86 1164.34 1136.91 1139-95 1167.39 1170.43 1143.00 1173.48 1146.05 1176.53 1149.10 II79-58 1152.15 1182.63 1155-19 1185.67 3900 1188.72 1191.77 1194.82 1197.87 11200.91 1203.96 1207.01 1210.06 1213.11 1216.15 4000 1219.20 1222.25 1225.30 1228.35 -1231.39 1234.44 1237.49 1240.54 1243-59 1246.63 1 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 200 TABLE 66. FEET INTO METRES. i foot = 0.3048006 metre. Feet. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. 4000 1219.2 1222.3 1225.3 1228.3 1231.4 I2344 1237.5 1240.5 1243.6 1246.6 4100 1249.7 1252.7 1255.8 1258.8 1261.9 1264.9 1268.0 1271.0 1274.1 1277.1 4200 1280.2 1283.2 1286.3 1289.3 1292.4 1295-4 1298.5 I30I.5 1304.5 1307.6 4300 I3I0.6 I3I3-7 1316.7 1319.8 1322.8 1325.9 1328.9 1332.0 1335-0 I338.I 4400 I34I.I 1344.2 1347-2 1350.3 1353.3 1356.4 J 359-4 1362.5 1365.5 1368.6 4500 I37I.6 1374.7 1377.7 1380.7 1383.8 1386.8 1389-9 I392.Q 1396.0 1399.0 4600 1402. 1 1405-1 1408. 2 1411.2 I4H.3 I4I7.3 1420.4 1423.4 1426.5 1429.5 4700 1432.6 1435.6 1438.7 1441.7 1444.8 1447.8 1450.9 1453-9 1456.9 1460.0 4800 1463.0 1466.1 1469.1 1472.2 1475.2 1478.3 1481.3 1484.4 1487.4 1490.5 4900 H93-5 1496.6 1499.6 1502.7 1505.7 1508.8 1511.8 I5I4.9 I5I7.9 1521.0 5000 1524.0 I527.I I530.I I533-I 1536.2 1539.2 1542.3 1545.3 1548.4 I55L4 5100 1554-5 1557.5 1560.6 1563.6 1566.7 1569.7 1572.8 1575.8 1578.9 1581.9 5200 IS^S.O 1588.0 I59LI I594-I 1597-2 1600.2 1603.3 1606.3 1609.3 1612.4 53oo 1615.4 1618.5 I62I.5 1624.6 1627.6 1630.7 1633.7 1636.8 1639.8 1642.9 5400 1645.9 1649.0 1652.0 1655.1 1658.1 I66I.2 1664.2 1667.3 1670.3 I6734 5500 1676.4 1679-5 1682.5 1685.5 1688.6 1691.6 1694.7 1697.7 1700.8 1703.8 5600 1706.9 1709.9 I7I3.0 1716.0 1719.1 1722.1 1725-2 1728.2 I73L3 1734.3 5700 1737-4 1740.4 1743-5 1746.5 1749.6 1752.6 1755.7 1758.7 1761.7 1764.8 5800 1767.8 1770.9 1773.9 1777.0 1780.0 1783.1 1786.1 1789.2 1792.2 1795-3 5900 1798.3 1801.4 1804.4 1807.5 1810.5 1813.6 1816.6 1819.7 1822.7 1825.8 6000 1828.8 1831.9 1834.9 1837.9 1841.0 1844.0 1847.1 1850.1 1853.2 1856.2 6100 1859.3 1862.3 1865.4 1868.4 1871.5 1874-5 1877.6 1880.6 1883.7 1886.7 6200 1889.8 1892.8 1895.9 1898.9 1902.0 1905.0 1908.1 1911.1 1914.1 1917.2 6300 1920.2 1923.3 1926.3 1929.4 1932.4 1935-5 1938.5 1941.6 1944.6 1947.7 6400 1950.7 1953.8 1956.8 1959-9 1962.9 1966.0 1969.0 1972.1 I975.I 1978.2 6500 1981.2 1984.3 1987.3 1990.3 1993.4 1996.4 1999-5 2002.5 2005.6 2008.6 6600 2OII.7 2014.7 2017.8 2020.8 2023.9 2026.9 2030.0 2033.0 2036. 1 2039.1 6700 2042.2 2045.2 2048.3 2051.3 2054.4 2057.4 2060.5 2063.5 2066.5 2069.6 6800 2072.6 2075.7 2078.7 2081.8 2084.8 2087.9 2090.9 2094.0 2097.0 2IOO.I 6900 2I03.I 2106. 2 2109.2 2II2.3 2II5-3 2118.4 2121.4 2124.5 2127.5 2130.6 7000 2133.6 2136.7 2139.7 2142.7 2145.8 2148.8 2151.9 2154-9 2158.0 2161.0 7100 2164.1 2I67.I 2I7O.2 2173-2 2176.3 2179.3 2182.4 2185.4 2188.5 2I9I.5 7200 2194.6 2197.6 2200.7 2203.7 2206.8 2209.8 2212.9 2215.9 2218.9 2222.0 7300 2225.0 2228.1 223I.I 2234.2 2237.2 2240.3 2243.3 2246.4 2249.4 2252.5 74oo 2255.5 2258.6 2261.6 2264.7 2267.7 2270.8 2273.8 2276.9 2279.9 2283.0 7500 2286.0 2289.1 2292.1 2295.1 2298.2 2301.2 2304-3 2307.3 2310.4 2313.4 7600 2316.5 23I9.5 2322.6 2325.6 2328.7 233L7 2334-8 2337.8 2340.9 2343-9 7700 2347.0 2350.0 2353-1 2356.1 2359-2 2362.2 2365.3 2368.3 2371.3 23744 7800 23774 2380.5 2383.5 2386.6 2389.6 2392.7 2395.7 2398.8 2401.8 2404.9 7900 2407.9 24II.O 2414.0 24I7.I 2420. 1 2423.2 2426.2 2429.3 2432.3 2435-4 8000 2438.4 2441.5 2444.5 2447-5 2450.6 2453.6 2456.7 2459-7 2462.8 2465.8 8100 2468.9 2471.9 2475.0 2478.0 2481.1 2484. I 2487.2 2490. 2 2493-3 2496.3 8200 2499.4 2502.4 2505.5 2508.5 2511.6 25H.6 2517.7 2520.7 2523.7 2526.8 8300 2529.8 2532.9 2535.9 2539.0 2542.0 2545-1 2548.1 255L2 2554-2 2557-3 ! 8400 2560.3 2563.4 2566.4 2569.5 2572.5 2575.6 2578.6 2581.7 2584.7 2587.8 8500 2590.8 2593-9 2596.9 2599-9 2603.0 2606.0 2609. i 26I2.I 2615.2 2618.2 8600 2621.3 2624.3 2627.4 2630.4 2633-5 2636.5 2639.6 2642.6 2645.7 2648.7 8700 2651.8 2654.8 2657.9 2660.9 2664.0 2667.0 2670. i 2673.1 2676.1 2679.2 8800 2682.2 2685.3 2688.3 2691.4 2694.4 2697.5 2700.5 2703.6 2706.6 2709.7 8900 2712.7 2715.8 2718.8 2721.9 27249 2728.0 2731.0 2734-1 2737.1 2740.2 9000 2743.2 2746.3 2749.3 2752.3 2755.4 2758.4 2761.5 2764.5 2767.6 2770.6 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 201 TABLE 67. METRES INTO FEET. i metre = 39.3700 inches = 3.280833 feet Metres. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. O.OO 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29-53 10 32.81 36.09 39-37 42.65 45-93 49.21 52.49 55-77 59.05 62.34 20 65.62 68.90 72.18 7546 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95-14 30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 in-55 114.83 n8.ii 121.39 124.67 127.95 40 I3L23 134.51 137-79 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 15748 160.76 50 164.04 167-32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57 60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.53 219.82 223.10 226.38 ! 70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249-34 252.62 255.90 259^9 80 262.47 26575 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 28543 288.71 291.99 90 295.27 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314-96 318.24 321.52 324.80; 100 328.08 33L36 334.64 337-93 341-21 34449 347-77 35L05 354.33 357.6i no 360.89 364.17 36745 3/0.73 374.01 377.30 380.58 383.86 387.I4 390.42 120 393-70 396.98 400.26 403.54 406.82 410.10 413.38 416.67 419.95 423-23 130 426.51 429.79 433-07 436.35 439.63 442.91 446.19 44947 452.75 456.04 140 459.32 462.60 465.88 469.16 472.44 475-72 479.00 482.28 485.56 488.84 , 150 492.12 49541 498.69 501.97 505.25 508.53 5H.8i 515.09 518.37 521.65 160 524.93 528.21 53149 53478 538.06 54L34 544.62 547-9 55LI8 55446 170 557-74 561.02 564.30 567.58 570.86 574.15 57743 580.71 583.99 587.27 180 590.55 593.83 597-11 600.39 603.67 606.95 610.23 613.52 616.80 620.08 190 623.36 626.64 629.92 633-20 636.48 639.76 643-04 646.32 649.60 652.89 ] 200 656.17 65945 662.73 666.01 669.29 672.57 675.85 679.13 682.41 685.69 210 688.97 692.26 695.54 698.82 702.10 705.38 708.66 711.94 715.22 718.50 220 721.78 725.06 728.34 731.63 734-91 738.19 74147 744.75 748.03 75I-3 1 230 754-59 757.87 761.15 76443 767.71 771.00 774.28 777.56 780.84 784.12 240 787.40 790.68 793.96 797.24 800.52 803.80 807.08 810.37 813.65 816.93 250 820.21 823.49 826.77 830.05 833.33 836.61 839.89 843-I7 846.45 849.74 260 853.02 856.30 859-58 862.86 866.14 869.42 872.70 875.98 879.26 882.54 270 885.82 889.11 892.39 895.67 898.95 902.23 905.51 908.79 912.07 9!5-35 280 918.63 921.91 9 2 5.i9 928.48 93L76 935-04 938.32 941.60 944.88 948.16 290 95L44 954-72 958.00 961.28 964.56 967.85 97LI3 974.41 977.69 980.97 300 984.25 987.53 990.81 994.09 997-37 1000.65 1003.93 1007.22 1010.50 1013.78 310 1017.06 1020.34 1023.62 1026.90 1030.18 1033.46 1036.74 1040.02 1043.30 1046.59 320 1049.87 1053.15 1056.43 1059.71 1062.99 1066.27 1069.55 1072.83 1076.11 1079.39 330 1082.67 1085.96 1089.24 1092.52 1095.80 1099.08 1102.36 1105.64 1109.92 1 1 12.20 340 1115-48 1118.76 1122.04 H25.33 1128.61 1131.89 II35.I7 1138-45 1141.73 1145.01 350 1148.29 II5L57 1154-85 1158.13 1161.41 1164.70 1167.98 1171.26 II74-54 1177.82 360 1181.10 1184.38 1187.66 1190.94 1194.22 1197.50 1200.78 1204.07 1207.35 1210.63 370 1213.91 1217.19 1220.47 1223.75 1227.03 1230.31 1233-59 1236.87 1240.15 1243.44 380 1246.72 1250.00 1253.28 1256.56 1259.84 1263.12 1266.40 1269.68 1272.96 1276.24! 390 1279.52 1282.81 1286.09 1289.37 1292.65 1295.93 1299.21 1302.49 1305.77 1309.05 400 1312.33 I3I5.6I 1318.89 1322.18 1325.46 1328.74 1332.02 I335-30 1338.58 1341.86 410 1345.14 1348.42 1351.70 1354.98 1358.26 1361.55 1364.83 1368.11 I37L39 1374.67 420 1377-95 1381.23 1384-51 1387.79 1391.07 1394-35 1397.63 1400.92 1404.20 1407.48 430 1410.76 1414.04 1417.32 1420.60 1423.88 1427.16 1430.44 I433-72 1437.00 I44O.29 440 1443.57 1446.85 1450.13 I4534I 1456.69 1459-97 1463.25 1466.53 1469.81 1473.09 450 H76.37 1479.66 1482.94 1486.22 1489.50 1492.78 1496.06 1499-34 1502.62 I505-90 460 1509.18 1512.46 1515.74 1519.03 1522.31 1525.59 1528.87 1532.15 153543 1538.71 470 I54L99 1545.27 1548.55 1551-83 I555-H 1558.40 1561.68 1564.96 1568.24 I57L52 480 1574.80 1578.08 1581.36 1584.64 1587.92 1591.20 1594.48 1597-77 1601.05 1604.33 49 1607.61 1610.89 1614.17 1617.45 1620.73 1624.01 1627.29 1630.57 1633-85 1637.14 500 1640.42 1643.70 1646.98 1650.26 1653.54 1656.82 1660.10 1663.38 1666.66 1669.94 SMITHSONIAN TADLES. 202 TABLE 67 METRES INTO FEET. i metre = 39.3700 inches = 3.280833 feet Metres. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 500 1640.4 1673.2 1706.0 1738.8 I77I.6 1804.5 1837.3 1870.1 1902.9 1935-7 I 600 1968.5 2001.3 2034.1 2066.9 2099.7 2132.5 2165.3 2198.2 2231.0 226 3 .8 700 2296.6 2329-4 2362.2 2395-0 2427.8 2460.6 24934 2526.2 2559-0 259 I -9 1 800 2624.7 2657-5 2690.3 2723.1 2755.9 2788.7 2821.5 2854-3 2887.1 2919.9 900 2952.7 2985-6 3018.4 305L2 3084.0 3116.8 3149.6 3182.4 3215.2 3248.0 1000 3280.8 3313.6 3346.4 3379.3 34I2.I 3444-9 3477-7 3510.5 3543-3 3576.1 j 1 100 3608.9 364L7 3674.5 3707.3 3740.1 3773.0 3805.8 3838.6 38714 3904.2 j 1 200 3937-0 3969.8 4002.6 40354 4068.2 4101.0 4I33.8 4166.7 4I99.5 4232.3 1300 4265.1 4297.9 4330-7 4363.5 4396.3 4429.1 4461.9 4494-7 4527.5 4560.4 1400 4593-2 4626.0 4658.8 4691.6 47244 4757.2 4790.0 4822.8 4855.6 4888.4 1500 4921.2 4954.1 4986.9 5019.7 5052.5 5085.3 5II8.I 5150.9 5183.7 5216.5 1600 5249-3 5282.1 53H.9 5347.8 5380.6 54134 5446.2 5479-0 55H.8 5544.6 1700 55774 5610.2 5643.0 5675.8 5708.6 574L5 5774-3 5807.1 5839.9 5872.7 1800 1900 5905.5 6233.6 5938.3 6266.4 597LI 6299.2 6003.9 6332.0 6036.7 6364.8 6069.5 6397.6 6102.3 6430.4 6135-2 6463.2 6168.0 6496.0 6200.8 6528.9 2000 6561.7 6594.5 6627.3 6660.1 6692.9 6725.7 6758.5 6791.3 6824.1 6856.9 2IOO 6889.7 6922.6 69554 6988.2 7O2I.O 7053-8 7086.6 7119.4 7152.2 7185.0 22OO 7217.8 7250.6 7283.4 7316.3 7349- 1 738i.9 7414.7 7447-5 748o.3 75I3.I 2300 7545-9 7578.7 7611.5 7644.3 7677.1 7710.0 7742.8 7775-6 7808.4 7841.2 2400 7874.0 7906.8 7939.6 7972.4 8005.2 8038.0 8070.8 8103.7 8136.5 8169.3 2500 8202.1 8234.9 8267.7 8300.5 8333.3 8366.1 8398.9 843L7 8464.5 8497.4 2600 8530.2 8563.0 8595.8 8628.6 8661.4 8694.2 8727.0 8759.8 8792.6 8825.4! 2700 8858.2 8891.1 8923.9 8956.7 8989-5 9022.3 9055.1 9087.9 9120.7 9153.5 2800 9186.3 9219.1 9251.9 9284.8 9317.6 9350.4 9383-2 9416.0 9448.8 9481.6 2900 95144 9547.2 9580.0 9612.8 9645.6 9678.5 97H.3 9744-1 9776.9 9809.7 3000 9842.5 9875.3 9908.1 9940.9 9973-7 10006.5 10039.3 10072.2 10105.0 IOI37.8 3100 10170.6 10203.4 10236.2 10269.0 10301.8 10334.6 10367.4 10400.2 10433.0 10465.9 3200 10498.7 I053L5 10564.3 10597.1 10629.9 10662.7 10695.5 10728.3 10761.1 10793.9 3300 10826.7 10859.6 10892.4 10925.2 10958.0 10990.8 11023.6 11056.4 1 1089.2 III22.O 3400 11154.8 11187.6 11220.4 H253.3 11286.1 11318.9 II35I.7 11384-5 H4I7.3 II450.I 3500 11482.9 II5I5.7 H548.5 H58I.3 11614.1 11647.0 11679.8 11712.6 II7454 II778.2 3600 11811.0 11843.8 11876.6 11909.4 11942.2 11975.0 12007.8 12040.7 12073.5 I2I06.3 3700 12139.1 12171.9 12204.7 12237.5 12270.3 12303.1 12335.9 12368.7 12401.5 12434.4 3800 12467.2 12500.0 12532.8 12565.6 12598.4 12631.2 12664.0 12696.8 12729.6 12762.4 3900 12795-2 12828.1 12860.9 12893.7 12926.5 12959-3 12992.1 13024.9 13057.7 13090.5 4000 13123.3 13156.1 13188.9 13221.8 13254-6 13287.4 13320.2 13353-0 13385.8 I34I8.6 4100 I345I.4 13484.2 I35i7.o 13549.8 13582.6 13615.5 13648.3 13681.1 I37I3.9 13746.7 4200 13779-5 13812.3 13845-1 13877.9 13910.7 13943-5 13976.3 14009.2 14042.0 14074.8 4300 14107.6 14140.4 14173.2 14206.0 14238.8 14271.6 14304.4 H337.2 14370.0 I44O2.9 4400 144357 14468.5 14501.3 M534.I 14566.9 14599-7 14632.5 14665.3 14698.1 14730.9 4500 14763.7 14796.6 14829.4 14862.2 14895.0 14927.8 14960.6 14993-4 15026.2 I5059.0 4600 15091.8 15124.6 I5I574 I5I90.3 15223.1 15255-9 15288.7 15321.5 15354.3 15387.1 : 4700 I54I9.9 15452.7 15485-5 I55I8.3 i555i.i 15584.0 15616.8 15649.6 15682.4 15715.2! 4800 15748.0 15780.8 15813.6 15846.4 15879.2 15912.0 15944.8 15977-7 16010.5 16043.3 i 4900 16076.1 16108.9 16141.7 16174.5 16207.3 16240.1 16272.9 16305.7 16338.5 16371.4 5000 16404.2 16437.0 16469.8 16502.6 i65354 16568.2 1 660 1. o 16633.8 16666.6 16699.4 Tenths of a metre. o.i 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Feet. 0.328 0.656 0.984 1.312 1.640 1.968 2.297 2.625 2 -953 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 203 TABLE 68. MILES INTO KILOMETRES. i mile = 1.609347 kilometres Miles. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. 2 3 5 6 8 IO II 13 14 10 16 18 19 21 23 24 26 27 2 9 31 20 32 34 35 37 39 40 42 43 45 47 30 48 50 5i 53 55 56 58 60 61 63 40 64 66 68 69 7i 72 74 76 77 79 50 80 82 84 85 87 89 90 92 93 95 60 97 98 100 101 103 105 106 108 109 in 70 H3 114 116 117 119 121 122 124 126 127 80 129 130 132 134 135 137 138 140 142 143 90 H5 146 148 150 151 153 154 156 158 159 100 161 163 164 166 167 I6 9 171 172 174 175 no 177 179 180 182 183 I8 5 187 188 190 192 120 193 195 196 198 200 201 203 204 206 208 130 209 211 212 214 216 217 219 220 222 224 140 225 227 22 9 230 232 233 235 237 238 240 150 241 243 245 246 248 249 251 253 254 256 160 257 259 26l 262 264 266 267 269 270 272 170 274 275 277 278 280 282 283 285 286 288 180 290 2 9 I 293 295 296 2 9 8 299 301 303 304 190 306 307 309 3 1 * 312 3H 3 J 5 3i7 319 320 200 322 323 325 327 328 330 332 333 335 336 210 338 340 341 343 344 346 348 349 35i 352 2 2O 354 356 357 359 360 362 364 365 367 369 230 370 372 373 375 377 378 380 38i 383 385 240 386 388 389 391 393 394 396 398 399 401 250 402 404 406 407 409 410 412 414 415 417 260 418 420 422 423 425 426 428 430 43i 433 270 435 436 438 439 441 443 444 446 447 449 280 45i 452 454 455 457 459 460 462 463 465 290 467 468 470 472 473 475 476 478 480 481 300 483 484 486 488 489 491 492 494 496 497 310 499 501 502 504 505 507 509 5io 512 5i3 320 515 517 5i8 520 521 523 525 526 528 529 330 53i 533 534 536 538 539 54i 542 544 546 340 547 549 550 552 554 555 557 558 560 562 350 563 565 566 568 570 57i 573 575 576 578 360 579 58i 583 584 586 587 589 59i 592 594 370 595 597 599 600 602 604 605 607 608 610 380 612 ^ 613 615 616 618 620 621 623 624 626 390 628 629 631 632 634 636 637 639 641 642 400 644 645 647 649 650 652 653 655 657 658 410 660 66 1 663 665 666 668 669 671 673 674 420 676 678 679 681 682 684 686 687 689 690 430 692 694 695 697 698 700 702 703 705 706 440 708 710 711 7i3 715 716 718 719 721 723 450 724 726 727 729 731 732 734 735 737 739 460 740 742 744 745 747 748 750 752 753 755 470 756 758 760 761 763 764 766 768 769 771 480 772 774 776 778 779 78i 782 784 785 787 49 789 790 792 793 795 797 798 800 801 803 500 805 806 808 809 811 813 814 816 818 819 5io 821 822 824 826 827 829 830 832 834 ? 35 520 837 838 840 842 843 845 847 848 850 8P 530 540 853 869 855 871 856 872 858 874 859 875 86 1 877 863 879 864 880 866 882 867 884 550 885 887 888 890 892 893 895 896 898 900 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 2O4 MILES INTO KILOMETRES. TABLE 68. Miles. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. km. 550 885 88 7 888 890 892 893 895 896 898 900 560 901 903 904 906 9 08 909 9 1I 9 I2 914 916 570 917 919 921 922 924 925 927 929 930 932 580 933 935 937 938 940 941 943 945 946 948 590 950 95i 953 954 956 958 959 961 9 62 964 600 966 967 969 970 972 974 975 977 97 8 980 610 982 983 985 987 988 990 991 993 995 996 620 998 999 IOOI 1003 1004 1006 1007 1009 ion 1012 630 1014 1015 1017 1019 1020 1022 1024 1025 1027 1028 | 640 1030 1032 1033 1035 1036 1038 1040 1041 1043 1044 650 1046 1048 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 io57 1059 1061 660 1062 1064 1065 1067 1069 1070 1072 1073 1075 1077 1 670 1078 1080 1081 1083 1085 1086 1088 1090 1091 1093 1 680 1094 1096 1098 1099 IIOI IIO2 1104 1106 1107 1109 690 IIJO III2 1114 1^5 1117 1118 1 120 1122 1123 1125 | 700 1127 1128 1130 1131 1133 1135 1136 II 3 8 H39 1141 710 H43 1144 1146 1147 1149 1151 1152 "54 1156 H57 720 H59 1160 1162 1164 1165 1167 1168 II7O 1172 H73 730 H75 1176 1178 1180 1181 1183 1184 1186 1188 1189 740 1191 H93 1194 1196 1197 1199 I2OI 1202 1204 1205 750 1207 1209 1210 1212 1213 1215 1217 1218 1 220 1221 760 1223 1225 1226 1228 1230 1231 1233 1234 1236 1238 1 770 1239 1241 1242 1244 1246 1247 1249 1250 1252 1254 1 780 1255 1257 1259 1260 1262 1263 1265 1267 1268 1270 790 1271 1273 1275 1276 1278 1279 I28l 1283 1284 1286 800 1287 1289 1291 1292 1294 1296 I2 9 7 1299 1300 1302 810 1304 1305 1307 1308 1310 1312 1313 1315 1316 1318 820 1320 1321 1323 1324 1326 1328 1329 1331 1333 1334 830 1336 1337 1339 1341 1342 1344 1345 1347 1349 1350 840 1352 1353 1355 1357 1358 1360 1362 1363 1365 I 3 66 850 1368 1370 1371 1373 1374 1376 1378 1379 1381 1382 860 1384 1386 1387 1389 1390 1392 1394 1395 1397 1399 870 1400 1402 1403 1405 1407 1408 I4IO 1411 1413 1415 880 1416 1418 1419 1421 1423 1424 1426 1427 1429 143 1 890 1432 1434 1436 1437 1439 1440 1442 1444 H45 1447 900 1448 H50 H52 '453 H55 1456 1458 1460 1461 H63 910 1464 1466 1468 1469 1471 1473 1474 1476 U77 J 479 920 1481 1482 1484 1485 1487 1489 1490 1492 H93 H95 j 93 1497 1498 1500 1502 1503 1505 1506 1508 1510 IS" 940 1513 I5H I5l6 1518 1519 1521 1522 1524 1526 1527 950 1529 1530 1532 1534 1535 1537 1539 1540 1542 1543 960 1545 1547 1548 1550 1551 1553 1555 1556 1558 1559 970 1561 1563 1564 1566 1567 1569 1571 1572 1574 1576 980 1577 1579 I 5 80 1582 1584 1585 1587 1588 1590 1592 990 1593 1595 1596 1598 1600 1601 1603 1605 1606 1608 1000 1609 1611 l6l3 1614 1616 1617 1619 1621 1622 1624 Miles. km. Miles. km. Miles. km. Miles. km. 1000 1609 6000 9656 II 000 17703 16000 25750 2000 3219 7000 11265 12000 19312 17000 27359 3000 4828 8000 12875 13000 20922 18000 28968 4000 6437 9000 14484 14000 22531 19000 30578 5000 8047 10000 16093 15000 24140 20000 32187 _ SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 205 TABLE 69. KILOMETRES INTO MILES. i kilometre 1=0.621370 mile. Kilo- metres. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. O.O 0.6 1.2 1-9 2-5 3-1 3-7 4-3 5-o 5-6 10 6.2 6.8 7-5 8.1 8-7 9-3 9-9 10.6 II. 2 n.8 20 12.4 13.0 13.7 14-3 14.9 15.5 16.2 16.8 17.4 18.0 30 18.6 19.3 19.9 20.5 21. 1 21.7 22.4 23.0 23.6 24.2 40 24.9 25-5 26.1 26.7 27.3 28.0 28.6 29.2 29.8 30.4 50 3i.i 3i-7 32-3 32.9 33-6 34-2 34-8 35-4 36.0 36.7 60 37-3 37-9 38.5 39-1 39-8 40.4 41.0 41.6 42-3 42.9 70 43-5 44.1 44.7 45-4 46.0 46.6 47.2 47-8 48.5 49.1 80 49-7 50.3 51.0 51-6 52.2 52.8 53-4 54-1 54-7 55-3 90 55-9 56.5 57-2 57-8 58.4 59-0 59-7 60.3 60.9 6i-5 100 62.1 62.8 63.4 64.0 64.6 65.2 65.9 66.5 67.1 67.7 no 68.4 69.0 69.6 70.2 70.8 71-5 72.1 72-7 73-3 73-9 120 74.6 75.2 75.8 76.4 77.0 77-7 78.3 78.9 79-5 80.2 130 80.8 81.4 82.0 82.6 83.3 83.9 84-5 85.1 85.7 86.4 140 87.0 87.6 88.2 88.9 89-5 90.1 90.7 9 J -3 92.0 92.6 150 93-2 93-8 94-4 95-1 95-7 96.3 96.9 97.6 98.2 98.8 160 99-4 100.0 100.7 101.3 101.9 102.5 103.1 103.8 104.4 105.0 170 105.6 106.3 106.9 107.5 108.1 108.7 109.4 no.o 110.6 III. 2 180 in. 8 112.5 113.1 II3-7 H4.3 115.0 115.6 116.2 116.8 II7.4 190 118.1 118.7 ii9-3 119.9 120.5 121. 2 121. 8 122.4 123.0 123.7 200 124.3 124.9 125-5 126.1 126.8 127.4 128.0 128.6 129.2 129.9 210 130.5 131.1 131-7 132.4 133-0 133-6 134.2 134.8 135.5 I36.I 220 136.7 137.3 T 37-9 138.6 139.2 139-8 140.4 141.1 141.7 142.3 230 142.9 143-5 144.2 144.8 145-4 146.0 146.6 147.3 147-9 148.5 240 149.1 149.8 150.4 151.0 151.6 152.2 152.9 153.5 I54.I 154.7 250 155-3 156.0 156.6 157-2 157.8 158.4 I59.I 159.7 160.3 160.9 260 161.6 162.2 162.8 163.4 164.0 164.7 165.3 165.9 166.5 167.1 270 167.8 168.4 169.0 169.6 170.3 170.9 I7I.5 172.1 172.7 173.4 280 174.0 174.6 175.2 175-8 176.5 I77.I 177.7 178.3 179.0 179.6 ! 290 180.2 180.8 181.4 182.1 182.7 183.3 183.9 184.5 185.2 185-8 300 186.4 187.0 187.7 188.3 188.9 189.5 190.1 190.8 191.4 I92.O 310 192.6 193.2 193-9 194-5 I95-I 195.7 196.4 197.0 197.6 198.2 320 198.8 J 99-5 200.1 200.7 201.3 2OI.9 202. 6 203.2 203.8 204.4 330 205.1 205.7 206.3 206.9 207.5 208.2 208.8 209.4 210.0 210.6 340 211.3 211.9 212.5 213.1 213.8 214.4 215.0 215.6 216.2 216.9 350 217.5 218.1 218.7 219.3 22O.O 220.6 221.2 221.8 222.5 223.1 360 223.7 224.3 224.9 225.6 226.2 226.8 227.4 228.0 228.7 229.3 370 229.9 230.5 23I.I 231.8 232.4 233.0 233-6 234-3 234.9 235.5 380 236.1 236.7 237-4 238.0 238.6 239-2 239.8 240.5 24I.I 241.7 390 242.3 243.0 243.6 244.2 244.8 245-4 246.1 246.7 247-3 247.9 400 248.5 249.2 249.8 250.4 251.0 251.7 252.3 252.9 253-5 254.1 410 254.8 255-4 256.0 256.6 257.2 257-9 258.5 259- 1 259-7 260.4 420 261.0 261.6 262.2 262.8 263.5 264.1 264.7 265.3 265.9 266.6 430 267.2 267.8 268.4 269.1 269.7 270.3 270.9 27I-5 272.2 272.8 440 273-4 274.0 274.6 275.3 275-9 276.5 277.1 277-8 278.4 279.0 450 279.6 280.2 280.9 281.5 282.1 282.7 283.3 284.0 284.6 285.2 460 285.8 286.5 287.1 287.7 288.3 288.9 289.6 290.2 290.8 291.4 470 292.0 292.7 293-3 293-9 294.5 295.2 295-8 296.4 297.0 297.6 480 298.3 298.9 299-5 300.1 300.7 301.4 302.0 302.6 303.2 303.8 49 304-5 305.1 305.7 306.3 307.0 307.6 308.2 308.8 309-4 310.1 500 310.7 311.3 3H-9 312.5 313.2 313.8 3J4-4 3T5.0 3I5.7 316.3 5io 316.9 317.5 318.1 318.8 3I9-4 320.0 320.6 321.2 321.9 322.5 520 323.1 323.7 324-4 325-0 325.6 326.2 326.8 327-5 328.1 328.7 530 329-3 329-9 330.6 33T.2 33L8 332.4 333.1 333-7 334-3 334.9 540 335-5 336.2 336.8 337-4 338.0 338.6 339-3 339-9 340.5 341.1 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 206 KILOMETRES INTO MILES. TABLE 69 Kilo- metres. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Miles. Mile . Miles. 550 341.8 342.4 343-0 343.6 344-2 344-9 345-5 346.1 346.7 347-3 560 348.0 348.6 349-2 349-8 350.5 35I-I 351-7 352.3 352.9 353-6 570 354-2 354-8 355-4 356.0 356.7 357-3 357-9 358.5 359- 2 359-8 580 360.4 361.0 361.6 362.3 362.9 363.5 364.1 364.7 365.4 366.0 59 366.6 367.2 367-9 368.5 369.1 369.7 370.3 371.0 371.6 372.2 600 372.8 373-4 374-1 374-7 375-3 375-9 376.6 377-2 377-8 378.4 610 379-0 379-7 380.3 380.9 381.5 382.1 382.8 3834 384.0 384.6 620 385-2 385-9 386.5 387.1 387.7 388.4 389.0 389-6 390-2 390.8 630 391-5 392.1 392-7 393-3 393-9 394-6 395-2 395.8 396.4 397-1 640 397-7 398.3 398.9 399-5 400.2 400.8 401.4 402.0 402.6 403-3 650 403.9 404.5 405.1 405.8 406.4 407.0 407.6 408.2 408.9 409-5 660 410.1 410.7 4"-3 412.0 412.6 413.2 4 I3.8 4H.5 415-1 415.7 670 416.3 416.9 417.6 418.2 418.8 419.4 42O.O 420.7 421.3 421.9 680 422.5 423.2 423-8 424.4 425.0 425.6 426.3 426.9 427.5 428.1 690 428.7 429.4 430.0 430-6 431.2 431-9 432.5 433-1 433-7 434-3 700 435-0 435-6 436.2 436.8 437.4 438.1 438.7 439-3 439-9 440.6 710 441.2 441.8 442.4 443-0 443-7 444-3 444-9 445-5 446.1 446.8 720 447-4 448.0 448.6 449-3 449-9 450.5 45LI 451-7 452.4 453-0 730 453-6 454-2 454-8 455-5 456.1 456.7 457-3 457-9 458.6 459-2 740 459-8 460.4 461.1 461.7 462.3 462.9 463-5 464.2 464.8 465-4 750 466.0 466.6 467.3 467.9 468.5 469.1 469.8 470.4 471.0 471.6 760 472.2 472.9 473-5 474.1 474-7 475-3 476.0 476.6 477-2 477.8 770 478.5 479.1 479-7 480.3 480.9 481.6 482.2 482.8 483-4 484.0 780 484.7 485.3 485.9 486.5 487.2 487.8 488.4 489.0 489.6 490.3 790 490.9 491-5 492.1 492.7 493-4 494.0 494.6 495.2 495.9 496.5 800 497-1 497-7 498.3 499-0 499-6 500.2 500.8 501.4 502.1 502.7 810 503-3 503.9 504.6 505-2 505-8 506.4 507-01 507-7 508.3 508.9 820 509-5 510.1 510.8 5II-4 512.0 512.6 5I3.3 5I3-9 514.5 5I5-I 830 5I5-7 516.4 5i7.o 517.6 518.2 518.8 519.5 520.1 520.7 521.3 840 522.0 522.6 523.2 523.8 524.4 525.1 525.7 526.3 526.9 527.5 850 528.2 528.8 529-4 53o.o 530.6 531.3 531-9 532.5 533-1 533-8 860 534-4 535-0 535-6 536.2 536.9 537.5 538.1 538.7 539-3 540.0 870 540.6 541.2 541.8 542.5 543-1 543-7 544-3 544-9 545-6 546.2 880 546.8 547.4 548.0 548.7 549-3 549-9 550.5 551-2 551-8 552.4 890 553-0 553-6 554-3 554.9 555-5 556.1 556.7 557-4 558.0 558.6 900 559-2 559-9 560.5 561.1 561.7 562.3 563-0 563-6 564.2 564-8 910 565-4 566.1 566.7 567-3 567-9 568.6 569.2 569-8 570.4 571-0 920 571.7 572.3 572.9 573.5 574-1 574-8 575-4 576.o 576-6 577-3 930 577.9 578.5 579-1 579-7 580.4 581.0 581.6 582.2 582.8 583-5 940 584.1 584.7 585-3 586.0 586.6 587.2 587.8 588.4 589-1 589.7 950 590.3 590.9 591-5 592.2 592.8 593-4 594-0 594-7 595-3 595-9 960 596.5 597-1 597-8 598.4 599-o 599-6 600.2 600.9 601.5 602.1 970 602.7 603.4 604.0 604.6 605.2 605.8 606.5 607.1 607.7 608.3 980 608.9 609.6 610.2 610.8 611.4 612.0 612.7 6i3-3 613.9 614.5 990 615.2 615.8 616.4 617.0 617.6 618.3 618.9 619.5 620.1 620.7 1000 621.4 622.0 622.6 623.2 623.9 624.5 625.1 625.7 626.3 627.0 km. Miles. km. Miles. km. Miles. km. Miles. 1000 621.4 6000 3728.2 11000 6835.1 16000 9941.9 2000 1242.7 7000 4349.6 12000 7456.4 17000 10563.3 3000 1864.1 8000 4971.0 13000 8077.8 18000 11184.7 4000 2485.5 9000 5592.3 14000 8699.2 19000 1 1 8o6.0 5000 3106.8 10000 6213.7 15000 9320.5 20000 12427.4 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 207 TABLE 70. INTERCONVERSION OF NAUTICAL AND STATUTE MILES. i nautical mile* = 6080.27 feet. Nautical Miles. Statute Miles. Statute Miles. Nautical Miles. , 1.1516 1 0.8684 2 2.3031 2 1.7368 3 3-4547 3 2.6052 4 4.6062 4 3.4736 5 5.7578 5 4.3420 6 6.9093 6 5-2104 7 8.0609 7 6.0788 8 9.2124 8 6.9472 9 10.3640 9 7.8155 * As defined by the United States Coast Survey. TABLE 71. CONTINENTAL MEASURES OF LENGTH WITH THEIR METRIC AND ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS. The asterisk (*) indicates that the measure is obsolete or seldom used. Measure. Metric Equivalent. English Equivalent. El (Netherlands) .... i metre. 3.2808 feet. Fathom Swedish 6 feet 1.7814 " Foot Austrian* 0.31608 " 1.0370 " 0.32484 " 1.0657 " Russian 0.^0480 " i " Rheinlandisch or Rhenish (Prussia*, Denmark, Norway*). Swedish* 0.31385 " 0.2969 " 1.0297 " 0.9741 " 0.2786 " 0.9140 " *Klafter Wiener (Vienna) 1.89648 " 6.2221 " 0.22558 cm. 0.0888 inch. Mile Austrian post* 24000 feet 7.S8S94 km. 4.714 statute miles. 1.852 1.1508 " " Swedish ^6000 feet 10.69 " 6.642 Norwegian ^6000 feet 11.2986 " 7.02 " " I " 0.6214 " " Prussian (law of 1868) .... 7.^00 " 4.660 7.5324 " 4.6804 " Palm Netherlands o.i metre. 0.3281 feet. 3.7662 " 12.356 " *Ruthe Prussian Norwegian 3.7662 " 12.356 " 2.1336 " 7 1.9490 " 6.3943 " *Vara Spanish ....'... 0.8359 " 2.7424 " 0.8380 " 2.7293 " Werst, or versta (Russian) = 500 sagene . . 1.0668 km. SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 208 CONVERSION OF MEASURES OF TIME AND ANGLE. Arc into time . TABLE 72 Time into arc TABLE 73 Days into decimals of a year and angle TABLE 74 Hours, minutes and seconds into decimals of a day .... TABLE 75 Decimals of a day into hours, minutes and seconds .... TABLE 76 Minutes and seconds into decimals of an hour . . '. . . . TABLE 77 Mean time at apparent noon TABLE 78 Sidereal time into mean solar time . TABLE 79 Mean solar time into sidereal time TABLE 80 209 TABLE 72. ARC INTO TIME. h. m. h. m. o h. m. o h m. h. m. o h. m. / m. s. // s. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 4 o 8 O 12 o 16 o 20 o 24 028 032 o 36 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 4 o 4 4 4 8 4 12 4 16 4 20 424 4 28 432 436 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 8 o 8 4 8 8 812 8 16 8 20 8 24 828 832 836 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 12 12 4 12 8 12 12 12 16 12 2O 12 24 12 28 I2 3 2 12 36 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 16 o 16 4 16 8 16 12 1616 16 20 16 24 1628 1632 1636 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 20 20 4 20 8 20 12 20 16 20 20 20 24 20 28 2032 2036 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 4 o 8 12 o 16 o 20 024 028 032 036 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0.067 0.133 0.200 0.267 0-333 0.400 0.467 0-533 O.6OO 10 o 40 70 440 130 840 190 12 4O 250 16 40 310 2040 10 o 40 10 0.667 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 044 048 052 056 I i 4 i 8 I 12 i 16 7i 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 444 448 452 456 5 o 5 4 5 8 512 5 16 13* 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 844 848 852 856 9 o 9 4 9 8 912 9 16 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 1244 12 48 12 52 12 56 13 o 13 4 13 8 1312 13 16 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 1044 1648 1652 1656 17 o 17 4 17 8 17 12 17 16 3" 312 313 3M 315 3i6 317 3i8 319 2044 20 48 2052 2056 21 O 21 4 21 8 21 12 21 l6 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 044 048 052 056 I 4 8 12 16 ii 12 !3 14 !5 16 17 18 19 0-733 0.800 0.867 0-933 I.OOO 1.067 .133 .200 26 7 | 120 i 20 80 5 20 140 9 20 200 13 20 260 17 20 320 21 20 20 20 20 3331 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 i 24 128 132 136 i 40 i 44 i 48 i 52 156 Si 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 524 528 53 ? 536 540 544 548 552 556 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 924 9 28 932 936 940 944 948 952 9 56 2OI 2O2 203 2O4 205 206 207 208 209 13 24 1328 1332 1336 i34o 1344 1348 1352 1356 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 17 24 17 28 1732 17 36 1740 17 44 1748 17 5 2 17 56 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 21 24 21 28 21 32 21 3 6 21 40 21 44 21 48 21 52 21 56 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I 24 I 28 I 32 136 I 40 144 I 48 I 52 156 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 .400 .467 533 .600 .667 733 .800 1.867 1-933 30 2 90 6 o 150 10 210 14 o 270 18 o 330 22 O 30 2 30 2.OOO 3i 32 33 3 3 36 37 38 39 2 4 2 8 2 12 2 16 2 2O 2 24 2 28 232 2 36 9i 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 6 4 6 8 612 616 6 20 6 24 628 632 636 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 10 4 10 8 10 12 10 16 10 20 10 24 1028 1032 10 36 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 14 4 14 8 14 12 14 16 14 20 1424 1428 1432 1436 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 18 4 18 8 IS 12 18 16 18 20 18 24 18 28 1832 1836 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 22 4 22 8 22 12 22 l6 22 20 22 24 22 28 22 3 2 22 36 3i 32 33 34 35 36 11 39 2 4 2 8 2 12 2 16 2 2O 2 24 2 28 2 3 2 236 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2.067 2.133 2.2OO 2.267 2-333 2.4OO 2.467 2-533 2.600 40 2 40 100 6 40 160 1040 220 1440 280 18 40 340 22 40 40 2 40 40 2.667 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 244 2 48 2 52 256 3 o 3 4 3 8 312 316 IOI IO2 103 IO4 105 106 107 108 109 644 648 652 656 7 o 7 4 7 8 7 12 716 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 1 68 169 1044 10 48 1052 1056 II ii 4 ii 8 II 12 ii 16 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 1444 1448 H52 1456 15 15 4 15 8 I 5 12 15 16 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 1844 1848 1852 1856 19 o 19 4 19 8 19 12 19 16 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 2244 2248 2252 22 56 23 o 23 4 23 8 23 12 23 16 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 244 248 252 2 5 6 3 o 3 4 3 8 312 3i6 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2-733 2.800 2.867 2-933 3.000 3.067 3.133 3.200 3.267 j 50 3 20 NO 7 20 170 II 20 230 15 20 290 19 20 350 23 20 50 3 20 50 3.333 5i 52 53 5 5 5 4 56 57 58 59 324 3 28 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 in 112 IJ 3 114 115 116 117 118 119 724 728 732 736 740 744 748 752 756 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 II 24 II 28 1132 II 36 II 40 1144 II 48 1152 II 56 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 15 24 1528 15 32 1536 1540 15 44 1548 1552 15 56 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 19 24 19 28 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 23 24 2328 2332 2336 2340 2344 2348 2352 23 56 1 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 24 328 332 336 340 344 348 352 356 5i 52 53 54 55 56 11 59 3.400 3.467 3-533 3.600 3.667 3-733 3.800 3-867 3-933 60 4 o 120 8 o 180 12 O 240 16 o 300 20 o 360 24 o 60 4 o 60 4.000 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 210 TIME INTO ARC. TABLE 73. Hours into Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. Time. Arc. hrs. o hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. hrs. 1 15 5 75 9 135 13 195 17 255 21 315 2 30 6 90 10 150 14 210 18 270 22 330 3 45 7 105 II 165 15 225 19 285 23 345 4 60 8 120 12 180 16 240 20 300 24 360 Minutes of Time into Arc. Seconds of Time into Arc. m. o / m. o / m. / s. s s. 1 O 15 21 5 15 41 10 15 1 o 15 21 5 15 41 10 15 2 O 3 22 5 30 42 10 30 2 o 30 22 5 30 42 10 30 3 O 45 23 5 45 43 10 45 3 o 45 23 5 45 43 10 45 4 I o 24 6 o 44 II 4 I O 24 6 o 44 II 5 I 15 25 6 15 45 ii 15 5 i 15 25 6 15 45 ii 15 6 I 30 26 6 3 46 ii 30 6 i 30 26 6 30 46 ii 3 7 I 45 27 6 45 47 ii 45 7 i 45 27 6 45 47 ii 45 8 2 o 28 7 o 48 12 8 2 28 7 o 48 12 9 2 15 29 7 15 49 12 15 9 2 15 29 7 15 49 12 15 10 2 30 30 7 30 50 12 30 10 2 30 30 7 30 50 12 30 ii 2 45 31 7 45 51 12 45 ii 2 45 31 7 45 51 12 45 12 3 32 8 o 52 13 o 12 3 o 32 8 o 52 13 o 13 3 15 33 8 [5 53 13 15 13 3 15 33 8 15 53 13 15 14 3 30 34 8 30 54 13 30 14 3 30 34 8 30 54 13 30 15 3 45 35 8 45 55 13 45 15 3 45 35 8 45 55 13 45 16 4 36 9 o 56 14 o 16 4 o 36 9 o 56 14 o 17 4 15 37 9 15 57 14 15 17 4 15 37 9 15 57 14 15 18 4 30 38 9 30 58 14 30 18 4 30 38 9 30 58 14 3 19 4 45 39 9 45 59 14 45 19 4 45 39 9 45 59 14 45 20 5 o 40 10 o 60 15 o 20 s o 40 10 60 15 o Hundredths of a Second of Time into Arc. Hundredths of a Sec- .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 'ondofTime. s. XX 0.00 o.oo 0.15 0.30 o.'45 0.60 o'.'75 0.90 1.05 i. 20 i.35 .10 1.50 1.65 i. 80 1-95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 .20 3-00 3.15 3-30 3.45 3.60 3-75 3.90 4-05 4.20 4-35 30 4-50 4-65 4.80 4-95 5-25 5-55 5-7 5.85 .40 6.00 6.15 6.30 6.45 6i 60 6-75 6.90 7-05 7.20 7-35 0.50 7.50 7.65 7.80 7-95 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.55 8.70 8.85 .60 9.00 9.15 9-30 9-45 9.60 9-75 9.90 10.05 IO.2O 10-35 .70 10.50 10.65 10.80 10.95 II. 10 11.25 11.40 11-55 11.70 11.85 .80 12. OO 12.15 12.30 12.45 12.60 12.75 12.90 13-05 13.20 13-35 .90 13.50 13.65 13-80 13.95 14.10 14-25 14.40 14-55 14.70 14-85 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 211 TABLE 74. DAYS INTO DECIMALS OF A YEAR AND ANGLE. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Common Year. Bissextile Year. Common Year. Bissextile Year. I o.ooooo 0' Jan. I Jan. i 51 0.13689 49 17' Feb. 20 Feb. 20 2 .00274 o 59 2 2 52 .I39 6 3 50 16 21 21 3 .00548 i 58 3 3 53 14237 51 15 22 22 4 .00821 2 57 4 4 54 .14511 52 14 23 23 5 0.01095 3 57 5 5 55 o. 14784 53 13 24 24 6 .01369 4 56 6 6 56 .15058 54 13 25 25 7 .01643 5 55 7 7 57 .15332 55 12 26 26 8 .01916 6 54 8 8 58 . 15606 56 ii 27 27 9 .02190 7 53 9 9 59 .15880 57 10 28 28 10 0.02464 8 52 10 10 60 0.16153 58 9 Mar. i 29 ii .02738 9 5i ii ii 61 .16427 59 8 2 Mar. i 12 .03011 10 51 12 12 62 .16701 60 7 3 2 13 .03285 ii 50 13 13 63 .16975 61 7 4 3 14 .03559 12 49 14 14 64 .17248 62 6 5 4 15 0.03833 13 48 15 15 65 0.17522 63 5 6 5 16 .04107 14 47 16 16 66 .17796 64 4 7 6 17 .04381 15 46 17 17 67 . 18070 65 3 8 7 18 .04654 16 45 18 18 68 .18344 66 2 9 8 19 .04928 17 44 19 19 69 .18617 67 i 10 9 20 0.05202 18 44 20 20 70 0.18891 68 o ii 10 21 .0547*6 19 43 21 21 7i .19165 69 o 12 ii 22 .05749 20 42 22 22 72 19439 69 59 13 12 23 .06023 21 41 23 23 73 .19713 70 58 14 13 24 .06297 22 40 24 24 74 .19986 7i 57 16 14 25 0.06571 23 39 25 25 75 0.20260 72 56 16 15 26 .06845 24 38 26 26 76 .20534 73 55 17 16 27 .07118 25 38 27 27 77 .20808 74 54 18 17 28 .07392 26 37 28 28 78 .21081 75 54 19 18 29 .07666 27 36 29 2 9 79 .21355 76 53 20 19 30 0.07940 28 35 30 30 80 0.21629 77 52 21 20 3i .08214 29 34 31 31 81 .21903 78 51 22 21 32 .08487 30 33 Feb. i Feb. i 82 .22177 79 50 23 22 33 .08761 3i 32 2 2 83 .22450 80 49 24 23 34 .09035 32 32 3 3 84 .22724 81 48 25 24 35 0.09309 33 3i 4 4 85 0.22998 82 48 26 25 36 .09582 34 30 5 5 86 .23272 83 47 27 26 37 .09856 35 29 6 6 87 .23546 84 46 28 27 38 .10130 36 28 7 7 88 .23819 85 45 29 28 39 .10404 37 27 8 8 89 .24093 86 44 30 29 40 0.10678 38 26 9 9 90 0.24367 87 43 31 30 4i .10951 39 26 10 10 9i .24641 88 42 Apr. i A 3I 42 .11225 40 25 ii ii 92 .24914 89 42 2 Apr. i 43 .11499 41 24 12 12 93 .25188 90 41 3 2 44 .11773 42 23 13 13 94 .25462 91 40 4 3 45 0.12047 43 22 14 14 95 0.25736' 92 39 5 4 46 .12320 44 21 15 15 96 .26010 93 38 6 5 47 .12594 45 20 16 16 97 .26283 94 37 7 6 48 .12868 46 19 17 17 98 .26557 95 36 8 7 49 .13142 47 19 18 18 99 .26831 96 35 9 8 50 0.13415 48 18 19 19 100 0.27105 97 35 10 9 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 212 TABLE 74. DAYS INTO DECIMALS OF A YEAR AND ANGLE. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. ' Day of Month. Common Year. Bissextile Year. Common Year. Bissextile Year. 101 0.27379 98 34' Apr. ii Apr. 10 (51 0.41068 M7 5i' Mayy. May 30 102 .27652 99 33 12 n 152 .41342 148 50 June i 3i 103 .27926 100 32 13 12 153 .41615 149 49 2 June i 104 .28200 101 31 14 13 154 .41889 150 48 3 2 105 0.28474 102 30 15 14 155 0.42163 151 47 4 3 106 .28747 103 29 16 15 156 42437 152 46 5 4 107 .29021 104 29 17 16 157 .42710 153 45 6 5 108 .29295 105 28 18 17 158 .42984 154 45 7 6 109 .29569 106 27 19 18 159 .43258 155 44 8 7 110 0.29843 107 26 20 19 160 0-43532 156 43 9 8 in .30116 108 25 21 20 161 .43806 157 42 10 9 112 .30390 109 24 22 21 162 .44079 158 41 n 10 H3 .30664 no 23 23 22 163 44353 159 40 12 n 114 .3 938 in 23 24 23 164 .44627 160 39 13 12 115 0.31211 112 22 25 24 165 0.44901 161 39 14 13 116 31485 113 21 26 25 166 .45175 162 38 15 14 117 31759 114 2O 27 26 167 .45448 163 37 16 15 118 32033 H5 J 9 28 27 168 .45722 164 36 17 16 119 .32307 116 18 29 28 169 .45996 165 35 18 17 120 0.32580 117 17 30 29 170 0.46270 166 34 .19 18 121 32854 118 17 May i 30 171 .46543 167 33 20 19 122 .33128 119 16 2 May i 172 .46817 16833 21 20 I2 3 .33402 120 15 3 2 173 .47091 169 32 22 21 124 .33676 121 14 4 3 174 .47365 170 31 23 22 125 0-33949 122 13 5 4 175 0.47639 171 30 24 23 126 34223 123 12 6 5 176 .47912 172 29 25 24 127 34497 124 II 7 6 177 .48186 173 28 26 25 128 34771 125 10 8 7 178 .48460 174 27 27 26 129 .35044 126 10 9 8 179 48734 175 26 28 27 130 0.35318 127 9 10 9 180 0.49008 176 26 29 28 131 35592 128 8 n 10 181 .49281 177 25 30 29 132 .35866 129 7 12 n 182 49555 178 24 July i 30 133 .36140 130 6 13 12 183 49829 179 23 2 July i 134 .3 6 4i3 131 5 14 13 184 50103 l8o 22 3 2 135 0.36687 132 4 15 14 185 0.50376 181 21 4 3 136 .36961 133 4 16 15 1 86 .50650 182 20 5 4 137 .37235 134 3 17 16 187 .50924 183 20 6 5 138 .37509 135 2 18 17 188 .51198 184 19 7 6 139 .37782 136 I 19 18 189 .51472 185 18 8 7 140 0.38056 137 o 20 19 190 0.51745 186 17 9 8 141 .38330 137 59 21 20 191 .52019 187 16 10 9 142 .38604 138 58 22 21 192 52293 188 15 n 10 143 .38877 139 58 23 22 193 52567 189 14 12 n 144 .39151 140 57 24 23 194 .52841 190 14 13 12 145 0.39425 141 56 25 24 195 0.53II4 191 13 14 13 146 .39699 142 55 26 25 196 .53388 192 12 15 14 147 39973 143 54 27 26 197 .53662 193 II 16 15 148 .40246 144 53 28 27 198 .53936 194 10 17 16 149 .40520 145 52 29 28 199 54209 J 95 9 18 17 150 0.40794 146 51 30 29 200 0.54483 196 8 19 18 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 213 TABLE 74. DAYS INTO DECIMALS OF A YEAR AND ANGLE. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Common Year. Bissextile Year. Common Year. Bissextile Year. 201 0.54757 197 8' July 20 July 19 251 0.68446 246 24' Sept. 8 Sept. 7 202 55031 198 7 21 20 252 .68720 247 24 9 8 203 .55305 199 6 22 21 253 .68994 248 23 10 9 2O4 55578 200 5 23 22 254 .69268 249 22 ii 10 205 0.55852 201 4 24 23 255 0.69541 250 21 12 ii 206 .56126 202 3 25 24 256 .69815 251 20 J 3 12 207 .56400 203 2 26 25 257 .70089 252 19 14 13 208 .56674 204 I 27 26 258 70363 253 18 15 14 209 .56947 205 I 28 27 259 .70637 254 17 16 15 210 0.57221 206 o 29 28 260 0.70910 255 17 17 16 211 57495 206 59 30 2 9 261 .71184 256 16 18 17 212 .57769 207 58 31 30 262 .71458 257 15 J 9 18 213 .58042 208 57 Aug. i 31 263 .71732 258 14 20 J 9 214 .58316 209 56 2 Aug. i 264 .72005 259 13 21 20 215 0.5859 210 55 3 2 265 0.72279 260 12 22 21 216 .58864 211 55 4 3 266 .72553 26l II 23 22 217 59*38 212 54 5 4 267 .72827 262 II 24 23 218 594H 213 53 6 5 268 .73101 263 10 25 24 219 59685 214 52 7 6 269 .73374 264 9 26 25 220 0-59959 215 5i 8 7 270 0.73648 265 8 27 26 221 .60233 216 50 9 8 271 .73922 266 7 28 27 222 .60507 217 49 10 9 272 .74196 267 6 29 28 223 .60780 218 49 ii 10 273 74470 268 5 30 29 224 .61054 219 48 12 ii 274 74743 269 5 Oct. i 30 225 0.61328 220 47 13 12 275 0.75017 270 4 2 Oct. i 226 .61602 221 46 14 13 276 .75291 271 3 3 2 227 .61875 222 45 15 14 277 .75565 272 2 4 3 228 .62149 223 44 16 15 278 .75838 273 I 5 4 229 .62423 224 43 17 16 279 .76112 274 6 5 230 0.62697 225 43 18 17 280 0.76386 274 59 7 6 231 .62971 226 42 19 18 281 .76660 275 59 8 7 232 .63244 227 41 20 19 282 .76934 276 58 9 8 2 33 .63518 228 40 21 20 283 .77207 277 57 10 9 234 .63792 229 39 22 21 284 .77481 278 56 ii 10 235 0.64066 230 38 23 22 285 0-77755 279 55 12 ii 236 .64339 231 37 24 23 286 .78029 280 54 13 12 237 .64613 232 36 25 24 287 78303 281 53 14 13 238 .64887 233 36 26 25 288 .78576 282 52 15 14 239 .65161 234 35 27 26 289 .78850 283 52 16 15 240 0.65435 235 34 28 27 290 0.79124 284 51 17 16 241 .65708 236 33 2 9 28 291 .79398 285 50 18 17 242 .65982 237 32 30 29 292 .79671 286 49 *9 18 243 .66256 238 31 3 1 30 293 79945 287 48 20 !9 244 .66530 239 30 Sept. i 31 294 .80219 28847 21 20 245 0.66804 240 3 2 Sept. i 295 0.80493 289 46 22 21 246 .67077 241 29 3 2 296 .80767 290 46 23 22 247 .67351 242 28 4 3 297 .81040 291 45 24 23 248 .67625 243 27 5 4 298 .81314 292 44 25 24 249 .67899 244 26 6 5 299 .81588 293 43 26 25 250 0.68172 245 25 7 6 300 0.81862 294 42 27 26 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 2I 4 TABLE 74. DAYS INTO DECIMALS OF A YEAR AND ANGLE. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Day of Year. Decimal of a Year. Angle. Day of Month. Common Year Bissextile Year. Common Year. Bissextile Year. 301 0.82136 2954i / Oct. 28 Oct. 27 351 0.95825 34458 / Dec. 17 Dec. 1 6 302 .82409 296 40 29 28 352 .96099 345 57 18 17 33 .82683 297 40 30 29 353 .96372 346 56 19 18 304 82957 298 39 31 30 354 .96646 347 56 20 19 305 0.83231 299 38 Nov. i 31 355 0.96920 348 55 21 20 306 83504 300 37 2 Nov. i 356 .97194 349 54 22 21 37 .83778 301 36 3 2 357 .97467 350 53 23 22 308 .84052 302 35 4 3 358 97741 35i 52 24 23 309 .84326 303 34 5 4 359 .98015 352 51 25 24 310 0.84600 304 34 6 5 360 0.98289 353 50 26 25 3H .84873 305 33 7 6 36i .98563 354 50 27 26 312 85147 306 32 8 7 362 .98836 355 49 28 27 313 .85421 307 3i 9 8 363 .99110 356 48 2 9 28 3H 85695 308 30 10 9 364 .99384 357 47 30 29 315 0.85969 309 29 ii 10 365 0.99658 358 46 31 30 3i6 .86242 310 28 12 ii 366 .99932 359 45 31 31? .86516 - 311 27 13 12 3i8 .86790 312 27 14 13 319 .87064 313 26 15 14 Conversion for Hours. Conversion for Minutes. 320 321 322 0-87337 .87611 .87885 3H 25 315 24 316 23 16 17 18 15 16 17 Hrs. Dec. of Year. Angle. Min. Dec. of Year. Angle. 323 881^0 -2 17 22 IQ 18 J^O 324 ' < ~" Ji oy .88433 o / ^^ 318 21 a ;7 20 19 1 O.OOOII 2-'s 1 0.00000 0.04 325 0.88706 319 21 21 20 2 23 4-9 2 .08 326 .88980 320 20 22 21 3 34 7-4 3 I .12 327 .89254 321 19 23 22 4 46 9-9 4 I .l6 328 3 2 9 .89528 .89802 322 18 323 17 24 25 23 24 5 0.00057 12.3 5 O.OOOOI 0.21 6 68 14.8 6 I 25 330 0.90075 324 16 26 25 7 80 17.2 7 I .29 33i .90349 325 15 27 26 8 9i 19.7 8 2 33 332 .90623 326 15 28 27 9 103 22.2 9 2 37 333 .90897 327 14 29 28 334 .91170 328 13 30 29 10 0.00114 24.6 10 O.OOOO2 0.41 ii 126 27.1 20 4 .82 335 336 0.91444 .91718 329 12 330 II Dec. i 2 30 Dec. i 12 13 137 148 29.6 32.0 30 40 6 8 1.23 1.64 337 .91992 33i 10 3 2 14 160 34-5 50 10 2.05 338 .92266 332 9 4 3 339 .92539 333 9 5 4 15 0.00171 37-0 60 O.OOOII 2.46 340 34i 342 343 0.92813 .93087 93361 93634 334 8 335 7 336 6 337 5 6 8 9 5 6 8 16 17 18 19 183 194 205 217 39-4 41.9 44-4 46.8 344 .93908 338 4 10 9 20 0.00228 49-3 345 0.94182 339 3 ii 10 21 240 51-7 346 347 .94456 94730 340 2 341 2 12 13 ii 12 22 23 251 262 54-2 56.7 348 .95003 342 I 14 13 24 274 59- * 349 .95277 343 15 14 350 0.95551 343 59 16 15 SMITHSONIAN TABLES 215 TABLE 75. HOURS, MINUTES AND SECONDS INTO DECIMALS OF A DAY. Hours Day. Min. Day. Min. Day. Sec. Day. Sec. Lay. . 1 0.041 667 , 694 31 0.021 528 1 0.000012 31 359 2 083 333 2 .001 389 32 .022 222 2 .000023 32 .000 370 3 .125 ooo 3 .002 083 33 .022 917 3 .000035 33 .000382 4 .166 667 4 .002 778 34 .023611 4 .000046 34 .000 394 5 0.208333 5 0.003 472 35 0.024 305 5 058 35 405 6 .250000 6 .004 167 36 .025000 6 .000069 36 .000417 7 .291 667 7 .004 86 1 37 .025 694 7 .000081 37 .000428 8 333 333 8 .005 556 38 .026 389 8 .000093 38 .000 440 9 375 ooo 9 .006 250 39 .027 083 9 .000 104 39 .000451 10 0.416 667 10 0.006 944 40 0.027 778 10 116 40 463 ii 458 333 ii .007 639 4i .O28 472 ii .000 127 4i .000 475 12 .500000 12 008 333 42 .029 167 12 .000139 42 .000486 13 .541 667 13 .009028 43 .029 86 1 13 .000 150 43 .000498 14 583 333 14 .009 722 44 .030 556 14 .000 162 44 .000 509 15 0.625 ooo 15 0.010417 45 0.031 250 15 174 45 0.000521 16 .666 667 16 .Oil III 46 .031 944 16 .000 185 46 .000532 17 .708333 17 .011806 47 .032 639 17 .000 197 47 .000544 18 .750000 18 .012 500 48 033 333 18 .000208 48 .000556 19 .791 667 19 .013 194 49 .034 028 19 .000220 49 .000 567 20 0-833 333 20 O.OI3 889 50 0.034 722 20 231 50 579 21 .875 ooo 21 .014 583 5i 035 4*7 21 .000 243 5i .000 590 22 .916667 ! 22 .015 278 52 .036 in 22 .000 255 52 .000602 23 .958 333 23 .015 972 53 .036 806 23 .000 266 53 .000 613 24 I.OOOOOO 24 .016 667 54 .037 500 24 .000278 54 .000625 25 0.017 361 55 0.038 194 25 289 55 637 26 .018 056 56 .038 889 26 .000301 56 .000 648 27 .018 750 57 039 583 27 .000313 57 .000660 28 .019 444 58 .040 278 28 .000 324 58 .000671 29 .020 139 59 .040 972 29 .000 336 59 .000 683 30 0.020 833 60 0.041 667 30 347 60 .000694 TABLE 76. DECIMALS OF A DAY INTO HOURS, MINUTES AND SECONDS. Hundredths of a Day. Ten Thousandths of a Day. Millionths of a Day. d. h. m. s. d. min. sec. d. sec. 0.01 14 24 0.0001 8.64 0.000001 0.09 .02 28 48 2 17.28 2 0.17 .03 43 12 3 25.92 3 0.26 .04 57 36 4 34.56 4 0-35 0.05 I 12 0.0005 43.20 0.000005 0.43 .06 I 26 24 6 51.84 6 0.52 .07 I 40 48 7 I 0.48 7 0.60 .08 i 55 12 8 I 9.12 8 0.69 .09 2 9 36 9 I 17.76 9 0.78 0.10 2 24 0.0010 I 26.40 0.000010 0.86 .20 4 48 o 20 2 52.80 20 i-73 .30 7 12 o 30 4 19.20 30 2-59 .40 9 36 o 40 5 45-60 40 346 0.50 12 0.0050 7 12.00 0.000050 4-32 .60 14 24 o 60 8 38.40 60 5-i8 .70 16 48 o 70 10 4.80 70 6.05 .80 19 12 80 II 31.20 80 6.91 .90 21 36 9 12 57.60 90 7.78 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 216 TABLE 77. MINUTES AND SECONDS INTO DECIMALS OF AN HOUR. Min. Decimals of an hour. Min. Decimals of an hour. Sec. Decimals of an hour. Sec. Decimals of an hour. , 0.016 667 31 0.516667 1 278 31 0.008 611 2 033 333 32 533 333 2 .000 556 32 .008 889 3 .050000 33 .550 ooo 3 .000833 33 .009 167 4 .066667 34 .566667 4 .001 in 34 .009444 5 0-083 333 35 0.583 333 5 o.ooi 389 35 0.009 722 6 .100 ooo 36 .600000 6 .001 667 36 .010 ooo 7 .116667 37 .616 667 7 .001 944 37 .010 278 8 133 333 38 .633 333 8 .002 222 38 .010 556 9 .150000 39 .650000 9 .002500 39 .010 833 10 o.i 66 667 40 0.666667 10 0.002 778 40 O.OII III ii 183 333 4i .683 333 ii .003 056 4i .011389 12 .200000 42 .700000 12 003 333 42 .on 667 13 .2l6 667 43 .716667 13 .003611 43 .011 944 14 233 333 44 733 333 14 .003 889 44 .OI2 222 15 0.250 ooo 45 0.750 ooo 15 0.004 167 45 O.OI2 5OO 16 .266 667 46 .766 667 16 .004444 46 .012 778 17 283 333 47 783 333 17 .004 722 47 .013 056 18 .300000 48 .800000 18 .005 ooo 48 013 333 19 .316667 49 .816667 19 .005 278 49 .013611 20 0-333 333 50 0.833 333 20 0.005 556 50 0.013 889 21 .350000 5i .850000 21 .005 833 5i .014 167 22 .366667 52 .866667 22 .006 III 52 .014 444 23 383 333 53 883 333 23 .006 389 53 .014 722 24 .400000 54 .900000 24 .006 667 54 .015000 25 0.416 667 55 0.916 667 25 0.006 944 55 0.015 278 26 433 333 56 933 333 26 .007 222 56 015 556 27 .450000 57 .950000 27 .007500 57 015 833 28 .466 667 58 .966 667 28 .007 778 58 .016 in 29 483 333 59 983 333 29 .008 056 59 .016 389 30 0.500000 60 I.OOOOOO 30 0.008 333 60 0.016 667 TABLE 78. MEAN TIME AT APPARENT NOON. Day of Month. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. I 12 4 12 14 12 12 12 4 ii 57 II 58 8 12 7 12 14 12 II 12 2 ii 56 II 59 16 12 10 12 14 12 9 12 ii 56 12 O 24 12 12 12 I 3 12 6 II 58 ii 57 12 2 JULY. AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. i 12 3 12 6 12 O II 50 II 44 II 50 8 12 5 12 5 II 58 II 48 ii 44 II 53 16 12 6 12 4 ii 55 II 46 ii 45 II 56 24 12 6 12 2 ii 52 ii 45 ii 47 12 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 2I 7 TABLE 79. SIDEREAL TIME INTO MEAN SOLAR TIME. The tabular values are to be subtracted from a sidereal time interval. TABLE 80. MEAN SOLAR TIME INTO SIDEREAL TIME. The tabular values are to be added to mean solar time interval. Hrs. Reduction to Mean Time. Min. Reduc- tion to Mean Time. Min. Reduc- tion to Mean Time. Hrs. Reduction to Sidereal Time. Min. Reduc- tion to Sidereal Time. Min. Reduc- tion to Sidereal Time. h. m. s. m. s. m. s. h. ra. s. m. s. m. s. 1 9.83 1 0.16 31 5.08 1 O 9.86 1 o. 16 31 5-09 2 19.66 2 o.33 32 5.24 2 O 19.71 2 0.33 32 5.26 3 29.49 3 0-49 33 5-41 3 o 29.57 3 0.49 33 5-42 4 39.32 4 0.66 34 5-57 4 39-43 4 0.66 34 5-59 5 49-15 5 o. 82 35 5-73 5 49.28 5 0.82 35 5-75 6 58.98 6 0.98 36 5-90 6 59-14 6 0.99 36 5.91 7 I 8.81 7 I. 15 37 6.06 7 I 9.00 7 [C 37 6.08 8 I 18.64 8 i. 38 6.23 8 I 18.85 8 i. 31 38 6.24 9 I 28.47 9 1.47 39 6-39 9 I 28.71 9 1.48 39 6.41 10 I 38.30 10 1.64 40 6-55 10 I 38.57 10 1.64 40 6-57 ii I 48.13 ii i. 80 41 6.72 ii I 48.42 ii 1.81 4 1 6-74 12 I 57.96 12 i. 97 42 6.88 12 I 58.28 12 1.97 42 6.90 13 2 7.78 13 2. 13 43 7-05 13 2 8.13 13 2.14 43 7.06 14 2 17.61 14 2. 29 44 7.21 14 2 17.99 14 2.30 44 7-23 15 2 27.44 15 2.46 45 7-37 15 2 27.85 15 2.46 45 7-39 16 2 37.27 16 2.62 46 7-54 16 2 37-70 16 2.63 46 7.56 17 2 47.10 17 2. 79 47 7.70 17 2 47.56 17 2.79 47 7.72 18 2 56.93 18 2-95 48 7.86 18 2 57-42 18 2.96 48 7.89 19 3 6.76 19 3- ii 49 8.03 19 3 7.27 19 3.12 49 8.05 20 3 16.59 20 3-28 50 8.19 20 3 17.13 20 3-29 50 8.21 21 3 26.42 21 3-44 51 8.36 21 3 26.99 21 3-45 51 8.38 22 3 36.25 22 3-60 52 8.52 22 3 36.84 22 3-6i 52 8-54 23 3 46.08 23 3-77 53 8.68 23 3 46.70 23 3.78 53 8.71 24 3 55-9 1 24 3.93 54 8.85 24 3 56.56 24 3-94 54 8.87 25 4- 10 55 9.01 25 4.11 55 9.04 26 4.26 56 9.17 26 4.27 56 9.20 27 4.42 57 9-34 27 4-43 57 9-36 28 4.59 58 9.50 28 4.60 58 9.53 29 4-75 59 9-67 29 4.76 59 9.69 30 4.92 60 9.83 30 4-93 60 9.86 Reduction for Seconds sidereal or mean solar. The tabular values are to be [ su }l r !} c * ed fr m (. added to a mean a sidereall . interv al. solar j Sidereal or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mean Time. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. 0.00 o.oo O.OI O.OI O.OI O.OI 0.02 O.O2 O.O2 0.03 10 03 03 3 .04 .04 .04 .04 .05 5 .05 20 .06 .06 .06 .06 .07 .07 .07 .07 .08 .08 30 .08 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 .IO .10 .10 .11 40 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 13 .13 .13 13 50 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 218 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. Density of air at different temperatures Fahrenheit .... TABLE 81 Density of air at different humidities and pressures English measures. Term for humidity : auxiliary to Table 83 TABLE 82 TT 1 r ^ 0.378 Values of = 83 29.921 29.921 Density of air at different temperatures Centigrade .... TABLE 84 Density of air at different humidities and pressures Metric measures. Term for humidity : auxiliary to Table 86 .... TABLE 85 _ 7 , r h b 0.378 . Values of - = ^ 86 760 760 Conversion of avoirdupois pounds and ounces into kilogrammes TABLE 87 Conversion of kilogrammes into avoirdupois pounds and ounces 88 Conversion of grains into grammes TABLE 89 Conversion of grammes into grains 90 Conversion of units of magnetic intensity TABLE 91 Quantity of water corresponding to given depths of rainfall . TABLE 92 Dates of Dove's pentades TABLE 93 Division by 28 of numbers from 28 to 867972 TABLE 94 Division by 29 of numbers from 29 to 898971 95 Division by 31 of numbers from 31 to 960969 96 Natural sines and cosines TABLE 97 Natural tangents and cotangents TABLE 98 Logarithms of numbers TABLE 99 LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS TABLE IOO 219 TABLE 81. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES FAHRENHEIT. a _ 0.00129305 i + 0.0020389 (t 32) i cubic centimetre of dry air at the temperature 32 F. and pressure 760 mm., and under the standard value of gravity at latitude 45 and sea-level, weighs 0.00129305 gramme. Temper- ature. 8t LogS t Temper- ature. t LogS t Temper- ature. 8, Log8 t F. o.oo 10 F. 0.00 IO F. O.OO IO -45 15339 7-18579 30 12983 7.11339 75 11888 7.07512 -40 15155 .18056 3i 12957 .11250 76 11866 .07430 -35 14977 .17541 32 12931 .11162 77 11844 .07349 -30 14802 .17031 33 12904 .11073 78 11822 .07268 -25 14631 .16527 34 12878 .10985 79 11800 .07187 0.00 o.oo o.oo -20 14464 7. 16029 35 12852 7.10897 80 11778 7.07107 -18 14398 .15831 36 12826 .10809 81 11756 .07026 -16 14333 .15634 37 12800 .10721 82 11734 .06946 -14 14269 .15439 38 12774 .10633 83 11713 .06865 12 14205 .15244 39 12749 . 10546 84 11691 .06785 o.oo. o.oo 0.00 -10 14142 7.15050 40 12723 7.10459 85 11670 7.06705 - 8 14079 .14856 4i 12698 .10372 86 11648 .06625 - 6 14017 . 14664 42 12672 . 10285 87 11627 .06546 - 4 13955 .14472 43 12647 .10198 88 11605 .06466 2 13894 . 14282 44 12622 .10112 89 11584 .06387 0.00 0.00 o.oo + 13833 7.14092 45 12597 7.10025 90 11563 7.06307 I 13803 .13997 46 12572 .09939 9i 11542 .06228 2 13773 .13903 47 12547 .09853 92 11521 .06149 3 13743 .13808 48 12522 .09767 93 11500 .06070 4 13713 .13714 49 12497 .09682 94 11479 -05992 o.oo 0.00 0.00 5 13684 7.13621 50 12473 7.09596 95 11458 7.05913 6 13654 .13527 5i 12448 .09511 96 11438 .05835 7 13625 .13434 52 12424 .09426 97 11418 .05757 8 13596 .13340 53 12400 .09341 98 11397 .05678 9 13567 .13247 54 12375 09256 99 11376 .05600 o.oo o.oo o.oo 10 13538 7-13155 55 12351 7.09I7I 100 11356 7.05523 n 13509 . 13062 56 12327 .09087 101 11336 .05445 12 13480 .12970 57 12303 .09002 102 11315 .05367 13 13452 .12877 58 12280 .08918 103 11295 .05290 14 13423 .12785 59 12256 .08834 104 11275 .05213 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 13395 7.12694 60 12232 7.08750 105 11255 7.05136 16 13367 .12602 61 12209 .08667 106 11235 .05058 17 13338 .12510 62 12185 -08583 107 11215 .04982 18 13310 .12419 63 12162 .08500 108 11196 .04905 19 13282 .12328 64 12138 .08416 109 11176 .04828 0.00 o.oo o.oo 20 13255 7.12237 65 12115 7-08334 no 11156 7.04752 21 13227 .12147 66 12092 .08251 112 11117 .04599 22 13200 .12056 67 12069 .08168 114 11078 .04447 23 13172 .11966 68 12046 .08085 116 11040 .04296 24 13145 .11876 69 12023 .08003 118 IIOOI .04145 o.oo 0.00 0.00 25 13118 7.11786 70 I2OOI 7.07921 120 10963 7.03994 26 13091 .11696 7i 11978 .07839 X25 10870 .03621 27 13064 .11606 72 11956 .07757 130 10776 .03248 28 13037 .11517 73 "933 .07675 135 10686 .02883 2 9 13010 .11428 74 11910 07593 140 10597 .02518 SMITHSONIAN TAOLES. 22O TABLE 82. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. ENGLISH MEASURES. Term for Humidity: Values of 0.378*. Auxiliary to Table 83. c = Vapor pressure in inches. Dew- Point. Vapor Pressure. e. 0.378*. Dew- Point. Vapor Pres- sure. e. 0.378*. Dew- Point. Vapor P res- sure. e. 0.378*. Dew- Point. Vapor Pres- sure. e. 0.378*. F. Inch. Inch. F. Inch. Inch. F. Inch. Inch. F. Inches. Inches. -40 0.0054 0.002 5 0.057 0.021 50 0.360 0.136 95 1.645 0.622 -39 .0058 .002 6 059 .022 5i 373 .141 96 1.696 .641 -38 .0061 .OO2 7 .062 .023 52 .387 .146 97 1.749 .661 -37 .0065 .OO2 8 .065 .025 53 .402 .152 98 1.803 .682 -36 .0069 .003 9 .068 .026 54 .417 .158 99 1.859 .703 -35 0.0073 0.003 10 0.071 0.027 55 0.432 0.163 100 1.916 0.724 -34 .0077 .003 ii .074 .028 56 .448 .169 101 1-975 747 -33 .0082 .003 12 .078 .029 57 465 .176 1 02 2.035 769 -32 .0087 .003 13 .081 .031 58 .481 .182 103 2.097 793 -3i .0092 .003 14 .085 .032 59 499 .189 104 2.160 .816 -30 0.0097 O.OO4 15 0.088 0.033 60 0.517 0.195 105 2.225 0.841 2 9 .0103 .OO4 16 .092 035 61 .536 .203 106 2.292 .866 28 .0109 .OO4 17 .096 ,036 62 555 .2IO 107 2.360 .892 -27 .0115 .004 18 .101 .038 63 575 .217 1 08 2.431 .919 -26 .OI2I .005 19 .105 .040 64 595 .225 109 2-503 .946 -25 O.OI28 0.005 20 O.I 10 0.042 65 0.616 0.233 110 2.576 0.974 -24 0135 .005 21 .114 043 66 .638 .241 in 2.652 1.002 - 2 3 .0142 .005 22 .119 045 67 .661 .250 112 2.730 I.03I 22 .0150 .006 23 .124 .047 68 .684 259 H3 2.810 1.062 21 .0158 .006 24 .130 .049 69 .707 .267 114 2.891 1.093 -20 0.0167 O.OO6 25 0.135 0.051 70 0.732 0.277 115 2-975 I.I25 -19 .0176 .007 26 .141 053 7i 757 .286 116 3.061 LI57 -18 .0185 .007 27 .147 .056 72 .783 .296 117 3.148 I.I9O -17 .0195 .007 28 .153 .058 73 .810 .306 118 3-239 1.224 -16 .0205 .008 29 .159 .060 74 .838 .317 119 3.331 1.259 -15 0.0216 0.008 30 0.166 0.063 75 0.866 0.327 120 3.425 1-295 -14 .0227 .009 3i .173 .065 76 .896 339 121 3.522 I.33I -13 .0239 .009 32 .180 .068 77 .926 350 122 3.621 1.369 12 .0251 .009 33 .187 .071 78 957 .362 123 3-723 1.407 II .0264 .010 34 195 .074 79 .989 374 124 3.827 1.447 -10 0.0277 0.010 35 0.203 0.077 80 i. 022 0.386 125 3-933 1.487 - 9 .0292 .Oil 36 .211 .080 81 1.056 399 126 4.042 1.528 - 8 .0306 .012 37 .219 .083 82 1.091 .412 127 4.154 1.570 - 6 .0322 .0338 .012 .013 38 39 .228 237 .086 .090 83 84 1.127 1.163 .426 440 128 129 4.268 4-385 I.6I3 1.658 - 5 0.0354 0.013 40 0.246 0.093 85 1. 201 0-454 130 4-504 1.703 - 4 .0372 .014 4i .256 .097 86 .241 .469 131 4.627 1.749 - 3 .0390 .015 42 .266 101 87 .281 .484 132 4-752 1.796 2 .0409 .015 43 .276 .105 88 .322 .500 133 4.880 1.844 I .0429 .016 44 .287 .109 89 .364 .516 134 5.011 1.894 0.0449 0.017 45 0.298 0.113 90 .408 0.532 135 5-145 1-945 + I .0471 .018 46 .310 .117 9i 453 549 136 5.282 1.997 2 .0493 .019 47 .322 .122 92 499 .567 137 5.422 2.050 3 .0517 .020 48 334 .126 93 546 584 138 5-565 2.104 4 .0541 .O2O 49 347 .131 94 595 .603 139 5-712 2.159 5 0.0567 O.O2I 50 0.360 0.136 95 1.645 0.622 140 5.862 2.216 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 221 TABLE 83. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. ENGLISH MEASURES. Va.ues of 29.921 o o 29.921 29.921 b = Barometric pressure in inches ; e = Vapor pressure in inches. h. h Log h h. h h h. h 29.921* h 29.921 29.921' 29.291 29.921 9 2 9 . 9 2I Inch's 10 Inches. 10 Inches. 10 10.0 0-3342 9.52402 15.0 0.5013 9.70012 20.0 0.6684 9.82505 10. 1 3376 52835 15.1 .5047 .70300 20. i .6718 .82722 10.2 '3409 .53262 15-2 .5080 .70587 20. 2 .6751 .82938 10.3 3442 .53686 15-3 .5H3 .70871 20.3 .6784 .83152 10.4 .3476 .54io6 15.4 .5147 .71154 20.4 .6818 .83365 10.5 0.3509 9-54521 15.5 0.5180 9.7I435 20.5 0.6851 9.83578 10.6 3543 54933 15-6 .5214 .71715 20.6 .6885 .83789 10.7 .3576 .55341 15-7 .5247 .71992 20.7 .6918 .83999 10.8 .3609 55745 15-8 .5281 .72268 20.8 .6952 .84209 10.9 .3643 .56145 15.9 .53H .72542 20.9 .6985 .84417 11.0 0.3676 9-56542 16.0 0.5347 9.72814 21.0 0.7018 9.84624 ii. i .3710 .56935 16.1 .538i 73085 21. 1 .7052 .84831 II. 2 3743 .57324 16.2 .5414 73354 21.2 .7085 .85036 "3 3777 .577io 16.3 .5448 .73621 21-3 .7119 .85240 11.4 .3810 .58093 16.4 .548i .73887 21.4 .7152 .85444 11.5 0.3843 9.58472 16.5 0.5515 9.74I5I 21.5 0.7186 9.85646 u.6 .3877 .58848 16.6 .5548 .74413 21.6 .7219 .85848 11.7 .3910 .59221 16.7 .558i .74674 21.7 .7252 .86048 n.8 3944 .59591 16.8 .5615 74933 21.8 .7286 .86248 11.9 3977 -59957 16.9 .5648 .75191 21.9 .7319 .86447 12.0 0.4011 9.60321 17.0 0.5682 9.75447 22.0 0.7353 9.86645 I2.I .4044 .60681 17.1 .5715 .75702 22.1 .86842 12.2 .4077 .61038 17.2 .5748 75955 22.2 .7420 .87038 12.3 .4111 .61393 17.3 .5782 .76207 22.3 7453 .87233 12.4 .4144 .61745 17.4 .5815 .76457 22.4 .7486 .87427 12.5 0.4178 9.62093 17.5 0.5849 9.76706 22.5 0.7520 9.87621 12.6 .4211 .62439 17.6 .5882 .76954 22.6 7553 .87813 12.7 .4244 .62782 17.7 .5916 .77200 22.7 .7587 .88005 12.8 .4278 63123 17.8 5949 .77444 22.8 .7620 .88196 12.9 4311 .63461 17.9 .5982 .77687 22.9 .7653 .88386 13.0 0-4345 9.63797 18.0 0.6016 9.77930 23.0 0.7687 9.88575 13-1 .4378 .64130 18.1 .6049 .78170 23.1 .7720 .88764 13-2 .4412 .64460 18.2 .6083 .78410 23-2 7754 .88951 13.3 4445 .64788 18.3 .6116 .78648 23-3 .7787 .89138 13.4 .4478 .65113 18.4 .6149 .78884 23-4 .7821 .89324 13.5 0.4512 9-65436 18.5 0.6183 9.79120 23.5 0.7854 9.89509 13-6 4545 .65756 18.6 .6216 79354 23.6 .7887 .89693 13-7 4579 .66074 18.7 .6250 .79587 23.7 .7921 .89877 13-8 .4612 .66390 18.8 .6283 .79818 23.8 7954 .90060 13.9 .4646 .66704 18.9 .6317 .80049 23-9 .7988 .90242 14.0 0.4679 9.67015 19.0 0.6350 9.80278 24.0 0.8021 9.90424 14.1 .4712 .67324 19.1 .6383 .80506 24.1 .8054 .90604 14.2 .4746 .67631 19.2 .6417 .80733 24.2 .8088 .90784 14-3 4779 67936 19-3 .6450 .80958 24-3 .8121 .90963 14.4 .4813 .68239 19.4 .6484 .81183 24.4 .8i55 .91141 14.5 0.4846 9-68539 19.5 0.6517 9.81406 24.5 0.8188 9.91319 14.6 .4879 .68837 19.6 .6551 .81628 24.6 .8222 .91496 14.7 49 T 3 .69134 19.7 .6584 .81849 24-7 8255 .91672 14.8 .4946 .69429 19.8 .6617 .82069 24.8 .8289 .91848 14.9 .4980 .69721 19.9 .6651 .82288 24.9 .8322 .92022 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 222 TABLE 83, DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. ENGLISH MEASURES. Values of 8 h b 0.378^ ~* - = - -- d o 29.921 29.921 b Barometric pressure in inches ; e = Vapor pressure in inches. h. h Log h h. h Loa h h. h h 29.921 29.921 29.921 29.921 29.921 Log 29.921 Inches. 10 Inches. 10 Inches. 10 25.00 0.8355 9.92196 27.25 0.9107 9-95939 29.50 0.9859 9.99385 25-05 .8372 .92283 27.3 .9124 .96019 29-55 9876 .99458 25.10 .8389 .92370 27.35 .9141 .96098 29.60 .9893 99532 25-15 .8405 .92456 27.40 .9157 .96177 29.65 9909 .99605 25.20 .8422 .92542 27-45 .9174 .96256 29.70 .9926 .99678 25.25 0.8439 9.92628 27.50 0.9191 9.96336 29.75 0-9943 9-99751 25-30 .8456 .92714 27.55 .9208 .96414 29.80 .9960 .99824 25-35 .8472 .92800 27.60 .9224 .96493 29.85 .9976 .99897 25.40 .8489 .92886 27-65 .9241 .96572 29.90 9993 99970 25-45 .8506 .92971 27.70 .9258 .96650 29-95 1. 0010 0.00042 25.50 0.8522 9.93056 27.75 0.9274 9.96728 30.00 1.0026 0.00115 25-55 .8539 .93141 27.80 .9291 .96807 30.05 1.0043 .00187 25.60 .8556 .93226 27.85 .9308 .96885 30.10 i. 0060 .00259 25-65 .8573 933II 27.90 .9325 .96963 30-15 1.0076 .00331 25.70 .8589 .93396 27.95 .9341 .97040 30.20 1.0093 .00403 25.75 0.8606 9.93480 28.00 0.9358 9.97118 30.25 I. OIIO 0.00475 25.80 8623 .93564 28.05 9375 .97195 30.3 1.0127 .00547 25-85 .8639 .93648 28.10 9391 .97273 30-35 1.0143 .00618 25.90 .8656 93732 28.15 .9408 .97350 30.40 1. 0160 .00690 25.95 .8673 .93816 28.20 .9425 .97427 30.45 1.0177 .00761 26.00 0.8690 9.93900 28.25 0.9441 9.97504 30.50 1.0193 0.00832 26.05 .8706 .93983 28.30 9458 .97581 30-55 1. 0210 .00903 26.10 .8723 .94066 28.35 9475 .97657 30.60 1.0227 .00975 26.15 .8740 .94149 28.40 .9492 97734 30-65 I.O244 01045 26.20 .8756 .94233 28.45 .9508 .97810 30.70 1.0260 .01116 26.25 0.8773 9.943I5 28.50 0.9525 9.97887 30.75 1.0277 0.01187 26.30 .8790 .94398 28.55 9542 .97963 30.80 1.0294 .01257 26.35 .8806 .94480 28.60 .9558 .98039 30.85 I.O3IO .01328 26.40 .8823 .94563 28.65 -9575 98115 30.90 1.0327 .01398 26.45 .8840 .94645 28.70 9592 .98191 30.95 1.0344 .01468 26.50 0.8857 9.94727 28.75 0.9609 9.98266 31.00 1.0361 0.01539 26.55 .8873 .94809 28.80 .9625 98342 3 I -5 1.0377 .01608 26.60 .8890 .94891 28.85 .9642 .98417 31.10 1.0394 .01678 26.65 8907 .94972 28.90 .9659 .98492 3i.i5 I.O4II .01748 26.70 .8924 .95054 28.95 .9675 .98567 31.20 1.0427 .01818 26.75 0.8940 9.95135 29.00 0.9692 9.98642 31.25 1.0444 0.01887 26.80 .8957 .95216 29.05 .9709 .98717 31-30 I.O46l 01957 26.85 .8974 .95297 29.10 .9726 .98792 3L35 1.0478 .02026 26.90 .8990 .95378 29.15 .9742 .98866 31.40 1.0494 .02095 26.95 .9007 .95458 29.20 9759 .98941 3L45 I.05II .02164 27.00 0.9024 9-95539 29.25 0.9776 9.99015 31.50 1.0528 0.02233 27.05 .9040 .95619 29.30 .9792 .99089 31-55 1.0544 .02302 27.10 9057 .95699 29-35 .9809 .99163 31.60 I.056I .02371 27-15 .9074 95779 29.40 .9826 .99237 31-65 1.0578 .02439 27.20 .9091 .95859 29-45 .9843 .99311 31.70 1-0594 .02508 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 223 TABLE 84. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES CENTIGRADE. 0.00129305 i + 0.003670 / i cubic metre of dry air at the temperature o C- and pressure 760 mm., and under the standard value of gravity at latitude 45 and sea level, weighs 1.29305 kilogramme. t. St, 7 6o L <>g $t, 760 t. \ 7 6o Log \ 76o t 8t, 7 6o Log $t, 760 c. 0.00 10 c. 0.00 10 c. 0.00 10 -34 14774 7.16950 - 4?5 13148 7.11885 I8?0 12129 7.08383 -33 14712 .16768 4.0 13123 .11804 18.5 12108 8309 -32 14651 .16587 - 3-5 13099 .11723 19.0 12088 8234 -3i 14590 . 16407 - 3-0 13074 .11642 19.5 12067 8160 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -30 14530 7.16227 - 2.5 13050 7.11562 20.0 12046 7.08085 -29 14471 .16049 2.0 13026 .11481 20.5 12026 Son -28 14412 .15871 - 1-5 13002 .11401 21.0 12005 7937 -27 14353 .15693 1.0 12978 .11321 21.5 11985 7863 -26 14295 .15517 - 0.5 12954 .11241 22.0 11965 7789 0.00 0.00 0.00 -25 14237 7.15341 0.0 12931 7.11162 22.5 11944 7.07716 -24 14179 .15166 + 0.5 12907 .11082 23.0 11924 7642 -23 14123 .14991 I.O 12884 .11006 23-5 11904 7569 22 14066 .14818 1-5 12860 .10923 24.0 11884 7496 21 14010 .14645 2.0 12836 .10844 24-5 11864 7422 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -20.0 13955 7.14472 2.5 12813 7.10765 25.0 11844 7.07349 -19-5 13927 .14386 3-0 12790 .10686 25-5 11824 7276 19.0 13900 .14301 3-5 12766 .10607 26.0 11804 7204 -18.5 13872 .14215 4.0 12744 .10529 26.5 11784 7131 18.0 13845 .14130 4-5 12720 .10450 27.0 11765 7058 0.00 o.oo 0.00 -17.5 13818 7.14044 5.0 12698 7.10372 27.5 11745 7.06986 -17.0 13791 .13959 5-5 12675 . 10294 28.0 11726 6913 -16.5 13764 .13874 6.0 12652 .10216 28.5 11706 6841 16.0 13737 .13790 6-5 12629 .10138 29.0 11687 6769 -15-5 13710 .13705 7.0 12607 .10069 29-5 11667 6697 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -15.0 13684 7.13621 7.5 12584 7.09982 30.0 11648 7.06625 -14-5 13657 .13536 8.0 12562 9905 30.5 11629 6554 14.0 13631 .13452 8.5 12539 9828 31.0 11610 6482 -13-5 13604 .13368 9.0 12517 9750 3 J .5 11591 6411 -13.0 13578 .13285 9-5 12495 9673 32.0 11572 6340 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12.5 13552 7.13201 10.0 12473 7.09596 32.5 11553 7.06268 12.0 13526 .13117 10.5 12451 9519 33-o 11534 6i97 -II-5 13500 .13034 II. 12429 9443 33-5 11515 6126 II. 13473 .12951 11.5 12407 9366 34-0 11496 6055 -10.5 13449 .12868 12.0 12385 9290 34-5 1 1477 5984 o.oo 0.00 o.oo -10.0 13423 7.12785 12.5 12363 7.09214 35.0 "459 7.05913 - 9-5 13398 .12703 13.0 12342 9137 35-5 11440 5843 - 9.0 13372 .12620 13-5 12320 36.0 11421 5772 - 8.5 13347 .12538 14.0 12299 8986 36.5 11403 5702 - 8.0 13322 .12456 14-5 12277 8910 37-0 "385 5632 0.00 o.oo o.oo - 7.5 13297 7.12374 15.0 12256 7.08834 37.5 11366 7.05562 - 7.0 13271 .12292 15.5 12235 8759 38.0 11348 5492 - 6.5 13246 .12210 16.0 12213 8683 38.5 11330 5422 - 6.0 13222 .12128 16.5 12192 8608 39-o 11311 5352 - 5-5 13197 .12047 17.0 12171 8533 39-5 11293 5282 0.00 0.00 o.oo - 5.0 13172 7.11966 17.5 12150 7.08458 40.0 11275 7-05213 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 224 TABLE 84 DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES CENTIGRADE. (Continued.} t. St,76o Log t, 7 6o t. \76o Log 8t, 760 t. ^,760 Log 8 t , 7 6o c. o.oo 10 c. 0.00 10 c. 0.00 10 40 11275 7.05213 50 10926 7.03845 60 10597 7.02518 4i 11239 .05074 5i 10892 .03710 61 10565 .02388 42 11204 .04936 52 10858 .03576 62 10534 .02258 43 11168 .04798 53 10825 .03443 63 10502 .02128 44 11133 .04660 54 10792 .03309 64 10471 .01999 0.00 o.oo o.oo 45 11098 7.04523 55 10759 7.03177 65 10440 7.01870 46 1 1063 .04387 56 10726 .03044 66 10409 .01742 47 11028 .04251 57 10694 .02912 67 10379 .01614 48 10994 .04115 58 10661 .02780 68 10348 .01486 49 10960 .03980 59 10629 .02649 69 10318 .01358 TABLE 85. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. METRIC MEASURES. Term for humidity: values of 0.378^. Auxiliary to Table 86. e. = vapor pressure in mm. Dew- point. Vapor Pressure. e 0.378^ Dew- point. Vapor Pressure. e 0.378* Dew- point. Vapor Pressure. e 0.378* C. mm. mm. C. mm. mm. C. mm. mm. -30 0.38 0.14 4.57 1.73 30 3L5I 11.91 29 .42 .16 i 4.91 1.86 3i 33-37 12. 6l 28 .46 .17 2 5-27 1.99 32 35-32 13-35 27 50 .19 3 5-66 2.14 33 37-37 14.13 26 55 .21 4 6.07 2.29 34 39.52 14.94 -25 0.61 0.23 5 6.51 2.46 35 41.78 15-79 24 .66 .25 6 6.97 2.63 36 44.16 16.69 23 73 .28 7 7.47 2.82 37 46.65 17.63 22 79 .30 8 7-99 3.02 38 49.26 21 .87 33 9 8-55 3.23 39 52.00 19.66 -20 0.94 0.36 10 9.14 3-45 40 54.87 20.74 19 1.03 39 ii 9-77 3.69 4i 57.87 21.86 18 1. 12 .42 12 10.43 3-94 42 61.02 23.06 17 1.22 .46 13 11.14 4.21 43 64.31 24.3 1 16 1.32 .50 14 11.88 4-49 44 67.76 25.61 -15 1.44 0.54 15 12.67 4-79 45 71.36 26.97 H 1.56 59 16 I3-5I 5.H 46 75.13 28.40 13 1.69 .64 17 14.40 5-44 47 79.07 29.89 12 1.84 .70 18 15-33 5-79 48 83.19 31-45 II 1.99 75 19 16.32 6.17 49 87.49 33-07 -10 2.15 0.81 20 17.36 6.56 50 91.98 34-77 9 2-33 .88 21 18.47 6.98 51 96.66 36.54 8 2.51 95 22 19.63 7-42 52 101-55 38.39 7 2.72 1.03 23 20.86 7.89 53 106.65 40.31 6 2.93 i. ii 24 22.15 8-37 54 111.97 42.32 - 5 3-i6 1.19 25 23-52 8.89 55 117.52 44.42 4 3-4i 1.29 26 24.96 9-43 56 123.29 46.60 3 3-67 i-39 27 26.47- 10.01 57 129.31 48.88 2 3-95 1.49 28 28.07 10.61 58 135.58 5L25 I 4-25 1.61 29 29.74 11.24 59 142.10 53.71 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 225 TABLE 86. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. METRIC MEASURES. b = Barometric pressure in mm. ; e = Vapor pressure in mm. h. h 760' ^ h. h 760* Sfe h. h 760* ^ mm. 10 mm. 10 mm. IO 300 0-3947 9-5963I 400 0.5263 9-72125 450 0.5921 9.77240 302 3974 .59919 401 5276 .72233 45i 5934 .77336 304 .4000 .60206 402 .5289 72341 452 5947 77432 306 .4026 .60491 403 .5303 .72449 453 .5961 .77528 308 .4053 .60774 404 .5316 .72557 454 .5974 .77624 310 0.4079 9-61055 405 0.5329 9.72664 455 0.5987 9.77720 312 .4105 .61334 406 .5342 .72771 456 .6000 .77815 3i4 .4132 .61612 407 5355 .72878 457 .6013 .77910 3i6 .4158 .61887 408 .5369 72985 458 .6026 .78005 3i8 .4184 .62161 409 .5382 .73091 459 .6040 .78100 320 0.4211 9.62434 410 0.5395 9.73I97 460 0.6053 9.78194 322 .4237 .62704 411 5408 .73303 461 .6066 .78289 324 .4263 .62973 412 5421 .73408 462 .6079 .78383 326 .4289 .63240 413 5434 .73514 463 .6092 .78477 328 .4316 .63506 414 5447 .73619 464 .6105 .78570 330 0.4342 9.63770 415 0.5461 9.73723 465 0.6118 9.78664 332 .4368 .64032 416 5474 .73828 466 .6132 .78757 334 4395 .64293 417 .5487 73932 467 6145 .78850 336 .4421 .64552 418 .5500 .74036 468 .6158 .78943 338 4447 .64810 419 .5513 .74140 469 .6171 .79036 340 0.4474 9.65066 420 0.5526 9.74244 470 0.6184 9.79128 342 .4500 65321 421 5540 74347 47i 6197 .79221 344 .4526 .65574 422 -5553 74450 472 .6210 .79313 346 4553 .65826 423 -5566 74553 473 .6224 .79405 348 4579 .66076 424 -5579 74655 474 .6237 .79496 350 0.4605 9.66325 425 0.5592 9-74758 475 0.6250 9.79588 352 .4632 66573 426 5605 .74860 476 .6263 .79679 354 .4658 .66819 427 .5618 .74961 477 .6276 .79770 356 .4684 .67064 428 5632 -75063 478 .6289 .79861 358 .4711 .67307 429 5645 .75164 479 6303 .79952 360 0-4737 9-67549 430 0.5658 9-75265 480 0.6316 9.80043 362 .4763 .67790 43 1 5671 .75366 481 .6329 .80133 364 .4789 .68029 432 .5684 .75467 482 .6342 .80223 366 .4816 .68267 433 .5697 .75567 483 .6355 .80313 368 .4842 .68503 434 5711 .75668 484 .6368 .80403 370 0.4868 9.68739 435 0.5724 9.75768 485 0.6382 9.80493 372 .4895 .68973 436 5737 .75867 486 6395 .80582 374 .4921 .69206 437 5750 .75967 487 .6408 .80672 376 4947 .69437 438 .5763 .76066 488 .6421 .80761 378 4974 .69668 439 .5776 .76165 489 .6434 .80850 380 0.5000 9.69897 440 0.5790 9.76264 490 0.6447 9.80938 382 .5026 .70125 441 .5803 .76362 491 .6461 .81027 384 .5053 70352 442 .5816 .76461 492 6474 .81115 386 5079 70577 443 .5829 .76559 493 .6487 .81203 388 5105 .70802 444 .5842 76657 494 .6500 .81291 390 392 0.5132 5158 9.71025 .71247 445 446 0.5855 .5868 9-76755 .76852 495 496 0.6513 .6526 9.81379 .81467 394 .5184 .71468 447 .5882 .76949 497 .6540 .81556 396 .5211 .71688 448 .5895 .77046 498 .6553 .81642 398 .5237 .71907 449 5908 .77143 499 .6566 .81729 SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 226 TABLE 86. DENSITY OF AIR AT DIFFERENT HUMIDITIES AND PRESSURES. METRIC MEASURES. Values of ^ c s' -5-=r7~ = So 760 760 b = Barometric pressure in mm.; 8 * San Francisco, California 17 48 122 26 93 * Santa F New Mexico ... 2C 41 IO5 S7 109 33 * Sault de Ste. Marie, Michigan . . * Savannah Georgia ... . . 46 28 7,2 ; 84 22 81 5 642 0*7 196 26 Sitka, Alaska 57 1 115 IQ 7 61 TO 47 4O 117 25 3 1078 1 V * Tampa, Florida 27 57 82 27 1 93 *6 59 1 j j * Toledo Ohio 41 4O 8l 14 o u 67/1 201 Unalaska Alaska . 51 51 166 12 0/4 ^u * Vicksburg, Mississippi 12 22 QO *\\ J 3 2C/I 7"7 * Washington City, ( Weather Bureau) * Washington City, (Naval Obftfy). Washington, Mount, N. H . . . . * Wilmington, North Carolina . . . * Yuma Arizona . . . . . 38 54 38 54 44 16 34 14 12 45 77 3 77 3 71 18 77 57 114 l6 O4 112 110 6279 78 // 34 33 1914 24 SOUTH AMERICA. Arequipa . . l6 22 S. 71 22 W l^l SO^O 43 2A^A Bahia-Blanca, Argentine Republic Bogota, United States of Colombia Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic Caldera, Chile 38 44 S. 4 36 N. 34 36 S. 27 1 S. 62 II 73 15 58 22 7O 51 49 72 8s 15 22 26 Caracas Venezuela 10 31 N 66 55 Catamarca, Argentine Republic . Cayenne French Guiana . . . 28 28 S. 4 56 N 65 56 52 21 1788 545 Charchani, Peru, (Arequipa) . . . Concordia, Argentine Republic . . 3i 23 S. 2Q 56 S. 58 4 71 21 16650 200 72 5075 61 22 Cordoba, Argentine Republic . . . Corrientes, Argentine Republic . . El Misti, Peru, (Arequipa) .... Georgetown, British Guiana . . . Iquique Chile 3i 25 S. 27 28 S. 6 47 N. 2O 12 S 64 12 58 50 58 9 7O II 1434 253 I 9 300 26 437 77 5883 8 La Plata, Argentine Republic . . 34 55 S. 57 54 SMITHSONIAN TABLES 246 LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS. (The asterisk * designates stations of the first order.) TABLE 100. SOUTH AMERICA. (Continued.) L/irna Peru (TJnanue) .... Latitude. Longitude from Greenwich. Height above Sea-level. 12 4'S. 34 49 34 53 5 50 5 49 N. 3 1 43 S. 19 35 53 10 o 14 22 54 29 19 17 50 33 27 23 37 39 49 33 2 34 50 26 12 45 49 N. 50 23 47 3i 49 ii 47 30 48 18 50 5 45 19 46 53 45 57 46 30 50 4 48 3 49 5o 43 10 46 50 46 30 47 53 49 19 44 52 50 5 49 27 45 53 47 48 77 3'W. 58 37 56 15 35 ii 55 22 60 16 65 35 7o 54 78 45 43 10 67 10 63 o 70 41 46 40 73 l6 7i 39 59 19 58 6 15 59 E. 17 5 9 45 16 36 19 2 25 56 12 22 14 27 15 55 13 37 II 20 19 57 14 8 24 2 16 27 12 46 14 29 18 12 14 9 13 50 14 25 17 27 10 50 13 2 Feet. 520 256 13324 9541 3500 1772 1703 39 131 134 269 535 827 1352 758 502 774 1519 16 974 299 958 722 1280 978 30 2231 6716 364 1280 105 663 705 295 1434 m. 158 78 4061 2908 1067 540 519 12 40 41 82 163 252 412 231 153 236 463 5 297 9i 292 220 390 298 9 680 2047 in 390 32 202 215 90 437 Matanzas, Argentine Republic . . Natal Brazil . . . Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana .... Parana, Argentine Republic . . . Punta Arenas, Chile Quito Kquador . . . ... Rio de Janeiro Brazil . . Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (new) . . . Rioja, Argentine Republic .... Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia . . Sao Paulo Brazil Valdivia Chile Valparaiso Chile Villa Colon, Uruguay Villa Formoza, Argentine Republic EUROPE. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. * Aeram (Z&s:r&b\ . * Barzdorf Briinn * Budapest * Czernowitz ... * Eerer Gleichenberg Gorz Gries . . . Krakow Kretnsmunster L/embercr L/esina . . . . L/ienz *Obir O-Gyalla *Pisek . Pola .... Prae * Riva * Salzburg SMITHSONIAN TABLES 247 TABLE 100. LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS. (The asterisk * designates stations of the first order.) Latitude. Longitude from Greenwich. Height above Sea-level. AUSTRO-HUNGARY. (Continued.) Schafberg 47 47' N. 47 3 45 39 48 15 37 58 N. 33 19 33 54 44 25 41 2 41 18 45 21 42 i 45 9 41 i 49 40 N. 50 51 5i 4 53 13 52 57 50 37 5i 6 50 51 5i 14 52 5 57 10 N. 54 21 56 48 53 22 56 28 55 56 50 9 55 53 51 28 55 o 54 ii 5i 46 5i 29 13 26' E. 12 57 13 46 16 21 23 45 E. 44 26 35 28 26 6 28 59 36 19 25 34 35 19 29 40 39 45 5 48 E. 4 22 2 40 6 34 4 45 5 34 5 48 5 4i 2 55 5 7 2 6 W. 6 39 5 8 6 21 2 56 3 ii 5 4 4 18 o 19 7 19 8 27 I 20 Feet. 5827 10154 85 663 112 285 26 2822 49 7 92 1286 177 10 49 o 200 H5 164 16 43 88 196 4406 155 160 183 180 34 220 122 212 159 m. 1776 395 26 2O2 34 87 8 860 15 2 28 392 54 3 15 61 35 50 5 13 27 60 1343 47 49 56 55 10 67 37 65 48 Sonnblick *Triest *Wien Zdgrdb (see Agrani} GREECE, ROUMANIA, TURKEY. Athens Greece .... Beirut Turkey Constantinople Turkey Samsoun, Asiatic Turkey Sinaia Rou mania .... Sulina Roumania . . Trebizond, Asiatic Turkey BELGIUM AND HOLLAND. Bruxelles Belgium . Furnes Belgium * Groningen, Holland *Helder Holland * L/iege Belgium IVtaeseyck Belgium Maestricht, Holland * Ostende Belgium . * Utrecht, Holland BRITISH ISLES. * Aberdeen * Armagh *Ben Nevis . Dublin Dundee Edinburgh *Falmouth * Glasgow *Kew . . * Markree Castle * Oxford Greenwich Observatory SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 248 TABLE 100. LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS. (The asterisk * designates stations of the first order.) BRITISH ISLES. (Continued.) Southampton . Latitude. Longitude from Greenwich. Height above Sea-level. 50 55' N. 50 44 53 5i 5i 55 53 57 67 17 N. 56 10 59 55 63 7 62 5 55 27 61 36 65 50 62 38 55 4i 57 44 59 9 59 21 59 52 55 25 43 4N. 47 14 44 5o 48 24 49 39 45 55 5i 3 47 52 45 4i 43 17 45 50 44 17 47 13 43 43 48 49 48 52 48 49 42 42 42 57 45 46 45 47 43 35 43 37 i 24' W. I 48 2 28 10 18 I 5 14 24 E. 14 52 10 43 7 45 9 7 8 24 5 2 24 9 17 57 12 36 10 3 8 5 16 18 4 17 38 9 18 o 9 E. 5 59 E. o 31 W. 4 30 W. i 30 W. 7 2 E. 2 22 E. 5 20 E. 4 47 E. 5 23 E. 7 2 E. 5 16 E. i 33 W. 7 18 E. 2 30 E. 2 18 E. 2 20 E. 2 53 E. o 8 E. 3 5 E. 2 57 E. i 16 W. i 26 E. Feet. 78 295 375 23 167 23 30 82 52 2110 20 26 30 49 43 10 13 144 131 1795 896 210 3406 23 1529 9 8l 246 15780 6234 135 IH5 161 1027 105 9380 1273 4813 131 636 m. 24 90 114 7 5i 7 9 25 16 643 6 8 9 15 J 3 3 4 44 40 547 273 64 1038 7 466 299 75 4810 1900 4i 340 49 313 32 2859 388 1467 40 194 Southbourne . . * Stonyhurst * Valencia York DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN. Bodo Norway Carlshamn Sweden * Christiania, Norway Christiansund, Norway Dovre, Norway Fan 6 Denmark Floro, Norway Haparanda, Sweden Hernosand Sweden Kjobenhavn, Denmark Skagen, Denmark Skudesnes, Norway . .... Stockholm Sweden . * Upsal, Sweden * Vandrup, Denmark FRANCE. B agn eres-de-Bigor re Besancon Bordeaux , ... Brest . Cherbourg Chamonix Dunkerque . .... L/angres . * L/yon . * Marseille Mont Blanc (Haute Savoie] . . . * Mont Ventoux . Nantes Nice . * Paris, (Pare de Saint-Maur) . . . * Paris (Tour Eiffel} Paris (Montsouris) * Peroiernan *Pic-du-Midi Puy-de-Dome (Plains) * Puy-de-Dome (Sowimet ) . * Saint-Martin-de-Hinx * Toulouse SMITHSONIAN TABLES 249 TABLE 100. LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS. (The asterisk * designates stations of the first order.) Latitude. Longitude from Greenwich. Height Sea- above level. GERMANY. Bamberg, Bavaria 4Q 54' N IO e^E Feet. 817 m. 24Q Berlin Prussia co TO 1-7 2"^ 161 4Q Borlcum Prussia C7 7C 6 40 77 IO Bremen C7 CT 8 48 OO IT. A Breslau Prussia cr 7 17 2 482 147 Bromberg Prussia c.7 8 18 o 1 18 A2 Chemnitz, Saxony Oo CQ CQ 12 5"? IQ7.7 ^16 Danzig Prussia CA 21 18 40 72 22 Dresden, Saxony ci 2 17 A A. 7QO IIQ Hichberg Prussia CQ CC 1C 48 114 s ? JAQ Freiberg, Saxony CQ cc J7 21 I7.7C. o'ty 4O7 Friedrichshafen, Wiirttemberg . . . Gottingen, Prussia 47 39 CT 72 9 28 9c6 1335 4Q2 407 ISO Halle Prussia ci 2Q ii 38 7,64 III * Hamburg C7 77 o c.8 85 26 Heidelberg Baden . . . 4Q 25 8 42 7.Q4 1 20 47 4O II 42 4QS4 1510 Hohenpeissenberg, Bavaria ... 47 48 II I ^261 QQ4 Jena Saxony en ;6 II 1% c,2; 160 * Kaiserslautera, Bavaria 4Q 27 7 46 7Q4 242 Karlsruhe Baden 4y */ AQ T / 4' J 8 2C. 4O7 124 Kassel, Prussia Vy * ci IQ o ^o 93.O 660 2O4 *Keitum Prussia . . O A A y MCA O w 8 22 7O Kiel Prussia 04 o^ I ZA A7 Leipzig, Saxony 04 ^ u ci 20 A 04 7QO 4/ I IQ * Magdeburg Prussia CO 8 A* 'J TT 78 07^ 177 iiy c/i Mannheim, Baden o^ AQ 2Q 8 28 A // ^67 04 112 * Memel Prussia 4y -*y <>T 7 11 OD 4o AQ 7 -* 1 / 6 10 A o 600 !87 Miilhausen Alsace 4-y / 787 240 * Miinclicii Bavaria 4/ 40 A Q n ^u 1776 COQ * Neufahrwasser, Prussia 40 9 18 40 A /o u 17 o*y Niirnberg Bavaria 54 ^4 TT A IO77 7T C Regensburg Bavaria 49 2 7 11 4 TO fi lv -'oo T T7C i;8 Rostock, Mecklenburg 49 i T2 7 A1 /0 72 oO 22 Riigenwaldermiinde, Prussia .... Schneekoppe, Prussia 54 5 54 26 1^ / 16 23 TC y),for latitude <|> and sea level. g, at equator = 977.99 ; g, at Washington = 980.07 ; g, at Paris = 980.94. g, at poles =983.21; g, at Greenwich =981.17; Length of the seconds pendulum (HARKNESS) : / = 39.012540 + 0.208268 sin2 < inches = 0.990910 + 0.005290 sins < metres. SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 258 APPENDIX. CONSTANTS.- Continued. Astronomical Constants (HARKNESS). Sidereal year = 365.256 357 8 mean solar days. Tropical year = 365.2422 d. Sidereal day = 23^ 56** 4.100* mean solar time. Mean solar day = 24^ 3 56.546* sidereal time. Mean distance of the earth from the sun = 92 800 ooo miles. Physical Constants. Velocity of light (HARKNESS) = 186337 miles per second = 299878 km. per second. Velocity of sound through dry air = 1090 \/i +0.00367^ C. feet per second. Weight of distilled water, free from air, barometer 30 inches ; Weight in grains. Weight in grammes. Volume. 6 2 o p 4 o 62 f. 4 C. i cubic inch (determination of 1890) 252.286 252.568 16.3479 16.3662 i cubic centimetre (1890) 15-3953 154125 0.9976 0.9987 i cubic foot (1890) at 62^. 62.2786 Ibs. A standard atmosphere is the pressure of a vertical column of pure mercury whose height is 760 mm. and temperature o C. , under standard gravity at latitude 45 and at sea level. i standard atmosphere = 1033 grammes per sq. cm. = 14.7 pounds per sq. inch. Pressure of mercurial column i inch high = 34.5 grammes per sq. cm. =0.491 pounds per sq. inch. Weight of drp air (containing 0.0004 f its weight of carbonic acid) : i cubic centimetre at temperature 32 F. and pressure 760 mm. and under the standard value of gravity weighs 0.00129305 gramme. Density of mercury at o C. (compared with water of maximum density under atmospheric pressure) = 13.5956. Freezing point of mercury = 38?5 C. (REGNAUI/T, 1862.) Coefficient of expansion of air (at const, pressure of 760^^) for i C. (DO.): 0.003670. Coefficient of expansion of mercury for Centigrade temperatures (BROCH) : = Ao( I 0.000181792^ 0.000000000175^2 _ .000000000035 116^). Coefficient of linear expansion of brass for i C, /?=; 0.0000174 to 0.0000190. Coefficient of cubical expansion of glass for i C., y = 0.000021 to 0.000028. Ordinary glass (RECKNAGEi,) : at 10 C., y = 0.0000255 ; at 100, y = 0.0000276. Specific heat of dry air compared with an equal weight of water : at constant pressure, Kp = 0.2374 (from o to 100 C., REGNAUI/T). at constant volume, Kv = o. 1689. Ratio of the two specific heats of air (RoNTGEN): Kp/K v = 1.4053. Thermal conductivity of air (GRAETz) : k =0.0000484 (i +0.001 85 f C.} ^ m ^ e . [The quantity of heat that passes in unit time through unit area of a plate of unit thick- ness, when its opposite faces differ in temperature by one degree.] Latent heat of liquefaction of ice (BUNSEN) = 80.025 mass-degrees, C. Latent heat of vaporization of water = 606.5 0.695 t C. Absolute zero of temperature (THOMSON, Heat, Encyc. Brit.)'. 273? C. = 459?4 F. Mechanical equivalent of heat*; i pound-degree, F. (the British thermal unit) = about 778 foot-pounds. i pound-degree, C. = 1400 foot-pounds. i calorie or kilogramme-degree, C. = 3087 foot-pounds = 426.8 kilogram- metres = 4187 joules (for g = 981 cm.). Based on Prof. Rowland's determinations. (Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Set., 1880.) SMITHSONIAN TABLES* 259 APPENDIX. SYNOPTIC CONVERSION OF ENGLISH AND METRIC UNITS. English to Metric. Units of length, i inch, i foot. I yard, i mile. Units of area. j square inch. I square foot. I square yard, i acre. I square mile. 2.54000 0.304801 0.914402 1.60935 Metric equivalents. centimetres. metre. kilometres. 6.4516 929.034 0.83613 0.404687 2.5900 259 square centimetres. < square metre. hectares. square kilometres. hectares. Units of volume. cubic inch, cubic foot. 16.3872 0.028317 0.76456 cubic centimetres, cubic metres or steres. cubic metres or steres. i i I cubic yard. Units of capacity. i gallon (U. S.) = 231 cubic inches. i quart (U. S.) i Imperial gallon (British). 277.463 cubic inches (1890). i bushel (U. S.) =2150.42 cubic inches. 35.2393 i bushel (British). 36.3477 Units of mass. 64. 7989 milligrammes. - 45359 2 4 kilogrammes. 28.3495 grammes. 31.1035 grammes. 3.78544 litres. 0.94636 litres. 4.5468 litres. litres. litres. grain. pound avoirdupois. i i i ounce avoirdupois. i ounce troy. i ton (224olbs.). I.oi6o5 tonnes. Logarithms. 0.404835 9.484 01 6 10 9.961 137 - 10 0.206650 0.809 669 2.968032 9.922 274 10 9.607 1 20 10 0.413 300 2.413 300 1.214504 8.452 047 - 10 9.883411 10 0.578 116 9.976056 10 0.657 709 1.547 027 1.560477 1.811568 9.656 666 10 1.452 546 1.492 809 0.006 914 Units of velocity. i foot per sec. (0.6818 miles per hr.) =0.30480 metres per sec. = 1.0973 km. per hr. i mile per hr. (1.46667 feet per sec.) = 0.44704 metres per sec. = 1.6093 km. per hr. Units of force. i ppundal. 13825.5 dynes. 4.140682 Weight of i grain (for ^- = 981 cm.). 63.57 dynes. 1.803 2 37 Weight of i pound av. (for g = 981 cm.). 4.45 X 10* dynes. 5.648 335 Units Of Stress in gravitation measure. i pound per square inch = 70.307 grammes per sq. centimetre i pound per square foot = 4.8824 kilogrammes per sq. metre. Units Of work in absolute measure, i foot-poundal. 421 403 ergs. in gravitation measure. i foot-pound (for^ = 981 cm.) = 1356.3 X io 4 ergs = 0.138255 kilogram-metres. Units of activity (rate of doing work). i foot-pound per minute (for g-=. 981 cm.) = 0.022605 watts. i horse-power (33 ooo foot-pounds per min.) = 746 watts = 1.01387 force de cheval. Units of heat. i pound-degree, F. i pound-degree, C. 1.846 997 0.688634 5.624697 = 252 small calories or gramme-degrees, C. = 1.8 pound-degrees, K SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 260 APPENDIX. SYNOPTIC CONVERSION OF ENGLISH AND METRIC UNITS. Metric to English. Units of length. i metre (io 6 microns). i kilometre. Units of area. square centimetre, square metre. are ( = 100 square metres), hectare. square kilometre. Units of volume. cubic centimetre, cubic metre or stere. 39.3700 3.28083 1.09361 0.62137 0.15500 10.7639 I-I9599 119-599 2.47104 0.38610 English equivalents. inches, feet, yards, miles. square inches, square feet, square yards, square yards, acres, square miles. 0.0610234 cubic inches. 35.3145 cubic feet. 1.30794 cubic yards. Logarithms. 1-595 165 0.515 984 0.038 863 9-793 350 - TO 9.190331-10 1.031 968 0.077726 2.077 7 2 6 0.392 880 9.586700 io 8.785496 10 1-547 953 0.116589 Units of capacity. i litre (61.023 cubic inches). i hectolitre. Units of mass. gramme, kilogramme. 0.26417 gallons (U. S.). 1.05668 quarts (U. S.). 0.21993 Imp. gallons (British). 2.83774 bushels (U. S.). 2.7512 bushels (British). 15.4324 grains. 2.20462 pounds avoirdupois. 35.274 ounces avoirdupois. 32.1507 ounces troy. 0.98421 tons (2240 Ibs.). 3.2808 2.2369 0.62137 feet per second, miles per hour, miles per hour. i tonne. Units of velocity, i metre per second. i km. perhr. (0.2778 m. per sec.) Units of force. i dyne (weight of (981)-* grammes, for g = 981 cm.) = 7.2330 X io Units Of Stress in gravitation measure. i gramme per square centimetre. 0.014223 pounds per sq. inch, i kilogramme per square metre. 0.20482 pounds per sq. foot, i standard atmosphere. 14.7 pounds per sq. inch. Units Of work in absolute measure. 9.421 884 io 0.023 944 9.342 291 io 0.452 973 0-439 523 1.188432 0-343 334 1-547454 1.507 191 9-993 086 io 0.515 984 0-349 653 9.79335o-io poundals. (See def. p. 259.) i erg. 2.3730 X io- Le = io 7 ergs. foot-poundals. i megalerg = io ergs ; i joule in gravitation measure. i kilogram-metre (for g= 981 cm.) =981 X io s ergs = 7.2330 foot-pounds. Units Of activity (rate of doing work). i watt. 44.2385 foot-pounds per minute, for g = 981 cm. i watt = i joule per sec. = 0.10194 kiiogram-metre per sec., for g = 981 cm. i force de cheval = 75 kilogram-metres per sec. = 735! watts = 0.98632 horse-power. Units of heat. i calorie or kilogramme-degree = 3.968 pound-degrees, F. = 2.2046 pound-degrees, C. i small calorie or therm, or gramme-degree = o.ooi calorie or kilogramme-degree. SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 26l APPENDIX. DIMENSIONS OF PHYSICAL QUANTITIES. Lf = length ; M = mass ; T time. Quantity. Dimensions. Area. Volume. Mass. Density. Velocity. Acceleration. Angle. Angular Velocity. Dimensions. [M] [ML- 3 ] [0] Quantity. Momentum. Moment of Inertia. Force. Stress (per unit area). Work or Energy. Rate of Working (power) [L 2 M T- 3 ] Heat. [L'MT- 2 ] Thermal Conductivity. [I/- 1 M T- 1 ] [L M T~'] [M I/] [I, M T~ 2 ] [I,- 1 M T- [I/ M In Electrostatics. Quantity of Electricity. Surface Density: quantity per unit area. Difference of Potential : quantity of work required to move a quantity of electricity ; (work done) -4- (quan- tity moved). Electric Force, or Electro-motive Intensity: (quantity) -s- (distance 2 ). Capacity of an accumulator: e-*-E. ^Specific Inductive Capacity. In Magnetics. Quantityof Magnetism, or Strength of Pole. Strength or Intensity of Field: (quantity) -r- (distance 2 ). Magnetic Force. Magnetic Moment: (quantity) X (length). Intensity of Magnetization: magnetic moment per unit volume. Magnetic Potential : work done in moving a quantity of magnetism ; (work done) -r- (quantity moved). Magnetic Inductive Capacity. Symbol. Dimensions in electrostatic system. [Iv f M* T- 1 ] [IT* M* T- 1 ] [Iv* M* T- 1 ] C or q K- m 5 ml I [IT* Dimensions in electro-magnetic system. [L f M* T- 1 ] [IT* M* T- 1 ] T- 1 ] T- 1 ] T- 1 ] [L* M* [IT* M In Electro-magnetics. Intensity of Current. Quantity of Electricity conveyed by cur- rent : (intensity) x (time). Potential, or difference of potential ; (work done) -r- quantity of electricity upon which work is done. Electric Force: the mechanical force act- ing on electro-magnetic unit of quantity ; (mechanical force) -T- (quantity). Resistance of a conductor: /?--*. Capacity : quantity of electricity stored up per unit potential-difference produced by it. Specific Conductivity: the intensity of current passing across unit area under the action of unit electric force. Specific Resistance: the reciprocal of specific conductivity. Dimensions in Symbol. electro-magnetic system. * [L* M* T- 1 ] e [L* M*] 1 [jj M* T- 2 ] IB [L* M* T- 2 ] [L" T 2 ] [IT 2 T] [I/ T-] [0] Name of practical unit. Ampere. Coulomb. Volt. Ohm. Farad. SMITHSONIAN TABLES. 262 INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL SYMBOLS. The International Meteorological Congress, held at Vienna, in Septem- ber, 1873, decided that it was desirable to introduce for various meteorolo- gical conditions, symbols which should be independent of any national language and therefore universally intelligible. From the symbols and abbreviations then in use among different nations, the Permanent Committee of the Congress selected a number for international use. The symbols were modified by the Congress at Munich, in 1891, and the abbreviations for clouds by the Conference at Upsala, in 1894. References : "Summary of Resolutions of the Vienna Congress, Appendix K." p. 64. Prepared by Mr. Robert H. Scott, Secretary. " Bericht iiber die Int. Meteor. Conferenz in Miinchen, 1891," p. 19. " Report of the Int. Met. Conference at Munich," p. 20. " Circular of the U. S. Weather Bureau, January i, 1894. The intensity of the condition is indicated by the small figures and 2 which are used as exponents of the symbols. Zero () denotes very slight intensity; two ( 2 ) strong or marked. Absence of an exponent indicates moderate intensity. A dash ( ) indicates continuance. Example. Translation. ^ Light rain. % Moderate rain. @ 2 Heavy rain. i ^. 9 p. 10 p. in K. ist. Silent lightning from 9-10 p. m. in f the E. 4 2 10 a ; tt. 3 p. 5 p. 4th. Heavy rain ended 10 a. m. ; thunder- storm from 3 to 5 p. m. i6oo 2 a; ^f 2 11.30 a 2.50 p. i6th. Dense haze in the morning; heavy snow from 11.30 a. m. to 2.50 p. m. The time of occurrence is expressed in hours ; morning and afternoon by a. and p. respectively. The hours are counted from o to 12 commencing with midnight. Where tables are printed, maximum and minimum values will be in heavy- faced type. 264 APPENDIX. Absence of precipitation is denoted by a dot (.), and amounts less than .01 inch (formerly marked T) are recorded .00. means Degree. Mi. means Miles. F " Fahrenheit. Kil. " Kilometers. C " Centigrade. N. " Nimbus. Ci. " Cirrus. AS. " Alto-stratus. Ci. Cu. " Cirro-cumulus. CuN. " Cumulo-nimbus. Ci. S. " Cirro-stratus. Fr. Cu. " Fracto-cumulus. A. Cu. " Alto-cumulus. Fr. N. " Fracto-nimbus. Cu. " Cumulus. Fr. S. " Fracto-stratus. S. Cu. " Strato-cumulus. Scf. " Stratus cumuliformis. S " Stratus. Ncf. " Nimbus cumuliformis Max. " Maximum. MCu. " Mammato cumulus. Min. " Minimum. 1. % RAINFALL Indicates that an appreciable quantity of rain (one hun- dredth of an inch or more) has fallen during the day or since the last observation; also, that the day is a rainy day as distinguished from snowy or clear days. 2. -X- SNOWFALL Indicates that an appreciable quantity of snow has fallen during the day. -)f may be used to denote flurries of snow. 3. -A. HAILSTONES Hard semi-transparent ice, whether small or large, crystalline or rounded. -A small quantity of hailstones; ? large quantity of hailstones. 4. Z^. SLEET Or pellets of snow or soft hail without any crystalline struc- ture. This symbol is used by the Germans for Graupeln^ or snow pellets, and for the semi-transparent mixture of snow and ice that in the dry weather of Central Europe nearly corresponds to the sleet of the coasts of England and America. Z^ small quantity of sleet; ^ 2 much sleet. 5. V SILVER FROST (English, "silver thaw," French, givre, German, Rauhfrost or duft-anhang] \ this refers to an accumulation of snow and sleet on the limbs of trees, in which the snow is the main feature, so that the external appearance is silvery white and rough. 6. G^> GLAZED FROST (French, verglas, German, Glatteis); this refers to an accumulation of snow and ice on the trees, in which the ice is in excess and the external appearance is smooth and transparent. In using the symbols for "silver frost'' and * 'glazed frost, " the Munich Conference requests that these terms be considered as descriptive of the resulting phenomena, no matter how they are brought about, therefore the definitions avoid any statement as to the conditions attending the formation of the depositions. The same rule applies to the use of the symbol for "hoar frost." 7. * ICE-NEEDLES (Not yet well defined by international usage). INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL SYMBOLS. 265 8. -4*- DRIFTING SNOW (German, schnecgestober)\ this symbol indicates that strong winds are raising the snow from the ground, rilling the air with it like dust, and transporting it horizontally; this may occur under a clear sky. The symbol does not refer to snow falling from the clouds, nor to the mere fact that the snow is lying in drifts on the ground. When the air is filled with blinding snow-dust, use the symbol 4*- 2 , but for light winds and light snow-dust use -4*-. 9. H SNOW-COVERING Or quantity of snow lying on the ground ; when more than half the soil in the neighborhood of any station is covered with snow this is indicated by H, if the snow covering is thin, use H, but if it is considered deep for that station use H 2 . 10. = FOG Ground fog not exceeding height of a man; = thin fog or mist enveloping and above the observer ; ^ 2 heavy fog or mist, such as the Scotch mist, drizzling down upon the observer. Fog symbols should not be used when an observer at a high station notices fog in the valley below him ; this should be expressed by a note in the daily journal. 11. 03 HIGH HAZE Such as makes distant mountains appear hazy, or such as covers the sky in the case of Indian summer haze or prairie fires ; German, Moorrauch. If clouds are also prevalent in connection with this haze, the additional cloud signal should be given. The intensity, or density, of the haze is expressed by 00 for light haze and oo* for dense haze. The symbol oo indi- cates merely the hazy condition, or the optical result, without considering whether the haze is caused by dust or moisture. 12. -&. DEW; ^^ LIGHT DEW; -^- 2 HEAVY DEW As the formation of dew depends upon the nature and exposure of the horizontal surface on which dew is deposited, the observer should use the same horizontal object uniformly throughout the season. 13. HOAR FROST; ' |0 LIGHT HOAR FROST; |2 HEAVY HOARFROST, injurious to vegetation The expression "frosty weather" refers to the low temperature as such; but the expression "hoar frost ' ' to the crystalline ice deposited upon the surface of solids in the open air. Hoar frost is deposited on horizontal objects generally under a clear sky at night. 14. u** STRONG WIND An arrow with four feathers indicates a wind whose strength is 8, 9, 10, n, or 12 on the Beaufort scale, or 8, 9, or 10, on the international scale, or anything in excess of 50 miles per hour or 20 metres per second in absolute measures ; -^ 2 a remarkably strong wind or one exceeding n on the Beaufort scale, or So miles per hour, or 35 metres per second. 15. HL THUNDERSTORM Namely thunder, whether with or without light- ning, rain, hail, or wind. 266 APPENDIX. 1 6. ^ LIGHTNING Distant lightning or any form of lightning that occurs without audible thunder, even when it occurs in the zenith, which is sometimes the case (this latter occurrence should be especially described in the journal of the observer); ^. infre- quent lightning, or lightning that is confined to a small region of the sky; l 2 lightning that occurs very frequently or extends over a large region of the sky. When distant lightning appears at a definite direction in the horizon, the observer should add the letters indicating the points of the compass, for instance, <*. NW. 10 p. indicates that occasional distant lightning occurred in the northwest at ten p. m. 17. SOLAR AUREOLA, CORONA, or GLORY German, Kranz Lichtkron, "Corona," Sonnenhof. These are small circles of prismatic colors surrounding the sun, the radii of these circles are usually less than six degrees, but in the extreme case of Bishop's ring, its radius was fifteen degrees. Several concentric circles are sometimes visible ; each circular band of prismatic colors has its red on the outside, and its blue, violet, or purple on the inside, with respect to the sun ; such rings are generally formed when the sun shines through a thin cloud and may be seen if the sun is viewed through neutral-tinted glass or by reflection in water. Similar circles surrounding the shadow of the observer's head are called "anthelia," "aureolae," "glories," or "fog-shadows,'' (German, Gegensonne, Brockenspectra} . 18. W LUNAR AUREOLA or CORONA (German, Mondhof}\ circles sur- rounding the moon similar to the solar corona. 19. SOLAR HALO (German, Sonnenring}-, these are larger circles sur- rounding the sun whose sizes are quite definite, namely, about twenty-two degrees and about forty degrees radius from the sun ; they are easily distinguishable from the coronae by the fact that the colors are feebler and are so arranged that the red light is inside or nearest the sun and the blue light is outside ; the greater part of the breadth of the halo is white. Complex com- binations of halos, parhelia, horizontal circles, and vertical columns sometimes occur, all of which may be indicated in general by the symbol 2 , where the figure 2 indicates that the display is more brilliant than usual ; a detailed statement of the radii or diameters of the rings and columns and of their arrange- ments should be given in the text. 20. ^n LUNAR HALO (German, Mondring)\ phenomena surrounding the moon similar to the solar halo. 21. r~\ RAINBOW Double rainbows and those with adjacent supernumerary bows may be indicated by /^ 2 . 22. ^v AURORAL LIGHTS Namely, any display of the Aurora Borealis. INDEX. Abbe, C., work cited xxxiii, Iv Absolute measure 260, 261 zero of temperature 259 Acceleration, dimensions of. 262 of gravity 258 Activity, units of. 260, 261 Air. coefficient of expansion of. 259 density of, at different humidities, British liv-lv, 221-223 Metric liv-lvi, 225-228 density of, at different pressures, British liv, Iv, Ivi, 221-223 Metric liv-lvi, 225-228 density of, at different temperatures, British liv-lv, 220 Metric liv-lvi, 224-225 specific heat of dry 259 thermal conductivity of. 259 weight of, dry 259 Ampere, dimensions of. 262 Angle, 262 conversion of days into 212-215 Angular velocity, dimensions of. 262 Angot, A., treatise cited xxii Aqueous vapor, decrease of pressure with altitude xliii, 146 pressure of, British xxxviii, xxxix, 134, 135 Metric xli, 142, 143 pressure of, at low temperature, xxxvi, 130, 131 in saturated air, British xxxv, xxxvi, 122-127 Metric xxxv, xxxvi, 128, 129 weight of, British xxxvii, 132 weight of, Metric xxxvii, 133 Arc, conversion into time li, 210 of circle equal to its radius 258 Area, dimensions of. 262 of surface of earth 258 units of. 260, 261 Astronomical constants 259 Atmosphere, standard pressure of.. .259, 261 weight of unit of volume 259 Aureola, solar 266 Aureola, lunar 266 Auroral lights 266 Avoirdupois, conversion into metric, Ivi, 229-230, 260 Babinet, barometric formula of... .xxxii, 118 Barometer, correction for average de- gree of humidity, xxviii, xxix, xxx, 108, 112, 113 latitude and weight of mercury, xxviii, xxx, 106, 107, 114 variation of gravity with altitude, xix, 109, 115 determination of heights by, British measures, xxvi-xxix, xxxii, 100-109, 118 Metric measures, xxix-xxxi, xxxii, 110-115, 118 difference of height corresponding to .01 inch change xxxi, 116 i mm. " xxxii, 117 Barometric readings, reduction to standard gravity, xviii-xx, 58-59 sea level, British xx-xxv, 60-77 Metric xx-xxvi, 78-98 standard temperature, British xv-xvii, 14-33 Metric xvii-xviii, 34-56 when below OC xviii pressures corresponding to tempera- ture of boiling water, xxxv, 119 Beaufort, Admiral, wind, scale xlvi, 160, 265 Belli, work cited xxxviii Bessel, " " liii Bishop's ring 266 Boiling point, of water xxxiii, 119 corresponding barometric pressures, xxxv, 119 Brass, coefficient of linear expansion 259 Broch, work cited xxxv, Iv, 259 Brockenspectra 266 Bunsen, work cited 259 267 268 INDEX. Caloric 259, 260, 261 Capacity, electromagnetic 262 magnetic inductive 262 measures of, British 260 " Metric 261 of an accumulator ^262 specific inductive 262 units of. 260, 261 Centigrade, conversion into Fahrenheit, xii, 7-9 when near the boiling point xii, 9 of differences into Fahrenheit xiii, 9 C. G. S. unit of magnetic intensity...lvii, 231 Circle, arc of. 258 circumference of. 258 diameter 258 circumference of earth 258 equator 258 Clarke, A. R., treatise cited xxii, xlvii Clarke's spheroid xlvii, 258 Clouds, names and abbreviations 264 Coefficient of expansion of air 259 linear " " brass 259 cubical " " glass 259 expansion of mercury 259 Conductivity, dimensions of, thermal... 262 specific, electromagnetic 262 thermal, of air 259 Conductor, resistance of. 262 Constants, astronomical 259 geodetical 258 numerical 258 physical 259 Continental measures of length and equivalents 208 Conversion of measures of time and angle li, 209-218 linear measures xlix, 180-208 British and Metric units 260-261 thermometric scales xi, 2-9 Correction, for air temperature in de- termining heights by barometer, British xxvii-xxviii, 104-105 for air temperature in determining heights by barometer, Metric, xxix-xxx, in for temperature of the Mercury in the thermometer stem xiv, 12 for gravity, in determining heights by the barometer, British, xxviii, 109 for gravity, in determining heights by the barometer, Metric... xxxi, 115 for humidity in determining heights by the barometer, British, xxviii, 108 Correction (Continued}. for humidity in determining heights by the barometer, Metric, xxx, 112-113 for latitude, in determining heights by the barometer, British, xxviii, 106-107 for latitude, in determining heights by the barometer, Metric xxx, 114 Corona 260 Cosines, table of natural lix. 236-237 Cotangents, table of natural lix, 238-239 Coulomb 262 Current, intensity of. 262 Days, conversion into decimals of year and angle Hi, 212-215 Day decimals of, into hours, minutes and seconds liii, 216 mean solar 259 sidereal 259 Declination of sun xlix, 177 Degree, length of, of meridian and any parallel xlvii, 164, 165 length of, of meridian and any parallel at different latitudes, xlvii, 164, 165 Degrees, Centigrade into Fahrenheit and Reaumur xi, xii, 7, 8, 9 Fahrenheit into Centigrade xi, xii, 3 -6 Reaumur into Fahrenheit and Cen- tigrade xi, 2 Density, of air liv-lvi, 220-228, 259 of earth, mean 258 surface 258 dimensions of 262 surface 262 of mercury 259 Depth of rainfall, corresponding quan- tity of water Iviii, 232 Determination of heights by barometer, British measures xxvi-xxix, 100-109 Metric measures xxix-xxxi, 110-115 Depression of dew-point 138-141 Dew 265 Dew-point xxxviii-xli Difference of heights by barometer, xxxi, xxxii, 116, 117 of potential 262 Differences Fahrenheit to Centigrade, xiii, 9 Centigrade to Fahrenheit xiii, 9 Dimensions, in electrostatic system 262 electromagnetic system 262 of the earth 258 physical quantities 262 INDEX. 269 Distance, mean of earth from sun 259 Division tables of, for 28, 29 and 31, Iviii, lix, 233-235 Dove's pentades Iviii, 232 Dry air, weight of. 259 Drifting snow 265 Duft-anhang 265 Duration of sunshine xlviii, 166-177 Dyne Ivii, 231, 260, 261 Earth, area of surface of. 258 density of. 258 dimensions of. 258 eccentricity of 258 elliplicity of. 258 equatorial semi-axis 258 flattening of. 258 mean distance from the sun 259 El, value of the 208 Electricity quantity of. ....262 Electric force or electro-motive intensity, 262 Electrostatics, quantities in 262 Electromagnetics " " 262 Energy, dimensions of. 262 Equator, circumference of. 258 Equator, length of semi-axis 258 Erg 260, 261 Espy, treatise cited xxxviii Expansion, coefficient of, air 259 brass 259 glass 259 mercury 259 Fahrenheit, conversion into Centigrade and Reaumur xi, xii, 3-6 differences into differences Centi- grade xiii, 9 Farad, dimensions of. 262 Fathom, Swedish, value of. 208 Ferrel, Wm. , treatise cited, xxii, xxxi, xxxix, xlix Feet, conversion into metres 1, 200-201 per second into miles per hour, xlv, 155 metres per second 260 kilometres per hour 260 Flattening of the earth 258 Fog, symbol for 265 Foot, value of, Austrian 208 old French 208 Russian 208 Rhenish 208 Spanish 208 Swedish... ....208 Foot-pound 260, 261 Foot-poundal 260, 261 Force, dimensions of. 262 units of. 260, 261 electric 262 magnetic 262 electromagnetic 262 Force-de-cheval 260, 261 Formula, Babinet's barometric.... xxxii, 118 Lambert's, wind direction, xliii, 148-153 Freezing point of mercury 259 Frost, glazed, hoar, silver, symbols, 264, 265 Gallon (U. S.) and Imperial 260, 261 Gaussian units Ivii, 231 Gegensonne, symbol for 266 Geodetical constants 258 tables xlvi, 161 Givre or silver frost 264 Glass, coefficient of cubical expansion... 259 Glatteis, or glazed frost 264 Glazed frost 264 Glory or corona, symbol for 266 Graetz, work cited 259 Grains, conversion into grammes... Ivii, 230 Grammes, conversion into grains... Ivii, 231 Gramme-degree or therm 261 Grammes per square centimetre 261 Graupeln 264 Gravitation measure, units in 260, 261 Gravity, acceleration of. 258 correction for variation of, with altitude, xix, xxxi, 109, 115 correction for variation of, with latitude xix, xxx, 106, 114 reduction of barometric readings to standard xviii-xxiv, 58-98 relative acceleration of, in different latitudes xlvi, 162, 163 Guyot, A., treatise cited xxii Hailstones, description and symbol for..264 Halo, solar and lunar 266 Hann, J., treatise cited xliii Harkness, Wm., treatise cited, xix, xxii, xlvi, 258, 259 Haze, symbol for 265 Hazen, H. A., treatise cited.. xliv, xlv, Iviii Heat, dimensions of. 262 latent, of liquefaction of ice ..259 vaporization of water 259 mechanical equivalent of. 259 270 INDEX. Heat (Continued). specific, of dry air 259 ratio of the two, of air 259 units of. 260, 261 Hectare 260, 261 Hectolitre 261 Heights, determinatian of, by barometer, British xxvi-xxix, 100-109 Metric xxix-xxxi, 110-115 thermometrical measurement of, xxxiii, 119 Hoar-frost, symbol for 265 Horse-power 260, 261 Hours, conversion into decimals of a day lii, 216 of minutes and seconds into deci- mals of. liii, 217 Humidity relative, British, xxxviii-xlii, 138-141 Metric, xxxviii-xlii, 144-145 term for Ivi, 225 Hygrometrical tables xxxv, 122-146 Hypsometry xxxiii, xxxiv, 119 Ice, latent heat of liquefaction of. 259 needles, symbol for 264 Inches, conversion into millimetres, xlix, 180-186 Inductive capacity, magnetic 262 specific 262 Inertia, moment of. 262 Intensity, electro-motive 262 of current 262 of field 262 of magnetization 262 Intercon version, of British and Metric units 260, 261 nautical and statute miles li, 208 sidereal and solar time liii, 218 International meteorological symbols.. .263 James, H., treatise cited 160 Joule, value of. 259, 261 Kilogramme-degree 259 Kilogrammes, conversion into avoirdu- pois Ivi, 230, 260 Kilogram-metres 260, 261 Kilogramme, prototype Ivi Kilometres into miles li, 206, 207 per hour into metres per second, xlvi, 159 miles per hour 261 Klafter, Wiener, value in metres and fee * 208 Kranz or corona 2 66 Lambert's formula, mean wind direc- tion xliii, 148-153 Laplace, formula of. ...xx Latent heat of liquefaction of ice 259 vaporization of water 259 Latitude, gravity correction for, xix, xxx, 106, 114 Laughton,J. K. treatise cited 160 Length of arc of meridian xlvii, 164 parallel xlvii, 165 dimensions of. 262 of equator of earth 258 meridian circumference of. 258 second's pendulum 258 measures of. Continental with met- ric and British equivalents li, 208 units of. 260 Libby, Wm., work cited, xxxviii, xlviii, Ivii Lichtkron or corona 266 Light, velocity of. 259 Lightning, symbol for 266 Line, old French, value of. 208 Linear measures xlix, 179-208 Litre, value of. 260, 261 Logarithms, table of. lix, 240-241 Naperian base 258 Modulus of common 258 Lunar aureola, halo, corona 266 Magnetic force 262 inductive capacity 262 intensity, units of. Ivii table for converting Ivii, 231 moment 262 potential 262 Magnetism, quantity of 262 Magnetization, intensity of. 262 Marek, M M treatise cited xxi Marvin, C. F., treatise cited xxxvi Mass, dimensions of. 262 units of. 260, 261 Mean density of the earth 258 Mean distance of earth from sun 259 Mean solar time, con version into sidereal, liii, 218 Mean time at apparent noon liii, 217 Measures of angle li, 209 of length, continental, Metric and British li, 208 INDEX. 271 Measures (Continued). time li, 209 tables for interconversion of. ...260, 261 Mechanical equivalent of heat 259 Megalerg 261 Mercury, coefficient of expansion... xvi, 259 density of. 259 freezing point of. 259 Mercurial column, one inch high, pres- sure of. 259 Meridian, arcs of terrestrial xlvii length of a degree xlvii, 164 ellipse, perimeter of. 258 Meteorological stations, list of...lix, 243-257 Metre vi, xlix, 260, 261 Metres, conversion into feet, 1, 202-203, 261 per second into kilometres per hour, xlvi, 158, 159 miles per hour xlv, 156, 157, 261 Micron 261 Mile , Austrian post, value of 208 Danish, " 208 German sea, " 208 Nautical, " li, 208 Netherlands (migl), " 208 Norwegian, " 208 Prussian, " 208 Swedish, " 208 Statute (British), " 208 Miles, conversion into kilometres, li, 204-205, 261 nautical li, 208 statute li, 208 per hour into feet per second, xlv, 154, 155 metres per second, xlv, 154, 157, 260 kilometres per hour... xlv, 154, 260 Millimetres, conversion into inches, 1, 187-199 Minutes of time, into arc lii, 211 into decimals of a day lii, 216 conversion of day into liii, 216 conversion into decimals of an hour, liii, 217 Moment of inertia 262 Momentum, dimensions of. 262 Mondhof or lunar corona 266 Mondring or lunar halo 266 Moorrauch or high haze 265 Moritz, A., treatise cited xxxv Munich Conference 263, 264 Naperian base of logarithms 258 Nautical mile, equivalent in statute, li, 208 Neumayer, G., treatise cited 160 Numerical constants 258 Numbers, logarithms of. lix, 240, 241 Ohm, dimensions of 262 Ounces, conversion into kilogrammes, Ivi, 229 kilogrammes into Ivi, Ivii, 230, 261 Palm, Netherlands, value of. 208 Parallel, length of a degree on xlvii, 165 Pendulum, length of second's 258 Pentades, Dove's Iviii, 232 Perimeter of meridian ellipse 258 Physical constants 259 quantities, dimensions of. 262 Potential, difference of. 262 in electro-magnetics 262 magnetic 262 Pound, avoirdupois, conversion into kilogramme Ivi, 229, 260 imperial standard Ivi Pounds, per square foot 260 inch 260 Poundal 260, 261 Pound-degree 259, 260, 261 Power or rate of working 262 Pressure of aqueous vapor, British, xxxviii, 122, 128, 134, 135 Pressure of aqueous vapor, Metric, xli, 128, 129, 142 Pressure of aqueous vapor at low tem- peratures xxxvi, 130, 131 Pressure of standard atmosphere 259 decrease of vapor pressure with alti- tude xliii, 146 Prototype kilogramme Ivi Psychrometer, whirled xxxviii, xxxix Psychrometric observations, reduction of, British xxxix, 134, 137 Metric xli, 142-143 Quantity of electricity 262 conveyed by current 262 magnetism 262 Quantities physical, dimensions of. 262 Quantity of water corresponding to given depths of rainfall Iviii, 232 Rainbow, symbol for 266 Rainfall, conversion of depth of, into gallons and tons .Iviii, 232 symbol for 264 272 INDEX. Rate of decrease of vapor pressure with altitude xliii, 146 Rate of working, dimensions of 262 Ratio of specific heats of air .....259 yard to metre vi Rauhfrost, or silver frost 264 Reaumur, conversion to centigrade xi, 2 Fahrenheit xi, 2 Regnault, treatise cited... xxxiv, xxxv, 259 Recknagel, work cited 259 Reduction of barometer to sea level, xx-xxiv, 60-98 standard temperature, xv-xix, 14-56 gravity xxxi, 58, 59 psychrometric observations, xli, 142, 143 of snowfall measurement xlii, 146 Relative humidity, xxxviii, xlii, 138-141, 144-145 Relative intensity of solar radiation, xlix, 178 Resistance of a conductor 262 specific 262 Rode, Danish, value of. 208 Rontgen, work cited 259 Rowland, H. A., treatise cited 259 Ruthe, Prussian, value of. 208 Norwegian, " 208 Sagene (Russian), value of 208 Scales, comparison of thermometric xi Reaumur to Fahrenheit 2 Centigrade 2 Fahrenheit to Centigrade 3-6 Centigrade to Fahrenheit 7-9 Schott, C. A., treatise cited 160 Scott, R. H., treatise cited 160 Schneegestober or drifting snow 265 Sea-level, reduction of barometer to, British xx-xxv, 60-77 Metric xx-xxvi, 78-98 Seconds, of time into arc 211 decimals of a day Hi, 216 conversion of decimals of a day into, liii, 216 of time into decimals of an hour, liii, 217 pendulum, length of 258 reduction for, sidereal or solar time, liv, 218 circumference of circle in 258 arc of circle in 258 Sidereal day and year 259 time, conversion to mean solar, liii, liv, 218 Silver frost 264 Sines, table of natural Hx, 236-237 Sleet, symbol for 264 Snowfall, symbol for 264 weight of and corresponding depth of water xlii-xliii, 146 Solar, day mean 259 time, mean, conversion to sideral, liii, liv, 218 aureola, symbol for 266 corona " " 2 66 halo " " 266 radiation, relative intensity of, xlix, 178 Sonnenhof, symbol for 266 Sonnenring " " 266 Sound, velocity of. 259 Specific heat of dry air 259 heats, ratio of, of air 259 conductivity 262 inductive capacity 262 resistance 262 Spheroid, Clarke's xlvii, 258 Standard atmosphere 259, 261 Stations, International Polar 257 list of meteorological lix, 243-257 of first order lix in Africa 256-257 Asia, 254-255, Australasia, 256, Europe, 247-254, North America, 244-246, South America, 246-247, Austro-Hungary, 247-248, Bel- gium, 248, British Isles, 248-249, Canada, 244, Central America, 244, Denmark, 249, France, 249, Ger- many, 250, Greece, 248, Green- land, 244, Holland, 248, Italy, 251, Mexico, 244, Norway, 249, Portugal, 253, Roumania, 248, Russia, 251-253, Spain, 253, Sweden, 249, Switzerland, 253, 254, Turkey, 248, United States, 245-246, West Indies, 244. Statute miles, conversion of. li, 208 Stere, value of 260, 261 Strength of field 262 pole, in magnetics 262 Stress, dimensions of 262 units of 260, 261 Sun, declination of. xlix, 177 mean distance from the earth 259 Sunshine, duration of, at different lati- tudes and declinations xlviii, 166-177 Surface (area), unitsof. ...260, 261 INDEX. 273 Surface (Continued). density of the earth 258 in electro-statics ....262 Symbols, International Meteorologic, 263-266 Synoptic conversion of British and Metric units.... ...260-261 Table for conversion of arc into time li, 210 linear measures 180-208 mean solar into sidereal liii, liv, 218 measures of weight 229-231 sidereal into mean solar liii, liv, 218 time into arc lii^2ii Centigrade readings into Fahren- heit and Reaumur xi, xii, 7, 8, 9 near boiling point xii, 9 velocities I54~ I 59 differences F to differences C xiii, 9 " C " F xiii, 9 Fahrenheit readings into Centi- grade xi, xii, 3-6 Reaumur readings into F and C...xi, 2 determination of heights by baro- meter, British 100-109 determination of heights by baro- meter, Metric 110-115 decrease of vapor pressure with al- titude 146 dividing by 28 Iviii, lix, 233 29 Iviii, lix, 234 30 Iviii, lix, 235 density of air 220, 228 reduction of barometer to standard temperature 14-56 gravity 5-59 sea-level 60-98 psychrometric observations, 136-145 snowfall measurements 146 temperature to sea-level 10, n of duration of sunshine 166-177 intensity of solar radiation 1 78 lengths of degree 164-165 natural cosines and sines 236-237 cotangents and tangents.... 238-239 pressure of aqueous vapor.. ...... 122-131 pressures and corresponding boil- ing points 119 quantity of rainfall and corres- ponding depths 232 of relative acceleration of gravity, 162, 163 Tables of relative humidity, 138-141, 144-145 Table of weight of aqueous vapor... 132-133 Tangents, table of natural lix, 238, 239 Temperature, absolute zero of. 259 of freezing point of mercury 259 decrease of, with altitude, xiii, xiv, 10, II reduction to sea level, British, xiii, xiv, 10 reduction to sea level, Metric, xiii, xiv, ii Thermometer, hypsometric xxxi v stem, correction for temperature of mercury xiv, 12 Therm or gramme degree 261 Thermal conducti vely of air 259 Thermometric scales xi, 2-9 Thomson, W., treatise cited 259 Thorpe, T. B., " xiv Thunderstorm, symbol for 265 Time, conversion into arc Hi, 211 of arc into li, 210 dimensions of 262 mean, at apparent noon liii, 217 mean solar into sidereal liii-liv, 218 minutes of, into arc 211 seconds of, " 211 sidereal into mean solar liii-liv, 218 Toise, old French 208 Ton 260 Tonne 261 Tropical year liii, 259 Units of magnetic intensity Ivii, 231 interconversion of British and Met- ric 260, 261 Vapor aqueous, pressure of, British, xxxv, 122-127 Metric, xxxvi, 128-129 at low temperature xxxvi, 130, 131 decrease of pressure with altitude, xliii, 146 weight of. xxxvii, xxxviii, 132, 133 Vaporization, latent heat of, of water. ..259 Vara, Mexican, value of. 208 Spanish, " 208 Velocity, dimensions of. 262 of light 259 sound 259 units of. ..260, 261 Velocities, conversion of... xiv, xlvi, 154-159 Verglas or glazed frost, symbol for 264 274 INDEX. Versta or Werst (Russian) 208 Volt, dimensions of. 262 Volume, dimensions of 262 units of. 260, 261 of distilled water 259 Water, distilled, volume and weight of, 259 latent heat of vaporization of. 259 specific heat of, compared with air... 259 Watt 260,261 Weight of aqueous vapor, xxxvii, xxxviii, 132, 133 distilled water 259 dry air 259 one grain in dynes 260 pound in dynes 260 dyne 261 Werst or versta, Russian 208 Wind, mean direction by Lambert's formula xliii, 148-153 scale, Beaufort, conversion xlvi, 160 symbols for 265 tables xliii, 148-160 Work, dimensions of 262 units of, in absolute measure... 260, 261 Working, rate of. 262 Yard, ratio of to metre vi Year, conversion of days into decimals of, and angle lii, 212-215 bissextile, days into decimals of, lii, 212-215 length of tropical liii, 259 sidereal 259 Zero, absolute, of temperature 259 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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