Ex Libris C. K. LIFE OF DEAN BURGON Collegium Cnclcnsc Collegium fligornfcnae HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY JOHN WILLIAM BURGON LATE DEAN OF CHICHESTER WITH EXTRACTS FROM HIS LETTERS AND EARLY JOURNALS BY EDWARD MEYRICK GOULBURN, D.D., D.C.L SOMETIME DEAN OF NORWICH IN TWO VOLUMES: WITH PORTRAITS VOL. I LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET i 892 Sttk Annex V- / TO THE RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN (.OH RICHARD LORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER WHOSE UNVARYING KINDNESS AND TRUE FRIENDSHIP THE SUBJECT OF THIS BIOGRAPHY ACCOUNTED TO BE ONE CHIEF SOURCE OF THE HAPPINESS OF HIS LIFE AT CHICHESTER AND WHOSE SERMON ON THAT MOURNFUL SUNDAY AUGUST 5. l888 is DEAN BURGON'S BEST AND MOST ELOQUENT EULOGY THIS WORK IS 'BY PERMISSION') INSCRIBED WITH SENTIMENTS OF AFFECTIONATE ESTEEM AND VENERATION AND WITH GRATITUDE FOR ASSISTANCE RECEIVED IN IT BY THE AUTHOR Tidorhs bg tbe late Bean tturgon. THE REVISION REVISED THREE ESSAYS FROM THE 'QLAK- TERLY REVIEW.' (I) NEW GREEK TEXT; (II) NEW ENGLISH VERSION ; (III) WESTCOTT AND HORT'S TEXTUAL THEORY. Corrected and Enlarged. With a Dissertation on i Timothy iii. 16. Svo. us. THE LIVES OF TWELVE GOOD MEN. MARTIN JOSEPH ROUTH. HUGH JAMES ROSE. CHARLES MARRIOTT. EDWARD HAWKINS. SAMUEL WILBERFORCE. RICHARD LYNCH COTTON. RICHARD GRESWELL. HENRY OCTAVIUS COXE. HENRY LONGUEVILLE MANSKL. WILLIAM JACOBSON. CHARLES PAGE EDEN. CHARLES LONGUET HIGGINS. A New Edition, with Portraits of tlie Autlwr and tlic Twelve Good Men. One Volume, 8vo. \6s. PREFACE. IT may perhaps be questioned, even by some of those who greatly esteemed and admired John William Bur- gon, whether his claims to be gratefully remembered by the Church, and had in honour by future generations of English Christians, might not have been satisfied by a short Memoir. whether the part he played in ecclesias- tical affairs, and in the history of religious thought during the past half-century, was of sufficient importance to justify so detailed a record of his life as is attempted in these volumes. The author entirely thinks it was so, and for the following reason. Burgon was in this country the leading religious teacher of his time, who brought ail the resources of genius and profound theological learning to rebut the encroachments of Rationalism, by maintaining inviolate the integrity of the written Word of God as the Church has received it; by pointing out its depth, its versatility of application, and absolute inexhaustibility of significance ; and by insisting upon its paramount claims to the humble and reverent reception of viii LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. mankind, as having been " given by Inspiration of God." That nationalism has been in our times largely under- mining the simple faith of our Bishops and Clergy, as well as our laity, in those parts of the Divine Testimony which seem to present difficulties either to the under- standing or moral sense, there are unhappily only too many evidences on all sides of us. " By faith we stand " spiritually. And the great object of faith, the stay and support on which it assures itself in temptation and trial, is the Word of God. Rationalism therefore busies itself industriously with the Word of God, to see whether it cannot call in question its certainty, and throw doubt upon its infallibility. The initial question of Rationalism, the question by which the Evil One suc- ceeded in supplanting the loyalty of our first mother to her Creator, was, " YEA, HATH GOD SAID ? " " Is His Word genuine ? Is it authentic 1 Are you sure that it was He who spake to you 1 Are you sure of what He spake ? And if indeed He uttered the vexatious restric- tion which prevents your enjoyment of a tree ' good for food,' and ' pleasant to the eyes,' and ' a tree to be desired to make one wise,' how does that restriction comport with His goodness and His desire to make you happy?" This was pure Rationalism in the germ thereof, and as it came from the mouth of its author. And it was to receive subsequent developments in the history of the Church. Sadducaism was its great development in the Church of the Old Dispensation. And Sadducaism out- lined with great exactness the features of modern Rationalism. Without rejecting the Scriptures of the Old PREFACE. ix Testament, as the Jewish Church had received them, the Sadducees declined to interpret them in the obvious sen M which was ordinarily and traditionally attached to them: they explained away. it is hard to say how. but pro- bably by some convenient allegorizing such passages as were understood to assert a life after death, and a world above and beyond the senses ; " the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit." Now the two methods of modern Rationalism are to call in question, wherever it can. the genuineness of much which has hitherto passed as Holy Scripture, ami, where it cannot do this, to offer natural explanations of the supernatural, and to regard the narrative, where it presents difficulties, not as historical in the strict sense, but as an instructive legend or fable. And the fundamental fallacy of all such methods will be found to be an entirely wrong and derogatory mental attitude taken up at the outset towards what the Church presents to us as the Word of God. That Word is conceived of as an ordinary book, to be subjected to criticism of exactly the same kind as that which is applied to Livy, or Herodotus, or Homer, by way of discriminating the genuine from the spurious, the au- thentic from the fictitious. The student is not in the cell of an oracle, listening devoutly on his knees for the response of the Deity, but in the dissecting room of an anatomist, going to work with the scalpel upon a body which he conceives of as dead, but which really in the minutest member of it is instinct with the Divine Life, the breath of the Holy Ghost. W T hen shall wt- x LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. learn that no profit is to be had from God's Oracles, aye, and no progress to be made in the right under- standing of them unless they are approached in quite a different spirit 1 " When ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, YE RECEIVED IT NOT AS THE WORD OF MEN, BUT AS IT IS IN TRUTH, THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH EFFECTUALLY WORKETH ALSO IN YOU THAT BELIEVE." Now this view of Holy Scripture as, in virtue of its having been " given by Inspiration of God." altogether unique in its character and its claims upon mankind, Burgon stoutly and consistently defended in our time against the underminings and corrosions of Rationalism, bringing to the defence, as has been said, (what thousands of those who entirely concur with his views have not to bring,) talents, accomplishments, and learning of the highest order, and that patient indefatigable industry of research, which never jumps prematurely at conclusions, however attractive, but toils and plods on, in the assurance that the highest Wisdom reveals herself only to those who bestow upon her the miner's toil, " seeking her as silver, and searching for her as for hid treasures." That in protesting for the grand truth, to the main- tenance of which he consecrated his life, he was guilty of occasional extravagances ; that the very impetuosity of his zeal for the integrity of God's Word and its para- mount claims carried him away now and then into sallies of the pen, which it would have been better to restrain, and perhaps sometimes led him to take up positions not altogether defensible, may be freely admitted, without PREFACE. xi in the least disparaging the value of the great work which he did, or the grandeur of the position which he held, as the brave champion in a rationalizing genera- tion of God's Inspired Word. No great cause was ever maintained successfully without infirmities of temper and extravagances of statement in its champions. The Reformation might have been strangled in its birth, had it not been for Luther. But few indeed of those who acknowledge the deep indebtedness of the Reformed Church to Luther, would care to defend all his para- doxical assertions about good works, or the slur passed by him upon the Epistle of St. James as " an epistle of straw." Moreover, in a state of society, when a fresh originality of character seems, under the levelling tendencies of the day, to have become almost extinct among us, a strong vivid individuality, like that of John William Burgon especially when it is an individuality which has con- secrated itself to a grand cause, seems to deserve a distinct and detailed record. The very circumstances of Burgon's birth and breeding contributed to give him an originality of character possessed by few indeed among the English clergy of his day. Of foreign ex- traction by the mother's side, with a strong infusion of Smyrniote blood in him (which of itself accounts to a great extent for that perfervidv. m higenium of his, which was always breaking forth) ; destined originally for a mercantile life, and leading it till he had attained an age, ten years in advance of that at which young English- men usually go to College ; familiar too, long before xii LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. he came up to Oxford, with poets, artists, archaeologists, literary men, his antecedents, so entirely out of the ordi- nary groove, gave a peculiar complexion to his character throughout life, and made other men, however gifted, more or less tame in comparison with him. But quite independently of external circumstances, which may have contributed to form his character, the character itself was one of great originality, with a vivid colour, and an indomitable force of will all its own. This force of will, while it gave him a tenacity of purpose in carry- ing into effect everything he undertook, by its very unyieldingness failed entirely to carry others with it. Compromise was a word unknown to him ; he was in- capable of making the smallest concession to those who differed from him ; perfectly assured of the truth of his own conclusions, he was also perfectly assured that those who arrived at different conclusions were in the wrong ; and therefore he stood and acted alone, and never had (as indeed he never cared to have) a following among his equals. Never, it is thought, were two members of the same Communion so singularly contrasted in character as he and Archbishop Tait, whose biographers have recently presented the Church and the world with so faithful and so graphic a portraiture of that very con- siderable figure in the English Church of our day. Here was a born ruler of men, a man who had the secret of carrying his own point with others, but carrying it (as only it can be carried in a free society, every member of which has a voice of his own,) by conceding whatever he did not think to involve a vital principle, in order that PREFACE. xiii what was vital might be maintained and preserved. Thus the Archbishop became a great social force, not only in the Church, but in the State; his weight was dis- tinctly felt, and consciously acknowledged, in the Upper Chamber of the Legislature. The Dean, though ardently beloved and profoundly revered by his disciples, was no social force at all. His work lay in literature, not in affairs. He attracted by overwhelming kindness ; he attached others by the strongest ties of gratitude, affection, sympathy ; but he was no wielder of move- ments, nor leader of men ; God had not formed him to be so. Other points of vivid contrast between the two characters will probably strike those who were acquainted with both men, such as the calm, deliberate judgment of the one, the passionate impulsiveness of the other ; the phlegmatic temperament of the one, the excessive sensibility of the other ; the ultra-Liberalism of the one, the old-fashioned Toryism (not only by he- reditary sentiment, but also by mental constitution) of the other ; the somewhat prosaic, unaesthetic mind of the one, and the exuberant poetry, romance, and artistic pro- clivities of the other ; contrasts which cease only when one reaches the lowest deep of both characters, where it is seen clearly enough that both were men of prayer, and both men of God. And when the survey both of the contrasts and of the fundamental harmony is com- pleted, the truth is realised of that profound and weighty saying of the Apostle's ; " Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are xiv LIFE OF DEAN BUBOON. diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all." But putting on one side the interest of the character which it is the purpose of these pages to depict, the author ventures to hope that the work may be regarded as a humble contribution to the Church history of our times times characterized by a restless fermentation of thought on all religious questions, and by the equally restless movement which must always follow upon such fermentation. If the review of these times has been in the main a saddening one, if the movements and changes have seemed to take a wrong direction, and if at present the outlook upon religious thought in this country is as dismal as it well can be, Rationalism speaking out more confidently than ever its insinuations as to the fallibility both of the written and the Personal Word of God, writer and reader alike must console themselves with the thought that a deference is due to accomplished facts, as having been, even when calamitous, brought about in the order of Divine Providence (as punishments, it may be, of the Church's sin) ; and that there are still the "seven thousand in Israel," " the remnant according to the election of grace," who value the Inspired Volume of Holy Scripture above all earthly treasure, and whose simple child-like faith in its testimonies is proof against all the suggestions of its fallibility thrown out by the (so-called) Higher Criticism. In the hearts of all such persons the memory of John William Burgon will be embalmed for ever. In concluding this Preface, the author desires to PREFA CE. xv remind the reader that Burgon himself has not yet said his last word on the subject nearest his heart. The Church yet anticipates the great work, to the prepara- tion of which he devoted the better part of his life, but which he was not permitted to complete, his " Exposi- tion of the true principles of the Textual Criticism of tin- New Testament, and the Vindication ami Establishment of the Traditional Text by the application of those principle*" It is confidently expected that this work, now in pro- cess of completion under the able editorship of the Reverend Edward Miller, will, when it makes its ap- pearance, set its seal upon the fame of Purgon as a Textual Critic of the highest order, equally indefatig- able in research, cautious in judgment, and keen in acumen. The enthusiastic affection, which Burgon inspired in those who knew him well, and came under his influence, has been the means of procuring for the author a vast mass of materials, both in the shape of letters, and written con- tributions ; and he is quite sensible that by far the greater part of the interest of his work is due not to his own share in it, but to communications made to him by the friends of the deceased. To enumerate all those who have made these helpful communications to him. would be to fill several pages with names, and thus materi- ally to lengthen the Preface. Let it suffice, while cordially thanking all contributors, whatever shape their con- tributions may have taken, to acknowledge his special obligations to Mr. Robert Harry Inglis Palgrave, of Great Yarmouth, the letters lent by whom (addressed to the xvi LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. late Mr. Dawson Turner) will be found to constitute the chief interest of the earlier part of the work ; to Mrs. Samuel Bickersteth, a typical disciple of Burgon's, whose letters to her show, better than any description can do, the affectionate ties which bound him to the younger members of his flock ; to the Venerable Arch- deacon Palmer, who has given all sorts of aid, in- cluding a most able and interesting paper upon Burgon's ministry at Finmere ; to the Reverend R. G. Living- stone, Fellow and Tutor of Pembroke College, Oxford, who, like other of Burgon's former curates, writes with a warmth of affection and liveliness of appreciation about him, which shows what he was to his colleagues in the Ministry ; to the Reverend Alfred Hensley, of Cotgrave Rectory, his earliest Oxford friend, who, de- spite some differences of opinion, clung to him to the last with unabated affection ; and to Lord Cranbrook, who had the discrimination to see his singular merits, and the claims which he had established upon the gratitude both of the Church of England and the University of Oxford, and who was doubtless the means of procuring for him some recognition of these claims, in the very modest preferment to which quite late in life he attained. We, his friends, deeply deplore him, not only from the warm personal love which we entertained for him, but also from its seeming to us, in our purblind view of capacities and coming emergencies, that in the great struggle which is impending for the genuineness, authenticity, and in- fallibility of the Holy Scriptures, he was the man, who PREFACE. xvii from his studies, his genius, his faithfulness, could most effectively have helped the cause of Divine Truth. But be we assured it is best as it is. As regards the cause, God has many other arrows in His quiver, and can and will raise up " the man of His right hand," and " make him strong for His own self." And as regards our friend, while we have lost, not indeed his sym- pathy nor his prayers, but his counsel, and that access to him which was so enlivening and so edifying, it is our comfort to think that he has been spared from witnessing the more recent developments of a Rational- ising Criticism and a Latitudinarianising Theology, and that THE RIGHTEOUS is TAKEN AWAY FKOM THE EVIL TO COME. BBIGHTON, September 18, 1891. VOL. I. CONTEXTS OF VOL. I. CHAPTER I. PAGE THE EARLY LIFE ....... i (From his Birth [Aug. 21, 1813] to his Matriculation at Oxford [Oct. 21, 1841].) CHAPTER II. THE OXFORD LIFE : FIRST PERIOD . . . .114 (From his Matriculation [Oct. 21, 1841] to his Admission into the Order of Deacons [Dec. 24, 1848].) THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD . . . .162 \v.-t IlsK-y, Worton, and Fininere [Dec. 24, i848-June 6, 1853]-) THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD . . . .219 (From his leaving Finmere [June 6, 1853] to the commence- ment of his tour in Egypt, the Arabian Desert, and Palestine [Sept. 10, 1861].) THE OXFORD LIFE : FOURTH PERIOD . . .292 (Tour in Egypt, the Sinaitic Peninsula, and Palestine [Sept. 10, i86i-July 18, 1862].) LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. CHAPTER I. THE EASLT LIFE. From his Birth [Aug. 21, 1813] to his Matriculation at Oxford [Oct. 21, 1841.] IT is usual to begin a Biography with some notice of the ancestry of the person whose life is to be recorded. If a prelude of this sort is in any and every case suitable and appropriate, much more so is it in the case of the subject of this memoir, JOHN WILLIAM BURGOX. For with many other striking characteristics he combined a perfect passion for pedigrees, and a remarkable industry in the investigation of them. Among many other works of a character wholly dissimilar, he has left behind him a series of papers which he entitled " Parentalia," being the results of a research into the pedigrees of his father and mother ; a research to which, besides prosecuting it at odd moments, he devoted a tour in the West Riding of Yorkshire during the autumn of 1840. In a letter descriptive of this tour, which he addressed to his great friend Mr. Dawson Turner, of Great Yarmouth, under date Dec. 2, 1840, other extracts from which will be given lower down, he writes : " At the risk of being laughed at, I must tell you what I principally wished to do, in taking the queer tour I am going to describe. Without such an explanation, you will set me down for a tasteless ass, with all the world VOL. I. B 2 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. before me. to select the West Riding of Yorkshire for the scene of my summer pilgrimage. I wished to fill up the wanting links in my pedigree, and to investigate the history of my worshipful progenitors by a local inspec- tion of wills, parish registers, and the like. So with a little portfolio of memoranda collected in previous years, a map, and my sketching apparatus, I started ; and Tom" [his younger brother] "was the companion of my wanderings aforesaid." This tour added considerably to the genealogical par- ticulars respecting his ancestry, which he had been for several years previously engaged in collecting ; and the fresh particulars were incorporated in the " Parentalia." After a lengthy introduction, telling his reader how he was first " put on the right scent " in his genealogical researches ; how difficult any such work proves " when accuracy and detail are aimed at " (" the age of a maiden aunt being sometimes as great a mystery as any of an- cient Eleusis ") ; how much still remains to be done by him in the way of research " at Doctors' Commons, at the Rolls' Chapel, and other similar repositories " ; and how he is " wholly unable to sympathize with men who are strangers to an interest " in such enquiries, he divides his subject thus : " My plan is simply this. My prefatory matter is followed by (i) a dissertation on our family name ; (2) some account of the several families who have borne that surname ; (3) some account of our own family. This genealogical and biographical sketch is accompanied by a pedigree and abstracts of wills, etc. Then comes a short account of the De Cramer family " [his mother's] ; " then of the Johnson family, and the families of Murdoch and Broomer ; then of Eyre. After which come some notices of Rose. These are followed by a series of pedigrees of Burgon, from which a collateral descent alone is to be traced." He labours learnedly to THE EARLY LIFE. 3 prove that the name Burgon, or Le Burgon. " simply signifies ' the Burgundian,' the native of Bourgogne or Burgundy." From the mass of " Dryasdust " genea- logical details there emerges every now and then (as could not fail to be the case with one so brimful of sen- timent) the sentiment of the writer ; as, when he comes to the Burgons of Silkstone, in the West Riding of York- shire ( <; a village," as he writes to Mr. Dawson Turner; " degraded by its coal-mine, and by the vices such a neighbour is ever productive of ") ; " It is a pleasure to think that Silk-stone was the first parish in this part of Yorkshire which was christianized, that from this spot, as from a centre, the rays of Gospel-light first disseminated themselves over the neighbourhood. My forefathers therefore enjoyed in a peculiar degree the priviledges " (in these early days he always spells the word thus, as was the fashion formerly), " and dwelt among the hills which were first imprinted by ' the beautiful feet of them who preach the Gospel of peace.' '' He has not put upon record anything remarkable as to his ancestry on the father's side ; but as to his mother's father, the Chevalier de Cramer, Austrian consul at Smyrna (who was born at Cologne, Feb. 10, 1757, and died at Smyrna, Nov. 9, 1 809), he tells this story, which will be read with interest for its own sake, and more especially in connexion with the character of the teller. The Chevalier's antecedents were these : Meeting with indifferent success in commerce, he changed his line of life, and having been thrown across an American gentle- man (one Isaac Cramer 1 ), who took a strong fancy to 1 The original form of the Cheva- Cramer, a process easily effected lier's name was Cremer ; but Isaac by the change of a single vowel. Cramer made him his heir on con- The change, however, was duly dition of his taking the name of legalized. B 2 4 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. him, and furnished him with the necessary funds, he studied law and diplomacy at the University of Vienna, and so distinguished himself in this more congenial sphere, that in 1777 he was appointed Austrian Consul at Smyrna. How he became Chevalier will be seen by the following anecdote, given in one of the notes to the '' Parentalia." " When Napoleon was at Jaffa " [March 4 to 14, 1799], " the French Church of St. Polycarp at Smyrna was treated by the Turks as part of the spoil of the enemy. Karasman Oglu 2 , claiming to be the lawful proprietor of the church by right of conquest, sold it to the Greeks for the sum of 50,000 thalers, 30,000 of which were actually paid into his hands by the Greek purchaser. A few Turkish soldiers had already entered the church, and seated themselves upon the altars. At this juncture intelligence of the outrage was brought to my grand- father by the Cure of the church. ' Sir,' he said, ' there is no French Consul here for me to apply to. To him of right would belong the duty of defending this church from sacrilegious invasion. But your faith supplies a suffi- cient reason why you should stand forth as the defender of the Church of St. Polycarp.' Not an instant was to be lost. My grandfather had not even time to draw on his 2 Readers of Byron will be re- First of the bold Timariot bands, minded of Giaffir's recommendation That won and well can keep their to Zuleika (in " The Bride of Aby- lands. dos ") of the bridegroom he had Enough that he who comes to woo selected for her, a kinsman of this Is kinsman of the Bey Oglou." very " Karasman Oglu." The Qote OQ thig pasgage says . " a braver man " Carasman Oglou, or Kara Os- Was never seen in battle's van. man Oglou, is the principal land- We Moslem reck not much of owner in Turkey ; he governs blood ; Magnesia. Those who, by a kind But yet the line of Carasman of feudal tenure, possess land on Unchanged, unchangeable hath condition of service, are called stood Timariots." THE EARLY LIFE. 5 boots. He hastily put on his uniform, and seizing the Austrian banner, repaired alone to the scene of outrage. He quickly drove out the one or two Turks, whom he found within the sacred edifice, and took up his station on the threshold, grasping the Austrian flag, while the banner of France floated about him. It was not long before Karasman Oglu appeared in person, attended by about two hundred Janissaries. Finding the entrance of the church so guarded, he called upon my grandfather instantly to withdraw. The other refused. ' This church,' said the Turkish Prince, ' was French property, and by right of conquest has become mine.' The other replied that a possession of the Church cannot change hands like a secular estate, and may on no account be forfeited. The Turk advised the other not to resort to extremities, declaring that he was resolved to obtain possession of an edifice which he had already sold. My grandfather for all reply drew his sword, and vowed that no one should enter that church except by pulling down the Austrian banner, nor cross that threshold except over his dead body. His firmness triumphed. He saved the church of St. Polycarp, and won for himself the abiding friendship of Karasman Oglu, who. by the way, refused to refund the 30,000 thalers, declaring they were the price of the trouble he had already taken in the affair, 20,000 thalers more being required for the actual transfer of the pro- perty. When the story of his heroism was related to the Pope, my grandfather was created a count of Rome 3 . To this day, on the anniversary of its rescue out of the hands of the infidels, a Mass is celebrated in the church of St. Polycarp to the memory of Ambroise Hermann de Cramer." It is impossible for anyone who knew John William Burgon not to recognise in him that chivalrous gal- 3 In a note to the "Parentalia" Pope Pius VII, dated 3Oth Sept., he says; "My maternal grand- 1802, was created a Chevalier of father received his lettre* de noblesse the Order of Christ." 28th Feb., 1800; and by a Bull of 6 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. lantry, that utter carelessness of what might be the consequences of a generous action to himself, which had come down to him in the current of the Chevalier's blood. He was just the man, had he been a soldier, to have put himself at the head of a forlorn hope, and, grasping the banner of England, to lead it into the breach. He has been called, with something approaching to a sneer, " the champion of impossible orthodoxies." Substituting for the word " impossible," " offering diffi- culties to belief" (as what really orthodox creed does not ? the difficulties of belief are the trial to which God submits our faith), we his friends, who mourn his loss, not for our own sake only, but still more for that of the Church, accept that description of him. In the true spirit of his maternal grandfather he planted himself resolutely in the doorway of the sanctuary of the Faith, and grasping the banner of Divine Truth, he vowed that the rationalist's desecrating foot should never enter, except by pulling down the banner, " nor cross that threshold except over his own dead body." There was another person of some mark among his ancestry, of whom something may here be said, his mother's aunt, Mrs. Baldwin (nee Maltass), of whom he himself wrote an obituary notice in, the ' Gentleman s Magazine' for December, 1839. The extraordinary beauty of this lady, whose portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, with an ancient coin of Smyrna (her native place) in her hand, is still to be seen in Lord Lans- downe's gallery at Bowood, created a great sensation, both at Vienna and in London, procured for her atten- tions from the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV, 7 O and elicited even from Dr. Johnson a burst of clumsy amorousness. THE EARLY LIFE. 7 "In all the pride of youth and beauty," writes her great nephew to the ' (jenth-manx Magazine ,' " she was brought before the aged and infirm sage, whose curiosity had been aroused by the story of her foreign birth, and residence in distant lands. Johnson asked her what was the colour of the Abyssinians? Mrs. Baldwin replied that she did not know. ' But what colour do you think they are 1 ?' persisted the author of Rasselas. After some hesitation, and renewed professions of utter ignorance on the subject, Mrs. Baldwin said that she supposed they were brown. The doctor next said that he should like to give her a kiss ; and the husband's permission having been obtained, a kiss was formally inflicted. Mrs. Baldwin could never forget the for- bidding exterior of her Platonic admirer, and the servile adulation of his future biographer." Mrs. Baldwin had infirmities of temper, it appears (for which, however, great excuses and allowances were made by those acquainted with her circumstances), and in a letter to Mr. Dawson Turner, accompanying the obituary sketch above cited, her nephew, who, " knowing that she was living quite alone, and but indifferently off, used to pay her a periodical visit," describes amusingly how the loss of a penny had on one occasion made her violate the son of Sirach's precept, " Be not as a lion in thy house, nor frantic among thy servants." She was storming at her maidservant. " On such occasions I used to sit quietly and say nothing ; for though I verily believe she loved me exceedingly (simply because I used always to be very respectful to her), I dared not begin any buffoonery, such as ' Well, Aunt ; it certainly is a very bad business, but I'll soon find it for you/ and then by a piece of legerdemain fumble a penny out of my pocket ; for she was so sensitive, so extremely shrewd, so clear sighted in spite of her obliquity of mental vision, so clever in spite of all her absurdities, that one would 8 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. have been infallibly detected, and, if detected, rebuked in the manner one does not like to be rebuked by a woman, young or old." He dutifully accounts for these occasional outbursts by her having been alter- nately spoiled by adulation, and soured by unkindness ; but doubtless she was naturally a woman of strong and passionate temper, and those who love him best, and esteem him most, will be the last to deny that he too inherited a share of this characteristic of his mother's family, while entirely free at all times from resentment and personal dislike. But to come to his immediate progenitors. JOHN WILLIAM BUKGON was born at Smyrna, August 21, 1813. His parents were Thomas Burgon, of London, merchant (born Aug. i, 1787), and Catharine Marguerite de Cramer 4 (born Aug. 7, 1790), eldest daughter and child of the Chevalier Ambroise Hermann de Cramer, Austrian Consul at Smyrna (some particulars of whose life have 4 It may be convenient here to family who are mentioned or al- give a pedigree of the descendants hided to in this narrative, as also of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burgon, to show who are its present repre- in reference to the members of the sentatives. Thomas Burgon, Esq., =p Catharine Marguerite de 6. Aug. I, 1787, d. Aug. 28, 1858. Cramer, b. Aug. 7, 1790, d. Sept. 7, 1854. Sarah Caroline JOHN Thomas Emily Helen Catharine Burgon*, WILLIAM, Charles, Mary, Eliza b , Margaret, fc.Julyi, b. Aug. 21, b. June 25, b. Feb. 1 6, b. May 28, 6. Oct. 27, 1812, 1813, 1816, 1819, 1823. 1828, d. Apr. 6, d. Aug. 4, d. Feb. 14, d. May 6, d. Apr. 28, 1889. 1888. 1872. 1871. 1836. Married (May 24, 1838) to the Rev. Henry John Rose, Rector of Houghton Con- quest and afterwards (1866) Archdeacon of Bedford, who died Jan. 31, 1873. They had five children, four of whom survive, Emily Susannah, Hugh James [d. 1878], William Francis (Vicar of Worle), Anna Caroline, Gertrude Mary. b Married (July 26, 1853) to Charles Longuet Higgins, Esq., of Turvey Abbey, Beds. THE EARLY LIFE. 9 been given above), by Sarah Maltass, daughter of William Maltass 5 , a merchant of Smyrna. Mr. Thomas Burgon's family had for many years been connected with the commerce of the City of London. He was a Turkey merchant, and a member of the Court of Assistants of the Levant Company, which position gave him a voice in the management of the Company's affairs and the appoint- ment of its officers. The Company, while it existed, enjoyed a monopoly of the trade in the Levant; but in the first quarter of this century monopolies were becoming out of keeping with the spirit of the times; and by an Act of Parliament passed in 1826 (6 Geo. IV. cap. 83) the Levant Company, which had long carried on a thriving business, was abolished. Mr. Burgon's bouse, which was an old established one and had ex- cellent connexions in the Levant, maintained its ground for some time ; but the competition which the abolition of the Company introduced into the trade, told more and more unfavourably upon it, and having struggled vainly for some fifteen years against losses, which to- wards the end of that time "huddled on" its "back, Enough to press a royal merchant down, And pluck commiseration of his state From brassy bosoms, and rough hearts of flint. ; ' 5 Mrs. Thomas Burgon, there- Dean Burgon is often said to have fore, was on her mother's side Eng- been of Greek extraction. But lish, as on her father's Austrian. how ? If Margoton Icard (his mo- Mrs. Baldwin (nte Jane Maltass) ther's maternal grandmother) were was her mother's younger sister. Greek, he would have had Greek The mother, however, of Sarah Mai- blood in his veins. But probably tass (afterwards Madame de Cra- the word Greek is used loosely to raer) and of Jane Maltass (after- denote a Smyrniote. Mrs. Thomas wards Mrs. Baldwin) was one Burgon was a Smyrniote, as having Margoton Ickhard (or, Icard). Of been born and bred at Smyrna, what nationality was this lady ? where her family resided. io LIFE OF DEAS BUBOON. at length collapsed in August 1841, and began to wind up its affairs, a calamity memorable principally for the effect it had upon the fortunes of the subject of this Biography, for, had it not occurred, he would never pro- bably have felt at liberty to gratify what had long been the cherished wish of his heart, and to enter the Sacred Ministry of the Church. Mr. Thomas Burgon, though in the earlier part of his life distracted by the calls and cares of business, incidental to the position of the head of a great mercantile house, made himself, under the prompt- ing of a natural instinct, one of the most eminent anti- quarians of his time. So innate in him was the passion for research into the monuments of antiquity, that, as a child, he is said to have buried halfpence in his father's garden, and to please himself with digging them up again, and making believe that they were old coins discovered by excavation. As his son inherited from him this propensity for archaeology, and in his early days contributed several articles to the ' Numismatic Journal] besides a paper to the ' Gentleman s Magazine ' " On a cairn in the Isle of Skye 6 ," it will not be out of 'Here are two private memo- [Apr. 1838]. No. VIII. Art. xxvii. randa of his own. p. 237. " My contributions to Akennan's 4. Pistrucci's Invention : A letter 'Numismatic Journal' were as to the Editor [June 1838] Num. follows : Chron. No. I. Art. vii. p. 53. 1. Review of Millingen's ' Sylloge 5. On the Amelioration of the of Ancient Unedited Coins of Greek Coinage, A.D. 1560 [May, 1839]. Cities and Kings' [Oct. 1837]. No. No. V. Art. IV. p. 12. VI. Art. xiii. p. 81. 6. On a hoard of Pennies of 2. On the Current Coins of Great Henry II. found in Bedfordshire Britain, considered as works of Art [June 1839]. No. V. Art. XL [Nov. 1837]. No - VII. Art xvii. p. 54. p. 121. 7. On a new Method of obtaining 3. Review of the Marquis de Representations of Coins [Jan. L 's ' Description de quelqves 1841]." Medailles inedites de Mamlia,' etc. And again ; THE EARLY LIFE. n place here to re-produce the obituary notice of Mr. Thomas Burgon, which appeared in the ' Athetueum' of Sept. n, 1858: "In the death of Mr. Thomas Burgon the world of collectors and connoisseurs of ancient art has lately suffered an irreparable loss. He was long and honour- ably known for his experience and judgment on matters connected with antiquities and painted vases ; but more especially in Greek and Roman metallurgy. His dictum respecting the genuineness of a work of Art belonging to these branches was almost infallible, and not a few instances could be brought to bear in which the judg- ment of foreign authorities deferred to his. To classic learning he had no pretension; and all his scholarly attainments appear to have been purely the result of his devotion to the relics of antiquity. In early life, Mr. Burgon was occupied in commerce, and his long residence at Smyrna as a Greek merchant afforded him peculiar opportunities of becoming practically acquainted with the various circumstances under which particular "My contributions to the ' Gen- "4. A reply to Bolton Corney tleman's Magazine' are as fol- (refused), lows : 5. A reply to Mr. John Bruce I. A memoir of poor Soddington. on the orthography of Shakspeare's See the Obituary of the" [Feb. name." [March 1840. Vol. xiii. p. 1838. New Series, vol. ix. p. an. 264. Signed, John William Burgon.] No signature*.] " 6. A review of Rose's New " 2. Strictures on the Review of General Biographical Dictionary." Tytler's Book Defence of Ty tier's [May 1840. Vol. xiii. p. 497. No views." [July 1839. Vol. *& signature.] New Series, p. 23. "A lover of "7. A reply to Mr. Bruce's Reply Historic Truth."] to my former letter 6 ." " 3. A Memoir of Mrs. Baldwin. " 8. On a cairn in the Isle of See the Obituary for" [Dec. 1839. Sky-:." New Series, vol. xii. p. 656. No " g. A letter on D. Turner's book signature.] of painted screens' 1 ." The insertions in square brackets are not in the original memorandum, the hiatuses of which have been filled up by a reference to the ' Gentleman't Magazine.' b [May 1840. Vol. xiii. p. 474. Signed, John William Burgon.] Sky." [Jan. 1841. Vol. sv. p. 33. Signed, J. W.B.] * [Oct. 1841. Vol. ivi. p. 375 Signed, J. W. B.] 12 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. objects were to be found. In his vocation he was necessarily a traveller; but his own choice may, pro- bably, have kept him so much among the Islands of the Archipelago. He was at one time as much an explor- ator as a collector, and his researches and excavations in the Island of Melos (Milo] have tended considerably to enrich the stores of the British Museum. At Athens, also, Mr. Burgon carried on extensive excavations, and discovered many fine vases, especially the celebrated Minerva one, containing burnt bones, with the inscription upon it, 'Tov 'AOeveOev 'AOXov efyu,' from which the accidental omission of a letter puzzled Brondsted 7 and all the learned world for a considerable time. His entire collection passed some fifteen years ago to the British Museum. Having so long had dealings with the Turks, Mr. Burgon well knew how to pursue and to obtain without suspicion objects of value that had been discovered. His taste and judgment on Greek coins were unparalleled ; and at an early period of his career, the eminent connoisseur, Payne Knight, whose bronzes and coins now form so important a part of the British Museum, purchased from him a handful of Greek coins, not indeed for an enormous price, but for (at that time) a very large sum. Late in life Mr. Burgon found a quiet retreat in the Medal Room of the British Museum, where his wonderful memory and quick detec- tion of forgeries were of especial value in regulating the numerous acquisitions made by that department, and 7 The Panathenaic Amphora in [London, A. J. Valpy, M.A.], a question was found by Mr. Burgon translation of which monograph into at Athens, near the old Acharnian French was the earliest published Gate, in the year of his eldest son's work of the subject of the present birth (1813). The letter accidentally Biography. The whole inscription, omitted by the copyist from the taken out of the archaic Greek inscription on this Amphora is the spelling (which does not recognise third e of the word AGevtOfv. As long vowels) runs thus : Twv the word appears on the Amphora, 'AO-fjyjjOev a&\fuy tifu ; " I am [one] it is AOtvtOv. The Chevalier of the prizes from Athens." It is Brondsted restored the missing written from right to left, like letter in his Monograph on Pana- Hebrew, thenaic Vases published in 1832 THE EARLY LIFE. 13 where his courtesy and readiness to convey information to visitors will ever be remembered with thankfulness. He died on the 28th of August, in Burton Crescent, aged seventy-one/' Before we part company with Mr. Thomas Burgon it may interest the reader to be presented with a short sketch of his character drawn by his son in a letter to his intimate friend Mr. Fellows ; " He is very anti- poetical never read a romance in his life a high Tory and high Churchman the creature of habit fond of matter-of-fact reading and conversation still fonder of chewing the cud of his own thoughts over his pipe in a great measure self-taught that is to say all his pursuits were struck out and followed alone not too rich and having the care of a great business. . . . Before quitting the subject however I must tell you that he likes and <-fi(oj, ypa<&> ! (Grajj/w, G rap/io ; " I write," " I write.") His parents often mentioned with amusement this incident of his earliest years ; and added that " Johnny was never happy, unless he had a pencil in his hand." Having received instruction from his mother during the first eleven years of his life, young Burgon was sent to a school at Putney, kept by Mr. Watts, October 2, A.n. 18: 1824. He had already acquired the rudiments of draw- *' !1 ing at home, under the private tuition of Mr. Woodley ; and it is characteristic of him both that one of his early sketches (he had made attempts at drawing ancient vases when he was only five years old) should be a drawing of his first school, and also that his first letter from school to his mother is to ask her acceptance ( ;! as I know that you are fond of poems ") of a book of poems " by Mr. Alaric Watts, who is Mr. Watts's brother." VOL. i. c 1 8 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. In connexion with his school life at Putney his sur- viving sister writes : " From a very early age my brother was a most religiously disposed boy. I have heard my mother say that at his first school (Mr. Watts's, at Putney) it was his custom, besides showing kindness to and sup- porting any little boys in trouble, to protect a French boy, who was a Roman Catholic, while saying his prayers. J. W. B. used to keep guard at the door of their bedroom, and give notice of the approach of his tormentors. . . From infancy he was. I should say, won- derfully pure, thoughtful, liberal, and loving to the poor. I have heard my mother say that, when quite a little boy, he would occupy himself of an evening in making little articles of worsted work for a poor woman (who sat with her basket near our house in Brunswick Square) to sell. He would take the articles to her him- self, and on his return would describe to our mother her thankfulness, and say ' she had blessed him.' This he dwelt upon, and seemed to appreciate. These visits to the poor woman afforded him the liveliest pleasure." . 1828. In the summer of 1828, when he had not been quite " I5 ' four years at Putney, where latterly he does not appear to have been happy, he was removed to a school at Black- heath, and placed under the charge of Mr. Greenlaw. Several of his letters to his parents from both schools have been preserved. While their topics are the ordinary topics of schoolboys' letters, they show every now and then, as might be anticipated, an intelligence and an interest in certain branches of knowledge (not in the regular school-work) above the average ; and they derive a certain importance, in connexion with his life and character, from the following memorandum made by him respecting them when he came of age, which, even if it shows perhaps a little sense of self-importance, shows also a power of introspection not very common at the age of twenty-one. THE EARLY LIFE. 19 " Memorandum. To-day, by mere chance, I stumbled on this bundle of letters, written for the most part by myself from school at an early period, and I lay them aside, thinking that at some future day they may be interesting. " From a hasty glance over their contents. I perceive that I was 10 years ago much the same creature that I am now. I notice the same love of books and of study, the same hatred of school and contempt for the society of my equals in age, which since I was 1 i. and first went to school, I have never been able to shake off," (he always, in his earlier days, lived with men older than himself), " the same love of quiet, and consequent love of home, the same ill-health, which is after all at the root of half the evils of life ; in fact I perceive that, save in a general manline**, which at 21 everyone must more or less acquire, the 10 years in question have produced very little alteration in the materials of my moral organisation. " Good-night to you. Sunday Night, i o'clk. "June 8th, 1834, K JOHN W. BURGON." A few short extracts from these schoolboy letters are here subjoined, showing the affectionateness and domes- ticity of his character, and his interest (even at that early age) in antiquities, and in the vindication of the truth of the Holy Scriptures. Aug. 22, 1 828 \/Etat. 15]. (Returning, with his younger brother Thomas, to school at Blackheath.) To his Mother. " I am sure the reason why the boys do not mind so much leaving home is, because they do not feel the same happiness in their circle at home, which proceeds from that mutual affection which we always have, and I am sure we ever will enjoy." Blackheath, Oct. 27, 1828 [Mat. 15]. To his Father. " I heard from Greenlaw " (the master of his school) " that a niinniiiy lately arrived from Egypt has been dis- covered to have been the high priest of Pharaoh, by c 2 2o LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. means of the hieroglyphics, in which great improvements are making. This event is perhaps as excellent a proof of the truth of Scripture History as can be produced for the conviction of the incredulous, and I dare say it will make many a fellow, who is fond of being thought remarkable in his notions, &c., appear a most egregious ass." In this last observation there is surely an augury of much that was to come after. His account of his Confirmation (by Bishop Murray of Rochester) will be read with interest. It shows his serious- ness in attending the Ordinance, though not the sensibility which was so marked a feature of his character. x 1829. Blackheath, May 26, 1829. To his Father. ' 1 ' "I thought it a very solemn ceremony ; but my com- panions seem to think very little about it. One thing though I thought very absurd ; several of the women and girls were in tears ! ! ! Now Mr. G. has been kind enough to explain to us all, so often, and so fully, the whole meaning and purpose of Confirmation, that I was very far from anything like this ; and indeed, to tell you the truth, this circumstance provoked my laughter in spite of myself. I see nothing further to be implied, than that you own that you are old enough to perceive the necessity of doing your duty, and the propriety of what has been promised in your name, when an infant, and that in confessing your belief in Christ, you under- take to do your best to do what is right. Three sermons I have heard, and two I have read on the subject, and this is what I extract from them. The bishop seemed young. He was attended by a great many clergymen. I enclose a little sketch of him from memory. Which I think is rather like' 2 ." " It surprises us to find in his be recorded ; but it appears strange Journal of the year 1 834 the year that in the five years which had in which he came of age this elapsed since the Confirmation of entry: " March 28, Good Friday . . . one so religiously minded from boy- Took the Sacrament for the second hood, he should have only corn- time in my life." The date of hia municated twice ; more especially first Communion does not seem to as his attendance at Church on THE EARLY LIFE. 21 It is very many years since the writer saw Bishop Murray ; but " the little sketch" (in pencil, the slightest thing in the world done with wonder-, fully few strokes) seems to summon back the stately and dignified pre- sence of the Bishop with his wig. Be- neath it is written by the draughtsman, " Bishop of Roches- * ter, May 26, 1829." It may be men- ' tioned here that in later life Burgon, who, as has been said, received instruction in drawing Sundays (frequently twice, and not unfrequently thrice) is carefully noted, and observations are usually made on the preachers he hears. It must be remembered however that it is quite of late years that the desirableness of frequent Communion has been recognised in our Church, and admonitions to it and opportunities for it given, and that in the earlier part of the century the notion of something terrible and repelling in connexion with the great Ordinance ("as if a different God entered the Church after the sermon," as an eminent divine of those days well and pointedly said) prevailed very widely, and kept a persistent hold even upon the minds of those who were quite bent on doing their duty, and were very attentive to other religious observances. Mis- taken as this notion undoubtedly was, it yet furnished a security against irreverence and the dis- pensing with previous preparation ; and it may be gravely questioned whether, since this security has been swept away, good Christians have not been somewhat the losers in edification. Constant Communion implies a life of constant watchful- ness and prayer, and only in associa- tion with those conditions can & blessing be expected upon it. 22 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. before he went to school, from Mr. "Woodley, had a few lessons from Dibdin in landscape-painting ; in which he attained great proficiency, as may be seen from the beautiful water-colour drawings which he made in the course of his tour to Egypt and Palestine. His desire to take Holy Orders dated from his earliest youth, and it was only in deference to his father's strong wish, and out of his own sense of the duty of filial obedience, that he went into the counting-house after his removal from school. " He disliked it more than I can tell " (writes his surviving sister), " and found relief only in the pursuit of Poetry and Art during his leisure moments, when he returned from the city." And thus we are brought to the year (i 830) succeeding his Confirmation, when he commenced a book of extracts from his reading with the following memorandum, which shows his thoughtfulness at that early age, and his serious determination to improve his mind : "I have now attained my I7th year; and although in the course of the last 10 years I have perused several works, the contents of many, and the titles of a still greater number, have escaped my recollection. This may have been partly owing to my youth ; but must, I think, be principally attributed to my never having preserved extracts from them, or committed to paper my opinion of their contents : such a custom would have induced me to read with greater care, and by leading me to reflect on what I had read, might have materially assisted me in forming my judgment and taste. Although I have suffered so many years to elapse without doing this, I do not intend any longer to do so ; but as I read, shall note in this book everything that may appear interesting or worthy of observation. " For my note book. "(Signed) J. W. BURGON. "Aug. 27, 1830." THE EARLY LIFE. 23 It should be added that, by way of completing his education, he attended lectures at the London Univer- sity, where he gained a prize for the best Essay in the Junior Class, at the conclusion of the Session of 1829-30. And now it will be well, before going further, to take a general view of his occupations and surroundings during the eleven years which were to elapse between 1830 and 1841. He was taken into his father's count- ing-house, in the expectation that he would one day succeed to the headship of it. The work, always most distasteful to him, occupied most of his mornings, and often detained him, especially on " Turkey Post days," till a late hour in the evening. But so extraordinary was his mental energy, that he not only (as will be seen further on) composed his ' Life ami Times of Gres/tam,' and many other literary pieces, both in prose and poetry, of a more fugitive and less substantial character, but found time, chiefly by sitting up to a very late hour, to become versed in several departments of Art and Archaeology, in the knowledge of rare and old books, of pictures and engravings, and in the study and criticism of Shakspere. And we are to think of him as moving, from his school-days onward, in the society of men of high cultivation, and literary or artistic eminence, who were frequent guests at his father's house. This fell in with his intellectual leaning, which was towards research and literature in all its forms, and also with his moral temperament, which was of an aspiring character, a leaning and a temperament recognised by himself in the memorandum which he made on coming of age, and which has been given above : " I notice the same love of books and of study, the same contempt for the society of my equals in age, which since I first went to school I have never been able to shake off." (See above, p. 19.) 24 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. A few are here mentioned, whose names are constantly re-appearing in his Journals and Letters, and whose tastes and studies were no doubt in some measure com- municated to him and contributed to the formation of his mind. Mr. Cockerell has already made his appearance in our narrative. Thomas Leverton Donaldson \b. 1795] was another celebrated architect, and connoisseur of Art, who was on intimate terms with the Burgon family. Then, in the department of travel, besides Sir Charles Fellows, who will be mentioned at length presently, there was Mr. Frederick Catherwood, the author of ' Travels in Yucatan! Sir Richard Westmacott, the sculptor \b. 1775, d. 1856], well known as having executed the bronze Achilles in Hyde Park, the statue on the Duke of York's column, and several of the monuments of public men in St. Paul's Cathedral, was another member of the same circle. James Millingen [b. 1774, (I. 1845] had been a very early friend of Mr. Thomas Burgon, and was in entire sympathy with his tastes and pursuits, having written on the " Ancient Unedited Coins of Greek Cities and Kings, from various Collections, principally in Great Britain [1837: 4to]," and on many similar subjects, and being possessed of great critical acumen in judging of coins, gems, and antiquities in general. He lived at Florence, but frequently visited England in the summer, and, when he did so, never failed to make his appearance (always duly noted in John William Burgon's journal) in Brunswick Square. Dr. Leemans, a Dutchman, " Conservateur " of the Museum at Leyden, who came to England to study Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, received much kindness from Mr. Burgon senior, and was constantly in the house, as John William records, when little " Kitty," the treasure and joy of the whole family, was snatched away by death. Dr. Lepsius, THE EARLY LIFE. 25 a German, was introduced to the Burgons by Dr. Leemans. He was a great student of Hieroglyphics and a learned Egyptologist, became Keeper of the Egyptian Museum at Berlin, and was appointed leader of the great scientific expedition sent out by the Prussian Government to Egypt, of which he wrote a description in several large volumes. Of English literary men, whose names are familiar to all, there were several who maintained friendly relations with the family. The poet Rogers was one of these ; and the following account, extracted from John William's Journal, of a conversation, which he had the honour of holding with Rogers at his father's table, will be read with interest, as throwing light both on his own character and that of the poet. "Aug. 4, 1832." [.-E/af. 19]. "Rogers dined with us. After dinner the following conversation took place between us as nearly as I can remember. I asked him how his new edition went on. He said, ' But slowly, it being in the hands of the engravers.' When I asked after Moore, what he was at, &c., he told me he talked of a long poem we are some day to see of his. Rogers is a queer man : he thinks me too young, I suppose, to merit his confidence, or even to deserve being conversed wilh. 1 was afraid of being troublesome, and therefore said no more on the subject I then observed; 1 \Yliat a pity it is that the poet cannot exercise the same power as the sculptor, and, after he has conceived some- thing grand, commission another to execute it for him! For.' 1 added, ' the charming part of the task is the con- ception ; the execution is laborious, and takes up time.' ' Then,' said Rogers, ' how much Byron would have left us ! He would have sickened us ! ' I begged him to recall that word. ' We might then have had an accumu- hitii.n of/Av/v/'/v.v,' said I. He smiled, but said nothing. I asked him what quality must we consider as most essential for a poet to possess, imagination, judgment, common sense, or what? He replied, he supposed imagination, though common sense was indispensable. ' It 26 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. is a pity,' said he, ' Byron had not more common sense.' I said nothing. ' Homer,' he added, ' had more common sense than any poet who ever lived.' The conversation at table turned on Death (violent Death principally ; for they were discussing the proposed reform in criminal punishment). Donaldson observed that he did not see why that extreme degree of fear should be manifested at the prospect of Death. The answer seemed to remain with Rogers, who replied ; ' You are the first man that I ever heard say so/ Then, after a pause ; ' Shakspere has expressed the sentiment better than any one else ; " Aye, but to die to go we know not whither," &c.' " Here is another account from his journal of a dinner at Miss Rogers', at which he met the poet, and three painters, Westall ( ; 'he teaches the Princess Victoria drawing, and loves her as his own child ") ; Leslie (" a fine man, with an intelligent, agreeable face .... his wife is said to be the original of all his ladies ") ; and Ottley (" strong in a particular branch of painting, very con- descending and communicative, and possessing much of the ' milk of human kindness ' "). "Tuesday, i5th" (the year and month are not given. Perhaps it was December, 1835, or perhaps March, 1836 ; the 1 5th of both these months fell on a Tuesday). " Samuel Rogers I have often scribbled about. He has a peculiar way, and one which it is difficult to describe ; for la morte parole gives one no notion of ione and man m-r. His ' God bless me ' is as comical as a long paragraph from the lips of a common man When Miss Ottley had ended a little song, 'That is Italian,' said Rogers, ' eh ? ' Miss Ottley told him that it was Spanish. 'Ah! Spanish,' observed the poet, without the least alteration of feature or tone, 'I didn't know whether I was in Italy or Spain.' ... In the course of the even- ing I asked him whether he had ever seen Johnson. ' No,' said Rogers, ' I never did.' I pressed him a little closer. ' Once,' said he, ' when I was a very young man, younger than you, I was passing Bolt Court with a THE EARLY LIFE. 27 schoolfellow, and I proposed that we should pay Johnson a visit. But when I laid my hand on the knocker my courage failed me.' 'Have you not often repented it since 1 ' ' Yes ; for I should have had a story to tell I dare say he would have received us kindly ; and if he had not, I don't know that I should have minded it.' We were disturbed from the conversation by the sound of the guitar in the next room. . . . The conversation at table turned principally on painting and painters Vandyke and so on. In answer to an inquiry Rogers told me that Gainsborough's ' Boy in Blue ' was a Iracm-a occasioned by Reynolds having said that blue was not a good colour for the principal light in a picture. The original was the son of a coachmaker in Long Acre." And here another of his breakfasting with the poet in company with his brother. " This morning Tom and I breakfasted at St. James's Place with Mr. Rogers. We were invited for half-past nine, and took care to be punctual. I think Rogers so interesting a person, that I shall set down everything that passed as nearly as I am able. " We found the breakfast on the table, and the Poet writing at a little side-table. He rose to receive us, remarking that he was sorry that it was such a dull day. I replied that everything would be bright where we were, with which I think he was pleased ; and then in compliance with our entreaties he continued his letter. " We amused ourselves in the meantime with his pictures, and happened to be contemplating a most inter- esting bust of Pope by Roubiliac, when he ceased writing. He came near us, and talked to us about Pope, and that bust, which is an original. Sir R. Peel has the marble which was executed from it, and which is not nearly so beautiful as the model. Rogers made us notice the character of the mouth, and the intellectual formation of the head. Then he alluded to Pope's deformity, and we airi( t (1 that Millingen resembled Pope in some respects. ^ hcii we sat down to breakfast, I observed to Mr. Rogers that I never approached his house without feel- 28 LIFE OF DEAN BURQON. ing that I trod on holy ground, so many eminent men had imprinted it with their footsteps. He smiled, and told us that he certainly could number among his guests some great names. ' After I had been here four weeks,' said he, ' Fox came to pay me a visit, and there has scarcely been a greater man than he.' I reminded him of Sheridan, Scott, Byron, &c. He assented, and observed that Sheridan had often been at his house. ' Oh, yes,' said I, ' we know that well from books.' ... I told him, a propos of Sheridan, that I did not think he was enough regarded in the light of a warning ; with such splendid talents, to have lived so unhappily and died so miserably ! ' Yes,' said Rogers, ' I think so too. If he had had one vice more, his history would not have been such a warn- ing as it is, had he had the littleness to love money, and the meanness to hoard it.' "He said, speaking of his illustrious guests, that nothing would satisfy Queen Caroline, short of paying him a visit ; and she came. " I happened to mention the name of Gray incidentally ; and I am glad I did so, for it led to some interesting conversation on the part of Rogers. I discovered that he has my taste for old associations and classic haunts in perfection. He told us where Gray lived (which with some other particulars I shall note down in my life of Gray) and perceiving the pleasure it gave us to hear him talk about such things, told us which was Dryden's house, which Newton's, and which Lord Mansfield's (Pope's Murray). " The hint for Dryden's house he had found (it seems), in Spence's anecdotes, a book of which he is extremely fond, and which he subsequently made his man-servant bring down stairs for him to refer to. Gray's he was told of by Mr. Nicholls, and Newton's he discovered in walking through St. Martin's Street. He noticed a curious little construction at the top of a house in that street, on which he thought he could discern the word Newfoui inscribed. He went in and found a boy scraping the floor of the lower room, and he enquired of him the meaning of the little pigeon-house on the roof. The THE EARLY LIFE. 29 boy said that an old man named Newton used to sit up and watch the stars from that little building all night. ' Now,' said Rogers, ' no one notices such things ! ' . . . We expressed our satisfaction at finding him as fond as ourselves of such things. ' I live upon such recollections,' he replied, ' I think of nothing else all day. . . . When Wordsworth came to see me the other day, I took him to see Dryden's house and Newton's observatory.' He reminded us that Addison used to live in St. James's Place, but he did not know the number. " To return to Gray. I told him that I had seen Gray's rooms at Cambridge, and the bar of iron which he had caused to be fixed outside his windows, to effect his escape in case of fire. 'Is it there still 1 ?' said Rogers ; ' I remember Mr. Canning's narrative of the circum- stance which occasioned Gray's departure from Peter House. Some frolicsome young men placed a tank of water under his window, and called out fire. Up flew the window, and out came Gray -with his fire-escape, which necessarily conducted him into the tank prepared for his reception. The young men apologized, alleging that they meant to have called out n-nfer\ but that in their confusion they called out Jirc instead. Gray left the College, contenting himself with observing that the College was noisy, and the young men troublesome.' " ' I was always from a boy fond of Gray,' said Rogers. . . . ' Gray was a nervous, perhaps a finical man ; but he commanded the greatest respect. Lord St. Helen's, who is alive and well at 85 (?), told me that, when he went up to Trinity College as a boy, he took with him a letter for Gray, who came next morning to pay him a visit, attended by three of his friends Stonhewer, Palgrave, and another. They did not come as if in conversation, in a group, or two and two ; but they walked in a line, one after the other. On their departure the young men of the College, who were assembled in the quadrangle to see Gray come out, all took off their caps to him.' " While on the subject of interesting sites, Rogers remarked to us how few persons passing Milk Street and Bread Street, remembered Milton and Sir Thomas More, 30 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. who were born there. He praised Mackintosh's life of the latter, and in remarking on the character of Sir Thomas, insisted that he did not die for the sake of Popish Supremacy, but that he died ion: freedom of opinion. We talked a little about Egyptian antiquities, a study, as Rogers observed, in which so much remains to be learned by those who will concentrate their attention. " When we arose from breakfast. Rogers told us that the mahogany pier, which stands in his dining-room, and supports a vase, was the work of Chantrey when he worked for 5*. per day 3 . " Turning to one of his pictures, he made a remark to Tom which displeased me ; it displayed, I thought, such a want of taste. ' West,' said he, ' used to refuse j^icoo for that picture ' ; and in a similar strain he would remark of other objects, as if the money value of the objects around him was of any moment. " I was meanwhile engaged in making some memo- randa from his copy of Gray, which had belonged to Cole 4 , the antiquary. I was amused to see that Rogers has another of my weaknesses, viz., that of writing in his books, and when he meets with anything which interests him, noting the page at the end of the volume, a trick of my own. Gray appears indeed to be one of Rogers' favourites; he told me that he was an especial object of his admiration from boyhood. Hence, obviously, Rogers' ' Ode to Superstition,' which I re- marked to him. I told him too, that I thought his 3 There is an anecdote, which the Antiquary, was born in 1714 and writer is unable to trace to its died in 1782. He graduated at source, of Chantrey himself having Cambridge, where he was the College seen this mahogany pier, when he friend of Walpole, Mason, and Gray, was breakfasting with Rogers, and He held the benefices of Hornsey, having asked the poet if he could Bletchley in Bucks, and Burnham, call to mind the name of the man near Eton. He left to the British who made it. On Rogers' saying Museum fifty folios of Manuscript that he could not, and that it was Antiquarian Collections. It was made by some poor working man, his intention to compose an Athena Chantrey is said to have replied, Cantabrigienses, as a companion to " That man was myself." Anthony Wood's Athence Oxoni- * The Rev. William Cole, the enses. THE EARLY LIFE. 31 genius very much resembled that of Gray ; they both have written so little and so well. . . . We went up into the drawing-room, and after looking a little at his vases, left him. He is certainly a very amusing gentleman-like man, and has the courtier- like art to make it appear that he is receiving a favour, while it is quite obvious that he is. on the contrary, conferring a considerable one." Having seen what were the literary surroundings of John William Burgon in his early life, we now return to our narrative, which we left off with the memorandum made by him in his note-book, at the age of 1 7, in the year 1830. The following year, 1831, was marked by the A.D. 1831. formation of a very strong early friendship, almost of the Pylades and Orestes type. such as young men are apt to form in their prernitr<' jennesse, such as one whose nature was so intense and passionate was certain to form. His first acquaintance with the object of this friendship is thus briefly recorded in the diary, which he appears to have commenced in the previous year : "Monday, Oct. 31, 1831. Went to Mr. Booth's a small dance met a Mr. Fellows a delightful fellow, who has seen Byron and H. K. White, and knows Moore, &c., &c., &c. very agreeable evening." In the autumn of the following year the friendship thus begun was cemented by a tour which the friends made together in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. "Monday, Sep. 17, 1832. Drank tea with Fellows A.D. 1832 j)lanned trip to Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire." - t - J 9- The trip began on Sept. 21, when they left London for Nottingham, and ended on Wednesday, Oct. 3, when they returned by the night coach from Not- tingham to London. Matlock, Bakewell, Haddon Hall, Chatsworth, the Peak, Dove-dale ("the most lovely spot in the world "), Alton Towers, Southwell, Newstead 32 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Abbey, Annesley, and Hucknall (the place of Lord Byron's burial) were all visited. The last occasion of course did not fail to elicit verses from Burgon ("written in the Book at Hucknall Church ") ; Byron's poetry always had a special charm for him, all the more from that vein of sadness and melancholy which runs through it, and which, though overlaid and concealed occasionally by the exuberant and even extravagant frolicsomeness of his tem- perament, was a real constituent of his own mind. He him- self recognises this tendency of his mind, and the colour which his own verses took from it, in his correspondence with Mr. Fellows a month or two after the Derbyshire tour. "Tuesday Night, Nov. 13, 1832. Do you remember the few words that passed between us some hours ago, about the melancholy that runs thro' my poetry? For- give a midnight apology. Oh ! blame not if I sometimes wake A note thy friendship deems too sad I would not, if I could, forsake That mournful note, for one more glad! Perchance you deem my spirits light, Because these lips are wont to jest 1 ? Alas! they share the gloom of night When left, unmoved, within my breast. The harp beneath the minstrel's touch Oft utters such a blissful tone, That you, to hear, might deem that such Were uttered by its strings, alone. But let the breath of heaven fly Uncheck'd amid those trembling wires, Go. hear the deep impassioned sigh They render as each breath expires! Then tell oh ! tell me which you deem To be in truth their proper strain The minstrel's gay, enchanting theme, Or those self-uttered notes of pain? THE EARLY LIFE. 33 Such are my feelings, ev'n if bliss Is sometimes offered to me here, My heart reminds me that it is The prelude to a future tear. And thus from childhood have I learned To see things in their darker view ; For even then my joys were earned By drinking deep of sorrow too. Then blame not, if I sometimes wake A note thy friendship deems too sad ; I could not, if I would, forsake That mournful note for one more glad!" Mr. (afterwards Sir Charles) Fellows was a very con- siderable man, perhaps the most distinguished archaeo- logical explorer and discoverer of this century. He was born at Nottingham in 1799, and thus was senior by fourteen years to Burgon, a seniority which character- ized almost all the early friends of the subject of this Biography. Not only his love of archseological research, but his great artistic aptitudes and his extraordinary genius for drawing, were links uniting him to Burgon, who was similarly endowed. He it was who discovered (in 1827) the present route to the summit of Mont Blanc, which superseded the route previously taken by travellers, and who in his first expedition to Asia Minor discovered the ruins of Xanthus, the ancient capital of Lycia, and in his second thirteen other an- , cient cities. These Asiatic discoveries are recorded in a volume of some 500 pages published by Mr. Murray in 1852, entitled ' Travels ami Researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the Province of Lycia' a work which will be found as interesting to the general reader as it is to connoisseurs in Archaeology. In reading over the letters addressed by Burgon to this gentleman, VOL. I. D 34 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. we are struck by the circumstance that, although Mr. Fellows had so much the advantage of him both in age, and in regard of a recognised position among the literary and scientific circles of London, their familiarity seems to have been as unrestrained as if the two had been starting in life together. Burgon thinks that he may talk any nonsense to Fellows, and vents upon him the most atrociously bad puns ; nor is there any of that self-restraint, and desire to write what is worth reading, which characterizes his letters (for example) to Mr. Dawson Turner, to Mr. Hunter, and to Mr. Tytler. Indeed a vein of punning and poetizing runs through all his letters to this early friend, to whom he was evidently, despite one or two occasional misunderstand- ings (which only proved the truth of the old adage, " The resentments of lovers are the renewals of love "), most deeply and, one may say, sentimentally attached. Mr. Fellows had given him a ring containing a fragment of granite taken from the summit of Mont Blanc : and of course Burgon bursts into rhyme forthwith. Here is his effusion : i. " My ring ! though I prize thee (and almost divine Is the charm Friendship lends to that circlet of thine), When I think of thy dwelling on Earth's highest hill, There's a lustre comes o'er thee that's holier still! 2. For the purest of snow, and the freshest of dew, Unseen, sinking on thee, have hallowed thee too ; And how oft, ere it gladdened the valleys below, Has the breeze cooled its wings on thy dwelling of snow! THE EARLY LIFE. 35 3- If the tale be a true one our fathers have told 5 (And who'd not believe them ?), that Angels of old Full oft from their world of enchantment have flown, To count the bright eyes that enliven our own, 4- The peak, where this granite once grew, must have been The first trace of Earth they could ever have seen; And who oh ! who knows, in their flight thro' the air, How often they've lingered to rest themselves there?" Mr. Fellows took a strong interest in ancient clocks and watches, a curious collection of which was left by his widow, Lady Fellows, to the British Museum ; and we find from their correspondence that Burgon, out of the resources of his extensive reading (the pursuit of his evenings when the business of the counting-house was over), sent his friend several pertinent and helpful memoranda on that subject. It seems that on one occasion Mr. Fellows had pressed upon him the accept- ance of a great curiosity, which from his intense love for antiquities, and objects associated with great men, he would naturally have much desired to possess, a watch which had belonged to Milton. But with his usual chivalrous delicacy of feeling, Burgon would not deprive his friend of so great a treasure. It may be added that *on religious subjects the friends entertained different opinions, of a sufficiently serious character ; but these differences do not seem on either side, certainly not on Mr. Burgon's, to have created any coolness, or to have diminished their intimacy and the interest which they 4 An allusion to Gen. vi. 2 ; " The be the Angels) "saw the daughters sons of God " (by many supposed to of men that they were fair," &c. D 2 36 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. felt in one another. Both parties candidly avowed their convictions, and maintained them argumentatively, and there the matter was allowed to drop, there was no breach of mutual confidence or esteem. Burgon's tone on the subject may be gathered from a single passage of a letter to Mr. Fellows which bears date July 21, 1833. " As regards what you have stated about religion, I have only to say what I have often said before, and what I shall often say again. I believe the sincerity, and not the nature, of our peculiar modes of regarding the Deity, will be one day called in question. I believe, in spite of all that St. Athanasius has written on the subject, that the Turk, who in a broiling sun thrice a day prostrates himself on the soil, and, though there is not a soul who beholds him, offers in that position his adoration to his God, has a much better chance of going to Heaven than the Christian, who is as regular in his weekly round of crime as he is in his appearance on Sunday Mornings at Church. Such is my creed ; and, if it were not, you may very easily imagine that I should weary you day and night with intreaties to think as I think, and to see as I see " The wonder is NOT that certain divine points should be incomprehensible : but the wonder is that finite reason should be able to comprehend so many of the designs of Infinity. We believe sundry matters in every day life, though we cannot explain them ; ' So let it be with Csesar.' " Quite in harmony with this last thought are the fine lines which he sends to Mr. Fellows in the letter, in which he announces to him his having won Lord Mayor Copeland's prize for the best "Essay on the Life and Character of Sir Thomas Gresham." It will be admitted that the image, by which he illustrates the sentiment that in the future state we, whose knowledge here has been so partial, shall " know even as we are known," is graceful and beautiful : THE EARLY LIFE. 37 " Cold, prone to err. incredulous, and slow, Man knows alas! how little here below, In vain attempts, with vision so confined, To scan the works of the Almighty Mind, Or of the little, which 'tis his to scan, To comprehend the complicated plan. Yet will the day arrive no distant day When, like thin mists before the morning's ray, One glance from the Omnipotent shall roll Error, and doubt, and darkness from his soul. The mind, which, destined for a higher sphere, Toiled darkly on through gloom and sorrow here, Will wake in wisdom, and at once expand In the mild climate of ' that better land ' ! So fared the lily, which I saw lift up Above the Ouse its alabaster cup ; Fair as it seemed, while yet beneath the wave, No sign whate'er of loveliness it gave ; But when at last it rose above the stream, Like one that wakens from a gloomy dream It opened its bright eye, and far and wide Burst into beauty o'er the azure tide." " You understand of course that the water-lily yields no blossom till it emerges from the waters. " It is past i o'clock. Good night, dear F. " J. W. B." One more of his letters to Mr. Fellows, which reveals much of his moral and intellectual character at this early date, will be presented to the reader at the end of the Chapter. We pass on now to the date of his earliest publication, A.D. 1833 i 833, when he had reached the age of twenty. This, as has been said, was a translation 6 , which was published in The Title Page of this work is par le Chev*. P. O. Brondsted, et in full, " Me'moire sur les Vases tradoit de 1' Anglais par J. W. PanatWnaiques, adresse, en foruie Burgon. Avec six plancheo." de lettre, Ji M. W. R. Hamilton, [Here follows a representation of 38 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON, Paris, of Chevalier Brondsted's monograph on Panathe- naic Vases. The discovery by his father in 1813 of the Panathenai'c Amphora, the inscription on which had given rise to a question, which Brondsted in this monograph settles, naturally had great interest for him ; (" comme la de'couverte du premier vase panathe'naique," he says in the " avant-propos " of his translation, "fut faite par mon pere a Athenes. il est naturel que j'aie du sentir un interet particulier et, pour ainsi dire, personnel, pour tout ce qui concerne 1'explication de ces monuments remarquables"), and he seems to have thought that it would be useful to present in a language ' plus repandue sur le continent " an essay which he characterises as "rempli d'e'rudition et de recherches profondes." No more need be said of this earliest publication of J. W. Burgon's than that it shows not only his deep interest, which, as we have already said, was hereditary with him, in antiquarian research, but also a mastery over the French language attained at an early age, which enabled him to speak and write it like a native. The memorandum made by him on the year of his coming of age [1834] has been given above [see p. 19]. the obverse and reverse of an old " On Panathenai'c Vases, and on silver didrachm in Mr. Thomas the Holy Oil contained in them ; Burgon's collection, which Brond- with particular reference to some sted determined to be not Aeginetan Vases of that description now in (as he had at first thought) but London : Letter addressed to W. Athenian, and to have been struck R. Hamilton, Esq.. by Chev r . P. O. with some reference to the Pana- Brondsted. From the Transactions thenaic festivals, the vase on the of the Royal Society of Literature, obverse of the coin being precisely Vol. II. Part I. London: A. J. similar in form and proportion Valpy, M.A., Printer to the Society, to all the Panathenaic amphorae 1832." Facing the Title Page is a hitherto discovered]. "Paris, Li- fine engraving of Mr. Thomas brairie de Firmin Didot Freres, Burgon (in the fifty-first 3 T ear of his Rue Jacob, No. 24, 1833." age) as the discoverer of the first The Title Page of the original Panathenaic Vase. work of Broudsted is : THE EARLY LIFE. 39 Iu the early part of the year 1835 we find him ad- dressing the following letter to the poet Southey, in view of a now edition by Southey of Cowper's works, which had been announced. It is to be regretted that Southey 's answer is not now to be found among Burgon's papers, though the envelope is forthcoming which con- tained it. and on which is written. " From the poet Southey in acknowledgement of an anecdote of Cowper, communicated to him by me. J. W. B., March 9, 1835." "ii Brunswick Square, London, 14 Feb., 1835. " Sir, In looking over the list of forthcoming publi- cations. I see with much satisfaction that a new edition is promised us of the works of that beautiful poet and excellent man, Cowper. What makes this intelligence yet more agreeable is the promise that the present volume will be edited by yourself, and accompanied by a life of the poet, from your own gifted pen. On this occasion, though a perfect stranger, I take the liberty (and I hope it is an excusable one) to communi- cate to you a little anecdote respecting Cowper, which is not perhaps so trivial as to be altogether undeserving of the notice of a Biographer. ... A friend of mine, who lives within a few miles of Weston, and whose father was well acquainted with Cowper, tells me that in the beginning of 1833, having occasion to visit Weston, he ;it over Cowpt/r's house, to see it in sfatit quo for the last time, as a farmer, who had just taken possession of the place, was in the act of painting and whitewashing the rooms to render them habitable. In the course of his survey (and you may imagine it was rather a curious one) my friend tells me that behind one of the shutters in an upper room, he found the following lines written in pencil, which he immediately recognised as being in the hand-writing of Cowper Farewell, dear scenes for ever closed to me! Oh! for what sorrow must I now exchange you. July 28, 1795.' 4O LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. "What gives interest to these verses is the circum- stance of the date, which, I believe, is the very day that Cowper left Weston for Norfolk. ... I have preserved this anecdote ; for it seems to me characteristic of the man. He has been contemplating the accustomed pros- pect from the window, perhaps for the last time, and he unburthened his ever melancholy ill-boding heart by writing a verse behind the shutter ! I long to read your censure 7 of Cowper. In the meantime I am, Sir, with much respect and admiration, " Your obedient servant, "J. W. B." This year (1835) was marked by his becoming ac- quainted with Patrick Fraser Tytler, of whom he was to publish a Memoir at the end of 1858, nearly a quarter of a century later. In that memoir [p. 239, ed. 2] he says : We " (Tytler and himself) " first met at Mr. Rogers', in St. James' Place ; but did not become acquainted until I met him (i9th December, 1835,) at the Chev. Brb'ndsted's, a learned Danish antiquary, and accom- plished traveller, who was lodging at Palliano's in Leicester Square. The party at Brondsted's being small, and my own youthful pursuits being of a kindred nature to Mr. Tytler 's, I remember regarding him as a lawful prize, and making the most of the opportunity to discover from him something about the nature and extent of the 7 The word certainly seems to be Laertes (Hamlet I. 3, 69) we find " censure," which is generally used " Take each man's censure, but of an unfavourable judgment. Oc- reserve thy judgment." casionally however (like its Latin And again in Richard III (ii. 2, original censura) it means merely 144) ; a judgment or opinion, whether "Madam, and you my mother, favourable or unfavourable. J. W. will you go B.'s mind was thoroughly imbued To give your censures in this with Shakspere's phraseology. And weighty business ? " in Polonius's often-quoted advice to THE EARLY LIFE. 41 MS. stores in our great national repositories. Enthu- siastic he certainly found me, and observant, if not learned, in such matters. The first note I ever received from him, (February, 1836,) reminds me that I called his attention to the curious Common-place Book of Lord Burghley's among the Lansdowne MSS.. which contained several entries of interest to himself. His affability, and the patience with which, though his years fully doubled mine, he surrendered himself for the whole evening to so unprofitable a conversationist, I well remember ; as well as the gratification I experienced at forming the ac- quaintance of one whose tastes and whose manners were so entirely congenial." It was not until three years later (1838) that the acquaintance thus formed with Tytler ripened into close friendship. li Circumstances " (doubtless, his researches for mate- rials for the ' Life and Ti/,/rx of Grecian, ') " led me in the beginning of the year 1838 to apply for permission to inspect the Domestic and Flemish Correspond- ence of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, preserved in the State Paper Office. Mr. Tytler was then the only person reading there ; and it is needless to say that the bond of a common study, constantly pursued in the same room, drew us very much together. When the Office closed, we discussed as we walked home the questions on which we had been respectively engaged, and the papers which had passed under our eyes. Not unfrequently, at the Office, one stole across to the desk of the other, docu- ment in hand ; and many an interesting conversation ensued, by which it is needless to say that I was very much the gainer. Though but a novice in such studies, I was passionately fond of them ; and, I suppose, made up somewhat in enthusiasm and application for what I wanted in knowledge. . . . He treated me like a younger brother ; invited me often to his house, and admitted me freely to his confidence. I grew very fond of him indeed, and it made me happy to find that he was equally fond 42 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. of me" [Burgon's "Memoir of P. F. Tytler, London: 1859, pp. 263, 4]. There can be no doubt that Tytler exerted a consider- able influence upon Burgon, though it was one which Burgon was already thoroughly predisposed to receive. There was a wonderful homogeneousness both of intel- lectual and moral tastes between the two men. Tytler was a great adept at comic sketches, witness his sister's description of him, as given in Burgon's Memoir, p. 297, which description, word for word, might have been written for Burgon, although in point of fact it was written for Tytler. One of his favourite amusements was to draw comic sketches for young children, with which he illustrated his letters to them, and of which some specimens will be given at a later period of this work. And deep would be Burgon's sympathy with this beautiful eulogy upon children, which he has quoted from Tytler [Memoir, pp. 132, 133]: "In recalling the many days of happiness which I have enjoyed, I am not sure but that (next to my own domestic circle) the memory rests with the greatest pleasure on the hours I have spent amongst children. Amongst men and women, we are perpetually meeting with all that overcasts the original excellence of our nature ; with ambition, interest, pride, vanity ; with the jarring of contending interests and opinions, the false assumption of knowledge, the doublings of affectation, the tediousness of egotism, or the repinings of disappoint- ment. All these are perpetually elbowing us in our intercourse with men. With children, we see Nature in its real colours, and happiness unsullied as yet by an acquaintance with the world. Their little life is like the fountain which springs pure and sparkling into the light, and reflects for a while the sunshine and loveliness of Heaven on its bosom. Their absence of all affecta- tion, their ignorance of the arts of the world, their free THE EARLY LIFE. 43 expression of opinion, their ingenuous confidence, the beautiful aptitude with which their minds instantly embrace the doctrine of an over-ruling Providence, and the exquisite simplicity and confidence of their addresses to the Father in Heaven ; that unforced cheerfulness, that ' sunshine of the breast,' which is only clouded by ' the tear forgot as soon as shed ' ; all this is to be found in the character of children, and of children only." In introducing these sentiments of his friend's, Burgon tells us that he sympathizes with them entirely. Those who knew him would not need to be told so. Every word might have been written by himself. " J. W. B.'s tenderly kind feeling for us as children," writes his surviving eister, many years younger than him- self, " will always dwell in my heart. Many a time, when we were little, and ill in bed, he would, though pressed for time, before accompanying our father to the City, hastily draw several pictures for us to paint, and bring them up to us, with a plate of colours rubbed from his own paint-box, to afford us amusement through the day. Then, with many kisses and kind words, he would promise to come up and see us immediately he returned home, a promise he never failed to keep." The record of the year 1835 must not pass over with- out some notice of his visit to Shakspere's birth-place, which is thus briefly recorded in his diary : " 1835, Oct. 27, Tuesday. Drew Shakspeare's House went over it made impressions of his tombstone, &c. . . . I slept in Shakspeare's House drew and rhymed. (Kit's " his youngest sister's " yth Birthday.") He was on a ten days' tour with one of his sisters, in the course of which they saw Woodstock, Blenheim, Charle- cote, Hampton Lucy, and Stratford-on-Avon. The night of the 2 jth was spent by him on an oaken settle in the room shown as the birth-place of Shakspere, with the 44 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. expectation, as many years after he told the Rev. John Pickford, that the poetic afflatus would visit him ; but he added that he awoke in the grey dawn, cold and uncomfortable, and experienced no elevating sensation whatever. Mr. Pickford, who was present in the family circle at Turvey, when Dean Burgon (as he then was) narrated this disappointing experience, and who is well versed (if any man ever was) in old traditions and the habits of thought of bygone generations, writes in reference to this incident as follows : " Perhaps J. W. B., when he spent the night on the oak-settle at Stratford -on- A von, might have been think- ing of what Persius says in his exordium : ' Nee in bicipiti somniasse Parnasso Memini, ut repente sic poeta prodirem.' (Nor on Parnassus' two-peaked height Remember I t' have dreamed at night, And then woke up in twilight gray, A poet at the spring of day.) "I fancy this idea is very universal. The Welsh proverb says that 'the man who sleeps on Snowdon will awake a poet.' When Dean Burgon told me of it, I quoted (in reference to the rawness of the early October morning, which had disenchanted him) the lines of Hudibras : 'When, like a lobster boiled, the morn From black to red begins to turn.'" It will be seen that in the following year (1836) he did experience " a rapture," in rather more favourable physical surroundings, over Milton's house. It is possible that some may regard the incident of passing the night on the oak-settle as a fantastic freak, a piece of levity inconsistent with seriousness of character. But the truth is that, from a very early age, the study to THE EARLY LIFE. 45 which he devoted more time and labour than any other always excepting that of the Holy Scriptures, which drew to themselves after his Ordination ever more and more his cares, his pains, his studies, was that of Shak- spere, the sonnets as well as the plays. The writer has now in his possession a manuscript book of Burgon's notes on Shakspere with the most copious memoranda on the Editions, the various readings, the antiquated expressions, and the loci ctazsici of each play ; and from certain of these memoranda it is clear that he had in contemplation an edition of Shakspere, with a commentary and a life. The notes are unfinished (doubtless from the fact that in later life the pastoral labours and the sacred studies of the Christian Ministry absorbed too much of his time) ; but a page is left for each play with a heading, of which a specimen is here given : /ET. 41. KING LEAR 25. 1605 (Malone). Allusions to 9 9 3 J a & bo c j > $ oi M u :, =. 2 P L-'- 3. 2 /. - 9 1 <) M B *3 -2 ~- ~ e M I i a -- II Only two or three of these pages, with their counter- pages on the left hand of the reader, are absolutely desti- tute of all annotation. The eleven earlier ones (Henry VI, Part I ; Part II ; Part III ; Gentlemen of Verona ; Comedy of Errors ; Richard II ; Richard III ; Midsummer Night's Dream ; Merchant of Venice ; Love's Labour's Lost ; Taming of the Shrew,) are copiously annotated on 46 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. both page and counter-page. His scheme seems to have been to exhibit the plays in the chronological order in which Shakspere wrote them. A few excerpts from these Notes and Memoranda, which, it is thought, might interest the reader, are given in an Appendix. (See Appendix A.) But before passing away from his studies in Shak- spere, in which, as well as other literary pursuits, he found a great relief from the always distasteful drudgery of his father's counting-house, it will be well to give one or two passages of his correspondence with the Rev. Joseph Hunter, of Sheffield (b. 1783 ; d. 1861), an eminent writer on British Antiquities, author of ' The History and Topography of the, Parish of Sheffield] and . ' The Hi-story and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster] whose intimate knowledge of ancient writings and minute points of history procured him in 1833 the appointment of Sub-Commissioner of the Public Records, and, on the re-construction of the Record Office in 1838, that of assistant-keeper of the first class. Here is the letter in which Burgon opened the cor- respondence : " Reverend Sir, The handwriting of this letter is un- known to you ; but when 1 recall to your memory the conversation you had with a stranger the other night, at the party given by our friend Mr. Fellows, you will easily recognise the writer. It is with reference to that conversa- tion that I am now taking the liberty of addressing you. " I believe I told you that I have, for some years past, devoted all the leisure I have had at my disposal to the illustration of Shakspeare's 8 life. Among other things 8 In the correspondence of Mr. latter with an e in the first as well Burgon with Mr. Hunter the name as an a in the second. Shakspere of Shakspere is spelt as they re- himself spelt his name with neither spectively spell it, the former with one nor the other. Six genuine an a in the second syllable, the signatures of his are in existence, THE EARLY LIFE. 47 I discovered, unaided, the clue to his sonnets ; and have pleased myself with the idea, that an Essay them. Nobody ever spells Cecil's name with two Is, because he him- self so spelt it six hundred times. Moreover, many eminent persons have spelt their names in two or more ways, e.g. Drydenand Raleigh. The spelling of our great poet's name, which has been sanctioned for 250 years by the majority of cultivated and well-educated persons is indis- putably SHAKSPEARE ; and to depart from this established mode' of ortho- graphy is affected and pedantic. He points out, as regards Shak- spere's acknowledged -signatures, that three of the six are attached to one document, his will, and " are there- fore only entitled to one vote." The three others he makes out to be dubious. " It is true," he says, " that the Parish Clerk of Stratford spelt the name Shakspere 27 times out of 30 in the Parish Register. But Shakspeare's daughter and her husband, Dr. Hall, who were his executors, and certainly raised a monument to him, spelt his name as I spell it, SHAKSPEARE. If her father had hinted any dislike to this spelling, she would not have adopted it for his monument." But the reader who desires to pursue the subject must refer for himself to the articles in the ' Gentleman 's Maga- zine? They are extremely charac- teristic, the writer being assured that his conclusion was beyond all controversy the right one, and ex- pressing himself with the vehemence of an impulsive nature, as was always J. W. B.'s wont. " three attached to his will, and two affixed to deeds connected with the mortgage and sale of a property in Blackfriars," and the sixth in his copy of Montaigne's Essays, now in the British Museum. Moreover in the entries of his baptism and burial in the Register of Stratford Church, and in those of the baptisms of his three children, and of the burial of his son, the name is always spelt SHAKSPERE. [See the first note to the Preface to Knight's edition of Shakspere, from which the above particulars are taken.] It is thus spelt therefore in this narrative. The author, however, is quite sensible that by adopting this mode of spelling a world-famous name, he would have incurred the (literary) wrath of the dear friend whose Biography he is writing. One of Burgon's articles in the 'Genth,, Magazine' [March, 1840, vol. xiii. j>. jfi.f] i> " A Reply to Mr. John Bruce on the Orthography of Shakspeare's name." And in the following May [vol. xiii. p. 474] appeared in the same magazine " A Reply to Mr. Bruce's Reply to my former Letter," both articles signed with his name at full length. Mr. Bruce had contended that the name should be spelt Shakspere, because this was the continual and consis- tent usage of the poet himself. Burgon replies that there is no proof that the poet invariably spelt his name in one way, and some good reasons for thinking he did not, and that we do not necessarily spell names as their owners spelt 48 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. on the subject, at some future period, would not be unattended with the approbation of men whom it is a merit to please. I have accumulated by degrees, obser- vations, having reference more or less directly to Shakspeare ; and with a little leisure should be prepared to publish an Essay on his life. " But it appears that you have been yourself for many years pursuing the same inquiries, and that on certain subjects we have come to the same conclusions. Further, I am inclined to believe from your conversation, that it is your intention, sooner or later, to publish something on the subject of Shakspeare. " Now Sir, the frank and liberal style in which you conversed with me the other night makes me desirous of acting in a manner as courteous towards yourself ; and I wish to know, whether it would give you pain, or indeed any degree of displeasure, that I should proceed with my humble Essay? I cannot of course resolve this question for myself, because I am ignorant of what your own particular intentions may be on the subject ; though I must say, they appear to me likely to be on so much more extensive a scale than the extent of my leisure has ever permitted me to contemplate, that I can scarcely imagine that such few observations as I might be desirous of publishing, would interfere very materially with you. I trust that you will regard this letter in the light in which it is really written, and that you will not deem the spirit of it either as inquisi- tive or presumptuous. My only wish is, to avoid giving you hereafter any mortification or displeasure. " I am, Sir, with much respect, " Your most obed*- servant, "JOHN W. BURGON. "Tuesday night, Feb. n, 1835. "u, Brunswick Square. "To the Rev. Joseph Hunter, No. 30, Torrington Square." THE EARLY LIFE. 49 And here is Mr. Hunter's answer, written on the fol- lowing day, courteously informing his young friend that he was not the first who had discovered the clue to Shak- spere's Sonnets. When all allowance has been made for the complimentary vein of the letter (arising from the natural gratification felt by Hunter at young Burgon's deference to him as an authority), it is still clear that the veteran antiquarian thought highly of the labours and abilities of the juvenile one. " 30, Torrington Square, February 1 2, 1 835. " Dear Sir, I meet with so few persons who are engaged in curious investigations connected with our early literature, that it is quite a refreshment and a pleasure to find that such investigations are being pur- sued in quarters unsuspected. I heard of your enquiries, of the manner in which they were conducted, and of the results, with no other feelings than those of satisfaction ; and so far from wishing them to cease, or from wishing that the public should not, as speedily as to you may seem meet, enjoy the benefit of them, I most earnestly desire that they should be pursued, and I anticipate very high gratification, whenever the world shall be favoured with your work. " This will I think be a sufficient answer to the more material part of the truly obliging note which you have addressed to me, a courtesy demanding from me the most respectful acknowledgment. What I may do with my own collections of a similar nature, I can by no means tell ; I may go on collecting and planning to the end of life, or I may snatch a few days of leisure from pursuits * deeply interesting to me indeed, but little congenial with these, and throw them before long upon the great heap of Shakespear-criticism. This however ought not to have, and cannot have, any effect on your operations, as enquiries so entirely independent of each other must needs lead to very different particular results, whatever the general conclusions may be ; but I should think it a very great misfortune, if my humble labours in this' VOL. i. E 50 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. department should deprive the public of the benefit of enquiries so tasteful and so judiciously conducted as yours, or yourself of the high honour which belongs to such successful investigators in our national literature. " The point itself, that the Earl of Pembroke was the person to whom most part, or all, of the Sonnets were addressed, you will have perceived is no secret, as you have no doubt referred to the volume of the ' Gentleman s Magazine' to which I referred you. Mr. Boaden, you will perceive, there distinctly announces the fact, and details some part of the evidence by which the conclusion is supported. I had corresponded for many years before that time with the friend who is named in my letter, on this very point. It was indeed his discovery, not mine : and it may be some satisfaction to you to hear that no one will rejoice more than he in the appearance of your Essay. But though the fact itself cannot therefore be considered in the light of ' a secret,' there are inferences to be drawn from it of a most curious nature, which may equally entitle him who draws them to the merit of a discoverer, and a discoverer in a region unknown, but full of surprise and curiosity. " I remain, with the truest respect, " Dear Sir, " Your obliged and very faithful servant, "JOSEPH HUNTER. " John W. Burgon, Esq." The correspondence between Mr. Hunter and the young friend who had such a sympathy with him in his Shaksperian studies, and in antiquarian subjects generally, was carried on during the latter part of 1835 and the earlier part of 1 836, and witnesses to an acquaint- ance of Burgon with general literature, which at his age, and gained as it was during the short intervals of leisure which his occupations at the counting-house allowed of, is truly surprising. THE EARLY LIFE. 51 From this digression on the Shaksperian studies, which engrossed him so largely in the earlier part of his life, we return to our narrative. . Some two or three years after the publication of the translation of Brb'ndsted's monograph on the Panathena'ic Vases an announcement was made in the City that " a prize would be given by William Taylor Copeland, Esq., then Lord Mayor, to the author of the best Essay ' on the Life and Character of Sir Thomas Gresham ; ' which was to be comprised within such limits, that the public recitation of it should not exceed half an hour." Young Burgon was connected with the City by his employment in his father's counting-house ; he had been born and bred in commercial circles ; and thus Gresham in the sixteenth century \fj. 1519 ; d. 1579], son of a Lord Mayor, "the royal merchant" as he was called, who had furnished out of his own purse the funds for building the Royal Exchange 9 (the merchants had hitherto trans- acted their business in the open air), was likely, inde- pendently of any desire to win a prize, to be an attractive subject to him, falling in as it did with his immediate surroundings. We learn from a private letter, bearing A.D. 1836. date March 15, 1836, that Mr. Renouard, who as English *' 23 ' Chaplain at Smyrna in 1813 had baptized him, an eminent Orientalist, an elegant scholar, and a man of 9 It may be added that the house traffic of the Gresham family with of Gresham traded in the Levant, the Levant is supplied by the will ,^md seems to have been one of the of Lady Isabella Gresham (Sir . earliest English houses which did John's sister-in-law), where particu- BO, and that Mr. Thomas Burgon lar mention is made of her ' Turkey also, the father of the subject of this carpets,' a great luxury for a Memoir, was, as has been already private individual, in an age when said, a Turkey merchant, and an as- rushes formed part of the furniture Bociate in the Levant Company, and of the court." Burgon's ' Life and had a house of business at Smyrna. Times of Gresham,' vol. i. p. la. " Another illustration of the early E 2 52 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. high general cultivation, had offered to look over the manuscript before it was sent in. Young Burgon availed himself gladly of so advantageous an offer. In a letter of not quite three weeks afterwards (April 2, 1836) he acknowledged the receipt of Mr. Renouard's criticisms; where the suggested alterations have been verbal, " I have adopted them without hesitation ; where the sentiment is concerned, I have taken the liberty of weighing them a little, and, though I have invariably availed myself of the sagacious interlinear pencilling, there yet remain some few passages which I have noted, as passages about which I should like to say a few words to you." Further on in the same letter he gives an account of the method in which the Essay had been drawn up, which deserves to be quoted as illustrative both of his habit of postponing work to the last moment (a habit which clung to him in the composition of his sermons, in which he was occasionally so pressed for time that the manuscript was only finished just before the bell for the service at which he was to preach went down), and of the indefatigable industry and research characteristic of his every literary effort : " The truth is, that I acted very foolishly in the way I wrote it. I deferred, from want of leisure, turning my thoughts to the subject, till within a very few weeks of the day appointed for the compositions to be sent in to the worthies who were to pronounce on their merits. When at last the time drew near, I obtained permission from iny father to pass a few days at the British Museum. Here, to my great astonishment, I discovered, that what I contemplated as a mere Essay, was capable of being amplified into something very like a Life. I found letters original, and written in the very crampest hands official documents, and, above all, an immense mass of really useful information concerning my hero ; scattered however of course, up and down, in THE EARLY LIFE. 53 all manner of out of the way books. ... I assure you, Sir, for the week or so I passed in .the Reading-room pursuing this inquiry, I worked as few of the readers there have done. The iron fist of time was pressing upon me ; and if I failed to bring my work to an end by the appointed time, there was but one alternative, to abandon the undertaking altogether, a thing not to be thought of with me. When the evening came, I used to sit up in my lodgings (it was during the repairs of our house) and I never rose from my papers till my hand was literally too weary to guide my pen, or my brain too tired to guide either. I used first to transcribe in a fair hand the scarcely legible note I had made at the Museum ; then, as collectedly as I was able, to weave them into a kind of story, and I was finally only able to finish transcribing my Essay into the book you have seen, by half past two in the afternoon of the day ap- pointed for the Essays to be sent in ; so that I literally never once read over what I had written, till my MS. was returned to me from Crosby Square. . . . Pardon this long egotistical paragraph I did not know that it was going to extend over so much paper . . . but I could not suppress it altogether ; for it really seems scarcely proper to trouble a kind friend with a composition containing so many obvious inaccuracies. " I must still go over it once more with a microscopic eye ; for the pointing, and other such nitga, comparatively unimportant as they are in MS., look terribly distinct when they come to be printed. I have written to Hamburg, and to Antwerp, on the subject of Sir Thomas Gresham, and I have been assured from good authority, that many an archive that has slumbered for centuries, 1 has been disturbed, and is undergoing examination, at both places, for my sake. Do you know Dr. Lappenburg 1 ? 1 So J. W. B. spells the name. Chapter of the Church of Hamburg. Johsnn Martin Lappenberg was an He doubtless was one of the per- eminent German historian, born at sons to whom Burgon had written Hamburg in 1794, where he was to institute researches about Gres- appointed by the Senate of the City ham. When in London, Lappen- of the Rolls, and where he berg often joined the circle iu discovered the Archives of the Brunswick Square. 54 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. " My paper warns me to conclude but I will not do so till I have begged to be most kindly remembered to your amiable sisters (I wish the world contained more such ladies) and till I have offered you my share of thanks for all your kindnesses to Caroline and Tom. " Believe me most respectfully, dear Sir, " Your obliged and affectionate "JOHN W. BURGOX." Shortly after the date of the above letter (April 2, 1836), and before the public reading at the Mansion House of the abbreviated Gresham Essay (May 14 of the same year) the first great shadow fell upon his life, a shadow which contributed with later sorrows to give a tinge of melancholy to his character, contrasting strangely with, and throwing up into relief, the occa- sional hilariousness of his buoyant spirits. This was the death of his little sister Katharine Margaret (-'Kitty"), born Oct. 27, 1828, to whom he was tenderly attached, and of whose pretty childish ways and words he had long been observant, as appears from sundry memoranda in his Journal. The circumstances of this dear child's death and burial were deemed by him worthy of a special journal, which he calls, " The Journal of my sorrows " ; and justice would hardly be done to the extraordinary sensibility of John William Burgon, both as regards his love of young children, and his affection for kin- dred, unless the reader were presented with a slight sketch of the contents of this journal and one or two extracts from it. Kitty had been ailing since Thursday, April 14, but her sore throat was so much better on Saturday, the 23rd, that " she ran about the house and resumed all her dear old ways," and her brother went with a light heart to visit Mr. Renouard at Swans- THE EARLY LIFE. 55 combe, and to confer with him about the Gresham Essay, in which Renouard had detected " several inaccuracies." It was. however, but a 'momentary gleam of sunshine, upon which the clouds were soon to close in again thicker than ever. When he reached home on Monday, the 25th, he found that the child's " throat gave evidence of a worse state " ; the complaint was pronounced to be an " ulcer creeping downwards, and making for the wind- pipe one of the gates of life " ; and the family were assured by the medical practitioners that the only chance of recovery was the opening of the wind-pipe. He darts otf for the specialist who is recommended, and holds the child down during the operation, which, however, proves unsuccessful. . . . "Three or four times did she make signs that she wanted something ; for I told her, as often as she wanted something, to lift up her hand ; and what do you sup- pose the angel wanted? when I approached my face, I found all she desired was to embrace me ; she passed her thin poor hand round my neck, and in that un- comfortatle posture, uncomfortable to herself, I mean held me for half a minute at a time ; once she even raised her parched lips to kiss me, and every time I approached her face, I kissed her and called her the names I knew she would like best." Frightened at first by the thought that she was going to die, " 'Johnny,' she said, 'jx-ay;' and while she of her own ac- cord folded her little hands, and looked up to Heaven, I prayed aloud Presently she said she was ' better now,' and folded her hands again. I then repeated the Lord's Prayer to her, and she nodded approbation. She subse- quently often looked up. and I reminded her of many con- soling things, and told her of the angels, and, I am sure, comforted her. She grew much calmer and happier, and seemed to have no more religious misgivings. . . . And here let me pause and reflect what awful moments must those 56 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. have been to my angelic Kate, with which I am dealing so briefly. When she asked me if she was going to die, doubt- less the advancing shadows of death were falling upon her soul. It must be an awful sensation that of dying ; one, to which the external appearances are no real index ; paleness means nothing, tells nothing ; but in the ' secret closure of the breast,' in the inmost heart, there must be a deep and indefinable dread, a consciousness of some great change one cannot tell what the ground must seem sinking from beneath one, the scene must seem growing misty around one~, and on the ' prophetic soul,' already loosening its connexion with the clay, must begin to dawn the awful glories of an eternal morning. It must be terrible, all alone, to have to walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, to know that none of those around you can participate in the perils of the journey, that He, whom we have never yet known than as the object of prayer, is to be our Guide, and that an instant will bring us into His dread presence, which, though one knows it to be at all times near, one fancies at all times to be immeasurably distant. I say it must be an awful thing to die ; and when afterwards I looked on Kitty's lifeless face, I surveyed it and her wijh a deep 2 One is reminded of the opening And could fall back on nought to of Cardinal Newman's ' Dream of be my stay, Gerontius' written many years (Help, loving Lord! Thou my sole afterwards : Refuge, Thou,) " Pray for me, my friends ; a And turn no whither, but must visitant needs decay Is knocking his dire summons And drop from out the uni- at my door, versal frame The like of whom, to scare me Into that shapeless, scopeless, and to daunt, blank abyss, Has never, never come to me That utter nothingness, of before ; which I came : "Tis death, loving friends, This is it that hath come to pass your prayers ! 'tis he ! ... in me ; As though my very being had Oh, horror ! this it is, my given way, dearest, this ; As though I was no more a sub- So pray for me, my friends, who have stance now, not strength to pray." THE EARLY LIFE. 57 respectful aw'e. Little, weak, helpless, dear child, thought I. whom, while you lived, I considered as a tender play- thing, and trembled lest the very winds should visit thee too roughly. I taught thee, and unfolded thy young mind as tenderly as sunshine unfolds the sweet blossom of the rose ; for thou wast young, and more ignorant than I ; but now Death hath made thee the wiser of the twain. All that the wisest man on earth knows is foolishness compared with what thou knowest ; thou, in thy inno- cence, in thy helplessness, hast wrestled with the con- queror ; thy agony is over, thy race is run ; all that I dread, yet wish to know, thou knowest ; the mysteries of Heaven have been revealed to thy sense. My sister, I bow to thee now ! Oh sweet one, think sometimes, when thou art in Para- dise, of me think of thy old friend and brother, and be my ministering angel ! ' Dr. Leemans, an attached friend of the family, had gi\ en the child a rose-tree a little time back. " I remember the delight that rose-tree gave her, when she first possessed it. It had then but one flower in bloom, and the rest were in buds. Alas ! the flower she loved was withering, but fresh blossoms were unfolding around it ! Kitty was dead ; but the rose was living blooming, fresh, and green, and strong ! ! Some of the flowers and leaves were subsequently scattered in her coffin, where they looked very lovely. The rose-tree itself I have taken out of its mould, and preserved, root and all, in paper. | In the evening came the leaden coffin. I stood at the door trembling, while the men deposited within it the darling form of my sister. Terrible as it was to me, I was determined that her Jonah " (the child's way of pro- nouncing Johnnie), "whom she loved so dearly, should see her gently handled, and stand by through every scene, even to the last." 58 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. On Monday, May 2, the funeral took place, and Katie was interred in the Church of St. Stephen's, Wai- brook. With the other members of the family he goes into the vault, and sees her deposited there, and sketches from memory in " the Journal of my sorrows " the posi- tion of the coffins. Kitty, however, was not to lie there for ever. The dear child will come before the reader again. Thirty-one years after she was to share, with several of the mediaeval saints, the honour of a " Trans- lation." She was enshrined in the heart of her brother ; and he longed to have her grave in the place of his residence, that he might pay it constant visits, and there indulge in all the tender recollections which the thought of her never failed to summon up in his mind. Most touching are some of these reminiscences, which he has committed to paper on August 14 of the same year, when he finds himself " oppressed with a profound melancholy," and " does not know what to do to console himself." We are told of the extraordinary affectionate- ness of the child, of her sensitive delicacy, of her fear of giving pain, of her anxiety to give pleasure even in mere trifles ; of all her little winning ways and frolicsome talk with him, when he used to come in from the Counting- house (" I used to praise her for the excellence of her tone, and say in the tone of La ci darem la mano, ' I know who's a fine girl ; her name is Kit^ ' ; to which her reply always was, with a slight variation, ' I know who's a fine boy; his name is Jo Ah ! who has not wished that just then a deep slumber On him and his cherished companions might fall, That the summons, which else would steal one from their number, Miirlit come like an Angel of peace to them all! " At the beginning of the year 1838 occurred the burning A.D. 1838. of the Royal Exchange, which was the occasion of re- ' L 2 * VOL. i. F 66 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. viving his project of publishing on the subject of Gresham's Life and Times, as he tells us in his Preface. " Two years had elapsed, when the destruction of the Royal Exchange by fire in the beginning of 1838 seems to have suggested the idea that a more auspicious moment had arrived for the appearance of the life of its founder ; and inquiries were made for the neglected MS." (He had " laid it aside," under the impression that, with the large mass of materials at command, justice could not be done to the subject in a small compass.) " But before it left his hands the writer determined to apply for permission to inspect the correspondence of Sir Thomas Gresham, which he was told existed in the State Paper Office ; and the necessary facilities having been very obligingly granted him by Lord John Rus- sell ... to the State Paper Office he repaired. Great indeed was his surprise and satisfaction at discovering such a mass of historic evidence as was then first dis- closed to him. Hundreds of letters now appeared in place of the scanty documents which he had hitherto known of; and these volumes are the result." The Gresham family being of Norfolk extraction, and deriving its name from a small village in Norfolk, the free school of Holt in Norfolk having been the manor- house of James Gresham, Sir Thomas's great-grandfather, and Intwood Hall, about three miles from Norwich, having been his country seat, inherited from his father, it was obvious for young Burgon to apply to his father's friend, Mr. Dawson Turner, of Great Yarmouth, for assistance in his ' Life of Gresham,' not only as the pos- sessor of a " valuable MS. library," but also as thoroughly versed in the antiquities of the eastern counties. This assistance he acknowledges in his Preface, pp. xv, xvi. Accordingly ' Gres/tam ' was resumed, and, as was Burgon's wont, "whatsoever his hand found to do, he did it with his might." On the day of the Queen's THE EARLY LIFE. 67 Coronation (Thursday, May 28, 1838) the brief entry in his Journal is as follows : " Coronation Toin and Helen " (his younger brother and youngest surviving sister) " went to see it I did ' Gresham ' all day." On Saturday, July 27 : " Said the last word to the last sheet of T. G. !!!!"; and, finally, Aug. 26 (when he is in the midst of a Scotch tour with his friend Patrick Fraser Tytler) : " ' Gresham' came out." But his visit to Norfolk in 1838 ought not to be passed over without some detailed notice of it, because this seems to have been the commencement of an inti- macy, which he prized very highly, with the amiable and estimable family of the late Mr. Dawson Turner. The ostensible object of the visit was that he might see with his own eyes Holt and Intwood, and make en- quiries on the spot as to any particulars of the Gresham family, which might have been handed down by tradi- tion, and still linger among the peasantry. He accom- plished this before he left the county ; but it is clear from his Journal that his acquaintance with the Turner family rather diverted him for a time from his avowed object, by setting up another strong current of interest in his mind, and exercising upon him an influence not merely intellectual, but sentimental. Mr. Dawson Turner himself was just such a character as would naturally attract Burgon. He was highly cultivated, and was strong in several subjects, particularly in antiquities. Papers from his pen appear in the Transactions of various scientific Societies ; several of the most inter- esting monographs to be found in the Proceedings of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society were contributed by him ; and it was he who wrote the letter- press for Cotman's splendid engravings of ' The Antiqui- ties of Normandy' He possessed valuable pictures and P 2 68 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. antiques, and, being a great botanist, had got together a hortu* ticcus, which was one of the completest collections of that kind in the country. But Burgon himself shall give whathecalls "apen andinksketch" of him. Thus he writes in his Journal of Monday, 16 April, 1838 : " D. T. is an extraordinary man ; he combines the banker with the man of letters. He is a classic and a botanist, a picture-fancier, an autograph collector, and general lover of rirfii,& pleasant companion, a kind host, a zealous abettor in literary enquiries" (witness his hospitality to young Burgon, when bent on prosecuting his researches into Gresham's life), " the very tenderest of husbands, and the very kindest of fathers. But the business habit usque recurrit ; he tells you how much this and that cost ; what he has been offered, and what he has refused ; what he would and what he would not give for other men's, and take for some of his own trea- sures ... He reminds me of Scott" (Sir Walter), " is so fond of dogs." En route to Great Yarmouth, and again in returning to London, Burgon stops at Norwich, lionises the Ca- thedral, where "Dean Pellew is making immense im- provements, or rather restorations. ; the roof, or rather ceiling, a noble coup d'ceutt few tombs," " attends the Cathedral service Apr. 15 " (it was Easter Day), where " a lad sang the Anthem, But tAou didst not leave His soul in hel^ like an angel, small voice, but so sweet it was splendid, but there was not enough chaunting, and he who has been to Oxford and Cambridge misses the Amen*, which were done in prose," (Take notice, all manner of people whom it may concern, that such is the case in Norwich Cathedral no longer) ; sees the pictures in St. Andrew's Hall, and the Guild Hall, and at the latter place " the sword Nelson took from the Spaniard at the battle of St. Vincent." On Easter-Monday he THE EARLY LIFE. 69 gets to the Star at Yarmouth by 9 A. M. " A few doors distant is the Bank, and over the Bank lives Dawson Turner in a wonderfully contrived house, where there is every luxury, every convenience, and no more idea above stairs of what is passing below than there is in the blue empyrean of what takes place in this nether sphere. I found Mr. Turner admiring a newly acquired Titian, for which he has paid ^ J i8o." He meets at Mr. Turner's house Bernard Barton the Quaker Poet 5 , and a propos of some Cowperian relics, which a very old woman had recently been showing to Barton, and also of Cowper's autograph translation of the ' Iliad ',' which his host possessed and exhibited to his two literary guests, he has a long talk about Cowper, and about poets and poetry in general ; " we discussed the Lakers and the Saltwater worthies ; Barton likes both Words- worth and Pope, and is therefore all right but Lamb seemed his favourite food he wrote his name in my Album seemed a cheerful, grave, and (in a word) good kind of little fellow." He is in the element in which he luxuriates : " I cannot pretend to describe Mr. Turner's Library such an immense collection of Books, illus- trated, and in a thousand ways rendered valuable MSS. drawings. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c." As to the hospi- tality of his reception in this wonderful house, most congenial to him as being the repository of so much Literature, Art, and Antiquity, he writes " I am domi- 5 Bernard Barton (b. 1 784, d. himself to literature ; but Charles 1849), a member of the Society of Lamb dissuaded him from doing so in Friends, was employed in a bank at strong and incisive terms ; " Throw Woodbridge in Suffolk. His ' Me- yourself rather, my dear Sir, from trical Effusions' published in 1812, the steep Tarpeian rock slap-dash and a second volume of poems in headlong on iron spikes." He 1820 having been favourably re- received a pension of 100 a year, ceived, he seems to have thought of in recognition of his poetical labours, abandoning the bank, and devoting 7 o LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. ciled in a bedroom fit for the great Cham of Tartary." It is clear, however, from the Journal that (as already hinted) the chief attraction of those four days at Yar- mouth (April 1 6, 17, 18, 19 of the year 1838) was a sentimental one. Such topics are sacred and must be passed over in silence. But every one who knows how passionately susceptible to affection of all kinds his nature was, can imagine what would be the nature of his self-communings under such circumstances. Suffice it to say that colder and older men than John William Burgon (he was then only twenty-five) have found the days when love first lays hold of their whole being, and they are made to feel the force of Coleridge's description of it, "All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame," to be the golden days of this plodding, care-beset earthly life, days of continuous delight, if only the hope of ultimate union with the object upon which the affections are set, however remote, is not entirely pre- cluded. To him, than whom nobody ever knew better how to put an heroic restraint upon himself in the interests of the persons he loved, it seemed that, depen- dent as some of the members of his family were upon him, to have offered marriage to any one would have been wrong, as gratifying his own inclinations at the ex- pense of those who had a prior claim upon him. Those who knew him but superficially would not have believed it, he was at all times so gay and light-hearted ; but he was ever austere to himself, and almost an ascetic in his personal habits. Hence the strong attraction to the other sex, which in the majority of men seeks and finds its grati- fication in marriage, and soon sobers down in a single THE EARLY LIFE. 71 tranquil channel, in him fastened more or less to the end of his life on every agreeable woman whom he came across, and assumed occasionally, though always in transparent guilelessness and simplicity, an almost amatory expression. In order that the continuity of our narrative may not be broken, portions of his correspondence with Mr. Turner will be given at the end of this Chapter, from which it will appear that at that critical period of his life when his father's mercantile failure left Burgon free to indulge what had always been the fondest wish of his heart, and to prepare himself for Holy Orders in the regular way by going through the curriculum of Oxford, and taking his degree, Mr. Turner, who was generous and munificent in pro- portion to his means, which at that time were ample, if not excessively large, offered the assistance of his purse towards the expenses of his academical career, which, after some delicate and honourable demur on the part of Burgon, was gratefully accepted. Mr. Turner probably thought (and who will not be found to agree with him '?) that a little help given at the outset of his career to one who bade fair to become (as he did eventually become) a great Doctor of the Church, and a power in the religious life of the country, could not by possibility be so well bestowed elsewhere, or bring in a more really remunerative and satisfactory return. Minor incidents of this or the ensuing year, which need only be cursorily adverted to, are his contributions to the ' Neic General Biographical Dictionary ',' which his brother-in-law (Rev. Henry John Rose 6 ) was at that time editing, of the Articles on Bertrand Andrieu [1761-1822], the celebrated French engraver of medals; 6 Mr. Rose was married to his eldest sister, Sarah Caroline, on May 24, of this year (1838). 72 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. on Dr. Thomas Archer [1553-1630], a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, who was in his day Hector of Houghton Conquest, and a great benefactor to that Parish; and on Dr. William Aubrey [1529-1 595]' a civilian, who was appointed one of the delegates for the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, and whose efforts on the Queen's behalf in that capacity were afterwards grate- fully remembered by James I. This Dictionary, which still maintains its reputation as an excellent book of reference, was projected and partly arranged by the Reverend Hugh James Rose ; and the earlier portion of it was edited by the Rev. Henry John Rose, his brother, who, however, finding the editorship too onerous for him, as living out of London, and as having upon his hands also the ' Encyclopaedia Metropolitan*!,' was obliged to resign it. Burgon described his delight at the relief experienced by his brother-in-law in a letter to Mr. Dawson Turner, dated April 2, 1840. . 1839. The year 1839 was marked by a visit to Chequers in Buckinghamshire, where the Bishop of Rochester, who had confirmed him, was then residing [See for an ac- count of this beautiful place ' The Life and Times of Gregham,' vol. ii. p. 392, et sequent^ and where, after his usual whimsical fashion, " I put on Cromwell's clothes 7 ," and also by the Highland tour in company 7 Chequers had once belonged to name of Russell, had married Bishop Richard Cromwell, who succeeded Murray's sister; and hence the his father as Lord Protector. Its Bishop was much at Chequers. He connexion with Gresham was that had probably heard that J. W. B., as Lady Mary Grey, who was after- engaged in writing about the times wards given in charge to him, had of Gresham, would be glad of an previously been in the custody of opportunity of inspecting the place Mr. William Hawtrey the then pro- of Lady Mary Grey's captivity, and prietor of Chequers. Sir Robert goodnaturedly asked him to accom- Frankland, the owner of the place pany him thither, an invitation in 1839, who afterwards took the which was thankfully accepted. THE EARLY LIFE. 73 with his friend Tytler, in the course of which he was apprised of the appearance of the work, on which he had bestowed so much time and pains, ' The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gretham* On Saturday the loth of August he leaves the Tower stairs with Tytler in " the Duke of Wellington steamer," bound for Aberdeen, "passed Yarmouth at about 2.30 A.M. on Sunday the nth," (which probably set his pulses fluttering), and encoun- ters a ground " By a singular kind of sympathy " (Burgon was full of sympathy, and was always both detecting and exhibiting it : but was it so very ' : singular" under the circumstances ?) " Tytler and I both lay in bed all day without ever thinking of moving. It was very unlike a Sunday but what was to be done 1 It was impossible to stand upright, and on deck there was nothing to be seen, if one could have mustered up pluck to dress one- self. The wind was contrary, the sea rough, and all the way to Aberdeen both continued so many conjectures as to when we were to get to our journey s end very disgusting to a man lying retching in his berth, unable to read and do any thing except doze, and wish his crib were two inches longer ' (those who were familiar with his personal appearance will quite understand and appreciate the wish). ..." Tuesday, 13. I was awoke at 3 in the morning by a cackling in the cabin. We were within sight of the Aberdeen light. I dressed immediately and got on deck it was very refreshing ' to scent the morning air ' after so much confinement and closeness. It was of course a greyish coldish morning sea quiet, but wind as little contrary, and we went pitching forward slowly, as if we were walking to Aberdeen. The shore looked thus " (a slight pencil sketch) " low, grey, cliffy shore about a mile or so off when we came nearer the light, which was a double light, it looked thus" (another pencil sketch) " ugly enough. ... A few boats shot by, and others were sallying forth, and upon the hills a few 74 LIFE OF DEAN BURQON. houses were visible the story was told completely a Scotch fishing village on a barren coast . . . such specu- lations amused me till we rounded the corner, and saw (for it was now 5 o'clock nearly) the town of Aberdeen looked pretty and quiet every thing was delightful in fact, and any thing would have seemed lovely after the steam-boat." So begins the Journal, with the aid of which was com- piled the sprightly and beautiful account of his Highland tour, which he himself gives in his 'Memoir of Patrick Frasser Tytler' [pp. 269-289, 2nd ed. London: 1859], to which account the reader is here referred. The special Journal book of the tour is illustrated through- out by rapid but expressive pencil sketches of the objects he describes, (Marischal College and the Cathe- dral of Aberdeen; Coxton Tower, "a mere sentry-box of a house," yet the residence of knights " of the Innes family " ; the " very extraordinary lime-tree " in the garden of Gordon Castle ; the Castle itself ; the bridge in Mr. Steuart's grounds at Auchlunkart ; the summit of Ben Muick Dhui ; Ben Nevis as he first saw it ; the glen of Rothiemurchus ; Patrick Fraser Tytler's portrait, and that of his brother ; a dog on board the steamer off Skye ; a barefooted girl in a shop at Keith, &c., &c.), and it adds several particulars to those which have already been given to the world in the Memoir of Tytler. Thus the Memoir introduces us to the " two gentlemen named Stewart, residing in the romantic Isle of Ai- gais," and styled "The Princes," as being "supposed descendants of Prince Charles Edward." In the Jour- nal is an account of these gentlemen's dining at Moniack (James Baillie Fraser's place), a day or two after the Fraser family had taken Burgon to visit "the Princes." THE EARLY LIFE. 75 " P. F. T. came in and told me that the Princes were arrived. Went in to seal my letter and found them, one on either side of old Mrs. Fraser. Strange fellows very courteous but so odd. " Dressed and so to dinner sate between Sir John MacNeill and Mrs. Wedderburn. Next her was Jan (the unmarried ' Prince '), and opposite me Charles. Jan is like Charles I extremely wears a wig, and has much fallen off, they say, of late years Charles is the hand- somer man, but I (loot, as the Scotch say, how either would look in a plain suit of black. Take their pedigree" (meaning, their alleged pedigree : Charles Edward, who in 1 766 took the title of Count d' Albany, and laid aside that of Prince of Wales, had no children, and his title to the English Crown passed at his death in 1788 to his brother, Cardinal Henry Stuart, who died in 1 807, the last heir male of the line of Stuart) : " The Prince =p Duchess of Albany Jan Beresford-Charles (a?/, circa 55) (cet. circa 48) 1 a son (art. 14) a girl (vet. 16) 1 a girl qu*. 12? 1 a cy : VOL. I. so don't begin the Lamentations of Jeremiah over the 'poor thing ' "), and afterwards laid it out, and measured it. and drew it. The following about his physique is amusing : <4 You can't think how much disagreeable notice I attract from my immense altitude. At Lincoln I heard the people saying, 'There he comes,' as often as I clambered up or ambled down the interminable hill on which their Cathedral stands .... This very evening I heard a farmer's wife call her husband as I passed, and say the moment I was gone, ' Gad, he's a tall lad, an't un ? ' Is it not monstrous? These runty little thick-set Yorkshiremen seem to consider me as a wild beast escaped from some show, and I tremble lest some zealous being or other should take upon himself to 'put me in the parish Stocks for a vagrant.'" The letter concludes, " Your loving, cramped, stiff and sleepy Brother, JOHN W. BCBGOJJ." G 82 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. the latter one; for we find him on his former visit spending one whole day, and two halves of days, "at the Prerogative Office." He was wonderfully persistent in all that he put his hand to. The letter, though in- teresting throughout, is of such dimensions that space forbids the presentation of it in its entirety to the reader. And here it may be observed that for the most part the letters of his early life are of unusual length, and folded in a form which has become since the introduction of the Penny Postage altogether obsolete. Almost always they are written on the old-fashioned letter paper, the form of which was quarto, and the first sheet is twice folded long ways, before the final folding of the paper into the letter form, and the writing of the address on the outside of the second sheet. Not unfrequently, in the case of cor- respondence with intimate friends, his letter occupies two whole sheets and a half of this paper, and the address is on the back of the half-sheet, which is made to act as an envelope, the writer taking care, before he begins the half-sheet, to mark ofi' a little space for the seal or wafer, to be kept clear of writing. We shall never see such letters again as these of a former genera- tion. We shall never see letters as long, nor, it may be added, letters as much worth reading. Rowland Hill's penny postage has knocked letters, considered as a piece of literature, on the head ; although it is true, no doubt, that whenever there is a strong individuality in the letter writer, it is sure to come out, even if he writes only a dozen lines. The opening paragraph of the present letter, as also his reflexions about Silkstone, have been given at an earlier period of this Chapter, pp. i, 2, 3. He was accompanied by his brother. " Brunswick Square, December 2, 1 840. " My dear Sir, . . . Without troubling you with the THE EARLY LIFE. 83 reasons w//y, Lichfield was the first place we visited. I cannot say we travelled there, for we went by steam there are no coaches thither nor I believe anywhere else except to Yarmouth so we may be said to have ///.v/W from place to place, wherever we had occasion to go except when we walked, and then we seemed to crawl. With Lichtield we were of course delighted. It is clean and quiet, and the little Ecclesiastical aristocracy which encircles the Cathedral afforded us much entertain- ment. Then there are the literary associations Johnson, Miss Seward, Darwin, Day (who wrote Sandford and Merton) and many, many more of lesser celebrity. We had the good fortune, though we arrived there friendless, in an odd kind of way, which there is no accounting for, to experience a world of kindness from complete strangers ; of which an example may suffice. We were walking after Church in the fields, wondering where Johnson's willow stood. A leisurely looking old buffer with drab unmentionables happening to come by, I asked him if he could show us the place. He seemed quite pleased at being asked such a question, marched us up to the spot immediately, informed us that he had lived 150 no, 50 years in Lichfield and knew every- thing and everybody. Here we bowed, and, as Robinson Crusoe expresses it, ' made as though ' we did not want to trouble him any further ; but he did not seem at all inclined to go, and asked whether I admired Johnson. In consequence of my reply, nothing would satisfy him, but conducting us to Mrs. Porter's house, showing us the walk where Johnson ran the race with a little Scotch girl, then taking us to the Bishop's Palace, telling us a world of curious matters about Lichfield ; in short lionizing us. The oddest thing he mentioned was that the house shown as Johnson's birth-place is decidedly not the house where he was born and he narrated so many circumstances in corroboration of this statement, that I really almost believe him. . . . Another gentleman (Dr. Harwood, the author and antiquary) showed us all manner of Johnsonian relics beginning with books and autograph letters in abundance, and G 2 84 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. ending with tea cups, a tea board, punch bowl, and table linen. " From Lichtield we rushed to Sheffield. I have omitted to praise the exquisite beauty of the end of the chancel built by Bishop Langton; but that we admired the master-piece of Lichfield, you will of course understand, not forgetting the exquisite sculpture of Chantrey. Well, we went to Sheffield; thence to Ecclesfield; thence we walked to Bradfield slept at the very least of little inns and on the morrow, after drawing and examining registers, walked over the Moors through Bol- sterstone to a place called Peniston. These places are almost out of the world, and the roads between them, being cross-roads (or rather no roads at all, for the moors are only recently enclosed), are out of the world. The scenery was picturesque enough at times, but the most expressive epithet I can think of is, wild. I never (except in the Highlands), walked over a wilder region very hilly very rocky very barren the villages of extreme rarity the hamlets very small and poor and few the language very uncouth. From Peniston we walked to Silkstone and here it is time to mention that Ecclestield, Peniston, and Silkstone are graced with most beautiful and remarkable Churches. Ebenezer Elliott, the blacksmith poet 9 , beautifully calls Ecclesfield Church, ' the minster of the Moors ' ; and it well deserves the name 9 I. Ebenezer Elliott (b. 1781, d. ing to the flowers, and birds, and 1 849) the son of an iron-founder at trees, "are my companions; from Rotberam in Yorkshire, a man of them I derive consolation and hope ; extraordinary mark and mental for nature is all harmony and power. His best known piece, beauty, and man will one day be perhaps, is his ' Com IMW Rhymes,' like her ; and the war of castes and which gave an impetus to the the war for bread will be no more." ultimately successful agitation a- The word " ironmonger," perhaps, gainst the Corn Laws. Though he would more accurately than "black- wrote on political subjects defiantly smith " denote the occupation by and bitterly, as considering the which he gained a moderate for- people to be down-trodden and tune. The above particulars are refused their rights, there was a taken from the 'Imperial Dictionary vein of true pathos in his poetry. of Universal Biography,' s. r. " These," said he to a friend, point- ELLIOTT, EBEXEZEB. THE EARLY LIFE. 85 " Although one needs not to travel beyond the precincts of one's hearth-rug to know and to feel the blessed privilege of our Church Establishment, never perhaps does one so practically and fully appreciate its value, as when one is taking a journey and finds oneself in the position described by a living poet ' The night is dark and I am far from home.' The kindness we experienced wherever we went, from the parochial clergy, was truly surprising, almost touching. " Do not fancy that I thrust myself upon any but it became my vocation, going to consult a register, to call upon its cusfode. The preliminary conversation gener- ally terminated in a request that we would consider ourselves the guests of the family for the rest of the day and really, however grateful we felt, and however agreeable such an episode always must be, the kindness we experienced generally proved fatal to the accomplish- ment of the main object we had in paying the visit. We have good reason to remember the kindness of the clergyman of the last-named place Silkstone ; and I believe it. was thinking more especially of him, which occasioned this digression. His name is Watkins. If I were to begin to describe, I should fill my paper ; so pray walk on with us to Barnesley, the next town, and let us escape the fascination of all the bright eyes at Silkstone. We entered Barnesley very early on Sunday morning having been compelled, owing to the lateness of the hour when we left the vicarage, to bivouac at Silkstone, in a horrid little inn (the best of half-a-dozen abominable ones), in a room which the night before had accommo- dated four-and-twenty ragamuffins, who called them- selves foresters-, and kept us awake all night with their drunken revelry in the apartment beneath. We had a most singular sermon at Barnesley from Wolff the mis- sionary and here having passed two days one to please ourselves, and one to please the clergyman, we made the best of our way across the country to Burgh Wallis and Kirk Brain with the latter, an unapproach- able village in winter. It is indeed a singularly un- 86 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. favoured spot. The Humber occasionally floods the adjacent country, and has been known to stand four inches deep in the rectory parlour and such a rectory ! like an unhappy farm house! The church is also uninteresting but ancient and highly picturesque. Our forefathers were influenced by a purer spirit than we. "We had seen sufficiently rough practice during the last few days to rejoice to find ourselves at Doncaster hi terra cognitd- with half a score of letters awaiting our arrival, and a relay of that nameless commodity, which is after all the very mainspring of travelling. Here we also found that a lady had had the kindness to prepare a kind reception for us, and we passed a pleasant evening in consequence with her brother, a Mr. Henry Bower. His library would please you, being choice, and containing some curious books. On the whole, getting into a drawing-room, or a library, when one is far from home, must be allowed to constitute a most charming episode. Your stage-coach and railway ar- rangements are marvellously brutalizing. " Come along, sir ! I cannot allow you to stand fiddle- faddling in Doncaster. Mr. Bower, as you see, is old and weak, and it is a shame to keep him struggling with the quartos, which he is scarcely strong enough to lift down from his shelves, or to replace there. Here we are at Rotheram pray admire the beautiful Church. and do not forget Conigsburgh Castle, which we passed on the way. A quarter-of-an-hour conducts you from Rotheram to Sheffield at least it conducted us. Here we paused for half-a-day ; and then went by the rail- way to York. If you have ever seen, or if you have never seen, the Minster, it matters not. In the one case I need not in the other, it would be in vain for me to attempt to describe it. I had seen it before, but, strange to say, I had forgotten it whether since 1834 I have learned to appreciate more fuUy what I see, or whether my eyes have improved I cannot tell but this time, the Minster literally overcame me. I felt that I could have gazed upon it for ever. Its enormous size is not by any means its only charm, though I felt sensibly how THE EARLY LIFE. 87 prolific a source of sublimity size is. Every thing conspires to make it one of the grandest of human creations. Its pale grey tint, its infinite multiplicity of detail, its variety yet harmony of parts and oh ! above all, the magnificent prodigality of invention which it displays. What an exquisite mind the man must have had which could harbour such a conception as York Minster! how pure and graceful a fancy! what inexhaustible copiousness of invention ! ... It literally takes away one's breath to examine such a structure. Why do we attempt nothing like it now-a-days ? We can squander many millions sinfully ; Why do we never devote one million to raising a temple to Almighty God 1 ? " We returned, as we came, and then proceeded to the Peak of Derbyshire crossing some very Scotch-looking moors, till we cast anchor at Castleton. Three days soon slipped away, while we were exploring the mines and caverns of this interesting district nor were the hours we passed with Dr. Orton, the vicar of a neigh- bouring village Hope the least agreeably or profitably spent. He was honest enough to declare he considered an intelligent being to converse with, as so great a prize, that if we wanted to give him pleasure, we must agree to pass our evenings with him and his family. The want of society in so remote a region must indeed be severely felt. Think of a parish 35 miles in extent containing 12 or 13 hamlets, unprovided with churches, and think of the consequent mental stagnation ! . . . " Our visits to two of the Derbyshire mines gave us quite a new idea on the subject of the famous Peak cavern. The truth seems to be that the entire district is perforated by a thousand natural passages, and that where these accidentally encounter the surface, there a cavern becomes celebrated. Exploring some of these holes was pleasant enough, but far pleasanter was it, to emerge from their recesses into the holy daylight, and look down the Vale of Hope one of the most peaceful and when seen as we saw it, steeped in the golden light of autumn one of the most beautiful in this Vale of Tears. 88 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. " Leaving Hope, we went to Bakewell, having taken Chatsworth and all its royal splendours in our way. Haddon Hall is far more to my taste. You have doubt- less visited that glorious old baronial residence, to walk through which, is to live in the reign of good Queen Bess, and to feel oneself brought into closer intimacy as it were with the great and gay of those days. Here we drew and raved our fill, and then followed a rather amusing episode. " Some thirty years ago, my father travelled in Greece with a son of the celebrated Dr. Darwin 1 . When they parted, (which was at Smyrna) Darwin was bound for Lichfield, and my father for London so, after the long interval, when Tom and I announced our wish to go to Lichfield, il Padrone proposed introducing us to his friend, and gave us a letter accordingly to Dr. Francis Sacheverell Darwin. With some palpitation as to the reception we were likely to receive on reaching Lich- field, to the old house of the Darwins we repaired a huge red-brick mansion house, such as one's grand-dad would have inhabited. We were laughed at for our pains. The Dai-wins had quitted Lichfield for twenty years. Dr. was Sir Francis Darwin in short, we looked so like the descendants of Rip Van Winkle, that we looked quite foolish so the letter of introduction was thrust back into the portmanteau, and all hopes of talking over lang syne with Darwin ides abandoned. "But when we were at Bakewell, to our surprise we discovered that we were within seven' miles of the knight, who lived near Darley Dale, we were told, and in short, from the report we heard of him and his, we 1 Dr. Erasmus Darwin [6. 1731, Burgon, appeared in 1781. It is d. 1802], a physician at Lichfield, divided into two parts, the first eminent as a physiologist and poet. being devoted to the phenomena of He and Dr. Johnson were the vegetation, and the second to the centres of two circles at Lichfield, < Loves of the Plants,' a poetical entirely distinct from one another version of the sexual system of in sympathies, politics, and creed. Linnams. See 'Imperial Dic- 'The liotanic Garden,' some lines tionary of Universal Biography: f which, in the old physician's . v. DARWIN, ERASMUS. handwriting, his eon gave to THE EARLY LIFE. 89 determined to march to Sydnope (for so his house is called), and take his worship by the beard. It was a pleasant walk, but a queer country to go speering after a stranger in. and we were led a weary dance over the hills before we discovered his homestead. At last we reached a solitary place far off and alone on the shoulder of a hill, and commanding a wide and wild view and there we found the object of our search. He was not a little surprised, but I believe more pleased than surprised, to see us. I was older than my father was, when he parted from Darwin, and the sight of us set our host a-dreaming of old times, and seemed to make him feel that he was an oldish man. He intro- duced us to his wife and daughters (grown up women by the way), and we passed a very happy evening. " Next day he showed me some of his father's books, gave me four lines of ' The Botanic Garden ' in his father's autograph and lionized us over his singular dwelling : after which we reluctantly bade him farewell ; and his son conducted us a round-about way across the hills to Matlock. . . . On the whole Sir F. D. is a very remarkable creature. I think there is something morbid in his temperament ; for he seemed to shrink from the idea of London, and wandering from his own fireside. He said he hoped to live quietly and to die there and never to stir till he went down to be buried with his fathers in the family resting-place, which is not far oft'. . . . Sydnope is all of his own contrivance ; and he glories in having created an oasis in that wilderness. When he came, there was no house no water no "trees un /tof/ii/i;/ ! ' Now,' said he, ' I have built a village here is abundance of wood and water, yonder are three trout ponds ' in short, he seemed to think it a <1isgra.ce to live in a house made comfortable to your hand, and has let a fine old paternal mansion to strangers, accord- ingly. He procured a wild boar from the Pyrenees, and a sow from Canton, and peopled his woods with wild boars to the terror of all the country round ; but the breed is deteriorating now in other words the neigh- bours are no longer kept in fcrrorem. But enough of 90 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Sydnope and its kind owner. Six or seven hours on the railway brought us from Matlock to Brunswick Square." 1841. In the year 1841 the storm, which had been long 2 ' impending, was to burst upon the head of his family. To himself it proved the means of bringing about what he had so long and earnestly desired, and thus broke with blessings on his head. In the latter end of March and at the beginning of August we find such entries as these in his journal; "Miserable day at the counting- house " ; " Passion week, and to me a day of suffering mental," " a day like some of the preceding, quite the shadow of death," " a day of rare excitement and anguish," &c., &c. But in the middle of it all he is still, with wonderful mental energy, pursuing more congenial occupations, getting " fragments of Roman pottery from the foundations of St. Bartholomew's Church," " draw- ing the Roman tesselated pavement in Threadneedle Street," " visiting his friend Renouard at Swancombe, and his brother-in-law Mr. Rose at Houghton/' "read- ing No. 90 of the Oxford Tracts/' and " Newman's letter " thereon, going " to a conversazione at Crosby Hall" " pro- ceeding with my Harmony," "finishing roughing out my Harmony," (the Harmony of the Gospels, a work which he had much at heart, which he began long before he went to Oxford, carried on at intervals during his whole life, but has left alas ! in an unfinished state, with an instruction that it is not sufficiently advanced for pub- lication). On the Ascension Day (Thursday, May 20), "They all went to Dodsworth's, and took the Sacra- ment ; I could not" When we come to the month of August, we are con- fronted by this ominous memorandum at the top of the page," !& Perhaps the most memorable page in this book." " Aug. 2. A day of cruel anxiety, occasioned by a letter THE EARLY LIFE. 91 found at the City." " Aug. 5. TJie plot begins to thicken bitter state of anxiety," and so on, until we come to " Thurs. Aug. 19. Saddish day Final winding up by T. B." (his father) t: at the City his last day there. Thank GOD, every thing went very well." The bolt had fallen ; his father's house of business had suspended payment, and his family had touched the lowest deep ; but the " cruel anxiety " was over, for the worst was known, and it now remained for John William Burgon to show the indomitable energy and sanguineness which were in him. by rising above misfortunes and lifting himself, and those who were in great measure dependent upon him, out of the wreck. The family removed to Houghton Conquest Rectory in Bedfordshire, the Rev. Henry John Rose's living, who had married his elder sister in j 838. Burgon himself was left in London for a lew weeks, to pack furniture and books, to make up the accounts of the house for presentation in Bankruptcy, to make up also the household accounts, assort the tradesmen's bills, and clear out the counting-house. But the sable cloud had its silver lining which it turned forth on the night. He managed to escape for a day or two to Houghton Conquest, where he had "a joyous meeting" with the other members of his family ; and on " Sun. August 29. Professor Corrie and I stood Godfathers for Rose's little boy" (Hugh James Rose so named after his illustrious uncle, who had been born in the previous December, so that in all probability the Sacrament of Baptism had been privately administered to him, and this was only his Admission to the Church). On his return to London, the Harmony of the Gospels was carried on vigorously in September, and he speaks of himself as " in the evening busy with my Greek." The Greek would be wanted at Oxford, and the consent of g 2 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. his father to his going to Oxford was given on the 9th of October. On the i6th he rejoined the family at Houghton preparatory to his going up, under the auspices of his brother-in-law, for matriculation, an account of which will be given in the next Chapter. It needs not to be said that with a family so generally esteemed, and so much beloved by those who had the privilege of intimacy with them, the sympathy was universal. " The creditors all behaved most kindly," he writes in his journal. " Tytler wept, when I told him." And on the 2oth of August, in the letter in which he announces the catastrophe to Mr. Dawson Turner, he says, " Your friendly spirit, I am sure I am not mistaken in supposing, will partake the gratification I feel in mentioning the universal sympathy, which hitherto my dear father has met with. I may truly say that it is quite touching and affecting." From a second letter to him, dated three days later (Aug. 23), it appears that Mr. Turner, when the announcement reached him, by no means contented himself with expressions of sympathy and kind feeling, but with his usual considerate munifi- cence offered his purse to his young friend, probably (out of delicacy) in the shape of a loan which Burgon might repay, when he had reached that position of independence to which Mr. Turner felt that his abilities and industry would soon raise him. In answer to this generous offer he writes (Aug. 23, 1 841) : " Sincerely thanking you for your prompt and busi- ness-like way of meeting the exigency of the case, I have the pleasure to say that for the present at all events, I do not see the least occasion for troubling you. Do not think that I am shilly-shallying now: when I tell you that your letter found me with my Greek Grammar in my hand, jou will guess which way my thoughts are tending, whither, believe me, they have been tending THE EARLY LIFE. 93 long since, though never till now with any good chance of my body following them. The future, as far as I am concerned, seems to stand thus. For three months (about) I am indispensable here " [in London]. " At the end of that time. I intend (D. V.) to go to Houghton, where a quiet room, the run of a good classical library (better than I need, a furious deal) and dear Rose's help these three blessings have long since been promised me. My backwardness (in Greek especially) is what vou would not believe ; and indeed my ignorance gener- ally is frightful. I can only hope by a few months' serious application to get into a condition to be fit to go to Oxford. " Then my necessities will begin. What they will be, I know not. If it depended on me, I should say little enough. ... I shall keep no society ; get into a garret, if I can, (for lico reasons), my habits are quite the reverse of expensive, and I have books. On the other hand, a good Tutor I will have, coute qne coule. I cannot suppose that I shall want much more than \w a year, at least I fix that sum in my mind as a kind of point to reason from. " Now my inclination would assuredly be not to tres- pass upon any resources my father might have, at all: but the propriety" [possibility?] " of gratifying this inclina- tion, I have yet to learn. Meantime I go to work with the soothing certainty that, in case of need, there are certain friends (I believe, if the truth were known, you occupy the van) on whom I may RSLY for aid in the promotion of my scheme. I hope I am not premature in mention- ing an item in my intentions, in such case, on which I dwell with singular complacency. It is this. Since Death is the only barrier I can conceive to my ulti- mately disencumbering myself of the painful part of a pecuniary obligation (for of the obligation, I neither could nor would wish to rid myself), I should deposit a small life policy in your own or any other person's hands. Thus dying, I should close my eyes in peace, and living, I should have the satisfaction of having made a small provision (a beginning towards something con- 94 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. siderable) for those who are far dearer to me than life itself." And then, after some further particulars of his plans and prospects for his family and himself, follows a para- graph which exhibits the wonderful elasticity of his mind under trouble, and the sanguineness of the energy, which could address itself to new literary exploits in so grave a crisis of his fortunes : " I thank you for your advice respecting any publica- tion on so difficult a matter as Early Christianity ; but I will tell you what I contemplated. " I perceive that men are mightily disposed to dislike the authority of the Fathers : so that when Mr. Newman writes on ' the Church of the Fathers,' it is replied, ' Oh, who cares for them ? ' At least out of ten devout persons three or four or five would say so. Well ; it struck me that the right thing would be to write a little book (or a big one, if the matter allowed), and to call it the Church of the Apostles, since no one objects to them. The design is simply this. To exhibit, from whatever source, but of course mainly from Holy Writ, what was the constitu- tion and actual state of the Church in the Apostles' days. Any one who has not thought much on the subject would never believe or dream of the astounding quantity of available matter there is in the Epistles of St. Paul, and indeed throughout the New Testament. It is perfectly astonishing how much may be elicited and inferred. A little aid may be drawn from ancient monuments ; and it was in reply to a hasty hint dropped on this part of the subject, that dear Rose, who is ever ready to help me in everything of the kind, took fire. You shall hear more of this scheme, D. V. some of these ilays . . . Remember your promise to read Bp. Beveridge." This contemplated work appeal's to have dropped through from the multiplicity of other calls upon his time, unless indeed we may say that much the same design was afterwards carried into effect by him in THE EARLY LIFE. 95 another form, that of a Series of Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles, a work which he has left complete, and which only needs for its production careful editing, and such a number of subscribers as would guarantee his representatives against pecuniary loss, if they were to publish it. How deeply interesting these Lectures were found by those who were privileged to hear them, and how greatly these persons long for their publication, not only as recalling to themselves personally the happy and sacred hours spent in listening to them, but as a valuable contribution to the exegesis and spiritual teaching of that most important portion of the New Testament, it would be difficult to say. Let it be lawful to hope that some practical steps may ere long be taken in this direction. The last incident which has to be recorded of the year 1841 is the commencement of the exquisite drawings of his father's valuable collection of Greek Antiquities, which it was arranged should be offered for sale to the British Museum. It wrung John William Burgon's heart (both as a connoisseur, and as having known every article in the collection for the greater part of his life, ami having gloried in his family's possession of so great a treasure) to part with these antiquities. And he deter- mined that the collection should not leave his father's roof without his making a faithful drawing of all the principal articles in it, however much labour such an enterprise might entail upon himself. Here is the memorandum, which he makes in his Journal on a sub- ject which must have touched him to the quick. "I began to draw the collection of Greek antiquities 7 December, 1841, and drew almost without intermission till 24 January, 1842. From that day to 2 March drew for about seven hours a day, when I completed the task. 96 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. It was providentially decided that the Collection was to pass to the British Museum for j'6oo on Wednesday, 23 March. " Conveyed to the Museum on Ascension Day, Thurs- day, 5 May, 1842. Sic transit " It was thought desirable that these drawings, now in the possession of the family, should be taken to the Museum, and there left awhile for the careful identifica- tion of each Article. The portfolio containing them has been returned with the following memorandum from Mr. Arthur H. Smith, of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities : " Mr. Burgon's drawings are all taken from objects in the Burgon collection, now in the British Museum. "Apart from the delicacy of the dra wings, they are chiefly remarkable for the skill with which they repro- duce the various styles and characters of the objects. This power of reproducing a variety of styles with accuracy is seldom acquired except by draughtsmen specially trained to the work. "The principal objects in the collection have for the most part been satisfactorily published elsewhere. " If it is desired to publish specimens, I would suggest the urn numbered 282, 282 A. This urn has not been engraved, and its colouring has much deteriorated since Mr. Burgon's sketch was made. "The manuscript notes attached add, in some in- stances, information of value, not hitherto in the pos- session of the Museum, as to the origin of the objects. Compare a note sent by me to the ' Classical Eerieu- ' of November, 1889, respecting the bronze hare, numbered 334. A. H. SMITH." It is much to be regretted that a copy of the drawing of the urn numbered 282, 282 A cannot be presented to the reader, but the tinting of these sketches constitutes perhaps their greatest beauty, and could not be satis- factorily reproduced. THE EARLY LIFE. 97 Before concluding this Chapter, as it is proposed to do, by presenting to the reader a few further extracts from his letters of this early period to Mr. Fellows, to Mr. Dawson Turner, and to Mr. Renouard, all of them extremely char- acteristic of the writer (of his deep interest in those old archives, which are the sources of history, and in antiqui- ties generally, in discoveries and explorations ; of his love of fun ; of his love of and connoisseurship in Art ; of his conjectures in etymology), it seems desirable to say some- thing of the divines and clergy, under whose influence he was brought during the thirteen years which elapsed between his leaving school in 1829 and his going to Oxford in 1842, and whose teaching must have helped to form his religious character. The family had sittings at St. Pancras under the incumbency of Dr. Moore, and usually attended that Church ; but John William had conceived an ardent admiration for the preaching of Mr. Dale, then Vicar of St. Bride's, and. as he never cared to attend Church alone (the exuberant sympathy in his nature made this distasteful to him), used frequently to persuade his mother, whom he loved to have by his side at Church, and other members of his family, to accompany him to St. Bride's. Against the Sundays in his Journals (the S. denoting which is always written in red ink, to mark it to the eye) we find such entries as these: "Heard dear old Dale at St. Bride's preach a beautiful sermon " ; " M. C. and I went to hear Dale preach at St. Giles's capital divine sermon was delighted to hear his old voice again " ; " Mother's birthday. Gave her Dale's sermons pd. 10*. 6d" Some- times, for a spiritual treat, he takes them to hear Melvill, at that time the most eminent pulpit orator in the com- munion of the English Church; "Went with M. and Lingham to hear Melvill Glorious ! " " Heard Melvill VOL. i. H 98 ' LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. preach in Fenchurch Street before the Lord Mayor lie is a sensible Irving " (of Irving he could form some judgment, as he writes in his Journal that one Sunday he heard him " preaching sub dio ") ; " Heard Mr. Melvill preach a fine sermon, full of force and beauty, at Bedford Chapel." Sometimes, but very rarely, he wanders out of the Angli- can fold for his spiritual pasture on Sunday ; " Heard Dr. Chalmers at the Scotch Church magnificent but I never was in such a crowd before." And the following entiy will be read with interest, in reference to his own future sermons, which were so original and instruc- tive ; " Dec. 6, 1835 " {.Mat. 22]. " Heard Dale ' Come to me ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' the text I have always thought I would make my first sermon on, if I were in the Church he made a powerful sermon, but did not handle the text as I think of handling it . . ." Later in point of time, and conse- quent chiefly on the family's moving from Brunswick Square to Osnaburgh Street, they had sittings in Christ Church, Albany Street, which then became their district Church ; but previously to the removal, John William had often been attracted to Mr. Dodsworth's ministry ; and then we have such entries as these : " P. T. and I to Dodsworth's (Laus Deo!) magnificent sermon." The following memoranda will have interest for those who remember the raging of a controversy, excited by a charge of Bishop Blomfield, once fierce enough, but now almost exploded like the crater of an extinct volcano ; for the surplice has all but driven the gown out of the field: "Jan. 24, 1841. Dodsworth, with M. and E. He preached first time in his surplice." " Jan. 31, 1841. Heard Mr. Manning at Dodsworth's." " Feb. 7, 1841. To Dodsworth, who preached in his gown!!" There can be little doubt that the influence brought to THE EARLY LIFE. 99 bear upon him by the preaching of Mr. Dodsworth, and other clergymen of the same theological school, would tend to incline him towards the Tractarian movement then in progress at Oxford, and would predispose him to receive favourably in its earlier stages the teaching of Mr. New- man, for whom he conceived the deepest reverence, a sentiment which never forsook him, even when Mr. New- man seceded from the English Church. How little he sympathized with the extravagances and (as he regarded them) corruptions which developed themselves at a later stage of the movement, and were characterized chiefly by sensational services and an efflorescence of Ritualism, every one knows, who remembers the course taken by him in the controversies of later days, and which it will be the province of a subsequent Chapter to record. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS TO MR. FELLOWS, TO MR. DAWSOX TURNER, OF GREAT YARMOUTH, AND TO THE REVEREND GEORGE CECIL RENOUARD, B.D., RKCTOR OF SWANSCOMBE IN KENT, IN THE YEARS 1833, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841. I. To MR. CHARLES FELLOWS. "June 21. Shortest Night, 1833. To-day is the longest day ... I am always unhappy on this day ; and at a moment like the present, when all is silent save the wind, which is low and gusty, and Time, whose quick footsteps I fancy I discern in the ticking of my watch, a feeling of sadness comes over me, which is as groundless as it is without remedy . . . After all, if it were not for the nights, what a stupid thing life would be ... When should we poor Merchant-rum breathe, eh ? Eh, you freeman, you bachelor, you rogue? ... I fancy, nay, I'm sure, that nights were invented (among other good reasons) for the convenience and consolation of dis- H 2 ioo LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. contented Merchant-men. Oh ! F., what will become of me, if I don't grow wiser as I grow older? am I destined to be a new edition, with illustrations, of the old story a garret and a half-penny loaf? I hope not, with all my soul ... I am not quite jockey enough to ride Pegasus without saddle or bridle ; but intend either to have a stall for the beast, or, if I can't afford it, to have him ciif up for the hounds . . . Both resources are attended how- ever with inconvenience : and I have made*up my mind that the happiest man after all is the matter-of-fact, cold devil, who knows how to mind his purse, and keep his temper, who has got no vulture passions to quiet, and who cannot discern joy and sorrow at a league's distance . . . For my own part, I feel I am irrevocably a poet, and therefore the opposite to the being I have sketched. Yet, strange to say, I envy not that man his sangfroid or his purse ; I think his happiness is bought at too dear a price. " Here I go, you see, on the old tack : but I can't help it. If I were to tell you all (I could not tell you all. I only mean, if I could), you would stare. I mean, all the odd ways of thinking I have lately acquired . . . Do you know I feel as if I were two persons, or, rather, as if I had two brains ? the one sees things as they are, or as they appear to be, and that is my matter-of-fact brain ; the other sees things as, I suppose I must say, they are not, that is to say, fancifully and that is my imagin- ative brain. I religionise and philosophize with both these brains ; one presents me with a straightforward, tangible view of the subject, and the other with a strange, sceptical idea of it : and the sceptical, shadowy idea confuses the clear and substantial one ; and the clear and substantial one mars the elegance of the scep- tical and shadowy . . . When I was younger, I had more reason than imagination ; as I grow older I find the latter acquires strength and impairs the former. So much the better for my poetry, but so much the worse for my religion. I have come to the resolution therefore of thinking on religious matters only with my matter-of-fact brain, and keeping my sceptical one for profane matters. THE EARLY LIFE. 101 ... I am fully persuaded that Fa if// is nine- tenths of our duty : and to see its full importance, consider it not so much as an end. as, as a means. To give you an idea of my two brains' mode of action, and to take a simple instance. I am alone, we will suppose, and I pluck a flower ; in a moment my fanciful brain invests it with feeling, and the flower reproaches me for plucking it ; but my sensible brain then thinks it high time to step in, and sneer at my credulity and my folly. Do you understand me? I hardly understand myself, but have given you a bad example of what I mean. Farewell however for the present. I have made you my father confessor, you see. Good-night, dear F. If you have leisure and inclination, scribble a line to " Your ever affectionate friend, -JOHN W. BUBGON. - i to 2." II. To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Brunswick Square, April 2, 1840. " My dear Sir, I remember being very much affected by a sermon I once read of Mr. Newman's. It was on the use of ht/jnit&ex, and, as well as I can recollect, the writer urged the importance of acting, in spiritual matters, on the holy impulse of the moment, and sug- gested that the very transient nature of the motive constituted in fact the strongest reason why it should be instantly availed of. This beautiful precept, which is identical, in a measure, with your own invaluable rule, ' to do everything the instant you think of it,' I have constantly endeavoured to apply to the daily practice of life ; and, to come to the subject before us, without further circumlocution, I have repeatedly had occasion to perceive how, in the case of letter- writing, every thing depends (if you would write a pleasant letter) on sitting down when the humour comes upon you, and the in- xfaitf it comes upon you 2 , and quietly, but perse veringly, a In precisely the same vein, and the Rev . G. C. Renouard in a with some badinage, he addresses letter dated "Brunswick Square, 102 LIFE OF DEAN BUEGON. writing on till you come to the end of your letter. So have I not done on the present occasion. This letter is destined therefore to be a dull one the next, I faithfully promise, shall be as happily written as if it had pro- ceeded from a native of Arabia Felix. Let me see. Perhaps I had better begin by telling you what I know about the late scandalous proceedings with regard to the Exchequer Documents. The newspaper and ' Gentleman* Magazine ' accounts of the aforesaid iniquities you doubtless read, and so I need not repeat that part of the story ; but you may be interested (I can- not say ' pleased ') to hear the accounts of the importance of the documents in question fully corroborated. On Thursday, in consequence of a catalogue I received from Sotheby, I went to see a small portion of the paper documents which one of the persons, into whose hands these treasures have fallen, had entrusted him with the sale of. Very curious indeed they were ! and I am glad to be able to add that half-a-dozen of the most interesting lots are lying before me at the present moment, including Secretary Davison's account of expenses, connected with his mission to the Low Countries in 1577. " These autographs belonged, as I discovered, to a binder named Mackenzie, living in Westminster, who had bought them as waste paper. You will not be sur- prised to hear that in the evening I ran as far as that worthy's house, and asked him a few questions. The whole of his paper documents he said were at Sotheby's ; but his house was full of parchments, which he had bought at the rate of yd. per lb., and which he would sell 29 Dec., 1839. Consider, my dear on which it was traced. The Sir, how profitable to wanderers in peasant, mounted on his ass, would strange lands might not the ex- bethink himself that he had asses' tempore practice here recommended skin at hand ; and the barks of prove ! The hunter mounted on his trees, if not for albums, would make elephant would avail himself of the capital nigrums for the world at tusk of the animal, and write a large. To descend from this folly, letter to his absent friend, as un- and end the sentence rationally," sophisticated as the ivory tablets &c., &c. THE EARLY LIFE. 103 me for is. 6d. I offered him 20 or 30 or 40 times that sum, if he would allow me to pick out a few pounds, but no multiple of is. 6d. would induce him to accede to the proposition. It was very tempting, there were the bags half-a-dozen of them two or three untouched, worth from 6d. to i*. to the makers of papier mdche, and what might they not contain 1 The following considerations made me resolve to refuse the entire collection. It would have cost 120; I examined one untouched bag to the depth of a foot or two, and it contained, LITERALLY, rub- bish : dusty, dirty fragments, about an inch or two square ; and lastly, however agreeable it may be to possess a few choice specimens of parchment documents, it is not pleasant to turn parclmn-nt deali-r. Per contra, I must in- form you that the proprietor of these documents had selected, out of a single bag, as he said, a dozen or two of documents which he showed me, and they were curious very. One was a list of Queen Elizabeth's gentleman- pensioners, with their salaries, and so on. I wonder what you would have done, if you had been there ! . . . . I mean still to watch over the documents in question. But how disgraceful is the entire proceeding ! Bulls of Popes, books of royal payments and receipts (including some extraordinary entries), expenses of our army and navy every thing in short appertaining to finance from the time of Henry VIII down to the middle of the eighteenth century ! The entire collection produced j^yo ! and ^400 was disbursed in order to ensure the mutilation of the documents, which the nation is now anxious to recover at a vast expense, and to repair ! ! ! Rodd says he would cheerfully have given j J 6ooo or 7000 for what the fishmonger bought for ^70. Thinking about these things interferes with my sleep, and makes me quite unhappy. . . . " My dear Sir oh, by the by ! I was going to tell you that I have lately had a delightful letter from Lepsiua, and I must not conclude till I have told you something more about it. Do you remember that Herodotus men- tions a figure of Sesostris cut on the live rock on the road between Sardis and Smyrna, with an inscription in iO4 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. hieroglyphics, &c. ? Well, Renouard told my father at Smyrna that he had seen such a figure, and my father told Renouard that Herodotus had described it but there the matter ended. One day at table the matter was talked over (last year) in Lepsius's presence. What does Master Leppy do but get Baron Humboldt to write to the ambassador at Smyrna, to obtain, if possible, for love or money, a copy of the figure 1 ? The inquiry, hope- less as it seemed, proved successful ! and the intelligent creature has written a learned paper on the subject, proving that Herodotus was perfectly accurate in his description, and points out sundry important infer- ences derivable from the examination of the monument ! .... He starts soon for Egypt, and will (if he lives) do wonders He says that he found great scepticism on the subject of hieroglyphic literature among the literati of Germany, but that he had an opportunity of lecturing before the Academy of Berlin in pleno, and adds trium- phantly, ' J espere d'avoir de'chire' le grand voile d'incre'- dulite' mystique, ou de scepticisme ignorant, de maniere que le trou ne saurait plus etre raccommode' par ces Messieurs ! ' . . . Leemans also writes me a long and agreeable letter. He is going to be married in June, and of course is half distracted in consequence." To MR. DAWSON TURNER. "Brunswick Square, June 29, 1840. " My dear Sir, " Charles Fellows is on his way home from Asia Minor, and in about a month more may be expected in London. He has completely failed in his endeavours to bring away marbles, &c., from Lycia, but that was the fault of this blundering, bungling Government of ours. Some new towns, however, he has discovered, and his portfolio is full of sketches, copies of inscriptions, and antiquarian novelties. Another ' Journal ' will be upon the stocks in the course of the Autumn. John Murray already pncks up his ears quite vertically in anticipa- THE EARLY LIFE. 105 " Talking of such matters. I will repeat to you a Royal I. fit mot. A gentleman on whom I called the other day told me that, in the course of an interview he had had with the Duke of Sussex, Allen the quaker waited upon his Royal Highness, in order to remind him of his pro- mise to present a petition against capital punishment. The Duke did not seem quite to like the job. and observed that Scripture has declared. ' Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.' ' Please your Royal Highness.' replied the quaker, ' when Cain killed Abel, he was not hung for it.' ' That 's true.' rejoined the Duke. ' but remember, Allen, there were not twelve men in the world then, to make a jury.' 'This was not bad for a Royal Duke,' said my friend ; but I think it good to come from anybody. " To-day I saw such a charming Hogarth ! Painted on a bit of deal. It was a pannel in a house, which a person I was calling upon, lately bought of a nephew (I think) of the painter. When you are next in town, I must show it you. It belongs to a neighbour of ours. How delightful such rencontres are in the dull journey of life ! I have been thinking all day of that picture, and all day has the remembrance of it filled me with plea- sure. It is a scene from Hudibras, and is done with black and yellow paint alone " Your obliged and affectionate, "JOHN W. BURJON." To MB. DAWSON TURNER. " Brunswick Square, 10 Aug., 1840. " My dear Sir, " Talking of pictures. I passed two or three hours at Hampton Court last Saturday very delightfully. With the gallery you are doubtless well acquainted, if it is possible ever to become well acquainted with so multi- tudinous a collection. The trash is immense ; but a io6 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. man must be a perfect brute, who could carry away with him such * predominant impression. Surely there never was a gallery better calculated to charm a student, whether History, Biography, or Manners be his favourite pursuit. The portraits of our ambassadors and other worthies in Elizabeth's reign, and for the previous and succeeding half-centuries, are well worth a pilgrimage to Hampton. Holbein is altogether charming, and so is Kneller or Lely, I forget which. I will dismiss this subject by telling you a charming little circumstance, Do you remember Sir Henry Wotton's will? If you do not, pray reach down "Walton's Lives and read it. He leaves to his beloved master (Charles I) four portraits of Doges of Venice who were Doges in his time, their names being inscribed behind each : also a Table (as he calls it) of the Senate House of Venice, in which he is represented having an audience with Carlo Donato, the Doge. All these pictures, he says, are by Fialetto, and he begs the king to accommodate them in some corner of one of his houses. Well, sure enough, there these pictures all are ! ... You can't think how delighted I was to see them, and to think of dear old Wotton's eyes having so often reposed on these identical por- traits. Now don't you think this a charming circum- stance? It is the pleasantest event I have known for some weeks " This evening, while I was at dinner, I recognised a voice in the Hall, and sure enough it was he Charles Fellows! He had been only three hours in London. So the very dust of Asia Minor was yet hanging about him. He has discovered ten ancient cities in Lycia ! ! ! An artist who accompanied him has made heaps of drawings, while he busied himself with copying Inscrip- tions ; so we are in a fair way of another big book. Murray has already blown a flourish of trumpets in the 'AthetuKum: Fellows is looking sunburnt and lean, but he is extremely hearty ; nor has he had half-an-hour's illness from the day he left England. He has been absent ten months." THE EARLY LIFE. 107 To ME. DAWSON TURNER. " Br. Square, 12 Aug., 1840. " My dear Sir, " That Mrs. - " [a member of Mr. Turner's family] " has been in trouble, I am very sorry. . . . She is one of the best and sweetest persons I ever saw. . . . What excellent creatures women are ! and from the hour we come into the world, until the end of the chapter, how much trouble we give them ! " To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Brunswick Square, Jan. 19, 1841. " My dear Sir, " As regards ' the Granger Society 3 ', I altogether disap- prove of its design. We don't want prints of the Earl of Stratford, Oliver Cromwell, Charles I, &c., &c. I could fill a page on this subject ; but the upshot of it all would be my humble opinion, that the only desideratum is as follows, namely, spirited outlines of all the un- kiKin-n curious family portraits which are stowed away in the galleries yea the attics of our noble- and gentle- men. Four of these or more, issued every month, would at last constitute indeed a curious work. E.g. the father and mother of Sir T. More at Weston Hall in Suffolk unknown portraits, both of them; the Lucy family at Charlecote ; in short the innumerable portraits of the great rjreat and the little great men of former days, with which England teems." 3 So called (probably) from the ' Biographical History of England Rev. James Granger, Vicar of from Egbert the G/reat to the Shiplake in Oxfordshire, [6. 1716, d. Serolution' is illustrated by en- 1776], an eminent biographical graved portraits of the persona writer and portrait collector. His whose lives he narrates. io8 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. III. To THE REV. G. C. RENOUARD. " 1 1, Brunswick Square, 12 March, 1838. " My dear Reverend Friend, t; My time is so exceedingly engrossed that I must write but a short letter, and the object of it is, to enquire whether you can tell me, or can put me in the way of being told, when oranges were first introduced into Eng- land, the longum and the brevum (sic in the sermon of a dissenter, texte H. J. Rose], the longum and the brevum of the matter is, I am having a splendid portrait of Gresham by Sir Antonio More 4 , engraved for a frontis- piece, and I want to know why he is represented (like one of the Miss Flamboroughs) with an orange in his hand. Here are a few facts, but 1 need not say they must not influence you. " I think the picture may have been painted about the year 1556 that is to say, the middle of Mary's reign. In the middle of Mary's reign Gresham went into Spain ; in the State Paper Office I find one of his letters dated from Seville. " Sir A. More was a friend of Gresham's, painted him three times, and lived at Antwerp, where Gresham's commercial celebrity was rife." Before the publication of his work, Burgon had probed to the depth the question, on which he here seeks light from Mr. Renouard. Sir Francis Palgrave (whom prob- ably Mr. Dawson Turner had succeeded in interesting in the subject) had informed him that the supposed orange in Gresham's hand was really a pomander, that is, only an orange externally, the skin of an orange " stuffed Sir Antonio More (Moro) was Mary her painter, and after her born at Utrecht in 1525 and died at death in 1558, passed into the Antwerp in 1581. When in Eng- service of her husband Philip II land he was appointed by Queen of Spain, who took him to Madrid. THE EARLY LIFE. 109 with cloves and other spices," and carried about like a vinaigrette " as a fashionable preservative against in- fection." In Note xix of the Appendix to Gresham's Life, Wolsey is described (from a passage in Cavendish's Life of him) as carrying one of these pomanders, "a very fair orange, whereof the meat or substance within was taken out, and filled up again with the part of a sponge, wherein was vinegar, and other confections against the pestilent airs ; the which he most commonly smelt unto, passing among the press, or else when he was pestered with many suitors." The passage of ' The Vicar of If (ikrji <'!" is derived from the words "Ite mitsa est " said by the Priest in dismissing the Catechumens or Non-Communicants, when the Mass (or Communion Service proper) was about to commence. At all events, even if J. W. B.'s connexion of mass with "mess " be accepted, " mess " is not a Teutonic but a Latin Word, coming from the verb mitto, which has among its meanings "to place upon the table," " serve up." Hence a " mess " means a dish, something served up in a dish. The Italian word " messo " means " a course at table." Mr. Renouard was strong in philology and etymology ; and Burgon amused himself with throw- ing out etymologies for him to rise at, like a fish at a fly. One would be interested to know what he said to these etymologies suggested by his young friend ; but the letters containing his observations on them have not been preserved. VOL. [. CHAPTER II. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. From his Matriculation [Oct. 21, 1841] to his Admission into the Order of Deacons [Dec. 24, 1848]. . 1841. THE middle of October, 1841, found John William ^- 28.] 5 ur g 0n a t the place where he was destined to spend so large a portion of his time, and where his brother-in-law, the Rev. Henry John Rose, always acted towards him so brotherly a part the "moated parsonage" house of Houghton Conquest in Bedfordshire, the charms of which and of the surrounding country he has himself described so picturesquely in his ' Lives of Twelve Good Men' " The scenery round about his" [Mr. Rose's] "se- cluded Rectory was of that sweet domestic character which, without ever aspiring to the praise of being actually beautiful, yet in effect always pleases, never tires 8 ." He went there Oct. 16, 1841, and on Tuesday, Oct. 19, we find this entry in his Journal: "Having asked a blessing on our errand, Rose and I started per Fletcher's coach for Oxford. Reached there in the even- ing." What followed shall be given in the language of four very interesting letters written to his sisters 9 (then 8 ' Lives of Twelve Good Men ; ' (2) To Miss H. E. BUEGON .... HENKT JOHN KOBE. Vol. i. p. Oct. 28, 1841. 288. (3) To Miss BURGON .... Oct. ' (i) To MissBuBGON. Kev. H. 29,1841. J. Kose, HoughtoQ Conquest, Oct. (4) To Miss H. E. BUEGON .... 37, 1841. Oct. 30, 1841. THE OXFORD LIFE : FIRST PERIOD. 1 1 5 staying at Houghton) after his return to London on Friday, Oct. 22. "We passed Hartwell. and through Aylesbury, and Thame (whence the Thames takes its name, a curious town full of ancient-looking houses) and so on to Oxford over Forest Hill, where the first Mrs. Milton lived : and here Fletcher the coachman treated us to a charming Malaprop-, for he declared that there was a tree still existing under which Milton wrote ' Pilgrims Progress! What struck him most, however, was the difficulty Milton must have found in travelling from Cambridge to Oxford before the Oxford and Cambridge coach was started." They put up at ' : the Angel," where they are located in two bed-rooms, called respectively ' Jubilee " and " Hertford " ; and there in the evening, " Dear Rose wrote a letter to Dr. Pusey, announcing the arrival of the bear and his keeper" (the jocose names, which the family had given to himself and Mr. Rose), " and we then went to bed." The next day they attend service at St. Peter's Church (then under the incumbency of the Rev. Walter Kerr Hamilton, afterwards Bishop of Salis- bury), the architectural beauties of which, its parvis, its preaching-book (ruled with orderly columns for all sorts of statistics), and its crypt, " in consequence of the recent rains about one foot under water/' are described in his usual lively manner. Then he goes into ecstasies to his sisters about the Bodleian Library : " Such extraordinary pictures ! " [in the Bodleian Gallery] " a dozen or two of the old founders with their wives coats of arms and inscriptions in gilt letters such old loves \ There is Lord Burghley on his little muile l , Columbus all the old Bishop* 1 In the portrait in question, on the white mule, on which he Lord Burleigh ia represented sitting used to ride down to Westminster. I 2 ii6 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. in short such a collection as one would not know where to match out of Oxford ; nor are works of art altogether wanting. There is a most speaking likeness of Garrick, some fine Gainsboroughs, a superlative Sir Joshua. In short there is much to study and admire, as well as to smile at and feel interested in." After a visit to Parker's shop, " a kind of lounge for the young men who love books," and " the stores of which make one's very heart flutter/' they returned to their Hotel, to await the great man, under whose auspices John William Burgon was to matriculate at Oxford as a Commoner of Worcester College. " Dr. Pusey had announced himself for one o'clock ; and soon after one the waiter came into the room where we were sitting, looking like a dog with his tail between his legs, and announced Dr. "Pusey. " I believe you have seen him : however he is much improved in appearance, since we saw him last at Dods- worth's. He has grown plumper (rather), and looks a little more cheerful. He immediately entered on the subject of our visit with Rose, and very kindly proposed to conduct him (and me) to Worcester College, where he said he would introduce us to the Provost of the College, having first distinctly declared it to be his opinion that Worcester College was the best I could go to. " We went towards the place with him, and he talked to us as we went along, or rather he talked to Rose. I cannot pretend to write all he said, first because it was very slight, next because I heard him imperfectly, and lastly because what he did say, and I heard, requires the modifying influence of tongue, eye, and face to give it its due meaning, and no more. The general upshot of what he said was that it was distressing to be so misunderstood and misrepresented. J. W. R spells the word " muile," it with which his sister would and marks it under, probably to be familiar, indicate some mode of pronouncing THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 1 1 7 " On arriving at Worcester College, I remained in the Quadrangle, while my two conductors knocked at the Provost's door. I was extremely anxious to see Worcester College, as you may easily suppose, a place that is to become my Home ! and I was not disappointed. It is a newish-looking College, but pretty ; and within the quadrangle are some very ancient buildings. It is in fact the most recent collegiate foundation in Oxford, having been endowed by a Sir something Cook, in the year 1 700, or thereabouts ; but it is to me a delightful circumstance that it occupies the site of the most ancient establishment for religious instruction in Oxford, St. Frideswide's Abbey (founded A.D. 700) always excepted, of which hereafter. What follows is a slight sketch of the front of the College, from memory " [here follows a very rapidly executed pencil sketch], " This is the front. When you have got through the door, you see somewhat thus" [another hasty sketch]. "I had scarcely lost sight of Mr. Rose and Dr. Pusey, when they re-appeared, and they told me that the Provost had gone out for a ride. It was accordingly settled that the visit must be deferred till to-morrow. Dr. Pusey walked homewards, and we insensibly followed in the direction of Christ Church (of which he is a Canon) ; and in about a quarter of an hour we stood at his door, the right hand corner of a magnificent quadrangle, the largest in Oxford, built by Cardinal Wolsey with truly royal magnificence. He desired us to walk in, which we gladly did ; and he led the way into a cheerful library, in sad but sacred confusion. The legs of the wooden chair on which he was sitting were altogether blocked up by the works of Irena3us and St. Basil. Over his mantel-piece were three German prints, thus ; " [rough pencil sketches of two of them] " St. John the Baptist ; our Saviour's Passion ; and the third was an interesting representation of St. John's preaching, I suppose. Before him were the portraits of his two poor sickly children, and I think elsewhere in his room (or else it was at Mr. Newman's), Vandyke's treble portrait of Charles I. His books were mostly on Divinity, all learned. He said with a smile 1 1 8 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. that, his Fathers were in the next room, mostly. Rose talked to him about Neander 2 , of whom Dr. P. gave us a very interesting account ; but I leave dear Rose to tell you what he said about Bickersteth, &c., &c., &c. We took leave of Dr. Pusey in the course of about half an hour. In the meantime he had kindly repeated his offer of supplying me with half a sitting-room in his house till accommodation can be provided for me in College (which is extremely kind and condescending, though I fear it will not suit); and he said he would write to Dr. Cotton, his brother-in-law, to make an appointment for us for the morrow. And so we took our leave of him." After their dinner at the Hotel that evening (" tough beefsteaks, and potatoes like bullets, whereof the horrible memory haunts me yet"), "there came a note from the Provost of Worcester College, bidding us call upon him at nine next morn- ing Next morning accordingly we got up like good boys, brake our fast betimes, and then got under way for Worcester College. Dr. Cotton in his note had recommended that I should be examined at once, and Dr. Pusey seconded the motion, much to my alann and disgust. However, we resolved, if Dr. Cotton should repeat the invitation to be examined, that I should immediately do the needful; and accordingly, I had scarcely lost sight of Mr. Rose (who went into the * Mr. Rose, who was an accom- man came in and purchased the new plished German scholar, had trans- volume, just as the brothers-in-law lated 'Neander's History of the were leaving the shop ; whereupon Christian Religion and Church Mr. Newman indicated a desire to during the firt three centuries' know Mr. Rose, which led to the The second volume of this transla- visit to his rooms described in the tion had just appeared, the first sequel. Neander, a Jew by birth, having made its appearance in 1831, but a Christian by deep conviction ten years earlier. The second and by Baptism, was born at Gottin- volume was lying upon Parker's gen, Jan. 17, 1789, and died of the counter, when Burgon and Mr. cholera, July 14, 1850. Rose were in the shop. Mr. New- THE OXFORD LIFE : FIRST PERIOD. 1 1 9 Doctor's, while I waited in the Quadrangle) before he re- appeared, and introduced me to Dr. Cotton. He is a small man, looking like an old little lot/ very kind and gentle 3 ; and he assured me it was a very small matter ; told me that the Tutor who should examine me, knew that I must be handled gently, and in short said enough to make me instantly run off' in quest of what I had five minutes before been so nervous about. I found the Tutor (a Mr. Muckleston 4 , I think) in his studious little room, and told him what I had come for. He seemed a little astonished to hear that I had read no Greek for ten years, and that I knew so little of Latin. However, he bade me name the books I would be examined in. Tibby " (the supposed name of " the Bear," as he called himself,) ' happened the night before to have had a little talk with his keeper over a proof-sheet of Herodotus, in which some books had come wrapped up from Parker's. So, being at a loss to know what to say, he now said he should like to be examined in Herodotus and Cicero, which was rather saucy ; but you know Tibby is a saucy fellow. " Well, my executioner was very kind about it ; chose half-a-dozen easy lines of each, and told me to turn a little of ' the Spectator ' into Latin. So he gave me a pen and ink and paper, and said I must make haste, for in 3 " Our Provost, might I paint Ever the first in Chapel : at his him, was a man prayers Of wondrous grave aspect : of A homily to inattentive hearts : stature small, The college loved, revered him, to Yet full of Christian dignity ; so a man." full " Worcester College " [Poems by Of human kindness, that a child John William Burgon, B.D., Dean could pick of Chichester]. The lock upon his heart. Twas * " Then, would you know our sport to watch, Tutors, each was great, When chased by beggars near the But in his several way. What College wall, excellent gifts (Some mother of a fabulous brood Were Muckleston's ! (my Tutor of bairns,) he ; well skilled How soon he'd strike his colours to In dialectic ; grand in all the moods the foe. From ' Barbara' on)." Hid. 120 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. half-an-hour we should be wanted in the Convocation Room (where the young men are matriculated). Of course I made sad hash of it ; but he said it would do very well, and took me into another room, where my name was taken down ; and I was told I must imme- diately provide myself with a cap and gown and a white tie. " A little juicy tailor was in attendance with plenty of caps and gowns ; and he lent me one which, though it did not fit, did very well for the purpose. The white tie was a sad home thrust ; but my friend who had been examining me undertook to supply that, which he kindly did immediately, and out I walked, looking, or at least feeling, wonderfully awkward and foolish. I scarcely knew whether I stood on my head or my heels when I entered the Convocation Room, and found myself in a little mob of persons with caps and gowns, maces, and red inner garments. " Here, however, to my surprise and pleasure, I met some friends. Brancker was the first to find me out, and very surprised he was to see me, as you may sup- pose. He welcomed me very cordially, and had scarcely done so, when Mr. Jacobson espied me. He was ex- tremely friendly. Next, who should I see but Mr. Hensley ! He had just come to enter his brother, also at Worcester College ; so he introduced me to him 4i Well ; there was a great deal of delay, while some twenty young B.A.'s were being metamorphosed into M.A.'s, after which ' we youth ' were called up, one by one, and in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor were re- quested to sign the Thirty-Nine Articles ; that is to say, we signed our names in a great book. My own interest- ing autograph ran as follows (I leave Mr. Rose to explain). ' ' John W. Burgon, Gen. Fil. CoU. Vigorn.' I think that was all ; but I felt nervous and scarcely knew what I wrote. " Well ; we were then presented each with a copy of Statutes (I should rather say, extracts from the Statutes) of the University, and desired to stand round THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 121 in a circle : when the first young man, in behalf of us all, read aloud an oath which we took, and in ratification of which wo all kissed the Bible. This oath is such a lort of an Oath, that I cannot resist the inclination I feel to set it down for you, though I rather begrudge the trouble : " ' I, J. W. B., do swear that I do from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical, that dam- nable position and doctrine " That Prince* excommunicated of di-fniri'il Ly ihe Pope, or any authority of the See of Rome, may he deposed or murdered by their subjects, or any other whutxoer- . " ' And I do declare, that no foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State, or Potentate hath, or ought to have, any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or au- thority, ecclesiastical, or spiritual, within this realm. " ' So help me God, &c.' " The Mr. Hensley 6 , whom he mentions above, became during their undergraduate career, and remained ever afterwards, despite material differences in their theo- logical views, Burgon's fastest and fondest friend. He has given most valuable assistance to the writer in drawing up the narrative of the early Oxford days of his old friend ; and excerpts from Burgon's letters to him will be presented to the reader in the sequel. He it is to whom Burgon paid, ten years afterwards, the visit which he describes so beautifully in the touching little poem, "Worcester College" [' Poems' p. 86], in the course of which the two old College friends " count o'er the names" of their academical contemporaries, many of them departed, "many more Grown husbands, fathers, widowers ; while of some We had no news, and wondered how they fared." 8 Now the Reverend Alfred Hensley, Rector of Cotgrave, near Not- tingham. 1 2 2 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. In the last extract from his letters to his sisters, he has been describing the ceremony of his admission to the University in a spirit of badinage, and in a tone of mock solemnity ; but he is aware that, underlying the badinage, there is a proud consciousness in his mind of having attained at length to membership of a world- famous corporation. After he has restored his Academi- cals to the "juicy little tailor," and his white tie to the tutor who had lent it, and was, in point of costume, him- self again, " I then went in search of the porter of the College. I already felt six inches taller since breakfast I felt as if a part of the burthen of Oxford had fallen on my shoulders. I was part and parcel of the grass plot and the College. The College was my college ; the quad- rangle, my quadrangle ; the porter, my porter ; the porter's son, my porter's son. I accordingly sent him in quest of his dad : for I wanted to examine my Library, my Hall, and my Chapel. "The Library is spacious, and well-furnished, al- together a very superior one. The Hall is clean and neat and cheerful ; but not at all (or very little) Collegiate, I mean, it is Greek, not Gothic. Ditto of the Chapel. However, all three pleased me much. The Prayers are read in Latin every morning at \ past 7 in winter, and seven in summer ; so Tibby must turn out a little earlier than he has been accustomed." Mr. Newman having given Mr. Rose some encourage- ment to think that he would be glad to receive a visit from him and his protege", they determine to pay their respects in that quarter, find the great man "at dinner in the Common Room," but were told that they might perhaps see him later, " for that he usually sate up and wrote rather late." After spending the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson, and chatting till nearly ten o'clock, they again repair to Oriel College. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 123 We found Mr. Newman sitting by his fireside in a comfortable library-looking sitting-room. He had been writing ; and, as I should think, something which he felt anxious about ; for at every few words there occurred an erasure. He apologized for the confusion in which we found him ; but it was quite superfluous, for every- thing was in very tolerable order. I did not remark in his furniture anything remarkable. He had a print or two ; by the by it was he who had the portrait of Charles I ; I noticed nothing else particularly " Mr. Newman was kind enough to say he should hope to see me when I go up to Oxford. I hope he will. I am sure I shall covet his friendship ; but it is equally certain that I will not pester him, or run after him. or after any one else. Ask Rose to tell you the story of the New Zealander's breakfast, if he has not told it to you already, which I would lay a small wager he has done. You can't think how well Mr. Newman told that story ! He talked to us about several matters, railroads, monumental inscriptions, New Zealand, Dr. Pusey, &c., &c. In his voice, he is more like than any one else we know ; both in voice and manner, but very unlike him in face. On such occasions, however, paying a first visit, at an uncouth hour, without any particular object, the conversation, as you know, is always rather tire par lea c/ieveux. We did not quite hide our faces behind one another and say, ' No, Sir ' ' Don't, Tom ' " [here a rough grotesque sketch of the attitude indicated] ; " but something very like it." Next morning, he sees Mr. Rose off to Houghton Conquest, and is late for the commencement of the Daily Service at St. Mary's, but in time for the Lessons, " which Mr. Newman read beautifully ; " after which, " I had still an hour or two to pass in Oxford ; so I went to see Brancker. He received me with much kindness. He is Divinity Lecturer at his College (Wad- ham), and gave me much useful practical advice. He assured me that, if I could number Dr. Pusey, Mr. New- 1 24 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. man, and Mr. Jacobson, among my friends, I should come up to Oxford under the best auspices. He begged me to write to him, if I wanted any further information, &c., &c. So we parted ; and I took a stroll round the garden of Wadham College, one of my favourite haunts "After a farewell visit to Parker's, I glanced once more at all the beloved buildings, and said in my heart to the towers, spires, and walls around me, ' Good-bye for the present, my dears.' I then went to the inn, wrote a hasty line to Dawson Turner, and came home" [to Brunswick Square] " by the Great Western Railway, as fast as steam would carry me My best love to all around you, and many kisses to the beardless of the beloved circle." In what remains of this Period we shall leave John William Burgon, through the medium of his letters, to speak for himself. Certain facts, however, need to be stated, by way of explaining those letters. On March 1842. 10, A.D. 1842, his work being now at an end in London, ' J he bade adieu to Brunswick Square, after drawing the rooms in which he and his family had lived so long and happily. "At I2 left home!!!! !," says the Journal; "Rose and I reached Houghton at 7. I this day entered on a new life. May God bless it ! It was a sad parting." (His mother and sisters did not leave the old home till June 2, more than two and a half months afterwards.) Thenceforth his time was divided between Oxford during the terms, and Houghton Conquest during the vacations, where he devoted himself unintermittingly under Mr. Rose's guidance to his classical studies. Rarely did he allow himself a week or ten days at home under the roof of his parents, who still continued to reside in London after quitting Brunswick Square. Those who THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 125 remember the consuming passion for poetry, which he had exhibited in his early life, will not be surprised to find that, on going to Oxford, the first object of his ambition, perhaps it should be said of his strenuous determination, was to win Sir Roger Newdigate's prize for the best composition in English Verse. For this prize he competed in 1 842, his first year of residence at Oxford (the subject being Charles XII), in 1843 (the subject being Cromwell), and again in 1844 (the subject being the Battle of the Nile), all three times unsuccessfully. But his energy and elasticity of mind were proof against all discouragement: and in 1845 came a brilliant success, all the more gratifying because so long delayed, ' Petra* "May 23, 1845. At i\ o'clock, Greswell announced A.D. i to me that I had won the Newdigate ! ! Lam Deo." And on a separate page at the end of the Diary : "June 5, 1845. Yesterday I recited ' Petra' in the Theatre. I have great reason to feel most thankful for the joyful manner in which all went off. How good to us our Heavenly Friend is ! I felt all manner of com- forts, and have since been only able to call to mind more. May I live to consecrate my prose and verse to His honour and praise ! J. W. B." Later in that year he took his degree of B.A., Nov. 20 6 , after being under examination in the Schools from Nov. 12 to Nov. 19 (both inclusive). 6 In a letter to Mr. Hensley pure villainy." It is rather touching (who, as we have seen, had been to read in his Journal of the next matriculated on the same day), month (May 25, 1848) ; "Hensley dated April 28, 1848, he looka for- took his degree. I could not (not ward to taking his M.A. degree money enough)." In the following with his old friend : " We must month, however, the money seems put on our M.A. gowns (D.V.) to have been found. "Wed. June the same day next term, and strut 14, 1848, put on my M.A. gown, all round Oxford in them, running Laus DEO." over the Proctor, if possible, for i26 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. On a separate page at the end of the Diary occurs this note, written at the close of his Examination, and before it was known what Class he had gained : " 57 St. John's Street, igth Nov., 1845. Wednesday Evening. With inexpressible gratitude to the Giver of all good, do I here set down the record that my troubles ended this day. My anxious reading, my many thought- ful, wistful hours, have all tended to this point ; and it is past ! God be thanked and praised ! Let me now look forward to something higher, nobler, more abiding ! J. W. B." On Nov. 26, "The Class List came out at 3. Thank GOD, I am no lower." This is the only notice taken by him in his Journal of what must have been a sore dis- appointment to him, his failure to take a First Class. One of the reasons of this failure probably was that, while enjoying and appreciating the Classics in a way which they who obtain the highest honours very rarely are found to do, he was, from want of early grounding, deficient in the technicalities of Grammar, and the nicer refinements of Scholarship. But let us listen in this matter to his contemporary and intimate College friend, Rev. Alfred Hensley, who thus writes to the author as to Burgon's attendance at Lectures, and his eagerness to avail himself of all the opportunities held out to him. " Never did a more devoted, humble, loyal, dutiful ahiniiiux pass the threshold of Alma Mater; never did any student strive more vigorously to avail himself of all advantages within his reach. Day and night were well alike to him ; and I have ever marvelled how his con- stitution bore the excessive strain, continuous as it was, and how in the intervals of meals, and slight restricted recreation, he invariably maintained a buoyant, exube- rant cheerfulness and fun, which made happy all who had the good fortune to be associated with him. "Burgon took no more than a Second Class. How was THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 127 this ? You are doubtless aware of his disadvantageous start. I do not attribute his failure (shall I so call it ?) to this ; but as in a march, & forced march through a territory, the man who now and again steps aside in botanical or geological research, is retarded in his pro- gress, so Burgon was never satisfied without a nice exact ferretting out of every difficulty, sometimes amus- ingly apparent in the Lecture Room, where the tutor always indulged and appreciated his integrity and zeal. He never rested until he had acquired all that could be known respecting the matter before him. His inter- ruptions of the Lecture were to be seen as well as heard ; and his humble, plaintive manner of enquiry was a strik- ing contrast to the dry, solemn mode of the tutor's reply, who nevertheless, I believe, always appreciated Burgon's earnest thirst for information. I believe his notes on the Classics would wonderfully testify to the fact of his probing every question to the depth, and would thus tell of hours lost, I mean by lost, that a much more superficial acquaintance would have an- swered his purpose in the Schools Nothing, I feel sure, would have induced Burgon to undergo the process of cramming ; he would have regarded it as a moral degradation." His own view of the reasons of his failure to obtain a First Class will be seen in the Letter of Nov. 22, 1845, to Mr. Dawson Turner. The names of the Masters of the Schools who con- ducted the Examination in Michaelmas Term, 1845, were Henry George Liddell (now Dean of Christ Church), Charles Daman, John Matthias Wilson, and Arthur West Haddan. Early in the year succeeding that in which he took A - D - l8 his degree there appeared his " Remarks on Art with reference to the Studies of the University. In a letter addressed to the Rev. Richard Greswell, B.D., Tutor (late Fellow) of Worcester College." His soul must i 2 8 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. have been in its pleasant places, while writing that pamphlet; for it would take him back to the old familial- pursuits and associations of his early life, which had been broken off for three full years by the stern necessity of classical studies. It is pleasant to see, while reading it, how much at home he is in his old element, and how discursive he accordingly becomes, expatiating freely on either side of him, as tempting themes seduce him from the straight path of his argu- ment. The ostensible purpose of the Letter is to urge upon Mr. Ores well, his most kind friend, and recently his College Tutor, and through him upon the authorities of the University generally, the providing of some means, more than Oxford then afforded, of studying Ancient and Modern Art. Ancient Literature, he argues, to the study of which the University directs her alumni, as the prin- cipal instrument of Education, is more or less closely connected with Ancient Art, so that " to understand either one must study loth" and " that to understand the one thoroughly, without studying the other at all, is utterly impossible " [p. 46]. He suggests therefore that a series of casts be provided from the ^Eginetan marbles, from the Parthenon marbles, and from the celebrated sculp- tures of the epoch after Alexander the Great (the Laocoon, Farnese Hercules, &c.) and placed in the Taylor Gallery in a position accessible to students. But he also takes occasion to enlarge on ancient Coins, as illustrative of ancient history, and furnishing many portraits of the great personages of antiquity. And although he holds painting, as distinct from colouring, to be an Art of Christian growth, he would fain " see the walls of some building in Oxford adorned with faithful copies of the grandest pictures in the world " ; for " no one can study the works of Raphael without improvement : no THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 129 one can understand them without study" [pp. 68, 69]. " Two of the affections of bodies," he says [p. 13], " Number and Quantity are deemed sufficiently im- portant to constitute the principal feature in the education of the sister University : a high place too they enjoy in our own system. Is it not somewhat extraordinary that two other, equally inseparable, affections of bodies, Form and Colour should constitute, in neither place, oii;/ part of education at all? " It must be admitted that in this Pamphlet he calls attention, in a manner at once useful and interesting, to a weak point in the then sys- tem of education at the University, that point being the very jejune provision made for the cultivation of artistic tastes in her students. He maintains that those students are not without the rudiment of such tastes, as is shown by the pictures with which they adorn the walls of their rooms. " We have but to look around us to be convinced that there exists in this place a strong yearning for Art : which only wants direction, in order that it may be made available for a high purpose." It may be added that several of the suggestions made in this pamphlet in regard to the Taylor Gallery, have so commended them- selves as reasonable to the authorities of the University, that they have been carried into effect. It may be mentioned in this connexion as another instance which goes to shew that artistic occupations had not lost for Burgon the attractiveness, which from his earliest years they had, that the Frontispiece of Mr. Linwood's 'Anthologia Oxoniensis.' in which are represented the coins of some of those cities of Asia Minor, which contended for the honour of having been the birthplace of Homer 7 , was executed by him. He was one of the 7 This Anthology contains many pieces of Latin and Greek Verses, exquisite translations, and original Perhaps the gem of the Collection is VOL. I. K LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. earliest members of the Oxford " Art Society," of which Dr. Wellesley and Mr. Greswell, Burgon's old College Tutor and most kind friend, were the leaders and heads ; and the work of designing the Frontispiece for Mr. Lin- wood's book would be in every way a congenial one, not only because Art was one of his fortes, but as summoning back to him the associations of his past. The publica- tion is dated 1846, the year in which he put forth his ' Remarks on Art.' On the 1 3th of April, 1846, began the Examination for the Oriel Fellowship. From the brief notes in his Diary he seems to have regarded his success as hopeless. "Monday, Ap. 13. English Essay and Latin writing Felt sure it was hopeless trying further." "Tues. Ap. 14. Latin Essay. Physical Paper. It is quite hopeless." On a separate page at the end of the Diary is this longer note. "April 14, 1846, Tuesday night (2 o'clock). Yes- Mr. Osborne Gordon's Greek Elegiacs to right, Chios. No. 7 and 8, the on Chantrey's monument to the Two obverse and reverse of the coin be- Children in Lichfield Cathedral. low, both of Mytilene. The seated ParsSecunda. xx. Here is a descrip- figure (at head of title-page) recalls tion of Burgon's Frontispiece, with a class of Greek sepulchral reliefs, which Mr. Arthur Evans, keeper of in which departed ladies for in- the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, stance are represented with articles has kindly furnished the author : of the toilet, such as the unguent- "The Medallions, as you rightly vase and mirror, suspended above suppose, represent coins referring to the person here represented. Bur- some of the cities that contended gon, who was no doubt familiarised for Homer's birthplace. No. I, with with this kind of reliefs at Smyrna, Legend of OMHPO2, answers to the has here apparently adapted one to head of. Homer on coins of los; this the character of a Muse (the pensive is on the left of the title-page. No. attitude suggesting perhaps Poly- a, (on the right) with Homer seated, hymnia) and added the lyre. Eros is from, a coin of Smyrna. No. 3, as a racer is introduced below, per- left, Colophon.. No. 4, to right, haps to indicate the lighter subjects Mytilene. No. 5, left, Teoa. No. 6, of the volume." THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 131 terday and to-day I have been at Oriel, trying for one of the three vacant Fellowships. I had bright hopes till I went in, and then all left me ! It is indeed hopeless. I will add a word on Friday, when all is over. " It is my comfort to think that all such things are in higher keeping. GOD be praised for my disappointments, as well as for my gratifications ! Amen, Amen ! " But on Friday, the i 7th, an agreeable surprise was in store for him. " Ap. 17. Friday Night. I was this day elected a Fellow of Oriel College. Hensley and Acres outstripped the Provost's servant by half a minute in bringing me the news. How full of blessings has my life been till now ! This, the last, not least ! How wondrous it seems that I should be vice Newman ! . . . . May GOD give me grace and help to live as if I loved HIM, and was sen- sible of His exceeding favour and mercy ! " His degree taken, and his Fellowship secured, his next principal object was to prepare himself for Holy Orders. With this view, he attended, while residing in Oxford, the Lectures of Professors Hussey and Jacobson. And when at Houghton Conquest, he devoted himself to un- remitting Theological study : and we meet with such notices in his Diary as the following, written across the register of several days ; " I was all this time fagging at Pearson and some of the Fathers often for twelve hours a day." Under the date June 4, 1847, we come across this A-D- 184; notice in the Diary : " Gained the Mlerton (Laus Deo !)." The subject of the Ellerton Theological Essay Prize in that year was, "The importance of Translation of the Holy Scriptures 8 ." In the year 1846 he had competed * On the title-page of his MS. in Passion Week, 1 847 Written on copy of this Essay, he has written ; the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thtirs- " Begun on the evening of Monday day and Saturday transcribed on K 2 132 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. unsuccessfully for the same prize, the subject then being, " That a Divine Revelation contains mysteries is no valid argument against its truth." It should be mentioned, if only by way of shewing the immense amount of work of various descriptions under- taken by him, that after his degree he took private pupils, not however apparently to read for Honours (which he seems to have considered that his Second Class hardly justified him in doing) but simply to prepare them for taking an ordinary degree. Thus writes one of them to the author under date March 29, 1890: Easter Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday, when it was given in." He had no high esteem for his production ; for on one of the fly- leaves is written in pencil ; " I never glance over this very jejune Essay, or think of it, without shame. The rapidity with which it was written is its sole apology. The success which attended it, its sole merit. J. W. B." Nevertheless, hia Essay shews a perfect mastery of the main points in which the Authorised Ver- sion needs amendment, and sums up very effectively all the learning on the subject of the Septuagint. It is interesting to observe that, while he indicates passages of the New Tes- tament, in which the Translation might be improved, he does not ad- rocate Revision. " It is the part of a shallow wisdom that would seek to tamper on slight grounds with such a monument of collective learn- ing and sound judgment [as the Authorised Version]. And when it u discovered (as every one will dis- cover who makes the experiment) that an approximation to excellence is after all the utmost that is attain- able ; that inconsistencies will be discoverable after the greatest pains have been bestowed, and that scarcely a word can be disturbed in the existing text without affecting the harmony of remote and ap- parently unconnected passages ; that an attempt to remedy a mistransla- tion in one place will probably in- troduce an inconsistency i n another; and that almost every thing, as it stands, seems to have an assignable reason ; when these considerations have been duly entertained, it may well be expected that the boldest and most sanguine will be deterred from the attempt to re-model." This expectation was disappointed, as we know. Remodelling, of the most thorough and drastic character, both as regards the text and the transla- tion, was attempted some years afterwards, and called down severe castigation on its perpetrators from the pen of the Denyer Prize Essayist of 1847. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 133 " I read Greek Plays with Mr. Burgon at Oriel. There was a tradition then that his elegant and felicitous trans- lations got him his Fellowship at Oriel. Anyhow, it was very charming to read with him. He was, as you know, among his many other accomplishments, a poet. I, too, loved poetry ; so we were quite en rapport. When we finished the Plays, he said, ' Now, B *****, if you in- tend to go in for Honours, and read Ethics, you had better go to a First Class man.' So I went to , then an enthusiast and a scholar. But I returned, after taking my degree (a Pass, from broken health), to read Theology with Mr. Burgon, following him over to Houghton Conquest, where lived dear Mrs. Rose his sister, and where I became very intimate with all the family. Of his Theology I need say nothing: he was a Master in it. He certainly, to my mind, interested his pupils in their work When we finished our Plays, and I was about to return to my College in the evening, he would kiss me on the cheek, amusing, if it had not been so sweet and loving Dear Dean Burgon ! although of late years we corresponded only at Christ- mas, I owe to him very much His last kind act was to give me an introduction to Bishop John Words- worth, our Diocesan." And thus another (under date March 12, 1890), who was a private pupil of J. W. B.'s some eight or nine years after the time of which we are now speaking (1847):- " Burgon was very kind to me when I was at Oxford ; and I often went to his rooms I only went in for a Pass, and I got it ; so I am bound to say that he was so far a success. I was very fond of him ; and he was most quaint. To see him, as he talked of Mediaeval Art, pose as a Saint in an old stained glass window was a sight to be remembered But no stories of him that I know of seem much good when written down. It was the man and the manner that made them When one thinks of him, it is as the true, fearless, loving friend, with a 134 L IFE OF DEAN BURGON. heart that was not ashamed to shew its tears or its love." Finally, it will be desirable to say something in refer- ence to Burgon's connexion with the Oxford Movement, and to the influence which, as one or more of the an- nexed letters shew, Mr. (afterwards Cardinal) Newman at first exercised over him. The Movement was at its close when he matriculated at Oxford in the October of 1841. Early in that year the celebrated Tract XC had made its appearance. This famous paper resembled, in the sensation which it created in the Church, one of those closing displays in pyrotechnics, the detonations of which are repeated again and again, even when we think every explosion to be the last. Bishop after Bishop charged against the Tract. Four Tutors of important Colleges " remonstrated," in the name of religion and morality, against a method of interpretation, by which the Thirty- Nine Articles might be made to mean anything or nothing 9 . The Hebdomadal Board pronounced its mode of interpreting the Articles to be " inconsistent with the Statutes of the University." Shoals of Pamphlets and Sermons threatened to overwhelm and extinguish the offending paper, as an avalanche buries underneath it an Alpine village ; bound up with all the censures it elicited, Tract XC became the centre of a literature of its own. Last, but not least, it exploded the series of ' Tracts for the Timesl which were thenceforth discontinued by Mr. New- man in deference to the unfavourable judgment which his own Bishop, in common with every other Bishop on the bench, pronounced upon this ill-starred publication. The "Remonstrance" was ad- of Brasenose, Mr. Wilson of St. dressed to the Hebdomadal Board, John's, Mr. Griffiths of Wadhain, or Body of Heads of Houses, and and Mr. Tait of Balliol. was signed by Mr. Churton, Tutor THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 135 John William Burgon, though at that time only a theologian and controversialist in posse, had lived in the midst of the ferment which the publication had created, and must have been perfectly well aware of the many grave censures which had been launched against it by men of all schools in the Established Church. We can only suppose that, being more or less prepossessed in favour of the Oxford Movement by his attendance upon Mr. Dods worth's ministry in London, he had elected to take sides with Mr. Newman, and to support him, as long as he found it practicable to do so, with all the chivalrous generosity of his ardent and enthusiastic nature. Alas! that this generous confidence of his was destined to receive a rude shock, amounting to a death-blow, when in October, 1845, Mr. Newman a>ked of Father Dominic, the Passionist, then his guest at Littlemore, admission into the one Fold of Christ 1 ." In that secession " there were great searchings of heart," which revealed, in other cases besides that of John W'iUiam Burgon, who were, and who were not, true at the core of their moral being to the principles of the English Reformation. Yet his deep personal vene- ration for Mr. Newman subsisted still. In his letter to Mr. Lawson of June 17, 1845 ( a portion of which will be submitted to the reader presently), he gives a glimpse of his feelings of vexation and dismay, should Newman's secession, which was then only apprehended as possible, occur. What his emotions were, when it did occur, and having been sceptical at first as to the truth of the rumour, he received confirmation of it from Dr. Pusey, we learn from the interesting Address delivered by 1 The words in which Mr. New- tism, in his ' Apologia ' [London, man himself expresses his Re-Bap- 1864], p. 367. 136 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Prebendary Powles at the dedication of the Dean Burgon Memorial Window in the Lady Chapel of Chichester Cathedral (April 12, i89o) 2 . When Dr. Pusey told him it was but too true, " he was completely overcome, and burst into a passion of weeping so violent and so long as to greatly perplex his companion. Speaking of it to me many years afterwards, Burgon said, ' I shed so many tears then that I have had none to shed since.' " L.D. 1848. It appears from his letters to Mrs. Hugh James Rose. " and other friends, that early in the autumn of 1 848 he had had thoughts of postponing his Ordination for six months, and accompanying a pupil to Egypt and Syria. But the scheme was frustrated. " I was within an ace of starting for Egypt and Syria in a week or two," he writes Sept. 14, 1848, in his usual punning vein, to the Rev. R. Lawson (an intimate College friend, who had now taken 'Holy Orders), "but cholera and war have knocked the scheme on the head ; so it will be Sam Oxon instead of John Crocodile after all." His views and feelings in prospect of his Ordination, as well as the account of this solemn crisis in his life, so pregnant with happy consequences to himself and others, will be best given in the words of the two letters to Mrs. Hugh James Rose, with which this Section closes. What has been said will, it is hoped, serve to explain the following excerpts from his Letters, where they may need explanation. The Letters are given in the order of their dates. 2 Printed for Private Circulation by Wilmshurst, Chichester. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 137 To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Worcester Coll., 16 Feb., 1843. ' My dear Friend, " The Christmas Vacation has intervened since I ad- dressed you last. I passed it altogether at Hough ton. fVTVx&s fic'f, dAA.' ojuco? Ta TU>V TCKOVTCOV o/jt/ma^' TjfSioror She-new 3 ! So said Sophocles, and so felt I. To be invited home, and at Christmas too, Christmas, which, in the words of the old song, 'comes but once a year,' to be invited by one's Mother, and to have to decline ! I never did such a thing in my life. But I felt clearly that the alternative lay between pleasure and duty Had I gone home, I should have done nothing ; by stay- ing at Houghton I mastered the Agamemnon. I think it is by far the most difficult Greek I ever encountered, harder by far than the speeches in Thucydides (through which I am ploughing very cheerfully). These last are hard, excessively, I admit; so hard that I frequently screw up my lamp about midnight, in order to throw light on the subject, and rub my eyes (in vain) in order to see through the condensed mass : but -^Eschylus offers difficulties of quite another kind. A grammarian might see through the one ; but it requires a poet to see through the other. " He reminds me very much of Shakspeare. They were kindred spirits. I could almost point out passages where one feels sure that if Shakspeare had written Greek, he would have hit on the same turns of expression, the same bold imagery and strong language. This is the kind of speculation which particularly endears my studies to me. I am told that it will avail me nothing in the Schools, that it will not pay. But I care not ; 3 " Tho' it turned out for good, B.'s letters has been to accentuate most sweet it is, his Greek quotations. Usually Xathless, to see one's parents face to these are unaccentuated. From face" want of practice probably, he did [CEdipus, speaking of his long not feel confident enough to accen- exile from Corinth]. (Ed. Tyr. 998, 9. tuate any but the more ordinary The only liberty taken with J . W. words. i ^8 LIFE OF DEAN BUEGON. O it will make me happy; and we shall see, three or four years hence, whether something new is not to be said in illustration of the old Tragedians. ;! studied the Agamemnon with the aid of Peile's Edition, which you perhaps have seen. After I had finished my task, I nattered myself that I understood the play pretty well, and took the liberty of writing Mr. Peile a long letter of three pages on the subject, chiefly critical. He has sent me a very kind reply. " I never passed eight weeks more uneventfully than those of Christmas. I studied all day ; and the gloomy season protected me from many invitations, and intrusions of visitors. The contrast the country presented to the bonny garb of green in which I had left it, was very painful. The comfort was to consider that when I visit Houghton again, all the beauty will be restored. Oh ! how glorious it will be. I long to grapple with Aristo- phanes, and renew my acquaintance with ^Eschylus, things impossible here, where quantity is so insisted on, and, I fear, as a necessary consequence, quality over- looked. But I am not going to find fault with mine University, where I am as happy as the days are long, I mean as the days are short. "I wish very much you could have heard a very remarkable sermon Mr. Newman preached before the University on the Feast of the Purification, the most remarkable production of its class I ever heard 4 . So ex- * Here ii another description of to hear what Newman had to say, this famous sermon by another and St. Mary's was crowded to the auditor, equally appreciative with door. The subject he spoke of was Burgon, and equally endowed with ' The Theory of Development in the poetical gift, the late Principal Christian Doctrine,' a subject which Shairp. since then has become common "There was one occasion of a property, but which at that time different kind, when he spoke from was new even to the ablest men in St. Mary's pulpit for the last time, Oxford. For an hour and a half he not as parish minister, but as drew out the argument, and perhaps University preacher. It was the the acutest there did not quite crisis of the movement. On the 2nd follow the entire line of thought, of February, 1843, the Feast of the or felt wearied by the length of it, Purification, all Oxford assembled lightened though it was by some THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 139 tremely universal in its scope, that it was impossible, from hearing it once, to grasp its meaning as a whole, and so exceedingly subtle and often metaphysical, that it was no less difficult to understand its several parts. Still the general impression was clear enough, and such as I shall not easily forget. Often when I am at my Greek, a passage or a sentiment comes swelling across me, and I cannot but stop to admire, even in memory, the un- atit-cted eloquence of the preacher. I thought him sin- gularly effective, yet could not but feel how completely his very weakness (so to speak) was his strength. His silence was eloquent, and his pauses worth a torrent of rhetoric. He spoke of the connexion between Faith and Reason, and enlarged on the memorable peculiarity of the pages of Inspiration that, containing as they do the principle of life within them, they are capable of infinite xi>tence, and are eternally spreading and developing startling illustrations. Such was the famous ' Protestantism has at various times developed into Polygamy,' or the still more famous ' Scripture says the sun moves round the earth, Science that the earth moves, and the sun is comparatively at rest. How can we determine which of these opposite statements is true, till we know what motion is ? ' Few probably who heard it have forgot the tone of voice with which he uttered the beautiful pas- sage about music as the audible embodiment of some unknown reality behind, itself sweeping like a strain of splendid music out of the heart of a subtle argument : ' Take another instance of an outward and earthly form, or economy, under which great wonders unknown seem to be typified ; I mean musical sounds, as they are exhibited most perfectly in instru- mental harmony. There are seven notes in the scale ; make them four- teen ; yet what a slender outfit for BO vast an enterprise ! What science brings so much out of so little ? Out of what poor elements does some great master create his new world ! Shall we say that all this exuberant inventiveness is a mere ingenuity or trick of art, like some game or fashion of the day, without reality, without meaning? We may do so ; and then, perhaps, we shall also account the science of theology to be a matter of words ; yet, as there is a divinity in the theology of the Church, which those who feel cannot communicate, so there is also in the wonderful crea- tion of sublimity and beauty of which I aui speaking,' &c., &c." [Principal Shairp's 'Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, 1 pp. 249-51. Edinburgh: 1886.] 140 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. themselves in fresh forms of being 5 . I cannot how- ever hope to give you an idea even of Newman's sermon. I only alluded to the subject, because I gather from your recent letters that you feel interested concerning him. One of his friends who called on me yesterday, told me that the sermon (with twelve others, all preached before the University) will be published on Saturday And now, my good friend, I wish you farewell. I fear I write a sad, dull letter, but if you will fancy to yourself a poor monk, the lonely tenant of a lonely cell in the lonely corner of a lonely quadrangle in a lonely college, will you wonder at his having no Paradise of Dainty Devices ? In truth, I have nothing but my affectionate good wishes to send to you all, and I beg you will ac- cept them. " Ever most faithfully yours, 5 J. W. B. has in his mind such passages of the great Sermon as these : " Such sentences as ' The Word was God,' or ' the Only- begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father,' or 'the Word was made flesh,' or 'the Holy Ghost which proceedeth from the Father,' are not a mere letter which we may handle by the rules of art at our own will, but august tokens of most simple, ineffable, adorable facts, embraced, enshrined accord- ing to its measure in the believing mind. For though the develop- ment of an idea is a deduction of proposition from proposition, these propositions are ever formed in and round the idea itself (so to speak), and are in fact one and all only aspecta of it," p. 334. " Revela- tion itself has provided in Scripture the main outlines and also large "JOHN W. BURGOX." details of the dogmatic system. Inspiration has superseded the exercise of human Reason in great measure, and left it but the com- paratively easy task of finishing the sacred work. The question, indeed, at first sight occurs, why such inspired statements are not enough without further developments ; but in truth, when Reason has once been put on the investigation, it cannot stop till it has finished it; one dogma creates another, by the same right by which it was itself created ; the Scripture statements are sanctions as well as informants in the inquiry ; they begin and they do not exhaust," p. 335. [Fifteen Sermons preached before the Univer- sity of Oxford, between A.D. 1826 and 1 843, by John Henry Newman,some- time Fellow of Oriel College. New Edition. London, MUCCCLXXXVU.] THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 141 To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Houghton Conquest, July 1 7, 1 843. " My dear Friend, .... I called on Mr. Rogers, who certainly shows marks of his age, I mean men- tally. Though he had been at home a few days before, and expressed a particular wish to see me when I came from Oxford, he seemed to have a very vague idea of the categories of Trodev and TTOU'' (whence and where), "as far as / was concerned. He was extremely kind however, wanted me to breakfast with him, and gave me a Lec- ture in the art of writing Poetry, &c., quite in the old style, declaring that he had never in his life written more than a couplet per diem ; that the young men wrote all too fast, and so far repeated himself as to ask me whether I should like to see the same thought expressed by Wordsworth, Milnes, Southey and himself. Of course 1 \vas game for everything he pleased, and had and capita (I c who, though I know I am working as hard as ever I can, never feel satisfied, scarcely. The thought of what I have to do has prevented nie from knowing what it is to have my mind at rest, ever since I went up to Oxford. I am quite in love with my books, and enjoy my occupations amazingly." To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Houghton Conquest, St. Thomas' Day, 1 843. " My dear Friend, " You will see by the date of this letter where I am. I prolonged my stay rather late in Oxford, because I was but ill prepared for the little examination at the end of the Term, and a few days all to one's self are suck a luxury after the incessant occupation of eight weeks, occupation which, however salutary 1 know and feel it to be, is a great trial to one of my roving propensities, who hate wearing blinkers ; but when I come across some curious subject. love to follow up the hint (which commonly leads me a most will-o'-the-wisp dance 'over brook, over briar'), luxuriating, as I go, in all the odd pieces of information I pick up on my way. To return, however, the result of the few days I staid up was very satisfactory ; and I had the pleasure of seeing ' exemplary ' written against my name in the Provost's black book. If he does not give me a book when I go back, I shall call him a very un- gentlemanly person. " I think the pleasantest party I was at during the Term was at Mr. Newman's, who kindly invited me to dinner at Oriel. It was very agreeable, you may be sure, to be so near so good and so great a man for so many hours. He joined in all the light talk which floated round the table, and seemed to encourage it (I say light, only as the reverse of serious or solemn) ; but at moments he sank his head, as if deep in thought, and there came over his very remarkable features such a painful expres- sion of severe abstraction that it was almost startling to witness. He is a wonderful man in every point of view : THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 143 and the only one I ever discoursed with, whom, entirely loving. I felt I could not at all approach ; I scarcely know how to explain myself ; but if you knew him you would nod assent, and require no explanation. He certainly cannot but feel that the habitual abiding place of his thoughts is where no common mind could follow. Wish- ing to know his mind well, would be like wishing to keep company with an eagle, whose joy is to soar up the sunbeam, and whose dwelling place is the pathless rock. .... He was so kind, at my request, as to write some words for me at the end of a beautiful Greek Testament I use. Perhaps you will like to know the words he chose ; they are from Habakkuk iii. 17, 18. " Your kind partiality encourages me to hope you will not think me playing the egotist too much, if I give you an account of the studies of last Term. " Old Aristotle I like better as I understand him more ; but he requires a very peculiar and careful study. I mean to give him both in due time ; at present I wish to go over my work, and I have still Plato and Juvenal, and Virgil, and Tacitus unbroken ground ! . . . . But the studies I give my heart to, are those which directly or indirectly bear on the sacred profession ; nor do I really value any thing else, except so far forth as it bears on this, and what classic reading does not in some degree bear upon it ? " To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Houghton Conquest, Dec. 21, 1844. " You will be glad to hear that I have been appointed to the office of sub-Librarian of our College Library. It is always held by an undergraduate for the actual Librarian, who is a non-resident Fellow. I mean to begin my Mayoralty by having cases made for three or four of our crack books. One is Inigo Jones's copy of Palladio, the margin of which he has jilted with his MS. notes. Another is a curious volume bound with pearls ; and another is a MS. Life of the Black Prince in Norman - French, written by his Esquire. I hope some day I may 144 LIFE OF DEAN BUBOON. have the pleasure of showing you such of our Books as you may care to see. It is one of the best Libraries in Oxford." To MR. DAWSON TCJRNER. "Wore. Coll., April, 1845. " Then we called on Mr. Rogers, who is just as usual in appearance He saluted us with a speech you will recognise as characteristic. ' Thank you for coming to see me. I knew you were coming ; so I had some crocuses laid down for you ! Come and look at them. There they are, four and sixpenny worth, three pence a piece ! But the misfortune is, the sparrows come and eat them, as fast as the gardener lays them down.' It often strikes me as such an odd thing that rich men talk so much about money, persons of very high rank espe- cially. I always think it bad taste ; and, however con- venient a commodity, and important to be talked very gravely about at certain times and in certain places, it is, generally speaking, a very uninteresting and disagreeable topic. I hope I am not wrong." To MR. DAWSON TURNER. " Worcester College, May 23, 1 845. " My dear Friend, I am sure you will sympathize with my joy in having gained the Newdigate. Mr. Gres- well brought me the joyful intelligence this afternoon (as I was hard at work on that most unpoetical of subjects- Logic), and Garbett confirmed the story immediately after. Since which I have had a levy of friends in my room ; but I steal a few moments to waft the news in a quarter whence I have received so much kindness whither so many affectionate thoughts so often tend- where I am sure the news will impart some portion of the pleasure it has imparted to myself. " I feel very grateful for this blessing, and that on every account. It is my last chance it is a sacred subject it is the first poem the college has gained, and I know how much pleasure my dearest ones will feel at my success. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 145 I shall also now see the foundation of a little library laid Bull and Bingham and Hooker, and a few more, all in smart jackets, flaming some with the University, some with the College arms See how I look for- ward ! But the truth is, I am just emptying my heart to you. However, we have come to the bottom of it, and the end of my story, and the few minutes of leisure which remain, I will dedicate to some less egotistical theme." To ROBERT LAWSON, ESQ. (an intimate College friend). " Houghton Conquest, June 17, 1845. - My don rest Robert, You are so kind as to allude to l Pefra,' and to tell me of a few things which the hurry of the last moment rendered it quite impossible for me to consult you about, but which I wished much to ask you. I should not be such an ass as to allude to such a trifle as those verses still, except that I know (or am willing to believe) that your partiality for the writer will reconcile you to the egotism ; or to recur to the text as it stands, except that I have strong reasons for believing that the poem will pass through a second edition in which case, one must, of course, desire to remedy as many blemishes as possible. In truth, I had the satisfaction of learning that nearly all the 500 which were first struck off, were sold in one afternoon, so that next morning 500 more were printed, and then the type was kept no longer standing; so that Macpherson told me he should look for reprinting the thing. " Now I must recur to the passages you mention. What sounded like ' public ' (you rascal for alluding to Trafalgar Square !) I meant for ' bubbling,' and am glad to find your taste accords with mine. If the line ever is reprinted, it shall be 'bubbling 6 ,' which I altered to ' babbling ' at Shairp's suggestion. So of ' sail'd ' for ' Who many a time art well And small birds sing, and content to stray bubbling fountains play." Where garden-alleys quench 'Petra,' lines 7, 8, 9. the blaze of day, VOL. I. L 146 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. 1 swam 7 ,' and ' Saints' for 'Angels 8 ' all of which I shall put back as they were originally. There is more euphony in ' Saints impatient ' than ' Angels eager,' especially as in the next line ' gates ' is meant to balance ' Saints ' still, for the sacred text's sake, and because we both rather prefer it, I alter that also. " And now, I bid goodbye to a subject I am growing heartily sick of. I have received such an immense num- ber of letters, and many such silly ones, all about that one short silly poem, that it will be quite pleasant to hear of something new. To say nothing of a letter I got from a mad lady, one informed me that Oxford ought to be proud of me ! ! ! a class of remark which is really enough to bring tears of laughter into the eyes of a dead cat. .... And yet, on the other hand, the kindness and chastened assurances of kind remembrance which my success has brought me from many cherished quarters was worth writing a hundred ' Petras' for; and I am willing to hope that it is having the effect of watering and keeping green my name in other places besides, where I should be very sorry for it ever to be forgotten. I hope in three weeks to finish Herodotus, and then to give Thucydides a month. Then Livy, and after him I suppose I must race over my plays: but (to speak gravely) I hardly feel quite strong and great as I know the responsibility, and keen as I feel the incentive to be, I tire sadly over my work, and am shocked to perceive how much more graces of style, pathetic pieces of narra- tive, and touches of nature strike me, than the names of people and places, and such things as get men first and second classes in the schools. " Since we have nothing better to write about, and I am determined to write you a good long letter, I will beg you to notice, as an example of the nature and pathos of 7 " For ships of Petra swam on eager to unfurl every tide." The twelve broad gates, and 'Petra' line 226. ev ' ry gate a pearl." "The twelve bright Angels, 'Pet,' lines 357, 358. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 147 Herodotus, one or two trifles. I suppose the Book in your hands I. 112: observe how the mother keeps back the alternative of exposing even the dead child, till she finds her husband inexorable, and then solacing herself with the thought of the ^00-1X77177 TCK/JTJ!" [royal burial 9 ] " .... I. 1 19 : observe the touching incident, /ecu dyaA.a/3ow TO AoiTra T>V Kptb)i\ ' gathering up the relics of what had been his child * ! ' and the words which follow I. 1 22 : the natural love of the child for his mother, or rather, her who had supplied a mother's place to him ' He was always going on about her, and could talk of nothing but Cyno 2 ' .... and to give only one example more, I. 136 ; after which 1 37 begins, ' Now I like this custom 3 !'.... But enough of my Books, which now occupy all my thoughts. " About Mr. Newman I have indeed felt most deeply. I believe the story you have heard is not quite the true one ; but of course no one can pretend to know anything with 9 Cyrus, when an infant, was ordered by Astyages his grandfather, who had been made apprehensive by a dream that Cyrus would one day reign in his stead, to be exposed upon a mountain infested by wild beasts, and a herdsman was com- manded to execute the royal orders. He would have done so, had it not been for the entreaties of his wife, who had just been delivered of & still-born child, and suggested, that the still-born child might be ex- posed, and the little Cyrus brought up by her husband and herself, as if he had been their own. " In this way," she said, " we shall not be taking bad counsel for ourselves ; for the dead child will receive a royal burt//,and the living one will not lose his life." 1 Astyages, infuriated with Har- pagus, one of his courtiers, for not having made sure that the infant Cyrus wa* p-.-.t to death, punished him by serving up to him at a Royal Banquet the flesh of his own son, and after he had eaten it, shewing him the child's head, hands, and feet. Harpagus did not at the moment remonstrate, but contented himself with gathering up whit remained of his son's body for honourable burial. 3 This is said of Cyrus, when he first joined his own parents, Cam- byses and Mandane, but still could not forget the affection shewn him by his foster-mother ' Cyno,' the herdsman's wife. 3 The Persian custom, which Herodotus says he likes, i?, that " before a child is five years old, he never comes in sight of his father ; but passes his time with the women ; which is done for this purpose, that should he die while yet an infant, he may not cause any grief to his father." L 2 148 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. reat certainty about his intentions. It is ray belief that he will entirely quit us. My belief is equally strong that Pusey will not. A keen blow indeed either would be (I say, ' would be,' for why should one not hope against hope ?). Still, if one may use profane words concerning holy things, one may surely say of our holy branch of the Church Catholic, as the spirit of Pytho said of his treasure of old time, 'ATTO2 Uaros flvat rS>v ea>urou TrpoKa- rija-dat " [he himself was sufficient to guard his own pro- perty 4 ] : " nor need we be too unhappy at anything that may befall it from without. What I grieve for is, to think how such a defection would undo all, or much, of the good (not all of course) which has been done. Who, for example, could appeal to Jeremy Taylor's writings, or Laud's, or Hooker's, if they had died in the Romish Communion 1 ? .... On the other hand, it must be ad- mitted that N. has met with cruel treatment enough to demoralize a saint, if that were possible. Persecuted, hunted down, silenced, and abused in his silence ; mis- represented when he has spoken, and reviled when he has refused to speak. In short, one can wonder at nothing. Still, it would have been a more glorious thing to have subsided into the quiet curate, or remained the rector, who would read, but never preach, or even to have remained silent at Littlemore, except by the occasional production of some work of vast learning, research, and labour, instead of turning in disgust from his Mother ! .... One is, however, perhaps chalking out a course ov /car' avQpa-nov Anyhow, our course is clear. Through good and ill report to stick to our colours, praying for 4 This has reference to the answer was sufficient to guard his own pro- given by the Oracle at Delphi, when perty. The answer would be given Xerxes sent a division of his army by the Pythoness or Priestess of to sack the temple, and bring to the Temple. Burgon represents her him all the accumulated treasures as speaking under the influence of found there. In answer to the the same "spirit of divination" Delphians, who consulted theOraele, (literally, spirit of Python) which as to whether they should bury the possessed the damsel in the Acts of treasures or transport them else- the Apostles. See Acts xvi. 16 (and where, the Deity forbad them to marg^. The story is told by Hero- be moved, saying that he himself dotus, Urania, Lib. viii. Cap. 36. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 149 sweet tempers and strong hearts (if need be) : advancing nothing one does not feel sure of; and when once ad- vanced, dying rather than recalling. I am inclined to think with you, that a fiery trial is at hand. When it comes. I am inclined to believe (>"/ //, our monstrous, culpable laxity, will prove almost our ruin. Why will our clergy, aye, or our laity either, dine out on Fridays ? \Vhy do we keep no Lent? Why do we neglect, so reck- li >>ly, many of the rubrics in the Communion Service? Why do the clergy ape the laity, instead of showing themselves, what they really are, above them ? Why is there not daily Service in every considerable town in the land, more frequent Communions, larger alms given, and the < 'huivh made the almoner? Till we all every one of us, you and I strain every nerve to change the exist- ing state of things, we cannot call ourselves safe. I will add one final question. How can the clergy go up to their beds, or allow their temples to rest (I forget the exact words), while a large section of every village in the kingdom lies practically excommunicate ? My very heart boils within me when I think of the supineness of our people ; and with all this to have the coolness to regard ourselves as perfect and immaculate. ' Perfect! "Many thanks for telling me about dear Temple 5 , who is very dear to me. I quite understand your allusions to his character, and believe more and more every day that we know (I mean that men know) very little of one another. It is curious to think this. That men should be living side by side, and speaking freely, and able to speak all they choose, and yet that there should be a wall built up between them (so to speak), so that they never really get at one another ! He is a very delightful cha- racter. It has long been at my heart, and many a time given me a strange pang to remember, on leaving him, that something I have said may give him annoyance or The present Bishop of London. Bishop, if it were only for the pur- The writer thinks it well to print pose of shewing the compatibility of one out of the numerous testimonies such personal affection with contro- borne by Burgon's letters to his versial antagonism to some of the warm personal affection for the views entertained by the object of it. 150 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. pain. I can only say I would never breathe a word to hurt him, or any one I love. " Your affectionate Friend. "JOHN W. BURGON." To ROBERT LAWSON, ESQ. (Mr. Lawson had consulted him, it appears, on the best method of instructing a backward pupil in Divinity.) "Houghton Conquest, Sept. 18, 1845. " i o'clock in the morning. " You will need no assurance, I trust, my dearest Robert, that I read and m-ead your affectionate and interesting long letter with much satisfaction. I am the more sorry to perceive, on recurring to it now, that I have omitted by my long silence responding to the wish you expressed for a few hints as to drilling Divinity into a heterodox bear ! I never yet kept a menagerie of in v own ; and should therefore look for hints to you still, since you ask it, and there are three or four weeks more of the Vacation, I will devote half a page, late in the day as it is, to so precious a theme. My plan, then, would be, I suppose, much such as you must have fol- lowed yourself. Genesis must be read witli particular care, and can easily be remembered as a story. The ten generations from Adam to Noah, and ten again from Shem to Abraham, are obvious land marks. With the last named, the History more decidedly begins, and the pedigree from Terah to the twelve Patriarchs must ab- solutely be got by heart. Then let the places of Moses and Aaron be ascertained in the pedigree ; and condense the four ensuing books into a view of the several offences of the people, and their consequent punishments; for instance : i. Murmuring at Taberah, punished by fire. 2 - Kibroth Hattaavah * plague. 3- > Hazeroth leprosy. and so on. You will be helped to this by Psalms Ixxviii. and cvi., and see i Cor. x. \ ou must also, of course, lay stress on the delivery of the THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 151 Law, and the institution of the Levitical priesthood, and pick out such parts of the Moral law . Deut. iv. to xi. . , ... . as may impress Ceremonial . xn. to xvi. > ... . your pupil with its Civil ... xvii. to xxvi. ) J character so singularly tempered with mercy, that the very nest of young birds is made an object of the Divine solicitude [Deut. xxii. 6. /]. Then determine in your own mind the principal typical persons and typical things: e.g. Adam, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, &c., the Ark, the Deluge, the Jewish feasts, the Exode, &c. Next, the great prophecies (which should be learnt by heart), I mean that to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, Balaam's, and the like. " The places occupied by the twelve tribes on settling under Joshua, their six servitudes and thirteen Judges (especially those six that delivered them from the six ser- vitudes respectively), this brings you to the time of Samuel. whose personal history is easily taught. In- deed, with him j/rophecy and royalty begin, and a new epoch, as it were, opens. Saul's character may be nicely gathered from Newman's Sermon David's whole history should form the subject of a briei analysis by your pupil, making him pick out the pedigree from St. Luke 6 , or the B. of Chronicles (for the sake of Rahab and Ruth, &c.). Solomon's sin, and the rending of the king- dom, with the date of Israel's and Judah's captivity, are the skefafon of all that remains. For Jeroboam s character make him read Newman's Sermon : and let him off with the histories of the most memorable of the kings, only as Ahab, Hezekiah, and the like. But why all this irpos flooras " [to persons who know it] "'?.... I should per- haps rather say at once pick out in st 'rings, the main dates, the main types, the main prophecies, the chief persons however briefly : insist on his remembering the great divisions of the subject, and coax him to in- 6 Though Burgon has written " St. whose genealogy, and not in St. Luke/' one is disposed to think he Luke's, Rahab and Kuth are men- must have meant St. Matthew, in tioned, ch. i. r. 5. 152 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. sert into each the most salient events and picturesque passages. Alas, this is impossible, I know, with a block- head ; but what more delightful when there is the best desire on the learner's part 1 . . . With such a . pupil I should insist on his recollecting for me off-hand the Jirst mention of angels, money, monuments, writing, altars, &c., &c. ; the history of every place (ab ovo), as Bethel, Shechem, Jericho : the great men of each tribe (for who recollects off-hand that with regard to Benjamin, for instance, Gen. xlix. 27 was probably fulfilled in the per- sons of Saul and St. Paul 1 Who recollects that the prophet Samuel was descended from Korah ? or that Samuel's grandson wrote so many of the Psalms e. g. Ps. Ixxxviii ? 7 ). To MR. DAWSOX TURNER. "Oxford, Nov. 22, 1845. " My dear Friend, " I cannot tell you with what glee I saw the days of tiwlo in the Schools glide away, and the list of subjects for examination growing ' fine by degrees and beautifully less ' ; till nothing remained but the day of viva voce. Yet, how capricious the heart is !..... I seem to care no more about it, now I am through, than if I were still an undergraduate. This is partly owing to the feelings which naturally arise on such an occasion. I only gave in eleven books for examination, because I felt I knew them. I had read enough Plato for a book, and was urged to take up Virgil at a venture ; but the conscious- ness that I had not read the latter since I was at school, and that I had not a sufficient accuracy of acquaintance with the former to stand an examination in it. made me reject both from my list. Accordingly, feeling that I had, 7 This Psalm is attributed in the two names, Joel and Vashni. See title to " Heman the Ezrahite." In i Chron. vi. 28, with i Sam. viii. 2. i Chron. vi. 33 we read "Of the That Samuel was a Korahite, or sons of the Kohathites : Heman a descended from the Korah branch singer, the son of Joel, the son of of the Levitical family, is shown by Shemuel." Shemuel is merely the comparing i Chron. vi. 33 with v. Hebrew form of the name Samuel ; 37 of the same Chapter, and Samuel's eldest son went by THE OXFORD LIFE : FIRST PERIOD. 1 5 3 as it were, earned my degree, I seem to have only got my due and scarcely that; for Herodotus was scarce of any service to me and two of the books I had mastered most completely, Aristophanes and ^schylus, I was merely tried in, to the extent of some ten or twenty lines; so that, instead of rejoicing, I now rather wish I might go in again. The whole examination went against me. I had got up a great deal of formal Logic and' Science ; and the questions set were almost all such as a man might answer who had read the Ethics in a trans- lation, and drunk deeply of modern Metaphysics. Then, //\vn good self .... I prefer talking to Rose about this, instead of writing, since I shall be with him so soon." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "34, Osnaburgh Street, 5 Jan., 1849. " My dear Bishop , I take to myself no small blame for having kept you so long in the dark as to my movements. You knew that I was going to be ordained on Xmas Eve from myself, and should not have been indebted to the public prints for the in- formation that I duly received the Gift which I had so long wished for. " But you will, I know, have made excuses for me. You will easily guess that I must have fallen into the midst of a busy cheerful circle, and that there was no time for letter writing. You may even have shrewdly divined that I was asked immediately to preach a sermon, and accordingly had to write one. Two ser- mons, if you please for my second bantling is lying before me. This in truth has been the history of my .-iU-nce. " But now I must tell you a little about Cuddesdon and my Ordination the most memorable event in my very uneventful life. I take it for granted that I tell my selfish tale to the same indulgent ear which has so often encouraged me to be garrulous in my own behalf. - We went to Cuddesdon then, on Thursday and attended Divine Service in the Parish Church which adjoins the Bishop's garden. Trench preached (S. Thomas' Day). . . . We then returned to examination, which commenced with some translation from Hooker into the most judicious Latin we could muster. Next 9 He calls Mrs. Hugh James Rose "Bishop," and sometimes "your Lordship," after his wont, jocosely. 158 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. came a paper of New Testament questions. Then some luncheon or a walk according to our notions of Ember week. Then a paper of Old Testament ques- tions and lastly a Sermon. We were very tired when we went to dress at six. It was a great relief to attend the peaceful and soothing service in the palace Chapel where we thenceforward met, morning and even- ing, till our departure. It is a very exquisite little edifice, adjoining the palace, in most perfect taste. The windows are the gift of the Queen, Prince Albert, and other great folks. ... At the Bishop's side was his pastoral staff. I assure you nothing could have been more Episcopal or if I may use the word, more Apostolic, than his bearing and the same impress was recognisable in every arrangement, down to the minutest appointments of the household. " Next day, Friday, we had (as on Thursday night) an extempore Charge, and resumed our examination. We had papers on Doctrine, Liturgical and Historical matters, and next day a paper of very well chosen parochial questions. " It was impossible not to admire the Bishop's tact. On Thursday after dinner (which followed Chapel immediately) and on Friday after the less substan- tial repast at which we all (about fifty in number) were assembled, as soon as the servants had with- drawn, the Bishop raised his voice and his head, and in the cleverest manner possible made the conversa- tion general. He addressed a remark to one of his chaplains, and speedily, in reply to the question of some one present, made some remarks on ruri-decanal associations, education of the poor, pravers for the lower orders, and all those topics which were sure to be most interesting to those present. This was excel- lently well done, for all were entertained, all edifed, and it was optional to any one present to ask what- ever questions he chose. " I must also tell you that about forty had beds pro- vided for them in the palace, his plan being to have all the candidates for his guests. ... He also contrived THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 159 to see every one twice some even three times and not only remarked on the papers (which it was clear he had read\ but discoursed leisurely and kindly on one's prospects, hopes, wishes, &c., &c. It really was most admirable. . . . On the Saturday morning we all partook of the Eucharist ; and in the evening he gave a very powerful and eloquent charge, one of a series, which when collected will form a Commentary on the ( h'dination Service. " But how did you fare ? asks my Bishop. Why, my deal* Lord, to say the truth, your Lordship's brother found some fault with my doctrine. I believe I have imbibed Bp. Bull's theory of Justification and Sancti- tication 1 , and I am assured it is not the Anglican Dissertation II, Chap, xviii. 2.] " I constantly affirm that justifi- cation by Divine appointment pre- supposes sanctification, at least the primary and less perfect sanctifica- tion. For God, though He justify the ungodly through Christ (Rom. 4. 5), i. e. him, who having been such, yet through faith and true repentance has ceased to be such, nevertheless will not justify the ungodly, Exod. 34. 7, i. e. him. who still remains in his wickedness. Briefly : it is in- coiisi^tent with the righteousness of God (as we have said elsewhere) to forgive any man his sins, and withal to give him a right to a heavenly life, who is not cleansed from his sins, nay, who is not also in a man- ner made partaker of ' the Divine nature.' " [ Examen Cenxurce.'. Answer to Stricture xx. 3.] Binhop Wilberforce was always very clear and strong in maintain- ing the priority of Justification to Sanctification, and that the latter process could not commence until the sinner had been justified freely through faith in Christ. 1 It may be convenient to the reader to have this theory exhibited in Bishop Bull's own words : " St. Paul rejects from justifica- tion the following descriptions of works : 1st. Ritual works pre- scribed by the ceremonial law. 2nd. Moral works performed by the natural powers of man, in a state either of the law, or mere nature, before and without the grace of the Gospel. 3rd. Jewish works, or that trifling righteousness incul- cated by the Jewish masters. 4th and lastly. All works separate from Christ the Mediator, which would obtain eternal salvation by their own power, or without reference to the covenant of grace established by the blood of Christ. . . . On the other hand, that moral works aris- ing from the grace of the Gospel do, by the power of the Gospel covenant, efficaciously conduce to the justifica- tion of man and his eternal salvation, and so are absolutely necessary, St. Paul not only does not deny, but is employed almost entirely in estab- lishing." [' Hurmonia Apostolica? i6o LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Theory. I asked what I had better read. The Bishop recommended me three books the third being Luther s Commentary on the Galatians ! * . . . However, I feel a 1 He is writing to Mrs. Hugh James Rose in his usual gay, light- hearted style. It must not be supposed that Bishop Wilberforce recommended to him no other Book than ' Luther's Commentary on the Galatians,' or that he recommended even this without qualifications. For this is Burgon's notice in his private Diary of his interview with the Bishop. "The Bishop had had a short interview with me on Friday, ap- proving of my papers, and asking me general questions of a personal and private kind. To-day he sent for me, and very distinctly, but kindly, showed me the incorrectness of my views on Justification, Sancti- fication, and Absolution. I re- garded Sanctification to precede Justification. The contrary, he says, is true. I supposed (and still believe) that Grace is given in Baptism. He says, 'No, but the dead bud is grafted into the living stock, man's fallen nature into the Body of Christ.' All Absolution is moreover simply declaratory. ' Thy sins are forgiven thee ' spoken by Christ Himself revealed a fact, not made it. (Here I think there is a fallacy.) I am to read Jackson Hooker's Sermon Luther on Galatians (exceptis excipiendis). He bade me also read his Charge of 1845" The work of Dean Jackson's prescribed by the Bishop for Burgon to read was no doubt " his most excellent Exposition of the Creed," (so called by Izaak Walton in his ' Life of Mr. Richard Hooker '). The full title of this work is " The Eternal Truth of Scriptures, and Christian Belief thereon wholly de- pending, manifested by its own light. Delivered in two Books of Com- mentaries upon the Apostles' Creed. The former containing the poultice grounds of Christian Religion in general, cleared from all escejitiiDi* of Atheists or Infidels. The later, Manifesting the grounds of Re- formed Religion to be so firm and sure, that the Romanists cannot oppugne them, but with the nfti-r ovrthrow of the Romish Church, Religion and Faith. By Thoma* Jackson, D.D., London, 1653." There was added afterwards ' The Third Book of Comments upon the Creed' which deals with " the blas- phemous positions of Jesuites, and other later Romanists,concerningthe authority of their Church." Jack- son was Master of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Dean of Peter- borough, and a Chaplain of King Charles I. The Sermon of Hooker's prescribed by the Bishop was the celebrated " Learned Discourse of Justification, Works, and how the Foundation of Faith is overthrown " [Serm. II. Vol. iii. p. 601 et se- quent. Ed. Keble] one of the standard works of Anglican Theology on the subject of Justification. THE OXFORD LIFE: FIRST PERIOD. 161 very dutiful deacon, and mean to read very faithfully what my Bishop has prescribed. "All this distressed me, you may be sure. I felt quite crest-fallen. In the midst of my chagrin, I was happy to discover that the Bishop had given me the post of honour among the deacons appointing me to read the Gospel in the Cathedral. This was really a consolation, and quite restored my equanimity. " The History of Sunday you can fancy very well. All was most solemn and reverently managed. Not like the Archbp. of York who, I am shocked to hear, walks round the Communion rails putting a single hand on the heads of the kneeling Candidates for Orders His sister Caroline, Mrs. Henry Hath Health, the huntress, from John Rose. THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 185 come from ! ... In short I secretly pined for ' the Sacra- mental quarter 2 ,' and preferred my active Lenten life to the new sphere of light and sunshine, into which I had so unaccountably been introduced. " I would rather talk to you, than write, about Mr. and Mrs. Moore, their two Sons and two Daughters. I shall only write that they were kind and hospitable, and that I was sorry to run away so soon. I left there on Mon- day, packed up my things on Tuesday, and on Wednesday morning hurried to London. I saw little of my people ; but all I saw, showed that they had not forgotten me. . . . My first Curacy / shall assuredly never forget. I may add that I believe I am to resume the care of the little flock from i January to 31 March (F.axter -Day, thank God!) 1850. But ffiis also is to anticipate. A blissful anticipa- tion it ?'# though ! " 1 preached twice for Dodsworth " [in London, at Christ Church, Albany Street]. " The second time before a large congregation, and spoke my mind on a subject which I suppose had never been spoken of before in that church. I mean the sin of talking loosely in society, as if you ap- proved of Romanism, and so perhaps really unsettling, if not actually sending over, the weak and wavering. I rather trembled at my own boldness, and thought it son in I wl very extraordinary, amid the extreme quiet of the Church, to be saying what I kneir was hitting right and left so many, without phrase and circumlocu- tion, and for the space of two pages. But I had counted the cost. I took a week to think over what I had written, and was prepared to stand or fall by it. Dods- worth took it very well, though I am sure I surprised him. ... I am sure it is much needed in that parish. I can write to you (and to scarcely any one else) freely ; * He means Lent, Easter, Ascen- Death and Burial," followed by sion-title, and Whitsun-tide, when '* the glorious Resurrection and As- tlie chief Mysteries [Sacramento) of cension," and by " the coming of the our Redemption are commemorated, Holy Ghost." This period may be "TheBaptisin,Fasting,andTemp- called the Sacramental quarter of tation,the Agony and Bloody Sweat, the year. the Cross and Passion, the precious 1 86 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. and I assure you if you could hear the way that the Margaret Street Chapel people, and some of Dodsworth's talk, you would really think that it was a settled point in that quarter that our own Holy Communion is good only as a pis aller ; that Romanism is the thing after all. They almost swear by Allies s book\ I could tell you of many things said and done, which would quite amaze you. They are just as wild one way, as certain good people are another. One shares the usual and obvious fate of being kicked by both parties. However, being as saucy as most people, I kick in return. Were I permanently to live among them, I feel I should very soon be obliged to take up an antagonistic position. As it is, visiting London only at long intervals, and for a very short time, I feel that I shall do my part if I merely fire off a single gun every time in a certain direction. Meantime I see clearly that London is the place, however distressing it would be to become a London Rector. I see further that if I had a parish in London, I should stand almost alone. Romanism I abhor. Your dry (I beg your Lordship's pardon ! their dry) Protestantism I hate. I allow no unction, no nothing in the Romish system, which ours may not surpass. I allow no simpli- city, jealousy, variety in Protestantism, which is not com- patible with something far higher, and more soul-stirring. . .... But, I tell you honestly, if I had a large parish to look after, I must rush up to Broad Street 3 once a week, or you must come and pitch your tent somewhere near me, during all responsible times; for the sense of my insufficiency very often almost unmans me " There are two or three things in your letter to answer. My Prayers (thank you for your criticism) I know are a touch too high ; but I think I could bring a parish up to them (if I might) in a few weeks. Surely, if only twenty copies in a hundred are used, one is doing huge good. And can one not make sure in a school that all use them ? . . . Out of delicacy, I left the hundred copies behind, and find only four or five had been distributed ! . . . However, your advice so weighs with me, that if you * Broad Street, Brighton, where Mrs. Hugh Jaines Rose was then living. THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 187 will tell me of your notion of a maximum for a school- child, I will see what can be done. . . . Depend upon it, we neglect the lambs of the flock. They grow up godless ; then come the cares of life ; then sickness ; and the Clergyman stars his fingers, and wonders at the ignor- ance of the person he is addressing, who can neither understand htm, nor pray for himself. ' To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. " Royal Hotel, Ramsgate, Oct. 12,1 849. " My dear Mrs. Rose, " I rejoice to tell you that I return on the 2ist to my old curacy ! ! ! It is offered me till the 2nd December, and again for three months in 1850, beginning with the middle of January. I feel so glad. I can think of nothing else But when your Lordship pleases to bestow a London living upon me (which once, with some naivete, you asked me why I did not fake I), I will resign my splendid property on the Berkshire Downs, and migrate to the Metropolis " To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "Oriel, Monday, 10 Dec. 1849. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " A poor wretch who has been working himself all this term into fiddle-strings who has had pupils (perforce) all the morning of every day and the anxieties of a little parish, besides the actual amount of work required for the same little parish to fill up all that remained of every day ; who has consequently never known the peace of a quiet walk, or a thorough night's rest for eight weeks exactly ; and who now that he ought to be making his peace with God in the miserable ten days, which remain before the Examination at Cuddesdon 4 , finds he must cram up heresies, and councils, and dates ; this is the poor animal, whom you are good enough to call For Priests' Orders. i88 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. your friend, and prove that you regard him as such, by so writing to him as you now write to me. I WILL find time for THAT, but I cannot for any thing else. " I enclose what speaks for itself. They were distri- buted mounted on cards (I have a few for you). It will show you the kind of anxiety I have had. I believe now EVERY ONE in the place has prayers ; and oh! the joy I have felt at discovering FOR CERTAIN that scores of children use them daily I mean the maturer prayers I sent you. I have also visited EVERYBODY in the place, and know all about them But this is not done without some wear and tear "I left Oxford before it was light on Saturday, and on reaching Ilsley, after breakfasting, visited 36 families. I returned to my fireside about 8, dined, and at 10 o'clock fell asleep, woke at 3 in the dark, and began my Sermon, suggested by the news picked up in my parish peram- bulation This followed by incessant talking, from 10 o'clock in the morning of Sunday till 5 in the even- ing, is really enough to tire a nobler creature than my- self. I quite long for rest. " Yours most affectionately, "J. W. B." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. " Oriel, Good Friday night [April 29], 1850. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " But I really must tell you how I have been ' going on,' as I call it. I have been trying to do the work of two men, and have found it, to say the least, hard work. My Oxford week I have tried to discharge in four days and a half: a week at Ilsley is the remaining fraction. The impression left upon me by nine weeks labour in this way is that of profound weariness I have commonly had to write one sermon between 10 [p. m. on Saturday] and 3 on Sunday morning. My Mon- day I have given to my parish, which I have left with the THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 189 bleak dawn of Tuesday, so as to be in Oxford (nineteen miles oft') by 9 in the morning. Of late, great anxiety re- specting a woman with a fever, carried me over once or twice in the week. From Didcot (the nearest station) I have walked always over the hills, and this, added to the work which I found, or made, when I got there, quite knocked me up It was my first case of listening to an agonized conscience in the near prospect of death. I shall not easily forget it ! I could go on about my parish for a week ; I could tell you how tenderly we parted, and what kind, cheering news I get from them. But I should only be tedious. I could tell you, too, of all I tried to achieve, but it would serve no purpose, except to foster that self-comcioumexs, which I am sure mars one's usefulness sadly, and prevents, many a time, the descent of the Divine blessing on one's labours I feel rather more disposed to be penitential, and tell you of all my slips, and sad experiences ; but you would be very, very weary, and wish I had never broken silence. I will therefore turn my thoughts away from that handful of sheep in the wilderness and look onwards. " What a crisis we seem to have come to in Church matters ! . . . . Something Mttxf. follow, I think You have seen the Bishop of E.'s Letter of course 5 . " I have as yet signed nothing, nor taken any step. I have in truth seen no protest which I could sign. All express too many opinions, I think. Why not stick to the one point, the washing away of original sin ? After Easter I hope something may be done here ; but all is still at present. Hussey is trying to get the Heads to act. It is like asking elephants to dance. " I rejoice in only one feature of the matter namely, the dignity of the question at issue. It is not a doctrine 6 . 5 1 A Letter to the Archbishop * He is speaking of Baptismal Re- qf Canterbury ' [Sumner] 'from generation, which is the subject on the Bishu)i of Exeter ' [Philpotts]. which the Bishop of Exeter joined John Murray, Albemarle Street, issue with the Archbishopof Canter- 1 850. bury. i QO LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. It is almost Religion itself. It is an article in the Creed. It is a thing to die for. On the other hand, no distress- ing course of coming events, scarcely, can be fatal to us as a Church ; and I hope the few waverers one hears of will feel that it is indeed so. The excitement produced keeps men generally quiet, but I need hardly tell you that this is a question which is stirring men to the very foundation, trying them all. " Ever your affectionate, "J. W. B." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. " 34, Osnaburgh Street, June 26, 1 850. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " Your approbation of my sermons is the highest praise 1 ever desire, except of course the practical praise of see- ing them influence any the humblest of my fellow- servants for good I must have many a talk with you before I presume to work a parish. Full of hopes I am, overflowing with a confident belief that an immense deal may be done by well directed zeal and sound teaching. Yet, when I am to be put to the proof, remains all a mystery ; and strange as it may sound, with all my desire for parochial work, it is a mystery which I do not at all feel disposed to pry into. I am not at all impatient ' one step enough for me.' " What I do desire is not to die till I have had the shepherding of a flock 7 . In that task I am content to wear myself out, and if the prophecies of friends are to go for aught, I should soon do so. ' I do hope you will never have a parish,' was the farewell of a kind soul at Ilsley ; and I have since been informed that I should kill myself, if I had only FIVE PERSONS in my parish. The picture will I hope make you laugh to read, as it does 7 He means as Incumbent, with had only shepherded the flock of a flock of his own. As Curate, he another. THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 191 me to write No, no. I have learned many lessons in Ilsley, and one is, to know that one cannot do every thing for everybody. " O, I had such a pleasant visit there on Whit Monday ! The poor were very glad to see me, and their humble welcome was untnistakeable. " Since my arrival in London, I have been too unwell to go to church. 1 do hope for your approval in my resolve nerer to wear a fti'r^/ice any more at DodtwortJrt Churcli. It must certainly show sympathy of a certain kind to officiate with him. and I do NOT sympathize at all. Do pray notice this first in your reply. " You have heard of course that Newman is lecturing in town. The lectures are said to be most entertaining. Last week I met a man who had been to them (a lawyer). We were dining together. 'For shame !' I cried ; 'and pray what did you learn 1 ' 'To despise Popery more than ever,' he replied ; ' but at the same time to feel that the Church of England is no Church at all.' ' So that you came away disbelieving everything ? ' ' Why, yes, rather.' And who can doubt that this was a type of a class ? The Clergy go also. I begged to be told a a me or two. M ... of W ... ., a person I particu- larly distrust was the only one he named. Is not this also distressing ? O, we live in bad times yet not worse than many which have gone before not so bad (if Scripture speaks true) as some which will come after. But the remedy is plain study of the Word of God, and possessing one's soul in patience, and persevering in well- doing to the end I feel as happy as need be, though I neither am blind to the danger (which is coming very close), nor, I humbly trust, indifferent to it. " Ever your most affectionate and obliged, " JOHN W. BURGON. " ' O for him 8 back again ! ' I say many a time to my- * He means Mr. Hi-gh James Rose, his correspondent's late husband. 192 LIFE OF DEAN BUEGON. self. We are a poor set, the best of us. I get mubbed for condemning some people's views as unsound y and really the belief seems spreading that no one ought to presume to talk so, just as if every thing were not either right or WRONG! and if wrong, to be branded as such, that all may see. Adieu, my dear Bishop." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "H. Conquest, Jan. 15, 1851. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " I called on Pusey, on Christmas Eve, and he read me a letter just received from D[odsworthJ. It began that he was broken-hearted, and asked P. to pray for him, &c. &c. ; and you may imagine that the day after I reached London I called on D. I found him in his study, and when I alluded to the questions of the day, he repeated the words he had written to P., and expressed utter despair of the Ch. of E., or rather implied utter dis- belief in it. In reply to my remonstrances, he insisted that the Church had surrendered to the Crown the alle- giance which it owed to Christ. This I denied. He opened a drawer, and drawing forth a MS., read me several passages. I was still firm, and showed him on every ground that his data were insufficient ; that his precedents from history had been before the world for hundreds of years, and escaped, as valid arguments, all the learned ; that granting them real, they would amount to nothing but the errors of individual men, such as the Bishop of Rome had committed by the dozen, as all History attests, and then I pressed him with the essen- tials of a Church, which even he must allow we retained abundantly. Of course when I alluded to his congrega- tion, he winced, and turned away in tears. But it was far too late to influence him. He had given in his resignation three weeks before, and had evidently made up his mind. In truth, I make little doubt but what these men first lose their hearts, and then cast about for arguments wherewith to fortify their reason. All I could say he met doggedly. I argued as a Dissenter might THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 193 argue, he said. About Rome he fired up, and protested that men mistook the question as concerns that Church. So, with many warnings to him to be humble and dis- trust himself, at the end of two hours we parted. Judge of my amazement to learn that four or five days later he had turned Romanist ! His wife continues constant to Christ Church with some of the girls, and a bitter posi- tion must her's be indeed. " My last visit in London was to her. I ventured to remind her that she owed a higher duty to One above, even than to her husband. She begged I would come and see her when I came to London. " Alas, in the meantime what a deadly blow do these men aim at our Holy Church ! How do they retard any upward movement! How do they bind our arms and cripple us! Who have spoken more strongly against Romanism than Newman, Allies, Dodsworth, and the rest? What pretence have we then for requiring cre- dence, while we maintain the Church's authority, and yet disclaim Romanizing tendencies 1 But I am sick of the subject. " I do begin to distrust amazingly some of those who yet remain to us. You will easily guess the kind of chaps I mean. They form an amazingly small crew, the ultras, I speak of, of course. You will be glad to hear that Tritton takes an opposite line ; but how sad the case of B * * * * ! " And now for something else though one cannot help yet once more reverting to it, to exclaim, How odd it does seem that no one is found willing to conduct the services of a large London Church in so unshowy a way as to disarm censure and baffle Puritanism, yet from the ) 'in I i lit teach all that an honest English heart can desire ! It would be a rare triumph, indeed, in London. In the country, I do believe the case is common. ' Ilsley is to enjoy its lawful Vicar till June : on dis- covering which, I cast about, and was anxious to hear of some one wanting Sunday help. The first offer which VOL. i. o 194 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. came to me, I gratefully accepted. I am apprentice to the Rev. W. Wilson, of Worton House, near Woodstock, or rather near Banbury, in Oxfordshire. Two little vil- lage Churches (Upper and Lower Worton) claim me, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon. My master is cousin to Daniel Calcutta, and he has a host of rela- tions who are dissenters still, individually, he satisfies me, and would, I am bold to say, satisfy you. He would not accept the living of Islington, because of his dissent- ing kinsmen in the vicinity. I took an early opportunity to flare up on the Sacraments, and resolved, if they could stand that sermon, to go on letting the truth come out in its several aspects in my sermons, as occasion might serve, without ever going out of- my way to bring it forward ; we get on capitally. " This Cure forms a singular contrast to Hsley. There, I arrived in an empty house, and at once set off, full trot, after the villagers. Sunday was all fag ; everything was on my (happy) shoulders. Here I am one of a large cheerful family ; the organ and piano fill up leisure moments and I ignore the handful (they are but a hand- ful) of villagers. I do as I am wished, of course." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "5 Burton Crescent, April 30, 1851. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, "Ever since Christmas, you know, I have been offi- ciating on Sundays at Worton, in Oxfordshire, a village belonging to the Wilsons, with whom I lived and from whom I experienced a world of kindness. They used to rail at Tractarianism, but they were good enough to agree with me, so I never defended what I did not under- stand and the result was sixteen very happy Sundays. Of course I brought away a heap of regrets. I remember many opportunities very imperfectly availed of a hun- dred things said and done which require forgiveness. Still, they are kind enough to speak approvingly of every thing, so I must be content to turn the past into a warning to myself. What I desired there was more THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 195 work. My duties began on Sunday morning, and ended on Sunday evening consisting, generally, of two full services, and a kind of family service in the hall. This last seemed to give great satisfaction. Some neighbours and the servants formed the congregation, which gene- rally numbered about thirty. There is an organ in the hall, and one of the ladies played. Some of us had ears, and all had voices. The Hymn ended, we read some Psalms. Then I read and expounded the Gospel for the day which lasted half an hour after which we had a selection of Prayers from the Prayer Book, and another Hymn. This was all nice enough, but I like more tcork. I knew no one in the parish, and the carriage which had conducted me to the scene of my duties on Saturday night, conveyed me thence on Monday morning. " You will not be surprised to hear that my heart leaped to my mouth with joy, when I heard of a Con- firmation coming on at Ilsley my first Curacy ! and conceived the plan of preparing the young people, all of whom I knew and loved, for the blessed rite. The Rector was away all the week, so I petitioned for leave to have the use of the Schoolroom on Thursday evenings. This was freely granted. I received carte blanche to act for the best, and was promised a bed at the Rectory to lay my bones on at night. Oh, I cannot tell you how blessed a period that was to me ! . . . Out of my thirty-one young folk, twenty-eight were confirmed on the 24th of March. I gave them r>-n<1<-:i-(iv.x for the following Thursday, and explained that I should proceed from the Confirmation to the Communion Service. They were all most atten- tive, and regular, and delightful poor creatures ! I used to talk to them from seven o'clock till nine, and then see some of them, one by one, at the Rectory, in private, Nothing could have worked better. I will also tell you some day what I said to them. I am sure you will agree with me that I exactly went between the two ex- tremes of asking an improper question, and asking none. I thought of a formula, which should leave the conscience ALL ALONE with GOD, and yet should render it quite im- possible that the conscience should leave me, as it per- 2 196 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. haps came to me, unawakened. All this was done, you must know, in the certainty that Mr. Moore, not I, was to have the joy on Easter Day of giving them their first Communion. 'Judge of my delight on being told, at Worton, ten days before Easter: ' My dear Mr. Burgon, Frank is coming back ; and will be with us on Easter Day, so that our pleasant Sunday meetings are now at an end !...'! saw the dawn of the joy I had so longed for, at once. I had already offered Mr. Moore (at Ilsley) to take his Good Friday services for him. It was my lot, on the Monday, to have to take young Tytler whose guardian I am, to Windsor. So I called on Mr. Moore, and with a beating heart told him that I was free from my duties at Worton. ' Then perhaps you would stay over the Sunday ? ' was his immediate reply. I could ill suppress my delight, as you may suppose . . . How I did seem repaid in that instant for all my anxieties, and the long walks on Friday mornings over the bleak Berkshire Downs, at \ past 6 o'clock in all weathers, when sometimes I was haunted with strange misgivings as to whether I was not meddling with another man's parish unduly, doing no good and much, much besides ! Well, Good Friday came, and in two long sermons, I humbly hope, besides buoying up and encouraging my twenty-eight, I demolished all the excuses I had ever heard against coming to the Holy Table (especially the popular one at Ilsley ; ' There are some that come, who ought not,' &c.). I announced a double Sacrament (one at eight, the other after the morning service), and ex- plained that all who wished to come would now be without excuse . . . Well, thank God ! ! ! I found twenty- eight happy country faces awaiting me when I made my appearance, fifteen of whom were of the number of those who had been confirmed. I ranged these fifteen before the rails, and bade them watch all that was done, taking care that they should stand, kneel, and respond properly. In fact, I was Bishop, Ordinary, Rector, and all, and literally shed tears for joy ... "At n, twenty-three more came ... Do you think that twenty-two out of twenty-eight newly-confirmed THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 197 persons was a sufficient proportion for the first Com- munion ? I mean to have all before I have done. One poor woman, aged 20, was confined this kept her away. A child of 14 cried to come ; but a naughty grandmother kept her away at the last moment, so that four was really the sum of those who absented themselves. I longed for them all, and they all knew it ; but I forced none to come, of course. In the afternoon, I felt that I was preaching my farewell sermon : so without any personalities I gave all the poor creatures a charge against falling away from grace given ; by preaching about the ejected Demoniac 9 : and I really was very weary by that time, for I had had four christenings, a burial, and so on. Next morning, I wound all up by a breakfast to ninety- seven children, visited for three or four hours, and returned to Oxford .... I cannot tell you how much joy mingled with my regret at leaving the village ! Not least of all was I pleased, I think, with the cheerful promise they almost all gave me to use a form of family evening prayer after supper. I enclose you a specimen. But you cannot think how nice it looks pasted down on cardboard .... Tell me also if you do not approve of my other enclosure, which I got Mr. Moore to sign, and had pasted inside the cover of twenty-two Bibles. -' And now my story is nearly done. When I add that I wrote seven sermon* in Passion Week, besides the phy- sical occupation I have described, you will not wonder that I felt weary as well as busy. On my return from Ilsley, I felt the pressure of my University Sermon very keenly ; but there was our Oriel Fellowship coming on, us well. These two things, in short and such effects of past fatigue, that I fell asleep on my chair every evening, and slept till one or two in the morning entirely filled up all my time ; and that is why you never heard from me .... I literally COULD not write. " The University Sermon I speak of was my first. It was on 'Inspiration of Scripture The Doctrine of * Probably he means the ejected text having been St. Matt. xii. 33. demon (or " unclean spirit "), his 34, 35. LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Accommodation considered 1 .' I mean to continue the subject as I took the liberty of announcing if ever I have an opportunity afforded me, by discussing the discrepancies of the four Gospels, types, and allegories. Enough, however, of all this selfish talk. Though, by the way, I must still tell you many things about myself. I hope you are not yet tired ? " Well, and now you ask me many questions, to which I am bound to send you a full and free answer. But pray suffer me, after I have turned my private story in- side out before you, as freely as I would my coat, suffer me to add a brief, but most honest prayer that you will not suffer your friendship ever to beguile you into such a miserable thing as asking a favour for one who will never ask a favour for himself. Your questions point so clearly one way, that it would be mere hypocrisy to pretend not to see their drift. I will answer them, however, without hesitation ; for you deserve it at my hands. You will not believe me the less sincere in the hearty assurance that I am perfectly content with the bounties God has already heaped upon me. You will believe me when I say that I envy no person, office, or thing ; and desire nothing but liberty to serve God, as a humble member of thi* branch of the Church Catholic, all the rest of my life, in the way He pleases. And now to answer your question. " If I were an isolated being, I should have long since invested all my little worldly resources in a library, and transferred it and its owner to the most demoralized spot I could find, where, with a common Curate's stipend, I might simply have tried what I could make of the despaired-of side of human nature. My mornings I will give all my days to study, my afternoons to parish work, if parish work is ever al- lowed me. But I am not the isolated thing I spoke of ; 1 This Sermon was probably the Essayists. The Sixth Sermon in nucleus of his whole Volume on that Volume is entitled, "The ' Inspiration and Interpretation,' Doctrine of Arbitrary Scriptural in which he answers the Seven Accommodation considered." THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 199 and thus all my views are other than they would have been. Whether I could do most good in town or country, I cannot tell. I believe I could be happy and useful in either sphere. The only place where I could not be happy would be where there was nothing to do. You will laugh at me, perhaps pity me ; but I would rather have 70,000 than 70 to look after. (The other day, one who knows me said he thought the care of 'all the parishes in England' would 'just suit '(!!!) my taste.) How many years I should live, and be able to endure the anxiety of such shepherding, I know not. Neither, however, do I care : for I mean to remain single. I do not think I should, or ought to, refuse a London parish, if it were offered me. " I suppose one cannot WISH for the post of those, who go to fill the place of one who has been beloved and re- gretted : whose business it is to unteach, whose duty it i> to pull down and re-construct. To be exposed to con- stant odious contrast ; to be for ever taunted with ' what Mr. Bennett used to do ' ; and in self-defence, to be obliged to say, ' But, my friend, I think Mr. B. was a very injudicious person, one who showed a shameful disregard of Episcopal authority, and one with whom I do by no means agree,' all this, I say, must be a heavy portion. One cannot icish for it! can one ? ' But show me a church, in a crowded district, an un- licked, shapeless mass of people, an income which would secure me against debt (for I never have laid by nor do I desire to lay by a penny), above all, let me be called to this by the voice of the Chief Shepherd ; and then, if you ever saw me figuring in the papers with a cock and bull quarrel about candlesticks or crosses, or any such tom- foolery, tell me that I have taken leave of my senses. For really, I should feel that I had no right to decline such a charge. I am a sword in a sheath. I will not draw myself. But any one who likes to draw me may ; and he will find that I can cut, and keep my temper. At least, I hope for God's help to be all my fancy paints, but alas ! my experience so rarely sees ! 2oo LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. To MRS. HUGH JAMES HOSE. "Bui-ton Crescent, Dec. 23, 1851. "My dearest Mrs. Rose, Since I wrote to you last, I have been leading the same quiet student's life as ever, considerably tasked by my friends, in divers ways ; and therefore I am willing to hope that I have been living usefully. My Saturdays, Sundays, Mon- days are engrossed by the care of a little parish Fin- mere on the borders of Oxfordshire, four miles from Buckingham. My Rector, the Rev. W. J. Palmer, has two adjoining churches Finmere and Mixbury at the latter of which he resides. "Mr. Palmer is a clergyman of the George Herbert class. He is absolute monarch of his parishes, and exer- cises the functions of Lawyer and Physician, as well as Parson. He is the father and friend of all. His daughters work the schools, and indeed the parishes, like Curates. Everything is very primitive. We preach in the morning, wearing our surplice, and catechize in the afternoon for twenty minutes. The children stand ten or twenty yards off, so that all present hear, and, it is hoped, are edified. The boys in school all wear white smocks : the greatest girls pinafores. They are all kept in such complete subjection that till sixteen, seventeen or eighteen they remain in school and at that age the boys literally come to be examined (as to their heads) by a wise woman of the village, weekly ! . . . I am learning, as much as I am teaching, at Finmere. " When I enter, the bell stops, and all the congregation rise. Friday, the clerk, robes me, and when I kneel, they all resume their seats. The responses are literally deafening, and the people for once really do say their prayers on their knees. ; ' Not that things are perfect, even at Finmere. The farmers do not come to church ! The Duke of Bucking- ham's ' failure ' (as the people phrase it) is also severely felt by the poor. Stowe is about a mile or two off now a deserted wreck: but once the source of much charity, and the cause of employment to a large part of THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 201 the parish. ... I believe I shall remain at Finmere till June I am working away steadily at my Harmony, but slowly. However, I must not omit to tell you that there has grown out of it another work a Plain Commentary on the Gospels. As it appears, you will receive it from me, a few Chapters at a time. It will cost me immense trouble. I humbly hope that it will also be of immense use . . . Seriously, it has long grieved me to think that our farmers, small tradesmen, and better class of poor, should be without a guide in the reading of the Book of Life. It has seemed to me a downright disgrace to the Church that this class of persons should be driven to Dr. Isaac Watts, Scott, and those sad blind guides, who show truth through a dis- torting medium. This is a humble endeavour, as far as the Gospels are concerned, to supply a wholesome diet. The Chapters will at first form single tracts. Mr. Armstrong, to whom I sent down a specimen, intends for the sake of them to continue the Parochial Tracts. In this way one will be able to give a poor soul a Chapter to read, instead of anything else: and I scarcely can conceive a more useful form of Tractarianisrn. Here also I am sure of your approbation. The entire work may of course be reprinted afterwards " Ever, dearest Mrs. Rose, " Your affectionate Friend and Servant, "J. W. B." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. " 5 Burton Crescent, July 8, 1 852. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " I have been, as I said, very busy for ages past : and my parish (little Finmere, nigh Buckingham) has been the chief occasion of my busyness. The work of a parish priest that is, his week's work compressed into four days, or three is always a severe trial: particularly when an Oxford life is going on side by side with it. " The event in my stewardship (which ended last 202 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Sunday), most agreeable and striking in remembrance, is the Confirmation which was holden at Mixbury, Mr. Palmer's other village, about two miles from Finmere, in the spring. I had thirty-nine persons to prepare, of which thirty-six were villagers ; and I cannot tell you the comfort and the pleasure of those Lenten days of preparation. I went to live at Finmere, in order to work the problem the better, and had four classes, and explained, urged, exhorted, and rebuked till many a time I was quite worn out. However, the labour was blessed by Him ('without whom nothing is strong, nothing holy') abundantly. All my thirty-six came to the LORD'S Table on Easter Day, and a thrice happy Easter it was ; for I scarcely dared hope to see some of those stubborn knees bended of their own free will. "How I wish you could have seen us muster under the 'Cross Tree' one fine morning in March, and pro- ceed two and two along the whole length of the village. I gathered a few of the eldest men about me (to save any sense of shame by the presence of so many juniors) ; and a little behind us followed the women and girls. Not a word was spoken ; and it was impossible not to feel the reality of the impression made both on ourselves and on others, as every household came out of their homes, and stood at the cottage doors to see us pass. I made as many parents and sponsors accompany us as was possible ; and on the whole nothing could have been more delightfully managed, or more successful. The Bishop praised us, and spoke kindly to me ; and all were pleased. My Rector's pat on the back went to my heart. He was ill in bed ; but the Bishop went to see him, and he sent me a message. " I must tell you a plan I adopted, for I think it was a good one. I numbered the tickets and the names, and against every name worthy of such notice, I set a character, in three words or less. The Bishop was pleased, for he was able to know what to say : and he told me afterwards that he knew the people, almost before he verified their numbers. ''Next came the preparation of my Candidates for THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 203 Holy Communion. During Passion-week I had three Services daily and two sermons : but the delight ex- ceeded the weariness. And really the amount of inno- cence and goodness, to which my assiduity introduced me, has increased to an immense extent my regard for that human nature which we hear so much reviled; has made me revere the holy estate of poverty; has taught me a hundred lessons. Enclosed. I send you a copy of verses which I pre- sented first, to all my Confirmees, and next, to all the village. The broadside was meant to be pasted against the cottage wall. " On Sunday last I officiated at Finmere for the last time, and took leave on the Monday morning. It was sufficiently affecting. The poor little dears all came out from the village school to see me drive off. and formed (to my surprise and pleasure, when the gates were unfolded) a long line, reaching far into the road. The sight quite unmanned me, and haunts me still. They are certainly a most affectionate, amiable race ; and pre- sent specimens of virtue and goodness common enough, I dare say ; but which 7 have never been so happy as to meet with elsewhere. It must, in part at least, be the result of fifty years of careful shepherding on the part of the venerable Rector, a man of primitive piety, and surprising goodness. To tell you all the village polity of Finmere would take a long letter, or rather a long pamphlet : and without the details, the story would be worth little. Some day, I hope I may have the comfort of talking to you about it. Better still would it be (if it should ever so please GOD), that I might hereafter show you my own copy of Finmere in a parish of my own : for I am not Uind, though I am so fond of the place and people ; and see clearly how all might be abundantly improved. Yet it would be hard to find its like ; and indeed, I doubt whether there be another village so managed in England. And thus much for Finmere ; or rather, thus little "Finmere 'What Finmere again?' No, I was 2O4 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. only going to say that my village claimed me, in con- sequence of the very alarming illness of a poor woman, all Commemoration week : so that I saw nothing of the Bishops American, English, or Scotch. who mustered so thick in the haunts where I generally abide. The Bishop of Oxford kindly invited me to Cuddesdon to meet them all, the Bishop of London included ; but I was so distressed at what was going on chez woi, that I could not find it in my heart to go, after I had promised: which I was sorry for afterwards. By the way, I must tell you a bon mot of the Bishop of Exeter. A friend of mine was keeping the Ladies' gate at the Theatre ; when Harry of E. comes up, foxy and humble, and says : ' I suppose, as an old woman, I may be permitted V . . . Rather rich eh ? "And talking of Oxford, I must tell you that I run down on Saturday, to vote for Gladstone and return. His election is certain ; but we want a large majority." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "Houghton Conquest, Sept. 15, 1852, Midnight. "My dearest Mrs. Rose, It will be the iyth by the time this reaches your hands ; and I would not have so mournful an anniversary to pass without sending you a few lines. They will but assure you of what you know already; namely, that I think of you very faithfully every day. Still, even such things are worth telling ! " How the years roll on ! She is seventeen years and nine months old ! Or does not the dear child 2 rather reckon the years of her life from the anniversary of her Death 1 ? .... Either way, depend upon it, dear Friend, these anniversaries are by her most solemnly observed, most faithfully remembered. Your love and kindness must be her constant theme. Your loneliness her con- stant thought. You the subject of her constant prayer. " Pray, when you read the Epistles (indeed the Gospels themselves ; for they also are full of it), pray notice how 2 The "dear child" is Josephine adopted child, and her brother's Mair, Mrs. Hugh James Rose's orphan daughter. THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 205 much is said of Patience and Hope. Few persons, I think, would believe, until their attention happened to be called that way, how large a place these two graces hold. I was struck only last night, in the second Lesson (Rom. xv.), at the mention in verse % 5 of GOD, as the God of Patience, and in verse 13, as the God of Hope. What wonder that such an One should, in verse 33, be styled the God of PEACE likewise ? " This is only to send you my love, and to request that I may be ever remembered as my dearest Mrs. Rose's " Obliged and affectionate friend, J. W. B." To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "Houghton Conquest, Ampthill, Oct. 4, 1852. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, "Ask not for my history ; for the Knife-Grinder was a hero compared to your friend. If you were a bird of the air, having access to my window, you would begin by this time to cherish a theory that birdlime had secured me to my chair ; and that there was the same chance of the parish Church taking a walk as of my making an excursion. Most assiduously, indeed, have I kept my seat, or been at my place in the House (as an M.P. would say). But a busy M.P. would think as con- temptuously of me as the feathered biped itself could do, if he had detected that a few familiar pages had supplied me with work these many days. In truth all I have done has been to write about as much Commentary as would, I suppose, fill a small volume of 400 or 500 pages. My dear Mrs. Rose, being neither a bird of the air, nor an M.P., will neither wonder at me, I know, nor despise : but she will admit that the man who can plead guilty to a Long Vacation so spent, is a man without a history. " The more I study the Gospels, the more their depth amazes me. A curious illustration of this occurred the other day. On Saturday evenings I begin my Sermon : 206 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. an over-refinement of taste, I fear it is, which prevents me from pouring my heart and mind out on paper in anything like a decent space of time, unless I feel the spur actually pricking. The certainty, at 6 o'clock, that unless I begin in an hour, it will be midnight before I finish, secures a beginning by 8 o'clock. Accordingly, when it was near upon that hour, I transcribed the Parable of the Hid Treasure. (I had come down to it, in regular order, in my last four or five Sermons.) For a few moments I hesitated as to the desirableness of adding the Parable of the Pearl, and contrasting the two Parables together. But I wisely abstained. Tell it not in Gath : but the clock struck 2 when I laid down my pen ; and I had not yet finished. The last four pages of the Sermon opened upon me quite a new thought, for the first time, as I wrote ; at least it struck me as a kind of novelty. The fulness of that short Parable so marvel- lously presented itself to my mind, as I went on, that I crept to bed literally with a feeling of amazement. " And if the microscope applied to GOD'S Works reveals more and more of wonder, shall it be thought strange that a higher power of attention directed to His Word shall also elicit more and more things to marvel at ? " Another undertaking which, as you may suppose, has occupied no small share of my attention and time (and of Rose's also), has been our Large Prints, of which Part I will be published in about ten daj's, and a copy, of course, will wait on yourself. It may seem strange, but (as the publisher himself admitted the other day), volumes of let- ters have been written by me on this subject. Every print has been the subject of correspondence with publisher, artist, engraver, printer. It has really seemed endless. However, twelve prints are now ready ; and the remain- ing twenty-four will be issued before Xmas. We have then two new schemes two more devices in the same line, ready to set afloat. I am determined to follow up a thing I am so fond of a thing which I know to be so useful, and so much wanted ; a thing, too, where I see a mighty field open, and ourselves without a rival ! " A Roman Catholic publisher offered to take 300 copies, THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 207 if Hering would leave out the texts ! (I suppose to slip iii the Douay Version instead of our own.) You may easily guess the answer he got. Masters the other day proposed to ' go snacks ' (if you know the meaning of the phrase). He also got repulsed, and with considerable slaughter. " The association of thought is obvious 3 . How great an event has happened within these few da} r s ! The Duke ! I hardly know whether to be glad or sorry that I am away from Oxford. I rejoice in Lord Derby as a man who cannot' be fond of the Blue Book 4 ; but I feel no enthusiasm on his behalf. I am content to see him appointed, and to be spared the labour of taking a side. " I must tell you since I tell you all my little secrets that I have been invited to stand next year (when it will 3 The mention of " repulsing with great slaughter " gives rise to the thought of the great Captain and Warrior of the Age, the Day of whose Funeral Burgon celebrates in his little Volume of Poems. 1 " Sep. 14, 1852. Oxford lost her noble Chancellor, England her noblest son, Arthur Duke of Wel- lington. As soon as the shock occasioned by his loss was past, Alma Mater, as in duty bound, began to look round for an ' Almus Pater,' in his place. Lord Harrow- by and Lord Ellesmere (good men, and highly respected, but ' not quite equal to the place') were only named to be put aside. That the Bishop of Exeter should have been for a moment thought of was only a proof of (not hero-worship, but) Bishop-worship in a few ultra- Tractarians. Lord Derby, once named, was at once our future Chancellor : every one retiring be- fore him as ' the right man in the right place.' On the I2th of Octo- ber he was unanimously elected Chancellor, in the usual form of elections in Convocation." [G. V. Cox's 'Recollections of Of ford,' p. 386, and Ed.] "The Blue Book," of which Burgon thinks that Lord Derby " cannot be fond," is " the Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners, appointed to inquire into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford," which had appeared in the previous May. It was a pitce (Je resistance for any one, that " bulky Blue Book of 800 pages." Mr. Cox tells a touching story (on the au- thority of the Duke's housekeeper) of his being engaged on it the night before his death. " He was then, I think, going to bed, and it was late. He had with him the Oxford Blue Book, with a pencil in it ; and he said to Lord Charles Wellesley, who was with him, ' I shall never get through it, Charles, but I must work on.'" [Footnote on p. 386.] 2o8 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. perhaps become vacant) for the Gresham Readership in Divinity. It would be a nice thing to get. I have been Jilting myself for some years now. It is time I think to come out with something. " Dear me ! and how that word ' out ' reminds me of one omission ! for it reminds me of my Harmony, and of your request to be informed of one which you might use! " I recommend to your use a little thing, price 6cL I think, printed by Parker of Oxford. It occurs at the end of a little half-crown book, called ' Daily steps toward* Heaven' but may be bought separately. (The Book itself is not bad to give to a humble friend, or even to read oneself, if one were a little more ' poor in spirit ' than (alas !) I am.) .... It will give you all you will want in a small space, and is of such a compass that you can supply others with it, in case of need. " But no Harmony extant is worth much ; and none can be depended on. Still, something is better than nothing ; and if ypu are ever in doubt, write to me, and I will give you the best answer I know how to give, by return of post. " Remember that the Sermon in St.Matthew v., vi v vii., and that in St. Luke vi. are the same. The events in St. Matthew iv. 18, St. Mark i. 16, and St. Luke v. 1-1 1 are identical. This is certain 5 . How the little Harmony I recommend represents the matter, I know not. " Ever my dearest Mrs. Rose, " Your obliged and affectionate faithful friend, "J. W. B." 5 The reader will recognise here mind, bat on which others, equally one of J. W. B.'s foibles, connected qualified to speak, differed from him. with the intensity of his character, as absolutely indubitable and in- the habit of speaking of points on controvertible. which he himself had made up his THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 209 To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "Oriel, April 21, 1853. " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " Finmere still takes up a great deal of my time, and has, till lately, occupied a huge share of my thoughts ; for my Rector has been reported as dying, and I have been looking for an immediate termination of my duties. .... Only this day, he is thought to be actually mend- ing ! So bad was he that his sons withdrew from Oxford to be with him and the family This looked serious, and teas serious. Thank GOD he is better ! for verily the welfare of many hundreds widows, and sick persons, and young children depends on his frail life I know they prayed for it. I know too that it was against his will. He asked me not to pray for anything but that his faith should not fail in the hour of Death. Who shall say that this amendment is not in answer to a strong prayer '?...... " Believe me ever, my dearest Mrs. Rose, with many thanks for your kind note, " Ever your affectionate, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. "Osnaburgh Street, Jan. 8, 1849. " My dear Hensley, dear affectionate old Hensley, I was very happily ordained on the 24th the solemnest thing I ever experienced. I felt the blessing of many prayers in my inmost spirit ; and many I know were poured out for me before the day and upon it. The examination at Cuddesdon was most apostolically con- ducted. Every thing was quite perfect. The Bishop kindly made me read the Gospel in the Cathedral. " We are both too fond of the Gospel to differ much, but we differ a little and you must come round three- fourths of that little while I. on my side, will cheerfully VOL. I. P 210 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. budge the remaining one-fourth You know my dis- like to Romanism : but we must be very careful how we teach our people the principles of dissent, while we think of nothing less, but desire simply to acquaint them with the freedom of the Gospel. "Nothing is more certain than that we are born in Sin ; nothing more certain than that Baptism is a new Birth ; nothing more certain than that Conversion is still often needed. We have no life except through CHRIST, and in Him. We get this life by the Sacraments. The one grafts us into His Body ; the other makes us actual partakers of it. By thus becoming partakers of the Man- hood of CHRIST, we hope for resurrection. ' The Church, which is His Body,' is the dispenser, the channel, of His graces. . . . He who fails to teach the people committed to his charge this doctrine, keeps back the truth from them, and has no consistent scheme of Salvation The talking to a set of poor wondering people about ' CHRIST, and Him crucified,' is all well : but it is not enough They must be told how they are to become partakers of Him, and must be urged to partake. They want to be shown their interest in this precious SAVIOUR, which does not consist in talking about His Cross, but in wearing it in their hearts. " Now, dear Alfred, don't be angry with all this ; but let me know where you stick, and I will help you over the stile, if I can. " Do not think me growing polemic. I like it less and less daily. You, I like more and more My kind regards to Mrs. Hensley. " Affectionately yours, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. "34, Osnaburgh Street, April 6, 1850. " My very dear Hensley, "I hope your blood has been boiling about the Gorham Case. Be sure and read the Bishop of Exeter's letter. Take care and hold fast the Doctrine of the Catechism THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 211 and Prayer Book generally. It is the very foundation of true religion. How strange it is to see men mystifying themselves about the meaning of the word regenerate. Just as if it meant made indefi'dilly holy ! ! ! Ever, dear Hensley, your affectionate friend, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. "Finmere, June 24, 1852. "Dear affectionate Heart, Many thanks for your letter, which contains the assurance of your kind remem- brance, and therefore contains the most precious thing you can send me. You are very kind to write me a few lines so often, and to persevere in loving one who sends you so few tokens of his regard. " However, if I write seldom, remember that it is be- cause I am very busy, not because I am very changed. I think often of your kindness, and I like to think of it, and of you. We had many happy days together at dear old Worcester : and the memory of them cannot happily be ever taken away from either of us. " I who have no wife, nor am likely to rather cling to the past, than reach out to the future. You are blessed in a life for which you are very fit ; and may well have forward-looking thoughts. " I am sorry to see that we shall be on opposite sides at the Election. I am not for Maynooth, Jews, or Romish Ecclesiastical Titles, but I am for Gladstone. " Affectionately yours, dear old man, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND G. C. RENOUARD. "Oriel, Dec. 7, 1849. " My dear Friend, " This day has been an eventful one for Oxford. Whe- ther I am right in adopting that saying of the old Greek, *H6e j] f)fj.(pa TOIS "EAArjo-i ^eyoAcov KCLK&V ap(i, or not, re- mains to be seen. I can but fear the worst. A majority of fourteen in Convocation voted in favour of the estab- P 2 2i2 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. lishment of a fourth school namely, Modern History. We did indeed by a large majority reject the details of this novelty: but the principle has been admitted 6 , yielded to the pressure from without, and I can but think it a most dangerous step. Denison spoke well ; and his 'nolumus Germanizari ' elicited a very hearty cheer : we all flatter ourselves also that we are in most Conservative trim : but, rightly or wrongly, we have fallen into the weakness of yielding to the spiiit of the age. ... ... " Ever your obliged and most affectionate, " JOHNNY." To THE REVEREND G. C. RENOUARD. "Oriel, Feb. 8, 1851. " My dearest Friend, " I have sometimes thought I would make a collection of curious Epitaphs. It should be a election rather. At times one meets with things that extremely charm one, and surely such ' composures ' (as our forefathers would say) fall under a very affecting category ! The tuneful sigh over the dead ! Even if the thought be false, and the diction incorrect, it is always an interesting matter that it should be what the living have written over the dead ! Even if the epitaph begin, as one I often see ' Near this monument of human Inst' ability.' there is a peculiar interest in the human fact that some- one was so foolish as to write such nonsense, when his heart was full of grief Tell me some day if you ' Mr. C. V. Cox, in his ' Secollec- School was affirmed, lut the detail^ tionsof Oxford' [Macmillan, 1870], were leftfor recontidtration." The says of the occasion referred to [p. speeches in Convocation were al- 367] ; " Dec. 7. The new Examina- ways at that time in Latin ; and tion Statute was again put to the the celebrated dictum of Arch- vote. Its main features were ap- deacon Denison which Burgon here proved and carried, but, as four or refers to was, " Nolumus Universi- five of the clauses were rejected, it tates Angliae Germanizari," " We again came out of Convocation in a will not that the Universities of mangled and damaged state. The England should be Germanized." iiulitution of a Modern History THE OXFORD LIFE : SECOND PERIOD. 2 1 3 ever kept any register of the kind An absurd line occurs to me, the last, I think, in the Epitaph on a Lady Mary Saltonstall (or some such name) in Ivor Church, Bucks, ' She broke the bank of virtue when she died.' But to come back a little from this digression. My Oxford life is an unvaried round of quiet study, broken by pupils considerably, I confess ; but the taking of them, I hold to be a duty under the circumstances. All the leisure I can command, however, and in Vacations my leisure is considerable, I devote to my ' Harmony of the Gosjjefs,' which promises to be my Opus Jfagnum The Harmony itself has been long since achieved, but the Notes and Dissertations have grown under my hand till I almost tremble. It is an alarming fact to have convinced oneself of, that the majority of writers on the Gospels have left many omissions to be supplied, many mistakes to be rectified, by we. That some little Rose will hereafter wonder at the omissions and mistakes of ' Uncle John,' is more than likely ; but that matters not. It is something to have advanced the study of the most precious thing in the whole world (which I take the Gospels to be) ; and that I humbly hope I may be the un- worthy instrument of doing. One inquiry leads to another ; and there is scarcely a section of importance in the Gospels which does not involve the necessity of traversing new fields of knowledge. Thus to instance the question of the Passover only, I have been led to in- vestigate more topics than most persons would believe. Some knowledge of the Talmud; some familiarity with ditt'erent texts ; some appreciation of the respective merits of Translations ; some knowledge of Jewish Antiquities ; some acquaintance with the opinions of the Fathers ; some kind of review of the controversy ; some slight astronomi- cal information, these and the like of these inquiries I am continually obliged to undertake. It is marvellous what a thnnnxjh knowledge and how much incidental information is got, when one has to study in this way for oneself, unaided. To be brief, I trust I shall be ready by Xmas, 1851. 214 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. " I have also compiled a little Glossary of the County of Beds 7 . Poor Tritton, Earle (Anglo-Saxon Professor), and I used to meet weekly to discuss it. Since his derangement, another of our fellows supplies his place ; and we three form a kind of Philological Club 8 , meeting 7 Some excerpts from this Glossary will be presented in Appendix B. 8 The following verses, found among J. W. B.'s papers, but not in his handwriting, must, it is thought, refer to this Club at a subsequent period of its existence, four mem- bers not three being mentioned in the verses. " Many-sided are their feasts, Poets, critics, linguists, priests, Fish, and flesh, and fatted bird, Kelished by some piquant word. Eatin', talkin', talkin', eatin', Burgon, Earle, and Jones, and Chretien For one prey the country scour, While another they devour ; Though the bush be yet un- scanned, Sprinkle salt on bird in hand ; Or, when satiate and replete With tea, and toast, and eggs, and meat, Plunge into the brakes of eld Full cry, where the leader smelled. Jones, and Earle, and Chretien urge on Bounds of Asiatic Burgon ; Burgon, Jones, and Chretien curl In and out round Saxon Earle ; Chretien, Burgon, Earle give tones Discrepant from Celtic Jones ; Jones, and Earle, and Burgon meetin" Snuff the track of Frankiah Chre- tien; ' View him twig him bite him seize him At him catch him hold him tease him ! ' By sharp encounter of their wits Quarry caught is torn to bits, Minced, mauled, dissected, an- alysed, And catawampously concised ; Or, if their effort fails to nab it, (As when, to earth sly Reynard running, The pack canine pursues a rabbit,) Glossarial hunt subsides to pun- ning." In Burgon's Journal of Nov. 1852, we find this entry: "24 Wed. Glossarial Breakfast at Jones's." And in the Journal of the following month ; " Dec i , Wed. Glossarial Breakfast with C. P. C." The above verses (on which is written in pencil, Stowe, Dec. 1852 ?) doubtless refer to these breakfasts. The description of the Club, which he gives to Mr. Re- nouard early in the preceding year, was probably shortly after its forma- tion. The original members had been three, but in course of time became four. Professor Earle writes thus of the Philological Club in question; "It was the most informal thing in the world; but it went on for a long time, I think several years. Perhaps from 1849 or 1850 to 1855 or -6. It always consisted of four members, THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 215 at breakfast in one another's rooms to discuss etymologies and the like. How I wish you were one of us ! It is really very amusing. I think I have been a benefactor to the Club, by enacting that each of us must always come furnished with a fact (for the Glossary has long since been discussed all through). The result is that we really do something (besides eating a mutton chop) as often as we meet You shall have our three last ; and per- haps it may induce you to supply me with a fact, which shall duly be attributed to its author, next Thursday, when the breakfast is in my rooms. " i (Earle). That ' bridal ' is a corruption of ' bride-ale ' (i. e. a wedding feast). Also, that ' near ' is the comparative of nigh ( = nigher ) : that ' nearer ' is a solecism ; at least, is a double comparative 9 . and the original four were Burgon, Chretien, myself, and I think Poste. It must have been when Poste went off to London that Basil Jones took his place. It was the duty of every member to bring one Philological Fact with him, and to entertain (i. e. give breakfast) in his turn. The four facts supplied material of conversation, which seldom fell short, but certainly did sometimes fall, as the satirist says, into punning. Burgon was very ready to seize the chance of a pun. . . . Burgon's philo- logical skill was not great; but, what was of vastly more import to the hilarity of our most delightful meetings, he had a relish for the subject such as I never saw exceeded in any man. Once, my fact was the history of bridal (a fact at that time by no means generally known) ; and the point was that the second syllable is not a Latin adjectival ending, as it is in nuptial, but the vulgar English word ale. This he refused to credit ; and, whenever it was recurred to, it was ever the same, 'No, no! a joke's a joke; but we must draw the line somewhere.' " Burgon's strong tendency to ety- mology, and the unsouudness of some of the etymologies which he himself proposed, have already come before the reader in some of his earlier letters to Mr. Renouard. The author's cordial thanks are due not only to Professor Earle for the letter just given, but also to the present Bishop of St. David's (the "Celtic Jones" of the verses) for having furnished him with his own reminiscences of the Club, and with suggestions as to how to obtain further information on the subject. The Bishop thinks that Mr. Poste was in all probability the author of the verses above. Both these etymologies, pro- posed by Professor Earle, may be accepted without hesitation, if Skeat's ' Etymological Dictionary ' 216 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. " a (Chretien). An attempt to show that ' bath ' in English, and ' bain ' in French, both come from a common root. However, it was deemed not proven. " 3 (J- W. B.) A very humble contribution, viz. That the village opposite Dorchester Church, just over the river, which flows past its east end, is called ' Overy,' and that there was once a little bridge connecting the banks. (Compare St. Mary Overy, in Southwark, and London Bridge.) Also, that 'shrew' was used in the i4th or i5th century to denote one of the male sex. " I beg my dear Mr. Renouard to believe me ever to be his much obliged and " Most affectionate Friend and Servant, "JOHN W. BURGON." FROM THE REV. W. J. PALMER TO THE REV. J. W. BURGON. Mixbury, June 8, 1852. " My dear Sir, " I have been engaged of late, and still am, in looking over and reconsidering my Sermons which have been often delivered, but probably never will again. If I meet with any I may think you would like to see, I will put them aside. I will freely impart to you whatever my experience in the fifty years service of a small country parish may suggest, which, however, is not much more than a sense of my own deficiency, I assure you. But I know now what you are looking forward to, and would very gladly serve your purpose. You must again forgive me for saying that you must check that ardour of spirit, which prompts you to fancy what you desire to find, and leads you to exertion and expenditure, which must ex- haust your strength and means. ' Our Minister,' say the poor people now, ' must be the richest man in the world ' ; in that / know they are mistaken. But they say also, is to be considered, as it may safely etymologies sanctioned by it beyond be, as an authority which puts the the reach of controversy. THE OXFORD LIFE: SECOND PERIOD. 217 perhaps, ' He must be the best ' ; that they find it so I do not wonder. But I know there you feel they are mis- taken. There are none at Finrnere, I do assure you. who have not the most ample cause for saying, ' We have done those things we ought not to have done, and have left undone those things we ought to have done,' and still is there ' no health in us.' You will be able to keep going longer, if you go not quite so fast. I hope you will not be hurt. I hope you will not be displeased, I hope you will not be angry, when I tell you that the very maid- servant says of you, and she herself is not a slow one, ' his feet are on the other side the gate and his head in the study.' " I am, my very dear Sir, " Yours most truly and faithfully. "W. J. PALMER." FROM THE REV. W. J. PALMER TO THE REV. J. W. BURGON. "Finmere, July 23, 1853. " My dear Mr. Burgon, I have just laid my hand upon a Fable or Allegory of ' The two Caterpillars,' the author of which I don't know, but which I remember to have had from my Tutor, Mr. Jones of Nayland, about sixty years ago. I send you in this a copy of it l , and request (if you think fit) that it may be made the subject of a Cottage Print, if any set is likely to be on hand which would admit of such an ingredient. I think some such clever designer as yourself or your brother-in-law, Rose, might easily adorn the margin of the letterpress with a 1 The Fable is the Story of a worth preserving, as, besides giving Caterpillar, which was warned by a glimpse into the devoutness of another insect of the same species the writer's mind, it shows his not to attempt to crawl to a neigh- appreciation of one of Burgon's bouring and more attractive leaf, strong points, his readiness with but, in defiance of the warning, his pencil, and powers of pictorial making the attempt, fell to the representation. Mr. Palmer was a ground and was killed, and thus model Rector, and Burgon always lost the chance of becoming a regarded him as such, butterfly. Mr. Palmer's letter is 2i8 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. few vignettes of Caterpillars and Butterflies, in a way likely to catch the eye and please the fancies, and so perhaps indelibly fix upon the minds of some a realiza- tion as it were of the change we are taught to believe that we also shall undergo, and the care which is neces- sary on our part now, to preserve the hope of that blessed end alive upon the table of our minds. " I am, " Yours ever faithfully and truly, " W. J. PALMER." CHAPTER II. THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. From his leaving Finnic re (June 6, 1853) to the commence- 'ment of his tour in Egypt, the Arabian Desert, and Palestine (Sept. 10, 1861). BURGOX experienced a keen pang in parting from Fin- mere, though his labours there, added to the work of having to prepare six Lectures on the Interpretation of Holy Scripture for delivery in Oriel Coll. Chapel [see above p. 175], "brought on" (as he tells Mrs. Hugh James Rose in a letter dated June 21, 1853) "erysipelas A.D. 18 in the foot, swelled glands, headache, and a pack of "' horrors." " It was very sad parting from my Finmere folks," he writes ; " very touching also are the letters the dear little children continue to send me thence. But it is wholesome to be rooted up ; I know it and feel it ; and I have left them in good hands, so that I have no regrets but selfish ones to ponder over." Earlier in the same letter he announces to his correspondent an impend- ing event of the deepest domestic interest to him and his ; " Dear Helen " (his youngest sister) <; is going to be mar- ried to her and to our very old friend, C. L. Higgins, of Turvey Abbey, Beds. It is a source of real satisfaction to us all, as you may imagine .... and it seems to be like a special blessing bestowed by Providence I mean Almighty God on myself." The nuptial knot was knit by his own ministry in the Church of St. Mary Mag- dalen, Munster Square, Regent's Park, on the 26th of July, 1853. 22O LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. His last letter to Mrs. Hugh James Rose (or more probably only the last which has been preserved ; for this lady did not die till the spring of 1 855) is dated " Houghton Conquest, Sep. 16, 1853," the eve of the anniversary of Josephine Mair's death, when it seems to have been his custom to write Mrs. Rose a letter of consolation, under the painful associations which the season would naturally awaken in her. The substance of it will be found at the* end of this section. It will be seen from this letter that he was at this time busily engaged upon his ' Plain Commentary on tJie Holy Gospeh, intended chiefly for Devotional Heading I to a certain Chapter of which (St. Matthew xxv) he calls Mrs. Rose's attention. The Advertisement at the beginning of this work is dated November 24, J 853 ; but it was not pub- lished till 1854. It was in the first instance put forth anonymously, Mr. Parker, the publisher, it appears, having recommended the suppression of his name : but in the second edition, put forth ten years afterwards (in 1864), he claims the authorship. "It is thought," he says in the Advertisement, " that besides its use in the closet, such a Commentary as the present, especially if it be studied for a few minutes beforehand, might be made available for reading aloud in the family while in order to facilitate its distribution among a large and most important class of readers, but whose wants seem to have been hitherto very little considered, it has been so contrived that any single chapter may be procured in the shape of a separate Tract." The line taken in this most interesting Commentary, the principle which rules all its expositions, cannot be more fully and more tersely expressed than by the two mottoes on its title-page, the one from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (vi. 16), " Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 221 therein ; and ye shall find rest for your souls " ; the other from a prayer of Bishop Wilson's, " Grant, LORD, that in reading Thy Word, I may never prefer my own senti- ments before those of the Church in the purely ancient times of Christianity." Hence the interpretation of any particular passage always travels in the old traditional track, nor will a trace be found of novel and ingenious methods of solving Scriptural difficulties. It would be useless, for example, to expect to find in it any vestige of that modern exposition of St. Matthew xxv, which re- gards the first two Parables (those of the Virgins and the Talents) as indicating the judgment of the Church, and the last (that of the Sheep and Goats) the judgment of the Gentiles or unevangelized " nations," who, never having had the Gospel proposed to their faith, are tried not by its requirements, but by their compliance or non- compliance with that law of love, which was written upon man's heart in the beginning, Burgon finds in the last parable, as he says to Mrs. Rose, nothing more than "the solemn Commentary of the SPIRIT on the two parables which precede." And again, one might be sure beforehand that not a vestige of the notion that " he that is least in the kingdom of heaven " in St. Matt. xi. u, means "he that seems least, is accounted ly the men of Ids day least'' and that Christ is really speaking of Himself as "greater than the Baptist," would be found in the ' Plain Commentary! Yet, on the other hand, it can- not be said that a modern view as to the meaning of a difficult passage finds itself denied a hearing, if only there is any reason in it. Thus, while the writer holds it to be "even monstrous" to think that St. John the Baptist's motive in sending two disciples to enquire, "Art thou he that should come," &c., was "a personal sense of doubt," and that "at the end of more than a 222 LIFE OF DEAN BUEGON. year s imprisonment he had become perplexed and stag- gered," he at the same time admits it to be probable enough that, though the conviction of the Baptist's dis- ciples was the principal object of the question which they were instructed to ask, he may also have desired for himself " the comfortable corroboration from the lips of CHRIST, of his own deep-rooted and well-grounded con- victions respecting Messiah." It should be added that while the expositions of the 'Plain Commentary' are chiefly drawn, either from the old Fathers, or from the work of standard Divines of the English Church, num- berless little gems are introduced from writers of the day. Take the following upon St. Matt. x. 29, 30, " Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing ? and not one of them shall fall to the ground without your Father," &c., &c. " It has been truly observed by a living writer, that ' not till belief in these declarations, in their most literal sense, becomes the calm and settled habit of the soul, is life ever redeemed from drudgery and dreary emptiness, and made full of interest, meaning, and Divine significance.' " The works of Mr. Isaac Williams more especially were to Burgon a mine of edification in which he loved to quarry. From the Chapter to which he refers Mrs. Hugh James Rose, a single extract may be here presented to the reader as characteristic of Burgon's general style of exposition, and indicative of his profound conviction that the minutest particulars in Holy Scripture have their signi- ficance, that in the lively Oracles nothing is thrown out at random no word, for which another might with equal propriety be substituted. The text commented on is, " And five of them were wise, and five were foolish." " Take notice that three out of four suffer loss in the par- able of ' the Sower ' : while here, kalfarz rejected : in the THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 223 parable of ' the Talents,' it is one in three : in the parable of ' the Pounds,' it is one in ten : while, in the parable of ' the Marriage of the King's Son,' it is one out of an infinite number. The intention of this seems to have been to re- press the inquiry, ' LORD, are there few that be saved ? ' ' This observation sounds like one of Mr. Isaac Williams's. But even supposing it to have been his originally, it is a remark which Burgon would cordially adopt, altogether in keeping with his own line of exposition. Before we quit the subject of this valuable Commentary, by which, whatever shortcomings may be found in it, it will hardly be denied that a considerable service was done to English exegetical Theology 2 (for the Commentary has throughout a characteristic idea and a guiding prin- ciple of its own, and makes accessible to English readers the leading expositions given by the early Fathers), it will be interesting to hear the criticisms of the Rector of Finmere upon the separated Chapters of it, which were submitted to him at an earlier date, before the whole work was published in its entirety. Thus he writes about it in a letter of June 8, 1852, from which excerpts on another subject have been already made: 2 The 'Plain Commentary' is and hi* son, Mr. F. P. Nash, came widely circulated in America, and specially from America to repre- has received many testimonies from sent his father at the Funeral." American, as well as from English, This incident (a somewhat extra- readers. One of not the least ordinary one, if the time demanded striking is the following, which was for a voyage from New York to mentioned in ' The Record ' news- Oxford is taken into account) is paper of August 17, 1888, when given on the authority of ' The describing the Funeral of the late Record,' the writer having had no Dean of Chichester : opportunity of enquiring into the " One of the greatest admirers accuracy of the report. Possibly in America of the late Dean was Mr. Nash may have left New York Professor Nash, of Hobart College, on the arrival by telegram of the Geneva, West New York, particu- report of Dean Burgon's serious larly because of his ' Plain Ex- illness, and previously to his death, position of the Four Gospels ; ' 224 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. "The observations on the 5th of St. Matt, and the 1 5th of St. Luke seem to me very judicious ; but you will allow me to say your undertaking is a bold one, and, I should fear, one with the execution of which you yourself are not likely to be satisfied in the end. Others have done the same thing ; I think Sumner's (the pre- sent Abp.) is the last. There are doubtless many things in all parts of the Gospels, of which we obtain the under- standing but by degrees. They are as it were the prin- ciples of our spiritual life ; and he that comments on a book of principles should feel sure that he understands them thoroughly. I do not understand the Notes to which you frequently refer, or where to find them. Some seem to mean the observations passed by yourself on other verses of the Chapter in hand, that seem to have a similar meaning, or look the same way. The title-page infers that much authority is attached to primitive notes and commentaries of the Fathers ; and I do not doubt that some perhaps most of your observations on difficult and doubtful or allusive passages, are borrowed from that source. You frequently refer the reader to parallel places of Scripture, illustrative of those before you. or authorising the interpretation put upon them. This is quite right. But if you have anywhere borrowed from the Fathers, might it not be right to refer to that authority also in a footnote ? " A very just and judicious criticism by an older divine upon the production of a younger. There was no doubt a venturesomeness about the whole undertaking, and a conception of its originality, which needed a wholesome check from an older and wiser head ; and in the Commentary itself there certainly is a deficiency of specific acknowledgment of Patristic sources, where it is clear that such sources have been resorted to. Bishop Christopher Wordsworth, in his ' Note* on the- Greek Testament I always makes the acknowledgment of the Patristic author whom he cites, if he does not always THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 225 refer to the part of his writings, in which the exposition is to be found 3 . The beginning of the year 1854 found literary occupa- A - D - 8 5< tion for Burgon of a class entirely different from the ' Plain Commentary on the Holy Gospels,' an occupation which removed him for a short time from theological research into the much less congenial atmosphere of Academical controversy. A short Paper had been sent round to all the Oxford Common Rooms, entitled ' Common-Room Common-Places? professing to be a corre- spondence between a resident (Endemus) and a non- resident Fellow of a College (Ecdemus) 4 , which at once 3 In a letter to Burgon from Dr. Pusey, signed "Yours affectionately, E. B. P.," but bearing no date, the writer alludes to the exposition given by Burgon of the passage, " Upon this rock I will build my Church" (St. Matt. xvi. i8X Bur- gon (in loc.~) though he does not altogether exclude other meanings, thinks the Rock to be St. Peter himself. Not so Dr. Pusey. He says ; " Mr. - wrote to attack me for your Commentary " [probably portions of the Commentary had been submitted to Dr. Pusey by Burgon]. " I said that I had, in a long note to Tertullian, expressed my own belief that the Rock was the Faith (objective, not subjective) in our Lord as God and Man, which St. Peter had just confessed ; or, which is in fact the same, our Lord as God and Man, as then believed in and confessed by St. Peter. This reconciles the different in- terpretations of the Fathers, and makes them one, instead of con- flicting. Those who understand VOL. I. the Rock of Christ are rather more than those who understand it of St. Peter. The same Father ex- presses himself in different ways. It is a long note, to which, if you thought it worth while, you would find a reference in the Contents." 4 On the title-page of Burgon's own copy of this Paper it is stated that " Endemus " was the nom de plume of Mr. Grant, a Fellow of Oriel, and " Ecdemus " of Mr. Palgrave, a Fellow of Exeter. It seems to have been thought at first that "the Two Oxford Fellows," who claimed the authorship of ' Common-Room Common-Places? were Fellows of the same College ; and, the letter of " Endemus" being dated from " Oriel," and speaking to " Ecdemus " of " our separate existence as a corporate body " and of " the retrospect of our Oriel years," it was naturally supposed that " Ecdemus " must be a Fellow of Oriel too ; and on these grounds the letter of "Ecdemus" was wrongly attribute! to Mr. Poete. 226 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. drew from its sheath his controversial pen, a weapon he was at all times apt to use somewhat too freely. University Keform of a very trenchant and thorough- going character was impending. The "Royal Com- mission of Inquiry into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford" had reported as far back as the 27th of April, 1852 ; and the " Oxford University Bill," remodelling the Constitu- tion of the University, and entrusting seven Com- missioners with power to make Ordinances and Regula- tions for the Colleges, was to be introduced into the House of Commons on March 17 of this year (1854), and to become Law, by receiving the Queen's Assent, on the 7th of August. " Endemus " and " Ecdemus," evidently playing into one another's hands, had urged that the principal and primary duty of both Colleges and Uni- versity was Education, and that, in any arrangement which might be in prospect, everything should be en- tirely subordinated to this end. the intention of Founders being set aside as inapplicable to modern social wants, and Fellowships being made to furnish stipends for Tutors or Professors, or rewards of Academical merit, which might give their holders an advantageous start in such professions as they might choose. Burgon in his ' Oxford Reformers : a Letter to End emu* and Ecdemus,' after lecturing them on the undutiful and ungenerous tone and spirit of their letters, insists that the great motive of the intention of the Founders of Colleges was the Burgon however discovered the true thus : authorship of this letter (more "It requires to be made known objectionable, in his view, than that that Horace was under a wrong of Endemus), and would not have impression, when he suggested that two such letters credited to the ' POST efiert aniini motus interprete account of his own College, Oriel. lingua.' " And he announces his discovery THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 227 desire to provide for the education of the Clergy, and to promote the study of Theology, and appends to his pam- phlet a most valuable letter to the same effect from Professor Earle, which, as it goes into the question his- torically, and is written with perfect calmness, might well have been considered to be by itself a sufficient answer to the many crude schemes of Academical Reform which the occasion was giving rise to. Burgon's pam- phlet was sent by him to Mr. Gladstone, then Chancellor of the Exchequer and Member for the University, from whom it received a prompt and courteous acknow- ledgment, whereupon Burgon took occasion to address to Mr. Gladstone a letter expressive of the apprehensions, entertained by him in common with many of the leading Academics of that day, as to the results of the course which the proposed Reforms were likely to take, and imploring Mr. Gladstone not to yield to the revolutionary impulse which was abroad among persons avowedly hos- tile to Oxford as it then was, as also among professing but treacherous friends. This letter will be found at the end of the Section. Mr. Gladstone sent a long and care- ful reply to it, which (like his former letter acknow- ledging " Endemus ") the author regrets that he is not permitted to publish. He has however permission to quote the concluding sentence of a letter to himself, in which Mr. Gladstone says that, " while I do not recede from the sentiments which my letters to Mr. Burgon contain, I am in certain respects concerned, even grieved, at the turn which Oxford Reform has taken." Well may he be so ; considering that whatever improvements may have come in the train of Academical Reform, the general effect of it at both Universities has undoubtedly been to effect a divorce between the Church and the higher Education of the country. In writing to Mr. Q 2 228 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Gladstone on the subject, Burgon of course felt his pen to be under a certain restraint ; but, in pouring himself out to his old College friend, Mr. Hensley, he could un- bosom himself without reserve as to his dislike of the changes which had already been effected, and his still more serious apprehension of those which would ulti- mately result from the working of the Oxford University Act, and while many will think that he paints these results in colours unduly gloomy, it cannot be denied that all that he there predicts has come to pass. The letter will be found at the end of the Section. We now come to the saddest period of Burgon's life, the period which threw a shadow over his susceptible soul never entirely to be dissipated, though he, no doubt, like other men, was accessible to the healing and restor- ative influences of lapse of Time. In the letter to Mr. Hensley just referred to, the date of which is July 19, 1854, he had told his old friend; "I am sorry to say that my dearest mother both has been, and continues to be, very poorly indeed. I feel very heavy on the sub- ject." Not two months after these words were written (September 7, 1854) he lost his mother. Four days after her death (Sept. n), sitting in the room in which she had died, " and near her leaden coffin," he wrote " a brief record of her latter days and illness, together with some account of the manner of her departing ; for in after years such records are unspeakably precious, and no memoranda of this nature are worth much, if they are not made immediately." The record fills about eighty closely written pages of a small memorandum- book, which of course (if it were only out of respect to the sacredness of such sorrow) can only be rapidly summarised here. He tells of the proximate occasion of THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 229 the fatal malady, a cold caught in the autumn of the preceding year, of its origin in heart-complaint "at a far remoter period," of its distressing symptoms, swollen feet, "fighting for breath," inability to sleep otherwise than in a sitting posture ; of his mother's inability to " inlay " his commentary on St. Luke, a work which she had already done for the earlier part of the work, and of the gradual failure of her powers, as manifested in her altered mode of welcoming him back O home. "In old times the driving up of my cab to the door was the signal for her I loved hastily to descend the stairs. She used to meet me almost at the door in the hall, exclaiming ' Welcome ! Welcome ! ' and, with her dear kind arms extended, embracing me and kissing me heartily on the cheek three or four times. Presently, it used to be on the stairs that I saw her outstretched arms, and received her warm embrace. By degrees, it seemed to me as if she descended a fewer and fewer number of stairs. Latterly it was at the drawing-room door that I felt her hearty and repeated kiss, and [heard] her emphatic ' Welcome, welcome, my boy ! my poor boy,' and so on. What a warm embrace it used to be! She used to open her dear arms quite wide, and enfold me. But she could not quite do this at last, or, at least, not in quite the same way. I believe the last time but one I came home, she only rose from her chair. The last time of all, I embraced her, on arriving home, as she sat in her chair ! . . . This was on Tuesday the 5th Sept. O what a painful bewildering kind of day that was ! . . . She rejoiced to see me, but regretted to have disturbed me, and taken me from my studies. She alluded to my Commentary, a work which was ever very dear and interesting to her. ' While you are trying to do good to the souls of so many,' she said, ' to take you away ! ' ; He records her end with great minuteness as to each 230 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. slight particular. He tells how for the last time he (who had lain so often in her arms) took her in his, and lifted her on to her bed ; how, as soon as it was clear that she had passed away, he, his brother and three sisters, " laid her out on the bed where she had died. A heavy task it was for us all. Still we were wonderfully supported; and we preferred doing this, a thousand times, than that profane hands should intermeddle with our grief. . . . The wedding ring which I drew off the fourth finger of her left hand, the kind ones present urged on me to wear myself. ' And this 1 ' I said, draw- ing it off. ' O wear it, wear it,' they all exclaimed. Accordingly, I placed it on my little finger ; and there, if it please GOD, I will wear it till I die 5 . . . . We knelt all together and prayed by the bedside. ... I slept on the sofa in my beloved mother's room that night, Thursday. It was awful, but pleasant. I prayed near her, very happily." On Saturday, Sept. 9, he and his youngest sister went to Oxford (returning the same day), and arranged that the interment should take place in a strip of ground in the Holy well cemetery, belonging to St. John the Baptist's Paiish, in which Parish his rooms at Oriel stood. "I chose the place, a dry gravelly rock near a boundary wall. Will not that spot become the most familiar to me, as well as the most dear, of any in Oxford ? " On Wednesday night, Sept. 13, he brought the body of his mother to Oxford, where it was met at the station by the College servants, and deposited in his rooms at 4 The circumstance of hie always life, as has been shown already, to wearing this wedding-ring may the charms of agreeable women, perhaps have given colour to the that people who had no knowledge wholly groundless on (lit that he of his antecedents thought he must was once married, and liad lost his have been married ; and what they wife in the course of a few months. wished to believe they did believe. He was so susceptible throughout THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 231 Oriel. He "passed the night in a chair by the side of it," occasionally getting snatches of sleep, but often waking. At 7 A.M. next morning he and his brother- in-law (Rev. Henry John Rose), who had now joined him, after communicating and attending Matins at St. Mary the Virgin's Church, visited the cemetery and "saw the men digging the grave." Then, in the room where the body lay, " they read, wrote, thought, and kept silence till i P.M.," when his father, brother, and Mr. Higgins arrived from London. At 2.30 P.M. the funeral left Oriel for the Chapel of the Cemetery, pre- ceded by the Marshal and Bellman of the University. The mourners were six, his father, brother, two brothers- in-law, and the Rev. Charles Marriott, an intimate friend and Fellow of the same College with himself. i Hobhouse, assisted by Sargent and Walton, with a quire of boys (twelve or fourteen), met the corpse, singing the sentences to the music suggested in Cran- mer's P. B. I prefer for your feeling the solemn sound of a single voice reading those grand words ; but the effect of the music was soothing and impressive most kindly meant and, as a mark of respect and honour to the dear departed one, most acceptable to me. For the same reason, I was not sorry to see some strangers present in the Chapel, and I liked to see the Marshal and the other at head and foot of the coffin, all the time it stood in the Chapel, while the Psalms were being chanted, and Hobhouse read." The interment concluded, his father and brother and Mr. Higgins having left Oxford by an evening train, he and Mr. Rose revisited the grave, and repeated their visit several times in the forenoon of the next day. Having " bought tiles to edge the ground," and given instructions for laying them ("My wish is to have a border, nine inches wide, of rich garden mould, enclosing 2i2 LIFE OF DEAN BURGOX. O *" a square of fine turf ; the whole to be enclosed by a rough species of tile "), he himself returned to London in the early afternoon of Friday, 15 Sep. The loss of Parents is, in the ordinary course of Nature, the common lot of mankind, and while such bereave- ments cannot fail to be bitter to dutiful and affectionate children, they are soon acquiesced in as the inevitable experience of all who reach mature age. But it is thought that a very small minority of men, actively engaged in the business and cares of life, would, fourteen years after the removal of a mother, feel and write as follows : "H. C." [Houghton Conquest], "Monday, 7 Sep. 1868, between 6 and 7 P.M. This is the day and the hour which always seems to bring me nearest to my beloved, a day of sweet and solemn recollection, as well as of awful meditation. For I ask myself, where is she abiding 1 ? And I tell myself that it must be in the place of perfect peace. And so I seem to stand in adoration near the half-opened gates of Paradise, and something tells me that the Beatific Vision is the bliss of those who dwell within. Does she think of me ? Yes. And she has prayed for me, and for us all, often ; and her prayers have been heard. O the many blessings which have befallen me ! On her last birthday, I was fairly startled by the token that reached me that so it was. " The years circle round, and I miss her sadly. I note in myself the tokens of advancing age. It is hard to believe that I am fifty-five, and that she would have been seventy-eight were she here. For I seem to fancy myself always a boy ; and her O I can never think of her as an old woman ! " J. W. B." Nor let the above be thought of as a mere transient gush of emotion, called forth by associations which a particular season had awakened up. Thus writes Bishop Hobhouse to the author, one of Burgon's intimate Oxford THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 233 friends, who, as we have just seen, had read the words of Christian hope over Mrs. Burgon's grave. " From the moment that my dear friend laid his mother's remains in the retired corner assigned to the Parish of St. John the Baptist, he cherished that spot as the most sacred in the world to his feelings. He risifed if <1 ?t/, standing over it bareheaded. He decorated the whole adjoining wall with sculpture and with creeping plants. He was anxious to extend this care in a measure to the whole enclosure. He readily lent his artist-mind and his skilled pencil to any who were seeking to decor- ate the graves of their kinsfolk ; and such ready aid was readily sought. We both cherished, the spot greatly, believing that care for the resting-place of the Departed is a direct outcome of faith in the communion of Saints, and helps to deepen that faith. We were in frequent communication about the care of the ground. Our deeper feelings about it we expressed by meeting in the Cemetery Chapel on Easter Even and All Saints' Day, and reciting a short service selected from the Prayer Book." Troubles are said never to come alone (a maxim of human experience the truth of which may possibly be insinuated in those words of Eliphaz to the Patriarch Job, " He shall deliver thee in six troubles : yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee " ) ; and within seven months of the death of his mother two more bereave- ments wrung Burgon's heart, one, the death of Dr. Routh, the President of Magdalen, at the ripe age of ninety-nine, whose memory he has embalmed both in poetry and prose, the other that of Mi's. Hugh James Rose, whom he regarded, as his letters to her show, with mingled affection and veneration, and to whom he pro- bably unbosomed himself with greater freedom than to any other correspondent out of the precinct of his own family. Dr. Routh passed away on the 22nd of Decem- 234 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. her, 1854; Mrs. Hugh James Rose on the 5th of April, 1855. He alludes very touchingly to the proximity of these deaths with that of his mother in the opening of his " Century of Verses in Memory of the President of Magdalen College" [' Poems,' p. 119] : " Grief upon grief ! it seems as if each day Came laden with a freight of heavy news From East or West. My letters, fringed with black, Bring me but sighs: and when the heart is full One drop will make the bitter cup o'ernow." During the time of his sorrows, and while the more arduous and solid work of his Plain Commentary was progressing, he was preparing and passing through the press his ' Ninety Short Sermons for Family Reading, follow- ing the course of the Christian Seasons? The impress of this sorrowful time is stamped upon them by their in- scription, " To the blessed memory of my mother, Houghton Conquest, Sept. 7, 1855." In the Preface, 1855. which is dated Oxford, October 15, 1855, he tells us 42 'J the demand which he designs by these Sermons to meet : " Many who observe the practice of occasionally reading a Sermon aloud to their household, are heard to declare that they can scarcely find anything quite suit- able for that purpose. The length of most Sermons is a fatal objection. Some are thought too abstruse ; and some, too polemical." Of these Sermons it is sufficient to say that his style and favourite phrases characterize them throughout ; that, though he tells us that he is " not conscious of having gone out of his way, in order to be original," they contain (as could hardly fail to be the case with a mind so fresh and unconventional as his) many striking and edifying original thoughts, and that Dr. Hawkins, the Provost of Oriel, read and found edifi- cation in them in his latter days during his retirement THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 235 at Rochester. Thus Burgon writes in his ' Lives of Twelve Good Men' ["Edward Hawkins: The Great Provost," vol. i. p. 458] : " His widow informed me, ' Your own Short Sermons, of which I read many to him on Sunday evenings in the garden, pleased him much. " The teaching of the Harvest " he greatly liked. I could name many others, if I searched the volumes. They were not new to him, of course : but you would have liked to see the expression of his face, as he thus renewed his acquaintance with them, in our pleasant shady garden.' This is touching enough, especially as the author of the Sermons in question has experienced from those honoured lips many and many a salutary snub.'' A single passage from these Sermons must suffice, as a specimen of the striking observations which they contain throughout. The text is, " He saw also a certain poor widow" (St. Luke xxi. 2), and the title, "NOTHING LITTLE IN GOD'S SIGHT/' " Now, the one circumstance in all this wondrous and varied narrative to which we wish to call attention, is, that amid all these mighty discourses and amazing pro- phecies, amid all the weariness of His Human Body, and the anguish of His Human Soul ; amid griefs unrevealed and bitterness of spirit unutterable ; the LORD of Heaven and Earth was at leisure to sit down and watch the ways of one of the very humblest of His creatures. ' He saw also a certain poor widow.' . . . After His eight withering woes denounced upon the Scribes and Pharisees, which must have goaded them to madness, (for they were at once the proudest and the most powerful of the people) after tli lit. and just before He entered upon that far-sighted prophecy which glanced onward, from the coming de- struction of the City to the very end of the World, blending the near, and the far future, so wondrously ; and showing that the Blessed Speaker's eye was filled with images of magnificence and grandeur unspeakable, the 236 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. destinies of thfe whole Human Kace, and the consumma- tion of all things : (the moment is well worth observing ; for it was the brief moment which separated the SAVIOUK'S discourse concerning the things of Time and of Eternity, the little halting-place between His leave-taking of His enemies, and His anticipation of the ruin which was to be brought upon them ; first, by His avenging armies ; next, by His legions of angels) it was at that particu- lar instant, we repeat, and therefore while His heart must have been occupied in the way we have been describing, that our LORD, seating Himself over against the Treasury, (that is, the alms-chests which were destined to receive the offerings of the people) looked up, and beheld how they cast money into the Treasury. And many that were rich cast in much. And there came a poor woman ; and (as St. Luke remarks) ' He saw her ! ' . . . He saw before Him the destruction of the Temple, and the Fall of Jerusalem, and the wreck of Nature, and the crash of Worlds, and the setting up of the great white Throne, and the gathering together of all the Tribes of the Earth : all this He saw. But ' He saw also a certain poor widow' And she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. . . . He had the leisure, had the inclination, had the sovereign will, to scrutinize the act, and to weigh it in a heavenly balance, and to pronounce upon it, calmly, and at length, as if Life and Death hung upon the issue. He called unto Him His Disciples, and saith unto them, ' Verily, I say unto you that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all. For all f/tet/ did cast in of their abundance : but she, of her want, did cast in all she had, even all her living.' These gracious words on the lips of our SAVIOUR awaken in us a deep sense of wonder and admiration. . . . We desire to fill our minds with the single thought of God's watchful and observing eye, which nothing is so little as to escape ; nothing is so trifling as not to interest and engage. The Psalmist has expressed this in a single verse of the i I3th Psalm, ' Who is like unto the LORD our God, that hath His dwelling so high ; and yet humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in Heaven and Earth ! ' ' THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 237 The Sermons are all adapted to the Ecclesiastical Seasons, at which they are designed to be read ; and. as with the poems of ' The Christian Year,' those which turn upon the Lessons have lost their point in connexion with the Ecclesiastical Seasons, by the substitution of the New for the Old Lectionary. A letter to Mr. Hensley, of Dec. 21, 1855, which will be found at the end of this Section, contains an interest- ing notice of his literary work at that date, past and prospective. His "Commentary" and his "Sermons" are "finished," and he is then engaged on ' Brief Memoirs of the Colleges of Oxford' of which " eight I have written, and /ti/ V became quite a popular form of reproach. ... It struck me that I should be employing myself not unprofitably at such a juncture, if (laying aside all other work for a month or two ;" we have seen that he had on his hand the drafting, and throwing into the shape of ' ]< l-'r/c/tilx In l.mj- finul! the various notes and memoranda which he had made during his Roman Chaplaincy ;)"! were to attempt a short reply to the volume in question, myself; and to combine with it the publication of the Sermons I had already preached" (in his capacity of Select Preacher); " and which I had the comfort of learning had not only been favourably rrri\vd by some of those who heard them, but had attracted some slight notice outside the University also. Accordingly, with not a little reluc- tance, in the month of February I began." The work is in two parts, Destructive and Construc- tive, to use his own phraseology. In the earlier part. whieh is "addressed to the undergraduate members of Oriel College," he demolishes seriatim the arguments of the Essayists. His affectionate solicitude for them it is. he says at the close of this part, which has moved him to write. " I trace these concluding lines (of a work which, but for yoit, would never have been undertaken,) in a quid' empty College, and in the room where we have so often and so happily met on Sunday evenings. Can you wonder if, at the conclusion of what has proved rather a lim\y task, (so fiafifnf to me is controversy), my thoughts revert with atli etionate solicitude to yourselves, already sea tt civil in all directions ; and to those evenings which more, I think, than any other thing, have gilded my College life? In thus sending you a written farewell, and praying from my soul that GOD may bless and keep you all, I cannot suppress the earnest entreaty . . . that you would persevere in the daily study of the pure Book 262 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. of Life ; and that you would read it, not as feeling your- selves called upon to sit in judgment on its adorable contents ; but rather, as men who are permitted to draw near, and invited to listen, and to learn, and to live. And so farewell!" It is not necessary or desirable to notice in any detail this first and controversial portion of a work, which, admitting certain flaws and extravagances of expression in it, cannot be otherwise regarded than as a powerful blow struck for God's Truth, at a time when that Truth was being gradually undermined by the corrosions of a plausible Rationalism, and a magnificent vindication of the primary axiom of Revelation that God's word is to be received, by those who hear it from Prophets and Apostles, " not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God." [See i Thess. ii. 13.] Burgon is never seen at his best in controversy; even granting that there is something in the error which he opposes, which may well rouse and exasperate a righteous zeal, he seems to lose all self-command in inflicting the censure, and when his conscience reminds him that even the worst errorists are to be remonstrated with before they are condemned, his remonstrance is too apt to take the form of a lecture and a scolding. Suffice it to say that he holds the Seven Essays to be knit together (as there is no doubt they are) by a common underlying idea, presented by the different writers in different aspects of it ( :! the germ of the last essay is contained in the first "), and that upon his Reply to the last Essay, (" On the Interpretation of Scripture ") he has bestowed especial pains and attention, giving an analysis of it in his Table of Contents, as he has done to none of the others. The writer of that Essay had maintained that Scripture is to be interpreted like any other THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 263 book. Burgon shows that, if the Bible were like any other book in its origin and authority, the prin- ciple of interpreting it in a similar method might be freely accepted ; but that, since it is of a different character from every other book in the world, being not the word of man, but, though given through the vehicle of human minds and human language, the word of G.od, this difference of character justifies, or rather necessi- tates, a different style of interpretation. He would have done well to have added at full length what he has only quoted the concluding words of the following illustrious testimony to the soundness of his view, and to the shallow- ness and radical unsoundness of the view of his opponent, from Bacon's 'Advancement of Learning} a testimony which, coming as it does from the Father of Inductive Science, and probably the greatest thinker and philo- sopher that our country has ever produced, deserves to be written in letters of gold : "But the two latter points, known to God, and un- known to man, touching the secrets of the heart, and the successions of time, do make a just and sound difference between the manner of the exposition of the Scriptures, and all other books. For it is an excellent observation which hath been made upon the answers of our Saviour Christ to many of the questions which were propounded to him, how that they are impertinent to the state of the question demanded ; the reason whereof is, because not being like man, which knows man's thoughts by his words, but knowing man's thoughts immediately, he never answered their words, but their thoughts : much in the like manner it is with the Scriptures, which being written to the thoughts of men and to the succession of all ages, with a foresight of all heresies, contradictions, differing estates of the church, yea and particularly of the elect, are not to be interpreted only according to the latitude of the proper sense of the place, and respectively 264 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. towards that present occasion, whereupon the words were uttered, or in precise congruity or contexture with the words before or after, or in contemplation of the principal scope of the place; but have in themselves, not only totally or collectively, but distributively in clauses and words, infinite springs and streams of doctrine to water the church in every part : and therefore as the literal sense is, as it were, the main stream or river, so the moral sense chiefly, and sometimes the allegorical or typical, are they whereof the church hath most use : not that I wish men to be bold in allegories or indulgent or light in allusions ; but that I do much condemn that interpretation of the Scripture, which is only after the manner as men use to interpret a profane book."- " Philosophical Works. Of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning, divine and human." By Francis Bacon. Vol. I. Book ii. p. 128. The second and constructive part of 'Inspiration and Interpretation,' equally necessary with the first,and far more interesting, is a gift of permanent and lasting value to the Church. The first Sermon recommending the study of the Bible, and giving instruction in the right method of studying it, was "intended," he tells us in the Preface, " to embody the advice which he had already orally given to every undergraduate who had sought counsel at his hands for many years past in Oxford." The points are, that the Bible is to be read through without any commentary or extraneous help, beginning at the beginning, and never skipping anything, " the best and freshest and quietest half-hour in the whole day " being " deliberately appor- tioned to this solemn duty," which "jealously-guarded half-hour will be found to be the one green spot in the day, like Gideon's fleece, fresh with the dew of the. early morning, when it is 'dry upon all the earth beside.' " It should be added that Burgon guards care- fully against tho false inference, which some might be THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 265 disposed to draw from this admonition to " read the Bible through patiently, and humbly, and laboriously," without note or comment, the inference " that a man is either at liberty or able to gather his own religion for himself out of the Bible. The Book of Common Prayer is your sufficient safeguard. The framework of the Faith is there prescribed for you ; and within those limits you cannot well go wrong." The second Sermon is addressed to answer the objec- tion, " But this Book, for which you claim entire perfec- tion and absolute supremacy, is inevitably destined to be demolished by Natural Science." It is with the supposed conflict between the first chapter of Genesis and the discoveries of geological science that the Sermon deals. The teaching of a masterly Sermon preached before the University by Dr. Buckland (a great scientific authority) was warmly espoused by Burgon, as suffi- ciently solving all difficulties of this kind. After the first verse of Genesis, which simply records the creation by Almighty Power of all things out of nothing, a lapse of as many ages as the geologist may require may be supposed, in entire consistency with the sacred narrative, to take place. At the close of this long period of ages, some great catastrophe took place which submerged the earth, and wrapped it about with vapour, causing " a dire eclipse." A pipe had recently broken in St. Mary's Church which submerged all the seats, and necessitated the removal of the University Sermons to the Cathedral, where Burgon was then preaching. " Shall I think it a matter of course that one little flaw in a pipe shall, in a second of time, transform the orderly well-compacted seats of a goodly church to one unsightly mass of shape- less and disordered ruin ; and shall I pretend to stand aghast at the strangeness of a similar overthrow of this 266 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Earth's furniture at the mere fiat of the Most High ? " In what follows of Genesis I. after verse i, the account of the reconstitution of the ruined earth out of the chaos, and its furniture for the abode of man, the days are to be taken as literal days, as the reason assigned for the sabbatical rest requires, an hypothesis to which Burgon tenaciously clung to the latest years of his life, when he had occasion to put it forth afresh. Without at all entering into the discussion, which is not the province of the Biographer, it may just be said that it is very doubtful whether the theory of regarding the days as long periods of time does not introduce greater difficul- ties than it removes. In Sermons III. and IV. he develops his Theory of Inspiration, explaining and vindicating in the latter the Plenary Inspiration of every part of the Bible, and pointing out that the possible corruption of the text in some passages constitutes no valid objection against the Inspiration of the original and true autograph of the Prophets and Apostles. From a note to Sermon III. [p. 83 k.] it appears that the teaching of Sermon II. as to the method of reconciling Genesis and Geology had been, on the Sunday after its delivery, " directly con- travened (it does not appear by whom) from the University Pulpit." From his rejoinder it would seem as if the preacher, who had contravened his teaching, had indicated that Moral Science is, no less than Physical Science, opposed to some parts of the plain teaching of the Bible. In reply he points out that the Moral Sense of man has, in virtue of the Fall become depraved, as the first Chapter to the Romans shows, and that a depraved Moral Sense -must not presume to sit in judgment upon the consistency of God's moral attributes with certain Scriptural precepts to certain persons. This, THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 267 however, is only an incident in the Discourse. It is chiefly occupied with apparent discrepancies in the Gospels, very many of which only seem to require for their solution the knowledge of some slight circumstance which would bring all into harmony. Spite of "the dignity of the pulpit " (' : I hate the very phrase, it has been made too often the cloak of dulness "), this is illustrated by the supposition of a trial at the Antipodes, where three witnesses depose severally on oath to having seen A. B. "standing before Carfax Church, while the clock wag striking one " ; " passing by St. Mary's, when the clock of that Church was also striking one " ; and on the steps of the Cathedral, when the Cathedral clock was striking one, the apparently discrepant testimonies of the three being brought into harmony by the fact, not known to every one, that "the three clocks in question were, till lately, kept five minutes apart." In the fourth Sermon the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration is affirmed with all that uncompromising strenuousness of assertion which was part of his character And surely every one, on calm reflexion, must think with Burgon that, if Inspiration is to avail for the instruction of mankind, the phraseology in which the sense is con- veyed, no less than the sense itself, must be subject to its control. "As for thoughts being inspired, apart from the words which give them expression, you might as well talk of a tune without notes, or a sum without figures. No such dream can abide the daylight for a moment." This Sermon is followed by a Supplement, in which he deals with the theory that, " the office of the Bible being merely to make men wise unto salvation," it does not follow that the Inspiration under which it was written must have secured the writers " against slips of memory, 268 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. inaccuracies of statement, inconclusive reasonings, incor- rect quotations, mistaken inferences, scientific errors,"- a view which he admits " recommends itself occasionally to candid, and even to reverential minds." He requests any favourer of this theory to test it " by running his pen through the places which he suspects of being- external to the influence of Inspiration," and ventures "to predict that such an one will speedily admit that his erasures are either so very few, or so very many, as to be fatal to the theory ' of which they are the expression." In Sermon V. he passes from the Inspiration of Holy Scripture to its Interpretation. The great point here is the Holy Ghost's method of Interpretation, as applied to His own foregone utterances, in other words, the principles which govern the citations made in the New Testament from the Old. In these passages GOD has been pleased to give us a clue to the interpretation of His own Word. This method of the Holy Ghost, when we study it, " altogether establishes the fact that the Bible is not to be interpreted like any other Book" the thesis this which the last of the Essayists and Reviewers had laboured to establish. It is in this Sermon that the writer, while carefully guarding himself against impeach- ing the historical character of the narratives of Holy Scripture, opens the way for those typical and allegorical interpretations in which he so much delighted. Our Lord Himself says that " Moses wrote of me." " Shew me the places in the Pentateuch," says Burgon, "which prove that CHRIST was 'to suffer these things,' and then to 'enter into glory.' You cannot do it; unless indeed you admit Isaac's sacrifice, the indignities done to Joseph, and his exaltation, the Paschal Lamb, the wave- sheaf, &c., &c., to be figures of Christ, and recorded, as THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 269 being so, 'for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.'" But the above are only hints as to the line which the interpretation of Scripture is to take ; there are many other types, not generally recog- nised as such, which we shall see if we look under the surface. Thus, in the narrative of Joseph's temptation, " Potiphar's wife may, (as the best and wisest of ancient and modern Divines have thought), symbolize the Power of Darkness ; and Joseph our Divine LORD. The garment Joseph left in the woman's hand, may represent that fleshly garment of which the true Joseph divested Him- self, (axeubvtrdijLfvos, as St. Paul speaks in a very remarkable place, which certainly means, 'having stripped off from Himself,') the mortal body- which Satan apprehended (his sole triumph !), and by which he was ensnared, when a greater than Joseph gat him out from an adulterous world." There is a grand passage, which we cannot find space for, but which the reader should certainly consult [Serm. V. p. 1 76] on the mystery of the interview be- tween Melchizedek and Abram, bursting into view in Psalm ex. just midway between the time of Abraham and the time of Christ. Sermon VI., " The Doctrine of Arbitrary Scriptural Accommodation Considered," was not one of the course which he was called upon to deliver as Select Preacher, but was in fact his first University Sermon, preached ten years previously, with the added lights which the ex- perience of those years had thrown upon it. The notion combated in it is, that any passage of foregone Scripture 3 It would seem from this that the clause which is given in the Burgon (in Col. ii. 15) accepted the margin of the Revised Version : reading r^v aaptca for ras apxas. hating put off from himself his Or perhaps he took the words " his body, he made a skoic of the princi- body " to be understood after a-atit- ftalities, &c. Svaaptvos, a way of understanding 270 LIFE OF DEAN BVRGOX. has been by any New Testament writer " wrenched away from its natural bearing and intention ; and made to accommodate itself, and, on the part of the writer, quite arbitrarily, to a purpose, with which it has, in reality, no manner of connexion." The passage instanced in is Rom. x. 5 to 10, the contrasted utterances of " the righteousness which is of the law " and " the righteous- ness which is of faith," in which St. Paul quotes with some notable alteration, and with what may be called a running commentary, Deut. xxx. 1 1 to 15 ; '' as fair an example as could be desired of what is sometimes called 'Accommodation'. . . I know not an instance of what, in any uninspired writing, I should have been myself more inclined to stigmatize as such." The variation of St. Paul from Moses, " Who shall go clown into the deep" instead of " Who shall go over the sea" in order to point the application to the descent of Christ into Hades, is made under the immediate prompting of Inspiration, it is God " calling in the wealth of His ancient treasury, in order to recoin it, that He may more enrich us there- by," God, " taking His ancient speeches back into His mouth, in order that He may syllable them anew, making them sweeter than honey to our lips, yea, sweeter than honey and the honeycomb." And that the Christian application, which St. Paul makes of the passage, was intended by the Holy Spirit, when He put it into the pen of Moses, he gives good reasons for thinking, one of them being that in the first verse of the twenty-ninth chapter of Deuteronomy the covenant, among "the words" of which the passage is found, is said to be a distinct covenant, at the end of the pilgrimage of Israel, " beside the covenant which he made with them in Horeb" at the beginning of it, forty years ago. This new covenant Bishop Bull takes to be the covenant of THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 271 Grace, which is implicitly and darkly preached in the passage in question ; and Burgon gives other reasons for thinking that what St. Paul finds in the passage of Moses was really designed by the Spirit who inspired Moses to write it, is anything but an arbitrary accommodation. The author cannot but think that, apart from interpretations of particular passages, the true and only clue of sound interpretation has been laid hold of, by the direction to look to the quotations made from the Old Testament in the New, and to con- sider what guidance and light may be discovered in them. The difficulties here, as in the Bible itself, begin with the beginning ; for the prophecies, of which St. Matthew finds a fulfilment in our Lord's infancy (St. Matt. ii. 15, 17, 23), are surrounded with difficulties, and offer doubtless to him, who studies them with devout docility, numerous bright glimpses into the Spirit's method of interpretation. The last Sermon deals with the subject which had been discussed by the third Essayist, the actual title of whose essay was " On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity" ; but, as Burgon truly says, the Essay should rather have been called, " The Validity of THE EVIDENCE FROM MIRACLES considered, or rather denied." The Sermon considers both the Moral Marvels of Scripture (meaning, the perplexing problems which certain parts of it throw out to the moral sense), and its Physical Marvels, that is, its recorded miracles. Jael's act is selected as presenting a difficulty of the former class, and is elaborately vindicated. We must start with the assumption that her act was moral, because " God pro- nounced her blessed, and distinctly commended her for her deed, and no action can be immoral which GOD praises." He then shows how under the peculiar circum- 272 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. stances, and from Jael's point of view, the act was jus- tifiable, nay, something more. "It is quite evident that each fresh oppressor of Israel was regarded, in the strictest sense, as the enemy of God; and that, as the enemy of the LORD God of Israel, Sisera was summarily slain by the Kenite's wife." As regards miracles the " physical marvels " of Holy Scripture, while cordially admitting that "general laws of inscrutable Wisdom determined each case of miraculous interposition," he repudiates with something like scorn Mr. Babbage's suggestion that a miracle, is not " an exception to those laws which we know, but really the fulfilment of a wider law which we did not know before " ; shows that the paring down and extenuating the supernatural element in a miracle is, in view of all the circumstances, an untenable explanation ; and protests with his usual warmth (yet not too warmly) against the Ideology, which recognises in the miraculous narratives of Scripture nothing of matter of fact, but only the allegorizing of truths of weightiest import. The Sermons are followed by Appendices, chiefly confirmatory of his own view, from the works of Bishop Horsley, Bishop Butler, Bishop Bull, Bishop Pearson, and from the sermons of his great friend and predecessor in the Vicarage of St. Mary's, the Rev. C. P. Eden, a memoir of whom appears in ' The Lives of Twelve Good Men.' And what was the immediate effect upon the audience, the reader will be disposed to ask, of the above Ser- mons ? Very much what the effect was of inspired preaching of old, and what will always be the effect of faithful preaching, framed on the model of the inspired. " The multitude of the city was divided " ; " some be- lieved the things which were spoken, and some believed not." " We did not think much of them at the time," THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 273 writes one who was then an undergraduate, and attended the Sermons, "many of the passages in them being grotesque. It was said that an undergraduate of Oriel who had great influence with Burgon begged him to change his tone. The last sermon or sermons were very different from the first." No doubt, as in all Burgon's sermons and addresses, so in these also, there is a certain style foreign to the ordinary and conventional usage of the English pulpit, which was inseparable from the strong and marked individuality of the man ; but as for any grotesquenesses which could present a serious stum- bling-block except to minds of a most frivolous order, if there were such in the delivery, they have been ex- punged previously to publication. But the writer has been credibly informed, on authority which he cannot doubt, that the theory of Scriptural Inspiration pro- pounded in the Fourth Sermon presented a grave difficulty to the minds of some thoughtful and religiously-minded hearers among the undergraduates, who were not pre- pared for the alternative which seemed to be incisively presented to them ; Either the whole Bible is inspired, " the words as well as the sentences, the syllables as , well as the words, the letters as well as the syllables, every ' jot ' and every ' tittle ' of it ; " or the whole of it must be abandoned, since no part of it can be certainly depended upon as an infallible guide. To this the present writer can only say that, supposing the doctrine i tic n. leafed to be a true one, the offence given thereby, however much it is to be regretted, could not have been avoided. And if the way of stating the truth was not (as perhaps it may not have been) altogether judicious, can the meaning which it was intended to convey be seriously questioned by devout and thoughtful men ? We know that GOD has not been pleased absolutely VOL. I. T 274 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. to secure the text of His Holy Scriptures from cor- ruption (by carelessness of transcribers, interpolations of words designed only as marginal explanations, and so forth) ; he has left a certain amount of uncertainty here and there on the ipsissima verba of Prophets and Apostles, to exercise the discrimination of those of His servants who have leisure and skill for such studies, as also for the trial of the faith of His child- ren in general ; but supposing us to be in undoubted possession of the original autographs of Moses, Isaiah, the Evangelists, St. Peter, St. Paul, should we be willing to admit that a single verse or word of the text could be uninspired, and to dispense with it freely, as being immaterial, in our vain conceptions, to the just expression of the Holy Spirit's meaning? Without being at all prepared to assert that all parts of Holy Scripture are equally precious, equally vital, or have an equally deep spiritual import, an assertion surely which would carry its own refutation on the face of it, must we not maintain, if we hold Inspiration at all, that as, in the natural body of man, the breath of life is diffused through the whole frame (resides in the ex- tremities in the hair and the nails as well as in the head and the heart) so there is not a single jot or tittle of inspired Scripture which has not God's breath in it, and which, as having God's breath in it, has not some function or other to fulfil in the design of His inscrutable wisdom, though we may not always know or be able to discern what that design is ? If this image conveys a real truth, no part of the Bible, however apparently insignificant to us, not even the catalogue of the Dukes of Edom, or the long string of names of persons, of whom it is given us to know nothing but the names, as in Rom. xvi, could be dispensed with without a real loss. THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 275 But there were other hearers of Burgon's famous Seven Sermons, who were neither moved to levity by his "grotesque passages," nor offended and scandalized by his making the Inspiration of the Inspired Writers cover (as they considered) too wide a field. Here is the testimony of one of them, taken from a communiquee to the Record newspaper of August 17, 1888. The initials appended at the end of the paper are C. H. W. The author thinks it best to let it stand alone, without a word of comment except this, that it is in the highest degree unlikely that C. H. W. stood alone in the im- pressions which he carried away from Burgon's ministry. Indeed if the reader will refer to the interesting paper by the Rev. R. G. Livingstone given in a later Section, in the early part of which he gives an account of Burgon's Bible Readings with the undergraduates in his rooms at Oriel, he will see that Mr. Livingstone had imbibed from the Bible Readings very similar im- pressions to those which " C. H. W." derived from the Seven Sermons ; " It was nothing short of a revelation to me to discover that the study of the Bible could be made so full of interest and brightness so attractive, as he made it." PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LATE DEAN BUEGON. [From the Record newspaper of August 17, 1888.] " From first to last, all my reminiscences of Dean Burgon are bound up with the Bible, treated as few teachers of divinity now appear to regard it, as God's word written ; ' absolute, faultless, unerring, supreme.' Some report of his being an interesting preacher drew me to the Cathedral at Oxford, one Sunday afternoon in the October Term of (I think) 1860, but I have no T a 276 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. means at hand of verifying the exact date. I went to hear the University Sermon, which he was appointed to preach. It turned out to be the first of ' Seven Sermons on the Inspiration and Interpretation of Holy Scripture,' delivered in answer to Essays a>/d Reviews. There was but a small congregation to listen to this first sermon. The hearers increased as the series con- tinued. But those who went from the beginning were well repaid. I can never forget what I heard that afternoon. It all comes back to me whenever I come across the text, ' Lord, to whom shall we go ? Thou hast the words of eternal life.' 'The study of the Bible recommended, and a method of studying it prescribed,' is the title of the sermon, which was specially addressed to undergraduates. The title gives a very fair account of the contents ; but no words that I can put together will describe what I myself gained that afternoon. In regard to Scripture, I acquired the rudiments of a fresh sense. I knew much of the text of the Bible already, I read it as a habit, loved it, admired it, and had learned much of it by heart. But I had never learned to look at the Bible as the preacher that day did. I went away with the feeling that I had just been presented with a new book, and must set to work to study it from the beginning, as though I had never seen it before. I began to do so, in the kind of way that was then suggested, and I have gone on ever since. The Bible has never ceased to be what it then became, a mine of hid treasure. And there is just as much to be learned still as there was at first. In fact, there seems to be much more. I cannot describe what happened that day in any better words than those which I first employed to describe it : ' Thy words were found, and I did eat them ; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.' "From that time I began to take opportunities of attending St. Mary's when Burgon was there. Of course I heard the rest of the seven Sermons. Some of the texts made scarcely less impression upon me than the first had done. ' Do ye not therefore err because ye know THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 277 not the Scriptures, neither the power of God ? ' was one of them. How often have I verified the fact that ignor- ance or disregard of Scripture is at the root of erroneous teaching! And what a source of strength the discovery of this fact has been ! Again, ' Through faith we under- stand that the worlds were made by the word of God/ handled as Burgon handled it, was the beginning of another lesson of almost equal worth. I learned that for the understanding of the early chapters of Genesis it is not science or literary criticism that is demanded, but implicit faith in the record of creation to begin with, and then careful observation of what is written. I see now that not only is there no contradiction between Genesis and geology, but that the two do not even cross each other's paths Few men ever search the Scriptures as Burgon did, or can tell others how to search them. Hardly any one believes the Bible in the same way. A very little work done in his style carries one quite out- side the common horizon of criticism and exegesis. But it almost demands Burgon's talent for homely exposition and vivid illustration, to bring the knowledge obtained by his method before the ordinary sight. I would rather have heard him read the two lessons in the Sunday service than listen to any preacher I have ever heard, except (perhaps) himself. From his sermon on some Scripture scene or character I should learn more than from any other source of information upon earth. With- out wishing to say anything disparaging of others, there is to my mind the same sort of difference between Burgon's treatment of sacred history in matters of detail and what one commonly hears, as there is between a street boy's chalk scribble on a door or paling and a drawing of some sacred subject by Mr. Frederick Thrupp. It is not so much that what one commonly hears is inaccurate and wrong though too often it is both as that hardly any one seems to see that strict taste and perfect accuracy are required for the treatment of Scripture scenes and characters. The saints of the Old and New Testaments never complain. If living men are caricatured or misrepresented, they can remon- 278 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. strate, and perhaps write to the newspapers ; but Moses and Elias, Samson and David, St. Peter and St. John keep silence, and let men take what liberties they will. " Dean Burgon never took liberties. He was as careful of the honour and reputation of a character in Holy Scripture as of his dearest living friends. I once heard him read the description of Rizpah's care for her dead children, from the Sunday lesson in the Second Book of Samuel. It was a thing never to be forgotten. As one said who was present, 'he read it as though she had been his own sister ! ' and so it was throughout. But his choicest theme was the Gospels. These were his favourite study. Here he was accustomed, as he said himself, to ' weigh every word in hair scales.' And what unsuspected beauties did he bring to light ! How many passages there recall him to memory ! The story of our Lord's temptation in St. Matthew, the harmonizing of what is told us of the healing of the centurion's servant, or of the blind men at Jericho ; the record of Pilate's indecision, and the title on the Cross ; the incidents of Easter morning, and of that third appearance of our Saviour at the sea of Tiberias ; not to mention the text containing that solemn question, 'What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?' all these are inseparably associated with his memory in my own mind ; some of them, I doubt not, in the minds of many. "We were to have had the text of the Gospels, and their harmony, from his pen before this. It was all but finished, and was promised years ago. But who is there to finish it, and who can gather up the thousand threads of loving reverential knowledge, that have fallen from his grasp ? "Dean Burgon was above all things else a Bible student and a man of God. He never failed to impress upon us St. Paul's lesson, that to 'speak with the tongues of men and angels,' to ' understand all mysteries in Scripture,' was nothing without life and love. His personal appeals to the conscience were always most heart-searching and solemn. He believed what he THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 279 taught. From his intense belief in Holy Scripture 1 have often rekindled my own. I never left him without feeling stimulated and reproved. To his teaching, under God, I owe all I know of divinity. Outside of Holy Scripture I know nothing. But for him, I should never have known the Bible apart from commentaries. Since he entered into rest, my thoughts have constantly tried to follow him into the Paradise of which he spoke with such reverential and humble insight. And my desires have been chiefly set upon two things. I cannot but believe that all the best and noblest souls among the saints of old must have risen up to greet him, and to take part in the welcome given him by ' the Lord of the dead and living.' I wish I could have heard what they said to him, and seen how they received him there. I doubt whether there has been such a reception for many a day. And next I have wished that I could ask him one question : ' What do you think now of all you taught us about Holy Scripture ? Do you still see it in the same light, or are the men of this generation at all right in supposing that there is in the Bible a certain admixture of dross and error, from which we must by our critical faculties eliminate and sift out the truth ? ' To this question I have received an answer. I have no doubt of it at all, and it is this: 'I have given unto them the words which Thou gavest me (p^/xara, words spoken before they were given), and they have received them, and have known surely that 1 came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou didst send me. I pray for them.' It is enough. There is nothing to alter in this view of Holy Scripture, which the man of God taught us. It is the very same message that I first heard from his lips : ' Lord, to whom shall we go ? Thou hast the words (pj^ara) of eternal life/ It may be that men will count us fools for thinking so ; but let me be a fool with Burgon, if it be so, and let the wise men of this generation say what they please. It will all come right hereafter, and we have not long to wait. As he said himself, 'Be patient, O my soul, until the day break, and the shadows flee away.' " 280 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. To MRS. HUGH JAMES ROSE. "H. Conquest, Sept. 16, 1853. "My dearest Mrs. Rose, I cannot forget what to- morrow is 3 ; and if I could suppose that you could yourself forget, I would not write to convey to you one of the melancholy thoughts which the anniversary ever brings to me. But your faithful heart will have felt the shadow, which day by day deepens for you at this sad time : and if I cannot (as I know I cannot) even help to dispel it, I can at least convince you that my thoughts are with you. And this may be a small comfort in its way. Indeed all here remember the anni- versary ; and have already feelingly alluded to it. " The blow seemed full of wrath ; but you have been spared to see that there was mercy in it. Or if you have not seen much, your faith may at least suggest some very bright and comfortable reflexions. 1 will not, for I need not, particularly explain what I mean. I will content myself instead with inviting you to read atten- tively a portion of Scripture, on which I have been com- menting for the last few days, namely, St. Matthew xxv. You may also, if you please, read in connexion with it, St. Luke xix. i to 27. I gave twelve hours yesterday to the Commentary, and still feel very full of the thoughts, which the chapter of St. Matthew especially suggested, and which seem to me not inapplicable to yourself. Pray observe the concluding verses of it, from verse 31 to the end. It seems to me like the solemn commentary of the Spirit on the two parables which precede 4 . . . . And with this remark I shall dismiss the subject. " Let me earnestly request that you will not, by any undue abstinence, distress yourself, and impair the spring s Sept. 17 was the anniversary of xxv. 30. The " passage which ends Josephine Hair's death, which he the chapter " (what is usually called had already adverted to in an earlier the Parable of the Sheep and Goats) letter to Mrs. Hugh James Rose. " may be considered, in some sort, as See above, p. 161, and footnote. the solemn Commentary of the Spirit 4 These very words occur in his on the two parables which precede." 1 Plain Commentary * on St. Matt. 7 HE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 281 of your mind, when these sad days come round. Nor yet feel regardless of things present, and suffer yourself to grow weary of the sun. Rather let me affectionately implore you to catch eagerly at every little blessing, which Almighty Love throws in your way ; and be happy knowing that God wills nothing less than the happiness of His creatures, in time and in eternity. ^e how, this year, a Sunday follows your day of heaviness. Is it not a blessed earnest that, though ' heaviness may endure for a night, yet joy cometh in the morning ? ' " My dearest Mrs. Rose, " Your affectionate, "J. W. B." FROM THE REVEREND J. \V. BURGON TO THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. " Oriel, Feb. 27 [1854]. My dear Mr. Gladstone, I am much struck with your kindness overwhelmed with work as you must be in finding time to write me so long a letter. My first impulse was, not to trouble you with any reply : but besides wishing to thank you for your kindness, I desire to say what occurs to me as often as I advert to the letter I received from you on Friday. The few words which follow are not committed to paper, believe me, with the remotest desire of provoking rejoinder. You will have read them, and I shall be content. You speak of //>- L'n'i'->-f*ity. as if [it] had an existence apart from the Colleges. Not only however is this not the case actually, but even 1tixtf>r'vn1ly I find no traces of the circumstance either. At all events, why the separate 'xi>u-nce and distinct operation of the University is now to be fostered and developed I must (very humbly) profess myself unable to perceive. Neither can I acquiesce in the supposition that the religious character which ei-t-ry founder stamped on every College in Oxford is an indication that the University (supposing it to have 282 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. had a distinct, independent existence) bore a different impress. " Let it be supposed however that this is a matter of opinion. And let it be granted that you are a far better judge of the matter than myself. What appears to be the simple fact, Government is about to take steps with regard to this ancient seat of piety and learning which will amount to nothing less than a revolution. Respon- sible, the Government is not to any earthly power. The country at large is indifferent as to what they do in this regard. Fathers who have smarted for their sons' ex- travagance at College will applaud anything which looks like a measure of retaliation; while the sons (who are sure to impute to the University the faults which were all their own), they also will look on and rejoice. Was there ever a measure proposed, having a manifest ten- dency to weaken the Church, to cripple one of her healthiest limbs, to divert into other channels the revenues which are directly or indirectly hers, and to promote secular at the expense of sacred learning ; was ever such a measure proposed without winning support and favour from the world at large, whether within or without the House of Commons ? "No less as a Christian statesman, therefore, than as a faithful son of Oxford, I will but implore Mr. Gladstone to keep himself (if possible) unbiassed as well by the animosity of those who hate us, as by the conflicting views and wishes of our almost as dangerous professing friends. I will make bold to remind him that the truth is not of necessity on the side of those who are most clamorous for change: that these Institutions have worked well hitherto are working well now will work better and better every year, if let alone : that the world grows stronger daily, and that this is no time for dismantling those fortresses where the Church has ever nursed her warriors, and whither she has never turned in vain for a champion in her hour of need. " This visible framework of things is indeed passing fast away; and it is no figure of speech which you employ, but a sober reality, when you speak of hereafter THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 283 looking Founders in the face. They did their work nobly, and have long since gone to their reward. Do not you suffer others to mar their holy work ! Let me cling to the hope that while you assist, and in some degree direct the counsels of Government, so great an injury as I apprehend will never befall these ancient institutions. Do not you, dear Sir. I beseech you, consent to a measure, the tendency of which may directly or indirectly be, to promote the encroachments of the world upon the Church, and to weaken the cause of Christ in the world. Forgive my great boldness : but this matter lies far nearer to my heart than you would suppose. I am ever, with sincere regard and admiration, my dear Mr. Gladstone, " Your obliged and most faithful servant, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. "5, Burton Crescent, July 19, 1854. " My dear affectionate Old Man, . . . " I am sorry to say that my dearest mother both has been, and continues to be, very poorly indeed. I feel very heavy on the subject. The rest of my beloved circle are tolerably well remember you with affection and send you a very kind message indeed. " Oxford, I fear, has seen her best days. Her sun has set and for ever. She never more can be what she has been, the great nursery of the Church. She will be- come a cage of unclean beasts at last. Of course we shall not live to see it; but our great grandc/ti/ilrcn will: and the Church, (and Oxford itself) will rue the day when its liberties and its birthright were lost by a licentious vote of a no longer Christian House of Com- mons. " The mischief will quickly show itself in some small respects. The Dissenters, who now talk like injured men for being excluded from the walls of the University (which is no injury at all), will soon be heard to com- plain that they have not equal rights with ourselves. 284 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. They will discover that they have a conscience, and cannot attend chapel or divinity lectures. . . . They will claim (and obtain) the right of proceeding to M.A. and holding fellowships. THE END will be the driving out the Church from what has hitherto been her fortress 5 : and she will have to build herself little strongholds else- where. ... It is one of our many national steps in a downward direction ; one of our many abandonments of a great principle ; one of the many preliminary measures to the severance of Church and State ; one of the many approaches to a state of national irreligion ; one of the many beginnings of the end, which mark the slow but sure advent of the latter days. " You have asked for my opinion, my dear friend ; and I give it you freely and fully : very grieved to have to give such an opinion ; very sorry to have to draw so gloomy a picture concerning the future destiny of the place we both love so well. " In the meantime, it is our joy to think that while the nation sins thus heavily or, to say the least, errs so grievously, every individual may advance in holiness and virtue, and serve GOD acceptably, however humbly, in his generation, and stand erect in his place in the latter days. " May we be found, we and all we love best where the good and great of all ages will be, for CHRIST'S sake ! "Remember me most kindly to your dear wife, and believe me, " Ever, my dearest Old Man, " Your affectionate friend, "J. W. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. " 5, Burton Crescent, London, Dec. 21, 1855. " My dearest Hensley. I cannot explain to myself, and therefore shall scarcely be able to explain to you, 5 All these prognostications were Universities Tests Act seventeen fully realised at the passing of the years later in 1871. THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 285 how it should happen that letters, which give me such lively pleasure as yours always do, should accumulate upon me unanswered. Had you me under you, however, a rapier in your right hand, and a bludgeon in your left ; a pistol in each pocket, spurs at your heels and a crow- bar between your teeth, Mrs. Hensley beside you with needles, a bodkin, and a toasting fork I say, did I be- hold punishment in so many shapes awaiting me, I should falter out that the only cause has been because I have felt that any day I could write ; and because I have always determined that the day should be to-morrow, a day which, as you are aware, never comes. ' The penny post has many advantages doubtless ; but I am sure its counterbalancing evils are of a very serious nature. Among the chiefest I reckon this, that one seldom or never writes letters as the men of the century beginning 1725 and ending 1825 wrote them, letters of private friendship, written for friendship's sake; note* one writes true : but letters seldom, if ever. Every post brings in its half-dozen sundry appeals, which will have the best end of an hour in the reading, replying, and rending. Thus one's time for correspondence gets flittered away, and the full tide of ink becomes dispersed in a hundred imperceptible channels. It seems to me as if I never wrote a pleasant letter to a friend. " Thank you, dearest fellow, for your many affectionate little letters, which give me so many agreeable peeps at a domestic fireside, a gentle wife, and (I like to think) a well cared for parish. All your little doings interest me, will always interest me, as much as you can desire or design : and I ever cherish the hope of spending some few days with you, where I may learn by heart the lesson I already know by rote ; namely, the name and nature of your whereabouts. Whenever my sisters see me looking a little fagged or thin, I am commonly asked why I do not pack up my traps, and go down to see Alfred Hensley 'who always invites you so affec- tionately,' &c. My own history, dear friend, has been 286 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. a most monotonous one since you saw me. My Com- mentary and Sermons finished, before turning to any- thing biographical, I have been engaged on an antiquarian matter, a brief memoir of the Colleges of Oxford. En/hf 1 have written, and four have been published. The rest will appear before June. But it is an expensive work (only one copy given me I) and you must not buy it. The last number will be Worcester. That you may get, if you like, and make Spiers happy. (Think of Spiers turning publisher !) But I long to get this off my hands, and turn to the life of my dear friend Tytler. From that I go on to Routh, and then, if I live, to my Har- mony. In the meantime, my prints are published this day by Hering, and I hope he will make them answer. (I need hardly say that these things are all the Pub- lisher's, not mine.') Thus have I rattled on, and covered two sheets, and you would scarcely believe that I write with an aching heart, full of affecting recollections, which this festive (not joyous) season brings thick upon me. " But I will not write sadly to the man I love at such a time. He will wish to know that I am with my father, sister, and brother ; that I go hence (on New Year's Day) to Turvey Abbey ; and thence to Houghton ; returning to Oriel by the i9th January : but if he desires to picture me truly, he must picture one whose heart seems buried, and who tries to live in the future in vain. The year 1854 earned away with it what gave life its sweetness and its charm 6 , charm and sweetness unknown or at least unappreciated until they were removed. " God bless and keep you and your dear wife, dearest Hensley. Remember me affectionately to her, I beg. Be sure and spend a night at Oxford going or coming. When I give you a cold welcome, then forget " Your loving friend, "J. W. BURGON." * He means his mother, who, it will be remembered, died Sept. 7, 1854. THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 287 To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENS LEY. "Oriel, Nov. 8, 1856. " My dearest Old Man, " I am very well thank you, dearest fellow : that is to say. I have nothing in particular in the way of health to complain of. Strong I cannot say I do feel ; but I do not ail in any way except, alas, SPIRITUALLY. "What vexes me most is the utter inability I ex- perience TO DO anything. I am seldom, if ever, inactive: yet the impertinences of daily life fill up the day; and the residuum is a sleepy head and weary limbs. And yet. by a strange perversity, my plans thicken and multiply with my inability to carry them into execution. " Thus though I have smarted considerably under the mortification of not being able to open my box of Ti/flt'r papers since the Long, I have actually begun collecting materials (traditional, of course, chiefly) of Dr. Routh ! . . . that will form an amusing memoir, I do believe " Now I take it for granted that Dadfla never thinks of going into the nursery, even of a rainy day; that week after week passes, and he is quite content with a report from the nuss, &c., &c., &c. ... Or does the old man pass whole hours with the little duck in his arms? " The weather with us is cold and cheerless. Penarran itself must be looking queer and the roads must have regained their wintry character. Well, every season has its charm : and in tits si bene as the inscription runs on the monument in Houghton Church it matters little what weather is without. The sense of God's love and support is the intuJt, remember, not the image of the passing cloud now, all the changes and chances of this mortal life are passing things ! . . . My kindest regards at 288 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. the Moat : love to your sister : kiss to baby : and all that is affectionate to yourself, from " Dearest Old Man, " Your loving J. B." To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENSLEY. "Oriel, March 17, 1857. " My dearest Friend, " Pray give 7 a special kiss for me, and tell her that her mark is the first cross thing I ever saw her do and that I am persuaded, when I think of her dear parents, that it will be the last ! " I daresay you will like the chair 8 on the whole Everything of that kind looks rubbishy in a dirty shop. When the chair gets worn, and is in the good company of your fireside, it will improve, I am persuaded. " Nothing shall prevent me (D.V.) from reposing in it this summer, as you so affectionately propose. I quite long to see the Brithyn again (how it seems but yesterday since I looked on them last) and to hear the Mule prattling along, and to pace, with you, the short walk between the yew trees 9 ! 7 A grotesque name for Mr. Hens- And roved the mountain- valley near ley's young child, who, being unable thy home, to write, had put a cross against Dear Hensley ? that clause o f the letter in which she Meanwhile the Mule went sparkling sent her love to Burgon. on its way * Burgon had been commissioned Beside us, babbling, bubbling. And by his friend to purchase a chair you said, for him in Oxford, which, in send- ' The Mule comes trickling down ing it off to him, he describes at from yonder hill ; length. Finds the Mahelly; the Mahelly 9 " Did we not hold such converse, finds when, last June, The Severn ; and the Severn finds We paced thy garden-walk between the sea. the yews, THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 289 " And now, about the portrait ; I saw at Reading the other day, something in a style which I think on the whole will please you letter than Richmond. It is in coloured chalk, marvellous life-like, and the artist is avail- able (which I am sure Richmond is not), and it will be rather cheaper . . . may I obtain for you the artist's name and address (I asked both, but forgot the reply !), and either communicate with him, or put you in communi- cation with him yourself? " I am confident that the result would delight you MORE than Richmond. You will perhaps say, ' But wliy ? if R. be the best draughtsman of the human head living ? ' I answer, ' Because this is NOT to be a portrait, but a copy of two imperfect representations, and I doubt whether the marvellous reality of Richmond's pencil would not rather realise those two representations than the sainted original . . . Do you see what I mean ? A less piercing and precise, a more sulmi^ire pencil, would be more likely to please you than Richmond's vigorous handling of a subject which, alas ! he never saw. "As regards my books you will need no assurance that I have as yet found time for nothing ! No, I am indeed finishing off my memoirs of the Colleges (Wadham, Pembroke and Worcester alone remain to be done) ; but this is all I shall be able to achieve on this side of Easter, I am sorry to say. After Easter, however (D.V.) I shall apply myself vi et arm is to old Routh, and trust I may have done something considerable by the Long Vacation. All find the sea at last! A little while pp. 86, 87]. Parted asunder, but a little " The Brithyn," writes Mr. Hens- while ley, " are two hills springing up And then all find the sea.' .... abruptly in the vale of the Severn, Whereon we took and almost overhanging the river. Our journey home in silence, and They are about seventeen miles sat down from Kerry, and form a very pretty To watch the slumbers of thy feature in the landscape, when motherless babe." looking down the Vale of Severn " Worcester College " [' Poems,' from Kerry heights. ' VOL. I. U 290 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. " Think of me at five o'clock on Sunday evening (till six) reading Genesis with a class of the citizens, at the Town Hall. Last Sunday was my second lecture ; I have about fifty, and enjoy it much. So, I think, do they ... I cannot bear the sense of inactivity ! " As regards local news, the chief is that Neate (who lives above me) is the candidate for Oxford borough 1 . . . " On Wednesday and Friday evenings we have Lenten Sermons at St. Mary's. The Bishops of Oxford and London, Dr. Hook, Moberly, Trench, Wordsworth, Pusey, are among the preachers. I wish you could see how full St. Mary's is on those evenings. " I think much of you, dearest fellow, knowing how full of grief all this season cannot fail to be. Let me entreat you, however, to look with gratitude on that little bud of promise which is yet left you, and to remember that every bursting leaf and opening flower is a precious pledge, as well as a most living type, of the great reality which is in store for her, for you, and (for the merits of Him who died for all!) I trust for me also. " Ever my dearest Alfred, " Your most loving friend, " J. B." 1 Mr. Neate, eminent for his to this squib, which has been pre- abilities even among Fellows of served by Mr. G. V. Cox (' Eecol- Oriel, who were all in those days lections of Oxford" 2nd edition, men of mark, was elected for the p. 427) : City, but unseated for bribery in " Poor Mr. Neate soon lost his seat, the following July on the ground Upset by his agents for bribery ! that his Committee (to whose pro- So the neat's tongue was dried, ceedings he was not privy) had en- With many jokes beside, gaged a very large number of the Quae nunc esset longum per- constituents as paid messengers; scribere." the circumstance which gives point THE OXFORD LIFE: THIRD PERIOD. 291 To THE REVEREND ALFRED HENS LEY. "Oriel, June 3, 1858. " My dearest Hensley, " I rejoice to hear so nice an account of you and yours. I trust it will last for ever ! How the summer seems to have burst upon us ! I fancy I see your house and gar- den, and the green dell beyond, and I hear the Mule babbling, and I see you coming towards my window with a smile upon your face. It is breakfast time, and we have tea, bacon, and a large crusty loaf. It is tea time, and we have the same kind of loaf and tea, and some little cutlets Now it is prayer time, and Hyacinthe comes in. ' so fond of Papa ! ' you cry, ' and so good.' .... Whereupon the hope of the house pulls to pieces a nosegay of flowers, kicks, yelps, and goes through mani- fold exhibitions of a meek and chastened spirit. Lo, she is conveyed upstairs, and ' so good/ exclaims ' dear Papa.' " A kiss to the chick, my love to the Moather 2 , a heart) 7 , more than hearty, greeting to your dear self! " Ever your affectionate, "J. W. B." 2 By the Moather Burgon means Mr. Hensley 's father and mother- in-law, who resided near him at " the Moat," a place so called from an ancient earthwork and dyke in the grounds. " The Moather " means the good people at the Moat. Mr. Hensley was at the time re- ferred to (as at the date of this letter) Curate of Kerry (St.Michael), Newtown, Montgomeryshire. Hya- cinthe, the then "motherless babe," of whose " slumbers " mention is made in " Worcester College " ['Poem*,' p. 87], was Burgon's god- child, and he always manifested a loving interest in her. CHAPTER H. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. Tour in Egypt, the Sinaitic Peninsula, and Palestine. [Sep. 10, 1861 Julg 18, 1862.] IT was John William Burgon's ministry at Rome which gave occasion to his tour in the East. " Behind A.P. 1860. the pulpit of our little Church," he writes in his Journal 7-1 under date Oriel, Sunday Evening, Oct. 14, 1860, "sat a lady whose face I never saw. The two ladies next to her I always noticed, and was always interested with the younger." The "little Church" was the English Chapel at Rome; and the lady turned out to be Miss Webb, who when he met her at the house of a mutual friend (Mrs. Macbean), " spoke of the East and her in- tention to travel there," and subsequently, in an expedition which he made with her and her two friends to Sette Bagni, definitively proposed to him to accompany them to the East; " but I rejected the proposal grate- fully but firmly. . . It was not till we made the circuit of the Lake Albano together she and I that I ever seriously contemplated accompanying her to the East." Subsequently, " a fortnight (O that never-to-be-forgotten fortnight !) at Naples cemented our friendship, and acquainted us not a little with one another. I can see the finger of God in it all. How dexterous in its operation ! And will He not work for me in the days to come ? I think it ; and in that humble confidence shall go on my way rejoicing." THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 293 Further particulars of this meeting with Miss Webb, and of their plans, will be found in his letter from Naples to his sister (Mrs. Henry John Rose), excerpts from which will be given at the end of this Period. It appears from his Journal of a fortnight later (Oct. 27, 1860). that (for that year) he underwent a keen disappointment as regards the Eastern tour, Miss Webb writing to him " to announce that she had aban- doned her Eastern journey, and to explain the grounds of this entire change in her plans." The change caused him, it appears, not disappointment only, but pecuniary loss (connected with some arrangements as to the change of College Officers, a change affecting the income of such Fellows as held office). But both dis- appointment and loss he bore, as the Journal attests, in the most exemplary manner, reckoning up his gains by the postponement of the tour (for it turned out to be only postponed, not abandoned) in the following fashion : "i.I shall have the comfort of seeing dearest Hugh " (his nephew, recently come up to Oriel) " through tkejirst year of his University course. I shall be able to keep on at the Workhouse, and my other useful and quasi-pastoral occupations. " 3. I shall gratify the Reays " (great friends of his from the very commencement of his Academical life), and many others by stopping in England. I shall have time to prepare myself fully by reading and otherwise for my Eastern tour. "5-1 shall be able to publish ( D.V.) at least two works before I go, besides finishing my Roman Letters. 6. I shall enjoy twice as pleasant a tour (D.V.) ; for I shall start with her. and earlier in the year. I shall enjoy the benefit of a year's interval of rest ; and truly that is requisite after a journey to Rome. " 8. The East will probably be more settled by that time, so that we shall see much more 294 LIFE OF DEAS BURGOX. " On the whole I desire to bless God for all that happened, and to express my unfeigned submission to His Divine decree." On June 25, 1861. the Journal notes ; " To-day, at a little after 2 p.m., I wrote the last words of ' copy ' for c Inspiration and Interpretation ' (the Table of Contents). Very thankful I feel to have completed the task, and very, very weary too. The weather is sultry : the College empty ; my rooms littered and dust}' ; on every side some trace is discernible of something which has been neglected in order to enable me to give the more time to this task." On the icth of September, 1861, the much wished for, but deferred tour began, the party consisting of Miss Webb, Miss Frances Guise (a cousin of Miss Webb's), Cap- tain and Mrs. Bayley, and himself. Two ladies' maids accompanied Miss Webb, the elder of whom insisted on taking her bullfinch with her, which bird will figure in the story further on. The various stages of the tour, as well as (for him personally) its ill-starred and disastrous close, are thus described rapidly in a most affectionate and interesting letter addressed to one who had been in early days his Tutor at Mr. Greenlaw's School in Black- heath, the Rev. Dr. John Forbes, Emeritus Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Aberdeen. The letter is dated Jan. 12, 1863, and was written in the course of his somewhat tedious convalescence. M In the autumn of 1861 , 1, who till 1860 (when I went for three weeks as English Chaplain to Rome) had iii vei allowed myself holiday or recreation since 1841, left England on rather a distant tour. A lady whom I had known at Rome invited me to accompany her party as her Chaplain. We went from Constance across the Alps to Milan, Venice, Trieste, whence we proceeded to Alex- andria and Cairo. We went up the Nile to the Second Cataract, and back to Cairo. Thence to Sinai, Petra, THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 295 Hebron, and Jerusalem. There, at the end of a fortnight, I fell ill ; and the dream of my life (Samaria and Galilee) I could not visit. A fever caught at Jerusalem, but in- judiciously treated, fastened upon a constitution naturally strong, but enfeebled by over-study. I was conveyed to Jaffa ; lingered some weeks at Beyrout ; and finally reached England last July, where I have been ill ever since ! The rest of my party saw all I so much desired to see, the Holy Land, Smyrna, Constantinople, the Danube, Munich, and so on Need I tell you that I endeavour to bow my heart to the Divine decree, sure and certain that perfect Love and unerring Wisdom have been at work on my behalf." For the rest, Burgon shall speak for himself, in his own lively and affectionate style, both as to the original proposal of the tour, and as to his own experiences of foreign travel, and the movements of his party. To MRS. HENRY JOHN ROSE. "Naples, June 3, 1860. " My dearest Carry, "This is only to communicate to you what I cannot keep from you at Houghton and Turvey any longer though I must entreat that for the present it may be kept strictly to yourselves. " As I was riding round the Lake of Albano, side by side with Miss Webb, she told me in a kinder manner than I like to write down, that she wished to try to persuade me to accompany her to the Holy Land as her (J/nijjlaiii. Her party consists of a naval officer and his wife, a Miss Wynne, and of course Servants, &c. I hesitated, but she is so much in earnest, and this visit to Naples has so clenched the matter that I think it may now be regarded as a thing to come off if God wills. "The brief outline is: I am to join her at Thebes, shortly after Christmas we are to see part of the Nile ; 296 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. then to take Petra if we can ; if not, to go at all events all about the Holy Land. She says laughing that she leaves the mapping out of that part of the tour to me ! ! ! Then we are to come through Smyrna, Constantinople, Athens, and Greece generally, to Venice, and to part either there or at Florence. The tour will last some six or seven months. "I have tried to persuade her that my society as Chaplain is not worth the having : but she is quite firm, and in short the thing is settled. " You will ask who is she ? She is a lady of consider- able fortune I find a niece of Sir John Guise I did not meet her in Rome until a few days before she left : but then we became friends. My poor ministry seems to have been very acceptable to her. " Of course I could not be with her now, except that her cousin and her kinsman are travelling with her : so we four form a pleasant party very pleasant to me certainly. The retinue consists of her two maids and courier. We go about delightfully ; and she is never tired of seeing us happy. " Many, many more particulars when we meet. Her wish was that I should have started down the Nile with her in October : but I cannot get away from College so soon, and I must and will start my boy 3 nicely before I go. After Christmas, I see no reason however why I should not allow myself this great gratification the realisation of all my wildest dreams. She tells me very often that we shall see everything, and is for ever making me talk to her about the Holy Land, and about the Gospels She has never heard of my Commentary, or Sermons. It is a friendship which has grown out of a slender beginning indeed. Her manners are very charming, and 3 He means his nephew, Hugh back to my happiness " (in the ar- James Eose (Mrs. Henry John rangement with Miss Webb) "is Rose's eldest son, named after his the necessity of leaving my dearest illustrious uncle, the Rev. Hugh Hugh behind me at Oriel. God James Rose), who had recently come grant that I may make the most up to Oriel. He says in his Journal of the present term to start him (of Oct. 14, 1860) : The only draw- fairly in his new career." THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 297 her independence and pleasant good sense are truly delightful. " With a hearty kiss to all (whom I long to embrace) " Ever, my dearest Carry, " Your loving Brother, " J. W. B." To MRS. HENRY JOHN ROSE. " Hotel du Brochet, Constance, " Sunday, Sept. 22, 1861. " My dearest Carry. I seem to have been marvellously silent towards you all : but the days fly wondrous fast, and every moment of them is filled wondrous full. Let me at least tell you something about ourselves. " That we came hither all safe and sound, I think you know. Our route lay through Paris, Basle, Zurich ; but we travelled so fast that we saw nothing except the beautiful Swiss panorama from the railway-carriage window, coming from Basle to the Lake of Constance. On arriving here all that hospitality could provide has made the place delightful to me. We have delightful quarters (eight or nine rooms at the best hotel), a carriage daily, and unbounded kindness. " Our Hotel is within 100 yards of the Lake, beyond which is a belt of blue mountains. The quaint old man- sion in which the famous Council of Constance was held is on our right, very picturesque it is. (I have drawn it of course.) The scenery is far from grand (except that snow mountains come to view the moment the air is clear), but it is very beautiful indeed, and the drives are delightful. The people quite charm me. They are so quiet, honest, sober, civil, kind to their animals, and in- offensive, that you cannot return from a walk without liking them better than before you started. The place is Roman Catholic, and the contrast between this form of Romanism and the Romanism of Rome interests me immensely. Miss Fanny" [Miss Guise] "and I get an early walk, and poke into every hole and corner, and come 298 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. back two or three times a day with a host of new notions and odd discoveries. Tell dearest Rose that my very circumscribed knowledge of German is the greatest barrier. But we contrive after a fashion. Miss Fanny knows about a hundred words, and I have learnt about twenty. " It would not interest you much, or indeed at all, to have the names of the places we have driven to and drawn. I reserve it all for some happy future day. The chief thing I wish to explain is that we are here so long simply because, Constance being the residence of Miss Webb's courier (who has a charming house by the Lake about two miles off), she makes her head- quarters, and keeps her carriages and luggage here. All the planning and packing takes place here, and it is only within the last day or two that the plan of our future march has been fixed. We have been joined by Mrs. Bayley only to-day, and she is not quite well. On Tuesday v;e start. Our route lies through Milan and Verona to Venice. There we are to halt for six days, and so on to Trieste, whence at the end of two days we proceed to Alexandria. " This is a charming old place a decayed city, but full of interest. I have made several drawings, chiefly in order to get my hand in, and hope that I shall be able to achieve something of interest before I return. " You will be glad to hear that I feel wonderfully im- proved in health, and I am told look much better than when I came out ... I read and write next to nothing ; but eat, drink, sleep, draw, and walk or drive. Miss Webb's kindness is unbounded. All is as luxurious and comfortable as can be. I was so gratified to hear her say after I had been vaunting of Tina 4 to her, that she hoped to have her as her guest some day in Chesham Place. " I find my sketching umbrella very useful ; but the weather has been rainy and even cold. In the East it will be invaluable. All my equipage does well as far as I have had occasion hitherto to prove it. 4 His niece Emily, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Henry John Hose. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 299 " I will write in a day or two again. But I am anxious to send you all my love, and to ask after you all. Re- member me with fondest love to every one. Tell the beloved children that I miss them sadly. " Ever dearest Carry, " Your loving brother, " J. W. B." To THE REVEREND HENRY JOHN ROSE. "Hotel de la Ville, Milan, Oct. 2, 1861. "My dearest Rose. It is midnight, and this is the second of two fatiguing days ; but I perceive that the next and the next will be even more fatiguing ; so I must send you a few lines before going to bed. "We left the Tyrol and entered Lombardy on Monday, coming across the Stelvio Pass, which is perhaps the grandest. I can scarcely give you any idea of it with my pen, but I have made plenty of sketches (indeed my pencil never rests) and kept a full journal The Stelvio Pass is the highest carriage road in Europe, being 9176 feet above the sea, and half a mile (perpendicular) above the Simplon, 1000 feet above the great St. Bernard. The day was splendid, not a cloud in the sky, and the view unspeakably grand. The Ortler Spitze (' the giant of the Rhaetian Alps ') was before us ; and we looked down on its many glaciers streaming from its sides, every wrinkle in the ice visible. I wished much for you all ... We were far above the line of perpetual snow of course. Then we descended (the road quite wonderful, eternal zigxags) to Bormio, where we slept. Yesterday we came on from Bormio (the first town in Lombardy) to Morbegno (starting at six, and getting in at eight, fourteen hours drive), a small town in the Valtelline (or Val of Tellina), passing through a perfect garden for beauty of scenery and fertility of country. The vintage was going on, and the sights were lovely. Peasants carrying huge baskets of grapes, carts with full vats, and all sorts of rustic occupations, such as Virgil may have seen. The costume most picturesque, and all most pleasing. To Miss Webb, coo LIFE OF DEAN BUBOON. \j who knows every inch of the road by heart, and who is disgusted because she cannot post with four horses, it was stupid enough ; but to me it was a rare treat. " This morning we came on from Morbegno to Colico (on the banks of the Lake of Como) and went down the lovely lake in the afternoon from end to end. At eight we left Como, and reached Milan at ten. We are in splendid quarters " To-morrow I must be up early. A valet fle place is to wait upon me ; and I flatter myself I shall tire him out. We have but one day here ! On the next day we go on to Venice and stay there for five days. I long to receive news of you all there D.V. Till Oct. 12, letters will find me at Hotel de la Ville, Trieste. " I think of you all hourly. Tell my Tan 5 that as we drove past the Rosanne river, Miss Fanny asked me if I was not thinking of Anna Rose. Kiss all for me. Remember your Article on Bishop Home for the Quarterly " With much love, ever, my dearest Rose, " Your loving Brother, "J. W. B." To THE REVEKEND HENKY JOHN ROSE. " Between the Island of Philse "and the ist Cataract, Jan. 16, 1862. " My dearest Rose, This is my first letter to any of you since I was nearly in this locality about one month ago. And it must be to you, because your birthday fell out about midway. I did not fail to think of you. my dearest fellow, very affectionately on the 3rd, and to wish you from my soul (and to myself and to so many more) many happy returns of that day. May GOD preserve and bless you, bless you in your beloved ones, and in your Parish, for CHRIST'S sake. "You are doubtless sufficiently familiar with the 5 His niece, Miss Anna Rose, daughter of his correspondent. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 301 geography of the Nile to understand from my date where we are, and what we are about. We have happily achieved our journey as far as the second Cataract (which we saw and shot), and from that spot (Wady Halfeh) have been coming down the Nile ever since, arriving at this village (Mehatte) last night after spending a long day at Philse. We reached the second Cataract on the 3 ist of December (singularly enough), and have been since coming back, stopping to see every Temple in the way. There are fifteen of them ; and I have made draw- ings of all but two, which we saw on a Sunday. I have been very happy, and have copied several inscriptions (especially the curious one, which the soldiers of Psammi- tichus engraved on the left leg of the colossal figure of Rameses the Great, close to the door-way of the rock Temple of Abou-Simbel). Indeed I have not been idle (except sometimes between sunset and seven o'clock) for a single hour, I. believe. We have all enjoyed perfect health and been very happy. As for Miss Webb's kind- ness, I cannot describe it. She says she will repeat the journey next year, if I will, or rather can, come with her ; for we all wished sadly to have gone up as high as Abyssinia. She stops the boat till I have done drawing, and is bent only on making us all happy, in which she certainly succeeds. I long for you to know her. Mr. Bayley will have made far more than a hundred photo- graphs, some exquisite ones. Miss F. is the helper of all the party, and my companion in all my scrambles and drawings the gentlest, cheerfullest spirit imaginable. Mrs. Bayley has looked after my eyes as kindly as any sister could, touching them with nitrate of silver every morning, and giving me a lotion every evening for half- an-hour. I perceive that my hard reading has weakened them very considerably. Thank GOD however, since the three dark days at Cairo, I have not been hindered a single day from drawing, though I have winked and blinked like an owl. " We have seen some wonderful sights certainly ; but two are preeminent, viz. the Rock Temple of Abou- Simbe] and the Island of Philae, which is the loveliest 102 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. object imaginable, and quite a romance 6 . I had no idea of the beauty and interest of the Nile, and we are all agreed that travellers must be blind to have said so little about it. What a vividness will what I have been seeing and doing for the last two months give to all my sub- sequent reading in relation to Egypt ! and how I should rejoice if you could be here you all to share the delight with me ! " Since I wrote the preceding we have shot the rapids, of the Cataract and are safely moored to the Island of Elephantine. As we came in between it and Syena (Assouan), I read aloud and laughed heartily over the account of the place given by Herodotus (Crophi and Mophi) 7 . That feat of shooting the Cataract is really 6 " A calm and noble reach of the markable for the magnificence of the panorama which they afford, or the historical associations which they evoke ; but the view of Philse is nothing but one of pure beauty .... The temple of Karnac is the embodiment of the majesty of Egyp- tian art ; Philse is the point at which we see that majesty blending with the pure beauty of Greece. The scene of ruin almost heightens the effect of Karnac; it jars with majestic river, shut in like a lake with its mountain border, soon opened on us through a portal of the last of those scattered piles of sombre rocks through which we had forced our noisy way ; and in its midst an island slept, as it were, in enchantment the sacred Philse ; its temples of mysterious sanctity half hidden by sheltering groves of palm, and reflected far down into the broad, silent, and glassy river. Gliding across this tranquil basin, we furled our sails and laid the boat under the deep cool shadow of a high bank overhung with foliage; certainly the most beautiful spot in Egypt. A graceful columnar build- ing, of the later style of Egyp- tian art on a bold and massive foundation, looked down from amidst clusters of palms upon the water one of those combinations rather like the creation of a painter's fancy than an actual scene." Bartlett's ' The Nile Boat ' [London : H. G. Bohn, 1862], p. 209. "Other views in Egypt are re- the beauty of Philae. We look away from the black rocks ; we hear the distant roar of the cataracts, speak- ing of rage and strife ; and we re- cognise in the lovely island the abode of Peace." Bell's ' From Pharaoh to Fellah ' [London : Wells Gardner, 1888], p. 142. 7 The passage of Herodotus re- ferred to will be found in Book II. Euterpe. Cap. 28. A translation of it is subjoined : "With regard to the sources of the Nile, not one of the Egyptians, or Libyans, or Greeks, with whom I have conversed, ever professed to know anything, except the Registrar THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 303 a perilous operation. We took on board thirty-two fresh sailors, and in our boat alone we were sixty souls. An accident would be certain destruction ; but an accident has not happened for twenty-five years, when the boat was lost, and all the fourteen people on board perished. The tide boils through a channel ten yards wide and about fifty long, and along you rush with three men to each of the ten oars, two pilots and two captains being all the time objurgating and urging the men and one another. The instant the peril was over, out caine the drum and tambourine, and some of the sailors sitting in a circle began to chant a merry tune, w r hile an old buffoon danced with a stick. O we have certainly seen some of the strangest scenes imaginable of late ! I long to describe it all to you. " I heartily trust I shall have good accounts of you all. It makes me anxious after so prolonged an absence from England. " This evening I believe we leave Assouan and begin to drop down the Nile to Cairo, where we expect to be of the sacred treasure of Minerva bottomless,' he said, ' was the con- at Sais, a city of Egypt. But this elusion at which Psammitichns the individual, in my opinion at least, king of Egypt arrived by experi- was only joking when he asserted ment ; for having caused a cable to that he had a thorough knowledge be twisted many thousand fathoms of the subject. He however gave i n length, he let it down into the the following account : < That there aperture, and yet never reached the are two mountains, whose crests rise bottom.' " into sharp peaks, situate between The historian adds, as his own view the city of Syene in the Thebaid o f the subject, that, supposing the and Elephantine ; and that the story about Psammitichus's experi- names of these mountains are, of ment to be true, what really pre- the one Krophi, and of the other vented the plumb-line from going to Mophi ; that the sources of the the bottom was, not that there was Nile, then, which are bottomless, no bottom, but that the strong eddies flow from between these two moun- and whirlpools which the Registrar tains; and that one half of the admitted to exist at the source of water flows into Egypt, and towards the river (and which still are found the north, while the other half at the Cataracts), would not allow flows into Ethiopia, and towards the lead to sink, the south. That the sources are 304 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. by the middle of February, and to stop at Cairo till the end of the month. Thence Sinai and Petra, if GOD will. About sixteen Temples remain to be inspected and drawn between this and Cairo, at which place I mean to send home all my journals and sketches and purchases, which are very numerous, all three of them. No pyramids as yet, and Thebes only cursorily, have we seen. In short, three months is not enough (nor six months either) for Egypt. " I shall be curious to hear the fate of my book " [' In- spiration and Interpretation^ " in which a great deal remained to be done by yourself. I hear from England that 750 copies were sold at Murray's book-sale. . . . You seem to have had cold weather. With us it is very hot ; far too hot to draw in the sun, but the nights in Nubia (which is a lovely country with a delicious climate) were cold enough We are absurd enough to feel as if it were quite commonplace to be in the vicinity of Thebes, quite cockney. Every thing in Nubia is so agreeable ; the people so harmless and kind ; the face of Nature so interesting ! In short, I cannot express the easy luxury of such travel- ling as this. " But it is time to conclude. Adieu, dearest Rose. GOD bless you all. We talked and thought of you so much on Christmas Day, when we decked our cabin with evergreens, and had turkey and plum pudding. We have daily prayers, and spend some of every day with our Bible, which gives quite a home flavour to our furtherest wanderings. " Ever, my dearest Rose, " Your loving brother, J. W. B." The above letter contains, in its earlier part, a reference to his having " copied the inscription which the soldiers of Psammitichus engraved on one of the legs of the colossal figure of Rameses the Great, close to the door-way of the rock Temple of Abou-Simbel " [Ipsamboul]. On the THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 305 night of the 4th Jan., 1862 (twelve days previously to the date of the letter) he had spent an hour in the rock Temple, which he afterwards described in print, by extracts from his Journal. This he did in compliance with the request of Aliss Finn, the daughter of the English Consul at Jerusalem, who showed him the greatest possible kindness when under his roof, and brought very low by the Jerusalem fever. Some ex- tracts from this paper (now not easily obtainable) are here presented to the reader, partly in order to illustrate the preceding letter, partly by way of exhibiting the poetry that was in him, and that intense susceptibility to the sublime and the grotesque (they lie proverbially close together), which characterized him from his earliest youth. While we were at breakfast, a swing of our boat brought us within a stone's throw of Abou-Simbel. We were soon moored to the bank, Up a hill of golden sand the mighty sand-drift which half hides the front of the Temple, we climbed impatiently ; and every sentiment of awe and admiration, even of surprise, which the first sight of the four amazing colossal figures which guard the entrance had inspired, was reproduced in an instant. There is a calm dignity in those faces, an air of imperturbable gravity prevailing over what might once have turned into, but what you feel never can become, a smile, which awes and yet wins you at the same instant." lie then describes the interior of the Temple, with its vestibule and thirteen chambers, and its adytum (or inmost shrine), behind the altar of which, "a mere square block of stone, four grim gods sit, facing you as you enter." " My next object was to obtain a sight of the famous Greek inscription left by the soldiers of Psammitichus VOL. i. x 306 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. (B.C. 600), on the base of one of the colossal figures of Rameses the Great at the left of the entrance. Nothing was to be seen, the sand being more than half way up the calf of the figure in question. There had accumu- lated round us a strange number of men and boys. They live, I suspect, on the top and in the rear of the rock in which the Temple has been excavated. Like birds of prey at the sight of carrion, down they had come at the news of our two boats. Ali was instructed to offer twenty of them five piastres apiece if they would remove the sand, with a promise of extra pay (so as to make up a pound) if the inscription were discovered. Twenty or thirty men and boys were busily at work in an instant, scooping away the sand with right good will, and chant- ing lustily all the while. One to whom I owed the pleasure of that journey, and who always took the liveliest interest in operations of this nature, on hearing of my agreement with the natives, kindly insisted on defraying the expense herself. The shrewdness of those fellows amused us all. Without understanding a word of English, they divined the upshot of what she was say- ing, and instantly changed their chant and its burthen : admitting her, so to speak, into the concern. (Before, I had figured alone.) Any thing more unscientific than their method I never witnessed. The sand streamed back as fast as they removed it ; and still they were for going on, without resource or remedy of any kind. Their stupidity astonished me. The ladies of our party took their seats on a little fragment of rock, and watched the operation with great delight. It was really a very animated scene." The inscription having at length been disinterred, Burgon copies it with great care, and, standing on the backs of "two most good-natured and accommodating Nubian boatmen, takes accurate measurements of the face of one of the four colossal figures at the entrance." The Paper concludes thus : " Strange, that after transcribing so much of my Journal, I have not yet written the few words, for the THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 307 sake of writing which I took up my pen ! After what precedes they will at least be fully intelligible ; which else, they certainly would never have been. " At about ten o'clock in the evening of this most in- teresting day, a strong wish came over me to go back, and pay one more visit to Rameses the Great. Two of our party expressed their willingness to bear me com- pany. We furnished ourselves with a slender pole, to the extremity of which we secured a candle : left our shoes behind us, (the sand was so warm and soft to the feet, and walking with shoes was so very inconvenient) and after the most noiseless fashion imaginable, took our starlight way towards the Temple. We were soon there. "Having entered, we made a complete survey over again of every part ; leisurely exploring the walls in every direction with our solitary candle, so as to obtain a notion of what was anywhere incised upon them. The silence was intense : the whirring of the wings of a nervous little bat, who made the circuit of the Temple with us, the only thing audible. We found our way into the remotest chamber of all, the shrine ; where (as I have said before) four gloomy gods face you, in a sitting posture. Quite awful was it to find them still sitting there in the dark, as, twelve hours before, we had left them, motionless, in grim majesty. 'And there they will sit ' (we said to ourselves) ' unconscious of change, until the ages shall have run out, and the end shall be!' " The last thing I did on leaving the great hall of the Temple was the first thing I had done on entering it, namely, to obtain a careful survey of the features of the first colossus on the right, by lifting up the candle above the head of the figure. I cannot express how striking was the result. In that vast, mysterious, cavern-like chamber the only object in bright relief was the coun- tenance of the monarch who, 3,200 years ago, had caused this mighty fabric to be wrought out of the solid rock. The serene majesty of the expression of those features was even affecting. It was the deep repose, the profound X 2 3o8 LIFE OF DEAX BcsG"X. calm, of death. Making the boatman -who waited on us hold the light for me, I drew for a few minutes, minutea which seemed like hours: so many ^solemn thoughts crowded themselves in, unbidden. None of us spoke. The silence was so intense that one might have heard the ticking of one's watch. What is strange, at la.-t. on looking up from my paper, I thought I saw the beoinning of a smile on the lips of Ranieses. Intently I gazed, and of course recognised the sufficiently obvious fact that the supposed smile was merely the effect of my own imagination. But it is just as certain that I gazed on until. I am half ashamed to write it. but it is true. until the features seemed to me to smile again. Then they grew graver than ever : but at last I felt sure that they relaxed just a little bit again. One's nerves were* getting over-strung. I invented a sentiment for the lips to utter, and felt sure that I was interpreting their most expressive outline rightly. I daresay, if ] had been alone, and had stopped long enough. I should have heard Ranieses speak. It would have been some- what to this effect : ' You seem astonished, Sir, at what you are beholding in this remote corner of my dominions. No wonder; for with all your boasted civilisation and progress, you could not match this edifice in the far-away land to which (as I gather from your uncouth dress and manners) you and your friends belong. I have been re- posing here in effigy for upwards of 3.000 years. I have seen generation after generation of ancient Greeks, and then generation after generation of ancient Romans, enter this hall ; peep and pry, as you have done this evening ; and then vanish at yonder portal, as you will your- selves do a few moments hence. If I smiled for an in- stant just now (it is not my wont to smile). it was only because you really looked alarmed as well as awed at my presence. But I shall not smile again. So now, go home, Sir, go, and write a book, like the rest, about the little you have seen in Egypt ; but let it humble you to remember that Ranieses will be standing here, un- changeable, long after you, and your book, and all that belongs to you is utterly forgotten. You may go, Sir. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 309 It is getting late for you. You had better go, Sir. Good night ! ' \Ve lingered : retiring a few steps, and then turning again to look ; profoundly conscious that we were looking our last ; that we should never fasten our eyes on those glorious forms again. I fancy too that we were, all three, impressed with an uneasy suspicion that it was not mere lifeless stone that we had been visiting, and were now leaving to profoundest silence and utter gloom. ... It was a relief to emerge into the fresh ev.-ning air; to survey the starry heavens overhead, Orion, and the rest; and to recognise our two boats, bright with lights, beneath us, moored to the bank of the broad shining river." To MRS. HIGQINS. "Cairo, Feb. 21, 1862. The contents of box No. i were very acceptable. The reviews" [of his Book on 'Inspiration and Inter- /,,;'/, it'ion '] "interested me of course. I think they are not by any means unfair, from the point of view of almost any one but a Divine and he a very earnest one. Laymen will naturally think me unduly harsh. I cannot say, after the two opposite currents of praise and blame, whether I am right or wrong. I suspect I must be "rather in the wrong, and have been too personal, though I am by no means sure. Dr. Jebb, Mr. Darby, ami MANY others, back me up unconditionally. Anyhow I think the l J/ifi'ian/ >'// n >sition. One by one it has seen wisdom of Egypt." Stanley's ' Sinai its sons and brothers depart to great an/ jjfian Babylon the Babylon of St. Peter's 2nd Ep. I do believe. The Christian Church there stands at the top of the ancient Roman staircase, and adjoining to what is still a Temple of Diana ! And over the door is a Greek inscription of the time of Diocletian which I have copied and very curious it is .... (I have copied so many inscriptions !) " To Heliopolis we have been twice, and each time with rare pleasure. It stands in the land of Goshen, unmistakeably. What a wondrous spot! It scarcely yields in interest to a scene we visited on Monday, namely the gathering place of the Israelites previous to their starting for Canaan. The locality is quite un- mistakeable, I think : and I am little disposed to believe a lame story. You will recognise the spot on the map, if I remind you that Cairo would be its northerly point, the Nile its western boundary, and the hills of Mokattum its eastern. The southern line being drawn at the open- ing of the Wady el Tyh, or of the Wandering. " Your loving Brother, "J. W. B." To MRS. HE^RY JOHN ROSE. "Suez, March 15, 1862. " My dearest Carry, I think I rather owe a letter to yourself than to any other member of the family ; so I will avail myself of a halt at this delightful Hotel to tell you how we have fared hitherto. n6 LIFE OF DEAN BUEGON. O " We left Cairo with AH on Saturday the 9th at mid- day, some of us (I for one) mounting our camels at the door of Shepheard's Hotel, and proceeding through Old Cairo towards the Desert. I suspect this is the Barneses of Exodus, from which the Israelites journeyed. At Besatin, at the edge of the Desert, we met the ladies and our Arabs, and set forth as follows : Miss Webb on a pony ; the other seven on camels : seventeen Arabs of the tribes of Towara and Haiatat with their sheik (////- larrak) ; a cook, two men servants, and a groom, some on foot, some on camels, and a heap of luggage. In fact, we are thirty-one souls, and our caravan consists of thirty-five camels, a foal, a horse, and a donkey " We are woke at 4 ; at 6 we breakfast, and at 7.30 we are all on our way. At 1 2 we halt for -J- of an hour for luncheon, and at 3 we halt for the night. The six tents are pitched in less than \ an hour, and by 5.30 our dinner is ready. Then the servants dine. At 8 we have tea, and then the servants have theirs. We then have prayers and go to bed. "Miss Webb and one of her maids have one tent: Miss Fanny and another maid, another; Mr. and Mrs. Bayley one ; I have another ; Ali and the courier sleep in the saloon tent, and some in the kitchen. We have each of us a portmanteau and bag, a bundle of wraps, and well-crammed saddle-bags. Each has an iron bedstead, and the dragoman provides bedding Everything I have brought is most useful ; and the bag the dear chil- dren gave I carry so regularly everywhere that Miss Fanny calls it my harness. It is invaluable. " I like camel riding immensely, and could go on camel-back to the world's end. It is a hundred times pleasanter and less fatiguing than a horse or donkey. As for getting off, I can do it without waiting for the animal to come down; and when weary I sit side- saddle. I can write and read, and do all but draw on the creature's back. It is unfortunately only too easy to sleep as well which I must avoid. I am, thank GOD, quite well : and we are all most prosperous. " But we have had our adventures already. A blood THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 317 feud exists between the tribe we are with, and another which it was feared we should encounter on the third day. By consequence we took a :-!.- :: ' - ~ J if ' 1 - si^y ^: _~ .-.- L--: - 7 :- ' the will I km- defigtt I aki --- :_ : THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 323 mountain itself from H. which strange to say < this day. Down the romantic or radker sublimely savage Wd1y Liza, I also got two walks, and I climbed the lofty Jr&l Katfariue. I realty feel quite at home at Sinai, which is a proud and a strange From the awful scene we came away to taking the W&dy MotatM (or written vaL- I have copied many of the inseriptkinfi, and an that I have the cine to their real history. They are the writing of ancient pilgrims 9 coming owu scenes. Here we fell in with a Major ~ knew our dear father, and had spent an Osnaburgh 91 He asked after you ! also did he entertain us, with eapricotm He is mining for turquoises where (as the shew) tite ancient Egyptian kin^s had their miaes ; and he shewed us many of the dwellings of those ancient men. It was ahoy the i a most picturesque incident in our travels, ~ We came out on the sea at last the sea of the Gulf of Akaba passed the Hm4i*r .Atttmm \ or heap which indi- retam of tfee ' il. -. -"_ . two r three m\Hamt Mdi giw the eatt of in tite Wadj Swifidi. in it re- pieoo. of & | I], -they ih. * Bean Staaley dneoBses tie aerip*i ia tie" Widy Mofcatteb tbe true < onpp.6i.6; of theiS56ed.af iii kage rtwe f < MJ] - 324 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. cates the boundary of the territory of the Tawarah and Alouin tribes ; and finally on Saturday reached Akaba, a poor place, but a beautiful locality to my eye -. Here I have made several drawings. " We are much disappointed to find that all chance of reaching Jerusalem by Easter is at an end ; but it is something to find (as this day we have done), that we shall certainly see Petra. The day before yesterday, on returning from a walk, I heard to my joy that Sheik Mohammed was in my tent. I entered and found a most picturesque group assembled. On my rug lay the great man in a scarlet pelisse with gold lace and light blue trowsers, encumbered with pistols, sabres, and so on. He was smoking and resting his elbow on my roll of wraps. Ali is on one side (the Dragoman), and on the other Imbarrak (a sheik of the Tawarah who has ac- companied our caravan from Cairo). In front, the guard of Akaba. How he was wrapped up ! But so are all the Allouins, with cloth veils over their heads, and two cords to keep it in its place. I told him through Ali that if we were in England I would entertain him hospitably, but that my property among the Allouins was so exceedingly inconsiderable, that I really could not pretend to do anything of the kind. He laughed at the heights of Gilead; just as the tra- lated by Martin: Edinburgh, 1857) veller now sees the ' Hadjar Alouin' p. 464. the pile of stones that denotes the * " 'Akaba is a wretched village, boundary of the Alouin and of the shrouded in a palm-grove, at the Towara tribes at the head of the north end of the Gulf. ... It stands Gulf of Akaba." ' Sinai and Pales- on the site of the ancient Elath, tine,' p. 319. There was, however, ' The Palm Trees,' so called from no " mistaking " in the matter. It the grove. Its situation, however, was expressly called " an altar" by is very striking, looking down the the persons who built it (Josh. xxii. beautiful gulf, with its jagged ranges 2 3), and, although not built for actual on each Bide." ' Sinai and Palex- saerificial purposes, it was designed tine,' p. 84. Of Ezion-geber, which " to serve as a witness in after Burgon, as we see from the date of times that the tribes on the East of his letter, identified with Akaba, Jordan had a part in Jehovah, and Stanley says; "There is nothing in His altar which was at His taber- to fix the site of Ezion-geber, ' the nacle in Canaan." See vv. 24, 26, Giant's Backbone.' " 37, and 'Jfeil on Joshua* (trans- THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 325 joke. Then I gave him dear Charles's message to his father, and said how sorry he would be to hear that Sheik Husseyn is dead. He shrugged up his shoulders, and said that 'no one could help it. ... I should have dearly enjoyed joining in the conversation which fol- lowed, and which was very animated. Ali explained to me that the wretched man was laying a plan for stop- ping and robbing all who come by this way, as a punishment to the Sultan for sending the Hadj (or pilgrim caravan) by steam direct to Mecca, instead of sending them round this way. " There is not much to be done here but I have done and drawn all I could. One of the two Sheiks of Petra is arrived, and we take Mohammed and bis brother all the way to Hebron (and to Petra of course), as an ad- ditional escort and protection. No party ever travelled, surely, with more comforts and conveniences than we do. I cannot tell you how much kindness I experience, nor how happy I have been. My health is perfect We do but travel eight hours a day. The rest shall be added D.V. at Jerusalem. " Jerusalem, 30 Ap, Well, dearest, we achieved Petra gloriously, and I drew considerably, though alas ! I felt m KY// there. It was strange, passing Good Friday and Easter Day in that wild region. On Easter Monday ft. and encamped at the foot of Mount Hor (which however we had ascended, on our way to Petra), and so made our way across the Araba, until we reached the pass of Svfdh (Zephath) which is the ancient road the road by which Solomon's caravans brought the wealth of India (the apes ' and the ' peacocks ') into Palestine, and where had been also certainly 'the vay of the spies*. ' From this spot forward all is delight and wonder, the frontier-land of Palestine, exactly the scenery of English Downs ; and as you advance, it is the scenery of Devon- shire. David at Ziph. Maon, and Carmel, (we saw them alt, and they are called by the same names to the present day !) would not have known the difference, had he been simply transported into some of the Devonshire * See Num. nL L 326 LIFE OF DEAN BUBGON. valleys. Trees there are NONE ; but shrubs and flowers abound ; and the whole soil is gray stone cropping out among faded grass, the effect of which is lovely, especi- ally if, here and there, a little patch of cultivated land comes to view. " From Hebron (where we spent two days How it did rain!) we came on yesterday hither, one of the most beautiful rides I ever took in my life. We had been on camel back for fifty days, having come some 800 miles, which made a horse a pleasant change. At 5 in the evening, when (after the delicious view of Bethlehem, and after inspecting Rachel's tomb) we got to the convent of Mar Elias, I saw Jerusalem before me. I thought I should have fallen off my horse. But it is at first a sadly disappointing place. More of this in my next. Please address to me 'Post Office, Beyrout,' immediately on receiving this. " Your most loving Brother, "J. W. B." To MRS. HENRY JOHN ROSE. "Petra, Easter Day [April 20], 1862. " My dearest Carry, You will I daresay have kindly speculated ' where John is passing Easter Day ' ; or rather you will have connected him with Jerusalem for some days past. But we were delayed at Akaba (Ezion Geber, or rather Elath) for a week, and, other hindrances conspiring, we found ourselves slowly pacing into this wondrous city, on our descent from Mount Hor, on Wednesday last. We have been here ever since; and expect to-morrow morning at 4 o'clock to be up, and at 7 off" for Jerusalem, or rather for Hebron. " I hardly know how to give you any idea of all I have been seeing for many days past, and above all of Petra, which is the most astonishing and interesting place I ever visited, and may well stand alone. Nature has done wonders for it, but Man has availed himself of every hint, and turned it into a triumph. The approach, between steep cliffs which almost beetle overhead, at THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 327 the end of a mile turns you out upon a rock-temple of exquisite beauty. The Wady Moussa (or torrent-bed of Moses 4 ), which gives its name to the entire locality, then guides you through the town past the theatres and countless tombs, and not a few Roman temples, escaping through a gorge in the cliffs on the west. Sandstone cliffs enclose the site of this wondrous City, lofty, picturesque, and in colour unrivalled. But there is nothing rosy 5 in Petra by any means. " We have spent four delightful days here, wandering about and drawing as much as one pleased. We came from Akaba with both the Skeiks of Petra, the brother * " Before you opens a deep cleft bet ween rocks of red sands tone rising perpendicularly to the height of one, two, or three hundred feet. This is the Slk, or ' cleft'; through this flows if one may use the ex- pression the dry torrent, which, rising in the mountains half an hour hence, gives the name by which alone Petra is now known among the Arabs Wady Moussa. ' For,' so Skeyh Mohammed tells us ' as surely as Gebel Harun (the Mountain of Aaron) is so called from the burial- place of Aaron, is Wady Mousa (the Valley of Moses) so called from the cleft being made by the rod of Moses when he brought the stream through into the valley beyond.' " Stanley's ' Sinai and Palestine ' [1856], pp. 89, 90. 8 He alludes, no doubt, to his own description of the cliffs of Petra in his Prize Poetn (line 125 to 135) "not virgin white . . . not saintly grey," &c., &c. " But rosy-red, as if the blush of dawn Which first beheld them were not yet withdrawn : The hues of youth upon a brow of woe, Which men call'd old two thousand years ago ! Match me such marvel, save in Eastern clime, A rose-red city half as old as Time ! " Travellers do not seem to agree entirely as to the colour of the rocks at Petra. Robinson, as quoted by Burgon in a foot-note to his Poem, says that they present " not a dead mass of dull monotonous red ; but an endless variety of bright and living hues, from the deepest crim- son to the softest pink." Dean Stanley on the other hand says : " All the describers have spoken of bright hues scarlet, sky-blue, or- ange, &c. Had they taken courage to say instead, 'dull crimson, indigo, yellow, and purple,' their account would have lost something in effect, but gained much in truth A gorgeous, though dull crimson, streaked and suffused with purple, these are the two predominant col- ours, ' ferruginous,' perhaps, they might best be called, and on the face of the rocks the only colours." 'Sinai and Palestine ' [1856], p. 88. 328 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. of the Sheik of the Allouins, and indeed a lot of semi- official fellows: but the chief Sheik of Petra is my friend Harb (i.e. war] Ben Gazeh. A more thorough gentleman I never saw in my life. He went with us to the top of Mount Hor, where a singular scene occurred. He was forced to pay a kind of blackmail himself! He paid it with great dignity (3 f.), seeing guns levelled, &c., &c., but reminded the miscreants that he has the power to sweep them all from the mountain. " O my dearest Carry, that view from Mount Hor, what a magnificent and affecting spectacle it is! We read aloud the account of Aaron's death, and surveyed the sight which he must have contemplated with his dying eyes; turning ours, you may be sure, in the direction of Palestine. . . . " Ever, dearest Carry, your loving Brother, "J.W. B." To Miss GERTRUDE ROSE. "Jerusalem, May 4, 1862. "My dear beloved little Sister 6 , I will not go to bed until I have written you a letter, as a proof that I remember you on your precious Birthday. How I should rejoice in giving you a tremendous kiss! and I would not promise to keep myself to one by any means. " We have been very busy, since we arrived, in seeing the sights of Jerusalem and as a first step we ex- changed pur tents for a house not a very smart one : but still infinitely pleasanter than being under canvas. ... I think I have enjoyed most the walk to Bethany over the Mount of Olives. You would be astonished at the exquisite beauty of the landscape on the other side of the Mount. The Dead Sea is seen, with the glorious mountains of Moab soaring up behind it, while all the foreground is decked with exquisite colours, and at your feet lies the quiet little village of Bethany. We were shewn the grave of Lazarus, the house of Simon, of 4 Hia niece, Mrs. Henry John Rose's youngest daughter. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 329 Martha, and so on ; but it is the view of the landscape which so delighted me : for that, at least, is genuine, and must be the very same which so often cheered the eyes of the Son of Man. " The Garden of Gethsemane is a disappointing, dis- enchanting place 7 : being merely a few of the oldest trees walled in, the ground being planted with roses and potherbs. This, as you know, is just beyond the brook Cedron. " Yesterday we visited the fort of Gihon, the valley of Hinnom, the potter's field, the fort and village of Siloain, and many old tombs, the Armenian Convent, the Syrian Church, the House of Caiaphas, the scene of the Last Supper, and so on. This will give you a notion of the things you are taken to see. Of course, one cannot believe scarcely anything, not even the Church of the Holy Sepulchre itself. Still it is deeply interesting to be shewn spots which are so famous everywhere. But it is refreshing to turn from many of these sights to the realities of the place. Thus the ancient Temple wall, as Solomon left it, is wondrous perfect in many places : and the sight of this quite transports one back to sacred times. In one place (called the Jews' place of wailing} there are five courses of these huge stones, twenty or thirty feet long ; and very strange is it to witness the lamentation of those modern Israelites, shedding real tears and sobbing, 7 " A few words, and perhaps the when they stood free and unpro- fewer the better, must be devoted tected on the rough bill side ; but to the Garden of Gethsemane. . . . they will remain, so long as their In spite of all the doubts already protracted life is spared, the that can be raised against their most venerable of their race on the antiquity or the genuineness of their surface of the earth ; regarded as the site, the eight aged olive trees, if most affecting of the sacred memo- only by their manifest difference rials in or about Jerusalem ; the from all others on the mountain, most nearly approaching to theever- have always struck even the most lasting hills themselves in the force indifferent observers. They are now with which they carry us back to indeed less striking in the modern the events of Gospel History." garden enclosure built round them Stanley's ' Sinai and Palestine ' by the Franciscan Monks, than [1856], p. 450. ^o LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. \j \J while they repeat the Psalter, and pause to kiss the walls of their ancient Temple. " Jerusalem itself is a most picturesque town, though dirty and inconvenient. It is built on a hill, or rather two or three hills ; and the curious mixture of Saracenic, Gothic (brought by the Crusaders), ancient, and purely modern masonry, produces quite a perplexing effect on the mind. The people in the streets sustain the im- pression; for they seem to be of every nation under heaven, Jews, Turks, Spanish, Russians, Germans, Ar- menians, Arabs. It seems to me as if they could talk every language in the world except English, French, or Italian. "To-day we have been twice to our little English Church, Miss Fanny and I between the services going out by St. Stephen's Gate in order to have a good long gaze (of one hour and a half) on the Mount of Olives. . . . Well, darling, I have to thank you with all my heart for your dear letter, which awaited my arrival here. Pray write to me a little oftener. Your next must be to Beyrout after receiving this. " And so I send you a hearty kiss, and all the most loving wishes heart can form for the darling little girl's prosperity. The keepsake I hope to bring. With fondest love and a kiss to all, " Ever, my little darling, your loving Uncle, "J.W. B." Between the date of his last letter (May 4), and May 19, when he wrote to Mrs. Higgins to announce what had befallen him, he became so seriously ill that all thought of prosecuting his tour had to be abandoned, and the only thing to be done was to make the best of his way home. The proximate cause of this illness was a damp underground room, which unfortunately fell to his lot in the house occupied by Miss Webb's party, the better apartments being naturally assigned to the ladies. But that there were other remoter causes, arising from THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 331 his own imprudence, he seems from his Journal to have at all events suspected. Writing at Houghton Conquest at the end of January in the ensuing year (1863), he says of bis illness : " I had been not quite well for many days. I suspect I may have caught cold from frequent early bathing in the Red Sea at Akaba. On reaching Petra I felt ill. However, I entirely got over the sense of indisposition. But at Jerusalem I gradually found myself falling a prey to disease. Lassitude, which nothing but mental activity enabled me to shake off, headache, and a sense of cold in my limbs, all this came on, induced as I firmly believe, by the damp room allotted to me as a bed-room. I still remember very keenly the sense of illness, with which on the afternoon of " (he has forgotten the exact date of the day) " I sank. A very skilful man, Mr. Chaplin, could only attend to me for two days ; and I fell into the hands of a Greek named Masaraki. . . . The Finns removed me to their house, and treated me like a brother (surely it was something to have fallen ill on Mount Moriah, and to have been nursed on Mount Zion !), but all was in vain. Humanly speaking, I feel xure I should have got well within a reasonable time, if I had but been skilfully treated at first. But it was not to be." The connexion between his illness and the room which had fallen to his lot becoming apparent to his fellow- travellers, it was arranged by Miss Webb that another and proper bedroom should be provided for him on the return of the party from an excursion to Jericho. This excursion he was enabled to make ; and he writes to Mrs. Higgins : " The journey to Jericho did me good ; but the mischief had sunk into my constitution, and I felt wondrous ill." His " new quarters " (on the return from Jericho, May 10) were, he says, " delightful, though in a low part of the town." As his travelling companions were obliged to leave him, to make the tour of the Holy 332 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. Land, it was arranged that he should be removed to the house of the English Consul, Mr. Finn, where, " on the highest summit of Mount Zion " he became " the guest of a most amiable and delightful household. Really the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Finn is what I shall never be able to forget." " Monday, May 20. I have received a kind note from Miss Webb, from which I learn that their plan of start- ing holds, and that she proposes to leave behind a capital lacquai de place, to see me safe as far as on board the steamer at Jaffa. This is kind and considerate, and relieves me of all anxiety." In Mr. Finn's house, " all that love could do for me was done. Can you fancy, while I was eating an orange for very despair, at 12 o'clock at night the door opening, and Mrs. Finn com- ing in (so like a sister !) with an entreaty that she might with an etna make me some sago?'' [this was on the night before he left Jerusalem, May 23]. " Having once discovered that I want so much support, simple hot slices of mutton were at all times ready for me ; at starting" [at 8.30, on the morning of the 24 th] " I ate a plateful. With her own hands, she sent off for the furniture of my litter the pillows and mattress off my bed. Else the journey would simply have been unmanageable. Finally, after a few croaky words of prayer and friendship, the Consul in person mounted his horse, preceded by his cawasses (official attendants), and with his son accom- panied me (mounted on a donkey) outside the Jaffa Gate. Here I found my litter, which I can only describe as a crazy covered little wagon, pulled along by two mules, one behind, one before." [In the margin of his letter he gives a sketch of the litter.] " I had not gone a quarter of a mile when the whole thing came to the ground with a crash. It would have been ungrateful indeed to grum- ble. At 9 I was off. ... The sight of Mizpah (where Saul was made king) revived me, and I kept casting an eye of interest on the scenery for hours. But I was THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 333 very ill ; and the jolting, as we -went over the scarcely passable road (for a Syrian road is often a mere pile of rocks) took a great deal out of me." At Ramleh he was domiciled for the night (" a night of rare suffering") in an Arabian house, and next morn- ing, as he is wondering " how he should possibly get through the day on Arab diet," is visited by a German Missionary, who had married an English lady, and is suitably fed, as well as most kindly nursed and tended in their house. After " a second night of unspeakable trouble and unrest " he is in his litter again at 7.30 the next morning (May 26), and at 11.15 reached the Pales- tine Hotel, Jaffa 8 . The next day (May 27), "the Russian packet having arrived," he totters down to the shore, leaning on the arm of the consul of Jaffa, Assaad a Khayat, and there is caught up by the sailors, and laid in the boat which Captain Mansell, who was surveying the coast, had kindly lent him for the purpose of his embarkation. " It was delightful to find myself in Jack's arms, who treated me like a plaything." On board the packet, Mr. Meredith, the Civil Engineer (" the same who laid down the Smyrna Railway, and who of course knew many of our own Smyrna connexions "), placed his dragoman at Burgon's disposal, and " promised not to forsake me till he saw me safe on shore. I am sure you" [Mrs. Higgins] li and dearest Charles will not require the assurance that so many marks of Mercy and Providence and Love many a time overcame me. I murmured to myself many a time ; ' I see, I see Thine Almighty Fingers moving.' " Stretched on a mattress and pillows which were placed for him on the highest deck, he drank in the sea-breeze 8 Letter to Mrs. Higgins, " Palestine Hotel, Jaffa, Monday, May 26, 1862." 334 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. for five hours of daylight ; and at night the steamer was moored off Mount Carmel, " a sad night of suffering to me" The next day he -was laid upon the deck again : and in the afternoon " we neared Beyrout and Lebanon grand and beautiful all but I felt too ill to enjoy any- thing." Mr. Meredith, -with the utmost kindness, ful- filled his promise, got the patient through the Customs (which, had he been alone, t: would have been a simple impossibility in that hot sun and with those noisy clamorous men"), and delivered him safe at the Belle Vue Hotel, Beyrout 9 . At Beyrout, he found the regular practitioner (Dr. Berkeley) absent, he having been sent for to attend the celebrated Henry Buckle, who was then lying sick with fever at Damascus, and who died there while Burgon was at Beyrout. In Dr. Berkeley's absence he at first, by the advice of the Consul-General, Mr. Niven Moore, consulted a Milanese doctor, under whom for a time he seemed to progress favourably, but who at last gave him a quack medicine, which brought on alarming symptoms. This led him to send for Dr. Berkeley, who had by that time returned, and who took his case in hand. Still he found himself very low and weak. " Utter prostration is all I can say for myself," he writes to Mr. Rose on the 6th of June ; " How can a man be taking 6 gr. of quinine per day, and three wine glasses of tonic, with wine, pale ale, and solid food at 9, i, and 5, without being strength- ened ? But there is an indescribable languor and faint- ness, a desire to fling myself on the sofa, which is distressing. Still I hope and believe, as the Doctor says, that I am decidedly better." At Beyrout he remained, invalided, for the whole month of June. Miss Webb, it appears from a letter Letter to Mra. Higgins, " Beyrout, Ascension Day, May 29, 1862." THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 335 to one of his nieces dated June 14, rejoined him here in the early part of the month. "Her arrival," he says, " has already worked a great change in my health for the better." In a letter to another niece, written six days after, he says ; " Only one great mistake have I made since I have been here. Dear Miss Webb most kindly proposed car- riage exercise ; and the Doctor was strenuous in second- ing the move. No one told us that the carriage could not come within i \ miles of the Hotel ! That walk, and the drive that followed, almost made me ill. I returned in a boat, but O ! it was pain and grief to me. This is some days ago ; but I recollect it still with horror, like some dreadful nightmare ! " The extraordinary affectionateness of these two letters to his nieces (one of them written on the young lady's birthday), makes them unsuitable, except in the short passages already cited, for publication (one of them begins, for example, " My own most tender and sweetest of little sisters "). It would seem as if the strong love of kindred and of young people, which characterized him throughout his life, was rendered more intense, and even extravagant in its expressions, by his then state of physical prostration and imbecility. But the piety of his mind as well as its tenderness comes out in his effusions during this illness. Witness the following verses, which were written as he was lying on the deck of the French steamer, which conveyed him from Bey- rout to Marseilles. " LINES WRITTEN IN ILLNESS." ' When sorrow's tide runs all too high, And on my bed I sleepless lie With throbbing pulse and tearful eye, -;6 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. \) O Jesus my Saviour, mighty Lord, By Angels and by Saints adored, Help me to lean upon Thy Word. To lean on that. to lean on Thee, What difference? There, Thy form I see, Thy voice it is that speaks to me. And there in all my deep distress, And in my spirit's loneliness, I find Thee waiting but to bless. Hold Thou me up from day to day, And lest these footsteps go astray, Still keep them in the narrow way. Nor do I ask that when I die An angel may be hovering nigh ; I pray for THEE to stand close by. Be with me in that darksome hour When Satan struggles most for power Lest spirit, soul, or flesh should cower. And for the rest, O Father, Son, And Holy Ghost, Thy Will be done! I know 'twill be a righteous one. "J. W. B. "Written July 3, 1862, lying on the deck of the steamer, before it left Beyrout." His Journal (already quoted) written on the 3ist of January, in the ensuing year, gives this rapid summary of his voyage from Beyrout to England : " On July 3, I was conveyed on board the Jourdain which reached Marseilles July 16. We 1 hurried on to Paris, and after a halt hurried home, reaching Chesham Place on the evening of Friday, July 1 8." 1 Captain and Mrs. Bayley accom- took charge of him during the panied him home, and most kindly voyage. THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 337 In Chesham Place was the Town i % esidence of Miss Webb. His sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins, met him there, and conveyed him the next day to Turvey Abbey, their place in Bedfordshire. t; It was an unspeakable comfort," he says, "that meeting with dearest Helen and Charles. Their kind- ness is not to be told. But Oh ! in what need I was oi kindness and help. I was reduced to an extraordinary degree. At Turvey I could scarcely sit upright. My nights were sleepless and painful; my days I used to pass on the sofa. To walk for twenty minutes in the garden was a supreme object of dread with me, an effort to which I was wholly unequal. I could neither write nor read. I could neither dress nor undress myself at all. Thus in many respects I was worse than at Beyrout ; but in one respect I was better, viz. that a little conversation was not so oppressive, or rather so overwhelming, exhausting. ... A visit of five weeks to Dover (24 Sept. to 30 Oct. 1862) did much for me ; but I went back sadly by spending two days in London. At last (Tuesday, 1 8 Nov.) I came on hither " [Houghton Conquest]. " I have had ample leisure, since I first fell ill. to think over the whole of what I have felt to be a most mysterious dispensation. Nearest to me, and most in- disputable, have been the marks of God's watchful provi- dence and love." He then speaks with deep gratitude of all the persons who have shown him kindness in his illness, Mr. and Mrs. Finn at Jerusalem, Captain Mansell and Assaad a Khayat at Jaffa, and Mr. Meredith on board the steamer to Beyrout. " All these were instruments in God's hands : I could never lose sight of Him. But that which has most struck me with wonder is the astonishing way in which I have been denied a sight of the sacred ob- jects I left England expressly in order to see. It was VOL. i. z 338 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. passing strange. A few weeks would have shewn me what I most wished to see, Bethel, Shechem, Nain, Nazareth, Carmel, and oh ! far, far, above all. the Sea of Galilee, but no ! Deo aliler visnm est \ In pain, and in weakness, and in sorrow, and in loneliness. I went by sea to a point far north of the Holy Land. Damascus was within reach. But even Damascus I could not visit. ... I came home in broken health, and quite a wreck." The secret of his disappointment he finds in the imagined sinfulness of his going abroad, when St. Mary's was waiting for him as its Pastor. " How can I review this solemn dispensation without a deep suspicion that I can understand it also ? I do believe that I ought never to have gone, and oh ! that I had stayed in England, and undertaken the duties of St. Mary's ! Oh ! how gladly would I undo the past if that were possible ! " Most solemn of all has been the prolonged duration of my illness. Here is not only the denial of my desires, but their chastisement as well. At the end of a full miserably weak." It will be seen that this conviction of his having acted wrongly in going abroad recurred to him again and dis- quieted him in the month preceding his death, when, as during the illness which arose from the Jerusalem fever, his bodily powers were prostrated. The reader will be inclined to think that on both occasions his physical weakness had affected the mind, and rendered it morbid ; and that the sounder view of the subject is that which he tells us, strange to say, in the same page of his Journal had sometimes presented itself to him, when pondering the subject of his illness : THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 339 " I have even thought sometimes that had I commenced work again at Oxford, in Oct. 1 86 1, a severer break-down might have been the consequence, so reduced was I, and overworked, when I went abroad. The religious troubles, which have since occurred there, might also have been too much for me. I try to find comfort where I can/' But it is a long lane which has no turning, says the old proverb, and. seriously ill as Burgon had been so ill that on his first arrival at Turvey, Mr. Higgins had said to his wife, "we must do all we can for the dear one, but I fear he will not leave our house alive," so ill that he himself was continually saying to his sister and brother-in-law, " My work is done, I shall never be able to do anything more," he began to rally after his visit to Dover, and found himself able to dispense with the two sticks, by the help of which he had hitherto walked. The following letter seems to show that his mind also had recovered its tone, and that in affection for his friends, love of little ones, and tenderness towards past associations, he was the same as ever. To THE REV. ALFRED HENSLEY. " Turvey Abbey, Bedford, Nov. n, 1862. " Dearest Old Buck, I have been long wishing to write to you. I have to thank you for many kind en- quiries, and am now able to tell you, under my own fist, that I am a great deal better than I was, though still a lame dog, and very far from well. " I have been over wonderful scenes, and often thought of you, when I was most happy in them. But the interest of entering the Holy Land (alas ! I did but enter it !) surpassed everything. I made many sketches, some of which I shall much like to shew you one bright day. Z 2 340 LIFE OF DEAN BURGON. " And on your side, what have you been doing "? spoiling our little Fanny eh ? come, be honest, and tell me exactly what kind of little maiden she is. Re- member me kindly to your dear wife also, and be sure you do not forget me yourself. " Time steals on apace. Do you remember how we two walked up Beaumont Street together, some twenty years ago, to be matriculated 1 It seems like yesterday. And yet, when my younger nephew took the same walk the other day (he also is at Worcester), I was forcibly reminded that full many a yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow have gone to make up the sum of the years. " One word more and I have done. Some one told me the other day that you had helped to spread a report, that I am going to be married. Nothing in the world is more untrue. I have not had, for some years past, any intention whatever of the kind. Do me the favour then, if it be ever in your power, to contradict, in the roundest manner, a report which cannot but be injurious to some- body, and against which, when it is unfounded, every instinct of chivalry revolts. Believe me ever, my dearest old man, Your affectionate friend, " JOHN W. BURGON. " I fear I shall not be able to return to Oxford on this side of Xmas. I hope you are well ? Adieu ! " One quite sees in the fact of his having travelled in the company of two or three ladies, whose society he much enjoyed, and who greatly admired him, the genesis of the false report about his marriage. When Christmas came, his return to Oxford had still 1863- to be postponed; for on the i2th of January, 1863, we 3 find him thus writing to Professor Forbes, his old Tutor at Mr. Greenlaw's School, Blackheath. He writes from his elder sister's house at Houghton Conquest, to which, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins had brought him on Nov. 18 of the preceding year. In the earlier part of the letter, THE OXFORD LIFE: FOURTH PERIOD. 341 after referring to the after life of several of his school- fellows at Blackheath, he gives Professor Forbes a rapid sketch of what had befallen him since he left school, bringing down the narrative to the time of his illness, and concluding thus : ' ; I am convalescent. nay, really getting well ; but I am advised not to think of returning to Oxford, until after Easter." From another paragraph of this letter we find that the interest always hitherto felt by him in the structure of Holy Scripture is still the same as ever. Professor Forbes in his letter to him, had referred to the subject of Parallelism, the great principle of Hebrew poetry, and seems to have asked his opinion on Bishop Jebb's well-known application of the principle to the Lord's Prayer, and other passages of Holy Scripture not usually considered poetical. Burgon replies : " One word about Parallelism. I am not an un- believer ; still less an unwilling listener; but / cannot ee the proof. I see enough to feel convinced that there is something in it. but I cannot take the leap sometimes required of me ; or I hesitate to admit something which seems to me purely arbitrary ; or an analogy seems to me fanciful ; or a correspondence which clearly main- tains in three instances, breaks down (me jwKce) in the fourth. Thus (to speak somewhat at random) the Lord's Prayer I have always thought consists of three petitions which have God, and four which have men, for their object. But you bid me isolate the fourth, and regard it as a central petition, on either side of which others balance. The Beatitudes I reckon at eight, not seven. But be they in a manner seven, their partial correspon- dence with the Lord's Prayer I have long since noticed (and Augustine before me) ; but it is not (as far as I can see) complete and systematic. To be brief, I wish to be persuaded, but cannot persuade myself of more than this, that there is something in it. Jebb has brought me thus far, but no further. In the meantime I should rejoice unspeakably if by this, or by any other unsuspected 342 LIFE OF DEAN BUROON. method, men could be convinced of the Divine structure of the material of Holy Scripture. The hostility of the world against God's Word is the most fearful sign of the times." His convalescence under God's blessing proceeded favourably, and on the 9th of Feb. 1863, a letter was addressed to him by Canon (afterwards Bishop) Christo- pher Wordsworth, who had recently put forth his ' Tour in Italy*! which was evidently designed to amuse him in his retirement. The Canon had tried, he tells him, when at Rome, to conciliate Padre Vercellone by showing him Burgon's courteous words about him in his ' Letter* from Rome V " But, au contraire, your strictures on the errors in the Roman edition 4 , and still more your strictures on the errors of the Church of Rome (which he felt I believe to be too well merited), were too much for him ; and he almost foamed at the mouth. ... I had some reason to fear that he would take me, and put an end to me by letting me quietly down into the well of his Convent." We find from his Journal that on the 5th of August he was able to leave Houghton for Margate, where he a The first Edition of the ' Tour ' and admirable edition of the Vul- appeared early in 1863, and was no gate, which he has now in hand, doubt sent by the Canon to his and of which part has already ap- invalid friend shortly after its pub- peared. It ought to have a place lication. A second Edition was in all our college libraries." ' Letters published six months after, the from Rome to Friends in England,' Preface to which is dated July p. 34. 39, 1863. The tour itself com- 4 The Canon means Cardinal Mai's menced May 13, 1862, and may Edition of the Codex Vaticanus, be said to have ended when the completed, after the Cardinal's Canon and his party reached Paris death in 1854, by Padre Vercel- on the return journey, July 4, 1862. lone. The "strictures" will be "I cannot name this learned found in Letters II and III of gentleman without recommending Burgon's ' Letters from Rome.' to your notice the very laborious THE OXFORD LIFE; FOURTH PERIOD. 343 staid till the 1 1 th of September to complete his recovery, then returning to Houghton. On the previous day, icth September, which he notes as being the anniversary of the day of his departure from England in 1861, he received a letter from Mr. Chase, intimating his intention of resigning the Vicarage of St. Mary the Virgin's, and five days after, September 15, came another letter announc- ing that he himself would be appointed to succeed Mr. Chase, on Michaelmas Day, that is a fortnight afterwards. By some dear friends and admirers in Oxford he was strongly urged to accept the position. Hereupon he moralises thus in his Journal : " How is it that I am so faithless, as to be full of mis- givings about my health, strength, ability, and the like? Surely I am the most faithless thing alive ! " My heart sinks too (but that is surely not inexcus- able) at the consciousness that this is the last of my many vacations here" (at Houghton) ; "the thought is heavy ; and I watch the sands running out of the glass with a pang unspeakable. Those many quiet studious days and nights, at Christmas, at Easter, and in the summer, sweetened by unceasing kindness, and by the society of those seven who are so dear to me," [his sister and brother-in-law and their five children], " are almost at an end. This pleasant vicissitude with Oxford life, a prolonged vicissitude, which I have found salutary for mind and body will be no more. For short periods it may be resumed ; but alas ! it must henceforth be reckoned with the treasures of the past. This dear place can never more be my home \ " Such sorrow is good for us. It is good to face it. and to feel it too. All things must come to an end. An adopted like a real home, cannot (alas) be for ever. All things here below have an end ; and I must now brace up my heart to go forth when God calls me, and not seek my own selfish enjoyment, as I did this time two years ago. " O my God, be with me ! leave me not, neither 344 LIFE OF DEAN BURQON. forsake me ! let the Angel of thy Presence comfort me. and shew me my way in this wilderness of life, for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour of us all. J. W. B." On Friday, the 9th of October, 1863, he left this happy home for Oxford, to be inducted to the Vicarage of St. Mary's. END OF VOL. I. fe 000183011 6