"2 A -c * c/ A CATALOGUE LIBRARY OF ADAM SMITH OF I1oubeh.Gardbn TlMRKRtSllADI t V*«w— 1 1*. ^tarf^fc ififf^ ^ f,'.y>,,,/„„ J /?>,- GMpu* efAdtun SmMfc /,/„-,„> /*,'"'/ ' A Catalogue OF THE Library of Adam Smith Author of the ' Moral Sentiments ' and ' The Wealth of Nations ' EDITED WITH AN INTRODUCTION JAMES BONAR Novos para?is amicos, ne obliviscere veterum ILonDon MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1894 All rights reserved Stack Annax z CONTENTS PAGE Introduction — I. History of the Library ..... vii Letter of Adam Smith to Strahan, April 4, 1760 ....... To face x II. List of Works ....... xi III. Adam Smith's Will xiv Plan of Adam Smith's House at Kirkcaldy. To face xiv IV. The Portraits of Adam Smith. By the late John M. Gray xviii V. Adam Smith on Portrait Painting . . . xxvii VI. Analysis of the Library, and List of Contri- butors to the Catalogue . . xxviii to xxx Catalogue ......... 1 Index 123 HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY At his death on 17th July 1790, Adam Smith's library went by will to his young cousin David Douglas, son of Colonel Robert Douglas of Strathendry, Fifeshire. David Douglas was born 1769, and, after studying law under Millar of Glasgow and passing as Advocate at Edinburgh in 1791, became Sheriff-Depute of Berwick- shire in 1809, was raised to the bench as Lord Reston (from an estate of Reston in Haddington) in 18 13, and afterwards became a Lord of Justiciary (1816). He died on 23rd April 1819. 1 He probably sympathized to some extent with his cousin's tastes, for it is set down in the History of the Speculative Society that he read a paper there on 30th November 1790 on "The Effects of Taxation on the Necessaries of Life." On Lord Reston's death the library was divided between his two daughters, Mrs. Cunningham of Preston- pans, and Mrs. Bannerman of Edinburgh. On the death of Mrs. Bannerman (1879) her portion of the library went to her son, Rev. David Douglas Bannerman, D.D., now at Perth, who in 1884 presented a part to the New College (of the Free Church), Edinburgh. On the death of her husband, the Rev. W. B. Cun- ningham of Prestonpans (1878), Mrs. Cunningham sold 1 Brunton and Haig's Historical Account of the Senators of the College of Justice, Edinburgh, 1832, p. 549. viii Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library some of the books at Edinburgh. Several were pur- chased by the late Professor Hodgson, and were pre- sented to the University library by Mrs. Hodgson in 1880. 1 The remaining books of Mrs. Cunningham's portion were given by her to her son, Professor R. O. Cunningham of Queen's College, Belfast, by whom a part is still retained and a part has been presented to the library of Queen's College. The various possessors of books known to have belonged to the library of Adam Smith have been requested to supply information about them ; and the response has been in all cases courteous and cordial. The catalogues so furnished do not materially differ from each other in principle, and in most cases it has not been difficult to establish the identity of the books concerned. Where the information supplied by the possessors has been supplemented from other sources, the additions are enclosed in square brackets. The present Catalogue includes a great part of Adam Smith's library. Dr. Bannerman's half, still kept intact (though in two places), includes about 1400 volumes. MacCulloch, who saw the books before the dispersion, reckons their number at 5000. Dugald Stewart says Adam Smith possessed " a small but excellent library, which he had gradually formed with great judgment in the selection " (Life prefixed to Essays, p. lxxxv.) The entries in the present Catalogue amount to about 1000, and the volumes to about 2200. The whole collection was more probably 3000 than 5000. Most of the books are bound solidly in calf. One or two are richly decorated, being presentation copies. William Smellie (in his Literary and Characteristical Lives of Gregory, Karnes, Hume, and Adam Smith, 1800) tells us that Adam Smith said to him, "I am a beau in nothing but 1 See the List of Edinburgh Graduates, 1857-88, Appendix, p. 102. Introduction ix my books." But as a rule he seems to have aimed at strength rather than elegance of binding, and was no hunter of rarities or choice editions. A letter of Dupont to Adam Smith was found between the leaves of a presentation copy of a book of Dupont's, and has been printed for the first time in this volume (see Dupont). There is a Manuscript (on parchment) of Venetian Statutes that is probably of value. Other particulars of interest in regard to the volumes have been given in the course of the Catalogue. The editor has been able only in a very few cases to see and handle the books for himself. He is assured that, unless special note is made to the con- trary, each book bears the (very plain) bookplate of Adam Smith : ADAM SMITH The chief facts of Adam Smith's life are as follows. He was the son of Adam Smith (lawyer and Customs' comptroller at Kirkcaldy) and Margaret Douglas of Strathendry ; and he was born probably at the beginning of June 1723. 1 He was a student at Glasgow University from 1737 to 1740, and at Balliol College, Oxford (as Snell Exhibitioner) from 1740 to 1747. After a year and a half at Kirkcaldy he came to Edinburgh and lectured on belles lettres (1748-50). In 1751 he was made Professor of Logic at Glasgow University, and in 1752 Professor of Moral Philosophy. In 1759 he pub- lished his Theory of Moral Sentiments. In 1764 he was persuaded by Charles Townshend to go abroad with the 1 The entry in the register (now in the Register House, Edin- burgh) of Kirkcaldy Church is that of his baptism, 7th June 1723. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library young Buccleuch to Toulouse, Geneva, and Paris, resigning his chair of Moral Philosophy. He was back in London in 1766 and at Kirkcaldy in 1767, devoting himself to his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations ', which appeared in 1776, just before the death of Hume. In 1778 he became a Commissioner of Customs in Edinburgh. In 1787 he was chosen Rector of his old University, and on 17th July 1790 he died at his residence, Panmure House, Canongate. He is buried in Canongate Churchyard. His last years were saddened by the loss of his mother and his cousin (Miss Jane Douglas), the former of whom died in 1784 and the latter in 1788. The ground -plan of the house at Kirkcaldy occupied by Adam Smith, as by his father before him, is still preserved in that town, and is reproduced here. Its date is 1776. The front elevation faced the High Street, and the garden stretched down towards the sea-shore. The Will of Adam Smith has been printed here, because governing the disposal of his books ; and a full list of his Works has been given, because frequent reference to them is part of the plan of this Catalogue. As there is promise of a Biography from the pen of Mr. John Rae, no attempt has been made to go into the details of his life. The preparation of this Catalogue was undertaken on behalf of the Economic Club, meeting at University College, London. Professor Foxwell and Mr. Henry Higgs, of that club, have given valuable help in the revision of the proofs ; and Professor Foxwell has kindly allowed the reproduction, in lithograph, of a letter of Adam Smith now in his possession. LETTER OF ADAM SMITH TO STRAHAN Dear Strahan — I sent up to Mr. Millar four or five posts ago the same additions, which I had formerly sent to you, with a good many corrections and improvements which occurred to me since. If there are any typographical errors remaining in the last edition which had escaped me I hope you will correct them. In other respects I could wish it was printed pretty exactly according to the copy which I delivered to you. A man, says the Spanish proverb, had better be a cuckold and know nothing of the matter, than not be cuckold and believe himself to be one. And in the same manner, say I, an Author had sometimes better be in the wrong and believe himself in the right, than be in the right and believe or even suspect himself in the wrong. To desire you to read my book over and mark all the corrections you would wish me to make upon a sheet of paper and send it to me, would, I fear, be giving you too much trouble. If, however, you could induce yourself to take this trouble, you would oblige me greatly. I know how much I shall be benefitted, and I shall at the same time preserve the pretious right of private judgment for the sake of which our forefathers kicked out the Pope and the Pretender. I believe you to be much more infallible than the Pope, but, as I am a Protestant, my conscience makes me scruple to submit to any unscriptural authority. Apropos to the Pope and the Pretender, have you read Hook's Memoirs . ?1 I have been ill these ten days, otherwise should have written to you sooner, but I sat up the day before yesterday in my bed and read them thro' with infinite satisfaction, tho' they are by no means well written. The substance of what is in them I knew before, tho' not in such detail. I am afraid they are published at an unlucky time, and may throw a damp upon our militia. Nothing, however, appears to me more excusable than the disaffection of Scotland at that time. The Union was a measure from which infinite good has been derived to this country. The Prospect of 1 Colonel Hooke : The Secret History of his Negotiations in Scotland in favour of the Pretender in 1707, written by himself. London, 8vo. 1760. that good, however, must have appeared very remote and very- uncertain. The immediate effect of it was to hurt the interest of every single order of men in the country. The dignity of the nobility was undone by it. The greater part of the gentry who had been accustomed to represent their own country in its own Parliament were cut out for ever from all hopes of representing it in a British Parliament. Even the merchants seemed to suffer at first. The trade to the Plantations was, indeed, opened to them. But that was a trade which they knew nothing about ; the trade they were acquainted with, that to France, Holland, and the Baltic, was laid under new embar[r]assments, which almost totally anni- hilated the two first, and most important branches of it. The Clergy too, who were then far from insignificant, were alarmed about the Church. No wonder if at that time all orders of men conspired in cursing a measure hurtful to their immediate interest. The views of their Posterity are now very different ; but those views could be seen by but few of our forefathers, by those few in but a confused and imperfect manner. It will give me the greatest satisfaction to hear from you. I pray you write to me soon. Remember me to the Franklins. I hope I shall have the grace to write to the youngest by next post to thank him in the name both of the College and of myself for his very agre[e]able present. Remember me likewise to Mr. Griffiths. 1 I am greatly obliged to him for the very handsom character he gave of my book in his review. — I am, dear Strahan, most faithfully and sincerely yours, ADAM SMITH. Glasgow, ^.th April 1760. 1 Ralph Griffiths, who"" founded the Monthly Re-view, 1749. A notice of the Moral Sentiments appeared there in July 1759. Introduction xi II LIST OF WORKS The list of Adam Smith's Works is not long. In 1755 (along with Robertson and Blair 1 ) he took part in the editing of the Edinburgh Review, which only lived for two numbers. In the first number he is author of a Review of Johnson s Dictionary ; in the second, of "A Letter to the Authors on the General State of Literature in Europe." In 1755 he had circulated (if not published) a kind of manifesto of his ideas on the subject of trade and government. 2 In 1759 appeared his first important work, " The Theory of Moral Sentiments. By Adam Smith, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. (Millar, London; A. Kincaid and J. Bell, Edin- burgh.)" A revised and enlarged edition of this book was published in two volumes just before his death in 1790 : " The Theory of Moral Sentiments, or an Essay towards an Analysis of the Principles by which Men naturally judge concerning the Conduct and Character first of their Neighbours and afterwards of themselves. To which is added A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages? By Adam Smith, LL.D., Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, one of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs in Scotland, and formerly Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. The Sixth Edition, with 1 See Memoirs of Lord Karnes (2nd ed.), 1814, i. 233. A list of the chief writers is given ibid. 234-236. 2 See Catalogue, sub voce Ferguson (Adam). 3 This Dissertation was added in the 2nd ed., 1 761 (still in one volume), where the extended title also appears. The other additions were written at the end of 1789, when the author was in great bodily suffering. See his Life in Essays (1795), p. lxxxix. note. xii Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library considerable additions and corrections, in two volumes. (Strahan & Cadell, London ; W. Creech and J. Bell & Co., Edinburgh)." At the end of 1775 an< ^ beginning of 1776 (see Preface to 3rd ed.) appeared " An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. By Adam Smith, LL.D. and F.R.S., formerly Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. 2 volumes. 4-to. (Strahan & Cadell) London." The 2nd edition (1778) is practically unaltered. The 3rd (1784) has considerable additions, and is in three volumes 8vo. The 4th and 5th are practically un- altered reproductions of the 3rd, and were issued, the 4th in 1786, and the 5th in 1789. The edition cited here is that of J. R. MacCulloch (Black, Edinburgh), 1863, which is printed in double columns. It gives Kay's separate portrait and Tassie's medallion. In 1795 Dr. Joseph Black and Dr. James Hutton, the executors of Adam Smith, published the only manuscripts saved by the author from the general destruction of his papers which he ordered a few months before his death. They prefixed to these Essays on Philosophical Subjects (Davies & Cadell, London, and W. Creech, Edinburgh. 4to) " An Account of the Life and Writings of the Author," by Professor Dugald Stewart, originally de- livered before the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1793. 1 These Essays are as follows : — (1) "The Principles which lead and direct Philo- sophical Enquiries, illustrated by the History of Astronomy. [Written before 1758 ; see Essays ', p. 90 and note. " There are none [of my MSS.] worth the publication " (he writes to Hume), " but a fragment of a great work which contains a history of the astro- nomical systems that were successively in fashion down to the time of Descartes : whether that might not be 1 See also below, p. xviii. Introduction xiii published as a fragment of an intended juvenile work I leave entirely to your judgment, though I begin to suspect myself that there is more refinement than solidity in some parts of it." Letter to Hume, 1 6th April 1 773, quoted by Dugald Stewart, loc. cit. lxxxix. note. Com- pare Essays, p. 93.] (2) "The Principles which lead and direct Philo- sophical Enquiries, illustrated by the History of the Ancient Physics." (3) "The Principles which lead and direct Philo- sophical Enquiries, illustrated by the History of the Ancient Logics and Metaphysics." (4) " Of the Nature of that Imitation which takes place in what are called the Imitative Arts." [This and the two following, though they would of course fit the plan which the Executors tell us (p. iii.) he had once formed and then abandoned " for giving a connected history of the liberal sciences and elegant arts," are possibly results of his work at Edinburgh in 1 748-50. x ] (5) "Of the Affinity between certain English and Italian Verses." (6) "Of the External Senses." [These essays bear both on the first (1-3) and on the second (4, 5) of the preceding groups, and seem very judiciously placed here by the Editors.] The manuscripts which were destroyed seem to have included the draughts of the author's projected "account of the genera] principles of law and government," " the theory of jurisprudence and natural law," along with the history of it {Mor. Sent. 1790, vol. i. pref. p. vii., com- pared with vol. ii. pp. 397-398)r. They included also (Professor Stewart thinks) the Edinburgh lectures on Rhetoric and the Glasgow lectures on Natural Religion and Jurisprudence (Life prefixed to Essays, p. Ixxxvii.) 1 See below (Blair). xiv Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library III ADAM SMITH'S WILL Copy Disposition and Settlement by Dr. Adam Smith, registered 22nd July 1790. 1 I, Adam Smith, LL.D., one of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs for Scotland, for the love and favour which I have and bear to my friends and relations after mentioned, and for the better settlement of my affairs in the event of my decease, Do hereby with and under the burdens after specified Dispone, Assign, and Transfer to David Douglas, youngest son of Colonel Robert Douglas of Strathendry, and his heirs and assignees whomsoever, All and Sundry Lands, Tenements, and other heritages, and also all debts and sums of money, principal, interest, and penalty, whether due by Bonds heritable or moveable, bills, promissory Notes, decreets, or any other way whatsoever, arrears of salary, household furniture, silver plate, gold and silver coined and un- coined, books, pictures, lying money, bank notes, goods and gear, and generally all and whatever estate, means and effects, whether heritable or moveable, real or per- sonal, belonging and owing or which shall belong or be owing to me at the time of my death : Together with all Dispositions, Adjudications, Bonds, heritable and moveable obligations, Assignations, decreets, bills, notes, and other writs, rights, evidents, securities, and convey- ances, whatever made, granted, and conceived, or any- wise interpreted at the time of my death in my favour, with all action and execution competent or that may be competent thereupon, and with all that shall have fol- 1 Register of Deeds, etc., Register Ho., Edinr., Durie Office, Vol. 251, Part I. p. 195. The spelling is that of the original. Introduction xv lowed or that may follow on the same, Dispensing hereby with the generality hereof, and admitting these presents to be as valid and effectual as if every particular generally before disponed were specially enumerated herein : And also declaring that in case I shall hereafter make any In- ventory of my moveable means and estate hereby dis- poned or of any part thereof, the same shall be understood as a part of this present Disposition, and shall exclude all necessity of Confirmation, with this provision alwise as it is hereby specially provided and declared that these pre- sents are granted by me and shall be accepted by the said David Douglas with and under the burden of the payment of my funeral charges, and all my just and lawful debts which shall be owing by me at my decease, and also with and under the burden of the payment not only of such legacies or annuities which I may hereafter bequeath or grant to any person or persons whatever, But also with and under the burden of the payment of the annuity and legacy after mentioned which I hereby legate and bequeath to the persons after named, viz £ . : I hereby grant and bequeath to Mrs. Janet Douglas, daughter of the deceast John Douglas of Strathendry, an annuity of Twenty pounds Sterling free of all burdens and deduc- tions whatever during all the days of her life at two terms in the year, Whitsunday and Martinmas, by equal portions, beginning the first term's payment thereof at the first of the said two terms next after my decease and so furth yearly, termly, daily, and proportionally there- after during her life, with Two pounds Sterling of penalty for each term's failure and the legal interest of the said annuity from the respective terms of payment thereof, during the not payment of the same, and also I hereby legate and bequeath to Mr. Hugh Cleghorn, Professor of Civil History in the University of St. Andrews, and to Mrs. Rachael M'Gill his wife, and the survivor of them in liferent for their liferent use only, and to the child or b . xvi Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library children procreated or to be procreated of the marriage between them in fee, the sum of Four hundred pounds Sterling, to be paid at the first term of Whitsunday or Martinmas next after the decease of the said Mrs. Janet Douglas and me or the survivor of us, with Eighty pounds Sterling of penalty in case of failure, and the legal interest of the said sum of Four hundred pounds from the said term of payment during the not payment of the same, Declaring alwise that the said Hugh Cleg- horn shall have power by any deed under his hand to divide the said sum of Four hundred pounds among his said children or their issue, by such shares and propor- tions as he shall think proper, and failing such division by him, then the said Mrs. Rachael M'Gill his wife shall have power to divide the same among her said children or their issue, as she shall think proper, and failing any division thereof by either of them, then the same shall be equally divided among all the children procreated between them existing at the death of the longest liver of them two and the issue of such of the said children as are dead, share and share alike, such issue drawing per stirpes not per capita : And for the more effectual conveyance of my moveable estate and effects before disponed I hereby nominate and appoint the said David Douglas to be my sole executor and universal legator and intromitter with my said moveable estate and effects under the bur- dens before mentioned, and with power to my said exe- cutor to give up Inventaries thereof and confirm the same if necessary : And I hereby Declare that my whole manuscripts and writings which I shall leave behind me at my death shall be disposed off by the said David Douglas, by and with the advice of Dr. Joseph Black, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. James Hutton, residing at St. John's Hill near Edinburgh, and the survivor of them agreeably to such verbal or written instructions as I have already given or Introduction xvii may hereafter have occasion to give to them the said Doctor Joseph Black and Dr. James Hutton : And in case the said David Douglas shall predecease me or shall die before disposing of my said manuscripts, then I hereby Legate and Bequeath the same to the said Dr. Joseph Black and Dr. James Hutton, and the survivor of them, to be disposed of by them as aforesaid : And I reserve full power and liberty at any time in my life to revoke or alter these presents in whole or in part, and I declare that if the same shall not be revoked it shall be a suffi- cient evident, tho' not delivered at my death, with the not delivery whereof I hereby dispense : And I consent to the registration hereof in the books of Council and Session, or of any other proper Court therein, to remain for preservation, and constitute Mr. Adam Rolland, Advocate, my Prors, for that purpose. In Witness Whereof I subscribe this and the three preceeding pages of stamped paper, written by James Dundas, Clerk to David Erskine, Clerk to the Signet, and likewise another duplicate hereof at Cannongate of Edinburgh, the sixth day of February mdcc. and ninety years before these witnesses, James Baird my servant and the said James Dundas, (signed) Adam Smith, James Dundas, Witness, James Baird, Wittnes. Excerpt from Commissary Court Books, Edinburgh (Follows the Inventary) In the ffirst the said Umq le x Smith had addebted and resting owing to him the time of his decease foresaid the sum of , 2 being part of Six hundred and fifty pounds Stg. contained in a Promissory Note by Sir William Forbes, James Hunter and Coy., to the defunct dated the first day of April Seventeen hundred and 1 " Umquhile " = deceased. 2 Blank in original. xviii Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library ninety years, payable on demand Extending the said par- tial sum herein given up and confirmed in Scots money to } Summa of the Inventary. 2 IV 3 THE PORTRAITS OF ADAM SMITH To the student of Adam Smith, who is interested in his personality and desirous of realising the visible presence of the man as he lived, it must be a matter for regret that the verbal descriptions of the appearance of the author of the Wealth of Nations , and the examples of graphic and plastic art that portray it, are not only few in number, but also very meagre in the details that they have preserved. There exist two brief biographies of Adam Smith by writers who had personally known him. The earlier is that read by Professor Dugald Stewart before the Royal Society of Edinburgh on 21st January and 18th March 1793, and published in 1794 in the third volume of its Transactions, in the volume of Adam Smith's Essays (1795), and afterwards in the Scots Magazine for January and February 1796, and in various editions of Smith's works. [It is also one of the Biographical Memoirs (Adam Smith, William Robertson, and Thomas Reid) published by Dugald Stewart at Edinburgh 1 8 1 1 .] From Professor Stewart's account we learn a good deal regarding the little peculiarities of gesture that char- acterised his friend ; but he gives little of such definite description of face or figure as might enable us to 1 Blank in original. 2 Not given. 3 The well-known and accomplished writer of this chapter (Mr. John Gray) died at Edinburgh on the 22nd March 1894, and never saw it in type. It may be taken as a supplement to his monograph on "James and William Tassie " (Patterson, Edinburgh, 1894). Introduction xix realise the aspect of the living man : indeed the writer only remarks generally of his subject that " in his ex- ternal form and appearance there was nothing uncom- mon," and that there were moments " when his features were brightened with a smile of inexpressible benignity." William Smellie in the biography of Smith in his Literary and Characteristical Lives (Edinburgh, 1800), largely founded upon Stewart, and in parts only a slightly varied paraphrase of his words, adds little to our mental picture of the man. He, however, informs us that " in stature he somewhat exceeded the ordinary size ; and his countenance was manly and agreeable." But Professor Stewart has given us, in one of the sentences of his memoir, the best direction to the authentic portraits of Adam Smith that exists. " He never sat," the Professor informs us, " for his picture, but the medallion of Tassie conveys an exact idea of his profile, and of the general expression of his countenance." The medallion in question is one of the large por- trait subjects of James Tassie which were originally modelled in wax, usually directly from life, and after- wards cast in the hard white enamel, a fine, slightly translucent, glassy paste, invented by the artist and Dr. Henry Quin of Dublin. The head, which appears turned in pure profile to the right of the spectator, shows a particularly full forehead, a full nose, slightly aquiline in its curve ; a long thin upper lip and a lower lip that protrudes a little ; and a firm, well-shaped chin and jaw. The eyebrow is strongly curved, the upper eyelid heavy and drooping, the eyeball particularly prominent ; and beneath the lower eyelid the skin is loose and wrinkled. A wig is worn, tied behind in a bag with ribbons, showing small curls in front, and two large curls at the side which cover and conceal the ear. The bust is clad in a coat with a broad collar but with no lapels, tightly xx Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library buttoned up at the chin, and showing above it a thin line of the cravat. The truncation is inscribed, in impressed letters, " Adam Smith in his d^thyear. 1787. Tassie F." The size, from top of head to bottom of bust, is 3 inches. We have no certain information as to whether this medallion was executed from actual sittings, though, judging from its style, I should conclude that it was done directly from the life. The phrase used by Stewart might be held to imply that Smith never sat to any artist at all. This is further confirmed by the tradition current in the family, and communicated to me by a descendant of his cousin, that he had the strongest dis- like to sitting for his portrait, and that his friends could never persuade him to do so, though he induced his mother to be painted, in a work dated 1778 and now in the possession of Professor R. O. Cunningham of Bel- fast, by C. Metz, an artist then working in Edinburgh. Metz was also patronised by the Earl of Buchan, for whom he executed, from a pencil drawing and a death- mask, the portrait of Professor Colin Maclaurin, engraved in Pinkerton's Scottish Gallery and in Smith's Icono- graphia Scotica. It is, however, possible enough that Smith sat to Tassie, for this artist was in the habit of making things very easy for his sitters. While portraying them he by no means required their undivided attention, but, as Thomas Walker of Manchester, of whom he executed a medallion in 1798, has recorded, " you may be occupied almost as you will, eating, writing, etc., as he only needs a few minutes' sitting at finishing a few particular parts." Tassie, too, possessed an especial faculty for working from memory ; and in this way in a sitter's absence he frequently succeeded in catching a likeness which had eluded him when he was in the actual presence of his subject. Introduction xxi It is to be noticed that the medallion was executed at a time when Smith's permanent residence was in Edinburgh, in 1787, the year of his election as Rector of the University of Glasgow. We have it, however, on the authority of the memoir given [by James Paterson, the antiquary] in Kay's Portraits that during the last twelve years of his life "he now and then revisited London," where Tassie was then at work. 1 But whether this Tassie medallion was executed directly from life, as is most probable, or merely from memory, Professor Stewart's testimony assures us of the one important fact, that it is a faithful likeness of the author of the Wealth of Nations. This medallion, which exists, but uninscribed, in Wedgwood paste as well as in the enamel of Tassie, has been very frequently engraved, in prints which too often convey an incorrect impression of the original, some- times in consequence of deliberate alterations, as is the case in the lithograph by " R. S. Michie, Edinburgh," where the figure is shown to the waist, and a lapel is added to the coat, which is entirely altered in form, and made to show more of the cravat, sometimes from mere want of skill on the part of the engraver. A very poor unsigned transcript in line appeared in the Scots Magazine for January 1796 ; but in May 1801 another more faithful print by Beugo was given, along with the statement that the former engraving " was not executed to our mind." The most correct renderings are the line-engravings by John Horsburgh [Wealth of Nations, 1828), and by R. C. Bell [Wealth of Nations, 1872), and the half-size reproduction in fames and William Ta s s ie (Edinburgh, 1894). A reduced version of this medallion exists in Tassie enamel, taken from a gem engraved by Warner, whose f 1 Mention is made of one of these visits in Bentham's corre- spondence, Works, vol. x. 173-174 {sub dato 14th July 1787).] xxii Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library name, " Warner Ft" appears on the truncation, while the name " Adam Smith " appears behind the head, both in raised letters. In this reduction the head and bust are ^| inches in height. James Tassie also executed a large version of his medallion in what he styled " the antique manner," that is to say, without the wig, and with the neck and breast bare. This work has the advantage of showing the rounded form of the head, covered with rather curling hair and curving upwards from the brow to a point above the large ear, which is hidden in the other version. It is the same size as the first-named medallion ; and the inscription on the truncation is almost identical, " Adam Smith in his 64th year. 1787. Tassie FT I have not seen any engravings from this medallion " in the antique manner." The earlier of the two etched portraits by John Kay in which Adam Smith appears is signed " K. Fee. 1787," and was consequently executed in the same year as the medallions by Tassie. Here he appears as a small full- length figure, standing in profile to our right, between the taller forms of Lord Rockville and Commissioner Brown. The close resemblance in position of head, wig, collar of coat, etc., suggest that the etching is founded upon the medallion, doubtless supplemented by Kay's own recollection of Smith, as he walked the Edinburgh streets. The features are very similar to those portrayed by Tassie, but the lower lip has more protrusion. The head is covered with a broad-brimmed hat ; and the costume is knee-breeches, with shoes with square buckles, and a light coat, similar to the costume described in the letterpress to Kay's plate No. XI. vol. i., " Dr. James Graham," as " white linen clothes." He carries a cane in his right hand, in the attitude described by Smellie, " In the streets, or elsewhere, he always carried his cane on his shoulder, as a soldier does his Introduction xxiii musket," and his left hand holds a bunch of flowers, for which, however, we find no authority in any of the accounts of his life. The second etching by Kay is dated 1790, and was probably a memorial work, executed after the death of its subject for sale to his friends and the general public. It is a larger and more elaborate work than the former etching, but the faces, in their position and features, are practically identical in both. Here a cocked hat re- places the broad-brimmed one ; a dark coat with large buttons and a broad collar, but without a lapel, is worn ; a cane is held in the right hand, and the left points to a volume of his great work, which lies, with writing materials and other books, on a table. The figure stands on a tesselated pavement [very much out of perspective], and behind, in an inner room, there appears a bookcase. Both etchings are included in the collected editions of Kay's Original Portraits. Among the painted portraits which have been claimed as representing Adam Smith is one that was for many years in the possession of a family in Kirkcaldy, named Muir, and now belongs to a private owner in Edinburgh. It is an oil painting by an unknown artist, showing the figure nearly to the waist ; and the mutual proportions of the head and the figure are suggestive of a very tall man. The face, the features of which resemble those that appear in the Tassie medallions, is turned in three-quarters to our right. The eyes are hazel-brown in colour, their balls less full and prominent than in the medallions, — as compared with which the upper lip is shorter and the nose smaller, though similar in character. The lower lip protrudes a little, as shown by Tassie, and is particularly long. The costume is a coat of a black colour, slightly tinged with a greenish tone, and its shadows are very effectively touched in. xxiv Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library It has a broad collar, but no lapel, and is buttoned up to the throat as in the first-named medallion, three black buttons appearing. A portion of a white cravat is vis- ible at the neck, and a wig is worn, concealing the ear. I am distinctly of opinion that this work is a portrait of Adam Smith, painted after his death and founded upon the first-named Tassie medallion. In this view I am confirmed by the style of the painting, which is that of the earlier part of the present century, not of the last century ; by the execution, which, while it is bold and broadly effective, has none of the searching detail, the seizure of little individualities, which is characteristic of work done directly from life ; and by the fact that the wig has evidently not been painted from the object, but adapted to its present position from the medallion, and its form having been misunderstood by the painter, its peak in front does not appear in the centre of the fore- head, but turned to one side. Another painting which has been regarded as a por- trait of Adam Smith is that presented to the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh, by the Trustees of David Laing, LL.D. Nothing is known of the previous history of the picture ; and evidently the reason for its being titled with the name of Adam Smith is simply the fact that on a table, beside the seated figure, there appears a book, the back of which is inscribed " Wealth of Nations, Vol. I.," indicating that the portrait either represents the author himself, or some very enthusiastic friend or admirer. The figure is almost a full length, the face turned slightly to our left. His right hand is laid on his left knee, which is crossed over the right one ; and his left elbow rests on the arm of the red-cushioned arm-chair of brown wood in which he sits, his left hand being held up, and its index finger separated from the others, as though to emphasise the words that he is uttering ; an attitude Introduction xxv that recalls a passage in Smellie's Life of Smith, where it is recorded that " he was occasionally disposed to ex- press his own ideas somewhat in the form of a lecture." The features show a certain general resemblance to those that appear in the medallions ; but the eyes, which are of a blue colour with a yellowish touch in it, are very different, showing none of the prominence in the eye- balls, or of the drooping in the upper lids which Tassie has portrayed. The costume is a dark-blue coat, with- out a lapel, and with a red collar and brass buttons, a white vest and stockings, black knee-breeches with silver buckles, frills at breast and wrists, and a wig covering the ears. Above and to our right appears a red curtain ; and on the table on the other side is the volume already referred to, several bundles of papers, and a silver ink bottle, with two quills. This table is covered with a green cloth, patterned in yellow, and on this is inscribed in white letters the signature " Ty. Collopy Pinx," doubtless the artist who appears in the Royal Academy Catalogue of 1786, when he exhibited No. 26, " Lady, gentleman, and child," and No. 412, "The Crucifixion, sketch for Altar-piece in Ireland," as " Collopy," residing at 4 Little Madox Street, Hanover Square, London; and in [that of] 1788, when he exhibited a portrait of a Mr. Agar, as " Collopy," at the same address. I may mention that Mr. D. W. Stevenson, R.S.A., is of opinion that this painting represents Adam Smith at a younger age than he was portrayed by Tassie ; but for my own part I do not consider that we have sufficient evidence for regarding it as an authentic portrait, especially in view of Stewart's definite statement that Smith never sat for his picture. There exist various posthumous works of sculpture representing Adam Smith, all of them that possess any value as likenesses being founded upon Tassie's xxvi Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library medallions. Among these is the marble bust in the Corporation Galleries, Glasgow, produced by Patric Park, R.S.A., in London in 1 845. A bust was executed by Baron Marochetti, of which a large version in marble, dated 1851, is in the Town Hall, Kirkcaldy, and a small version in bronze in the Common-room of Balliol College, Oxford. A marble statue, rather larger than life, executed by Gasser of Vienna about 1867, was purchased by the Adam Smith Club, Glasgow, and deposited in the Hunterian Collection of the University there, a previous effort to secure it for " one of the buildings belonging to the University " of Oxford having; failed. This statue also exists in reduced facsimiles in plaster, one of which is in the possession of Mrs. J. E. Thorold Rogers, Oxford. In 1879 J. Durham, A.R.A., modelled a statuette of Adam Smith, a plaster cast of which is in the possession of Mr. D. Storrar, Kirkcaldy. Here he appears as a comparatively young man, seated, leaning back, in a meditative attitude in a chair, his right hand supporting his cheek, and his left holding a manuscript upon his knee. There is also a statuette of Adam Smith, dated 1887, the work of Mr. Charles M'Bride of Edinburgh, plaster casts of which are in the Library of Balliol College, Oxford, and in the possession of various private owners. In 1888 Mr. D. W. Stevenson, R.S. A., was com- missioned by Dr. Robert Halliday Gunning to execute a bust of Adam Smith in marble, which he presented to the Wallace Monument, Stirling, in the following year. I may also mention that a statue of Adam Smith is in the westernmost niche of the west wing (exterior) of the ground-floor of the University Buildings, London, facing north in Burlington Gardens. [It is a standing figure larger than life. The sculptor was Mr. Durham. The six figures in the niches are Cuvier, Leibnitz, Linnasus on the east side ; Locke, Bacon, Adam Smith Introduction xxvii on the west side of the entrance. The statue is probably the result of a study of Kay and Tassie. The features are idealized. The posture is majestic. The curls of the wig are exaggerated. The head is bare. The right hand is lowered and grasps a book. The left is raised and gathers up the teacher's gown. One foot is slightly advanced. On the right side of the feet there lies a book, and on the left a roll of paper.] J. M. Gray. V ADAM SMITH ON PORTRAIT PAINTING The following remarks (in the Essay of the External Senses, pp. 225-226) were perhaps suggested by the writer's interviews with Tassie : — " It has been said that no man ever saw the same visible object twice ; and this, though no doubt an exaggeration, is in reality much less so than at first view it appears to be. Though I am apt to fancy that all the chairs and tables and other little pieces of furniture in the room where I am sitting appear to my eye always the same, yet their appearance is in reality continually varying, not only according to every variation in their situation and distance with regard to where I am sitting, but according to every, even the most insensible variation in the attitude of my body, in the movement of my head, or even in that of my eyes. 1 The perspective necessarily varies according to all, even the smallest of these varia- tions, and consequently the appearance of the object which that perspective presents to me. Observe what difficulty a portrait painter finds in getting the person who sits for his picture to present to him precisely that 1 He does not mention changes of light. xxviii Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library view of the countenance from which the first outline was drawn. The painter is scarce ever completely satisfied with the situation of the face which is presented to him, and finds that it is scarcely ever precisely the same with that from which he rapidly sketched the first outline. He endeavours, as well as he can, to correct the difference from memory, from fancy, and from a sort of art of approximation, by which he strives to express, as nearly as he can, the ordinary effect of the look, air, and character of the person whose picture he is drawing. The person who draws from a statue, which is altogether immovable, feels a difficulty, though no doubt in a less degree, of the same kind. It arises altogether from the difficulty which he finds in placing his own eye precisely in the same situation during the whole time which he employs in completing his drawing. This difficulty is more than doubled upon the painter who draws from a living subject. The statue never is the cause of any variation or unsteadiness in its own appearance. The living subject frequently is." VI ANALYSIS OF THE LIBRARY A rough analysis of the contents of the following Catalogue shows about i~5th of the books to be on Literature and Art, i~5th of Classical (Latin and Greek) authors, or their commentators, and i~5th on Law, Politics, and Geography. Works on Political Economy and on History make up another fifth, in nearly equal proportions. Science and Philosophy divide the remaining fifth, if we omit a small group of miscellaneous volumes (chiefly biographical). More than a third are in English, a little less than a Introduction xxix third in French, and rather less than a quarter in Latin ; Italian and Greek accounting for the remainder in nearly equal proportions. There are three German, all presentation copies, and translations of the author's works. No other languages are represented. The editor is under great obligation to the Rev. Dr. Bannerman, Professor R. O. Cunningham, and the other contributors in various parts of the country and the world. In his local inquiries he has received effectual help from Mr. Lewis Grant of Kirkcaldy ; Mr. William K. Dickson, advocate, Edinburgh ; the late Mr. John M. Gray, curator of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery ; Mr. L. L. Price, Oriel College, Oxford ; and Mr. Arthur Milman, of the London University, Burlington House. From the nature of the case, the work is incom- plete ; but perhaps the very publication of this Catalogue may reveal the hiding-place of missing volumes. Bolton House, Hampstead, \jth May 1894. xxx Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library CONTRIBUTORS Appearing in Catalogue as Rev. David Douglas Bannerman, D.D., B Perth. [Above 450 entries] Rev. James Kennedy, B.D., New College, N Edinburgh. [Nearly 200 entries] Professor R. O. Cunningham, M.D., D.Sc., C Queen's College, Belfast. [About 200 entries] Oueen's College, Belfast. O C [About 100 entries] Contributing less than 100 entries in all: — H. A. Webster, Esq., The University U Library, Edinburgh. Professor J. S. Nicholson, Edinburgh JSN University. Rev. Eric S. Robertson, Edinburgh. E S R George Smith, Esq., CLE., LL.D. G S G. Gregory Smith, Esq., Edinburgh. G G S James Bain, Esq., Public Library, Toronto. Toronto Rev. Walter Begley, East Hyde, Luton. W B James Bonar, Esq., Hampstead, London. J B Professor H. S. Foxwell, St. John's College, F Cambridge. Henry Higgs, Esq., H.M.'s General Post- H Office, London. Professor Carl Menger, The University, Menger Vienna. 2 /x&s^£^J*2^ a -'hr?'*Z 4- y»jt*^ r*fer %^^jtj^.^ rte€££^-<. /.«■*■ ft.< **s Jppfifc^ , /•■■ / ,r.-/„.r,/ /,„■ &iAJ*7*. ofAdam>SmidUsI,itrtiry/S»*J 4^3^ /£ ~~*S- f*^±t ^^^T 4 ^%^i^- **-»•- T 4 -^ *-~&£ZT K*- &jfc&>J2£z^* **-e-4 Is&yiJAStO 0 by Lord Egmont." The printed titles are : — ( 1 ) The Present State of Great Britain and North America with regard to Agriculture, Popula- tion, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially considered, containing a particular account of the dearth and scarcity of the necessaries of life in England, the want of staple commodities in the Colonies, the decline of their trade, etc. etc. [Pp. xvi. 363.] 8vo. London, 1767. (2) Reflections upon the Present State of Affairs at Home and Abroad, particularly with regard to Subsidies, and the Differences between Great Britain and France, in a Letter from a Member of Parliament to a Constituent. [A sixpenny pamphlet.] London, 1755. N B B Tor- onto. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Ammirato (Scipione). D'Ancourt. Andersonus (Jacobus). Anne of Austria. (New) Annual Register. Anquetil. L'Antifin- ANCIER. (3) An Historical Memorial of the Negotiation of France and England from the 26th March 1 761 to the 20th of September of the same year. With the Vouchers. Translated from the French Original, published at Paris by authority. [64 pp. 4-to.J London, 1761. Istorie Florentine. 3 vols. Small fol. vellum. B Firenze, 1 64 1. Les Oeuvres de Theatre. 12 vols. Minim, old calf. B Paris, 1760. Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum Scotiae C Thesaurus. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Edinburgh, 1759. ( 1 ) Preface by Ruddiman quoted in W. of N. I. xi. 84. 2 (on price of wheat in early times), and criticized in light of the old original MSS. used by Ruddiman himselr. (2) Do. I. xi. 98. 1 (on gold and silver coin in Scotland before the Union). (3) Do. II. ii. 129. 1 (almost a repetition of I. xi. 98). D'Anne d'Autriche, epouse de Louis XIII. B Memoires pour servir a l'histoire. 6 vols. i2mo, old calf. Amsterdam, 1729. Vols. 1780-87 (after which year the nameplate is B that of David Douglas). [Robinson, London.] L'Esprit de la Ligue ou Histoire Politique des B Troubles de France. 3 vols. i2mo, old calf. Paris, 1 77 1. L'Intrigue du Cabinet sous Henri IV. et Louis B XIII. terminee par la Fronde. 4 vols. i2mo, old calf. Maestricht, 1782. Louis XIV. sa cour et le Regent. 4 vols. Small B 8vo, old calf. Paris, 1789. L'Antifinancier ou Releve de quelques unes des N malversations dont se rendent journellement coupables les Fermiers Generaux et des vexa- tions qu'ils commettent dans les Provinces, servant de refutation d'un ecrit intitule Lettre servant de Reponse aux Remontrances du Parle- Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 5 Antonini (M. l'abbc). D'Anville (lc Sieur). merit de Bordeaux. Precedee d'une epitre au Parlement de France. l2mo. Amsterd. 1764. [" Darigrand" written not very distinctly on title- page.] Dictionnaire Italien, Latin, et Francois. 2 vols. 4to, calf. Paris, 1735. Grammaire italienne, pratique et raisonnee. i2mo. Paris , 1758. Proposition d'une mesure de la terre, dont il resulte une diminution considerable dans sa circon- ference sur les Paralleles. i2mo. Paris, 1735. Analyse geographique de l'ltalie. 1 vol. 4to, calf. Paris, 1744. Geographie Ancienne Abregee. 1st and 3rd (out of 3) vols. i2mo. Paris, 1768. L'Empire Turc considere dans son etablissement et dans ses accroissemens successifs. i2mo. Paris, 1772. Antiquite geographique de l'Inde et de plusieurs autres contrees de la haute Asie. 1 vol. 4to, calf. Paris, 1775. [Perhaps a presentation copy. Madame D'Anville made Adam Smith's acquaintance in Paris, 1766.] Argonautica. Books I. to IV. Edited by J. Shaw. 2 vols. 4to. Oxonii, 1779. Argonautica. Edidit Phil. Brunck. 8vo, calf. Argentorati (Strasburg), 1780. Appiani Alexandrini Romanae Historiae. Ed. Alex- ander Tolli us. 8vo, vellum. Amstelodami, 1670. Table of ancient coins, weights, and measures. Appendix by Benj. Langwith. 1 vol. 4to, calf. London, 1754. W. of N. IV. ix. 310-1 1. (Less variety in ancient dress than in modern, and therefore, Dr. Arbuth- not infers, greater cheapness in ancient.) Ad. Sm. in the above passage and in I. x. ii. 61. 2 has been thought to follow A.'s estimates too closely. Memoires. 2nd ed. i2mo. London, 1787. Apollonius Rhodius. Appianus. Arbuthnot (John). c N N C N N 8 B B Argens (Le Mar- quis d'). N Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Argou. Ariosto (Ludovico). Aristo- phanes. Aristotle. Arnot (Hugh). Institution du Droit Francois. 2 vols. i2mo. N Paris, 1762. Comedie. Minim. 4to, calf. Firenxe, 1724. B Orlando Furioso. 4 vols. i2mo, calf. Parigi, !"]&£>. C Essay on Ital. Verses, p. 189: "Single rhymes occur very rarely in Ariosto." Comoediae Undecim, Graece et Latine. Ed. L. O C Kusterus. 1 vol. Fol. Amstelod. 17 10. Comoediae Undecim, Graece et Latine. Ed. P. O C Burmannus. 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1760. Comoediae Emendatae. Franc. Phil. Brunclc. 4 B vols. 8vo, calf. Argentorati, 1783. Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine. Ed. W. du Val. 4 vols. Folio. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1729. Aristotelis de Poetica Liber ad optimorum Codicum fldem emendatus, cum versione Latina Theodori Goulstoni. Edinburgi, Apud Tho. et Wal. Rud- dimannos. Neat i2mo, Bookplate, mdccxxxi. La Rhetorique d'Aristote traduite en francois par N M. Cassandre. i2mo. La Haye, 17 18. (1) Essay on Ancient Physics, 108-109 (A.'s views of the First Cause). (2) W. of N. I. x. ii. 62. 1 (A. well-paid as tutor and teacher). (3) W« of N. III. ii. 172 (on the size of the army in the ideal republic in Plato's Laws). (4) Ibid. V. i. 348. 2 (the Lyceum assigned to A. by the State). (5) Mor. Sent. ii. 211 -214 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (on the nature of Virtue, with textual citation of A.'s Ethics). (6) Ibid. ii. 176 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (A.'s /xeya- X6\pv\o 393- *• "I* > s observed by the perfectly well- informed author of the Memoirs upon the Im- positions in France" that the privileged classes pay a very small proportion of the capitation tax. „ 396. 1 (Taxation in Holland). „ 407. 2 (Spanish alcavala). 12 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Beausobre (M. de). Beccaria (Cesare Bonesana). Belgium Confedera- tum. Belidor. Bell (John). Bellamy (George Anne). Bellori (Giov. Pietro). Benezet (Anthony). Bentivoglio [Cardinal] (Guido). Bergier (Nicolas Sylvestre). Berkeley (George). Introduction Generate a l'etude de la Politique, des B Finances, et du Commerce. Vol. 2nd only (out of 2). i2mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1765. Traite des delits et des peines. i2mo. Lausanne, N 1766. On fly-leaf: "Translated from the Italian by the Abbe Andre Morellet." Belgii Confederal Respublica, chorographica, politi- C caque descriptio. [The United Netherlands.] I vol. l2mo, calf, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1630. La Science des ingenieurs dans la conduite de for- N tification et d'architecture civile. 4-to. La Haye, 1754. Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia to divers parts C of Asia. 2 vols. 4to, half calf. Glasgow, 1753. W. of N. IV. ix. 307. 2. "Your beggarly com- merce ! " said the mandarins of Pekin, as re- ported by "Mr. De Lange in Bell's Travels, ii. pp. 259, 276, 293." An Apology for the Life of George Anne Bellamy, N late of Coven t Garden Theatre, written by her- self; to which is added her original letter to John Calcraft, Esq., advertised to be published in October 1767, but which was then violently suppressed. 3rded. 5 vols. i2mo. London, 1785. Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Moderni. C 1 vol. 4to, calf. Roma, 1672. Some Historical Account of Guinea, its situation, B produce, etc. i2mo, old calf. Philadelphia, 1771. Relazioni. Fol. calf. Anversa {Antwerp), 1629. B Raccolta di Lettere. i2mo, calf. Colonia, 1646. B Les elements primitifs des langues [decouverts par N la comparaison des racines de PHebreu avec celles du Grec, du Latin, et du Francois]. 1 2 mo. Paris, I 764 The Querist, or several queries proposed to the U consideration of the Public: to which is added A Word to the Wise. By the Right Rev. Dr. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library l 3 Bernier (Francois). Bible. BlELFELD (Baron). Blackstone (William). Blair (Hugh). George Berkeley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne. (With motto from Ezekiel xvii. 24.) Printed and sold by Rob. and Andr. Foulis, printers to the University. Glasgow, 1 751 . [Bound with Mun, q.v.] Works of Berkeley. 2 vols. 4to,calf. London, \-]%\. C Essay on External Senses, pp. 215 seq. The New Theory of Vision is "one of the finest exam- ples of philosophical analysis that is to be found either in our own or in any other language." " Whatever I shall say upon the subject, if not directly borrowed from him, has at least been suggested by what he ha> already said." Voyages de Francois Bernier, contenant la descrip- B tion des £tats du Grand Mogol. 2 vols. i2mo, old calf. Amsterdam, 1699. Ed. Watson, with references, Apocrypha, and Met- B rical Psalms. Folio, full calf. Edinburgh, 1711. (1) W. of N. I. iv. 1. (Abraham paid silver by weight to Ephron the Hittite.) (2) Ibid. III. iv. 184. 2. The great proprietors sold their birthright, not, like Esau, for pottage in the time of want, but for baubles in the wantonness of plenty. (3) Ibid. V. i. 344. 2, 345. 1. ' (On the place of the Vulgate and of the Greek and Hebrew text in the Medieval Church.) (4) Ibid. V. i. 345. 2. "Apothegms or Wise Sayings, like the Proverbs of Solomon, the verses of Theognis," etc. Institutions Politiques. [2 vols.] 4to, calf. La B Haye, 1760. An Analysis of the Laws of England. 4th ed. 8vo. N Oxford, 1759. W. of N. I. v. 15. 2. (on corn and money rents). Ibid. III. ii. 173. 2 (on steelbow tenants). Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 2 vols. B 4to, tree calf. London, 1783. When Adam Smith lectured on literature in Edin- burgh (1748-50), Blair was among his hearers, H Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Boccaccio. Boccalini (Trajano). Bodinus (Joannes). Boethius (Hector). Boethius (Severinus). BoiLEAU (Nicolas) (Sieur Despreaux), Boissy (Louis de). BojARDO (Matteo Maria). and when Blair published his own lectures he acknowledged his obligations to a manuscript treatise of Adam Smith's on Rhetoric which he had been allowed by its author to consult. This was no doubt among the manuscripts burned by Ad. Smith's own wish before his death. See Dugald Stewart's Life, prefixed to Essays, p. Ixxxvii. compared with Blair's Rhe- toric, Lect. xviii., where Blair says : " On this head (of the general characters of style, par- ticularly the Plain and the Simple, and the char- acters of those English authors who are classed under them), in this and the following lecture, several ideas have been taken from a manuscript treatise on rhetoric, part of which was shown to me many years ago by the" learned and ingenious author Dr. Adam Smith, and which, it is hoped, will be given by him to the Public." Decamerone. Small 4to. 2 vols. N.D. Q De' Ragguagli di Parnaso. Minimo, vellum, g Amsterdam^ 1669. De Republica. 1 vol. folio. Parisiis^ 1586. Scotorum Historiae. Small fol. old calf. Paris^ 1574- Consolationes Philosophiae. i2mo, calf. Glasguae^ I75I- Oeuvres. 4 vols. i2mo, old calf. Amsterdam^ 1729. Mor. Sent. vol. i. 314 (Part III. ch. ii.) (Caballing with Racine against Ouinault and Perreault, Fontenelle, and La Motte. Dis- respectful to " the good La Fontaine.") Ibid. vol. ii. 151, 152 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (Reproving the self-satisfaction of Santeuil.) Oeuvres. Nouvelle ed. Tome I5eme. Small C 8vo, calf. Jmsterd. 1768. Orlando Innamorato. 1 vol. 4to. Venetia^ 1609. ^ The same. 4 vols. 1 2 mo, tree calf. Parigi^ 1768. C Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library J 5 BoLING- BROKE (Lord). Bolts (William). BONAMICI (Castrucci). Bonnet (Charles). BoRELLI (Johannes Alphonsus). Bouchaud. BOUGEANT (Perc). BOUHOURS (Le P.) BOULAIN- VILLIERS (Comte de). [Bou- langer]. BoULLIETTE (L'Abbe). BoURDET. Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism, on the Idea of a N Patriot King, and on the State of Parties at the accession of George the First. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1749. Works. 5 vols. 4-to. London, 1754. Q C Considerations on Indian Affairs, particularly re- N specting the present state of Bengal and its dependencies. 4to. London, IJJ2. De rebus ad Velitras gestis commentarius. 8vo, B calf. Amstelodami, 1748. Traite d'Insectologie ou observations sur les N Pucerons. i2mo. Paris, 1745. De Motu Animalium. Editio altera. 2 vols. C 8vo, calf. Lugduni Batav. 1685. De l'lmpot du Vingtieme sur les Successions et de F l'lmpot sur les Marchandises chez les Romains. Recherches historiques dediees a Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres. Nouv. ed. 8vo, calf, gilt (p. xiv. and one leaf "approbation," pp. 486). Paris (De Burepere), 1772. W. of N. V. ii. 388. 1 (on vicesima hereditatum). Histoire des Guerres et des Negociations qui B precederent le Traite de Westphalie. 6 vols. l2mo, old calf. Paris, 1 75 1. Remarques Nouvelles sur la langue Francoise. B i2mo, vellum. Amsterdam, 1693. Essais sur la Noblesse de France. i2mo. Amsterd. N 1732. Recherches sur l'origine du despotisme oriental. N [Anon.] i2mo. Paris, 1763. Traite des sons de la langue francoise et des caracteres N qui les representent. i2mo. Paris, 1760. Soins faciles pour la proprete de la bouche. Minimo, B calf. [N. P.] 1759. i6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Boyle (Charles). Brady (Robert). Brantome (Le Sieur). Brent (Sir Nathaniel). Briancon (Robert Dominique de). Briggius (Henricus). Brown (Dr. John). Bruce (John). Bruckerus (Jacobus). Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of B Phalaris and the Fables of ./Esop examined. 8vo, calf. London, 1699. An Introduction to the old English History. Folio, B old calf. London, 1684. Complete History of England from the entrance of B the Romans to Henry III. 1 vol. fol. old calf. In the Savoy , 1685. A continuation of the Complete History of England, B containing the lives and reigns of Edward I., II., III., and Richard II. 2 vols. fol. old calf. In the Savoy, 1 700. W. of N. III. iii. 177. 1. Brady's "Historical Treatise of Cities and Burroughs," quoted on the taxes of burghers to the king. Oeuvres. Nouv. ed. 15 vols. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1779. Vols. iii. to xv. C Vol. i. B [Vol. ii. missing.] Historie of the Council of Trent. [Translation O of Father Paul Sarpi.] 1 vol. 410. London, 1629. L'Etat de la Provence. On fly-leaf: "par l'abbe N R. D. B." [Anon.] 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1693. Arithmetica Logarithmica sive Logarithmorum. B Small fol. old calf. Londini, ibi\. [On top of fly-leaf, "Euclid Speidell, prix 6/8. 1674."] A Dissertation on the Rise, Union, and Power of B Poetry and Music. 4to, boards. London, 1763. [Author of the " Estimate."] First Principles of Philosophy. 12 mo, calf. Edin- B burgh, 1780. Elements of the Science of Ethics on the Principles B of Natural Philosophy. 8vo, calf. London, 1786. Miscellanea Historiae Philosophicae Literariae N Criticae. 8vo. Augustae Vindelicorum (Augs- bur g), J 748. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library l l Brueys (De). Bruyere (De La). BUDAEUS (Gulielmus) BlJFFON (G. L. Le- clerc). Bullarius w BuRGOYNE (General). Burke (Edmund). Institutiones Historiae Philosophicae usui academicae N juventutis adornatae. 2nd ed. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1756. Historia Critica Philosophiae, a mundi incunabulis N ad nostram usque aetatem deducta. 6 vols. 4-to. Lipsiae [Leipzig), I 767. Les Oeuvres de Theatre. 3 vols. i2mo, old calf. B Paris, 1735. Les Caracteres de Theophraste. Traduits des C Grecs. 2 vols. Small 8vo, calf. Paris, 1697. De Asse et partibus ejus. Libri quinque. Folio, B old calf. N. P. 1 5 14. Opera omnia. Folio, vellum. N. P. 1557. B Histoire Naturelle. 16 vols, and 6 supplementary C vols. 4to, calf. La Haye, 1750. Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. pp. 70, 71. (Refers to the description of the Royal " Cabinet of Natural History " — a description " executed by two gentlemen of most universally acknowledged merit, Mr. BufFon and Mr. Daubenton." The "reasoning and philosophical part" (Mr. BufFon's) is curious, original, and eloquent, if not always clear and convincing.) W. of N. I. xi. 104. 1 (on the value of pork and beef in France). IV. vii. 251. 1 (on American Cori). 1. 4 to. O C Summa [? Bullarium et Summa]. 1 vo Lugduni [Lyons), 1622. A State of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons by Lieut. -General Bur- goyne, and verified by evidence, with a collection of authentic documents, etc. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1780. Speeches on American Taxation, 19th April 1774. 4th ed. I vol. 8vo, calf. London, IJJS' A Philosophical Enquirv into the Origin of the Sublime and Beautiful. 9th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. London, 1782. c N Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library BURMANNUS (Petrus). BURMANNUS (Petrus, Secundus). Burn (Richard). Burnet (Gilbert). BURNEY (Dr. Charles). Burton (John). BUSBEOUIUS (A. Gis- lerius). Bussy (Comte de), Vectigalia Populi Romani, et Zeus Karat/?arr;s, U sive Jupiter Fulgurator,in Cyrrhetarum nummis. Curis Secundi illustrata. 4to. Apud Wishoff, Leidae (Leyden), 1734. W. of N. V. ii. 388. I (on vicesima hereditatum). Poetae Latini Minores. 2 vols. 4to, calf. Leidae, B I73 1 - Anthologia Veterum Epigrammatum et Poematum. Q Vol. i. 4to. Amstelodami, 1759. Vols, ii., iii. 4to. Amstelodami, 1773. Ecclesiastical Law. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, B J 7 6 3- Not expressly quoted. Burn's "Justice" (head "Poor") is quoted twice in W. of N. (I. x. ii. 63, 64), and his " History of the Poor Laws," in W. of N. I. x. ii. 65. Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and B William, Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald (sic), being an account of the Civil Wars of Scotland, 1625-52. Folio, old calf. London, . l6?7 ' History of his own Time. 6 vols. i2mo, old B calf. Edinburgh, 1753. The History of the Reformation of the Church of C England. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1772. History of Music. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1789. Q IIevTaAoy6a sive tragoediarum Graecarum delectus, N cum adnotatione Joannis Burton. Editio altera, cui observationes indicemque Graecum longe auctiorem et emendatiorem adjecit Thomas Burgess, A.B., e C.C.C. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1779. Omnia quae exstant. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir, calf. C Amstelod. 1660. Memoires. I73 1 - 3 vols. i2mo, old calf. Amsterdam, B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 19 Butler (Samuel). Caesar (Julius). Calonne (De). Campbell (John). Campistron (De). Cantillon (Richard). Lettres. calf. ii. and ix. i2mo, B Requete au Roi adressee a sa Majeste. 1 vol. 4to, tree calf. 1 787. Discours prononce dans l'Assemblee des Notables tenue a Versailles le 22 fevrier 1787. 4to. Versailles, 1787. Reponse a l'ecrit de M. Necker, publie en avril 1787. 4-to. London, 1788. Political Survey of Great Britain. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1774. Oeuvres. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1750. Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en General. Traduit de l'Anglois. [Anon.] i2mo, calf. Londres, 1755. W. of N. I. viii. 31. 1. (The lowest common labourers must earn double their maintenance. Even a slave produces double his maintenance. From Essai, pp. 42, 43. See the article on " Richard Cantillon and the Nationalitv of Political Economy," Contemporary Review, Jan- uary 188 1, by W. S. Jevons.) A reprint of the Essai was published by Harvard University, 1892. c Vols. i. iii. v. vii. Amsterdam, 1752. The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose, pub- lished from original MSS. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1759. Hudibras, in 3 Parts. Written in the time of the Late Wars. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, ij~2. Essay on Italian Verses, p. 189. (Double rhymes abound in Hudibras more than in Dry den.) Commentarii. (Vol. iii. only.) i2mo. Glasguae, QC 1750. De Bello Civili. 2 vols. Minimo. Glasguae, 1750. References to Caesar in Mor. Sent. B C N N N N B 20 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Capacelli (Albergati). Capmartin de champy (L'Abbe Bertrand). Caro (Hannibale). Carte (Thomas). Casaubonus (Isaacus). Casaux (Marquis de). Cassnjs (Dion Coc- ceianus). Castiglione (Conte Baladesar). Cellarius (Christo- phorus). Chabanon (P. G. de). Chalmers (George). II Nuovo Teatro Comico, coll' aggiunta d' alcune tragedie Francesi. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Venezia, J 774- Reflexions d'un avocat sur les Remontrances du Parlement du 27 novembre 1755, au sujet du Grand-Conseil. i2mo. London, 1756. Lettere Familiari. Small 4-to, calf. [N. P.] 1581. A General History of England. 4 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1747. Athenaei Deipnosophistae. Fol. calf. Vol. i. only. Lugduni, 1657. Animadversionum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas Libri Quindecim. Folio, calf. Lugduni, 1664. Considerations sur quelques parties du Mecanisme des Societes. 8vo, calf. Londres, 1785. On title-page : " For A. Smith, Esq., from the Author." Historiae Romanae Graece et Latine. Edidit J. Leoncladius. Libri XVI. 1 vol. 4to. Hanoviae, 1606. Historiae Romanae Graece et Latine. Ed. H. S. Reimarus. 2 vols. Fol. Hamburgi, 1750-52. Libro del Cortegiano. i2mo, red morocco. Aldi Fit. \Venezia\ 1 547. Geographia Antiqua. 1703. 2 vols. 4to. Cantabrigiae, Observations sur la Musique et principalement sur la Metaphysique de l'Art. [Anon.] 8vo. Paris, 1779. Political Annals of the Colonies from the settlement to the peace of 1763. 1 vol. 4to, calf. London, 1780. An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Britain during the present and four preceding reigns, and of the Losses of her Trade from every War B N B C B B B U Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 21 Chamber- I.AYNE (John). Chambers (Ephraim). Chapelle et Bachau- MONT. Chardin (Sir John). Charlevoix (Le Pere Francois- Xavier de). Chastellux (Francois Jean, Mar- quis de). Chaucer (Geoffrey). since the Revolution. To which is added an Essay on Population, by the Lord Chief Justice Hale. 4to. London, 1782. On title-page : " The Author requests Dr. Adam Smith to accept of this enlarged and corrected copy of his Estimate as a mark of his high respect." [The 'enlargement' consists (accord- ing to Professor Foxwell) of a second Appendix. Many copies end at Appendix I.] Present State of Great Britain, with divers Remarks B upon the Ancient State thereof. 8vo, old calf. London, 1745. Encyclopaedia. Ed. by Rees. 4 vols. Large 8vo. B* 1786. Oeuvres. i2mo. La Haye, 1755. N Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de l'Orient. N 4 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 17 '35. Histoire et Description de la Nouvelle France, avec B le Journal Historique d'un Voyage dans l'Ame- rique Septentrionnale. 6 vols. 8vo, old calf. Paris, 1744. W. of N. IV. vii. 256. 1. (On the population of Canada in the earlv part of the 18th century.) Essai sur l'union de la Poesie et de la Musique. N i2mo. La Haye, 1765. De la Felicite Publique, ou Considerations sur le JSN Sort des Hommes dans les differentes e*poques de l'histoire. [Anon.] (On fly-leaf pencilled : " Par le Marquis de Chastellux.") 2 vols. Am- sterdam, 1772. Works. Ed. J. Urry. I vol. Fol. calf. London, C 1721. The Canterbury Tales, with Essay on his Language, B Notes, etc. Ed. Tyrwhitt. 4 vols. London, 1775, and a supplementary 5th with glossarv, 1778. 22 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Chaufepie" (Jacques G.) Chaulieu (L'abbe de). Ch^nier (De). Chester- field (Lord). Child (Josiah). Choisy (L'abbe' de). Churchill (Ownsham and John). Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Essay on Imitative Arts, p. 150. (Lengthening and shortening of syllables, etc., occur " in the verses even of Chaucer, the father of the English poetry.") Nouveau Dictionnaire historique et critique. Fol. calf. Amsterd. and La Haye, 1750. 2 vols. Minimo. Paris. 4 vols Oeuvres. Oeuvres. ,, 1757. N 2 vols. Mini mo, old calf. La Haye, 1777. B Recherches historiques sur les Maures et histoire de N l'empire de Maroc. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1787. Letters to his Son. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1775. C Miscellaneous Works, with Life by M. Maty, M.D. B 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf. London, 1779. A New Discourse of Trade. i2mo, calf. Glasgow, B 1751. W. of N. V. i. 331. 2, 332. 1. (On Regulated Companies.) Ad. Smith gives a very free version ^ ofChild's remarks. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de Louis XIV. C 2nd and 3rd vols, only, of 15th ed. 8vo, calf. Utrecht, 1727. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, some first B printed from original MSS., others now first published in English, with maps and cuts. 6 vols. Fol. old calf. London, 1744. Bookplate of " Wm. Archdeacon Benwell " on each vol., as well as Ad. Smith's. Lettres de Ciceron. Remarques par M. Mougault. B 6 vols. i2mo. Amsterdam, 174.1. De Officiis ad Marcum Filium. i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1 757* Opera. Edidit J. Olivetus. 9 vols. 4to. Genevae, 1758. Opera Omnia ex recensione Augusti Ernesti, cum B notis et clave Ciceroniana. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. Halis Saxonum [Halle), 1 7 74. (1) Mor. Sent, passim. "Olivet's edition" is expressly cited, Mor. Sent. ii. 236 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 23 Clairaut (Alexis Claude). Clarendon (Lord). Clarke (William). Claudian. Clavius (Christo- phorus). Clericus (Joannes). (2) W. of N. I. viii. 43. ("The virtuous Brutus lent money in Cyprus at eight and forty per cent, as we learn from the letters of Cicero.") (3) Ibid. I. xi. 69. I. ("To feed well, old Cato said, as we are told by Cicero, was the first and most profitable thing in the management of a private estate," etc.) (4) Ibid. V. ii. art. iv. 396. I. (C. says there is nothing so absurd that it has not been taught by some philosophers.) Clemens d'Algebre. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris^ 1768. N History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Eng- B land. 6 vols. 8vo, old calf. Oxford^ 1721. Life of Lord Clarendon by himself. 3rd ed. (2nd C and 3rd vols. only). 8vo, calf. Oxford^ 1 761. Mor. Sent. ii. 131 (Part VI. Sect. III.) ("The grave and conscientious Lord Clarendon " does not shrink from praising the dissimulation of Lord Digby.) Ibid. ii. 171 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (Clar. "says of the Earl of Arundel that he sometimes went to Court because he could there only find a greater man than himself," etc. The Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English g Coins, deduced from Observations on the Saxon Weights and Money. 4to, calf. London^ ijyi. [The 1st ed. was 1767.] Claudii Claudiani Opera Ed. Gesnerus. 8vo, calf. B Lipsiae^ 1759. Euclidis Elementorum libri XV. Old calf, small B fol. engraved title loose and damaged. Coloniae^ 1 59 1. On fly-leaf: "James Murray, 1724." Euclidis Posteriores libri IX. Accessit liber XVI. N de Solidorum Regularium cujuslibet intra quod- libet comparatione. 8vo, old vellum. Franco- furti y 1654. Ars Critica. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Amstelod. 1699. B Opera Philosophica. 1 2mo, old calf. Amstelod. 1704. B 2 4 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Cocceius (Samuelis). Collins (Arthur). COMMINES (Philippe de). CoNDAMINE (M. de la). CONDILLAC (L'abbe Etienne Bonnot de). CoNTARINI (Gasparo). Cook (James). Copernicus (Nicolaus). Coquereau (J. B.) Introductio ad Grotium Illustratum. I vol. Fol. Q C Halae, 1748. Jus Civile Controversum. Small 4to, calf. Franco- B furti et Lipsiae, 1753. Peerage of England. 5th ed. 8 vols. 8vo. London, N r 779- Supplement by B. Longmate. 8vo. London, 1784. N Memoires. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Paris, 1580. C Journal of a Tour in Italy. 1 vol. Small 8vo, calf. C London, 1763. Essai sur l'origine des Connoissances Humaines. B [Anon.] 2vols. 1 2mo, old calf. A7mterdam, 1746. Traite des Systemes ou l'on en demele les incon- N veniens et les avantages. 2 vols. i2mo. La Haye [Paris], 1749. Delia Republica e Magistrati di Venetia. Minimo, B old calf. Venetia, 1650. An Account of the Voyages undertaken by Captains B Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. With cuts, charts, and maps. By John Hawkesworth. 2 vols. Large 4to, calf. London, 1773. A Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the B World, with maps, charts, and portraits. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1777. Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore. A Voyage to N the Pacific Ocean, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, with maps, charts, and original drawings. 3 vols. 4to,calf. London, 178 4. De Revolutionibus Orbis Libri VI. Norimbergae, B !543- Bound in elaborately tooled vellum, date stamped on cover, 1557. Notes in Latin on fly-leaf and margins. Essay on Hist, of Astronomy, p. 50 seq. | describes his system). [See also Galileo.] Memoires concernant l'administration des finances B sous le ministere de M. l'abbe Terrai, controleur general. i2mo. London, 1776. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 2 5 CORDINER (C.) Corn (Trade and Prices of). CORNEILLE (Pierre). CORNEILLE (Thomas). CORSINI (Bartolem- meo). Cf. W. of N.I. i.\. 41. 1. ( The abbe Terray raised the legal rate of interest again to 5 per cent.) Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Scotland, C in a series of Letters to Thomas Pennant, Esq. 1 vol. 4to, calf. Banff, 1780. Two Pamphlets bound in one volume. 8vo, calf. B (a) Three Tracts on the Corn Trade and Corn a Laws. [2nd. ed.] [Anon.] London, 1766. [By Charles Smith of Barking, Essex.] W. of N. I. xi. iii. 91.2. (Third Tract cited to show the amount of the Corn Bounty in 1749.) Ibid. IV. ii. 202. 2. (Imported corn only -g^r part of the annual consumption according to " the very well-informed author of the tracts upon the corn trade.") Ibid. IV. v. 224. 2. ("The ingenious and well- informed author of the Tracts upon the Corn Trade has shown very clearly" that the value of the exported corn has exceeded that of the imported by much more than the amount of the Bounties.) (b) Reflections on the Present High Price of b Provisions, and the complaints and disturbances arising therefrom. [Anon.] 1766. Cf. W. of N. I. xi. 69. 2, and ibid. in. r. An Inquiry into the Connection between the present Price of Provisions and the size of Farms, with remarks on Population as affected thereby. To which is added : Proposals for preventing future scarcity. [Anon.] By a Farmer. 8vo. London, 1773. Theatre avec des Commentaires. 12 vols. 8vo, B calf. 1 764. Oeuvres. 9 vols. Minimo, old calf. Paris, 1758. B [Plays.] II Torrachione Desolate 2 vols. Minimo. Londra, B 1768. U 26 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library COUBRON (Hocquart de). Cowley (Abraham). Coxe (William). Cragius (Nicolas, Ripensis). Crawford (George). Crebillon (Prosper Jolyot de). Crebillon, fits (Claude Prosper Jolyot de). Creech (William). Nouvelles vues sur l'administration des Finances et N sur l'Allegement de l'impot. 8vo. La Haye, 1785. Works. 8th ed. 1 vol. Fol. calf. London, 1693. ^ Mor. Sent. vol. i. 68 (Part I. Sect. II. ch. ii.) : « We grow weary of the grave, pedantic, and long -sentenced love of Cowley and Petrarca, who have never done with exaggerating the violence of their attachments." Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia B and America, etc. Small 410, boards. London, 1780. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. N 2 vols. 4-to. London, 1784. De Republica Lacedaemoniorum. i2mo, old calf. B [Lugd.] Batav. 1670. A General Description of the Shire of Renfrew. B Edinburgh, 1 7 10. Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown C and State in Scotland from the beginning of the reign of David I. to the Union of the King- doms. I vol. Fol. calf. Edinburgh, 1726. Les Oeuvres. Minimo, calf. Paris, 1754. Vols i. and ii. N Vol. iii. B Lettres de la Marquise de M. au Comte de R. N 2 vols. i2mo. [Anon,] N, P. 1 739- Les egaremens du cceur et de l'esprit, ou memoires N de M. de Meilcour. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. La Haye, 1745. Collection complete des Oeuvres. 7 vols. i2mo, B calf. Londres, 1777. An Account of the Trial of William Brodie and J B George Smith, August 1788, for breaking into and robbing the General Excise Office of Scotland. By William Creech, one of the Jury. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788. On fly-leaf: "To Adam Smith, Esq., from The Author." Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 27 Crevier (J.B.Louis) Cronstedt (Axel Frederic). Cullen (William). CURNE (M. de Sainte Palaye). Customs. Dal- RYMPLE (David) (Lord Hailes). Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the reign of James I. 8vo, boards. Glasgow, 1 J 66. Four tracts bound together. (a) Historical Memorials concerning the Provincial Councils of the Scottish Clergy from the earliest times to the Reformation. 4to, boards. Edinburgh^ 1769. (b) Canons of the Church of Scotland, drawn up at Perth 1242 and 1269. [Anon.] (c) An Examination of some of the Arguments for the his;h antiquity of Regiam Majestatem. [Anom] [1768.] Compare W. of N. I. xi. 84. 2. N B Histoire de PUniversite de Paris. 7 vols. i2mo, B old calf. Paris, 1761. An Essay towards a System of Mineralogy, translated from the original Swedish, with Notes, by Gustav von Engestrom. 8vo. London, 1770. First Lines of the Practice of Physic. 4th ed. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf. Edinburgh, 1784. Memoires sur l'Ancienne Chevalerie. 3 vols. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1781. Instructions for Collectors of Customs, Land- Waiters, Coast-Waiters, etc. Small fol. 1 vol. Boards. N. D. Instructions for Collectors and other Officers of Customs, Forms of Dispatches, etc. Folio, old calf. Edinburgh, 1707. The Rates of Merchandise as settled by the Acts of 12 Car. II. cap. 4, 11 George I. cap. 7, and subsequent Acts of Parliament, with the Duties and Drawbacks payable on all Goods imported, exported, and carried coastwise, etc. Compiled, by order of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs, by William Sims and Richard Frewin. 8vo. London, 1782. [Adam Smith was a Scottish Commissioner of Customs from 1778 to his death in 1790.] B N B B 28 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Dal- RYMPLE (Sir James) (Stair). Damm (C. T.) Dampier (William). Daniel (Father Gabriel). Dante (Alighieri). Davenant (Dr. Charles). Davila (Henrico Caterino). (d) Catalogue of the Lords of Session from 1532, with Historical Notes. [Anon.] [1767.J Annals of Scotland. 2 vols. 4-to. Edinburgh!, Q 1776-79. Collections concerning the Scottish History. 8vo, B old calf. Edinbro [sic), 1705. Graecum Lexicon. 2 vols. 4to. Berolini, 1774. A Voyage round the World. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf. London, 1697. MS. list of contents on fly-leaf of vol. i. Voyage to New Holland, etc., in the year 1699. 8vo, old calf. London, 1703. Histoire de France depuis l'etablissement de la Monarchic Francoise. 1 7 vols. 4to, calf. Paris, 1756. W. of N. III. iii. 178. 2. (On Louis the Fat.) La Divina Commedia con varie annotazioni e copiosi rami adornata. 5 vols. 4to, vellum. Venexia,ij$j. II Convito e la Vita Nuova. 4 vols. Venecia, 1772. Political and Commercial Works relating to the Trade and Revenue of England, the Plantation Trade, the East India Trade, and African Trade. Collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth, M.P. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. W. of N. I. viii. 35. 1. (D. extols Mr. Gregory King's skill in political arithmetic.) Ibid. V. ii. 403. 2. (On the policy of taxing malt liquors more heavily than beer. Dr. Davenant thinks that the incidence of such a taxation is inequitable. The reference is to Davenant, Works, i. 221-224.) Historiadelle Guerre Civili. 2 vols. Large 4to, calf. B Londra, 1755. Mor. Sent. ii. 131 (Part VI. Sect. III.) ("The 8vo, boards. B B B B N Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 29 Declara- tion. Demetrius Phalereus. Demo- sthenes. Denmark. Deshou- lieres (Mdme et Mdlle). Destouches (Nericault). Dickson (William). Diderot (Denis). dissimulation of Catharine of Medicis is often celebrated by the profound historian Davila.") Declaration du Roi, qui retablit le centieme denier F sur les Immeubles fictifs. Donnee a Versailles le 24 avril 1763. 3 pp. 4to. Toulouse, 1763. [Bound with Messance, etc., q.v.~\ [De] Elocutione sive Dictione Rhetorica. 8vo, B calf. Glasguae, 1743. Demosthenis Opera Graece. Folio, old calf. B Lutetiae [Paris], 15 70. Orationes Philippicae Duodecim. i2mo, calf. B Glasguae, 1762. Demosthene. Oeuvres completes. Traduction B par M. Augers. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1777. Mor. Sent. ii. 127 (Part VI. Sect. III.) "The Philippics of Demosthenes " "derive their whole beauty from the noble propriety with which this passion [just indignation] is expressed." De regno Daniae et Norwegiae insulisque adjacenti- C bus. Tractatus varii. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir, calf. Lugd. Batav. 1629. Oeuvres. [Poems.] 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1753. N Oeuvres Dramatiques. 4 vols. 4to, calf. Paris, C !757- Letters on Slavery. 8vo, boards. London, 1789. B Pensees sur l'interpretation de la Nature. [Anon.] N i2mo. N. P. 1754. Oeuvres Philosophiques et Dramatiques. i2mo, calf. Amsterdam, 1772. Vols. i. ii. and v. B Vols. iii. iv. and vi. C Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 66, 68, speaks of his share in the Encyclopedic 3o Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library DlODORUS SlCULUS. Diogenes Laertius. DlONYSIUS. Donaldson (John, of Edinburgh). Dossie (Robert). Douglas (David). Bibliotheca Historica. Edd. L. Rhomanus et P. Q Wesselingius. Books I. to V. 2 vols. Folio. Amsteloda?ni, 1746. Opera edidit A. Menagius. 1 vol. 410. Amstelod. Q 1680. Opera ed. M. Meibomius. 1 vol. 4to. Amstelod. Q 1692. Mor. Sent. ii. 215 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (on Zeno the Stoic), 245 [ibid.) (on Zeno's supposed suicide), 269 {ibid. ch. ii.) (on Epicurus). Dionysii Orbis Descriptio. 8vo, calf. Oxoniae, B 1 710. The Elements of Beauty ; also Reflections on the N Harmony of Sensibility and Reason. 8vo. Edinburgh^ 1780. On fly-leaf: "To Dr. Adam Smith, from the Author." [Donaldson was an Edinburgh artist, and is perhaps the " gentleman of great knowledge and judgment in this art" (mentioned in the Essay on Imitative Arts, p. 141, in reference to painted sculptures).] Observations on the Pot-Ash brought from America, F with respect to its Goodness, Sophistication, etc., verified by Experimental Examination, together with Instructions for determining the compara- tive Value of any Parcel by expedient Methods ; communicated to the Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 41 pp. 8vo. London, 1767. [Bound with the following. See also Jenyns.J An Essay on Spirituous Liquors, with regard to F their Effects on Health, in which the compara- tive wholesomeness of Rum and Brandy are particularly considered. 50 pp. London (Ridley) [1770]. Memoirs of Agricultural and other Economical N Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1768. Peerage of Scotland. Folio, boards. Edinburgh, B 1764. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 3 1 Douglas, Heron, and Co. Douglas (James, M.D.) Douglass (William, M.D.) Droits. Drummond (William, of Hawthorn- den). Precipitation and Fall of Messrs. Douglas, Heron, and Co., late Bankers in Air [sic], with the Causes of their Distress and Ruin, investigated and considered by a Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Proprietors. 4to. Edinburgh, N is the bank described in W. of N. 1778. This Ayr Bank II. ii. 13 Myographiae comparatae specimen : or a Compara- tive Description of all the Muscles in Man and in a Ouadruped. 8vo. Edinburgh, IJJS- A Historical and Political Summary of the first Planting and Present State of the British Settle- ments in North America. With coloured map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1760. " Douglas's Summary " is quoted with full reference, W. of N. I. xi. Part I. 73. 1. "We are told by Dr. Douglas" that in the West Indies the planters burn a certain quantity "for every negro" to keep the price up. But Adam Smith sus- pects he has been ill-informed. W. of N. II. ii. 144. 1: "The honest and downright Dr. Douglas assures us" that the system of paper money adopted in the Colonies was "a scheme of fraudulent debtors to cheat their creditors." Tarif des droits d'entree et de sortie des cinq grosses fermes, ordonnes d'etre percus par l'edit de r i664 sur toutes les marchandises, — et Recueil des Edits, Declarations, Arrets, et Reglemens au Tarif de 1664. 2 vols. 8vo. Rouen, 1758. Recueil alphabetique des droits de traites uniformes, de ceux d'entree et de sortie, des cinq grosses fermes, de douane de Lyon et de Valence, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. Avignon, 1786. Works, consisting of those formerly printed and those which were designed for the press ; now published from the Author's original copies. I vol. Small folio, calf. Edinburgh, 171 1. N B N N 32 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Dryden (John). Du Bos (L'abbe Jean Baptiste). Duchesne. Duclos (Charles Pineau). Duhamel : > DU MONCEAU. Comedies, Tragedies, and Operas. 3 vols. Small B folio, old calf, binding loose, and not uniform. ("Jacob Tonson.) 170 1. Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, C 1760. Essav on English and Italian Verses, p. 189. (" Double rhymes abound more in Dryden than in Pope, and in Hudibras more than Dryden.") Ibid. p. 190, verses quoted from Absalom and Achitophel, i. 85. Mor. Sent. ii. 1 1 (Part V. ch. i.) (" The rambling freedom of Dryden " is no longer the object of imitation. In our own language " the quaint- ness of Dryden has given place to the plainness of Swift.") Histoire Critique de l'e'tablissement de la Monarchic B Francoise dans les Gaules. 4 vols. 1 2mo, tree- calf. Paris j 1742. Reflexions critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture. N 3 vols. i2mo. Paris (Pissot), 1755. Mor. Sent. ii. 39 (Part V. ch. ii.) ("An Italian, says the Abbot Du Bos, expresses more emotion on being condemned in a fine of twenty shillings, than an Englishman on receiving the sentence of death.") Code de la Police ou Analyse des reglemens de N police. [Anon.] i2mo. Paris, 1761. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des mceurs du N XVIII. siecle. i2mo. Berlin, 1752. Essay on the Imitative Arts, p. 184 (on the minuteness of the intervals in the pronunciation of Chinese). Essai sur les Ponts et Chaussees, la Voirie, et les N Corvees. [Anon.] i2mo. Amsterdam, 1759. Reflexions sur la Corvee des Chemins. [Supple- N ment to above.] i2mo. La Haye, 1762. Elemens d'Agriculture. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris N (De la Tour), 1762. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 33 Du Marsais (Cesar Chesnau). DUNDONALD (Earl of). DuPLEIX. DuPONT de Nemours. By 8vo. Traite des Tropes, pour servir d'introduction a la N rhetorique et a la logique. 8vo. Leipsic, 1757. [According to the Catalogue of Mirabeau's Library, p. 6, No. 33, the original edition was published at Paris, 1730, under the title: "Des Tropes ou des differens sens dans lesquels on peut prendre un meme mot dans ufte meme langue."] General Remarks on the British Fisheries, a North Briton. [Anon.] (Pp. 60.) London, 17 84. The Present State of the Manufacture of Salt ex- F plained, and a new mode suggested of refining British Salt, so as to render it superior to the finest Foreign Salt. To which is subjoined, A Plan for abolishing the present Duties and Restrictions on the Manufacture of Salt, and for substituting other Duties, less burthensome to the subjects, more beneficial to the Revenue, and better qualified to promote the Trade of Great Britain. The 2nd ed., with an Appendix, 17th May 1785. (Pp. 85, App. xxvii.) 8vo. London, 1785. [The two tracts are bound with others (Twining, Rose, O'Beirne) in one vol. 8vo, quarter calf, paper sides, lettered " Pamphlets." Contents in Adam Smith's handwriting.] Memoire pour le sieur Dupleix contre la Compagnie N des Indes avec les pieces justificatives. 4to. Paris, 1759. Lettre a la Chambre du Commerce de Normandie B sur le Memoire qu'elle a publie relativement au Traite de Commerce avec l'Angleterre. "Otez- lui ses liens et laissez le aller." Evangile St. Jean, xi. 44. 8vo, paper skins [thin parchment]. A Rouen et se trouve a Paris. Chez Moutard, 1788. [Lettre, 91 pp.; Notes, 194 pp.] En- closed is the following autograph letter from the Author: — 34 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Paris, igjuin 1788. Monsieur — J'ai l'honneur de vous envoyer un ouvrage que je viens de publier sur le traite de com- merce entre nos deux Nations. Je vous prie de l'agreer comme un tribut de mon respect pour le Livre excellent dont vous avez enrichi le monde. Vous trouverez que je n'ai pas traite mon sujet assez philosophiquement ; qu'il y a un grand nombre de verites que je n'ai qu'indiquees ; qu'il y a plusieurs passages dans lesquels j'ai evite de choquer de front les prejuges de mes lecteurs, et j'ai commence par applaudir a leurs intentions et a leurs vues avant d'ex- poser les vues preferables qui sont a suivre. Monsieur, je voulais persuader racme avant de les convaincre des gens anime's jusqu'au fanatisme, et qui croiraient faire une action louable en entrainant les deux nations a la guerre pour les replonger sous les fers des Prohibitions respectives. J'avais a combattre une opinion unanime et uni- verselle dans mon pays. Toute opinion publique merite d'etre traitee avec egard, surtout lors qu'il faut qu'a l'instant l'administration se determine contre elle. C'est lorsque la necessite de prendre un parti n'est pas pressante que Ton peut fronder l'erreur de toute la hauteur de la verite. J'espere done que vous pardonnerez les defauts de mon ouvrage qui ne me sont inconnus et dont quelques uns sont volontaires. II est encore plus important de bien faire que de bien dire. Si parlant comme attache au Gouverne- ment on annoncait a nos negocians, a nos fabricans et a la Tourbe de nos administrateurs qu'il est inutile et dangereux de donner des encouragemens parti- culiers aux fabriques et a l'exportation de leurs ouvrages, non seulement on ne serait ni lu, ni ecoute, mais on risquerait de decrier tellement les bons Prin- cipes qu'on en eloignerait le Gouvernement lui-meme, et qu'on prolongerait de dix ans l'ignorance et ses funestes effets. En frappant les yeux d'une lumiere trop vive, on leur rendrait la cecite. Je sais que la Posterite sera eclairee. C'est a la generation presente que je voudrais etre utile. Elle est dans l'enfance. II lui faut encore des alimens proportionnes a la faiblesse. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 35 DuTOT. Lorsque j'ctais homme prive, j'ctais plus hardi ; et jc le redcvicndrai en quittant la tres petite part que j'ai a l'administration. Un simple citoyen peut dire ce qu'il lui plait parce que personne n'imagine que les conseils des Princes ou des nations se determinent d'aprcs les livres. Mais si l'administration elle-mcmc parait vouloir suivre uniquement les Principes d'une nouvelle philosophic, les Prejuges s'ameutent autour d'elle de maniere a lui interdire tout succes. C'est ce que j'ai vu arriver a l'excellcnt M. Turgot, et c'est un malheur que j'ai partage avec lui. II a fallu dix ans pour qu'une partie de ses plans, celui de la suppression des corvees et celui de la forma- tion des assemblies provinciales pussent se realiser imparfaitement, et encore au prix des orages auxquels vous voyez notre Royaume en proie. II ne faut pas croire cependant que ces orages soient aussi nuisibles qu'ils le paraissent. lis accoutument a reflechir sur les interets et les droits des hommes ; ils murissent l'Etat gouvernant et l'Etat gouverne. Nous marchons avec rapidite a une bonne con- stitution, qui contribuera ensuite a perfectionner meme celle de votre Patrie ; et les bons principes apres avoir ete quelque tems concentres entre les Etats unis d'Amerique, la France et l'Angleterre, se repandront enfin jusques sur les autres nations. Vous avez beaucoup hate cette utile revolution, les Economistes x francais n'y auront pas nui, et ils gar- deront pour vous autant de respect, Monsieur, que vous daignez leur temoigner d'estime. J'ai l'honneur d'etre avec un respectueux attache- ment, Monsieur, votre tres humble et tres obei'ssant serviteur Du Pont. 1 Underlined in original. Reflexions politiques sur les Finances et le Com- merce ou l'on examine quels ont ete les revenus, les denrees, le change e'tranger, et consequemment sur notre commerce les influences des augmenta- tions et des diminutions des valeurs numeraires des monnaies. [Anon.] 2 vols. i2mo. La Haye [really Paris (Prevost)], 1754. N 3« Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library DlJVERNEY, Joseph (Paris). Dyer (John). Eden (William). Edicts. Education. Examen du livre intitule "Reflexions Politiques sur les Finances et le Commerce." The ist out of 2 vols. i2mo. La Haye [Prevost, Paris], 1740. of N. II. ii. 139. 2. (Law's Mississippi scheme has been so well described "by*Mr. Du Verney in his Examination of the Political Reflections upon Commerce and Finances, of Mr. Dutot" that nothing more need be said about it.) of N. V. iii. 414. 1 (on "billets d'etat." See Examen, i. 225). Poems. 1 vol. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1770. N W. W. Letters to the Earl of Carlisle. 3rd ed. 8vo. N London, 1 "80. [(1) On Political Reasoning and Parties. (2) On the War against France and Spain. (3) On the Public Debts and Supplies. (4) On a Free Trade with Ireland. (5) On Population, Revenue Regulations, and Public Oeconomy.] Edit du Roi qui ordonne le denombrement des F biens-fonds du royaume et la prorogation pro- visoire d'une partie des Impositions, avec la cessation du troisieme Vingtieme et des double- mens de la Capitation. Donne a Versailles au mois d'avril 1763. 6 pp. (last misnumbered 7) 4to. N. P. 1763. Edit du Roi contenant [des] Reglemens pour Pad- F ministration des Villes et principaux Bourgs du Royaume. Donne a Compiegne au mois d'aout 1764. 16 pp. 4to. Paris, 1764. [The two above edicts are bound in one vol. with Messance, etc., q.v.~\ Edit de Pacification de 1 782. Minimo, red morocco. B Imprime par ordre du Gouvernement. N. D., N. P. Loose hints upon Education, chiefly concerning the Culture of the Heart. 8vo. [Anon.] Edinr. 1781. N Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 37 Epictetus. Equity. L'Espion. D'ESTRADES (Corate). D'EsTREES (Le Mare- chal). Euripides. Education de la Noblesse Francoise. i2mo, calf. B (Vols. ii. and iii. only.) [Anon.] Paris, 1763. Epicteti Encheiridion et Cebetis Tabula, Graece et C Latine. 1 vol. 1 2mo, Elzevir, calf. Amstelod. 1670. Egcheiridion ex editione Joannis Upton. Minimo, B calf. Glasguae, N. D. Mor. Sent. i. 345 (Part III. ch. iii.) (On in- difference to calamities.) Ibid. i. 350 (Part III. ch. iii.) (In the matter of " insensibility " and affection, the poets and writers of romances are " much better instructors than Zeno, Chrysippus, or Epictetus.") Ibid. ii. 220 seq. (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (On the Wise Man's acquiescence in all that befalls him, and recognition of his place as only a part of the Whole.) Principles of Equity. [Anon.] Folio, calf. Edin- B burgh, 1760. L'Espion Anglois, ou Correspondance Secrete entre Milord All-eye et Milord All-ear. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. LondreS) 1779. [In the Catalogue of Mirabeau's Library this appears as : L'Observateur Anglais ou Correspondance, etc. 1777 seq> 7 vo l s - i2mo.] Lettres, Memoires, et Negociations du Comte d'Estrades, Ambassadeur en Hollande depuis 1663 jusqu'en 1668. Vols, i and vi. i2mo, calf. Londres, 1743. Eclaircissements presented au Roi par le Marechal D'Estrees. 32 pp. 4:0. Paris, 1758. [Bound in one vol. with Messance, etc., q.v.] Tragoediae XIX. [Ed. G. Canterus. Ex officina C. Plantini.] 2 vols. i6mo, calf. Antverpiae, 1571. Orestes ex editione J. Burnes. Calf, i2mo. Glasguae, 1753. Ouae exstant Omnia. tern Tragoedias. 4to. Oxonii, 177 Cum Scholiis Graece in Sep- Ed. S. Musgrave. 4 vols. B B B B oc 38 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library EUTROPIUS. St. Evre- MOND. Exchequer. Excise. Faber (Basil). Fabricius (Joannes Albertus). Fagan (Christophc Barthelemi). JVLor. bent. 1. 03, 04 (Fart 1. beet. 11. ch. 1.) (What interests us in Hippolytus is not the bodily pain but the attendant circumstances.) Ibid. ii. 244 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (Zeno, the Stoic, quoting the Niobe of Euripides.) Eutropii Historiae Romanae Breviarium, in usum C Scholarum. 1 vol. i2mo, calf. Edinburgh, IJ2S- On fly-leaf: " Adam Smith, his book May 4th 1 733." [Ad. Smith was at that time attending the Grammar School at Kirkcaldy.] Oeuvres Mesclees. 2 vols. 4to, old calf. Londres, B I 7°5- Bookplate [in addition to Ad. Smith's] of "Sir Ellis Cunliffe, Bart." A Treatise on the Court of Exchequer. By a late N Lord Chief Baron of that Court. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1758. Rates of Excise, with the Bounties, Allowances, and U Drawbacks on Exportation. Printed by Alex. Kincaid, His Majesty's printer. Edinburgh, 1766. [Bound in one vol. with Grenville's "Considerations on the Trade," etc., q.v.~\ Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae. 2 vols. Fol. Hagae Comitum, 1755. Bibliotheca Latina sive Notitia Auctorum Veterum. 2 vols. l2mo, old calf. Hamburgi, 1721. Bibliotheca Graeca. 14 vols, in 9. 4to, old calf. B Ha?nburgi, 1 721. Bookplate [in add. to Ad. Smith's] of " Dr. James Gordon " on each vol. Bibliotheca Latina Mediae et Infimae Aetatis. B 5 vols. i2mo, vellum. Hamburgi, 1734. Bibliotheca Latina. Books VII. VIII. 1 vol. Q 8vo. Ha?nbwghi, 1735. Theatre et autres Oeuvres de Fagan. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Paris [Duchesne], 1760. Vols. i. ii. and iv. N Vol. iii. B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 39 F£libien (Dom Michel). Fe"nEL0N (Archeveque de Cam- bray). Ferguson (Adam). Ferguson (James) (F.R.S.) Ferdinand II. Feuquieres (Le Marquis de). FlLMER (Sir Robert). Flaccus (Caius Valerius). Flaccus (Calpur- nius). Les Plans et les Descriptions de deux des plus belles B Maisons de Campagne. i2mo, old calf. Paris, 1699. Conferences de l'Academie Royale de Peinture et N de Sculpture. i2mo. London, 1705. Les AventuresdeTelemaque. (Vol. i. only.) i2mo, B calf. Leyde, 1778. Institutes of Moral Philosophy. i2mo, calf. Edin- B burgh, 1769. History of the Roman Republic. 3 vols. 4to. B London, 1783. [The manifesto of doctrines drawn up by Adam Smith in 1755 was probably directed against Ferguson. See Alex. Carlyle's Autob. p. 285, compared with Dugald Stewart's Life of Adam Smith prefixed to Essays, pp. Ixxxi. xlvii. (Cf. also Mor. Sent. i. 306 [Part III. ch. ii.J on plagiarism.) But Ferguson bore no ill-will. See his letter to Gibbon, April 18, 1776, in Gibbon's Miscell. Works, vol. i. 502.] Astronomy explained on Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and made clear to those who have not studied Mathematics. 4-to. London, 1764. Status particularis regiminis Suae Christ. Majes- tatis Fernandi II. 1 vol. i2mo. Lugdun. Batav. 1637. Memoires du Marquis de Feuquieres contenant ses maximes sur la Guerre et Papplication des exemples aux maximes. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1750. [See also Louis XIV.] Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings. [Small 8vo.] London, 1 680. Argonauticon. Books I. to VIII. 1 vol. 4to. Leidae, 1724. N B JSN Q C Declamationes. Ed. Burmannus. Vol. ii. Bound O C with Quinctilianus, q.v. 40 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Fletcher (Andrew, of Saltoun). Florus (Lucius Annaeus). Fontaine (Jean de la). Forbes (William). FORBONNAIS (Francois Veron de). Fosse (Antoine de la). France. Political Works. 8vo, calf. London^ 1737. B Epitome Rerum Romanarum ex editione Georgii B Graevii. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Amstelod. 1702. Fables Choisies mises en vers par Jean de la Fontaine. C Nouvelle ed. 1 vol. Demy 8vo, calf. Amsterdam^ 1722. Oeuvres. 3 vols. Large 4to, old calf. Anvers^ 1726. B Mor. Sent. i. 314 (Part III. eh. ii.) (Despreaux and Racine treated "the good La Fontaine with a species of most disrespectful kindness. ") A Journal of the Session, containing the decisions of B the Lords of Council of Session, and Acts of Sederunt, 1705-13. Folio, boards. Edinburgh^ 1 7 14. [ Forbes was Professor of Law at Glasgow. ] Elemens du Commerce. Premiere partie. Nulla U magis praesens fortuna laborum. Georgica III. 2nd. ed. 2 vols. [Anon.] A Leyde^ 1754. In Prof. Hodgson's writing, on fly-leaf: "Par Forbonnais selon M'Culloch." Recherches et Considerations sur les finances de N France depuis 1595 jusqu'en 1721. [Anon.] 6 vols. l2mo. Liege^ 1758. Principes et Observations Oeconomiques. 2 vols. N l2mo. Amsterdam^ 1 767. Oeuvres. [Tragedies.] Vol. ii. only. Small 8vo, C calf. Paris^ 1747. Gallia sive de Francorum regis dominiis et opibus. C 1 vol. [Anon.] i2mo, calf, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1629. Le Siecle de Louis XIV. 2 vols. [Anon.] i2mo, B calf. Edimbourg^ 1 752. [No doubt Voltaire's.] Les Interets de la France malentendus. Agriculture, B Population, Finances, etc. Par un Citoyen. [Anon.] 2 vols. J2mo, calf. Arnsterdam, 1"$". [Auge de Goudar.] Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 4i Franche- VILLE (Du Fresne de). iSt.iFrancis of Assisi. Franklin (Benjamin). Frederick the Great. Du Fresny (Charles Riviere). Frisius. Frontinus (Sextus Julius). Furetiere (Antoine). Gale (S.) Galileo (Galilei). Dissertation sur l'origine et les fonctions essentielles du parlement, sur la paierie, et le droit des pairs, et sur les loix fondamentales de la Monarchic Francaise. [Anon.] i2mo. Amsterdam, 1764. Histoire generale et particuliere des Finances. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1738. Strategemata. 8vo, vellum. Amstelod. 1661, Dictionnaire Universel. 4 vols. Fol. paper. Haye, IJ2J. N N Opuscula ed. F. L. Waddingus. 1 vol. 410. Ant- O C werpiae, 1623. (An allusion to the order of St. Francis occurs in W. of N. V. i. 354. 2.) Experiments and Observations on Electricity made B at Philadelphia. With plates. 4to, calf. London, 1769. [The only reference to Franklin is about the pro- pagation of sound by vibrations of the air : " Dr. Franklin has made objections to this doctrine, but, I think, without success" (Essay on the External Senses, p. 215).] Oeuvres du Philosophe de Sans Souci. [Anon.] N 8vo. Potsdam, 1760. No bookplate. Oeuvres Posthumes de Frederic II., Roi de Prusse. N 15 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788. W. of N. IV. i. 193. 1. (No king except the King of Prussia now accumulates treasure. Oeuvres. [Poems.] 4 vols. i2mo, calf. Paris, B !779- Graecia Illustrata. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Lugd. Batav. B 1626. B La C U An Essay on the Nature and Principles of Public Credit, ascribed to S. Gale, Charleston, South Carolina. London, 1784. Opere. 2 vols. 4to, calf. Bologna, 1656. C 4 2 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Garrick (David). Garzoni (Pietro). Gassendi (Pierre). Gatakerus (Thomas). Gee (Joshua). Gellius (Aulus). Geneva. Opere. 4 vols. 4to, tree calf. Padova, 1 744. B Essay on the Hist, of Astronomy, p. 66 : " This very bold assertion of Copernicus [that Venus and Mercury would be found to pass through the same phases as the moon] was confirmed by Galileo " with his telescopes. See also the same Essay, p. 70. Life of David Garrick, the whole forming a History B of the Stage for a period of Thirty-Six Years. By Thomas Davies. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1780. Istoria della Repubblica di Venezia. Small 4to, vellum. Venezia, 1720. Opera. Vol. vi. only. Folk). Lugduni, 1658. Essay on the Hist, of Astron. p. 70. (Neither Galileo nor Gassendi, the most eloquent of the defenders of Copernicus, takes any notice of his epicycles.) Ibid. p. 71. (Gassendi was himself no mean astron- omer, but he did not realize the importance of Kepler's discoveries.) W. of N. V. i. 364-365. (" The famous Gassendi [as Voltaire remarks] was in the beginning of his life a professor in the university of Aix. Upon the first dawning of his genius, it was represented to him that by going into the Church he could easily find a much more quiet and comfortable subsistence, as well as a better situation for pursuing his studies ; and he im- mediately followed the advice.'^ Opera Critica. 2 vols. Folio, old calf. Trajecti ad B Rhenum (Utrecht), 1698. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain con- B sidered. [5th ed.] i2mo, old calf. Glasgow, 1750. Noctes Atticae. 1 vol. 4to. Lugduni, 1706. Q Edits de la Republique de Geneve. i2mo, calf. B Geneve, 1735. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 43 Gerard. Gesnerus (John Matthias). Ghiabrera (Gabriello). Girard (L'abbe). Glossarium. Glover (Richard). Trois livres des Offices de France. 2 vols. Folio, B old calf. Paris, 1638. Thesaurus Linguae et Eruditionis Romanae. 2 O C vols. Fol. Lipsiae, 1749. Scriptores Rei Rusticae. Editio secunda. 2 vols. C 4to, calf. Lipsiae, 1773. [See also Claudian.] Opere. 6 vols. Small 8vo, tree calf. Venezia, C 1782. Les Vrais Principes de la langue francoise, ou la Parole reduite en Methode conformement aux lois d'usag-e. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris* In one i2mo. vol. 1 2mo. *747- Amsterdam. The same. 1747- Les Synonymes francois par M. l'abbe Girard, et le Traite de la Prosodie par M. l'abbe D'Olivet. I vol. l2mo. Amsterdam, 1748. [For D'Olivet's Cicero, see Cicero.] Glossarium ad scriptores Mediae et Inflmae Latini- tatis. Only vol. ii. Fol. N. D., N. P. Medea, a Tragedy. [Anon.] 4to. London (H. Woodfall for J. Morgan, Paternoster Row), 1761. Leonidas, a Poem. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1770. Substance of the Evidence delivered to a Committee of the Hon. House of Commons by the Mer- chants and Traders of London concerned in the Trade to Germany, Holland, and of the Dealers in Foreign Linens, as summed up by Mr. Glover. 72 pp. London (Wilkie), 1774- Substance of the Evidence on the Petition presented by the West India Planters and Merchants to the House of Commons, as it was introduced at the Bar, and summed up by Mr. Glover on Thursday, 16th March 1775. 47 pp. London (Woodfall) [1775]. [The two above tracts are bound in one volume with Dossie and Jenyns, q.v.] N N N OC u 44 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library GODEFROY (Denis). Goldsmith (Oliver). GoURVILLE (De). Graevius (Joannes Georgius). Grammont (Comte de). Grange (Chancel de la). Granger (Le Sieur Tourte- chot). Gravina (Gio- vanni Vin- cenzo). Gray (Thomas). Grecourt. Gregory (David). Auctores Linguae Latinae ed. Dionysius Gotho- Q C fredus. I vol. 4-to. Genevae, 1622. Poetical Works. Now first collected. 2 vols C Small 8vo, calf. London, 1786. Memoires. 2 vols. Old calf. Paris, 1724. B Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum. 12 vols. Q C Fol. Lugduni Batav. 1694-99. Memoires par le Comte Antoine Hamilton. 2 vols. N i2mo. N. P. 1760. Oeuvres. [Plays.] 5 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1758. N Relation du Voyage fait en Egypte en l'annee 1730. N l2mo. Paris, 1745. Delia Ragione Poetica. Libri due. 8vo, calf. Napoli, 17 16. [The patron of Metastasio.] 1 vol. Small C Poems by Mr. Gray. 4to, boards. Glasgow, 1768. B Mor. Sent. i. 311 (Part III. ch. ii.) ("Gray, who joins to the sublimity of Milton the elegance and harmony of Pope, and to whom nothing is wanting to render him perhaps the first poet in the English language but to have written a little more." This passage is not in the 1st ed.) Ibid. i. 350 (Part III. ch. iii.) ("The pang, as Gray says, to secret sorrow dear" This pas- sage too is not in the 1st ed. Ad. Smith is, as usual, quoting from memory ; Gray says " A pang." Epitaph on Mrs. Clarke, line 13.) Oeuvres Choisies. 3 vols. i2mo. Geneve, 1777. D. Gregorii Elementa Astronomiae Physicae et Geometricae. 1 vol. Fol. Oxoniae, 1702. Treatise of Practical Geometry. In three parts. N 8vo. Edinburgh, 1745. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 45 Grenville (George). Grew (Nehemiah). Grosley (Peter John). Grotius (Hugo). Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 67 : "The Latin treatises of Keil and Gregory, two Scotsmen, upon the principles of mechanics and astronomy, may be regarded as the best things that have been written in this way by any native of Great Britain, though in many respects confused, inaccurate, and super- ficial." [Gregory was professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh, and afterwards of Astronomy at Oxford.] Considerations on the Trade and Finances of this U Kingdom, and on the Measures of Administration with respect to those great National Objects since the Conclusion of the Peace. [Anon.] Printed for J. Wilkie in St. Paul's Churchyard. 4to. London, 1766. [Attributed to Grenville by MacCulloch, Liter, of Pol. Econ. p. 89.] W. of N. V. iii. 419. 1. " The very well-informed author of Considerations on the Trade and Finances of Great Britain " is quoted for the figures of the funded and unfunded debt in 1764. The Anatomy of Plants. Printed for the Author. C 1 vol. Small fol. calf. 1682. De l'influence des Loix sur les Moeurs. Memoire F presente a la Societe Royale de Nancy. [Anon.] 44 pp. 4to. Nancy et Paris, 1757. [In one vol. with Lettres Patentes, q.v.~] Nouveaux Memoires ou Observations sur l'ltalie et N sur les Italiens, par deux gentilshommes suedois. Traduits du Suedois. 3 vols. i2mo. London, 1764. [The name of the author is half legibly written on the fly-leaf in pencil.] Annales et Historiae de Rebus Belgicis. Small fol. B Jmstelod. 1657. The same. 8vo, vellum. Amstel. 1658. B De Jure Belli et Pacis. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Jmstelo. B J735- De Jure Belli et Pacis. With commentary by H. O C deCocceius. 3 vols. Fol. JVratislaviae,i']\\-ii t .'-j. 4 6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Gruterius (Joannes). GUARINI (Cavalierc). Guicciar- DINI. Guidi (Alessandro). Guischardt (Charles). Guys (Monsieur). Hakluyt (Richard). Hamilton (Hugh). Mor. Sent. ii. 208-209 ( Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) : " What Grotius calls the justitia expletrix and justitia attributrix." Ibid. ii. 398-399 (Part VII. Sect. IV.).: "Grotius seems to have been the first who attempted to give the world anything like a system of those principles which ought to run through and be the foundation of the laws of all nations ; and his treatise of the laws of war and peace, with all its imperfections, is perhaps at this day the most complete work that has yet been given upon this subject. " Corpus Inscriptionum totius orbis Romani. 4 vols. Fol. Amstelodarni, 1707. [Title slightly differ- ent in different vols.] II Pastor Fido. i2mo, calf. N. D. Memoires Militaires sur les Grecs et les Romains. 2 vols. 8vo. Lyon, 1760. Voyage litteraire de la Grece, ou lettres sur les Grecs anciens et modernes avec un parallele de leurs moeurs. [Nouvelle edition. Augmentee de quelques opuscules du meme Auteur.] 4 vols. 8vo. Paris [veuve Duchesne], 1783. The principal Navigations, Voyages, TrafEques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. 3 vols, in 2. Small fol. black letter. London, 1599. Philosophical Essays. 3rd ed. i2mo. Dublin, IJJ2. [Dean of Ardagh, mathematician and theologian.] B La Istoria d' Italia. 2 vols. Large fol. old calf. B Venezia, 1738. W. of N. III. iv. 186. 2. (On the extensive cultha- tion of the land in Italy before the invasion of Charles VIII. Poesie. i2mo, calf. Verona, 1726. B N N B N Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 47 Hamilton (William). Hanway (Jonas). D'Happon- COURT DE Grafigny. Hardouin DE Pe're'fIXE. Harris (John). Harte (Rev. Walter). Hartley (David). Harwood (Edward). Hayley (William). Heineccius (Joannes Gottlieb). Helvetius. Henry (Robert). D'Her- belot. Poems on several Occasions. i2mo, old calf. B Edinburgh, 1760. [Author of "The Braes o' Yarrow."] Historical Account of the British Trade over the B Caspian Sea. Vol. i. only (out of 4). 4-to, calf. London, 1 753. Cenie, piece nouvelle en cinq actes. i2mo. La N Haye, 1751. Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand. Minimo, vellum. B Amsterdam, 166 1. Voyages. Carefully revised. 2 vols. Fol. calf. C London, 1764. Essays on Husbandry. Illustrated. 2nd ed. 1 vol. C 8vo, calf. London, 1770. Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and B his Expectations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1749. Biographia Classica. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1778. N Poems on Painting, etc. 3rd ed. 4to, calf. London, B 1 78 1. [The friend of Cowper and Gibbon.] Elementa Juris Civilis, secundum ordinem Pandec- N torum commoda auditoribus methodo adornata. 4th ed. 8vo. Amstelod. 1740. De l'Esprit. [Anon.] Vol. ii. only. i2mo, calf. B Amsterd. 1759. ctter of Hume to Ad. Smith (in Life prefixed to Essays, p. xlviii.), dated 12th April 1759: " I believe I have mentioned to you already Helvetius's book, De l'Esprit. It is worth your reading, not for its philosophy, which I do not highly value, but for its agreeable composition." Ad. Smith made the acquaintance of Helvetius in Paris in 1766. History of Great Britain. 5 vols. 4to, calf. Lon- B don, 1771. Bibliotheque Orientale [ou Dictionnaire universel C contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre] les Peuples de l'Orient. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Maestricht, 1776. 4 8 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Herbert (Claude Jacques). Hericourt (Louis). Hermo- GENES. Herodotus. Hesychius. HlSTOIRE. HlSTORIA Augusta. History of THE Union. HOBBES (Thomas). Essai sur la police generale des Grains, sur leur N prix et sur les effets de PAgriculture. [Anon.] i2mo. Berlin, 1757. In W. of N. I. xi. 83. 1. "The elegant author of the Essay on the Police of Grain " is quoted on the price of corn in France in the 15th cent. So W. of N. I. xi. 91. 1 top, on the rise of the value of silver as compared with that of corn. The influence of the book has also been traced (by Prof. Fox well) in the W. of N. IV. v. 234. 1 (compared with Essai, pp. 21, 22). Les Loix Ecclesiastiques de France dans leur ordre B naturel. Large fol. calf. Paris, 1771. Opera Hermogenis Philosophi ac Rhetoris. i2mo. B Lugdunum, 1538. Historia. 9 vols. i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1761. Lexicon, cum notis doctorum virorum integris. Ed. J. Albert. 2 vols. Fol. Lugdun. Batav. 1766. Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique ou Histoire N abregee de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom par des talens, des vertus, des forfaits, des erreurs, etc. Par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 8 vols. 5th ed. Caen, 1783. Thesaurus Historiae Helveticae, continens lectis- Q simos Scriptores. 1 vol. Fol. Tiguri (Zurich), *775- Historiae Augustae Scriptores VI. [Cum notis Isaaci Casauboni, CI. Salmasii et Joannis Gruterii.] 8vo, vellum. Lugduni Batav. 1671. Vol. i. Vol. ii. History of the Union of Great Britain. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. Edinburgh, 1709. [Attributed to Defoe.] Leviathan. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. London, 1651. C Moral and Political Works. 1 vol. Fol. calf. C London, 1750. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 49 HOLWELL (J- T.) Homer. Mor. Sent. ii. 325 (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. i.) (Hobbes is one of those who deduce the principle of self-approbation from the principle of self-love.) Ibid. ii. 332 (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. ii.) ("a state of nature is a state of war"), 333-335 (the controversy aroused by Hobbes). W. of N. I. v. 14. 1. ("Wealth, as Mr. Hobbes says, is power," — but it is not necessarily political power.) India Tracts by Mr. Holwell and Friends, con- taining : (1) An Address to the Proprietors of East India Stock, setting forth the unavoidable necessity and real motives for the Revolution in Bengal, 1760. (2) Refutation of a Letter from certain Gentlemen of the Council at Bengal to the Hon. the Secret Committee. (3) Important Facts regarding the East India Company's Affairs in Bengal from the years 1752 to 1760, with copies of several very interesting letters. (4) Narrative of the deplorable Deaths of the English Gentlemen who were suffocated in the Black Hole in Fort William at Calcutta, June 1756. (5) Defence of Mr. Vansittart's Conduct. Frontispiece : Monument at Calcutta to the Suf- ferers in the Black Hole Prison. 2nd ed. with additions. Pp. vii. 286. Calf, 4to. London {Becket\ 1764. OMHPOY 0AY22EIA. 8vo. Oxford, 1705. Ilias Graece et Latine. Clarke's edition. Vol. ii. only. 8vo, calf. Londini, 1735. Ilias ex Editione S. Clarke. Vol. ii. only. i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1 747. Iliad. 2 vols. Fol. Glasguae, 1756. Odyssey. 2 vols. Fol. Glasguae, 1758. Opera Omnia cum notis Samuelis Clarkii. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Lipsiae, 1759. Hymnus in Cererem, editus a Davide Ruhnkenio. N B B B B 8vo, boards. Lugd. Batav. 1 E So Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library (i) Essay on Astron. 27. (Homer was a native of the Greek islands, which were more secure, and therefore sooner civilized, than the mainland.) (2) Mor. Sent. ii. 131 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (Homer's Ulysses is praised bv Cicero for " flexibility of manners.") (3) W. of N. I. iv. 11. 1. (Diomede's exchange with Glaucus.) (4) Ibid. IV. vi. 246. 2. (Before the " late reforma- tion" of the English coinage (1774) "the operations of the Mint were somewhat like the web of Penelope.") (5) Ibid. V. i. 322. 2. (Agamemnon offers Achilles the rule over seven cities, with the induce- ment "that the people would honour him with presents.") (6) Ibid. V. i. 348. 1. (Music and dancing, as we find from Homer, were "the great amuse- ments of all barbarous nations.") Hooke (Robert). HORATIUS. Micrographia or some Physiological Descriptions B of Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses. Small fol. old calf. London, 1665. Bookplate [in addition to Adam Smith's] of "John Piggott." [Philosophical] Observations [and Experiments]. C I vol. 4to, tree calf. London, 1758. Satiras, Epistolas, et Artem Poeticam ed. D. Q Lambinus. Vol. ii. only. 4to. Lutetiae [Paris), 1578. Opera ed. J. Dousa. 1 vol. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1597. Opera ex fide atque Auctoritate complurium Librorum. Fol. calf. Lutetiae, 1680. Horace. Oeuvres en Latin et en Francois. Remarques Critiques et Historiques. Par M. Dacier. 10 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1709. Opera Omnia ed. Richard Bentley. 1 vol. 4to. Amstelod. 1728. Poemata ex castigationibus observationibusque Bentleii Cuningamii et Sanadonis emendata. i2mo. London, 1740. Opera. 8vo. Foulis. Glasgow, 1744. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 5 1 HORSLEY (William). Many marginal notes on fly-leaves and body of book, also on inserted sheets at the end. [Possibly used at college. Ad. Smith was at Oxford, 1740-47.] Opera. Recensuit varietate lectionis M. Christi- anus David, jun. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1778. Epistolaad Augustum. 8vo,calf. Without title-page. Mor. Sent. i. 68 (Part I. Sect. II. ch. ii.) . "The gaiety of Ovid and the gallantrv of Horace are always agree-;'. The Universal Merchant, containing the Rationale of Commerce in theory and practice. An Inquiry into the Nature and Genius of Banks, their power, use, influence, and efficacy, the estab- lishment and operative transactions of the Banks of London and Amsterdam, etc. By William Horsley. Printed by C. Say for W. Owen at Homer's, near Temple Bar. 4to. London, 1753. At page 109 a new title-page : A brief Disquisi- tion into the nature of Gold and Silver, and into the Art of Assay, etc., being "a proper supplement to the preceding work." Dedicated to Henry Pelham. Bound with the above in one vol. is also : Further Explanations of some particular Subjects relating to Trade, Coin, and Exchanges, contained in the Universal Merchant. By N. M. [Nicholas Magens]. Printed by John Haberken, Gerrard Street, 1756. [This is the Postscript described below.] W. of N. I. xi. 95. 2. Ad. Sm. gives the figures "according to Mr. Meggens " (sic in all edd.) ror the annual importation of gold and silver into Spain and Portugal circa 1750. "The great experience of this judicious merchant renders his opinion of considerable weight." The footnote giving exact reference to the " Postscript to the Universal Merchant, p. 15, and 16," appears first in the 2nd ed. of the W. of N. 1778. It concludes: "The postscript is to be found in few copies [of the Universal Merchant] ; it corrects several errors in the book." B B U 5 2 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library HOTMAN (Francis). Houssaye (le Sieur Amelot d'). Howard (John). Howe (Lord Richard). Howe (General SirWilliam). HUGENIUS (Christianus) [Huyghens]. HUGGAN (Joannes). Hume (David, of Godscroft). Hume (David). An Account of the Ancient Free State of France. B 8vo, calf. London, 1738. Histoire du Gouvernement de Venise. 3 vols. C Small 8vo, calf. Amsterdam, 17 14. State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 1 vol. 4to. Warrington, 1777. A Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Trans- actions of the Fleet under Lord Howe. 2nd ed. 8vo, paper covers. London, N. D. Narrative of his Conduct in North America. 4to, B boards. London, 1781. Opera Mechanica, Geometrica, Astronomica et N Miscellanea. 4 vols, in 2. 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1 75 1. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Sanguine Humano. C I vol. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, N. D. History of the House of Douglas and Angus. C 1 vol. 4to, quarter leather. Edinburgh, 1644. A General History of Scotland from 767 to the death C of King James. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. London, 1657. A Treatise of Human Nature, being an attempt to introduce the Experimental Method of Reason- ing into Moral Subjects. [Anon.] 8vo, calf. London, 1739-40. Vol. i. (1739). B Vols. ii. and iii. (1739-40). C Essays, Moral and Political. i2mo, old calf. B [Anon.] Edinburgh, \"/\\. Essays and Treatises on several subjects. A new C edition. 1 vol. 4to, calf. London, 1758. Philosophical Essays. (1) Academical Philosophy. B (2) Active Powers. (3) Liberty and Necessity. l2mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1768. Concerning Human Understanding. i2mo, calf. B [Anon.] London, 1768. Essays and Treatises on several subjects. A new C edition. 4 vols. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1770. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 5 3 History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. 8 vols. 8vo, calf. London^ 1778. Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. 1779. (1) Mor. Sent. i. 197 (Part II. Sect. I. ch. v.) : "That remarkable distinction between justice and all the other social virtues, which has of late been particularly insisted upon by an author of very great and original genius." (2) Ibid. i. 475 (Part IV. ch. ii.) : "The same in- genious and agreeable author who first explained why utility pleases." (Criticism follows.) (3) Ibid. ii. 357 (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. iii.) * Another system ' is mentioned which ex- plains the moral sentiments by sympathy, but in a different way from Ad. Smith. It "places virtue in utility." (4) The passage on Suicide, which does not occur in the 1st ed. of the Mor. Sent., but is to be found in the 6th ed. ii. 242-250 (Part VII. Sect. II.), may have been meant as a reply to Hume's posthumous Essay on Suicide. (5) W. of N. I. xi. 106. 1. ("Mr. Hume" on the value of fleece and sheep in Saxon times.) (History.) (6) Ibid. II. ii. 143. 1, 2. (On the increase of paper money, and its alleged effects on prices.) (Political Discourses.) (7) Ibid. II. iv. 157. 1. (Mr. Hume's discussion of the relation of the discoveries of precious metals to the rate of interest is so satisfactory that Ad. Smith need not enter on the sub- ject.) (Political Discourses.) (8) Ibid. III. iv. 181-182. (Mr. Hume is the only writer who has noticed how commerce intro- duces order and liberty.) ( Political Discourses : Essays on Commerce and Luxury.) (9) Ibid. IV. i. 195. 1 : " Mr. Hume frequently takes notice of the inability of the ancient Kings of England to carry on without interruption any foreign war of long duration" (History). 54 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Hutch eson (Francis). (10) W. of N. V. i. 354. 2 to 355. 1 : "Most of the arts and professions, says by far the most illustrious philosopher and historian of the present age, are of such a nature " that the State consults its own interest best by leaving them alone ; not so with the Church. This passage contains a long quotation from the History of England, Henry VIII. ch. iii. with unimportant verbal alterations, probably due to Ad. Smith's habit of dictating. See Life by Dugald Stewart, prefixed to Essays, p. Ixxxvii. note. A short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, contain- ing the Elements of Ethicks. i2mo, calf. Foulis. Glasgow, 1747. A System of Moral Philosophy, in three books. 2 vols. 4-to, calf. London, 1755. [Hutcheson was Professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow, 1730-46, Thomas Craigie 1746-52, Adam Smith 1752-64.] (1) Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 72. "Mr. Hobbes, Mr. Locke, and Dr. Mandeville, Lord Shaftesbury, Dr. Butler, Dr. Clarke, and Mr. Hutcheson," unlike the French writers, have all of them at least tried to be original, and to make some new contribution to the old stock. (2) Mor. Sent. ii. 197 (Part VII. Sect. I.) (Holds the theory that virtue consists in benevolence.) Ibid. ii. 286 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. iii.) Of all the patrons of the system that makes virtue consist in benevolence, "the late Dr. Hutcheson was undoubtedly beyond all com- parison the most acute, the most distinct, the most philosophical, and what is of the greatest consequence of all, the soberest and most judicious." (Criticism follows.) (This eulogy occurs in all edd.) Ibid. ii. 340 (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. ii.) (Dr. Hutcheson first precisely distinguished how far moral distinctions are due to reason and how far to sense and feeling.) (3) (4) B B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 55 Hutchinson (Thomas). HuTTON (James). Iamblichus. isocrates. Italian Dictionary. Italy. Janicon (Francois Michel). Jenyns (Soame). (5) Mor. Sent. ii. 342 (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. iii. x (Ouotes Hutcheson's "Inquiry concerning Virtue" on the "principle of approbation (Criticism follows.) (6) Ibid. ii. 369, cf. 374 (Part VII. Sect. IV.) (Too lax in regard to promises made under compulsion.) History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 2 B vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1760. [Governor of Massachusetts at the beginning of the troubles in America.] W. of N. V. iii. 428. 2. (On Colonial Debts — from the History, ii. 436 seq.) The Theory of Rain. 4to, stitched. Edin. 1784. B [Dr. James Hutton the geologist (1726-97). He was one of Ad. Smith's executors.] Iamblichi Chalcidensis ex Coelesyria [Tractatus de B Mysteriis]. Ed. Thomas Gale. Fol. vellum. Oxoniij 1678. Opera. Notes by [William] Battie [M.D.] Vol. B i. only (out of 2). 8vo, calf. Londini, 1749. W. of N. I. x. ii. 61. 2. (Reproaches the Sophists for taking the small fee of 4 or 5 minae. His own scholars paid 10.) Vocabolario degli Academici della Crusca. 6 vols. C Fol. calf. Napoli, 1746. De principatibus Italiae. Tractatus varii. 1 vol. C i2mo, vellum (Elzevir). Lugd. Bat. 1628. l£tat present de la Republique des Provinces Unies. B 2 vols. i2mo, old calf. La Haye, IJ4-I. Thoughts on the Causes and Consequences of the F Present High Price of Provisions. 4th ed. 26 pp. 8vo. [Anon.] London (Dodsley), ij6j. Political Speculations, or an attempt to discover the F Causes of the Dearness of Provisions and High Price of Labour in England, with some hints for remedying those evils. Pp. viii. 41. 8vo. [Anon.] London (Jlmon), 1767. 56 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Jesuites. Johnson (Samuel). Jones (Sir William). JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Junius. justinianus. JuSTINUS. JuVENALIS. Kalm (Peter). i vol. 8vo, calf. Review of Johnson's Do. Part the Second. Pp. 62. [Anon.] 1767. [The above books are bound in one vol. 8vo, quarter calf, paper sides, lettered on back " Political Pamphlets." Contents in Adam Smith's handwriting. The vol. includes also Dossie, Young, and Stahlin, q.v.] I Hume sent Jenyns a copy of the Mor. Sent. See Life of Adam Smith, prefixed to Essays, p. xlvii.] Pieces sur les Jesuites. 4 vols. Small 8vo, calf. N. P. 1760. The Idler. 2 vols. 3rd ed. 8vo, calf. London, 1767. The Rambler. 4 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1 771. Lives of the most eminent English Poets. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 178 1. Prayers and Meditations. London, 1785. Edinr. Rev. 1755, i. 61-73. Dictionary. Poems, consisting chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages. i2mo, calf. Oxford, 1772. Opera Omnia. Graece et Latine. 2 vols. Fol. Amstelod. 1726. The Letters of Junius. i2mo, calf. London, 1783. Digestorum Codicis Repetitae Praelectionis Libri XII. Large folio (without title-page). Above Adam Smith's bookplate : " Pharamus Fiennes, his book, 1669 ; pret. 01/: 05* : 04^." De Historiis Philippicis. In usum Delphini calf. London, 1 7 — . Satyrae. 8vo, vellum. Amstelod. 1684. Satyrae. Ed. Henr. Chr. Henninius. 1 Ultrajecti, 1685. Satyrae. In usum serenissimi Delphini. London, 1707. Satyres. i2mo, calf (without title-page) ol. ovo, 4to. calf. C C B C B B B B Travels into North America : its Natural History, Plantations, Manners of the Inhabitants, etc. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library SI Kames (Lord). Keate (George). Kecker- MANNUS (Bartholo- maeus). Kerroux (L. G. F.) Kippis (Andrew). Knolles (Richard). La Caille (Nicole Louis) (Abbe' de). Lacepede (Comte de). Lafitau (Le R. P. Joseph- Francois). Translated by J. R. Forster. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. Warrington, 1770. W. of N. I. xi. 103. I. "Mr. Kalm, the Swedish traveller," thinks that the American Colonists show little of the English skill in husbandry. Sketches of the History of Man. 2 vols. 4to, calf. B [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1774. W. of N. V. ii. 372. 1. (On the temptation to smuggling, created by the existing laws and the present inequitable treatment of the offence. The reference is to Book II. Sect. IV. v. The author's name is not mentioned.) A Short Account of the Ancient History, Present N Government, and Laws of the Republic of Geneva. 8vo. London, 176 1. Systema Logicae. i2mo, old calf, two clasps. B Francofurti, 1628. Abrege de l'Histoire de la Hollande et des Pro- N vinces-Unies, depuis les terns les plus anciens jusqu'a nos jours. 4 vols. 8vo. A Leide, 1778. Biographia Britannica. A to F. 5 vols. Fol. Q C London, 1778. History of the Turkish Empire, with continuation B by Sir P. Rycaut. 2 vols. Fol. old calf. Bookplate of Stuart of Dunnairn on each vol. in addition to Adam Smith's. Lecons elementaires de la Mathematique. 8vo. N Paris, 1778. On title-page : " New edition by M. l'abbe Marie." La Poetique de la Musique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris N [Didot jeune], 1785. De l'imprimerie de Monsieur. Histoires des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portu- N gais dans le Nouveau Monde 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1735. 5! Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Lally (Comte de). Lambert (Johann Heinrich). Lancelot (Claude et Nicole Pierre). Latin Poets. Law (John). Law (Penal). Lee (James). Le Trosne. Lettres Patentes. Memoires. i vol. 4-to, quarter leather. Paris, C 1764. Systeme du Monde. 2nd ed. 8vo. Berlin, 1784. N Grammaire Generale et raisonnee. i2mo. [Anon.] N Amsterd. 1703. The same. i2mo. Paris, 1754. N Latinorum Poetarum opera et fragmenta, pro- fanorum et ecclesiasticorum. 2 vols. Fol. calf. [Anon.] Londini, 1 71 3- Money and Trade considered, with a proposal for supplying the Nation with Money. i2mo, old calf. Glasgow, 1750. Proposals and Reasons for Constituting a Council of Trade in Scotland. i2mo, old calf. 1 751. W. of N. II. ii. 139. 2. "That the industry of Scotland languished for want of money to em- ploy it, was the opinion of the famous Mr. Law." Ibid. III. iv. 157. I. (Mr. Law, with Locke and Montesquieu, imagined that the discoveries of gold and silver lowered the rate of interest in Europe.) Principles of Penal Law. 2nd ed. 8vo. [Anon.] London, ljji. An Introduction to Botany. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1765. Recueil de Plusieurs Morceaux Econoniiques princi- palement sur la Concurrence des Etrangers dans le transport de nos Grains. Par M. Le Trosne, avocat du Roi au Bailliage d'Orleans. A Amsterdam et se trouve a Paris chez Desaint libraire, rue du Foire St. Jacques. i2mo. 1768. Lettres patentes du Roi concernant l'abonnement de la Ville de Saint Quentin. Donnees a Ver- sailles le 29 mars 1759. 4to. 4 pp. B B B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 59 Lettres populaires. Leyserus (Poly- carpus). Lichfield (Caroline de). Lille (L'abbe de). Linnaeus (Carolus) (Carl von Linne). The same for la ville de Troyes 1759. 4 pp. „ „ Langres „ „ „ „ Tonnerre „ „ Reims Montfort Chateaugontier St. Dizier Lyon Romoranton Boulogne sur Mer Houdan £pernay „ „ „ „ Meulan „ „ [Bound in one vol. with Messance, Grosley, Ques- nay, q.v.] Lettres populaires ou Ton examine la Reponse aux lettres ecrites de la Campagne. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. 1765. Historia Poetarum et Poematum. N. P. 1741. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 3 PP- 4 pp. 55 3 PP- 4 pp. 8vo, vellum. Caroline de Lichfield par Madame De i2mo, calf. Londres, 1786. B B 2 vols. B Les Jardins ou l'art d'embellir les paysages. 4th ed. N 8vo. Paris ^ 1782. Philosophia Botanica. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. Stock- C hohnae, 1751. Genera Plantarum. Editio novissima. 1 vol. 8vo, C calf. Viennae, 1767. Systema Naturae. Editio decimatertia. 4 vols. C 8vo, calf. Vindobonae (Vienna)^ 1768. Species Plantarum. Editio secunda. 2 vols. 8vo, C calf. Holmiae (Stockholm), 1762-63. Essay on Extern. Senses, 234 (the hawk, etc., blind at birth) ; 237 (mammals in infancy directed to the nipple bv smell) ; 241 (most worms without head\ 6o Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Lippi (Lorenzo). Lit de Justice. Livius (Titus). Lloyd (Major- General). Loch (David). Locke (John). Logan (John). U B II Malmantile Racquistato. Minimo, calf. Parigi, B 1768. Proces verbal de ce qui s'est passe au Lit de Justice tenu par le Roi a Versailles, le mardi douze mars 1776. J Paris, 1776. [Bound with Considerations sur les Richesses. See Richesses.] Quod exstat. Ed. Gronovius. Vol. i. only. 8vo. Amstelod. 1 665. History of the War in Germany between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany and the Allies. 4to, old calf. London, 1 78 1. Essays on the Trade, Commerce, Manufactures, and Fisheries of Scotland. Vol. i. only (out of 4). 8vo, boards. Edinburgh, 1778. An Essay concerning Human Understanding, in four books. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1726. (1) Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 72. (His originality in Philosophy. See above, under Hutcheson.) (2) Essay on External Senses, 218 (the blind man's idea of scarlet). (3) Mor. Sent. ii. 131 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (The dissimulation of the first Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, is often celebrated by "the judicious Mr. Locke.") (4) Ibid. ii. 344 (Part VII. Sect. III.) (On the faculty of Reflection, " from which he derived the simple ideas of the different passions and emotions of the human mind.") (5) W. of N. I. v. 20. 1. (Imputed the high price of silver bullion to the permission of exporting it.) (6) Ibid. II. iv. 157. 1. (Imagined that the dis- coveries of the precious metals lowered the rate of interest.) (7) Ibid. IV. i. 188. 1. "Mr. Locke remarks a dis- tinction between money and other moveable goods." It is more durable. Elements of the Philosophy of History. Part I. i2tno, boards [1781]. On title-page: "From the Author." [Logan of Leith, the Poet.] B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 61 Logic. Louis XIV. The Lounger. Lowndes (William). De Luc (J. A.) LUCIAN. Lucretius. Lycophron. Lyttelton (Lord George). Artis Logicae Compendium. [Anon.] i2mo, calf. B N. D. Memoires et Reflexions sur les principaux evenemens B du regne de Louis XIV. Par M. L. M. D. L. F. [M. le Marquis de la Feuquieres ?] i2mo, old calf. Amsterdam, 1740. Conferences des Ordonnances de Louis XIV. Vol. B ii. only. 4to, calf. Paris, 1760. [See also Anquetil, France, Rochefoucauld.] The Lounger. 3 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1787. B [Edited by Henry Mackenzie at Edinr. 1785-87.] A Report containing an Essay for the Amendment B of the Silver Coins. [Anon.] 8vo, old calf. London, 1695. On fly-leaf: "Ex libris Bibliothecae Facultatis Juridicae Edinburgh" Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphere. C 2 vols. 4to 3 calf. Geneve, 1772. Opera. 3 vols. 4to, old calf. Amstelodami, 1787. B Opera, ed. C. C. Reitzius. Vol. ii. only. Fol. O C Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1 746. Opera ex recensione Joannis Benedicti. Vol. i. B only. 8vo, calf. Amstelod. 1787. Mor. Sent. ii. 245 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (Believes in the story of Zeno's suicide.) W. of N. V. i. 348. 2. (Marcus Antoninus, as we learn from Lucian, bestowed bounty on one of the teachers of philosophy. [See Aurelius.]) Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura. Large 4to, B calf. Londini, 1 71 2. Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. Q 2 vols. 4to, calf. Lugd. Bat. 1725. Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. B i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1759. Lucophrontis Chalcidensis Carmina. 1 vol. 4to. O C Oxoniae, 169I-. Moral and Political Dialogues between divers B eminent persons of the past and present age. [Anon.] 8vo, boards. London, 1759. 62 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Mably (L'abbe Gabriel Bonnet de). Macchia- VELLI (Nicolo). Macfarlan (John, D.D.) History of the Life of King Henry II. Vol. ii. only [out of four]. 4to, calf. London, ijbj. Poetical Works. Fol. tree calf. Foulis. Glasgow, 1787. Des Principes des Negociations pour servir d'intro- duction au droit public de l'Europe fonde sur les traites. i2mo. Amsterd. 1757. Entretiens de Phocion sur le Rapport de la Morale avec la Politique. i2mo, calf. Amsterd. 1763. Le Droit Public de l'Europe fonde sur les traites. 3rd ed. 3 vols. i2mo. 1764. Vols. i. and ii. Vol. iii. Observations sur l'histoire de France. Vol. ii. only. i2mo, calf. Geneve, 1765. Observations sur l'histoire de la Grece ou des causes de la prosperite et des malheurs des Grecs. l2mo. Geneva, 1766. De la maniere d'ecrire l'histoire. i2mo, boards. Paris, 1783. Opere. Vols. vi. vii. and viii. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1768. (1) Mor. Sent. ii. 64 (Part VI. Sect. I.) (His cool account of Caesar Borgia's murder of the five princes.) (2) W.ofN. IILiii. 180. 1. ("OneofMachiavel's heroes, Castruccio Castracani," drove many skilled artisans out of Lucca, in 1310.) (3) Ibid. V. i. 354. 2. (On the Dominican and Franciscan orders, as rousing the Church from its languour.) (4) Ibid. V. ii. 368. I. (On the trading of " Lor- enzo of Medicis.") Inquiries concerning the Poor. 8vo, calf. Edin- burgh, 1782. On fly-leaf: "To Commissioner Smith, from the Author." B N N B B N B B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 63 Mackay (Henry). Mackenzie (Henry). Maclaurin (Colin). Macpherson (James). Macquer. The Same. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1782. U On fly-leaf: "To Adam Smith, Esq., from his much obliged and affectionate servant the Author." [See Tod.] Abstract Table of Rates of all the Duties under the N Management of the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland, etc., as at 5th Oct. 1777. 4-to. Edin- burgh^ ijJ7- Abridgment of the Excise Laws and of the Customs N Laws therewith connected, now in force in Great Britain. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1JJ(). [Mackay was Supervisor of Excise.] Man of the World. [Anon.] Vol. ii. only. i2mo, B calf. London, 1773. [See also Lounger.] A Treatise on Fluxions. 2 vols. 4-to, old calf. B Edinburgh, 1742. on Astron. 74. (The "analogy of nature" seems to M. in /avour of Copernicus.) Fingal, an ancient epic poem in six books, together C with several other poems composed by Ossian, son of Fingal. 1 vol. 4to, calf. London, 1762. Temora, an ancient epic poem in eight books, com- C posed by Ossian, son of Fingal. 1 vol. 4to, calf. London, 1763. Introduction to the History of Great Britain and B Ireland. 4to, boards. London, 1772. History of Great Britain. 2 vols. 4to. London, O C 1775- |_ u Adam Smith, the celebrated Professor in Glasgow, told me that the piper of the Argyleshire militia repeated to him all those poems which Mr. Mac- pherson has translated, and many more of equal beauty." — Letter of David Hume, Aug. 16, 1760, quoted in Ritchie's Life of Hume ( 1 807), P- r 39-] Elemens de Chymie theorique. i2mo. Paris, N 1756. Dictionnaire portatif des Arts et Metiers. 2 vols. N i2mo. Paris, 1766. 6 4 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Madox (Thomas). Maffei (Scipione). Maffeius (Joannes Petrus). Major (Joannes) (John Mair). Malcolm (Alexander). Malher.be (Francois de). Malpighi (Marcello). Manlius (or Mallius). Manstein (Baron). Marcel- LINUS (Ammianus) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England. From the Norman Con- quest to Edward II. Folio, old calf. London, 1711. On fly-leaf: "To the chief of School Arcail, from a cadet of Loch Sloy." W. of N. I. x. Part II. 56. 2. (On the charters of trade corporations.) (From the Firma burgi.) Ibid. III. iii. 177. 1, 2. (On the privileges of burghers and the history of the Exchequer.) (Firma burgi.) La Merope. Tragedia. 8vo, calf. Londini, v B '21. Historiarum Indicarum Libri XVI. Folio, old calf. Vienna e, 1 75 1. Historia Maioris Britanniae tarn Angliae quam Scotiae per Joannem Maiorem [nomine quidem Scotum, professione autem theologum, e veterum monumentis concinnata]. Ex officina Ascen- siana. I vol. 4 to. [Paris] Sheepskin, 1521. [From the press of Jodocus Badius (of Assche in Flanders).] Treatise of Music, Speculative, Practical, Historical. 8vo, old calf. Edinburgh, 1 721. A New System of Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. 4to, old calf. London, 1730. [He was teacher of Mathematics at Aberdeen.] Poesies. Avec la vie de l'Auteur. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1776. Malpighii Marcelli Opera Omnia. Illustrated. 3 vols. Fol. calf. London, 1686. [Botanist and anatomist.] Astronomica. Ex recensione et cum notis Richardi Bentleii. 1 vol. 4to. Londinii, 1739. Memoirs of Russia, 1727-44. 4to, calf. London, *773- Res Gestae. Ed. J. Gronovius. 1 vol. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1593. B B B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 65 Mariana (Joannes). Marino (Cavalierc). Markland (Jeremiah). Marl- borough (Duchess Dowager ot). Martialis (M. Vale- rius). Martin (M.) Martin- Leake (Stephen). Maseres (Francis, F.R.S.) Mason (William). Massillon (Jean Bapt.) Historia de Rebus Hispaniae. Fol. Hagae Comitum, J 733- Vol. i. B Vol. iii. Q C L'Adone, Poema,e PAllegorie di Don Lorenzo Scoto. B 4to, vellum. Venetia, 162^- La Lira, Rime. 3 vols. Thick minimo, old calf. B Venetia, 1674. Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus, and N of Brutus to Cicero. 8vo. London, 1745. An Account of her Conduct from her first coming N to Court to the year 1710. In a letter from her- self to my Lord . 8vo, calf. London, 1742. Epigrammata. Books I. to XV. 1 vol. 4to. Q C Pari si is, 1680. The Epigrams of Martial. With a Comment by B James Elphinston. 4to, boards. London, 1782. A late Voyage to St. Kilda. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. C London, 1 693. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. B 8vo, old calf. 2nd ed. London, 1716. [The books which gave Dr. Johnson his wish to visit the Hebrides.] An Historical Account of English Money[s] from B the Conquest to the Present Time, including those of Scotland from the Union of the Two Kingdoms. 8vo, old calf. London, 1745. The Principles of the Doctrine of Life Annuities N explained in a familiar Manner. 4to. London, I783- Poems. The 5th ed. Printed by A. Ward, and B sold by J. Dodsley and T. Cadell, London ; J. Todd, York, 1779. Sermons de Massillon. 15 vols. i2mo, calf. B Paris, 1 J J 6. Mor. Sent. i. 328-329 (Part III. ch. ii.) Quotation from " the discourse which the eloquent and philosophical Massillon pronounced on giving his benediction to the standards of the regiment of Catinat," exalting the monk unduly above the soldier. 66 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Maundrell (Henry). Maupeou. Maxwell (John, of Broom- holm). Melun or Melon (Jean Francois). M£moires. Mor. Sent. i. 423 (Part III. ch. v.) " The eloquent and philosophical Bishop of Clermont, with that passionate and exaggerating force of imagination which seems sometimes to exceed the bounds of decorum," holds that God would be a mere tyrant unless good and bad received fitter recompense than in our world. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, Q 1 joy. 2nd ed. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1707. Journal Historique de la Revolution operee dans la N constitution de la Monarchic Francoise, par M. de Maupeou, Chancelier de France. 7 vols. i2mo. London, 1776. An Essay upon Tune, being an attempt to free the N Scale of Music and the Tune of Instruments from Imperfection. [Anon.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1781. A Political Essay upon Commerce, written in N French by Monsieur M . Translated, with some annotations and remarks, by David Bindon, Esq. 8vo. Dublin, 1739. Essai Politique sur le Commerce. Nouvelle edition B augmentee de sept chapitres et ou les lacunes des editions precedentes sont remplies. N. P. 1761. [The first French ed. was in 1734.] W. of N. V. iii. 421. 1. "In the payment of the interest of the public debt, it has been said it is the right hand which pays the left." Melon says (towards the end of his Essai), " Les dettes d'un etat sont des dettes de la main droite a la main gauche, dont le corps ne se trouvera point affoibli, s'il a la quantite d'alimens necessaires et s'il scait les distribuer." Pinto approves the saying j but when Hume quotes it ("'Tis like transferring money from the right hand to the left," Essay on Public Credit) it is only, like Adam Smith, to condemn it. Memoiies et Aventures d'un homme de qualite. 4 B vols. Minimo. Amsterdam, 1735. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 67 Mercier (Louis Sebastien). Messance. Metastasio (Pietro). Metrologie. Mezeray (Fran^ois- Eudes de). Millar (John). Oeuvres dramatiques. 2 vols. i2mo. Amsterd. N and Paris, ijj6. [Member of the Convention.] Recherches sur la Population des Generalites F d'Auvergne, de Lyon, de Rouen, et de quelques Provinces et Villes du Royaume, avec des Re- flexions sur la Valeur du Bled tant en France qu'en Angleterre, depuis 1674, jusqu'en 1764. 8 pp. (at beginning not numbered) and an additional 334 pp. 4to. Paris, 1766. [Bound with Grosley, q.v.~\ W. of N. I. viii. 38. 2. " A French author of great knowledge and ingenuity, Mr. Messance, re- ceiver of the tallies in the election of St. Etienne, endeavours to show that the poor do more work in cheap than in dear years." His account is copied from the registers of the public offices in his districts. Ibid. I. xi. in. 2. Prices in the different French markets have been "collected with great diligence and fidelity by Mr. Messance and by Mr. Dupre de St. Maur." [See Monnoies.] Poesie. 12 vols. i2mo, old calf. Parigi, 1755. B Essay on Imit. Arts, 159 : " Nothing can be more deeply affecting than the interesting scenes of the serious opera, when to good poetry and good music, to the poetry of Metastasio and the music ot Pergolese, is added the execution of a good actor." Ibid. 169, Metastasio and Apostolo Zeno reformed Italian opera. [See Zeno.] Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 78, " The works of Metastasio are esteemed all over Europe." Metrologie ou traite des Mesures, Poids, et Monnoies. B 4to, calf. Paris, 1 780. [Par M. Paucton.] Histoire de France depuis Faramond jusqu'a main- B tenant, avec les portraits au naturel des Rois, des Reines, des Dauphins, et enrichie de medailles, etc. 3 vols. Folio, calf. Paris, 1643. Arms stamped on front and back of each volume. Observations concerning the Distinction of Ranks in C Society. 1 vol. 4to,calf. London, ijji. [isted.] 68 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Miller (Patrick). Milton (John). Disputatio Juridica ad Tit. I. Libr. xliv. Digest. De Exceptionibus, Praescriptionibus et Praeju- diciis. 4to. Edinburgh^ 1783. [Two years before his death Adam Smith sent his cousin David Douglas " to study law at Glasgow under the care of Mr. Millar," then Professor of Law at Glasgow University. See Life by Dug. Stewart prefixed to Essays, p. xcv.] The Elevation, Section, Plan, and Views of a Triple Vessel, and of Wheels. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Edin- burgh^ 1787. Paradise Regained. To which is added Samson Agonistes and poems on several occasions, with tract on education. 8th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. London^ 1743. Paradise Lost. i2mo, calf. Glasgow^ 1750. (1) Essay on Hist, of Astron. 4 (Parad. Lost, ii., "The fiend what this might be admired, Admired, not feared"). Essay on Imitat. Arts, 144. (Speaking of gardens " sculptured " by the shears of the gardener, he quotes II Penseroso, 49, 50.) Ibid. 152. He gives out of the L'Allegro from memory: " Music married to immortal verse" (instead of "soft Lydian airs Married to im- mortal verse"). Ibid. 160. (On Handel's music to the Allegro and Penseroso. Adam Smith thinks that (in the case even of the bells, the lark, and the nightingale) the verse was needed to show what the music was meant to imitate.) (5) Essay on Engl, and Ital. Verses, 192. (Milton's verse accented on first and fifth syllable.) (6) Mor. Sent. ii. 241 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) Speaking of the ancient philosophies fortifying the mind against the fear of death, he quotes Parad. Lost, ii. 568: "Or arm the obdured breast With stubborn patience as with triple steel." Mor. Sent. ii. Considerations concerning the First Formation of Languages, 460, 46 1 . (He shows in some detail how Milton's translation (2 (3) (4) (7) B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 6 9 MlRABEAU (Victor de Riquetti, Marquis de). The Mirror. Moivre (A. de). MoLIERE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin). Monboddo (James ^ Burnett, Lord)/- Money. Les Monnoies. Montaigne. Monte- CUCCOLI (Generale Principe di). ot Horace's Ode to Pyrrha cannot easily be interpreted without the original.) [See also Shakespeare. 1 La Theorie de l'lmpot. [Anon.] i2mo. N. P. N 1760. L'Ami des Hommes ou Traite de la Population. N i2mo, calf. vol. iv. Mercier, Paris, 1763. Philosophic Rurale ou Economie generale et poli- B tique de l'Agriculture. 4to, old calf. Amster- dam, 1763. W. ot N. IV. ix. 307. 2. " Three great inventions, writing, money, and the economical table [of Ouesnay]," is quoted from Philos. Rur. i. 52. The Mirror. 3 vols. i2mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1781. B [For an anecdote of Adam Smith in relation to the Mirror see Mackintosh, Dissertation (on Hume).] Doctrine of Chances. 3rd ed. 4to. London, ij 56. N Oeuvres. New ed. 1 vol. only. Paris, 1725. C Oeuvres. 7 vols. Minimo, old calf. Paris, 1749. B Oeuvres avec des remarques grammaticales. 6 vols. B 8vo, calf. Paris, 1773. Antient Metaphysics or the Science of Universals. N [Anon.] 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1779. Considerations on Money [Bullion, and Foreign B* Exchanges, being an Inquiry into the present state of British Coinage]. [Anon.] 8vo, calf. London, 1772. Essai sur les Monnoies ou Reflexions sur le Rapport B entre l'Argent et les Denrees. 4to, calf. Paris, 1746. [Dupre de St. Maur.] Essais. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1725. C Memoires de Montecuculli [generalissime des B troupes de l'Empereur, sur Part militaire]. i2mo, old calf. Colonia, 1704. 7o Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library MONTENOY (Palissot). Monte- squieu (Charles de Secondat, Baron de). Monti- PLAISER (Marquis de). Moore (Dr. John). MORELLET (L'abbe Andre). Les Philosophies, Comedie. i2mo, boards. La Haye, 1760. Oeuvres. 3 vols. 41:0, calf. Amsterdam and Leipsic, 1758. W. of N. I. ix. 44. 1. (Thought that the high rate of interest among Mahometans was due to the difficulty of recovery.) Ibid. II. iv. 157. 1. (Thought with Locke and Law that the discoveries of gold and silver lowered interest.) Ibid. IV. ix. 309. 2. Hungarian mines are wrought by free labour less expensively than Turkish by slaves. Poesies. Minimo, calf. Amsterdam, 1759. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzer- land, and Germany, with Anecdotes relating to some eminent Characters. By a gentleman who resided several years in those countries. [Anon.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1779. A View of Society and Manners in Italy, with Anecdotes relating to some eminent Characters. By John Moore, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1781. Prospectus d'un nouveau Dictionnaire du Com- merce. [Probably the copy sent by Hume. See below.] Paris, 1769. Refutation [par l'abbe Morellet] de l'ouvrage qui a pour titre Dialogues sur le Commerce des Bleds [par Galiani secretaire v de PAmbassade Napolitaine a Paris]. 8vo. A Londres, 1770. [The bracketed words are in Prof. Hodgson's hand- writing.] W. of N. V. i. 340. 1. "An eminent French author, of great knowledge in matters of political economy, the Abbe Morellet, gives a list" of joint-stock companies established since 1760. It was Morellet who said of Adam Smith (in his Memoires (publ. 1821), tome i. 237), "II parlait B N N U Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 71 MORHOFIUS (Daniel George). Mortality (Bills of). Mortimer (Thomas). Motte (Antoine. Houdart de la). Mun (Thomas). fort mal notre langue." See MacCulloch's ed. of W. of N. Introduction, p. ix. n. (ed. 1863). As to the Prospectus, see Letters of Emin. Persons to David Hume (ed. Burton, 1849), PP- 309-312 ; Life of Hume (Burton, 1846), vol. ii. 427, 428 (where Hume promises Morellet that he will send the " Prospectus " to Adam Smith). Compare Letters of Hume to Strahan (ed. Hill, 1888), p. 150. [See also Beccaria.] Polyhistor. 2 vols. 4to. Lubecae, 1747. Q C A Collection of the Yearly Bills of Mortality from B 1657 to J 75^ inclusive [to which are subjoined Graunt's Essay, Sir Wm. Petty's Essay on the Growth of the City of London, Morris's Observations, and a tract by Morris, entitled Observations, Political and Natural, etc., on the Bills of Mortality, written for this volume. With a Table of the Probability of Life by J. P., Esq., F.R.S.] [James Postlethwayte.] 4to boards. London, 1759. [The Collection is ascribed to Dr. Heberden. See MacCulloch, Liter, of Pol. Ec. p. 272.] James Postlethwayte's History ot the Public Revenues from the Revolution to the Present Time, 1758, is quoted in W. of N. V. iii. 418. 2 (in regard to the growth of the Debt). Every Man his own Broker, or a Guide to Exchange B Alley. [Anon.] i2mo, calf. London, 176 1. [This book reached a 13th ed. in 1801.] Oeuvres. 1 1 vols. i2tno. Paris, 1754. N Mor. Sent. i. 314 (Part III. ch. ii.) Despreaux and Racine caballed against Fontenelle and La A'lotte. See Boileau, above. England's Treasure by Foreign Trade, or the U Balance of our Foreign Trade is the Rule of our Treasure. Written by Thomas Mun of London, merchant ; first published by his son in the year 1664. Printed and sold by R. and A. Foulis. Glasgow, 1755. [Bound with Berkeley's Querist, q.v.~\ 72 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library MURETUS (Antonius). Naples. Necker (Jacques). Newton (Isaac). W. of N. IV. i. 1 88. 2. Adam Smith quotes from ch. iv. p. 28 of Mun : " If we only behold the actions of the husbandman in the seed-time," etc. (where Mun wishes to show that by allow- ing gold and silver to go abroad to buy foreign goods, we may eventually cause a much greater quantity to come to us again). Ibid. IV. i. 190. I : "The title of Mun's book, England's Treasure in [sic] Foreign Trade, became a fundamental maxim in the political economy " of all commercial countries. [Liber] Variarum Lectionum. i2mo, vellum. B Antwerpiae, 1 580. Relatione delle Revolutioni Popolari a Napoli. B i2mo, vellum. 1648. De l'Administration des Finances de la France par U M. Necker. Ubi igitur mens ex multis miseriis et periculis requievit, non fuit consilium socordia atque desidia otium deterere — Sallust. 3 vols. N. P. 1784. Compte Rendu au Roi par M. Necker, directeur- U general des Finances au mois de Janvier 1781. Imprime par ordre de sa Majeste a Paris. A Londres^ 1786. [Bound with Consider, sur les Richesses and Proces Verbal, q.v.~] Reponse de M. Necker au discours prononce par N M. de Calonne a l'Assemblee des Notables. 8vo. London^ IJ&J. [Adam Smith made the acquaintance of Necker in 1766.] W. of N. V. ii. 410. 2. (On the population of France, from N.'s tract on Corn.) Optice sive de Reflexionibus, Refractionibus, In- B flexionibus, et Coloribus Lucis. Libri Tres. 4to, old calf. Londini^ 1706. Opticks, or a Treatise on the Reflections, Re- fractions, Inflections, and Colours of Light. 3rd ed. 8vo. London^ 1721. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 4to, old calf. Londini^ 1726. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 73 NlCHOLLS (John). A Treatise on the Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series, with its Application to the Geometry of Curve Lines. 8vo. London^ 1737. (0 N Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 66. The "Cartesian philosophy" had the same superiority over the patetic as the Newtonian now has over the Cartesian ; the Encyclopedie adopts the Newtonian. (2) Essay on Astron. 75. (Newton considers the " analogy of nature " to be in favour of Coper- nicus.) (3) Ibid. 83 seq. N.'s own account of the motions of the planets. "The superior genius and sagacity of Sir Isaac Newton made the most happy, and, we may now say, the greatest and most admir- able improvement that was ever made in philo- sophy when he discovered that he could join together the movements of the planets by so familiar a principle of connection," etc. (83, 84). (4) Essay of the Extern. Senses, 204. (View of Democritus, etc., on plenum and vacuum^ re- vived by Gassendi and adopted by Newton. Opposed only by " that species of metaphysics which confounds everything and explains nothing.") (5) Ibid. 215. (Explains Sound by vibrations of air.) (6) Mor. Sent. i. 312 (Part III. ch. ii.) "The great work of Sir Isaac Newton, his Mathe- matical Principles of Natural Philosophy, I have been told was for several years neglected by the public. The tranquillity of that great man, it is probable, never suffered upon that account the interruption of a single quarter of an hour." Scotch Ballads. 2 vols. Small 8vo, calf. London^ 1781-83. [Biographical and Literary] Anecdotes of William Bowyer [Printer, F.S.A., and many of his learned friends]. 1 vol. 4to, tree calf. London^ 1783. 74 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Nicholson (William, Bishop of Derry). NlEBUHR (Carsten). NlVELLE (Dela Chaussee). O'Beirne (Thomas Lewis, Bishop of Meath). OcKLEY (Simon). O'Heguerty (Comte de Magnieres). Onophrius (Panvinius). Origen. Les Origines. Orleans (Duke of). Orme (Robert). OsORIO. The Irish Historical Library ; pointing at most of C the authors and records in print and in MS. which may be serviceable to the compiler of a General History of Ireland. I vol. 8vo, calf. London, 1724. Voyage en Arabic Traduit de l'Allemand. 4 vols. C 4to, tree calf. Amsterdam, 1776. Oeuvres [de theatre]. 5 vols. i2mo. Paris, N 1762. A Gleam of Comfort to this distracted Empire in F despite of Faction, Violence, and Cunning ; de- monstrating the fairness and reasonableness of national confidence in the present Ministry. [Anon.] 63 pp. 8vo. London, 1785. [Bound with Dundonald, q.v.~\ The History of the Saracens. 3rd ed. 2 vols. N Cambridge, 1JS7- Remarques sur plusieurs branches de commerce et N de navigation. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1758. Reipublicae Romanae Commentarii. 1 vol. 4to. Qj Francofurti, 1597. [Panvinio Onofrio.] Contra Celsum et Philokalia. Graece et Latine. Q Ed. W. Spencer. 1 vol. 4to. Cantabrigiae, lb V: Les origines de l'ancien gouvernement de la France, B de l'Allemagne, et de PItalie. Vols. i. and iv. only. [Anon.] i2mo, calf. La Haye, IJ5J. Memoirs of the Regency of the Duke of Orleans. B [Anon.] 8vo, calf. London, 1732. History of the Military Transactions of the British C Nation in Indostan from mdccxlv. 2nd ed. [Anon.] 2 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1775. History of the Portuguese during the Reign of H Emmanuel, containing all their Discoveries from the Coast of Africa to the furthest parts of China. With a description of these countries, Catalogue of Adam Smith 's Library IS Oxford (ist Earl of). Oxford (2nd Earl of). Paley (William). Palladio (Andrea). Pallavicixo (Ferrante). Paolo (Padre, Sarpi). Le Parge (Louis A.) Parle- MEXTS, COXSEILS, etc. and a particular account of the religion, government, and customs of the natives. Translated by James Gibbs. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, IJ52. Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the conduct of Oxford as Commissioner of the Treasury. 8vo, calf. London, 1742. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, compiled from the library of the Earl of Oxford by Thomas Osborne. 2 vols. Fol. old calf. London, 1745. The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. DelP Architettura. (With plans and plates.) Small fol. old calf, tooled, gilt edges. Venetia, 1570. L'Anima. Thick minimo, vellum. Colonia, 1675. Lettres historiques sur les fonctions essentielles du Parlement, sur le droit des Pairs, et sur les loix fondamentales du royaume. [Anon.] 2 vols. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1753-54. Arrests, Remontrances, etc. Bound in 5 volumes. i2mo. Volume I (1) Arrests, Arrestes et Remontrances du Parlement de Bordeaux au Rov au sujet des Entreprises des Gens du Grand Conseil. 1756. (2) Remontrances du Parlement de Bordeaux du 7 septembre 1757. (3) Tres-humbles et tres-respectueuses representations du Parlement seant a Bordeaux, du 10 juin 1761, au sujet d'une Requete presentee au Roi et son Conseil par le Chapitre de Saint Severin, et d'un Arret du Conseil intervenu sur cette Requete, le 9 decembre 1760. N. P. 1761. B B B B B Opere. 6 vols. Small 8vo, vellum. Venetia, 1688. C N N 7 6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library (4) Arrest de la Cour du Parlement de Bordeaux extrait des Registres de Parlement du 23 juin 1762. And another of same date — printed together — both dealing with the Jesuits. Bordeaux. (5) Objets des Remontrances arrestees par le Parlement scant a Bordeaux, sur les Edits et Declaration du mois d'avril 1763 ; portant prorogation de quelques Impots, et Etablissement de nouveaux. 1763. (6) Arrestes de la Cour du Parlement de Bordeaux, au sujet de la Transcription faite sur les Registres le 7 septembre 1763. De l'Edit et de la Declaration du Roi, du mois d'avril dernier. Bordeaux. (7) Arrete et Objets de Representations du Parlement scant a Bordeaux, pour demander la Punition des Attentats commis contres les Classes du Parlement seantes a Toulouse, Grenoble et Rouen, du 21 Janvier 1764. Extrait des Registres du Parlement. (8) Tres-humbles Representations qu'addressent au Roi notre tres-honore et souverain Seigneur les gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement seant a Bordeaux. 7 Jan. 1764. Volume II. Containing : — (1) Remontrances de la Cour des Aides de Montauban, sur les Declarations du 7 juillet dernier, portant etablissement d'un second Vingtieme, et prorogation pendant dix ans des deux sols pour livre du dixieme. 1756. (2) Arrest du Conseil Provincial et Superieur dArtois, du 29 mai 1762. (3) Remontrances du Parlement, 1 la Cour suffisamment garnie de Pairs, au sujet de la Reponse du Roi au Parlement concernant la convocation des Princes et des Pairs, ordonnee a l'occasion de l'Instruction Pastorale de M. 1'Archeveque de Paris, du vingt- huit octobre 1763, Reponse du Roi a ces Remon- trances, et Arrestes du Parlement. (4) Discours d'un des Messieurs des Enquestes au Parle- ment, toutes les Chambres assemblies, les Princes du sang et Pairs de France y scans, sur l'Instruction Pastorale de M. TArcheveque de Paris, et sur [ J Apparently of Paris.] Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 77 l'Imprime intitule Nouvelles Observations, etc. Du lundi, 16 Janvier 1764. Volume III (1) Remontrances du Parlement de Rouen, au sujet de l'Edit du mois de fevrier dernier et de la Declaration du 3 du meme mois. Rouen, le 10 mai 1760. (2) Tres-humbles et tres-respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres-honore et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement a Rouen. Rouen, 4 juillet 1760. (3) Lettre de M. le Chancellier, Arrete et Remontrances du Parlement de Normandie, sur l'exil des trente Magistrats du Parlement scant a Besancon. Rouen, 1760-1761. (4) Arretes des Parlemens de Paris et de Rouen des 3 decembre 1760 et 9 Janvier 1761. (5) Arrest de la Cour du Parlement de Rouen. Toutes les Chambres Assemblies. Extrait des Registres de la Cour. Du 26 juin 1762. (With three others of same date.) (6) Arrets et Arretes du Parlement seant a Rouen au sujet des Transcriptions faites sur ses Registres, des Radiations des Arrets et Arretes des 18 et 19 aout dernier, et de l'oppression actuelle des Parlemens seans a Toulouse et a Grenoble. Extrait des Registres du Parlement. Du lundi, 14 novembre 1763. Volume IV (1) Remontrances du Parlement de Toulouse au Roi, concernant deux declarations du Roi du 7 juillet 1756, dont l'une ordonne la levee d'un second Vingtieme, et l'autre proroge pendant dix ans la levee des 2 sols pour livre en sus du Dixieme. Du 27 septembre 1756. Quatrieme edition, 1756. (2) Tres-humbles et tres-respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres-honore et Souve- rain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement a Toulouse. (Constitutional grievances.) N. D. (3) Arretes et Objets de Remontrances du Parlement de Toulouse. [Three documents dated respectively Nov. 13 and Dec. 15, 1759, and Jan. 5, 1760.] 78 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library (4) Objets de Remontrances arretes par lc Parlemcnt de Toulouse, toutes les chambres assemblies, le 29 Janvier 1760, au sujet de l'Edit du mois de septembre 1759, P ortant: etablissement d'une Sub- vention generale. (5) Tres-humbles et tres-respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres-honore et Souve- rain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement seant a. Toulouse. [About the affairs of the Hopital Saint Joseph de la Grave.] Juillet 4, 1761. (6) [Proces] Verbal de ce qui s'est passe au Parlement de Toulouse, le 14 aout 1761, au sujet de l'Enregis- trement de la Declaration du 16 juin dernier, portant prorogation pour deux ans de l'execution de l'Edit du mois du fevrier 1760. (7) Tres-humbles, tres-respectueuses Remontrances que presentent, etc. (as No. 5). [About the " troisieme Vingtieme et la double Capitation."] Aug. 20, 1761. (8) Tres-humbles, etc. (as above). [Protesting against an order to register a law with- out deliberation.] Sept. 9, 1 76 1. (9) Journal de ce qui s'est passe au Parlement de Toulouse, au sujet de la Transcription des Edit et Declaration du mois d'avril 1763. (10) Tres-humbles et tres-respectueuses iteratives Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres- honore et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement, au sujet de l'Edit et de la Declaration du mois d'avril 1763, et de l'Oppression des Classes de Toulouse, Rouen, et Grenoble. Besangon, Dec. 13, 1763. (11) (a) Recueil d'Arrets, Arretes, Remontrances et Proces Verbaux extraits des Registres du Parlement seant a Toulouse. Concernant les entreprises et attentats de M. le Due de Fitz-James. Edition complete et exacte. N. P. 1764. (b) Recueil de Pieces concernant le Due de Fitz- James en sa pretendue qualite de Commandant en Chef dans la Province de Languedoc. N. P. 1764. [(a) and (i>) are paged continuously.] (12) Extraits des Registres du Parlement de Toulouse, . . . de suite aux arrests, arrestes et remontrances Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 79 concernant les entreprises ct attentats de M. 1c Due de Fitz-James. N. P. 1764. (13) Objets de Remontrances, Arreste's en Parlement suffisamment garni de Pairs, au sujet des vexations exercees contre plusieurs Classes du Parlement, notamment contre celle de Toulouse par le Due de Fitz-James. Jan. 16, 1764. Volume V (1) Secondes Remontrances de Parlement de Provence, memoire sur les evenemens qui y ont donne occasion, Requisitoire et Arrest du meme Parlement, qui con- damne un Libelle intitule : Observations sur le re/us que fait le C hate let de reconnoitre la Chambre Roy ale, a etre lacere, etc. 28 juin 1754. (2) Lettre du Parlement de Provence au Roy. [Con- flict of jurisdiction with Archbishop of Aix, arising out of refusal to administer Sacrament to a sick man because he failed to accept the Bull Unigenitus. Letter not dated, apparently 1754.] (3) Arrest du Parlement d'Aix qui ordonne la suppression de la Lettre circulaire de l'Assemble'e du Clerge. Mars 16, 1756. (4) Remontrances du Parlement de Provence au Roy, sur les Declarations des 8 septembre 1755 et 7 juillet 1756 portant imposition d'un second Vingt- ieme et autres droits. Aix, Nov. 5, 1756. (5) Recueil de Remontrances du Parlement de Pro- vence au Roi. 1760. [Five " Remontrances " follow, all relating to taxa- tion, dated 1759 and 1760. These have been separately printed, but apparently have been collected with title-page as above.] (6) Remontrances du Parlement de Provence au Roi. [Various grievances.] Aix, Nov. 21, 1763. (7) Remontrances du Parlement de Provence au Roi, deHbere'es le_ neuf Janvier 1764, en enregistrant 1'Edit du Roi du mois d'avril 1763, concernant les Dons Gratuits, et les Declarations du 21 novembre suivant. Aix, Jan. 18, 1764. Volume VI Remontrances du Parlement au Roi, du 9 avril 1753. Senatus Optimo principi. 1753. [Apparently the Parliament of Paris. Complaints against ecclesiastics.] 8o Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Memoire sur la Liberation de l'Etat et le Soulage- ment des Peuples, presente par le Parlement seant a Bordeaux en consequence de la Declara- tion du Roi du mois de novembre 1763 et de Particle V. des Lettres Patentes du juillet 1764. 23 pp. 4to. N. P. 1764. [Bound with Messance, q.v.'] W. of N. V. iii. 4. 1 7. 1. "According to a memoir pre- sented by the Parliament of Bordeaux to the Icing in 1764" the French debt was 2400 millions of livres. " These estimations . . . having been pre- sented by so very respectable a body " may be counted "approximations to the truth." Arrest de la Cour de Parlement portant condamna- tion des Actes d'adhesion aux Actes de l'Assem- blee du Clerge de France, tenue en 1765, intervenus en differentes Dioceses du 8 juillet 1766. 36 pp. 4to. Paris, 1766. [Bound (like above and following) with Mes- sance, q.v.~\ Collection bound with Messance [#.t;.] (a) Recueil de plusieurs Pieces concernant le Parlement de Normandie. 86 pp. 4to. Amsterdam [date torn off. Circa 1754.]. (b) Recueil des Memoires interessans (au nombre de sept) que Messieurs des Enquetes exiles en divers endroits ont envoyes a Messieurs de Grand-Chambre a Pontoise, precede d'une lettre d'un des Messieurs des Enquetes et suivi d'une Reponse d'un conseiller de Grande-Chambre au Septieme Memoire de ce Recueil, pour servir de suite aux Remontrances du Parlement de Paris du 9 avril 1753. 33 pp. 4to. Utrecht, etc., 1753. (c) Recueil des Pieces concernant la Commission etablie pour servir de Chambre des Vacations, ou se trouve tout ce qui regarde les suites qu'elle a eu au chatelet de Paris. 43 pp. 4to. Paris, 1753. (d) Reglement fait par les Gens des Trois Etats du Pays de Languedoc, assembles par mandement du Roi en la Ville de Montpellier, au mois d'octobre 1762 au sujet de la Ferme et Exploitation du Droit Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 8 d'Equivalent. Concernant l'adjudication de la Ferme. 22 pp. + to. Toulouse, N. D. (e) Resume des Memoires du Parlement de Toulouse concernant la jurisdiction contentieuse du Domaine. 222 pp. ^to. 1761. Adam Smith was indebted to such documents as these (probably picked up in his travels) for the informa- tion given in W. of N. V. i. 323. 2 about the salaries of judges in Toulouse, and in V. i. 326, 2 about the cost of the canal in Languedoc. Collection of six papers bound in one vol. small 8vo, calf, gilt ; lettered " Objets de Remontra. Mont- pellier." (1) Arrete's et objets des Remontrances de la cour des Com[p]tes, Aydes, et Finances de Montpellier, du 22 Janvier 1760. 26 pp. (2) Arrest du Conseil d'fltat du Roi qui maintient et garde les Gens des Trois £tats de la Province de Languedoc dans leurs Usages, Droits, Liberies, et Privileges, et ordonne en consequence que la Deliberation des Gens des dits Etats, du 1 1 de'cembre I 759'.P our l e troisieme Vingtieme, et l'Arret du Conseil du 2 Janvier 1760, sur l'Abonnement d'ice- lui, seront executes selon leur forme et teneur. Du 2 ,L mars I " 6 °' Extraits des Registres du Conseil d'Etat. 103 pp. (3) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances de la Cour des Comptes, Aides et Finances de Mont- pellier au Roi, au Sujet de lArret du Conseil, du 14 mars 1760. 46 pp. (4) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances de la Cour des Comptes, Aydes, et Finances de Mont- pellier, au Roi, Contre les Entreprises du Parlement de Toulouse. 136 pp. (5) Tres humbles, tres respectueuses, et iteratives Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres honore' et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenans sa Cour de Parlement scant a Toulouse. 40 pp. (6) Lettres d'un Avocat au Parlement de Toulouse a un Avocat en la Cour des Aydes de Montpellier, avec les Reponses. Nouv. ed. revue, corrige'e, et augmente'e d'une cinquieme Lettre. 106 pp. dvigno?i, 1760. G 82 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Collection lettered " Arrestes et Remontrances." In one vol. small 8vo, calf, gilt, the ten following documents : — (i) Arrestes et Remontrances de la Chambre des Comptes du 31 juillet 1761. 27 pp. (2) Extraits des Registres de la Chambre des Comptes du 11 septembre 1761. 12 pp. (3) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres-honore et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenans sa Chambre des Comptes de Paris [sur la multiplicity des Impots et la misere des Peuples]. 1759. 2 3 PP- (4) Declaration du Roi du 17 mars 1 762. 70 pp. (5) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses iteratives Remontrances, que presentent au Roi, notre tres honore et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Chambre des Comptes. 1765. 42 pp. (6) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances de la Chambre des Comptes au Roi sur l'Edit d'aout 1764, concernant l'administration des principales Ft lies et Bourgs du Royaume. 1765. 72 pp. (7) Tres humbles et tres-respectueuses Remontrances de la Chambre des Comptes au Roi, sur l'Edit de decembre ,1764 concernant la liberation des Dettes de l'Etat. 1765. 60 pp. (8) Objets des Remontrances de la Cour des Comptes, Aydes, et Finances de Montpellier, pour la suppres- sion de la Commission de Valence, le 9 fevrier 1764. 15 pp. (9) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances de la Cour des Comptes, Aydes, et Finances, de Montpellier, sur l'Edit du mois d'avril 1763, qui ordonne le denombrement des Biensfonds du Royaume, etc. Et sur la Declaration du 24 avril 1763 qui retablit le Centieme denier sur les Im- meubles fictifs. Toulouse, 1763. 15 pp. (10) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres honore et Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour des Comptes, Aides, et Finances, de Normandie. 1763. 24 pp. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 83 Collection lettered " Remontrances du Parlement Norm. Rouen." In one vol. small 8vo, calf, gilt, the following six documents : — (1) Extrait des Rcgistrcs du Parlement de Rouen du Mercredi 9 avril 1756. 23 pp. (2) Tres humbles Remontrances du Parlement dc Normandie. Articles arrestes par MM. les Com- missaires pour fixer les Objets des Remontrances. vi. pp. (3) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres honore Souverain Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement de Normandie. [Fait en Parlement le 14 aout 1753.] 53 PP- (4) Tres humbles et tres respect. Remontrances que presentent au Roi, notre tres honor, et Souv. Seigneur, les Gens tenant sa Cour de Parlement de Rouen. [Fait en Parlement le 26 juin 1756.] 83 pp. (5) Recueil de tous les Actes concernant les Affaires du Parlement de Rouen pendant les annees 1759 et 1760. Avec le recit exact et circonstancie de tout ce qui les a occasionnes. 70 pp. (6) Reponses du Roi, Lettres de Jussion, et de cachet, aux Arretes et iteratives Remontrances du Parlement a Rouen. [Au sujet de l'fidit du mois de fevrier dernier et de la Declaration du 3 du meme mois.] 1760. 44 pp. Remontrances. [Bound with Messance, q.v.~\ (1) Tres humbles et tres respectueuses Remontrances de la Chambre des Comptes, Cour des Aydes, Domaines, et Finances du Comte de Bourgogne. 7 pp. 4to. Bourgogne, 1756. (2) Tres humbles et tres resp. Remontrances que pre- sentent au Roi, notre tres hon. et Souver. Seigneur, les Gens tenans sa Cour de Parlement de Navarre. 4 pp. 410. 1756. The Use and Abuse of Parliaments. In two Historical Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London^ 1744. Parnaso Italiano ovvero Raccolto de' Poeti Classici Italiani. 32 vols. Small 8vo, tree calf. Venetia, 1784-88. Parlia- ments. Parnaso Italiano. B 8 4 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Parnell (Thomas). Pascal (Blaise). Pasquier (Estienne). Paterson (Daniel). Paulus Jovius (Paolo Giovio). Pausanias. Pauw (Cornelius de). Pavillon (Etienne). Pavin (Saint-). Pennant (Thomas). Pennsyl- vania. Percy (Thomas). Perrault (Claude). o ccasions. ), old calf. I vol. Small Poems on Several London, 1737. Pensees sur la Religion. Nouv. ed. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1761. Mor. Sent. i. 342 (Part III. ch. iii.) (One of the moralists who reproach us with being happy when so many are in misery.) Les Recherches de la France. Folio calf. Paris, 1643. A New and Accurate Description of all the direct and principal Cross Roads in England and Wales. 7th ed. i2mo. London, 1786. Pauli Jovii Novo-Comensis, episcopi Nocerani, Historiarum sui temporis tomus primus, xxiii. libros complectens. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Lutetia Parisiorum, 1553. On fly-leaf: "Ex libris Colini Campbelli 1604." Graeciae descriptio accurata, ac novae notae Joachimi Kuhnii. Fol. old calf. Lipsiae, 1596. Recherches philosophiques sur les Grecs. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1 787. [See also Aeschylus, America.] Oeuvres [Poems]. 2 vols. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1750. Poesies. Minimo, calf. Amsterdam, 1759. B C 3 C B B A Tour in Scotland, 1769. 3 vols. 4to, calf. C Warrington, IJJ4-. Historical Review of the Constitution and Govern- B ment of Pennsylvania from its origin. 8vo, calf. London, 1759. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 2nd ed. 1st C vol. only. Small 8vo. [Anon.] London, 1767. D'Architecture de Vitruve. [Plates.] 2 vols. B Fol. old calf. Paris, 1773. Bookplate (in addition to Adam Smith's) of Hugh Seton of Touch, dated 1756. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Pestilence. Peter- borough (Earl of). Petrarca (Francesco), Petronius Arbiter. Pfeffel (Christian Friedrich). Phaedrus. Philo- sophia. Philo- sophical Phipp (C. J.) An Inquiry into the Causes of the Pestilence. In B 3 parts. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1 759. Account of the Earl of Peterborough's conduct in B Spain since raising the siege of Barcelona, 1706. i2mo, old calf. London, 1707. Le Rime. Minimo, calf. Bergamo, IJS 2 - ^ Le Rime brevemente esposte per Ludovico Castel- B vetro. 2 vols. 4to, calf. Vene%ia, 1756. Essay on English and Italian Verses, 193. (Rime in Vita di Laura, Son. xix. Canz. I ma , v. 1 quoted and its pauses discussed.) Mor. Sent. i. 68 (Part I. Sect. II. ch. ii.) : "We grow weary of the grave, pedantic, and long- sentenced love of Cowley and Petrarca, who never have done with exaggerating the violence of their attachments." Satyricon quae supersunt. Ed. P. Burmannus. Q C 2 vols. 4-to. Amstelod. 1 733. Satyricon, cum supplementis Nodotianis et frag- B mentis Petronianis. 8vo, calf. Lipsiae, 1781. Abrege Chronologique de l'histoire et du droit public N de l'Allemagne. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, ij66. Nouvel Abrege chronologique de l'histoire et du N droit public de l'Allemagne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1776. In W. of N. III. iii. 177. 2, 178. 2, in connection with the Hanseatic League reference is made to PfefFel's "Remarkable Events under Frederich II. and his successors of the House of Suabia." Fabulas ed. R. Bentley. [With Terence, q.v.] O C Cantabrigiae, 1726. Fabulae. i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1751. B Philosophia vetus et nova. 4th ed. Vol. ii. only. Q C 8vo. London, 1685. The same. 5th ed. Vols, ii., iv., v., vi. 8vo. Q C Amstelod. 1700. Transactions. 21 vols, with Index. B* A Voyage towards the North Pole. 1 vol. 4to, C calf. London, 1774. 86 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library PlGANlOL de la Force (Jean Aymar). Pindar. PlNKERTON (John). PlOZZI (Hester Lynch). Pi ron (Alexis). PlTISCUS (Samuel). Plato. Nouveau Voyage de France. Paris, 1755. 2 vols. i2mo. N Opera Graece et Latine. 1 vol. 4-to. Oxonii, Q 1697. Carmina curavit Gottlob Heyne. 8vo, calf. Got- B tingae, 1773. Vitae antiquae Sanctorum [qui habitaverunt in C Scotia vel in ejus Insulis]. 8vo, calf. [1789.] An Inquiry into the History of Scotland preceding C the reign of Malcolm III. or the year 1056, including the authentic history of that period. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1789. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson during the C last twenty years of his life. 4th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, quarter calf. London, 1784. Oeuvres completes. 8 vols. 8vo. Neuchatel,!']']']. N Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanorum, cum figuris. 3 vols. Fol. Hagae Comitum, 1737. Opera Omnia. Fol. old calf. N. P. 1556. Opera Omnia quae exstant Graece et Latine. Ed. Q H. Stephanus. 3 vols. Fol. N. P. 1578. Loix de Platon [trad, du Grec par M. l'abbe Grou]. B Vol. ii. only. i2mo, calf. Amsterd. 1769. (1) Essay on Astron. 33. (His notion of the "harmonic proportion to be discovered in the motions and distances of the heavenly bodies.") (2) Essay on Anc. Physics, 107. (Follows Timaeus in believing that there is a "Soul of the world.") (3) Essay on Anc. Logics and Metaphysics, 118. (Like Timaeus, describes Matter, 'Species,' and Sensible Objects as the three principles out of which God made the world.) (4) Ibid. 119-121. (Explanation of the " Ideas.") Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library : 7 Plautus (M.Accius). Playfair (John). Plinius (C Secundus) (The Elder). (5) (6; )/• (V, all beauties the Imit. Arts, greatest.) Mor. Sent. ii. 47 (Part V. Sect. II. ch. ii.) (Does not condemn child-exposure.) (7) Ibid. ii. 109 (Part VI. Sect. II. ch. ii.) "The divine maxim of Plato, never to use violence to his country no more than to his parents " (Republ. ix.) (8) Ibid. ii. 163-164 (Part VI. Sect. III.) (Plato by himself was sufficient audience for Par- menides.) (9) Ibid. ii. 202-210 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (Plato's account of the nature of Virtue.) (10) Ibid. ii. 398 (Part VII. Sect. IV.) (In the Laws of Cicero and Plato no attempt is made to enumerate the "rules of natural equity.") W. of N. I. x. ii. 62. 1. (Represents Hippias and Protagoras as living in a style of great magnificence ; and he is said to have done so himself.) Ibid. III. ii. 172. 2. (Aristotle's criticism of Plato's " Laws," where 5000 men were to be maintained in idleness.) Compare W. of N. V. i. 347, 348 (on Music and Gvmnastic). Comoedias ed. J. F. Gronovius. 1 vol. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1664. Remarks on the Astronomy of the Brahmins. Read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 60 pp. 4to. On fly-leaf : " From the Author." Naturales Historiae. 3 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1669. W. of N. I. iv. 11. (Tells us (lib. xxxiii. cap. 3) that the Romans used bars instead of coin till Servius Tullius.) Ibid. I. v. 17. 2. (Tells us {loc. cit.) that the Romans had only copper money till a few years before the First Punic War.) Ibid. I. xi. 10 1. 1. On the extravagant sums paid by Seius for a white nightingale and by Asinius Celer for a sur-mullet (from x. 29, and ix. 17). (II (12; oc B OC Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Plinius (C. Secundus) (The Younger). Plotinus. Plutarch. Glasguae, 1 751. J. M. Gesnerus. W. of N. III. ii. 172. 2. (On the unprofitableness of cultivation by slaves.) Ibid. IV. ix. 310. 1. (On the prices of fine cloth, etc. [from ix. 39 and viii. 48].) Epistolae. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Arms on back and front. [N. P.] 1625." Epistolae. 2 vols. Minimo, calf. Epistolae. Books I. to X. Ed. 1 vol. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1770. Mor. Sent. ii. 247-248 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. I.) " In the epistles of Pliny we find an account of several persons " who took their own life, on Stoical principles. Omnia Opera. Greek text, with Latin notes by Marsilius Ficinus. 1 vol. 4to. Basileae, 1580. Opera. Books I. to LIV. Graece et Latine. [The whole six Enneads.] 1 vol. Fol. Basileae* 1580. Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae exstant opera. 6 vols. 8vo, vellum. [N. P.J 1572. Opuscoli Morali. Tradotti [per] Marco Antonio Gundino. 2 vols. 4to, vellum. Venetia, 1614. Bookplate (in addition to Adam Smith's) of "Sir Eve d . Fawkener." Vitae Parallelae. Graece et Latine. Ed. A. Bryanus. 5 vols. 4to. Londinii^ 1-23-29. Quae supersunt omnia. Graece et Latine. Ed. J. J. Reiske. 12 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1774. Essay on Astron. 44. (Takes no notice of Hippar- chus, though the author of the only tolerable system of astronomy in his time.) Essay on Anc. Logics and Metaph. 1 20-1 21 note. Speaking of Plato's theory of Ideas as separate from the world, Adam Smith says : " Is there any author in all antiquity who seems to understand it otherwise, earlier than Plutarch, an author who seems to have been as bad a critic in philosophy as in history, and to have taken everything at secondhand in both, and who lived Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 89 Poems (Miscel- laneous). Pole (Guy). Police. Political Essays. Political Tracts. Polybius. after the origin of that eclectic philosophy from whence the later Platonists arose, and who seems himself to have been one of that sect ? " W. of N. I. x. ii. 61. 2. (A thousand minae are said by Plutarch to have been the fee of Isocrates for teaching.) Charity Triumphant. The 45th chapter of B Thomas the Rhymer's Prophecy. The Cale- donian Heroine, and seven other pieces. 4to, boards. Various dates. Adam Smith's bookplate is wanting. Memoires de Guy Pole, conseiller au Chastelet de B Paris. 3 vols. i8mo, old calf. Geneve, 1751. Dictionnaire ou Traite de la Police Generale des B Villes, Bourgs, Paroisses. [Anon.] 4to, calf. Paris, 1758. Political Essays concerning the present state of the U British Empire, particularly respecting — I. Natural Advantages and Disadvantages. II. Constitution. III. Agriculture. IV. Manu- factures. V. The Colonies, and VI. Commerce. [Anon.] London, 1772. Bound together in one vol. 8vo, calf, the following : — B (a) Letter on the Prospect of Peace. London, 1760. (b) Remarks on the above Letter. London, 1760. (c) The Interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her Colonies. London, 1760. (d) A Dissertation on Obstacles to the Improvement of Land. Aberdeen, 1 760. (e) Trial of Lord George Sackville for disobeying the orders of Prince Ferdinand. Edinburgh, 1760. (f) Inquiry concerning Human Liberty. Edin- burgh. 3rded. London, 1735. [Anth. Collins.] Polybii Lvcortae Historiarum libri qui supersunt. B 3 vols. 8vo, vellum. Amstelod. 1670. W. of N. V. i. 347. 1, and 349. 1. ^He and Dionysius of Halicarnassus both remark that the Romans were superior to the Greeks in moral character.) 9 o Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Pope (Alexander). Works, (i) Ess 10 vols. (4) (5) (6) (7) London^ 1751. I have seen a Ode on St. respect [in very much i2mo, old calf, ay on Imitat. Arts, 167 : ' Latin translation of Mr. Pope's Cecilia's Day, which in this imitation of natural sounds] excelled the original." (2) Essay of Imitat. Arts, 168. (Extravagant imitations on the stage. " The thunder rumbling from the mustard bowl and the thick hail of pease, so finely exposed by Mr. Pope" — namely, in Dunciad II. and Dunciad III.) (3) Essay on Engl, and Ital. Verses, 188. (When Mr. Pope says "Worth makes the man," etc. (Essay on Man, Ep. iv.), he is consciously stooping to a familiar style "in compliance with his subject," etc. Double rhymes occur oftener in Dryden than in Pope.) Ibid. 190. (Essay on Man, Ep. i. 29, 30, quoted from memory, to illustrate unaccented last syllables. Line 30 is given with "strict con- nections" for "strong connections.") Ibid. 192. (Pastorals, i. 1 quoted, to illustrate accentuation on first syllable ; Essay on Man, Ep. i. 3, 4, on second syllable as in Tasso.) Mor. Sent. i. 311 (Part III. ch. ii.) "The elegance and harmony of Pope" (in description of Gray, q.v. ) Ibid. " The Dunciad of Mr. Pope is an ever- lasting monument of how much the most correct as well as the most elegant and harmonious of all the English poets had been hurt by the criticisms of the lowest and most contemptible authors." Gray is described as equally sensitive. Ibid. 314. (Addison caballing against Pope.) Ibid. ii. 11, 12 (Part V. ch. i.) "Mr. Pope and Dr. Swift have each of them introduced a manner different from what was practised before, into all works that are written in rhyme, the one in long verses, the other in short." " All long verses are now written after the manner of the nervous precision of Mr. Pope." (8) (9) B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 9 1 POWNALL (Thomas). Price (Richard). Priestley (Joseph). Psycho- logy. (io) Mor. Sent. ii. 255 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) " To the great Superintendent of the universe all the different events which the course of his providence may bring forth, what to us appear the smallest and the greatest, the bursting of a bubble, as Mr. Pope says, and that of a world, for example, were perfectly equal." (Essay on Man, Ep. i.) Administration of the British Colonies, their Rights, B and Constitution discussed. 8vo, calf. London^ *774- [Governor of South Carolina, etc. Author of a " Letter to Adam Smith respecting his Wealth of Nations," 1776.] Observations on Reversionary Payments, on Schemes N for providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age, and on the Method of cal- culating the Value of Assurances on Lives, and on the National Debt. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London^ 1783. Civil Liberty. 1778. American Revolution. B 1785. Bound in one volume. In a letter exhibited in 1 891 at the Guelph Exhibi- tion in London, Adam Smith (writing from the Custom House, Edinburgh, Dec. 22, 1785) speaks as follows : " Price's speculations cannot fail to sink into the neglect that they always deserved. I have always considered him as a factious citizen, a most superficial philosopher, and by no means an able calculator." (Exhib. Catal. p. 253, No. 1844. "Letter from Adam Smith, in which he goes into the question of the relative amounts of custom duties paid in Scotland in 1785 and former years. Lent by Alfred Morrison, Est; Lectures on Oratory and Criticism. 4to, calf. B London^ ijyj. Essai de la Psychologie ou Considerations sur les B operations de l'Ame. [Anon.] i2mo, old calf. Londres^ 1 745. 9 2 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library PuFFENDORF (Samuel). PuLCI (Luigi). PuRCHAS (Samuel). Putschius (Elias). OUESNAY (Francois). 1st vol. 2nd vol. De Rebus Gestis Frederici Wilhelmi Magni Electoris Brandenburgici. Fol. old calf. Berolini^ 1685. De Rebus Gestis Frederici Wilhelmi Magni. Vol. ii. only. Fol. Berolini, 1695. Puffendorfius de Officio Hominis et Civis. Books I. and II. I vol. 8vo. Londini, 1707. Mor. Sent. ii. 325 seq. (Part VII. Sect. III. ch. i.) (Author of one of " those Systems which deduce the Principle of Approbation from Self-love.") Ibid. ii. 369 (Part VII. Sect. IV.) (One of those casuists who think that a promise made under compulsion, as by a traveller to a highwayman, need not be kept.) II Morgante Maggiore. 4to, vellum. Firenze, 1732. His Pilgrims. 5 vols. Fol. calf. London^ 1625-26. Grammaticae Latinae Auctores Antiqui. 4-to. Hanoviae^ 1605. 1 vol. Physiocratie, ou constitution naturelle du gouverne- ment le plus avantageux au genre humain. Recueil publie par Du Pont, des Societes Royales d'Agriculture de Soissons et d'Orleans et Corre- spondant de la Societe d'Emulation de Londres. Ex natura jus, ordo, et leges Ex homine arbitrium, regimen, et coercitio. (F. O.) A Leyde et se trouve a Paris chez Merlin, Libraire, rue de la Harpe. mdcclxviii (sic). Discussions et developpemens sur quelques-unes des notions de l'economie politique. Pour servir de seconde partie au recueil intitule : Physiocratie. A Leyde, etc. (as above), mdcclxvii (sic). 2 vols. 8vo. In spite of the dates, apparently published at the same time. Paged continuously (520 pp.) Both have vignette on title-page (of man plough- ing). The Physiocratie has also engraved Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 93 frontispiece by Jeaurat, engraved by Ozanne, of agricultural scene, with Latin texts from Ecclesi- asticus and Proverbs. Both have bookplate, and are well bound in calf, with gold tooling and gilt edges, now much worn. On fly-leaf : " From the Authour Mr. Ouesnai, first Physician in ordinary to the french King." On last page of each volume, " Best manner," probably an instruction to binder. No other notes or marks observed. Aspect de la Psychologic L'Ame est une sub- stance qui a la propriete de sentir ; la propriete de sentir est la propriete radicale de toutes les affections et facultes de l'Ame. 5 parties. 4 pp. 4to. No place or date. [Bound with Messance, etc., q.v.^ and described on list of contents as by Ouesnay.] W. of N. IV. ix. 304. 1 : "Mr. Ouesnay, the very ingenious and profound author of this [Physio- cratic] system," has illustrated it by "some arithmetical formularies " and an " Economical Table," presenting an ideal state. Ibid. 304. 2. Being himself a physician, he looked at the body politic from a physician's point of view, and thought that it would only thrive "under a certain precise regimen," that of perfect liberty and perfect justice. Ibid. 307. 1, 2. Followed " implicitly and without any sensible variation by the sect distinguished in the French republic of letters by the name of the Economists." His economical table is, according to Mirabeau (the Elder), one of the three greatest "inventions that have given stability to political societies." (See Mirabeau above.) There is another reference to the Economists in W. of N. V. ii. 373. 2, where the author speaks of a tax on Rent (varying with its amount and the productiveness of the soil) as recommended by "that sect of men of letters in France who call themselves the 94 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library QuiNAULT. QuiNCTI- LIANUS (Marcus Fabius). Rabelais (Francois). Racine (Jean). Rameau (Jean Philippe). Rapin (Paul de Thoyras). economists.*' In IV. ix. 300. I, he calls them " the French philosophers " who bent the rod the other way in order to straighten it. 1739- Theatre. 5 vols. i2mo. Pi " Ex libris T. Harvie." Mor. Sent. i. 314 (Part III. ch. iv.) (Despreaux and Racine formed a cabal against Quinault and Perrault.) Declamationes Majores et Minores. Ed. P. Bur- mannus. 2 vols. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1720. Mor. Sent. ii. 10 (Part V. ch. i.) (Accuses Seneca of corrupting the taste of the Romans.) Oeuvres. Nouv. ed. 3 vols. 4to, calf. Amsterd. C 1741. Works. Urquhart and Motteux's translation. Re- vised by Ozell. 5 vols. i2mo. London, 1750. Oeuvres. 3 vols. Minimo, old calf. Paris, 1750. B Oeuvres. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1760. Q Mor. Sent. i. 310 (Part III. ch. ii.) (Disgusted by the bad success of "his Phaedra, the finest tragedy perhaps that is extant in any language." 311. More pained by criticism than pleased by eulogy.) Ibid. i. 314 (Part III. ch. ii.) See above (Boileau, Ouinault). Ibid. i. 350 (Part III. ch. iii.) (One of those " poets and romance writers " who are " much better instructors " in regard to love and friend- ship than Zeno, Chrysippus, or Epictetus.) Ibid. ii. 9 (Part V. ch. i.) "What is the burlesque verse in English is the heroic verse in French," in the tragedies of Racine, for example. Generation harmonique ou Traite de Musique N theorique et pratique. 8vo. Paris, 1737. Oeuvres Diverses. I vol. Small 8vo, calf. Amster- Q dam, 1695. History of England. 2 vols. Large fol. old rough B calf. London, 1743. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 95 Ray (John). Raynal (Guillaume Thomas) (Abbe). Raynal (J.) Recueil. Regnard (Jean Francois). Reid (Thomas). Remem- brancer (The). Republic of Letters. Restaut (Pierre). Rhetori- cians (The Greek). RlCCOBONI (Louis). Raii Synopsis [Methodica] Stirpium Britannicarum. [No title-page.] i vol. 8vo. [The ist ed. was in 1690, 2nd 1696. Both Svo.J Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablisse- mens du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. 3 vols. 4-to, calf. Geneve, 1775. N. I. xi. iii. 95. 2, 96. 1.: "The eloquent and sometimes well-informed author " gives us figures for the annual importation of gold and silver into Spain and Portugal. Histoire de la Ville de Toulouse. 4to. Toulouse, \1S9- [This may have been picked up during the visit of 1764-65.] Recueil des Comedies et Tragedies des plus celebres auteurs francois. 8vo. Edinbourg, 1784. Oeuvres. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1750. The Present State of the Republic of Letters. For January 1734. Vol. xiii. 1 2mo, boards. N. P. Principes generaux et raisonnes de la Grammaire francoise. 7th ed. i2mo. Paris, 1756. Edited by Franciscus Portus. i2mo, vellum. 1570. Bookplate (in addition to Adam Smith's) of L. E. Bigot. Reflexions historiques et critiques sur les Theatres de l'Europe. i2mo, calf. A?nsterda?n, 1 740. Mor. Sent. i. 350 (Part III. eh. iii.) (" Racine and Voltaire, Richardson, Maurivaux, and Ricco- boni, as instructors on love and friendship, etc." See above [Racine].) B Inquiry into the Human Mind. 8vo, calf. London, 1785. Essays on the Active Powers of Man. 2 vols. B Large 4to, boards. Edinburgh, 1788. An Impartial Repository of Public Events. 2nd B ed. 8vo, boards. London, IJJS' N OC N B B N B B 9 6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library [Madame Riccoboni, a friend of Adam Smith's from 1766, was the wife of the son of this author.] An Essay on the Causes of the Decline of Foreign Trade, consequently of the Value of the Lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both. " Trade has always been the best support of all nations and the principal care of the Wisest " Lord Chesterfield's Speech, Dublin, Oct. 8, Richardson (William). Richelieu (Cardinal). Richesses. 1745). Edinburgh^ 1756. [MacCulloch, Liter, of Pol. Ec. p. 329, gives this tract to Richardson on the authority of Fauquier (Ways and Means, 3rd ed. p. 56). Adam Smith quotes it as Sir Matthew Decker's, to whom MacCulloch himself had ascribed it in the earlier part of his "Literature," p. 46.] W. of N. IV. v. 228. 1. Our bounty enabled the Dutch to eat cheaper corn than we, "as we are assured by an excellent authority, Sir Matthew Decker." Ibid. IV. vii. 268. I. "Causes of decay in other branches of foreign trade, which, by Sir Matthew Decker and other writers, have been sought for " in taxation. Ibid. V. ii. 395. 1. Taxes are repeated and accumu- lated in the price of goods. But the proposal treated in V. ii. 396. 2 as Decker's (a licence to consume) is really Decker's (from "Con- siderations on the High Duties which the Nation in general, as well as Trade in particular, labours under," 1743). Testament Politique. Old calf. Amsterdam, 1696. Mor. Sent. i. 436 (Part III. ch. vi.) "Projects very daring and extensive, though altogether devoid of justice, such as those of the Cardinals of Richlieu (sic) and of Retz." Richesses de l'Etat. [Anon.] 8 pp. 4to. N. P., N. D. [Bound with Messance, q.v.~\ [Ascribed to Roussel de la Tour.] Traite des Richesses. [Anon.] 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Londres^ 1781. B B Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 97 Robertson (Thomas). Robertson (Rev. William). Robins (Benjamin, F.R.S.) Rochefou- cauld (Due de). Considerations sur les Richesses et le Luxe. Aurea nunc vere sunt. Ovid. A Amsterdam et se trouve a Paris chez la Veuve Valade, rue des Noyers. 8vo. 1787. [Senac de Meilhan.] [Bound with Lit de Justice, q.v.~\ An Inquiry into the Fine Arts. 4to, boards. Vol. i. only [containing the history and theory of Music]. [The 2nd was never published.] London^ 1784. [Minister of Dalmeny.] History of Scotland during the Reign of Oueen Mary and James VI. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London^ 1759. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 3 vols. 4to, calf. London^ 1769. History of America. 2nd' ed. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London^ 1778. Mor. Sent. i. 374 (Part III. ch. iii.) (Story of Joanna of Castile and the monk's consolation of her.) Mathematical Tracts. 2 vols. 8vo. London^ 1761. u B N Maximes et Reflexions Morales. 8vo, calf. Paris^ B 1778. Memoires de la Minorite de Louis XIV. par le Due B D. L. R. 2 vols. Minimo, calf. Trevoux^ 1754- Bookplate (besides Adam Smith's) of "Sir Ellis Cunliffe, Bart." Mor. Sent. (1759) p. 474: "The systems of the Duke of Rochefaucault (sic) and Dr. Mande- ville " seem to take away the distinction between vice and virtue, and have a wholly pernicious tendency. In the edition of 1790 Adam Smith dropped the reference to Rochefoucauld. The following extract from a letter written to Adam Smith by the grandson of Rochefoucauld, besides showing that the first of the two above books was presented by the family, is of general interest: — "Paris, 3 ?nars 1778. — Le desir de H 9 8 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library ROHAULTUS (Jacobus). se rappeler a votre souvenir, Monsieur, quand on a eu l'honneur de vous connoitre, doit vous paroitre fort naturel. Permettez que nous saisissions pour cela, ma Mere et moi, l'occasion d'une edition nouvelle des Maximes de La Rochefoucauld, dont nous prenons la liberte de vous offrir un exemplaire. Vous voyez que nous n'avons point de rancune, puisque le mal que vous avez dit de lui dans la Theorie des Sentimens Moraux ne nous empeche point de vous envoier ce meme ouvrage. II s'en est meme fallu de peu que je ne fisse encore plus, car j'avois eu peutetre la temerite d'entreprendre une tra- duction de votre Theorie; mais comme je venois de terminer la premiere partie, j'ai vu paroitre la traduction de M. l'Abbe Blavet ; et j'ai ete force de renoncer au plaisir que j'aurois eu de faire passer dans ma langue un des meilleurs ouvrages de la votre. II auroit bien fallu pour lors entreprendre une justification de mon grand- pere. Peutetre n'auroit-il pas ete difficile, premierement de l'excuser, en disant qu'il avoit toujours vu les hommes a la Cour et dans la guerre civile, deux theatres sur lesquels ils sont certainement plus mauvais qu'ailleurs, et ensuite de justifier, par la conduite de l'auteur, les prin- cipes qui sont certainement trop generalises dans son ouvrage. II a pris la partie pour le tout ; et, parceque les gens qu'il avoit eu le plus sous les yeux etaient animes par l'amour propre, il en a fait le mobile general de tous les hommes. Au reste, quoique son ouvrage merite a certains egards d'etre combattu, il est cependant esti- mable meme pour le fond et beaucoup pour la forme." (Stewart's Life of Adam Smith, pre- fixed to Essays, p. lv.) Rochefoucauld is quoted (on love and ambition) in Mor. Sent. i. 139 (Part I. Sect. III. ch. ii.),and the passage is the same in the 1st ed. ( 1 759 \ p. 126. Physica. Latine vertit, recensuit, et adnotationi- bus ex illustrissimi Isaaci Newtoni philosophia Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 99 Rose (George). Rosinus (Joannes). Rousseau (Jean Jacques). Ruchat (M.) maximam partem haustis ampliflcavit et ornavit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1718. The proposed System of Trade with Ireland ex- plained. [Anon.] 8vo. 58 pp. London, 1785. [Bound with Dundonald, q.v.~\ Antiquitates Romanae. 1 vol. 4to. Amstelodmni, 1685. Oeuvres. 5 vols. Minimo, calf. Londres, 1753. Lettres de Deux Amans. 6 vols. i2mo. Amster- dam, 1 761. Emile ou de l'Education. 1 2 mo, old calf. Francfort, 1762. Vol. i. Vol. iii. Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 73-78. (Compares "Mr. Rousseau of Geneva " with Mandeville, giving a long quotation from the Discourse on Ine- quality.) Ibid. ii. 79. (Letter of Voltaire to him.) Essay on Imitat. Arts, 165 seq. "An author more capable of feeling strongly than of analysing accurately, Mr. Rousseau of Geneva " attributes to Music by itself effects which it obtains only when conjoined with the scenery and action of the stage. Adam Smith is referring to the Lettre sur la Musique Franchise, 1753. In the Considerations concerning the First Forma- tion of Languages (Mor. Sent. ii. 407) Ad. Sm. speaks of c genera and species ' — " of which the ingenious M. Rousseau of Geneva finds himself so much at a loss to account for the origin ;" and (with unusual care) gives the reference, "Origine de l'lne'galite. Partie Premiere, pp. 376, 377. Edition d'Amsterdam des Oeuvres diverses de J. J. Rousseau." Rousseau may have been in mind when the passage on Causes of Inequality was written, W. of N. V. i. 319 seq. Histoire de la Reformation de la Suisse. 6 vols. Small 8vo, calf. Geneve, 1728. B B B C ioo Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Russia. Rycaut (Paul). Sabaudia. Sabellico (Marcan- tonio Cocceio). Le Sage. Saint Maur (Nicolas Francois Dupre de). Saint R£al. De la Salle (de l'litang), S. P. Russia sive Muscovia itemque Tartaria, commen- C tario topographico atque politico illustrata. I vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1630. Russia, or a compleat historical account of all the N nations which compose that Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1 780. History of the Turks from 1679. Large fol. old B calf. London, 1700. Sabaudiae [Savoy] Respublica et Historia. 1 vol. C i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Batav. 1634. Istorici Veneziani. 11 vols. 4to, calf. Fenezia, B 1718. Le Diable Boiteux. istvol. Small 8vo. London, C 1772. Gil Bias. 4 vols. [N. P., N. D.j C Alaine Rene le bachelier de Salamanque. 3 vols. B Minimo, calf. 1777. Recherches sur la valeur des monnoies et sur les N prix des grains avant et apres le Concile de Francfort. i2mo. Paris, 1762. W. of N. I. xi. 83. 1. (On price of corn in France from 15th century.) Ibid. 85. 2. (Agrees with Fleetwood in his figures.) Ibid. 91. 1. The rise in the value of silver in re- lation to corn has been observed in France by St. Maur, Messance, and the author of the « Police of Grain." . Ibid. in. 2. Market prices have been collected by St. Maur and Messance "with great diligence and fidelity." [See also Monnoies.] Oeuvres. i2mo, old calf. La Haye, 1726. B Prairies artificielles ou moyens de perfectionner N l'Agriculture dans les terreins sees et sterils de toutes les Provinces, surtout en Champagne, et de l'encourager dans tout le Royaume. i2mo. Brussels, 1758. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 101 De Sal- LENGRE (Albert Henri). Sallustius (C. Crispus). Salmasius (Claudius). Salmon (Thomas). Salmon (William, M.D.) Salmonet (Robert Mentet). Salt. Novus Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum. O C 3 vols. Fol. Hague Comitum, 1719-40. Opera Omnia. 8vo, calf (Delphin). Londini, 1735. Opera quae supersunt omnia ed. G. Cortius. 8vo. Glasguae, 1777. Mor. Sent. ii. 11 (Part V. ch. i.) (Sallustius and Tacitus charged by some with affectation and want of simplicity.) Plinianae Exercitationes in Caii Julii Solini Poly- histora. 2 vols. Fol. Parisiis, 1629. A Short View of the Peerage of Ireland. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1759. 1 vol Palladio Londinensis, or the London Art of Building, to which is annexed the Builder's Dictionary. 7th ed. 4to, old calf. London, ijb]. Histoire des Troubles de la Grand'Bretagne. Fol. Red morocco. Paris, 1661. Royal arms in centre, monogram 3Z in corner. A Collection of all the Statutes now in force relating to the duties upon Salt. i2mo, calf. Black letter. London, 1760. An Abridgment of all the Statutes now in force relating to Salt and Herrings and the importa- tion of Beef and Pork from Ireland. i2mo, calf. London, 1774. Instructions for a Collector of the Duties upon Salt. i2mo, boards. Edinburgh, IJJJ. The earlier part of the history of the Fishing Bounties (W. of N. IV. v. 230 seq.) owes something to the above sources. Only a part of the passage is in the 1st ed. (cf. also V. ii. 395. 1,406. 1). B O c c B B B B B 102 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Sanctius (Franciscus). Sandys (George). Sannazaro (Jacopo). Saunderson (Nicholas). Savary (Nicolas). Saxe (Maurice, Comte de). Scaliger (Julius Caesar). Schoocks (Martin). ScHUTZIUS (Johannes Jacobus). Scotland. Scott (Daniel). Minerva seu de causis linguae Latinae comment- N arius. 5th ed. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1733. Formation of Languages, Mor. Sent. ii. 439. (Quoted on impersonal verbs. He thinks that " pluit " means " pluvia pluit," etc.) Travels [in Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, etc.] 7th C [9th ?] ed. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. London, 1673. Arcadia. I vol. Venice, 1524. C Elements of Algebra in Ten Books. 2 vols. 4to. N Cambridge, 1740. Le Coran traduit de PArabe. 2 vols. 8vo, tree C calf. Paris, 1783. Les Reveries ou Memoires sur Part de la Guerre. C I vol. Fol. calf. La Haye, 1788. Viri Clarissimi Poetices. Libri Septem. 1 vol. C Small fol. calf. Brabant, 1559. Respublica Achaeorum. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. C Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1674. Compendium Juris. i2mo. Tubingae, Francofurti, N et Lipsiae. N. D. Respublica sive status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. C Diversorum Auctorum. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1627. Musae Sacrae Poetarum Scotorum. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburghi, 1739. Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern. 1 vol. Small 8vo, calf. 1776. A reference to Scottish poetry 'occurs in the Essay on Imitative Arts, pp. 182, 183. Ad. Sm. observes that the tunes have altered even in his lifetime ; and the remark seems to show that this part of the Essay at least was written late and not early. Appendix ad Thesaurum Graecae linguae ab Henrico Stephanoconstructum,et ad Lexicon Constantini, et Scapulae. 2 vols. Fol. Londini, iy^.^-^.6. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 103 Selden (John). Seneca (L. Annaeus). SeVigne* (Madame de). Sextus Empiricus. Shakspeare (William). Mare Clausum. 1 vol. Fol. JVratislaviae^ 1 75 1. Q C Tragoediae. vo, vellum. Amstelod. 1662. Opera quae exstant. 2 vols. 8vo. Amstelod. 1673. Seneca a M. Antonio Mureto correctus notis. Small fol. old calf. 1692. on Astron. 44. (He does not mention Hip- parch us anywhere.) Mor. Sent. i. 114-115 (Part I. Sect. III. ch. i.) Cato's conduct in his last moments "appears to Seneca, that great preacher of insensibility, a spectacle which even the gods themselves might behold with pleasure and admiration." Ibid. ii. 10 (Part V. ch. i.) (He is accused bv Ouintilian of having corrupted the tastes of the Romans.) Ibid. ii. 247 (Part VII. Sect. II. ch. i.) (He says it would be " easier to prove that drunkenness is a virtue, than that Cato could be addicted to anv cueil de Recueil des Lettres. 1754- 1 vol. Opera, Graece et Latine ed. J. A. Fabricius. Fol. Lipsiae^ 1 718. The Plays of Shakspeare. Ed. by Samuel Johnson. [2nd ed.] 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London^ 1778. Edinr. Rev. 1 755, ii. 65, " In the old English poets, in Shakespear, Spenser, and Milton, there often appears, amidst some irregularities and extra- vagancies, a strength of imagination so vast, so gigantic and supernatural, as astonishes and con- founds their reader into that admiration of their genius which makes him despise as mean and insignificant all criticism upon the inequalities in their writings." Mor. Sent. i. 75 fPart I. Sect. II. ch. iii.) "We detest Iago as much as we esteem Othello." Ibid. ii. 177 (Part VI. Sect. III.) The proud man "dies, as Hamlet says, with all his sins upon his head, unanointed, unanealed." (The quota- tion is given freely, from memory.) B B~ 9 vols. i2mo, calf. Paris^ B o c B 104 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Sheffield (John) (Lord). SlBBALD (Sir Robert). SlGONIUS (Carolus). Silius Italicus. SlMLERUS (Josias). Simpson (Thomas) (F.R.S.) SlMSON (Robert). Observations on the Commerce of the United States. B 8vo, calf. London, 1 784. Observations on the Manufactures, Trade, and N Present State of Ireland. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1785. On fly-leaf: "From the Author." Scotia Illustrata sive Prodromus Historiae Naturalis. B Fol. old calf. Edinburgh 1684. The History, Ancient and Modern, of the Sheriff- C doms of Fife and Kinross. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. Edinburgh, 17 10. De antiquo jure civium Romanorum. Fol. old calf. Francofurti, 1593. Opera. Ed. Arnold Drakenborch. 1 vol. 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum, IJIJ. De republica Helvetiorum,cumCompendio Historiae Helveticae. 8vo, calf. Tiguri [Zurich], 1734. The Nature and Laws of Chance. Illustrated with B a great variety of examples. Large 8vo, vellum. [Edward Cave, St. 'John's Gate) 1740. Essays in Speculative and Mixed Mathematics. 4to, B old calf. London, 1740. A Treatise of Algebra. 2nded. 8vo. London, 1754. N Elements de Geometrie traduits de l'Anglois de M. U Thomas Simpson de la Societe Royale de Londres, professeur de Mathematiques a Woolwich. 8vo. De l'imprimerie de Vincent, rue S. Severin. Paris, 1755. The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions. 2nd N ed. 8vo. London, 1776. Apollonii Pergaei Locorum Planorum Libri Duo. B 4to, old calf. Foulis, Glasguae, 1749. Sectionum Conicarum Libri Ouinque. 4to, old B calf. Edinburgi, 1750. Euclidis Elementorum libri priores sex, item un- N decimus et duodecimus, ex versione Latina Federici Commandini, sublatis iis quibus olim Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 105 Skene (Sir John). Sleidan (Johann). Smith (Adam). libri hi a Theone aliisve vitiati sunt et quibus- dam Euclidis demonstrationibus restitutis a Roberto Simson, M.D. 4-to. Glasguae, 1756. Opera Ouaedam Geometrica [Roberti Simsoni, post B mortem ejus, impensis Philippi Comitis Stanhope impressa]. 4to, tree calf. Foulis, Glasguae, ijj6. The Elements of Euclid. Also Euclid's Data. C I vol. 8vo, calf. Glasgow, 178 1. [Professor of Mathematics, Glasgow, 1711-61.] Mor. Sent. i. 312 (Part III. ch. ii.) "The two greatest mathematicians that I ever have had the honour to be known to, and I believe the two greatest that have lived in my time, Dr. Robert Simpson [j/V] of Glasgow and Dr. Matthew Stewart of Edinburgh," were quite indifferent to public neglect. Regiam Majestatem Scotiae [sive veteres Leges et B Constitutiones collectae et illustratae]. [2nd ed.] Small fol. old calf. London, 161 3. Compare W. of N. I. xi. 84. 2. " In an ancient manuscript of the Regiam Majestatem, an old Scotch law book," there is an assize of bread. He quotes some words of the statute of assize. Joannis Sleidani Religionis et Reipublicae, Carlo B Ouinto Caesare, Commentariorum libri xxvi. fol. calf. N. P. 1555. Joannis Sleidani de Ouatuor Summis Imperiis Libri B Tres. Postrema editio. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Amstelod. 1654. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. [1st ed.] 8vo, B calf. London, 1759. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. 3rd ed. 8vo, B calf. London, 1767. Theorie des Sentimens Moraux [Metaphysique B de l'Ame]. Trad, par M. . . . i2mo, old calf. Vol. ii. only. Paris, 1764. Theorie des Sentimens Moraux [Metaphysique de B Ame], etc. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1764. io6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Smith (John). Smith (John) (LL.B.) Theorie des Sentimens Moraux. Trad, par M. B l'abbe Blavet. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Paris, 1774. [Presentation copy, from translator.] The same. Another copy. B Theorie der Moralischen Empfindungen. 1 vol. C 8vo, red morocco. Braunschweig, 1770. Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. [1st ed.] 2 vols. 4-to, calf. London, 1776. Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth B of Nations. [5th ed.] 3 vols. 8vo, boards. London, 1786. Untersuchung der Natur und Ursachen von Nation- C alreichthiimern. Vol. ii. only. 8vo, red morocco. Leipzig, 1776. [Monogram of George III. in gold on cover.] [Another copy, of same date and binding, without C monogram.] Recherches sur la Nature et les Causes de la Richesse B des Nations. Trad, par M. l'abbe Bl[avet]. 3 vols. l2mo. Paris, 1 781. On fly-leaf: "A M. Smith de la part de son tres humble serviteur, l'abbe Blavet." [See above, Rochefoucauld.] Recherches, etc. Trad, par M. Roucher. Vols. i. B and iii. only. 8vo, paper covers. Paris, 1790. [Babbage's library, sold in 1872, is said by Trior. Rogers to have contained Hume's copy of the Wealth of Nations. A copy of the Moral Sentiments (1790) that belonged to Robert Burns was recently offered for sale (August 1893) m London.] Gaelic Antiquities. 1 vol. 4to, calf. Edinburgh, C 1780. [Minister of Kilbrandon, Lorn.] Chronicum Rusticum Commerciale, or Memoirs of B Wool. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1747. W. of N. I. xi. 106. 2. (Ouoted for prices of the tod of wool in middle of 14th cent.) Ibid. IV. viii. 294. I. "It is observed by the very Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 107 Smith (Robert). SOAVE (Pietro). Sophocles. Spain. accurate and intelligent author of the Memoirs of Wool, the Rev. Mr. John Smith," that the best English wool sells for less in England than a poorer sort would fetch in Amsterdam. Complete System of Opticks. 4to. Cambridge, 1738; Harmonics, or the Philosophy of Musical Sounds. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1 759. [D.D., F.R.S., Master of Trinity, Cambridge, after Bentley.] Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 67. "In Dr. Smith's Optics, all the great discoveries which had before been made in that science are very completely re- corded." In knowledge of his science he is superior to Keil and Gregory, but inferior " in the order and disposition of his work." Historia del Concilio Tridentino. 4to, Geneva ; 1629. Quae exstant omnia ed. R. F. P. Brunck. 4-to. Argentorati (Strasburg), 1786. Tragoediae septem ex editione Phil. Brunck. 8vo, tree calf. Argentorati, 1786. Mor. Sent. i. 63 (Part I. Sect. II. ch. i.) (In Philoctetes it is not the pain that interests us, but the attendant circumstances.) Ibid. i. 272 (Part II. Sect. II. ch. iii.) "It is this fallacious sense of guilt, if I may call it so, which constitutes the whole distress of Oedipus and Jocasta upon the Greek, of Monimia and Isabella upon the English theatre [in Otway's Orphan]. They are all of them in the highest degree piacular (sic), though not one of them is in the smallest degree guiltv." Hispania sive de regis Hispaniae regnis et opibus Commentarius. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1629. Impartial Inquiry into the Management of the War in Spain by the Ministrv at home. i2mo, old calf. London, 171 2. Papers relative to the rupture with Spain, laid before N N old calf. B 2 vols. O C 2 vols. B c u io8 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Spallanzani (Abbate). Sparrman (Andrew). Spon (Jacob). Sprechieri (F.) Staal (Madame de). Staehlin (J. von). Stanley (Thomas). Stanyan (Temple). Statius (Publius Papinius). Steele (Joshua). both Houses of Parliament on Friday 29th January 1762 by his Majesty's command. Printed by Mark Baskett, printer to his Majesty, and by the assigns of Robert Baskett. 4to. London, 1762. [Bound with Grenville and Rates of Excise, q.v.~\ Opuscoli di Fisica Animale e Vegetabile. 2 vols. C 8vo, calf. Modena, 1786. A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. C 4to, calf. London, 1785. Histoire de Geneve. 2 vols. 4to, tree calf. B [Barillot] Geneve, 1730. Rhoetia, ubi ejus verus situs politicus, bella, foedera, C et alia memorabilia accuratissime describuntur. 1 vol. l2mo, Elzev. Lugd. Batav. 1633. Memoire, ecrit par elle-meme. 4 vols. Small 8vo, C calf. London, 1 755. Account of the new Northern Archipelago, lately F discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir. Translated from the German original (with map) [by C. Heydinger], pp. xx. 118. London, 1 774. History of Philosophy. 2nd ed. 1 vol. Fol. C calf. London, 1687. Historia Philosophiae. Thick 4to, vellum. Lipsiae, B 171 1. On fly-leaf: "To Adam Smith, Esq., from his much obliged friend John Davidson, 1788." Tableau historique et politique de la Suisse, traduit N de l'anglais par M. de la Chapelle. i2mo. Freibourg, l^hb. Papinii Statii Opera — Sylvae, Thebais, Achilleis. Frontispiece, the burning of Troy. Lugd. Batav. 1 67 1. Silvae. Ed. Jer. Markland. 1 vol. 4to. Londini, O 1728. Prosodia Rationalis, or an Essay towards establish- N ing the Melody and Measure of Speech, to be Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 109 Steele (Richard). Stephan- orura Historia. Stephanus (Henricus). (Robertus). Sterne (Laurence). Steuart (Sir James, of Coltness). Stewart (Matthew). Stewarts. 4 vols. 4to. 4 vols. Fol. Basileae, 3rd ed. o c B expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols. 2nd ed. 4to. London, 1779. On fly-leaf: "From the Author." The Tatler, with illustrations. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. C London, 1786. The Guardian. 2 vols. i2mo, calf. Glasgow, 1746. B Stephanorum Historia, vitas ipsorum ac libros com- B plectens. 8vo, tooled calf, bound by Scott, Edin- burgh. Londini, 1709. Thesaurus linguae Graecae. 4 vols. 4to. N. P., O C N. D. Thesaurus linguae Latinae. 1740-43. Sermons by Mr. Yorick. [Anon.] I vol. Small 8vo, calf. London, 1760 An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Econ- omy. Vol. i. only. Large 4to. London, Ij6j. [Ad. Sm. said "he understood Sir James's system better from his conversation than his volumes." Works of St. (1805), vol. vi. p. 378.] Some General Theorems of considerable use in the N higher parts of Mathematics. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1746. Tracts Physical and Mathematical. 8vo. Edin- N burgh, 1 76 1. [Minister of Roseneath. Father of Dugald Stewart.] Mor. Sent. i. 312 (Part III. ch. ii.) See above, Simson (Robert). Compare Life, by Dug. Stewart, prefixed to Essays, p. xi. : "I remem- ber to have heard my father remind him (Ad. Smith) of a geometrical problem of considerable difficulty about which he was occupied at the time when their acquaintance commenced." A genealogical history of the family of the B Stewarts, from 1304 to the year 17 10, collected from Public Records. Small fol. old calf. Edin- burgh, 1 7 10. Prefixed is a General Description of the Shire of Renfrew. I IO Catalogue of Adam Smith 's Library Stilling- FLEET (Benjamin). Stobaeus (Joannes). Strabo. Strada (Jacobus de). Strausky. Struvechius (G.) Struvius (Burchardus Gotthelf- fius). Stuart (Andrew). Suetonius. Sully (Due de). Sutherland (Countess of). Swift (Jonathan). Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Natural History, N Husbandry, and Physick, to which is added the Calendar of Flora. 3rd ed. 8vo. London, 1775. Loci Communes sacri et profani sententiarum omnis O generis. 1 vol. 410. Frankofurti, 1581. The same. 1 vol. Fol. Frankofurti, 1581. Res Geographicae. Subjiciuntur Chrestomathiae. 2 vols. 4-to. Amstelo. 1707. Epitome Thesauri Antiquitatum. 1 vol. 4to, C vellum. Lugd. Batav. 1553. Respublica Bojemiae a M. Paulo Strausky descripta, C recognita, et aucta. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Batav. 1643. Commentarius ad Flavii Vegetii Renati libros de re B militari. 8vo, vellum. Vesaliae \_JVesel\ 1670. Corpus historiae Germanicae. 2 vols. Fol. old B calf. Jenae, 1730. Letters to Lord Mansfield relating to his lordship's B judgment in the Douglas cause. 4to, boards. London, 1773. Omnia quae supersunt. Ed. F. Oudendorphius. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1 75 1 . Memoires [ou Oeconomies Royales d'Etat, domes- tiques, politiques, et militaires de Henry le Grand (depuis 1570 jusqu'en 1610), par Maxi- mil. de Bethune, due de Sully. Mis en nouveau francais et en ordre avec des remarques] par M.L.D.L.D.L. [M. l'abbe de Lecluse des Loges]. 6 vols. i2mo, old calf. Londres, IJS 2 ' The Additional Case. Elizabeth claiming the title B and dignity of Countess of Sutherland. By her Guardians. 4to, boards. 1 77-. Works. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1784. Q Mor. Sent. i. 465 (Part IV. ch. i.) " The homely and vulgar proverb that the eye is larger than the belly." From Gulliver, Brobdingnag, ch. viii. Ibid. ii. II (Part V. ch. i.) See above (Pope). Ibid. ii. 57 (Part VI. Sect. I.) Dr. Swift and Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library iii Swift (Jonathan). Symons (Jellinger). Syrus (Publius). Systeme Social. Voltaire are mentioned among the men of "splen- did talents and virtues " who have shown " a most improper and even insolent contempt of all the ordinary decorums of life and conversation." W. of N. V. ii. 398. 2. "The saying of Dr. Swift that in the arithmetic of the customs two and two instead of making four make sometimes only one, holds perfectly true with regard to such heavy duties." Hume had quoted the say- ing before Ad. Sm. See the Essay on the Balance of Trade : " We ought always to remember the maxim of Dr. Swift that in the arithmetic of the customs two and two make not four, but often make only one." The passage concerned is in Swift's " Answer to a Paper called a Memorial of the poor inhabitants, tradesmen, and labourers of the kingdom of Ireland. Written in the year 1728." The Commissioners of Customs in London told him "that the Mistake of Parlia- ments on such occasions was owing to an Error of computing Two and Two to make Four, whereas in the Business of laying heavy Imposi- tions Two and Two never made more than One." Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, in a series of letters from John, Earl of Orrery. 8vo, calf. London, 1752. The Excise Laws abridged and digested under their proper heads, in alphabetical order. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1 775. Ed. R. Bentley. [With Terence, q.v.] Systeme Social ou principes naturels de la Morale et la Politique avec un examen de l'influence du Gouvernement sur les Mceurs. Difficilis virtus est ; ars est bonum fieri ; erras si existimas vitia nobiscum nasci ; supervenerunt, ingesta sunt. Seneca, Epist. 124. 2volsinone. London, 1773. [Ascribed to Baron d'Holbach, who is mentioned in the letter of Adam Smith given in facsimile by MacCulloch in his separate Life of Adam Smith, 1855.] B N Qc u ii2 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Tacitus (C. Cornelius). Tactics. Tanjore. Tasso (Torquato). Tassoni (Ales- sandro). Tavernier (Jean Baptiste). Taylor (Jeremy). Temple (Sir William). Terentius (Publius, Afer). Opera. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum, Elzevir. Jmstelo. C 1672. Opera ex editione Jacobi Gronovii. 4 vols. B Minimo, old calf. Foulis, Glasguae, 1753. Mor. Sent. ii. 11 (Part V. ch. i.) See above (Sallust). Essai general de tactique. 2 vols, in one. 4to. B London , 1773. Original Papers relative to Tanjore, being letters B between the Nabob of Arcot and Lord Pigot. 4to, boards. London^ IJJJ. La Gerusalemme Liberata. 4 vols. 4to, calf. C London^ 1724. La Gerusalemme Liberata. 2 vols. Small 8vo, C calf. Glasguae, I 763. Essay of Certain Engl, and Ital. Verses, 192. (Quotes Canto I. lines 1, 5, 6, and 9.) De' Pensieri Diversi. 1 vol. 4to, sheepskin. C Venetia, 1676. Les Six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier en Turquie, B en Perse, et aux Indes. 3 vols. Thick i2mo, vellum. Paris^ 1779. W. of N. I. xi. 80. 1. "When Tavernier, a jeweller, visited the diamond mines of Golconda and Visiapour " he was told that the king had shut up all but the best. Antiquitates Christianae. 4 vols. Fol. calf. C London^ 1703. Works. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh^ 1754. C Comoediae Sex. 8vo, vellum. Amstelod. 1686. Comoediae. Edidit R. Bentley. 1 vol. 4to. Cantabrigiae, 1726. (With Phaedrus, q.v.) Comoediae. Edidit A. H. Westerhovius. 2 vols. 4to. Hagae Comitum, 1726. Comoediae ex editione Westerhoviana. Large 8vo, calf. Glasguae^ 1742. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 1 1 3 Terrasson (M. l'Abbe). Theocritus. Theodosius. Theo- phrastus. Thomas (Antoine L.) Thomas (S.) Thompson (David). Thompson (James). De Thou (Jacques Auguste). Comoediae, ad fidem optimarum editionum expressae. B 8vo, calf. Edinburgh 1758. La Philosophic applicable a tous les objets de l'esprit N et de la raison. i2mo. Paris, 1754. Carmina Bucolica, Graece et Latine. Notes by B Valckenaer. 8vo, calf. Lugd. Batav. 1 781. W. of N. I. x. 45. 2. " Fishermen have been poor since the days of Theocritus. Sec Idvllium xxi." Codex Theodosianus. 8 vols. Fol. calf, in beauti- G S ful order, including 7 vols, of the Codex itself (the 6th in 2 parts) and 1 vol. of Leges Novellae Theodosii Junioris et Valentiniani III. The 7 printed at Leipzig (G. Wadman), 1736 ; trie 8th at Rome (Zempoli), 1767. Characteres Ethici. i2mo, calf. Glasguae, 1743. B Oeuvres Diverses. i2mo, calf. Amsterdam, ij66. B The British Negociator, or the Foreign Exchanges JSN made perfectly easy. Containing tables for all the various courses of exchange from and the several coins equated of Holland, etc. ; also arbi- tration of Exchange, Weights, and Measures, etc., by S. Thomas, merchant. London, 1759. Histoire d'un peuple nouveau, ou decouverte d'une N isle a 43 degres 14 minutes de latitude meri- dionale par David Tompson (sic), capitaine de vaisseau le Boston, a son retour de la Chine, en 1756. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais. i2mo. London, IJS7' Works. 4 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 17 62. B Les Saisons. 8vo, calf. A?nsterdam, 1773. B Mor. Sent. i. 342 (Part III. ch. iii.) (One of the moralists who reproach us with being happy when so many are in misery.) [Jacobi Augusti Thuani] Historiae sui temporis B 1543-1607. 5 vols. Fol. boards. Aurelianae (Orleans), 1620. ii 4 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Thucydides. TlBULLUS (Albius). TlNDAL (Nicholas). TlPHAIGNE. Tod (Thomas). TOTT (Baron de). Tourneisen (Emmanuel). Tour. Trade. Trades. Trium- virates. Trouba- dours. Historiae sui temporis. 7 vols. Fol. Londini, 1733. Bellum Peloponnesiacum ex editione Wassii et Dukeri. 8 vols. i2mo, calf. Foulis, Glasguae, !759- W. of N. V. i. 313. 1. (Tells of the Peloponnesians leaving the camp to reap their harvests.) Tibulli et Propertii Opera ad optimorum exem- B plarium fidem recensita. Large quarto, calf. Cantabrigiae, 1702. Quae exstant. 1 vol. 4to. Anutelod. 1708. Q Mor. Sent. i. 69 (Part I. Sect. II. ch. ii.) "The elegant, the tender, and the passionate Tibullus." The Continuation of Rapin's History of England. B 13 vols, in 9. 8vo, old calf. London, 1 761. Essai sur l'histoire ceconomique des mers occidentales N de France. 8vo. Paris, 1760. Observations on Dr. MacFarlan's Inquiries con- B cerning the state of the Poor. 8vo, boards. Edinburgh^ 1783. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares. 4 vols. C 8vo, calf. Amsterdam^ 1784. L'titat et les Delices de la Suisse. Nouv. ed. 4 C vols. Small 8vo, calf. Basle, 1764 Tour in England and Scotland in 1785 by an B English Gentleman. 8vo, calf. London, 1788. New and Old Principles of Trade compared, or U a Treatise on the Principles of Commerce between Nations, with an Appendix concerning (1) General Means of aiding Commerce, (2) Balance of Trade, (3) Pre-eminence of Agri- cultural Industry, (4) Prohibitions, Bounties, etc. [7 heads in all.] " Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos," Virg. Eel. London, 1788. A General Description of all Trades, digested in B Alphabetical Order. i2mo, calf. London, 1 747. Histoire des deux triumvirats. Vol. iii. only. i2mo, B old calf. Amsterdam, 1 715. Histoire litteraire des troubadours. 3 vols. Small C 8vo, calf. Paris, 1774. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 1 1 5 Trublet (M. l'Abbe). Tucker (Josiah). Tull (Jethro). TuRENNE. TuRGOT. Turks. Turpin (Francois Henri). Twining (Richard). Tyrius Maximus. Essais sur divers sujets de litterature et de morale. N 6 e 6d. 4 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1768. An Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages B attending France and Great Britain with regard to Trade. i2mo, calf. Glasgow, 1756. A Treatise concerning Civil Government. In three B parts. 8vo, calf. London, 1781. Horse -hoeing Husbandry, or an Essay on the B Principles of Vegetation and Tillage. 8vo, calf. London, IJ62. Turenne Mardchal Gdndral des armdes du Roi. B 2 vols. Large 4to. Paris, 1735. [A printed Budget, inscribed to Adam Smith in Turgot's handwriting, was sold in 1878. For the relations of the two men, see Life by Stewart, prefixed to Essays, p. lvi.] Turcici Imperii Status. Accedit de regno Algeri- C ano atque Tunetiano commentarius. 1 vol. i2mo, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1634. Histoire civile et naturelle du royaume de Siam et N des Revolutions qui ont bouleverse cet Empire jusqu'en 1770. 2 vols. l2mo. Paris, IJJI. Observations on the Tea and Window Act and on F the Tea Trade. 2nd ed. 8vo. 66 pp. London, 1785. Remarks on the Report of the East India Directors F respecting the Sale and Prices of Tea. 2nd ed. 8vo. 77 pp. London, 1785. Answer to Second Report of East India Directors F respecting the Sale and Prices of Tea. To which is added Mr. Twining's Letter to Robert Preston, Esq. 8vo. 102 pp. London, 1785. [All three bound in one vol. with Dundonald, etc., q.v.] Dissertationes. 8vo, calf. Cantabrigiae, 1 703. B Dissertationes. Ed. J. Markland. 1 vol. 4to. O C Londini, 1740. n6 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Tyrrell (James). Uztariz (Geronymo). Vanierius (Jacobus). Van Maestricht (P.) Vansittart (Henry). Varchi (Benedetto). Vasari (Giorgio). Vassor (Michel Le). Vattel (Emmerich de). Veneroni (Sieur de). The General History of England. 3 vols. Small C fol. calf. London^ 1700. W. of N. V. i. 322. 1. (Ouoted for the instructions to judges under Henry II.) The Theory and Practice of Commerce and Mari- U time Affairs. Written originally in Spanish by Don Geronymo de Uztariz, Knight of the Order of St. Iago, Member of his Catholic Majesty's Privy Council, of the Royal Board of Trade and the Mint, and his Majesty's Secretary in the Council and Chamber of the Indies. Translated by John Kippax, B.D., Fellow of Clare Hall, and Master of the Academy in Little Tower Street. 2 vols. London^ 1 751 . W. of N. V. ii. 407. 2. (Imputes to the Alcavala the ruin of Spanish manufactures.) Praedium Rusticum. i2mo, calf. Parisiis, 1746. B Theologia. Vol. i. only. 4to. A?nstelod. 1724. O C A Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal, 1760- B 64. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London^ 1766. Storia Fiorentina. 1 vol. Small fol. calf. Colonia^ C 1721. Delle Vite de' Pittori. 3 vols. 4to, calf. Bologna^ C 1647. Histoire du regne de Louis XIII. Nouv. 6d. C 10 vols. Small 8vo, calf. Amsterdam^ 1 735. Le Droit des Gens ou Principes de la Loi Natu- B relle. 4to, calf. Leyde^ 1758. Le Maitre Italien dans la derniere perfection. C Nouv. e'd. 1 vol. Small 8vo, calf. Amster. 1740. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 1 1 7 Venice. Verelst (Harry). Verri (Pietro). Victor (Sextus Aurelius). VlCTORIUS (Petrus). Viger (Francis). Villars (Marechal Due de). Vinci (Leonardo da). VlRGILIUS. MS., on parchment, of Venetian Statutes. No title- page, name, or date. Embossed cover, with designs in black on gold ground, and the arms of Venice. 8vo. Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Government in Bengal. 4to. London, 1772. [Ex-Governor of Bengal.] Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica. [Anon.] Nella stamperia dell' Encyclopedia. Con appro- vazione. Livorno, 1 77 1 . Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica. [Anon.] 8vo, old calf. Livorno, i~J2. Historiae Romanae Breviarium. 8vo, old calf. 1696. Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, quibus accedunt observationes Jacobi Emmenessii. 3 vols. 8vo, calf, thick. Lugd. Bat. 1680. Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. Large 4to, calf. Cantabrigiae, 1 70 1. Eclogues and Georgics, with English Translation. Ed. J. Martyn. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1749. Formation of Languages (Mor. Sent. ii. 459). (First line of first Eclogue quoted, to show the power of inflections.) W. of N. IV. vii. 252. 1. ("Auri sacra fames." Aen. iii. 57.) Ibid. IV. vii. 265. 1. How has the policy of Europe benefited the colonies of America ? " In one way, and in one way only, it has contributed a N U u Variarum Lectionum libri XXV. Small fol. calf. B Florentiae, 1553. De Graecae Dictionis Idiotismis et Particulis. B Minimo, calf. Londini, 1695. Vie dcrite par lui-meme. 4 vols. Small 8vo, calf. B Paris, 1784. On Painting. Folio. N. P., N. D. B B OC 1 1 8 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library VlTRUVIUS. De Voise- NON (M. l'Abbe), VOITURE (Vincent). Voltaire (Arouet de). good deal. Magna virum Mater ! It bred and formed the men." Compare Georgics II. 173: "Salve magna parens frugum Saturnia tellus, Magna virum." M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura liber. Small fol. old calf. Amstelod. 1649. The same (another copy, ibid.) M. Vitruvio Pollione. L'Architettura colla tradu- zione Italiana e commento di Marchese Berardo Galiana. 1 vol. Fol. calf. Napoli, 1758. Oeuvres completes [Novels, Tales, and Trans- lations]. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1781. B B C B Oeuvres [Poems and Letters]. 7th ed. i2mo, B old calf. Paris, 1665. [M. T. stamped on outside covers.] Annales de l'Empire de depuis Charlemagne. N 2 vols. i2mo. Basle, 1754. Dictionnaire philosophique portatif. i2mo. Lon- N don, 1764. Oeuvres Completes. 69 volumes. Large 8vo, calf N (full bound). De l'imprimerie de la societe litteraire-typographique. [N. P.] 1785. [See also France.] (1) Edinr. Rev. 1755, ii. 69. (His eulogy of the Encyclopedic) (2) Ibid. 78. "Mr. Voltaire, the most universal genius perhaps which France has ever pro- duced, is acknowledged to be, in almost every species of writing, nearly upon a level with the greatest authors of the last age, who applied themselves chiefly to one.!' (3) Ibid. 79. (His originality shows to great advan- tage in his last tragedy, the Orphan of China.) (4) Ibid. 79. (In a letter to Rousseau he disclaims responsibility for an edition of his History of the Last War, published under his name in Holland, and full of errors.) Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 1 1 9 Voyages. (5) Mor. Sent. i. 131, 132 (Part I. Sect. III. ch. ii.) (On the real causes of the great fame of Louis XIV.) (6) Ibid. i. 302 (Part III. ch. ii.) is probably written with Voltaire's " Traite sur la Toler- ance a l'occasion de la Mort de Jean Calas " (1763) in mind. The passage does not occur in the 1st ed. (1759). Calas was executed at Toulouse, where (as Brougham remarks, in "Men of Letters," ii. (1846), p. 112 n.) Adam Smith may have heard much about him in conversation. (7) Ibid. 311 (Part III. ch. ii.) (V.'s "sensibility" to criticism.) (8) Ibid. 330 (Part III. ch. ii.) : " Vous y grillez sage et docte Platon, Divin Homere, eloquent Ciceron." (9) Ibid. 350 (Part III. ch. iii.) (Among the " poets and romance- writers " who are better instructors on love and friendship than Zeno or Epictetus.) (10) Ibid. 445-447 (Part III. ch. vi.) (The plot of the tragedy of Mahomet, "one of the finest of Mr. Voltaire," described.) (11) Ibid. ii. 9 (Part V. ch. i.) (The heroic verse of the Henriade is the same as the English burlesque.) (12) Ibid. 57 (Part VI. Sect. I.) See above (Swift). (13) Ibid. 92, 93 (Part VI. Sect. II. ch. i.) (De- scription of the hero and heroine of "that beautiful tragedy of Voltaire, the Orphan of China.") (14) W. of N. V. i. 364. 2, 365. 1. " It is observed by M. de Voltaire that Father Poree" was the onlv Professor France ever had whose works were worth the reading ; and he goes on to tell us why Gassendi entered the Church (see above, Gassendi). "The observation of M. de Voltaire " may be applied to other countries besides his own. A Collection of Voyages. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1729. 120 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Wales (Prince of). Wallace (Robert). Waller (Edmund). Walpole (Horace). Walpole (Robert). War (Art of). Ward (John). Watson (Robert). Weights and Measures. Wellerus (Jacobus). Werden- HAGEN (Joannes A.) W A Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I. By Thomas Birch, D.D. 8vo, calf. London , 1760. of N. I. xi. 69. 2. "In the appendix to the Life of Prince Henry, Doctor Birch has given us an account of the prices of butcher's meat as commonly paid by that prince " (about 3! d. per lb.) Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in Antient and Modern Times, in which the superior Populousness of Antiquity is maintained. [Anon.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1753. [Minister of Greyfriars, Edinburgh.] Poems, etc. 6th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, calf. London, 1694. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard III. 4to, boards. London, 1768. Histoire du Ministere de Sir Robert Walpole. 3 vols. i2mo, tree calf. Amsterdam, 1764. W. of N. V. ii. 400, 401. (His Excise Scheme dropped because of unjust and factious clamour.) Veteres de Re Militari Scriptores, quotquot exstant, nunc prima vice in unum redacti corpus. 8vo, vellum. Vesaliae \JVeseV\, 1 670. Four Essays upon the English Language. 8vo. London, 1758. History of the Reign of Philip the Second. Vol. i. only. 4to, calf. London, 1777. A Proposal for Uniformity of Weights and Measures in Scotland. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1779. B N B B B N B B Grammatica Graeca Nova. Curavit iterumque N edidit Joh. Frider. Fischerus. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1781. De rebuspublicis. 2 vols. Minimo, vellum. Lugd. & Bat. 1 63 1. Introductio universalis in omnes respublicas. 1 vol. C i2mo, Elzevir. Amstelod. 1632. Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library 1 2 1 Whitelock (Bulstrode). Whitworth (Sir Charles). Wight (Alexander). Wilkes (John). Wilson (Captain Henry). Winslow (Jacques B.) De Witt (Cornelius and John). Wright (John). Young (Arthur). Memorial of the English Affairs, or an Historical Account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. to King Charles II. 's happy Restoration. I vol. Fol. calf. London, 1682. State of the Trade of Great Britain in its Imports and Exports progressively from the year 1697. Large fol. boards. London, 1776. An Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of Parlia- ment, chiefly in Scotland. 4to, calf. Edin- burgh, 1784. North Briton. 3 vols. i2mo, calf. London, 1763. An Account of the Pelew Islands. 4to, boards. London, 1788. The American Negotiator, or the Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America, as well as the Islands of the Continent. By John Wright, Accomptant. 8vo. London, 1761. Elements of Trigonometry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1772. Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties. By the author of the Farmer's Letters. [Anon.] 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1769. The Expediency of a Free Exportation of Corn at this Time, with some Observations on the Bounty and its Effects. To which is added an Appendix in answer to a pamphlet lately pub- lished entitled " Thoughts upon several interest- ing Subjects." By the author of the Farmer's Letters to the People of England. [Anon.] 2nd ed. 8vo. 74 pp. London (Nicoll), 1770. [Bound with Jenyns, q.v.] B B B Exposition Anatomique de la structure du corps C humain. 1 vol. 4to, calf. Paris, 1732. Political Maxims of the State of Holland. 8vo, B calf. London, 1743. N N N 122 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Young (David) (of Perth). Zeno (Apostolo). Zoology (British). The Farmer's Letters to the People of England [containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman on various subjects of great import- ance. To which are added Sylvae, or occasional tracts on husbandry and rural oeconomics.] [Anon.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, ijji. Six Months' Tour through the North of England, with an Account of the present state of Agri- culture, Manufactures, and Population. [Anon.] 2nd ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1 771. The Farmer's Tour through the East of England, being the Register of a Journey through various Counties of this Kingdom to inquire into the state of Agriculture. [Anon.] 4 vols. 8vo. London, IJJI. Political Arithmetic, containing Observations on the present state of Great Britain and the Principles of her Policy. 1 vol. 8vo, boards. London, 1774. National Improvements in Agriculture. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1785. Agriculture the Primary Interest of Great Britain. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1788. Poesie Drammatiche. 10 vols. 8vo, calf. Venezia, 1744. Essay on Imitat. Arts, 169. (One of the reformers of Italian opera, along with Metastasio. See Studies of the 18th Century in Italy, Vernon Lee, 1880, p. 164.) 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1763. B B 3 INDEX TO THE INTRODUCTION AND TO THE PRINCIPAL NAMES NOT REGISTERED ALPHABETICALLY IN THE CATALOGUE. .^Esop, 1 6 Aix, Archbishop of, 79 D'Alembert, 7 Alexander the Great, 7 Antoninus Pius, 7 Apollonius of Perga, 104 Apostolo, see Zeno Aristotle, 87 Asinius Celer, 87 Athenaeus, 20 Augers, 29 Babbage, Charles, 106 Badius, Jodocus, 64 Bain, James, xxx, 3 (Toronto) Bannerman, Rev. D. D., vii, viii, xxix, xxx Battie, William, 55 Beaumont, Deon de, 10 Begley, Rev. W., xxx, 50 Bell, R. C, xxi Benedictus, Joannes, 61 Bentham, Jer., xxi Bentley, Richard, 16, 50, 64, 85, 107, III Benwell, Archdeacon, 22 Beugo, xxi Bigot, L. E., 95 Bindon, David, 66 Birch, Dr., 120 Black, Dr. Joseph, xii, xvi, xvii Blair, Hugh, xi, xiii Blavet, l'abbe, 98, 106 Bonar, J., xxx, 26 Bovvyer, William, 73 Boyle, Robert, 7 Brahmins, 87 Brodie, William, 26 Brougham, Henry, 119 Brown, Commissioner, xxii Brunck, Phil., 5, 6, 107 Brutus, Marcus, 23 Bryan, A., 88 Buccleuch, Duke of, x, 2 Buchan, Earl of, xx Burgess, Thomas, 18 Burmann, P., 6, 39, 85, 94 Burnes, J., 37 Burns, Robert, 106 Butler, Bishop, 54 Byron, Captain, 24 Calas, Jean, 1 19 Calcraft, John, 12 Calonne, 72 Campbell, Colin, 84 Carlyle, Alexander, 39 Carteret, Captain, 24 Casaubon, Isaac, 48 Cassandre, 6 Cato Major, 23, 103 Cebes, 37 Chapelle, M. de la, 108 Charles I. and II., 120 „ V., 97, 105 „ VIII., 46 Cicero, 50, 87, 119 Clarke, Samuel, 49, 54, 99 Cleghorn, Prof. Hugh, xv, xvi „ Mrs., xv, xvi Clerke, Captain, 24 Cocceius, H. de, 45 Collins, Anthony, 89 Collopy, Ty., xxv Commandinus, F., 104 Constantine, Robert, 102 124 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Copernicus, 42, 63, 73 Cortius, G., 101 Cowper, William, 47 Craigie, Thomas, 54 Cunliffe, Sir Ellis, 38, 97 Cunningham, Alexander, 50 „ Prof. R. O., viii, xx, xxix, XXX. Dacier, 50 Darigrand, 4-5 Daubenton, 17 David, Christian, 51 Davidson, John, 10 Davies, Thomas, 42 Decker, Sir Matthew, 96 Defoe, 48 Democritus, 73 Descartes, 73 Dickson, W. K., xxix Diderot, 2 Digby, Lord, 23 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 89 Douglas cause, 1 10 Douglas, House of, 52 „ David, vii, xiv seq., 4, 68 „ Margaret, ix, x „ Jane, x „ Janet, xv Dousa, J., 50 Drakenborch, A., 104 Dryden, 19, 90 Duker, C. A., 114 Dupont, ix, 92 Dupre de St. Maur, see St. Maur Durham, J., xxvi Egmont, Lord, 3 Elphinston, James, 65 Emmenessius, Jacobus, 117 Engestrom, G. von, 27 Epictetus, 7, 119 Ernesti, J. A., 22 Euclid, 23, 104, 105 Fabricius, J. A., 103 Fauquier, Francis, 96 Fawkener, Sir Everard, 88 Ferguson, Adam, xi Ficinus, Marsilius, 88 Fiennes, Pharamus, 56 Fischer, Johann Friedr., 120 Fitz-James, Due de, 78, 79 Fleetwood, Bishop, 100 Floridus, Jul., 7 Fontenelle, 14, 71 Forster, J. R., 57 Foxwell, Prof. H. S., x, xxx, 21, 48 Francis, Philip, 56 (Junius) Frederick the Great, 60 „ William, the Great Elector, 92 „ II., the Emperor, 85 Frewin, R., 27 Gale, Thomas, 55 Galiana, Berardo, 118 Gassendi, 73, 1 19 Gasser of Vienna, xxvi George III., 106 Gesner, J. M., 23, 88 Gibbon, Edward, 39, 47 Gibbs, James, 74 Gordon, Dr. James, 38 „ Sir William, 7 Gore, Captain, 24 Goudar, Auge de, 40 Goulston, Theo., 6 Graevius, G., 40 Graham, Dr. James, xxii Grant, Lewis, xxix Graunt, John, 71 Gray, John M., xviii seq., xxix Gregory, David, 107 Gronovius, J., 2, 7, 60,. 64, 87, 112 Grotius, Hugo, 24 Grou, l'abbe, 86 Gruter, J., 48 Gundino, Marco Ant., 88 Gunning, Dr. R. H., xxvi Hale, Chief Justice, 21 Hamilton, Antoine, 44 „ Dukes of, 18 Handel, 68 Harvie, T., 94 Hawkesworth, John, 24 Heberden, Dr., 71 Henninius, H. C, 56 Henri IV., 4 Henry II., 8, 62, 116 „ Prince of Wales, 120 Heydinger, C, 108 Heyne, Gottl., 86 Higgs, H., x, xxx, 74 Hipparchus, 88, 103 Hippias, 87 Hobbes, 54 Hodgson, Prof., viii, 40 Holbach, Baron d', 1 1 1 Homer, 1 19 Horace, 69 Index 125 Horsburgh, John, xxi Hume, David, viii, x, xii, xiii, 47, 56, 63, 66, 69, 71, 106 Hutton, Dr. James, xii, xvi, xvii, 55 ISOCRATES, 89 James VI. of Scotland, 97 Jardine, Alexander, 9 Jeaurat, 93 Jesuits, 76 5 cf. 21, 119 Jevons, W. S., 19 Joanna of Castile, 97 Johnson, Samuel, 8, 86, 103 Kames, Lord, viii, xi Kay, John, xii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxvii Keill, John, 45, 107 Kennedy, Rev. James, xxx Kepler, 42 King, Gregory, 28 Kippax, John, 116 Kuster, L., 6 Laing, David, xxiv Lambinus, D., 50 Lange, De, 12 Langwith, B., 5 Law, John, 70 Lecluse des Loges, l'abbe, no Lee, Vernon, 122 Leoncladius, 20 Locke, John, 54, 58, 70 Louis the Fat, 28 Louis XIII., 4 „ XIV., 4, 97, 119 „ XV., 29 Lucian, 7 MacBride, Charles, xxvi MacCulloch, J. R., viii, xii, 40, 45, 7 1, 96, in Macfarlan, Dr., 114 MacGill, Rachael, xv, xvi Mackenzie, Henry, 61 Mackintosh, Sir James, 69 MacLaurin, Prof. C, xx Magens, Nicholas, 51 Malcolm III., 86 Mandeville, Bernard, 54, 97 Mansfield, Lord, no Marie, l'abbe, 57 Markland, J., 115 Marochetti, Baron, xxvi Martyn, J., 117 Mary Queen of Scots, 97 Maty, M., 22 Maurivaux, 95 Medicis, Cather. de, 29 ,, Lorenzo, 62 Meilhan, Senac de, 97 Menger, Prof. Carl, xxx, 108 Messance, 100 Metz, C, xx Michie, R. S., xxi Millar, Prof. John, vii Milman, A., xxix Milton, John, 103 Mirabeau, Comte de, 9, 10, 33, 37 „ Marquis de, 10, 93 Mitchel, 3 Montesquieu, 58 Morellet, 12 Morris, Corbyn, 71 Morrison, Alfred, 91 Motteux, 94 Mougault, 22 Muirs of Kirkcaldy, xxiii Muretus, M. Ant., 103 Murray, James, 23 Musgrave, S., 37 Necker, 19 Needam, P., 2 Nicholson, Prof. J. S., xxx Olivet, l'Abbe J. T., 22, 43 Orrery, Earl of, 1 1 1 Osborne, Thomas, 75 Ossian, 63 Otway, Thomas, 107 Oudendorphius, F., no Ozanne, 93 Ozell, 94 Park, Patric, xxvi Parmenides, 87 Paterson, James, xxi Patullo, Jerome, 2 Paucton, 67 Paul Sarpi, Father, 16 Pauw, C. de, 2, 3 Pelham, Henry, 51 Pennant, Thomas, 25 Pergolese, 67 Perrault, Charles, 14 Petrarch, 26 Petty, William, 71 Philip II., 120 Piggott, John, 50 Pigot, Lord, 112 Pinto, Isaac de, 66 126 Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library Plato, 6, 88, 119 Poree, Father, 119 Portus, Franciscus, 95 Postlethwayte, James, 71 Preston, Robert, 115 Price, L. L., xxix Propertius, 114 Protagoras, 87 £)uin, Henry, xix Rae, John, x Rapin de Thoyras, 1 14 Rees, 21 Reid, Thomas, xviii Reimarus, H. S., 20 Reiske, J. J., 88 Reitz, C. C, 61 Renan, E., 7 Renatus, Flav. Veget., no Retz, Card, de, 96 Rhomanus, 30 Richard III., 120 Richardson, Samuel, 95 Ritchie, T. E., 63 Robertson, Rev. E. S., xxx, 92 „ William, xviii Rockville, Lord, xxii Rogers, Mrs. Thorold, xxvi „ Thorold, 106 Roucher, J. A., 106 Rousseau, J. J., 118 Roussel de la Tour, 96 Ruhnken, David, 49 Ruddiman, Thomas, 4 Rycaut, Sir P., 57 Sackville, Lord George, 89 St. Maur, Dupre de, 67, 69, 100 Salmasius, 48 Santeuil, 14 Scapula, 102 Seius, 87 Seneca, 94 Servius Tullius, 87 Seton, Hugh, 84 Shaw, J., 5 Sims, William, 27 Sinclair, Sir John, 9, 10 Smellie, William, viii, xix, xxii, xxv Smith, Charles, 25 „ Dr. George, xxx, 113 „ G. Gregory, xxx, 6 „ Iconographia, xx Solinus, C. J., ioi Speidell, Euclid, 16 Spencer, W., 74 Spenser, Edmund, 103 Stanhope, Earl, 105 Stephanus, Henricus, 86, 102 ; cf. 109 Stevenson, D. W., xxv, xxvi Stewart, Dr. Matthew, 105 „ Dugald, viii, xii, xiii, xviii, xix, 39. 54. 5 6 >. 68 > 9 8 > I0 9. "5 Storrar, D., xxvi Stuart of Dunnairn, 57 Tassie, James, xii, xviii seq. Tasso, Torquato, 90 Terrai, l'abbe, 24, 25 Theon, Aelius, 105 Thomas the Rhymer, 89 Timaeus, 86 Tollius, Alexander, 5 Townshend, Charles, ix Turgot, 10, 35 Tyrwhitt, Thomas, 21 Upton, John, 37 Urquhart, Sir Thomas, 94 Urry, J., 21 Valentinian the Third, 113 Vansittart, Henry, 49 Vaugelas, 1 Voltaire, 40, 42, 99, 11 1 Wadding, F. L., 41 Walker, Thomas, xx Wallis, Captain, 24 Warner, the engraver, xxi, xxii Wasse, Christopher, 114 Webster, H. A., xxx Wesseling, 30 Westerhovius, A. H., 112 Whitworth, Sir Charles, 28 Zeno, the Stoic, 119 Zeno (Apostolo), 67 Printed iji R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A 000 325 438