;-NRLF m THE WEALTH AND INDUSTRY OF MAINE, (SW 1873. FIEST ANNUAL EEPOET. EMBRACING STATISTICAL DETAILS AND TABLES, PROPERLY ARRANGED, RELATING TO THE MECHANICAL, MANUFACTURING, MINING, COMMERCIAL AND AGRI- CULTURAL INTERESTS OF THE STATE, TOGETHER WITH THE VALUATION AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES, OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS AND CITIES. PREPARED BY WM. E. S. WHITMAN, STATE INDUSTRIAL STATISTICIAN. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1 8 T 3 . HrC/0'7 . . . . . . SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, Department of Industrial Statist Augusta, Dec Governor NELSON DINGLE Y, JR., and the Honorable Executive Council : atistics, . 31, 1873.) GENTLEMEN : I beg leave to present the First Annual Report on the Industrial Statistics of Maine, for the year 1873, as pro- vided for in a Resolve passed by the Legislature, and approved February 24, 1813. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. E. S. WHITMAN. M201997 INTRODUCTION. One unfamiliar with the duties of the Statistician cannot have an adequate conception of the perplexing and exhaustive labors to which he is subjected in the performance of his peculiar work. We may be pardoned, therefore, for a brief allusion to the onerous labors attending the collating, arranging and summing up of the statistical information which has been acquired during the short existence of this department. Realizing the formidable work to be performed on assuming the duties of the position which we reluctantly consented to accept when pressed upon us, a plan was adopted, which, in our judg- ment, was best calculated for carrying out the purposes of the Resolve passed by the Legislature, in relation to Industrial Statis- tics (approved February 24, 1873), and which resolve was so broad in scope as to embrace our manufacturing, mining, commercial, agricultural, and other industrial interests, together with the valu- ation and appropriations for various purposes, of the several towns and cities of the State. The Resolve as passed by the Legislature, provided for no clerical assistance, nor made provision for any compensation to those who might render valuable aid. As the result, we have bean obliged, single handed, to accomplish what is herewith pre- sented in so imperfect a manner. In less than two weeks from the time the Resolve was passed, this department was placed in complete working order. From that time to the close of the year, nearly fifteen hours a day, on an average, was devoted by the undersigned in the performance of his labors. In the preliminary work nearly 14,000 circulars, schedules and written letters were transmitted through the mails. The difficulties to be confronted in the work of gathering statis- tical information were early foreseen, and such means were adopted, after ' careful consideration, to procure as full and as reliable information as could be obtained. The Resolve made it the duty of assessors of the several cities and towns to furnish thp v i INTRODUCTION. [1873. statistics called for, as completely and promptly as practicable. We were not prepared, therefore, to find assessors so unmindful in responding to our inquiries. Important as it is to have the cooperation of assessors, and important as it is that they should have promptly and cheerfully furnished this department with com- plete returns of particulars called for respecting all manufacturing and industrial establishments in their respective cities and towns, we are under the necessity of stating that not one return has been received from the assessors of cities, and in but three or four instances have the assessors of large towns made returns. Such returns as have been received from assessors have come prin- cipally from small towns and plantations. The total number of returns from assessors is seventy, representing three hundred and forty-four different manufacturing firms. In nearly half of this number, the returns made were so meagre, or full of omissions, as to be of no value. The returns of towns by assessors are as follows : Industrial Establish- Counties. Towns and Plantations. ments Reported. Androscoggin 1 7 Aroostook 4 15 Cumberland 4 18 Franklin 2 5 Hancock 6 21 Kennebec 6 23 Knox 1 8 Lincoln 3 18 Oxford 1 6 Penobscot 15 119 Piscataquis 6 16 Sagadahoc 2 19 Somerset 4 13 Waldo 3 24 Washington 10 24 York 2 8 TO 344 In filling up and making returns of the schedules of agriculture and the valuation of cities and towns, the assessors also, as will be seen by the tables, failed in the majority of instances to heed the request made of them, or to comply with the provisions of the Resolve. 1873.] INTRODUCTION. vii Anticipating at the outset that we should have to depend upon sources other than assessors for the statistical information required respecting our manufacturing industries, we prepared a list of every individual and firm engaged in mechanical and manufac- turing industry in this State, and then communicated with each by means of circulars, schedules and correspondence. This list was prepared from the four folio volumes of returns of assistant marshals in their enumeration of the products of industry in Maine for the United States Census Report of 1870, and from three differ- ent business directories of the State. When completed, the list numbered nearly seven thousand names. As the result of this labor, together with such information as could be derived from the most authentic sources. that could be reached, we received returns from over three hundred cities, towns and plantations, represent- ing 1,823 establishments, which, added to the establishments furnished in assessors' returns, make the the total number of establishments received 2,167. Of this number, 563 establish- ments made no return of particulars in the schedules, 428 estab- lishments made complete returns, and 1,176 made partial returns. To the total number of returns received are to be added 757 saw mills, which have been supplemented in our estimate of the total number of saw mills in the State, making, therefore, the total num- ber of returns from establishments 2,924, or excluding the 563 establishments which omitted all particulars in their returns, and we have complete and partial returns from 2,361 establishments. Some of these returns, it may be remarked, were received too late to appear in the text of the report, but have been used in the several tables. In the work of analyzing and tabulating returns a method has been adopted which, we think, will commend itself. We will state however, that the tables as well as the transcript of returns, that make up the text of the report, do not accurately represent whafr on the face they appear to represent, and no one must be misled by what appears as actual results, except only in a few instances, so far as the text is concerned, where the names of persons in cer- tain towns are given, who embrace all who carry on manufacturing operations in those towns. The great majority of returns being so deficient and imperfect, it has been utterly impossible to make satisfactory tabular statements by supplying omissions. To illus- trate with more clearness perhaps, what we mean, take the table, Agricultural Implements, for example. Now, probably, the total Till INTRODUCTION. [1873. number of establishments in the State for the manufacture of agricultural implements, will exceed thirty, with a total value in their products of $300,000, if not more. In the table will be found a footing of twenty establishments, with a total value in their products of $73,715. Now, while three of the twenty establish- ments have made no returns, when we come to analyze the returns, it will be found that only five have made complete returns, while the whole of the total production is that of eight establishments, twelve establishments making partial returns, by which is meant, they have either omitted capital invested, or value of stock used, or value of production, or number of hands employed, or amount of wages paid, or, have omitted all but one of these items, so that when we come to the footings they do not exhibit what would appear from a hasty or cursory examination. In the special tables, however, we have attempted to supply all omissions in the number of returns received, with the exception of table, Lumber, Long and Short, and therein we have not only supplied all omissions, but have undertaken to give the total number of saw mills in the State, with the total capital invested, value of stock and product, etc. In table III, which embraces the total footings of all indus- tries which have been received, we have also supplied additional omissions in the labor of revision, excluding therefrom all estab- lishments making no returns, and correcting such errors * in the text which occurred in proof reading, and which also occurred, we may add, by defective returns, which, in the haste of transcribing, were not detected. In this table especially, we have endeavored to avoid as much as possible duplications of industries. In this table also, the apparent discrepancy in total footings of hands is owing to establishments reporting total number of hands, instead of separating the number of males, females and children. In enumerating and classifying industries the work has been performed under great disadvantages. This is on account of so many establishments carrying on a diversified or complex business. There are numerous cases of a grist mill and saw mill being car- ried on under one ownership or management, employing the same capital, using the same motive power, and employing the same number of hands, without making any separation in the return of capital, power, value of product, hands, &c. In more than one *0n page 105, Shoe Pegs, at the bottom of the page, should come under WINSLOW, the name of which town has been omitted. 1873.] INTRODUCTION. j x instance, we have the return of an establishment engaged in sev- eral kinds of industries under one roof, each independent of the other, and yet all grouped as one kind of business. Now all these different kinds of business carried on by the same establishment, notwithstanding they are carried on under one roof, embrace so many distinct and independent industries, and there are objections to be raised, when parties make no separation or discrimination of their industries. One objection is, and perhaps it is as important a one as can be made, to show what we mean, that the return made does not exhibit the actual number of industries. Moreover in grouping two or more industries together makes it exceedingly difficult if not impossible, to eliminate and enumerate specifically the industries carried on. The case of saw mills and grist mills is perhaps an exception, while the case of leather tanned and leather curried, presents such obstacles that we are obliged to group them together as one industry, when they are two, each independent of the other. In the compilation of these statistics the term manufacturer has been applied to every person who turns out a product, including the village shoemaker, who makes shoes for his local customers, with the cotton mill that turns out its textile fabrics for a market not bounded by geographical limits. The returns, therefore, em- brace the productions of every individual, firm and corporation, which we have been able to procure, without regard to the value of the production. Many of these returns are excluded in the United States Census Report by the law, which restricts the value of productions, to not less than $500 a year, a limit we have not seen fit to adopt, for the reason that in our humble opinion the small manufacturing industries are the rivulets which go to make up the great stream of manufacturing industry, and when we come to look upon the aggregate value of their productions, trivial as each value may appear when viewed separately, we find the gross amount a very handsome sum. These small establishments are quite numerous, and in many localities are what make the business of the place. In returning the amount of capital invested numbers of estab- lishments have either omitted entirely the amount invested, or given erroneous returns, either through negligence, or perhaps what is more probable, from a fear of taxation, their purpose being to conceal a portion of the capital employed. The former fact is shown by the contradictory statements when the return of asses- x INTRODUCTION. [1873. sors is compared with the return of the manufacturer himself, in some instances the manufacturer returning nearly double the amount of capital than what the assessors returned. The returns from large manufacturing corporations in this respect are more satisfactory than those from small manufacturers. It is safe to conclude, however, that in the great majority of instances under- estimates have been made, and we apprehend that it is more than probable, that the aggregate amount of capital invested in Maine to approach accuracy, should be at least from fifteen to twenty- five per cent, more than is reported. We are aware that what constitutes the capital stock in one's business is not definitely understood and that opinions differ, which may account somewhat for omissions or misstatements. A prominent statist * in a work on the principles of statistical inquiry says, in referring to invested capital, "generally it would embrace all the money laid out in land, buildings, machinery, and other similar expenses. " In the performance of our task, we were inhibited by the Resolve from going to any expense in procuring statistics. Had the Legis- lature provided means to be judiciously expended, we are con- strained to say that, in our judgment, we should have secured far better results. We have tried, however, to give the State our best efforts, and we trust that the result of our labors is the begin- ning of a work that will finally result in a compendium of a truly valuable character, and on a more satisfactory basis than the present one. To those seeking investments in new manufacturing operations ; to those who desire to witness the development of our immense water power, and to those who believe in the march of internal improvement, and who, while they would have present lines of transportation by land and water benefitted, would also like to see new facilities for transportation opened, the value of such statistics as are submitted cannot be overestimated. To the political economist, and to those towns and individuals engaged in inviting capital to Maine from abroad to embark in new or existing operations, an annual compendium like this is of a valu- able character. It is, in fact, a handbook of Maine's industries a record of the progress of her internal economy. W. E. S. WHITMAN. * Archibald Russell. Manufacturing and Mechanical Industry. Notwithstanding there was a loss of population in the last decade in Maine, there was a steady increase in the products of our man- ufacturing industry and wealth, and this, too, while the resources of the State were taxed on account of the war of the rebellion. The growth of manufactures from 1860 to 1870 was 108 percent., making no allowance of discount to bring currency values to the gold standard. The growth since 1870, according to our estimate, has been 21 per cent. It is evident that Maine has entered upon a new era of pros- perity and growth since 1870. Wonderful progress has been made under a State policy which is so favorable for the establish- ment of manufacturing enterprises. New enterprises have been brought into existence, the volume of capital has been increased, together with the value of products of artizan skill, our water power has been more appreciated than ever, while our population has been increased, and our people have bpen favored with gen- erous harvests, as a general thing. There is a mine of wealth in the varied resources of our State, which only requires the hand of capital to develop and improve. Our natural advantages are not to be excelled by those in any other State. The advantages which Maine has on account of her superior water power, and her accessibility by rail and water com- munication to the principal markets of the country, give her a superiority over many of her sister States, which have no water power, or which possess such power in a limited degree. Our State ranks among the first in those States that manufacture cotton goods. Within the past year shipbuilding has completly revived from the prostration occasioned by the rebellion, and that industry has entered upon such an era of prosperity that Maine, which hereto- fore has built one-third of the tonnage of the country, now bids fair to make a larger contribution than ever. x ii STATISTICS OP MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. The business of stone quarrying has assumed a magnitude which a few years ago, would hardly have been conceived. With such a small cost in raw material the production adds largely to our wealth. Our railroad facilities have been increased, and new lines are projected. The progress in building railroads keeps pace with the growth of manufactures. The doings of our principal industries are appropriately referred to below. The statistics given in the returns are not absolutely correct, but are only approximate results. The monetary stringency in the fall had but little effect on our manufacturing interests in Maine, and if it did, the effect was only temporary. In a few instances there were slight reductions in the hours of labor, and there was a diminished pay-roll, but there were fewer instances of lessening the working force, nor were operations curtailed to our knowledge. The dullness in the lum- ber business which took place was not owing to the financial pressure, but on account of over production and a lethargic market. It is a well established fact that manufactures increase popula- tion more than any other agency. This is demonstrated in England, and is repeated in this country. Lewiston and Auburn, in this State, furnish striking proofs of what manufactures will accomplish. What is needed in Maine is more manufactures and additional facilities for the transportation of freight. We need, also, to have a more diversified industry. We need more smaller industries, in which people of limited means can invest. Scores of such industries are far more remunerative in proportion to the capital invested than larger ones. Every village, especially if it has a water power, should have some kind of an industry. There are scores of interior towns, which, by establishing manu- facturing enterprises, would have the markets of the country placed at their doors by means of railroad communication. Liberal encouragement should be given for the investment of capital at home and from abroad. With an increase of capital in manufac- tures, our agricultural resources will be more fully developed, and it will need no prophetic eye to foresee what the future prosperity of Maine will be in growth and wealth. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. x iii BOOTS AND SHOES. The boot and shoe business has become one of the principal industries in Maine, and the business is still increasing by the erection of new factories. In 1860, the total invested capital in the manufacture of boots and shoes was $509,124; value of pro- duction, $1,910,000 ; hands employed, males, 2,065 ; females, 836, total number 2,901 ; wages, $661,818. In 1870 the total invested capital was $677,300 ; total number of pairs of boots and shoes manufactured, 2,089,159 ; value of production, $3,144,747 ; num- ber of hands employed, males, 1,544 ; females, 539 ; children, 22 ; total, 2,105 ; wages, $771,066. The returns for this year to this department, which returns do not cover the whole State, show an Invested capital of the 112 establishments returned, of $1,863,964; number of pairs of boots and shoes manufactured 5,644,244, or nine pairs for every inhabitant in the State ; value of production, $8,820,986 ; hands employed, males, 4,726, females, 629, children, 39 ; total number, 5,394 ; wages, $2,295,330. It will be seen that in the value of production there has been an increase of more than three hundred and sixty-one per cent., over that of 1860, and one hundred and eighty per cent., over that of 1870. The city of Auburn, which was the pioneer in the manufacture of shoes in Maine, has a total capital of $1,000,000 in the business; number of pairs of boots and shoes manufactured by her eighteen factories, 2,750,000 ; value of the same, $4,000,000, or, more than one hun- dred per cent, over the value of the entire production of the State in 1860; number of males employed 1,TOO, females 400, children 20; total number 2,120, or five more hands than were employed in the entire State in 1870; wages $1,000,000, or more than half of the value of the product of the entire State in 1860, and more than twenty-nine per cent, of the total wages paid in the State in 1870. One factory in Auburn has manufactured 750,000 pairs of shoes, valued at $800,000, and given employment to 450 hands, with a pay-roll of $225,000. This factory is probably the largest in New England. Its capacity is being increased so that with next year the working force will number nearly 600 hands. The Auburn product finds a market in nearly every State in the Union, the supply passing into the hands of the wholesale trade. While Auburn enjoys a monopoly of the boot and shoe product in Maine, having of invested capital more than half of the entire capital in the State in the business, and manufacturing nearly half of the xiv STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. entire product, the city of Portland ranks second, and the city of Bangor third in the list. In Bangor a specialty is made of moc- casins. During the year the boot and shoe business has been excellent, and the prospects for a larger demand than ever, next year, by leading manufacturers are cheering. BRICK. The clays to be found furnish material for an immense number of brick, the yards for the manufacture of which are no't confined to the enormous supplies along the coast, but find an abundance of material in our river valleys, including an ample supply of wood. This industry has become an important, as well as a suc- cessful one. In 1870, Maine stood as the seventeenth State in the manufacture of brick, the value of that production from 110 yards being $405,893. For the present year this department has returns from 93 brick yards, with a total capital of $317,185, giv- ing employment to 917 hands, and manufacturing 71,549,000 brick, with a k total value of $520,574. The largest number of brick made, as well as the largest number of yards, are in Penob- scot county, principally in the town of Brewer, one company alone turning out over 5,000,000 brick, valued at $50,000. This com- pany has a capital of $32,000,' uses steam power, 70 horse, employs 56 males, and can manufacture with the machine in use 100 brick a minute. In one burning nearly 2,500 cords of wood are consumed. The past season has been a favorable one for the prosecution of the business. The market for Maine brick is in the State, Massachusetts and the Southern ports. They can be produced in Maine cheaper than in Massachusetts, if we are cor- rectly informed. CANNED PRODUCTS. From a small beginning, the packing business in Maine has assumed enormous proportions. It is universally conceded that the best canned corn comes from Maine, and that the largest lob- ster factories are located in this State. Complete returns have been received, so that we find the total number of canning factories in Maine to be 33, with an invested capital of $825,000, giving employment the present year to 4,087 hands, of which number 2,027 were males, 1,760 females, and 300 children; total amount of pay-roll, $262,500; total value of production, $1,842,- 000. The total amount of canned products is as follows : Sweet 1873 ] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xv corn, 475,000 dozen cans ; succatash> 7,500 dozen cans ; lobsters, 231,600 dozen cans; salmon, 20,000 dozen cans; clams, 1,600 dozen cans ; total production, 735,700 dozen cans. The business is virtually carried on by three Portland packing companies, which also during the winter season put up a large amount of meats, &c. Two of these firms also have factories in Nova Scotia, the products of which are not included in the foregoing exhibit. The packing factories on the coast extend from Yarmouth to Cape Sable, and their products go to all parts of the world. The packing of lob- sters has become so enormous that, with the present rate of can- ning, serious apprehensions are felt that the supply will not last many years longer. A few years ago it was not uncommon to catch lobsters weighing from ten to twenty pounds each ; now the average weight is from three to six pounds, and growing less, thousands which are caught weighing but little rising a pound each. The catch of lobsters is mainly eastward of Harpswell. Quite a fleet of small vessels are employed in this important branch of commercial industry. The corn packing season in the interior lasts through corn time, and is a source of considerable revenue, not only to the farmers, but to the large number of men, women and children employed in the business. COTTON GOODS. The United States census report of 1870 gives the number of factories in Maine for the manufacture of cotton goods, not speci- fied, as 20 ; total capital, $9,789,685 ; steam power, 320 horse ; water power, 7,908 horse ; hands employed, males 2,584, females 6,223, children 572; total number, 9,379; wages, $2,559,597; value of materials, including supplies, $6,671,280; value of production, $11,739,781. Number of mills for the manufacture of batting, wadding, thread, twine and yarn, three ; total capital, $50,000 ; water power, 110 horse ; hands employed, males 22, females 23, children 15 ; total number, 60 ; wages, $14,600 ; value of material, including supplies, $75,500 ; value of production, $104,400. The total number of cotton manufacturing establishments returned in 1870, according to the United States census report, present the fol- lowing results: Total number of establishments, 23; capital, $9,839,- 685 ; steam power, 320 horse ; water power, 8,018 horse; number of spindles, 459,772; hands employed, males 2,606, females 6,246, children 587 ; total number, 9,439 ; wages, $2,565,197 ; value of xv j STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. materials, including supplies, $6,146,780 ; value of production, $11,844,181. The returns received by this department do not show as many factories for the manufacture of cotton goods, not specified, as the census report, and more establishments for the manufacture of batting, twine, warp, &c. Now, as there has been no decrease in the number of cotton manufacturing establishments since 1870, but on the contrary an increase in the number of spindles, there is a discrepancy between our returns, so far as the number of fac- tories is concerned, and those of the census. Our returns which we present as complete (in three or four instances we have been obliged to supply full particulars in making estimates), are as follows : Total number of factories for the manufacture of cotton goods, not specified, 16; capital, $12,252,000 ; steam power, 390 horse; water power, 9,045 horse; number of spindles, 547,638; value of materials, exclusive of mill supplies, $6,341,700 ; num- ber of yards of sheetings, shirtings, denims, tickings, print cloths, twilled goods, &c., manufactured, 68,212,000 ; number of cotton bags, 1,210,000 ; pounds of quilts, sheetings, shirtings, denims, bags and other cotton goods not included in estimate by yards, 5,648,423; pounds of batting, 159,336 ; pounds of jute bags and twine, 604,015 ; total value of all productions, $12,151,750 ; hands employed, males 2,732, females 7,222, children 695 ; total number, 10,649; wages, $3,381,625. Total number of establishments for the manufacture of batting, twine, warp and yarn, five; capital, $130,000; water power, 205 horse ; machines employed, which the returns do not state whether looms or spindles, 245 ; number of spindles, 4,700 ; pounds of batting, 2,400 ; pounds of warp, 207,000 ; pounds of warp, twine and bags, 551,000 ; pounds of yarn, 144,000 ; value of materials, $170,045 ; value of production, $275,920 ; hands employed, males 37, females 82, children 26 ; total number, 145 ; wages, $45,200. The aggregate of cotton manufacturing establishments is there- fore, 21; total capital, $12,382,000; steam power, 390 horse; water power, 9,250 horse ; number of spindles independent of those not specified in returns, 552,338 ; value of raw material, $6,511,745; value of production, $12,427,670; hands employed, males 2,769, females 7,304, children 721; total number, 10,794; wages, $3,426,825. The'centre of cotton manufactured goods is in Lewiston, where six mills represent a total capital of $5,900,000; number of 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xv ii epindles, 246,944 ; value of raw material, $2,933,600 ; value of product, $5,502,000 ; operatives employed, 5,357 ; wages, $1,615,- 425. The average value of production per spindle is $22.28. In Biddeford and Saco three mills represent a total capital of $3,200,000; number of ppindles, 170,000; value of raw material, $2,140,000 ; value of product, $4,235,000 ; operatives employed, 3,200 ; wages, $1,150,000. The average value of production per spindle is $24.91. The increase of capital employed in the manufacture of all kinds of cotton goods since 1870 is $2,542,315, an increase of more than 25 per cent. Increase in number of spindles, independent of those not specified, 92,566. Increase in value of product, $583,489, an increase of more than five per cent. The average value of pro- duction per spindle is $22.50, against $25.76 per spindle in 1870. The total value of all cotton goods manufactured is equivalent to $19.82 for each inhabitant in the State, on the basis of the popula- tion of 1870. The increase in the number of operatives employed since 1870 is 1,355, an increase of 12 per cent. Average annual wages per factory hand is $317.47, against $271.75 per hand in 1870, an increase of $45.72 per hand, or more than 16 per cent, per hand. The product per hand amounts in value to $1,151.34 ; in 1870 it amounted to $1,254.81 per hand. The cotton mills of Maine give employment to a large number of hands, and their products constitute an important contribution to the markets of the country. It is a profitable industry, is well managed, and the number of spindles is annually increasing. Already we have five new manufacturing companies proposing to erect mills, and one company which went into operation late in the fall, not included in table II, or in the foregoing estimates. These companies are as follows : Auburn Androscoggin County. Name of Company. Capital. Water Power. No. of Spindles? Auburn Central Manf. Co 800 horse. Farwell Manf. Co. Dunn Manf. Co. Barker Mill (just gone into operation) 18,00(y' Portland Cumberland County. Casco Manf. Co $750,000. WatervilleKennebec County. Reuben B. Dunn & Son 400 horse 2 STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. EDGE TOOLS, AXES, SAWS, &c. Returns from twenty establishments, large and small, give a total value in their products of $638,800. In axes and adzes there were manufactured 674,965 in number. The larger portion of the product is manufactured in Kennebec county, where three fac- tories in West Waterville have turned out in value $300,400 worth of axes, which have found a market in the United States and the British Provinces. FERTILIZERS. We have no returns of industries devoted to the manufacture of such natural fertilizers as marl, peat and marine manures, large deposits of which are numerous, with the exception of one return of an establishment in Lincoln county that manufactures 500 tons of seaweed, valued at $15,000. The remaining seven establish- ments making returns manufacture fertilizers from refuse fish, but their returns are so incomplete that we are only able to form estimates. Their total product is 6,550 tons, worth on an average $12 per ton, which amount, added to the value of the product of the previous establishment, makes the total value of the product of eight establishments, instead of $15,000, as given in table I, $18,600, as given in table III. The number of hands given in the tables is only the number employed by one establishment. The fertilizers manufactured find a market in Maine, Massachusetts, New York and the Southern States. FISHERIES. The returns of establishments engaged in the curing and packing of fish are so incomplete and imperfect that no adequate idea can be formed of the extent of the business. As the result of the herring and codfish, haddock, pollock and mackerel fisheries, the total value of the product cured and packed will undoubtedly approximate to at least $800,000, giving employment to not less than five hundred and fifty men. In the cod and mackerel fisheries, that is, in the catching of such fish, it will be seen by the table that 861 vessels are employed, with a total of 46,196 31-100 tons. The percentage of tonnage, as compared with other States, is as follows : 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XIX STATES. TONNAGE. PER CENT. Massachusetts 54,188 49 5 Maine 46,196 42 2 Connecticut 4,193 3 8 New York i,m 1 6 California . . ... 1,777 1 i Rhode Island 1,071 1 New Hampshire 922 8 Total.. 109,518 100 The fishery industry gives employment to probably two thou- sand men, or more, in our coast towns, and the total value of their catch the present year will not be less than eight or nine hundred thousand dollars. The catch of codfish has been unusually large. In our interior fisheries, the propagation of salmon and trout by artificial means is a new enterprise which bids fair to be success- ful, if its success is not already assured. FLOURING AND GRIST MILL PRODUCTS. Returns from 85 establishments show an invested capital of $620,600; bushels of grain ground, 1,979,650; barrels of flour manufactured, 60,225; value of total production, $2,276,122; hands employed, 161 ; wages, $72,204. The table which is pre- sented embraces custom work, or grain ground for individual owners, as well as for a market, and the work of such flouring mills as have made returns, one of which, in Paris, has manufac- tured 12,000 barrels of flour, which, with 30,000 bushels of grain, is valued at $135,000. A steam grist mill in Bangor returns 110,000 bushels of grain ground, valued at $85,000, while one mill in Lewiston returns 175,000 bushels of grain ground, which, with 5,000 barrels of flour manufactured, is valued at $180,000. Another mill in the same city returns 150,000 bushels of grain ground, with a value of $120,000. In Portland, one mill returns 250,000 bushels of grain ground, valued at $250,000 ; in Yar- mouth, the product of another mill is 105,000 bushels of grain ground and 5,000 barrels of flour, with a total value of $125,000, while in Westbrook the product of another mill is 32,000 bushels of grain ground, and 20,000 barrels of flour, with a total value of $200,000. In Waterville, another mill has ground 61,800 bushels of grain, which, with 1,000 barrels of flour manufactured, is valued at $58,325. xx STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. ICE. Our returns of ice prepared for market show that twenty-four establishments, principally in Kennebec and Knox counties, have cut and housed 301,000 tons, valued at $552,000. The value of this product is very fluctuating. On account of labor saving machinery and other advantages, the product is housed ready for market at a small expense. The industry has become an impor- tant one, and Maine ice goes to all parts of the world. IRON, CAST, FORGED AND ROLLED. The table devoted to this branch of mechanical industry em- braces twenty -two establishments, with a total capital of $695,200 ; value of production, $1,649,640 ; hands employed, 472 ; wages, $320,575. The castings include mill machinery of all kinds, car wheels, stoves, hollow ware, &c., weighing in all 4,533 tons. In forgings, we have the return of one Portland establishment, which has produced 500 tons of railroad axles, shaftings and other heavy forgings. A Camden establishment has forged 400 tons in anchors. There is a return of one rolling mill located in Portland, the only one in the State, which has a capital of $300,000 ; employs 200 hands, with a pay-roll 'of $150,000, and has produced 14,000 tons of iron rails, value, $1,100,000. The returns of some foundries have been included in the table for Machinery, Steam Engines and Boilers. The total value of the product of our iron manufactures in castings, forgings, &c., will probably exceed $2,500,000 the present year. LEATHER, TANNED AND CURRIED. The table of this industry, or these industries, is so unsatisfac- tory, on account of the returns making no distinction, a a general thing, in the two processes of tanning and currying, that while the number, so far as establishments are concerned, may be cor- rect, it has been difficult to reach approximate results in the attempt to separate the two, and therefore the results may be erroneous, as the value of the hides tanned may also be again included in the value of hides curried. But we assume that the cases of duplication in values are not numerous. At all events, the largest tanning establishments have made correct returns, which justifies the assumption. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xx i In consequence of the great Boston fire, our Maine tanners anticipated a lively demand for their product, which, together with the increase of shoe factories in this State, led to unusually large purchases of imported hides at high prices. The result was, the demand was not active, business has been dull, and large stocks of all grades have accumulated, and in many instances sold less than cost. Returns from sixty-one establishments show a total capital of $1,529,380 ; value of production, $3,181,300 ; hands employed, 663 ; wages, $306,244. It is more than probable that the total value of leather tanned in this State the present 'year will exceed four millions of dollars, and the total value of leather tanned, more than one million one hundred thousand dollars. Penobscot county shows the largest amount of capital employed in this industry, thirteen establishments giving a total capital of $762,000 ; value of production, $1,352,480. One establishment in the town of Kingman in that county tanned 1,000 tons, or 150,000 sides of leather, value $550,000. In the town of Winn, another establish- ment, which is the largest tannery in the United States, has tanned TOO tons sole leather, value $350,000. A tannery in Burnham, in Waldo county, has produced 250 tons of sole leather, value $100,000. But few domestic hides are used in Maine, the stock being principally foreign importations from South America, Mexico and South Africa. LIME. Limestone is found in fourteen counties out of sixteen, and the manufacture of it into quicklime, as will be seen by the returns, is carried on in a most extensive manner. It forms one of the most important industries in the State, giving employment to numerous persons, and furnishing freights for an immense fleet of coasting vessels. . In Knox county there is more limestone than has ever been discovered elsewhere in the State. Rockland lime has become widely known, and the market for it extends from Calais to New Orleans, and to the seaports of Western Europe. The lime quar- ries form a belt three miles in length, and the stone is of a superior quality, furnishing more than fifty per cent, of pure lime. The business has increased wonderfully the past forty years. In 1836, it is estimated that the product of all the kilns in the State was 100,000 casks. In 1861, they had so increased that the xx ii STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. product in Roikland alone was about 1,000,000 casks. In 1870, there were $1,058,000 invested in the industry, 739 hands were employed, and the value of the product that year was $1,741,553. The returns received by this department this year from twenty- five establishments show an invested capital of $1,099,500, seventy-nine kilns, 1,534,000 casks of lime manufactured, 456 hands employed, and the total value of the product $1,535,025. Had full returns been received, it is estimated that the aggregate value of lime manufactured the present year would be shown .to reach at least $1,800,000. In Bockland the total production will not be less than 1,200,000 casks, in the manufacture of which employment has been indirectly given to eight or ten thousand persons. In Camden and Thomaston extensive operations are also carried on. The localities of limestone are numerous, and a superior quality for building purposes can be quarried, while an inferior quality can be obtained in the interior for agricultural purposes. LUMBER. The manufacture of lumber is one of the vital industries of Maine. It is a business which either directly or indirectly affects numerous other industries, as well, as the prosperity of a large number of towns. There is no other kind of productive industry which so many carry on as the manufacture of lumber. There is scarcely a stream coursing through even the most sparcely popu- lated village, but what its power, or a portion of it, is devoted to the running of a saw mill. The smaller manufactures outnumber the larger as two is to one, and the proportion may be even greater. In the hands of the larger manufacturers, however, is concentrated the principal amount of working capital, and the result of their operations constitutes the main volume of business. Returns from 329 saw mills give a total capital of $4,055,000 ; steam power, 2,192 horse; water power, 15,724 horse; produc- tion of long lumber, 344,406,000 feet; production of short lumber, 60,961,000 feet ; value of production, $5,184,445 ; hands employed, 4,579 ; wages, $1,663,556. In a large number of returns, ommis- sions have been supplied in the absence of particulars, and correc- tions have been made in the table devoted to lumber, of such errors as were discovered in the text after it was printed. In the estimate, the product of those Portland manufacturers given in the text as carrying on their operations out of the State, has been 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xx jjj excluded, notwithstanding the product is brought to Portland and shipped from that port for a market. With such data at our disposal, imperfect as it is, we have attempted an estimate of the total number of saw mills in the State, and their aggregate results for the year, which is as fol- lows : Total number of saw mills, 1,109 ; capital, $7,029,442 ; steam power, 3,403 horse; water power, 41,383 horse; long lumber manufactured, 667,420,000 feet; short lumber, 72,405,000 feet; value of production, including shocks, staves, headings, &c., $9,672,235; hands employed, 7,844; wages, $2,851,000. It will be borne in mind that this is an approximate estimate, based on imperfect and incomplete returns. The United States census report of 1870 gives as the total num- ber of saw mills for that year, 1,099 ; steam power, 3,213 horse ; water power, 38,898 horse; capital, $6,614,875; long lumber manufactured, 639,167,000 feet; short lumber, 631,090,000 (not feet) ; total value of production, including shocks, headings, staves, &c., $11,395,747; hands employed, 8,506 ; wages, $2,- 449,132. Although there has been an increase in the number of saw mills since 1870, as well as an increase, as near as can be approximated, of at least $414,567 in the amount of capital invested, it is not unlikely that our figures of the amount of production may be too high, especially if we accept the following approximate estimate of the amount of logs and sawed lumber on hand last spring : Total logs on hand Total sawed lumber on hand Spring of 1873. Spring of 1873, in feet. Kennebec river 100,000,000 13,300,000 Penobscot river 175,000,000 14,000,000 Calais 81,000,000 15,800,000 Dennysville , 10,000,000 2,800,000 Machias 31,000,000 5,900,000 Ellsworth 40,500,000 2,450,000 Cherryfield 19,500,000 3,200,000 Audroscoggin 46,000,000 1,400,000 Total 503,000,000 58,850,000 Portland is also excluded from this estimate for reason already assigned, although her manufacturers who operate out of the State xx j v STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. report as the total number of logs on hand last spring, 89,000,000 ; sawed lumber, 10,300,000 feet. Our judgment is, based on such complete returns as have been made to this department, that our estimate is not far out of the way. The product of this year as compared with the product of 1810, in the ratio of increase or decrease, will stand about as follows in the localities mentioned. Per cent, of Increase. Per cent, of Decrease. Bangor and vicinity 15 Calais do 20 Bath do .25 Ellsworth 25 Damariscotta ' .15 Augusta and vicinity 15 In Bangor, the great lumber mart of the State, the amount of lumber surveyed the .present year is reported at 179,202,353 feet, or 67,251,296 feet less than 1872, and 48,289,322 less than 1871. Some 10 to 15 per cent., probably, of the survey, is a re-survey of manufactured lumber on hand. The amount surveyed in Bangor from 1832 to and including 1873, is as follows : Total Feet. Prior to 1832 about 200,000,000 1832 to 1842 610,407,541 1842 to 1852 1,614,602,872 1852 to 1862 1,737,117,099 1862 160,062,983 1863 190,672,269 1864 174,436,272 1865 165,408,048 1866 237,147,606 1867 203,483,358 1868 220,794,766 1869 190,840,908 1870 202,014,192 1871 227,491,675 1872 '. 246,453,649 1873 179,202,353 6,560,135,591 [1873. STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XXV The largest amount of capital invested in the manufacture of lumber is in Penobscot county, where the amount reaches two millions of dollars. Washington county ranks next, the amount being about one million and a half dollars. Hancock next, where the amount reaches about seven hundred thousand dollars. Ken- nebec stands next, where the amount is some six hundred thousand dollars. Piscataquis has the smallest amount invested in the business, or about fifty thousand dollars. The manufacture of lumber has been retarded somewhat in some localities during the year, on account of drouth. A decrease of the product in other localities is on account of the limited demand and the high price of logs, while in still other localities railroad contentions are reported to have been a drawback in the trans- portation of the manufactured product. The stock panic in the fall had a slight depressing effect, but the business of the year has, on the whole, been fully up to the average. A home survey of all lumber manufactured in the State is being urged, similar to that which has been in practice at Bangor for some thirty years ; so that our citizens engaged in the business shall not be at the mercy of surveyors out of the State, at ports to to which lumber is shipped. The measure is regarded as of a protective character, and carrys with it a uniformity of price, as well as of survey. It has been prophesied that our forests are decreasing to such an extent that in from five to ten years the supply of lumber will be exhausted. It is very true that for several years, what with the lumberman's axe and the destruction of acres of timber lands by fire, our forests have diminished in extent ; it is also true that for as many years the same prophecy has been made, and yet Maine still continues to produce her average yearly product of lumber of some six or seven hundred millions of feet. From such data as we have before us, although there is a great scarcity of pine, our forest area does not seem to diminish to an extent to cause apprehension that in the next decade the lumber supply will be entirely exhausted. It is estimated in the United States report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year of 1872, that Maine has 5,835,058 acres in farms, while her area includes 22,- 400,000 acres of land and water. In the table following, an esti- mate of the forest area, outside of that belonging to farms, is added to the total acreage of farm woodlands, to make the esti- XXVI STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. mated total area in forest. In estimating the proportion in wood- land, the amount of water in lakes and streams and other wastes, incapable of producing trees, must be taken into consideration. A careful canvassing of facts shows that of the area, exclusive of farms, one-half is assumed to be forest, in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Pennsylvania ; one-third in forest for Massachusetts, New York and Michigan; one-tenth for Rhode Island, and Con- necticut, and one-sixth for Minnesota and Wisconsin : STATES. Percentage in Farms. Total Percentage. Maine . 38.1 46.9 New Hampshire 29 37.2 Vermont 30.6 36.5 Massachusetts . 25 8 29.2 Rhode Island 33.1 24.2 Connecticut 24.4 21.2 New York. . . 25.5 21.6 Pennsylvania 31.9 38.9 Michigan 40. T 35.3 Minnesota. ... 20 6 11.1 " In Maine, " says the authority from which we have quoted, " scarcely more than one-fourth of the area is in farms ; the remaining land being covered, generally, with forest growths, though culled of valuable timber, increases the census percentage from 38.1 to 46.9, and the increase would be much greater (than the estimated proportion of one-half), but for the remarkable extent of water surface, in addition to barren ledges, and other wastes. " The following table presents a statement of the area in farms, that outside of farms, the total area, and the forest acreage in farms alone, and the entire area of the principal lumbering States : 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XXV11 STATES. Number acres in farms. Number acres not in farms. 1 Number acres in total area. Number acres of woodland in farms. Estimated total area in woodland. 5,838,058 16,561,942 22,400,000 2,224,740 10,505,711 New Hampshire 3,605,994 2,333,206 5,939,200 1,047,090 2,213,693 Vermont 4,528,804 2,006,876 6,535,680 1,386,934 2,390,372 2,730,283 2,261,717 4,992,000 706,714 1,460,619 Khode Island 502,308 333,532 835,840 169,399 202,752 Connecticut 2,364,416 675,584 3,040,000 577,333 644,891 New York 22 190 810 7 889 190 30 080 000 5,679,870 8 309 600 17,994,200 11,445,800 29,440,000 5,740,864 11,463,764 Michigan 10,019,142 26,109,498 36,123 640 4,080,146 12,783,312 Minnesota . . . 6,483 828 46 976 012 53 459 840 1 336 299 9 165 634 11,715,321 22,796,039 34,511,360 3,437,442 7,236,781 Of the foregoing, as well as of the other States not included, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota and Wis- consin are the principal lumbering States, and from which the chief supplies of lumber are drawn which go to make up the ten thousand million feet, the annual product of the country. In pro- portion to the area of acreage, it will be seen that Maine has the largest per cent, in forest area of any of the States mentioned. For over half a century the destruction of our woodland has been in progress ; but with new growth, notwithstanding the annual diminution of timber lands, the destruction must be retarded, so that it looks as if the forest area would not be stripped of all its merchantable lumber for at least fifty years. MACHINERY, &c. Thirty establishments for the manufacture of mill and all kinds of machinery, steam engines, builers, locomotives, railroad cars, castings, marine and miscellaneous work, return an invested capi- tal of $1,097,500 ; value of product, $2,501,247 ; hands employed, 1,101 ; wages, $649,918. One establishment in Portland, with a capital of $150,000, manufactures steam engines, boilers, tanks and general machinery, to the value of $150,000. Another estab- lishment in the same city manufactures 40 locomotives, value STATISTICS OP MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. $480,000 ; 270 railroad cars, value $245,000, which, with marine and miscellaneous work, amounts to a total value of $900,000. The force of hands has since been increased, and seven locomo- tives a month is the average on entering upon the new year. The total value of the product of six establishments in that city, including the two given, is $1,240,000 ; men employed, 681 ; wages, $39*7,000. One establishment in Camden, in the produc- tion of railroad cars, car wheels, mill machinery, &c., turns out a value of $500,000. A car factory in Augusta, with a capital of $40,000, turns out 185 cars, valued at $130,000 ; hands employed, 35 wages, $16,000. Another car factory in Bath, with a capital of $150,000, has manufactured 225 cars, valued at $158,100 ; average number of hands, 80 ; wages, $55,000. In the manufacture of cotton and woolen machinery, eight estab- lishments return an invested capital of $212,800 ; value of product, $315,500; hands employed, 250; wages, $116,812. OIL. There is one factory in the State for the manufacture of kero- sene and lubricating oil, naptha, gasolene and parafine. It is situated in Cape Elizabeth, and the value of the product this year is returned to this department at $254,500. The manufacture of oil from porgies or menhaden is becoming an important industry. We have returns from fourteen factories, three of which either make partial or no returns of particulars. It will be found that in such returns as have been received, a total capital of $323,500 is reported ; value of production, $352,550 ; hands employed, 446. Had full returns been sent, it is likely that the total capital would have exceeded $400,000, and the value of pro- duction $500,000. Nearly all of the factories are located in Lincoln county. In the prosecution of the business a numerous fleet of small vessels and steamers are engaged, giving employ- ment, on the water and land, to probably not less than one thou- sand men. OIL FLOOR CLOTH. Returns from four factories, with an invested capital of $385,- 000, show~a product valued at $964,000. There are at least two more factories in the State, and the value of their product added to the sum given will undoubtedly make the aggregate value of the product in the State $1,500,000. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. PAPER, PRINTING AND WRAPPING. Returns from nine establishments show an invested capital of $1,500,000; value of product, $3,041,600; hands employed, 836, of which number 319 are females ; amount of wages, $356,727. One mill in Minot, probably the largest in the State, has produced 1,800 tons, valued at $550,000. RAILROADS. We present in tabulated form certain statistics relating to rail- roads in Maine. In 1850 the total mileage was 245.59. In 1873 the total mileage we find to be 905.05, exclusive of double track or sidings, and involving in cost of construction and equipment over forty millions of dollars. There has been wonderful progress made in the enlargement of our railroad system, and the end is not yet. New enterprises are in contemplation, for which charters have been granted, and extensions of existing routes are also pro- posed. Some of these projects are already making good progress, with a prospect of early construction. With the development of our railroad system, improved facilities are afforded for the trans- portation of the products of our mechanical and manufacturing arts, while quick, and convenient transit is presented to travelers. Nearly all of our flourishing communities are situated on existing lines, or are easily accessible to them. By her system of railroad communication, and by the consummation of such plans for the future that are in view, Maine will provide such means of transit, that her territory will become, at no distant day, the great thoroughfare of European travel. SHIPBUILDING. It may be said that the revival of shipbuilding in this State with the present year is made complete. The following table shows the amount of tonnage built from January 1, 1873, to January 1, 1874: Number. Tonnage. Ships 10 14,598.41 Barks 23 14,924.54 Barkentines 2 734. 71 Brigs 12 4,907.64 Schooners 206 52,539.11 Sloops 12 321.63 xxx STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. Number. Tonnage. Barges 1 368.02 Steamers 9 1,416.15 Propellers 1 6.96 Total 276 89,817.17 This flattering exhibit of tonnage built is an increase of more than 119 per cent, of the total tonnage of 1872, as near as it can be approximated, and a larger amount of tonnage than was ever built in any one year. The result is one full of cheering omens for the future, and one attributable, perhaps, more to natural causes than to any legislation which has taken place for the relief of American commerce during its period of prostration. On account of the enhanced value of labor and materials abroad, our Maine shipbuilders can now successfully compete with those in the Provinces. There is every indication that our shipbuilding industry has been restored to a permanent basis, and that Maine this year contributes to the mercantile marine of the country a larger amount of tonnage than any other State, producing sailing vessels equal to any afloat, and in some respects superior. The total value of the tonnage produced the present year will be $5,399,030. WOOLEN GOODS. Returns from thirty-nine establishments for the manufacture of woolen goods represent a total capital of $3,217,000 ; steam power, 240 horse ; water power, 2,267 horse ; sets of cards, 196 ; value of stock used, $3,758,548; value of production, $6,605,292; hands employed, males 1,346, females 1,183, children 198, total number, 2,727 ; wages, $995,107. One establishment of the foregoing, in Lewiston, includes capital, power, hands employed and wages in return of cotton goods. The product turned out embraces beavers, tricots, meltons, cassimeres, doeskins, ladies' cloths, repellants, blankets, flannels, frockings, stocking yarn, &c. One mill in Sanford, York county, manufactures plush carriage robes to the value of $175,000, and is the only mill of the kind in the United States that manufactures such goods. But few establishments use domestic wool, the raw material in use being principally wool of foreign importation. Shoddy cloths are but little known, most of the goods manu- factured being superfine cloths, which find a general market. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xxx i According to our returns, the largest amount of woolen goods is manufactured in Androscoggin county, nine establishments re- turning as the value of their product, $1,941,618. Kennebec county comes next, five establishments returning as the value of their product, $954,000. York county ranks next, five establish- ments returning as the value of their product, $703,450. Penob- scot county comes next, two establishments returning as the value of their product, $675,524. Cumberland follows next, four estab- lishments returning as the value of their product, $667,200. MINING AND QUARRYING INDUSTRIES. The statistics relating to the mining of ores or metals found in this State, and also the quarry ing of marble, granite and slate, are not as complete as we had hoped for. Maine is rich in mineral wealth, especially in Aroostook, Piscataquis and Washington counties, where such useful metals as iron and lead are found, and need only to be brought to light from their hidden places. We have also such metals as zinc, copper, tin, manganese, gold and arsenic. But few of these, however, have been extracted from their native beds. There is plenty of material for the profitable manufacture of alum, copperas and sulphur. Most of our plaster mills, which, this year, have ground probably not less than 28,000 tons, obtain their material from out of the State, when there are evidences of gypsum to be found in Maine. Besides native emery, there is an abundance of hone-stone or flint rock desirable for grindstones ; still manufacturers procure their stock from out of the State. At Deer Isle honestones are manufactured from the novaculites found in that vicinity, while whetstones are made from the mica schist obtained in numerous other localities. From such returns as have been received, we should judge that there is invested in our quarrying and mining industries a capital of not less than $1,200,000, thgt nearly 5,000 hands are employed, and that the value of this year's product will be between four and five millions of dollars, the greater value being the result of granite quarrying. IRON. This is the only ore that has ever been worked to any extent in Maine. Our return from Pembroke shows a good business in smelting the ore, but not up to the capacity of the works, as xxx ii STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. operations during 1 the summer, as we learn, were retarded on account of repairs. The amount of iron manufactured for the year is 6,000 tons, valued at $480,000. The company also manu- factured 15,000 kegs of nails, valued at $75,000. The company has a capital of $200,000, and gives employment to 300 hands. Their market is Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Although we present a meagre return of the doings of the Piscataquis Iron Works, formerly known as the Kadahdin Iron Works, we have a letter, written at our request, which we shall shortly give, from 0. W. Davis, Jr., of Portland, President of the works, which fur- nishes valuable information respecting our iron deposits. As preliminary to what Mr. Davis writes, we would state that in Aroostook county, is to be found iron ore of a superior quality. So far as is known, that county contains the principal deposit, and the ore appears inexhaustible in quantity. In other portions of the State, there are deposits of bog ore considerable in extent. Magnetic iron ore has also been found. In short, there is an ample supply of iron in Maine, which only requires capital to develop and make available. The Piscataquis Iron Works are about eighteen miles from the Milo station of the Bangor and Piscataquis railroad, and situated in the valley of the west branch of "Pleasant river. In 1856, the yield of ore was 2,350 tons. For several years operations have been suspended, or until Mr. Davis obtained possession of the property. Recently new deposits in the vicinity have been dis- covered. The ore is an excellent quality of charcoal iron, and well adapted for machinery, car wheels and fine castings. The belt has been traced for miles, with the best of limestone found for flux and hard wood forests for charcoal. The letter from Mr. Davis, who has spent a good deal of time in Investigating the iron deposits of Aroostook, is as follows : PORTLAND, ME., November 17th, 1873. Mr. W. E. S. WHITMAN, Department Industrial Statistics: DEAR SIR : In reply to your favor of 10th inst., I have to say, that in the summer and fall of 1872, I spent several weeks in company with an experienced Mining Engineer of Pennsylvania, in examining the iron deposits of Aroostook county. Owing to the entire absence of any systematic researches in this field, and the want of any reliable geological survey of our State, the work was difficult and slow, but the result conclusively established the very great importance of these enormous deposits to the future industrial progress of this State. Beginning in Wade plantation, on the Aroostook river, at the point where the ore vjas discovered by Dr. Jackson in the survey of 1836-8, we found three well marked 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XXXlii veins running with general direction of the formations of that region in a north- easterly and south-westerly direction, through the third and fourth ranges of the towns from the east line of the State, as far to the north, certainly, as one of the original townships of New Sweden, and southerly to number nine. "Without claiming to have followed the veins over the whole of this distance, we did find and uncover them at five or six different points within the range named, and, in more than one instance, made a section of and took samples at every five feet for a distance of one hundred feet perpendicular to the general direction of the vein. The ore is a compact, slaty red hematite, standing in a nearly perpendicular position, enclosed between red and green slates, and shaly limestones. From the character of the ore and the accompanying rocks, I judge its position, geologically, to be in the Silurian formation, and corresponding to the so-called Clinton group, which is so well developed in Clinton county, New York State. Analysis of the various samples by J. B. Britton, Esq., of Philadelphia, gave for ore Metallic iron, 46.77 per cent. Insoluble silicious matter, 21.98 " Phosphorus, .61 " Sulphur, - - trace. Manganese, 4.00 " For another Metallic iron, 41.93 per cent. Metallic manganese, 2.72 " Phosphorus .94 " Sulphur, - none. Silicious matter 26.07 " The amount of the ore is simply incalculable, the quality fair. Though the amount of phosphorus is large, that of sulphur is practically nothing. Ore of identical quality is largely worked in central New- York from veins from four to ten feet in width, and made into an excellent foundiy iron. Running parallel to the ore are veins of lime- stone, samples of which on being analyzed, gave ninety ( 90 ) per cent, of carbonate of lime. Covering the whole country in the neighborhood of the veins, are primitive forests of white and yellow birch, beech, maple and ash, of boundless extent, and of the best quality for charcoal. Lack of transportation and want of such information as a geological survey would give, alone prevents the development of this region. It may be safely said, that at no point in this countiy, can the three elements necessary for a charcoal iron production (ore limestone and charcoal,) be more cheaply brought together than in the valley of the Aroostook. In reference to your inquiries about Katahdin, I will add, that these works were started up during the past summer, and are still in operation. The ore here is a hydrated brown hematite, lying upon the side of a hill to the depth of three to six feet, and seems to be the result of the precipitation of iron from water of mineral, springs which have become impregnated by the decomposition of iron pyrites in the neighboring slate rocks. The furnace was built some thirty years ago, but owing to the difficulty of hauling iron by teams to Bangor, a distance of fifty miles, has been run at intervals only since that time. It would be difficult to estimate the amount of capital invested from the original operations till now ; but, in addition to the 30,000 acres of land included in the prop- erty, to build anew and put into as effective shape as now, including recent repairs, the dams, saw mill, hotel, houses, shops, coal kilns and furnace, would require an expenditure of at least $100,000. Ill xxx i v STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. The capacity of the furaace is about ten tons a day, of twenty-four hours, though now producing about seven tons. When fully working, about twenty tons of ore, two tons of limerock, and fifteen hundred to two thousand bushels of coal are required daily. Ore yields fifty -five per cent., and costs after roasting, about $2 per ton. Charcoal is made in thirteen brick kilns, yielding 40 to 50 bushels to the cord of wood, and costs 8 to 10 cents per bushel. Limerock is not found convenient, and is hauled by teams from Sebec, at about $4 per ton. The works are on Pleasant river, eighteen miles from Milo, to which point the iron is hauled by teams for the present. From seventy- five to one hundred and twenty -five men, with fif$- to seventy-five horses, are employed in cutting and hauling wood, ore and limestone, and six four-horse teams hauling iron to the depot. Wages paid, are from $1.25 per day to common laborers, to $2 for furnace hands. Wood is chopped at 75c to $1.00 per cord, and costs at the furnace $1.75 to $2.25 per cord. The iron so far made this season has proved of excellent quality, being largely used for car-wheels, steam cylinders and castings requiring great strength, and readily brings for these purposes from $10 to $15 more than anthracite or bituminous coal iron. The product so far has been shipped to Portland, Boston, Jersey City and Philadelphia, to car factories and locomotive works, with a sample shipment to Birmingham, England, with a fair prospect of a permanent market in that country. I am yours, respectfully, O. W. DAVIS, JR. LEAD. We have no return from Lubec where veins of lead have been worked, and an excellent article of the sulphuret of lead obtained. Galena has also been found at Corinna, Dexter and Parsonsfield, and many of the gangues have furnished good specimens of the metal. COPPER. This ore has also been found at Lubec, and at Carrol, but we are not advised of any attempt to open the veins which have been discovered. TIN. This metal has been found, but the value of the gangues has not been determined, or whether they will pay for working. FELDSPAR. There is a large amount of feldspar in Maine, especially adapted for making porcelain and China ware, but we do not learn of any attempt to develop it, except at Topsham, where there are two companies, only one of which is in operation, we believe. The parties operating crush the rock and ship it to Trenton, N. J. It is worth two dollars per ton, and 1,000 tons have been shipped the present year. NATIVE EMERY. We have the return of a company operating in the town of Andover for native emery, for the making of emery wheels, hones, 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XXXV scythe stones and rifles. They have mined 500 tons the present year, and the value of their production is $50,000. The emery crushed by a company in Bath is from imported rock. GRANITE. It has been stated on scientific authority that there is granite enough in Maine to build all the cities of the world. The granitic formation is certainly an extensive one, and its varieties traverse the larger portion of the State. Blocks of immense size have been split out, some weighing more than one hundred tons each. In quality, the granite quarried is of fine grain, beautiful in color, and very durable. The facilities for quarrying are unequalled, and the economical advantages of shipment cannot be surpassed, most of the quarries being on navigable waters. The principal localities of granite quarrying are Biddeford, Kennebunk, York, Newfield, Waterford, North Yarmouth, Brunswick, Phipsburg, Hallowell, Augusta, Jay, Wiscasset, Edgecomb, Friendship, Mount Waldo and Mosquito Mountain quarries on the Penobscot, Spruce Head (South Thomaston), Clark's Island (St. George), Fox and Hurri- cane islands (Vinalhaven), Dix Island (Muscle Ridge Plantation), Frankfort, Bluehill, Brooksville, Deer Isle, Sullivan, Sedgwick, Gouldsboro', Mt. Desert, Calais and other places, all of which can furnish no lack of materials for building or other purposes, and whose supplies are seemingly inexhaustible. Most of the quarries are on the coast, the principal ones being in Kuox and Lincoln counties. These quarries are located mainly on Fox, Hurricane, Dix, and Clark's islands, the principal companies being the Bod- well Granite Company, which own no less than twelve quarries and give employment to not* less than 1,200 men ; the Dix Island company, which has employed some 800 men or more ; the Clark's Island company, which employs over 300 men ; and the Hurricane Granite Company, which has a force of 100 men or more. From the quarries of these companies, the stone for the new War and Navy department buildings has been furnished, as well as for other public structures in various parts of the country. The pay- roll of these companies will aggregate the present year at least $3,000,000, many of the workmen receiving four dollars per day. The stone is all hewn into proper shape after being taken from the quarry, cut to its proper dimensions to fit into its place in the building, then boxed and hooped and shipped to its destination. The Hallowell Granite Company also does an immense business, XXX VI STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. 1873. employing a force of nearly 1,000 men. At present they are fur- nishing stone for the new State House, Albany, N. Y., besides doing a large amount of monumental work. There are other smaller companies also engaged in extensive operations. At Sul- livan immense numbers of paving stones are got out, which are shipped to Boston, New York and Southern ports. It will thus be seen that granite quarrying of itself affords a revenue of increasing wealth. During the present winter the business will be prosecuted with more activity than ever, on account of sev- eral heavy contracts having been taken by some of the largest operators. MARBLE. In Aroostook county is to be found, as we are advised, a splen- did article of statuary marble, distributed along the Penobscot belt, running across the northern part of the State. The marble found thus far is considered better adapted for building than for ornamental purposes. It has not been found in great abundance, and we hear of but few localities where quarries have been opened and worked. It has been found at Sidney, Camden, Hope, Union, Thomaston and Machiasport. A very good article of verdantique marble has been found at Deer Isle, where we have a return from the company which is operating, and, as we understand, with profit. The company has been operating three years, with a cap- ital of $165,000, and a force of thirty men. The value of the production this year will be about $26,500. At Lubec a new company, recently organized, has commenced quarrying. ROOFING SLATE. Roofing slate is found in Maine in immense quantities, and of a superior character in color, grain and cleavage. The principal belt extends from the Kennebec to the Penobscot river, a distance of eighty miles or more. Instances are shown where slate has been split into slabs of several feet square. Most of it is of such a quality and formation as to be easily made into tables, black- boards, writing slates and slate pencils. The principal quarries, as our returns show, are at present located in Piscataquis county, which supply an immense amount of roofing slate for the New England market. In Scarborough, we hear that a very good arti- cle of roofing slate is manufactured. Some of the Piscataquis quarrying companies marbleize their slates. The slate industry is increasing in magnitude yearly. A. H. Merrill, one of the 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. XXXvii pioneers in the manufacture of slate, writes this department as follows : WILLIAMSBURG, MB., July 23, 1873. MR. W. E. S. WHITMAN, Industrial Statistician : DEAR SIR: I own and operate the Glendour, or what is better known as the Merrill Slate Quarry, situated in Brownville, Piscataquis county, Me. Your circular for the collection of statistical details was duly received and carefully considered. I cannot furnish in detail the full and accurate information in relation to my quarry that you desire, should I spend more time in the effort than I can well spare. The manufacture of slate of Maine is of slow progress, and to open and operate a slate quarry, so as to insure permanent and profitable results, requires quite as close calculation and as much capital as to build and equip a first class cotton factory. I find that haste must be made slowly in learning the business, or we are liable to pay high for our tuition. In 1846, operations were commenced to test the quality and extent of a slate ledge to produce roof slate. I took one-fourth interest in the enterprise. In three years we expended $12,000 in our operations. I became satisfied with the quality and extent of the ledge, and paid the parties interested the amount they had expended in the operation, and became the sole owner of 105 acres of land upon which the opera- tions were made. A gentleman from Wales, brought up in the business, then made estimates, which looked well on paper, showing that $10,000 more, judiciously expended, would do certain things which would render the quarry self-supporting. He expended $20,000 more for me, when I found that $1,000 made a poor show at producing slate, unless the work was restricted to such veins and such parts of the quarry as were most favorable for producing immediate results. In that case, slate could be put into the market at a very low figure, and perhaps the quarry sold at a very high one ; but somebody would be sure to get hurt. Making the slate for immediate results would insure a small business for a time, and then final abandonment of the enterprise. I saw that I must either abandon it then, or close up all other business, move my family upon the premises, and give the quarry my personal attention and the benefit of all my means, or become a bankrupt. For twenty-one years the quarry has had my personal attention, and I have irfvested in it to an amount I do not care to name. To insure a sufficient supply of the best quality of the raw material, and space for the deposit of the debris (no inconsiderable item), I have enlarged my premises to 1,500 acres, upon which a dozen quarries may be opened, each worked by hundreds of men for hundreds of years. Judging from the work already done, and the amount of slate obtained, the supply is inexhaustible. The excavation from which I have taken slate is but 340 by 200 feet, and from the surface \ to the greater part of the bottom of the excavation is but 78 feet, and the greatest depth, that from which I am now taking slate, is but 128 feet. The slate stands well in the market. In Piscataquis county are large deposits of the stone. In some localities it is eminently fitted for planing. I see nothing but the demand that can ultimately limit the supply of slate in Maine. Most of my expenditures thus far have been made with a view to future operations, not expecting to realize immediately from the investment. For eleven years I made from 5,000 to 6,000 squares of roof slate per year, which sold for satisfactory prices. Two years since I commenced enlarging the capacity of my quarry and its appurtenances to a capacity for producing 30,000 squares of roof slate per annum, I hope to complete the work next year, when the quarry will be so far developed that I can keep each man employed in his own branch of the business, and XXXviii STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. not, as now, be obliged to put the men in one branch of the work into another, some- times for hours, sometimes for days; but have the slate makers constantly employed in their own department, and S9 with men in each branch of the business. Then an account can be opened with each branch of the business ; and then, and not till then, can I give the information, in detail, which individuals, as well as the State, are calling for. However desirable for me to possess correct data in relation to each branch of my business, so I could tell at a glance just what it costs to remove the surface earth and stone, just what for removing the debris, and just what for making the slate, &c., I did not think it advisable to incur the expense attending it, as I could get the details most important for me to have, otherwise. I therefore passed all expenditures for whatever pertains to the quarry, to the debit side of the quarry, and the net proceeds of its production to its credit. I know of no business open to enterprise and capital in Maine more promising than the manufacture of slate, and I opine the day is not far distant when the business will be in the hands of parties that can open up quarries to a capacity for producing hun- dreds of squares of slate daily, and keep their quarries in a condition for a continuance of such production. Then slate can be sold so low as to defy foreign competition, and satisfactory dividends be made on the capital invested. The use of slate must be greatly increased, as men learn that they can cover their buildings with first quality of Maine slate, and secure lower rates of insurance against fire, for less than it will cost to cover them with good cedar shingles. Cheap transportation will increase the demand for it. So large a per cent, of slate sent to market is now used up in transportation, that it is a serious drawback to the business. One hundred tons (400 squares) of slate are now worth $32 in Boston, and it costs me $7.20 to get them there. When the demand for slate is increased, so as to hold out inducements for its increased production, a cheaper mode of conveyance for it to a shipping port may be found. I give my men employment the year round,.and pay them $1.50 to $2 per day, and employ usually 80 men all told. Motive power, steam. Slate out by machinery. Respectfully, your most obedient servant, ADAMS H. MERRILL. CAPITAL IN MANUFACTURES. The returns given in this report show a total capital of $39,123,547 invested in such industrial operations as are pre- sented, with the exception of capital employed in shipbuilding, granite, marble and slate quarrying, ores mined and the fishery, which would swell the amount, say, as follows : Shipbuilding $1,000,000 Granite, marble and slate quarrying, ores mined . . 1,200,000 Fishery 900,000 Making the total amount of capital invested in such industrial operations as have been compiled, $42,223,547. The total amount of capital employed in the State in all manu- facturing and mechanical industries, with such data as we have to make the computation, is $48,808,448. But this amount must fall 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. xxxix far short of the accurate sum that is employed. Men engaged in business are so loth to give publicity to the amount of capital they have invested, or when disposed, it is such a difficult, and in many instances almost an impossible task to ascertain the amount, on account of the contrariety of opinion as to what constitutes capital, that it may be set down as useless to undertake to determine the amount of capital invested with any degree of accuracy. WAGE-LABOKERS AND EARNINGS. The returns are so unsatisfactory respecting the earnings of wage-laborers of both sexes, and the time they are employed, and we may also include the number of persons employed, that it has been impossible to present such results as we had hoped. In numerous instances the returns are very defective. The total number of persons employed as wage-laborers in the 2,361 mechanical and manufacturing industries of the State of which returns are presented, is 44,659, divided as follows : males, 27,570; females, 15,362; children under fifteen years of age, 1,415. Total wages received for the year, $13,888,022. The total number of mechanical and manufacturing establish- ments in the State, according to the best approximate estimates we can make, is 6,072 ; hands employed, 55,614, divided as fol- lows ; males, 37,154 : females, 16,612 ; children under fifteen years of age, 1,848. Total wages received for the year, $16,584,164. In the following table a few of the leading mechanical and industrial employments have been selected, in order to represent, as far as can be determined, the approximate average weekly earnings of wage-laborers, together with the days of labor : OCCUPATION. Males. Females Children Days of Labor. ANNUAL EARNINGS. Males. Females Children $1339 12 00 12 30 11 00 1032 10 00 12 73 1240 10 84 1060 9 27 1500 1050 11 12 961 $8 00 5 07 6 00 7 25 5 25 $3 00 300 280 110 300 300 300 308 308 292 308 189 292 292 308 300 $669 50 560 00 225 50 550 00 516 00 500 00 653 49 636 53 527 54 547 13 292 00 730 00 511 00 570 80 480 50 $373 33 253 50 300 00 372 16 262 50 $150 Boot and Shoe Makers. Brick Makers Clothing Men's Cotton Mills Machinists Millers Quarrymen Saw Mills Tin-smiths Woolen Mills... x l STATISTICS OP MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. According- to the foregoing estimate, the average weekly earn- ings of males are $11.40 ; females, $6.31. Average annual earn- ings, males, $531.33 ; females, $312.29. Average days of labor, 279. In the estimate of earnings, board is not considered. The average annual earnings of males will apply to those skilled laborers engaged in other departments of labor in the State in proportion to the period of labor, but the average earnings of females will not apply, their average earnings in all departments of labor in which they are employed being at the rate of about $214 a year. We have not found as many children engaged in the various occupations as one would suppose, from information that has been current, the percentage of such labor being small. A considerable number of proprietors of small establisments do their own work, while in numerous instances they include themselves among per- sons employed. STEAM AND WATE& POWER. Mr. Walter Wells, in his admirable and valuable report on the water power of Maine, states that there are certainly 3,100 water powers in the State, probably half of which are entirely unused, amongst which is the greater proportion of the larger powers. The number of horse powers, gross, according to Mr. Wells, is 2,656,200, " equivalent to the working energy of over 34,000,000 men, laboring without intermission from year's end to year's end." Returns to this department show that the motive power employed in industrial operations is either water or steam, and sometimes both, and, in a very few instances, wind power. Our water power, however, so inexhaustible in quantity and so avail- able for manufacturing purposes, is employed to this extent, so far as the returns show, as compared with steam : water power, num- ber of horse, 68,286 ; steam power, 9,422 horse. The gross water power in use in the whole State will approximate about 75,000 horse ; total steam power in use, about 10,000 horse. This indi- cates a steady increase in the use of water power, which possesses decided advantages over steam as a motive power in this State. If the water power now running to waste should be utilized, it would add millions to our population. We may also add, that, 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. x li while our fresh water is being constantly utilized, our tidal water power is also employed to a greater or less extent, the mean height of the tide on the coast, from low to high water, from East- port to Saco, being 11.6 feet. This kind of power is put to use at a small expense. VALUE OF MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. The returns to this department show a total value of $69,813,- 948 in the product of manufacturing and mechanical industry in 319 cities, towns and plantations in the State, representing 2,361 different industries, exclusive of the quarrying of granite, marble and slate, ores mined, the fisheries and our shipbuilding industry. Adding to this amount Total value of tonnage of vessels built in 1873, say $5,399,030 Total value of granite, slate and marble quarried, ores mined, say , 4,500,000 Total value of the fishery product, say 850,000 and the total value of the product of mechanical and manufactur- ing industry, of which returns are presented, will amount to $80,562,978. This result shows a handsome increase in the value of the same products in 1810. There has been an increase in the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, iron manufacture, agricultural imple- ments, edge tools, boots and shoes, amount of tonnage built in ship yards, granite, slate and marbfe quarried, product of the fishery, leather, and other products that need not be specified, including the products of numerous industries which have come into existence. The gross value of the product for 1813, of all the manufactur- ing and mechanical industries in the State, is, as near as can be approximated, $96,209,136, or an increase of 21.02 per cent, over the total product of 1870, and an increase of 151 per cent, over the total product of 1860. SUMMARY. The following is believed to be as complete a view as can be obtained of the mechanical and manufacturing industry of the xlii STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. present year in the whole State, based on such information as has been received, and from other sources : Total number of industries 6,072 Total amount of capital invested $48,808,448 Gross horse power, steam 10,000 Gross horse power, water 75,000 Total value of materials used $57,911,468 Total value of product $96,209,136 Total number of males employed 37,154 Total number of females employed 16,612 Total number of children under 15 years of age 1,848 Total number of hands 55,614 Total amount of wages $16,584,164 AGRICULTURAL. The limited number of agricultural returns received from assessors makes it impossible to present such footings and com- parisons as we had desired. We are satisfied, however, that, in taking such returns received as a basis, there has been an increase of agricultural wealth since 1870. Returns have been received from seventy-four towns in fifteen counties, as follows : Counties. Returns. Aroostook 11 towns. Cumberland 1 " Franklin 4 " Hancock 3 " Kennebec 5 " Knox ..4 " Lincoln 2 " Oxford 5 " Penobscot 9 " Piscataquis 6 " Sagadahoc 4 " Somerset 1 " Waldo 2 " Washington 13 " York 4 " So far as they go, the returns are probably as accurate as can be obtained. Another year, it is hoped the number of returns 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. will be so increased that the agricultural production of the whole State can be presented with instructive comparisons more com- plete than these now presented. According to the United States census report of 1870, the total number of farms in Maine, of all sizes, was 59,804, embracing a total acreage of 5,838,058, and of a cash value of $102,961,951. Our estimate for the present year shows that there are, say, 61,000 farms, of an acreage of 5,954,811, and of a cash value of $105,021,000, or an increase of more than two per cent, in value over that of 1870. While there is every prospect that Maine is to become a manu- facturing State, and will be recognized as such, there is also evidence that she is not making such agricultural progress, or enjoying such agricultural prosperity as she should. In fruit growing and in dairy husbandry, it is cheering to note that we are taking an advance step. In the raising of potatoes and in the production of hay, Maine is ahead of other States, which occupy a higher rank agriculturally. Still, farming, as at present pursued, is not found so profitable as it may be made, notwithstanding Maine has a fertile soil and land can be bought cheap. What is needed to make the pursuit of agriculture in our State remunera- tive, is intelligent labor and an improvement of the methods now employed. As a stock breeding State, especially in horses and sheep, Maine is well adapted. The breeding of horses is already proving a handsome revenue. There is a growing demand for our various breeds of horses for gentlemen's driving purposes, and lucrative prices are paid in numerous instances. There has been an increase in the number of horses bred the past year, and several horse breeding establishments, although attended with considerable expense, are found to be paying investments. There are probably more stallions for stock purposes in Maine to-day than ever known before, the number being estimated, so far as ascertained, at over three hundred. The largest number of horses is raised in Penobscot county. The largest number of sheep is raised in Somerset county, notwithstanding we have no returns from that county, and that Piscataquis makes the largest exhibit in number and value. Knox county, according to the returns, produces the largest yield of wool, as well as the largest product in eggs, four towns making the returns, their total exhibit being 22,100 pounds of wool, valued at $7,700, and 128,800 dozens of eggs, valued at STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. $21,575. Aroostook leads off in maple sugar, producing 11,025 pounds, valued at $1,128. In dairy products, Washington, Penob- scot and Kennebec take the lead, according to the returns. We have attempted to ascertain the number of domestic cattle exported from the State the present year, for the shambles in Massachusetts, and as near as they can be estimated the total shipment is less than one thousand, a large falling off when com- pared with former years. We have not been able to ascertain the number of sheep sent to Massachusetts. In agricultural products, Aroostook county raises the most wheat and oats, while Penobscot takes the lead in potatoes, as well as in dairy products. PRODUCT AND YALUE OF CROPS. In fruit, there was a short crop of apples, about half that of last year. Pears light. Grapes about an average. The following is an estimate of the total product of the principal crops for the present year, as compared with the product of last year : 1873. 1872. Tons. Bushels. Tons. Bushels. Hay 2,007,000 *. 1,115,000 Indian Corn 852,600 1,218,000 Wheat 219,750 293,000 Rye 26,010 30,600 Hats 1,305,750 1,741,000 Barley 420,280 526,000 Potatoes 2,997,100 3,655,000 The total value of each crop, as compared with the value last year, is as follows : 1873. 1872. Total Value. Total Value. Hay $25,087,500 $14,272,000 Indian Corn 831,444 1,144,920 Wheat 421,920 562,560 Rye 30,951 33,354 Oats 652,875 870,500 Barley 348,832 436,580 Potatoes 2,038,028 2,485,400 $29,411,550 $19,805,314 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. x j v LIVE STOCK AND VALUE. The estimate of live stock is as follows, as compared with the number of animals last year : 1873. 18T2. Number. Number. Horses 55,960 41,776 Milch Cows 126,878 133,556 Working Oxen 75,503 83,893 Other Cattle 138,479 125,'s90 Shee P 338,682 45l',577 Swine 63,000 .' 62,700 The total value of live stock, compared with last year, is as follows : 1873. 1872. Total Value. Total Value. Horses $5,098,515 $3,742,547 Milch Cows,. ; 4,538,559 4,882,807 Working Oxen and other Cattle. . 8,345,298 s!o06ioi5 Shee P 1,490,200 1,*937!265 Swine 623,700 620,730 $20,096,272 $19,189,364 CHEESE FACTORIES. The introduction of associated dairying in Maine has developed a new source of wealth in agricultural progress. It is estimated that nearly two hundred thousand dollars yearly has gone out of the State for cheese made in Vermont, Massachusetts and New York, until its manufacture on the factory system in Maine was attempted. The close of the present season shows that twenty- one factories had been in successful operation, situated in nine different counties, the largest number of factories being in Frank- lin county, where the first factory was started. This number will be increased another year. The factories from which returns have been received have a total capital of $41,750 ; pounds of cheese manufactured, 376,565 ;' value of product, $55,783 ; males em- ployed 35, females 6, total 41. The average price of cheese per pound is about 14 cents. With the present prospect, it will not be many years when the factory system will entirely supersede the dairy system, and our cheese factories will be able to supply, not only the demands of a home market, but will compete with the product of other States. If, in the infancy of the factory system, the industry proves so successful, in its manhood the product must be excessive. x lvi STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. [1873. GRAND SUMMARY. The aggregate value of all mechanical and manufactured pro- ducts for the year 1873, together with the total value of all agricultural productions, may be summed up as follows : Value of manufactured products $96,209,136 " principal agricultural products 29,411,550 live stock 20,096,272 " factory cheese product $55,783 other dairy products 2,125,000 " orchard products 500,000 " produce of market gardening 300,000 " animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter 3,000,000 wool product 553,057 " unspecified products 500,000 Total value.. . $152,750,798 WEALTH AND TAXATION. The fiscal returns of assessors, relating to valuation, taxation and appropriations in cities and towns, are so limited in number, as well as so incomplete, that such footings cannot be presented as is hoped will be given another year, with fuller and more satis- factory results. Moreover, the ununiform basis of valuation adopted by assessors has made it exceedingly difficult to deter- mine other than approximate results. Blanks were sent to assessors in which returns were to be made of the number of polls, valuation of real and personal estate, amount of taxes, rate per cent, of taxation, percentage of property on which valuation was based, and appropriations for manufac- tures, railroads, support of common schools, free high schools, roads and bridges, support of poor, and for other purposes. As the result, returns have been received from one hundred and nine- four towns, by counties, as follows : Counties. Towns. Androscoggin s 5 Aroostook 22 Cumberland 9 Franklin 11 Hancock 16 Kennebec.. ..13 1873.] STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. x l v ji Counties. Towns. Knox , ,6 Lincoln 3 Oxford 18 Penobscot 33 Piscataquis 13 Sagadahoc 5 Somerset 7 Waldo 5 Washington 26 York 2 The total wealth of the State of real and personal property for the year 1873, valued on a true cash basis, is $242,808,688, an increase of $17,985,828 since 1870. There has been an increase in personal valuation probably on account of the establishment of new manufacturing enterprises, as well as an increase in the value of real estate ; but the percentage of appreciation is smaller than that of a triennial exhibit previous to 1870, occasioned mainly by a shrinkage in values during the present year. The increase made in taxable values is due mostly, if not entirely, to our agricultural thrift and manufacturing prosperity. It will be interesting to tax-payers to know that there is a decline in the rate of taxation, as will be seen by the following exhibit : TAXATION IN CITIES. Rate Rate CITIES. Per Cent. Per Cent. Decrease. Increase. 1873. 1870. Auburn . . . . 018 | 027 009 Augusta . ... 020 029 009 .029 .029 TAXATION IN TOWNS. TOWNS. Rate Per Cent. 1873. Rate Per Cent, 1870. Decease. Increase. Minot 047 |- 100 .052 1 028 .024 .004 Dalton .013 .020 .007 Ludlow 020 | 010 .0104- Cape Elizabeth .0234- .0204- .0034- Naples .... 00 j 031 .010 North Yarmouth 016 .019- .0034- .0214- .014 .0074- Jav... .0104- .038 .0274- xlviii STATISTICS OF MAINE INDUSTRY. TAXATION IN TOWNS CONCLUDED. [1873. TOWNS. Kate Per Cent. 1873. Rate Per Cent. 1870. Decrease. Increase. .014+ .0164- .0024- Phillips .019 .016-4- .002-1- .022 .029 .007 .014 .012 .002 .039 .030 .009 .022 .024 .002 .024 .031 .007 .023 .023+ .025 .016-4- .009 Litchfield .014 .018+ .004-4- .024 .025 .001 .033 .075 .042 .020 .031 .011 .028 .033 .005 .020 .030 .010 .024 .020 .004 .038 .072-4- .0344- .027 .043 .016 Hanover .016 .038-4- .0224- .010 .027 .017 .021 .022 .001 .023 .0204- .003 Etna .020 .020-j- 052 .031 021 Lee .040 .034 .006 Mt Chase . . . -033 .023 010 .022 .0154- .008 .0224- . .030-f- .008 .0.25 .030 .005 Medford .034 .026 .008 Parkman .026 .026 .025 .024 .001 Topsham . .020 .018 002 Embden .043 .0304- .013 Moiitvillo ... .... 028 .028 . Merrill .045 .019 .026 .055 .020 .035 Alexander .016 .020 .004 Charlotte .020 .020 Columbia. . .015 .027 012 .017 .035 .018 Deblois 025 036 Oil .014 .018 .004 Elliot i ... O 00 | 0164- 006 J Newfield 030 036 ,006 The foregoing tables embrace fifty-seven cities and towns. It will be found that in the larger number there has been a decrease in the tax levy, as compared with that of 1870. In twenty-one towns there has been a slight advance, probably due to an augmen- tation of town debt. In one city and five towns the rate is un- changed. The tendency of towns to a lower rate of taxation will undoubtedly apply to the whole State. The average percentage of taxation in towns and cities heard from is .024, against .027 in 1870, a reduction of .003. STATISTICAL RETURNS OF Mechanical and Manufacturing Industries, PROM THE SEVERAL CITIES, TOWNS AND PLANTATIONS IN THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR THE YEAB PRECEDING AND ENDING JULY 1, 1873. ABBBEVIATIONS. Cap., denotes capital invested; cor., corporate; pow., power; h., horse; mac. emp., machines employed; val., value; m. emp., males employed; f. emp. f females employed ; ch. emp., children employed ; av., average ; mos., months ; manf., manufactured; ret., return. Compiled from other sources, means taken from the moat available authentic sources. COUNTY. AUBURN. Batting, Cotton. A. J. Templeton,* cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; production, 40,000 Ibs. ; 12 mos. in operation. Boot and Shoe Findings. B. B. Fuller,* cap., $4,000 ; steam pow., 4 h. ; production, inner soles; m. emp., 25; f. emp., 9; 12 mos. in operation; market, Auburn and State. G. W. Wagg,* production, inner soles, tips and shoe counters ; val. $12,000; m. emp., 6; f. emp., 11; 12 mos. in operation; market, Auburn. D. B. Sanderson,* production, heels. Edmunds,* production, heels. N. D. Johnson, cap., $2,500 ; steam pow., 1 h. ; stock used, 125,000 Ibs.; m. enip., 3; f. emp., 10; wages during the year, * Compiled from other sources. ' "STATISTICS OF THE [1873. AUBURN. ABTDROSCOGGIN Co. $1,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Mass. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Boots and Shoes. James Monroe & Co.,* weekly production, women's, misses 7 and children's pegged shoes, 100 cases; val., $300,000 per annum; hands emp., 300 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. John F. Cobb & Co., cap. $40,000; steam pow., 5 h. ; mac. emp., 19; stock used, sole leather, 12,000 Ibs., val., $34,800 ; split leather, 60,000 Ibs., $21,000; kip, 2,500 sides, $5,000; calfskins, 7,200 Ibs., $7,600 ; sheep skin linings, 1,500 doz., $7,500 ; miscel- laneous, $20,360 ; total vaL, $96,260 ; val. of production, $150,- 000 ; (no ret. of quantity of production) m. emp., 70 ; f. emp., 15; wages during the year, $35,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Middle, Southern and Western States, prin- cipally Southwest. Keith & Berry,* cap., $9,000 ; mac. emp., 20 ; production, 25 cases per week; val., $75,000; m. emp., 35; f. emp., 15; wages during the year, $21,600 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England and West. Miller & Randall,* production, women's and misses' pegged shoes, 1350 cases; val. $108,000; m. emp., 50; f. emp., 15; wages during the year, $38,400 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. Shaw, Wheelock & Co.,* steam pow. ; production, men's calf and kip boots, 2,800 cases; val. $135,000 ; m. emp., 65 ; f. emp., 14; wages during the year, $42,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England, South and West. White, Jones & Co.,* production, serge boots and slippers, 90,000 pairs ; val., $150,000 ; hands emp., 74 ; wages during the year, $36,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. L. B. Kinsley & Co.,* production, women's children's and misses' pegged shoes, 30 cases per week ; val., $100,000 per annum ; m. emp., 45; f. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $19,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West, H. Gr. Garcelon,* cap., $6,000; production, women's, children's and misses' serge boots, 500 cases; val., $16,000; m. emp., 12; f. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $8,400 ; market, Maine. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. AUBURN. Pulsifer, Roak & Co.,* cap., $15,000; steam pow., 4 h. ; pro- duction, women's and misses' pegged shoes, 30 cases per week ; val., $100,000 per annum; m. emp., 40 ; f. emp., IT ; wages dur- ing the year, $27,600 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. E. F. Packard & Co.,* cap., $20,000; steam pow., 6 h. ; pro- duction, women's and misses' shoes ; val., $30,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 2*7 ; wages during the year, $66,000 ; 12 mos. in opera- tion ; market, South and West. (300 hands are employed outside of the factory.) Arad Cushman & Co.,* cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 40 h. ; pro- duction, 25,000 cases ; val., about $1,000,000; hands emp., 650; wages during the year, $240,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England, West, South and Northwest. (Capacity of estab- lishment been increased the present season.) M. Crafts & Co.,* cap., $11,000; steam pow., 15 h. ; weekly production, women's, misses' and children's pegged shoes, 60 cases; val., $200,000 per annum; m. emp., 23; f. emp., 85 ; wages during the year, $42,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. Cook & Libby,* production, 20 cases shoes per week; val., $50,000 per annum ; m. emp., 40 ; f. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $6,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. C. M. Daicy,* hands emp., 50. Emerson & Trufant,* val. of production, $150,000. Little, Smith & Co., cap., $25,000 ; steam pow., 4 h. ; mac. emp., 39; val. of stock used, $60,000; (no return of quantity of production;) val. of production, $150,000; m. emp., 65; f. emp., 75 ; wages during the year, from $35,000 to $50,000 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Southern, Western and New Eng- land States. (Sell to retail trade in New England. Jobbers only, elsewhere.) I. C. Lombard & Co.,* production, 900 to 1,000 cases; val., $150,000 ; m. emp., 13 ; f. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $42,- 000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England, mostly Maine. (55 males and 20 females are emp. outside of factory.) D. Harwood & Co.,* production, women's, misses' and children's shoes, 60 cases per week; val., $187,000; m.emp., 51 ; f. emp., 4; * Compiled from other sources. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. AUBURN. ANDKOSCoaom Co. wages during the year, $38,400 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. George Hill,* production, women's pegged shoes, 300 cases ; val., $24,000; m. emp., 9; f. emp., 4; wages during the year, $8,400 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, South and West. Gay, DiDgley & Co., cap., $40,000; steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 25; (no return of kinds, quantity or val. of stock used;) production,* weekly, 60 cases, or *?20 pairs ; val. of production, $75,000; m. emp., 23; f. emp., 22; wages during the year, $24,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England and West- ern States. (Val. of all kinds manf'd during 1873, will probably be increased to $150,000.) B. B. Fuller, [No return.] Boxes, Packing. Packard & Conant,* cap., $8,000 ; water pow. ; stock used, 400,000 feet hemlock lumber ; production, shoe boxes and other kinds, 40,000 to 50,000 ; val. of production, $25,000 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $6,000. Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. Huston & Boynton,* cap., $3,000 ; steam pow., 5 h. ; stock used, 20,000 bbls. flour ; production, crackers 6,500 bbls., oyster and butter crackers 500 bbls., bread 90,000 loaves, brown bread 35,000 loaves; total val., $42,500; hands emp., 11; wages during the year, $5,500. Brick. Charles Dunn, cap., $6,000 ; mac. emp., 2; production, 1,000,- 000; val., $8,000; m. emp., 8; wages during the year, $3,000; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Auburn and Lewiston. Franklin Co., [See Lewiston.] Brushes. C. F. Kenney & Co., [No return.] Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs. J. L. Lord,* cap., $4,000. J. Beauprey, [No return.] Stevens, Kimball & Son, [No return.] Stephen Noyes, [No return.] E. Whittemore & Co., [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 5 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. AUBURN. V. P. Bennett,* production, carriages, 40 ; val., $5,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $3,000. S. H. Townsend,* (No. Auburn) cap., $300. Salmon Terrell, (No. Auburn) [No return.] C. E. Packard, (No. Auburn) cap., $800 ; steam pow., 4 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; (no ret. of stock used, quantity or val. ;) produc- tion, 3 wagons, 2 pungs, 2 sleighs ; total value of production, $525 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $600 ; 12 mos. in operation. Cement Pipe. G. H. Field & Co., cap., $2,000 ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, cement, 300 bbls. ; (no return of val. of stock used;) produc- tion, about 9,000 feet pipe, value $2,700; vases, 100, val. $350; total val., $3,050; m. emp., 1 to 3 ; wages during the year, $600 ; average weekly wages, from $2 to $6.25 ; 6 to 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin counties. Clothing, Men's and Boys'. Sykes, Howe & Co., [No return.] Cotton Goods. Auburn Central Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; water pow., 800 h. (Not in operation.) Farwell Manufacturing Co., cor. co. (Not organized.) Dunn Manufacturing Co., [No return.] Barker Mill,* water pow. ; mac. emp., 18,000 spindles. (New mill just completed.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Willis, Parsons & Co.,* cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 3 runs of stones; production, flour 3,000 bbls., meal 50,000 bushels. J. E. Tibbetts,* mac. emp., 2 runs of stones ; production, meal 25,000 bushels. City Mill, (Danville June.) mac. emp., 1 run of stones ; produc- tion, meal 10,000 bushels. Furniture. Bradford, Conant & Co.,* cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, 300,000 feet pine and walnut ; production, 300 sets ; val., $25,000 ; m. emp., 25; wages during the year, $12,000. * Compiled from other sources. STATISTICS OP THE [1873- AUBURN. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. Iron, Castings. Auburn Foundry and Manufacturing Co.,* production, castings, 200 tons; val., $50,000; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $12,500; 12 mos. in operation. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Miller & Randall,* cap., $50,000 ; steam power, 30 h. ; mac. emp., 16 ; val. of production, $200,000 ; hands emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $10,800 ; 12 mos. in operation. Marble and Granite Work. H. R. Smith,* cap., $7,000; val. of production, $10,000; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,500. Needles and Awls. E. F. Bum'pus,* production, sewing machine needles, 7,000 dozen ; awls, 1,500 dozen ; hands emp., 7. Peg Cutters. D. B. Sanderson,* production, about 1,000. Pickles. L. B. Knight,* production 200 barrels. Saddlery and Harnesses. Lyman Wood & Son, [No return.] Soap. Crawford & Tarr, [No return.] J. M. Cook, [No return.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Cook & Strout, [No return.] J. H. Buckley, [No return.] Vases. G. H. Field & Co., [See Cement Pipe.] Wool Carding. Willis, Parsons & Co,* cap., $200 ; water pow., 5 h. ; produc- tion, rolls, 10,000 Ibs. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 7 Am>RoscoGGiN Co. DURHAM. DURHAM. Barrels. Jonathan Libby,* cap., $600. Boots and Shoes. James H. Eveleth, cap., $800 ; val. of stock used, $1,000 ; val. of production, $2,250 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $600 ; average weekly wages, $6 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Carriages. George N. Nichols,* cap., $2,100. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Enoch Shaw,* water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones ; production, meal ; 3 months of the year in operation. Long and Short Lumber. Enoch Shaw,* fcap., $1,800 ; water pow., 15 h. ; boards, car- riage stuff, &c. EAST LIVERMORE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. R. C. Boothby,* cap., $7,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones ; production, flour, meal, &c. GREENE. Leather, Tanned. Merrick, Lamb,* cap., $600. LEEDS. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Orrin Taylor, water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 runs of stones. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Orrin Taylor, fcap., $1,500 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; Jm. emp., 5 ; ch. emp., 3; 9 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Compiled from other sources. f Includes capital in grist mill. t Same persons employed in grist mill. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LEWISTON. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. Batting, Cotton. Continental Mills, [See Cotton Goods.] Belting. H. H. Dickey,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 5 h. ; stock used, 80 sides of leather weekly; m. emp., 12; market, Maine and Massachusetts. D. F. Noyes,* production, belting and cards; val., $22,500 ; m. emp , 4. Bleaching and Dyeing. Lewiston Bleachery and Dye Works,* cap., $300,000 ; mac. emp., 7 boilers; stock used, 1600 bbls. lime, 260,0001bs. soda ash, 110,000 Ibs. bleaching powders, 3,000 carboys sulphuric acid, TO tons potatoe starch, 30 tons corn starch, 52 bbls. flour, 15 tons wheat starch, drugs and dyes; val. of goods bleached, $5,500,000; m. emp., 164 ; f. emp., 16 ; wages during the year, $180,000. Lewiston Mills,* stock used, dyes, val. $30,800, starch 50,000 Ibs., lime 600 casks; production, goods dyed, 600,000 Ibs. [See Cotton Goods.] Lewiston Falls Manufacturing Co.,* val. of stock used, $3,000. [See Woolen Goods.] Bobbins and Spools. L. A. Gilman & Co., cap., $12,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6 saws ; stock used, 500 cords ; val., $4,000 ; val. of produc- tion, $20,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $6,000; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England and Southern States. Boots and Shoes. P. McGillicuddy &'Co., cap., $20,000; steam pow., 10 h. ; *pro- duction, about 70,000 pairs serge boots ; val., $87,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 25 ; av. weekly wages, $12. S. D. Wood,* production, 150 cases serge boots ; val., $13,500 ; hands emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; market, Maine. Dana Webster,* production, 1,000 cases; val., $80,000; m. emp., 10 ; f. emp., 10 ; hands emp. out of the shop, 25; wages dur- ing the year, $18,000 ; market, South and West. * Compiled from other eouroea. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 9 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. Boxes, Packing. Lewiston Bleachery and Dye Works,* stock used, 1,000,025 ft. spruce lumber ; daily production, 90 boxes. Brass Founding and Finishing. Lewiston Machine Co., [See Machinery] production, brass and composition castings ; m. emp., 3 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine Central Railroad and home. John F. Loomis, [No return.] Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. Day & Woodsum,* stock used, flour, 2,500 bbls. ; production, crackers, 10,000 bbls. ; m. emp., 9. Brick.f Libby & Thomas, cap., $8,000; mac. emp., 7; stock used, 700 cords wood; val., $3,500; production, 1,500,000; val., $12,000; m. emp., 12; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $14; 5 mos. of the year in operation; market, Lewiston. R, E. Patterson,* cap., $4,000; mac. emp., 5. Moses King, [No return.] J. P. Norton,* cap., $10,000. Franklin Co.,* steam pow., 35 h. ; production, 4,000,000. John N. Pettingill,* cap., $4,000. Levi S. Ware, [No return.] Edward Clarke,* cap., $1,500 ; mac. emp., 3. Patrick Foley, [No return.] Brooms and Brushes. Lewiston Broom Co., mac. emp., 3; weekly production, about 100 doz. brooms and brushes ; val. of annual production, about $10,000; m. emp., 5; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted. ) H. H. Hardy,* weekly production, about 36 doz. brushes ; val., from $1.50 to $36 per dozen ; m. einp., 3 ; market, Maine. Cards. D. F. Noyes, [See Belting.] Carriages and Sleighs. Potter, Thompson & Co.,* cap., $6,000; mac. emp., 3; produc- * Compiled from other sources. f Total production of brick in Lewiston in 1873, estimated at 15,000,000. 10 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LEWISTON. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. tion, 100 carriages, 35 sleighs ; total val., $25,000 ; m. emp., 18 ; wages during the year, $10,000. Cigars. C. M. Bradbury, [No return.] Clapboards. Lewiston Steam Mill Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] S. R. Bearce & Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. Wm. Pulverman, cap., $10,000; mac. emp., 45; val. of stock used, $15,000; val. of production, $25,000; m. emp., 4; f. emp., 50; wages during the year, $10,368; av. weekly wages, $4; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Lewiston and vicinity. (Also has work done in different parts of the State. Other particulars in return omitted.) Elbridge Cornish, cap., $6,000 ; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of produc- tion, $20,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., from 4 to 12 ; weekly wages, $8, to fern., $12 to males; 12 mos. in operation; market, Lewis- ton. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Smith & Peck, cap., $6,000 ; mac. emp., 2 ; val. of stock used, $10,550.43; val. of production, $19,450; m. emp., 2; f. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $4,621.10 ; av. weekly wages, $7.40J ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Lewiston and vicinity. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Confectionery. C. Parker, cap., $5,000; stock used, 65,250 Ibs. sugar; val., $7,830 ; production, 65,250 Ibs. ; val., $13,050 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 1; wages during the year, $3,756; average weekly wages, $12; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. Wm. Entwistle & Co., cap., $1,500; stock used, includes 400 bbls. sugar ; val., $30,000 ; production, 60,000 Ibs. ; val., $40,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $2,500 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine. Cotton Goods. Lewiston Mills,* cor. co. ; cap., $500,000 ; water pow., 450 h. ; mac. emp., 25,000 spindles; stock used, cotton, 2,600,000 Ibs., jute, 500,000, coal, 1,200 tons; production, batting, 60,000 Ibs., carpet warp, 10,400 Ibs., jute twine, 277,986 Ibs., cotton bags, * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. 633,872, jute bags, 329,868, cassimeres, denims, ticks, stripes, osnaburgs, 3,243,488 yds. ; m. emp., 253; f. emp., 552 ; f wages during the year, $336,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 2; commenced manufacturing in 1861.) Bates Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; cap., $1,500,000; water pow., 1,200 h. ; mac. emp., 55,000 spindles; 8 sets woolen mac. ; stock used, 2,900,000 Ibs. cotton, 344,000 Ibs. wool; val. of cot- ton, $563,000, wool, $161,000, total val., $724,000; production, ginghams, sheetings, quilts, cottonades, 2,146,793 Ibs., beavers, 179,300 Ibs. ; total val. of cotton goods, $1,101,000 ; woolen goods, $243,300 ; total val., $1,344,300 ; m. emp., 437 ; f. emp., 810 ; ch. emp., 187 ; wages during the year, $469,500 ; av. weekly wages, $6.30; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston, New York, Phila- delphia. (Number of mills, three 2 cotton and 1 woolen ; com- menced manufacturing in 1852.) Lincoln Mill,* water pow. , 350 h. ; mac. emp., 21,744 spindles ; stock used, coal, 450 tons, cotton, 1,040,000 Ibs. ; production, sheetings, 3,000,000 yds.; m. emp., 124; f. emp., 283 ; f wages during the year, $150,000; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 1 ; commenced manufacturing in 1846.) Hill Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $1,000,000 ; water pow., 800 h. ; mac. emp., 51,000 spindles; stock used, cotton, 2,500,000 Ibs., coal, 600 tons; production, shirtings and sheetings, 7,400,000 yds.; m. emp., 200; f. emp., 800; f wages during the year, $336,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 2 ; com- menced manufacturing in 1854.) Continental Mills,* cor. co. ; cap., $900,000; water pow., 440 h. ; mac. emp., 27,360 spindles; stock used, cotton, 2,080,000 Ibs., coal, 500 tons; production, brown sheetings, 5,544,762 yds., batting, 75,000 Ibs. ; m. emp., 160 ; f. emp., 340 ; f wages during the year, $180,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 1 ; commenced manufacturing in 1866. The capacity of the mill is being doubled.) Androscoggin Mills,* cor. co. ; cap., $1,000,000; steam pow., 150 h., water pow., 1,125 h. ; mac. emp., 57,368 spindles; stock used, coal, 1,050 tons, starch, 60 tons; production, sheetings, shirtings, prints, jeans and bags ; cloth, 7,450,000 yds., bags, 1,800,000; m. emp., 350; f. emp., 750; f wages during the year, * Compiled from other sources. f Includes all disbursements. 12 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LEWISTON. AJTOROSCOGGIN Co. $540,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 3 ; com- menced manufacturing in 1861.) Files. Solomon Westall, cap., $1,400; water pow., 2 h. ; stock used, 2,000 Ibs. steel; val., $75 ; production, 10 doz. per day ; val., over $6,000 per annum; m. emp., 4; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Bradley & Morton, cap., $50,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones; stock used, 300,000 bush, corn, wheat, oats, rye, &c. ; total val., $180,000 ; production, 5,000 bbls. flour, 175,000 bush, wheat, corn, oats and feed ; val. of flour, $50,000 ; of wheat, corn, &c., $130,000; total val., $180,000; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $3,600 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Androscoggin, Cumberland, Oxford, Franklin, Penobscot, Ken- nebec, Somerset and Lincoln counties. Dwelley & Moore,* production, meal, 50,000 bush. J. B. Ham,* cap., $8,500 ; water pow., 20 h. ; production, meal, 60,000 bush. ; feed and grain, 100,000 bush. Furniture. Bradford, Conant & Co., [No return.] Furs, Dressed. A. L. & P. P. Getchell,* production, robes and fur goods ; val., $15,000 ; m. emp., 7. (Firm removed to Augusta in September.) Gas, Illuminating. Lewiston Gas Light Co.,* cap., $150,000 ; stock used, coal, 1,800 tons; production, 14,000,000 cubic feet; val., $45,000; m. emp., 16. Iron, Castings. Lewiston Machine Co.,* stock used, coal 500 tons, moulding sand 235 tons, pig and scrap iron 700 tons. [See Machinery.] Laths. Lewiston Steam Mill Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] Lasts. E. M. Leavitt,* cap., $1,500 ; water pow., 4 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, 15,000 pairs ; m. emp., 3. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Abel Thompson, wages during the year, $580 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) and Short Lumber. Lewiston Steam Mill Co., cor. co. ; cap., $100,000 ; steam pow., 125 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 5,800,000 feet; val., $54,000 ; production, long lumber 4,500,000 feet, clapboards 600,000, shin- gles 300,000, laths 2,400,000; total val., $95,000; m. emp., 60; wages during the year, $32,000 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; 5 mos. lumbering and driving logs ; market, Maine and Mass. S. R. Bearce & Co.,* cap., $200,000 ; water pow., 200 h. ; steam pow., 125 h. ; production, about 25,000,000 feet of lumber of all kinds ; val., $200,000 ; m. emp., 200. Ham & Dwelley,* production, 150,000 feet; 3 mos. of the year in operation. Loom Harnesses. Edward Joice,* cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 4 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ;. production, 35,000 harnesses; val., $35,000; m. emp., 20. Machinery. Bee Hive Spindle and Flyer Works,* steam pow., 10 h. ; val. of production, $12,000; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $9,600. Lewiston Machine Co.,* cap., $100,000; steam pow., 50 h. ; production, cotton and woolen machinery; val., $175,000; m. emp., 150; market, Maine, Middle and Southern States. [See Iron, Castings.] E. E. Wheeler,* cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 4 h. ; production, water wheel governors, shafting, &c. ; val., $8,000; m. emp., 6. Marble and Granite Work. West, Wing & Co.,* stock used, granite, 9,600 cubic ft., mar- ble, 288 cubic ft., total val., $14,000 ; m. emp., 15 in summer, 6 in winter ; wages during the year, $6,000. Moldings. Jordan, Frost & Co., cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages daily, $2 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Compiled from other sources. 14 STATISTICS OF THB [1873. LEWISTON. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. Printing and Publishing* Geo. A. Callahan, job printing; cap., $6,000; steam pow., 2 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; val. of stock used, $2,000 ; val. of production, $6,000; m. emp., 4; f. emp., 9; ch. emp., 9; wages during the year, $1,500; av. weekly wages, $8; 12 months in operation; market, home. Nelson Dingley, Jr., & Co.,* newspaper and job printing, Lew- iston Journal, daily and weekly; cap., $15,000; steam pow.; val. of all productions, $30,000. W. H. Waldron, newspaper and job printing, Lewiston Gazette. [No return.] Reeds. David Scott,* cap., $1,800; water pow., 2 h. ; mac. emp., 3; production, 18,000; val., $5,000; m. emp., 2. Saddlery and Harnesses* J. P. Longley,* cap., $10,000; val. of production, $10,000. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Jordan & Frost, [No return.] Smith & Miller, do 0. B. Morse & Co., do . ' T. B. Norris, do Shingles. Lewiston Steam Mill Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] S. R. Bearce & Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] Shirts. F. C. Goodwin, cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 50; stock used, mus- lin, 15,000 yds., linen, 2,000, cheviot, 12,000, duck, 10,000, total val., $7,700 ; production, shirts, 800 doz., bosoms, 500, overalls, 300; total val., $21,500; f. emp. ,50; av. weekly wages, 8; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. Bailey & Davis, cap., $1,500; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, 4,000 yds. ; val., $1,150 ; f. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $628 ; av. weekly wages, $1 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sherman, Waite & Ferguson,* stock used, cotton, 160,000 yds., linen, 23,000 ; production, 15 doz. per day ; val., about $70,000 ; hands emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $20,000. * Compiled from other eouroea. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 15 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. Spring Beds. J. M. Russell & Co., cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, spring wire, 4 tons, slats, 10,000, webbing, leather, &c. ; val., $1,434; production, 1,000 spring beds; val., $3,000; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Stair Rails. Jordan, Frost & Co., [See Moldings.] Tin, Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware. 0. & G. Bartlett, cap., $10,000 ; mac. emp. about 30 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Woolen Goods. J. L. H. Cobb & Co., Cumberland Mills; cap., $75,000; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets woolen machinery; stock used, wool, 190,626 Ibs., cotton warps, 426,249 yds., of 1,800 threads, total val., $138,229.53; production, 202,016 yds. repellants ; val., $232,318; m. emp., 25; f. emp., 25; wages during the year, $24,700 ; av. weekly wages, $9.50 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York, &c. Bates Manufacturing Co., [See Cotton Goods.] Aurora Mills,* cap., $35,000; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 sets cards ; production, meltons, fancy cassimeres, repellants ; val., $124,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; f. emp., 30 ; wages during the year, $24,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. Lewiston Falls Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $80,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 6 sets ; stock used, wood, 600 cords, wool, 250,000 Ibs. ; production, meltons, cassimeres, repellants, 230,000 yds. ; m. emp., 45 ; f. emp., 45 ; wages during the year, $48,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Number of mills, 2 ; commenced manufacturing in 1834. Half of the wool used is purchased in Maine.) * Compiled from other sources. 15 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LISBON. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LISBON. Brick. N. W. Farwell,* production, 2,000,000. Cotton Goods. N. W. Farwell,* cap., $50,000; water pow., 300 h., mac. emp., 21,000 spindles; hands emp., 300. Long and Short Lumber. Androscoggin Water Power Co., [No return made.] Woolen Goods. Worumbo Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; cap., $250,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 10 sets woolen machinery; stock used, Mestizo wool, 250,000 Ibs., Australian, 125,000, domestic, 100,000 ; val., $201,750 ; production, 135,000 yds. Moscow beavers; val., $506,000; m. emp., 113; f. emp., 41; ch. emp., 11; wages during the year, $75,745; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York, Philadelphia. Farnsworth Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap. $125,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; production, repellants. LIVERMORE. Boots and Shoes. S. Soule & Co., cap., $5,000 ; mac. emp., 7 ; val. of stock used weekly, $1,500; production, lace boots mostly, 25 cases per week; val., $60 per case; m. emp., 16; f. emp., 7; ch. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; market, Boston, mostly. (Some of the bottoming in this establishment is done outside.) J. V. Young, m. emp., 2 ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boxes, Wooden. Frederick Richmond, cap., $1,000; water pow.; stock used, birch mostly, 100 cords ; val. at mill, $400 ; production, pill boxes and thread spools ; m. emp., 3 ; market, Boston. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Hollis Turner, (Particulars in return omitted.) * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 17 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LIVERMORE. Laths. A. S. Phillips, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Kussell Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Leather, Tanned. Caleb Smith, water pow. ; market, home. (Not an extensive business. Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather Board. Alvin Record, cap., $15,000 ; water pow., TO h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, 240,000 Ibs. ; val., $18,000 ; production, 210,000 Ibs. (no return of val. of production) m. emp., 7 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. Long and Short Lumber. Hollis Turner, water pow. ; mac., emp., 1 ; production, boards and dimension lumber. (Other particulars in return omitted.) A. S. Phillips, water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, boards and dimension lumber, laths, shingles. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Russell Brothers, cor., co. ; cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 40 h. ; stock used, 300,000 all kinds hard and soft wood ; production, staves, boards, joists, box shocks, laths, spool squares; m. emp., 5; market, home, mostly. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Needles. E. F. Bumpus, [No return.] V Shingles. A. S. Phillips, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Shocks. Russell Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Spools. Frederick Richmond, [See Boxes.] Spool Stock. Russell Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves. Russell Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] 2 18 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. MINOT. ANDROSCOGGIN Co. MINOT. Boot and Shoes. Berry, Field & Co., Mechanic Falls ;* steam pow., 10 h. ; pro- duction, 20 cases per day, or 1,200 pairs; val., $250,000 ; hands emp., 225 ; wages during the year, $120,000. Canned Vegetables. Burnham & Morrill,* m. emp., 175. [See Portland.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. J. A. Bucknam & Co.,* hands emp., about 700; wages during the year, $36,000. Firearms. Evans 7 Rifle Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $20,000 ; mac. emp., 25. (About to commence operations. Intend to manufac- ture 3,000 guns a year.) Flouring and Grist-Mill Products. Jeifrey Parsons, (West) cap., $7,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, wheat 3,500 Ibs., corn 5,000, rye 100, custom grinding 5,000; val., $U,525; production, 950 bbls. flour, 5,535 bush, meal, 35,000 Ibs., shorts; val. $15,038; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $300; av. weekly wages, $6; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Minot, Portland, West Auburn, Buckfield, Sumner, Hartford and Canton. Long and Short Lumber. J. A. Bucknam & Co.,* water pow., 40 h. ; production, 1,000,000 ft. ; m. emp. 20. Willard Buck, cap., $5,000 ; water pow. ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $750 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Machinery. J. W. Penney & Son,* production, machinery, steam pumps and engines. Paper, Printing. A. C. Denison & Co.,* hands emp., 250. Wool, Cleaning and Pulling. L. W. Hackett * cap., $3,000. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 19 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. POLAND. POLAND. Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. Wm. C. Bridge, cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 2 ; (no return of quan- tity of stock used;) val. of stock used, $20 a day ; production, crackers, bread, pastry; val., $30 a day; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $300 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, village and county. Brick. John Fessenden, [No return.] Clapboards. John S. Briggs, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Long and Short Lumber. John S. Briggs, cap., $6,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 10 ; (no ret. of quantity of stock used ;) val. of stock used, $1,800 ; production, oak staves 60,000, poplar staves 25,000, ash staves 20,000, shingles 500,000, clapboards 10,000; val., $3,550; m. emp., 7 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 8 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, Portland. Shingles. John S. Briggs, (See Long and Short Lumber.) Staves. John S. Briggs, (See Long and Short Lumber.) TURNER. Boots and Shoes. A. J. Smith & Co.,* cap., $4,000; production, 5,400 prs. boots, 20,000 prs. shoes; total val., $43,000; m. emp., 30; 12 mos. in operation. Cider. Samuel Timberlake, cap. $1,000 ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 4,500 bush, apples ; val., $675 ; (no return of quantity or val. of production;) m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $390; av. weekly wages, 12 ; 2J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine and Boston. * Compiled from other sources. 20 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WEBSTER. ANDROSCOGGTO Co. Hubs. Thos. G. Burdin & Co., cap., $5,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, elm buts 20 cords; val., $200; production, 1,800 sets ; val., $2,114.36 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during year, $960 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Leather, Tanned and. Curried. L. Dresser & Sons,* steam pow., 12 h. ; stock used, foreign hides ; production, wax, kip, cobble, grain, splits, calf and harness leather. Sleds. Thos. J. Owen, cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 4; val., of stock, $400; production, 75 doz. ; val., $900; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omit- ted.) Woolen Goods. D. F. Faulkner & Sons,* cap., $35,000; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets cards, broad looms 24 ; production, flannels, val., $78,000 ; hands emp., 40 ; 12 mos. in operation. WEBSTER. Woolen Goods. Sabattis Woolen Mill,* cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 2 sets cards ; production, repellants, 500 yds. per day ; val., of annual production, $150,000; hands emp., 45; wages during the year, $19,200 ; 12 mos. in operation. Webster Woolen Mill,* cap. $60,000 ; water pow., 55 h. ; mac. emp., 6 sets cards; production, repellants, blankets, cassimeres, 275,000 yds. ; hands emp., 130 ; wages during the year, $36,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Cassimeres chiefly to be manufactured hereafter.) * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 21 AHOOSTOOK Co. DAI/ION. AEOOSTOOK COUNTY. BENEDICTA. [No return.] BRIDGEWATER. [No return.] DALTON. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Charles W. Clayton, water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones. Isaac Hacker, water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones. Long and Short Lumber. Charles W. Clayton, water pow. ; mac. emp., 5. Isaac Hacker, water pow. ; mac. emp., 3. NOTE. As the foregoing establishments for the last year have only manufactured for the home market and have been run only a part of the time, the assessors have not been able to ascertain, as they state, the amount or value of their productions. EASTON. Long and Short Lumber. David Cain, cap., $800. (Other particulars in return omitted.) FORT FAIRFIELD. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. John C. Barnes, *cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, 20,000 bush, grain; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 1; 10 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) George P. Leighton, stock used, 5,000 bush, grain ; val. of stock used, $2,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Includes capital in wool carding, articulars in return omitted.) COUNTY. AVON. [No return.] CARTHAGE. Boxes, Wooden. E. P. & W. W. Goodwin, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Long and Short Lumber. E. P. & W. W. Goodwin, cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 18 ; stock used, poplar, 150 cords ; val., $375 ; pine, 30 cords; val., $120; fir, 10,000; val., $150; hemlock, 10,000; val., $120; pine, 40 M; val., $480; hemlock 40 M; val., $280; spruce, 25 M; val., $225; ash, 10 M; val., $200 ; total val., $1,950; productiop, salt boxes, 50,000; val., $1,500; boot boxes, 600; val., $350 ; laths, 8,000 ; val., $24 ; clapboards, 10,000 ; val., $150 ; boards, 10,000 ; val., $150 ; boards, 40 M ; val., $800 ; boards, 40 M; val., $400; boards and shingles, 25 M; val., $375; boards, 10 M; val., $250; total val., $3,999; m. emp., 4 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Pawtucket, Wilton, Carthage and North Jay. (Custom sawing is included in these returns.) 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 57 FRANKLIN Co. CHESTERVILLE. CHESTERVILLE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Jonas Davis, cap., $1,000; water pow., 20 h. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned and Curried. G. L. & S. Briggs,* cap., $7,000 ; water pow., 12 h. ; produc- tion, 2,400 sheepskins per week ; m. emp., 8 ; 12 mos. in operation. Long and Short Lumber. E. & H. Sewall, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, pine lumber, 100 M ; val., $1,500 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation. Sash, Doors and Blinds. E. & H. Sewall, fcap., $4,000 ; mac. emp , 6 ; stock used, pine lumber, 20,000 ; val., $450 ; val. of production, $1,500 ; Jm. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $1,000 ; 10 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, home. Vinegar. J. Fellows,* (A new enterprise which went into operation[in the fall.) EUSTIS. return.] FARMINGTON. Canned Corn. J. W. Jones,* production, 600,000 cans of corn ; hands emp., 300. [See Portland.] Carriages and Sleighs. Eben Knowlton, cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 10 ; *production, car- riages, 9; val., $810, including jobbing and repairing; 6 mos. of the year in operation. Augustus Vaughn, cap., $500 ; production, open wagons, 10; val., $1,000; 6 mos. of the year in operation; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Furniture. T. H. Adams, cap., $3,000 ; stock used, paint 400 Ibs., oil 20 galls. ; val. of stock used, $70 ; m. emp., 1 or 2 ; wages during * Compiled from other sources. f Includes capital in saw mill. Includes hands in saw mill. 58 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. INDUSTRY. FRANKLIN Co. the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $13 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Potash. N. Gould, [ See Soap and Potash.] Printing and Publishing. A. H. S. Davis, newspaper and job, Farmington Chronicle, weekly. [No return.] Soap and Potash. N. Gould, cap., $2,000 ; stock used, ashes 8,000 bush. ; val., $280 ; production, potash 15 tons ; val., $2,625 ; soft soap, 200 Ibs. ; val., $900 ; total val., $3,525 ; m. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, and Law- rence, Mass. Wool, Cleaning and Pulling. John T. Taylor, cap., $3,000 ; stock used, wool skins, 2,000 ; val., $4,000 ; production, sheep skins, 1,500 ; val., $300 ; wool, 6,000 Ibs. ; val., $3,780 ; total val., $4,080 ; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Haverhill and Beverly, Mass. FREEMAN. [No return.] INDUSTRY. Boxes, Wooden. E. N. Oliver & Co., [ See Staves.] Carriages. William J. Rackliff, [ No return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Hiram Oliver, [No return.] Handles, Shovel. Holman Johnson, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Oliver Waugh, water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, boards and shingles, 75,000 shocks. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Thomas Oliver, [No return.] Spools. Smith & Conghlin, [See Staves.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 59 FRANKLIN Co. JAY. Staves. E. N, Oliver & Co., cap., $9,000 ; steam pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., T ; stock used, poplar 600 cords, white birch, bass wood, fir; total val., $1,800; production/salt boxes, 150,000; val., $5,500 ; staves, 150,000 ; val., $2,400 ; total val., $7,950 ; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $1.560 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland and Boston. Smith & Conghlin, cap., $6,000 ; steam pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 8; stock used, white birch, 400 cords; val., $2,400; poplar, 125 cords; val., $500; total val., $2,900; production, spools, 30,000 gross, (val., private;) staves 115,000; val., $1,840; m. emp., 4; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland, Pawtucket, and Newark, N. J. JAY. Carriages and Sleighs. I. B. Bean, cap., $2,000 ; val. of stock used, $2,000 ; val. of production, $4,000 ; .m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $936 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Eastern and Northern Maine. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Jay Steam Mill Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Jay Steam Mill Co., cor. co. ; cap., $28,000 ; steam pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 8 ; production, long lumber 412,124, short lumber 300,000 ; m. emp., 35 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; market, Portland, Boston, New York. (Other particulars in return omitted. Mill not doing much this season.) KINGFIELD. Edge Tools. W. & W. S. Dolbier, cap., $2,000; water pow., 11 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, coal 16 tons; val., $120; iron 1 ton; val., $140 ; steel 500 Ibs. ; val., $100 ; total val., $360 ; production, axes and other edge tools, shafting and other machine work ; total val., $2,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 1 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) (30 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. NEW SHARON. FRANKLIN Co. $1,500 ; water pow., 18 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 100 cords; val., $500; production, 400 M; val., $1,200 ; Jm. emp., 3 ; ch. emp., 1 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, sold at mill. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shoes. National Soldiers' Home, cap., 20,000 ; steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 45 ; val of stock used, $168,334.69 ; (no ret. of quantity of stock used or of quantity or val. of production ; m. emp., 120 ; f. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $32,045.21 ; av. weekly wages, $T ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, South and West. Uriah Briery, (Particulars in return omitted.) CHINA. Blacksmithing. C. M. Clark, [No return.] Ambrose Trask, [No return.] Boots and Shoes. E. M. Clark, [No return.] Flouring and Crist Mill Products. Brown & Hamilton, [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. f Includes capital in grist mill. $ Same hands employed in grist mill. 88 STATISTICS OF THE [1873 CLINTON. KENNEBEC Co. Leather, Tanned. John Reed,* m. emp., 6. Long: and Short Lumber. Allen Malcomb, [No return.] Brown & Hamilton, [No return.] Lumber, Planed. William H. Goddard, [No return.] CLINTON. Axes. John P. Billings, cap., $600 ; stock used, Norway iron, 1,500 Ibs. ; val., $140 ; cast steel, 400 Ibs. ; val., $90 ; total val., $230 ; production, narrow axes, 50 doz. ; val., $900; m. emp.,2; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. (Also manufactures small edge tools the value of which cannot be approximated.) Boots and Shoes. Clinton Village Manufacturing Corporation, *cap., $20,000. FARMINGDALE. Earthen and Stone Ware. F. A. Plaisted & Son, cap., $25,000 ; steam pow., 14 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, clay 300 tons, sand 50 tons ; total val., $2,200 ; production, flower pots, butter pots, jugs and fancy ware ; val., about $35,000 ; m. emp., 18 ; wages during the year, $6,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, principally Maine and New Bruns- wick. Glue. Benjamin Tenney, [See Hallowell.) Ice, Prepared for Market. Farmingdale, Ice Co.,* production, 12,000 tons ; val., $24,000. Knickerbocker Ice Co., [See Gardiner.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 89 KENNEBEC Co. FATETTE. FAYETTE. Dowels. William H. Richmond, [See Shingles.] Edge Tools. Dunn Edge Tool Co., [See West Waterville.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Albert C. Hutchinson, production, 2,000 bushels. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Handles, Wooden. T. B. Swift, cap., $500 ; water pow., 8 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, white ash, 21 cords; val., $150 ; production, spade handles, 321 doz. ; fork handles, 32 doz. ; hoe handles, 12 doz. ; 6 mo.s. of the year in operation; market, Portland. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Albert C. Hutchinson, cap., $1,200 ; water pow. ; production, long lumber, 100,000 ; shingles, 75 M. (Other particulars in re- turn omitted.) Shingles. Albert C. Hutchinson, [See Long and Short Lumber.] William H. Richmond, cap., $500 ; water pow. ; production, shingles, 75 M ; dowels, 100,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) GARDINER. Belting. J. K. Foy & Co.,* cap. /$4,000 ; production, leather belting, 15,000 feet ; val., $4,500. Blacksmithing. William H. Curtis, cap., $600 ; value of stock used, $500. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boots and Shoes. L. G. Hurlburt, value of stock used, $214; value of production, $584.75. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boxes, Paper. Charles Swift, * water pow., 4 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; production, 150,000 jewelry boxes ; val., $8,000 ; stereoscopes ; hands emp., 10. * Compiled from other sources. 90 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. GARDINER. KENNEBEC Co. Brass Founding and Finishing. C. A. Robbins & Son., [No return.] Brick. William Morrill, cap., $6,000 ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, wood, 200 cords; val., $600 ; production, 600,000 ; val., $5,000; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $1,820; av. weekly wages, $13 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation; market, home and Boston. (It is the intention to double or treble capacity of yard.) Carriage Springs. H. M. Wentworth,* water pow., 32 h. ; value of production, $43,000. Clothing. C. H. Partridge,* cap., $4,000; val., of production, $15,000. John McComick,* cap., $2,000 ; val., of production-, $10,000. Forgings, Iron. P. C. Holmes & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Furs, Dressed. Wheeler Brothers, cap., $10,000; mac. emp., 1; stock used, 250 skins, sable, fox, mink, otter, &c. ; val., $1,800 ; production, muffs, collars, capes, victorines, caps, robes, 125 of all kinds ; val., $2,500; m. emp , 2,; f. ejnp., 1; wages during the year, $1,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9.62 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Gas, Illuminating. Gardiner Gas Co.,* cap., $42,300; stock used, coal, 180 tons; val., $3,000 ; production, 2,000,000 feet ; val., $8,000. Harnesses. Robert Sager,* cap., $2,000. Ice, Prepared for Market. Knickerbocker Ice Co.,* production, 85,000 tons ; val., $170,000 ; market, Philadelphia. Bradstreet & Co.,* production, 3,000 tons; val., $6,000. Iron, Castings. P. C. Holmes & Co.,* cap., $2,500; water pow., 17 h. ; mac. emp., 17 ; production, castings, mill and job work, steam engines, machinery; val., $34,000; m. emp., 20. C. A. Robbins & Son, [See Machinery.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 91 KENNEBEC Co. GARDINER. Leather, Tanned and Curried. J. K. Foy,* cap., $6,000 ; steam pow., 40 h. ; production, leather, 15,000 Ibs. ; 12 mos. in operation. Long and Short Lumber. N. 0. Mitchell, cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 150 h. ; stock used, all kinds of lumber, equal to 5,000,000 feet; val., $80,000; (no return of production, quantity or value ; ) m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $25,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, domestic and Cuba. Joshua Gray,* cap., $30,000 ; water pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 12 ; production, 5,000,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $21,000 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation. H. W. Jewett,* cap., $50,000 ; water pow. ; production, 6,000,- 000; val., $96,000 ; m. emp., 60 ; wages during the year, $43,200 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation. Arthur Berry,* cap., $50,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 14; production, 4,000,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation. R. T. Hayes & Co.,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 50 ; production, 1,000,000 ; m. emp., 15 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation. Daniel Gray,* cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 21 h. ; mac. emp., Y ; production, 2,000,000 ; m. emp., 15 ; 11 mos. of the year in oper- ation. Lumber, Planed. P. S. Robinson, [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] Machinery. P. C. Holmes & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] C. A. Robbins & Son,* ( Kennebec Steam Iron Works ) cap., $6,000 ; steam pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp., 8 ; production, steam engines, machinery of all kinds; val., $4,500; m. emp., 4; 12 mos. in operation. Joseph Perry,* water pow., 8 h. ; production, shingle, clapboard and box machines, lathes, &c. ; m. emp., 5 ; 12 mos. in operation. Harvey Scribner,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 5 h. ; mac. emp., 9 ; production, shingle and clapboard machines, shafting and mill gearing; m. emp., 8 ; 12 mos. in operation. Paper, Printing and Wrapping. I. N. Harding & Co.,* water pow., 140 h. ; mac. emp., 12 * Compiled from other sources. 92 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. GARDINER. KENNBBEC Co. engines ; production, wrapping paper, 3 tons daily ; hands emp., 25 ; 12 mos. in operation. Copsecook Paper Co.,* cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 300 h. ; mac. emp., 10 ; production, printing paper, 2 tons daily ; bands emp., 50 ; 12 mos. in operation. Richards & Co.,* cap., $50,000; water pow., 300 h. ; mac. emp., 17 ; (13 engines ;) production, book and newspaper, 4 tons daily ; hands emp., 75 ; 12 mos. in operation. Plaster, Ground. Gardiner Plaster Mill, [No return.] Plugs and Wedges. Benjamin Shaw,* cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 8 h. val. of produc- tion, $1,300. Printing and Publishing. Hiram K. Morrill, newspaper and job, Gardiner Home Journal, weekly. [No return.] Richard B.^Caldwell, newspaper and job, Kennebec Reporter, weekly. [No return.] Sash, Doors and Blinds. J. L. Mitchell & Co.,* water pow. ; m. emp., 8. P. S. Robinson, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 14 ; stock used, pine and hard wood, 50,000 feet ; val., $2,000 ; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ;) m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, mostly home. (Principal business planing.) Steam Engines. P. C. Holmes & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] C. A. Robbins & Son, [See Machinery.] Stereoscopes. Charles Swift, [See Boxes.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Robinson Reed, * cap., $3,000. Water Wheels. Atwood & Rowland, [No return.] Wool, Cleaning and Pulling. M. Hopkins,* cap., $5,000; val. of production, $8,000. Woolen Goods. I. N. Tucker & Co.,* water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., looms 8 val. of production, $18,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 93 KENNEBEC Co. HALLOWELL. HALLO WELL. Boots and Shoes. Horace Parlin & Son,* stock used, leather 2,000 sides, calf skins Y5 dozen, split leather 3 to 4 tons, sole leather, 10 to 12 tons ; production, 10,000 to 12,000 pairs boots, 7,000 to 8,000 pairs shoes ; hands emp., 30 to 40. Clothing, Men's and Boys'. J. W. Clarke,* cap., $3,900 ; val. of production, $30,000. (Manu- factures for Boston parties.) Cotton Goods. Hallowell Manufacturing Co. ; cor. co. ; cap., $165,000; steam pow., 240 h. ; mac., emp., 16,224 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 1,600 bales ; val., $141,000 ; production, cotton cloth for bleaching, about 48,000 yards per week ; val., $250,000 ; m. emp., 60 ; f. emp., 140 ; ch. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $69,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6.60 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Glue. Benjamin Tenney, cap., $10,000 ; mac. emp., 2 steam boilers ; stock used, hides and sheep skins, 250,000 Ibs. ; val., $1,500 ; 40 tons coal, 25 cords wood ; (no val. of coal and wood ret. ;) pro- duction, common red and frozen glues, 105,000 Ibs. ; val., $19,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,100 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Boston. (Glue cannot be made in hot weather, nor a large quantity in the winter on account of its drying.) Ice, Prepared for Market. Page & Co.,* production, 10,000 tons ; val., $20,000. Knickerbocker Ice Co., [See Gardiner.] Iron, Castings. George Fuller,* fcap., $9,500 ; steam pow., 24 h. ; water pow., 10 h. ; castings, 90 tons ; val., $9,000. [See Machinery.] Leather, Tanned. Wm. C. Horn, cap., $2,500 ; steam pow., 5 h. ; val. of produc- tion, $6,500. Long and Short Lnmber. C. & E. Milliken, [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. f Includes capital in machine shop. 94 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. LITCHFIELD. KENNEBEC Co. Machinery. George Fuller,* production, shafting, steam engines, print blocks, &c. ; val., $10,000. G. B. & I. F. McClench, [See Steam Engines.] Oil Floor Cloth. Wilder & Co.,* cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 10 h. ; value of production, $75,000. Alden Sampson & Sons,* cap., $135,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; val. of production, $320,000. Soap and Potash. 0. D. Norcross,* cap., $1,000; value of production, $5,000. Steam Engines. G. B. & I. F. McClench, cap., $7,000 ; steam pow., 15 h. George Fuller, [See Machinery.] Whiting and Ground Slate. Stickney & Page,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; value of production, $12,000. LITCHFIELD. Agricultural Implements. E. Plimpton & Sons,* cap., $30,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 12; production, hoes, forks, &c. ; val., $20,000. Long and Short Lumber. True & Bartlett, water pow. ; stock used, birch 70 cords ; val., $420 ; maple, beech, oak and poplar, 50,000 feet ; val., $750 ; total val., $1,170. (Other particulars in return omitted. Lumber sawed for Edwin C. Morse.) MANCHESTER. [No return.] MONMOUTH. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. M. J. Metcalf, mac. emp., 3 runs of stones ; stock used, corn most- ly, 5, 000 bush.; val., $4,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. W. J. Metcalf, fcap., $12,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ^production, 200,000 lumber ; val., $2,000 ; Jm. emp., 6 ; wages * Compiled from other sources. t Includes capital in grist mill. Same hands employed in grist mill. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 95 KENNEBEC Co. PITTSTON. during the year, $1,200 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and vicinity. (Some lumber sent to Boston and Portland.) MT. VERNON. [No return.] PITTSTON. Barrels. John F. Brookings, cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 1; stock used, spruce staves, 40,000 ; val., $480 ; pine 15,000 ; val., $300 ; hoops, 40,000 ; val., $800 ; oak, iron, &c. ; total val., $1,678 ; production, syrup bbls., 2,000; val., $3,600; fish bbls. 500, jobbing; val., $375 ; total val., $3,975 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,112.50 ; av. weekly wages, $7.28J ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, Gloucester, Boothbay and Bath. Cigars. Benjamin Gifford, cap., $800 ; stock used, Havanna tobacco, 500 Ibs. ; val., $650 ; Conn, seed, 700 Ibs. ; val., $580 ; total val., $1,230 ; production, 50 M ; val., $2,500 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages dur- ing the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; market, Boston. Ice, Prepared for Market. Kennebec Ice Co., cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 13 h. ; mac. emp., 1 steam engine for hoisting ; production, 16,000 tons ; val., $5,000; m. emp., 85 ; wages during the year, $5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, South. (The value of ice is its cost in the houses before shipping.) Kennebec Land and Lumber Co., cor. co. ; cap., $30,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; mac., emp., 1 steam engine for hoisting; production, 15,000 tons ; val., $30,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $10,000 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, South. James S. Barker & others,* production, 15,000 tons ; val., $30,- 000; market, Washington, D. C. Knickerbocker Ice Co.,* [See Gardiner.] Lawrence Brothers,* production, 4,000 tons; val., $8,000. Berry, Flitner & Co.,* production, 12,000 tons; val., $24,000. * Compiled from other sources. 96 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. KEADFIELD. KENNEBEC Co. Long and Short Lumber. Coburn Land Company,* cor. co. ; cap., $125,000 ; steam pow., 200 h. ; mac. emp., 39 ; stock used, hemlock, pine, cedar, spruce and hackmatack ; (no val. ret. ;) production, long lumber, 6,000,- 000 ;Val., $100,000 ; laths, 2,000,000 ; val., $4,000 ; shingles, 1,500,- 000; val., $4,500; clapboards, 450,000; val., $13,500 ; pickets, 225,000 ; val., $4,500 ; broom handles, 150,000 ; val., $1,250 ; staves, 20,000; val., $2,400 ; total val., $130,150; m. emp., 50; wages during the year, $25,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New York, Boston and Southern ports. (Operations suspended when river is closed by ice. Men then employed in the woods.) 'READFIELD. Carriages. H. H. McDonald, [No return.] John P. Ferau, [No return.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. D. D. Merriam, cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 5 ; (no return of quanti- ty or value of stock ;) production, coats, 1,550 ; pants and vests, 600; total val., $3,200; m. emp., 1; f. emp., 50; wages during the year, $2,856 ; av. weekly wages, $2 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Boston. R. McDonald, [No return.] John Currier, [No return.] Leather, Tanned. J. P. Bickford & Co., [No return.] Oil Floor Cloth. C. M. Bailey, [No return.] Sash and Blinds. James L. Nichols, [No return.] Wagons and Fungs. William F. Robie, cap., $1,500 ; water pow. ; production, wagons, 12; pungs, 14; total val., $1,500; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $500 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Aroostook county. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Lessees of the Eennebec Land and Lumber Company. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 97 KENNEBEC Co. SIDNEY. Woolen Goods. Readfield Woolen Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $75,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; production, cassimeres and doeskins. ROME. [No return.] SIDNEY. Carriages and Sleighs. Graves & Bean, cap., $1,000 ; mac. emp., 3 ; val. of stock used, $150; production, mostly repairing; val. $300; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Waite & Field, (no cap. invested;) water pow., 16 h.; mac. emp., 1 run of stones ; production, 2,000 bushels. (Other partic- ulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Waite & Field, (no cap. invested;) water pow., 16 h; mac. emp., 1 ; production, hemlock and hard wood lumber, 100 M ; 4 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) A. J. Freeman, cap. $3,000 ; water pow., 35 h.; mac. emp., 2 ; (no ret. of quantity or val. of stock used;) production, long lumber, 125,000; val. $2,500; shingles, 350 M; val. $1,050; pickets, 25 M ; val. $125 ; total val. $3,675 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $700 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Augusta and home. Pickets, A. J. Freeman, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Shingles. A. J. Freeman, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Wagons and Pungs. Alonzo Davis, (North) (no ret. of cap.;) val. of stock used, $500; production, wagons 6, sleighs 10; total val., including * Compiled from other sources. 98 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. VASSALBORO'. KENNEBEC Co. repairing, $1,700; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $500; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. VASSALBORO'. Boots and Shoes. Estes Bros., (no ret. of cap.;) mac. emp., 10; stock used, upper leather, 40,469 feet ; val., $8,468.34; sole leather, 25,165 Ibs.; val., $6,647.51 ; total val., $15,115.85 ; production, boots, 629 doz.; val., 25,250 ; shoes, 36 doz.; val., $150 ; total val., $26,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $7,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6.25 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Handles, Shovel. Henry R. Butterfield, ( East ) cap., $25,000 ; water pow., 25 h ; mac. emp., 2 sets ; stock used, white ash timber, 35,000 doz.; val., $25,000; production, shovel handles, 35,000 doz.; val., $39,000; m. emp., 25 ; wages during the year, $5,250 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Philadelphia. Long and Short Lumber. J. D. Lang, [No return.] Rakes, Horse. C. J. Davis, (East) cap., $2,00; water pow., 284 h. ; mac. emp., 15; stock used, lumber 12,000 feet; val., $300; iron and steel, 8,000 Ibs. ; val., $800 ; total val., $1,100 ; production, horse rakes ; (no return of quantity or value ;) m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $1,200; av. weekly wages, $12; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home mostly. Woolen Goods. Vassalboro' Woolen Mills, (North) cor. co. ; cap., $600,000; water pow., 14 h. ; mac. emp., 22 sets cards ; stock used, foreign wool, 1,250,000 Ibs. ; val., $400,000 ; production, beavers, doe- skins, cassimeres and tricots, 380 pieces per week; val., $12,000 per week, or $624,000 ; m. emp., 160 ; f. emp., 100 ; ch. emp. ,40; wages during the year, $120,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 99 KENNEBEC Co. VIENNA. VIENNA. Barrels. Whittier & Hall, cap., $2,000 ; steam pow., 12 h. ; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 11 ; val. of stock used, $200 ; production, butter tubs, 1,200; val., $500; pickle tubs, 200; val., $500; pork bbls., 200 ; val., $500 ; fish bbls., 400 ; val., $260 ; total val., $1,750; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $1,170; av. weekly wages, $7.50; 12 mos. in operation; market, Portland, Farmington, Livermore, Augusta, Readfield, Wilton, Winthrop and Starks. Boxes. Addison French, [See Measures.] Measures. Addison French, cap., $100 ; val. of stock used, $75 ; pro- duction, measures and boxes, 300 sets; val., $375 ; m. emp., 1. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Wagons and Sleighs. Charles E. Morrill, cap., $400; val. of stock used, $44; pro- duction, wagons, 6 ; val., $600 ; sleighs, 25 ; val., $800 ; total val., $1,400 ; m. emp., 1. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Eaton & Jacobs, cap., $500 ; production, wagons and sleighs ; val., $1,500 ; m. emp., 2. (Other particulars in return omitted.) William M. Tyler, cap., $300 ; production, wagons and sleighs ; val., $800 ; m. emp., 2. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Gordon & Bumpus, cap., $300 ; production, wagons and sleighs ; val., $700; m. emp., 2. (Other particulars in return omitted.) WATERYILLE. Boot and Shoe Findings. Roberts & Marston,* production, 150 gross pairs shanks per day ; val., $1.25 a gross, or $55,380 per annum ; hands emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $9,600. (Only establishment of the kind in the United States.) Clothing, Men's and Boys'. P. S. Heald, cap., $10,000; val. of production, $24,000; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 15 ; wages during the year, $4,800 ; av. weekly * Compiled from other sources. 100 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. WATERVILLE. KENNEBEC Co. wages, $6 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Cotton Goods. Reuben B. Dunn & Son, water pow., 400 h. ; 20,000 spindles. (Mill not yet erected. Is to cost $500,000.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. I. S. Bangs, Jr., cap., $30,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones; stock used, corn, 50,000 bush. ; val., $42,000 ; wheat, 5,000 bush. ; val., $8,000 ; rye, 500 bush. ; val., $600 ; barley, 1,000 bush.; val., $900; plaster, 250 tons; val., $1,000; total val., $52,500 ; production, meal, 60,000 bush. ; val., $45,000 ; flour, 1,000 bbls. ; val., $10,000 ; rye flour, 600 bush. ; val., $650; meal, 1,200 bush.; val., $975; ground plaster, 250 tons; val., $1,700 ; total val., $58,325 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,800; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation; market, Kennebec, Waldo and Somerset counties. ( Grists ground for customers not included in return.) Furniture. William H. Dow & Co., cap., $12,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 25 ; stock used, pine, 1,000 M ; val., $16,000 ; bass, 300 M ; val., $4,800 ; total val., $20,800 ; production, bedsteads, bureaus, sinks and tables; val., $50,000; m. emp., 37 ; wages during the year, $15,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and Maine. Iron, Castings. Goodell & Co.,* production, hollow ware, stoves, &c. ( Estab- lishment just gone into operation.) Webber & Haveland,* water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 16 ; pro- duction, mill, car and plow castings ; val., $20,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $24,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. Leather, Tanned. H. S. Ricker & Co., cap., $6,000; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, slaughter hides, 1,000 ; calf skins, 200 ; total val., $6,000 ; ( no return of quantity or value of production ; ) m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $650; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. KENNEBEC Co. WAYNE. Long and Short Lumber. Smith & Header, [No return.] Plaster, Ground. I. S. Bangs, Jr., [See Flouring and Grist Mill Products.] Printing and Publishing. Maxham & Wing, newspaper and job, Waterville Mail, weekly ; cap., $1,000 ; mac. emp., 2 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, United States. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. Jeremiah Furbish,* cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 11; val. of production, $40,000; m. emp., 30; wages during the year, $14,400. Shirts. C. F. Hathaway & Co., cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 25; stock used, linen, 33,000 yards; val., $17,000 ; cotton, 176,000 yards ; val., $25,000 ; buttons, val., $2,100 ; thread, $1,000 ; fuel, $1,500 ; total val., $46,100 ; production, white cotton and linen shirts, 5,700 dozen ; val. over $100,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; f. emp., 100 ; wages during the year, $46,000 ; av. weekly wages, m. $15; f. $7.50; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, New England and Western States. WAYNE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Holman Johnson, cap., $6,000; water pow., 50 h.; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones ; stock used, corn and wheat, 36,000 bush. ; val., $45,000 ; production, flour and meal, 36,000 bush.; val., $45,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,200 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Handles, Shovel. Holman Johnson, cap., $20,000; water pow., 15 h.; mac. emp., 1 set; stock used, white ash, 400 cords; val., $18,000; produc- tion, shovel handles, 22,000 doz.; val., $25,000; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $6,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. * Compiled from other sources. 1Q2 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WEST GARDINER. KENNEBEC Co. * . _ Long Lumber. Holman Johnson, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 75 h ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, lumber 150 M ; val., $1,800 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $240 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Machinery. L. W. Fillebrown, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 20 h.; mac. emp., 8 ; val. of stock used, $1,200 ; m. emp., 4 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Woolen Goods. Holman Johnson, cap., $35,0(/0 ; water pow., 45 h.; mac. emp., 3 sets cards. (Other particulars in return omitted.) WEST GARDINER. Furniture. West Gardiner Manufacturing Co.,* production, bedsteads, ex- tension tables, &c.; m. emp., 25 to 30. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Lorenzo Chamberlain, cap., $5,000; water pow., 60 h.; stock used, hemlock bark, 300 cords ; val., $3,000 ; production, tanned sheep skins, 6,000 doz.; val. $24,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $2,250 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. James H. Buck, cap. $3,000; steam pow., 15 h.; stock used, hemlock bark, 200 cords ; val., $2,000 ; production, tanned sheep- skins, (no ret. of quantity or val.); m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; 12 mos, in operation ; market, Boston. WEST WATERVILLE. Agricultural Implements. Benjamin & Allen, cap. $15,000 ; water pow., 25 h.; (no ret. of no. mac.;) stock used, pig iron, 24,000 Ibs.; val., $600; old cast iron, 100,- 000 Ibs.; val., $1,500 ; bar iron, 18 tons ; val., $2,000 ; coal, 35 tons ; * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 103 KENNEBEC Co. WEST WATEKVILLE. val., $350 ; lumber ; val., $1,300 ; total val. of stock used, $6,245 ; production, horse powers, 52; val., $5,200; separators, 71 ; val., $8,500 ; repairs, &c., $9,000 ; total val. of production, $22,700 ; m. emp., 15 ; wages during the year, $8,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England and British Provinces. Axes. Dunn Edge Tool Co., [See Edge Tools.] Hubbard, Blake & Co., [See Edge Tools.] Emerson, Stevens & Co., [See Edge Tools.] Carriages. B. C. Benson, [No return. Going out of business.] Chairs and Settees. Jos. Bachelder & Sons, cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 15 h.; various special mac. emp.; stock used, lumber, 140 M ; val., $1,880 ; glue, paints, &c.; total val. of stock used, $2,110; production, settees, 1,350; val., $4,000; chairs, 10,000 ; val., $3,000 ; total, val., $7,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $2,200 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. (One haFf of labor in this concern is done by members of the firm, and not included in return.) Edge Tools. Dunn Edge Tool Co., cap., $125,000 ; water pow,, 230 h.; mac. emp., trip hammers, 27 ; grindstones, 20 ; polishing wheels, 20 ; total, 67 ; stock used, iron, 265 tons ; val., $40,100 ; steel, 45 tons ; val., $16,000; borax, emery, &c.; total val. of stock used, $65,808; production, scythes, 11,000 doz.; val., $120,000; axes, 4,000 doz. ; val., $44,000 ; hay, straw, grass, and corn knives ; total val., $179,400 ; m. emp., 105 ; wages during the year, $49,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9.82; 11 months of the year in operation; market, United States and British Provinces. (This return includes the business of the company in the town of Fayette, where one-third of their operations are carried on.) Hubbard, Blake & Co., cap., $60,000 ; water power, 90 h.; mac. emp., trip hammers 12, grindstones 6, polishing wheels 9 ; total, 27 ; stock used, iron, 150 tons; val., $21,000 ; steel, 18 tons ; val., $7,500; grindstones, &c.; total val. of stock used, $36,700; pro- duction, scythes, 5,000 doz.; val., $55,000 ; axes, 3,000 doz.; val., $33,000 ; total val., $88,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the 104 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WEST WATERVILLE. KENNEBEC Co. year, $20,000 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 10J mos. of the year in operation ; market, United States and British Provinces. Emerson, Stevens & Co., cap., $29,000 ; water pow., 60 h.; mac. emp., trip hammers 7, grindstones 4, polishing wheels 7 ; total, 18 ; stock used, iron, 50 tons ; val., $6,200 ; steel, 5 tons ; val., 3,200; grindstones, borax, &c.; total val., of stock used, $13,645 ; production, scythes, 1,800 doz.; val., $20,000 ; axes, 1,100 doz.; val., $13,000 ; total val., $33,000 ; m. emp., 22 ; wages during the year, $12,600 ; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England and British Provinces. Iron, Castings. Benjamin & Allen, [See Agricultural Implements.] Leather, Tanned and Curried. A. J. Parker, cap., $5,000 ; water power, 25 h.; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, bark, 250 cords; val. ,2, 000; hides, 2500; val., $12,500; total val., $14,500 ; production, calf skins, 300 ; val., $900 ; belt leather, 500 sides ; val., $2,000 ; harness leather, 500 sides ; val., $j2,000; wax leather, 4,000 sides; val., $16,000; total val., $20,900 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,600 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England. Long and Short Lumber. Asa B. Bates & Son, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 40 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; (no ret. of quantity and val. of stock used;) production, hard and soft lumber ; val., $6,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $700 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 11 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, home. Saws. Ellis Saw Co., water pow., 20 h.; production, hand saws. (Doing nothing worth returning.) Saw Frames. Asa B. Bates & Son, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 20 h.; various special mac. emp.; stock used, lumber 125 M ; val., $2 ; 250 ; pro- duction, saw frames, 4,300 doz.; val., $4,730; bucks, 1,300 doz.; val., $2,600 ; total val., $7,330 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $2,200 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Scythes. Dunn Edge Tool Co. [See Edge Tools.] Hubbard, Blake & Co. [See Edge Tools.] Emerson, Stevens & Co. [See Edge Tools.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 105 KENNEBEC Co. WINDSOR. Shirts. Warren A. Farr & Co., cap., $25,000 ; mac. emp., 20 ; stock used, cotton, 120,000 yards ; val., $18,000 ; linen, 24,000 yards ; val., $14,000 ; total val., $32,000 ; production, 4,000 doz. shirts ; val., $80,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 85 ; wages during the year, $30,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 10J mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, Boston. (Employment given to 25 women outside of factory.) Threshing Machines* Benjamin & Allen. [See Agricultural Implements.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. C. W. Folsom, cap., $1,000; stock used, tin plate, 50 boxes; val., $650; sheet iron, 2 tons; val., $300; total val., $950; produc- tion, general assortment of tin and sheet iron ware ; val., $3,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $900 ; av. weekly wages, $10.50 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, West Waterville and vicinit^r WINDSOR. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Anthony C. Merrill, water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., two runs of stones ; grinds corn, barley and oats for feed. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Anthony C. Merrill, *cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, hemlock and pine, 150 M; val., $1,000; spruce and hemlock, 100 M ; val., $100 ; lumber for staves, 20 cords ; val., $60 ; total val., $1,160 ; production, boards and plank, 150 M ; val., $1,500 ; shingles, 100 M ; val., $200 ; staves, 40 M ; val., $120 ; total val., $1,820 ; fm. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 2 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. Anthony C. Merrill, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves. Anthony C. Merrill, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Shoe Pegs. Charles A. Priest,! cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6; production, 5,000 bush. ; m. emp., 5; market, England. (Shipped at Boston by Warren & Co.) * Includes capital in grist mill. f Same hands employed in grist mill, t Compiled from other sources. 106 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WINTHROP. KENNEBEC Co. WINTHROP. Agricultural Implements. Luther Whitman,* cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 95 h. ; stock used, iron 200 tons, lumber 500,000 feet; production, threshing machines, cultivators, drag, revolving and wheel rakes, plows and harrows, cider mills, wheel barrows, &c. ; 12 mos. in operation. Blacksmithing. Adoniram Jackson, cap., $300 ; val. of stock used, $420 ; val. of production, $1,600. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boots and Shoes. C. A. Wing,* cap., $6,500 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Also manu- factures moccasins.) H. E. Morton,* cap., $2,500 ; 12 mos. in operation. S. W. Parlin,* cap., $5,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. Carriages and Sleighs. H. A. Stanley, cap., $1,400; val of stock used, $1,000; pro- duction, wagons 20, sleighs 12; total val., $3,000; repairing, $2,000 ; total, $5,000 ; m. emp.,' 4 ; wages during the year, $800 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Clothing, Men's and Boys 9 . H. Penniman, [No return.] Cotton Goods. Winthrop Mills Manuf. Co.,* cap., $25,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; production, yarn, &c; val., $75,200. (Establishment to be enlarged.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. [Proprietors of mill unknown ;] *production, 50,000 bushels. Harnesses. G. Smith, [No return.] Iron, Castings. Luther Whitman,* cap., $10,000; water pow., 10 h. Long and Short Lumber. Luther Whitman,* cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 25 h. Winthrop Mills Manuf. Co.,* cap., $800; water pow., 25 h. Oil Floor Cloth. C. M. Bailey,* cap., $125,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; val. of pro- duction, $425,000 ; hands emp., 75 ; 12 mos. in operation. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 107 KNOX Co. APPLETON. Moses Bailey,* cap., $75,000; steam pow., 30 h. ; val. of pro- duction, $144,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. Woolen Goods. Winthrop Mills Manuf. Co.,* cap., $125,000; water pow., 100 h. ; production, blankets ; val., $250,000. CLINTON GORE. [No return.] KJSTOX COUJSTTY. APPLETON. Agricultural Implements. Nathan Hawkes, production, planter hoe and cultivator, 6 ; val., $240. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boots and Shoes. H. C. & G. A. Pease, val. of production $2,000. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Carriages and Sleighs. George H. Page, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; production, 12 Portland style and grocery wagons ; val., $1,800 ; 3 express wagons ; val., $375 ; 3 trunk wagons ; val., $135 ; total val., $2,310 ; m. emp., 4 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, mostly Knox county. (Repairing of carriages and sleighs not included in value of production.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. H. N. Titus, [Particulars in return omitted.] Leather, Tanned and Curried. Nathan Hawkes, stock used, bark, 85 cords; val., $510; pro- duction, sides leather, 125 ; slats, 800 dozen ; market for slats, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Compiled from other sources. 108 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. CAMDEN. KNOX Co. Long and Short Lumber. Hamlin Burkett, production, lumber, 150,000; val., $450. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Lermond, production, lumber, 25,000 ; val., $75. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Alvin Sherman, production, lumber, 75,000 ; val., $225. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles and Staves. Alvin Sherman, production, shingles, 75 M; val., $112.50; staves, 100 M; val., $150; headings, 10 M pairs; val., $100; total val., $362.50. (Other particulars in return omitted.) E. H. Conant, production, shingles, 100 M ; val., $150 ; staves, 100 M ; val., $150 ; headings, 10 M pairs ; val., $100 ; total val., $400. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Elden Burkett, production, staves, 250 M; val., $375; head- ings, 30 M pairs ; val., $300 ; total val., $675. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Atwood Lermond, production, staves, 150 M ; val., $225 ; headings, 15 M pairs ; val., $150; total val., $375. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Alonzo Meservey, production, staves, 250 M; val., $375; headings, 20 M pairs ; val., $200 ; total val., $575. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Wheelbarrows and Wagons. H. N. Titus, value of production, $200. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NOTE. Total number of persons employed in the several mills of this town is twenty. Employed for three months of the year. Average daily wages, $1.50 per man, including board. Forty thousand lime casks were manufactured the present season for the Rock- land market, at a cost of $100 per thousand, or $4,000. CAMDEN. Anchors. H. E. & W. G. Alden, [See Forgings.] Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. E. C. Moody,* stock used, 800 to 1,000 bbls. of flour; pro- duction, pilot, ship and soda bread, crackers ; m. emp., 4. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 109 KNOX Co. CAMDEN. Blocks and Pumps. D. Knowlton & Co., [See Forgings.] Brooms. Davis & Mirick, [See Excelsior.] Excelsior, for Upholstering 1 . Davis & Mirick, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, poplar wood and broom corn ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York and home. (Have just commenced business. Other particulars in return omitted.) Forgings, Iron. H. E. & W. Gr. Alden, cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 6; stock used, coal, 1,000 tons; iron, 600 tons; total val., $40,000 j production, anchors, 400 tons ; ( no value returned ; ) m. emp., 30 ; wages during the year, $31,200 ; av. weekly wages, $20 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Lake cities. D. Knowlton & Co.,* cap., $25,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; stock used, pig iron, 1,000 tons; wrought iron, 500 tons ; scrap iron, 100 tons ; coal, 350 tons ; lignum vitae, 100 tons ; wood material, 200,000 feet; production, railroad cars, passenger and freight; car wheels, ships' capstans, blocks and pumps, spikes, mill machinery, &c. ; total val. ; $500,000 ; wages during the year, $24,000. Ice, Prepared for Market. Talbot & Co.,* production, 35,000 tons; val., $70,000 ; m. emp., 35 ; wages during the year, $3,500. Iron, Castings. D. Knowlton & Co., [See Forgings.] Lime. G. F. Burgess, cap., $7,000 ; stock used, coal, 200 tons ; val., $1,400; wood, 400 cords; val., $2,000; total val., $3,400; pro- duction, 18,000 bbls. ; val., $18,000 ; m. emp., 9; wages during the year, $4,500; av. weekly wages, $13.50 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Boston, Providence, Fall River, Newport, New York, and all Northern and Southern ports. Cole, Richards & Co., cap., $7,&00 ; mac. emp., 1 kiln ; stock used, wood, 700 cords; val., $3,150; production, 18,000 bbls.; * Compiled from other sources. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. CAMDEN. KNOX Co. val., $18,000; m. emp., 9 ; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $12; 6 mos. of the year in operation; market, Wilmington, Charleston and Savannah. Carleton, Norwood & Co.,* cap., $25,000 ; mac. emp., 4 kilns ; production, 80,000 bbls. ; val., $80,000. Carleton & Co., [No return.] G. E. Carleton, do Merriam & Talbot, do Shepherd, Jones & Co., do Machinery* G. M. Barstow & Son, [No return.] Oakum. H. L. Alden,* stock used, 500 tons; production, 350 tons; m. emp., 30 ; wages during the year, $18,000 ; market, Maine and British Provinces. Plugs and Wedges, Treenails, Powder Kegs. A. B. & H. A. Gould,* value of production, $5,000 ; m. emp., 6. Powder. D. H. Bisbee, cap., $25,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, brimestone, 24,000 Ibs. ; saltpetre, 180,000 Ibs. ; alder wood, 75 cords ; kegs, 6,000 ; total val., $24,000 ; production, electric, sporting and blasting powder ; ( no return of quantity of value ; ) m. emp., 3 ; wages during the $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. Printing and Publishing. Dunton Brothers, newspaper and job, Camden Herald, weekly. [No return.] Railroad Cars and Wheels. D. Knowlton & Co., [See Forgings.] Spikes. D. Knowlton & Co., [See Forgings.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. H. Knight & Son, cap., $5,000 ; stock used, tin plate, 100 boxes; sheet iron, 50 bundles ; copper; total val., $2,500 ; (no ret. of quantity and val. of production;) m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,500 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home and vicinity. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. KNOX Co. FRIENDSHIP. Wool Carding. H. L. Alden,* mac. emp., 3 sets cards ; production, 25,000 Ibs.; val., $20,000. (In this and oakum establishment, 30 hands are emp. Total amount of wages in both establishments, $1,500 per month.) Woolen Goods, Knox Woolen Co., cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 55 h.; mac. emp., 3 sets cards ; stock used, raw wool, 120,000 Ibs.; val., $46,000; (no ret. of kind or quantity of production;) val. of production, $110,000 ; in. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $15,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States. (Company formerly Johnson, Fuller & Co.) FRIENDSHIP. Long and Short Lumber. Daniel Hoffses, cap., $400; water pow., 10 h.; val. of stock used, $400. (Other particulars in return omitted.) HOPE. Casks. John Fogler & Son, (South) production, lime casks, 6,000 ; val., $800. [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] Furniture. John Fogler & Son, (South) production, pine tables, 200 ; val., $400 ; walnut tables, 100 ; val., $1,200 ; ash tables, 100 ; val., $800; settees, 200; val., $100 ; bedsteds, 1,000 ; val., $2,500 bureaus, 100; val., $350; sinks, 100 ; val., $250; total val., $5,600. [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] Long and Short Lumber. John & 0. L. Fogler, (South) cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 50 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 100,000 ; val., $2,000 ; (no ret. of kinds, quantity or val. of production ;) m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $300 ; 6 or 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rockland. Sash, Doors and Blinds. John Fogler & Son, (South) fcap., $12,000; water pow., 40 h.; * Compiled from other sources. t Includes capital in furniture establishment and other operations. 112 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. ROCKLAND. KNOX Co. *stock used, birch and maple, 40,000 ; val., $800 ; ash, 6,000 ; val., $400 ; walnut, 6,000 ; val., $800 ; pine, 100 M ; val., $2,500 ; total val., $4,500; production, blinds, 2,000; val., $2,000; sash, 2,000 ; val., $1,000 ; doors, 200 ; val., $500 ; total val., $3,500 ; furniture, casks, staves, headings ; *m. einp., 6 to 12 ; wages during the year, $3,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, Rockland, Thomaston, Waldoboro', Camden, Union, Hope and Warren. Staves and Headings. John Fogler & Son, (South) production, 200,000; val., $1,400 ; headings, 1,000 ; val., $400 ; total val., $1,800. [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] NORTH HAVEN. Canned Lobsters. George F. Lewis & Bro., [No return.] ROCKLAND. Axes. John L. Mallett & Co., [See Edge Tools.] Boots and Shoes. Rockland Shoe Factory, f val. of production, $250,000 ; hands emp., 200. Edge Tools. John L. Mallett & Co., cap., $400 ; stock used, cast steel, 500 Ibs.; val., $110 ; iron, 500 Ibs.; val., $30 ; total val., $140 ; pro- duction, axes and sledges, carpenter's and cooper's tools ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in operation ; (other particulars in ret. omitted.) Gas. Rockland and Thomaston Gas Light Co., cap., $50,000 ; mac, emp., 6 retorts ; stock used, Penn. coal, 365 tons ; val., $3,800 ; production, gas, 2,500,000 cubic feet ; tar, 125 bbls ; total, val., $7,130 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $2,100 ; av. weekly wages, $15.45 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Rockland. * Stock used and hands employed in furniture establishment and other operations, f Compiled from other sources. 1873,] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 113 ^ ^_ ^ ^ f KNOX Co. ROCKLAND. Lime.* S. Whitney & Sons, cap., $3,000; mac. emp., lime kilns, 3; val. of stock used, $7,189.67 ; production, lump and common lime, 25,828 casks; val., $30,913.95 ; m. emp., 8; wages during the year, $3,596.59 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, New York, Boston, Bath, Richmond, Hallowell, Augusta and Belfast. Cobb Lime Co.,f mac. emp., lime kilns, 44. Marble and Granite Work. Bryant & Cobb, cap., $5,000 ; val. of stock used, $7,000; pro- duction, monuments, &c.; val., $20,000; (no ret. of persons emp.;) wages during the year, $7,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and vicinity. Printing and Publishing. Edwin Sprague, newspaper and job, Rockland Free Press, week- ly. [No return.] Vose & Porter, newspaper and job, Rockland Gazette, weekly. [No return.] Sails. Edwards & Dunning, cap., $2 000; val. of stock used, duck, 22,000 yards; val., $8,800 ; rope, 7,000 Ibs.; val., $1,400; iron work, &c. ; val., $600; total val., $10,800; production, 22,000 yards ; val., $14,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,600 ; av. weekly wages, $18 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Wm. Farrow, val. of stock used, $7,200 ; m. emp., 3 to 9 ; wages during the year, $3,468.49 ; av. weekly wages, $9.60 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and vicinity. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Wagons. 0. M. Sampson, production, team wagons and sleds ; m. emp., 2 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Thomaston and Camden. (Other particulars in return omitted ) SOUTH THOMASTON. [No return.] * Total number of lime kilns in Rockland, 60 ; total production, 1,200,000 casks ; market, United States and Europe, t Compiled from other sources. 8 114 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. ' THOMASTON. KNOX Co. ST. GEORGE. Canned Lobsters. Burnham & Morrill, [See Portland.] THOMASTON. Boots and Shoes. Maine State Prison, [No return.] Thomaston Shoe Factory, [No return.] Carriages. Maine State Prison, [No return.] Iron, Castings. W. E. Crawford, [No return.] Lime. J. 0. Gushing & Co., production 66,000 casks. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) J. A. Creighton, production, 42,000 casks. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Burgess, O'Brien & Co., production, 42,000 casks. (Other particulars in return omitted.) UNION. Cabinet Work. Brown Brothers, (Factory destroyed by fire ; about to resume manufacturing.) Carriages and Sleighs. Franklin Rice, cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 14 ; val. of stock used, $3,200 ; production, wagons, 50 ; val., $6,000 ; sleighs, 20 ; val., $1,200 ; jobbing, $1,500 ; total val., $8,700 ; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $3,500 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine. Iron, Castings. G. H. & S. W. Jones, cap., $5,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; production, castings, 22 tons ; val., $2,640 ; plows, 50 ; val., $500 ; total val., $3,140 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $1,500; av. weekly wages, $8.50; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Have commenced making mowing machines.) Plows. G. H. & S. W. Jones, [See Iron, Castings.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. H5 KNOX CO. VlNALHAVEN. VlNALHAVEN. Boots and Shoes. S. T. Pease, [No return.] Alex. Stewart, [No return.] Canned Lobsters. J. W. Jones & Co., [No return.] Carriages. Kneeland & Tobins, [No return.] Clothing. Moses Y. Hall, [No return.] James McCormick, [No return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Noyes & Allenwood, tide mill; production, 15,000 bush, meal; *m. emp., 2. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Harnesses. P. 0. Crandall, [No return.] Long Lumber. Noyes & Allenwood, production, boards and plank. (Same firm also planes 200,000 feet lumber. Other particulars in return omitted.) Nets. American Net Co., [No return.] Sails. R. L. Bowman, cap., $100 ; stock used, duck 500 yards, rope ; total val., $300. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Benjamin Lane, [No return.] WARREN. Shoes. Warren Shoe Manufacturing Co., cor. co. [No return.] Woolen Goods. Warren Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; cap., $125,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Same hands employed in eaw mill. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BOOTHBAT. LINCOLN Co. WASHINGTON. Long and Short Lumber. Miller, Humes, Sprague & Co., cap., $200; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, logs, 150,000; val., $1,050; production, boards, plank and timber, 150,000; val., $1,700; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $220 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and adjoining towns. Staves and Headings. " Sprague Mill/ 7 water pow., 7 h. ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $30 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; market, Union and Rock- land. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Miller, Jones, Burns & Co., cap., $500; water pow.; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, soft and hard wood, 200 cords ; val., $600 ; production, staves and headings, 250,000; val., $1,000; m. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $259 ; av. weekly wages, m., $9 ; ch., $3 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rock- land and Boston. LINCOLN COUNTY. ALNA. Shooks and Lumber. Treat, Lang & Co., steam pow., 60 h. [See Bath.] BOOTHBAY. Cured Fish. M. E. Pierce & Co.,* production, 5,000 quintals cod fish, 4,000 bbls. mackerel ; m. emp., 100. (The business of this company is $200,000 per annum.) Fertilizers. Algse Fertilizer Co., cor. co. ; cap., $40,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1 mill ; stock used, sea weed; (no ret. of quantity;) production, 500 tons; val., $15,000; m. emp., 3; wages during * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. H7 LINCOLN Co. BREMEN. the year, $900 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, out of the State. Ice, Prepared for Market. Boothbay Ice Co., cor. co. ; cap., $10,000. (Done no business the present season.) Oil, Fish. Gallup & Holmes, cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 2 hydraulic presses ; stock used, wood and coal ; val., $570 ; pro- duction, menhaden oil, 1,000 bbls. ; val., $20,000 ; guano, 600 tons ; val., $5,400 ; total val., $25,400 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $13,000 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, Gloucester and New York. White Wine Brook Co., cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 1 hydraulic press; stock used, 6,000 bbls. menhaden ; val., $4,000; production, 12,000 galls, oil; val., $1,200; guano, 200 tons ; val., $2,400 ; total val., $9,600 ; m. emp., 18 ; wages during the year, $2,880 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and New York. Atlantic Oil and Guano Co., cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; stock used, raw fish ; production, oil and guano ; m. emp., 70 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and New York. (Other particulars in return omitted. * 15, 000 bbls. oil manufac- tured in one month the present season.) Kenniston, Cobb & Co., cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 2 hydraulic presses ; stock used, 1,800 bbls. fish ; val., $9,000 ; production, oil, 41,000 galls. ; val., $22,000 ; guano, 600 tons; val., $7,200; total val., $29,200; m. emp., 50; (no ret. of wages;) 4 mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston and New York. BREMEN. Long and Short Lumber. Webber's Mill, cap., $1,200 ; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 3,000; production, boards, plank and timber; market, local. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Oil, Fish. Joseph Church & Co., cap., $24,000 ; steam pow., 40 h. ; stock used, 63,000 bbls. fish; val., $4,410; production, 130,000 gallons * Compiled from other sources. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BRISTOL. LINCOLN Co. menhaden oil; val., $60,000; m. emp., 40; f. emp., 2; av. week- ly wages, $12.50 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, New Bedford. (Some of the steamers are owned abroad, and some of the men employed are from Massachusetts and Rhode Island.) Bremen Oil Works Co., cap., $21,000 ; steam pow., 10 h. ; stock used, 15,000 bbls. fish; val., $11,250; production, 60,000 gallons menhaden oil ; val., $32,000 ; m. emp. ,40; f. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $12.50 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. (Boats and fishermen mostly from Fall River, Mass.) Muscongus Oil Works Co., cap., $20,000; steam pow., 6 h; stock used, 27,000 bbls. fish; val., $18,900; production, 33,000 gallons menhaden oil; val., $16,000; m. emp., 120; f. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $12.50; 4 mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston. ( Small part of steamers and men belong in Massachusetts.) BRISTOL. Brick. Frank Wentworth, cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, 250,- 000 ; val., $3,750 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Atwood L. Fitch, cap., $1,200 ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, 300,000; val., $2,500; m. emp., 4; f. emp., 6; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $600.70 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Clapboards. C. C. Robbins, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Laths. C. C. Robbins, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Long and Short Lumber. C. C. Robbins, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, pine, spruce, hemlock and oak; val., $4,400; pro- duction, pine, 200,000 feet; val., $3,600; spruce, 50,000; val., $850; hemlock, 50,000; val., $700; oak, 10,000; val., $400; shingles, 300 M; val., $900; laths, 100 M; val., $300; clap- boards, 20,000 ; val., $550 ; total val., $7,300 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. LINCOLN Co. DAMAKISCOTTA. during the year, $1,200; av. weekly wages, $9; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, three-quarters in town, and balance shipped to Massachusetts. Oil, Fish. Oak Grove Menhaden Oil Works, (Wells & Co.) cap., $30,000 ; steam pow. ; mac. emp., 2 hydraulic presses; stock used, 15,000 bbls. menhaden ; val., $10,000 ; production, oil, 30,000 galls. ; val., $15,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $1,500; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, Gloucester, New York and Europe. (Refuse or scrap shipped to Charleston, Savannah, Weymouth, Mass., Wood's Hole, c.,and mostly used in manufacture of phosphates.) Judson Tarr & Co., cap., $100,000; steam pow., 180 h. ; mac. emp., 4 engines, 4 boilers, &c. ; stock used, 45,000 bbls. men- haden: val. ,$30, 000; production, oil, 125,000 galls. ; val., $57,000 ; m. emp., 35 ; wages during the year, $5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 3J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Gloucester, Boston and New York. (Fishing business commences June 15th, and closes October 1st.) Union Oil Works Co., cap., $12,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 2 hydraulic pumps and presses; stock used, 10,000 bbls. menhaden ; val., $7,000 ; production, oil, 24,000 galls. ; val., $13,200; scrap, 260 tons; val., $2,600; total val., $15,800; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New York, Boston, Portland, Gloucester, Salem and Europe. Shingles. C. C. Robbins, [See Long and Short Lumber.] DAMARISCOTTA. Boots and Shoes. Randall Hall, cap., $800 ; value~of stock used, $800 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $900 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Joseph Haines & Son, water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 1 pair burr stones ; m. emp., 1. (Other particulars in return omitted.) 120 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DRESDEN. LINCOLN Co. Long Lumber. Joseph Haines & Son, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, pine, 500 M; val., $6,000; production, boards and plank ; ( no return of quantity or value ;) m. emp., 8 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Match Cards. Joseph Haines & Son, cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 8; stock used, pine logs, 1,000 cords; val., $4,250; pro- duction, friction match cards, 80,000 gross ; val., $14,000 ; m. emp., 8 ; f. emp., 3 ; ch. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $6,000 ; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Wagons. Daniel H. Northey, cap., $3,000 ; production, wagons of all kinds, 22; val., $2,850; m. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $1,600; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) DRESDEN. Ice, Prepared for Market. Gardiner Ice Co.,* production, 25,000 tons; val., $50,000; market, Savannah, Ga. Arthur Berry and others,* production, 25,000 tons ; val., $50,000. James L. Cheeseman,* production, 15,000 tons; val., $30,000. Lincoln Ice Co.,* production, 20,000 tons ; val., $40,000. EDGECOMB. [No return.] JEFFERSON. Long and Short Lumber. Charles M. Davis, cap., $3,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 5 ; value of stock used, $3,300 ; production, boards, 50,000 ; val., $500 ; staves, 300 M ; val., $1,200 ; headings, 50 M ; val., $375 ; shingles, 500 M ; val., $1,000 ; total val., $3,075 ; m. emp., 6 to 8 ; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $5 and board ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 121 LINCOLN Co. NEWCASTLE. Shingles. Charles M. Davis, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Stares and Headings. Charles M. Davis, [See Long and Short Lumber.] NEWCASTLE. Blacksmithing. F. P. Tibbets, cap., $400; value of production, $1,000; m. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Brick. A. W. Glidden, cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 3; production, 300,- 000 ; value in March, $3,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $800 ; 3J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Cured Fish. Newcastle and Nobleboro' Alewive Dip Net Co., cap., $1,360; production, smoked alewives, 500,000 ; val., $2,600 ; m. emp., Y ; wages during the year, $420; av. weekly wages, $18; 1 month of the year in operation. ( The alewives run from May 10th to June 10th, generally. The catch depends on the weather and the amount of sawdust running.) Long and Short Lumber. Erskine & Baker, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; stock used, saplin, pine and oak, 300,000; val., $5,000; production, 200,- 000 saplin pine lumber; val., $3,600; 25 M oak plank, &c. ; val., $1,000 ; 300 M treenails and wedges ; val., $3,000 ; total val., $7,600; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,456; av. weekly wages, $12 ; T mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bath and Boston. (Products for ship use.) Match Cards. Elbridge G. Baker, cap., $Y,500 ; water pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., 4 different saws; stock used, saplin pine, 600 cords; val., $2,400; production, match cards, 60,000 gross; val., $10,000; m. emp., Y ; f. emp., emp , 4; wages during the year, $4,200 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Treenails. Erskine & Baker, [See Long and Short Lumber.] 122 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. NOBLEBOKO'. LINCOLN Co. NOBLEBORO'. Cured Fish. Newcastle and Nobleboro' Alewive Dip Net Co., [See New- castle.] Long and Short Lumber. James Mulligan, cap., $9,500 ; water pow., 80 h. ; mac. emp. 4 ; stock used, pine, hemlock, spruce, oak and hard wood, 650 M ; val., $6,500 ; production, boards, plank, laths, shingles, treenails, pickets, &c., 800,000; total val., $9,750; m. emp., 14; wages during the year, $1,700; av. weekly wages, $10; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Massachusetts, Rockland, Portland, Waldoboro', Damariscotta and West Indies. Pickets. James Mulligan, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Shingles. James Mulligan, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Treenails. James Mulligan, [See Long and Short Lumber.] SOMERVILLE. Casks. A. L. Soule, cap., $100 ; stock used, staves, 90,000; headings, 6,000 pairs ; hoops, 48,000 ; total val., $700 ; production, lime casks, 6,000; val., $1,200; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $420 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rockland. Benjamin Turner, cap., $500 ; stock used, staves, 30,000 ; headings, 2,000 pairs; hoops, 16,000; total val., $240; pro- duction, lime casks, 2,000 ; val., $400 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $140 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rockland. Long and Short Lumber. L. & C. Turner, cap., $600 ; water pow. ; stock used, 75 M ; val., $300 ; production, boards and timber, 75 M; val., $800 ; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $150; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Josiah Bruce, [ See Shingles and Staves.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 123 LINCOLN Co. SOMERVILLE. Shingles and Staves. A. B. Bowler, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, 150 cords; val., $500; production, shingles, 200 M; val., $400 ; staves, 150 M; val., $600 ; total val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $250 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Somerville and Union. Josiah Bruce, cap., $1,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 4; stock used, 150 cords; val., $500; 50 M logs; val., $150; total val., $650; production, shingles, 200 M; val., $400; staves, 150 M; val., $600 ; boards, 50 M ; val., $650 ; total val., $1,650 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $300 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Somerville and Union. Bowman & Tobey, cap., $400; water pow.; mac. emp., 2; stock used, 100 cords; val., $300; production, shingles, 30 M; val., $60; staves, 100 M; val., $400; total val., $460; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $200 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. John Clifford, cap., $200 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 50 cords ; val., $150 ; production, staves, 75 M ; val., $300 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $100 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. W. W. Davis, cap., $400 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 100 cords; val., $300; production, staves, 150 M; val., $600 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $100 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. John B. Dodge, cap., $700; water pow.; m. emp., 2; stock used, 150 cords ; val., $500 ; production, shingles, 50 M ; val., $100; staves, 200 M; val., $800; total val., $900; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $250 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Somerville. Peter Hisler, cap., $400 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, 75 cords ; val., $125 ; production, shingles, 50 M ; val., $100; staves, 100 M; val., $400; total val., $500; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $100 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation; market, Somerville and Union. J. W. & H. Jones, cap., $400; water pow.; mac. emp., 1; stock used, 100 cords; val., $150; production, staves, 150 M ; val., $600 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $100 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. 124 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WALDOBORO'. LINCOLN Co. Benjamin Turner, cap., $800 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, 100 cords ; val., $200 ; production, shingles, 100 M; val., $200 ; staves, 100 M ; val., $400 ; total val., $600 ; m. emp,, 3 ; wages during the year, $150 ; 3 inos. of the year in operation ; market, home. SOUTHPORT. [No return.] WALDOBORO'. Barrels. E. B. Haddocks, cap., $2,000 ; value of stock used, $3,540 ; production, fish and syrup barrels, 8,000 ; val., $8,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $2,880 ; 8 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, Portland and Boston. Brick. Moses L. Kaler, cap., $1,000 ; stock used, wood, 100 cords ; val., $400 ; production, 200,000 ; val., $1,600 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $500 j 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Printing and Publishing. Samuel L. Miller, newspaper and job, Monthly News ; cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 1 press ; value of stock used, $300 ; pro- duction, 600 copies of monthly newpaper and job printing; val., $1,200; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $300; av. weekly wages, $5.77 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. WESTPORT. Cured Fish. James McCarty, cap., $6,000 ; production, 2,200 quintals cod- fish ; val., $9,000 ; m. emp,, 40 ; ch. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $150; av. weekly wages, $3. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Heal Brothers, cap., $10,000 ; water pow. ; stock used, spruce, 175,000 ; val., $700 ; pine, 125,000 ; val., $1,200 ; total val., $1,900 ; (no return of kinds, quantity, or val. of production ;) m. emp., 10 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $4,800 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, New York and Portland. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 125 LINCOLN Co. WHITEFIELD. Samuel Tarbox, cap., $2,500 ; water pow. ; stock used, pine, 50,000; val., $600; spruce, 50,000; val., $300; total val., $900. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NOTE. Total amount of manufactured lumber, 400,000; val , $19,000. WHITEFIELD. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. William H. Ford, water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. Wm. H. Ford, water pow. (Other particulars in return omitted.) WISCASSET. Brick. R. H. Tucker, cap., $8,000 ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, 500,000 ; val., $2,500; m. emp., 10; av. weekly wages, $13; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Ira D. Sturgis,* steam pow., 550 h. (Mill in process of build- ing ; when completed, annual production intended to be 15,000,000 feet. Will employ 85 men.) Printing and Publishing. Joseph Wood, newspaper and job, Seaside Oracle, weekly ; cap., $2,500 ; mac. emp., 2 presses ; val. of stock used, $400 ; pro- duction, job printing and weekly edition of 800 copies of "Seaside Oracle;" m. emp., 2; f. emp., 2; 12 mos. in operation; market, principally local. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Charles P. Knight, cap., $2,000 ; mac. emp., 13 ; val. of stock, used, $600 ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) MUSCONGUS ISLAND. [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. 126 STATISTICS OF THE [1873, ANDOVEK. OXFORD Co. OXFOKD COUNTY. ALBANY. [No return.] ANDOVER. Emery Wheels. Native Emery Co.,* cap., $10,000; steam pow., 12 h. ; stock used, 500 tons native emery; val., $25,000; wood, 100 cords; val., $250 ; total val., $25,250 ; production, emery wheels, hones, scythe stones and rifles ; total val., $50,000; 12 mos. in operation. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Bedell, Cram Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Bedell, Grain & Co., [No return.] Newhall, Newton & Co., [No return.] Starch. Goold, Adams & Co., cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, potatoes, 6,000 bush. ; val., $2,000 ; produc- tion, starch, 40 tons ; val., $4,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $300 ; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 2 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, Lewiston, Biddeford, Saco, Lowell and Boston. Bedell, Cram & Co., [No return.] Chapman, Cram & Co.,* cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 20 h. BETHEL. Bedsteads. L. W. Russell, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 20 ; stock used, hardwood, 50 M; val., $1,000; pine, bass, poplar; val., $310 ; total val., $1,310 ; production, bedsteads, 3,000 ; val., $7,000; furniture; val., $1,000; total val., $8,000; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $3,568 ; av. weekly wages, $20 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Saco, Lewiston, * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 127 OXFORD Co. BETHEL. Mechanic Falls, Norway, Paris, Bethel, Gorham and Lancaster, N. H., Island Pond, Ac. Edwin. C. Morse, [No return.] Blacjksmithing. J. L. Dillaway, stock used, iron and steel; val., $250; coal; val., $28 ; total val., $278. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs. H. C. Andrews, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; val. of stock used, $2,500 ; production, 50 carnages ; val., $6,000 ; m. emp., 7; wages for 6 mos., $1,600; av. weekly wages, $13; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Estimate of production is that for six months.) Clapboards, Laths and Pickets. Hiram Hodsdon, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Furniture. L. W. Russell, [See Bedsteads.] Long and Short Lumber. Hiram Hodsdon, cap., $6,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, logs, 400 M; val., $3,600; shingle stuff, 100 cords ; val., $400; white birch, 250 cords; val., $1,000; total val., $5,000; production, boards, 400 M; val., $4,800; shingles, 400 M; val., $900 ; spool stock, 100 M ; val., $2,000 ; also manufactures laths, pickets, clapboards, Ac., to the amount of $500 ; total val., $8,200 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. Bethel Steam Mills Co.,* cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 75 h. ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 44; production, boards, 2,800 M; val., $29,400 ; clapboards, 400 M ; val., $8,000 ; shingles, 200 M ; val., $500 ; laths, 1,500 M ; val., $5,000 ; headings, 100,000 ; val., $14,000 ; total val., $56,900 ; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $12,480 ; 6 mos. in operation. Shoe Pegs. B. F. Sturtevant,* steam pow., 8 h. ; m. emp., 9 ; ch. emp , 3. (Recently gone into operation.) Shingles. Hiram Hodsdon, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Spool Stock. Hiram Hodsdon, [See Long and Short Lumber.] * Compiled from other aouroei. 128 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BBOWNFIELD. OXFORD Co. BROWNFIELD. Clothing. A. R. Hill,* hands employed, 20. Clapboards and Laths. Hawkins & Logan, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Leather, Tanned and Curried. Appleby & Morrill, cap., $2,700 ; water pow., 13 h, ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, hemlock bark, 400 cords; val., $3,200; wood, 50 cords; val., $150; total val., $3,350] production, sole leather, 8,000 sides ; val., $36,000 ; m. emp., 9 ; wages during the year, $4,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9.50 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Long; and Short Lumber. Hawkins & Logan, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; val. of stock used, $2,385 ; production, oak staves, 75 M ; val., $250 ; poplar staves, 50 M ; val., $500 ; boards and tim- ber, 100 M ; val., $1,000 ; clapboards, 40 M ; val., $300 ; laths, 50 M; val., $125; total val., $2,175 i m. emp., 4; ch. emp., 1; wages during the year, $1,312; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland, Brownfield, Harmony. Ship Timber. Hawkins & Logan, production, 750 tons ; val., $750. Staves. Hawkins & Logan, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Tubs and Kits. Bean & Brown, cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, pine and poplar for kits, 100 cords ; white ash for tubs ; (no val. returned;) production, mackerel kits, 15,000; val., $3,000 ; butter tubs, 2,000; val., $840; total val., $3,840; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,152; 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, Portland, New York and Philadelphia. BUCKFIELD. Boots and Shoes. Hanson & Goldthwaite, steam pow., 8 h. ; mac. emp., 8; val., of stock, $60,000 ; production, women's misses' and children's * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 129 OXFORD Co. BYRON. pegged boots, 90,000 pairs; val., $100,000; hands emp., 50; market, New England. (Other particulars in return omitted. Have not been in operation a full year.) C. M. Dacy & Co.,* mac. emp., 20; stock used, 175,000 Ibs. ; val., $75,000 ; production, women's shoes; m. emp., 35 to 40 ; f. emp., 8 to 10 ; wages during the year, $25,000 to $27,000 ; market, Southern and Western States. Carriages. Elias Monk, (North) val. of stock used, $200 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages paid during the year, $600. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Rakes. C. M. & H. A. Irish,* production, 350 doz. ; val., $900. Trunk Cleats. C. M. & H. A. Irish,* production, 300,000 ; val., $2,100. BYRON. Long and Short Lumber. Harriman Bancroft, cap., $1,500 ; water pow., 25 ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, pine, spruce, maple, birch, 100 M; val., $1,000; production, boards and plank, 100 M; val., $1,500; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $150 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. Alv. 0. Reed, [See Shingles and Clapboards.] Shingles and Clapboards. Alv. 0. Reed, cap., $500; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, pine, spruce, cedar and fir, 50 M ; val., $500 ; pro- duction, shingles, 100 M ; val., $300; clapboards, 30 M ; val., $500; total val., $800; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $200 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. CANTON. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Cyrus Hutchins, (no ret. of cap. ; ) water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, 1,700 sides upper leather, 4,000 calf skins ; * Compiled from othor source*. 9 130 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DIXFIELD. OXFORD Co. total val., $7,000 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation; market Bos- ton. (Nothing paid for labor.) DENMARK. Clothing:. 0. 0. Pendexter,* f. emp., 120. DIXFIELD. Toothpicks. ( Factory just started ; name of proprietor unknown.*) Wool Carding. E. G. Reynolds, cap., $1,500 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; m. emp., 1; 6 mos. of the year in operation. (Home manu- facturing. Other particulars in return omitted.) FRYEBURG. Harnesses. John Evans, cap., $2,000 ; val. of stock used, $1,200. (Other particulars in return omitted.) GILEAD. Bobbins and Spools. Bennett & Jewett, cap., $4,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; stock used, white birch, 600 cords; val., $2,400; poplar; production, bob- bins and spools, val., $6,500 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, bobbins, Lewiston ; spools, Holyoke, Mass. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) GREENWOOD. Flouring: and Grist Mill Products. John G. Tebbets, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 15 h. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Spools. Dearborn & Tebbets, cap., $20,000 ; water and steam pow., 70 h. ; mac. emp., 24; stock used, white birch, 600,000 ft.; val., $12,000 ; production, thread and silk spools, 200,000 gross; val., $33,000; m. emp., 25; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $15,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. OXFORD Co. HANOVEE. Spool Stock. Swan & Duston, (Locke's Mills) cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 3 circular saws; stock used, white birch, 115 cords ; val., $400 ; production, spool lumber, 45,000 ft. ; val., $1,000 ; m. emp., T to 8 ; f. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $100; av. weekly wages, $5; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. HANOVER. Boxes, Wooden. Russell & Beattie, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 5; stock used, poplar and white birch, 300 cords; val., $1,050; production, salt box shooks, 75,000; val., $3,525; spool stock; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $400 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and Locke's Mills. Carriages. Charles R. Abbott, water pow., 10 h. ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted. Shop hardly in running order.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Jonathan A. Virgin, [Particulars in return omitted.] Furniture. Samuel W. Holt, (Particulars in return omitted. See Sash, Doors and Blinds.) Leather, Tanned. J. D. & W. B. Russell, cap., $500; water pow.; mac. emp., 2 ; production, upper and harness leather; val., $2,000 ; m. emp., 2; 12 mos. in operation; market home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Jonathan A. Virgin, cap., $500 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, 50,000 ; val., $500 ; production, boards, clap- boards, laths and pickets; total val., $2,000; m. emp., 2; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. Charles W. Silver, water pow., 10 h. ; market, home. (Unable to furnish particulars. Shop just put in running order.) Samuel W. Holt, cap., $1,000; water pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp , 7; stock used, hard and soft wood, 20,000; val., $600; produc- 132 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. HIRAM. OXFORD Co. tion, sash, doors and blinds, furniture and coffins ; total val., $1,200; m emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Spool Stock. Russell '& Beattie, (Other particulars in return omitted. See Boxes.) Wool Carding. Hanover Manufacturing Company, production, rolls and stock- ing yarn. (Other particulars in return omitted.) HARTFORD. [No return.] HEBRON. Three shingle mills and one saw mill returned ; production, boards, plank, shingles and laths. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) HIRAM. "Long and Short Lumber. James R. Milliken, ( Kezar Palls ) cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, pine, 2,000; val., $40; hemlock, 100,000; val., $900; hard wood, val., $60; total val., $1,000; in. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $150 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, at mill. S. D. Wadsworth, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, oak, 90 cords; val., $540; pine, 10 cords ; val., $60 ; total val., $600 ; production, staves, 30 M ; val., $900 ; shingles, 60 M; val., $150; wood, 40 cords; val., $100 ; total val., $1,150; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $225; av. week- ly wages, $9; 30 days and 13 nights of the year in operation; market, Portland, for staves ; shingles sawed for customers. Emery & Sanborn,* ( Great Falls ) production, pine, spruce, hemlock lumber, and staves. Shingles. S. D. Wadsworth, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves. S. D. Wadsworth, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Emery & Sanborn, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] * Compiled from other source! 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 133 OXFORD Co. LOVELL. , _____ _ , , . . . . - LOVELL. Bedstead Posts. Heald & Harriman, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Goads. Joseph P. Hazeltine, [ See Handles.] Handles, Axe. Joseph P. Hazeltine, cap., $200 ; stock used, oak, 10 cords ; val., $120 ; production, axe handles, whip stocks and goads. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Heald & Harriman, cap., $1,400 ; water pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., 9 ; val. of stock used, $1,777 ; production, bedstead posts, 75 M ; val., $900; oak staves, 50 M; val., $1,000 ; shingles, 54 M; val., $135 ; spool stock, 14 M; val., $252; pine, 22 M; val., $330 ; hemlock boards, 50 M ; val., $500 ; hard wood, 5 M ; val , $75; total val., $3,192; m. emp,, 8; wages during the year, $741 ; av. weekly wages, $9.50 ; 6J mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, home. Nutter, Locke & Co., [No return.] Shingles. Heald & Harriman, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Spool Stock. Heald & Harriman, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves. Heald & Harriman, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] Hazeltine & Hill, ( About building a mill with steam power for the manufacture of spools, staves, &c. Will not have it running before October 1st.) Sampson H. Harriman, cap., $4,000; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, oak, 150 M ; val., $5,000 ; poplar, birch and pine ; spruce for shingles, clapboards, laths, &c. ; val., $100 ; total val., $5,100 ; ( no return of quantity or value of production ;) m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year; $1,560 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market for staves, Portland. B. F. Smith,* m. emp., 45. * Compiled from other sources. 134 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. MASON. OXFORD Co. MASON. Bobbin and Spool Stock. N. Trask,* water pow. ; stock used, white birch, 300 cords ; market, Locke's Mills and Lewiston. Handles, Shovel* N. Trask,* water pow. ; production, 1,000 doz. ; market, Easton, Mass. Long and Short Lumber. A. A. Grover,* cap., $400 ; water power. NEWRY. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Newry Tannery, [No return.] NORWAY. Boots and Shoes. Mixer & Clark, cap., $1,000 - r val. of stock used, $1,400 ; pro- duction, boots, 600 pairs; val., $2,400 ; shoes, 200 pairs; val., $300 ; total val., $2,700; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Spinney & Co., [No return.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. D. W. Beal, cap., $5,000 ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, woolens, 2,000 yards ; val., $4,000 ; production, 300 suits ; val., $8,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,500 ; av. weekly wages, $6.50 ; 12 mos. in operation. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. J. W. & A. GL Parsons,* cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones ; stock used, corn 30,000 bush., wheat 25,000 bush. ; 12 mos. in operation. Glue Stock. John L. Home, [See Leather.] Handles, Shovels. Albert Sanborn & Son,* cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; stock used, 500 cords ash ; production, shovel handles, 10,000 doz. ; It) mos. of the year in operation. * Compiled from other souroes. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 135 OXFORD Co. OXFOBD. Harnesses. C. S. Tucker, cap., $2,000 ; val. of stock used, $2,500 ; production, harnesses, 85 ; val., $2,650 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos., in operation; market, mostly local. Leathers Tanned and Curried. John L. Home,* cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, hides 16,000, bark 1,000 cords, lime 150 casks, oil 200 bbls., tallow 200 bbls., palm oil 6 tons; production, wax leather 32,000 sides, splits 96,000 Ibs., glue stock 25 tons ; m. emp., 35 ; 12 mos. in operation. Mixer & Watson,* cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; stock used, hides 2,600, lime 50 casks. Piano-Forte, Organ and Melodeon Keys. A. J. Nevers, [No return.] Printing and Publishing. Simeon Drake, newspaper and job, Norway Advertiser, weekly. [No return.] Wood Pulp. L. Dennison & Co., cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 150 ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, green poplar, 2 cords per day; val., $8; production, 2,000 Ibs. wood pulp, dry weight, in 24 hours ; val., $100 ; m. emp., 10 to 12 ; wages during the year, $5,500 ; av. weekly wages, $8 to $21 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Massa- chusetts, New York, Illinois and other States. (Including $2 per ton for trucking to railroad, pulp averages $4.50 per ton dry weight.) Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. Geo. A. Cole, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2 sets; stock used, wool, 12,000 Ibs.; val., $7,200; production, rolls, 11, 000 Ibs. ; val., $8,800; m. emp., 2; ch. emp., 1; wages during the year, $200 ; 4 months of the year in operation. OXFORD. Dies, Edge Tools. James M. Abbott & Co., ( Welchville) cap., $1,700; steam pow., 5 h. ; mac. emp., 14 ; stock used, cast steel, sheet brass, &c. ; * Compiled from other sources. 136 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. PARIS. OXFORD Co. production, letters and figures, saws, files, stamps, taps, dies, &c. ; m. emp., 5 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States and Canada. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Handles, Shovel. Solon Rawson & Co.,* cap., $6,680 ; water pow., 70 h. ; pro- duction, 7,000 dozen. Leather Board. Emery Andrews & Co., ( Welchville ) cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 12 ; production, 3 grades leather board, 1,600 and 2,000 Ibs. daily; val., $150 and $200; m. emp., 12 to 14; wages during the year,$5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9; llj mos. of the year in operation ; market, Auburn, Portland and Boston. ( One-third of product is sold in Maine ; balance goes to Boston. Other particulars in return omitted.) Shoe Pegs. B. F. Sturtevant,* cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 10 h. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. f J. F. Dennison, [No return.] Woolen Goods. John Harper,* cap., $40,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 sets cards ; production, repellants and cashmeres ; 11 mos. of the year in operation. Robinson Manufacturing Co.,* cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 7 sets cards; production, repellants; 12 mos. in operation. PARIS. Barrels. Paris Flouring Co., stock used, birch wood, 250 cords ; val., $1,300; production, barrels, 12,000; val., $6,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation. ( Barrels manufactured for company. See Flouring and Grist Mill Products.) Canned Corn. Burnham & Morrill, [ See Portland.] Carriages and Sleds, Children's. Paris Manufacturing Co.,* cap., $50,000. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 137 OXFORD Co. PARIS. George B. Crockett & Co., cap., $15,000 ; steam pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 19; stock used, lumber, 40,000 feet; val., $700; iron, 25,000 Ibs. ; val., $2,000 ; paints ; val., $800 ; hardware ; val., $3,000 ; total val., $6,500 ; production, children's carriages, 150 ; val., $1,500; doll carriages, 3,000; val., $3,800; sleds, 8,000; val., $12,000; rakes, 3,500; val., $3,000; total val., $9,500; m. emp., 30; f. emp., 2; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $10,000 ; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine, Boston, Providence and other New England cities, New York and St. Louis. Carriages and Sleighs. Andrews & Packard, (North ) cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 15 h ; mac. emp., 6 ; val. of stock used, $2,500 ; production, carriages, 25 ; sleighs, 25 ; total val., $5,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted. Business to be increased.) Flouring an,d Grist Mill Products. Paris Flouring Co., ( South ) cap., $60,000 ; water pow., 80 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs stones ; stock used, wheat, 50,000 bush. ; corn, 30,000 bush. ; total val., $115,000 ; production, flour, 12,000 bbls. ; meal, 30,000 bush. ; total val., $135,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $3,600 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine and New Hampshire. Eliab W. Murdock, (North) cap., $3,000; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 3 runs stones ; production, wheat flour, corn, rye and barley meal ; val., $12,000 ; m. emp., 1 ; (no return of wages ; ) 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Furniture. J. H. Barrows, (West) cap., $2,000 ; val. of production, $5,000; m. emp., 3. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Parker Green, ( North ) cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, logs, 300,000; production, sawed lumber, 300,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) William L. Chase, ( North ) cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, shingles, staves, laths, boards, &c. ; m. emp., 1 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) 138 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. PERU. OXFORD Co. Printing and Publishing. Fred. E. Shaw, newspaper and job, Oxford Democrat, weekly. [ No return.] S. R. Carter, newspaper and job, Oxford Register, weekly. No return.] Rakes. George B. Crockett & Co., [See Carriages and Sleds.] Paris Hill Manufacturing Co., [No return.] Shingles and Staves. William L. Chase, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] PERU. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. W. K. Ripley, [ No return.] V. A. Dunn, [ No return.] Furniture. V. A. Dunn, [ No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Cyrus Dunn, [ No return.] John C. Wyman, do E. G. Austin, do Edgar Howard, do W. K. Ripley, do Starch. Kimball, Cummings & Dunn, [No return.] PORTER. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Holmes & Towle, [No return.] Furniture. J. S. JVIoulton, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Calvin Robbins, [No return.] . J. Weeks, do Elisha Stanley & Son, do G. W. Colcord, do Wm. F. Gentleman, do 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 139 OXFORD Co. RUMFORD. RUMFORD. Black smithing. Wm. D. Abbott, cap., $800; val. of stock, $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Starch. J. W. Bennett, cap., $2,500 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., several; stock used, potatoes, 1,000 bush.; val., $1,750; pro- duction, 28 tons ; val., $3,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Springfield, Mass. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) STONEHAM. Boxes, Wooden. Horace S. Brown, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 85 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, birch, 300 cords; val., $1,500; production, salt boxes; val., $1,500; staves, 100,000; val., $800; headings, 5,000 prs. ; val., $300 ; shingles, 100 M ; val., $300 ; total val., $2,900 ; m. emp., 10 ; av. weekly wages, $10.50 ; (no return of time in operation;) market, Boston for staves, headings and boxes ; home for shingles. Headings and Staves. Horace S. Brown, [See Boxes.] Evans & McAllister, [No return.] Woodworth & Brown, water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used ash and birch, 50,000 ; val., $750 ; production, staves, 50 M ; val., $150; headings, 15,000 prs.; val., $300; total val., $1,050; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $250; av. weekly wages, $10; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber. John How, [No return.] McAllister & Plummer, [No return.] Shingles. Horace S. Brown, [See Boxes.] Spools and Spool Stock. Horace S. Brown, production, 200 gross per day ; val.,;;$44 ; market, New York. (See Boxes for cap., stock used and persons emp.) 140 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. STOW. OXFORD Co. Geo. E. Paul, production, thread and silk spools. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Win. Hazeltine, [No return.] Woodworth & Brown, *cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, ash and birch, 600 cords ; val., $2,400 ; val. of production, $12,000 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,150 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New York. Evans & McAllister, [No return.] STOW. Flouring and Grist Mill Products; 0. & A. Charles, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of stock used, $6,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Short Lumber. L. E. Emerson, cap., $1,200 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, hemlock, spruce, pine and fir, 500,000 ; val., $2,500. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Spool Stock. Learitt & Bonnell, cap., $8,000 ; steam pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 12; stock used, white birch, 300 cords; val., $1,200. (Other particulars in return omitted.) SUMNER. Long and Short Lumber* Charles K. Gammon, (East) cap., $2,000; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 2; production, hemlock boards, 80,000; val., $960; shingles, 78 M ; val., $195 ; total val., $1,155 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $433.40; av. weekly wages, $7.50; 1J mos. of the year in operation. UPTON. [No return,] * Includes capital in manufacturing of headings and staves. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. OXFORD Co. WATKRFQ.RD. WATERFORD. Boxes, Wooden. G. J. Ilamlin, ( South ) cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 5; stock used, poplar, 100 cords; birch, 100 cords; pine, 50 cords; total val., $1,000; production, boxes; val., $3,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) William W. Watson, ( South ) cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, poplar, 500 cords; val., $2,000; pro- duction, salt boxes, 200,000 ; val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, Portland, Boston, and New Haven, Conn. Albert Stanwood, ( South ) [ No return.] Carriages. Pingree & Hall, ( South ) cap,, $4,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 11 ; val. of stock used, $1,100 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland, Lewieton, and throughout State. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) L. P. Rowe, ( South ) [ No return.] Leather, Tanned and Curried. Hector M. Buswell, ( North ) cap., $8,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, bark, 200 cords; val., $1,400; hides, 2,000; val., $12,000 ; total val., $13,400 ; production, leather, 4,000 sides; val., $36,000; leather splits, 4,000; val., $2,000; total val., $38,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,872; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber* Josiah Monroe, [No return,] Cobb & Hapgood, (South) do Lyman P. Jewett, (North) do Geo. I. Hamlin, do Shooks. Josiah Monroe, (South) [No return.] John B. Rand, (North) do "Wool Carding. Zebedee Perry, (South) cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp , 2; stock used, about 12,000 Ibs. wool carded; production, rolls ; val., $6,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; f. em., 1 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) 142 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WOODSTOCK. OXFORD Co. WOODSTOCK. Sash, Doors and Coffins* I. W. Andrews, (South) cap., $3,000; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., several ; stock used, birch, spruce, pine, trimmings; val., $2,000 ; (no return of quantity or val. of production;) m. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $150 ; 12 mos. in opera- tion ; market, Maine. MILTON PLANTATION. Carriages. Keuben T. Allen, *cap., $6,500; f steam pow., 30 h. ; produc- tion, carriages, 40 ; val., $4,500 ; m. emp., 4 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; av. weekly wages, $40 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Oxford county. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Benj. Swett, *cap., $4,500; f water pow., 30 h. ; val. of pro- duction, $1,000 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,000 ; av. weekly wages, $20 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Oxford Co. Long and Short Lumber. Keuben T. Allen, production, boards 50,000, spool stock, laths, &c. ; val., $1,000; m. emp., 10; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $900; 3 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Benj. Swett, production, shingles, boards, pickets, laths, &c. ; val., $3,800 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $900 ; av. weekly wages, $4.50 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Wm. T. Greenleaf & Co., cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, poplar, spruce, fir, hemlock; val., $700 ; (no return of kinds, quantity, or val. of production ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $450 ; av. weekly wages, $5.00 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Shingles, Laths and Pickets. Benj. Swett, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Spool Stock. Reuben T. Allen, [See Long and Short Lumber.] * Includes capital in saw mill. f Includes power in saw mill. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 143 PENOBSCOT Co. BANGOB. PENOBSOOT COUNTY. ALTON. Leather, Tanned. Milliken, Murray & Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Milliken, Murray & Co., [No return.] ARGYLE. Long and Short Lumber. Isaac Foster, [No return.] Comstock & Higgins, [No return.] BANGOR. Beer and Soda Water. A. B. Robinson, cap., $5,000 ; val. of stock used, $1,850 ; val. of production, $5,000; wages during the year, $1,152; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor and vicinity. Belting. Isaac M. Currier, cap., $14,000 ; steam pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, slaughter hides, 2,000 ; val., $14,000; 400 cords bark ; production, belting leather, 60,000 Ibs. ; val., $22,000 ; m. emp., 4; av. weekly wages, $11; 12 mos. in operation"; market, Bangor and Lowell, Mass. Blocks and Pumps. John C. Young, cap., $3,000; mac. emp., 3; stock used, ash 10 M, lignum vitas 8 tons; val., $150 ; production, ships' blocks and pumps; val., $8,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $20 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Bangor and vicinity. Boots and Shoes. Parker & Peakes, cap., $5,000; mac. emp., 12; stock used, sole leather, 22,000 Ibs. ; val., $5,920 ; upper leather, 25,000 ft. ; 144 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BANGOR. PENOBSCOT Co. val., $6,250 ; splits, 9,000 Ibs. ; val., $3,420; calfskins, 10 doz. ; val., $620 ; linings and findings of all kinds, $1,900 ; total val., $17,110; production, men's boots, 875 doz. ; val., $35,875 ; boys' boots, 104 doz. ; val., $3,224 ; men's shoes, 35 doz. ; ral., $3,150 ; boys' shoes, 45 doz. ; val., $3,300 ; total val., $45,549 ; m. emp., 19; f. emp., 5; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $13,000; av. weekly wages, $10.42; 11 mos. of the year in operation; market, Maine. Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. Thomas T. Ham, [No return.] Burnetized Wood. Eastern Burnetizing Co.,* cap., $30,000 ; steam pow., 25 h. ; val. of production, $20,000 ; market, South America, Massachu- setts, &c. Cant Dogs. Peavey & Burr, [See Edge Tools.] Carvings. Thomas Seavey & Son, [No return.] Cigars. Charles Sorentz, cap., $600 ; stock used, foreign Havana, and domestic Connecticut tobacco, 700 bbls. ; val., $470 ; production, cigars, 30,000 ; val., $1,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Penob- scot county. (Employ 1 boy stripping tobacco ; wages $3 a week.) Clapboards. James Walker & Co.,* cap., $5,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 2 ; production, 1,000,000 ; val., $20,000. William T. Pearson,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 700,000 ; val., $14,000. Clothing, Men's and Boys'. Wheelwright, Clark & Co., cap., $100,000; mac. emp., 30; val. of production, $150,000; m. emp., 12; f. emp., 100; wages during the year, $25,000 ; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, Maine and Provinces. William H. Prescott, cap., $5,000; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, woolens, 4,000 yards and trimmings ; val., $15,000 ; production, 600 suits for men and boys ; val , $25,000 ; m. emp., 4; f. emp., * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 145 PENOBSCOT Co. BANGOR. 8 ; wages during the year, $4,100 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor and vicinity. Coffee, Roasted and Ground. William IE. Adam*, cap., $10,000; steam pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp., 3; val., of stock, $22,000 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $3,000; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. Confectionery. A. L. & R. C. Boyd, cap., $10,000; stock used, sugar, 36,000 Ibs. ; val., $5,000; production, candy, 40,000 Ibs. ; val., $8,000; m. emp., 9; wages during the year, $4,400; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation; market, Aroostook, Piscataquis, Han- cock, Waldo and Penobscot counties. Dies. Petivey & Burr, [See Edge Tools.] J. W. Strange & Son,* cap., $800 ; production, steel letters and dies. Ed?re Tools. Peavey & Burr,* production, edge tools, moccasin dies, cant dogs; m. emp., 20. Kirnball & Sanford,* (Dingo Saw Works) steam pow., 15 h, ;.- mac. emp., 2; production, shingle, circular, board and gang saws ; val , $50,000 ; m. emp., 10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England. Excelsior, for Upholstering. Dule Brothers, [See Furniture.] Files and Rasps. Job (Jollett, water and steam pow., 4 h; stock used, steel, 12 tons; val., $4,000; production, 6,000 doz. ; val., $18,000; m. emp , 18; wages during the year, $9,000; 12 mos. in operation; majket, Maine. (Files all cut by hand. Power only used for grinding.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. A. 11. Thaxter & (Jo., cap., $90,000; steam pow., 50 h. ; rnac. emp., 2; stock used, corn, 100,000 bush. ; val., $80,000; produc- tion, meal, 111,000 bush.; val., $85,000 ; m. ernp., 3; wages dur_ ing the year, $1,700; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 12 rnos. in operation market, Bangor and vicinity. * Compiled from other sources. 10 146 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BANGOR. PENOBSCOT Co. Furniture. Dole Brothers, cap., $15,000 ; steam pow., 18 h; mac. emp., 10; production, furniture of all kinds, excelsior, &c. ; val., $20,000; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $5,000; av, weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine. Oilman Brothers,* steam pow., 10 h. ; val. of production, $20,000; m. emp., 10. G. W. Merrill & Co.,* val. of production, $100,000 ; m. emp., 25. C. II. Tebbetts & Co.,* cap., $2,000; vai. of production, $2,000. C. C. Prescott,* cap., $2,000; val. of production, $2,000. Gas. Bangor Gas Light Co., cor. co. ; cap., $150,000; steam pow., 5 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, bituminous coal, 1,500 tons ; val., $15,000 ; production, illuminating gas 12,000,000 cubic feet, coke 20,000 bush., tar 250 bbls. ; total val., $46,000; m, emp., 10; wages during the year, $8,000; 12 mos. in operation; market, Bangor. Granite Work. S. F. Jones & Son, cap., $4,000 ; stock used, 20,000 ft. granite ; val., $3,500; production, all kinds granite work, 10,000 super- ficial ft. ; val., $8,000 to $10,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $3,780 ; av. weekly wages, $21 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor and vicinity. Harnesses. Edward Jordan, cap., $1,000; stock used, leather 1,800 Ibs. ; val., $800; hardware, val., $450; total val., $1,250; production, harnesses, 70; val., $2,250; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation; market, Penobscot county. (Repairs are not included in this return.) Hollow Ware. Wood, Bishop & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Hinckley & Holt, [See Stoves.] Horse Collars. Parkhurst & Webb, [See Trunks, Valises and Bags.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 147 PENOBSCOT Co. BANGOK. Iron, Castings. Ilinckley & Egery Iron Co.,* cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 50 h. j stock used, pig iron, 800 tons; production, iron castings, 700 tons; val., $70,000; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $15,000. [See Machinery.] Muzzy Iron Works,* cap., $30,000 ; steam pow., 25 h. ; stock used, pig iron, 550 tons ; production, castings. (In foundry and machine shop 65 hands are employed, with a pay roll of about $3,000 per month. In both establishments a business of about $140,000 is done. See Machinery.) Michael Schwartz, [See Machinery.] Wood, Bishop & Co.,* cap., $40,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; pro- duction, stoves, ranges, furnaces, hollow ware and other castings. (This firm employs in foundry and tin ware establishment 60 hands, with a pay roll of about $4,000 per month.) Laths. James Walker & Co.,* cap., $5,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp.^ 50 saws; production, 15,000,000; val., $28,000. Wm. T. Pearson,* cap., $10,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 20 $- saws; production, 15,000,000; val., $28,000. Leather, Tanned. Chapin Humphrey, cap., $10,000 ; stock used, 60,000 sheep- skins ; val., $21,000. [See Wool, Cleaning and Pulling.] Long and Short Lumber. C. G. Sterns & Co., cap., $75,000; steam pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 4; production, pine, 1,500,000; val., $30,000; spruce,, 10,000,000; val., $150,000; hemlock, 2,000,000; val., $25,000; total val., $205,000; m. emp., 75; wages during the year, $30,- 000 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England , States, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Wm. T. Pearson,* cap., $75,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 172, saws; production, boards, 20,000,000; val., $300,000; m. emp., 60. (Mills at West Great Works.) James Walker & Co.,* cap., $20,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp.., 225 saws; production, timber and boards, 2,400,000-; :m. emp.., 100. (Mills at Basin Mills, Orono.) D. R. Stockwell & Co., [No return.] S. B. Gilman & Co., [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. 148 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. BANGOR. PENOBSCOT Go. Lumber, Planed. Blake, Dole & Co., [No return.] Dole & Fogg, do \Vm. T. Pearson, do Machinery. Iliuckley & Egery Iron Co.,* cap., $70,000 ; steam pow., 50 h. ; stock used, wrought iron 200 tons, forgings, &c. ; production, steam engines, mill machinery; val., $150,000; ra. cmp., 60. Muzzy Iron Works,* cap., $68,000; steam pow., 25 h. ; stock used, wrought iron ; val., $5,000 ; production, machinery, &c. Michael Schwartz, cap, $20,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 11; stock used, iron, steel, lumber, lead, tin, &c. ; val., $10,OuO; production, castings, steam engines, mill machinery; vat, $25,000; in. cmp., 10; wages during the year, $8,840; av. weekly wages, $17 ; 12 rnos. in operation; market, mostly in Maine. Moccasins. J. 0' B. Darling, mac. emp., 4; production, boot and shoe moccasins, 65,000 pairs; val., $115,000; m. emp., 30; wages during the year, $15,000; av. "weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation ; market, one-eighth in Maine, balance in Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Detroit. Moldings. Blake & Dole, cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; mac. cmp., 9 ; m. emp., 6 to 18 ; wages during the year, $4,000 ; av. weekly wages, $2 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Plows. Muzzy Iron Works,* cap., $2,000; val. of production, $1,000. [See Iron, Castings ] Printing and Publishing.f John II. Lynde, newspaper and job, Whig and Courier, daily arid weekly. [No return.] Marcellus Emery, newspaper, Daily Commercial and Weekly Democrat. [No return.] Northern Border Co., newspaper, Northern Border, weekly. [[No return.] Benj. A. Burr, job and book. [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. f Total cap. of newspaper publishers, $60,000; total val. of production, $90,000; total number of hands emp., 50; total wages, $20,000. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 149 PEXOBSCOT Co. BANGOK. Saws. Kimball & Sanford, [See Edge Tools.] Michael Schwartz, cap., $15,000; steam pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 14; stock used, mostly steel, 40 tons; val., $15,000 ; val. of production, $30,000 ; m. emp. ,'8 ; wages during the year, $6,708 ; av. weekly wages, $1612J; 12 mos. in operation; market, United States and New Brunswick. Shawl Straps* Parkhurst & Webb, [See Trunks, Valises and Bags.] Shingles* James Walker & Co.,* cap., $5,000 ; water pow. ; production, 10,000,000; val., $30,000. Wm. T. Pearson,* cap., $5,000; water pow., 5 h. ; production, 4,000,000; val., $12,000. (Soap, Candles and Potash* Parker, Stoddard & Ilellier, [No return.] P. Keefe, [No return.] [No return.] (The total cap. of these three establishments is $15,000 ; val. of production, $30,000; hands emp., 15; wages during the year, $7,200.) Steam Engines. Ilinckley & Egery Iron Co., [See Machinery.] Michael Schwartz, [See Machinery.] Stoves. Wood, Bishop & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Ilinckley & Holt,* stock used, 1 to 2 tons iron per day; pro- duction, cook stoves, hollow and tin ware; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $14,400. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Wood, Bishop & Co.,* cap., $10,000; val. of production, $11,000. Ilinckley & licit, [Sea Stoves.] Treadles. Tucker & White,* production, sewing machine treadles, 100 per week. - * Compiled from other sources. 150 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BRADLEY. PENOBCCOT Co. Truuks, Valises and Bags, Parkhurst & Webb, cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, wood, leather, iron; val., $30,000 ; produc- tion,*trunks, valises, bags, shawl straps, horse collars, &c. ; val., $40,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, 10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and other States. Wool, Cleaning and Pulling. Chapin Humphrey, cap., $50,000 ; stock used, wool-skins, 60,000; val., $60,000; val. of wool, $25,000. [See Leather.] BRADFORD. Barrels. Gay & Kingsbury, [No return.] Leather, Tanned. C. P. Church & Son, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Dennis Blither, [No return.] Shingles. Reuel Gowan, [No return.] BRADLEY. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Assignees of Blackman Brothers, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Great Falls Milling and Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 400 h. ; mac. emp., 22 ; production, long lumber, 20,000 M; laths, 15,000 M; shingles, 15,000 M; total val., $500,000; m. emp., 200; wages during the year, $50,000; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, West Indies and South America. ( Members of company reside in Bangor. Business extends from that city to head waters of the Penobscot.) Assignees of Blackman Brothers, cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 80 h. ; production, shingles, 1,000 M ; long lumber, 500 M ; staves, 1,000,000; headings, 1,000,000; total val., $20,000 ; m. emp., 5; * Composed of Cutler, Thatcher & Co., and Babb & Strickland. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. PEXOBSCOT Co. BREWER. wages during the year, $200 ; 1 month of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. ( This company built a mill at the outlet of Nichols' stream, at a cost of $18,000, -and afterwards failed, and the property now in the hands of assignees is lying idle.) Welch & Perkins, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 4; production, shingles, 1,000 M; long lumber, 500 M; total val., $15,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $5,000; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor and Auburn. Shingles and Spool Stock. Sawyer & Sons, cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, shingles, 500 M ; spool timber, 200 M ; total val., $7,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $2,000; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Assignees of Blackman Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Welch & Perkins, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves and Headings. Assignees of Blackman Brothers, [See Long and Short Lumber.] BREWER. Barrels. James A. Mayo, cap., $1,750 ; val. of stock used, $2,500 ; pro- duction, barrels, 5,000; val., $5,000; .m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,500; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation; market, Massachusetts. Boats. Henry J. Leach, cap., $1,200; val. of stock used, $970; pro- duction, boats, 40; val., $2,600; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,200; av. weekly wages, $15; 12 mos. in operation; market, Bangor. Boots and Shoes. Emerson Batchelder, cap., $5,000 ; val. of stock used, $5,500 ; production, boots and shoes, 2,000 pairs ; val., $10,000 ; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $3,600; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Brick. James ITarlow, cap., $2,200; mac. emp., 2; production, 750,- 000; val., $5,300; m. emp., 7; wages during the year, $1,700; 152 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BREWER. PENOBSCOT Co. av. weekly wages, $12 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Michael J. Walsh, cap., $1,000; mac. emp., 1; production, 100,000; val., $700; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $470; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. John F. Walsh, cap., $4,000; mac. emp., 3; production, 700,- 000; val., $4,900; m. emp., 7; wages during the year, $2,000; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Elbridge Ilarlow, cap., $800; mac. ernp., 1 ; production, 180,. 000; val., $1,250; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $130; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Almon Clark, cap., $2,350; mac. emp., 2; production, 425,- 000; val., $3,000; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Massachusetts. Jefferson Chamberlain, cap., $1,325; mac. emp., 2; production, 150,000 ; val., $1,050 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $700 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation, market, Massachusetts. John Dohorty, cap., $4,750 ; mac. emp., 3; production, 1,000,- 000 ; val., $7,000 ; m. ernp., 12; wages during the year, $4,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Patrick Dunn, cap., $1,820 ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, C50,- 000; val., $4,500; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $1,100; av. weekly wages, $12 ; (no return of time in operation ;) maiket, home and Massachusetts. Thomas Dunn, cap., $1,300; mac. emp., 2; production, 400,- 000 ; val., $2,800 ; m. emp , 5 ; wages during the year, $900 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; maiket, home and Massachusetts. Joseph Holyoke, cap., $900; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 300,- 000; val., $2,100; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $720; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Frank S. Gratian, cap., $2,675 ; mac. emp., 4 ; production, 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 153 PEXOBSCOT Co. BUEWEB. 540,000 ; val., $3,780 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $1,400 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. John AV. Ilolyoke, cap., $1,400 ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 370,- 000; val., $2,600; in. emp., 3; wages during the year, $460; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Wm. II. II. Wilson, cap., $2,500; mac. emp., 2; production, 630,000; val. ,$4,200; m.emp.,4; wages during the year, $1,100; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Stilman A. Wilson, cap., $1,500 ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 350,- 000 ; val., $2,450 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $825 ; av. weekly wages, $14; 5 mos. of the year in operation; market, home and Massachusetts. Henry A. Ilarlow, cap., $1,725 ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, 150,- 000 ; val., $1,050 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $720 ; av. weekly wages, $14; 2 mos. of the year in operation; market, home and Boston. Zenas R. Farrington, cap., $350 ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 50,- 000; val., $350; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $200; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. S. II. & C. II. II. Burr, cap., $1,100 ; mac. emp., 2 ; production, 250,000 ; val., $1,750 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $450 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. O'Brian Brothers, cap., $1,700 ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, 600,- 000; val., $4,200; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. George L. Blake, cap., $1,840; mac. emp., 2; production, 475,- 000; val., $3,400; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,150; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Boston. L. E. Sabine, cap., $2,500 ; mac. emp., 3 ; production 900,000 ; val., $6,300; m. emp., 11; wages during the year, $3,100; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. 154 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BREWER. PENOBSCOT Co. William Long, cap., $3,700; mac. cmp., 4; production, 950,- 000 ; val., $6,650 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $2,300 ; av. weekly wages, $13.50 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. Kingsbury & Hall, cap., $2,500; mac. emp., 3; production, 900,000 ; val., $6,300 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $2,250 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Massachusetts. II. M. & J. R. Farrington, cap., $3,000; mac. emp., 3; pro- duction, 500,000; val., $3,500; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $14 ; 5 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. Brewer Brick Company, cor. co. ; cap., $32,000; steam pow\, 70 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, pressed brick, 5,000,000; va*y $50,000; m. emp., 56; f. emp., 3; av. weekly wages, $10; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home, Massachusetts and Southern States. Brick Machines and Moulds. Silas A. Nye, [No return.] Rider & Young, cap., $600 ; production, machines, 16 ; moulds, 200 ; total val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $300; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Carriages and Sleighs. Sawyer Brothers, cap., $600 ; val. of stock used, $500 ; pro- duction,, carriages, 6; sleighs, 4; wheelbarrows, 26 ; total val., $1,430 ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Brastow Brothers, cap., $10,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones ; stock used, corn, 100,000 bush.; val., $80,000; production, meal, 112,000 bush.; val., $86,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $2,160; av. weekly wages, $10.50; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor and Brewer. Hames. Win. Bunker & Son, cap., $4,000; steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 13; stock used, coal, 9j tons; val., $109.06; iron, 10J tons; val., $1,657.82 ; wood, 4,000 pieces ; val., $135.35 ; miscel- laneous; val., $534.72; total val., $2,436.90; production, humes, 3,929 pairs ; val., $4,607.29 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. PENOBSCOT Co. BKEWER. $2,028.62; av. weekly wages, $10.06; 12 mos. in operation; market, United States and British Provinces. Harnesses. James D. Pearson, cap., $1,000 ; val. of stock used, $800 ; val. of production, $1,950 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $250 ; av. weekly wages, $4.75 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Dunning & Eldridge, cap , $10,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, bark, 600 cords ; val., $4,500; production, leather; val., $36,000; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $3,744 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Massachusetts. Long and Short Lumber. Charles Nealy & Sons, cap., $75,000; steam pow., 125 h. ; mac. emp., 5; stock used, logs, 5,000,000; val., $60,000 ; pro- duction, boards, shingles, clapboards, pickets, laths and staves ; val., $84,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $14,000 ; av. weekly wages, $11.25 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Palmer & Johnson, [No return.] D. Sargent & Sons, [See Orrington.] Marble and Granite Work. Penneys & Snow, cap., $2,000 ; val. of stock, $800 ; production, monuments and gravestones; val., $2,400 ; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $825; av. weekly wages; $12; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Sails. Plummer & Currier, [Particulars omitted in return.] Ship Repairing. Wrn. McGilvery, cap., $20,000; steam pow., 50 h. ; marine railways, 2 ; val. of stock used in repairing vessels, $25,000 ; val. of production, $60,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; av. weekly wages, $16.50; 10 mos. of the year in operation. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Holmes & Dennison, cap., $2,000; val. of stock used, $1,800; val. of production, $3,000 ; in. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,200; av. weekly wages, $8; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Wheelbarrows. Sawyer Brothers, [See Carriages and Sleighs.] 156 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. CARMEL. PENOBSCOT Co. CARMEL. Boxes, Wooden. James Garland, cap., $2,500; water pow., 2 h. ; stock used, hard wood, 145 M ; val , $1,200; hemlock, 40,000 ; val., $250; total val., $1,450; production, lemon and orange boxes; val., $2,700; hemlock boards, $400 ; total val., $3,100 ; m. emp., 6 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Long and Short Lumber. James Garland, [See Boxes.] CHARLESTON. [No return.] CHESTER. Long and Short Lumber. Ebberhorse Rotary and Shingle Mill, production, hemlock and Bpruce boards, cedar shingles^ (Other particulars in return omitted.) CLIFTON. Hoops. Benj. Penney, Jr., cap., $1,500; stock used, birch and ash, 300,000 poles ; val., $900. (Other particulars in return omitted.) James G. Hall, cap., $150; stock used, birch and ash, 30,000 poles ; val., $90. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Luther Penney, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 125 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, hardwood, 50 M; val., $500; softwood, 1,500 M ; val., $10,500; total val., $11,000; production, ship plank, shin- gles and boards. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. Luther Penney, [See Long and Short Lumber.] B. F. Penney, cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, spruce, 1,000 M; val., $7,000 ; production, shingles. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Edward Debeck, cap., $700 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, spruce, 1,000 M ; val., $7,000. (Other particulers in return omitted.) 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 157 PENOBSCOT Co. COKINTH. CORNISH. [No return.] CORINNA, [No return.] CORINTH. Blacksmithin?* David S. Coggins, (East) cap., $1,000; val. of stock used, $400 ; val. of production, $1,500; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $900 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Penobscot county. (Principally carriage ironing.) Chas. A. Herrick, val. of stock used, $400 ; val. of production, $1,300; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted. Principally carriage ironing.) Sewall S. Uubbard, val. of stock used, $100; val. of produc- tion, $500 ; m. emp., 1 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted. Principally carriage ironing.) Joseph T. Mayo, val. of stock used, $200; val. of production, $600 ; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted. Principally carriage ironing.) Carriages. Elijih G. Clements, val. of stock used, $300; val. of produc- tion, $1,000; m. emp., 2; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Thomas Gulliver, val. of stock used, $100; val. of production, $600 ; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) James Knowles, val. of stock used, $200 ; val. of production, $1,000 ; m. emp., 1 ; 10 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. James R. Trim, water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 run of stones. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Harnesses. Charles E. Edmunds, val. of stock used, $1,500 ; val. of produc- tion, $3,500 ; m. emp., 3 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) 158 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DEXTER. PEXOBSCOT Co. Long and Short Lumber. James R. Trim, (East) *cap., $2,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hemlock, spruce and cedar; val., $500 ; produc*- tion, boards 75 M, shingles 300 M, laths, pickets; total val., $1,200; m. emp., 3; 5 mos. of the year in operation; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.] Clark Ilersey, water pow.; stock used, hemlock and cedar; val., $500; production, shingles 300 M, boards 75 M; total val., $1,200; m. emp., 3; 3 mos. of the year in operation; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Abel McGregory & Co., water pow. ; stock used, hemlock, spruce, hard wood, cedar and fir; val., $1,100; production, shingles 500 M, boards 100 M, laths and pickets 25 M each ; total val., $2,300; m. emp., 5; 9 mos. of the year in operation; market, Bangor and Boston. (Other particulars in ret. omitted. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. James M. Copp, val. of stock used, $300 ; val. of production, $1,500 ; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. DEXTER. Agricultural Implements. N. Dustin & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] ' Boots and Shoes. Nathan F. Roberts, cap., $2,000 ; stock used, sole leather, 100 sides; val., $700; wax leather, 100 sides; val., $100; calf skins, 144; val., $500; total' val., $1,600; production, boots, 600 pairs; val., $4,200; shoes, 400 pairs ;' val., $1;200 ; total val., $4,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,500; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. A. II. Knight & Co., cap., $7,000 ; stock used, sole leather, 75 sides ; val., $450 ; wax leather, 25 sides ; val., $100 ; calf skins, 144 ; val., $720 ; serge, 4 pieces ; val., $150 ; total val., $1,420 ; production, boots, 400 pairs ; val., $2,800 ; shoes, 400 pairs ; val., $1,200 ; total val., $4,000 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,040; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. iu operation; market, home. Boxes, Packing. Eldridge Brothers, [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] * Includes capital in flour mill. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 159 PENOBSCOT Co. DEXTER. Churns. Eldridgc Brothers, [See Sash, Doors and Blinds.] Clothing. A. C. Stevens, cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, woolen goods, 62,000 yards ; val., $62,000 ; production, pants, 26,000 pairs ; val., $87,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; f. emp., 150 ; wages during the year, $25,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 12 mos. in operation. (The cloth is furnished by Boston parties, for whom the produc- tion is manufactured.) George W. Lincoln, cap., $1,500 ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, woolen cloth, 1,300 yards ; val., $2,600 ; production, coats, 200 ; val., $2,800; vests, 200; val., $700 ; pants, 250; val., $1,750; total val., $5,250 ; f. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $1,040 ; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Coffins and Caskets. Pennington & Tibbetts, [See Furniture.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Amos Abbott & Co., cap., $10,000; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 5 runs of stones ; stock used, all kinds of grain, 40,000 bush. ; val., $60,000; production, 40,000 bush, (toll out); val., $60,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $520 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (This mill is leased by James D. Maxwell, who carries it on.) Furniture. Pennington & Tibbetts, cap., $2,500 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 15 ; val. of stock used, $660 ; production, bedsteads, 1,000 ; val., $3,500 ; tables, 500 ; val., $2,000 ; chairs, 1,000 ; val., $700 ; sinks, 50 ; val., $175 ; coffins and caskets ; val., $900 ; total val., $7,275 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $3,380 ; av. weekly wages, $13 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Dexter and adjoining towns. Harnesses. Parshley & Flynt, cap., $500; stock used, 50 sides; val., $750; trimmings; val., $240; total val., $990; production, har- nesses, 50 ; val., $1,500; trunks, 100; val., $500; valises, 100; val., $200; total val., $2,200; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $520 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. 160 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DEXTEK, PENOBSCOT Co. George Doughty, cap., $400; stock used, 80 sides; val., $480; trimmings ; val., $250 ; total val., 730 ; production, harnesses, 25 ; val., $750; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $208; av. weekly wages, $4; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Smith A. Symonds, cap., $750; stock used, 115 sides; val., $800; tiirnmirigs; val., $400; total val., $1,200; production, harnesses, 75; val., $1,625; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $156; av. weekly wages, $3; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Asa Spooner, cap., $300 ; stock used, 30 sides; val., 210; trimmings; val., ; production, harnesses, 20; val., $500; collars, 36; val., $130; total val., $630; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Horse Collars. Asa Spooner, [See Harnesses.] Iron, Castings. N. Dustin & Co., cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, cast iron, 60 tons ; val., $2,000 ; bar iron, 5 tons ; val., $400 ; coal, 25 tons ; val. ,'$300 ; total val., $2,700 ; produc- tion, stoves, 125; val., $3,000; plows, 40 ; val, $475; saw mills, 2; val., $1,000; clapboard planers, 2; val., $1,000; circular saws, 6; val., $72; excelsior machines, 3; val., $800; cultiva- tors; val., $2,300 ; job work and repairing; val., $1,500; total val., $10,147; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $3,900; av. weekly wages, $12.50 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. Leather, Tanned. Charles Shaw, cap., $25,000 steam pow., 40 h. ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, hides, 15,000; val., $45,000; bark, 2,000 cords; val., $12,000 ; total val., $57,000 ; production, sole leather, 30,000 sides; val., $90,000; rn. emp., 16; wages during the year, $7,488 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber. Ilirani Spooner, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 16 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock tiised, hemlock, hard wood and cedar logs, 1,000 M; pro- duction, boards and timber, 200,000; val., $2,000; shingles, 800 M; val., $2,000; total val., $4,000; in. emp., 2; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. PENOBSCOT Co. DEXTER. Reuben Flanders, cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, hemlock, hard wood, bass and cedar logs, 500,000 ; val., $3,500 ; production, boards and timber, 200,000 ; val., $1,600 ; shingles, 250 M ; val., $700 ; laths, 100 M ; val., $200 ; box shooks, 80 M ; val., $3,200 ; total val., $5,700 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,275; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation; market, lumber, home ; shooks, foreign market, Sicily and Naples. J. & G. A. Abbott, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hemlock, bass wood and hard wood logs, 600,000 feet; val., $3,000 ; production, boards, joists and timber, 600,000 ; val., $6,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,100; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. / Machinery. N. Dustin & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Marble and Granite Work. Wright & Bridges, cap., $2,500 ; stock used, marble, 600 cubic feet; val., $5,000; granite, 250 cubic feet; val., $1,000; total val., $6,000 ; production, marble and granite monuments ; val., $10,000 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Plows. N. Dustin & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Printing and Publishing. R. 0. Robbjus, newspaper and job, Dexter Gazette, weekly; [No return.] Sash, Doors and Blinds. Eldridge Brothers, cap., $15,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 18 ; stock used, pine, bass and hemlock, 100,000 feet;, val., $3,000; production, doors, 1,500; val., $2,625; blinds, aOO set; val., $300; sashes, 15,000 lights; val., $1,000; churns, 400; val., $2,000 ; boxes, 400 ; val., $500 ; planing and job work, $3,000; total val., $9,425; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $2,500; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation ;. market, home. Shingles. Hiram Spooner, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Reuben Flanders, [See Long and Short Lumber.] 11 162 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DEXTER. PENOBSCOT Co. Shooks. Reuben Flanders, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Stoves. N. Dustin & Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Cyrus Foss, cap., $2,000; val. of stock used, $2,160; val. of production, $4,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,040; av. weekly wages, $10 : 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Trunks and Valises. Parshley & Flynt, [See Harnesses.] Wagons, Sleighs and Cart Wheels. Bailey & Elder, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, hard wood plank, 6,000 feet; val., $250; iron; val., $2,000; total val., $2,250; production, wagons ; val., $2,800; sleighs, 9 ; val., $675 ; cart wheels, 12 set ; val., $240 ; job work, $2,000; total val., $5,715; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,872; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Woolen Goods. Amos Abbott & Co., cap., $54,000; water pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., 2 sets cards ; stock used, wool, 80,000 Ibs. ; val., $48,000 ; production, cassimeres, doeskins and flannels, 70,000 yards; val., $80,000; m. emp., 15; f. emp., 16; wages during the year, $11,300 ; av. weekly wages, $7.28 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and Boston. Dexter Mills, cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 120 h. ; mac. emp., 20 'sets cards ; stock used, wool, 703,000 Ibs. ; val., $300,000 ; cotton, 8,000 Ibs.; val., $1,800; cotton warps, 148,000 yards; val., $13,400; silk, 300 Ibs.; val., $5,800; wood, 2,750 cords; val., $9,725; total val., $330,725; production, ladies' cloth, 180,240 yards; val., $198,264; repellants, 135,320 yards ; val., $148,852 ; cassimeres, 65,880 yards; val., $100,320; cassimeres, 118,470 yards; val., $148,088; total val., $595,524; m. emp., 162; f. emp., 142; ch. emp., 21; wages during the year, $97,650; av. weekly wages, $6.70; 12 mos. in operation; market, New York and Boston. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 163 PENOBSCOT Co. DIXMONT. DIXMONT. Handles, Shovel. Henry R. Butterfield, cap., $3,000; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, white ash, 4,000 dozen ; val., $3,000; pro- duction, shovel handles, 4,000 dozen; val., $5,200; m. emp., 14; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 1 month of the year in operation ; market, Philadelphia. Hubs. W. & S. E. Harris, [See Shingles and Staves.] Long and Short Lumber. Alonzo Tasker, (Centre) cap., $800; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 3; val. of stock used, $650; production, shingles, 850 M; val., $525; staves, 25 M; val., $375; long lumber, 50 M; val., $400; total val., $1,300; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $375 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Winterport. Shingles and Staves. Alonzo Tasker, [See Long and Short Lumber.] W. & S. E. Harris, cap., $1,000; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, cedar, spruce and fir; val., $75 ; production, shingles, 100 M, hubs 40 sets ; total val., $250 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $150; av. weekly wages, $7,50; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. EDDINGTON. [No return.] INFIELD. :>ng and Short Lumber. J. & E. H. Treat, [No return.] tingles. Arthur Sawyer, [No return.] 'edges, Rafting. J. N. & E. F. Dinsmore, [No return.] ETNA. Shingles. D. & 0. C. Friend, cap., $1,000; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, cedar and spruce, 75 cords; val., $200; 164 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. GARLAND. PENOBSCOT Co. production, shingles, 300 M; val., $600; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $350 ; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. EXETER. Shingles. A. J. Ord way, water pow., 20 h.; mac. emp., 1; production, 300 M. (Other particulars in return omitted.) GARLAND. Machinery. II. II. Gordon & Son, *cap., $10,000; steam and water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 10; val. of stock used, $3,000; production, hand-drill machines 45, horse rakes 100; fm. emp., 4; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine. Wool Carding. II. H. Gordon & Son, val., of production, $1,000. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) GLENBURN. [No return.] GREENBUSH. Barrels. Samuel Taylor, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Gloves. Charles S. Weld, [See Moccasins and Snow Shoes.] Long and Short Lumber. Samuel Taylor, cap., $40,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 14; stock used, one million logs, cedar 100 M, birch 300 cords; total val., $12,500; production, long lumber 1,000 M, short lumber 1,000 M, barrels 2,000, spool timber 100 M; total val., $16,000; m. emp., 25 ; wages during the year, $6,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Moccasins and Snow Shoes. Charles S. Weld, stock used, moose hides for moccasins and gloves, 43 ; val., $390 ; neat's hides for snow shoes, 17 ; val., $83 ; * Includes capital in wool carding. f Embraces hands in wool carding. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 165 PENOBSCOT Co. HAMPDEN. total val., $473 ; production, moccasins, 570 prs. ; val., $855 ; gloves, 42 prs.; val., $63; snow shoes, 45 prs.; val., $157.50; total val., $1,075.50. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Spool Stock. Samuel Taylor, [See Long and Short Lumber.] HAMPDEN. Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. J C. Eveleth, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 8 h. ; mac. emp., 1 set cards, 2 looms; production, rolls 10,000 Ibs., cloth 2,000 yards; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 2 ; av. weekly wages to females, $3 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) HERMON. Barrels. Kimball & Allen, cap., $2,000; stock used, spruce staves, 40 M; val., $400; hoops, 1,000; val., $180; total val., $580; pro- duction, fish bbls., 2,000 ; val., $1,500 ; m. emp., 2 to 3 ; wages during the year, $700 ; av. weekly wages, $12.50 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Gloucester, Mass. N. D. & J. G. Eaton, cap., $2,000 ; val. of stock used, $1,100 ; production, fish bbls., 5,000; val., $4,050; m. emp., 10; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Gloucester, Mass. John Pickard, production, bbls. 750, half bbls. 25 ; total val., $540. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Kimball, production, bbls. 300, half bbls. 300 ; total val., $300. (Other particulars in return omitted.) James Johnson, Jr., production, bbls., 500 ; val., $350. Other particulars in return omitted.) NOTE. There is no water power nor steam power in this town, nor any kind of mechanical industry. The people are small farmers, or laborers employed out of the town. HOLDEN. [No return.] HOWLAND. Shingles. Frank Ingalls, [No return.] 166 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. KINGMAN. PENOBSCOT Co. HUDSON. [No return.] KENDUSKEAG. [No return.] KINGMAN. Blacksmithing. Charles Budge, [Particulars in return omitted.] Leather, Tanned and Curried. F. Shaw & Bro., cap., $120,000; water pow., 200 h. ; mac. emp., 18; stock used, bark, 10,000 cords; val., $55,000; hides, 75,000 ; val., $360,000 ; total val., $415,000 ; production, leather, 150,000 sides, or 1,000 tons ; val., $550,000 ; m. emp., 75 ; wages during the year, $35,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber. S. G. Crooker, cap., $3,000; water pow., 120 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; production, shingles, 2,000 M; val., $4,000; lumber, 1,000,000; val. $8,000; total val., $12,000; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $1,200 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. LAGRANGE. Barrels. David M. Willey, production, fish bbls., 100; val., $85; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) T. S. Heald, [See Staves, Hoops and Shingles.] Boxes, Wooden. Lagrange Steam Saw Mill Company, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Long and Short Lumber. Lagrange Steam Saw Mill Company, cap., $30,000 ; steam pow., 80 h. ; mac. emp., 8 ; stock used, hard wood, 200 M ; val., $2,000 ; hemlock logs, 600 M ; val., $3,000 ; spruce, 30 M ; val., $300; pine, 10 M; val., $150; cedar, 15 M; val., $75; total val., $5,525 ; production, wood for orange and lemon boxes, 150 M; val., $7,500 ; middles and ends for same, 10 M; val., $500; scale boards, 240 M ; val., $1,200 ; hemlock boards, 600 M ; val., $6,000; spruce boards, 30 M; val., $450; pine boards, 10 M ; 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. PENOBSCOT Co. LEE. val., $200; spruce shingles, 100 M; val., $175; cedar shingles, 100 M; val., $275; total val., $15,300; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $4,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home, Bangor, Bath, Boston, Messina, Palermo and Sicily. Eli West, production, sugar hogshead staves 110,000, spool lumber 41,000, long lumber, 200,000; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Ship Timber. Benjamin Lewis, production, 140,000 tons ; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Stephen Foster, production, juniper knees, 4,000 ; market, Bangor, (Other particulars in return omitted.) Staves, Hoops and Shingles. T. S. Ileald, water pow. ; production, shingles 400,000, clap- boards 50,000, staves 12,000, headings 2,000 prs., hoops 15,000, fish barrels 1,000 ; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) LEE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Charles Mallett & Co., [No return.] Leather, Tanned. Elisha Bradford, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Charles Mallett & Co., [No return.] Patterson Mill, [No return.] Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. John T. Gifford, cap., $500 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, wool, 3,000 Ibs. ; val., $240 ; 4 mos. of the year in opera- tion. (Other particulars in return omitted.) LEVANT. Boxes, Wooden. Wilson & Witherly, cap., $7,000 ; water and steam pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, cedar, spruce and hard wood, 500 M; val., $5,000; production, lemon and orange boxes, shingles, clapboards, &c. ; (no return of quantity ; ) val. of production, 168 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LINCOLN. PENOBSCOT Co. $20,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $4,000; av. weekly wages, $ 7 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Thomas II. Wiggin & Co., [Particulars in return omitted.] Long and Short Lumber. Thomas II. Wiggin & Co., cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, hemlock, spruce and pine 300 M, cedar for shingles 500 cords; total val., $5,000; val. of produc- tion, $4,500 (?) ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 9 mos. of year in operation ; market, Bangor and vicinity. Harvey, Herrick & Co., cap., $2,500; water pow., 25 h; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, hemlock and hard wood 150 M, cedar and spruce 200 cords; total val., $1,200; val. of production, $2,000; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $1,200 ; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Shingles and Clapboards. Wilson & Witherly, [See Boxes.] Thomas IE. Wiggin & Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] Wagons. S. D. Staples, cap., $500 ; val. of stock used, $400 ; produc- tion, express wagons ; (no ret. of quantity or val.; ) m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor. LINCOLN. Blacksmithing. Charles A. Sargent, cap., $500; val. of stock used, $2,000; (no return of value of production;) m. emp., 2; ch. emp., 1; wages during the year, $1,600 ; av. weekly wages, $14. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Mattanawcook Mill Company, [ No return.] Heald & Butterfield, [ No return.] Leather, Tanned. William Plaisted & Son, [ No return.] 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 169 PENOBSCOT Co. MILFOBD. Lonsr and Short Lumber. David S. Plumly, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, hemlock, 125 M ; val., $750 ; spruce, 25 M ; val., $200 ; total val., $950 ; ( no return of kinds of production ;) value of production, $950; m. emp., 1; wages during the year $450; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and Bangor. Mattanawcook Mill Co., cap., $30,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 13; stock used, hemlock, 2,500 M; val., $12,500; spruce, 200 M; val., $1,400; total val., $13,900; production, hemlock boards and timber, 2,500,000 ; val., $20,000 ; spruce boards and timber, 200,000 ; val., $2,000 ; total val., $22,000 ; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $6,000; av. weekly wages, $10.50 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, one-fourth sold at home, and balance goes to Bangor. John P. Webber, [No return.] Shingles. D. S. Plumly, cap., $400 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, cedar, spruce and hemlock, 50 M ; val., $125 ; value of production, $125; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $50; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 1 month of the year in operation ; market, home. LOWELL. [No return.] MATTAWAMKEAG. [No return.] MAXFIELD. [No return.] MILFORD. lingles and Clapboards. Quinn & May hew, water pow.; mac. emp., 2; production, J5,000 ; val., $350. (Other particulars in return omitted.) 170 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. NEWBURG. PENOBSCOT Co. NEWBURG. Long and Short Lumber. Jabez Knowlton, cap., $1,200; water pow. ; stock used, hem- lock and spruce, 60,000 ; val., $550 ; production, 40,000 ; val., $375 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $130 ; 2J mos. of the year in operation ; market, at the mill. Wool Carding. Jabez Knowlton, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; pro- duction, rolls, 1,393 Ibs. ; val., $915 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $35 ; 2J mos. of the year in operation. ( Rolls carded for domestic purposes.) NEWPORT. Boots and Shoes. Daniel Dudley & Co., [No return.] Kingman Gurney, do Goflf&Co., do G. B. Loud, do Carriages. P. F. Dexter & Son, [No return.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. J. F. Collett, [No return.] II. Bingham, do Knowlton & Rigby, do 4 Gordon & Hall, do Harnesses. C. C. Oaks, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Isaac Williams, cap., $2,600 ; water pow., 65 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; val. of stock used, $1,850 ; production, cedar shingles, 600 M ; val., $1,800 ; spruce boards, 600 M ; val., $900 ; hemlock boards, 200 M; val., $1,600; total val., $4,300; m emp., 10; wages during the year, $2,080 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Not sawing" during the summer on account of the scarcity of stock.) Charles II. Merrill, [No return.] Scythes. Sibley Scythe Co., [No return.] Shingles. Aaron Coburn, [No return.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. PEXOBSCOT Co. OLDTOWN. OLDTOWN. Barrels. Sabine & Lord, cap., $2,500 ; stock used, hoops, 75,000 ; headings, 6,500; val., $325; staves, 150,000; val., $1,050; total val., $1,450; production, fish bbls., 6,000; val., $4,800; syrup bbls., 500 ; (no val. of syrup bbls. returned ;) m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,145 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and Gloucester. Boots and Shoes. Upper Stillwater Boot and Shoe Manuf. Co.,* cap., $20,000. Cant Dogs, Oars. Edmund Freeman, cap., $700 ; stock used, spruce, white ash, rock maple ; total val., $500 ; production, oars ; val., $700 ; pad- dles ; val., $300 ; cant dogs ; val., $650 ; poles ; val., $244; total val., $1,894 ; (no ret. of number of persons emp. ;) wages during the year, $104 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine, New Hamp- shire and Vermont. Clothing, Men's and Boys'. Ilugh Gibbons, cap., $4,000 ; mac. emp., 7 ; val. of stock used, $7,000 ; (no ret. of kinds or val. of production;) m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 10 to 15; wages during the year, $1,800; av. weekly wages, $3 ; market, Oldtown and surrounding towns. Long and Short Lumber. John W. Atwell, cap., $200,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 11 ; stock used, spruce and pine logs, 14,000 M ; val., $165,000 ; pro- duction, 14,000 M; val., $200,000; m. emp., 75; wages during the year, $35,000; av. weekly wages, including board, $12; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor, where the pro- duction is delivered, and sold from there to go to New York and New England States. Joseph S. Smith,* mac. emp., 11 ; production, 10,000 M. Saw Filing Machines. T. M. Chapman, cap., $10,000 ; steam pow., 50 h. ; stock used, iron and steel ; val., $1,200 ; production, 50 machines ; total val., $6,000; m. emp., 10; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, United States and Provinces, i Also manufactures barrel machinery, board and clapboard planers, &c.) * Compiled from other sources. 172 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. OBONO. PENOBSCOT Co. ORONO. Barrels. Greenville Frost, [No return.] John II. Davis, [ No return.] Boots and Shoes. Patrick Lynch, [No return.] Boxes, Wooden. Stone, Mayo, Snow & Co., [See Excelsior.] Brick. James Walker & Co., [No return.] Clothing, Men's and Boys'. J. M. Watson, cap., $5,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 200 ; wages during the week, $600; 12 mos. in operation. (Manufactures for Boston parties. Other particulars in return omitted.) Excelsior, for Upholstering. Stone, Mayo, Snow & Co., cap., $15,000 ; steam pow., 40 h. ; stock used, poplar and birch, 500 to 1,000 cords; val., $2,500 to $5,000; production, excelsior, 500 tons ; val., $15,000; spool stock, 300 M; val., $10,000; boxes, 2,000 gross; val., $750; total val., $25,750; m. emp., 20 ; f. emp., 9; av. weekly wages, $6.12; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, New York, Massachusetts and Maine. ( In the winter some 25 additional men and 15 double teams are employed in getting out stock. In the spring over 30 men are also employed two months in pre- paring the stock for working.) Handles, Shovel. Ilolman Johnson, [No return.] Harnesses. M. J. Madden, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. A. G. Ring, cap., $50,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 10; stock used, spruce 7,000 M, pine 700 M, cedar 200 M ; total val , $100,000; production, spruce lumber, 7,000 M; val., $98,000; pine, 700 M; val., $16,100; shingles, 2,500 M; val., $7,500; clapboards, 200 M; val., $5,200; laths, 6,700 M; val., $12,060; pickets, 160 M ; val., $2,400 ; barrel heads, 5,000 prs. ; val., $150; staves, 70,000; val., $700; total val., $142,110; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $25,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 7 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 173 PENOBSCOT Co. ORRINGTON. mos. of the year in operation ; market, United States. (A large portion of lumber sold in Bangor, where it is shipped.) P. D. & E. Webster, [No return.] Charles Buffum, do R. S. Hamilton, do Oilman, Webster & Co., do James Walker & Co., do Oars. William C. Taylor, [No return.] Shingles, Clapboards, Laths and Staves. A. G. Ring, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Spool Stock. Stone, Mayo, Snow & Co., [See Excelsior.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. N. W. Bond, cap., $1,000; val. of stock used, $480; val. of production, $945 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) ORRINGTON. Barrels. C. D. Chapman, [No return.] Boots and Shoes. Sumner Chapin, cap., $500; val. of stock used, $1,000; pro- duction, 1,000 cases; val., $4,000; m. emp., 5; f. emp., 1; wages during the year, $1,800; av. weekly wages, $12; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Drain Pipes. George Brooks, cap., $2,000 ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, wood, cords ; val., $150 ; clay and sand ; val. of production, $1,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $350 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market? Boston and Eastern Maine. irthern Ware. George Brooks, cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp., 4; val. of stock used, 5586 ; val. of production, $3,500 ; m. emp., 5 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $1,487 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Eastern Maine. 174 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. ORRINGTON. PENOBSCOT Co. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Brastow & Co., cap., $2,000; water pow. ; production, corn meal, 25,000 bush. ; val., $20,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor. James Torrens & Co., cap., $1,500; water pow.; production, corn meal, 15,000 bush. ; val., $12,000; m. emp., 3; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Myers & Robinson, cap., $2,000 ; steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 3; val. of stock used, $910; production, 4,400 sides; val., $17,480 ; (no ret. of number of persons emp. ; ) wages during the year, $2,112; av. weekly wages, $15; 10 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. (This firm are only finishers of leather.) Willard E. Covel & Co., cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; val. of stock used, $5,000; val. of production, $4,000; m. emp., 3; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber. D. Sargent & Sons, cap., $40,000; steam pow., 40 h. ; water pow., 90 h. ; val. of stock used, $90,000 ; production, long lumber, 8,000 M ; val., $110,000 ; laths, 6,000 M ; val., $10,000 ; pickets, 125 M; val., $1,500; shingles, 200 M; val., $600; total val., $122,100; m. emp., 50; wages during the year, $20,000; av. weekly wages, $12; 7 mos. of the year in operation; market, home, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and Pennsylvania. Albert Bowden, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. ; production, 100,000; val., $1,500 ; m. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Almond Rogers, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. ; production, 125,000 ; val., $2,200; m. emp., 1; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Alexander Lane, cap., $500;water pow.; production, 8,000; val., $100 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Jason Tower & Co., cap., $1,000; water pow.; production, 5,000 ; val., $800 ; m. emp., 2 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 175 PENOBSCOT Co. PASSADUMKEAG. Shingles, Laths, Pickets. D. Sargent & Sons, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Vinal R. Cooper, cap., $250; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of stock used, $240 ; production, spruce and pine shingles, 300 M ; val., $450 ; m. emp., 2 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. PASSADUMKEAG. Barrels. William Leonard, cap., $1,000; val. of stock used, $500; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $500 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor and Gloucester. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Treat, Wiswell & Co., cap., $1,000; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $540 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Blacksmithing. D. B. Bean, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Treat, Wiswell & Co., cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 85 h ; mac. emp , 3 ; stock used, pine, spruce, hemlock, cedar, ash, 15,000 M; val., $12,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $6,400 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation. (No return of market.) Wagons. C. Dennis, [No return.] PATTEN. [No return.] PLYMOUTH, icksmithing. Ilugh Scott, cap., $1,500; value of stock, $300. ( Other par- iculars in return omitted. Is closing up business.) PRENTISS. Long and Short Lumber. George E. Baldwin, cap., $2,000; water pow., 25 h. ; stock used, pine, spruce, hemlock and cedar ; production, from 20 M to 400 M ; val., $3,000. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) 176 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. SPRINGFIELD. PENOBSCOT Co. SPRINGFIELD. Long and Short Lumber. Johnson Lombard, cap., $500; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, cedar, 200,000; hemlock, 48,000; spruce, 10,000; pine, 7,000 ; m. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 2 ; 3 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, Bangor and home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. F. A. Reed & Son, cap., $3,000; water pow.; mac. emp , 1; stock used, cedar, 100 M; val., $1,000; production, 1,200 M; val., $3,200; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Ban- gor. ( Employ 3 to 4 men during the winter in getting stock for the mill. STETSON. [ No return.] VEAZIE. Barrels. G. B. Marden, cap., $400; val. of stock used, $328; pro- duction, 800 bbls. ; val., $520 ; m. emp., 1 ; six mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. John B. Skinner, cap., $250 ; val. of stock used, $418 ; pro- duction, fish bbls., 1,600; val., $1,250; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Boots and Shoes. James Merrick, cap., $200 ; val. of stock, $1,000 ; val. of pro- duction, $2,000 ; 12 mos. in operation. Clapboards. Gilman, Webster & Co., water pow., 32 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, spruce and pine logs, 500,000 feet; val., $7,000 ; pro- duction, clapboards, 500,000; val., $8,500; m. emp., 13; wages during the year, $3,900 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, general. Laths, Pickets, Staves. Gilman, Webster & Co., water pow., 70 h. ; production, laths, 10,000,000 ; val., $17,500 ; pickets, 250,000 ; val., $3,750 ; staves, 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 177 PENOBSCOT Co. WINN. 100 M; val., $800; blind slats, 100 M; val., $800; total val., $22,850; m. emp., 60; wages during the year, $18,720; 6 mo. of the year in operation ; market, general. Long and Short .Lumber. Oilman, Webster & Co.,* cap., $130,000 ; water pow., 388 h. ; mac. emp., 13 ; stock used, spruce and pine logs, 17,000,000 ; val., $195,500; production, boards, plank, joists and lumber, 17,000,- 000 ; val., $238,000 ; m. emp., 100 ; wages during the year, $31,200 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, United States. Shingles. Oilman, Webster & Co., water pow., 38 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, cedar, pine and spruce, 600,000 ft. ; val., $7,800 ; produc- tion, 600,000; val., $18,000; m. emp., 12; wages during the year, $3,800 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, general. WINN. Carriages. Geo. W. Thurlow, cap., $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned. Henry Poor & Son, cap., $500,000; steam pow., 3 h. ; mac. emp., vats, 450; production, sole leather, 700 tons; val., $350,- 000. (This tannery is the largest in the United States. Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. D. C. Haynes, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 25 h; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hemlock 150,000, hard wood 50,000, spruce 20,000 ; total val., $3,200 ; production, 220 M ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $500 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Dexter Merrill & Co., [No return.] Pingrio & Trott, [No return.] LAKEVILLE PLANTATION. [No return.] * Includes capital in other manufactures returned. 12 178 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. ABBOT. PISCATAQUIS Co. MEDWAY PLANTATION. Boots and Shoes. Geo. II. Baker, cap., $150; val. of stock used, $300; m. emp., 1; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned. Henry Poor & Son, [No return.] PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. ABBOT. Black smithing. Warren & Hall, [No return.] G. B. Fassett, do Boots and Shoes. J. Barber & Co., cap., $1,500 ; mac. emp., 5 ; val. of stock uped, $600 ; (no return of quantity of production ;) val. of production, $1,600 ; m. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $720; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Brick. Columbus Crockett, [No return.] Carriages. William M. Flynt, [No return.] Clapboards, Shingles, Laths. Foss & Monroe, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Jotham S. Works, do do Otis P. Witham, [No return.] Excelsior, for Upholstering. George H. Smith, [No return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Daniel K. Weld, cap., $2,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 3 runs of stones; stock used, grain, 8,000 bush.; val., $8,000; produc- 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 179 PlSCATAQUIS CO. BROWNVILLE. tion, flour and meal ; m. emp., 1 ; market, home. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Foss & Monroe, cap., $10,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 4; stock used, spruce, pine, cedar, fir, brown ash, birch and maple, 500,- 000; total val., $5,000; production, boards 100,000, dimensions 200,000, shingles 1,500 M, clapboards 150 M, laths 100 M, pickets 5,000; total val., $10,000; m. emp., 15; wages during the year, $3,500 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor, Portland, Boston and home. Jotham S. Works, cap., $6,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 4; stock used, spruce, pine, hemlock and cedar; production, shin- gles, clapboards, boards arid timber, 525 M ; val., $4,845 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $7.50; market, Boston, Portland aud Bangor. (Other particulars in re- turn omitted.) Water Wheels. Gorham Pease, [No return.] David Pease, [No return.] Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. Charles Foss, cap., $3,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, wool, 4,100 Ibs. ; val., $2,150 ; production, rolls, 4,100 Ibs. ; val., $2,460 ; m. emp., 1 ; market, home. [ No return.] ATKINSON, [ No return.] BARNARD. [No return.] BLANCIIARD, BROWNVILLE. Clapboards, Shingles and Spool Stock. Nason Brothers, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] 130 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. DOVER. PISCATAQUIS Co. Handles, Shovel. Ilolman Johnson,* steam pow. ; m. emp., 15 to 20 ; production, 25,000 dozen shovel handles. Long and Short Lumber. Nason Brothers, cap., $25,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 5 ; val. of stock used, $27,250 ; production, boards, clapboards, shingles, spool stock, &c. ; total val., $35,640; m. emp., 25; wages during the year, $11,250; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home and Bangor. DOVER. Blacksmithing. C. C. Witham & Co., cap., $200; val. of stock used, $1,800; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,150 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation. ( Business includes carriage ironing, the value of which production is $545.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. S. P. Brown & Co.,* cap., $4,500 ; water pow., 60 h ; mao. emp., 2 runs of sfeones. Long and Short Lumber. F. W. Titcomb, (East) cap., $20,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, cedar, 1,000 cords; val., $4,000; spruce logs, 2,000 M; val., $20,000; total val., $24,000; pro- duction, shingles, 4,000 M; val., $12,000; long lumber, 2,000 M; val., $24,000 ; total val., $36 ; m. emp., 15 ; wages during the year, $1,485 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 11 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, Bangor. Samuel Withee, cap., $6,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; pro- duction, long lumber, 100 M ; val., $900 ; short lumber, 1,500 M ; val., $2,700 ; total val., $3,600 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,400 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 6 mos. of the year in oper- ation. Printing and Publishing. Gr. V. Edes & Son, newspaper and job, Piscataquis Observer, weekly. [ No return.] Shingles. F. W. Titcomb, [ See Long and Short Lumber.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 181 PlSCATAQUIS CO. FOXCROFT. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. J. Q. Lander,* val. of stock used, $1,000 ; m. emp., 3. Woolen Goods. S. P. Brown & Co.,* cap., $150,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets cards; stock used, wool, 260,000 Ibs. ; production, flannels, 12,800 yards per week ; hands emp., 55 ; 12 mos. in operation. FOXCROFT. Clapboards and Shingles. R. D. Oilman, (See Long and Short Lumber.) Long and Short Lumber. R. D. Oilman, cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, cedar, spruce, pine, hard wood; val., $16,600; pro- duction, laths, 500 M ; val., $750 ; clapboards, 300 M ; val., $6,000; shingles, 1,600 M; val., $4,500; long lumber, 1,000 M; val., $15,000; total val., $26,250; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $6,400 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor and Boston. Woolen Goods. Mayo & Sons, cap., $150,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 32 looms; stock used, wool, 85,000 Ibs.; val., $60,000; cotton warp, 25,000 Ibs. ; val., $27,000 ; total val., $87,000 ; production, repellants, 130,000 yds.; val., $125,000; m. emp., 15; f. emp., 37 ; ch. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $20,625 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New York. GREENVILLE. Edge Tools and Cant Dogs. Joel Smith, cap., $2,000; steam pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, iron and steel, 15 tons; val., $1,700; production, axes, cant dogs, chisels, knives, &c. ; total val., $4,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $900 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Joel Smith, [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. 182 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. GUILFORD. PlSCATAQUIS Co. Long and Short Lumber. D. T. Sanders & Co., cap., $6,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, logs, 3,000 M; val, $2,700; production, cedar and pine shingles, spruce and pine boards ; total val., $4,500 ; m. emp., 4 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $598 ; av. weekly wages, $2.50 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. Isaac R. Gerrish, [Building a Saw Mill.] Shingles. D. T. Sanders & Co., [See Long and Short Lumber.] Sleds and Boats. Daniel S. Harrington, cap., $300; val. of stock used, $175; production, ox and horse sleds, boats ; total val., $400 ; m. emp., 1 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. Benj. S. Rigney, cap., $500 ; val. of stock used, $300 ; produc- tion, ox and horse sleds, boats; total val., $500; m. emp., 1 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. GUILFORD. Furniture. Erastus Ilussey, cap., $1,000; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, lumber 15 M ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Ilobert, Young & Co., cap., $200; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, pine, spruce and hemlock, 60,000; val., $300 ; production, boards and lumber 40 M, shingles, clapboards, &c. ; total val., $550 ; m. emp., 3 ; (no ret. of wages ; ) 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Daniel Crockett, cap., $2,000; m. emp., 2; 12 mos. in opera- tion ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Woolen Goods. Wm. Appleyard, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; stock used, wool and cotton, 25,000 Ibs. ; wool, val., $10,000; cotton warp, val., $5,000; total val., $15,000 ; production, repellants, 36,000 yds.; val., $36,000; m. emp., 8; f. emp., 15; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $10,000 ; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 183 PlSCATAQUIS CO. KlNGSBURT. KINGSBURY. Long and Short Lumber. L. & VV. S. Hilton, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., TO h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, spruce, 200,000 ; val., $2,000 ; pine, 50,000 ; val , $800; cedar, 200 cords; val., $800; total val., $3,600; (no return of kinds, quantity and value of production ;) m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $1,872 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Skowhegan. M. P. Hilton, cap., $800; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, cedar, 300 cords; val., $1,200; production, shingles. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NOTE. The following firms are engaged in lumbering operations : A. & U. S. Hilton, cap., $5,000 ; stock used, spruce logs, 800,- 000 ; val., $7,000 ; (driven down the Kennebec river and manufac- tured at Fairfield ;) m. emp., 30 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; av. weekly wages, $5.50 ; 3| mos. of the year in operation. Luce & Foss, cap., $6,000 ; stock used, spruce logs, 900,000 ; val., $12,000 ; (driven down the Kennebec river and manufactured at Fairfield;) m. emp., 30; wages during the year, $2,150; av. weekly wages, $5.75 ; 3J mos. of the year iu operation. MEDFORD. Long and Short Lumber* Warren Coffin, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; Btock used, cedar and logs, 600,000; val., $1,500; production, boards, 100,000 ; shingles, 500 M ; total val., $2,500 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $400 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. Staves and Shingles. John Perkins, cap., $3,000; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, poplar and cedar, 200 cords; val., $800; production, staves, 200 M ; shingles, 100 M; total val., $2,500; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $300 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bangor. MILO. [No return.] 184 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. MONSON. PlSCATAQUIS Co. MONSON. Laths and Pickets. Horace Pullen & Sons, water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, fir lumber, 25 cords ; val., $75 ; production, laths, 50,000 ; val., $137.50; pickets, 5,000 ; val., $50; total val., $187.50; m. emp., 3 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned. Horace Pullen & Sons, cap., $1,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, 200 hides; val., $1,000; production, 350 hides upper leather, 50 sides sole leather; total val., $1,250 ; m. emp., 1 to 2 ; wages during the year, $250 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. ORNEVILLE. Excelsior, for Upholstering. Hallowell, Rice & Co., cap., $9,000 ; water pow., 28 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, hemlock, poplar, 7,000 cords; total val., $20,000 ; production, excelsior, spool stock. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. A. M. Warren, cap., $4,000; water pow., 24; mac. emp., 2; stock used, hemlock and spruce, 250,000; val., $3,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Horn & Co., cap., $1,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, hemlock. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Hallowell, Rice & Co., [No return.] Shingles and clapboards. J. W. Hall, cap., $4,000; water pow., 18 h. ; mac. emp., 2; etock used, cedar and spruce, 200,000; val., $4,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Spool Stock. Hallowell, Rice & Co., [See Excelsior.] PARKMAN. [No return.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 135 PISCATAQUIS Co. SANGERVILLE. SANGERVILLE. Long and Short Lumber. Lucian French, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 10 h ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, hemlock, spruce, and hard wood, 10,000; produc- tion, boards 10,000, laths 10,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $8.46 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Dexter. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John T. Amazien, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, hemlock 40 M, spruce 30 M, hard wood 30 M ; production, boards, joists, and timber; val., $800; m. emp., 3; av. weekly wages, $8.46 ; market, Dexter. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. John T. Amazien, cap., $500 ; water pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, cedar and spruce, 300,000; val., $300; produc- tion, 300,000 ; val., $700 ; m. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $8.46 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Dexter. Woolen Goods. Campbell & Fairgrieve, cap,, $60,000; water pow., 50; mac. emp., 3 sets; 6 mac., 1,400 spindles, 12 broad looms; stock used, domestic wool, 80,000 Ibs. ; val., $50,000; cotton warps, 70,000 yds. ; val., $7,000 ; oils, dye stuffs, &c. ; val., $4,000 ; total val., $61,000; production, cassimeres, 32,000 yds.; val., $32,000; repellants, 64,000 yds.; val., $64,000; total val., $96,000; m. emp., 16; f. emp., 20; wages during the year, $15,000; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland, Bos- ton and New York. SEBEC. [No return.]. SHIRLEY. Long and Short Lumber. Mitchell & Eveleth, cap., $3,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 3; stock used, spruce, pine and cedar, 2000 M ; val., $20,000 ; m. emp., 9; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles and Clapboards. Spraguc & Randall, cap., $2,500; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2; Btock used, spruce, pine and cedar, 1,000 M; val., $10,000; m. emp., 6; market, Bangor. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NO-IE A large amount of valuable timber is found ia this town in close proximity to Taluuble water power. 136 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BATH. SAGADAHOC Co. WELLINGTON. [Three saw mills, two shingle mills. Other particulars omitted in return.] SAGADAIIOO COUNTY. ARROWSIC. [ No return.] BATH. Anchors. Crooker & Lilly, [See Forgings.] Boots and Shoes. Fowler, Bragg & Son, cap., $25,000 ; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 17; val. of stock used, $50,000; production, men's, boys' and youths' kip and split boots, 2,000 cases; val., $60,000 ; m. emp., 26 ; f. emp., 2 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $15,000 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England and Western States. (Nine-tenths of trade in New England.) A. M. Redman & Co., cap., $50,000; steam pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 90; stock used, lasting, 70,000 yards ; val., $60,000; upper leather, 160,000 feet; val., $10,000; sole leather, 65,000 Ibs. ; val., $25,000; total val., $125,000; production, 120,000 pairs; val., $20,000; m. emp., 75 ; f. emp., 50; wages Curing the year, $60,000; av. weekly wages, m. $13.33; f. $5; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, South and West. Melclier & Brown,* cap., $2,000. Boxes, Packing. James E. Haley, [See Lumber, Planed.] Brass Founding and Finishing. Torrey Manufacturing Co., cap., $50,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. ernp.,30; val. of stock used, $100,000; production, brass Castings, bushings and spikes ; val., $25,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; wages * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 187 SAGADAIIOC Co. BATH. during the year, $15,000; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States and Provinces. Watson & Marr,* cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 3 h. Brick. Alvah J. Libbey, cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp. f 2 ; stock used, wood, 170 cords; boards, 5,000 feet; nails, 100 Ibs. ; clay, 200 tons; total val., $1,072; production, 400,000 brick; val., $3,600; m. emp., 4 to 5 ; wages during the year, $1,400 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Carvings. Chailes A. L. Sampson,* cap., $500. Clapboards, Shingles, Laths and Pickets. Scott Morse & Co., [See'Long aud Short Lumber.] Clothing, Men's. Mrs. M. J. Dilloway, production, 300 vests per week ; f. emp., 25 ; average weekly wages, $4.80. (Other particulars in return omitted.) L. P. Lemont & Son,* cap., $2,500. W. Ilathorne, [No return.] A. G. Marston, [No return.] Coiiee and Spice, Roasted and Ground. A. L. Allen & Son, steam pow., 10 h. ; val. of stock used, $30,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $11.53; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted ) Cordage. G. & J. T. Donnell,* cap., $35,000 ; steam pow., 70 h. ; stock used, manilla and hemp, l tons daily. Emery, Reduced and Ground. Smyrna Emery Company,* cap., $33,000; steam pow., 45 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; production, 300 tons. ( Rock imported.) Forgings, Iron. Crooker & Lilly,* cap., $10,000; steam pow., 6 h. ; pro- duction, anchors and ship work. * Compiled from other sources. STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BATH. SAGADAIIOC Co. Iron, Castings. Bath Iron Foundry, cap., $35,000; steam pow., 12 h. ; stock used, iron, 1,000 tons ; coal, 350 tons, &c. ; val., $48,000 ; pro- duction, castings, 1,000 tons; val., $95,000 ; m. emp., 36 ; wages during the year, $24,000; av. weekly wages, $13; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. Long and Short Lumber. Scott Morse & Co., cap., $40,000 ; steam pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, pine, spruce, cedar and hacrnatack, 1,250 M ; val., $15,625; production, long lumber, 100,000; val., $20,000; 150,000 clapboards; val., $3,750; shingles, 250 M ; val., $750; laths, 150 M; val., $375; pickets and slats, 25,000; val., $375; total val., $25,250 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $4,100 ; av. weekly wages, $12.50; 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, New England, New York and West Indies. Lumber, Planed* James E. Haley, cap., $25,000 ; steam pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 14; stock used, lumber, 1,000 M; val., $150,000; production, boxes, packing, planed lumber of all kinds, gravel roofing ; val., $150,000; m. emp., 35; wages during the year, $20,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States. Machinery. George Moulton & Son, cap., $30,000; steam pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 23 ; val. of stock used, $50,000 ; production, boilers, steam engines, iron tanks, ship pumps, ship wheels; (no return of quantity or val. ; ) m. emp., 40 ; wag^s during the year, $20,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8.60 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, tlnited States. Printing and Publishing. Elijah Upton & Son, newspaper and job ; Times, daily, Ameri- can Sentinel, weekly. [No return.] George E. Newman, book and job. [No return.] Railroad Cars. Patten Car Works,* steam pow., 100 h. ; hands emp., 200. Spikes. Torrey Manufacturing Company, [See Brass Founding and Finishing.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 189 SAGADAHOC Co. BATH. Sails. Lombard & Clifford, [No return.] S. W. Sanford, [No return.] Sash, Doors and Blinds. Bangs, Weston & Co., cap., $50,000 ; steam pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 31 ; stock used, pine, 1,000,000 ft. ; val., $40,000; spruce, 100 M ft.; val., $1,800; walnut, 40,000 ft.; val., $4,000; ash, 20,000ft.; val., $1,200; cherry, 5,000 ft.; val., $450; chestnut, 20,000 ft.; val., $1,200; total val., $48,650; production, doors, 15,000; val., $30,000; sashes, 20,000; val., $12,000; blinds, 10,000; val., $10,000; miscellaneous job work, glazed sash and dressed lumber; val., $46,000 ; total val., $98,000 ; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $20;000 ; av. weekly wages, $4.50 to $18 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine, Massachusetts. Shocks and Lumber. Treat, Lang & Co., cap., $15,000 ; steam pow., 325 ; stock used, pine, spruce, oak, hard wood, hemlock, elm, 12 millions of feet; val., $150,000 ; production, all kinds of shocks and lum- ber; val. about $450,000; m. emp., 224; ch. emp., 20; wages during the year, $95,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, domestic ports and Cuba. (The true volume of business of this firm does not appear, as the shipments of the products of others is a large branch of their business. They have only represented the industry involved in the running of their own machinery.) T. S. & W. H. Crooker, steam pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 4. Have not operated the past two years.) Sleighs. E. Gove, cap., $25,000; steam pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 14; stock used, hickory, bass wood and white oak, 200,000 ft. ; val., $12,000 ; production, sleighs 500, sleigh wood for 200, shafts 1,200 doz., rims 1,000 sets; total val., $50,000; m. emp., 40; wages during the year, $18,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States. Spars. Dain & Wiggin, cap., $1,000 ; production, pine spars ; val., $10,000; spruce spars; val., $1,500; total val., $11,500; m. 190 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BOWDOINHAM. SAGADAHOC Co. emp., 5; wages during the year, $3,750; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Steam Engines and Boilers. George Moulton & Son, [See Machinery.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Winslow & Gerry, [No return.] BOWDOIN. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Purington & Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Purington & Co., [No return.] BOWDOINHAM. ' Brick. C. P. Quint & Co.,* production, 475,000. J. II. P. Merrow & Co.,* production, 500,000. Clothing. Crocker & Carr, [Xo return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. J. M. Randall, [No return.] Ice, Prepared for Market. A. S. Purington & Co., [No return.] Converse Purington & Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Arthur Berry, Son & Co., cap., $50,000; steam pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 15; stock used, spruce and pine, 3,000 M ; val., $24,- 000; production, shingles 1,500 M, laths 3,000 M, clapboards 500 M, boards 500 M, timber 2,000 M; (no return of value;) m. emp., 37; wages during the year, $12,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, New York, Providence and Washington. Plaster, Ground. J. M. Randall, [No return.] Shingles, Clapboards, Laths. Arthur Berry, Son & Co., [See Long and Short Lumber ] * Compiled from other Source*. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. SAGADAHOC Co. RICHMOND; GEORGETOWN. [No return.] PI1IPSBURG. Long and Short Lumber. Clifford & Rogers, water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 3. (Other particulars in return omitted.) RICHMOND. Boots and Shoes. A. II. Walker. & Co., [No return.] Randlette, Jewett & Co., [No return.] Clothing. Daniel Clarke, cap., $5,000; mac. emp., 75 sewing machines; production, 25,000 coats; val., $200,000 ; m. emp., 8 ; f. emp., 400 ; wages during the year, $20,000 ; av. weekly wages, m. $10 ; f. $5 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. (Manufactures for Boston parties.) Ice, Prepared for Market. Sturgis & Co.,* production, 10,000 tons; val., $20,000. American Union Ice Co.,* (No ice in house.) Sagadahoc Ice Co.,* production, 12,000 tons; val., $24,000. Benj. Wright and others,* production, 15,000 tons ; val., $30,000. ,* production, 4,000 tons ; val., $8,000. (House on Swan IslancJ.) Long nnd Short Lumber. Foster, Spaulding & Co., [No return.] TOPSIIAM. Blacksmithing. Maxwell & Jameson, cap., $1,000 ; stock used, iron, 20 tons; coal, 500 bush.; total val., $2,500; val. of production, $4,000; m. emp., 2 to 3; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Brunswick and Tops- ham. * Compiled fruui other souicei. 192 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. TOPSHAM. SAGADAHOC Co. Brick. Cyrus Flagg & Son, cap., $2,500; mac. emp., 2; stock used from 200 to 500 tons clay and sand ; wood, 50 cords ; total val., $400 ; production, 100,000 ; val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 2 to 3 ; wages during the year, $500 ; av. weekly wages, $9.50 ; 4 to 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. Thompson & Blandell, [No return.] Clapboards, Shingles, Laths. Purinton & Hall, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. W. B. Purinton & Co., cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones; stock used, wheat, 15,000 bush.; val., $30,000 ; corn, 20,000 bush. ; val., $15,000 ; barley, 500 bush. ; val., $375 ; total val., $45,375 ; production, flour, 3,200 bbls. ; val., 29,600; feed, (quantity cannot be estimated;) meal, 23,000 bush.; val., $17,250; total val., $46,850; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $3,700 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, on Maine Central railroad, from Portland to Skowhegan and Bath. Leather, Tanned. James T. Purinton, cap., $2,500 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, hides and skins, 500; bark, 20 cords; val., $1,200; pro- duction, upper sole, harness and calf skins, 500 hides and skins ; val., $2,400 ; m. emp., 1 to 2 ; wages during the year, $500 ; av. weekly wages, $9.50; 6 to 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston and local. % Long and Short Lumber. Purinton & Hall, cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, pine, spruce and hemlock, 1,000 M ; val., $14,000 ; production, long lumber, laths, clapboards, boxes, shingles, pick- ets, all kinds, 1,000 M ; val., $22,000 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,150; 12 mos. in operation; market, Portland, Bath and local. George E. Howland & Brother, cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 25 to 40 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 200 to 300 M; val., $3,000; production, long lumber, boards, joists and car material ; val., $5,000 ; m. emp., 2 to 4 ; wages during the year, unknown ; 3 to 4 mos. of the year in operation 5 market, local. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 193 SAGADAHOC Co. WOOLWICH. Paper, Printing. Topsham Paper Co., cor. co. ; water pow., 175 h. ; mac. emp., 1 full set; stock used, 'rags and paper, 750 tons; val., $82,000; production, book and newspaper, 500 tons ; val., $120,000 ; m. emp., 20; f. emp., 25; wages during the year, $18,000; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 10 to 12 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New York and New England cities. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Stone & Given, cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, 100,000 ; val., $3,000 ; (no return of quantity of pro- duction ;) val. of production, $5,000; m. emp., 2 to 4 ; wages during the year, $1,500; av. weekly wages, $14; 10 to .12 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Bath and local. Shocks. Purinton & Hall, [See Long and Short Lumber.] WOOLWICH. Brick.* J. IE. ITunnewell, cap., $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) C. W. Shaw, cap., $600. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Samuel Soule, cap., $600. do do -C. M. Bailey, cap., $500. do do H. 0. McCarty, cap., $500. do do Earthern Ware. John Corliss, cap., $800 ; stock used, clay 20 tons, lead 700 Ibs., wood 20 cords ; total val., $130 ; production, earthern ware ; val., $1,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $750; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, lower Kennebec towns and cities. (Business gradually decreasing.) Long anji Short Lumber. W. B. & R. A. Fisher, cap., $2,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, spruce and pine, 400,000; val., $6,500; produc- tion/spruce, 300,000; val., $4,500; pine, 100,000; val., $2,000; total val., $6,500 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $900 ; av; weekly wages, $8.33 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Bath, Boothbay and Boston, principally. * Total number of brick manufactured the present season, 450,000. 13 194 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. ANSON. SOMERSET Co. W. A. & J. B. Potter, tide water, 30 h. (Mill let to W. B. & R. A. Fisher.) C. Hunnewell, cap., $300 ; water pow. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Rogers & Williams, cap., $1,000 ; water pow. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) SOMEESET COUNTY. ANSON. Barrels. Hiram Oilman, cap., $200 ; stock used, red oak 3,000, yellow ash 3,000 ; val., $200 ; val. of production, $1,315 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland. Boots and Shoes. Seth T. Hutchings, cap., $500 ; stock used, calf skins 200, sole leather 80 sides ; total val., $1,800 ; production, boots, 500 pairs ; val., $3,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $800; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Somerset county. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Benj. G. Allen, (North) stock used, corn 200 bush., oats, barley and wheat, 4,000 bushels. (Sold out.) .Long and Short Lumber. Benj. G. Allen, (North) * cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 16 h. ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, hemlock 20,000, cedar 50,000 ; val., $310. (Sold out. No other return.) Printing and Publishing. Albert Moore & Son, (North) newspaper and job, Union Advo- cate, weekly. [No return.] * Includes capital in grist mill. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 195 SOMERSET Co. CAMBRIDGE. ATHENS. Long and Short Lumber. Fellows & Stodder, (Mill out of repair, and not in operation.) BINGHAM. Corks. C. M. & A. Baker,* production, patent corks, "The Burr Flange/ 7 150,000. BRIGHTON. [No return.] CAMBRIDGE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Nathan Clark, cap., $3,000; water pow., 45 h. ; mac. emp., 4 runs of stones; stock used, wheat 2,500 bush., corn 1,000 bush.., other kinds of grain, 1,500 bush. ; production, about 5,000 bush. ; m. emp., 1; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Small, Clark & Co., cap., $2,000; water pow. ; stock used, hemlock, bass, spruce and hard wood 100 M; val., $1,000; m. emp., 3 ; 3 mos of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) CANAAN. Long and Short Lumber. H. Burrill, (no ret. of cap. ; ) water pow., 125 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, hemlock, spruce and cedar logs, 500 M; vaL, $4,000; production, shingles and boards; val., $5,000; m. emp., 12; ch. emp., 4; wages during the year, $4,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston,. Portland and New Hampshire. CONCORD. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. E. W. Bowen, [No return.] * Compiled from other Bouroei. 196 STATISTICS OF T1IE [1873. DETROIT. SOMERSET Co. Long and Short Lumber. E. W. Bowen, [No return.] Hiram Witham, [No return.] CORNVILLE. [No return.] DETROIT. Leather, Tanned. Charles Shaw & Son, cap., $100,000 ; water pow. ; stock used, bark, 3,000 cords; val., $24,500; wood, 1,000 cords; val., $2,500; hides, 200 tons; val., $60,000; oil, &c ; val., $2,000; total val., $89,000 ; production, leather, 300 tons ; val., $120,000 ; m. einp., 17; av. weekly wages, $8.50; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston. EMBDEN. Long and Short Lumber. Henry C. Pierce, cap., $2,500.; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, hemlock, pine, spruce, bass wood, birch and maple ; val., $1,200; (no return of quantity or val. of production;) m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $400; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Morse & Hanson, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac emp., 3 ; stock used, pine, hemlock, spruce, fir, bass wood, birch and maple ; val., $1,500 ; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ; ) m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $500 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Skowhegan arid home. Edwin Berry, cap., $700; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. ernp., 3; stock used, pine, hemlock, spruce, fir, bass wood, birch and maple; val., $800; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ;) m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $200; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. FAIRFIELD. Canned Corn. J. W. Jones, [See Portland.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Lawrence, Blackwell & Co., * cap., $14,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; * Includes capital io plaster mill. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. SUM B us ET Co. FAIRFIELD. mac. emp., 5 runs of stones ; stock used, corn, 30,000 bush. ; val., $25,000; oats, 2,000 bush.; val., $1,000; wheat, 5,000 bush.; val., $8,750; total val., $34,750; production, meal 20,000 bush. ; val., $16,000; flour, $1,000 bbls. ; val., $9,000; total val., $25,- 000; *m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $2,028; av. weekly wages, $13 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. Furniture. W. W. Hideout & Co.,f steam pow. ; production, 575 sets per month; m. emp., 16; wages during the year, $9,600; market, Portland, Boston, 'Calais and St. Stephens, N. B. JLong and Short Lumber. 11. & J. M. Fogg, water pow. ; mac. emp., 5 ; production, pine and spruce lumber, 5,000 M; val., $70,000; m. emp., 45; av. weekly wages, $10; 8 mos. of the year in operation; market, New York, Portland and Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Lawrence Bros ,f Jcap., $30,000; water pow., 340 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; production, boards, clapboards, shingles, laths, broom handles, pickets and slats ; val., $50,000 ; m. emp., 35 to 40; wages during week, $650. Connor & Connor,f [No return.] E. Totman & Co.,f cap., $25,000; water pow., 350 h. ; mac. emp., 27 ; production, timber 750 M, boards 1,500 M, clapboards 200 M, shingles 400 M; total val., $32,200 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $5,760 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation. Newhall, Gibson & Co.,f cap.. $30,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 25; production, timber 1,000 M, boards 2,000 M, clapboards 280 M, shingles 1,000 M; total val., $44,700; m, emp., 30; wages during the year, $9,000; 7 mos. of the year in operation. Emery Bradbury & Co.,f [No return.] Nye, Fogg & Co.,f Jcap., $15,000 ; water pow., 300 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; production, timber 600 M, boards 900 M, clapboards 300 M, shingles 1,000 M, laths 300 M; total val., 29,700; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $5,000 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation. Wing & Bates, f cap., $40,000; water pow., 350 h. ; mac. * Employed in plaster mill. f Compiled from other sources. $ Capital invested in lumbering operations in the woods, $20,000. 193 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. HARMONY. SOMERSET Co. emp., 32; production, timber 100 M, boards 1,500 M, clapboards 250 M, shingles 1,500 M, laths 500 M; total val., $66,000; m. emp., 29 ; wages during the year, $15,000 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation. Plaster, Ground. Lawrence, Blackwell & Co., stock used, plaster rock, 200 tons ; val., $9,000 ; val of production, $1,400. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Printing and Publishing. Chronicle Press Association, newspaper and job, Fairfield Chronicle; cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, 3,000 quires ; val., $540; cardboard and other stock, $400; total val., $940 ; ( no ret. of quantity or val. of production ;) m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 1 ; av. weekly wages, $4 to $18; 12 mos. in operation; market, Somerset and Kennebec counties. (Circulation of "Fairfield Chronicle" 960 copies per week.) HARMONY. Long and Short Lumber. James E. Farrar & Co., cap., $1,500 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hemlock, spruce, pine and hard wood, 300,000 ; val., $3,600. (Other particulars in return omitted.) HARTLAND. Leather, Tanned and Curried. John Page & Son, cap , $10,000 ; water pow., 36 h. ; mac. emp., 8 ; stock used, hides, 3,000 ; val., $13,500 ; bark, 300 cords ; val., $2,100 ; lime, oil, soap, etc. ; val. *$ 1,425. 50 ; total val., $17,025.50 ; production, wax upper leather, 6,000 sides ; val., $20,000 ; splits, 4 tons ; val., $2,500 ; glue stock, 5 tons ; val., $600 ; hair, 3 tons; val., $240 ; total val., $23,340 ; m. emp., 9 ; wages during the year, $3,700 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 10 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, Boston. ( Capital employed does not include tannery or machinery, which are valued at $7,000.) Charles Shaw & Son, cap., $85,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; stock used, bark, 2,500 cords; val., $17.500; wood, 100 cords; val., $350; hides, 160 tons; val., $64,000; total val., $S1,850 ; pro- duction, sole leather, 250 tons; val., $100,000; m. emp., 15; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 199 SOMERSET Co. MADISON. Long and Short Lumber. A. J. Moor, cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp , 5 ; stock used, logs, 400 M ; val., $4,000 ; production, boards, timber and shingles, 400 M ; val., $4,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,700; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Spools. Hunt & Cook, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 30 h ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, white birch, 400 cords ; val., $1,600 ; production, 3,000 gross; val., $8,000 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $5,500; av. weekly wages, $15; 12 mos. in operation; market, Massa- chusetts and Rhode Island. Wagons and Sleighs. David Sawyer, cap. $1,500 ; water pow., 10 h ; value of stock used, $500 ; production, wagons, 10 ; sleighs, 10 ; total val., $2,500 ; m. emp. 2 ; (no return of wages;) 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Wool Carding. J. Goodspeed, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, wool, 7,000 Ibs. ; val., $3,500 ; production, rolls, 6,000 Ibs. ; yarn, 1,000 Ibs. ; total val., $5,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; (no return of wages ;) 12 mos. in operation ; market, Bangor and home. Woolen Goods. A Linn, cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets cards, 25 looms; stock used, wool, 15,000 Ibs.; val., $75,000; production, shawls and cassimeres ; val., $160,000; m. emp., 40; f. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $23,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and New York. MADISON. 'roquet Sets. M. Ilobart, (East) cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 10; stock used, maple, 25 M ; bass wood, 15 to 20 M ; ash, 4 to 5 M ; total val., $730 ; production, 1,500 ; val., $3,500 to $4,000 ; m. emp., 4 to 5 ; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $8 to $9 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine and Boston. 200 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. MERCER. SOMERSET Co. Excelsior, for Upholstering. N. & J. M. Wood & Co., water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp. 3; stock used, poplar, 185 cords; val., $825; val. of production, $2,850. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Granville Pullin, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Ilackett & Town, cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, hemlock, pine, cedar, &c., 500,000 ; val., $4,000; (kinds and quantity of production not returned ; ) val. of pro- duction, $7,000 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,248 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. ( When Somerset railroad is completed, mill may employ 10 men and manufacture 3,000,000 feet annually.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. L. F. Edwards, cap., $4,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 12 ; stock used, pine, bass wood and ash, 80,000 feet ; val., $2,000; val. of production, $4,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,404; av. weekly wages, $9; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. Starch. N. & J. M. Wood & Co., *cap., $8,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, potatoes, 12,000 bush. ; val., $1,800; production, 80,000 Ibs. ; val., $4,725; f m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,565; av. weekly wages, $10.08; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. MAYFIELD. Long and Short Lumber. Star Mills, [No return.] MERCER. Clothing. John Diggles, cap., $2,743 ; mac. emp., 10 sewing mac. ; pro- duction, coats, 10,000; m. emp., 5; f. emp., 156; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and New York. ( Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) * Includes capital in excelsior factory, f Same hands employed in excelsior factory. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 201 SOMEKSET CO. MOSCOW. Shoe Pegs. N. Wood & Sons, water pow. ; mac. emp., 10; stock used, white maple, white and yellow birch, 7 cords; val., $42; produc- tion, 60 kinds, 500 bush. ; val., $350 ; m. emp., 2 ; 2| mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine and Massachusetts. (Other particulars in return omitted. On account of bad weather last winter for getting out lumber business was reduced one-half.) Starch. N. Wood & Sons, water pow., stock used, potatoes, 6,029 bush.; val., $1,506; production, 22 tons; val., $2,700; m. emp., 3; 2 mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) MOSCOW. Clapboards. Isaac Temple, cap., $1,200; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 5; stock used, spruce 90,000, pine 35,000 hard wood, 25,000; total val., $1,670; m. emp., 3; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $365; av. weekly wagps, $5.13; 3J mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Elijah Temple, cap., $3,000 water pow., 40; mac. emp., 4; stock used, spruce, pine, hemlock, cedar and hard wood ; (no ret. of val.;) production, boards, 100,000; val., $1,400; boards, 50,000; val., $1,500; boards, 250,000; val., $3,000; shingles, 400,000; val., $4,000; boards, &c., 50,000; val., $500; total val., $10,200; m. emp , 6; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $910 ; av. weekly wages, $7.50 ; 3J mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Machinery. Isaac Temple, (Particulars in ret. omitted. See Clapboards.) NEW PORTLAND. Harnesses. J. A. Woodward, cap., $300; val. of stock used, $200; m. emp, 1; wages during the year, $450; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) 202 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. NORRIDGEWOCK. SOMERSET Co. Leather, Tanned and Curried. Metcalf & Emery, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 6 h. ; stock used, wood, 50 cords; val., $150; bark, 100 cords; val., $600; hides, 1,000 ; val., $5,000 ; calf skins, 300 ; val., $500; kip, 200; val., $600 ; total val., $6,850 ; oil, tallow, &c. ; production, wax leather 1,300 sides, sole leather 150 sides, harness leather 550 sides, calf 300, kip 200, splits 1,500 Ibs. ; ( no val. returned ; ) m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,000; 12 mos. in operation, market, Somerset and Franklin counties and Boston. NORRIDGEWOCK. Suspenders. K Suspender Co., cap., $10,000; mac. emp., 9 ; stock used, webbing 198,091 yds., imported felt 400 yds., S. American hides 200 sides, sheep skins 200; total val., $20,000; production, 10,000 doz. ; val., $40,QOO ; m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 10 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,700 ; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation : market, Boston, New York and Western States. PALMYRA. [No return.] PITTSFIELD. Boots and Shoes. P. E. Dinsmore & Co., val. of production, $3,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,200 ; market, home. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) Brick. Going Ilathorn,* production, 600,000. Carriages and Sleighs. Tibbetts & Partridge, cap., $1,000 ; mac. emp., 3 ; val. of stock used, $279 ; production, sleighs, 6 ; val., $360 ; carriages, 4 ; val., $550 ; lumber wagons, 5 ; val., $400 ; job work, val., $1,800 ; total val., $3,110 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $550 ; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Moses Maxfield, cap., $8,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac, emp., 4 * Compiled from other sources. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 203 SOMERSET Co. RIPLEY. runs of stones ; stock used, all kinds of grain, 40,000 bush. ; val., $50,000; val. of production, $50,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,200 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Somerset county. Patent Medicines. J. II. Davis, cap., $12,000; val. of stock used, $4,934; val. of production, $7,000 ; m. emp., 3, (apprentices ;) 12 mos. in opera- tion ; market, general. Woolen Goods. Pittsfield Pioneer Woolen Mill, cap., $85,000 ; water pow. 50 h ; mac. emp., 3 sets of cards; stock used, domestic wool, 100,000 Ibs. ; val., $55,000 ; foreign wool, 56,000 Ibs. ; val., $20,160 ; cot- ton, 15,6.00 Ibs. ; val., $3,432 ; dyeing matter, val., $10,000 ; wool stock, 40,000 Ibs.; val., $16,000; total val., $104,592; produc- tion, cassimers, 102,824yds.; repellants, 70,248 yds; total val., $151,200; m. emp., 25; f. emp., 32; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $25,521.60 ; av. weekly wages, m., $9.60 ; f., $7.50 ; ch., $3.60 ; 11 J?mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. KIPLEY. Long and Short Lumber. Samuel E. Stone, cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; val. of stock used, $1,200 to $1,500; production, lumber and shingles, val., $1,400 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $150 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Dexter. Shingles. Samuel E. Stone, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Wagons. L. Hutchins, cap., $1,500; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 1; val. of stock used, $63; production, Concord wagons, 12; val., $1,500; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $500; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. SKOWIIEGAN. Axes and Adzes. John Wharff & Co.,* production, 2,000 doz. ; val., $25,000 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $6,000. * Compiled from other sources. 204 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. SKOWHEGAN. bOMEitSET Co. Barnet, Wharfif & Co., cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., 9; stock used, iron, 40 tons; val., $5,400; cast steel, 8 tons; val., $5,200; coal, 80 tons; val., $960; other kinds of stock, $1,025 ; total val., $10,585 ; production, 1,750 doz. narrow- axes ; val., $21,000; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $6,000 ; av. weekly wages, $14 58 ; 10 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, New England and Western States. H. M. Foster & Co., cap., $5,000 ; water pow. ; mac emp., 10 ; stock used, iron, 25 tons; val., $2,800; steel, 5| tons; val., $2,250 ; coal, 50 tons ; val., $600 ; borax, &c. ; total val., $6,632 ; production, 1,200 doz.; val., $13,800; m. emp., 11; wages during the year, $3,600; av. weekly wages, $14; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England, Minnesota and Wash- ington Territory. Steward, Williams & Co , cap., $70,000; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 20; stock used, iron, 160 tons; val., $19,200; steel, 30 tons ; val., $12,000 ; coal, 250 tons ; val.. $3,750 ; grindstones, borax, &c. ; total val., $39,735; production, 7,000 doz.; val., $77,000 ; adzes and broad axes, 100 doz. ; val., $2,500 ; total val., $79,500; m. emp., 35; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $13,120 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and New York. Bats. S. C. & J. S. Chase,* production, 1,000 sets of bats; val., $5,000; m. emp., 6. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Hiram Burrill & Co., cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 200 h ; mac. emp., 7 runs of stones; stock used, wheat, corn, &c., 150,000 bush.; val., $150,000; production, flour, 1,000 bush., meal, 100,000 bush., &c. ; total val., $150,000; m. emp., 8; wages during the year, $2,500; av. weekly wages, 11; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Skowhegan and upper Kennebec. Handles, Shovel. W. B. Bragg, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; production, 8,000 doz. shovel handles; val., $8,000; m. emp., 4; ch. emp., 2 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 205 SOMERSET Co. SKOWHEGAN. Headings. Latton & Steward, cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, poplar, bass wood, fir, 200 cords ; val., $800 ; pro- duction, barrel headings, 60,000; val., $4,000; m. emp., 4 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 6 mos. of the year in operation; market, New York and Boston. Paper, Printing. K. E. Lyon & Co., cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, rags, 330 tons ; val., $33,000 ; production, printing paper, 220 tons; val., $61,600; m. emp., 10; f. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $7,727 ; av. weekly wages, m. $12 ; f. $4.50 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. Printing and Publishing. W. K. Moody, newspaper and job, Somerset Reporter, weekly ; cap., $7,000 ; steam pow., 2 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, news- paper, 8,000 Ibs. ; job paper, 2,000 Ibs. ; ink, 150 Ibs. ; total val., $2,000 ; ( no return of quantity or val. of production ; ) m. emp., 2 ; f. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $2,132 ; av. weekly wages, $8.50; 12 mos. in operation. ( Circulation of "Reporter" 1,650 copies.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. Dane, Allen & Co., cap., $22,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 30; stock used, pine, bass, ash and walnut, 250,000 feet; val., $5,000; (no return of quantity or value of production;) m. emp., 12 to 20; wages during the year, $6,000; av. weekly wages, $7 to $15 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Port- land, Bangor and Lewiston. Water Wheels. S. C. & J. S. Chase, cap., $4,000; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 12 ; value of stock used, $2,300 ; ( no return of quantity or val. of production ; ) m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,200 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England. Wool Carding. B. & C. Stinchfield, cap., $6,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 20 ; i. emp., 2 ; 5 or 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. Other particulars in return omitted.) SMITHFIELD. [No return.] I 206 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. SOLON. SOMERSET Co. SOLON. Leather, Tanned. R. A. Bacheller, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 16 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; Btock used, bides, 400 ; val., $2,000 ; lime, bark, etc. ; val., $1,230 ; total val., $3,230; production, wax leather, 600 sides; val., $3,000 ; kip, 150 sides ; val., $500 ; calfskins, 175 sides ; val., $700 ; total val. of all productions, $4,940; m. emp., 3; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 10 mos. of tbe year in operation ; market, Boston. ( The tannery is not run to its full capacity, owing to the general stag- nation of the leather and hide market. ) Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Parkman & Rowell, cap., $2,500 ; value of production, $1,200 ; m. emp., 2; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Wagons and Sleighs. Sumner Whipple, cap., $15 ; water pow., 10 h. ; value of stock used, $50 ; production, wagons and sleighs, 10 ; val., $700 ; market, home. ( Other particulars in return omitted.) STARKS. Blacksmithing. D. C. Green, cap., $300; m. emp., 1. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Carriages. Reuben Oliver, cap., $800; val. of production, $800; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $250 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home and abroad. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Cider. Luke Sawyer, cap., $200 ; val. of production, $300 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $25 ; av. weekly wages, $2 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Milton Rackliff, cap., $200; val. of production, $200 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $25 ; av. weekly wages, $2 ; 1 mo. of the year in operation ; market, home. Chairs. Ezekiel Rackliff, cap., $1,200 ; water pow. ; stock used, beach and birch, 20 cords; val., $60; val. of production, $1,000; m. 873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 207 SOMERSET Co. . ST. ALBANS. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $6; 12 mos. in operation; market, abroad. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Sawyer, [No return.] Hubs. J. P. Rackliff, cap., $1,000; steam pow., 5 h. ; val. of stock used, $150; production, 500 doz. ; val., $3,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $200 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, abroad. Long and Short Lumber. Daniel Leeman, cap., $800 ; water pow. ; val of production, $1,200 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $150 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Holcomb, cap., $500 ; water pow. ; val. of production, $800; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $100; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sawyer, *cap., $3,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of production, $1,200 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $100 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. ST. ALBANS. Boots. E. C. Buker & Co., cap., $2,500 ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, 1J tons sole leather, 8,000 feet upper ; total val., $2,500 ; production, thick boots, 115 cases; val., $4,140; m. emp., 8; f. emp., 1; wages during the year, $1,265; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. Carriages. Lombard & Bragg, [No return.] ndles, Shovel. N. B. Turner, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp. 2 j ck used, white ash, 11,000 doz.; val., $13,000; production, ,000 doz. shovel handles; val., $13,000; m. emp., 5; wages * Includes capital in grist mill. 08 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. CARRATUNK. SOMERSET Co. during the year, $1,300; av. weekly wages, $7 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, North Easton, Mass. Long and Short Lumber.* Benj. Ireland, cap., $3,000; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, hemlock, spruce and pine, 200,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) S. Lothrop, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 15 h. ; production, boards, 1,000 M ; shingles, 100 M. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sash, Doors and Blinds. J. C. Goodwin, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, 80,000 ; val. $2,500 ; m. emp. 3 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; mar- ket, general. Shingles. G. W. & J. S. Martin, cap, $1,500; water pow., 10 h. ; pro- duction, 1,000 M shingles. Dexter Berry, cap., $800; water pow. ; production, 500,000. Dunlap & Nye, cap., $800; water power; production, 500,000. J. Lyfurd, [No return.] CARRATUNK. Cant Dogs, Axes. E. Witham & Son., cap., $2,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 5; stock used, iron, 4,000 Ibs. ; val., $400; steel, 2,500 Ibs. ; val., $500 ; maple lumber, 4 M ; val., $80 ; total val., $980 ; production, axes 60 doz., cant dogs 800 ; m. emp., 2 ; market, surrounding lumbering district. (Other particulars in return omitted.) *Tbe total value of production of long and short lumber is rising $21,000 ; average weekly wages, $12 ; market, Portland, Baogor and Lawiston. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 209 WALDO Co. BELFAST. WALDO COUNTY. BELFAST. Blacksmithing. W. A. Swift, cap., $1,000 ; val. of stock used, $500 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Blocks. Belfast Foundry Co., [No return.] Henry McGilvery, cap., $5,000 ; steam pow. ; val. of produc- tion, $1,900. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Boots and Shoes. Richardson & Critchett, steam pow., 25 h. ; production, 16 cases daily of women's, children's and misses' boots and shoes ; m. emp., 150 ; wages during the year, $42,000 ; market, Southern States. Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. A. F. Riggs, [No return.] Carriages and Sleighs. S. G. & A. Howard, cap., $4,000 ; stock used, iron, 2 tons ; val., $200; springs, 30 sets; val., $180; other stock; val., $520; total val. of stock used, $900 ; production, buggies, 15 ; val., $2,250; wagons, 15; val., $2,250; sleighs, 15; val., $750; total val., $5,250; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $2,000; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Belfast and vicinity. Clothing, Men's and Boys'. Hersey & Woodward, cap., $10,000; mac. emp., 8 ; stock used, woolen cloths, 2,250 yds.; val., $6,500; production, 350 suits ^ val., $10,000; m. emp., 3; f. emp., 10; wages during the year, $3,500 ; av. weekly wages, $6.50 ; 11 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, home. J. L. Sleeper, [No return.] Confectionery. G. H. Mitchell, [No return.] * Compiled from other source*. 14 210 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BELFAST. WALDO Co. Iron, Castings. Belfast Foundry Co.,* cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 75 h. ; pro- duction, castings and machinery; val., $50,000; m. emp., 18; wages during the year, $9,000. Machinery. Belfast Foundry Co., [See Iron, Castings.] Marble and Granite Work. Clark & Fernald, cap., $5,000 ; stock used, granite 100 tons, marble 40 tons; total val., $4,500; production, monuments, man- tles, curbings, &c. ; val., $10,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $4,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12.50 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Waldo, Knox, Hancock and Penobscot counties. Paper, Wrapping. Belfast Paper Co., cap., $125,000 ; water pow., 250 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, jute and and manilla, 750 tons ; val., $50,000 ; chemicals, $10,000; coal, 1,000 tons; val., $7,500; total val., $67,500 ; production, 500 tons; val., .$90,000 ; m. emp., 20; f. emp., 3; wages during the /ear, $12,000; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, general. Plaster, Ground. J. H. Kaler, cap., $500; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 2 stock used, stone plaster, 800 tons ; val., $1,800 ; production, 800 tons; val., $5,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine, Boston, and the Southern States. Sails. C. R. Thombs, cap., $6,000; stock used, cotton duck, 34,500 yds. ; rope, iron, &c. ; total val., $15,000 ; val. of production, $18,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $2,250 ; av. weekly wages, m., $13.50 ; f., $4.50 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Printing and Publishing. Wm. H. Simpson, newspaper and job, Republican Journal, weekly. [No return.] Wm. M. Rust, newspaper and job, Progressive Age, weekly. [No return.] Geo. W. Burgess, newspaper, Belfast Advertiser, weekly. [No return.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 211 WALDO Co. BURNHAM. Ship Repairing. D. W. Dyer & Son, cap., $4,000; val. of stock used, $10,300; m. emp., 15 ; wages during the year, $8,100 ; av. weekly wages, 15 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. A. D. French, [No return.] BELMONT. [No return.] BROOKS. [No return.] BURNHAM. Leather, Tanned. Charles Shaw & Son, cap. $85,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; stock used, bark, 2,500 cords; val., $11,500; wood, 800 cords; val., $1,600; hides, 160 tons; val., $64,000; total val., $83,100; pro- duction, 250 tons sole leather ; val., $100,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year,- $15, 000; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston. Long and Short Lumber. Hatch & Doe, (no cap. ret. ;) water pow. 40 h. ; mac., emp., 2 ; stock used, cedar and spruce 400 cords, logs 200 M ; total val., $3,000; production, shingles 2,000,000, long lumber 200 M; total val., $6,000 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland. Shingles. Howes, Fletcher & Wilcox, water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, cedar, spruce, fir and pine, 1,800 cords ; val., $4,500 ; production, shingles 100 M, staves 1,000,000, headings; total val., $6,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $4,000 ; 1 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New York and Boston. Hatch & Doe, [See Long and Short Lumber.] tH. H. Fernald, water pow., 20 h. ; mac- emp., 1 ; stock used, cedar and spruce, 50 cords ; val., $350 ; production, 200,000 ; val., $400; m. emp., 3; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Staves and Headings. Howes, Fletcher & Wilcox, [See Shingles.] 212 STATISTICS OF THE [1878. FRANKFORT. WALDO Co. FRANKFORT. Barrels. Franklin Treat, production, fish bbls., 3,000; val., $2,400. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Franklin Treat, mac. emp., 4 runs of stones; stock used, 8,000 bush, grain; val., $7,000. Long and Short Lumber. Franklin Treat, *cap., $60,000; water pow., 160 h, ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, pine and spruce, 1,200 cords; val., $5,000; logs, 500,000; val., $8,000; total val., $13,000 ; production, staves, 500,000; val., $5,000; shingles, 500,000; val., $1,500; lumber, 800,000 ; val., $10,000 ; spool wood, 80,000 ; val., $2,500 ; laths, 1,000,000; val., $2,000; total val., $21,000; f m - emp., 35; wages during the year, $12,000; av. weekly wages, 12; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rhode Island and Massa- chusetts. Shingles, Spool Stock, Laths. Franklin Treat, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Staves. Franklin Treat, [See Long and Short Lumber.] FREEDOM. Wagons. Moses Sylvester, cap., $400 ; val. of stock used, $237 ; produc- tion, wagons, 4 ; val., $480 ; truck wagons, 2 ; val., $80 ; repair- ing; val., $350; 1 pung; val., $40; total val., $950; wages during the year, $150 ; market, home. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) JACKSON. [No return.] KNOX. Leather, Tanned. Henry Crehore, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, bark 200 cords; val., $1,600; hides, 2,000; val., * Includes capital in grist mill. f Also employed in grist mill. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 213 WALDO Co. LIBERTY. $8,000 ; total val., $9,600 ; production, 4,000 sides ; val., $15,000 ; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. Wagons and Sleighs. J. R. & A. B. Sparrow, cap., $1,000; val. of stock, $860 ; pro- duction, wagons, 25; va]., $3,000; sleighs 30; val., $l,500j total val., $4,500; m. emp., 3; f. emp., 2; wages during the year, $800 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 8 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, home. LIBERTY. Brooms. J. C. & A. Knowlton, val. of stock used, $700 ; production, 300 doz. corn brooms ; val., $1,500. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) Carriages. James Leeman, cap., $1,000; val. of stock used, $80; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 12 mos. in opera- tion. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Glidden & Knowlton, water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; pro- duction, flour and meal, 4,000 bush; val., $3,800; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $600 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other par- ticulars]in return omitted.) Staves and Headings. J. C. & A. Knowlton, water pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hard and soft wood, 300 cords; val. $1,500; production, staves, 2,500; headings, 20,000 prs. ; total val., $1,300 (?) ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $500 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rockland. Upham's Stave and Heading Mill, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., val. of stock used, $800; val. of production, $1,200; m. emp., 4; 6 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Rufus II. Colby, water pow.; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $357.30; 3 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particu- lars in return omitted.) James Leeman, cap., $800; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of stock used, $1,000 ; m. emp., 3; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) STATISTICS OF THE [1873. LlNCOLNYILLE. W&LDO CO. LINCOLNVILLE. Leather, Tanned. Henry Crehore, cap., $12,000; steam pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, hides, 2,000 ; val., $11,000 ; bark, 150 cords ; val., $1,200; total val., $12,200; production, 4,000 sides; val., $18,- 000; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,000; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and Mass. Lime. W. C. Tower, cap., $10,000 ; stock used, bbls., 4,000 ; val., $1,000 ; kiln wood, 3,000 cords ; val., $1,200 ; total val., $2,200 ; production, lime, 4000 bbls.; val., $4,000; m. emp., 4; f. emp., 2; wages during the year, $500; av. weekly wages, $6 to $15; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, Fall River and New Bedford. Long and Short Lumber. Simeon Thomas, cap., $200 ; water pow., 19 h. ; mac. emp.,1 ; m. emp., 2. (Mill old and but little used.) MONROE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. J. M. McKenney, cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 4 runs Of stones; production, flour, 300'bbls. ; val., $3,000; m. emp., 1; wages during the yeiar, $300 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market home. (Other particulars in return omitted. Long and Short Lumber. J. M. McKenney, cap., $1,500; water pow.; mac. emp., 4; production, boards, 200,000 ; val., $2,000 ; shingles, 150 M; val., $400; total val., $2,400; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,200 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 3J mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. Shingles. J. M. McKenney, [See Long and Short Lumber.] MONTVILLE. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. M. E. Murray, cap., $3,000. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) 1873,] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 215 WALDO Co. MORRILL. Long and Short Lumber. J. D. Cram, cap., $2,500 ; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 350,- 000 ; val., $5,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) M. & T. Whittier, cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 200,000 ; val., $2,500. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Whitmore, cap., $1,500 ; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 250,000; val., $2,000; production, staves and boards. (Other particulars in return omitted.) J. & C. Sylvester, cap., $1,500 ; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 150,000 ; val., 2,000 ; production, boards and plank. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) E. H. Carter, cap., $1,000; water pow. ; stock used, logs, 100,- 000 ; val., $1,500 ; production, boards. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Green Carter, cap., $2,000; water pow. ; stock used, hemlock logs, 100,000; val., $1,000 ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Wagons and Sleighs. Volney Thompson, cap., $4,000; val. of stock used, $2,000; production, wagons, 20 ; sleighs, 10 ; total val., $4,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) MOERILL. Long and Short Lumber. [No return of names of individuals or company carrying on business.] Production boards and staves. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NOTE. The following firms are understood to be engaged in the manufacture of lumber : Means & Storer, E. Merriam, Jr., David W. Morey, Israel Woodbury, S. A, Jackson, T. R. Means, E. Merriam. NORTHPORT. [No return.] PALERMO. Blacksmithing. Wilder Worthen, [No return.] James R. Soule, cap., $250 ; val. of stock used, $150. (Other particulars in return omitted.) 216 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. PALERMO. WALDO Co. Boots and Shoes. Suinner Murphy, cap., $200. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber.* Stephen P. Harden, cap., $250 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, boards, plank and joists, 14,000 ; val., $168 ; m. emp., 2; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Harrison Berry, cap., $500 ; water pow. ; production, hemlock boards; val., $480. (Other particulars in return omitted.) N. G. French, cap., $150; water pow.; production, hemlock boards, 10,000; val. $80. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Northup, cap., $600; water pow.; production, boards, 150,000; val., $400; staves, 50,000; val., $400; shingles, 25,- 000 ; val., $50 ; total val., $850. (Other particulars in return omitted. Rakes, Horse. C. S. Worthen, cap., $50 ; stock used, hard wood, 1,000 feet; val., $25; production, 10 horse rakes; val., $150. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Shingles and Staves. A. Harden, cap. $250 ; production, shingles, 25,000 ; val., $25; staves, 75,000; val., $225; total val., $250. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Northup, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Alvin Sylvester, cap., $100 ; water pow. ; production, shingles, 25,000 ; val., $50. (Other particulars in return omitted.) John Bugbee, cap., $50; water pow.; production, shingles, 20,000 ; val., $40. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Samuel Turner, cap., $350; production, staves, 150,000; val., $450; shingles, 50,000; val., $100 ; total val., $550. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Total production as follows : Boards and timber, 125,000; val., $1,000; market, Waldoboro'; Staves for lime casks, 150,000; val., $1,450; Shingles, principally spruce and hemlock, 100,000; val., $230; market, Union and Warren; Headings for lime casks, 125,000; val., $250; Hoops, 50,000; val., $500; Lime casks, 50,000; val , $000; market, Rockland and Thomaston. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 217 WALDO Co. SEARSMONT. PROSPECT. [No return.] SEARSMONT. Carriages. Cooper Brothers, [No return.] James Barker, do P. S. Wing, do Furniture. P. W. Robbins & Co., [No return.] Leather, Tanned. Stoddard & Ilawkes, (no ret. of cap. ;) water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, hides and skins, 600 ; val. $3,000 ; pro- duction, upper leather, 1,200 sides; val. $4,800; (no help emp.;) 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and home. lame. James Fuller, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Samuel B. Ilazeltine, cap., $3,000 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 5 ; val. of stock used, $3,000 ; production, boards and timber, 100,- 000; val., $1,000; staves, 480,000; val., $1,920; shingles, 200 M ; val , $800 ; total val., $3,720 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $1,600 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 6 mos. of the year in opera- tion ; market, home. E. L. Bean, [No return.] Wood bury Hook, do Joseph Jewett, do Woodman, Brooks & Co., do Whitten & Co., do S. B. Hazeltine, do II. N. Woodcock, do Joseph W. Moody & Co., do Sash, Doors and Blinds. Moore & Dickey, [No. return.] Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. Hiram Wing, [No return.] 218 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. SEARSPORT. WALDO Co. SEARSPORT. Blocks and Pumps. George Merrill & Son., val. of production, $4,500 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $576 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine and Mass. Boots and Shoes. D, Sullivan, cap., $1,500; mac. emp., 4; val. of stock used, $1,270; production, boots, 200 prs. ; val., $1,000; shoes, 360 prs. ; val., $900; repairing, $400; total, $2,300; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,200; av. weekly wages, $11.50; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Cabinet Work. W. G. Piper, val. of production, $300. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Iron, Castings. W. 0. & C. Barney, cap., $4,000 ; steam pow., 7 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, coal, 10 tons ; vaK, $70 ; iron, 25 tons; val., $750; sand; val., $18; total val., $838 ; production, ship, and other castings, 25 tons; val., $1,000; 12 mos. in operation; market, home. (Have not employed any help since decline of ship- building. ) Long and Short Lumber. T. T. Merrill & Son, water pow., 30 h. (Mills not in opera- tion.) Plugs and Wedges. W. G. Piper, cap., $900 ; pow., 5 h.; mac. emp., 6 ; val. of etock used, $300 ; production, plugs, 200,000 ; val., $200 ; wedges, 200,000 ; val., $150 ; total val., $350 ; market, Belfast and Sears- mont. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Spools. George Merrill & Son, *cap., $25,000 ; steam pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets. ; stock used, spool stock, 500,000 ; val., $12,500 ; other stock; val., $375 ; total val., $12,875 ; production, 125,000 gross thread and silk spools ; val., $30,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $12,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New Jersey and Rhode Island. * Includes capital in manufacture of blocks and pumps. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 219 WALDO Co. STOCKTON. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. A. T. Quinby & Co., cap., $8,000 ; mac. emp., 15; val. of stock used, $1,000; val. of production, $1,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,500 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; market, sur- rounding towns. STOCKTON. Clothing. J. Harris, cap., $2,000 ; mac. emp., 15 sewing machines ; val. of stock used, 16,000; (no ret. of quantity or val. of produc- tion;) m. emp., 1; f. emp., 300; wages during the year, $15,000 ; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Manu- facture for Boston parties on commission.) G. M. Simmons, cap., $500 ; mac. emp., 1 ; val. of stock used, $5,000 ; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ; ) m. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,300; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 12 mos. in operation. Harnesses. Jackson, cap., $300 ; val. of stock used, $600 ; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Staves and Headings. Wm. C. Perkins, cap., $1,500; water pow., 20 h.; mac. emp., 4 ; .stock used, spruce, fir and cedar ; production, lime staves, 60,000; val., $300; barrel staves, 10,000; val., $90; lime head- ings, 10,000; val., $45; barrel headings, 800 pairs; val., $64; shingles, 80 M ; val., $240 ; lime casks, 1,000 ; val., $250 ; total val., $989; m. emp., 4; ch, emp., 2; wages during the year, $520 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Rockland, Bangor, and home. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. A. D. Ames, [Particulars in return omitted.] S. A. Randall, cap., $7,000 ; mac. emp., 16 ; val. of stock used, $800; val. of production, $2,500; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,500 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. THORNDIKE. Long and Short Lumber. Joseph E. Wing, [Mill not in operation.] 220 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. TROT. WALDO Co. TROY. Carriages. Peter Heald, cap., $1,000; wind pow.,4 h. ; mac. emp., 1; val. of stock used, $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. H. C. Merrick, [No return.] Furniture. A. G. Bennett, cap., $300. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) Hubs. C. A. Lana, [See Wooden Ware.] Long and Short Lumber. B. Carlton, cap., $5,000; water pow., 80 h.; mac. emp., 3; production, cedar, pine and hemlock boards, 300,000 ; val., $2,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Freeman Prescott, cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 50 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; production, boards, 100,000 ; vaL, $300. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Dennis C. Myrick, cap., $1,000; water pow., 50 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; production, boards, 100,000 ; val., $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. H. C. Merrick, cap., $1,200 ; water pow., 10 h.; mac. emp!, 1 ; val. of stock used, $600 ; production, cedar and spruce shingles, 600,000 ; val., $1, 500 ; m. emp., 3 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $250 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Belfast, Portland and home. Wooden Ware. C. A. Lana, cap., $200 ; water pow., 2 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; pro- duction, wooden ware and hubs. (Other particulars in return omitted.) UNITY. Plows. Thomas B. Ilussey & Son, water pow.; stock used, pig and old iron, 75 tons ; val., $3,000 ; plow bearers, 200 ; val., $60 ; handles, 200 pairs ; val., $100 ; total val., $3,160 ; production, plows, 200; val., $2,000; repairs, $1,000; total val., $3,000; m. emp., 4; av. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 221 WALDO Co. "WINTERPORT. weekly wages, $9 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Staves. Newell and Wiggin,* production 1,000,000. Stoves. John 0. Hussey, production, stoves, 250 ; val., $5,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) WALDO. [ No return.] WINTERPORT. Clothing. Treat and Littlefield, cap., $20,000 ; mac. emp., 500 sewing machines; production, vests; f. emp., 900; wages during the year, $10,000 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation. (Stock furnished by Boston and New York parties, for whom the vests are made. Garments are sent ready cut and trimmed, and when made are returned. Unable to state value of production. ) Harnesses. W. H. Fogg, cap., $1,000 ; stock used, leather, 2,500 Ibs.; val., $1,200; saddlery hard ware; val., $500; total val., $1,700; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ;) m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,612 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, local. * Compiled from other sources. 222 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BARING. WASHINGTON Co. WASHINGTON COUNTY. ADDISON. [ No return.] ALEXANDER. Black smith ing. B. A. S trout, [No return.] Carriages. Michael Brown, [No return.] Hoops. Perkins & Co., [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. J. W. Dwelly, [No return.] ' C. M. Huff, do Bohanon, do BARING. Long and Short Lumber. H. F. Eaton & Son, cap., $5,000; water pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 1 gang; stock used, hemlock, 3,500,000 ; val., $35,000 ; pro- duction, boards, 3,500 M ; val., $43,150 ; m. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $3,840 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Fall River, Mass. G. M. Porter & Sons, cap., $50,000; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 gangs; stock used, spruce, pine, hemlock logs, 8,000,- 000 ; val., $70,000 ; production, lumber, 8,000 M; val., $90,000 ; m. emp., 100 ; wages during the year, $60,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States and Great Britain. Shingles. H. F. Eaton & Son, cap., $2,000; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 2 ; stock used, cedar, 250,000 ; val., $2,500 ; hemlock slabs ; val., nominal ; total val., $2,500 ; production, shingles, 2,000,000 ; val., $4,000; laths, 2,000,000; val., $2,000; total val., $6,000; ' 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 223 WASHINGTON Co. CALAIS. m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $2,860 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, various places. G. M. Porter & Sons, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, cedar, 250,000; val., $2,500; production, 2,000,000; val., $4,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $720 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 6 mos. of the year in operation; market, various places. Ship Timber. John Sears, cap., $200; production, hackmatack timber and knees ; val., $600 ; m. emp, 2 ; wages during the year, $100 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Calais. Wm. Sears, cap., $300; production, ship knees, 500; val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $360 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New York. Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. E. R. Doten, cap., $1,000 ; water pow., 3 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, wool, 4,000 Ibs. ; val., $1,800 ; production, domestic cloth and yarn, quantity unknown ; cloth, $1 per yard ; yarn, $1.25 per Ib. ; m. emp., 1 ; av. weekly wages, $7.50 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. ( Business small as com- pared with former years, wool growers having sold their sheep and wool for foreign market.) CALAIS. Carriages. E. Osborn, cap., $2,500; val. of stock*used, $3,000; (no ret. of quantity or val. of production ; ) m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,000; av. weekly wages, $12; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Calais. Iron, Castings. W. E. Slayton, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber.* G. M. Porter & Sons, [See Baring.] * In 1872 the domestic exports included long lumber 100,000,000 feet, laths 82,000,000, pickets 1,342,000, shingles 40,000,000, posts and railroad ties 75,000, spool stock 353,- 000, clapboards 110,000, ship knees 51,000, broom handles 150,000, spruce poles 1,200, hoops 160,000. Foreign exports, long lumber 616,000 feet, shingles 175,000. A large number of saw mills have been lying idle the present season on account of the drought. 224 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. CHARLOTTE. WASHINGTON Co. Eaton Brothers,* mac. emp., 7 ; production, long lumber 11,000,000, laths 10,000,000. Jas. Murchie & Sons,* production, long lumber 10,000,000, laths 8,000,000. Copeland, Duren & Co.,* production, long lumber 8,000,000, 6,500,000 laths. Kelly & Murchie,* production, long lumber, spruce, pine and hemlock 15,000,000 ; market, England and South American ports. C. T. Todd,* production, long lumber 7,000,000, laths 6,000,000. Fred. II. Boardman,* production, long lumber 2,500,000. Daniel Hill,* production, long lumber 8,000,000, laths 5,000,000. Machinery. Peabody & Crangle Bros., [No return.] Plaster, Ground. Red Beach Plaster Co., cap., $60,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; stock used, rock plaster, 10,000 tons; val., $30,000; staves, 1,200 M; val., $7,000; hoops, 600 M; val., $4,800 ; headings, 125 M; val., $2,500; total val., $44,300; production, 50,000 bbls. ; val., $75,000; m. emp., 60 ; wages during the year, $20,- 000; av. weekly wages, $10; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, principal cities of the United States. Printing and Publishing. J. A. Sears, job, cap., $2,000; mac. emp., 4; val. of stock used, $500; val. of production, $2,000; m. emp., 1; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. C. R. Whidden, newspaper and job; Calais Times, weekly. [No return.] Sails. Joseph Hutchins & Son, [No return.] CHARLOTTE. Long and Short Lumber. Bradford Fisher, cap., $1,000; water pow., 21 h.; mac. emp., 2 ; production, hemlock boards, 50 M ; val., $400 ; shingles, 400 M ; val., $400 ; total val., $800 ; m. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 2 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Pembroke. (Other particulars in return omitted. ) 'Compiled from other sources. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 225 WASHINGTON Co. CHERRYFIEL-D. CIIERRYFIELD. Long and Short Lumber.* John W. Coffin & Co., cap., $85,000; water pow., 150 h.; mac. emp., 4; stock used, pine 2,500 M; val., $25,000; spruce, 2,000 M; val., $18,000; total val., $43,000; production, boards, 3,000 M; timber, 1,500 M; laths, 3,500 M ; total val., $72,500 ; m. emp., 65 ; wages during the year, $39,000 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation, in mills and woods ; market, Portland, Newburyport, Boston, Providence and New York. (For about 4 mos. men are emp. in the woods.) COLUMBIA. Long Lumber. Jesse L. Nash, cap., $1,500; water pow., 20 h.; stock used, pine, cedar, fir, spruce, birch, and maple, 200,000 feet; val., $2,000 ; production, 200,000 ; val., $3,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $600 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, adjoining towns. Shingles and Staves. Wm. Guptill, cap., $5,500; water pow., 40 h.; mac. emp., 2; stock used, spruce, 700 cords; val., $1,575; pine, 50 M; val., $450 ; cedar, 65 M ; val., $585 ; total val., $2,610 ; production, staves, 1,000,000 ; val., $4,500 ; shingles, 2,000,000 ; val., $4,000 ; total val., $8,500; m. emp., 8; wages during the year, $1,792; av., weekly wages, $8 and board ; 7 mos. of the year in operation j market, Portland, Boston, Providence, and New York. (Cost of carting to wharf, $1,200, not included.) R. & B. C. Smith, cap., $3,200; water pow.; mac. emp, lj: stock used, spruce, 35 M; val., $200; pine, 45 M; val., $405; cedar, 80 M ; val., $720 ; total val., $1,325 ; production, shingles, 1,500 M ; val , $3,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $686 ; av. weekly wages, $7 and board ; 7 mos. of thfr year in operation ; market, Portland, Boston, Providence and New York. (Cost of carting to wharf, $300, not included.) Smith & Bridgham, cap., $3,200 ; water pow., 20 h.; mac. emp., 2; stock used, spruce, 100 M ; val., $800; pine, 50 M; val., * Whole amount of manufactured lumber during the season is estimated at 18,000,000 feet; shingles, 12,000,000; staves, 1,500,000. 226 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. COLUMBIA FALLS. WASHINGTON Co. $450; cedar, 60 M ; val., 540 ; total val., $1,790 ; production, shingles, 1,900 M ; val., $3,800; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $784 ; av. weekly wages, $7 and board ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Boston, Providence and New York. (Cost of carting to wharf, $380, not included. Heading machinery just put in operation, unable to give any returns of pro- duction.) Hathaway & Smith, cap., $3,000; water pow., 40 h.; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, pine, cedar and spruce, 100,000 feet; val., $400; production, shingles, 1,000,000; val., $2,000; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,200 ; av., weekly wages, $8 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. COLUMBIA FALLS. Boots and Shoes. Isaac Carleton, [ No return.] Clothing. Lippiricott & Bailey, [No return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. J. L. Bucknam & others, cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 30 h. ; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones ; stock used, corn and grain, 9,000 bush; val., $9,000 ; production, meal, 9,000 bush ; val., $9,564 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $256; av. weekly wages, $4.92; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Columbia Falls, Columbia and Addison. Long and Short Lumber. Otis S. Tibbetts, cap., 30,000 ; water pow., 120 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, pine, spruce and hemlock, 3,000 M ; val., $80,000 ; production, long lumber, 3,000 M ; val., $36,000 ; laths, 3,000 M ; val., $3,000 ; total val., $39,000 ; m. emp., 25 ; wages during the year, $5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 5 mos. of the year in oper- ation ; market, N. Y., Boston, Salem, Portland, Providence, &c. Coffin, Allen & Co., water pow., 25 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, pine, spruce and hemlock, 1,000,000; val., $10,000; pro- duction, long lumber and laths, 1,000,000 ft.; val., $12,000; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $4,500 ; av. weekly wages, $ 12; 7 mop. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Boston and New York. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 227 AVASHIXGTON CO. CUTLER. John W. Crandon & Co., [ No return.] Tibbetts & Pineo, do Machinery* John S. Woodward, [ No return.] Shingles. A. W. & S. H. Tabbut, cap., $3,200 ; water pow., 15 h. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, cedar, spruce and pine; total val., $300; production, 338 M; val., $501.60 ; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $124; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Wool Carding. S. & C. C. Bucknam, cap., $1,500; water pow., 18 h. ; mac. emp., 1 set of cards; stock used, wool, 10,000 Ibs. ; val., 5,000; production, rolls, 10,000 Ibs. ; val., $8,000 ; m. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 1 ; wages duriug the year, $260 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. COOPER. Wagons. Jas. W. Gary,* cap., $350. CUTLER. Boxes, Wooden. Stevens & French, [No return.] Cured Fish. Isaac Wilder,* cap., $1,000 ; wind pow. ; production, smoked herring. DANFORTH. Blacksmithing. M. S. Springer, [No return.] Nathan Smart, do Charles Kurstead, do Boots and Shoes. John Thompson, [No return.] Long and Short Lumber. Dresser, Parks & Co., [No return.] * Compiled from other source*. 228 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. DEBLOT3. WASHINGTON Co. DEBLOIS. Shingles. R. Picket & Son, cap., $1,500; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1; stock used, 200,000 ft.; val., $1,600; production, 2,000,000; val., $4,500. (Other particulars in return omitted.) R. Rideout, cap., $800 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, 200,000 ft.; val., $1,600; production, 2,000,000; val., $4,500. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Ship Timber. [No ret. of name of firm.] Production, timber; val., $700; hackmatack knees; val., $300; total val., $1,000. DENNYSVILLE. Black smithing. E. Gardner & Son, cap., $1,700; mac. emp., 5; val. of stock used, $355; production, ship and job work; val., $3,800; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $2,250 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Long and Short Lumber. E. T. & E. Lincoln, [No return.] T. \V. Allen & Son, do Peter E. Vose, do EAST MACniAS. Long and Short Lumber. S. W. Pope & Co.,* cap., $60,000; water pow., 130 h. ; pro- duction, timber and deals 1,500 M, boards 2,000 M, laths 2,500 M; total val., $46,500; m. emp., 65; wages during the year, $40,000. Peter S. J. Talbot & Co.,* cap., $30,000 ; water pow., 100 h ; production, deals and boards 2,500 M, shingles 1,500 M, laths 3,800 M ; total val., $39,725 ; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $7,500. James M. Wiswell & Co.,* cap., $10,000; water pow., 70 h. ; production, deals and boards 520 M, timber, plank 80 M, laths 1,265 M, shingles 100 M ; total val., $11,147 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $2,000. * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 220 WASHINGTON Co. EASTPORT. Samuel II. Whittemore,* cap , $8,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; production, deals and boards 500 M, laths 1,000 M; total val., $7,600 ; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $2,500. Geo. E. Burrell & Co., [No returu.] Keith & Chase, do James R. Talbot, do Jessee II. Johnson,* cap., $1,300 ; water pow., 30 h. ; produc- tion, shingles 1,200 M, laths 400 M ; total val., $2,600; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $1,200. Hiram Blanchard, [No return.] Jas. II. Gooch & Bro.,* cap., $500 ; water pow., 20 h. ; pro- duction, shingles 200 M, laths 50 M ; total val., $500 j m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $360. Win. II. Knight, [No return.] EASTPORT. Blacksmithing. II. \Vhelpley, cap., $3,000 ; etock used, iron, 20 tons ; val., $1,000; val. of production, $2,000; m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $900 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home and vicinity. Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. M. Bradish,* cap., $7,000. Brick. Blanchard, production, 250,000 ; val., $2,000. Canned Lobsters. Portland Packing Co., [See Portland.] J. W. Jones, [See Portland.] Clothing* Bradford Bros., [No return.] J. Levy, do Confectionery. A. W. Beckett, cap., $1,000; stock used, sugar, 64 bbls. ; val., $1,500 ; [no return of quantity or value of production] ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $400 ; av. weekly wages, $5 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Pembroke, Grand Menan and Dennj'sville. * Compiled from other sources. 230 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. EATON. WASHINGTON Co. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Steam Mill Co.,* cap., $5,000 ; steam pow., 25 h. Oil, Fish. U. S. Treat,* cap., $5,000. Printing and Publishing. N. B. Nutt, newspaper and job; Eastport Sentinel, weekly; [ No return.] Sails. J. T. Card, cap., $80 ; stock used, duck, 2,000 yds. ; val., $900; other material, $150 ; total val., $1,050; m. emp.,2; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 3 mos. of the year in operation. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted.) Wool Carding. Steam Mill Co.,* cap., $1,500. EATON. Leather, Tanned. F. Shaw & Bros., (no ret. of cap. ;f ) water pow., 80 h. ; mac. emp., 12; stock used, hemlock bark, 5,000 cords; val., $25,000; production, sole leather, 500 tons; (val. unknown;!) m. emp., 40; wages during the year, $21, GOO; av. weekly wages, $8; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. HARRINGTON. Sails. H. W. Hook,* cap., $8,000. JONESBORO'. [No return.] JONE3PORT. Canned Lobsters. AV. Underwood & Co.,* cap, $25,000; production, lobsters, 20,000, doz., cans; val., 40,000; m. emp., 12; f. emp., 12; wages during the year, $6,000. * Compiled from other sources. f Capital in 1870, $30,000. t Value of 350 tons, production in 1870, $30,000. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 231 WASHINGTON Co. MACHIAS. LUBEC. Boats. Geo. W. Godfrey & Son, cap., $1,800 ; val. of stock used, $400 ; production, 8; val., 750; m. emp. 2; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted. Lime. Lubec Lime and Marble Co. (Just commenced operations.) Winterville Lime Quarry Co., [No return.] MACHIAS. Blacksmithing. J. Stratton & Son, val. of stock used, $828.50 ; m. emp., 3 ; av. weekly wages, $18; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Machias and vicinity. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Daniel McDonald, cap., $500 ; rn. emp., 1 ; f. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $600 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Brass Founding and Finishing. Getchell & Sargent, [See Iron, Castings.] Canned Lobsters. Burnham & Morrill, [See Portland.] ( This firm carries on two factories in this vicinity.) Iron, Castings. Getchell & Sargent, cap., $10,000; steam pow., 6; mac. emp., 8 ; stock used, iron and steel, 20 tons ; val., $2,500 ; composition, 6 tons; val., $2,200 ; cast iron, 75 tons; val., $3,500 ; total val., $8,200 ; production, mill and ship work, plows, school seats, &c. ; total val., $13,500 ; m. emp., 9 ; wages during the year, $4,500 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Long and Short Lumber. P. E. Donworth, cap., $29,000; water pow.; mac. emp., 3 ; stock used, spruce, pine and hemlock logs, 1,305,000 ft. ; val., $11,660; production, boards, 1,305 M; laths, 116 M; total val., $22,000; m. emp., 12; ch. emp., 2; wages during the year, $5,400 ; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home and West Indies. (Nearly one-half of production sawed in other mills.) Printing and Publishing. C. 0. Furbush, newspaper and job, Machias Republican, weekly, [No return.] 232 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. MEDDTBEMPS. WASHINGTON Co. Drisco & Parlin, newspaper and job, Machias Union, weekly. [No return.] Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Crane" Brothers, cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp., 15 ; val. of stock used, $1,115 ; (no return of quantity or value of production ;) m. emp., 2; wages during the year, $1,300; 9 inos. of the year in operation ; market, home and vicinity. MACIIIASPORT. Cabinet Work. Geo. E. Bacheller, [Work all to order, mostly repairing.] MARION. [No return.] MARSI1FIELD. Long and Short Lumber. Mark Longfellow & Crocker, cap., $1,000; water po'w. ; mac. emp., 2; production, long lurnber 100 M, laths 100 M; val., $2,200. (Other particulars in return omitted.) MEDDYBEMPS. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. J. G Tarbell, production, meal, 1,000 bush. ; val., $900. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. Isaac Bearce, cap., $4,000 ; water pow., 35 h. ; mac. emp., 3 ; etock used, white birch, 100 cords; val., $400 ; ash, 20,000 ; vali $400; pine, 100 M; val., $1,500; hemlock and spruce, 300 Mj val., $2,100; total val., $4,400 ; production, spool wood, 40,000 ; val., $800; ash plank, 20,000; val., $300; pine, 100 M; val., $2,000 ; hemlock and spruce, 300,000; val., $3,000; laths, 500,- 000; val., $1,000; total val., $7,100; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $2,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Calais. J. G. Tarbell,* cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 4; Stock used, white birch, 120 cords; val., $480; agh and pine, 10 cords; val., $460; hemlo' k and spruce, 100 cords; val., $400; * Includes capital in grist mill. 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OF MAJXE. 233 WASHINGTON Co. MILLBRIDGB. cedar, 200,000 ; val., $200; poplar, 20 cords; val., $50; total val., $1,590; production, spool wood, 50,000; val., $1,000; ash plank, 4,000; val., $160; shingles, 1,500 M; val., $2,300; total val., $4,360; *m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $720; av. weekly wages, $10; 6 mos. of the year in operation; market, Calais and Pembroke. MILLBRIDGE. Black smithing. A. B. Ilayford, cap., $600. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Canned Lobsters. J. Winslow Jones, m. emp., 40 ; 9 mos. of the year in opera- tion. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Sails. A. IT. Martin, cap., $2,000; val. of stock, $4,000; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) NORTIIFIELD. [No return.] PEMBROKE. Blacksmithins:. Wm. J. Laughlin, cap., $1,000 ; stock used, iron, 6 tons; val., $600 ; production, ship and carriage work ; val., $2,000 ; m. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $9.50; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, home. Long and Short Lumber. L. T. Reynolds, cap., $15,000; water pow., 250 h. ; mac. emp., 7 ; production, long lumber, 1,800 M ; val., $14,400 ; laths, 2,000,- 000; val., $2,000; shingles, 200,000; val., $100; clapboards, 40,000; val., $800; staves, 500,000; val., $1,000; keg heads, 25,000; val., $450; total val., $19,050; m. emp., 25; wages during the year, $3,900; av. weekly wages, $12; 6 mos. of the year in operation. PERRY. [No roturn.] Includes hands etnp. in grist mill. 234 STATISTICS OP THE [1873. PBIXCETOX. WASHINGTON Co. PRINCETON. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Leonard Peabody, cap., $1,500 ; water pow., 60 h.; mac. emp., 2 runs of stones ; stock used, corn, wheat, and buckwheat, 5,000 bush.; val., $J,000; production, meal, 5,000 bush.; m. emp., 1 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Hoops. John F. Furbush, cap., $4,000; stock used, 75 M hoop poles; val. ,$2,250; production, ash hoops, 200 M ; val., 12,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $9,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland and Boston. (Also pro- duces 5,000 M railroad sleepers.) Leather, Tanned. William Plaisted & Son, cap., $20,000; steam pow., 42 h. ; stock used, hides, 20,000; val., $60,000; bark, 3,000 cords; val., $1,500 ; total val., $75,000 ; production, sole leather, 480,000 Ibs. ; val., $120,000; m. emp., 40; wages during the year, $18,000; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 rnos. in operation ; market, leather tanned for Boston parties. Long and Short Lumber. Ferdinand Mercier, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 100 h.; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, pine/200 M ; val., $1,400 ; spruce, 200 M ; val., $1,400; hemlock, 200 M; val., $1,000; cedar, 50 M; val., $350 ; birch, 100 M ; val., $1,000 ; total val., $5,150 ; production, boards and plank, 500 M; val., $5,000; shingles, 4,000 M ; val., $12,00; laths, 2,000 M; val., $3,000; pickets, 100 M; val., $500; spool stock, 100 M feet; val., $1,200; total val., $21,700. (Other particulars in return omitted ) Putnam, Rolf & Son, cap., $15,000 ; water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, pine, 500,000 feet; val., $3,500 ; spruce, 400,000 feet; val., $2,800; hemlock, 800,000 feet; val., $4,800; hard wood, 50,000 feet; val., $500 ; birch, 40,000 feet; val., $400 ; total val., $12,000 ; production, boards and plank, 1,600 M ; val., $16,000 ; shingles, 2,000 M ; val , $6,000 ; laths, 1,000 M ; val., $1,500; spool stock, 37,000 feet; val., $448 ; total val., $23,94S ; m. emp., 30; wages during the year, $13,500; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and Providence. (Gang saw only in operation during the summer.) 1873 ] INDUSTRIES OP MAINE. 235 WASHINGTON Co. PRINCETON. Charles Waite & Co., cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, logs, 1,500,000; val., $12,000; production, lumber, 500,000 ; val., $6,000 ; shingles, 5,000,000 ; val., $10,000 ; laths, 2,000,000 ; val., $3,000 ; spool stock, 200,000 ; val., $4,000 ; total val., $23,000 ; m. emp., 30 ; wages during the year, $12,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England and New York. Rakes. Oscar Pike,* cap., $200 ; water pow., 5 h. Shingles. William Sargent & Co., cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 2; stock used, cedar, 250 M; val., $1,750; production, 3,000 M ; val., $9,000; m. emp. ,12; wages during the year, $5,400 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and Providence. Stewart & Woodcock, cap., $8,000; water pow., 50 h.; mac. ernp., 3 ; stock used, pine, 50 M ; val., $350; spruce, 100 M ; val., $700; cedar, 100 M; val., $700; total val., $1,750; production, 4,000 M; val., $12,000; m. emp., 20; wages during the year, $9,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and Providence. Putnam, Rolf & Son, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Ferdinand Mercier, do do Charles Waite & Co., do do Spool Stock, Laths. Putnam, Rolf & Son, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Ferdinand Mercier, do do Charles Waite & Co., do do Woolen Goods. Leonard Peabody, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 50 h. ; mac. emp., 1 set cards; stock used, wool, 10,000 Ibs.; val., $5,000; produc- tion, cloth, 10,000 yards ; val., $8,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; f. emp., 5 ; ch. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,200 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, local. * Compiled from other sources. 236 STATI3TIC3 OF THE [1873. ROBBIXSTON. WASHINGTON Co. EOBBINSTON. Brick. Blacktin & Co., cap., $4,000 ; mac. emp., 1 ; production, 100,- 000 ; val., $000 ; m. emp., 10 ; market, Calais and Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted. Firm just commenced business.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Albert Storer, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 1 run of stones; stock used, corn, 2,000 bush. ; val., $2,000 ; buckwheat, 2,000 bush.; val., $1,500; barley, 200 bush ; val. $150 ; total val., $3,650; production, meal, (no ret. of quantity or value.) ; market, home; (Other particulars in return omitted.) Plugs and Wedges. Albert Storer, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 2; val. of stock used, $7.50; val. of production, $92.50. (Other particulars in, return omitted.) Shingles. Albert Storer, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, spruce and cedar, 20 cords; va4., $80; production, 100 M; val., $100. (Other particulars in return omitted ) Wool Carding. Albert Storer, water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp. 1 ; stock used, wool, 4,000 Ibs. ; val., $2,400 ; production, rolls, 4,000 Ibs. ; val., $2,720 ; m. emp., 1 ; ch. emp., 2 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) STEUBEN. [No return.] TOPSFIELD. [No return.] WESLEY. Long and Short Lumber. David Quinby, cap., $2,000; water pow. (New mill. Opera- tions just commenced. Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. II. S. & S. S. Quinby, cap., $4,000 ; water pow.; mac. emp., 1 ; m. emp., 4. (Other particulars in return omitted. New mill, operations just commenced.) 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 237 WASHINGTON Co. WHITING. WHITING. Long and Short Lumber. William S. Peavey, cap., $20,000 ; water pow ; production, 600 M long lumber; 1,200 M laths ; total val., $7,500 ; m. emp., 12; wages during the year, $5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation. G. & J. Bell, cap., $6,000 ; water pow. ; production, long lum- ber, 250 M ; laths, 500 M ; total val., $3,000 ; m. erap., 6 ; wages during the year, $2,500 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 6 mos. of the year in operation. Robert Bell, cap., $7,200 ; water pow.; production, long lum- ber, 250 M ; laths, 500 M ; total val., $3,000 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $2,500 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation. G. A. & N. Hall, cap., $250 ; water pow.; production, long lumber, 200 M ; laths, 400 M ; total val., $2,000 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $2,100 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation. Newell & Judson, cap., $2,000 ; water pow. ; production, long lumber, 200 M ; laths, 400 M ; total val., $2,000 ; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $2,100 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 5 mos. of the year in operation. Shingles, Laths. John Crane, Jr., cap., $1,000 ; water pow.; production, shingles, 200 M ; laths, 150 M ; total val., $600 ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $900; av. weekly wages, $10; 5 mos. of the year in operation. William S. Peavey, [See Long and Short Lumber.] G. & J. Bell, do do Robert Bell, do do G. A. & N. Hall, do do Newell & Judson, do do WHITNEYVILLE. [No return.] JACKSON BROOK PLANTATION. [No return.] 238 STATISTICS OP TUB [1873. TALMADGE PL. WASHINGTON Co. TALMADGE PLANTATION. Long and Short Lumber. S. W. Neal, cap., $3,500; water pow. ; mac. emp., 2; produc- tion, ship plank, 100,000 feet; val.. $2,000 ; shingles, 1,500 M; val., $4,500 ; hemlock and spruce boards, 60,000 ; val., $570 ; total val., $7,070 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,500 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; 7 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Calais and home. VANCEBORO' PLANTATION. Boxes, Wooden. Ilathorn, Foss & Co.,* stock used, maple, birch, &c. ; produc- tion, lemon and box shocks, 1,250 boxes, daily. Leather, Tanned. F. Shaw & Bro., (no ret. of cap.f;) water pow., 100 h.; mac. emp., 14; stock used, hemlock bark, 6,000 cords ; val., $30,000; production, sole leather, 600 tons ; (no ret. of val. of production J ) ; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $24,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. * Compiled from other sources. f t 1870, capital was $38,000. tin 1870, value of 500 tons sole leather was $100,000. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 039 YORK Co. ACTOX. YORK COUNTY. ACTON. Carriages and Wheels. John Brackett, [No return.) Printing Cotton and Woolen Goods. John Merkle,* cap., $1,500 ; mac. emp., 4. Woolen Goods. E. Brierly & Son, production, embossed skirts, table and piano covers, carriage robes, horse blankets, &c. (Other particulars in return omitted.) ALFRED. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. S. & E. II. Littlefield, mac. emp , 2 runs of stones ; stock used, 8,000 bush, corn; val., $7,000; production, meal, 8,000 bush; val., $7,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. S. & E. II. Littlefield, fcap., $10,000 ; water pow., 75 h. ; mac. emp., 4; stock used, logs, 800 M ft.; val., $9,000 ; production, boards, 1,000,000; val., $13,000; m. emp., 5; av. weekly wages, $8 81 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation; market, Portland and Boston. C. W. Smith, [No return.] Orlando Tarbox,* cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 36 h. Woolen Goods. Thomas Holland,* cap., 8,000 ; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 9 cards, 15 looms ; stock used, wool, 20,000 Ibs. ; production, blankets, val., $16,750; m. emp., 8; f. emp., 10; 12 mos. in operation. BERWICK. Marble and Granite Work. John Emery, [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. f Includes capital in grist mill. 240 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BIDDEFOHD. YORK Co. Sash, Doors and Blinds. G. P. llorne & Co., cap., $5,000; steam pow., 12 h. ; mac. emp., 6; stock used, pine, cherry and bl'k walnut, 30,000; val., $10,000; val. of production, $20,000; m. emp., 6; av. weekly wages, $15 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, home. Shoes. L. M. & D. II. Nute,* steam pow., 15 h. ; production, 125 cases per week ; hands emp., 180. BIDDEFORD. Brass Founding and Finishing. Bond & Smith, stock used, brass, 23 tons; production, cast- ings, 23 tons; 12 mos. in operation; market, Maine and Massa- chusetts. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products. Alfred Fierce & Co., cap., $10,000; steam pow., 6 h. ; mac. emp., 3; stock used, flour, 1,700 bbls. ; val., $15,000 ; lard, 7J tons; val., $1,500; molasses, 12 hhds. ; val., $800 ; sugar, 50 bbls.; val., $1,750; other materials, $1,000; total val., $20,050; (no return of quantity or val. of production) ; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $4,500 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, local. Cigars. John IToysted, cap., $250; stock used, Havana, common* and Ohio tobacco, 750 Ibs. ; val., $300 ; production, 37,000 cigars ; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $540 ; av. weekly wages,' $5 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Cotton Goods. Laconia Manufacturing Co, cor. co. ; cap., $800,000; water pow., 1,000 h. ; mac. emp., spindles, 57,000, looms, 1,333 ; stock used, cotton, 3.500,000 Ibs.; val., $700,000; production, sheet- ings, jeans and drillings, 10,000,000 yds.; cords, 3,000,000 Ibs.; total val., $1,400,000; whole number of operatives employed, 1,100; wages during the year, $400,000 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston and New York. Pepperell Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; cap., $1,200,000 ; water * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 241 YORK Co. BIDDEFORD. pow., 1,300 h. ; mac. emp., spindles, 78,000, looms, 1,800 ; stock used, cotton, 5,200,000 Ibs. ; val., $1,040,000 ; production, sheet- ings, jeans, satteens and drillings, 14,500,000 yds. ; cords, 4,500,- 000 Ibs. ; total val., $2,000,000 ; whole number of operatives emp., 1,500; wages during the year, $500,000 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston and New York. Long and Short Lumber. Jos. Gr. Peering, cap., $4,500 ; water pow. ; mac. emp., 6 ; stock nsed, pine, spruce and hemlock, 3,000,000; val., $38,000 ; pro- duction, lumber, box shooks, 30,000 ; hhd. headings, 50,000 ; shingles, 500 M ; (no val. ret.) ; m. emp., 25 ; wages during the year, $11,000; 9 mos. of the year in operation; market, Massa- chusetts and Maine. Loom Pickers. Loom Picker Co., cor. co. ; cap., $12,000 ; steam pow., 3 h. ; stock used, raw hides and leather, 24,000 Ibs. ; val., $5,520 ; pro- duction, pickers ; val., $12,000 ; hands emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $3,300; av. weekly wages, $9.50; 11 mos. of the year in operation ; market, cotton manufacturers of the United States and Canada. Machinery, Cotton and Woolen. Hardy Machine Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $75,000 ; production, cot- ton and woolen machinery. , Marble and Granite Work. N. F. Sawyer, cap., $3,000; mac. emp. 3; val. of production, $6,500 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $2,000 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Printing and Publishing. John E. Butler & Co., newspaper and job, Union and Journal, cap., $8,000 ; steam pow., 4 h.; mac. emp., 6 ; stock used, paper, &c.; val., $2,000; production, job printing ; val., $8,000 ; m. emp., 7 ; f. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $5,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, York county. (Esti- mate does not include circulation of Union and Journal.) * Compiled from other sources. 16 242 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. BUXTON. YORK Co. Watson Brothers, newspaper and job, Daily Times and Maine Democrat, weekly. [No return.] Wm. S. Noyes & Co., newspaper and job, York County Inde- pendent, weekly. [No return.] Shoes. S. Newcomb & Co., cap., $40,000; steam pow., 6 h.; mac. emp., 50 ; stock used, sole leather, 40,000 Ibs.; val., $15,300 ; kid, 652 dozen; val., $11,400 ; cloth, 25,000 yards; val., $12,618 ; findings, $23,000 ; total val., $62,318 ; production, women's and children's shoes, 50,000 pairs; val., $105,000 ; m. emp., 38; f. emp., 40; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $32,000; av. weekly wages, $7.60 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, New England. Shocks and Headings. Joseph G. Deering, [See Long and Short Lumber.] BIJXTON. Carriage and Car Stock. B. C. Jordan, [See Shocks.] Shooks. B. C. Jordan, cap., $25,000 ; water pow., 75 h.; mac. emp., 6 ; stock used, oak logs, 1,000,000 feet; val., $20,000; production, carriage and car stock, ship timber, hhd. shocks, 1,000,000 ; val., $40,000 ; m. emp., 14 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, Portland and Mass. CORNISH. Leather, Tanned. John Marr & Son, cap., $2,000 ; steam pow., 7 h.; mac; emp., 4 ; production, upper, harness and sole leather and calf, and belt lacings, quantity not known ; val., $1,500 ; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) DAYTON. [No return.] 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 243 YORK Co. ELLIOT. ELLIOT. Brick. Boston Brick Co., cor. co.; cap., $1,500 ; steam pow., 30 h.; production, 100,000; val., $3,500 ; m. emp., 14 ; wages during the year, $2,500 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. John Constantinople, cap., $500 ; production, 200,000 ; val., $1,000 ; m. emp., 4 ; wages during the year, $700 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. John Risbell, cap., $500 ; production, 300,000; val., $1,500; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $815 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Wm. Nason, cap., $500 ; production, 250,000 ; val., $1,250 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year $525 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. E. W. Rowe, cap., $500 ; production, 300,000 ; val., $1,500 ; m. emp., 5 ; wages during the year, $875 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Robert Nason, cap., $500 ; production, 280,000 ; val., $1,400 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $100; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. John Mathews, cap., $500 ; production, 250,000 ; val., 11,250 ; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $531 ; av. monthly wages, $39 ; 4J mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Daniel Rowe, cap., $1,000 ; production, 340,000 ; val., $2,500 ; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $615 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) HOLLIS. Boxes, Wooden. C. F. Clark, cap., $10,500; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp. 3; stock used, pine, 500 M ; val., $6,000 ; oak, 100,000 ; val., $1,500; poplar, 25 cords ; val., $150 ; total val., $7,650 ; production, sugar boxes 6,000, headings 7,000 pairs, shocks 3,000, salt boxes 2,000; total val., $15,000; m. emp., 10 to 15; wages during the year, $5,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine and Boston. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Berry & Palmer,* production, meal, 10,000 bush. * Compiled from other sources. 244 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. KEKNEBUNK. YOKK Co. Long and Short Lumber. S. H. Berry & Son,* mac. emp., 1 ; m. emp., 8. Miller heirs,* m. emp., 16. J. F. Warren, [No return.] C. H. McKenney,* cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 10 h. ; mac. emp. 1 ; production, plank 300 M, boards 500 M, other lumber 50 M ; total val., $42,000 ; m. emp., 40. Plaster, Ground. Berry & Palmer,* production, 150 tons ; val., $915. Shooks and Headings. C. P. Clark, [See Boxes.] KENNEBUNK. Braids and Lacings. Union Lace Co.,* cap., $20,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; stock used, cotton 500 bales, brass 37,000 Ibs. ; production, 600,000 gross shoe lacings and braids ; alpacca and embroidery braids, cotton yarn ; hands emp., 100 ; wages during the year, $24,000 ; market, Boston and New York. Carriages. Jefferson Sargent, [No return.] Flouring and Grist Mill Products. , Nat. Thompson, [No return.] Sash, Doors and Blinds. : J. H. Ferguson & Co.,* cap., $5,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; val. of production, $10,000 ; m. emp., 12 ; 12 mos. in operation. KENNEBUNKPORT. Brick. Cousens & Emmons,* production, 500,000. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Leander G. Smith, [No return.] Shooks and Shingles. Leander G. Smith, cap., $6,000 ; water pow., 33 h. ; stock used, white pine, 1,000 cords; val., $5,500; production, box shooks, 800,000ft.; val., $8,000; shingles, 600,000 ; val., $1,500; total 'Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 245 YORK Co. . LEBANON. val., $9,500 ; m. emp., 7 ; ch. emp., 2 ; av. weekly wages, $10 ; market, Boston. Wool Carding. Leander G. Smith, [No return.] KITTERY. [No return.] LEBANON. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Fred. L. Pierce, [No return.] Shingles and Clapboards* Fred. L. Pierce, cap., $3,000 ; water pow., 46 h. ; m. emp., 3; wages during the year, $1,150; av. weekly wages, $9; 10 mos. of the year in operation. (Other particulars in ret, omitted.) LIMERICK. [No return.] LIMINGTON. [No return.] LYMAN. [No return.] NEWFIELD. Blacksmithing. Chas. R. Morris, cap., $2,000 ; mac. emp., 4 ; stock used, iron and steel, 10 tons; val., $1,400 ; production, carriages and sleigh ironings; val., $3,080; jobbing; val., $1,000; total val., $4,080; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $500 ; 12-mos. in operation; market, home. (Two of the persons employed are apprentices.) Tripoli. 'Mt. Eagle Tripoli Co., cor. co. ; cap., $12,000 market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) STATISTICS OF THE [1873. NORTH BERWICK. YORK Co. NORTH BERWICK. Agricultural Implements. Timothy B. Hussey, cap., $25,000; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 23 ; stock used, white oak, 25,000 ft. ; val., $1,000 ; red oak, 25,000 ft.; val., $750; cast iron, 100 tons; val., $4,000; wrought iron, 10 tons; val., $1,000; steel, 1 ton; val., $150; total val., $6,900; production, plows, 1,500; val., $12,000; cul- tivators, 300 ; val., $2,500 ; horse hoes, 50 ; val., $500 ; castings, 25 tons; val., $2,500 ;' job castings, 25 tons; val., $2,500; ox shovels, 100 ; val., $1,000 ; harrows, 100 ; val., $1,000 ; total val., $22,000; m. emp., 10; wages during the year, $4,000; av. weekly wages, $11 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New England, North Carolina and South America. Boots and Shoes. Chas. Malloy, cap., $100. (Other particulars in ret. omitted.) Boxes, Wooden. Buffam & Co.,* cap., $6,000 ; steam pow., 28 h. ; val. of pro- duction, $11,000. Clothing, Men's. F. 0. Johnson, cap., $2,500; mac. emp., 53 sewing machines; m. emp., 3; f. emp., 120; ch. emp., 20; wages during the year, $1,000; 11 mos. of the year in operation. (Manufacture for Boston parties who send stock all cut. Unable to return quantity or value of production.) Flouring and Grist Mill Products. Nathan Merrill,* water pow., 36 h. Iron, Castings. Timothy B. Hussey, [See Agricultural Implements.] Long and Short Lumber. Haven A. Butler,* cap., $7,700 ; water pow., 75 h. ; produc- tion, boards and timber 750 M, box shocks 150 M; total val., $19,500 ; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $3,000. Plows. Timothy B. Hussey, [See Agricultural Implements.] Stove Polish. J. L. Prescott & Sons, [No return.] * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 247 YORK Co. SACO. Woolen Goods. North Berwick Woolen Manufacturing Co.,* cap., $80,000 ; water pow., 60 h. ; steam pow., 60 h. ; mac. emp., 6 sets cards; production, flannels; val., $160,000 ; hands emp., 73 ; 12 mos. in operation. PARSONSFIELD. Boots and Shoes. Wm. T. Sargent, cap., $300 ; stock used, leather, 100 sides ; val., $500 ; production, boots, 200 pairs ; shoes, 50 pairs, slippers, 25 pairs ; total val., $1,500 ; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $300 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, home. John Morrill & Son, cap., $500 ; val. of stock used, $300. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned and Curried. John Morrill & Son, [No return.] SACO. Boots and Shoes. James Tibbetts, cap., $4,000 ; mac. emp., 7 ; stock used, sheep- skins; val., $408; sole leather; val. ,$1,608; calfskins; $3,120; splits; val., $420; total val., $5,856; production, men's calf boots, 2,400 pairs ; val., $10,000 ; m. emp., 7 ; wages during the year, $3,000 ; av. weekly wages, $8.28 ; 11^ mos. of the year in operation; market, Maine. J. W. Burrows, cap., $3,000 ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, f ton sole leather, 12 doz. calf skins, J doz. kip, 150 Ibs. splits; total val., $1,000. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Brick. Nathaniel Kimball,* production, 400,000. Cotton Goods. York Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $1,200,000; water pow., 550 h.; mac. emp., 35,000 spindles, 800 looms ; production, denims, 530,000 yards ; tickings, 692,000 yards ; cottonades, 2,175,000 yards ; other goods, 2,000,000 yards ; m. emp., 200 ; f. emp., 400 ; wages during the year, $250,000. * Compiled from other sources. 248 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. SANFORD. YORK Co. Roller Skins. E. C. Jordan, cap.. $1,000 ; mac. emp., 1 ; stock used, sheep- skins, 5,000; val., $2,500; market, cotton factories. (Other par- ticulars in return omitted. ) Shocks. James M. Burbank, cap., $5,000; steam pow.; stock used, white pine, 500,000 feet; val., $55,000 ; production, box shocks, 91,666; val., $112,500; m. emp., 11 ; wages during the year, $3,500 ; 10 nios. of the year in operation ; market, New Orleans. SANFORD. Boots and Shoes. Butler & Stiles,* production, ladies', children's and misses' serge and leather boots ; hands emp., 50 ; av. monthly wages, $2,500. Butler & Fogg,* production, men's Alaska, opera serge, con- gress, and women's buskins; val., $115,000; hands emp., 125; wages during the'year, $42,000 j market, Boston. Carriage Robes. Sanford Mills, [see Woolen Goods.] Clothing. Kemp,* val. of production, $25,000. Isaiah Brackett,* val. of production, $25,000. Cotton Goods. Springvale Mill, cap., $10,000 ; water pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 8,000 spindles, 200 looms; stock used, cotton, 1,000 Ibs. per day; val., $200 ; production, print cloths and sheetings, 5,000 yds. per day; val., $350; m. emp., 40; f. emp., 100; ch. emp., 12; wages during the year, $54,000 ; av. weekly wages, $f .50 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, New York. Leather, Tanned. James Hurd, val. of production, $500 ; [no help employed.} (Other particulars in return omitted.) : Woolen Goods. Sanford Mills, water pow., 100 h. ; mac. emp., 4 sets cards; stock used, raw material, 1 ton per day, not including dye stuffs, &c. ; production, plush carriage robes, 5,400 yds. double width * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 249 YORK Co. SHAPLEIGH. goods per week; val., $115,000; m. emp., 53; f. emp., 24; chl emp., 6; wages during the year, $38,332; av. weekly wages, $8.88; 12 mos. in operation; market, United States. (The only mill in the United States that manufactures this kind of goods.) SHAPLEIGH. Boxes. Edmund Goodwin, [See Long and Short Lumber.] Long and Short Lumber. Edmund Goodwin, cap., $12,000 ; water pow., 100 h.; val. of stock used, $10,300 ; production, sugar boxes, boards, shingles, &c.; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $4,800 ; av. weekly wages, $10.50 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, home and Portland. (Other particulars in return omitted.) SOUTH BERWICK, Boots and Shoes. D. Cummings & Co.,* m. emp., 150. > Woolen Goods. Newichawanick Co., cor. co., cap., $100,000 ; water pow., 125 h.; mac. emp., 10 sets cards, 16 jacks, 55 broad looms; stock used, cotton and cotton yarn, 120,000 Ibs.; val., $30,000 ; wool, 360,000 Ibs.; val., $205,000 ; total val., $235,000; production, blankets, 51,000 pairs; val., $204,000; kersey, 60,000 yards ; val., $75,000 ; cassimeres, 36,000 yards ; val., $23,000 ; repellants, 10,000 yards ; val., $9,000 ; cleaver cloth, 12,000 yards ; val., $17,000 ; slasher flannels, 8,000 yards ; val., $9,200 ; total val., $337,200 ; m. emp., 68 ; f. emp., 63 ; ch. emp., 17 ; wages during the year, $58,000 ; av. weekly wages, $7.54 ; 12 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, New York, and Baltimore. WATERBORO'. Long and Short Lumber. Downs & Johnson, cap., $20,000 ; steam pow., 60 h. ; stock used, oak, pine and hemlock, 1,500,000 ; val. of production, $30,- 000 ; m. emp., 20 ; av. weekly wages, $10; 12 mos. in operation ; * Compiled from other sources. 250 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. YORK. YORK Co. inarket, Maine and Massachusetts. (Other particulars in return omitted. ) WELLS. [No return.] YORK. Brick. Norton & Co.,* production, 3,000,000; m. emp., 65. Woolen Goods. J. Chase & Son, cap., $12,000; water pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 1 set cards ; stock used, domestic wool, 18,000 Ibs. ; val. $9,000 ; production, cassimeres, flannels, frockings and stocking yarn, 14,500 Ibs. ; val., $14,500 ; m. emp., 6 ; f. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $2,584 ; av. weekly wages, $1.33 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. (Mill runs 9 mos. of the year on full time ; the remaining time with reduced help.) * Compiled from other sources. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 251 ANDROSCOGGIN Co. LEWISTON. ADDITIONAL EETUE2STS. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. LEWISTON. Batting, Cotton. A. J. Templeton,*f cap., $2,000 ; water pow., 5 h. ; mac. emp., 5 ; stock used, cotton waste, 43,000 Ibs. ; val., $1,460 ; paper, 1,000 Ibs. ; val., $150 ; burlaps, 1,500 yds. ; val. $210 ; oil, &c. ; val. $25 ; total val., $1,845 ; production, batting, 2,400 Ibs. ; val., $3,120; m. emp., 1; wages during the year, $200; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Portland, Bangor, Lewiston, Auburn, Augusta and Gardiner. (Also cards over old batting for customers.) Cotton Goods. Androscoggin Mills,f cor. co. ; cap., $1,000,000; water pow., 1,125 h. ; steam pow., 150 h. ; mac. emp., 62,000 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 3,900,000 Ibs. ; val., $780,000 ; coal, 1,050 tons ; val., $8,400; starch, 60 tons; val., $2,700; total val., $791,100; pro- duction, sheetings, 6,409,000 yds.; val., 958,000; bags, 1,210,- 000; val., $363,000; total val., $1,321,000; m. emp., 350; f. emp., 750 ; wages during the year, $344,000 ; av. weekly wages, 6 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and New York. Continental Mills,f cor. co. ; cap., $900,000 ; water pow., 450 h. ; mac. emp., 32,000 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 2,060,761 Ibs.; val., $438,000; production, sheetings, 1,620,941 Ibs.; bat- ting, 56,336 Ibs. ; [no val. ret.] ; m. emp., 174 ; f. emp., 379 ; ch. emp., 35 ; wages during the year, $162,000 ; av. weekly wages, $5.30 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. (New spinning machinery being added. Capacity to be increased to 70,000 spindles.) Lincoln Mill,f cor. co. ; cap., $1,000,000; water pow., 350 h. ; mac. emp., 21,744 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 1,000,000 Ibs. ; [no val. ret.] ; production, sheetings and shirtings, 3,000,000 * Does business in Lewiston instead of Auburn, as returned on page 1. t Corrected return. 252 STATISTICS OF THE [1875. BRIDGBWATEK. AROOSTOOK Co. yds.; [no val. ret.] ; m. emp., 312; f. emp., 116; wages during the year, $145,000; av. weekly wages, $6.50; 12 mos. in opera- tion ; market, New York and Boston. (This mill is owned by the Franklin Co.) Lewiston Mills,* cor. co. ; cap., $500,000 ; water pow., 450 h. ; mac. emp., 25,000 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 2,400,500 Ibs. ; val., $451,014.85 ; jute, 687,500 Ibs. ; val., $44,485.60 ; total val., $501,500.45 ; production, cotton goods, embracing tickings, duck- ings, cottonades, osnaburgs, denims, shirtings, stripes, checks and bags, 1,880,689 Ibs. ; jute bags and twine, 604,015 Ibs. ; bat- tings, 60,000 Ibs. ; total val., $850,000 ; m. emp., 253 ; f. emp., 554 ; av. weekly wages, $5.78 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston and New York. (Selling agents sell to all parts of the country.) MINOT. Paper 9 Printing. Denison Paper Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $500,000 ; water pow., 550 h.; mac. emp., 4 ; production, 1,850 tons ; val., $550,000; m. emp., 125; f. emp., 50; wages during the year, $80,000 ; av. weekly wages, m. $10, f. $5 ; 12 mos. in operation* AROOSTOOK COUNTY. BRIDGEWATER. Flouring and Grist Mill Products. John E. Pryor, cap., $3,000 ; production, buckwheat meal, &c.; m. emp., 1 ; wages during the yer, $500 ; av. weekly wages, $6 ; 12 mos. in operation. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Leather, Tanned. George W. Collins, cap., $15,000 ; water pow.; production, tipper leather; m. emp., 2 ; wages during the year, $1,000 ; av. weekly wages, $9 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Long and Short Lumber. John E. Pryor, cap., $2,300 ; water pow.; m. emp., 5; wages during the year, $9,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6.40 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, long lumber, home, shingles, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Corrected return. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 258 CUMBERLAND Go. CAPE ELIZABETH. M. E. Rice, cap., $2,300 ; water pow.; m. emp., 6; wages during the year, $1,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6.40 ; 5 mos. of the year in operation ; market, long lumber, home ; shingles, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Shingles. John J. McKeen, cap., $500 ; water pow.; m. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $500 ; av. weekly wages, $6.50 ; 4 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. (Other particulars in return omitted.) ALVA PLANTATION. Shingles. H. H. & F. C. Robinson, cap., $2,000 ; water pow.; stock used, cedar, 300 cords, val., $900 ; production, shingles, 1,000 M ; val., $2,000 ; m. emp., 3 ; f. emp., 1 ; wages during the year, $600 ; av. weekly wages, m. $6, f. $4 ; 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. CAPE ELIZABETH. Kerosene Oil. Portland Kerosene Oil Co., cor. co.ij cap., $200,000 ; steam pow., 100 h.; mac. emp., 26 stills, 17 agitators, 13 pumps; stock used, Pennsylvania petroleum, 1,200,000 galls. ; val., $150,000 ; sulphuric acid, 300,000 Ibs.; val., $7,500 ; caustic soda, 25,000 Ibs. ; val., $2,000 ; bituminus coal, 2,500 tons ; val., $17,500 ; total val., $177,000 ; production, kerosene oil, 840,000 galls. ; val., $210,000; lubricating oil, 40,000 galls. ; val., $12,000 ; naptha, 140,000 galls. ; val., $21,000; gasolene, 5,000 galls.; val., $1,500; paraffine, 40,000 Ibs.; val., $10,000 ; total val., $254,500 ; m. emp., 25 ; wages during the year, $18,000 ; av. weekly wages, $13.84 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland. (Works only run to one third of their capacity. ) Lead and other Paints. Atwood Lead Co., cor. co. ; cap., $80,000 ; steam pow., 20 h.; mac. emp., 6 ; stock used, lead, 200,000 Ibs.; val., $14,000 ; brim- stone, 275 tons ; val., $12>375 ; crude nitre, 25 tons ; val., $3,000 ; bituminus coal, 400 tons; val., $2,800; other stock ; val., $800; total val., $32,975; production, litharge, 160,000 Ibs.; val., 254 STATISTICS OF THE [1873. WINTHBOP. KENNEBEC Co. $14,000; red lead, .50,000 Ibs.; val., $4,500 ; sulphuric acid, 1,500,000 Ibs.; val., $37, 500; other chemicals ; val., $1,000 ; total val, $57,400 ; m. emp., 12 ; wages during the year, $7,500 ; av. weekly wages, $12; 12 mos. in operation ; market, Portland. WESTBROOK. Cotton Yarn. W. K. Dana,* (Banner Mills) cap., $50,000 ; water pow., 40 h. ; mac. emp., 2,400 spindles ; stock used, cotton, 500 bales ; val., $45,000 ; production, repellant and blanket warp, 207,000 Ibs. ; val., $90,000; m. emp., 9; f. emp., 19; ch. emp., 3 ; wages dur- ing the year, $13,000; 12 mos. in operation; market, mostly in the State. KENNEBEC COUNTY. WlNTHROP. Woolen and Cotton Goods. Winthrop Mills Co.,* cor co. ;.cap., $150,000 ; water pow., 164 h. ; mac. emp., 750 spindles, 6 sets cards ; stock used, 227,440 Ibs. cotton; val., $39,399; wool, 158,984 Ibs.; val., $50,193.63; total val., $89,592.63; production, 62,400 prs. bed blankets, 145,- 600 Ibs. cotton yarn ; [no val. ret.] ; m. emp., 40 ; f. emp., 50 ; ch. emp., 10 ; wages during the year, $36,000 ; av. weekly wages, $6.93 ; 12 mos in operation ; market, Boston. KNOX COUNTY. WARREN. Boots and Shoes. Warren Shoe Manufacturing Co.,* cor. co. ; cap., $29,000; steam pow., 20 h. ; mac. emp., 6 ; (no ret. of kind, quantity, or val. of stock used;) production, 251,000 pairs, women's, child- ren's and misses' pegged shoes; val., $200,000; m. emp., 95; f. emp., 30 ; ch. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $46,000 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston. Brooms. Alexander Singer, production, 500 doz.; val., $1,000 ; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) * Corrected return. 1873.] INDUSTRIES OF MAINE. 255 Ksrox Co. WARREN. Brick. Nash, production, 160,000; val., $1,280; m. emp., 4; market, Maine. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Casks. Several Manufacturers, (names not given), production, 40,000; val., $10,000; m. emp., 100 ; market, Rockland, Thomaston and Warren. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Harnesses. Lewis K. Farrington, cap., $500 ; m. emp., 2 ; 12 mos. in oper- ation ; market, local. (Other particulars in return omitted.) Lime. Gr. Y. Creighton, [No return. Just gone into operation.] Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. Alvin Hinkley, [No return.] Woolen Goods. Warren Woolen Manufacturing Co., cor. co. ; cap., $100,000 ; water and steam pow., 60 h.; mac. emp., 5 sets cards; stock used, wool, 150,000 Ibs.; production, satinets, tricots, doeskins, tweeds, repellants, flannels, and frockings, 6,000 pieces; m. emp., 40 ; f. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $24,000. TABLE I. GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. SUMMARY OF RETURNS BY COUNTIES. 258 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. 2 p9jn}OTJ!jnainn J9qiun_jj S ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i e* 41 K-S TIFICIAL LIM p^saAtn IB^tdeo | I l I 1 1 1 i t I I 1 .1. f 1 1 | 'J> i|| . x * o 3 ee C OH 3S-** v 9 S4U3OT -qsjiqu^g jo uaqamjij I-H II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H- !i if aiJ3if Q\\I Saunp 8030^ s s. n *. . 1 1 - 1 ICSIIIIIII- 1 !^ 1 g t n & ii |S 8 |2 2 a> saj'BRi 'pa/Co|d -ma spaBq jo aaqmna jv^ox wo 2 -* 2 II 1 r- | t J | | | | | (M 00 J| So. 2 1^1 IMPLEMENTS. uoponpojj jo eniBA oo oo oo o o Ot-O-fOO 00 CflOl-S^OO OO 1 1 ^ I I -.!.. gf r n & ill fia ii j i *3 O N JCULTUBAL I pasn ^ooig jo en[BA O >0 00 . US O O -H t OC O 21 t - ~ ll w lllllllieo| 00 i-- i J3 - 5 g...'** .2^3 ^3 j vo Ills ti3 5 r i * u_i J9MOd 93JO{J 'spaq.Vi JJi >o \n cs us o 1 1 M 1 ^ 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 -* o o is > J3 3 C c? gj5 ^J .2 Tt - *3 -r o a o -2 s o 'P3139AOI in de o s O O O C^ i i is" rg i i ! -i i i ^ s c* S fc sl=* hsi 1:,;5 *}Ii sjaara -qt!iq1?a jo aaqran^ C^r-l \Or-t OT^* C^r-li 1 II 1 1 III 1 ^2 MB * a, 3j fl s l ||5| SJ OP! | O> t C is^g *^I A 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 259 Saunp eaSB^v CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 #> I 1 1 1 1 1 i :RAL WATER. T:S 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o o irT g 1 O O pasn Jiooug jo eni^A 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 V> 1 1 1 1 1 1 s> tf H n paqsaAnt t^idBO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 J /o^e'S II 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;i 2^ ^" 3 H Concluded. Saunp saSu^v I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m C3 ii , LIMBS < siBp\[ 'paCojd -ma spuaq jo aaqranu i^ox i t II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I! ARTIFICIAI uoiionpoij jo on[ A 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 if "3 3 11 *3 B 1 ll 3 2 M H O *il 38 "c .2 ||ilj|-jlljjlil3i * S .22 y * +- 260 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873, pasn JTOOIQ 000 00=500 OMO tc-r^ t-ooo cooo C5 cs o jo en^A IM 1 paissAui oooo ooooooooo mmoo ooooocrooo 1 IB^tdBQ 1 ' 0* ' CO rl r-T D C II 1 Md 00 o 00 5 1 J < 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 i i' - 1 i i 2 1-4 i 1 M o o CO il 1 sjuara (M CO rl r-l 1 II III 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- * Jill llsl fsia Ijt . <= .* a 111 8 cc M H III! niiiiujiiifji ill1II.i.Il1.l!lII| fl s ! 1 i^ Q II Q ^ It +-*-*" 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 261 uojionpojj o | i , i | | | | | j | i i | i epnnod 'pajojoo jo pasn jfofvja P91S9AHI t 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 1 t t t t 1 1 eo eo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * Suiinp saSe^ flO 000 O O O t- ifl O>OO O O o. V "^"^.^ sapjjfl *paoi 1 1 1 1 III II tfS^ o" s 1 1 sjaam -qsnqwisa jo aoqcan^j r-i r-4 ^ rH e<3 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 "l III II (C - S )YEINO Con. msA oqi Saunp soSu^ cT 2 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i $180,000 1 3 I "i ^ -aaqaina woj 00 1 | | I | | | I | | | | | | | 1 o 3 *| JB CJ "a, J 'saiBtnDj ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO I cT* 3 "" 1 fi 'SQI^re I 1 | I | | | I | | | | I | I s : "1 11 c 3 i! CO H M i II H !^ P & : -' ::::::. m ::: a ti <3f i!i*i4 ^lliiji O C3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *- P* 1 1 1 1 1 1 O "2 o t .2: o *H B B M s 03 jsqnmu *S33u\f diq O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0^ I 1 1 I | 1 < c * UILDING, *!j[inq s^tjojj jo aequin^j 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 C 2 H | paisaAni tB^ld'BQ o o o o o i.i i.iji.i 1'iji -S5| 1 ^*s| """ > -*r C 03 jo jaqmnj^j III III * 1 1 I ill ||a 03 M .- s a iii ?il COUNT! * Capital and valut t Complete returns Six cstablisbmen 264 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. 3, PAPER. p9}SaAUI I^ldBQ i i ;^ i i i i i i i i i i i i i S BOXE jo jeqcan^j ii it i i i i i i i i i i n o < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | CO | | | CO | | | | | CO II "- 1 1 1 1 1 1 So imp soSB^Y -aoqrana '8818013.1 , II t 1 a & - g l!^ 1 si,- 2,. 11111 sll i " S S ft mill 266 GENERAL STATISTICS. OF MANUFACTURES. [1873, BRAIDS AND LACINGS. jua oqj Snunp saSn^ i i i i i I i i i i I I 1 i i jf 1 a 1 I 1 * * 9 K m ' O "o T3 fit aT M a TS 8 I a o 3 o I 1 1 1 3 a M * gajTip^ 'po.Cojd -raa sputjq jo uaqtnna IBJOJ, I i i I I I I I i I i i i i i S jo QnfB^Y o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g" $120,000 'pjjn^o'Bj -tiuucn ssoiS jo aaqain^j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 g | W 1 t I 1 I I 1 ! I I 1 f 1 1 1 fi s 1 cT 01 ; rH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H [*] BOXES, WOODEN Concluded. Suunp saSe^ O !M go o en o 1 1 1 |^ III ^"^ 1 1 1 1 1 * ! Hands Employed. aaqtnna IB?X 60 i i 2 2 , i i S i i i i i S 3 i i i i N i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i M OT i 2"i i iSSc^i i i i iS S COUNTIES. a &:-::::::::::: illill UJlfllJf 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 267 RY PRODUCTS. uoponpojj jo 0n[i!A o o i i i i i i . t i f ' i t f i i $146,500 D OTHER BAKE pgsn 3joo}g I - i i i % i i i i i i i i i i i i g 1 CRACKERS AJ p9qs9Am IB^ldBQ 11 II |g i *>" i i i i i i i i i i i *-*=>" a i 'S5U9tn qsiiq??5I W |"l I*"""-! 1^1 1 ,-"-'"' C-l IWA* oqj Saunp aaStJ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 Z | -ma spuuq jo joqtunn IB-JOX n 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 c5 i i i | g D FINISHING aoponpojj jo 9n[B A "i 1"" o o >rT DUNDING AN -TT52 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 Z o N 1 J9MOd 9SJOJI i i ** i i t i i i i i" i t i i 5 M p95S9Ant IB^ldBQ i i 5 i i i i < i i i ^ i i i i | /> jo aaqcan^j C4 CO 04 04 < t-l 1 * 1 H- cri H M H J2 P 'Sb : t :::::::::: a fcC M O * *3 '"" .2 I I - g 2 53 2 J5 3 II i II II .233 nil , 3-3 o 2.2 s a it 268 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. uojionpojj jo eni*A 1 i i T; QQ I* BREAD s9|Bpj[ 'pafojd -raa spauq jo jgqrana P^OX t- -* 0* ^ 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 """ 5 ca 11 a? OJ M 11 H COUNTI * One establishmen t Partial returns fr 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 269 noponpojj JO 8tl8 A i I I i i i i i i <=T i i i i i i asjojj UlUOJg pajsaAin sjcoal Saianp gaSs^ -aaqrana 3 uoponpojj jo 9n lBA -nasm uazop 1 CO 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I | | | | O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co 1 1 H fl 270 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. Suunp soSu^v 1 <0 -U19 SpUBq JO jaqranu 'uoponpojj jo oniB A pasn li pjtiatn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III | ^ I I I I I I I I I I I I i III eija25j^lll5jl ^^OFiH^WWi-^O^^C^CQ^^K-l 2 i 5 3 fl sjfjf "S o P "-j *** . c O e S 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 271 /^ JOO 1 rs joqtnnu *saSTjmBo IIOQ 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 o I I I I I I I eo O joqrnna 'saStujJUO B ( n9Jpiiq0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | | | | | | * 1 Q ^5 < g poissAUi JTJJldVQ S 0^ O_ 00 r i i i i i i i if i i i i i i v9 S^ *O* 1 w CARRIA< sjaara 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 n. JB3 eqj Saunp sdSiJ^ N 11 1 i "*' i i i rl i i i i i iii o. M v> a ^ o a -ma *put!q i i i i i i i i i i iii *r a o I E STOCK. noiionpojj jo 8n^\ -* o o o^ o^ T[ 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *" 1 1 1 # ~* I i a o *3 CARRIAO p, nwg jo en[iA 11 1 5 " o a. s iii! O O 00 . ~ ^ ^ 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1. 1 8 llill W -3 5= 2 fill* ;o q :iS 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 *- 1 1 II H- BJs|| S-e l^" 24 l|lil w W 1-4 H ^ |1||1 U -~-^e^ * * = c"2- t> *"3i % 4 -H-i<7> = 272 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. [J] CARRIAGES, WAGONS AND SLEIGHS. jgqninu 'SUO^B^Y i i ** 4O o* eo CM c0 III III II * Includes rakes valued at $3,000. t Value of production is that of horse and ox sleds and boats. J Includes jobbing and repairing in value of production. Fifteen establishments make complete returns; forty-four, partial returns; twenty-six establishments, no returns. joqinnu 'B92BUJBQ . O lO O r-l ""* 1 "* 111^ II II . "TO 0>000-*000 < OGD^OO I eo ^ o * us o o eo jo * 1 |^ "* ^ ^* ' -TfBIjqB^JJ jo JQqtnn^ r-t r- s CARRIAGES AND SLEDS, (Children's) Concluded. 'J139A* 9q) Saunp saSe^ 1 i i i i i i i i 2 ' i ' i i i ' s $10.000 i aaqaina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM | | I | I CO eo i a" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM | | | | | I I cs sgrajvr eo 1 eo jo en[A 35 O OS ** 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *" ' 1 1 1 1 1 p9Bn TfOOIg jo en[B A O O o o t * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .< 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo^ uazop *sp9jg ,0 1 1 1 1 I H 1 5 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 GO i 00* COUNTIES. :::::::::::::::: 0"c ~ 53 Jri * * " -. *^ ' tl) 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OP MANUFACTURES. 273 j^af sqi Saunp BaSo^ igffifts mi n 1 II 13 | 1 aaqtunn a-s-ssa-a-.s-s-, wp i 1 l i 1 i i *"* ^ I l I I I I I ^ l I ""* l I I l I l l i I l ^ l l 1 *>* co co > c^ >n H< co oooooooooo ooo SSSooSOTC^ooSi^ o^S ' OOOH oor-o c*oooc" eoi- ooooo o (^ pa^saAni |K)tdVQ ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? sjuara - , , , , , I ,- , I , , 1 1 H -ma spuuq jo joqumu UOpOTlpOJJ JO 8n[T!A jo aoqran^ i c.2 ill - 3 =5l Ill a. a Egg ill il.1 1-sS TIi III HJCO 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OP MANUFACTURES. 275 uoiionpojj JO 8P[BA oooo ooooo noom o.nooo "*_ O^ G^O^ "v 7 "*, . ,, o* 1 S ' ^*o ' ' "S" ' o ' 2" ' S" oo 00 H O in o o o -o oo o ift o o o oo o as m t- { Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 o '5 | sajuj^ 'paA"ojd -xna i-ptu:q jo w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "* 1 1 1 t 1 13 uoponpojj jo en t A 2 , 1 t 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 t t 1 1 . 0^ * t 2 a i q -_ o ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o 5 _" 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 III H 1 5 T jo joqran^ "" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** 1 1 1 en * | o iM GO M M -'I "* I l| H O .2 : ^ ::::;:::::: ^ Iliiil^lfjlJL * Partial returns t Twelve establid 276 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. p o O I E 1 o m 1 Stump sdS'B^ o o s 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 - 1 1 1 1 o 0_ * Partial particulars from all. -019 SpUBq JO joqomu IBJOJ^ llSlliili'*! !!!! CO cs JO 9n[B^ O O o CD o 'pssn sjoo^g JO 9HIBA o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 - 1 1 1 1 I o .SM o o o 1 1 oo 10 to eo 00 COUNTIES. 1873.] GENERAL'STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 277 O CC O O O O O CCOOO 000 CO CO DPERAGE. '" ^ c r-i oo * el c'f o* 1 ^ 1 ~* 1 1 III i U -qsijqvjsjj jo Jdqoin^ 1 ** *- "* 1 1 II -H- JBal aq- Uaunp saJ>B^i s 2- 2 ' 5 ' ' ' "* * s ^ -jaqninu 05 l2 l ll, llll N l CO 2 'sajBtn^jj ~* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * "l^lll.ll^llll^l CO ONERY. aoponpo.ij 1 1 i M " 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 a," 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONFECT] *pssn ^jooig jo eniA 11 11 g paanioBj -nnBra ?punod II 1 Ifl (M ^' CO pa^saAnt i ' o ' ' ' 5 ' ' ' S s 8 jo aaquin^ 1 II III III 1 * CQ W M I ... COUN 1 ] i! 3 1 1 i r. .1 LI o -a si.i. g|5 11 1 S t- 00 ^CO35 C< i i S ^ i '*'- t ^ ii 111 B 00 c-T I jgqmnu -Tmv.ra sqnj, 00 i i i "1 i 3^ i i o^ i i i i i i i 1^ OOPERAG aoqmna 'punpBj -nautn sjiej i i i i o n i i i i i i i r i i i x uoponpojj ,,,,,, % , , , J i i i i i i i i i i i i _r i i i _- w *| -OTijnnBtn ss|joo i i i i -i i i i i i i i Hi 111 turn c ish me urn o Partial One est Partial 1873.] GENERAL-STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 281 aoijonpoij o o ^ 00^ i i i i t i i i i ) i ' i +* i i i H- o o OLSTERING. pssn Jjroig oo irj g S i i i i i i i i i ^g i iii I K M 'f|3aq>vi JBJB^ i i i i i i i i i i ? i i i i 00 1 I i J3Mod 9SJOJJ *sauiud mK3)g i i i i i i i i i 5 i i i i i i 1 a EXCELS lU^tdBQ i i i i i i i i " i i i i o o -p a V I 1 *si(j3(n -q^l|fJ15JSJJ i i i i i i ii tart \ iii = | ..o.onpo,, jo en[8A 1 i i i i i i i 1 2 I i i i i I I 1 i & o 3i | 3 *po5n ^0013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! H pa *'SZg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .2 1 1 * p"3S3AUI IBJldWQ o 1 1 1 t 1 I ! ! 1 <> 1 1 1 I t 1 1 o" ! i I to 3 jo jsqum^j r-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i II! 1 | ft) CS J3 tn w M tin 3 "c H: O H 0> 3J O IsJJl O i .j s s "i n 3 a c cj 282 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. FERTILIZERS. Saunp soSu u * 1 1 1 1 1 1 jt 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 O C5 * Capital, value of production, hands employed and wages of oao establishment includad in table, Fish, Cured and Packed. Same particulars of the other establishment included in table, Oil, Fish, f Cupitil, value of production, hands employed and wages of five establishments included in table, Oil, Fish, i Complete return from, one establishment ; remaining establishments, partial return oi' particulars. -uia spu'Bq jo aoquinu IBIOJ, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jo en[BA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sao} 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Ww* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c .SS 1 1 1 I 1 1 S I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i p9}S3Aai l^ldBQ 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 ^" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o cT 850301 -qsijq7SJf jo jsquin^ < 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Saunp saSu^v ! o i i !S2 aaqninu o W^ 0^ ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 posn 00 O 2*^i i ' i ! i ' i ' i * i } i ' i i i t i ' i i 5 e^aara llllllllllllill tabl ablishments make complete return tablishments make partial returns 284 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. Snunp saSu^ uaqainu 1 t> 1 1 1 till III t> 1 1 I C I < I I t- I I I I I I I I I O 000 O 8 3 IS uoiionpojj I ,,,, i ~ i i i i i i i jo 9n[B A | ^ * o c^ o 1 1 1 ^ 1 ** 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 "O 1 1 to I agqranu I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 00 S9HJUI9.J 1 1 1 *"* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s , t- -* 0* III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III CO COUNTIES. '5o ' -3 I : : : : : : *> ' : e ^ = : o : : J -| : 3 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 287 siaatn 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jo sonata Mf I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Saunp saS^Y -ina spueq jo aaqamu pasn ^joo-js jo s cTo" o" | |CSO| |J| | I | | i II I i Hi ? ii 111 -5 c3 * 4--H- 288 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. -, I I I I I ^ I I I I I I I I I I 2 Saunp saSs^v I &> & -ma spuBq jo aoqranu uoponpojj JO 911 [BA I posn 3fooig , , , , , o" , , , , , , , , , , jo oniA Saunp sags^Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o -'uiaV^q jo ] ' ' I ' I I I I I I I I I I j J9qamu uoponpojj 'JIOOJS 9HJO spnnod a "So '. tS '. '. * m ' ' ' O , g>jd g o - -3 g : : 3 Mllfl i^llliji ijU|ij|i|ii||l|i 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OP MANUFACTURES. 289 1 paen 3{oo?g jo 9npA iiiii^ii w ii"iii s i { -a9Mod 9sio H QO CS ifi ^ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 rHCM 1 1 1 1 1 s jj r i -M- i i ltf}tdQ i.,S,.i,., cc so s^ugta "'"'""""'"'" 4- I-B9& 9q^ Snunp soS-B ^ 1 1 i i g| i i i i i i i i i i i i t ' -raa spa^q jo aoqranu i^oj, s II III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iec iO GUNPOWDER. p9SU 3fOO?g jo 9ni*A I 1 [ 1 1 1 1 g? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p91S9Ani o S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 $325,000 ,JBS I 1 !< * 02 pq H P 19 .1 I <4-C O a J3 8 o 11 II {1 I S g PI us III Hi 51-S = 290 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873, H f sijaarn -qsiiq^sa jo aeqranjj noqonpojj jo s^aein a. * g Suunp" 9 78^ I I I i 18""' -aeqinnn ^*d^| : l^^-g :"&: -2 : 5o' ^t3S2o.2 - ilflliilllltlili I BB I udes shovel, ial return of eturn of par Inc Par * t $ No 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 291 Saunp ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i CD CO QO I 1 1 1 1 rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 .2 1 ^c : ! . ii w jl If 11 II * *- 292 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. J9Mod asiojj *Sl99qM japBjUt, o 1 1 I I I "" I I I l I I 1 l I I o ^ I i JOMod 9SIOH 'souiSua tui3d)y g II l I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I S * 1 H O Q 9 paisgAui It^tdBO , 1 1 | | | ) | | | | | | | | . 1 3 s^uatn -qsiiq?s a jo aaqran^j ^ ^ s i| oi ^3 li o o li COUNTI] NlJjjijiiijJ if ^3'-' *a^SS^w o Illlllllllllllll * Partial return of t Complete return f 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 293 BR BOARD. = ."3 t I i t I I I g I I I i I I I O O I M H a 2SJ5i r-H r-( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Snunp saSB^ 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u -rag spaq jo oaqmnu t^ox i i i t i i i i i i i i i t; i 2 Concluded. noipnpoij JO 901^ 1 1 i i 5 i i f i i i i i i i i i i 1 cT 1 1 pgsn ^oo^g I i i gf i i i i i i i i i i i i i t CJ H O fl sputiod ptoy ounqding 1 i i g~ i i i i i i i i i i i i ' 85 1,500,000 1 3 spanod 'PB91 p9^[ i i g~ I I i I i i i i i i i i cT spanod i i g i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 1 CO M M COUN1 294 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. jigg^f gni 1 1 1 *1 1 1 1 Saunp sgSu^ <>> i ill ii ill i 9 1 H 89iBp\[ 'pgjfojd -ca9 spuBq jo aoqrana \w)0& 00 C* VO SO <* ^l 1 " 1 !!!!!! 1 " 1 !!! 1 S fc 1 O 9 uoponpoi i i ^ i i l i l l I i l l I ^ v> 5> -ra9 spuuq jo joqcanu aoi^onpojj i i ^ o % I ll "E fl 03 "* Illll Ifl!| SffSg-l ISI-sf 11IE iilljf * 4-++tfin.2 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 29T Suunp saB^ 1 1 1 1 1 l II t t 1 1 1 1 1 co" g -ma sptrsq jo joqnmu IB^OJ^ o i i i i t i r i i i t i i i i g i BUO'J jo qunoray i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i oo siu9ni i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i H- NETS. s^ngta jo J9qran^j i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ^~ S9IBP5 'p9&>ld -ma spaBq jo jgqranu i^oj; i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t- 4 1 ugzop 'siMy S >o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEEDLES 4 ( S9ip99a ouiqo -BJIJ "atiiog 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t-" ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * CQ M COUNTI .2 : I I . I . I . I I . '. : . **j* g : ' d : ' -g 'i J : -S ||||||^lj|f||||j g S-J 298 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. suo:| 'no VOd 08JOJJ o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 1 I I I I I co CO O rH \ i i i i i i TV i i i i i i i<* wi * jo aeqcan^j Suunp -UI9 spcreq JO | uoponpojj jo jo J9qtnn^[ 1 a "m "i 1 i O 'e S J! a o.2 S s : l fM S GO .p-r J3 O^ ili! O ^ * a i- 1 c o 5 S2 " .H'S, 3 . 5 ** o i* o w .2 5 .S g o a "o " S> 5 O J3 8 8 S >F * 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. snon'82 |io Sapvouqivj I9MOd 98IOJJ 'souiSao 'P93S9AUI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 * * 300 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. B JQMOd 9SIOJJ 'sauiSua mvd^g o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ci FLOOR CLO r p91S9AUl I^ldBO I 1 1 1 1 1 *f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 in oo & S9UO?0'BJ jo jaqran^j 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tO * j^a^ 9ifl Snutip BQSvflL i i f i i i i i i i i i i i i i w | OtT ^ i 1 * B9iBj^ 'pg^Coid -tag epawq jo jgqrana i^oj^ lO 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 o fl Concluded. uoiqonpoij jo 9n t B A *0. 1 1 jg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I a I 1 1 09 I pgsn 5joo?g jo 9n t B A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t-^ i^ Mh I spanod *p9inno'BjnuBin eu^BJB^ ii^Tiitti 1111 tiii t i i 3 SUOJl'BS 'p9an^oBjnara OUO[OST!{) 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M5* 1 1 CQ ca * COUNTI] illJjjI'iifJ^hi 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 301 PATTERNS AND MODELS. jaqmnn 'uorjonpoaj 6)0901 jo -ma spaBq jo uoi^onpojj jo e-juara -me spaBq jo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 313 III * H- 302 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [18 SB, GBOUND. TSjS 1 II cT m"cT 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 < 1 i H to ,o^S II 1 1 *" 1 1 1 1 1 H- I XB9A" 9q^ Saunp 893^ 1 l ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 w -CU9 SpUBq JO agqainu r^oj, II 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 8 uoipnpojj o o 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft i 1 4 1 'P9JS9AUI I 1 1 Jff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 jo i9qranfl[ ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i * Ci5 *c3 l! .s r uoponpoi^ ^ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i it i || il PICKLES. ,5=3 o ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i a a 11 -1 3- w c 3 ,v~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! s a 11 o ill III CQ M M H in 3 "8* 111 1JI 1 -S a"| g" * * H- 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 303 -me sptreq jo aaqrana j^oj, CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO } WEDGES. jo en^A O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ' 1 jo aaqran^j 1 1 1 1 II III 1 4-- 1139 A* 9qi Saunp saStJ^ II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I jgqmnn T? c*t-u3 00-* o o o I-H eo C9 00 | C4 | 1 iO 1 1 I i I ^ CO Pi CM g | A 3 * 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S a i 03 oeooo ( ^o f ( ( ( ^ ( ( cp ' CO OS ^ 6 I H S9lt?fl[ g ^co ( co t t ( * ^t- CO 10 1 T3S 00 00 00 p^^oo^ o^ c^ p^ * <&iaao & m Q @ i_i pgen ^oo^g jo 9njtJA I'MI,*,,,-!^ so CO 1 1 I | *J9Aiod OSJOW '89111309 UllJO^g c< co a w -* ^ eo 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II s 1 1 ||S 1| | | | || efl CO et Is 0) *p9^89Atlt ' Tjt O COO CO O O CSCO ^ ^J 1 ^1 1 1 1 rH 1 II -TjsijqtJ'js^ 1-1 Cfl co l- |! it OB M ij I! m a, 1 a COUNTI] i!i= : il;JJl!lij! lllljlllllllllll * Embraces book, n t Thirteen establish 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 305 fe fi o o H O O fc gg 5 o o noponpoj00 OO 00 I w 1 1 00 OOO 00 ^10 o^ eo^o^io ^i, 01 ^ ^ o" t-T i so'es" i -^t-T .I r-T i i i-i 1-1 eo o oo co t- pgsn 3[00}g jo 9np?A , S , C5 " 1< , , S , ) -H 1 BLINDS. I9MOd 9SJOJI OO to OOtOC^ O (MiO 00 t-(MCSOO -* 1 ^ 1 1 II 1 II 00 CO CD DOORS AND J9MOd 9SJOJ O O O O C* ** -o i i eo i i c^eor-i c< 1 1 1 noponpoij jo 9n^BA 1 I 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 i '* t 1 1 I o" GROUND. *p9jn^ -OBjmnjtn S9xoq 1 1 1 cf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o" s 3 IBJtdBQ i i *5 i i i i i i t i i i i i .1 i ,;rH c* II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 02 H i N n n n i n n ; 1 1 M H O ^^5 "a ::*:' .2 o o .2 I s S I 1* li 5 o 2 ^ s II if " 2 II s 1! I II II OH 4- 308 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. pasn U9zop nozop 1 1 1 1 1 *-* \ 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 i Frusta i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i OOOOO OO O rjt OOOOO u3O OO Oii PI tO Suunp saSe^v i leqranu , ^ ^ M | | | | | | | | | | jo en[B A <* UQZOp ! !* 1 1 I 4 ti . f 1 1 f 4 ff 1 s 1 2 1 1 1 2> i i i i i i i i i i i I S ,a, m eo i-i c* 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 jo jaqtnn^ -ujo spaBq jo aaqtuna uoi^onpoij 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 ill &t* 111 , T aT g llf .a .sis 8 -8 3 ssl eel a s3 111 3.1! 310 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. jeqrana stsqsnq I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 o o Surinp sog'U^ aaqrana -S ! I ' I i I I I 1 I f I I So : : : : : : I : M M g . . *. = S-M 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OP MANUFACTURES. 311 H jeqrana 00 Illt-IIIIOIIIOOlIt- uoponpojj Stump saSvjh -rag spuisq jo aeqrana uoponpoij s'ja&ra -qsttqB^sg; jo aequmji 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 I 1 O & 1! 3 S S if si 13 II II 11 11 II 312 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. JBO^C 9TN Suunp sdSvj^ S CO CO "5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _^ 1 1 1 vO V e^T * 89II\[ 'pQAOld -mo spuraq jo Joqrana i^oj^ 3 pgjnp'Bjnu'Bra qoa^g jo suoj i-4e^ 1C O 00 C<1 i*if*i i i7 i i"i" . i -* s IM p01S9Am l-B^dBQ O 00 o o^ o o^ nT eo c! 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 II 1 CO* & is ; thirteen ests e establishment, 8 M linn 5 g I |~ P B p98ti Jioo^g 11^ iii i ^ f! 8 J9qranu O rH Ht CO I-H O CO rH rH CO rH 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo stablishmen iments, par OOOOOO OO OOO 000000 oo ooo OOSOOOO OO WOO 1 73 II IB^tdBQ o oooeo-^ioc* ioc coeo ^, 1 - 1 " 1 *-* 1 ^ 1 1 11 -naBtn spanod eo rH rH iQ U3 CO rH rH \O O i-H rH -^ rH 1 1 eo M 5 " if Sf 5 o . I'S 5 a H M H 1i H s-s & * Seven establi t Three establi 816 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. genera s^uara Saunp soSe^ I uoqtnr , , , , ^ , ,.,**, , , , ! uoiionpojj O s s 000 a ^ i i ** \ \ \ s 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 317 CLEATS. noi^onpojj 1 i I I i i i i i f r I i i i t i o i sonata -qstjqi:?}S[j jo jaqron^ i-H r-t II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b= javC aq^ Scamp saSu^v 1 i i. .> i i i. i t i i i i i i k 1 CO i 'Ts 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 s oi 1 a 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l-H p 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-H i i "uoponpoijj jo anjBj^ O -# 1 1 sf 1 1 1 1 1 1 cf 1 1 1 1 1 1 & & 1 A r 00 g ^ 2 paijsaAui t?idBj3 I I i i 2 i i i i i i gf i i i i i i t O o K 1 3 I OT *4 S 3 *| 1 . s-juani -qsi^q'B^sg^ jo J9qtnn^[ " . ..,,1111 = -W -28 g-3 S3 s 15 i^l s i s pa^saAni fUJldBQ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ^f 1 lllll 'a Oi ^3 02 O Illii sl*S H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r-t *" 02 P-H 111! h|I ilfl OQ M EM c |^ 1 4 S fl O Hill t!ti| sJllI . g -o 45 a ^ ' o g, o I -g, -|s5| .3 1 * S 3 lllll 318 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. Snunp soSvj^ -019 spuuq jo joqranu uoponpoj,! pgonpoid saoj^ i i & i i i i i i I i i i i i i 9SJOJJ jo asqmnjyj . o-g S p : : : -g '3 S j : 1873.] GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 319 Saunp 89S^ 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I safBj^ 'pajCojd -tna spauq jo jaqamu IBJOJ, i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i i i i s aoponpoij jo en[A C"n PBI'BPJ 'pa^Ojd -raa spuuq jo aaqrana i^o """" 1 3 uoponpojj e> o o o o oo ^ o II 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 o" i i CLEANING AND ] aeqranu 'suisig 00 o"r-T 0* II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 epunod O O ss II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 po^BQAnt o o o o o g co* so e tcT eT ^ I-H lO 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s^asra jo aaqain^j t-t 1-1 PH I-H 1-4 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 01 H M H P c23grta>s. . 2go*^o 21 322 GENERAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. 'JL18Q& QTC\ Suunp soSra^ iO O S 5 O Ill 1 1 1 1 1 C> jgqcanu J Jl. rH l.l. t ~ ""l^. 50 . CO o K s 1 I I 1 1 I t 1 1 f 1 1 1 M 1 ? H .8 1 1 1 I . 1 1 1 ^ ** 1 I 1 . 1 1 co 1 02 i s i^ 1 i i i i 100 "" ."" i 60 i i i no p OO O O Ot^CD O C^ i3 O "^ O CO O "*& iO rH S JO gn^A c< co >OL CAEDING Al spunod jo jgquina 'sno)l || | | HI | | S C^i i i -^i eo i jgqrana O5t-KO OOO5 lOrHrHt- r-4 rH rH rH 05 *89|'BTn8^ M CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo -a 1 -SOIBRT O5t-U3 COOS OrHrHt- Oft OvOOOOQOiOCOOt-OOO fo M o uorpnpoijj jo QUj'B.A. i 1 rH rH " I 3 M pn'Bsnom *p9jn^ jo aequmjj ^-^oo^eo rH >r^t^rH e^co M^ otTt-^eo r-Tco* c^T 05" 1 J9MOd 98IOJJ Si g s tiii i i i i O5 QO ' P Si |S^ rnS S"^^ tf' i 3[oug jo aaqtanjt I 1 rH CS i I rH 05 :::::::::::: M M H ti* P lllisllfili-s flgSwC.So.S^O 326 SPECIAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. i [1873. Saunp seSra^ 000 000 ,l,^,,, I aeqranu ,|,s,,,s ! 1 0* "p* 1 1 I 1 1 | I | I CO eo 'I' S2 " 1S co i-T " o c> to e< 1 g 1 rHrH | | | rH g uoi^onpojj 00 O 1 2" 1 ^^ 111^ Si 1 00^ o nazop *snrBio jo SUBQ i O5 <-t t- CO f-l ff C^ 10 00 CO I | soAptuodo jo agqama i^oj^ t- t 00 t lO ir *A iO CO^C- ' cT ' I eo w ' ' ooooo ooooo OOOOO C^ i-H CO r-t eo -* IM I 'p9A*oidra9 gptiBq jo jgqranu i^oj, sseo eoeot-eoi-irH r- OOOOr->OOO0 c OLLED. nononpoij ^QO^f-^ * U3 C^ OU3 OS M suo^ 'SIIBJ uoaj ,|, ,.,,., o ft suo^ *s2at2ao l j 101 1 5 1 I | | i M '% (W CO a9Mod 9siou r i .1 ** - : i i 1 1 J9MOd 9SJO|J *S9atSa9 ra^o^g 10 -* 10 00 SS i ooooooooo 00000000 t-ovaooooo 1 p9^S9AQI I zsz% ^HOrH^J 10 so -^eNeo ~* 1 M co co ooooooooooooooo OOOOOOiOCOCiOOOOOOO oe^Oiooeooo-^c^-^ic^oooo eo STD CURKIED. noi-joiipoiji jo en^A t-OiiOOOiOO^C^rHCSCOt-r-icO O' t-cocoor-ioa -^to^ ^co cs CSe T < csr-teo t oo CO* ^ R, TANNED Al J9MOd 98JOJ[ *si99qAi J9?B^ S^^^^SSSg^g . . r ^ ^.rr . S LEATHE] J9MOd 9SIOJJ 'S9m3a9 lub-a^g e^o oo<~< c<^OON 1 p9!JS9Ani WiteQ ^t-co"ose^Qa oaD "sgj'Bpi 'poA*o[d -ra'a epatiq jo 5 ^ CO 1 s g jgqurau ya^o^ H a o o o o 0^ cT | " fl j2rS i3 e^ f>> 5 s" a C^G^ 1 3 r^J p9!Jg9AUI , ss " i JtS^ldBQ 1 .a" "s^itn SniuBjjj jo aaqran^j r-4-H rH * o i N 5 .S -rs O) T3 s .I OT 9 | c3 PH * ca H W H fc t> * go'c III C o ^ B S) O ^ MfScc JB9A" 9q*j Sui , uoponpoij c< o i-i )Mod 98JOJJ 1 ! J9MOd osaoq 'saaiS -ua O GO o ec c< 8^0901 GO O ! I SPECIAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873, ^CD-^OOOC^CN CO CD :re9A" 9q^ Saunp saSB^ CCO5vft^-^*Oi 1- ^05 10 C* 00 t- CO OS 3 ^ 1 69 TO 'paAoiatns spuq jo aaqrana it?}0 coe^ooioooe^ d _ ^ ,_ Cs, rH j _^ ,-ir-t 1 T3 oooot-ooo OOOO-^OOO OOOOr-irHO'O t- *# (M s t3 1 w uoiionpojj jo eni^A oo'aTo cTr-i do" 10 ui" ^ -^ eo o 03 io e* r ^ 1 ! . oT O jsqtnnu 'SJBO pmiijuji O vo m t- CO o s 1 *S | 1 Z oooooooo 0000000 iO O O O O O O o 13 o "3 *2 *p9!JS9AUI IB}ldBQ u ao t^ ^ <>r o" -^r o ^,(35 CO CS 00 00 i-H t- ^ * 2 s s O s- ^ -S S c5 i s^agtnqsnq^sa jo agqranj^ rHCOO>-l!0, CO c ** |ii /sba COUNTIE 'So^ :*::: fcSg o : -3 IIJ : 8^-S "S S 3 E -9 2-0 g H-g^ ^3 "Slsllill ^QMMf^cccc^ ^^ 111 jwl ^ J"" S li in * -*--H- 1873.] SPECIAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 337 gsssss t- Suunp soSts^V O O OS 00 t- ^ "^3 JOqinnU {'B^OJ^ r-< * r-1 <> s 80 rH OS i 1 O N O o Bilij linn 22 338 SPECIAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. [1873. O O <3i O OOOOO C5 cs Suunp soSe^v Uj. 50 i i OT"" t aoqmnu i^ox ^1 0 0 ^a -qt Hgg; jo agqnin^; 4- ! 1- B C3 M =ii 00 It.} ii! COUNTI 3o 111 ill * ! H- 1873.] SPECIAL STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. 339 1 SSSgSSg2 s Suunp saS'E^ t- CO S r-H 00 CO CC O -^ C^ g g 5 1 "p- a o-^eo 10 o > i o eo c< co M I 9 1 MM c 1 m CM f 1 I-H 1-4 I-H ! o S2SSS^!oS^" ^ 1-4 1 cooooooo^oooo i-HOOOOOOC<10OOU5 DC t^ r-^C^^O^^OO^^C^O^O^C^O^O^^O^W C^ l > ^ C i, - (MOO CSO^ r-tO|(M|| M e< i-i co as o * -H en -# o o -^ o co m t- ct co t- cs as CO CN-^CO CO-T^CSi (i-HOSOC<-i<'-H -^ CO i I I i I r-4 CO i I i t OS I I I O CO O> C=l I I I I Illicit I I I I I I I I I CO I I rio -*okoefl eo oo o r( Ifi in OO ^O I I I I I I o I III II I I t- I I a -* -rjt I-H os o o a as oo co -* - o t- c< as CO 0 t- O C* O O t- O OOOO OOO-^OOOO o- * * oo o o ! o coc^ooecb- ooso i M eo co i ' ' jaqmna t- r-i CM co t- oo c<< c<< t-0 O O O O O O O 1- O O O t- O -* t- O t- O -^ OO O O tfS OO O. O C> t-^ tt CD o t~ so" 06" | 3 ri | o -i i crHeo< ~ 4 || l ~' uojpjiqo I I l I I l I I I II 'p. a w O'* r-t O r-l * Barama.ir ! ' ' ' ' ^ I I I S i i i l i i ^ i l I I I l |. * . -^ O c O t-t~ CO -O r-l OS i-l i-H C3 KS * S l 05 ^ |1 .^c^"^ . rt5 MrH , , rt , N uoipnpojj $3^z3*i?ix9Ji&'*# 9 *.i$t jo 9ni A 1000*^00000000 ooo ooooo oo oo 000=0000000000 10 O O O O O O 00 OO O O Ok o o c^ GO co o o o m ooo iooooi i3 .'c ; ;w ;s '."ts 6 '. ; j ;" -n ' TJ^-^^M^T- i^-m _T -*^ ^-. r-s x^*^JOSr -i^O 346 TOTAL SUMMARY OF STATISTICS. [1873. Saunp saS'B^ jaqtnnn eo to co t CO O C CC O 00 iO 05 IO SO C<1 C^ t- I I CO O s^uacn o o o o I! -CO II 2 2 J - o 5 g .5 TABLE IV. STATISTICS OF MINING INDUSTRIES, INCLUDING QUARRYING OF SLATE, GRANITE, MARBLE AND FELDSPAR. STATISTICS OP MINING INDUSTRIES. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. NORTH YARMOUTH. Granite Quarrying. New York Granite Co., m. emp., 100 ; market, New York. FKANKLIN COUNTY. JAY. Granite Quarrying* J. M. Woodman, cap., $2,000 ;" value of stock used, $2,500; m. emp., 6 ; wages during the year, $1,872 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Lewiston. North Jay Stone Quarry, [ No return.] L. Keyes, value of production, $600; m. emp., 2; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 6 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Lewiston, Portland and Boston. HANCOCK COUNTY. BLUEHILL. * Granite Quarrying. G. W. Collins, cap., $10,000 ; quantity of production, 2,000 tons building stone, val. $20,000 ; m. emp., 50 ; wages during the year, $15,000; 9J mos. of the year in operation; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Westcott & Hinckley, [ No return.] Chase & Co., [No return.] BROOKSVILLE. Granite Quarrying. J. Wescott & Son, value of production, $40,000. * Total value of granite quarried, $135,000 ; m. emp., 250 ; oxen, 20 yoke. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MINING INDUSTRIES. 349 DEER ISLE. Granite Quarrying. Charles A. Russ, (Green's Landing) cap., $50,000 ; production, 4,000 tons rough and cut granite, valued $35,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; ch. emp., 3 ; wages during the year, $20,000 ; av. weekly wages, $21 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Marble Quarrying. Eastern Marble Co., cor. co. ; cap., $165,000 ; steam power, 40 h.; m. emp., 30 ; pay-roll about $1,500 per month ; 12 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Massachusetts. ( Been in operation with mill 6 months ; at quarry, three years. Value of yearly pro- duct cannot be given, but supposed to be equal to pay-roll. ) SULLIVAN. Granite Quarrying. John D. Blaisdell, production, curbstones, 12,000 lin. feet, val. $4,800 ; m. emp., 12 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and vicinity. Clapham & Crabtree, production, curbstones, 35,000 lin. feet, val. $14,000 ; m. emp., 20 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and vicinity. Crabtree & Harvey, production, curbstones, 10,000 lin. feet, val. $10,000 ; m. emp., T ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and vicinity. Ambrose Sampson, Jr., production, curbstones, 12,000 lin. feet, val. $4,800 ; m. emp., 12 ; av. weekly wages, $12 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and vicinity. KENNEBEC COUNTY. HALLOWELL. Hallo well Granite Co., m. emp., 600 ; 30 yoke of oxen. KNOX COUNTY. SOUTH THOMASTON. Granite Quarrying. Bodwell Granite Co., ( Spruce Head ) production, 300,000 cubic feet; m. emp., 140 ; av. monthly pay-roll, $6,000 ; market, United States. [See Vinalhaven.] M. Sawyer, ( Spruce Head ) m. emp., 40 ; av. monthly pay-roll, $2,000. 350 STATISTICS OP MINING INDUSTRIES. [1873. ST. GEORGE. Granite Quarrying. Clark's Island Granite Co., ( Clark's Island ) m. emp., 375 ; 16 yoke of oxen ; av. monthly pay-roll, $25,000. VlNALHAVEN. Granite Quarrying. John S. Hopkins, cap., $10,000; m. emp., 35; f. emp., 4; ch. emp., 3; wages during the year, $30,000 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Bodwell Granite Co., ( Pox Island ) cor. co. ( Operate twelve quarries, situated on Spruce Head and Fox Island. Give employ- ment to 1,200 men and 60 yoke of cattle.) Hurricane Granite Co., cor. co. ; m. emp., 100 ; 6 yoke of oxen. MUSCLE RIDGE PLANTATION. Granite Quarrying. Dix Island Granite Co., ( Dix Island ) cap., $300,000 ; m. emp., 800]; av. monthly pay-roll, $90,000 ; market, United States. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. ENFIELD. Granite Quarrying. Webb & Wakefield, [No return.] PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. BROWNVILLE. Slate. Bangor and Piscataquis Slate Co., cor. co. ; cap., $100,000 ; steam power, 25 h. ; production, roofing and slab slate, 8,000 squares ; val. $60,000 ; m. emp., 60 ; wages during the year, $36,000 ; 12 mos. in operation ; market, United States. ( This quarry was opened thirty years ago.) Highland Slate Co., cor. co. ; cap., $60,000 ; steam power, 50 h. ; production, roofing slate, 4,000 squares ; val. $2,800 ; m. emp., 20 ; wages during the year, $13,500 ; av. weekly wages, $11.30 ; 12 mos. in operation; market, United States. Williams Slate Co., [No return.] Merrill Slate Quarrying Co., steam power; production, 75 squares per day ; m. emp., 80 ; wages during the year, $42,000. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MINING INDUSTRIES. 351 KATAHDIN IRON WORKS. Iron Ore. Piscataquis Iron Works ; capacity of furnace, ten tons per day ; works in successful operation. MONSON. Slate. Eureka Slate Co., [No return.] Dirigo Slate Quarrying Co., [ No return.] SAGADAHOC COUNTY. TOPSHAM. Feldspar. Trenton Feldspar Co., cap., $10,000; production, 1,000 tons, val. $2,000 ; m. emp., 6 to 10 ; wages during the year, unknown ; 6 to 8 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Trenton, N. J. ( Up to this year the rock has been exported. Now, it is crushed and shipped in casks.) Graiitie Quarrying. Topsham Granite and Manufacturing Co., cap., $5,000 ; pro- duction, 400 square yards, val. $1,600 ; m. emp., 8 ; wages during the year, $1,000 ; 2 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine Central Railroad, Lisbon Falls. WEST BATH. Granite Quarrying. H. Rogers & Son, cap., $1,000 ; production, 1,200 tons, val. $2,500; m. emp., 4; wages during the year, $1,800 ; av. weekly wages, $15 ; market, Bath and vicinity. SOMERSET COUNTY. MAYFIELD. Slate. Mayfield Slate Co., cor. co. ; cap., $150,000. WALDO COUNTY. FRANKFORT. Granite Quarrying. Eastern Granite Co., cor. co. ; cap., $15,000 ; m. emp., 40 ; wages during the year, $20,520 ; av. weekly wages, $14.25 ; 9 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Boston and New York. 352 STATISTICS OF MINING INDUSTRIES. [1873. Pierce & Rowe, cap., $40,000 ; val. of stock used, $30,000 ; m. emp., 125 ; oxen, 320 ; wages during the year, $60,000 ; av. weekly wages, $18; 10 mos. of the year in operation; market, Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. ( Oxen eat TO tons of hay and $3,000 worth of grain.) WASHINGTON COUNTY. LUBEC. Lead. Lead Mining Co., cor. co. [ No return.] Marble Quarrying. Lubec Lime and Marble Co. ( Just commenced operations.) PEMBROKE. Iron Ore. Pembroke Iron Co., cap., $200,000 ; water and steam power, 200 h. ; production, 6,000 tons, val. $480,000 ; nails, 15,000 kegs, val. $15,000; total val. $555,000; m. emp., 300; wages during the year, $300,000 ; av. weekly .wages, $15 ; 10 mos. of the year in operation ; market, Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut. YORK COUNTY BlDDEFORD. Granite Quarrying. J. & J. M. Andrews, cap., $30,000 ; m. emp., 20 to 30. C. H. & A. Goodwin, m. emp., 30. Gouch & Harris, [No return.] C. H. Bragdon, [ No return.] Ira Andrews & Son, m. emp., 30. 1873.] STATISTICS OF MINING INDUSTRIES. 353 0* -^ 00 O OOO 00 t- (M C^ O OOO 00 r^ cTiO*OcT *&}* O C^ *JB9A OTIl | ^^ I C^ r-H p-H | C4 CO C-^ 1 ||^^ Saunp saSB^ CO" CD .2 aeqmnu I^oji 0* CO CD O O ^ * ^ a^ 3 i 5 s || | || TABLES V, VI, VII, VIII AND IX. SPECIAL STATISTICS. EMBRACING SHIPBUILDING, COMMERCE, RAILROADS, Number and Tonnage of Vessels employed in the COD AND MACKEHEL FISHERIES, AND Factory Cheese Product for 1873. 356 SPECIAL STATISTICS. [1873. 1 W CO JC 00 CO fe. 4 sdooig siauooqog sdiqg rH 00 O Jt- OS CO r-t i-l C^ 00 C9 1 iO Jr- O Jt^- OS S c3 """' ^ i 10 c^ ecc coo^i-^c^ TJH w^eo ao e^oo e^ T^SD^ c^ i-T CO* C^ i-H* r-T O* C^Ti-T QO^ i i i i t it 1 I . I . .9 3 1873.] SPECIAL STATISTICS. 35T II i ' cs to o i 10 i lOOioojoooioeo' "oo SO O^OS^-lr-^C^eOC^ WeOSO^C* 4f^ff rn'oV M ^T sdoojg siauooqog sdiqs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 358 SPECIAL STATISTICS. [1873. O Pn o s, s r-J ^ D^ oO 10 03 C (M & 03 U o 3 a *o (J o t-OOcOiOO O 1 ^ .2J 1 . o QQ f*\ ^ -4 s w'oo'^ico^ 1 ^ 1 ' '^eo 1 | a ||| M ^ | H a O flj fl tl : o o o o ^ i . i . i i i i i i i i *: i - ] ^J ,- QQ *3 CM c " '- ^ 5^ eo co ^ eo JP fe o ^ PH . +* *C O CD CO cc Jt o OO 0>00 O |iOO|iO!MO|0|0|0| | 3 1 I = | M 1 S pj t- OO . 1 t^ oo "eoS? ^ " ^ 'll^*| J % 1 1 IiOOOO OOiO O Sjljll*/ ' e eo >o t- r-i t- i-i ^t|J i| 1 s 00 ,oo , ,S , , , iO OO OS illtlii i H- 1 rative Statement (. AILROADS. ::::::::: :1 ! : : Jtl 1 ; ;|l ;| i ggS r^-J.2 "<3 *^3 ^ a Leased to Maine C b Leased to Grand T e Consolidated in 186 h Leased to Androscc i Purchased in 18 j Reorganized in 186 / Merged into the St e & GO ~ oW ^3 ^ ^* "? *^ W w < I 1 lll||||l|il|11l H O *<5wwww?5w!5www3^ 360 SPECIAL STATISTICS. [1873. . 00 o o o o o o 4 w 000 g o |O*OO |O 1 O |O |O i E H rH O N i-H CC 3 . t- CO - 00 CO CO CO t- 05 o o co" 1 1 1 TjT 1 * I oT 1 v O O ^ I-H O CO H ! - 1 m oo co i o 10 on - ^ 5 eo o 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I nT 1 1 1 00 s ^ n 43 'd 1 TBUCTIOl oo i 1 1 o" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eo 1 li g OQ fe . "a -Concl 6 H O o CO oo o o o o co r- O O OO O * i 1 O O C5 O C5 CO 1 o" 1 o"oTo" 1 1 1 1 to" 1 o" o o t t eo o> p i iO OO CO OO O^ III i i O C5iOO5--*OO C 1 rH ^ t- CO C^ r-t rH CO CO CQ &3 . o CO tl OQ fe O H t-eoooO"*t moiio t -^ 1 HH h- 1 M H ss O UNDER 20 m 1 r-T 2 M rC OQ GQ M i oo 03 1 a 1 rt co' co H i 53 1 O % t-; 05 00 IT- CO O <> t- 00 ^ o OOiC'-000>00 i Tf OS t-^ | CO ^J* CO C 1 1 1 1 1 CUSTOMS DIS^ \S ; i j : i3 ; i i 1 ;-s : ; ;=; ; u ; 1 IH g..S . . ;2 i 68 10 : dw0 ' 'go -T> '3 . IllllillJlJlJ IIIUllllilll 362 SPECIAL STATISTICS. [1873. g m01 p, T *- - - c, "3, Jj -891*0195 1 , ,"- - , ,- a a w i-< f* C* r-t r-4 G* f* G* &t Co o o as o o o o o us ooo OO5 OO-^fOO-^O O C<1 OOO IMSM 050 '00050 i to o 05 O5 e< oo -*t-o5 H oo *oc^oo> iu3O e i 1 C< C^ C< (M C "-i, OT TjTc^r r-Tr-T C^T C^Tr-T S t u^ o <* o eo 00 O CO 00 CO 10 A C I-H rH | I 1 1 1 ^ i ; 'J2 ! j 5 1 5 j J 1 J? i 1 < a 1 1 TABLE X STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURE, FOE THE YEAR 1873. 366 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. ,- 9raBgjo9niA oooo>noooo os\o iOt-<>IOOCX)O H<1-- eoeo c^oioocO>O>OO-*O t-iO 0 CO rH I o OS euiBgjoani^ ifl il O O O U3 O i 1 i 1 IQ O O C<1 10 ^1 PHCO 1 <0 I I S i-T to << H Q spqeng; jo jgqranjj rH O O 10 - i^^ss ,s , w , (M t- g P3 5 M sgjoy jo 'Oil r-t i-H 10 CO CO i rt , f i cs * P S p ( q Stnpnioai dpq o^ A'l.reg^ saStmjo^my oooo ooo oo COOO-^< O-^n O^eo c* 1 0_0 r-^ | O O t- tfi O O O t- O t- O O O O 1 IOO I^CCCDCtCOO U5 5 S ft 3U"3SJ 09n I B A *5 ot-o^oo r ^ i CO ift O - OO CO O i 1 ICOt-t-iOOiQ CO 5 H 03 S M <1 -raj jo saaoy C^COOC^ e^rtr-l rl co H to sSaipimg 3m tot-oco eo t-voco -^os c onoo coco-jOOOOC rH CM CN f !> STaqsncr CMOOOOO no >0 O M spqsng jo aeqran^ s r-l 10 1 | | CO | I 0 irt ^tl O C<> O G? CO C t- 00 't^ 1 ^ S. 2 ^ 1 ^ t- -^ 00 IM jo sioqsng jo aeqran^; 000 -*oo eo ^ r-l 1 CO 0^*0 O m ^ eo i i J3 co 000 OOS^O (MOO lOOrrtO r-l | i-l iO > |i-l eo-^rlio Ir-lr-H O OOO>SOOO OO \a >o c< o r-i -t* o ^co S9JOV 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 369 lit j 3 1 i2 S H jo jo spono^ O iO O O I iO o e^ o o co i ' o- " . S . S 90TBg g jo enrw A I I 75 I I 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 jo spunoj O O O O csi O O O O O s s s 1 1 - 1 I 1 ^ ^4 1-1 1-1 l-l 05 I-H (M jo spunoj OS IO SO C^ O5 -^ QcrH rH 90IBg jo jo spanojj 24 s | | r-4 | tO 1 10 1 | I ilil 370 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. CQ SJ SJ 5 d99qg H* jo I < c^;oou3Oeo ^-o c^i -H en o ^- o -i eo^oos enenaor-ic^QO w i i p^aqqSnoaoqjQ SJ9J19H PUB 'PIO SJB9 J. anoj jgpan SJ9J19HJO N spaBAidn pm? 9JB9^ ano^ SMOQ JO -0$ jnoj japan eo co t "I & onrBg jo en^A 1 aT ^ 1 eni'Bg jo onpJA r-T H o <3 & otaBg o eV jo aaqran^j g M jo joqmnjj 1 ^ (jno saox t- S9JOy "S9joy ~o p.qSatpnjoai diaqo^iaBa^ l~0 jo aequmj^j H jo J9qcan^ s sgShjMjo^tny -7, o c< 9rang ^ H 8^a9tn9[dmj Saiarj'Bj; o c^ H < oraBg jo 9niBA 5> H < B jo on^A 5 jo 9ntA s P3 9 U3 W !|no saox s to 9 3 9tQBg i M spqsng CO 3 f 3 jo an^'A g & saioy 1 Q pq O w jo laqmnj^ M - fe 1 j i-3 Q P U|B IPAV JO B9JOV 00 gm'Bg 1 : i O s jo on^A- ^ H ota'Bg C0 t- -S9joy jo agqamtf & ?4 jo onjBA s> ain'BQ o PITS'! 5 , JO 9n[BA rf jo saaoy cT S3 >H sieqsng s p BCDJ'BJ M cq" A jo J9qamjj N < H W spqsng jo aeqain^ CO jo Jt9qcan[ C4 S9Jj>y jo jgqtan^j 2 aniBg jo 0n|i?A I 1 " o i ,r/5 H .oe^A O iO co" ' os 1 < < H Q siaqsng S"' 1 f-H* g <3 sjoqsng ^O O tO O iO g co^ CO 1 ( S9JOV JO 'OR 1' ' ' co 2 p,q Saipnjoat 1 jo aa^n N s ' as u o o oo s H ' S 'T1 CO . s s io^ co * jo aniBA s ' 1 1 P J [ A 8 r ^ s s t- 1 "1< w 8 CO rH tr- eratjg o CO GO 5 Cj puisi paAoad < o as o o ?l ^ < s jo an^A IT* g ft <: n ^ sjaqsng I,,, paBq; paAoad S CN S CO eo eo w o jo aaqranx 3 0 2 , , , 1 I s *5JOO}g !}B NT p^jqqSnojoqjj Q 90IBg jo 9n t BA oo 1 c? 1 o o !)B9^ J9q^0 jo 9n^BA 1 CO^ | | CO * s H g POOAV9JIJ 5 I PUB SMOO jo 9n t BA W3 OS t- t- CO i OO ^1 OS 2 1 3 t- 11 J9pun s^po 12gS CO f dggqg IIB jo $si s 1 fc J Ml s 3 o* F-H E ^ss 3 3 TOWNS, g^l TOWNS. & E Jit 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 377 8 S9JOV jo staqsng jo aeqranjsj JO 91UBA 90IT5g JO 89JOV p9AOld -irnuQ jo s9Joy sSatp|tng gat -pnpat ' pavj jo O t- rH C^ OC CO r-H (N CD 12" o o ill ooV CS OO CO rH 05 CS jo otijBA -* ^co c^T BEANS S[9qsng O O CO -# 05 CD O "^ o 04 ~ ^00 3 BARLEY Bjgqsng jo igqranjj o 1 ^ 1 1 1 r-T S9joy t-rH TOWNS. j Brooksvi Surry. . . . Tremont. 378 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. ss CM O US us H om*g "* ^ fti oraBg c^co os^ us w jo 9H[BA JO 9HJBA s. : o =^ o 02 ^HO saoj; eo eo spJ-BAidn paB i2S^ eo jo jaqam^ W sa^ ^ sasaofj CM fc o jo aaqran^j 2 * S i 1 * H ocaBg jo 9n[A o us o (M 00 00 os us^co >n oo o eo t O 00 ^ _ / eo oo t- 00 jo en[BA f-i so ^ oo" aepnn 8)[0() us ^3 jo aaqam^j; ^ us os o t- r- US r-( i 1 Q ^ jo J9qam^ jo 9niBA - 1 1 t- O t- S saioy us in oo 00 eo ZJ o o us us Q joaoqtnnN JO SUO[[B0 1 9tnBg O US SO -* * O CO o 00* i arnBg os oo S o oo os \ bH 5 & r-t M jo 9 n!B A M COUNT NGLISH H *^nQ saoj] ^0 o i^ t P '9pBm ja^ng' jo spuno* os eo sajddv' o o us us us jo^qtnntf jo spqsng oi I g J2 s i 1 ^1 % a o ^1 III 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 379 daaqg n jo onitJA SSOJQ CC t~ rf 9 Oi O daaqg epw0 jo aaqran^i , , o i sSSa jo saazoQ O o o oo C^s^eo -^lo'oT IM eo - CO oo" t- i | arat?g jo en|A i in eo N 1 ^j^inoj: O ** O t- t- !0 C^^ ^* ^ i s o | JlJKXJg VB8fl; p ( qq3noioqx jo jeqinn^j ,," cc 1 jo an[BA n f 3S _ 1 o ^ o siejwfr pUB SMOQ 00 00 t- " W3 0^ -* O^ QO"05 o" ^ (> "^ C jo an IB A ^ OQ aaiMg SS 05 t- >~. & M 3 s.TBa ^ I9pun eaajtajj eo eo <^ 00 IM eo jo aaqran^[ 8 si^taiay pjiAi 1 g u spa^Aidn pa satjaA! ^ SM.of) jo aaqran^ . ca -* t^. -t t IM C< GO t- Q pa i-3 J pa sSoQ A"q daaqg o? oSe -ursp jo I ( OTV 1 ' 8 3 S[uuiiuv p[i.w iQ 94 iO CM ! siea^q 151 00 00 CL, W A*'q paiijq daaqq.jo -ofj s paw naxQ jo en[BA g^O o K ffl 02 saoa A'q pailM daaqg jo aaqmn^ c* o PP SJB9/C t aapan saaa^g jo jaqmnjj eo * * c x os co i i vf r-T i-T s oo ccT o >n o o -* CO t^ O US OO os CO H K fe S[aqsng; * t- > i O p to jo 9nit?A CM" 00 H s O t- US 1 ,32 CM o t- co oo o I-H W ) Q R '^o'LToy 1 0^0^ >0 1 CO t- Uj spqsng jo asqran^ ,2 ,es 1 t- >o o CM o 1 r Q -raiujft saaoy 1 1 ~I eo 1 ^ , 1 CO O CM ' I p PQ sgjoy i 10 ig* 5 1 < O O O O t- t- CO pa^T; paAoad ' III I t- CM CO N 9mBg jo 9njBA CO CM ri CO CO i-T CO CO so" 2 -tHj jo saaoy &a PS spqsng 00 m CM CM oo os oo CO CO sSaipjing Sai US CM >T5 >O CO CM CO i i CM 00 jo Jaqamtf I-H -* 00 -pn[oui 'puBfj JO 9n[B A -* t- CO l OO CO i-l ^CM CO oo S9JOV ,SS|g 1 t- >O CO O CM O M CM O -^t t- CM CO O CD JC- 05 jo on^A |7ITi JO 89JOy CM r-* r 1 i 1 1 g W N spqsng i-" O5 scaa-Bj OO CO OS US CM oo soaoy . i* . i : : : : : g g : : : : 1 . Albion Rome Vienna ....... Waterville West Gardiner. g Rome Waterville West Gardiner. 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 381 APPLE. 9UTBg jo oniA 3s! 1 h lill 1-1 o e* co CN eo t- t- i g Q - eiddy paucr HI ^ H Q jo spanoj Q 9m,g O 1 1 1 M 1 s 'Qmvo O 4 * I A JO Otl^A ' eC jBSng 9idfl[ g iO saoponpojj ,,,i, 3 i SH jo spanoj IJB jo s[9qsnjj m gra^g M *9tU"BQ O U3 O O CO irt t -^l os PM jo 9n t i?A 6 " " 50 " a < '5S35d?,W o o o o o >o 1 eo C^^H 1 CD O >0 O to jo SaonBJC) TfMw iO C<1 o Hb9 ,o Wa COO H g jo an^A 1 1 I I l-H co V <3 o O i H S ggjoy jo jaqcan^ eo GO o -i GO eo 1 * os^ 1 co eo tz) A9UOJJ jo gpanoj I 1 1 n o 2> ^ gm-Bg ^ -i CO o o o eo o 00 jo 9nn?A ^ s 5 rj N jo Quit* A 1/5 os eo t- e* * O tr- eO O os oa t- 10 ^j i C5 O^iO^ to C5 Q 0000*0 10 to o o eo co eo o O CO O O GO xO H S9JOV jo aaqtan^j 32-22 o" PM PM s Jospnnod C 00 CD s H PH spqsng jo J9qam{j 0x0 1 000 1 pgan^oBj I 100 " " 1 'S9JOV ,- ,ss eo eo -nU1SJ\[ 9S39qQ jo spanoj C0 otaug sajddy jo siaqsng JO 911!* A O 5 O S~ .2 ijno saox jo aoqran^ ' ' ' S9JOV jo i9qcan^ jo (jno suox jo saaoy 000 o # o c i i o -* o 1-4 O 2 05 S8JOV ganeg jo 9ntUA spqsng saaoy jo aeqcan^ 000 I-H eo o i jo aepun -ox 9UlBg jo en^A jo spanoj fc o I W i jo spanoj ' ' ' . jo jo jo spanoj jo spano 10 O O O CO 00,0^ jo 9 ntA ii | pgonpojj | 1. spanoj I O O r-l Illl 386 AGEICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. 8 spqsng jo jsqtanjsj jo sgaoy S CO CO p 4 q Satpnjoai die JO 9ll[BA 00)0 o o I o t o t- cc 3 sigqsng jo loqtnnjyj os I M S9Joy eo CM co jo,J9quiiij^[ erat?g ^* o jo eniB A ** eo" >H o o CM lO o W spqsng co^ M jo jequrafl PQ co o ^-1 sgjoy c " ,o^I I 1 t- o o 8 jo igqranjji 2 . ,oa^ CM 60 , CM CO TOWNS. 1? 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 387 oraug jo eniA J 'S9JOV JO jo on T BA jo joquinjj o o O C^l O O I O I C73 I o S9J OV | | U3 Tjt Oi ejoqsng jo J9qninjsj jo enitA sioqsng; jo J9qranji sj^C ^ jopnn j ^ ! So kT co co s pj0 S.TG9/C f J9AO U9XQ O O i O 000 O^ 10^ o"i-T . i-T pUB 8J^ t S9SJOH oraug jgpan jo JoqtnnNj oureg jo jo spano^ CO O CO O CO I OO JO jo spanoj otddy pauQ jo spuno^ saoponpojj pnjqo'ao Jeq^o ota eg jo JeiFerson Westport 388 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. S C4 I'BOOJ'BqO ' enrag 1 CS J. ^ pai? ^J^g ^ 1 c*. JO 9HIBA ^-t r-H CO jo on^A o M Bjaqsng o o 01 o >< 1 jo onfBA S g jo on^A fc 63 O PM P > CO -* CO OS 8 s 'SJ3JI9JJ ptIB SAIOQ jo on^A CO ^ rf o o o o ^ ora^g ^ ^ > s H jo on^A * O -* !?5 pjo sj'eg^ f 00^ p E ^3 O I- 10 xO & jgpan eiejiajj 02 jo.eS 00 10 s o g spJ'BMdn PUB 1C Q dagqg o% 98^ SaiB9iC ^ SMOQ ^ -UM3p jo ^ray 1 jo J9quin^j g M SJ99^g pa's II o Pj d99 g g naxQ jo onj^A 8" eo H jo agqran^ 1 03 TOWNS. TOWNS. 11 a " |t 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 389 enreg I I CO I CO -saaoy 55 i i & i jo igqranjj graBg jo eniB A s S8JOV I S 1 I 3 I p,q Saipnpm 1 | i djaq 0} &HV9& ' -T ' ' oT ' sa^BAi jo ^ca y ^ 2 eraBg paAoid -raiajx seioy raj jo saaoy Sai -pn[oai ' jo saaoy 2 \O ' SOIJBJ - il tO 1 1 jo isqran ^ erawg o o 8[9qsng JO 9HIBA spqsng ssaoy , jo O CO saaoy jo 89JOV 5 , , s[9qsng jo aaqranjsj; O -H U3 CO -< 1 1 co 1 jo J9qcan^[ AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. 9UIBg jo 9njA 1-1 eo i i eo 1 OUJBg o o* t- g S o 5 saoiionpoij -l 1 1 *"" 1 i i i i i jo spanoj 2 1 Ip jo spanoj om^g * i i i H NJ ernBg O ^t Q l-l 1 1 1 CO OQ W sioqsng jo J9Qmnvr O i I . I M I t- PH < O o t- fn S9aoy 1 1 1 "* 1 ft ojddy p9UQ jo spanoj 1 2 ' co" 1 TOWNS. riiii TOWNS. 3Wo5 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 391 d99qg opBif) 9OTBg JO 9niB A p^qqSnoaoqx jo J9qtnnjsj[ J9q?oj09ni'EA SJ9JI9H pa SAioo jo 9nfBA PIO si jno^ jgpan 8J9J19HJO 0^ gpaBAvdn pa* SIB8 ^ SMOQ jo jgqran hj U9XQJO OnroA anoj igpun 8J99^g JO <> JHOJ J9AO U9XQ JO -O^f pas sa^g^ anoj eo I 1 ^ 00 OO CO 10 C< I r-lr-t 10 10 O I o c* oo c^ ( s s s OS l-H ^ CO gnreg t- 00 CO O japan a T3 T3 g Mil jo spaoo spqsng earog JO 9H18A POOM9JIJ I , , , 2 , I 12 jo spjoo I R. I fi O OS o co 0 0 10 o o eo o t- o io^ 1 io^ i i 1 eo eo^ eo ^H eo 1 GO* M 89 aay jo I9qom eo o o ^ 10- o o US 1 1 CS eo p 4 q Sfatpnptn sgS'BMjo^ray o co t- s s^n9ni9idini; JO 9tV[BA S 00^ Oi^>0 0' O^O. CO t M Z peTl 00 i 8 3 8 ' ~ S"* i H 5 ODLAND jo sgaoy 00 t^ t- s 5 o ft TSSS CO O O rH o (MO CO CM 2 ' *~ * ' ' 5S' co eo eo 3 I CQ s pUB'j paAoid -raj jo S9aoy |S CO sSatpTingSai o * co o o ^-* c0 O M QO OS t-* *O CO O O5 8 STQUSnCT >O O O C5 O t- O t- iO Ol iO O CD O >o eo g jo J9qrati gajoy jo laqron^j 00 iO iO O <* 9UTBQ 10 CM O 10 ^ CO O O CNI iO 'CD 10 10 10 co t- CD < i i cf PH PH I r-ToT ^ ri 'STQusncr 10 00 NTINUED !j H ,ol 10 O t- 10 ' >O CO O C^ O ^ 00 1 I co f-T I c^" t- I 1 ,o'SS >0 i-i O O i-l CD iO CO O 1 1 CO 0^ I 0^ CO co" - ,0,,'S H H t eo pH jo en t BA 10 es o co o t- i t CO VQ O vO 1 1 I rn I CO ^ t- CO* o i spqsng; jo aaqran^j iO O O O CO CD OS O .-1 I 1 Jt- 1 r-t | t- 10^ >0 eo oo" g PQ sojoy '10 CD O 10 CO CN CD co eo jo an[8A 05 10 -* 5> 1 1 rU | | | * S^ CO 5 ,o'S ^O tO iO O 1-1 1 1 rH 1 | | t- saaoy P< iO CO O i ," i i . S t ra 1 j I jillij 8 394 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, jo en^A H l|l 1 ll 1 ^^ i-H* 2 | saononpojj 0* t 1 1 1 rl | | I | i i etaug jo en^A O C5 i w 9UHSg jo on t BA O O 1 | So 1 1 a[ | o CO* * o q ")KQ SUOJ, iO O O *O t- o o e* 1 I r-lr-t I | C* | i ^ H ,.-?S O O O O s , ,ss , ,s , o t i 111 Si CO | M a jo eniBA ft i 'o^'gco CO 1 ? 1 jo aeqcan^j O eo o o c* O t- O | | <0 rl CO 1 g 5 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 395 4 oraug jo an^A .|. s .i... co eo 1 UBSng oidBj^ jo epunoj i i S i i i i i o CO i '9U1VQ jo oncBA 1 1 1 & 1 1 1 1 1 i s s clnaAc,' 9id'8j\r O 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 i 8 3 jo 9nj'BA s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- 1 Ijo spunOjj 1 1 1 *"' 1 1 1 w 1 eo tj ,0^1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e^ 1 1 1 1 '^900JJ jo spanoj o *o 1 1 1 oo 1 1 1^1 3 i Q\UVQ H< O CN i 1 co 1-4 r-H e 'PIOS 5[ITJ\[ O O O cs o eo co' O co CO 1 conacre jo en IB A o eo o o eo o CO U5 iO 00 o^ u^ i ri '-J.ao, 1 O (MOO O O O iO O O U3 O eo o ** S "^ ^ ^ N S3 jo J9qnm|j i i .S3 1,11 US co *SplOAiS!JO) jo jgqumjj 1 1 1 co 1 I 1 I 1 s ''To^qTn ! 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 o d99qg OpBJ) jo jgqamjj c spJBMdn paB SJB9^ f SMOQ rj es 00 O C000 C- CiOC3O-^-*O CO ^ ' ** eo" r-t co"oT (M japnn S^JJOQ t^ OO O r-l CO "* CO co B 8 1 lO OO t- iO i-* O t- t- jllj ^ 1 1 ^s 1 ^ t- co TOWNS ^S *C .H 5 .5 ' " SoSr^Wr^OOS 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 397 M 9rag jo en^A 00 o o o r- m o CO oT CO Q jo spjoo m o o o o t o ^ o o S S | ^ | | | ~ 0^ r i A 8 OCO'Bg JO 9HJBA i i i ;S^ i i t^S S CO i i pooMgjij JO SpJOQ oo oo I | I 00 I 1 0^*0 ! g ora^g O CO t- O t c- i i o fr- 1 1 eo^ III"* ! jo saozo(j o oo o o \n o o -* 2^ > ' N i " CONCLUDED. | POULTRY. jo oni^A 000 ! I i ,4" |l I i H jo 9n[T?A 5'5 sass 3l S3 oo 8 c *> ^eJ^S^^^SJ-H os K BILLED. paw s3o(j ^q d99qg 0^ se -m^p jo j.aiv o 1 1 1 1 1 III T}* b SHEEP ] p9([i3[ dddqg jo joquin^ 1 1 1 1 1 III HJ jo 0nji8A 000 cc O o <^ o c< o gi .2 i 1 " ,- I poonp -oid IOO^Y jo spanoj O O O O iO >n o "3< o t o CO r-T F 1 1 398 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, sioqsng jo agqranjj -H CD ~ t- 1C -# O 1 eo r- ao 1 05 jo "** O O3 O CM 10 rH oo gnreg jo -* O C^> i I OS O ' t- 1 10 i i >n ( t~ *S9JOy i co"c4'r-rp-r o 3^> t- CM O5 C^ < I CM" eo" co" CM" i-T i- o 5 o O5 O >* >O -^< o oo o -* iO Oi iO OO co > oo"o > aT o o o o co co o -O ^( I CO CO t- p|0 sji^a^ ^ J9AO 09XQ jo jo 9nnj A S9SJOJJ jo agpun 1 jo jo spunoj ** CO O -( CO 05 -* ** O CO t- o os co os -^ co O CO O O O >O 00 <* O CO O CO ^H eo o i * co o eo" i-T ^ irT co CO CO | i i i i i 5* ^ jo OIHBA JO OtCTBg jo spanoj jo ,g co eo oo'i-Teo" eo oo M ' 5 5 , 1 , "I J2 i * 400 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. . j gtittg JO 9UIBA C O CO -! lO Oi 3 co r- c to U5 t-^ g 9raBg jo 9n^A 5 3 . I 0010 i rt CO >o iO r o t- 1 5 1 S i " CO to -^ daaqg JIB jo c* o o o o co VO 00 CM 10 10 co co c< t- ^ t- d99qg opBJX) Co c< t .2 jo 9nij\. mJ CO vO O CO ifl iM 3 'il ^ w s SJ9J19H pUtt SAVOQ jo 9tip?A -* t-i O 00 00 i-* O GO -^- 00 c>* ->* o ^os o c^Tio't^ > t-^ i I C* ^ cT o H g OUl'Bg jo en^A t- t~ O OO U3 U3 CO <^,Ci C^ i-Ti-T ' r-T os co^ *a 13 CO O O ^^ CO o | 5 a saB9 t J9pun SJ9JI9JJ jo agquinjs CO CO O t- U3 O CO CO 00 C5 CO > 1 r H rH CO >^ iO CM 0> ^ 02 9UTMg jo agqtnn^ os o 10 co - i-t r-i eo 1 spauAidn paB SW9& f SMOO jo agqran^j <0 O 00 CO 00 t- CN -^t -n O OO i CO O ** ^ os ^ CO u w SI\!U11UB p[l\i ^q P a ll l5 l CO 1 1 1 1 1 CO jo 9ni*A CTTcs'r-l ^H fff co" -i as c^ & d99qg jo -ojs pio s.nio^ y aopun sioo^g jo J9qranjj co o o os in oo co o oo co * in >o oo U3 3 02 s8o(j ^Cq p9HtT[ d99qg jo jgqtnn^j i-H CO II II 51 TOWNS. : s :5 : : Slilbi ll^s^^ 2 3 <5pq^ccEcO TOWNS. 2 >n o c^ ^1 t- E P ^ < ,J Q paBipooA\. jo^saaoy C<1 00 anreg jo on[t?A ,5, 1 8 8 'PUB'T p9AOjd ^ !> i V 1 Q fc < -raiU/1 88.10 V o'-T C- rH w s qaqsng jo aoqum^ i ,s, tO Q CQ 'pUBfJ p9AOjd O U3 o o a ^ O ^ vr> 2 -raj jo saaoy lO IQ g 89aoy jo aeqainjK o iS i o sSaipnng; Sat -pntoai 'pa-eq jo 9nii?A c o o Rt i* o'c^r ^< ^ c^T pavj jo saaoy " 000 o ^o SS rt " c^ I WHEA1 spqsng jo jgqran^ r-i O^ ^ 1 s BOIJ'B.J jo aoqran^ O 50 ss- 1 teioy jo aeqmn N gg t g TOWNS. / Bowdoln Tupaham Perkins TOWNS. Perkins 26 402 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. (jno saox jo J9qmti[ S9uoy otrnsg O I 0-* spqsng; saaoy jo oniA jo J9qtanjy[ sgjoy g 9tat?g o o eo ss S9JOV .2 $ e oonjg jo spunoj jo spanoj; o , o , - , - ' ,~r ! ro I o Bowdoin Perkins M OQ 2 ! O O 05 I 05 JO SpJOf> 9CQBg jo enic A QUJBg JO SU9ZO(J JO 9HITJA 1 jo O O I O O O I O I oco M 000 cQc^^ >era8 s I i , g : I g JO 9HJBA I too Ay spanoj | ' ' ^ [ S >d93 qs njo | g p.aqqSnoaoqx jo ' eo" | f l| eo" eo" Perkin AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. PTO anoj SJ8J19J pae t'PTO 9tnBg anoj SOS JO l[ JO 'OJSJ jopun jo StOJ-BJ jo en[B A jo d99qg TIB jo SJ9JI9H PUB anoj SMOO U93TO 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 405 jo 9njBA 9tm?g JO 9tl[BA spqsng jo igqiun \j saioy p,q Suipupui O O I O O iO I O * os co i jo eo IBA era^g tmui sgjoy p9AOld raj jo S9JQV eo^ u^ -pnpui 'paB^ j o"^T nT joon[B A g- pat3 r [ t o i t oo o oo 25" I S BOIJ^ jo J9qain N M JO 9D[BA ^ . t- 00 <0 JO 'MOV I I $ i- CM CO jo 9niB A sigqsng; jo jgqtan^ s 9UIBg 406 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873. f APPLE. ora-Bg t o ). -fl E- ' S a 1 ; g 3 < ^ PH o '1 s i ' Q w M Q Qlddy papOE jo spanoj s , c5 jo 9n t i8A i- i w CO aT iBSna 9idBpvr o o pJ graBg is o >H jo spanoj 1 - '""' G ^f> CO gra-eg s i sgjddy jo spqsng vO O o 1 jo on^A 1 o 1 ( 1 1 CO spqsng J2S o . S joa9qain^ 1 9 P B W Jon a o o o jo aequm^j CO 1 jo spanoj p c^ CO IT iO i i t- o CO* PH >i QttTBg 1 o r-T to spqsng go o p 1 joa 9qra n M 3 % rH paan^oBj -nOBJ^ 9S99qQ i 1 S9JOV jo jgqain^ 2g S jo spanoj TOWNS. TOWNS. Nortbport 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 407 SJ9JI9H POB SMo j09nnJ A i* o eo ^ CQ 9tnBg JO 9n[8 A o CO . ' c^r CO o o pjo saBa/C ? japan sinjisjf jo aeqcan^ 00 CO -* Ioo s H 83% jo SQOZOQ -"* 1 ^ os" 1 . spJBALdn pan SJ13d f SAIOQ jo jgqranfl o < ^< o fr- -* 10 POULTRY ^inoj jo 9at A O s e^i e^T eaggjg pan U9XOJ0911IBA t- fe- 1 5O* H ^5 9UIBg jo an[8 A vO O t- !M t-^ ^H* 3 00 C^l O (0 ^n ei u|B jo jgqranjj a q W 8J99t)g JO 'O^J Q dggqg o^ 9Ss CO eo 3 CO El pio sjtja^ ? J9AO U3XQ o* -^ OS CS g /5 eraBg JO 9U[A ^- *4 1 s^r ta 1 dggqg T |B jo 9Q[B A SSOjr) O Cfl ff eo 3 dggqg gpujQ jo agqmn^j OS -* ^^ -^ -* (M eo CO co TOWNS. North prt TOWNS. 408 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, 8 sjaqsng I I . . . . . I saaoy sjaqsng jo aoqcanjjj O 00 , , (..I p ( q Suipnpui | g dja o O O O CO O O -O >O I I :S O OOt 00^-*=^ 5S ' l ' ^T St-'oeS'S ! S" JO 9l*[BA \* liCOOO ^-^i/5 OO C5IGO eo^O^O^ n i e *i .^ "~i I ^ Q^ en co I os O O O iO O O CO * I CO ^ ^ "R, ^. ^ , R. I ^ I ^ g^ , 'jo'saaoy ^ -tmu fj saaoy ^S 10 '~ ly:>00 c : *c^^^l O^C^O OCDt^-OO'' io|'^ ^ -raj jo Kus>y OT rt -pnijKit < puB r r ""t"^ 1 ^ i i ' ^5^ ^sScoisss || ^ ^ I * I I Coo COOOMO eo ^-^^ , "^^^ . , m "t" BEANS spqsng; jo jgqran^ oao>o oo^o c> O CM (M f-H CO t- CO Nrtrt ( ^^^ ( ( CS ;O 89joy jo jgqran^ o>oaoeo C4O c^i t- I I "*! . I iQ '9UIBQ OOOOOOO>OO5O OO ooooo>o^o*o o^ os^-*?oococooo-* eL- oo CO s jo 9tiiBA |^eo r-ieo"-*"^ ' - o" >o eo g spqsng; OOOOOOO3O5DOOOO OO-O^OIMGOUSMOS^^-^ 1 O5 t- H 2 jo aeqtnnj^ QO" -* saaoy jo jgqcan^f O >rt C^ CS O O CO O O O O yjCOeO r (COMC^lQO-*QO rH | CO 90JBg jo 9n[BA 00000 OOOO-^O3S -#-*Oint- ooeot- c o o o oo O C** rH 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- * (H QOIVg jo 9n!B A O iM SO rf CS OS O O O 5CO|| l|r-lr-iO^||r-( ^^ eo CM **^. 3 <& OO 05 =- 1 00-* OOCO O H omt?g jo eniBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** 1 1 1 1 1 MAPLE S juSng 9idBj\[ jo spanoOC<>u3 i~soo io^> oo OS CO P Q jo en^A ^"C^CO COeO^t-r-HC^T ^^ f ( 10 tl P* 'opBoci JS'jing' ooooooinooo oo OOOOOOl-OO O-* oooia;>aio=oioo 01^ >0 t CO tH 03 5 jo spunoj c^Tus"^ e^crc^^o ' 10 c^> i-H i-H l-l r-l -^ 5 A earsg jo eniuA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 s paan^OBj -na^j\[ esasqo jo spanojj i i i i i i i 2 i i i i i 1 1 il : ; : =J|i i? : ,' ilil-iJIIilll! 412 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, daaqg KB jo CO SO i t- -^o o >o < o oot 10^ -^ CO ICO I 04 0> 1 r ~ 1 '*, r-l p-T jo" CO OT 02 daaqg jo jaqranjsj * 1 1 ^ 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 05 suAvo(j qinog ao 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rl | | | | | 2 daaqg apBif) iO ^D CO t* CO 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 s eo" BJ8J19H OO35O O^JCOOOOOGOO QO^OO -'3 :> ' : ^gg t para SMOQ s ^-i .JrfJ S C5 q D 5 M o japun sjajiapj co oo i o o oo co o eo o t t~On CO i s 9 5 japan sjaajg CiCQCOO OOOO5DO O CNCOeOrH F- 'CO CO '1 t- o 5 H 5 pjo sJBa,C ^ J9AO aaxQ eo t- co CD co o co t- -* r-i oo r-iioco eo cocoioo H OiOiTJO OOCO 'OOOO O '-> t O >C O t- O O C* O ! t COiQlOr-* COCOCOCOr-^COCOCi sp.rBMdn paB *BJ^ ^ sasjoir jo jaqoin^ cot-t-co cocoeoiOr-icO'*Ci rH | r-l eraBg oo>o opeoiooooo ccooo 1 IcorHoocoo/ ^^ pp s.i:oA' f japan sjioo rHrH^ ( f . 525 g := : i i i : j : :& : : 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 413 W PC IBooattqo puw >(Ui:g jo eniA O O -i 1 1 1 10,1 1 1 1 0^ 1 00 -*" s e^ e^T < P Jljug jo spaoo O O O "* 1 1 1 1 0^ 1 1 1 1 0^ 1 1 C4 i ( o <* o CO < Q sjaqsng 'iBoojisqo 1 1 1 CO 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ** t- eo <^< 8 W eui'Bg jo en^A o c o o a O O iO O i-> i S- | | | | 0^ | | iO^ | I CO CO I 1 s us" PH E pOOMSJIJ JO SpJOQ O CO O O CO O O ~ 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 ^ 1 1 CO C5 e - t/5 atnpg JO 9n[BA OOOOOOO-^'CO ^ < 00l-05MCOt~COO CS oao?o -rrsot-o eo oo o" ' sgs a jo saazoQ OOOOOSCC.OO O COOOO5O'C1~O <>l C^ C^ 10 SS * 1- 0^ C^ ^ o "* -ii c>i eo T^ t-^ ' ' cc~ e<> i i o ffl CO "* 8 R CO OUlMg jo aaqtan^j ., g^2cSi225 1 1 i d99q S jo -o N t I O O O O U3 . l rt . I w , rt , , rt s S M K CO sSod A'q pailiJl dg^qg jo agqtnnjsf 1 1 1^1 1 1 1 ^ 1 I** M J 9raug jo 9n 1BA T'OO O ^ O > O CO C-*-00 U3t-i0-*0 r- 1 cc io | -rOO COiO sseos^i o-^t>ooo css 1 rZrS 1 csT " rT 00 t- t-^ o' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.''''.I CO J25 1 i5 : i : Uli i-! 1 ^ H:1 ^-J^^ii 1111'= g-fs^ls-ag IlllillllllU 414 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, spqsng o o o o o o eo 10 I 10 jo 9tin?A spqsng; p,q Suipnjoai gnrBg I , S. .^ I J091HBA &2S 5 JO S9IOV CO O iO Tji 10 i "" paAOid I ".o raj jo S9joy ^ jo $ IS f- OS c* o 10 -* i .- i i o co i i as o o as co o J089JOV I^2 5 S S o o o o spqsng saaoy o o o as eo CM M o t~ jo spqsng jo aeqmn^ S9JOV epqsng jo 9tai3g S[9qsng; jo II s , 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 415 9UIBg soaoy jo jequmjj jo eniB A !jnQ saox I ? S 89JOV t- rH CO t- OOTBg '89JOV 0000 O .0000 O O I O cS i I e o o Q a^ "** I s" O O - . uO CO t i i C> i i SN aniBg In PUB si^ t sasjofj eoiBg jo ann?A japan s?joo jo jaqran^ O ift O >0 eo e> % g IS jo spunOff eraBg PUB J08UOHB0 m I 2 jo an t A SI 1-1 J pooMaaij S l ' ,^t I "1 CM o -! cs 0010 o o I o O I C-* -^ i i-H r-T CN sS3g[ jo saazoQ o o o co (eo o o o co co o^o^o^co^ I co^ ^"sN'eoeo" , e^T 00 00 jo an[BA aoiBg jo }H daaqg jo aaqtanjtf aaiBg g ^ jo enjBA I " w ^ paonpojj IM spanoj SS daaqg HB jo W , o co I H I > I 'daaqg 31 joa: 0i^> '^- I0050 oooosc^eocot o^eo CMOOI x^i^C^KO'f^C^t-^G^I^CO^vi^ ersC^OC^ ~ IQ <-* i-* -^ c* * a* its IQ ' co^c^t- 1 !/> I 1 1 1 CO sojoy O 05-HO 'Ot-CC O CO O ift CO O CO t O co" oo" ioooooooeot-t^o o eo eo p,q Satpniout gf ggift3So djgq paaiq o^ o" t-^ t^ crT o" -^ ^co" o" cT ^10" i-T ( e*cci jo ^001-0 OCOO^ COt-COO OU3O loO K M 0^1 ^s ^> I ^V JO 9UIBA jo soioy jo saaoy -mj jo saioy [ing; Sai pn[oui pu^i jo ssjoy jo i9qtnnjfj 27 o o \Q IM OG o - eo c -^ * GO t- t- o i t-eo ' QOOO-*C^t-OO?Oc<5?O ooosc^O'^Oioeocoao O^rjnc75eoo-H'asiriO5cot cococo o aoG\Gcno*G?CK i ?*0 eO ~* OiOOICO co us m co eocMioco tp OQ I m rH rH CO C7 05 rH ^< CO rH CO 3 89JOV eraug 1-1 CO t-t CO -rjt CO D C> rn siaqsng rn" ^ , Ci eo CM ' 89JOV jo aeqranjsj C^OOOOOOr- ijoO>OCi OCCO ooc^t--^ot-eoc^oooi < -^) i -^ O O -^ eo CM > eo eo co t-i-i iO t- O CM i CM t- O -H CM 00 i 00 ^ CM" ^jT o oo o o i=52 CM eoco 1 ' 2 S l^il U jillij.fi lllllllllllll 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 419 O5Oft OOOO' "OuSO 5OC1O COO <-*lOTOt->lO"3 OOC*OO t- oraug jo oniA a 5 m g *6|9qsng[ jo J9qcnn^[ co c-4 IQ co >o i i 10 -4> eo Q eoO' i eo" r-T^-i o" jo J9quin^[ CM i 1 rH | OS eo 00 ^SSSSScS SSS jo 9niA co cs i o -H rji | eo *r g E iiilillllil III 1 TINUED pq PQ spqsng jo jgqcan^j n q s I jo isqtnn^ t- o o <*!- oo t- o t- eo us '-t s I H c 5 a 5 otnBg jo 9n t A a-assss-sss-sg- (-5 S' CM *i O H Soo^SSSo oo i . q 5 g ooocs-^it-io .cot-e^ os o 1 I rH | r-t III 1 ^t 9TXIBg | joeniBA '^SSS co o i os I 1 O < H 3 5. IS OOOOCO C^tMiOcOOO <* oiocot-icoo-^^sos^ icoao OO^OOOOOOOt-OOO O5O |O " oT -4" i-T e^T co" s>T i c^Ti-^ | ^ S9JOV 8UOX JSSclSSS'S^oUS ' S ri c-eoo ?o eo -" -* O I eo os o t- 0> .'*. ^ co eo i eo S9JOV .^^ ,,,,", * is . g^2-^ao>--St ^'oxi^ iH.iz 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 421 orag jo eniBA ^>oo eceo ^iffor-ii?* t^ -- ' 3 1 g W jo spnno< OOO OO OiOOO 0>OO OOO OO OOOO lOt-O e^ ' i-T-T ' r-T 1 ci t- 9ra*g OOO O50t-0 t-iO 1 ' O C<1 cTi c CC'^1OOOSO 'DOU3 -I g P JO 9n t BA 1 On illlSSIilil ill ec I DAIRY JOSp " d S5Sooo^S|S 'Sgg CO H 2 9UIBg JO 9tl[A cooco coooc^ot o ooo to co OO co" u pwruswj U300 OOoSPSo OOO "lOcO u3OOOt-OO O i 1 C5 CO X S3 jo spanod cieo't-^ o co m *a t^ f* ' t-< 1-1 t- | APPLE. gra'Bg jo 9n[A rH CO | III 1 - Q 000 OOOt-OC*5 O O $ i M ft g^ddy paiid jo spanoj C0 CO * O >0 MOO C^ t- ^ co -* eo ^ 1 1 *-4 1 1 1 I i M 1 saoponpojj; HB jo siaqsng t- OuSOiO i-iiO 00 ^ O i 1 O C^ r-IOS i-H QOIBg jo jo Bpunoj OOO-H rn t- i oo (M t- co t- a> t i i.t- eo o il>IiO OO i i t- C O> 000 -* t-<0 00 OS 05 iO O C010 ^ , M r r*-3 i i i-i I i-i I 1 M V I M J fH*-liH O OO >o OCO COI i 55 oo eo o eot- eo e^ o I c< jo jo spanoj 1873.] AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. 423 giSISiSUsS- 511 CO CM j JO 9QJ8A i>T us 10 -* t-^eo" io't-^ w'co" 0s | J i i-^ivo3^o> ; oooso ccfiO' i U5Ot-CM-l'r- ii ieoeo>ocCSO t--*CO t ^ 1 ::::::::::::::: COUNTI 424 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS. [1873, O lOOOQOOOOO OO O CM oo .0 e^ 10 o oo jo JO Sp.100 r-T ' jospuoQ oooooost ioocieo-'#o 00 CO CO t- - r-H 10 jo eniB A 83% JO SU930(I jo entB A > i oo o ^ o i^O^SO CM O O r^eo" ' ci'co''*' ioocoeooo= s >ooc5OOt com jc^i ^lOCO^C^iOOt^OOCOCO t* Ci ^* O I CO deaqg aj oSBcaisp jo ijunoray cc g PITM H I p9IIRd99qg cS o o O o o O eo O OS 00 00 tO c^ e II III 1 lit 1 s OO OOOOSiO-** tQ C* C-< f-< r-l l . . , CUMBERLAND Baldwin 1,003 241 247 180 231 8,027 377 437 435 110 170 319 10 174 282 59 6 11 35 11 1,514,421 296,472 213,933 478,898 277,261 29,821,012 720,992 494,469 950,414 $100,549 129,856 610,509 6,489 168,686 282,248 49,003 6,087 7,463 28,311 5.320 1,284 05 4,282 65 11,538 19 8,934 23 1,210 01 2,563 59 10,980 09 3,447 06 4,566 21 7,237 58 2,408 21 2,277 30 1,526 25 1,346 00 4,248 60 2,617 65 1,495 60 147,274 42 1,894 42 1,148 65 3,532 74 879 96 2,468 90 5,491 23 5,079 79 5,176 36 $749 87 446 59 1,444 17 7,251 21 732 03 1,048 40 2,488 73 555 92 279 90 2,411 06 1,145 95 1,881 53 376 93 322 87 1,105 62 811 47 1,228 90 2,980 67 288 59 64 87 152 64 76 37 25 62 99 73 ( 52 87 116 49 20 00 60 00 34,01033 1,293 89 $157 18 93 52 302 77 1,521 17 153 39 219 78 521 88 116 46 58 55 505 51 240 25 394 35 79 00 67 65 231 83 170 08 257 52 625 02 60 44 13 58 31 98 16 01 5 36 20 92 11 08 24 40 769,606 30 1,360 25 FR 1,500 350 950,891 05 ANKMN Brunswick .. . . Cape Elizabeth Casco ... Cumberland Peering Falmouth Gorham . Gray . . Harpswell . Harrison Naples New Gloucester North Yarmouth Otisfield Portland Pownal Raymond . Scarboro' Sebago . Standish Westbrook Windham . Yarmouth Avon Carthage Chesterville Freeman . ...<.. . . Industry Jay . Kingfield Madrid New Sharon New Vineyard Phillips Rangely . . Salem Strong Temple Weld Wilton Eustis pi Letter E. pi No. 6 pi Washington pi Lang pi . . Greenvale pi Coplin pi South half 2, R.I pi.. 1873.] AND APPROPRIATIONS. 429 COUNT Y CONCLUDED. Rate Per Cent of Tax- ation. Per Centage of Valu- ation. APPROPRIATIONS. , Manu- factures. Rail- roads. Support of Schools. Free High Schools. Roads and Bridges. Support of Poor. Other Purposes - - - - _ ~ - COUNTY. COUNT Y. - _ _ _ _ _ .0233 - - - $4.100 798 $500 - - .020 .75 - - 1,000 - - - .016 .022 .025 .75 ~ - 1,050 900 , _ _ .0213-7 - - 2,000 _ _ _ .0105 .66| - - 2,193 - - - .0163 .75 - - 1,500 2,000 $1,600 $750 $500 - - - - 5,000 _ 1,700 650 .010| 100 ~125 - 580 1,200 - - 1,500 - - - - 75 - - - .0144 .019 .80 .66 - - 650 1,250 _ - - I - 307 - 250 - - - - 30 - - - - - - - 75 - - - _ _ _ _ 65 _ _ 430 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. HANCOCK CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. Ainherst 85 297 247 97 91 55 428 238 156 97 199 91 $45,869 172,651 1,452,479 52,124 84,471 36,868 104,336 104,559 107,454 43,738 22,041 77,795 225,454 77,625 28,832 $287 27 160 74 1,992 42 937 01 1,198 16 6 107 44 $84 90 $1 75 200 - Bluehill .... Brooklin Bucksport 2,309 29 308 43 2,093 55 514 82 196 93 985 39 6,176 96 843 93 1,131 43 822 96 713 81 329 80 792 61 1,876 02 132 64 1,140 07 991 27 .711 87 1,048 51 1,315 95 593 07 289 56 256 19 140 02 61 61 104 00 104 00 Cranberry Isles Deer Isle Dedhtun . . . Eastbrook Eden . . Ellsworth Franklin Gouldsborough, . Hancock Laiuoino Mariaville Mt. Desert Orland Otis Sedgwick Tremont Waltham Verona ...... Swan's Island . No. 7 pi No 3, North Division, No. 4, Albion ... . 1 887 18 524 99 Augusta 1 669 4 800 395 24 422 73 6 800 98 2,311 08 642 96 Benton ....... . 1 243 71 343 76 160 205 287 926 67 257 74 China . ... 3 258 51 906 46 Clinton 2 148 09 603 77 200 374,123 1,939 08 539 81 Fayette 182 190 005 1 416 01 393 88 255 302 10 905 91 3,036 38 Hallowell . 578 911 650 6 117 00 1 703 03 Litchfield 329 432 091 2 488 37 692 35 153 281,150 1,592 69 443 38 Monmouth 2 964 37 824 93 Mt. Vernon 1,988 45 553 19 Pittston 3 247 07 903 35 Readfield 2,949 00 820 90 750 3.5 208 62 Sidney 3,251 46 905 06 Vassalboro' 5,658 70 1,574 94 Vienna 156 154 889 1,002 07 278 68 Waterville 1,857 02 West Waterville Wayne 378 573,333 9,529 09 1 726 03 795 86 480 26 West Gardiner. . . 248 347:365 1,797 72 500 24 KENNEBEC 3,200! 1,100, 1873.] COUNTY. AND APPROPRIATIONS. 431 Rate Per Cent of Tax- ation. Per Centage of Valu- ation. APPROPRIATIONS. Manu- factures. Rail- roads. Support of Schools. Free High Schools. Roads and Bridges. Support of Poor. Other Purposes .022 .50 _ _ $366 _ _ _ - _ _ - 1,375 _ _ _ _ .0196 .014 .70 .75 _ - 1,050 280 $500 $50 _ _ - 1,800 375 200 - - - .039 .027 .022 .50 .66| .66f - 70 1,398 1,580 675 300 150 3,000 - - 32 .66f - - 200 - - - - .024 .66 _ _ 1,457 - _ - _ .035 .90 - - 500 300 - - _ COUNTY. .02 - - - - - - - .023 .75 - - " 700 ~ ~ ~ .025 .75 . 66| - _ 900 720 _ 1,700 3,500 $650 .014 .85 700 - 3,500 1,205 850 - 6,000 ~700 .018 .66 "" "~ 592 ~ - - .0104 - - - 1,600 500 200 800 .023 .80 _ _ 1,250 _ _ _ $1,056 1,400 432 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. KENNEBEC CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873 TAXATION. Polls Estates State. County. Town or City. Total. 229 616 $246,619 937,205 $1,313 90 2,353 27 5,629 95 140 52 71 97 $365 32 654 90 1,567 24 20 00 - _ Winslow Winthrop Unity D! . . 283 210,723 1,424 86 363 73 1,079 1,281,000 7,499 45 1,916 16 $9,500 00 666 22 139 99 703 50 179 47 1,260 36 321 99 764 75 195 25 Hockland . . . . 17,116 67 4,374 95 76,497 88 South Thomaston. ... 2,044 52 522 21 St George 2,021 98 516 07 Thomaston . . . 654 2,253 670 9,276 75 2,272 26 10,500 00 2,672 62 682 69 761 405,614 1 328 82 339 00 493 721,910 4,177 99 1,067 84 1,452 57 370 88 Matinicus Isle 50 19,494 98 51 25 07 Muscle Kidge pi .104 23 26 44 - KNOX 105,989 00 LINCOLN Alna Boothbay Bremen Bristol.. Damariscotta . . Dresden Edgecomb Jefferson Newcastle Nobleborough . Somerville Southport Waldoboro' . . . Westport Whitefield Wiscasaet Monhegan Isle. 183 109 155 _ 1,170 04 340 66 _ 3,221 35 937 38 125,059 814 20 236 87 _ 2,447 45 711 80 _ 3,351 32 976 62 _ 1,586 06 461 85 _ 1,014 44 295. 19 _ 2,104 18 612 46 _ 3,493 42 1,017 82 _ 1,442 16 419 77 83,837 434 53 126 41 _ 447 65 217 57 _ 5,832 67 1,697 94 1*8,876 903 73 263 05 _ 2,210 29 643 58 _ 3,452 43 1,005 53 _ 122 15 35 50 OXFORD 200 Bethel Browfield 280 Buckfield Byron 45 Denmark Dixfield Fryeburg Gilead 73 Grafton . .... Hanover . . . 50 Hartford.. 180 _ 839 52 100,296 575 37 _ 3,569 69 153,299 1.249 11 _ 2,777 64 50,320 211 62 _ 1,982 95 _ 1,404 37 _ 1,369 40 _ 3,355 80 55,349 375 46 _ 133 70 _ 821 88 28,170 292 06 35,344 1,601 30 1,-005 60 1873.] AND APPROPRIATIONS. 433 COUNTY CONCLUDED. Rate Per APPROPRIATIONS. Per Cent of Tax- of Valu- Free Roads Support ation. ation. Manu- Rail- Support High and of Other factures. roads. of Schools. Schools. Bridges. Poor. Purposes .024 .80 - - $1,012 - - - - .017 - - - 1,800 $500 $4,500 $1,600 $1,500 COUNTY. .033 .024 .66 .66 - - 1,250 3,650 - 3,800 3,500 2,662 .0225 - - - - - - - - .016 .75 - 4,800 - 7,600 185 .02 .0233 .75 .75 $500 _ 2,500 3,932 _ _ - - COUNTY. ! - - - 640 200 - - .028 .66 \ - 400 - \ - .02 .75 - - 610 - - COUNTY. .038 .60 - - 650 - - - - - - 7,500 1,059 -' - - .027 .75 - - 194 - 1,544 - .027 .75 - - - - - - .016 .010 .33 ** ** 796 250 ; - 434 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. OXFORD CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. Hebron *. 145 100 91 493 344 32 103 238 122 285 41 47 $185,15^7 84,332 58,429 289,345 200,806 41,323 41,969 316,745 139,877 306,114 30,510 25.237 $1,112 55 1,504 37 1,531 53 150 36 463 86 585 52 3,213 11 2,573 64 4,896 02 1,366 75 1,386 09 244 74 1,907 13 521 27 352 25 1,915 27 886 21 181 90 2,021 58 1,094 57 177 94 106 76 206 97 $504 56 51 59 $600 00 2,050 00 2,800 00 - Lovell Mexico Oxford Paris Peru Porter Stow Sweden Upton Waterford .. .. Woodstock Franklin pi Lincoln pi . Milton pi. . Alton _ 583 08 184 55 Arcvle 258 36 81 68 10,056,096 50 215 32 15 91852 Bradford 276 157 469 1 172 26 370 71 Bradley 207 105,253 792 93 250 86 762 815,000 3,355 68 1,062 44 Burlington 458 73 145 14 258 201,424 1,303 85 412 56 Carroll 128 105 935 518 92 164 15 Charleston 264 244,372 1,454 69 460 39 Chester 73 37,502 236 27 74 70 Clifton 82 38,178 294 64 93 18 1,962 98 621 27 Corinth 330 354 403 2,168 62 686 71 Dexter 5,040 94 1,597 10 Dixtnont .... 267 192 613 1 333 44 421 93 Eddington 828 38 262 07 650 14,799 97 31 30 83 Enfield 117 77,240 452 22 143 06 Etna 148 136 000 773 54 244 79 Exeter 1,888 52 597 95 Garland 1,564 48 495 28 Glenburn 718 22 227 30 136 89 390 650 10 205 73 Greenfield . 263 27 83 26 590 643,000 3,703 43 1,172 63 Hermon . 328 276,273 1,474 36 466 61 Holden 969 65 307 00 Howland 203 73 64 48 509 00 160 98 Keuduskea* 858 10 271 57 118 118,130 48 56 Lagrange 165 109,619 773 83 244 93 Lee .. 211 72,689 699 10 220 99 PENOBSCOT 717 42 3,100 00 5,000 00 800 00 1,800 00 [1873, AND APPROPRIATIONS. 435 COUNTY CONCLUDED. Rate Per Cent of Taxa- ation. Per Centage of Valu- ation. APPROPRIATIONS. Manu- factures. Rail- roads. Support of Schools. Free High Schools. Roads and Bridges Support of Poor. Other Purposes .021 .75 - - $600 - - - - .025 .034 .028 100 .33 .40 $15,400 - 458 336 2,500 1,325 _ $3,000 - - .022 100 - - ".140 - - - - .0123-5 .80 - - 330 937 600 - - $400 _ - - - - 1,500 - - - - - .75 - - 143 - - - - .027 .50 _ _ 175 _ 800 _ .027 .50 - 175 800 - COUNTY. .029 .023 .02 .75 .75 - - 1,200 946 2,600 $100 600 485 2,700 300 1,600 .033 .033 .042 .033 .50 .66 .80 - - 1,100 650 1,200 500 100 800 700 200 .023 - - - 1,169 - - - .023 .60 - - 1,256 - - - .02 .02 .80 .75 - ~ . 160 450 800 - 1,236 700 .052 .75 _ _ _ _ _ - .0155 .75 - - 2,500 1,200 " - m .022 .04 .50 .66 - - 300 500 - 300 450 $200 625 550 436 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. PENOBSCOT CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. Levant 250 412 28 408 350 619 612 409 74 161 196 209 136 $286,353 337,580 16,383 22,712 302,546 698,894 541,853 371,795 25,6^0 109,991 181,709 95,259 74,967 $1,389 93 1,719 77 361 72 384 62 103 68 894 89 110 84 1,192 6R 2,708 57 3,428 67 2,625 10 2,008 61 154 42 958 24 944 54 272 68 613 14 1,315 81 844 09 481 02 153 94 26 05 123 72 151 30 153 54 220 25 $440 05 644 31 114 40 121 78 32 78 283 30 34 93 377 42 857 94 1,085 34 830 91 635 75 48 74 303 48 298 73 86 26 193 85 416 71 267 18 151 80 48 59 8 20 39 23 47 89 69 77 $13,750 00 1,050 00 - Lowell . . . Mattawamkeag Maxfield ... Milford Mt. Chase Newburg Oldtown Orono Passaduinkeag Patten Plymouth Prentiss Springfield Veazie Winn Medway pi Pattagumpus pi ... Webster pi Woodville pi Independence pi PISCATAQUIS Abbot _ 777 79 192 24 163 191 034 1 173 29 290 18 Barnard 33 17,504 144 18 35 62 Blanchard 166 09 41 05 Brownvillo 225 133,596 790 22 195 25 415 658,733 3,379 57 836 11 Foxcroft 255 439 347 2,003 16 495 61 Guilford 261 182,098 1,067 68 263 95 Greenville 106 69 018 334 53 82 63 Kingsbury 48 21,000 137 16 33 85 Medford 69 41,155 302 37 74 72 M onson 674 28 166 63 Milo 811 30 200 48 Orneville 401 47 99 17 231 167,382 1,299 23 321 19 237 264,428 1,585 65 392 15 Sebeo 954 42 235 85 Shirley 281 67 69 64 Wellington 119 138 275 597 91 147 73 Williamsburg 45 20,514 149 98 37 05 1, R. 10, W. B. L.S.. 2, R. 10, do 3,R. 10, do 4, R. 10, do E. 45, R. 10,W.B.L.S. N.W-45,R.10, do 95 00 76 00 95 00 142 50 47 60 23 50 1873.] AND APPROPRIATIONS. 437 COUXTY CONCLUDED. Rate Per Cent of Tax- Per Centage of Valu- APPROPRIATIONS. Free Roads Support ation. ation. Manu- factures Rail- roads. Support of Schools High Schools. and Bridges. of Poor. Other Purposes .0135 .75 _ _ $1,228 _ _ _. _ .013 : - - 1,200 : _ $600 $1,000 .032 .75 - - 200 - - - .033 .75 - - 225 - - - - .01 1-5 .50 _ _ 1,250 $300 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,100 _ - .029 .66 _ _ 2,400 500 $1,500 2,100 3,000 _ _ _ - 2,130 _ - ~ ~ 200 - ~ 50 tm - - - _ 710 _ _ - - .011 .66 _ _ 650 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 571 _ _ _ _ .02 .50 - - 600 ; - 892 COUNTY. .02 3-10 .66 : ~ 650 ~ .024 - - - - - - - - 02 i .50 - - - - _ _ _ _ 700 300 _ _ .80 _ _ 1,600 300 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,150 - _ - _ _ _ _ 10,000 650 _ _ _ _ .021 .66 _ _ 450 _ 800 - 550 _ _ _ - 200 - - .034 .60 - - 350 - 300 500 .02 3-5 .66 - - 1,200 - - 500 1,250 : 1,300 .034 - - - 800 : 2~500 1,450 .016 "~ "^ - | - - - ! 438 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873 SAGADAHOC CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. 240 393 344 75 270 $172,556 385,536 697,011 90,786 583.597 $516 22 32,032 71 2,036 03 3,236 48 844 99 184 15 2,140 31 6,215 70 4,404 98 650 96 2.990 86 $155 51 9,377 99 971 17 616 11 266 67 54 68 650 98 1,837 08 1,299 48 195 53 883 59 163,125 10 204,527 81 Bath Bowdoin Bowduinham .. .... Perkins Richmond . . West Bath Woolwich . . Athens Brighton Cambridge Concord ....... .. Cornville Detroit 152 Embden 159 Fairfield Harmony Hartland 263 Madison Mayfield 28 Mercer 126 New Portland Norridgewock Pittsfield Eiplev . . St. Albans 359 Solon 280 Smithfield Starks Dead River pi . . .. Flag Staff pi Pleasant Ridge pi - Belfast Belmont Brooks Burnham .... Frankfort... Freedom Islesborough Jackson .... Knox Liberty Lincolnville., Monroe Montville . . 192 330 _ 2,776 18 _ 2,143 73 _ 1,007 19 _ _ 460 03 _ _ 547 10 _ _ 1,735 59 _ _ 459 04 _ _ 1,646 36 _ 131,547 710 48 _ 154,822 1,040 78 226 92 _ 5,948 82 _ _ 955 48 _ 361,198 1,323 58 _ - 390 50 _ _ 2,555 85 _ 19,966 46 77 _ 1,505 76 _ 74,684 460 45 _ 2,006 56 _ _ 3,214 10 _ _ 1,738 83 _ _ 2,596 86 _ _ 585 10 _ 420,310 2,155 10 _ 297,970 1,662 65 1,500 00 _ 7,916 86 _ _ 844 60 _ _ 1,410 87 _ _ 192 36 _ _ 173 95 _ 110 95 - 13,318 03 5,010 40 _ 509 98 191 49 _ 1,002 93 376 91 202,404 876 69 329 52 _ 1,106 46 415 45 _ 959 53 360 58 _ 771 24 289 40 _. 884 90 332 52 _ 1,094 14 411 21 _ 791 19 364 94 _ 2,189 44 822 77 _ 1,637 48 615 41 214,810 1,952 96 734 25 SOMERSET 5,000 00 WAM>O 9,182 00 1873.] COUNTY. AND APPROPRIATIONS. 439 Rate Per APPROPRIATIONS. Per Cent ofTaxa- of Valu- Free Roads Support ation. ation. Manu- Rail- Support High and of Other factures. roads. of Schools. Schools. Bridges Poor. Purposes - - $12,310 $18,000 _ $14,000 $7,000 $111,542 .025 .67 - - 1,500 - 4,800 800 3,000 .02 .90 - ; 1,300 $1,000 ; 7 - - _ 400 - _ _ _ - - - - 824 _ _ _ _ COUNTY. .04 3-10 COUNTY. - - - 552 ' - 1,352 2,500 .66 40,000 640 - - - 27,000 900 ; - - - - - 75 "" - - \ 430 - - - - - - $1,340 - - - mm ** - 940 - $1,000 .50 - - 900 1,182 - 5,000 - 440 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. WALDO CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. Merrill 104 227 400 $52,935 183,855 650,737 $667 22 905 99 1,210 13 924 52 1,505 58 5,189 39 4,006 45 702 15 1,326 00 1,169 40 1,925 07 722 58 3.007 74 $250 60 340 29 454 60 347 38 565 67 1,952 32 1,506 79 263 69 498 60 439 40 723 93 271 54 1.130 34 $3,000 00 - Northport Prospect Swanvillo . ..... Thorndike Troy Unity Waldo Winteroort . . WASHINGTON 94 Bailey villo 94 394 163 Columbia Falls 148 69 Crawford 47 Cutler Dan forth 90 Deblois 30 113 Bast M achias 405 82 287 467 Machias 320 44 Marshfield 75 47 Milbridge Northfield .. -. 52 Pembroke 624 Princeton ... 242 170 Steuben 99 Trescott ...... 61 Whiting 72 Whitney ville Cody ville pi .... Waite pi Vanceboro' pi . . , _ _ 1,320 35 _ 68,602 370 94 _ 268 84 _ _ 481 73 _ _ 160 42 _ _ 7,628 25 _ _ 210 81 _ 64,665 335 74 _ 449,054 2'176 12 _ 166,084 641 13 - 315,513 885 34 _ 40,948 174 89 54 58 23,153 152 29 - _ 653 05 _ 82,079 254 09 _ 17,595 90 28 _ 290,686 997 54 312 54 780,387 2,911 54 911 84 _ 4,515 65 99,528 432 88 - 203,651 1,248 85 - _ 436 14 _ _ 784 53 _ 220,768 1,552 01 _ _ - 4,896 28 197,008 989 11 _ 14,363 150 34 _ 58,815 357 51 _ 10,964 120 90 _ _ 1,402 41 - 37,145 265 29 _ 584,837 1,946 90 - _ 1,030 63 190,249 904 71 88,515 637 10 _ 935 34 _ 48,174 415 19 _ _ 216 00 _ 49,489 319 86 _ 67,229 373 97 _ _ 557 45 _ _ 139 77 _ _ 147 80 _ 143 82 _ 128,201 200 00 - 1873.] AND APPROPRIATIONS. 441 COUNTY CONCLUDED. Rate Per APPROPRIATIONS. of Tax- of Valu- Free Roads Support ation. ation. Manu- factures. Rail- roads. Support of Schools. High Schools. and Bridges. of Poor. Other Purposes .045 .50 - - $418 - - - - .055 .66 - _ 979 - - - _ .0184 100 - $30,000 1,600 - $3~000 - - COUNTY. .016 100 - - 589 - - - - .02 .90 - - 400 - - - - .0203 _ _ 21,500 2,200 _ _ _ _ .015 _ _ 125 800 _ _ _ _ .0153 _ _ 200 660 $200 1,300 $600 $1,100 .017 .80 _ _ 325 _ 1,000 100 175 - - - - 250 - - - - _ I _ I 400 _ ~ _ _. .025 _ _ _ 150 _ _ _ _ .013 100 _ 890 _ 600 824 48,838 .014 - - 550 1,700 - - - - - - - _ 358 _ _ _ _ - - - _ 1,800 - _ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,250 ~ I I ~ _ _ _ _ 318 _ _ _ _ .015 .75 _ _ 300 _ _ _ . .021 .75 - - 160 200 - - - I ~ ~ ~ 200 I I _ _ .023 .80 - 19^400 3,041 - - - - .017 .75 I 3 _ I _ _ .034 .50 - - 800 - - 600 1,200 - - - - 372 - - 300 - _ _ I _ 340 _ _ _ _ .02 .003| .66 .66 - - - 1,200 - 330 442 WEALTH, TAXATION [1873. YORK CITY OR TOWN. VALUATION, 1873. TAXATION. Polls. Estates. State. County. Town or City. Total. Acton 396 246 $437,296 184,406 $1,638 65 2,138 67 3,210 95 28,434 06 4,155 80 1,555 96 1,211 86 2,683 90 2,226 38 7,893 62 4,513 37 3,199 88 2,626 84 2,193 37 2,616 12 1,729 42 1,497 23 2,868 21 3,165 02 15,595 36 1,258 30 2,807 97 4,095 43 1.825 23 3,426 09 3,865 02 $504 41 $4,432 30 $6,433 94 Alfred Biddeford Elliot .. . Hollis Ivennebunkport . . . . . Kittery Lebanon . . ...... Limerick Ly man Newfield North Berwick ...... Saco Shapleigh Sanford .... Waterboro' Wells York.. 1873.] COUNTY. AND APPROPRIATIONS. 443 Rate Per Cent of Tax- ation. Per Centage of Valu- ation. APPROPRIATIONS. Manu- factures. Rail- roads. Support of Schools. Free High Schools. Roads and Bridges. Support of Poor. Other Purposes - r - - - - - - - .0225 .50 - - $1,969 $300 - - - .03 - | - 1,332 - - $500 $2,600 COEEEOTION. In our remarks on Shipbuilding, ( page xxix,) we find that while there has been a surprising revival of this industrial interest, we have been misled in making the statement that the total amount of tonnage built in 1873, is " a larger amount of tonnage than was ever built in any one year." In the absence of official infor- mation to the contrary this statement was made. It now appears that the most prosperous year Maine ever enjoyed in shipbuilding was in 1855, when the total amount of tonnage built was, as we are advised, 215,964.73-95, old measurement; in 1856, 149,907 tons, old measurement; in 1857, 110,933 tons, old measurement. INTRODUCTORY AND STATISTICAL. CHAPTER OF CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION v Capital invested ix Erroneous returns of. , . . . ix what constitutes capital x Department, Industrial, time occupied in organizing v preliminary work of v Industries, disadvantages in enumerating and classifying viii Manufacturer, application of ix Report, value and importance of x Resolve, Legislative, in relation to Industrial Statistics v scope of v limited powers under v, x Returns, assessors' vi total number of vi manufacturers' vii total number of vii analyzing and tabulating vii latitude of. ix Statistics, difficulties confronted in procuring v MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRYJ xi summary of xli Boots and Shoes, statistics of. xiii Brick, statistics of xiv Canned Products, statistics of '. xiv Copper xxxiv Cotton goods, statistics of xv rank of State in xi Edge tools, axes, saws, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS xlvi WEALTH AND TAXATION xlvi assessors' returns of xlvi Rate of taxation in cities and towns xlvii valuation of State . . xlvii GENERAL INDEX. INDEX TO TABLES. PAGE. TABLE I. General Statistics of Manufactures, summary of returns by counties 257 TABLE II. Special Statistics of Manufactures, summary of returns by counties 323 TABLE III. Total Summary of Statistics of Manufactures for the State 341 TABLE IV. Statistics of Mining Industries, including quarrying of slate, granite, marble and feldspar 353, 354 TABLE V. Shipbuilding 356, 357 TABLE VI. Commerce 358 TABLE VII. Railroads 359, 360 TABLE VIII. Cod and Mackerel Fisheries 361 TABLE IX. Factory Cheese 362 TABLE X. Statistics of Agriculture 365 TABLE XI. Wealth, Taxation and Appropriations of cities, towns and plan- tations 425 MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. INDEX TO TOWNS. PAGE. Abbot 178 Acton 239 Addison 222 Albany 126 Albion 82 Alexander 222 Alfred 239 Alna 116 Alton 143 Alvapl 27, 253 Amherst 66 Andover 126 Aurora .*.., 194 Appleton 107 Argyle 143 Arrowsic 186 Athens 195 Atkinson.., 179 PAGE. Auburn 1 Augusta 82 Avon 66 Baldwin 28 Bangor 143 Baring 222 Barnard 179 Bath 186 Belfast 209 Belgrade 86 Belmont** 211 Benedicta 21 Benton 86 Berwick 239 Bethel 126 Biddeford 240, 352 Biogham 195 Blanchard... 179 448 INDEX. PAGE. Bluehill 66, 348 Boothbay 116 Bowdoin 190 Bowdoinham 190 Bradford 150 Bradley 150 Bremen 117 Brewer 151 Bridgewater 21, 252 Bridgton 29 Brighton 195 Bristol 118 Brooklin 66 Brooks 211 Brooksville 67, 348 Brownfield 128 Brownville 179, 350 Brunswick 30 Buokfield 128 Buoksport 67 Burnham 211 Buxton 242 Byron 129 Calais 223 Cambridge 195 Camden 108 Canaan 195 Canton 129 Cape Elizabeth 31,253 Carmel 156 Carratunkpl 208 Carthage 66 Casco 31 Castine 69 Charleston 156 Charlotte 224 Chelsea 87 Cherryfield 225 Chester 156 Chesterville 67 China 87 Clifton 156 Clinton 88 Clinton Gore .*... 107 Columbia- 225 Columbia Falls 226 Concord 195 Cooper 227 Corinna . 157 PAGE. Corinth 157 Cornish *157, 242 Cornville 196 Cranberry Isles 70 Cumberland 33 Cutler 227 Cyr pi 27 Dalton 21 Damariscotta 119 Danforth .-... 227 Dayton 242 Deblois 228 Dedham 70 Deer Isle 71, 349 Deering 33 Denmark 130 Dennysville 228 Detroit 196 Dexter 158 Dixfield 130 Dixmont 163 Dover 180 Dresden 120 Durham 7 Eastbrook 71 East Livermore 7 East Machias 228 Easton f21, 71 Eastport 229 Eaton 230 Eddington 163 Eden 71 Edgecomb 120 Elliot 243 Ellsworth 72 Embden 196 Enfield 163,350 Etna 163 Eustis 57 Exeter 164 Fairfield 196 Falmouth 34 Farmingdale 88 Farmington 57 Fayette 89 Fort Fairneld 21 Fort Kent 22 Foxcroft 181 Frankfort 212, 351 * Belongs in York county. t Belongs in Aroostook county. INDEX. 449 PAGE. Franklin 74 Freedom 212 Freeman 58 Freeport 34 Frenohville 22 Friendship Ill Fryeburg 130 Gardiner 89 Garland 164 Georgetown 191 Qilead 130 Glenburn . 164 Gorham 35 Gouldsboro' 75 Grand Isle .. 22 Gtay .. 36 Greenbush 164 Greene 7 Greenville 181 Greenwood . 130 Greenvale pi 65 Guilford 182 Hallowell 93,349 Hampden 165 Hancock 77 Hanover *. 131 Harmony 198 Harpswell 36 Harrington 230 Harrison 36 Hartford 132 Hartland 198 Hebron 132 Hermon 165 Hiram 132 Bodgdon 22 Holden 165 Hollis 243 Hope Ill Boulton 23 flowland 165 Hudson 166 Industry 58 Island Falls 23 Jackson 212 Jackson Brook pi 237 Jay 59,348 Jefferson 120 Jonesboro' 230 Jonesport 230 29 PAGE. Katahdin Iron Work 351 Kenduskeag 166 Kennebunk 244 Kenncbunk port 244 Kingfield 59 Kingman 166 Eingsbury 183 Kittery 245 KBOX 212 Lamoine 77 Lagrange , 166 Lakeville pi 177 Lebanon , 245 Lee 167 Leeds 7 Levant 167 Lewiston .........8, 251 Liberty 213 Limerick 245 Limestone 24 Limington 245 Lincoln 168 Lincolnville 214 Linneus 24 Lisbon * 16 Litchfield 94 Littleton 24 Livermore 16 Lovell .133 Lowell 169 Lttbec ..231, 352 Lyman 245 Lyndon 24 Machias 231 Machiasport 232 Madawaska 24 Madison 199 Madrid 60 Manchester 94 Mapleton pi 27 Mariaville 77 Marion 2*2 Marshfield 232 Mars Hill 24 Mason 134 Mattawamkeag 169 Mayfield 200,351 Maxfield 19 Meddybemps 232 Medford 183 450 INDEX. PAGE. Medway pi 178 Mercer 200 Milford 169 Milbridge 233 Milo 183 Milton pi 142 Minot 18, 252 Monmouth 94 Monroe 214 Monson 184, 351 Montville 214 Morrill 215 Moscow 201 Mount Desert 77 M/>tmt Vernon 95 Muscongus Island 125 Muscle Ridge pi 350 Naples 37 Newburg 170 Newcastle 121 Newfield 245 NQW Gloucester 37 New Limerick 25 Newport 170 New Portland 201 Newry 134 New Sharon 60 New Sweden 25 New Vineyard 60 Nobleboro' 122 Norridgewock 202 Northfield 233 North Berwick 246 North Haven 112 Northport 215 North Yarmouth 37,348 Norway 134 No. 1, Range 4 65 No.6pl 65 No.SSpl... 82 Oldtown 171 Orland 78 Orneville 184 Orono 172 Orrington 173 Otis 79 Otisfield 37 Oxford 135 Palermo 215 Palmyra 202 PAGE. PaHs 136 Parkman 184 Parsonsfield 247 Passadumkeag 175 Patten 175 Pembroke 233, 352 Penobscot 79 Perry 233 Peru 138 Pittsfield 202 Pittston 95 Phillips 62 Phipsburg 191 Plymouth.. 175 Poland 19 Porter 138 Portland 38 Pownal 50 Prentiss 176 Presque Isle 25 Princeton 234 Prospect 217 Rangely 62 Raymond 50 Readfield 96 Richmond 191 Ripley 203 Robbinston 336 Rockland 112 Rome 97 Rumford 139 Saco 247 Salem 63 Sandy River pi 65 Sanford 248 Sangerville 185 Scarborough 61 Searsmont 217 Searsport 218 Sebec 185 Sedgwick 80 Shapleigh 249 Sherman 26 Shirley ; 185 Sidney 97 Silver Ridge pi 28 Skowhegan 203 Smithfield 205 Solon 206 Somerville .. , 122 INDEX. 451 PAGE. South Berwick 249 South port 124 South Thomaston 113, 349 Springfield 176 St. Albans 207 Standish 51 Starks 206 Stetson 176 Steuben 236 St. George 114, 350 Stockton 219 Stoneham 139 Stow 140 Strong 63 Sullivan 80, 349 Sumner 140 Surry 81 Swan's Island 82 Talmadgepl 238 Temple 63 Thomaston 114 Thorndike 219 Topsfield 236 Topsham 191,351 Tremont 81 Trenton 81 Troy 220 Turner 19 Township No. 11, R. 6 27 Union 114 Unity 220 Upton 140 Vanceboro' pi 238 Van Burenpl r 28 Vassalboro' 98 Veazie 176 Yarmouth 55 PAOK. Verona 82 Vienna . 99 Vinalhaven 115,350 Waldo 221 Waldoboro' , 124 Waltham 82 Warren 115,254 Washburn 27 Washington 116 Waterboro' 249 Waterford 141 Waterville 99 Wayne 101 Webster 20 Weld 64 Wellington 186 Wells 250 Wesley 236 West Bath 351 Westbrook 53, 254 West Gardiner 102 Westport 124 West Waterville 102 Whitefield 125 Whiting 237 Whitney ville 237 Wilton 64 Windham 54 Windsor 105 Winn 177 Winslow* 105 Winterport 221 Winthrop , 106, 254 Wiscasset 125 Woodstock 142 Woolwich 193 York . . .250 * Name omitted on page. Includes return of Shoe Pegs at bottom of page. 452 INDEX. GENERAL AND SPECIAL STATISTICS. PAGE. Agricultural Implements 258, 342 Artificial Limbs 258, 269, 342 Barks 356, 357 Barkantines .. 356, 357 Barges 356, 357 Beer, Soda and Mineral Waters . .259, 342 Belts, Belting and Hose, (Leather) 260, 342 Blacksmithing 260, 261, 342 Beaching and Dyeing 261,262, 342 Blocks and Pumps 262, 342 Brigs 356, 357 Boat Building, Ship Repairing and Ship Timber 263, 342 Boot and Shoe Findings 263, 264, 342 Boots and Shoes 324, 342 Boxes, Packing 264, 342 Paper 264, 265, 342 Wooden 265, 266, 342 Braids and Lacings 266, 342 Brass Founding and Finishing.... 267, 342 Bread, Crackers and other Bakery Products 267, 268, 342 Brick 325, 342 Brick Machines and Molds 268, 342 Britannia Ware 268, 342 Brooms and Brushes 269, 342 Burnetized Wood 269,342 Cabinet Work 270, 342 Canned Goods 326, 342 Cant Dogs 2TO, 342 Carriage Stock 271, 342 Carriages and Sleds, Children's 271,272, 343 Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs 272, 273, 343 Cars, Railroad. 336 Carvings 274, 343 Cement, Drain, Gas and Water Pipes 274,343 Cheese Factory 362 Cider 275,343 Clothing, Men's and Boys'. . .275, 276, 343 Cod and Mackerel Fisheries 361 Coffee and Spice, Roasted and Ground 276, 343 Confectionery 277, 343 PAGE. Cooperage 277, 278, 343 Cordage and Twine 279,343 Corks, Boot 280, 343 Cotton Goods 327, 343 Batting, Warp and Yarn.. 328, 343 Croquet Sets and Bats 280, 343 Edge Tools 329, 343 Etnery, Reduced and Ground 280, 343 Emery Wheels 281,343 Enrolled Vessels 358 Excelsior, for Upholstering. .281, 282, 343 Feldspar 353 Fertilizer 282, 343 Files and Rasps 283, 343 Firearms 283, 343 Fish, Cured and Packed 284, 343 Fisheries, Cod and Mackerel 361 Flouring and Grist Mill Products .330, 343 Furniture 285, 343 Chairs 2*5, 286,343 Furs, Dressed 286, 343 Gas, Illuminating 287, 343 Glass Ware 287 Glue and Glue Stock 287, 288, 343 Granite Tools 288, 343 Granite 353, 354 Gunpowder 289, 344 Handles, Wooden 289, 290, 344 Hats and Caps 290,344 Horse and Ox Bhoes 290 Ice, Prepared for Market 291, 344 lok 291, 344 Iron, Cast, Forged and Rolled .... 331, 344 Iron Ore 353,354 Lasts 292,344 Lead Ore 354 Lead and other Paints 292, 293, 344 Leather, Tanned and Curried 332, 344 Leather Board 293, 294, 344 Licensed Vessels 358 Lime 333,344 Lumber, Long and Short 334, 344 Lumber, Planed 335, 344 Mackerel and Cod Fisheries 361 INDEX. 453 PA<3K. Machinery, Cotton and Woolen. ..335, 344 Locomotives, Railroad Cars, Steam Engines, Boilers, Ac 336, 344 Marble 353,354 Marble and Granite Work 294, 344 Matches, Friction & Match Cards. . 295, 344 Measures and Boxes 296, 344 Musical Instruments & Materials, 296, 344 Nails and Spikes, Cut & Wrought, 296, 344 Needles and Awls 297, 344 Nets 297 Number of Sailing and Steam Vessels. 358 Oakum 297,344 Oars and Spars 298, 344 Oil, Fish 298, 299, 344 Kerosene 299, 300, 344 OH Floor Cloth. 300,301,344 Paper, Printing and Wrapping. . .337, 344 Patent Medicines 301, 344 Patterns and Models 301 Peg Cutters 301,344 Pickles 302, 345 Picture Frames 302,345 Plaster, Ground . . 302, 303, 345 Plugs and Wedges 303, 345 Printing and Publishing 304, 345 Printing Cotton & Woolen Goods.. 305, 345 Propellers 356,357 Railroads 359, 360 Registered Vessels 358 Roller Skins 305, 345 Saddlery and Harnesses 305, 306, 345 Sails 306, 345 Sailing and Steam Vessels, Number and Tonnage 358 Bait, Ground 307, 345 Sash, Doors and Blinds 307, 308, 345 PAGE. Saw Frames 308, 309, 345 Schooners 356, 357 Shawl Straps 309 Ships. x 356, 357 Shipbuilding, Tonnage 357 Shirts and Overalls. . . . 309, 310, 345 Shoe Pegs , 310,345 Shocks, Box and Hogshead 338, 345 Slate 353, 354 Sloops 356, 357 Soap, Candles and Potash 3 1 1, 345 Spools and Spool Stock 311, 312, 345 Springs, Carriage. 312, 345 Starch 312,345 Steamers 356, 357 Stereoscopes 313 Stone and Earthern Ware 313, 345 Stove Polish 313 Suspenders 314, 345 Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, 315, 345 Tobacco, Cigars 315, 316, 345 Tonnage, Shipbuilding 357 Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels. .358 Toothpicks 316 Treadles, Sewing Machine 316, 345 Tripoli 317,345 Trunks, Bags and Valises 3 17, 345 Trunk Cleats 317,345 Vinegar 318 Wire 318,345 Wood Pulp 319, 345 Wooden Moldings, Stair Rails and Stairs 320,345 Wooden Ware 320, 345 Wool Cleaning and Pulling 321, 345 Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing, 322, 345 Woolen Goods 339, 345 454 INDEX. STATISTICS OF AGRICULTURE. INDEX TO COUNTIES. PAGB. Aroostook 366 Cumberland 372 Franklin 374 Hancock 377 Kennebec 380 Knox 383 Lincoln 386 Oxford 389 Penobsoot 392 Piscataquis 398 Sagadahoo 401 Somerset 404 Waldo 405 Washington 408 York.. ...414 WEALTH, TAXATION AND APPROPRIATIONS. INDEX TO COUNTIES. PAGB. Androsaoggin 426, 427 Aroostook 426, 427 Cumberland 428, 429 Franklin 428,429 Hancock 430, 431 Kennebec 430,431 Knox 432,433 Lincoln 432,433 Oxford 432,433 Penobscot 434,435 Piscataquis 436,437 Sagadahoo 438,439 Somerset , 438,439 Waldo 438,439 Washington 440,441 York.. 442,443 Maine (Stai The wea duotry of th and in kine HC107 M2A2 1R7S M201997 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY YC173786 SRJW