AGRKL DcPT, Tpir^v'v^ Cotton Culture i ""^^^ A GUIDE FOR RAISING PROFITABLE COTTON CROPS 4 ^S K 1 . , t * *^ i T * -' % . ' . J . > " < **** PUBLISHED BY GERMAN KALI WORKS i\ TICE: Every Farmer can obtain free of charge a copy of one of the following books: PRINCIPLES OF PROFITABLE FARMING POTASH IN AGRICULTURE FARMER'S GUIDE FARMER'S NOTE BOOK *TROPICAL PLANTING STASSFURT INDUSTRY TRUCK FARMING PLANT FOOD THE COW PEA COTTON CULTURE *TOBACCO CULTURE STRAWBERRY CULTURE ORANGE CULTURE *FERTILIZING SUGAR CANE *SUGAR CANE CULTURE *FERTILIZING TOBACCO *WHY THE FISH FAILED VALUE OF SWAMP LANDS *(Also supplied in Spanish Language) State which of the above publications you desire and it will be mailed to you free of charge. ADDRESS (iertnan lialt NEW YORK BALTIMORE, MD. CHICAGO, ILL. 93 Nassau Street 1508 Continental Bldg. Monadnock Block INTRODUCTION The history of cotton culture is interesting. The cotton plant has an ancient history, having been mentioned as being grown in India more than 2,500 years ago. It was there used for the manu- facture of clothing, which was said by the early Greek historian, Herodotus, "to be of better quality and finer fiber than that of the sheep." And in his account of the plant he used the very same term, as is now applied to it by the Germans, namely, "tree wool." The cotton plant was growing on the American continent at the time of its discovery by Columbus, and cotton cloth has been found in the ancient tombs of the Incas of Peru. The first efforts to grow cotton in the United States were made in Virginia about the year 1621. In 1781 eight bags of cotton were shipped to England, and in a few years the trade increased to 84,000 bales. In the year 1861 the exports were 1,841,000 bales, and yet, large as these figures ap- peared, the exports kept growing in volume so that for the year ending August 31, 1909, these amounted to 8,566,342 bales, the crop in this country being 13,587,306 bales. The crop of the world for the same period was over 18,000,000 bales of 500 pounds each. Of the four great staples for clothing cotton, silk, wool, and flax cotton has far outstripped all the others in consumption. Thus, while fifty years ago only 2,500,000 bales were manufactured into clothing material, the present high- water mark shows over 17,000,- ooo bales thus used! And yet, as the editor, Mr. Edward Atkinson, has stated, less than one-half of the people of the world are fully supplied with cotton goods. It is reasonable to assume that the demand will continue to in- crease, and although there will be a natural increase in acreage and production following high prices, it behooves the individual planter to safeguard his own interests by increasing the yield on each acre by intensive methods of culture. 3 274351 A, bud. B, blossom. C, boll or " square. THE COTTON PLANT. THE COTTON PLANT SEED-COTTON is the fruit of a plant belonging to the same botanical order as the mallow, hollyhock, and okra. It belongs to the genus Gossypium, and the number of species or types is variously stated to be from four to forty-two. Agriculturally and commercially, cotton is usually classified by "grade," according to quality, length of fiber, etc., and the locality in which it is produced. Two great classes are recognized: Oriental and Occi- dental, or Eastern and Western. The chief distinguish- ing feature between these two classes lies in the color of the seed, the Eastern cotton having black seed, while the Western varieties are green seeded. There are two distinct types of North American cottons, (i) the famous "Sea-Island" (black-seeded) or "long staple," and (2) the "New Orleans" (green-seeded) or "short staple." Sea-Island cotton seems to require the even moist climate of low-lying districts, where frost is scarcely known. As this fiber is produced in a limited area, its cultural importance to the general cotton planter is not great. The greater part of American cotton production belongs to the "Upland." This "upland," or short staple cotton, covering a vast proportion of the cotton area, is the cotton of the planter, and the kind referred to in this book where no other grade is specified. 5 COTTON CULTURE With proper culture the cotton plant will grow from four to six feet high, while under conditions particularly Wild. Upland. Sea Island. TYPES OF COTTON FIBERS. Jndia. Sea Island. American Upland TYPES OF COTTON BOLLS. favorable it will reach a height of eight feet or more. The blossoms are white on the first day, become pink on the COTTON CULTURE second, and fall on the third, leaving the embryo "boll'*' enveloped in the calyx. This boll or "square" is really a seed pod in which the seeds develop surrounded by the protecting filaments of fiber, which constitute the cotton of commerce. On ripening, the boll separates into three to five or more cells, much as a chestnut burr opens, the cotton fiber being at first so compact as to preserve the shape of the compartment it had filled, but, soon drying, pro- trudes from the pod in a fluffy mass. The cotton plant possesses a well-developed tap root, extend- ing, according to the vigor of the plant and the character of the soil, to a depth of three or more feet. The lateral, or feeding roots, be- gin usually within three inches of the surface, and seldom extend below a depth of nine inches. Cotton fiber, when examined under a microscope, resembles a collapsed tube with corded edges twisted many times throughout its length, and has the appearance of an elongated cork-screw or carpenter's auger. These convolutions or twists are less frequent as the fiber is less matured, and are almost altogether absent in the imma- 8 COTTON CULTURE ture fiber. In making thread, these "twists" interlace with one another, which action assists in the formation of a strong thread from comparatively so weak a fiber as cotton. The average length of an ordinary cotton fiber in the United States is one and one-tenth inches. Sea- Inland cotton has a much longer fiber. THE COTTON CLIMATE In the United States , the thirty-seventh parallel of latitude seems to mark the limits of economical cotton culture, though in many places the line curves below that latitude. A line drawn from Old Point Comfort, Vir- ginia, through Cairo, Illinois, would cover practically the same limits. Cotton is a plant which thrives in a very warm or even hot atmosphere, providing the latter is moist, and that severe drying winds are not prevalent. Conditions are regarded unfavorable to cotton culture where the winter and spring temperatures are low, as the growing season is then liable to be too short. The time from the planting of the seed to the bursting of the first boll averages 130 days. The first killing frost of autumn checks further growth or development, and, according to its severity, destroys the plant and all immature bolls. For economical culture, the crop requires six or seven months of favorable grow- ing weather. In the typical cotton climate, the mean daily temperature increases from the time of seeding, COTTON CULTURE 9 until about the first of August, after which time it falls considerably, thus making two distinct periods in the life of the plant. During the first period of high and increasing tempera- ture the plant should be in full growth, and by the first, or middle of August, it should have stored up all the food it needs. From this time on, a decreasing temperature is favorable to the production of a maximum crop; for this checks the further growth and induces the plant to convert into fruit the food material it has accumulated. Cotton thus requires an early start and a long season. It is a semi-tropical plant, and must have semi-tropical weather, long enough to mature its fruit. COTTON SOILS Cotton can be grown successfully on a great variety of soils. In fact, cotton flourishes almost anywhere in the Gulf States, whether the soil be sand, clay, sandy loam, limestone, peaty or black prairie land. On sandy uplands, the yield is generally small; on clay soils, and with a wet season, the plant may attain a large size, but gives little lint in proportion to leaf and stalk. Rich bottom lands are apt to produce results similar to those of clay soils in a wet season, and are not ideal soils for cotton, but rather for corn and the grasses; but with a favorable season they yield heavily. The best type of soil for producing favorable results is a light clay loam or medium heavy sandy loam with a subsoil that is not too heavy and compact. 10 COTTON CULTURE In the so-called "cotton belt" the presence of iron causes many sands and clays to be colored a more or less marked red, and farmers are accustomed to call them "red" to distinguish them from "gray" soils. All things considered, the red clay soil may be considered the more favorable of the two, when sufficiently porous to be easily freed of surface water a condition usually indicated by the presence of small quantities of fine red gravel. The native forest growth of such soils is generally long-leafed pine, with hickory, oak, and maple in the bottoms. The amount and distribution of rainfall has much to do with successful cotton culture, and this fact should be kept in mind when selecting soils. On heavy clay and rich bottom lands, the crop receiving too free a rain- fall frequently becomes diseased or injured by insect ravages, or is delayed in maturing by rank vegetative growth until the appearance of frost. A good cotton soil should maintain uniform conditions of moisture, as sudden variations in the growing season affect the vitality of the plant. Up to August, the soil should be continu- ously moist, but not wet. A sandy soil is apt to be too dry, and a heavy clay soil too wet. Excess of decaying organic matter, or peat, indicates an excess of nitrogen, as well as moisture, which tend to luxuriant growth of "weed" at the expense of fruit and early maturity. The young and tender cotton roots penetrate to a con- siderable depth. If the soil is washed from around a well- grown cotton stalk, a large number of fibrous roots will be found on the laterals. The roots penetrate three and COTTON CULTURE II even four feet deep in a loamy soil, thus showing clearly that the plant thrives best in a porous soil which is natu- rally or artificially drained to a good depth. This is proved by well grown plants making such root development and also by the fact that such a root system enables the plant to draw upon a larger water supply in case of drouth, and to reach a larger source of fertilizer supply than would be the case with a narrow or contracted root development. Physical difficulties in a soil may be at least partially corrected as follows: (i) If the soil be heavy and wet and thus cold in the spring, and inclined to bake during a drouth, the remedy is ditching, or, better still, tile drain- age. This should be followed by deep plowing and sub- soiling in the fall, in order that the "freeze" may have a beneficial effect. (2) The soil may be improved, if too loose, by a leguminous crop such as cow-peas or clover, whereby a large amount of organic matter is incorporated, which checks the quick dissipation of water in soils which are too porous. Lime, also, has a very powerful action in opening compact soils, and in binding together those which are too loose. PREPARATION OF THE SOIL Many large tracts of land, which the cotton planter is called upon to cultivate, have never borne any crop but their natural forest covering. It is always expensive to clear the land. When the native growth of wood has a commercial value, it is cut and sold for timber. The 12 COTTON CULTURE cheapest plan of getting rid of the forest growth is about as follows: The trees are girdled in autumn or winter, followed by "firing" to kill undergrowth and remove fallen timber. In many cases the plow can be put at work without cutting out the larger timber, but then the first plowing will be more or less imperfect, and the after cultivation attended with considerable difficulty. In about three years, however, the soil may be worked with a fair amount of profit. The great, if not sole obstacle, to the introduction of improved agricultural machinery in cotton culture in the South, is the presence of roots and stumps of trees. These should be removed either by digging out or, in the case of pine stumps, by burning. Dynamite is sometimes used. Digging is too expensive for large tracts, but may be practiced on small areas, when men and teams would not be otherwise employed. The small Southern oaks, which do not root deeply, are the trees most susceptible to removal by this method. There are several kinds of stump pullers which may be used effectively and the man- ufacturers will gladly furnish full information as to their use. Removing stumps by the use of dynamite costs about five cents per stump, and is a very simple operation. A small cavity is made under the roots, the cartridge dropped in, and the fuse ignited. There is no danger in the use of dy- namite if properly handled, but it is always advisable first to get instructions from an experienced person. If cotton is to follow cotton, the old stalks should be COTTON CULTURE 13 broken down as early as possible, so that they may have time to decay in the soil. As the object is to get the soil into such a condition that thorough plowing may be prac- ticable, many rough-and-ready devices are used, but a well- designed machine "stalk-chopper" is the most economical. The old-fashioned way of plowing, still too much in vogue, is by the use of a one-horse plow, shod with a turn shovel. This crude implement has largely given way to factory-made two-horse plows and these are being sub- stituted, to an increasing extent, by the modern disk- plow requiring two or three heavy mules, or horses. Such a plow will turn and disintegrate the soil to the depth of eight to twelve inches, or more, as may be desired. It is a very effective implement. Subsoiling is not now practiced to the same extent as formerly and is of doubtful profit. If done it should be confined to stiff clays and the work should be performed in the fall or very early winter. With heavy clay soils, and on land not subject to severe washing, plow early in winter; with lighter soils, or soils so situated as to be subject to washing, plow only shortly before planting. To turn over a light soil in winter means a considerable loss of fertilizer by the drainage of winter rains. The general depth of plowing is about four inches; it should not be less than six, and on heavy clay soils eight inches is better. To increase the depth of a soil, the plow should be set deeper very gradually. A gain of one-half inch per annum is probably all that may be safely attempted. 14 COTTON CULTURE Bedding the Land. The foregoing suggestions in re- gard to "preparation of the soil" refer only to the broad- cast, preliminary breaking which will be necessary in stiff soils or those covered with more or less trash, weeds, grass, and the debris of the preceding crop. If the soil does not crumble readily, and the surface is rough and uneven, it should be harrowed once or twice before the time for putting in manures and fertilizers. From two to three weeks before planting time the land should be laid off in rows varying from three feet wide, on land capable of producing less than one bale of cotton, to three and a half to four feet and upwards, on land capable of producing from one to two bales per acre. The fertilizer, or manure, should be put in these furrows, then the scooter-plow run in them to mix all together and finally a broad list made by throwing two furrows, back to back, on the center furrow. If these listing fur- rows be made with a two-horse plow a very narrow balk will be left to be split out just before, or immediately after, planting the crop. THE WASHING OF SOILS To check the damage from washing as much as possible, furrows and rows should run with the contour of the sur- face around the hills, or at right angles to the line of the greatest fall. The result is, that the furrow, or cotton, row, crossing the line of the fall, offers an obstruction to the flow of water down the hillside, and, by dimin- COTTON CULTURE 15 ishing the flow of water, largely prevents damage by washing. The only effective check against washing of soils, es- pecially subject to it, is terracing. This consists in laying the slope off into slips parallel with the contour of the elevation; that is, at right angles to the slope. By this means, level steps independent of each other are made, and the slopes between them are seeded to grass and thus sod-protected. The foundation lines of the terrace may be accurately laid off only by means of a regular terracing level, preferably one with telescopic sights. Such an instrument will cost from ten to twelve dollars. The old-fashioned "rafter" level does fairly well for running grade rows or grade ditches, but is not at all reliable for locating a "dead-level" line, which is the essential of the terracing system. The makers of the improved levels usually supply a printed manual of instructions for the guidance of beginners. Each step thus made is plowed by itself, a side-hill 01 a reversible disk-plow being used, and the furrows are run back and forth along the edge of the land instead of around it, and are turned down hill. The steps gradually become level. The practice of throwing up a considerable bank or dam along the line of the terrace is not to be commended, even though effective in preventing the water from escap- ing, with destructive force, to the step below. It is better to make the edge of the terrace perfectly level from end to end, and without any bank or dam to pond up the water along and above its course. The correct theory is to l6 COTTON CULTURE plow the successive steps, or inter-terraces deeply, so that the soil will absorb any ordinary rainfall. In case of an excessive downpour, the surplus water that might other- wise form a pond will flow over the edge in a continuous thin sheet, with little destructive force. On very slight slopes, side-hill ditching, following the contour of the slope, will serve to catch and remove the flood of surface water. These ditches are easily thrown up by the plow. ROTATION OF CROPS The chief object of a rotation of crops is to renovate the soil; that is, to give it a change in cultural methods. By such means various forms of insect ravages are checked, the mechanical quality of the soil is improved, and its natural fertility made more available. The rotation of crops is not always advisable, nor always economical, but as a general rule it is useful, inasmuch as it diversi- fies the products of the farm. By including clover, or other legumes, such as cow-peas, in the rotation, the fer- tilizer bill for nitrogen can be cut down one-half, as these leguminous plants take nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into suitable plant food. In a climate suitable for cotton culture, two hoed crops should not follow each other. The soil under such cir- cumstances becomes too much exposed to the sun and washing rains. Thus, fertility in the shape of organic matter is rapidly destroyed, or washed from the soil. If the soil is very rich in organic matter, hoed crops may COTTON CULTURE 17 follow each other in succession, but it is an unnecessary waste of fertility, besides an injury to the physical condi- tion of the soil. The common practice in the South has been to grow cotton continuously, with small tracts in corn for feeding work-stock on the farm. Then the corn acreage is put into cotton the following year. Under usual conditions it would not be profitable to grow tracts of corn of such size that the whole plantation would alternately be in corn or cot- ton, or, each year half cotton and half corn. Corn is rarely profitable as a sale crop in the South, hence good planting would restrict the corn acreage to such tracts as will about supply the needs of the farm or plantation. It is entirely practicable to so diversify farm practice as to provide for the home consumption of much larger food crops. This necessitates the breeding and fattening of beef cattle, the production of milk and butter, the breed- ing of horses and mules, swine for pork and bacon, sheep for mutton, and poultry and eggs for the table and for market. Such a course would call for a larger production of field crops for food purposes and at the same time afford a wider field for rotation, a larger product of animal manures, and the more rapid restoration and permanent improvement of the soil. Under such a system small grain and hay would become a more valuable addition to food resources. The plan would permit of a comparatively equal division of the crop area on most farms between cotton, Indian corn, small grain, cow-peas, etc. 1 8 COTTON CULTURE A good rotation would be as follows: ist year: Cotton, highly fertilized. 2d ye_tr: Corn and cow-peas, moderately fertilized. 3d year: Oats and wheat, highly fertilized and fol- lowed immediately by cow-peas for hay, fertilized with potash and phosphoric acid. If desired, or more convenient, cotton might be followed by oats, wheat, and other small grains (and cow-peas for hay) and these last by corn the next year. So the rota- tion would then read : ist year: Cotton, highly fertilized. 2d year: Small grain sown in the previous fall, highly fertilized, followed by cow-peas for hay in the spring. 3d year: Corn and cow-peas. In the heart of the cotton belt, oats should be the prin- cipal, if not the only, small grain, being sown in October in "open furrows" and liberally fertilized, to be followed immediately after harvest by cow-peas fertilized with acid phosphate and potash and the vines made into hay. On the northern edge of the cotton belt, and still further north, wheat might be made the principal small grain crop. Likewise, tobacco may be substituted, in whole or in part, for the cotton in those sections where these two crops compete with each other as money crops. By the above-outlined system the larger part of the farm would be pretty equally divided between three crops and their incidental or "catch" crops. Other portions could be devoted to various forage crops, fruit, truck, pasture, etc. The effect of the plan would be to have one renovating COTTON CULTURE 19 crop every third year the small grain and cow-peas and a partial crop of cow-peas one of the remaining years (with corn). Moreover, the cotton fields that are to be planted to corn the following year, may be sown down in September or October to such legumes as crimson clover, bur clover, or vetch, and fertilized with potash and phosphoric acid, the crop to be turned under early in spring. In sections where red clover succeeds well (limestone regions), it may take a two years' place in the rotation following cotton, intermitting corn, and itself followed by small grain. By adopting and faithfully following one of the above systems, modified according to circumstances, it will be easy to bring up, in three or four years, the productive capacity of the soil from one-half bale of cotton, or twelve bushels of corn, or twenty bushels of oats, per acre, to double or even treble and quadruple these amounts. A smaller area in cotton, which would be necessary under such a plan, may be made to produce a larger num- ber of bales at a smaller cost per pound, and therefore yield a larger profit. A somewhat reduced area in corn and a much increased area in small grain and legume (cow-pea) hay, supplemented with suitable pasture, would sustain and fatten for market the improved animals bred for that purpose, and these would return to the soil a large quantity of rich manures for the improvement and en- richment thereof. 20 COTTON CULTURE MANURING OR FERTILIZING The proper selection and application of plant food, called manures and fertilizers, is really the most im- portant feature in making cotton at a profit. The planter must always bear in mind that manures or fertil- izers are useful in agriculture as plant food only to the extent that they contain potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen. Other substances are necessary, such as iron, silica, lime, etc., but most soils contain such in ample quantities, with perhaps the exception, occasionally, of lime. The mechanical improvement of soils is quite a distinct feature from the manuring or fertilizing of them. Both lime and organic matter improve the mechanical condition of soils, and potash salts (used in the form of fertilizers) increase the power of soils to withstand drouth. It is important at the outset for the planter to under- stand fully just what work the three plant-food ingre- dients are expected to do; for their work is precisely the same, whether derived from farmyard manure or mineral fertilizers. All three ingredients, potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen, are absolutely necessary. If any one of them is missing, plants will not thrive and grow. In fact, each of these three fertilizing elements has its own separate and individual function, and one cannot be sub- stituted for the other. All manures are valuable, almost solely for the potash, COTTON CULTURE 21 phosphoric acid, and nitrogen they contain, and a short account here of each may not be out of place. Potash. Potash is essential to the formation and transference of starch in plants. Starch is first formed in the leaves of plants, after which it becomes soluble enough in the plant cells to pass through the cell walls gradually and later to be carried into the fruit, where it accumulates and changes back into insoluble forms, thus contributing to the formation of pulpy matter in the case of fruits and of lint in the case of cotton. Not only has this function of potash been well established, but it has also been proved that no other element or substance can take the place of potash in performing this work. Potash is also important on account of its influence upon the development of the woody parts of stems, roots, bark, and branches. Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric acid is found in the seeds of plants, and it has been discovered that plants cannot come to maturity unless this element is present in sufficient quantities. It hastens the maturity of plants and tends to aid the plant in assimilating other fertilizer ingredients. It also promotes the accumulation of al- buminoids in the seeds. Nitrogen. The influence of nitrogen in its various forms upon plant growth is shown by some very striking effects. The growth of stems and leaves is greatly pro- moted, while that of buds and flowers is retarded. Ordi- narily, plants, after a certain period of growth, cease to produce new branches and foliage, increasing those already Incomplete Fertilizer (Phosphate and Nitrogen). Yield, 1780 Ibs. Seed Cotton. EXPERIMENT BY W. S. MURPHY, WILDERSVILLE, TENX. Completely Fertilized (Potash, Phosphate, and Nitrogen). Yield, 2040 Ibs. Seed Cotton per acre. EXPERIMENT BY W. S. MURPHY, WILDERSVILLE, TENN. COTTON CULTURE 23 formed very much more slowly, and commence, instead, to produce flowers and fruit. If a plant is provided with as much available nitrogen as it can use just at the time it begins to flower, the formation of flowers may be checked, while the activity of growth is transferred back to and renewed in stems and leaves, which take on a new vigor, and increase at the expense of fruit. In the cultivation of cotton, the apparent action of nitro- gen is principally to create a luxuriant foliage ; that of potash to give strength to the framework of the plant and espe- cially to develop the production of lint, while phosphoric acid regulates the maturity of the plant and develops the production of seeds. LOSS OF FERTILIZER CONSTITUENTS FROM THE SOIL Potash. It has been found by experience that potash does not wash through the soil to an appreciable extent, because it forms certain combinations in the soil which are not readily soluble in water, but which are, neverthe- less, available as plant food. It may, therefore, be ap- plied to the soil at the convenience of the farmer a month or more in advance of planting the crop. Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric acid also tends to form combinations in the soil which prevent leaching, never- theless a loss occurs through the fact that it reverts into compounds which are less soluble and less available to the plant. COTTOX CULTURE Nitrogen. So long as the soil is covered with vegeta- tion the loss of nitrogen will be reduced to a minimum. On very light sandy soils, however, soluble forms of nitro- gen, such as nitrate of soda or sulfate of ammonia, may Not Fertilized. Yield. 1209 Ibs. Seed Cotton per acre. EXPERIMENT BY T. C. WILLOUGHBY, FLORENCE, S. C. be washed from the soil. Care should therefore be used in applying them at intervals in two or more applica- tions. FERTILIZERS FOR COTTON The cotton plant is a heavy feeder, demanding a soil well stored with readily available plant food. All forms of plant food must be soluble before they can accomplish Completely Fertilized: 1500 Ibs. per acre of a mixture containing 2 % Nitrogen, 6 % Phosphoric acid, and 8 % Potash. Yield, 2178 Ibs. Seed Cotton per acre. EXPERIMENT BY T. C. WILLOUGHBY, FLORENCE, S. C. Incompletely Fertilized: 1020 Ibs. per acre of a mixture containing 8% Phosphoric acid and 3 % Nitrogen. No Potash. Yield, 1962 Ibe. Seed Cotton per acre. EXPERIMENT BY T. C. WILLOUGHBY, FLORENCE, S. C. 25 26 COTTON CULTURE any useful purpose. The roots are the organs of food absorption, more especially the fibrous roots, which branch off on all sides and do not seek low levels. The object of fertilizing is to make good the losses of potash, phosphoric acids, and nitrogen taken up by pre- vious crops, or losses by leaching, washing, etc., and to induce a larger production than before. The mere analy- sis of a soil forms no reliable guide to its effectiveness. A soil may contain large stores of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen, and still fail to grow remunerative crops, simply because 4hese natural supplies are in such a form as to remain insoluble, and thus resist all efforts of the plant to make use of them. As a general rule, with but few exceptions, all fertilizers for cotton should contain the three essential ingredients potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen, in proper propor- tions. The exceptions are: (1) When the soil to be planted is ''new ground" or "fresh" from the forest. (2) When planting onflow, moist, dark-colored bottom lands. In each of the above cases there is usually present in the soil a good supply of nitrogen, as evidenced by the "weed" growing too luxuriantly and bearing its crop of fruit too late to mature. Therefore, a fertilizer contain- ing a very small percentage of nitrogen, or none at all, would be required. In all cases, the larger the amount of fertilizer to be ap- plied per acre, the more important it will be to properly COTTON CULTURE 27 proportion, or "balance," the three essential ingredients. If there be present in the soil enough phosphoric acid and nitrogen to produce three hundred pounds of lint per acre, but only enough potash to produce one hundred pounds, the crop cannot exceed the one hundred pounds. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. FERTILIZER FORMULAS FOR COTTON It was once supposed that a careful analysis of a given soil would indicate correctly the character and composi- tion of the fertilizer proper for such soil. But this sup- position has not been realized, except to a very limited extent, in cases of peculiar soils and it is no longer relied on. It is conceded that actual field tests are reliable when properly planned and carried out. Many hundreds and perhaps thousands of such experiments .were made at Experiment Stations of the Southern States in order to determine these questions and the results are not as divergent as might be expected from the fact that the Stations are located on soils of varying character and formation. There is more promise of a needed guide in the knowl- edge of the chemical composition of the crop to be cul- tivated. We know that any given crop removes from the soil certain quantities of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen; therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the return of these quantities of fertilizer ingredients to the soil will restore its normal fertility. The following chemical analysis of a cotton plant is 28 COTTON CULTURE taken from official sources and is thoroughly reliable. It is based on the growth of one hundred pounds of lint showing the amounts, of plant-food elements removed from the soil. Potash. Phosphoric Acid. Nitrogen. Roots (83 Ibs ) I 06 O 43 o 76 Steins (219 Ibs.) ? OQ I . 2Q 3 . 20 Leaves (102 Ibs ) 34.6 2 28 6 16 Bolls (135 Ibs ) 2 44 I . 3O 2 . A-I Seed (218 Ibs.) 2 . M CS H ir N 0* ^ CS Ci- 5 H : 5 o S 3 \O *^" 1 04 H ^ M ^ W .a ^ !>. VO U- > M ON ON ON v > QS LT (^ |s|S oM " . *~| 4J ^ if IO, C C+3 , ;..-, \f T nJ C O ||J '. ! ! ! 3 O w.s^ 1 ' ' '- ; 1 ** if > O r>V a pebble phosphal a acid phosphate ssee phosphate . . ssee acid phospha k1o/->V Ccr.p.nt'l p. y^^^x^^y . . black (dissolved) mpa1 (dissolved) 1 1 l o o ^ Cfl C/3 & 2 12 r2 5 ^o ^ 0) 0) g I 0} C ; ro w M OO vO 1 ^ c w - ^ pi ] ] 00 10 ^ M M M IO IO to to IO to 10 *? "S'"+j ON \O l-~ -*t to t^ M ro ON ^- *^ * Q^ o c M CS M M M H M IP Isjj O O O O O O O 3 3333 cr^On IO IO to IO tO W .H <2 ? ? M ? ^ M OO ^O ^O W c +> O W ^ M M O ON M 10 M M M M M M O O O O O O O +J 4J +J ^_> +J ^j ^j 3 C O O O 24i IO to 10 to ON C* O M to r-- ON \O ^ *o oj : : : ;; : '-'i- ~' :' : " :' ' '.'.'.'.'. \ : !- 'S -d a) ' . .2 vJ o3 bo : ^ ^ ^ : : 1 1 ;| | 1 : : o ^ v ~*' ^^ ^ ! I t/3 t|_| T^ r^ OJ ^000^ : . . 1-: jj ,2 | ^ ^ Is ^ - a Sf> SP H r-i __l__i TO C3 1111 3 * g 5 Q Q 8 H H OH 1 1 Q Cotton-seed meal Cotton seed .... Castor pomace . Tobacco stems . 79 80 'C0TTON CULTURE *. I : :,*: ', . v io 10 CO H W N IO o * rj- CO * * * 'o y 3 3 333: ; tu C/D 81 CO IO I '. ^* io O H o O * * H Tfr CO Tf . .P .$2 Cti IO go| '. I ! I w M PH "o. o O Jrsffe M H C/3 PH -*J 3 3 cti &c 00 00 t^ W M 10 PH fe ! I | o to . ^ *v * fc e : e ^ x-v o o o GQ 2 T^H ' ^H" ^ ^ ; w ^ 1 !; 1 1 g, a, : P, ^ w