THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Gift of Mrs. Lawrence C. Lockley MUSIO LIBRARY GEORGE GEMUNDER'S PROGRESS IN VIOLIN MAKING, WITH INTERESTING FACTS AND ITS CRITICS IN GENERAL. BY GEORGE GEMUNDER. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR'. ASTORIA, N. Y., Entrrtd According to Act of Congrttt, in tlu KMT 1881. GEORGE GEMttNDER, In tlu Office of tht Librarian of Congrttt. Musk; Library BIOGRAPHY GEORGE GEMUNDER. George Gemiinder was born at Ingelfingen, in the kingdom of Wurtemburg, on the I3th of April, 1816. His father was a maker of bow instruments, and it was, therefore, from Gemiinder's earliest youth that he devoted himself to the same art and the studies connected with it. When he left school, it was suggested to his father that George should become a school- master, as he at the time wrote the finest hand and executed the best designs of any among his classmates. His father was not 1827775 4 BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER. averse to this proposal and decided to carry it out. George was, accordingly, directed to prepare for the seminary. The plan was not, however, in accordance with his own tastes or inclinations, and he followed it for a period of but three weeks, only to abandon it finally and forever, to take up that employment which accorded with his natural gift and gave scope for the development of his genius. After his father's death, which occurred when George was in his nineteenth year, he went abroad, and worked variously at Pesth, Pres- burg, Vienna and Munich. Fortune smiled upon him, and more than once an opportunity was presented of establishing a business ; but nothing that promised simply commonplace results and a commonplace life could attract his eye, since his mind, aspiring to improve- ment in his art, was constantly impelling him toward that celebrated manufacturer of violins, Vuillaume, at Paris. He plainly saw that in Germany he could not reach in the art that degree of accomplishment for which he strove, and, therefore, he resolved to find, if possible, at Strasburg, such a position as he had had at Munich. Through the mediation of a friend be obtained a call to go to a manufacturer of BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER. 5 musical instruments at Strasburg ; but upon his arrival he was astonished to learn that the man was a maker of brass instruments ! Here was a dilemma. Disappointed in his effort to find employment, winter at the door and far away from home, what could he do ? The man- ufacturer, whose name was Roth, perceiving his perturbation, was kind enough to ask Ge- miinder to remain in his house until he should have succeeded in finding such a position as he desired. Gemunder accepted the prof- ered kindness, and after the lapse of six weeks he formed the acquaintance of a gentleman with whom he afterward became intimate, and who promised to write for Gemunder a letter of recommendation and send it to Vuil- laume at Paris. Meanwhile Gemunder re- mained in Strasburg. One day, while taking a walk in the park called " Die Englishen An- lagen," he seated himself on a bench and shortly fell asleep. In his sleep he heard a voice which seemed to say : " Don't give way ; within three days your situation will change !" The voice proved prophetic, for on the third day after the dream his friend came to him with a letter from Vuillaume, which contained the agreeable intelligence that Gemunder 6 BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER, should go to Paris. The invitation was prompt- ly accepted and Gemiinder immediately start- ed on his journey. When he arrived at Vuil- laume's another difficulty was encountered, for Vuillaume had mistakenly supposed that Ge- miinder spoke French. By mere good fortune it happened at the time of Gemiinder's arrival that a German professor was giving music les- sons to Vuillaumc's twin daughters, who in the capacity of interpreter informed Gemiinder that M. Vuillaume was sorry to have induced him to come to Paris, because it would be im- possible to get along in his house without French. Vuillaume kindly offered to pay Ge- miinder's traveling expenses from Paris back to Strasburg, but said, however, that should the latter be satisfied with nominal wages at first, he would give him thirty sous a day until he should have learned enough of the language to be able to get along. Gemiinder accept- ed the proposition, which greatly astonished Vuillaume because he had not supposed that Gemiinder would be contented with such small wages ! Then he showed him a violin and violoncello as models of his manufacture, and asked him if he could make instruments like those. The answer being in the affirmative, BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER. J Vuillaume smiled, for he was sure it could not be done. On the following day he provided Gemiinder with materials for making a new violin, in order to see what he could do. He soon perceived that Gemiinder possessed more theoretical than practical knowledge. When the violin was finished, he made him under- stand that their way of working was different, and he desired to have his own methods adopted. Gemiinder did his best, and being a good designer, he soon acquired a knowledge of the different characters of the propagated Italian school in regard to the construction of violins. After the lapse of three months Gemunder's wages were increased ten sous a day, and although he now saw his most heartfelt desire fulfilled, namely, to work in Vuil- laume 's manufactory, yet he did not find it possible to stay there permanently, because his fellow-workmen, who had observed the kindness with which their employer had treated his new workman, became filled with feelings of jealousy, and resolved to harrass him and compel him if possible to leave. So thoroughly did they succeed in embittering his life, that Gemiinder finally resolved to leave Vuillaume 8 BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER. and go to America, and with this firmly fixed in his mind he began his preparations secretly to carry out his plan. When everything was ready, he went to Vuillaume to make known his intention and to explain to him the cause of his leaving. The latter, astonished at this intelligence, declared that Gemunder should not leave his house at all, and assured him that he would not meet with further unkindness from his fellow-work- men, even if all should be dismissed, although some of them had already been in his manu- factory for many years. He further assured Gemunder that should he not desire to remain Paris, he would establish him in a business similar to his own, either in Germany or else- where, but he dissuaded him from going to America, for the reason that the art of violin making was not sufficiently understood there at that time. This kindness and benevolence upon the part of his employer so touched his heart that he was constrained to remain, and he began to construe!: new violins, in some of which he imitated the Italian character thor- oughly, and also to repair injured violins. One day Vuillaume handed Gemunder a vio- lin, with the remark that he wished him to do BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE GEMUNDER. 9 his best work in repairing it, for a gentleman from Russia had sent it. Vuillaume especially called Gemiinder's attention to a certain place in the back which was to be repaired, which was almost invisible, and he gave Gemiinder a magnifying glass for his assistance, but Gemiin- der returned it, saying that he could do better with his naked eyes, and when finished Vuil- laume might examine it with the glass. When completed, the work proved to be all that Vuillaume had wished, and satisfied the owner of the instrument so thoroughly that in his ecstasy of delight he presented Vuillaume, in addition to the payment for his work, with a costly Russian morning gown. On the return of Ole Bull from America, in l4 PROGRESS IN VIOLIN MAKING. be able hereafter to show better knowledge in his critique upon violins ! From my childhood I have grown up in this art in Germany and have devoted myself to all those studies which are connected with it. The last four years in Europe I passed at Vuil- laume's in Paris, consequently I am acquainted with the entire European knowledge of the construction of violins. Since 1847 I have made violins in America, therefore my instruments do not require to be subjected to a " proof of time," for it is with- out such a one that I have solved the problem and secured at once the fine tone which all the preceding violin makers strove in vain to find. I obtained my purpose in quite a natural way. This knowledge, however, does not lie in an object whose secret is only to be secured by a patent ; it lies purely in the gifts of man. An- other century may pass by before this problem will be solved again. The closing page in Mr. Schelle's critique sounds like a lawyer's plead- ing in favor of a criminal. In this regard his writing is quite creditable, for he has well pleaded the cause of the violin makers of Vi- enna ! But then those words in my circular about REPLY TO MR. SCHELLE. IOJ violin makers proved true again : " This won- derful instrument has still remained an enigma to the musical world until now. How fortun- ate it is that it does not understand human language, by which circumstance it escapes the medley of opinions which have been given in regard to it." When, however, its clear tone was heard, and the easiness with which the tones came was noticed, then it became an enigma to pro- fessional men and they declared that this vio- lin was an original fixed up again ! But later, when it was objected to and found to be a new Gemiinder violin, it was ignored even in the newspapers. The Neue Wiener Tageblatt, of Vienna, called it afterwards " the false Cremona violin !" How envy here glared forth again ; for this violin was not exhibited as a Cremona violin, although it has been dem- onstrated that it had been previously really taken for a genuine Italian instrument. Its introduction as " Emperor Violin " had a force and pungency which tickled the profes- sionals, and what surpasses all belief is, that they themselves crowned the work. It was, indeed, the greatest premium that I could gain r in spite of all the pains which those men gave 106 PROGRESS IN VIOLIN MAKING. to themselves to deprive me of my merit. Thus a moral prize values higher than a piece of metal ? Although many mocked at the high price, yet no such violin could be made by all those deriders, should millions of dollars be offered to them. Therefore an unrivaled artist has the right to fix any price on his productions. Although an offer of $3,000 was made for it, yet nobody was charged to sell it, even if $10,- ooo had been presented. The newspaper of the exhibition of Vienna, published on the I7th of August, 1873 : "Ge- miinder found fault with the Italian construc- tions and those of Vuillaume." If Gemvinder had not extended his studies so far he would probably not have stirred up those matters which had given such a headache to those people of Vienna, for George Gemim- der became thoroughly acquainted with both the faultless and the faulty points of the Ital- ians in the construction of violins. If those people of Vienna had had the good luck to discover imperfections on the above mentioned constructions, then they would have made a great cry about it. The same newspaper says in another pas- REPLY TO MR. SCHELLE. 107 sage : " The tone of this violin is indeed strong and beautiful and has an easiness that pleases, also it has not that young tone peculiar to the very best new violins." In saying these words the writer confesses the truth in his innocence, and this verdi6l crowns this violin again, be- cause this character of tone is just that one which all violin makers in the nineteenth cen- tury have been trying in vain to find. And further : " For this reason some pro- fessional men gave vent to the suspicion that the wood was submitted to an artificial prepar- ation, probably by the use of borax." Such was the nonsense to which this peerless violin was subjected, since there was none to take up its defence. The annexed description in which all chemical preparations were peremptorily opposed, was entirely disregarded by them. Thus there is no other way to advise those pseudo-professional men to have such borax violins made and patented ! To those gentlemen who call themselves professional men, I, George Gemiinder, declare that I am ready at .any time to sacrifice my " Emperor violin " or any other which I have made, and I propose to give it to the best chem- ists in the world to be cut to pieces, that they PROGRESS IN VIOLIN MAKING. may examine the wood and ascertain if any chemical preparation has been used. If this is found to be the case they may be allowed to scold and blame me publicly as much as they please ; but, if nothing of that kind is found, they are to pay ten thousand dollars for the " Emperor violin." Address : GEORGE GEM UNDER. ASTORIA, NEW YORK. ERRATUM. Page 70. Sentence beginning " He also tried to persuade them into the belief," &c., should read, " He also tried to persuade them into the belief that when new violins sound well and are serviceable for concerts they are made of chemically prepared wood." 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