'■■^'i< / '-^' '^■.......--''^.. / >-• ARCHERY ./ < .''■ iA^.A^.^^ '1^' *■ ■*"'--'^'*>j6aia*e*-4-«w»'fj_^ ;,^,-'* PRINTED BY SrOTTISWOODE AND CO., SEW-STREE'I' J-QUAnE LOXUOS ^. [^^ /-^ 6^-^ot ^/ ^-^ THE THEORY AND PEACTICE OF ARCHERY BY THE LATE HOEACE FORD CHAMPION ARCHER OF ENaLANB FOR THE YEARS 1850 TO 185'J AXD 1867 NEW EDITION THouovaiiLr revised and liE-wjarrEy BY W. JU'TT. M.A. KOll MANY YEAKS HON. SKCliErAKY OF THK llOYAL TOXOPHILITE SOCIETY LONDON LONG MANS. GliEKX. AND U. 1SH7 All rill his rrxerrfil GV PREFACE. No EXCUSE need be offered to archers for presenting to them a new edition of the late Mr. Horace A. Ford's work on the Theory and Practice of Archery. It first appeared as a series of articles in the columns of the ' Field,' which were republished in book form in 1856 ; a second edition was published in 1859, which has been long out of print, and no book on the subject has since appeared. Except, therefore, for a few copies of this book, which from time to time may be obtained from the secondhand booksellers, no guide is obtainable by which the young archer can learn the principles of his art. On hearing that it was in contemplation to reprint the second edition of Mr. Ford's book, it seemed to me a pity that this should be done without revision, and without bringing it up to the level of the knowledge of the present day. I therefore purchased the copyright of the work from Mr. Ford's repre- sentatives, and succeeded in inducing Mr. Butt, who was for many years the secretary of the Eoyal Toxoi^hilite Society, to undertake the revision. A difficulty occurred at the outset as to the form in which this revision should be carried out. If it had been possible, there would have been advantages in printing Mr. Ford's text 478434 p. E. ^OiEH vi PREFACE untouched, and in giving Mr. Butt's comments in the form of notes. This course would, however, have involved printing much matter that has hecome entirely obsolete, and, moreover, not only would the bulk of the book have been increased to a greater extent even than has actually been found necessary, but also Mr. Butt's portion of the work, which contains the informa- tion of the latest date, and is therefore of highest practical value to young archers, would have been relegated to a secondary and somewhat inconvenient position. Mr. Butt has therefore rewritten the book, and it would hardly perhaps be giving him too much credit to describe the present work as a Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Archery by him, based on the work of the late Horace A. Ford. In writing his book, Mr. Ford committed to paper the principles by means of which he secured his unrivalled posi- tion as an archer. After displaying a clever trick, it is the practice of some conjurers to pretend to take the spectators into their confidence, and to show them ' how it is done.' In such cases the audience, as a rule, is not much the wiser ; but a more satisfactory result has followed from Mr. Ford's instructions. Mr. Ford was the founder of modern scientific archery. First by example, and then by precept, he changed what before was ' playing at bows and arrows ' into a scientific pastime. He held the Champion's medal for eleven years in succession -from 1849 to 1859. He also won it again in 1867. After this Lime, although he was seen occasionally in the archery field, his powers began to wane. He died in the year 1880. His best scores, whether at public nuitches or in private prac- tice, have never been surpassed. J3ut, although no one has risen who can claim that on him has fallen the maiule of PREFACE vii Mr. Ford, his work was not in vain. Thanks to the more scien- tific and rational principles laid down hy this great archer, any active lad nowadays can, with a few months' practice, make scores which would have been thought fabulous when George III. was king. The Annual Grand National Archery Meetings were started in the year 1844 at York, and at the second meeting, in 1845, held also at York, when the Double York Eound was shot for the first time, Mr. Muir obtained the championship, with 135 hits, and a score of 537. Several years elapsed before the championship was won with a score of over 700. Now- adays, a man who cannot make 700 is seldom in the first ten, and, moreover, the general level both among ladies and gentlemen continues to rise. We have not yet, however, found any individual archer capable of beating in public the marvellous record of 245 hits and 1,251 score, made by Mr. Ford at Cheltenham in 1857. One chief cause of the improvement Mr. Ford effected was due to his recognising the fallacy in the time-honoured saying that the archer should draw to the ear. When drawn to the ear, part of the arrow must necessarily lie outside the direct line of sight from the eye to the gold. Consequently, if the arrow points apparently to the gold, it must fly to the left of the target when loosed, and in order to hit the target, the archer who draws to the ear must aim at some point to the right. Mr. Ford laid down the principle that the arrow must be drawn directly beneath the aiming eye, and lie in its whole length in the same vertical plane as the line between the eye and the object aimed at. It is true that in ma,ny representations of ancient archers the arrow is depicted as being drawn beyond the eye, and viii PR J'. FACE consequently outside the line of sight. No doubt for Avav purposes it was a matter of importance to shoot a long heavy arrow, and if an arrow of a standard yard long or anything like it was used, it would be necessary for a man to draw it beyond his eye, unless he had very long arms indeed. But in war, the force of the blow was of more importance than accuracy of aim, and Mr. Ford saw that in a pastime where accuracy of aim was the main object, this old rule no longer held good. This was only one of many improvements effected by Mr. Ford ; hut it is a fact that this discovery, which seems obvious enough now that it is stated, was the main cause of the marvellous improvement which has taken place in shooting. The second chapter in Mr. Ford's book, entitled ' A Glance at the Career of the English Long-Bow,' has been omitted. It contained no original matter, being compiled chiefly from the well-known works of lioberts, Moseley, and Hansard. The scope of the present work is practical, not historical ; and to deal with the history of the English long-bow in a satisfactory manner would require a bulky volume. An adequate history of the bow in all ages and in all countries has yet to be written. In the chapters on the bow, the arrow, and the rest of the paraphernalia of archery, much that Mr. Ford wrote, partly as the result of the practice and experiments of himself and others, and partly as drawn from the works of previous writers on the subject, still holds good ; but improvements have been effected since his time, and Mr, Butt has been able to add a great deal of useful information gathered from the long ex- perience of himself and his contemporaries. The chapters which deal with Ascham's well-known five points of archei-y — standing, nocking, drawing, holding, aiid PREFACE ix loosing— contain the most valuable part of Mr. Ford's teaching, and Mr. Butt has endeavoured to develope further the princi- ples laid down by Mr. Ford. The chapters on ancient and modern archery practice have been brought up to date, and Mr. Butt has given in full the best scores made by ladies or gentlemen at every pul^lic meeting which has been held since the establishment of the Grand National Archery Society down to 1886. The chapter on Eobin Hood has been omitted for the same reasons which determined the omission of the chapter on the career of the English long-bow, and the rules for the forma- tion of archery societies, which are cumbrous and old-fashioned, have iilso been left out. The portrait of Major C. H. Fisher, champion archer for the years 1871-2-3-4, is reproduced from a photograph taken by Mr. C. E. Nesham, the present holder of the champion's medal. In conclusion, it is hoped that the publication of this book may help to increase the popularity of archery in this country. It is a pastime which can never die out. The love of the bow and arrow seems almost universally planted in the human heart. But its popularity fluctuates, and though it is now more popular than at some periods, it is by no means so uni- versally practised as archers would desire. One of its greatest charms is that it is an exercise which is not confined to men. Ladies have attained a great and increasing amount of skill with the bow, and there is no doubt that it is more suited to the fairer sex than some of the more violent forms of athletics now popular. Archery has perhaps suffered to some extent from comparison with the rifle. The rifleman may claim for his weapon that its range is greater and that it shoots more accurately than the bow. The first position may be granted X PREFACE freely, the second only with reserve. Given, a well-made w^eapon of Spanish or Italian yew, and arrows of the best modern make, and the accuracy of the bow is measured only l)y the skill of the shooter. If he can loose his arrow truly, it will hit the mark ; more than that can be said of no weapon. That a rifleman will shoot more accurately at ranges well within the power of the bow than an archer of similar skill is certain ; but the reason is that the bow is the more difficult, and perhaps to some minds on that account the more fasci- nating, weapon. The reason w^hy it is more difficult is obvious, and in stating it we see one of the many charms of archery. The rifleman has but to aim straight and to hold steady, and he will hit the bull's-eye. But the archer has also to supply the motive force which propels his arrow. As he watches the graceful flight of a well-shot shaft, he can feel a pride in its swiftness and strength which a rifleman cannot share. And fe^v pastimes can furnish a more beautiful sight than an arrow speeding swiftly and steadily from the bow, till with a rapturous thud it strikes the gold at a hundred yards. C. J. LONGMAN. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 1 II. HOW TO CHOOSE A BOW, AND HOW TO USE AND PRE- SERVE IT WHEN CHOSEN . . . . . . 17 III. OF THE ARROW .27 IV. OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE . . 44 V. OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. ... 67 VI. OF BRACING, OR STRINGING, AND NOCKING . . . 78 VII. OF ASCHAM'S FIVE POINTS, POSITION STANDING, ETC. . 83 VIII. DRAWING . . . . . . . . . 94 IX. AIMING 107 X. OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 122 XI. OF DISTANCE SHOOTING, AND DIFFERENT ROUNDS . 132 XII. ARCHERY SOCIETIES, ' RECORDS,' ETC 140 XIII. THE PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS AND THE DOUBLE ^ YORK AND OTHER ROUNDS . . • . . . 148 XIV. CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE . . .279 PLATES. PORTRAIT OF MR. FORD Frontispiece PORTRAIT OF MAJOR C. H. FISHER . . . . To face p. 122 AR H E E Y CHAPTER I. OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 4 Of the various implements of archery, the bow demands the first consideration. It has at one period or another formed one of the chief weapons of war and the chase in almost every nation, and is, indeed, at the present day in use for both these purposes in various parts of the world. It has differed as much in form as in material, having been made curved, angular, and straight ; of wood, metal, horn, cane, whalebone, of wood and horn, or of wood and the entrails and sinews of animals and fish combined : sometimes of the rudest workmanship, some- times finished with the highest perfection of art. No work exists which aims at giving an exhaustive de- scription of the various forms of bows which have been used by different nations in ancient and modern times, and such an undertaking would be far beyond the scope of the present work. The only form of the bow with which we are now concerned is the English long-hoic, and especially with the English long-bow as now used for target-shooting as opposed to the more powerful weapon used by our forefathers for the purposes of war. The cross-bow never took a very strong hold on the English nation as compared with the long-bow, 2 ARCHER V and, as it has never been much employed for recreation, it need not be here described. It is a matter of surprise and regret that so few genuine specimens of the old Enghsh long-bow should remain in existence at the present day. One in the possession of the late Mr. Peter Muir of Edinburgh is said to have been used in the battle of Flodden in 1513 : it is of self-yew, a single stave, apparently of English growth, and very roughly made. Its strength has been supposed to be between 80 and 90 lbs. ; but as it could not be tested without great risk of breaking it, its actual strength remains a matter of conjecture only. This bow was presented to Mr, P. Muir by Colonel J. Ferguson, who obtained it from a border house contiguous to Flodden Field, where it had remained for many generations, with the reputa- tion of having been used at that battle. There are likewise in the Tower two bows that were taken out of the * Mary Piose,' a vessel sunk in the reign of Henry VIII. They are unfinished weapons, made out of single staves of magnificent yew, probably of foreign growth, quite round from end to end, tapered from the middle to each end, and without horns. It is difficult to estimate their strength, but it probably does not exceed from 65 to 70 lbs. Another weapon now in the Museum of the United Service Institution came from the same vessel. Probably the oldest specimen extant of the English long-bow is in the possession of Mr. C. J. Longman. It was dug out of the peat near Cambridge, and is unfortu- nately in very bad condition. It can never have been a very powerful weapon. Geologists say that it cannot be more re- cent than the twelfth or thirteenth century, and may be much more ancient. Indeed, from its appearance it is more pro- bable that it is a relic of the weaker archery of the Saxons than that it is a weapon made after the Normans had intro- duced their more robust shooting into this country. Before the discussion of the practical points connected with the bow is commenced, it must be borne in mind that these OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 3 pages profess to give the result of actual experience, and nothing that is advanced is mere theory or opinion unsup- ported by proof, but the result only of long, patient, and prac- tical investigation and of constant and untiring experiment. Whenever, therefore, one kind of wood, or one shape of bow, or one mode or principle of shooting, &c., is spoken of as being better than another, or the best of all, it is asserted to be so simply because, after a full and fair trial of every other, the result of such investigation bore out that assertion. No doubt some of the points contended for were in Mr. Ford's time in opposition to the then prevailing opinions and prac- tice, and were considered innovations. The value of theory, however, is just in proportion as it can be borne out by prac- tical results ; and in appealing to the success of his own prac- tice as a proof of the correctness of the opinions and principles upon which it was based, he professed to be moved by no feel- ing of conceit or vanity, but wholly and solely by a desire to give as much force as possible to the recommendations put forth, and to obtain a fair and impartial trial of them. The English bows now in use may be divided primarily into two classes — the self -how and the backed bow ; and, to save space and confusion, the attention must first be confined to -the self-bow, reserving what has to be said respecting the backed bow. Much, however, that is said of the one applies equally to the other. The self-bow of a single stave is the real old English weapon — the one with which the mighty deeds that rendered this country renowned in bygone times were performed ; for until the decline and disappearance of archery in war, as a consequence of the superiority of firearms, and the consequent cessation of the importation of bow-staves, backed bows were unknown. Ascham, who wrote in the sixteenth century, when archery had already degenerated into little else than an amuse- ment, mentions none other than self-bows ; and it may there- fore be concluded that such only existed in his day. Of the B 2 4 ARCHERY woods for self-bows, yew beyond all question carries off the palm. Other woods have been, and still are, in use, such as lance, cocus, Washaba, rose, snake, laburnum, and others ; but they may be summarily dismissed (with the exception of lance, of which more hereafter) with the remark that self-bows made of these woods are all so radically bad, heavy in hand, apt to jar, dull in cast, liable to clnysal, and otherwise prone to break, that no archer should use them so long as a self-yew or a good backed bow is within reach. The only wood, then, for self-bows is yew, and the best yew is of foreign growth (Spanish or Italian), though occasionally staves of English wood are met with which almost rival those of foreign growth. This, however, is the exception ; as a rule, the foreign wood is the best : it is straighter, and finer in grain, freer from pins, stiffer and denser in quality, and requires less bulk in proportion to the strength of the bow. The great bane of yew is its liability to knots and j)'ins, and rare indeed it is to find a six-feet stave without one or more of these undesu'able companions. Where, however, a pin occurs, it may easily be rendered comparatively harmless by the simple plan of raising it — i.e. by leaving a little more wood than elsewhere round the pin in the belly and back of the bow. This strengthens the particular point, and diminishes the danger of a chrysal or splinter. A pin resembles a small piece of wire, is very hard and troublesome to the bow- maker's tools, runs right through the bow-stave from belly to back, and is very frequently the point at which a chrysal starts. This chrysal (also called by old writers a ' pinch ') is a sort of disease which attacks the belly of a bow. At first it nearly resembles a scratch or crack in the varnish. Its direction is always diagonal to the line of the bow, and it gradually eats deeply into the bow and makes it appear as if it had been attacked with a chopper. If many small chrysals appear, much danger need not be feared, though their progress should be watched ; but if one chrysal becomes deeply OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 5 rooted, the bow sliould be sent to the bowmaker for a new belly. A chrysal usually occurs in new bows, and mostly arises from the wood being imperfectly seasoned ; but it occa- sionally will occur in a well-seasoned bow that has been lent to a friend who uses a longer draw and dwells longer on the point of aim, thus using the weapon beyond its wont. Another danger to the life of a bow arises from splinters in the back. These mostly occur in wet weather, when the damp, through failure of the varnish, has been able to get into the wood. Directly the rising of a splinter is observed, that part of the bow should be effectually glued and wrapped before it is again used. After this treatment the bow will be none the worse, except in appearance. Yew and hickory only should be used for the backs of bows. Canadian elm, which is occasionally used for backs, is particularly liable to splinter. It is obvious whenever a bow is broken the commencement of the fracture has been in a splinter or a chrysal, according as the first failure was in the back or the belly ; therefore in the diagnosis of these disorders archers have to be thankful for small mercies. The grain of the wood should be as even and fine as possible, with the feathers running quite straight, and as nearly as possible consecutively from the handle to the horn in each limb, and without curls ; also, care should be taken, in the manufacture of a bow, that the sap or back be of even depth, and not in some places reduced to the level of the belly. The feathering of a yew bow means the gradual dis- appearance of some of the grain as the substance of the bow is reduced between the handle and horn. A curl is caused by a sudden turn in the grain of the wood, so that this feather- ing is abruptly interrupted and reversed before it reappears. This is a great source of weakness in a bow, both in belly and back. There should be nothing of the nature of feathering in the back of a bow, and it is believed that the best back is that in which nothing but the bark has been removed from the stave. Any interruption of the grain of the back is a source 6 ARCHERY of weakness and a hotbed of splinters. A bow that follows the string should never be straightened, for the same reason that F=^ anything of the nature of a carriage-spring should on no account be reversed in application. The wood should be thoroughly well seasoned and of a good sound hard quality. The finest OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 7 and closest dark grain is undoubtedly the most beautiful and uncommon ; but the open or less close-grained wood, and QJ CD ^ 3 wood of paler complexion, are nearly, if not quite, as good^for use. The self-yew bow may be a s^ingi: -stave — that is to say, 8 ARCHER Y made of a single piece of wood, or may be made of two pieces dovetailed or united in the handle by what is called a fish. In a single-stave bow the quality of the wood will not be quite the same in the two limbs, the wood of the lower growth being denser than that of the upper ; whilst in the grafted bow, made of the same piece of wood, cut or split apart, and re-united in the handle, the two limbs will be exactly of the same nature. The joint, or/isliing (fig. 7), should be double, not single. The difference, however, between these two sorts of self-yew bows is so slight as to be immaterial. In any unusually damp or variable climate single staves should be prepared ; and in the grafted bows care should be taken in ascertaining that they be firmly put together in the middle. A single-stave bow has usually a somewhat shorter handle, as it becomes unnecessary to cover so much of the centre of the bow when the covering is not used as a cover to the joint, but for the purpose of holding the bow only. In shape all bows should be full and inflexible in the centre, tapering gradually to each horn. They should never bend in the handle, as bows of this shape (i.e. a continuous curve from horn to horn) always jar most disagreeably in the hand. A perfectly graduated bend, from a stiff unbending centre of at least nine inches, towards each horn is the best. Some self-yew bows are naturally reflexed, others are straight, and some follow the string more or less. The slightly reflexed bows are perhaps more pleasing to the eye, as one cannot quite shake off the belief that the shape of Cupid's bow is agreeable. Bows which follow the string somewhat are perhaps the most pleasant to use. The handle of the bow, which in size should be regulated to the grasp of each archer, should bo in such a position that the upper part of it may be from an inch to an inch and a quarter above the true centre of the bow, or the point in the handle whereon the bow will balance. If this centre be lower down in the handle, as is usual in bows of Scotch manufacture, OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 9 the cast of the bow may be somewhat improved, but at the cost of a tendency to that unpleasant feeling of kicking and jarring in the hand. Again, if the true centre bo higher, or, as is the case in the old unaltered Flemish bows, at the point where the arrow lies on the hand, the cast will be found to Buffer disadvantageously. If the handle be properly grasped (inattention to which will endanger the bow's being pulled out of shape), the fulcrum, in drawing, will be about the true balancing centre, and the root of the thumb will be placed thereon. Considering a bow to consist of three members — a handle and two limbs — the upper limb, being somewhat longer, must of necessity bend a trifle more, and this it should do. The most usual covering for the handle is plush ; but woollen binding-cloth, leather, and india-rubber are also in constant use. The piece of mother-of-pearl, ivory, or other hard sub- stance usually inserted in the handle of the bow, at the point where the arrow lies, is intended to prevent the wearing away of the bow by the friction of the arrow ; but this precaution overreaches itself, as in the course of an unusually long life the most hard-working bow will scarcely lose as much by this friction as must, to start with, be cut away for this insertion. The length of the bow% which is calculated from nock to nock — and this length will vary a little from the actual length, according as it may be said to hold itself upright or stoop, i.e. follow the string — should be regulated by its strength and the length of the arrow to be used with it. It may be taken as a safe rule that the stronger the bow the greater its length should be ; and so also the longer the arrow the longer should be the bow. For those who use arrows of the usual length of from 27 to 28 inches, with bows of the strength of from 45 lbs. to 55 lbs., a useful and safe length will be not less than 5 ft. 10 in. If this length of arrow or weight of bow be in- creased or diminished, the length of bow may be proportionally lo ARCHERY increased or diminished, taking as the two extremes 5 ft. 8 in. and 6 feet. No bow need be much outside either of these measurements. It may be admitted that a short bow will cast somewhat farther than a longer one of the same weight, but this extra cast can only be gained by a greater risk of breakage. As bows are usually weighed and marked by the bowmakers for a 28-inch arrow fully drawn up, a greater or less pull will take more or less out of them, and the archer's calculations must be made accordingly. To increase or diminish the power of a bow, it is usual to shorten it in the former case, and to reduce the bulk in the latter ; but to shorten a bow will probably shorten its life too, and mayhap spoil it, unless it be certain that it is superfluously long or sufficiently strong in the handle. On the other hand, to reduce a bow judiciously, if it need to be weaker, can do it no harm ; but the reduction should not be carried quite up to the handle. It is a good plan to choose a bow by quality, regard- less of strength, and have the best bow that can be procured re- duced to the strength suitable. In all cases the horns should be well and truly set on, and the nocks should be of sufficient bulk to enclose safely the extremities of the limbs of the bow running up into them, and the edges of the nocks should be made most carefully smooth. If the edge of the nock be sharp and rough, the string must be fraj^ed, and in consequence break sooner or later, and endanger the safety of the bow. The lower nock is not unfrequently put on or manufactured a trifle sideways as to its groove on the belly side. This is done W'ith a view to compensate the irregularity of the loop : but this is a mistake, as it is quite unnecessary in the case of a loop, and must be liable to put the string out of position when there is a second eye to the string— and this second eye every archer who pays due regard to the preservation of his bows and strings should be most anxious to adopt as soon as possible. From all that can be learned respecting the backed bow, it would appear that its use was not adopted in this countr}- OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW ii until archery was in its last stage of decline as a weapon of war, when, the bow degenerating into an instrument of amuse- ment, the laws relating to the importation of yew staves from foreign countries were evaded, and the supply consequently ceased. It was then that the bowyers hit upon the plan of uniting a tough to an elastic wood, and so managed to make a very efficient weapon out of very inferior materials. This cannot fairly be claimed as an invention of the English bowyers, but is an adaptation of the plan which had long been in use amongst the Turks, Persians, Tartars, Chinese, and many other nations, including Laplanders, whose bows were made of two pieces of wood united with isinglass. As far as regards the English backed bow (this child of necessity), the end of the sixteenth century is given as the period of its introduction, and the Kensals of Manchester are named as the first makers — bows of whose make may be still in existence and use — and these were generally made of yew backed with hickory or wych-elm. At the time of the revival of archery — at the close of the last century, and again fifty years ago — all backed bows were held in great contempt by any that could afford self-yews, and were always slightingly spoken of as * tea- caddy ' bows ; meaning that they were made of materials fit for nothing but ornamental joinery, Tunbridge ware, &c. The backed bows of the present day are made of two or more strips of the same or different woods securely glued, and compressed together as firmly as possible, in frames fitted with powerful screws, which frames are capable of being set to anj- shape. Various woods are used, most of which, though of dif- ferent quality, make serviceable bows. For the backs we have the sap of yew, hickor}^ American, Canadian, or wych-elm, hornbeam, &c. ; and for the bellies, yew, lance, fustic, snake, Washaba, and letter- wood, which is the straight grained part of snake, and some others. Of all these combinations Mr. Ford gave the strongest preference to bows of yew backed with yew. These he considered the only possible rivals of the self-yew. 12 ARCHERY Next in rank he classed bows of yew backed with hickory. Bows made of lance backed with hickory, wdien the woods used are well seasoned and of choice quality, are very steady and trustworthy, but not silky and pleasant in drawing like bows made of yew\ One advantage of this combination of bow is that both these woods can be had of sufficient length to avoid the trouble in making and insecurity in use of the joint in the handle. Of bows into which more than two woods are intro- duced, the combination of yew for the belly, fustic or other good hard wood for the centre, and hickory for the back can- not well be improved upon, and such bows have been credited with excellent scores. There is also a three-wooded modification of the lance and hickory bow. In this a tapering strip of hard wood is introduced between the back and belly ; this strip passes through the handle and disappears at about a foot from the horn in each limb. The lancewood bows are the cheapest, and next to these follow the lance-and-hickory bows, and then those of the description last mentioned. On this account beginners who do not wish to go to much expense whilst they are, as it were, testing their capacity for the successful prosecution of this sport, would do well to make a start with a bow of one or other of these descriptions. It will often be useful to lend to another beginner, or to a friend, to whom it might not be wise to lend a more valuable bow ; or it may even be of use to the owner at a pinch. Bows have often been made of many more than three pieces ; but nothing is gained by further complications, unless it be necessary in the way of repair. Next in importance to the consideration of the material of which backed bows should be made comes the treatment of their shape. Judging from such specimens of backed bows, made by Waring and others, before the publication of Mr. H. A. Ford's articles on archery in the ' Field,' as have survived to the present day, and whose survival may be chiefly attributed to the fact that they were so utterly harsh and disagreeable in use OF THE ENGLISH LONG-DOW 13 that it was but little use they ever got, the author was pro- bably right in saying that they all bent in the handle more or less when drawn, and were too much reflexed. There is but little doubt that — as the joint in the handle, necessitating extra bulk and strength, could be dispensed with in these bows — the makers considered it an excellent opportunity to give their goods what (however erroneousl}- ) was then considered the best shape (when drawn), nameh', the perfect arc ; and this har- monious shape they obtained most successfully by making the bows comparatively weak in the handle and unnecessarily strong towards the horns ; with the result that these * tea- caddy bows ' met the contemptuous fate they well deserved. Modern archers have to be thankful to Mr. Ford for the vast improvement in backed bows (even more than in the case of self-bows), which are now perfectly steady in hand, and taper gradually, and as much as is compatible with the safety of the limbs, and this in spite of their being still made somewhat more reflex when new than appears necessary in the manu- facture of self-yew bows. Yet Mr. Ford was perfectly right to condemn all reflexity that does not result in a bow becoming either straight or somewhat to follow the string after it has been in use sufficiently long for its necessary trainmg to its owner's style. The first qualit}^ of a bow is steadiness. Now this quality is put in peril either by a want of exact balance between the two limljs — when the recoil of one limb is quicker than that of the other— or by undue reflexity. These causes of unsteadiness occur in self-bows as well as in backed bows, and are felt in the shape of a jar or kick in the hand when loosed. This unsteadiness from want of balance in the limbs may be cured by a visit of the bow to the maker for such fresh tillering (as it is called) as will correct the fault of one or other limb. If the unsteadiness arise from excessive re- flexity, which cannot be reduced by use, a further tapering of the limbs must be adopted. No Ijow of any sort that cannot be completely cured of kicking should be kept, as no 14 ARCHERY steady shooting can be expected from such a bow. A bow that is much reflexed will be more liable to chrysals and splinters, as the belly has to be more compressed and the back more strained than in a bow of proper shape ; also, such a bow is much more destructive to strings, as a greater strain is put upon the strings by the recoil of the limbs than is the case with a bow that follows the string or bends inwards naturall}'. It is the uneven or excessive strain upon the string after the dis- charge of the arrow that causes the kicking of the bow. "When the question arises, ' Which is the best sort of bow ? ' it is found that the solution has only been rendered more complicated since 1859 by the great improvement in the manufacture of various sorts of backed bows : as the following remarks, then applied to the comparison between the self-yew and the yew-backed yew only, must now be extended to all the best specimens of backed bows of different sorts. The advocates of the self-yew affirm that good specimens of their pet weapon are the sweetest in use, the steadiest in hand, the most certain in cast, and the most beautiful to the eye ; and in all these points, wdth the exception of certainty of cast, they are borne out by the fact. This being the state of the case, how is it, then, that a doubt can still remain as to which it is most profitable for an archer to use ? Here are three out of four points (two of which are most important) in which it is admitted that the self-yew is superior ; and yet, after much practical and experimental testing of all sorts, it must be left to the taste and judgment of each man to decide for himself. The fact undoubtedly is, that the self-yew is the most perfect weapon. But it is equally an undoubted fact that it requires more delicate handling ; since, its cast lying very much in the last three or four inches of its pull, any variation in this respect, or difference in quickness or otherwise of loose, varies the elevation of the arrow to a much greater extent than the same variation of pull or loose in the others, whose cast is more uniform throughout. Now, were a man OF THE ENGLISH LONG-BOW 15 perfect in his physical powers, or always in first-rate shooting condition, there would be no doubt as to which bow he should use, as he would in this case be able to attain to the difficult nicety required in the management of the self-yew ; but as this constant perfection never can be maintained, the superior merits of this bow are partially counteracted by the extreme difficulty of doing justice to them ; and the degree of harsh- ness of pull and unsteadiness in hand of the others being but trifling, the greater certainty with which they accomplish the elevation counterbalances, upon average results, their inferi- ority in other respects. Another advantage the self-yew pos- sesses is, that it is not so liable to injury from damp as are the backed bows ; but then the latter are much less costly, and, with common care, need cause no fear of harm from damp, as an inch of lapping at either end covering the junction with the horns will preserve them from this danger. As regards chrysals, and breakage from other causes than damp, bows of all sorts of wood are about equally liable to failure. The main results of the comparison, then, resolve themselves into these two prominent features : namely, that the self-yew bow, from its steadiness, sweetness, and absence of vibration, ensures the straightness of the shot better than backed bows ; whilst the latter, owing to the regularity of their cast not being confined quite to a hair's breadth of pull, carry off the palm for greater certainty in the elevation of the shot. It is almost unnecessary to say that there are bad bows of all sorts, many being made of materials that are fit for nothing but firewood ; and yet the bowmakers seem to be almost justified in making up such materials by the fact that occasionally the most ungainly bow will prove itself almost invaluable in use, while a perfect beauty in appearance may turn out a useless slug. Though it may be no easy matter to decide which particular sort of bow an individual archer should adopt, yet, when that individual has once ascertained the description of l6 ARCHERY bow that appears to suit him Lest, he will be wise to confine his attention to that same sort in his future acquisition of bows. An archer who shoots much will find his bowmaker's account a serious annual matter if he keep none but the best self-yew bows ; and therefore any who find it necessary to count the cost of this sport should do their best to adapt themselves to the cheaper though not much inferior backed bows. This also may be further said of the difference between self-yews and backed bows — namely, that there appears to be a sort of individuality attached to each self-yew bow, apart from the peculiarities of its class, which makes it difficult (not regarding the cost) to remedy the loss of a favourite self- yew bow. It is very much easier to replace any specimen of the other sorts of bows, as there is much less variation of character in each class. The ' carriage bow ' is made to divide into two pieces by means of a metal socket in the handle, after the fashion of the joint of a fishing-rod. The object of this make of bow is to render it more convenient as a travelling-companion ; but, as the result is a bow heavy in hand and unpleasant in use, the remedy appears to be worse than the disease. It is often asserted that the best bows should be made of steel, as superior in elasticity to wood ; but this is not borne out by the results of experiment. The late Hon. E. Hely- Hutchinson, a member of the E. Tox. Soc, took a great deal of pains to have long-bows manufactured of steel both in England and in Belgium. The best of these, weighing about 50 lbs. for the 28 -inch draw, with the aim and elevation which with a good wooden bow would carry an arrow 100 yards, scarcely carried its shaft as far as 60 yards, so deadly slow appeared the recoil ; and besides this, the actual weight in the hand of the implement was so considerable that it would be a most serious addition to the toil of the day, on account of its being so frequently held out at arm's length, to say nothing of its having to be carried about all day. 17 CHAPTEE II. HOW TO CHOOSE A BOW, AND HOW TO USE AND PRESERVE IT WHEN CHOSEN The next point to be considered is the strength of the bow to be chosen ; and respecting this, in the first place, the bow must be completely under the shooter's command — within it, but not much below it. One of the greatest mistakes young- archers (and many old ones too) commit is that they u-ill use bows that are too strong for them. In fact, there are but few to whom, at one or other period of their archery career, this remark has not applied. The desire to be considered strong appears to be the moving agent to this curious hallucination ; as if a man did not rather expose his weakness by straining at a bow evidently beyond his strength, thereby calling attention to that weakness, than by using a lighter one with grace and ease, which always give the idea of force, vigour, and power. Another incentive to the use of strong bows is the passion for sending down the arrows sharp and low, and the consequent employment of powerful bows to accomplish this ; the which is perhaps a greater mistake than the other, for it is not so much the strength of the bow as the perfect command of it that enables the archer to obtain this desideratum. The ques- tion is not so much what a man can pull as what he can loose ; and he will without doubt oljtain a lower flight of arrow by a lighter power of bow under his command, than he will by a stronger one beyond his proper management. This mania for strong bows has destroyed many a promising archer, in an archery sense of the term. Not only did one of c 1 8 ARCHERY the best shots of his clay, a wmner of the second and first prizes at successive Grand National Meetings, dwindle beneath mediocrity in accuracy through this infatuation, but another brought himself to death's door by a dangerous illness of about a year's duration, by injury to his physical powers, brought on by the same failing, only carried to a much greater excess. And, after all, the thing so desired is not always thus attained. Let the reader attend any Grand National x\rchery Meeting, and let him observe some fifty or so picked shots of the country arranged at the targets, and contending with all their might for the prizes of honour and skill. Whose arrows fly down the sharpest, steadiest, and keenest '? Are they those of the archers who use the strongest bows ? Not at all. Behold that archer from an Eastern county just stepping so unpretendingly for- ward to deliver his shafts. See ! with what grace and ease the whole thing is done ! — no straining, no contortions there ! Mark the flight of his arrows — how keen, and low, and to the mark they fly ! None fly sharper, few so sharp. And what is the strength of that beautiful self-yew bow which he holds in his hand '? Scarce 50 lbs. ! And yet the pace of his shaft is unsm-passed by any ; and it is close upon five shillings in weight too. There is another. Mark his strength and muscular power ! Possibly a bow of 80 lbs. would be within his pull ; yet he knows better than to use any such, when the prizes are awarded to skill, not brute force. The bow he em- ploys is but 48 lbs. ; yet how steady and true is the flight of his arrow ! And so on all through the meeting : it will be found that it is not the strongest bows, but those that are under the perfect command of their owners, that do their work the best. Inasmuch, then, as the proper flight of an arrow from any bow depends almost entirely upon the way in which it is loosed, the strength of the bow must not be regulated by the mere muscular powers of the individual archer ; for he may be able HO IV TO CHOOSE A BOW 19 to draw even a 29 -inch arrow to the head in a very powerful bow without being able during a match to loose steadily a bow of more than 50 lbs. Not the power of drawing, but of loosing steadily, must therefore be the guide here. The bow must be within this loosing power, but also well up to it ; for it is almost as bad to be under- as orcr-bowed. The evils atten- dant upon being over-bowed are various : the left (bow) arm, wrist, and elbow, the fingers of the right (loosing) hand and its wrist, are strained and rendered unsteady ; the pull be- comes uncertain and wavering, and is never twice alike ; the whole system is overworked and wearied ; and, besides this, the mind is depressed by ill-success ; the entire result is dis- appointment and failure. On the other hand, care must be taken not to fall into the opposite extreme of being under- bowed, as in this case the loose becomes difficult, and generally unsteady and unequal. The weight of the bows now in gene- ral use varies from 45 lbs. to 54 lbs., stronger ones forming the exception ; and the lowest of these weights is ample for the distances now usually shot. Each archer must therefore find out how much he can draw with ease and loose with steadiness throughout a day's shooting, and choose according^. If a beginner, 50 lbs. is probably the outside weight with which he should commence ; a few pounds less, in most cases, would even be better for the starting-point. As lately as twenty years ago bows were very carelessly marked in the indication of their strength, many bows being marked as much as 10 lbs- above their actual measure ; but in the present day all the bowmakers incline towards the custom of marking a new bow to weigh rather less, perhaps by 3 lbs., than its actual weight. The reason of this is that in the opinion of the marker the bow will arrive at the strength marked in the course of use. It is indeed a very rare case when a new^ bow does not with use get somewhat weaker. Besides keeping the bows for his own use mostly of the same description, every archer should also keep them of just 20 ARCHERY about the same weight ; and if lie shoot much he should possess at the fewest three, as much ahke as possible, and use them alternately. This will prove an economy in the end, as each will have time to recover its elasticity, and will thus last a much longer time. It is an agreeable feature in bows that they have considerable facility in recovery from the effects of hard work. This fact may be easily tested by weigh- ing a bow on a steelyard before and after shooting a single York round with it, when a difference of one pound or more will be found in the strength of it, more particularly if the day be hot ; l)ut with a few days' rest this lost power will be regained l)y the bow. In the choice of ■^ bow a beginner should secure the assis- tance of an experienced friend, or content himself with an un- ambitious investment in a cheap specimen of backed-bow or a self-lance, on which he may safely expend his inexperience. When an archer is sufficiently advanced to know the sort and weight of bow that best suits him, let him go to the maker he prefers, and name the price he can afford to give — the prices of trustworthy self-yews vary from twenty to five guineas, of yew-backed yews from five to three guineas, and of other backed bows from three guineas to thirty shillings ; whilst self- lance bows may be procured for as little as twelve shillings — and he will soon find what choice there is for him. If there appears one likely to suit, let him first examine the bow to see that there be no knots, curls, pins, splinters, chrysals, or other objectionable flaws; then let him string it, and, placing the lower end on the ground in such a position that the whole of the strmg shall be under his eye and uppermost, let him notice whether the bow be perfectly straight. If it be so, the bow, so balanced between the ground at the lower and a finger at the upper end, will appear symmetrically divided by the string into two parts. Should there appear to be more on one side of the string than on the other in either limb, the bow is not straight, and should be rejected. A bow is said to have a cast HOW TO CHOOSE A BOW 21 when it is tilted in its back out of the perpendicular to the plane passing through the string and the longitudinal centre of the bow. Any bow that has this fault should also be rejected. This fault, if it should happen to exist, will be easily detected by reversing the position of the bow just previously described, i.e. by holding the bow as before, but with the back upwards. The next step is to watch the Ijow as it is drawn up, so as to be able to judge whether it bend evenly in both its limbs and show no sign of weakness in any particular point. The upper limb, as before stated, being the longest, should appear to bend a trifle the most, so that the whole may be symmetrical, when considered as bending from the real centre. It may next be tested, to ascertain whether it be a kicker ; thus the string must be drawn up six inches or so and then loosed (of course without an arrow). If the bow have the fault of kicking ever so little, experience will easily detect it by the jolt in the hand. But on no account in this experiment should the string (without an arrow) be fully drawn and loosed. Care should be taken that the bow l)e sufficiently long for its strength. "What has hitherto been said applies to all bows ; but in self-bows attention must be paid to the straightness of the feathering of the wood. As a general rule, the lightest wood in a yew-bow will have the quickest cast, and the heaviest will make the most lasting implement. Be- tween two bows of the same strength and length, the one being slight and the other bulky, there will be about the same difference as between a thoroughbred and a cart-horse. .Therefore the preference should be given to 1)ows that are light and slight for their strength. Light-coloured and dark yew make equally good bows, though most prefer the dark colour for choice. Fine and more open grain in yew are also equally good, but the finer is more scarce. If there be no bow suitable — i.e. none of the right weight — let the choice fall upon the best bow of greater power, and let it l)e reduced. Failing this, the purchaser may select an unfinished stave 22 ARCHERY and have it made to his own pattern ; but it is not easy to foretell how a stave will make up. There remains one point about a bow, hitherto unnoticed, and this is its section, as to shape. This may vary, being broad and flat across its back, or the contrary — deep and pointed in the belly. Here again extremes should be avoided — the bow should in shape be neither too flat nor too deep. If it be an inch or so across the back just above the handle, it should also have about the same measurement through from back to belly. This much being granted, it is further declared that the back should be almost as flat and angular as possible, showing that it has been reduced as little as may be after the removal of the bark ; but the belly should be rounded ; and as the back should not be reduced in its depth towards the horns, and should not get too narrow across, it will follow that the chief reduction, to arrive at the proper curvature when the bow is drawn, must be in the belly, and therefore towards the horn. A well-shaped bow will in measurement become somewhat shallower from back to belly than it is across the back as it advances towards the horns. Bows are broken from several causes : by means of ne- glected chrysals in the belly, or splmters in the back ; by a jerking, uneven, or crooked stj^le of drawing; by dwelling over- long on the point of aim after the arrow is fully drawn ; by the breaking of the string; by damp, and oftentimes by careless- ness; and even by thoughtlessness. Bows, moreover, maybe broken on the steelyard in the weighing of them. A few years ago, when the Americans first took up archery very keenly, one of their novices wrote to a prominent English archer saying that he had broken nearly seventy bows in a couple of years, and asking the reason. He was told that he must either keep his bows in a damp place or the bows must be very bad ones, or else (to which view the writer inclined) he must be in the habit of stringing them the reverse way with the belly outwards. This would certainly have a fatal eflect, but it is true HOW TO CHOOSE A BOW 23 that the Americans bought a number of very bad bows about that time from inferior makers in England. Whenever chrysals appear they must be carefully watched, and, as has already been said, if they become serious, a new belly must be added. This will not be a serious disfigurement, even to a self-yew bow. A splinter should be glued and lapped at once, but no one nowadays seems to care to have the covering patch painted as formerly, to represent as nearly as possible the colours of the different parts of the bow. Care should be taken not to stab the belly of the bow with the point of the arrow when nocking it ; and the dents in the back of the bow made with the arrow as it is carelessly pulled out of the target should be avoided. A glove-button will often injure the back of the bow whilst it is being strung. As other ornaments— buttons, buckles, &c. — may also inflict disfigurements, it is better to avoid their presence as far as possible. Breakages from a bad style of drawing, or from dwelling too long on the aim, can only be avoided by adopting a better and more rational method. In order to avoid fracture through the breaking of strings, any string that shows signs of failure from too much wear or otherwise should be discarded ; and strings that are too stiff, too hard, and too thin should be avoided. If a string break w4ien the arrow is fully or almost drawn, there is but little hope for the bo^v ; but if it break in the recoil after the arrow is shot, which fortunately is more frequently the case, the bow will seldom suffer. Yet if after the bow is strung the archer should observe that the string is no longer trustworthy, and decide to discard it, he should on no account cut it whilst the bow is braced, as the result of so doing will be an almost certain fracture. If the string be looped at both ends and the loop at either end be made too large, so that it slip off the nock in stringing, the bow may break, so that an archer who makes his own loops at the lower end of the string must be careful not to make them too loose. Breakage from damj) is little to be feared in self-bows, except in localities where it 24 ARCHERY is exceptionally moist, or, after long neglect, ^Yhen damp has taken possession of the joint in the handle. In these cases single staves only are safe. Amongst backed bows there is much mortality from this cause. Commonly, it Avill be the lower limb that will fail, as that is most exposed to damp, arising either from the ground whilst shooting, or from the floor when put away. If the bow has been used in damp weather it should be carefully dried and rubbed with waxed flannel or cloth. A waterproof case, an ' Ascham ' raised an inch or so above the floor in a dry room, and the ])ow hung up, not resting on its lower horn, are the best-known precautions. Half an inch of lapping, glued and varnished, above and below the joint of the horn is also a safe precaution against damp ; also an occasional narrow lap in the course of the limb will assist to ' fast bind, fast find.' As regards the danger of care- lessness, bows have been broken through attempts to string them the wrong way, or by using them upside down ; and thoughtlessness will lead the inexperienced to attempt to bring a bow that follows the string upright, to its infinite peril. In such cases the verdict of ' Serve him right ' should be brought against the offender if he be the owner. In weighing a bow on the steelyard care must be taken to see that the peg indicat- ing the length to be drawn be at the right point ; otherwise a lady's bow, for instance, may be destroyed in the mistaken attempt to pull it up twenty-eight inches, or three inches too much. It has already been stated that a belly much injured by chrysals may be replaced by a new belly ; any incurable failure of the back may also be cured by its renewal. A weak bow or limb may also be strengthened by these means. Also, if either limb be broken or irretrievably damaged, and the remaining one be sound, and worth the expense, another limb may be successfully grafted on to the old one. If possible, let this be an old limb also, as the combination of new and old wood is not always satisfactory ; the former (though well seasoned. //Ol^V TO CHOOSE A BOW 25 being unseasoned by use), being more yielding, is apt after a little use to lose its relative strength, and so spoil the proper balance of the bow. This grafting of one broken limb upon another may be carried to the length of grafting together two limbs of different sorts. Mr. P. Muir, who was as good a bowyer as he was an accurate shot, had a favourite bow, that did him good service in 1865 at Clifton, when he took the third place at the Grand National Archery Meeting. This bow in one limb was yew-backed yew, and in the other lance backed with hickory. A bow that is weak in the centre, and not sufficiently strong to allow of the ends being further reduced, may be brought to the required shape, and strengthened l)y the addition of a short belly. With regard to unstringing the bow during the shooting, say, of a York Eound of 144 arrows, at the three distances, a good bow will not need it, if the shooting be moderately quick, excepting at the end of each of the distances. If there happen to be many, shooters, or very slow ones, it may be unstrung after every three or four double ends ; and of course it should be unstrung whenever an mterruption of the shooting may occur from rain, or any other cause ; but it certainly appears unnecessary to unstring the bow after each three shots, as this is an equally uncalled-for strain upon the muscles of the archer and relief to the grain of the wood. In a discussion on this subject, however, between Mr. James Speddmg and Mr. P. IMuir, the latter maintained that to be unstrung at each end w^as as agreeable to the bow as to rest on a camp-stool was to the archer. Some archers contend that it is better to have the bow strung some few minutes before the commence- ment of the shooting. All that has been said respecting men's bows, with the exception of strength and length, applies equally to those used by ladies. The usual strength of these latter varies from 24 lbs. to 30 lbs. In length they should not be less than five feet. The usual length of a lady's arrow being twenty-five inches, 26 ARCHERY whilst that of a gentleman is twenty-eight inches, it appears that, when fully drawn, a lady's bow must Ije bent more in proportion to its length than that of a gentleman. The pro- portion between the bows being as 5 to 6, whilst that of the arrows is as 6^ to 7 ; yet ladies' bows appear to be quite capable of Ijearing this extra strain safely. As Ijows of three pieces are seldom to be met with manufactured for the use of ladies, their choice of weapons is limited to self-yews, yew-backed yews, yew backed with hickory, and lance backed with hickor}' ; also self-lance bows for beginners, &c. Ladies' bows of snake and other hard woods are still to be met with ; but the}' are so vastly inferior to those aboA'e-mentioned that it is scarcely necessary to refer to them. It is too common a practice amongst archers to throw the consequences of their own faults upon the bowmakers, accus- ing the weapon of being the cause of their failures, instead of blaming their own carelessness or want of skill. But, before this can be justly done, let each be quite certain that he has chosen his bow with care, and kept it with care ; if otherwise, any accidents occurrmg are, ten to one, more likely to be the result of his own fault than that of the bowinaker. 27 CHAPTEE III. OF THE ARROW The arrow is perhaps the most important of all the imple- ments of the archer, and requires the greatest nicety of make and excellence of materials ; for, though he may get on with- out absolute failure with an inferior bow or other tackle, unless the arrow be of the best Eobin Hood himself would have aimed in vain. Two things are essential to a good arrow, namely, perfect straightness, and a stiffness or rigidity sufficient to stand in the bow, i.e. to receive the force of the bow as delivered by the string without flirting or gadding ; for a weak or supple is even worse than a crooked arrow — and it need hardly be said how little conducive to shooting straight is the latter. The straightness of the arrow is easily tested by the following simple process. Place the extremities of the nails of the thumb and middle finger of the left hand so as just to touch each other, and with the thumb and same finger of the right hand spin the arrow upon the nails at about the arrow's balancing-point ; if it revolve truly and steadily, keeping in close and smooth contact with the nails, it is straight ; but if it jump in the very least the contrary is the case. In order to test its strength or stiffness the arrow must be held by the nock, with its pile placed on some solid substance. The hand at liberty should now be pressed downwards on the middle of the arrow. A very little experience as to whether the arrow offer efficient resistance to this pressure will suffice to satisfy the archer about its stiffness. An arrow that is weaker on one side than on the other should also be rejected. 28 ARCHERY Arrows are either sc/As or footed ; the former being made of a single piece of wood (these are now seldom in use, except for children), and the latter have a piece of different and harder wood joined on to them at the pile end. 'A shaft,' says old Eoger Ascham, ' hath three principal parts — the stele, the feather, and the head.' The stele, or wooden body of the arrow, used to be, and still is occasionally, made of different sorts of wood ; but for target use, and indeed for any other description of modern shooting, all may Ije now discarded save one — red deal, which when clean, straight of grain, and w^ell seasoned, whether for selfs or footed shafts, is incomparably superior to all others. For the footing any hard wood will do ; and if this be solid for one inch below the pile it will be amply sufficient. Lance and Washaba are perhaps the best woods for this purpose ; the latter is the toughest, but the former Mr. Ford preferred, as he thought the darkness of the Washaba had a tendency to attract the eye. The darker woods, however, are now mostly in use. This footing has three recommendations : the first, that it enables the arrow to fly more steadily and get through the wind better; the second, that, being of a substance harder than deal, it is not so easily worn by the friction it unavoidably meets with on entering the target or the ground ; and the third, that this same hardness saves the point from being broken off should it happen to strike against any hard substance — such, for instance, as a stone in the ground or the iron leg of a target-stand. Before the shoot- ing is commenced, and after it is finished, the arrows should be rubbed with a piece of oiled flannel. This will prevent the paint of the target from adhering to them. If in spite of this precaution any paint should adhere to them, sand- paper should on no account be used to clean them : this is most objectionable, as it will wear away the wood of the footing. Turpentine should be applied, or the blunt back of a knife. Before entering upon the subject of the best shape for the OF THE ARROW 29 * stele ' of the arrow for practical use, it is necessary to say a few words upon a point where the theory and practice of archery apparently clash. If the arrow be placed on the Ijowstring as if for shooting, the bow drawn, and an aim taken at an object, and if the bow be then slowly relaxed, the arrow being held until it returns to the position of rest — i.e. if the passage of the arrow over the bow be slow and gradual — it will be found, if the bow be held quite firmly during this action, that the arrow does not finally point to the object aimed at, but in a direction deviating considerably to the left of it — in fact, that its direction has been constantly deviating more and more from the point of aim at each point during its return to the position of rest. This is, of course, due to the half-breadth of the bow, the nock of the arrow being carried on the string, in a plane passing through the string and the axis of the bow's length ; and this deviation will be greater if the arrow be chested (i.e. slighter at the pile than at the nock), and less if it be bobtailed (i.e. slighter at the nock than at the pile) than if the arrow be cylindrical throughout. If the same arrow, when drawn to the head, be loosed at the object aimed at — i.e. if the passage of the arrow over the bow be impulsive and instan- taneous — it will go straight to the object aimed at, the shoot- ing being in all respects perfect. How, then, is the difference of the final direction of the arrow in the two cases to be explained ? It must be observed that the nock of the arrow being con- strained to move, as it does move in the last case, causes a pressure of the arrow upon the bow (owing to its slanting position on the bow, and its simultaneous rapidity of passage), and therefore a reacting pressure of the bow upon the arrow. This makes the bow have quite a different effect upon the deviation from what it had in the first case, when the arrow moved slowly and gradually upon the bow (being held by the nock), the obstacle presented by the half-breadth of the bow 30 ARCHER V then causing a deviation icluAlij to the left. The pressure now considered, however, has a tendency to cause deviation to the left only during the first part of the arrow's passage upon the bow, whilst during the second part it causes a deviation to the right ; or, more correctly speaking, the pressure of the bow upon the arrow has a tendency to cause a deviation to the left so long as the centre of graviti) of the arrow is u-itJiin the how, and vice versa. So that, if this were the only force acting upon the arrow, its centre of gravity (this is, of course, the point upon which the arrow, balanced horizontally, will poise) should lie midway in that part of the arrow which is in contact with the bow during the bow's recoil. There is another force which contributes towards this acting and reacting pressure between the arrow and the bow at the loose if the nocking- place of the string be properly fitted to the arrow, but not otherwise. As the fingers are disengaged from the string they communicate a tendency to spin to the string, and this spin immediately applies the arrow to the bow if it should happen to be off the bow through side-wind or that troublesome failing of beginners and others of a crooked pinch between the' fingers upon the nock of the arrow. It will be observed that if the nocking-place be too small to fill the nock of the arrow this tendency to spin in the string will not affect the replace- ment of the arrow ; but if the nocking-place be a good fit to the nock, the former must be a trifle flattened, and so communi- cate the spin of the string to the arrow in the shape of a blow upon the bow. It is not pretended that no arrow will fly straight unless the nocking-place fit the arrow. If the string be home in the nock the shot will still be correctly delivered, because the very close and violent pressure of the string on the nock will arrest the spin and so apply the arrow ; but if the string be not home in the nock at the delivery of the loose, there is great danger that the nock will be broken, either from the nocking-place being too small, or from the other fault of its being too big. It is this spin given to the string as the OF THE ARROW 31 arrow is loosed that necessitates the delivery of the arrow from the other side of the l>ow when the thumb-loose of the Oriental archer is employed, because this loose communicates the same spin, but reversed, to the string. The struggle of these forces is clearly indicated l)y the appearance of the arrow where it comes in contact with the bow when it leaves the string. It is here that the arrow al- ways shows most wear. It is also shown by the deep groove that gets worn by the arrow in a bow that has seen much service. The nature of the dynamical action may be thus briefly explained. The first impulse given to the arrow, being in- stantaneous and very great (sufficient, as has been seen, to break the arrow if the string be not home in the nock) in proportion to any other forces which act upon it, impresses a very high initial velocity in the direction of the aim, and this direction the arrow recovers notwithstanding the slight deviations caused l3y the mutual action between the arrow and bow before explained — these in fact, as 'has been shown, counteracting each other. The recoil of the bow, l^esides the motion in the direction of aim, impresses a rotary motion ujDon the arrow about its centre of gravit}'. This tendency to rotate, however, about an axis through its centre of gravity is counteracted by the feathers. For, suppose the arrow to be shot off with a slight rotary motion about a vertical axis, in a short time its point will deviate to the left of the plane of projection, and the centre of gi-avity will be the only point which continues in that plane. The feathers of the arrow will now be turned to the right of the same plane, and, through the velocity of the arrow, will cause a considerable resistance of the air against them. This resistance will twist the arrow until its point comes to the right of the plane of projection, when it will begin to turn the arrow the contrary way. Thus, through the agency of the feathers, the deviation of the point of the arrow from 32 ARCHERY the plane of projection is confined within very narrow limits. Any rotation of the arrow about a horizontal axis will be a ^ counteracted in the same way by the action of the feathers. Both these tendencies maybe distinctly observed m the actual OF THE ARROW -^^ initial motion of the arrow. In the discussion of these rota- tions of the arrow about vertical and horizontal axes the l)ow is supposed to be held in a vertical position. If the foregoing reasoning be carefully considered, it will be seen how prejudicial to the correct flight of the arrow in the direction of the aim any variation in the shape of that part of it which is in contact with the bow must necessarily be ; for by this means an additional force is introduced into the elements of its flight. Take for example the chested arrow, which is smallest at the point and largest at the feathers : here there is during its whole passage over the l)ow a constant and increasing deviation to the left of the direction of aim, caused by the arrow's shape, independent of, and in addition to, a deviation in the like direction caused by the retention of the nock upon the string. Thus this descrip- tion of arrow has greater difficulty in recovering its initial direction, the forces ojjposed to its doing so being so much increased. Accordingly, in practice, the chested arrow has always a tendency to fly to the left. These chested arrows are mostly fliglit-arroics, made very light, for long-distance shooting, and they are made of this shape to prevent their being too weak-waisted to bear steadily the recoil of very strong bows. As regards the hohtdiled (irww, which is largest at the point and smallest at the feathers, the converse is true to the extent that this description of arrow will deviate towards the left less than either the straight or chested arrow ; more- over, any considerable bobtailedness would render an arrow so weakwaisted that it would be useless. There is another arrow, known as the barrelled arrow, which is largest in the middle, and tapers thence towards each end. The quickest flight may be obtained with this sort of arrow, as to it may be applied a lighter pile without bringing' on either the fault of a chested arrow or the weak-waistedness ■of a bobtailed arrow. 34 ARCHERY If the tapering l)e of equal amount at each end of the arrow, the pressure wih act and react in precisely the same manner as in the case of the C3'lindrical arrow, with the result that this arrow will fly straight in the direciion in which it is aimed. The cylindrical and the barrelled shapes are therefore recommended as the hest for target-shooting. And as the barrelled is necessarily stronger in the waist and less likely to \a Fig. 11. a, different balancing points of thin arrows. flirt, even if a light arrow be used with a strong bow, this shape is perhaps better than the cylindrical. The feathering of the arrow is about the most delicate part of the fletcher's craft, and it requires the utmost care and ex- perience to effect it thoroughly well. It seems difficult now to realise why the feathering of the arrow came to have grown to the size in use during Mr. Ford's time, when the feather occupied the whole distance between the archer's fingers and OF THE ARROW 35 the place on the bow where the arrow Hes when it is nocked previous to shooting — i.e. the length of the feather was up- wards of five inches. Mr. H. Elliott was the first archer who, about fifteen years ago, reduced the dimensions of the feathers of his arrows by cutting off the three inches of each feather furthest from the nock. He found this reduction enabled the arrow to fly further. Others soon followed his example, and in the course of about twelve months all the arrow-makers had supplied their customers with arrows of the new pattern, which » however, cannot be called a new pattern, as Oriental arrows, and many flight-arrows, were much less heavily feathered. The long feathering is now scarcely ever seen, except occasionally when it is erroneously used to diminish the difficulty of shoot- ing at sixty yards. Mr. Ford recommended rather full-sized feathers ' as giving a steadiness to the flight.' With the re- duced feathers arrows fly as steadily, and certainly more keenly towards the mark. A fair amount of rib should be left on the feather, for if the rib be pared too fine the lasting quality of the feather will be diminished. The three feathers of an arrow should be from the same wing, right or left ; and as none but a raw beginner will find any difficulty in nocking his arrow the right way — i.e. with what is known as the cock feather upwards, or at right angles to the line of the nock — with- out having this cock feather of a different colour, it is advisable to have the three feathers all alike. Perhaps the brown feathers of the peacock's wing are the best of all, but the black turkey- feathers are also highly satisfactory. The white turkey- feathers are also equally good, but had better be avoided, as they too readily get soiled, and are not to be easily distin- guished from white goose-feathers. These last, as well as those of the grey goose, though highly thought of by our fore- fathers, are now in no repute, and it is probable that our ancestors, if they had had the same plentiful supply of pea- fowls and turkeys as ourselves, would have had less respect for the wings of geese. The reason why the three feathers D 2 36 ARCHERY must be from the same wing is that every feather is outwardly convex and inwardly concave. When the feathers are cor- rectly applied, all three alike, this their peculiarity of form rifles the arrow or causes it to rotate on its own axis. This may be tested by shooting an arrow through a pane of glass, when it will be found that the scraping against the arrow of the sharp edges of the fracture passes along the arrow spirally. Some years ago a very unnecessary patent was taken out for rifling an arrow by putting on the feathers spirally, over- FiG. 12. Fig. 13. doing what was already sufficient. As regards the position of the feather, it should be brought as near as possible to the nock. Some consider an inch in length of feather quite sufficient. It is certain that any length between two inches and one inch will do ; so each individual may please himself and suit the length of the feathering to the length and weight of his arrows. The two shapes in use are the triangular and the parabolic or balloon-shaped. Of these both are good — the former having the advantage of carrying the steerage further back, whilst the latter is a trifle stiffer. OF THE ARROW yj The feathers are preserved from damp by a coat of oil paint laid on between them and for one- eighth of an inch above and below them. This should afterwards be varnished, and the rib of the feather should be carefully covered, but care must be taken to avoid injuring the suppleness of the feather with the varnish. Feathers laid down or ruffled by wet may be restored by spinning the arrow before a warm fire carefully. The inle, or point, is an important part of the arrow. Of the different shapes that have been used, the best for target- shooting — now almost the only survivor — is the square- shouldered parallel pile. Its greatest advantage is, that if the arrow be overdrawn so that the pile be brought on to the Fm. 14. bow, the aim will not be injured, as must be the case with all conical piles so drawn. (Very light flight-arrows, for which the piles provided for ladies are considered too heavy, must still be furnished with the conical piles used for children's arrows.) This parallel pile is mostly made in two pieces — a pointed cone for its point, which is soldered on to the cylindrical part, which itself is made of a flat piece of metal soldered into this form. This same-shaped pile has occasionally been made turned out of solid metal ; but this pile is liable to be so heavy as to be unsuitable for any but the heaviest arrows, and the fletchers aver that it is difficult to fix it on firmly owing to the grease used in its manufacture. Great care should be taken, in the manufacture of arrows, that the footing exactly fits the pile. 38 ARCHERY SO as to fill entirely the inside of it ; unless the footing of the arrow reach the bottom of the pile, the pile will either crumple up or be driven down the stele when the pile comes in contact with a hard substance. It is, of course, fixed on with glue ; and to prevent its coming off from damp, a blow, or the adhesiveness of stiff clay, it is well to indent it on each side with a sharp hard-pointed punch fitted for the purpose with a groove, in which the arrow is placed whilst the necessary pressure is applied. This instrument may be procured of Hill & Son, cutlers, 4 Haymarket. The noc]i should be strong, and very carefully finished, so that no injury may be done by the string or to the string. Of course the nock must be of the same size in section as the stele of the arrow ; and this furnishes an additional argument against the bobtailed arrow, which is smallest at this end. The notch or groove in which the string acts should be about one-eighth of an inch wide and about three-sixteenths of an inch deep. The bottom of this notch will be much improved by the application of a round file of the right gauge, i.e. quite a trifle more than the eighth of an inch in diameter ; but great care must be taken to apply this uniformly, and the nock must not be unduly weakened. This application will enable the archer to put thicker, and therefore safer, lapping to the nocking-place of the string, and the danger of the string being loose in the nock will be lessened. It is possible that this additional grooving of the nock may to a very trifling extent impede the escape of the arrow from the string. Mr. Ford recommended the application of a copper rivet through the nock near to the bottom of the notch to provide against the danger of splitting the nock. But it is so doubtful whether any rivet fine enough for safe application would be strong enough to guard against this danger, that the better plan will be to avoid the different sorts of carelessness that lead towards this accident. As regards the length of the arrow no arbitrary rule can OF THE ARROW 39 be laid down. The arrow most generally in use is twenty- eight inches in length from the point of the pile to the bottom of the groove of the nock. This arrow may be easily drawn up by any man of average height — the twenty-seven inches, or the clothyard length of the old English archer, leaving the inch of pile undrawn. A taller man may venture to draw the pile. An arrow of twenty-nine inches may be adopted by those who have very long arms or are unusually tall. Those who are short of stature or short in limb may adopt the shorter arrow of twenty-seven inches. Shorter arrows than this ^vill l)e found to fly unsteadily, and the longer arrows, if thoroughly drawn up, are very trying to the bows. The shorter arrows of twenty-seven inches in length have been in much more frequent use since about 1862, when the late T. L. Coulson adopted them, and advocated that it was better to draw up a shorter arrow than to leave a longer one undrawn. The fault of drawing not far enough is so much more frequent than that of overdrawing, that archers are strongly recommended to avoid shortening their arrow unadvisedly, and rather to draw the longer ones as far as they reasonably can. The fault of overdrawing is so dangerous to the archer, his tackle, and others, that, though an unfrequent fault, a caution against it must not be omitted. Whatever be the length of the arrow, it should always be drawn up to exactly the same point. The weight of the arrow must to a certain extent be regu- lated by its length and by the strength of the bow with which it is to be used ; for if an arrow be a long one it must have bulk sufficient to ensure its stiffness, and stiffness also in proportion to the strength of the bow. 4s. for the lowest, and 5s. 6d. for the highest weight, are the two extremes within which every length of arrow and strength of bow may be pro- perly fitted, so far as gentlemen are concerned. For ladies, 2.5. 6(7. and 3s. 6(7. should be about the limits. It should be borne in mind that light arrows, unless dictated by physical weakness, are a mistake in target-shooting. For flight-shoot- 40 ARCHERY ing very light-chested arrows may be procured stiff enough for any strength of bow ; but in this style of shooting distance to be covered is of more importance than accuracy of aim. It would be much better if the arrow-makers, instead of selling their arrows in sets, progressing by three silver pennyweights, would sell them also weighed to the intermediate penny- weights. As the matter stands now, supposing the archer's favourite weight to Ije 4s. 9f/., he may have at one time a set weighing rather less than 4s. 8r/., and at another time rather more than 4s. V)d. As all the intermediate weights of arrow^s are manufactured, there can be no sufficient reason why the lighter set should not be marked and sold as 4s. 8fL, and the heavier as 4s. lOfZ. A careful archer should attend also to the balance of his arrows. B}" this is meant that the same centre of gravity should pervade the whole set. Longer or shorter, lighter or heavier footing will vary this balancing- point, as also any variation in the weight of the piles. As the variation of elevation, or distance to be shot, should not be managed by a change of weight in arrows, it is decidedly advisable to keep arrows all of the same weight, &c. Indeed it is a great mistake to change any part of the tackle, bow or arrow, during the shooting, except in unavoidable cases. The scoring will seldom be bettered by such means. Formerly only two arrows were shot at each end, and three were carried, and called an ' archer's pair,' including the spare one. Now it is the almost universal custom to shoot three arrows at each end. Some spare ones should, of course, be at hand in case of accidents. It must be remem- bered that if the slightest variation in shape or weight occurs amongst those in use, the line or elevation is sm-e to be affected, to the serious detriment of accurate hitting ; there- fore too much care cannot be taken in their choice. Whether it be for store or for daily use, the arrow should be kept in a quiver or case made on such a plan that each shall have its separate cell, and they should be kept upright OF THE ARROW 41 when possible, and so be insured from warping, or from having theii- feathers crushed. It is too much the custom to squeeze a quantity of arrows into a small quiver. Let not any archer who values his tackle be guilty of this folly. An arrow that has had one of its feathers crumpled from this cause will, maybe, wobble and stagger all the rest of its life, though in all other respects it be in perfect repair. Arrows will be found to wear out quite speedily enough without being subjected to ill-usage or neglect to hurry them through their short lives. It appears to be well authenticated that if a light-chested flight-arrow be feathered at each end, with the feathers trimmed lower at the nock than at the pile end, when shot against the wind it will return back again like a boomerang. And if the same-shaped arrow be feathered in the middle only, it will in its flight make a right angle, and no power of bow can send it any considerable distance. Mr. Pi. Hely-Hutchinson, already mentioned as having made experiments in modern times with steel bows, had another peculiarity. On the back of his bow he had a flat piece of hard wood or metal fixed at right angles to the length of his bow. An upright piece of the same material was fitted into a groove in this, whose outside distance was about an inch from the place where the arrow usually touches the bow above the handle. He used always to shoot with his arrow resting, not on the bow, or on his hand, but in the outside angle between this projection and the upright piece of it. He aimed as other archers do, and has been seen to make ex- cellent hitting at the distance of one hundred yards, even when far advanced in years. In this case the axis of the arrow, or the line of aim, was distant from the plane through the string and the axis of the bow an inch in addition to the usual half- width of the arrow and half-width of the bow. Yet the arrow appeared to fly quite steadily and truly. It is not known why he adopted this peculiarity, and it is unnecessary 42 ARCHERY to inquire ; but it will serve as a useful peg whereon to bang a further consideration of the difficulties an arrow has to contend with in getting straight to the point of aim, and its determined resolution to overcome these difficulties. In addition to the forces already discussed as acting upon the arrow, there is also the force of gravity, the resistance of the air, and the interference of the wind ; but these forces affect in the same way all arrows, however shot. The same may be said of all the other forces implicated, until there is an artificially in- creased impediment interposed in addition to the natural one of the half-bow and half-arrow. Now, supposing the distance of the nock from the centre of the bow be such when the arrow is drawn that a perpendicular let fall from the centre of the bow to the line of aim will mark off twenty-seven inches of draw, the resolution of the force acting in the line from the nock to the centre of the bow will be correctly represented by twenty- seven in the direction of the point of aim and three-eighths at right angles to that direction ; or the relation between the straight part of the whole force and its remainder will Ije as 216 to 5. But when Mr. Hutchinson's peculiar method of shooting is compared with this natural way, it will appear that the relation between these same resolved forces will be as 216 to 13 ; showing that the obstruction in this latter case has been considerably more than doubled — the keenness of flight will be diminished, and increased //7'c^/o« will be shown between the arrow and its resting-place at the instant of the loose. Besides the spin given to the string at the loose, there is also a push, at right angles to the direction delivered, by the more or less unavoidable obstruction of the fingers as they liberate the string ; but this push, occurring before the liberation of the string, is the final difficulty of the aim and loose. Immediately the string is loosed the arrow has, as it were, the nockmg-place between its teeth in the nock, and contributes to the direction of its course to the point of rest ; and it is OF THE ARROW 43 highly probable that the path of the nocking-place from the loose to rest is not confined to the plane of the string and axis of the bow. Greater or diminished friction between the bow and arrow would be another way of representing greater or less obstruc- tion to the aim of the arrow. As the arrow deepens the groove made by its passage over the bow the obstruction will be diminished, but the surface exposed to this friction will be increased. If a bow could be so constructed that an arrow could be shot through it just above the handle, the opening must be large enough to admit free passage for the feathering as well, and the opening must be contrived so that the ' stele,' true to the point of aim throughout its passage through the bow, shall never swerve from the right side of the opening. 44 ARCHERY CHAPTER lY. OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE The best bowstrings are all of Belgian make, and cannot be considered of such good quality as they used to be twenty-five years ago. Then the best bowstrings were obtained from a maker at Liege, by name Meeles, the last of his race, who, with his wife, kept most jealously the secret of the manufacture, which had been transmitted through many generations in the one family, and they died childless without communicating it to anyone. Their residence was kept with the windows on the street side constantly barred up, so as to make sure that they could not be overlooked, and they depended entirely for the air and light necessary for their labour on the private garden at the back of the house. In the choice of a string see that it has three, not two, strands ; and care must be taken to avoid those that are too hard and stiff, as they are liable to be brittle and to break very soon. The next thing to be attended to is that the string is smooth and round throughout, and sufficiently increased in bulk at the ends where are the eye and loop. It cannot be doubted that a quicker cast may be obtained from a thin string than from a very thick one ; but it will be better to choose strings strong enough in proportion to the strength of the bows to ensure their (i.e. the bows') safety rather than to pay too much regard to this quickness of cast. When the string is chosen its eye must be fitted into the groove of the lower horn of the bow. In order to make the loop at the other end the string must now be applied to the back of the unbent bow, OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 45 and the first rounded turn of the loop must be made at about three inches from the groove of the upper horn, or t\YO and a half mches m the case of a lady's bow. At about the distance of one inch and a quarter beyond — and one inch in the case of a lady's string — the crown of this rounded turn the string must be sharply bent back, and this sharp bend applied round the string on the other side of the rounded turn. Slip the sharp turn a little further down the string towards the eye, and twist the remaining reversed end of the string three times round the looped part of the string, beginning inw^ards. The sharp turn must then be pushed back into the first bent posi- tion. The eye must now be passed over the upper horn, and passed far enough down the bow to allow the loop to be passed over the lower horn and into its groove, and the loop should be so applied into this groove that the waste end of string shall lie between the sharp turn and the horn (see fig. 16). If the waste end of the string be then knotted firmly, and the remainder cut off, the loop will be finished, and, if successfully managed, will never shift or stretch when it has once reached its bear- ings. The virtue in this loop is that it is quite fast and tight when in use, and yet it can be very readily slipped off and opened for readjustment on the same bow, or for application to another bow of different length. By far the neatest finish to a bowstring is the addition of a second eye instead of the loop, and this is now very readily done by the bowmakers for their customers at a small additional charge ; but every handy archer should learn how to make this second eye for himself. The following method is recommended. When the loop has been correctly adjusted, so that the string, when the bow is braced, is at a suitable distance from the bow (i.e. six inches or so for a man's bow, or five and a half inches for a lady's bow) mark with ink the crown of the rounded turn before mentioned (i.e. the point of the string, not of the waste twisted round the string in the loop nearest to the upper horn). Now unbrace the bow and take oft' the string. Undo the looj) and straighten 46 ARCHERY out the string (see fig. 15). At the distance of one inch and a cinarter (one inch is sufficient for a ladj-'s string) fi-om the ink-mark, and on each side of it, tie tight round the string a Strand 1 Strand 3 ,., Strand 2 Fig. 15. Fig. 17. small piece of fine waxed thread ; cut off the waste end of the string at the knot made in finishing the loop. Keep the part of the string between the two ties well wound up during the whole of the succeeding stages of the manufacture of this OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 47 part into an eye so as to correct the necessary unwindings. Unwind up to c, fig. 17, completely separate, and straighten out the three strands (1), (2), (3), fig. 17, of the remaining portion of the waste end of the string up to its tie at c. Pass a small marlinespike or stiletto between each of the three strands of the string, just beyond the other tie at b, and as close to it as possible. Flatten out the three unwound strands of the waste end fingerwise (fig. 17). Bend (keeping it wound up) the part of the string between the two ties b and c, so as STRAND /. Fig. 18. to bring these two ties exactly together, with the separated strands (1), (2), (3) lying across the string at right angles to its worm (see fig. 18). Now insert the middle strand (1), fig. 19 (taking care to cross the worm of the string), with the help of the marlinespike under that strand of the string across which it lay in fig. 18. Give the commenced eye a quarter turn to the left (see fig. 20), so that it is seen edgewise, tie c being now out of sight. Strand (2) now lies across the strand of the string under 48 ARCHERY which strand (1) has just been passed, and the next strand of the string. Insert it (2) under this latter strand, and give the eye another quarter turn, showing strand (2) inserted (see fig. 21). Strand (3) as shown in fig. 21 must now be bent to the left across the central upright strand of the string, and passed under that strand and brought out and back towards the right again (see fig. 22). The loop will now be an cye^ as soon as the two ties b Fig. 19. Fig. 20. and c have been brought close together again, and the three strands, loosened by constant manipulation, have been care- fully waxed and wound up again. From this point there are two methods of proceeding : the one, which will complete the eye so as to resemble the manu- factured eye, by winding each waste strand round and round its own corresponding strand ; and for this method the waste strands should now be tajjerecl before they are wound in. By the other method each waste strand in turn should be OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 49 passed over the next strand and under the next but one. The waste strands will again occupy alternate positions between the other strands. Wind up and wax the waste strands again carefully. Enough has now been done to secure the safety of the eye-splice ; but it will be best to splice in once again each of the waste strands ; then bind tightly over the waste for about half an inch down the string, and cut off the remaining waste strands. In order to taper the waste strands, divide each into two Fig. 21. equal parts, lengthwise, after the position shown in fig. 22 has been completed, and with a blunt knife fine down each of the two parts gradually till each tapers to nothing at the length of about two and a half inches from the string ; now work in as much wax as possible, flattening each of the divided portions in so doing ; readjust the divided portions, and wind them carefully together again. The waste ends may then be wound round and round the appropriate strands until they disappear ; or the first method of splicing may be con- tinued till they fade off and disappear, so that the finishing 50 ARCHERY process of binding and cutting off the waste ends may be dis^Densed with. Don't bind the eye with string, leather, or any other material. If the string was originally sufficiently thicker at this part, its final failure is very unlikely to occur at either of the eyes, and there is a general belief that any unnecessary clothing of the eye interferes with the cast of the string. If the waste strands, iintajjered, be spliced in and in very frequently, the string will be somewhat shortened. A string that is too short — i.e. too far from the bow when Fig. 22. braced — cannot be lengthened without altering the loop or remaking the eye, but a string that is slightly too long — i.e. not giving sufficient distance between the string and bow when braced — can be shortened by spinning it up tighter ; but care must be taken not to attempt this operation with a hard- cemented, new string, as it will almost certainly prove fatal to the string, which will snap in two at the loose ; and no string should be much spun up. The next thing to be considered is the necessary clothing of OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 51 the string, called its lajyjnng. Without doubt the best lapping of all is a thin strip of whalehone, of the ^Yidth of about one- eighth of an inch. This may be fastened on to the string at about two inches and a half from its (the string's) centre (this is calculated for the case of a bow whose centre or fulcrum is one inch below the top of the handle : if the centre be at the top of the handle, as in old Flemish bows, the laj)ping need not be so long, and if the centre be lower down than one inch, as in the Scotch make of bows, the lap- pmg must be still longer) with very fine string, waxed thread, or silk, so that the whalebone lapping may be wrapped closety round the string in the reversed direction to the grain or worm of the string. Let an arrow be now applied, resting on the top of the bow hand as if the hand holds the handle of the bow in shoot- ing, and exactly at right angles to the braced string. This exact right angle must be carefully attended to, because, if the upper angle be an acute angle between the arrow and string, cast or force will be lost in the force of the cast being resolved, as shown previously in the case of an increased im- pediment, acting as an obstruction to the right line of force : the arrow will beat itself wastefully on the top of the hand in overcoming the unnecessary impediment ; and, if this upper angle be an obtuse angle, the difference between the lower and upper portions of the string will be increased, to the manifest injury of the pre-arranged balance of the limbs of the bow. Mark carefully on the lapping the exact position of the centre of the nock of the arrow, and overlap with two or three strands of waxed filoselle very tightly for about one-third of an inch, with the mark under its centre. This is the nocking-place. The whalebone lapping must be carried down to the length of five inches in order to save the string from being frayed against the sleeve, armguard, &c. ; and it will be found that this length of lapping will be sufficient for another nocking- place if the string, already provided with two eyes, be turned E 2 S"' ARCHERY A fe over. The occasional use of the second nocking-place Mill be found to lengthen the life of the string Ly changing the position of the wear and tear. A narrow strip of vellum used frequently to be used for lapping, and was ap- plied in the same way as the whalebone. Long strips of the smooth hard covering of the rilj of the peacock's tail-feathers were also in high favour as lapping at one time, but were found to be too frail. The lapping usually applied to the strings, as Ijought in the shops, is three strands, bound on together, of waxed twine, about the substance used for chemists' parcels, and the three strands are ai)plied together, not so much in order to finish the lapping more quickly, as to safeguard the bow from breaking should the string snap. The dangerous recoil is then caught up by the triple strength of lapping twine well secured upon the string. This, of course, is supposing that the string has broken at or near the nocking-place. It is probable that every possible sort of twine has been at different times tried for lapping — from the softest floss silk to the most wiry fishing-guts, which actually help to cut the string when in use. After all, the best lapping is that which will give a good loose, and at the same time will be lasting and be easily and quickly repaired should it fail during the shooting. Now all the laj)pings already mentioned are liable to get loose in use, and it takes time to refasten them. The following somewhat tedious process, the result of more than twenty years of experience, is recommended. Take a naked string with two eyes, and make a pencil-mark on it for the exact central x^osition of each of the two nocking- places. Wax the string well. Wrap two strands nine inches long of waxed (yellow) filoselle tightly upon the string at H OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 53 each nocking-place for the third of an inch, with the peucil- mark under the centre of this third. Fasten off so that the waste ends shall come out close to these centres. Do not cut off the waste ends. Now take three strands of waxed filoselle of another colour (red), and in length from one j^ard to four feet. Wrap this tightly round the string, commencing from one and a quarter inch above the one nocking-place, and ending at the same distance below the other. Apply this wrapping the contrary way to the w^orm of the string, and let the waste ends of the previous wrapping (it does not signify which way this is applied) pass out between the ^^Taps as they occur. Now take other three strands of (green) waxed filoselle, of the same length, and wrap them tightly on over all the last wrapping of red ; but this time wrap the same way as the worm of the string. Again let the first ends of the yellow- wrapping pass out. The principal wrapping is now complete, and the waste ends of (yellow) filoselle are ready in place to complete the necessary thickening for the nocking-places. This lapping is very firm and lasting. It cannot get loose in use, and it is in every part capable of almost instantaneous repair, and the archer has no need to carry about him any other materials than a few pieces of filoselle, some wax, and a knife. The most convenient position for lapping a string is assumed by passing the left leg through between the braced bow and its string and sitting down with the string upper- most and the bow stave under the thigh. This description of the operation of lapping will be incomplete without instruc- tions for fastenmg off, for the benefit of beginners. In the commencement of lapping the end is passed under, and the wrapping is tightly bound over it five or six times, till it is considered sufficiently secure. To finish off, the same operation is reversed, thus : arrest the lapping by passing the filoselle, or whatever the material in use may be, over the thumb of the left hand, interposed between the lapping- 54 ARCHERY material and the string. Wrap the lapping material upon the string the reverse way to that in which it has been previously wrapped about five or six times (see fig. 22). Keep the material a b tight-draAvn with the left thumb whilst this is being done. Now draw the end c (fig. 24) close to the string, and along its length, so that it may lie close between part a and the string. Now take the piece a h from off the left thumb, and draw the part «up to the lapping already applied. Bind part a on to the string. This binding will unwind the part h. Continue this till all h is unwound from the string and wound on again. Now hold tight the remainder unwound of a h with the left hand. Draw it through under the lapping with the right hand ; but the surplus portion of a & to be drawn through must be kept tight to the last by the insertion of the left little finger to prevent kink- ing and cockling, which would spoil the finish. With the same object in view, keep the waste part a h as short as possible. Filoselle, being a loosely wound material, easil}' passes through this finish, but the kinking of some of the other tight-wound materials renders this finish trouble- some if it have to be drawn under many wraps. Fig. 24. The Bracer or Armguaed. The object of the armguard or bracer is to protect the left arm and wrist from the blow of the string in the event of this striking upon it when loosed. The expression ' in the event of ' is especially meant to imply that in most cases no need exists for the string's striking the arm at all ; but if the bow be low- strung — or follow the string, as it is called — it is impossible to avoid an occasional smart blow in the neifrhbourhood of the OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 55 left wrist, and this must be guarded against. For this purpose a short armguard, covering the wrist and that half of the forearm, will be all-sufficient. As regards the blow of the string upon this limited sort of armguard, it may be observed that it cannot injuriously affect the flight of the arrow, as it occurs most probably after the arrow has left the string. This protection for the wrist should extend up the arm, but very little beyond the point where the bow-string would touch the arm when the properly-braced bow is extended at arm's length. For this armguard a piece of thin leather, laced closely at the back of the forearm, answers very well. Should this be too thin to save the arm from the blow of the string, let a piece of stiff card be slipped between the sleeve and the wrist. The sleeve about the wrist should be made to fit as closely as possible, and all other materials — cuffs, shirt-sleeves, &c.^ — discarded, or rolled up above the elbow. Care must also be taken to avoid all wrinkles and folds in the sleeve between the guard and the elbow. This can be best managed by having the sleeve no atom too long, and drawing it as far down the hand as possible whilst the guard is being fixed. It is unfortunate that the seam along the inside of almost ever}' sleeve occurs just where it helps to manufacture folds and pro- jections ready to act as impediments to the passage of the string. Some archers use stout elastic webbing, and others wrap round the wrist strong braid, &c. The main object of all these guards is to avoid the blow of the string until the string shall have advanced so far in its course to rest as to be unable to interfere with the direction of a properly aimed arrow. Some archers, shooting with the bow in the left hand, aim with the left (not with the right) eye, and this peculiarity makes it rather more difficult to avoid hitting the forearm at some point between the elbow and the short guard. With others, when the left arm, holding the bow, is extended straight out, and stiffened at the elbow, it will be found to bend inwards — knock-kneed, as it were. In such cases it would probably be better to widen 56 ARCHERY the handle of the Ijow, so as to remove the inner outline of the arm farther from the plane in which the string acts, than to increase the certainty of an aim- disturbing l^low by adding the thickness of an armguard to the already existing impedi- ment ; or — but this is only mentioned as an alternative, not recommended for general adoption — the arm may be slightly bent outwards at the elbow. Some try to avoid this unne- cessary hitting of the arm by keeping their bows very high- strung ; but this should be avoided, as it is very trying to both the bow and the string, and it is generally believed that by keeping a bow high-strung some of its cast is lost. The old-fashioned bracer, of which there are still many modern representatives — although Mr. Ford, in his book, suc- cessfully demolished the ' armguard-hitting theory,' which was upheld by most previous writers on the subject — was, and is, certainly admirably calculated to be hit as much as possible, being often made of very thick leather, and lined and padded as well. If something of this sort, failing other expedients to avoid hurting the arm, must be used, let it be as thin and close-fitting as possible, and in particular close-fitting for the four inches or so next to the wrist, wiiere the reckless old armguards used to project as much as half an inch, ready to welcome the blow of the string several inches sooner than need be. And, to avoid the worst blow of all — that delivered upon the top of the armguard where it is shaped to the bend of the elbow — let the upper strap be carried round above the elbow so that it draws the front of the guard tight as the arm is straightened. In spite of all that has Ijeen said above, it cannot be denied that, such is the persistent determination of arrows well aimed and well loosed to reach the target, they will certainly very often succeed, notwithstanding frequent interruptions from an armguard in addition to the natural difficulties. Too much care cannot be taken to see that when fastened no edge or corner of the armguard protrudes that can by possibility obstruct the free passage of the string. In OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 57 spite of good old Ascliam's statement that ' the string, gHding quickly and sharply off it ' [the bracer], ' may make a sharper shoot ' (he also advised that the bow be high-strung, so that this hitting may be avoided), the guard should be made of moderately soft and yielding but perfectly smooth leather, and not of any hard material. The silver armguard, which may be fitting enough as a trophy for the Field Captain of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society, would be about as much out of place during the shooting of the York Eound as the ancient Scorton arrow would be amongst the shafts in use during one of the annual Yorkshire meetings. The Shooting-Glove, and other Protections FOR the Fingers. The old-fashioned archer's glove — still in use in Scotland, and perhaps occasionally elsewhere — resembles a boxing-glove, being made of thick buckskin, and calculated to protect the hand from some of the accidents of war. It was provided with a pocket for extra strings, wax, and other necessaries on its back ; and no doubt owned a companion glove for the bow hand, also calculated to protect it from injury. This glove has pieces of hard leather sewn on to the ends of the fingers as a further protection against the string ; and leather straps, passing round the roots of the fingers and along the back of the hand, are tied tightly round the wrist to prevent the finger- guards from being dragged forward out of place at the loose. The protection for the fingers, which is probably best known to beginners and old-fashioned archers, consists of three conical tips or thimbles of leather, each sewn up at the back of ;*.the finger, and attached — also at the back — to long strips of leather, connected at the back of the hand so as to form one piece, which is fixed upon a strap which passes round the wrist and is fastened securely by a buckle (fig. 25). There is nothing to be said against this description of shoot- ing-glove if a thimble can be got to fit each of the fingers 58 ARCHERY accurately; but, as it can seldom happen that in a ready-made article a perfect lit can be found, this form of finger-guard has become unfashionable, and has gone out of favour. It was probably never made with the thiml:)les of the right sort of leather (horse-butt), as the softer and more pliable sorts of leather would be more suitable to fit all comers. It effectually obviates one of the difficulties which occurs to most beginners — that of recovering their tips when they have been scattered all over the shooting-lawn. The 'tab' (see fig. 26) is pro- bably one of the most ancient of finger-guards, and it has so many merits that it can never be altogether discarded. Any archer may quickly manufac- ture it out of almost any sort of leather, and it is very readily altered or replaced, and it is no impediment to the free use of the fingers for other purposes than loosing an arrow. The whole of the first finger of the right hand is passed right through the opening A from the side not seen, and the tip of the finger is placed on a. The third finger is similarly passed through B, and its tip lies on yS. The middle finger is now placed on h. It will be found that the 'tab' is now securely fastened for use, the string being appHed to the side not seen. The tab can be readily turned down into the palm of the hand whilst the arrow is applied to the string. The tab is tlien replaced on the tips of the fingers and applied Fig. 25. OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 59 to the string, with the arrow at the bottom of the opening between the parts a and h. The one drawback to this de- scription of finger-guard is that the arrow comes into actual contact with the sides of the first and second fingers, and beginners are specially perplexed with the difficulty of keeping the arrow applied to the proper place on the side of the bow during the operation of pulling up, owing to too tight a pinch between the fingers, given by the bent string. This same difficulty occurs also with other guards, but the results are not so painful, as the corner of the nail is protected by leather Fig. 26. from the nock of the arrow. The tab is not, therefore, to be recommended for the use of beginners. Should any archers be tempted to use it when the first difficulties are overcome, it will be found that the insertion of a piece of cork or leather between the first and second fingers will overcome the trouble caused by this pinch. The tab, as before mentioned, may be made of one piece of leather ; but it is better to have it made of two pieces sewn together, as shown in the sketch (see fig. 26), the part applied to the string being made of ' horse-butt,' which is a brittle sort of leather, the part through which the fingers are passed being made of some more supple leather. 6o ARCHERY Before the more elaborate and scientific finger-stall or guards come to Ijc considered the remaining simple and old- fashioned ones must be completed. Next in order comes an ordinary glove, which has lately come prominently to the front, because the constant use of a good thick dogskin glove has enabled the Champion of 1884 to keep his place in 1885 and 1886. To this may be applied the dogmatic words of Mr. Ford (slightly altered) with reference to the tab : ' This does not, however; alter my opinion as to its being decidedly an inferior method, as who shall say how much more [he] might have excelled had [he] adopted a diffe- rent and [less] rational one ? ' A well-fitting glove may be improved by sewing small pieces of pigskin or other smooth sound leather over the tips of the fingers (see fig. 27). Constant practice on the harp has been known to enable a lady to dispense with any artificial protection, and to make „ -.^ three golds at one end at one of the Fig. 27. ^ Leamington meetings. Another method of preparing the fingers for naked a^Dpli- cation to the bowstring is to use them industriously as pipe- stoppers ; but ias some archers do not smoke, and it might not be easy for a non-smoker to get employment as a pipe- stopper to others w^ho do, a more convenient way of hardening the fingers would be b}' dropping on hot sealing-wax, and then dipping the finger into salt. It is undeniable that permanent^ successful shooting depends mostly upon an even, certain, and unvarying loose, and such a loose can only be attained by the help of the most suitable glove, tips, tab, or other protection for the fingers. The archer must have the perfect command of the string, and of the exact ' how ' and ' when ' it shall be allowed to quit the fingers. If the glove &c. be too loose or too tight, this neces- OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 6i sary command is lost. In the first case, the feelmg of mse- curity gives a hesitating uncertainty to the loose ; and in the second, the power of the fingers is so cramped that a sensa- tion of distortion cripples their best efforts. Further, too thick a glove &c. interferes with the proper ' feel ' of the string ; whilst one that is too thin, by hurting the fingers, causes them to flinch from the proper degree of crisp sharpness requisite for a perfect loose. Still further, with too hard a substance — metal, for instance : finger-tips have been occa- sionally made of silver — the string cannot be with certainty retained till the proper instant of loosing, w^hilst with leather that is too soft and sodden, the string cannot be quitted with- out a jerk that staggers the bow-arm. It will be seen, therefore, that positive rules cannot be laid down as to either the size, make, shape, or material of the finger-guards ; as each individual must be suited according to the peculiar nature of his own fingers, be they callous or tender, strong or weak, clumsy or dexterous. In 1859 it may have been good advice to archers to manu- facture their own finger-guards, though Mr. Ford candidl}' confessed ' that the endeavours of ten years have hardly suc- ceeded in producing finger-stalls perfectly to my satisfaction." It may be safely asserted, however, that it is better to use the thinner leather (provided it be thick enough to protect the fingers from pain), and the stalls must be constructed so as to confine the hand and cramp the knuckles as little as possible. The ' Mason ' finger-stall, described by Mr. Ford, consisted of a piece of leather partly surroundmg the tij) of the finger, and connected over the nail with vulcanised india-rubber, and kept in place by a ring, also of mdia-rubber, or prefer- ably of silver, passing over both joints of the finger, and connected inside the hand with the stall by means of a thin tongue of india-rubber about an inch or an inch and a half long ; a guard or stop is placed upon each stall, about 62 ARCHERY half an inch from the top, by which (stop) the Kne of the fingers and position of the string is regulated, &c. A very similar finger-guard, produced by Mr. Buchanan of 215 Piccadilly, was made, closed at the finger-end, so as to protect the top of the finger from possible injury. In these finger-guards the stop or catch of leather on the inside of the finger first makes its public aj)pearance, but the contrivance in its entirety has completely gone out of favour — probably owing to the untrustworthiness of india-rubber, even though it be vulcanised. The connecting ring removed the objection to these separate tips that, unless they were glued on or too tight (both undesirable) , they were sadly liable to slip off at the loose. Also the connecting tongue of india- rubber might enable the lower part of the finger to contribute some trifle of support to the tip of the finger at its fullest strain, and certainly it would assist to catch the finger-tip back from the sprawled position (much objected to by some instructors in this craft) sometimes assumed after a dead loose. Mr. James Spedding and Mr. H. C. Mules, about the same time that Mr. H. A. Ford and others were making experi- ments in the construction of their own finger-tips, contrived a little brass nutted screw-bolt for securing the finger-tips safely upon the fingers without the uncertain action of india- rubber, or in anyway crami)ing the action of the finger-joints. Fig. 28, This little contrivance is three-quarters of an inch long. The nut A is fixed, but the nut b can be moved to any position on the screw-bolt. This contrivance is passed through the holes at a and h (see fig. 29) of a finger-tip shaped thus. Of course the end of the screw-bolt over which the nut b is passed after the OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 6.3 screw bolt-has been passed through a and h must be clinched afterwards to prevent nut b coming off again. The lacing together of the six corresponding holes on each side of the Fig. 29. guard at the back of the finger over the nail can be tight or loose, according to taste ; but it should be laced with fine strong cord, not elastic, as generally supplied by the makers. The brass bolt passes over the top joint of the finger when the guard is put on the finger, and may then be tightened so as to keep the guard in its place and to prevent it escaj)ing at the loose. Leather catches may easily be added of any shape or in any position that is preferred. The elementary tip, that anybody may cut out of a piece of pigskin (fig. 30), further sophisticated, became the tip re- gistered by Messrs. Aldred in 1868 (fig. 31) as the 'Paragon,' 64 ARCHERY with the Mules- Speddmg contrivance added, and also a catch, and a strap over the nail, for keeping it in position. The inu-rot-hea'k (fig. 32) is a further development of the Mules- Spedding tip, with the brass bolt omitted. This is not Fig. 31. an improvement, as the sewing, if it suddenly failed, could not be readily replaced. Mr. J. Spedding had a further contrivance which brought the little finger in to the assistance of the third finger. This was managed by securing a loop to the guard for the third finger. This loop was passed over the little finger, which was tightly curled up towards the palm of the hand, thus support- FiG. 32. ing the third during the strain of the aim. The little finger was, of course, uncurled at the instant of loose. Soon after 1859 Mr. H. A. Ford began to lose the almost perfect command which he had, during about ten years, possessed over the bow. "WTiether this failure arose from the use of bows OF THE STRING, BRACER, AND SHOOTING-GLOVE 65 that were too strong, causing actual physical injury to some of the muscles engaged in the action of pulling up or loosing ; or whether it arose from shooting too much ; or whether it arose from loss of nerve and confidence, through over-anxiety to excel, and keep in front of all the opponents who, profiting by his instruction, began to tread close upon his heels, will never be known ; but certain it is that before he reappeared as Champion at Brighton in 1867, with his fourth best Grand National score of 1,037 (his better scores being, 1,251 at Cheltenham in 1857, 1,076 at Exeter in 1858, and 1,074 at Shrewsbury in 1854), he had taken to weak bows and light arrows, and had tried several different combinations of fingers for loosing. Thus he contrived a finger-tip for the little finger, to the back of which he attached the third finger, so that these two might combine to do the work of one finger. This did not prove successful; but he was satisfied with his final experi- ment, which consisted of a tip for the first finger, on to the back of which his second finger was also applied ; and he has been heard to declare his belief that if he could have tried this loose in his best days he might have improved upon his best scores. Occasionally the second and third fingers are furnished with a double-cell tip for the parallel action of these two fingers ; but as contrivances of this sort are but the play- things of broken-down archers — of whom, alas, there are too many — they are not mentioned with any view of reconlmend- ing them until, after patient trial, the other simpler finger- guards have failed. A piece of strong quill is sometimes sewn upon the inside of the tip with the leather catch so as to prevent the string from getting embedded in the leather, and to quicken the loose ; but its interference with the ' feel ' of the string argues against its employment. It is even doubtful whether anything but the most cautious use of the leather catch to the finger-tip may not be most F 66 ■ ARCHERY dangerous. Many of the best shots do not use it ; and though no douht the certamty of the one best position for the string on the fingers, when the archer is at his hest, will produce most excellent results, yet, the possibility that a permanent break- down may be the result of the use of the same catch when the archer is out of condition or practice, or perhaps tired, should make every archer careful to avoid the loss of liberty of hold that may be found advisable under varying circumstances. 67 CHAPTER V. OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC The Grease Box. TJie grcase-hox was, no doubt, an important part of an archer's equipment when prepared for battle, as he had to be out in all weathers, and the grease it contained could alone help him to avoid the ill consequences of moisture about his shooting-glove. The modern archer is seldom called upon to shoot more than, possibly, one end in a sudden shower ; and many now never carry a grease-box at all. Yet there is no objection to its use. It should contain vaseline, which may be occasionally applied to the finger-guards, and to the lapping wdiere in contact with the fingers ; also, the arrows about the footing may be greased to prevent the paint from the target-faces adhering to them. The Tassel. He must be a good archer indeed who can dispense with this necessary addition to his equipment. The tassel is usu- ally made of green worsted, and its primary use is to remove any dirt that may adhere to the arrow when it is drawn from the ground, but the head of it may be used for carrying a few pins, and concealed within the outer fringe may be kept a small piece of oiled flannel, to be applied to the arrow occa- sionally, so as to prevent the paint from sticking on to the shaft. The tassel should be of moderate dimensions — in fact, the smaller the better, provided it be big enough for use. It is usually hung on to a button of a gentleman's coat, but ladies usually wear it attached to their girdles. F 2 68 ARCHERY The Belt, Quiver, etc. In former days a leather belt was considered absolutely necessary, and some have been known to consider themselves more fully dressed for an archery contest with the green baize bag for the bow surrounding the waist. It was certainly use- ful, and kept together the various things then in use, namely, the glove, the quiver, the tassel, the grease-box, the tablets for scoring, the pricker for the same purpose, the armguard, &c. A well-appointed archer of the present day devotes a coat specially for the purposes of archery, and this is fitted with a long leather-lined pocket let into the back of the coat, to the left of the left back-button. This pocket holds his arrows, and becomes his quiver. The tassel is attached to a front button. Any suitalile note-book with a pencil goes into a pocket, taking the place of the taljlet and pricker. As a belt is not the most convenient receptacle for the rest of his equip- ment, no belt is carried. As ladies are not yet so well pro- vided with pockets as gentlemen, they still find it almost abso- lutely necessary to carry a belt for their various requisites, and some will even voluntarily (or perhaps involuntarily, in the case of the Championess of the West) handicap themselves by carrying the whole apparatus in solid silver. The Scoring Apparatus. Any ordinary note-book fitted with a pencil is by far the best thing for keeping the correct record of an archer's score. Very convenient scoring-books are to be bought at the archery shops, and these contain usually the forms for York Eounds for gentlemen, and National Eounds for ladies, to be filled up with plain figures entered in the right places as the scores are made. The objection to these books is that the rounds shot are not invariably York and National rounds. That the ingenious may be saved the trouble of re-inventing the best OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. 69 scoring-apparatus of past times it is here described. A card 3^ inches by 2^ inches was sHpped into a silver frame, which was much Hke the contrivance used for direction cards for luggage in travelling. Between the card and the back of the WW Mr. Foril shot another dozen arrows at 60 yards, scoring 80, and shows his score in the St. George's Round to be 654 from 104 hits. Fig. 33. silver frame was a leather pad of the same size as the card. A pricker was used to record the score on the card, and the leather pad protected the point of the pricker from the silver back. The card had engraved upon it the form of the round usually shot. The form for a York Eound is here given. The figures on the left-hand side indicate the twelve double ends of six arrows each — 72 jS arrows shot at 100 yards ; the middle figures indicate the eight double ends of six arrows each | — 48 arrows at 80 yards ; and the figures on the right-hand side indicate the four double ends at | 60 yards — 24 arrows. This form is now^ filled up with the best York Eound that Mr. H. A. Ford « ever made, as recorded by himself, and here given ^ in facsimile. It is believed that the w'onderful ^ score here recorded of 809, from 137 hits, in the York Eound, was made at Cheltenham about September 4, 1855 ; but, through an unaccountable want of courtesy on the part of the Ford family, the accurate date of this score cannot be given as a fact. It is not entered in the way 70 ARCHERY invented by the Rev. J. BramliEill, which indicates not only the hits made, but also the order in which the arrows were shot. Thus (sec p. 69) say the first arrow, shot at 100 yards, hit the red ; the second was a gold, and the third a miss ; the fourth arrow was a red; the fifth was a black, and the sixth a gold. Each set of vertical spaces for whites, blacks, blues, reds, and golds is allotted to a double end of six arrows. The result of the first arrow is marked on the left-hand side at the top, the second on the left-hand side in the middle, and the third on the left-hand side at the bottom. The same is done with the next three arrows on the right-hand side. Of course, when an arrow misses the target, no mark is made, and the order of the misses is shown by the hits. A translation into the modern method of Mr. Ford's best score is here given. 100 r ards nits Score 97 973 971 731 = 11 G3 753 755 711 973 = 12 60 753 75 973 53 = 10 54 75 751 953 97 = 10 58 781 73 977 775 = 11 63 551 553 733 531 = 12 46 Hits Score 80 Yards ^ 66 344 Totals 977 97 955 973 = 11 77 953 993 975 975 = 12 80 975 973 755 755 = 12 74 951 775 953 955 = 12 70 60 Yards — — 47 301 Totals 995 997 995 775 = 12 90 977 753 775 773 = 12 74 24 164 Totals 1 Grand totals 137 809 The incurable fault of this method of scoring by prick-marks is that it is impossible to correct a mistake or to verify the accu- racy of scores as recorded. (Is there not the Hibernian story of the archer who, in perfect good faith, believed that he made seventy-three hits with seventy-two arrows at sixty yards ?) OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. 71 So much that was unpleasant transpired after the Crystal Palace Meeting in 1871, that in 1872 the system of scoring at the public meetings by means of these prick-marks in the different colours was finally abandoned, and the scoring by the figures 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 introduced instead. This scoring by figures had then already been for some years in vogue amongst the West Kent archers, introduced by the hon. secretary, Mr. E. B. Martin, and the members of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society had mostly, for many years j)reviously, kept their private scores in plain figures. In this method no attempt is ever made to record the order in which the hits at any end fall ; neither is it con- sidered advisable to do so, though it would be equally easy to enter the figures in the same order, when known, as the hits are made ; but this is a matter of no importance. The Eegistek. Every archer is most strongly recommended to keep a careful and accurate record of all the shooting he does, not only by entering in a scoring-book every arrow shot during the day (which will act as a check to irregular and careless practice), but also by keeping a register, or book of record, in which the results of each day's shooting should be entered. Those who have not been in the habit of booking all their successes and shortcomings have no idea of the great interest with which this record invests the most solitary practice, and how conducive it is to its steady and persevering continuance. It begets a great desire to improve : for no man likes to have evidence before his eyes of his pains and exertions being of no avail, and of himself at a standstill in any pursuit he takes an interest in ; it ensures a due carefulness in the shooting of every arrow, since without it the score will be bad, and there- fore disagreeable to chronicle ; it excites emulation, by enabling the average of one man's shooting to be compared with that 72 ARCHERY of another, and restrains by its sternly demonstrating figures those flights of imagination occasionally indulged in by the owners of inaccurate memories as to feats performed and scores achieved. By taking note also in this register of the causes of failure at different times, a lessened chance will exist of their occurring again, as it will keep the same always in view, and the necessity of their avoidance prominently before the attention. In short, the archer will find the little trouble the keeping of it occasions him so abundantly repaid in a variety of ways, that when it is once commenced he will never afterwards be induced to abandon its use. Whilst the subject of register is under consideration the beginner's attention should be called to the 'Archer's Eegister,' edited by Mr. J. Sharpe, which is issued annually, and gives a full account of all the public archery meetings of the previous year, and of the doings of all the principal societies in the kingdom. The ' AscHAM.' This term is applied to an upright narrow cupboard, con- trived for the purpose of holding all the implements of archery. It is constructed so that the bows may stand or hang upright in the back part, and in the front each individual arrow may stand, also upright, and sufficiently apart from its neighbour to avoid the possibility of any injury to the feathers. In height this Ascham should be upwards of six feet, so that there may be sufficient room for the longest bows, and thfe bows should all, if standing, be on a bottom raised some few inches above the floor of the apartment, as an additional securit}^ against damp, which is a most fatal enemy to the bow. In damp situations, and particularly at the seaside, great care must be taken to keep out all moisture. Also, as far as possible, a tolerably even temperature should be maintained. The long box in which an archer keeps his stock of bows, arrows, &c., when travelling, is also called an Ascliam. OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. T2, The Targets. The backing of the target is made of thrashed or iinthrashed straw (rye- straw is the best) firmly bound together whilst wet with strong tarred string, and in construction is some- what similar to the make of beehive, only it is made flat. It is circular, and the front of this straw boss (as it is called), intended for the canvas facing, is worked up with a flat surface, so that the facing may lie upon it more evenly than it could upon the other side. The canvas facing must also be circular, and exactly four feet in diameter ; of course the straw boss should also be as nearly as possible of the same size, but on no account less. The canvas facing is divided into a central circle of gold, surrounded by concentric rings of red, blue, black, and white, arranged in this order of colour from the centre outwards. The radius of the golden centre and the breadth of each of the surrounding rings should be the same, namely, one-fifth of four feet, i.e. four inches and four-fifths of an inch. Each hit in these colours is valued as follows : nine in the gold, seven in the red (formerly called scarlet), five in the blue (still occasionally known as inner white), three in the black, and one in the white. These figures, however, do not correctly represent the value of the rings according to their respective areas. The area of a circle is proportional to the square of its radius. Therefore the area of the circle containing the gold and red together is four times as large as the area of the gold circle alone ; and it follows that if the gold circle be removed from this larger circle the remaining red ring will be three times the size of the gold circle. In the same manner, the circle containing the gold, red, and blue will in area be nine times as large as the gold circle alone ; and if the combined gold and red circle be removed the re- maining area of the blue ring will be five times as large as the gold. Again, the area of the circle containing the gold, red, blue, and black will be sixteen times larger than the gold ; 74 ARCHERY and if the gold, red, and blue be removed, an area seven times as large as the gold will be left for the black ring. Finally, the entire face of the target contains an area twenty- five times at large as the gold, and the white ring is nine times as large as the gold. Thus we get the target divided into twenty-five parts, of w'hich one pa,rt is gold, three parts are red, five are blue, seven are black, and nine are white. But it does not correctly follow that, nine being taken to represent the value of a hit in the gold, and one as the value of a hit in the white (because the white ring is nine times larger than the gold circle), a hit in the red ring should count as seven, a hit in the blue as five, and a hit in the black as three. The I)roportion of the areas between the white and black rings is as nine to seven, giving the value of If- for each hit in the black, or 1-28571 in decimals. Similarly, the proportion of area between the white and blue rings is as nine to five, giving the value of If, or 1*8, as the value of each hit in the blue circle. The proportion of the area between the white and the red rings is as nine to three, giving the value of three for each hit in the red ring. It may be taken that these values of 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, repre- senting the hits in gold, red, blue, black, and white, are the best that can be adopted, and in their sum represent the twenty-five parts, the size of the gold, into which the target may be supposed to be divided. There appears to be no exaggeration of the value of the gold as compared with the white, and the exaggerated value of the other colours very properly rewards superior skill, as shown by central hitting of the target.' In the days wdien handicapping was done by taking off rings instead of percentages it might have been better to reduce the values of these reds, blues, and blacks when made by the more skilful. ' See Sir John F. W. Herschel's Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects, ' Estimation of Skill in Target-shooting,' p. 495. OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. 75 The old exploded custom of adding hits to score was only a roundabout method of reducing the values of the hits from 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Targets are now all made of the same size, as already mentioned ; hut for many years after the revival of archery in 1781 four-feet targets were only used at the long distances of 120, 100, and 90 yards, whilst targets of three feet and two feet in diameter were used at the shorter distances and by ladies. In still older times our modern target-practice was represented by what was called the Paper Game, from paper being employed instead of the oil-painted canvas now in use. It was an old fashion to score in money, thus : a gold was 2s. 6d., a scarlet 2s., an inner white Is. 6d., a black Is., and a white 6(/. ; and this is still the custom with the Woodmen of Arden, whose members still receive in cash at the end of a prize meeting the total value of their scores. The same custom also prevails at the Annual Scorton Arrow Meeting, except that each archer pays G(7. into the pool for every hit he makes in the white. Formerly, unless an arrow was entirely in one colour, it was counted as a hit in the inferior of the two colours between which its position was divided ; but now, except with the Woodmen of Arden, the contrary custom prevails, and the arrow will count as a hit in the superior colour, unless it be quite surrounded by the inferior colour. It is right that the archer should have the benefit of any doubt in this matter. The purchasers of targets should ascertain that they have well-painted and w'ell-seasoned facings. The American-cloth facings sometimes to be met with are most unsatisfactory, and occasionally there is too much of a sticky compound laid on the facings previous to the paint, which adheres to the arrow, and helps to denude the target of colour. It is not generally acknowledged that the colours of the target at present in use are well adapted for most accurate shooting. They are too bright and glaring, confusing to the 76 ARCHERY eye, and drawing the attention away from the centre, so that it is most difficult to avoid aiming at the target generally, rather than the gold. Now that the scoring is kept in figures, and no longer in colours, there w^ould he no difiiculty in sub- stituting other colours that would assist to concentrate the aim, if only a general agreement about the nature of the change could be arrived at. The usual custom of fixing targets is, that the centre of the gold shall be four feet from the ground, and as the target is always sloped with its low^er part advanced towards the shooter, it follows that the correct distance of the bottom of the target from the ground is a trifle more than two feet and one inch. The Target- Stands. The most usual target- stands are of iron, in three pieces, each of about six feet in length, hinged together at the top, and painted green, forming a tripod for the support of the target, which is caught on to it by a hooked spike at the top of the stand, and kept from shifting its position thereon by a spike about half way up each of the front legs. These stands are so destructive to any arrows that hit them, even through the targets, that, for home use, they should be padded in front with a strip of thick felt, secured with strong twane, and then carefully wrapped with strong bmding and painted. The late Mr. James Spedding first invented this method of covering the stands which he had made for the Royal Toxo- philite Society, of three long ash poles, united together at the top with iron nutted screw-bolts. When the stand is so treated it is almost impossible that an arrow can be injured by contact wath the stand, and the extra expense (which is, however, con- siderable) is soon saved by the saving in arrows at 2.s. 6d. apiece. The Meyler stand, a very expensive machine, was a strong iron arm, fitted into a metal socket fixed in the ground, and OF THE GREASE-BOX, TASSEL, BELT, ETC. 77 at the upper end provided with three prongs, upon which the target was fixed ; but it possessed the same incurable fault as the old earthen butts, in that it was immovable (except to the places where the necessary sockets were). The Quiver. The tin quiver, made in different sizes to contain six, a dozen, or more arrows, with sometimes a receptacle at the top for spare strings, wax, thread, silk, file, &c., is too handy an article to be ever altogether discarded, though the arrows in it do occasionally suffer by being indiscriminately jumbled together. The arrow-boxes of wood now made to hold different quantities of arrows are, of course, to be preferred. But the best receptacle for arrows on a journey is a properly fitted compartment in the bow-box, and the method invented by the Eev. J. M. Croker is the best of all. This is fitted with a hinge, so that any arrow in it can be removed without shifting any of the others. y8 ARCHERY CHAPTEE VI. OF BRACING, OR STRINGING, AND NOCKING In the previous chapters such plain directions have been given concerning the various implements of a.rchery as will enable each archer to provide himself with the best of the kind that his inclinations or means may lead him to adopt, and to enable him to avoid such as are in themselves radically bad, or likely to add to the difficulties he is sure to meet with before arriving at any great or satisfactory proficiency in the art. Having been thus enabled to form a choice as to his weapons, he must now be guided in their use ; and, in the first place, there are a few minor matters that cannot be altogether passed over in silence. The first of these is the bracing or stringing of a bow, which may be considered as the first preliminary operation to actual shooting. This is the act of bending the bow, when unstrung, sufficiently to enable the archer to slip the upper eye of the string into the nock of the upper horn. To effect this, the usual method is to set the lower horn of the bow (its back being turned towards the archer) on the ground, against the inside of the right foot, this being turned a little inward so as to prevent the horn from slipping out of place. Then, the handle being firmly grasped with the right hand, and the lower or wrist-part of the left hand being rested upon the upper limb of the bow a few inches below the upper eye of the string, a strong steady pull must be applied with the right hand at the handle (the left hand and right foot forming the jwints cVappui) so that the bow may be bent, whilst the thumb and second joint OF BRACING, OR STRINGING, AND NOCKING 79 of the first finger, or preferably the tips of the first and second fingers of the left hand, carry the eye of the strmg into the nock. Novices must be particularly careful that they do not get either of the fingers entangled between the string and the bow. In stringing the bow, it is quite unimportant whether it be held in the right or left hand ; but if the finger-tips be worn on the right hand, it is better to use this hand for the purpose of grasping the bow, rather than for helping the eye of the string into its place. To unstring the bow, the action is the same as in the final position of stringing it, except that the eye -of the string is slipped out of the horn. To string and unstring a bow gracefully and without apparent effort is an affair rather of knack than of much strength or force, and is therefore only to be learnt with a certain amount of practice. The archer must keep, as far as possible, an upright position, as to crouch over the operation is ungainly, and interferes w^ith the satisfactory application of the necessary amount of effort. The bow being now strung, two things must be carefully noted : first, that the bend of the bow be neither too much nor too little ; and secondly, that the string starts from both horns exactly at the centre of each — i.e. no atom either to the right or left, but dividing the bow precisely in half from end to end. If this latter caution be not observed the grain of the bow runs considerable risk of being unnaturally strained, and the bow itself of being pulled away and out of its proper shape, and sooner or later breaking in consequence. It is even possible that the correct cast itself may be more or less disadvantageously affected by any carelessness on this point. This is one of the many minutiae of arcliery, which is of more importance than may at first sight appear, and should always be attended to before the bow is allowed to discharge a single arrow. During the shooting, too, attention should be 8o ■• ARCHERY occasionally directed to the string, to observe whether the loop may not have slipped a little away, as it may sometimes unavoidably do. If a second eye has been added to the string in the place of the loop, the string will be much more easily adjusted, and then there will be no fear of its getting away during the shooting. As regards the first point— namely, the amount of bend in a bow when strung— it has been already stated that in a man's bow the distance of the inside of the handle from the string should scarcely ever be less than six inches. The advantages of having the bow low-strung are that the bow casts quicker and farther (owing to the greater length the arrow is acted upon by the string), and that the bow, and also the string, are less strained, and consequently in less danger of breaking ; but to be balanced against these advantages is the fact that the danger of striking the arm- guard before the extreme point of the string's recoil (already shown to be fatal to accurate shooting) is greater, and the cast may be somewhat less steady. It has been immemorially customary to ascertain the amount of the bend of the bow when strung, by placing the fist upright upon the inside of the handle (at the centre of the bow), at the same time raising up the thumb towards the string ; if the string then just touches the extremity of the thumb the bracing is supposed to be tolerably correct. This is not, however, an infallible test, as the size of hands of different individuals varies considerably ; but each archer can ascertain how far his own hand, placed in the above way, varies from the old-fashioned measure of six inches, known as eifistmele, and, bearing this constantly in mind, may ascertain the bracing of his bow as accurately as if his own fistmele were the exact six inches. The nocking of the arrow must now be considered. This is the application of the nock of the arrow to its proper place on the string. Simple as this operation may at first sight appear, yet there is a right way and a wrong way of doing it ; OF BRACING, OR STRINGING, AND NOCKiNG 8r and as the wrong way leads to the injury and disfignrement of the bow, let the beginner acqmre the right method at first, as follows : — The bow being held somewhat downwards by the handle with the left hand, with the string upwards, let the arrow be placed with the right hand over the string (not on any account under the string, as this latter method of nocking is sure to lead sooner or later to the disfigurement of the belly of the bow, by numerous stabs inflicted upon it by the sharp point of the arrow) upon that part of the bow (close to the forefinger of the left hand) upon which it is to lie ; the thumb of the left hand (not the forefinger) being then gently placed over it will serve to hold it perfectly under command, wiiilst the forefinger and thumb of the right hand take hold of the nock end of the arrow, and manipulate with perfect ease the application of the nock to the proper nockinfj -place oh the string. Five minutes' practice will suffice to render this method of nocking easy and familiar. But if the archer be afraid of unsteadying his hold upon the handle of the bow Ijy shifting his left thumb on to the arrow, as above described, let him hold the arrow with his right hand just above the feathers, and so apply the nock to the string without assistance from the left thumb. This method is, however, somewhat more awkward-looking. The centre of the nocking-place should be exactly upon that point of the string which is opposite to the spot on the bow over which the arrow will pass when shot — i.e. the arrow when nocked must be precisely perpendicular to the string. If the arrow be nocked at a lower point, it will beat itself against the forefinger of the left hand, and thereby waste some of the energy that should be applied to its flight. On the other hand, if the arrow be nocked at a higher point, the drawing will be commenced from a point not contemplated in the manufacture of the bow when the compensated strength of the upper and lower limbs is arranged for a fulcrum not exactly central. Care must be taken that the nocking-part of G 82 ARCHER Y the string exactly fits or fills the nock of the arrow. The hold of the nock upon the strmg must he neither too tight nor too loose ; if the first, the nock may, and prohahly ^Yill, he split ; and if the second, the shaft is apt to slip whilst in the act of heing drawn, and the nock will be broken, or the correct ele- vation and proper flight of the arrow will be lost. A word of warning must be added for the young archer against attempting to alter the range of his arrow by varying the nocking-place. For the reasons above given, a worse sys- tem could not be adopted. 83 CHAPTER VII. OF ASCHAM'S FIVE POINTS, POSITION STANDING, ETC. The various implements of archery having been now described, the proper use of these by the archer claims attention. Roger Ascham stated in 1545 that ' fayre shootynge came of these thynges : of standynge, nockynge, drawynge, howld- ynge, and lowsynge ' ; and these his well-known fve points of archery have been followed by most other writers on the sub- ject in this same order. He has set out so well ' all the dis- commodities whiche ill custome hath grafted in archers ' that * can neyther be quycklye poulled out, nor yet sone reckened of me, they be so manye,' that it will be excusable to quote them for the benefit of beginners, for their avoidance before they have been acquired. ' Some shooteth his head forwarde, as though he woulde byte the marke ; an other stareth wyth hys eyes, as though they shoulde flye out ; another winketh with one eye, and looketh with the other. Some make a face with writhing theyr mouthe and countenance so ; another blereth out his tonge ; another byteth his lyppes ; another holdeth his neck a wrye. In drawynge some set suche a compasse, as thoughe they woulde tourne about and blysse all the feelde ; other heaue theyr hand nowe vp, nowe downe, that a man can- not decerne wherat they wolde shote ; another waggeth the vpper ende of his bow one way, the neyther ende an other waye. An other wil stand poyntinge his shafte at the marke a good whyle, and by-and-by he wyll gyue a whip, and awaye, or a man wite. An other maketh suche a wrestling with his 84 ARCHERY gere, as thoughe he were al)le to shoote no more as longe as he lyiied. Another clraweth softly to ye midcles, and hy-and-hy it is gon, you cannot knowe ho we. ' Another draweth his shafte lowe at the breaste, as thoughe he woulde shoote at a rouynge marke, and by-and-by hehfteth his arme vp pricke heyghte. Another maketh a wrynching with hys back as though a manne pynched hym behynde. ' Another coureth downe, as though he shoulde shoote at Crowes. ' Another setteth forwarde hys lefte legge, and draweth backe with head and showlders, as though he pouled at a rope, or els were afrayed of the marke. Another draweth his shafte well vntyll wythin ii fyngers of the head, and then stayeth to looke at hys marke, and that done pouleth it vp to the head, and lowseth ; whiche waye, although summe excellent shoters do use, yet surely it is a faulte, and good mennes faultes are not to be followed.' ' Summe men drawe to farre, summe to shorte, summe to slowlye, summe to quickely, summe holde over longe, summe let go over sone. ' Summe sette theyr shafte on the grounde, and fetcheth him vpwarde. Another poynteth vp towarde the skye, and so bryngeth hym downewardes. ' Ones I sawe a manne why die used a brasar on his cheke, or elles he had scratched all the skynne of the one syde of his face with his drawynge hand. ' An other I sawe, whiche at everye shoote, after the loose, lyfteth vp his ryght legge so far that he was ever in ieopardye of faulyng. ' It should seem possible that Eoger Ascham's condemnation of this style may be insincere, as he speaks of it as ' the waye of summe excellent shoters,' and further as good ' mennes faultes.' May it not be hoped that he refers to this as his own style when he says (see further on) ' of these faultes I have verye manye myself,' modestly classing his own excellence as possibly faulty. See Mulcaster, who says he (E. A.) ' hath showed himself a cunning Archer,' but this refers to his cai)acity for ' trayning the Archer to his bowe.' OF ASCHAiWS FIVE POINTS, ETC. 85 * Summe stampe forwarde, and summe leape backwarde. All these faultes be eyther in the drawynge or at the loose ; with many other mo, whiche you may easelye perseyue, and so go about to auoyde them. ' Now afterwardes, when the shafte is gone, men haue manye faultes, which euell custome hath Ijroughte them to, and specially in cryinge after the shafte and speakynge woordes scarce honest for suche an honest pastyme. ' And besyde those whiche must nedes have theyr tongue thus walkynge, other men vse other fautes : as some will take theyr bowe and writhe and wrinche it, to poule in his shafte when it flyeth wyde, as yf he draue a carte. Some wyll gyue two or iii strydes forwarde, daunsing and hoppynge after his shafte, as long as it flyeth, as though he were a madman. Some which feare to be to farre gone, runne backewarde as it were to poule his shafte backe. Another runneth forwarde when he feareth to be short, heauynge after his armes, as though he woulde helpe his shafte to flye. An other writhes or runneth a syde to poule in his shafte strayght. One lifteth up his heele, and so holdeth his foote still, as longe as his shafte flyeth. Another casteth his arme backewarde after the lowse. An other swynges his bowe aboute hym, as if it were a man with a stafle to make roume in a game place. And manye other faultes there be, whiche nowe come not to my remembraunce. Thus, as you have hearde, manye archers wyth marrynge theyr face and countenaunce wytli other partes of theyr bodye, as it were menne that shoulde daunce antiques, be farre from the comelye porte in shootynge whiche he that woulde be excellent muste looke for.' He then frankly confesses that, though teaching others ' of these faultes, I have verie manye my selfe ; but I talk not of my shootynge, but of the generall nature of shootyng. Now ymagin an archer that is clean, wythout all these faultes, and I am sure euerye man woulde be delyghted to se hym shoote.' Another will suddenly- crouch down on his hams, as 86 ARCHERY tliougb he were marking a l)ircl's flight to phich it down, or it were out of sight. ' Another will call himself uncomely names, whilst another casteth away his bow as though he would break it for faultes that are his own ; and yet another will treat himself at faulte with such harsh usage that he shall scarce shoot again without black eyes for manye a daie.' As the term standinc} seems insufficient to include all that has to be said respecting the attitude and general bearing of the archer whilst in the act of shooting, the expression positioji is adopted instead, as more applicable and compre- hensive, and under j^osition will be included, not only the footing or standing, but also the manner in which the hand should grasp the bow, and therefore, as well, the exact position of the bow itself. In an endeavour to lay down such plain directions as may prevent the assumption of attitudes inimical to good shootmg, and as may also assist in the avoidance of such other atti- tudes as do violence to gracefulness and are repulsive to the looker-on, it would be venturing too far to assert that but one position is good, or even that any particular one is the best ; yet some general rules can with sufficient confidence be laid down for the purpose of controlling mannerisms and of con- lining them within harmless limits. As regards the footing or standing and the attitudes of archers, it may be safely asserted that there are as many varieties as there are archers to call them into existence ; that no two are exactly alike in all particulars ; and that no one archer has yet been seen to combine all the excellences that might be centred in a perfect archer. That an archer's general position may be a good one it must possess three qualities — firmness, elasticity, and grace : firmness, to resist the strain and the recoil of the bow — for if there be any wavering or unsteadiness the shot will probably prove a failure ; elasticitii, to give free play to the muscles, OF A SC HAM'S FIVE POINTS, ETC. 87 and the needful command over them — which cannot be the case should the position be too rigid and stiff; and (jmcc, to render the archer and his performance agreeable, and not ludi- crous, to the spectator. It so far, fortunately, happens that the third requirement— that of grace — is almost a necessary consequence of the possession of the other two : as the best position for practical results is, in fact, the most graceful one. Experience proves that an awkward ungainly style of shooting is very seldom successful. All these three requisites must be kept constantly in mind in every endeavour to arrive at the best position for combining them. To the first part of position — that of footing, or standing — but little can be added to what has already been recommended in other books on the subject. The heels should be, not close together, but about six or eight inches apart — thus avoiding the position that gives too little steadfastness in a wind in the one extreme, and an un- gainly straddle in the other. The feet must be firmly planted on the ground, symmetrically, so as to form an angle of from 45° to 60° by the joining of the lines passing through the feet behind the heels. As regards the position of the heels with refer- ence to the target to be shot at, undoubtedly the best position is that in which a line through the centres of the heels points to the centre of the target (.fig. 34) ; but as many good shots have modified this position in the one or other direction, it may be allowed that any position of the feet — varying from that in which a line through the left or forward foot is at right angles to the line from the shooter's eye to the centre of the target (fig. 35) to that in which the line through the right foot is at right angles to the same line towards the target (fig. 36) (an extreme variation of 60°) — may be adopted without extreme violence to either freedom of action or grace. The fault of tipping forward towards the target shot at, caused by throw- ing the balance unduly upon the forward foot, may be cured by raising the heel of that foot. This is by no means an 88 ARCHERY uncommon fault, and sliould be carefully guarded against as very fatal to shooting, and lial^le to result in most ridiculous developments. As the opposite fault has almost overtaken some of the best shots, it may be classed amongst exaggerated virtues, and is little likely to embarrass beginners. The legs should be perfectly straightened at the knees, and not on any account bent forward ; and yet the knees should not be so rigidly locked back as to interfere with the elasticity of the position. It will be observed that in fig, 34 only, the left and right shoulders, at points a and b respectively, come naturally into the best position for shooting at the target ; but by adopt- ing the position shown in fig. 86, a full-bodied archer may be enabled to draw a trifle further before the bowstring comes in contact with the chest ; whilst in the position shown in fig. 35 OF ASCNAJirS FIVE POINTS, ETC. 89 an_arclier of supple figure can easily get the shoulders into the best position in the course of drawing up. The body should be naturally upright, but not stiff ; the whole person well balanced ; and the face turned round so as to be nearly fronting the target. During the brief period of time between the nocking of the arrow (already described in pp. 80-2) and the loosing of it, some slight alteration of the body's attitude, as arranged when the archer assumes his footing, will take place, as in the com- bined act of drawing and aiming, the right shoulder will be brought a little forward, and the left shoulder will be taken a little backward, before the shoulders resume their former relative positions previous to the loose, which in that position only can be most advantageously executed. The slightest possible inclination forward should be given to the head and chest, that the arrow may be brought directly under the right or aiming ej'e, without bringing the line of aim so close to the line through the left shoulder and bow as to make it impos- sible that the string can clear the forearm at the loose. Many archers bend the body considerably forward from the waist, and quote the following passage from Bishop Latimer's sixth sermon — My father 'taught me how to drawe, how to lay my bodye in my bowe, and not to drawe with strength of armes, as other nacions do, but with strength of bodye ' — in justification of this practice. Here, laying the body in the bow means taking up the best position for shoot- ing. An archer in olden times was said to shoot in a bow, not Kith a bow. ' Not stooping, nor yet standing straight upright,' as Nicholl's 'London Artillery' hath it, expresses the right posi- tion correctly. The second part of jMsition which is most important also, is the manner in which the hand should grasp the bow, and the attitude of the bow itself — i.e. whether this should be vertical, or more or less oblique. 9° ARCHERY It may be stated at once that the most natural and easy method of grasping the bow is also the l)est ; in fact this remark is applicable to almost every point connected with archery, and cannot be too much or too often insisted upon. If the wrist and hand be in any way unnaturally employed bad results immediately follow. For instance, if the grasp be such as to throw the fulcrum much below the centre of the bow, its lower limb runs great risk of being pulled away and out of shape, which sooner or later will cause it to chrysal or break. Again, the Waring method, which used to be in high favour, ' of turning the wrist in as much possible,' causes the left arm to be held in such a straightened position, that it will not only present a constantly recurring obstacle and diverting influence to the free passage of the string, but will also be the cause of an increased strain and additional effort to the shooter, besides taking the spring and elasticity out of that all-impor- tant member the bow-arm. If the reverse of this method be adopted, and the wrist be turned intentionally and unnaturally outwards, it will be found that in avoiding Scylla Charybdis is at hand, and, though the string is well clear of the armguard, the wrist cannot sustain either the strain of the bow at full stretch or its recoil at the loose. Thus, as in every other instance, the extremes are bad, and the correct position will be found at the balancing-point between them. When \hQ footing has been taken, with the arrow nocked, let the bow lie easily and lightly in the left hand, the wrist being turned neither inwards nor outwards, but allowed to remain in the position most easy and natural for it ; as the drawing of the bow commences, the grasp will intuitively tighten, and by the time the arrow^ is drawn to the head the position of the hand and wrist will be such as to be easiest for the shooter and best for the success of his shot. It will be observed in the three figures giving the correct and wrong positions of the hand on the bow-handle, that the upper part of the bow hand, including the whole of the thumb OF ASCHAM'S FIVE POINTS, ETC. 91 and first finger, is above the upper line of the ^Y^ist (Hne ab), whilst the fulcrum, or working centre of the bow, is also above that line, or even in such bows as have their centres in the middle of the handle but little below that line. It is pretty clear Fig. 37.— wrong position. Fig. 39. — weong position. Fig. 38.— eight position. that if the hand had been originally constructed solely with a view to its application to the bow, or even as a weapon in the noble art of self-defence, it might have been constructed so as to be a more evenly-balanced hammer at the end of its handle, 92 ARCHER V the arm, than it is at present. Possibly its narrow escape from Leing another foot has interfered with its proper develop- ment from an archer's point of view. However this may be, it would be better, as a mechanical contrivance, for drawing a bow, if the strain applied l)y the loosing hand could pass directly along the line through the centre of the arm, with centre or fulcrum of the bow in the same line — i.e. in line a h (fig. 38). The nearest approach to this condition of a perfect archer's hand was possessed by Mr. G. Edwards, the first archer to displace Mr. H. A. Ford from the position of Champion, in 1860, who, though he may never have made the extraordinary scores credited to Mr. Ford, was an excellent shot, and, when at his best, had the steadiest bow-arm and the firmest grip ever seen on a bow. Through a gun accident, he lost entirely his left thumb, and Iteld his bow with his four fingers, pressing it against a leather pad inserted between the bow^ and his wrist, much in the position the thumb would occupy if it could be placed downwards across the palm of the hand. This altered formation shifted the position of his arm so that the line through the fulcrum of the bow was well below the upper line of his wrist. Some archers acquire the habit of extending the thumb upwards along the belly of the bow. This method of grasping the bow tends to weaken and unsteady the drawing power, but as a i^oint of drill for the acquisition of such a grasp of the bow with the fingers, before the thumb is placed in position to assist, as will enable the archer to clear his armguard, its trial is strongly recommended. A steadier hold of the bow is in the end obtained by keeping the upper part of the thumb ofl' the bow, so that the hold is between the root of the thumb and the fingers. As the first finger is often used to assist in adjust- ing the position of the arrow on the bow, care must be taken to replace it at the commencement of the draw. Unless the bow be held firmly between the four fingers and the thumb and heel of the hand, at the loose and recoil an unpleasant jar will be OF ASCHAAPS FIVE POINTS, ETC. 93 felt, with the further ill-consequence of blisters, &c. The position of the bow should be straight across the palm of the hand, so that the fingers when closed in position to hold it lie as nearly as possible at right angles to the axis of the bow. A lateral projection on the left side of the handle of the bow is sometimes added, if the archer's hand be hollow, and this contrivance assists the bowstring to avoid the arm- guard. Before the consideration of the final position of the bow at the loose, as to whether it should be vertical or oblique, a glance must be taken at the horizontal position which should be adopted by all those who disbelieve in the possibility of aiming with bow and arrow whilst the arrow is discharged from the side of the bow, because in that position the arrow cannot be thrown to the left of the mark aimed at. This position is so cramped and awkward as to be practically useless for shooting at a horizontal aim, when a full-length arrow cannot be drawn up, as the string comes too soon in con- tact with the left side. Yet archers have been known to make successful scores in this style, using weak bows and light arrows. The vertical position of the bow (but not as sometimes adopted, when the bow^ is thus set up at the end of a horizontal arm to be hauled at until the beginner's arrow is discharged) is an assistance in clearing the bowstring from the chest when a full-length arrow is fully drawn ; and a tendency towards this position at the instant of loose will correct the curious habit many archers acquire of throwing the upper limb of the bow down and the lower limb up after the loose, as if part of the loosing or drawing action had been a mutually antagonistic screw between the holding and loosing hands. The chief advantage of the oblique position is that the arrow is not so likely to be blown away from its contact wdth the bow by a high wind from the bow side. 94 ARCHERY CHAPTEE VIII. DBA WING AscHAM seems to be right in declaring that ' Drawyne icell is the best parte of shootyng ' ; and, as it is in the course of this part of the act of shooting that ah the ridiculous antics already quoted may be exhibited, and without drawing well it is almost impossible to take aiiii or loose with any chance of success, every archer must pay the utmost attention to the acquisition of the best and easiest method of drawing. Yet it is not pretended that there is but one best method of drawing. Here two things have to be previously considered, namely, the strength of the bow to be used, and the length of the arrow, or rather how much of its length must be drawn up. First, as regards the strength of bow to be used, it should be observed that when, in modern times, the practice of shooting isolated arrows was discontinued in favour of three arrows shot by each archer consecutively at each end throughout a York Bound, the possibility of making the delivery of each arrow a supreme effort became impossible, and the more frequent repetition of an effort, which, though considerable (as it should always be), is not quite a tovr de force, is now accepted as more likely to exhibit grace in the execution and accuracy in the result, with the natural consequence that the average strength of bows now in use is scarcely so great as it used to be ; though it must not be lost sight of that bows now are more accurately weighed, than they were before the invention of the York and National Eounds ; and also that now a large DRA WING 95 proportion of archers pull tlieir arrows \Yell up, hold, and aim with them, whereas none did so in the old times when no archer had so much as dreamed that it was possible to take an aim with bows and arrows. Yet still at any public archery meeting it is easy to observe, in one or other of the many varieties of style of drawing represented, the germs of all possible contortions ; but in nearly all these cases of contor- tion it will be found that the ' very head and front of the offending ' is in the archer's vain attempt to employ a bow that is be3'ond his control ; whilst, if the weapon be well within his control, it is as needless to distort even a muscle of the face as it is for a short-sighted person to make a grimace when fixing the glass in his eye. Still it will also be a mistake to be under-bowed with a plaything, as wasting part of the power of covering distance and overcoming wind, &c. Whilst bows varying in measure from 40 lbs. to 56 lbs. and arrows varying in weight from 4s. to 5s. can be easily procured, every archer's weakness or strength can be appropriately suited. For ladies there is the range in strength of bows from 20 lbs. to 35 lbs., and in weight of arrows from 2s. ^d. to 3s. GcL Next as regards the length of arrow to be drawn at each discharge. The variation in the arrows themselves may be only from 26 to 29 inches in those of men, and from 24 to 26 inches in those of ladies ; but there is a much wider variation in the part of the arrow drawn up by different archers. There appears to be a widespread belief that in olden times the archer soldiers used arrows a yard long ; but only a few archers participate in this belief, and join in treating this as a proof of the degeneracy of modern archers. Ascham, in his treat- ment of the subject of arrows, mentions them of many different lengths and thicknesses, without any precision, and no doubt they were much more various in his time than now. The ' clothyard ' or the ' clothier's yard,' not the standard yard, is almost always mentioned by old writers when treating of the length of draw employed by English archers ; and many con- 96 ARCHERY siderations (supposing positive proof to l)e altogether wanting) point to the conclusion that this ' clothyard ' was the length of 27 inches. In the absence of any representative surviving war-arrow the evidence of an ancient model may be taken, and such a model exists in the possession of the Eoyal Toxo- philite Society, descril)ed thus in ' A History of the Royal Toxophilite Society 1870.' ' The most ancient piece of plate possessed by the Society is an arrow, 28;^ inches long, the " stele " being of iron very thickly plated with silver, and the barbed pile (1^ inch long) , of solid silver. The three feathers are also of solid silver. On the " stele " are these inscriptions : Sir Eeginald Foster, Kt. and Bart. Warwick Ledgingham, Esq. Stewards in Finsbury. Anno Dom. IGfiS. This arrow was presented to the Society by Mr. Philip Con- stable.' This Mr. Philip Constable is mentioned as one of the oldest Finsbury archers in Daines Barrington's essay on Archery in the seventh volume of ' Archaeologia.' The ancient Scorton arrow (1672) is of no greater length, but has been broken and repaired and has no date on it. There is an act of Parliament (Irish ?) 5 Edward IV. ch. 4, which pro- vides that every Englishman, and Irishman dwelling with Englishmen, and speaking English, being between sixteen and sixty years of age, shall have an English bow of his own length, and a fistmele at least between the nocks, and twelve shafts of the length of three-quarters of the standard. This points to the length of 27 inches as the regulation length for the stele of an arrow. The danger of breaking a bow increases the further it is drawn up, and there is no scarcity of bows that are broken at even a shorter draw than 27 or 28 inches. How many more broken bows would there have been then if the usual length of arrows drawn were 36 inches ; and this in the course of a battle, wdien a broken bow meant an archer temporarily disabled, as an archer ? The material DRA WING 97 used in the manufacture of bows, the wood, must have been the same as now, and, from the specimens extant, their length does not appear to have been much beyond those now in use. In fact, the length of a bow must always be limited so as to be within the reach of the archer who strings it, and the average stature of the human race does not appear to have diminished. It is not pretended that no arrows were longer than 27 inches. Doubtless long and light arrows were employed to an- noy an enemy whilst still at a distance ; but for a war-arrow, with a heavy barbed pile, to be an effective missile, it must have been provided with a strong and stiff stele, and this cannot also have been unusually long. As dictionaries seem to avoid the compound words doili- yard and clothier's yard, no better evidence can be found than the statement that the 27 inches constitute a Flemish yard, and that Flemish bows, arrows, and strings were always in high. repute. So the dispute must still be left for further consideration. Hansard, in ' The Book of Archery,' 1840, treats the matter as fully as possible perhaps, and apparently leans towards the belief that the tallest and most stalwart archers may have drawn up huge bows a full yard of the standard ; j^et, as he contends, at p. 191, that ' great numl.)ers of Welsh served at Crecy and Poictiers, and it is somewhere said that a consider- able portion consisted of archers,' it seems unlikely that at the same time the average archer at those battles was of gigantic stature. Ascham might have settled the matter, but he ventures no further than the statement (p. 87 of Arber's re- print) that ' at the battel of Agincourt with vii thousand fyght- ynge men, and yet many of them sycke, beynge suche archers, as the Crony cle sayeth, that mooste parte of them drewe a yarde,' &c. Apart from the historical consideration of what used to be the average draw of the old English archers, it must be H g8 ARCHERY admitted that modern archers err on the side of not pulhng up enough rather than on the side of over-drawing. Therefore it is strongly recommended to every archer to employ as long an arrow as he can conveniently use, and to hear in mind that the portion of it to he drawn up at each loose should hear some reasonahle proportion to the length of arm, &c., in each indi- vidual case. It may he safely stated that no archer will find that he can conveniently draw fully up and loose evenly an arrow of greater length than the space hetween the left centre joint of the collarhone and the knuckle of the left-hand index- finger when the how-arm is fully extended. But few experienced archers now extend the how-arm fully and take their aim ))efore they commence drawing at all. Neither can this method he commended, as it has an awkward appearance, from the necessity that exists of stretching the other arm so far across the hody in order to reach the string, and it materially increases the exertion necessary to pull the how. Yet this method is not without its use as a preliminary drill for a heginner, that he may learn the necessity and the difficulty of drawing his arrow up, whilst keeping it constantly and exactly on the line which the arrow is afterwards to follow towards the ohject to he hit when it is loosed ; at the same time not yet attending to the second and equally great diffi- culty of a heginner, namely, that of shooting the exact length as well ; also that he may learn how to cover different length? hy higher and lower positions of the bow'-hand. Much diversity of opinion exists as to the best method of getting the bow-hand into position for the aim and loose, as to whether, in the course of drawmg up, the arrow shall be brought into the line of aim from below or from al)ove, or from the right to the left ; and here it would seem that to make the motion of drawing from the right to the left and upwards at the same time is the simplest and most direct plan, since, after the nocking of the arrowy the drawing commences most naturally from beneath and to the right of the object to be hit. DRAWING 99 There seem to be three successful methods of drawing — namely, first, to draw the arrow home ' at once, loosmg when it has been aimed, without any further draw ; secondly, to draw the arrow within an inch or a little more of home,' aiming then, and loosing after the completion of the draw; and thirdly, the method of combining the operations of drawing and aiming so continuously that the loose is the uninterrupted completion of the draw. It is unnecessary to consider the distinct method of drawing up and letting out again before the loose, or the uncertain method of fraying up and down, or playing as it were at fast-and-loose a bit before the loose, as no archer would adopt any such uncertain style as a matter of choice ; though such stuttering and hiccoughing performances may occasionally bring back an erring arrow to its duty, or may arise from the loss of nerve and the departure of the crisp finish from what was once steady and unhesitating. Any movement of the l)ow-hand in drawing up from the left towards the right should be avoided, as that movement tends to con- tract instead of expanding the chest ; therefore great care should be taken, when lateral movement is used in drawing up, to avoid passing the line of aim in moving the bow-hand towards the left. Though the theory and practice of aiming will be fully treated in another chapter, some reference must here be made to aiming, although it may lead to apparently unnecessary re- petition. Eeference has already, somewhat prematurely, been made to the line of aim, and also to the length to be shot. Now it is clear that the success of a scientific shot must be the result of the exact combinations of the rigJit line of aim, and the correct level of the bow- and loosing-hands by which to attain the length. In drawing, the process by which the line of aim and the level are arrived at must be associated in practice, but may be considered separately. Advice has already ' By ' drawing the arrow home ' the full length of the arrow is not neces- sarily intended, but so much of its length as each archer slioidd draw. H 2 loo ARCHERY been given to avoid — as soon as possible after the beginner lias got through the first elements — the setting-up of the bow-hand with the arrow already on the line of aim to be then hauled at, and this for reasons already given. But now comes in the apparently contradictory advice, to get it planted there to be hauled at in good time before the conclusion of the operation of drawing, so that t]iat cunchtsion may be certainly in the right line of aim. And the further advice at this stage of drawing is that the loosing-hand be kejDt well back, and never allowed to advance between the archer's face and the object aimed at. In previous editions of this book it was laid down that ' the arrow shall be at least three-fourths drawn when brought upon the [line of] aim.' But this is far from sufficient at this point of the process. About nine-tenths of drawing should be by that time accomplished, or the archer will be in a still worse position for applying his strength to the loose with advantage should there be any pause at this stage of drawing to combine the level with the line of aim. Next come the considerations whether the arrow should be held quiescent for a short time, whilst the perfect aim is found, or whether the entire drawing should be one continuous act from the first moment of pulling and raising the bow to the loose. Neither of these methods appears to have much advantage over the other, if well executed. The former will he a little more trying to the bow, and, if the finish be imperfect, may lead to letting the arrow out, which is known as a creeping-loose. The latter may lead to an arrow being occasionally imperfectly drawn ; but the bow will have no cause of complaint, and full advantage will always be taken of all the work that is done. The method of drawing the arrow home at once, which has still to be considered, has this point apparently in its favour — that it ensures the arrow's being always drawn to the same point. But it is very trying to the bow, the arms, and the fingers, and, ending in what is called a dead-loose, at the bsst scarcely produces results commensurate with the labour DRA WING loi undoubtedly taken, and whenever it is imperfectly finished a creeping-loose results. Aseham, quoting Procopius, says that ' Leo, the Empe- roure, would have hys souldyers drawe quycklye in warre, for that maketh a shaft flie a pace. In shootynge at pryckes, hasty and quicke drawing is neyther sure nor cumlye. There- fore, to draw easely and uniformely ... is best both for profit and semelinesse.' The modern style of shooting the York Round, &c., is the same as used in his days to be called shooting at pricks, and his advice as to the manner of draw- ing cannot be much improved. A few lines before the passage above quoted he says, ' And one thjmge commeth into my remembrance nowe, when I speake of draw^ynge, that I never red of other kynde of shootynge, than drawing w'yth a mans hand either to the breste or eare.' This he says when referring to the invention of cross-bows. But it is curious that to no writer on the subject of archery it occurred that ' under the eye ' might possibly be a better direction for ' drawing ' than either to the hrcsta or to the eare. Yet so it is that until the first appearance of Mr. H. A. Ford's ' Theory and Practice of Archery ' in 1855 there existed no intermediate styles between the one, that was too low, and the other, which, though in the opposite extreme, was then so highly regarded as the grand old English style, that the author, though annually Champion since 1849, must have been a bold man to give the first indication of the new, and now almost universally admitted, best style for target-practice of drawing ' to such a distance that the icrist of the right hand come to about the level of tlie chin,'' and the level of the arrow shall be a shade lower than that of the chin ; its nock being in the vertical line droj)ped from the right eye. One of the main features of good drawing is that the distance pulled be precisely the same every time ; that is to say, the same length of the arrow must be drawn identically, whether this length be to the pile, or any shorter distance. 1C2 ARCHERY Unless this be unerringly accomplished with every shot the lengtli must be more or less uncertain, since the power taken out of the bow will be greater or less according to the longer or shorter draw. A great many devices have been tried and practised to make this exact similarity in the distance drawn a matter of certainty, such as by notching the end of the arrow, so that the left hand may feel it when the right length of draw has been reached ; or by touching some point of the face, neck, or chin, collar, button, or other fixed point with some part of the drawing hand. But it will be found infinitely better to arrive at an exact repetition of the same action by careful practice rather than by dodges, which may, however, be useful as ex- periments. These mechanical devices are unlikely to have a beneficial result when constantly in use, as, when the eye and mind are fixed and concentrated (as they should be) on the aim, if anything occurs to distract either, the loose is almost sure to become unequal. The pile of the arrow should not be drawn on to the Ijow. It is far better that no arrow be drawn further than exactly to the pile ; and every arrow should be longer, by at least as much as the pile, than the archer's actual draw. The danger of overdrawing, in that the arrow at the loose gets set inside the bow, to its own certain destruction and to the bow's and the archer's infinite risk, is very considerable. Nothing can be gained by the violation of this rule. In cases where a beginner may be likely to overdraw, a string of the correct length to be drawn may be tied between the bow string and the handle of the bow, which will effectually prevent such an occurrence. It is believed that all archers, good, bad, and indiflerent, are (more or less) constantly subject to one failing, namely, that in completing the draw, after the aim is taken, a slightly different line to that occupied by the arrow (if correctly aimed) is taken, instead of making the line of finish (as they should do) an exact DRA WING 103 continuation of the arrow's axis, dropping the right hand, or letting it inchne to the right, or l)oth ; the effect l^eing to cast the arrow out of the direction it had indicated, and by means of which the aim had been calculated. Here nothing but the most minute attention and constant practice will save the archer ; l)ut he must be prepared for participation in this common failmg, and it is one of which he will be often quite unconscious, though the cause of his frequently missing the target. The very best archer needs to bear constantly in mind the necessary avoidance of this fault ; for, however skilful he may be, however experienced and practised a shot, he may be quite sure that it is one into which he will be constantly in danger of falling. Failure in wind is frequently caused more by this failing than by the effect of the wind itself ; for instance, the aim, perhaps, is designedly taken so as to make some allowance for a side-wmd, and then the loose is delivered as if no allowance had been made. The difficult}^ all experience in shooting correctly on a ground where the distant level is not horizontal is more or less connected with this dangerous faihng. Here, though the archer be perfectly aware that the distance slopes, however slightly, one way or the other to the correct horizon, yet at the instant of the loose he will unconsciously overlook this, and expect to have his unfor- tunate arrow travel in a plane vertical to the mock horizon instead of in a really vertical plane such as it must travel in, unless diverted from it by wind. Another way of accounting for this universal failing is that there is an unconscious detection of error at the last moment, and a convulsive attempt to correct this error before the completion of the loose by altermg the line of the loose. Every archer is strongly advised, when he detects an error in the aim at the last moment that cannot be corrected before the discharge except in the action of the loose, to take down his arrow and begin the shooting of it afresh. The capacity to do this, when needful, is an excellent test of nerve. I04 ARCHERY As far as possible the right hand must always Ije drawn identically to the same point for all kinds of target-practice, whatever the distance to be shot may be. To the left arm alone should be left the delicate task of the elevation or depres- sion necessary when a longer or a shorter distance from the target is adopted. It will Ijc obvious that when the left hand is, according to this rule, higher or lower for the purpose of shooting a longer or shorter distance the relative positions of the two hands must vary from a greater to a less divergence from an horizontal level between them, and this leads to a most important consideration in the action of drawing, namely, the position of the right elljow. This, being necessarily out of the archer's sight whilst aiming, is too frequently forgotten, and a faulty weak position of the elbow is much more easily contracted than cured. Treated as a mechanical contrivance for drawing up an arrow, the only correct position of the right elbow with reference to the arrow is that the arrow's axis should pass through the point of the l)ent elbow, and in this position only can the archer apply his full strength. Yet, pro- bably from the fact that the elbow must pass through positions of less advantage in the course of drawing before the full draw is reached, it will be observed that many archers at the loose have the elbow l)elow the level of the arrow's axis ; and not a few have the elbow projecting forw^ards from the same axis. These faults are believed to be the causes of the constant and otherwise unaccountable, but most frequent, downfall of suc- cessful archers, generally attributed to the failure of nerve. Yet the nerves cannot certainly be altogether at fault, for the same archer, wdiose arrow takes its flight into its own hands, when applied to target practice, can steadily draw and hold the same arrow when it is not to be shot. It can doubtless be observed that in such cases the arrow in the one case is drawn up with a faulty wavering of the elbow, whilst in the other the elbow is brought steadily into correct position. AVhen a position of the elbow higher than the axis of the arrow comes DRAWIIVG 105 to be considered, it appears to partake of the nature of an exaggerated virtue rather than a fault ; is an assistance in the earher processes of drawing ; and, when in excess though not graceful, will probably cure itself. Much the same may be said of the much less frequent fault of drawing the right elbow into a position further back than the axis of the arrow. This can only be brought about by overdrawing, and is seldom observable except in beginners who are anxious ' to do all they know ' with too long an arrow. The treatment of the elbow of the bow-arm remains to be considered. Here trouble is more likely to arise with be- ginners than in an archer's after-career. If a beginner, in obedience to the instructions of Waring and the older masters of the craft, hold out the bow-arm ' as straight as possible ' i.e. locked tight at the elljow, a sprain difficult to cure may not unlikely be the result, and, at any rate, a vast deal of unne- cessary arm or armguard thrashing. On the other hand, a bent bow-arm, such as may appear to be recommended in the earlier editions of this work, will lead to but poor results if a bow equal to the archer's power be used. Here again the best advice that can be given is to hit off the happy mean between the too rigid arm and that which is too slack. Let the bow-arm be straightened naturally as the strain of the loosing hand is applied to it, and by careful drill each archer will arrive at a method of rendering the recoil of the bow string harmless to the course of the arrow as well as to a naked wrist, which, it is now almost universally admitted, need not be brought into contact with the armguard. A marked variation of the method of drawing has occa- sionally been adopted, with considerable success, with weapons of hght calibre. The nocked arrow is placed horizontally a little below the shoulder-level. The draw then commences with the extension of the bow-arm, \Yhilst the right hand and elbow^ take the position for loosing, the arrow being kept all the time on the line of aim. io6 ARCHERY One not altogether uncommon distortion must be men- tioned for careful avoidance. This consists of a stiffening of the right wrist, ^Yith the hand Ijent backwards, at the time the fingers are applied to the bowstring. This antic of course cripples considerably the draw. The. action of the wrist should be quite free and unconstrained until the commencement of the draw, and during the draw the back of the hand should be kept as nearly as possible in the same line as the forearm. The left shoulder requires most careful attention. It must not be allowed to rise too high when the bow is drawn, nor to shrink inwards, as it will sometimes do with beginners when using bows that are too strong. Moreover, this shoulder must be kept so close to the line between the bow and the right shoulder that it shall project neither before nor behind that line. I07 CHAPTEE IX. AIMING The aim is nncloiiLtedly the most abstruse and scientific 2)oint connected with the practice of arcliery. It is at the same time the most difficult to teacli and tlie most difficult to learn ; and yet, of all points, it is the most necessary to be taught. Upon the acquisition of a correct method of aiming depends all permanently successful practice ; yet respecting this im- portant point the most suljlime ignorance prevails amongst the uninitiated. Unless the archer acquires a perfect understanding of the science of aiming, an almost impassable barrier is presented to his progressing a single step beyond the commonest mediocrity, whilst his interest in his practice is increased tenfold as soon as he has discovered that hitting or missing the object he aims at may be removed from the mysterious condition of an un- a,ccountable sympathy between the hand and eye to the safer ground of positive knowledge. It is perhaps quite natural that most beginners should assume that at any rate as regards the application of their eyes to the shooting of arrows they can have nothing to learn. Have they not had the full and constant use of their eyes from their earliest infancy ? and have not these been with sufficient frequency applied in such a manner as must secure the necessary qualifications for such a simple task as aiming with bows and arrows ? There cannot, surely, be any science wanted in the use of weapons that any child can not only use but even make ? Was it ever necessary to take lessons in io8 ARCHERY order to secure accuracy in throwing stones ? or can any amount of abstract study of optics contribute the smallest improvement or finish to a bowler ? So it is in this matter of aiming that beginners, and still more those who are more advanced in practice, seem most to resent interference and advice ; partly because they object to being told that they are making a wrong or incomplete use of their own eyes — looking upon it as a direct accusation of folly — when they feel that they must surely know better than their adviser all about those useful members, which, though almost constantly in employ, have never given any trouble, and have never even seemed to require any training or education ; and partly with the more advanced, who have met with considerable success in hitting with their purblind (as it may be called) method of aiming, because they fear to weaken their not wholly complete faith * in their own system by admitting even the possibility of a better. Thus in this matter of aiming it will be better that the inexperienced archer should be referred to written instruction ; and whilst on the sul)ject of instruction it should be thoroughly well enforced that nothing is more unpleasant than the un- solicited interference and advice of the officious busyl)ody, and — particularly at an archery meeting — no unasked advice or instruction should ever be offered. It need now be no matter of surprise that before the first appearance of this work, in 1855, no writer on archery had been able to grapple intelligently with the subject of aiming. When firearms first took the place of bows and arrows as weapons of war and the chase, the firearms themselves were so ' It must have been from the absence of this complete faith that the cele- brated archer mentioned by Montaigne in his seventeenth chapter was con- strained to decline the offer made to him when condemned to die, that ' to save his life he should exhibit some notable proof of his art ; but he refused to try, fearing lest the too great contention of his will should make him shoot wide, and that, instead of saving his life, he should also lose the reputation he had got of being a good marksman.' And again in the case of Tell the same scarcity of faith became apparent from his securing in his quiver that second quasi-historical arrow. AIMING 109 inaccurate that chance ^Yent ahnost, if not quite, as far as science in the use of them. Their improvement was but slow and gradual ; and for the firing of them the invention of per- cussion instead of flint and steel, which in its turn had dis- placed the original fuse, belongs to quite modern times. The neglected bows and arrows naturally gained no improvement ; yet, until the invention of rifling firearms, bows and arrows, except for the greater inherent difficulty in the use of them, might have had a better chance to hold their own against Brown Bess and the bullet (it was commonly believed that it cost the expenditure of about a ton of lead to kill a single enemy in battle) had aiming with them been well understood. It cannot be doubted that many an archer (besides those who converted their knuckles into pincushions, and resorted to other dodges) must have hit upon an intelligent method of aiming for himself in early times ; but such early experts must have resorted to the expedient of getting the arrow under the eye by pulling low, and would have to bear the withering scorn of all their brethren, who blindly upheld that the grand old English style of aiming from the ear was alone worthy of a man ; and such despised experts would be most likely to keep their better knowledge to themselves for the same selfish but valid reason that Kentfield the inventor of the side-stroke in billiards, kept his own coun- sel as long as he could ; and also because any crusade having as its object the deposition of the pull to the ear in favour of the pull to the breast must always have proved quixotic. So it came about that Mr. H. A. Ford was the first who, after five or six years of successful practice and many diligent and careful experiments conducted in comljination with Mr. J. Bramhall, braved the danger of being anathematised as a heretic for daring to impugn the dear old legend of the 'pull to the ear,' and preached in favour of a style of shooting that brought the arrow as directly under the archer's eye as is the barrel of a rifls in the hands of a marksman, ^Yithout resorting to the justly condemned style of pulling as low as the breast. no. ARCHERY Much uljout the same time great improvements were effected in firearms, which hrought the accm-acy of rifles much closer to perfection. The Volunteer liiovement, followed by the establishment of the annual AVimljledon rifle meeting, at which a Eoss (then an illustrious name) was the first Queen's Prizeman in 1860, brought the scientific practice of aiming to a pitch of perfection that had never previously been dreamed of. Thus it will be seen that archery was not l)eliind firearms in scientific advancement. It is stated in ' Scloppetaria ' — a scarce l)ook on the rifle, published by Colonel Beaufoy in 1812 — that ' as the deflection from the original line of flight was an inconvenience from which arrows were not found so liable as bodies projected from firearms, it naturally led to an inquiry how that could arise. The prominent feature of an arrow's flight is to spin \\ith con- siderable velocity all the time of its flight, and therefore atten- tion was directed towards attaining the same advantage for firearms ' ; and it is not without mterest to notice that the modern rifle is thus directly derived from the clothyard shaft. The improvement of the conical bullet is a later offspring of the same ancient missile. An archer holds an intermediate position between a sports- man, who, in his attacks upon moving game, must waste no time in taking aim, and a rifleman, who, even in a standing position, can use the utmost deliberation. If he be as quick as the sportsman he will increase the difficulty of reproducing with each discharge exactly the same accuracy of pull and posi- tion. He must not be too hesitatingly slow, or he will spoil his bows and involve himself in unnecessar}' toil. Further, the rifleman has plenty of leisure to close the ej^e with which he does not aim ; and such closing assists, and in no way hinders, his taking his aim, by bringing the bead at the end of his weapon and the mechanical sight by which the ' length ' (distance from the target) is compassed to bear upon the centre of the target, or such other point at some trifling dis- AIMING . Ill tance from it as the conditions of wind or weather may com- mand ; \Yhilst the sportsman, whose weapon cannot be sighted for all the different distances at which the game he fires at may be from himself, must keep both eyes open, so that he may be better able to calculate distances and attend to such other surroundmg circumstances as with the then more perfect in- direct vision be will be able to do, taking in a much wider field than can be obtained when one eye only is open. In the cases of the comparatively few archers who have but one eye, or where, from the natural but not unfrequent difference in the two eyes, one only is habitually used in aiming, the following considerations of binocular vision can have but an abstract interest. The binocular difficulties, moreover, will not occur to those archers who have acquired the habit of closing one eye whilst aiming. But the habitual closing of the non-aiming eye is not recommended, for the reason that any archer in full use of both eyes can much more readily and clearly w^atch the flight of his arrow towards the mark with both eyes open. There is as much enjoyment to be obtained by following the course of a well-shot arrow as there is necessity for w^atching the errors of those that fly amiss that the causes of such errors may if possible be avoided. But before the demonstration of the true and only scientific mode of aiming can be proceeded with, a few words must be said on the subject of direct and indirect visioft. When both eyes are directed upon the observation of any single object — say the centre of the gold of the target at 100 yards — the axes of the eyes meet at that point, and all parts of the eyes having perfect correspondence as regards that point, the sensation of perfect vision is given, i.e. the best and most accurate image that can be obtained on the retinae of the point to which the entire attention of both eyes is directed. But at the same time there are images formed on the retinae, of other objects nearer (those more distant need not be con- 112 ARCHERY sidered) than this point, and to the right and loft of it, as well as above and below it ; and all siich objects are included within the attention of indirect vision. The exact correspondence of the images formed on the two retinae applies only to the point of direct vision, and the images of all other objects — i.e. the objects of indirect vision — are differently portrayed on each retina. Any object embraced in this indirect vision will be seen less or more distinctly according to its remoteness or otherwise from one or other of the axes in any part of its length ; and it will be, or at any rate naturally should be, clearest to the indirect vision of that eye to the axis of which it most approximates. Now, in aiming with an arrow, to arrive at anything like certainty, it is necessary to have in view three things, namely, the mark to be hit (the gold of the target) ; the arrow, as far as possible in its whole line and length (otherwise its real future course cannot be appreciated) ; and the point of aim. It may be well to explain here that by the -point of aim is meant the spot which the point of the arrow appears to cover. This spot, with the bow, is seldom identical with the centre of the gold, or if it be so with any individual archer at one par- ticular distance, it will not be so at other distances, because the arrow has no adjusting sights such as are provided to assist the aim with a rifle. As an example, let it be supposed that an archer is shooting in a side-wind, say at 80 yards, and that this distance is to him that particular one where, in calm weather, the point of his arrow and the gold are identical for the purposes of aiming. It is clear that, if he now treat them so, the effect of the wind will carry his arrow to the right or left of the mark according to the side from which it blows. He is therefore obliged to aim on one side of his mark, and the point of his arrow consequently covers a spoi other than the target's centre. And this other spot in this instance is to him his 2'>oint of aim. Under the parallel cii'- AIMING 113 ciimstances of a long range and a side-wind the rifle will be found subject to the same rule. Now it will be understood that it is necessary for the archer to embrace within his vision the gold, the point of aim, and the true line in which the arrow is directed. Direct visioyi can only be applied to one object at a time, and as direct vision should be applied as little as possible to the arrow during the aim, it has to be shown in what way the arrow must be held in order that the archer may, by means of his indirect vision, clearly appreciate the trite line in which it points at the time of aiming. The discussion as to whether the gold or the point of aim shall be the object of direct vision may be postponed for the present. Now^ it may be positively asserted as an incontrovertible axiom in archery that this true line cannot be correctly appreciated by the shooter unless the arrow lie, in its whole length, directly beneath the axis of the aiming eye. This is most confidently maintained, in spite of the fact that the strongest, the most deliberate, and the most successful archer of the present day systematically keeps his arrow a trifle out- side his right eye. It must be remembered that Ascham ordains that 'good mennes faidtes are not to be foUoiced.' The indirect vision of both eyes can never be used here, for if it were, according to the law of optics, two arrows would be seen ; but this is never the case with the habitual shooter - — though both his eyes be open, habit, and the wonderful adapting power of the eye, preventing such an untoward effect equally well as (nay, better than) if the second eye be closed. To state this more correctly : an expert archer with both eyes open is in the same condition with two similar eyes as a person who, with imperfect sight, habitually wears a spy-glass to improve the sight of the one eye, with which improved eye alone he sees, to the complete neglect of all that is taken in by the other eye, though constantly open. Those who have shot both right- and left-handed — and there are not 114 ARCHERY a few such- -can answer for it that, though a different indirect vision of the arrow is observed with each eye, either can at win be used without any inconvenience arising from the un- necessary presence of the other. Another unusual exception may here be mentioned of a style of aiming which, though eminently successful through a good many years in the case of a Championess, cannot be recommended for imitation. She kept her direct vision only on the point of her arrow, thus seeing the nock end of the arrow graduall}^ diverging from its point towards each eye by indirect vision, and also by indirect vision seeing two targets, or two sets of targets, from which she had to select the correct one to secure the right direction for the loose. Many archers close the non-aiming eye, and it will be well for all beginners to do so to avoid a very possible trouble, in the case of an archer whose non-aiming eye is the best and most used of the two, of this better e3^e officiously interfering to do wrong what its neighbour only can do right. But to return to the statement that the arrow in its whole length must lie directly beneath the axis of the aiming eye, which is now assumed to be the right eye, as it is so in ninety- nine cases out of a hundred. From fig. 40 it will appear that it must be so, because otherwise the shooter will be deceived as to the true line it has to take ; for so long as the point of the arrow touches the axis of the aiming eye, the arrow may appear to that eye to be pointing in a straight line to the object looked at, though really directed far away to the right or left of it, as shown in fig. 41 ; where the arrow cb, though really pointing in the directions &ce, may, through touching the axis of the eye from b to d at c, falseh' appear to the archer to be aimed at the object d. (In figs. 40 to 43 the distances between a and b are sup- posed to represent the possible two inches or so between the two eyes, and the distances between a and d and b and d to be not less than fifty yards.) For instance : suppose the archer to be shooting at such a AIMING i'5 \ B Fig. 40. Fig. 41. A r.. the two eyes. iJ, the iiiming eye. 1% the lUTow. l>, the ohject divecthi looked at. -v I) iiuil ij I), tlio axes of the eyt's. K. false iKiiiit of ;iiiii. s Fig. 42. Fig. 43. A B, the two eyes. A, the aimiug eye. 1^, the arrow. 1), the object directly looked at. A 1) aud li D, the axes of the eyes. E, fa!se poiut of aim. I 2 ii6 ARCHERY distance that his point of aim is inckided in the gold ; he of course will bring the point of his arrow to bear upon it, just as a rifleman would his sights ; that is, the point will touch the axis of the aiming eye. But if the arrow itself lie inclined, saj^ to the right of the axis (as in the pull to the ear it would l)e) , it will fly away some distance to the left of the object looked at. And the converse of this will be true also ; for if it incline to the left of the axis it will then fly off to the right ; the archer in these cases being in the position of a marksman who instead of keeping his foresight in a line with his l)acksight has de- liberately adjusted the aperture of his backsight to the right or left of the bead at the muzzle of his weapon with reference to the object aimed at. An example that came within Mr. Ford's personal know- ledge will afford a perfect illustration, and will be useful for the possible solution of similar cases. An archer had shot for many years, but invaria])ly found that if ever his arrow pointed (as it seemed to him) in a straight line with the centre of the target it persistently flew off" to the left of it five or six yards, even at the short distances (see fig. 43, where the arrow bc, though pointing in the direction be, appeared to the shooter to be aimed at d). He was therefore obliged to make an allowance and to point his arrow that much to the right (see fig. 42, where the arrow bo, though pointed straight to d, appeared to the archer to be pointing in the direction ae). In vain he sought a solution of this anomaly. All could tell him that there was something faulty ; but, as everything in his style and mode of action appeared correct, that something remained a mystery, until it was ultimately discovered that, though the arrow was held directly beneath the axis of the right eye (this being also open), this archer actually used his Zc/t eye to aim with. It will be readily seen why the discrepancy existed between his aim and the flight of his arrow, the fact being that the arrow did not appear to the shooter to be pointing towards the ol)ject at d AIMING 117 until it touched the axis of his left eye, and consequently not until its direction pointed far away to the left of the mark (see fig. 43). On closing the left eye the direction of the arrow's flight and the aim coincided, because the eye be- eath whose axis the arrow lay became the eye with which the aim was taken. As to whether the direct vision should be applied to the mark to be hit or to the 'point of aim, the argument is all in favour of the latter. For the point of aim must of necessity be in relation to the mark — either in the same vertical line with it or outside that line. If outside, then the direct vision must certainly be upon the point of aim ; otherwise the arrow cannot lie directly beneath the axis of the aiming eye, which has already been shown to be necessary. Therefore the only question remaining to be decided is. When the mark falls in the same vertical line with the 2)oi7it of aim, which of the two should be directly looked at ? Here again an argument can be adduced to determine the choice in favour of the latter ; for when the point of aim is above the mark the latter will be hidden from the right or aiming eye by the necessary rais- ing of the left or bow hand, as may be easily proved by the closing of the left eye ; therefore the direct vision cannot be applied to the mark, though it may be applied to the point of aim. There now remains but one case, namely, when the point of aim falls below the mark, but in the same vertical line with it ; and here (though either of them may in this case be regarded with the direct vision) as no reasoning or argument can be adduced for violating or departing from the rule shown to be necessary in the other cases ; and as it is easier to view the point of aim directly and the mark indirectly than the contrary, because the point of aim will necessarily lie between the mark and the arrow's axis ; and as uniformity of practice is highly desirable, the application of direct vision to the point of aim in every case is most strongl}' recommended. This teaching was quite contrary to ii8 ARCHERY that taught by all the old-fashioned ^Yritel•s, who mamtamed that the eye, or eyes, should be kept ahvays intenth^ fixed upon the mark to be hit. It is probable that even those archers who imagine that they regard directly the mark only, do so only in the case when the mark and the point of aim coincide (which with each archer may be called his point-blank ' range) ; and this is analogous to all rifle practice, where from any cause allowance must be made. It must be borne in mind that all these remarks apply only to target lengths. As regards aiming at very long dis- tances, when the mark and the point of aim are too far apart to be sufficiently seen in conjunction, no scientific principle can be laid down for the guidance of an archer. Practice alone will give him a knowledge of the power of his bow, and the angle of elevation required to throw up the arrow as far as the mark. If the distance to be shot be a known and a fixed one — for instance, two hundred yards — the neces- sary calculations are more or less attainable ; but the great distance renders the result so uncertain as to prevent an}^- thing approaching to the accuracy of aim attainable at the customary target distances. If the mark be a varying and uncertain one, as in Eoving, the archer is entirely dependent upon his judgment of distances. This sort of shooting, though very interesting, must be attended with a great amount of uncertainty ; but, as in every other case, the more judicious practice be applied the greater will be the success. No hard-and-fast rules can be laid down for deciding where the point of aim ought to be at any particular distance, as this is dependent upon a great variety of circumstances — as strength of bows, and the sharpness and dulness of their cast, heavy or light arrows, a quick or sluggish loose, and the varj'ing force of difierent winds. One archer will find his point-blank range at 120 yards, wdiilst another can get a point-blank aim on the target, at 60 yards even, by raising ' ' I'oint-blank ' can have no other meaning in Archerv. AIMING 119 his loosing hand so high that the angle hetween the axis of his aiming eye and the axis of the arrow is very small. It is now many years ago since two toxophilites, using bows of about fifty pounds in weight, with five-shilling arrows of the old-fashioned manner of feathering, and employing the same position (about three inches below the chin) of the right hand for the loose at each of the three usual distances of 100, 80, and 60 yards, found that the point of aim at 100 yards was about the target's diameter (4 feet) above the target, whilst the point of aim at 80 yards was about the same measure below the target, and the point of aim at 60 yards was at a spot about fifteen paces from the shooter. It would have been highly interesting if Mr. H. A. Ford, who was always most faithful to his own dogma that the loosing hand must be brought to the same position at the loose, had published some account of his own points of aim, which must have had a very wide range of variation from those of his best period, when he was using 56 lb. bows, and arrows 29 inches in length, up to the time of his last appearance as Champion, in 1867 at Brighton, when, with weak bow^s and light arrows, his score was 1,037, with 215 hits. The late ingenious Mr. James Spedding,who always touched some button on his coat-collar with his loosing hand, con- trived a ' s'ujlit ' upon his l>ow, whicli obviated the necessity of a point of aim. This was a bright metal bead such as is at the muzzle of a gun. This at the upper end of a slight metal rod (in fact, a bright-headed pin), and fitted into a groove added to the back of the bow (in which it could at will be lowered or raised), gave him a point of aim on the centre of the target at distances where his natural (may it be called ?) point of aim would have been beneath the target. With this contrivance, the slightest variation in the slope of the bow distorted the aim. The American contrivance of the iieci^-8\(jht is a very minute instrument, with a still smaller aperture. This is I20 ARCHERY shifted up and down the bowstring, and, when correctly- adjusted, the aiming ej^e should just catch sight of the centre of the target through the aperture. This instrument is con- fessedly useless except for very weak bows, and the smallest trembjing even would put it off the aim, and blind, as it were, the aiming eye. An Irish shot, the late Captain Whitla, succeeded in getting his aim on the target at all the three distances by varying the strength and cast of his bows, using his best and strongest at 100 yards, then one that was slower and weaker at 80 yards, and trusting himself to a slug like a broomstick at GO yards. Another archer (with the same bow at all distances) got his aim upon the target when shooting at 100 yards by touching with the thumb of his right hand about the position of the right collar-bone. When shooting at 80 j^ards he got his aim again on the target by raising his hand so high that his thumb, now coiled up and close to the root of the first finger, with its top joint touched beneath the chin. And at 60 yards he still obtained an aim on the target by raising the loosing hand higher, so that the same point of the thumb touched the right corner of his mouth. It is believed that in this case the gradual contraction of the angle between the axis of the eye and of the arrow led to a shorter draw at the nearer distances. One class of archers, though implied in previous discus- sion's, should also be treated separately, as they may be more in number than is generally supposed, namely, those who, because the left eye is the best of the two, or, from constant and incurable habit, aim with the left eye, though shooting, as it is called, right-handed, i.e. holding the bow in the left hand. Such archers should, if the peculiarity be detected in time, be recommended to shoot with the bow in the right hand. Possibly more than one most promising archer has been kept on the top rung but one of the ladder of fame by AIMING i2i trying to force his weaker right eye to do the work that might have heen much better done by the left one. It has also been already explained that, where physical peculiarities admit it, this right-handed shooting with the left eye gives the archer a slight mechanical advantage, as the divergence from the line of force may be thus contracted. To conclude the subject of aiming, it is not pretended that shutting one eye and aiming with the other is wrong, but that it is better, though occasionally closing one eye for expe- riments, to use the other eye for aiming with, the one being diligently trained to keep in the background, attending solely to its own subordinate functions. ARCHERY CHAPTEE X. OF HOLDING AND LOOSING Holding. By holding is meant keeping the arrow fully drawn Ijefore it is loosed. Aseham has made this his fourth point of archery ; and but little can be added to what he has said on the subject. ' Holding,' he says, ' must not be longe, for it bothe putteth a bowe in ieopard}^ and also marreth a man's shoote ; it must be so lytle yat it may be perceyued better in a man's mynde when it is done, than scene with a man's eyes when it is in doyng.' This represents so exactly what holding, at its best, should be, that it needs only be added that this almost imper- ceptible pause before the act of loosmg serves to steady the arm and perfect the aim, and is a great assistance to the obtaining of a certain and even loose. It is therefore, in com- pany with the other points of archer}^ most necessary to l)e cultivated if successful hitting is to be the result. But let no archer think to arrive at this perfection of holding by grasping his bow as tight as he possibl}^ can from first to last. The grasp should be gradually tightened as the strain of the draw is increased ; otherwise too much toil is given to the bow-hand, and it will fail in the loose. One xery successful shot had so many faults that his success was always a surprise ; yet he had this invariable vi];tue, that, though it was obvious that he held his bow quite loosely during the draw, at the final pause his grasp was visibly tightened most firmly. Mention should not be omitted of the sadly false concep- MAJOR C. H. FISHER, CHAMPION ARCHER FOR THE YEARS 1871-2-3-4. OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 123 tion many archers have of holding when fuHy drawn. This they exhibit by constantly letting the arrow creep out whilst they appear to be taking aim, as though they were quite incapable of checking its impatience to be off. This is a most dangerous fault, and must be most carefully guarded against. Loosing. After the bow has been drawn up to its proper extent, and the aim correctly taken, there still remains one more point which the archer must achieve successfully before he can ensure the correct and desired flight of his arrow to its mark ; and this is the point of loosinr/, which term is applied to the act of quitting or freeing the string from the fingers of the right hand which retain it. It is the last of Ascham's famous ' Quintette,' wherein, though he does not say much, yet what he does say is so much to the point that it may w^ell be quoted. ' It must be so quycke and hard yet it be wyth oute all guides, so softe and gentle that the shafte flye not as it were sente out of a bow case. The meane betwixt bothe, whyche is the perfyte lowsynge, is not so hard to be folowed in shootynge as it is to be descrybed in the teachyng. For cleane lowsynge you must take hede of hyttynge anythynge aboute you. And for the same purpose Leo the Emperour would haue al archers in war to haue both theyr heades pouled and there berdes shauen, lest the heare of theyr heades should stop the syght of the eye, the heere of theyr berdes hinder the course of the strynge.' This loosing is the archer's crowning difficulty ; for no matter how correct and perfect may be all the rest of his per- formance, the result will infallibly prove a failure, and end in disappointment, unless the loose also be successfully mastered. Upon this the flight of the arrow mainly depends, and to how great an extent this may be affected by it may be gathered from the fact that the same bow with a like weight of arrow 124 ARCHERY and length of pull will cast many yards further in the hands of one man than it will in those of another, owing solely and entirely to the different manner in which the string shall have been quitted. No arguments are necessary to prove how delicate an operation it is in archery to loose well, and to accomplish, with the evenness, smoothness, and unvarying similarity neces- sary for accurate hitting, the consummating effort, including as it does on the one side of an instant the greatest exertion of muscles that on the other side of that instant are in per- fect repose. But considerable misapprehension exists amongst archers as to what is a good loose, it being often thought that if an extreme sharpness of flight be communicated to the arrow, it is conclusive evidence as to the goodness of the loose, without reference to the consideration that this extreme sharpness of loose seldom produces steadily successful hitting at any distance, and still less frequently is effective at all the distances. A thoroughly good loose cannot exist unless accu- racy of hitting as well as keenness of flight be the combined result ; and if the two cannot be obtained together, a slower flight with accuracy rises immeasurably superior to the rapid flight with uncertainty. The flight of an arrow keenly loosed is as fair to view as that of any bird, whilst the flight of an arrow that is badly loosed is as uninteresting as the staggerings of a drunken man. This is quite apart from the consideration of hitting the object aimed at ; but when the question resolves itself into this practical form — ' Is it possible for the same mode of loosing to give the utmost rapidity of flight and at the same time certainty of line and elevation ? ' —the consensus of experience should be in the negative. There is no denying that a few suc- cessive arrows may be shot accurately in this way, but during any prolonged period the inaccuracy of flight is sure to be such as to render the average shooting inferior. The difficulty, amounting almost to an impossibility, of obtaining a loose OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 125 which shall combine great sharpness and accurac}- of flight at the same time arises frorfi the fact that such a loose requires, to ol)tain that sharpness, that the fingers of the right hand be snatched away from the string with such suddenness and rapidit}' as to compromise the second quality of accuracy — such a sudden jerk of the string endangering the steadiness of the left arm at the final moment, and, Ijy its unavoidable irregularity, not only having a tendency to drag the string and consequently the arrow out of the proper line of flight, but also simultaneously to vary the elevation. Excepting for long-distance shooting, then, a very sharp loose cannot be recommended ; nevertheless, in case he may be at any time engaged therein, the archer perfect at all points should have it under his command. The different looses may now be divided into the slash in tj loose, which may degenerate into the snatch or may be im- proved into the steady continuous loose. The chief contrast to this is the dead loose, which in strong hands is very use- ful. This consists of the simple opening of the fingers for the escape of the string, and is liable to degenerate into the creepimi loose, which need not be further referred to except for the purpose of again urging its avoidance. Another loose, which may be called an aetive loose, is an appreciable im- provement upon the dead loose in that the fingers at the loosing instant are withdrawn from the string, though without any further draw, and will be found, after the escape of the string, to have resumed their previous position— i.e. curled up instead of being sprawled out straight as is the case in the dead loose. The only remaining loose may be called the lividy loose, and consists of a short and quick additional draw, after the aim has been taken, of say from half an inch to three inches, and finished with an active loose, and care must be taken to prevent the degeneration of this into a snatch. Before the final treatment of the loose be entered upon, it 126 ARCHERY will 1)6 useful to consider how the different sorts of shooting- gloves and finger-tips affect this intricate operation. Doubt- less in the times when the English archer was in such high repute in battle, the only loose suitable to the old glove was the s/rts/t, as the only method of quitting the string, which, with the strongest 1)ow each individual could use, must, for the longest pull on such l)ow, have been gripped as close as possible to the inside of the knuckles of the last joints of the two or three fingers used. No other loose could be employed with any chance of obtaining full results from the work done, and it is evident from the Acts of Parliament on the subject that in the archer's drill none but long-distance shooting was countenanced. The comparatively modern finger-tips or thim- bles connected by straps at the back of the hand and buckled on round the wrist must have been used with the same slash- ing sort of loose. But, with the old tab made of horse-butt leather, and all the different neatly-fitting tips with catches that have been invented long since the commencement of the public meetings at which York Rounds are shot, a much steadier and quieter loose may be obtained without wasting any of the work done ; but, it must be admitted, with the general result that there is some slight decrease in the average strength of the bows that are used now. Moreover, it has been found that in the closely-contested matches of the present times the slashing sort of loose stands at a positive disadvan- tage at the shorter ranges. With the glove and tab and tips without catches the best loose may be obtained with the fingers extended as far as is compatible with the retention of the string ; and, by apply- ing the fingers almost diagonally to the string, a very firm grip is secured combined with much facility of liberation (fig. 46, p. 128). With the help of catches on the tips the string can be taught to rest at any intermediate point on the last joint or third phalanx of either of the fingers— it will be found more convenient here to use the word 'plialanx for each part of the OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 127 finger, each finger having three phalanges, first, second, and third — and the most entirely different hold on the string to the one previously described is that where the fingers are almost completely curled up (fig. 45) ; with an active or lively loose the string may be very sharply quitted with this hold, but it is more liable to strain the fingers, unless the bow be weak, and the high-set catch, though more popular twenty years ago, is now very little used. With a strong common glove and all four fingers on the string, this extreme position has been known to contribute to first-rate scores at all the dis- FiG. 45. tances, and it is probably the necessary position when four fingers are used. The intermediate position between these two extremes will probably be found the best, and this may be thus described. The third phalanx of the middle finger should be as nearly as possible at right angles with the line of the drawn-up arrow. The second phalanx will make an obtuse angle with the third, and the first about the same obtuse angle with the second ; and these obtuse angles will vary in individual instances according to the stiffness or suppleness of the finger- joints. 128 ARCHER Y The back of the hand Avill incUne shghtly away from the Une through the forearm, so that the hne from the elbow through the wrist may l)e quite straight with the same Hne continued through the wrist to the position of the string on the fingers at a. The positions of the phalanges of the first and third fingers will A-ary from those of the second finger, as shown in fig. 44. This position of the string across the fingers should be neither too near to nor too far from the tips, as too great a grip necessitates a drag or a jerk to free the fingers, besides Fig. 46. exposing more surface to the friction of the string in passing over it ; whilst an insufficient hold of the string weakens the shooter's command over it, and renders the giving way of the finger a constant occurrence. It is therefore recommended that the string be placed as nearly as possible midway between the tips and first joints of the fingers. Now a good loose ma}' be described as possessing the characteristic that the fingers do not go forward one hair's breadth with the string, but their action is, as it were, a con- tinuance of the draw rather than an independent movement, yet accompanied with just enough additional muscular action in a direction away from the bow and simultaneous expansion OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 129 of the last joints of the fingers at the final mstant of quittmg the strmg as to admit of its instantaneous freedom from all and each of them at tlie same identical moment of time ; for should one finger linger on the string hut the minutest moment longer than its fellows, or should all or any of them follow forward with the string in the slightest degree, the loose will be faulty and the shot a probable failure. So slight, however, is this muscular movement that, though a distinct and appreciable fact to the mind of the shooter, it is hardly if at all perceptible to the lookers-on, as in a good loose the fingers should instantly recover their holding position, but will be at a slight though appreciable distance further from the bow consequent upon the combined effect of the removal of the pulling weight of the bow and the loosing effort. A passage out of Mr. Townsend's article, ' How should the String be Loosed,' in the ' Archer's Register for 1866-7,' may here be quoted. ' The string of the bow having been pulled to the fullest extent intended, and the pause having been felt or made, next comes the loose ; and, as this mmt he efected by an opening of the fingers, the tendency of the string would be to run forward, if ever so little, during the opening ; and, as the whole spring [cast] of the bow is not given to the string [and arrow] until it is altogether freed from the fingers, so, to prevent [the] loss of power, the pulling hand and arm are drawn so much further back, as the opening of the fingers would allow the string to run forward before it is altogether released. Thus the string in reality remains stationary or nearly so [quite so] during the loose ; and the fingers are freed without going one hair's breadth forward with the string.' As an assistance towards this instantaneous recovery of the loosing fingers, some archers wore silver rings round the first phalanges of their three fingers, and these rings were connected by india-rubber straps with the finger-tips, thus compelling the first and third phalanges to approximate, as described in the Mason tips. K 130 ARCHERY Mr. Townsend's 'india-rubber practising apparatus ' has not been seen for many years, though of great assistance in ex- periments and in correcting faults and general improvement of drawing and loosing. Some archers use only the first and second fingers, and the loose thus obtained possesses the advantage that the string when quitting the fingers has less surface in contact with it. Mr. Ford's own latest loose was from the first and third fingers, with the second finger packed upon the l)ack of the first finger for its support ; and he has been heard to declare that this arrangement of the fingers gives the best loose possible, as already described. One of the commonest faults at the present day is the habit of making the third finger do more than its fair share of work. Evidence of this failing may be found in the fact that blisters are far more common on the third finger than on either of the others, and a frequent result is that the muscles of the third finger get strained and even partially torn from their attachments. This is one of the most frequent causes of the breakdown of archers who practise much. This may be avoided and the loose much improved by turning the backs of the fingers while drawing slightly upwards, and inwards, and thus exerting more pressure with the forefinger. An example of what is meant may be seen in the picture (opp. p. 122) of Major Fisher, whose loose is remarkably good. Here it will be seen that the line of the knuckles is not perpendicular, but slopes outwards and downwards from the knuckle of the fore- finger to that of the fourth. The utility of catches on the finger-tips has already been explained in a previous chapter, but may be further mentioned in connection with the loose as contributing by an invariable hold on the string to a constant repetition of exactly the same loose. Especial care must be taken that, whilst loosing, the left arm must maintain its position firmly and unwaveringly, and OF HOLDING AND LOOSING 131 must not give way at the final moment in the shghtest degree in the direction towards the right hand, as arrows constantly dropping short are the certain consequence of any such shrinking of the bow -arm — the same injurious effect being produced on their flight as when the fingers of the right hand are allowed to go forward with the string. This yielding of the left arm is of more constant occurrence than archers will generally admit, and is the cause of many an arrow, other- wise correctly treated, missing its mark. This failing is not unfrequently the result of too much practice. All must be firm to the last, and the attention of the shooter should never be relaxed for a single instant until the arrow has actually left the bow. But, though this firmness be necessary for the shooting of an arrow it is not necessary, however satisfactory the result or good the attitude, to remain for some seconds in rivalry with the Apollo Belvedere ; the bow-arm should, if possible, be instantly and quietly moved to the left whilst the next arrow is procured from the quiver or whilst the shooting station is given up to the next in order ; and this leftward motion of the left arm will correct the very general tendency there is to throw the upper horn of the bow to the right and downwards convulsively, which is a very frequent and unsightly antic. Many of the other objectionable antics already referred to are brought to perfection at this instant, and should also be most carefully avoided. K 2 ARCHERY CHAPTER XL OF DISTANCE SHOOTING, AND DIFFERENT ROUNDS. The attention may now be turned to the results obtained by the use of the bow and arrow. The best notion of the old practice of archery may be gained from a review of the ancient butts or shooting-fields of our ancestors. These shooting-grounds were evidently attached to every town (if not also village) in the kmgdom, as may be gathered from the universal survival of the local name of Butts. There is extant ' A plan of all the marks belonging to the Honourable Artillery Company in the fields near Finsbury, with the true distance as they stood, Anno 1737, for the use of long-bows, cross-bows, hand guns, and artiller}'.' These marks all have different appellations, and there is but one single instance of a repetition of the same distance between one of" these marks and the other. The ground on which these marks were situated appears to extend from a mark called Castle ' to IsUnriton Common, and there were two sets of actual butts at the Islington end. The distance between the one pair of these butts is given as six score and ten yards — i.e. 130 yards. The distance between the other pair is not given in the plan, but it appears to be less than half of the other, and is probably about sixty yards. The whole length of these shooting-fields appears to be about one mile on the plan • and this is about the actual distance between the Artillery Ground and the ' Angel,' Islington. ' Possibly now the ' Castle ' publichouse, 9 Finsbury Pavement. OF DISTANCE SHOOTING 133 The longest distance between any of the two marks is thirteen score and five j-ards — i.e. 265 yards — between Turk's Whale and Absoly. Here follow the names of the marks ; and these may possibly be still traced in the neighbourhood in some instances. The distances are also given. The start is made from ' Castle.' Score yards Yards From Castle to Gard stone ..... 9-5 185 „ Gard stone to Arnold ..... 10-0 200 „ Arnold to Turk's Whale .... 8-4 164 „ Tiu'k's AMiale to Lambeth .... 3-18 73 ,, Lambeth to Westminster Hall 11-7 227 „ Westminster Hail to White Hall , 11-2 222 „ White Hall to Pitfield 7-17 157 „ PitfiekP to Nevil's House or ' Eosemarv Branch ' Total yards .... 9-17 197 • 1425 At ' Nevil's House ' there appears to be a break in the marks, but they are taken up again at the ' Levant.' Score yards Yards From the Levant to Welch Hall .... „ Welch Hall to Bntt (1) „ Butt (1) to Butt (2) on Islington Common . And, on going back to Welch Hall, from Welch Hall toEgg-Pye Total yards .... 8-18 11-11 0-18 10-10 178 231 138 210 . 1 757 Here there is another break. To continue the round of the marks on the return journey without gomg over the same distance twice, return to Pitfield. ' The ' Eosemary Branch ' publichouse, 2 Shepperton Eoad, Islington, X., is perhaps too far off the line to be identical. The same may be said of Pitlield Street, Hoxton. 134 ARCHERY Score yards Yards From Pitfielil to Bob Peek 11-3 223 „ Bob I'eek to Old Absolv 8-12 172 „ Old Absolv to Pitfield . 10-16 216 , Pitfield to Edw. Gold . 6-11 181 1 , Edw. Gold to Jehu 9-9 189 ! , Jehu to Old Absoly 8-17 177 , Old Absoly to Scarlet . 9-11 191 , Scarlet to Edw. Gold 7-2 142 , Edw. Gold to White Hall 12-2 242 , White Hall to Scarlet . 12-2 242 , Scarlet to Jehu 4-2 82 , Jehu to Blackwell Hall . 9-18 198 , Blackwell Hall to Scarlet 9-6 186 , Scarlet to Star or Dial . 9-14 194 , Star or Dial to AVhite Hall 7-0 140 Total yards • • 2725 Eeturning to Star or Dial ■ Score yards Yards From Star or Dial to AVestminster Hall . „ Westmmster Hall to Dial or Monument ,, Dial or Monument to Star or Dial „ Star or Dial to Blackwell Hall „ Blackwell Hall to Old Speering . ,, Old Speering to Star or Dial .... Total yards .... 8-8 8-4 9-9 9-5 6-9 9-16 168 164 189 185 129 196 1031 Eeturning to Blackwell Hall : — Score yards Yards From Blackwell Hall to Dial or Monument . „ Dial or Monument to Lambeth ,, Lambeth to Old Speermg .... Total yards .... 10-16 6-10 10-8 216 130 208 . ! 554 OF DISTANCE SHOOTING Eeturiiins to Lambeth : — 135 Score yards Yards From Lambeth to Day's Deed .... „ Day's Deed to Turk's Whale „ Turk's Whale to Absoly (longest) . „ Absoly to Arnold ,, Arnold to Blood House Bridge Total yards .... 8-14 9-12 13-5 9-1 7-14 174 192 265 181 154 • 966 Eeturning to Day's Deed .Score yards Yards From Day's Deed to Absoly . ,, Absoly to Gard stone Total yards 9-11 9-15 191 195 . 386 The sum of all these distances amounts to about 4^ miles, being actually 4 miles and 804 yards. There is a pathway extending the whole distance from Blood House Bridge to Islington Common. There are boggy places set down as lying between Turk's Whale and Absoly, and Turk's Whale and Day's Deed. There is also a bog located between the two nearest butts, which must have been inconvenient ; also a 2Jond on one side, and another bog on the other side of them. Two other measurements are given — namely, fifteen score and eight yards, or 308 yards, for the length of a garden wall lying some yards to the right of the White Hall and Pitfield marks ; and sixteen score and two yards, or 322 yards, in the same neighbourhood, close by the pathway, and indicating about the distance between Star or Dial and Edw. Gold. The widest part of these shooting-fields seems to be at about this same part — viz. from White Hall to Scarlet 242 yards, and on to Jehu 82 yards, a total width of 324 136 ARCHERY yards ; and the iiarro\Yest part extends from Nevil's House to Islington Common, in which narrow part are Ijoth the sets of butts. There appear to be some eight or ten fields included in the plan, with hedges indicated, but there is no appearance of either a road or a pathway crossing them. These marks, giving a great variety of distances, from the shortest of 73 yards between Turk's Whale and Lambeth to the longest of 265 already particularised, seem admirably calculated for the training of the old English archer and the teaching him readily to calculate the various distances at any time between himself and his enemy ; and it is worthy of observation that all these distances are well within the belief of modern archers as such distances as — bearing in mind that there is no evidence of general deterioration — our ancestors could easily compass, seeing that there are well-authenticated instances of lengths somewhat beyond 300 yards having been attained in modern times without any lengthened special training. In these fields no doubt was seen the clout sJtooting, which is still kept up by the Woodmen of Arden, at Meriden in War- wickshire, and by the archers of the Scottish Bodyguard at Edinburgh. This style of shooting is so called from the aim having been taken at any white mark (cloth, etc.), placed at a fixed distance ; but the clout in use now is a white target with a black centre, set slantwise on the ground. The distances vary from 180 to 240 yards, and this latter distance may be taken as about the extreme range of this stj'le of shooting in olden times ; as Shakespeare mentions (2 Henry IV. iii. 2) that ' old Double,' who * drew a good bow,' and ' shot a fine shoot,' ' would have clapped i' the clout at twelve score, and carried you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half, that it would have done a man's heart good to see.' As the clout is but rarely hit, the arrow nearest to it at each end, if OF DISTANCE SHOOTING 137 within three bows' lengths (about eighteen feet) of it, counts as in bowls and quoits. When the Grand National Archery Meeting was held at Edinburgh in 1850, some of this shooting was introduced, with the result that, out of 2,268 shots at 180 yards, there were 10 hits, and out of 888 shots at 200 yards there were 5 hits. At the meetings at Meriden stands a marker right in front of this clout, whose duty it is to signal back to each archer, when he has shot, whether his arrow fall short, or go too far, or wide, and — to avoid being hit himself. The ordinary target arrows may be used in this practice up to the distance of 200 yards, but beyond this distance much stronger bows or flight arrows must be employed. In these fields,' too, would be kept up the practice of roving, or taking, as the object to be aimed at, not these or any known mark, but some stray or accidental mark. This prac- tice must have been valuable in olden times in testing the knowledge of distances acquired at the different fixed marks, and it would still be interesting as an amusement, but it is not now so easy to find grounds sufficiently open for the purpose. Where there is sufficient space for golf links, roving might still be practised, and already the golfer's ball and the archer's arrow have been matched together between hole and hole. Oi flight-shooting , or shooting Vfith flight or light arrows, it may be said that such practice was probably in vogue in old times for the purpose of annoying the enemy whilst at a dis- tance, or in such a ruse as is described by Hall in his account of the battle of Towton in 1461, when ' The Lord Fawconbridge, which led the forward of King Edwardes battail, beinge a man of great Polyce, and of much experience in Marciall feates, caused every archer under his standard to shoot one flight (which before he caused them to provyde), and then made them to stand still. The Northern men, felyng the shoot, but by reason of the snow not wel vewyng the distaunce betwene them 138 ARCHERY and their enemies, like hardy men shot their sehefe arrowes as fast as they might, but al their shot was lost and their labor vayn, for thei came not nere the Southern men by xl. tailors' yerdes.' Flight-shooting has also been used in experiments to deter- mine the extreme casts of different weights and kinds of bows, and the greatest range attainable by the power and skill of individual archers. As a result of such experiments, it may be stated that very few archers can cover more, or even as much as, 300 yards. To attain this range, a bow of at least sixty-two or sixty-three pounds must not only be used but thoroughly mastered, not merely as regards the drawing, but in respect of quickness and sharpness of loose also. The only remaining style of shootmg in vogue in old times — that at the butts or mounds of earth — was known as j)rxck- sJiooting, a small mark being fixed upon the butt and shot at from various distances. This style of shooting was probably popular even then, as many of the Acts of Parliament are levelled against it, on account of its interfering with the more robust practice of the long distances necessary for the purpose of war. This prick-shooting next became known as the paper game, when cardboard, and paper stretched on canvas, were placed on the butts. It is not very clear when such targets as are now in use came into fashion, with their gaudy heraldic faces. The distances emploj'ed for this butt-shooting appear to have been differently calculated from the lengths in the longer-distance shooting, an obsolete measure of 1^ yards, known as an archer s rood, having been emploj^ed ; and the butt-shooting in vogue at the revival of archery in 1781 was at the distances of 4, 8, 12, and 16 roods, or 30, 60, 90, and 120 yards ; and the modern distances of 60 yards, 80 yards, and 100 yards do not seem to have come into use until they were mentioned towards the end of the last century as Princes' lemjths at the annual contests held in the grounds of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society, for the possession of the OF DISTANCE SHOOTING 139 silver bugles presented by their patron, George IV., then Prince of Wales. About the date of the Introduction of the Yorli Round in 1844, two other rounds were in use amongst archers and in archery clubs. These were the St. Leonard's Bound, which first consisted of 75 arrows at 60 yards only, but afterwards of 36 arrows at 80 yards, and 39 arrows at 60 yards ; and the St. George's Round, consisting of 36 arrows at each of the distances of 100 yards, 80 yards, and 60 yards, the round of the St. George's Archers, who occupied grounds in St. John's Wood, near London. The York Round, having been now firmly established for more than forty years as the round appointed to be shot at all the public archery meetings, has become the acknowledged test of excellence in bow practice, and all other rounds have dropped out of use with the exception of the round known as the National Round, which is practised by ladies at the j)ublic meetings, and consists of 48 arrows at 60 yards and 24 arrows at 50 yards ; and of 48 arrows at 80 yards and 24 arrows at 60 yards, as practised by gentlemen at meetings where the 100 yards shooting is omitted. 140 ARCHERY CHAPTER XII. ARCHERY SOCIETIES, 'RECORDS: ETC. Prince Arthur, the elder brother of Kmg Henry VIII,, enjoys the reputation of having been an expert archer, and it is beheved that in his honour a good shot was named after him ; but as he was l)orn in 1486 and died in 1502, his skill in the craft cannot have had time to arrive at maturity, though even in modern times a stripling has occasionally snatched the palm of success from the more mature experts. That King Henry VIII. took a deep interest in archery as necessary for the safety and glory of his kingdom is quite certain, and the various Acts of Parliament passed in the course of his reign (3 Henry VIII. ch. 3, 4, 13 ; 6 Henry VIII. ch. 2, 11, 13 ; 14 & 15 Henry VIII. ch. 7 ; 25 Henry VIII. ch. 17 ; and 33 Henry VIII. 6 & 9) sufficiently prove his determination to stimulate the more frequent use of the long bow. But, apart from his public encouragement of archery, he took personal mterest in it himself, and, being a famous athlete, he was no doubt as successful with his bow as his natural impatience would allow. The following extracts from the accounts of his privy purse for the year 1531, when he was forty-one years of age, may be taken as the nearest approach to his actual scores that can be reached. The late Lord Dudley's score at 60 yards, when shooting with one of the best shots at that distance, at one guinea per arrow, must have shown an equally unfavourable balance : — ' 20 March. — Paied to George Coton for vij shottes loste by ARCHERY SOCIETIES, 'RECORDS; ETC. 141 the Kinges Grace unto him at Totehih at vj-s. \iiyl. the shotte xlvj.s. viijV?. ' 29 March. — Paied to George Gifford for so moche money he wanne of the Kmges Grace unto him at Totehill at shoting xijs. vjfZ. ' 13 May. — Paied to George Coton for that he wanne of the Kinges Grace at the Ptoundes the laste day of April iij7. ' 3 June, — Paied to George Coton for so moche money by him wonne of the Kinges Grace at bettes in shoting vij7. iis.' And again on the last day of June there were ' paied to the iii Cotons for three settes which the King had lost to them in Greenwich Park xxL and vj.s. viijr?. more to one of them for one up shotte.' This George Coton (Cotton) is probably the same person who was governor to the Duke of Piichmond, the King's natural son. On January 31, 1531, 'paied to Byrde Yoeman of the Kinges bowes for making the Pioundes at Totehill by the Kinges commandment xij.s. viij^^' The musters, or what we should now call reviews, were at this time held in the Tothill Fields. Sir W. Cavendish, the historian of Cardinal Wolsey, thus speaks of his interview with the King in 1530, when he was the bearer of the news of the death ' of Wolsey to the King, then staying at Hampton Court. (See Cavendish's 'Wolsey,' 1827, p. 396.) ' Upon the morrow (of St. Nicholas Eve, 1530) I was sent for by the King to come to his grace ; and being in Master Kingston's chamber in the Court (Hampton Court), had knowledge thereof, and repairing to the King, found him shooting at the rounds hi the park, on the backside of the garden. ' And perceiving him occupied in shooting, thought it not my duty to trouble him : but leaned to a tree, intending to ' Wolsey died November 30, 1530 142 ARCHERY stand there, and to attend his gracious pleasure. Being in a great study, at last the King came suddenly behind me, where I stood, and clapped his hand upon my shoulder ; and, when I perceived him, I fell upon my knee. To whom he said, calling me by name, " I will," quoth he, " make an end of my game, and then will I talk with you," and so he departed to his mark, whereat the game was ended. ' Then the King delivered his Ijow unto the yeoman of his bows, and went his way inward to the palace, whom I followed.' Sir Thos. Elyot, the first edition of whose book, the 'Governour,' was printed in 1531, devoted chapter xxvii. to the praise of the long bow, and was the earliest writer on the subject of archery, unless the unknown author of the ' Book of King Modus,' which is said by Hansard (' Book of Archery,' 1840, p. 210) to be ' preserved in the royal library at Paris,' wrote about two centuries and a half before the ' Toxo- philus,' by Roger Ascham, was printed in 1545. Neither Elyot nor Ascham makes any mention of the societies of archers known as the Fraternities of St. George and of Prince Arthur, but something of the kind is plainly indicated by Pvichard Mulcaster in his book, the ' Positions,' published in 1581, where he quaintly says, 'This exercise* (archery) ' I do like best generally of any rounde stirring with- out the dores, upon the causes before alleaged : which, if I did not that worthy man our late learned countriman Maister Askam, would be halfe angrie with me though he were of milde disposition, who both for the trayning of the Archer to his bowe and the scholler to his booke, hath showed himself e a cunning archer and a skilful maister. ' In the middest of so many earnest matters I may be allowed to mtermingle one which hath a relice of mirthe : for in praysing of Archerie as a prmcipall exercise to the pre- seruinfT of health how can I but prayse them who profess it thoroughly and maintain it noljly, the friendly and franke ARCHERY SOCIETIES, 'RECORDS,' ETC. 143 fellowship of Prince Arthur's knights in and about the Citie of London which of late yeares have so reuiued the exercise, so countenaunced the artificers, so inflamed emulation, as in themselues for friendly meting, in worlanen for good gayning, in companies for earnest comparing, it is almost growne to an orderly disciiDline, to cherishe louing society, to enriche labouring pouerty, to maintaine honest actiuitie, which their so encouraging the under trauellours, and so increasing the healthfull traine, if I had sacred to silence would not my good friend in the Citie, Maister Heugh Offle}^ and the same my noble fellow in that order, Syr Launcelot, at our next meeting haue giuen me a sowre nodde, being the chief furtherer of the fact, which I commend, and the famousest knight of the fellowshii), which I am of? Nay, would not even Prince Arthur himself, Maister Thomas Smith, and the whole table of those wel known knights, and most actiue Ai'chers haue layd in their challeng against their fellow knight, if, speaking of their pastime, I should haue spared their names ? Where- unto I am easily led bycause the exercise deseruing suche ]irayse, they that loue so prayseworthy a thing, neither can themselues, neither ought at my hande to be hudled up in silence.' In ' the Auncient order Societie and unitie laudable of Prince Arthure and his Knightly Armory of the Bound Table London, 1583,' Pdchard Piobinson says, 'King Henry VIIL not onely . . . proceeded with what his Father had begun,' by keeping up a body guard of archers, ' but also added greater dignity . . . l^y his gracious charter confirmed unto the worshipful citizens (of London) . . . this your now famous Order of Knights of Prince Arthure's Bound Table or Society." But when the practice of archery was enforced by Act of Parliament, and there were shooting butts and fields at hand almost everywhere for the use of those who took a genuine interest in the exercise, there could be but little reason for the 144 ARCHERY introduction of archery societies and clubs. The meetings for the exhibition of skih would be the regular musters. How different the position of archery would have been if, instead of clamouring for and getting passed irksome Acts of Parliament, compelling all to shoot, archers, bowmakers, fletchers and others had started a National Long-Bow Associa- tion with State sanction and encouragement for the promotion of this exercise and the reward of the most successful shots ! As in early times there were great musters or reviews of companies of archers, of whom the sole actual survivor is the Eoyal Body-Guard of Scotland (the Archers Company of the Honourable Artillery Company, itself originally a body of archers, was revived late in the last century, and is now represented by the Roj^al Toxophilite Society) for military dis- play ; and local festivities, and wardmotes, as still maintained by the Woodmen of Arden (revived in 1785) and the Scorton Arrow Meetings (dating back to 1673), for the glorification of the best local shots ; and the daily use of the long-bow for exercise and sport, i.e. killing of game ; so now there are the meetings of the Grand National Archery Society, established for the peaceable purpose of annually rewarding the champion and championess and other illustrious archers, as hereafter set out in the full account of these meetings, and also the local public meetings of similar character also given ; and in addition to these there are the meetings of the numerous archery societies and clubs in different localities, and the constant private practice either at home or on club grounds. Nothing is now to be gamed by msistmg upon the marked inferiority of the ' incomparable archers ' who flourished towards the close of the eighteenth and in the first half of the present centuries, as compared with the many strong and accurate shots who have displayed their skill since the establishment of the Grand National Archery Meetings. Mr. H. A. Ford seems to have been unable to find any records of shootmg at 100 yards where more than one-half of the shots were hits, ARCHERY SOCIETIES, 'RECORDS,' ETC. 145 though he says (p. 112), ' I have seen a letter as late as 1845, from good old Mr. Eoherts ' (the author of the ' English Bowman,' 1801), ' who was well acquamted with the powers of aU the best archers of the preceding half-century, in which he states " he never knew but one man that could accomplish it." ' This one man was probably Mr. Augustus L. Marsh, Eoyal Toxophilite Society, who owned, and was able to use, the magnificent self-yew bow of 85 lbs. now in the possession of Mr. Buchanan, of 215 Piccadilly, as may be seen from the following records of his best scores in 1837 : — 1837 Hits Score June 1 at 4 ft. targets, 100 shots at 100 yards . 61 233 ,, 27 ,, . 59 235 „ 29 )j . 52 214 July 6 ,, . 54 204 » 11 „ . 58 246 „ 20 „ . 58 204 „ 21 )) . 51 197 These would be considered even respectable performances now when hits in the petticoat count, and all hits between the colours count in that of higher value, also when three arrows are shot consecutively, instead of two separately, at each end. Competitive examinations had not then been brought to their more recent perfection, and standards of excellence in athletics were as yet unrecorded. Professor John Wilson's (' Chris- topher North ') wonderful long jump remained as unsurpass- able as the ' Douglas cast,' unless it were, perhaps, beaten or preceded by the deeds of the wondrous athlete who could clear a full-sized billiard-table lengthwise, though in his first attempt to do so he failed through knocking the back of his head against the far side of the table. Mr. Frederick Townsend, in 1865, made the best ' record ' of shooting at 100 yards, at a wardmote of the, Woodmen of Arden, wdien all the old customs just referred to were still, as now, m vogue, his score being 322 from 80 hits out of 150 shots. J 46 ARCHERY There is now left for consideration the subject of ' record,' or standard of highest exceUence at the pubhc meetings, and it appears that Mr. A. P. Moore's performance at Derby in 1849 of 747, when, however, Mr. H. A. Ford became champion by the pomts, w'as the earhest notable score. Mr. H. A. Ford improved upon this in the next year at Edinburgh by scoring 899, and in 1854, at Shrewsbury, he made an advance to 1,074. In 1857, at Cheltenham, he took the record on to 1,251 score with 245 hits, and there it now remams. The first eminent score by a championess was 634, made by Miss H. Chetwynd at Cheltenham, also in 1857. Mrs. Horniblow took the record on to 660 at Worcester in 1862, Miss Betham next advanced it, at the Alexandra Park Meeting in 1864, to 693. At Bath, in 1870, Mrs. Horniblow took it further to 700, and also still further to 764, with 142 hits, in 1873 at Leamington, and at that point it now remains, though very closely approached by Miss Legh's score of 763 at Sutton Coldfield in 1881. Miss Legh's still better score of 840, with all the 144 hits, was made at the Grand "Western Meeting at Bath m 1881 ; and Mrs. Piers F. Legh outstripped this ' record ' by scormg 864 with 142 hits at the Leamington and Midland meeting in 1885 ; 33 of the hits on this occasion were golds. The best ' record ' of target practice at 120 yards is to be found amongst the doings of the Pioyal Toxophilites. Mr. H. O'H. Moore, in 1872, on the Norton prize-da}^ shooting 144 arrows, scored 213 with 43 hits, and Mr. G. E. S. Fryer, on the similar occasion m 1873, scored 273 with 67 hits. In the shooting at 100 yards of the same society, on the Crunden day in 1854, shooting 144 arrows, Mr. H. A. Ford scored 362 with 88 hits. This score remained unbeaten, though surpassed m hits by Mr. G. E. S. Fryer in 1873 (361 score, 91 hits), until it was fairly outstripped by Mr. C. E. Nesham, who scored 478 with 104 hits in 1883. He also made 435 score with 95 hits in 1886. ARCHERY SOCIETIES, 'RECORDS' ETC. 147 In 1866 Mr. T. Dawson, Eoyal Toxophilite Society, ^x&- sented a challenge medal for the reward of excellence in shoot- ing at 80 yards, 144 arrows being shot, and in the first year this medal v»'as taken by Mr. T. Boulton with 501 score from 113 hits. This record he took on further in 1875, with 591 score from 125 hits. This has been nearly approached only by Mr. C. E. Nesham in 1886, with 576 score from 124 hits. The record for the 60 yards (144 arrow^s being shot) medal, presented by the same gentleman in 1866, was also started in that same year by Mr. T. Boulton, with 824 score from 142 hits. This record was surpassed by Mr. W. Eimington in 1872, his score being 840 from the same number of hits. A good record for best shooting at 100 yards at the annual West Berks meetmg, w^ien 216 arrows are shot at that distance, was first reached by Major C. H. Fisher in 1871, when he made 140 hits with 556 score. In 1877 he carried the record on to 572 score with 136 hits. Mr. C. H. Everett made a still further advance with 155 hits and 633 score in 1880 ; and in 1881 Mr. H. H. Palairet made 153 with 623 score. To Mrs. Butt (then Miss S. Dawson) still belongs the best ' record ' for the ' Ladies' Day ' of the Ptoyal Toxophilite Society, the largest annual gathering of ladies, when the single National Bound of 48 arrows at 60 and 24 arrows at 50 yards is shot. She made 70 hits with 406 score in 1867 ; in 1875 she scored 401 with 69 hits ; and in 1885 Mrs. P. F. Legh made 70 hits with 400 score. L 2 ARCHERY CHAPTEK XIII. THE PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS AND THE DOUBLE YORK AND OTHER ROUNDS, In 1791, ten years after the revival of archery by the esta- blishment of the Royal Toxophilite Society, a public meeting of all the Archery Societies, which had already become very numerous in the United Kingdom, was held on Blackheath. and this meeting was followed by other similar meetings in 1792 and 1793. Here ended this series of National Archery Meetings, and in the early part of the present century the use of the bow appears to have languished. The records of the Scorton Arrow Meetings go back, in an almost uninterrupted succession of annual meetings, to the year 1673. These meetings, though originally confined to a limited locality — 'six miles from Eriholme-upon-Tees,' near Richmond, in Yorkshire — were open to all comers. In 1842 and 1843 these meetings were held at Thirsk, in Yorkshire, and to those present thereat the establishment of an annual Grand National Archery Meeting is certainly owing. The first Grand National Archery Meeting w'as held at York on August 1 and 2, 1844, the Scorton Arrow Meeting having been again held at Thirsk on July 30 in the same year. It was originally intended that the meeting should occupy one day only, but the weather proved so unfavourable on the first day that the Round had to be finished on the second day. To the enterprising archers of Yorkshire is also due the invention of the York Round, which has since become PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 149 the almost universally acknowledged test of the comparative excellence of all archers. This Bound — which is now always shot on each of the two days of a public archery meeting — consisting of six dozen arrows at 100 yards, four dozen arrows at 80 yards, and two dozen arrows at 60 yards, was so arranged in the belief that about the same scores would then be made at each distance ; and this has been proved tolerably correct as regards the average of archers, though not so as regards Mr. H. A. Ford, Major C. H. Fisher, Mr. H. H. Palairet, Mr. C. E. Nesham, and some others, when shooting in their best form, as it would be clearly impossible for them to score, in four dozen arrows at GO yards, the 495 which Mr. H. A. Ford made in twelve dozen arrows at 100 yards at Cheltenham in 1857, or the 466 which he made on the same occasion in eight dozen arrows at 80 yards. Efforts have occasionally been made to reduce the quantity of shoot- ing at 100 yards, for the benefit of those who look upon 80 yards as a long distance ; and it has also been suggested that a few arrows might be taken from 80 yards and added to 60 yards ; but it is generally acknowledged that the York Bound cannot well be mended. The Ladies' National Bound of four dozen arrows at 60 yards, and two dozen arrows at 50 yards, shot on each of two days, did not become the established Bound until 1851, and then the only reason of its adoption was that it corresponded in quantities with the shooting of the gentlemen at 80 yards and 60 yards. In the year after the Third Leamington Grand National Archery Meeting — i.e. in 1854 — the Leamington Meeting was started, and has ever since been an annual institution, except in those years when the Grand National Meeting has been again held at Leamington. The first Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held in 1859, and has since been repeated annually. The Grand Western Archery Meeting was started at ISO ARCHERY Taunton in 18G1, and has been repeated annually at different places, except in 1865, when the Grand National Meeting was held at Clifton, and in 1867, when no Grand Western Archery Meeting was held. In 1886 this meeting was com- bined with the Grand National Archery Meeting when held at Bath. Occasionally an extra public meeting has occurred — as at Aston Park, Birmingham, in 1858 and in 1868 ; at the Alex- andra Park, Muswell Hill, in 1863, and again in 1873 and 1882 ; also at Hastings, in 1867. The first of a series of Grand Northern Meetings was established in 1879. This meeting has since been repeated annually. In 1881 the Koyal Toxophilite Society, in celebration of their centenary, gave a Double York Piound meeting, which » though not strictly speaking a public meeting, was so well attended that it cannot be omitted from the records of the York Bound. This meeting has also been repeated annually ever since 1881. Almost the largest attendance of gentlemen at a public Archery Meeting consisted of one hundred and ten at York in 1845, when there were only eleven ladies shooting. At Cheltenham, in 1856, there were seventy-two ladies and one hundred and twelve gentlemen shooting. The best attended meeting was in 1860, at Bath, when there were one hundred and nine gentlemen and ninety-nine ladies. This was just before the beginning of the Grand Western Meetings, and there was a full meeting of ninety gentlemen and ninety- three ladies in 1865, in which year no Grand Western Meeting was held. With the exception of the Seventh Grand National Archery Meeting, which was held in Edinburgh in 1850^ all the Grand National Archery Meetings have occurred in England. Two Double York Bound Scottish National Meetings were PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 151 held in Scotland in the years 18G5 and 1866 ; hut they were not largely attended. In Ireland, in the course of the 3'ears 1862 to 1866, Irish National and other puhlic meetmgs were held, mostly in the grounds of the Dublin Exhibition ; but though the Double York Hound was shot, and some good shooting was done by the Irish and also by English visitors, the meetings were mostly small, and there seems but little probability of their revival. A few words should be said aljout the scoring at public meetings. The original plan was for the Captain at each target to mark, with a pricker made on purpose, the hits made b}^ each shooter in a space representing each of the colours of the target — gold, red, blue, black, and white. In 1872 an imj)roved plan was adopted of keeping a proper space for the hits made at each end, in which is entered each hit in the figure representing its value, as 9, 7, 5, 3, or 1. Wlien no hit is made at any end, this fact should also be recorded ; and thus the i^rogress of the shooting is always kept accurately noted, and the possibilit}^ of mistakes in the scores is very much diminished. Mr. H. A. Ford often mentions the St. George and St. Leonard's Eounds — the former being three dozen arrows at each of the distances of 100, 80, and 60 yards, and the latter (originally 75 arrows at 60 yards only) being three dozen arrows at 80 yards, and three dozen and three at 60 yards. The practice of these Rounds has now entirely disappeared from amongst archers. Durmg the whole of the period from 1844 to 1886 inclusive the appointed Eound has been completed (except at the Leam- ington Meeting in 18G2, when the weather rendered it quite impossible) ; and this says a great deal for the steadfastness of archers, as the}' have frequent^ had to submit to the ill-treat- ment of pitiless downpourings of rain and arrow-breaking storms of wind in order to get the Eound finished. 152 ARCHER Y No approach has been made to Mr. H. A. Ford's best pubHc score of 1,251, made at Cheltenham m 1857, or to his second best record of 1,162 at Leammgton m 1856 ; but his other scores of over 1,000 are easily counted — namely, 1,076 at Exeter in 1858, 1,014 at Leammgton in 1861, 1,037 at Brighton in 1867, 1,087 at Leamington in 1868, and 1,032 at Leamington in 1869. Major C. H. Fisher made 1,060 at Sherborne in 1872. Mr. Palairet made 1,025 at the Crystal Palace in 1882, and 1,062 in the Regent's Park in 1881. Mr. C. E. Nesham made 1,010 in the Eegent's Park in 1883, and 1022 at Bath in 1886. No other archers have reached 1,000 at a public match. Miss Legh's score at Bath in 1881 of 840, when she made all the 144 hits, stood foremost amongst ladies' achievements until it was beaten by Mrs. Legh's score of 864 with 142 hits at Leamington in 1885. Miss Legh in 1882, at the Crystal Palace, scored 792, and in 1885 809 with 143 hits. Mrs. Butt's score of 785 at Leamington in 1870 ranks next. Then come Mrs. Horniblow's scores of 768 at Leamington in 1871, and of 764 — also at Leamington — in 1872. Mrs. Piers F. Legh scored 763 at Sutton Coldfield in 1881. Mrs. V. Forbes scored 752 at the Crj^stal Palace in 1870. ]\[rs. Marshall scored 744 at the Crystal Palace in 1884. Miss Betham's best score was 743 at Leamington in 1867. Mrs. P. Pinckney scored 729 at the Crystal Palace in 1873 ; and Mrs. Pond scored 700 in 1874, also at the Crystal Palace. No other ladies appear to have made as much as 700. Other scores of 700 and upwards have been — 'rs. Horniblow Miss Betham Mrs. Butt Mrs. p. F. Legh 1871 . . 746 1864 . . 735 1876 . 752 1882 . . 750 1873 . . 733 1867 . . 733 1879 . 744 1879 . . 743 1873 . . 719 1866 . . 701 1876 . 730 1881 . . 723 1872 . .712 — 1870 . 722 1883 . .712 1863 . . 706 — 1877 . 718 1884 . . 701 1870 . . 700 — - 1871 . 713 — ■ — — 1877 . 707 — PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 1 53 The summary of Public Meetings is — 43 Grand National Ai-chery Meetings. 81 Leamington Ai'cliery Meetings. 28 Crystal Palace Archery Meetings. 24 Grand Western Archery Meetings. 7 Grand Northern Archery Meetings. 2 Alexandra Park Archery Meetings. 1 Hastings Ai-chery Meeting. 2 Aston Park Archery Meetings. 6 Royal ToxophiHte Society's Archery Meetings. 144 Meetings, When attention is turned towards the meetings at which most gentlemen have made more than 600, and most ladies have made over 500, it is found that in 1860, at Bath, seven- teen gentlemen reached or passed the score of 600, but at the same time only two ladies jDassed 500. This still re- mains the largest meeting which has yet been held, two hundred and eight shooters having been present. At the Alexandra Park Meeting in 1864, sixteen gentlemen and six ladies attained the same amount of excellence. At Brighton, in 1867, seventeen gentlemen and seven ladies passed the same levels. But, in 1882, at the Crystal Palace, the corre- sponding numbers were ten gentlemen and nineteen ladies, and at Leamington in the same year, fourteen gentlemen and sixteen ladies ; whilst in 1883, at Cheltenham, nineteen gentle- men passed 600 and fourteen ladies passed 500, though the shooters competing at this meeting were only one hundred and thirty-one. At Windsor in 1884, thirteen ladies scored more than 500, and tw^elve gentlemen more than 600. This shows clearly that, although the number of attendances has dimi- nished since the extraordinary start given to archery by Mr, H. A. Ford's book (and this is possibly due to the multi- plication of public matches), yet the average of excellence, particularly amongst the ladies, has made considerable pro- gress. This is a most encouraging symptom for the future of archery. 154 ARCHERY The First Grand National Archery Meeting was held on August 1 and 2, 1844, at Knavesmire, near York. Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Bev. J. Hiw^ii^ison . Eev. E. MejTick 18 15 66 65 21 1 93 24 76 14 19 62 77 53 58 221 218 Sixty-five gentlemen shot, and no ladies appeared at the targets. The single Yorh Round (7*2 arrows at 100 yards, 48 arrows, at 80 yards, and 24 arrows at 60 3^ards) was shot first on this occasion. The Second Grand National Archery Meeting was held on June 25 and 26, 1845, at the same place. Ladies 60 Yards Hits Score Miss Thelwall Miss Townshend . Miss Emma AYykle Miss Jane Forster 48 45 33 40 186 163 161 152 Eleven ladies shot 96 arrows, all at 60 yards. Gkntlemex 100 Yards 80 Y'ards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Peter Muir Mr. J. Jones . Eev. E. Meyrick Mr. Blackley . 53 28 42 27 185 110 150 113 46 63 42 44 182 243 146 176 36 38 32 30 170 146 150 128 135 129 116 101 537 499 446 417 One hundred and ten gentlemen shot at this meeting, and the York Eound, as hefore described, was shot on each day and at all the following meetings. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 155 The Third Grand National Archery Meeting was hekl on July 29 and 30, 184G, at the same place. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits 41 40 35 27 35 44 24 36 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. E. G. Hubbock Eev. E. Meyrick Eev. T. Meylcr Mr. Glasgow . Mr. C. Ganiett Mr. J. P. Marsh Eev. J. Higginson Mr. A. Eadcliff 175 174 135 97 125 178 90 124 47 47 51 56 40 40 51 44 209 211 179 228 166 144 201 162 29 30 30 33 36 27 29 34 135 132 154 127 150 119 149 136 117 117 116 116 111 111 110 114 519 517 476 452 441 441 422 422 Eighty-three gentlemen shot at this meeting, hut no ladies appeared. The Fourth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 28 and 29, 1847, at Derby. 60 Y'"ards Hits Score Miss Wylde .... 65 245 The ladies, who numbered only six, again shot — at 60 yards only — the same number of arrows as in 1845, namely, 96. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Peter Muir Mr. Hutchons . Mr. E. Maitland Mr. E. Marr . Eev. J. Branihall Mr. C. Garnett Eev. T. ]\Ieylcr Mr. G. Attwood Eev. E. Meyrick 1 63 33 38 t 44 44 44 30 217 125 144 182 132 146 164 142 114 53 55 51 40 52 40 45 39 47 229 267 197 146 198 158 169 141 145 37 41 42 39 39 38 32 37 33 185 211 208 177 165 164 146 129 141 153 129 131 123 125 122 121 120 110 631 603 549 505 495 488 479 412 410 IS6 ARCHERY Fifty-eight gentlemen shot at this meeting, and on the following day — July 30 — half a York liound was shot for a bow (Buchanan's) and two other prizes. lOU Yards so Yards GO Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Eev. J. Bramhall won the bow .... 18 58 16 I 74 9 41 43 173 The Fifth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 19 and 20, 1848, at the same place. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits 14 18 Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss J. Barrow Miss Temple 54 80 33 26 113 47 80 44 167 . 160 Only five ladies shot, and they shot 72 arrows at 60 yards, and 72 at 50 yards. 100 Y'ards 80 Yards 60 Y'ards Totals Hits Score Eits 44 Score 206 Hits 86 Score Hits Score Mr. E. Maitland 55 245 130 135 581 Eev. J. Bramhall 45 145 52 218 35 151 132 514 Mr. C. Wilkinson . 45 161 40 150 28 134 113 445 Mr. E. Marr . 42 170 47 167 29 99 118 436 Mr. Wilhs 35 117 38 156 34 146 107 419 Mr. J. Wilson . 42 152 41 141 29 109 108 402 Seventy-four gentlemen shot at this meeting. Horace A. Ford here made his first public appearance, scoring — 100 Yards 80 Y'ards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 38 Score Hits Score Hits 101 Score 31 81 142 32 118 341 He stood fifteenth in the list. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 157 The Sixth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 18 and 19, 1849 — again at Derby. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 19 19 14 Score Hits 1 Score Miss Temple Miss Mackay Miss Billing .... 36 24 25 122 98 89 67 65 62 55 189 43 163 39 151 Eight ladies attended this meeting, and the National Rmmd (96 arrows at 60 yards, and 48 arrows at 50 yards), equally divided between the two days, was shot now for the first time, and has been ever since shot by the ladies, except at the next meeting at Edinburgh. Gextlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. A. P. Moore Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Attwood Mr. E. Meyrick Mr. G. Oilier . Mr. J. Wilson . 62 69 65 52 38 30 238 231 255 196 130 108 68 63 49 41 49 58 318 264 235 183 187 218 43 44 35 29 41 37 191 208 125 161 199 177 173 176 149 122 128 125 747 703 615 540 516 503 Forty-six gentlemen shot at this meeting, and the Cham- pion's medal was first awarded on this occasion, and won by Mr. H. A. Ford, who won most points ^ (5), Mr. Moore having won 4 — namely, hits and score at 80 yards, and gross score — and Mr. Attwood won the points for score at 100 yards. ' The points for the Champion's medal are — 2 points each for gross score and gross hits. 1 point each for score and hits at 100 yards. 1 point „ „ 80 yards. 1 point „ „ 60 yards. Total, 10 points. 158 ARCHERY The Seventh Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 24, 25, and 26, 1850, at Edinburgh, in Warrender Park. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards TO'J'ALS Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Calvert .... Miss E. Forster . 27 29 89 113 20 13 72 43 47 42 IGl 156 Eight ladies shot at this meeting, and the round, which, owing to the condition of the weather, was all shot on the third day, consisted of 72 arrows at 60 yards, and 36 arrows at 50 yards. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yard? TUTALS Hits 79 65 59 45 50 58 50 Score Hits 70 61 55 46 49 41 44 Score Hits 44 40 30 39 36 35 31 Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. C. Garnett Kev. G. Mallory Mr. G. W. Willis . Mr. J. Wilson . Mr. 0. K. Prescot . Mr. J. Turner . 343 249 197 175 192 224 208 314 221 235 184 203 165 196 242 168 150 181 140 125 101 193 166 144 130 135 134 125 899" 638 582 540 535 514 505 Eighty-three gentlemen shot, and the Champion's medal was won by Mr. H. A. Eord, who made all the points. At this meeting there was also some shooting at 200 yards, 180 yards, and at 100 feet, in addition to the usual double York Eound. The Eighth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 25 and 26, 1851, on Wisden's Cricket-ground at Leaming- ton. At this meeting thirty-three ladies shot the National Eound. Mr. H. A. Ford won all the points for the Champion medal except that for score at 80 yards, which was won by Mr. K. T. Heath. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 159 — 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Villers, afterwards ) Mrs. Davison ) I 73 323 35 181 108 504 Miss Villers's score showed a rapid stride in advance amongst the ladies, as she was more than 100 points ahead of the second lady, Miss Eaton — 73 hits, 297 sCore — and the third, Mrs. Tlmrsfield— 75 hits, 293 score. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen Hits Scoro Hits 72 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford 76 308 324 45 229 193 861 Mr. K. T. Heath . 61 235 67 327 40 214 168 776 Eev. J. Brarnhall 65 283 71 273 42 204 178 760 Mr. P. Muir . 67 243 51 197 41 228 160 668 Mr. H. Garnett 61 257 52 186 35 163 148 606 Ninety gentlemen shot at this meeting. On the 27th a handicap sweepstake match was shot. The Ninth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 7 and 8, 1852, at the same place, in Leamington. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Brindley Miss M. Peel Miss Villers .... 45 51 49 155 217 197 39 33 30 181 113 132 84 84 79 336 330 329 At this meeting thirty-six ladies and seventy-eight gentle- men shot. Mr. H. A. Ford won the Champion's medal with 6 points. i6o ARCHERY Mr. Bramhall having ^yon 2 points for hits and score at 100 yards, and Mr. J. Wilson 2 points for hits and score at 60 yards. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gextlkme.v Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford 72 300 74 282 42 200 188 788 Kev .J Bramhall 84 352 61 249 39 177 184 778 Mr. J. Wilson . 68 238 55 207 44 204 167 649 Mr. H. Garnett 68 230 59 229 34 152 161 611 This match had a most exciting finale. When the last three arrows alone remained to be shot, Mr. Bramhall was 2 points ahead in score. It was then a simple question of nerve, and Mr. Ford's proved the best, as he scored 14 to his oppo- nent's 2. The two gentlemen were placed at adjoining targets, and Mr. Bramhall's nerve was fm'ther distm^bed by his hearing some one noisily offer to bet heavily in favour of Mr. Ford, Mr. Ford shot first at his target, and Mr. Bramhall second at his. Mr. Ford's score on July 9, in the handicap match, amounted to 485. The Tenth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 6 and 7, 1853 — again at Leamington. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss M. Peel Miss Clay .... Mrs. Tennant (nee TemxDle) . 54 230 44 180 46 192 48 190 35 40 35 31 135 184 145 129 89 84 79 79 365 364 337 319 The silver bracer for the Lady Championess, presented by the Norfolk Bowmen, was first competed for at this meeting, PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS i6i and won by Mrs. Horniblow, who won of the 8 points, Miss M. Peel having secured the 2 points for hits and score at 50 yards. Gkntlemkx 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Tot AI^ Hits Score Hits Score Hits i Score Hits Score 934 733 605 Mr. H. A. Ford Bev. J. Bramhall Mr. C. Garnett 78 ; 322 56 1 212 55 ' 197 77 66 57 367 300 251 47 245 45 221 39 157 202 167 151 Mr. Ford won all the Champion's points, and now first began to show his marked superiority. Fifty ladies and eighty-two gentlemen shot. The Eleventh Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 5 and 6, 1854, on the racecourse at Shrewsbury. Ladies 100 Yards 80 Yards Totals Hits j Score Hits Score Hits ' Score Mrs. Davison {nee Villers) . Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Baker . . . . ' 68 1 56 61 318 212 245 41 171 40 186 34 152 109 489 96 398 95 397 Mrs, Davison won the silver bracer with 7 points, Mrs. Horniblow, who made a score of 325 on the handicap day, having secured the eighth point with the highest score at fifty yards. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits i Score 1 Hits 1 Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford 101 ! 411 87 415 46 248 234 1,074 Eev. J. Bramhall . 62 1 270 77 329 37 149 176 748 Mr. H, Hilton . 62 230 66 260 39 175 175 667 Mr. H. Garnett 54 214 61 249 41 205 156 668 Mr. P. Muir . 67 229 52 206 41 197 160 632 M 1 62 ARCHERY Mr. Ford won all the points of the Champion's medal, and made a fm'ther stride in front of all other competitors, making over 1,000. Sixty-six ladies and ninety-fom^ gentlemen shot. The First Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens, on July 19 and 20, 1854. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yarrls Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Baker , . . . 73 71 361 36 277 ! 42 1 146 198 109 113 507 475 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Colonel Clowes Mr. E. Garnett 57 1 197 42 162 57 237 44 212 36 32 156 134 150 118 590 508 The Second Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on Jmie 20 and 21, 1855. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetw^-nd 67 54 265 210 39 38 161 162 106 92 426 362 Gen-tlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits ; Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. T. G. Golightly 82 63 270 231 79 55 323 205 46 35 268 151 207 j 861 153 : 587 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 163 The Twelfth Grand National Archery Meetmg was held on August 1 and 2, 1855 — agam at Shrewsbury. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Davison Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Clay .... 70 67 64 278 277 282 45 36 36 213 160 146 115 103 100 491 437 428 Mrs. Davison won 7 points, and again secured the silver TDracer. Miss Clay won 1 point for score at 60 yards. Miss H. Chetwynd made 296 on the handicap day. Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Eev. J. Bramliall . Mr. P. Muir . Mr. J. Wilson . Mr. H. Hilton . 69 68 59 50 53 281 242 251 164 195 65 63 57 59 64 285 261 217 253 258 45 44 39 45 34 243 206 159 197 160 179 175 155 154 151 809 709 627 614 613 Mr. Ford won the Champion's medal, having won all the points except that there was a tie between him and Mr. Wilson for hits at 60 yards. The weather was unfavourable at this meeting, which helps to account for the apparent falling off in the scores. Fifty-five ladies and eighty-three gentlemen shot. The series of eighteen articles, out of which this book was afterwards formed, began to appear in the ' Field ' on October 6 in this year. The Third Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 18 and 19, 185C. 164 ARCHERY Ladies 60 Yards | 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetwynd 74 67 338 299 41 41 203 209 115 108 541 508 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards | 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits' Score Hits Score Hits' Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Mallory Colonel Phillipps Mr. G. Edwards 105 65 47 61 447 241 185 251 91 58 59 53 431 220 247 221 48 40 44 40 284 176 202 148 244 163 150 154 1162 637 634 620 The Thirteenth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 2 and 3, 1856, on the College Cricket-ground, at Cheltenham. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. Davison ^ . , , 68 1 294 68 312 41 35 193 149 109 487 103 461 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gextlemex Hits 1 Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford 81 299 87 439 45 247 213 985 Rev. J. Bramhall 82 846 69 271 40 168 191 785 Mr. P. Muir . 65 ! 289 65 253 34 146 164 688 Mr. C. Garnett 68 ! 260 51 211 89 189 158 660 Mr. W. Peters . 57 189 57 235 82 160 146 584 Mrs. Horniblow won the silver bracer with six points, Mrs. Davison having won the point for score at 60 yards, and ' Did not shoot the last six arrows at 50 yards, being prevented by indis- position. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 165 having made the same number of hits as Mrs. Horniblow at that distance. Miss H. Chetwynd made the same number of hits at 50 yards as Mrs. Horniblow. Mr. Ford again secured the Champion's medal with eight points, his old opponent Mr. Bramhall having won the pomts for hits and score at 100 yards. Seventy-two ladies and 112 gentlemen shot at this meeting. The first edition of ' The Theory and Practice of Archery ' was published in the course of this year. The Fourth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 10 and 11, 1857. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals i Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. Litchfield . 66 58 276 230 41 38 183 158 107 96 459 388 G-ENTLEMEX 100 Yards 80 Yards [ 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. C. H. Fisher . 97 59 887 231 88 62 398 212 45 44 241 172 230 165 1026 615 The Fourteenth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 1 and 2, 1857 — again at Cheltenham. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss H. Chetwynd Mrs. Davison Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. R. Blaker . 82 73 80 69 390 339 346 325 46 41 42 39 244 128 209 114 194 ! 122 171 108 634 548 540 496 1 66 ARCHERY Miss H. Chetwynd won the silver bracer with all the points, and exceeded all the previous performances of ladies in match shootin". Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. W. J. W. Baynes Mr. P. Muir . Mr. J. Bramhall Mr. H. C, Mules . Mr. E. Mason , Mr. H. Garnett Mr. H. Hilton . Mr. J. Wilson . Mr. C. H. Fisher . 107 69 65 69 67 66 57 61 55 62 40 495 255 245 261 233 254 215 235 243 260 122 90 76 74 57 58 58 65 67 59 57 54 466 322 314 315 254 260 279 263 243 237 248 48 43 44 39 46 40 41 35 37 35 42 290 209 212 201 234 206 197 169 183 161 194 245 188 183 165 171 164 163 163 151 154 136 1251 786 771 777 721 720 691 667 669 658 564 Mr. Ford again secured all the points for the Champion's medal, and made the finest score ever yet made in public. The average of the shooting of all showed a marked im- provement at this meeting ; and it was gratifying to Mr. Ford to be able to state that several of the leading archers attri- buted their high positions in the prize-list to their careful following out of the principles and directions laid down in his book. Sixty-one ladies and ninety-seven gentlemen shot. Mr. H. C. Mules scored 389 on the handicap day. The Fifth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 23 and 24, 1858. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss H. Chetwynd Miss Dixon .... 74 62 844 270 41 191 39 j 179 115 535 101 449 i PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 167 100 Yards 80 Yards GO Y'ards Totals Gentlemen- Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford 100 424 87 463 43 241 230 1128 Mr. G. Edwards 77 303 64 298 45 263 186 864 Mr. H. Walters 58 256 66 276 43 225 167 757 I\Ir. W. J. W. Baynes . 60 260 63 239 45 213 168 712 Mr. H. C. Mules . 56 256 55 225 45 209 156 690 Mr. S. Mason . 53 197 59 267 38 172 150 636 Colonel Clowes 44 202 49 211 42 214 135 627 Twenty-nine ladies and twenty-nine gentlemen shot. The Fifteenth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on July 21 and 22, 1858, at Exeter. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. St. George . Mi.-s H. Chetwynd Mrs. E. Blaker . Lady Edwardes . Miss Turner 58 58 56 54 54 59 256 254 204 228 262 255 43 36 43 38 31 34 201 174 219 184 139 136 101 94 99 92 85 93 457 428 423 412 401 391 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. J. T. George . Mr. W. J. W. Baynes Mr. .J. Spedding " . Mr. E. Mason . Mr. H. C. Mules . Mr. P. Muir . 87 73 59 57 48 52 50 48 399 267 217 229 184 172 176 176 81 70 63 60 71 66 59 60 385 324 311 254 299 292 255 250 46 44 40 43 44 42 44 39 292 226 212 219 212 176 210 209 214 1076 187 817 162 740 160 702 163 695 160 640 159 641 147 635 Mrs. Hornil)low won the silver bracer with 4^ jjoints. Miss Turner won the point for hits at 60 yards, Lady Edwardes 1 68 ARCHERY the point for score at 60 yards, and Miss H. Chetwynd won the point for score at 50 yatds and divided the point for hits at this distance with Mrs. Horniblow. Mr. Ford, having won all the ten points, became Champion for the tenth time. He accounted for the apparent falling off in the shooting at this meeting as compared with the previous one by the fact that the weather was rough and the ground difficult. Eighty-four ladies and eighty-six gentlemen shot. A Grand Archery Meeting was held in the grounds of Aston Park, near Birmingham, on September 8 and 9, 1858. Gextlemes 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford . Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. Walters . Mr. H. EUiott Mr. G. L. A.ston . j Mr. W. J. W. Baynes . 87 63 55 60 35 49 339 277 231 242 141 185 73 65 53 63 57 47 343 255 253 247 243 175 48 46 37 39 40 41 294 250 193 185 164 185 208 174 145 162 132 137 976 782 677 674 548 1 545 Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Tu-i AL.S Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 535 474 426 409 Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetwjaid Miss Aston .... Lady Edwards 75 317 65 287 67 251 61 267 42 39 41 32 218 187 175 142 117 104 108 93 It was intended, and advertised, that this meeting should be repeated in 1859 ; but, from insufficient support, it was abandoned, and the first of the series of annual archery meet- ings held in the grounds of the Crystal Palace was substituted for it. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 169 The Sixth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 15 and 16, 1859. Thirty ladies and thirty-three gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards I Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetwynd 70 67 282 313 48 39 262 179 118 544 106 492 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen Hits i Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 93 355 76 350 47 257 216 962 Mr. H. A. Ford 75 327 82 382 43 213 200 922 Mr. E. Mason . 55 217 67 297 42 240 164 754 Mr. G. L. Aston 56 254 56 244 41 205 153 703 Mr. H. C. Mules . 52 214 65 257 37 185 154 656 Mr. H. Walters 44 170 63 253 40 200 147 623 The Sixteenth Grand National Archery Meeting ^Yas held ■on July 6 and 7, 1859 — again at Exeter. Miss Turner won the silver bracer with 5 points, Miss H. Chetwynd having won 2 points for gross hits and 1 point for hits at 60 yards. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards TOTAI^ Hits 1 Score Hits Score H Score Miss Turner .... Miss H. Chetwynd Mrs. G. Atkinson . Mrs. Horuiblow . 77 82 76 74 385 370 334 356 45 43 42 38 245 215 207 160 122 125 119 112 630 585 541 536 The Champion's medal for the eleventh consecutive time 170 ARCHERY was won Ijy Mr. Ford with 8 points, Mr, Edwards having won the points for hits and score at 80 yards. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Toi ALS CtKXTLKMEX - Hits 85 Score 357 Hits 72 Score 312 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford , . 48 282 205 951 Mr. G. Edwards 65 269 74 370 45 249 184 888 Eev. W. J. Eichardson 70 298 68 332 40 182 178 812 Mr. A. Edmondstone 78 300 66 250 41 231 185 781 Mr. H. C. Mules . 58 218 61 255 37 215 156 688 Mr. E. Meyi-ick 70 252 50 198 40 184 160 034 Mr. J. Eimington 54 238 56 244 44 204 154 686 Mr. J. T. George 49 205 67 285 39 173 155 663 Mr. T. BoTilton 57 237 56 204 41 171 154 612 Mr. H. Walters 49 105 60 266 40 188 149 619 ■ Mr. H. B. Hare 47 219 53 225 37 183 137 627 : Mr. W.Swire . 57 213 47 223 42 176 146 612 Mr. C. H. Fisher 55 253 49 187 34 146 138 586 j Eighty-six ladies and eighty-four gentlemen shot. The second edition of Mr. Ford's book was issued in this year, and the account of this Grand National Archery Meeting was not included in it. A Grand Archery Meeting, under the management of Mr. Merridew, was proposed to be held in the grounds of Aston Park, Birmingham, on July 27 and 28, 1859, as mentioned by Mr. H. A. Ford at page 124 ; but at the Leamington meeting of the same year it was decided that this proposed meeting should be transferred to the grounds of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, and thus commenced the annual Crystal Palace Archery Meetings. The First Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meet- ing was held on July 27 and 28, 1859, on the Cricket- ground. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 171 Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Turner .... Mrs. Horniblow . 66 50 272 226 41 40 203 198 107 90 475 424 1 Gextlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. C. Mules . Mr. H. Walters Mr. T. Boulton 78 64 67 54 54 314 264 257 186 226 80 66 57 73 47 380 252 285 311 181 48 45 41 42 42 252 206 259 175 179 165 202 169 216 143 946 775 721 699 623 Twenty ladies and forty-one gentlemen shot. The Seventh Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meetinq; was held on June 13 and 14, 1860. Ladies 60 Yards ; 50 Yards 1 Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. Litchfield . Mrs. Horniblow . 72 72 66 336 324 238 45 39 46 197 163 202 117 111 112 533 487 440 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits 82 Score 336 Hits Score Hits ! Score 1 Hits ! Score Mr. H. A. Ford 80 406 47 255 209 997 Mr. E. Mason . 70 268 64 266 46 226 180 760 Mr. T. G. Golightly. 54 228 67 277 44 204 165 709 Mr. T. Boulton 49 197 66 284 39 197 154 678 Mr. H. Walters 57 217 61 249 43 i 207 ! 161 673 Thirty-two ladies and thirty-six gentlemen shot. 172 ARCHERY The Seventeenth Grand National Archery Meetmg was held on July 4 and 5, 1860, at Bath. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits 69 79 66 Score Hits Score Hits Score 550 531 494 Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. G. Atkinson . Mrs. Eogers .... 337 341 306 43 i 213 42 190 38 1 188 112 121 104 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 71 277 71 337 46 272 188 886 Mr. P. Muir . 68 276 70 322 45 257 181 855 Mr. H. A. Ford 70 260 74 294 47 253 191 807 Mr. H. C. Miiles . 57 243 06 312 40 202 163 757 Mr. W. Einiington . 58 244 61 273 41 223 160 740' Mr. E. Mason . 59 211 68 ' 304 42 210 169 725 Rev. W. J. Eichardson . 61 235 66 264 40 202 167 701 1 Mr. H. Walters 57 223 64 276 43 201 164 700 Mr. H. B. Hare 61 221 60 1 254 46 224 167 699 Mr. G. T. Golightly 55 233 62 [ 228 45 221 162 682 Mr. J. Spedding 61 261 55 ! 257 34 152 150 670 Mr. J. "Wilson . 47 203 59 259 39 197 145 659 Mr. T. Boulton 55 197 59 257 38 182 152 636 Mr. C. H. Fisher . 43 169 60 250 42 216 145 635 Mr. J. Turner . 62 230 53 211 35 183 150 624 Col. Clowes 51 189 52 230 42 204 145 623 Mr. E. Meyrick 58 248 45 189 37 183 140 620 Mrs. Lister ^Yon the first score prize, but Mrs. Atkmson ^von the silver bracer with 4 points. Mrs. Lister won 2 points for gross score. Mrs. Horniblow won the point for score at 50 yards, and Mrs. Litchfield won the point for hits at 50 yards. At this meeting Mr. Edwards won the Champion's medal with 6 points, Mr. Ford, w^ho took third rank, having won 4 points — namely, 2 for gross hits and those for hits at 80 yards and hits at 60 yards. Ninety-nine ladies and 109 gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 173 The influence of hits as affecting the position of the winners of the best prizes was now entirely abandoned, and the order of the prizes taken from the gross score only, except when two had a tie in score. In this case the difference (if any) in hits was considered. Want of space prevents the introduction of all the winners of best prizes, who vary in number at the different meetings from six to twelve, according to the numbers present ; but it should be mentioned that at the earliest meetings the second prize was allotted to the maker of most gross hits. This rule prevailed up to 1851. In 1852, 1853, and 1854 the order of prize-winners was in accordance with the order of the gross scores. From that date the first prizes were named ' first, second, third, &c. gross score, and hits,' and the rule by which the order of the prize list was obtained was that the number of each shooter's position in hits was taken and added to the number representing his position in score. The lowest total won the first score and hits prize, and the next lowest the second, and so on. In cases where the totals of two were the same, the highest score would win. The application of this rule may be observed in 1859, when Mr. Eichard- son made the third score (812), l)ut won the fourth prize;, whilst Mr, Edmondstone, who made the fourth score, won the third prize. Mr. Edmondstone was second in hits and fourth in score (total, 6) ; Mr. Pdchardson was third in score and fourth in hits (total, 7). The Second Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 18 and 19, 1860. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 1 Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Turner .... 65 58 271 258 39 34 179 104 450 132 92 390 174 ARCHERY Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 67 247 77 359 46 224 190 830 Mr. H. Walters 66 258 72 306 46 220 184 784 Mr. H. A. Ford 63 289 64 258 46 22G 173 773 Mr. Bradford . 66 ' 256 64 256 42 218 172 730 Mr. H. C. Mules . 60 254 63 257 42 200 165 711 Mr. T. Boulton 57 247 57 243 31 133 145 623 Twenty-six ladies and forty-three gentlemen shot. The Eighth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 12 and 13, 1861. Twenty-six ladies and thirty-four gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. Litchfield . 78 69 79 366 315 351 46 44 39 230 236 159 124 113 118 596 551 510 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. T. G. Golightly Mr. M. linapp. Mr. H. C. Mules Mr. W. Ford . Mr. G. Mallory Mr. W. Swire . Mr. J. Spedding Mr. T. L. Coulson Mr. H. B. Hare 83 52 69 77 65 60 57 52 60 46 50 321 238 255 309 263 218 217 208 224 174 186 83 76 68 55 67 59 49 58 54 57 53 419 354 346 257 273 259 213 232 244 231 205 46 47 41 32 37 39 43 39 39 40 39 274 279 223 164 179 177 211 177 137 196 209 212 175 178 164 169 158 149 149 153 143 142 1014 871 824 730 715 654 641 617 605 601 600 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 175 The Eighteenth Grand National Archery Meeting was held on the Eacecourse at Aintree, near Liverpool, on July 17 and 18, 1861. 1 Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. G. Atkinson . Miss Tm-ner .... Mrs. Horniblow . 73 ! 367 65 1 291 67 265 40 42 42 208 214 212 113 107 109 575 505 477 Mrs. Atkinson won the silver bracer with 6 points. Miss Turner won the point for score at 50 yards, and Mrs. E. Lister the point for hits (44) at 50 yards. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gestlemes Hits Score Hits Score Hits 44 Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 68 288 63 235 222 175 745 Mr. T. G. Golightly. 60 250 58 270 41 205 159 725 Mr. P. Muir . 49 175 62 266 43 221 154 662 Mr. H. A. Ford 54 220 56 200 45 241 155 ' 661 Mr. T. Boulton 54 178 58 268 40 196 152 638 Mr. J. "Wilson . 46 220 56 212 36 164 138 596 The Champion's medal was again won by Mr. G. Edwards with 7 points. Mr. Golightly won the point for score at 80 yards, and Mr. H. A. Ford won two points for score and hits at 60 yards. The wind at this meeting — on an exposed ground — was tremendous. Sixty-four ladies and eighty-nine gentlemen shot. Some better scores — Mr. E. Mason (446), Mr. F. Townsend (374), and Mr. H. C. Mules (365) — were made on July 19 in the handicap match. 176 ARCHERY The Grand National Archery Society was first estabhshed at a meeting of archers held at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool on July 19, 1861. The Third Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 30-31 and August 1, 1861. Miss Turner .• ]\Irs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetwjaad 60 Yards 50 Yards Hits Score Hits Score 77 66 72 345 45 336 44 326 42 255 216 200 Totals Hits Score 122 110 114 600 552 526 Gkxtlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTAM Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. Hilton . 80 50 54 314 206 236 75 79 51 '319 361 219 43 47 36 211 251 142 198 176 141 844 818 597 No other shooter made as much as 600. Twenty-two ladies and thirty-seven gentlemen shot. The First Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Bishop's Hull, near Taunton, on August 7 and 8, 1861, when fifty-three ladies and forty-two gentlemen shot. i Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Ttirner .... Miss Mignon Miss H. ClietwjTid Miss James .... Mrs. A. Malet 80 66 56 59 62 386 276 236 271 256 45 41 40 37 34 259 197 228 165 142 125 107 96 96 96 645 473 464 436 398 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 177 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. A. Ford Colonel Clowes Mr. W. Eimington . Mr. H. B. Hare Mr. W. Swire . Mr. H. Walters 59 65 53 53 58 57 42 263 235 215 207 226 205 140 85 73 62 58 56 57 57 381 319 272 272 232 251 257 45 47 39 39 41 36 41 253 275 189 191 205 180 223 189 185 154 150 155 150 140 897 829 676 670 663 636 620 The Fourth Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting ^Yas held on May 29 and 30, 1862. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. H. Walters . 76 73 328 329 44 41 220 209 120 114 548 538 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTALS Hits 75 77 58 54 56 62 38 Score Hits 72 67 70 61 64 58 55 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. F. Townsend . Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. B. Hare Mr. W. Swii-e . Mr. T. BoTilton Mr. J. H. Chance . 299 319 252 238 238 220 144 344 291 312 305 254 238 233 41 43 47 37 39 39 44 223 201 241 145 189 179 234 188 187 175 152 159 1.59 137 866 811 805 688 681 637 611 i i Twenty-six ladies and forty gentlemen shot. The Ninth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 11 and 12, 1862. N 1/8 ARCHER V 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . ? 191 23 143 ? 1 334 This was Mrs. Horniblow's score on the first day. The round on the second day was not completed on account of the bad weather. Gkxtlemes 100 Yards SO Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 184 169 Hits 23 24 Score Hits Score 507 444 Mr. H. A. Ford . ? 186 Mr. G. Edwards . . 29 131 ? 41 137 144 ? 94 This was the best shootmg of the first day. On the second, day only 48 arrows at 100 yards were shot. Thu'ty-three ladies and twenty-eight gentlemen shot. The Nineteenth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held at Worcester, on July 17 and 18, 1862. Sixty-five ladies and eighty-eight gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. G. Atkinson . Miss Jarrett .... Miss H. Chetwynd 80 76 68 65 384 334 296 313 48 40 43 40 276 208 229 176 128 116 111 105 660 542 525 489 Mrs. Horniblow won the silver bracer with all the 8 points. Mr. G. Edwards secured the Champion's medal with 7 points. Mr. H. A. Ford won the point for score at 80 yards, and the points for score and hits at GO yards. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 179 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTAM Gestlemex Hits I Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 902 Mr. G. Edwards 71 297 78 366 45 2.39 194 Mr. H. A. Ford 67 245 76 376 47 275 190 896 :\rr. E. Mason . 65 239 71 339 42 210 178 788 iNIr. T. ISoulton 63 279 56 230 42 156 IGl 665 Mr. W. Kimington 52 204 62 230 41 109 155 033 Mr. H. B. Hare 65 249 51 177 40 200 156 626 Mr. H. Walters 48 194 61 235 40 194 149 623 Some good scores— Mr. H. A. Ford (479), Mr. G. Edwards (447), and Mr. H. B. Hare (386)— were made on July 19 in the handicap match. The Second Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at "West Harnham, near Salisbury, on July 9 and 10, 1862, when sixty-four ladies and fifty-one gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score 1 Hits 1 Score Hits Score 463 427 Miss H. Chetwynd Mrs. A. ]\Ialet 65 60 309 264 36 154 37 163 101 97 1 Gextlemex Mr. G. Edwards Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. H. B. Hare 100 Yards 80 Yards : 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 1 Score Hits Score Hits ' Score 1 51 57 50 189 235 190 61 63 64 255 45 275 283 42 188 244 39 171 157 1 719 162 1 706 153 j 605 Mrs, A. Malet and Mr. H. B. Hare became respectively the Championess and Champion of the West. The Fifth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on June 11 and 12, 1863. Thirty-four ladies and fortv-six gentlemen shot. K 2 i8o ARCHERY Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals i Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. Blaker .... 78 364 61 275 43 36 237 188 121 97 601 463 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen- Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits 175 Score Mr. H. A. Ford 59 221 72 326 44 244 791 Mr. F. Townsend . 58 196 68 284 41 195 167 675 Mr. T. L. Coulson . 53 233 65 281 34 142 152 656 Mr. MacNamara 49 169 64 292 42 192 155 653 Mr. G. Edwards 49 185 64 264 42 188 155 687 Mr. A. E. Tawney . 59 245 55 209 26 156 140 610 Colonel Clowes 45 173 57 245 66 190 138 608 The Tenth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meet- ing was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 25 and 26, 1863. Twenty-eight ladies and thirtv-two gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits i Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss B. Edwards . Miss Waller . . . 90 73 74 442 305 322 44 47 42 264 229 206 134 120 116 706 534 528 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford Mr. McNamara Captain Betham Mr. T. L. Coulson Mr. H. B. Hare Colonel Clowes Mr. H. Walters Mr. J. Speddmg 73 58 59 74 64 57 54 49 295 266 227 324 246 197 204 209 65 65 69 63 61 63 66 58 291 265 317 237 295 277 254 246 41 46 37 40 33 36 39 33 227 179 246 \ 169 201 i 165 152 177 133 158 180 156 179 159 159 1 140 813 777 745 713 674 654 637 ; 614 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS i8i The Twentieth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting- was held on the Christ Church Cricket-ground at Oxford on July 1 and 2, 1863. Ladies 60 Yards ! 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. ChetwjTid Miss B. Edwards . 73 61 60 285 1 43 281 39 258 38 193 189 192 110 100 98 478 468 450 Mrs. Horniblow won the silver bracer with all the 8 points. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits j Score Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits ' Score Mr. P. Muir . 72 292 65 295 44 258 179 845 Mr. H. A. Ford 62 242 70 290 44 248 176 780 Mr. T. L. Coiilson . 59 219 58 240 41 223 158 682 Mr. G. Edwards 54 206 59 245 42 218 155 669 Mr. H. Walters 38 160 64 290 45 209 147 659 Mr. F. Townsend . 55 211 50 200 43 207 148 618 The weather was very rough. Mr. P. Muir won the Champion's medal with 8 points ; Mr. H. A. Ford won the point for hits at 80 yards ; and Messrs. H. Walters and E. W. Atkinson divided the point for hits at 60 yards (45). Fifty-four ladies and ninety-six gentlemen shot. Mr. T. L. Coulson (452) shot well on July 3 in the handi- cap match. The Third Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Weymouth on July 15 and 16, 1863, when fifty-nine ladies and sixty-four gentlemen shot. There was a tie between Miss L. Turner and Miss S. Dawson in points ; and on drawing lots (not a fair way of de- ciding the tie) Miss S. Dawson won, and became Championess. ARCHERY Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss L. Tvn-ner Miss S. Dawson . 69 71 331 295 42 42 200 200 111 113 531 495 GEXTLEJfEy 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards ToTAr.« Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. A. Ford . Mr. T. L. Coulson . Captain Betham Mr. W. Rimington . Colonel Clowes 65 70 50 64 56 243 258 194 234 208 77 57 76 67 59 341 277 322 249 243 44 42 43 43 34 242 236 219 207 176 186 169 169 174 149 826 771 735 690 627 Mr. H. B. Hare (148 hits, 594 score) became Champion of the West. A Grand Inaugural Archery Fete was held in the Alex- andra Park, Muswell Hill, on July 23 and 24, 1863. Ladies 60 Y^ards 50 Y'ards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss H. Chetwynd Mrs. Hare .... 78 76 74 370 354 328 47 40 43 269 188 177 125 116 117 639 542 505 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 64 234 71 293 47 279 182 806 Mr. W. Rimin 226 80 80 68 67 61 47 60 64 58 360 310 278 289 261 209 240 256 228 43 44 43 45 38 45 33 39 36 213 258 233 225 150 231 171 185 148 206 183 172 161 165 154 143 155 154 888 767 722 685 673 658 639 635 602 1 Forty ladies and fifty-seven gentlemen shot. The Thirty-second Grand National Ai'chery Society's Meetmg was held on August 4 and 5, 1875, in the Deer-park at Richmond, Surrey. ARCHER V 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Ladies Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss M. A. Hollins 88 430 45 263 133 693 Mrs. Horniblow . 71 311 43 229 114 540 Mrs. P. Pinckney . 69 307 44 228 113 535 Mrs. E. Lister 74 304 45 223 119 527 Mrs. Marshall 68 304 42 220 110 524 Mrs. Pond . 61 287 42 210 103 497 Miss H. Hutchinson 70 302 43 185 113 487 Miss Milne . 76 334 35 151 111 485 Mrs. C. E. Hornby 59 255 43 219 102 474 Miss Benwell 70 272 41 193 111 465 Miss Hollins won the silver bracer with 7^ points, as she divided the point for hits at 50 yards with Mrs. Lister. Gextlemex Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. E. S. Fryer . Mr. W. Einiington . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. B. P. Gregson . Mr. Betham . Mr. H. H. Palairet . Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. A. T. D. Berrington Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. H. Wah-ond . Mr. W. Butt . 77 78 69 71 59 55 61 52 63 54 32 279 358 275 277 233 217 259 232 237 75 66 71 63 63 72 64 59 60 226 j 44 122 64 361 308 341 279 269 326 296 259 272 180 246 TOTAiS Hits Score ■ Hits Score 46 42 45 44 48 36 40 39 34 45 42 236 198 196 186 1 233 185 200 178 238 170 190 163 168 165 181 150 144 157 241 143 250 138 876 862 849 756 740 733 723 672 653 647 618 Mr. Fryer became Champion with 6 points. Mr. Eimington won the point for hits and score at 100 yards ; Mr. Betham the point for hits at 60 yards; and Mr. Butt the point for score at 60 yards. Eighty-four ladies and seventy-two gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Thirteenth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Bitton, near Teignmouth, on August 11 and 12, 1875, when forty-seven ladies and twenty-seven gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 221 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Hosken .... 69 313 39 193 108 506 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score \ Hits Score Hits Score Hits j Score Mr. W. Eimington . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. G. E. S. Fryer Mr. H. AVah-ond . Mr. H. H. Palairet Mr. H. Sagar . Mr. Grant Dalton . 74 77 72 64 60 65 45 286 289 290 274 236 253 171 81 77 63 65 68 56 59 381 341 297 275 316 242 257 47 40 38 40 34 37 43 259 206 190 198 150 169 203 202 194 173 169 162 158 147 926 836 777 747 702 664 631 Mrs. Hosken and Mr. Walrond became Championess and Champion of the West. Major Fisher scored 442, and Mr. Palairet 424, in the handicap match on the following da_y — August 13. The Twenty-second Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 21 and 22, 1876. Twenty-nine ladies and thirty-four gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Y'ards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Butt 91 463 47 267 138 730 Mrs. Horniblow . i 83 383 47 249 130 632 Mrs. Pond 79 373 42 218 121 591 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 73 321 47 269 120 590 Miss H. Hutchinson 75 379 39 199 112 578 Mrs. E. Lister 80 360 41 205 121 571 Miss M. A. HoUins ' 74 324 46 244 120 568 Mrs. Hornbv 1 74 322 43 233 117 555 Mrs. Kinahan 1-77 355 39 191 116 546 ARCHER y 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTAJCS Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 1 Mr. C. H. Everett . 94 364 70 348 39 185 203 ' 897 Mr. G. L. Aston 65 243 66 288 45 209 176 740 ' Mr. W. Ford . 66 230 71 313 41 185 178 728 Mr. W. Butt . 42 174 64 276 46 240 152 690 1 Mr. W. Porter 52 204 51 191 44 208 147 603 Mr. C. H. Everett scored 451 on June 23 in the handicap match. The Eighteenth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meetmg ^Yas held on June 28 and 29, 1876. 60 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits ; Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Butt 89 447 44 248 133 695 Mrs. Kinahan 82 368 48 250 130 618 Mrs. Marshall 82 376 44 226 126 602 Mrs. Pond . 74 338 45 233 119 571 Miss Berens . 68 316 44 ' 236 112 552 Miss Croker . 70 302 45 231 115 533 Mrs. D. Ainsworth 70 298 44 ! 224 114 522 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 81 319 43 199 124 518 Miss Follett . 71 331 40 170 111 501 Gentlemen Mr. C. H. Everett . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. J. Rogers . I Mr. W. Piimington j Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 77 65 333 291 67 229 69 , 259 46 I 178 i 56 240 69 66 66 264 72 274 Hits 283 45 294 I 40 43 34 41 Score Hits Score 209 191 825 ' 176 171 761 1 213 176 706 140 175 673 207 153 625 Thirty-nine ladies and thirty-live gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 223 The Thirty-third Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on July 5 and 6, 1876, at Sandown Park, near Esher, Surrey. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 47 44 44 44 39 35 43 44 43 Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Butt Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Kinahan Miss M. A. Hollins Mrs. Kane Miss Croker . Mrs. D. Ainsworth Miss H. Hutchinson Mrs. Horniblow . 91 87 69 75 74 75 67 70 65 483 409 325 303 330 331 307 304 283 269 202 246 246 201 195 207 202 217 138 752 131 611 113 571 119 , 549 113 , 531 110 526 110 514 114 506 108 500 Mrs. Butt won the silver bracer with all the points. Gextlemes Mr. H. H. Palairet . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. Rogers Mr. W. Rimington . Mr. G. E. S. Fryer 100 Yards Hits Score 59 ! 233 78 ' 358 70 ' 248 51 I 201 61 I 235 53 ! 195 80 Yards 60 Yards Toi -U-S Hits Score Hits Score Hits 181 Score 1 773 77 313 45 227 60 208 42 204 180 770 56 232 39 203 165 683 54 240 43 225 148 666 59 231 39 163 159 629 63 225 38 184 154 604 Mr. H. H. Palairet became the Champion with 8 points after a very close contest during the shooting of the last 3 arrows at 60 yards with Major Fisher, who won the 2 points for hits and score at 100 yards. In the handicap match on the next day Mrs. Horniblow made 340, and Mr. Everett 427. Sixty-three ladies and fifty-three gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Fourteenth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Sahsbury on August 2 and 3, 1876, when fifty-three ladies and forty gentlemen shot. 224- ARCHER V L.VDrES 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits j Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh . . 86 Miss E. Pinckney ... 81 Mrs. Horniblow ... 78 Mrs. Kane .... 65 Mrs. E. Lister . . . , 63 ■ 1 368 345 316 289 271 46 45 45 47 40 266 213 223 233 216 132 1 634 126 1 558 123 539 112 ' 522 1 103 487 100 Yards 80 Yard.s 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hirs Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet . 64 234 64 302 45 229 173 765 Mr. C. H. Everett . 69 271 59 229 44 204 172 704 Mr. H. Walrond . 55 201 62 250 46 236 163 687 Mr. J. Penrose 56 210 63 259 44 198 163 667 Mr. H. B. Hare . 44 160 65 285 36 172 145 617 Mr. P. F. Legh 49 169 57 231 39 193 145 593 Miss E. Pinckney and Mr. Palairet became Championess and Champion of the West. The Twenty-third Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 27 and 28, 1877. Forty ladies and twenty-seven gentlemen shot. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss W. Butt M. A. HoUins Kinahan Piers F. Legh Legh 1). Ainsworth Acklom E. Lister H. Hiitchinson 88 85 87 86 80 81 77 73 75 Hits Score 432 413 383 370 378 353 361 313 327 Hits Score Hits 45 275 133 45 287 130 46 248 133 46 260 132 47 249 127 40 202 121 46 188 123 38 214 111 42 196 117 707 700 631 630 627 555 549 527 523 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 22C Gentlemen 100 Yanls 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits I Score ! Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. H. EUiott. 66 77 58 262 299 220 77 72 59 363 286 247 41 213 184 44 ' 242 193 37 185 154 838 827 652 Mrs. W. Butt scored 365 on June 29 in the handicap match. The Nineteenth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 12 and 13, 1877. Forty-six ladies and forty gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Butt Mrs. Kinahan Miss Legh Mrs. ]\IarshaU Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. P. Pinckney . Mrs. Kane Mrs. Hulse . 91 87 84 83 80 77 79 65 477 439 372 359 356 317 385 297 45 45 48 45 47 44 40 43 241 221 266 261 251 266 198 221 136 132 132 128 127 121 119 108 718 660 638 620 607 583 583 518 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals &EXTLEiIEX i Hits 1 Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score INIajor C. H. Fisher 95 389 1 72 330 43 213 210 932 Mr. P. Pinckney . i 73 307 69 1 313 47 243 189 863 Mr. H. H. Palau-et . 67 269 75 341 43 213 185 823 Mr. W. Eimington . 77 301 70 288 36 154 183 743 Mr. E. N. Snow . 47 173 66 268 43 199 156 640 Mr. H. Sagar . ! 64 242 59 205 37 189 150 636 Mr. H. Wah-ond . 51 185 60 244 38 180 149 609 Mr. J. Rogers . 62 198 60 246 36 164 158 608 Major Lewin, R.E. 46 204 58 218 42 186 146 608 226 ARCHERY The Thirty-fourth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held at Doncaster, on the Eacecourse, on August 8 and 9, 1877. LADIES GO Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 46 42 45 46 42 46 44 Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Butt Miss M. A. HoUins Mrs. D. Ainsworth Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Piers F. Legh 80 84 73 72 70 75 73 414 376 327 316 320 319 311 262 220 253 244 216 188 196 126 126 118 118 112 121 117 676 596 580 560 516 507 507 Mrs. Butt won the silver bracer with 5^ points. Miss Hollins won the point for hits at 60 yards, and made an equal number of gross hits with Mrs. Butt ; and Mrs. Horniblow made the same number of hits at 50 yards as Mrs. Butt. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards | Totals 1 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits 38 40 41 39 Score Hits ; Score 1 Mr. W. Eimington . Mr. H. H. Palairet . ; Mr. Betham . Mr. G. E. S. Fryer. 55 46 54 58 227 170 242 222 70 61 54 53 290 259 206 229 186 220 179 159 163 703 147 649 149 627 150 610 Mr. W. Eimington became Champion with 7 points. Mr. Betham won the 2 points for score at 100 yards and hits at 60 yards ; Mr. Fryer the point for hits at 100 yards ; and Mr. Palairet the point for score at 60 yards. In the handicap match on the next day — August 10 — Mrs. Butt scored 44 hits, 280 sc. and 24 hits, 154 sc. = 68 hits, 434 sc, and Miss Hollms 362. Mr. Palairet scored 400. The weather on the two first days at this meeting was most unsuitable. Forty-four ladies and fifty-four gentlemen attended this meeting. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 227 The Fifteenth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Bitton, near Teignmouth, on August 29 and 30, 1877, when forty-nine ladies and thirty gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. C. E. Nesham 74 360 44 240 118 600 Miss E. Pincknev . 75 327 46 240 121 567 Miss C. Eatlford . 82 392 41 173 123 565 Mrs. V. Forbes 71 329 40 202 111 531 Mrs. Gataker 71 301 44 214 115 515 Miss Follett 68 302 41 201 109 503 Miss E. Matthews 64 294 40 206 104 500 lOO Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOT.tLS Gentlkmex Hits Score Hits 1 Score Hits 1 Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fislier 91 357 66 292 41 201 198 850 Mr. P. Pinckney . 73 251 67 307 42 228 182 786 Mr. H. H. Palairet . 67 263 70 288 44 198 181 749 Mr. 0. L. Clare 75 285 48 186 43 205 166 676 Mr. H. Walrond . 57 219 65 255 43 195 165 669 Miss E. Pinckney and Mr. P. Pinckney — sister and brother — became Chami^ioness and Champion of the West. The Twenty-fourth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 26 and 27, 1878. Thu'ty-one ladies and twenty-nine gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow Miss M. A. Hollins Miss Legh .... Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. W. Betham . 89 80 81 81 71 399 412 375 331 311 46 44 43 45 41 260 206 219 249 213 135 124 124 126 112 659 618 594 580 524 Q 2 228 ARCHERY 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gkntlemux Hits Score Hits t Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher 83 359 73 307 41 183 197 849 Mr. C. H. Everett . 82 298 68 310 44 202 194 810 Mr, Betham . 70 278 61 277 29 161 160 716 Mr. G. L. Aston . 55 199 65 231 44 214 164 644 Mr. W. Yates Foot 37 163 61 223 i 43 1 223 141 609 On June 28, in the handicap match, Miss Hohins scored 387, and Mr. C. H. Everett 460. The Twentieth Grand Annual Cr^'stal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 10 and 11, 1878. . 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals L.UJIES Hits 90 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall 482 43 217 133 699 Mrs. Horniblow . 86 418 47 241 133 659 Mrs. D. Amsworth 84 370 43 241 127 611 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 78 354 46 244 124 598 Miss M. Protheroe 71 347 42 180 113 527 Miss Ellis 69 317 38 200 107 517 Mrs. Berens 71 321 40 188 111 •509 Miss Benwell 68 298 46 204 114 502 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 928 850 770 693 684 680 659 659 Mr. H. H. Palairet Mr. W. Rimington . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. Walrond . Mr. G. W. Chapman Mr. Betham . Mr. 0. K. Prescot . Mr. C. H. Everett . 75 67 78 58 46 57 75 64 299 305 308 198 176 219 301 244 76 73 56. 57 67 65 55 57 382 329 218 261 305 251 227 253 47 44 46 44 39 36 35 34 247 216 244 234 203 210 131 162 198 184 180 159 152 158 165 155 Thirty-seven ladies and thirty-four gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS J29 The Thirty-fifth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on July 24 and 25, 1878, at Tunbridge Wells, on the Cricket-ground. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Horniblow Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss Legh Miss M. A. HoUins Mrs. D. Ainsworth Mrs. E. Lister 87 86 85 79 78 79 71 425 406 367 369 344 319 297 45 46 44 42 42 42 39 267 226 246 186 190 196 199 132 132 129 121 120 121 110 692 632 613 555 534 515 496 Mrs. Marshall won the silver bracer with 6 points ; Mrs. Horniblow having won the point for hits at 50 yards, and tied with Mrs. Marshall for gross hits. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet . Mr. 0. Leigh Clare Mr. W. Piimington . Mr. C. H. Everett . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. Betham . Mr. Eyre W. Hussey Mr. Wah-ond . Mr. A. Henty . Mr. G. E. S. Fryer Mr. G. W. Chapman 83 74 56 64 63 62 58 55 54 54 44 335 286 234 246 259 270 268 191 194 208 150 72 77 66 60 53 56 59 56 58 55 58 360 371 286 282 247 240 217 248 226 235 262 47 39 48 38 40 41 42 40 42 36 39 237 183 286 194 208 167 170 196 192 162 191 202 190 170 162 156 159 159 151 154 145 141 932 840 806 722 714 677 655 635 612 605 603 Mr. Palairet became Champion, having won 7 points. Mr. Clare won the point for hits at 80 yards, and Mr. Eimington w^on the points for hits and score at 60 yards. In the handicap match on the next day — July 26 — Mrs. Piers F. Legh scored 360, and Mr. Piimington 401. Sixty-two ladies and fifty-six gentlemen shot at thi meetmar. 210 ARCHERY The Sixteenth Grand Western Archery Society's Meeting was held at Weymouth, on August 7 and 8, 1878, on the ground of the Weymouth Archery Society. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. C. E. Nesham Mrs. Piers F. Legli 74 68 79 348 336 315 44 41 43 244 215 227 118 109 122 592 551 542 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Wab-ond . 56 228 73 327 46 260 175 815 Mr. H. H. Palairet . 70 278 76 328 42 180 188 786 Mr. A. Me-^a-ick 45 165 63 261 44 216 152 642 Mr. Piers F. Legh . 55 219 58 242 39 175 152 636 Mr. E. N. Snow 54 200 57 223 38 210 149 633 Mr. C. H. Everett . 68 254 53 193 39 175 160 622 On August 9, in the handicap match, Mrs. Piers F. Legh made 315 and Mrs. Horniblow 314. The Twenty-fifth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 25 and 26, 1879. Thirty ladies and twenty-five gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss M. A. Hollins Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. HuLse .... Miss E. D. Pryce . Mrs. Butt ' ." . 89 84 74 77 60 45 455 408 356 327 282 245 48 43 44 40 42 23 288 207 208 208 222 119 137 127 118 117 102 68 743 615 ; 564 535 504 364 ' Mrs. Butt shot only on the first day of the meeting one-half the National Hound. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 231 GjiNTI,E.Mi:X 100 Yai-ds 80 Yards GO Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Mr. C. e! Nesham . Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. H. Sagar . Mr. E. N. Snow Mr. Betham . 68 66 61 56 60 268 258 251 218 210 63 62 55 53 48 269 240 241 207 222 34 42 36 42 39 156 190 152 206 197 165 693 170 ; 688 152 644 151 631 147 629 Miss Hollins, on June 27, in the handicap match, scored 353. The Twenty-first Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meetuiff was held on July 10 and 11, 1879. Ladies 60 Y'ards 50 Yards Toi ALS Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall 86 428 46 248 132 676 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 89 397 45 269 134 666 Mrs. C. H. Everett 84 382 42 258 126 640 Mrs. Butt . 81 411 44 218 125 629 Miss H. Hutchinson 76 328 47 241 123 569 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 78 352 41 183 119 535 Mrs. Hulse . 75 325 42 194 117 519 Miss E. D. Pryce . 69 337 38 176 107 513 Miss C. Radford . 75 291 40 220 115 511 Miss F. Shater 74 356 37 145 111 501 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. W. Eimington . 83 327 85 i 379 46 260 214 966 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 66 214 66 308 45 267 177 789 Mr. E. N. Snow 65 261 70 314 42 186 177 761 Mr. H. Sagar . 60 268 61 249 42 208 163 725 Mr. ^\"ah'ond . 54 190 68 326 43 207 165 723 i Mr. A. T. D. Berrington . 59 227 64 248 43 185 166 660 Mr. C. H. Everett . 58 250 56 232 36 166 150 648 Mr. H. Elliott 57 229 53 217 40 184 150 630 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 1 49 199 56 246 34 156 139 601 Forty-eight ladies and thirty gentlemen shot. 232 ARCHERY The Thirty-sixth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on August 6 and 7, 1879, at Cheltenham, on the College Cricket-ground. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. Bntt . Mrs. E. Lister Miss M. A. Hollins Mrs. Hulse . Mrs. C. E. Nesham Mrs. Hornby Miss E. Matthews. Miss 1. Carter Miss H. Hutchinson Lady Harberton . 84 86 89 67 72 66 77 71 74 67 68 77 462 424 437 379 304 314 331 303 344 337 318 341 46 46 47 48 43 44 43 41 33 38 44 33 246 264 235 268 241 224 197 223 181 182 196 159 130 132 136 115 115 110 120 112 107 105 112 110 708 688 672 647 545 538 528 526 525 519 514 500 On this occasion Mrs. Marshall won the silver hracer with the highest score, as she and Mrs. Butt each had 3 points — the former for gross score and for score at 60 yards, and the latter for gross hits and for hits at 60 yards. Mrs. Legh won the points for hits and score at 50 yards. "iOO Y''ards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals ' Hits 58 70 65 53 59 66 54 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. W. Rimington . Mr. E. Walters Mr. P. S. Nevile . Mr. Walrond . Mr. A. T. D. Berrington Mr. Betham . Mr. C. H. Everett . 244 256 249 201 223 256 230 64 70 61 73 56 47 58 304 254 261 265 236 187 212 43 47 43 44 43 41 35 251 219 183 212 203 201 159 165 187 169 170 158 154 147 799 729 693 1 678 i 662 ! 644 601 Mr. Walters became Champion with 4^ points — gross hits, hits at 100 yards and at 60 yards, and a tie with Mr. Betham for score at 100 yards. Mr. Eimington won 3 points, for gross PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS ^}>1> score and for score at 80 yards; and Mr. Walrond won the point for hits at 80 yards. Eighty-three ladies and sixty-one gentlemen shot. Mrs. Butt scored 381, and Mrs. Piers F. Legh 370; Mr. Walters 458, Mr. Berrington 430, and Mr. Eimington 414, in the handicap match on August 8. The Sixteenth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Teignmouth, in Mr. Parson's grounds, on August 13 and 14, 1879. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits ' Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Butt .... Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss Isabel Carter Miss K. Lowe 89 445 89 ; 469 84 402 77 343 1 47 45 44 42 299 231 234 220 136 134 128 119 744 700 636 563 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards 1 Totals Hits Score Hits 76 72 59 63 59 61 59 Score 372 308 251 249 221 275 247 Hits 45 45 39 36 40 33 40 Score 221 235 207 152 210 151 166 Hits Score Mr. W. Eimington . Mr. Wah-ond . Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. E. N. Snow Mr. W. Yates Foot Mr. H. Kendall . 79 48 53 71 52 57 58 327 166 225 273 202 205 216 200 920 165 1 709 151 683 170 1 674 151 633 151 631 157 ! 629 Forty-six ladies and twentv-seven p-entlemen shot. The Twentj^-sixth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 23 and 24, 1880. Thirty-seven ladies and thirty-three gentlemen shot. 234 ARCHERY Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Butt .... Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. Piers F. Legli Miss Legh .... Miss M. A. HoUins Miss M. Allen 80 84 86 78 73 72 378 404 388 360 355 338 46 45 47 42 39 40 282 249 243 246 175 174 126 129 133 130 112 112 660 653 631 606 530 512 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards 1 Totals ] G-E\TIlEME\ 1 Hits 79 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. W. Eiraington . 325 70 314 47 249 196 888 Mr. R. Walters 71 251 64 318 39 177 174 746 Mr. J. H. Bridges 64 228 66 298 41 213 171 739 1 Mr. Piers F. Legh 64 256 57 223 39 187 160 666 i Mr. G. L. Aston 51 195 64 298 31 1 143 146 636 Mr. C. E. Nesham 74 296 50 190 35 149 159 635 Mr. G. 0. Pardee 46 184 64 276 37 169 147 629 Mr. EjTe W. Hussey 62 232 54 212 39 163 155 607 In the handicap match on June 25 Mrs. Piers F. Legh, Mrs. E. Lister, and Mrs. Butt scored 367, 364, and 337 re- si3ectively, and Mr. C. E. Nesham and Mr. J. H, Bridges 421 and 409. The Twenty-second Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 1 and 2, 1880. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards 1 Totals Gextlemex Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 194 Hits j Score Mr. W. Eimington . 88 350 71 319 40 199 863 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 68 262 64 272 37 169 169 703 Mr. C. H. Everett . 75 281 54 236 40 174 169 691 Mr. R. Walters 70 248 63 243 38 196 171 687 Mr. H. KendaU . 41 149 67 325 42 200 150 674 Mr. G. 0. Pardee . 54 200 58 266 38 182 150 648 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 53 197 57 249 40 188 150 634 Mr. G. G. Phillips . 60 218 57 271 33 141 150 630 Mr. P. S. Nevile . 37 141 67 273 42 204 146 ' 618 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 235 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Ladies Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh 82 408 45 235 127 643 Mrs. Marshall 85 893 44 246 129 639 Mrs. Horniblow 81 393 42 246 123 639 Mrs. Butt 77 367 45 255 122 622 Mrs. Kinahan 85 415 41 191 126 606 Miss F. Shuter 83 399 40 198 123 597 Miss M. Norton 84 390 38 184 122 574 Miss Ellis 76 356 41 211 117 567 Miss C. Radford 69 281 44 238 113 519 Miss I. Carter 65 275 46 244 111 519 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 71 305 41 197 112 502 Fifty-four ladies and twenty-six gentlemen shot. The Thirty-seventh Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on July 28 and 29, 1880, at Shrewsbury. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. Butt Mrs. Marshall Mrs. C. H. Everett Mrs. D. Ainsworth Miss Legh . j Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey 78 86 77 75 76 69 72 66 346 372 351 343 352 311 308 302 46 47 48 44 41 41 43 38 254 221 238 226 187 185 181 180 124 133 125 119 117 110 115 104 600 593 589 569 539 496 489 382 Mrs. Horniblow, with the second score, won the silver bracer with 4 points — namely, 2 for most hits and 2 for score and hits at 60 yards. Mrs. Legh had 3 points, 2 for highest gross score and 1 for score at 60 yards. Mrs. Butt had 1 point for hits at 50 yards. A very close contest between the three first ladies. Mr. Palairet became Champion with 9 points. Mr. Rimington won the point for score at 60 yards. 236 ARCHERY 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score , Mr. H. H. Palairet 68 272 81 401 46 224 195 1 897 ' Mr. C. H, Everett . 62 248 71 287 43 227 176 762 L Mr, W. Rimington . 57 201 54 192 43 239 154 632 ! Captain M. Allen . 43 179 58 226 45 227 146 632 Mr. C. E. Nesham , 48 164 50 204 40 208 138 576 Mr. G. G. Phillips . 54 194 52 204 41 177 147 575 Sixty-nine ladies and fift}^- seven gentlemen shot at this meeting. The weather and the ground were anything but good. In the handicap match on the next day — July 30 — Mrs. Butt's score was — 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 47 289 24 132 = 71 421 Mr. Everett's score was 471. This meeting was made memorable by the retirement of the Eev. 0. Luard from the office of Hon. Secretary of the Grand National Archery Society, after having acted as Secre- tary at thirty-six meetings — in fact, at every meeting hitherto, except the first in 1844. He was presented with a compli- mentary scroll, setting out the universal appreciation of his services, and with a purse containnig 200 guineas. Mr. Palairet was elected to succeed Mr. Luard as Hon. Secretary. The Seventeenth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Sherborne on August 11 and 12, 1880. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Y;\rds Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Ripley .... Mrs. D. Ainsworth Miss I. Carter Miss E. M. Farrington . 79 77 75 80 389 337 325 362 43 43 42 35 245 223 232 179 122 120 117 115 634 560 557 541 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS '■37 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palaii-et 77 319 79 403 47 221 203 943 Mr. Walrond . 69 307 61 265 42 196 172 768 Mr. C. H. Everett . 82 322 60 240 41 199 183 761 Mr. 0. K. Prescot . 61 243 63 249 34 152 158 644 Mr. H. P. Okeden . 41 185 56 242 39 191 136 618 Miss I. Carter and Mr. Palairet became Championess and Champion of the West. Fifty-four ladies and thirty-two gentlemen shot. The First Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held at York on September 1 and 2, 1880. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. C. E. Nesham Mrs. H. Clarke . Mrs. Eyre W. H^^ssev Mrs. W. Yates Foot ' Mrs. D. Aiiisworth Mrs. W. C. Booth . Mrs. Kinahan Miss M. A. Holhns 82 76 75 81 81 70 72 82 85 402 360 321 349 367 284 256 374 363 45 44 48 44 41 48 40 35 39 239 216 254 202 183 266 188 169 147 127 120 123 125 122 118 112 117 124 641 576 575 551 550 550 544 543 510 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen" Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Hits Score Mr. W. Rimington . 65 243 79 361 45 1 231 189 835 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 66 250 70 300 41 209 177 759 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 60 220 68 282 47 221 175 723 Mr. P. S. Nevile . 61 257 63 263 43 201 167 721 Mr. G. L. Aston . 57 211 61 277 41 223 159 711 Mr. G. G. Hulme . 44 186 62 248 45 231 151 665 Mr. G. G. Phillips . 65 279 51 183 44 188 160 650 Mr. Eyre W. Husse^■ . 54 220 64 266 33 157 151 643 Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . 63 239 57 231 32 140 152 610 238 ARCHERY Mrs. H. Clarke and Mr, P. S. Nevile became Championess and Champion of the North. Fifty-seven ladies and thirty-seven gentlemen shot. The Twenty-seventh Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on Jmie 22 and 23, 1881. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss Legh . Mrs, Butt . Miss M, A. HoUins Mrs. Hiilse . Mrs, W, Yates Foot Miss H, Hutchinson 87 90 87 81 71 68 57 471 436 441 367 313 324 297 48 46 45 46 40 36 38 252 260 225 240 216 184 206 135 136 132 127 111 104 95 723 696 666 607 529 508 503. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mr, C, H, Everett Mr, P, F. Legh Mr. C. E. Nesham Mr. E. N. Snow Mr. G. 0. Pardoe Mr. 0. K. Prescot Mr. H. Sagar . Mr. W.Ford . 79 70 74 50 49 55 63 53 327 292 268 190 207 197 249 199 55 70 71 64 61 61 49 58 235 43 302 36 309 41 252 39 225 44 265 40 195 34 128 \ 39 207 164 171 221 216 156 160 175 177 176 186 153 154 156 146 150 769 758 748 663 648 618 604 602 Thirty-four ladies and thirty-four gentlemen shot. Mr. Everett scored 444 in the handicap match on the next •day. The Twenty-third Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 7 and 8, 1881. Thirty-nine ladies and twenty-four gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 239 Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs. Legh Piers F. Legh Butt . E;yTe W. Hiissey Marshall F. Shuter H. Hutchinson Horniblow . Kane P. Pinckney . Hulse . Friend . W. Yates Foot E. 0. Parr . C. E. Nesham 60 Hits yards 80 Yards Totals Score Hits Score Hits Score 81 385 48 280 129 665 80 402 46 23() 126 (538 86 392 46 244 132 636 79 409 42 200 121 609 81 399 39 207 120 606 81 391 44 204 125 595 I "^3 337 43 221 118 558 1 77 351 44 202 121 553 73 325 43 225 116 550 70 318 44 222 114 540 75 319 41 211 116 530 72 310 42 220 114 530 75 351 43 167 118 518 70 314 46 198 116 512 80 320 40 186 120 506 r Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 86 346 54 232 37 183 177 761 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 68 264 70 276 44 216 182 756 Mr. W. Rimmgton . 76 276 68 282 44 196 188 754 Mr. P. F. Legh 62 262 56 248 46 224 164 734 Mr. E. N. Snow . 69 251 64 266 43 199 176 716 Mr. C. H. Everett . 48 212 68 294 40 188 156 694 Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . 53 193 69 287 37 159 159 639 Mr. Eyre W. Hussev 52 208 52 224 39 201 143 633 Mr. 0. K. Prescot . 58 216 53 217 38 184 149 617 The Nineteenth Grand Western Archer}- Meeting was held at Bath on August 3 and 4, 1881, when seventy-four ladies and forty-five gentlemen shot. Miss Legh's score of 840 is an achievement never yet ap- proached at a public meeting of two days' duration, and every one of her 144 arrows were in the target. Her scores were — 60 Yards Hits Score 48 252 48 282 50 Yards Hits Score 24 156 24 150 Totals Hits Score - 72 408 the first day, = 72 432 the second day. 240 ARCHERY \ 60 Yards 50 Yards ' Totals \ Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Legli Miss I. Carter Mrs. Butt . Mrs. EjTe W. Hussey Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. Kane Miss H. Hutchinson 96 84 84 76 75 73 72 534 444 402 356 351 329 314 48 306 45 245 48 264 46 256 47 257 43 233 42 204 144 129 132 122 122 116 114 840 689 666 612 608 562 518 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Y'ards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet. 76 852 81 375 45 255 202 982 Mr. C. H. Everett . 100 394 74 330 41 183 215 907 Major C. H. Fisher 74 322 75 387 42 188 191 897 Mr. W. Einiington . 62 256 70 286 45 239 177 781 Captain M. Allen . 57 225 66 294 43 203 166 722- Mr. E. N. Snow . 59 217 59 255 42 214 160 686 Mr. H. Kendall . 52 236 58 234 40 186 150 656 Mr. C. E. Kesham . 67 273 58 226 33 141 158 640 Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . 43 159 67 287 42 186 152 632 Mr. PeiTy-Keene . 62 242 54 194 33 185 149 621 Mr. A. Meyrick 52 ! 220 54 218 40 166 146 604 Miss I. Carter and Mr. Palairet became Championess and Champion of the West. Mr, C. H. Everett scored 477 in the handicap match on the next dav, August 5. The Thirty-eighth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on July 20 and 21, 1881, at Four Oaks Park, Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham. Miss Legh won the silver bracer with all the points ; and her score of 763 has only once been beaten by Mrs, Horniblow, in 1873, who made 764, only 1 more. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 241 60 Yards 50 Yards TOTALvS Hits Score j Hits Score Hits Score Miss Legh Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Butt . Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey Mrs. Horniblow . Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. E. Lister Mrs. W. Y. Foot . Miss M. A. HoUins Miss Steel 92 75 85 79 68 70 74 65 72 66 482 399 399 359 340 320 324 303 320 272 47 46 43 46 44 46 42 42 44 46 281 246 225 246 226 230 224 232 212 250 139 121 128 125 112 116 116 107 116 112 763 645 624 605 566 550 548 535 532 522 GEXTLE-MEX 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals ' Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score Mr. H. H. Palau-et . Mr. J. H. Bridges . Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. W. Piimington . Cai^tain M. Allen . Mr. G. L. Aston Mr. E. N. Snow . Mr. C. F. Garratt . ' 66 65 62 68 65 ! 65 44 60 51 55 1 260 243 248 302 231 243 146 236 187 195 78 67 69 54 65 53 66 60 65 57 352 307 285 238 273 239 278 238 293 231 47 42 41 39 38 41 48 42 39 40 237 204 209 175 196 197 246 192 183 190 191 1 849 174 1 754 172 742 161 715 168 700 159 679 158 ' 670 162 ; 666 155 663 152 616 Mr. Palairet won the Championsliip with 6 points. Mr. Nesham won the points for hits and score at 100 yards ; and Captain Allen the points for hits and score at 60 yards. Fifty-seven ladies and fifty-six gentlemen shot at this meeting. In the handicap match on July 22 Mr. Palairet scored 434. The Second Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held in Croxteth Park, near Liverpool, on August 24, 25, and 26, 1881. B >42 ARCHER Y Mrs. Piers F. Legli Mrs. Butt . Mrs. D. Ains worth Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey Miss Steel . Hits Score 81 79 68 71 65 419 351 316 325 303 50 Yards Hits Score 42 43 42 37 39 Hits Score 230 209 204 183 123 122 110 108 201 1 104 649 560 520 508 504 100 Tards 80 Tards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet . 59 221 71 329 43 211 173 761 Mrs. D. Ainsworth and Mr. G-. Greenwell became Cham- pioness and Champion of the North. The next score was Mr. G. 0. Pardoe's of 536. The weather at this meeting was most nnfavourahle, with storms of wind and almost constant rain. In 1882 there was no Leamington Archery Meeting, as the Grand National Archery Meeting was held there. The Twenty-fourth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on June 29 and 30, 1882. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits I Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet . Mr. W. Eimington . Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. R. Walters Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. Eyre W. Hussey Mr. H. Kendall . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. J. Hayllar 99 69 84 59 57 54 57 53 61 63 437 283 354 253 245 206 213 191 225 251 80 64 61 61 70 62 61 68 53 57 346 294 303 267 298 290 245 296 215 233 42 45 28 39 39 39 39 37 36 30 242 219 130 211 187 211 177 139 164 118 221 178 173 159 166 155 157 158 150 150 1025 796 787 731 730 707 635 626 604 602 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 243 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Ladies Hits Score Hits Score Hits 1 Score 1 1 Miss Legh .... 88 514 46 278 134 792 Miss I. Carter 87 459 47 255 134 714 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 91 455 46 226 137 681 Miss F. Shuter 87 425 45 211 132 636 Mrs. Butt 84 398 45 227 129 625 Mrs. Kinahan 80 400 42 214 122 614 Mrs. Marshall 85 413 38 184 123 597 Mrs. Graily Hewitt 82 396 43 199 125 595 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 78 352 41 227 119 579 Miss H. Hutchinson 77 373 38 192 115 565 Miss F. Bartlswell 80 382 40 182 120 564 Mrs. C. H. Everett 84 370 41 191 125 561 Mrs. A. Waithman 75 349 44 204 119 553 Mrs. W.Y. Foot . 72 320 43 213 115 533 Miss C. Eadford . 70 324 37 205 107 529 Miss Croker . 70 342 38 176 108 518 Mrs. Alex. Smith . 67 311 39 199 106 510 Miss E. 0. Parr . 67 273 44 236 111 509 Mrs. Kej-^vorth 71 267 43 239 114 506 1 Colonel Lewin acted as Hon. Secretary. Forty-three ladies and twenty-seven gentlemen shot. A Public Archery Meeting was held on the Cricket-ground of the Alexandra Park Company on July 6 and 7, 1882. Ladies 1 60 Yards | 50 Yards Totals ; Hits Score Hits Score t Hits Score Mrs. Butt .... Miss Legh .... Miss Steel .... 80 378 1 47 69 329 1 45 60 288 44 265 273 238 127 114 104 643 602 1 526 Nothing could well be worse than the weather during this meeting. The highest gentlemen's scores were Mr. H. Kendall, 151 hits, 625 score, and Mr. C. E. Nesham, 153 hits, 623 score. Twenty-nine ladies and twenty gentlemen shot. Better scores were made on the next day in the handicap k2 244 ARCHERY matcli— Miss Legh, 357 ; Mrs. Butt, 350 ; Mrs. P. F. Legh, 315 ; and Mrs. Key worth, 303. Mr. T. Aldred had the management of this meeting. The Thirty-ninth Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on July 26 and 27, 1882, in the Shrubland Hall Grounds (Mrs. Wise's), near Leamington. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh 86 460 48 290 134 750 Mrs. Marshall 81 409 48 276 129 685 Mrs. Horniblow . 81 395 45 229 126 624 Mrs. Butt 80 396 46 224 126 620 Miss F. Bardswell 76 364 46 248 122 612 Mrs. W. y. Foot . 81 397 42 214 123 611 Miss Legh 76 352 44 258 120 610 . Miss F. Shuter . 79 387 45 215 124 602 Miss Steel , 80 368 46 230 126 598 Miss I. Carter 73 321 45 249 118 570 Miss M. A. HoUins 71 311 45 231 116 542 Mrs. Kinahan 76 338 40 200 116 538 Miss Clayton . 68 308 45 213 113 521 1 Mrs. E. Lister 64 304 42 216 106 520 1 Mrs. Hnlse . 73 329 42 188 115 517 Mrs. G. Hewitt . 67 321 41 187 108 508 1 100 Yards 80 I'ards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet Mr. R. Walters Mr. W. Eimington . Mr. W. Ford . Mr. 0. K. Prescot . Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. C. J. Longman Mr. J. H. Bridges . Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . Mr. H. Sagar . Captain M. Allen . Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. H. Kendall . 78 60 75 57 67 81 55 74 54 51 46 43 48 63 340 260 311 221 243 319 227 266 212 161 230 189 178 257 75 72 67. 71 63 58 65 69 73 72 48 64 60 52 349 388 285 319 297 234 295 253 315 332 222 238 228 208 42 44 42 44 46 34 41 41 36 40 37 41 42 34 196 236 198 230 224 172 195 197 178 204 177 197 214 146 195 176 184 172 176 173 161 184 163 163 131 148 150 149 885 884 794 770 764 725 717 716 705 697 629 624 620 611 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 245 Mrs. Piers F. Legh won the silver bracer with all the points, except that Mrs. Marshall also made all the hits at 50 yards. Mr, Palairet won the Championship with 6 points, after a very close contest with Mr. Walters, who won 2 points for score at 80 and at 60 yards, and was only 1 behind in gross score. Mr. Nesham won the point for hits at 100 yards, and Mr. Prescot that for hits at 60 yards. Sixty-three ladies and fifty-five gentlemen shot at this meeting. On July 28, in the handicap match, Mr. Pardoe scored 411 and Mr. Walters 410. The Twentieth Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Exeter, on the Grammar School Cricket-gromid, on August 2 and 3, 1882, when sixty-four ladies and thirty-nine gentlemen phot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits , Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss I. Carter Mrs. Butt .... Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey . Miss F. Bardswell 74 332 67 ! 275 77 ' 353 77 343 65 305 42 46 38 31 41 226 260 166 161 187 116 113 115 108 106 558 535 519 504 492 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet Mr. W. Riniiugtou Mr. 0. K. Prescot Mr. R. Walters Mr. Perry- Keeue Mr. A. ]\ie^Tick Mr. E. W. Hussey 70 75 58 60 63 59 51 272 291 216 198 233 191 179 73 367 65 ! 283 64 278 69 301 66 300 61 239 58 232 42 41 44 37 35 38 43 184 237 208 189 137 186 201 185 181 166 166 164 158 152 823 811 702 I 688 670 616 612 In the handicap match on the next day Mr. 0. K. Prescot scored 480, and Mr. E. Walters 431. 246 ARCHERY The Third Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held at Harrogate, on the Cricket-ground, on August 23 and 24, 1882. Ladles 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. D. Ainsworth Miss Legh .... Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. Swire .... Mrs. Butt .... 81 79 73 65 66 65 365 349 313 303 322 257 46 41 44 40 37 46 286 201 228 208 187 234 127 120 117 105 103 111 651 550 541 511 509 491 Ge.vtlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. Perry-Keene Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. G. 0. Pardoe . 49 49 44 54 211 189 178 212 57 62 60 59 273 278 278 225 37 39 37 38 183 165 167 158 143 150 141 151 667 632 623 595 Mrs. D. Ainsworth and Mr. Houghton became Championess and Champion of the North. The Twenty-eighth Grand Leamington and Midland Ai'chery Meeting was held on June 27 and 28, 1883. Twenty-nine ladies and twenty-two gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards ] Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss Steel Miss F. Bardswell Mrs. D. Ainsworth Mrs. E. Lister Miss I. Carter Miss M. A. Hollins Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey Mrs. C. E. Nesham Mrs. W. Yates Foot Miss Legh Mrs. Keyworth 90 84 81 76 81 86 75 75 66 74 74 68 406 384 389 372 389 400 365 349 308 342 342 338 47 47 45 45 46 41 40 43 42 44 37 41 277 277 237 239 218 203 206 209 230 180 171 163 137 131 126 121 127 127 115 118 108 118 111 109 683 661 626 611 607 603 571 558 538 522 513 501 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS W 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 77 74 71 69 58 57 54 58 60 Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. H. Kendall . Mr. T. R. Dunne . Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe Mr. G. L. Aston . Mr. EjTe W. Hussey Mr. W. Ford . Hon. A. Hanbury . 75 87 64 59 53 57 51 60 54 305 341 248 193 189 223 191 212 190 347 314 333 279 208 253 234 226 230 45 38 39 41 46 38 41 37 40 223 197 148 199 203 174 221 109 260 157 172 1 152 191 1 146 175 i 155 186 154 875 803 784 693 657 648 616 613 606 111 the handicap match on June 29 Mrs. Piers F. Legh and Miss Legh scored 374 and 363 respectively, and Mr. C. E. Nesham 398. The Twenty-fifth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 12 and 13, 1883. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall Miss F. Bardswell Miss Pears . Mrs. D. Ainsworth Miss I. Carter Miss Steel . Miss H. Hutchinson Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey 85 83 79 75 77 71 75 73 357 403 373 357 349 325 341 349 45 41 45 43 45 45 43 37 265 199 201 215 219 243 197 177 130 124 124 118 122 116 118 110 622 602 574 572 568 568 538 526 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher . 72 234 81 359 45 235 198 828 Mr. C. E. Nesham . . 64 256 52 232 37 185 153 673 Mr. C. H. Everett . . 54 226 59 257 37 187 150 670 Mr. A. Meyrick . 45 195 63 297 36 170 144 662 Mr. T. E. Dunne . . 57 225 63 275 38 136 158 636 Mr. W. Eimington . . 42 180 57 243 43 195 142 618 Forty-seven ladies and twenty-nine gentlemen shot. ARCHERY The Twenty-first Grand Western Archery Meetmg was held at Sahsbury on July 25 and 26, 1883, when fifty-five ladies and forty-one gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits ! Score \ Hits Score Hits Score Miss Legh . Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss I. Carter Miss F. Bardswell Mrs. P. Pinckney . Miss H. Hutchinson Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey Miss C. Radford . Mrs. W. Yates Foot 85 84 86 79 78 80 83 79 73 433 376 392 377 374 346 383 349 297 47 47 44 43 42 45 38 43 39 249 271 236 235 238 245 196 197 207 132 131 130 122 120 125 121 122 112 682 647 628 612 612 591 579 546 504 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits 102 76 66 72 66 60 62 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits 218 195 186 179 162 153 165 Score Major C. H. Fisher Mr. H. KendaU Mr. H. H. Palairet . Mr. Eyre W. Hussey Mr. Piers F. Legh . Mr. N. liattray Mr. Perry Keene . 406 324 262 288 242 218 226 73 73 76 69 59 54 59 327 309 322 297 235 242 211 43 46 44 38 37 39 44 229 242 212 192 199 205 212 962 875 796 777 676 665 649 Miss I. Carter and Mr. H. H. Palairet became Championess and Champion of the West. The Fortieth Grand National Arehery Society's Meeting was held on August 1 and 2, 1883, at Cheltenham, on the College Cricket-ground. Sixty-seven ladies and sixty-four gentlemen shot at this meeting. Mrs. Legh won the silver bracer with 6 points. Miss I. Carter won the point for hits at 50 yards, and Mrs. Ainsworth the j)oint for score at the same distance. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 249 60 Yards 1 50 Yards Totals Ladies i Hits Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh . .92 484 i 46 278 138 712 Miss I. Carter 90 408 47 271 137 679 Miss Steel . 81 411 46 I 264 127 675 Mrs. D. Ainsworth 83 375 45 1 289 128 664 Mrs. Ej-re W. Hussey ! 80 400 47 1 243 127 643 Miss M. A. HoUins ' 78 396 44 . 228 122 624 Miss F. Bardswell 84 366 46 256 130 622 Miss C. Eadford . i 75 367 45 241 120 608 Mrs. Horniblow . i 80 364 45 239 125 603 Miss Legli 72 344 46 252 118 596 Miss Pardoe . i 79 391 44 200 123 591 Miss H. Hutchinson ' 81 347 46 232 127 579 Mrs. E. Lister 1 84 342 44 210 128 552 Mrs. Marshall 1 74 328 43 219 117 547 Mrs. C. H. Everett : 73 315 42 224 115 539 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 70 310 43 223 119 533 Mrs. W. Y. Foot . 68 290 44 242 112 532 Miss Hayllar 87 365 42 166 129 531 Miss Panter . 63 283 46 230 109 513 Miss Oakley . 71 299 41 213 111 512 Miss B. Oakley . ' 75 315 38 188 113 503 Mrs. Edgar . 63 303 38 198 101 501 ^ 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Tot ALS Gentlemen- Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. J. Longman 69 285 77 343 47 241 193 869 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 73 267 71 335 44 212 188 814 Major C. H. Fisher 72 296 63 307 45 203 180 806 Mr. H. H. Palairet . 68 238 71 353 42 200 181 791 Captain M. Allen 68 244 65 279 45 225 178 748 Mr. Piers F. Legh 65 263 60 282 38 188 163 733 Mr. C. E. Nesham 66 256 67 301 42 172 175 729 Mr. W. Eimington 58 212 60 290 43 225 161 727 Mr. E. Walters 69 253 75 309 37 163 181 725 Mr. H. Kendall 63 243 67 275 42 198 172 716 Mr. Perry-Keene 62 234 68 288 39 173 169 695 Mr. T. E. Dunne 67 223 72 294 37 173 176 690 Mr. 0. K. Prescot 59 217 72 278 39 181 170 676 Mr. G. L. Aston 51 203 66 280 38 180 155 663 Mr. Gregson . 63 205 63 277 43 177 169 659 Mr. Walrond . 55 207 61 237 41 209 157 653 Mr. C. H. Everett ': 60 216 59 209 41 195 100 620 Mr. A. Meyrick 1 43 147 57 291 39 181 139 619 Captain C. H. Garnett 50 188 60 250 39 179 149 617 250 ARCHERY Mr. Longman became Chamx^ion with 7 points. Mr. Hussey ^Yon the point for hits at 100 yards, Major Fisher the point for score at 100 yards, and Mr. Palairet the point for score at 80 yards. Mr. Longman also won the Spedding Memo- rial Challenge Cup, now first presented by the Eoyal Toxophilite Society, to be held by the maker of the highest gross score. In the handicap match on August 3, Miss Legh scored 416, Major Fisher 508, Mr. Nesham 442, and Mr. Dunne 417. The Fourth Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held at Derby on August 8, 9, and 10, 1883, when the weather was so unfavourable that the highest lady's score was that of Mrs. Piers F. Legh— 490, with 108 hits. The only notable scores made by gentlemen were — Gextlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards ! Totals Hits 54 58 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. F. A. Govett . Captain M. Alien . 220 238 49 211 47 189 39 41 191 142 622 189 146 \ 616 Mrs. T. Hibbert and Mr. Gregson became Championess and Champion of the North. The Twenty-ninth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held on June 12 and 13, 1884. Mrs. Marshall Miss M. A. Hollius Mrs. EjTe W. Hussey Miss F. Bardswell Mrs. Horniblow Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. W. Yates Foot Miss Steel 60 Yards 50 Yards Tot Kl£, Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 87 419 48 270 135 689 83 413 43 191 126 604 85 385 44 208 129 593 72 340 44 240 116 580 75 323 44 214 119 537 69 279 44 248 113 527 68 292 45 235 113 527 j 72 320 44 206 116 526 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 251 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 81 325 56 258 43 215 180 798 Mr. C. H. Everett . 73 287 64 294 33 153 170 734 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 58 244 57 225 46 262 161 731 Mr. H. J. B. KendaU 66 252 68 284 42 192 176 728 Mr. Eyre AV. Hussey 58 212 60 244 47 251 165 707 Mr. Gregson . 64 262 61 235 40 204 165 701 Mr. C. J. Longman 80 260 64 252 42 188 180 700 i Mr. T. E. Dunne . 1 56 218 66 280 38 178 160 676 Mr. G. L. Aston . 63 289 52 198 39 179 154 666 Mr. F. A. Govett . 1 54 198 54 210 40 188 148 596 In the handicap match on June 14 Mr. C. J. Longman scored 401. Twenty-nme ladies and twenty- seven gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Twenty-sixth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on July 12 and 13, 1884. Ladies 60 Yards i 50 Yards 1 Totals 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Piers F. Legh Mrs. Eyre AY. Hussey . Miss H. Hutchinson Miss Ellis .... 83 ' 475 ' 47 269 130 79 361 45 259 1 124 77 329 41 ! 215 118 71 329 42 194 113 66 298 44 212 110 1 744 620 544 523 510 GKSTLEMEN' Major C. H. Fisher Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. C. J. Longman Mr. H. Kendall Mr. Eyre W. Hussey Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. J. H. Bridges . Mr. Gregson . Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe 100 Yards Hits Score 90 92 69 65 66 54 61 78 54 348 344 225 241 244 208 211 320 178 Yards 60 Yards Hits Score I Hits i Score 74 340 64 262 76 374 65 295 70 310 59 263 60 244 47 207 58 230 46 224 43 249 44 244 43 : 223 42 I 178 39 199 Totals Hits Score 210 199 189 173 178 152 43 27 41 213 105 197 912 855 843 759 732 670 164 668 152 i 632 153 I 605 252 ARCHERY Thirty-eight ladies and twenty-t\YO gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Twenty-second Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Tainiton on July 23 and 24, 1884. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey . Miss I. Carter Miss F. Barclswell Miss M. Winwood 72 67 72 70 374 279 282 298 44 37 38 37 246 197 182 159 116 104 110 107 620 476 464 457 1 Gestlemek 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. C. J. Longman Mr. F. A. Govett . Mr. Eyre W. Hussej' Mr. H. Kendall . Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . Mr. Gregson . 79 82 57 66 48 53 46 57 353 314 209 260 178 195 190 203 69 69 67 55 64 66 58 68 303 303 269 233 262 244 226 216 44 47 44 35 44 40 42 40 258 241 222 179 192 168 190 174 192 198 168 156 156 159 146 165 914 868 700 672 632 607 606 593 Mr. and Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey became Champion and Championess of the West. Fifty ladies and thirty-eight gentlemen shot at this meeting. In the handicap match on July 25, the only good score was made by Mr. C. E. Nesham, 362. The Forty-first Grand National Archery Society's Meeting was held on August 6 and 7, 1884, on the Cricket-ground of St. Mark's School (Rev. Stephen Hawtra}') at Windsor. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 253 60 Yards 50 Yards TOTAM 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legli 88 434 47 267 135 701 Miss Oakley . 84 440 47 257 131 097 Miss Legh . 80 418 43 263 123 081 Mrs. Marshall 87 407 43 223 130 630 Miss B. Oakley 78 390 47 237 125 627 Miss Hayllar 81 387 42 212 123 599 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 78 350 45 245 123 595 Miss H. Hutchinson 81 351 46 234 127 585 Miss Pears . 76 348 42 232 118 580 Mrs. Horniblow . 79 353 46 216 125 569 Miss M. Winwoocl 69 329 43 239 112 568 Miss C. Eadford . 76 318 44 220 120 538 Miss I. Carter 72 316 43 191 115 507 Mrs. Piers F. Legh won the Challenge bracer with 6^ points. Miss Oakley won 1 point for score at 60 yards ; and she and Miss B. Oakley divided the point for hits at 50 yards with Mrs. P. F. Legh. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Tot 1 ALS Hits ■ 75 Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 1 941 Major C. H. Fisher 315 71 369 45 257 191 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 84 340 79 343 45 219 208 902 Mr. H. Kendall . 64 272 73 357 47 223 184 852 Mr. Gregson . 52 218 72 326 43 217 167 761 Captain M. Allen . 64 252 66 284 41 213 171 749 Mr. 0. L. Clare ^ . 63 229 73 327 36 182 172 738 Mr. N. Rattray i 51 223 62 250 45 211 158 684 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 63 235 62 268 39 171 164 674 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 49 205 61 239 42 228 152 672 Mr. F. A. Govett . 73 291 49 195 34 144 156 630 Mr. G. G. Hulme . 55 209 50 242 43 177 148 628 Mr. C. J. Longman , 46 158 66 280 40 180 152 618 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 52 168 55 219 44 228 151 615 Mr. C. E. Nesham won the Charapion's medal with 5 points. Major Fisher won the 2 points for gross score and the Spedding Challenge Cup, and 2 more points for score at 80 and at 60 yards. Mr. H. Kendall won the point for hits at 60 yards. ' Entered as Mr. Hindley. 254 ARCHER V 111 the handicap match on August 8 Mrs. P. F. Legh scored 357, and Miss Legh 354 ; Mr. C. E. Nesham 482, Mr. H. Kendall 411, and Mr. Gregson 406. Fifty-seven ladies and fifty gentlemen shot at this meeting. The weather was intensely hot. The Fifth Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held on the West Chff Cricket-ground at Preston, in Lancashire, on August 27 and 28, 1884. 60 Yards 50 Yards Toi ALS Ladies Hits Score Hit Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh 84 432 42 ■ 234 126 666 Miss Legh .... 90 426 45 233 135 659 Mrs. Eyre W. Hixssey . 84 380 47 275 131 655 Mrs. Waithman 70 332 41 223 111 555 Mrs. Swire .... 66 294 42 230 108 524 Mrs. H. Clarke . 64 298 43 217 107 515 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gextlemex Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 81 311 76 382 47 271 204 964 Mr. Gregson . 74 320 78 336 42 192 194 848 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 74 316 66 280 44 228 184 824 Mr. 0. L. Clare 57 247 63 245 38 176 158 668 Mrs. Waithman and Mr. Gregson became Championess and Champion of the North. Forty-four ladies and thirty-five gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Thirtieth Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on June 10 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 255 and 11, 1885, when twenty-nine ladies and thirty-eight gentle- men shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh 94 554 48 310 142 864 Miss Steel 1 85 389 47 257 132 646 Miss Legh 82 390 43 247 125 637 Mrs. Ep-e W. Hussey . 1 86 372 44 254 130 620 Miss F. Bardswell i 85 395 43 199 128 594 Miss B. Oakley 76 370 39 173 115 543 Mrs. Kevwortli 67 273 46 246 113 519 Mrs. Wade . 68 • 308 39 195 107 503 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 1 Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher 87 369 72 316 43 233 202 918 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 90 348 63 301 45 257 198 906 Mr. Perry-Keene . 70 284 70 272 45 213 185 769 Mr. E. Wahers 67 289 72 290 39 171 178 750 1 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 49 203 77 331 43 215 169 749 Mr. Gregson . 44 174 68 308 44 236 156 718 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 54 228 71 1 291 43 197 168 716 Mr. G. L. Aston . 65 251 68 1 260 34 180 167 691 Mr. H. Howman . 67 289 59 259 39 143 165 691 Mr. Piers F. Legh . 61 207 64 ! 272 41 199 166 678 Mr. Brodie Hoare . 36 134 78 352 39 179 153 665 Mr. H. H. Longman 60 228 65 263 32 146 157 637 Mr. H. Kendall 46 182 60 264 37 181 143 627 Mr. G. G. Hulme . 46 168 56 254 39 191 141 613 Miss Legh scored 352 and Mr. Hussey 390 in the handicap match on June 12. The Twenty-seventh Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on the Cricket-ground on July 9 and 10, 1885, when forty-eight ladies and twenty-nine gentlemen shot. Mr. Nesham acted as Hon. Secretary to the meeting. 256 ARCHERY 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals | Hits Score Hits Score 292 Hits Score Miss Legh .... 95 517 48 143 809 Mrs. Piers F. Legh 88 486 46 250 134 736 Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey 81 397 46 242 127 639 Miss F. Bardswell 80 372 45 231 125 603 Miss Carlisle 71 341 46 216 117 557 Miss Pears • 79 325 45 227 124 552 Miss Hayllar 76 318 46 230 122 548 Mrs. Stilwell. 72 342 41 205 113 547 ! Miss Milne . 68 312 43 225 111 537 \ Mrs. W. Yates Foot 71 317 42 196 113 513 Mrs. Marshall 70 294 44 218 114 512 1 Mrs. C. E. Nesham 72 316 43 191 115 507 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 76 324 73 313 47 223 196 860 Major C. H. Fisher 75 273 77 351 42 176 194 800 Mr. R. Walters 67 241 71 293 42 204 180 738 Mr. C. H. Everett . 65 265 67 279 38 188 170 732 Mr. Broclie Hoare . 68 266 62 252 41 197 171 715 Mr. H. KendaU 71 283 54 240 39 177 164 700 Mr. Perry-Keene . 69 277 , 58 236 38 184 165 697 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 58 226 66 282 43 185 167 693 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 42 138 i 61 271 47 269 150 678 Mr. Gregson . 34 140 58 248 46 238 138 1 626 1 The Twenty-third Grand Western Archery Meeting was held at Weymouth on July 22 and 23, 1885, when forty-nine ladies and twenty-eight gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey . Miss F. Bardswell Mrs. P. Pinckney . Mrs. W. Yates Foot Mrs. C. E. Nesham Miss M. Winwood 80 80 71 83 73 66 360 354 329 345 317 282 46 43 43 39 45 43 250 197 221 201 227 221 126 123 114 122 118 109 610 551 550 546 544 503 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 257 Gextlejiex lUO Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits I Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. E. Walters Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 84 56 56 39 324 220 202 129 66 66 53 66 268 264 193 252 46 43 44 40 250 209 208 196 196 165 153 145 842 693 603 577 Mr. and Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey became Champion and Championess of the West. Mrs. Hussey and Mr. Nesham scored 367 and 530 re- spectively in the handicap match on July 24. The Forty-second Grand National Archery Meeting was held in the College-grounds at Great Malvern on July 29 and 30, 1885, when sixty-four ladies and fifty-one gentlemen shot. GO Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Piers F. Legh Miss Legh Mrs. Eyre AV. Hussey Mrs. Marshall Miss Steel Miss B. M. Legh . Miss F. Bardswell 88 J, 1 460 91 417 84 386 84 , 360 77 345 75 363 72 310 47 289 44 258 46 248 42 228 41 197 42 172 43 217 135 135 130 126 118 117 115 749 675 634 588 542 535 527 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score i Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . Major C. H. Fisher Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe Mr. Perry-Keene . Mr. E. AValters Mr. H. KendaU . Mr. Eyre AV. Hussey Captain M. Allen . 94 79 52 46 69 61 51 54 356 381 211 194 291 241 213 216 72 68 64 67 59 62 58 62 316 310 310 261 251 270 248 252 45 40 40 45 32 33 42 37 245 194 224 261 130 159 184 153 211 187 163 158 160 156 151 153 917 885 745 716 672 670 645 621 258 ARCHER V Mrs. P. F. Legh became the Championess with 6 points, Miss Legh having 1 point for a tie on the gross hits, and 1 point for most hits at 50 yards. Mr. Nesham won the Champion's medal for most points — 7| — and the Spedding memorial cup with the highest score. Major Fisher won 1 point for hits at 100 yards, and Mr» Perry-Keene won 1^ points, having tied Mr. Nesham with 45 hits at 60 yards, and he w^on the point for highest score at 60 yards. Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey and Mrs. P. F. Legh scored 374 and 371 respectively in the handicap match on July 31, and Mr. C. E. Nesham and Mr. Perry-Keene scored 462 and 402 on the same day. The Sixth Annual Grand Northern Archery Meeting was held at York, on the Gentlemen's Cricket-ground, September 2 and 3, 1885, when forty-eight ladies and thirty-one gentle- men shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Tot ALS Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. W. Yates Foot . . 1 72 860 44 256 116 616 Mrs. T). Ainsworth 'i 84 392 45 219 129 611 Mrs. Eyre AV. Hussey 82 360 44 206 126 566 Miss F. Bardswell 74 294 46 244 120 538 Miss K. Slaarpe 70 296 42 233 113 529 Miss M. A. HoUins 61 295 45 225 106 520 Mrs. H. Clarke . 70 272 44 234 114 506 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards 1 Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 83 343 71 291 46 250 200 884 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 58 198 73 305 42 248 173 751 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 54 218 64 304 41 225 159 747 Mr. Gregson . 42 162 68 276 44 208 154 646 Mr. C. E. Thorpe . 56 190 54 276 32 156 142 622 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 259 Mrs. D. AmsAYortli became the Cliampioness of the North. Mr. Gregson became the Champion of the North. In the handicap match on September 4, Mr. Nesham scored 495, Mr. Metcalfe 411, and Mr. Hussey 401. The Thirty-first Grand Leamington and Midland Archery Meeting was held in the Jephson Gardens on Jmie 9 and 10, 1886, when twenty-three ladies and twenty-eight gentlemen shot. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Legh Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. EjTe W. Hussey Miss F^ Bardswell Mrs. Gihnour Mrs. W. Yates Foot Mrs. D. Amsworth Mrs. Berens . Mrs. Hibbert Mrs. Keyworth 83 78 84 85 81 74 64 72 73 74 409 386 354 385 369 372 292 326 323 318 45 45 45 45 40 39 45 41 40 40 253 247 259 223 210 179 247 189 188 182 128 123 129 130 121 113 109 113 113 114 662 633 613 608 579 551 539 515 511 500 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits 43 Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher 86 404 69 317 205 198 926 Mr. Perry-Keene . 77 293 83 353 42 234 202 880 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 93 339 69 277 44 222 200 838 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 80 354 62 240 42 242 184 836 Mr. Brodie Hoare . 60 236 60- 264 46 240 166 740 Colonel H. A. Burton 69 259 60 270 41 203 170 732 Mr. E. Walters 66 212 68 282 40 196 174 690 Captain Garnett 64 248 54 226 38 186 156 660 Mr. C. J. Longman 48 216 64 258 34 168 140 642 Mr. Gregson . 31 101 75 325 38 190 144 616 Mr. G. G. Hulme . 59 207 54 236 36 168 149 611 Mr. F. N. Garnett . 49 181 63 259 39 167 151 607 i Mr. Perry-Keene scored 474 in the handicap match on Jmie 11, 26o ARCHERY The Seventh Grand Northern Archery Meetmg was held at Lmcohi on June 23 and 24, 1886, when twenty-six ladies and nineteen gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. D. Ainsworth Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey . Miss F. Bardswell Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. Waithman . 82 75 75 78 67 350 343 375 370 301 46 248 42 i 242 43 207 43 ' 207 44 ' 238 128 117 118 121 111 598 585 582 577 539 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score 348 286 Hits 81 46 Score Hits Score Hits Score 969 686 Mr. Perry-Keene . Mr. C. E. Nesham . 88 74 377 178 46 44 244 222 215 164 Mrs. D. Ainsworth and Mr. Gregson (145 hits, 591 score) became Championess and Champion of the North, Mr. Perry-Keene scored 530 in the handicap match on June 25. The Twenty-eighth Grand Annual Crystal Palace Archery Meeting was held on the Cricket-ground on July 15 and 16, 1886. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Marshall Mrs. D. Ainsworth Mrs. Kinahan Mrs. Haijj;h . Miss A. Barton Mrs. Kcyworth Miss Hayllar Miss Norton . Miss F. Bardswell Miss C. Smith Mrs. Kane Miss Carlisle 79 84 83 75 67 72 72 70 71 71 71 68 391 3<)2 413 355 353 320 342 320 299 307 311 296 46 45 46 39 41 43 41 43 43 41 44 41 252 245 224 215 207 211 181 191 209 201 194 209 125 129 129 114 108 115 113 113 114 112 115 109 643 637 637 570 560 531 523 511 508 508 505 505 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 261 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 226 Hits Score Mr. Perrv-Keene . 87 339 73 379 44 204 944 Mr. Eyre AV, Hussev 55 243 69 367 42 242 166 852 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 81 299 71 315 42 206 194 820 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 62 266 69 283 38 200 169 749 Mr. J. H. Bridf^es . 58 218 61 297 43 185 162 700 Colonel H. A. Biirton 55 211 65 307 34 166 154 684 Captain M. Allen . 54 186 61 251 43 235 158 672 Mr. C. H. Everett . 56 222 67 255 38 200 161 677 Mr. H. KendaU . 62 266 48 198 40 196 150 660 Mr. Gedge 50 200 60 244 40 194 150 638 Mr. Burrowes 45 173 56 236 42 204 143 613 Mr. Erskine . 62 1 258 56 228 33 125 151 611 Mr. Walrond . 59 237 57 217 38 154 154 608 Colonel Lewin 58 228 53 223 34 150 145 601 Fifty-two ladies and thirty-five gentlemen shot. The Forty-third Grand National and the Twenty-fourth Grand Western Archery Meetings were united and held to- gether at Bath on July 29 and 30, 1886. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Tot ALS Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Legh .... 89 437 47 289 136 726 Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey 83 397 46 246 129 643 Mrs. Marshall 75 375 48 262 123 637 Mrs. D. Ainsworth 83 389 46 242 129 631 Miss Steel 84 416 43 211 127 627 Miss B. Oakley 84 420 39 201 123 621 Mrs. Gilling . 77 377 44 242 121 619 Mrs. Kinahan 80 368 43 225 123 593 Miss F. Bardswell 76 304 45 273 121 577 Miss C. Radford . 74 328 43 221 117 549 Miss M. "Winwood 76 332 41 217 117 549 Mrs. Horniblow . 1 73 341 42 188 115 529 Mrs. Berens . 76 364 40 164 116 528 Miss B. M. Legh . 68 316 41 203 109 519 Miss Pedder . 68 290 45 221 113 511 Mrs. Maltby . 67 317 38 194 105 511 Miss Palmer . 75 355 36 150 111 505 Mrs. Gilmoiir 1 "^5 311 41 191 116 502 262 ARCHERY 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TO'IALS GEXTLEMEN" Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 81 411 76 354 45 257 202 1022 Major C. H. Fisher 70 278 72 344 45 243 187 865 Mr*. E. Sharpe 75 309 71 303 42 180 188 792 Mr. J. H. Bridges . C2 222 68 322 42 206 172 750 Colonel H. A. Burton 70 300 60 266 39 179 169 745 Mr. Perry -Keene . C5 257 70 290 42 196 177 743 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 53 213 66 216 42 214 163 743 Mr. F. A. Govett . 72 322 56 232 32 182 160 736 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey 55 217 67 259 43 219 165 695 Mr. G. G. Hulme . 57 209 53 237 43 225 153 671 Mr. Gedge 48 188 63 263 44 204 155 655 Mr. Gregson . 37 149 73 329 41 171 151 649 Mr. Gataker . 55 225 60 246 36 170 151 641 Mr. Piers F. Legli . 46 194 55 253 39 185 140 632 Mr. Erskine . 64 244 57 233 34 148 155 625 Mr. E. Walters 54 204 53 231 35 179 142 614 Captain M. Allen . 46 160 60 222 44 226 150 608 Ninety-five ladies and sixty-five gentlemen shot. Miss Legh became the Championess with 7 points, Mrs. Marshall having won the point for hits at 50 yards. Mrs. Eyre W. Hussey became the Championess of the West. Mr. C. E. Nesham became the Champion with 9^ points, Major C. H. Fisher having tied with him in the point for hits at 60 yards. Mr. Perry-Keene became the Champion of the West. In the handicap match on July 31, Miss Legh scored 391, Miss B: Oakley 363, Mrs. D. Ainsworth 344, Mrs. Marshall 343, and Mrs. Horniblow 337; and on the same day Mr. E. Sharpe scored 429. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 263 ROYAL TOXOPHILITE SOCIETY'S HANDICAP MEETINGS A series of meetings extending over two days, the double York Eound being shot, commenced in 1881, and the Grand Centenary Archery Meeting of the Royal Toxophilite Society was held in the Society's ground in the Eegent's Park, on October 12 and 13, 1881. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards ! Totals GENTLElIE>f Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. H. H. Palairet 82 364 81 417 47 281 210 1062 Mr. W. Eimington . 76 294 75 337 43 241 194 872 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 72 292 75 337 44 206 191 835 Mr. 0. K. Prescot ^ 74 274 72 298 44 234 190 806 Mr. Piers F. Legh ' 69 261 69 299 43 215 181 775 Mr. G. 0. Pardee ' . 57 225 77 327 41 201 175 753 - Mr. C. H. Everett . 65 231 65 287 40 198 170 716 Major C. H. Fisher 71 255 63 279 36 162 170 696 Mr. H. Kendall . 58 206 64 248 44 222 166 676 Mr. C. J. Longman 59 237 59 251 37 183 155 671 Mr. E. N. Snow . 54 234 52 224 40 212 146 670 Mr. C. E. Nesham . 72 264 55 203 37 199 164 666 Mr. A. Meyi-ick ^ . 45 181 65 299 28 162 138 642 Colonel Lewin 62 244 58 238 32 154 152 636 Mr. 0. L. Clare 54 204 64 238 40 178 158 620 Mr. A. Newall 54 182 58 268 40 170 152 620 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey ' . 55 209 57 207 39 195 151 611 Captain M. Allen ' . 46 146 69 249 41 211 156 606 Mr. Perry-Keene ^ . 66 234 47 217 33 153 146 604 Sixty-five gentlemen shot. A Grand Annual Handicap Meeting of the Royal Toxophi- lite Society was held on October 11 and 12, 1882. Visitors. 264 ARCHERY 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Major C. H. Fisher Mr. 0. E. Nesham . Mr. 0. L. Clare Mr. \\. Walters Mr. Piers F. Legh ' Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. G. W. Chapman Mr. H. Kendall . Mr. G. 0. Pardoe ' . Mr. W. Yates Foot Mr. C. J. Longman 83 84 60 73 56 67 60 51 47 53 56 815 332 222 265 236 257 248 227 211 209 198 77 66 64 74 75 69 52 52 53 54 55 337 296 294 316 325 285 198 238 249 230 195 44 38 46 41 43 45 38 40 40 35 43 238 188 260 191 207 201 210 174 172 187 207 204 188 170 188 174 181 150 143 140 142 154 890 816 776 772 768 743 656 ' 639 1 632 1 626 600 Thirty-three gentlemen shot. The Grand Annual Handicap Meeting of the Eoyal Toxo- philite Society was held on October 11 and 12, 1883. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gkxtlkmkn Hits Score Hits Score 337 Hits Score Hits 220 Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 100 426 75 45 247 1010 Mr. C. J. Longman 72 274 69 305 47 229 188 808 Mai or C. H. Fisher 79 313 67 291 37 185 183 789 Mr. H. A. Howman ^ 65 273 57 259 41 231 163 763 Mr. N. Rattray 69 221 71 315 41 225 181 761 Mr. F. A. Govett . 68 258 66 292 46 208 180 758 Mr. 0. L. Clare 57 229 69 281 41 213 167 723 Mr. E-^TG W. Hussey ' . 69 291 60 238 39 189 168 718 Colonel Lewin 59 203 64 270 43 211 166 684 Mr. G. W. Chapman 54 224 63 271 38 164 155 659 Mr. G. G. Hnlme ^ . 53 219 57 227 38 186 148 632 Captain M. Allen ^ . 64 228 57 215 40 178 161 621 Mr. C. H. Everett . 59 231 54 220 38 164 151 615 ] 1 Twenty-eight gentlemen shot. The Grand Jubilee and Annual Handicap Meeting of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society was held on October 9 and 10, 1884. ' Visitors. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 265 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Toi ALS Hits Score Hits Score 290 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . 89 393 70 45 211 204 894 Mr. R. Walters 70 264 69 305 43 219 182 788 Mr. 0. L. Clare 83 321 66 268 42 198 191 787 Mr. J. H. Bridges . 66 242 75 327 41 215 182 784 Mr. Eyre W. Hussey ' . 58 206 75 323 45 247 178 776 Mr. C. J. Longman 76 310 68 270 38 172 182 752 Captam M. Allen ^ . 67 243 71 309 42 198 180 750 Mr. Gregson ^ . 74 252 65 291 38 188 177 731 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe . 55 225 64 276 44 200 163 701 Mr. Piers F. Legh ^ 57 201 , 69 283 40 192 166 676 Mr. A. Newall 57 225 1 60 256 31 147 148 628 Mr. C. H. Everett . 45 149 ' 66 288 41 179 152 616 Mr. Walrond . 57 195 57 199 41 205 155 599 Mr. G. G. Hiilme ^ . 47 179 52 210 41 209 140 598 Mr. H. Kendall . 54 184 51 209 41 199 146 592 Forty-nine gentlemen shot. Nothing could have been more unfavourable than the weather on this occasion. It was wet, stormy, and bitterly cold. The Grand Annual Autumn Handicap Meeting of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society was held on October 8 and 9, 1885. 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Perry-Keene ' . Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. R. Walters Mr. E. Brodie Hoare Mr. H. H. Longman Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. H. Kendall . 69 79 72 66 61 63 44 245 273 256 274 205 249 174 84 81 78 58 60 61 52 384 355 370 246 268 259 224 43 45 39 43 42 39 43 255 196 243 205 203 189 201 167 230 ! 163 175 j 163 233 1 139 884 871 829 721 703 683 631 Twenty-one gentlemen shot at this meeting. The Grand Annual Autumn Handicap Meeting of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society was held on October 14 and 15, 1886. ' Visitors. 266 ARCHER Y 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits j Score Mr. C. E. Nesham . Mr. J. H. Bridges . Mr. N. Kattray Mr. Walrond . Mr. H. H. Longman Captain M. Allen ^ . Mr. E. Fisher ^ Mr. C. H. Everett . Mr. E. C. Gedge ^ . Mr. A. Henty . Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe 86 65 67 67 59 47 63 51 59 45 53 354 269 289 259 207 189 215 187 235 171 205 78 69 54 63 68 68 57 67 57 57 53 854 309 242 245 298 328 239 261 197 207 207 44 43 43 44 36 30 44 40 36 44 39 208 211 203 220 180 154'^ 212 188 178 222 187 208 177 164 174 163 145 164 158 152 146 145 916 789 734 724 685 671 666 636 610 600 599 Twenty-one gentlemen shot at this meeting. SCOTCH PUBLIC MEETINGS The Eleventh Annual Scottish Archery Meeting was held on the Cricket-ground (Lavilands), near Stirling, on August 4 and 5, 1865. Ladies 60 Y*ards 50 Yards 1 Totals 1 1 Hits 88 82 Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Mrs. Horniblow . 424 432 46 290 43 253 184 125 714 685 100 Yards 80 Y'ards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits 190 Score 820 Mr. P. Muir . 85 315 61 239 44 266 Mr. J. Miu-doch 54 194 58 238 39 193 151 625 Mr. P. Murdoch 59 243 49 163 40 208 148 614 Mr. J. Allan . 52 162 42 206 40 226 134 594 Thirteen ladies and thirty-six gentlemen shot. ' Visitors. '-' Did not complete the shooting at GO yards. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS ■z(^'j The Twelfth Annual Scottish National Archery Meeting was held on the County Cricket-ground in Eaeburn Place, -Stockbridge, Edinburgh, on August 17 and 18, 1866. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits 82 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mi's. Horniblow . 368 45 241 127 609 Gkxtlkmen 100 Yards 80 Yards Yards Totals Hits Score Hit Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. P. Muir . Captain Betham 67 47 279 195 63 56 261 232 42 42 212 196 172 145 752 623 Nine ladies and thirty-eight gentlemen shot. It was only on these two occasions that the Double Eounds were shot at these meetings. mmn public meetings The Second Irish Grand National Archery Meeting was held at Bray, not far from Dublin, on August 12 and 13. Twenty-three ladies and twenty-eight gentlemen shot. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits 86 78 69 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Bethaua Miss Warde .... 428 302 301 47 47 42 263 245 218 133 125 111 691 607 519 268 ARCHERY 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards 08 266 77 357 48 298 193 921 Mr. R. W. Atkinson GU 303 66 298 42 228 177 829 Mr. T. L. Coulson . 60 230 52 248 39 195 151 673 Mr. H. AValters 63 223 57 235 36 180 156 638 Mr. Macnamara 46 100 62 254 42 224 150 038 Mr. E. Popham 54 198 63 287 34 134 151 019 Captain Betham 48 178 61 268 42 170 151 611 Mr. G. Edwards scored 404 in the liandicap match on August 14. The Third Irish Grand National Archery Meeting was held in the Eotunda Gardens, Dublin, on July 27 and 28,. 1864. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals ! Hits Sccire Hits 42 32 Score Hits Score Miss Betham Miss H. Tarleton . 85 72 437 320 218 127 134 104 655 454 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score j Mr, G. Edwards . 70 276 73 308 48 248 191 827 Captain Betham 64 234 66 270 43 215 173 725 . Mr. Betham . 58 210 60 240 44 226 162 682 . Mr. E. W. Atkinson 51 179 08 282 42 202 161 663 Mr. Maconchy 63 i 215 55 207 40 214 158 636 Mr. H. EUiott 48 150 59 269 44 200 151 619 Twenty-two ladies and twenty-one gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 269 The Fourth Irish Grand National Archery Meeting was held in the New Winter Gardens, Dublin, on May 31 and June 1, 1865. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Mrs. Ormsby 85 65 375 257 46 41 264 175 131 106 639 432 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits i Score 1 Hits Score Hits Score Mr. G. Edwards Mr. Betham . Captain Betham Captain Whitla 50 1 192 74 306 59 227 59 223 77 387 62 248 61 277 57 : 237 45 42 39 28 231 204 157 130 172 178 159 144 810 758 661 590 Thirteen ladies and seventeen gentlemen shot. The Second Grand Leinster Archery Meeting was held in the grounds of the Exhibition Palace, Dublin, on September 19 and 20, 1865. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Macpherson , Miss Hendley Miss Betham 75 67 66 343 305 290 42 41 36 220 187 200 117 108 102 563 492 490 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Captain Wliitla Mr. Betham . 41 49 149 197 64 56 310 234 40 39 230 171 145 144 689 602 Twenty-six ladies and sixteen gentlemen shot. 270 ARCHERY The Fifth Irish Grand National Archery Meeting was held in the New Winter Gardens in Dublin on August 1, 2, and 3, 1866. Eighteen ladies and seventeen gentlemen shot. Ladius 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits \ Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. Homiblow . Miss Betham Miss A. Betham . 86 386 80 378 61 291 46 268 40 244 44 238 132 120 105 054 622 529 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Gentlemen' j 1 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . 63 241 68 272 45 287 176 800 Mr, G. Edwards 36 134 70 348 45 231 151 713 1 Mr. E. W. Atkinson 54 210 57 259 41 213 152 682 \ Captam AVliitla 58 226 60 260 40 192 158 678 Captain Betham 36 130 60 240 46 238 142 608 The First Ulster Grand Archery Meeting was held at Ulsterville, Belfast, on August 8, 9, and 10, 1866. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits ! Score Hits Score Miss Betham Mrs. Horniblow . Miss Ada Betham 88 79 70 418 349 320 46 ! 274 40 202 41 209 134 119 111 692 551 529 Gextlejien 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals 1 Hits Score Hits 65 53 Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . Captain Betham 72 50 274 172 257 255 40 196 1 177 41 i 173 144 727 600 Eighteen ladies and nine gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 271 The Third Grand Lemster Archery Meeting was held in the grounds of the Exhibition Palace at Dublin on September 4 and 5, 1866. Gextlemex Mr. Beth am . Captain Betham Mr. E. W. Atkinson Mr. W. Butt . Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits ScoKe Hits Score Miss Betham Miss L. Quin 87 74 467 336 39 287 191 134 754 113 527 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yard Totals Hits Score I Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 59 59 54 52 209 201 214 192 71 287 71 305 67 305 50 236 41 ' 205 41 195 41 181 38 172 171 171 162 140 701 701 700 600 Twenty-three ladies and twenty-three gentlemen shot. The Second Ulster Grand Archery Meeting was held in the grounds of the Armagh Archers, at Armagh, on August 7 and 8, 1867. Ladles 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits t Score 1 Hits Score Miss Betham Miss H. Hutchinson Miss A. Betham . Miss Davison 84 81 73 72 400 367 329 296 48 294 44 226 43 237 42 1 220 132 125 116 114 694 593 566 516 Gextlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . Mr. R. W. Atkinson Mr. Russell . 63 55 58 281 191 216 73 56 58 291 234 244 43 43 36 233 231 162 179 154 152 805 656 622 Twenty ladies and seventeen gentlemen shot. 272 ARCHERY The Grand Munster Archery Meeting was held at Lmierick, on September 21 and 22, 1867. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Miss A. Betham . Miss Warde .... Mrs. Ormsby 84 82 64 68 424 380 312 294 48 46 41 44 234 246 225 214 132 128 105 112 658 626 537 508 Gextlejiex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . Mr. A. E. Knox Mr. E. W. Atkinson 63 60 58 267 212 204 58 58 52 246 270 220 41 38 37 227 186 169 162 156 147 740 668 593 Twenty-eight ladies and eighteen gentlemen shot. The Fourth Grand Annual Meeting of the Leinster Archers was held in the grounds of the Exhibition Palace, Dublin, on August 26 and 27, 1867. Ladies 60 Y^irds 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Miss A. Betham . Miss H. Hutchmson Miss Mayne .... 84 84 75 73 416 390 329 313 46 47 42 46 278 231 224 226 130 131 117 119 694 621 553 539 Gentlemen- 100 Y'ards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . Mr. A. Knox . Mr. Russell Mr. R. W. Atkinson 70 63 53 59 282 277 205 217 80 66 59 44 358 252 299 176 45 38 40 45 231 196 186 225 195 167 152 148 871 725 690 618 Twenty-three ladies and seventeen gentlemen shot. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 273 The Sixth Irish Grand National Archery Meeting was held in the grounds of the Exhibition Palace in Dublin, on Sep- tember 14 and 15, 1867. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Miss Ormsby Miss L. Quin Miss A. Betham . 88 83 76 76 440 425 384 328 47 44 47 46 303 232 259 258 135 127 123 122 743 657 643 586 Gextlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . . Mr. Russell . Mr. N. A. Knox 61 65 63 269 247 253 70 59 58 268 251 244 44 38 34 230 192 154 175 162 155 767 690 651 Fourteen ladies and fourteen gentlemen shot. The Second Grand Munster Archery Meeting \Yas held in the grounds of Cortigan (Sir Denham Norreys, Bart.), near Mallow, on September 2 and 3, 1868. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Betham Miss L. Quin Miss Ormsby Mrs. Vansittart 87 72 72 74 473 326 334 326 48 43 40 35 292 217 198 181 135 115 112 109 765 543 532 507 :00 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards TOTAI^S Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . 52 182 65 269 41 219 158 670 Nineteen ladies and twelve o'entlemen shot. 274 ARCHER V The Third Grand Munster Archery Meeting was held in Sir D. Norreys's grounds at Cortigan, near Mahow, on Sep- tember 8 and 9, 1869. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss Peel .... Mrs. V. Forbes Miss L. Quin Miss Ormsby 85 70 83 73 373 308 359 313 45 46 42 44 199 236 176 220 130 116 125 117 572 544 535 533 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits ' Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . 66 232 67 305 41 189 1 174 726 Twenty-four ladies and fourteen gentlemen shot. A Grand Leinster Meeting was held in the grounds of the Exhibition Palace, Dublin, on October 6 and 7, 1869. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Miss H. Hutchinson 84 412 46 254 130 666 Mrs. V. Forbes 88 408 46 252 134 660 Miss Mayne .... 73 323 41 239 114 562 Mrs. C. W. Betham 73 333 40 212 113 545 Miss Peel .... 80 374 38 164 118 538 Gentlemen' 100 Yards 80 Yards 6o Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. Betham . Mr. McNamara 65 47 285 183 57 45 223 199 42 43 208 183 164 135 716 565 PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 275 AMEBICAN NATIONAL ARCHERY MEETINGS The First American National Archery Meeting was held at Chicago on August 12, 13, and 14, 1879. On this occasion the ladies shot forty-eight arrows at each of the distances of 30, 40, and 50 yards. The gentlemen shot forty-eight arrows at 60 yards, and ninety- six arrows at 80 yards, on the first day, and seventy-two arrows at 100 yards on each of the other days ; thus making up the quantities of a York Eound, though in unusual order. The best results were as follows : — GrENTLEMEX 60 Yards 80 Yards 100 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. W. H. Thompson . Mr. T. McMechan . Mr. E. P. Hall Mr. C. Leach". 39 35 37 34 155 175 157 152 43 47 50 38 155 177 178 138 68 34 28 39 236 126 104 149 150 116 115 111 546 478 439 439 1 The Second Annual American National Archery Meeting was held at Buffalo, near New York, on July 11 and 12 (13 and 14 ?), 1880, when the Eound shot by the ladies was forty- eight arrows at each of the distances of 50, 40, and 30 yards ; but the gentlemen shot a single York Eound on each day. The result of each day's shooting only is given, as the details of the different distances cannot be discovered. Gestlemen 1st Day 2nd Day Double York Eounci i Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score .Mr. L. L. Peddirighaus . Mr. W, H. Thompson . Mr. W. Burnham . Mr. F. H. Walworth 74 82 81 68 346 370 331 274 78 78 78 76 360 332 342 316 152 160 159 144 706 702 673 590 T 2 276 ARCHERY The Fourtli Annual American National Archery Meeting was held at Chicago on July 11, 12, and 14, 1882, the National and York double Eounds being shot.^ Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. A. H. Gibbes Mrs. F. Morrison . 63 251 38 198 101 94 449 374 Gentlemen 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. D. A. Nash Mr. H. S. Taylor . Mr. E. Williams . Mr. W, A. Clark . Mr. W. H. Thompson . Mr. F. E. Perry . 58 55 49 45 46 42 210 151 179 197 178 148 65 67 55 62 54 56 257 275 235 244 234 226 44 46 44 41 44 39 246 252 236 195 198 179 167 168 148 148 144 137 713 678 650 636 610 553 The Fifth Annual American National Archery Meeting was held at Cincinnati on July 10, 11, and 12, 1883. G-ENTLEiMEN 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. P. Williams . Mr. H. S. Taylor . Mr. W. A. Clark . Mr. D. A. Nash . 76 53 56 35 300 191 192 135 79 51 63 57 371 223 257 243 44 45 39 45 236 235 171 209 199 149 158 137 907 649 620 587 ' No report of the meeting in 1881 can be traced. PUBLIC ARCHERY MEETINGS 177 Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. C. Howell . Mrs. S. A. Whitfield . Mrs. T. F. George Mrs. H. M. Pollock Mrs. Arthur .... 85 88 71 76 72 413 436 299 328 296 47 39 45 42 43 277 185 237 198 213 132 127 116 118 115 690 621 536 526 509 The Sixth Annual American National Archery Meeting was held at Pullman in 1884 on July 8, 9, and 10. 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. H.Hall 46 204 42 212 88 416 Gestlemex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mr. W. H. Thompson . Mr. E. Williams, jun. Mr. C. C. Beach . Mr.. H. S.Taylor . 63 67 46 44 237 251 176 160 68 65 65 50 314 267 297 198 43 43 44 39 209 227 250 181 174 175 155 133 760 745 723 539 The Seventh Annual American National Archery Meeting was held at Eaton, Ohio, on July 7, 8, and 9, 1885. Ladies 60 Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Mrs. M. C. Howell . . 75 Miss J. Pollock ... 78 Mrs. J. Arthur ... 65 353 300 271 1 46 44 42 252 216 210 121 122 107 605 516 481 278 ARCHERY Gextlejiex 100 Yards 80 Yards 60 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits 78 75 57 53 50 Score Hits Score Hits Score Colonel E. 'Williams Mr. C. C. Beach . Mr. J. W. B. Sitlers Mr. W. H. Thompson . Mr. W. A. Clark . 91 46 39 52 51 357 172 173 198 197 360 347 275 233 200 46 44 41 38 41 278 214 199 176 197 215 165 137 143 142 995 733 647 607 594 279 CHAPTEE XIV. CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE In the follo\\-mg scores an attempt is made to give authentic specimens of the best shooting of as many as possible of the best archers of the past and present time. Mr. Ford himself mentioned how sadly disheartened and crestfallen he felt on his retm-n from his first Grand National Meeting at Derby, where he had scored 341 with 101 hits in the double York Eouud, which was far below the score he had anticipated, and warned his readers that shooting at a public meetmg was very different from private practice or smah match shooting. There are but very few archers who have not met with the same disappoint- ment, as will be easily seen when the public and private records here given are compared. Young archers should be strongly recommended to make their public debuts as early as pos- sible — as well to work off the novelty and excitement of the scene as to compare the methods and results of other archers — before they have established great local reputations, which may run the greater risk of being fatally exploded from the very over-anxiety which is employed to keep or increase those reputations in public. The erroneous practice of shooting trial arrows before the commencement of the regular round has been mostly given up of late years, being altogether discountenanced by the rules of the private practice club, and disallowed at all the public meetings. In fact, it was a most dangerous practice at the public meetings, where, in former years, before the match shooting 28o ARCHERY commenced, or when it was finished, those who had to cross the gromid ran no httle risk of being shot by some of the industrious archers, who, not satisfied with the round allotted to the day, were threshing out themselves and their bows, not with shooting at the targets, but mostly at a piece of white paper placed about so far from themselves as an arrow would fall when supposed to have passed through the gold at the particular distance at which these zealots were ever engaged in the apparently hopeless search of the ' range 'or a ' point of aim.' The earliest grand score on the testified York Eound in the books of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society belonged to Mr. H. C. Mules, and was shot on August 24, 1856. Hits .Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Sec re 50 240 42 232 23 131 = 115 603 He also has scores of 116 hts. 500 sc. and 106 hts. 508 sc. in the books made in 1858. This was surpassed by Mr. H. A. Ford on November 3, 1858, in the Toxophilite grounds : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 47 227 46 258 24 138 = 117 623 and the score of Mr. G. E. S. Fryer, made in the same grounds on August 2, 1872, of Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 59 289 44 218 24 132 = 127 639 went further, and still remains unsurpassed. This last-mentioned score took, and still holds, the Wilkin- son ^practice medal, which was given to the Eoyal Toxophilite Society in 1866, and was first taken by Mr. T. Boidton with Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 43 175 40 186 24 148 = 107 509 who afterwards improved his holding of it by making Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 206 46 208 23 133 = 117 547 CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 281 On July 6, 1867, Mr. W. Sjwttiswoode scored Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 50 244 41 201 23 129 = 114 574 and took and held it until it was transferred to Mr. Fryer in 1872. The full details of M)-. H. A. Ford's best private-practice score of 809 with 137 hits have been already given. He also records a score in which the only arrow missed was the 59th, shot at 100 yards, the particular of the score being Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 71 335 48 272 24 158 = 143 765 When shooting with the Eoyal Toxophilite Society on June 23, 1854, the round being 96 arrows at 100 yards, 72 arrows at 80 yards, and 48 arrows at 60 yards, he made the following score : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 79 373 71 325 47 313 = 197 1011 His best double York Eound, made privately, seems to be as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 61 295 48 306 24 186 = 133 787 63 299 46 278 24 168 = 133 745 Total . . . .266 1532 His best scoring at 100 yards is represented by 371 with 69 hits — G. K. B. BK. W. 12 17 19 14 7 from his second best York Eound score of Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 69 371 48 274 24 154 = 141 799 his best score at 80 yards being 306 with all the 48 hits. G. R. B. BK. w. 10 19 15 2 2 282 ARCHERY and his best at 60 yards 18G, a. K. B. 10 13 1 Mr, H. A. Ford himself reports one of his own most extraordinary feats as follows : ' Not but what I have been the originator of a respectable fluke or two myself in my time. For instance, on the second day of the first Grand National Meeting at Shrewsbury in 1854, an old archer, Mr. Hughes, offered a silver bracer as a prize for most golds at any one end, 100 yards to take precedence of 80, and 80 yards of 60. In a very few minutes two gentlemen, Messrs. Garnett and Hilton, if I remember rightly, got two ; but this was not enough, the third arrow being destined to go there as w-ell. Accordingly, but a few rounds after, my friend Chance came to my aid, and so the whole three went into the desired spot. Now the combination here w'as curious. But once during my archery experience has a special prize been offered for a feat of this particular nature, and upon that occasion, and that occasion only in a match, have three golds been got at one end, by one shooter, at 100 yards' ('Archer's Eegister,' 1864). Mr. Bramhall gives a good idea of Mr. Ford's indomitable perseverance. ' If,' he says, ' I rejDorted a good score, he perse- vered until he had beaten it — e.g. in 1853, March 7, 1 completed 409 following hits at 60 yards. He soon sent me a report of a little over 600 ' (' Archer's Register,' 1881). Mr. John BramlialVs best single York Eound was made November 25, 1851 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 61 317 41 223 23 135 = 125 675 In 1849 the average of the 54 York Rounds he shot was 453 score from 103 hits ; in 1850 it was 502 from 110 hits in 70 rounds ; in 1851 it was 561 from 117 hits in 64 rounds ; in 1852 it was 575 from 117 hits in 52 rounds; and in 1853 it was 567 from 114 hits in 38 rounds. In shooting at 100 yards CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 283 he has made 4 golds in consecutive hits, and often 3 at one end. At 80 yards his best in 48 arrows was 47 hits 273 score ; and he has made 55 consecutive hits at 80, and 5 following- golds. At 60 yards his best record is 24 hits 172 score — 409 consecutive hits and 5 following golds. His best double York Round was : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 107 535 91 497 48 290 = 256 1322 shot on June 26 and July 1, 1852. Mr. E. A. Holmes (champion 1865 and 1870) made his best score on the single York Eound in private practice at Harrow, soon after the Grand National Meeting at Brighton in 1867, which is as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 66 284 46 206 22 132 = 134 622 Mr. C. E. Nesham. (Royal Toxophilite Society), champion 1884-5-6, has 13 York Rounds scores on the Royal Toxophilite Society's books of over 500, of which the highest is : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 55 281 41 187 22 126 = 118 594 made on May 5, 1887. In private practice at Bournemouth he scored, on May 14, 1883, and made in the Regent's Park, March 6, 1884. On twenty-three other occasions, in private and in club matches, he has scored 500 and upwards. Of these, in the Royal Toxophilite Society's books, are : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 63 281 43 243 22 108 = 128 632 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 53 269 41 203 22 122 = 116 594 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 46 228 47 253 20 110 = 113 591 284 ARCHERY shot on October 10, 1884, and Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 50 224 44 220 24 148 = 118 592 shot on October 29, 1885. Major C. H. Fisher's (Champion 1871-2-3-4, and made highest score at Windsor in 1884 when Mr. Nesham became champion) best York Eound score in the books of the Eoyal Toxophihte Society, made on July 2, 1885, is as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 53 239 42 192 24 136 = 119 557 and his next best, made on October 20, 1871, is Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 47 227 42 194 23 113 = 112 534 His best private practice score on the York Round is the fol- lowing : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 49 227 45 243 24 158 = 862 118 made on May 25, 1872 ; and he reports that this Round was shot too quickly, and might have been improved if he had taken more pains. He has made the following good double rounds in jDractice, namely : Hits Score May 27 and 28, 1873 . . .235 1079 July 23 and 24, 1874 . . .235 1123 and in 1876 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score June 12, 50 196 43 213 23 103 = 116 512 „ 13, 46 194 45 233 23 113 = 114 540 Totals . . . .230 1052 and in 1877 a single York Round : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Sept. 7, 55 241 44 202 23 125 = 122 568 CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 285 Mr. T. T. S. Metcalfe's (Royal Toxophilite Society) best single York Eound is : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 54 258 37 173 19 93 = 100 524 made on May 22, 1886, in private practice. Mr. C. H. Everett's best single York Eounds appear to be : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Aug. 9, 1880 45 179 41 229 22 114 = 108 522 April 2, 1888 48 180 42 222 24 134 = 114 536 „ 16, „ 54 214 37 177 24 158 = 115 549 made in private practice. At a meeting of the Eoyal Toxopliilite Society on October 4, 1874, he scored : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 45 187 40 190 23 128 = 108 500 and again in the Regent's Park on September 30, 1880 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 52 192 41 209 23 109 = 116 510 and on October 14, 1880 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 50 224 38 166 22 116 = 110 506 Mr. W. J. Ricliarclson (Royal Toxophilite Society) has a good score on the York Round in the books of the Eoyal Toxo- philite Society, made on June 7, 1860 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 44 190 39 193 21 133 = 104 516 as also has Mr. W. Riminr/ton (Royal Toxophilite Society) champion 1868-69 and 1877 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 206 42 178 24 120 = 114 504 made on July 2, 1869. Col. H. F. C. Lewins (Royal Toxophilite Society) best 286 ARCHERY scores have been made in private practice at Eltham, in the late Mr. Mill's grounds, and are : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 41 Nov 199 ember 38 194 3, 1870, 21 and 115 = 100 508 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 50 22G 3G 14G 24 130 = 110 508 made in 1869. Mr. G. E. S. Fryer (Champion in 1875, Eoyal Toxophilite Society), besides his excellent score of 639 with 127 hits, has another very good York Eound score in the books of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society, made on June 3, 1873 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 55 235 47 249 24 138 = 126 622 He made another fine York Eound on August 15, 1873, in private practice : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 54 238 46 218 24 150 = 124 606 and in the books of the Eoyal Toxophilite Society in 1874, on May 27 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 50 200 42 242 23 129 =115 571 on June 17 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 58 242 44 200 23 155 = 125 597 and on July 1 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 184 45 243 24 132 = 117 559 Mr. H. H. Palairefs (Champion in 1876, Eoyal Toxophilite Society) best scores on the York Eound appear to be the following : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 53 241 45 239 24 108 = 122 588 CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 287 made at a West Berks Meeting at Great Marlow (Colonel Wethered's) on June 20, 1882, and this score is the York Bound ' record ' of the West Berks Archers. In private practice on July 15, 1875, he scored : Eits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 54 252 43 205 23 121 = 120 578 showing a very good score at 100 yards ; and on July 30 he scored 46 hits 264 score in the 48 arrows at 80 yards. His best shooting at 60 yards appears to have been made on July 24, 1874, when, shooting 96 arrows, he scored 579 with 95 hits. Mr. C. J. Longmans (Champion in 1883, Eoyal Toxophilite Society) best York Piound score in the books of the Royal Toxophilite Society is dated November 1, 1883, and is as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 49 199 41 189 23 149 = 113 537 and his best private practice scores made in the same grounds are : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 55 249 41 213 23 129 = 119 591 46 204 46 220 24 148 = 116 572 Totals . . . 235 1163 made on June 17 and 18, 1884, respectively. Mr. H. H. Longman's (Pioyal Toxophilite Society) best York Bound score made in private practice in the Boyal Toxo- philite Society's grounds on March 30, 1887, is as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 51 223 41 191 21 91 = 113 505 Mr. Piers F. Legh (Boyal Toxophilite Society) has made some good single York Bounds in private practice, viz. : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score July 14, 1879 45 181 40 194 24 154 - 109 529 „ 19, 1880 41 177 44 208 24 124 = 109 509 Sept. 20, „ 51 228 38 180 24 124 = 113 527 Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 43 211 23 133 = 114 528 44 214 24 126 = 113 527 288 ARCHERY Mr. R. Walters (Champion in 1879, Royal Toxophilite Society) has made some good scores in private practice, of which the best appear to be as fohows : Hits Score Oct. 25, 1884 48 184 Aug. 15, 1885 45 187 Mr. J. H. Bridges' (Royal Toxophilite Society) best single York Rounds in private practice are : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Oct. 7, 1881 39 181 42 222 24 120 = 105 523 June 8, 1884 =118 546 At 100 yards, in 72 arrows, he has made : Hits Score April 2, 1884 . . . . 55 261 At 80 yards, in 48 arrows, he has made : pnts Score January 27, 1887 . . . .45 263 AprU 12, 1887 . . . . 48 216 At 60 yards, in 24 arrows : Hits Score ' AprU 23, 1884 . . . . 24 166 and in 100 arrows at 60 yards : Hits Score September 18, 1879 . . .100 586 April 23, 1884 . . . . 99 627 It will be observed that nearly all Mr. Bridges' practice occurs early or late in the season, as cricket absorbs much of his attention in the summer. Mr. L. R. Erskine (Royal Toxophilite Society) has made some good single York Rounds in private practice, viz. : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Nov. 8, 1886 49 195 41 215 22 122 = 112 532 Mar. 1, 1887 50 210 46 222 23 117 = 119 549 „ 5, )) 53 231 46 198 24 126 = 123 555 » 11, )) 52 220 45 227 23 133 = 120 580 CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 2S9 The full particulars of ^1//'. O. K. Prcnci>t\ (Royal Toxo- philite Society) best private practice double York liouiid score of 1197 cannot be given, as they have been lost or destroyed. It was shot in two days of September 18G7. The first total score was 621, and the score at 100 yards was 256 — 200 having been made in the first 4 dozen. The second round was 567, and, in this round, the score at 80 yards was 249. The most annoying thing about the round was that the last arrow at 60 yards missed the target, when a black even would have brought the total up to 1200. Mr. H. J. B. Kendall's (Royal Toxophilite Society) best score in the York Round was made in private practice on August 14, 1884 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score rnits Score 46 222 46 228 22 118 = 114 568 On this occasion the 2 arrows not counted at 80 j-ards went through weak places in the target. He also made 52 hits 224 score at 100 yards on Aug 28, 1884. On July 5, 1877, he made 3 golds in one end at 100 yards in the course of the Summer Handicap match of the Royal Toxophilite Society, repeating the feat performed by Mr. H. A. Ford at Shrewsbury in 1854. Mr. O. Ldf/h Clare (Royal Toxophilite Society) has made some good private practice, viz. : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score July 23, 1879, 52 266 43 193 23 109 = 118 568 in the single York Round ; and in 72 arrows at 100 yards : Hits Score October 12, 1878 . . 56 250 also in 48 arrows at 80 yards : Hits Score July 13, 1878 . 42 212 Mr. C. J. Perrtj-Kcrnr made the following fine score u 290 ARCIILRV in private practice on July 'M, 1880, in the single York Bound : — Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 57 225 45 229 24 150 = 126 604 and two other good scores made by him are : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score May 6, 1886, 43 217 40 188 23 119 = 106 524 „ 7, „ 51 215 45 199 24 152 = 120 566 April 18, 1887, 48 202 44 230 24 124 = 116 556 In private practice Mr. F. A. Govett (Royal Toxophilite Society) made : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score October 12, 1883, 50 204 38 184 21 118 = 109 501 and on May 29, at one of the meetings of the same society, he made : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 52 198 41 209 24 114 = 117 521 Again, in private practice, he made on April 11, 1884 : • Hits Score Hit? Score Hits Score Hits Score 88 174 43 215 23 123 = 104 512 On September 23, 1886, Mr. F. L. Govett (Royal Toxophi- lite Society) scored in private practice : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 47 227 40 176 24 130 = 111 533 Mr. F. Townsend's (Woodman of Arden) best York Round score appears to be as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 49 237 38 177 22 102 = 104 516 made on December 27, 1862. He seldom practised the York Round, and never allowed his archery practice to interfere with his other numerous avocations. CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 291 Mr. W. Spottisivoode, P.R.S. (Royal Toxophilite Society), has another good score on the Society's books : aits Score Hit? S:ore Hits Score Hi to Score 50 194 38 194 22 124 = 110 512 made on May 30, 1867. Captain A. P. Moore, who made the highest score in 1849, at Derby, when Mr. H. A. Ford was first champion, reports that his best score in a single York Romid was m private practice : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 65 309 44 230 24 152 = 183 691 and that he has made 316 score with 56 hits and 304 score with 64 hits in the 72 arrows at 100 yards. His best performance at 80 yards was 254 score with 44 hits in the 48 shots, and at 60 yards his best score was 164 with the 24 hits. His best double York Round was 1288 with 252 hits, mentioned by Mr. H. A. Ford. In the month of March 1852 he shot 14 rounds, and their average was- 557 score with 115 hits. Two very good records of Mr. Charles Garnett''s (Royal Toxophilite Society) shooting at 100 yards are : Hits Score Hits Score 58 288 and 61 269 72 arrows being shot on each occasion. He says : ' I shot a distance of 304 yards on a calm day with an 85-lb. bow and four-and-ninepenny 28-inch arrow. I could not get a flight-arrow to stand the bov/, or I should probably have shot further, as the four-and-ninepenny arrow was one of the old pattern and heavily feathered.' Captain C. H. Garnetfs (John 0' Gaunt Bowmen) best score in the Y^ork Round amounted to 522, but he has been unable to find a record of the details. The followmg is another good score made by him on November 17, 1873 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 202 34 182 23 127 = 105 511 292 ARCHERY In October of the same year, in 72 arrows at 100 yards lie made 48 hits 2'20 score, and made 8 golds in one end. He reports that his father, Mr. H. Garnett, shootiner 18, 1862 : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 228' — 207 — 130 = 105 .565 CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 293 and on October 21, 1865 : Jits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 56 224 44 198 24 136 = 124 558 On January 13, 1869, he made 3 golds in one end at 100 yards. Mr. J. A. Froude (Royal Toxophilite Society) says : ' I did once make [a score of] over 500 [in the single York Eound] in a private match ; but only once, and the record of it has long vanished. Eichardson and Spedding were both shooting on that occasion, and I, for a miracle, in that single instance beat Richardson.' This probably happened about 1860. It is generally believed that the private practice of Mr. (J. Edirards (Champion in 1860-1-2-4-6) was far beyond his l)ublic shooting. He has been heard to say that, though Mr. Ford had been able to land only 71 of the 72 arrows shot at 100 yards in the target (missing his 59th arrow), he (Mr. G. E.) had put all his 72 arrows into the target at the same distance. There is no reason to disbelieve his positive state- ment that on one occasion, shooting 24 arrows at 60 yards, he put every one of them in the red circle. ' Some of the scores made by Mr. Edward Mason in private practice were very large, and it is to be regi'etted that no actual details can be given. It is well known, however, that on several occasions he made a score of over 1000 on the double York Eound, and were the figures available they could not fail to be of wide interest' (' Archers' Eegister,' 1882-3). Mr. Peter Mtiir (Champion 1845-7 and 1863) was a moht successful shot at all distances, short as well as long, but probably seldom, if ever, practised the York Eound. Mr. H. A. Ford gives as his best score the following, made at the distance of from 20 to 30 yards, 2 shots, 2 hits — a hawk and a crow (fact). Mr. E. Meijriek says : ' It is true that I have seen Escoft hurl his eight- shilling arrows from a bow of 80 lbs. and ten- shilling arrows from a 100-lb. bow, but then he could not do much hitting, I should think something authentic must exist 294 ylRCHERY of my old IViciid .l/rn-.s//".s- loii^- sliot of lUiO yards up and down. He would hit lialf his arrows at 100 yards very often,' as may l)e seen from the extracts given from his actual scores. A point of interest in Mv. W. Biitfs (Royal Toxophilite Society) shooting is, that he shot with hoth hands, though only on one occasion did he shoot two rounds on the same day, one with each hand. This was at a West Berks meeting at Coombe \\^ood, Surrey (Sir W. Baynes), as follows : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 34 134 28 122 21 105 = 83 361 Right-handed 10 08 23 77 21 95 = 60 240 Left-handed His best right-handed shooting was as follows : 80 Yards (iO Yanis Hits Score Hits Score 43 215 24 158 shot on October 8, 1863 ; and on October 9, 1868, in 110 arrows at 60 yards : Hits Score G. R. B. Uk. W. 110 040 19 32 39 15 5 On February 8, 1864, in a York Bound : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 216 42 172 23 113 = 113 501 and on March 12, 1864, at 80 yards 41 hits 207 score in the 48 arrows. Shooting left-handed, his best scores in the books of the Boyal Toxophilite Society are 47 hits 201 score, in 72 arrows at 100 yards, on the first half of the shooting on the Crundeu Day on April 18, 1867 ; and on May 80 in the same year in the York Bound : Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 44 20() 30 154 24 138 = 104 498 and on October 6, 1876, at 60 yards, 24 hits with 160 score — ' record ' for 60 yards shooting in the York Bound at the meetings of the Boyal Toxophilite Society. CLUB SHOOTING AND PRIVATE PRACTICE 295 Mr. Macnamara made good scores at the public meetings, but it is believed that his shooting in private practice was of infinitely higher quality. He took to shooting left-handed afterwards, but without much success in public. Mr. G. L. Aston also has been at different periods a suc- cessful shot, both right-handed and left-handed, at the public meetings. About thirty years ago Mr. Anhrei/ Pa f ton shot so well that Mr. H. X. Ford took the trouble to explain in the pages of the Field that he had not yet been beaten by him ; l)ut Mr. Patton's regimental duties took him out of reach of more archery practice. Mr. E. Sharpe (John o' Gaunt Bowmen) made Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 240 36 164 22 112 = 106 516 in private practice October 2, 1886. No attempt has yet been made to collect the records of the many excellent scores that have been made by numerous ladies in club matches, or in private practice ; but it is believed that, owing to the ladies' shooting at the public meetings being more like their club and private practice, in that it occupies an after- noon only, and is not spun out all over the day, as is the case with the gentlemen, the ladies' public shooting more fairly re- presents the best they can do ; yet many ladies have scored over 400 in the half of the National Round who have not yet approached the 8C0 which both Mrs. and Miss Legh have shown to be attainable at a public meeting in the National Round. A few samples of their accuracy of aim can however be here given as specimens of what might be contributed to another edition of this book. Mrs. Butt, shooting in private practice in the Jephson Gardens, at Leamington, on June 10, 1870, made 60 Yards 50 Yards Totai,s Hits Score Hits Score Hit-; Score 48 280 24 l(i8 = 72 448 60 Yards 50 Yards Hits Score Hits Score 46 202 24 170 296 ARCHERY and, in the course of this score at 50 yards, made (5 consecu- tive golds in one double end. Miss Kipley (now Mrs. Bradford), sliootinjj; at a Prize Meeting of the Torbay Archers, on August 5, 1871, is reported to have scored Totals Hits Score = 70 402 Mrs. Piers F. Legh, shooting at lionic on September 9, 1881, scored GO Yards 50 Yards Totals Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score 48 316 24 162 = 72 478 Doubtless many other archers have alread}^ made note- worthy scores in the course of their private practice. These scores and the many others hereafter to be made, as much as possible better than any herein given, the editor (with Mr. H. A. Ford's adieu of ' Farewell and shoot well ') will gladly record in the fourth edition. rm.v'iED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND Co., XEW-STEEET SQUARE LONDON H (Tlassifieb CatalOGuc OF WORKS IN GENERAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.G. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, and 32 HORNBY ROAD, BOMBAY CONTENTS. BADMINTON LIBRARY (THE)- - BIOGRAPHY, PERSONAL ME- MOIRS, &c. CHILDREN'S BOOKS CLASSICAL LITERATURE, TRANS- LATIONS, ETC. . - - . COOKERY, DOMESTIC MANAGE- MENT, &c. EVOLUTION, ANTHROPOLOGY, &c. FICTION, HUMOUR, &c. - FINE ARTS (THE) AND MUSIC - FUR, FEATHER AND FIN SERIES HISTORY, POLITICS. POLITY, POLITICAL MEMOIRS, &c. - LANGUAGE, HISTORY AND SCIENCE OF LOGIC, RHETORIC, PSYCHOLOGY, &c. 9 32 36 21 25 36 15 MENTAL, MORAL, AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 17 MISCELLANEOUS AND CRITICAL WORKS POETRY AND THE DRAMA - POLITICAL ECONOMY AND ECO NOMICS POPULAR SCIENCE - RELIGION, THE SCIENCE OF SILVER LIBRARY (THE) SPORT AND PASTIME - PHILOSOPHICAL STONYHURST SERIES - ,0 TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE, THE COLONIES, &c. .... 17 WORKS OF REFERENCE - 38• 23- 20 30 21 33 12 ig II 31 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND Abbott (Evelyn) 3 (J. H. M.) (T. K.) - (E. A.) - Adand (A. H. D.) Atton (Eliza) - Adelborg (O.) - >CschyIus Albemarle (Earl of) Alcock (C. W.) Allen (Grant) - AUgood (G.) - Alverstone (Lord) Angwin (M. C.) Anstey (F.) Aristophanes - Aristotle - Arnold (Sir Edwin) (Dr. T.) - Ashbourne (Lord) Ashby (H.) Ashley (W. J.) - Atkinson (J. J.) Avebury (Lord) Ayre (Rev. J.) - Bacon Bagehot (W.) - s Bagwell (R.) - Bailey (H. C.) - Baillie (A. F.) - Bain (Alexander) Baker (J. H.) - (Sir S. W.) Baldwin (C. S.) Page Page 19, 22 Balfour (A. J.) - 13, 21 3 ! Ball (John) - - 11 17, 18 I Banks (M. M.) - - 24 17 I Baring-Gould(Rev. S.)2i,38 3 Barnett (S. A. and H.) 20 36 j Baynes (T. S.) - - 38 32 Beaconsfield (Earl of) 25 22 ' Beaufort (Duke of)i2,i3, 14 13 Becker (W. A.) - 22 15 Beesly (A. H.) - - 9 30 Bell (Mrs. Hugh) - 23 3 Bent (J. Theodore) - 11 15 Besant (Sir Walter)- 3 36 Bickerdyke (J.) - 14, 15 25 i Bird (G.) - - - 23 22 Blackburne (J. H.) - 15 17 I Bland (Mrs. Hubert) 24 II, 23 Blount (Sir E.^ - g 3 Boase (Rev. C. W.)- 6 >3 Boedder (Rev. B.) - ig 36 Bonnell (H. H.) - 38 3, 20 Booth (A. J.) - - 38 21 Bottome (P.) - - 25 21 ' Bowen (W. E.) - 9 31 Brassey (Lady) - 11 • 9, 17 I Bright (Rev. J. F.) - 3 , 20, 38 Broadfoot (Major W.) 13 3 I Brooks (H. J.) - - 17 ' 25 Brough(J.) - - 17 3 Brown (.\. F.) - - 32 17 Bruce (R, L) - - 3 38 Buckland (Jas.) - 32 11,12 Buckle (H. T.)- - 3 17 Bull (T.) - - - 36 19 Burke (U. R.) - Burne-Jones (Sir E.) Burns (C. L.) - Burrows (Montagu) Butler (E. A.) - - 30 Campbell (Rev. Lewis) 21 Casserly (G.) - - 3 Chesney (Sir G.) - 3 Childe-Pemberton(W.S.) 9 Chisholm (G. C ) - 31 Cholmondeley-Pennell (H.) - - - 13 Christie (R. C.) - 38 Churchill (Winston S.) 4, 25 Cicero - - - 22 Clarke (Rev. R. F.) Climenson (E. I.) Clodd (Edward) Clutterbuck (W. J.) Cochrane (A.) - Cockerell (C. R.) - Colenso (R. J.) Conington (John) - Conybeare(Rev.W.J.) & Howson (Dean) Coolidge (W. A. B.) Corbett (Julian S.) - Coutts (W.) - Cox (Harding) Crake (Rev. A. D.) - Crawford (J. H.) - 25 Creed (S.) - - 25 Creighton (Bishop) -4, 6, 9 Cross (A. L.) - - 5 EDITORS. Page 3 I Crozierd.B.) - 36 Cutts (Rev. E. L.) - 36 I Dabney (J. P.) - 21,30 12 23 33 13 Dale (L.) Dallinger (F. W.) - Dauglish (M. G.) - Davenport (A.) Davidson (A. M. C.) (W. L.) - 17, Davies (J. F.) - Dent (C. T.) - De Salis (Mrs.) De Tocqueville (A.) - Devas (C. S.) - Dewey (D. R.) - Dickinson (W. H.) - Dougall (L.) - Dowden (E.) - Doyle (Sir A. Conan) Du Bois (W. E. B.)- Dunbar (Mary F.) - Dvson (E.) El'lis (J. H.) - (R. L.) - - Erasmus - . - Evans (Sir John) Falkiner (C. L.) Farrar (Dean) - Fitzmaurice (Lord E Folkard (H. C.) Ford (H.) - Fountain (P - - Fowler (Edith H.) - Francis (Francis) Page 9. 17 6 23 4 5 9 25 22 20, 21 22 14 36 4 19, 20 20 38 25 40 25 5 25 26 15 17 9 38 4 20, 26 ) 4 15 16 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND KU [TORS— continued. Page Francis (M. E.) - 26 Freeman (Edward A.) 6 Fremantle (T. F.) - 16 Frost (G,)- - - 38 Froude (James A.) 4,9,11,26 Fuller (F. W.) - Furneaux (W.) Gardiner (Samuel R.) Gathorne-Hardy (Hon. A. E.) - -15 Geikie (Rev. Cunning- ham) - Gibson (C. H.)- Gilkes (A. H.) - Gleig (Rev. G. R.) - Graham (A.) (P. A (G. F., Granby (Marquess of) Grant (Sir A.) - Graves (R. P.) - (A. F.) - - Green (T. Hill) Greene (E. B.)- Greville (C. C. F.) Grose (T. H.) - - 18 Gross (C.) - - 5 Grove (Lady) - - 11 (Mrs. Lilly) - 13 Gurnhill (J.) - - 18 Gwilt (J.) - - - 31 Haggard (H. Rider) II, 26, 27, 38 Halliwell-Phillipps(J.) 10 Hamilton (Col. H. B.) 5 Hamlin (A. D. F.) - 36 Harding (S. B.) - 5 Hardwick (A. A.) - 11 Harmsworth (A. C.) 13, 14 15. 17. Harte (Bret) Harting(J.E.)- Hartwig (G.) - Hassall (A.) - Haweis (H. R.) Head (Mrs.) - Heath (D. D.) - Heathcote (J. M.) - (C. G.) - - (N.) - - - Helmholtz (Hermann von) - - - Henderson (Lieut- Col. G. F. R.) - Henry (W.) - Henty (G. A.) - Higgins (Mrs. N.) - Hill (Mabel) - (S. C.) - - Hillier (G. Lacy) - Hime (H. W. L.) - Hodgson (Shadworth) Hoenig (F.) Hogan(J. F.) - - Holmes (R. R.) Homer - - - Hope (Anthony) Horace - - - 22 h,.u5ton (D. F.) - 5 Howard (Lady Mabel) 27 Howitt(W.) - - II Hudson (W. H.) - 30 Huish (M. B.) - - 37 HuUah (J.) ■ - 37 Hume (David) - - 18 (M. A. S.) - 3 Hunt (Rev. W.) - 6 Hunter (Sir W.) - 6 Hutchinson (Horace G.) 13, 16, 27, 38 Ingelow (Jean) - 23 Ingram (T. D.) - 6 James (W.) - - 18, 21 Jameson (Mrs. Anna) 37 Jefferies (Richard) - 38 Jekyll (Gertrude) - 38 27 Page Jerome ( [erome K.) - 27 Johnson (J. & J. H.) 39 Jones (H. Bence) - 31 Joyce (P. W.) - 6, 27, 39 Justinian - - - 18 Kant (I.) - - 18 Kaye (Sir J. W.) - 6 Keary (C. F.) - - 23 Kelly (E.)- - - 18 Kielmansegge (F.) - 9 Killick(Rev. A. H.)- 18 Kitchin (Dr. G. W.) 6 Knight (E. F.) - - 11, 14 Kostlin (J.) - - 10 Kristeller (P.) - - 37 Ladd(G.T.) - - 18 Lang (Andrew) 6 ,13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 39 Lapsley (G. T.) - 5 Laurie (S. S.) - - 6 Lawrence (F. W.) - 20 Lear (H. L. Sidney) - 36 Lecky (W. E. H.) 6, 18, 23 Lees (J. A.) - - 12 Leighton (J. A.) - 21 Leslie (T. E. Cliffe) - 20 Lieven (Princess) - 6 Lillie (A.) - - - 16 Lindley(J.) - - 31 Locock (C. D.) - 16 Lodge (H. C.) - - 6 Loftie (Rev. W. J.) - 6 Longman (C. J.) - 12, 16 (F. W.) - - 16 (G. H.) - -13,15 (Mrs. C.J.) - 37 Lowell (A. L.) - - 6 Lucian - - - 22 Lutoslawski (W.) - 18 Lyall (Edna) - - 27, 32 Lynch (G.) - - 6 (H. F. B.)- - 12 Lytton (Earl of) - 24 Macaulay (Lord) 6,7, 10,24 Macdonald (Dr. G.) - 24 Macfarren(Sir G. A.) 37 Mackail ( J. W.) -10,23 Mackenzie (C. G.) - 16 Mackinnon (J.) - 7 Macleod (H. D.) - 20 Macpherson (Rev.H.A.) 15 Madden (D. H.) - 16 Magnusson (E.) - 28 Maher (Rev. M.) - 19 Mallet (B.) - - 7 Malleson(Col. G.B.) 6 Marbot (Baron de) - 10 Marchment (A. W.) 27 Marshman (J. C.) - 9 Maryon (M.) - - 39 Mason (A. E. W.) - 27 Maskelyne (J. N.) - 16 Matthews (B.) - 39 Maunder (S.) - - ^i Max MuUer (F.) 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 39 Mav (Sir T. Erskine) Meade (L. T.) - - 32 Melville (G. J. Whyte) 27 Merivale (Dean) - 7 Merriman ^H. S.) - 27 Mill (John Stuart) - 18, 20 Millais (J. G.) - - 16, 30 Milner (G.) - - 40 Monck(W. H. S.) - 19 Montague (F. C.) - 7 Moore (T.) - - 31 (Rev. Edward) - 17 Moran (T. F.) - - 7 Morgan (C. Lloyd) - 21 Morris (W.) - 22,23,24, 27, 28, 37, 40 Mulhall (M. G.) - 20 Murray (Hilda) - 33 Myers (F. W. H.) - 19 Page I Nansen (F.) - - 12 Nash(V.)- - - 7 Nesbit (E.) - - 24 Nettleship (R. L.) - 17 Newman (Cardinal) - 28 Nichols (F. M.) - 9 Oakesmith (J.) - - 22 Ogilvie (R.) - - 22 Oldfield (Hon. Mrs.) 9 Osbourne (L.) - - 28 Packard (A. S.) - 21 Paget (Sir J.) - • 10 Park (W.) - - 16 Parker (B.) - - 40 Payne-Gallwey(SirR.)i4,i6 Pears (H.) - - 7 Pearse (H. H. S.) - 8 Peek (Hedley) - - 14 Pemberton (W, S. Childe-) - - 9 Penrose (H. H.) - 33 Phillipps-Wolley(C.) 12, 28 Pierce (A. H.) - - 19 Pole (W.) - - - 17 I Pollock (VV. H.) - 13, 40 Poole (W.H. and Mrs.) 36 Poore (G. V.) - - 40 Portman (L.) - - 28 Powell (E.) - - 7 Powys (Mrs. P. L.) - 10 Praeger (S. Rosamond) 33 Pritchett (R. T.) - 14 Proctor (R. A.) 16, 30, 35 Raine (Rev. James) - 6 Ramal (W.) - - 24 Randolph (C. F.) - 7 Rankin (R.) - - 8, 25 Ransome (Cyril) - 3, 8 Reid(S. J.) - - 9 Rhoades (J.) - - 23 Rice (S. P.) - - 12 Rich (A.) - - - 23 Richmond (Ennis) - 19 Rickaby (Rev. John) 19 (Rev. Joseph) - 19 Riley (J. W.) - - 24 Roberts (E. P.) - 33 Robertson (W. G.) - 37 Roget (Peter M.) - 20, 31 Romanes (G. J.) 10, 19,21,24 (Mrs. G. J.) - 10 Ronalds (A.) - - 17 Roosevelt (T.) - - 6 Ross (Martin) - - 28 Rossetti (Maria Fran- cesca) - - - 40 Rotheram (M. A.) - 36 Rowe (R. P. P.) - 14 Russell (Lady)- - 10 Bandars (T. C.) - 18 Sanders (E. K.) - 9 Savage- Armstrong(G.F.)25 Seebohm (F.) - - 8, 10 Selous(F. C.) - - 12, 17 Senior (W.) - - 13, 15 Seton-Karr (Sir H.)- 8 Sewell (Elizabeth M.) 28 Shadwell (A, Shakespeare Shaw (W. A.) - Shearman (M.) Sheehan (P. A.) Sheppard (E.) - Sinclair (A.) Skrine (F. H.) - Smith (C. Fell) (R. Bosworth) - (T. C.) - (W. P. Haskett) Somerville (E.) Sophocles Soulsby (Lucy H.) - Southey (R.) - Spedding (J.) - Spender (A. E.) 12, 13 28 12 28 23 40 40 9.17 12 14 14 19 8 19, 40 29 19 Page Stanley (Bishop) - 31 Stebbing (W.) - - 28 Steel (A. G.) - - 13 Stephen (Leslie) - 12 Stephens (H. Morse) b Sternberg (Count Adalbert) - - 8 Stevens (R. W.) - 40 Stevenson (R. 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