UC-NRLF $B 1?1 fl3D THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF William E. Colby Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/collectorssaleolOOanderich [89] AMETHYST COLORED VASE SUNG PERIOD A UNIQUE SPECIMEN OF A BEAUTIFULLY GLAZED POTTERY VASE. THIS IS THE ONLY ONE KNOWN IN CHINA OF THE SAME SHAPE AND COLOR OF THIS PARTICULARLY IMPOR' TANT PERIOD FOR POTTERY AND PORCELAIN A COLLECTOR'S SALE OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN; SINGLE COLOR CHINESE PORCELAIN; MING, SUNG, YUAN, AND TANG POTTERY; DECORATED CHINESE PORCELAIN; OLD CHINESE BRONZES; JADE; IVORY AND CRYSTAL; OLD CHINESE KAKE- MONO, MAKIMONO AND ALBUMS, COLLECTED BY A HIGH FOREIGN OFFICIAL FOR SEVENTEEN YEARS RESIDENT IN CHINA ITHE NAME OF THE OWNER WILL BE GIVEN ON REQUEST] TO BE SOLD MONDAY AND TUESDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY 22 AND 23 [BEGINNING AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK] ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY JANUARY FIFTEENTH THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK 1^18^^ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injur- iously affect the sale. 3 . Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be dehvered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be with- out prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be re- sponsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York. Telephone, Murray Hill 7680 sales conducted by mr. frederick a. chapman GIFI CHINESE ART j^^ THIS outstanding collection of old Chinese Art Objects has been consigned for unrestricted public sale. It was formed by a prominent foreign official, who was a resident of China for seventeen years. It embraces a variety of objects, most of which are rare and valuable. Many of these come from the collection of Monseigneur Favier, who was Bishop of Peking. Among the most notable pieces are the following: an amethyst color pottery vase of the Sung Period; a Buddhist funeral vase of celadon. Sung Period; a large turquoise blue baluster porcelain vase, Ming Period, and a large trumpet shape bronze vase, with various archaic letters, of the Shang Dynasty. An- other of the particularly interesting features of this exhibition, and worthy of the connoisseur's attention, is the collection of Old Chinese paintings, consisting of Albums, Makimono, Kakemono and Screens of various sizes, all of which are regarded as extremely fine. It is not believed that Chinese paintings of such rarity and value have ever before been offered for sale at auction in America. 928 The name of the owner, which for obvious reasons cannot be publicly advertised, will be given privately by applying to the Anderson Galleries, Inc. Every piece in this collection has been carefully described by the owner, who guarantees every date and attribution to be correct, bearing in mind how- ever the following quotation from the article on Chinese Art printed in the catalogue of the inaugural exhibition of the Cleveland Museum of Art: "If there is one point connected with Ancient Chinese Art on which we may feel reasonably certain, it is that there is hardly one on which we are justified in being positive. From Shang bronze, which cannot be later than the Twelfth century before Christ, to Sung pottery which cannot be earlier than the Tenth after, there is scarcely one subject upon which it is possible to be sure that our position is impregnable.'' ORDER OF SALE OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN 1-40 SINGLE COLOR CHINESE PORCELAIN 41-67 MING, SUNG, YUAN AND TANG POTTERY 68-90 DECORATED CHINESE PORCELAIN 91-106 OLD CHINESE BRONZES 107-132 JADE 133-145 IVORY AND CRYSTAL 146-153 OLD CHINESE KAKEMONO, MAKIMONO AND ALBUMS 154-195 1 DYNASTIES OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE SHANG DYNASTY 1766-1122 B. C. CHOU DYNASTY 1122-255 B. C. CHIN DYNASTY 256-206 B. C. HAN DYNASTY 206 B. C.-220 A. D. WEI DYNASTY 220-265 A. D. THE SIX DYNASTIES 265-618 A. D. T'ANG DYNASTY 618-906 A. D. THE FIVE DYNASTIES 906-960 A. D. SUNG DYNASTY 960-1280 A. D. YUAN DYNASTY 1280-1368 A. D. MING DYNASTY 1368-1644 A. D. YUNG LO 1403-1424 A. D. HSUAN TE 1426-1435 A. D. CH'ENG HUA 1465-1487 A. D. CH£nG TE 1506-1521 A. D. CHIA CHING 1522-1566 A. D. LUNG CHTNG 1567-1572 A. D. WAN LI 1573-1619 A. D. CHTNG DYNASTY 1644-1912 A. D. K'ANG HSI 1662-1722 A. D. YUNG CHENG 1723-1735 A. D. CHTEN LUNG 1736-1795 A. D. KEA KING 1796-1820 A. D. TAO KUANG 1821-1850 A. D. OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN [1] PAIR OF BOWLS ch'ien lung period ^ White ground brilliantly painted, decoration of sym- bolical figures in four colors and gold. Slightly cracked. [2] FOUR PORCELAIN BOWLS chia ching period ^ Decorated with children and flowers in colors. Signed. [3] THREE OCTAGONAL BOWLS tao kuang period ^ One large and two small, white porcelain ground dec- oration of figures in four colors. [4] EIGHT BOWLS WITH COVERS chia ching period fl Decorated with figures and ornaments in color. [5] FIVE SMALL BOWLS chia ching period ^ Decorated with symbols of Happiness in colors. One cracked. [6] SEVEN LARGE BOWLS early k'ang hsi period ^ White ground with light brown decoration of figures and boat. Signed. Diameter 7 inches. [7] TEA CADDY chia ching period ^ Decoration of flowers on white ground, original por- celain top; Blackwood stand. Height 2^ inches. [8] SMALL GLOBULAR JAR yung cheng period ^ Decorated in flowers on white ground. Blackwood stand and cover. Height 3^ inches. [9] SMALL RED CORAL BOWL ch'ien lung period ^ White porcelain ground with four medallions decorated with colored flowers. Signed. Blackwood stand. [10] SMALL FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN JAR ^ YUNG CHENG PERIOD ^ Yellow ground decorated in green and rose. Blackwood stand and cover. Height Syi inches. [11] CYLINDRICAL PORCELAIN JAR k'ang hsi period fl Decorated figures and flowers; Blackwood stand and cover. Height 7 inches. [12] TWO SMALL PORCELAIN BOWLS YUNG CHENG PERIOD ^ White ground decorated with birds and flowers in gold. Blackwood stand. Slight nick on rim. [13] FAMILLE ROSE SQUARE TEA CADDY YUNG CHENG PERIOD ^ White porcelain ground with under glazed decoration oj flowers and figures. Blackwood stand and cover. Height Syi inches. ^ [14] CH lEN LUNG PERIOD BLACK AND WHITE VASE ^ Unglazed white ground with Grecian design in blue black. Blackwood stand. Rare piece. Height 7}4 inches. [IS] SMALL CELADON SQUARE VASE CH lEN LUNG PERIOD ^ Decorated in blue and white flowers and characters under the glaze. Height 5y^ inches. [16] PAIR OF BOWLS tao kuang ^Decorated with flowers and branches. Inside peach- blossom and bats {symbol of longevity). Blackwood stand. Diameter: 9 inches. [17] SMALL OVOID JAR k'ang hsi period ^ White porcelain ground, decoration in dark blue flowers under the glaze. Blackwood stand and cover. Height 6 inches. [18a] SMALL BALUSTER SHAPE VASE yung cheng period ^ White porcelain ground with decoration of lion and palms in Ming colors. Blackwood stand. Height 7}4 inches. [18b] BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN VASE ming period fl Decoration of bamboo design and flying bats, symbol of Happiness. Height 9 inches. [19] HEXAGONAL TEA CADDY k'ang hsi period ^ White ground with decoration of figures and symbols in five colors , porcelain top. Rare piece. Height Tyi inches. [20] LARGE RICE DISH WITH ORIGINAL COVER YUNG CHENG PERIOD fl White ground with decoration of flowers and bees in five colors; has thin brass handles. Height 6% inches; diameter 6% inches. [21a] PORCELAIN BOTTLE SHAPE VASE TAO KUANG PERIOD tj Light green ground with carved design, decorated with a lady and deer in five colors. Signed. Blackwood stand. Height 9^ inches. [21b] WRITER'S PORCELAIN WATER-WELL k'ang hsi period ^ Beige crackled ground. Decorated with eight horses in blue and elephant head handles in brown. Black- wood stand. Height 5}4 inches; diameter 9)4 inches. [22] PAIR OF OBLONG SHALLOW DISHES k'ang hsi period fl With all-over decoration of flowers in Persian style; blackwood stands . Rare pieces of exceptionally flne shape and design. [23] PAIR OF PORCELAIN PARROTS k'ang hsi period ^In three colors, aubergine, green and yellow. They are standing on rocks. Excellent examples. Height 8 inches. [24] PAIR OF PORCELAIN PARROTS k'ang hsi period ^ Standing on rocks in three colors, aubergine, green and yellow; the coloring and modeling furnish excellent examples of the period. Height dyi inches. [25] FOUR SMALL FLAT BOWLS ch'ien lung period ^ White porcelain ground decorated with symbols in four colors and gold inside. Signed. Rare pieces. [26] FLAT ROUND BOX ch'ien lung period ^ White porcelain ground with famille rose decoration. Slightly cracked. [27] FAMILLE ROSE BOWL ch'ien lung period ^ White porcelain ground, decoration of flowers in three colors, conventional design around the rim and base. Very rare piece. Height 3^ inches. [28] GLOBULAR PORCELAIN JAR yung cheng period ^ Decorated in geometrical design under the glaze, in four colors. Blackwood stand and cover. Height 6}4 inches. [29] TWO SAUCERS ch'ien lung period ^ Decoration of birds, flowers and figures in five colors y on white egg-shell ground. Very fine pieces. Diameter dj^ inches. [30] PAIR OF DOG FOO k'ang hsi period ^ Coated with green and yellow glaze and seated on base with fore paw resting on Sacred Ball. Height 8 inches. [31] PAIR OF DOG FOO POTTERY CANDLESTICKS k'ang hsi period fl Coated with green and yellow glaze and seated on base with fore paw resting on Sacred Ball. Height 8 inches. [32] PAIR OF DOG FOO POTTERY CANDLESTICKS k'ang hsi period ^Coated with green and yellow glaze and seated on base with fore paw resting on Sacred Ball. Height 7^ inches. [33] SEATED KWANG-YIN FIGURES ch'ien lung period ^ Decorated in five colors. She is holding a medicine vase. Some fingers broken. Height Syi inches. [34] KWANG-YIN FIGURE ch'ien lung period ^Goddess of Mercy seated upon banks of lotus petals in three colors, green, yellow and white porcelain. Some fingers broken. Height 12 inches. [35] FIGURE OF KWANG-YIN ch'ien lung period ^ Standing alone, her robes in rich and varied brocade patterns. The shirt is green enamel decorated with flowers. The mantel on head is a brilliant red, and the colored necklace terminating in a red tassel is very un- common. Height 13 inches. [36] PAIR OF PORCELAIN MINIATURE SCREENS ch'ien lung period ^ Decorated with figures in color. Mounted on delicate- ly carved Blackwood stands. Height 6]/2 i'^ches. [37] PORCELAIN SCREEN chia ch'ing period ^Decorated with figures and fish in colors. Mounted in old Blackwood frame inlaid with yellow Ch'ien Lung porcelain decorated in conventional flowers. Height 17}4 inches. [38] LARGE PORCELAIN SCREEN chia ch'ing period ^Decorated with figures, trees and symbols in colors on white ground. Mounted on old Blackwood frame . Height 26 inches. [39] GROUP OF THREE STANDING FIGURES YUNG CHENG PERIOD ^Decorated in high glaze in five colors. [40] PAIR OF SHALLOW BOWLS WITH PORCELAIN COVERS YUNG CHENG PERIOD fl Black ground with Tibetan design, mythical animals and flowers in four colors and gold. Rare pieces. SINGLE COLOR CHINESE PORCELAIN [41] SMALL VASE ch*ien lung period ^ Coated with a tea-green glaze and finely crackled. Blackwood stand. Slight chip at neck. Height 3 inches. [42] SMALL WINE VASE yung cheng period ^ Coated with a fine tea-green glaze with decoration in black flowers under glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 3 inches. [43] GLOBULAR PORCELAIN VASE tao kuang period ^ Cylindrical neck expanding at the top. Sang-de-boeuf color, carved handles. Blackwood stand. Height 16y2 inches. [44] MONOCHROME BOTTLE-SHAPE VASE YUNG CHENG PERIOD m^oated with brilliant glaze of sang-de-boeuf color, the neck slightly spreading at the top. Blackwood stand. Height 12 inches. [45] LARGE BOWL ch'ien lung period ^Coated with sang-de-hoeuf color glaze of even quality, the inside white glaze. Very nice specimen of this period. Diameter Syi, inches. [46] GLOBULAR PORCELAIN JAR yung cheng period ^^Coated with a brilliant sang-de-hoeuf monochrome glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 11 inches. [47] SANG-DE-BOEUF COUPE yung cheng period ^ Beige crackle inside under the glaze. High Black- wood stand. Diameter 4}4 inches, [48] CLAIR-DE-LUNE COUPE ch'ien lung period ^ Beige crackle inside under the glaze, Blackwood stand. Height 4y2 inches. [49] WRITER'S WATER COUPE ch'ien lung period fl Coated with fish-roe green glaze and finely crackled. Blackwood stand. Height 3 inches. [50] TWO SMALL VASES k'ang hsi period ^ Coated with a fish-roe green glaze and finely crackled, Blackwood stand. Height of one 5}4 inches; height of the other 6 inches. [51] SPHERICAL WATER WELL ming period ^1 White monochrome porcelain, decorated with four symbolical ornaments in relief. Signed. Diameter 6 inches. [52] INCENSE BURNER ming period fl White hard paste porcelain, carved handles and legs. Swastika fret around the neck and base. Height 4y2 inches; diameter 5^4 inches. [S3] THREE SMALL VASES k'ang hsi period ^ Coated with a fish-roe green glaze and finely crackled. Height of two 5}4 inches; height of one dyi inches. [54] TWO VASES k'ang hsi period ^ Coated with a tea-green glaze. Blackwood stands. Height 2yi inches. [55] SMALL BOTTLE-SHAPE VASE ch'ien lung period ^Peacock green ( monochrome ) porcelain^ finely crackled under the glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 6 inches. [56] TEA CADDY k*ang hsi period ^ Coated with a sage-green glaze and finely crackled. Height 3 inches. [57] I SMALL CELADON JAR k'ang hsi period fl Decorated with flowers and scrolls carved in the paste beneath the glaze. Six character marks, Blackwood stand and cover. Height 5yi inches. [58] POWDERED-BLUE TEA JAR ch'ien lung period fl Decoration under glaze same color. Blackwood stand ^ and cover. Height 4 inches. [59] SAUCER SHAPE DISH k'ang hsi period ^ Finely crackled, and coated with a fish-roe green glaze. Blackwood stand. Diameter dyi inches. [60] LARGE CELADON DISH ming period ^ Decoration in sage-green and conventional design under the glaze. Diameter 13]/^ inches. [61] SITTING KWANG-YIN ming period ^Goddess of Mercy, ivory white monochrome porcelain, with two standing figures on each side. Vase and bird on pedestal in the background. Height 9}4 inches. [62] STANDING KWANG-YIN ming period ^Goddess of Mercy, white hard paste porcelain. Some of the fingers are broken. Height 12}4 inches. [63] SMALL PILGRIM BOTTLE sung period ^ Beige color with under glazed carved decoration in lighter shades; carved handles and swastika fret outline of the same color about the neck and down the side. Signed. Blackwood stand. Height 7 inches. [64] LARGE AMPHORA CELADON VASE ming period fl Of light green color with conventional design carved in the paste beneath the glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 14^ inches. [65] AMPHORA SOFT PASTE VASE ming period ^ Monochrome light cream crackle under glaze; small lion-head handles, Blackwood stand. Height 12 inches. [66] MONOCHROME BLACK VASE ch'ien lung period ^ Inverted pear shape of orange peel glaze coated with brilliant black. Blue seal on base encircled by dragon. Rare piece of this period. Blackwood stand and cover. Height 8^ inches. [67] MONOCHROME PORCELAIN VASE CH lEN LUNG PERIOD ^ Baluster shape, peacock-blue crackle under the glaze; short tubular neck and slightly spreading lip. Black- wood stand. Very rare piece. Height 13 inches. MING, SUNG, YUAN AND T'ANG POTTERY [68] SMALL WATER WELL ming period ^ Olive green crackled under glaze. Pottery. Height 2 inches. [69] INCENSE BURNER ming period ^Dog Foo in hrown and blue glazed pottery. Detach- able head. Height 4yi inches. [70] FIGURE OF OLD MAN ming period ^Coated with blue, green, yellow and white glazed pottery. Height Syi inches. [71] AMPHORA FLAMBfi VASE ming period %\Dark blue with inverted ring handles. Height 8 inches. 7] AMPHORA VASE ming period VI Light blue and grey flambe with inverted ring handles. Height 9 inches. [73] OCTAGONAL VASE yuan period ^ Cream ground {North China) . Blackwood stand. Height 9 inches. [74] SMALL DISH yuan period fl Coated with a light blue glaze. Blackwood stand. Diameter 3% inches. [75] SMALL DISH yuan period ^Coated with a blue of the sky glaze. Blackwood sumc^ Diameter 4yi inches. [76] LARGE BOWL yuan period ^ Decorated with blue archaic flowers on creamy ground under the glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 5 inches. PAIR OF BOWLS t'ang or sung period ^ Coated with a light creamy glaze. Blackwood stand. Height 2 inches; diameter 6 inches. [78] PAIR OF DOG FOO ming period ^Coated with dark yellow glaze. Height 6 inches. [79] PAIR OF FIGURES t'ang period ^ Standing warriors, some of the green glaze still visible. Said to be buried in high mandarin s tombs and found after one thousand years. Height 17 inches. \See illustration.] [80] MANDARIN STANDING FIGURE t'ang period ,1 ^Some of the green glaze still visible. Said to he buried in high mandarin s tombs and found after one thousand years. Height 17 inches. \See illustration.] [81] THREE PIECE POTTERY SET ming period ^ Representing warrior and pair of lions. Coated with green and yellow glaze. Fine specimen of this period. Height of figure 15 inches; height of lions 9)4, inches. [82] LARGE BOWL t'ang period fl Decoration inside of carved design under the glaze. Height 2^ inches; diameter 7}^ inches. [83] SITTING LION (UNICORN) t'ang period ^ Coated with a creamy glaze. Rare specimen. Height 13}/2 inches. 04 ON 00 ON [84] LARGE POTTERY BOWL ming period fl Coated with blue of the sky changing to brown at the edge. Blackwood stand. Diameter 7 inches. [85] SWEETMEAT BOX ming period % Shantung pottery decorated with dark brown flowers on cream ground under the glaze, the cover has small handle. Height 4 inches; diameter 10 inches, [86] SEATED KWANG-YIN ming period ^Coated with green and yellow glaze. Square Black- wood stand. Height 9]4 inches. [87] LARGE OVAL JAR end of t'ang or beginning of sung period ^ Shantung pottery of slender oval form and a creamy white glaze with a coating of solid white slip; archaic decoration in light brown and ornamented with bands. Height 22 inches. [88] LARGE OVAL JAR END OF t'aNG or BEGINNING OF SUNG PERIOD ^ Shantung pottery of slender oval form and a creamy white glaze with a coating of solid white slip. Archaic decoration in full brown, ornamented with bands. Splendid specimen of this pottery. Height 22 inches. I [89] AMETHYST COLORED VASE sung period ^A unique specimen of a beautifully glazed pottery vase with raised lion head handles, holding inverted rings in their mouth. This is the only one known in China of the same shape and color of this particularly important period for pottery and porcelain, and comes from the Collection of Monseigneur Favier, who was Bishop of Peking in 1902. Extremely rare and beauti- ful piece. Octagonal Blackwood stand. Height 11 inches. {See illustration.] \ iX^. [90] 190] BUDDHIST FUNERAL VASE sung period ji ^Ju'Chou porcelain {Province of Honan). Modelled in strong relief with a circle of twelve standing Buddhist figures., A dragon coils around the neck, guarding a disk elevated on a scroll of clouds. The celadon glaze is of greyish-green color and finely crackled. This unique and complete piece has its original conical top with mythological bird. (An incomplete specimen of this same kind of vase is described in BusheWs ''Chinese Art,'' page 23, vol. II, figure F. Victoria and Albert Museum.) Tripod Blackwood stand. Height 41 inches. \See illustration.] DECORATED CHINESE PORCELAIN [91] LARGE PORCELAIN BOWL ming period ^ Made in China for the Siamese Court. Buddhist de- sign, blue ground decorated in colors. Blackwood stand. Diameter 7% inches. [92] LARGE PORCELAIN BOWL ming period ^ Decoration of Buddhist designs of figures and yellow lotus on black ground. Made in China for the Siamese Court. Blackwood stand. Very rare piece. Diameter 8 inches. [93] PAIR OF LARGE PORCELAIN BOWLS ming period ^ Buddhist decoration of figures in four colors, yellow ground. Made in China for Siamese Court. Blackwood stand. Diameter Tyi inches. [94] PAIR OF PORCELAIN FLAT BOWLS WITH PORCELAIN COVERS MING PERIOD ^Made in China for the Siamese Court. Black ground with Buddhist designs of figures, light blue borders, covers decorated inside. Very rare pieces. Diameter Syi inches. [95] PAIR OF PORCELAIN BOWLS ming period fl Buddhist designs in figures. Made in China for the Siamese Court. Black ground with yellow border and apple-green glaze inside. Slight chip on rim of one. Very rare pieces. Diameter 6 inches. [96] DEEP PORCELAIN BOWL ming period ^ With Buddhist figures on black ground. A very rare piece made in China for the Siamese Court. Blackwood stand and cover. Was broken and repaired in China. Height 5 inches. [See illustration.] [97] RECTANGULAR KIUKIANG PORCELAIN VASE k'ang hsi period ^Dark blue ground with under glaze decoration in gold of figures and fi^owers, small carved handles. Height 14y2 inches. [See illustration.] [98] LARGE PORCELAIN JAR ch'ien lung period ^ Decoration of children at play, carrying banners of dragons, lanterns and fish, in five colors on white ground. Slightly cracked. Blackwood stand. Height Myi inches. [99] GLOBULAR PORCELAIN DECORATED JAR CHIA Ch'iNG period ^ Procession of children with banners of dragons and symbols. Flat porcelain top. Blackwood stand. Height 8 inches; diameter 28 inches. [100] OVOID PORCELAIN JAR yung cheng period fl Yellow ground, decorated with conventional phoenix and flowers in five colors. Blackwood stand and cover. Height 8y2 inches; diameter 27 inches. [101] LARGE PORCELAIN DECORATED JAR ming period ^On a white ground, figures in four colors of women and attendants in garden, with banners and symbols; about the neck a band of flowers. Carved wood cover and stand. Height 13^2 inches. [102] CORAL RED JAR k'ang hsi period %\Decorated in under glaze gold; mandarins reading scroll; and pine trees and bats, the symbol of Five Blessings of Happiness. Blackwood stand and cover. Rare piece. Height 12 inches. m. ^%^fc [103} [97} [103] BALUSTER SHAPE PORCELAIN VASE k'ang hsi period ^ Mirror-black ground, decorated in raised outlined leaf of artemisa in green, the emblem of good augury. Very rare piece. Blackwood stand. Height 11}4 inches. [See illustration. \ [104] IMPERIAL YELLOW JAR k'ang hsi period ^ Decorated ornaments and symbols in relief in five colors. This is a very rare and beautiful jar. Blackwood stand and cover. Height llyi inches. [105] TURQUOISE BLUE BALUSTER SHAPE PORCELAIN VASE EARLY MING PERIOD fl With narrow neck decorated in raised outline, filled in with plum color and yellow. Ab or i genes clad in cloaks of sewn leaves, bringing presents. On the should- er, festoons of jewels hung with pendeloques of emblems and with bands of formal fret above and below, Black- wood stand. Exceptional piece. Height 17 inches. \See illustration \ A fine example, similar to this in conception and treat- ment, but a little smaller, is described by Bushell in '^Chinese Art,'' vol. II, page 30, f. 13. {Victoria and Albert Museum catalog.) [106] PAIR OF VERY LARGE JARS ch'ien lung period ^ With their original covers surmounted with a gilt lion, decorated in Phoenix {symbol of the Empress) and natural flowers in raised enamel, on gold ground. These exceptional pieces come from the Palace, in the Forbidden City of Peking, of the late Empress-dowager. High Blackwood quadruped stands. Height with stands 41 inches; height of jars 33yi inches. [See illustration. \ [105] [second session — TUESDAY AFTERNOON] OLD CHINESE BRONZES [107] SMALL BRONZE KWANG-YIN ming period fl Goddess of Mercy sitting on lotus flower. Height 6}4 inches. [108] SMALL GILT TIBETAN BRONZE ming period ^ Kwang-yin {Goddess of Mercy) standing on circular base. Height 6^ inches. [109] BRONZE FIGURE ming period ^ Representing Siamese Buddha in light color bronze. Height 6 inches. [110] BRONZE FIGURE ming period ^ Representing Siamese Buddha in light color bronze Height 5]4, inches. [Ill] BRONZE TRIPOD LIBATION CUP CH lEN LUNG PERIOD ^ Used for ancestral worship, key design in relief. Height 6% inches. [112] BRONZE TRIPOD LIBATION CUP CH lEN LUNG PERIOD ^ Used for ancestral worship, key design in relief. Height 6% inches. [113] BRONZE TRIPOD LIBATION CUP ch'ien lung period ^ Used for ancestral worship, key design in relief. Height 6yi inches. [114] BRONZE HEXAGONAL-SHAPE VASE ming period fl Decorated with scroll and carved handles. Blackwood stand. Height Tyi. inches. mm.m [io6] [115] BRONZE SQUARE-SHAPE VASE ming period ^ Decorated with conventional design, carved handles. Blackwood stand. Height 7% inches. [116] BRONZE TRIPOD OVAL INCENSE BURNER MING PERIOD ^ Beautifully carved in relief; top and stand of Black^ wood. Height 5]/g inches. [117] BRONZE TEMPLE VASE ming period ^ Decorated with handles and carving in relief. Black- wood stand. Height Syi inches. [118] BRONZE TEMPLE VASE ming period ^ Carved dragon-head handles^ archaic fret around neck and base. Blackwood stand. Height 9 inches. [119] BRONZE KORO ming period ^ Decoration of inlaid silver, with upright handles and standing on four legs. Wood covers with red coral on top. Blackwood stand. Height Syi. inches. [120] BRONZE VASE ming period ^ Decorated with silver inlay in conventional design. Blackwood stand. Height 8 inches. [121] BRONZE TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER ming period ^ Resting on legs carved to represent elephant heads, wood cover with soapstone carving on top. Blackwood stand. Height 10 inches. [122] BRONZE TRIPOD KORO ming period ^ Original cover in bronze, representing Sacred Lion playing with ball, with upright handles. Blackwood stand. Height 9]/i inches. [132] [123] DECORATED BRONZE MIRROR chou period ^ With lizard in relief; older than the Ts'ao (Chou) dynasty. Carved wood stand. Diameter 5^ inches. [124] BRONZE MIRROR chou dynasty ^ Decorated with inscriptions older than the Ts'ao {Chou) dynasty. Diameter 6^ inches. [125] BRONZE KWANG-YIN ming period ^ Goddess of Mercy, sitting on carved Blackwood stand. Height with stand 13% inches. [126] GLOBULAR BRONZE JAR ming period ^With upright carved handles of rare plain black bronze. Height 9 inches. [127] BRONZE TRIPOD INCENSE-BURNER ming period' ^j^rckaic design, with plain upright handles; wood cover with soap stone top. Blackwood stand. Height 9yi inches. [128] STRAIGHT SHORT BRONZE SWORD chou period ^Made in China for the Roman armies at the time of the Chou (Ts'ao) dynasty and sent to Europe, usually overland via Syria, sometimes by sea. With wooden box. [129] LARGE BRONZE VASE han period ^ Decorated with natural patina of malachite in ferent shades of green produced by age. Has ring handles and Blackwood stand. Rare piece. Height 12}4 inches. [130] SACRIFICIAL WINE VASE t'ang period ^ Ancient bronze with drag07i head haiidles. The boa^ is moulded with archaic fret in relief. Height ISy^ inches. [13^] [131] BRONZE WAR DRUM han period ^ Circular^ with bulging shoulders and flat top, four small handles, formerly used by the Shan tribes {be- tween South Western China and Burma), Decorated with encircling rings in relief, filled in with narrow bands of hatched, wavy, concentric and corded ornaments of primitive character. Blackwood stand. A similar war drum is described in BushelV s ''Chinese Art;' vol. I, p. 95, fig. 66. Height Myi inches; diameter, rim 12^ inches. [132] LARGE BRONZE SACRIFICIAL VASE shang period ^ Trumpet shape, with various archaic ornaments and letters {filiform characters) of the Shang Dynasty {1766 to 1122 B. C); the characters inside the collar of the vase mean Piece of bronze made during the Shang dynasty for ancestor-worship, at the time of Emperor Mu {for Tai-Mu), year ''Yuf {an Emperor who reigned before 1637 B. C). Unique piece coming from the collection of Monsigneur Favier, French Bishop of Peking. {Bought from him in 1902.) Blackwood stand. Height 10]4 inches; diameter 18% inches. \See illus- tion.] JADE [133] JADE PAPER-WEIGHT han period ^ Of grey jade carved in form of an elephant. [134] GREY JADE PAPER-WEIGHT han period fl Carved in form of duck holding lotus branch in his bill. [135] JADE COUPE ch'ien lung period ^ Double handles carved out of one piece of dark mutton fat jade. Decoration conventional design, wood cover with coral on the top. Blackwood stand. Diameter 3]/g inches. [136] JADE COUPE ch'ien lung period fl Carved conventional design of dark mutton fat jade^ wood cover with coral at the top. Blackwood stand. Diameter 3 inches. [137] HANGING JADE ORNAMENT ch'ien lung period ^ Orange color, beautifully carved and suspended by chain made of links from one piece of jade. Mounted on carved Blackwood frame. Height 15% inches. [138] JADE ORNAMENTS ch'ien lung period ^ Beautifully carved white jade. Two pieces mounted on Blackwood screen. Height 10 inches. [139] WHITE JADE MEDALLION ch'ien lung period ^ Carved decoration of birds and flowers. Mounted on Blackwood stand. Height Tyi inches. [140] SMALL RECTANGULAR JADE SCREEN ming period ^ In translucent green jade, ornamented with gilt and mounted in Blackwood frame . Height 6]/^ inches. .41] YELLOW JADE han period ^Flat carved ornament used for ancestral worship. Blackwood stand. Height 6}4. inches. [142] GREEN JADE han period fl Carved cow with calf on her back. Carved Blackwood stand. Very fine. [143] JADE HAN PERIOD , ^ Carved horse leaving with his charge, dark mutton fat color. Carved Blackwood stand. Very rare piece, ex- ceptionally large size. [See illustration. \ [144] JADE BOWL HAN PERIOD ^ Large round shallow bowl of flattened form. The handles are ornamented with butterflies in relief. The bowl is supported on four carved legs. Exceptionally fine piece. Diameter 7yi inches. [See illustration. \ -» / [145] UNIQUE BLACK JADE COIN han period ^ Carved high ornamented top with archaic characters. Black jade is extremely rare. Carved Blackwood stand. Remarkable piece. Height Qyi inches. \See illustration.] IVORY AND CRYSTAL [146] LARGE IVORY FIGURE ming period ^ Kuantiy The God of Worship, riding a horse and car- rying a sword. Height 7 inches. [147] IVORY CARVING ming period ^^ Re presenting a God on horseback. Height 6y^ inches. [148] LARGE IVORY CARVING ming period %\ Representing old Sage standing on carved rock, doves bringing message of Peace. Height Syi inches. [149] LARGE IVORY CARVING ming period fl Warrior guard of the Imperial palace bearing banner and sword and carrying Imperial child. Height 7^2 inches. [150] LARGE IVORY CARVING ming period ^Re presenting figure with two boys. Height 6^2 inches. [151] LARGE IVORY CARVING ming period ^ Representing boy with flowers and leaves. Height 7 inches. [152] PAIR OF IVORY MINIATURE SCREENS ch'ien lung period ^ Decorated on both sides with colored figures and sym- bols in relief. Height 10^ inches. [153] LARGE BLACK CRYSTAL ch'ien lung period q Beautifully carved in form of a dragon from one piece of crystal. Blackwood stand. OLD CHINESE KAKEMONO, MAKIMONO AND ALBUMS [154] KAKEMONO yuan period ^0n dark brown silk, ladies and attendants playing with children in the Palace garden^ in vivid coloring. Red, blue, green, aubergine and cream. Painted by Chao Seun. [155] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Ladies and children in a Palace garden playing with lion. In the background prunus trees and peonies in blossom in aubergine and red color. Painted by Chao Seun. [156] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Ladies are seated on the terrace garden, many chil- dren are playing about, prunus trees fill the background. The colors are in soft shades of brown, red, green and cream. Painted by Chao Seun. [157] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^A lady is seated in a palace garden, receiving pres- ents, several attendants and two boys playing musical instruments, two storks animate the foreground. Painted by Chao Seun. [i66} [158] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Portrait of a woman, three-quarters length, with blue ornaments in her hair. Her robe is of red and dark brown with white folds at the neck. Painted by Chan Chong, [159] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Portrait of a woman, holding a round fan in her hand. Her robes are of soft shades of brown, cream and red. Painted by Chan Chong. [160] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Portrait of a woman, three-quarters length, in a robe of soft brown trimmed with blue and red. Painted by Chan Chong. [161] KAKEMONO ON SILK yuan period ^ Portrait of a woman with fan, in robe of aubergine y brown and blue. Painted by Chan Chong. [162] SMALL PAINTING ON SILK yuan period fl Coloured water flowers and reeds. Painted by Tien- shun. Brocade borders and Blackwood frame. Height 18 inches; width 14 inches. [163] SMALL PAINTING ON SILK ming period ^ Ladies y child and bufalo painted by Chiu-ying. Bro- cade border and Blackwood frame. Height 12}4 inches; width 16 inches. [164] SMALL PAINTING ON SILK yuan period i^ Representing mandarins visiting a higher official. Painted by Tien-shun. With gold brocade borders and Blackwood frame. Height and width 15 inches. [165] CHINESE ALBUM END OF SUNG OR BEGINNING OF YUAN DYNASTY fl Containing twelve small pictures of mongol ponies and riders by Chiu-ying, also called Chiu-yung. The silk on which these pictures are painted is of the same yellow hue which Chiu-ying, always used in his work. Old silk brocade cover and Blackwood edge. [166] CHINESE ALBUM ming period fl Containing six pictures on silk of flowers and birds. Painted by Tan-Ngoc {also called Wan-Kan) . With old silk brocade cover and Blackwood edge. [See illustra- tion. \ [167] CHINESE ALBUM ming period ^ Twelve pictures on silk. Representing Chinese God- desses of the Arts with their symbolic animals. The ex- quisite colouring in these pictures are the highest quality of the Ming pictorial art. Painted by Chao-ying, one of the most celebrated painters of women of the Ming period. With old silk brocade cover and Blackwood edge. [168] CHINESE ALBUM k'ang hsi period ^ Containing ten pictures on silk of figures of mandar- ins, ladies, dancing girls and children by Keung-heao- chun. With silk brocade cover and Blackwood edge. [169] MAKIMONO MING period ^ Various colored flowers in full bloom painted by Chao-tsi-min. A particularly flne frieze. Length 14 feet. [170] MAKIMONO SUNG or beginning of yuan period ^Deer hunting, in various colors. Bears poetical appre- ciation of five successive owners, also four splendid Chinese characters by Lo-lun, meaning that this paint- ing is, in his opinion, as good, and should be as famous as those of the celebrated painter Puan-tien. Length 14 feet 6 inches. [171] MAKIMONO MING PERIOD ^ Festival of summer solstice in the Imperial Palace at the time of the Hans, painted by Chiu-ying who was a distinguished painter of human figures and whose work is highly prized. Length 27 feet. [172] MAKIMONO TANG PERIOD fl Hunting. To the right are seen the Emperor and his Court awaiting the return of the hunters who are persu- ing the wild boar through the mountains. In very vivid coloring against a background of rocks and trees. Painted by Li-chiu-to, appreciations by Yehpuan, who was living during the K*ang Hsi period. Length9 feet 8 inches. Ci83] [173] MAKIMONO SUNG period ^ Mandarin {who was a celebrated musician) Chung- waiy taking his daughter to her wedding ceremony, by Ma- Lin. Length 13 feet 8 inches. [174] MAKIMONO SUNG period ^ Imperial birds y flowers and trees in various exquisite colors by Waong-ken-chai {In Pekinese Wang-kuchai) who was among the most noted painters of birds and flowers. It bears two appreciations in splendid Chinese characters, 1st Peh-Yuan, 2nd Kwei-ching. This scroll bears the seal of Emperor Shun-wo of the Sung dynasty. Length 18 feet. [175] MAKIMONO END OF YUAN OR BEGINNING OF MING PERIOD ^Sixty-one celebrated women of China. Exceptional picture of exquisite coloring and exceedingly graceful character, painted by Wang-cheng-p* eng. Length 21 feet. [See illustration. \ [176] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Red and white peonies against a background of soft brown. Painted by Cheu-hi. Brocade border and black- wood frame. Height 57 yi inches; width 18 inches. [177] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Red and white peonies on dark brown background. Painted by Chiu-Cheong {In Pekinese Cow-Chang) Bearing seal of Emperor Shun-wo. Blackwood frame. Height 51}4 inches; width 21]4 inches. [178] KAKEMONO ming period fl Scene of conjugal intimacy in summer pavilion^ with flowers and trees. Painted by Chiu-ying who was a dis- tinguished painter of human figures. Height 7 feet; width 28 inches. [179] KAKEMONO ming period ^A restful pavilion by the side of a mountain lake sur rounded by trees. Painted by Ma-yuan whose style was copied by later artists and has been much favored in Japan. Height 9 feet; width 4 feet. i [IQO] [180] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Ceremonial dinner in the gardens of the celebrated poet Li-tai-peh, by Tang-yen. Unframed. Height 10 feet 6 inches; width 49 inches. [181] KAKEMONO sung period ^Pair of ducks flying, very beautifully colored in soft shades of brown, red and green, with flowers and cherry trees in blossom. Painted by Tsui-hav-neng (in Pekinese dialect Tsui-how-ing) . Painted at the time of Emperor Shun-wo, in the year 1119. Brocade border and Black- wood frame. Height 56^2 inches; width 23 yi inches. [182] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Reception of Empress Tsai-man-ki on her return from a long journey. Painted by Lieu-chung-nen. Ex- ceptionally fine piece authenticated by Hwang-yeh. Height 2 feet 10 inches; width 1 foot 11 inches. [183] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Two ducks near a pond, with cat-tails and weeds in foreground in soft shades of brown. This painting was ordered to Yao-yti-heng by Emperor Chung-wo. His seal is on this picture. Brocade borders and Blackwood frame. Height 32 inches; width 18 inches. {See illustration. \ [184] KAKEMONO ON SILK ming period ^ Empress discussing state affairs with two Prime Min- isters; two attendants are holding canopy. Painted by Chang-hong-chow. Blackwood frame with inside borders of soft brocade and dark blue embroidery edge. Height 44 inches; width 13^ inches. [185] KAKEMONO ON SILK ^ A pair of mandarin ducks near a pond, with willow trees and flowers in soft shades of brown. Bearing the red Imperial seal of Emperor Shun-wo (Sung dynasty), several other seals with archaic characters, and on the borders the name of the famous collector Hang-tse-king and very flattering appreciations by Tsah-tsz-ting. Painted by Wang-yuo-su, 5 dynasties {906-960 A. D.) between the T'angs and the Sungs. Height 9 feet; width 20]/^ inches. 1 ' -P ' i 1 m ■a. [iQV [186] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Court ladies with attendants in a Palace garden in soft shades of brown, green, red, and blue. The upper part ladies are seen in a summer pavilion playing chess. Painted by Li-kung-lun. Height 9 feet 2 inches; width 27 inches. [187] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Two eunuchs at the gate of the palace; in the upper part, court ladies in garden-pavilion, by Li-Kung-lun. (This and the preceding number make a set.) Height 9 feet 2 inches; width 27 inches. [188] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Typhoon, by Ha-Kuai. Very remarkable piece in black and white. Height 9 feet; width 48 inches. [189] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Prime minister calling upon the Emperor in the Im- perial Palace. Attendants carrying lanterns arid bow and arrows. Painted before the year 1,100 by Li-Kung- lin. Exceptional piece of that very celebrated Chinese painter. Blackwood frame. Height 66}4 inches; width 25)4 inches. [190] KAKEMONO sung period ^ Emperor Tang-hai-tsung giving out toys to the chil- dren of his Empire {well-known Chinese historical legend) by Shu-han-shun (or in Pekinese dialect: Soo- ching-chen) . Exceptional piece. Unframed. Height 6 feet 7 inches; width 4: feet 2 inches. \See illus- tration \ [191] KAKEMONO t'ang period ^ Group of ladies in a Palace garden in gowns of ex- quisite coloring of green, red, white and cream, against a background of trees and dark brown coloring. This is by the celebrated woman painter Chang shiin (Chang- hiin, in Pekinese). A very rare picture bearing two appreciations of 1st Y ao-mi-Ching, 2nd Peh-h-ing. The border is of old brocade. Blackwood frame. Height 5 feet 10 inches; width 2 feet. \See illustration.] ^^2. [195I [192] TWO FOLD SCREEN k'ang hsi period ^Eight pictures of Buddhistic symbols, on light ground. Height 5 feet; width 3 feet 6 inches. [193] FOUR PANEL MOUNTED SCREEN ming period ^ Lady and child on each, playing under cherry trees, by Chion-Tik-Seun. Height 4 feet 6}4 inches; width 3 feet 9 inches. [194] SCREEN MING PERIOD ^Four large panels by Yim-si-peun; Ladies and eu- nuchs in a Palace garden and pavilions. Mounted. Height 5 feet 8 inches; width 5 feet 4 inches. [195] TWELVE FOLD LACQUER SCREEN EARLY k'ang HSI PERIOD ^^^Laque de coromandel.'' Decorated on both sides with incised and raised details, painted with colors set in black ground of lustrous black. On one side birds. Phoenix, flowers, lotus, etc., and symbols on border. On the other side figures, landscape, pavilions, etc. Partic- ularly fine screen. Extra large size. Height 8 feet 10 inches. [See illustration.] 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due oo the last date stamped below, or on the date to \%hich renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. T^\Kf RECD LD i:3V30l959 JAN 23197183 REC'D LD JAN 9-71-4PM83 LD 21A-50m-4,'59 (A17248l0)476R General Library University of California Berkeley Y.C1 i