UC-NRLF tDO 8S* 5 II _ O < z tr WORKS BY L. A. WATERBURY PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS Cement Laboratory Manual. A Manual of Instructions for the Use of Students in Cement Laboratory Practice. 12mo, vii +122 pages, 28 figures. Cloth, $1.00. A Vest = pocket Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers. vi + 91 pages, 61 figures. Mo- rocco, $1.00 net. '' A VEST-POCKET _j < HANDBOOK O C m or are studying the branches of mathematics < usually taught in engineering courses. It is < } not intended for a text book, and does not, ^ therefore, attempt to prove many of the _j formulae which are given. < m Most of the material in this book was z 3 obtained from the following sources: algebra S Q from Hall & Knight's Algebra (Macmillan {Jl ^ Co.) ; trigonometry from Bowser's Trig- -jj onometry; analytic geometry from Candy's Analytic Geometry ; calculus from Taylor's ; Differential and Integral Calculus ; theoret- < ' ical mechanics from Church's Mechanics of o D Engineering ; and mechanics of materials H from Merriman's Mechanics of Materials ; - o to all of which the writer is very much in- s= debted and from all these Authors he has ' < a received permission to use the material. The - reader is referred to these works for the proof ; ^_ and explanation of the various formulae. - t; L. A. W. _ h 2 TUCSON, ARIZ., March, 1908. 179775 CONTENTS. , > PAGE j- ALGEBRA . . 1 2 H O TRIGONOMETRY 5 Plane Triangles 8 Spherical Triangles 9 ^ > UJ ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 11 ^5 Transformation of Coordinates. ... 11 % \n The Straight Line 13 ~ The Circle 14 The Parabola 15 < The Ellipse 15 | The Hyperbola 16 : 5 The Cycloid 17 = j Miscellaneous Curves 17 ~ '3 Solids 18 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 20 j w INTEGRAL CALCULUS 23 ^ UJ Q THEORETICAL MECHANICS 36 b J - o Statics: -- Equilibrium of Forces 38 ^ tf Center of Pressure 39 - ^ Center of Gravity 40 : < Moment of Inertia 42 5 { Product of Inertia 44 I ^ Radius of Gyration 45 Ellipsoid of Inertia 45 * Dynamics: w ! Velocity and Acceleration .... 46 Falling Bodies 46 : - Impact 46 Virtual Velocities 47 5 [ Curvilinear Motion 47 Projectiles 48 v VI CONTENTS PAGE Translation 49 Rotation 49 Center of Oscillation 50 Pendulum 51 Work, Energy, Power 51 Friction 51 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 53 Direct Stress 54 Eccentric Loads 55 Equation of Neutral Axis 58 Kernel or Core-Section 58 Section Modulus Polygons 59 Diagonal Stresses 61 Pipes, Cylinders, Spheres 62 Riveted Joints 63 Beams: Vertical Shear 64 Shearing Stresses 65 Bending Moment 65 Theorem of Three Moments .... 66 Flexural Stresses 67 Table of Beams 68 Struts and Columns: Euler's Formula 81 Rankine's Formula '. 82 Ritter's Formula 83 The Straight Line Formula .... 83 Engineering News Formula .... 84 Eccentrically Loaded Columns ... 86 TORSION 86 ALGEBRA. EXPONENTS AND LOGARITHMS. : If a w = b, m = loga 6 . a m . a n = a m + w , - .'. log x . y = logo: +logy. a TO H-a n = a m ~ n E Q F 2 PC AB sin 0. ;>\ / h- r- ./ > UJ OA=cos 0. ^ xp <| \ ' J CD = tan 0. EF = cotO. o X N AC J OD = sec0. F 'g- OF = cosec 0. i! s\ BG = covers 0=1 sin 0. . sin tan 0=- H' sin 2 sec 2 = i cosec 2 = l+cot 2 0. exsec = sec 0-1. For in radians, 05 07 02 04 06 ~ + ~ 03 2.05 1707 tan = + T +3^5 +373-75^7 TRIGONOMETRY Sli TRIGONOMETRY 7 sin (A +B) =sin A . cos B +cos A . sin B. sin (AB)= sin A . cos B cos A . sin B. cos (A +B)= cos A . cos B sin A . sin',B. cos (A J5) =cos A . cos 5 +sin A . sin B. tan A + tan J? 1 _ tanA . tana - oS tan A - tan B r ~ (A-B)^ 1+tanA-tanB - ; ; j z ^ sin 2 A =2 . sin A . cos A. < 5 cos 2 A cos 2 -4 sin 2 A = 2 cos 2 ,4-1 <, 2 . tan A tan 2 A - - z A I tan 2 A /A\ _ 1 cos A sin 3 A =3 . sin A 4 . sin 3 * cos 3 A = 4 cos 3 A 3 cos A . 3 tan A tan 3 A tan 3 A = 1-3 tan 2 A sin A +sin B = 2 . sin - .cos ^ sin A sin B = 2 cos ~ .sin pr A+B A-B cos A + cos B = 2 cos s .cos jr -- .A+B . A-B cos A cos B = 2 sm ~ . sin r TRIGONOMETRY. sin A +sin B = tan (A +B) sin A sin B tan (A B) sin A + sin B cos A + cos B = tan (A+B). sinA+sinB cos A cos B sin A sin B _ , , . cos A +cos B ~~ sin A sin B cos A cos B = cot cos A 4- cos B cos A cos B rv- PLANE TRIANGLES. sin A +sin B +sin C = 4 cos . cos Fig. 2. cos A +cos B +cos C = l+4.sin| . C tan A +tan B +tan tan A . tan B . tan C. a sin A sin B sin C a 2 = &2 +c 2_2 . 6 .C . COS , = a-6 tan \ (A-B)' TRIGONOMETRY Area = i b . c . sin A _ a? sin B . sin C 2 . sin A = \/s(s-a) (s-6) (s-c), where s = i(a+6+c). SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. '- > UJ Center of sphere is at 0. ^ S ?c /o B Fig. 3. Right Spherical Triangles. Let C repre- sent the right angle, cos c = cos a . cos 6. sin 6 = sin B . sin c. tan a cos B . tan c. tan a = tan A . sin b. tan A . tan B = cos c cos A =sin B . cos a. OBLIQUE SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. sin a sin b sin c 7- = p> = - 77 = modulus. sin A sin B sin C cos a = cos b . cos c +sin 6 . sin c . cos A. cos A = cos B . cos C -f sin B . sin C . cos a. cot a . sin 6 = cot A . sin C + cos C . cos 6. Let 10 TRIGONOMETRY then s-c) sin 6 . sin c /A\ _ A/sin s . sin (s a) \2 ) ~~ sin 6 . sin c tan (-\ = \/ sin (*-fr) sin (* c) . \2 / sin s . sin (s a) sin - = V - : sin B . sin C /cos (S-B) . cos (S - C) sin B . sin C / _ cos S. cos (S -A) cos (S B). cos (S-Cy ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES. To transform an equation of a curve from one system of coordinates to another system, substitute for each variable its value in ^ < P terms of variables of the new system. ^ /p f >l - Rectangular Sys- * tern. Old Axes Par- : 1 allel to New Axes. X Fig. 4. Rectangular System. Old Origin Coincident with New Origin. Fig. 5. x f = x . cos 9+y .sind. y'=y .cosQ x . sin 6. x =x f . cos y f . sin 0. y =!/ cos O+x* .sin 11 12 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Rectangular System. Old Axes not Parallel to New Axes. Old Origin not Coincident with New Origin. Fig. 6. x f = (x-K) cos + (y-k) sin 0. y f = (y-k') cos O-(x-h) sin 9. x = x f . cos y f .sin 0+h. V =y f . cos +xf . sin +k. Polar and Rectangular Systems. x = p . cos 0. y = P . sin 0. P = vV+2/\ tan 9-H. Fig. 7. sin0 = cos ^x*+v*' v5T^' cot = - . y 8 ec* = ^EZ 2 . cosec 5 = /x*+tf y ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 13 THE STRAIGHT LINE. Equations of Straight Line. An equation of the first degree containing but two variables can always be represented by a straight line. The equation of the straight line may as- sume the following forms, for the rectangular system of coordinates. Ax+By+C=0 .... (1) y = mx+k ...... (2) in which m is the value of the tangent of the angle which the line makes with the X-axis, and k is the intercept on the Y-axis between the line and the X-axis. y-y' = A(x-x') ... (3) in which x' ', y' are the coordinates of a point of the line, and A is a constant. in which x r , y 1 and x" ', y" are the coordinates of two points of the line. The polar equation of a straight line is p . cos (0-a)=& (5) where k is the length of the normal ON. Distance between Two Points. The distance between two points, x', y' and a/', y", is equal to The distance between two points, pi, #1, and 02, 02, is equal to ^Pl 2 + P2 2 ~ 2 Pl . p 2 . COS (0i - 2 ) . : 14 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Angle between Two Lines. The angle be- tween two lines, y = m'x+kf and y = m"x+W ', is the difference between the two angles whose tangents are m' and m". Area of Triangle. The area of the triangle whose vertices are (x\, 2/1), (x 2 , 2/2), and (x 3 , 2/3), is equal to i r^ * 3 2/3 1 THE CIRCLE. The most general equation of the circle, for rectangular coordinates, is in which a, b are the coordinates of the cen- ter of the circle, and R is the radius. The following are special equations of the circle for rectangular and polar systems of coordinates. 2 R .cos B. X Fig. 10. 2R .sin0. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 15 THE PARABOLA. If the Y-axis coincides with the directrix, DM, then Q 7 TP D O \ 1 V If the F-axis coincides with ON, passing through the vertex, then In Fig. 12, F is the focus, OF=OD=a, and L L is the latus rectum = 4 a. Eccentricity, e -p^ =1. THE ELLIPSE. D e Fig. 13. F, F are foci. Eccentricity, e- dx .'. To obtain the derivative of any func- tion, drop the differential of the variable from the differential of the function. d (av)=a .dv. d (u +v +x) = du +dv +dx. d(x .y)=y .dx+x.dy. d(u.v.x.y. ..) = (v.x. (u.x.y . . .-)dv + ( u .v. (u . v . x . . .) dy + . . . 20 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 21 dx dx* = y . xV~ l . dx -\-x* . Iog x . -^ where M = logo e. d (&")=&*. iogb.^ dx a =a . x a ~ l . dx. d (sin x) = cos x .dx. d (cos x)= -sinx . dx. d (tan x)=sec 2 x . dx. d (cot x) = cosec 2 x .dx. d (sec x) =sec x . tan x . dx. d (cosec x) = cosec x . cot x . dx. d (vers x) = d (1 - cos x) = +sin x . dx. d (covers x)=d (l-sinx)= -cosx.dx. j dtsin-x^dx/vT^ II d(cos- 1 x)=-dx/Vl-x 2 . z < d (tan- 1 x)=dx/(l+x 2 ). d(cot~ 1 x)=-dx/(l+x 2 ). j eo d(sec- 1 x) = dx/(xV / x 2 -l). ; g ^ ^ d (vers- 1 x) = dx/v / 2 x-x 2 . 2 O d (covers - 1 x) = - dx/v^x-x 2 . _ H s ^ "*i To differentiate a junction : M 1. Find the value of the increment of the function in terms of the increments of its variables ; 2. Consider the increments to be infinitesi- mals, and in all sums drop the infinitesimals of higher order than the first, and in the 22 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS remaining terms substitute differentials for increments. For the maximum value of a function the first derivative is zero, and the second deriv- ative is negative. For the minimum value of a function the first derivative is zero, and the second deriva- tive is positive. If -~ assumes the form - then Fx D (Fx) fx ~ D (/* ' The radius of curvature for a curve, y = fx, is = = ^ da. d?y dx . d?y (dx? where s is length of curve. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. I dx=x+C, where C is the constant of integration. The constant C must be added to all of the following forms. J (dx+dy+dz . . .) = Cdx+Cdy+fdz + ... Cx.dx=^- J n+1 dx . x or vers x. A*. <**-*. J log e a \ e* . dx e*. I a x . log e a . dx = a*. I sin x . dx= cos I cos x . a/ when a >0 and 6 >0. 26 INTEGRAL CALCULUS dx 1 0 and 6<0. dx r_dx_ x _ J_ f_c J (a +6x 2 ) 2 2 a (a +6x 2 ) 2 a J a J 2+6x2 dx (a +6x 2 ) n+1 2na' (a +6z 2 ) n , 2n-l f dx L^l f_ 2 no J (a J a+6x 2 = a; a 6 (a+6x 2 ) n + 1 2 rib (a ^J_ f dx 2n6 J (a+6x 2 )*' /dx J_ / x 2 \ x(a+6x 2 ) 2 a S Va+6x 2 / r ^__ = _j__^r J x 2 (a +6x 2 ) ax a J a+6x f_ da; = ! C dx J x 2 (a +6x 2 ) n + 1 a J x 2 (a +6x 2 )* _6 C dx aj (a+6x 2 ) n + 1 ' 6 (nP+m+1) INTEGRAL CALCULUS 27 nP+m+l o nP+ T^i (V . (a +bx n )P~i . dx, +m+lJ a (ro + 1) x m + n . b (nP -\- Tfi -f- n -f- 1 ) /* o (w + 1) I ^ +1 -( on (P -HI) nP+m+n + 1 an(P-fl) -A. f- 2a J < 1562 /a+bx . dx 105 6 3 28 INTEGRAL CALCULUS * . dx 2 x n ^a+bx n ~ l . dx /g. rfx _ Va+6x 2 na (2n+l) 6 2(2a- fx n ~ l . J V+ /a+bx when a >0, 2 or = . when a<0. dx f / a+bx x nV a +bx (n-l)ax n ~ (2n-3) 6 f dx_ (2n-2) a J ^n-iVa +62; INTEGRAL CALCULUS 29 fa; 2 *S /z 2 . dx x*/~ - * , 2 , = - ~V a 2_ a; 2 + s Va 2 -^ 2 2 2 f__^_ x J (a 2 -z 2 )i a 2 V a z-a; 2 ' f(a 2 -rc 2 )5.^ = (5 a 2 dx 1 , ( x \ - - -- = - . log 1 - . I x V x z +a z a \ a + V x * + a?' S 21 u. 30 INTEGRAL CALCULUS C dx _ 2a?x 2 2 a 3 1 . log C x dx= |(2* 2 a ; a 4 L- cot" a;, da; = , - j cot n ~*x.dx. : l ~ J EE -^ = g& a+o cos x ui S v / if a 2 > 2 / A /a - b x\ tan" 1 ! V r.tan-l, ,2_ft2 \ a +6 2/' 34 INTEGRAL CALCULUS if a 2 <& 2 . . sin a; . dx /- x m cos x +m I re 77 *" 1 cos x dx. I x m . cos x . dx = x m sin x m I re" 1 "" 1 cos re dx. /sin re , re 3 , re 5 re 7 , dx=X -3l + 5H-7]7 + --- /sin re ^ _ 1 sin x 1 fcos re a m ^*^ 1" m. \ ' T I m T x m m Lx m m \J x m ~ /cos re, _. x 2 x* re 8 ~x~ '~2\2 + 4[4~"Q{6 + ' /cosx , 1 cos re 1 /*sin re dx ^ dx= ^l-^-^ij-^r- \ resin" 1 re . dx = ^ [(2 re 2 - 1) sin" 1 re +rc Vl-a; 2 ]. /"*>.*- rc n + 1 sin- 1 a; 1 fx n + l dx n + l n + l J Vl-x z /n re- rc n + 1 cos" 1 re , 1 f re n + n + l INTEGRAL CALCULUS 35 x n tan" 1 x . dx n+1 n + lj 1+z 2 dx *1 3 O S3 O < z cc < LJ n 2 u. O dx 2 . xi . = sec" 1 /~n _ /,2 an a 34 INTEGRAL CALCULUS =. log - if a 2 <6 2 . ERRATA should read J -'** - cos .r . , INTEGRAL CALCULUS 35 I x n tan" 1 x . dx = n+1 ! dr. *V""dfc-2-2--2 f *-! i/ aj fe a * , -1 e a * , a f e a * . dx= - - . r - -{ -- ; -.dx. J x n n-l x n ~ l n-lj x n ~ ] /ax / \ ^ ax\ a ( cos ( nx ^ +nsin(nrc)"l [ a?+n* / dx THEORETICAL MECHANICS. NOTATION. A =area. a acceleration. a n = normal acceleration. a t tangential acceleration. b = breadth. C x = component of force parallel to the X-axis. C y = component of force parallel to the C t = component of force parallel to the Z-axis. d = depth or distance. Also the sign of the differential. F= force. F n = normal force or component of force. F t = tangential force or component of force. /= coefficient of friction. Also the sign of a function of a variable. g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2. (The exact value is 32.1808- 0.0821 cos 2 L, where L is the latitude.) h distance from center of moments to line of force. 7 = moment of inertia. I ff = moment of inertia referred to center of gravity. I gx moment of inertia about an axis through the center of gravity and parallel to the X-axis. THEORETICAL MECHANICS 37 7 = polar moment of inertia about the pole 0. 7a.= moment of inertia about the Jf-axis. I y = moment of inertia about the Y-axis. / = moment of inertia about the Z-axis. J = product of inertia. (Subscripts are similar to those for /.) K=a constant. L = power. M = moment of a force. W m = mass = Q N=SL normal force or component of a force. P = point considered. R = resultant of a system of forces. r = radius of gyration. s= space. T= tangential force or component of a force. f = time. V volume. v = velocity. VQ = initial velocity. vt= tangential velocity. tf*= velocity parallel to the X-axis. v y = velocity parallel to the F-axis. W = weight. w = work. , y, z = rectangular coordinates of a point. p, = polar coordinates of a point. p = distance from pole to center of gravity, a = angle. $== angle of friction. 38 THEORETICAL MECHANICS STATICS. Equilibrium of Forces. Fig. 17. For a system of concurrent forces in equi- librium in one plane: (Cz=F cos a,Cy=F sin a, where a is the angle which F makes with X-X,) For a system of non-concur- rent forces in equilibrium in one plane : Also, i Fig. 18. If three forces are in equilibrium they must be concurrent or parallel. THEORETICAL MECHANICS 39 If a system of non-concurrent forces in space is in equilibrium, the plane systems formed by projecting the given system upon three coordinate planes must each be in equilibrium. A couple consists of two equal and oppo- site parallel forces acting on a rigid body at a fixed distance apart. The moment of a couple is equal to the product of one force by the distance between the two forces. Center of Pressure. FI, F 2 , F 3 , etc., are parallel. Fig. 19. If F is the force exerted by a variable pressure, then xFdx Fdx 40 THEORETICAL MECHANICS Center of Gravity. For an area, x dx dy dxdy Fig. 21 fx.dx THEORETICAL MECHANICS 41 If x 2 -xi = 1 y= \ y O 2 -Zi) dy \ (x2-xi) dy J y fy . dy Fig. 22. For a homogeneous mass, ///**** x- * xdm -. Zdm fSf dx dy dz -V => F Fig. 23. /-//*** fff fff zdxdydz dxdydz 42 THEORETICAL MECHANICS Rectangular Moment of Inertia. For an area, L= C fy^dxdy. Fig. 24. Fig. 25. =^dA = j 7/ 2 . (xi-x THEORETICAL MECHANICS 43 If Va-yi=fx, Fig. 26. = ( x* (ytyi) dx = Cx 2 . f . fx . dx. Fig. 27. Polar Moment of Inertia. For an area, 44 THEORETICAL MECHANICS Since p 2 =x z +y 2 , Fig. 28. For a mass, p*dxdydz '//; =kfff(x*+y*)dxdydz, Fig. 29. where k is the weight per cubic unit divided by g. Product of Inertia. J = l . y . dx . dy. Ji=Jo. f .+Akh, THEORETICAL MECHANICS 45 where J\ is the value of J referred to X X and Y F, Jo.%. is the value of J for axes parallel to X - X and Y Y passing through the center of gravity, and h, k are the co- Fig. 30. ordinates of the center of gravity referred to X-X and Y-Y. (See "A Complete Analysis of General Flexure in a Straight Bar of Uniform Cross- Section," by L. J. Johnson, Trans. Am. Soc. C. E. t Vol. LVI, 1906.) Radius of Gyration. - -. A m Ellipsoid of Inertia. The moments of inertia about all axes through any given point of any rigid body are inversely proportional to the squares of the diameters which they intercept in an imaginary ellipsoid, whose center is the given point, and whose position depends upon the distribution of the mass and the location of the given point. This ellipsoid is the ellipsoid of inertia for the body. The axes which contain the principal diameters of the ellipsoid are called the principal axes of the body for the given point. 46 THEORETICAL MECHANICS DYNAMICS. Velocity and Acceleration. ds V = Jt' dr cPs Uniformly Accelerated Motion. If a is constant, 2 a Falling Bodies. For a body falling in a vacuum, a = g, hence Force and Acceleration. - = ~~ ' C Direct Central Impact. For two inelastic bodies, let mi = mass of first body. m2 = m ass of second body. Vi= original velocity of first body. v 2 = original velocity of second body. v = common velocity after impact. THEORETICAL MECHANICS 47 Then v = miVl + 2V2 . mi +m,2 For two elastic bodies having velocities i and k 2 after impact, The product of mass by its velocity is momentum. The sum of the momenta before and after impact is constant. Virtual Velocities. F = force. v = direction of motion of P. du = virtual velocity of force. fa = velocity of force. ds -^ = velocity of P. F . du = virtual moment of force. The virtual moment of a force is equal to the algebraic sum of the virtual moments of its components. For a system of concurrent forces in equilibrium, 2 p . du = 0, For any small displacement or motion of a rigid body in equilibrium under non-con- current forces in a plane, with all points of the body moving parallel to this plane, Y Curvilinear Motion of a Point. ds v Vt== dt' " / clx /rfs\ 2 ^_ *^ ~ 1 V y.7 Y Fig. 3!. -(%f+m 48 THEORETICAL MECHANICS dv _ d?s t dt~ dP = a x cos a +Oy sin a. n = Oy cos a a* sin a. where r is the radius of curvature. F=m . a, .'. where r is the radius of curvature. Ft = m . a x cos a +m . Oy sin a 1 V -/* Projectiles. Neglecting resistance of air, X = VQ COS OQ . t. y=vosm OQ. t-*%g&, -X, 2 1' 2 COS 2 OQ ' Horizontal range, x r = sin 2 oo, which is a maximum for a = 45. The greatest height of ascent, THEORETICAL MECHANICS 49 Translation of Rigid Body. dF x a x .dm. R I * dm. Fig. 33, Fig. 34. The resultant force must act in a line through the center of gravity and parallel to the direction of motion. Rotation of a Rigid Body. Let O be the axis of rotation. 6 = angular space passed over by any line from O. a = angular accelera- "*x s tion. / X V a) = angular velocity. Then dO = dt dt* ' Fig. 35, For uniform acceleration, a. = k, .'. 2a .t. 50 THEORETICAL MECHANICS For a point p distant from O, p . ai. p . a. Fig. 36. For a mass m concentrated p distant from O, Center of Percussion or Oscillation. If an unsupported bar upon being struck at a begins to rotate about 6, then a is the center of percussion for 6 as a center, and b is the center of instantaneous rotation. Fh = dF=a . p . dm. F=a l P . dm = a . p.m. ^dHv Fi e- 37 - THEORETICAL MECHANICS 51 Pendulum. * = time of oscillation from one extreme posi- tion to the other. r = radius of gyration. Then Work, Energy, and Power. Work is equal to the product of the force by the distance through which it acts. Power is the rate of doing work. 1 H.P. = 33,000 ft.-lb. per min. = 550 ft.-lb. per sec. Energy is the capacity or ability to do work. K.E. = Energy of a moving body. For rotation, Fig. 39. Angle of friction, K.E. = /.b A.Xa MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 59 The radii vectores of the kernel are lengths which for any need only be multiplied by the area of the section (A) to give the sec- tion modulus \(I y sin0-J. but these lengths must be considered posi- tive it measured on the opposite side of O from P. Section Modulus Polygons. In the equation S -r -\ -- (see Eccentric A s Loads), s is the section modulus. The sec- tion modulus polygon is the polygon the lengths of whose radii vectores are the graphical representations of the values of s for extreme fibers for successive values of from to 360 degrees. The section modu- lus polygon is a figure whose sides are parallel to the sides of the kernel of the given section but which lie on opposite sides of the center of gravity from the sides of the kernel. The most general value of s is _ __ (lysin J cos 0)y + (I y cos Q J . sin 0) x For any section which is symmetrical about either axis, s becomes I y sin . y +I X cos . x For any symmetrical section for which P lies on Y Y. = 90, hence 60 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS If for any symmetrical section P lies on X-X,e = 0, hence There will be one vertex of the s-polygon for each side of the polygon bounding the section. If x a , y a and #5, y b , are the coordi- nates of a and 6, two consecutive vertices of the bounding polygon of the section, then the coordinates of the vertex of the s-polygon corresponding to the side ab of the bounding polygon will be If ab is parallel to X-X, J I* X a b= , yab = ' ya y<* If ab is parallel to Y-Y, Jy J Xab=, yab= > X a X a For sections symmetrical about either X-X, or Y-Y, J = 0, and the values of y a and can be found in the handbooks z a issued by the steel companies, under the column marked "Section Modulus." The vertices can then be plotted and connected by straight lines to form the s-polygon. From this s-polygon the values of s for any value of 9 can be obtained graphically. The most advantageous plane of loading for any section will be that having the greatest value of s. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 61 DIAGONAL STRESSES Fig. 45. F = axial load. A =area of section normal to axis of bar n n = any diagonal section. = angle which n n makes with axis. = unit axial stress. $3 = unit shear along plane normal to axis. $ n =unit tension or compression normal to section n n. $n == unit shear along section n n. For combined direct stress and vertical shear, S n = ~ (1 -cos 2 0) +S. . sin 2 9. Sn = IT sin 2 +S, . cos 2 0. The maximum or minimum value of S n S occurs when cot 2 = , and is max. /S= ; The maximum value of S 8n occurs when S tan 20= -, and is 62 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS For axial load only, >S 8 =0, hence n = . sin 2 = sin 2 * The maximum value of S n occurs when = 90, and is then the unit axial stress. The maximum value of S en occurs when Q W = 45, and is - 01-75 i *j Z A THIN PIPES, CYLINDERS, AND SPHERES. S = unit stress in metal. t = thickness of metal. d = diameter. ;p = unit pressure of liquid or gas. = angle which the direction of P makes with X-X. Fig. 46. For the transverse stress across a longi- tudinal section of a pipe or cylinder, . cos = % p. d. P*d -' For the longitudinal stress across a trans- verse section of a pipe, or for the stress in a thin hollow sphere, o nd.t 4t which is one-half of the unit transverse stress in a pipe having the same diameter and thickness. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 63 RIVETED JOINTS. Fig. 47. a = distance center to center of two con- secutive rivets in one row. d= diameter of rivet or rivet hole. F stress in unriveted plate in length a. t thickness of plate. S$=unit tensile stress. $ c =unit compressive or bearing stress. = unit shearing stress. et= efficiency of joint for tension. e a = efficiency of joint for compression. e t = efficiency of joint for shear. m = number of shearing sections of rivets in distance a. (Notice that for butt joints each rivet has two shearing areas.) n number of bearing areas of rivets in distance a. F = t (a d) Sf = m . xd? . St~n t d Se. m. x. d?S g 4 . atS t n . dS e 64 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS For maximum, efficiency, make e t = e t for which 4 . n . S e . t m.n . SB and a ~[l +n -3-1 1 . For single riveted lap joints the maximum efficiency is approximately 55 per cent, for double riveted lap joints approximately 70 per cent, for triple riveted lap joints approx- imately 75 per cent, and for triple and double riveted butt joints approximately 80 per cent. BEAMS. Vertical Shear. The vertical shear at any given section of a horizontal beam is the sum of the vertical components of all of the stresses at that section. The vertical shear is equal to the sum of all the reactions of the supports upon the left of the given sec- tion minus the sum of all of the vertical loads on the left of the section. For any beam the vertical shear upon the right side of the left support of any span is where MI = the moment at the left support, M2 = the moment at the right support, 10 = the uniform load per lineal unit, jP=any concentrated load, a = the distance from the left support to F, Z = the length of span. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 65 Shearing Stresses. If F = vertical shear at any section, - where S 9 is the average unit shear. The actual unit vertical shear at any point is equal to the unit horizontal shear at that point, and may be determined by the following equation: where 6 is the breadth of the section at the given point, y is the distance of the point considered from the neutral axis, and c is the distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber on the same side as the point considered. The maximum value of S, occurs at the neutral axis, and is V C V max.S.= j- -^ I y. * ** o l.b where AI is the area of the portion of the section on one side of the neutral axis, and yi is the distance from the neutral axis to the center of gravity of the portion of the section on one side of the neutral axis. For a rectangular section, the maximum unit shear is | of the mean unit shear. For Diagonal Shear, see Diagonal Stresses, page 61. Bending Moment. The bending moment at any point for any beam is M = Mj + V l x-$wx*-'2F (x-a), * See "Merriman's Mechanics of Materi- als," page 269. 66 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS where M = bending moment at section considered, MI = bending moment at the left support, FI = vertical shear upon the right side of the left support, w = uniform load including weight of beam, per lineal unit, F=any concentrated load upon the left of the section considered, x = distance from the left support to the section considered, o = distance from left support to F. For any beam of one span Vi is equal to the reaction at the left support. The maximum values of M occur at those sections for which 7 =0, that is, where the dx shear passes through zero. The values of M for special cases are given in Table of Beams, page 68. Theorem of Three Moments. For any two consecutive spans of a continuous beam, let MI = moment at the left support, M 2 = moment at the middle support, M 3 = moment at the right support, Zi=length of the first span, h = length of the second span, 1 = length of span for equal spans, wi = uniform load per lineal unit on first span, w 2 = uniform load per lineal unit on second span, FI = any concentrated load on the first span, F 2 = any concentrated load on the second span, i= distance from first support to FI, d2 = distance from middle support to F%. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 67 Then, for uniform loads only, ih +2 M 2 (h + 1 2 ) +M 3 1 2 = -$w 1 l l 3 -iw 2 l2*. For equal spans with equal uniform loads, For concentrated loads only, Mill +2M 2 (h +fe) +M 3 1 2 Flexural Stresses. The tensile and com- pressive stresses in a beam, produced by bending, are the same as the stresses upon a section having an eccentric load, due to the moment of that load. Therefore, for pure flexure the tensile and compressive stresses for the extreme fibers of any section can be determined by placing =0 in the formula for S given under Eccentric Loads, which gives where s is the section modulus, the values for which are given under Section Modulus Polygons. For combined flexure and direct stress, the tensile and compressive stresses are given by the formulae for Eccentric Loads. Elastic Curves. The curve \vhich is as- sumed by the neutral surface of a beam under load is called the elastic curve. The radius of curvature of the elastic curve is ff/ = dP ^dtf ' M dx.d*y d*y' 68 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS from which the equation of the elastic curve can be obtained, for any particular case, by placing M equal to El , and by making two integrations to obtain an equation in terms of x and y. The deflection of a beam at any given point is obtained by substituting the par- ticular value of x in the equation of the elastic curve and solving for y. The maxi- mum deflection occurs at the section for which #y dx~ (For particular cases, see Table of Beams.) TABLE OF BEAMS. NOTE . The equations for elastic curves and the values of A apply only to beams of uniform section. Beams Supported at Both Ends and Uniformly Loaded. Moment Fig. 48. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 69 =Rix- wx* wlx - wx* A when x= - , or A== oo3 "Fr ^QQA" 384 til o84 Beam Supported at Both Ends and Loaded with a Concentrated Load at Center of Span. f Ri Moment Fig. 49. 70 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS V=R lt or V = R 2 . M = Rtx, on the left of F, = Rix-Fx-- t on the right of F. EI l = Fx > on the Ieft of F - 48 EIy = F (4 *'-3 Pa;), on the left of F. A= __ ' 48 J^/ ' (For both uniform and concentrated loads, combine the results for each.) Beam Supported at Both Ends and Loaded with a Concentrated Load Distant a from the Left Support. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 71 V=Ri, on the left of F, = #2, on the right of F. M=Rix, on the left of F, *=Rix-F (x-a), on the right of F. EI~~ = R l x, on the left of F, = Ri.x-F (x-a), on the right of F. Ely = - Rix* + cix 4- c 2 , on the left of F, Fax* on the right of F. The maximum deflection (A) occurs at the section for which and is Beam Supported at Both Ends and Loaded with Several Concentrated Loads. 72 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS The maximum moment (Mm) occurs at the section for which R\ 2 ^=0, that is, where the vertical shear is zero. For a system of movable loads the maxi- mum moment will occur under one of the loads, the loads being in such a position , F 1 ! F * ! F 3 Fig. 51. that the center of the span is midway be- tween the center of gravity of all the loads and the section at which the maximum moment occurs. The maximum deflection of a beam loaded with several loads is the sum of the deflec- tions produced by each load at the section at which the maximum deflection for the entire system of loads occurs. The deflec- tions produced by each load can be obtained by means of the equation of the elastic curve for a single load. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 73 Cantilever Beam with Uniform Load. R l = w l=W #2=0. Moment Fig. 52. Of if is taken from the free end, 1 ~2 WX ' El = i wP-' wlx + i wx*. 4 - 4 I wl* _l Wl 3 8 El "8 El ' 74 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Cantilever Beam with Concentrated Load at the Free End. Ri = F. #2=0. 3 El' Beam Fixed at Both Ends and Uniformly Loaded. M = - wlx 2 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 75 By placing ~ when x =0 and when x*=l t w ( - JLE 384 ;/ -re 4 ). Beam Fixed at Both Ends and Loaded at the Center of the Span with a Concen- trated Load. V = Ri, on the left of F, =* R 2 , on the right of F. 76 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS M = - FI + FX, on the left of F, a & on the right of F. ' Moment Mo Fig. 55. + |F*, on the left of F. on the right of F. By placing - = when a: = and when x = . MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 77 48 Ely , on the left of F. 1 FP '' 192 El ' Beam Fixed at Both Ends and Loaded with a Concentrated Load Distant a from the Left Support. Fig. 56. V RI, on the left of F, = #2, on the right of F. M = Mi +Rix, on the left of F, = MX + Rix - F (x - a), on the right of F. 78 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 7 = Afi + Rix, on the left of F. 6 Ely = 3 M !X 2 +# i: r 3 , on the left of F. The maximum deflection (A) occurs at 2al the section for which x - l+2a El (I +2 a) 2 3 El (I +2 a) 3 Continuous Beam with Uniform Loads. u?j=load per lineal unit on Zj. w 2 = load per lineal unit on 1 2 , etc. TFi = total load on Zi. TF 2 = total load on I 2 . t etc. R n =V n . For a continuous beam supported at the ends, O+2M 2 (h MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 79 M 2 1 2 +2 M 3 (l a = - w 2 l 2 z j wda-, etc. = - w n - 2 l n - 2* r w-i/n-i 2 . From the above simultaneous equations *, . . M n -\ can be determined. 1*2 t R 3 t R 3 *i zi -F ti r ^H Moment X^X V Fig. 57. For equal spans with equal uniform load over the entire beam, the ends of the beam resting upon supports, the moment at any support is KwP or KWl, and the vertical shear is Nwl or NW, where K and N have the values given in the following table: 80 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS 2 o o o o o -S HS a == number of revolutions per sec. But, Fa =^, hence INDEX PAGE Acceleration 46 Analytic Geometry 11 Arithmetical Progression 2 Beams 64 Continuous Beams 78 Coefficients for Continuous Beams . . 80 Table of Beams 68 Theorem of Three Moments 66 Bending Moment 65 Belt, Friction of 52 Binomial Theorem 3 Calculus 20 Catenary, The 18 Center of Gravity . , 40 Center of Pressure 39 Circle, The 14 Columns 81 Combinations and Permutations .... 3 Cones, Equation of 18 Conic Sections, General Equation of . . 19 Core Sections 58 Couple, Definition of 39 Curves, Elastic , . . . 67 Cycloid, The 17 Cylinders, Stresses in 62 Deflection of a Beam 68 Determinants , . . . . 4 Differential Calculus 20 Differentiation 21 Dynamics 46 Elastic Curves 67 Ellipse, The 15 Ellipsoid of Inertia 45 Energy . , 51 90 INDEX PAGI Equilibrium , o Exponents ] Falling Bodies tj Force ^ Friction r,] Friction of Belt 55 Geometric Progression 5 Harmonic Progression 2 Hyperbola, The ie Hyperboloids ig Impact 4(3 Integral Calculus 23 Kernel of a Section 58 Logarithms 1 Materials, Strength of 53 Maximum Value of a Function 22 Mechanics, Theoretical 3i} Minimum Value of a Function .... 22 Moment, Bending 65 Moment of Inertia - 42 Moment, Maximum for Concentrated Loads 70 Motion of a Point, Curvilinear 47 Neutral Axis, Equation of 58 Parabola, The 15 Parabola, The Cubic '. . 18 Paraboloids 19 Pendulum 51 Permutations and Combinations .... 3 Pipes, Stresses in 62 Plane Triangles 8 Power 51 Power, Transmission of 87 Product of Inertia 44 Progression 2 Projectiles 48 Proportion 2 Quadratic Equations 2 Radius of Curvature 22 Radius of Curvature of Beams 67 INDEX 91 PAGE Radius of Gyration 45 Riveted Joints 63 Rotation 49 Section Modulus 59 Series 3 Shear, Diagonal 65 Shear, Vertical 64 Shearing Stresses 65 Sphere, The 18 Spherical Triangles 9 Spheroids 18 Spirals 17 Statics 38 Straight Line, The 13 Stresses Combined Stresses 67 Diagonal Stresses 61 Direct Stresses 54 Eccentric Stresses 55 Flexural Stresses 67 Stresses in Pipes, Cylinders, and Spheres 62 Struts 81 Taylor's Theorem 22 Theorem of Three Moments 66 Torsion 86 Transformation of Coordinates .... 11 Transmission of Power 87 Triangles, Solution of 8 Trigonometry 5 Velocity and Acceleration 46 Velocities, Virtual 47 Vork and Energy 51 ^3*ijR^ OF THE [UNIVr Oi c w a o i > r 53 I