PC-NRLF SoutheraMell Works Go, Chittaiiooga, Teiinessee PARKER QUALITY PRODUCTS Catit P1RKW1LL PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD of THE WORLD \ ,*!'':: V . V'i' ,''' ,\ ; : ;',','';;;: ;\WK7?RNUN10!l. JL B. 0. Slh. EDITION. Gods, SOUTHERN WELL WORKS CO. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE BEAUMONT, TEXAS WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS SHREVEPORT, LA. Copyright 1913 by Southern Well Works Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. T/YS > ~ INDEX Adamantine core barrel 132 Adjusting crown block 109 Advantage of the PARKER rotary system 5 B Back pressure valve Bailer, top and bottom Barrel, adamantine core Bits, fishtail and diamond point . Blade and nipple, wash Block, adjustable crown Block, improved travelling Block, steel crown Blowout preventer Boiler, oil country portable Bushing, cast steel Bushing, forge steel Bushing, swivel Bushing, water head C hook, strapped California hoisting drum Casing tongs, Guiberson .... Chain pipe wrenches Chain, rotary Clamp, hose Collars, drill Cone bearing swivels Core barrel, adamantine . . . Coupling, hose Crown block, adjustable Crown block D Drill, Sharp and Hughes . . . Drill collars Drilling bits Drilling engine, Lucas Drilling hook Drilling outfit, MOGUL Drilling outfit, MOGUL JR... Drilling outfit, special ligh*,\ Drilling, process of rotary. Drive shoe Drum, California hoisting . . . '. . Drum, MOGUL Drum, MOGUL JR Drum, PARKER regular hoisting Drum, PARKER special hoisting Duplex steam pump, MOGUL . . Duplex steam pump, PARKER . . 125 114 132 114 129 109 99 105 71 124 124 124 124 .116 . 57 .127 '122 134 125 124 85 132 115 124 . K) ':. 18 < : "'3 .123 . 57 . 43 . 49 . 61 . 59 . 73 . 79 F Fair elevators ....... Female nipple Fittings, hose Forged steel bushings General information . . . Guiberson casing tongs . Hoisting drum, California Hoisting drum, MOGUL Hoisting drum, MOGUL JR Hoisting drum, PARKER special Hoisting drum, single hand .... Hook, drilling Hook, strapped C Hose Clamp Hose coupling Hose mender Hose fittings Information Instructions for ordering Iron, mud mixer . . Jennings lead seal . Keystone screen Kammerer overshot Light drilling outfit Line shaft, MOGUL Line shaft, PARKER special Locomotive type boiler .... Lubpcatpr, oil country. . . uf^3jdijniing engine Mafe^rkJ* ffem ale nipple. . . . Mender, hose MOGUL draw works MOGUL drilling outfit MOGUL duplex steam pump MOGUL JR. drilling outfit . . . MOGUL JR. hoisting drum . . MOGUL JR. rotary MOGUL line shaft MOGUL rotary Mud mixer iron . . Elevators, Fair and Fair-Mannington . 117 Engine lubricator 119 Engine, PARKER Lucas drilling 65 Export instructions 9 Nipple, male and female. Nipple, wash blade and . . 117 125 125 124 139 121 , 57 43 49 59 55 116 116 125 125 125 125 139 8 112 129 .121 .133 20 52 63 71 119 65 125 125 43 10 73 18 49 31 52 25 112 125 129 o Oil country boiler 71 Oil country lubricator 119 Ordering, instructions for 8 Outfit, light drilling 20 Outfit, MOGUL drilling 10 Outfit, MOGUL JR. drilling 18 Overshots . . . . 133 Packer, canvas 127 PARKER rotary system 5 Pipe 8 Pipe, saving of 7 Pipe wrench 122 Plug, wash 129 Portable boiler 71 Pressure, back valve 125 Preventer, blowout 110 Process of rotary drilling 3 Pump, MOGUL duplex steam 73 Pump, PARKER duplex steam 79 R Recommendations 9 Regular hoisting drum 61 Rig iron, superior 91 Rock drill, Sharp and Hughes 115 Rotary chain 134 Rotary drilling, process of 3 Rotary, MOGUL 25 Rotary, MOGUL JR 31 Rotary, regular 38 Rotary shoe, saw tooth 123 Rotary, special 35 Rotary system, advantages of Parker . 5 Seal, Jennings lead Shaft, California drum. ..... Shaft, MOGUL drum Shaft, MOGUL line _ . Shaft, MOGUL JR. drum Shaft, regular drum Shaft, special drum Shaft, special line Sharp and Hughes rock drill . Shoe, drive Shoe, rotary Slide tongs, steel Spear, PARKER trip Special rotary Steam pump, MOGUL duplex. Steam pump, PARKER duplex Steel bushings Strainer, screen or Swivel, cone bearing Telegraph information . . Tongs, Guiberson casing Tongs, steel slide Top and bottom bailer . . Trap, improved valve. . . Trip spear Travelling block Saving of pipe Saw tooth rotary shoe . Screen keystone . 7 .123 .131 Valves, back pressure . . Valve trap Vulcan pipe wrench W Wash blade and nipple . Wash plug Water head bushing . . . Wire screen Wrench, vulcan pipe . . . 129 57 43 52 49 61 59 63 115 123 123 122 113 35 73 79 124 131 85 135 121 122 114 107 113 99 125 107 122 129 129 124 131 122 Parker Quality Products Parker Mogul Rotaries Parker Mogul Jr. Rotaries Parker Special Rotaries Parker Regular Rotaries Parker Mogul Draw Works Parker Mogul Jr. Draw Works Parker Special Draw Works Parker Regular Dravy Works Parker Lucas Drilling Engines Parker Mogul Duplex Pumps Parker Hydraulic Swivels Parker Superior Rig Irons Parker Travelling Blocks Parker Crown Blocks Parker General Supplies PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD 388775 THIS CATALOGUE we aim to give prospective purchasers of Rotary well drilling tools, concise and reliable information, regarding the Improved Parker Rotaries and accessories, manufactured by the Southern Well Works Company, which, on account of their manifest superiority, have become the Stand- ards by which all other similar machinery is com- pared. Though it must be manifest to all who read this catalogue that a complete showing of all our products is impossible, due to improvements constantly being made, we invite correspondence, and will be pleased to submit estimates and prices on equipment not shown, or to meet unusual conditions, and we cordially extend an invitation to all interested in the petroleum, gas or water well business to avail themselves of the services of our organ- ization, composed of men with practical field experience, which, together with our corps of competent engineers, are able to give you the equip- ment best suited to your individual requirements. All of our products are absolutely standardized, insuring perfect interchangeability; each part is carefully analyzed, both with regard to design and material, to insure the maximum of efficiency for the work to be performed, at a minimum cost. Perfect records are kept by our Engineering Department of all changes in design. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE ROTARY WELL-BORING BUSINESS. We have been manufacturing rotaries only, for the past twelve years, and during that time have watched the rotary process develop from an experiment in the famous Spindletop Field in Texas, to the present time, when PARKER ROTARIES are to be found wherever oil is drilled for. THE PARKER ROTARY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE ADVANCE MACHINE AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE so. It stands to reason that specialists in any line of business can manufacture a superior article. WE ARE STRICTLY SPECIALISTS IN ROTARY MANUFACTURE. SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY. WORKS COMPANY 2 ' .22 OJ HH H t o o o ^ -o o g 2 o - , S tf ^g r? ^< O ri 'Jl: "C -o 2 .y c ^* S ^ 3 r o o ,_; I ^3 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. Process of Rotary Drilling Rotary drilling consists of rapidly rotating a column of pipe equipped at the lower end with a fish-tail or diamond point bit (see page 114), which is lowered as the hole is made. Water and heavy mud is forced down through the pipe, by special PARKER Duplex Slush Pumps, keeping the cutting surface of the bit clean and bringing the cuttings from the bit to the surface. The pipe is rotated by the rotating table, being held tightly by the grip rings (see page 25). These grip rings which revolve on the mandrel permit the raising and lowering the pipe without releasing the grip. The pipe is suspended from the top of the derrick by a wire hoist- ing line which is controlled by the draw works (see page 43). To permit the revolving of pipe and at the same time allow the water and heavy mud to be pumped down through the same, a swivel (see page 85) is attached to the top of the pipe. The swivel is connected to the stand pipe at the side of the derrick by a rubber hose, usually 2J/2" in diameter and 30 feet long, heavily re-enforced on the outside with wire to withstand the heavy pressure. The rubber hose being perfectly pliable permits the easy raising and lowering of the drill pipe. The rotary is driven by a chain and sprockets from the line shaft (see page 52), the line shaft in turn being driven by chain from the engine which is located directly behind the draw works. The line shaft also drives the hoisting drum, controlled by a clutch. To raise the pipe, the driller merely throws in the drum clutch. The control of the pipe is absolutely in the driller's hands at all times, as the brake lever, drum clutch lever, and steam control are all in one position. After the cutting bit has become dull, the entire drill stem is pulled out and a new bit inserted in the drill collar (see page 124) and the pipe again lowered in the hole and drilling resumed. The pipe is controlled by two wood lagged brake bands around the two S" flanges on the hoisting drum. The PARKER Double Band Hoisting Drum with 1272 square inches of braking surface is the most success- ful drum used for this purpose. SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY For the quick pulling of pipe the PARKER Draw Works is equipped with a special quick hoist attachment operated by a clutch, which is controlled by the driller (see page 43). The constant pumping of mud into and out of the hole, together with the rotating of the pipe operates much as a plasterer does in finishing a house. The walls of the hole become "mudded up" thus preventing caving of the sides of the hole, and permitting the well casing to be easily set. When a strata of quicksand is encountered extra thick mud should be used and the rotary run at a moderate speed; the formation will then be walled up perfectly. THIS CANNOT BE DONE WITH CABLE TOOLS. After the hole has been drilled to the depth required for the first string of well casing, the drill pipe is withdrawn from the hole and the casing set, after which drilling is resumed as outlined above. The number of strings of well casing necessary depends on the size and depth of hole. For territories up to 2,000 feet two strings should be sufficient and in no case should exceed three. 8" being used up to 1,800 feet to cut off possible water and 6" for the balance. For territory up to 3,500 feet three strings should be sufficient, 10" being used up to 2,000 feet or 2,500 feet, 8M" being used up to 3,000 feet and 6" to 3,500 feet, in no case to exceed four strings. In territory over 3,500 feet four strings of casing should be used, 12^" to 1,800 or 2,000 feet, 10" to 3,000 feet, 8M" to 3,500 feet and 6" for balance. When surface formation is soft, 100 to 200 feet of conductor pipe should be used of 15" to 16" casing which can be pulled out after the second string is set. The same conductor pipe can be used on several wells. 1 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA,\TENNESSEE, U. S. A. Advantages of the Parker Rotary System The main advantages of the PARKER ROTARY SYSTEM of drilling are many. First SPEED The time necessary for drilling a well with the rotary is about ONE-HALF as compared with the standard tool or percussion method in the United States and Mexico, and about ONE-QUARTER as compared with the Galician and Canadian pole tool rigs as used in Europe, Asia and Africa. Second SAVING OF PIPE The saving of pipe over the standard or percussion method is practically FIFTY PER CENT. In percussion drilling when sticky gumbo or quick-sand formation is encountered it is practically impossible to carry the well casing along with the tools without the same becoming fast or freezing. This necessitates another string of pipe. Third CONTROL Absolute and direct control of pipe is obtained by the driller at all times. ALL CONTROL LEVERS ON OUR MACHINERY ARE IN ONE PLACE. Fourth GAS PRESSURE The rotary method is the only practical and safe process for the absolute control of wells when heavy gas pressure is encountered. Heavy mud and water is pumped into the well, allowing the gas to escape gradually in the return of fluid on the outside of the drill pipe. The PARKER IMPROVED BLOW-OUT PREVENTER has saved hundreds of wells. (See page 110.) Fifth SHIFTING FORMATION Shifting sand and quick-sand are easily controlled by the rotary process by mudding up the walls of the holes as fast as drilled. THIS CANNOT BE DONE WITH STANDARD OR PERCUSSION TOOLS. Sixth HARD ROCK AND BOULDERS Special rock bits and core barrels are now made for drilling in the hardest formation, solid rock, etc. Almost as good time can be made with these special bits as with the ordinary fish-tail or diamond point bits. SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Seventh VARIED SIZES OF DRILLING OUTFITS You can secure a PARKER ROTARY DRILLING OUTFIT especially adapted to any territory, whether the same be shallow or extra deep. Our 20" PARKER MOGUL DRILLING OUTFIT (see page 10), is the largest manufactured in the world today, capable of drilling to any depth up to 5,000 feet. Our 20" MOGUL JR. DRILLING OUTFIT (see page 18) for territories up to 3,500 feet. Our 16" PARKER SPECIAL OUTFIT (see page 20) for territory up to 2,500 feet. Our 14 " PARKER REGULAR OUTFIT (see page 20) for territory up to 1,500 feet. In other words, the operator can secure a PARKER ROTARY DRILLING OUTFIT for any territory, exactly suited to his requirements, ranging in depth from 500 to 5,000 feet. Conclusion The concensus of opinion among oil engineers is that the PARKER ROTARY SYSTEM is THE OIL-BORING SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE. That it is a time-saver has been proven time and time again in the oil fields of the world. If six months is saved on a well, the production during that period will doubly repay the cost of the initial outfit and you still retain your drilling outfit. There are PARKER ROTARIES doing duty today that are four and five years old. (Complete records sent on request.) We have PARKER MOGUL ROTARIES in use in Cali- fornia today that are on their fourth and fifth hole with LESS THAN $100.00 TOTAL UPKEEP EXPENSE. We court investigation. Send us or our nearest representative a copy of the log of your last well, and a complete specification covering your requirements will be sent by return of post. 1 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" Saving of Pipe CASING CLAMP The illustrations on this page are shown for the purpose of bringing to the attention of producers the marked advan- tages obtainable in the use of the PARKER rotary system of boring, by reducing, in the method shown, the quantity of pipe required and used in most instances in other methods of drilling to finish a well. Lead seals as illustrated and the tools for setting same makes a perfectly tight joint in every case and reduces the quantity to a minimum, possible only by using the rotary system of bor- ing, which method does not require, except in rare instances, LEAD SEAL the setting of casing until the hole is nearly completed, but when it does require it, these DRIVE SHOE illustrations show the saving in pipe, by the rotary system. The boring of a hole large enough to permit of rapid set- ting of casing without driving of pipe greatly reduces the weight and cost of pipe required in other methods of drilling, in LEAD SEAL addition to the saying of time required in driving, under- DRIVE SHOE reaming and keeping the casing moving, so prevalent in the percussion method of drilling bore holes. See pages 3 and 4 in regard to number of strings of pipe to be used. We do not recom- mend the use of lead seals in the manner shown where extremely heavy gas pressure prevails. DRIVE SHOE PIPE STEM SWEDGE SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Instructions for Ordering Shipping Always state number and size of machine when ordering either complete article or parts. Always give complete shipping and billing instructions. If no routing is specified, we will ship by freight over the quickest route. On export orders, positive and clear description of how goods are to be marked should accompany all orders, also state shipping agent, if any, and where invoice and shipping documents should be sent, also number of copies required. In ordering slide tongs, pipe tongs, elevators, drive or rotary shoes and water head bushings, the various sizes and thread of pipe to be used should first be decided, and identical sizes in above material should be ordered, as they are absolutely necessary for the proper handling of pipe. Always state number of threads per inch. In ordering rotary bits, for best results, three to four inches of clearance should be allowed for the conductor pipe. After conductor pipe is set two inch clearance is sufficient. In estimating quantities of bits to be ordered, one bit to every 200 feet is sufficient, and if the formation is hard one bit to every 150 feet. No less than two bits of any size should be ordered to permit dressing and tempering without cessation of work. Bits should be ordered for every size pipe used. Pipe In ordering pipe to be set into the well, ten threads to the inch should be specified, as it has been proven in the various oil fields of the United States, especially in California and Mexico that this size thread makes the most satisfactory connection for pipe that is per- manently set. Rotary drill pipe should always be iron, with eight threads to the inch. This size thread is best adapted for the work, due to constant screwing and unscrewing of pipe. Lists on pipe are not published in this catalogue, due to constant market fluctuations. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. Recommendations If territory is extra hard and deep our EXTRA HEAVY 20 " PARKER MOGUL outfit is the best possible outfit to buy. Rock, packed sand, shell or conglomerate are nothing to be feared, as patent bits are now made to cut same almost as quickly as ordinary formation. Our 20" PARKER MOGUL ROTARY is the only machine to give absolute satisfaction in the oil fields of California where hard forma- tion and deep wells prevail. This machine is guaranteed to drill a well to 5,000 feet. For shallower territory, our 20" PARKER MOGUL JUNIOR ROTARY outfit is recommended. This is an exact duplicate of the MOGUL outfit, except that it is lighter. We wish to impress on drilling operators the importance of buying their initial outfits complete, especially if drilling is in isolated localities, as a few extra parts are very cheap insurance, when the expense of a shut-down is considered. Export We recommend American drillers with all initial outfits. Capable and experienced drillers will be obtained for our patrons free of charge. Especial care is taken to secure steady and reliable men. NOTE We would kindly request operators to use part numbers as given herein when ordering repairs. This will absolutely insure your receiving the proper part. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD 10 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 20-inch Parker Mogul Extra Heavy Drilling Outfit The material listed below is the LARGEST, STRONGEST and HEAVIEST ROTARY WELL-BORING OUTFIT MANUFACTURED IN THE WORLD. Will drill any size hole up to 20" in diameter, to any depth up to 5,000'. Smallest size pipe rotary will handle 2^", largest size 18". Largest bit through rotary 20". Total weight 65,000 pounds approximately. Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 A 400 20" MOGUL Type, Cone Bearing PARKER Rotary with Screw Wrenches, four extra Spacing Washers and two Quick-opening Wrenches and Self-oiling Cones. 7,300 1 B 300 Heavy Hoisting Drum, PARKER MOGUL Type, 6" Shaft, including Clutch, Sprockets, Bearing Boxes, Set Collar, Brake Levers and Bolts, double 8" Brake Bands, wood lagged, with Quick-hoist Attachment. 6,000 1 C 300 3f| x 12' PARKER MOGUL Line Shaft complete, with Bearings, Set Collar, Sprockets, Cat Heads, Post Bolts and Keys and extra Quick-hoist Sprocket. 2,200 3 B 307 Oak Posts, framed, for setting up Drum and Line Shaft. 700 2 E 300 5" PARKER MOGUL Type, Loose Bail, Long Cone Hydraulic Swivels with Spanner Wrench. 1,450 2 Pieces 2Y 2 " x 6-Ply PARKER Rubber Rotary Drilling Hose, wire wrapped, length each 30 ft. 192 2 Sets 2 1 A" PARKER Hose Couplings and Clamps. 34 1 Piece 1 l /i" x 4-Ply x 25', Long Rubber Hose (not wired), for washing Derrick Floor, including Nozzle and Clamps. 22 5 J 123 20" Diameter, Cast Iron Crown Block Pulleys, with Steel Shafts, tread of pulleys machined for Wire Rope. 700 1 J 101 10" Structural Steel Crown Block for Derrick Top, less pulleys. 900 1 K 400 PARKER MOGUL 44" 4-Sheave Extra Heavy Bronze Bushed, Self-oiling, Steel Frame Hoisting Block. 2,000 1 4" Round Iron Strapped "C" Hook. 150 1 6" Round Iron Double Swivel Drilling Hook. 425 1 15-pound S. R. Hook for Cat Line. 15 1 G 200 12 x 12 30 Horsepower PARKER MOGUL Standard Oil Country Drilling Engine (Stripped), fitted with Sprocket, instead of Belt Pulley. 3,400 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 11 20-inch Parker Mogul Extra Heavy Drilling Outfit ( Continued ) Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 X 100 Set of Irons, including Shaft, Bearing Boxes, Driving Sprocket, Set Collar and Blades for Mud Mixer 1 (exclusive of wood box). 607 1 2^" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 45 1 4" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 105 1 6" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 125 1 8" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 143 1 10" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 140 1 12" Steel Slide Tong, extra heavy. 158 Depends on Pipe used. See instructions for ordering. 1 Set (2) 4" FAIRS MANNINGTON Extra Heavy Elevators. 350 1 Set (2) 6" FAIRS MANNINGTON Extra Heavy Elevators. 600 1 Set (2) 8" FAIRS MANNINGTON Extra Heavy Elevators. 740 1 Set (2) 10" FAIRS MANNINGTON Extra Heavy Elevators. 850 1 Set (2) 12" FAIRS MANNINGTON Extra Heavy Elevators. 960 Depends on Pipe used. 1 No. 13 Vulcan Flat Type Chain Tongs. 16 2 No. 14 Vulcan Flat Type Chain Tongs. 58 2 No. 15 Vulcan Flat Type Chain Tongs. 98 2 No. 16 Vulcan Flat Type Chain Tongs. 260 1 Set GuiBERSON-MiLLS Tongs complete, with handle; Jaws for 4", 6", 8M", 10" and 12^" Pipe. 625 Jaws depend on Pipe used. 2 6 x 4" Swivel Bushings, Forged Steel. 60 2 6 x 5" Swivel Bushings, Forged Steel. 70 2 6 x 8" Crucible Cast Steel Water Head Bushings. 86 2 6 x 10" Crucible Cast Steel Water Head Bushings. 104 2 6 x 12" Crucible Cast Steel Water Head Bushings. 150 Depends on Pipe used. See instructions for ordering. The Swivel Bushings are for connection to drill stem, the water heads for setting casing. 1 4" Tool Steel Saw Tooth Rotary Shoe. 20 1 6" Tool Steel Saw Tooth Rotary Shoe. 27 1 8" Tool Steel Saw Tooth Rotary Shoe. 47 These Shoes are for going over pipe when stuck, from a twist off, or when necessary to remove casing that cannot otherwise be pulled. 1 4" Soft Steel Drive Shoe. 5 1 6" Soft Steel Drive Shoe. 18 1 8" Soft Steel Drive Shoe. 35 1 10" Soft Steel Drive Shoe. 91 1 12" Soft Steel Drive Shoe. 90 Depends on Pipe used. See instructions for ordering. 2 3 % x 2.i^" Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 24 4 5% x 4 " Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 80 12 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 20-inch Parker Mogul Extra Heavy Driling Outfit ( Continued ) Quantity Part No. Description Weight 6 7^x4" Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 300 6 9^x4" Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 390 6 11 % x 6" Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 672 6 12^ x 6" Shank, Tool Steel Fish-Tail Rotary Bit. 720 4 16 x 6", to Set 12^" Conductor Pipe. 560 4 17 x 6", to Set 13^" Conductor Pipe. 640 4 20 x 6", to Set 15^" Conductor Pipe. 800 Size depends on Pipe to be set in well. See instructions for ordering. In hard drilling, Bits, H 7 /s" and larger, should have 6" shank. All Bits made y% smaller than diameter of Pipe in which they are to run. 2 4 x 4 x 18" Long Steel Drilling Collars for 4" Bit Shank, 4" Stem. 120 2 6 x 4 x 18" Long Steel Drilling Collars for 4" Bit Shank, 6" Stem. 210 2 6 x 6 x 18" Long Steel Drilling Collars for 6" Bit Shank, 6" Stem. 150 50 6" Tool Joints. 2,000 100 4" Tool Joints. 7,500 40 Ft. No. 103 Malleable Detachable Chain for Mud Mixer. 226 40 Ft. No. 525 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain, Line Shaft to Rotary and Quick Hoist. 400 40 Ft. No. 2061 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain, Engine to Line Shaft. 320 20 Ft. No. 2053 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain, Line Shaft to Drum. 440 300 Ft. 1M" Manila Rope for Cat Head Line. 150 1150 Ft. y%" x 19 Wire, Crucible Steel Rope for Hoisting Line. 1,400 3000 Ft. iV' x 7 Wire Crucible Steel Bailing Line. (Depends on ultimate depth of well.) 1,500 6 %" Wire Rope Clips. 20 6 jV' Wire Rope Clips. 15 1 L100 4" PARKER Releasing Spear, with trip device. 105 1 L200 6" PARKER Releasing Spear, with trip device. 250 1 10" Overshot to catch 6" Pipe. 2 H200 10" x 5%" x 12" PARKER MOGUL Duplex, 8 Valve Pumps, with improved extra heavy water ends. 8,000 See Description page 73. 1 40 Horsepower Oil Country Type Boiler, Mounted, complete, with regular fixtures. 10,000 1 4^" x 2%" x 4" Duplex Pump for Boiler Feed or Gath- ering Water. 260 1 4" Top and Bottom Bailer. 50 1 6" Top and Bottom Bailer. 85 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 13 Fittings to Connect Up Pumps and Engines Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 V100 PARKER VALVE TRAP, 2^" Hose. 185 2 PARKER 200-pound Pressure Gauges. 4 2 Plain Oil Country Pump Lubricators. 5 1 GA100 PARKER 2-Quart Oil Country Engine Lubricator. 50 2 2" Brass Washer Iron Plug Cocks. 24 2 3" I. B. Brass Mounted Gate Valves. 50 1 I" Brass Plug Cock for Derrick Hose Connection. 3 4 2" Extra Quality Flange Unions. 48 2 2^2" Extra Quality Flange Unions. 20 6 1" x 4" Plain Nipples. 6 12 2" x 6" Plain Nipples. 21 6 2W x 6" Plain Nipples, 8-Thd. 17 10 3" x 6" Plain Nipples, 8-Thd. 33 3 3" x 10" Plain Nipples, 8-Thd. 15 2 4" x 3" S wedge Nipples. 12 2 6" x 5" S wedge Nipples. 24 2 Pieces 2^" x 10' Exhaust Pipes. 100 2 Pieces 6" Pump Suction Pipe, 10' Long. 100 200 Ft. 2" Pipe for Steam Connections. 370 200 Ft. 1" Pipe. 40 Ft. 2^2" Pipe for Derrick Hose Standpipes. 220 12 2" Elbows, Cast Iron. 48 6 2,y 2 " Elbows, Cast Iron. 30 6 3" Elbows, Cast Iron. 40 2 6" Elbows, Cast Iron. 64 2 6" Foot Valves for Pump Suction. 90 2 2y 2 " Iron Body Quick Opening Gate Valves. 78 6 2" Brass Globe Valves, Steam Connections. 40 12 2" Tees, Cast Iron. 60 12 2" Plugs, Cast Iron. 6 1 Z100 PARKER IMPROVED BLOW-OUT PREVENTER, COMPLETE with 4" and 6" Slips for Drill Stem and two sizes Pipe Flanges, 12 W and 10". 1,600 1 8" Extra Flange. For blowout preventer. 1 6" Extra Flange. For blowout preventer. 2 6" Iron Body Gate Valves, for closing overflow of Preventer. 250 2 Joints 6" Pipe, for overflow discharge of Preventer, 8 Threads. 740 2 6" Plain Nipples, 8 Threads. 10 ' PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 14 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Derrick Tools and Appliances Quantity Part No. Description Weight 2 15" Monkey Wrenches. 5 2 18" Stillson Wrenches. 8 2 24" Stillson Wrenches. 32 1 36" Stillson Wrenches. 20 1 8-pound Sledge and Handle. 10 4 Long Handle Round Point Shovels. 8 2 Special Mud Mixing Hoes. 1 75' Chesterman Measuring Tape. 1 1 Derrick Telegraph Wheel. 12 1 Wire Telegraph Cord. 1 20 Ft. %," Pipe for Engine Reverse Lever. 17 1 7 Point Hand Saw. -f o 1 1 24" Level. 24" Steel Square. 13 3 4 Hand Cold Chisels. 16 2 Cape Chisels. 4 1 Derrick Hatchet. 4 1 Single Blade Axe and Handle. 10 6 12" Half Round File. 2 6 12" Flat Bastard File. 2 4 2-pound Ball Pein Hammers. 8 4 Derrick Lamps (not necessary if electric lighted). 90 20 Pounds Derrick Lamp Wicking. 20 25 Pounds Graphite for Pipe Joints. 25 1 1" to 2" Ratchet Stock and Die. 30 1 2^2" to 4" Ratchet Stock and Die. 100 1 No. 2 Barnes' 3-Wheel Pipe Cutter, Cuts W to 2" Pipe. 13 1 No. 3 Barnes' 3-Wheel Pipe Cutter, Cuts \y? to 3" Pipe. 25 1 No. 3 Combination Bench and Pipe Vise (1" to 4"). 100 1 10" Iron Snatch Block. 23 2 B. S. Fullers, top and bottom. 8 1 250-pound Anvil. 250 1 No. 4 Star Blower. 100 2 14 Ib. Sledges and Handles. 28 1 Pr. S. L. B. S. Tongs. 4 1 Pr. C. L. B. S. Tongs. 4 1 Pr. Bit Tongs. 8 1 20-Ton Ratchet Jack. 125 1 B. S. Drill Press. 125 1 Set Drills, y s ', Y", %", W, Ys", H", 1". 10 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 15 Extra 10" x 5%" x 12" Mogul Pump Parts It is desirable to order the extra parts listed herewith when drilling is contemplated in isolated localities. If not, the same can be secured from nearest agency. We recommend the following quantities on initial export orders: Quantity Part No. Description Weight 200 Pounds y/ Square, Special Hydraulic Pump Piston Packing. 200 25 Pounds %" Square Flax Packing. 25 25 Pounds Loose Hemp Packing. 25 2^ H 107 Pounds Assorted Cut to Size Gaskets, Steam End. 2% 12 Assorted Stud Bolts. 6 2 H 119 Steam Chest Glands. 12 2 H 138 Piston Rod Stuffing Boxes. 8 4 H 147 Cross Heads. 40 4 H 148 Jam Nuts for Piston Rod Crossheads. 3 2 H 150 Steam Inlet Flange. 12 2 H 159 Steam Exhaust Flange. 8 2 H 171 Steam Valve Stem Forks. 2 2 H 172 Steam Valve Stem Bolts. 1 2 H 174 Steam Valve Stem Links. 6 4 H 191 Upper Rocker Shafts. 32 4 H 192 Long Rocker Arms. 48 4 H 193 Rocker Shaft Keys. 2 4 H 194 Lower Rocker Shafts. 32 4 H 195 Short Rocker Arms. 36 6 H2205 5%" Removable Water Cylinder Liners. 300 5 H2210 Pounds Assorted Cut to Size Gaskets, Water End. 5 6 H2219 5%" Water Piston Heads. 60 6 H2220 5%" Water Piston Supporting Packing Rings. 12 6 H2221 Half Type Steel Piston Rods. 90 12 H2222 Brass Nuts for Piston Rod. 6 6 H2224 5%" Water Piston Followers. 33 4 H2231 Piston Rod Glands. 20 2 H2250 Side Pot Valve Top Covers. 16 24 H2265 Brass Valve Seats. 35 100 H2266 Rubber Valves. 100 16 H2267 Valve Plate. 3 24 H2268 Brass Valve Springs. 2 24 H2271 Ductile Steel Valve Stems. 24 4 H2277 Crowfeet. 48 2 H2278 Water Cylinder Heads. 60 2 H2280 Suction Flange. 24 2 H2281 Discharge Flange. 28 16 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Extra 20" Parker Mogul Rotary Parts Quantity Part No. Description Weight o A 437 Rotary Screws. ( With Center Nuts welded on. ) 85 2 A 438 Adjusting Screw Nut ( right-hand. ) 80 2 A 439 Adjusting Screw Nut ( left-hand. ) 80 1 A 443 Set of (4) Tool Steel Grip Rings. 400 1 A 465 Rotary Pinion. 115 1 A 479 Rotary Clutch. 65 1 A 493 Rotary Clutch Sprocket. 125 Extra 3 18-" Parker Mogul Line Shaft Parts Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 C 305 Thirty-Tooth 103 Sprocket. 330 6 C 306 Extra Keys. 6 1 C 308 Twenty-four-Tooth 1030 Sprocket. 225 1 C 314 Eleven-Tooth 1240 Sprocket. 110 1 C 327 Twelve-Tooth 103 Mud Mixer Drive Sprocket. 69 1 G1271 Fifteen-Tooth Sprocket for Engine. 102 Extra Chain and Chain Tong Parts Quantity Description Weight 40 Ft. No. 525 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain, Rotary Drive. 400 20 Ft. No. 103 Ductile Steel Bolted Chain. 110 40 Ft. No. 2061 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain, Engine Drive. 320 20 Ft. No. 2053 Chabelco Steel Roller Chain for Drum. 440 2 No. 13 Flat Chains for Vulcan Tongs. 10 2 No. 14 Flat Chains for Vulcan Tongs. 14 2 No. 15 Flat Chains for Vulcan Tongs. 26 2 No. 16 Flat Chains for Vulcan Tongs. 78 2 Set (2) each No. 13 Vulcan Chain Tong Jaws. 5 2 Set (2) each No. 14 Vulcan Chain Tong Jaws. 6 2 Set (2) each No. 15 Vulcan Chain Tong Jaws. 8 2 Set (2) each No. 16 Vulcan Chain Tong Jaws. 10 Extra Parts for Parker Spears Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 L 107 4" Slips for Spear. 2 1 L 207 6" Slips for Spear. 3 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 17 Extra Rubber Hose Quantity Description Weight 2 Pieces 2^" x 6-Ply x 30' PARKER Wire Wrapped Hose 192 2 Pieces 2*/" Hose Clamps. 12 2 Pieces 23-i" Hose Stems. 8 1 Pieces without couplings 1^" x 25' 4-Ply Plain Der- rick Hose. 18 Extra 5" Parker Mogul Swivel Parts Quantity Part No. Description Extra Blow-Out Preventer Parts Weight 1 E 306 Set (2) Alloy Steel, Ground Swivel Cone Plates. 50 1 E 307 Set (12) Alloy Steel Ground Swivel Cones. 12 1 E 314 Bottom Hose Stem Glands (Brass). 4 1 E 319 Set Outer Ball Races for Hose Stem. 2 1 . E 321 Set of Hose Stem Balls (36 to set) 1 1 E 322S Hose Stem with Center Ball Race. 47 1 E 327 Gooseneck Complete. 32 2 Bottom Swivel Bushing for 4" Drill Stem. 40 2 Bottom Swivel Bushing for 6" Drill Stem. 60 Quantity Part No. Description Weight T Z 114 Set Rubber Packing, 4" Slips. Z 114 Set Rubber Packing, 6" Slips. 10 10 NOTE: When tool joints are used, one 5%" and one 7%" jaw for Guiberson- Mills Casing tongs should be ordered for the 4" and 6" sizes. PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 18 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 20-inch Mogul Jr. Drilling Outfit There is very little difference between the Mogul and Mogul Jr. outfits, except as listed below, the only changes being in the rotary, drum, hoisting block, "C" hook, D. S. drilling hook and engine. This outfit will drill any size hole up to 20" in diameter up to 3,500 feet. Smallest size pipe rotary will handle 2J^", largest, 18" O. D. Largest bit through rotary 20". Total shipping weight 55,000 pounds approx- imately. Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 A500 20" MOGUL JR. Type, Cone Bearing PARKER Rotary with Screw Wrench, four Extra Spacing Washers and two Quick-opening Wrenches. 6,000 1 B400 MOGUL JR. Heavy Hoisting Drum, 5" Shaft, including Clutch, Sprockets, Bearing Boxes, Set Collar, Brake Lever and Bolts, double 8" wood lagged Brake Bands and Quick-hoist Attachment. 5,500 1 C300 3 if" x 12' PARKER ROTARY LINE SHAFT, with Bear- ings, Set Collar, Sprockets, Cat Heads, Post Bolts and Keys (same as on MOGUL Outfit). 2,200 3 B407 Oak Post, framed, for setting up Drum and Line Shaft. 700 2 E300 5" PARKER MOGUL Type, Loose Bail, Long Cone Hydraulic Swivels, with Spanner Wrench. 1,450 2 Pieces 2^" x 6-Ply PARKER Rubber Rotary Drilling Hose, Wire Wrapped, length each, 30 ft. 192 2 Sets 2^" Hose Couplings and Clamps. 34 1 Pieces 1M" x 4-Ply x 25 ft. Long, Rubber Hose (not wired), for washing Derrick Floor, including Nozzle and Clamps. 22 5 J123 20" Diameter, Cast Iron Crown Block Pulleys, with Steel Shafts, tread of pulleys machined for Wire Rope. 700 1 J101 10" Structural Steel Crown Block for Derrick Top, less pulleys. 900 1 K300 36" Sheave, Extra Heavy, Bronze Brushed Self-oiling, Steel Frame Hoisting Block. 1,700 1 3y 2 " Round "C" Hook. 125 1 5" Round Iron Double Swivel Hook. 350 1 15-pound S. R. Hook for Cat Line. 15 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 19 20-inch Mogul Jr. Drilling Outfit Continued Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 G100 10 1 A" x 12" 23 Horsepower Lucas Standard Oil Country Drilling Engine (Stripped), fitted with Sprocket, instead of Belt Pulley. 3,200 1 X100 Set of Irons, including Shaft, Bearing Boxes, Driving Sprocket, Set Collar and Blades for Mud Mixer (exclusive of wood box). 607 The balance of the 20" MOGUL JR. Outfit is identi- cally the same as the MOGUL Outfit with the exception of the extra parts for the Rotary and Drum. The same quantity of extra parts for the MOGUL JR. Rotary and 5" MOGUL JR. Drum should be ordered, however, using MOGUL JR. part numbers. This Outfit is recommended especially to contractors and oil operators who have hard formation to contend with and where transportation is a problem. While this outfit is lighter in weight than our MOGUL outfit, it is considerably stronger than the largest makes of other manufacturers. The weight is where it should be. ; PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 20 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Parker Special Light Drilling Outfits We list below our lightest outfits for shallow oil territory and water wells. The 16" Parker Special Rotary will accommodate pipe from 2H" to 12^" 0. D. Largest bit 16". The 14" Parker Regular Rotary will accommodate pipe from 2J#' up to 10" 0. D. Largest bit 14". We show the various sizes of drums that can be used with either rotary. We recommend the 3, r 7 " x 11' Parker Special line shaft with either rotary. The outfit shown below is generally used in the Texas and Louisiana fields. Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 A100 14" Regular Type, Cone Bearing PARKER Rotary with Screw Wrenches, four extra Spacing Washers and two Quick-opening Wrenches. Self-Oiling. 2,500 OR 1 A200 16" PARKER SPECIAL, Cone Bearing Rotary with Screw Wrench, four extra Spacing Washers and two Quick-opening Wrenches. Self-Oiling. 3,500 NOTE: We recommend the 16" PARKER Special Rotary for all shallow drilling in oil territory up to 2,500 ft. and 14" PARKER Regular Rotary for water wells up to 1,500 ft. 1 B100 PARKER Regular Hoisting Drum, 3^" shaft including Clutch, Sprockets, Bearing Boxes, Set Collar, Brake Levers and Bolts, single 6" Steel Brake Band. 2,500 OR 1 B200 PARKER Special Hoisting Drum, 4 T y Shaft, including Clutch, Sprockets, Bearing Boxes, Set Collars, Brake Levers and Bolts, single 8" Steel Brake Band. 3,500 OR 1 B500 PARKER California Special Hoisting Drum 5" Shaft, including Clutch, Sprockets, Bearing Boxes, Set Collar, Brake Levers and Bolts with single 8" Steel Brake Band. 5,000 NOTE: For territory 1,500 ft., to 2,500 ft., we recommend either the &" or 5" Shaft Drum. For territories up to 1,500 ft., we recommend 3^" Shaft Drum. The 4 ^ and 5" Shaft Drums have No. 1240, twenty- seven-Tooth Clutch Sprocket. The 3H" Shaft Drum has No. 1030, twenty-four-Tooth Clutch Sprocket. A No. 1240 twenty-four-Tooth Clutch Sprocket will be sent in place of No. 1030 upon request for 3xi" Drum. Bear the number of Sprocket in mind when ordering Drum Chain. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 21 Parker Special Light Drilling Outfits Continued Quantity Part No. Description Weight 2 2 40 40 40 20 C200 B510 E100 J223 J201 K300 K100 G100 X100 PARKER Special Rotary Line Shaft, 3^" x 11', with Bearings, Set Collars, Sprockets, Cat Heads, Post Bolts and Keys. 1,500 Oak Posts, framed, for setting up Drum and Line Shaft. 1,000 3" PARKER Regular Loose Bail Type, Long Cone Hydraulic Swivels, with Spanner Wrench. 750 Pieces 2" x 6-Ply, PARKER Rubber Rotary Drilling Hose, Wire Wrapped, Length each, 30 ft. 140 Sets 2" Hose Couplings and Clamps. 25 Pieces 1%" x 4-Ply x 25 ft., Rubber Hose (not wired), for washing Derrick Floor including Nozzle and Clamps. 25 20" Diameter, Cast Iron Crown Block Pulleys, with Steel Shafts, tread of pulleys machined for Wire Rope. 8" Structural Steel Crown Block for Derrick Top. 700 700 36" 4-Sheave, Extra Heavy, Bronze Bushed Self-oil- ing Steel Frame Hoisting Block. 1,700 OR 36" 3-Sheave, Extra Heavy, Bronze Bushed Self- oiling, Steel Frame Hoisting Block. 1,100 NOTE: For Shallow Drilling up to 1,500 ft., we recommend the 3-Sheave Block. For territories 1500 to 2,500 ft., the 4-Sheave. 3" Round Iron "C" Hook. 4" Round Iron Double Swivel Drilling Hook. 10-pound S. R. Hook for Cat Line. 100 200 10 x 12" 23 Horsepower Lucas Standard Oil Country Drilling Engine (Stripped), fitted with Sprocket instead of Belt Pulley. 3,200 Set of Irons including Shaft, Bearing Boxes, Driving Sprockets, Set Collars and Blades for Mud Mixer (exclusive of wood box). 600 4" x 3" Lower Swivel Bushing, Forged Steel. 30 6" x 4" Lower Swivel Bushing, Forged Steel. 40 Ft., No. 103 Malleable Detachable Chain. 175 Ft., No. 103 Ductile Steel Bolted Chain. 200 No. 1030 Malleable Bolted Chain. 325 No. 1240 Malleable Bolted Chain. 500 22 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Extra 16" and 14" Parker Special and Regular Rotary Parts Quantity Part No. Description Weight 14" 16" 2 A125 A225 Rotary Screws (with Center Nut Welded on). 70 2 A126 A226 Screw Adjusting Nuts (right-hand). 35 2 A127 A227 Screw Adjusting Nuts (left-hand). 35 1 A133 A233 Set of (4) Tool Steel Grip Rings. 250 1 A143 A243 Rotary Pinion. 85 1 A156 A256 Rotary Clutch. 65 1 A175 A275 Rotary Clutch Sprocket. 80 Extra 3 T V' Line Shaft Parts Quantity Part No. Description Weight 1 C205 Thirty-Tooth No. 103 Sprocket. 240 6 C206 Extra Keys. 5 1 C211 Twenty-four-Tooth No. 1030 Sprocket. 175 1 C214 Eleven-Tooth No. 1240 Sprockets (when using No. 1240 Sprocket on Drum). 40 1 C227 Twelve-Tooth No. 1030 Sprocket (when using No. 1030 Sprocket on Drum). 40 1 G1271 Fifteen-Tooth Sprocket for Engine. 100 The balance of material necessary for rig, is practi- cally the same as listed under the MOGUL Outfit. This is left to the judgment of the operator. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 23 a tt) I 24 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 25 Description of Mogul Rotary Where the oil strata is found at a great depth or the formation hard, no machine can equal the 20 " PARKER MOGUL ROTARY, the LARGEST, STRONGEST, HEAVIEST, and SIMPLEST rotary made, which is especially designed for deep drilling and hard formations. Features GRIPPING DEVICE The grip rings are twelve inches in diameter and made of the TOUGHEST TOOL steel we can procure. SOLID MANDRELS of the full floating type, FIVE INCHES in diameter support the tool steel grip rings and are adjusted by MACHINE STEEL SCREWS THREE INCHES in diameter with right and left-hand Acme threads and center nut welded on. With our type of construction it is IMPOSSIBLE TO BEND OR BREAK THE SCREWS. TABLE AND BASE The table and base are made of TOUGH, CLOSE GRAINED SEMI- STEEL, the best material known for this class of machinery. The cone bearing raceways are ACCURATELY MACHINED TO GAUGE, as also the large cones, TO INSURE AN EQUAL DISTRIBUTION of the load. The entire table top is machined flat, insuring at all times proper bearing for the gripping device. The cone raceways are also equipped with a special oil box, PROVIDING CONTINUAL AND EVEN LUBRICATION OF CONES AT ALL TIMES. BEARING BOXES The bearing boxes are adjustable upwards, downwards and side- ways, permitting the pinion to mesh perfectly with the table at all times. This is AN EXCLUSIVE PARKER FEATURE. Further, these boxes are of the split type, permitting easy access to the rotary shaft. SPROCKET Our rotary sprocket is made with a spiral lubricating groove in the bore securing at all times perfect lubrication. A removable plug in hub permits this groove to be packed with grease without trouble and each filling will last for a long time. After considerable experimenting we have designed a new tooth which gives the maximum strength, and a comparison with other makes will show its manifest superiority. 26 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY LOCKING DEVICE A locking device, simple and strong in construction, keeps the rotary table stationary when unscrewing pipe without the use of tongs or chains. THIS is ON NO OTHER ROTARY. CHAIN GUIDE Workmen are protected from breaking chain by our improved chain guide, and furthermore it prevents "whipping" of chain when running at full speed. BOLTS AND NUTS All bolts, including the internal hold-down bolts, are equipped with double nuts and positive-acting lock washers; there is no danger of bolts becoming loose to require frequent tightening. CLUTCH Clutch is operated by a one-piece yoke lever, with removable handle. Clutch strap extends around clutch proper and has means for oiling same. No detail that would add to strength, long life, or ease of control has been overlooked. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete 7300 Ibs. Overall Length 8' 4" Overall Width 4' 9" Height above Sills 2' 4" Diameter of Grip Rings 12 %" Diameter of Mandrel 5" Diameter of Screw 3" Largest Bit 20" Largest Pipe 18" O. D. Smallest Pipe 2^" Diameter of Table 4' 10" Diameter of Pinion 12" Diameter Rotary Shaft 3" Diameter Rotary Sprocket 16" PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 27 A415 A436 A418 Sectional View 20" Parker Mogul Rotary (Patented) 28 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 400 20" PARKER MOGUL ROTARY COMPLETE. Weight 7300 Ibs. $835. 00 ABACK A 402 1 Table base 100. 00 ABAFT A 403 1 Bearing base 50. 00 ABASH A 404 4 Base connection bolt 15 ABATE A 406 1 Right-hand skid 16. 50 ABATIS A 407 1 Left-hand skid 16. 50 ABATOR A 408 8 Skid bolt 25 ABBA A 411S 1 CHAIN GUIDE COMPLETE, composed of parts A411 to A414 . 11. 00 ABBE A 411 1 Chain guide yoke 6. 00 ABBOT A 412 2 Chain guide yoke set screw 10 ABDUCE A 413 4 Chain guide roller 1. 00 ABEAM A 414 2 Chain guide roller spacer 40 ABEAR A 415 1 Oil well cover 85 ABED A 417 1 Gear table 200. 00 ABELE A 418 4 Gear table hold-down bolt 4, 00 ABET A 420 20 Rotary bearing cone 4, 00 ABHOR A 428 4 Grip head 16 50 ABIDE A 430 2 DRIVING POST COMPLETE, composed of parts A431 to A436 . 41 .50 ABLAUT A 431 1 Driving post 33 .25 ABLAZE A 432 2 Driving post cap 4 .00 ABLE A 433 2 Driving post cap bolt .25 ABLY A 436 1 Driving post cotter .20 ABOARD A 437 2 Rotary screw with nut welded on . 30 .00 ABODE A 438 2 Rotary screw right-hand nut 5 .00 ABORT A 439 2 Rotary screw left-hand nut 5 .00 ABOUND A 440 2 Mandrel 41 .65 ABOUT A 441 4 Mandrel collar 3 .35 ABOVE A 442 4 Mandrel collar set screw .10 ABRADE A 443 4 Grip ring 25 .00 ABREAST A 450 4 4" spacing collar 3 .35 ABRIDGE A 451 4 Y spacing collar .25 ABROACH A 452 4 Yz spacing collar .25 ABROAD A 456 4 6" spacing collar 3 .35 ABRUPT A 464 1 Rotary shaft 20 .00 ABSENT A 465 1 Rotary pinion 20 .00 ABSINTH A 466 1 Rotary pinion key .... .85 ABSORB A 467 1 Locking collar 8 .50 ABSTAIN A 468 1 Locking collar key .75 ABSURD A 469 2 Locking dog 5 .00 ABUSE A 470 2 Locking dog fulcrum bolt .25 ABUT A 471 2 Locking doe snacine collar . . .10 ABY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 29 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 472 2 Locking dog bolt nut $ .25 ABYSS A 473 2 Locking collar set screw .10 ACCEDE A 474 1 Rotary sprocket plug .10 ACCENT A 479 1 Rotary clutch 10.00 ACCESS A 482 1 CLUTCH STRAP COMPLETE, composed of parts A483 and A492 16.00 ACCORD A 483 2 Clutch strap 8.00 ACCOST A 487 2 Clutch key 1.65 ACCOUNT A 488 1 Clutch lever 16.50 ACCRUE A 489 2 Clutch lever bearing cap .85 ACHIEVE A 490 4 Clutch lever bearing bolt .15 ACID A 492 2 Clutch strap bolt .10 ACIDITY A 493 1 Rotary sprocket 13.00 ACME A 496 1 Clutch lever handle 1.65 ACNODE A 498 1 PINION BEARING BOX COM- PLETE 25.00 ACOLYTE A 499 1 Pinion bearing box 20.00 ACORN A4502 1 Pinion bearing box cap 10.00 ACQUIRE A4503 4 Pinion bearing box cap bolt .15 ACQUIT A4505 4 Y pinion bearing box liner .50 ACRASY A4506 4 Y%' bearing box liner ; . . .50 ACRITES A4507 8 Bearing box bolt .50 ACRE A4509 4 Bearing box adjusting screw .85 ACRID A4514 1 FRONT BEARING BOX COM- PLETE 25.00 ACRITA A4515 . 1 Front bearing box 20.00 ACROBAT A4516 1 Front bearing box cap . 10.00 ACROGEN A4517 4 Front bearing box cap bolt .15 ACROSS A4522 2 Quick opening wrench 3.35 ACT A4523 1 Rotary screw wrench 5.00 ACTINIC A4524 1 Locking bar 5.00 ACTION A4525 2 Rotary screw cotter .05 ACTIVE Prices on bolts and screws include the necessary nuts and washers. NOTE : Our present pinion and locking collar have no extended hub. If the extended hub style is desired for the older machines, please so mention. ' PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 30 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY il CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 31 Description of Mogul Jr. Rotary For wells up to 3,500 feet in depth, the 20" PARKER Mogul Jr. Rotary is the machine we always recommend. In every respect IT is ESSENTIALLY A MOGUL, the only difference being that it is lighter in weight. All the features of the Mogul are incorporated into the Mogul Jr. and in addition it has CAPILLARY OILING BEARING BOXES. These boxes are ABSOLUTELY MUD-PROOF, free from projections and great SAVERS OF OIL. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete 6000 Ibs. Overall Length 7' 4" Overall Width 4' Height above Sills 2' 4" Diameter of Grip Rings 12^" Diameter of Mandrels 5" Diameter of Screws 3" Largest Bit 20" Largest Pipe 18" O. D. Smallest Pipe % 1 A" Diameter of Table 3' 11" Diameter of Pinion 12" Diameter of Rotary Shaft 3" Diameter of Rotary Sprocket 16" We especially recommend this machine to contractors and opera- tors where transportation is a problem, and who desire the STRONGEST ROTARY POSSIBLE. While this rotary is lighter in weight than our Mogul, it is considerably HEAVIER AND STRONGER THAN THE LARGEST OF OTHER MAKES. "PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 32 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 33 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 500 P A R K E R 20" M G U L JR. ROTARY COMPLETE. Weight, 6,000 Ibs $670 .00 ACTOR A 502 1 Table base 65 .00 ACUMEN A 503 1 Bearing base 41 .65 ACUTE A 504 4 Base connection bolt .25 ADAGE A 506 1 Right-hand skid 16 .00 ADAM A 507 1 Left-hand skid 16 .00 ADDAX A 508 8 Frame bolt .25 ADDER A 511 1 Chain guide 5 .00 ADDICT A 512 2 Chain guide screw .15 ADDUCE A 513 1 Oil well cover .25 ADEEM A 517 1 Gear table 165 .00 ADENOID A 518 4 Gear table hold-down bolt 4 .00 ADEPT A 521 17 Rotary bearing cone 3 .35 ADHERE A 528 4 Grip head 16 .50 ADHORT A 530 2 DRIVING POST COMPLETE, composed of parts A531 to A536 41 .50 ADIEU A 531 1 Driving post 33.25 ADIPOSE A 532 2 Driving post cap 4 .00 ADJOIN A 533 2 Driving post bolt .25 ADJUDGE A 536 1 Driving post cotter .05 ADJUNCT A 537 2 Rotary screw 28 .00 ADJURE A 538 2 Rotary screw right-hand nut 5 .00 ADJUST A 539 2 Rotary screw left-hand nut 5 .00 ADMIRE A 540 2 Mandrel 41 .65 ADMIT A 541 ' 4 Mandrel collar 3 .35 ADNATE A 542 4 Mandrel collar screw .10 ADOBE A 543 4 Grip ring 25 .00 ADORE A 550 4 4" spacing collar 3 .35 ADOWN A 551 4 34" spacing collar .25 ADRIFT A 552 4 W spacing collar .25 ADRIP A 556 4 6" spacing collar 3 .35 ADROIT A 564 1 Rotary shaft 16 .65 ADULT A 565 1 Rotary pinion 18 .00 ADVENT A 566 1 Rotary pinion key .85 ADVERB A 567 1 Locking collar 4 .25 ADVERSE A 568 1 Locking collar set screw .05 ADVERT A 569 2 Locking dog 3 .00 ADVICE A 570 2 Locking dog fulcrum pin .10 ADZE A 571 2 Fulcrum pin cotter .05 AERIE A 572 2 Fulcrum pin washer .05 AERO A 579 1 Clutch 8 .50 AFAR 34 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 582 A 583 A 584 A 587 A 588 A 589 A 590 A 591 A 592 A 593 A 598 A 599 A5600 A5601 A5602 A5603 A5605 A5606 A5609 A5611 A5612 A5620 A5621 A5622 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 4 4 8 4 1 2 1 1 4 CLUTCH STRAP COMPLETE, composed of parts A583 to A584 Clutch strap Clutch strap bolt $20.00 8.00 .10 1.65 16 50 1.65 .85 .15 12.00 .10 25.00 20.00 .15 .15 10.00 .15 .50 .15 .85 .15 3.35 5.00 5.00 .05 AFFECT AFFIANT AFFIRM AFFLICT AFFLUX AFFORD AFFRAY AFFRONT AFFY AFIRE AFLAME AFLOAT AFLUSH AFOOT AFORE AFOUL AFRAID AFRESH AFRONT AFTER AGAMA AGAPE AGED AGENT Clutch key Clutch lever Clutch lever handle Clutch lever bearing cap Clutch lever bearing cap bolt Rotary sprocket Rotary sprocket plug BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts A599 to A5605 and A5611 Bearing box Bearing box wicking .... Oil well plug Bearing box cap Bearing box cap bolt Bearing box liner Bearing bolt Bearing box adjusting screw Bearing box oiler Quick opening wrench Rotary screw wrench Rotary screw locking bar Rotary screw cotter pin Prices on bolts include the necessary nuts, washers and cotters. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 35 16" Parker Special Rotary (Patented) Description of Parker 16-inch Special Rotary For prospectors, where portability is a problem, for artesian well drilling and for general work in the southern United States oil fields, these machines are recommended. Though lighter in construction than the Moguls, EVERY PART is LIBERALLY PROPORTIONED, and the materials used are the same as on the larger machines. The same consistency of design is followed as on the Moguls and no feature that would lessen the efficiency has been omitted. Both machines are identical in design. SPECIFICATIONS OF PARKER 16" SPECIAL Weight Complete 3500 Ibs. Overall Length 7' Overall Width 3' 4" Height above Sills Diameter of Grip Rings 9" Diameter of Mandrels 4" Diameter of Screws -2J4" Largest Bit Largest Pipe Smallest Pipe -2K" Diameter of Table Diameter of Pinion Diameter of Rotary Shaft - 2 ^" Diameter of Rotary Sprocket For Oil and Water Wells up to 2500 feet in depth. 36 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 200 PARKER 16" SPECIAL ROTARY COMPLETE. Weight, 3,500 pounds $500 00 AGILE A 202 1 Base 58, 00 AGLEAM A 203 1 Oil well cover 25 AGLET A 204 1 Right-hand skid 6. 65 AGLOW A 205 1 Left-hand skid 6. 65 AGNAIL A 206 4 Frame bolt , .25 AGNATE A 211 1 Gear table 100 .00 AGOG A 212 4 Gear table hold-down bolt 4 .00 AGONE A 215 14 Rotary bearing cone 3 .35 AGONIZE A 217 4 Grip head 12 00 AGOR A 218 2 DRIVING POST COMPLETE, composed of parts A219 to A224 25 .00 AGORAG A 219 1 Driving post 18 .50 AGOUTY A 220 2 Driving post cap 4 .00 AGREE A 221 2 Driving post cap bolt .25 AGROUND A 224 1 Driving post cotter .05 AGUE A 225 2 Rotary screw 16 .50 AGUISH A 226 2 Rotary screw right-hand nut 5 .00 AHEAD A 227 2 Rotary screw left-hand nut 5 .00 AHEM A 230 2 Mandrel 27 .00 AHOY A 231 4 Mandrel collar 3 .35 AHULL A 232 4 Mandrel collar set screw .25 AID A 233 4 Grip ring 16 .65 AILMENT A 235 4 4" spacing collar 3 .35 AIMLESS A 236 4 6" spacing collar 3 .35 AIRBED A 242 1 Rotary shaft 13 .00 AIRBRAKE A 243 1 Rotary pinion 8 .35 AIRCELL A 244 1 Rotary pinion key .75 AlRGUN A 245 1 Locking collar 6 .65 AIRHOLE A 246 1 Locking collar set screw .15 AIRILY A 247 2 Locking dog 3 .35 AIRING A 248 2 Locking dog fulcrum pin .60 AIRLESS A 249 2 Fulcrum pin cotter .05 AIRPIPE A 250 2 Fulcrum pin washer 05 AISLE A 251 1 Locking collar key .75 AJARRY A 256 1 Clutch 7 .00 AJAR A 258 1 CLUTCH STRAP COMPLETE, composed of parts A260 to A261 . 8 .25 AKIMBO A 260 2 Clutch strap 4 .00 AKIN A 261 2 Clutch strap bolt .15 ALACK A 264 1 Clutch key .75 ALAMODE A 265 1 Clutch lever 12 .00 ALANINE A 266 1 Clutch lever handle 1 .00 ALARM CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 37 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 270 2 CLUTCH LEVER BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts A271 to A273 $ 75 ALARMED A 271 1 Clutch lever bearing box 40 ALARY A 272 1 Clutch lever bearing box cap 30 ALAS A 273 2 Clutch lever bearing box bolt 05 ALATE A 275 1 Rotary sprocket 7. 50 ALBEIT A 276 1 Rotary sprocket plug 10 ALBINO A 280 2 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts A281 to A283 10. 00 ALBITE A 281 1 Bearing box 6. 50 ALBUM A 282 1 Bearing box cap 3. 50 ALCADE A 283 4 Bearing box cap bolt 25 ALCOHOL A 285 4 Bearing liner &" thick 15 ALCOVE A 286 4 Bearing box liner }/%" thick 15 ALDER A 287 4 Bearing box liner ^/A." thick 15 ALE A 288 4 Bearing bolt .... 25 ALEMBIC A 291 4 Bearing box adjusting screw .85 ALERT A 293 1 Front bearing saddle 6 .65 ALGA A 294 4 Saddle bolt 25 ALGATE A 297 2 Quick opening wrench 3. 35 ALGEBRA A 298 1 Rotary screw wrench 5 00 ALGOUS A 299 1 Locking bar 5 00 ALIAS A2300 2 Rotary screw cotter pin 05 ALIEN Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 38 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 14" Parker Regular Rotary (Patented) Description of 14-inch Parker Regular Rotary Though this rotary is lighter in construction than the Parker 16" Special rotary, the design is the same in all respects. Generally used for artesian well drilling or in cases where porta- bility is a factor. This rotary combines the greatest strength with the least weight of any rotary manufactured at the present time, and all who are desirous of securing the best should investigate this rotary fully. SPECIFICATIONS OF PARKER 14" REGULAR ROTARY Weight Complete 2500 Ibs. Overall Length 6' 1" Overall Width 3' 2" Height above Sills 22" Diameter of Grip Rings 9" Diameter of Mandrels 4" Diameter of Screws 2 Y Largest Bit 14" Largest Pipe 10" Smallest Pipe 2Y 2 " Diameter of Table 3' 2" Diameter of Pinion 8^" Diameter of Rotary Shaft 2^" Diameter of Rotary Sprocket 13" For Water Wells up to 1500 feet in depth. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 39 4173 Al 71 AI65 A172 Sectional View 14" Parker Regular Rotary (Patented) 40 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 100 P A R K E R 14" R E G U L A R ROTARY COMPLETE, weight 2,500 pounds Base Oil well cover Right-hand skid Left-hand skid Frame bolt Gear table Gear table hold-down bolt Rotary bearing cone Grip head DRIVING POST COMPLETE, composed of parts A119 to A124 Driving post Driving post cap Driving post cap bolt Driving post cotter Rotary screw Rotary screw right-hand nut Rotary screw left-hand nut Mandrel Mandrel collar Mandrel collar set screw. Grip ring 4" spacing collar 6" spacing collar Rotary shaft Rotary pinion Rotary pinion key Locking collar Locking collar set screw Locking dog Locking dog fulcrum pin Fulcrum pin cotter Fulcrum pin washer Locking collar key Clutch A 158 1 CLUTCH STRAP COMPLETE, composed of parts A160 to A161 . A 160 2 Clutch strap A 161 2 Clutch strap bolt A 164 1 Clutch key A 165 1 Clutch lever A 166 1 Clutch lever handle . . A 102 1 A 103 1 A 104 1 A 105 1 A 106 4 A 111 1 A 112 4 A 115 14 A 117 4 A 118 2 A 119 1 A 120 2 A 121 2 A 124 1 A 125 2 A 126 2 A 127 2 A 130 2 A 131 4 A 132 4 A 133 4 A 135 4 A 136 4 A 142 1 A 143 1 A 144 1 A 145 1 A 146 1 A 147 2 A 148 2 A 149 2 A 150 2 A 151 1 A 156 1 $435.00 ALIGHT 50.00 ALINER .25 ALIETH 6.65 ALIPED 6.65 ALIQUET .25 ALIVE 80.00 ALLAH 4.00 ALLAY 3.35 ALLEGE 12.00 ALLEGRO 25.00 ALLE 18.50 ALLEY 4.00 ALLOT .25 ALLSPICE .05 ALLUDE 16.50 ALLWORK 5.00 ALMA 5.00 ALMANAC 27.00 ALMOST 3.35 ALOFT .25 ALONE 16.65 ALOUD 3.35 ALPACA 3.35 ALPHA 13.00 ALPINE 8.35 ALTAR .75 ALUDEL 6.65 ALVINE .15 AMAIN 3.35 AMASS .60 AMAZON .05 AMBER .05 AMBUSH .75 AMBUSHED 7.00 AMEN 8.25 AMICE 4.00 AMIDST .15 AMITY .75 AMMA 12.00 AMNESTY 1.00 AMNION CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 41 Price List of Complete Parts - Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code A 170 2 CLUTCH LEVER BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts A171 to A173 $ .75 AMNY A 171 1 Clutch lever bearing box 40 AMOROUS A 172 1 Clutch lever bearing box cap 30 AMPLY A 173 2 Clutch lever bearing box bolt 05 AMUSE A 175 1 Rotary sprocket 7 50 ANABAS A 176 1 Rotary sprocket plug .10 ANARCHY A 180 2 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts A181 to A183 10 .00 ANATOMY A 181 1 Bearing box 6 .50 ANBURY A 182 1 Bearing box cap 3.50 ANCESTOR A 183 4 Bearing box cap bolt .25 ANCHOR A 185 4 Bearing liner -^" thick .15 ANCIENT A 186 4 Bearing liner Y% thick 15 ANDIRON A 187 4 Bearing liner y thick .15 ANENT A 188 4 Bearing bolt .25 ANEW A 191 4 Bearing adjusting screw .85 ANGER A 193 1 Front bearing saddle 6 .65 ANGINA A 194 4 Saddle bolt .25 ANGORA A 197 2 Quick opening wrench 3 .35 ANGUISH A 198 1 Rotary screw wrench 5 .00 ANIMAL A 199 1 Locking bar 5 .00 ANNEX A1300 4 Rotary screw cotter pin .05 ANNOY Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 42 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 43 Description of Mogul Draw Works The PARKER MOGUL DRAW WORKS are the LARGEST, STRONG- EST, HEAVIEST and SIMPLEST made in the world today. They will handle with ease a string of any size pipe to a depth of 5,000 feet. Each and every part is BUILT FOR SERVICE. SHAFT Main Features The 6" Shaft of cold drawn steel is cast integral with the drum, no keys to work loose, shear off or drop out. It is the LARGEST DRUM SHAFT MADE. BRAKES Brake flanges are REMOVABLE and INTERCHANGEABLE, an EXCLUSIVE feature of the PARKER and a MONEY AND TIME-SAVER. The brake bands are 8" wide, with hardwood or asbestos blocks, and HAVE AN ACTUAL FRICTION SURFACE OF 1,272 SQUARE INCHES. Dragging of the brake bands is prevented by an automatic-acting spring suspen- sion device, and the natural wear of lagging is taken up by thread adjust- ment on the anchor bolt. The proportion of brake leverages is such that VERY LITTLE EFFORT is required to hold the drum in any position. SPROCKETS The drum shaft sprockets are bushed with the best PHOSPHOR- BRONZE we can procure, and have in addition extra large grease cups. QUICK HOIST ATTACHMENT Our MOGUL draw works in both the MOGUL and the MOGUL, JR., types are equipped with the special quick hoist attachment for rapid pulling of drill stem. SAVES 100% IN TIME over old method. CONTROL Drum and quick hoist clutches and both brakes are ALL CON- TROLLED FROM ONE POSITION, a feature of the PARKER. LINE SHAFT The line shaft is 3\i" diameter and is the proper distance from the floor to allow an easy position for using the Cat-heads, of which there are two. BOXES Both drum and line shaft are carried by three EXTRA HEAVY, BABBITT-LINED boxes. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete 820 lb , s ; Shaft Diameter & Drum Diameter JJ* Flange Diameter *' Brake Flange Diameter *[* Brake Flange Width !> Line Shaft Diameter Vo/VU Length Overall NOTE: The MOGUL JR. Draw Works are identically the same design and con- struction as the MOGUL listed above, with the exception of the Drum Shaft Diameter which is 5" instead of 6". 44 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY w ^ M Cl CO CO o i. 2 *" CO CQ CO hk evi *N CM M 25 ^ ^ ^ CO CO CO W g ffl 03 03 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 45 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 300 MOGUL HOISTING DRUM, 6" SHAFT COMPLETE, with double 8" wood lagged brake bands and quick hoist attach- ment, less oak posts, weight, 6,000 pounds B 300S MOGUL HOISTING DRUM, 6" shaft less quick hoist attach- ment B3410S B 301 1 MOGUL HOISTING DRUM COMPLETE, lessboxes, sprockets, brake rigging and quick hoist B 302S 1 Drum shaft with center cast on . . B 304 2 Drum flange B 305 24 Drum flange stud B 310 3 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts B311 to B313 B 311 1 Bearing box B 312 1 Bearing box cap B 313 4 Bearing box cap bolt B 315 18 Bearing box bolt B 320 1 DRUM DRIVE SPROCKET COMPLETE, composed of parts B321 to B323 (bronze bushed) B 321 1 Drum drive sprocket (27 teeth), 1240 chain B 322 1 Drum drive sprocket bushing (bronze) B 323 1 Drum drive sprocket grease cup . B 325 1 BAILING SPROCKET COM- PLETE, composed of parts B326 to B328 (bronze bushed) . B 326 1 Bailing sprocket (24 teeth), 103 chain B 327 1 Bailing sprocket bushing (bronze) B 328 1 Bailing sprocket grease cup B 330 1 Drum drive clutch B 331 2 Drum drive clutch key B 335 1 DRIVE CLUTCH SHIFTER COMPLETE, composed of parts B336 to B342 B 336 1 Drive clutch yoke . . . B 337 2 Drive clutch yoke dog $665 . 00 BEAT 580 . 00 BEATEN 350 . 00 210.00 70.00 .40 45.00 28.00 17.00 .30 .50 25.00 25.00 3.35 25.00 2.00 BEATIFY BEAU BEAUISH BEAUTY BECALM BECAME BECAUSE BECHANCE BECHARM 66 . 65 BECK 41 . 65 BECKET 25 . 00 BECKON 3 . 35 BECLOUD 50 . 00 BECOME BED BEDASH BEDAUB BEDBUG BEDDING 16 . 65 BEDECK 10 . 00 BEDEVIL . 85 BEDEW 46 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 338 2 Drive clutch yoke cotter $ .05 BEDIGHT B 339 1 Drive clutch fulcrum bolt .25 BEDIM B 341 1 Clutch shifter bracket 1.65 BEDIZEN B 342 1 Clutch shifter bracket bolt .25 BEDLAM B 347 1 Bailing clutch 35.00 BEDPAN B 348 2 Bailing clutch key 2.00 BEDPIECE B 350 1 DRUM SHAFT COLLAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts B351 to B352 3.35 BEDPLATE B 351 1 Drum shaft collar 3.00 BEDRENCH B 352 1 Drum shaft collar set screw .35 BEDRID B 355 1 BRAKE RIGGING COM- PLETE, composed of bands, levers, shaft and suspension . . . B 356 2 BRAKE BAND COMPLETE, (wood lagged) B 357 2 BRAKE BAND COMPLETE (asbestos lagged), EXTRA . . . B 358 2 BRAKE BAND COMPLETE (wood and asbestos lagged), EXTRA B 359 4 Brake band (bare) B 360 2 Brake band clevis B 361 16 Brake band clevis rivet (per 100) B 362 2 Brake band anchor clevis B 363 16 Brake band anchor clevis rivet (per 100) B 364 2 Brake band suspension clip B 365 4 Brake band suspension clip rivet (per 100) B 366 21 Wood brake block B 367 21 Asbestos brake block B 368 126 Brake block bolt (%" x 1M") per 100 B 370 2 BRAKE BAND SUSPENSION COMPLETE, composed of parts B371 to B375 B 371 1 Suspension right-hand hook B 372 1 Suspension left-hand hook B 373 1 Suspension turn buckle B 374 1 Suspension spring B 375 1 Suspension spring bolt B 381 2 Anchor bolt and nut . 118.95 BEDROCK 30 . 00 BEDROOM 52 . 00 BEDRUG 41.00 BEDSIDE 4 . 00 BEDSORE 2 . 75 BEDSTEAD 1 . 00 BEDSTRAW 2 . 75 BEDTICK 1 . 00 BEDTIME 1 . 00 BEDUCK 1 . 00 BEDUIN . 40 BEDUNG 1 . 65 BEDUST 1 . 00 BEDYE 5.00 1.65 1.65 1.25 1.65 .15 3.35 BEE BEECH BEECHEN BEELINE BEETLE BEFALL BEFOG CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 47 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantit y Name of Part List, Each Code B 383 2 Anchor bolt floor stand $ 2.50 BEFOOL B 384 2 Anchor bolt fulcrum bolt .15 BEG B 386 8 Anchor bolt floor stand bolt .15 BEGEM B 391 1 Brake shaft 8.35 BEGHARD B 392 2 Brake shaft pedestal 3.35 BEGILD B 393 8 Brake shaft pedestal bolt .15 BEGIN B 396 1 Brake shaft yoke 3.35 BEGIRD B 397 1 Brake shaft yoke key 1.25 BEGNAW B 398 1 Brake shaft yoke screw .10 BEGONE B 399 1 Brake shaft yoke bolt .15 BEGOT B3400 1 Brake shaft handle socket 8.35 BEGRIME B3401 1 Brake shaft handle 5.00 BEGUILE B3402 2 Brake shaft handle screw .10 BEGUM B3403 1 Brake shaft handle socket key. . . 1.25 BEHALF B3404 1 Brake shaft handle socket bolt . . . .15 BEHAVE B3410S 1 QUICK HOIST ATTACH- MENT COMPLETE, com- posed of parts B325, B347, B348, B3410 112.00 BEHEAD B3410 1 QUICK HOIST RIGGING COMPLETE, composed of parts B3411 to B3429 25.00 BEHELD B3411 1 Quick hoist handle 2.50 BEHEST B3412 1 Quick hoist handle screw .15 BEHOOF B3413 1 Quick hoist handle socket 4.00 BEHOOFED B3414 1 Quick hoist handle bracket 4.00 BEHOVE B3415 2 Quick hoist handle bracket bolt . .15 BEJEWEL B3418 1 Quick hoist handle fulcrum bolt . . .15 BELABOR B3420 1 Quick hoist connecting bar 4.00 BELATE B3421 2 Connecting bar bolt .15 BELAY B3422 1 Quick hoist yoke bracket 4.00 BELCH B3423 2 Quick hoist yoke bracket bolt .... .15 BEDLAM B3426 1 Quick hoist yoke 6.00 BELFRY B2427 1 Quick hoist yoke fulcrum bolt . . . .15 BELIE B3428 2 Quick hoist yoke dog .85 BELIKE B3429 2 Quick hoist yoke dog cotter .05 BELL B3433 1 BRAKE DRUM LAGGING, Extra 16.65 BISECT B 307 3 OAK POST, Extra 11.65 BISHOP NOTE: Asbestos lagged brake bands, B357, are only furnished when ordered, at increase in list price of complete drum of $44.00. Half asbestos and half wood lagged brake bands, B358, are only furnished when ordered, at increase in list price of complete drum of $23.30. The advantages of the asbestos blocks is apparent. 48 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 49 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B400 1 MOGUL JR. HOISTING DRUM, 5" SHAFT COM- PLETE, with double 8" wood lagged brake bands and quick hoist attachment, less oak posts, weight, 5,600 pounds B 400S 1 MOGUL JR. HOISTING DRUM, 6" shaft, less quick hoist attachment, B3410S B 401 1 MOGUL JR. HOISTING DRUM COMPLETE, less boxes, sprockets, brake rigging and quick hoist B 402S 1 Drum shaft with center cast on ... B 404 2 Drum flange B 405 24 Drum flange stud B 410 3 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts B411 to B413 B 411 1 Bearing box B 412 1 Bearing box cap B 413 4 Bearing box cap bolt B 415 18 Bearing box bolt B 420 1 DRUM DRIVE SPROCKET COMPLETE, composed of parts B421 to B423 (bronze bushed) B 421 1 Drum drive sprocket (27 teeth) 1240 chain B 422 1 Drum drive sprocket bushing (bronze) B 423 1 Drum drive sprocket grease cup B 425 1 BAILING SPROCKET COM- PLETE, composed of parts B426 to B428 (bronze bushed) . B 426 1 Bailing sprocket (24 teeth) 103 chain B 427 1 Bailing sprocket bushing (bronze) B 428 1 Bailing sprocket grease cup B 430 1 Drum drive clutch B 431 2 Drum drive clutch key B 435 1 DRIVE CLUTCH SHIFTER COMPLETE, composed of parts B436 to B442 . . B 436 1 Drive clutch yoke B 437 2 Drive clutch yoke dog $575 . 00 BELLJAR 542 . 00 BELLMAN 300.00 160.00 70.00 .40 20.00 12.50 7.50 .30 .50 22.50 20.00 3.35 20.00 2.00 BELLOW BELLY BELONG BEMAZE BEMEAN BEMIRE BEMOAN BEMOCK BEMOIL 50 . 00 BENCH 30 . 00 BENCHER 20 . 00 BEND 3 . 35 BENDER 45 . 00 BENEATH BENEDICT BENEFICE BENEFIT BENGAL BENGOLA 16 . 65 BENIGN 10 . 00 BENNET . 85 BENTHAL 50 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 438 B 439 B 441 B 442 B 447 B 448 B 450 B 451 B 452 B 455 B 456 B 457 B 458 B 459 B 460 B 461 B 462 B 463 B 464 B 465 B 466 B 467 B 468 B 470 B 471 B 472 B 473 B 474 B 475 B 481 2 Drive clutch yoke cotter 1 Drive clutch fulcrum bolt 1 Clutch shifter bracket 1 Clutch shifter bracket bolt 1 Bailing clutch 2 Bailing clutch key 1 DRUM SHAFT COLLAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts B451 to B452 1 Drum shaft collar 1 Drum shaft collar set screw 1 BRAKE RIGGING COM- PLETE, composed of bands, levers, shaft and suspension . . . 2 BRAKE BAND (wood lagged) . COMPLETE 2 BRAKE BAND COMPLETE (asbestos lagged), EXTRA 2 BRAKE BAND COMPLETE (wood and asbestos lagged), EXTRA 4 Brake band (bare) 2 Brake band clevis 16 Brake band clevis rivet (per 100) 2 Brake band anchor clevis 16 Brake band anchor clevis rivet (per 100) 2 Brake band suspension clip 4 Brake suspension clip rivet (per 100) 21 Wood brake block 21 Asbestos brake block 126 Brake block bolt ( 1 A" x W) per 100 2 BRAKE BAND SUSPENSION COMPLETE, composed of parts B471 to B475 1 Suspension right-hand hook 1 Suspension left-hand hook 1 Suspension turn buckle 1 Suspension spring 1 Suspension spring bolt. . ... .... . . . 2 Anchor bolt and nut . . 5 .05 .25 1.65 .25 25.00 2.00 5.00 1.65 1.65 1.25 1.65 .15 3.35 BENUMB BENZENE BENZOL BEPAINT BEQUEST BERATE 3 . 00 BEREAVE 2 . 75 BEREFT . 25 BERG 118.95 BERIME 30 . 00 BERLIN 52 . 00 BERRY 41.00 BERTH 4.00 BERTRAM 2.75 BESEEM 1.00 BESET 2.75 BESIDE 1.00 BESMUT 1.00 BESORT 1.00 BESPEAK .40 BEST 1.65 BESTAIN 1 . 00 BESTAR BESTIAL BESTICK BESTIR BESTOW BET BETAKE BETEL CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 51 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 483 2 Anchor bolt floor stand . . . $ 2.50 BETIDE B 484 2 Anchor bolt fulcrum bolt .15 BETOKEN B 486 8 Anchor bolt floor stand bolt .15 BETRAY B 491 1 Brake shaft 8.35 BETTER B 492 2 Brake shaft pedestal 3.35 BETWIXT B 493 8 Brake shaft pedestal bolt .15 BEWAIL B 496 1 Brake shaft yoke 3.35 BEYLIC B 497 1 Brake shaft yoke key 1.25 BEYOND B 498 1 Brake shaft yoke screw .10 BIAS B 499 1 Brake shaft yoke bolt .15 BIB B4400 1 Brake shaft handle socket 8.35 BIDE B4401 1 Brake shaft handle 5.00 BIGHORN B4402 2 Brake shaft handle screw .10 BIGOTRY B4403 1 Brake shaft handle socket key . . . 1.25 BIGWIG B4404 1 Brake shaft handle socket bolt . . .15 BIJOU B4410S 1 QUICK HOIST ATTACH- MENT COMPLETE, com- posed of parts B425, B447, B448, B4410 112.00 BIGE B4410 1 QUICK HOIST RIGGING COMPLETE, composed of parts B4411 to B4429 25.00 BILLOW B4411 1 Quick hoist handle 2.50 BINARY B4412 1 Quick hoist handle screw .15 BINDER B4413 1 Quick hoist handle socket 4.00 BINDING B4414 1 Quick hoist handle bracket 4.00 BINOCLE B4415 2 Quick hoist handle bracket bolt . .15 BIOGEN B4418 1 Quick hoist handle fulcrum bolt . .15 BlORGAN B4420 1 Quick hoist connecting bar 4.00 BlOTAXY B4421 2 Connecting bar bolt .15 BlOTIC B4422 1 Quick hoist yoke bracket 4.00 BIPED B4423 2 Quick hoist yoke bracket bolt . . . .15 BIPOLAR B4426 1 Quick hoist yoke 6.00 BIPONT B4427 1 Quick hoist yoke fulcrum bolt . . . .15 BIRCH B4428 2 Quick hoist yoke dog .85 BISCUIT B4429 2 Quick hoist yoke dog cotter .05 BISE B4433 1 BRAKE DRUM LAGGING, Extra 16.65 BISECT B 307 3 OAK POST, Extra 11.65 BISHOP NOTE: Asbestos lagged brake bands, B457, are only furnished when ordered, at increase in list price of complete drum of $44.00. Half asbestos and half wood lagged brake bands, B458, are only furnished when ordered, at increase in list price of complete drum of $23.30. The advantage of the asbestos blocks is apparent. 52 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code C 300 MOGUL LINE SHAFT COM- PLETE. Weight 2,200 Ibs .. . . $200. 00 CADGE C 301 1 Line shaft (3M" x 12' 0") 50. 00 CADDIE C 302 2 Cat head 16. 50 CADRANS C 303 o Cat head key 1. 65 CAESAR C 305 1 Rotary drive sprocket (30 teeth) 103 chain 25. 00 CAFE C 306 1 Rotary drive sprocket key 1. 65 CAIRN C 308 1 Quick hoist sprocket (24 teeth) 103 chain 20. 00 CAKE C 309 1 Quick hoist sprocket key 1 .65 CALCAR C 311 1 Engine sprocket (24 teeth ) 1030 chain 20 .00 CALCIFY C 312 1 Engine sprocket key 1 .65 CALCINE C 314 1 Drum drive sprocket ( 11 teeth ) 1240 chain 10 .00 CALCITE C 315 1 Drum drive sprocket key 1 .65 CALCIUM C 317 3 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts C318 to C320 20. 00 CALDRON C 318 1 Bearing box 12 .00 CALEFY C 319 1 Bearing box cap 8 .00 CALF C 320 4 Bearing box cap bolt .25 CALIBER C 322 12 Bearing box bolt .25 CALICO C 325 1 Line shaft collar 3 .25 CALIF C 327 1 Mud mixer sprocket ( 12 teeth ) 103 chain . 6 .65 CALK C 328 1 Mud mixer sprocket key 1 .65 CALL This shaft is used in connection with PARKER MOGUL and PARKER MOGUL JR. drums. NOTE: Parts C327 and C328 are only included with complete line shaft when Mud Mixing Machine X100, page 112, is ordered. Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. ; PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" Q 54 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY bJC C CO CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 55 Parker Single Band Draw Works THE SAME TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IS USED FOR FASTENING THE DRUM TO THE SHAFT AND THE BRAKE FLANGES TO THE DRUM AS ON THE MOGUL SERIES. (See description on page 43.) The boxes are of the split type and lined with AA1 Babbitt. The SPROCKET has the improved form of tooth and is BUSHED WITH PHOSPHOR-BRONZE, and in addition has a large grease cup for continuous lubrication. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete 3H" 4000 Ibs., 4 A" 5000 Ibs., 5" 6500 Ibs Shaft Diameter 3H" or 4^" or 5" Drum Diameter 12" Flange Diameter ' 36" Brake Flange Diameter 34" Brake Flange Width : 3H", 6", 4 A, 5", 8" Line Shaft Diameter 3^" Length Overall . 11' Our Single Band Draw Works are made in three sizes, as follows : 31 1 " shaft, Parker Regular. Weight 4,000 Ibs. for wells up to 1,500 feet in depth. 4 &" shaft, Parker Special. Weight 5,000 Ibs. 5 " shaft, Parker California Special. Weight 6,500 Ibs. The 4jV' and 5" Draw Works are especially adapted to shallow oil wells, ranging in depth from 1,500 feet to 2,500 feet. We recommend our Sy/ x ir Parker Line Shaft to be used in connection with either of the above hoisting drums. While these draw works are lighter than our Mogul series, they are CONSIDERABLY SIMPLER AND STRONGER THAN OTHER MAKES, and are the most successful draw works in use in the Texas and Louisiana fields. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 56 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 57 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 500 1 PARKER CALIFORNIA HOISTING DRUM, 5" SHAFT COMPLETE, with single 8" steel band, brake rigging and clutch shifter, weight, less oak posts, 4,000 pounds B 501 1 PARKER CALIFORNIA DRUM COMPLETE, com- posed of parts B502 to B508 . . . B 502 1 Drum shaft with center cast on . . B 504 1 Drum brake flange B 505 8 Drum brake flange stud B 507 1 Drum flange B 508 6 Drum flange stud B 515 2 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, babbitted, composed of parts B516toB518 B 516 1 Bearing box B 517 1 Bearing box cap B 518 4 Bearing box cap bolt B 520 4 Bearing box bolt B 526 1 DRUM SPROCKET COM- PLETE, No. 1240, 24 teeth, bronze bushed, composed of parts B527 to B529 B 527 1 Drum sprocket without bronze bushing B 528 1 Drum sprocket bushing (bronze) B 529 1 Grease cup B 530 1 Drum clutch B 531 2 Drum clutch key B 536 1 DRUM CLUTCH SHIFTER COMPLETE, composed of parts B537 to B543 B 537 1 Clutch shifter yoke and handle. B 538 2 Clutch shifter yoke dog. B 539 2 Clutch yoke dog cotter B 540 1 Clutch yoke fulcrum bolt .... B 542 1 Clutch yoke bracket B 543 2 Clutch yoke bracket bolt B 550 1 DRUM SHAFT COLLAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts B551 to B552 $425 . 00 BARREL 225.00 150.00 75.00 .40 33.35 .40 20.00 12.00 8.00 .30 .50 30.00 20.00 3.35 20.00 2.00 13.35 7.50 .85 .05 .35 1.65 .25 BARREN BARRIER BARROOM BARROW BARTER BARTRAM BASELY BASH BASIC BASIFY BASINED 50 . 00 BASSET BASSO BASTILE BASTION BAT BATH BATHORSE BATLET BATMAN BATON BATTLE BATTER BATULE 2 . 50 BAWCOCK 58 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 551 1 Drum shaft collar B 552 1 Drum shaft collar set screw B555 IB RAKE RIGGING COM- PLETE, with band, lever and staple, composed of parts B556toB575.. $2.25 BAWD .25 BAWDRY 22 . 50 BAWLER B 556 1 8" STEEL BRAKE BAND COMPLETE, composed of parts B559 to B563 9. 00 BAY B 559 2 4" steel brake band 2. 50 BAYOU B 560 1 Brake band clevis 1. 40 BAYRUM B 561 8 Brake band clevis rivet (per 100) 1. 00 BAYSALT B 562 1 Brake band anchor clevis 1. 40 BAYTREE B 563 8 Brake band anchor clevis rivet (per 100) 1. 00 BAZAR B 564 1 Brake lever 8. 35 BEACH B 567 2 Brake lever clip 75 BEADING B 568 4 Brake lever clip bolt 15 BEADLE B 571 1 Brake band anchor or staple .... 3. 35 BEAK B 572 2 Brake band anchor bolt 15 BEAKER B 575 1 Anchor fulcrum bolt 35 BEAR B 510 2 OAK DRUM POST, Extra .... 11. 65 BEARISH B 511 1 OAK LINE SHAFT POST, Extra 11 65 BEAST B5433 1 DRUM LAGGING COMPLETE, Extra 16 .65 BEASTLY Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. "PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 59 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 200 1 PARKER SPECIAL HOISTING DRUM, COMPLETE with 4jV' shaft, single 8" steel band, brake rigging and clutch shifter, weight, less oak posts, 3,500 pounds B 201 1 PARKER SPECIAL HOISTING DRUM, 4jV' SHAFT COM- PLETE, composed of parts B202 to B208 B 202 1 Drum shaft with center cast on . . B 204 1 Drum brake flange B 205 8 Drum brake flange stud B 207 1 Drum flange B 208 6 Drum flange stud B 215 2 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, babbitted, composed of parts B216 to B218 B 216 1 Bearing box B 217 1 Bearing box cap B 218 4 Bearing box cap bolt B 220 4 Bearing box bolt B 226 1 DRUM SPROCKET COM- PLETE, No. 1240, 27 teeth, bronze bushed, composed of parts B227 to B229 B 227 1 Drum sprocket No. 1240, 27 teeth, without bronze bushing. . B 228 1 Drum sprocket bushing (bronze) B 229 1 Grease cup B 230 1 Drum clutch B 231 2 Drum clutch key B 236 1 DRUM CLUTCH SHIFTER COMPLETE, composed of parts B237 to B243 B 237 1 Clutch shifter yoke and handle . . . B 238 2 Clutch shifter yoke dog B 239 2 Clutch shifter yoke dog cotter . B 240 1 Clutch yoke fulcrum bolt B 242 1 Clutch yoke bracket B 243 2 Clutch yoke bracket bolt B 250 1 DRUM SHAFT COLLAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts B251 to B252 . . $350 . 00 BANDAGE 200 . 00 135 . 00 75.00 .40 33.35 .40 16.65 10.00 6.65 .30 .50 25.00 20.00 3.35 16.65 1.50 13.35 7.50 .85 .05 .35 1.65 .25 BANDANA BANDIT BANDLET BANDOG BANDORE BANDY BANISH BANJO BANK BANKER BANKING 45 . 00 BANNOCK BANNS BANQUET BANTAM BANTER BANTLING BANYAN BAOBAB BAPTISM BAPTIST BAPTIZE BARB BARBATE 2 . 50 BARBED 60 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 251 1 Drum shaft collar $ 2. 25 BARBER B 252 1 Drum shaft collar set screw 25 BARBERRY B 255 1 BRAKE RIGGING COM- PLETE, with band, lever and staple, composed of parts B256 to B275 22 50 BARBET B 256 1 8" steel brake band complete, less lever and staple, composed of parts B259 to B263 9. 00 BARBULE B 259 2 4" steel brake band 2 .50 BARELY B 260 1 Brake band clevis 1 40 BARGAIN B 261 8 Brake band clevis rivet (per 100) 1 .00 BARGE B 262 1 Brake band anchor clevis 1 .40 BARIA B 263 8 Brake band anchor clevis rivet (per 100) 1 .00 BARIC B 264 1 Brake lever 8 .35 BARITE B 267 2 Brake lever clip .75 BARK B 268 4 Brake lever clip bolt .15 BARLEY B 271 1 Brake band anchor or staple .... 3 .35 BARM B 272 2 Brake band anchor bolt .15 BAROCCO B 275 1 Anchor fulcrum bolt .35 BARON B 510 2 OAK DRUM POST, Extra 11 .65 BEARISH B 511 1 OAK LINE SHAFT POST, Extra 11 .65 BEAST B5433 1 DRUM LAGGING COMPLETE, Extra 16 .65 BEASTLY Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. ' PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 61 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 100 1 PARKER REGULAR HOIST- ING DRUM, COMPLETE, with 3H" shaft, single 6" steel band and No. 1030 sprocket, weight, less oak posts, 2,470 pounds 1 PARKER REGULAR HOIST- TING DRUM, COMPLETE, with 3H" shaft, single 6" steel band and No. 1240 sprocket, weight, 2,550 pounds 1 REGULAR HOISTING DRUM, 3H* SHAFT, COMPLETE, composed of parts B102 to B109 1 Drum shaft with center cast on. . 1 Drum brake flange 8 Drum brake flange stud 1 Drum flange 6 Drum flange stud 2 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts B116 to B118 1 Bearing box 1 Bearing box cap . . 4 Bearing box cap bolt 4 Bearing box bolt B 100S B 101 B 102 B 104 B 105 B 107 B 108 B 115 B 116 B 117 B 118 B 120 B 126 1 DRUM SPROCKET COM- PLETE, No. 1030, 24 teeth, bronze bushed, composed of parts B127 to B129 B 127 1 Drum sprocket, No. 1030, 24 teeth, without bronze bushing . B 128 1 Drum sprocket bushing, No. 1030 sprocket B 129 1 Grease cup, No. 1030 sprocket . . B 126A 1 DRUM SPROCKET COM- PLETE, No. 1240, 24 teeth, bronze bushed, composed of parts B127A to B129A B 127A 1 Drum sprocket, No. 1240, 24 teeth, without bronze bushing . . B 128A 1 Drum sprocket bushing, No. 1240 sprocket $240 . 00 BABBLE 255.00 BABE 175.00 100.00 65.00 .40 33.35 .40 15.00 9.00 6.00 .30 .50 BABOON BABY BABYISH BACCATE BACHELOR BACKER BADE BADGE BADNESS BAFFLE BAG 25 . 00 B AGATE 14 . 00 BAGGING 11.00 BAGGY 3 . 35 BAGMAN 40 . 00 BAGBIO 25.00 BAGPIPE 15.00 BAGUE 62 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code B 129A 1 Grease cup, No. 1240 sprocket . . . $ 3 .35 BAILEE B 130 1 Drum clutch 14 .00 BAILIFF B 131 2 Drum clutch key 1 .50 BAILMENT B 136 1 DRUM CLUTCH SHIFTER COMPLETE, composed of parts B137 to B143 13 .35 BAIRN B 137 1 Clutch shifter yoke and handle . . 7 .50 BAIT B 138 2 Clutch shifter yoke dog .85 BAITER B 139 2 Clutch yoke dog cotter .05 BAIZE B 140 1 Clutch yoke fulcrum bolt .35 BAKE B 142 1 Clutch yoke bracket 1 .65 BAKERY B 143 2 Clutch yoke bracket bolt .25 BAKING B 150 1 DRUM SHAFT COLLAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts B151 to B152 2 .00 BALANCE B 151 1 Drum shaft collar 1 .75 BALANOID B 152 1 Drum shaft collar set screw .25 BALCONY B 155 1 BRAKE RIGGING COM- PLETE, composed of parts B156toB175 20 .00 BALD B 156 1 6" steel brake band, less lever and staple, composed of parts B159 to B163 8 .35 BALDLY B 159 1 6" steel brake band only 4 .00 BALDNESS B 160 1 Brake band clevis 1 .35 BALDPATE B 161 8 Brake band clevis rivet (per 100) 1 .00 BALDRIC B 162 1 Brake band anchor clevis 1 .35 BALEEN B 163 8 Brake band anchor clevis rivet (per 100) 1 .00 BALIZE B 164 1 Brake lever 8 .35 BALK B 167 2 Brake lever clip .65 BALLAST B 168 4 Brake lever clip bolt .15 BALLON B 171 1 Brake band anchor or staple .... 2 .50 BALM B 172 2 Brake band anchor bolt .15 BALSAM B 175 1 Anchor fulcrum bolt .35 BAMBINO B 510 2 OAK DRUM POST, Extra 11 .65 BEARISH B 511 1 OAK LINE SHAFT POST, Extra 11 .65 BEAST B5433 1 DRUM LAGGING COMPLETE, Extra 16. 65 BEASTLY Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 63 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code C200 PARKERSPECIAL LINE SHAFT COMPLETE. Weight 1,500 pounds C 201 1 Line shaft (3^" x 11' 0") C 202 2 Cat head C 203 2 Cat head key C 205 1 Rotary drive sprocket ( 30 teeth ) 103 chain C 206 1 Rotary drive sprocket key C 211 1 Engine sprocket (24 teeth) 1030 chain C 212 1 Engine sprocket key C 214 1 Drum drive sprocket ( 11 teeth ) 1030 or 1240 chain C 215 1 Drum drive sprocket key C 217 3 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts C218 to C220 C 218 1 Bearing box C 219 1 Bearing box cap C 220 4 Bearing box cap bolt C 222 12 Bearing box bolt C 225 2 Line shaft collar C 226 2 Line shaft collar screw C 227 1 Mud mixer sprocket (12 teeth) 103 chain C 228 1 Mud mixer sprocket key $135.00 CAB 40 . 00 CABAL 14 . 00 CABAS 1 . 50 CABBAGE 20.00 1.50 16.65 1.50 13.35 9.00 4.00 .15 .50 2.00 .10 6.65 1.50 CABIN CABINET CABLE CABOB 10 . 00 CABOOSE 1 . 50 CACHE CACKLE CACTUS CAD CADAVER CADDIS CADDY CADE CADENCE CADET Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. This line shaft is used in connection with PARKER REGULAR, PARKER SPECIAL and PARKER CALIFORNIA type drums. NOTE: Parts C227 and C228 are only included with complete line shaft when Mud Mixing Machine X100, page 112, is ordered. PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 64 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY o W CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 65 Description of Parker Lucas Drilling Engine This engine is designed especially for oil field service on holes up to 3,000 feet in depth. Every part is of sturdy construction and of the best materials. The flywheel is extra heavy to give as steady rotation as possible, it being easily demonstrated that a "jerky" running engine has a very detrimental effect on the chain and all parts of the rig dependent on it. Forged steel connecting rods of high tensile strength steel with brasses of the best phosphor-bronze, and extra size bearing are used throughout. The bed is of massive proportions to avoid springing and conse- quent wearing of the crosshead guides and journals, and the crankshaft is of crucible cast steel machined accurately all over. We have now in course of construction a heavier engine for the most severe service in the oil fields and to those in need of such an engine we shall be glad to send particulars. SPECIFICATIONS Horsepower 23 Diameter of Cylinder 10^" Length of Stroke 12" Weight Complete 3200 Weight Stripped 2950 Price List on Lucas Engines 23 H. P. Lucas engine complete with pump, heater and extra balance rims . . $400 . 00 23 H. P. Lucas engine stripped, equipped with engine sprocket instead of belt pulley 357.00 NOTE: Belt pulley or engine sprocket are furnished as specified. PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 66 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 67 68 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code G 100 Wy 2 " x 12" LUCAS ENGINE COMPLETE, with pump and heater. Weight, 3,400 pounds G 100S 10^" x 12" Lucas engine (stripped) 3,200 pounds G 101 1 Bed G 102S Bed (studded) G 104 1 Cylinder G 105S Cylinder (studded) G 106 1 Cylinder bed end gasket G 107 1 Cylinder head G 108 1 Cylinder head gasket G 109 6 Cylinder head stud G 111 2 Cylinder bed end long stud G 112 5 Cylinder bed end short stud G 119 1 Exhaust flange G 120 1 Exhaust flange gasket G 121 4 Exhaust flange stud G 126 1 Steam chest cover G 127 1 Steam chest cover gasket G 128 12 Steam chest cover stud G 133 3 Cylinder drain cock G 135 1 PISTON COMPLETE, composed of parts G136 to G139 G 136 1 Piston head G 137 2 Piston ring G 138 1 Piston rod G 139 1 Piston rod nut G 143 1 Piston rod stuffing box G 144 1 Stuffing box gland G 145 2 Stuffing box gland stud G 147 Piston rod packing G 148 1 Stuffing box gasket G 151 1 Crosshead G 152 2 Crosshead top guide G 153 2 Top guide spacer G 154 4 Top guide stud G159 1 CONNECTING ROD COM- PLETE, composed of parts G160 to G177 G 160 1 Connecting rod G 161 1 Connecting rod strap (crosshead end) G 162S 1 Connecting rod brass (crosshead end) per set G 164 1 Connecting rod liner . . $400.00 GAB 357.00 60.00 65.50 33.00 39.00 .25 4.50 .25 .15 .15 .15 .75 .25 .15 3.75 .25 .15 .25 16.00 7.70 2.00 3.80 .50 1.75 .75 .15 .25 .25 10.00 3.00 .25 .15 42.00 13.00 GABBLE GABBRO GABEL GABION GAD GADFLY GADOID GADWALL GAELIC GAFF GAFFER GAFFLE GAG GAGGER GAIETY GAILY GAIN GAINSAY GAIRISH GAIT GALA GALAGO GALAXY GALBAN GALE GALENA GALENIC GALILEE GALIOT GALL GALLANT GALLEON GALLEY GALLFLY 5 . 75 GALLIC 6.50 .25 GALLIOT GALLIUM CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 69 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code G 165 1 Connecting rod key (crosshead end) $ 1.00 GALLON G 166 2 Connecting lod bolt (crosshead end) 1.00 GALLOW G 168 1 Connecting rod strap (crank end) . . 6.75 GALORE G 169S 1 Connecting rod brass (crank end) per set 9.00 GAMBIT G 171 1 Connecting rod liner (crank end) . . .35 GAMBLE G 172 1 Connecting rod key (crank end) . . . 1.00 GAMBOGE G 173 2 Connecting rod bolt (crank end). . . 1.00 GAMBOL G 175 1 Connecting rod oil cup (crank end). .50 GAME G 176 2 Connecting rod set screw .10 GAMIC G 177 1 Connecting rod oil cup (crosshead end) .50 GAMMER G180 1 Crank shaft 40.00 GAMMON .LOU G 183 2 Main journal cap 2.00 GAMUT G 184 2 Main journal oil well cover .15 GANDER G 185 8 Main journal stud .15 GANG G 187 4 Quarter box 1.50 GANNET G 191 1 Slide valve 2.75 GANTLET G 192 1 Slide valve stem 2.50 GAP G1QQ 4 Slide valve stem nut . . .25 GAPER J. J/O G 194 1 Slide valve guide 3.50 GARAGE G 195 1 Slide valve guide box 3.50 GARB G 196 2 Slide valve guide box screw .10 GARBAGE G1Q7 1 Slide valve gland 1.00 GARBLE J.*7 1 G 198 2 Slide valve gland stud .15 GARBOIL G1200 Slide valve packing .25 GARDEN G1201 1 Valve stem guide lock nut .25 GARFISH G1206 ' 1 THROTTLE VALVE COM- PLETE, composed of parts G1207 to G1223 - 10.00 GARGET /~i on*? i Throttle valve body .... 5.50 GARGLE Lrl^U I G1208 G1209 j. 1 1 Throttle valve body gasket Throttle valve yoke .25 2.50 GARISH GARLAND G1210 G1211 1 Throttle valve yoke packing . . Throttle valve gland .25 1.00 GARLIC GARMENT G1212 G1214 2 1 Throttle valve gland stud Throttle valve stem .15 1.50 GARNER GARNISH G1215 G1216 1 1 Throttle valve stem nut Throttle valve handwheel .... .50 .50 GARROT GARTER G1217 G1218 G1219 1 1 1 Throttle valve stem lock nut Throttle valve Throttle valve seat .25 .75 .75 GAS GASTRIC GASTRO G1220 G1222 G1223 moos 4 1 1 i T'Virnttlp valvP stud .15 .25 .10 3.50 GATE GATHER GAUCHE GAUD Throttle yoke gasket Throttle valve body plug PO-VWSP Ipvpr 70 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code G1225A 1 Reverse lever fulcrum $q 3 .00 GAUFFER G1226 1 Reverse lever fulcrum stud .15 GAUGE G1228 1 Reverse lever stop screw .10 GAULT G1230 1 Reverse link 8 .00 GAUNT G1231 1 Reverse link jaw bolt .15 GAUZE G1232 1 Reverse link roller .75 GAVE G1233 1 Reverse link roller pin .75 GAVOT G1234 1 Reverse link roller pin nut .10 GAWK G1235 1 Reverse link hanger 2 .00 GAY G1236 1 Reverse link hanger bolt .10 GAZE G1237 1 Reverse link hanger lower bolt. . . . .10 GAZON G1238 2 Eccentric rod pin .50 GEAN G1240 2 Eccentric rod pin nut .10 GECK G1241 1 Reverse link jaw screw .10 GEE G1242 2 Reverse link hanger screw .10 GELABLE G1243 1 Reverse pull rod hook 1 .00 GELATIN G1244 1 Reverse pull rod handle 1 .00 GELD G1246 1 Eccentric forward rod 3 .00 GELDING G1247 1 Eccentric reverse rod 3 00 GEM G1248 2 Eccentric rod bushing .50 GEMEL G1249 2 Eccentric rod set screw 10 GEMINI G1251 1 Eccentric hub 5 00 GENDER G1252 1 Eccentric key .75 GENERAL G1253 2 Eccentric strap (upper half) 2. 00 GENERIC G1254 2 Eccentric strap (lower half) 2 00 GENESIS G1255 4 Eccentric strap bolt 10 GENET G1257 2 Eccentric strap set screw 10 GENEVA G1264 1 Flywheel 27. 00 GENIUS G1265 2 Flywheel bolt 50 GENRE G1267 1 Flywheel key 75 GENT G1268 Flywheel balance rim (first, second, third) 10. 00 GENTLE G1269 4 Flywheel balance rim bolt 15 GENTRY G1271 1 Engine sprocket (15 teeth) 8. 00 GEODE G1272 1 Engine sprocket key 75 GEORGE G1273 1 Engine pulley 18. 00 GERAH G1274 2 Engine pulley bolt -' 15 GERM G1276 1 Engine pulley key 75 GERMAN G1277 6 Foundation stud 30 GEST G1280 1 Double end wrench 35 GET G1281 1 Double end wrench 35 GETTER G1282 1 Wedge 25 GETUP G1283 1 Exhaust pipe 2. 50 GEYSER G1284 1 Oil country lubricator 1. 00 GHAST G1285 1 Lubricator connection 15 GIANT Prices given on studs and bolts include the necessary nuts. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 71 Oil Country Portable Boiler (Locomotive Type) This type of boiler is particularly adapted to the oil regions for drilling and pumping oil wells, etc. The plate throughout is open hearth homogeneous steel of 60,000 pounds tensile strength with a reduction area of 40 to 50 per cent., and can be turned over and bent cold without fracture. The tubes are hammered charcoal iron. The bracing and stay bolting is of the most approved method, stay bolts being 4J/" centers on flat surfaces. Openings for safety valves, blow-off valves, feed pipes and gauge cocks are double thickness, assuring good long threads. Boilers are inspected and tested at 150 pounds steam and water pressure and proved absolutely tight before leaving the factory. SPECIFICATIONS 20 H. P. 25 H. P. 30 H. P. 40 H. P. Diameter of Shell 36" 49" 36" 40" 49" 40" 40" 43" 96" 32" 34" 20" 24" 7000 40" 49" 40" 40" 43" 108" 32" 34" 24" 24" 7500 44" 54" 44" 44" 60" 114" 36" 36" 26" 24" 8700 Length of Fire Box Width of Fire Box Height of Fire Box above Grate 36" Number of Tubes 3" Diameter Length of Tubes 38" 96" Diameter of Dome 28" Height of Dome 32" Diameter of Smoke Stack 18" Length of Smoke Stack 24" Weight Complete in Pounds 6600 72 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY ex Q CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 73 Description of Parker Mogul Duplex Steam Pump Our MOGUL Pump is designed especially for oil field service, and every adverse service condition has been anticipated by an accurate knowledge of those conditions, resulting in a pump massive in propor- tion, heavy and of special materials to withstand the abrasive actions of the liquids used in the oil fields. Eight valves of medium soft rubber with special composition metal valve seats are forced in their seats under pressure, and are located in the most accessible positions. The valves are protected by flat plate washers held securely in position by conical phosphor- bronze springs. The rocker arms are of fork design, this construction giving twice the wearing surface of the single lever design, and preventing the piston rods from turning. These arms are extra long, giving a very smooth and uniform motion. Piston rods are of the split type, permitting the removal of either end without disturbing the other end. After considerable experimenting with castings of varying analysis we have adopted one for our water cylinder liners that we believe to be the best on the market today for the service intended. We wish particularly to call attention to the water or slush end on this pump. The liners are so constructed as to permit PACKING AROUND THE LINERS; YOU CANNOT CUT OUT THE WATER END BEHIND THE LINERS. The water liner packing is readily adjusted from the outside by means of large conical pointed screws, which can be locked after the desired adjustments are made. Every component part in the make-up of the PARKER MOGUL Pump is massive and all parts are designed to withstand pressures up to 250 pounds per square inch with a large factor of safety. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete - 3500 lbs ; Steam Cylinder Diameter Stroke . Diameter of Water Plunger Displacement of Water Plunger in Gallons per Stroke of One Plunger. . 1 .39 Steam Inlet Diameter oi/" Steam Exhaust Diameter. . L/ * Suction Diameter Discharge Diameter 74 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY S0 ac O O O- Ot d d d M CM M SXXXSSSX sazssscs CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 75 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H 200 PARKER MOGUL 10" x 5M" x 12" DUPLEX PUMP COM- PLETE, weight, 4,000 Ibs $475.00 HAUBERK H 102S 1 Steam cylinder (studded) 90.00 HAUGHTY H 103 1 Steam cylinder (bare) 85.00 HAUL H 104 8 Stud (cradle) .25 HAULAGE H 106 2 Steam cylinder head 5.10 HAULER H 107 2 Steam cylinder head gasket .20 HAUNCH H 108 16 Stud (steam cylinder head) .25 HAUNT H 110 1 Steam cylinder plug .15 HAUNTER H 111 4 Steam cylinder cock .35 HAVEN H 117 1 Steam chest 21.40 HAVOC H 118 1 Steam chest gasket .20 HAWK H 119 2 Steam chest gland .80 HAWKBILL H 120 4 Steam chest stuffing box stud. . . . .25 HAWKED H 122 2 Steam chest cover 4.30 HAWSE H 123 2 Steam chest cover gasket .20 HAY H 124 12 Steam chest cover stud .25 HAYCOCK H 126 2 Steam chest cover plug .10 HAYLOFT H 131 2 Steam piston complete, com- posed of parts H132 to H137 . . . 18.00 HAYMOW H 132 1 Steam piston head 10.70 HAYRICK H 134 2 Steam piston ring 3.00 HAZARD H 135 1 Steam piston rod 3.00 HAZE H 136 1 Steam piston rod nut .40 HAZLENUT H 137 1 Piston rod cotter .15 HEAD H 138 2 Stuffing box (steam end) 4.00 HEADACHE H 139 2 Stuffing box gland (steam end) . . . 1.35 HEADED H 140 . 4 Stuffing box stud .25 HEADING H 142 2 Stuffing box gasket .20 HEADLESS H 147 2 Cross head 1.90 HEADLINE H 148 4 Cross head nut .25 HEADMAN H 150 1 Steam inlet flange 1.40 HEADSHIP H 151 1 Steam inlet flange gasket .20 HEADSTAL H 152 4 Steam inlet flange stud .25 HEADWAY H 159 1 Steam exhaust flange 1.40 HEAL H 160 1 Steam exhaust flange gasket .20 HEALER H 161 2 Exhaust flange stud .25 HEALTH H 168 2 Slide valve 3.40 HEAPER H 169 2 Slide valve stem .75 HEARD H 170 2 Slide valve stem nut .25 HEARER H 171 2 Slide valve stem yoke 1.30 HEARSAY H 172 2 Slide stem link pin .60 HEARSE H 174 2 Slide valve link 1.15 HEARTH H 175 2 Slide valve link bolt . . .60 HEATER 76 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H 182 1 Steam cylinder foot $ 4 00 HEATH H 183 4 Cylinder foot screw .15 HAYSTACK H 186 2 Cradle or concave 24. 00 HEATHEN H 187 4 Cradle gasket .20 HEAVE H 188 1 Rocker stand 11 40 HEBREW H 189 2 Rocker stand stud .25 HECKLE H 191 1 Upper rocker shaft 1 .75 HECTARE H 192 1 Long rocker arm 3 50 HECTIC H 193 1 Long rocker arm key .25 HEDDLE H 194 1 Lower rocker shaft 1 .75 HEDGE H 195 1 Short rocker arm 2 .50 HEDONIC H 196 1 Short rocker arm key .25 HEEDFUL H1200B 1 MOGUL WATER CYLINDER COMPLETE, composed of parts H1201B to H2286 and H2293 H1201B 1 Water cylinder with studs and seats H1202B 1 Water cylinder (bare) H1203 8 Stud (cradle end) H2205 2 Water cylinder liner (5%*) H2206 2 Liner packing gland H2207 2 Liner adjusting cover H2209 2 Adjusting screw H2210 2 Water cylinder head gasket H2211 12 Stud (water cylinder head) H2218 2 Water piston complete, com- posed of parts H2219 to H2224 H2219 1 Water piston head (5M") H2220 1 Water piston float ring H2221 1 Water piston rod (split itype) . . . H2222 1 Piston rod nut H2223 1 Piston rod cotter H2224 1 Water piston follower ( 5%" ) .... H2230 2 Stuffing box (water cylinder) H2231 2 Stuffing box gland H2232 4 Stuffing box stud H2234 2 Stuffing box gasket H2250 4 Suction valve cover H2260 4 Discharge valve cover H2265 8 Valve seat (brass or steel) H2266 8 Rubber valve (extra grade) H2267 8 Valve plate.. 240 . 00 HEELTAP 193.45 HEGIRA 158.30 HEINOUS .25 HEIRDOM 10.00 HEIRESS 3.00 HEIRLOOM 1.65 HEIRSHIP .75 HELIAC .25 HELICAL .25 HELICOID 8.55 2.00 1.00 3.00 .40 .15 2.00 4.00 1.35 .25 .20 1.65 1.65 3.35 1.65 .15 HELIO HELLENE HELM HELMET HELOT HELPER HELPFUL HELPMATE HEMAL HEMATIN HEMATITE HEMIN HENBANE HENCE HENNA HENOTIC CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 77 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H2268 8 Valve spring $ .50 HENPECK H2270 8 Valve cover gasket .25 HENRY H2271 8 Valve stem .85 HEPAR H2275 4 Crow foot stud .75 HEPATIC H2277 4 Crow foot 2.00 HEPATIZE H2278 2 Water cylinder head 6.65 HEPTAD H2279 1 Water cylinder foot 7.00 HERALD H2280 1 Suction flange 3.35 HERB H2281 1 Discharge flange 3.35 HERBAGE H2282 1 Suction flange gasket .25 HERBAL H2283 6 Suction flange stud .25 HERDER H2285 1 Discharge flange gasket ,25 HERDMAN H2286 6 Discharge flange stud .25 HEREAT H2293 5 Water cylinder drain cock .35 HEREBY H2294 2 Water cylinder foot stud .25 HEREIN H1281 2 Water cylinder plug .05 HEREOF H1282 2 Pump skid 1.65 HERESY H1283 4 Pump skid bolt .15 HERETIC H1287 1 Piston rod socket wrench 2.35 HERETO H1288 1 Crow foot stud wrench 5.65 HERMIT H1290 1 Cross head wrench .85 HERO H1291 1 Double S wrench .40 HEROINE H1292S 1 Valve remover 3.00 HERPES Prices given on studs and bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. Extras for Bronze Fitted H2221A 1 Water piston rod H2222A 1 Water piston rod nut $6.00 .80 PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 78 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 79 Description of Parker Duplex Steam Pump In general appearance the PARKER Duplex Steam Pump is similar to the PARKER MOGUL Duplex Pump, but is of lighter construction and adapted for use in the Southern oil fields of the United States and in localities where the wells do not exceed 2,500 feet in depth. When this depth is exceeded we recommend the MOGUL Pump. The same general design is followed in the PARKER as in the MOGUL with the exception of the water end. On the PARKER we use an air chamber, which has to be removed for the inspection of the dis- charge valves. The water cylinder liners are fitted with six lugs, and the seat has been materially increased over that formerly used, preventing leaking past the liner. Materials are the same as in our larger pump, and the inspection and tests are the same. SPECIFICATIONS Weight Complete 3000 Ibs. Steam Cylinder Diameter 10" Stroke 12" Diameter of Water Plunger 6" Displacement of Water Cylinder in Gallons per Stroke of One Plunger 1.46 Steam Inlet Diameter 2" Steam Exhaust Diameter 2J/" Suction Diameter 5" Discharge Diameter 4" NOTE : The liners for these pumps were formerly manufactured with only three lugs. On all pumps sold previous to 1912, specify whether three lugs or six lugs are required when ordering extra liners. Price List on Complete Parker Pumps Size Suction Discharge Weight List 8" x 5" x 10" 4" 3" 1875 Ibs. $300.00 8" x 6" x 10" 4" 3" 1875 Ibs. 300.00 10" x 5" x 12" 5" 4" 3000 Ibs. 416.50 10" x 6" x 12" 5" 4" 3000 Ibs. 416.50 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 80 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H 100 1 PARKER 10" x 6" x 12" DU- PLEX STEAM PUMP COM- PLETE, weight, 3,200 pounds . $416 .50 HABIT H 102S 1 Steam cylinder (studded) 90 .00 HABITAT H 103 1 Steam cylinder (bare) 85 .00 HABITUDE H 104 8 Stud (cradle end) .25 HACHURE H 106 2 Steam cylinder head 5 .10 HACK H 107 2 Steam cylinder head gasket .20 HACKER H 108 16 Stud (steam cylinder head) .25 HACKLE H 110 1 Steam cylinder plug .15 HACKNEY H 111 4 Steam cylinder cock .35 HAD H 117 1 Steam chest 21 .40 HADDOCK H 118 1 Steam chest gasket .20 HADES H 119 2 Steam chest gland .80 HAFT H 120 4 Steam chest stuffing box stud .... .25 HAG H 122 2 Steam chest cover 4 .30 HAGBUT H 123 2 Steam chest cover gasket .20 HAGGARD H 124 12 Stud (steam chest cover) .25 HAGGIS H 126 2 Steam chest cover plug .10 HAGGLE H 131 2 STEAM PISTON COMPLETE, composed of parts HI 32 to H137 18 .00 HAIL H 132 1 Steam piston head 10 .70 HAIRED H 134 2 Steam piston ring 3 .00 HAIRY H 135 1 Steam piston rod 3 .00 HALBERD H 136 1 Steam piston rod nut .40 HALCYON H 137 1 Piston rod cotter .15 HALFBEAK H 138 2 Stuffing box (steam end) 4 ,00 HALFCOCK H 139 2 Stuffing box gland 1 .35 HALFWAY H 140 4 Stud (stuffing box) 25 HALIBUT H 142 2 Stuffing box gasket .20 HALLOW H 147 2 Cross head 1 90 HALLUX H 148 4 Cross head nut 25 HALOID H 150 1 Steam inlet flange 1 40 HALSER H 151 1 Steam inlet flange gasket 20 HALTER H 152 4 Stud (steam inlet flange) 25 HALYARD H 159 1 Steam exhaust flange 1. 40 HAM H 160 1 Steam exhaust flange gasket 20 HAMITE H 161 2 Stud (exhaust flange) 25 HAMLET H 168 2 Slide valve 3. 40 HAMMER H 169 2 Slide valve stem 75 HAMMOCK H 170 2 Slide valve stem nut 25 HAMOSE H 171 2 Slide valve stem yoke 1. 30 HAMPER H 172 2 Valve stem link pin 60 HAMSTER H 174 2 Slide valve link 1. 15 HAMULE CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 81 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H 175 2 Slide valve link bolt $ .60 HANAPER H 182 1 Steam cylinder foot 4.00 HANCE H 183 4 Steam cylinder foot screw .15 HAYSTACK H 186 2 Cradle or concave 24.00 HAND H 187 4 Cradle gasket .20 HANDBILL H 188 1 Rocker stand 11.40 HANDCART H 189 2 Rocker stand stud .25 HANDCUFF H 191 1 Upper rocker shaft 1.75 HANDED H 192 1 Long rocker arm 3.50 HANDFUL H 193 1 Long rocker arm key .25 HANDLE H 194 1 Lower rocker shaft 1.75 HANDSEL H 195 1 Short rocker arm 2.50 HANDY H 196 1 Short rocker arm key .25 HANGDOG H1200 1 PARKER WATER CYLINDER COMPLETE, composed of parts H1202 to H1281 200.00 HANGER H1201S 1 Water cylinder with studs and seats 125.00 HANGING H1202 1 Water cylinder (bare) 115.00 HANGMAN H1203 8 Cradle end stud .25 HANGNAIL H1205 .2 Water cylinder liner (6") 8.35 HANSE H1206 2 Liner gasket .... .20 HANSOM H1207 12 Liner stud .25 HAP H1209 1 Water cylinder head 5.00 HAPLESS H1210 2 Water cylinder head gasket .20 HAPLY H1211 12 Water cylinder head stud .25 HAPPEN H1218 2 WATER PISTON COMPLETE, composed of parts H1219 to H1224 7.70 HARASS H1219 1 Water piston head 1.65 HARBOR H1220 1 Water piston float ring .85 HARDEN H1221 1 Water piston rod (split type) .... 3.00 HARDBACK H1222 1 Water piston rod nut .40 HARDLY H1223 1 Water piston rod cotter .15 HARDMAN H1224 1 Water piston follower 1.65 HARDTACK H1230 2 Stuffing box (water end) 3.35 HARE H1231 2 Stuffing box gland 1.35 HAREBELL H1232 4 Stud (stuffing box) .25 BAREFOOT H1234 2 Stuffing box gasket .20 HARELIP H1239 1 Air dome 12.50 HAREM H1240 1 Air dome cap .50 HARICOT H1241 1 Air dome relief plug .10 HARIER H1242 1 Air dome gasket .20 HARK H1243 8 Air dome stud .25 HARKEN 82 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code H1250 1 Suction flange . . : $3.35 HARMFUL H1251 1 Suction flange gasket .20 HARMONY H1252 4 Suction flange stud .25 HARNESS H1260 1 Discharge flange 3.35 HARP H1261 1 Discharge flange gasket .20 HARPER H1262 4 Discharge flange stud .25 HARPIST H1265 8 Valve seat (brass or steel) 1 . 65 HARPOON H1266 8 Rubber valve (extra grade) WxM"x%" 1.65 HARPY H1267 8 Valve stem .50 HARRIER H1268 8 Valve spring .25 HARROW H1269 4 Pot valve cover .85 HARSH H1270 4 Pot valve cover gasket .20 HARVEST H1271 8 Rubber valve plate .15 HASLET H1275 2 Crow foot stud .25 HASSOCK H1277 2 Crow foot .65 HASTATE H1278 1 Water cylinder foot 4 . 00 HASTE H1279 2 Water cylinder foot stud .25 RATABLE H1280 5 Water cylinder drain cock .35 HATCH H1281 2 Water cylinder plug .05 HATCHEL H1282 2 Pump skid 1 . 65 HATCHING H1283 4 Pump skid bolt .15 HATCHURE H1285 1 Valve seat wrench 1 . 00 HATCHWAY H1286 1 Valve seat wrench handle .50 HATEFUL H1287 1 Piston rod wrench 2.35 HATRED H1288 1 Liner socket wrench .50 HATTER H1289 1 Open end wrench (double) .40 HATTING H1290 1 Cross head wrench .85 HATTREE Prices given on bolts and studs include the necessary nuts and washers. Extras for Bronze Fitted H1221A 1 Water piston rod H1222A 1 Water piston rod nut NOTE: All extra parts for 10" x 5" x 12" PARKER pumps take same list as above. $6.00 .80 "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' o> Q 0} I I 84 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Parker Hydraulic Swivel CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 85 Parker Cone Bearing Swivels In designing the PARKER line of Hydraulic Swivels, every phase of drilling has been considered, and the generous proportions of our swivels anticipate fully the severe service this class of tool has to render. No cast iron whatever is used. STEEL, MALLEABLE IRON and BRASS are the only materials we use in our swivels. The cross head or trunnion is of solid homogeneous steel, of extra length, preventing abnormal wear of the swivel barrel or casing. The trunnion, bore and bearing seat are all MACHINED TO GAUGE. Our regular equipment consists of cone bearings, as we believe after exhaustive tests that the advantages of this type of bearing for this particular kind of service greatly outweigh those of the ball bearing type, though we are prepared to furnish at no extra charge, the ball bearings when so desired. Carefully selected special alloy cone bearing steel only is used in our bearings. The cones and race plates after hardening and heat treating are ground to gauges, insuring at all times that each cone will receive its proper proportion of the load. All threads are cut according to hardened gauges, which have been inspected for accuracy of pitch and depth of thread before using, a guarantee that all parts of one size swivel will interchange with like parts of another swivel of the same size. All three sizes which we manufacture are identical in design. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" E 304 E312 E314 Sectional View Parker Swivel (Patented) CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 87 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code E 300 5" PARKER MOGUL SWIVEL COMPLETE, composed of parts E301toE330. Weight, 775 Ibs. $335.00 EAGER E 301 1 Crosshead or trunnion 58.00 EAGLE E 302 2 Crosshead or trunnion washer .... .50 EAR E 303 2 Crosshead or trunnion screw .15 EARDROP E 304 1 Bail 35.00 EARL E 305 1 CONE BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E306 to E307 52 . 00 EARLAP E 306 2 Cone bearing raceplate 20 . 00 EARLDOM E 307 12 Cone 2 . 00 EARLESS E 308 1 Cone bearing seat 35 . 00 EARLOCK E 310 2 Right-hand lock collar 4.00 EARLY E 311 1 Bushing jam collar 4.00 EARMARK E 312 1 Bushing 16 . 50 EARN E 313 Bushing packing .35 EARNEST E 314 1 Lower packing gland 5 . 80 EARSHELL E 315 1 Upper packing gland 2 . 50 EARSHOT E 316 1 Stuffing box 14.00 EARTH E 317 1 Stuffing box cap 10 . 00 EARTHEN E 318 1 STAND PIPE BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E319 to E321 8.35 EARTHLY E 319 2 Outer ball race 2 . 00 EARTHNUT E 320 1 Inner ball race 3.35 EARWAX E 321 36 Bearing ball .05 EASE E 322S 1 Stand pipe with E320 12 . 50 EASTER E 323 1 Casing or barrel 40 . 00 EASY E 324 2 Left-hand lock collar 4 . 00 EAT E 325 1 Spanner wrench 1 . 65 EATER E 326 1 Stuffing box cap plug .10 EAVES E 327 1 GOOSENECK COMPLETE, composed of parts E328 to E330 25 . 00 EBB E 328 1 Gooseneck bend 12 . 00 EBON E 329 1 Gooseneck coupling 8.35 EBONITE E 330 1 Nozzle coupling 5 . 00 ECBATIC NOTE: For those desiring ball bearings where cones are now used, we will furnish the same as follows: E 300A 1 5" PARKER MOGUL BALL BEARING SWIVEL COM- PLETE, composed of parts E301AtoE330A 335.00 EXULT E 305A 1 TRUNNION BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E306A to E307A 60 . 00 EXULTED E 306A 3 Trunnion ball race 20 . 00 EXULTING E 307A 40 Trunnion bearing ball 1 . 00 EYRIE When ordering repairs for Parker ball bearing swivels affix the letter "A" to part number. NOTE: For best results we recommend swivels with cone bearings. 88 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code E 200 4" PARKER MOGUL JR. SWIVEL COMPLETE, com- posed of parts E201 to E230. Weight, 460 Ibs $225.00 EFFACE E 201 1 Crosshead or trunnion 42.00 EFFECT E 202 2 Crosshead or trunnion washer .... .50 EFFIGY E 203 2 Crosshead or trunnion screw .15 EFFLUX E 204 1 Bail 25.00 EFFORT E 205 1 CONE BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E206 to E207 46.00 EFFUSE E 206 2 Cone bearing raceplate 18.50 EGG E 207 18 Cone 2.00 EGGBIRD E 208 1 Cone bearing seat 27.50 EGGNOG E 210 2 Right-hand lock collar 4.00 EGGPLANT E 211 1 Bushing jam collar 4.00 EGO E 212 1 Swivel bushing 13.00 EGOISM E 213 Bushing packing .35 EGOIST E 214 1 Lower packing gland 5.80 EGOTISM E 215 1 Upper packing gland 2.50 EGRESS E 216 1 Stuffing box 12.00 EGRET E 217 1 Stuffing box cap 8.50 EIDER E 218 1 STAND PIPE BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E219 to E221 8.35 EITHER E 219 2 Outer ball race '. . 2.00 EJECT E 220 1 Inner ball race 3.35 EJECTOR E 221 28 Bearing ball .05 ELAPSE E 222S 1 Stand pipe with E220 11.50 ELASTIC E 223 1 Casing or barrel 32.50 ELATE E 224 2 Left-hand lock collar 4.00 ELBOW E 225 1 Swivel spanner wrench 1.65 ELECT E 226 1 Stuffing box cap plug .05 ELECTION E 227 1 GOOSENECK COMPLETE, composed of parts E228 to E230 23.50 ELECTIVE E 228 1 Gooseneck bend 11.00 ELECTOR E 229 1 Gooseneck coupling . . 7.50 ELECTRIC E 230 1 Nozzle coupling 5.00 ELECTRO NOTE: For those desiring ball bearings where cones are now used, we will furnish the same as follows: E 200A 1 4" PARKER MOGUL JR. BALL BEARING SWIVEL C O M - PLETE, composed of parts E201A to E230A 225.00 EXTEND E 205A 1 TRUNNION BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E206A to E207A.. 50.00 EXTINCT E 206A 3 Trunnion ball race . . 18.50 EXTOL E 207A 40 Trunnion bearing ball 1.00 EXTORT When ordering repairs for Parker ball bearing swivels affix the letter "A" to part number. NOTE: For best results we recommend swivels with cone bearings. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 89 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 122S 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 1 2 2 1 1 2 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 25 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3" PARKER SPECIAL SWIVEL COMPLETE, composed of parts E101 to E130. Weight, 375 Ibs. Crosshead or trunnion Crosshead or trunnion washer .... Crosshead or trunnion screw Bail CONE BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E106 to E107 Cone bearing raceplate Cone $175 35 15. 41 16 1 20 3 6 11 5 10 7 8 2 3 10 25 3 1 21 10 6 5 00 00 50 .15 00 .65 .50 .65 .00 .35 .65 65 35 .00 .00 .50 .35 .00 .35 .05 .00 .00 .35 .65 .05 .00 00 .65 .00 ECHO ECLAIR ECLAT ECLECTIC ECLIPSE ECLIPTIC ECLOGUE ECRU ECTOPY ECZEMA EDDA EDEMA EDEN EDENTAL EDGE EDIBLE EDICT EDIFICE EDIFY EDILE EDIT EDITION EDITOR EDUCATE EDUCE EDUCT EDUCTOR EEL EELGRASS Cone bearing seat Right-hand lock collar Bushing jam collar Bushing Bushing packing Lower packing gland Stuffing box Stuffing box cap STAND PIPE BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E119 to E121 Outer ball race Inner ball race Bearing ball Stand pipe with E120 Casing or barrel Left-hand lock collar Spanner wrench Stuffing box cap plug GOOSENECK COMPLETE, com- posed of parts E128 to E130 Gooseneck bend Gooseneck coupling Nozzle coupling NOTE : To those desiring Ball Bearings where cones are now used, we will furnish the same as follows: E 100A 1 3" PARKER SPECIAL BALL BEARING SWIVEL COM- PLETE, composed of parts E101A to E130A E 105A 1 TRUNNION BALL BEARING COMPLETE, composed of parts E106AtoE107A E 106A 3 Trunnion ball races E 107A 40 Trunnion bearing ball . . . 175 . 00 ELEGANT 45.00 16.50 1.00 EXPOUND EXPRESS EXTANT When ordering repairs for Parker ball bearing swivels affix the letter "A" to part number. NOTE : For best results, we recommend swivels with cone bearings. 90 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY GO CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 91 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code F 100 1 SET OF 6" SUPERIOR RIG IRONS with Sand Reel, and 2^" x 30" Walking Beam Stirrup F 101 1 6" SUPERIOR RIG IRON SHAFT COMPLETE, com- posed of parts F103 to F105 . F 102 1 6" SHAFT AND CRANK COMPLETE, composed of parts F101-F106-F107-F112. . F 103 1 Shaft F 104 1 Crank F 105 1 Crank key F 106 2 6" set collars F 107 2 Set collar set screw F 108S 1 SET 36" FLANGES, com- posed of parts F108-F108A F109-F111 F 108 1 36" flange (nut side) F 108 A 1 36" flange (bolt side) F 109 8 36" flange bolt (%" x 10") Fill 4 36" flange key F 112 2 Clutch key F 113 1 WRIST PIN COMPLETE, composed of parts F114 to F118 F 114 1 Wrist pin F 115 1 Wrist pin nut F 116 1 Wrist pin outer collar (lugs) F 117 1 Wrist pin inner collar (no lugs) . F 118 1 Wrist pin cotter F 119 1 42" clutch sprocket F 120 1 6" PLAIN CLUTCH COM- PLETE, composed of parts F121 and F122 F 121 1 6" plain clutch F 122 1 6" plain clutch strap complete, composed of parts F123 to F124 F 123 2 6" clutch strap F 124 2 Clutch strap bolt $680 . 25 FABAIN 110.00 FABLE 117.00 77.50 27.50 1.00 1.75 .25 37.00 15.70 15.70 .20 1.00 1.75 6.80 4.70 1.50 .25 .25 .10 47.50 29 . 50 21 . 00 FABRIC FACADE FACILE FACUND FAGOT FALCATE FALCON FALLIBLE FAMISH FAMOUS FANION FANTASM FARAD FARDEL FASCES FASCIAL FASHION FATAL FATHOM FAUCAL FAUCET 8 . 50 FAVEL 4.15 FEASIBLE . 10 FEBRILE 92 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Superior Rig Irons F122 F 175 F 185S F 101 F 195 & F 201 F 112 Fill F106 F113 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 93 Price List of Complete Parts - Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code F 126 1 6" CLUTCH LEVER COM- PLETE, composed of parts F127 to F129 $13.00 FEDERAL F 127 2 Clutch lever fingers 2.95 FELINE F 128 1 Clutch lever 7.00 FENCE F 129 2 Clutch lever bolt .05 FENIAN F 131 1 7 ft. SPROCKET TUG RIM . . 25.00 FERRET F 132 1 6" x 14" JACK POST BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts F133 to F136 36.50 FERRIC F 133 1 6" x 14" jack post box 15.70 FERRULE F 134 1 6" x 14" jack post box cap 20.00 FERVID F 136 4 6" x 14" jack post box bolt (lM"x 12^") .20 FESCUE F 138 1 6" x 12" CALF WHEEL BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts F139 to F142 31.50 FESTOON F1QQ . 6" x 12" calf wheel box 15.35 FESTIVE J.OC/ F 140 1 6" x 12" calf wheel box cap .... 15.35 FETAL F 142 4 Calf wheel box bolt (1 M"xll 1 A") .20 FETCH F 144 4 1M" x 8' 6" TURNBUCKLE ROD COMPLETE 3.20 FETLOCK F 148 2 \y? x 8' 4" JACK POST ROD 2.75 FIAT F 151 1 JACK POST PLATE 2"x6"x22" 4.50 FIBLUA F 152 2 Wx48" EYE BOLT COM- PLETE 1.80 FICTILE F 155 1 iy 2 " x 26" DOUBLE END BOLT COMPLETE .80 FIDDLE F 158 2 7^"xl8" EYE BOLT COM- PLETE .45 FIEND F 161 1 y 8 " x 8' DOUBLE END BOLT COMPLETE .70 FlEGMENT F 164 2 %" x 9' 6" DOUBLE END BOLT COMPLETE .90 FILAMENT F 167S 1 Set 5" CENTER IRONS COMPLETE, composed of parts F168-F172-F174 22.70 FILBERT F 168 2 5" side iron 4.60 FILEMOT F 169 2 5" side iron cap 1.50 FlLEBEG 94 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Superior Rig Irons F208 F119 F207 l F 126 F 167S CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 95 Price List of Complete Parts - Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code F 170 4 5" side iron cap bolt (%" x 4") . $ - 10 FlLICOID F 172 6 5" side iron bolt (%" x 20") .... 20 FILLIP F 174 1 5" saddle iron 8. 00 FILTRATE F 174A 4 Saddle iron bolt (K"x34") 30 FIMBLE F 175 1 SET 16" B. W. GUDGEONS B&B 13. 20 FINABLE F 175S 1 16" CALF WHEEL GUD- GEON COMPLETE, com-. posed of parts F176 to F179 . . 6 60 FINANCE F 176 1 16" bull wheel gudgeon 4 10 FINBACK F 177 4 Bull wheel gudgeon bolt (I"x20") .25 FINDRAW F 179 1 Bull wheel gudgeon band 1 50 FINESSE F 185S 1 30" CALF WHEEL GUD- GEON B & B 14 .60 FINFISH F 186 1 30" calf wheel gudgeon 12 .10 FlNIAL F 187 4 30" calf wheel gudgeon bolt (1" x 20") .25 FINIS F 189 1 30" calf wheel gudgeon band . . . 1 .80 FlNLET F 190S 1 Y" x 7" x 28' BRAKE BAND COMPLETE, lever and staple 14 .60 FIORD F 191S 1 7" Brake band less lever 10 .10 FIREARM F 195 1 7" brake band lever (!%") 4 .50 FIRKIN F 196S 1 fV'x6"x28' BRAKE BAND COMPLETE, lever and staple 8 .20 FIRMAN F 197S 1 6" brake band, less lever 4 .70 FIRESIDE F 201 1 6" brake band lever (\ 1 A"} 3 .50 FISSURE F 202 1 2^"x30" WALKING BEAM STIRRUP COMPLETE, composed of parts F203 to F204 11 .75 FISTIC F 203 1 2^" x 30" walking beam stirruo . . 11 .00 FISTULA PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 96 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Superior Rig Irons F209 F151 F131 F132 F108S CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 97 Price List of Complete Parts Continued Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code Walking beam stirrup bolt .... 36" CROWN PULLEY 24" SAND LINE SHEAVE. . . 22" CASING LINE PULLEY. > .25 FITCH 18.20 FIVEFOLD 6 . 00 FIXABLE 6 . 75 FIXATION F 204 F 206 F 207 F 208 F 209 55' SPROCKET CHAIN No. 1030 60 . 50 FIXITY F 215 1 4" x 9'-0" SAND REEL COM- PLETEWITHLEVER, composed of parts F216 to F235 . 102 . 50 FIXTURE F 216 1 Sand reel shaft 25 . 00 FIZGIG F 217 1 42" friction pulley 38.50 FLACCID F 218 1 Friction key 1.00 FLAG F 220 2 40" outside flange 10 . 00 FLAGMAN F 221 2 Outside flange hub 4.00 FLAGON F 222 4 Flange hub bolt (%" x 3^") . . . .10 FLAGRANT F 224 2 Outside flange key .75 FLAIL F 225 1 40" center flange 11 . 50 FLAKE F 226 1 Center flange key 1 . 00 FLAM F 227 2 12" x 18" drum 3.00 FLAMBEAU F 228 2 Drum center flange 1 . 50 FLAMEN F 228A 2 Drum inner flange (no keyway) . 1 . 50 FLANCH F 229 4 %"x4WD. E. BOLT COM- PLETE .50 FLANK F 232 2 Sand reel shaft collar .75 FLARE F 233 2 Sand reel shaft collar screw .15 FLASH F 234 1 W sand reel lever 3 .75 FLAT F 235 2 Flange key cotter .05 FLATTEN Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. Special F 190AS 1 V* x 10" x 28' BRAKE BAND COMPLETE, lever and staple $ 18.90 FIREBALL F 190A 1 10" brake band complete, less l ever 14 . 40 FIREBIRD F 195A 1 10" brake band lever (1 %") . . . . 4 . 50 FIRENEW We also manufacture 1 1 A" Superior Rig irons for extra deep drilling. Prices furnished on request. 98 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Superior Rig Irons F 164 F 144 F 155 F 190S F 152 F158 F202 F 149 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 99 Parker Improved Travelling Block Parker Travelling Block Made in four sizes Quality has been the first thing considered in the design of our block, as we know the uses to which blocks of this character are put, and that we believe our blocks to fulfill all conditions is shown by the fact that all our blocks embody the same principles of design. The sheaves are bronze bushed and the shaft on which they revolve has a central hole connecting with an oil cup, assuring that each sheave is lubricated properly at all times. These little details save many dollars in the end as improper attention within reason is taken care of. The plates are of tank steel tested to 60,000 pounds tensile strength and all holes for pins are drilled, not punched. Re-enforcing bars are placed on the outside to give ample bearing for the pins and shafts. All bails are hand forged from mild steel of high tensile strength to prevent crystallization in use. Sheave wheel treads are machined to fit the wire line and every detail that would improve the block has been incorporated in our design. 100 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Parker Mogul Travelling Block CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE >/t?. S, A ^ ,,, ^ JjOl, Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code K 400 1 MOGUL 4-SHEAVE TRAVEL- LING BLOCK COMPLETE, weight 2,000 pounds $260 .00 KNEAD K 401 1 Keyway side bar 16 .65 KNEADER K 402 5 Plate 8 .35 KNEE K 403 1 Plain side bar 16 .65 KNEECAP K 404 4 Sheave wheel complete, com- posed of parts K405 to K406 . . 25 .00 KNEEPAN K 405 1 Sheave wheel without bushing . . 16 .65 KNOCK K 406 1 Sheave wheel bushing 8 .35 KNOLL K 407 1 Sheave wheel shaft 25 .00 KNOTTY K 408 1 Sheave wheel shaft plug .10 KNOW K 409 1 Sheave wheel oiler .10 KNUCKLE K 410 2 Sheave wheel shaft nut 2 .50 KNUR K 411 1 Upper bail 16 .65 KNURLED K 412 1 Upper tie bolt 8 .35 KOBALT K 413 2 Upper tie bolt nut 2 .50 KOBOLD K 414 1 Lower bail 16 .65 KODAK K 415 1 Lower tie bolt 8 .35 KOHL K 416 2 Lower tie bolt nut 2 .50 KOODOO K 417 2 Upper center spacer 1 .00 KOPECK K 418 2 Upper side spacer .50 KORAN K 419 2 Lower center spacer 1 .65 KOSMOS SPECIFICATIONS MOGUL 4-SHEAVE TRAVELLING BLOCK K400 Length of plate 44" Thickness of plate A* Diameter of sheave wheel 26" Diameter of sheave wheel shaft 4" Diameter of lower pin 4' Diameter of upper pin 3" Diameter of upper bail W Diameter of lower bail W 1 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' .102. SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code K 300 PARKER 4-SHEAVE TRAVEL- LING BLOCK COMPLETE, composed of parts K301 to K321. Weight, 1,700 Ibs $175.00 KADI K 301 1 Keyway side bar 8. 35 KAISER K 302 5 Plate 6. 65 KAKA K 303 1 Plain side bar 8. 35 KALE K 304 4 SHEAVE WHEEL COMPLETE, composed of parts K305 to K306 25. 00 KALIUM K 305 1 Sheave wheel without bronze bushing 16. 50 KALMIA K 308 1 Sheave wheel bushing 6. 65 KAOLIN K 307 1 Sheave wheel shaft 25 00 KAROB K 308 1 Sheave wheel shaft plug 05 KAYAK K 309 1 Sheave wheel oiler 10 KALES K 310 2 Sheave wheel shaft nut 1 25 KEBLAH K 311 1 Upper bail 11 65 KECK K 312 1 Upper tie bolt 2 .00 KECKLE K 313 2 Upper tie bolt nut 1 .00 KECKSY K 314 1 Lower bail 11 .65 KEDGE K 315 1 Lower tie bolt . . . 2 .00 KEEL K 316 2 Lower tie bolt nut 1 .00 KEELAGE K 317 2 Upper center spacer .35 KEELER K 318 2 Upper side spacer .35 KEELFAT K 319 2 Lower center spacer .35 KEELHAUL K 320 2 Lower side spacer .35 KEELING SPECIFICATIONS PARKER 4-SHEAVE TRAVELLING BLOCK K300 Length of plate 36" Thickness of plate y" Diameter of sheave wheel 24" Diameter of sheave wheel shaft 3 ]/% Diameter of lower pin 2" Diameter of upper pin . . . .^ 2" Diameter of upper bail 2" Diameter of lower bail .. ..3" "PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 103 Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code K 100 SPECIAL 3 SHEAVE TRAVEL- LING BLOCK COMPLETE, composed of parts K101 to K121 Weight, 1,100 Ibs $145. 00 KEEN K 101 1 Keyway side bar 8. 35 KEEPER K 102 4 Plate 6. 65 KEG K 103 1 Plain side bar 8. 35 KELOID K 104 3 SHEAVE WHEEL COMPLETE, composed of parts K105 to K106 25 00 KELP K 105 1 Sheave wheel without bronze bushing 16. 50 KELPIE K 106 1 Sheave wheel bushing (bronze) . . . 8. 00 KEN K 107 1 Sheave wheel shaft 16. 50 KENNEL K 108 1 Sheave wheel shaft plug 05 KENTLE K 109 1 Sheave wheel oiler 10 KEPT K 110 2 Sheave wheel shaft nut 1 25 KERAMIC K 111 1 Bail 11 .65 KERATIN K 112 1 Upper tie bolt 2 .00 KERB K 113 2 Upper tie bolt nut 2 .00 KERITE K 114 1 Rope guide 2 .00 KERNEL K 115 1 Lower tie -bolt 1 .85 KERSEY K 116 1 Lower tie bolt nut .85 KESTREL K 117 2 Upper center spacer .35 KETCH K 118 1 Upper side spacer .35 KETONE K 119 1 Lower center spacer .35 KETTLE K 120 2 Lower side spacer .35 KEVEL SPECIFICATIONS PARKER SPECIAL 3-SHEAVE TRAVELLING BLOCK K100 Length of plate Thickness of plate Diameter of sheave wheel ...................................... Diameter of sheave wheel shaft ................................... Diameter of lower pin Diameter of upper pin ............................. Diameter of upper bail 24" % 1 A" 2" 1 1 A" PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 104 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code K 500 1 REGULAR 3-SHEAVE TRAV- ELLING BLOCK COM- PLETE, weight, 650 pounds . . $91 .35 KINGCUP K 501 1 Keyway side bar 5 .25 KINGDOM K 502 4 Plate 4 .15 KINGFISH K 503 1 Plain side bar 5 .25 KINGLET K 505 3 Sheave wheel (not bushed) 10 .35 KIOSK K 507 1 Sheave wheel shaft 10 .35 KIPSKIN K 508 1 Sheave wheel shaft plug .05 KlRMESS K 509 1 Sheave wheel oiler .10 KlRTLE K 510 2 Sheave wheel shaft nut 1 .00 KISMET K 511 1 Bail 7 .35 Kiss K 512 1 Upper tie bolt 1 .35 KISSER K 513 2 Upper tie bolt nut 1 .00 KIT K 514 1 Becket or rope guide 1 .50 KlTCAT K 515 1 Lower tie bolt 1 .65 KITCHEN K 516 2 Lower tie bolt nut 1 .00 KITTEN K 517 2 Upper center spacer .25 KLICK K 518 1 Upper side spacer .25 KNACK K 519 1 Lower center spacer .25 KNAG K 520 2 Lower side spacer .25 KNARL SPECIFICATIONS PARKER REGULAR 3-SHEAVE TRAVELLING BLOCK K500 Length of plate 28" Thickness of plate K" Diameter of sheave wheel 22" Diameter of sheave wheel shaft 2" Diameter of lower pin \" Diameter of upper pin 1 y Diameter of upper bail 1 %* PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 105 Parker Steel Crown Block Parker Improved Steel Crown Block Made in 10" and 8" sizes The PARKER Steel Crown Block is of unusual strength due to the incorporation into its design of structural steel I beams, which are held together by tie bolts with nuts on each end. The beams are held equidistant by spacers which cannot become loose from any cause. All sheaves are machined in the tread, preventing undue wear of the line which is inevitable with a cast tread. The trunnions or shafts are of cold rolled steel, forced into the sheaves by hydraulic pressure and are of ample diameter to assure easy running qualities with the minimum of wear. Bearing boxes are babbit lined and the caps are removable. We recommend this type of block for rotary drilling only. For combination work, see blocks on page 109. 1 PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 106 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code J 100 10" PARKER CROWN BLOCK COMPLETE, composed of parts J101 to J125. Weight, 1,700 Ibs. $200.00 JAW J 101 1 BASE COMPLETE, composed of parts J102 to J116 135.00 JAWED J 102 4 I beam 11.65 JEER J 103 6 I beam spacer 5.00 JELLY J 104 4 Tie bar .75 JERK J 111 10 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts J112 to J114 8.35 JEST J 112 1 Bearing box 5.00 JESTER J 113 1 Bearing box cap 3.35 JETTY J 114 2 Bearing box cap bolt .25 JETSAM J 116 2 Bearing box bolt .25 JIFFY J 123 5 SHEAVE WHEEL COMPLETE, composed of parts J124 to J125 13.00 JIGGER J 124 1 Sheave wheel 10.00 JOCKEY J 125 1 Sheave wheel shaft 3.00 JOCOSE Prices on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code J 200 8" PARKER CROWN BLOCK COMPLETE, composed of parts J201 to J225. Weight, 1,175 Ibs. $135.00 JAB J 201 1 BASE COMPLETE, composed of parts J202 to J216 85.00 JABE J 202 4 I beam 8.35 JABBER J 203 6 I beam spacer 5.00 JABIRU J 204 4 Tie bar .75 JABOT J 201 10 BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts J212 to J214 8.35 JACK J 212 1 Bearing box 5.00 JACKET J 213 1 Bearing box cap 3.35 JACOBIN J 214 2 Bearing box cap bolt .25 JADE J 216 4 Bearing box bolt .25 JAGER J 223 5 SHEAVE WHEEL COMPLETE, composed of parts J224 to J225 10.00 JAGGER J 224 1 Sheave wheel 7.00 JAILER J 225 1 Sheave wheel shaft 3.00 JARGON Prices on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 107 Parker Improved Valve Trap The above cut illustrates the PARKER improved valve trap for preventing pieces of valves and other foreign matter from getting into the drill stem and plugging the holes of the drilling bits. Well made in every part, with the necessary valves for cleaning or emptying the mud. Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code HA HA 100 101 2 PARKER VALVE TRAP COM- PLETE, weight 190 Ibs Valve trap body $40 13 .00 35 HILT HIMSELF HA 102 2 Valve trap body plug 20 HIND HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 2 2 2 2 12 1 2 8 Strainer plate Body gasket Small dome (2" opening) Large dome (2^" opening) Body bolt, % x 2 1 A" sq. hd Plug cock Plug cock gasket Flange bolt 1 4 4 8 .65 .15 .00 00 .10 35 .15 10 HINDER HINGE HIP HlPPISH HISPANIC HITCH HITHER HIVE Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. HA 105 used with 3" PARKER Swivel. HA 106 used with 4" and 5" PARKER Swivel. "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 108 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 109 Parker Adjustable Crown Block After many requests from our customers for an adjustable crown block suitable for use where the conditions are unusually severe, we take pleasure in introducing to the drilling confraternity at large the PARKER Adjustable Crown Block, on which we have applied for American and foreign patents. Original in design, massive in proportion and made of the best materials, we predict for this crown block a very large sale. The bearings are lubricated by means of a simple automatic oiler which permits just the right amount of oil to get to the shaft at each revolution. No oil whatever is used when the sheaves are standing idle. This is on no other crown block, and is one of the many PARKER progressive features. The bearings are adjustable along the structural steel I beams to suit individual requirements, no corrugations or other similar devices to give trouble; just two nuts to loosen or tighten on each bearing. This block has five 22" casing line pulleys, one 24 " sand line sheave, and one 36" crown pulley. The line cut on the preceding page gives an idea of its simple and sturdy construction. Specifications of the 12" Mogul Crown Block (Adjustable) Weight Complete - 4250 lbs ; Overall Length Overall Width Bearings, Babbitted and Self-oiling. Diameter of Crown Pulley 36 " 94." Diameter of Sand Line Sheave ** 99" Diameter of Casing Line Pulley * The 10" MOGUL Jr., Crown Block is identical in design, but of lighter construction than the 12" MOGUL Crown Block, weighing 4,000 pounds. Prices and complete information regarding these blocks will be furnished upon request. "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 110 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 1912 Parker Blowout Preventer A PARKER Blowout Preventer placed beneath the derrick floor on the first surface casing or conductor pipe, will provide protection against a blowout or loss of well from high gas or oil pressure and in addition is extremely valuable for use in passing or drilling through large bodies of heaving sand, gravel beds, crevices and any formation that tends to cave. Closing the jaws of the preventer, shutting off the overflow pipe and increasing the pressure of the column of mud by pumps, completely fills up loose sand and gravel formation with a wall of mud, preventing -caving successfully. In drilling in high gas pressures of loose oil sands which have suffi- cient pressure to blow out, the closing of the preventer enables the driller to kill the pressure until able to set casing or screen, if screen is being set, any mud forced into the oil sand is washed out, before bring- ing well in. We strongly advise the use of the blowout preventer in prospect work or in any territory containing high pressures, loose sands, gravels, etc., specially useful in saving pipe when drilling. HAS SAVED HUNDREDS OF WELLS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST WITHOUT IT. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. Ill Price List of Complete Parts Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code z 100 12" PARKER BLOW-OUT PRE- VENTER COMPLETE, in- cluding two flanges. Weight, 1,100 Ibs $250. 00 ZAFFER z 101 1 Body 50 00 ZAMBO z 102 Body packing .35 ZAX z 103 2 Slip housing 33 00 ZEA z 104 2 Right-hand gib plate 3. 50 ZEALOT z 105 2 Left-hand gib plate 3 .50 ZECHIN z 106 12 Gib plate screw .10 ZEDDARY z 110 4 4" packing block (four to set) 4 .00 ZENITH z 111 4 6" packing block (four to set) 4 .00 ZEOLITE z 112 20 Packing block retaining screw .... .25 ZEPHYR z 113 1 4" slip 65 .00 ZERO z 114 4" slip packing 25 ZEST z 115 1 6" slip 60 00 ZETA z 116 6" slip packing 25 ZIBET z 120 2 Adjusting screw 16 .50 ZIGZAG z 121 2 Adjusting screw right-hand nut . . . 3 .35 ZILLA z 122 2 Adjusting screw left-hand nut .... 3 .35 ZINC z 123 4 Nut hold-down screw .25 ZlNCKY z 124 2 Hand wheel 1 .65 ZlNGARO z 125 2 Adjusting screw connection 5 .00 ZlON z 126 4 Screw connection pin 1 .65 ZIRCON z 127 12 Flange bolt .10 ZITHER z 135 1 6" flange 11 00 ZOCLE z 136 1 8" flange 11 00 Zocco z 137 1 10" flange 11 .00 ZODIAC z 138 1 12^" flange 11 00 ZOAID z 139 4 Slip housing screw .05 Zoic Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts and washers. NOTE: The PARKER Blowout Preventer Complete is sold equipped with any two sizes of pipe flanges. Additional flanges are sold extra. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 112 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Mud Mixer Irons Used for mixing plastic mud for the rotary process. A very necessary part of the equipment, as a properly mixed mud is a neces- sity in walling up a well. Several pits of mud should be kept on hand for emergencies, and there is no better way of mixing than with our mud mixer. Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code X 100 MUD MIXER COMPLETE, weight 600 Ibs $ 85. 00 XANTHATE X 101 1 Mud mixer shaft, 2^" x 10' 25 .00 XANTHIC X 102 1 Mud mixer sprocket, 24 teeth, 103 chain 14. 50 XANTHIN X 103 1 Mud mixer sprocket key 85 XANTHO X 104 1 Mud mixer shaft collar 1. 65 XEBEC X 105 1 Mud mixer shaft collar screw 10 XERES X 106 8 Mud mixer paddle 2. 00 XERIF X 107 16 Mud mixer paddle bolt 25 XYLENE X 115 2 MUD MIXER BEARING BOX COMPLETE, composed of parts X116toX119 8. 50 XYLITE X 116 1 Mud mixer bearing box 5. 00 XYLO X 117 1 Mud mixer bearing box cap 3. 00 XYLOID X 118 2 Bearing box cap bolt 25 XYST Prices given on bolts include the necessary nuts. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 113 Parker Trip Spear Parker Trip Spears Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4" PARKER SPEAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts L101 to L110 and L115, weight 110 Ibs. Body . $ 85.00 13.35 25.00 1.65 8.30 8.30 3.35 10.00 1.65 .40 .05 5.80 .35 .35 .05 1.65 .05 3.35 LADING LADING LADLE LADRONE LADY LADYBUG LADYDAY LADYKIN LAG LAGER LAGOON LACTOSE LACUNA LAD LADDER LADDIE LADE LADEN Mandrel Mandrel key Top bushing Coupling Bit Slip Doe Dog spring Spear screw SPEAR JAR COMPLETE, com- posed of parts L116 to L121 .... Upper stem Lower stem ... Stem coupling Jar rod Jar rod nut Jar mandrel or head Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code L L L L L L L L L L L 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 6" PARKER SPEAR COM- PLETE, composed of parts L201 to L210 and L115, weight 250 Ibs. Body $100. 20 36 1 10 10 5 13 2 00 .00 .00 .65 .00 .00 .80 .35 .50 .40 .05 LABEL LABIAL LABIUM LABOR LACE LACK LACKER LACKEY LACTATE LACTIC LACTIN Mandrel Mandrel key Top bushing Coupling Bit Slip Dog ... Dog spring .... Spear screw The same spear jar used for the 4" Parker Spear is also used on the 6" Parker Spear. 114 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Drilling Bits Fish-Tail Bit Diamond Point Bit BIT, FISH-TAIL AND DIAMOND POINT In ordering bits always give size of shank and width of bit desired. Price per inch of width. Fish-tail and diamond point bits furnished with tool joint pin shank upon request. 4" Shank Bits have 3%" x 4^" x 7 thd. pin $1.70 per inch 6" Shank Bits have 5" x 6" x 7 thd. pin 2.10 per inch Standard lengths Top and Bottom Bailer Top Bailer Bottom Bailer 4 6 8 10 TOP AND BOTTOM BAILERS Top and bottom bailer $ 25 . 00 PACA Top and bottom bailer 40 . 00 PACATE Top and bottom bailer 50 . 00 PACIFIC Top and bottom bailer 60 . 00 PACK Top and bottom bailer 75.00 PACKER CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 115 Sharp-Hughes Patent Rotary Rock Drill // requires no special experience to drill with Ike Sharp-Hughes Bit, any driller can use it, Speed in Drilling Through Hard Rock Is only one of the many advantages in using the Sharp-Hughes Bit. Here are Some of the Others It makes a straight round hole. Keeps liberal clearance. Straightens bends, so the string of pipe to be set will go to the bottom of the hole. Requires fewer strings of casing, making it possible to carry large or small diameter rotary holes to a greater depth than by any other method. Reduces vibration in drill stem, thus eliminating fishing jobs and loss of holes from breaking of drill pipe. Requires little power for operation, thereby doing away with twistoffs. Will drill at least ONE FOOT PER HOUR, ANY SIZE HOLE IN THE ORDINARY HARD ROCK FORMATION found in Oil, Gas or Artesian wells. Each set of cone cutters should make from 30 to 160 feet depending on the rock before resharpening, and at least two-thirds that amount after resharpening. RENTAL OR OUTRIGHT SALE PRICES furnished on application. 116 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Double Swivel Drilling Hook Strapped "C" Hook DOUBLE SWIVEL DRILLING HOOK Size Name of Part Weight , Each List, Each Code 3" 3H" 4" 5" 6" Double Double Double Double Double Double Double swivel swivel swivel swivel swivel swivel swivel drilling drilling drilling drilling drilling drilling drilling hook hook hook 60 100 125 160 205 290 425 Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. $15. 24 35. 50 57 65 85. 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 RABBET RABBI RACA RACE RACK RAG hook hook hook hook STRAPPED "C" HOOKS Size Name of Part Weight, Each List, Each Code 2" Strapped "C" hook . 2Y 2 " Strapped "C" hook . 3" Strapped "C" hook . 3y 2 " Strapped "C" hook . 4" Strapped "C" hook . 40 Ibs. $ 10 . 00 RAID 60 Ibs. 14 . 50 RAKE 100 Ibs. 16.50 RALLY 136 Ibs. 20 . 00 RAMIFY 200 Ibs. 25 . 00 RAMPART CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 117 Elevators Fair Regular and Fair-Mannington Improved Fair Regular Pattern Size Link Weight List per Set Code 2 " iy 2 " 85 $ 24.00 SPRUE 23/2" IK" 95 25.00 SPRY 3 " IK" 100 26.00 SPUD 4 " 1M" 118 26.50 SPUME 4^2" iM" no 29.00 SPURGE 6M" W 250 49.50 SPURNER 6K" 1%" 260 52.00 SPURRY 7 5 / 8 " 1%" 300 61.00 SPURT 8K" \Y 325 72.50 SPUTTER 9%" 1%" 400 75.00 SPY 10 '" \y" 420 78.00 SQUAB UK" 2 " 460 84.00 SQUADRON 12 K" 2 " 550 84.00 SQUALID Fair-Mannington Improved Pattern Size Link Weight List per Set Code 4K" 1M" 350 91.00 SQUALL 6^" 2 " 600 146.00 SQUALLER 6K" 2 " 600 146.00 SQUAMA 6K" 2M" 640 158.00 SQUANDER 8 " 2M" 740 176.00 SQUASH 8M" 2^" 740 176.00 SQUAT 10 ' r 2M" 85 293 . 00 SQUAWK 12 K" 2M" 96 336.00 SQUEAK 118 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Parker 2-quart Oil Country Lubricator CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 119 Parker Oil Country Lubricator This lubricator is designed for drilling and pumping engines espe- cially, but can be used advantageously on any steam engine. The saving effected over the old style oil cups will soon pay the difference in price, and its use will assure copious lubrication at all times. There are less parts in a PARKER lubricator than any other on the market. Part No. Quantity Name of Part List, Each Code GA 100 PARKER 2-QUART OIL COUN- TRY LUBRICATOR COM- PLETE, weight 60 Ibs $16 65 GRAVE GA 101 1 Lubricator body 5 .00 GRAVEL GA 102 1 Lubricator sight feed 7 .50 GRAVITY GA 103 1 Angle valve 1 25 GRAZE GA 104 1 Condenser pipe 1 .00 GREASE GA 105 1 Body yoke .35 GREATLY GA 107 1 Filler plug .50 GREED GA 108 1 Close nipple .10 GREGAL GA 109 1 Steam inlet long nipple .10 GRENADE GA 110 1 Bushing .10 GRIEF GA 111 2 Pet cock .50 GRIN GA 112 1 Union . ... .10 GRINDER GA 113 1 Extension nipple .10 GRIPE Prices given on bolts and yokes include the necessary nuts and washers. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 120 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 121 Guiberson-Mills Casing Tongs We illustrate herewith the most successful pipe tong now on the market. It is IMPOSSIBLE TO CRUSH THE PIPE. These tongs grip the pipe with both a friction and die hold, insuring positive grip without slipping. One handle is used for all sizes of jaws. When ordering these tongs, order handle and jaws separately. Part and Order Size Takes Pipe Weight List, Each Handle takes all size Jaws 142 Ibs. $40.00 Jaw 18 " 18 " 180 Ibs. 65.00 Jaw 15K" 1W 150 Ibs. 53.25 Jaw 14 " 14 " O. D. 138 Ibs. 53.25 Jaw 12^" I2y 2 " 125 Ibs. 46.75 Jaw Iiy 8 " 11 5 A" 130 Ibs. 46.75 Jaw 10 " 10 " 105 Ibs. 41 .25 Jaw 9%" 9y s " H4 Ibs. 41.25 Jaw 8^" W 90 Ibs. 37.95 Jaw 7y 8 " 7 5 A" 90 Ibs. 37.95 Jaw 6^" 6^" 75 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 614" 6M" 75 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 5^g" 5y 8 " 80 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 5iV' 5 1 A" O. D. 65 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 5 " Drill 5jV' O. D. 60 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 4^" Drive 5 " O. D. 60 Ibs. 30. 80 Jaw 4M" No. 15 4%" 0. D. 60 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 4 " Drill 4^" 0. D. 60 Ibs. 30 . 80 Jaw 6 " Rotary Tool Joint 1%" 0, D. 90 Ibs. 37.95 Jaw 5 " Rotary Tool Joint 7 " O. D. 75 Ibs. 30.80 Jaw 4 " Rotary Tool Joint 5%" O. D. 60 Ibs. 30. 80 Dies .40 Hinge Pin No. 15 1-50 Latch Pin No. 10 1.50 In ordering give "Part and "Order Size" PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 122 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Chain Pipe Wrenches With Flat Link Chain Vulcan Number 10 11 12 With Flat Link Chain Vulcan 13 Length, Inches Takes Pipe, Inches Weight, Pounds . . 13% 20 y s to \y 2 4/4 27 37 16 With Flat Link Chain, each With Cable Chain, each Extra Handles, each Extra Flat Link Chains, each Extra Cable Chains, each Extra Jaws, per pair Extra Jaw Bolts, each Extra Pins, each $2.50 2.25 .75 .75 .50 1.00 .10 02 $3.50 3.25 1.00 1.00 .75 1.75 .10 02 $5.00 4.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 2.75 .10 02 $7.00 6.25 2.25 2.50 1.75 4.00 .12 03 Number . 14 Length, Inches Takes Pipe, Inches 1 to 6 50^ \y 2 to s 64 Yz 2 to 12 87 4 to 18 Weight, Pounds With Flat Link Chain, each With Cable Chain, each 21 $9.00 7.75 29 $11.00 9 50 49 $18.00 16 00 130 $40.00 40 00 Extra Handles, each Extra Flat Link Chains, each .... Extra Cable Chains, each 3.00 3.25 2 00 4.00 4.00 2 50 6.00 6.00 4 00 14.00 13.00 13 00 Extra Jaws, per pair . 4 75 5 50 7 50 16 00 Extra Jaw Bolts, each Extra Pins, each .15 .03 .15 .03 .25 .05 .50 .05 Steel Slide Tongs These slide tongs are for placing under the elevators when resting upon the rotary table. Extra heavy to withstand heavy weight. Size List, Each Code Size List, Each Code 2 " Steel Slide Tong $10 . 00 PORT 2 W Steel Slide Tong 10 . 00 PORTAGE 3 " Steel Slide Tong 12 . 00 PORTAL 4 " Steel Slide Tong 20 . 00 PORTEND 4 y 2 " Steel Slide Tong 20 . 00 PORTER 6 8 10 12 2 Steel Slide Tong $25 . 00 PORTION Steel Slide Tong 29.00 PORTLY Steel Slide Tong 33.35 PORTRAIT Steel Slide Tong 40.00 PORTRAY Steel Slide Tong 58.50 PORTER CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 123 Saw Tooth Rotary Shoe Soft Steel Tool Steel Part Name of Pai rt List, Each Code 3" 4" Rotary shoe Rotary shoe %"x 6" V% x 6" $ 10.00 16 65 PACT PAD W Rotary shoe y s " x 6" 16.65 PADDLE 6" 6 M" Rotary shoe Rotary shoe K"x 6" y 8 " x 6" 20.00 20 . 00 PADRONE PAGAN 8" 8M" 10" Rotary shoe Rotary shoe Rotary shoe K"x 6" %"x 6" 1" x 10" 25.00 25.00 41 65 PAGE PAGODA PAIN 12" 12 W Rotary shoe Rotary shoe l"x 12" I"xl2" 50.00 50.00 PALATE PALAVER Drive Shoe Part Name of Part List, Each Code 3" 4" 43/2" Drive shoe Drive shoe Drive shoe w w I/" x 6" x 6" x 6" $ 8.50 10.00 11.00 PALE PALFREY PALING 6" 8" Drive shoe Drive shoe Drive shoe w W 1/ x 6" x 6" x 8" 12.50 12.50 16.50 PADDY PADLOCK PAGANISM 8U" Drive shoe Q " 16.50 PALM 10" Drive shoe 1" x 10" 24.00 PALPUS 15" 16" Drive shoe Drive shoe Drive shoe 1" x 12" x!5" x!6". . 35.00 50.00 65.00 PAMPER PANADE PANEL 124 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Drill collars furnished with either standard pipe threads for straight shank bits or with tool joint boxes for bits with tool joint pin shanks. Same list applies to both. Drill Collars Size Pipe Bit Length List, Each 2y 2 " 2>2" 10" $10.00 23 / 2" 2/'2" 18" 15.00 4" 4" 10" 16.50 4" 4" 18" 28.50 4" 4" 24" 42.50 4" 4" 36" 50.00 6" 4" 10" 21.00 6" 4" 18" 35.70 6" 4" 36" 65.00 6" 6" 10" 21.00 6" 6" 18" 35.70 6" 6" 24" 50.00 6" 6" 36" 65.00 Water Head Bushing When drill collars are made with tool joint box the following sizes prevail: 4" bit shank 3%"x4^"x7 threads 6" bit shank 5"x6"x7 threads Steel Bushings for Setting Casing Swivel Shank Size of Pipe List, Each Cast Steel List, Each Forged 4"x 2^" 4" x y 2 " . .$ 8.50 10 00 $10.00 13 00 4" x 6" 12.00 14.00 4" x 8" 4" x 10" 4" x 12" . . . 14.00 16.00 22.00 18.00 22.00 28.00 Swivel Shank Size of Pipe List, Each Cast Steel List, Each Forged 4"xl2^".. 6" X 8" 6" x 10" 6" x 12" 6"xl2^" 6"x 15^" . .$22.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 $28.00 25.00 30.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 NOTE: Always specify thread desired. Forged Steel Bushings for Use on 3" Swivels 4" x 3" bottom bushing 4" x 4 y%" bottom bushing 4" x 6" bottom bushing Forged Steel Bushings for Use on 4" Swivels 4" x 6" bottom bushing 43^" x 6" bottom bushing Forged Steel Bushings for Use on 5" Swivels 6" x 4" for 4" drill stem . . 6" x 4^" for y 2 " drill stem 6"x5" for 6" drill stem.. List, Each ..$12.00 . . 13.00 . 14.00 14.00 14.00 Always specify thread of drill pipe used. 8 thread. 14.00 14.00 16.65 If no thread specified, we will furnish CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 125 are and pin. Tool Joint Box and Pin (Patented) We recommend that tool joints be used at all times in rotary drilling. They great savers of the drill pipe. ^ sizes made with 3^" x 4^" x 7 thread box "" x 7 thread box and pin. Prices on application. 6" sizes made with 5 Hose Coupling Hose Clamp Hose Fittings Hose Mender List, Each Iron List, Each Brass List, Each Iron List, Each Brass Hose Hose Hose coupling 2" . . . coupling 2*^" . clamp 2" . ...$2 ... 2 .... 1 .00 50 40 $3. 4, 3 50 25 25 Hose Hose Hose clamp 2y 2 " mender 2". . . . mender 2^2". . . . .$1. .... 1. .... 1. 65 00 65 $4.00 3.25 4.00 NOTE: One set hose couplings and clamps consists of 2 couplings and 2 clamps. Male and Female Nipple Back Pressure Valve Size List, Each Size List, Each 10 $12.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 33.00 38.00 42.00 60.00 .$2.00 10". . 12^' 50 00 50 16 00 00 65 / CASING TO , SURFACE / PIPE / COUPLING / / CANVAS > RETAINER CASING TO SURFACE PIPE COUPLING CANVAS RETAINER CANVAS INSIDE COLLAR KEY -TTTjJ PIPE COUPLING COLLAR INSIDE COLLAR KEY DRIVE SHOE Position of Packer Before Setting Parker Canvas Packer Position of Packer After Setting CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 127 Parker Canvas Packer The cut on opposite page illustrates the PARKER canvas packer and method of use, the cuts being self-explanatory. The importance of perfectly shutting out water in an oil well is appreciated by all producers. The PARKER Canvas Packer is the most successful device of its kind, and its use has always been attended with gratifying results. The Packer is wound right hand and after being lowered into the hole is turned to the left, which unwinds the canvas covering, at the same time forcing it against the walls. Simple in construction and efficient in use. Parker Canvas Packer Sizes List, Each 4" x 6" x 5" $ 32 50 4" x 6" x 6" 36.00 4" x 6" x 8" 42 50 4" x 6" x 10" . 53 50 6"x 8"x 5". . . 42 85 6"x 8" x 8" 6"x 8" x 10" 54.00 65.00 8" x 10" x 10" 85 00 10" x 12^"x 10" .... 100.00 PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" SETTING STEM SETTING STEM DOGS EXPANDED SPRING R. AND L. COLLAR BODY WASH PIPE SET NIPPLE EXPANDER CASING OF WELL SETTING DOGS SPRING BODY R. AND L. COLLAR EXPANDER SET NIPPLE CASING LEAD SEAL Jennings Seal Wash Blade Nipple LEAD SEAL WASH PIPE SHOE SCREEN PIPE TO SCREEN BELOW SHOE Setting Tool WASH PLUG B. P. VALVE NIPPLE BLADE CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 129 Jenning's Type Seal To secure a tight joint and at the same time prevent sand and gas from blowing into the upper portion of the casing, several types of seals have been developed, as the Beaumont and Batson types, but the results were always of a doubtful nature until the development of the Jenning's seal. In many cases where the gas pressure is very high, it is impossible to set a strainer, wash out the well, and then run back in to set the seal, due to the danger of a blowout in the meantime. All these conditions have been overcome in the Jenning's type of seal, which consists of a swedge nipple connecting the wash pipe, and also a right and left-hand threaded nipple for screwing into the collar of the KEYSTONE screen or strainer After setting the strainer and washing out the mud from the sand the pipe used for setting the strainer is rotated to the right, which unscrews the left hand thread used in setting; then by raising and lowering the pipe a few times, the lead seal is hammered into a tight joint between the casing of the well and the collar at the top of the KEYSTONE strainer with the swedging sleeve; the entire operation of setting strainer, washing out the mud, and swedging the seal being performed in one operation. The setting tools illustrated herein are a permanent equipment and can be used many times before wearing out. Of course a separate lead seal is required for each setting, as it is left in the well. See page 7. Prices of the Jenning's Seal Size Seal Only Code Setting Tool Code 3 "to 43^" $28.50 LUCK $42.85 LUMBAGO 4 "to 6 a 31.00 LUCKILY 42.85 LUMBAL 4^2" to 6 " 31.00 LUFF 42.85 LUMPISH 6 "to 8 " 31.00 LUGGER 57.00 LUNA 8 "to 10 " 35.00 LUGSAIL 64.00 LUNACY 10 " to 12 42.85 LUGWORM 85.00 LUNATE 10 " to 12 H" 42.85 LUKE 85.00 LUNATIC Wash Blade and Nipple Wash Plug Size List, Each Code Size List, Each Code 4 " $ 3. 50 LUNETTE 4 $ .85 LURID 4/^" 3. 75 LUNNY 4}/2" .85 LURKER 6 " 4. 00 LUPINE 6 " 1.10 LUSH 8 " 4. 50 LURCH 8 " 1.45 LUSTER 10 " 7. 00 LURCHER 10 " 2.15 LUTING i2y 2 " 12. 00 LURE 12 K" 4.00 LUXURY 1 PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 130 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY I CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 131 Keystone Screen To order screen, where we have not previously shipped into an oil section, it is absolutely necessary that a sample of sand be mailed us in order that we can determine the proper size openings for the first screen. The gravity of the oil should also be given. On oil where the gravity runs from 16 to 40 the opening between the wires varies from .005" to .014". The great benefit derived from the use of screens in an oil well is but little appre- ciated with exception of the Texas and Louisiana oil fields in this country, in which section all the oil obtained, with very few exceptions, is from a very loose sand, which if bailed out would eventually cause caving or settling from above and the admission of water into the casing. If the oil fields of Russia and other sections could be induced to use screen, as we do in America, the life of a well would be preserved very much longer, and instead of the wells having to be bailed on account of sand, they could be pumped at much less expense and very much less danger to the oil field. Where there is an acid in the oil, that would tend to corrode a galvanized wire, especially where the sand is very fine, it is absolutely desirable, even at the increased cost, to use brass wire; where the spaces between the wires are very small the brass screen will not corrode or close up from acid effects, nor from salt water, which is more or less prevalent in all oil sands. All screens for oil well purposes should be made as we make them; of standard weight line pipe, not only to resist any tendency to crushing from the weight of the pipe itself, but for durability. Size of Pipe Approx. Weight per Foot Price per Foot Galvanized Price per Foot Brass Code 23-2" 15 pounds $ 1.85 $ 2.50 WABBLE 3" or 3M" 18 pounds 2.00 2.75 WACKY 31^" 20 pounds 2.10 2.85 WAD 4 * 24 pounds 2.25 3.00 WAFER * 4;h>" 28 pounds 2.50 3.50 WAGER 5 " 32 pounds 2.75 3.60 WAGTAIL 6" or 6^" 35 pounds 3.00 4.40 WAILER iy%" 44 pounds 3.65 4.50 WAIST 8" or 8M" 48 pounds 3.80 5.70 WAITER 9%" 52 pounds 4.00 6.00 WALKER 10" or 10 5/6" 65 pounds 4.50 6.50 WALLET ll%* 70 pounds 5.00 7.00 WALLEYE 12 H" 90 pounds 5.50 7.50 WALLOP 14 " 110 pounds 7.00 8.50 WALLOW 15 " 140 pounds 9.00 10.00 WALNUT 16 " 160 pounds 11.00 14.00 WALTZ NOTE: Above prices are based on Standard weights of Line Pipe as listed in National Tube Co.'s 1913 book of standards. When heavier pipe is required, same will be at additional cost to cover difference in cost of pipe. When using code, specify galvanized or brass. 132 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Adamantine Core Barrel This cut illustrates an adaman- tine core barrel in use. Adaman- tine or chilled shot is dropped into the hole and the core barrel revolved, causing the adamantine or chilled shot to be carried into the grooves on the inside and out- side of the barrel, cutting any hard formation or making a core. Adamantine is a superior material to use and cuts faster than chilled shot. When having work to do that requires a core barrel please give us as full information as possible, and we will take pleasure in giving all inquirers the benefit of our knowledge in these lines. Prices on Application "PARKER ROT ARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 133 Parker Overshot Kammerer & Schneider Overshot Patented Overshots These tools are used for recovering pipe that has been dropped into well or twisted off, tools and other material which interfere with drilling. Full information furnished on request. The list on the Kammerer & Schneider overshot is net. PARKER overshots carry the same list, but are subject to discount. to run on 10 Casing to catch 6" Pipe $95 . 00 Casing to catch 6" Pipe. . 75 . 00 Casing to catch 4" Pipe 65 . 00 Casing to catch 3" Pipe 52 . 50 Tubing to catch 2" Pipe 45 . 00 Tubing to catch Sucker Rods 20 . 00 Bowls for 10" Overshot to run in 12 Y 2 " 20 00 Bowls for 10" Overshot to run in 15^" 27 . 00 Bowls for 8" Overshot to run in 10 " 17 . 50 Bowls for 8" Overshot to run in 12^" 22.50 to run on to run on to run on to run on to run on 8M" 134 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Chabelco Rotary Chain The above chain is especially made for Rotary Drilling. It is of the roller type which greatly reduces wear and thereby prolongs the life of both chain and sprockets. Description List No. 525 Chabelco Roller Chain for Rotary Drive No. 2061 Chabelco Roller Chain for Engine Drive. No. 2053 Chabelco Roller Chain for Drum Drive. . . $2 . 00 per foot . 2 . 00 per foot .4.25 per foot Description List No. 103 Malleable Detachable Chain. No. 103 Ductile Steel Bolted Chain. . . No. 1030 Malleable Bolted Chain No. 1240 Malleable Bolted Chain. . $ . 50 per foot . 80 per foot 1 . 50 per foot 3 . 50 per foot "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" - CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 135 DECKER .... DECLAIM .... DECLARE. . . DECLINE DECOCT DECOLOR. . . DECORATE. . DECOY DECREE .... DECRY DEDICATE . . . DEDUCE .... DEED DEFACE. . . . DEFAULT. . . DEFEAT. . . . DEFEND .... DEFICIT .... DEFILE DEFINER DEFLECT DEFORM .... DEFRAUD . . . DEFRAY. . . . DEFY DEGRADE . . . DEGREE DEHORN .... DEJECT DEJURE. . . . DELAPSE DELATOR.*. . DELETE. . . . DELIGHT .... DELL DELPHIC DELTA DELTOID DELUDE DELVE DEMARCH . . . DEMEAN DEMENT. . . . DEMERIT. . . DEMERSE . . . DEMIGOD. . . DEMISE DEMIT . . Telegraphic Words for General Phrases Referring to your letter of Referring to your telegram of In reply to your letter of Freight by rail, in carloads, per hundred pounds is Freight by rail, in less than carloads, per hundred pounds is ...... .We are justified in selling Cannot get through rate to We're not justified in selling ....... To hold trade Advise selling Advise not selling Ascertain and advise full particulars Might be able to reduce figures To enable you to secure order Keep us fully advised Ascertain prices talked of See our letter of See our telegram of We have telegraphed We will telegraph Letter not received in time Telegram not received in time Prices on brass goods advanced Prices on iron goods advanced Prices on cast-iron fittings advanced Prices on malleable iron fittings have advanced New prices on brass valves New prices on iron body valves New prices on cast-iron fittings New prices on malleable-iron fittings New prices on nipples Cents per foot net Cents per foot less Cents per pound net Pounds per foot Free on board at Have entered your order for We will accept order We will not accept order We will accept offer We will not accept offer We cannot accept your order We cannot duplicate order at less^than We cannot do better Use your best judgment Use your best judgment and take order The price of pipe is today advanced to . . We will hold offer open 136 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Telegraphic Words for General Phrases ( Continued ) DEMON We hereby withdraw all quotations DEMONIC We do not make DEMOTIC We cannot make DEMUR Will commence making DEMY We cannot hold offer open DEN If necessary to take order DENARY We can make length wanted by joining pieces together- DENAY In less than DENIM Not less than DENNET Specify quantity wanted DENOTE Specifications undesirable DENSE What kind of joint is wanted DENT Telegraph particulars at once DENTAL Send particulars by mail DENTIST Telegraph tomorrow early DENTOID Your telegram is unintelligible. Please repeat DENUDE Telegraph in plain language DEPRESS If so enter order DEPRIVE Will send particulars by mail DEPUTE See letter of DEPUTY Particulars go by mail DERAIL If unsatisfactory, telegraph DERBY Reply at once by telegraph DERIDE Must have an answer by DERM Answer our letter of DERNIER Answer our telegram of the "PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 137 Questions for Purchasing DENY At what price can you furnish DEPART At what price and how soon can you furnish DEPEND How soon can you furnish DEPICT Can you furnish from stock? If not, how long will it take to make DEPLANT Have you in stock? If not all, how many (or much) DEPLETE How long will it take you to make and ship DEPLORE When will you ship order DEPLOY Can you ship by DEPLUME Can you furnish us promptly DEPONE What discount will you sell DEPORT What discount for cash DEPOSE What is the lowest contract rate of freight you can obtain to- DEPOT What terms are required DEPRAVE Are we (or I) justified in Answers for Purchasing DESCEND We can ship DESERT We can ship today DESERVE We can ship tomorrow DESK We have in stock and can furnish at DESMAN We have all in stock and can furnish at once DESMOID We cannot ship DESPAIR We cannot ship before DESPISE We have no but will ship other sizes promptly DESPOIL We have none in stock DESPOND We can ship from stock and the balance DESPOT We can furnish DESTINE We can furnish promptly DESTROY We have none in stock, but can make and ship DETACH . None of the goods you order are in stock DETAIN We shipped DETECT We cannot furnish DETENT Impossible for us to fill your order in time specified DETER If ordered by telegraph at once we could ship in DETEST If ordered immediately DETOUR If ordered immediately by wire DETRACT Immediately on receipt of order DETRAIN On receipt of order DETRUDE After receipt of order DEUCE Will ship earlier if possible DEVEST We cannot promise definitely DEVICE We quote you discount on DEVIL We quote DEVOID Cannot change present discount DEVOLVE F. O. B. cars our plant DEVOTE F. 0. B. your city DEW F. O. B. DEWLAP . . . . For acceptance within 138 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Telegraphic Code Words for Dates DAB First DABBER Second DABBLE Third DABSTER Fourth DACOIT Fifth DADDY Sixth DADO Seventh DAFF Eighth DAGGER Ninth DAGLOCK Tenth DAILY Eleventh DAINTY Twelfth DAISY Thirteenth DAM Fourteenth DAMAGE Fifteenth DAMASK Sixteenth DAMPEN Seventeenth DAMSEL Eighteenth DANCE Nineteenth DANDIE Twentieth DANGER Twenty-first DANGLE Twenty-second DARE Twenty-third DARKEN Twenty-fourth DARLING Twenty-fifth DASH Twenty-sixth DASHER Twenty-seventh DASHPOT Twenty-eighth DASTARD Twenty-ninth DAUB Thirtieth DAUBER Thirty-first Telegraphic Code Words for Discounts DAUPHIN 2 per cent DAVIT 5 per cent DAWN 6 per cent DAY 10 per cent DAZZLE 15 per cent DEACON 20 per cent DEAD 25 per cent DEAFEN 30 per cent DEARTH 35 per cent DEBAR 40 per cent DEBASE 50 per cent DEBATER 55 per cent DEBAUCH 60 per cent Telegraphic Code Words for Terms DEBIT Ten days DEBRIS Thirty days DECADE Sixty days DECANT Ninety days DECAY Four months DECEIT Interest added after DECHARM Discount for spot cash DECK Discount for cash ten days CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 139 General Information 1. A United States gallon of fresh water weighs 8% pounds and contains 231 cubic inches. 2. A cubic foot of water weighs 62 J/ pounds and contains 1,728 cubic inches, or 7J/ gallons. 3. A "miner's inch" of water is approximately equal to a supply of 11 J/2 gallons per minute. 4. The friction of water in pipes increases with the square of its velocity. 5. The discharging power of pipes increases with the square root of the fifth power of their diameters, thus doubling the diameter increases the discharge quantity 5.66 times. 6. To find the area of a piston, square the diameter and multiply by .7854. 7. In calculating horsepower of tubular boilers, 15 square feet of heating surface is equivalent to one nominal horsepower. The Centennial standard is 30 pounds of water evaporated per hour from 100 degrees Fahr., at 70 pounds pressure. 8. The mean pressure of the atmosphere is usually estimated at 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level, so that with a perfect vacuum it will sustain a column of mercury 30 inches, or a column of water 34 feet high. 9. To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons: Multiplying the area in inches by the stroke in inches will give the total number of cubic inches; divide this amount by 231 (which is the cubical contents of a gallon in inches), and the quotient is the capacity in gallons. 10. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by .434. To find the head in feet, multiply the pressure by 2.31. 11. The area of the steam piston, multiplied by the steam pres- sure of water per square inch gives the resistance. A margin of from 25 to 50 per cent, must be added to move the piston at the required speed, and to compensate for variations in steam pressure. 12. To find the net pump end horsepower exerted in pumping a given quantity of water against a given total head : Multiply United States gallons pumped per minute by 8^; multiply the product by the total head in feet, and divide by 33,000. PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 140 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY bC I .s 1 ! o g !! Ill 'S 2 S> ^^o OCO t- O CO lO " I -o ^1 m * .s g o} d 1 ( ^g |S i o^ o .s 1 1 7^ ^ c o 8~ O^ o w C n (M c o C r2 W 1 |S 1 03 g 'eSi-n ti 1 c3 ^H c M ' Jw ocooocotoeoo^Dco x}< CO (M CO i-l oooooooooo oooooooooo i-ICOi-HtXNt-OOOOCOOO COO CO COO CO COO t- CO coo^r>cooco OOOOOOOOO ooooooooo o OOt-COt-0(MWOOi-l CD 00 i-H g ^ ocoo^coocncooco oooo o o goooioounoioo ^5 wt) ^^ o^ Os oc oo Cr Cr OJ ^ I 02 "S fe I PL, 2 PH I I* Q IOOOU3OU3OOOOO coot-coocoo-o^t-^ OOOIOOU3OOOOU3O i 1 i 1 i 1 CXI is equivalent to .00433 i 5 ,, 3 ^ is equivalent to .02087 95 IQ 100 1S equivalent to .03740 iVo is equivalent to .00472 jVb- is equivalent to .02126 i 9 o 6 o is equivalent to .03780 iVo is equivalent to .00512 T 5 5 o is equivalent to .02165 TV* is equivalent to .03819 1*0*0- is equivalent to .00551 j 5 o 6 o is equivalent to .02205 r A is equivalent to .03858 iW is equivalent to .00591 3 5 o 7 o is equivalent to .02244 i 9 o 9 o is equivalent to .03898 iVo is equivalent to .00630 / 8 o is equivalent to .02283 lis equivalent to .03937 Mr is equivalent to .00669 !*$) is equivalent to .02323 2 is equivalent to .07874 to is equivalent to .00709 ffa is equivalent to .02362 3 is equivalent to .11811 lV 9 D is equivalent to .00748 ^VT is equivalent to .02402 4 is equivalent to .15748 to is equivalent to .00787 T 6 ( fo is equivalent to .02441 5 is equivalent to .19685 iVo is equivalent to .00827 T 6 /o is equivalent to .02480 6 is equivalent to .23622 to is equivalent to .00866 iVo is equivalent to .02520 7 is equivalent to .27559 iVo- is equivalent to .00906 / 5 o is equivalent to .02559 8 is equivalent to .31496 r 2 A is equivalent to .00945 T 6 jj 6 o is equivalent to .02598 9 is equivalent to .35433 Mr is equivalent to .00984 a Vo is equivalent to .02638 10 is equivalent to .39370 iVo is equivalent to .01024 t Vo is equivalent to .02677 His equivalent to .43307 Mr is equivalent to .01063 jVff is equivalent to .02717 12 is equivalent to .47244 jVo is equivalent to .01102 r 7 oo is equivalent to .02756 13 is equivalent to .51181 Mr is equivalent to .01142 fVo is equivalent to .02795 14 is equivalent to .55118 Mr is equivalent to .01181 j^o is equivalent to .02835 15 is equivalent to .59055 Mi is equivalent to .01220 i^o is equivalent to .02874 16 is equivalent to .62992 to is equivalent to .01260 t 7 o 4 o- is equivalent to .02913 17 is equivalent to .66929 to is equivalent to .01299 i 7 ^- is equivalent to .02953 18 is equivalent to .70866 iVo is equivalent to .01339 to is equivalent to .02992 19 is equivalent to .74803 to is equivalent to .01378 to is equivalent to .03032 20 is equivalent to .78740 ^/tr is equivalent to .01417 to is equivalent to .03071 21 is equivalent to .82677 to is equivalent to .01457 jVo is equivalent to .03110 22 is equivalent to .86614 to is equivalent to .01496 ] 8 is equivalent to .03150 23 is equivalent to .90551 I 3 o 9 o is equivalent to .01535 j 8 V is equivalent to .03189 24 is equivalent to .94488 iVo is equivalent to .01575 j 8 o 2 ff is equivalent to .03228 25 is equivalent to .98425 iVo is equivalent to .01614 , s (l :{ is equivalent to .03268 26 is equivalent tol .02362 Mj is equivalent to .01654 T 8 D 4 is equivalent to .03307 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 151 Decimal Equivalents of Parts of an Inch ^j inch is equivalent to . . . . .01563 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .51563 inch fa inch is equivalent to . . . . .03125 inch ^ inch is equivalent to .... .53125 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .04688 inch tf inch is equivalent to .54688 inch iVinch is equivalent to. . . . .0625 inch i^inch is equivalent to. . . . .5625 inch -^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .07813 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .57813 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .09375 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .59375 inch e^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .10938 inch If inch is equivalent to. . . . .60938 inch ^inch is equivalent to. . . . .125 inch 5/8 inch is equivalent to. ... .625 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .14063 inch ^ inch is equivalent to .... .64063 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .15625 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .65625 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .17188 inch f inch is equivalent to .... .67188 inch A inch is equivalent to. . . . .1875 inch i e inch is equivalent to. ... .6875 inch f inch is equivalent to . . . . .20313 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .70313 inch 3^2 inch is equivalent to . . . . .21875 inch ff inch is equivalent to .... .71875 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .23438 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .73438 inch /^inch is equivalent to . . . . .25 inch %inch is equivalent to. . . . .75 inch | inch is equivalent to . . . . .26563 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .76563 inch ^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .28125 inch ff inch is equivalent to .... .78125 inch f inch is equivalent to . . . . .29688 inch f| inch is equivalent to .... .79688 inch i% inch is equivalent to . . . . .3125 inch i inch is equivalent to .... .8125 inch 1^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .32813 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .82813 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .34375 inch f| inch is equivalent to .... .84375 inch H inch is equivalent to . . , . .35938 inch f inch is equivalent to .... .85938 inch //ginch is equivalent to. . . . .375 inch J/sinch is equivalent to. ... .875 inch |f inch is equivalent to . . . .39063 inch H inch is equivalent to .... .89063 inch ^f inch is equivalent to . . . .40625 inch ff inch is equivalent to .... .90625 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .42188 inch f inch is equivalent to .... .92188 inch i 7 ginch is equivalent to. . . . .4375 inch jf inch is equivalent to. ... .9375 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .45313 inch f inch is equivalent to .... .95313 inch H inch is equivalent to . . . . .46875 inch f| inch is equivalent to .... .96875 inch f^ inch is equivalent to . . . . .48438 inch ff inch is equivalent to .... .98438 inch J/^inch is equivalent to. . . . .5 inch 1 inch is equivalent to .... 1.00000 inch PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD" 152 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Different Standards for Wire Gauge in Use in the United States Dimensions of Sizes in Decimal Parts of an Inch Number of Wire Gauge American or Brown & Sharpe Birming- ham, or Stubs' Wire Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co. Worcester, Mass. Imperial Wire Gauge Stubs' Steel Wire U. s. Stand, for Plate Number of Wire Gauge 000000 464 .46875 000000 00000 432 4375 00000 0000 .46 !454 !3938' .400 .40625 0000 000 .40964 .425 .3625 .372 .375 000 00 .3648 .38 .3310 .348 .34375 00 .32486 .34 .3065 .324 .3125 1 .2893 .3 .2830 .300 !227 .28125 1 2 .25763 .284 .2625 .276 .219 .265625 2 3 .22942 .259 .2437 .252 .212 .25 3 4 .20431 .238 .2253 .232 .207 .234375 4 5 .18194 .22 .2070 .212 .204 .21875 5 6 . 16202 .203 .1920 .192 .201 .203125 6 7 .14428 .18 .1770 .176 .199 .1875 7 8 .12849 .165 .1620 .160 .197 .171875 8 9 .11443 .148 .1483 .144 .194 . 15625 9 10 .10189 .134 .1350 .128 .191 . 140625 10 11 . 090742 .12 .1205 .116 .188 .125 11 12 . 080808 .109 .1055 .104 .185 . 109375 12 13 .071961 .095 .0915 .092 .182 .09375 13 14 .064084 .083 .0800 .080 .180 .078125 14 15 .057068 .072 .0720 .072 .178 .0703125 15 16 .05082 .065 .0625 .064 .175 .0625 16 17 .045257 .058 .0540 .056 .172 .05625 17 18 .040303 .049 .0475 .048 .168 .05 18 19 .03589 .042 .0410 .040 .164 .04375 19 20 .031961 .035 .0348 .036 .161 .0375 20 21 .028462 .032 .03175 .032 .157 .034375 21 22 .025347 .028 .0286 .028 .155 .03125 22 23 .022571 .025 .0258 .024 .153 .028125 23 24 .0201 .022 .0230 .022 .151 .025 24 25 .0179 .02 .0204 .020 .148 .021875 25 26 .01594 .018 .0181 .018 .146 .01875 26 27 .014195 .016 .0173 .0164 .143 .0171875 27 28 .012641 .014 .0162 .0149 .139 .015625 28 29 .011257 .013 .0150 .0136 .134 .0140625 29 30 .010025 .012 .0140 .0124 .127 .0125 30 31 .008928 .01 .0132 .0116 .120 .0109375 31 32 .00795 .009 .0128 .0108 .115 .01015625 32 33 .00708 .008 .0118 .0100 .112 .009375 33 34 .006304 .007 .0104 .0092 .110 .00859375 34 35 .005614 .005 .0095 .0084 .108 .0078125 35 36 .005 .004 .0090 .0076 .106 .00703125 36 37 .004453 .0068 .103 .006640625 37 38 .003965 .0060 .101 .00625 38 39 .003531 .0052 .099 39 40 .003144 .0048 .097 40 It is preferable to give sizes in decimals when ordering wire and plate. CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 153 Troy Weight Grains Pennyweights Ounces Pounds 24 1 480 20 1 5,760 240 12 1 Apothecaries' Weight Grains Scruples Drachms Ounces Pound 20 1 60 3 1 480 24 8 1 5,760 288 96 12 1 Avoirdupois Weight Drachms Ounces Pounds Quarters Cwt. Ton 16 1 256 16 1 6,400 400 25 1 25,600 1,600 100 4 1 512,000 32,000 2,000 80 20 1 Long or Linear Measure Inches Feet Yards Rods Furlongs Mile 12 1 36 3 1 198 16^ 5 1 A 1 7,920 660 220 40 1 63,360 5,280 1,760 320 8 1 Surveyors' Measure Inches Links Chains Mile 7.92 1 792 100 1 63,360 8,000 80 1 154 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY Circular Measure Seconds Minutes Degrees Segments Circle 60 1 3,600 60 1 ' 108,000 1,800 30 1 1,296,000 21,600 360 12 1 Cubic Measure Cubic Inches Cubic Feet Cubic Yards Cord Feet Cord 1,728 1 46,656 27 1 27,648 16 1 221,184 128 8 1 Liquid Measure Gills Pints Quarts Gallons Barrels Hogsheads Pipes Tun 4 8 32 1 2 8 1 4 1 1,008 252 126 31^2 1 2,016 504 252 63 2 1 4,032 1,008 504 126 4 2 1 8,064 2,016 1,008 252 8 4 2 1 Beer Measure Pints Quarts Gallons Barrels Hogshead 2 1 8 4 1 288 144 36 1 432 216 54 1^ 1 Dry Measure Pints 2 16 64 2,304 Quarts 1 8 32 1,152 Pecks 1 4 144 Bushels 1 36 Caldron CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE, U. S. A. 155 Square Measure Sq. Inches Sq. Feet Sq. Yards Sq. Rods Acres Sq. M. 141 1,296 39,204 1,568,160 7,272,640 4,014,489,600 1 9 1 272M 30^ 1 10,890 1,210 40 43,560 4,840 160 1 27,878,400 3,097,600 102,400 640 1 Paper Measure Sheets Quires Reams Bundles Bale 24 480 960 4,800 1 20 1 40 2 1 200 10 5 1 Collection Measure Units Dozens Gross Great Gross 12 144 1,728 1 12 1 144 12 1 ( PARKER ROTARIES STANDARD OF THE WORLD' 156 SOUTHERN WELL WORKS COMPANY 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. REC'P . ' LD 21A-50m-12,'60 (B6-221slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley 388775 ' O f UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY