LIBRARY OF THE University of California. no Class C25& 1444 CASt B ^ ^he XTubor ^Facsimile ^eyts Captain QtljnmaB ^tuhekg 1605 Date of first known edition, 1605 [B.M. C. 21., c. 35(1)] Reproduced in Facsimile, igii Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ^a^talu Shomas ^tultclei 1605 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Ca|jtatn SDIjnmaH ^tuhBkp 1605 The original of this facsimile reprint is in the British Museum, Press-mark C. 21, c. 35(1). It is (or rather was) like " Fair Em " ((\.\), grouped with other tracts; but, this reproduction completed, the volume has been sent to the binder's for each item to be bound separately. This of course will necessitate a new press-mark. Another copy is in the Bodleian Library. As regards Thomas Stukeley, the subject of the play, see the " D.N.B." and Mr. Simpson's biography of that soldier-worthy. Mr. J. A. Herbert of the MS. Department of the British Museum, after comparing this facsimile with the original copy reports that the reproduction is of the usual high standard of merit. JOHN S. FARMER. 221364 I THE ^^ amous Hiftorye of the life and death of Gaptaine Thomas Stul^lej, With his marrfagc to Alderman Qurtcis Daughter, and valiaiit ending, of his life at die fiattaile of . ALCAZAR, iiAslt Bath hene (sAeted^ ' Printed for Thomas Pauyer, and are to be fold at his ft>op at the entrance into the Exchange, 1605. • • • I .... , «,• ;*., ; .; ; .,» • •< « ( / THE Famous Hifliory of ^ the life and death of Capcainc ^'homai Stu^lej, Cur. "pvlSoc^bfott Vernon, on toitl>wwir6iftoarfe. l-^Vcr. &ir Thomas Curteis,fparet^atnamcof "*• fomw. J moa con fte 31 Oionlb l^aoe bin pout ^onne, ano I^ad tijcceto pour Wiats ano ^oac (on&nf. Cur. 0n& ()aO fon Vernon, 3 StlO fo tiatW StU f I5one0 a S>oo man, if 31 be a iaragfjt, ^r Thomas Curtife, ano an aiOEtrtwn. tbcp t^at fap Mnp mp SDaogbter i» not poutstfRouncUy off". bv pe anb nap Bj tbinb tbem not tnp frtenDs, jlpairton ofmeman,notmpSDaas^tcrpoor0f QSab^trappoutDife. . Wife. ^nfbanD fobat fl^oulo Blfap, " 3« it not fenotoae tb^oogb iLonbon, ooo not oar frmr ooilp rrpett tt)e marriage of our tbUoe, to niaifter Vcmon bcre :• anb afte pc mt, tDtiatfappotttDifie^ Cur. WSifv bearb pe not Ijis toorbtf, be mnSconftorcbefboaib bane bin our &an: anb tbereto bab botb pour confcnt ano mtne ^ I^aue poa ocnieo bitn fince. patfion of me, BciTc, ano &on botb, ttiefk fpecbcs mabe mc mvSt not bane our Daugbter. Wife. 1^ufbanD,b«fbanb, perbapsbwminbtecliatmgb, Br our girls pojffon w not swat cnougb, . ano ti7erefo;c notB^c (ccto to b^eab it off. j32 Cur. Tlie famous Iiiftory Cur. &it» t^t fuin&e ftjcre toift ^^a, tftinbc pc fo ^ l>vpe«anOnap,H>cii toife ftc ocalc*not tnell. Come coonolp rounftlp come, to{joc(0 t^c matfcr # paOlon of aw, bjeahc off, ano f o? no tauff /^tif ' Vcr.^ic Thomas pa'iencebotvoatfclfeatDljUe. ano pjti iDaU far, t^atn»irce ncceOUe owfewoffourmatclji ^ » Cur. £)nt|)cna(S5ot0nsii», % 4 "* .^r Ver. 36oubtnot,butbpmarrta0C8fpparitiitoe, ^ poo fee be focb tormits ae ilje facrcD ttaie, peclDfi pouas perents, bs as ttjilwett* Cur. tDbatclfcfeonne Vernon f ano t^iofc btgb tlcf Sitgg, no toap are attaint 0, but bp tijc mutoall Ompatbi^ing loue, tbat as oimbimng Ijanoa ro t^ooto t|)f I) arts, of either partie,elfe it wnnot be. Cur. alitbis is tniefeonnc Vernon. Vcr. notntten &ir T[iomas,pou tatinot trpett t^sfe (omfo^s bp oar mattbrs on ntitl^tr part Bir pou gtue ne bertumc ano not bcr bart> HbeoneUbnotDpou map. compuKeOuelp. tt)e otdermoerbotbntxtilUnglp Cur. ]5one»of D08 man, l^oin :'tDbat bane toe ^ Are' lierbanban^notberbartNcJi, tome bitter Nell, paHBonor me lnrntb>t7o\ii comes tbiftto p«UTe Sue point pe one,pou lone anotber, ba ^ Wife, {pap H)is be To maioe, ba :* iDbP Cpc«^^ ^ "0^ Vcr. ^abam, anBgoBD S»ir Thomu benotrongb Soitb pour faire baugbter , tobat bcr bafbfnines (onccales trom poo, ft0 to l)er, being ^urc|tioe,aAo^opt: of after toi', £)f} lo^at fi iu;ong in me, tor re i\)\z to btm, bemgmp fVePHO, mpD^, efteemeD freno, to rob b<^r of ber barto beS b^pf ne^, . Mm oCibeaooglig gracious fo:ttinesine0: I'^Jf jldboulobinberbim, o;pouba'pc t)cr, ftom t^isi ri jbt marcfjt, tD'i(ct) rcafon batb prefer. Cur. 15ons0atMDNcil,t)oU);'loucmaiaerScuklie-. Wiie. 9 banDfom* p^opir man,bntbolo nobi Daugljter i' amS maios be cbufer^. Siuk. ipaoamaRD binir&ir Thomas, loofaeon nie^ not tDit b oifoatnf oti IoobC0, o; bafe contempt 31 am a (j5entUmmi,aiiD bocU ocria'De, •quail 3 mat> Tap, in all troc rcfpccts, lottb l)iSber fortune tbcn 3 aiitie at noto. ]i5a: Qnce pour oaugbtcrs birrturs anb firme loae, incacb of babatb mabe rcrctacDcboife, (^inrempbearcfrcnbto meb°tt)pe(lDeDbp, iobatrigbtbc migbtpzcfcr to pourfaire cbilDC, I in true rcgaro of our To mutonll ione : )bo poa pour felues m.itte perfect tbofefaire bbpe0> tbat bp (ontractcD mamage poa erpect, tDbere eitbcr partle reOctb fullp pleaf'o. He I. 'tj3pon mp bnecB beare parents 31 intreat iiy ano tount it not m me immoDeOp, to ione tbe man, lobom beanen appofntcb fo; me. pour ( botfe 3 mnlt commeno , but mine mucb nto}e) bearing tbe feale of grmc afihctton, Ijfs bcrtoes in tbe pubiicli tuo;lDi) rtpate, - beferaetb one moic tDo;tbp tben mp felfe, fetncc roaifler Vcmon tben pjefcrsbia frienbe, bcfb|ehimrelfe,anb(nrotuaaeare: ' • % let mc tntreat tbat reafon map tabc place. fl 3 ^«f' The famous hiftory Ver. Co further it, tl)U3 firanl5cli' 31 bccm, l)crc Deacc Tom ilukly , ail tbe «8i)t 3 tiauc, an faiccNcll Curtcs, j rcQgne to tljer, be but |}er parents, pUctfo To incU ns 51, (000 giuc pou iojj 03 mrai, ano Vuife fap J, (ink. ttHt^at rates &ic Thomas Oi.'Ol JcsUljimfatf^cr^ ano ^aoam, t>ou my motljer ^ ., Cur. s^oft ano faicc feir. Couie bit^ec toife, Rtukiy is n gallant mm, am one J;ere in our cnticmcn loill run t^eir coarfe aUii)t!e, anbpcibcnerctbctoojfe. Cur. feaiM>cfoU)i«'c, 2;sieU,^n Vernon ((l)ouIof)aoebo tUicntppfifrBngo: Slbaiicriabenfconiltit* C^olDne to mp ^ oufc ano nc w D2a\D bit : bat maiffcf Newton tbofc bates ano 31 be parteb loctl ^ir Bile to tbe CcmpU to .'s mp fonttc, tDbcn TatD pou tljat tnO) jiftp 15op To m s tuklic Newton, ^eluas not bere Once pon iserelaSiitiowne bnt ib.c otber cap 3I fato bmi come bp flprt-ttreet Sbit^ tbCllojO Wmlor, mil LojO Aburganny, an BjciO; llo;o o; ttDO in companie, 3 pjottiife pou ^c (B a s(titU Page. &ir. Oldftuk. ««i)eretet!;i0 fohw^clppout^pout mmrter tW latoiet tl)i« iLatoier , a tooolo fane fe ?nm,t»ui l«amco inaiftcrfl^(p:lu^re(0|)e. Page. 3t toill not be long bcfojc become* feir. Old Sukly goes againc to the ftuddy» 3lf ^ be not tnttt in Ijis mot^er0 iBellp ^ttlc hope ^im outoft^etawp j 3 toaulo 3 toerc tmft» ^m toD ■ fij? Jfljall l)aae a IBatting toojfet^cn a tjanging Old fhik. 3fftct)auefomacl)80flcani(aicb3ama trai* foj.bntanolD bill ofa, Ji5?ofecn ftoojato ftf fjwl'gfjtin not a Kanbitti n0 3 am a man, but t^e IBotiom of a ICetnplc pot, tDttb a little olo farfnet in it. ftievts a fellok) libe to pjout a ilatoicr, tf rtD0;b anb, 15utUer|oto. Enter ftuklic at the further end ot thcftage, fbk. JiBop,bM Dickc Bbckttone (lent |»onie m ncfo SSucbUr, cogne iD^p flir0 ti)on not Page. 8ffiH>atagapin«h«pppo:aporon't,tnpolbinailI« (0^efire :poale^«tepfatt|. Scuk. lioto long IHW 1)6 b*ncl>6rc rogue. ' Page. Ct)t0tU)obofBcr0. ftukly. ^oU)nD0^elja0bantflhinean3lnaetitorpeofttip ^ouf|)oulD (!uffe : all mp b;autrp he about tt)e flour Old Siuk. ^ ti)ougracelr£bop,i)otol»eftt^onbeOott>e Hckncelcsdowne, tl)ptiin£ Stukt ^our bUOing gob fat^r. oFTli o. StuKcly. Old Stuk. O t^ou bnbUiTeD ^ap, t^ou tilti leteD dut^2lf^ Huk. ^ob) OOC0 mp mother ^,8no all in It^ampt^ere, Old Stuk. {TactDOifetoljcarcof fi)vBt»mnmtrcl)cre ; ftnk. Ham (jlau to^cateoffljeicswo bcalttj ; goo contina» OldHuk. £(fone f roe, bat f mp «nf cfhwrpon toere 38 31 am, » true man to tfteboufe,poa tmbctiot^iog atoaptoitbpotu oidffuk. jJDbabtbP gramarbaeneasbinbtomt w 3 banc bine to t^, toon bito Utob bntbJift fluk. iMpfopoobo,Cobbeffrartbcb,btt(barltwo JJp^fJt'tfewa narcr leap to t^ toesb tbcn all ' 5r - "^^"^ ^^' *^" fcratcDing f oj tbing^ ont ©fa fiandiib all a mans m, tobicb 3baae fottnb g>ot,anDif poa tmllllicii fsmt, 3 tonbtnot but |ou fbaU (btnbe 3 ^ane btliotoeomp timz toeM anotbtett W.3 am inpolRbilifpto matrp aibermati Curtefrc$©aagbler,notof8tberiffo«totll Jppen tifi Kagq of poor affe(t(on anb qjealw bat f|)te mine J^citt tmfmte, Oldftttk. Sttttotjb tBbatf5aloiircan31^wbeft}H« Kling Co lelob attb )0;obtsall a(fpenB !b»lt) acammon qoattelleif^toitb fixmie 3 {^eaketf , S^at 3Mre fcarflpohinetbs toitb «np «tf bit. Huk. jdeace ga>b &tber : no mo» of tbat, llitli (0 me Wtt, IfpoafDiRbnt f(tUet(K oloe (^Uotoin Cbe «are4o>be poo, toit^ atertatnt toojo taiteb a lopatcr t Jpa, tbat fanw lopntct, anbttp^opermiinlDitt^aU VIS 3 am, iDtll ojatu poa«!t a iDcneb : «0 ff fqairriUs min, foiUbjatoonea (fianlfliaiiDe Old ftuk. ^to atbjpgOOTom ftukly : tbp rpttS arefenoforiortintbe Cittp : / "^^ ^ .asjammmlja ftate tj)c aiipfroiatt, iDta of Tho. Stukely. fRBnotbelD^otig^t to p&ttiintot^ematt^, fhik , 3 fsUicr ti)is is cert^ne, bat a! ( floats ttotljing* 3^ate%&Knd)e0 gootDitlanDliemnftptelo ^pffAt afiiiB bort: (^s tooitlj fo;tp t^ouIkaB poonO £D(Eitt;ert^.si0 tl)crigt)t)3^lofop^er0 tone, true imltipltoJion 3 i)ane fbano it- Old Auk. mc\l dtcra, come ano goe toit^ iw to fulpper : iD^et^cc Sjlereno fo; a frenoo; ttoo ofmine, ina tafte ttetr 15ettrr cDunfelB in tlie matter. Auk. Blp2a?fou let it be (b : &lrra Sof f Hocbe tbe Dojie, ftio b;ing m? riso;o : Enter at one doorc Crofle the Mercer at an- other spring the Vintyncr. CroHc. 3 nere t)earbfucl) a mnrmur of a marriage Ptt fo; mi? life 31 cannot merte a man tt>at Ibanbl? tan report tbe certaintp, spring. I cannot m«t a man in anp place> !l5at SiU be bat^ tbt0 marriage in bi0 moQt^, M. \)iB bap TaieB one, to mo;roiD Caic0 another 0notbcrrate0tS0paff,anbbefD80ibece : ~ flnotbcr tct0 me ^at t>pon bi0 bnctiK^ogt it i0 not pettbi0tbrec bai0 at t^ leaS: 3 tl)inbe tbe too^lD t0 fet a mabbtng Bl. CroiTe. saabatmatSrr spring tt^eiitllntfner K p;ap gob ^trpenr fmeii be as gob aa poor taO spring. ^ Jitter CronctbeqNrceriaeaenfo, pott t^aof fomtbtng in tbe loinb : ) ^elecne ron b^ce bin b^ngijt to tbe15oobea0UKl a0 poivneig^ours '.tjponmp lifeb< « €6mtB bpon ^ fsme IBufinra fbat 31 Doe, «»b periapt |)e cati tell mc boVo tb' tDo;lo goesb^e tocU mtt maiftcr Crofle, Cro(Te. ssabatuwiQcrspriagtoibetbcratoapt . ^(ing. SlloasaboDttoaffteponafnuKl) J irr ;lie lamous hilcQiy (Tome, 3 hnold pou arc Ijarkning to aioerman Curt. Ijtaro Crofl'e, iD pott tooalD fatne ^uc fomc companic, 3 fel pon. (i5oto,TomStukclyi|)aU^anet|}e ti>enc]|)uuD^cUcr ffecltcr,t^c 2l')cr mans feage (IjaU paic foj all, spring Uct t^OH n true ipjopljct :• Cioflc. 31 vt)a5aD?camtto niBf)t, ftjal^cpaiocmc all in ]3oubIepiO0tet9. spr'm^. 31 tDontoBfjaomiiteinplaine CeScrtu. Croflc, C:at,bcggcrippaiinene,l)an8 it Enter shaipc the Cutlar, and Blunt the Buckler maker. Wl)au nioje of tl)C fapic Conic, all.bir80 of a fcattcr spring. feftarpettjcdutkrofi^lat^fKattnet^inlj^, . ano i&Iant of tt^e &tranD t^c IBnclilec malicr. CroO'c. ^aneat^mat iSluntartti jWH«1?Ci fo?fU)0?Dc anD backlec , lire are fo.} l)im. sharp. WM met maiaec ^mns* spring. &o are vou malQcr &t)arpe. Qofle . jaaijat maittc c 13lunt, fl^all toe lie at maxif Putting out his hand Blunt 31 p;a^ (i^D toe map Or, to faue wxt felues b? (biii marriage. ' sprbg, &tap Ijtre tottis Eom« fetObelp, anB3|achfcHarbart.' Eater Stukely and Harbartitj their hofc and doublet?, Qoffe JKUbattttbc matter, ftuk. 2lo fpeafee it pabliWie, in fuel) a pjcfcnct, ^e tiatl; bnoone ^ff 6an3i)tcr b? tbe mnrriage, pou are a moS bifgracefuil 3(&cot : acbcgtcatcttinfnriecrcaoflmvfpint ♦ coult not ijaue Dwtone fo bafc a tojang ftom me. • Hiirb?.it 3fpaUcubutin ropri^,b«tCnccpo«rfiia0» 3fi fo fflon Itsbf £t)> let it quend) agaiiw : Ske poa fo tetibe »>tabclp, toitb apor. ftuk. |3oa arc a 0aae t\m to abufc me Harbcrt, Harb pouarcabainfole^tukelvfo tocalmei . ■• ftuk. 31nfo;ce me not | p;ctbc at tljls time. Har. 3|itfo;ce pou, jbiouo, v«tt iw ''^tbe inftjtctt p of Tho. Stukely. fluke. 1!5arbnrt pont blcDDstoc l)ot Harb. J9>oubaacbjou0l)t«ie infotljeavjeto t©leicrt)en. ftukc. Cbou bad aliiiolf ttmpfcoinc brpono mv llrengtlj Hatb.lf JiDtOit lt)nt3ltDOulobe poiireucUfpcrlt. Cro.|)crcflftoo)aanDba£klecbp me callfojilubfl. soring, fo tuE map bcatc onttt)c I5?ams of our bufincffe, iharp. toe come in an ill time* Blunt. &0 31 feare. Croflc. bolD notoSharp,(0poure6Bct8ben off. sharp.3l am blantcBUjit^mpneigbbout in fattfj. ftuk. SLi^oa cams on porpofe i^arbectto oifgrace tnti Harb. $^a pour motbers fon \m (n ^i9 tb7oat> ftuk^ Blp;Mptt)ttaanonottbt>0. Harb. Eo bnorr r*;op pour cutler leaQlt fedl. ■ ftuk. STfjoa baft ftunb a tfmc to triumpb one mp courag lDf}cn Bl am tjis trebito;?. MoUict. The famous hiilory Mother, fo; gots loitc gcoo fonttcStukcly b€ contcne. Cur. 15000 blca d:aptauic Harbcrt, i5one» of 2)00 mm be content. Harb.lueare goDlHenOftDftd all mptisre, tl)e ]3>pmn8 roonte 6>ic grolomg (btntul^tljot, toe aept oat t)et^er but to taiic i\)c a^re, stukc. Bride. 31 pjaptfjeegcBBftocctljart benota angrp, ano Capta(ne Harbart let me tell pou t^g, tinatDlns tbeDiTpoOtlon of pouc fhenb, ^u au9i)t banc fparo tbe fpscbes tl}at i^oubftD. Harb . ^r ttjen bane an? toap oifpUafeD t'ou, HI am bene forte. JIBut Ictbim tabc tbem Ijotoljc talU 3 carcnof, Stuk. Harbart, jle make fou eatcf one toocu. Cutt. Cobs me bltd, lets to btnner again, aU(,lncU aU iDcll.Come, come, come. Mother, dome q^attcr Harb. poo Iballbcmp prifoncr: E>angbtec tabe pou i.>our ^ufbanb by tbe bano, anb let bs tn to Dinner. £»'£• Croffc.l^ercBalDebDingtnBccb. 31 pcrceiue bptbi«, tbattoc come in ill fcafon toj our monie. spring. 3 tDOuto 31 baump Debt before Harbart f be matt Sharp. tobP fo maCcr spring ? spring. iBtcaufe, 3[f tljev ttoo mate, 3 fcare tiDne of tbem papefl font, tbcp arc tteo tail Cientleracn, as ©nfllanb paloca. Blunt. CSIcll, let* aVDaic foj ttiis, anfi come to mo;rotof tbefnner. Crofle. Content. E ntcr Vernon with Hamdon and Ridley, two of his Friends. Ham. 3tfnotatourrcc!uttt8,vctgcntlcfricnD, . iPojpour otonc fafctic, change pour fojmcr mtno: l^adc POO not lucaitb, CBbic ttjoulo pou Icauc tbc taiib/l rid.' arcyoaRotbcccofncoittntbc (I4tUe> ofl ho.Stukely. 51Rn()vflionlo I'OH tJjen bctrar) pour fo?toarD^opef taipoii a iBilful ano fancectatnc Oumoj ? Vcr. 3 UnoUj tljat nip eftatc ts founJ) nno ffmO, adonttieoncflDearengt^encDtDitt) ticj) frenM* anDone tl)cotljcrluclieftabliaicD bp tt)C ailiaancc of a pnuatc Qocb : pet lobat 15 t^is ^ £D; all cptecnall pompe riiatot^ierlDifc is inctocnt to men, 'it tfje rninu tosnt t^at comfojt it Ojouto ^ane .' btlopoc mc ©cntlcmcn it is 30 oiuDcte, to men in piifon, o; afi Daintp mcate !)!0U3t)t to a Sch man, luliorea^ictingpame ^atl) neither left l)im appetite noj taft. Mam. lijoiD rpjingfl t^i5 DiatontentT'toftmin lies t^is gallof Confcicncc tljat DeOurbs ro" f" ^^ Rid. CSlc are i^oux fricnoB fljotocfau poarfhtoflcogtfefip, flntt toe toill etttjer finoe a rcmeop, ©jQjartns cucrvonca part of it. 00 telTen it, ano it (liall lofe t}is f o;ce. Ham. 3|nitfo;fojroto^nfo;foBfee?oat5!B;iW, anb gaoc pout interrett to anott^rr ina«v Rid. ^oa bittlje naiUbpon tlje bcaD :tifl tljat ano nott>ing clfe tijat bjefOB tlrts oifeontent. Vcr. iBc not twtcwo, 31 Bft it bpaouiff, i^j DO 3 ang toa? repent mc of (t : ^^e lou'onoc me, albeit H ^onojo ^er : nnD fuc^ a matcb to^at itecc tt but to io^e Ore ano loater.' Carriage (0 no top, to be Deareb taljere tt)erei0 DIHi^e, ano tbetefoje toeijrtjing ^(0 Dcfert0 toit^ nAw, l)er loue to ^im, and bis to l)ccagaine> 31 catber ct)ofeto beneBtcmp iFrienb, biberebp tUio mtg^t be pleafo : tbmt grdrbiUe aDramfngto^>at3mtgljt,Difpte8feaUtl)ji!ie. (loue? Ham, m^at tden ^at^ tocano pon from poor countreps SDbe ratbec fo; 3 bcare be is appointcb. to ^auc a cbacg in tbis ont 3rUI) eirpebition. Ham. ^ti» no matter : ^atbart fearu l)im oof. ofTlio.StuKely. 31 raaScarKttlcrf droning ofmp WonD M \}t9fir,is '.am loill at anytime, iDi lubcn &e Dares meet })im bpoa tjjaf qoarrell, Vcr. CaPtainc tocll met . uirb. i^aiSn: Ulcruon toe Sn? (iR pon, ^nr ^o^fes l^aUe an tjouec agoc luerc rcaDr, 0nD feuc t}aD badit t^cQi bat tne lacbt vonr compntie. V'c r. ^oim conference toift; t^efef entlfinen mp frcttBff iCl^acc tnc nedcct Ri(ne t^sitre : but \S)^zn pou pirafe, 3 note am tnftv lo attend on poa. Harb . 3|t isfuel! 3one, loe ioiQ atsap fo;fl[;tuit^, j^aintalbans tijougf; tbeoap toere furtticr fpcnt C<3e map loeli react) to bco to ntsf)f . ver. ginoe fttnoff Bj note mud biD pe bot^ facttnetl. Ham. j^aie Ii» toil f^ you i^onnteo ere foe pact. (Exeunt* Enter Curtcs and his Cafhcr. Cur. $^rr^a,bDbatmenare t^ofetbatfiapfsftlicttf? Caih, (^3me tt;at inoalb rpeattelnifl^ q^. $>tutip ^r. Cur.lKnotna b^at t^eir txiCnes (0,0; lobence l^ev come Cafii: ETraDcfmctitliicpare.anDofttjeCittpCr, 25ut tptjat t^eir bQ(mc0 id 31 caraiot tell. Ciir. idponmplifelismeCreDtfa^Bof^uS) G:iS)at bearing ef ^0 makbing Untb mp jDangbter come to BcmauKD Tome monp tobkb ^e otoe« tijem < 3ltt0 euen To, a'^ep bnoto be bafb reretnCe ^10 maiTiage ijtonep : tbep percetue b ^0 flufl^, anb mcane to fbarnoitb bun> cceafl be gone. 3lc fee tbc fcqaele : l^ete^e conw^mfclfe, anD loitb bin» (^ ibe bocp of me) l^alfe tbe i^cadeTmen In tbe tobHie(3l t^bilie) Enter Stukclie with baggcsofmoney. After him thronging Arthur Crofle the Mercer, lohn fparing the Vint. William fliarp, Tho, Thump, Qc^Juz, tennis kccper,hcnry Cracky . C a the The famous liiftory The Fencer, and Ic ffcry Blurt, BaliflFc of Finsbury : With written notes in their bands. Stuk. i^U)peflaae0: amancannofotnerOep into a Ittt le totadtfj, but pjefenf Ip poulc ^aue t^c fcnt of bim, poulc mt \iim, ^tte» WkB enough : ^d 3t note as man? (l)otant>pib0,3lii}oai6U)it^at)aliantbant of mine otonc fnb(crt0 mar^ among tjjc Jjrilfr,, but let tne fa ; oclloer pour petition Croflc dcIiuershisbilU 3Ie pjonean ^oneS man atf^e c^auncerie Cur. Little latp I ftareanbleiTtc Confcience* Atukly Ct)e groOTc fom of pottc bebt^« CrofTe. tluo^unb;eDpoan&. Stuk. fo}\>i\)eiti Croflc. foi ms tm teiuctft &ir» Stuk. ^onrname. QoC art^jnc Croffe ^e S^txm. ftuk. Meli maf Her Croffe, t^c firS QDabclI ofponr name ^ tnig^t^auefparD pe t^is laboar : bot all i«one : tbers 'ponrtnonep. Cur. ctDot^nnberet pounOd :'ro t^irs anenD of t^at, 31 iDill be rioo^ne 31 got it not fa fcDna. Stuk. ^ar title to m^pnrre. Spa. £^ortFpoiinD0^r» Stuk. $0}iialliiili Spa. i^o; Canemtrappir0,ant fc} qtarf< ofloins ftuk. ^^^attbedChngijaandinOfetttr^t. spa<3&itt^erame. Stuk. l^ac nama it fepwiifs. »pa. 3(o^n ©pacing Sir, tl^e bintcncc. Cur. ^on fparb not ^im tb^zn poa oto rco;e Co ttint^ : fiuk. Xl)cre matOer ^panng,liioalD 31 toere potirfcoIUr Cur« Cur. Brijattoillnarcbe bntiUitbetrolafe. sharp. ?ouc fccoant &(r:toilliam J&l>arp (ot SBilbwf, ftukTpfaSSctoJat o&pe maiOet »^arp,bat tl)cr0 w a'cfCTnitiuefojagreentoouna. , _t:„^ '^ 0:r. ieea};otomebatttuwim03metto!)at|?;e(eroitwe fra«e3lfo?tl)at. Thu. Tho Thuinpc felr. t^c IBucWcT mMt of &» ©twff ftuk.ffi:befumtberet)ttto belonging. Thu. iF^ftane poano ^c fo; b;oaw Hnb WuOkxg bcfiDcOale plhs. , , „ Cur. ll5ot)}' of me, b^lfe t^e nwnie toonlo atme auc tali ftlloto0fojtietoac8. .... .... ... ftuk. ajjumpe 3B toill not anflotre vow tottb tlje Ute bio? lcncefcjtf3llI>oalo,tbeb?oaoeafautHlertl)atctc gon imoe iDonlD not ocfcno pou ftoni being banUcrout. . . Thu. 3ltbanlicpo"ftooja)ip. ExiiThumpe. ftuk. arepoancUoftbepeUoto»tfl)*i Haz. ilJotfoficfefetrbat 3ibop«t<»^aaeac^ilbi part bt> poor tail to(:lftcaamcnt Cur" 2:b«r« al«naoc, be tbinbs after tbc?««» paw' be meane» to go ano bantt bltnfelfe : tobats bi« legadc ftuk. i!o; tennis l!5alle0 toben tbc if rem^iwbaJrito^toa* bcretbitt^nemmbtiBitfoniatb. ^, .,, . . ■ Haz.^ina to Ttmtb toitb tbe fotuUns of fair linntn Uil)«tt , routoerebt. - , ,.i ^/ ^ ^ Cur, iFalrelinnctifboP bate: poor fair JLinnen mfm bim of a oodD neale of monie. ftuk.GeorgHazzard3tabeittbat0ponrnaitic. Haz. mpnaaieiffo &ir. ' ftuk. v00o>ge J pow tjaae «)lt t|je l)a«atb, g'»«i« h«in "»?"/ <£ 3 Cur« .-> i The famous hift ory Cur. J\\si9af}^}xt\a\!tt\)ct\)t\jMivA9^ant^\to} no, 5tuk. tUTi^ateire. Crack. 3l)opcg)ir:poatfoojl5ip^af&noffc?pt^anrp Crnttitlie /Fcncerjo; fa;llt0,anDbcniipe0giu£n bjpona t^agecat t^cninti) buttcnof peQi:BoabUt,t()irtp CroUin0. « Cur. CrncSc fji0 cro tone ano fjat niafecs one ano t^icfpe. Hak. i^£|i Crark 3C (^aucti otupto oefcnti ^cort^^uS, btittip ttfia eotonehg^t biois. (Giucs him 01003^. Crack. I fabe it Doable &ir,amiplcnrc pou' f!uk. itct U Tu^ficc pour iialhant and ntp (poller paS. ipo» dtcntB pet :'^or name ? Blu. vi^cfft rp JBlurt Snr. ©alifc of jf ineboric i? oj firaks ano bloaoIlicD in tl;c tljcattr ficlbfl, i^ioc matlaf. Cur. BoD^ pf mc necc a [&nr$;ctan in t|;f0 tolpn Uioulo l)aiicafbtni02c. Auk. Bluit J ^aue no reafon to pa? t^de tofjole. Blu. dsaijufo anb plcafc poll, ft'uk. Slactt E^ubiep ano JIlDcce^effnt^at action ta&e partcf^im.- Blur. auaffe fefr, b*3 in i^^inoburu 5aiU foj parting a wan bsb^nb t(jc toinDmilleo laff featfcruap. Stuk. m^v lijtn beiihe t>ou i;aue gosb pstsn fo; poar monif Bki. gtaoulOlociijaD&lr. '.;• Huk. tiZHeil 3i foe pour Daggeb natures ; a gtob ftD0;b ans bncUlcr man is of no recUotitng amongS pe : but let t^e &^cnffc tfjinlic, totjen be fjaJb lott SatU EDuijlp. be I(Df£tb ttrcntp matUe ayart as goo fodgi^e a3crc abarron (n englanbbolBs.Eljero ponramerria> nicntg. anogiu? 5acUiI?nDlrptl)(0 frommetopapbitf S^^ks. Eric Blurt. Blu. 3B i^anftpc fe(r. Cur. 3!iBoatol)e!;a'jbjofec(}t3patcercbetDcnt(n camcdj fif a neUi rccljoning : a!) fonifon, tljou tjatt oeceioco mp opinton, ntp Daugbtet cattatoapj ano 3 tiaue &2(!aea&to mp tnocp to a pjoofgall. ftuk. i?a(t)crb)fipfi),(!jnU3inotpimtn»DrbfB? ftuk. s?o t twtt) mp uwnp fon, not Uiiii; nip monr . ftitk. 3|t is mine oionc, am fe^tublic of l)is fltouc, tolil be m ftm^e a* Ml tt)e Cmpc ro3» 3 fcojnc t^Kfl trafljjbetrapc; ofineno fouls : I SU rpnmc it tuttl) mp fcst : mi tott!} nip ^anv, ^ lSamEaietocrsofp;cntP cnc fl)(fll3ari-cnlflno, i3creitnii»fotufelie, ^p meaning b*) pou bc?nebat^arccuennoto, poamig^tbaac fcanb toitboat mpbttcrance, ^eretDaB3tem,tjpon Jtcm.fucljacrue 80 3 nere fab> one man inttebteo tco. Enter Snikciy,Licrt,Enf,Drunn,andfoldior»» Lief. l^erettaptoefolDic^iilltbcbourebetqtnt onr captainebib appoint to nj*t toit^ b0 : SCbebaliant &toblp : Ujc ftalbauea gnioe, EftcrcB not a better in tljc -Kesftneirt. v^ The famous hiftory 3lt iB not one tolH fap bnto I)i0 men tiPiue gou affault bpon, the enimie foUolo m^: snfifo^imfejfe tout be C^e fo;moil man ttjat (ball begin t^t 6gf;f . iPo> toill tie niccUe trape mto t^c t^jc totone, lot)c n toe arelooso tDtt^ (n t^e oampiQ) flelo, but ^olantahtte pcrtatie ^ar tople, sno of f)U pnliate ptitfe reloeue ponr toantf) Enf. I,eeuetenantb*0agalant(tI5entleman. tiltille Itnoto it toell, atitbetbatisnot toitttng to bcntote life tout) l)\m, 3 toeulu Ibj mp part ift nnoi^t eno \m oaiea toe^fer tISien tt)e peltilence. Ltef, jpav if^on loobe bot on \)i» minD, ttiucl) moje'occaaonfbaQ re fino to louebfm ^as liberad, ano goes not to tbc toars pimkt a gaine of bf0 po;e IboalDlojs fpoile, butfpoUe tt)e foe to mabe I)i0 j^oulotcrs gaine, anb bere be come0 Qano all in gcoD avra? . Enter ftukly and his Wife. fluk. 31 pjetbde totfc ampojtane me no woje, miQljt tears peiftoaee o? too;D0 p?cumle toif b me, tbp tears ano too;O0 ere tt)is bao toon mee Qate : bttttifl not tbon no) anie potoer but }}iB tW ^ae tbat potoer to tabe atoaie mp life, tbat can abjioge mp pnrpofe 31 toill goe. Wife. Qjalt tb«n mp (opesbauc an cne e^c tbtv bC0i« - ano 0)811 tbe terme of tb;ff Dates being Wife, fo; ener after caofe a toiOOototiifiD. mt fcarfc areiopno togctbecanD muff part, toe ftarfe arc toarme toitb (" oor nopttall bc6; ano pon fi»?fabc mc tijcre to fmifc alone: £Dl) Doe not fo ano (f ^cu cuerloocO, 02 if pou ncuJi loticD, pet in rccaro fif m? aSertioRjlfcatte ine.not fo foone L. o f Tho. StuEeJy. ftuk. (DiDD]Lo:ott)att^outnilt0illt>nportuiume, C)aac 31 not fjiti 3B bnDcrtabe t|):0 tafbe, sbnlv to malte ti)x great. Wife. 13ut!l oeareto benomo;etl^enit)(;at3eiinaIceD? ft»a bv pour abrencc ) be maoeno ktte. , ftuk. ii5uttbatcontent«notitie,ttunott^amI)ecins ii^olD 3 ^aue bcant^ to be ballinng Inttb, j^oj pampmiijoffTip rclfe iuitb bellvcijtm, /ioU) J bauc 50t a little to 9 jlolp pe Ifc , tbit is tbe enD o; kueb of mi^ tboiijtbt ! 31 mutt baus b^t^our, honour 10 tbc tbins Stukiy botb tbiro foj.ond to cKme tbe^oant CZabf retbe (s fcatco golb (1)aa be ntp ftotftolei W i fc . tSat tbcre are tnanp Daimger« bp t()e toOF* anD baSic cl:niet0 qaicblte cahb a fall . ftuk. bcfonea Uofetb tbat oe^aires totoimi^ but 31 bane no rucbpnluotctaltfeace, 3f tbcre be mv C)nO outline i|K b;un( of raging biar ,o;j7iu:(bare bignitie, 3 aon pcrftDSbeo ,to be one of tbofe. ^ JfaUmiftarrletpetitfiiiUnotgrleae, 0; grieue tbe leffc to Die iBitb companp. Wife. cl)AtnaiaeofbeatbalreaDtemarftot»(» OMk* fiCat iif o^.^e : ano if 31 cbaunce to bit CboabelngaluQie to(ibMtu:tber0enrtD tDill glaolic fueto be rcceiuo of tbce, . tbe to0;f \» 3 om^es, 31 ieaue tbee pa)»«, 30 taking toifb me all tbe letoeU tboa b«ff> Hno aU:tb« coine ti>a0 giuen me fo2 tbp &oi»(i: : ^nt 31 bo ieaue tb«e lottb a toealtbp fatber, anb one tbat toill not fee tbs tuant 31 bnoUy, >: IBcfioc tboubattaiopntorc of fmb Lanb*, a0 3lambo}nbnto:anotbeix{o2crearc, ;anD let mefeale tlt^p Up0 bp toilb ^iM ^^^' : Witc. dtar buta bai? oj.tioo ano tbcnbepa^* p . fkik. The famous hiflory come iagg(!?gaftei-Uhe one {f;at ftaw. 5 a» tJ-,oa re fp«fe me talft no moicto me. Wife . am J fo omixB \t)&t J mar not fptah, «Jra 3 uaueliane!) tuf^sn poti talfet cccnjto, ^JU)o;Bslja6berne l|>e ^arBcflofpour hope. 3i5ut Qncc to Qli nee J am fo iniopnU, 3 tocnio aip Uft otigftt hfeelutrc if aw m cms Stuk. i^arc^ licnee stoap, oj ftiU iticre toUl bt csaf, ^onw Ut ojot^ec to oetratt onr 5aa. AithcyareMarching.EmcrcurtctsandOld Stukly. '■ cur. Bom0 a E)oB man, laie Dotone ftp fabo) Oubfc anoijcarc mefpcnte, oitoitt; mpOwoaen Daawc 3ic plaic a fit of nhrttj bpon t^p pale. mb^ tfttt mt Comibete me fon ftoJOr.fja : ^Dat Iftve f « Pa(e, aw> gone to mojiofik. 9* Ipp toife laments, canftttjOB bc^jolo j^tr Uiopc, ftuk ^mo 6jam» 3fap : j voill not l>carc a too;D. , Old Stuk. SEWt tljou not {jear t!)p fafljf r dJrawIcs iBolc; «uk. ipailjcr, bnleffe pouimane 3iq)alUe ibcogbt a trattoj to ^cr i^«(tffp : a toluarD, a aapp oojmoofe, anb a f arpet fquire ^T ntmp fo jtoaco fummer toitl) dtarpe bjcatb, iPoj intercept mp pmuofe bcine goB. Old Stuk. 3 come not bnlfail iBop at a repuuet ^f anp UrrtcauB action t^u intenos, JBot to repjotie tfjp bete ofljon - 1 . ?, iSnDtli^eimttuifrp conrf » ti)Ou tjaft bfoc, Hearnc to be icuc , aua not n(Vp ttina, So niHlfinto affaire* of foci) great moment, Stuk. fmtitj ifbnototut iBltat hou tesnverafl^nctf, Sot 1 )iBMf /tnp ff me Oiue 31 brns oftbe (biU £); Ort'ttt^ to loeild a rtt)o:D, 31 uotnO in ijatC Ho be a (bolDio;, rniD tte time nolo rerac0f Una notD mp Dotu Rjall be iccompliQjed, i^o; anp tiling be ttwyt tnp toCfe anti ms : loe ai 8 asraD : bo id eaer rotoec cbecce ^oe at oar parting 0)oh* tbe contcarp { 3f pouai tDcllflsfljecan b« perflDa&co, labP To , tr not foDHD o:omf ] u>iU not bMr£ no tnoje. cur. .^Toin,ronTom,tbouartbeceiuoinine 31 am not gctoeo t^t tbou l^ouloa ferae 0)]^ paincr, i^.2 Doe 31 tatteo:eption« at tbP mino, feo long as bono; ui t^p obiea Torn, 25at tbat to^oot oar knotoUogc tboa Oepactiy anD one tbe ftiDOcn : boop ornte,tt8 tbat J £b3t Snba a oifcontentmcntin bs aU< Scuk. 3 caiMtttbeIpe it &ir,foitb all mgfiart, 9nb in aii reacreno ootp af a f»w, 3 tabs mp fiirtaica : #«rtber« of pon boi^ Xbns nacbintrrating If Inere returnr, ^(tDOulob^uebotbacaretxitomplvife* £xic oiarkk. lOetlisutberCurtifcbopetbebeaofbini ^e map re tome a comro>( to bs all, SnD Uicre a not mp fon 31 toonio comineno l^tB rcfolattonj tio b<>0p£dit Cui. Sbcto no rcmeopnotobnt patience, )!5ut luere tbe IBargiineto be begin againcy 31 tDotito be tUilTe aDotreoere 3ibe beOoDD ^^ DJOgbter lb : pinis> fe large a (am, BJMimo^etbcn 31 bao tboosbtt^oaloflptDiii^toinsf, £Df baine erpentes into 3lrel&nD. SBat all is one, come baagbter Kcner motime, 3 toUI oot fit tba U)ant tDbriQ 3 00 line. Old auk. 3ibopetbebatbtbeUtte conceit ofme, Sj^encomSiltgitUfMrenoeitreimtp. Exeunt* i Cater amous hiftoi >ry Enter Oiicalc O Hamlon and Ncalc Makcncr. OncalcOHamldn, Hamlon> £5tot One. £rtaDc foftRe Ml V)t fletif «, Tjic toaf er tells bB toe act rittrc ft)? totorte, Neale Mackcner toiMP on, fipc all out: cicf bpon tbe toallea of tt)t« betoitcljt o tohinc Viat^dxbouxB futl^ afo^i of enje^iO) tt^urlctr, to ra if^p Ognall be fet oat m\im UK fijall enter to (up ^ife SDunDdbe. Mackencr. Oiicalc fpeabefoftlptocareiiarcf^efDattes, t^e QEngUn) &cntiuell0 bo hftpc gooo tiMitf^, if t^cp (trap bB all oar labours loa« Ham. ^nrlabonr loS, fs} tt>e ton fa no Osne of anp tblitte i^at bangetl) oner t^ tooK, CRQbtre toe (^all enter bp out fpies toit^ttT. Oneale. plague Dpon t^ebjotojiefrjonftenflatttir, Bryan Mac Phelim, anb llWtNcafc OQuyme, 69%o being SD;unb0 0} da^^ng teiti) IK» D.:ab0, i^o;get t^ buline» f^at t^p ^ane m ^anb« Mack, o Nealc be patient f fafpect t^ loojff, f ^ep mape bnio t^e @ngliQ) be betraio> 02 elfe pcrceiatngOrongtna»betterptBl)ire, SI'are notapp?odc^ t^e t»aUc0 o; gates fo; feare* Ham. Oneale, tbp fccrctarp fates bcrptrtw, tiSie Cnglitt) bnoMng (At t^e poiner A nere, tDitl be me;e toate^foU tf)cn (^eir caOome f «, jfeo bottjoarfplesano frenos Dare not alTap, Sd l^angout Ognall no; tome nere tf^e p "'« Neale. IJQ^p fo It 10, ) ftnotl) 1r '.^e* 3 ^ane ten frenbs to one t!ie (Cngiifl) ^ane. iitneane oftolux^ mn : butfurcpoUttie Canrot bp migl)t attaine one entrance ln« H)atli)cm(s^t(atofdUt^eCngb(^beaDS, . ]IDf ti^« t^ toatfl fino t^0 t^«t a^pe m betf let r ofTho.Stukely. let b0 toitt)b?ato tinto ottr troupt » agaiire, to mo:tclo tomes O Kane toltl) GaUmglafle, ano tcaffc magcnnicg ,U)ifl) t)i8 liBl)tf(Dt heme, t^cn UjUI lue not come mvrijing t\)M b? nisljt, 3i5ut c^nrgc ttje tolnne ano toinnc U bp Dap \iQi}t, OHa.iloi^tapmincHarbartnjaUbct^inc, anBCi£fainsfb3O0ranfome Cball be Mackcners, Han, Cbattte great Oncalc. Mack. i5e U)l)ia J^iarc one ftic On Coughs wiihin. O.jeale. fi>omeCEn6Ua}&olDio;tl)atbatlj|Jottt)e coujjfy, aUeafctljatgrlefcbp cutting offbisbcao. Matk. ELbefe (EogUflj t^orlca oU if t^ev latUc f^w wP» anb b;£ao anu boerc po?rage ano potoDjeD bdefe. Han. £D {pacafattot Oiaiiitocfeff, arc no meat, 001 ii5onnptlabbo,no>grffne!I5Iafcr-creffc», ^j our throng butter, no j oar fiucilD otm«ale, anoDiinbing to.iter brnss it)Etn to t^^ i^"p^* Oncalc. St is flicrenuenegfilip puling fDDlcs, Mack. £ber8 bcof tbcmcan tare as barDa&toe, anbbatDcr toj, but ojnnfecros ano foci) like, as fpenb tt)crc time in ale boufc f urfctung, 2nob:otl>eUboafcflqMitWP catcbtbcicVBane, Oncalc. CnecougbCBsgdne, IctsOipaOoetnfc^ne, to mo;rolu b)e U)iUeare t^em oftbctr fpleen. EnterShane OneakOsanlon.NcalcMackcncr fofily ai ■ * T t>y nlgbc* Onclc. OHanlon, Hamlon. i©ttic. ..„.», i Oncalc. iFgicist^etofeen^fatcCegnct^atBnaa Mack Phclcm fatb^e U)ealDbang 0t ^ ^ Han. I fcate 31 tmo not a(b tfgt f9^t(nUixv* On. Ncale Mackener. • Mack. ©ctt. Oncalc b? ff. pcafe t© attattljc oatcr raOr Ob. iFdtel8a>5tobmbiU»aogbto&ne ^ Cftatillail ronj«, bpteafonofascntlcmanstepojt ^ t^'at ia a foloict atiD do toalbe tftc ronnli, ; ISnijo comniing tntt)iBmoaitnstol)i«reffi lailK; the enimic toas about tt)e totone to nJgW- Lteu. fe'O faioe tljio f oloicr tljat Ctooe fecnt^ncU, note fifis iaft VBatclj at DaVoning of t^c Dap, Kiatljc oiDI)carc bate bPtljcVuatcr 8dc, tiTC tlje /?ojti) eatt njat opens tou>art the Fc we$, fomc trampUng on ttjc grautll tjp onD Dotoinc : 1)0 8io bat « oogi) ano tboag^t to tall to t\)£nf, 0110 tbep iDcce gon : fotoicr teas it fo. Sou!. I^cggouetnoj H fetwto tluas Shane Onealc, tljtp mn (0 totiil uibiia tbep toerencre tbe toftW, praPSOOtljebaacnofpic»UHfl)Uithetot]ne. Harb. c-i8upjai?JtoBlate,tbeto»nrtiicnacefpie«, ano tjclp ano ftoit mm toitb pi oaiQon, ana loue tbtra better ti)rn tw Cnglilbmcrt. Vcr ^ b.lMDucBVoutljcrtfojctobjmtamfpeit ticu. f cdicnot poo tuat, 3tc fcrd) tljt totow wp W», WD place a DouWe gato at c octc gate. teo\uftano!>tbc tomDt' Vcr. Jf torn CnjjlaRDlKrvfa?w« j^^^ /|ir" ' ■— , The famous hiftory patb. mk Ifflhc foj fcefl^ fupplieB f o come fccm Hjcncc to flrcHCtb ow gatrpfon fo? ptis but loeahc, aoD Wemaftbtaretl)eb:unt of allt^e j?on&. Vcr. pour men arc ^ealtl)f«ll. Harb. tijcrcflnofoloierflfe, ' . JButt)etl)atD2inUcBoKptnl«'-^i«t^»ft«itDtte ' Sound a Drume a fare of, tDl}at&;uinei0tt)i0^ Verta Djiime toittjtint t^ totone. Hafb. ^omc banc of men from ©nsIanD neto arcpn'o, 02 els fome Companv of tbc Cngliflil^ate, tio Captauie(i5ainsfo?tigart),t^c^tofb«tti po?t ! SEo toaro Etcoagbe, mn take ttiat Companfe in, aicfiae oar troups in rcome© fl)i0 cap, fo; 3 eicpcct t^c 3ciQ) foune at nigljt, Vcr. ECflbotluillpouoo. 35lefotbefi3utbcrticJi>ojt, , « • toftf tDbatCaptainclcaOfltbi«banbormtn Exiuw Harb,3niiatepcltuetenant:um, tbtmipctbp tapfbfnn« bate about tbc pate Drm^ne lounds Ehter Vcinon Gainsford and Soldiers, ano mate tbe Uam'l)eaU6 Dfttc tbat arc toitbin :. ;^;oan»fi^tol^ is tbat Vernon toitb a partpfene, a&,^ea ^ouMo;^ tl)cn ttje enimteB scab. ' Ver. 3ts &tuUlp come i mi)om 3 bcQirelo fbvtii anb mutt be naosto Jrelano foltoto me # 3 tuiU notDjavu tl)atapretol)crinbeb»at6fi, ttU UiugDom l^all not tlolD bjj if S c«t : ^ o[ 1 ho. ^tukei)^ Gains. IsnotttjidlnSp Scukly U)U!| btsmcn^. Ver. ^eecapaincGainsford f!)iKts luffp Tom, Scuk. c^efe gaiUnts are gruione ccuriioni$0» C^epflanoatst^^easift^cpbttcbitnc not^ ^}cirrti)$?(h:aiiip a fatiJ^ercompluHcntf to dtitj toiUbaile mp bonnet ftrS, 3Ic eat mp fcitKr crc'JI Qjouc ntf baf, Ijcf. tXtjwift; tftat !)umoi it bciomcj? pur po;t Vcr, l^e 6oth ?TPC!J IftC QjoalDialut? bim firft : Gams. £Di£Bttjtie(^ulDfo;'g^s 'out- nciD ann'C, Vcr. Ji»otic \ocUcmcint« Jrclaiiocapiainc Siukly, Auk. ^atneroes maiScr t3ci ntH>.miii iuiiH ma, % oio not (ntane ttjat poa p?afeffeO sxma, Vcr. jt v9 not Mpp:otcCDton but mp pltafure *B[:|)e (Stouemot)} being boQ £ in t^e tolvm , jQ^attet loe Hicufcnant <33srmo; fio; ti)c time. Gains. Ii5:ffae captainc &:uh cp Uicltom to Dtm?>a'it. fiuk. Cbanbd csjpcauu c^ainsrojc eaen biitbaSl xny i^ari'. Stuklics Licfc. ddiucrs a Letter to vcrnon. ( ver. ComeiLieftenantfltoniUi^omjEp^at'E^ Licf. from an do f; icncu Ver. JlcfflrUtbatfrenOitw- fliik. m^3,i dnttm (les tt>ere nereaboattbistatonr i Gains. SCfae iicbel! i^bane £)neaieanD atit^ts potncr. Seuk. ^bPOO!! I^^ not beat tbem^omnntottmrDenit -^ Gains. SZIle 1)^08 enonyti a oo to bspe tt)C CoVDne., Siuk. Co ttspc tbetocme^oarc tf^^bek^sru/ Gains. B anD AlTsaltr- U. Siuk^ttns ti}zm Tdoaiie flaocft, S5iiif;t tbc p Hnob pon Darenot iffae oitf, lii^boia ^ouccnoa ^ere ^ Gains, Oa'sCaptlme^arbart&tr. Suk. s^Qp^^b Jao!jcoi:ctieB,'iii^eencinic (JJattcrnoj, tD^Ut:* no auti^r, |i; oiwiU toii^otit ^^ afide ^tluac . ® ■*•'.'_ to. The famous hiflory ^0 fone M ere 31 f* ^im bp t!)i0 Uel^f 2:ifimarucH Ija Ic iaourc t^ cir pjotoce appjcaclj, l^arbcrt Is balliant : bnt ti)t naacg are pjouu, Slittljaucno boDte to fctclj \vdv.]) foUoing r^icm. (Jams, pes raptainc feitablp ti)C)' [jauc gallant t>o;re, IEt)c beft to JrelanD areof aiOecs b;aD, Jtbc? bsi«cap?ap of ^flarrans toUjec anoRjofpe, ^ell tDOjtb a brace afUjoufani; ponnbit at lead, Sriik. I^angcetosancfljip.butfjaue among tY,cvt ^ojfc, gle loore tbie ffssa botfle^ue ijobbtes from tbcm. fMiSt neiD3 from (iCnglaRC tbat vt reab fo long To Vcrnon» Vcr. VLift !argcll netaeg tonccracs pone ft Ife. Stuk, JKTiberdn. ■" Vcr. WiUMalleryctDrfts,pcbonotfoocpoactDlfe» ^aarcbnhuiD^^umabenotinucb oftjcr. Stuk. mi\tB\)e]f^\^mt not maoe mucb of mp totfe* SJUtfllPe captainc botomucb 3lt)aac MraDc,(ToGainsford, 31 t;auema!3eatDapbcrpo;ttonanObcr plate, ^er bo;ber0, b;acelcti!, cbainee anoatl bcr Uuig0« 0noalltbeclotbc0 bclonsing tobcc bach, $>aue oncpcoje gotone^anb be tbat can niabetno;e, ^f one poo;e tmfc let btm ta&e ^cr fo; me, Ver. {RHeUbao 3I tmottin pou tpoolD l^ane mabe fo ntu(l)> |)oufl)onl9notbaneb0DRctroubIco icitb mploae. Siuk. come, Itri^ tip bjum^leiff martbinto tbc tofone, Vcr. aiaeUgotbP tDalesafeinabom i» to fmal, (Exeunt JFoj l)is ejcpence tfjatbat^ t\v meanc at all, all but Vernon E>oubtle0 if eaer man ioas ntifbeget, 3lt (0 t^is ^ttxtiXv :of a bounbles minb, ;ainbaant£i) fpirtt.anb tmcoattotileb (plftne, i^auifb as 10 tbe itqutoe £)ceanc, 5SC|!at&;op0 l)i0 ccoli;ne0 eaen a0tbe dcuM bjop%ainef ^t once 3 bub bim better tljcn civ felfc, iD^en lifee m? fdfe ten pjoDigall in louj, 31 gaue Bipicuc to fi!c& a ^^jobigaB, \ ft* I ofTlio. StukelyJ R0 if^ifl b:eatf) tnfctfcD all tl)C aire, Hm t^cit fo?e JrclanD nolD farUicU to f ^*, iFo; t^ousl; tl;p Toile no bcninic tDiUfaSaine^ %i)ttt treoDs a roonacron t^p fcuitfuU b;eff, 3f an? dripping bdc foj Spainc OJ Fraunce, 13 borD toill 31 atiD Tcchc fo mc further cljaunce. Enter Herbert in a fliirt of male and Booted; and hii Page with him» Herb. S5op, bio tlje &criaiU ^a'o j (^at tt>c gates, Una Tee tt)cni guiirtieti toitl) a Double iciarD, ET/at Done, bto i)tm commaimD tbe companies, fZo man t^e toallcs : ti;cn biD tbe mcffenger ^aafDit^ttiefelcttcr0teibeE>epatp, * EzicPagc Enter Srukly. Come captaine btuUv toljers poor campanp, {D;tatD tt}cn ttiit^ Tpee&c bnto tbe toatec l[do}t. St uk. 30 tt)crc fo; eticrp one a Canheto t^tti Herb. ldoiuDopciameaneaS::ani{ei;0^ Stuk. ^irinbhcfe, 3 maoe a I70U) poo kno\D it ioell inong^, i^o] pouc kinnrpoccbes to mp uiiues olo E>aD, 0tc S^omcs Cnrteis : ttjat tDbetefoeuer toe met 3tooulo83f)tl»itb pon,tljecefojepontla)le0, (HcDrawcs* Her. a^ljattocrcmpfpac^Efi^ Scuk. ctjat tji^e olo bnisbt bao caQ aUiaie \)\s S)aag|)tet ta^ztt^e ptrcciu Qie teas bcQolneo on me. Har. s rpa^e ti}oretDOjO0, anb t^ou baft p^ioao tbcm trae Stuk. anD foj tbofe U)o?l)0 l^arbert ilc fiflbt toitl) po" Har. 1^0) ^a;c beam!) atuhlte, knottt^oub)t^tt()ont)OtE to qtucrellm a to lone at (^arriron, ana SD;atD t^plucponon tije |La|) bv tbp tecins ano finfwetc like a man. ^' Harb. Ition fftfltbe pnbtiqoe enemie i» a! banO> 9nt) toe 11)811 f^^bt about a pUaate bjatl. Stuk, iao^J^atttbalOitftComl^arbattfcroefljp tomt. H arb . iilien giin me lesiie but to titfar me m? ft ife, SDboabnowft IfojaerbaueoDsaranteman. ftuk. SDirarmeoftQi)atforrcbtnef ^Dd^ as ti7e? caS at psint0 in ener Orate f ^ arme tb p leB»j Pot fpUrtters in tbp botej, ^ safb on tbp beaio,«no fcantlcg on tbpbann, tPoalo tbou toert anno in ptflollpjtoofe compleat, S?.m notbtns bare but tut n tbr bcrte '.ips, 3bolompbea5iUbtirttt)erintbpmontb, ILaiebP ^pfctir^croUiiname of tjI5cucrno7y Slnoarmetbffitlstmto afingeisb^aorb' Harb , ffi;8mng bjaflgart fmct tbou Dott Teefee tbv oeat^ IlcBbc to tbpfclft itefpiicD tb* If 3 can, 1 hey fight, (^uk. )^irpoarttttbbIso«tlK«picl(tc»tbi0toberne> Drum founckth and a Bagpipe. Har. f^arb tbc encmiee cbargPB boe niuft to tbe toaUetf, anotberttmeileptcb ?oac t^asfoeH Huk. <;Daen.ta)()en pe can,9faiB 3 toonto bit poor tnontb* -Exeunt Ambo : Alarum is fouodcd. diwet>) excurtlons, StuklyperfueSjfliane Oneale,andNeaIe Mackcner, And alter a good prstty fight his Lieftenannt and Aumicnt "relcue Scukiie, and chace the Ircftic out« Theti an cxcurtionberwixt Herbert andO Haiilon,and so a retreat ibunded,Entcr uarbarttCaiDifotd, suid^ iboic fouldiost on the walks. Me* • •■ipl.lf ofTho^StuH)^ Gai aeucrpone.anottrongs«osattl)cmaU. fhcfe (^ojfoewe Snnjonrtt^aut faan«/;^;»i E bsae guien affaul; Unto a towUhc totonc i hie tna'ictb^mpjouo bpmctoinBl>PM»tffl"«;. 3n toaHefttotona, lo^im tbcp tciompMbJoaD Sa"b Ml acriaw #aio: toe toiUOor abjoab, , jrhtBfoDDainc tiUptBaflpetfoynuaanicn, 3t cot tiitt IjanDjeo rcbeJto ttjjoatB at eatt, 0nDtiio6iftom8tcant)tiifpcrfett)emaU. GaL. l^a6tt,cpcrfal,eU)el,aotane>luappW^ • hatb. jsaU tie nigbt, anbtime toinjonlDreure, Eoflaaibtbe toton, but tack toDato^amuJt^is . areanpofonrtompanptoitftootf Gains. ffl:ifllaOledtnblevifatt?beabjoat>, ^e t« fo eager to perfae tb« foe» InB fleflj f)t« (oaU>«et« tijat are neto arrtabri that fee forgot oibcaro not tbe retreat, at tobicb tJRtefljan be enter oacrnoj^ harb iJeQjaUnotentCT^tocmc allttctepeS, gictcatb b««n butwanofeoebUciiHtnfc Enter Smkly Licficnant : Auncienr Drum and foldiers,^ noies w ithin of dnuing bcatts. ftuk. arc tbe gitcafl^t alreaew i open ^joto. herb dsaijohnoctofobolDlpf her, \aerbact tbe vi5ooernoj, to^o U tftaj beloW ? Stuk. ©talcptlj^nptame.bwottetobetoin bcrb. ^taalcp the captaine cornea not in to mflbt; Stuk l^oVBc-nottorngbt^SamfurcpcwbtttieB* hctb. 3|3iinotbfetoicftintijtfc8ffflircs. ftuk. ?c 00 not tea mn 3 uwa ftap ujittioot, ^ C 3 J -J The famous hiftory 3 truS ^onll let mv cQittpmit tome in ttr. jpo? company, nojCaptainc comes in ^dere, Jjntill t{)c mojning tt)8t tfjc gates be ope. Stuk. cailc fjumbic tijanU vc l)cno;ablc feir i iD\)at if t^c 31 ti?t) fi)oulD make t^eao, asaine, aiiD fct tjpoti t)g iMouloe pc rcftoe Us, Harb . 0o b)^p rctiri v^ «ot at iljcrcfrcaf, Hs &to my fclfcan^ nil tl)COthci- troupes, Stuk. Ii5ccau(c 31 ment not to come empt^ to>nc, ^ut bciiig foms bmtv to enrtct) mv men, 15eQDC6 in pjofenitton bic tjauc dnine £:\u&;l)m«t>?ctb Bjrinj Qntc'vo left f^c clwfc, SnD bwugbtaprepjfir l)unojct^ coUjcs at Icaff i?o?tp djiefc t)oifc, a,|janD jcD batkncps aa6C0 anb wet tbe C5oucrno; tolU notlet bsin. Hatb'. i;3o fie 35 toiU not anb toill aonftoer if. 3f all pour tljjoats be cut pou arc toell fccub, Zo tcacb icUnoto tt)C ftifcipUnc of toarcc. fiticrc i« a time to flgl)^ a time to ccnfc, a time to toatcb, a time to tabe pour tell, nKmc to open r.noto(^uttl;epojfs, anbatttjisttmeSiuklcytljcsatcflarcfftuf, ano till a fWl tfmc fljall n 1 be opte. Stuk. Solomon raiesltiit{)too?Dgmil5. ^pace tbc roo nnb fpill tbe i^nlD, CEabolfomc tnltruction, gioolp DiffipUnc : Slijts is a Qmple piece of fmallrcbcmjc. JBBut tbifi 3 boU) fajtjo fl)at m« our of bp nigtjf , fliafl netier fa me enter becrc bp boic. iutllpclic Ictfbc pjaptaUcnin, jToj fraie tftc itrclftp rcftoe pt againr . Gains, ttocrptttp &it to lofc (0 grab a pjap, Slan grraterpftt;' Lut to lofe one man. Harb.|9oH raarlftintbepiap.liSutb&pcdiemoot, • 5tak. ftap fecriant (^a?o??iiD toljltc Uueib lout, bOB 4' ofTho.Stukely. JDoa ttjoo rcfpcct a bnllotb oj a lEfTae, i^ojc iljan a o»''^" to ©oda otonc UlJncg man ^ Harbart. Jcijon gcttt not oiic coh) to t^p fl)«u:e» /|5oi a otDCS taiU,{jnlc9 as Cacus^WD, 3 bv {t)c tails coulo oiato one from tUe tjcarft, flnOMS^crattl)Pl]caott)c!)o?nf6flnoaH. * Herb. tiJa niaSc pouj Cabanc bni)£riieat& tijc toaO, r. ' tt u jr,;n. (Uik. i?atU)CU go pick ronr tcctf), ExcimtHarb andUain* 1^0 jB glia am 5 m f trui&c0 arc vet ab oja, Liftenant, Anticut, Fellow foldicrs all, 3 tooulD toe migl)t not part but nertts tocrattff, ' o.ii Hnkcly Can not b^tjc ti)e leaC tiif jracc. -To nigljt 31!c broc furt» bcntare m ^ott flba'i iLcts man it)C b'riDgc, tl)e toater fiotoes apace, Jfttecntnnecomc^ecarcnotpflffctbe Soul* jdo on tl)is CIBC toe urftlj our pjape arc fafe. 1^0 to manp Cotocs Ojal! fall bnto mp fl^arc. Lief, altif pcplcafcpourtjalojcompaffeoall. ftuk. ri&aU all t^c cotocB be mine. Hie not ^aue cnt. Eljirtiecftlefc^ojfeifpoutoillletmcljaue, ttoo Qjippefrom ^entc to fcbe a better road. His Puric rftare tljat amonsfl pe, tt)ere0 a ijanDjci) poono, anDttoomonctljspapttjatfleaf bnto m^felfc 31 glue pou frtmWi€,Djinb tt fo; mp false. Lief. iBot Captainc toill vou icaur tbis lano iniff^ nuk. i5etojct^efontbei«o?mn3 Dottj (aioic Bte fee m^ t)Obbics fafcl? Tent ab02G>, Eljcn foUoto 3 tbatfcoincto be controulD, 2)faflp man tl)at0 meaner ttjcn a bins, farctocll £)ncalc, if &tuhlp tjerc l)aD Uafo/' lt)P l)ca5 foj trcafon, foone tljou Cfeoaloft ^auc pnico. liucrOncalev^ith a baiter Exeunt. iboHt his neckband Nealc Mackcner after bim. Mack, ijDh to^fflt Wtn!C2 tfje fiteat ;2Dncnl? bg tljif i Nealc L The famous niflory Oncalc. Ncale Mackencr, 360 nottocarCt|lUeo;0, as Doubtiug o: fozocoming fact) a Dea \), but tifou in bo act mp ^ectctarpr, bnolua Ibat mv bnftinD Uebt llicns mcrftc more: i Eliercfo^e 3lbcarctl)t6l)atefullco?fiin Ggne of true Ucpcntance, of mvtreafonspaft, ano at t^e iDcputt9« r«te on tinmble bneet iuili fue fo; pjcDon from tin matetttes: CJUftofe CIcmcncie 3 grietic to l)aue aba f, Ss&at rarcQ tt)ou : is it not mp TafeO con^fe, . Mack. Can J facUoe tl)at mtgt)tp fhanc OncaW 38 To Detect in loraje as l)e fffises 0} Kbstl)iB DauntUs o^sgon toingeb tliog^ can gamble tl}fm at anr printer fat. Oncalc m^at tan 3 do mp forces are Dirperl^;, mv btnreo flarnr, nip i)0}fes mape a p;ape, Ocaac, O han1on,an& MagennisbitDf 3f tt^e S^udrnes povuer pocfoe 3 am but Dead, 3^ 3 Tubimt n)e IS incccifull ^^lr Dcpntp toUlBraontmeliff fetljcr bcfjallfe. Mack. £liotuana not tell ttje aateofiR^nlKOaanBil Onb tt)ou conormnD m cuerp fabiects etc, Snb 3 am ccnrorb fo; mv piactifcs, iUif bet rcfirr tljee into riamgebcv. ?i)aur mraiu oiapmalu rctoaerpofinploflre, lano pon i^all b(no ^n:aie to qutt poKc lone. Alex. I^oto can a UcbeUo;a ttai£o;bopc fl) f gsD Iccceffc agatnG biis looecaignc : Sl\t}fiil9 pcrltji^s i}e map DiQucbe t^e Sate, nea(e, S3ut cbieflp tf^fftbat was t^e coanfsUo;, SCO cut of gong Mack Agnus oui Decrc coojeti- Mack. /lotmpaooUebDtbistoraiucpbjaucf, ff great j2DncaIe,iuo caaCe }jii cnttingoff. Bufk. &peabe(ncf) anotbec tocjo aic cut tij? tij?oaf , SboQ traterons UebcU (pachcncr. One, Mack gilliam BuilicbpbjaibettotNcale Mackcncr, 3 Did tbc oao ano boio it lDa« totU Done, ^ccaufe \)t b;aut nic in mp otonc cijmmaanB, Alex, as tifoa DoCbs noU) in oaroU)n2torHmat>nl)i, i?onnftef|)ing of fc foulea fact, bercisrcacngctraltojfibaocatpoaboti;. .,- They Draw and fight, Or.calc Files, Alexander purlucs The famous hiflory himout jBi'fk and Maclccncr fight and Mack.isflaiue, pUtB t\)m t&9o tt8ifo;eiid cBtoaro &!) £DncaIe, 3a»n too \i^t S foote tclcttlj(fe!fapc. (Exit after OncaIs» Bufk. 3ilc flop pour fiight, pou OjnlS not folloto ^im. Mack. HmrantitnotpjauooacrUjeamng &tol. BufK". Iiaof at t!;« ti)f n Ucbcliious Stiajnian, They fighi Mack, is flaiisc. Eiiter A!tx. wicii Onealcs head. ^iex. 3reetoearebutC20iMitb;Ma«:k Gilliam Bulk. Il^erc ttf t^e tjC«D of trattorouo fhan^: Oncale. BufK. anD^ereo^idbtonDie dsactahccraD. ' AJcx. i|)orrojce;t;;U|;('aofo;pjtercnttDtU3iren9» £i:o tt;at moS noble ^ngliSb ocpatie, tftai niini(!£» ^aHict a» ^c lucre a Gou %notoj&tultl;t0 3t ^ac »j«w {l)p ontptc liaue of!^ tfjcm auD &lA3 Qjai: 5 Uioulo grace ti>et to Auept (^, Ism of 1 ho. ^tukely. tDbatU^et4atD &ir.-at!)eni.lcfap von bpflj3ij*U», land 31 ;0iUb«ue tbeut euscy ^ o:re of ttictn : Scuk. 2r{)jQgct)ifto(a mac^as anaile ofoneaf t{)$tn ^0, (f t^oa inouldS i^mIjd it isltbtbptst^, 3lf l^a ooe^ Ue clcitcl; it tottf; ^onr fcalp. Enter the Goucrnorswife« Gou. Callmetbe Prouoft^ct^)frp?tfcnflp oncgoe« Lady lo one. &trra is tt}i0 t^e C^sliQi eentlet»an OTche attendants. ^OicQ b}Oag1)ttl^e^c;fe0. Scr. ^a^Ol^ It is be : tbiisi0 t^e man : Lady. ll^otDbotb'^callbtm: Sct> ^i8&:raait5ra7,t)i8nsmei£&igneQ}StukIy. Lady. /^o*]] A)!tdt 3nearrfaUia faiccrCSenttcman 3 tuoalo it lap in mp p olnec to 00 l)iai gcoQ* Enter the Prouoft. Gou. &!rraa6 3 b^ue feip^oac (I)ip0anbf)O2fe(t, (b H CO mtnu poai li5oSp bnto pnCon, ' ^nnilb-s^istints plc^tirenjallbebnoiune, PiouoA iap Hcone bponl)im ano take|)imta f otic fbargc. Lady. uSQeQ U)eU, fb? all tbiff. mtgbt 1 batie m toiU, Afide. 3irtfaitbl)iflcnt(rtaiiimcntO>ool6 be better. Siuk. poa maoog adac,HOtt map bp poHt potoet Oo « amous hiftory Srittle bnt 11? call ^r» to a recbonhti; fb) Ktiii Sitart, r.nt ^irra i& n to^fc be not ILndiiingif f)e be : ite mabe t\)A on tt)^baee ir (ctc,UaD |)im in a baUcc aftcc im io SL^c furtijetl pare of fpaine. Goucr. (i?cto,t^oaartabafepirat. Stuk. &irra muc^^lia : von tbatbattc eaten a (»o}ft Snb |)ts tailfi ^nit0 oat of i^ocr moatb> pou lie. an tt)st tl;on ianfi DC, Qiall not gst a bo;Ce, Bjtfaiiit laquc* poor faint teant a l)o;rr, |)en)oa(onotB^(nteort|Km ibeOioaloso afiste slfeaUt^ebaUB ofbislife . SBp tt)i0 &eQ) aiK bioob, lie mabe :|)& repent it. Gou. Away with him. Exit Scokley* Lady. ^tgobm^Ho^oconaberiiitiatpouDo ^urclp l\)» ccnfibcnte of t^^if man* (pirit, ^ot0e0 tbatbis bloco ia ettbcr great o^noblfj iS>i ttiat it (b;tane0 at j)i0 otone comaiaanb. G ou . 3 bolo i?^*n ra! |)ec to be fome Delp;at pint » TL\)SiV)ini» to Domanifer bpon tbc itano ^^0 \it 10 iiroe amonga bis matea at &ea. 33«fibe0, itf UCTe eifgrace to beat bi0 b;anr0, |ere tv^re ?oar potoer U abfolnte ano ftk, Sno tub^ce b( b)$olp Qanb0 at pour Difpo(e» Cbcn tn a plate inblflfiertntto ettfjer, S(nb tobcre pou botb (boiAb Sanom eqniU (ermeo. Gou. Jf |Dio pjije bi0 li>ottoc Uiit^ mine otonr^ SCben toife per^ap0 3 mig^t aOob) pour reafon. Lady. HBeGba p£tt)ap0 tbep map be fo; a pieTeti^ tSBbtcb noln ^id bc«te, rearainc0 bim to Hiidoie, m\i\t\i flboulb tbep be to anp pHnce of ^paine, t;oU) til (t tmv be tabrn at poor banbs. gou. £^is ^is committing giucs feme omfe to eoabf» 31 rare not, tjoc re tbep rent bnto tbe DeuUU ®a^cte t^e commtaton of mp <^aermi'nt» ofTho.SaikcIy. {liufi tm «f w«dj a« t ^tnmt ot^hn, Ca moKOtD 1l!e Onto t^e coujteoip ftl& : t« Dap 31 t)aue Come boGnts in t^ 3lfle. ant tlmU be eocmng ere I do retume, £xu gouerno;, Eiuct Proucft. Lady. protteH, Pro.moDame. Lady, toljctc baoepoa ^^tt btBotoD !!)(« gentttwsn P; o mabeun b #» bere iDitbin tbc pailace pet, KekDpto goe tmto tbe marflKilfePf \^ boo botne gone bat (bat bpon Come bulbtef, 31 c ome to biolo bi" bono^ plefarc in : Slw\)ti» gone : bat Prour H Once pour ptiflme;* 38 not DepartcD 3 p}ap tbtr bjing (rim l^et^Ci jle rci if bp perftiMiQon Bl can tofn ^in, ITc perbanD to rubmitbnto mp ]Lo;o. Pro.qMW^I^U' Hcfctchethhimin, - lady. §tbanhepou:6ioeb8Uaue 8 little. iFaicc gentleman: buttbatitif toUte %Zo call bacb peOerfiatc 31 tooulD bane toffbt : ti^at pou baD Dralt mo;e binblp imt^ mp ft 079, ^it iboalD feme pou baue bfltne bnaquainteb, CZllitb tbelftt blouDfanb SCetnperof oar CUme, ^} tmtb n S»p«niarOi noble oifpoation. {x3bcrca0 poar hino rubmiirion migbt bdtie tD;ott0l!)f W3i)M pour i|t0b Ipl^ne ano courage cannot Doe. Stuk. i^atttcoarteouB ilaD^,bab pone beattou0 felfe 0rbt anp tbine : anoble enSUfbl^art, bab maDe pon miarai of poar otnne bcSerf , SBatto be tb:eatncD ano fUbtecteo bp bio li; beared, CoutmautiD to^at eucr Uett) (n mp patuer> Co comfo}t poa in ii)t0 rmeanntp. Stuk. ^aoatn; Ijovd mucf; poor n»ble 6patii0^cRrtiflc Jbatt^potDcrtnme, foittrfnll d^gUQtart (IiaQ manl&flP, Sno 31 loiltbt tbe champion or pour ijono;,! G^b^re eaeir H become in cbuScnocmr. Lady. ^esbnoUiaiLaDpoffpainecanb$a0&in() 80 mp onr be& cnocucrs £bat 31 map baoe but one of mp bo?(c« tbat 31 tiaHili tboTe, anD but cefpit Co; one cap to astoe aJittle toap, bpon rome earnefi bufines, i^oU) (n tbe abfencc of pour bufbano, anb as 31 am a feuloio} ano a gentleman, anb bp tbe bone;s £Df mp /^(lon : 3 unU come bac^ bp tbe p^rfir^D bonre. lady, ^ir ftoulD 31 Demfp Tome means fD2 tbe accompUfl^ mcnt of ronr beQre,nno tl;at it Ibouo cowe to>(bano0 Care befo:e p0i>r rcturne : ?E (boulo barben for pour tomniin^ br-ch, befibcgif bp tbtsmeancs, pou iboulb faUc to cfcape acf atcr trcafons #i^tbtobiecteo,t^cn31b0pcpontai;egQaci(of, tinb ofTho.Stukely. «nD tDfjat Bamtt botl) mp lif»', ano l)ono? mic^t incut 3 Jminagin pou art not Jgnojant. stuk. itpaitam,ifall pour b)iu can btttliioe 3t but from foor bnfbano, if be (boulo come before 3 rstorne, for tbc afljrr 31 oarc p.iUjnc mp ^OQle to POQ, tbat 3 utiU bolo mp h)ort>. iacly . Ootta, mine bonor ano life is ponr Baile let pooc Ketume be fire a dock in tbe eoenlngj tGiUometrBttcanCnalifljoianonbiBtooJ'' (Ewum* ; Enter King Phillip with him Alua andSan£to Dauila, with them the I'ortingal! cmbaffador* Phil f^aUereuerendintcrceGro;fa;tb«Cate ^DffsttngdebaQtnrlttingof^ojtingaU, lEltat craocs oar ocare intire bcloaeo cunSn> ©abetcin toe map bcfclenbbis iPaicSic^ Bor<, i^irtt fatcco hing tbc feoacraignc ofm^ffllt^^ SKnb y)o;tu9al0 bnoonbteo fap»eame beab. ^aetb binblp Qrat ponr bisbn^^ t^aU lone, /^erc on bebaUe ofpouc rerpectiae care, ^notl)eleagae-bounoofRatucaUamit£e, teiljicb be miltratts not : but combines pe botb C0 being ^nfmen be intretBtbis bone : 1Ei)!\t tobeteas lately fsom tbe fcing of Fez, Muly ropi0vaUmaiGcr> l^atb b^o»bIe ambaffage beenc fent anbgreatintrcatp mabe to craoe bis alK, againd ipallutco b20tber to tbatbing, IKabo notD mtrubs bpon {pabamct» botmV» anb'bQi'Dingf onbispHoUcose of age, anoinequalUtp of matcbles Krengtb, flriaes to or pjloc bim oftjiabisfflcm, 3t tDoulo fcr mc ca» bRto r oor pnncelp felfe, as in t!j£ ii^^c ^c (1)011 b? riawc QiU, at fpaines intreatic 10 affift mp lo;!K, ^ith fcmcrutt) nccjitovit Btcnati) of iwr, Hi "" — The famous hillory 9s m t!)Ur.lton ma? tandett fipcace, to p o;^ngatls great p;ofi£ anb retfolnitt. Phil, are tftn Molucco ano t^is bjot^rt kins, at dnill mutinie anten^ fHftmUliattn Bou £))cp are mp iLe;o, ans manf tDOfudtalef ti^'amUf £0 IBarbatv batlJ fulf ceD (91^, shfc Mn a p^ep bnto b fupKame ctaime ttie ffetne ^abotnet tapes bntc tb< Crotont, i^2 anp Jaftice ib«tln bi« bebalte C^iif be p;el(imbe bpon, botb flout jbebafiten I 3lp(l totbtf Riotion, but fojbflnourg faltc I ^0; )^o}tu0al0 cbtrft gob. anb to sbtamte ! tbe cb^tSian troc Iteiigion tbroogb tbot** part^, ^ SisbeinrtinbetobnbcrtBtietbUttoar. \ Phile tl^oto can tftat be : acquaint be toftb po«t awaning. ! Boc.Cbf0fo0^Pbing:ti0K0tbrJin6bmetoFoa, tbatbiurc0 tolones enbdttief ftttnatc S^t^in tbe bomr00rr{cbll5arb«rp, SSbtcb bing Emanuel! (onqaeceb b? bi< (teo#b anbUftappropriateflilltobtenioviief of racb 10 CionU) be kings fn ^oitagaU. i3>2, but bp tbis p^euctttion like to Ml, eno be conBf catc to ibe Moore againe, bat bp an armp ibitber b^ngbtin time, jtstonl^t^tfe great ctttiwlbaB be kept, , • bw \ ot 1 ho. ^tukely. SBot raiOus ttjis Mahamct to tt)t trotonc, aao quitt DifttngniftmsMsbroftjers daime tmifcti Uic IjAUc plan teD t)im t ano iljat b? t)0j JEtjc cunttcp ts ftiboucD anc kcptin atoc, ilSIe tball not onlp QUI retaine oar obin JiBut foj Mahamctto fubfaibe to b0, ano citljcr ^je atin Wfi tbangc tljcJr fatttji anb too^lVip tbat ctcrnall goD toe t)oe, ano biffanulling be bifpnuco of life, ano fo affuoic ibc »jI?cucrnmcntflHr fclaeg. Phi II. CbiB tallcc of bono J anb c f poHicte ^igbt vt UBitbltbe fucccITcbee b:oD0|)f topaS?. Bot. mit\) pour adtSance : ti)er0 no boabt tn^bDO ^ut iobat U)c bauc tmaginb Qjali ere iongi be truel^ ano cffectnail^ pcrformb. Phill.3l,li5utMiilluccosatmpDotb conCff 2>f ©jcableB ETurScB ano 5!®larUbc &at8{:n0, Bb mucb (0 be furpecteb in tbt0 caiTe. t9ai)enfo2tb(irfinglefo;ce die come m (txensn, fi)fe>palne,ofpc?tingall ano^arbarpe. Phill. f)ouc ceafons bAoe prcnaiib.tot)^ poioer i0 it ^arlouing coOn ooctb ;equeS ofbs . Bot. £DfbOrfcano fcctemoififerentlpconwitytei £)nii' t?n tboufanb Uiiil (applp l^B leant. Phjl. (BoccUio , fo 31 ta^e it pou are calD) €>i(ie place a tobtle till ioitb our faitl;f all lo;D» CSHle baac aouifoc bs better on t^ caafe, anb tben Dou (boll baae annoer pr^eutlp. /poto poa roppontr0 of oar ropall ffate. Exit Bot» Alua : anbSaiidl Daiiulojbmfclvfl&etoe, £Qbat pqpr oppinion is toucbing tt}C fute £Df lie ig!)bo:in; pojtin jals faipc-tl)trf!ic feittff* Alua. Sbat be attcmptts an cntwpjife nv lfiS^» 'CSBUlfoontc b;eabe tjis nctbc t^cu niatic tjtin s^tft, f3 I K^sl ( The famous Iiiflory D 3. z^nt (jf rcbp f f occflOon be lab bolo on> Eljat Spainc atiD l^ojrtngallOjaltjcbnlfc, 0nD pou tbe ^ouecaigne ruler of tbem botb Pha. ffirpjcCie tl)p mceniRg Danulo in tl)at jpottif. Da. 3t (ball not nsD 3 fhinD on clrcumQance, S^oar bigbnes bnotuce ^tbaSian ontt reii>ouor» SCbc' nap is open (blp fo; pouc felfe, ©itb- bpfojceo;bp corrupting goto, SCoflcp notbcibJoan,nolufojamfanc ff cm bi. ' oflF: fobat better Uiap tban t^Ul, SCO fotb bit lurpofeano to o?ato bi»n on fiJHitb ocpettnuon of a ftrong fupplp, ji5ut buben be i£i fc t bjtb bpon bt0 toa^, Stnoleftbie coontirptbat iBitboatrcp;ofl(bi ano fcanoall to bid name, be cannot retire, SEben toprodaimflnpaineoffpaop wa»bi ibat not a ^pantatofteme to iovne luitb biMi. ^^olanoco once inoefact ISabcrie^ l^ig iDcahncD foulDio JO anB bimfc Ifc at oncff, fbaUfairbcfo;e MuUuccos (opqticring ftDO)0. Alua. (peane fpace to coulo;i ponnntent tbebtffetj £0utf cr r our men as (f pou meant to aioe bini, 3i5utU)itl>tbefe men adone ao be is gone, 8pp;oacb tbc bO}Dcr0 of foire j|ao}tingalU, Cbat if It cbaunce debattian boc femfne , tbe pagans f U)0}0 : pet in bisabfence toe map enter Mb MmminionB («cbbi0 tofim0* snotabepocreOion of tbe realmebpfo;ce. Da. ^itbail eifpatcb, embaCTaDoje to itome, ano fo;tbti>ltb to Intreat tbe popco aontce, tailbo in no toife befo;e banD toe ace (are, tzzaill Uct nee snpcbUQian potentate, to trafficti o; conufrfe loitb b^atben bingf, ano (0 blspjoliebUion mapcrcnfe, nno feme to cloaftc j?3i^'r Ujcact) of pjwntfc toltb. i Qui!) en tie peuciuD fcu Ooc Do not nitic &cJ)RflEtan '.. Phil. poufOfmilitocil anfifinmg our ocOrc, . f SqjatHiinp pcara Wt iDiQjt f^iupoitingall, 0nt>ltuittullCai\i}e bcins one continent, 19 ID liftcUitfc bin tljc fubtect of one feteptcr, <£all fa;:}) tt>'aajbaai9cr as ro" l)S"C faio. EntcrBottcIla, feo toiU ioe oallp toittj tjur counfincs fnitc, fp.i ILo?oBotcl!ioUiel;auctoatgljot()cffttt jS)fpourimbaff.igcano in nature ijouno, JSclJoctfjcaflfcction ofndtrc ndg^boac^ljcDD, StoooourUin'manandpoitrnobieUins, auofftcTfl of hincnfB t^at toetan, Eflbtnx from t)3 toe one Ip not tomitimd* iliifi bautp nuno in ttjis attempt of bis, !Bat b«6 Difcrae t ano politibc p;otffOing, ilna Unll ttjcrcin to fart^et l)i6 intent, • Slvnt btm Initb tlutce fiue tl)onfani) armca fouIOiojB » anofiftirgalUcBall tocllformtl)ci>, SSHbicb on tbe fturtb of 3[imc neetc to tt)e 0ra(fil^t0, £)fGibcralterinaljaacntt)ere, CalleD Ell Porto de Saiiao Maria, . fljali inaite bi» comming on f otuaro Apheryca, ^0 U)iQ)inij [)im a Ijappi' pjoferous bjo'^cr, 3|ji«Uluc mapjtoc hue to bo bim ^f^- Boc. E:t)anUfltoti)cl)isbanDmtsJ)'pbingof&pai«e, Scuk. Lo;DSanfto Damilo,b:insbi«w ontifstoap. (Exit anb Alua nau) mijat t^inbe pe of tijiu plot. Botcl. Danuto. 3(8 It not tojfeucrc, ambitions anci njojc occcitfu'.l tban be tomcfl a fitng. Aiua. a hingbomcB tbura ball) tobefpcncf mplLo;o, tdifi) anprigojojeictccnnti'. ano tbat inbitl) in uicanc men tooulb fame a fantt, BB leaning to ambition 0? furt) like, 3;si»abin8butlucUbc((xnmi0l;ini. '^ dj t ®po» The famous hiftory mpontn^KfiepoRrgacelfatb tocllrerolad ane t)ofuroenec bu^er imt? repine. (Ct regall maieSp maSe ^aae t)ts tourfe. Enter Danulo, Phil. Danulo: to^atnctoeBpouarc fofcDncrgtorno^ Da. 01 gallant (Sngltditnan mp gractoUB ]lo}D, l^aug^tp in la>te ano ttaOie in ^U buQne0 J5at noiD arlu'D at it^c (oart gate (Carncaip cranes aomiitance to ^or pzefence. Phil. Sin €ngli(& crc pour gouccno;, attaoi)Ct^ bot^ m?fl)ip ano nil therein, anD tl)0U8l) 31 tclltljemtbattbebobbicfl lucre, a p^efcnt fo; poac grace sxib fojt^at caufe, 3 t^ittjcrtiotig^t t^cm, pet tl)e bctiuUl iLo j6, jBecaufcf^migtjtnotljaac onel)Ojfeoftbem, ICo feis otone We, clapt iron0 one mp Ijales, ano in a Dungeon Ubc a grlpplc cl)ur Ir , 3[tt)mht) It bp Ocaung auurnture anOLgoDb ^ip, 3 fcapt \)\s tirant fitigcrc : t)oping ^ecc, 3f5mi5l)tonccgetopcctuniUc, 3Co let pour tjigbnes bnocrBano tljeteor, 3 fljoolD finoremcbp againft ^is totons. Phil, ^aue toe fuel) bafc ignoble fubaitutM> E^atDarefo Ijanooap oppjcffc a Oranger, ano foci) none a« came to offer bjj, SL^e boantp of bis t)art in fricnolpguifttf i jLct tijccc be (ent a meffengcr fo;tbtDttb Eo b:ing tbetojetclj to anlli'crc ^ts abofc, ano Stukley toekomcto bmg Phillips court, Kcpofe tbP felfe : t^cu fi}nltt)aoc rig^t toitl) mc, anbfaOoito againctijinccnfroie. Stuk . 35 tJ) ^nftc pour jpaicttp t but mnff intrtat. |P»on 'JDOulD tto'.trijfafc to parbon mc in tbis 3 nabs nmtt bach ajainc to rales mp iLojo. Phil. 13c not afraic,tl)p gojOsOjalbcpurlortt^* S hercfi not a mite but De 0)^11 ^nm it i^Jtlj . O iii. ^i ' The famous hiflory iDi of f)i« otone pnrfe mahc if gooD to tlj*, Stuk. JttcnattljatanBpUaCcponrij^ateH?, SlBwt 3 tjauc patt my Uiojtj j toill rctttritc, ;^no &i'.iblcplK>1t>3^i6p;otmrca8telt8ion, . Phil, mzli tbcn mp ]lo;D of Alua giuc in cWs^* ^ome of our petitioners ateno ontjiin, Zo bjlngHcrando^et^ccrafelp 0ua(OcO, Alua. 3BtQ)aUiieoonein^lLo;o. (Ex&» « Enter Prouoft and Goucniors wife. Pro. ^Jiaijatiftall Ujcoos.tbc timcCiatoCBOir, ffbc CBnglilft taptiunc pjomttt to rcturne, j5ut vtt \)Z comes not ; if mp iLoju tbuulD miffc [jla • iPv life U)Ctc lofl, pour crctit ll)Cif be anbt. Lady. Content tbff pjouoft : fud) apparnnt Kgm ©finanlp ftifpotttion, Q)inc in ^im, jCtf balo?,lBcntrv,anD tD^at not be DbCi a»3 pjcfomclf i)f «»nti^"c aliue, l^clDil rctiirncatbifipjefe-cDbflMtc: aercttljcrcfpttc tbatluafi (jtaunttDbint, ■^IsnotcFplrbeJDocnotooubtcretbtH, iSnt be Uiill rtb bs of Hjc fcare toe arc in. Pro. l^a&toebutit^aiiqianijknoivn toUcIjtusp^c locnf, £); baDbimfcifc tolocbaoftbcplacp, Ho tobieb hcpnrpofeD to mahe bis Blomncp, SCbcrcbab b4ne vet fome coinfortaiiD fomcljcpe, JlSotignojantof botb boto tan toe mak, jSotbcrufpltionsanbabnottbcfpairc. Lady. cboutalbettabfurolpz-baoUjc hnotnntbc place ^ JCbc canfc tobicb maw bim ano tobicb ixtav be tocnt, saabat tbanSc toerc tbat b b 3 to let bim goe, W\)ttt toe tocre fuic to ttno bim out agaittc, ^;boto(I)Qno trpallof bis faitb appcarc, ^Mj 3n matters of mi luaebt o? gcopatDj? # ^ ^oU) being fo tbatofoiw frccaccojo, mit^B ut m leaa ccfpcct bMt io l)i» pjomifc, .. ofThcStukdy. ^c tDM Dtfmia atjo fljat ^e dkvtlv fae» Euat^iBtbarBtoOapon ^i»rttamc, Bno PCI iDiU Dtitonftramco feffpc Ijib toto, appjouwlnm tra- b loyaJLtoe traelplouing. Pio. Jf J be tetom qae«tflnfo8!)l»abrcnce, ij^oftamjmua teUebpcnrour teit, EnrtrHcrando, Lady, ffiettiattbp refuge bereHcrando come*. Her. ProuoU Jtjaoe bctljoogt)tme att^elatt, 150 tt) to ftlfp ofc f Stiik ley atlD l)t» C EUj tfjcfe conoitionaif t)e fonbifcsno, 3 am content be fl)all baue llbcrtp, anobc.bifl njip.ano men be fo oiW)arff'D» X5ut otbectDtfc lie taufc bis flJ'P be funbc, ano t)c ano bi« aa pprates ftiffct ocattj. SCbctefijic ao fctcl)bi«« to mcpjcfcnti^, 3 map bcccrtianeifbfidepertoojno. Pro. itb ^aooam 3 amfttoUcnoumanbWab^ taabat rtjall 3 anfawrc to nvg iLofo* Oemauno. Lady, ffienatfo fcarfuU Icaft mm^^VWi^^ argue fufpition of fomefreatbcrp^ ,, , ^. Her. Doea bcare me Prouoft fttcb mc Stul, Lad. jpafecitastbougbttJon^noeraanDebi'nnot. Her. S^aooam tobat tobifpero bcinto pootcare,. tbatbcncfiUct0toi)oa«3comm8uni>. Lady. l^cteUffimemp iUjo :tbc engUaifaptainc, 36 grotone f abmille ano toccp tractable, anD of bimfclfe ifl reaop to reOgne. aa mud) aapou require to baoe of btm* ant) tb lit cucn tnto af cer Ijta toi v eU b c»«? » IDoVd UcS ^e migbt rraae parDffn o: bie pjioe, i^is ftifacflannce, anDaoaHtiouBtoo^eg, ta^srctolje anttDcrot^a: JjwrcaDicajuap, The famous liiflory ESSas hv petition to feollicite pen, ano fo Ijc tclB mc, tijat Ijc le ft t)-.»n antif ing, l?oiDto intenofome quaint conccitcomctUoD, (^is\jt Dialu i^entojrc tVom ^om DifplcafcD mino. Her. 358^c \i)?ouoli, become flipable^ Pro. epcceoing mtto anD penitent mp Lo:D, Hcr. 31 tt)ou!:l)t bf 5 Oo niatb iuouU) come ooUm at \rQ, croft)isp;i^etovci;, ^0 0)0(1 tbe U)o:lD lubat after cljaunce to fall, Clare pour ertojtion ano abufe. Her. 3lt cannot be but be batb bone ere fljis, 3B pjetbttfee nnncl) matter in feU) liaea,' Blaquicblp congbt bp one of meaner h)it, Lady, ^t toere not sod to tronlile ^im fo fffitte. Her .3 tolll not fubictt mp oettrc bc«Jn» ano toaitbpon W letfure Imli itfap. lady, ?3iaitl)0ut fomc connins Q)if t toe arc bnDonc. Afidc, Her. IKHIjp OaiB tbou Prouofl tobeo 3 bio tba go. la dy . Si^attt) o:8U) tbP felfe to fattlfie bis mino, > Pro. l^lpcmpcFcufc,f»DatipaODam,if3fatte, lady, ^ct me alone : mp io}0,t)oiD glflO am 31, Ulcere (^albe nolo ettoncmint of tbi» Onfe» anofbattbtsffingUl^gentlemanuspUafbe. ^ £Co pclo obcDtencc ano pour felfe as tuiUins JCo be apptaCb at bis bunnlitp. Her. 3iteUtbaU)ifebeConptinbappptime, i(D;alirubmi(Iioneirei}aD(ometolat?, i Fnter ot 1 hoTStiiRely, Entcf Prouoft. iSI^cre 10 lie ^;oaoO :> U)Uli;e come to b0 : lady. 30t)cnotpctt£tumD. Pro.naaouamnotvct. (Afidc. lady, kbenojc 31 rvare oar plot foillbe Difcoucrco, Her. Qlcl^p fpcab 1 not man i U)f)Ere is ftp pjifotwt * Pro. Il)c jjat^ not vtt mp Lo?o fct ootonc Ijis raino, ^c Doct!) trttceat pour ^ono? ttarc flU'|>ilc, ono S)C tt)iU tljen l)aoc mafic an eno of ali. Her. JleUiaitc no longer onet)i8m3llIctfliip, <35iiie mc !l)e hcp ilc UxOn \)ixn fo;t^ rnp fclfe, lady. 5anDat toUlpouoo,pou fecrtj^imfoj^gonrfclft, 31 Uioulonot tl)3t fo? all t^c lu'rall) in fpaine, U/ill you to nioc^ annoic yotir bitatl potocrg, fl9 to op p:cac t^cm luit^ li^ e p;iron flinUp, |Pou (Ijdll not :f y ou louc me come fo neerc : JCl)Cplacciamo:taUuanfk.i;cDlatclic, anD as tbe p:ouott tellrs me Diners olr, £;'f ffraung oerefes, ano no longer Gncc t^ati tt)elaa moaning, ttoo toere bnrieo Qicnte ; afUc t)tm me IL02D it'ttiiB be trne 0}no. Pro. 3|tis moaccttatnc tljerc are many flcfee, ant) tf)ecero;ie gooo my II02D refraine tbe place. Har. 'anleffc tl)Ou b:ing bim flralgbt toay to my flg^t, j^oz Daungct no; tntreatie (ball p^euaile, }15iit 3U)iUentecattbeba);e myfeUe. lady. £»ft onceagntie itinay be t)t« come, ^ i^cnncfpaceile boto b""toitl)fomcDtJ)CCtMlW. (Afidc ' Pro. Do genite £^aK»m* lady, sf be bf not come, pjottact tb G time as muc^ as in flj& lictf. Pro. 31c tarc:c longtnoug^ : nece coubt of t^at. Her. &irca before tbougotbungbimfort^, 0) ; IcDhc to lie in irona 06 be foi'b • • lady, i bouc not fencpou often times mpJlojB, The famous hiftory g>oonf of patience ant fo far from tfxitt, |9ou tocrc not tuont in tl)ins8 as gtcntas tl)faJ,' ^ut tW pon toculo be psrftoaDcD bP m^ U)o;(h^ Her, 3 cannot tell ^otD 3!niaptt)tnbtofpoD, ^ar buffing of pour fclfc fo mu^ titnin, ano rpcafeing fo>tl)i« engUtbman fo oft, ipabjc nic fufpcct mo;c tften 3 tl)OUgbt to Da. lady, fufpccf as l)oU),tbat3l DOC faHo? fcin»> jS)? iftpour meaning tbat 31 00 about. 4Cofct l)im frcpjpour bcttaccufc rac flatdr,' SCbnt 3 l)auc tangl^t t)im l)are to bjcakc t'^c pjifoB, 3s f bis tljc rcccmpcna fo j wv sob tortl, $auc3B tbiftt^nbefc; being p:oacDcnt, an& careful! fo; poar ^altb ^ go tob^re pott ioit, fofpcct t^y felfc anb mccnt lljojt tt)v baicfl S)o anp tbing tt)at tnav cifpaiage tnju, l^erc after 3 b)i:Wcamc to bolD mv tongue. Her. ijott) noinmp louctobat angrp fo? atoojW lady, banc 3 not rcafcn tobcn pou groin fuq?itiot», ^Dfmet^atam pour fclfevoucbofomefrcnb. Her. 3 p;ctbce be content il tneant no barme, 3 hnotu fl^oa tooaloS not pieiabtce mv Sate, tobetljeempjeffeafaUariabcre (Now he comes.. Enter Stukly inGyues. lady, tbcnbogicaftoffcare, ano tubiia HUae b^reafter toitl 31 truff^ an (EngkOiitian tbe better fo; bi^ fake. '? Her. tia^bc>^S6t^efubmiC(iontbat?etoU)Weo^ call pe.t^le repentance fo; i)is p}ibc. Stuk. ZiHb a t aanc0 tbe tminQ gonemo} of caUet* ' Her. ^DbOinate captaine tbat tbou lent) tb? knft> anbmabefurrenbtrof vob&t 31 require, jI)}tboa ano t^ine like ppratea all (^ail Die. ^ Suk. 3|cannotb(are,3|]xioulopouU;cnlDfpeahIotU)cr« : HiEi. SPoeatbonDcubemc. ol: 1 ho. ^tukdyT Stuki /Jot Dcrioc f oti &fr. Kat To;! tnp Robbies tie not (pan a ^drv, ^0 mucJ) of Jtjetc taJce. to p(clj poor taOi , lady, fetoaetcapuinc fpeahc bim faitc at mp Intreafp. Snik. (paoDnm | otuc mp life to Do poatecuus SSat toi^inlfltatB J do not care it md). Har, l^to bane J bin DduocD b? »our t»o;63, ^c f co)ne« mc fliU, fenocJj off bw p?on gyuc^, anDletmi GFecattoncr be ftmfoj f IniUnot ftir bntill J feebtm f faO. Stuk. HCTancio,3|DODaretbcloo;Q t^oucanff. lady. £>\} DO not p;oaobc bint To. Scuk. content poii ipaDoain,&t»Ulep beared a mfittr, (t)at loUlnotmcltatanp tuants Ujo;ds. Her. mlfttbounteticantus.itisenoegty, EnterMarflialU Jill fcDt^ tie tr? poor patience fo; tbat feD02li . Mar. Hcratido, ^n\}isnaitttusifi^mmet 3 cftarg ponp^efentlp prepare ponr fclfi?, to make appratatirc at tbe court tbis ntsibt* anD bung (bi8 gentleoianpoar prifontt ^arej todctbectoitb Tacb borfejtas poa bane. ^f b'.B in roar polfcfCon : faile pou not i3g poa toiU atiftoer it bnto your pcriU. Her. boU) fenoujcs tbe fong be tnas mppjifono?. I Mcs. CCHbat anf u»r maHe ye iwill pou goc toltb mc. Her. CClitb aU mp batt : tbis ^tokclp i0 fomc ftloel 3nD tDitb bifi foJf^P bob incenft tbe hing, fluk. Hcrnando,ifpoatllo;ofl)ip toantabojff, ^ne of mp U)obbies; (s at poor commanD. Her. be flatcrs me : ffiut 3 muQ Diffcmblt tottb ^(iw b^aoc &i3nio? ftukly Vnbat fo ere bntb patt> 53ntuipt ponr fclfc anD mr ccncciKC tbc bell 3C inas bat trtaUof pone fc;tituDe, n r " ■ » • ' > » '■"-'■Ui'i: The famous hiftory ant) iiotD 31 f* voo arc no Utte tnnkn Ejan to^at pou fame a taliant gen* leman, 3110 imbjaccvoutuitl) a bjot'icrs Icuc, Come Ic t tifl goe ilc 00 i^oa anp grate, Unto tt)c liing mp Ijoncr crtcnos bnto, StuV . tDt)cn 5 08 nflpc it, 31 toiil ttanfte p« frir. ]3at i^aliOam tutierein maf 31 qtiittence ^o, tut)ofe feinDnrs (6 t^c caufc of ail mp goDti. lady. 31 crane not mo;e fb: anp t^ing 3 Doe, )5ut t^at psa tectaonflp r e pon f tne, atiD in rememb^c^nce of mc tueare t^is (carfe. Stuk. cr^fs on minearme,pearfelfttDUt:tnmptl9i^, SDect^ ^tublp boln perpetuatlp to beare. Exeun^. Enter Vcrjwn and a Maiflcr of a/hip with the lantado and two or three officcrsi Ver. SfgnojlLantatiobp^nrpatiemeY 3ti0 noin^ach :no}?oab^ latn tancea{e, tjpon tdc fl^ip o; gcoDS f)ere caQ atDa?. latu. ^ir, g)ir, ^nr negatine is of no (io?ce ^on arc part^otonet^apifc of tb^ (bip, j2Dj clfc captmartbaut ftcntrco in t^e frag^f , ' ^oar fpeat^ (0 parttBll to feme (I)ip ano goities. Ver. Cramine t^en t^emaUterof ^isoaif)? ; iant. 00 tDc intent*. Ship. M. &ir pou l^ane ftnoimte me long, au) nmet bnetu me falfeQe m^ too^o, S^ixO) Mt mine oatb, ful)icb 31 tsiU freelie patone, ^p lift ano aU;to teOific tt)c ttntfi lane. llSig;)rnteiD8«t^efbi9« Ship. Ma. £Df a^onOtm i la^t. (San^at^Ername. (hip. M. VLift }^tV.iSnti lane, ^^atbarorntoatfl^eof. Ship M. 2EU)obnnO}et) tonne. / . hut, iSno U)t)st l)cr Waning ^ Shlp,M. L. ofTho.Stukely. EDi6 ccntleman oosDt ncitljer l^ippe no; gcDtf ?o? at s>avr.t mallotocs U)c IjaD cauft to toac^ CO taUe a bcjo a niarcDants i^^M? j^^«' anb mt toe ^anD ftifi ^onctt gentUman. toeryoeacous to be Ojipt fo.i fepaln. aXtUlee Dou; 15C bjougDt bifi ttunfts abo«B, anbin mo:e balpf ti«ite ttje fame arc lott, Vcr. fmaU lotre lucre itjat if aUtbe tett towefafe, r/e men are Ictt ondv toe itoo fart»oc. m\iom poa bp fljotoeg of pittic^anc cnW, to come aOjorc anb Icauc tl)e cra?c8 «^»PP^ , ai«)toillPcnotofo;eettobatpoubUa^l Catfjoliqac hint, Ifpicafetgfflt^eBoantpafpourfpirit, fl:o retUin ftjcttUiiat t^3t are ofUttle lBo;t6, 15utif potjcijigijne* Unote mg mluarD jeale^ JCo tw pott feniicc t'fiS t{)c lucjlos compare, ^0" tooitlb cflceme ^!)oft tt)»rtw 3SrlCb JaQctf, fl;st&irt)? mife« to alltije Jnaian mtncs. K, Pbil. ^ou> toe effdetm pour p:rrenf and four (ictfe, fS)av mttml faab;e fl^all viDucrfirc tou. AIui atl9 Sanclo Daauia l^al! Declare* SCO s^liint Scuklcv Uit^at rsgaro toe U^are, Vcr. dDroffe sfatl CrolTeo tui^? fl^ouio fen at &tublep fo Qeicct, 3nEnoiand^lftic0.inSpainc in fuc|i rcfpcct K. Phil. &tap\Dt)atatetl)€&. Ver. J^mjefuters to pour grace, 0n (Sns^flb i^ip U fpitt ^( re ill tbe liace, lanDt^uLancadot^c iKtfnomFraU, Comintnssbo.:o anDfaingbsaliae, S:^e Me remain&cr of a i)un&;!Cti ^ovk8, CBntire D tw bp ct)n(!(an p;omires, to come a 0^o;e as plttping ocr cafe, m f(»te no foner toucbt tbf f&panidi enrll^, Hian be tooalo mabe a Mnatk of (^(patib gorbs. Lane- Witt^ ^aueragne trne,tbt Hiip ii fplit anb funlw ant) euscp btiiofai oncr-rahestbe bull, ^iB l^ubtg (oapie cttpt bp to tbe prope, iiiib^eaD af Daotiger anb of pjefcntbeni^, Bm cbaritp 3 ta)lie to faue tj|)eir Uues . Ship. M. CSiitb p;oa}ifc anbpjouifo gractoa? kin?, tbaf uo aoaantageflioulo be tdne fb«g^cff, eao cWjiiifi loatcc tooulo ^auc laia t)« Djp, ICIjc Qjip belonging to mp plsfs of butp, qtMaarcfolnDtobtoctljetitmoabjant, anDfaue tbefljtp ano 8000 ft? {b'tngUOj otDiictf , K. Phil, cabereof pou map be one. Stuk; \$mt mc great feing, 3f pen bclaue tbi« b?ett banc anvfparB, £)fbono;o;ofi3ulgerboneflic, Eben crcDttc tnc tbi» gentleman tbat n?tas«, OTas ncucr oioncrofafinpin'fiUfe. 4fioj cparctjanttjentarec tbougb botb trabes be gos, jButtodlDcri'uDofruban^ gentUbmb, IBolositblBbliffetobcatrauellcr, .. . .-,^ * K.Phil |3oat^oteaatlon»ba«cptt(tDabcOO» LintadoUaaetbew anobiftba'^e 'be <^tp> BnDffcn'leinan,anoli)ipperaap toit^ont, fijig honorable tonntrcpman of pours, fball bjtng owe fartbcr plcafore Jo? pour g®&. Vcr. 3fmtbeBafi!isksfbre-p?i»tns«»» » i5cfafctpfo:tbeoblcrtitbcbolDS, Ebcn Stuklcy map to Vernon comfojtbn"8, ei0 mcn^arefafc at &ca tDben Syrens Cng. Exit Vernon Ship MaiHer and Land«o. » K.Phil. Jpoto gallant Stuklcy, boafl of Phillips grace, 3Bp fa(b implopmentB as tnc banc affignD,^ ff-be bing oot coti|?ncDon Scbaflian, JfcolicitcB 00 fo? aioe to Africa, 3nbope 10 COnqtKrtbC Barbarians. ffibj factDer^?utJCftof t^at parc^cb CoiUj le famous hiflbry ace at contention Wi)0 Hjall iuearc tfje crotone, ano tl)C roungiamgof^ojtingallt>clauc0, ano fo DO toe, tijeir Qrife Ojali b;ao l)im peace, anofo? be flanofi ingagD hv UovaUoat|^ JCo Ijelpc tl)C bing Fez dgamDJjis fe . anD craueB aBttante from ba of ^is ^(0& • wmt tjaue tonfcntf D UjUI) conDition, to gioe (t i)im ifUomc Dot^ ^olD it fit : anopoubjaue fetaWeparetftemanfcfecf, to cacrie toti^ pope oac Cmbaf Qe, ano toe toill farnifb pou to; ti^efc atlairc», Do not aomitet^c Qrangncs of out choice, 3ln pointing poa before ^ut natiae nobles, JSut tiinbc our loue, onr feope, oj pour Bcfart, , 0i all conioynD abaanc e pen to tt)iB place. I Stuk. {pottfecccbanomtabtiebnaof&palne, ] tbougbmanprealbncmfgbttoit^ fianb btUef tfcat pon tooulD ctjofe mc poor arabaffaboj, ^tt Once pour bifibnesi ttoicc balb fpcUe ti)C luc;o, 31 bumWie creoitc ano accept tbe cljorg. K Phil, ano to Dcfraiewur cliarg in our affaires, £Dur bountib Hal cjcaoe ber bfoall boanD« : i?ira f02it i6 ttje time of Gubilie, ^ertfo? pongo from Phillip King of Spaine, anblaft fojb'Bbrcgaco toe l.olo pou in i ftuk. iattb faaoi H Uiill Oawic to Dcferat. K Phil. 3!t is bffecuD :Valdcs tcliuci pon, i?^ioe ttjoufanb Ducrats to Don Aukleycsl)anDf, l^ere are one letters ano cominifflon, tuttb foc^ Bjnftructicnas tonceme tbe caufe, &o mucb (01 tbat : noto fojponr counttepmcn, tobofe Ojip mifcaclcb ^ctc bpon our coatt foe DO allototbcmallcouentcnt bflpe» ifo: pmir fahc to rccouer i^ip ano g©o0, anotijat tiieirloire wag fameComut^ tDe mz* Ui r oi 1 ho. ^mkely. COe DO aqttit t!)cm of nil cudome fir0, &o gatlant dtat^p carrp ti^em tt^efe ncUte0, ano inabe poa crao? fb} tbefe great afifaircs. Exit ^ Huk. Kcaopto fetrae ano foiloto your commnnb (Scuk, K Phil. arenot^efeCngliOi Ittiet^etccountcpfiQy, Calb guogeotu ^ tt^at unK bite at tatxv bote ? If oU) eadtp tt;e cieOQlous fmlcs bcldtuc, IT^e ttjing ti)ep fanc^, o; tsoulo toif^ ofcfiannce, ^Qng no precepts or wtp?o(t)ecliue, Co Hat tD^at etto eac^ p»iect ro^tetfj to/ Hcrtijndes tell me tbtiar is tt)f conmt, £Dfoor election ano of dtublcp0 taiojtt) ^ Her. ^ott gracious ano D;eaori}uera(gKcpa[rOon me, SCorpcabeof^tublptn pa;ttcaUri ^ecaafc faurfrohinoltcsijcaav'oneme gefj iFo? tijat 3 oio ano otfrco^im at Cales, S5ut generally J cenfure !()cn^lil^ tljtt0, |)arDt>, but taXlf, Uiittie, but ouerVoeaning ® l0 tooulD tl)t8 (Cngiilb tjot b!aitic uoeigb t^infent four big^nsB Ijatt) tn^buB implornmc ^im Phil. filiouiuDgefttJgbtlp.itiBnotfojloae, tsae bears tbis nation tt)at loe grace l;im tlja^ but bfe ^ini as V)c agent of our guile, i^o; iftl)emattcrluere ofgreatimpojt, ^} ttiat toe looolo bspe toutf) tDit(; (ao^tingaQ, -ano albe bio bopagetnto iBarbarie, &tuhlep 0) jdIo ^aue no ^.mo in ti^efe affafrcf y but nolo U)e oeale as ilo^os of vHinegacDft bfe, fiop ttitb one bH(t) ttoo g.ippe0into tbefr gconnb, ^DnemutttoefentitolSometo Jubtle, ano&tdhlcp fo: ^iBguiftmuff^aueretDarD, i^ne boontp guilbf iJDitb tnip'.opment0 grare, &erac6 bo'b tljc tot nrs, ano fenoa pjono feiaWep |>ttttt, CIalDc0, eue tboorano Duccats ( ap ^tn tljat, |&oai»ioertO0f«faiio(&{i0U(l)man. (EsuOmnes* -•T >» a Fnwt ,. ne famous hil tory Entcl-Stukly,with Vernon and thcShipMaiftar. • Smk.ii5utrftitwfainctt)atmptoifel0ocaD, _S^jp. M . &area» I line icasj tier buries, £ira Bioc fijc mof^cj^, lljen t&e Daugfjfcr nf ]tt SCIjcn olO Sir Thomas Curtcis UueD not long an?) Dioc not ricli t but to^af lua^ left, ^c gaac Part to lji0 b;ot^ec, part to tlje Ijofpitall Stuk. Cbcn lu^crcs !^e part bee left bte fomtc in lata. Ship. M. H^arDon me Cr be left no part foj p ou, Vcr. ^our part anft graano part tacrc confamo to fon^ Eo banc a pojcpon left y oo at fljc laH, Stuk, iPrcnt) Vernon leaue facb oifcontcntina fpcarti pour mclamtjolre oner f to toes pour fplanc, Caen afi(bcbillotoe0oacrracbcroarf^ppe, taabofcloffe tfje bing fo: mp fahc bill rclIo;e, SCbtn taw mc not goob Vetnon toitb graana pacta Caabatsttocntptboofanbpounbtoaftabact. ' JCtoentptoabes fbargcs fo? a gentleman, I jatboufanopounbatoab'Bbutfairccrpcnce. I Ver.ponrtotftuioenotUiortbfucbatoehcgfrpciKe; Stuk.?HabatremeoppctSiuklytoilnotiDflnt fteeB gone anb allber frenoB tbetr beabs arc lalw (Barn refurcectton bane tbep at tbc laff, , tben fl&all toe mate againe : jn tbe lueane fpacf. I Tom Stukly Iiac«, lottie Tom Stukly, \ tDitlj to great wfprtf . fliip»M. pardon Iff, J inaagofampfliippe, mS}ok otBiter Ojal be t^anbfUl fo; ^odr i^aoar* ftuk. m\)ai foies maUer Vernon, Ver.jjtomcot^ertttne, ^aPtrouWepouatUjougfjitbcnofnoto. ftuk. a^pouroccafiowOjallinoaapoaDc (ExitftuWy Vcr. (UaDOTaitter fa if anp tijittg of mme, ^apfroiit t(/e(|np beerafelpb!oug^taU}Oje, dnD ) toil! fee ponr paines tpnaoereb /hip. M. 31 DoitotDoabtbnt all poarttnffe i»b,fe, Ci>e b^cijrfi °rea8clofefl« anp tbcatt. ij^otoins tabe0 bort banal)at IB tn t^ 1^10, liSccatife ti)t k i le i« fplit bpon t\)t fanOB, 3llcffnopourtrunh0afl)o;eano l(jcnp?ouiDe, tofffkcourDrctonomcnanDtobarict^cm, (Exir Vcr. j3ot all tbc Diovnnn, but tijofe are brotonoantibcaft, fo; Jatn ojoiDijoin mp couccPtaliue, feonic Qnocof mtnebatd fooffrnDeo iftmm] tbat ^leaurn ^«U ftnofl gff;ri£c bnto mine e»e« CSa^ntf^onlD i ttjinbof &tublpo; m^felf^, fitter \3oa6 be treatcO foz nip fcourgc, 0? 31 uiaB bo jnc tbc foile to biB faire \3apfts. Djinouc faict^ juc Oarccs tocrc rcttogiaoe. 31n Jrelano il)crebc b:auD biB Oouemoj, 3" &paine ije ib Companion to t^e king, l^is fo?tcne5 motontB unb mine SoopB to tt}t gwunO, be 38 tbc Clmc, 31 as tbc .ColetDO?t>i5?oUi, 3IUuc in euerit apre but toberc be bjcatbB, bis eic is as tbe viUaigonB I) cao to sne, ana ootbfranffojmcmpfcnffs into Cone, | fomc^olo &pains climate to br brrp fjot, 3 faU wp blojo congealo to pcc in ^pauie. e ramous hiftory iri^e X-copaitr lines net ncett t^e Clcpbnnf, ^.oi 3 neetc fetufeicp, Spaing ftsrctocUto tliCE, Citt)cc lie taunge t^isbuniuetfe abcut, iS>i Hi bitU be Ulcere &tatiUp t)at^ no being. E»c. Enter Stukley,Valdcs,fluklys Page, and one bearing Bagslcaled^ ftuk. l^ofo tnanp Duccat0 DID t^c Kins olTigne < Val. ffmcttjonUaOi^ Huk. are ttjec all U>ttt)(n ttjefe SBas< f Val. ^elln^rc. Sctik. ^oujnffref Val, j^apsCometteentvUjanf. The Bags arc fet one the Table: fiuk. tias^r n)ouU> tbere loant a ^ortnaD? i a mite i 33E)ott) tl^e btng bnoto t^ an? E^nccats ladts, Val t)e Dot|) ano rato t^e bags ttioalB IjotD no moje, and fcalD t^m tuit^ ^10 Ggnet as yoti f^* ftuk. Valdcsrctotnet^cm 31 toillttauenoneoft^iii) flhOtellttipmaiOrct^esreatking of ^paine, 31 ^ono} ^im but Tco^ne fiis mgar&ice, Caft the Bags to the ground. SInd rpurne ab^iogeo bonnif iuiti) mp fmte, a bate bafc ttDcntiefcom 6ne tfjonfanoDuccats, 3ll(fllue 8ue t|ioarano Doccats to mp bop, 3lfT^i> P3omifo Phillip all tl)e too;(D JSP? anpbinDomeenglano rale t&cpt, % tDottlo l^aue peri^t 0; pecfia^mb mp tDO}C, ano not rcrcrab one tottage to mp felft, ^0? fo mnc^ gr oanb m taoolo i^aac ntabe mp ecsne^ iFa)tec fo; oaccats if iie take t^e bgUf, aCell ^im ile 00 t^rs bnfines at ISome, bponmp p;opec tad bat fotbie ctofunef, ^me t^ey come cmrtailb cacrp tt^em againe Come bop to ^ o;re, aloap , fpaniato farefncfl, , Val. f^tap ^ix 31 p;ap pc til 3 monc t^e tiin0» fluk, w ' . ' im. ofTho.Stukeiy. ftuk. mm monffa mountninc foonet t^n mg mino, ExitftuklyandhisPage. v.l. CSlt)atal)tgl)fpirltb«t'ottjiBCnsUajman, l^c tantB\HB rpeacljca (o a binftlp Ucvc ^ conqiicrgt^c toojlD.anDcatt itat l)i»5.<^;f«» , Enter King Ph Hip and his Lords. ©ere comc0f!jc lung. Piul. l^oto noto IS fetnblcp gene. Val. 0one ano toiU do poat bafincc at Home tboug^ be rcfaftD i|>e SHJCwts poo aflignD. . Phil. l^otDfe. ^ , , ^ Plul. flmonatt Sac tboufanc mai' not ttotmjwH* val. /^no. tjefoppofcfl) goo repmt poor gift, Ifronabnogcvouc bounty but a mite. (iPo^ a tt)cafanDSDuccat0 tnojc to tljcfc, ana poO and P?ap l)im not to bt uifpleafo, SCclJ J)ini 31 016 it but to tn' IM mm^, tobubUcommcnoaboaemptrcafurp, 3fengUno bane bat i^iitptbOBfaoMutlj, Ibc potoet of fepainetftcic coaafball touc^, come Lo;D0to bcjfe to CyuiltUeg cot toap, taaloe»'3 cbars pou to cfcljae Mlap. (Exeunt Omnes. ' Enter Scbaftian, Antonia,Hcrando, thC; • CardnallandBotellio. seba.ftegteaf ano bonojcoptomtfctban ceturntt W, |From one b:aae hjnrman Philip binfl of ^inc, ^p p>eare BotelUo atw a fceonb life : bntottjeactiontbattocbaacinbanj. tbeioyfaUb^lbtb«iff*«» ^°^ ^9? Up«, Comi. Uhc a luttp gale to Koffc our fa«c0 , tnriing tt)c f mmtlj bjotocB of the Affnck oepe, cD Utme5)eacetby tongue toonb onc^. agauie, ji)ec{jacfuUB3omite,cfontnel»^PPl««> ^^ 33, Tlie famous Iiillory ^Bot. mi}v 0) a« cnipertall &patnc bati mc rctome paiiia, bbuD, •|J:n bo;nc in !)onoj ^ ane rjcplopts in luar, StiD not on ?Eni)tan o? JlSafe taOarD^cojc j ^Fif{i)^isgalUc5,Dft|icpjouiicR Clcfrcls, Efjat to tJjta D3p pct eucr HBacc an £r>re Kq meets yon at t'lje 13o;t Dc fant Maria, Elie fount) of 3ionf. Sebaft. 2:^ fonrtt) of Bfunc, at PoitDc fant Maria i!.cn tJjonfano fa)te,ano fiftic of ijie C5alUcs 53t.» !is titf re, jycfljinfss tJjat 3 coulo ttanoano aiU repeat thm amontfjtogeatfjer^tfjcpTopleafcmpfoale, ' \$a Antonio :£) tuljatan arniJc0|^are, -*.„... "^"^"'"g to 'he king of Portingall, 3 teU t&a wfcit : neuer c^^iffian ISing, Cum u>itf) fo pjouo a p iDcr f iihica Anto. ano pet tlj; ^reatnw of pour ropall fuirif, tpaftea all t|j(sno;^ing, fo pour glojp iftjm's aboactftepotoerolTpamcdnDpojtingall. ' Scbaft. cofcn Antonio .topapBottelloDacB SLifz xmttca of [)fs fpaniOj enibaffPt as pou^aoe taf»cn muOcr of our polyerg/ Jfepo?tt{jcnom&frh)ljatonrarmpi0. ' ' _ Anto. Unto poor number of Ern tfjonfanft foantarM JinfteRmgaarmep :al)Dfotl;iBBottcliio : ^?a fj^onranD mcrcinaru fpanillj ^ois, a)fl3olantarp Valiant JiiJojtingalc, ^?aB fljoufano ttjja; ftojc fpcciallraen ofarmcg, 5^e (Efarrifan of Taiecr, anMigbt ^jfcmcn, ^rnetI)otifane ana foureJiuntiico , £iuc fISjoufano vlJcrmans ano Jttalianf, a?^ PPtoer t^;a t!;oufa!io eno t^e a^nbe Averos, oflho.Stukely. E>oable0 my number, if fuilpmoje iBcQocs tijc potoer iljat toe Do t):pctt from Kome, t|)trti' femien tt^ouranDtueearcnoiu compleat. Sebaft.£iurarinp3!ornDU)itl) fljatMahamctfajUlfl^y A S6joagl)t from ttit Drfar ts of bant afiica, l^is baliant SEucks : ttaino ftp in fpoilc of toar> );id foitfdten? of Morcco anoof Huts : Tofifcy thoufandas hispromifeis, ^ 15;aae Antouio ti^ere toill be a potDci'j to affrigl^t tte berp toalles of i^eUi ano make (toat afnrk tremble at t\)t Sg^t, Wi)tn toe (Uall b;aue I^er on tt)C fun bnrno plains ana toi(i) oaccannon0 cb^nfli tK^i: toanton \)ta\i, £D mp Antonio |)3\u 3 long to foe, t)Oto (paniO) blcooanDturt%iIl) toillflgto?. Anio. l^oto fljall it pleafe pour (acreo £paieS^> toappoint tl^e feuralUt)ar9cs of tbis toar. scbafl. Cofenantoniotntbisbcatcoftoar, fo; t\it fafctie 0f our ropall btngoom. HctbB ret fprabe of things tonccme our peace, alt^oug'^) but b;erfc . Srtt our oeecea cofen, fo;ponrp;ince(prelfe, pourrtg!)ttmtoft)ccrotonof|^ojfingan> . as fird nno nearcd of our ropall blooD, tbat Q)oulo toe falle : t^e nert in oor fuccc&on, tuB pou ano pours, to fit bpon our tb;one, wi^iili 10 our pleafurc to be pnbltfljcD. anto. Long ma? mp Ucgc f foucraign 3Lojb j&cballiatt, ^it on tt)o ropall tf)2onc of pojtingatU sebaft. toe tljanh pou pjincrllp rofcn, flJuroeareano rcuercnt buckle tarDlnall, bnto oar felfe catnnnt our toars inafrua, fbjtbc great truft toe rrpoOiein yon esi« DO beqncatt) ouc bingoanw soRcrnttnt, e tamousBiTtory 03 one luljofc tuifbame ano i]5obi!ltie, IDEfcrueB t^i. great p;iotetUoii ofour iSeaSme. Card. SL^etnoDbnutajt^iPor ttiatropall places WSMtak manic pcarcs anfi nnbecilUtie, are bat too toeaU to t)noerp;op tbe burthen ^ut niav 'l)e retunant of mp agt be fpcnt, £lo \Da2tn3als rcllefe anD voux content. Sebail. j^oloAntonicbntooattcacrallcbargciB) I'our (elfe iuU Ojaie tbe fortunes in t^eti toars, tDc Co commit a ©arrtfon of Tanicen, tntotfjc leaDing of Aluarcs Peres, ourboltntarp ^o;ttnffaUtf to LodouiccCeafar, lf>e mcranarp rpantarD0 to alon^o, Mcreneccs iletacftnant gmcrallof oar fojcw, Tanara fo} tb^ s0ermain colloncU, anonoU) ret fc;\Dar& letonc Cnfifinji 6^, ^itt)crbtcto;iQU0,o;iffonquEreD D(e. - Eetcr Chorus. - Olio. SCf^tts farre t^^ongt) patience of ponr gentle ears batbStukleyslifc in Comicbebtflojfe Mn nein reaiQCe,tbat long ago late rabtc tneaSof Africke imtbbisboDte tbere: Hif'M farre bpon tbe Sepa of big6 promotion ()i3 b^PPte Sarrcs aboaantl bim .^olo atbi&b^S 89 cleereS rummer baiesbauc oarkrO nlgbt0) ano euerie tbtng matt fintni : fso in bim bis Sate becUntna ojdtocs bnto an eno, ifojbgtbepopctrcatcbaapoHbeatb f^srqueffe of Jrelanb : faitlj tbaf neto bono?, Cmbarht anc birtitalcDtbtnke btm on tt)e ^ea: ano tbat tbe tims fcbaRian bao fet colonc to mdrt U>(tb Philips p:omiff apbe is paS: JiroiDarD Afrike be, toloarti Hcelanb tbe otber, are bof b ntatitd bpon tbe bo^ftrrone tDauc0 ; 2&ut meeting U)|;at (lrange8((ioentiiereU> ^ |oto ot 1 ho. Stukelv. I^otn be tuas altreo from l)i0firQ intent, lano be DdtiDcD b^ tt^e l^ope t)e |)(U>, CobcafcrfbrD bv> tbc Caflyle litng, Kpgna(Dtl)t0(I)etDanD plaintvrec t^ctfjing. Enter at one doore Phillip King of Ipaine, A!ua and fouldl- ors they take th^ir ftand : then Enter another way, scba- ftian,Don Antonio, Avcro wiih druraes and cnfiiKS they likcwife take their ftandc.Afrcr feme pawle Antonio is feiu forth to Phillip, who with obeylance done appro . chmg away againc very difdainfuHy : and as the fpaoi(h fouldiors are#bouc tolollow Amonio- Phillip with liis drawn fword ik>ps them and fo departs. Whcicaiseba- ftianraakeiftiowe of great difplealure, but whilpcring vvirh his lords each incoragingocher a<> they are about to to depatt.Eoter ftukly and hi^ Italian band : who kcping aloof.sebaftian fends Antonio to him, with whom ftuk- leydrawcs neerc towarde the king, and hauing awhile laft retirs to his lbu'diois,io whonj he makei fiiow of perfwading them to4oyn wah the portugecf* : atfirftthcyfecmetomiflke but laft .they yeclde andfo both armie meeting imbrace when wi«h a fudden ' Thundcr-cIap the iky is one fire and the blazing ftar ap- pears wUich they ptognofticaiing to be fortunai dcpai- - tedveryioyfull, do far toas y>\jil\i9 as ?oa \jwat b^elo, from ILcnoing aioc bnto tftc pongafc, 38 not content to bnoersio tbt ^lott £)f b2ea(t> of p}omif J bat boitb nabeb (tDO^Oj ^fbnouoioeo jufftce tf);«(iremi fnrbn Sis Ojonlo bat ofier to Depart tt)i Lanb. liObcccbp tbc p jiof c tijou jrtj btrp macb bifturto, ^et nototfrnaiDfobdugwipUiad btemmb, Uf rolnrtb aill to pjofecntr t)U ^ouinp, anouAilff rbepaic Debating on tl)fC6ttfe, ftukly bp mathu 10 b^insn m to i^iuh lTRc famous hiftory XSSi) behig hnotene fu^at counrertnmi |ie Mias, IZ3()at Ojips t)e tjad anb tD^at Jtalifld bmi{)0, jr ami tD^creto \)t u>as bocno : tbofiTence t^eceof^ i S.iTioopcr>bvfecbaatan,flraitercfanf», I ano moats^iB fouletrrs tot)tc^ vott^ mac^ aso, ^ -at laS are toon to make fo; Bafbarp, I ^ lonectoafl t^ia fDUotufl^tp (ontriune, ano ti)tp bao f otno tbhr annf e cnoteU tbe po^tingall tbp ropali mniQer, tbat afiictt mabeg obeptance to bie f «et, ano (toopB b? r pjoaobeab lomer tban biabnd?, tell bim mine eicB arc tburfip 6} ^is p^efenre. mef. 3 tola r^tome to tcU poncitDbaDtrbft^v>fet&. i He leaps from h$ Chariot, j Enter scbartitn ai the found of Trumpets j EXfmoant tljtt ipulp from t^p c^acpot tsf^erU j fo I ntcrtaine it)c mis^tp cbAatan king, 1 Uiclcome fe' batlian ttmg orpojttngalr. / scbaiK t^ m^ lo itm mig^tp ano c mptriaU (ette, \ iDbc t^aa aliglitB ttjc migtitr emperoor. ; niuly . t()nt ] iDitl 00 great po;UnsaU ttiegrate, to let tt)s bp Catipoiw mp ^uccnc, scbaft. Letmt&l)t? qaulis felfc Topptp t^at pUue, Hno guie me leaae to attcao tpon I'Otir loae. niLily. (pounttt)&S»eba(han{9olgoo.^cimunaan>« 3|t 10 mv pteafure 3 tt)iU ^aae it ia-, £pount tbc biaae ILo;i> anO Ot i^k on ber Ooe, ano fap &eba(h«n tl^at die fonne or Phabus, l)pon t)i« fatl)tr0 Scrp burniOjo carr, j^ere fat (b (^o;ioa0, as tbe po;tineaU, loue tDoalo crcbaong \)\s bceptcc fiii ti^p feaf, ano luoaloabanoon lunosgobUbe bebO, j^t^tb^tnormp fiiirt Calipolis, tSIIci. om SebaO an looe to atrua. Ca!ip. Mml am tbatCal poIis(«ngiae, fiCo tbe renotuncD migb^V }^oitMiw(e, })ttt flt I'lncrtpntice anQ re3 ibee after toil, 3le loipt tbp ^2o\DC9 loit;) I. aoea tno^ (\BattaOt(oft, E!b*ii i«rbeDolnncorCuheicasCan0, 3lt fan thp face, imtb tb'' dclihouD plomcf, £Df tbat ftott luonDcr of Arabia, CiHlch pirciong biat-. re jle rc(tc(l| tbp curic0, CSSbore D ri> ra«i02S)aU maftc Pamhcrs balBf 8n9UucIrfmeUoftb^fcDiUficusftD*t8 eno tDi'.li fucb fllojtons liquo;^ picafc tbp tsff, J he famous hiflory 0e Helens goblct: ncaer btD wneainc, . ipoj ncuer grail t^ebanqaetB of ftjE <5cii8. Muli. SCIjcnfpcalietDctomfonofgrcatMuIicslift Ijer t*tb iiw;e tob(tc,t|)an Cantafc froD v tJoto, lul)f re Q)e bnlochs ftjepojtals of tjcr ftps, IBeaatP a |Bi)emr burncil) fn l)cr cic, mi)i:i) fijcre ttiU Iiuetjj, as It fttH Dotlj Die. Stuk. Ssnijp beers agallant,t)ffr«afctnginft*B, iBe rpraiifl all cpat g fat iti me 641oU) fncb a iLacj as t\ii9 : ST^w t» pute fire. Cocrp lojfee |,f caQs Oaflict^ libclic^tninff, S7ircBmcftIe in it)is lieop. I^e biimn a hmit) tfjat fees our failcson Btc, C©l)pnoto 31 te lot Ojall banc tuffs mo«D. A'K. i|ob> aioit (25oD, bets a gallant j^jince, Mull. €5aijatl3?m£c«be t|icfe in poor tompanpV Sebaft, C(>at is our conOn prince Antonio, %\it oftjcr Stu' ley t|)e bjaue Infft ^arqucffe. Muli. i^oble Antonio, ono rcnotontD S^aiPfltfk, ten tfeoufanfi toclcoms into afirpca. An. E^anfes to great q^olp. Stuk. Eovourmioljtineffe. _Muii. ii5ci;tnoiutl)cncifiI)irtgofoortDarUlJei)»jfe ©bail fljahc the pallacf of commanDmg Jone, £Dnt roaring Canons fcarc tb« tilgljcfl t lonW, anD fh$t^c ti)e funne ant of ^'s tponteo rcorfe, africbe Jlc oic fl)p Catmtf fanosin Wou&, anD ftt a purple on fl)p feonburm fete, 1:^18 is tl)e bap t^p terto? firft began, 35efo;e great ^uip ano jbebaflian, Jl>nnc on, ano 31 toil! lacftkp bp tbp Obc, tbefe CbJiCian iLojos 3 trnft toill tafee jtdfeojne, ®si)cnMuli-bamet bear^ t!>emtojnpmip, J3toa^4 £xeunt« Two ofTho-StuHyJ Two Trumpets found at either end t Eiutr Mully hamct and Antonio. Ante. S>f cono tliv fonnt ttrtjat m tbou bcff t^jat cailett, ano tolt^ il)P p;oa6 importance grirt our cnres, Muly ham. s^^at african oj toacliclj 10o;tingall, cottKBfojfljtoanriucr. Anco. Muly Hamci 3, Muly. Anionfo. Anto. ELfjefamepjoiio «)^3?«: ffeaf p?oa6po?fttgal» Muly. cohere ie fcbaftian : l>c tomcfl not fojtl) H^irofelfetoanftijercnic. Enter scbaftian rMahamct and the trainc. sebaft. D^cre fi^itlp bamct, Ijcre Cout afrifan, m\)M tooulDB ttjoa Wamct toitb tl)E po^tofltfc iaticre0 ab Jelmclcck tt)p p;oaol)aofll)tp b?ott)cr. Enter Abdelmelcck and his traine. Abdcl. fteatcbjauc febatttan bwig ofpojtingall, sebaft, O art tfjou t^ece : tiju fclfe in p^efcncc i^eti. Cdtjat tuoulDft tl)OU beg pJOUD abdelmelcck fpeattf, abdel, i5f8.Uteatoo;D 5naKrfeerDbcfo« pet bnoctftano 3 hjtiat tboB meanft tljtrbp, tbcr0 notacljilo of manlrZanksline, 3S5«t ftoms to IScg oCI|MJonwt tjimfclfte, mie Qjall lean fortone toitt) b» boono aboat, ano fell bcr i?ountr as toe bo cut Qaucs, tor momitUcc b xb, anonianagetjcc for tear, a» loe DO bfe to feroc HBatbarian ^)orfc, ano cbctU bcr toitbtiK f»w^p a»^^ ^^^ "^^J^"*' scale bent) l)« f loftling crcft, anb ftop an« tarne/ «0it bcaitftBt)3bwtt>porriPsall0, scbaft. tocelfptic pour J-tinct lufh' afriran ano toitb our pittols, tuttlf prick ijf r p.imp;c{) QatS DnttR toitb pacKins flje 00 bfcake bcr g«tl)0 , ano fling tjergallatttnDctmtJicficlo, - V The famous kiftbry and (ap F;oati i^wx : ttftA fo fato p o^ttngalU Abdel. :^ljptoojwoofounooft)onojrtjjillianbing;, GEl^tcl) mafeea mc thcrefoje pittp H)(e tfec mo;r, flnofo.rotDtt>at t »?b.ilotjrQ)oalB.bc fonfee, 3ln ratt) a iiaftp bnknotDde fea of Srnte0. C?!!ltjcretl)P feiocourase.tanitotbearc tijatfaile, Ebat fijr pwuo ^autp fpc rit tooulD glaap ^aac, JCl}mfo?e fetbaSian wft aOop t[)crc armcg tf)ftttf)ou bninfflp bearcaagattiftibf fnenD, ant) leaue ti at ttaito; tbat but teams t^« on, 3lnfo tt;c|au»0 of tt)p oiarnction. Mutv li5}auepon9S»ebaa(anbingof]^o;ttngaO, jwnB Don Aiuonio ^cre ntc gallant ii O2&0, Muly Mahamet, bat pou are W PKff nee, ^ealo t^mbe t)ftmrelfe oamno eaerlaOittslpy 315ot to trolb to^acb im .t> fo bafe a aaue, IKHbofetotoarinwUingroolcfojberpfcarc, Comes frigliteobpano ooionsiDitbintiuboromf, an } faim ta>«nl& flno a i^effage from (yts b^caff) ^0 DoonttDtoitl) tbe ten o; of cur amies, jCljat be is mao !)ts fouUtlers toiU not file, Cbat iBttt) fome conlo; b^ ntig^t tncne bis ba&« deed ttio 1 tt)e poiuec, ofafrtbs in mv banb 3Ubc furious liubtfnfns in tt)e banaof louc, to oaOj t!)p piiiJC, anoliHc a ragina ttojme, to (tare tbofe Curkiib aag« ti^at fp^eao t^eir &M6, tvot^ tt)e ffranbes of peacefun africa, antj (juaUca not flaite : toiti) tcrro: of tt)C fame. Haiiict. DarcbiU mp ojotbcrs ii53(lar i ano a flat», tbatOjodlJJhaae B.iffUjat Abdeimckchs fat, (cnDtbrfcpwootbJpatBfrombsaaDaaoosUrc. , Maha . Defcune a)og : ar.o crourj) befcjc tbt f(itt jSDfgrrmill^oiecco :of mtcibti' ifeflc : iBot iDbnbnacbfdfe 3 lanqUTge to 'tjis fetane, IBm tHi m^Mim utioa b;aaePoituguirei omio.Stukely. 31 fptililjamct Mnj »f mfg^p &u», kDljofe countrteB bounoo iino !lmc(« co trtcitO i^roinmiiiljtv Atlas: oiurallftjofelLanoft, (ftat ttrctcl) tl)cmrtlae» to tl)C Aihnticke fbta, Hno Irohe bpon Cannrac$Uicaltl)v 31fl«f flnB on tl)c tueft to G ibaUaras fetraigtts, tijofc fca(tfoU/o:-lanti0,anD^e famouf tototw* flffarc scbadian fing of pojtingaa (©oft clo;toa? an« triumphant tnoojlr. Abdci. VDcarcme^cbaftian t)faremcpoattjfaUhwtg#' anO abdelmelcch tsili recetuct^ff pet, flno clip tfja in tbe armCB of gcntU peace. (b;(atett)is,tprant8m)ioi7nfi banof tottt; me, anD at tbi> pleaftirc qnictlp poffelTe, EljetotonBtboa^aloefliit aftickattbisDap^ Agincr,Z,a(!anra,Scuta,Pcnon .Mclilla, tOftirt) Muly Mahamct, ImUwrpofcfre t^* Of, 3f bp tl)P mcan« ^« fljoolo obtatne tl)C cap. Sebaft. fi-ap Abdclmeleck, tcllme toilf t^OO pCt E>if mife tbp potoer , bjeaHe t^jefc rcbcllioug arme«, Mlbic^itotot^oubeareagamae ti^e bing ofiFeC^> ant great fi&ebatttan bing of jp 0:tiiigall i ^et of Mahamct, tDfll obtame tl|)P Iif^. Hamct. iLobe on tfee potoer t^at Abddmeleck biifi&K £)f b2aae rerolucb Curli0, anobaltant 4^;e0, ( isarlibe (Drrmatifi ant> ^caUans, AluarcSjCeafar.Mencfis and avcro, pjouo abdchncU'ck, htiiTle ano beg fo: gracCi abbcl. atJEnpzouoS.baftianJftci.ynUweanc*. Maha, £,^mfO}t MahameonO Sebaftian facetDCU. Excurfions, Enter Sebaftiatij antonio, auaro and Stukly In counlcll together. ScbaO. vtoaife t)0 LoiDs if toe tQis p^cfcnt wii^t, (btAlpAiSz tie riuvr of ^e^aga^;e, (lapon loijofe fuufi^p banks oar tent0 are v^ti)ty . M flap tf)e mojnitifl fxi^ appjoatljmefan. auc. 3n mpopJn'onlctbsnotrcmooe, 1L\fi, nightie oarUc il)e nacr pafflng Bff pc, ^n& toe our felucs aiiD tSi mp trope m|' llojo, CrcttOingiuearptoiitjtljc laft DaicBmartd^. anto. fppiiojo i^tjcro councclu tocllme tl)itib«. Sebaft. saatjats poor opinion f^arqucs of Srclantf Scuk. qDpiLojomigl^t 31 p«fawoenc«tt>cr tonight, ^o: in tf)c mojning f^ooto pe erode tlje rtucr ; £Durnien are ivcabe,tt;eenimic is (Irons, ooc men are fable, f^ep in perfect ^cattl), ^eGoc tie better Difiptinr 3 itl^ge, 2Co Ut tftem fehe fas J)«ipre,t^an toe t^mtl)(cte, ConO&ehn j bi^at abnantage map be ^ao. ^m& t^em tbatfird attempt to paffe t|)e cioer, againe, on t^iB Qoe totjatCoencr fall tSae Ijaac Laraffi and Morrocco bolb* Crong totoncs of facto? to retire bnteh Sebaft, Uefire bnto, tatees ftukcly of r8tt««fc art pan tnueSeo SsiCic^ a i^arquf ffe name, (Craft tsitb tt)e titlcof a fierpe fpirit, S^enombDp ano taltuQ fo of fo;tt;oQe i 8119 t ot JL no. «3tukdy. nnt lar&itj^m iii ^r bjeS To meane a ttiougl^ Can tf^ere iilae Arom ^tic Kpsa tearme, 6)0 bare anD beggetlp, aa tbat ofOigbt, 31 ratb?rtt)OogbttbatStukley tDoatobaoefaib, lane b»te berc ano are not f loift anougb > JnfffbinsBltimt to begin tbcfiabt* "^ Stuk. Conceit me not Scbaftian at tbe foo^ff, |0ou cranD mbcoimreU ans in fqat refpcct, jfpeakeinvconrctcnceifponlitoitnot, , Conoemne me not tbercnne ofcoUiarotte, foi iDbat 3 fotoioaa as a (iii^dtt flreno, CarefiiUUie (bonlo inibjace tbe faftff coucfe. jDut as J am Pom Stukley, and a captainc> ^eurc ti'.ioiDne pet toOano in ftarc ofbeatb^ iflifeto'jen voaioiUbta fflstetbatuitbcfo^moS, 1$is f tDOiO tbat fonett Djaton mp foote anu flDo;9, ^aibeasfO!UiarDantiaaqo!ttiIpb?atDne: ^ ^ap DO bat folloto anb lie leao tbe toftp, 311c be tbe fltS fljaftbiaoe bp to tbe cbinne, S)i palTe Mcr.agis cbanneU, ano tbc 8rft |M)iil gtce aiTault bnto tbe enemp. IN little »o 1 fear e tbeirireamea b}tmt, 4)}b*iMab;tanettatatteno0ontoar. ^ EnccrMuly. . ,• .• > . ' MiiV' Co trmec Ipe Mng, to armes conraB^ tojM; IS: gbtcreOeobUto^fboetb bmftbaon, ano all aiHtantage tbatmap be bab, ^ff er to fill ant b snoa toltb DoilbeD (potte, ano tbcre our bearra t^itb moles b^PP^i^* | i^alfe Abdekneleck mo;taQp io Gck, ! i^o: fcace 3ltt}tnkefbat U)e (baabanqoUbbiM, |(0 rou'oioiB mucinife, nn d bta '^eS frenM« j SBegtn to toaucr ano mtQnift tbe caure, iSDr tobicb tb^tt'tboofanD of bia H out Alarks, menbcrg ejmert toi'4> tbc ibtetoc ano llaante» _ ^ J ramous Ws lumm m f0 bB fD^o libctoiffc ttll ^maitpttjeufatiDs moie ffjat toiUreoolt, ©acre toe but oiofreo once Uiit^tntfjc 8dO» I oarc affure pe t,aD not croff t^e riucc 80 note tjc tap bieabc cnllcg t,s to lafaoor, »o tbattoere raigfjt br tjcftiAiwus mmg, gojfBcjMDoflfl^ctUsto btjact, l^alfe abdclmeiccks. armp toou to fojfaftc feim. Scbaft. ipolotiGfrgreatMahamct toil! tocUitotr ®»88aueoirccionbpourppo«r«, "^«"5er, »o tome u anp bcames of light appcarfi mmn tbc (Eaff : to fettJe to tjeir Uiojb , •no mafee our paffagc finoftjcr thjonob tbc foJBr Mlowrtoofet^emf(,fltbptenaciocte, S^V"P°!!*'^'*^'"«aOiacmtto Akazar, Jbc lot of ^pp if o;toBcaiap be caa. anDfflitbappcntJjatMahajiictfpao. ^ ' I tojetk not tobo o; turk cj cbjUhan blab. E«„at: The Trumpets founding to the Bataile. Enter abdcimdecle ?"> and Muly hamet : then anconio: with for,cothVrnzf, fioga.ay,tI^n:beyreckedback,abdclc„eleckalo^^^^^^^^^^^ aje fanDB of ahick, arc fo pactbing bot, J*at tttben oorfaloDBotb Ufibt bpontbecarfh Srrr«n^ LS:;:^" * ""^''^ ^""''^ b.'.Der t:catl,te, soul. £}5? llo;j^,>ot,f,,„e b^ncb£^la L S Runa,ns.„haiia:iofocccl^^nre«««S,^urwiafr, ofTho.StukelyJ (EMtliJJ^ato ^or fdft oat of ffte muroerinflp^cflfe : l^anaw not fo t)t faicti' of tj«all. abdei. \3o SaQc 8nop}eat|{; tn'o tt)eo»u0()tpear(^ perftnaDciuft^oocanft to ftcn t^5 ratne, fl^i' foale to ftcatjj 10 t^urfty fo; riutngc, . mtb tl)!0U3^ ttje rai>h«, let tijc p;oaB ct);itKa»i«1inofo, £L^at*bdcJnickckUotoe«(^ctroaerti|joto. (Esk runmg, EiitcfScbaftian. sebaft. !0)e rtmfo t)eat«oorarmo:tuit^ \fis btamtt, ftatttootJ) bume ano fcare ourtjervfleO), tIjattDben UictDool&Sretttiout oorarmratoffribe, fl)or parcbeo fcneUje0 nacfe like part |jmcntB fcrolc*, ano flp (n fa-ioer ffjat our armcg ftancB out Oife a0 euc HavmaB, and our fin 0200 fall Dolun, Panting for breath. tmo (htb t^e{r enuions pomt0 into tije eart^ : Mull mah. ttjcreticucrvct to i0focjj aj):at;jc&;e, ^incc Phaiton fcttftt* bniuf rfe en flcr, tt)at t^earib fearing ije ^ati liu d agatne. and got into ttic ttiatvot of1i)t funn, £>ptn» l)cr toiw moot^ Itlie a gaping tBall, Haflilic. sebaft. Muli mahamec fap.l^oto ffano0 t^C IWIJ 1* mull mah. flv, flp fecbaOtan :fo2 tbt foe p;eaaUe0, Dugali. ratfo (to Sue tt^oofanb men of iviv, 3(5 note reuolteo to tlje cnemr, fiuremeli &cbaaian,tbi0our lateS nig^t, 3 toill afTar to fane me felfir bf fUgbt, Eater a companic fee rpon sebaftia n, and i\V him ,rhcy go out,entcr a soldier bringing in abdclmelcck on his back, tnuli-mahamei following. muli-hamct. Jfaer fcaiot^atmpcotagioa0 JBotfrnr, ffconlo toaoc fo far : In.o tbie >^o:tiif of toar, ftait be manln be too lauiC) C'ljis pcfon. Soul. QBv iiojD bebico notbv ttjeaint offtpo^; ^ttt, bffingoufuame tuiff) totte ano ^me, Ha not The famous hiftory i^ttDcl! refptifrrD of Ijw oangcroue Gcfmte, • jtKtnctt Dohmt foj fattitnca, anD gaue bp ^te foalc, Muly 3ln t\it ff cretfl mancr t<)at tljoa cantt otnir*, Conti»)?1>*f ropaacoarfcinto our««nt, &; if |K£< oeatt) Cjoutoonce be Uoinne ab;uiB, 3itioercatnean9todmrt^;ott>t^e»ar. Enter a fouldior runnine. Exit fouldier carrying hi» oodjr. frpfate flauc tD^jjat t^nouantage of tl)c aap. s«ui. flDarba!t8ntfaroiae»,and q^o^tetKm^gctt^fietti fesbaOpan Oatne : Muly Mahamct flco, jjno abdclmelcckcroiDno toftljbictojp. Muiy.(i»»;tite aUi;(ou» (Un^no beace tinto tl^e VdcQ i^tnes of our conqastt t ano frtgijt tt>o(e t^at 0U)€U> mrt8Ci:onr?et6tot?j) Cttrojofoorname, »aineintl)pfierpimftaic«ptt atobiic, 2riO ttot f Ijtm foftlp on tfeofc ap^c pianc1i0, SToIfljhebpontlje glcjp oftljeoa^ Exit. EiKcrDcn Antonio, dilj^uifcd likcapricftfearefully Lookcingaboathim. Anto. di) poije Antonio, tmicbtMPf anil tiootaSf, *KS>m DreofeU fyutoi Dogs tbee at tbe b<^lC0 ' Srbaftianflaine, Muly Mahanietflcb : m )ao3ttngalto b»ue InfanMtu Oaine, ancnotanuutofdiartenjnofe attac. C^oanbicfoiiibe t()a(napneft0Oir0iur«, %\iV Cljapieti, ti}at came toltt) tl;tt to t()e toarr, anil tnt^is battell lOtetoife ioO t}U life. I^aoen (be tt?on pleato ) tttiB vet map aano in 8gbt 3!mot,t^ptoAlU}f>n be actompUQico. Enter tbrccor foare lurkifh Soldiors,. ' ].Soul.&ft,i)!ix0ap}eettpetleftaltue. Ifeicra, :ome Ijef ^r, \)Qto ^tt fl;oa ef cap( j ipipat.flhaUbDchtilbint:' a.Soui./po,!ttU!jimnot,fliai«ti»r«nfac&tfem ofTlio.StukeIy. ^ ©a^at^aff t!)oa&(rra,tt)at mapraB<% lifei Aiuo. autbat 3l)aucnipfrcnD8,iteflipe?efr4ljr, 1^0 it mat>pUare ft butto faue nip life :* WB\)U\) tooefliov iDillDo pc tittle goD. a. Soul. Come t^^n be bjapfe. lets faE,to^atftafltt^n^ Anto. ECljiB purfetontalnctball tbecoine 3!t)au«, STbefe 15;acelet0 mp bead iLojb bcttotoeo on me, Ebatif 31 fcapt, 31 miflW remember bim, ^ 3n mp beuotions ano mv oaitp pjaictB. , a.Soul. fflyHbofep^ectttoatttboa/ into. Ferdinands, OuUe of Aucros, I a . Soul. ©tMell Uften ftUaiof 8 ttotl Do Dg Kttle gfflb ' ITohUbtin.tDbwtaie map mahe benefit 3i5p felling of btm to be Tome mane Oaue : flnb notD ] edit to mino tbe tuealtbp 9^c^«fenobilttPofpo;tinflalI, m ano muly Hamct, pAfOng oi'tbc fojo, fil'fftoift Latiflatotfcapcbpfl'gl)!, l)iH}Oik am be botb Djotonco m tbe riucr. muly. ^ep tbattbe IBoopof&ebaOiaR, ^ane cbJtOian ano kinglp SBuriatf, after bis cooijtrp matter foj in lift. Z }5iwtt n^rtt nerc Unco bpon f be Uitntt ano let tbe cbnthan booica; be mtcio, fo: iimly-mahainei :let [fis fUm be grab, from of t be fleO) :fro»n fote bnto ibe bcab, anb ffuff toitbin : and fo be bojn? about, tb:ou9b aiUt as an caSeb(D to flap bpon. I Vcr. s3>b maiCer stutdrp fince there note remained, (!5o laapba; one, anbUfe muff be? le Ijaue enb, ^ai'Don mp fpcrcb^ if m a Ibojo si t tno, ^JfiM^m m bfzit^ t)d^ 31 oifcbarg mvroaie. 3 [ oflho.^mkely. Jititiatotifcirc. roacpif fcncr J tjaue l^imD, &t tt)at 3 ftate yoa but becanfc t^mbv, irtjat gricfc tD^icb J IRO Oudp to forget, BnaafttUtencujeD ,anDtl)' rcforr tu^entoeoict, Jii Jrclano, Bpaine.anO ai ttjelaft in ^omc, •no tijat 3 r«ir 31 conlo no to;iv oircet, ()9t> tourfc but allralfi poa toccc m mp tuap, g^ou^^rif Europe 3 forffflbetbatttjen, :- COetboulo be fnc enougt) Dtdointie but loe, Caen Ijcrc in SSpU Jlch toe arc met ajjainc, «n& nou) t\}tu t« n pnrtingi bot bp Dcat^. ftuk. Knotljen 3bopcil)at toet^aaniatcin^Mnm, IS3)p mmttet 53crnon jn aur birtl) toe ttoo, COcre To oi^Dnino to be of one (clfe ^cact, tolouecneUioman, bjcstb one countrp aire, ano nolo At (aflt 80 lue ^aoe Ompatttiioe, 3n our affectionsleao one bino of iife> &anoto tocbotl; dbaUbie one ttinb of oeat^, 3n lutjict) let tbi3 our fpcria'l cowfbjt be, JlTljat t(jopg^> tbis part^co eattl) of >Barbarp, !I>;inltenonio:eCiiaUQ) blouobutotbshDatn?, ftt toitt) ttjiD b'.oiio of onri' ttjc blouo of hincffi a>aUbccom»ny;t,anD toittjttjele famcoutfame i^jibeetemipc in tl)e moatl)C0 of men . Vcr. jFoiijtuc me tt)cn mp fo;imrr fono conccvtcj, ;9nD ere toe oic let b0 imb:ac( Ubc fceniis , ftuk. i'=o:giue me rather tbat mnft Bic b£fo?c, 3!canrcqmteVbcfrenn)ippoubaoc fijotone, Imbraccj &a tbis IS nil t\)i toiU eno tefUment, irtjat toe can mabe oar boDiee toe beqnraS), focartt) from tol)crcptt5cp came our fauUs to^icaactT, iiSut fo: a padmsbcllto tcUilc one lincll, iZ't»r feluec toiil pUip tJje fcr ons anu our ftoo;t», RjaUnngoiu- factocil on tlie biira?-. ts, £);':t)crcUooDtl)utC)?anDbnctuUuuUfl. Enter. . ne famous hiltory Enter foure or fiue Italian fouldicrs, They lay hands on him, &k to^cref)8 iBlai»^anli« bpon fjtmUrs, Stuk. aootoicrs iD^at meattc pc v toUl vm mutitiife f Vcr. !^c is poor iLcaocr boc poa fcehc ^10 lift e a ColcaBftstoDetfrwtion.bntifbe !)au bcpt ijii» m^ be f u>o?e bnto t«)B pope, lue Ijao banc fafe in BJjrelani), tD^erc noto ti)epcri(^^ffrcin Aphrickbotb«fo:e J»G t«ff of oeaif), toe bota te to biij crolTc Tom Stuklcv in, to (boto bee frotone, SBpQrtafoiifuffecB binttobcooertbjotone. 1>^«» FINIS. ^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT \i T0«-#> 202 Main Library • LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 : 3 4 5 ( i ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW R«IW9t0gW4 npr. 1 5 1994 riRCULAf^^N DEP T. i i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORMNO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ^^ YE 18594 U.C. 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