JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY ^ SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT. Mr.andMrs.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIAandROSAIYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK I tfBRARY f UNIVERSITY Of \. CALIFORNIA ^o^ton- v)V>^^ / THE Club of Odd Volumes %tnt\) ^nni\jetsat^ Cjcjifittton AT THE BOSTON ART CLUB February 17-24 1897 Copyright, 1897, By the Club of Odd Volumes. John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. Committee on €jrt)ibition. ZACHARY T. HOLLINGSWORTH. WILLIAM M. BULLIVANT. WILLIAM V. KELLEN. WILLIAM G. SHILLABER. Early New England History Including many Boston and Cambridge Imprints I 649-1 700 1 A LEXANDER, Sir Wm. The Mapp and ^^j^ Description of New England: together with A Dis- course of Plantation and Colonies : Also A Relation of the Nature of the Climate, and how it agrees with our owne Country England. How neere it lyes to New-found- Land, Virginia, Nona Francia, Canada and other Parts of the West Indies. With copper plate map of New England. London, 1630. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra. 2 American Magazine and Historical Chron- icle, 1 743-1 744. Boston, 1744. 8° half roan. December number with the woodcut view of Boston, engraved by J. Turner, and also the general titlepage to the whole volume, the view of Boston being engraved on copper by J. Turner. A very early view of Boston, by a Boston engraver. Reproduced by the photogravure process in this catalogue. 3 Bishope, George. New England Judged, Not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord ; And the Summe sealed up of New England's Persecutions. Being a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in those Parts of America ... to the later end of the Tenth Moneth, 1660, etc. An Appendix to the Book, Entituled, New England Judged, being certain Writings (never yet printed), of those Persons which were there executed . . . New England Judged. The Second Part. Beginning with the Sufferings of William Ledra . . . And ending with the Sufferings of Edward Wharton, the 3d month, 1665. London, 1661-67. 3 vols, in one. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, by W. Pratt. The three parts form a complete volume of great historical interest. Bond, Samson. a Publlck Xryal of the Quakers in Barmudas upon the first Day of May, 1678. First, The charge against them was openly read, containing these Par- ticulars : As I. That a Quakers pretended Saviour within him, is not the true Christ, but the False Christ, the Devil. 2. That the main end of the Quakers Meetings in these Islands, is to make the Lords Christ, His Holy Spirit, His Angels, and Apostles, all Lyars and False Witnesses of God, &c. Boston in New England : Printed by Samuel Green, upon Assignment of Samuel Sewall : 1682. Small 4° full green crushed levant morocco extra, uncut, gilt top. At the end of the Preface appears the following : " This insuing Discourse had been Printed sooner, had not Mr. John Foster (the Printer) been disenabled by a tedious sickness, of which he Died." Boston Directory, 1789. Printed and sold by John Norman : Boston, 1789. 12° paper. The first Boston Directory. [Bromhall, T.] a Treatise of Specters, or, an History of Apparitions, Oracles, Prophecies and Predictions, With Dreams, Visions and Revelations, and the Cunning Delusions of the Devil, etc. A work very seasonable for discovering the Impostures and Religious Cheats of these times. Lon- don, 1658. Small folio, old calf. With autograph "I. Mather, London, June 20, 1689 and Mather Byles, 17 21." Cambridge Platform, a platform of church-Disd- pline gathered out of the Word of God, And Agreed upon By the Elders and Messengers of the Churches Assembled in the Synod at Cambridge, in New England. To be pre- sented to the Churches and General Court for their consider- ation and acceptance in the Lord. Printed by S. G. at Cambridge in New England, and to be sold at Cambridge and Boston, Anno : 1649. Small 4° full green morocco. The first edition of the famous Cambridge Platform, and the first book printed by Samuel Green. Clark, John, in Newes from New-England : or A Nara- tive of New-Englands Persecution. Wherein is Declared That while old England is becoming new. New England is become Old. By John Clark Physician of Rode Island in America. London, 1652. Small 4^ half morocco. 9 Cobbet, Thomas. The CMl Magistrates Power in Matters of Religion Modestly Debated. . . . Together with a Brief Answer to a certain Slanderous Pamphlet called /// News from New Efiglandj or, A Narrative of New England's Persecution. By John Clark, of Road-Island, Physician. London, 1653. Small 4° calf extra. 10 Cotton, John. Gods Promise to his Plantations ... as it was delivered in a Sermon. London, 1630. Small 4° full morocco. The earliest of John Cotton's publications. 11 [Cotton, John.] An Abstract of the Lawes of New England, As they are now Established. London, 1641. Small 4° full green crushed levant morocco extra. The first printed collection of the Lawes of New England. 12 Cotton, John. The Covenant of Gods Free Grace. London, 1645. Small 4° light polished calf extra, uncut. 13 Davenport, John. The Knowledge of Christ Indis- pensably required of all Men that would be Saved. London, 1653- Small 4° full light polished calf extra. 14 EaStburn, R. a Faithful Narrative, Of The Many Dangers and Sufferings, as well as wonderful Deliverances of Robert Eastburn, during his late Captivity among the Indians. Philadelphia : Printed by William Dunlap, 1758. Small 8° calf. 15 Eliot's Indian Bible. First Edition. Old and New Testament, with dedications, both Indian and English title pages, Psalms in metre and leaf of Catechism. Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New. Translated into the Indian Language and ordered to be printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New England, at the charge, and with the consent of the Corporation in England for the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. Cambridge : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663. New Testament : The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into the English Language, etc. Cambridge, 1661. 2 vols, small 4° antique calf, gilt edges with the rare Dedication TO King Charles, of which, according to Thomas (Hist, of Printing), Twenty Copies only were printed. The Rev. John Eliot, pastor' of Roxbury, Massachusetts, be- gan the study of the Natick Indian language when forty-two years of age ; and having acquired a knowledge of it expressed a desire to translate the Scriptures into it for the use of the natives, among whom he acted as a Missionary. Aided by an Indian who had been taught the art of printing, he completed the translation of the Old and New Testament, in 1658, after a labor of eight years. The fact having been made known to the London Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians of New England, by Governor Endicott, in a letter dated Decem- ber 28, 1658, that body at once agreed to bear the expense of printing fifteen hundred copies of the New Testament. The longest word is Mark i, 40, " Wuttepesittukqussunnoowuhtunk- quoh," signifying " Kneeling down to him." 16 Eliot's Indian Bible. second Edition. Old and New Testaments. Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Bib- LUM God Naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah vv^onk Wusku Testament. — Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ noh ascowesit John Eliot. Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. — Cambridge^ Printeuoop fiashpe Samuel Green ^ 1685. [New Testament :] VVusku Wuttestamentum Nul-Lordu- mun lesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. — CainbridgCy Printed for the Right Honourable Corporation in London, for the propogation {sic) of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England, 1680. Small 4° richly and elegantly bound by Bedford, in grosgrain levant brown morocco, sides double panelled, blind and gold, with centre ornaments ; gilt edges, with gilt inside borders, and lining and guard leaves of vellum ; in a Solander case of olive morocco lined with velvet. 17 Eliot, Rev. John, Indian Apostle. Document written by Eliot and signed by the Indians of Nonantum, with their " marks," and conveys to Eliot their land at Nonantum, etc. Very curious and rare document. 18 Eliot, Rev. John. Document signed by John Eliot and Benj. Eliot, 1658-59. i page, small 4°. 19 Foxe, Luke. North-West Fox, or, Fox from the North- west passage. Plate of a sphere and large folding map. London, 1635. Small 4° full crimson morocco. This collection of early voyages towards making a discovery of the northwest passage contains many important facts and judi- cious observations on the ice, tides, compass, northern lights, etc. Fox started this expedition on the 28th April, 1631, and the result of his exploration is here related. 20 HigginSOn, Francis. New-England's Plantation, or, a short and true description of the commodities and dis- commodities of that countrey. London, 1630. Small 4° full dark green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt, by PRA'n\ 5 21 HigginSOn, John. The Cause of God and his People in New England, as it was stated and discussed in a Sermon Preached before the Honourable General Court of the Massachusetts Colony, on the 27 day of May 1663. Cam- bridg, Printed by Samuel Green, 1663. Small 4° stitched. The first Election Sermon that was printed in America. 22 Hooke, William. New England's Sence, of Old- England and Irelands Sorrowes. A Sermon Preached upon a day of generall Humiliation in the Churches of New- England. London, 1645. Small 4° half morocco, gilt. 23 Hubbard, William, a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. Boston: Printed by John Foster in the year 1677. White Hills Map. [Also :] The Happiness of a People. In the Wisdome of their Rulers Directing, And in the Obedience of their Brethren Attending Unto what Israel ought to do : Recommended in a Sermon Before the Honourable Governour and Council, and the respected Deputies of the Massachusetts Colony in New England. Preached at Boston, May 3rd, 1676, being the day of Election there. Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1676. Small 4° dark blue levant morocco, super extra, by F. Bedford. The map was engraved by John Foster, and was the first one engraved in New England. 24 Indian Wars in New England. 1676-1677. I. The Present State of New England, with respect to the Indian War . . . from the 20th of June, till the loth of November, 1675. London, 1676. II. A Continuation of the State of New England: being a Farther Account of the Indian Warr. . . . from the loth of November, 1675 to the 8th of February i67f. London, 1676. III. A New and Further Narrative of the State of New England, Being a Continued Account of the Bloudy Indian War, from March till August, 1676. London, 1676. IV. A True Account of the Most Considerable Occur- rences That have hapned in the Warre Between the English and the Indians in New England, from the Fifth of May, 1676, to the Fourth of August last. London, 1676. V. The Warr in New England Visibly Ended. King Philip that barbarous Indian now Beheaded, and most of his Bloudy Adherents submitted to Mercy, the Rest fled far up into the Countrey, which hath given the Inhabitants Encour- agement to prepare for their Settlement. London, 1677. 6 Together 5 pieces in one volume. Small folio, full crimson levant morocco, super extra, by F. Bedford. ^ Being a collection of exceedingly rare Tracts written and pub- lished in the time of King Philip^s War, by persons residing in America. 25 James, Captaine Thomas. The strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James, in his in- tended Discovery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea, &c. Engraved map and medallion portrait. London, 1633- Small 4° half morocco, uncut. First edition. 26 Johnson, Edward. a History of New England. From the English Planting in the yeere 1628 untill the yeere, 1652. London, 1654. Small 4° full morocco extra. Best known by its running title, " Wonder-Working Providence of Sion's Saviour in New England." The earliest connected history of the settlement of the Massachusetts colony which was printed. 27 [Keach, Benjamin.] War with the Devil, Or, the Young Man's Conflict with the Powers of Darkness, In a Dialogue (in verse) ... To which is added, An Appendix, containing a Dialogue between an Old Apostate and a Young Professor, etc. The Twelfth Edition. N. p., n d. [New York, William Bradford, about 17 14.] Small 8° old calf. ^' There is evidence enough, in peculiarities of typography, that the volume came from Bradford's Press, and the fact is established beyond question by four pages of commendatory verses prefixed to Reach's work, — 'By a Friend in Commendation of these Poems,' signed * W. B.' (William Bradford), and 'To the Reader: in Vindication of this Book/ by ' E. B.' (Mrs. Elizabeth Bradford)." 28 Keith, George. The Presbyterian and Independent Visible Churches in New England and else-where. Brought to the Test, and examined. . . . With a Call and Warning from the Lord to the People of Boston and New England, to Repent, &c. And two Letters to the Preachers in Bos- ton ; and an Answer to the gross Abuses, Lies, and Slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. London, 1691. 1 2° half morocco. 29 Keith, George. a journal of Travels from New Hamp- shire to Caratuck, on the Continent of North America. London, 1706. 4° half morocco. 30 Lechford, Thomas. Plaln Dealing: or, Newes from New-England. London, 1642. Small 4° half antique calf. Thomas Lechford was the only professional lawyer in the Colo- nies from 1638 to 1 641. 31 LfCe, Samuel. The joy of Faith. Boston, printed by Samuel Green, 1687. 1 2° old calf. The Library of Samuel Lee was put on sale, by Duncan Camp- bell, Bookseller at the Dock-Head over-against the Conduit. Boston, 1693, ^^^ w^s ^^^ ^^^^ private library that was adver- tised for public sale. 32 [Makemie, Francis.] An Answer to George Keith's Libel. Against A Catechism Published by Francis Makemie. To which is added, by way of Postscript. A Brief Narra- tive of a Late Difference among the Quakers, begun at Philadelphia. Boston, Printed, by Benjamin Harris, at the Sign of the Bible, over-against the Blew- Anchor, 1694. 12° sheep. 33 Mason, Major John. a Brief History of the Pequot War : Especially Of the Memorable Taking of their Fort at Mistick in Connecticut In 1637. With an Introduction and some Explanatory Notes By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Prince. Boston. Printed & S'old by S. Kneeland & T. Green in Queen Street, 1736. Small 8° full crimson morocco extra, gold borders by P. B. Sanford. 34 Mason. Peace, The End of the Perfect and Upright. . . . A Sermon, upon the Death of . . . Mrs. Anne Mason, some- time Wife to Major Mason, who not long after finished his Course and is now at rest. By James Fitch. Cambridge, printed by Samuel Green, 1672. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra, uncut edges. 35 Mather, Cotton. Early Religion, Urged in a Sermon, Upon The Duties Wherein, And the Reasons Wherefore, Young People Should Become Religious. Boston, Printed, by B. H. for Michael Perry under the West-End of the Town House, 1694. 12° old calf. 36 Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord, 1698. London, 1702. Folio, full crimson levant morocco, super extra. Large Paper Copy, with the original map, the two rare leaves of errata, and 2 leaves of " Books printed for Thomas Parkhurst." 37 Mather, Increase. The Mystery of Israel's Salvation, Explained and Applyed. Printed in the year, 1669. 12° calf. This is the first of Increase Mather's acknowledged publications. A second title-page, placed after the Preface, has the imprint, London, Printed for John Allen, in Wentworth Street, 1669. 38 Mather, Increase. The wicked Man's Portion, Or a Sermon (preached at the Lecture in Boston, the i8th day of the I. moneth, 1674, when tv^^o men were executed who had murthered their master). Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1675. Small 4^ full morocco extra, by P. B. Sanford. The First Book Printed in Boston. 39 Mather, Increase. a Brief History of the Warr With the Indians in New England (from June 24, 1675, when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians, to August 12, 1676, when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the Warr, was slain) etc. Boston, 1676. Small 4° full red levant morocco extra. 40 Mather, Increase. The First Principles of New Eng- land, concerning the Subject of Baptisme & Communion of Churches. Collected partly out of the Printed Books, but chiefly out of the Original Manuscripts of the First and chiefe Fathers in the New English Churches : With the Judgment of Sundry Learned Divines of the Congregational Way in England, concerning the said Questions. Published for the Benefit of those who are of the Rising Generation in New England. Cambridge, Printed by Samuel Green, 1675. Small 4° full crushed levant morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf. 41 Mather, Increase. a sermon wherein is shewed that the Church of God is sometimes a subject of Great Persecu- tion. Preached on a Publick Fast, at Boston in New Eng- land, occasioned by the Tidings of a great Persecution Raised against the Protestants in France. Boston in New England : Printed for Samuel Sewall, in the year 1682. Small 4° half red morocco extra, uncut. 42 Mather, Increase. An Essay For the Recording of Illustrious Providences, Wherein an Account is given of happened in this last Age; Especially in New-England. Printed at Boston in New-England, and are to be sold by George Calvert at the Sign of the Half-Moon in Pauls Churchyard, London, 1684. 12° full morocco, gilt edges. 43 Mather, Increase. The Blessed Hope, and the Glori- ous Appearing of the Great God our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Timothy Green, for N. Boone, (Boston) 1701. 12° old calf. With the rare engraved portrait of Increase Mather. Thos. Emmes, sculpt., sold by Nicolas Boone, 1701. 44 Mather, Increase. a sermon concerning Obedience & Resignation to the Will of God in Every Thing. Occa- sion'd by the Death of that Pious Gentlewoman, Mrs. Mariah Mather, Late Comfort of Increase Mather, D. D., who Entred into her Everlasting Rest, On the Lord's Day, April 4, 1714, Boston, 1 7 14. 16° half morocco, uncut. 45 MayheW, Experience. Indian Converts: or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a considerable Number of the Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New-England. ... To which is added. Some Account of those English Ministers who have successively presided over the Indian Work in that and the adjacent Islands. By Mr. Prince, London, 1727. S° full levant morocco extra. 46 MayheW, Matthew. The Conquests and Triumphs of Grace : Being a Brief Narrative of the Success which the Gospel hath had among the Indians of Martha's Vineyard (and Places adjacent) in New-England. London, 1695. Small 8° dark blue levant morocco, super extra, uncut, by F. Bedford. 47 Mitchell, Jonathan. Nehemiah on the Wall m Troublesom Times. Cambridge, 1671. Small 4° half morocco. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 15, 1667. 48 Mohawk Language. Another Tongue brought in, to Confess the Great Saviour of the World. Or, Some Com- munications of Christianity, Put into a Tongue used among the Iroquois Indians. And, Put into the Hands of the Eng- lish and the Dutch Traders : To accommodate the Great Intention of Communicating the Christian Religion, unto the Salvages, among whom they may find any thing of this lO Language to be Intelligible. Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1707. 16° paper. Only three other perfect copies of this book are known and all in Public Libraries. '' Why this, the First Book in the language of the Five Nations, was printed at Boston instead of New York, — or by whom the translation was made, — Mather does not inform us. It was probably written by Rev. Thorowgood Moor, who was sent out by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in 1704, to labor for the conversion of the Mohawks. He remained nearly a year at Albany, and visited the Mohawks at their * Castle,' but could not obtain their consent to his establishment of a mission among them. Before Nov. 1705 he returned to New York, and shortly afterwards went to Burlington, N. J., to supply the place of the Rev. John Talbot (another Missionary of the Society). Here Mr. Moor gave offence by refusing to admit the Lieut-Gov. (Ingoldsby) to the Lord's Supper, and was punished by imprisonment. Having contrived to escape, he fled to Boston, and in Nov. 1707 took passage for England, from Marblehead. The vessel, with all on board, was lost at sea." 49 Mohawk Prayer Book. The Order For Morning and Evening Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, and some other Offices of the Church, Together with A Col- lection of Prayers, and some Sentences of the Holy Scrip- tures, necessary for Knowledge Practice. Ne Yagawagh Niyadewighniserage Yonderaenayendaghkv^^a orghoongene neoni Yogaraskha Yoghseragwegough, etc. Collected, and translated into the Mohawk Language, under the direction of the late Rev. Mr. William Andrews, the late Rev. Dr. Henry Barclay, and the Rev. Mr. John Ogilvie. [New York, W. Weyman and Hugh Gaine] 1769. Small 8° old sheep. ** Less than 400 copies were printed, and very few remained among the Mohawks when they retired to Canada in 1777." 50 MonardeS, Nicolo. Joyfull Newes Out of the New- found Worlde, Wherein are declared, the rare and singuler vertues of divers Herbs, Trees, Plantes, Oyles & Stones, with their applications, as well to the use of Phisicke, as of Chirurgery : which being well applyed, bring such present remedie for all diseases, as may seeme altogether incredible : notwithstanding by practice found out to be true. Englished by John Frampton, Merchant. London, 1596. Small 4° mottled calf. 51 Morton, Charles. (Minister of the Gospel at Charls- town in New-England.) The Spirit of Man : or. Some Medi- tations (by way of Essay) on the Sense of that Scripture. Boston: Printed by B. Harris, for Duncan Campbell, at the Dock-Head, over-against the Conduit, 1693. 16° she CD. II " The gift of y« Rev'^ Mr. Danforth of Dorchester to Joseph Stimpson, 9*^ -o, 1724." 52 Morton, Nathaniel. New England's Memorial: or, a brief Relation of the Most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Province of God, manifested to the Planters of New England in America. Published for the Use and Benefit of present and future Generations, by Nathaniel Morton, Secretary of the Court for the Jurisdiction of New Plimouth. Cambridge : Printed by S. G. and M. J. for John Usher of Boston 1669. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. This book is one of those commonly referred to as " the corner stone "" of the early history of New England, and its accurate and full account of transactions there from 1620 to 1668, justify its claim to that title. 53 Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan, or New Canaan, Containing an abstract of New England. Printed at Amsterdam, by Jacob Frederick Stam, in the yeare, 1637. Small 4° light green levant morocco, super extra, by F. Bedford. 54 Mourt, G. A Relation or Journall of the beginning and proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimouth in New England, by certaine English Adventurers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arrivall, their joyfull building of, and comfortable plant- ing themselves in the now well defended Towne of New Plimouth. London, 1622. Small 4° full green crushed morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. Mourt's " Relation " is another of those books usually catalogued as " the chief corner stone " of a library of Americana, and as it is one of the earliest accounts of New England history, it is not easy to overestimate its importance. But its value is not greater than the difficulty of procuring the book in good condition. It was evidendy very popular at the time of its publication, and received careless usage. It was written by William Bradford and Edward Winslow and was sent to George Mourt (or Morton) in London, for publication. 55 New Englands First Fruits: in respect ( Conversion of some > First of the < Conviction of divers > of the Indians. ( Preparation of sundry ) 2. Of the progresse of Learning in the Colledge at Cam- bridge in Massacusetts Bay. With Divers other special! Matters concerning that Countrey. London, 1643. Small 4° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, by W. Matthews. The first of a series of tracts, known as the Eliot tracts, relating to the conversion of the Indians of New England. 12 $6 Norton, John. The orthodox Evangelist . . . wherein many great Evangelical Truths ... are briefly discussed, cleared and confirmed. London, 1654. Small 4° panelled calf extra. William Penn's copy, with his bookplate on verso of title: "William Penn, Esq^, Proprietor of Pensylvania : 1703." 57 Norton, John. The Heart of N-England rent at the Blasphemies of the present Generation. Or a brief tractate concerning the doctrine of the Quakers. Printed by Samuel Green, at Cambridge in New England, 1659. Small 4° half calf, uncut. 58 OakeS, Urian. The Soveraign Efficacy of Divine Providence : Over ruling and Omnipotently Disposing and Ordering all Humane Counsels and Affairs, Asserted Dem- onstrated and Improved, in a Discourse Evincing, that (not any Arm of Flesh, but) the right Hand of the Most High is it, that Swayeth the Universal Scepter of this Lower World's Government, &c. As Delivered in a Sermon Preached in Cambridge, on Sept. 10, 1677. Being the Day of Artillery Election there. Boston in New-England: Printed for Samuel Sewall, 1682. 4° full brown morocco extra, by F. Bedford. 59 Prince, Rev. Thomas. God brings to the Desired Haven. A Thanksgiving Sermon, deliver'd at the Lecture in Boston, N. E., on Thursday, September 5, 171 7. Upon Occasion of the Author's safe Arrival thro' many great Hazards & Deliverances, especially on the Seas, in above eight years absence from his Dear & Native Country. Boston: Printed by B. Green, for Thomas Fleet, and sold at his Shop in Newbury Street at the South End, 1717. 8° paper. Prince's first Sermon, preached *' in the hearing of a multitudi- nous auditory, many belonging to the adjacent towns being present.'' 60 Prince, Thomas. a Sermon Delivered By Thomas Prince, M.A., on Wednesday, October i, 1718, at his Ordina- tion to the Pastoral Charge of the Old South Church, in Boston, N. E. Boston, Printed by J. Franklin for S. Gerrish and Sold at his Shop near the Old Meeting House, 1718. Small 8° half morocco, uncut. 61 Prince, Thomas. a Sermon on the sorrowful Occasion Of the Death Of His late Majesty King George of Blessed Memory And the Happy Accession Of His present Majesty King George II. to the Throne. Boston, 1727. Portrait inserted. Small 8° half morocco. 13 62 Pynchon, William. The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption, Justification, etc., Cleering it from some Com- mon Errors ... by William Pinchin. London, 1650. Small 4° sheep. The General Court of Mass. ** ordered this work to be burned by the executioner in the Market-place, Boston." The author dared to maintain the *' damnable heresy" that "Christ did not suffer for us those unutterable torments of God's wrath, that commonly are called Hell torments." 63 [Pynchon.] Norton, John, a Discussion of that Great Point in Divinity, the Sufferings of Christ : and the Questions about his Righteousness . . . and the Imputation thereof. Being an Answer to a Dialogue intituled T/ie Meri- torious Price of our Redemption^ &^c. By William Pynchon, London, 1653. Small 8° calf. This was a Reply to Tlie Meritorious PricCy by William Pynchon, by Order of the Court. See also reply to this by Wm. Pynchon, No. 64. 64 Pynchon, William. The Meritorious Price of Man's Redemption, or Christ's Satisfaction discussed and explained. London, 1655. Small 4° full crimson morocco. Often called the second edition, but really a (Reply to the Reply) A Discussion of that great point in Divinity ^ by John Norton, by order of the Court. 65 Sanders, Daniel Clark. History of the Indian Wars with the first settlers of the United States, particularly in New England. Montpelier, Vt., 181 2. 16° full green morocco extra, double of red morocco, uncut edges, gilt top, by Sanford. Rigidly suppressed by the author. 66 Sewall, oamueu Phasnomena quaedam Apocalyptica Ad Aspectum Novi Orbis configurata. Or, some few lines towards a description of the New Heaven, As It makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. Massachuset; Bos- ton, Printed by Bartholomew Green : And sold by Benjamin Eliot, Samuel Gerrish & Daniel Henchman, 1727. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. e^ [Shepard, Thomas.] The Day-Breaking if not The Sun-Rising of the Gospell With the Indians in New Eng- land. London, 1647. Small 4° full crushed levant morocco extra, by W. Pratt. The second of the Eliot Indian tracts. 14 6S Shepard, Thomas. The clear Sun-Shine of the Cos- pel, breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. London, 1648. Small 4° full crushed levant morocco extra, by W. Pratt. 69 Smith, Capt. John, a Description of New Eng- land : or The Observations and discoveries of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year of our Lord, 1614. Map of New England. London, 1616. Small 4° full green morocco extra, by R. de Coverly. " This is the first book published, which speaks of New England, previously called North Virginia." 70 Smith, Capt. John. Advertisements For the Unex- perienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere. Or The Path-way to experience to erect a Plantation. Large Map. London, 1631. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf. 71 Smith, Capt. John. The Cenerall Historic of Vir- ginia, New England and the Summer Isles . . . from their first beginning An° 1584, to this present 1626. Engraved title and 4 maps. London, 1632. Small folio, full crimson morocco extra. 72 StOUghtOn, W. New-Englands True Interest: not to lie : Or, a Treatise declaring from the World of Truth the Terms on which we stand, and the Tenure by which we hold our hitherto-continued Precious and Pleasant Things. Delivered in a Sermon Preached in Boston in New-England, April 29, 1668, being the Day of Election there. Cambridge : Printed by S. G. and M. J. 1670. Small 4° half calf. 73 SymmeS, Thomas. LovewellLamented, — or, a Ser- mon Occasion'd by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Love- well And Several of his Valiant Company. In the late Heroic Action at Piggwacket. Pronounc'd at Bradford, May 16, 1725. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, Junr. for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill, 1725. 16° full brown morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf. With the half title, " Historical Memoirs of the Battle at Piggwacket." No perfect copies of this first edition are to be found in any public or private library of Boston, and no library has both editions. 15 74 SymmeS, Thomas. Historical Memoirs of the Late Fight at Piggwacket, with a Sermon Occasion'd by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Lovewell, And Several of his Valiant Company, in the late Heroic Action there. Pro- nounc'd at Bradford, May i6, 1725. Second Edition, Cor- rected. Boston in New England: Printed by B. Green, Jun. for S. Gerrish, near the Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill, 1725. 16° full crimson levant morocco, super extra, by F. Bedford. With the half title *' Historical Memoirs of the Late Fight at Piggwacket, etc." The only perfect copy known. IS Torrey, Samuel. a Plea for the Life of Dying Relig- ion from the Word of the Lord : in a Sermon preached to the General Assembly of the Colony of the Massachusetts at Boston in New-England, May 16, 1683. Being the Day of Election there. Boston in 'New-England : Printed by Samuel Green for Samuel Sewall, 1683. Small 4° full morocco, by F. Bedford. 76 Underbill, Capitaine John. Newes from America; or, a new and experimentall discoverie of New England; containing A True Relation of their War-like proceedings these two yeares last past, with a figure of the Indian Fort, or Palizado, &c. Plate. London, 1638. Small 4° half morocco. 77 Vaughan, William. The Golden Fleece. Divided into three Parts, Under which are discovered the Errours of Rehgion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the ways to get wealth, &c. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Island, com- monly called the Newfoundland, by Orpheus Junior. Map. London, 1626. Small 4° morocco extra, gilt edges. iz [Ward, Nathaniel, of Ipswich.] a Religious Retreat sounded To a Religious Army. By one that desires to be faithfull to his Country, though unworthy to bee named. London, 1647. Small 4° half morocco. 79 [Welde, Thomas, and John Winthrop.] a Short Story of the Rise, reign and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists & Libertines, that infected the churches of New England, &c. London, 1644. Small 4° half morocco. First edition. i6 80 [White, Rev. John.] The Planter's Plea, or the Grounds of Plantations Examined, And usuall Objections answered. Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in New England. London, 1630. Small 4° full polished citron levant morocco, super extra, by F. Bedford. 81 Whitfield, Henry. The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or, A farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in Xew England. Concern- ing the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by Letters from such as preacht to them there. London, 1651. Small 4° full morocco extra, by W. Pratt. In this tract, Eliot for the first time proposes to translate the Bible into the Indian Language, and to print some Primers. 82 Whitfield, Henry. strength out of Weaknesse : or, a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gos- pel amongst the Indians in New England. London, 1652. Small 4° half morocco. 83 Whiting, Samuel. a Discourse of the Last Judge- ment: or, Short Notes upon Matt. xxv. from Ver, 31, to the end of the chapter, &c. Cambridge, S. G. and M. J. 1664. 12° old sheep. The preface, by Rev. John Wilson and Jonathan Mitchell, assures us that '* he that shall take time to pause upon what he reads (where ^r^^/ trtiths are but mfew words hinted at) will find such truths concisely delivered, to be like marrow and fatness, whereof a little does go far, and feed muchP 84 Willard, Samuel. The Duty of a People that have Renewed their Covenant with God. — Opened and Urged in a Sermon preached to the second Church in Boston in New- England, March 17, i6|f: after that Church had explicitly and most solemnly renewed the Ingagement of themselves to God, and one to another. Boston, Printed by John Foster, 1680. Small 4° full brown morocco extra. 85 Willard, Samuel. a Brief Discourse of Justification. Boston, Printed by S. G. : for Samuel Phillips at the West end of the Town house, 1686. 16° old calf. 86 Willard, Samuel. The Peril of the Times Displayed, or The Danger of Mens taking up with a Form of Godliness, But Denying the Power of it. Boston, Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen. Sold by Benjamin Eliot, 1700. \9P full licrht Dolished calf extra, eilt ederes. 17 8; Williams, Roger. a Key into the Language of America : or, an help to the Language of the Natives of that part of America, called New-England. London, 1643. 12° sheep. "By the celebrated founder of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. It is not only the first book printed relating to the Indians of New England, but it is the first of a philological char- acter, on the Aboriginal languages north of Mexico, except that of Father Sagard." S8 Williams, Roger. The Bloudy Tenent, of Persecu- tion for cause of Conscience, discussed, in A Conference betweene Truth and Peace. London, 1644. Small 4° full dark crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. 89 Wood, William. New England's Prospect. A true, lively, and experimental! description of that part of America, commonly called New England, &c. Map. London, 1634. Small 4° full morocco. First edition. The earliest printed account of Massachusetts. i8 Rare and Curious Books First Editions of English and American Authors 90 A LKKN, H. Jorrock's Jaunts and Jollities. Lon- 2\^ don, 1843. Second edition, but the first with the beautiful colored plates by Aiken. 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, by Riviere. 91 Astrolabium planu in tabulis Ascendens, cotinens qualibet bora atq. mito, etc. Erhardi Ratdolt, Auguste Vindelic, 1488. 4° polished morocco, by Riach. 92 Bacon, Francis. The Two Bookes of Francis Bacon, of the proficience and advancement of Learning, divine and humane. London, 1605. First edition. Small 4° full sprinkled calf extra, by F. Bedford. 93 Barham, R. H. some Account of My Cousin Nich- olas. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esqr. London, 1846. 8° full brown crushed levant morocco extra. With the original drawing of the frontispiece by John Leech inserted. 94 Bell, Robert. Art and Song, a series of original highly finished steel engravings from the masterpieces of Art of the Nineteenth Century, accompanied by a selection of the choicest poems in the English Language. London, 1867. Large Paper Copy. India proofs. Folio, full green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by ZaeHxNSDORF. 95 Blake, William. works of, comprising, Songs of Innocence, 1789; Songs of Experience, 1794; Book of Thel, 1789 j Vision of the Daughters of Albion, 1793 ; America, a prophecy, 1794; First Book of Urizen, 1794; Song of Los, 1794. Reproduced in colors from the original editions. London, 1876. Only 100 copies printed for private circulation. Folio, cloth, uncut. 19 96 Booke (A) of Christian Praiers, collected out of the Ancient Writers, and best learned in our time. London, 1608. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, by F. Bedford. Black Letter. This handsome volume is commonly known as Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book, in consequence of the large woodcut portrait of the Queen, on the reverse of the title, in the attitude of prayer. The work is elegantly printed within orna- mental woodcut borders, in imitation of the French *' Books of Hours," and is remarkable as being the only English book of the kind. 97 [Braithwait, Richard.] Pocuia Castaiia. By r. B. Gent. London, 1650. 12° full morocco. With the two rare copperplate portraits by William Marshall. 98 Browning, Robert. Strafford : an historical tragedy. London, 1837. 8° original boards, uncut, in half morocco slip case. First edition. 99 Browning, Robert. La Saisiaz: the two Poets of Croisic, 1878; — Ferishtah's Fancies, 1884. London. 2 vols. 12° full Spanish morocco extra, uncut edges, by Riviere & Son. Presentation copies to "The Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, with the best regards of Robert Browning." 100 Bullen, A. H. Musa Proterva: love-poems of the Res- toration. Privately printed. London, 1889. Square 12° full brown crushed levant morocco, beautifully tooled on back and sides, gilt on uncut edges, by Ruban. With beautiful aquarelle on the preliminary title by F. Bourdin. loi Bulwer, John. Chirologla: or the Naturall Language of the Hand. Composed of the Speaking Motions, and Discoursing Gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chiro- mania: or the art of Manual Rhetoric. Frontispiece by Marshall. London, 1644. Small 4° boards. This very curious work gives an explanation of the actions, gestures, and movements of the hand and fingers. 102 Bulwer, John. Philocophus, or, The Deafe and Dumbe Man's Friend. Engraved title by Marshall. London, 1648. 16° calf, gilt edges. First edition, with bookplate of Edward Hailstone. 20 103 Bulwer, John. Anthropometamorphosis : Man trans- formed : or the changeling, shewing the various ways how divers People alter the natural shape of some part of their Bodies. Portrait and engraved title. London, 1650. 16° calf. P'irst edition of this curious and extravagant work. 104 Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson, 1786. 8° full straight-grained morocco extra, gilt edges. First edition of Burns's Poems. 105 Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Second edition. Portrait by Bengo. -Edinburgh, 1789. 8° tree calf. First Edinburgh edition. 106 [Burns, Robert.] Elegiac Sonnets. By Charlotte Smith. London, 1789. 12° original half calf binding. Presentation copy from the author to Robert Burns, with a couplet written by Burns. 107 Burns, Robert. celebrated Poet. Autograph letter to '• Clarinda.'' i page 4° signed " Sylvander." " You talk of weeping, Clarinda ; some involuntary drops wet your lines as I read them. Offend me my dearest Angel ! You cannot offend me, — you never offended me. If you had ever given me the least shadow of offence, so pardon me my God, as I forgive Clarinda. I have read yours again : it has blotted my paper. Tho^ I find your letter has agitated me into a violent headache, I shall take a chair and be with you about eight. A friend is to be with us at tea, on my account, which hinders me from coming sooner. Forgive my dearest, my unguarded ex- pressions. — For Heaven's sake, forgive me, or I shall never be able to bear my own mind. " Yours unhappy " Sylvander." 108 Burns, Robert. Autograph letter to Clarinda, signed ** Sylvander." 2 pp. 4°. "2 O'clock. " I just now received your first letter of yesterday, by the care- less negligence of the penny post. *' Clarinda, matters are grown very serious with us : then seri- ously hear me, and hear me Heaven ! " I met you, my dear Clarinda, by far the first of womankind, at least to me, I esteemed, I loved you at first sight, both of which attachments you have done me the honour to return. The longer I am acquainted with you, the more innate amiableness and worth I discover in you. You have suffered a loss, I confess, for my sake ; but if the firmest, steadiest, warmest friendship ; if 21 «very endeavour to be worthy of your friendship; if a love, strong as the ties of nature, and holy as the duties of religion; if all these can make anything like a compensation for the evil I have occasioned you ; if they be worth your acceptance, or can in the least add to your enjoyments, — so help Sylvander, ye Powers above, in his hour of need, as he freely gives these all to Clarinda ! " I esteem you, I love you, as a friend ; I admire you, I love you, as a woman, beyond any one in all the circle of creation. " I know I shall continue to esteem you, to love you, to pray for you, nay, to pray for myself for your sake. " Expect me at eight ; and believe me to be ever, my dearest Madam, yours most entirely, " Sylvander." The two preceding letters are a part of the original correspond- ence between Burns and Clarinda, and are letters numbered 20 and 44 in the " Corresponde7tce between Burns and Clarinda, with a memoir of Mrs. McLehose { Clarinda), arranged and edited by her grandson, IV. C. McLehose. Edinburgh, 1843." 109 Burns, Robert. celebrated Poet. 2 verses of a Song. Original manuscript, I page 4°. (Tune) " When I Sleep, etc'' *' Lanely night comes on, A' the house are sleeping, I think on the bony lad That has my heart a keeping, Ay waukin, &c. "Lanely night comes on, A' the house are sleeping, I think on my bony lad An* I bleer my een wi* greetin' ! Ay waukin, &c.'' (The chorus of this tune was) " Ay waukin O, waukin ay and wearie. Sleep I canna get, for thinking O' my dearie." HO [Burton, Robert] Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1621. First edition. Small 4° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, by Lortic. Ill Byron, Lord. Hours of idleness: a Series of Poems, Original and Translated. First edition. Newark, Printed by S. & J. Ridge, 1807. Small 8° morocco, uncut, gilt top. With presentation inscription on fly leaf inserted : "Juliana M. Parker, the gift of her cousin, George Byron, 1807.'' 22 112 Chalkill, John. Thealma and Clearchus; a Pastoral History in smooth and easie verse. London, 1683. 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco, by Riviere. First edition, edited, with Preface, by Izaak Walton, and with Prefatory Verses, by Flatman. 113 Chants et Chansons populaires de la r ranee. illustrated with exquisitely engraved titles by Nargeot, after Trimolet, and hundreds of plates in the text after the charming designs of Daubigny, Meissonier, Grand- ville, and others, and with the music engraved. Paris, 1843. 3 vols, royal 8° orange-colored levant morocco super extra, double of blue polished morocco, broad inside borders, gilt edges, by David. Beautiful copy and first issue of the Original Editions, with brilliant impressions of the plates and the original illuminated covers bound in. 114 Coppde, Frangois. L'Exil^e. Poesies. Paris, 1877. Only 25 copies printed on Whatman Paper. Small 4° full pebbled morocco extra, corner ornaments, by F. P. Hatha v^ AY. Beautifully illustrated with 17 water-color vignettes on the mar- gins, also head and tail pieces. 115 Corbet, Richard. Poetica Stromata: or a collection of Sundry pieces in Poetry. (N. p.) Anno 1648. 8° calf gilt by Riviere. First authorized edition. A rare book, apparently printed abroad, containing interesting allusions to Burbage*s Impersona- tions of Richard III. 116 Corbet, Richard. The Troublesome and Hard Ad- ventures in Love. Written in Spanish, by that Excellent and Famous Gentleman, Michael Cervantes, and exactly Translated into English. London, 1652. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco, Janseniste, by LORTIC, FILS. 1 1 7 Cruikshank, George. a Fireside-Book ; or, a Christ- mas spent at Old Court. Frontispiece. London, 1828. 8° full green crushed levant morocco, by Riviere. With the original pen-and-ink sketch of the frontispiece by George Cruikshank inserted. 118 Cruikshank, George. The Humorist, a collection of entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Epigrams, Bon Mots, etc. London, 1819. 4 vols. 12° original boards, uncut, in slip cases. First edition, with the beautiful colored etchings by George Cruikshank. 23 119 Cruikshank, George. German Popular Stories. Collected by M. M. Grimm. Illustrations by George Cruikshank. First edition. London, 1823. 2 vols. 12° full green crushed levant morocco extra, by Riv- iere & Son. 120 Cruikshank, George. Life of sir John Falstaff. With a biography of the Knight from authentic sources by Robert B. Brough. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. London, 1858. Royal 8° sprinkled calf extra by Zaehnsdorf. With extra set of the plates, India proofs, inserted. 121 Daniel, Samuel. Certalne Small Poems lately printed with the Tragedie of Philotas. Device on title. London, 1605. Small 8° brown morocco. Third collected edition, containing Philotas for the first time. 122 Donne, John. Poems, by J. D., with Elegies on the author's death. London, 1633. Small 4° full brown crushed levant morocco, blind and gold tooling, gilt edges by Rivij^re. 123 Drayton, Michael. The Battalia of Agincourt: The Miserie of Queen Margarite, Nimphidia, Elegies, etc. En- graved portrait by Hole. London, 1627. Small folio, full crimson morocco extra, by Bedford. First edition. 124 Dryden, John and John Hoddeson. sion and Parnassus ; or, Epigrams on severall texts of the Old and New Testament, to which are added a Poem on the Passion. London, 1650. Small 8° morocco extra, by Riviere. First edition, with a brilliant impression of the rare portrait of Dryden, engraved by T. Cross. 125 Eliot, George. Agatha. London, 1869. Small 8° full light polished calf extra, uncut, by Tout. First edition, and the rarest of George Eliot's works. This poem was first printed in the Atlantic Monthly, 126 Etch'd Thoughts. By the Etching Club. 60 etchings. London, Printed for the Etching Club, 1844. Imperial 4° full smooth morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges. The London Etching Club was established in 1838 and last work printed in 1857. 24 127 Fanshawe, Richard. Il Pastor Fido. The Faithful Shepheard, with an addition of divers other Poems. Por- trait of Guarini by Cross, and quaint frontispiece. London, 1648. 4° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, with gold and blind tooling by Riviere. Second and best edition of Sir Richard Fanshawe's translation. 128 Field, Eugene. Model Primer. Illustrated. Brooklyn, 1882. Square 16° original wrappers. 129 Field, Eugene. Tribune Primer. Denver, 1882. 16^^ original wrapper, in morocco slip case. Presentation copy from the author. 130 [FitzGerald, Edward.] Pubaiydt of Omar Khay- ydm, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Translated into English Verse. London, 1859. 8° full green crushed levant morocco, with mosaics of crimson morocco of Persian design by Riviere. First edition, with the original covers bound in. 131 Fletcher, William Y. English Bookbindings in the British Museum. Illustrations of 63 examples selected on account of their beauty or historical interest, with intro- duction and descriptions. Beautifully colored plates repro- duced from the original bindings. London, 1895. Folio, cloth, uncut. 132 Garrett, Edmund H. Elizabethan Songs in Honour of Love and Beautie. With an introduction by Andrew Lang. Boston, 1891. Large Paper; only 25 copies printed on Japanese Vellum Paper. 8° full green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides. Beautifully illustrated in water colors by the author. 133 Hall, S. C. Book of Gems. The Poets and Artists of Great Britain. London, 1836-8. 3 vols, royal 8° half green morocco, uncut, gilt tops. Fine steel vignettes by Parris, Stothard, Mulready, Eastlake, Prout, Lawrence, and engraved by Finden, Greatbach, W. J. Cooke, J. Thompson, and others. 134 Hall, S. C. Book of British Ballads. With beautiful wood engravings by Linton, after designs by Franklin, Kenny Meadows, Chiswick and others. First and Second Series. London, 1842-4. 2 vols, imperial 8° half orange morocco extra, uncut, gilt tops, by Tout. 25 135 [Hawthorne, Nathaniel.] Fanshawe, a Tale. Boston, 1828. 12° half morocco, uncut edges. 136 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather's Chain a History for Youth. Boston, 1841. 32° original cloth. First edition. 137 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Famous old People : be- ing the second epoch of Grandfather's Chair. Boston, 1841. 32° original cloth. First edition. 138 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Biographical stories for Children. Boston, 1842. 16° cloth, uncut. First edition. 139 Hazlitt, William. The Dramatic Scorpion, a Satire. London, 181 8. 8° original boards, uncut. 140 Hazlitt, William. Uber Amoris: or The New Pyg- malion. London, 1823. 8° original boards, uncut. First edition. 141 HeyWOOd, John. The Spider and the Flie. Wood- cut portrait on back of title. London, 1556. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, elegantly tooled with an emblematic design of the spider, web, and fly, gilt edges, by Samblanck-Weckesser. An allegorical poem, " The Spider represents the Protestants and the Flie the Catholics." 142 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, poems. Boston, 1836. 12° original cloth, uncut. First edition. 143 Hunt, Leigh. Ultra-Crepidarius. London, 1823. 8° original wrappers, uncut. First edition, the rarest of Leigh Hunt's works. 144 Keats, John. Lamia, Isabella, etc. First edition. London, 1820. 12° original boards, uncut, in morocco slip case. With the original manuscript of Stanzas 19, 20, 21, and 22 inserted. 26 145 KelmSCOtt Press. works of Geoffrey Chaucer, now newly imprinted. Edited by F. S. Ellis, ornamented with pictures designed by Sir Edward Burne Jones, and engraved on wood by W. H. Hooper. Printed by me, William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, upper Mall, Hammersmith in the County of Middlesex, finished on the 8th day of May, 1896. Folio, boards, uncut. The finest production of the Kelmscott Press. 146 KilligreW, Mrs. Anne. Poems. London, 1686. First edition, with the beautiful mezzotint portrait, "painted by herself " I. Becket, sc. 4° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Matthews. 147 Lamb, Charles. John Woodvil, a tragedy. To which are added. Fragments of Burton, the author of the Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1802. 12° full light calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top, by F. Bedford. First edition. 148 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. Last Essays of Elia. London, 1823-33. First editions. 2 vols. 8° full brown morocco extra, gilt on uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 149 Lamb, Charles. Album Verses, with a few others. London, 1830. 12° original boards, uncut. First edition. 150 Lang, Andrew. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France. London, 1872. Small 8° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, by Ruban. With a beautiful aquarelle by Mies. 151 Lang, Andrew. XXII Ballades in Blue China. Lon- don, 1888. Large Paper Copy : only 50 copies printed. Small 8° full blue morocco extra, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. With beautiful aquarelles by Grevaz. 152 Lang, Andrew. introduction to the Novels of Charles Lever, Boston, 1894. The Original Manuscript by Andrew Lang, together with a copy of the text as printed, neatly inlaid. Bound together in full green levant morocco extra, double of brown morocco, morocco fly leaves. 27 153 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie. Boston, 1847. 12° original boards, uncut. First edition. 154 [Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.] TheWaif: a collection of Poems. Cambridge, 1845. 12° full dark polished morocco extra, uncut edges, gilt top, by Alfred Matthews. First edition. 155 [Lowell, James Russell.] a Year's Life. Boston, 1841. 12° original boards, uncut. First edition. 156 Lowell, James Russell, under the willows. Boston, 1889. 12° full vellum, gilt back and sides by Roger de Coverly. First edition, with inscription by Roger de Coverly. 157 Maupassant, Guy de. Deux Amis. Six composi- tions originales par Evert van Muyden. Paris, 1895. A beautiful manuscript copy, written in a beautiful hand, on 6 leaves, and illustrated in water colors by Van Muyden, only one copy so executed. 158 Memoirs of the Life of Eleanor Gwinn, a celebrated Courtesan in the Reign of King Charles II., and Mistress to that Monarch. London, 1752. Small 8° full morocco. Only a very few copies are known of this book. 159 Milton, John. Poems. Both English and Latin. With the rare portrait engraved by W. Marshall. London, 1645. 12° full crimson crushed levant morocco by RivifeRE. First edition and extremely rare. This is the first book bear- ing Milton's name. 160 Milton, John. Paradise Lost, a poem in ten books. London, 1668. Small 4° full brown crushed levant morocco super extra, gold and blind tooling, green morocco double, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition, with the fourth variation of the title-page. 161 Milton, John. ^ Paradise Regained, a Poem in IV Books, to which is added Samson Agonistes. London, 1671. First edition. Small S° green polished levant morocco extra, by Rivii:RE. 28 i62 Milton, John. Poems, &c., upon Several Occasions. Both English and Latin, &c., composed at several times. London, 1673. Small 8° full crimson morocco, by RivifeRE. Second edition of his Poems, with additions, and the last pub- lished during his lifetime. 163 Milton, John. shorter Poems of John Milton. With 12 illustrations by Samuel Palmer, Painter and Etcher. London, 1889. Folio, parchment, gilt, uncut. With proofs of the etchings, on Holland Paper. 164 Morris, William. Crettls Saga: the story of Grettir, the Strong. Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magniisson. London, 1869. Small 8° straight-grained morocco, uncut, by Matthews. First edition, presentation copy, " Wm. to T. R. Morris." 165 Morris, William. Sigurd the Volsung, and the Fall of the Niblungs. London, 1877. 8° full morocco extra, uncut, by Matthews. First edition, with an autograph letter inserted, from William Morris to A. C. Swinburne. 166 Murner, Thomas. Logica Memoratlva Chartiludium logice; sive totius dialectice memoria et novus Petri Hy- spani textus emendatus cum jucundo pictasmatis exercitio — Erudite siri. f. Thome Murner Argentini ordinis minor theologie doctoris eximij. Argentine: Joannes Griininger impressit Anno, 1509. With 52 full-page woodcuts. 4° morocco. From the Didot Collection. 167 Murner, Thomas. Chartlludia institute sumarie doctore Thoma Murner, Memorante et ludente. Impressum Argentinae. Anno Salutis Nostra, 15 18. 4° red morocco, Janseniste style, from the Didot Collection. Murner was the first to conceive the idea of using playing cards as an aid to memory and these two books were written and illustrated in furtherance of the idea. 168 Natalie, HieronymO. Evangelicse Historic Ima- gines. Antverpiae, 1647. With 1 53 finely engraved plates by the Brothers Wierix. Small folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco extra. 169 NorthbrOOke, John. The poore mans Garden, wherein are flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctors, very necessary and profitable for the simple and ignorant people to read. Black Letter. London, 1573. 16° antique calf, red edges. 29 170 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Raven and other Poems. New York, 1845. 12° original cloth, uncut. First edition. 171 Poe, Edgar Allan. Eureka: a Prose Poem. New York, 1848. 12° full straight-grained morocco extra, uncut, gilt top, by Stikeman. First edition. Bayard Taylor's copy, with autograph, 1848. 172 Propert, J. L. History of Miniature Art, with notes on collectors and collections. With 25 full-page plates containing numerous illustrations of celebrated miniatures. London, 1887. Folio, cloth, uncut. 173 RoSSetti, W. M. The Germ. Thoughts toward Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. London, 1850. 4 numbers, 8°, in the original wrappers. The second number has the autograph of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. This magazine, of which only four numbers were ever published, was edited by W. M. Rossetti, and was the first organ of the pre-Raphaelite movement in England. It had for its contributors, among others, D. G. Rossetti, Christina Ros- setti, Thomas Woolner, Ford Madox-Brown, and others. The volume contains etchings by Eiolman Hunt, James Collinson, F. Madox-Brown, and W. H. Deverell. D. G. Rossetti's famous poem, " The Blessed Damozel," first appeared in this volume, and differs somewhat from the modern version. 174 [Ruskin, John], The King of the Golden River: or, the Black Brothers. A Legend of Stiria. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. London, 1851. First edition. Small 4° original glazed boards. 175 Ruskin, John. works of Modem Painters, 5 vols.; Stones of Venice, 3 vols.; Seven Lamps of Architecture. Beautiful impressions of the steel plates, selected impres- sions, best editions. London, 1849-60. 9 vols, imperial 8° full olive crushed levant morocco extra, uncut, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf. 176 Sansovino, Francisco. The Quintesence of wit. Translated out of the Italian Tung, and put into English for the benefit of all those that please to read and understand the works and worth of a worthy writer. London, 1590. Small 4° full crimson morocco, blind and gold tooling, by LORTIC Fr^res. 30 177 Sayer's Caricatures, collection of 33 fuii length caricature portraits of eminent English Political Characters. (London, 1780-88.) Royal 8° calf. These portraits are all the more interesting from the historical point of view from the fact that they are only very slight carica- tures, — or rather are veritable portraits with a dash of humor added. So clever were they, and so much esteemed in his time, that Fox used to say that Sayer's caricatures " had done him more harm than all the attacks made upon him in Parliament or in the press:' 178 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Aiastor; or, the Spirit of Solitude, and other Poems. First edition. London, 1816. Small 8° original boards, uncut, in slip case 179 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Adonais: an Elegy on the Death of John Keats, author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. Pisa, with the types of Didot, 1821, 8° full light polished calf extra, by RiviiiRE. 180 Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene; together with The Shepheard's Calendar and other Works of Eng- land's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. London, 161 1. Small 4° half calf, gilt. This is the second folio edition of the Faerie Queene, and the first folio edition of the other poems. 181 Strang, William. The Earth Fiend. A Ballad made and Etched by William Strang. London, 1892. Only 55 copies printed, proofs of the etchings signed by etcher and printer. Folio, cloth, uncut. 182 Suckling, Sir John. Fragmenta Aurea. A Collec- tion of the Incomparible Peaces. London, 1646. First edition, with fine portrait by W. Marshall. Small 8° full crimson morocco extra, uncut edges, gilded, by Riviere. 183 Tennyson, Alfred. Poems, by Two Brothers. Lon- don, 1827. First edition, Large Paper Copy. 8° original boards, uncut, unopened leaves, in morocco slip case. The "Two Brothers" were Alfred and Charles Tennyson, though a third brother was a.ssociated in the authorship of the Poems. 31 i84 Tennyson, Alfred and Charles, poems, 1830- 33. Privately printed: 1862. Square 12° original blue paper wrappers, uncut, in full morocco slip case. Probably printed in Canada, publication being prohibited by the Court of Chancery. 185 Theuriet, A. Charme Dangereux. Paris, 1891. No. I. of 25 copies printed on Holland Paper. Small 4° blue crushed levant morocco extra, by S. David. With 64 beautiful aquarelles on the wide uncut margins, by Janel. 186 Walpole. Brief Memoirs of Horatio Walpole, the Fourth Earl of Orford, with notices of his family and of his inti- mate friends. A manuscript volume, with portraits and autograph letters inserted, together with two contemporary water-color views of Strawberry Hill, by Malton. 4° half roan. 187 Watts, Alaric A. Lyrics of the Heart, with other poems. With 41 beautiful steel plates by Stothard, Westall, and engraved by Greatbach, J. Watt, Sangster, and others. London, 185 1. S° full straight-grained morocco extra, gilt back and sides, uncut, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 188 Whittier, John Greenleaf. Mogg Megone, a Poem. Boston, 1836. 32° original cloth. First edition. 189 Williams, Monier. Sakoontald: or, the lost ring; an Indian drama, translated into English prose and verse, from the Sanskrit of Kalidasa. Hertford, 1855. Small 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, tooled with Persian designs, inlaid, gilt edges, by Holloway. First edition of this celebrated romance, beautifully printed in colors. 32 Examples of Modern Book- bindings 190 "O ALZAC, H. de. Les Contes Drolatiques. Illus- fj trations. Paris, 1885. 3 vols. 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, by Sam- blanck-Weckesser. Each volume tooled and inlaid with a different design. 191 Bazire, Edmond. Manet, illustrations d'apr^s les originaux et gravures de Gudrard. Paris, 1884. Large 8° full light brown crushed levant morocco, with a beau- tiful cluster of flowers on each side, inlaid in colors, gilt on uncut edges, by Chambolle Duru. 192 JBerqUin. Idylles, par Berquin. Fine impressions of the plates by Marillier, Choffard, etc. Paris, 1775. 12° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and sides, by Chambolle Duru. 193 Boileaux DespreaUX. CEuvres de. Imprimd par Ordre du Roi pour P^ducation de Monseigneur le Dauphin. With woodcut of the Arms of Louis XVL on title. Paris, 1788. 3 vols. 16° exquisitely bound by Cap6 in blue crushed levant morocco extra, sides and backs completely covered with fleurs-de- lis, a ducal coat-of-arms in the centre, gilt edges. 194 Bullen, A. H. Lyrics from the Song-Book of the Elizabethan Age. New York, 1892. Small 8° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, double of rich brown crushed levant, wide borders, fly leaves of the same, with gold centre ornament, uncut, gilt top, by Blackwell. 195 Burns, Robert. selected Poems of Robert Burns. With an introduction by Andrew Lang. London, 1891. Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. Small 8° full green crushed levant morocco extra, beautifully tooled by Riviere & Son. 33 196 Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. London, 1843. First edition. 8° full straight -grained red morocco extra, gilt back and corners, gilt edges, by the Doves Bindery, 1894. 197 Castle, EgertOn. English Book Plates. London, 1892. Japanese Vellum Copy : only 65 copies printed. 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, sides and back tooled with a beautiful design, by Chambolle Duru. 19S Cervantes. History of Don Quixote. By Cervantes. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. London. Thick 4° full vellum super extra, red watered-silk double, gilt edges, specimen of mosaic binding from the Riverside Press, Cambridge, made for the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, the sides and back inlaid with red, blue, and green leather, and decorated with elaborate tooling. 199 De Sevign6. By Gaston Boissier. London, 1887. Small 8° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, tooled with fleurs-de-lis, by RuBAN. 200 De Quincy, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Edited by Richard Garnett. London, 1885. 8° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, full gilt back and sides, uncut, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. 201 Dobson, Austin. The Little Passion of Albert Diirer, with an introduction by Austin Dobson. London, 1893. Japanese Vellum Copy : only 75 copies printed. 8° full brown morocco extra, panelled sides, wide gold border, gilt on uncut edges, by Chambolle Duru. 202 Du Maurier, George. Trilby, a novel, with illustra- tions by the author. New York, 1895. Royal 8° full crimson morocco extra, tooled with beautiful designs, by Doves Bindery, 1896. 203 [Ellis, John.] The Flower of English Poetry. Title drawn in sepia. (London, n. d.) 8° straight-grained morocco, gilt back, corner ornaments, double of polished calf, broad inside borders, centre lozenge-shaped ornament, blind and gold-tooled, a fine specimen of a Roger Payne binding. 204 Ellwanger, George H. The story of My House. London, 1893. 12° full brown levant morocco extra, beautifully tooled on backs and sides, by the Doves Bindery. This was one of the first two books executed by the Doves Bindery immediately after its establishment by Cobden Sanderson. 3 34 205 Grolier Club. a Decree of star Chamber concerning Printing, made July li, 1637. Reprinted by the GroHer Club, from the first edition by Robert Barker, 1637. New York, 1884. Vellum Copy, only two copies so printed. 8° beautifully bound by Lortic frj^res in full polished morocco, with the seal of the Grolier Club inlaid in colors. First book printed by the Grolier Club. 206 History of the Westminster Election. i6 caricature plates. London, 1784. 4° contemporary calf binding, inlaid border, with medallion centre ornament inlaid, of " a fox holding a liberty cap on a pole," surrounded by the words ** VFox Populi." A curious binding referring to the times, especially Charles James Fox. 207 HoUSSaye, Henry. Cleopatra, a study. New York, 1890. 12° beautifully bound in an inlaid and elaborately tooled bind- ing, of steel blue levant morocco, double of green levant morocco, original covers bound in, by Samblanck-Weckesser. One of three copies on Japan Paper, with a full -page aquarelle by Mies, also autograph letter of the author inserted. 208 Ho wells, ^Villiam D. Their Wedding Journey. With illustrations by Clifford Carleton. Cambridge, 1895. 8° salmon colored morocco extra, sides and backs tooled with floriated designs, gauffered edges, by Miss S. T. Prideaux, 1896. 209 Hunt, Leigh. a jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. London, 1848. First edition. 8° beautifully bound by Zaehnsdorf in light brown crushed levant morocco, sides tooled in a beautiful design, flowers inlaid, gilt edges. 210 Keats, John. Poems. First edition. London, 1817. Small 8° full orange crushed levant morocco extra, full gilt back and sides, gilt on the uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 211 Keats, John. Endymlon, a Poetic Romance. London, 1818. First edition. 8° bound by Zaehnsdorf in full brown crushed levant morocco, sides covered almost entirely with gold in a Grolier design, broad inside borders, double of green morocco, brocaded silk fly leaves, uncut, gilt top. 35 212 KelmSCOtt Press. The Tale of the Emperor Con- stans and of Over Sea. William Morris : Kelmscott Press, 1894. 16° bound in full crimson morocco extra, gilt on uncut edges, by the Doves Bindery, 1896. 213 Lang, Andrew. Aucassin and Nicolette. London, 1887. Printed on Japanese Vellum Paper. 12° full green crushed levant morocco extra, by J. M. Dent & Co., London. 214 Lang, Andrew. Grass of Parnassus, Rhymes Old and New. London, 1888. First edition. 8° full blue morocco, inlaid flowers on sides, by P. Rub an. 215 Lang, Andrew. The Lyrics and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott. London, 1894. Smah 8° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, gold back and sides, gauffered edges, by Miss S. T. Prideaux, 1896. 216 Locker, Frederic. London Lyrics. Book Fellows Club: New York, 1883. Only 100 copies printed. 12° full morocco extra, inlaid in colors, by Rub an. 217 Longfellow, H. W. Poetical Works of. Boston, 1894. 4 vols. 12° full light blue crushed levant morocco extra, backs and sides beautifully tooled in a Cobden Sanderson pattern, uncut edges, gilt tops, by P. B. Sanford. 218 Mackail, J. Vy. The Sayings of the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded by his four Evangelists. London, 1894. 12° full blue morocco extra, by the Doves Bindery. 219 Matthews, William. Modem Book-binding Practi- cally considered. Plates. Grolier Club : New York, 1889. Vellum Copy : only 3 copies so printed. 4° full brown levant morocco extra, tooled with Grolier and other designs, double of same color, silk fly leaves, by Zaehnsdorf. '220 Matthews, Brander. Bookbindings Old and New. New York, 1895. 8° full blue crushed levant morocco, backs and sides tooled in silver, uncut edges, gilt top, by the Club Bindery. 36 221 Michel, MaruS. La Reliure Frangaise. Numerous fine plates of bindings. Paris, 1888. Royal 4° full blue crushed levant morocco extra, with border of seven fillets on back and sides, and panel of three fillets on sides, gilt edges, by Marus Michel. 222 Morris, William. The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. First edition. London, 1858. 12° elegantly bound by Cobden Sanderson in smooth terra- cotta colored morocco, the sides covered with figures of inter- laced roses in gold, inside morocco borders, delicately tooled with sprays, gauffered gilt edges, with Binder's stamp, dated 1888, " Mr. Sanderson having established the Doves Bindery, no longer personally binds or signs volumes." 223 Rogers, Samuel. Italy and Poems. London, 1830-34. First editions with brilliant impressions of the beautiful vig- nettes by Stothard and J. M. W. Turner. 2 vols. 8° full green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs and sides, gilt on uncut edges, by the Doves Bindery, 1895. 224 Saint Pierre, Bernardin de. paui et Virginia. Eaux-fortes de Laguillermie. Paris, 1878. 12° green crushed levant morocco extra, with double of yellow morocco, by Samblanck-Weckesser. 225 Scarron, Paul. Comlcal Romance and other Tales. Done into English by Tom Brown of Shifnal, John Savage and others. With an introduction by J. J. Jusseraud. London, 1892. 2 vols. 8° full claret colored crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, by Chambolle Duru. 226 Shelley, Percy BySShe. Laon and Cythna: or the Revolution of the Golden City. London, 1818. Small 8° full blue morocco, inlaid, with double of crimson morocco and polished morocco fly leaves, uncut edges, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition, with the correct title-page and preface which contains an extra paragraph. 227 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Cend. a Tragedy in Five Acts. Italy : Printed for C. & J. Oilier, 1819. First edition. Square 8° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, wide gold borders, double of blue morocco, watered-silk fly leaves, gilt on uncut edges, gilt top, by Chambolle Duru. 37 228 Shelley, Percy By SShe. Hellas: a Lyrical Drama. London, 1822. 8° beautifully bound by Zaehnsdorf, in full brown crushed levant morocco extra, entirely covered with tooUng on back and sides, double of light blue polished morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. 229 Shelley, Percy BySShe. The Masque of Anarchy, a Poem. Now first published with a Preface by Leigh Hunt. Moxon: London, 1832. Small 8° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, beautifully tooled on back and sides by Zaehnsdorf. 230 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Ballads. First edition. London, 1890. Small S° vellum, gilt gauffered edges, vellum bands, gilt, silk thongs, by the Doves Bindery. 231 TaSSO, TorquatO. La Gerusalemme Liberata. Fine old copperplates by Gravelot. Parigi. 2 vols. 8° full brown crushed levant morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf. 232 Tennyson, Alfred. Poems, chiefly lyrical. First edition. London, 1830. 12° full crushed levant morocco extra, uncut, by the Club Bindery, New York. 233 Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. First edition. London, 1842. 2 vols. 12° full light brown morocco extra, inlaid with blue mosaics on backs and sides, by Zaehnsdorf. 234 Tennyson, Alfred. in Memoriam. London, 1850. First edition. Small 8° full blue levant morocco, with inlaid centre ornament and a beautiful floriated design on sides and back, by Zaehns- dorf. 235 Voltaire. La Henriade. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1770. Holland Paper Copy, with brilliant impressions of the plate and vignettes after Eisen, and with a duplicate set of proof vignettes added. 2 vols. 8° polished crimson levant morocco extra, gilt backs, broad dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Marus Michel. 236 "Watson, William, odes and other Poems. London, 1895. 12° full light morocco extra, back and sides divided into lozenge compartments, each one with a spray of full blown roses, inlaid in colors, with dotted background, uncut, gilt top, by Zaehns- dorf. 38 Manuscripts on Vellum Early Printed Books, 1467-1487 237 IV /['ANUSCRIPT on Vellum. Bibiia Latina. J^Y I Manuscript on Vellum of the thirteenth century. Ssec. XIII. 4° bound by Thierry, in brown levant morocco, the sides blind tooled with fleurs-de-lis and gilt inside borders, gilt edges. A remarkable manuscript of the thirteenth century, comprising the entire Sacred Scriptures, written in microscopic characters, on 522 leaves of the finest vellum, in double columns of 50 lines each. The pages are embellished with hundreds of illuminated initial letters, etc. 238 Manuscript on Vellum. Here de Sancta Cruce. A Latin Book of Hours of the French School, of superior workmanship, written on 82 leaves of fine and clear vellum, with 6 large and exquisite miniatures, 12 large illuminated capitals, 18 illuminated borders, and several hundred small ornamental letters, all richly heightened with burnished gold. S^c. XV. Large 8<^ full morocco, blind tooling, with clasps. A splendid specimen of a French manuscript Book of Hours, of superior execution and in perfect condition ; the miniatures are of surpassing beauty, surrounded with broad floriated bor- ders and fine tracery, richly dotted with burnished gold. They comprise : The Annunciation, Crucifixion, Taking from the Cross, A Funeral Scene, etc. The large capitals are illuminated in bright colors and ornamented with burnished gold, as are also the numerous smaller initials, and the beautifully wrought borders. 239 Manuscript on Vellum. Hor« Beat^ Marine Vir- ginis. A French manuscript, executed about 1350, written in an artistic manner on 240 leaves of very fine vellum, exquisitely illuminated throughout with 21 miniatures, sur- rounded by floriated page borders, upwards of 100 illu- minated borders and capitals, and hundreds of smaller illuminated initials and finial bars, all richly heightened with burnished gold. Saec. XV. Thick 12° in a contemporary calf binding covered with tooling in the Maioli manner. This is a beautiful and rare example of the best French school of illumination; the 21 miniatures (all very bright and in perfect 39 condition) are very carefully finished and of great delicacy of execution, on a background of landscape and blue firmament, in the early style ; the page borders around the miniatures are of a pronounced but very neat floriated pattern, with insects, birds, and animals ; the numerous smaller borders are a combination of a floriated arabesque and filigree pattern, richly dotted with bur- nished gold, and are remarkable for their variety and excellence of design. 240 Manuscript on Vellum. Hor^ de Sancta Cruce. A French manuscript written in a bold hand on 161 leaves of vellum, beautifully illuminated throughout in burnished gold and colors, \vith 12 large miniatures, all delicately drawn, with broad borders of an interlaced floriated pat- tern, with flowers, birds, and grotesque figures, hundreds of initial letters and finial bars, delicate side borders to nearly every page of a floriated pattern, each leaf finished in burnished gold, the flowers in brilliant colors. Saec. XV. 8° old stamped calf binding, original oak boards. 241 Manuscript on Vellum. Hor^ Beatse Marine Vir- ginis. A manuscript written on 105 leaves of vellum, with 17 beautiful miniatures, with full-page borders all executed in gold and colors, in a beautiful design of flowers, fruit, birds, also side bars to every page of a floriated design, and hundreds of initial letters executed in colors and burnished gold. S«c. XV. Small 4° old calf. 242 Manuscript on Vellum. Hor^ Beat^ Mari^ vir- ginis. Manuscript on vellum of the fifteenth century of French execution. Written on 125 leaves of vellum in bold Gothic letters, with hundreds of initial letters illuminated in gold and colors, with ro large miniatures surrounded with illuminated borders of flowers and fruit. Saec. XV. Small 4° full crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. 243 Manuscript. Miniature Manuscript on Vellum. Written on 130 leaves, with calendar of 12 leaves, with 2 full-page miniatures and 3 smaller miniatures, with numerous illumi- nated initials. Saec. XV. Full morocco, with clasp. 244 Manuscript Latin service Book on Vellum, with Music, written on 180 leaves, with numerous rubricated initials. Saec. XV. Thick folio, old calf. 24s Manuscript. Persian manuscript beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, with 58 miniatures executed in colors, 40 and each page with a floriated border, numerous gold bars, and hundreds of smaller illuminations. Curiously bound in 12° enamelled boards entirely covered with flowers, inside covers showing a bouquet of flowers, etc. 246 Aquino, Thomas de. Summ^ Theologicce secun- dae Partis Pars Secunda. Black Letter, printed on 258 leaves double columns of 59 lines, first leaf illuminated, and hundreds of rubricated initials in red and blue. Petrum Schoiffher de Gernsheim, 1467. Thick folio, stamped calf, with brass bosses and corners. 247 rLfUSeDlUS. Eusebium Pamphili de evangelica praepara- tione latinum ex graeco beatissime pater jussu tuo effeci, Nicholas Jensen : Venice, 1470. Folio, new vellum. " This is one of the first books printed by Jensen, and is sup- posed to be the first book printed in Venice." 248 GregOriuS Magnus. Moralia in job. NarratioWs- torica de libris moralium Gregorii, Romae, per miraculum inventis. Black Letter, printed in double columns on 383 leaves. (J. Sensenschmidt et J. Kefer) Nuremberge, 1471. Thick large folio, full russia, with a coat-of-arms on the sides. An immaculate copy of this important book, with full margins; the first dated edition of the work, and a Monument of Typog- raphy, printed only one year after the establishment of printing in Niirnberg, by Sensenschmidt and Kefer. 249 Laude, Olradus de Ponte de. consiiia et quae- stiones. Colophon: Finis Consilior eximii utriusque juris professoris Oldradi de Laude, Rome impressorum per ma- gestrum Adam Rot, 1472. Folio, full calf, gilt, in wooden case. No pagination or initials at the beginnings of chapters ; with wide margins, and in fine clean condition, an excellent specimen of early printing. 250 AntoniuS, St. (Archbishop of Florence). Tractatus Notabilis de Excoicationibus Suspecionibus Interdictis Irre- gulitativ, etc. Black Letter. Printed in double columns on 135 leaves. Venetiis, ductu et impensis Johannis de Colonia agripinensi ac Johanis Mathen de Gherretzshem, 1474. 4° Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet in polished crushed levant morocco, sage color, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Beautiful copy in fine condition, with broad margins. This was the Yeminez copy and has inserted the book-plate of that collection. The volume is one of the first books printed with signatures by John de Cologne and John Mathen de Gherretzshem who were the first to use them in Venice and in 1474. 41 Missale Romanum Vetus, Ordo Missalls Secundum Consuetudinem Romanas Curiae. Printed in red and black inks in Gothic type, the intonings of the Psalms are in four- line musical notes, written by hand upon red lines ; various decorated initials in azure and red, with numerous others of quaint design, painted by hand; marginal MS. notes, and an additamentum entitled " Benedictio Amoris Johan- nis," in the Middle Latin of the period. Nicholaide Frank- fordia : Venetis, 1487. Thick small 4° bound in the original hogskin with brass mounted corners, tooled. Block Print on Vellum. a Latin service Book, comprising a single Mass, printed on seven leaves of vellum, with a colored Parchment Impression of the Crucifixion. {Circa 1470.) Small folio, boards. The above is a rare and valuable specimen of xylographic printing, practised in the Rhine-lands previous to the invention and during the development of printing with movable type. The engraving represents the Saviour on the cross, the Passion group at the foot, Mary on one side in attitude of prayer, and Johannes on the other, four angels with cups and Adam's skull on the ground, the whole within a frame of arabesque design ; the coloring is in blue, red, and green tints. Block Book. Italian. Opera noua contemplatuia p ogni fidel christiano laquale tratta de le figure del testamento vecchio: le quale figure sonno verificate nel testamento nuouo. Colophon. Opera di Giouaniandrea Vauassore ditto Vadagnino : Stampata nouamete nella inclita citta di Vi- negia. Laus Deo. {Circa 15 10.) Small 8° full crimson morocco. This interesting volume consists of 63 leaves, the first of which is occupied by the title and the last two by the colophon, and an engraving of the Virgin and Child; the remaining 60 bear on either side illustrations of the Old and New Testament. At the top and bottom of the pages are descriptive sentences and quota- tions from the Prophets, engraved in the block. An extraordi- nary degree of interest attaches to the volume, as being the only Block Book printed in Italy. 42 Historic Bindings of the Sovereigns of Great Britain 254 TTENRY VIII. (1509-47.) Erasmi, D. Respon^ JLJl ^^^ ^^ Epistolam Albert! Pii Carporum Principis, 1529; et P. A. Carp. Com. ad Erasmi Expostulationem Responsio, M. Lutheri et asseclarum ejus heresiam vesanam confutans, 1529. Paris, 1529. 8*^ original oak boards covered with dark leather embossed throughout, with the arms of Henry VIII. on one side, and the Tudor rose, etc., on the other. 255 Queen Elizabeth, (isss-ieos.) casej. Specvivm Moralivm Quaestionvm in Vniversam Ethicen Aristotelis. Oxoniae, 1585. Small 4° old dark calf. The first book printed at the New Press, Oxford. The Royal arms of England are in gilt on each side. From the library of Dr. Bliss, of Oxford. 256 James I. (I6O3-25.) Camden, Wm. Britannia, sive Florentissimorum Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et Insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate Chorographica descriptio. lo plates and s^ maps. London, 1607. Folio, dark calf. The Royal arms on each cover. 257 Charles I. (I625-49.) Cuicdardin, F. The History of, containing the Warres of Italic and other Partes (from 1490). Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. London, 1599. Folio, calf. The Royal arms and four crowns on each cover. 258 Charles II. (1649-85.) Durham, James. A Practical Exposition of the X Commandments, etc. London, 1675. 4° red morocco, gilt edges. Five royal ciphers crowned on the back, 43 259 James II. (1685-89.) Winstanley, H. Plans, Eleva- tions, and Particular Prospects of Audley End, Essex. 24 plates. No date [1686.?] Oblong folio, old calf, gilt. The Dedication Copy to James II. y with his arms in gilt on each side. This is one of the earliest, rarest, and largest books illus- trating a great English residence, and in this case among the most remarkable in England. From the Duke of Portland's library. 260 William III. and Queen Mary. (I689-1702.) The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England, together with the Psalter. Large type, ruled with red lines. John Bill, Thos. Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, 1680. Folio, red morocco, gilt. A fine example of old English binding, with 16 monograms of King William and Queen Mary, crowned, in gilt on the covers. Their names are printed on each page, where the names of the sovereigns occur, although the body of the book was, as dated, printed before their accession. 261 Queen Anne. (1702-14.) Kennett, Basil. An Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms, in English Verse. London, 1706. 12° superbly bound in old English red morocco elaborately tooled and gilt. Ten Royal monograms and crowns in gilt on the covers. Given by the Queen to the Duchess of Marlborough, and from the pri- vate collection of the late Duchess, Blenheim Palace, with her book-plate. 262 George II. (I727-6O.) Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Vpper House of Parliam* by the Lords when His Ma*^» is not there, etc. 1 2° size, in neat manuscript, red morocco, finely tooled and gilt. The Royal arms of George II. in gilt on each cover, bound in 1757 and given to the third Lord Aylesford, whose signature is written on the front fly-leaf. 263 George III. (I76O-I82O.) The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the Use of the Church of England, together with the Psalter. Large type, elaborately ruled with red lines. Cambridge, 1760. Folio, purple morocco, polished, richly tooled and gilt. First edition of the Prayer Book printed after the accession of George III., whose monogram, crowned, is in each of the seven panels on the back. On each of the sides are the Royal arms, in gold. 44 264 George IV. (I82O-30.) Wilson, W. Thirty-four Water-Color Drawings, chiefly of sculptured stones of his- toric buildings in Scotland, with a view of Dry burgh Abbey, all associated with Sir Walter Scott. Mottoes, etc., in fine MS. Oblong 4°, bound in red morocco, with silk linings. A collection made for the King during his visit to Scotland^ and bound for him by C. Hering in July, 1826, with the receipted bill, " To His Majesty George 4th," inserted. The Royal arms in large size are on each cover, and 16 thistles on the silk linings^ all in gilt. 265 William IV. (ISSO-S?.) Howard, M. Trait^ssurles Coutumes Anglo Normandes, qui ont 6t6 publi^es en Angle- terre, 11^- 14^ siecle. Paris, 1776. Large Paper. 4 vols. 4° russia. The King's monogram in gold on the back of each volume. 266 Queen Victoria. (ISS?- ) Lodge's Peerage of the British Empire. London, 1844. Royal 8° full red morocco, with the crown and V. R. stamped on the sides. 45 New England Primers and School Books 267 T)RIMER. New England Primer. Boston, 1768. X 4S° calf. " The little Bible of New England." No copy of the first edi- tion is known to exist, but it is believed to have been printed from 1 687-1 690. For one hundred years the Primer was the school book of the Dissenters of America, and for another hundred it was frequently reprinted. 268 Primer. New England Primer. Boston : Printed and Sold by J. White, Cambridge, near Charles River Bridge. (No date.) 48° calf. Woodcut portrait of Washington. With autograph, " Sally Jackman's Book, 1791." 269 Primer. New England Primer. Printed for Purchaser. ( I 790-1 800.) 48° morocco. 270 Primer. New England Primer Improved. Woodcuts. Boston: Printed by James Loring, 2 Cornhill. 48° boards, in morocco slip case. 271 Billings, William. New England Psalm-Singer. Printed by Edes & Gill : Boston, New England. Oblong 8° calf. With curious engraved frontispiece, surrounded with circle of music, and 108 pages of engraved music, by Paul Revere. 272 Bingham, Caleb. The Columbian Orator. Second edition. Boston, 1799. 1 2° calf. 273 BonnycaStle, John. The Scholar's Guide to Arith- metic. Boston: Reprinted by John West Folsom at the corner of Ann-Street, 1786. 12° sheep. 46 274 British Grammar. Boston, 1784. 8° sheep. 275 Carrol, James. American Criterion of the English Language. New London, 1795. 12° oak boards. 276 Cheever, Ezekiel. short introduction to Latin Tongue. Boston, 1766. 16° sheep. 277 Cocker's Arithmetick. By Edward Cocker, late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick and En- graving. Perused and published by John Hawkins. Fifty- Fourth Edition, carefully Corrected and Amended. By George Fisher. Woodcut portrait of Cocker. London, 1753. 12° calf. The first edition of this famous Arithmetic was published in 1677. 278 Culman, L., and Charles Hoole. sententia Peuribus Anglo-Latinae. Sentences for Children, English and Latin. Boston, 1723. 18° sheep. 279 Dilworth, Thomas. The Schoolmaster's Assistant, being a Compendium of Arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. Nineteenth edition. London, 1776. With curious engraved portrait. 8° sheep. 280 Dilworth, Thomas. New Guide to the English Tongue. Woodcut portrait. Boston, 1783. 12° boards. 281 Dixon, Bayly, Watts and others. Youth's Instructor in the English Tongue. Boston, 1760. 16° calf. 282 Penning, Daniel. The Ready Reckoner, or, the Trader's useful Assistant, in buying and selling all sorts of commodities either wholesale or retail. Eleventh edition, compared with the last edition by Nicolas Pike. Newbury- port, 1794. Narrow 8° sheep. 283 Fisher, George. The instructor; or. Young Man's Best Companion, containing Spelling, Reading, Writing 47 and Arithmetic. Twenty-fourth edition, corrected and im- proved. Engraved frontispiece and other plates. London, 1784. 12° sheep. With autograph on fly leaf :" Thomas Shimmin, January, 1799." 284 G., P. Nomenclatura Brevis Anglo-Latin. Boston, 1735. 16° sheep. 285 Good, J. Measuring made Easy. London, 1760. 12° calf. John Quincy Adams's copy with his book-plate. 286 [Greenwood, Isaac] Arithmetic. Boston, 1729. 12° calf. Samuel Adams's copy. 287 Livy. Historiam ab urbe condita. Bostoniae, 1788. 12° calf. 288 Lowth, Robert short introduction to English Gram- mar. Reprinted: Hartford, 1783. 12° calf. 289 M' Donald, Alexander. Youth's Assistant. Nor- wich, 1785. 12° calf. 290 Mary, John. New Grammar, English and French. Boston, 1785. 80 calf. 291 Monis, Judah. Grammar of the Hebrew Tongue. Published more especially for the Use of the Students of Harvard College, at Cambridge in New England. Boston, Jonas Green, 1734. Small 4° boards. 292 Morse, Jedidiah. Elements of Geography. Map. Boston, 1795. 8° calf. 293 Otis, James. Rudiments of Latin Prosody. Boston, 1760. 16° calf. 294 Pater, Ezra. The Book of Knowledge, treating of the Wisdom of the Ancients. Woodcut frontispiece. Suffield, 1799- 12° boards. 48 295 Peyton, V. J. The Elements of the English Language. English and French. Phila., 1794. 12° half sheep. 296 Pike, Nicholas. New and Complete System of Arith- metic. Newburyport, 1788. 8° calf. 297 Root, EraStUS. introduction to Arithmetic. Norwich, 1796. 16° boards. 298 Ross, Rev. Mr. American Latin Grammar. New- buryport (1780). Small 4° boards. 299 Ruddiman, Thomas. Rudiments of the Latin Tongue. Phila., 1786. 12° sheep. 300 Sterry, C and J. complete Exercise Book. Nor- wich, 1795. 16° calf. 301 Strong, Nathaniel. Englands Perfect Schoolmaster. Boston, 1 710. 16° sheep, 302 Walter, Thomas. The Grounds and Rules of Musick Explained : Or, An Introduction to the Art of Singing by Note. Fitted to the meanest Capacities. Boston: Printed for Samuel Gerrish, 1746. Oblong 12° calf. '* This book was the property of John Tileston, who died in the year 1827, aged 92 years, the written part of this book was executed by himself. He was for about 75 years Instructor in the Publick School in Bennet Street." *' Presented by John Tileston to liis nephew John T. Leach.'* With a silver clasp engraved with his name, " John Tilston." 303 Walker, William, some improvements to the Art of Teaching. London, 1706. 12*=* calf. With autographs of Peter Oliver, Daniel Oliver, and Andrew Oliver, 1720. 304 Webster, Noah. American spelling Book. Hartford. (1790). 16° original boards. 49 Publications of the Club of Odd Volumes 305 T3ERNARD, Francis. Governor of Massachu- Jj setts, 1760-69. From an original in the possession of his descendants in England. Engraved by John A. J. Wilcox. Only 151 copies printed, and plate defaced. 306 Cruikshank. works of George Cruikshank in Oil, Water Colors, Original Drawings, Etchings, Woodcuts, Lithographs, and Glyphographs. Collected by John B. Gough. With a fac-simile of the catalogue and twenty- eight original drawings reproduced by photogravure. Boston, 1890. 4° boards, uncut. 125 copies printed on Plate Paper, and 10 copies on Japanese Vellum Paper. 307 Saint-Amand, Imbert de. The women of the Court of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. Two photogravure portraits, one beauti- fully printed in colors, and a duplicate in black, the other in duplicate printed in black and bistre. Boston, 1892. Small 4° boards, uncut. Only 1 50 copies printed on Holland Hand-made Paper. 308 Saint-Amand, Imbert de. The Last Years of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand. Two photogravure portraits, one printed in colors, the other in duplicate, black and bistre. Boston, 1893. Small 4° boards, uncut. Only 150 copies printed on Holland Hand-made Paper. 309 Early American Poetry, vois. i. to iv. I. New England's Crisis. By Benjamin Tompson. Boston, 1894. II. New England, or, a briefe enarration of the Ayre, Earth, Water, Fish and Fowles of that Country, with a description of the natures, orders, habits, and religion of the Natives: In Latine and English Verse. Boston, 1895. 4 50 III. A Poem and an Elegy. By Cotton Mather. Boston, 1896. IV. Elegies and Epitaphs, 1677-17 17. Boston, 1896. 4 vols, small 4° half roxburghe, uncut. Only 100 copies printed on Hand-made Paper. An Extra Illustrated and Extended Copy 310 Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Last Years of Louis XV. Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint- Amand. Photogravure portraits. Boston, The Club of Odd Volumes, 1892. An Extra Illustrated Copy and Extended to 4 volumes by the insertion of 300 fine portraits and plates, many fine proofs and rare plates. 4 vols. 4° full crimson crushed levant morocco extra, full gilt back, uncut edges, with arms of Madame Pompadour stamped in gold on the sides, bound by Little, Brown & Co. 51 Complete Set of Autographs of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence 311 A DAMS, John. Massachusetts. A. L. S. i page. jl^'y^ Oct. 24, 1780. To Benjamin Franklin. 312 Adams, Samuel. Massachusetts. A. L. S. i page. April 19, 1783. 313 Bartlett, Josiah. New Hampshire. A. L. S. i page. Jan. 13,. 1776. 314 Braxton, Carter. Virginia, a. L. S. 3 pages. Oct. 17, 1776. 315 Carroll, Charles. Maryland. A.L. S.I page. May 12, 1772. Signed twice. 316 Chase, Samuel. Maryland. A. L. S. I page. Aug. 26, 1777. 317 Clark, Abraham. New jersey. A. L. S. 2 pages, June I 1778. 318 Clymer, George. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. i page. April 6, 1776. To Robert Morris. 319 EUery, William. Rhode island, a. L. S. i page. April 3, 1797. 320 Floyd, William. New York. L. S. 2 pages, Jan. 29, 1776. Written by Henry Wisner and also signed by Wm. Floyd. 321 Franklin, Benjamin. Pennsylvania, a. l. s. 2 pages. Paris, April 2, 1777. Signed also by Silas Deane- 52 322 Gerry, Elbridge. Massachusetts. A. L. S. 4 pages. Sept. 6, 1776. 323 Gwinnett, Button. Georgia. D.S. I page. March 4, 1777. 324 Hall, Lryman. Georgia. A. L. S. I page (1783). 325 Hancock, John. Massachusetts. A. L. S. i page. Feb. 12, 1776. To Gen. Washington. 326 Harrison, Benjamin. Virginia, a. l. s. i page. Jan. 8, 1782. 327 Hart, John. New jersey. A. D. S. i page. March 2, 1776. 328 HeweS, Joseph. North Carolina. A. L. S. 3 pages. Sept. 20, 1779. 329 Heyward, Thomas, Jr. south Carolina, a. d.s. I page. Aug. 17, 1778. 330 Hooper, William. North Carolina. A. L. S. 3 pages. (No date, after 1777.) 33^ Hopkins, Stephen. Rhode island. A. L. S. 2 pages. Nov. 15, 1775. 332 HopkinSOn, Francis. New jersey, a. L. S. ipage. May 25, 1778. Signed also by W. Smith and John Wharton. 333 Huntington, Samuel. Connecticut. A. L. s. 2 pages. Nov. 25, 1789. 334 Jefferson, Thomas. Virginia, a. l. s. i page. March, 1781. 335 Lee, Francis Lightfoot. Virginia, a. l. s. 3 pages. March 19, 1776. 336 Lee, Richard Henry. Virginia, a. l. s. 2 pages. Nov. 23, 1776. 337 Lewis, Francis. New York. A. L. S. 2 pages. Dec. 18, 1779- 338 Livingston, Philip. New York. A. D. S. 2 pages. Deo. 28, 1773. Signed on the reverse, also signed by Ph. Ph. Livingston and Ph. Hy. Livingston. 53 339 Lynch, Thomas, Jr. south Carolina, signature " Lynch Jr." A signature from the collection of Rev. Thomas Raffles of Liverpool. It was given by Gen. James Hamilton, a nephew of the Signer, to Rev. WilHam B. Sprague of Albany about 1834, and was sent by him to Rev. Thomas Raffles of Liverpool. 340 M'Kean, Thomas. Delaware, a. L. S. 2 pages. July 12, 1776. 341 Middleton, Arthur. south Carolina. D. S. i page, May 20, 1782. Also signed by L Rutledge and David Ramsay. 342 Morris, Lewis. New York. a. L. S. i page. Sept. 10, 1787. 343 Morris, Robert. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 8 pages. Dec. 4, 1776. 344 Morton, John. Pennsylvania. A. D. S. i page. Oct. 3. 1763- 345 Nelson, Thomas, Jr. Virginia, a. L. S. i page. July 28, 1 78 1. 346 Paca, William. Maryland. A. L. S. i page. Sept. 15,1783. 347 Paine, Robert Treat. Massachusetts. A. L. s. 2 pages. Jan. 2, 1776. 348 Penn, John. North Carolina. A. L. S. i page. Nov. 31, ^in- 349 Read, George. Delaware. A. L. S., I page. April 8, 1777. 350 Rodney, Caesar. Delaware, a. L. S. 2 pages. Sept. 4, 1777- 351 Ross, George. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. i page. Nov. 27, 1775. 352 Rush, Benjamin. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 3 pages. Dec. 24, 1777. 353 Rutledge, Edward. south CaroUna. A. L. S. 2 pages. July 29, 1775. 54 354 Sherman, Roger. Connecticut. A. L. S. 3 pages. Oct. 14, 1782. 355 Smith, James. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. i page. Nov. 22, 1777. 356 Stockton, Richard. New jersey. D. S. i page. April, 1776. 357 Stone, Thomas. Maryland. A. L. S. 2 pages. Dec. 3, 1783- 358 Taylor, George. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. 2 pages. Oct. 24, 1778. 359 Thornton, Matthew. New Hampshire. A. L. S. I page. June 26, 1776. 360 Walton, George. Georgia. A. L. S. 3 pages. Oct. 23, 1779- 361 Whipple, William. New Hampshire. A. L. S. I page. April 12, 1776. 362 Williams, William. Connecticut. A. L. S. 2 pages. Jan. 28, 1799. 363 Wilson, James. Pennsylvania. A. L. S. i page. Aug. 10, 1776. 364 WitherspOOn, John. New jersey. A. L. S. I page. Oct. 30, 1776. 365 Wolcott, Oliver. Connecticut. A. L. S. 4 pages. Sept. 6, 1775- 366 Wythe, George. Virginia, a. L. S. i page. Oct. 19, 1775. Signed also by Silas Deane and John Adams. 55 Ex-Libris A few Colonials and Bostonians 367 A DAMS, Charles Francis. Armorial. JL jL Of Boston. Author and statesman. 368 Adams, John. Armorial, the design surrounded by thirteen stars. Second President of the United States. 369 Adams, John Quincy. Armorial. 2 varieties. Sixth President of the United States. 370 Beck, Charles. Armorial, engraved by Nathaniel Dearborn. Professor at Harvard College, 1832-50. 37 1 Browne, Peter A. pictorial, engraved by James Akin. Celebrated lawyer of Philadelphia. 372 Byrd, William, of Westover in Virginia, Esqr. Jacobean and armorial. Celebrated Virginian, 1 674-1 744, author of Westover Manu- scripts. 373 Carroll, Charles. Chippendale and armorial. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Maryland, Signer of the Dec- laration of Independence. 374 Chandler, Gardiner. Armorial, engraved by Paul Revere, signed P. Revere^ sculp. Of Worcester, Mass., 17 23-1 782. Loyalist during the Revolu- tion. 375 Clinton, De Witt. Armorial, engraved by P. R. Maverick. Governor of New York, 1817-22 and 1824-28. 376 Cushman. charlotte Saunders Cushman. Armorial. Celebrated American Actress. Boston, 1816-76. 56 377 Danforth, Samuel. Dr. Samuel Danfonh. Ar- morial, engraved by N. Hurd. Celebrated Physician of Boston. 1740-1827. A Loyalist during the Revolution. 37^ Greene, David. Armonal, engraved by Paul Revere, signed Revere^ scp. Of Boston, 1 749- 18 1 2. Loyalist during the Revolution, pro- scribed and banished 1778, returned from England and citizen- ship restored by Act of Legislature, 1789. 379 Jackson, Jonathan. Armorial, engraved by N. Hurd. Of Boston, 1743-1810. Member of Provincial Congress, 1775. Treasurer of State of Massachusetts, and of Harvard College. 380 Jeffries, Dr. John. Armorial. Celebrated Surgeon of Boston, 1744-18 19. Loyalist during the Revolutionary War. He made two aerial voyages, on the second of which he crossed the English Channel and landed in France. 381 Lowell, John. Chippendale and armorial, engraved by N. Hurd. Of Boston. Member of Continental Congress, 1782-83. 382 Morris, GoUVerneur. Chippendale and armorial. Celebrated statesman of New York, 1752-1816. Member of Continental Congress, 1777-80. 383 Oliver, Andrew. Armonal and Chippendale. Born in Boston, 1706; died there 1774. Lieut.-Gov. of Mass. under Hutchinson. Distributor of Stamps; was hung in effigy on the Liberty Tree, and was forced to resign the office of Stamp Distributor on Dec. 17, 1765, at a Public Meeting of the True- born Sons of Liberty, held under the Liberty Tree. " No man was more unpopular in Massachusetts, and a large mob attended his funeral and hurrahed at the entombing of his body." 384 Parker, James. Pictonal, with view of early railroad train. Of Worcester. A conductor on the old Western Railroad, and ran the first train between Worcester and Springfield. 385 Parker, Samuel, pictorial. 1802. Of Boston. 386 Penn, William, Esqr. Proprietor of Pensylvania, 1703. Armorial, early English. Born in London, Eng., 1644, died 17 18. 57 38; Pepperell, Sir William. «Peperi," anonymous. Armorial and Chippendale. William P. Sparhawk, grandson of the first Sir William Pep- perell, assumed his name and was created baronet 1774. Loy- alist during the Revolution, went to England 1775, was proscribed and banished 1778 and estates confiscated. 388 PrOVOOSt, Samuel. Armorial, engraved by Maverick. First P. E. Bishop of New York, a celebrated scholar, and possessed a large library. 389 Quincy, Josiah. Armorial. (Designed by his daughter, Elizabeth Susan Quincy.) An early American lithograph. Mayor of Boston, 1823-28. 390 Sargent, EpeS. Armorial and Chippendale, engraved by Paul Revere, signed P. Revere^ Sculp, Engraved about 1760-65. 391 Scott, Winfield. Armorial. Famous General during the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. Born 1786; died at West Point 1866. 392 Sears, David. Armorial. Eminent Boston Merchant. 393 Society for Propagating the Gospell in Foreign Parts. 1704. Eliot's Indian Bible was published with the sanction and at the expense of this Society, and copies of this plate are found bound up with the second edition, published in 1680-85. 394 Thomas, Isaiah. Armorial and Jacobean. Printer, Publisher, and Bookseller at Boston and Worcester during the Revolution. This plate is believed to be the work of Paul Revere. 395 Van Rensselaer, K. K. Esqr. Armorial and Jacobean, engraved by Maverick. Of New York. In Congress 1800-1811. 396 Warren, John C. pictorial and Armorial. Celebrated Surgeon and Author. Boston, 1778-1856. 397 Warren, W. "Theatre." Allegorical. Of Philadelphia. Manager of Chestnut Street Theatre, father of the late William Warren, of the Boston Museum. 58 39S Washington, Bushrod. Armonal and Chippendale. Favorite nephew of George Washington, and inherited Mount Vernon. A learned jurist and author. 399 Washington, George. Armorial and Chippendale. First President of the United States. 400 Wetmore, William. Armorial, engraved by Paul Revere, signed Revere^ sc. Of Salem, Mass. 59 Ex Libris American and English Authors, Celebrated Personages, etc. 401 \ LDRICH, Thomas Bailey, poet. Pic- aA torial, with mask and raven. 402 Bancroft, George. Historian. Pictorial. 403 Bates, Arlo. Author. Pictorial, from a pencil drawing. 404 Besant, Walter. English Author. Pictorial. 405 Burnet, Gilbert. Lord Bishop of Salisbury. Ecclesi- astical. English Prelate, Historian, and Theologian, 1643-17 15. 406 Byron. Lord Byron. Poet. Armorial. 407 Charlotte. Queen Charlotte. Initial S with crown. She was Sophia Charlotte, daughter of Charles Frederick, Prince of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and wife of George III. 408 Childs, George W. Publisher and Philanthropist. Pictorial. "The Pen is mightier than the Sword." 409 Coppee, Francois. French Novelist. Name in cipher, etched by Aglaiis Bouvenne. 410 Cornwallis, Marquis. Armorial. Commander-in-Chief of English Forces during the Revolution, surrendered to Washington at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781. 411 Cunliffe, Sir Foster. Baronet. Pictorial, engraved by Bartolozzi. 412 Darner, Anna. pictorial, designed by Agnes Berry, engraved by Franciscus Legat, 1793. Celebrated Sculptor, niece of Horace Walpole, and inherited Strawberry Hill. 6o 413 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. "t. f. d/' Author and Bibliographer. The quarterings on the shield contain '' Printer's Marks," instead of Heraldic bearings. 414 Dickens, Charles. celebrated English Novelist. Armorial, with sale label, " From the Library of Charles Dickens, Gadshill Place, June, 1870." 415 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. English Author. Armorial. 416 Everett, Edward. American Statesman and Author. Armorial. 417 FitzGerald, Edward, pictorial. Author, and trans- lator of the '* Quatrains " of Omar Khayydm. Designed by his friend W. M. Thackeray, the author, and the only book-plate he is known to have designed. 418 FurneSS, Horace Howard. Armorial. Shake- spearian editor. 419 Garrick, David. pictorial, engraved by I. Wood. Celebrated English Tragedian. 420 George III. Medallion. Engraved by Bartolozzi. 421 Gibbon, Edward. Armorial, engraved by Hughes. English Historian. 422 Gladstone, William Ewart. Armorial. De- signed by T. E. Harrison, 1889. Celebrated English Statesman and Orator. 423 GrOte, George. Armorial English Historian. 424 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. «'The chambered Nautilus.'' Celebrated American Poet and Novelist. 425 Hugo, Victor. pictorial, etched by Aglaiis Bouvenne, 1870. Celebrated French Poet and Novelist. 426 Hume, David. Armorial. English Historian. 6i 427 Hutton, Laurence, pictorial. Author and Critic. 428 Irving Henry, pictorial. Celebrated English Actor. 429 Keene, Charles. Monogram. Illustrator of London *' Punch." 430 Locker- LampSOn. Frederick Locker. Pictorial, de- signed by Kate Greenaway. Celebrated English Poet and Bibliophile. 431 Longfellow, Henry W. Engraved label, with motto, " Non clamor sed Amor." Celebrated American Poet. 432 Matthews, Brander. pictorial, designed by Edwin A. Abbey, etched by E. Abot. Author and Dramatic Critic. 433 Mitf Ord, John. Armorial, engraved by Ovenden. English Clergyman and Author. 434 Murat (Joachim). Armorial. French Marshal, Commander of Cavalry under Napoleon. Brother-in-law of Napoleon. 435 Norton, Charles Eliot. Books and crest. Author and Professor at Harvard University. 436 O'Connell (Daniel). Armonal, with Gaelic motto. Celebrated Irish Orator. 437 Olga. Queen of Wurtemburg. Monogram and crown. 438 Oxford, Countess. ^ Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Oxford and Mortimer. Given me by (my Lord, Dec. 1731). Pictorial and Library Interior. 439 PreSCOtt, William H. Armorial, engraved by Annin and Smith. Celebrated Historian and student of Spanish History. 440 Robinson, Henry Crabb. Armorial. English Writer and War Correspondent. 62 441 Rogers, Samuel. Armorial. English Poet. 442 [Satolli, Cardinal.] Anonymous. With Cardinal's hat and tassels. 443 Smith, Rev. Sydney. Armorial. English Clergyman, Wit, and Essayist. 444 Somersett. The Right Hon^^^ Lady Henrietta Somer- sett, 1 712. English Jacobean. Early dated example of Ladies' Book Plate. 445 Sophia. H. R. H. Princess Sophia. Name in wreath, with coronet. 446 Southey, Robert. pictorial, woodcut engraved by Bewick. English Poet and Prose Writer. Poet Laureate. 447 Stedman, E. C. pictorial. American Poet and Critic. 448 SykeS, Christopher. pictorial. Designed by Sir John E. Millais. The only plate designed by Millais, with his initial " M " on the framework. " It illustrates the legend of St. Christopher ferrying Christ through the waters." 449 Trollope, Anthony. Armorial. English Novelist. 450 Uzanne, Octave. pictorial, etched by AglaUs Bou- venme, 1882. Celebrated French Bibliophile and Author. With autograph letter. 451 Walpole, Horace. Armorial and Pictorial, Views of Strawberry Hill. 3 varieties. English Author and Art Collector. 452 Webster, Daniel. Armorial. American Statesman, Orator, and Lawyer. 453 Yates, Edmund H. Armorial. English Novelist and Journalist. 63 Ex-Libris Modern Designs. 454 \ LLEN, Charles Dexter. 1893. Designed L J-\ by E. H. Garrett. Proof. 455 Avery, Samuel Putnam. pictorial, engraved by C. W. Sherborn, 1893. India proof. 456 Aylward, Frederick Graham and Annie E. Designed by W. E. Home, 1896. Engraved by W. F. Hopson. Proof. 457 Baillie, W. E. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 458 Bierstadt, Edward Hale. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 459 Blackwell, Henry. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 460 Burrows, Charles William Burrows and Lottie Thomas Mott Burrows. Cleveland. Pictorial. 461 Butterfield, William Archer, pictorial, designed by Max Bachmann. 1894. 462 Chew, Beverly. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 463 Clark, Charles E. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. 2 varieties. Proofs. 464 Colonial Dames of America. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. 465 Coutant, Richard B. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 64 466 Deats, Hiram Edmund. 1894. Engraved by e. D. French. Proof. 467 De Forest, George B. pictorial. Etched by Paul Avril. 468 De Vinne, Theodore L. Designed by George F. Babb, engraved by E. D. French. 469 Ellsworth, James William. 1895. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 470 FoOte, Charles B. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 471 French, Frederick W. 1895. Designed by e. h. Garrett. Proof. 472 Garrett, Edmund H. 1894. Designed by himself. Proof. 473 Godfrey, Jonathan. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 474 Haber, Louis I. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 475 Havelock, Colonel Acton Chaplin. Engraved by C. W. Sherborn. 1892. 476 Holden, Edwin B. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 477 Holden, Edwin R. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 478 HoUyer, S. Pictorial, after Hogarth. Etched by him- self. 479 HopSOn, W. F. New Haven, 1892. Designed and engraved by himself. Proof. 479* John Crerar Library. Chicago, 1894. Engraved by E. D. French, 1896. Proof. 480 Joseph, Edith. English pictorial, engraved by C. W. Sherborn. 1895. 481 Leggett, Cora Artemisia. 1894. Engraved by e. D. French. Proof. 482 Lemperly, Paul. pictorial. Proof, only 30 printed. 6s 483 Libbie, Frederic James. 1895. Engraved by w. F. Hopson. Proof. 484 Mander Brothers, workpeople's Library. Designed in colors by R. Anning Bell. Kane, sc. 485 Marks, H. Stacy. pictorial, 1 891. Designed by him- self. English designer. 486 Marshall, Frank Evans. 1895. Engraved by e. D. French. Proof. 487 Messinger, Mariae Gerard. Engraved by e. d. French. 488 Miller, Margaret T. M. pictonai, etching by Howard Sill. Signed proof. 489 Peabody, May. 1895. Engraved by W. F. Hopson. Proof. 490 Peterson, Rev. Carl E. pictorial. Bibiiotheca Diabolica, 1895. 49^ Players Club. Designed by Howard Pyle, engraved by E. D. French. 3 sizes. 492 Porter, Josephine E. 1895. Engraved by w. f. Hopson. Proof. 493 Prince, Charles Leeson. 1882. Etching by f. V. Hadlow. 494 Reid, WhitelaW. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 495 Rhead, Louis, pictorial. Designed by himself. Amer- ican designer and illustrator. 49^ Rowe, Henry S. initials in monogram, designed by Zaehnsdorf. 497 Rowe, Henry S. pictorial, engraved by E. D. French. Japan proof. 498 Russell, John E. pictorial, designed by himself, engraved by M. T. Callaghan. 499 Seymour, George Dudley. 1894. 2 varieties. Engraved by W. F. Hopson. 5 66 500 Sherborn, Carolus Gulielmus. Engraved by himself, 1878. Celebrated English designer. 501 Stoddard, E. G. 1895. Engraved by W. F. Hopson. Proof. 502 Stone, Arthur Robinson. Musical, designed by G. M. White. Japan proof. 503 Taylor, Charles H., Jr. 1896. Designed by Bird, engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 504 Warner, Beverley. 1894. Engraved by e. d. French. Proof. 505 Wheeler, Joseph H. 1894. Designed by e. h. Garrett. Proof. 506 Wilson, Francis. Designed by E. H. Garrett. 507 Wolseley, Hon^^^ Frances. Daughter of sir Gar- net Wolseley. Armorial, engraved by C. W. Sherborn. 1891. 508 Wolseley, Sir Garnet. General viscount Wolseley, of Wolseley, County of Stafford, and Baron Wolseley of Cairo. Engraved by C. W. Sherborn. 509 Woodbury, John P. 1894. Engraved by E. D. French. Proof. 510 Zaehnsdorf. pictorial, 2 sizes. Celebrated English bookbinder. 511 Ex-LlbriS. Frame containing 51 Enghsh Ex-Libris, dated plates, etc. 512 Ex-LlbriS. Frame containing 20 Foreign Ex-Libris, the centre one being the Buxheim plate. 513 Ex-Libris. Frame containing Portrait of James Gibbs, dated 1747, and his Ex-Libris, dated 1736, both designed by William Hogarth and engraved by B. Baron. 514 Ex-Libris. Frame containing 21 Ex-Libris by Professor R. Anning Bell. 515 Ex-Libris. Frame containing seven Ex-Libris by L Walker West. 67 Revolutionary Portraits and Prints. 516 A MHERST, Sir Jeffrey. (1717-1797) Gov- _^^^ ernor of Virginia. Engraved by J. Watson after Joshua Reynolds. Folio, mezzotint. 517 Battle of Bunker Hill. An Exact view of the Late Battle at Charlestown, June 17, 1775. I^i which an ad- vanced party of about 700 Provincials stood an Attack made by 1 1 Regiments and a train of Artillery and after an en- gagement of 2 hours, retreated to their main body at Cam- bridge leaving eleven hundred of the enemy killed and wounded upon the field. B. Romans, sc. Folio, line engraving. A very rare contemporary engraving, showing Colonel Prescott, on horseback, in command of the American Troops. Bernard Romans, the engraver, entered the Continental Army in 1776, was captured by the British in 1779, ^^^ sent to England, and died at sea on his return home in 1784. 518 Boston. A View of Boston taken on the Road to Dor- chester. Drawn by Wm. Perrie. Engraved by James Newton. Folio. 519 Boston. View of Boston. Proof before all letters. Folio, stipple. 520 Boston. Vue de Boston. Prospect der Konig Strasse gegen das Land Thor zu Boston : — Prospect des Plazes von dem Rath Haus zu Boston. Gravd par Francois Xav. Habermann. Augsbourg. Small oblong folio. Curious pair of old colored Dutch prints. 521 Bowles, William Augustus. 1763-1805. Ad- venturer among the Indians. Engraved by Joseph Grozer. After T. Hardy. Folio, mezzotint. 68 522 Brant, Joseph Tayadaneega. Indian chief, fought on the British side in the American Revolution. 1 742-1807. Engraved by John Raphael Smith, after G. Romney. Folio, mezzotint. 523 Broadside. Document Signed. " In Congress, Apr. 3, 1776." Signed by President, John Hancock. Order in relation to the fitting out of privateers. 524 Broadside. order of Procession for the Funeral of the late Governor Hancock. (1793.) 525 Chachi, Toms. Indian chief. Gave effectual aid to the Enghsh in establishing the Colony of Georgia. 1642- 1739. Engraved by John Faber, Jr., after Wm. Verelst. Folio, mezzotint. 526 Cornwallis, Marquis. 1738-1805. Engraved by John Jones, after D. Gardiner. Folio, mezzotint. 527 Franklin, Benjamin. 1 706-1 790. Engraved by Edward Fisher, after M. Chamberlain. Folio, mezzotint. 528 Franklin, Benjamin. Engraved by James Mac- Ardell, after B. Wilson. Folio, mezzotint. 529 Franklin, Benjamin. Bonionig apud Ludovicum Insig. D. A. S. scul. Folio. Rare Italian portrait. 530 Franklin. "The Politician." [Dr. Benj. Franklin.] Painted by S. Elmer, A. Engraved by T. Ryder. Original plate republished 1824. Folio. 531 Franklin, Benjamin. Proof before letters. Folio. 532 GraSSe, Count de. commander of the French fleet before Yorktown. 1 723-1 788. Engraved by James Walker, after Miller. Folio, mezzotint. 533 Gates, Horatio. Major-General of the American Forces. London, published by John Morris. Small folio, mezzotint, untrimmed. 534 Hancock, John. The Hon^ie John Hancock, of Bos- ton in New England, President of the American Congress. London. 1776. Mezzotint portrait in contemporary frame. 69 535 Hancock. By the name of Hancock. Heraldic bearings of the Hancock family, in colors. From the Hancock House, in contemporary frame. 536 Hardy, Sir Charles. second in command at capture of Louisburg, 1758. Governor of New York. (1705)-! 780. Engraved by WilUam Dickinson, after G. Romney. Folio, mezzotint. 537 Howe, Richard, Earl. 1 722-1 799. Engraved by Robert Dunkarton after John Singleton Copley. Folio, mezzotint. 538 Jones, John Paul. 1 747-1 792. After C. J. Notte. Augsburg print. Folio, mezzotint. 539 Kennett, White. 1660-1728. Drawn and engraved by John Faber, Sr. Folio, mezzotint. 540 KnOwleS, Charles. British Admiral. (1 704)-! 777. Engraved by John Faber, Jr., after T. Hudson. Folio, mezzotint. His imprisonment of seamen in Boston, caused the riot of Nov. 17, 1747. 541 Lafayette, Marquis de. 1757-1834. Painted and engraved by P. L. de Bucourt. Folio, mezzotint. 542 Laurens, Henry. president of Congress, Minister to Holland. 1 724-1 792. Engraved by Valentine Green, after J. S. Copley. Folio, mezzotint. 543 Loudon, Earl of. British General. 1 705-1 782. Engraved by Charles Spooner, after Ramsey. Folio, mezzotint. His attempts against the French in America failed and he was succeeded by Gen. Amherst. 544 Moncton, Robert. British General. Second in com- mand at Quebec under Wolfe. Governor of New York, 1 726-1 782. Engraved by James Watson, after Benjamin West. Folio, mezzotint. 545 Parker, Sir Peter. British Admiral. Aided Gen. Howe in the capture of New York. 1721-1811. Engraved by Valentine Green, after L. F. Abbott. Foho, mezzotint. ^o 546 Percy, Hugh, Earl. British General. Led the re- enforcements at Lexington. 1742-18 17. Engraved by Valentine Green. 547 Pownall, Thomas. Commander-in-Chief and Vice- Admiral of His Majesty's Provinces, Massachusetts Bay and South Carolina, etc. Engraved by Earlom after Coles. Folio, mezzotint. 548 Prince, Rev. Thomas. Portrait, engraved by Pel. ham, after Jno. Greenwood. Printed for and Sold by J. Buck, 1750. Mezzotint, framed. 549 Rawdon, Francis, Lord. British General. De- feated Gen. Green at Hobkirk Hill, South Carolina. Engraved by John Jones, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. FoHo, mezzotint. SS^ Revere, Paul. The Bloudy Massacre perpetrated in King Street, Boston, on March 5th 177O) by a party of the 29th Regt. Engrav'd Printed & Sold by Paul Revere, Boston. Original colored impression of this well known print, in a contemporary frame. 551 Revere, Paul. a view of the Year, 1765. A Stamp Act Caricature. Engraved, Printed And Sold by P. Revere. Boston. In contemporary frame. 552 Stamp Act Caricature. The Bostonian's Paying the Excise-Man, or Tarring and Feathering. London, Printed by Robt. Sayer, Oct. 31, i774- Small folio, mezzotint. 553 Tarleton, BanaStre. British officer. Served with distinction under Cornwallis in America. 1 754-1 833. Engraved by John Raphael Smith, after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. Folio, mezzotint. 554 Wolfe, Major General James. From an origi- nal picture in the possession of Henry Smith, Rich^ Hous- ton, fecit. Small folio, mezzotint. 555 Wolfe, James, Esq"". Commander-in-Chief of Hia Majesty's Forces, in the Expedition against Quebec. Mezzotint, fine impression. n A Collection of Engraved Por- traits of Washington The first authentic portrait of Washington was painted by Charles Willson Peale, and the most celebrated portraits are those painted by Gilbert Stuart. Other portraits have been painted by various artists as follows : Alexander Cambell, 1775. Archibald Robertson, 1791. Du Simiterre, 1779. Giuseppi Ceracchi, 1792. William Dunlap, 1783. Williams, 1794. Joseph Wright, 1782-90. Walter Robertson, 1795. Robert Edge Pine, 1785. Samuel Folwell, 1795. Houdon, 1785. Wertmuller, 1795. James Peale, 1788-1795. Gilbert Stuart, 1795-6. Madame de Brehan, 1789. Rembrandt Peale, 1795. Christian Giilager, 1789. William Birch, 1796. Edward Savage, 1790. James Sharpless, 1796. John Trumbull, 1790-93. Saint Memin, 1798. These portraits have been engraved for different purposes, large and small, from the first engraved in 1772 until the present day, and represent the work of over three hundred different engravers, over one hundred of whom are American. This collection is made up of 360 engravings from portraits by these artists, 244 of which are fully described in " Baker's Engraved Portraits of Washington." Among the collection over 100 are not mentioned in " Baker," and comprise a large portion which have been produced since the book was printed, including a few early ones. The one here reproduced in this catalogue, being unique, but similar to the description of No. 431, which might have been a copy, as this was published "Feb. 26, 1 80 1, by John Fairburn, 146 Minories, London," and measures I2|- by 9J inches. Those interested will find the followins: numbers as described in '' Baker " : 3> 4, 6, 7, 8,9, 10 colored, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21 proof before letters, 23» 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 tinted and 3 states, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 46, 48, 49 2 states, 51, 54, 56, 58, 59, 63, 65 4 states, d-j, &>, 69, 70, 73, 80, 81, 86, %t, 89, 9i>93» 94, 90, 97> 98, 99» ioo> loi, io3» i04, 105, 108, no, in, 112, 113, ^2 114, ii5> ii6, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, n'^^ I39> 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145. 150. 151 2 states, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 172, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184 2d state, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193 2 states, 197, 198, 199, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208 2d state and no address, 209, 210, 211, 213, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221 2 states, 222, 223, 226, 228 2 states, black and colored, 229, 231, 232, 233, 235, 237, 241 proof before publication, 243, 245, 249, 250, 251, 255, 257 2 states, 258, 259, 260, 262, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288 2 states, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303, 304, 306 variation (only L. Portman), 310, 311, 316, 320, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 337, 339, 342, 343, 344, 346, 34^, 35o» 352, 356, 359, 362, 365, 372, 373, 381, 382, 385, 386, 388 2 states, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 403, 404, 412,414. 415' 4i8, 419, 421, 425, 427, 428, 429, 430. Page 202, Moses, Henry, Antonio Canova. 73 T Etchings and Engravings Old and Modern HE etchings and engravings here exhibited are intended to illustrate the history of the art, and include characteristic examples of each class or school. Artists of the Old School REMBRANDT, NANTEUIL, VAN DYCK, BARTOLOZZI, HOUBRAKEN, EARLOM, OSTADE, VALENTINE GREEN, EDELINCK, CAROLINE WATSON. COUSINS, Modern English and French School SEYMOUR HADEN, LE GROS, WHISTLER, RAJON, MEISSONIER, McARDLE, MERYON, C. J. WATSON, STRANG, ARMYTAGE, PALMER, TOMPKINS, SCOTT, HELLER, ATKINSON, WALKER, BUHOT, SHORT. 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