PS 3343 W2Z6 r t ^\\EUNIVER% .^lOS ANGELA n the march, these all tend to show that the United States lost, when Winthrop J:lied, a character who might well have led novelists into the new fields of W ocAmerican nationalism. When the present \Var of the Nations put a check upon publication, I had .begun work on an edition of Cecil Drceme for one of the shilling series. That task, now complete, is collecting dust until a publisher wants it, and I have made these present bibliographical notes while the subject is still fresh in a mind now turning to other things. It is peculiarly gratifying to find that \Yinthrop had a real audience in Britain, and that at a time when few American books were seriously considered in London, his writings met with distinct success and appeared in several editions. Criticisms and additional references will be sincerely welcomed. 1 I hope someone who sees this article will be able to furnish additional information about Winthrop's books. [3] 233547 4 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY The arrangement adopted here requires some explanation. There are two divisions: ( 1 ) American impressions of Winthrop's works, (2) British importations and reprints. The entries in the first division are separated into two sections: (a) A bibliography, classified by publishers, by titles, chronologically, of the various editions of the five books which made Winthrop's reputation: Cecil Drecme, John Brent, Edwin Brothertoft, The Canoe and the Saddle, and Life in the Open Air. This shows the history of the works and the transference of plates and publishing rights from firm to firm, (b) Other American im- pressions than the five titles above mentioned, including magazine articles and reprints, in chronological order. From the first section we may gain some idea of the popularity of the books. We may also see that there has been a decided falling-of f of interest since 1900. The Cecil Drecme of the Dodd, Mead and Company impression is still procurable through the publishers, though the other titles are "out of print." The Circulating departments of The New York Public Library and of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh state that Theodore Winthrop's works, though "some time ago in fairly active demand," particularly Cecil Drecme and John Brent, are subject now to "only occasional calls," and that the demand for them is a "distinctly light demand for works of these classes." An asterisk (*) signifies that the present writer has seen the edition mentioned, either in the Columbia University Library, The New York Public Library, the Yale University Library, the British Museum, or in his own library or those of his friends. When the present writer has not seen the volume, indication of the source of the information is given as follows: Amer. Cat. - American Catalogue Bur. Car. Lib. - Carnegie Library of B. P. L. - - Boston Public Library th e City of Bur- Har. Univ. Lib. Harvard University lington, Vermont Library Eng. Cat. - - English Catalogue Lib. Cong. - Library of Congress cards B. M. - - - British Museum References to "Allibone" are to S. Austin Allibone, A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1882. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON THEODORE WINTHROP 5 Following are the dates of copyright entries of the Winthrop books: CECIL DREEME; entered by Ticknor and Fields, October 23, 1861, in the Clerk's Office, District of Massachusetts. JOHN BRENT; entered by the same, January 16, 1862, copy deposited January 22, 1862. EDWIN BROTHERTOFT; entered by the same, May 12, 1862, copy deposited December 31, 1862. THE CANOE AND THE SADDLE; entered by the same, November 24, 1862. LIFE IN THE OPEN AIR and OTHER PAPERS; entered by the same, May, 15, 1863, copy deposited May 29, 1863. LIFE AND POEMS, ed. by his sister; entered by Henry Holt & Company, no. 5530, March 15, 1884, copies deposited March 22, 1884. MR. WADDY'S RETURN; entered by Henry Holt & Company, Class A, no. 99484, October 20, 1904, copies deposited October 21, 1904. 1 Examination of the copies available, of the various editions of Cecil Drccmc, John Brent, Edzvin Brothcrtoft, The Canoe and the Saddle, and Life in the Open Air and Other Papers, listed in the following first section of the first division of the Bibliography, indicates that all impressions, from the original one of 1861 to the Dodd, Mead and Company editions of 1899, were taken from the original Ticknor and Fields stereotype plates. Passing from edition to edition, certain flaws in the printing appear from time to time, letters are damaged, line rules are battered so as to print broad, and the flaw once appearing is thereafter always repeated. The pagination is the same for each separate title, though the publishers may change. This of course does not apply to English editions, nor to the amplified edition by John H. Williams of Tacoma, Washington. I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (a) TICKNOR AND FIELDS Cecil Dreeme Boston: 1861 Amer. Cat. 1861-66 October (Allibone) B. P. L. 12mo, cl., p. 360 Lib. Cong. Same, 1862 Lib. Cong. * 9. ed. 1862, including publisher's announcement dated February, 1862 9. ed. advertised in 4. ed. of John Brent, 1862 10. ed. advertised in 5. ed. of John Brent, 1862 6. ed. of John Brent, 1862 11. ed. advertised in 8. ed. of John Brent, 1862, and in the first edition of Edwin Brothertoft, May, 1862. 12. ed. advertised in 1. ed. and in 2. ed. of Edwin Brothertoft, 1862 1 Information secured by personal correspondence with Messrs. J. L. Larnum and Thorvald Solberg of the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 6 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (a), continued. TICKNOR AND FIELDS, continued. Cecil Drccmc, continued. 13. ed. advertised in 4. ed. of Edwin Brothcrtoft, 1862 14. ed. advertised in 6. ed. of Edwin Brothcrtoft, 1863, and in the first edi- tion of Canoe and the Saddle, November, 1862 15. ed. advertised in Led. of Life in the Open Air. 5. ed. of Canoe and Saddle, 1863 mentioned in The Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1863, vol. 12, p. 158 * 15. ed. 1863, including publisher's announcement dated December, 1862 17. ed. mentioned in The Westminster Review, July, 1865, vol. 84, p. 164 17. ed. Allibone, op. cit. 1864 * 18. ed 1865 * 19. ed 1866 Allibone says: "Three editions in a week." John Brent Boston: 1862 January (Allibone) 16mo, cl., p. 359 Amer. Cat. 1861-66 * 4. e d. 1862 S.ed. 1862 B. P. L. * 6. ed. 1862 * - S.ed. 1862 advertised in 2. ed. of Edwin Brothertoft, 1862, and in the first edi- tion of Edwin Brothertoft, May, 1862 10. ed. advertised in 4. ed. of Edwin Brothertoft, 1862 ll.ed. advertised in 6. ed. of Edwin Brothertoft, 1863, and in the first edi- tion of Canoe and the Saddle, November, 1862 12. ed. advertised in 5. ed. of Canoe and Saddle, 1863 1. ed. of Life in the Open Air, 1863 * 14. ed. 1864, including publisher's announcement dated October, 1864 14. ed. mentioned in The Westminster Review, July, 1865, vol. 84, p. 164 * 14. ed 1865 * 16. ed 1866 Allibone says: "Five editions in ten days." Edwin Brothertoft *Boston: 1862 * July (Allibone) Amer. Cat. 1861-66 16mo, cl., p. 369 Har. Univ. Lib. 1 One of the copies the present writer has seen, has a pencilled notation on a blank page at the back, "Aug. 16, 1862." Another has a publisher's announcement of May, 1862. * 2. ed. 1862, with a publisher's announcement of May, 1862. * 3. ed. 1862 * 4. ed. 1862, with a publisher's announcement of May, 1862 * 6. ed. 1863, also advertised in the first edition of Canoe and the Saddle, November, 1862 7. ed. mentioned in The Westminster Review, July, 1865, vol. 84, p. 164 advertised in Led. Life in the Open Air, 1863 advertised in S.ed. Canoe and Saddle, 1863 .... mentioned by Allibone, 1864 * 8. ed 1865, with publisher's announcement, Septem- ber, 1865 * 9. ed 1866 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON THEODORE WINTHROP 7 I. AMERICAN- EDITIONS (a), continued. TICK NOR AND FIELDS, continued. The Canoe and the Saddle *Boston: 1863 November, 1862 (Allibone) 12mo, cl., p. 375 A copy in the Columbia University library has the date 1863 on the title-page but a name and date 27 November, 1862, written in, and a November, 1862, publisher's announcement. Amer. Cat. 1861-66 An 1863 edition without designation of the number of the edition. Lib. Cong., Har. Univ. Lib., B. P. L., C. U. L. * 5. ed. 1863 6. ed. advertised in 1. ed. Life in the Open Air, 1863. A copy in The New York Public Library is indicated on the catalogue card as 6. ed., but the volume itself gives no such evidence as would warrant the assump- tion. The copy bears the date, 1863, on the title page. * 7. ed. . . . 1864 * g. ed. . . . 1866 Life in the Open Air *Boston: 1863 t May (Allibone) 16mo, cl., p. 374 One of the many copies the present writer has seen is marked on a p. 1. with a name and the date "May 25, 1864." Contents: Life in the Open Air. Katahdin and the Penobscot Love and Skates N. Y. 7. Reg't Our March to Washington Washington as a Camp Fortress Monroe Brightly's Orphan, A Fragment "The Heart of the Andes." Advertised "In press" in 5. ed. Canoe and Saddle, 1863 3. ed. . . . 1866 Lib. Cong. * 3. ed. . . . 1866 JAMES R. OSGOOD COMPANY. Boston. Cecil Dreeme: 1871 Advertised in John Brent, 1871 ed. Lib. Cong. N. Y. P. L. Lib. Cong. Col. Univ. *John Brent: 1871 *Edwin Brothertoft: 1871 * : 1875 The Canoe and the Saddle: 1871 Advertised in John Brent, 1871 ed. * : 1871, Designated as 10. ed. : 1873, Designated as 11. ed. B. P. L. Life in the Open Air: 1871 Advertised in John Brent, 1871 ed. : 1873, Designated as 7. ed. Bur. Car. Lib. g THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (a), continued. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY. New York, N. Y. Cecil Dreeme First edition April, 1876 Reprinted February, 1884 Reprinted July, 1877 Reprinted February, 1887 Reprinted November, 1880 Reprinted July 1889 There was a cheap paper edition issued April 1883 Reprinted September, 1884. Reprinted March, 1885 John Brent First edition May, 1876 Reprinted February, 1884 Reprinted July, 1879 Reprinted June, 1886 Reprinted February, 1882 Reprinted July, 1889 There was a cheap paper edition issued May, 1882 Reprinted September, 1884. Reprinted March, 1885 Canoe and Saddle First edition May, 1876 Reprinted February, 1884 Reprinted August, 1889 Edwin Brothertoft First edition June, 1876 Reprinted June, 1886 Reprinted 1889 Life in the Open Air First edition June, 1876 [Designated as 8. ed.] Reprinted 1884 Reprinted 1889 All Henry Holt editions in the Leisure Hour Series, but not numbered serially. The above facts are extracted from a letter to the present writer from Henry Holt and Company. All of the Winthrop books of the Holt impression which the present writer has seen bear the date 1876, and there does not seem to be any record of Holt editions with other dates. From which we may infer that the same title-page was used in all reprintings. The present writer has consulted copies of these series in The New York Public Library, the Yale University Library, and in his own library and those of his friends. He has also used information in the American Catalogue, the Library of Congress Depository Catalogue in The New York Public Library, and in transcriptions of Boston Public Library catalogue cards. Cecil Dreeme was no. 61 in the Leisure Hour Series, the numbers of the other titles are not known. JOHN W. LOVELL COMPANY & UNITED STATES BOOK COMPANY. New York. American Author's Scries. Issued semi-monthly. Entered in the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second class mail matter, August 15, 1890. Cloth, $1.00; Paper, $.50. Probable date, 1891 U. S. Book Co. was successor to John W. Lovell Company. *Cecil Dreeme. John W. Lovell Co. cl. Serial no. 18; n. d. (Copy. 1861) *John Brent. John W. Lovell Co. cl. Serial no. 19; n. d. (Copy. 1862) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON THEODORE WINTHROP I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (a), can tinned. JOHN W. LOVELL COMPANY & UNITED STATES BOOK COMPANY. New York, continued. *The Canoe and the Saddle. John W. Lovell Co. cl. Serial no. 26; n. d. (Copy. 1862) * U. S. Book Company. Paper. Serial no. 26; n. d. (Copy. 1862) Date, 1891, given in Amer. Cat., 1890-95. Life in the Open Air. John W. Lovell Co. U. S. Book Company Serial no. 28 advertised in cover of Canoe and Saddle, Paper edition. *Edwin Brothertoft. John W. Lovell Co. cl. Serial no. 30; n. d. (Copy. 1862) U. S. Book Company. Paper. Serial no. 30; n. d. (Copy. 1862) Date, 1891, given in American Catalogue, 1890-95. DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY. New York, N. Y. *Cedl Dreeme. n. d. (Copy. 1861) 1899 Ajax Series no. 78. Some information obtained in letter from Dodd, Mead and Company *Canoe and Saddle, n. d. (Copy. 1862) 1899 Har. Univ. Lib. Lib. Cong. Personal letter from Dodd, Mead and Company *John Brent, n. d. (Copy. 1862) 1899 Date secured by personal letter from Dodd, Mead and Company I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (b) *A Companion to the Heart of the Andes. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1859. 12mo, p. 43 Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 *Onr March to Washington. Atlantic Monthly, June, 1861; vol. 7, p. 744 Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 *WcuhtHgton as a Camp. Atlantic Monthly, July, 1861; vol. 8, p. 105 Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 *I : ortrcss Monroe. Atlantic Monthly, August, 1861; vol. 8, p. 248 Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 *Saccharissa Mallasys. Atlantic Monthly, September, 1861; vol. 8, p. 282 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (b), continued. *Lovc and Skates. Atlantic Monthly, January, February, 1862; vol. 9, p. 70, 223. Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 *Life in the Open Air. Atlantic Monthly, August, September, November, December, 1862; v. 10, p. 203, 293, 526, 678. Reprinted in Life in the Open Air, 1863 The East and the West. (Poem) Atlantic Monthly, April, 1863; vol. 11, p. 487 Reprinted in Life and Poems, 1884 Love and Skates. Included in vol. 6, p. 7-89 Little Classics, ed. by Rossiter Johnson, 16mo. cl. Boston: James R. Osgood Company. Houghton Mifflin Company. Copy. 1874 Vol. 6 issued as follows: 1. ed. January, 1875 16. ed. July, 1886 2. ed. February, 1875 17. ed. October, 1887 3. ed. February, 1875 18. ed. June, 1888 4.ed. May, 1875 19. ed. September, 1889 5. ed. August, 1875 *20. ed. September, 1890 6. ed. January, 1876 21. ed. May, 1891 7. ed. June, 1877 22. ed. August, 1892 8. ed. August, 1877 23. ed. October, 1893 9. ed. August, 1878 24. ed. August, 1895 10. ed. September, 1879 25. ed. February. 1898 11. ed. November, 1880 26. ed. July, 1900 12. ed. June, 1881 27. ed. July, 1905 13. ed. February, 1882 28. ed. April, 1909 14. ed. March, 1883 29. ed. December, 1910 IS.ed. September, 1884 The entire eight volumes of the series, in which volume six was of course included, were issued as follows: Led. September, 1879 3. ed. January, 1882 2. ed. October, 1880 4. ed. May, 1884 The above information concerning Love and Skates was secured through personal correspondence from Houghton, Mifflin Company *Rou'ing against the Tide, 1. Chap. Steers Flotsam. St. Nicholas Magazine, December, 1877; vol. 5, p. 75-6 *Poem beginning "A bounding gallop is good." St. Nicholas Magazine, January, 1878; vol. 5, p. 231 Reprinted in Life and Poems, 1884 *Song, beginning "Listen, listen, listen while I sing." St. Nicholas Magazine, January, 1879; vol. 6, p. 175 Reprinted in Life and Poems, 1884 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON THEODORE WINTHROP H I. AMERICAN EDITIONS (b), continued. *Life and Poems. ed. by his sister, Mrs. Laura (Winthrop) Johnson. 12mo, cl., p. 313 New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1884 March. Date secured by letter from Henry Holt and Company *Lovc and Skates. Ariel Booklet Series. No. 49 18mo, leather, p. 212 New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1902 2. ed., November, 1906 Dates secured by letter from G. P. Putnam's Sons *Mr. Waddy's Return. ed. by Burton E. Stevenson. 12mo, cl., p. 278 New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1904 October. Date secured by letter from Henry Holt and Company *Thc Canoe and the Saddle. ed. by John H. Williams. Royal 8vo, half parchment, p. XXVI + 332 Tacoma, Washington: John H. Williams. 1913 December. , *Past and Present A poem previously unpublished, Yale Review, January, 1915 II. BRITISH IMPORTATIONS AND REPRINTS Cecil Drcemc; Boston: 1861. Advice from a Birmingham bookshop. 1 Cecil Drceme; Boston: 1862. Eng. Cat. 1835-62 Probably an importation of one of the Ticknor and Fields editions. John Brent; Boston: 1862. Eng. Cat. 1835-62 Probably an importation of one of the Ticknor and Fields editions. The Canoe and the Saddle; Boston: 1863 Eng. Cat. 1863-71 Probably an importation of one of the Ticknor and Fields editions. Life in the Open Air; Boston: 1863. Eng. Cat. 1863-71 Edwin Brothertoft; Boston: ? In the Westminster Review, July, 1865, vol. 84. p. 163, there is a review of "The works of Theodore Winthrop," 5 vols., Boston: Ticknor and Fields. London: Triibner and Company. Triibner and Company were thus probably the importers of the Winthrop books. The English Catalogue makes no mention of them in connection with the works of Theodore Winthrop. There is no record of publica- tion or importation of Edwin Brothrrtoft in England until the 1876 Henry Holt importation and the 1883 Paterson publication, yet the Westminster Review article above mentioned includes it as one of the "5 vols." For obvious reasons the authenticity of this is doubtful. j9 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY II. BRITISH IMPORTATIONS AND REPRINTS, continued. Life in the Open Air; New York: 1876 Leisure Hour Series. Brit. Museum: Edwin Brothertoft; New York: 1876 Leisure Hour Series. Brit. Museum: Cecil Dreeme; New York: 1876 Leisure Hour Series Brit. Museum: acquired 1885 John Brent; New York: 1876 Leisure Hour Series Brit. Museum: acquired 1885 The last four entries are obviously the Henry Holt and Company publica- tions. The last two contain advertisements of the Life and Poems of 1884. John Brent; Edinburgh: 1883. Paterson. Eng. Cat. 1881-89 Canoe and the Saddle; Edinburgh: 1883. Paterson. Eng. Cat. 1881-89 Edwin Brothertoft; Edinburgh: 1883. Paterson. Eng. Cat. 1881-89 Cecil Dreeme; Edinburgh: 1883. Paterson. 1 Eng. Cat. 1881-89 These four Edinburgh impressions above mentioned are in Paterson's Shilling Library. New England Novels, cl. 2s, pap. Is. There are in the series: Nathaniel Hawthorne, 12 vols. Arthur Sherburne Hardy, 14 vols. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 4 vols. Washington Irving, 2 vols. Theodore Winthrop, 4 vols. Canoe and the Saddle acquired by the British Museum 1 October 1883, 12mo. 4 + 5-266 p. advertises the other three. Edwin Brothertoft; London: 1883. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, and Company Eng. Cat. 1881-89. Obviously the same as the following item. Edwin Brothertoft; Glasgow: 1883. Macrone & Co. A copy (12703 i. 5.) acquired by the British Museum 14 January, 1884. is paged: 2 [title] + i-vi -f 1-54 [double column]. It contains the Curtis biographical sketch of the author and advertisements of Cecil Dreeme and John Brent. It was published by Macrone at Glasgow, by Menzies & Co., at Edinburgh and by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. in London. Life and Poems; New York: 1884. Eng. Cat. 1881-89 This is the Henry Holt edition imported. A British Museum copy \vas acquired 15 October, 1884. Canoe and the Saddle. New edition (N. Y.), London, April, 1891. Eng. Cat. 1890-97 This is probably the New York, U. S. Book Co., edition imported. Cecil Dreeme; London: February, 1896. W. Scott. pp. 272, Oxford Library, no. 23. Eng. Cat. 1890-97 1 William Paterson was a small Edinburgh publisher on Prince's Street who issued guide books, and books descriptive of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Clyde. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON THEODORE WINTHROP 13 II. BRITISH IMPORTATIONS AND REPRINTS, continued. Love and Skates; London: March, 1905. Putnam, pp. 212, Ariel Booklet Series. Three years later than a similar American publication by the same firm. Cecil Dreemc John Brent Edwin Brothertoft Canoe and the Saddle These four have been recently issued by the Walter Scott Publishing Com- pany, Ltd., of Felling-on-Tyne and London, in their New England Library at 2s., and Cecil Dreeme also appears in their Million Library at Is. 6d., and in their Brotherhood Library at 2s. 6d. The connection is rather clear between this New England Library and Pater- son's New England Novels. It was a detail of the publishing business. There is in the columns of The Nation (New York), June 29, 1916, an article by myself giving the results of some investigation of the original manu- scripts of the Winthrop novels. Comparison of handwriting and a study of emendations and omissions has led to a definite result in determining just who did, and how much was done in, the editing of the posthumous works in preparing them for the printer. 23,3547 OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES PRINT AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY UNlVtKSiTY of c: AT LOS ANGLLhS E-UNIVER% S % jra-fc E UNIVER%. FCALIFO/? ^OF-CALIFOi % 8 1 1 v/SiHAINa-3V\v E-UNIVERS/A ' # ^ I * v^lDS-ANCEL T 1 O 1 1 1 If*' ffi 1 \ 1 1 ^ \[ UNIVERS/^ 1 a -///P.n . I ;$ % ,/\vy yri, I i lUfAl^ T^/PUTH L 006 85 13050 J