UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY STOREROOM STATE OF UTAH School Laws gfSCARL. . From Compild&$am£e&W^ and Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1^1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Department of Public Instruction GEORGE THOMAS, Superintendent SALT LAKE CITY »5 \m 1 STATE OF UTAH School Laws From Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1921 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Department of Public Instruction GEORGE THOMAS, Superintendent SALT LAKE CITY s UTAH SCHOOL LAWS [From Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, and Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1921.] TITLE 90. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CHAPTER 1. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 4505. Membership. Term. Control of public schools. Establishment of libraries and gymnasiums. Secretary. The state board of education shall consist of the state superintend- ent of public instruction, the president of the University of Utah, the president of the Agricultural College of Utah, and six other persons appointed by the governor by and with the consent of the senate, two each biennium and for six year terms; except that the first appointments under this chapter shall be classified, by the governor as to the length of terms, so as to provide for such future biennial appointments. Ap- pointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired terms. In making such appointments the governor is to be influenced only by consideration of merit and fitness, and the appoint- ments shall be made without reference to residence, occupation, party affiliation, religion, or sex. The governor may remove any member so appointed for immorality, malfeasance in office, incompetency, or continued neglect of duties. The general control and supervision of the public school system is vested in the state board of education. The state board of educa- tion shall also promote the establishment of libraries and 6. CHAPTER 4. COURSES OF STUDY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 4531. Course of study to be prescribed. Within thirty days after the adoption of text books, the state superintendent of public instruction, the principal of the state normal school, and five school superintendents to be appointed by the state S( HOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 11 board of education, shall meet and prescribe a course of study for the schools of the state not included in cities of the first and the second class, and shall furnish free of cost to each comity or school district, the number of courses of study ordered by the superintendent of schools. '07, p. 55 ; '13, p. 17. 4532. No compensation. Expenses. The committee shall serve without compensation ; provided, that the actual and nec- essary expenses of the superintendents while attending meet- ings of the committee shall be paid out of the state super- intendent's contingent fund. '07, p. 55; '13, p. 18. 4533. Habits of birds, etc., to be observed in schools. Bird day established. It shall be the duty of the hoard of edu- cation or school hoard of every school district within this state to cause to be observed in the schools the last Friday in April of each year as bird day, with appropriate lessons and exercises relating to the observation, the study, and the value of birds and other forms of animal life, particularly as aids in the extermination of insects, weeds, and other pests. '13, p. 93, 4534. Physiology and hygiene. It shall be the duty of all boards of education and trustees in charge of schools and educational institutions supported in whole or in part by pub- lic funds to make provisions for systematic and regular in- struction in physiology and hygiene, including special refer- ence to the effects of stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. The foregoing and the succeeding: sec- peal was nut included in the title of the tion were in the body of chap. 78. laws act. of '15, declared repealed, but the re- 4535. Sanitation and the cause and prevention of disease shall be taught. There shall be established in the normal schools of the state, and in the public schools, beginning with the eighth grade, a course of instruction upon the subjects of sanitation, and the cause and prevention of disease. It shall be the duty of the state board of education and the state board of health, acting conjointly, to prepare a course of study to carry out the provisions of this section. '07, p. 116. Control of hoard of health, 5 27."). Compulsory vaccination unlawful, § 2763. 4544. Board may maintain kindergartens. Teachers. School boards may establish and maintain kindergartens in their several districts, open to children resident therein be- tween the ages of four and six years. The cosl thereof may be paid in whole or in part out of the school funds of the district. kindergartens established under the provisions of this section ' -n be subject to the control .»!' the school boards of the re- spective districts in which they are maintained. Teachers for said schools, unless holding a certificate of efficiency in kin- 12 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH clergarten work granted by the State Normal School, shall be required to sustain a special examination relating to the prin- ciples and practice of the kindergarten, such examination to be conducted under the direction of the state board of educa- tion. Kindergarten schools part of public school system, Con. art. 10, sec. 2. 4545. Kindergartens provided for. Maintenance. All school districts of a population of 2,000 and upwards shall hereafter establish and maintain one or more kindergartens in said school district, open to children resident therein between the ages of four and six years. Said kindergartens must be established within four years after March 16, 1903. The cost of maintaining such kindergartens shall come out of the dis- trict school fund of the respective districts. '03, p. 139. CHAPTER 5. EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN FOR DEFECTIVE SIGHT, ETC. ('11, p. 285.) 4546. Duty of teacher. It shall be the duty of every teacher engaged in teaching in the public schools of the state, separately and carefully, to test and examine every child under his jurisdiction to ascertain if such child is suffering from de- fective sight or hearing, or diseased teeth, or breathes through its mouth. If such test determines that any child has such defect, it shall be the duty of the teacher to notify, in writing, the parent of the child of such defect and explain to such par- ent the necessity of medical attendance for such child. 4547. State board of health to prescribe rules. The State board of health shall prescribe rules for making such tests, and shall furnish to boards of education and boards of trus- tees of school districts rules of instruction, test cards, blanks, and other useful appliances for the carrying out of the pur- poses of this chapter. 4548. When tests shall be made. During the first month of each school year, after the opening of school-teachers must make the tests required by this chapter upon the children then in attendance at school ; and thereafter, as children enter school during the year, such tests must be made immediately upon their entrance. 4549. Duty of boards of education. It shall be the duty ©f the boards of education and boards of trustees of the several SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 13 school districts of the state to enforce the provisions of this chapter. 4550. May employ physicians. The board of education or board of trustees of any school district may employ regular- ly licensed physicians to make the tests required by § 4546, and when such tests are made by a physician, the teacher shall not be required to make the tests provided for in § 4546. CHAPTER 6. CIVIC CENTERS. ('17, p. 420.) 4551. Designation. Purpose. Proviso. There is hereby established a civic center at each and every public school house within the state of Utah, where the citizens of the respective school districts within the state of I 'tali may engage in super- vised recreational activities, and where they may meet and discuss, from time to time, as they may desire, any and all subjects and questions which, in their judgment, may appertain to the educational, political, economic, artistic, and moral inter- ests of the citizens of the respective communities in winch they may reside: provided, that such use of said public schoolhouses and grounds for said meetings shall in no wise interfere with such use and occupancy of said public schoolhouses and grounds as is now or hereafter may be required for the pur- poses of said public schools of the state of Utah. 4552 Payment of incidental expenses provided. Lighting, heating, janitor service, and the services of a special supervi . inp- officer when needed, in connection with such use of public school buildings an 1 grounds, as se1 forth in § 4551, hall be provided for out of the county or special school funds of the respective school districts in the same manner and by the same authority as such similar services are now provided for. Such use of the said schoolhouses. property and grounds shad be granted free; provided, that in case of entertainments where an admission fee is charged, a charge may be made for the use of said schoolhouses, property, and grounds. 4553. Management. Rules. Supervisor. The manage- ment, direction, and. control of said civic center shall be vested in the board of directors of the school district. Said board of directors shall make all needful rides and regulations for conducting said civic center meetings and for such recreation]- al activities ;is are provided for in § 4.V>1 ; and said board of directors may appoint a special supervising officer who shall 14 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH have charge of the grounds, preserve order, protect the school property, and do all things necessary in the capacity of a peace officer to carry out the provisions and the intents and pur- poses of this chapter. 4554. Use of schoolhouses subject to discretion of direc- tors. The provisions of this chapter shall not be mandatory upon the board of directors of any school district, in respect to their authority and right to exercise discretionary powers as to refusal of the use of such schoolhouse for any such pur- pose or purposes; but whenever, in their judgment, it seems inadvisable to permit the use of such schoolhouse for the purpose requested, the board shall have the power and au- thority to refuse the use of such schoolhouse for any of the purposes mentioned in this chapter. CHAPTER 7. TEXT BOOKS. 4555. 6ommission created. Duties. No compensation. Expenses. A state textbook commission is hereby created and established to consist of the state superintendent of public in- struction, the president of the University of Utah, the presi- dent of the Agricultural College of Utah, the clean of the state normal school, and five resident citizens of the state to be appointed by the governor, three of whom shall be superin- tendents of schools. In 1921 the governor shall appoint two members of the commission for a term of two years and three members for a term of four years; and thereafter appoint- ments shall be for a term of four years. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for unexpired terms. Each commis- sioner shall serve without compensation, but his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his offi- cial duties, the account of which shall be verified on oath, shall be paid out of the public school fund. The members of this commission, or a majority of them, shall decide what text- books shall be adopted for use in the district schools and the high schools of the state, except in cities of the first and the second class, and their use shall be mandatory in all district and high schools of the state, except in cities of the first and the second class. Ara'd '09, p. 76; 13, p. 43; '21, Ch.98. 4556. Meetings of commission. Term of textbook adop- tions. The state superintendent shall call a meeting of the textbook commission at least three months prior to the ex- piration of any contract regulating the supply and use of text- books in the district schools and the high schools throughout the state, except in cities of the first and the second class, and SCHOOL LAWS OF THK STATE OF UTAH 15 shall give at least sixty days' notice of the time of holding such meeting by publication in a newspaper having general cir- culation in the state. Such notice shall state the subjects upon which textbooks shall be adopted and that sealed proposals will be received by the state superintendent for furnishing such books, the place where and the day and hour when all proposals will be opened, and that the textbook commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. A regular meeting shall be called for the adoption of textbooks every two years as herein provided. At the meeting of tl ommis- sion occurring in 1923, approximately one-third of the text- books adopted shall be for a period of four years, approximate- ly one-third for a period of six years, and the remainder for a period of eight years. Thereafter adoptions shall be for a period of six years, approximately one-third of the text-books in use to be selected at such regular meeting of the commis- sion. Any textbook found unsatisfactory can be changed at any regular meeting of the commission. Am'd '03, p. 6; '09, p. 76; '13, p. 43; '21, Ch. 98. 4557. Proposals for text books and awards. At the time and place specified in said notice, the convention shall meet and publicly open and read all the. proposals which have been received, and shall make their awards therein within thirty days thereafter. The failure to literally comply with Tanner v. Nelson. 25 U. 226; 70 P. the provisions of this section is im- 984. material. 4558. Samples and prices. Sealed proposals must be ac- companied by sample copies of the books proposed to be fur- nished, together with a statement of the introductory or ex- change price, and of the wholesale and retail prices at which the publishers agree to furnish each book within the state during the full time for which said books may be adopted. 4559. When proposals are unsatisfactory. If no satis- factory proposals are received, the state superintendent of pub- lic instruction may advertise anew, and the books in use shall be continued in use until satisfactory proposals shall have been received and accepted. Am'd '03, p. 6. 4560. Publishers to enter into contract. The publisher or publishers whose proposals shall be accepted musl enter into a written contract with the state superintendent of schools, and shall give a bond with two sufficient sureties in a reason- able sum, to be fixed by the convention, for the faithful per- formance of such contract. Objection that convention failed to Tanner v. Nelson. 25 l". 226; 70 P. fix the amount of the bonds not BUS- 984. tainable. 4561. School officer or teacher not to act as agent. Xo school officer or teacher in any district school in this state shall 16 M'HOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH act as agent for any author, publisher, bookseller, or other person to introduce any book, apparatus, furniture, or any article whatever in any district in which such school officer or teacher is officially engaged. 4562. Receiving money or bonus from publisher. Penalty. If any member of the state text book commission shall receive from the publisher of any school books or from any other person interested in the sale or introduction of any books, maps, charts, or other school supplies into the public schools in the state, any money or bonus in any manner as an inducement for the recommendation or introduction of any such school book in the schools of the state, such person shall be guilty of a misde- meanor. '09, p. 76. 4563. Failure to enforce use of books adopted. Penalty. If the trustees of any district shall refuse or neglect to en- force the use of text books adopted by the convention, such •refusal or neglect shall be a misdemeanor on the part of any trustee so refusing or neglecting, and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 and by removal from office. CHAPTER 8. SCHOOL TAXES AND FUNDS. 4564. State treasurer to receive and pay over school fund. The state treasurer shall receive and hold as a special fund all public school moneys paid into the state treasury, and pay them over on a warrant of the state auditor, issued upon the order of the state superintendent of public instruc- tion in favor of the county treasurer of each county for the amount clue said - county, and in favor of the treasurer of each board of education for the amount due such board. State auditor to report, § 5717. State tax for district schools, § 5998. 4565. Apportionment :and ,use of ^school funds. The county superintendent of each county shall, immediately upon receiving the apportionment from the state superintendent, proceed to apportion the state school funds to the several school districts of his county according to the number of school childen residing in each district over six and under eighteen years of age, as shall appear from the last enumeration reported to his office. The county superinten- dent shall apportion the county school funds in like manner, and as soon as practicable after the receipt of the same or any portion thereof; provided, that before making such ap- portionment lie shall apportion to cities of the first and of the second class and to count v school districts of the first SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OP UTAH 17 class their proportion per capita of the county school fund, after which he shall sel aside so much of saiil county fund as the board of county commissioners shall order for the pay- ment of the compensation of the county superintendent, mem- bers of the board of examiners, and the expenses of the county institute, and contingent expenses of the county su- perintendent "s office, and the actual and necessary traveling expenses of the county superintended while making his of- ficial visits, but all warrants drawn by the county super- intendent for the disbursement of the fund so set aside shall be approved by he board of county commissioners; provided, further, that no part of either of said funds shall be used otherwise than for the payment of teachers, except as pro- vided otherwise in this section. The counts- superintendent shall file a duplicate of such apportionmenl with the county auditor. Am'd '01, p. 43; '09, p. 24, Apportionment by county auditor, §§ is distributed, under certain provisions 1560-1562. added to the revenue act of i B96 on pp. State superintendent to apportion 489 and 497, are in violation of Con. school fund, § 4518. art. 10, sec. 6, and such provisions, being The collection of the county school tax in conflict therewith, are invalid, within Salt Lake City and the subtrac- Merrill v. Spencer, 14 U. 273: 46 tion of a certain sum therefrom for P. 1096. | county school purposes before the fund 4575. State levy for high school purposes. Limit. The state board of equalization is hereby authorized am 1 directed to levy annually, a state tax of not more than two-tenths of one mill on each dollar of valuation of the taxable propel in the state, for high school purposes; and the levy and col- lection of said tax must he performed in the same manner and at the same time ;is other taxes are levied and collected, and shall be apportioned to the several cities and school dis- tricts maintaining high schools as provided by law. Am'd '15, p. 19S. 4576. Board of education to be notified. On the r; Monday in October of each year, the board of education or school board of any city or school district in which a high school is established shall notify in writing^ the state board of education of the establishment of such high school and the in- tention of such city or district to claim the benefits of the high school fund. 4577. Standard to be fixed. The slate hoard of educa- tion shall by rule fix the standard upon which, and the period during the yt'iw that, high schools in this state shall be main- tained in order to obtain any part of the high school fund. Such rule shall he fixed on or before the 1st day of May, 1911; and thereafter if such rule be amended, the amendment shall take effect on the 1st day of .luly at leasl one year after the date of its adoption. A copy of such rule or amendment shall be furnished to each city or district establishing high scl ools immediately after its adoption. 18 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4578. Report of attendance to state board of education. On the last Monday of January of each year the board of education or board of the city or district in which a high school is established and maintained shall report to the state board of education the actual number of students enrolled in such high school, and an estimate of the number of students who will attend such high school for a period of at least twenty weeks during the current school year; which report must be approved by the president or chairman and the clerk of the board. On the second Monday in June of each year the board of education, or bo,ard of city or district in which a high school is established and maintained, shall report to the state board of education the actual number of students enrolled who have' been in actual attendance in such high school for a period of at least twenty weeks, together with the daily average attendance of the students so enrolled dur- ing such school year; which report must he verified under oath by the president or chairman and the clerk of the board. Such report shall also give such additional information as the state board of education may require in order to enable it to determine the standard of the school. Am'd '15, p. 189. 4579. State auditor to report amount of funds on hand. On the last Monday in January and on the second Monday in June of each year the state auditor shall report to the state board of education the amount then on hand in the state high school fund. Am'd '15, p. 189. 4580. Apportionment, how computed. Disbursement. Upon receipt of the January reports mentioned in § 4578, and upon receipt of the January report of the state auditor as provided in the next preceding section, the state board of edu- cation shall apportion to the several cities and school dis- tricts maintaining high schools of the standard fixed by the state board of education, 70 per cent of the amount of money then on hand in the state high school fund as shown by the auditor's report; such apportionment shall be made according to the estimated number of students who will be in attend- ance at each high school during a period of at least twenty weeks, as shown by the January report of the board of edu- cation or board of the city or district required to be made by § 457S. The state board of education shall immediately fur- nish to the treasurer of each school board in cities or districts where any such school is maintained an abstract of such apportionment. The state board of education shall also certify such apportionment to the state auditor, and upon receiving such certificate the state auditor shall forthwith draw his war- rant on the state treasurer in favor of the treasurer of the school board for the amount to which said city or district is en- titled under such apportionment. Upon receipt of the June re- school LAWS OF THE STATE OF ITAII 19 ports mentioned in § 4578, and upon receipt of the June reporl of the state auditor as required in the nexl preceding section, the state board of education shall make a final apportion- ment of the amount on hand in the state high school fund, as shown by the auditor's report, to the several cities and school districts maintaining high schools for the required pe- riod of time and of the standard fixed by the state board of education. In making such final apportionment the state board of education shall determine the total amount of funds to which each high school is entitled for the entire school year as shown by the number of students who have attended such high school for a period of at leasl twenty weeks as shown by the June reporl of the board of education or board of the city district required in § 4578. The state board of '-dura- tion shall then subtract from the total amount to which each school is entitled the amount such school has already received, and it shall thereupon apportion the balance to such school. The state hoard of education shall immediately furnish to the treasurer of each school hoard in cities or districts where any such school is maintained an abstract of such final apportion- ment. The state board of education shall thereupon certify such final apportionment to the state auditor, and moon re- ceiving such certificate the state auditor shall forthwith draw his warrant on the state treasurer in favor of the treasurer of the school hoard for the amount to which the said city or district is entitled under such final apportionment. '15, p. 189. 4581. High schools to be inspected. The state superin- tendent of public instruction shall cause all high schools claim- ing any benefit from the high school fund, to be inspected at least once during- each school year. Am'd '21, Ch. 4582. Expense of inspection to be paid from high school fund. The compensation and traveling expenses of a per- son making such inspection shall be fixed by the state board of education, subject to the approval of the state board n\' exam- iners, and shall be paid out of the state high school fund upon claims properly verified by the state board of education and approved by the state hoard of examiners. Am'd '21, Ch. 4586. Trustees may levy tax to pay judgment obtained for taxes illegal^ collected. When any judgmenl is obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction againsl a school district for taxes unlawfully collected for and r< ived by such school district, or when there are no funds for the payment of war- rants issued by the trustees of any school district to refund taxes unlawfully collected for and received by such school dis- trict, the trustees of any such school district shall, in addition to all other taxes which they are empowered to levy, order to 20 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OP UTAH be raised upon the taxable property in such school district a sufficient amount of revenue to pay such judgment and war- rants. '01, p. 132. CHAPTER. 9. CREATING INDEBTEDNESS. 4590. Boards of Education — powers to borrow money — limitations of debt — vote of qualified electors. The board of education of any county school district of the first class, or the board of education of any city of trte first class, or the board of education of any city of the second class may borrow money, issuing therefor negotiable notes or bonds, or other- wise create indebtedness for the maintenance of the schools within such district or city not in excess of the taxes for the current school year; and any such board of education may borrow money issuing therefor negotiable notes or bonds, or otherwise create indebtedness for the purpose of purchasing school sites and erecting school buildings not in excess of any tax that may have been lawfully authorized or imposed for such purposes, and prior to the collection thereof; but no debt in excess of the school taxes for the current year shall be created by the board of education of any county school dis- trict of the first class, or by the board of education of any city of the first class, or by the board of education of any city of the second class in this state,, unless the proposition to create such debt shall have been submitted to a vote of such qualified electors as shall have paid a property tax therein during the twelve calendar months next preceding such election, and a majority of those voting thereon shall have voted in favor of incurring such debt. Am'd '19, p. 277. 4591. Additional indebtedness to maintain schools, how authorised. Whenever debts equal to the school taxes for the current year shall have been created by any school district in this stale, or by the board of education of any city of the first or of the second class in this state, thereby rendering it nec- essary to create and incur additional indebtedness in order to maintain and support the schools of any such school district, or the schools controlled by any such board of education, for the current year or any part thereof, then the trustees of any such school district, or any such board of education, as the case may be, may cause the proposition to incur and create such additional indebtedness to be submitted to a vote of such quali- fied electors as shall have paid a property tax in any such school district, or city in the year preceding snch election. City school bonds, election, § 4708. For election procedure, see § 462S. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 21 4592. Id. Election in city, how called. Notice. Judges. The election provided for in the preceding section, when held in a city of the first or of the second class, shall be called by publishing a notice, signed by the president and clerk of the board of education, in a newspaper published in the city, for not less than ten days, and by posting said notice at the poll- ing places in each municipal ward of the city for the same length of time next preceding said election. Tin- board of edu- cation, before any notice is published or posted, shall appoint three electors in each municipal ward to condud the elections herein provided for, who shall take and subscribe an oath of office, and who shall make returns thereof to the board, as herein provided. Such, notice shall specify: 1. The time and place of holding such election ; 2. The names of the judges at each polling place to con- duct such election; 3. The hours during which the polls shall remain open; 4. The amount of indebtedness which the board proposes to incur or create, and for what purposes. 4593. Id. In other districts. The election provided for in § 4591, when held in any school district other than a city of the first or of the second class, shall be called by publish- ing a notice, signed by the chairman and clerk 'of the board of trustees of such district, in a newspaper published in the count}' in which such district is situated, for not less than ten days, and by posting such notice in three conspicuous places in the district for the same length of time preceding said elec- tion ; if no newspaper be published in said comity, then by such posting of notices only. The board of trustees of such district, before any notice is published or posted, shall appoint three electors to conduct the elections herein provided for, who shall take and subscribe an oath of office, and who shall make re- turns thereof to the board as herein provided. Such notice shall specify: 1. The time and place of holding such election ; 2. The names of the judges of election to conduct such election : 3. The hours during which the polls shall remain open; 4. The amount of indebtedness which the board propos to incur or create, and for what purposes. 4594. Ballot. The ballot used at such election shall be furnished by the board of education or by the trustees, as the case may be, and shall express upon its face the proposi- 22 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH tions which the board, or the trustees, desire to submit to the taxpayers. 4595. Who entitled to vote at such election. Challenges. Every registered voter residing in any ward of any city, or residing in any school district in which an election is held for the purpose of determining the question of creating and incur- ring additional indebtedness in such district or city, and which voter shall have paid a property t;ix in such district or city in the year preceding such election, shall be entitled to vote at any such election. Challenges for cause by any quali- fied voter shall be allowed on such election, and promptly decided by the judges conducting the same. 4596. Canvass of vote. Result. - Immediately after the closing of the polls, the persons appointed to conduct the elec- tion shall proceed to count and canvass the ballots cast at such election and make returns thereof to the board of education, and said board of education shall within five days after such election, meet and canvass said returns, and if a majority of the ballots cast at such election are in favor of incurring and creat- ing such additional indebtedness, then the board of education shall cause an entry of that fact to be made upon the minutes of the board ; and thereupon said board of education shall be authorized and directed to borrow money to incur and create such additional indebtedness as shall be necessary to support and maintain the schools of any such school district or the schools controlled by any such board of education, for the cur- rent year or any part thereof, to the amount mentioned in the notice calling the election, at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon, issuing the negotiable notes or bonds of said district therefor, which notes or bonds shall be payable within five years after their date ; and a tax shall be levied and collected upon all of the taxable property within said district sufficient in amount to pay off and discharge said indebted- ness both principal and interest when the same shall become due. Any board of education within this state may issue ne- gotiable notes or bonds of the district, as herein provided, to evidence any indebtedness authorized to be incurred at an elec- tion heretofore held under the provisions of this chapter; and all proceedings and elections heretofore held under the pro- visions of this chapter to authorize the incurring of indebted- ness, and all notes and bonds heretofore issued by any school district to evidence such indebtedness, are hereby validated and confirmed; provided, however, that where provision has not been made for the payment of such indebtedness, a tax shall be levied and collected upon all taxable property within the district sufficient to pay and discharge such indebtedness, both principal and interest, when the same become due. Am'd '21, Ch. 100. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH CHAPTER 10. COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE FIRST CLAS 4597. How county school districts of the first class are constituted. Each county within the state shall constitute a county school district of the firsl class; provided thai existing county school districts of the first class shall continu such county school districts of the first class. Upon the creation of any county school district of the first class through the mation of a \w\\ county or through any other cause, the county commissioners of the county in which such distrid is located shall within sixty days after the creation of such distrid de- signate the name by which such district shall be known and shall divide such districi into, five representative precincts in the manner set forth in Section 4599, and shad appoinl a member of the board of education from each representative precinct to serve on the district board of education until his successor shall be duly elected and shall have qualified; pro- vided, that in case a city school district shall be made a county school district of the first class, the members of the board of education of such city school district shall become mem- bers of the hoard of education of the county school district. and serve during the terms for which they have been elected. If through the change of a county boundary line or through any other cause, one or more school representative precincts are taken from a county school district of the first class, the comity commissioners in the county in which such district is located shall, within sixty days after such change, divide such county school district into, five school representative precincts according to the manner se1 forth in Section 1">99. Am'd '11. p. 267; '13, p. 184; '15, p. 98; '21, Ch. 101. 4598. Schools therein to be free. Under direction of board. In each district, subject to. the provisions of this chapter, the public schools shall be free to all children between the ages of six and eighteen years. All public schools and school property therein shall be under the direction and control of the board of education. '05, p. 129. 4599. Board of education, how constituted. School pre- cincts. The board of education of each county school dis- trict of the first class shall consist of five members, one mem- ber to be elected from and by each of said precincts. The board of county commissioners in which such county school district is located shall, during the month of October, 1921, and every ten yea in thereafter, divide the dis unto five representative school precincts, and thereafter members of the board of education shall be elected in accordance with redisricting-. l\' by reason of such redisricting the boundary 24 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH lines of any representative precinct are so changed that the member of the board from such precinct becomes a non-resi- dent thereof, then and in that event such member shall be per- mitted to retain his membership during the term for which he was elected. Am'd '13, p. 184; '15, p. 99; '21, Ch. 101. 4600. Members of board, how elected. Must qualify. There shall be elected in the county school districts of the first class, on the first Wednesday in December, 1908, one member of the board from each odd numbered school representative precinct or district for a term of two years, and at the same time one member of the board from each even numbered school representative precinct or district for a term of four years. On the first Wednesday in December, 1910, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected one member of the .board from each odd numbered school representative pre- cinct or district for a term of four years, and on the first Wednesday in December, 1912, and every four years thereafter, one member of the board from each even numbered school representative precinct or district for a term of four years. Where any county school district of the first class exists or may be created, the board of county commissioners shall appoint the members of the board of education, to serve until the next election provided for in this section, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified ; provided, that where there have been designated three trustees for the entire district, each one being from a school representative precinct, then these are constituted members of the board of education until the next election, and the board of county commissioners shall appoint two other members, one from each unrepresented representa- tive precinct; but where two or more trustees are from one school representative precinct, the board of county commis- sioners shall designate the member of the board of educa- tion. Members of the board of education in a county school district of the first class shall qualify by taking and subscrib- ing the constitutional oath of office, and giving bonds to the district in which they reside in such sum and with such sure- ties as the board of county commissioners may require and approve, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of their office, the oath of office and bonds to be filed with the county clerk. '05, p. 130; '07, p. 142. 4601. Must qualify, when. Members of the board of education shall qualify previous to, and take their seats at, the first regular meeting in January next after their election, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qua- lified. '05, p. 130. 4602. Elections — conduct — candidates — powers of boards. Elections for members of the board shall be called and conduct- ed, and the canvass of returns shall be made, and the qualifi- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 25 cation of electors shall be as provided in the general registra- tion and election laws, except as in this Section hereinafter pro- vided. There mnst be at least one voting place in each school representative precinct. It shall be necessary for each candi- date, or at least five citizens in behalf of the candidate, to file with the clerk of the board of education not less than fifteen days next preceding the day of election, a signed statement an- nouncing that he or she is a candidate, and said clerk shall immediately thereafter furnish a list of said candidates to any citizen who may call upon him for the same. Appointments of judges of election shall be made by the board of education at any convenient time prior to the day of election. The board of education shall furnish the judges of election at every polling place with a sufficient number of official ballots for election purposes and shall pay all other lawful and necessary expenses of the election. The election shall in all other respects be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state. The board of education shall exercise all such powers relative to school elections in their respective districts as are conferred upon the board of county commissioners in other elections, so far as conformable with this chapter. '05. p 130 • 19, Ch. 89; '21. Ch. 4603. Qualification of members of Boards — vacancies. Every member of the board of education in county school dis- tricts of the first class shall be and remain a resident, quali- fied, registered voter in the school representative precinct from which he is elected or appointed; and the board of education is hereby required to fill any vacancy that may occur through non-residence or any other cause, until the next election of a member of the board in the precinct where such vacancv has occurred. '05, p. 131 ; 11, p. 267 ; 19, p. 278. 4604. Board must organize. The members appointed or elected as herein provided shall, before entering upon the dis- charge of their duties, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office. They shall organize by electing from their num- ber a president and vice-president, whose term of office shall be for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. They shall also elect a clerk and a treasurer, who shall be registered voters in the school district, and whose respective terms of office shall be two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. '05, p. 131. 4605. Officer may be removed by two-thirds vote. Any officer appointed or elected by the board of education for a specified term, as provided in the next preceding section, may be removed from his office for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the board. '05, p. 131. 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4606. Board may appoint other officers. The board of education shall have power to appoint all other officers that in its judgment may be necessary fully to carry out the pro- visions of this chapter, for the protection and improvement of school property, and for the promotion of the interests of the schools, and remove the same at pleasure, and may require any such officer to give a bond to the board in such sum as it may prescribe. The oath of office and bond of the clerk shall be filed with the treasurer, and all others shall be filed with the clerk. '05, p. 131. 4607. Superintendent of schools to be elected. Term. Duties. ..At the first meeting of the board in June, 1911, and biennially thereafter, a superintendent of schools shallbe elect- ed by the board, who at least shall be the holder of a life di- ploma of grammar school grade and who, shall subscribe the constitutional oath of office, and shall enter upon his duties on the 1st day of July thereafter. His term of office shall be two years, and until his successor shall be elected and quali-' fied ; provided, that until the date herein stated, the county superintendents of schools shall, as such officers, perform the duties of superintendent of schools in its county school dis- tricts of the first class situated in the county of which he is school superintendent. Said superintendent shall attend the convention of school superintendents provided for in § 4524. '05, p. 132; '11, p. 267-8. 4608. School year. Reports to board. Reports to state superintendent. The school year shall commence on the first day of July annually, and close on the last day of June following. The annual reports of the president, the superintendent, and the several committees shall be presented to the board at or before the first regular meeting in August of each year; and the financial and statistical reports of the board for the past school year, containing such items as shall be required by law or by the state superintendent, shall be forwarded to the state superintendent on or before August 15th of each rear. Am'd .'21, Ch. 103. 4609. Compensation of members of board. The members of the board of education shall fix the compensation to be re- ceived for their services, at a sum not to exceed $300 each per annum, and traveling expenses, not to exceed $100 each per an- num ; provided, that the compensation of members of the board appointed prior to any election of members as named herein shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners. '05, p. 132; '07, p. 40. 4610. Annual school census. Ages of persons enumerated. The board of education shall appoint suitable persons SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 2 _< for each school representative precinct, who shall act as enumerators for school population for said precinct, and \ exevy hous.' therein between the L5th and 31s1 of October of each year, and ascertain and enter upon the lists the name of every person residing in such precind who on October 3ls1 of that year shall have reached the age of six and shall not have reached the age of eighteen. Provided, that all children be- tween said ages attending other than the district or public high schools outside the ddstrid in which they reside, shall be enu- merated in their home district. Such enumeration lists shall ■contain all information required by law, and such other infor- 'mation as the state superintendent or the board of education may require. Am'd '21. Ch. 103. 4611. School census report to state superintendent. The enumeration lists shall be filed with the clerk of the board as soon as completed, and not Later than the iOth iday of November. Immediately thereafter the clerk of the board shall make out and forward to the state superintendent a statement showing the number of school age residing in the district, together with all other information obtained under the provisions of the next preceding section that may he required by the state superintendent. Am'd '21, Ch. 103. 4612. Duties of president of board. It shall he the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the board, to ap- point all committees, and to sign all warrants ordered by the board of education to be drawn upon the treasurer for school moneys. In case of the absence or disability of the presi- dent, his duties shall be performed by the vice-president. Am'd '05, p. 133. 4613. Clerk of board must qualify. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the clerk shall give a bond to the board of education of such school district in such sum as said board may prescribe, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the board, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of his duties, and shall qualify according to law. '0-">, p. 133. 4614. Duties of clerk of board. It shall be the duty of the clerk to attend all meetings of the board; to keep an accurate journal of its proceedings, and have the care and custody of the seal, records, and papers not otherwise provided for; to countersign all warrants drawn upon the treasurer by order of the board; to keep an accurate account of all mone paid to the treasurer on account of said board and from what source received, and all moneys paid on orders drawn on the treasurer by order of said board; and to prepare and submit to the board an annual statement, under oath, of the recei] and disbursements during the year ending Ju ich 28 S( 'IIOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH statement the board shall cause to be published in a news- paper having general circulation in the county, showing: 1. The amount on hand at the date of the last report ; 2. The amount of sinking fund, and how invested ; 3. The moneys paid out, to whom, and for what paid ; 4. The balance of school moneys on hand; 5. The number, date, and amount on every bond issued and redeemed under the authority herein given, and the amount received and paid therefor. The clerk shall perform such other duties as the board and its committees may require. He shall receive for his services such compensation as the board may determine. '05, p. 133. 4615. Treasurer of board must qualify. Duties. The treasurer of the board of education shall subscribe to the con- stitutional oath of office, and give a bond |to the board with sufficient sureties and in such sum as the board may require ; said oath and bond to be approved by the board and filed with its clerk. He shall be the custodian of all moneys belong- ing to the corporation and be responsible upon his bond for all moneys received by him as treasurer. He shall prepare and submit in writing a monthly report of the receipts and dis- bursements of his office, and pay out school moneys only upon a warrant signed by the president, or, in his absence or dis- ability, by the vice-president, countersigned by the clerk, and shall perform such other duties as the ,board may require. The treasurer shall receive for his services such amount as the board of education may fix and determine. The board may re- quire the treasurer to keep his office and records in the office of the board. '05, p. 134. Premium on bond paid, § 4500. Funds to draw interest and how de- posited, §4500. 4616. Board a body corporate. Members of board and clerk may administer oaths. The board of education of any such county school district of the first class shall be a body corporate under the name of "The Board of Education of School District" (inserting the proper name), and shall have an official seal conformable to such name, which shall be used by the clerk in the authentication of all matters requiring it. Said board, in the name aforesaid, may sue and be sued; may take, hold, lease, sell, and convey real and personal prop- erty, as the interests of the school may require. The members of the board and the clerk thereof shall have the power and authority to administer oaths in proof of claims against said corporation, and no claim or account, except salaries of (teach- ers and janitors, shall be audited or allowed bv the board of SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 29 education unless the correctness of the same shall be verified under oath. '05, p. lo4. 4617. Powers of board. The board of education shall have the power and authority to purchase and sell schoolhouse sites and improvements thereon; to construct and erect school buildings and to furnish the same; to. establish, locaje, and maintain kindergarten schools, common schools, consisting of primary and grammar grades, high schools, and industrial or manual training schools; to establish and support school li- braries; to purchase, exchange, repair, and improve the high school apparatus, hooks, furniture, fixtures, and all other school supplies in said schools. It shall supply and loan to pupils in the several grades and departments <>f said schools, except the high school, free of charge, all text books and supplies used by the pupils of said schools; it shall have the power to sell to pupils in the several grades and departments of said schools, at cost, all text books and supplies used by the pupils of said schools to collect all books and apparatus loaned to the pupils of the public schools of any such school district of the first class, or damages for the loss, injury, or destruction of the same: to as- sign to the State Normal School, for the purpose of illustrating instruction in the practice school connected therewith, a suffi- cient number of pupils of appropriate grades, and reimburse the State University or State Normal School for the instruction of such pupils at rates per pupil not exceeding the average cost of instruction per pupil in the public schools of the district as ascertained for each year: to do all things needful for the maintenance, prosperity, and success of the schools, and the promotion of education: to adopt by-laws and rules for the procedure of the board of education, and make and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the control and management of the public schools of the district. '05, p. 134. Duties in order to participate in state ren, §§ 1860, 1869. high school fund. §5 4575-4582. board has a discretion in d May employ physician, § 4550. mining where school shall be held and School houses as civic centers, §§ in regulating such mattei 4551-4554. hop v. Morehouse, 38 D". 234; 112 •it permits for child- P. 169. 4617x. Petition of taxpayers — establishment of school — conditions. Whenever a majority of the taxpayers of any voting precinct or precincts having a school population of not less than 1200, within any county school district of the first class shall petition the Board of Education for the establish- ment and maintenance of a high school within such precinct or precincts, the Board of Education shall establish within the territory (unbraced in such precinct or precincts, within one year thereafter, a standard high school: provided, that the jun- ior and senior years of such high school may not he established until the number of students in such years justify such estab- lishment as recommended by the State Board of Education; 30 SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF UTAH provided, further, that no petition shall be considered from fljny precinct, any part of which is within five miles of an established high school and that no such high school shall be located within twelve miles of any existing high school; and, provided, further, that the provisions of this Aft shall not be construed to prevent the establishment of high schools by boards of education independent of petition. 4618. Restrictions on sale of school property. No school sites or buildings shall be sold or conveyed by the beard of education, except on resolution of the board, duly adopted at a' regular or duly called meeting, and not then without the af- firmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members of the board. '05, p. 135. 4619. Trustees of former districts to convey property to board of education. Upon tlm appointment or election and qualification of a board of education for a,ny county school district of the first class, the trustees of all school districts formerly existing in said county school district of the first class shall convey and deliver all the school property in said dis- tricts to the board of education of said county school district of the first class ; and the title of all such property, and all property hereafter acquired for school purposes in said dis- trict, shall be conveved to and vested in said hoard of educa- tion, for the use of the district schools of foul district; and all rights, claims, and causes of action to or for said property, or the use or income thereof, or for any conversion, disposi- tion, or withholding thereof, or for any damage or injury there- to, shall at once vest in the board of education of said district, in trust for the use of the district schools of the district, and said board, in the name aforesaid, may bring and maintain actions to recover, protect, and preserve the property and rights of the district school, and to enforce any contract re- lating thereto, and in its said name may sue anebbe sued in any court of law or equity. And all outstanding debts and obli- gations of any such school district shall be paid by said board of education. '05, p. 135. 4620. Teachers' examinations. Course of study. Exami- nations for teachers in country school districts of the first class shall he conducted by the state board of education. Such districts shall follow the state course of study, and shad use the text hooks adopted bv the state text book commission. '05, p. 136; '13, p. 185. 1 i iina1 ions and certificates, §§ 4506. 4684. 4622. School property exempt. All property, real and personal, held by the board of education shall be exempt from general and special taxation, and from all local assessment's SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 31 for any purpose, and shall no1 1"- taken in anv manner for debt. '05, p. 136. 4623. Districts to receive their proportion of school taxes. All districts organized under the provisions of tliis cha] shall receive their pro rata share of any state taxes levied for the support of district schools or any funds thai may be real- ized from any source which, under the operation of law, are required to be divided pro rata for the benefil of children of school age residing in the slate. '05, p. 136. 4624. Levy in county school districts of the first class. Limit. The board of education shall, on or before the 1st <\ny of May of each year prepare a statement and estimate of the amount necessary for the support and maintenance of the schools under its charge for the school year commencing on the 1st day of July next thereafter, and for the purchase of school sites and the erection of school buildings, also the amount necessary to pay the interest accruing during such year, and not included in any prior estimates on bonds issued by the said hoard; also the amount of sinking fund n< ssary to he collected during such year for the payment and redemp- tion of said bonds; and shall forthwith cause the same to certified by the president and clerk of said hoard to the of- ficers charged with the assessment and collection of taxes for general county purposes in the county in which the district is situated, and such officers, after having extended the valua- tion of property on the assessment rolls, shall levy such net- cent as shall, as nearly as may he, raise the amount required by the board, which levy shall he uniform on all property with- in the said district as returned on the assessment roll, and the said county officers are hereby authorized and required to place the same on the tax roll: provided that districts of the first (dass existing at the time of the enactment of this law, and that where districts not existing on the firsl day of May shall come into existence by the second Monday in July in any year, the time of preparing the statement and estimate above named shall be extended to the third Monday in July; and any levy id' special tax that may have been made in any distinct abolished or superseded by the creation of such new district shall he vacated. Said taxes shall he collected by the county treasurer as other taxes are collected, hut withoul ad- ditional compensation, for assessing and collecting, and he shall pay to the treasurer of said hoard, promptly as collected, who shall hold the same subject to the order of the hoard of education: provided, that the tax for the support and mainten- ance of such schools shall not r\<-<>c<] in any one year En one-half mills on the dollar upon all taxable property o district: and shall not 1 one ami one-half mills additional on the dollar in one year, to he used exclusively for the pur- 32 SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF UTAH chase of school sites and the erection of school buildings, but in aase any funds collected for support or maintainence are not used within the school year for which they were raised, they may be used for building purposes; provided, further, that the board of education in each county school district, of the first class shall also, on or before the first Monday in May of each year, furnish the board of county commissioners an estimate in writing of school funds needed in their districts for the ensuing year for the payment of teachers, of expenses of the county institute, of compensation of the superintendent of schools, which estimate shall be taken by the board of coun- ty commissioners, as required by Section 1864, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, or in lieu thereof when there is no county super- intendent, as a basis for the county school tax levy provided for in Section eighteen hundred and sixty-five, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907. Am'd '11, p. 266. Sec. 4624 as amended by Ch. 111. F. Stillman et. al. (184 Pac. 195): and Laws of Utah '15. is unconstitutional Bd. of Ed. Carbon Sch. Dist. vs. Albert as to tax limitations therein fixed. See Bryner et. al. (192 Pac. 627). Bd. of Ed. Granite Sch. Dist. vs. Chas. 4625. County treasurer to pay over taxes. The respective county treasurers shall pay over to the board of education as fast as collected or realized its proportionate amount of delin- quent taxes, interest and costs on all tax sales heretofore or hereafter made. '05, p. 137. 4626. Special taxes for school buildings and sites. The board of education may, at the annual school election or at a special election, in its discretion, submit to the voters of the district the question of levying a special tax not to exceed 1 per cent of all the taxable property in the district, for one or more years, to buy sites, build and furnish school houses, or improve the school property under its control. If the voters declare in favor of such tax, it shall be levied and collected as other school taxes,. and the board of education may applv any money available, raised from taxation, to the building of or the improvement of the school property under its charge. The board of education shall give such reasonable notice of such submission as it may deem proper, and. if submitted at a spe- cial election, may follow the procedure so far as applicable for the issuance of bonds; provided, all school twxes voted by the board of education, or by a special meeting called for that purpose, shall be computed on the valuation of the county as- sessment roll for such year, and shall be voted on or before the 1st day of May of any year, and within twenty days thereafter the board shall make certified returns of the per cent of the taxes so voted to the county auditor and the county assessor, who shall acknowledge receipt of the same. The county as- sessor shall assess for each special tax, at the time and manner provided by law for assessing state and county taxes, and shall SCHOOL LAW-- OF THE STATE OF I'TAII 33 give to The distrid school taxpayers similar notices to thi which are required by lav to 1"' given the taxpayers ol and county taxes. The off] arged with the collecti special school I shall pay to the of the school di in which the same is collected, mak payments of thi collected a1 the end oi month. On the day of De roll, he shall complete the payment o upon sue!) r rther, all school and assessed under the provisions of this cl due and delinquent a1 th and b ;ol- lected by the sami nd in thi er, and shall attach to and b< a- lien on real and jed at the same and ci Am 'd '15,. p. 100. 4627. Special election for bending: district. The hoard of education may. when in its judgmenl it is advisable, or shall, when petitioned by a majority of the resident taxpayers of | school district, as appears by the comity it roll of the last preceding year, cad an electii n in ea >re- sentative precinct of the distrid. and submit to tl ers of the district whether bon ;uch district -had be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for pure] >ol sites, for building or purchasing md supplying the same with furniture and - y apparal for improving the grounds, and for the refunding and redemption of all or any portion of any bonds out- standing in any such district. '05, p. 138. Bond elections generally, §§ 4590- 4596. 4628. Election, how called. The cvided for in the preceding se< tion shall be called by publish] than ten days, a notice signed h;. nt and clerk of the board ; education, in a newspaper having culation in the school district, and by polling places in each ' is - trict for the same length i lec- tion. The hoard of education before any noti ied or posted, shall appoinl ^ n - tative district to conduct the bond in provided for, who shall take and subscribe an oath of office, and who shall make returns thereof to the board as herein provided. Such notice shall contain: 1. The time and place of holding same; 2. The names of the judg each polling place to con- duct the same : 3. The time during which the polls will remain open; S4 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4. The amount and denomination of the bonds, the rate of interest, and the number of years, not exceeding twenty, the whole or any part of said bonds are to rim. In case it shall become necessary in a county school dis- trict of the first class to incur additional indebtedness as pro- vided in § 4591, the election therefor shall be called and con- ducted as prescribed in this section, except that the fourth subdivision required herein in the notice shall specify, instead of the amount and denomination of the bonds, etc., the amount of indebtedness which the board proposes to incur or create, and for what purposes. '05, p. 138. 4629. Form of ballot. The ballot used at such election shall be furnished by the board of education, and shall express upon its face the questions the board desires to submit to the taxpayers. No informalities in conducting such election shall invalidate the same, if it shall have been otherwise legally con- ducted. '05, p. 139. 4630. Qualifications of electors. Every registered voter residing in any school representative district in which any election is held for the purpose of determining the question of issuing bonds for such school district, and who shall have paid a property tax therein in the year preceding such elec- tion, shall be entitled to vote at any such election. Challenges for cause by any qualified voter shall be allowed at such elec- tion, and promptly decided by the judges conducting the same. '05, p. 139. 4631. Canvass of votes cast. Returns. Statement to be filed with county clerk, immediately after the closing of the polls, the persons appointed to conduct the same shall proceed to count and canvass the ballots cast at such election, and make returns thereof to the board of education ; and said board shall, within five days after said election, meel and canvass said returns, and if a majority of the ballots cast at said election are in favor of issuing such bonds, Then the board shall cause an entry of that fact to be made upon its minul and shall immediately file with the clerk of the county in which such school district is situated a certified copy of the order of the 'hoard Lueation, and certified copies of the notices published or posted, calling such election, with an affidavit showing when and where said notices were published or posted, and that they were published or posted as required by law and the order of the board of education. The board shall also file with said clerk a statement showing the approximate number of inhabitants and the value of taxable property in the district; that the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, including existing indebtedness, does no,1 exceed four per cent of the value of taxable property in the district; that the election at SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH which the question of issuing bonds was submitted was law- fully called and held; thai all pr< lings in relation to tin* proposed issue of bonds in said distrid were lawfully conduct- ed, and that such bonds may be lawfully issued ; and thereupon said board of education shall be and it is hereby authorized and directed to issue the bonds of such distrid to the number and amount voted for at such election. The money for the re- demption of said bonds, and the payment of the interest there- on as it shall become due, shall be raised by taxation upon the taxable property of said distrid ivided, that the total amount of bonds so issued, including existing indebtedm shall not exceed Tour per cent of the taxable property of I district, as shown by the last equalized assessmenl roll county purposes. '05. p. 139; '07. p. 84. 4632. Denomination of bonds. Interest. Time. The nomination of the bonds which may be issued under the pro- visions of this chapter shall be $50 or some multiple of fifty not exceeding $1,000, and shall bear f not exceeding the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, or annually, in accordance with interest coupons which shall be attached to said bonds, and shall be made payable not more than twenty years from their date. The hoard of education may re- serve the right to redeem such bonds, or any of them, at any time after five years from their issue. Any bonds heretofore au- thorized by vote of any school district remaining unsold may, in the discretion of the board, be hereafter issued, to bear any rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, pay- able annually or semi-annually. '05, p. 140. 4633. Form of bonds. Whenever any bonds - led under the provisions of this chapter, they shall 1"' engraved, lithographed, or printed on bond paper, and shal their face the dale of their issue, the amount of bond, what purpose issued, also the time and place of payment and rate of interest to be paid. They shall have printed upon I margin the words, "authorized by ad of the 1< ire of the state of Utah, A. D. 1897, and all supplemental and amen- datory " and upon the back of a certificate, signed by the county clerk, in si tially the following form : I certify that the within bond is issued in a ith law, and is within the debt limit permitted by the co.i ion and laws of the of Utah, and in with a vote of the taxpayers of 1 distrid of - county, state of Utah, at an election held on the day of 19 , authorizing bonds to the amount of dollars. 36 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH They .shall be signed by the president and clerk of the board of education and countersigned by the treasurer thereof, and there shall be entered in a book to be kept by the clerk for that ■ e the number, date, and denomination of the bo> and the date -when the same shall become due. '05, p. 140. Certification '.rids ar> I limit, ?§ 466-469. 4634. Board may sell bonds. Whenever any bonds are issued under the provisions of this chapter, the board of edu- cation shall have authority to neg ■ and sell such bonds to the hi< bidder. No contingent bid shall be received, and every bid shall be accompanied by a ied check of five p as a forfeit, payable to ' ler of the board of education. The board may reject, any or all bids. The pro- ceeds shall be used exclusively for +he purpose for which they p. 140. 4635. Redeemed bonds — refunding — validity — objections — procedure — consolidated districts. Whenever any of the boj district - all have been redeemed or pur- chased by the Board of Education, they shall be can- ed by writing or printing in red ink eh bond and coupon the word-. "Paid and cancelled ;" and the date of pay- ment and amount paid shall be entered in the clerk's register against the number of the bond he bond and coupons so cancelled shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the board and pr ok to be kept for that purpose. Any bond or bonds heretofore or hereafter sumed, through consolidation or otherv ise, by any board of education or school trict may be refunded at any t : i ird or school distrid a a lower rate of inter r terms can be obtained, or to provide means for the payment of maturing . and the ] tons shall not apply. W " bo d advisable b board of educati r of ai h bond or - may be de- termined in the following manner: The B of Education shall e hed once a wei two s ive ed in said school district, or if there be i . then sting for a like period in three public and conspicuous places in said district, a notice d< with sufficient particularity for identi- fication the bond or bond'; intended to be refunded, and re- quiring any and all persons objecting to the legality, regular- ity, or validity of said bond or bonds, or of the jssne or sale thereof, or of the indebtedness represented thereby, to be and appear before such Board of Education at, a specified place within said district on a specified day and time, which shall not be less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after the first publication of said notice then and there to present in writing, - HOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH duly certified, such objection as he or th< the le- gality, regularity, or validity of said bond or bonds, the or sale thereof, or the indebtedne id thereby, i Board of Education shall convene 'al the time ■mm qu ing in any manner or proceeding, the legality, regularity, validity of such bond or bonds, or of the issue or sale tl or of the indebtedness represented thereby, and said Board of Education may thereupon refund or redeem said bond or bond-. Any person filing any such written objection shall, with- in twenty days thereafl r, tnmence appropriate Legal pro- ceedings against said Board of Education and such other | son or persons as may be proper parties, in the district court for the county and district wherein said jel >ol district is uated, to challenge and determine the legality, regularity and validity of such bond or bonds, of the issue and Bale there- of, and of the indebtedness represented thereby. The ef" of a failure, for any cause whatever, to eomm rach Legal proceedings within said twenty days, shall be the same though no such objection had been presented or filed, and upon proof of such failure by certificate of the clerk of said court or otherwise, said Board of Education may refund or redeem said bonds. Bonds may also be issued by a consolid without an election, for the funding, pure 1 ion of the outstanding indebtedness of any such ool district provided such debt was contracted prior I la- 'tion and was assumed by such 3trict pur- suant to law. The legality, regularity, and validity of any such outstanding indebtedness may be determined in the manner herein above set forth for determining the validity of bonds be refunded by any Board of Education. Am'd '05, p. 141 ; P. 2? 4636. Interest and sinking fund. The I in its annual estimate and levy provided for in this chapl shall include an amount sufficient to pay the in- same accrues on all outstanding bond- I by tl also to create a sinking fund of two per cent of the pa outstanding bonds for the redemption of said lall cause a tax to be levied and collected as in this chapter, and such money shall remain - all not be appropriated or us any otb is hereinafter provided. ~. p. 141. 38 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4637. Investment of sinking fund. The moneys levied and collected for creating a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds issued by the board of education shall be used as follows : After retaining an amount sufficient to pay the prin- cipal of the bonds maturing during the year, the board shall, with the surplus of the sinking fund, invest the same in bonds of the state of Utah, or of any school district, town, city, or county thereof, or of the United States, on the best terms to be obtained, until such time as it may be needed to purchase any outstanding bonds that may be offered, or until the ma- turity of any such bonds. '05, p. 141. Sinking funds may be invested, § 5200 4638. Bonds a lien on property of district. Bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be a lien upon the taxable property of the school district issuing them, and when the board of education neglects or refuses to levy a tax in ac- cordance with law to meet the outstanding bonds or the in- terest thereon, the board of county commissioners of the county within which such district is situated shall levy such tax and apply the money thus collected to the payment of such bouds and the interest due thereon. '05, p. 141. 4639. Board shall advertise for bids for building- school- houses. Whenever any schoolhouse is to be built, the board of education shall advertise for at least ten days in some news- paper published in the county for sealed proposals for building such schoolhouse in accordance with the plans and specifica- tions, which shall be furnished by the board of education at its office or at the office of the architect, stating in such ad- vertisement or notice the place where, and the day and the hour when, all proposals will be opened, and reserving the right to. reject any and all proposals, and shall require a cer- tified check of not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid to accompany the same, which check shall be made payable to the order of the board of education, and the check of the successful bidder shall be forfeited in case he fails or refuses to enter into the contract and furnish the bond re- quired. At the time and place specified in said notice, the board shall meet and publicly open and read all the proposals which have been received, and, if satisfactory bids have been received, shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and shall require of such bidder or contractor a bond in one-half the amount of the contract, conditioned that he will properly perform its conditions in a faithful manner and in accordance with its provisons. In case none of the proposals are satisfactory, all shall be rejected, and said board shall ad- vertise anew in the same manner as before. It may reauire in the contract to be executed that at least twenty per cent of the contract price may be withheld until the building is com- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF I'TAII 39 pleted and accepted by the board. Bu1 if, after twice adver- tising as provided herein, no satisfactory bid is received, the board may proceed under its own direction to ereel the build- ing required, or in ease of a building no1 exceeding $5,000 in cost, if no. satisficatory bid is received at the first notice, the board may proceed with the construction as it may determine; provided, that no member of the board of education shall be financially interested in the contract, directly or indirectly, in the erection of any school building. '05, p. 142. Contractors must give bond, §§ 3753, it will be presumed that the bond was 3754. require'd of and furnished by the con- This section does not apply after tlie tractor in accordance with the statute. contract has been entered into and the Tooele Bldg. .'. " v. Tooele Ili^U bond furnished, and after the board of School Dist., 43 I . 372; L34 P 894. education had entered into the contract 4640. Parental schools. The board of education of any county school district of the first class, or the hoard of educa- tion of any tAvo or more such districts, under a contract to be approved by each of such hoards, may provide for the estab- lishment and maintenance of parental schools, and for the sup- port and education of the inmates thereof, conformably with the provisions of this chapter. '05, p. 14:2. Parental schools in cities, §§ 47J1- Detention schools, ?§ 1875-1881. 4729. 4641. Truants may be committed to parental schools. Any child, between the ages of eight and fourteen years, re- siding within the district or districts maintaining such a school, adjudged guilty of being a habitual truant, or of wandering about in the streets and public places of said district or dis- tricts without lawful employment or business, may he com- mitted to the parental school provided for the purpose, for a term not exceeding beyond the age of fourteen years. '05, p. 142. 4642. Truant may be released. Any child committed as provided in the next preceding section may he released from confinement at such school, either conditionally or absolute- ly, before the expiration of the terni of commitment, in accord- ance with the by-laws established by the hoard or boards of education maintaining the same. '05, p. 143. 4643. Neglected children may be committed to parental school. Children under sixteen years of age who. by reason of neglect, crime, drunkenness, or other vices of parents, or by reason of orphanage, are suffered to grow up without sal- . utary parental control and education, or in circumstances encouraging them to lead idle and dissolute lives, may be com- mitted to the proper parental school for a term not extending beyond the age of sixteen years. '05, p. 143. 4644. How discharged. When the parents of a child committed under the next preceding section have reformed 40 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH and arc leading orderly and industrious lives, and are in a 'condition to exercise salutary control over such child, and to provide him with proper education and employment; or when, said parents being dead, any person offers to make such suit- able provisions for the care, nurture, and .education of such jchild as will conduce to the public welfare, the board of edu- cation may discharge him to the parents or such other person. '05, p. 143. 4645. District court has jurisdiction. The district courts of the several counties shall have jurisdiction within their respective counties to enforce the provisions of this chapter, upon such notice to the parents or guardians of the children whom it is proposed to commit to parental schools as the court may deem just and proper. '05, p. 143. 4646. Parents pay cost of children in parental school. Any board or boards of education maintaining a parental school in accordance with § 4640 shall estimate and determine, as near as may be, the average actual expense per month of keeping and taking care of the boys and girls who may be committed to the parental school, and the average cost of keeping such boys and girls shall be wholly paid by the par- ent -or guardian of each boy or girl committed to the school, unless for go,od cause said board or boards of education shall otherwise order and direct. The board of education of the district in which the parent or guardian of any such com- mitted boy or girl resides may bring suit to enforce this pro- vision. '05, p. 143. 4647. Other children may be received in parental school. On the tender of a payment which will meet all costs of support at the parental school, the board or boards of education main- taining such school may receive into it on equal terms boys or girls whose residence is in the state outside the district or districts to which the school belongs. '05, p. 143. 4648. Truant officer. The board of education of each county school district of the first class may appoint and fix the compensation of a truant officer, whose duty it shall be to make complaints and arrests in cases contemplated by this chapter, and to serve legal process issued by courts in pur- suance hereof. The sheriff of the county shall make such truant officer a deputy sheriff to, serve without pay, so far as the sheriff's office is concerned. '05, p. 143. Duty under employment of children act, § 1864. 4649. County superintendent's office vacant in certain cases. When a county of the first class is so organized as to school districts that there are no such districts therein, other SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 11 than those of cities of the first or of the second class and coun- ty school districts of the Eirsl class, on the firsl .Monday in August nf any year in which then' is a general election for county officers, then no county superintendent of schools shall be elected for such comity at thai election, and the off shall become and remain vacant for the sue. ling term or terms, as the case may be, except that in the event of th being no election for county superintendent of schools in the year 1906, the present incumbent shall hold office till the 1st day of July, 1907; but the board of county commissioners shall fix the salaries therefor, as required by law, to be dis- tributed pro rata among- school superintendents in county school districts of the first class, as provided in § 4624, as com- pensation for services in whole or in part, as such compensa- tion may be fixed by the board of education of the district, no other compensation than that fixed by the board of county commissioners to come out of the general school fund of the county. Where there is no county superintendent of schools under the foregoing provision, then the county auditor shall make to. the school districts in the county the apportion- ment of school funds provided for in § 4565, and the county treasurer shall pay such apportioned funds to the school dis- trict treasurers upon the warrants of the county auditor, who shall make report thereof to the board of county commis- sioners, and to the state superintendent, as provided by law. When there is no county superintendent, the board of county commissioners shall arrange the county teachers' institutes and designate the school district superintendent in the county which shall take charge thereof. '05, p. 144. 4650. Registration lists to be furnished. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to furnish to boards of education in county school districts of the first class, at least five days pre- viousto the day of election for members of the said hoard, a certified copy of the registration list, showing the names of all registered voters residing in the election district covered by such school districts. : 05. p. 144. Registration for school election, §§ 2112, 2136, 2141. CHAPTER 11. SCHOOLS IN CITIES. 4660. This chapter applicable to cities of the first and of the second class. Control. All cities of the first and of the second class shall be governed by the provisions of this chap- ter. The public school system therein shall be controlled by 42 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH the board of education of such cities, separate and apart from the counties in which the cities are located. County school districts of first class, Separate maintenance and control, §§ 4597-4650. Con. art. 10, sec. 6. 4661. Each city a school district. Control. Each city subject to the provisions of this chapter, and all territory which shall hereafter be added thereto, shall constitute one school district, and public schools therein shall be free to all residents thereof between the ages of six and eighteen years of age, and of children within the required age whose father, mother, or guardian is a taxpayer within said district. All public schools and property therein shall be under the direc- tion and control of the board of education. 4662. Membership of board of education. The board of education of cities of the first class shall consist of ten mem- bers, two to be elected from and by each municipal ward ; and, of cities of the second class, shall consist of five members, one to be elected from and by each municipal ward. 4663. Election of members of board in cities of the first class. There shall be elected in cities of the first class, on the first Wednesday of December, 1897, two members of the board from each municipal ward, one for the term of one year, and one for the term of three years ; and in 1898, and biennially thereafter, on the first Wednesday of December, one member from each municipal ward for the term of four years. 4664. Election of members of board in cities of the sec- ond class. There shall be elected in cities of the second class, on the first Wednesday of December, 1916, one member of the board of education from the first municipal ward for a term of one year; one member from the second municipal ward for a term of two years : one member from the third municipal ward for a term of three years; one member from the fourth muni- cipal ward for a term of four years ; one member from the fifth municipal ward for a term of five years, and thereafter there shall be elected annually on the first Wednesday in December for the term of five years, a member from the ward in which the term of a member expires. Am'd '13, p. 38. 4666. Election of Boards in city districts — procedure. Elections for members of the Board shall be called and con- ducted, and the canvass of returns shall be made, and the qualifications of electors shall be as provided in the general registration and election laws, except as in this Section here- inafter provided. There must be at least one voting place in each municipal ward. It shall be necessary for each candi- date, or at least five citizens in behalf of the candidate, to file with the clerk of the Board of Education not less than SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OP I'TAH 43 fifteen days next preceding the date of election, a signed statement announcing thai he or she is a candidate, and '-aid clerk shall immediately thereafter furnish a list of said <-an- didates to any citizen who may call upon him for the same. Appointments of judges of election shall be made by the Hoard of Education at any convenient time prior to the day of elec- tion. The Board of Education shall furnish the judges of election at every polling place with a sufficient number of official ballots for election purposes and shall pay all other lawful and necessary expenses of the election. The election shall in all other respects be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the stale. The Board of Edu- cation shall exercise all such powers relative to school elections in their respective cities as are conferred upon the Board of County Commissioners in other elections, so far as conform- able with this chapter. Ani'd 19, p. 279; '21, Ch. 102. Elections generally S S 2100-2424. Registration for school election! School elections generally, 5 4602. 2112, 2136, 2141. 4667. Qualification of members of board. Vacancy. Every member of the board of education in cities of the first and of the second class shall be and remain a resident, quali- fied, registered voter in the municipal ward from which he is elected, and the board of education is hereby required to fill any vacancy that may occur through non-residence or any other cause, until the next election of members of the hoard: and in case the board of education, shall, for a period of thirty days after such vacancy shall occur, fail to agree upon the election of a member to fill such vacancy, then the mayor of the city, by and with the consent of the city council, shall fill such vacancy until the next election; provided, that any vacancy occurring previous to the annual election having an unexpired term shall be filled for such unexpired term at the first school election thereafter, and the ballots shall he as follows : "To fill the unexpired term " Am'd ? 07, p. 202. 4668. Officers . Oath. The members elected as herein provided shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath of office. In cities of tin- first class they shall organize by electing from their number a president and a vice-president, whose term of office shall be for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. In cities of the second class the member having one year to serve shall be ex officio president and the member having two years to serve shall be ex officio vice-president. They shall aiso elect a clerk and a treasurer, who shall be re- gistered voters in the scho.ol district, and whose respective terms of office shall be two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Am'd 13, p. 39. Issue emplovment permits for child- ren, §§ 1860-1869. 44 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4669. Removal of officers. Any officer appointed or elected by the board of education for a specified term may be removed from his office for cause by the vote of two-thirds of the board. 4670. Board may appoint necessary officers. The board of education shall have power to. appoint all other officers that in its judgment may be necessary fully to carry out the provisions of this chapter, for the protection and improve- ment of school property, and for the promotion of the inter- ests of the schools, and remove the same at pleasure, and may require any such officer to give bonds to the board in such sum as it may prescribe. The oath of office and bond of the clerk shall be filed with the treasurer, and all others shall be filed with the clerk. 4671. Election of superintendent. Oath and bond. At the first meeting- of the board in June, 1898, and biennially thereafter, a superintendent of schools shall be elected, who shall subscribe an oath of office, and shall enter upon his duties on the 1st day of July thereafter. His term of office shall be two years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. Issue employment permits for child- ren, § 1860-1869. 4672. School year. Reports. The school year shall com- mence on the first day of July annually, and close on the last day of June following. The annual reports of the president, the superintendent, and the several committees shall be pre- sented to the board at or before the first regular meeting in August of each year; and the financial and statistical reports of the board for the past school year, containing such items as shall be required by law or by the state superintendent, shall be forwarded to the state superintendent on or before August 15th of each year. Am'd '21, Ch. 103. 4673. Compensation of members. Penalty. The members of- the board of education shall fix the compensation to be re- ceived for their services, at a sum not to exceed $100 per an- num. No member of the board of education shall take any con- tract, receive appointment, or perform labor for which he shall receive payment from the school funds or in any way receive compensation other than the salary herein provided. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Am'd '05, p. 39. 4674. Annual school census. The board of education shall appoint suitable persons for each ward, who shall act as enumerators for school population for said ward, and visit every house therein between the fifteenth and thirty-first of October of each year, and ascertain and enter upon the lists SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 15 the name of every person residing in such ward who on October thirty-first of that year shall have reached tl of six and shall not have reached the age of eighteen. !' vided, thai all children betwi ther than the district or public high district in which thi all be enumerated in their home dis- trict. Such enumeration lists shall in all in tion required by law, and sue! superintendent or the board of education i M '21, Ch. 103. 4675. Census reports. T ration lists shall be filed with the cjerk of the board as soon as completed, and later than the tenth clay of November. Immediately there- after the clerk of the hoard shall make out and forward to the state superintendent a statement showing the number of children of school age residing in the district, together with all other information obtained under the provisions of the next preceding section that mav be required by th superin- tendent. Am'd '21, Ch. 1<> 4676. Duties of president defined. Vice-president. It the duty of the president to preside a1 all meeti of the board, to appoint all commitl warrants ordered by the board of education to be drawn upon the treasurer for school moneys. In case o£ the absenc dis- ability of the president, his dutii - shall be performed by the vice-president. 4677. Bond of clerk of board, 1 tering upon the discharge of his duties, the clerk shall give a bond to the hoard of tion ofsuch city in such sum as said board may prescribe, with good and sufficienl sun approved by the board, conditioned for the faithful performai his duties, and shall qua! cordini law. 4678. Dirties and compensation of clerk, [t shall be the duty of the clerk to attend all i - of the board . an accurate journal of its proci nd custody of the seal, reco . and pa vided for; to. countersign all warrants drawn upon urer by order oJ rd; to keep an aecu scount of all moneys paid to the treasurer on account *d and from what source received, and all mi paid on o drawn on the tre m *r by order of said board; and to pr and submit to the hoard an annual statement, under oath, of the receipts and disbursements during the year ending June 30. which statement the hoard shall cause to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in said city, showing: 1. The amount on hand at the date of the lasl t: 2. The amount of sinking fund and how invested; 46 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 3. The moneys paid out, and for what paid; 4. The balance of school moneys on hand; 5. The number, date, and amount on every bond issued and redeemed under the authority herein given, and the amount received and paid therefor. The clerk shall perform such other duties as the board and its committees may require. He shall receive for his services such compensation as the board may determine. Am'd '11, p. 124. 4679. Duties and compensation of treasurer. The treas- urer of the board of education shall subscribe to the oath of office and give a bond to the board with sufficient sureties and in such sum as the board may require ; said oath and bond to be approved by the board and filed with its clerk. He shall be the custodian of all moneys belonging to the corporation, and be responsible upon his bond for all moneys received by him as treasurer. He shall prepare and submit in writing a monthly report of the receipts and disbursements of his of- fice, and pay out school moneys only upon a warrant signed by the president, or, in his absence or disability, by the vice- president, countersigned by the clerk, and shall perform such other duties as the board may require. The treasurer shall receive for his services such amount as the board of education may fix and determine. The board may require the treasurer to keep his office and records in the office of the board. Premium on bond, how paid. 5 4500. § 4754. Funds to draw interest and where Require) for participation >in L, § 4500. slata high school fund, §5 4575-4582. Treasurer teachers' retirement fund, 4680. Board of education a body corporate. Powers and duties. The board of education of any such city shall be a body corporate under the name of "The Board of Education of City" (inserting the proper name), and shall have an official seal conformable to such name, which shall be used by the clerk in the authentication of all matters re- quiring it. And said board, in the name aforesaid, may sue and be sued: may take, hold, lease, sell, and coi vey real and personal property, as the interests of the schools may require. The members of the board and the clerk thereof shall have the power and authority to administer oaths in proof of claims and accounts against said corporation, and no claim or account daries of teachers and janitoi ill be audited or al- lowed by the board of education unless the correctness of the same shall be proved under oath. 4681. Powers and duties defined. The board of educa- tion shall have the power and authority to purchase or sell schoolhouse sites and improvements thereof; to construct and erect school buildings and to furnish the same; to establish, SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF ITAII 47 locate, and maintain kindergarten schools, <•uhihh.ii schools, consisting of primary and grammar grades, high schools, and industrial or manual training schools; to establish and sup- port school libraries: to purchase, exchange, repair, and im- prove the high school apparatus, books, furniture, fixtures and all other school supplies in said schools. It shall sup- ply and loan to pupils in the several grades and departments of said schools, excepl the high school, fr f charge, all text books and supplies used by the pupils of said schools; it shall have the power to sell to pupils in the several grades and departments of said schools, at cost, all text books and supplies used by the pupils of said schools; to colled all books and apparatus, loaned to pupils of the public schools of any such city, or damages for the loss, injury, or destruc- tion of the same; to assign to the state Normal School, the purpose of instruction in the prad - shoo! connected therewith, a sufficient number of pupils of appropriate grades, and reimburse the state university or said normal school for the instruction of such pupils at rates per pupil uo1 exceeding the average cost of instruction for pupils in the public schools of the city as ascertained for each year; to do all things need- ful for the maintenance, prosperity, and su< ss of the schools, and the promotion of education: to adopt by-laws and rules for procedure of the board of education, and make and en- force all needful rules and regulations for the control and management of the public schools of the city; provided, that said school boards shall purchase all books now remaining in the hands of the merchants of their respective cities, at the introductory exchange price. Am'd '03, p. 159. Authority to establish high schools, May employ physician, ' ',540. Con. art. io. sec 2. The arbitrary closii tools 0:1 Compulsory attendance of c of smallpox does §§ 4740-4743. nor the board of education of Control of local hoards of health, liability for salary of teacher, under « 27£ tract, for time lost .lurintr such Insure employees §§ 3110, 3111, period. 3119. McKay v. Barnett, 21 T". 239: 60 Duties as to school houses as civic P. 1100. centers, 5 § -1 " 5 1 • 1 5 5 1 - 4682. Sale cf sites and buildings. or buildings shall be sold or conveyed by the board of edn tion, except on resolution of the board, duly adopted at a regular or duly called meeting, and not then without the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members of the baord. 4683. Board has rights and duties of constituent dis- tricts. Suits by and against. Upon the election and qualifi- cation of a board of education for any city, the trusl all school districts sxisting in sai shall convey and deliver all the school property in said district to the board of edu- cation of said city: and the title of all such property, and all 48 SCHOOL -LAWS OP 1 THE STATE OP UTAH property hereafter acquired for school purposes in said city, shrill be conveyed to and vested in said board of education, for the use of the district schools of said city; and all rights, claims, and causes of action to or for said property, or the use or income thereof, or for any conversion, disposition, or withholding thereof, or for any damage or injury thereto, shall at once vest in the hoard of education of said city, in trust for the use of the district schools of the city, and said board, in the name aforesaid, may bring and maintain actions to recover, protect, and preserve the property and rights of the district schools, and to enforce any contract relating thereto, and in its said name may sue and be sued in any court of lav or equity. And all outstanding debts and obligations of any such school district shall be paid by such! board of edu- cation. 4684. Board of examiners, how constituted. In each city of the first and of the second class there shall be a board of examiners, consisting of the city superintendent of public schools, or the superintendent-elect, and two or more other members having practical experience as teachers, residents of said city, to be designated associate examiners. The as- sociate examiners shall be elected by the board of education at their first meeting in April annually, and shall hold of- fice for one year, but no candidate for examination as a pre- liminary to teaching in the public schools shall be an as- sociate examiner. Ain'd '05, p. 111. 4G85. Chairman of examiners. The city superintendent of public schools, or superintendent-elect, shall be chairman of the board of examiners. 4686. Compensation of associate examiners. The asso- ciate examiners shall receive such a staled compensation per diem for services actually rendered as may be allowed them by the board of education. The chairman of the board of miners shall certify to the correctness of claims for ser- vices rendered by the associate examiners. 4687. Teachers' examinations. Special meetings. Rec- ord. The board of examines shall meet and hold examina- tions for the granting of teachers' certificates on such occa- sions only as may be authorized by the board of education. Special meetings, not for the purpose of conducting exami- nations, may be called by the chairman, when, in his judg- ment, the same are necessary. A record of the proceedings of the board of examiners shall be kept in the office of its chairman, and at all times be open for the inspection of the board of education ; and such portions of it as may concern any candidate for a certificate shall be open for the inspec- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 49 tion of such candidate or his authorized representative. State examination and diplomas, §§ 4506-4511. 4688. Power of board of examiners. Issue, renewal, and revocation of certificates. The board of examiners shall have power : 1. To adopt rules and regulations, uol inconsistent with the laws of the state or the rules* of the board of education, for its own government and for the examination of feeachers, and to fix standards of proficiency for the granting and re- newing of certificates, either heretofore or hereafter issued, subject. to the approval of the board of education. 2. To prepare questions on the various subjects pre- scribed by law. and examine by written or oral examination all candidates for any of the following certificates: First. A city high school certificate, valid, for one year only, unless relieved, and authorizing the holder to teach or serve as principal in any primary, grammar, or high school in the city : Second. A city grammar certificate, valid for one year only, unless renewed, and authorizing the holder to teach in any primary or grammar school, or serve as principal in any primary school in such city: Third. A city primary certificate, valid for one year only, unless renewed, and authorizing the holder to teach in any primary school in the city. The board of examiners shall report the result of all exam- inations to the board of education, who through the presi- dent, and clerk thereof, shall issue to the successful candi- dates the certificates io which they are entitled. 3. To recommend to the board of education the renewal of the various renewable certificates, in accordance with such r ulations as they may adopt, or as may he prescribed by the board of education; whereupon said hoard of education, through .its president and clerk, may renew such certifies from vcar to year. 4. For immoral and unprofessional conduct, profanity, intemperance, or evident unfitness for teaching, to recommend to the board of education the revocation of any certificate previously granted by said hoard of education. .">. In case of necessity, to grant, by the chairman of the board of examiners, temporary certificates to teachers of ex- 50 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH perience of whose ability to pass the regular examination there is no doubt; provided, that such temporary certificate shall be valid only until the next regular examination, and under no circumstances shall be issued more than once to the same person. 4689. Qualification of applicant for* certificate. No cer- tificate or permission to teach shall be issued to any person not eighteen years of age. No certificate shall be granted to any person whose moral character or habits are known by the board of examination or by the board of education, to be bad, or who is afflicted with a serious infectious or hereditary disease. Am'd '03, p. 72. State diploma, §§ 4707, 4708. Normal certificates, § 4709. 4690. Certificates granted only after examination. ..No certificate shall be granted by the board of education or upon its authority, except to successful candidates in a regular or special examination conducted by the board of examiners in accordance with the provisions of law. 4691. Examination for grammar and primary certificates City primary and city graiimiai certificates shall be | granted only to applicants who aiv found, upon examination, to have a practical knowledge, of pedagogics and school management, and to be proficient in and qualified to teach the following branches, namely: heading, writing, spelling, English grammar, geograpb}', arithmet : c, physiology and hygiene, United States history, and such other English branches as the board of edu- cation may prescribe ; provided, that the examination of ap- plicants for such certificates shall be specially adapted to dis- cover their fitness to teach all the branches named to pupils of primary or grammar grades respectively. 4692. Id. High school certificate. City high school cer- tificates shall be granted only to applicants who pass satis- fac'oiily the examination required for grammar certificates, and, in addition thereto, sustain a satisfactory examination in civil government, physical geography, elementary physios, elementary algebra, botany, and such other branches as the board of education may prescribe. 4693. Teachers exempt from examination. Holders of normal diplomas and certificates issued after March 1, 1892, by the University of Utah, and holders of state diplomas or state certificates shall be exempt from all further examina- tions during the term of validity of such certificates as pro- vided by law. Teachers engaged in the exclusive teaching of music, foreign languages, drawing, penmanship, kindergarten, and physical culture shall be exempt from all examinations except such as pertain to the special departments over which they may preside. SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF ITAII 51 4694. Special certificates. Special certificates shall be granted only to applicants who pass satisfactorily an examina- tion in a special or departmental subject (such as music, foreign language, drawing, penmanship, kindergarten, phy- sical culture, etc.,) and such other subjects as are calculated to discover applicants' fitness to teach in public schools, 4695. Board to select textbooks. In each city of the first and of the second class the Board of Education shad de- cide what textbooks shall be adopted in all public schools of the city, and their use shall be mandatory therein for the period of adoption. The Board of Education shall meet, as a text- book commission for the purpose of adopting textbooks every two years, beginning in 1922. In 1922 approximately one- third of the textbooks adopted shall be for a period of four years, approximately one-third shall he for a period of six years, and the remainder for a period of eight years. Thereafter adoptions shall be for a period of six years, approxi- mately one-third of the textbooks in use to be adopted at each biennial meeting of the Board called for the adoption of text- books. At any biennial meeting, any textbook found unsatis- factory can be changed by the board. Am'd '21 Ch. 104. • 4696. Notice to publishers. The board of education shall give notice at least sixty days prior to the expiration of any contract regulating the supply and use of text books in such city, by publication in a newspaper having a general circula- tion in this state, of its intention to adopt text books for the public schools of the city, calling for bids and terms from pub- lishers of text books for schools, stating approximately the number and kind of books required; that separate and sealed proposals will be received by the board of education for furn- ishing each kind of book, the place where, and the day and hour when, all proposals will be opened, and that the board reserves the right to reject any and a!! proposals or any part thereof. 4697. Opening bids. At the time and pla se specified in said notice, the board shall meet and publicly open ami read all the proposals which shall have been received, and shall make their decision within thirty days thereafter. 4698. Samples and prices on books. Sealed proposals must be accompanied witht sample copies of the books to be furnished, together with a statement of the introductory or exchange price, and of a wholesale and a retail price, at which the publisher agrees to furnish each book within the city during the full time that may be required by the board of education. 52 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4699. Unsatisfactory proposals. If no satisfactory pro- posals are received, the board, in its discretion, may advertise anew, and the books in use shall be continued in use until satisfactory proposals shall have been received and accepted. 4700. Contract with successful bidders. Bond. The pub- lisher or publishers whose proposals shall be accepted must en- ter into a written contract with the board of education, and shall give a bond with two sufficient sureties in a reasonable sum, to be fixed by the board, for the faithful performance of such contract. 4701. School property exempt from taxation and execu- tion. All property, real and personal, held by the board of education shall be exempt from general and special taxation, and from all local assessments for any purpose, and shall not be taken in any manner for debt. Property exempt from taxation, Con. .cation are exempt from legal assess- art. 13, sec. 3. merits and taxation for construction. This section is not in conflict with of a public sewer, and the city could Con. art. 13. sec. 3. and the word not impose the payment of a reasonable "held" means property owned by the charge before permitting the board to board. connect with or use the sewer. Wey v. S. L. City, 35 U. 504; 101 B. of Ed. v. McGonagle, 38 U. 280; P. 380. , 112 P. 401. Lands owned by the board of edu- 4702. City one taxation district. For purposes of taxa- tion the whole city shall constitute one school district. 4703. Distribution of state funds to cities. All cities or- ganized under -he provisions of this chaptei shall receive their p- lata share of any state taxes levied for the support of district schools, or any funds thai may lie realized from any source which, under the operation of law, are required to be divided pro rata for the benefit of children of school age resid- ing in the state. 4704. Estimate of required revenue. Annual levy. Limit. Collection. ..The hoard of education shall, on or before the 1st day of May of cad) year, prepare a statement and estimate of the amount necessary for the support and maintenance of the schools under its charge for the school year commencing on the 1st clay of July next thereafter; also the amount necessary to pay the interest accruing during such year, and not in- •clnded in any prior estimate, on bonds issued by said hoard; also the amount of sinking fund necessary to be collected dur- ing such year for the payment and redemption of said bonds; and shall forthwith cause the same to be certified by the presi- dent and clerk of said board to the officers charged with the assessment and collection of taxes for general county purposes in the county in which the city is situated, and such officers, after having extended the valuation of property on the as- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF 1TAII 53 sessment roll, shall levy such per cenl as shall, as nearly as may he, raise the amount required by the board, which levy shall be uniform on all property within the said city as return- ed on the assessment roll; and the said county officers are hereby authorized and required to place the same on the I roll. Said taxes shall be collected by the county treasurer as other taxes arc collected, but without additional compen- sation for assessing and collecting, and he shall pay the same to the treasurer of said hoard, promptly as collected, who shall hold the same subject to the order of the board of edu- cation; provided, thai the tax for the, supporl and maintenance of such school in cities of the firsl class shall not ex -d in any one year 6V4 mills on the dollar upon all taxable property said city, 2 1 /. mills additional on the dollar in one year to he used exclusively for the purchase of school sites and the tion of school buildings; and in cities of the second class, the tax for the support and maintenance of such scl Is shall not exceed in any one year 10 mills on the dollar upon all taxable property in said city. Am'd '01, p. 14'> : '07, p. 101 ; '15, p. 193-210. Levy of county and district school tive intent, yet as the word "and" is a tax. §§ 4525, conjunction implying addition, the eon- Sec. 4704 (1936) as amended, Ch. juncti 111, lav innot 111, Laws '15, p. 102. i- n on tional in so far as it attempts to divi essed valuation will be construed as I and seen:..' two classes — those \\ ' valua- but it must be taken as applicabl tion is over or und cities of the fii therefore the section as amended, by titutional a^ chap. 115. laws '15. p. 210, is it < cities and the limitation prescribed does B. of Ed. v. Hunter. 4^ 1" " L59 not apply. P. mis. of Ed. v. Hanch< While punctuation may be disregarded P. '' for the purpose of ascertain la- 4705. Delinquent taxes to be paid to board. The respec- tive hoards of county commissioners shall pay over to the boards of education as fast as collected or realized their pro- portionate amount of delinquent taxes, interests, and on all tax sales, heretofore or hereafter made. Distribution of delinquent taxes, in- terest and costs, § 6i 4706. Special election for tax for sites, etc. The hoard of education may. at the annual spe- cial election, in its dis submit to the voters of the dis- trict the question of levying or m years, to buy sites, build and furnish schoolhonses, or impr the school property under its control. If the v in favor of such tax, it shall be levied and collected ther school taxes, and the board of education may apply any money available, raised from taxation, to the building on»or the im- proving: of the school property under its char- 4707. Id. Notice of election. Issuance of bonds. The board of education shall give such reasonable notice of such 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OP UTAH submission as it may deem proper ; and if submitted at a spe- cial election, may follow the procedure, so far as applicable, for the issuance of bonds. 4708. Bond election. Petition. The board of education may, when in its judgment it is advisable, or shall, when pe- titioned by a majority of the resident taxpayers of the school district, as appears by the county assessment roll of the last preceding year, call an election in each municipal ward of the city and submit to the taxpayers of the district, whether bonds of such district shall be issued and sold for the purpose of rais- ing money for purchasing school sites, for building or purchas- ing one or more school houses and supplying the same with furniture and necessary apparatus, for improving the grounds, and for the refunding and redemption of all or any portion of any bonds outstanding in any such district. Election to incur additional indebted- ness, § 4591. 4709. Notice and conduct of bond election. The elec- tion provided for in the preceding section shall be called by publishing, for not less than ten days, a notice signed by the president and clerk of the board of education, in a newspaper published in the city, and by posting said notice at the polling places in each municipal ward of the city for the same length of time next preceding said meeting. The board of education, before any notice is published or posted, shall appoint three electors in each municipal ward to conduct the elections here- in provided for, who shall take and subscribe an oath of of- fice, and who shall make returns thereof to the board as here- in provided. Such notice shall contain : 1. The time and place of holding the same; 2. The names of the judges at each polling place to con- duct the same; 3. The time during which the polls will remain open ; 4. The amount and denomination of the bonds, the rate of interest, and the number of years, not exceeding twenty, the whole or any part of said bonds are to run. 4710. Ballot. Informalities in election. The ballot used at such election shall be furnished by the board of education, and shall express upon its face the questions the board de- sires to submit to the taxpayers. . No informalities in conduct- ing such election shall invalidate the same, if it shall have been otherwise legally conducted. 4711. Qualifications of voters. Challenges. Every registered voter residing in any ward in which any election is held for the purpose of determining the question of issuing SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF I'TAII 55 bonds for such school district, and who shall have paid a property tax therein in the year preceding such election, shall be entitled to vote at any such election. Challenges for cause by any qualified voter shall be allowed at such election, and promptly decided by the judges conducting the .same. Registration for school election, 5 J136. 4712. Canvass of returns. Issue of bonds, [mmediately after the closing- of the polls, the persons appointed to conduct the same shall proceed to count and canvass the ballots east at such election, and make returns thereof to the board of education; and said board shall, within five days after said election, meet and canvass said returns, and if a majority of the ballots cast at said election are in favor of issuing such bonds, then the board shall cause an entry of that fact to be made upon its minutes, and shall, before issuing such bonds, file with the clerk of the county, in which such school district is situated, a certified copy of the order of the board of edu- cation, and certified copies of the notices published or posted, calling such election, with an affidavit showing when and where said notices were published or posted, and that they were published or posted as required by the law and the order of the board of education. The board shall also file with said clerk a statement showing the number of inhabitants and the value of taxable property in the district; that the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, including existing indebtedness, does not exceed 3 per cent of the value of taxable property in the district ; that the election at which the question of is- suing bonds was submitted and lawfully called and held: that all proceedings in relation to the proposed issue of bonds in said district were lawfully conducted, and that such bonds may be lawfully issued; and thereupon said hoard of educa- tion shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue the bonds of such district in any amount not exceeding the number and amount voted for at such election. The money for the redemption of said bonds, and the payment of interest thereon as it shall become due, shall be raised by taxation upon the taxable property of said district: provided, that the total amount of bonds issued, including existing indebtedness, shall not exceed 3 per cent of the taxable property of the dis- trict as shown by the last equalized assessment roll for city purposes, prior to issuing such bonds. No election shall be void because the amount of bonds authorized a1 such election exceeded the statutory limitation at the time of holding the election, but the bonds may be issued in accordance with such authorization, in any amount within the limitations fixed by law, at the time the bonds are issued. Am'd '07. p. 200; *D9 p. 178. Limit of indebtedness of school districts. >n. art. 14 4713. Denomination of bonds. Interest. Payment and redemption. The denomination of the bonds 'which may be is- 56 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH sued under the provisions of this chapter shall he $50 or some multiple of fifty, not exceeding $1000, and shall bear interest of not exceeding the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually or annually, in accordance with interest coupons which shall be attached to said bonds, and shall be made pay- able not more than twenty years from their date The board of education may reserve the right to redeem such bonds, or any of them, at any time after five years from their issue. Any bonds heretofore authorizied by vote of any school district, remaining unsold, may. in the discretion of the board, he here- after issued, to bear any rate of interest not exceeding 5 per cent per annum, payable annually, or semi-annually. 4714. Printing of bonds. Authorization. Signing. When ever any bonds are issued under the provisions of this chapter they shall be engrayed, lithographed, or printed on bond paper, and sii all state upon their face the date of their issue, the amount of bond, for what purpose issued, also the time and the place of payment and the rate of interest to he paid. They shall have printed upon the margin the words, "Authorized by act of the legislature of the state of Utah, A. D. 1897," and upon the back of each bond shall he printed a certificate, signed by the county clerk, in substantially the following form: I certify that the within bond is issued in accordance with law, and is within the debt limit permitted by the con- stitution and laws of the state of Utah and in accordance with a vote of the taxpayers of school district' of county, state of Utah, at an election held on the... day of. 19 , authorizing bonds to the amount of dollars. They shall be signed by the president and clerk of the board of education, and countersigned by the treasurer thereof, and there shall be entered in a book to be kept by the clerk for that purpose the number, date, and denomination of the bonds sold, and the date when the same shall become due. Certification that bonds are within debt limit, §? -166-469. 4715. Sale of bonds. Use of proceeds. Whenever any bonds are issued under the provisions of this chapter, the board of education shall have authority to negotiate and sell such bonds to the highest bidder. Xo contingent bid shall be received, and every bid shall be accompanied by a certified check of five per '-cut as a forfeit, payable to the order of the board of education. The board may reject any or all bids. The proceeds shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they are issued. 4716. Redemption and cancellation of bonds. Refunding. Whenever any of the bonds of a school district shall have been redeemed or purchased by the board of education, they SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 57 shall be cancelled by writing or printing in red ink ac ich bond and coupon the words, "Paid and cancelled"; and the date of payment and amounl paid shall be entered in the clerk's register againsl the Dumber of the bond, and the bond and coupons so canceled shall 1>" filed in the office of the clerk of the board and preserved in a bonk to be kepi for thai purpose. Any bond or bonds heretofore or hereafter issued ]>y any board of education or school districl may 1"' refunded any time by such board or school districl when a lowe of interesi or better terms can be obtained, and the provisions hereof as to elections shall not apply. 4717. Annual levy for interest and sinking fund. The hoard of education, in its annual estimate and levy provided for in this chapter, shall include an amount sufficient to pay the interest as the same accrues on all outstanding bonds is- sued by the hoard, and also to create a sinking fund of two per cent of the par value of outstanding bonds for the redemp- tion of said bonds, and shall cause a tax to be levied and col- lected as provided for in this chapter, and such money shall remain a specific fund, and shall no1 be appropriated or used for any oilier purpose than is hereinafter provided. 4718. Sinking fund, investment of. The m and collected for creating a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds issued by the board of education shall be used as follows: After retaining an amounl sufficient to pav the principal of the bonds maturing during the year, the board shall, witli the surplus of the sinking fund, invest the same in bonds of the state of Utah, or ^\' any school di town, city, or county thereof, or of the United States, on thi terms to he obtained, until such time as it may be needed to purchase any outstanding bonds that may be offered, or until the maturity of any such bonds. Sinking fund may bf> invested, ? .".'200 4719. Bonds a lien on taxable property. B led under the provisions of this title shall be a lien upon 1 property of the school districl issuing them, and whi hoard of education neglects or r< .cordance with law to meet the outstanding bonds or the in- terest thereon, the l oard of county comm »f the county within which such district is situated shall levy sue' ind apply the money thus collected to the payment of bonds and the interest due thereon. 4720. Advertisement for bids for construction of build- ings. Award. Contract. When' board may erect. Wh any schoolhouse is to be built, the hoard of edt ill ad- vertise for at least ten day .me newspaper published in 58 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH the city for sealed proposals for building such schoolhouse in accordance with the plans and specification, which shall be furnished by the board of education at its office or at the office of the architect, stating in such advertisement or notice the place where, and the day and hour when, all proposals will be opened, and reserving the right to reject any and all proposals, and shall require a certified check of not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid to accompany the same, which check shall be made payable to the order of the board of education, and the check of the successful bidder shall be forfeited in case he fails or refuses, to enter into the contract and furnish the bond required. At the time and place speci- fied in said notice, the board shall meet and publicly open and read all the proposals which have been received, and if satisfactory bids have been received shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and shall require of such bid- der or contractor a bond in one-half the amount of the contract', conditioned that he will properly perform its conditions in a faithful manner and in accordance with its provisions. In case none of the proposals are satisfactory, all shall be rejected, and said board shall advertise anew in the same manner as before, and may require in the contract to be executed that at least twenty per cent of the contract price may be withheld until the building is completed and accepted by the board. But if after twice advertising, as provided herein, no satisfactory bid is received, the board may proceed under its own direction to erect the bulding required, or in case 'of a building not exceed- ing $5,000 in cost, if no. satisfactory bid is received at the first notice, the board may proceed with the construction as it may determine. 4721. Establishment of Parental Schools. The board of education of any city of the first class shall or the boards of education of any other school district, under a contract to be approved by each of such boards, may provide for the estab- lishment and maintenance of special schools and classes and for the support and education of the children transferred to them under the provisions of this chapter. Am'd '21, Ch. 105. 4722. Delinquent, dependent, or neglected children may- be transferred. Any child between the ages of eight and eighteen years, residing within the city or cities maintaining siicli special schools or classes, who in the judgment of the board of education of such city, is not receiving care, training and education adapted to his special needs, or who has be- come, or is in danger of becoming a delinquent child, within the meaning of Section 1829, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, or a dependent or neglected chid within the meaning of Sec- tion 1835, Compiled Laws of Utah, '1917, shall, with the consent of the parent or parents, custodian or guardian of SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 59 such child, be transferred to a special school or class, pro- vided for the purpose, for a term no1 extending beyond the age of eighteen years. Am'd _1, Ch. 105. 4723. Release. Any child transferred to, <>r cared for, in such special schools or classes, may be released therefrom either conditionally or absolutely in accordance with the by- ,iv esl 'blished by the hoard or boards of education main- taining the same. Am'd '21, Ch. 105. 4727. Expense of parental schools, how paid. Any board or boards of education maintaining a special residen- tial school, under the provisions of Section 4721, shall esti- mate and determine, as near as may be, the average actual exj>ense per month of keepinjr and taking care of the boys and girls who. may be transferred to such special residential school, and the average cost of keeping such boys and girls shall be wholly paid by the parent or guardian of each boy or girl transferred to the school, unless for good cause said hoard or hoards of education shall otherwise order and di- rect. The board of education of the city in which the parent or guardian of any such transferred hoy or girl resides may bring suit to enforce this provision. Am'd '21, Ch. 105. 4728. Admission of pupils from outside of city. On the tender of payment which shall meet all costs of support at a special school or class, the board or boards of education main- taining such special school or class, may receive into it on equal terms boys or girls whose residence is in the state out- side the citv or cities to which the school belongs. Am'd '21 Ch. 105. 4729. Attendance officers and assistants. The hoard of education of each such city, shall appoint and fix the com- pensation of a school attendance officer and such other as- sistants as shall be deemed necessary, whose duty Ll shall be to aid the school hoard in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. The police authorities of the city shall make such attendance officer and his assistants special policemen. Am'd '21, Ch. 105. 4730. Clinical psychologist and assistants. The hoard of education of each such city, or the hoard of education of any two or more such cities, may appoint and fix the compensa- tion of a clinical psychologist and such assistants as may be deemed ne y, whose duty it shall be to aid the school board or boards in carrving out the provisions of this chapter Am'd '21, Ch. 105. Dutv under employment of children, act, §"1865. 60 SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF UTAH CHAPTER 12. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 4740. Compulsory attendance at schools. Exceptions. Every parent, guardian, or other person having control of any child between eight and sixteen years of age shall be required to send such child to a public, district, or private school in the district in which he resides, at least twenty weeks in each school year, ten weeks of which shall be consecutive; pro- vided, that in cities of the first and of the second class such children shall be required to attend school at least thirty weeks in each school year, ten of which shall be consecutive; provided, that in each year such parent, guardian, or other person having control of any child shall be excused from such duty by the school board of the district or the board of edu- cation of the city, as the case may be, whenever it be shown to their satisfaction that one of the following reasons exists: 1. That such child is taught at home in the branches pre- scribed by lav.- for the same length of time as children are re- quired by law to be taught in the district school: 2. That such child has already acquired the branches of learning taught in the district schools ; 3. That such child is in such physical or mental condi- tion (which may be certified by a competent physician if re- quired by the board") as to render such attendance inexpedient or impracticable. If no such school is taught the requisite length of time within two and one-half miles of the residence of the child by the nearest road, such attendance shall not be enforced ; 4. That such child is attending some public, district or private school ; 5. That the services of such child are necessary to the support of a mother or an invalid father. The evidence of the existence of any of these reasons for non-attendance must be in each case sufficient to satisfy the superintendent of the county or city in which the child resides: and the superintendent, upon the presentation of such evi- dence, shall issue a certificate stating that the holder is exempt- ed from attendance during the time therein specified. Am'd '05. p. 112. 4741. Penalty. Any such parent, guardan, or other per- son having control of any child between eight and sixteen years of age, who wilfully fails to comply with the require- ments of the next preceding section, shall be guilt}- of a mis- demeanor. Am'd '05, p. 112. Compulsory education of deaf, dumb, and blind. §§ 5337-5339. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 61 4742. Id. Inquiry into violations of school law. It shall be the duty of the president of the board of education of any- city, and the chairman of the school trustees of any district, within their respective jurisdictions, to inquire into all cases of misdemeanor defined in this title, and to report the same and the offenders concerned, when known, to the city or county attorney of the city or county within which the Offenses shall have been committed, and it is hereby made the duty of either of said officers to proceed immediately to prosecute such of- fenders. 4743. Incorrigible children. Sent to industrial school. All children in the district between the ages of eigh1 and sixteen years who, in defiance of earnest and persistent efforts "n the part of their parents or teachers, are habitual tenants from school, or while in attendance at school are vicious, immoral, or ungovernable in conduct, shall he deemed incorrigible, and it is the duty of the president of the board of education or the chairman of the board of trustees of each school district to in- quire into all eases within his district, and report them to the county attorney acting for such district, whose duty it shall be to prosecute such eases as incorrigibles and fit candidates the state industrial school. Parental schools in cities. ? § 4 7 - J 1 - 4729; in counties, ?s 4640-4648. 4744. American flag displayed, when. It shall he the duty of the hoard of education or school trustees of all school districts within the cities and comities of this state to provide each schoolhouse or the grounds thereof with a suitable fl pole, and to cause the American flag to he displayed thereon during the daylight hours of every legal holiday, February 12th, and flag- day of each year. '07, p. 33. CHAPTER 13. SCHOOL PROPERTY. ETC., IN TERRITORY ANNEXE TO CITY. 4745. When annexed to a city of the first, second, or third class. When all the territory of a school district shall become annexed to a city of the first, second, or third cli by the extension of the boundaries of the city, all the school property, including moneys on hand and due to 1 id dis- trict, together with all records and papers belonging to said district. 'shall he transferred to. and the title vested in, the hoard of education of such city, and said hoard of education shall as- sume and be held responsible for the legitimate floating and bonded indebtedness of said annexed district. "07. p. 54. Annexing territory to city. ? 770. 62 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 4746. Annexation of part of district. When, by the ex- tension of the limits of any city of the first, second, or third class, a part of the territory of an adjacent school district is annexed to such city, it shall be the duty of a board, con- sisting of the state superintendent of public instruction, the city superintendent of schools, the county superintendent of schools, or, in county school districts of the first class, the dis- trict superintendent of schools, to determine the present value -of the school property of such district, also all moneys due to, or in the hands of, the district treasurer, and to equitably ap- portion the amount due the district board, or the board of education of such city, as the case may be. The amount due to the district board, or board of education of such city, when ascertained by the said board, shall, if there be not sufficient funds in the hands of the treasurer to pay such indebtedness, be levied upon the taxable property of that district or corpora- tion found to be in debt, and shall be collected in the same manner as if the same had been authorized by the vote of the district board, or by the board of education of such city, and when collected it shall be paid to the treasurer of that dis- trict or board of education of such city to which it is due. The board of education or the district retaining the schoolhouse shall assume the bonded indebtedness incurred in the building and furnishing of such schoolhouse. '07, p. 54. 4747. Unadjusted claims. All unadjusted claims of cities and school districts arising from such annexation previous to March 14, 1907, shall be adjudged in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. '07, p. 55. CHAPTER 14. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' RETIREMENT ASSOCIATIONS. ('13, p. 155.) 4750. Organization. Commission. Upon the written re- quest of a majority of the teachers employed in the public schools of any city of the first or the second class, the board of education of any such city shall authorize the organiza- tion of a public school teachers' retirement commission and as- sociation. In such petition there shall be designated three persons to serve as members of the ritirement commission, who shall serve until the first election after the retirement com- mission is organized, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Am'd '17, p. 216. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 63 4751. In cities of the first class. Membership of com- mission. Term. In cities of the first class the said commis- sion shall be composed of seven members; three members to be elected from the retirement association by the members thereof, whose terms shall be for three years; the superintend- ent of city schools, the elerk of the board of education, and two members to be elected by the board of education from their number, whose terms shall be two years. In all cases the terms of office shall be from the first Monday in February following the election. 4752. Election of members of city commission. In cities of the first class the members of the retirement commission who are chosen by the teachers shall be elected at a meeting called by the superintendent of city schools, who shall cause each teacher who is a member of the association to be notified in writing of the time and place of such election, such notice to be given at least ten days before the election. 4753. Qualification. Vacancies. The commissioners and officers of the retirement commission shall qualify by taking and subscribing to the oath of office, which shall be filed with the clerk of the board of education. In case of vacancy in the elective membership of said commission, the vacancy shall be filled until the next election by the commission choosing a member from the body that elected the outgoing member. Am'd '17, p. 217. 4754. Officers. Compensation. Funds. The retirement commission shall organize by electing from their number, a president and a vice-president. The clerk of the hoard of edu- cation shall be clerk of such commission, and the treasurer of the board shall be treasurer of said commission. The commis- sioners and officers shall serve without compensation. The bond given by the treasurer of the hoard of education shall be liable for the safekeeping of the funds of the commission. Am'd '17, p. 217. 4755. Meetings. Records. Annual report. The retire- ment commission shall meet at least once each year, and shall keep a record of all its proceedings and a record of all money received and paid out, all of which records shall be open for public inspection. It shall also make an annual financial re- port showing the moneys received and disbursed, a copy of which report shall be printed and delivered to each member of the association. 4756. Funds, two classes. The funds of the retirement association shall be of two classes: (a) Permanent, and (b) current fund. The treasurer shall pay out money only on war- 64 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH rants signed by the president and clerk of the commission, and shall have charge, under the direction of the commis- sioners, of the investment and management of the permanent fund, and such of the current fund as shall not be required to pay benefits but such funds shall be invested only in state, county, school district, or municipal bonds. 4757. Membership. Every teacher who, after the taking effect of this chapter, accepts employment under the board of education of a city of the first or the second class in which city a teachers' retirement association has theretofore been organized, shall, by virtue of such employment, become a member of g'jch retirement association, and there shall be in- corporated in five contract of employment a stipulation rbat the teacher agiees to and is bound by all the rules and provisions governing membership in such association. Am'd '17, p. 217. 4758. Income. Assessments. Deductions. The income of the public school teachers' retirement association shall be from the following sources : 1. All teachers who are members of a teachers' retire- ment association in cities of the first and the second class, shall have deducted from each and every payroll in payment for ser- vices, 1 per cent of the face of said payroll, and the amount of such deduction shall be certified to and paid by the clerk of the board of education monthly to the treasurer of the as- sociation; provided, that an annual salary of $1200 shall be the maximum salary on which dues shall he paid, and if any teacher shall receive a salary in excess of such sum, then the deduction shall be made on $1200 only; 2. The hoard of education shall pay an amount equal to the total amount paid to the public school teachers" retire- ment association fund by or on behalf of all teachers during each year under the provisions of subdivision 1 of this sec- tion, such amount to be certified to semi-annually by the clerk of the board of education and by him paid semi-annually to the treasurer of the association; 3. All moneys received from donations, legacies, bequests, or otherwise, for or on account of said fund. Am'd '17, p. 217 ; 21, Ch. 109. 4759. Current and permanent funds. Transfers. The first two sources of income, viz., 1 and 2, shall constitute the current fund, and the third source, viz., 3, shall constitute the permanent fund, unless specifically stipulated for the current fund in the donation, legacy, gift, or bequest. No portion of the permanent fund shall be available for current expenditure, but the interest thereon shall become a part of the current SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF I TAII fund. Any part of the current fund which is not use, I during the school year for the payment of annuities shall be transfer- red to and become a part of the permanenl fund. Am'd 17. p. 217. 4760. Classification of beneficiaries. Retirements. An- nuities. There shall be two classes of beneficiaries, under the retirement fund, viz., class A and class B. Class A. On the recommendation of the retirement com- mission the board of education of the city shall have power by a two-thirds vote to retire any member of the association who is mentally or physicially incapacitated for the performance of duty; provided, said teacher has taught in the city at least fif- teen years and his or her term of service shall aggregate thirty years, except as hereinafter provided, whether before or after, or partly before or partly after the passage of this chapter. Each teacher so, retired shall be entitled to receive as pen- sion an annuity equal to one-half of the average annual salary drawn by said teacher for the live years preceding retirement, but in case his or her years of teaching shall not aggregate thirty years, but -shall aggregate at least twenty years, he or she may be temporarily retired and shall be entitled to such a part of the annuity as his or her years of service are a part of thirty. Any teacher who has been retired under this class and who recovers his or her mental or physical powers sufficiently to teach or earn a livelihood in some other man- ner, in the opinion of a physician selected by the retirement commission, shall cease to draw an annuity under this classi- fication. Tf such teacher does not recover before reaching the age of sixty, then he or she shall he transferred to class B. Class B. Any member of the retirement association who has taught thirty years, one-half of which time lias been in the city in which the retirement association is located, and who has reached the ape of sixty years, shall, upon his or her requesl or upon the recommendation of the retirement commission and a two-thirds vote of the board of education of the city, with- out option be placed upon the retired list, and shall be entitled to an annuity equal to one-half of the average annual salary of the five years preceding retirement ; provided, that the maxi- mum annuity paid to any teacher under either class A or class B shall not 'exceed $600. Am'd 17, p. 218. 4761 Id, Delinquent dues to be deducted. Transfer or continuance of membership. Any teacher who is retired under the provisions of either class A or B and who at the time of retirement has not paid into the retirement fund a sum equal to 1 per cent of the entire salary received for the previous years of service claimed, not to exceed a maximum of *1'200 an- nually, shall have such an amount deducted from his or her 66 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH annuity as shall equal the amount still due. This deduction may, in the discretion of the retirement commissioners, be dis- tributed over a period not to exceed three years. Any teacher who is a member of a retirement association in the state of Utah and who accepts employment in a district outside of the bounds of his or her association shall, within thirty days thereafter, elect in which of two ways he or she prefers to continue his or her membership : 1. A transfer of membership, or 2. An absent membership. If the first mentioned is selected, the clerk of the com- mission shall fill out on a proper form a report, covering the necessary data concerning; said teacher, which report, with the one-half of the amount of money paid into, the fund by or on account of said teacher, shall be accepted by any commission within the state as the complete record and payment of back dues of such teacher. If the second method is chosen, a teacher may continue his or her membership by voluntarily sending annually to the clerk of the commission the 1 per cent of his or her salary as certified to by the clerk of the board where he or she is employed, not to exceed a maximum of $1200 annually. 4762. Estate entitled to refund. In case of the death of a member of the retirement association before retirement, leav- ing relatives dependent upon him or her, the estate of said teacher shall be entitled to a refund of the total amount paid into said fund by said teacher. Or if the estate has not suffi- cient funds to pay the funeral expenses, then such expenses shall be paid by the retirement commission, not exceeding the amount paid to the association by such teacher. 4763. Insufficient funds. If at any time the funds of the retirement association are not sufficient to meet the annuities and refunds hereinbefore specified, each annuitant and claim- ant shall be paid pro rata his or her proportion of the funds that are available. 4764. Teacher defined. The term "teacher," as used throughout this chapter, shall include superintendents, super- visors, principals, and teachers in the employ of boards of education of cities of the first and the second class. '17, p. 219. 4765. Rules and by-laws. The retirement commission is empowered to adopt such rules and by-laws, for the carrying out of the provisions of this chapter as are in harmony with its intents and purposes. 4766. Repeal. Proviso. Chap. 21 of title 66 of the Com- piled Laws of Utah, 1907, is hereby repealed ; but all retirement SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF I TAII 67 associations and commissions organized under the provisions of said chapter arc continued under this chapter. 4767. Proportionate distribution of funds. The state teachers' retiremenl commission are hereby authorized and di- rected to distribute to the members of the state teachers retire- ment association the funds of such association now on hand after paying all expenses of the association, such distribution be made to the members in proportion to the amounl paid by each. '17, p. 219. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Chapter 86, Laws of Utah. 1919.) Section 1. Acceptance of Congressional Act. Thai the State of Utah hereby reaffirms its acceptance and assent to the terms and provisions of the Ad of Congress entitled: "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational education, to provide for co-operation with the states in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries; to provide for co-operation with the State in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects: and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure," as enacted into law by the Legislature of the state of Utah, Sections 4540, 4541, 4542 and 4543, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917. Sec. 2. Custodian of fund. The State Treasurer is hereby designated as the custodian of all money to be received for said fund by appropriation, both federal and stale, and he is hereby named as the official for the disbursement thereof upon orders authorized by the State Board for Vocational Educa- tion and approved by the State Board of Examiners. Sec. 3. Designation of Board and directing officer. The State Board of Education is hereby designated ;is the State Board for Vocational Education: and the State superintendent of public instruction is hereby designated its chief executive officer. Sec. 4. Authority of State Board. The state Board for Vocational Education shall have all necessary authority to co- operate with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the said Act of Congress; to administer any legislation pursuant thereto enacted by the State of Utah; and to administer the funds provided by the federal Lrovern- ment and the state of Utah under the provisions of this Act for the promotion, aid, and maintenance of vocational education in agricultural subjects, trade and industrial subjects, and home economics subjects; and education in health and in civic and 68 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH patriotic service continuing over the entire j^ear in the school districts of the State of Utah. It shall have authority to ap- point and to fix the compensation and pay the expenses of such officials and assistants as may be necessary to administer the federal act and this act for the state of Utah, and such com- pensation and other necessary expenses of administration shall be paid from funds appropriated in this Act upon the approval of the State Board of Examiners. Sec. 5. Meetings. The State Board for Vocational Edu- cation shall hold at least four meetings per year, which shall be during the first week in January, April, July, and October; and shall meet at such other times as may be designated by the chairman or by a majority of the board. Sec. 6. Terms of schools — civic service. Any district Board of Education may establish and maintain all-day voca- tional schools or classes, giving instruction in agricultural subjects, trade or industrial subjects, or home economics sub- jects ; evening schools or classes, giving instruction supplemen- tal to, the daily employment of students ; and part-time schools or classes, giving instruction supplemental to the daily employ- ment of students; and part-time schools or classes, giving in- struction to promote civic and vocational intelligence ; and may promote education in health and in civic and patriotic ser- vice continuing over the entire year ; and may raise and ex- pend money for carrying out the provisions of this Act in the same manner as other money is raised and expended for school purposes. Sec. 7. Approved schools to share in funds. Whenever any schools or activities have been organized in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the State Board for Vocational Education and shall have been approved by the State Board for Vocational Education, they shall be entitled to share in federal and State funds available for the promo- tion of such education to an amount not to exceed "fifty per cent (50%) of the moneys expended for the salaries of the teachers or supervisors engaged in carrying out the pro- visions of this Act. PART-TIME SCHOOLS AND COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. (Chapter 92, Laws of Utah, 1919, as Amended in 1921.) Section 1. Attendance — excuses — power of superintend- ents. Every parent, guardian, or other person having control of any minor between sixteen and eighteen years of age or any minor under sixteen years of age who has completed the eighth SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 69 grade, shall bo required to soul such minor to a regular public or private school at least thirty weeks each school year, unli such minor is legally excused to enter employment ; and if such minor is so excused, the said parent, guardian or other per- son shall be required to send such minor to a part-time school or a continuation school at least 144 hours per year; provided that in each year such parent, guardian, or other person hav- ing control of such minor may be excused from such duty by the district Board of Education for any of the following rea- sons : _ 1. That such minor has already completed the work of a senior high school. 2. That such minor is taught at home the required num- ber of hours. 3. That such minor is in such physical or mental condi- tion (which must be certified by a competent physician if re- quired by the Board) as to render such attendance inexped- ient or impracticable. 4. That no such school is taught the requisite length of time with i?i two and one-half miles of the residence or the place of employment of the minor, unless free transportation is provided. The evidence of the existence of any of these reasons for non-attendance must be in each case sufficient to satisfy the superintendent of the district in which the child resid< and the superintendent, upon the presentation of such evi- dence, shall issue a certificate stating that the holder is ex- empted from attendance during the time therein specified Sec. 2. Penalty for neglect. Any parent, guardian, or other person having control of any child who comes within the provisions of this Act who wilfully fails to comply with its requirements shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 3. Duties of Boards and Juvenile Courts. It shall be the dutv of the board of education of every district * * within its respective jurisdiction to inquire into all cases of misdemeanor defined in this title: and to report the same and the offenders concerned, when known, to the juvenile court of the district within which the offense shall have been com- mitted and it is hereby made the duty of the officers of said Juvenile Court to proceed immediately to investigate and take the necessary action. Am'd '21, Ch. 107. Sec. 4. Powers of Board for vocational education. The State Board for Vocational Education shall establish rules and regulations governing the organization and administra- tion of part-time schools or classes, and shall expend from the 70 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OP UTAH funds appropriated for the promotion of vocational education such sums of money as are necessary for the proper enforce- ment of this Act. Sec. 5. Hours of attendance and employment — Federal law. Whenever the number of hours for which a child who comes within the provisions of this Act may be employed shall be fixed by federal or State law, the hours of attendance upon a part-time school or class organized in accordance with the terms of this Act shall be counted as" a part of the number of hours fixed for legal employment by federal or State law. Sec. 6. Duty of employers. Any person, firm, or corpora- tion employing- a child who comes within the provisions of this act shall permit the attendance of such child upon a part- time school or class whenever such part-time school or class shall have been established in the district where the child re- sides or may be employed, and any person, firm or corporation employing any such child contrary to the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 7. Powers of truant officers. The truant officer appointed by the school district shall be charged with the responsibility for the enforcement of the attendance upon part- time schools and classes of children who come within the terms of this act. Sec. 8. Courses of study and sessions of schools. A part- time school or class established in accordance with the terms of this Act shall provide an education for children who have entered employment which shall be either supplemental to the work in which they are engaged, continue their general educa- tion, or promote their civic and vocational intelligence. Part- time schools or classes established in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act shall be in session not less than four hours a week between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Sec. 9. Number required to establish schools. The Board of Education of any district in which there shall reside or be employed or both, not less than fifteen minors who come with- in the provisions of this Act, and who, have entered upon em- ployment, shall establish part-time schools or classes for such employed minors. Sec. 10. Reports to district Boards as to expediency. Whenever any Board of Education shall deem it inexpedient to organize part-time schools or classes for employed minors, it shall state the reasons for such inexpediency to the State Board for Vocational Education, and when the State Board for Vocational Education shall judge such reason as valid, the district Board of Education shall be excused from the estab- lishment of such part-time schools or classes. SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF I 'TAN 71 Sec. 11. Employers to notify Boards as to minor em- ployes. The employer of any minors under eighteen years of age shall keep a list of minors so employed and shall keep on file the certificates issued by the supeintendenl of schools, ;m0 per cent of the money so expended. Such re- imbursement shall be made from federal and State funds avail- able for such education; provided, that if the amount so avail- able is not sufficient to pay 50 per cent of such salaries, the State Board for Vocational Education shall have power to pro- rate the amount available among the districts maintaining such approved part-time schools or classes. HEALTH EDUCATION. (Chapter 85, Laws of Utah, 1919.) Section 1. Appointment of Director — duties — salary. That the State Board of Education is authorized to appoint a State Director. of Health Education and to fix his salary and deter- mine his qualifications. Under the State Hoard of Education, the Director of Health Education shall exercise general super- visory .control of health education in the public schools of the State consisting of hygiene, sanitation, physical education, and recreation. He shall advise with local boards of education in regard to organization and effective means of preserving and promoting the health and physical welfare of school chil- dren and of children of pre school age as provided for in this act. The salary and necessary traveling expenses of such offi- cer shall be paid out of the State school fund upon approval of such salary and expenses by the State Board of Examiners. Sec. 2. Supervisors — courses required — time. The State Board of Education shall determine the professional require- ments of supervisors of health education and school nurses. Health education consisting of sanitation and p< 1 and school hygiene shall be required of all teachers in the public 72 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH schools of the State, provided, that teachers now in the ser- vice shall have three years from date of approval of this Act, in which to comply with the provisions of same. Sec. 3. Pre-school age — measures for education — consent — providing plans. The Boards of Education of all school districts of the State are authorized to adopt such reasonable measures for health education and to incur such reasonable expense as may be necessary for the promotion of the physical welfare of children of pre-school age in their respective dis- tricts, including the education of parents in matters pertaining to child welfare. The power herein granted to local Boards of Education shall only be exercised with the consent of the parents. A committee consisting of the State Director of Health Education, the dean of the State School of Education, the dean of the department of medicine of the University of Utah, the secretary of the State Board of Health, and the director of the department of home economics of the Agricultural Col- lege, shall provide and recommend plans for carrying into effect the provisions of this Section. Such plans shall be approved by the State Board of Education. AMERICANIZATION SCHOOLS. (Chapter 93, Laws of Utah, 1919: as Amended by Chapter 108, Laws of Utah, 1921.) Section 1. Name. This act shall be known as the Ameri- canization Act. Sec. 2. Attendance — examinations. Every alien person residing in this State, except those who may be physically or mentally disqualified, between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five years, who does not possess such ability to speak, read, and write the English language as is required for the completion of the fifth grade of the public schools of the State, shall attend a public evening school class for at least four hours a week during the entire time an evening school class of the proper grade shall be in session in that district with- in two, and. one-half miles of his place of residence, or until the necessary ability has been acquired ; provided, that regu- lar attendance at a public day school or part-time school shall be accepted in place of attendance at an evening school class. The determination of the persons subject to the provisions of this section shall be made by examination to. be held under rules to be prescribed by the State Board of Education. The board of Trustees of any school district or the State Board of ■Education may direct any persons to take these examinations and the failure of such persons to take the examinations ex- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 73 cept for good cause shall be taken as evidence that they are subject to the provisions of this Section. Sec. 3. Violation of Act — penalty — separate offenses. Any person subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this Act who wilfully violates its provisions, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be punished, upon conviction by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than $25.00 for each offense. The parent or guardian of any person under twenty-one years of age who is subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this Act shall be held responsible for his attendance. The wil- ful failure of any guardian or parent ef such person to enforce regular attendance shall constitute a misdeameanor and upon conviction thereof such parent or guardian shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and hot more than $25.00 for each offense. The failure to maintain regular at- tendance during each school month that an evening school is in session in that district, shall constitute a separate offense for the purpose of this Section. Sec. 4. Evening- classes — organization — duties of School Board. The Board of Trustees of any school district in the State may, and upon the direction of the State Board of Education shall, establish and maintain for at least 200 hours during the school year evening school classes in English, the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the United States, American history and such other subjects as bear on Americanization, as part of the public schools; provided that no district shall be required to maintain a class for fewer pupils than a minimum number to be determined by the State Board of Education. Sneh classes shall be organized to meet the needs of the persons subjed to the provisions of section two of this Act. and such classes shall be held at phi that are most accessible to the members of the clasv Sec. 5. Salaries of teachers — payments. The salaries of teachers and the expenses of supervisors of evening clasps established under the provisions of this Act shall be paid from the Americanization fund. Such payments shall be made only upon the sworn statements of expenditures for salaries of teachers and expenses of supervision under rules to be made by the State Board of Education. No payments shall be made for salaries of teachers in classes established un- der the provision of Section 4 of this Act unless such classes shall have been conducted for the minimum time therein stated, except by special action of the State Board of Education. Sec. 5. Registration for instruction. On or before the first day of September of each year, every alien person resid- ing in the state of Utah subject to the provisions of this Act 74 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH shall appear at the office of the city or the district superin- tendent of schools of the city or district of which he is a resident or at a place designated by the superintendent of schools and shall there register for instruction according to such form as shall be prescribed by the state board of educa- tion. Sec. 5x1. Penalty. Any person subject to the provisions of this Act who wilfully violates the provisions of Section 7 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $15.00 and not more than $25.00. The parent or guardian of any person under twenty-one years of age who is subject to the provisions of this act shall be held responsible for his registration. Section 5x2. Instruction Fee. At the time of registration for instruction each person subject to the provisions of this Act shall be required to. pay an instruction fee of $10.00 to the city or district superintendent of schools or to a- person designated by him. On or before the fifteenth clay of Octo- ber of each year the city or district superintendent shall pay the total amount of such fees collected to the State TVea^uTw. who shall credit the same to the Americanization Fund. All moneys credited to, the Americanization Fund shall be ad- ministered as provided by law under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 7. Powers and duties of State Board of Education. The State Board of Education shall make regulations regard- ing the examinations prescribed by Section 2 of this Act, shall make regulations concerning the conditions under which it will direct the establishing of evening classes, shall make regu- lations regarding the regular attendance required in the various Sections of this Act, shall determine the minimum number of pupils for which school classes shall be organized and main- tained, shall determine the basis on which salaries of teachers and the expenses of supervision shall be paid, shall 'determine the necessary qualifications of teachers employed under this Act, shall receive applications from the various school districts for portions of the funds hereinafter appropriated and shall make any other regulation necessary to carry out the provi- sions of this Act. See. 8. Attendance secured. The regular attendance re- quired by this Act shall be secured in the same manner and under the direction of the same officers as is provided by law for the compulsory regular attendance at any other pub- lic schools or classes. SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 75 STATE DISTRICT SCHOOL TAX. (Chapter 138, Laws of Utah, 1921.) An act to amend Section 5998, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, relating- to the levy of a State tax for District School purposes. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah : Section 1. That Section 5998, Compile! Laws of Utah, 1917, he and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 5998. State tax levy for school purposes. The state board of equalization and assessment is hereby authorized and directed to levy annually a state tax for district school purposes at such rate as will raise an amount, which added to. any other state funds available for district school purposes, equals as near as may be $25.00 for each person of school age as shown by the last preceding school census; and the levy and collections of said tax must be performed in the same manner and at the same time as other state taxes are levied and collected, and shall be apportioned to the several school districts as provided by law. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon approval. Approved February 18, 1921. REHABILITATION OF INJURED PERSONS. (Chapter 97, Laws of Utah, 1921.) An act to accept the benefits of an act passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled to provide for the promo- tion of Vocational Rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to Civil Employ- ment, Approved June 2, 1920. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah : Section 1. Federal Act accepted. The State of Utah does hereby through its legislative authority accept the provisions and benefits of the act of Congress entitled -'An act to pro- vide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and their return to civil employment, approved June 2, 1920. Section 2. Custodian of fund. The State Treasurer is hereby designated and appointed custodian of all moneys re- ceived by the state from appropriations made by the Con- gress of the United States for vocational rehabilitation of per- 76 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH sons disabled in industry or otherwise and is authorized to re- ceive and provide for the proper custody of the same and to make disbursements therefrom upon orders authorized by the State Board for Vocational Education and approved by the State Board of Examiners. Sec. 3. Designation of board. The State Board of Edu- cation heretofore designated as the State Board for Vocational Education in the administration of the provisions of the Vo- cational Education Act, approved February 23, 1917, is hereby designated as the State Board for the purpose of cooperat- ing with the said Federal Board in carrying out the provis- ions and purposes of said Federal act providing for the rehab- ilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise and is empowered and directed to cooperate with said Federal Board in the administration of said act of Congress ; to prescribe and provide such courses of vocational training as may be neces- sary for the vocational rehabilitation of persons injured in in- dustry or otherwise and provide for the supervision of such training and to appoint such assistants as may be necessary to administer this act and said act of Congress in this state; to fix the compensation of such assistants and to direct the disbursement and administer the use of all funds provided by the Federal Government and the state of Utah for the vo- cational rehabilitation of such persons. Section 4. State board and industrial commission to co- operate. It shall be the duty of the State Board for Vocational Education and the State Industrial Commission to formulate a plan of cooperation in accordance with the provisions of this act and said act of Congress, such plan to become effective when approved by the Governor of this state. Section 5. Powers and duties of board. The State Board of Vocational Education is hereby authorized and empowered to receive such gifts and donations either from public or pri- vate sources as may be offered unconditionally or under such conditions related to the vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise as in the judgment of the state Board are proper and consistent with the provisions of this act. All the moneys received as gifts or donations shall be deposited in the State Treasury and shall constitute a per- manent fund which may be invested in such securities as may be approved by the state board of examiners, such fund to be called the special fund for said board to defray the expenses of vocational rehabilitation in special cases including payment of necessary expenses of persons undergoing training. A full report of all gifts and donations offered and accepted together with the names of the donors and the respective amounts con- SCHOOL LAWS OP THE STATE OF UTAH 77 tributed by each and all disbursements therefrom shall be submitted annually to the Governor of the State and to the Governor and Legislature biennially by tin- state Board. Section 6. Reports. The State Board for Vocational Edu- cation shall make to the Governor annually and to the Governor and Legislature biennially a report of all moneys expended for the vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry or otherwise, both from State and Federal funds and shall include such biennial report in the biennial report of the State Board of Education. Section 7. This act shall take effect June 30, 1921. Approved Februay 23, 1921. ATHEISTIC OR RELIGIOUS TEACHING (Chapter 95, Laws of Utah, 1921.-) An act prohibiting the teaching- of sectarian and certain other doctrines in the district schools of this state and requir- ing- that they be kept free from sectarian control and also providing- that instruction along certain moral lines shall be given and providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act. Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Utah : Section 1. Atheistic or religious teaching unlawful. It shall be unlawful to teach in any of the district schools of this State, while in session, any atheistic, infidel, sectarian, religious, or denominational doctrine and all such schools shall be free from sectarian control. Section 2. Moral instruc tion to be given. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to prohibit the giving of any moral in- struction tending to impress upon the minds of the pupils the importance and necessity of good manners, truthfulness, tem- perance, purity, patriotism, and industry but such instruction shall be given in connection with the regular school work. Section 3. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Approved March 5, 1921. PLANS FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS (Chapter 94, Laws of Utah, 1921.) An act relating to the filing of plans and specifications for school buildings with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and repealing Section 4527, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917. 78 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah : Section 1. Plans to be approved. No school building or addition thereto shall hereafter be contracted for or erected in any school district in this state, not included in cities of the first and second class, the cost of which exceeds $5,000.00, un- til the plans and specifications for the same shall have been submitted in duplicate to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and his approval endorsed thereon. One copy of each such approved plans and specifications shall remain on file in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Section 2. Code of standards. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall formulate a code to govern the pre- paration of all plans and specifications for school buildings. Said code shall include standards for construction, heating, ventilation, sanitation, lighting, safety from fire; panic and other dangers, and for promoting the safety and health of the occupants. Section 3. Architect or expert may be employed. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act, and when- ever it is necessary, he may employ an architect or other expert to examine the plans and specifications of any school building or addition thereto, submitted as provided above, or to inspect any school building in course of erection. If such examination or inspection reveals non-conformity with said code, the State Superintendent, of Public Instruction shall notify the Board of Education erecting said building and make recommendations; and it shall be the duty of said Board of Education to comply therewith. The compensation and expenses of said architect or ex- pert for the actual time so employed shall be paid out of the state school fund upon approval of the State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Examiners. Section 4. Licensed achitect to make plans. No plans or specifications of school buildings shall be approved un- less prepared bv a dulv licensed architect. Section 5. ' Section 4527, Chapter 3, Title 90, of the Com- piled Laws of Utah, 1917, is hereby repealed. Approved March 10, 1921. EXTRACTS FROM THE STATE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE X EDUCATION Section 1. Free non-sectarian schools. The Legislature shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 79 uniform system of public schools, which shall be open to all children of the state and be free from sectarian control. Sec. 2. Public school system, maintenance. The public school system shall include kindergarten schools; common schools, consisting tit' primary and grammar grades; high schools, an agricultural eollege; a university; and such other schools .is the Legislature may establish. The common schools shall be free. The other departments of the system shall be supported as provided by law. Sec. 3. State school fund, interest distributed. The pro- ceeds of all lands that have been or may be granted by tne United States to this State, for the support of the common school.-;: the proceeds of all property that may accrue t<> the State by escheat or forfeiture; all unclaimed shares and div- idends of any corporation incorporated under the laws of this State; the proceeds of the sale of timber, mineral or other property from school and State lands, other than thi granted for specific purposes ; and five percentum of the net proceeds of the sale of public lands tying within the State, which shall be sold by the United States, subsequenl the admission of this State into the Union, shad he ami re- main a perpetual fund, to be called the State School fund, the interest of which only, together with such other means as the Legislature may provide, shall be distributed among the several school districts according to the school population residing therein. Provided, that all funds derived from any State tax for high schools shall be apportioned among the several cities and school districts according to the attendance at the high schools therein: but no city or district shall be entitled to any part of the fund derived from the S a for high schools unless the high school therein is maintained upon the standard and for the period during the year that may be fixed by the State Board of Education. Sec. 4. University and agricultural college located. Rights, etc. The location and establishment by existing laws of the University of Utah, and the Agricultural College are hereby confirmed, and all the rights, immunities, franchises and en- dowments heretofore granted or conferred, are hereby per- petuated unto said University and Agricultural College re- spectively. Sec. 5. Proceeds of land grants to constitute permanent funds. The proceeds of the sale of lands reserved by an Act of Congress, approved February 21st. 1855, for the estab- lishment of the University of Utah, and of all the lands grant- ed by an Act of Congress, approved July 16th, 1894. shall con- stitute permanent funds, to be safely invested ami held by the State; and the income thereof shall be used exclusively for the support and maintenance of the different institutions and 80 SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH colleges, respectively, in accordance with the requirements and conditions of said Acts of Congress. Section 6. Separate control of city schools. In cities of the first and second class, the public school system shall be controlled by the Board of Education of such cities, sepa- rate and apart from the counties in which said cities are located. Sec 7. School funds guaranteed by state. All public School Funds shall be guaranteed by the State against loss or diversion. Sec. 8. State board of education. The general control and supervision of the Public School System shall be vested in a State Board of Education, consisting of the Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, and such other persons as the Legis- lature may provide. Sec. ; 9. Text Books. Neither the Legislature nor the State Board of Education shall have power to prescribe text books to be used in the common schools. Sec. 10. Institutions for deaf, dumb and blind. Property. Fund. Institutions for the deaf and dumb and for the blind, are hereby established. All property belonging to the School for the Deaf and Dumb, heretofore connected with the University of Utah, shall be transferred to said institution for the deaf and dumb. All the proceeds of the lands granted by the Unit- ed States, for the support of a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and for an Institution for the Blind, shall be a perpetual fund for the maintenance of said Institutions. It shall be a trust fund, the principal of which shall remain inviolate, guaranteed by the State against loss by diversion. Sec. 11. Metric System. The Metric System shall be taught in the public schools of the State. Sec. 12. No religious or partisan tests in schools. Nei- ther religious nor partisan test or qualification shall be re- quired of any person, as a condition of admission, as teacher or student, into any public educational institution of the State. Sec. 13. Public aid to church schools forbidden. Neither the Legislature nor any county, city, town, school district, or other public corporation, shall make any appropriation to aid in the support of any school, seminary, academy, college, uni- versity or other institution, controlled in whole, or in part, by any church, sect or denomination whatever. ARTICLE XIII. Sec. 7. Tax rate for state and school purposes. The rate of taxation on property for State purposes shall never exceed 8 mills on each dollar of valuation to be apportioned as fol- SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF UTAH 81 lows: Not to exceed 4!/2 mills on each dollar of valuation for general State purposes; not to exceed 3 mills on each dollar of valuation for district school purposes; not to exceed Y2 mill on each dollar of valuation for high school purposes; thai part of the State tax apportioned to high schobl purposes shall constitute a fund to be called the High School Fund and shall be apportioned to the cities and school districts maintaining high schools in the manner the Legislature may provide. And whenever the taxable property within the State shall amount to $400,000,000.00, the rates shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation two and four-tenths mills for general State purposes, two-tenths of one mill for high school purposes, and such levy for district school purposes as will raise annually an amount which, added to any other State funds available for district school purposes, equals $25.00 for each person of school a pro in the State shown by the last preceding school census; un- less a proposition to increase such rate or rates, specifying the rate or rates proposed and the time during which the same shall be levied, bo first submitted to a vote of such of the quali- fied electors of the State as, in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them with- in the State, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law. ARTICLE XIV Sec. 4. Limit of indebtedness of counties, cities, etc. When authorized to create indebtedness as provided in Section 3 of this Article, no county shall become indebted to an amount, in- cluding existing indebtedness exceeding two percentum. No city, town, school district or other municipal corporation, shall become indebted to an amount, including existing indebted- ness, exceeding four percentum of the value of the taxable property therein, the value to be ascertained by the last as- sessment for State and county purposes, previous to the incur- ring of such indebtedness.; excepl thai in incorporated cities the assessment shall be taken from the last assessment for city purposes; provided, that no part of the indebtedness allowed in this Section shall be incurred for other than strictly county. city, town or school district purposes; provided further, that any city of the first and second class when authorized as provided in Section 3 of this Article, may bo allowed to in- cur a larger indebtedness, not to exceed four percentum and any city of the third class, or town, not to exceed eicrht per- centum additional, for supplying such city or town with water, artificial lights or sewers, when the works for supplying such water, light and sewers, shall be owned and controlled by the municipality. INDEX (Numbers refer to sections, exceiii when preceded by to pages.) ])" when they refer AMERICANIZATION p. 72 4535 BIRD DAY how observed. BOARD OF EDUCATION in county district of first class, see "districts, county, of first class" hereunder. in cities of first and second class, see "city" hereunder. BONDS see "elections"' hereunder. power to create debt. .Con. art. 14, sec. 4 county district, elec. on issue 4627-4631 Bond limit 4631 denomination, interest, time 4632 form 4633 County clerk to certify 4633 sale to highest bidder 4634 cancelled, how 4635 tax levy for interest 4636 lien on taxable property.... 4638 city district, board calls elect. 4708 notice, ballots, etc 4709, 4710 qualification of voters. ...... 4711 canvass, certification, issue. . 4712 limit, three per cent 4712 intertst and tax.......... 4713 denomination 4713 heretofore authorized, inter- est 4713 printing, certification- 4711 sale, use of proceeds 471" redemption, cancellation. . . . .4716 refunding for lower rate.... 4716 sinking fund, interest ....4704, 4712, 4717, 4718 lien on taxable property.... 4719 BUILDINGS contract to erect: county districts of first class 4639 city schools 4720 CENSUS by board of education. .. .4610, 4674 CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMAS state board empowered to issue 4506 classification 4508 holder not examined, when. . 4509 revocation 4512 CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMA) issued by university, force.. 4509 City, qualifications 4689-4691 county district of first class, examination 4620 CHILDREN compulsory attend.. . 17 in, 4712, p. 70 incorrigible sent to industrial school 4743 habitual truant, parental school ....4641, 4722 neglected, parental school 4643 CITY each city a district 4661 open to children of school age 4661 separate from other schools.. 4660 school year 4672 claims & accounts to be verified 4680 bonds, sites, buildings, etc. .4780-4719 see "bonds" hereunder. erecting buildings... 4720 BpeciaJ tax, election. .4706, 47"7 board of education to control. . Con. art 10, sec. 6; 4660, 4661 a body corporate 4680 members, number, residence 4662 qualifications 4667 vacancies 4667 organization 4668 oath of office 4668 may administer oaths.... 4680 compensation 4673 election 4663, 4664 term begins, when 4665 additional compensation penalty 4673 elections, when held 4663. 47564 how conducted 4666 to fill vacancy 4667 officers, election 4668 removal 4669 ipointive 4670 president, duties 4676 clerk, bond 4677 duties, compensation 4678 member teachers' retirement ition commission . . . 4751 may administer oaths 4680 treasurer, duties, compensation }>',7'.' is tr< asurer of teachers' re- tir >ment commission ■ board, powers, generally. .4680-4683 sue and be sued 4680 INDEX CITY— CONCLUDED board, by-laws and rules 4681 furnish students books 4681 appoint examiners 4684 teachers certificates 4689-4694 training school 4681 parental school .4721-4730 attendance officer 4729 teachers' retirement association, authorize organization 4750 board of examiners 4684-4688 see "certificates" hereunder superintendent, election, oath, term 4671 chairman of examiners ..... 4685 members teachers' retirement association commission. . 4751 to attend convention 4524 convention expenses 4524 annexation of entire district, property rights 4745 of part of district 4746 text books, selection, etc. .4695-4700 taxes, levy, collection, limit.. 4704 school property, exempt 4701 - delinquent paid to board 4705 election for special 4706 for interest, redemption 4717 for sinking fund 4717 CIVIC CENTERS every public schoolhouse is . . 4551 purposes 4551 use free, exception 4552 management, rules, supervisor 4553 use of schoolhouse subject to discretion of directors.... 4554 CLERK of city board 4668, 4677 duties .4678 of district of first class, ap- pointment 4604 duties 4614 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE what children to attend, how long 4740, p. 70 failure to send children, penalty 4741 inquiry into, by board 4742 habitual truant 4641, 4722, 4743 CONSTITUTION provisions on education,. .. .p. 78-81 CONVENTION OF SUPERINTENDENTS called by state superintendent 4524 COUNTY DISTRICTS OF FIRST CLASS see "district, county, first class" COURSE OF STUDY committee to prescribe 4531 serve without compensation 4532 furnished free of cost to each county or district 4531 observation and value of birds, etc 4535 physiology and hygiene 4534 sanitation and prevention of dis- ease 4535 DEBT see "indebtedness" and "bonds" hereunder. . DIPLOMAS see "certificates and diplomas" DISTRICT, COUNTY, FIRST CLASS county district other than first class, see "district." how constituted 4597 county commisssioners designate name 4597 subdivide 4597 schols therein free 4598 under direction of board 4598 election, how conducted 4602 school year 4608 reports of president, etc 4608 property of, vested in board of education 4619 exempt from tax, etc 4622 teachers, examinations for. . . . 4620 receive share of taxes 4623 board of education 4597 members, election 4600 oath, bonds 4600, 4604 qualify, when 4601 take seats, when 4601 qualifications • • • • 4603 compensation, how fixed 4609 vacancies, how filled 4603 organize, how 4604 president, election 4604 duties 4612 clerk, election, qualifications, term .4604 bond 4613 duties 4614 treasurer, election, qualifica- tions, term 4604 oath, bond 4615 duties 4615 members, may administer oaths 4616 officer of, removed, how.... 4605 may appoint other officers. .4606 elect superintendent of schools 4607 INDEX DISTRICT, COUNTY, FIRST CLASS — Concluded term and duties 4607 teacher's examinations 4620 powers generally 4617 a body corporate. 4616 sale of property, restrictions on 4618 receive property from former trustees 4619 levy taxes 4624 election on special tax levy, call 4626 district bonds, call 4627 seil bonds to highest bidder 4634 advertise for bids to build houses 4639 members not be interested in contracts let 4639 establish parental schools. .. .4640 appoint and pay off truant of- ficers 4648 ELECTIONS of state superintendent 4517 none when 4649 of board, county district of first class 4600, 4601 of board of education, cities4663-4667 cities of second class 4664 conduct of elections 4666 on tax rate, for sites, buildings, etc 4626, 4706 bond, in cities 4627, 4708 see 'bonds" hereunder. to create indebtedness 4590 qualifications of voters. . . . 4591 in cities 4592 in other districts 4593 ballots 4594 canvass 4596 EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS see "certificates and diplomas'' FLAG American, to be displayed 4744 FUNDS perpetual, what constitutes Con. art. 10, sees., 3, 5; p. 79 guaranteed by state.. Con. art. 10, sec. 7 apportionment to districts. 4 51 8, 4565 high school .4575. 4580 state and county, used for pay- ment of teachers 4565 t t - obo rc ' retirement commission 4756 county auditor apportions, when .... 4649 see "bonds" hereunder. HEALTH health education p. 72 teacher to examine sight, hear- ing, etc., of pupils 4546 state board health to prescribe rules 4547 teste when made 1548 duty of boards to enforce 15 i'.» may employ physician 4550 HIGH SCHOOL free when . . . .Con. art. 10, sees. 2, 3; p. 79 tax for 4575-4582 in districts of the first class.. 4617 in cities 4681 standard to be fixed 4677 inspection 4581 apportionment of fund 4580 INCORRIGIBLE CHILDREN sent to industrial school 4743 parental school. .4641, 4721-4730 INDEBTEDNESS not in excess of revenue, allowed 4590 additional 4590, 4591 election for 4592, 4593 ballots 4594 who may vote 4595 canvass, result 4596 when territory annexed to city, adjustment 4745-4747 power to create.. Con .art. 14; p. 81 see "bonds" hereunder. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS board may establish 4544 cost of, taken from district fund 4545 in cities 4545, 4681 in county district of first class 4617 NEGLECTED CHILDREN committed to parental school.. 4643 PARENTAL SCHOOLS board of education may establish 4721 truant to be committed. . 4722 release from 4723 expense, how paid 4727 pupils outside of city 472s truant officer, compensa- tion ...... ......4648, 4729 in county districts of first class 4640 truants sent to 4641 parents pay cost 4646 released from 4642 neglected children 4643 how discharged from....... 4644 other children 4647 INDEX PART-TIME SCHOOLS p. 68 PROPERTY see "taxes" "buildings," "bonds." REGISTRATION LIST county clerk to furnish districts of first class 4650 RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES free from sectarian control. . . . Con. art. 10, sec. 1; p. 78 atheistic or religious teaching.. p. 77 REPORTS to state superintendent 4608, 4611, ■ . 4672, 4675 to board of education ..4608, 4614, 4615, 4632, 4678, 4679 RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION see "teachers" hereunder.. REVENUE see "bonds," "indebtedness," "funds," "taxes" hereunder. SANITATION see "health." school year 4608, 4672 SCHOOLHOUSES election to provide 4655-4626, 4631, 4706. 4707 as civic centers 4551-4554 erection county districts p. 78 plans to state supt p. 78 advertise for bids .4639, 4720 SINKING FUNDS account of and investment 4637, 4718 tax to provide 4636, 1717 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION membership, term. 4505 to control public school system Con. art 10, sec. 8; 4505. . to establish libraries and gymna- sium .4505 secretary 4514 to grant diplomas and certificates 4506-4511 revoke diplomas, etc 4512 see "diplomas" and "certificates" hereunder. compensation, expenses 4513 state superintendent is chairman.4514 to recommend supervisors, etc 4514 majority vote controls 4515 meetings 4516. p. 68 provide examination questions. 4510 assistants for, compensation.. 4511 seal 4519 to administer federal vocational education fund of Utah p. 68 high school fund, duties respect- ing 4575-4582 fix standard. . 4577 to be notified as to intention to participate 4576 to receive reports of attend- ance 4578 state auditor report to 4579 apportion fund, when and how 4580 direct expenditure district library fund 4525 STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION election of, term, qualifications 4517 oath, bond 4517 may appoint a deputy, compen- sation 4517 to supervise public school system 4518 to apportion school fund.. 4518, 4564 not until reports made 4518 to prepare and furnish forms. . 4519 to visit each county once a year 4519 may examine school accounts 4519 to advise with school officers. . 4520 opinions on schools matters.. 4520 .to be printed 4519 decision final, until 4520 biennial report printed with law 4521, 4522 information to national commis- sioner 4522 to file account of expenses. .... 4523 to deliver books, etc., to successor 4523 call convention of superintend- ents 4524 member board of education. . . . 4505 text book commission 4555 committee on course of study 4531 board to settle right on annexation of territory to city 4746 call text book commission .... 4556 contract with publishers of books 4560 not to act as agent for publisher 4561 STUDY, COURSE OF committee to prescribe 4531 see course of study. INDEX SUPERINTENDENT OF CITY SCHOOLS see "city" hereunder SUPERINTENDENT OF COUNTY SCHOOLS OF FIRST CLASS oath, term _ 4607 member of board to settle be- z" z tween districts 474R attend conventions 4607 SUPERINTENDENT, STATE see "state superintendent" here- under. TAXES see "funds" and "elections" hereunder. for judgment for taxes illegally collected 4586 districts of first class 4624-4626 levy, rate, collection 4624 paid over to board 4625 for interest and redemption of bonds 4636, 4717 special for buildings, how levied 4626 school property exempt from 4622, 4701 state levy .4575, p. 75 special ... .4626, 4627, 4706, 4707 TEACHERS see "certificates" hereunder. test pupils' hearing, sight, etc. retirement associations: applicable to first and second class cities beneficiaries two classes.. how retired and nension.. deduction for delinquent dues clerk commission, creation members and term election, how qualification, vacancies... organization and officers., without compensation. . . . meetings, records report rules and by-laws fund, two classes how managed and dis- bursed current, how constituted., permanent, how constituted transfers refund to estate, when. . . . insufficient, pro rata income membership , 4546 4750 4750 4760 4761 .4754 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 475} 4755 4755 4765 4756 4756 4759 4750 4 7"0 4762 4763 4758 4755 TEACHERS— Concluded assessments 4758 transfer or continuance.. 4761 refund of dues paid to estate, when 4762 refund, who entitled 4762 retirement, when and how. . 4760 state teachers, retirement com- mission, winding up 4767 teacher, defined 4765 treasurer 4754 TEXT BOOKS commission created 4555 members 4555 expenses, how paid 4555 select text books for district and high schools 4555 except cities 4555 meetings, when held. ....... 4556 notice, how ^iven 455b state purpose 4556 sealed proposals and contract 4556 proposals publicly read 4557 samples and prices 4558 when proposal unsatisfac- tory 4559 publisher's contract 4560 officer or teacher not to act as agent . . 456I text book commission not to receive bonus 4562 use of to be enforced, penalty. . 4563 in cities, selection by board.. 4695 notice to publishers 4696 opening bids 4697 samples and prices. 4698 unsatisfactory proposal 4699 nnblishers' contracts 4700 • board may furnish free.... 4681 TREASURER of county school district of first class, duties, salary 4615 state to receive and pay over funds . . 4654 of city board 4679 TRUANTS committed to parental school. when 4641. 4722 parents pay cost of. . .4646. 4727 to industrial school 47 in released from parental school. when .4642. 4723 officer 4648, 4729 VACANCIES member board of education . ... .4603. 4667 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ... .p. 68 i 1 M I M I,\W IJBRAKS UNIVERSITY OF CAL1FOKS* U ' , ,« ANfiELES Munuf ocfur»d by JCAYLORD BROS. Inc. Syrocu»«, N. V. Stockton, Coll*. nn UU