])7B7 191Z UC-NRLF B 4 571:: 3T3 in cr UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BU,LLETIN Vol. X NOVEMBER 11, 1012 No. 11 [Satered Peb.l4,1902,at Urbafla,Ill.,as second-class matter under Act of Congress of Jnly 16,1894] BULLETIN No. 9 (Eeyised Edition) AN EXTENSION OF THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION APPLIED TO THE ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES BY I^. P. BRECKENRIDGE AND G. A. GOODEJNOUGH UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION URBANA, IL,L,INOIS, ' PUBI,ISHED BY THE UNIVERfel^if Pricb: Fifty Cents European Agent Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London THE Engineering Experiment Station was established by act of the Board of Trustees, December 8, 1903. It is the purpose of the Station to carry on investigations along various lines of en- gineering and to study problems of importance to professional engi- neers and to the manufacturing, railway, mining, constructional and industrial interests of the State, The control of the Engineering Experiment Station is vested in the heads of the several departments of the College of Engineering. These constitute the Station Staff, and with the Director, determine the char- acter of the investigations to be undertaken. The work is carried on under the supervision of the Staff, sometimes by research fellows as graduate work, sometimes by members of the instructional staff of the College of Engineering, but more frequently by investigators belonging to the Station corps. The results of these investigations are published in the form of bulletins, which record mostly the experiments of the Station's own staff of investigators. There will also be issued from time to time in the form of circulars, compilations giving the results of the experiments of engineers, industrial works, technical institutions, and governmental testing departments. The volume and number at the top of the title page of the cover are merely arbitrary numbers and refer to the general publicatiohs of the University of Illinois; above the title is given the number of tJte Engi- neering Experiment Station bulletin or circular, which should be \Lsed in referring to these publications. For copies of bulletins, circulars or other information address the Engineering Experiment Station, Urbana, Illinois. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Bui^tETiN No. 9 Revised Edition November, 1912 AN EXTENSION OF THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION APPLIED TO THE ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES by L,. P. Breckenridge*, Professor of Mechanicai. Engineering and G. A. GooDENOUGHt, Associate Professor of Mechanicai, Engineering I INTRODUCTION PAGE, 1 . Preliminar}' 2 2. Explanation of the Decimal System 2 3. Relative Index. 3 4. Uses and Advantages of the Classification and Index 4 5. Variations and Modification 5 6. Acknowledg-ments 7 7. Illustrations 8 II TABLE OF CLASS NUMBERS 9 III RELATIVE INDEX 81 *University of Illinois, 1894-1909: Yale University, 1909-date. iRecently appointed Professor of Thermodynamics. 257874 2 IIvUNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION I. Introduction. 1. Preliminary. — The decimal system of classification was devised and elaborated by Mr. Melvil Dewey, formerly director of the New York State Library. This system was intended pri- marily for the use of librarians in the classification and arrange- ment of books and pamphlets, but it was soon found that the system furnished also a simple and effective means of classifying, index- ing and filing literary matter of all kinds. Engineers have found it useful for indexing technical data and information, catalogs, reports, card systems, drawings, etc., and it has been found equally useful by manufacturing and business concerns. Recognizing the value of the decimal system as a means of classifying and indexing technical literature, the department of mechanical engineering of the University of Illinois prepared sev- eral years ago an extension of that part of the Dewey classifica- tion which relates to mechanical engineering. The first edition was a small pamphlet of six pages. The demand for the extension was so great that within a year a second edition was printed, and this has been followed by the third and fourth editions. In each successive edition the extension has been carried somewhat fur- ther, and such slight changes and modifications have been made as would add to the clearness and consistency of the system as a whole. In the third edition was incorporated with slight modifi- cations the extensions for railroads and railroad engineering adopted by the International Railway Congress. In the fourth edition are included the extensions to mechanical and railway engineering already worked out; an extension for electrical engineering made by Mr. J. M. Bryant of the electrical engineering department ; and more or less complete extensions for other branches of engineering. The whole will be, it is hoped, a self-contained classification which will cover with fair com- pleteness the entire ground of engineering industry. 2. Bxplanation of the Decimal System. — The essential charac- teristic of the Dewey system is its method of division and sub- division. The entire field of knowledge is divided into nine chief classes numbered by the digits from i to 9. Matter of too gen- eral a nature to be included in any of these classes is put into a tenth class and indicated by o. The following are the primary classes of the Dewey system : General Works 1 Philosophy 2 Religion EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION i> 3 Sociology 4 Philology 5 Natural Science 6 Useful Arts 7 Fine Arts 8 Literature 9 History Each of these classes is again divided into nine divisions, with a tenth division for general matter, and each division is separated into nine sections. The sections are again sub-divided and the process may be carried as far as desired. To show clearly the working of the system the divisions of class 6 (useful arts) and the sections of division 2 of this class (engineering) are given. 6oo Useful Arts 620 Engineering 6io Medicine 621 Mechanical 620 Engineering- 622 Mining 630 Agriculture 623 Military 640 Domestic Economy 624 Bridge and Roof 650 Communication and Commerce 625 Road and Railroad 660 Chemical Technology 626 Canal 670 Manufactures 627 River and Harbor 680 Mechanic Trades 628 Sanitary: Water Works 690 Building 629 Other Branches It will be seen that the first digit gives the class; the second, the division; and the third, the section. Thus 625 indicates section 5 (railroad engineering) of division 2 (engineering) of class 6 (useful arts). For convenience a decimal point is in- serted after the section digit. Further sub-division is indicated by digits following the decimal point. For example 625.2 is the number indicating rolling stock; 625.23 passenger cars; 625.24 freight cars, etc. 3. Relative Index. — Following the classification is the relative index, in which the items of the classification are arranged alpha- betically, each with its proper class number. The index is neces- sarily incomplete, as it is manifestly impossible to include every subject that might arise in engineering practice. In a highly specialized industry, as for example, the electri- cal industry, there are thousands of technical terms indicative of materials and processes and to include these would alone require 4 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION a volume. It is believed that the index is sufficiently complete that the user may without difficulty assign the proper number to almost any topic that may arise. In some cases, the same item has two numbers. For example, "Telephones" has the numbers 537.82 and 654.6. Reference to the classification shows that the former number is used when the telephone is considered as an application of the electric current, while the latter is used when the telephone is looked upon as a means of communication. In any case, reference to the classifi- cation will show which number is appropriate to the item under consideration, 4. Uses and Advantages of the Classification and Index. — The decimal classification may be used to advantage in the indexing and filing of notes and memoranda, clippings, general information, articles in technical journals, drawings, catalogs or books. For this purpose, the decimal system possesses certain important ad- vantages over the alphabetical system. (i) It groups allied subjects. For example, suppose the alphabetical arrangement to be applied to a case of catalogs. The catalogs of the various machine tools, as planers, lathes, drills, hammers, etc., would be scattered throughout the case. With the decimal system, on the other hand all these catalogs would be grouped together under the class number 621.9. (2) Unless an elaborate system of cross reference is used, the alphabetical scheme is ambiguous ; in many cases there is doubt as to what letter should be given a subject. For example, take the item "Automatic pneumatic block signals." This might almost equally well be indexed under A, P, B or S. With the decimal system this item has its one number 656.256.4. (3) The decimal system has the advantage of flexibility and an indefinite capacity for extension. For the indexing of books and catalogs only the main division and sections will, in general, be found necessary; but for card indexes of technical literature the most minute subdivisions must ordinarily be used. In individual cases, the user may find that still further division is required. An extension may tlien be made by adding another decimal place, and if still further sul)division is required still another digit may be used. The average engineer, for example, can easily index all matter relating to traveling cranes under the single class number 621.872. The designer or builder of cranes may, however, have so much matter relating to this special subject that further sub- division is needed. By the addition of a digit, this matter may EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 5 be divided into nine groups designated by 621. 872.1, 621.872.2, etc. ; and, if necessary, each of these may be divided into nine new groups. The effectiveness of the Dewey system has been severely tested in the Engineering College of the University. The mechanical engineering department has a card index of current periodical literature which now contain 20,000 cards. These are indexed by the Dewey system. The classification is first made by. students, and is then revised by one competent person. It seldom occurs that there is any doubt as to the proper class num- ber for a given card. For the guidance of those who may wish to use the classification in connection with a card index a sample card is shown on page 8. The class number 621.63 serves to locate the card in the case and the remaining notes in the margin indicate the periodical, volume, page and date. Thus the article in question appeared in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 123, page 272, December, 1895; it occupies 55 pages and has 31 illustrations. Blue prints received from manufacturers; all catalogs, of which there is a large number; clippings, photographs and illus- trative class room material; all these are indexed and filed by the decimal system. In every case the system has been found thoroughly satisfactory. 5. Variations and Modifications. — In the working out of the extension of the various subjects the main divisions and sections as published by Mr. Dewey have been retained unchanged. It cannot be denied that there are many glaring inconsistencies in the arrangement of engineering subjects. For example, no engineer of to-day would put electrical engineering as a division under mechanical engineering (621.3) coordinate with blowing and pumping engines (621.6) ; nor would he relegate concrete to an unimportant place under building materials. There is no doubt that a committee of competent engineers could vastly improve the logical arrangement of the class numbers for engineering subjects. However, the system as it is, with its faults, has been in use several years and has become more or less universal. It is used in libraries and by many business concerns and individuals. It has become a sort of a standard like the Sellers system of screw threads. For this reason alone, radical changes would be inadvisable. The in- experienced user will be likely to see room for improvement and will be tempted to make changes in the system for his individual use. Such changes can only lead to confusion. It is far better to accept the system merely as an arbitrary set of numbers cor- 6 ILUNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION responding to certain topics and resolutely dismiss rigid ideas of logical sequence and consistency. There are certain permissible modifications, however, which may be made without violating the integrity of the system. To avoid the writing of long numbers a single letter may be used for the first three or four digits. Thus an electrical engineer would naturally have most of his material under 621.3 (electrical en- gineering), and for this number he could substitute the single letter E. Likewise, a railroad man might use R for 625 (railroad engineering). Another modification consists in the use of an alphabetical arrangement for certain sub-sections combined with the decimal arrangement of main sections.' This is sometimes useful in minute subdivisions. For example, under 621.728, material and supplies for the foundry, these various materials may be arranged in alphabetical order. The use of form divisions is a modification that may often be employed to advantage. There are certain set forms that are used throughout the whole range of the Dewey classification. These are : 01 Philosophy or theory 02 Compends, text books, etc. 03 Cyclopedias, dictionaries 04 Essays, addresses 05 Periodicals 06 Societies 07 Education, teaching schools, colleges, universities 08 Tables, calculations miscellanies 09 History progress and development These forms may be further extended ; thus : 064 Exhibits, etc. (under societies) 072 Laboratories (under universities) Other form divisions which apply particularlv to engineering are the following: 001 Statistics 002 Quantities and costs 003 Contracts and specifications 004 Designs and drawings 005 Executive 006 Working and maintenance EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION " 007 Laws 008 Patents 009 Reports These form divisions may be enclosed in parentheses and an- nexed directly to the usual class number. Thus 62 (07) indicates engineering education; 621.32 (09), progress of electric lighting; 621.57 (008), patents on ice-making machinery, etc. The object of this parenthesis separation of the form divisions is convenience in cross-references. For example if one is interested in patents he may write his class numbers as follow : (008)62 Patents — Engineering (008)66 Patents, — Chemical technology (008)69 Patents — Building In this way all cards on patents are grouped together. Other modifications will suggest themselves to the user as he becomes more familiar with the system. 6. Acknozvledgments. — The authors are much indebted to Mr. J. M. Bryant for his work on the extension of electrical engineer- ing and to Mr A. L. Voge, Washington, D. C, for valuable criti- cisms and suggestions. ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Sample Card from Card Index 624.63 fuc. ^. f. ^. <^. .123 ji. 272 '95 ^entu|'ubreviations Used on Index Cards pages p diagrams, sketches, etc d curves, plots, or groups of same c illustrations, photographs, etc i tables of data, etc t words w volume V TABLE OF CLASS NUMBERS 330 Political Economy 33 J Capital Labor and Wages A Relations of Capital to Labor .2 Wages Profit sharing Compulsory insurance .3 Labor of children .4 Labor of women .5 Convict labor Prison contracts .6 Pauper labor Cheap foreign labor .7 Skilled and unskilled labor .8 Laboring classes .81 Hours of labor .82 Places of labor Dangers .83 Food Clothes Shelter .84 Morals and habits .85 Helps Lectures, libraries, reading rooms, etc. .86 Training Apprenticeship .87 Organization of labor .88 Trades unions .89 Strikes 370 Education 380 Commerce Communication 385 Railways from the Economic and Financial Point of View 1^ ILLINOIS EiNTGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 385.0 General works (Compends, Essays, Periodicals, Societies, Reports, Statistics, History) A Railways from the financial point of view .2 Competition of railway and steamship lines .3 State control of railways A Administrative organization of railways •5 Personnel (Relations of railroads to employes, etc.) .6 International agreements relative to railroads .7 Interstate commerce commission 386 Canals and Highways from an Economic Aspect 387 River and Ocean Transportation 388 Rapid Transit in Cities 389 Weights and Measures 510 Mathematics 511 Arithmetic 512 Alg^ebra 513 Geometry 514 Trisroiiometrv 515 Descriptive Geometry and Proiection 516 Analytical Geometry 517 Calculus 519 Probabilities 520 Astronomy 530 Physics 531 Mechanics A Pure motion Kinematics *2 Statics Graphic statics .31 Force and its measure (Traction dynamometers, weig-hing- scales, etc.) •3 Dynamics Kinetics ♦4 Work Friction (KriotioM brakes Transmission and absorption dynamometers) •5 Gravity .6 Conservation of energ:y .7 .8 Machines Transmission of force EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION H 53^.9 Tables Problems Questions 532 Liquids Hydrostatics Hydraulics .5 Liquids in motion Flow in pipes, channels, etc. 533 Gases Pneumatics Air .1 Properties of gases and vapors .2 Laws of compressibility .3 Atmosphere »6 Aeronautics .7 Kinetic theory of gases 534 Sound Acoustics 535 Light Optics 536 Heat .1 Theory Nature 2 Communication .3 Action of bodies on heat (Reflection, refraction, radiation, absorption) A Effects Action of heat on bodies .46 Combustion «5 Temperature Measurement of, etc .51 Thermometry .52 P}Tometry .53 Electric methods of measuring .6 Calorimetry .7 Thermodynamics .71 The perfect gases .72 The vapors .73 Thermodynamics of the steam engine and other heat motors .74 Flow of fluids .8 Applications .9 Tables Problems Questions 12 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 537 Electricity- A Theory Nature .2 3 A Statical Atmospheric Lightning rods .5 Dynamical .6 Electrodynamics .7 Electrical measurements .8 Applications (See 621.3 etc) .81 Telegraph (See 654) .83 Telephone Microphone (See 631.35) .83 Dynamos Electric lighting (See 621.31) .84 Transmission of power Storage (See 621.34) .85 Electro-metallurgy .86 Galvanometers .87 Medicine .88 Electric signals 538 Magnetism 539 Molecular Physics A Theory Molecular structure a Properties of Solids .3 Elasticity Torsion .4 Strength of materials (See also 620.1. General theory should go under 530.4; tests an results of tests, under 620.1) 540 Chemistry 549 Mineralogy 550 Geology 553 Economic Geology A Ore deposits EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 13 553.2 Carbon series .31 Peat .22 Lignite and jet .23 Cannel coal Bituminous shale .24 Bituminous and semi-bituminous coals .25 Anthracite and graphitic anthracite coals .28 Petroleum Natural gas .3 Ores of iron A Ores of metals other than iron, ,5 Building stones .51 Marbles and limestones .52 Granites and syenites .53 Sandstones .54 Slates .57 Trap .6 Earthy economic materials .61 Fire and brick clays .62 Sands .65 Emery .68 Limes and mineral cement 620 Engineering 62(001) Statistics 62(002) Quantities, costs, etc. 62(07) Engineering education 620J Applied mechanics Engineering: materials .11 Strength of materials General theory .112 Tests Factors affecting strength .1 General: influence of temperature, selection of test pieces, etc. .2 Corrosion Weathering Protection against deteriorat- ing influences .3 Elastic limit tests : plasticity, fatigue deformation .4 Tension, compression, torsion, flexure, shearing .41 Tensile tests .42 Compression tests .43 Torsion tests 14 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 620.112.44 Flexure (transverse) tests .45 Shearing tests .46 Repeated stress tests .5 Impact Repeated shock tests Crystallization and formation of cleavage planes .6 Hardness tests .7 Special tests Varying for different materials .S Tests on special shapes and forms .82 Plates and structural shapes Bars, rods, angles, beams: T, bulb, I, and channel beams .83 Columns, built columns tubes, pipes, cylinders .84 Rollers Spheres, solid or hollow Ball bearings .85 Springs .86 Hooks Chains Hoops Rings .87 Rivets Bolts Screws Nails Riveted joints of plates .88 Wire Wire rope Cables Hawsers .89 Other forms .9 Other tests .12 Tests of timber .13 Tests of Stone Cement Concrete .132 Stone .135 Cement .136 Concrete .137 Reinforced concrete •139 Otlier : artificial stone .14 Brick, tile, etc. .15 Masonry adhesives Cement, mortar, plaster of paris, etc. .17 Iron and steel Testing machines .IS Other metals .19 Other materials • 19.1 ^Mineral : asbestos, mineral wool .196 Asphalt Tar • 197 Vegetable: paper, hemp, etc. .198 .'\nimal : hair, hide, bone, etc. .199 .2 Compends Handbooks .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 15 620.5 Periodicals ♦6 Societies ,7 Study and teaching: Instruments .8 Tables and calculations .9 History of engineering 621 Mechanical Engineering (The same form divisions applj' to 621 as to 62 above) A Steam engineering .101 Applied thermodynamics .11 Mechanism of steam engine Design of engine parts .111 General .112 Types of engines .12 Marine engines .121 General .122 Types of marine engines .123 Marine steam turbines .13 Locomotives .131 Theory of the locomotive .1 Adhesion Tractive force Horsepower .2 .3 Tests .132 Types of locomotives .133 Locomotive boilers Production of steam .1 Combustion Fuels Petroleum Fuel consumption .2 Grate and ash pit Firebox Stays .3 Shell and tubes .4 Smokebox and stack .5 Exhaust pipe .6 Dome and throttle .7 Boiler feeding Pumps, injectors Purification of water Scale prevention .9 Miscellaneous fittings Gage cocks, safety valves, etc. .1.34 Engine of the locomotive .1 ■ Driving mechanism Cylinders, pistons, rods, cranked axles, etc. .2 Steam distribution Slide valves .22 Special types of valves and valve gears .4 The compound principle Distribution in compound locomotives 18 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.134.5 Lubrication of locomotive .135 Running gear •1 Frames Frame plates Transverse bracing, attach- ments to boiler, etc. • -2 Wheels, boxes, and axles Disturbances Counter- balancing •3 Suspension Springs, saddles, equalizing levers, etc. .4 Trucks Bissell trucks, four-wheel trucks, etc. .5 Locomotive brakes .136 Tenders .1 Design of, weight of, brakes, etc. .2 Coupling arrangements •3 Taking water without stopping; track tanks; water scoops .137 Management of locomotive Engineer's and fireman's duties Assignment of crews, etc. •138 Maintenance and repair of locomotives .1 Round houses •5 Locomotive repair shops •139 Supplies Alaterials .14 Traction engines (agricultural, road roller, etc.) .146 Agricultural : tractors, etc. .15 Portable engines .156 Agricultural: threshers, etc. .16 Stationary engines .164 Types .2 Throttling engines .3 Automatic shaft governor engines .4 Releasing gear engines (Corliss, etc.) .5 Single acting engines of Westinghouse or Williams type .165 Steam turbines .1 Theory .11 Methods of calculation .12 Vanes and buckets .13 Guide vanes and nozzles .14 Stresses in rotor or disc .15 Windage .2 Types .21 Velocity turbines .22 Pressure turbines .23 Combined velocity and pressure turbines .3 Construction Details of design (32 Vanes, buckets; .33 euitle vaiu>s. nozzlts; .34 rotor, discs; .35 valves, CO veriiors, safety devices; .3()tlirust balaucinir; .37 mass balniK-lntr; .3.'^ casing-, etc.; .30 bearings, etc.) • 166 Rotary engines EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 17 621.167 Hoisting engines, hauling engines, dredge engines, and other special types .18 Steam generation and transmission Fuels, furnaces, boilers, piping, power plants For steam heating see 697.5 .181 General .182 Fuels Combustion .2 Fuels for boiler heating .22 Solid fuels : coal, lignite, wood, sawdust, peat .23 Liquid fuels : tar, petroleum, alcohol .24 Gaseous fuels : gas from blast furnaces, coke ovens, natural gas .25 Composite fuels : city refuse, coal dust, trash .3 Fuel consumption Practical experiments with a single fuel .4 Comparative consumption Practical experiments with various fuels .183 Furnaces Draft .1 General Heating and grate surfaces .2 Types of furnaces .3 .4 .5 Furnace parts and construction details .52 Grates .53 Stationary grates .54 Shaking, dumping and step grates .55 Ashpits Furnace doors .57 Burners for liquid fuel .6 Mechanical stokers .62 With traveling grate .63 With rocking grate .64 With step grate (Roney grate) .65 With plunger .66 With screw .7 Other appliances .77 Pulverized fuel appliances .78 Fuel and ash conveyors Ash removers .8 Chimneys Stacks Draft appliances Smoke con- sumers .82 Natural draft Dampers Uptakes .84 Induced draft .85 Forced draft .184 Boilers .1 General 18 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.184.13 Boiler economy Tests Feedwater .2 Types .22 Marine .23 Locomotive, traction, portable .24 Stationary .25 Firetube boilers (tubular) .252 Internally fired .253 Externally fired .26 Water-tube boilers (tubulous) .27 Flash generators Instantaneous vaporizing boilers .5 Boiler construction Setting Parts .52 Shell Heads Tubesheets Domes Drums Riveted joints, staying and bracing .53 Tubes Ferules Rings .54 Casing .55 Inspection and cleaning parts : man and hand holes, cleanouts, covers .56 Setting and hanging .57 Foundations : masonry, flues, etc. .7 Boiler accessories .72 Water gauges, floaters, gauge glasses, vv^arning whis- tles .73 Pressure gauges, manometers, safety valves .79 Other : air cocks and blowout valves, zincs, steam collectors .185 Steam transmission and distribution. Piping .1 General : laws of flow, condensation, friction .2 .3 Connections : mains, au.xiliary piping .4 Valves Stop, safety, reducing Pressure regulators .5 Drains and traps Rceivers and distributing valves .6 Covering Insulators Nonconductors for high, low and medium temper- atures .7 Joints and cements Expansion joints .8 Utilization of exhaust steam 19 Steam boiler and power plants. Central stations .191 General .192 Arrangement and housing of apparatus .5 Provision for enlargement .193 Care and management of steam apparatus .194 Boilers EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 19 621.194.1 Firing .2 Feeding .3 Treatment of feed water : purification, softening .4 Scale prevention Incrustation .7 Inspection Hydraulic tests Rating .195 Engines: oiling, packing, adjusting .196 Duration Wear .5 Corrosion .197 Steam plant accessories Economic appurtenances .2 Feedwater appliances Tanks, heaters economizers, filters, purifiers, reg- ulators .3 Pumps Injectors Return traps .4 Separators .5 Superheaters .6 Condensers and cooling towers .62 Surface condensers .63 Jet condensers .64 Cooling towers .67 Condenser accessories .7 Instruments Indicators, tachometers, gauges, dynamometers, thermometers, pyrometers, lubricators, etc. ♦2 Hydraulic engines or motors General theory of hydraulics (See 532) .21 Water wheels .22 ' Overshot and breast wheel .23 Undershot wheel .24 Turbines .241 General : parts (buckets, guides, regulators) .242 Reaction or pressure turbines .247 Impulse turbines .25 Water pressure engines Accumulators .252 Hydraulic pumps .253 Piping for high pressure .254 Accumulators .26 Hydraulic machinery and appliances Hydraulic presses For theory see 532.81 .262 Funicular engines Hydraulic tackle .263 Hoists Elevators Cranes .264 Special handling and lifting machinery for steel works, etc. -0 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.266 Presses Forging and stamping machines .267 Accessories: injection pumps .269 Mining, tunneling and other hydraulic appliances Hydraulic giant, Brandt's hydraulic gun .27 Hydraulic rams For theory see physics 533.83 .272 Lifting rams Montgolfier ram, Bolle ram, etc. .273 Pumping rams Leblanc ram See also 621.64 Pumps .274 Compressing rams Sommelier ram .29 Flood gates Dams Mill sluices Head and tail races ♦3 Electrical Engineering .3I-.37 Heavy Current Engineering: .31 Generation of electricity Dynamoelectric ma- chinery Transformers .311 General .312 Central stations .312(001) Generalities, statistics, data, etc. (002) Economics, costs, current prices, etc. (003) Specifications (004) Designs, drawings, etc. (005) Management (006) Working and maintenance (0064) Operation and running (0065) Regulation and control (0069) Repairs and renewal (007) Testing of power plants (008) .1 General .2 Stations for lighting only .22 Steam driven .23 Gas driven .24 Hydraulic .25 Composite .3 Stations for traction only .32 Steam driven .33 Gas driven .35 Composite .4 Stations for power transmission .42 Steam driven .43 Gas driven .44 Hydraulic .5 Combined stations EXTENSION DECIMAI, SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 21 621.312.52 .53 .54 .6 .63 .64 .65 .313 (001) (002) (003) (004) (005) (0051) (0052) (00522) (00523) (0053) (00532) (00533) (00534) (0054) (00542) (00543) (00544) (006) (0064) (0065) (007) (008) (0082) (0083) (0084) (0085) .1 .2 .21 .22 ' .23 .24 .245 .246 .247 .248 .25 .26 .27 Steam driven Gas driven Hydraulic Substations Transformer substations Converter substations Accumulator substations Dynamo electric machines General, statistics, data Costs Specifications for D.E.M. Designs, drawings, specifications Construction, installation General details and parts Electrical details Armature windings Field windings Magnetic details Armature cores Field cores Yokes Genera] details Frame, bed plate, etc. Bearings Shafts, pulleys, etc. Working, regulation, operation Operation, running Faults, diseases, etc. Tests and testing work Accessories Commutators Collector rings Brushes Brush holders General; construction, installation Direct or continuous current machinery Theory General types Continuous current generators Continuous current motors Constant speed motors Multispeed motors Adjustable speed motors Varying speed motors (railway motors) Continuous current converters Dynamotors Compensators or balancers 22 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.313.28 Continuous current boosters .29 Other .291 Acyclic or homopolar machines .3 Alternating current machinery .32 General types .321 Single phase .322 Two phase .323 Three phase .4 Synchronous machines .41 Theory .42 General types .43 Alternating current generators .44 Synchronous motors .5 Alternating current converters .51 Theory .52 General types Description .53 Synchronous converters .54 Phase converters .55 Frequency changers .56 Double current generators .57 Motor converters .6 Asynchronous machines .61 Theory .62 .63 Induction generators .64 Induction motors .65 Scries alternating current motors .66 Repulsion motors .67 Frequency converters .68 Phase converters .7 Rectifying apparatus .72 Mechanical rectifiers .7.T Arc rectifiers .74 Flcctrolytic rectifiers .314 Stationary induction apparatus .1 Theory .2 General types and description .3 Transformers .32 Constant current transformers .33 Constant potential transformers .31 Phase changing transformers .38 Meter transformers .4 Auto transformers .5 Potential regulators .51 Compensator potential regulators .52 Induction potential regulators .53 Magneto potential regulators EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CIvASSIFICATION 23 621.314.6 Reactors or choke coils .7 Induction coils .315 Electrostatic apparatus .3 Condensers .316 Details of electric machinery, parts .317 Switchboards and control devices, central station wiring .1 General .2 Panels .22 Generator panels .23 Motor panels .24 Feeder panels .25 Transformer panels .26 Converter panels .27 Arc light panels .28 Accumulator panels .3 Switches .31 General .32 Knife switches .33 Dial switches ,34 Plug switches .35 Oil switches .36 Circuit breakers .4 Rheostats and control devices .5 Signal devices .6 Meters and indicating devices .7 Barriers and compartments .8 Protective devices (fuses, etc.) .318 Manufacturing processes .319 Transmission of electric energy Limited to transmission of current from central to sub-stations (stepdown transformers) and to questions common to all lines. .1 General .12 Systems .122 Direct or continuous current systems .122.1 2-wire systems .122.2 3-wire (or Edison) and other .122.9 Other direct current systems .123 Alternating current systems .123.1 Single-phase systems .123.2 2-phase (or quarter phase) systems .123.23 3-wire system .123.24 4-wire system .123.3 3-phase systems .123.32 Delta or mesh connections .123.33 Star or Y connections .123.9 Other polyphase systems 24 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.319.125 Composite systems Direct and alternating current combined .2 Lines and conductors .21 General Interaction of parallel lines, heat losses. .22 Overhead or aerial lines .222 Systems .223 Poles : foundations, guys, etc. .224 Cross arms Pins .225 Towers .23 Underground lines .232 Systems .233 Conduits .234 Manholes .3 Cables and conductors Insulating materials .32 Uninsulated conductors Bare wire .33 Insulated conductors Wire and cable .34 Cables .37 Insulating materials Leakage Influence of chemic composition .4 Insulators .8 Protective devices .82 Line lightning arresters For protection of central stations see 621.317.8 .32 Electric lighting .321 Illumination .1 General .2 Interior illumination .21 Domestic .22 Large halls .23 Theatre .24 Shops, warehouses, drafting rooms, etc. .3 Exterior illumination .32 Streets .33 Parks and open places .4 Decorative illumination .44 Electric signs .325 Arc lighting .1 General .2 Continuous current open .3 Continuous current enclosed .4 Alternating current open .5 Alternating current enclosed .6 Flaming arc .7 Search lights, etc. .326 Incandescent lighting EXTENSION DECIMAI. SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 25 621.326.1 General : efificiency, cost, etc. .2 Systems .3 Carbon filament lamps .31 Metalized filament .32 Other carbon filaments .4 Metal filament lamps .41 Platinum filaments .42 Tantalum filaments .43 Tungsten filaments .44 Osmium filaments .45 Other metal filaments .5 Glowers of other materials .53 Nernst lamps .327 Incandescent vapor lighting and lamps Other elec- tric lighting .3 Vacuum or incandescent vapor lamps .4 Mercury vapor lamps .5 Carbon vapor lamps Moore lamp .7 Vacuum lamps for special radiations : Crookes tubes etc. .328 Apparatus at service end of line .1 Underwriters' requirements National electric code .2 House wiring .3 Panels .4 Fuses .5 Insulators, etc. .6 Meters .7 .8 .9 Switches Other apparatus .33 Electric traction .331 General .2 Systems .3 Systems according to service .32 Trunk lines .33 Interurban .34 Local' .342 Surface .343 Elevated .344 Subway .4 Systems according to current .42 Direct current .43 Alternating current .431 Single-phase .432 2-phase 26 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.331.433 3-phase .439 Others .5 Systems according to delivery of power .52 Trolley systems .53 Overhead trolley .54 Underground trolley .56 Third rail systems .562 Unprotected third rail .564 Protected third rail .332 The line (including track) .1 General .17 Feeders and return systems .2 Overhead wire Trolley lines .23 Catenary suspension .25 Trackless trolley .3 Third rail .5 Underground conductor or contact .6 .7 Accessories .9 Other types of line .333 Track .1 General .16 Deteriorating influences .167 Electrolysis Leakage .2 Rails .4 Bonding .334 Rolling stock .2 Locomotives .3 Motor cars .4 Accessories and parts Control systems Motor, controller, current collecting devices, etc. Multiple unit control .5 Locomotive and car wiring .7 Running gear and other non-electric details .35 Chemic electricity Voltaic cells and generators Primary and secondary .351 General E.m.f., counter e.m.f., polarization, weight, capacity, efficiency, life, crumbling, deterioration and det- rimental influences; residues .352 Parts and accessories of cells and accumulators .1 Containers: jars, troughs, vats, etc. .2 Electrodes and their accessories: positive and nega- tive plates or elements. Grids, supporting frames, insulating rods, etc. EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 27 621.352.3 Diaphragms and partitions .4 Electrolytes Depolarizers Packing .5 Circulators Conduits and piping .6 Connections Terminals Binding posts .7 Regulating apparatus .8 .9 Other apparatus .353 Primary cells See also 537.5 Voltaic electricity; 541.37 Electro- chemistry .1 General .3 Single fluid .4 Double fluid Heavy current cells .5 Open circuit or non-depolarized .6 Closed circuit or depolarized .7 Accessories and parts .8 Classification according to use or operating methods .354 Accumulators or storage batteries Secondary cells and batteries .1 General .18 Care and handling of accumulators .2 Construction of .3 Operation of .4 Application of .7 Accessories and parts .355 Lead accumulators .1 General .18 Care and handling .2 Naturally formed : Plante type .3 Artificially formed : Faure type .4 Combined Plante-Faure types .5 Other lead accumulators .52 Complex oxid types .55 Lead element accumulators .56 Copper lead accumulators .57 Zinc lead accumulators .58 Cadmium lead accumulators .356 Alkaline accumulators .357 Other types of accumulators Thalium, gas, etc. .37 Electric measurements, meters and testing .371 General .372 Standards Calibration of instruments .373 Meters General types Recording meters See also special meters, 621.384 prepayment meters .374 Special meters and measurements .2 Resistance meters : inductance, capacity Wheatstone bridges, ohmmeters, resistance boxes 28 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.374.3 Potential meters: voltage voltmeters, electrometers, standard cells .4 Intensity meters : current Galvanometers, ammeters, coulometers. Ampere-hour meters .5 Quantity or work meters Watt-hour meters .6 Povi^er meters Watt meters .7 Frequency meters Oscillographs .9 Other meters and measurements .91 Phase meters Power-factor meters Synchronizers .379 Other electric measuring instruments For other than electric measurements : e. g., elec- tric thermometers WEAK CURRENT ENGINEERING .38 Electric communication : telegraphy, telephony, wireless For overhead or imderground lines, see 621.3192 .381 General .382 Telegraphy Systems .15 Codes .152 Morse .153 Continental .154 Phillips (press code) .2 ABC, dial, needle telegraph, etc. .21 Early experimental forms .22 ABC .23 Dial .24 Needle .25 Pointer .29 Other .3 Hand operated code telegraphy .31 Simplex .311 Open circuit .312 Closed circuit .32 Duplex .321 Differential duplex systems .322 Stearns duplex .323 Polar duplex .325 Bridge duplex systems .34 Quadniplex .35 Multiplex .36 Synchronous multiplex : Delany .37 Harmonic multiplex : Gray .4 Automatic code tclegrapliy High speed systems .41 Elcctrochemic automatic : Bnin. Morse .44 Ink recording or embossing EXTENSION DECIMAL, SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 29 621.382.45 Wheatstone .46 Pollak-Virag .47 Telepost (Delany) .5 Printing telegraphy .51 Tape printing : stock tickers .53 Other tape printing: Hughes .55 Page printing: Buckingham, Murray, Baudot .57 Multiple page printing: Rowland .6 Writing telegraphy Transmitting and recording characters while being written Gray's telautograph .7 Facsimile telegraphy .8 Submarine cable telegraphy .9 Other wire systems .94 Induction telegraphy : from moving trains, etc. .95 Combined telegraphy and telephony Phantom cir cuits .383 Telegraph instruments .1 Transmitting: keys, senders, etc. .2 Intermediate and accessory : relays, repeaters, switches .21 Relays .22 Differential relays .23 Polarized relays .24 Repeaters, for simplex: Milliken, Ghegan, Toye, etc .25 Repeaters for duplex or quadruplex .26 Half repeaters .27 Switches and distributing apparatus .28 Protective apparatus .29 Miscellaneous telegraph accessories .3 Receiving instruments Sounders, recorders, etc. Subdivided, if wished, like 621.3824-8 .384 Wireless electric communication: telegraphy telephony .1 General .2 Wireless telegraphy Systems .21 Spark telegraphy; by free oscillations .25 Continuous-train telegraphy; by forced oscillations .3 Instruments .31 Sending apparatus .35 Antennae, aerials, and their substitutes .36 Receiving instruments and apparatus .4 Applications, adaptations, specific installations .5 Wireless telephony systems .6 Apparatus .61 Sending apparatus .65 Aerials, etc. 30 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.384.66 Receiving apparatus .7 Applications, adaptations, specific installations .385 Telephony Systems .1 .2 General .22 Series .23 Bridging .24 Selective .3 Intercommunicating systems Without central switchboard .32 Common return systems ; selective at each station .34 Radial common return systems ; selective at one station only .36 2-\vire systems; separate returns .4 Central switchboard systems Manual .42 Local battery or magneto systems .46 Common battery or central energy systems .5 Multiple switchboard systems .6 Trunking Transfer systems .61 Trunking .63 Transfer systems .7 Semiautomatic and automatic systems .72 Semiautomatic .75 Automatic .76 Strowger system (Automatic Electric Co.) .8 Private exchanges .386 Telephone instruments Terminal ; subscriber's instruments .2 Transmitters .3 Receivers .4 Induction coils .5 Condensers .6 Hook or other switches .7 Call receiving apparatus .8 Call sending apparatus .9 Miscellaneous accessories .92 Coin collecting devices .94 Protective devices .96 Current supply (local batteries) .387 Central switchboards and other station equipment .1 General .2 Switchboards, manual .22 Local battery or magneto .26 Common battery .3 Multiple switchboards .35 Divided multiple EXTENSION DECIMAIv SYSTEM OF CIvASSIFICATION 31 621.387.4 Trunks Transfer boards .41 Trunks and trunking .43 A boards .45 B boards .47 Multiple plug transfer .5 Switchboard parts and accessories .6 Power plant equipment and accessories .62 Accumulators .63 Charging generators .64 Ringing .7 Automatic and semiautomatic switchboards Including accessories Subdivided like 621.3857 .8 Telephone transmission .81 .82 Long distance .83 Transposition .84 Telephone cable construction .85 Loading .86 Pupin coils .9 Other central station accessories .92 Distributing frames and racks ; main .93 Distributing frames and racks ; intermediate or sec- ondary .94 Protective devices .96 Meters and counters See also 621.3286 Electric light meters .389 Other electric communication .39 Other application of electricity A Air and Gas Engines and other motors .41 Hot air engines .42 Compressed (or rarefied) air engines .43 Internal combustion engines .431 General theory of internal combustion engines .2 Thermodynamics of internal combustion .3 Mechanics Balancing, etc. .432 Cycles and systems of operation .1 Four-cycle systems 1, explosion motors 2, constant pressure burning' .2 Two-cycle systems 1, explosion type 2, constant pressure type .3 Modified cycles or systems .433 Gas turbines ■434 Internal combustion engines (or engine plants) classi- fied according to fuels 32 ILUNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.434.1 Engines (or plants) for gaseous fuels .11 Natural gas .12 Illuminating gas .13 Blast furnace gas .14 Producer gas For gas producers see 665.8 .15 Acetylene gas .2 Engines (or plants) for liquid fuels .21 Gasoline .22 Kerosene .23 Other petroleum oils .24 Alcohol .3 Engines for solid fuels .436 Special engines or motors .437 Parts and accessories of internal combustion engines 1, Reciprocating parts; 2, Shafts, Journals and Bearing's; 3, Fly- wheels; 4, Governors; 5, Valves and valve jjears; 6, Carburetors and mixing' valves; 7, Ipnition Systems; 8, Oils and other ac- cessories. .438 Special applications .3 Self-propelled machinery Farm machinery, road roll- ers, etc. .4 Self-propelled vehicles .5 Motors for small boats .6 Internal combustion engines in marine service .7 Airship motors .44 Binary vapor eno-ines .45 Windmills ,46 Animal motors Tread mills .47 Solar engines .48 .49 ♦5 Air compression Ice machines Refrigerators .51 Air compressors .515 Dry, air compressors .517 Wet air compressors .53 Compressed air transmission and distribution .531 General .532 Details of transmission Pipinp. mains, pages, etc. Designs of transmissions .533 Records of tests on air compressors and transmissions .534 Theory of air compression (thermodynamics of) Loss of pressure in pi(>es, etc. F.flRciency of compress- ors ; Reheating, etc. EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CI^ASSIFICATION 33 631. 5i .541 .542 .543 .544 .545 .546 .549 .55 .56 .564 .565 .566 .57 .572 .573 .574 .575 .58 .581 .582 .6 .61 .62 .63 .64 .641 .642 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 Application of compressed air Air motors Pneumatic tools; drills, hammers, etc. Special applications in railroad service Compressed air locomotives Pumping by compressed air Miscellaneous applications Rarefied air and vacuum appliances cleaner, etc.) Refrigerators Refrigerating fluids Refrigerating systems and plants Brine system Direct expansion system Design of refrigerating systems refrigerating surface, etc. (Vacuum Calculation of piping, Refrigerating machines Ammonia compression machines Ammonia absorption machines Carbonic acid machines Miscellaneous types : Air machines, vacuum machines, etc. Ice making Can system Plate system Blowing and pumping engines Piston blowers Blast furnace blowing engines, etc. Rotary blowers Centrifugal blowers Steam pumps and pumping engines General theory Design and construction Tests of pumps and pumping engines Direct-acting pumps Rotary pumps Centrifugal pumps Fire engines Other blowing and pumping devices 34 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 62J.7 Manufactories Engineering: works (See also 670) .701 Location, shipping facilities, etc. .702 Arrangements of shops Shop buildings .703 .704 Organization and administration .705 Employees Wages and salaries Payment of labor (Conveniences for workmen; hours of work; piece work; premium plan; profit-sliariny; labor unions; strikes and lockouts) .706 Accounting Cost-keeping Estimates .707 .708 .709 .71 Drafting room .711 .712 Arrangement .713 Equipment Desks, drawing boards, etc. .714 Materials and supplies .715 Methods and processes employed in making drawings .716 Blue-printing processes .717 Classification and storage of drawings .719 Miscellaneous .72 ^^^ood\vorking shop Pattern shop .721 Arrangement of shop .722 Equipment .723 Woodworking methods and processes .724 Pattern making .725 .726 .727 Preservation and storage of patterns .728 Materials and supplies .729 Miscellaneous .73 Forge shop .731 Arrangement of forge shop .732 Equipment Forges, blowers, anvils, etc. .733 Forging processes .734 Drop forging .735 .736 .737 738 Materials Supplies .739 Miscellaneous .74 Foiin(h-v •740 Generalities (.740.5 Periodicals .74(i.() Societies; .740.') Historical) EXTENSION DECIMAI, SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 35 621.741 .742 .743 .744 .745 .746 .747 .748 .749 .75 .750 .751 .752 .753 .754 .755 .756 .757 .758 .759 .76 .77 .78 General arrangement of foundry Equipment of foundry Molding processes Green sand, dry sand, loam, etc. Machine molding Cupola practice Mixtures of iron Chemistry of foundry irons Materials and supplies Miscellaneous Machine shop Generalities Arrangement of machine shop Location of shafting and machines Equipment (752.1 Machine tools; 752.2 Small tools) Machine work Methods and processes Bench work Erecting Toolmaking Construction of dies, jigs, etc. Supplies ^Materials and stock Miscellaneous Blast furnace RolHng and drawing mills .79 .792 .794 .795 .796 .8 .81 .82 .821 .822 .823 .824 .825 .826 Other shops and departments Boiler and sheet metal shops Special process shops Galvanizing, plating, etc. Finishing shop Storehouses Millwork and machinery of transmission machine parts Design of Principles of mechanism Journals, shafting, etc. Journals Bearings Ball and roller bearings Bearing metals Shop shafting Engine and propeller shafts Clutches and couplings Friction clutches Brakes 36 II^LINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 621.83 Toothed wheels and cams .831 Forms of teeth; tooth curves; general theory .832 Efficiency of gears Tests Friction of gears .833 Design of gears .1 Spur gears .3 Bevel and skew bevel gears .3 Worm and spiral gears .834 Construction: cutting and casting of gears .835 Chain gearing .837 Ratchet gearing .838 Cams .84 Valve motions and gears .85 Machinery and mill gearing .852 Belt gearing .853 Hemp rope transmission .854 Wire rope transmission .858 Friction gearing .80 Hoisting and conveying machinery .862 Hoists .863 Blocks, tackle, etc. .864 Winches Capstans Windlasses .865 Power shovels .866 Dredges .867 Conveyors Telfcrage .4 Belt or bucket conveyors .868 Telfers .87 Cranes and elevators .872 Derricks .873 Revolving cranes .874 Travelling cranes .875 Locomotive cranes .88 Fastenings .882 Screws and bolts Systems of screw threads Screws for transmitting motion .883 Keys and cotters .884 Rivets Design of riveted joints .SO Liil)ricaiits Friction .9 Machine tools .0(1 Generalities .901 Dcsijin of machine tools ^ .902 Power required to drive machine tools EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 37 621.91 Planing and milling machines .912 Metal planers, shapers, and slotters .913 Wood planing machinery .92 Grinding and filing .922 Cylinder and surface grinding machines (Lapping machines) .923 Emery wheels .924 Filing machines .93 Cutting and sawing .932 Metal sawing and cutting machinery .933 Wood sawing machinery .94 Turning .942 Metal turning lathes .943 Wood turning lathes .944 Pipe threading machines .945 Boring mills .95 Perforating machinery Drills .952 Drilling machinery .953 Wood boring machinery .954 Reamers .955 Tapping machines .96 Punching and shearing machinery .97 Hammers Nail and rivet machinery .98 Bending, straightening, and shaping .982 Bending machinery .983 Straightening machinery .984 Flanging and die press machinery .99 Screw machines Bolt and nut machinery, etc. Mining Engineering A Exploration and Prospecting .11 Theory, applied geology, etc. ,12 Prospecting .121 Surface indications .122 Prospect trenches, shafts and tunnels See 622.2 .123 Booming and other washing methods .124 Boring methods See 622.24 ..129 Unreliable methods, including divining rods, fortune tellers, etc. 622 38 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 622. lo Surface surveying .131 Surveying mineral claims .132 Topographical surveying .133 Geological surveying .14 Mining surveying .15 ^Magnetic surveying .16 Faults See 551.87 and 553.19 .17 Models .18 Examination of mineral properties .181 Principles .182 Sampling .183 Estimation of quantity of mineral .184 Valuation .19 Mining prospectuses See 553 .2 Practical Mining .21 Excavation of loose ground See 622.32 ,211 Pick and shovel .212 Plow and scraper .213 Cableways and grab buckets .214 Mechanical shovels .215 Water .216 Dredges .22 Quarrying dimension stone .221 Plug and feathers .222 Broaches .223 Channelers .224 Blasting systems .23 Breaking solid ground .231 Firo-setting .232 Thawing .233 Undercutting .1 Hand undercutting .2 Machine undercutting .21 Punclicrs .22 Cutters .221 Chain machines .222 Disk machines .223 Cuttcr-har machines .234 Wedging without drill holes .235 Drilling See 023.24 EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF ClyASSIFICATION 89 622.235.1 Hand drilling .11 Churn drills .12 Hammer drills .13 Auger drills .2 Machine drilling .21 Piston drills .22 Air hammer drills .23 Auger drills .236 Breaking from drill holes without explosives .1 Wedges .2 Freezing water .3 Wetting wooden plugs .4 Compressed air cartridges .5 Hydraulic cartridges and direct hydraulic pressure .6 Lime cartridges .237 Explosives .1 Theory .2 Low explosives .3 High explosives .4 Permissible explosives .8 Testing .9 Handling and storage See62:.f)32 .238 Blasting .1 Theory .2 Methods .3 Loading .4 Firing .9 Testing blasting appliances .242 .24 Boring see 622.124, 622.23=^ and 622.523 .241 Hand boring 1 Churn borers Spring poles 2 Rotary borers 21 Augers 22 Diamond drills 23 Shot drills Machine boring 1 Churn borers 11 Cable drills 12 Rod drills 13 Hollow rod drills 131 Suction 132 Jettings 2 Rotary borers 21 Non-coring drills 211 Straight bit drills 212 Auger drills 40 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 622.242.22 Core drills .221 Serrated ring drills .222 Diamond drills .223 Shot drills .25 Shaft sinking see 622.122 and 622.552 .251 Plant .252 Sinking through firm earth .253 Forepoling .254 Sinking open caissons .255 Shield methods .256 Pneumatic methods .257 Freezing methods .258 Boring methods .259 Drilling and blasting methods .26 Tunnelling and drifting see 622 .261 Plant .262 Preliminary operations .263 Forepoling .264 Forcing forward metal linings .265 Shield methods .266 Pneumatic methods .267 Boring methods .268 Drilling and blasting methods .27 Sloping See 622.34 .28 Supporting ground .281 Timber .282 Iron and steel .283 Masonry .284 Concrete .29 .3 Working of mines Exploitation .31 Open workings .311 Open cut working .312 Stripping .313 Milling .33 Placer workings See 622.21 .321 Small scale working with pan, cradle and long torn .322 Sluicing .323 Hydraulicking .324 Dredging .325 Cablcway methods EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 41 622.326 Mechanical shovel methods .327 Dry placer methods .33 Methods used mainly in coal mining .331 Longwall methods .332 Room and pillar methods, including panel method .34 Methods used mainly in metal mining .341 Overhand stoping .342 Underhand stoping .35 Working thick deposits .351 Caving method .352 Filling method .353 Square set method .354 Square work method .36 Working soluble deposits .361 Salt .362 Copper sulphate .37 Working fusible deposits .371 Sulphur .38 Working liquid and gaseous deposits .381 Water .382 Petroleum .383 Natural gas .384 Volcanic emanations .39 A Ventilation, lighting and signaling .41 Theory of ventilation .411 Mine atmospheres .1 Gases See 622.811 .2 Dust See 622.812 .3 Humidity- .4 Temperature .412 Resistance to circulation of air .413 Splitting currents of air .42 Natural ventilation .43 Mechanical ventilation without fans or bloAvers .431 Cowls .432 Furnaces .433 Steam jets .434 Waterfalls 42 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 022.44 Fans and blowers see 623 95 .441 Fans .1 Disk fans .2 Centrifugal fans See 621.63 .442 Blowers .1 Rotary blowers See 621.62 .2 Piston blowers See 621.61 .45 Airways, stoppings, regulators .46 Lighting, safety lamps, etc. see 622.07s .48 Signaling .5 Drainage .51 Theory of infiltration of water .511 Surface water .512 Ground water .513 Deep water .52 Drainage without raising water ..521 Natural drainage .522 Gutters .523 Bore holes See 622.24 .524 Tunnels See 622.26 .53 Pumps actuated by surface motors ..531 Rod lift pumps , 1 For mines 2 For deep wells .532 Cornish pumps .533 Bull piuups .54 Pumps actuated by underground motors ..541 Reciprocating pumps 1 Station pumps 11 Steam 12 Air 13 Electric .14 Hydraulic .2 Sinking pumps .21 Steam .22 Air .23 Electric .542 Centrifugal pumps .1 Station .2 Sinking .543 Direct displacement pumps EXTENSION DECIMAIv SYSTEM OF CIvASSIFICATION 43 622.543.1 Steam .11 Pulsometers .13 Steam jets .2 Air .21 Exhausting air-pressure pumps .22 Return-air pumps .23 Air lifts .55 Hoisting of water See 622.65 and 622.67 .551 Water buckets and tanks .552 Water shafts See 622.25 .56 Dams and water tight linings see 622254 and 622.264 .57 Handling special waters .571 Acid waters .572 Hot waters .58 Hand pumps .59 Siphons .6 Extraction, hoisting: and transportation .61 Handling mineral in working place .611 By hand .612 By machine .62 Underground roads .63 Cars, trams, etc. .64 Transportation by gravity -641 Chutes .642 Batteries .643 Gravity planes .644 Retarding conveyors .65 Haulage and hoisting by men and beasts .651 Haulage .1 Wheeling in barrows .2 Tramming .3 Animal haulage Hoisting Windlasses Whims Mechanical haulage Rope haulage see 622.673 and 622.674 .1 Theory .2 Haulage engines .6.52 .66 .661 44 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION G22.661.3 Engine planes .4 Endless-rope haulage .5 Tail-rope haulage .662 Locomotive haulage .1 Theory .2 Steam locomotives .3 Compressed air locomotives .4 Oil locomotives .5 Electric locomotives .67 Mechanical hoisting .671 Theory .672 Hoisting engines .1 Steam hoists .2 Compressed air hoists .3 Oil hoists .4 Electric hoists .673 Drums, reels, clutches and brakes .674 Ropes and chains .1 Manila ropes .2 Wire ropes .3 Chains .675 Head frames .1 Timber .2 Steel .676 Hoisting systems .1 Unbalanced hoisting .2 Balanced hoisting .3 Koepe system .4 Whiting system .68 Cages, skips, buckets, slope c .60 Surface transportation includ wire ropeways, transhipment, loading and unloading. (See 622 99) .691 Wagon roads .692 Railways .693 Aerial tramways .694 Telphers .698 Loaders .699 L^nloadcrs, dumps, etc. .7 Mechanical preparation Ore dressing: .71 Theory Preliminary operations .72 Hand dressincr s.-.> (.22.781 EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 45 622.73 Crushing see 622.782 .731 Theory .732 Hand breaking .733 Mechanical breaking .1 Jaw breakers .2 Spindle breakers .734 Crushing .1 Rolls .2 Roller mills .3 Stamps .4 Impact pulverizers .5 Ball mills and tube mflls .6 Arrastras and grinding pans .74 Screening see 622.783 .741 Theory .742 Perforated metal and wire cloth .743 Grizzlies .744 Shaking screens .745 Pulsating screens .746 Trommels ,747 Belt screens .75 Wet concentrating machines Ore concentrators See 622.77 and 622.784 .751 Theory .752 Disintegrators .1 Trough washers .2 Log washers .3 Wash trommels .4 Washing pans .753 Hydraulic classifiers .1 Free-settUng classifiers .11 Carrying-current classifiers .111 Buddies .112 Rififles, canvas tables, etc. .113 Box classifiers .114 Settling boxes and ponds .12 Hydraulic-current classifiers .121 Trough .122 Pocket .123 Tubular .2 Hindered-settling classifiers .21 Wolf-tongue classifiers .22 Pulsator classifiers .754 Jigs .1 Hand 46 ILL,INOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 622.754.2 Power .21 Pan .22 Piston .23 Pulsator .755 Tables .1 Agitation sizing tables .11 Bumping .12 Jerking .2 Film sizing tables .21 Fixed .22 Moving .756 Vanners .1 Side-shake .2 End-shake .76 Slime treatment see 022.75 .77 Concentration by other means than wet concen- tration .771 Pneumatic concentration See 682.785 .772 Oil concentration .773 Flotation .774 Magnetic separation .775 Electrosctatic separation .776 Disintegration and screening See o22.78 .78 Preparation of coal see 622.71 .781 Picking See 622.72 .1 Hand .2 Mechanical .782 Crushing See 622.73 .1 Jaw breakers .11 Saucrman .12 Roll and jaw .2 Rotary crushers .3 Rolls .31 Toothed .32 Corrugated .33 Smooth .4 Impact pulverizers .41 Hammer .42 Disintegrator .7S3 Screening See 622.74 .1 Trade sizes .2 Bar screens .3 Shaking screens .4 Revolving screens .784 Washing See 622 75 EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 47 622.784.1 HyrauHc classifiers .11 Carrying-current classifiers .111 Grading boxes .112 Trough washers .12 Hydraulic-current classifiers Tub washers .2 Jigs .21 Pan .22 Piston .23 Compartment .3 Tables .32 Bumping .33 Jerking .785 Pneumatic concentration See 622.771 .786 Concentration by crushing and screening pulverizers See 622.776 Bradford .787 Coking See 644.22, 622.7 and 669.8 .1 Theory .2 Open pits .3 Beehive ovens .4 Longitudinal ovens .5 Gas retorts .6 By-product ovens .788 Briquetting .1 Peat .2 Lignite .3 Bituminous coal .4 Anthracite .5 Coke .789 Coal preparation plants See 622.79 .1 Tipples .2 Breakers .3 Washeries .4 Coking plants .5 Briquetting plants .79 Mineral preparation plants see 622.789 .791 Rock houses, shaft houses .792 Patios .793 Concentrating mills 622.8 Dangers and accidents .81 Explosions, see G22.82 .811 Marsh gas explosions .1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases .4 Preventive measures .812 Coal dust explosions 48 ILLINOIS EXGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 622.812.1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases .4 Preventive measures .82 Mine fires see622.8i .821 Timber fires .1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases .4 Methods of extinguishment .5 Preventive measures .822 Gob fires .1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases .4 Methods of extinguishing .5 Preventive measures .823 Fires in coal .1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases '.4 Method of extinguishment .5 Preventive measures .824 Fires in sulphide ore .1 Theory .2 Causes .3 Actual cases .4 Methods of extinguishment .5 Preventive measures .83 Crushing and falls of ground .84 Flooding of mines . .85 Accidents to miners .851 Accidents due to falls of ground See 62283 .852 Accidents due to explosives and blasting .853 Haulage accidents .854 Hoisting accidents i .855 Accidents due to machinery ' .856 Electric shocks .857 Falling down shafts, chutes, etc. .858 Accidents due to explosions and fires See 022.81 .-iiul ()22.j<2 .859 Miscellaneous accidents .86 Rescue and relief .861 Mine rescue .1 Apparatus .2 Systems EXTENSION DECIMAIv SYSTEM OF CI.ASSIFICATION 49 622.861 .3 Actual cases 862 First aid .1 Outfits .2 Methods .3 First aid teams 867 Doctors 868 Hospitals See 622 975 869 Miners' insurance and compensation .87 Sicknesses of miners S Surface plants See 622.7S9 and 622.79 .91 Offices .911 General ofifices .912 Mine offices .92 Storehouses and yards .921 General storehouses .922 Powder houses .923 Tool houses .924 Oil houses .925 Lamp houses .936 Yards for lumber and other combustibles .937 Yards for steel and other non-combustibles .93 Shops .931 Blacksmith shops .932 Machine shops and foundries .933 Carpenter shops and sawmills .94 Power plants .941 Steam plants .942 Compressed air plants .943 Electric plants .95 Fan houses .96 Stables .97 Buildings for employees .971 Change houses, wash houses, dry houses, shift houses .972 Club houses .973 Dwellings .974 Stores .975 Hospitals 50 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 622.98 Fire protection .99 Arrangement of surface i:)lants see 622.69 623 Military and Naval Engineering .8 Naval architecture 624 Bridge engineering Arches Construction in wood, stone, and metal This classification includes whatever concerns the methods and principles of construction, so that th? computations and technical conditions may be es- tablished, or the way the movable parts act on each other For architectural features see "20, Architecture 624.0 General Subdivisions of 624.0 may be combined with the fol- lowing subdivisions, 624.1 — 624.9, for specifying details of construction under consideration .01 Classification of bridges according to the charac- acter of the material used •Oil Wooden bridges (1 Wooden pile bridg'es; 2 bridges on stone piers; 3 bridtres covered with iron) .012 Masonry bridges (1 Stone bridg-es; 2 brick bridges; 3 bridges of concrete, plain and reinforced) .013 Metal bridges on stone piers (1 Cast iron bridges; 2 iron and steel bridges) .014 Bridges entirely of metal (1 Bridges of cast iron; 2 bridges of iron aiul stet-l ) .02 Classification of l)ridges according to purpose .021 Bridge sidewalks for foot passengers .022 Road bridges (1 Carriage bridges: 2 railway bridges; abridges with iimre than one track; 4 bridges with more than one story) .023 Viaducts .024 Canal and aciueduct I)ridges .025 Tunnel bridges .026 Sluice and toll bridges .027 Movable and turning bridges .028 Military and temporary bridges (1 Wooden emergency bridges; 2 trestle briilges; 3 pontoon bridges; 4 portal)le metallic bridj;es) .03 Classification of bridges according to outline or type EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 51 624.031 .032 .033 .034 .03.5 .036 .041 .042 .043 .044 .045 .05 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .058 .06 .061 .062 Right bridges Skew bridges Curved bridges Single span bridges Bridges of multiple independent spans Bridges of continuous spans Determination and computation of component parts of bridges See also 620.1 — Resistance of materials Establishment of the general outline Working drawing Computation of loads, dead and alive Permanent loads, accidental loads, trial loads, wind loads, temperature stresses Computation of the dimensions Dimensions of arches (11 Curve ot pressure; 12 diagram of stability) Dimensions of timber work (21 Main tiniter.-,; 22 accessor} members; 23 wind bracinp) Dimensions of piles and abutments Computation of deformation Flexure, curve of defor- ation Computation of weight and cost (1 Weight of Parts; 2 net price) General conditions of location Methods of construction Determination of site Study of soil Location of approaches Choice of type Fixing the principal dimensions Height Width Determination of the waterway Estimating the flow Computation of eddies Organization of work yards Excavation and removals Preparation of component parts Assemblage Stone cutting Erecting, scafifolds, launching Trials, tests Masonry vaults and arches Various types Names according to rise or direction Right arches Skew arches Descending arches Full centered arches Flat arches Ascending arches Cylindrical arches Vaulted arches Names according to profile Circucan arches Basket handled or oval arches Elliptical or parabolic arches Pointed arches 52 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 624.0G3 Penetrating arches Vaulted arches with lunettes Grom arches cloistered arches Cloistered arches with plastered covering .064 Ring arches, vaulted or descending .065 Spherical vaults Simple domes Domes of cupola lights Partly cylindrical niches Overhanging arches Back-covering .07 Constituent parts Methods of construction .071 Intrados, Estrados, Soffit, Spandell .072 Voussoir, or keystone Height or rise Keys Counter keys Bed joints Rising joints Bearings or springers .073 Supports Upright pillars or props Drums Pen- dentives .074 Construction of arches, centering and scaffolding Ma- sonry work Dressing and laying stone Strik- ing the centers Complementary work Coping Spandrel Filling up .075 Computation and diagrams of arches .1 Computation of weight and loads ■2 Diagrams of arches (21 Curve of the intrados; 21 depth of the keystone) .3 Thickness of piers •4 Equilibrium polygon .5 Weight diagram ■6 Computation of weights .08 Trussed girders Component parts and compu- tations .081 Parts of trusses in ordinary wood Principal rafters, ties, struts, tie-beams, braces False tie-beams Hammer beams Purlins Brackets Wallplates Ridge-pole Luths .082 Special parts of trusses of jointed wood, curved, or of great span .083 Parts of metal trusses .084 Parts of composite trusses •085 Computation of loads and reactions .086 Computation of dimensions of parts .087 Computation of weight .1 Piers and abutments Foundation work .11 Foundations Generalities Nature of the soil See also 721.1, Foiuidations in general •111 Dry foundations .112 Foundations by draining EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 53 624.113 .114 ,115 .12 .121 .122 .1 .2 .3 .4 .123 .13 .14 .141 .142 .143 .144 .145 .15 .151 .152 .153 a .21 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .22 .221 Sunk concrete Cribs and frame foundations in general Foundations on piling In river beds Platforms and open caissons Foundations in soft earth Metal piers Foundations by compressed air Tubular caisson foundation in river beds Foundations in ground Movable caissons Montaigue system Abutments Abutments for wooden bridges Abutments for masonry bridges Dressing the abutments Abutments of loose stones Wing walls Curved walls Hollow abutments Abutments of metal bridges Wooden piles Stakes Masonry piles Piles of uniform strength Cut-waters Preparation of the piles Hollow piles Piles for floors Piles for bridges Metal piles With four uprights With more than four uprights Piles of uniform strength Beams Floors of bridges Shapes and arrangement Wooden bridges Primitive arrangements Simple beams Without beams Spurs Floors of beams Trussed beams and spliced beams For arch bridges see 624.61 American lattice bridges Towne's system American like St. Andrews cross Howe system Bridges of metal construction beams American trusses Simple metal trusses Trusses with rigid joints Trusses with solid core Iron and steel 54 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 624.22L3 Lattice trusses .4 Side pieces and crosses of St- Andrew .222 Trusses of concrete and reinforced concrete .223 American trusses with jointed connections .1 Simple American trusses (U The Warren triangrular system: 12 the Howe system: 13 the Pratt and Whipple systems; 14 protected trusses) .2 Composite American trusses (21 Warren multiple system: 22 Lin ville system; 23 Poat sys- tem; 24 the Bollman system) .3 Compound American truss (31 The Warren system; 32 the Pratt or Pettit system; 33 the Howe system; 34 the Funk system) 3 Metal lattice bridges Different kinds .31 \\'ith trusses of constant height Ordinary lattice .32 ^^'ith variable height or bowstring .33 Cantilevers .34 With joints or crane bridges .4 Metal tubular bridges .5 Suspension bridges Different kinds parts .51 General arrangement Different types .511 Bridges with flexible hangers (1 With sinjfle panel; 2 wiih several panels: 3 with auxiliary trusses; 4 with stays) .512 Bridges with rigid hangers .1 With parabolic cable and straight beams .2 With cable and parabolic beams .3 With parabolic cable and horizontal stringers .52 Suspension chains and cables ,521 Main cables .522 Reserve cables .523 Anchorage cables .524 Suspension chains and rods .53 Floors .54 Piers Towers .55 Abutments .\nchorages .6 Arch bridges Different kinds .01 Wooden bridges of one or more spans .02 Masonry liridges of Diie or more spans .(521 Stone bridges .622 Brick bridges .623 Plain and reinforced concrete bridges EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 55 624.63 .64 .65 .651 .652 .653 .66 .661 .662 .663 .67 .7 .71 .72 .73 .74 .8 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .881 .882 .883 .884 s .91 .911 .912 .913 Cast iron bridges on masonry piers, with one or more spans Bridges entirely of cast iron Steel and iron bridges on masonry piers Single span bridges Independent span bridges Continuous bridges Steel and iron bridges on metal piers Single span bridges Independent span bridges Continuous bridges Bridges with elevated arch Bridges of composite construction Bridges of nnlike spans in masonry and metal Bridges and viaducts with superimposed spans Metal bridges with several types of span Bridges with floor raised with lifts Movable and shifting bridges Methods of operation Draw bridges (pont-levis) Swing bridges Bascule bridges Trunion bridges Rolling bridges Bridges shifting in the air Jack-knife bridges Agencies for operating movable bridges Movement by hand Movement by hydraulic power Movement by steam Movement by electricity Roofs and framing Vawlts Construction adapted to considerable spans See also 695. coverings and 721.5 dwelling's Types of roofs Roofs of trusses Mansard roofs Roofs of curved beams 56 ILWNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 624.914 Roofs of great span (1 With wooden trusses; 2 with metal trusses; 3 with com- bined wood and metal trusses) .93 Vaulted edifices of masonry .921 Buildings of one nave .922 Buildings with coupled naves Aisles .93 Buildings of great width in masonry and in metal Public halls, etc. .94 Buildings entirely of metal Halls Markets Exposition buildings .95 Various metal construction Scaffolding Towers 625 Railway and road engineering A Railways Roadbed and work of construction .11 The survey and location .111 Preliminary studies Plans Special features of drawings (stations, branches, stonework, crossings on a level, tunnels) .112 Extent of the road .113 Longitudinal profile Grades Curves .114 Cross-sections Computation of earthwork .12 Sub-grade .121 Acquisition of land .122 Buildings and consolidating the embankments .123 Drainage of the foundation bed .13 Stone work, bridges and tunnels Ventilation of tunnels .14 The track .141 Ballast .142 Supports (ties, etc.) .1 General principles Longitudinal and tranverse soli- tary supports Comparison .2 Supports of wood .3 Supports of metal .4 Supports of reinforced concrete .5 Supports of stone .143 Rails and rail attachments .1 Forms of rails Weight of rails ,2 Quality of metal in rails Conditions of manufacture Tests .3 Wear and breakage of rails .4 Joints of rails Fish joints .5 Attachment of rails to supports Creeping I EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 57 625.144 Laying the track .1 Width and position of joints Length of rails Spacing the cross bars .2 Excess gauge and superelevation (bending) Laying track on curves .3 Splices .4 Operation of track laying Equipment of the track Branches (switches, frogs, switch blocks) Crossings Junction-crossings Turntables and swing bridges Car rollers or shifters Various accessory appliances (bufifers, cyclometers, etc.) Secondary installations Sheds and watchman's houses Section houses Right-of-way fences and bars at grade crossings Set- ting land marks Cultivation and planting Snow screens Approaches .15 .151 .152 .153 .154 .155 .156 .16 .161 .162 .163 .164 .165 .17 .171 172. .173 .174 .175 .176 .18 .19 Maintenance and renewals Condition of the road Dudley Maintaining the joints Dyna- Care of the road Inspection Control Current maintenance dynamometer mometer cars Repairs and renewals Clearing away snow Velocipedes for track inspection Changing the alignment Stores Road materials Accounts ♦2 RoIIingf stock (For locomotives, see 621.13) .205 Periodicals; .206 Societies; (Am. Assn. of Master Car Builders) .21 Cars and carriages, principal parts of .211 Frames .212 Axles Wheels Tires Balancing of wheels .213 Suspension .214 Provisions for lubricating Lubricants .215 Trucks Radial and convergent axles .216 Couplers and buffers Draft gears 58 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 625 22 Cross section of cars Clearance of bridges and tunnels Influence of length of cars on curves .23 Passenger cars .23 Types and comparison of types Seating capacity Weight .231 Compartment cars .232 Corridor or vestibuled cars Parlor cars Sleeping cars Dining cars, etc. .233 Lighting of cars ,234 Heating and ventilation of cars Sanitation .24 Freight cars .24 Generalities Capacity Weight .241 Flat cars .242 Hopper and dumping cars .243 Closed and covered cars .244 Refrigerator cars .245 Special cars Dynamometer cars (See o5o.22i.7) .246 Details of construction Use of steel in construction .247 Carunloaders Miscellaneous unloading and dumping devices .25 Brakes Hand, automatic, continuous, etc. Air brakes .26 Car repair shops .27 Supplies Materials .3 Inclined and mountain railways .4 Elevated and underground railways Subways ,5 Cable roads «6 Tributary railways or feeders Street railways .61 Triljutary railways from a technical standpoint .»j11 Traffic* taxes; .612 administration and operation: .613 sub grade; .614 track and track eiiuipment; .615 stations; .616 mot- ive power; .617 rollinc stock .62 Street railways Tramways .63 Traction systems .7 Roads and highways Country roads and city streets .71 Varieties of ordinary roads, according to the im- portance or purpose .711 Rural roads, wide nr narrow .712 Town roads (1 Thoroughfares, avenues, boulevards; 2 narrow streets, alleys: 3 covered ways; 4 squares; 5 promenades and public gardens-) EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 59 625.72 .721 .722 .723 .724 .725 .726 .73 .74 .741 .742 .743 .744 .745 .751 .752 .753 .76 .761 .762 .763 .764 .765 .766 .767 Surveys and maps of routes Drafting Staking out the line Longitudinal profile Curve notes Leveling Computation of excavation and embankment Various features of the route Roadbed Cross- sections (1 Cross-sections; 2 carriag-e ruts, crowning', inclines; 3 equip- ment; 4 sidewalks; 5 drains; 6 slopes; 7 retaining walb; 8 parapets) Method of road construction Construction equipment General questions Flag stones Stone pavements Wooden pavements Macadam roads Monolithic roads Cement, as- phalt, gavel and earth roads Equipment earth roads, macadam roads, paved roads Sidewalks, macadam, paved, flagging, brick, tiling, sand- stone, asphalt, wood Curbing Accessory construction (1 Bridges and culverts; 2 aqueducts; 3 manholes; 4 drains; 5 protection stones; 6 mile stones, sign posts; 7 cultivation; 8 lighting, lamp posts; 9 other features) Construction work Substructure Embankment Haul Shaping the cross-section Roadway Work of consolidation Accessory work Maintenance of way Maintenance of paved streets Replacing worn stones Maintenance of macadam roads The continuous repair method Closing to travel Ex- cessive sweeping Method of making repairs Use of material, of concrete Periodical ballasting Various methods Rolling Tarring or oiling the road Maintenance of wooden roads Maintenance of monolithic or concrete roads. Maintenance of asphalt roads Maintenance of foot paths Maintenance of cycle tracks 00 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 625.76S Current minor details of maintenance ,1 Sweeping Use of brooms Wheel sweepers .2 Scraping and removing wash water .3 Removal of filth .4 Removal of dead leaves and other debris .5 Removal of snow Cleaning by salt .6 Sanding and ice removal .7 Sprinkling Use of sprinklers, hose, water columns, sprinkling costs .8 Lighting .9 Other maintenance work .77 Planting trees and shrubs along the roads .771 Conditions to be observed Ways of planting Single, double or multiple rows Spacing the trees .772 Choice of species Species used .773 Operation of planting Trenches Transplanting Nur- series .774 Maintenance and protection of vegetation .78 Sanitation applied to streets and roads .79 Other work connected with roads .8 Paving stone, paving Macadamizing and other methods of consolidating roads .81 Paving stone .811 Stones used Different kinds Granite, limestone, mar- ble, etc. .812 Splitting and dressing paving stone .813 Puttin ■ in place .82 Stone p-.veinents •821 Stone used Granite Sandstone Porphyry Other hard stone .822 Preparing the stone .823 Making the stone pavement .1' The sand foundation .2 Layers of stones Curbs Old pavements .3 Setting the stone .4 Crossings .8.T Wooden pavements .831 Wood used Pine Hardwood .832 Preparation of the pavement .833 Making the pavement Staking out Fixing the profile of the concrete foundations Concrete foundations Laying the pavement EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 61 625.84 Concrete roads .85 Asphalt roads .86 Stone covered roads .861 Materials used Crushed stone Limestone Flint Quartz Sandstone, granite Hornblend Por- phyry Trap, basalt and lava Waste from pot- teries .862 Preparation of materials Crushing the stone Crush- ing by hammers Crushers Storing .863 Applying the metal covering .1 Method of Tressaquet .2 Macadamizing .3 Method of Poloncease .4 Metal on foundations .5 Metal without foundation .6 Diagonal waterways Catchbasins .7 Rolling Rollers, hand, horse, steam .87 Metallic roads Roads of vitreous stone Roads of reinforced stone .88 Establishment of side walks, curbing, flagging .89 Other work connected with paving .9 Other means of transportation on land .91 Ship railways .92 Transportation by aerial cables 626 Canal engineering 627 River, harbor and general hydraulic engineering A Rivers Force of water Discharge Bars ,2 Harbors Breakwaters .3 Docks, piers and quays Shipping facilities .4 Dikes and levies Embankments .5 Other protection and reclamation of land from tides and waves Drainage .6 Jetties ♦7 Dredging Dredging machinery .8 Dams .9 Light-houses Buoys 62 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 628 Sanitary engineering Waterworks Use same form divisions asunder 020 .{ Water supply of towns (For isolated water supply see 02s 7) .11 Sources of water supply: lakes, rivers, springs, wells and pumping ,12 Pumping vs. gravitation systems : pump-well, stand-pipe high ser\'ice Holly system .13 Storage and service reservoirs ,14 Conduits Aqueducts Tunnels .15 Mains and service pipes Freezing Iron Lead .16 Impurities and their removal Filter-basins, etc. .17 Public (sprinkling, fire, flushing), manufactur- ing, and domestic use and waste Meters .2 Sewerage works .21 Sewerage systems .211 Combined system .212 Separate system .213 Liernur system .214 Shone systems .215 Berlier system .216 Other systems .217 The outfall .218 Depth and alignment .219 Grade and velocity .22 Shape and size of sewers (1 storm water How; 2 ordinary flow: 3 circular section; 4 ordinary; egg'-shape; 5 other egtr-shapcs; 6 other forms; 8 formulas for size) .23 Ventilation of sewers (1 openings in streets; 2 lamp posts; 3 flues in houses; 4 pipes on houses; 5 house drains; (> chimneysand furnaces; 7 charcoal and chemicals to deodorize sewerage gas; 8 special mechanism; •9 special construction) .24 Design and construction of sewers .25 Sewer appurtenances (1 innctions; 2 house connections; 3 manholes and lampholes; 4'nushing shafts and fixtures; 5 catch basins and inlets: o traps and vcniilaior-; 7 valves and penstocks; S overflows and regu- lators; miscellaneous) .20 River crossings .27 Intercepting and outfall sewers .28 Reservf)irs and tank sewers .20 T^iinii)ing stations EXTENSION DECIMAIv SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 63. 628.3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .30 .37 .38 .39 A AT .42 .43 .44 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 628.5 .51 .52 .53 .54 Disposal of Sewage Physical properties of sewage Deoclorization and disinfection of solids and liquids (Seeois.237) Subsidence Precipitation (1 precipitation tanks; 2 mixing machinerj; 3 filter presses;, 4 precipitation bv salts of alumina; 5 by lime; 6 by salts of iron;, 7 by other methods; 8 disposal of sludge; 9 miscellaneous) Filtration Irrigation (1 broad irrigation; 2 ridge and furrow irrigation; 3 fiat bed irrigation; 4 sub-suface irrigation; 5 intermittent downward filtration; 6 carriers and appurtenances; 7 drains and drainage OH sewage farms; 8 filtration areas; 9 miscellaneous) Sewage farming Required modifications of or dinary methods Sewage manures Discharge into sea, etc. Sanitation of towns Middens and privies Pail system Earth closet systems Domestic ashes and garbage Public urinals and latrines Street cleaning and sprinkling Pavements and subways Trees in streets and squares Manufacture of fertilizers from town waste Industrial sanitation Factories and trades , ■ (1 prevention of dust and fumes; 2 protection of throat and eyesr 3 protection against infection; 9 special trades) Effluvium nuisances (1 situation of works; 2 use of high chimneys; 3 condensation in water; 4 combustion in furnaces; 9 special trades) Smoke nuisance (8 From steam generators; o Prom special industries) Disposal of solid and liquid wastes (1 discharge into streams; 2 absorbing wells and burial; 3 clarifl cation by subsidence; 4 cbemica 1 treatment; 5filtration: 6 purii fication by the soil; 9 special methods and special trades) 64 ILUNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 628.6 House drainage .7 Rural water supply Villages and country houses .8 Ventilation and heating (See 697, 628.23) Thi-i head is chiefly for ventilation. Most matter on heating goes in 047 .9 Lighting (Se ■ 021.32. 537..S3) 650 Communication Commerce 65 J Office equipment and methods 652 Writing Materials Typewriters 653 Stenography 654 Telegraphy (Fortelegraphand teIephoneenf,nneering see 621.38) .6 Telephones 655 Printing and publishing 656 Transportation Operation of railways' ♦J Transportation on roads and highways .2 Transportation by railways .21 Railway terminals and stations .211 Arangement of passenger stations ,212 Arrangement of freight and terminal stations .213 Stations for special purposes (coal, live stock, etc.) .214 Union stations Division of expenses .215 Heating and lighting of stations .22 Trains .221 Train resistance .1 Resistance of freight trains .2 Resistance of passenger trains .3 Resitance o fengines .4 Resistance on electric roads .5 Resistance of foreign rolling stock .6 Air resistance .7 Dynamometer cars (See 625.245) .222 Running of trains Schedules .223 Use of and distribution of rolling stock (1 Passenger cars; 2 FreiK'it cars: Rclurn of empty cars; Iiiter- clianjre of cars) .224 Passenger train service Postal service .225 Freight service Making up trains Tonnage rating .226 Baggage service EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 65 656.227 .228 .229 .23 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .24 .25 .25 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .258 .259 .26 Transportation of dangerous and perishable freight Military transportation Traffic and rates Transportation tolls and rates in general (Revision of rates Basing- rates Differential rates Zone tariffs, etc;) Cost of transportation Competition of railways Division of traffic Pools, agreements, etc. Passenger rates Rates for baggage, dogs, etc. Passes and reduced fares Freight rates Classification of freight Rates for transportation other than by railway Rates of porterag^e and drayage Steamer rates Street railway rates Accounting and auditing Supervision of receipts and expenses Damage Claims Responsibility Sounds Daltonism Delays Safety appliances General rules Signals in general Forms Colors Hand signals Train signals Fixed track and station signals Apparatus for long distance communication Bells and special warning signals Telegraph Telephone Communication between stations and running trains Various operating systems Train dis- patching Protection of trains in distress Staff and ticket system of controlling trains Block systems Simple manual block signals Electrically controlled manual block signals Automatic electric block signals Automatic pneumatic block signals Centralization of operation of switch and signal systems Interlocking switch and signal apparatus Electro-pneumatic interlocking devices Indirect blocking systems Electric slot Ring and key Locking of draw-bridges Other safety devices (Apparatus placed in trains CommunicatioQ between cars and with locomotive Speed indicators on trains or along- the track) Accessories to railway service Dray and cab service Buffets, restaurants and hotels 66 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 656.27 Operation of line with light traffic and of local and tributary railways .38 Accidents .280 Statistics General questions .281 Derailments ,282 Broken couplings Runaway cars .283 Collisions .284 Other accidents .285 Accidents to railway employees .296 Accidents to the public upon railway property .29 Miscellaneous questions relative to railway tratis- portation .3 Transportation by horseless vehicles .30 .31 .32 Automobiles .321 Types .1 Pleasure vehicles .2 Commercial vehicles .3 Agricultural vehicles .322 Motive powers .1 Internal combustion motors .2 Steam motors .3 Electric motors .323 Principal parts (excluding motors) (1 frames, spriii)?s, etc.; 2 clutches, brakes; 3 pear: 4 axles, dif- ferentials; 6 wheels, rims, tires; J:7 steering 'grear; 8 journals) .324 Design and construction .325 Testing .329 Maintenance, operation, laws, etc. 657 Book-keeping Accounting 660 Chemical technology 66 \ Chemicals (1 chemical elements; 2 acids; 3 alkalies; 4 salts) 662 Pyrotechnics Explosives 665 Oils Gases EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 67 665.2 Animal oils and fats 3 Vegetable oils and fats A Mineral oils Paraffin Asphaltum J Illuminating gases -8 Otiier gases 666 Ceramics Glasst etc* (1 Glass; 2 Enamel: 3 Ceramics; 4Clav; 5 Por and earthenware) 666.7 Bricks Tiles .8 Artificial stone .9 Cements Limes Mortars o67 Bleaching, dyeing, etc* 668 Other organic chemical industries o69 Metallurgy and assaying 669.J Iron and steel .11 Economic factors .111 Sources .112 Production .113 Costs .114 Prices .115 Uses .12 Nature and properties .121 Composition Analyses .122 Constitution .1 Thermal examinations Diagrams .2 Metallography .123 Physical properties Tests .124 Chemical properties Corrosion .13 Alloys .131 Nickel .132 Manganese .133 Chrome .134 Tungsten .135 Molybdenum .136 Vanadium 68 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 669.137 Silicon .138 Titanium .139 Other alloys .14 Extraction .141 Direct processes .142 Blast furnace process .143 Electric furnace process .15 Purification .151 Puddling processes .152 Open hearth processes .1 Acid .2 Basic .153 Bessemer processes .1 Acid .2 Basic .154 Electric furnace processes .16 Carburization .161 Cementation process .162 Crucible process .17 Founding .171 Melting .172 Molding .18 Treatment .181 Heat treatment .1 Hardening .2 Tempering .3 Annealing .182 Case hardening .183 Malleable cast iron process .184 Mechanical treatment .1 Forging .2 Rolling .3 Wire drawing .4 Pressing .5 Machining .185 Finishing .1 Sand blasting .2 Pickling .3 Painting .4 Galvanizing .5 Plating .6 Oxidized coating .7 Enameling EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 69 669.19 Plants 669.2 Gold and silver .21 Gold alone .211 Economic factors .1 Sources .2 Production .3 Costs .4 Purchasing power .5 Uses .212 Properties .213 Alloys .218 Chlorination .1 Theory .2 Vat chlorination process .3 Barrel chlorination process .219 Plants .22 Silver alone .221 Economic factors .1 Sources .2 Production .3 Costs .4 Prices .5 Uses .222 Properties .223 Alloys .228 Leaching .1 Hot water leaching Ziervogel process .2 Brine leaching Augustin process .3 Hyposerlphite leaching .31 Theory .32 Patera process .33 Russell process .229 Plants .23 Gold and silver .231 Amalgamation .1 Theory .2 Plate amalgamation process .3 Pan amalgamation process .235 Smelting .237 Refining and parting see 669.373, 669.473 and 669. 573 .238 Cyanidation .239 Plants 669.3 Copper .31 Economic factors 70 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 669.311 Sources .312 Production .313 Costs .314 Prices .315 Uses .32 Properties .33 Alloys .34 Roasting .35 Matte smelting .351 Reverberatory furnace process .352 Blast furnace processes .1 Smelting roasted ore .2 Pyritic smelting ^ .36 ' Copper smelting .361 Reverberatory furnace process for blister copper .362 Blast furnace process for black copper .363 Converting .37 Refining .371 Reverberatory furnace process .372 .373 Electrolytic process .38 Leaching .381 Rio Jinto process .382 Hunt and Douglas processes .383 Neill process .384 Henderson process .39 Plants 669.4 Lead .41 Economic factors .411 Sources .412 Production .413 Costs .414 Prices .41S Uses .42 Properties .43 Alloys .44 Roasting .45 Smelting .451 Ore hearth process .452 Reverberatory furnace process .453 Blast furnace process EXTENSION DECIMAIy SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 71 669.46 .47 Refining .471 Pattinson process .472 Parkes process .473 Electrolytic process .48 Leaching .49 Plants 669.5 Zinc .51 Economic factors .511 Sources .512 Production .513 Costs •514 Prices .515 Uses .52 Properties .53 Alloys .54 Roasting .55 Smelting .56 .57 Refining .571 Reverberating furnaces process .572 .573 Electrolytic process .58 Leaching .59 Plants .6 Tin .7 Mercury and other metals .8 General factors of roasting, smelting, refining .81 Fuels .811 Theory of combustion .812 Solid fuels .1 Wood .2 Charcoal .3 Peat .4 Lignite .5 Bituminous coal .6 Coke .7 Anthracite .813 Liquid fuels .814 Gaseous fuels 72 ILUNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 669.814.1 Natural gas .2 Producer gas .3 Water gas .4 Coal gas .5 Blast furnace gas .82 Refractories .831 Theory .822 Siliceous refractories .1 Sand .2 Gannister .3 Silica brick .4 Carborundum and siloxicon .823 Argillaceous refractories .1 Fire clay .2 Common clay .824 Aluminaceous refractories .1 Bauxite .2 Fused alumina .825 Carbonaceous refractories .1 Graphite .2 Carbon brick .826 Chromitic refractories .827 Alkaline earth refractories .1 Magnesia .2 Dolomite .3 Lime .828 Rare earth refractories .7 Zirconia .2 Tungsten .829 Application and maintenance .1 Cements .2 Tamping implements .9 Repair materials and methods .83 Furnaces .831 Roasting and calcining furnaces .1 Theory of roasting and calcining .2 Heaps .3 Stalls .4 Kilns .5 Revcrberatory furnaces .51 Hand .52 Mechanical .521 With plane hearths .522 With conical hearths .523 With cylindrical hearths .6 Muffles EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 73 669.831. .832 .71 .72 .1 .2 .3 .31 .32 .4 .5 .6 .833 .834 .835 .836 .837 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 669.9 .91 .911 .912 .913 .92 .921 .922 .923 .924 .925 .926 Blast roasting furnaces With intermittent discharge Pots With continuous discharge Smelting furnaces Theory of smelting Hearths Reverberatory furnaces Direct fired Regenerative Blast furnaces Converters Electric furnaces Liquation furnaces Distillation furnaces Retorts Sublimation furnaces Refining furnaces Melting furnaces Pyrometry Flue gases and dusts Slags Mattes and speisses Metals and alloys Metallography Samplingf, assaying, preliminary operations Sampling Sampling ores and fluxes Theory Taking samples Preparing samples Sampling works Sampling metals Theory Methods Sampling gases Theory Methods Assaying Fire assaying Wet assaying Electrolytic assaying Coal analysis Oil analysis Gas analysis 74 ILIylNOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 669 93 Drying .94 Crushing . 9 5 Briquetting see 622.-83 and 622.789.5 670 Manufactures (In this division ma v be placed items that do not properly belong under 621; such as items relating- to textile mills or machinery, the manu- facture of shoes, etc.) 680 Mechanic Trades 690 Building 69 (001) Statistics (002) Quantities and costs Prices, etc. (003) Contracts and specifications (01) Theories of construction (02) Compends, treatises, text books, etc. (07) Education, teaching, etc. (See form divisions pp, 7 and 8) 691 Materials Processes Preservatives For Streng-th of materials, see 620.1 For Uses of prepared materials, see 6P3 to 699 A "Woods .18 Preservation of woods 69 J. 2 Natural stone Protection .211 Limestone .221 Granite .231 Sandstone, ordinary .24 Slate .29 Preservation .3 Artificial stone Concrete .31 Beton coigniet .32 Ransome .33 Hollow l)lock .34 Selenitic .35 Lime concrete .36 Cement concrete .37 .39 Aggregate .4 Bricks Tiles Ceramic .46 Tiles .47 Tiles, hollow structural I EXTENSION DECIMAL, SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 75 691.471 Floor .472 Roof and ceiling .48 Terra cotta .49 Sewer tiles «5 Lime Cement Plaster .51 Lime, ordinary .53 Lime, hydraulic .53 Lime, selenitic .54 Cement, natural .55 Cement, portland or artificial .56 Plaster of paris .57 Keene's cement ,6 Glass «7 Iron Steel Anti-rust processes .71 Cast iron .72 Malleable cast iron .73 Wrought iron .74 Steel, blister or tool .75 Steel, crucible .76 Bessemer steel .77 Open hearth steel .78 .79 Protection of iron and steel .791 Painting .792 Tinning .793 Galvanizing (Zincking) .794 Electroplating .8 Other metals S Other materials .91 Mineral wool .92 Hair .93 Paper .95 Asbestos .96 Asphalt Tar ?2 Plans Specifications^ etc* A General drawings 76 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 692.2 Detail drawings .3 Specifications .4 Contracts Agreements Bids Advertisements ,5 Estimates Quantities Cost ♦6 Superintendence ,7 Supervision of Accounts .8 Professional services Fees Commissions .9 Building laws Liabilities of architects, owners, and contractors .91 State or general laws .93 City ordinances .93 Town or village ordinances .94 Trade rules .95 Liabilities of architects .96 Liabilities of owners .97 Liabilities of contractors .98 Lien laws 693 Masonry Plastering ■ Fire-proofing ♦J Stone construction .2 Brick construction 3 Terra cotta construction ,4 Hollow tiles and porous terra cotta .5 Concrete and beton construction .51 Massive .52 Layers .53 Hollow block .54 Sidewalks .55 Ornamental .6 Plastering .7 Reinforced concrete .71 Systems '11 .712 Ransome's Ordinary I T) »_ T EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION Y/ 693.713 Unit .714 Hennebique .715 Roebling .72 Fonns and centers .73 Testing and inspection .74 Data from experiments .75 Formulas .76 Special applications .8 Fire-proofingf .81 Systems .82 Walls and partitions .83 Flors .84 Roofs .85 Columns .86 Girders .87 Trusses .88 Vaults 694 Carpentry Joinery Stairbuilding 695 Roofing 695A Shingle .2 Slate .3 Tile A Metal .5 Iron and steel .6 Asphalt, tar, etc. .7 Felt and gfravel .8 Cloth .9 Thatch, etc. 696 Plumbing Gas and steam fitting A Plumbing .2 Gas-fitting: .3 Steam-fitting .4 Rivets and riveted joints 78 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 696.5 Screws and screw joints .6 Rust and caulked joints J Anchors Bond irons .8 Other branches .9 Plumbing laws 697 Heating and ventilating A Fireplaces a Stoves .3 Furnaces, hot air .4 Hot water .41 High pressure .42 Low pressure .43 Low pressure with steam mains .5 Steam .51 High pressure .52 Low pressure .53 Exhaust steam .54 Vacuum .6 Gas .61 Illuminating .62 Fuel .63 Natural .64 Acetylene .7 Electric and other methods ^ Smoke flues and chimneys .9 Ventilation Ducts Fans .91 Natural system .92 Plenum .93 Exhaust .94 Fresh air ducts .95 Foul air ducts .96 Treatment of air .97 Regulation of air supply .98 Fans EXTENSION DECIMAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION 698 Painting Glazing Paperhanging 699 Car and shipbuilding 720 Architecture 72 J Architectural construction A Foundations .2 Walls .3 Piers Cplumns A Arched constructions .5 Roofs .6 Floors and flooring .7 Ceilings .8 Doors Gates Grilles "Windows .9 Iron and composite structures 722 Ancient and oriental architecture 723 Mediaeval architecture 724 IVlodern architecture 725 Public buildings A Administrative Governmental .2 Business and commercial ♦3 Transportation and storage .31 Railway passenger stations .32 Railway freight stations .33 Railway shops, roundhouses, car houses .34 Dock buildings .35 Wr.re houses Cold storage .36 Grain elevators .38 Garages .4 Manufactories .41 Textile factories or mills .42 Breweries Distilleries 80 ILLINOIS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION 725.43 Foundries Machine shops Iron and steel work .44 Wood-working mills .45 Carriage and car factories S Hospitals and asylums .6 Prisons and reformatories .7 Refreshment Baths Parks .8 Recreation .9 Other public buildings 726 Ecclesiastical and religious 727 Educational and scientific 3 Colleges and universities .4 Professional and technical schools .5 Laboratories 728 Residences 729 Architectural design and decoration 740 Drawing Decorations Design 741 Freehand 742 Perspective 744 Mathematical and scientific 760 Engraving 770 Photography RELATIVE INDEX A Tests of 621.533 Wet 621.517 Absorption dynamometers 531.4 Air engines 621.4 Absorption of heat 536.3 motors 621.541 Abutments for bridges 624.12 624.55 pressure gages 621.532 Accidents, in mines 622.S refrigerating machines 621.565 Railway 656.28 resistance (railway trains) 656.221.6 Statistics of railway 656.28 supply, Regulation of (venti- to railway employees 656.285 lation) 697.97 to public upon railway prop- Alcohol engines 621.434.24 erty 656.296 Algebra 512 Accounting 657 Alkalies (chemistry) 661.3 Railway 656.237 Alkaline accumulators 621.356 Shops, manufactories and en- Alloys of iron and steel (S ;e gineering works 621.706 Steel) 669.13 Accounts, Supervision of Alternating current, convert- (Building) 692.7 ors 621.313.5 Accumulators, Electric (See generators 621.313.43 Storage batt.) 621.354 machinery 621.313.3 Alkaline 621.356 transmission systems ( 321.319.123 Lead (See Lead accumula- Aluminaceous refractories 669.824 tors) 621.355 Amalgamation of gold and si 1- Other types of 621.357 ver 669.231 Accumulators, Water 621.254 Ammeters 621.374.4 Acids (chemistry) 661.2 Ammonia, absorption machin es 621.573 Acoustics 534 compression machines 621.572 Acyclic machines 62 1.313.291 Analyses, of iron and steel 669.121 Adhesion of locomotives 621.131.1 of coal 669.924 Administration of manufactories 621.704 Administrative buildings 725.1 Aeronautics 533.6 Agillaceous refractories 669.823 Air 533 Flow of, in pipes 621.534 Air brakes 625.25 Air compression 621.5 Theory of 621.534 Thermodynamics of 621.534 Air compressors, Dry 621.515 Efficiency of 621.534 of gas 669.926 of oil 669.925 Analytical geometry 516 Anchorage (suspension bridges) 624.55 696.7 722 622.651.3 620.198 621.46 665.2 669.181.3 .553.25 Anchors (plumbing) Ap'^ient architecture Animal haulage (mines) Animal materials, Tests of Animal motors Animal oils Annealing (steel) Anthracite coal 81 I 82 RELATIVE INDEX. Aqueducts 628.14 Braking devices for 656.323 Arch bridges 624.6 Clutches for 656.323.2 Arched constructions (arch i- Design and construction of 656.324 tecture) 721.4 Frames for 656.323.1 Arches 624 Gears for 656.323.3 Architects, Liabilities of 692.9 Journals for 656.323.8 Architectural construction 721 Laws for 656.329 Architectural design and deco- Motive power of 656.322 ration 729 ]\Iotors for 656.322 Architecture 720 Principal parts of 656.323 Ancient and oriental 722 Operation of 656.329 Mediaeval 723 Stearing gears for 656.323.7 Modern 724 Tires for 656.323.6 Naval 623.8 Types of 656.321 Arc lamps 621.325 Wheels for 656.323.6 Alternating current enclosed 621.325.5 Auto-transformers 621.314.4 Alternating current open 621.325.4 Axles, Car 625.212 Continuous current enclosed 621.325.3 Locomotive 621.134.1 Continuous current open 621.325.2 Radial and convergent 625.215 Arc lighting 621.325 Arc rectifiers 621.313.73 B Arithmetic 511 Baggage rates 656.234 Artificial cement 601.55 service 656.226 Artificial stone (sec Stone, \r- Balancers (electric) 621.313.27 tificial) 601.3 620.130 Balancing of car wheels 625.212 Asbestos for building 691.95 Ball bearings 621.822 Ash conveyors 621.183.78 Ballast (railways) 625.141 Ash pits (locomotives) 621.133.2 Bascule bridges 624.83 (stationary boilers) 621.183.55 Basins, Filter 628.16 Asphalt ("building material^) 691.06 Baths, Public 725.7 roads 625.85 Batteries, Primaiy 621.353 roofing 605.6 Storage (See Storage bat - Asphaltuna 62 0.196 665.4 teries) 621.354 Assaying 669 669.92 Beams (bridges) 624.2 Astronomy 520 Bearings 621.822 Asylums (architecture) 725.5 Ball and roller 621.822 Asynchronous machines 621.313.6 Metals for 621.822 Atmosphere 533.3 Bell signals 656.254 Atmosphrric electricity 5.37.4 Belt gearing 621.852 Auditing, Railway 656.237 Bending machinery 621.982 Automatic, electric block sig Berlier system of sewerage 628.215 nals (-.56.2,56.3 Besemer process for steel 669.153 shaft governor engines 621.164.3 Acid 669.153.1 tele[)hono systems 621.3S5.75 Basic 669.153.2 Automobiles 656.32 Beton coignict (artificial stone) 691.31 Axles for 656.323.4 construction ( iniilding) 693.5 RELATIVE INDEX 83 Bevel gears 621.833.2 Bids (building construction) 692.4 Binary vapor engines 621.44 Bissell trucks 621.135.4 Bituminous coal 553.24 shale 553.23 Blast furnaces 621.76 Blowing engines for 621.61 Blasting 622.238 Bleaching (chemical technology) 667 Blocking systems, Indirect 656.258 Block systems 656.256 Automatic electric 656.256.3 Automatic pneumatic 656.256.4 Electrically controlled man- ual 656.256.2 Simple manual 656.256.1 Blocks and tackles 621.863 Blowers (forge shop) 621.732 Centrifugal 621.63 Piston 621.61 Rotary 621.62 Blowing engines 621.6 Blue printing processes 621.716 Boiler, accessories 621.184.7 casing 621.184.54 construction 621.184.5 domes 621.184.52 drums 621.184.52 economy 621.184.13 feeding (locomotive) 621.133.7 (stationary) 621.194.2 feedwater 621.184.13 Treatment of 621.194.3 ferules 621.184.53 firing 621.194.1 floaters 621.184.72 flues 621.184.57 foundations 621.184.57 furnaces 621.183 gage glasses 621.184.72 hand holes 621.184.55 heads 621.184.52 incrustation 621.194.4 inspection 621.194.7 manholes 621.184.55 manometers masonry plants pressure gages rating rings riveted joints safety valves shell setting shops steam collectors tests hydraulic tubes tubesheets types water gages whistles, warning zincs Boilers Bracing of Corrosion of Firetube (tubular) Flash generators 621.184.73 621.184.57 621.19 621.184.73 621.194.7 621.184.53 621.184.52 621.184.73 621.184.56 621.792 621.184.79 621.184.13 621.194.7 621.184.53 621.184.52 621.184.2 621.184.72 621.184.72 621.184.79 621.184 621.194 621.184.52 621.196.5 621.184.25 621.1S4.S7 Instantaneous vaporizing 621.184.27 Locomotive 621.133 621.184.23 IManagement of 621.193 Marine 621.184.22 Portable 621.184.23 Scale prevention in 621.194.4 Setting and hanging of 621.184.56 Stationary 621.184.24 Staying of 621.184.52 Traction 621.184.23 Water tube 621.184.26 Wear and duration of 621.194.196 Bolt and nut machinery 621.99 Bohs 621.882 Borers, Churn (hand) 622.241.1 (machine) 622.242.1 Rotary (hand) 622.241.2 (machine) 622.242.2 Bonding of rails 621.333.4 Bond irons (plumbing) 696.7 Book-keeping 657 Boosters, Continuous current 621.313.28 84 REI.ATIVE INDEX Boring, mills Mine Hand Machine Bowstring bridges Brakes (in mills) Brakes, Air Friction 021.945 622.24 622.241 622.242 624.32 621.826 625.25 531.4 Hand, automatic, continuous 625.25 Locomotive 621.135.5 on tenders 621.136.1 Braking devices for automobiles 656.323 Breakers. Circuit 621.317.36 Breakwaters 627.2 Breast water-wheels 621.22 Breweries. Architecture of 725.42 Brick (building material) 691.4 (chem. tech.) 666.7 clays 553.61 construction 693.2 Tests of 620.14 Bridge beams 624.2 floors 624.2 engineering 624 shapes 624.2 Bridges 624 Arch 624.6 Cast iron, masonry piers 624.63 Cast iron complete • 624.64 Elevated (arch) 624.67 Masonry 624.62 Steel and iron, masonry piers 624.65 Steel and iron, metal piers 624.66 Wooden 624.61 Cantilever 624.33 Classification of, according to materials 624.01 according to purpose 624.02 according to type 624.03 Clearance of 625.22 Computation of parts of 624.04 Composite construction of 624.7 Conditions of location 624.05 Foundations for 624.11 metal. Reams and floors for 624.22 Metal lattice 624.3 Ordinary lattice 624.31 Bow string 624.32 Cantilever 624.33 Crane 624.34 Methods of construction 624.07 624.05 Movable and shifting 624.8 Bascule 624.83 Draw 624.81 Jack knife 624.87 Operating mechanism for 624.88 Rolling 624.85 Swing 624.82 Shifting in the air 624.86 Trunion 624.84 Railway 625.13 Suspension 624.5 Abutments for 624.55 Anchorages for 624.55 Floors for 624.53 Piers for 624.54 Suspension chains and ca- bles for 624.52 Towers for 624.54 Types of 624.51 Tubular 624.4 Vaults and arches for 624.06 wooden. Beams and floors for 624.21 Briquetting of coal 622.788 Brine system of refrigeration 621.565.1 Broaches (for quarrying) 622.222 Buckets for mine hoisting 622.68 Buckets of steam turbines 621.165.12 Buffers (railway cars) 625.216 Buffets (railway service) 656.26 Building 690 I'uiUling construction, Cost of 692.5 Superintendence of 692.6 Building laws 092.9 Building material 691 Artificial stone 691.3 Asbestos 691.95 Asphalt 691.96 Brick, tiles 691.4 Cement 691.5 RELATIVE INDEX 85 Building Material. — Continued. Concrete 691.3 Glass 691.6 Granite 691.221 Hair 691.92 Iron and steel 691.7 Lime 691.5 Limestone 691.211 Mineral wool 691.91 Paper 691.93 Plaster of Paris 691.56 Preservatives for 691 Sandstone 691.231 Slate 691.24 Stone (natural) 691.2 Tar 691.96 Terra cotta 691.48 Woods 691.1 Building plans Cspecifications, etc.) 692 Building processes 691 Building stones 553.5 for building 691.2 Buildings, Administrative 725.1 Business and commercial 725.2 Cast iron in 691.71 Dock 725.34 Ecclesiastical 726 Educational 727 Exposition 624.94 Governmental 725.1 Masonry 624.93 Metal 624.94 Public 725 Recreation 725.8 Religious 726 Scientific 727 Shop 621.702 Storage 725.3 Transportation 725.3 Buoys 627.9 Transportation 625.92 621.319.34 621.319.34 622.68 669.831 517 536.6 621.83 621.838 626 386 553.23 621.581 Cab service (transportation) 656.26 Cable roads 625.5 Cables, aerial, by Cables (elec. trans.) Telephone and telegraph Cages (mining) Calcining furnaces Calculus Calorimetry Cams Design of Canal engineering Canals from economic aspect Cannel coal Can system of ice making Cantilever bridges (see Bridges, Cantilever) 624.33 Trusses 624.22 Capital 331 Relation of, to labor 331.1 Capstans 621.864 Car axles 625.212 Carbonic acid refrigerating ma- chines 621.574 Carbon filament incandescent lamps 621.326.3 Carbon series (econ. geology) 553.2 Carbon vapor lamps 621.327.5 Car, building 699 factories 725.45 frames 625.211 houses 725.33 repair shops 625.26 unloaders 625.247 wheels 625.212 Carburization of steel 669.16 Cementation process 669.161 Crucible process 669.162 Carpentry 694 Carriage factories 725.45 Carriages (mine hoisting) 622.68 Carriages, railway, Principal parts of 625.21 Cars. Closed and covered 625.243 Compartment 625.231 Corridor or Vestibule, Parlor, Sleeping 625.232 86 relative: index Cars. — Continued. Cross section of 625.22 Dining 625.232 Dynamometer 656.221.7 Dynamometer and special 625.245 Electric 621.334.3 Flat 625.241 Freight 625.24 Heating of 625.234 Hooper and dumping 625.242 Interchange of 656.223.2 Lighting of 625.233 Mine 622.63 Passenger 625.23 Principal parts of 625.21 Refrigerator 625.244 Sanitation of 625.234 Suspension of 625.213 Ventilation of 625.234 Cast iron (in buildings) 691.71 Case hardening of 669.182 Manufacture of 669.17 Catch basins for sewers 628.255 Cattle-guards 6r25.162 Caulked joints (plumbing) 696.6 Ceilings (architecture) 721.7 Ceiling tile 691.472 Cells, Primary 621.353 Secondary 621.354 Cement, Building 691.5 concrete 691.36 Keene's 691.57 Natural 691.54 Portland or artificial 691.55 Tests of 620.13 620.15 Cements (chcm. tech.) 666.9 Cements, Mineral 553.68 Central power stations (steam end of) 621.19 Central stations 621.312 Combined 621.312.5 for lighting only 621.312.2 for power transmission 621 312.4 for traction only 621.312.3 Centrifugal blowers 621.63 P"mp!= 621.67 Ceramic products (building ma- terials) 691.4 Ceramics (chem. tech.) 666 Chain gearing 621.835 Channelers (for quarrying) 622.223 Cliains, Hoisting 622.674 Chemical elements 661.1 technology 660 Chemical deodorization of sewer gas 628.237 Chemistry 540 of foundry irons 621.745 Children, Labor of 331.3 Chimneys (boiler plants) 621.183.8 (heating and ventilation) 697.8 (sanitation) 628.236 Choke coils 621.314.6 Chrome steel 669.133 Circuit breakers 621.317.36 Circulating pumps 621.197.3 Claims (transportation) 656.24 Classification of freight 656.235 drawings 621.717 Clay 666.4 Fire and brick 553.61 Clearance of bridges and tunnels 625.22 Cloth roofing 695.8 Clutches 621.825 Friction 621.825 Coal and ash conveyors 621.183.78 Coal, Anthracite and graphic anthracite 553.25 Bituminous and semi-bitumin- ous 553.24 Briquetting of 622.788 Cannel 553.23 Coking of 622.787 Concentration of, by crushin g and screening 622.786 Crushing of 622.782 Mining of (methods) 622.33 Picking of 622.781 Plants for preparation of 622.789 Pneumatic concentration of 622.785 Preparation of 622.78 Screening of 622.783 RELATIVE INDEX 87 Coal. — Continued. Washing of 622.784 Cocks, Air 621.184.79 Coking of coal 622.787 Cold storage 621.565 Cold storage warehouses 725.35 Colleges (buildings) 727.3 Collisions (railway) 656.283 Columns, Architecture of 720.3 Fireproofing of 693.85 Combustion 621.182 536.46 in locomotive boilers 621.133.1 of effluvia in furnaces 628.524 of fuel 621.182 Commerce 380, 650 commission. Interstate 385.7 Commercial buildings 725.2 Communication 380 650 Communication between stations and running trains 656.254 Communication, Long-distance (transportation) 656.254 Communication of heat 536.2 Compartment cars 625.231 Compends, Engineering 620.2 Compensators 621.313.27 Competition of railways 656.233 of railways and steamship lines 385.2 Compound locomotives 621.134.4 Distribution in 621.134.4 Compressed air. Applications of 621.54 Applications of, in railway ser- vice 621.544 conduits 621.532 drills 621.542 engines 621.42 locomotives . 621.545 mains 621.532 piping 621.532 Pumping by 621.546 Reheating of 621.534 transmission and distribution of 621.53 Compressibility of gases 633.2 Compression, Air 621.5 Theory of 621.534 Compressors, Air 621.51 Concentrators, Coal 622.785 622.786 Ore 622.75 Concrete (building construction) 693.5 (building material) 691.3 Cement 691.36 construction. Hollow block 693.53 Lime 691.35 Reinforced (See Reinforced concrete) 693.7 Tests of 620.13 Condensation in steam pipes 621.185.1 of effluvia in water 628.523 Condensers (electric) 621.315.3 Jet 621.197.63 Steam 621.197.6 Surface 621.197.62 Telephone 621.386.5 Conductors (electric) 621.319.2 621.319.3 Insulated 621.319.33 Uninsulated 621.319.32 Conduits, Compressed air 621.532 for water 628.14 Underground transmission 621.319.23 Conservation of energy 531.6 Continuous current boosters 621.313.28 compensators or balancers 621.313.27 convenors 621.313.25 dynamotors 621.313.26 generators 621.313.23 machinery 621.313.2 motors 621.313.24 transmission systems 621.319.122 Contractors, Liabilities of 692.9 Contracts (building) 692.4 Engineering 62(003) Prison 331.5 Control devices (electric) 621.317.4 Convergent axles (cars) 625.215 Convertor substations 621.312.64 Convertors, Continuous cur- rent 621.313.25 Alternating current 621.313.5 Frequency 621.313.67 Motor 621.313.57 RELATIVE INDEX Converters. — Continued. Phase 621.313.68 621.313.54 Synchronous 621.313.53 Conveying machinery 621.86 Conveyors. Ash 621.183.78 Fuel 621.183.78 CooHng towers 621.197.64 Copper. Alloys of 669.33 Smelting of 669.36 Economic factors concerning 669.31 Leaching of 669.38 Matte smelting of 669.35 Metallurgy of 669.3 Plants for the production of 669.39 Properties of 669.32 Refining of 669.37 Roasting of 669.34 Corridor cars 625.232 Corrosion of boilers 621.196.5 Cost-keeping in manufacturing 621.706 Cost of building construction 692.5 of transportation 656.232 Costs in engineering 62(002) Cotters 621.883 Country roads 625.7 Counter balancing of locomo- tives 621.135.2 Couplers and buffers 625.216 Coupling arrangements for ten- ders 621.136.2 Couplings (mecli. tech.) 621.825 Covering for steam piping 621.185.6 Crane bridges 624.34 Cranes 621.87 Hydraulic 621.263 Locomotive 621.875 Revolving 621.873 Traveling 621.874 Cranked axles (locomotives) 621.134.1 Crookes tubes 621.327.7 Crossarms for overhead lines 621.319.224 Crossings (railway) 625.152 Cross-tics for track 625.142 Crushing (mining) 622.73 Coal 622.782 Cupola practice 621.745 Curves Crnilway) 625.113 Cutting of gears 621.834 Cutting machinery (metal) 621.932 Cylinders, Locomotive 621.134.1 D Daltonism 656.251 Damage in transportation 656.24 Dams 621.29 627.8 Dangerous freight, Transporta- tion of 656.227 Dangers (mining) 622.81 Decoration 740 Architectural 729 Decorative illumination by elec- tricity 621.321.4 Delays in transportation 656.24 Deodorization of solids and liquids 628.32 Derailments 656.281 Derricks 621.872 Descriptive geometry 515 Design 740 Architectural 729 of automobiles 656.324 of cams 621.838 of engine parts 621.11 of gears 621.833 of machine parts 621.8 of refrigerating systems 621.566 of riveted joints 621.884 of sewers 628.24 of steam turbines 621.165.3 of tenders 621.136.1 Designs, Engineering 62(004) Detail drawings 692.2 Dial switches (electric) 621.317.33 Dictionaries, Engineering 620.3 Die press machinery 621.984 Dies, jigs, etc. 621.756 Differential rates 656.231 Dikes 627.4 Dining cars 625.232 Direct current machinery 621.313.2 Direct current trans, sys. 621.319.122 Direct expansion refrigeration 621.565.2 RELATIVE INDEX 89 Disinfection of solids and liquids 628.32 Disposal of sewage 628.3 Disposal of solids and liquid wastes 628.54 Distilleries, Architecture of 725.42 Distribution of compressed air (See Compressed air) 621.53 Distribution and use of freight cars 656.223.2 Dock buildings 725.34 Docks 627.3 Domes, Locomotive 621.133.6 Boiler 621.184.52 Doors (architecture) 721.8 Double current generators 621.313.56 Draft appliances (boiler fur- naces) 621.183.8 Draft gears (rolling stock) 625.216 Drafting rooms - 621.71 Arrangement of 621.712 Equipment of 621.713 Materials and supplies for 621.714 Drainage, House 628.6 of land 627.5 of mines (see Mines, Drainage of) 622.5 of railway road bed 625.123 of sewage farms 628.367 Drains for steam piping 621.185.5 Draw-bridges 624.81 Locking of 656.258 Drawing 740 Freehand 741 Mathematical 744 Methods and processes of 621.753 Perspective 742 Drawings (building) 692.1 Classification and storage of 621.717 Engineering 62(004) Dray and cab service 656.26 Dredge engines 621.167 Dredges 621.866 Mining 622.216 Dredging 627.7 machinery 627.7 Drifting, Tunnelling (mining) 622.26 Drill holes, Breaking from, without explosives 622.236 Drilling (mining) 622.235 Drilling machinery 621.952 Drills 621.95 Pneumatic 621.542 Driving mechanism of locomo- tives 621.134.1 Drop forging 621.734 Drop forging processes 621.733 Drums, Boiler 621.184.52 Hoisting 622.673 Dry sand molding 621.743 Ducts, Foul air 697.95 Fresh air 697.94 Dumping cars 625.242 Dust, Prevention of 628.511 Dyeing (chemical technology) 667 Dynamical electricity 537.5 Dynamics 531.3 Dynamoelectric machinery 621.313 Manufacturing processes for 621.318 Tests of 621.313(007) Dynamometer cars 625.245 656.221.7 Dvnamometers 531.21 531.4 621.197.7 Dynamos General details of Operation of Tests of Dynamotors 537.38 621.313 621.313(0051) 621.313(0064) 621.313(007) 621.313.26 Earth closet systems 628.43 Earthwork, Computation of 625.114 Earthy economic materials 553.6 Ecclesiastical buildings 726 Economic aspects of canals and highways 386 Economic geology 553 Economizers, Fuel 621.197.2 Economy, of boilers 621.184.13 Political 330 Edifices, Vaulted, of masonry 624.92 90 RELATIVE INDEX. Education 370 Engineering 620.7 Educational and scientific build- ings 727 Effluvia, Combustion of, in fur- naces 628.524 Condensation of, in water 628.523 Effluvium nuisances 628.52 Egg-shaped sewers 628.224 Elastic limit 620.112.3 Elasticity 539.3 Electric block signals 656.256.3 cars 621.3.34.3 energy, Transmission of 621.319 lighting 537.83. 621.3 locomotives 621.334.2 methods of measuring tem- peratures 536.53 railways (interurban) 621.331.33 power plants 621.312 Combined 621.312.5 for lighting 621.312.2 for power transmission 621.312.4 for railways 621.312.3 roads, Resistance on 656.221.4 signs 621.321.44 slot 656.258 testing 621.37 Electric traction 621.33 Accessories for 621.332.7 Bonding for 621.333.4 Catenary suspension for 621.332.23 Control system for 621.334.4 Feeders for 621.332.17 Leakage & electrolysis in 621.333.167 Locomotives for 621.334.2 Motor cars for 621.334.3 Rails for 621.333.2 Rolling stock for 621.334 Running gear for 621.334.7 Street railways 621.331.342 systems 621.331.2 systems according to current 621.331.4 alternating 621.331.43 ''irect 621.331.42 systems according to delivery of power 621.331.5 overhead trolley 621.331.53 third rail 621.331.56 underground trolley 621.331.54 systems according to service 621.331.3 interurban 621.331.33 trunk 621.331.32 Third rail for 621.332.3 Track for 621.333 Trackless 621.332.25 Trolley lines for 621.332.2 Underground conductor for 621.332.5 Wiring for 621.334.5 Electrical engineering 621.3 Heavy current 621.31-.37 Weak current 621.38 Electrical instruments & meters 621.37 measurements 621.37, 537.7 Electrically controlled manual block signals 656.256.2 Electricity (physics) 537 Application of 621.39, 537.8 applied to medicine 537.87 Atmospheric 537.4 Dynamical 537.5 Generation of 621.31 Heating by 697.7 ^liscellaneous applications of 621.39 Nature of 537.1 Statical 537.2 Theory of 537.1 Transmission of 621.319 Electrodes for voltaic cells 621.352.2 Electrodynamics 537.6 Electrolysis 621.352.4 by stray currents 621.333.167 Electrolytic rectifiers 621.313.74 Electrolytes for voltaic cells 621.352.4 Electro-metallurgy 537.85 Electrometers 621.374.3 Electroplating for protection 691.794 Electro-pneumatic interlocking devices 656.257 Electrostatic apparatus 621.315 T'llcctro-therapcutics 537.87 I RELATIVE INDEX 91 Elements, Chemical 661.1 Elevated railways 625.4 Electric 621.331.343 Elevators 621.87 Grain 725.36 Hydraulic 621.263 Embankments (levees, etc.) 627.4 Emery 553.65 Emery wheels 621.923 Employees (shops and manu- factories) 621.705 Accidents to railway 656.285 Enamel 666.2 Enameling iron and steel 669.185.7 Energy, Conservation of 531.6 Engine, of locomotives 621.134 parts, Design of 621.11 shafts 621.824 Engineering 620 Bridge 624 Canal 626 compends 620.2 contracts and specifications 62(003) costs 62(002) dictionaries, etc. 620.3 drawings and designs 62(004) education 620.7 Electrical 621.3 Heavy current 621.3 L-.37 Weak current 621.38 essays 620.4 handbooks 620.2 History of 620.9 Hydraulic 621.2 instruments 620.7 materials 620.1 Mechanical 621 Military 623 Mining 622 Naval 623 periodicals 620.5 quantities and costs 62(002) Railroad and road 625 reports 62(009) River, harbor, hydraulic 627 Sanitary 628 Statistics of 62(001) Steam 621.1 Steam marine 621.12 societies 620.6 Study and teaching of 620.7 tables and calculations 620.8 Telegraph and telephone 621.38 works 621.7 Engines, Automatic shaft gov- ernor 621.164.3 Alcohol 621.434.24 Binary vapor 621.44 Blast furnace blowing 621.61 Blowing 621.6 Compressed air 621.42 Dredge 621.167 Fire 621.68 Funicular 621.262 Gas (see Gas engines) 621.43 Gasoline 621.434.21 Hauling 621.167 Heat 621.4 Hoisting 621.167 Hoisting (mining) 622.672 Hot air 621.41 Hydraulic 621.2 Kerosene 621.434.22 Locomotive 621.134 Marine 621.12 Portable 621.15 Pumping 621.64 Releasing gear (Corliss, etc.) 621.164.4 Resistance of (locomotive) 656.221.3 Rotary 621.166 Single acting 621.164.5 Solar 621.47 Special types of 621.167 Stationary 621.16 Throttling 621.164.2 Traction 621.14 Types of engines 621.112 vapor, Binary 621.44 Water pressure 621.25 Wind 621.45 Engraving 760 Equalizing levers. Locomotive 621.135.3 91' RELATIVE INDEX Equipment of drafting rooms 621.712 of forge shop 621.732 of foundry 621.742 of machine shop 621.752 Erecting (machinery) 621.755 Essays, Engineering 620.4 Estimates (building construction) 692.5 Estimates (shops and manufac- tories) 621.706 E.xcavation (mining) 622.21 Exhaust pipe, Locomotive 621.133.5 Exhaust steam, Heating by 697.53 Exhausters 621.62 Exploitation of mines 622.3 Exploration (mining) 622.1 Explosions in mines (see Mines) 622.81 Explosives (chemical tech.) 662 for mining 622.237 Exposition buildings 624.94 Exterior illumination by elec- tricity 621.321.3 Extraction (mining) 622.6 Factories, Sanitation of 628.51 Carriage and car (architecture) 725.45 Textile (architecture) 725.41 Fan blowers and exhausters 621.62 Fans (ventilation) 697.98 Fastenings (machine design) 621.88 Fatigue of metals 620.112.3 I'aults (mining) 622.16 Feed water, appliances 621.197.2 Boiler 621.184.13 filters, etc. 621.197.2 heaters 621.197.2 purifiers 621.197.2 Treatment of 621.194.3 Feeders (electric traction) 621.332.17 Felt roofing 095.7 Fences (railway or road) 625.162 Fertilizers made from town wastes 628.49 Filing machines 621.92 Filter basins 628.16 presses (sewerage) 628.343 Filters, Feed water 621.197.2 Filtration of sewage 628.35 Fire bo.x of locomotives 621.133.2 Fire clays 553.61 Fire engines 621.68 Fireplaces, Heating by 697.1 Fire-proofing (building construc- tion) 693.8 of columns 693.85 of floors 693.83 of girders 693.86 of partitions 693.82 of roofs 693.84 of trusses 693.87 of vaults 693.88 of walls 693.82 Systems of 693.81 Fire tube boilers 621.184.25 Flaming arc lighting 621.325.6 Flanging machinery 621.984 Flash generators 621.184.27 Flat cars 625.241 Floaters (boiler) 621.184.72 Flood gates 621.29 Floor tiles 691.471 Floors and flooring (architecture) 721.6 of bridges 624.2 Floors, Fireproofing of 693.83 Flow of air in pipes 621.534 of fluids 536.74 of liquids 532.5 of rivers 532.5 of steam 621.185.1 of water in pipes 532.5 Muc gases and dusts 669.85 Flues (sewer ventilation) 628.233 Boiler 621.184.57 Fluids. Flow of 536.74 l'"lushing shafts and fixtures (sewers) 628.254 Force and its measure 531.21 Forced draught 621.183.85 Force, Tractive, of locomo- tives 021.131.1 I'orco. Transmission of 531.8 RELATIVE INDEX 93 Forge shop 621.73 Arrangement of 621.731 Equipment of 621.732 Materials and supplies for 621.738 Forging, Drop 621.734 Iron and steel 669.184.1 machines. Hydraulic 621.266 processes 621.733 Forms and centers for reinforced concrete 693.72 Foul air ducts (ventilation) 697.95 Foundations (architecture) 721.1 Boiler , 621.184.57 Founding of iron and steel 669.17 Foundries (architecture) 725.43 Foundry 621.74 Arrangement of 621.741 Cupola practice 621.745 Equipment of 621.742 irons, Chemistry of 621.745 Materials and supplies for 621.748 Four-cycle gas engines 621.432.1 Frame plates. Locomotive 621.135.1 Frames, Car 625.211 Hoisting 622.675 Locomotive 621.135.1 Freehand drawing 741 Freezing of mains 628.15 Freight — and terminal stations 656.212 Freight cars 625.24 Details of construction of 625.246 Use and distribution of 656.223.2 Weight and capacity of 625.24 Freight, Classification of 656.235 dangerous and perishable. Transportation of 656.227 rates 656.235 service 656.225 stations (railway) 725.32 trains. Resistance of 656.221.1 Frequency changers 621.313.55 converters 621.313.67 indicators or meters 621.374.7 Fresh air ducts (ventilation) 697.04 Friction 531.4, 621.89 brakes 531.4 clutches of gears of steam in pipes Theory of Fuel, consumption of locomotives conveyors economizers for locomotives gas, Heating by 621.825 621.832 621.185.1 531.4 621.182.3 621.133.1 621.183.78 621.197.2 621.133.1 697.62 Fuels, Comparative consump- tion of 621.182.4 for boiler heating 621.182.2 Fumes, Prevention of 628.511 Funicular engines 621.262 Furnace appliances (boiler) 621.183.7 fittings 621.183.5 grates 621.183.52 Furnaces (boiler) 621.183 Blast roasting 669.831.7 Distillation 669.834 Hot air 697.3 Liquation 669.833 Melting 669.837 Metallurgical 669.83 parts. Construction and details of 621.183.5 Smelting 669.832 Sublimation 669.835 Types of 621.183.2 Gage cocks (locomotive) 621.133.9 glasses (boiler) 621.184.72 Gages, Compressed air 621.532 Boiler water 621.184.72 Steam 621.197.7 Steam pressure 621.184.73 Galvanizing (protection of iron) 691.793 , 669.185.4 Galvanometers 537.86 621.374.4 Garages 725.38 Garbage 628.44 Gas and steam fitting 696 Gas engine power plants 621.434.1 94 RELATIVE INDEX Gas engines Applications of to air ships to automobiles to farm machinery to marine service to motor boats Four-cycle Parts and accessories of Theory of Two-cycle using blast furnace gas using acetylene using alcohol using gasoline using illuminating gas using kerosene using natural gas using producer gas using solid fuels Gas, Heating by illuminating Natural producers turbines Gases (chem. tech.) Flue Kinetic theory of Laws of compressibility of Physical theory of Properties of Sampling of Thermodynamics of Gasoline engines Gates, Architecture of Flood Gearing, Belt Chain Friction Machinery and mill Ratchet Gears Bevel and skew bevel Construction of Cutting and casting of 621.43 Design of 621.833 62L438 Draft 625.216 62L438.7 Efificiency of 621.832 621.438.4 Friction of 621.832 621.438.3 Spur 621.833.1 621.438.6 Tests of 621.832 621.438.5 Valve 62L84 621.432.1 Worm and spiral 621.833.3 621.437 Generation of electricity 621.31 621.431 of steam 621.18 621.432.2 Generators, Alternating cur- 621.434.13 rent 621.313.43 621.434.15 Continuous current 621.313.23 621.434.24 Double current 621.313.56 621.434.21 Flash 621.184.27 621.434.12 Induction 621.313.63 621.434.22 Geology 550 621.434.11 Applied (mining) 622.11 621.434.14 Economic 553 621.434.3 Geometry 513 697.6 Analytical 516 665.7 Descriptive 515 553.28 Girders, Fireproofing of 693.86 621.434.14 for bridges, Trussed 624.08 621.433 Lattice (metal) 624.3 533 Glass 666.1 665 Glass (building material) 691.6 669.85 Glazing 698 533.7 Gold, Metallurgy of 669.2 533.2 Alloys of 669.213 533 Chlorination of 669.218 533.1 Economic factors concerning 669.211 669.913 Properties of 669.212 536.71 Plants for the prod, of 669.219 621.434.21 Governmental buildings 725.1 720.8 Grades and curves (railways ) 625.113 621.29 Grain elevators 725.36 621.8.52 Granite (building material) 691.221 621.835 (iranitcs (geology) 5.53.52 621.858 Graphic statics 531.3 621.85 Graphitic anthracite coals 553.25 621.837 Grates, Furnace 621.183.52 621.83 Locomotive 621.133.2 621.833.2 Gravel roofing 695.7 621.834 Gravity .531.5 621.834 Green sand molding 621.743 I RELATIVE INDEX 95 Grilles, Architecture of 720.8 Grinding machinery 621.92 Grinding machines (cylinder and surface) 621.932 Guide vanes (steam turbines) 621.165.13 Guys for overhead lines 621.319.223 H Hair for building 691.92 Hammers, Power 621.97 Pneumatic 621.542 Hand books, Engineering 620.2 Hand signals 656.252 Hanging of boilers 621.184.56 Harbor engineering 627 Harbors 627.2 Shipping facilities of 627.3 Hardness of materials 620.112.6 Haulage in mines (see Mines) 622.6 Hauling engines 621.167 Head and tail races 621.29 Heat 536 Applications of 536.8 combustion 536.46 Communication of 536.3 Effects of 536.4 engines 621.41 motors, Thermodynamics of 536.73 Reflection, refraction, radiation, and absorption of 536.3 tables, problems, and questions 536.9 Theory and nature of 536.1 Heaters, Feed water 621.197.2 Heating and ventilation 628.8, 697 by fireplaces 697.1 by gas (acetylene, fuel, natural, illuminating) 697.6 by hot air furnaces 697.3 by hot water 697.4 by steam 697.5 by stoves 697.2 of cars 625.234 of railway stations 656.215 Hemp rope transmission 621.853 Hennebique system (reinforced concrete) 693.714 Highways 635.7 from economic aspect 386 History of engineering 620.9 Hoisting engines 621.167 in mines (see Mines) 622.6 machinery 621.86 Hoists 621.862 Hydraulic 621.263 Hollow concrete blocks 693.53 Hollow tile for building con- struction 693.4 Homopolar machines 621.313.291 Hopper cars 625.242 Horseless vehicles. Transporta- tion by 656.3 Horsepower of locomotives 621.131.1 Plospitals 725.5 Hot air engines 621.41 Furnaces 697.3 Hotels (railway service) 656.26 Hot water heating 697.4 High pressure 697.41 Low pressure 697.42 Low pressure with steam mains 697.43 House drainage 628.6 House drains (ventilation) 628.235 House wiring 621.328.2 Hydraulic cranes 621.263 devices used in steel works 621.264 elevators 621.263 engineering 627 engines and motors 621.2 forging 621.733 machines 621.266 hoists 621.263 lime 691.52 machinery and appliances 621.26 for steel works 621.264 mining appliances 621.269 presses 621.266 pumps 621.252 injection 621.267 rams 621.27 96 RELATIVE INDEX Hydraulic, rams. — tonti)iucd. compressing 621.;i74 lifting 621.272 pumping 621.273 stamping machines 621.266 tackle 621.262 tunneling devices 621.269 Hydraulics (general theory) 532 Hydrostatics I Ice machines 532 621.5 making 621.58 Can system of 621.581 Plate system of 621.582 Illuminating gas 665.7 Illumination by electricity 621.321 Decorative 621.321.4 Exterior 621.321.3 Interior 621.321.2 Impact tests 620.112.5 Impurities in water 628.16 Incandescent lamps 621.326 Carbon filament 621.326.3 Metal filament 621.326.4 Metallized filament 621.326.31 Osmium filament 621.326.44 Platinum filament 621.326.41 Tantalum filament 621.326.42 Tungsten filament 621.326.43 Vapor lighting 621.327 Incandescent lighting 621.326 Inclined railways 625.3 Incrustation of boilers 621.194.4 Indicators, Frequency 621.374.7 Steam engine 021.197.7 Indirect blocking systems 056.258 Induction, apparatus, Station - ary 021.314 coils 621.314.7 generators 621.313.63 motors 621.313.64 Industrial sanitation 628.5 Injection pumps, Hydraulic 621.207 Injectors (boiler plants) 021.197.3 Injectors (locomotive) 021.133.7 Inlets for sewers Inspection of boilers of reinforced concrete Instruments, Engineering for boiler tests for engine tests Insulating materials Insulators Pins for 028.255 021.184.55 693.73 620.7 621.197.7 621.197.7 621.319.37 621.328.5, 621.319.4 621.319.224 Insurance, Compulsory 331.2 Intercepting sewers 628.27 Interior illumination by elec- tricity 621.321.2 Interior wiring 621.328.2 Interlocking devices, Electro-pneumatic 656.257 Interlocking switch and signal apparatus 656.257 International agreements relative to railways 385.6 Interstate commerce commission 385.7 Interurban electric railways 621.331.33 Iron, Alloys of 669.13 Analyses and tests of 669.121 Bessemer process for refining of 669.153 Acid 669.153.1 Basic 669.153.2 Chemical properties of 069.124 liconomic factors concerning 669.11 Electric furnaces for refining of 669.154 E.xtraction of 009.14 Blast furnace process for 069.142 Direct process for 669.141 Electric furnace process for 669.143 Forging, etc. of 669.184.1 Founding of 669.17 Galvanizing of 669.185.4 in building construction 691.7 mains and service pipes 628.15 Manufacture of 609.14 ^r^'ltiIlg of 609.171 Metallurgy of 669.1 Mixtures of (foimdry) 621.74.") Moulding of 609.172 RELATIVE INDEX 97 Iron.- — Continued. Nature and properties of 669.12 Open hearth process for refin- ing of 669.152 Acid 669.152.1 Basic 669.152.2 ore 553.3 Painting of (protection) 691.791 Physical properties of 669.123 Protection of 691.79 Puddling process for refining of 669.151 Purification of 669.15 roofing 695.5 Structure and composition of 669.12 structures (architecture) 721.9 Tests of 620.17 Working, manipulation and treatment of 669.17, 669.18 Irons, founding, Chemistry of 621.745 Irrigation by sewage 628.36 J Jack knife bridges 624.87 Jet 553.22 Jet condensers 621.197.63 Jetties (river engineering) 627.6 Jigs, Construction of 621.756 Joinery 694 Joints, Screw 696.5 Riveted 696.4 Rust and caulked 696.6 Journals 621.821 Junctions (railway) 625.153 K Keene's cement 691.57 Keys 621.883 Kerosene engines 621.434.22 Kinematics, General theory of 531.1 Kinetic theory of gases 533.7 Kinetics 531.3 Knife switches (electric) 621.317.32 Laboratories (architecture) 727.5 Labor and wages 331 Labor, Cheap foreign 331.6 Child 331.3 Convict 331.5 Hours of 331.81 Organization of 331.87 Payment of 621.705 Pauper 331.6 Places of danger for 331.82 Premium system of paying 621.705 Relation of, to capital 331.1 Skilled 331.7 strikes 331.89 trade unions 331.88 unions 621.705 Unskilled 331.7 Women 331.4 Lciboring classes 331.8 Food, clothes, shelter for 331.83 Helps, lectures, libraries and reading rooms for 331.85 Morals and habits of 331.84 Training and apprenticeship for 331.86 Lamp posts as ventilators 628.232 Lamps, Arc (See Arc light- ing) 621.325 Incandescent (See Incandes- cent lighting) 621.326 Nernst 621.326.53 Land, Drainage of 627.5 Land, Reclamation of, from tides and waves 627.5 Lapping machines 621.922 Lathes, Metal turning 621.942 Wood turning 621.943 Latrines 628.45 Lattice bridges, Metal 624.3 Laws, Building 692.9 Engineering 62(007) of compressibility 533.2 Plumbing 696.9 Lead accumulators 621.355 Cadmium lead types 621.355.58 I 98 RELATIVE INDEX Lead accumulators. — Continued. Care and handling of 621.355.18 Combined Plante Faure types 621.355.4 Complex Oxid types 621.355.52 Copper lead types C21.355.56 Faure types 621.355.3 Lead element of 621.355.55 Plante types 621.355.2 Zinc lead types 621.355.57 Lead, Alloys of 669.43 Economic factors cone. 669.41 Leaching of 669.47 Metallnrcy of 669.4 Plants for prod, of 669.49 Properties of 669.42 Refining of 669.47 Roasting of 669.44 Smelting of 669.45 Lead mains and service pipes 628.15 Levees (river engineering) 627.4 Liabilities of architects 692.9 of contractors 692.9 of owners 692.9 Lien laws (building construc- tion) 692.98 Liernur system of sewerage 628.213 L'Rht 535 Lights, Search 621.325.7 Lighthouses 627.9 Lighting 628.9 Arc 621. ,325 Electric 621.32 Incandescent 621.326 ^^ cars 625.233 of mines 622.46 of railway stations 656.215 Lightning arrestors 621.319.82 rods 537.4 Lignite 553.22 Lime concrete 691.35 Lime for building 691.5 Ilyrlraulic 691.52 Ordinary 691.51 Selenitic 691.53 Limes and mineral cements 553.68 Limes Crhemical technology) 666.9 Limestone (building material) 691.211 Limestone (geology) 553.51 Lines, Electric 621.319.2 Liquids 532 Liquids, Flow of • 532.5 Loam molding 621.743 Location and survey (railways) 625.11 of manufactories of shafting and machines Locking of draw-bridges Locomotive ash pit axles boiler. Attachments to boilers r, transverse bracini brakes boxes cranes cylinders dome Engine of the exhaust pipe firebox frame plates frames fuel consumption fuels gage cocks grates injectors pistons and rods pumps repair shops running gear safety valves shell slide valves smokebox and stack springs, saddles, equalizing lev 621.701 621.751 656.258 621.13 621.133.2 621.135.2 621.135.1 621.133 621.135.1 621.135.5 621.135.2 621.875 621.134.1 621.133.6 621.134 621.133.5 621.133.2 621.135.1 621.135.1 621.133.1 621.133.1 621.133.9 621.133.2 621.133.7 621.134.1 621.133.7 621.138.5 621.135 621.133.9 621.133.3 621.134.2 621.133.4 Stays tenders (See Tenders) Tiieory of the tbrnttlc trucks 621.135.3 621.133.2 621.136 621.131 621.133.6 621.135.4 RELATIVE INDEX 99 Locomotive. — Continued. tubes 621.133.3 valves 621.134.2 wheels, boxes, and axles 621.135.2 Locomotives, Adhesion of 621.131.1 Combustion of fuel in 621.133.1 Compound 621.134.4 Counterbalancing of 621.135.2 Driving mechanism of 621.134.1 Electric 621.334.2 Horsepower of 621.131.1 Lubrication of 621.134.5 Maintenance and repair of 621.138 Management of 621.137 Mine 622.662 Production of steam in 621.133 Scale prevention in 621.133.7 Steam distribution in 621.134.2 Supplies and materials for 621.139 Suspension of 621.135.3 Tests of 621.131.3 Tractive force of 621.131.1 Types of 621.132 Longwall methods (mining) 622.331 Long distance communication 656.254 Lubricants 621.89 Lubricants (railway^ cars) 625.214 Lubrication of locomotives 621.134.5 M Macadamizing of roads 625.8 Machine molding 621.744 parts, Designs of 621.8 shops 621.75 Architecture of 725.43 Arrangement of 621.751 Equipment of 621.752 Supplies and materials for 621.758 Tool making for 621.756 tools 621.9 Design of 621.901 Power required for 621.902 (shop equipment) 621.752.1 Machinery and mill gearing 621.85 Bending 621.982 Bolt and nut 621.99 Dredging 627.7 Drilling 621.953 Flanging and die press 621.984 Hoisting and conveying 621.86 Metal sawing 621.932 Nail and rivet 621.97 of transmission 621.8 Perforating 621.95 Punching and shearing 621.96 Wood boring 621.953 Wood planing 621.913 Wood sawing 621.933 ^Machines, Grinding and filing 621.92 Pipe threading 621.944 Planing 621.91 Refrigerating 621.57 Screw 621.99 Tapping 621.955 Theory of 531.8 Machining iron and steel 669.184.5 Magnetic surveys 622.15 Magnetism 533 Mains, Compressed air 621.532 Freezing of 628.15 Water 628.15 Maintenance of locomotives 621.138 ^laintenance of way 625.17 Malleable cast iron (in build- ings) 691.72 Malleable cast iron, Manufac- ture of 669.183 Management of locomotives 621.137 ^Manganese steel 669.132 Manholes (boilers) 621.184.55 for sewers 628.253 for underground transmis- sion 621.319.234 Manometers. Boiler 621.184.73 Manual block signals, Electric- ally controlled 656.256.2 Manufactories 621.7 Architecture of 725.4 Location of 621.701 Organization and administra- tion of 621.704 Shipping facilities of 621.701 100 RELATIVE INDEX Manufactures (miscellaneous) 670 Manures, Sewage 628.38 Marbles (geology) 55:i.5l Marine boilers 621.184.22 - engines 621.12 Markets ( huildings) 624.94 Masonry (building construction) 693 Adhesive tests of 020.15 Boiler 621.184.57 Materials, Strength of 539.4 620.1 Building 691 Mathematics 510 Mathematical drawing 744 Measurements, Electric 621.37 537.7 Measures, Weights and 389 Mechanical concentration (misc.) 622.77 concentration (wet) 622.7.5 crushing 622.73 engineering 621 haulage (mining) 622.66 preparation of coal (See Coal) 622.78 preparation of mine products 622.7 screening 622.74 slime treatment 622.76 stokers 621.183.6 Mechanic trades 680 Mechanics 531 Applied 620.1 Tables, problems, questions re- lating to 531.0 Mechanism of steam engine 621.11 Mechanism, Principles of 621.81 Mediaeval architecture 723 Medicine, Application of elec- tricity to 537.87 Mercury, Metallurgy of 669.7 Mercury vapnr lamps 621.327.4 Metallurgical furnaces 660.83 Mctallurg>' 669 of copper 669 3 of gold and silver 669.2 of iron 669.1 of lead 669.4 of mercury 669.7 of tin 669.6 of zinc 669.5 Aleial tilanicnt incandescent lamps 621.326.4 Metalized filament incandes- cent lamps 621.326.31 :\Ietallography 669.89 -Metal mining, Methods of 622.34 planers, shapcrs, slotters 621 912 roofing 695.4 sawing and cutting machinery 621.932 turning lathes 621.942 Metals, and alloys of 669.88 Fatigue of G20. 112.3 Sampling of 669.912 Meter transformers 621.314.38 Meters, Electric 621.373, 621.328.6 Ampere hour 621.374.4 Calibration of 621.372 Current 621.374.4 Electromotive force 621.374.3 l-'reciuency 621.374.7 General types of 621.371 Phase and power factor 621.374.91 Potential 621.374.3 Power 621.374.6 Recording 621.373 Resistance, inductance, capac- ity 621.374.2 Special 621.374 Standards for 621.372 Switcliboard 621.317.6 AN'ater 628.17 \\'att hour 621.374.5 Watt meters 621.374.6 Middens 628.41 Militarj' engineering 623 transportation 656.229 Mill dams 621.29 gearing 621.85 sluices 621.29 Milling machines 621.91 Mills, Architecture of 725.41 Rolling and drawing 621.77 Wind 621.45 Mill work 621.8 Mine, accidents 622.8 First aid in 622.862 RELATIVE INDEX 101 Mine. — Co n tinned. cars, trams, etc. 622.63 doctors 622.867 employees, Buildings for 622.97 excavation 622.21 Water for 622.215 hospitals 622.868 prospectuses 622.19 rescue and relief 622.86 surveying 622.14 Mineral, cements 533. 6S material. Tests of 620.195 oils 665.4 preparation plants 622.79 properties, Examination of 622.18 surveys 622.131 wool (building material) 691.91 Mineralogy 549 Miners, Accidents to 622.85 Insurance and compensation of 622.860 Sickness of 622.87 Mines, Boring in 622.24 Breaking solid ground for 622.23 Cable ways and grab buckets for 622.213 Dams and water tight linings for 622.56 Dangers and accidents in 622.8 Drainage of 622.5 Without raising water 622.52 Drilling in 622.235 Explosions in 622.81 Coal dust 622.812 Marsh gas 622.811 Extraction of minerals from 622.6 Fan houses for 622.95 Fires in 622.82 Coal 622.823 Gob fires 622.822 Sulphide ore 622.824 Flooding of 622.84 Fusible deposits in 622.37 Handling of minerals in 622.61 Hand pumps for drainage of 622.58 Haulage in 622.6 by men and beasts 622.65 Mechanical 622.66 Mines. — Co iitin u cd. Hoisting engines in 622.672 Hoisting in 622.6 by men and beasts 622.65 Mechanical 622.67 Hoisting of water in 622.55 Lighting of 622.46 Liquid and gaseous deposits in 622.38 Locomotives for 622.662 Models of ^ 622.17 Offices for 622.91 Open working of 622.31 Placer working of 622.32 Power plants for 622.94 Shops for 622.93 Signaling in 622.48 Siphon for drainage of 622.59 Soluble deposits 622.36 Special waters in, Handling of 622.57 Stables for 622.96 Store houses and yards for 622.92 Surface plants of 622.9 Arrangement of 622.99 Fire protection for 622.98 Surface pumps for drainage of 622.53 Theory of drainage of 622.51 Thick deposits in 622.35 Transportation in 622.6 by gravity 622.64 Railway 622.692 Surface 622.69 Tramway (aerial) 622.693 Underground pumps in 622.54 Underground roads in 622.62 Ventilation of 622.4 Air-ways, etc., for 622.45 Fans and blowers for 622.44 Natural 622.42 Mechanical, without machin- ery 622.43 Theory of 622.41 Working of 622.3 Mining, Appliances, Hydraulic 621.269 Coal (methods of) 622.33 engineering 622 faults 622.16 Metal 622.34 I 102 KKLATIVE INDEX Milling. — Coutiiiued. Placer 622.32 Practical 622.2 Mixing machinery (sewerage ) 628.342 Mixtures of iron (foundry) 621.745 Modern architecture 724 Molding machines 621.744 processes 621.743 Molecular physics 539 structure 539.1 Molybdenum steel 669.135 Moore lamp 621.327.5 Mortars (chemical technolog y) 666.0 Motor cars (for electric trac- tion) 621.334.3 Motor-convertors 621.313.57 Motors, Air 621.541 Animal 621.46 Automobile 656.322 Constant speed 621.313.245 Continuous current 621.313.24 Hydraulic 621.2 Induction 621.313.64 Repulsion 621.313.66 Series A. C. 621.313.65 Synchronous 621.313.44 Mountain railways 625.3 Movable bridges (see Bridges. Movable) 624.8 Muffles 669.831.6 Multiplex telegraphy 621.382.35 N Nail and rivet machinery 621.97 Natural, cement 691.54 gas 553.28 Heating by 697.63 Naval architecture 623.8 engineering 623 Nernst lamps 621.326.53 Nickel steel 669.131 No/zlcs Cstcam turbine) 621.165.13 Nut ni.'uliiiiory 621.99 Ocean transportation 387 Office equipment 651 methods 651 Ohm meters 621.374.2 Oils (chemical technology) 665 Animal 665.2 Mineral 665.4 Vegetable 665.3 Oil switches, Electric 621.317.35 Open hearth processes 669.152 Acid 669.152.1 Basic 669.152.2 Operating systems (transporta- tion) 656.254 Operation of tributary railways 656.27 of railway lines with light traffic 656.27 of railways 656 of signal systems 656.257 of street railways 625.612 of switch signals 656.257 Optics 535 Ore concentrators 622.75 deposits 553.1 dressing 622.7 Ores of iron 553.3 of metals other than iron 553.4 Sampling of 669.911 Organization of manufactories and shops 621.704 Oriental architecture 722 Oscillographs 621.374.7 Osmium filament incandescent lamps 621.326.44 Outfall (sewerage) 628.217 Outfall sewers 628.27 Overshot water wheels 621.22 Owners, Liabilities of 692.9 Packings, Steam 621.185 Painting 698 Painting iron and steel 601.791 RELATIVE INDEX 103 Panels for interior wiring 621.328.3 Panels, Switchboard 621.317.2 Paper for building 691.93 Paperhanging 698 Paraffin 665.4 Parks, Public 725.7 Parlor cars 625.232 Partitions, Fireproofing of 693.82 Passenger cars 625.23 Types of 62.5.23 Use and distribution of 656.223.1 Weight of 625.23 rates 656.234 stations, Arrangement of 656.211 Lighting of 656.215 Railway- 725.31 train service 656.224 trains. Resistance of 656.221.2 Passes and reduced fares 656.234 Patents (engineering) 62(008) Pattern making 621.724 Pattern shops 621.72 Arrangement of 621.721 Equipment of 621.722 Materials and supplies for 621.728 Patterns, Preservation and stor- age of 621.727 Pavements, Sanitation of 628.47 Stone 625.82 Wooden 625.83 Paving of roads and streets 625.8 stone 625.81 Peat 553.21 Penstocks 621.29 for sewers 628.257 Perforating machinery 621.95 Periodicals, Engineering 620.5 Perishable freight, Transport a- tion of 656.227 Perspective drawing 742 Petroleum 553.28 for locomotives 621.133.1 Phase convertors 621.313.68 621. 313. .54 indicators 621.374.91 Photography 770 Physical properties of iron Physical properties of sewage Physical theory of gases Physics Physics, Molecular Pickling (iron and steel) Piece work Piers (architecture) (harbor engineering) for bridges for suspension bridges Pig iron. Manufacture of Piles, Masonry Metal 669.123 628.31 533 530 539 669.185.2 621.705 721.3 627.3 624.1 624.54 669.14 624.14 624.15 Wooden, for bridge foundation 624.13 Pins, Insulator 621.319.224 Pipe coverings 621.185.6 fittings. Compressed air 621.532 threading machines 621.944 Piping, Compressed air 621.532 connections for steam piping 621.185.3 Joints in 621.185.7 of refrigerating systems 621.566 Steam 621.185 water, High pressure 621.253 Piston blowers 621.61 Pistons, Locomotive 621.134.1 Placer workings 622.32 Planers (for metals) 621.912 Planing machines 621.91 for wood 621.913 Plans for buildings 692 Plastering (building construction) 693 Plaster of Paris (building ma- terial) 691.56 Tests of 620.15 Plate system for ice making plants 621.582 Platinum filament incandescent lamps 621.326.41 Plenum system of ventilation 697.92 Plug & feathers (for quarrying) 622.221 Plug switches, Electric 621.317.34 Plumbing 696 Plumbing laws 696.9 104 RELATIVE INDEX Pneumatic block signals Drills Hammers Tools Pneumatics Poles for overhead lines Foundations for Political economy Pools, agreements (transporta tion) Porcelain Portable boilers engines Portland cement Postal service 6r)6.224 Potential regulators (see Regu- lators) 621.314.5 Power factor indicators 621.374.91 Power hammers 621.97 Power plants 621.312 Mining 622.94 Steam end of 621.19 Testing of 621.312(007) Power transmission, Compressed air 621.53 Precipitation of sewage 628.34 by lime 628.345 by salts of alumina 628.344 by salts of iron 628. 34G Precipitation tanks (sewerage) 628.341 Premium system of paying labor 621.705 Preparation of coal 622.78 Preservation of patterns 621.727 of stone 691.29 Preservatives (building materi- als) 691 Presses. Hydraulic 621.266 Pressure gages, Air 621.532 Steam 621.184.73 Pressure regulators (steam) 621.185.4 Pressure steam turbines 621.165.22 Prevention of dust and fumes 628.511 Primary cells 621.353 Closed circuit 621.353.6 Double fluid 621.353.4 Open circuit 621.353.5 656.256.4 Single liquids 621.353.3 621.542 Principles of mechanism 621.81 621.542 Printing 655 621.542 Prison contracts 331.5 533 Prisons (architecture) 725.6 621.319.223 Privies 628.41 621.319.223 Probabilities, Theory of 519 330 Processes, Building 691 a- Professional and technical 656.233 schools 727.4 666.5 Profiles of railways 625.113 621.184.23 Profit-sharing 331.2 621.15 Projection 515 691.55 Propeller shafts 621.824 Properties of gases and vapors 533.1 of iron and steel 669.12 of metals (magnetic, electric, etc.) 669 of refrigerating fluids 621.564 of stone, concrete, cement, etc. 620.13 of solids 539.2 Prospecting 622.12 Protection against infection from dust 628.513 of iron and steel 691.79 of stone 691.2 of throat and eyes from dust and fumes 628.512 of trains in distress 656.254 Protective devices, Switchboard 621.317.8 Transmission lines 621.319.8 Public buildings (architecture) 725 Puldic halls (masonry construc- tion) 624.93 (metal) 624.94 Public parks 725.7 Publishing 655 Puddling processes (see Iron) 669.151 Pumping, by compressed air 621.546 engines 621.64 Tests of 621.642 stations (sewerage) 628.29 vs. gravitation systems (wa- ter supply) 628.12 RELATIVE INDEX 105 umps, Centr fugal 621.67 Circulating, for steam plants 621.197.3 Direct acting 621.65 Design and corfstruction of 621.64 General theory of 621.641 Hydraulic 621.252 Locomotive 621.133.7 Mining 622.53— .54 Piston 621.65 Rotary 621.66 Steam 621.64 Tests of 621.642 Punching and shearing machinery 621.96 Purification of iron 669.15 of water for locomotives 621.133.7 Purifiers, Feed water 621.197.3 Pyrometers, (steam plant) 621.197.7 Pyrometry 536.52 669.84 Phyrotechnics (chemical technol- ogy) 663 Quantities and costs. Engineer- ing 62(002) Quarrying dimension stone 622.22 Blasting systems for 622.224 Quays R 627.3 Ratchet gearing 621.837 Radial axles 625.215 Radiation of heat 536.3 Rail bonding 621.333.4 Rails (electric railways) 621.333.2 and attachments 625.143 Railway, bridges 625.13 cars (see Rolling stock) 625.2 cross ties 625.142 crossings 625.153 engineering 625 fences 625.162 freight stations 725.32 junctions 625.153 passenger statior s 725.31 Lighting of 656.215 Road bed (see Road bed) 625.1 rolling stock (see Rolling stock) 625.2 service. Accessories to 656.26 shops, roundhouses, car houses 725.33 terminals and stations 656.21 track (see Roadbed) 625.14 tunnels 625.13 Railways, Administrative organization of 385.4 Competition of 656.233 with steampship lines 385.2 Economic and financial aspects of 385.1 Elevated and underground 625.4 Essays on, history of 385.0 Inclined 625.3 International agreements rela- tive to 385.6 Interstate commerce commission 385.7 ]\Iountain 625.3 Operation of 656 Personnel of 385.5 Report of, statistics of, etc. nS5.0 Safety appliances of 656.35 Ship 635.91 State control of 385.3 Street 635.6 Survey and location of 625.11 Transportation by 656.3 Tributary 635.6 Rams, Hydraulic 621.27 Compressing 621.274 Lifting 621.272 Pumping 621.273 Ransome's artificial stone 691.32 system of reinforced concrete 693.712 Rapid transit in cities 388 Rates. Basing and differential 656.231 for baggage, dogs, etc. 656.234 for transportation 656.231 Freight 656.235 of porterage and drayage 656.236 Passenger 656.234 Revision of 656.231 Steamer 656.236 106 RELATIVE INDEX Rates. — Continued. Street railway- Reactors Reamers Receivers, Telephone 636.236 621.314.6 621.954 621.3S6.3 Reclamation from tides and waves 627.5 Recording pressure gages, (air) 621.532 Steam 621.184.73 Recreation buildings 725.8 Rectifiers, Arc 621.313.73 Electrolytic 621.313.74 Mechanical 621.313.72 Rectifying apparatus (elect.) 621.313.7 Refining of iron and steel 669.15 Refining of ore 669.8 Reflection of heat 536.3 Reformatories 725.6 Refraction of heat 536.3 Refractories 669.82 Alkaline earth 669.827 Aluminaceous 669.824 Application and maintenance of 669.829 Argillaceous 669.823 Carbonaceous 669.825 Chromitic 669.826 Rare earth 669.828 Siliceous 669.822 Refreshment buildings 725.7 Refrigerating fluids 621.564 Refrigerating machines 621.57 Ammonia 621.572 Carbonic acid 621.574 Miscellaneous types 621.575 RcfriLrerating plants 621.565 Refrigerating systems 621.565 Brine 621.565.1 Design of 621.566 Direct expansion 621.565.2 Piping for 621.566 Refrigerator cars 625.244 Refrigerators 621.56 Regulators, Air pressure 621.532 Compensator 621.314.51 for sewers 628.2.")S Induction 621.314.52 Magneto 621.314.53 Potential 621.314.5 Pressure (compr. air) 621.532 Stean-* pressure 621.185.4 Reheating of compressed air 621.534 Reinforced concrete 693.7 620.137 Experimental data for 693.74 Forms and centers for 693.72 Formulas for 693.75 Hennebique system of 693.714 Ordinary system of 693.711 Ransome's system of 693.712 Roebling system of 693.715 Special applications of 693.76 systems 693.71 testing and inspection 693.73 Unit system of 693.713 Relations of Capital to Labor 331.1 Releasing gear engines (Corliss, etc.) 621.164.4 Religious buildings 726 Removal of impurities from water 628.16 Repair of locomotives 621.138 Repair shops. Car 625.26 Locomotive 621.138.5 Repairs and renewals of railway track 625.173 Repulsion motors 621.313.66 Reservoirs and tank sewers 628.28 Reservoirs (water supply) 628.13 Residences 728 Resistance of air to trains 656.221.6 of engines 656.221.3 of foreign rolling stock 656.221.5 of freight trains 656.221.1 of passenger trains 656.221.2 on electric roads 656.221.4 Resistance boxes 621.374.2 meters 621.374.2 Restaurants (railway service) 656.26 Reverberatory furnaces 669.831.5 Rheostats 621.317.4 Ring and key (railway blocking systems) 656.258 River and ocean transportation 387 crossings (sewers) 628.26 engineering 627 I RELATIVE INDEX 107 Rivers, Discharge of, etc. 627.1 Flow of 532.5 Rivet machinery 621.97 Riveted joints 696.4 Design of 621.8S4 Rivets 621.884 Roadbed and track (railway) 625.1 apfTroaches 625.165 Ballast for 625.141 bridges 625.13 crossings 625.152 Drainage of 625.123 Fences, etc., for 626.162 Maintenance of 625.17 Materials for 625.18 Rails and rail attachments for 625.143 Section houses for 625.161 Snow screens for 625.164 Stone work for 625.13 Subgrade of 625.12 Switches, etc., for 625.151 Ties for 625.142 Track 625.14 Equipment of 625.15 Laying of 625.144 Tunnels 625.13 Ventilation of 625.13 Turntables 625.154 Road engineering 625 Road machines. Steam 621.14 Roads 625.7 Cable 625.5 Country 625.7 Underground (mines) 622.62 Roads and highways 625.7 Asphalt 625.85 Concrete 625.84 Construction of 625.74 Construction work of 625.75 Cross section of 625.73 Equipment for construction of 625.74 Maintenance nf way of 625.76 Metallic 625.87 Paving of 625.8 Roadbed of 625.73 Reinforced stone for 625.87 Sanitation of 625.78 Stone covered 625.86 Surveys and maps of routes for 625.72 Trees and shrubs along 625.77 Vitreous stone for 625.87 Roasting of ore 669.8 Roasting furnaces 669.831 Fuels for 669.81 Rock drills (compressed air) 621.542 Rods, Lightning 537.4 Locomotive 621.134.1 Roebling system (reinforced con- crete) 693.715 Roller bearings 621.822 Rolling bridges 624.85 Rolling, Iron & steel 669.184.2 mills 621.77 Rolling stock. Electric traction 621.334 Railway 625.2 Axles 625.212 Brakes 625.25 Clearance of bridges and tunnels 625.22 Couplers and buffers 625.216 Draft gears 625.216 Frames 625.211 Freight cars 625.24 Capacity of 625.24 Closed and covered 625.243 Dynamometer 625.245 Flat cars 625.241 Hopper and dumping 625.242 Refrigerator 625.244 Unloaders for 625.247 Weight of 625.24 Lubricants for 625.214 Passenger cars 625.23 Compartment cars 625.231 Dining cars 625.232 Heating and ventilation of 625.234 Lighting of 625.233 Parlor cars 625.232 Sleeping cars 625.232 Types of 625.23 Weight of 625.23 Repair shops for 625.26 I 108 RELATIVE INDEX Rolling stock.— Contitnied. of cars 625.234 Supplies and materials for 625.27 of factories 628.51 Suspension of 625.213 of streets and roads 625.78 Tires for 625.212 of towns 628.4 Trucks for 625.215 Sawing machinery 621.93 Wheels for 625.213 Metal 621.932 Street railway 625.617 Wood 621.935 Use of, and distribution of 656.223 Scaffolding 624.95 Roof and ceiling tile 691.472 Scale prevention in locomotives 621.133.7 Roofs, Fireproofing of 693.84 in stationary boilers 621.194.4 Roofing 695 Scales, Weighing 531.21 Asphalt 695.6 Schedules of trains 656.222 Cloth 695.8 Scientific buildings 727 Felt 695.7 Screening (mines) 622.74 Gravel 695.7 Coal 622.783 Metal 695.4 Screw machines 621.99 Iron and steel 695.5 threads. Systems of 621.882 Shingle 695.1 Screws 696. 5 621.882 Slate 695.2 for transmitting motion 621.882 Thatch 695.9 Searchlights 621.325.7 Tile 695.3 Secondary cells 621.354 Roofs (architectural) 721.5 Section-houses (railway) 625.161 Rope transmission 621.853 Selenitic artificial stone 691.34 Ropes, Hoisting 622.674 Selenitic lime 691.53 Rotary blowers 621.62 Semi-bituminous coal 553.24 pumps 621.66 Separators, Steam 621.197.4 steam engines 621.166 Series, A. C. motors 621.313.65 Round houses 725.33 621.138.1 Service pipes, Water supply 628.15 Running gear, Lxtcomotive 621.135 Service reservoirs 628.13 Rural water supply 628.7 Sewerage, Discharge of. into sea 628.39 Deodorization and disinfect ion s of 628.32 Disposal of 628.3 Saddles, Locomotive r.21.135.3 farming 628.37 Safety appliances (railways) 656.25 Filtration of 628.35 Safety devices (railways) 656.259 irrigation 628.36 Safety valves 621.133.9 manures 628.38 Locomotive 621.133.9 Physical properties of 628.31 Sampling (metallurgy) 669.91 Precipitation of 628.34 Sandblasting 609.1 85. 1 .Subsidence of 628.33 Sands (ccon. geology) 553.02 Si-wer appurtenances 628.25 Sandstone (building material) 001.231 inlets 628.255 Sandstone (geol.) 553.53 tiles (building) 691.49 Sanitary engineering 628 Sewerage systems 628.21 Sanitation, Industrial 628.5 works 628.2 ill trades 628.51 pumping stations for 628.29 RElwATlVE INDEX 109 Sewers, Design and construction of 628.24 Intercepting and outfall 628.27 Reservoirs for 628.28 River crossings for 628.26 Shape and size of 628.22 Tank 628.28 Ventilation of 628.23 Shaft governor engines, Auto- matic 621.164..T Shaft sinking (mines) 622.25 Shafting, Shop 621.823 Location of 621.751 Shafts, Engine and propeller 621.824 Shale, Bituminous 553.23 Shapers 621.912 Shearing machinery 621.96 Shell, Boiler 621.184.52 Locomotive 621.133.3 Shifting bridges 624.8 Ship building 699 railways 625.91 Shipping facilities (manufac- tories) 621.701 Shone system of sewerage 628.214 Shop buildings 621.702 shafting 621.823 Shops, Arrangement of 621.702 Boiler and sheet metal 621.792 Car repair 625.26 Finishing 621.795 Forge 621.73 for special processes 621.794 Machine 621.75 Mining 622.93 Organization and administra- tion of 621.704 Pattern 621.72 Railway 725.33 Shovels, Mechanical (mining) 622.214 Power 621.865 Steam 621.167 Sidewalks, Concrete 693.54 Curbing for 625.88 Establishment of 625.88 Flagging of 625.88 Signal apparatus, Interlocking 656.257 Signal devices (electric transmis- sion) 621.317.5 systems, Centralization of 656.257 Signaling in mines 622.48 Signals, Bell (railways) 656.254 Block 656.256 block, Automatic electric 656.256.3 Electric 537.88 Electrically controlled manual block 656.256.2 Forms, colors, sounds of 656.251 Hand and train 656.252 in train operation 656.251 Station 656.253 Pneumatic block 656.256.4 Simple manual block 656.256.1 Signs. Electric 621.321.44 Siliceous refractories 669.822 Silicon steel 669.137 Silver, Metallurgy of 669.2 alloys 669.223 amalgamation with gold 669.231 Economic factors cone. 669.221 Leaching of 669.228 Plants for the prod, of 669.229 Properties of 669.222 Simplex telegraphy 621.382.31 Single acting engines 621.164.5 Skew bevel gears 621.833.2 Skips (mine hoisting) 622.68 Slags from metals 669.86 Slate (building material) 691.24 roofing 695.2 Slates (geol.) 5.53.54 Sleeping cars 625.232 Slide valves. Locomotive 621.134.2 Slot, Electric 656.258 Slotters 621.912 Sludge. Disposal of 628.348 Sluices 621.29 Smelting of ore 669.8 Fuels for 669.81 Smoke box, Locomotive 621.133.4 Smoke, consumers 621.183.8 flues and chimneys ' 697.8 no RELATIVE INDEX Smoke. — Cant in ued. from special industries from steam generators nuisance Snow screens (railway) Societies, Engineering Solar engines Solids, Properties of Sound Specifications, Building Engineering Speisses (metallurgy) Spiral gears Springs, Locomotive Springs, Strength of Sprinkling of streets Spur gears Stacks (boiler plants) Locomotive 628.539 628.538 628.53 625.164 620.G 621.47 539.2 534 692.3 62(003) 669.87 621.833.3 621.135.3 620.112.85 628.46 621.833.1 621.183.8 621.133.4 Stamping machines. Hydraulic 621.266 Standard cells 621.374.3 Stairbuilding 694 Stand-pipes (water supply) 628.12 State control of railways 385.3 Static electricity 537.2 Statics 531.2 Graphic 531.2 Station signals 656.253 Stationary boilers 621.184.24 Stationary steam engines 021.16 Stations. Central 621.312 for lighting 621.312.2 for power 621.312.4 for railways 621.312.3 Stations, Railway 656.21 for special purposes (coal, live stock, etc.) 656.213 freight, Arrangement of 656.;212 Heating and lighting of 656.215 passenger. Arrangement of 656.211 Union 656.214 Statistics. Engineering 62C001) of railways 385.0 Staying of boilers 621.184.52 Stays (locomotive boilers) 621.133.2 Steam boilers 621.194 621.184 Steam boilers and power plants 621.19 Steam, collectors 621.184.79 condensation in pipes 621.185.1 distribution in locomotives 621.134.2 dredges 621.167 engine, dynamometers 621.197.7 indicators 62L197.7 lubricators 621.197.7 mechanism 621.11 tachometers 621.197.7 engineering 621.1 engines, Care and manage- ment of 621.195 Rotary 621.166 Stationary 621.16 Themiiodynamics of 536.73 Traction 621.14 fitting 696 Flow of, in pipes 621.185.1 furnaces 621.183 gages 621.184.73 621.197.7 generation 621.18 heating 697.5 Exhaust 697.53 High pressure 697.51 Low pressure 697.52 Vacuum 697.54 piping 621.185 plant 621.19 accessories 621.197 instruments 621.197.7 pressure gages 621.184.73 pressure regulators 621.185.4 Production of, in locomotives 621.133 pumps and pumping engines (see Pumps) 621.64 road machines 621.14 separators 621.197.4 shovels 621.167 superheaters 621.197.5 Transmission and distribution of 621.185 traps 621.185.5 Steamship lines, Competition of with railways 385.2 Steam turbine 621.165 buckets 621.165.12 RELATIVE INDEX 111 Steam turbine. — Continued. calculations 621.165.11 discs, Stresses in 621.165.14 guide vanes and nozzles 621.165.13 theory 621.165.1 vanes and buckets 621.165.12 Steam turbines 621.165 Combined velocity and pressure 621.165.23 Construction of 621.165.3 Design of 621.165.3 Pressure type 621.165.22 Stresses in 621.165.14 Types of 621.165.2 Velocity type 621.165.21 Windage in 621.165.15 Steam valves 621.185.4 Steel 669.1 Alloys of 669.13 Chrome 669.133 Manganese 669.132 Molybdenum 669.135 Nickel 669.131 Silicon 669.137 Titanium 669.138 Vanadium 669.136 Annealing of 669.181.3 Carburization of 669.16 Cementation process for 669.161 Crucible process for 669.162 Case hardening of 669.182 Chemical properties of 669.124 Economic factors cone. 669.11 Finishing of 669.18.') forging 669.184.1 founding 669.17 Hardening of 669.181.1 in buildings 691.7 Machining of 669.184.5 Metallurgy of 669.1 Melting of 669.171 Moulding of 669.172 Nature and properties of 669.12 Painting of 669.185.3 (for protection) 691.791 Physical properties of 669.123 pickling 669.185.2 Pressing of 669.184.4 Properties and constants of 669.12 Protection of 691.79 Purification of (see Iron) 669.15 Rolling of 669.184.2 roofing 695.5 Sand blasting of 669.185.1 Structure and composition of 669.122 Tempering of 669.181.2 Tests of 669.123 620.17 Treatment of 669.18 Uses of 669.115 Steel works (architecture) 725.43 Steels, Special 669.139 Stenography 653 Stokers, Mechanical 621.183.6 Stone. Artificial 691.3 666.8 Beton coigniet 691.31 Ransome 691.32 Selenitic 691.34 Tests of 620.139 as building material 691.2 construction 693.1 Preservation of 691.29 Protection of 691.2 Tests of (appl. mech.) 620.13 Stones, Building 553.5 Stoneware 666.6 Stoping (mining) 622.27 Overhand 622.341 Underhand 622.342 Storage and service reservoirs 628.13 Storage batteries 621.354 Application of 621.3,54.4 Care and handling of 621.354.18 Construction of 621.354.2 Operation of 621.354.3 Storage buildings 725.3 Storage of electricity 537.84 Storage of drawings 621.717 Storage of patterns 621.727 Storage reservoirs 628.13 Store houses, (manufactories) 621.796 Storm-water flow 628.221 Stoves, Heating by 697.2 Straightening machinery 621.983 112 RELATIVE INDEX. 621.331.34 621.331.343 621.331.344 621.331.342 625.7 625.78 628.46 539.4 620.112 620.112.85 621.705 of 620.11 Street cleaning and sprinkling 628.46 Street railways 625.6 Electric (see Electric trac- tion) Elevated Subways Surface Streets, City Sanitation of Sprinkling and cleanin Strength of materials Tests of Strength of springs Strikes and lockouts Study and teaching of engineer- ing 620.7 Subgrade (railways) 625.12 (street railways) 625.613 Submarine cable telegraphy 621.382.8 Subsidence (sewerage) 628.33 Substations, Electric 621.312.6 Subways 621.331.344 625.4 Superheaters, Steam 621.197.5 Superintendence of building con- struction 692.6 Supporting ground (mining) 622.28 Surface, condensers 621.197.62 grinding machines 621.922 lines (street railways) 621.331.342 transportation (mines) 622.69 Survey of railway routes 625.11 Preliminary 625.111 Surveying, Mine 622.14 Surface (mining) 622.13 Surveys, Magnetic 622.15 Mineral 622.131 Suspension, bridges (see Bridges) 624.5 chains and cables 624.52 of locomotives 621.135.3 of railway cars 625.213 Swing bridges 624.82 Switch and signal apparatus. In- terlocking 656.257 Switchboard meters and indi- cating devices 621.317.6 panels 621.317.2 protective devices 621.317.8 Switchboards 621.317 Telephone (see Telephone) 621.387 Automatic 621.387.7 Switches, Electric 621.317.3 621.328.7 Dial 621.317.33 Knife 621.317.32 Oil 621.317.35 Plug 621.317.34 Switches, Railway 625.151 Syenites (geol.) 553.52 Synchronizers 621.374.91 Synchronous commutating ma- chines 621.313.4 convertors 621.313.53 machines 621.313.4 motors 621.313.44 telegraphy 621.382.36 T Tachometers 621.197.7 Tackle 621.863 Hydraulic 621.262 Tables and calculations, neering Tail races Tank sewers Tanks, Precipitation (sew Track Tapping machinery Tar (building material) Taxes (street railway) Technology, Chemical Telegraph codes engineering instruments Intermediate Receiving Transmitting' systems .Automatic code Duplex Engi- 620.8 621.29 628.28 erage) 628.341 621.136.3 621.955 691.96 625.611 660 654 537.81 621. .382. 15 621.38 621.383 621.383.2 621.383.3 621.383.1 621.382 621.382.4 621.382.32 RELATIVE INDEX 113 Telegraph, systems. — Continued. Fac-simile telegraphy 621.382.7 Multiplex 621.382.35 Multiplex harmonic 621.383.37 Multiplex synchronous 621.382.3G Printing telegraphy 621.382.5 Quadruplex 621.382.34 Simplex 621.382.31 Writing telegraphy 621.382.6 Uses of, in transportation 656.254 Telegraphy (communication) 654 (engineering) 621.382 Combined telephony and 621.382.95 induction 621.382.94 Submarine cable 621.382.8 Wireless 621.384 Telephone 654.6 537.82 (engineering) 621.38 instruments 621.386 Batteries 621.386.96 Call receiving apparatus 621.386.7 Call sending apparatus 621.386.8 Coin collecting devices 621.386.92 Condensers 621.386.5 Distributing frames and racks 621.387.92 Induction coils 621.386.4 Meters and counters 621.387.96 Protective devices 621.386.94 Receivers 621.386.3 Transmitters 621.386.2 power plant 621.387.6 Accumulators for 621.387.62 Generators for 621.387.63 switchboards. Central 621.387 Automatic 621.387.7 Manual 621.387.2 Multiple 621.387.3 Transfer 621.387.4 switching devices 621.386.6 systems 621.385 Automatic 621.385.75 Central switchboard 621.385.4 Intercommunicating 621.385.3 Multiple switchboard 621.385.5 Private exchange 621.385.8 Semi-Autoniatic 621.385.72 Uses of, in transportation 656.254 transmission 621.387.8 Cable construction for 621.387.84 Long distance 621.387.82 Pupin coils 621.387.86 transposition 621.387.83 Telephony (communication) 654.6 (engineering) 621.385 Combined telegraphy and 621.382.95 Wireless 621.384.5 Telfers 621.868 Temperature, Influence of on metals 620.112.1 Measurement of 536.5 by electric methods 536.53 regulators, Electric 621.39 Tempering steel 669.181.2 Tender brakes 621.136.1 Tenders 621.136 Couplings for 621.136.2 Design of 621.136.1 Weight of 621.136.1 Terminals and stations, Railway 656.21 Terra cotta (building) 691.48 construction 693.3 Textile factories (architecture) 725.41 Thatch roofing 695.9 Thermodynamics 536.7 Applied 621.101 of air compression 621.534 of perfect gases 536.71 of steam engine and heat mo- tors 536.73 of vapors 536.72 Thermometers (steam plant) 621.197.7 Thermometry 536.51 Third-rail for elect, traction 621.332.3 Threads, screw. Systems of 621.882 Throttle, Locomotive 621.1.33.6 Throttling engines 621.164.42 Tile (chem. tech.) 666.7 floors 691.471 roofing and ceiling 691.472 roofing 695.3 sewers 691.49 114 Tile. — Continued. Tests of Tiles (building materials) Hollow structural Timbering of mines RELATIVE INDEX 620.14 691.40 691.47 622.281 Timber, Tests of (appl. mech.) 620.12 Tin, Metallurgy of 669.6 Tinnint? of iron and steel 691.792 rr- r-o^ 625.212 Tires, Car Titanium steel ^69.138 Tonnage rating 6.56.225 Tool making 621.756 Tools, Machine (see Machme tools) 621.9 (shop equipment) 621.752.1 Tools, Pneumatic 621.542 Tooth curves 621.831 Torsion 539.3 Towers 624.95 for suspension bridges 624.54 for transmission lines 621.319.22;) Towns, Sanitation of 628.4 Water supply for 628.1 Track (electric traction) 621.333 Track (railway) (see Road bed) 625.14 tanks 621.136.3 Traction, boilers 621.184.23 dynamometers 531.21 engines 621.14 Electric (see Electric traction) 621.33 systems 625.63 Tractive force of locomotives 621.131.1 Trade rules (building construc- tion) 692.94 Trades, Mechanic 680 Traffic (transportation) 656.23 Traffic, Division of 6.56.233 Traffic (street rail w ay > 625.611 Train crews, Assignment of 621.137 Train, dispatching 6.-.6.2.54 resistance 656.221 schedules 656.222 service. Passenger 656.224 Freight 6.56.225 Baggage 656.226 signals 656.252 Trains ^^^'^^ Making up of 656.22^ Protection of, in distress 656.254 Running of 656.222 Tramming (mines) 622.651.2 Trams (mines) 622.63 Tramways 625.62 Transfer boards (telephone) 621.387.4 Transformers 621.314.3 Auto. 621.314.4 Constant current 621.314.32 Constant potential 621.314.33 Meter 621.314.38 Phase changing 621.314.34 substations 621.312.63 Transmission, Air 621.532 dynamometers ^^^■'* Hemp rope 621.853 machinery 621.8 of compressed air (see Com- pressed air) 621.53 of electrical energy 621.319 Lines for 621.319.2 Overhead 621.319.22 Underground 621.319.23 Poles and towers for 621.319.225 Protective devices for 621.319.8 Retaining and supporting devices for 621.319.4 Systems of 621.319.12 Alternating current 621.319.123 Composite 621.319.125 Continuous current 621.319.122 of force 531.8 of power 537.84 of steam 621.185 Wire rope 621.854 Transmitters, Telephone 621.386.2 Transportation 656 Iniildings 72.n.3 l)y horseless vehicles <'-''6-^ by railways 656.2 claims. Damage in, Delays in 656.24 Cost of 656.232 in mines 622.6 Military 656.229 reXative index. 115 Transportation. — Continued. of dangerous freight of perishable freight on roads and highways Pools and agreements relat- ing to 656.233 River and ocean 387 tolls and rates 656.231 Trap (geol.) 553.57 Traps for sewers 628.256 Traps, Steam 621.197.3 621.185.5 Traveling cranes 621.874 Tread mills 621.46 Tributary railways 625.6 Operation of 656.27 Trigonometry 514 Trolley lines 621.331.2 Trucks, Bissell 621.135.4 Four-wheel 621.135.4 Locomotive 621.135.4 of railway cars 625.215 Trunk lines, Electric 621.331.32 Trunnion bridges 624.84 Truss, Bowstring 624.32 Cantilever 624.33 Trussed girders for bridges 624.08 Trusses, Fireproofing of 693.87 Tubes, Locomotive 621.133.3 Tubular bridges 624.4 Tungsten filament incandescent lamps 621.326.43 TunneUng and drifting 622.26 Tunneling devices, Hydraulic 621.269 Tunnels (railway) 625.13 Clearance of 625.22 for telephone cables 621.319.23 for water supply 628.14 Ventilation of 625.13 Turbines, Gas 621.433 Steam 621.165 Buckets for 621.165.12 Vanes for 621.165.12 Water 621.24 Impulse 621.247 Reaction or pressure 621.242 Turning machinery 621.94 Turntables 625.154 656.227 Two-cycle engines 621.432.2 656.227 Typewriters 652 656.1 u Underground railways 625.4 roads (mines) 622.62 transmission lines 621.319.23 Undershot water wheels 621.23 Underwriters requirements for electric lighting 621.328.1 Union stations 656.214 Unions, Labor 621.705 Unit system (reinforced con- crete) 693.713 LIniversities 727.3 Urinals (sanitation) 628.45 Vacuum appliances 621.55 lamps for special radiation 621.327.7 Valve gears 621.84 for locomotives 621.134.22 Valves, for locomotives 621.134.22 Blowout 621.184.79 Safety 621.185.4 (boiler) 621.184.73 Steam 621.185.4 for sewers 628.257 Vanadium Steel 669.136 Vanes (steam turbines) 621.165.12 Vapor engines, Binary 621.44 lamps for incandescent light- ing 621.327.3 Vapors, Properties of 533.1 Thermodynamics of 536.72 Vaulted edifices of masonry 624.92 Vaults 624.9 and arches (bridges) 624.06 Fireproofing of 693.88 Vegetable materials. Tests of 620.197 oils 665.3 Velocity turbines 621.165.21 Ventilation 628.8 697.9 by fans 697.98 IIG RELATIVE INDEX V'entilation. — Continued. Exhaust system of 697.93 Foul air ducts for 697.95 Fresh air ducts for 697.94 Natural system of 697.91 of cars 625.234 of mines (see .Mines, Ventila- tion of) 622.4 of sewers 628.23 of tunnels 625.13 Plenum system of 697.92 Regulation of air supply fo r 697.97 Treatment of air for 697.96 Vestibule cars 625.232 Villages, Water supply for 628.7 Voltaic cells and generators 621.35 Containers for 621.352.1 Electrodes for 621.352.2 Electrolytes for 621.352.4 Voltmeters 621.374.3 w Wages 331.2 Labor and 331 Walls (architecture) 721.2 Fireproofing of 693.82 Warehouses, Cold storage 725.35 Washing of coal 622.784 Wastes, Disposal of 628.54 Discharge of. in streams 628.541 Filtration of 628.545 Purification of by the soil 628.546 Water 532 accumulators 621.254 acqueducts 628.14 conduits 628.14 engines 621.2 Filterbasins for 628.16 Flow of, in pipes 532.5 for towns 628.1 gages (boilers) 6; 21.184.72 Impurities in, and their re- moval 628.16 Mains and service pipes for 628.15 meters 628.17 motors 621.2 pressure engines 621.25 Purification of, for locomo- tives 621.133.7 scoops for tenders 621.136.3 Sources of 628.11 storage reservoirs 628.13 supply for villages and coun- try houses 628.7 tunnels 628.14 turbines 621.24 Impulse 621.247 Reaction or pressure 621.242 Use and waste of 628.17 wheels 621.21 Breast 021.22 Overshot 621.22 Undershot 621.23 Water-tube l)oilers 621.184.26 Water-works 628 Watt-hour meters 621.374.5 Wattmeters 621.374.6 Wear and duration of boilers 621.196 Weathering of materials 620.112.2 Weighing scales 531.21 Weight and capacity of freight cars 625.24 of passenger cars 625.23 of tenders 021.136.1 Weights and measures 389 Wells for water supply 628.11 Wheatstone bridges 621.374.2 Wheels, Car 625.212 Balancing of 625.212 Breast 621.22 Locomotive 621.135.2 Overshot 621.22 Toothed 621.83 Undershot 021.23 Water 621.21 Whistles. Boiler warning 621.184.72 Wincius 621.864 Windage in steam turliines 021. 165. 15 Wind engines 621.45 Windows, .'Xrchitecture of 721. s Windlasses 021.864 Windmills 621.45 reXative: index 117 Wire drawing 669.184.3 Wireless telegraphy 621.384.2 Wiring, Central station 621.317 Interior 621.328.2 Wire rope transmission 621.854 Women, Labor of 331.4 Wood boring machinery 621.953 planing machinery 621.913 sawing machinery 621.933 turning lathes 621.943 Woods, Preservation of 691.18 used in building 691.1 Woodworking methods and pro- cesses 621.723 Woodworking mills (architec- ture) 725.44 Woodworking shop 621.72 Wool, Mineral (for building) 691.91 Work, Theory of 531.4 Working of mines 622.3 Works, Engineering 621.7 Worm gears 621.833.3 Writing, Methods of 652 Wrought iron (in buildings) 691.73 Puddling process for the mfg- of 669.151 Zinc, Metallurgy of 669. j alloys 669.53 Economic factors cone. 669.51 Leaching of 669.58 Plants for the prod, of 669.59 Properties of 669.52 Refining of 669.57 Roasting of 669.54 Smelting of 669.55 Zincs (boiler) 621.184.79 Zone tariffs 656.231 PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION *Bulletin No. i. Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1904. None available. *Circular No. I. High-Speed Tool Steels, by L. P. Breckenridge, 1905. None available. *Bulletin No. 2. Tests of High-Speed Tool Steels on Cast Iron, by L. P. Breckenridge and Henry B. Dirks. 1905. None available. *Circiilar No. 2. Drainage of Earth Roads, by Ira O. Baker. 1906. None available. *Circular No. 3. Fuel Tests with Illinois Coal. (Compiled from tests made by the Tech- nologic Branch of the U. S. G. S., at the St. Louis, Mo., Fuel Testing Plant, 1904-1907, by L,. P. Breckenridge and Paul Diserens. 1909. Thirty cents. *Bulletin No. j. The Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, by L. P. Breckenridge. 1906. None available. *Bulletin No. 4. Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Series of 1905, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1906. Forty-five cents. *Bulletin No. 5. Resistance of Tubes to Collapse, by Albert P. Carman. 1906. Fifteen Cents. *Bulletin No. 6. Holding Power of Railroad Spikes, by Roy I. Webber. 1906. Thirty-five cents. *Bulletin No. 7. Fuel Tests with Illinois Coals, by L. P. Breckenridge, S. W. Parr and Henry B. Dirks. 1906. Thirty-five cents. *Bulletin No. 8. Tests of Concrete: I. Shear; II. Bond, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1906. None available. *Bnlletin No. 9. An Extension of the Dewey Decimal System of Classification Applied to the Engineering Industries, by L. P. Breckenridge and G. A. Goodenough. 1906. Revised edition, 191 2. Fifty cents. *Bulletin No. 10. Tests of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Columns, Series of 1906, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1907. None available. *Bulletin No. n. The Effect of Scale on the Transmission of Heat through Locomotive Boiler Tubes, by Edward C. Schmidt and John M. Snodgrass. 1907. None available. * Bulletin No. 12. Tests of Reinforced Concrete T-beams, Series of 1906, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1907. None available. ^Bulletin No. 13. An Extension of the Dewey Decimal System of Classification Applied to Architecture and Building, by N. Clifford Ricker. 1907. Fifty cents. *Bulletin No. 14. Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Series of 1906, by Arthur N. Tal- bot. 1907. None available. *Bulletin No. 15. How to Burn Illinois Coal without Smoke, by L. P. Breckenridge.. 1908. Twenty-five cents. *Bulletin No. 16. A Study of Roof Trusses, by N. Clifford Ricker. 1908. Fifteen cents. *Bulletin No. 17. The Weathering of Coal, by S. W. Parr, N. D. Hamilton, and W. F. Wheeler. 1908. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 18. The Strength of Chain Links, by G. A. Goodenough and L. E. Moore. 1908. Forty cents, * Bulletin No. /p. Comparative Tests of Carbon. Metallized Carbon and Tantalum Filament Lamps, by T. H. Amrine. 1908. Twenty-five cents. * Bulletin No. 20. Tests of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Columns, Series of 1907, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1908. None available. Bulletin No. 21. Tests of a Liquid Air Plant, by C. S. Hudson and C. M. Garland. 1908. Fifteen cents. *Bullet,n No. 22. Tests of Cast-Iron and Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1908. Thirty-five cents. Bulletin No. 23. Voids, Settlement and Weight of Crushed Stone, by Ira O. Baker. 1908. Fifteen cents. Bulletin No. 24. The Modification of Illinois Coal by Low Temperature Distillation, by S. W. Parr and C. K. Francis. 1908. Thirty cents. Bulletin No. 25. Lighting Country Homes by Private Electric Plants, by T. H. Amrine. 1908. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 26. High Steam-Pressures in Locomotive Service. A Review of a Report to the Carnegie Institution of Washington, by W. F. M. Goss. 1908. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin No. 27. Tests of Brick Columns and Terra Cotta Block Columns, by Arthur N. Talbot and Duff A. Abrams. 1909- Thirty cents. Bulletin No. 28. A Test of Three Lar^e Reinforced Concrete Beams, by Arthur N. Tal- bot. 1909. Fifteen cents. *Out of print; price attached. N. B. — A limited supply of bulletins, the titles of which are not starred, is available for gratuitous distribution. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Bulletin No. 29. Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams: Resistance to Web Stresses. Series of 1907 and 1908, by Arthur N. Talbot. 1909. Forty-five cents. Bulletin No. 30. On the Rate of Formation of Carbon Monoxide in Gas Producers, by J. K. Clement, L. H. Adams, and C. N. Haskins. 1909. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin No. 31. Fuel Tests with House-heating Pioilers, by J. M. Snodgrass. 1909. Fifty- five cents. Bulletin No. 32. The Occluded Gases in Coal, by S. W. Parr and Perry Barker. 1909. Fifteen cents. Bulletin No. 33. Tests of Tungsten Lamps, by T. II. Amrine and A. Guell. 1909. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 34. Tests of Two Types of Tile Roof Furnaces under a Water-tube Boiler, by J. M. Snodgrass. 1909. Fifteen cents. *Bulletin No. 35. A Study of Base and Bearing Plates for Columns and Beams, by N. Clifford Ricker. 1909. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 36. The Thermal Conductivity of Fire-Clay at High Temperatures, by J. K. Clement and W. L. Egy- 1909. Twenty cents. *Bulletin No. 37. Unit Coal and the Composition of Coal Ash, by S. \N'. Parr and W. F. Wheeler. 1909. Thirty-five cents. Bulletin No. 38. The Weathering of Coal, by S. W. Parr and W. Iv. Wheeler. 1909. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin No. 39. Tests of Washed Grades of Illinois Coal, by C. S. McGovney. 1909. Seventy-five cents. Bulletin No. 40. A Study in Heat Transmission, by J. K. Clement and C. M. Garland. 19 10. Ten Cents. Bulletin No. 41. Tests of Timber Beams, by Artliur N. Talbot. 1910. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 42. The Effect of Keyways on the Strength of Shafts, by Herbert F. Moore. 1910. Ten cents. * Bulletin No. 43. Freight Train Resistance, by Edward C. Schmidt. 1910. Seventy-five cents. Bulletin No. 44. An Investigation of Built-up Columns under Load, by .\rthur N. Talbot and Herbert F. Moore. 191 1. Thirty-five cents. Bulletin No. 45. The Strength of Oxyacetylene Welds in Steel, by Herbert L. Whitte- more. 191 1. Thirty-five cents. Bulletin No. 46. The Spontaneous Combustion of Coal, by S. W. Parr and F. W. Kress- mann. 191 1. Forty-five cents. Bulletin No. 4/. Magnetic Properties of Ileusler Alloys, by Edward B. Stephenson. 191 1. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin No. 48. Resistance to Flow through Locomotive Water Columns, by .\rthur N. Talbot and Melvin L. Enger. 191:. Forty cents. Bulletin No. 49. Tests of Nickel-Steel Riveted Joints, by .\rtbur N. Talbot and Herbert F. Moore. 191 1. Thirty cents. Bulletin No. 50. Tests of a Suction Gas Producer, by C. M. Garland and A. P. Kratz. 191 2. Fifty cents. Bulletin No. 51. Street Lighting, by J. M. Bryant and H. G. Hake. 1912. Thirty-five cents. Bulletin No. 5.'. An investigation of the Strength of Rolled Zinc, by Herbert F. Moore. 1 91 2. Fifteen cents. Bulletin No. 53. Inductance of Coils, by Morgan Brooks and H. M. Turner. 1912. Forty \ cents. Bulletin No. 54. Mechanical Stresses in Transmission Lines, by A. Guell. 1912. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. $5. Starting Currents of Transformers, with Special Reference to Trans- formers with Silicon Steel Cores, by Trygv'e D. Yensen. 1912. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. $6. Tests of Columns: .\n Investigation of the Value of Concrete as Re- inforcmcnt for Structural Steel Columns, by Arthur \. Talbot and .\rthur R. Lord. 1912. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin^ No. $7. Superheated Steam in Locomotive Service. .\ Review of Publication No. 127 of the Carnegie Institution nf Washington, by W. !•'. M. (loss. 1912. Forty cents. Bulletin No. 5S. A Kew ,\nalysis of the Cylinder Performance of Reciprocating Engines, by J. Paul Claylrin. 1912. Sixty cents. Bulletin No. 5p. The l^fFects of Cold Weather upon Train Resistance and Tonnage Rating, by I'!dward C. Schmidt and V. W. Marquis. 191 2. Twenty cents. Bulletin No. 60. The Coking of Coal at Low Temperatures, with a Preliminary Study of the By-Products, by S. W. Parr and II. L. Olin. 191 2. Twenty-five cents. Bulletin No. 61. Characteristics and Limitations of the Scries Transformer, by .'\. R. Anderson and H. R. Woodrow. 1912. Twenty-five cents. (Heady for distribution about i)ec. 15.) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE STATE CHSTVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY INCI^UDES THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND ARTS (Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophical and Political Science Groups of Studies, Economics, Com- merce and Industry.) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Graduate and undergradu- ate courses in Architecture, Architectural Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Mining Engineering; Municipal and Sani- tary Engineering ; Eailway Engineering. ) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (Astronomy, Botony, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Physiology, Zoology). COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (Animal Husbandry, Agron- omy, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Veterinary Science, Household Science.) COLLEGE OF LAW (Three years' course). SCHOOLS— GRADUATE SCHOOL, MUSIC (Voice, Piano, Violin), LIBRARY SCIENCE, PHARMACY (Chicago), EDUCATION, RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND AD- MINISTRATION. A Summer School with a session of eight weeks is open during the summer. A Military Res:iment is organized at the University for in- struction in Military Science. Closely connected with the work of the University are students' organizations for educational and social purposes. (Glee and Mandolin Clubs ; Literary, Scientific, and Technical Societies and Clubs, Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations.) United States Experiment Station, State Laboratory of Natural History, Biological Experiment Station on Illinois River, State Water Survey, State Geological Survey. Engineering Experiment Station. A department organ- ized to investigate problems of importance to the engi- neering and manufacturing interests of the State. The Library contains 200,000 volumes. The University offers 628 Free Scholarships. 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