!BA; THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MARE NOSTRUM MARE NOSTRUM (OUR SEA) & Jgobel BY VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ AUTHOR OF "THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE," "THE SHADOW OF THE CATHEDRAL," "BLOOD AND SAND," "LA BODEGA," ETC. AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION FROM THE SPANISH BY CHARLOTTE BREWSTER JORDAN TRANSLATOR OF "THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE*' NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY 681 FIFTH AVENUE COPYRIGHT, BY E. P. BUTTON & COMPANY All Rights Reserved Firit printing August, 1919 Second printing. . . .August, 1919 Third printing Auguit, 1919 Fourth printing Augutt, 1919 Fifth printing Auguit, 1919 Sixth printing Augutt, 1919 Seventh printing. . . .August, 1919 Eighth printing Auguit, 1919 Ninth printing Auguit, 1919 Tenth printing August, 1919 Eleventh printing. . . .Augutt, 1919 Twelfth printing Augutt, 1919 Thirteenth printing. .August, 1919 Fourteenth printing . . August, 1919 Fifteenth printing . . .August, 1919 Sixteenth printing . . .August, 1919 Seventeenth printing . August, 1919 Eighteenth printing. .August, 1919 Nineteenth printing . .August, 1919 Twentieth printing. .August, 1919 Twenty-first printing. August, 1919 Twenty-second printing. Aug., 1919 Twenty-third printing. .Aug., 1919 Twenty-fourth printing. Aug., 1919 Printed in the United States of America College Library CONTENTS (THAPMB PACK I CAPTAIN ULYSSES FERRAGUT ..... i II MATER AMPHITRITE ....... 23 III PATER OCEANUS ........ 58 IV FREYA ........... 88 V THE AQUARIUM OF NAPLES ..... 154 VI THE WILES OF CIRCE ....... 191 VII THE SIN OF ULYSSES ....... 244 VIII THE YOUNG TELEMACHUS ..... 304 IX THE ENCOUNTER AT MARSEILLES . . .328 X IN BARCELONA ......... 377 XI "FAREWELL, I AM GOING TO DIE" . . .427 XII AMPHITRITE! . . . AMPHITRITE I .... 478 G93455 MARE NOSTRUM MARE NOSTRUM CHAPTER I CAPTAIN ULYSSES FFRRAGUT His first gallantries were with an empress. He was ten years old, and the empress six hundred. His father, Don Esteban Ferragut third quota of the College of Notaries had always had a great admiration for the things of the past. He lived near the cathedral, and on Sundays and holy days, instead of following the faithful to witness the pompous ceremonials pre- sided over by the cardinal-archbishop, used to betake himself with his wife and son to hear mass in San Juan del Hospital, a little church sparsely attended the rest of the week. The notary, who had read Walter Scott in his youth, used to gaze on the old and turreted walls surrounding the church, and feel something of the bard's thrills about his own, his native land. The Middle Ages was the pe- riod in which he would have liked to have lived. And as he trod the flagging of the Hospitalarios, good Don Esteban, little, chubby, and near-sighted, used to feel within him the soul of a hero born too late. The other churches, huge and rich, appeared to him with their blaze of gleaming gold, their alabaster convolutions and their jasper columns, mere monuments of insipid vul- garity. This one had been erected by the Knights of 2 MARE NOSTRUM Saint John, who, united with the Templars, had aided King James in the conquest of Valencia. Upon crossing the covered passageway leading from the street to the inner court, he was accustomed to salute the Virgin of the Conquest, an image of rough stone in faded colors and dull gold, seated on a bench, brought thither by the knights of the military order. Some sour orange trees spread their branching verdure over the walls of the church, a blackened, rough stone edifice perforated with long, narrow, window-like niches now closed with mud plaster. From the salient buttresses of its reinforcements jutted forth, in the highest parts, great fabled monsters of weather-beaten, crumbling stone. In its only nave was now left very little of this roman- tic exterior. The baroque taste of the seventeenth cen- tury had hidden the Gothic arch under another semi- circular one, besides covering the walls with a coat of whitewash. But the medieval reredos, the nobiliary coats of arms, and the tombs of the Knights of Saint John with their Gothic inscriptions still survived the pro- fane restoration, and that in itself was enough to keep up the notary's enthusiasm. Moreover the quality of the faithful who attended its services had to be taken into consideration. They were few but select, always the same. Some of them would drop into their places, gouty and relaxed, .sup- ported by an old servant wearing a shabby lace mantilla as though she were the housekeeper. Others would re- main standing during the service holding up proudly their emaciated heads that presented the profile of a fighting cock, and crossing upon the breast their gloved hands, always in black wool in the winter and in thread in the summer time. Ferragut knew all their names, having read them in the Trova-s of Mosen Febrer, a CAPTAIN ULYSSES FEKRAGUT 3 metrical composition in Provencal, about the warriors that came to the neighborhood of Valencia from Aragon, Catalunia, the South of France, England and remote Ger- many. At the conclusion of the mass, the imposing person- ages would nod their heads, saluting the faithful nearest them. "Good day !" To these, rt was as if the sun had just arisen: the hours before did not count. And the notary with meek voice would enlarge his response: "Good day, Senor Marquis !" "Good day, Senor Baron !" Although his relations never went beyond this salutation, Ferragut used to feel toward these noble personages the sympathy that the customers have for an establishment, looking upon them with affectionate eyes for many years without presuming to exchange more than a greeting with them. His son Ulysses was exceedingly bored as he followed the monotonous incidents of the chanted mass in the darkened, almost deserted, church. The rays of the sun, oblique beams of gold that filtered in from above, illumi- nating the spirals of dust, flies and moths, made him think in a homesick way of t?:e lush green of the orchard, the white spots of the hamlets, the black smoke cokirnns of the harbor filled with steamships, and the triple file of bluish convexities crowned with froth that were dis- charging their contends with a sonorous surge upon the bronze-colored beach. When the embroidered mantles of the three priests ceased to gleam before the high alfar, and another priest in black and white appeared in the pulprt, Ulysses would turn his glance toward a side chapel. The sermon always represented for him a half hour of somnolence, peopled with his own lively imaginings. The frrst thing that his eyes used to see in the chapel of Santa Barbara was a chest nafled to the wall high above him, a sepulcher 4 MARE NOSTRUM of painted wood with no other adornment than the in- scription : "Aqui yace Dona Constanza Augusta, Emper- atrls de Grecia," Here lies Constance Augusta, Empress of Greece. The name of Greece always had the power of exciting the little fellow's imagination. His godfather, the lawyer Labarta, poet-laureate, could not repeat this name without a lively thrill passing across his grizzled beard and a new light in his eyes. Sometimes the mysterious power of such a name evoked a new mystery and a more in- tense interest, Byzantium. How could that august lady, sovereign of remote countries of magnificence and vision, have come to leave her remains in a murky chapel of Va- lencia within a great chest like those that treasured the remnants of old trumpery in the garrets of the no- tary? . . . One day after mass Don Esteban had rapidly recounted her history to his little son. She was the daughter of Frederick the Second of Suabia, a Hohenstaufen, an emperor of Germany who esteemed still more his crown of Sicily. In the palaces of Palermo, veritable en- chanted bowers of Oriental gardens, he had led the life both of pagan and savant, surrounded by poets and men of science (Jews, Mahometans and Christians), by Ori- ental dancers, alchemists, and ferocious Saracen Guards. He legislated as did the jurisconsults of ancient Rome, at the same time writing the first verses in Italian. His life was one continual combat with the Popes who hurled upon him excommunication upon excommunication. For the sake of peace he had become a crusader and set forth upon the conquest of Jerusalem. But Saladin, another philosopher of the same class, hac? soon come to an agreement with his Christian colleague. The position of a little city surrounded with untilled land and an empty scpulcher was really not worth the trouble of decapitating CAPTAIN ULYSSES FERRAGUT 5 mankind through the centuries. The Saracen monarch, therefore, graciously delivered Jerusalem over to him, and the Pope again excommunicated Frederick for having conquered the Holy Land without bloodshed. "He was a great man," Don Esteban used to murmur. "It must be admitted that he was a great man. . . ." He would say this timidly, regretting that his enthusi- asm for that remote epoch should oblige him to make this concession to an enemy of the Church. He shud- dered to think of those sacrilegious books that nobody had seen, but whose paternity Rome was accustomed to attribute to this Sicilian Emperor especially Los Tres Impostores (The Three Imposters), in which Frederick measured Moses, Jesus and Mahomet, by the same standard. This royal author was, moreover, the most ancient journalist of history, the first that in the full thirteenth century had dared to appeal to the judgment of public opinion in his manifestoes against Rome. His daughter had married an Emperor of Byzantium, Juan Dukas Vatatzes, the famous "Vatacio," when he was fifty and she fourteen. She was a natural daughter soon legitimized like almost all his progeny, a product of his free harem, in which were mingled Saracen beauties and Italian marchionesses. And the poor young girl married to "Vatacio the heretic," by a father in need of political alliances had lived long years in the Orient as a basilisa or empress, arrayed in garments of stiff embroidery rep- resenting scenes from the holy books, shod with buskins laced with purple which bore on their soles eagles of gold, the highest symbol of the majesty of Rome. At first she had reigned in Nicaea, refuge of the Greek Emperors while Constantinople was in the power of the Crusaders, founders of a Latin dynasty; then, when Vatacio died, the audacious Miguel Paleologo recon- quered Constantinople, and the imperial widow found 6 MARE NOSTRUM herself courted by this victorious adventurer. For many years she resisted his pretensions, finally manceuvering that her brother Manfred should return her to her own country, where she arrived just in time to receive news of her brother's death in battle, and to follow the flight of her sister-in-law and nephews. They all took refuge in a castle defended by Saracens in the service of Fred- erick, the only ones faithful to his memory. The castle fell into the power of the warriors of the Church, and Manfred's wife was conducted to a prison where her life was. shortly after extinguished. .Obscur- ity swallowed up the last remnants of the family accursed by Rome. Death was always hovering around the basil- isa. They all perished her brother Manfred, her half- brother, the poetic and lamented Encio, hero of so many songs, and her nephew, the knightly Coradino, who was to die later on under the axe of the executioner upon at- tempting the defense of his rights. As the Oriental em- press did not represent any danger for the dynasty of Anjou, the conquerer let her follow out her destiny, as lonely and forsaken as a Shakesperian Princess. As the widow of the late Emperor she was supposed to have a rental of three thousand besantes of fine gold. But this remote rental never arrived, and almost as a pauper she embarked with her niece, Constanza, in a ship going toward the perfumed shores of the Gulf of Valencia, where she entered the convent of Santa Barbara. In the poverty of this recently founded convent, the poor Em- press lived until the following century, recalling the ad- ventures of her melancholy destiny and seeing in imagina- tion the palace of golden mosaics on Lake Nicaea, the gar- dens where "Vatacio" had wished to die under a purple tent, the gigantic walls of Constantinople, and the arches of Saint Sophia, with its hieratic galaxies of saints and crowned monarchs. CAPTAIN ULYSSES FERRAGUT 7 From all her journeys and glittering fortunes she had preserved but one thing a stone the sole baggage that accompanied her upon disembarking on the shore of Va- lencia. It was a fragment from Nicodemia that had mi- raculously sent forth water for the baptism of Santa Bar- bara. The notary used to point out this rough, sacred stone inlaid in a baptismal font of Holy Water. Without ceas- ing to admire these historic bits of knowledge, Ulysses, nevertheless, used to receive them with a certain ingrati- tude. "My godfather could explain things to me in a better Way. . . . My godfather knows more." When surveying the chapel of Santa Barbara during the Mass, he used always to turn his eyes away from the funeral chest. The thought of those bones turned to dust filled him with repugnance. That Dona Constanza did not exist for him. The one who was interesting to him was the other one, a little further on who was painted in a small picture. Dona Constanza had had leprosy an infirmity that in * those days was not permitted to Empresses so Santa Barbara had miracu- lously cured her devotee. In order to perpetuate this event, Santa Barbara was depicted on the canvas as a lady dressed in a full skirt and slashed sleeves, and at her feet was the basitisa in the dress of a Valencian peas- ant arrayed in great jewels. In vain Don Esteban af- firmed that this picture had been painted centuries after the death of the Empress. The child's imagination vaulted disdainfully over such difficulties. Just as she appeared on the canvas, Dona Constanza must have been flaxen- haired, with great black eyes, exceedingly handsome and a little inclined to stoutness, perhaps, as was becoming to a woman accustomed to trailing robes of state and 8 MARE NOSTRUM who had consented to disguise herself as a country- woman, merely because of her piety. The ima^e of the Empress obsessed his childish thoughts. At night when he felt afraid in bed, im- pressed by the enormousness of the room that served as his sleeping chamber, it was enough for him to recall the sovereign of Byzantium to make him forget imme- diately his disquietude and the thousand queer noises in the old building. "Dona Constanza!" . . . And he would go off to sleep cuddling the pillow, as though it