8 O U V E N I R ;Qirtint flora's BaK >5uspiff s of jStetif Q|il of Hiwrlri,- Inc. READ The Pi&ureplayer THE GREATEST MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD DEVOTED TO FILMDOM BRIGHT CLEVER CATCHY ARTISTIC Just what you want to know about the greatest industry of the present day. S/^LP. Illlt Illll Illl HIM Will IIIH HI II "> I"" W* " WIWHII wi _^, j- AA 000429769 3 8^5" $0 tfc* motion Pirtmt Fntfmitte liers Who are Members of the Static Glut A. L. Ansbacker W. F. Alder J. H. August J. H. Bufferm J . L*yman Druening J. D. Clauson James Crosby J. C. Cook F. M. Dean B. F. Frazer W. M. Foster Fred Granville Harry Gersted rdarry Gant Alfred Gosden Harry B. Harris Up to Jan. 6. 1914 George Hill Harry Maguire G. H. MacKenzie Jokn MacKenzie F. S. Norton Anton Nagy Howard Oswald R. A. Olsen Walter PritcKard William Piltz Steven Rounds Henry Reimers L. M. SmitK E.J.Ullman Walter Wright Al. Wycoff "W. J. Beckway G. W. Peters Al Siegler Eddy Gekler E. J. Vallejo Walter Stradling Frank Williams D. Davis R. NewWd Carl Widen Jjert Longnecker Cus Henscnen J, W. Leeze S. O. Bartnolemew Ray Overball J. D. Jennmg Walter L. Griffith J. A. CROSBY Chairman Entertainment Com. AL. ANSBACHER Trustee Entertainment Com. Wm. C. Foster Member Static Club Chief Cinemato&rapher Universal West Coast Studio Otis Turner Company "ANGELUS" CAMERAS FOR MOTION PICTURES "ANGELUS" Compound Tripod "ANGELUS" Darkroom Rewind "ANGELUS" Professional Camera "ANGELUS" Film Meter L. A. Motion Picture Company MANUFACTURERS OF "An^elus" Studio Equipment 114 East Seventh Street LOS ANGELES, CAL. CARL STERNLOV General Manager Walter L. Griffith Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Universal West Coast Studio J. D. Jennings Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Francis Ford Company Universal Films Best Wishes and Success To the Static Club James Dayton SCENERIO EDITOR Universal West Coast Studio Best Wishes to the Static Club Chas. Chaplin Comedian Keystone Film Company "The Handsomest Exclusive Motor Accessory Store on tke Coast" C. That's what people say about our new store at TWELFTH and GRAND AVE., and you will say the same thin& too. C, But it isn't only with a handsome store, pleasant surroundings and modern conveniences that we would please you. but with a service that is prompt and satisfactory in every respect ^oods that are standard and reliableprices that are as low as the immense buying power of our seven bi^ stores will permit. Call and &et acquainted Chanslor & Lyon Company Pacific Coast Distributors : LEE TIRES, STROMBERG CARBURETORS, HAR- RIS OILS and other standard lines of Motor Accessories. Twelfth, and Grand Los An&eles San Francisco Fresno Oakland Portland Compliments J. O. NICHOLS DIREC TOR Keystone Film Company 'A Few Bullets from Mexico" to the Static Club Buck Connors Assistant Producer Albuquerque Film Company Reserved for Allan Dwan Director Universal West Coast Studio Complements to the Static Club Alvin Wyckoff Superintendent Albuquerque Film Co. Best Wishes to the Static Club Miss Dorothea Farley Leads Albuquerque Film Co. G. P. Hamilton Albuquerque Film Company I'm funny to look at, As the movies will show, So I'll just take a chance And si&n my name below. Augustus Carney "ALKALI IKE" Universal Film Company Best Wishes to Static Club Roscoe C. Arbuckle "The Keystone Fat Boy" COMPLIMENTS Mr. Porter 1 he Famous Players Western Studio Best Wishes and Success to Static Club Harold A. Lockwood Famous Players Reserved for -Lvoblyn Adair N. Y. Motion Picture Co. Best Wishes to the Static Club Felix Modjeska International Feature Film Co. The Hollywood The Citizens' National Bank Saving^ Bank October T w e n t y - f i r s t , Nineteen Thirteen TOTAL ASSETS: $1,018,377.59 Corner Hollywood Boulevard and Cahuen&a HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA BestWisKes Fred Basement of Washington Third and Spring Harlow'sCafe Matel Normand The Keystone Girl Directing, Her Own Company in Q i In ouccess to the Static Glut) Tkos. Ince and Mack Sennett New York Motion Picfture Corporation TKe Irifli Lady" Evlyn ThatcQier Character Comedian Compliments of U. R. Bowers & Sons 942 SOUTH MAIN STREET Distributors of FINE SCENIC AND SIGN WRITERS MATERIALS Home 60064 Main 6174 Best Wishes to the Static Club Hotart Bosworth Bos worth, Inc. WARREN CROW WALTER ISRAEL Fischer Costuming, Company 347 South Spring Street BRAUER BUILDING Myrtle Stedman Leads Bosworth, Inc. World's Largest Manufactures of SADDLES and RIDING EQUIPMENT Los Angeles Saddlery & Finding, Co. MISS HAYNES MISS WOLCOTT Bosworth Co., Inc. CHAS. RAY AL. ERNEST GARCIA Building Material NEW iting-Mead Commercial Oo. NINTH AND MAPLE =i SECOND HAND m Wliiting \Vrecking Company EIGHTH AND SAN PEDRO .Los Angeles r ireworks Company W. H. WILSON Manager 410 East Tkird Street LOS ANGELES. CAL. Telephone A 1013 Makes a specialty of effedls for moving JDidlure companies Compliments TO THE AL. ERNEST GARCIA BOSWORTH, Inc. BOYS BEHIND THE CAMERA ALBERTA GARCIA BOSWORTH, Inc. m 1*1 si The WAY TO THE Boswortn Film Company J . A. C. Film Company Albuquerque Film Company Famous Players COURT FLIGHT 201 NortK Broadway J. A. C. Studio Tailor Will Wt> Your Wardrobe in Order Cleaning Pressing and Repairing 324 COURT STREET Telephone Main 4210 HARRY GROSS ED. ATKINSON CHAS. HAYDON Executive Staff Bosworth, Inc. GEO. HILL ELMER CLIFTON HARRIS 01 [SIBSTEin IslSATIGElESi THEATRICAL FILM C:DV:T u M ERV; Cleo Madison Leads J. Farrell McDonald Supporting J. Warren Kerrigan Universal West Coast Studio Main 848 Home 10147 We SPECIALIZE in Battens and Stock FOR ALL KINDS OF Motion Picture & Theatrical Work KerckKoff- Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company Main Office: Sixth and Main Streets Mill : Macy and Alameda Streets We specialize on hurry up detail work KODAKS AND Everything Photographic HigK Grade Developing and Printing Howlana C? Dewey Co, Eastman Kodak Company 510 South Broadway "LARGEST KODAK STORE ON THE COAST" Edwin August Company HAL. AUGUST ALICE RHODES B S JEWELER TO THEIR MAJESTY Qomplimentg Richard Garrick "The People of HOLLYWOOD" Famous H Players Company Edward G. Grelck Established 1905 6428 Hollywoad Boulevard Pacific Coast Studio : 406 COURT STREET HifcH Class WATCH and H @ JEWELRY REPAIRING EVERYTHING For a GOOD //i tfie Release T^ 1 f rood /we o/" Printing anrf StUII visit Advertising Advertising Literature written and printed H. & F. LUNCH Mailing Lists, Direct Mail Advertising Cam- 11 ROOM [*] paigns planned and executed Just Phone Directly across from A 5739 COURT FLIGHT The Cadmus Press & Advertising Service orwr North 2-,\J'-. Broadway 239 South Los An&eles Street Harry Maguire Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Albuquerque Film Company Helen Huntington (MRS. H. REVIER) Late of the Amie Adams Stock Players WATCH US GROW THE INITIARY BOYS IN THE MOTION PICTURES I extend my hearty appreciation of thanks to the Static Club Boys in electing me an honorary member of their Club, and you can bet you will find me always A BOOSTER. H. REVIER Revier Studio Hollywood, Cal. THOS. P. FENTON, MOR. HAND QRAFT fURNITURC^BABY (V\RRIAG6S 1O29 SOUTH BROADWAY LOS ANGELES PHONE MAIN 8465 OAKLAND SAN FRANCISCO CLAY AND STH STS. 12OO MARKET ST. Compliments JKelso Bros. Buffet 621 SoutK Spring Mellus Bros. e? GO. Manufacturers and Jotters Tents, Awnings and Canvas Goods of Every Description We Cater to tne Moving Picture Studio PHONES: F 4871. Main 3500 305-307-309 E. FOURTH ST. "To the Boys" Lulu Warrenton Leading Character Woman Universal West Coast Studio BEST WISHES TO THE Static C 1 u b Norman K. Rich Laurel Palace Buffet 115 W. First Edward Ullman Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Henry McRea Co. Universal Films Al Sie&ler Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Francis Ford Co. Universal Films Fourth Floor Home Pnone Burns BUg. A 1050 Correct and Sanitary COSTUMES \Vigs, Beards and Masks A complete line of Grease Paints Cold Cream, Cref>e vv ool Moustacnes Spangles, Jewels, Squinas. Gold and Silver Trimmings Temple Costume Co. 525 Soutn Broadway Los Angeles, Cal. Compliments to the STATIC CLUB HARRY EDWARDS Director Universal ^Vest Coast Studio BETTY SCHADE HAZEL BUCKHAM Rex Brand Universal Films STEVEN S. NORTON ALLAN FOREST Hammond Lumber Company California Redwood Oregon Pine Retail Yard and Mill: Wholesale Yard and Mill: 20th and Alameda Sts. Terminal Island Los An&eles, California East San Pedro, Cal. We make a Specialty of Kiln Dried Finish, Sash and Doors, and Gen- eral Mill Work of All Descriptions We also carry a complete line of Builders' Hardware Best Wishes and Success to the STATIC CLUB For a Bi& Succes Al M. Davey Cameraman Alkali Ike (Ag,ustus Carney) Writing Playing and Producing, GRACE CUNARD Francis Ford Company Gold Seal Brand Universal West Coast Studio FRANCIS FORD Warren Kerrigan Kerrigan Victor Co. Universal Film Co. Mary Pickford Leads Famous Players Reed & H ammon General Auctioneers 1053-1055 S. MAIN ST. LOS ANGELES. CAL. Dealers and Handlers of HigK Class New and Used Furniture. Auctions conducted any time or f>lace. Regular auctions at Sales Room Tuesdays C? Thursdays REED Home. F 3545 HAMMOND Sunset. Broadway 2860 WIGS Made Sold .Rented Repaired ALSO ARTISTIC HAIR DRESSING First Class Wig Maker To the Profession DOC VINARD In Charge Yon .1! know Doc MAISON CESAR 843 ooutn Broadway Wig Room : 620 Majestic Theatre BUg. RUPERT JULIAN DEL. CLAUSEN Qompltmentsi " t3t)em Oscar ScKwimmer CONSULTING ENGINEER 211H West Second Street Los Angeles, Cal. Designer and Maker of Motion Picture Cameras under own patents Repairing and Rebuilding of all makes To Disarm Your Enemy "MR. RE-TAKE" Use Schwimmer's Professional $750.00 ScKwimmer 's Amateur - 75.00 IT'S GOOD FOR "FILM TROUBLES" Anthony Na&y Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER CKristie Company Universal Film Co. Steven Rounds Member Static Club CINENAPOGRAPHER Edwin August Company Universal Film Co. Best M/ishes and Success To the Static Glut A. M. Kennedy Kennedy Features W. T. Alder Member Static Club Cinenapo&ra&her Kennedy Features E. J. Vallejo Member Static Club Cinenapo&rapher International Feature Film Co. Wilford Lucas Director International Feature Film Co. Pathe Tyf>e Professional Cameras Tripods, Tilters, Lenses and Suf>lies Can now be obtained, in Los Angeles r rese Optical Co. ARTHUR FRESE, Manager Factory and Salesroom 546 SOUTH SPRING All refmir work receives immediate attention. Prices reasonable COMPLIMENTS OF Woodill-Hulse "The Electric Shop' Our New Location is just Around the Corner from Third and Main 111-113 E. Third St. "If It's Electrical, We Have It" ESTABLISHED 1891 S. E. Levy Business Manager Kennedy Feature, Inc. and International Feature Films Delicious! The BREAD that is winning all Los Angeles Meek Barnes Baking Co. 600 Sao Pedro St. COSTUMES INDIAN WIGS Made to Order or Rented Leather Outfits Our Specialty MAIN 2345 WESTERN COSTUME COMPANY Indian, Cowboy, SpamsK, Mission, Miner, Trapper Costumes and Properties For Stage and PKotoplay 719 WEST SEVENTH ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Room 111 Kingston-Fanning Building 101 Bison HENRY McREA Universal Films SHERMAN BAINBRIDGE E. A. ULLMAN Bernondy ' Gider* c5ce/?e.s a You Decide ask WaterKouse & Price Co. 331 E. Fourth St. Los Angeles. Cal. Phones: F 3032 Main 8865 All Aboard What Kind of a Board? ''Comf>o Board. T JSED extensively by Moving Pict- ^^ ure Companies here and elsewhere. Work some "Compo Board " stuff into your pictures and obtain that satisfied smile. Ask those who hava used it. \Vaterhouse &? Price Co. Pacific Coast Agents Stock Carried in All Sizes 331 E. Fourth St. Los Angeles. Cal. Main 8865 F 3032 HARRY SCHUMANN Universal Film Mfg. Co. GRACE CUNARD Gold Seal Brand LIONEL M. BRADSHAW ED. BOLAND THOS. B. CLARK ANTIQUES AVe carry the largest stock in the city COLONIAL AND OLD ENGLISH MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD FURNITURE SILVERWARE, PORCELAINS, BRASS AND COPPERWARE 840 South Hill Street Los Angeles TKe Mere TKougnt of a Full Dress Suit Should Suggest WOLFS BEAN "TK e Full Dress Men" The Only Exclusive Full Dress House in tke City. Suite: 512 MASON BLDG. 4th and Broadway Home Phone 2316 9 A RENTAL DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION CALL! Photoplayers J. A. C. Studio rlall Jxecoras Barter Skof) and Oigar Stand 206 NortK BROADWAY Are awaiting your patronage Opposite Court FligKt Oon^tance Crawley Besft Wi&es and Success to &e STATIC CLUB Arthur Maude Company Arfliur Maude Arthur Maude Company Kennedy Features J. A. C. LABORATORIES 406 COURT STREET CHAS. LEVIN, Superintendent DICK MILLS, Supt. Building J. A. CROSBY, Manager GEO.W. HILL, Chief Camera Man EARL HINDS, Supt. Printing DICK MILLS, Supt. Tinting & Toninfc T A N K We make WOODEN TANKS of every description for FILM DEVELOPING. Let us be of service to you. Pacific Tank &? Pif>e Company 404 EQUITABLE BANK BLDG. -:- LOS ANGELES Also Manufacturers of Wooden Pipe in sizes from 2 inches to 12 feet, and Wooden Tanks for Water. Oil. Wine and Cyaniding. Send for Illustrated Catalogues. Betty Hastings Doing a Little Now and Then With Different Companies ADDRESS : The Reel Home of the Photoplayers Kenmore Apartments 1817 SUNSET BOULEVARD Centrally Located to All Studios Qompltments; Harry McCoy Juvenile Keystone Film Company RESERVED Henry Miller Keystone Film Company Ray Hanford International Feature Film Co. Ask for "Golden State" Champagne The best popular priced hotel in the city New Hotel Broadway Two hundred and fifty rooms Half block from J. A. C. STUDIO C. Free telephones in rooms. Steam heated. Hot and cold water. Private baths. C. Sixty rooms arranged in housekeeping apartments, one to three rooms from $25 per month up. Sin&le rooms $4 to $6 a week, with bath $8 to $12 a week. C. Restaurant and Cafeteria attached. Woodbury & Wilson, i nc . _ ,, , , Proprietors 205 North Broadway Best Wishes and Success to the Static Club Ford Sterling, Principal Comedian Keystone Film Co. W. D. MANN GEO. W. JAESCHKE Compliments Keystone Cops Keystone Film Co. W. C. HAUBER BERT HUNN G. G. LIGON M. G. COX Compliments Keystone Cops Keystone Film Co. BILLY GILBERT AL. ST. JOHN Best Wishes to the Camera Boys Jay Hunt Director N. Y. Motion Picture Co. K. B., Broncho and Domino Brands RICHARD STANTON RHEA MITCHELL ANNA LITTLE CHAS. RAY Sessue Hayakawa N. Y. Motion Picture Co. K. B. Broncho and Domino Brands To the Camera Boys Miss Tsuru Aoki N. Y. Motion Picture Co. K. B. Broncho and Domino Brands Compliments from Three JOE AUGUST WM. J. PILTZ We are Members of the Static Club Cinemato&rapKers of the N. Y, Motion Picture Co. R. NEWHARD PHILLIPS QompltmenW TO THE CAMERA BOYS UNIVERSAL WEST COAST STUDIO Phillips & Rogers UNIVERSAL CAFE THE REEL CAFE FOR REEL PEOPLE On the Universal Grounds Compliments to the Boys Behind the Camera Dorothy Davenport Walla Reid Billy Gettin^er Walla Reed Company Universal West Coast Studio JIMMIE O'SHEA Compliments of Props. JACK BLYSTONE Puzzle Find tke Picture REX HODGE Universal Film Co. For Good View of this Picture hold to the li&ht LOUIE SHERER WHITY HORN Dell Clawson Member Static Club Cinemato&rapher PKillip Smalley Company Universal Films Stephens Norton Member Static Club Cinemato&rapKer Bob Leonard Company Universal Films TOM (C. T. HENSHALL, Jr.) We Watch Them All U N I V E R S A L & OEO. W. STOUT Film Mfe. Co. JERRY E. J. WHITE A Combination Hard to Beat ALICE FARRELL MRS. E. J. WHITE Best Wishes to the Static Club Boys Edna Maison Leads Universal West Coast Studio For the Future Success of the Static Club Marie Walcamp Leads Otis Turner Co. Universal West Coast Studio Hellman Bank Corner of Sixtk and Main Streets Capital and Surplus, $1,005,000 BRANCHES: 209 South Broadway Broadway BrancK 214 West lOtn Street-Hill and lOtk Street Branch South rdoover Street Union Square Branch A Complete Equipment in all Branclies of Banking Assures Prompt and Efficient Service OPEN NIGHT AND DAY Lee L. Powers 1303 SoutK Fi&ueroa Street Telephone Home 21674 Antique Furniture Curios, Paintings, En&ravin&s and Works of Art Theatrical and Moving Picture Furniture and Accessories for sta&e settings supplied at short notice on let account. Main 1 WE CATER TO THE BEST TRADE WITH THE BEST MADE The HOTEL CLARK AUTO & TAXI CO. 426 South Hill Street OFFERS THE FINEST MOTOR SERVICE IN THE CITY A 1222