THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES M— PORT DIRECTORY P R T N C T P A L CANADIAN PORTS AND HARBOURS A T W H I C H MORE THAN FIFTY THOUSAND TONS OF SHIPPING ENTERED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1908-9 DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW TYPES OF AIDS TO NAVIGATION INTRODUCED IN ALL CANADIAN WATERWAYS DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTIN(i HIKKAU 1110 9 ofiol U CONTENTS. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Page. Introduction 7 Nature of- Types of Improved Aids to Navigation 9 Combined Lighted and Warning Buoys 10 Submarine Warnings 17 Lighthouse Improvements 19 ERRATA. Page 5 : Third line from top, ' his report ' should read ' this report.' Page 15 : Seventh line from bottom, ' size ' should read * sizes.' Page 23 : Fourth line from top, ' unchartered ' should read ' uncharted.' Pa^e U9 : Seventh line from bottom, ' of several millions ' should read ' by several millionB.' '^^ w?* ^^ Illustrations add : ' Panoramic View of the Wharfs and Sheds in Montreal Harbour, in roll. Charlottetown Harbour uo Chatham, N.B., Harboui-. 57 Dalhousie Harbour 59 Gaspe Harbour 61 Halifax Harbour 61 Hillsboro' Harbour 64 Ladysmith Harbour 64 Liverpool Harbour 66 Louisburg Harbour 66 Lunenburg Harbour 70 Montreal Harbour 71 Newcastle Harbour.. 87 Nanaimo Harbour 88 11446G1 H ^ CONTENTS. GENEEAL SUBJECTS. Page. Introduction 7 Nature of- Types of Improved Aids to Navigation 9 Combined Lighted and Warning Buoys 10 Submarine Warnings 17 Lighthouse Improvements 19 Tidal Surveys and Tide Tables 21 Hydrographic Work 21 Notices to Mariners 23 Storm Warnings 23 Wireless Telegraphy 23 Ice-breaking Steamers 24 River St. Lawrence Ship Channel 31 Government Shipyard at Sorel, P.Q 32 Direct advantages of the Improvements recently introduced, to Ship- ping Interests 33 Value of Imports and Exports via St. Lawrence River 35 Statement of Grain Exported from Montreal via St. Lawrence River, showing reduction in Insurance Rates 37 Value of Grain Exported from Montreal via St. Lawrence River.. .. 40 Statement of Insurance on Merchandise and Provisions and Grain and Comparative Statement Showing Reduction in Rates 41 Information relating to Harbour Masters, Shipping Masters, Wreck Receivers, Port Wardens and Inspectors and Fees and Tonnage Tax 42 Transportation bv Water from the Head of Lake Navigation to Tide Water 147 LIST OF SEA PORTS. Arichat Harbour 50 Bridgewater Harbour 52 Campbellton Harbour 52 Canso Harbour 54 Charlottetown Harbour 56 Chatham, N.B., Harbour 57 Dalhousie Harbour 59 Gaspe Harbour 61 Halifax Harbour 61 Hillsboro' Harbour 64 Ladysmith Harbour 64 Liverpool Harbour 66 Louisburg Harbour 66 Lunenburg Harbour 70 Montreal Harbour 71 Newcastle Harbour. 87 Nanaimo Harbour 88 11446S1 2 PORT DIRECTORY Page. New Westminster Harboiir 91 North Sydne^^ Harbour 96 Parrsboro Harboui' 98 Paspebiac Harbour 99 Perce Harbour 99 Port Hawkesbury Harboui 100 Pictou Harboiir 101 Prince Eupert Harbour 102 Quebec Harbour 104 Sydney Harbour Ill St. Joiin, N.B., Harbour 114 St. Stephen Harbour 121 Shelburne Harbour 122 Sorel IFarbour 124 Three Rivers Harbour 128 Union, B.C., Harbour 130 Victoria, B.C., Harbour 131 Vancouver, B.C., Harbour 136 Windsor, N.S., Harbour 142 Yarnioiith Harbour 144 LIST OF HARBOUKS ON THE UPPER ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, GREAT LAKES AND GEORGIAN BAY. Algonia Mills Harbour 155 .Amherstburg Harbotir 155 Bath Harbour 156 Brockville Harbour 157 Belleville Harbour 157 Chatham, Out., Harbour 158 Collingwood Harboui- 158 Cornwall Harbour 160 Deseronto Harbour 161 Depot Harbour 162 Fort William Harbour 164 Oananof|ue Harbour 165 Goderich Harbour 167 Hamilton Harbour 170 Kingston Harbour 171 Little Current Harbour 173 Midland Harbour 173 Niagara-on-the-Lake Harbour 178 Ottawa Harbour 180 Owen Sound Harbour 181 Port Colborne Harbour 184 Point Edward Harbour 186 Parry Sound HarboTir 187 Port Stanley Harbour 187 Port Arthur Harbour 190 Port Hope Harbour 193 Prescott Harbour 195 Rondeau Harbour 195 coxte>;ts 6 Page. St. Johns, P.Q., Hiubom- 1^7 Sarnia Harbour 1-'" Sault Ste. Marie Harbour -^^^'^ Torouto Harbour -0" Wallaceburg Harbour 209 Windsor, Out., Harbour 211 ILLUSTRATIONS. Earl Grey, Ice-breaking Steamer Frontispiece Acetylene Buoy with Explosive Fog Signal Whistle 11 No. 9i Automatic Whistling and Acetylene Buoy 12 Acetylene Beacon 16 C. G. S. Monicalm Ice-breaking at Cap Rouge 26 do do do 27 Bridgiwater Harbour 51 Campbellton Harbour 53 Canso Harbour 55 Gaspe Harbour 60 Halifax Harbour Panoramic View in Roll Hillsboro' Harbour 65 Liverpool Harbour 67 Louisburg Coal Pier 69 Montieal Harboiir — one of the Basins with Sheds 72 Montreal Harbour — View from G, T. R. Elevator 73 Montreal Harbour — Floating Crane and Hr. Building 76 Montreal Harbour — Grand Trunk Elevator 77 Montreal Harbour — Harbour Commissioners" Elevator and Sheds.. .. 80 Montreal Harboiir — Harbour Commissioners' Elevator 81 Montreal Harbour—Canadian I'acific Elevator 84 Nanaimo Harbour 89 N.ew Westminster Waterfront 92 New Westminster Waterfront 93 North Sydney Harbour, Coal and Ore Piers 97 Prince Rupert Harbour 103 Quebec Harbour — Outer Basin 105 Quebec Outer Tidal Harbour, Louise Docks 108 Quebec Harbour, Louise Docks 109 Sydney Harbour 112 Sydney Harbour, Panoramic View in Roll St. John, N.B., Harbour, General View 115 St. John, N.B., Harbour, Waterfront 116 St. John Harbour 118 St. John Harbour from C. P. R. Elevator 119 Shelburne Harbour 123 Sorel Harbour 125 Sorel Harbour 126 Three Rivers Harbour 129 Victoria, B.C., Harbour, Outer Wharfs 132 4 POET DIRECTORY Page. Victoria, B.C., Harbour, C. P. E. Wharf 133 Vancouver Harbour Waterfront 137 North Vancouver Marine Railway 139 Windsor, N.S., Waterfront— Low Tide 143 Yarmouth Harbour 145 Collingwood Harbour Dry Dock and Shipyard 159 Depot Harbour 163 Fort William Plan of Harbour Gananoque Harbour 166 Goderich Harbour 168 Goderich Breakwater 169 Midland Harbour, Aberdeen and Bradley Elevators 175 Midland Harbour, G. T. Pacific Elevator 176 Niagara, Ont., Waterfront 179 Owen Sound Harbour 182 Port Colborne Harboiir and Entrance 185 Parry Sound Harbour 189 Port Arthur Harboiir 191 Port Hone Harboiir 194 Prescott Harbour and River Front 196 St. Johns, P.Q., Harbour 198 St. Johns, P.Q., Harbour 199 Sault Ste. Marie Harbour Locks 204 Sault Ste. Marie Harbour, below Locks 205 Toronto Harbour, Panoramic View in Roll 205 Wallaceburg River View, Glass Docks, &c 210 Map of Quick-flashing Lights, Gulf and River St. Lawrence To the Hon. Louis Phillipe Beodeue^ Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Sir, — I have the honour to siibmitt his report, the principal part of which is a port directory containing information about harbour accommodation and facilities for shipping. The direc- tory is confined to ports where tonnage of vessels entered was 50,000 tons or more, during the fiscal year ending March 31, 1908, but embracing all the principal ports. It is a beginning, to which additions will be made as the interests of trade and navigation demand. The wharf and shed areas, depth of water, anchorage, &c., have been compiled from details furnished by harbour commissioners, collectors of custom, harbour masters aiid from charts and records in the department. Information is given respecting new and improved types of aids to navigation introduced and established by the Marine and Fisheries Department, in all the important waters of Canada. The present depth and width of the St. Lawrence river ship channel and the increase of all kinds of aids to navigation, are described. Some tabular statements showing the gradual de- crease in insurance rates since 1900 in the St. Lawrence river route, have been compiled. The advantages of the Canadian great waterways, from the head of lake navigation to seaports, for conveying agricultural products of the northwestern pro- vinces, are pointed out. The facilities for handling and storing grain are shown by statements of figures. Some important details respecting lights, diaphones, sub- marine warnings, gas buoys and beacons, wireless telegraphy, hydrographic surveys, storm warnings and ice-breaking steamers, are introduced. From the Canada Shipping Act a summary has been made of fees and duties of outside officers and the re- 6 POET DIKECTORY qnireuionts of the Act as tliey relate to seameu, engineers and vessels. Illustrations of ports, so far as they could be obtained, were procured from outside officers and others. The whole report has been compiled and arranged by Mr. W. W. Stumbles of the department. G. J. DESBARATS, Acting Deputy Minister of Marine and Fislierics. Department of Marine and Fisheries^ Ottawa, August 18, 1909. INTRODUCTION. This Report was eoinpilod with a view of giving- information in a concise form to shipowners, mariners, importers, exporters, traders, insnrance companies, and others interested in the navi- gation of Canadian waters. The harbours described are ports at Avhich 50,000 tons of shipping, or more, entered during the fiscal year 1907-8, and are situated on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Gulf and Iliver St. Lawrence, Great Lakes and inland \'.'aters. The Trade and Navigation returns show the tonnage of ves- sels from Great Britain and foreign ports that entered some of these harbours during the year, also vessels which entered ports on the Great Lakes and inland waters, from the L^nited States. In many ports, the entire entries are of vessels engaged in the coasting trade and fisheries. The importance of a port is esti- mated by the tonnage of vessels which entered at the customs, but the tonnage which cleared from these ports being practically the same vessels was not taken into consideration. Inquiries have been made at various times, from abroad, res- pecting port charges in certain Canadian ports, depth of water, extent of harbours, anchorage, pilotage charges and accommoda- tion. The report contains information not only of the nature of the inquiries, but some additional facts, relating to the facilities for loading and unloading, extent of wharfs, capacity of sheds, cold stores, railway accommodation to the ship's side, kc, par- ticularly in the largest ports of Canada. The sailing directions, for entering the harbours are quoted from the St. Lawrence Pilot and other pilot books, published by the Admiralty and the Department of Marine and Tisheries. The improved aids to navigation, introduced and established in Canadian waters, in recent years, and the dredging of impor- tant harbours and channels, have greatly reduced the dangers of navigation, enalding much larger ships no\v to use our important waterways and enter our principal ports, than in any period of the historv of the countrv. 8 POET DIEECTOKY It is an important fact, that vessels of large carrying capacity and drawing 29 feet of water, can proceed up the St. Lawrence river without anchoring at night, as formerly, and moor at their piers in Montreal. The widening of the ship channel, straight- ening of bends and the increased number of lighthouses, gas buoys and lightships are unmistakable aids that now contribute to quick passages and safety of the route. The improvements in the aids at the entrance of the Strait of Belle Isle, in the strait itself and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Cabot strait and lights estab- lished by Canada on the coast of ^Newfoundland are very marked. The dangers in the Bay of Fundy and on the Atlantic coast have to a large extent been eliminated ; the waters of Brit- ish Columbia are navigated with infinitely less risk than in the past and the Great Lakes also, have received the attention which a constantly increasing traffic demands. The increase in the volume of immigration, at the ports of Canada, has pressed upon the department the necessity of taking the most advanced steps in connection Avith the protection of life and property on the way to the points of debarkation. Canada also, has joined in the strenuous efforts made by differ- ent countries to convey products to the markets of the world and to receive imports in return in the shortest time. In this connection, the best kind of aids known to the world, have been introduced in our waters and their superiority has only been arrived at, in several instances, by experiments in Canada. NATURE OF TYPES OF IMPROVED AIDS TO NAVIGATION. The nature of the improved types of aids to navigation will be interesting to mariners, ship owners, insurance companies and others concerned in shipping. The diaphone has proven in Canadian waters to be superior to the siren or explosive fog signals, though very much smaller in size and weight than the Scotch siren. The experience of the Marine Department with compressed air horns, steam whistles and explosive fog alarms was unsatisfactory. The Scotch siren which had been in use in Great Britain and considered the most effective sounding instrument at one time, was adopted at two of the most important stations on the Atlantic coast and the St. Lawrence river. The compressed air horn gave surpris- ingly good results in calm weather, but did not force the sound through external noises, with any degree of reliability, in thick or stormy weather. In the year 1903, the diaphone was recommended to the department as the best known invention for producing signal warnings and neither cumbersome nor heavy, compared with the siren and its plant. A trial of a small diaphone of 87 pounds weight alongside of a siren, which, with its horn weighed 9,280 pounds, showed that the diaphone could be heard at a greater distance. The siren operated by 14^ horse-power, was heard 5f miles from the sta- tion, the diaphone was heard 6|- miles but only required 1:^ horse-power to operate it. The superiority of the diaphone was shown in every respect, taking up less space and being operated at much less expense. The use of the diaphone has proved that it is less likely to get out of order than other aerial signals and not so liable to uncer- tainty of sound, owing to its evenness of pitch. The diaphone has been developed, until it has reached a greater state of efficiency and perfection, than when first intro- duced by the department. Its operations are carefully noted by the departmental officers, and, it has been ascertained that the notes are distinguishable from the noises made by the sea on 9 10 POUT DIRECTORY leck-es and shoals, and bv wind on tlio sea. The same results were not obtained, in all cases, with the siren and explosives. Acting upon the discovery of the superiority of the diaphone, the department replaced a large number of other fog signals by the diaphone and is continuing to establish, at other points, this type of warning. About sixty-four dia})liones are now in use in the Dominion of Canada, varying from 1^-inch to 5-inch diax)hones, and nine more will be put in operation before the end of the season of navigation of 1909, which will make the total number estab- lished and to be operated in the near future, about seventy- three. The stations are located in the main waterways of Can- ada and the distribution of instruments approximately, are, fourteen on the Atlantic coast, twenty in the gulf and lower St. Tawrence river, eight in the Bay of Fundy, nineteen on the Great Lakes and upper St. Lawrence river and twelve in Brit- ish Columbia, on the Pacific coast. The other fog alarms of the Dominion consist of a small number of sirens and a nund:)er of fog horns, operated by steam. The difficulties attending navigation in the Bay of Fundy on account df frequent fogs, have been largely overcome by the aid of the diaphone. The establishment of fog alarms or warn- ings are indispensable and vessels are never out of the range of sound of these instruments, from the entrance of the bay until the liarhniiT of St. John is reached. COMBINED LIGHTED AND WARNING BUOYS. In additiiin to improving the fog and thick weather warn- ings established on land, low pressure acetylene buoys, com- bination acetylene lighted and whistling buoys and combina- tion acetylene lighted and bell buoys have been introduced. These buoys are known as the Willson buoys and are mannfac- tured by the International Marine Signal Company, Limited, of Ottawa. The whistling device of the condiination buoy is an improve- ment on the old type on account of the increased area of the compression tube, the increase being from 4^ square feet in the Courtenay Avhistling bnoy to 7 foot and 25 feet in the combina- tion gas and wliistling Imoy. Tliis coml)ination buoy is equipped ACETVLKNK BCOY WITH EXPLOSIVE FoG ShJXAL WhISTLE. 11 ut^ No. 9h Automatic Whistling and Acetyi.enk Bloy. 12 IMPROVED AIDS TO NAVIGATION 13 for receiving the standard automatic submarine bell apparatus, which conducts the sound of the bell by water to vessels equipped with receivers. Acetylene from calcium carbide is used in these buoys. The largest size lanterns made for gas buoys, show a light of from 825 to 1,063 candle power and with the sounding power so great, that the combined buoys constitute a Hoating aid to navigation comparable to a lightship. The greater efficiency of these buoys has only been arrived at by careful observation of the defects of the automatic buoys formerly in use, and step by step have the improvements been thought out and adopted. It w^as not until the superiority of the acetylene buoy as now con- structed, with low pressure gas, generated directly from calcium carbide in the buoy, was beyond dispute, that the combined buoys were adopted and, as they mark dangers by being placed outside the danger itself instead of being located on shore, they are indisputably a very valuable aid in navigating our waters. Thirty-five of the combined automatic buoys have been placed to mark dangers along the coast of ISTova Scotia from the eastern part of Cape Breton, and continued to St. John, IST.B., in the Bay of Fundy. Several, of this class of buoy, have been placed in the gulf and lower St. Lawrence river and upper St. Law- rence and Great Lakes, whilst eleven have been located where most needed in British Columbia, making a total of about fifty- five. Some of these buoys in the maritime provinces have the lantern placed thirty feet from the water and therefore the light can be seen at a great distance. The largest size combined buoy is 14 feet 6|- inches maxi- mum diameter; weight, 38,000 pounds when fully charged; draft, 26 feet 8 inches; total area of whistle tubes, 25 square feet; size of whistle, 18 inches; height of focal plane, 29 feet 7 inches ; lantern, 500 m.m. ; candle power, 1,063. The light can be seen under favourable circumstances twenty miles. With the occulting light, a full charge, say 3,500 pounds of carbide, should show a continuous light for nine months. The smaller combined gas and whistling buoy measures 9 feet 6f inches in diameter with the pai-ts correspondingly smaller excejiting the gas generator, which is large enough to contain 3,500 pounds of carbide. 5651—2 14 PORT DIRECTORY As the subject here dealt with, is the improved types of aids to navigation adopted bv the department as distinct from the old types, it is pertinent to briefly and simply describe the construc- tion and operation of the acetylene buoy. The buoys are of two shapes, one eliptical and the other cylindrical with the top of the body of the buoy forming a segment of a sphere. The gas generator is a tube of steel, placed vertically in the centre of the buoy and extending several feet below the body of the buoy, witii a counterweight attached for the purpose of keeping the buoy up- right. A grate is placed about one-third of the distance up from the counterweight, in the steel tube, and the calcium carbitle crystals, size 4 by 8 inches, are put in at the top of the tube and rest upon the grate. The gas is generated by the water from beneath entering a hole in the counterweight and ascending to the grate in the tube. The gas when generated ascends through the carbide crystals to the purifier and from there to the lantern, by a small pipe. The light is shown by a cluster of flat flames with a round pilot flame to each flat flame, all surronnded by a Fresnel lens, giving to the lantern the property of throwing the light to a great distance. The lantern is supported by frame work of structural steel resting upon the body of the buoy. When gas is produced faster than the lantern consumes itj the pressure of gas, being greater than water, forces the water away from the carbide and a temporary suspension of generation occurs during the time the gas is being consumed. The genera- tion is resumed when the pressure of gas below stops and thus, the automatic operation proceeds as long as the carbide lasts. The ordinary Willson acetylene buoys are now made of three sizes: Xo. 7^ B, 8 feet 6 inches diameter; carbide charge, 1,300 ; height of focal plane, 9 feet 10 inches ; lantern, 200 m.m. ; candle power 140, through a lens. With occulting light the charge is supposed to last six months. The other sizes are Xos. 8^ B and Xo. 9^ B with a somewhat larger diameter res- pectively than ISTo. T-| B and showing more powerful lights. The charge of carbide for ]^o. 9^ B, weighs 3,500 pounds and is supposed to last nine months with occulting burners. The department has in use smaller sized gas buoys and intermediate sizes, but the above sizes are standard. In a comproliensivo way the mariner reaps the benefit of the i:\ri'ROVED AIDS TO JJ^AVIGATIOX 15 experiments which have taken place in Canada Avith the dia- phone and with acetylene buoys, the superiority of these aids being recognized by different countries that are now introduc- ing them in their waters. The department is confidently con- tinuing to instal these aids, as they have been thoroughly tested, and at the same time looks forward to the time when the experi- ments now being made with gas fog guns and bells as part of the equipment of combined lighted and warning buoys, will add an- other type of improved aids to the several kinds adopted. Al)ont 213 gas buoys were in position in Canadian waters at the end of the fiscal year 31st March, 1908. The number has since been increased to a total of about 233, including combined lighted and signal buoys. In addition to the gas buoys there are numerous buoys of all types consisting of the Courtenay whist- ling buoy, the Trinity bell buoy, the American pattern bell buoy, steel can and conical buoys, and spar and platform buoys. Acetylene beacons, manufactured by the International Marine Signal Co., have been in use in British Columbia for three years and have each year proved so satisfactory that oil beacons have been replaced by them. The mechanism is similar to the lighting apparatus of the acetylene buoys but the gas is generated from the calcium carbide, by water held in the lower part of the beacon, the body corresponding to the shape of the cylindrical buoy. Supports, or legs of channel steel, are riveted to the sides of the body and braced from the under part. The bottom ends of the supports are increased in size by angles riveted to them and are bolted down to piers, rocks or other foundations. The distance, of course, at which these beacon lights can be seen, varies according to the height at which they are placed above the water level and the size of the lantern ; the duration of the carbide also depends upon the size of the lan- tern. The charge of carbide in the size in use is 1,500 pounds and the lanterns range from 200 millimeters, charge lasting six months ; 300 m.m., charge lasting four months ; to 375 and 500 m.m., charge lasting three months. The beacon lights are kept in operation throughout the year in British Columbia as frost does not interfere with the genera- tion of the gas by the water in the body or tank of the beacon. 5651—21 1. ( ias generator. 2. Float chamber. ;{. Lantern support. 4. Tjantern. 5. Purifier ctianiber. «>. Counterweight. 7. Diaphragm. S. Valve. 9. Valve stem. 10. Generator head. 11. (Jperatirig nut. ^2 12. .Stop collar. 13. Ouard pipe. 14. Saf.ty ca]). l.j. Rublier packing Ifi. Grate. 17. Gas valve. 18. Gas iiipe. 19. Coupling. 20. Carbide door. 21. Vent plug. 22. Purifier cover. Acetylene Be.\con. 16 IMPROVED ATDS TO NAVIGATIOX ll SUBMARINE WARNINGS. Submarine signalling has been tested in Canadian waters since the year 1904. The invention first attracted the attention of the department in that year. The introduction of the system was brought about by an agreement with the Submarine Signal Company of Boston, U.S.A. The agreement provided, among other things, that the apparatus must prove satisfactory after a fair trial, and that receivers for catching the sound on board vessels must be installed on a number of merchant lines, and operated for a length of time free of charge. The first actual steps taken towards testing the submarine bells in Canada consisted of attaching them to the lightships Lurcher in the Bay of Fundy, Anticosti in the Gulf of St. Law- rence and Red island and White island lightships in the St. Lawrence river. At the same time sound receivers were instal- led on board several of the steamers of the department and sev- eral of the large ocean going steamers entering the St. Lawrence river and Halifax and St. John harbours. The first tests made it evident at once that submarine bells could be heard four or five miles, in any direction of approach. The use of receivers on board vessels, under a skilful observer, further proved that the direction of the signal could be determined within from one quarter to one point. Even without receivers sound can be heard on both the port and starboard sides of vessels when the ear is placed close to the side of a ship, below the water surface. In fact, it can be determined by the varying distinctness, whe- ther the station from which the sound proceeds is on the star- board or port side, but of course, the aid of a receiver enables the expert listener to catch the sound at a greater distance and with more accuracy as to the bearings of the bell. The submarine signal bells are attached to the Lurcher light- ship, Bay of Fundy, Anticosti lightship, Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Red island, White island and Prince shoal lightships in the St. Lawrence river. Shore stations are established at Louis- burg, C.B., Chebucto Head in the approach to Halifax harbour, Atlantic coast. Cape Fourchu approaching Yarmouth, Bay of Fundy and ISTegro Head approaching St. John, IN'.B. harbour. Bells have been attached to the gas buoys at Egg island, Sambro and Lunenburg. IS PORT DIKECTOKY The bells attached to the lightships are suspended from the hulls of the vessels and operated by compressed air, the shore stations are electrically operated. The bells are supported on steel tripods twenty feet high and sunk in about twelve fathoms of Avater. Cables are laid from the tripods to the shore and fas- tened securely in steel channels bolted to the rocks, connec- tion being made by suspended wires with the generators at the power station. By the use of telephone wires with a receiver and dry battery in the station, the sound of the bell can be dis- tinctly heard in the station. The reports of officers from time to time, show that the sound from the bells attached to lightships have been heard from sea a distance of one, two, three up to six miles, and one report M-hicli reached the department states that the Lurcher bell, Bay of Fundy, has been heard twelve miles off, another report indi- cates that the Bed island lightship bell has been heard ten miles from the lightship. Beports of the shore stations' bells indicate that they have been heard also at distances varying from one mile to six or seven. An officer of the department, reporting upon bells attached to buoys, has heard the sounds with a re- ceiver four and one-half to five miles. It cannot be stated that the system is yet perfect, the mechanical apparatus in connection with the bells attached to buoys is not as durable as can be wished, particularly in waters around the ISTova Scotia coast, where there is often a very heavy sea which has a rapid wearing effect upon bell attachments. The progress made since the introduction of the signal bell has been very great and more effective appliances than the original equip- ment, have been from time to time tried. The department sees no reason to change its opinion about submarine signalling becoming eventually, one of the most effective means of warning- vessels in thick or foggy weather, and even in darkness, where care is shown in the use of the bells and receivers. The Cana- dian government being the first to enter into a contract with the Submarine Signal Compny, has tlie satisfaction of knowing that other countries are now experimenting with this form of signal with a large measure of success. IMPROVED AIDS TO jN'AVIGATIOX 19 LIGHTHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS. The subject of ligiitliouse illumination has, in recent years, received special and most careful attention. The installation of more powerful lights at many of the most important stations along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Gulf and River St. Lawrence, Bay of Fundy and Great Lakes, made it necessary for the department to build more expensive and a better class of towers. The greater weight and size of the new lanterns re- quired more stable structures, where new towers were erected, and the strengthening and raising of old towers. It was impera- tive to guard against vibration as far as possible, and this led to the more extensive use of masonry and the introduction of con- crete reinforced with steel, instead of wooden structures. Cape Race tower was the first reinforced concrete tower and supports one of the largest lanterns ever produced by Messrs. Chance Bros. & Co., of Birmingham, England. The light is elevated 165 feet above high water mark and the lantern is 17 feet 1^ inches in diameter, having an illuminator or mantle 85 millimeters in diameter. It is fitted with the incandescent vapour oil system and has a hyper-radial single flashing appara- tus of 1,330 m.m. focal distance, consisting of four panels of 90 degrees horizontal angle. The light is also floated on mer- cury and operated by clock work mechanism, the flash occurring every five seconds with an interval of darkness. The light should be seen nineteen miles at sea and has been observed at a much greater distance. It is classed amongst the most power- ful in the world, the candle power being 1,000,000 candles. It is also claimed that this light is the most powerful in America. The numerous improvements made within the last three years, consisted of the construction of about fifty new towers; some built of reinforced concrete, others of more or less heavy timber and some are galvanized steel skeleton towers. The changes consisted of replacing old-fashioned lanterns by neW' and modern ones, Avith incandencent mantle burners and vapour- izcd oil as the source of light; other changes were made by replacing some lights by lights of greater magnitude having the same kind of optical a])]\nratus, but with more distinctive fea- tures. 20 POET DIRECTORY Four first order dioptric lights, ten second order, twenty third order, twelve fourth order and a number of lights of less power, in harbours and minor waters, have been added to the list of lights within the last two years. The following table may form an interesting study for the mariner who is constantly called upon to make comparisons between lights and to note their distinctive character : — Approximate candle power of dioptric flashing apparatus used in Canadian lighthouses. Orck Character. Burner used. Candle power. Hyper-radial .. First i " M Double „ Triple ,, Quadruple Second Single .. .... . Double Triple iQua Irupie Third ^Single M ... I Double [Triple ,, C^uadruple ,. .Single M 'Double It iTriple ,, ^Quadruple Fourtli |Single Double Triple Quadruple . Single flashing 85 m;m vapour. ,8.5 !85 (small). . ,000,000 450,000 450,000 240,000 160,000 270,000 270,000 135,000 95,000 100,000 100,000 55,000 40,000 60,00J 60,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 11,000 Catoptric revolving lights have a power of less than 5,000 c.p. By substituting an oil vapour burner for a circular wick burner of same diameter, the power of an apparatus is increased about three and half times. The light stations of the department now number about one thousand, and about twelve hundred separate lights are shown from liirhthouses. TIDAL SUKVKYS 21 TIDAL SURVEYS AND TIDE TABLES. The investigation into tidal currents in the Strait of Belle Isle and Gulf and River St. Lawrence and Bay of Fundy, has resulted in the discovery of currents previously unknown. The direction in which they flow, under normal conditions, have been ascertained and a pretty accurate knowledge of the effect of storm disturbances, has been acquired. The value of the publications on the tidal currents has been acknowledged fre- quently by the shipping interests and mariners. The hydro- graphic ofilce of the British admiralty has made use of the in- formation in publishing the sailing directions for the Gulf and River St. Lawrence. The issuing of accurate tide tables, upon observations ob- tained by means of self-registering tide gauges, kept in continu- ous operation by the department, has been the subject of much congratulation from owners of steamboat lines and mariners. The yearly distribution of the published tables has been given prompt attention. The accuracy of the tables is represented by the length of the tidal observations on which they are based. The tables for Quebec, Father Point, Halifax and St. John, where tide gauges have been maintained for several years, are said to be superior to the tide tables of any harbours on the Atlantic coast. The tide tables for British Columbia have been equally appreciated ; the Sand Heads tables being the most accurate on the Pacific coast. HYDROGRAPHIC WORK. Surveys in the St. Lawrence river and in Lake Superior and on the Pacific coast, are progressing and during each season of navigation work in this line has been carried on by separate parties, wdth a view of issuing charts of accurate soundings. ISTew charts were published within the past year of parts of the St. Lawrence river, viz. : — Chart 'No. 201 of that part of the river below Quebec from White island to Orignaux point. Chart No. la of the St. Lawrence from Berthierville to Lake St. Peter. Chart No. 18 of the same river from Ste. Croix to St. Antoine between Montreal. Chart ISFos. 1 and 15 of Mon- treal harbour were also issued last year. 29 PORT DIRECTORY The charts of the St. Lawrence river, including Lake St. Lonis, published by the department, are numbered as follows : — No. 1, St. Lawrence river, Montreal to Longue Point. '' 2 '' " Longue Point to Varennes. " 3 " '•' He a I'Aigle to He Marie. -4 " ''He Marie to foot of He Bou- chard. . "• '5 " " He Bouchard to He St. Ours. " 6 " '' He St. Ours to He aux Foins. "7 " " He aux Foins to He de Grace. 7a " " Berthierville to Lake St. Peter. 8 " " Head of Lake St. Peter. ••9 " " Lake St. Peter. '' 10 " " Vicinity of port St. Prancis. " 11 '' " Three Rivers to Becancour. " 12 " " Becancour to Champlain. •' 13 " " Champlain to Pte. Citrouille. " 14 " • '^ Batiscan to Cap Levrard. " 15 " " Cap Levrard to Ste. Emelie. " 16 " " Ste. Emelie to Deschambault. ••' 17 '■ '■ Portneuf to Cap Sante. " 18 '•' •'•' Ste. Croix to St. Antoine. ••' 50 '" '' Lake St. Louis. " 201 " " White island to Orignaux Pt. '■ 101, Lake Superior, head of Thunder bay to Pigeon river. " 301, Prince Pupert harbour, B.C. These charts can be procured at the department and from agents of the department at Quebec and Montreal, for the nom- inal sum of fifteen cents each. Surveys in Prince Pupert harbour, the western terminus of tlie Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and of the mouth of the Skeena river and Dixon's entrance have been made and charts published. The work of surveying certain harbours and waters along the Pacific coast, is making headway in anticipation of the in- creased trafiic which promises to be established all alone; that coast. The new steamer Lillooet, built for hydrographic sur- veying, has l)eon engaged on the Pacific coast. stor:\£ warxixgs — wireless telegraphy 23 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notices to mariners are promptly printed and distributed concerning new aids to navigation established or change of a temporary or permanent character, and of unchartered rocks and shoals discovered, in order that captains and other navigators may be informed. The notices, in order to reach mariners, are sent in Canada to collectors of customs, agents of this depart- ment and other outside officers, to consuls of foreign countries, to the British admiralty and to the marine authorities of foreign countries. STORM WARNINGS. Storm warning bulletins, and signals considered by all cau- tious mariners useful aids in determining whether they should proceed to sea when ready, are displayed at all important ports on the Atlantic coast, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Bay of Fundy, St. Lawrence river. Great Lakes and Pacific coast. Information of weather conditions, forecasts and warnings of dangerous storms is almost hourly given in addition to the reports pub- lished twice daily by the officers of the meteorological service under the control of the department. Shippers of perishable goods consult these warnings and make it a point to be gov- erned by them. The number of storm signal stations has in- creased annually. Of 131 storms and gales recorded during the year between the 1st of April, 1907, and the 31st of March, 1908, 102 were in the months of l!^ovember, December, Janu- ary, February and March. Of 1,555 warnings issued, 90 per cent were verified. At Camperdown, Nova Scotia Marconi station, the time sig- nal from land lines from Halifax is automatically repeated at the instant of one o'clock. Navigators find this method useful and practical for checking chronometers at sea. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The wireless telegraph stations on the east and west coast of the Dominion and St. Lawrence river now number twenty-one, and the establishment of a station at Montreal and one at Three Rivers in the St. Lawrence river, will afford additional aids to navi-, i^ 4-> x: tA ti)

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Ci 50 GO O O >— I lO CO 6© ~ t^ t^ 1C> l~ -:!< T)> CO i. cooooooo (B OOOOOOOO o iS ioo5co:sir;oiM.-i U in Oi C5 CO CO CO 1—1 CO t^CC CO C5 O IM 1^ t^ CC C5 ■* t^CO COi-l in CO ( t^CC : €# O"' : ^ o lo o — X :■: — c in — t^ (N i-H (M T! ^ 1-1 fM ci ©t--cocoin-*ioco t-C5COOCOTfr-l!M t^COC5-Tf-« T-H i- r-l CO ~ O T-i t^ 0-5 Ti m ~. (M X O i-l(N CO -I" 1 O o o c — c o o -r 'O o CO ■73 © CO rH eS II II © © .^-fOi 5.S iSs s d .. o c3 P. p d © >> J -t-j -4-> 60 C/J © © =4-1 n f^ 'C o ^ u rr> (\> o rrl (^ !^ t^ w o 05 d 1— 1 o o © .M i) a &4 eg p d CS H CJ Vr y bl 'T3 <^ ^ H -T" -d H -f-i Ul > H <5 « G ID O > O l>4 in © m r'. CO 05 CO 1-1 ® o s b 42 POET DIRECTORY INFORMATION RELATING TO OFFICES OF HARBOUR MASTERS, WRECK RECEIVERS, SHIPPING MASTERS, PORT WARDENS, STEAMBOAT INSPECTORS, INSPECTORS FOR SEAWORTHINESS OF VESSELS, WHARFINGERS, PILOTS AND PILOTAGE AUTHORITIES, AND THE FEES AND TONNAGE TAX FOR WHICH VESSELS ARE LIABLE. Harbour Masters. — The Governor General in Council may hj proclamation declare to be a public harbour any area covered with water within the jurisdiction of the parliament of Canada and appoint a harbour master. The rights, powers and duties, of the harbour master or deputy harbour master, are defined by regulation that applies to all harbours alike in the Dominion, with the exception of ports under the control of harbour com- missioners or town corporations. The duties of harbour mas- ters consist of superintending the buoy service in the harbour district, assigning vessels to berths, the prevention of discharg- ing ballast or ashes in the harbour except at points assigned for that purpose and prevention of obstructions to navigation. The remuneration forms one of the port charges and consists cf fees. The fees are paid at the two first ports of entry of a vessel within the callendar year, and are fixed at 50 cents for vessels of 50 tons register up to $5 for vessels of 700 tons or over. Port Wardens. — The Governor General in Council may determine at what ports shall be appointed port wardens or deputy port wardens, whose duties consist of the examination of cargo and the surveying of damaged cargo or wrecked ves- sels or their hulls, rigging and spars. Vessels, wholly or partly laden with grain, cannot leave any Canadian port for a port not within Canada without the port warden's certificate, as evi- dence of proper loading. The maximum rate of fees of port wardens are as follows : — For every survey of hatches, cargo or hulls or spars and rigging a sum not exceeding $8. For valuation of a vessel for average or inspection of a vessel loading, a fee to be graduated according to tonnage but not to exceed $10. FEES AK^D TONNAGE TAX 43 For hearing and settling disputes between masters and consignee a sum to be graduated according to the ques- tion or amount in dispute, but not to exceed $20. The port warden of any port may engage inspectors for valueing any parts of vessels, the fee for each inspector not to exceed $5. The maximum charge or fee may, however, be increased or altered by the council of a board of trade or chamber of commerce, but all such alterations must be approved by the Governor General in Council. Port wardens may also approve of the manner in which marks are made for load line and deck line, required by the Act respecting shipping in Canada. The Shipping j\Iasters. — The Governor General in Council may establish a shipping office at each port where a custom house is situated and appoint a shipping master, or, if no ship- ping master is appointed, the chief officer of the customs shall be a shipping master, under the Shipping Act. Part III of the Act relates to the provinces of Quebec, I^ova Scotia, ISTew Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia in respect of shipping and discharging of seamen of Canadian foreign sea-going ships and Canadian home trade ships. Part IV relates to shipping of seamen on the inland waters of Can- ada. The different forms specified in the Act are from H to P, both included. Agreements or articles are signed by the masters and seamen of vessels on form H, in regard to foreign sea-going and coasting vessels over eighty tons register, before shipping masters or in the presence of a respectable witness. These agreements contain as terms : (a) the nature and as far as practicable, the duration of the intended voyage or engagement ; (&) the number and description of the crew, specifying how many are engaged as sailors ; (c) the times at which each seaman is to be on board or to begin to work; (d) the capacity in which each seaman is to serve; (e) the amount of wages each seaman is to receive; (/) a scale of the provisions which are to be furnished to each seaman ; 44 POET DIEECTOEY (g) any regulations provided by form M as to conduct on board and as to fines, short allowance of provisions or otter lawful punishments for misconduct which the parties agree to adopt. The duties of a shipping master require him to afford facili- ties for engaging and discharging seamen, keeping a register of all seamen engaged and discharged and the fees paid by seamen for this service. It is also his duty to procure the presence of seamen engag"ed, on board, to deal with cases of desertion in port and to prevent improper discharging of seamen by mas- ters. The fees for shipping salt water seamen are 50 cents for each seamen and 30 cents for discharging, excepting in British Columbia where the fee may be any sum agreed upon, not ex- ceeding $10, including the fee of 50 cents. The fees on inland waters are 40 cents for shipping and 20 cents for discharging each seaman. Eeceivees of Wreck. — The Governor General in Council may appoint any officer of customs or any other person, when more convenient, to be a receiver of wreck. It is the duty of a receiver of wreck, of any district, when a vessel is stranded or in distress in that district, to proceed to the place of stranding and take command for the preservation of the vessel and lives of the shipwrecked persons, but he cannot take command of the ship or cargo if the master, agent or owners object. Certain officers mentioned in the Shipping Act may exercise the powers of a receiver in the absence of a receiver. The receiver or officer may sell wreck or goods in his custody, pay the salvage fees and expenses and then shall deliver any remaining portion to the person entitled to receive it. The maximum fees charged by receivers in addition to expenses properly and necessarily incurred, are as follows: — YoT every inquiry into a casualty regardless of the number of persons examined a sum not exceeding $8. For furnishing copy of evidence, 20 cents per 100 Avords. For every salvage dispute heard and determined by the re- ceiver in which the claim does not exceed $100 or the value of the property saved does not exceed $250, a sum to be charged on tlio property saved, not exceeding $5. I'EES AND TONNAGE TAX 45 For all other cases in which disputes are heard and deter- mined by the receiver to be charged on the property saved, $10. For wreck received or taken by the receiver into his custody, a percentage of five per centum upon the value; but in no case shall the percentage exceed $80, to be charged on the wreck or derelict. For every sale of a wreck conducted by a receiver, a sum not exceeding one per cent on the proceeds of sale. For copies of certificates of valuation when the value is under $3,000, a sum not exceeding $4. In other cases, to be charged on the property valued, $8. In cases where services are rendered by a receiver to any ves- sel in distress but not wrecked or in respect of the cargo, if the vessel with her cargo exceeds $3,000, the sum of $8 for the first day and $4 for every subsequent day during which the receiver is employed on such service. If such vessel and cargo are less than $3,000 in value, one-half the above mentioned sum. In no case shall the amount exceed $100 to be charged on such vessel or articles. Pilotage. — The Governor in Council may from time to time, make the payment of pilotage compulsory or not compulsory within the limits of any pilotage district fixed by the Governor in Council. Local pilotage authorities are appointed by the Governor General in Council, with the exception of the districts of Montreal and Quebec, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries being the pilotage authority for the two districts named. By- laws are framed and pilotage charges fixed by the pilotage auth- orities and approved by the Governor in Council. Pilots are licensed by the pilotage authorities after they prove themselves competent by examination. Their boats fly the pilot's flag and pilots are required to offer their services to vessels whether they require them or not. The employment of pilots is not compul- sory in any Canadian pilotage district, but the payment of pilotage dues in many districts is compulsory if the services of a pilot have been accepted, or have been offered and refused; the charge in some districts being full pilotage rates and in others half rates, if spoken and the services refused. Where the 5651-4 46 POET DIRECTORY by-laws provide, the payment of outward pilotage is compulsory ac well as inward pilotage. Unlicensed persons when requested may act as pilots, when a vessel is in distress or no pilot has offered to pilot a ship or made a signal, and the unlicensed per- son shall be entitled to full pilotage dues for his services. In waters where pilotage districts exist and it is impossible to board a vessel, a pilot is entitled to pilotage for leading a vessel by his boat to her destination. Masters of steamers run- ning regularly in certain waters, are sometimes licensed to pilot their own vessels upon payment of an annual fee. His Majesty's ships and the Dominion government ships, are exempt from the payment of pilotage dues and also any ship bound inward when no licensed pilot offers his services, also — Ships making or entering a harbour of refuge. Ships registered in Canada of not more than 120 tons regis- tered tonnage. Any ship w'hose master or mate is licensed to pilot his OAvn vessel within the waters she is then navigating. Ships not exceeding two hundred and fifty tons that any pilotage authority determines to be exempt within its jurisdic- tion. All ships registered in Canada of not more than tw^o hundred and fifty tons registered tonnage, navigating the St. Lawrence river. Further exemptions are vessels employed in trading between any one or more of the provinces of Quebec, IsTew Brunswick, Xova Scotia or Prince Edward Island, and any other or others of them. Vessels employed in voyages betw^een any port or ports in the said provinces, or any of them, and the port of l^ew York or any port of the United States of x\merica on the Atlantic north of Xew^ York. Vessels employed in voyages between any port in any of the provinces above mentioned and any port in Newfoundland. Wharfingers. — The wharfingers are appointed by the Gov- ernor General in Council and are remunerated from tolls col- lected upon articles landed or shipped at the government wharfs and from vessels moored or laying at them. The tariff of tolls is reasonable, and forms part of the regulations under which the FEES AXD TONNAGE TAX 47 wharfingers are authorized to levy tolls and dues. Persons re- fusing to pay tolls for the use of these wharfs, render them- selves liable to penalties or imprisonment, and the tolls, dues and penalties are a lien on the goods and on vessels when pay- ment is not made. For sailing vessels making use of government wharfs, the side wharfage scale of charges is graduated from 10 cents for vessels of 50 tons up to $1.50 per day for vessels over 1,600 tons. Eor steamers : from 20 cents per ton for steamers of 50 tons up to $3 for steamboats of 1,600 tons, payable once a day if the steamer calls at the same wharf twice in the same day, and steamboats making use of the same wharf three times a week, are required to pay twice only. Steamboats landing goods of which the freight amounts to $10 only or less, are required to pay only half of the usual rate of wharfage. STEAMBOAT INSPECTORS AND STEAMBOAT INSPECTION. The Governor General in Council shall, from time to time, appoint at such places as he deems advisable in Canada, steam- boat inspectors whose duties shall be to inspect steamboats and examine applicants for engineers certificates. All passenger steamboats over five tons gross tonnage are sub- ject to inspection, yearly, of boilers, machinery, hulls and equip- ment according to the rules of steamboat inspection. Every freight steamer of more than one hundred and fifty tons gross is subject to inspection yearly, according to the rules of steamboat inspection for boilers, machinery and hulls. Freight steamers, tug boats and steamers used for fishing purposes, under one hundred and fifty tons and more than five tons gross tonnage are subject to inspection of boilers and mach- inery, according to the rules of steamboat inspection. At present, there is no fee charged for inspection except upon steamers registered elsewhere than in Canada when engag-ed in carrying passengers between Canadian ports and not holding a Eritish Board of Trade Certificate. The fee is then in Can- ada eight cents on the gross tonnage of such foreign steamer. Engineer's Certificates. — Eor the first certificate granted to an engineer of any class the fee is five dollars, and for every 5651—45 48 POKT DIEECTOKt certificate after an examination for a liiglier class tlie fee is also five dollars. If a certificate is lost or becomes illegible it may be renewed at half the cost of the original. First-class engineers are permitted to take charge of any steamboat. Second-class engineers are permitted to take charge of any freight steamboat or of any other steamboat except a sea-going passenger boat of more than one hundred nominal horse-power. Third-class engineers are not permitted to take charge of any sea-going steamboat but may take charge of any coasting passen- ger steamer or passenger steamers on inland waters, of not more than thirty nominal horse-power, single cylinder engines or of forty-five horse-power compound engines, or any freight steam- boat of not more than seventy-five nominal horse-power. Fourth-class engineers may act in the capacity of assistant engineers on any steamboat except sea-going passenger steamers of more than one hundred nominal horse-power, but cannot act as chief engineers on any steamboats. Temporary certificates are issued to applicants who have sufficient knowledge and experience of steamboat machinery to act as engineers on passenger steamers, provided the engines are not of more than four nominal horse-power if of the single cylinder type or fourteen nominal horse-power if of the com- pound type and confined to certain limits . Masters and Mates. — No ship registered in Canada, over one hundred tons registered tonnage, shall go on a sea-going voyage unless the master and first mate or only mate have cer- tificates for sea-going ships. ISTo sailing ship nor steamship registered in Canada over one hundred and fifty tons, registered tonnage, is permitted to leave any port or place in Canada on any coasting voyage or ply on any Canadian water, without a master who has a valid certifi- cate. Every passeng'er stonmor, registered in Canada, carrying more than forty passengers on a coasting voyage or on any waters of Canada must have a certificated master or mate. Pleasure yachts not used for carrying passengers or goods for liiro, ships employed solely in fisliing and Imrges not propelled SICK MARIXEES' DUES 49 by steam or other vessels without masts, sails and rigging, and steamers five tons gross tonnage and under are not required by law to carry certificated masters and mates. Scale of fees for Canadian certificates granted to masters and mates : — Tor a certificate of competency as master, fifteen dollars. For a certificate of competency to a sea-going mate, eight dollars. i'or a certificate of competency to a mate coasting or sailing on inland waters or minor inland waters of Canada, six dollars. For a certificate of service as master the fee is eight dollars, and for a certificate of service as mate sea-going, five dollars. For a certificate of service as mate coasting or on inland waters, four dollars. Sea-going certificates of service for vessels of not more than one hundred and fifty tons are granted to masters and mates who can prove service in the respective positions previous to 1884 and can produce satisfactory evidence of good character and can pass the colour test, on payment of the usual fee. ■ Service certificates for coasting and inland waters are granted to masters and mates who can produce satisfactory evidence of having been masters and mates previous to the year 1883, on payment of the usual fee. Sick and Distressed Mariners — Duty on Ships. — There shall be levied and collected on every ship arriving in any port in the provinces of Quebec, ISTova Scotia, I^ew Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia a duty of one and one-half cent for every ton which such ship measures registered tonnage, to be paid at the custom house of the port. Ships of the burthen of more than one hundred tons register shall be liable to the payment of the said duty three times in one year but not oftener. Ships of the burthen of one hundred tons or less, shall be lia- ble to the payment of the said duty once in each year but not oftener. 50 POET DIKECTOEY PARTICULARS RELATING TO PORTS IN THE MARITIME PROVINCES OF CANADA, GULF AND RIVER ST. LAW- RENCE, AT WHICH 50,000 TONS OR OVER ENTERED DURING THE YEAR 1908, CONSISTING OF DESCRIPTION OF HARBOURS, DEPTH OF WATER, ANCHORAGE, WHARFS, FREIGHT SHEDS, RAILWAY SIDINGS, COLD STORES, FACILITIES FOR LOADING AND DISCHARGING. Arichat Haeboue is a capacious harbour and is extensively used for shelter. It has two entrances of which the northern is th2 least difficult although narrow ; depth of water in this en- trance is from 9 to 10 fathoms at low water; lighthouse at northern entrance in latitude 45° 30' 20" K, longitude 61° 3' 10" W. The southern entrance is three cables wide but lies be- tween shoals. Jerseyman island east and west lies between the northern and southern entrances. The lighthouse in the south- ern entrance is situated on Marache point, latitude 45° 29' 0" 'N., longitude 61° 1' 50" W. The depth of water in the har- bour is from 7 to 10 fathoms up to within a cable's length of the shore on both sides. The harbour is about two miles in length and from a half mile to three-quarters in width. There are five starboard buoys and two port buoys in the harbour. It contains six private wharfs, the depth of water at the head of each wharf being 10 feet at highwater ; a short distance from these wharfs the water is 20 feet deep. The bottom in the harbour is mud and affords good anchorage. There are no railway sidings leading to the wharfs nor sheds upon the wharfs. Drinking water is easily obtained and many ships' stores and jDrovisions. Sailing directions into the harbour and in the waters outside the harbour are published in the ' St. Lawrence Pilot' The port charges are the same as in all other Canadian ports, viz., harbour masters' dues and sick mariners' dues. JSTo pilot- age returns have been received in recent years as no sailing ves- sels are employed in trading to Arichat. Fishing and other ves- sels find shelter and get water and provisions. See List of Lights and General Chart 2,727 (1,317). Total tonnage of shipping entered in fiscal year 1908, 107,913 tons. Note. — See information, pag:e 38, respecting general harboiir dues and tonnage tax for which vessels are liable in the Dominion of Canada. Bridgkwateh, X.S. From the Bhidcje lookim; nowx IJivkh (West.) Looking up Lower Brook, toward Town (East). 51 52 POET DIKECTOKY Bkidgewatek Haebouk^ JS^ova Scotia, on La Have river, a tidal river. The harbour extends fifteen miles from the Atlan- tic coast; depth of water from 3 to 8 fathoms at the mouth at low water and 2 fathoms at Bridgewater. Tide rises 6 feet at ordinary tide. The wharf on the western side is about an eighth of a mile along shore and is principally used for small vessels discharging coal and merchandise and loading lumber. This wharf will accommodate ten schooners. Dawson's wharf is 700 feet along water front and will accommodate three ves- sels. Davison Lumber Company's wharf is about a sixteenth of a mile along shore and will accommodate seven vessels of 1,000 tons each. The railroad wharf, main wharf, affords room for two large vessels and the quay for about three large vessels on each side ; this wharf has a railway siding. There are no sheds on the wharfs and no docks for repairing vessels, but they can be hauled out on the bank without trouble above water. Ship carpenters and materials are easily obtained and all kinds of stores and provisions. The La Have river is buoyed from the mouth to Bridgewater, the bottom the whole distance of the harbour is mud and affords good anchorage. Lighthouse on West Ironbound island, near mouth of river, latitude 44° 13' 42" X., longitude 64° 16' 20" W., light on Moser island west side of entrance to river, latitude 40° 14' 15" ]S^., longitude 64° 18' 50" W. ; another light on Tort Point and a bell and gas buoy three miles from Moser island. See List of Lights and chart, ^o. 342. Total tonnage entered in 1908, 49,694. Port charges are harbour masters' and sick mariners' dues if not paid in any other port. Campbelltox Haeboue, Xew Brunswick. This harbour is at the head of navigation for sliipping on the Restigouche river which empties into Chaleur bay. The channel is well buoyed from Maguasha point in Bay Chaleur, about 14 miles from Campbellton. There are seven gas buoys and a number of spar buoys marking the channel. There is a small light vessel at Garde point and two range lights at Oak point about five miles below Campbellton and two range lights at Campbellton, latitude 48° 0' 50" :N'., longitude 66° 39' 55" W. Vessels drawing 18 feet of water can ascend at any stage of the tide to Oak point 53 54: POET DIEECTOKY and at high tide to Campbellton. The ordinary tide rises 7 feet ^t Campbellton. The government wharf or railway wharf, has a face of about COO feet and a width of 30 feet with berths for two steamers to take cargo from the railway, one on the outside and the other on the inside, with 18 and 22 feet of water at low tides, according to berth. There is also an extension of the same wharf 300 feet, about completed, with 22 feet of water at both sides at low tide. There is also a wharf 200 feet at the head with large freight shed, but there are no cold stores. Campbellton has no docks for repairs. Anchorage is good, with soft bottom in the basin, with from 16 to 20 feet of water, low tide. Vessels can lie aground with safety. A wharf about 400 feet long is used by small boats which ground when the tide is out, and a wharf owned by the Shives Lumber Company with about 10 feet of water, where schooners discharge when the other wharfs are occupied. Lumber and cargo is taken by rail to the ships' side on two tracks and loaded from cars on the govern- ment wharf. Port charges are wharfage and the usual tonnage tax for har- bour master's and sick mariners' dues. Pilotage is under the Restigouche Pilotage Authority and payment is compulsory. The rates for sailing vessels direct from sea are $2 per foot draught; vessels calling at any port in the pilotage district on the way to Campbellton, $1.50 per foot draught, and a further charge of 70 cents from said port of Campbellton. Steamers are charged in addition one cent inwards and one cent outwards per registered ton. See List of Lights and General Chart 2,516 (1,271). Total tonnage of shipping entered in 1908, 74,94:7. Canso Haebohe^ ISTova Scotia, is at the entrance to Cheda- bucto bay and near Cape Canso at the entrance to the strait or gut of Canso, and is a port of call and shelter. The harbour is foraied by Piscatiqui and Grassy islands on the east and by the mainland and Durell island on the west. It is sheltered on the northward by Cutler or Hart island upon which Canso harbour light is situated, latitude 45° 20' 47" and longitude 60° 59' 5". The ship channel ontvanco to the harbour is between Grave and Cutler islands, it has a least depth of 21 to 24 feet and the CansuN..S. L'Aiii-K Station, Hazel Hill, Canso, N. S. AND Harbour. 55 56 PORT DIRECTORY northern entrance between Cutler and Piscatiqui islands a least depth of 20 feet, but the latter is only 80 yards wide. The anchorage is good for vessels of almost any draught, but the harbour is limited in size and often fully occupied by fishing vessels which run there for shelter. The entrances to the har- bour are well buoyed and lights are situated on both sides; range lights onLanigan beach, south entrance of harbour, lati- tude 45° 20' 4", longitude 60° 58' 30", and a light at north entrance on False passage ledge, latitude 45° 20' 48", longi- tude 60° 59' 26". The wharfs are as follows: one 110 feet in width with 14 feet of water at head; one 110 feet with, 16 feet at head; one 60 feet wide, water at head, 12 feet; one 150 feet in width, 16 feet of w'ater at head; one 80 feet in wddth, water at head, 16 feet. There are no docks for repairing vessels, but supplies and materials are easily obtained and workmen. The port charges are the usual harbour and sick mariners' dues and wharfage. Pilotage is under the Inverness Pilotage authority and non- compulsory, and the rates are for sailing or steam vessels of 200 tons, $5 inward and $2.50 outward up to $35 for vessels of 5,000 tons inward and $15 outward, the rates varying accord- ing to tonnage. See ' Southeast Coast ISTova Scotia Pilot ' for sailing direc- tions, and List of Lights and General Chart No. 2,727 (1,317). Tonnage which entered at customs, fiscal year 1908, 171,895. CHAELOTTETOwiir LIarbour, Priuce Edward Island, is in lati- tude 46° 13' 55" K, longitude 63° 70' 23" W. This harbour is on the Hillsboro river which is practically an estuary or inlet of the sea, the harbour is capacious, well lighted and buoyed. Three tides meet from the Xorth, West and East rivers about half a mile from the entrance of the harbour. Vessels drawing 27 feet of water can enter with safety, smaller vessels can ascend the East river above Charlottetown 10, and even 18 miles. Good sized vessels have been built and launched at the head of the river. Vessels can anchor close to the wharfs in the liarbour, the anchorage being good all over the harbour. The harbour near the Three tides is over one mile wide and carries its flepth for four miles from the harbour's mouth. The usual ilcptli (if wiitcr for ancliorago is 30, 40 and nearly 60 feet, the CAXADIAiS' SEA PORTS 5Y rise of the tide is 8^ feet at neap tides. There are eleven wharfs v.hich are built out to the channel. The railway wharf is capa- cious, having 24 feet of water at low tide and rails to the ships' side, with sheds for freight. The Marine and Fisheries wharf is also capacious with from 20 to 24 feet of water on each side, at which vessels lay, and a greater depth at the head. The freight sheds on this wharf are being enlarged and will afford ample space for receiving cargo. A railway track is laid on this wharf for conveying freight. The Charlottetown Steam !N"avigation Company's wharf is used solely by that company and has spacious freight sheds and a railway track to the sheds ; the water is not quite so deep as at the two wharfs mentioned. Other M'harfs are owned by private individuals and two by the city corporation. Sonie of these wharfs are spacious and from 300 to 500 feet long and have freight sheds and hoisting power for loading and discharging cargo. There is a ferry wharf for the accommoda- tion of a ferry steamer. There are no regular docks for repairing, but small vessels are hauled out at several wharf properties and vessels can be caulked on the flats at low tide. All kinds of material can be easily procured and workmen obtained; provisions and ships' stores in large quantities are available. Excellent water for drinking is conveyed by pipes to vessels. Pilotage is non-compulsory and the rate $1 per foot draught. Tugs are available for towing. The port charges are the usual harbour masters' dues, not greater than $5 and less according to tonnage twice a year, and sick mariners' dues three times a year if not paid elsewhere. Lighthouses are at Blockhouse point at entrance to harbour and Brighton beach. Automatic gas and warning buoys are placed to mark dangers outside the harl)our in Hillsborough bay. See List of Lights and General Chart 1,651 (1,407). The total tonnage, which entered for fiscal year 1908, was 346,564. Chatham Hakbotje, ISTew Brunswick, latitude 47° 2' 0", longitude 65° 28', extends from Chatham to the mouth of the Miramichi river, a distance of 30 miles. At the entrance are bars, the inner bar having about 2f fathoms of water over it at low tide and the neap tides rise about a foot and one-half. After 58 PORT DIRECTORY the inner bar is crossed, the depth of water in the channel, is from 4 to 5 fathoms and in places 8 fathoms. The anchorage is good all the way from the mouth of the river. The river is well lighted and is buoyed by twelve starboard hand and five port buoys, including tw^o gas buoys. About 2,2^ miles from the mouth of the river at Loggieville there is an extensive wharf ■\rliere lumber and^fish are shipped and a railway branch, large salt sheds and storehouses ; depth of water at the wharf 16 feet. Five and a half miles farther up the river on the north side is a wharf and pulp mill, depth of water 60 feet. About one-half mile farther up at the eastern end of Chatham port is Canada wharf ; depth of water 17 feet, and a railroad branch. Snow- ball's wharf at Chatham town is a spacious wharf with 30 feet of water ; adjoining is the Miramichi Lumber Company's wharf with a shed; water 20 feet, and used by steamers for loading pulp shipped to foreign markets. ISText the town wharf, with 18 feet of water, used principally as a coal wharf ; then adjoin- ing is the ferry wharf and Loggie's wharf with large ware- houses ; depth of water at this wharf is 16 feet. ISText is the Dominion government wharf used for storing buoys in winter. Pollowing is Snowball's store wharf, with 18 feet of water and two large warehouses and a coal shed. The other wharfs are Johnson's wharf, 12 feet of w^ater, coal shed find warehouses. Steam IsTavigation Company's wharf, 16 feet of water, two warehouses and a coal shed; the wharf is used by passenger boats ; Welsh's wharf and boom ; the Russell and foundry wharfs, 16 feet of water, and adjoining is Watt's ballast Avharf ; then Snowball's deal wharf, and at Clark's Cove, at the western extremity of the town, is another wharf used for shipping pulp; depth of water 20 feet. The port has no dock for repairing vessels. The Miramichi river to Chatham is a fine harbour, with good anchorage, where vessels are safe from wind and weather. Loading and discharg- ing is done by manual labour. Port charges are harbour master's dues, collected twice a year, and sick mariner's dues paid three times a year if not paid in some other Canadian port. Pilotage is under the control of the Miramichi pilotage auth- ority and payment is compulsory; rates, $2.25 per foot draught CA^"ADIA^^ sea ports 59 inward and $2 per foot outward; in addition, steamers pay 2 cents per registered ton. Removal in harbour within a mile, $4; barges in tow of a tug pay inward pilotage only. Stores and provisions are easily obtained. See List of Lights and General Chart 2,516 (1,271), and ' St. Lawrence Coast Pilot' for sailing directions. Total tonnage entered in fiscal year 1908, 84,088. Dalhousie Haebotjk^ New Brunswick, is situated at the head of Chaleur bay, on Dalhousie or Douglas island, at the mouth of the Kestigouche river. The harbour is easy of access in two directions, one a narow channel 1^ cables wide with 6 fathoms of water, and the other over a fiat with 3 fathoms at low water. It is well sheltered and the anchorage is good in 6 to 7 fathoms. The area of the harbour is about three miles by one and a half miles and is well buoyed and lighted ; light- house in harbour, latitude 48° 3' 45", longitude 66° 8' 0". The wharfs are the government wharf, frontage 600 feet ; depth of water at low tide, 22 feet, and the south side of this wharf is 300 feet long by 34 feet wdde; depth of water, 20 feet at low water. It has a railway siding and vessels can load from cars. The Intercolonial Railway Avharf adjoining the other wharf has a face on the east side of 350 feet; width of wharf, 100 feet for 200 feet of its length and 60 feet for the remainder of its length; water, 17 feet at low water. Sheds and railway siding are in contemplation. There is also a private wharf with a berth of 450 feet ; depth of water, 19 feet, and a ferry wharf available also for light draft vessels for 300 feet on each side and 14 feet wide. There is no dock for repairs nor cold stores. Port charges are harbour master's dues payable twice a year, and sick mariner's dues three times a year if not paid elsewhere. Pilotage is under the control of the Restigouche Pilotage Auth- ority and payment is compulsory. The rates are $1.50 per foot draught for sailing vessels and an additional charge of 1 cent inward and 1 cent outward per ton register for steamers. See List of Lights and Chart 3,636 (1,715). Total tonnage entered in fiscal year 1008, 44, 013. For sailing directions, see ' St. Lawrence Pilot.' Kntu.wck and Hauhdih, Ga3pI:, Quebec. 60 CANADIAN SEA PORTS • 61 Gaspe Harbour, Quebec. — From the nortlieast side of Cape Haldimand, Sandy Beach extends northward and forms Gaspe harbour. Sandy beach is a low narrow tongue of sand and Avithin this tongue is the harbour, about 4^ miles long with a general width of one mile ; depth of water from 4 to 11 fathoms with mud bottom and completely sheltered. The light- house in the harbour is in latitude 48° 49' 45" JST,, longitude 64° 28' 45" W. Southwest Arm is about two miles from the lighthouse mentioned and the deep water of this arm forms Gaspe basin, sufficiently capacious to hold a number of vessels ; water from 5 to 9 fathoms. Wharf Accommodation. — There are seven wharfs ranging from 300 to 400 feet in length, situated on both sides of the har- bour, with coal sheds upon some of them and about 24 feet of water alongside the wharfs. There is sufficient room and water to accommodate a large fleet in the harbour and access to it is easy. Po7't charges are, the usual harbour master's fees payable twice a year, and sick mariner's dues payable three times a year if not paid elsewhere. There is no pilotage authority and vessels depend upon fishermen to pilot them when necessary. See List of Lights and Chart 1,621 (1,278), and ' St. Lawrence Pilot' for sailing directions. Total tonnage entered during fiscal year 1908, 88,958. Halifax Harbour^ jSTova Scotia, is one of the finest and safest harbours in the world. It is open all the year round and there is direct communication with all parts of the world by sailing vessels and steam communication with the United King- dom, ISTewfoundland, Bermuda, West Indies and United States all through the year. Halifax is also the terminus of the Inter- colonial Railway which has communication with all parts of Canada and the United States, and the port has railway com- munication with other ports in N'ova Scotia east, west and north. The port has also telegraphic communication with all parts of Canada and United States by land lines, and with the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Bermuda, United States and Colon, by submarine cable The entrance of the harbour lies between Devil's island 5651-5 62 POET DIRECTORY and Cliebucto head, and is 5;^ miles wide, extending in a north- westerly direction for about 13^ miles to the head of Bedford basin. From Georges island to the Narrows, a distance of three miles, the harbour is about three-quarters of a mile wide, with a depth of water of from 10 to 14 fathoms at low tide and good anchorage ground, .but at the Narrows the harbour contracts to about one-quarter of mile and then expands into Bedford basin which has an area of 10 square miles, completely landlocked. The citadel is 27 feet above the sea at high water, and with its flag staff is a leading mark easily recognized from a vessel off the entrance of the harbour. A gun is fired at the citadel at noon, mean time of the 60th meridian, equivalent to 4h ,0m. Os., Greenwich mean time. There are thirteen lighthouses in the harbour and immediate approaches, three of the stations in the approaches being also fog signal stations. In addition there are numerous automatic signal buoys, gas buoys and three combined gas and sigTial buoys. The wharf accommodation is spacious ; there are seventeen wharfs, capable of accommodating coasting and freighting ves- sels, with an area of 125,559 square feet upon which a number of sheds are built ; twenty-two wharfs capable of accommodat- ing steamers from 1,600 tons upwards, with an area of 330,335 square feet and shed area of 104,981 square feet, the depth of water measuring from 29 to 46 feet. At these wharfs vessels can unload into the sheds and load from them. There is one cold store which will contain 1,000 tons. The Halifax Tramway Company and the Dominion Coal Company own quays which together, hold 7,000 tons of coal. The King's wharfs have a frontage of 250 feet and depth of water 20 feet. The dockyard, under control of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, is 2,700 lineal feet and depth of water is from 121 to 36 feet. Cranes in this dockyard will lift from 2 to 15 tons. The graving dock, belonging to the Halifax Graving Dock Company, is 600 feet long, has a frontage of 825 feet, with three wharfs used as quays and three sheds with an area of 21,552 feet ; the depth of water at these quays is from 36 to 51 feet at low tide. IJi'oadtli of cntiMncc to I lie gra\'ing dock, 87f CANADIAN SEA PORTS 63 feet, with a depth of 30 feet on the sill at high water, and it is equipped with ample plant of a modern description for execut- ing large repairs to steam vessels. Sheers belonging to ]\[essrs Patterson and Company will lift 30 tons. The Intercolonial Kailway wharfs have tracks to the ships' side and to the sheds ; jSTo. 1 is the immigration wharf and shed ; 'No. 2 wharf is 490 feet in length by 80 feet; shed, 485 feet by 46 feet, two tracks ; depth of water, 27 to 40 feet; No. 3 wharf, length, 620 feet by 165 ; shed, 590 by 125 with grain carrier, four tracks ; depth of water, 27 to 30 ; Xo. 4, length, 550 feet by 90; shed, 435 by 33, two tracks; water, 27 to 30 feet; jSTo. 5 wharf, 450 feet long by 40 feet, no shed, two tracks ; water, 22 to 25 feet; Xo. 6, deal wharf, 450 feet by 82, no shed, four tracks ; water, 20 to 47 feet ; Xo. 7, length, 613 feet by 65, no sheds, four tracks; water, 17 to 24 feet; Xo. 8, length, 755 feet by 123; shed, 50 feet by 65; four tracks; water 22 to 35 feet; Xo. 9 quay being filled is 725 feet long. Vessels discharge into cars and sheds and load from cars alongside. There is a grain elevator with capacity of 500,000 bushels. The port charges are havljour master's dues collected under an ' Act to provide for the appointment of a Harbour Master for the Port of Halifax.' The fees are similar to the general fees, with the exception that vessels under twenty tons are not charged. Sick mariner's dues are collected three times in the calendar year, provided they are not paid elsewhere. Pilotage. — Vessels of 120 tons and under, registered in Can- ada are not compelled to pay pilotage charges. Payment of outward pilotage for all vessels 200 tons and upwards is com- pulsory. Pates, 120 to 200 tons, $9.60 in, $6 out; 200 to 300 tons, $13.20 in, $8.40 out; 300 to 400 tons, $16.80 in, $10.80 out; 400 to 500 tons, $19.20 in, $12 out; 500 to 600 tons, $21.60 in, $13.20 out; over 600 tons an additional 60 cents for every 100 tons or fractional part inwards and 30 cents outward. Ships' stores, provisions and water are easily ol)tainod :nid reasonable in price. See S. E. Coast of Xova Scotia Pilot for sailing directions. See List of Lights and Admiralty Charts Xos. 2,320 and 311 5651—51 64 POKT DIKECTOEY f 2,410). Total tonnage entered during fiscal year 1908, 1,773,610 tons. HiLLSBORO Haebouk, ISTew Brunswick, is situated on the Petitcodiac river five miles from its mouth. The anchorage ground is three miles helow the harbour, with 5 and 6 fathoms at low water. The tide rises very rapidly in the river, a height of 38 feet at neap tides and 45 feet at spring tides. The har- bour is left dry at low tide with the exception of about a quarter of a fathom in the channel. There are four wharfs in the har- bour, three owned by the Albert Manufacturing Co., and used by the company for shipping gypsum, each wharf accommodat- ing only one vessel at a time. The remaining wharf, owned by Messrs. Smith & Peek, is used for shipping lumber. There are two railway sidings to the wharfs upon which gypsum and lum- ber are carried. The depth of water at the wharfs is 14 feet at high spring tides and 8 feet at neap tides ; vessels must arrive on the flood tide and load quickly or wait until the next spring tides to depart. There is no dry dock, but vessels can go on the beach at the end of spring tides and repair until the next high tide. The port charges are harbour master's dues and sick marin- er's dues paid twice and three times a year respectively if not paid elsewhere. See General Chart 354 and S. E. coast of l^ova Scotia Pilot for sailing directions. Total tonnage entered during fiscal year 1908, 50,023. Ladysmith, Vancouver island, British Columbia, formerly called Oyster harbour, extends from Yellow point to Reef point, Thetis island, and from Boulder point to Jostling point on Kuper island, and includes all the waters west of Thetis island and Kuper island between Reef point and Jostling point. The harbour is nearly one mile wide at the entrance. Rocky shoals extend off Coffin islet to a distance of three cables. There are three wharfs on the south side whore coal is shipped, length 800 feet, 540 feet and 300 feet respectively ; depths of water, 33, 29 and 32 feet. Half a mile above Twin islands the har- bour narrows to a quarter of a mile in width ; small vessels may go as far as the west of Long island where there are 3 fathoms of water. From this point to the entrance the water is from HiLLSBRRo', N.B., Loading Lumber and Gypsum. 65 66 PORT DIRECTORY 3 to 36 fathoms at tlie entrance of the harbonr. Good anchor- ao-e is found in several places in the harbour for large vessels. Spring, tides rise 10 feet and neap tides 8 feet. The lighthouse is on Coffin island, latitude 48° 59|' X., longi- tude 123° 45' W., and north side of harbour. There are also two beacons, one the north beacon, and the other the south. Liverpool Harbour^ ISTova Scotia, is in Liverpool bay on the southwest coast of iSTova Scotia. The bay is open all the year round. There is a combined lighted and whistling buoy at the entrance of the harbour and a lighted bell buoy midway to the outer harbour. The lighthouses are one on Coffin island, latitude 44° 1' 55", longitude 64° 37' 32" ; at Fort Point, lati- tude 44° 2' 35", longitude 64° 42' 20", and a pole light on an old pier at Brooklyn. From the entrance the harbour extends three miles where it forms a basin known as Herring cove on the eastern side, and with the w^estern shore forming the other side, anchorage is found for a fleet of vessels. The bottom is mud, and the depth of water from 4 to 6 fathoms in this an- chorage. Approaching the inner harbour is a l)ar which has been dredged, allowing vessels drawing 18 to 20 feet of water to enter and load at the wharfs. There are fifteen wharfs with an area of 168,000 square feet, including the space occupied by build- ings on these w^harfs. There is also a large coal wharf where coal can be loaded or bunkered. The Liverpool and Milton Railway Company have extended their line along the water front and cars are taken to the ships' side with lumber and gen- eral cargo. The Liverpool Marine Railway is operated by elec- tricity and vessels of moderate size can be repaired. Labour, stores, provisions and water are readily procured. Stevedores and a large tug can be obtained. For sailing directions, see S. E. Coast Nova Scotia Pilot, List of Lights and Admiralty Chart Xo. 341. Port charrjes are harbour master's dues, paid twice a year and sick mariners' dues three times a year if not paid else- where. Total tonnage entered in fiscal year 1908, 94,067 tons. LoujsBURG TTarbotjr, Cape Proton, Xova Scotia, latitude 45° 55', longtitude 59° 58', between Lighthouse point and 68 POKT DIEECTOEY Rocky and Battery islands, and is about 3f cables wide, but the navigable channel is 2 cables wide. Within the entrance, south- west arm continues wcstw^ard over one mile with a general width of 3 or 4 cables; water in this arm, from 25 to 44 fathoms and deep water in all parts of the harbour. The harbour is very well protected by lights and buoys ; Louisburg light is on the north side of entrance to the harbour in latitude 45° 54' 35" K, longitude 59° 57' 15"W., fixed white light visible 16 miles; a diaphone fog alarm is also oper- ated here ; Louisburg range lights are on the west shore of the harbour, red light visible 1 miles ; two coal wharf range lights in harbour lead to the Dominion Coal Company's wharfs. The principal wharfs are the Dominion Coal Company's two wharfs, both of which are 700 feet long; water from 25 to 35 feet ; the freight wharf has a railway siding the full length of the wharf. Vessels unload with aid of donkey engine; a coal pocket is built on the other wharf which holds 6,000 tons, and coal is loaded on board vessels by the Robins' Conveyor system. The wharf of W. W. Lew^is & Co. is about 300 feet long, with shed and storage capacity of about 8,000 barrels ; depth of water, 15 to 25 feet; the wharf of P. O'Toole «& Sons is about 250 feet in length, shed and storage capacity of about 3,000 bar- rels, and near the Sydney and Louisburg Railway sidings ; the wharf of Z. W. Townsend & Sons at lower end of harbour is about 200 feet long, shed and storage capacity 2,000 barrels; C. L. Mitchell & Company's wharf and lobster factory is 150 feet long; depth of water on the eastern side, 15 feet; the wharf of James W. Townsend, in the lower part of the harbour, is about 200 feet long, shed and storage capacity about 1,000 bar- rels ; sailing vessels discharge rock ballast at this wharf ; depth of water on western side about 15 feet. There are in addition about twenty-five small wharfs owned by shore fishermen in dif- ferent parts of the harbour. There are no dry docks for repairs in the harbour. Port charges. — Harbour master's dues twice a year and sick mariners' dues three times a year for vessels over 100 tons, and once a year for vessels 100 tons and less if not paid elsewhere. Pilotage. — Sailing vessels 80 and under 150 tons, $5 inward, $3 outward; 150 and under 250 tons, $8 inward, $5 outward; 69 70 PORT DIRECTORY 250 and under 400 tons, $9 inward, $7 outward ; steamships 8C to 500 tons, $8 inward, $5 outward; 500 to 1,000 tons, $10 inward, $6 outward; 1,000 to 3,000 tons, $12 inward, $8 out- ward. Winter pilotage is 50 j)er cent additional to above rates on sailing ships and steamships. See ' St. Lawrence Pilot ' for sailing directions and List of Lights and Admiralty Chart ^N^o. 2,692. Total tonnage entered during fiscal year 1908, 567,709 tons. Lunenburg LIarbour^ Kova Scotia, is situated at the head of Lunenburg bay. The bay is about 5 miles in depth by about 2^ miles wide between the entrance yioints. It is open to the southeast, but the force of gales from that quarter is much les- sened by Cross island which acts as a breakw^ater. Lunenburg harbour is safe in all winds and affords good anchorage at 3 fathoms. A channel from the entrance of the harbour to the railway wharf, 200 feet wide and 27 feet at low water, has re- cently been completed. A channel along the heads of all the wharfs 60 feet wide and 17 feet deep at low water, is about completed. The harbour is well buoyed and the lighthouse on Battery point entrance is in latitude 44° 21' 45", longitude 64° 17' 35". It is connected with the Intercolonial Railway by the Halifax and South Western Railway, and is the ter- minus of a railway which connects the Annapolis valley with the south coast of I^ova Scotia. A railway siding passes along the head of all the wdiarf properties. A marine slip of 600 tons capacity is maintained and repairs can be cheaply and quickly made. The wharfs are the railway wharf, 600 feet long with two railway tracks and a most convenient wharf. Atlantic Fish Company's two wharfs 300 feet long by 35 feet wide, railway siding, five warehouses, bait freezer .and cold stores of 1,500 barrels capacity; A. H. Anderson's two wharfs 350 and 300 feet long and 40 and 31 feet, respectively; railway passes the property ; Hve stores for coal and cement ; Messrs. Zwicker & Co., tw^o wharfs, 300 feet long by 40 feet wide, seven ware- houses ; James Eisenhauer & Co., two wharfs, one 300 feet long, the other 100 feet ; Messrs. Adams & Knickle, wharf, 300 feet long by 45 feet wide, large store 80 by 50 ; John B. Yoimg, two wharfs, each 300 feet long and 35 feet wide, three large ware- CAIN^ADIAN SEA POETS 71 lionses, a shipyard and railway facilities; W. C Smith, one wharf 200 feet long, ;>5 feet wide and two warehouses. Sup- plies of all kinds and water can be easily obtained. Port charges are harbour master's dues twice a year, sick mariners' dues payable once a year on vessels of 100 tons and less, and three times a year on vessels over 100 tons if not paid elsewhere. Total tonnai>e entered for the fiscal year 11)08, 98,463 tons. See S. E. Coast of I^oy^l Scotia Pilot for sailing directions and List of Lights and Chart ISTo. 342. There is no pilotage authority in the district. Montreal IIaebouk is in latitude 45'' 30' IT" X., longtitude 73° 54' W. The harbour is under the control of the Montreal Harbour Commissioners and has recently been extended from Longue Point, which was its northern limit to the north point of the island of Montreal. The limits controlled by the com- missioners extend from a point above the Victoria bridge to the north end of Montreal island along the w^est bank of the St. Lawrenec river, a distance of about 17 statute miles. The ship channel of the St. Lawrence river is completed from ]\[ontreal to Cap Levrard, four miles below Batiscan, the head of tidal navigation, or a distance of 10'4^ miles below Montreal. The least depth of water in the ship channel is 30 feet at ex- treme low water in the river. A slight rise and fall of the tide gives a full depth of 30 feet below Cap Levrard and over Cap a la Roche and St. Augustin bars. Semaphores are located at St. Jean des Chaillons, to indicate the available depth of water in the dredged channel at Cap a la Roche, and at St. Nicholas to indicate the depth of water in the undredged channel at St. Augustin bar. The completed channel has a minimum width of 450 feet, with the exception of four miles in Lake St. Peter, where it is 300 feet, but work at this point is now progressing in widening the channel there also. The curves in the com- pleted channel are from 500 to 800 feet in width. The ship channel is buoyed by the Marine and Fisheries Department, under the Montreal agency, from Montreal to Platon, a distance of 125 miles. In this district, called the Montreal district, the St. Lawrence ship channel has in position 65 gas buoys, 25 steel can and conical and about 170 spar buoys. The starboard 72 73 74 PORT DIRECTORY hand buoys going up stream are painted red and the port black. The conical steel buoys are starboard and the can buoys port hand buoys. The lights from the gas buoys can be seen seven miles where the channel is straight. The lighthouse system from Platon up to Montreal includes single tower lights, range lights and a few pole and beacon lights, and at Montreal, elec- tric arc lights, making in all about 110 separate lights and one lightship, from Montreal to Platon, a distance of 125 miles. Vessels of the largest size navigating the St. Lawrence river can come from sea to Montreal day or night without interrup- tion, except on occasions when smoke from forest fires may obscure the lights, but this occurs very rarely. The harbour is divided into three divisions ; division 1, south of the Lachine canal; 2, the central harbour, and 3, the lower division. The wharfs extend from the upper part of Bicker- dike pier to Sutherland pier. The lineal measurement of the wharfs is for 30 feet draught vessels and over, 16,354 feet equal to 3-090 miles, for 25 to 27^ feet draught 19,444 feet equal to 3-f(j miles for 20 feet draught and under, 3,137 feet; total wharfage, 7-^io miles. The piers are Alexandra pier with from 31 to 33 feet of water; King Edward pier with from 33 to 34 feet of water; Jacques Cartier pier, water from 32 to 34 feet ; Victoria pier, 23 to 27 feet; Laurier pier, 28 feet of water; Tarte pier, 32 to 36 feet; and Sutherland pier, 31 feet, all at low water. There are fourteen steel sheds two storeys high ; Iso. 2 shed on shore wharf, section 12 and 13, length of shed, 634 feet 4 inches and 96 feet wide ; Xo. 3 and 4 sheds on Alexandra pier, 507 feet 2 inches each by 96 feet; iSTo. 5 and 6 sheds, also on Alexandra pier, 476 feet 6 inches each by 96 feet; No. 7 and 8 sheds on King Edward pier, 507 feet 2 inches each in length by 96 feet ; Xo. 9, also on King Edward pier, 508 feet 2 inches by 96 feet ; No 10, on King Edward pier, 460 feet 8 inches by 96 feet; No. 11, on shore wharf, section 17, 571 feet long by 96 feet; No. 12, on Jacques Cartier pier, 443 feet 10 inches by 96 foet ; No. 13, 412 feet long by 96 feet, on Jacques Car- tier pier, and No. 14 and 15, 381 feet 6 inches and 365 feet 8 inches, respectively, also on Jacques Carties pier. The sheds iulmit of the handling r>f 10,000 tons per week each, or 140,000 CAXADIAX SKA PORTS iO in all, inward and outward. The sheds are of steel with con- crete floors, steel doors, and eleven have grain conveyors from the grain elevator enabling four vessels to load at their separate berths at one time. Other storage aceoiiimodation is afforded ])y the railway companies. The Harbour Commissioners have established a tratffic depart- ment, consisting of railway tracks on the wharfs and own loco- motives for transferring freight from one railway to another, and for loading and discharging cargo directly on board vessels, by cars. Two railway tracks are laid along the inner side of the sheds and in some instances one track on the outer side. The sheds are being equipped with the latest loading and un- loading machinery, a seventy-five ton floating crane of the most modern description has been provided. Life saving and fire protection has also been provided. The harbour contains two dry docks for light draft vessels, each 400 feet long and 10 feet on the sill. Vessels from the Great Lakes enter Montreal harbour through Lachine canal, which has a depth of 14 feet, and the Richelieu and Ontario passenger steamers run the Lachine rapids. Lake St. Louis, above Montreal, is well lighted and buoyed, and from Montreal to Kingston there are 40 gas buoys and about 100 spar and steel buoys in the St. Lawrence river, irrespective of the lights in the Soulanges, Cornwall, Farran's Point, Eapide Plat and Galops canals, through which vessels pass to avoid rapids on the river between Montreal and Kingston. About forty shore lights consisting of towers, acetylene lighted bea- cons and other forms of lights are in operation between Mon- treal and Kingston. Vessels drawing 14 feet of water can pass down the canals to Montreal from the Great Lakes and the tonnage is very large. Grain Elevators. — ^fonti-eal is very well equipped for load- ing and unloading grain. There are three stationary grain elevators and seventeen floating elevators. The floating eleva- tors do not warehouse grain, but are employed in discharging from one vessel into another, and can, during the season of navigation, if required, handle sixty millions bushels of grain, all conditions being favourable. The floating elevators are the property of the ^Montreal Grain Elevating Company. This 76 pa 5651—6 77 78 PORT DIRECTORY company was established in 1860 and has transferred from inland to ocean-going vessels up to the year 1908, 658,232,832 bushels. The present charges are, three-tenths of a cent for the vessel delivering and three-tenths of a cent for the vessel re- ceiving. The grain is weighed as it passes through the elevator, to determine the charges. The Harbour Commissioners' elevator has a capacity for holding one million bushels. With one leg, grain can be taken from barges or steamers at the rate of about 10,000 bushels per hour. With the extensive system of grain conveyors, grain can be taken to ten berths and grain can be delivered at one time to four vessels berthed at the Harbour Commissioner's piers. This enables vessels to proceed with loading other cargo, or if a hatch is clear for grain, unloading from other hatches may go on. The rate of delivery from each spout is about 16,000 bushels per hour or 64,000 from four spouts. Two spouts can be used for one vessel, thereby loading 32,000 bushels if the spouts are not all employed for four vessels loading at the same time. The conveyor system of the Harbour Commissioner's grain elevator is said to be the most complete on the continent. At present there is used about 3f miles of belting, to convey grain from the elevator, with the near prospect of increasing the length to five miles. Portable trippers are used to deliver the grain at different points in the galleries opposite the hatches of vessels lying at the piers. Grain is also delivered from the elevator into cars using the Harbours Commissioner's tracks. The power used is electric. The Grand Trunk Raihvay elevator at Windmill point has a larger capacity for storing grain than the Harbour Commis- sioners' elevator ; it is very well equipped and operated by elec- tric power. Vessels are loaded alongside the elevator pier and two large vessels at the same time can be loaded or a greater number of small vessels. This elevator has facilities for un- loading over 900 cars in one week and delivering the grain at the same time to vessels. Conveyors are used on one side of the elevator pier. The pier is reserved for the purpose of load- ing and unloading grain. The elevator of the Canadian Pacific Railway had a capacity for storing 400,000 bushels, but not much grain is now loaded frrnn tin's elevator, ]iart of the iiiiicliinorv having been removed. CANADIAN SEA POETS 79 The elevator charges are regulated by by-law No. 144 of the Harbour Commissioners, and are: — On Grain ex Steamer or Barge. — Elevating into elevator and weighing, one-quarter of one cent per bushel ; storage for twenty days, including delivery to vessel, one-quarter of one cent per bushel. 0)1 Domestic Grain ex Cars. — Oats, elevation and ten days storage, one-half of one cent per bushel; all other grain, eleva- tion and ten days storage, three-quarters of one cent per bushel ; succeeding term of ten days on all grain ex steamer, barge or cars, one-quarter of one cent per bushel. On Export Grain ex Cars. — Elevation, ten days' storage and delivery to ocean steamer through carrier or otherwise, at the option of the commissioners, nine-tenths of one cent per bushel. For other services. — Loading on cars, one dollar per car ; cleaning grain, one-half of one cent per bushel ; turning grain, one-eighth of one cent per bushel ; floating grain from elevator to alongside, in harbour, three-quarters of one cent per bushel. Winter Storage on Grain. — (Begins 15tli November and ex- pires on 15th May.) Including elevating, storage and deliver}-, "when charges at regular rates amount to one and one-half cent per bushel, no further charge will be made. Grain stored dur- ing winter months, and remaining in elevator after 15th May will be charged one-quarter of one cent per bushel for each suc- ceeding ten days or portion thereof, in addition to the charges already accrued. Inspection. — All grain ex cars be subject to inspection by the official grain inspector, and forty cents per car will be charged in addition to the storage charge. Shovelling Grain ex Steamer or Barge. — Shovelling grain by power or hand, as the steamer or barge will permit, $2 per 1,000 bushels, to be paid by the steamer or barge. Wharfage. — The wharfage rates charged on articles landed or shipped from the piers or warehouses are : grain, 3 cents per ton ; rice, seeds, malt, coal, coke, pulp, meat, flour, oil cake and similar articles, 6 cents per ton ; asphalt, ballast, cement, chalk, salt, marble, gypsum, iron ore, sand and similar articles, 8 cents 5651— 6i 80 MoNTKEAL Hakbour — Hakbocr Comjiissioners' Elevator -- Built 1903. 81 82 PORT DIRECTORY per ton ; fruit, vegetables, animals, fish, crockery, tobacco, steel rails, metallic ores and such articles, 12 cents per ton ; raw and refined sugar, pig and scrap iron, steel billets and similar arti- cles, 16 cents per ton; brick (ordinary), 8 cents per thousand; pressed brick, 12 cents ; enamelled brick, 20 cents ; cordwood, 4 cents j)er cord ; lumber and timber, 8 cents per thousand feet. The charge on bulky articles like agricultural implements, musical instruments, hollow ware, is made on the measurement of 40 cubic feet, equals a ton. The charges made by the Harbour Commissioners for switch- ing cars on the wharfs are $2.50 per car, which includes two movements and additional movements, $1 each, the maximum charge not to exceed $2. The new floating crane is in opera- tion and charges for it fixed. The rental charged for low level wharf space per season of navigation is 8 cents per square foot or 2 cents per square foot per month or part of a month; high level w^harf space, 10 cents per square foot, and small ofiices on wharfs, 25 cents per square foot. Coal Plants. — Coal discharging plants are oj^erated in Mon- treal harbour; the plant at Hochelaga within the harbour and (.)wned by the Dominion Coal Company is the most extensive, the steel towers having buckets of two tons capacity deal with from 300 to 400 tons per hour, the wooden towers deal with 200 tons per hour. The discharging plant of the same company at Windmill point has five steel towers and each tower can deal with 300 or 400 tons per hour. A storage pocket connected with this plant holds 7,000 tons, and with the storage pile 14,000 tons can be stored in twenty-four hours. The Inter- colonial Coal Company, the Inverness Coal Company, the Port Hastings Coal Company, the ISFova Scotia Coal and Steel Com- pany, Acadia Coal Company, discharge coal but not to the ex- tent of the Dominion Coal Company. Some English, Scotch and American coal for steam purposes is used in the port. Port charges at Montreal are harbour master's dues collected aT at other liarbours twice a year, sick mariners' dues paid three times a year (m sea-going and coasting vessels ])ut not on vessels navigating inland waters; port wardens' dues for inspection of cargo, cattle slii))inents inspection dues and wliarfage on cargo CAXADIAX SEA PORTS 83 shipped and discharged. Pilotage is under the authority of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries and payment of pilotage is compulsory. The rates in the Montreal pilotage district ^vhich extends to Quebec are: •S cts. Quebec to Portneuf. .^'essels in tow or steamers per ft. draught. .50 upwards. 1. .. If n H I, .. 50 downwards. H . Sea-going steamers G2i upwards. II . . 11 11 (525 downwards . 11 . -Sailing vessels Three Rivers. Vessels in tow or steamers j)er ft. draught. 1 05 70 1 50 1 50 ■ 1 . Sea-going steamers 1 75 .- _ M 1 75 Sorel Vessels in tower steamers per ft. draught .Sea-going steamers. . Sailing vessels 1 .50 1 50 1 87 Montreal , Montreal to Sorel . 2 10 . Vessels in tow or steamers per ft. draught. 2 00 11 . . 2 00 . Sea-going steamers 2 50 2 .50 . Sailing vessels 4 20 . 2 80 upwards. downwards. u]3wards. downwards. upwards. downwards . upwards. downwards . upwards. 1 87^ downwards. 3 15 upwards. downwards . upwards. downwards. upwards. downwards. upwards. downwards. upwards. downwards . 1 00 1 00 For the removal of any vessel from one wharf to another into or out of Lachine canal or from the foot of the current into the harbour or to Longueuil, $5. The shipping using the port of Montreal in one of the largest years amounted to 743 sea-going vessels with a tonnage of 1,923,658 tons, and 14,420 inland water vessels with a tonnage of 3,620,750 tons; total tonnage, 5,544,608 tons for the season of navigation 1908. ISTavigation opened 27th April, 1907, closed 13th December, seven months and twenty days, being tlie longest season of navigation recorded ; depth of water in channel, 30 feet 10 inches. Montreal has daily and weekly lines of steamers running up and down the river to ports on the St. Lawrence river and above Montreal to the head of navigation. Also ocean-going lines to Great Britain and Euro- pean ports, the United States, West Indies, South American ports and the maritime provinces. Railway communication with all parts of Canada and the United States is provided. See List of Lights and Marine and Fisheries Chart Xo. 1. The port being the largest in Canada, all kinds of supplies and material for vessels can bo cheaply purchased. 84 CANADIAN SEA PORTS 85 Tariff for floating Crane. — The Commissioners will load into vessels and unload from vessels in the harbour, with their float- ing crane, articles weighing from two to seventv-five tons, at the following rates and upon the following conditions : — Pi 72 it. 66 ft. Weight. Ton.= 51 ft. 2 to 5 tons Over 5 and not exceeding 10 tons. 10 M 15 15 ., 20 20 M 25 25 .. 30 30 M 35 35 M 40 40 M 45 45 H 50 50 M .55 55 60 05 70 60 65 70 75 fR O « s^ i First piece "6. H Z^^ ■ or case — b. cS OJ ^ o per lift. Q class tiir pla A ilO 00 $5 00 H 12 00 6 00 C 18 00 10 00 D 30 GO 15 00 i: 40 00 20 00 y 60 00 30 00 (i 75 00 40 00 H 90 00 55 00 I 115 00 75 00 J 140 00 95 00 K 165 00 Each Pi6oe 115 00 L $200 00 M 275 00 N 375 00 () 475 00 For the purpose of this by-law, a ton shall be calculated as being 2,000 pounds weight or -iO cubic feet measurement, according as the article to which the same applies has been or shall be carried by water by ton weight or ton measurement, but in cases where bills of lading do not show the weight or measurement, the Commissioners may charge by ton weight or ton measurement at their option. No heavy lifts w411 be made by the crane after dark. Should the crane, however, be required after ordinary working hours, an additional charge of $15 per hour or any part thereof will be made. The Commissioners assume no responsibility for injuries to persons or damage to property. 1. The crane will, at all times, be under the superintendence of the crane captain, who will direct the operations and control the work. 2. The minimum charge for the use of the crane will be $25. 3. Six hours' notice must be given when the use of the crane 86 POET DIKE C TORY is required. A deposit of the minimum rate must accompany the application for the crane in all cases. This application must be in writing and must state that maximum weight to be lifted whenever such Aveight exceeds five tons. It must further state that the applicaiut agrees to all the conditions contained in this Bj-law. The application will be in such form as the Commissioners may from time to time determine. 4. The Commissioners do not guarantee to deliver the crane at the time for which it is applied for; they merely undertake to deliver it as soon after such time as they can reasonably do so, and particularly shall not be liable for delay in delivering it or failure to deliver it should it be engaged in work at the time or not be in working order or available, or should the cap- tain or crew be unavailable or on strike. 5. The exact weight or measurement of every article over five tons must be marked thereon, and the applicant shall be deemed to warrant that the weight or measurement mentioned in the application is the same as the weight or measurement marked on the article. The applicant shall also be deemed to warrant that if no weight or measurement is marked on any article, it does not weigh or measure over five tons. 6. Vessels not ready to use the crane at time for which the crane was ordered forfeits her turn in favour of next that may be in readiness. Should, however, no other order for the use of the crane be on the register, and the crane be detained owing to article or articles to be lifted not being ready, waiting time will be charged after first hour at the rate of $15 per hour, or any portion thereof. 1. If steam is got up on the crane, and while under steam notice is given that the crane is not required, the amount of the deposit will be forfeited. 8. In all cases the above rates include the use of the crane and crow, from the lifting of an article off its carriage or lighter until stowed or adjusted in the vessel, or from the lift- ing of an article from the vessel until placed on its carriage or lighter. 9. If the crane barge is used for lightering articles an extra charge of one half the above rates will be made, to include towage to or from any part of the Montreal Harbour, and loading or unloading. If delay occurs during the lightering. CANADIAN SEA POKTS 87 and steam lias to be raised a second time, fnll rates will be charged extra. ISTewcastle Habbouk^ Miramiclii, ISTew Brunswick. This harbour is forty-two miles from the month of Miramichi river, described under the head of Chatham harbour. ^Newcastle is eight miles above Chatham and the harbour extends to the head of navigation or about fifty miles from the mouth of the river ; from that point above, the river is navigable for tugs drawing 9 feet at low water ; rise of tide 4^ feet. For sea-going vessels the harbour extends a distance of eight miles up and down. In this distance there are eight large piers or wharfs at which sea- going vessels load lumber to their full capacity, and the depth at low water at these piers is not less than 22 feet. Vessels carrying as much as 3,000,000 feet have loaded in the harbour and schooners can sail upwards and downwards, the channel being half a mile wide at Newcastle. The anchorage gives a depth of 42 feet in the stream with good bottom for holding. Besides the mill piers referred to in this harbour, there are along the water front of Newcastle town : wharf No. 1, known as the Anderson Furniture Co.'s wdiarf, 300 feet frontage and 300 feet deep ; No. 2, deep water terminus of the Intercolonial Railway, frontage 100 feet; No. 3, J. Russell & Co.'s wharf, 500 feet long by 100 feet, with coal shed and warehouse ; No. 4, wharf of D. & J. Ritchie, frontage 100 feet, 600 feet deep with three large warehouses for grain and general merchan- dise; No. 5, N. A. Parker's wharf, 125 feet frontage and 400 feet deep with two large warehouses for grain and merchan- dise; No. 6, public wharf, 200 feet frontage by 400 feet in depth with warehouses and coal shed; No. 7, M. Bannon's wharf, 100 feet frontage by 700 feet deep and warehouses for coal and merchandise; No. 8, D. & J. Ritchie's wharf or slip for hauling out a vessel for repairs. The lighthouses are a wooden tower on lime-kiln bank, north side of river below the town in latitude 47° 0' 45", longitude 65° 33' 40", and one on the northwest branch of Miramichi river, latitude 46° 58' 11", longitude 65° 35' 39". There are seven buoys in the harbour. Supplies and water are easily ob- tained. Port charges are harbour master's dues, payable twice a year. 88 POET DIRECTORY from 50 cents for vessels of 50 tons or under up to $5, according to tonnage and sick mariners' dues payable once a year on ves- sels of 100 tons and three times a year on vessels over that ton- nage if not paid elsewhere. Port warden s charges when ser- vices required. Pilotage is under the control of the Miramichi Pilotage authority and payment is compulsory, the rates are $2.25 per foot draught inward and $2 per foot outward; in addition 2 cents per registered ton for steamers. Removal of vessels within one mile, $4. See Chart 1,712. Total tonnage entered in fiscal year 1908, 253,620. JSTanaimo Harbour^ Vancouver island, British Columbia, is in latitude 49° 10' N., longitude 123° 57' W., on the eastern side of Vancouver island and is entered between lighthouse and Gabriola island. The immediate entrance to ISTanaimo harbour is between Gallows point. Protection island on the north and the mud bank formed by the silt from the J^anaimo river. Two channels lead to the wharfs, one called the north channel, north of the middle bank in the centre of the harbour, and the other called the south channel, south of the bank. The depth of water in each channel is from 38 to 40 feet each side of middle bank, gradually decreasing as the shore and wharfs are approached. The north channel leads to the anchorage ground off the town, where there is 5 fathoms of water and mud bottom. Vessels also anchor outside Gallows point in 10 to 15 fathoms of w^ater. The harbour affords safe anchorage, being well protected from winds from all quarters. Departure bay is also part of the har- bour and is connected by Exit channel, a stretch of water 1^ miles long and about one cable in breadth, with a depth of 14 feet at low water. The entrance from the Gulf of Georgia to Departiire bay is between Boulder point, a steep cliff on the north end of Xewcastle island and Jesse island, a small island to the northward of N^ewcastle island. Departure bay affords room for a large number of vessels to anchor in from IS to 25 fathoms of water. The tides in the harbour are very irregular and springs rise approximately 10 feet. The harbour is well buoyed, having nine platform buoys with distinguishing marks on pyramidal slatwork consisting of drums, balls and diaiiioiid;^. A beacon Avith w^hite light marks 90 POET DIEECTOKY tlie north end of the middle bank; a stone beacon with a staflt" and hittice work is built on beacon rock north of Johnston's wharf. A black pile beacon surmounted by an acetylene tank showing a white flashing light is placed on the mud flats on the south side of the entrance to the harbour. This beacon stands in about 6 feet of water at low water. The large wharfs in the harbour are used for shipping coal, the main exports of the port. In addition to full cargoes many steamers get bunker coal. The ISTanaimo wharfs belonging to the Western Fuel Company are on the west side of the harbour directly opposite the entrance and close to the town. The main wharf is 810 feet long; three leading chutes deliver YOO tons of coal per hour ; in close proximity to the loading wharfs coal bunkers are situated with a capacity of 7,000 tons ; depth of water alongside, 30 feet at low water. A three-track car ferry slip is located on the south end of the main wharf, to make tidal and railway connection of the main line of the Esquimalt and J^anaimo Railway. This slip accommodates freight cars car- ried on barges to the mainland of British Columbia. JSTorth of the main wharf is a small wharf owned by the same company for loading scows and bunkering small steamers, with two berths 160 feet long; another wharf belonging to the same com- pany is situated north of the last wharf and is used for dis- charging freight and loading fish bait and is 285 feet long; depth of water, 20 to 24 feet at low water. To the west of this wharf is a ferry slip used for Protection island ferry. Hirst's wharf at foot of Wharf street is 200 feet long by 100 feet, with a depth of 15 feet at low water; the wharf is covered nearly its full length and breadth by sheds which are used for loading and discharging general cargo. Adjoining Hirst's wharf is the government wharf and float used as a public boat landing. Johnston's wharf is 250 feet long by 125 feet and is covered nearly its entire length by sheds for general merchandise and cattle, storing salt and fish. The wharf is generally used by passenger steamers plying between ports in British Columbia. Vessels of 2,000 tons can discharge cargo at this wharf at cer- tain stages of tide; the depth of water at low water is 16 feet. Repairs to hulls and machinery are made near Dobeson's foundry, where small vessels are placed on beams. At the Red CAXADIAX SKA PORTS 'Jl Fir Company's saw mill a pier is used for loading lumber on scows. In Exit channel towards Departure bay, mainland side, Hogan's wharf is situated; its length is 84 feet, width 72 feet, and it is nearly covered with freight sheds for general merchandise ; water, 14 feet at low water. Several small wharfs with sheds in Exit channel are used for packing her- rings for shipment to the Orient from Xanaimo and Vancouver. The ship channel in Exit channel is on Xewcastle island side, and near Departure bay is the quarry wharf with from 14 to 18 feet of water at low w^ater and rocky uneven bottom. On Newcastle and Protection islands are several small w'harfs with sheds used for landing, salting and packing herrings caught in I^s^anaimo harbour and Departure bay. Passing into Departure bay from Exit channel, on the south- east side is a large wharf connecting with the Brechin and the Western Fuel Company's mining property. The wharf is 410 feet long; water alongside, 35 to 40 feet; an electric chute in the centre of the wharf can deliver into bunkers or hold 400 tons per hour directly from the mines. A system of conveyors reduces the breakage. Coal is stored in bunkers or pockets, which have a capacity of 3,000 tons when vessels are not load- ing. Large vessels can be laid alongside these wharfs in safety at all times. There is no dry dock at this port. The cold stores are in small sheds for fish. Ship stores and water are easily procured and tugs are available. Port charges are harbour master's dues twice a year, sick mariners' dues three times a year as in other Canadian ports. Port warden's fees when surveys are made and wJtiarfage. Pilotage is under the Xanaimo Pilotage authority and the rates are $1 per foot draught and 1 cent per ton net register when vessels are spoken, and half pilotage when not spoken, payment being compulsory. Special rates for mail steamers and tugs are charged. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart '^o. 573. Total tonnage of vessels which entered in 1908, 815,507. iN'Ew Westminster Haeboue^ British Columbia, is on the Frasei: river, about 15 miles above its entrance, in latitude 49° 12' ^L, longitude 122° 55' W. The Eraser river is navi- gable for large vessels for about 30 miles from its entrance. 5651—7 94 PORT DIKECTOKY At Xew Westiiinister there are forty-four wharfs having an area of about 185,000 square feet, and in nearly every instance these wharfs have sheds or warehouses for storage of freight. iSTine of the wharfs are for public use, all having sheds and railway sidings to the ships' side. For a distance of three miles one railway runs along the inside ends of the wharfs, and for two miles there are three railways having separate tracks and each having switches to various wharfs. The facilities for loading are good, a number of moveable hoists being available, and the depth of the water along the wharfs is from 25 to 40 feet. Small vessels are repaired at two docks and large vessels at one dock. Material for repairs and workmen are obtainable and machine shops are located at this place. The average depth for anchorage is 40 feet and the bot- tom good for holding. The dockage facilities of the port are three sets of ways and one floating dock. ]*^o. 1 of the West- minster Marine Railway Company has a capacity of 1,000 tons, length of 350 feet, cradle 120 feet, width of cradle 36 feet, depth of water at foot of ways 15 feet at high water and the motive power is electric. ]^o. 2, one set of ways owned by the Brunette Sawmill Co., is 120 feet long, length of cradle 75 feet, M'idth 30 feet, capacity 200 tons, and the water is 20 feet at high tide. ISTo. 3, "owned by Barnet & McDonald is about 100 feet long, with cradle 50 feet long and 20 feet wide, capacity about 150 tons. T^o. 4, a dry dock owned by Seaton Bros., 130 feet long by 40 feet wide and 4 feet deep. The Schaake works owns a wharf and floating pontoon, water frontage 196 feet, depth of water 30 feet. The steam railway trucks pass along this wharf and an electric railway in front of their works close to the wharf. The wharfage frontage of E. J. Fader is 666 feet long, with 200 feet of the wharf built with switch lines on the inner side and one on the outer side by Avhich vessels load from and unload into cars or a warehouse. Large M'arehouses are under construction at this wharf whicli will ac- commoihitc several ship loads of freight. The depth of water at the wharf front is 35 feet at low water. The Fraser River Lumber Company owns a lumber mill with largo capacity for sawing, planing, (Src, and a wharf wifli 30 feet of water. The Rnviil City Plni>in.i: MWh Branch of the V,. C. M T. & T. Co., ca:\adia.\ si:a poets 95 has a water front of 1,848 feet and a wharf; depth of water, 16 feet. The mills of this company are of large capacity, turning out large quantities of lumber, shingles, doors, windows and mouldings, &c., and the water frontage is largely used by the company. The city water frontage in use at the present time includes the use of property occupied by the following companies, viz. : — Small & Bucklin Lumber Company, water frontage, 500 feet; depth of water, 20 feet, Gilley Bros., 132 feet frontage, with coal bunkers and storehouses; depth of water, 30 feet. Dom- inion government, frontage, 264 feet with storehouses; depth of ^*7ater, 30 feet. Canadian Pacific Eailroad, water front 330 feet, with warehouses; depth of water, 25 feet. British Columbia Electric Eailway Company, waterfront 264 feet with freight sheds and tracks; depth of water, 25 feet. St. Mungo Cold Storage fish freezing plant, depth of water, 30 feet. Columbia Cold Storage fish freezing and ice plant, Canadian Pacific Kail- way Navigation Co., water frontage, 399 feet; storehouse and freight sheds ; depth of water, 30 feet. Myers & Preston, water front, 66 feet; coal bunkers; depth of water, 25 feet. Brack- man & Ker Milling Co., 198 feet water front, hay and grain sheds ; depth of water, 30 feet. V. W. & Y. Eailway, frontage 462 feet, with freight sheds; depth of water, 25 feet. jSTew Westminster Fruit Packing Company, 198 frontage; depth of water, 25 feet; Butterfield & Co., fish canning establishment, frontage, 66 feet; w\ater, 25 feet deep; Packers' Association fish canning, depth of water, 30 feet. Swanson & Co., boat sheds, depth of water, 25 feet. Monck & Co., 66 feet frontage, depth of water, 25 feet. V. W. & Y. Eailway, frontage, 396 feet; depth of water, 25 feet; railway ferry to Vancouver is- land. Myers & Preston, water frontage 132 feet, sheds, store- houses, (tc. ; depth of water, 25 feet. The least depth of water between the mouth of Fraser river and ISTew Westminster is 12 feet at low water at a point 5^ miles within the entrance, and 22 feet at high water springs. Lights have been placed for guiding vessels, on Xew Westmin- ster bridge, latitude 49° 12' 43" N".^ longitude 122° 53' 43" W. Other lights are located at Garry point, mouth of the river, ISTorth dam and South curve, also a lightship at Sands heads 5651—71 96 PORT DIEECTOKY and a gas and whistling buoy at Roberts' bank. The Eraser river is well bnoyed at the entrance. See List of Lights, Brit- ish Columbia Pilot and Chart ISTo. 2689. Coal and supplies of all kinds can be obtained readily. Port charges are harbour master's dues paid twice a year, sick mariners' dues three times a year if not paid elsewhere. Port warden's charges when surveys are made. Pilotage is under the ]^ew Westminster Pilotage authority, and the rates for the district are : — • (a) For vessels under sail $2 per foot draught of water and one cent per net registered ton. (&) Por vessels in tow of a steamer $1 per foot draught and one cent per net registered ton, (c) For steamers $1 per foot draught of water and one cent per net registered ton. JSToETH Sydney Harbour, Cape Breton, ISTova Scotia, is in latitude 46° 13' IST,, longtitude 60° 14' W. It is a safe har- bour, easy of access for vessels of all classes, and is a port of call as M^ell as a large coal shipping port. The water area of the harbour is about 12 square miles, with a depth avail- able of 46 feet at high water and 42 feet at low water. The port is the terminus of the Intercolonial Railway and the rail- way pier has a depth of 24 feet alongside for two hundred feet in length of the pier at high water, while the inner end of the Avharf has a depth varying from 24 to 10 feet. There are sheds for receiving all kinds of merchandise on the pier. The l^ova Scotia Steel and Coal Company have two large piers, the first is 900 feet long, with a depth of water of 28 feet at high water. Storage pockets for coal with a capacity of 5,000 tons ; the top of the pier is YO feet above tide and the discharging end of the highest chute is 45 feet above high water; the second pier is 650 feet long, fitted with two gantry cranes wuth lifting power of ten tons each, and the dock between the two piers has been dredged to a depth of 28 feet; at the head of this dock is a low level wharf 250 feet in length, available for storage of goods. There is a breakwater east of these piers about 1,500 feet in length, with depth of water alongside 300 feet of its length; water 16 feet at low water. There are three other good wharfs about 400 feet in length, 98 POET DIRECTORY with large storehouses, and a depth of water of 16 feet at low water. There is also a small marine railway at which vessels of 250 tons can be hauled out. Xorth Sydney roads afford good open anchorage with off shore winds. The roads are much iised by vessels seeking freight, and vessels anchoring are exempted from port charges (harbour dues), but are subject to ^NTorth Sydney inward pilot- age unless a pilot is employed inward and outward. The harbour is under control of harbour commissioners, who regulate port charges and these charges are harbour dues. Sup- plies of all kinds are readily obtained. Pilotage is under the control of the JSForth Sydney Pilotage authority and the inward rates are: for vessels of 120 to 150 tons, $6.50; vessels 150 to 200 tons, $7.50; from 200 to 250 tons, $9; from 250 to 300 tons, $10; from 300 to 350 tons, $11 ; from 350 to 400 tons, $12, and for every additional 50 tons or fraction thereof, 75 cents extra. Outward pilotage is half rates. Payment of pilotage is compulsory, with the excep- tion of upon vessels belonging to the county of Richmond and fishing vessels not exceeding 250 tons, which are exempt. The lights are : Low point, at entrance to Sydney harbour, latitude 46° 16' 12" N., longitude 60° 7' 22" ; one on Sydney bar, west end of S. E. bar and Sydney range lights on Point Edward. See List of Lights, St. Lawrence Pilot and Chart 2,727, plan 2,042. The total tonnage entered during the fiscal year 1908, was 477,601. Pakesboro IIaeboue^ ISTova Scotia, is at the head of an in- dentation in the Bay of Fundy, three miles east of Cape Sharp. The harbour is dry at low tide and the average tide is 17 or 18 feet, and at high tide 26 to 27 feet. Vessels drawing about 17 feet of water can load there. Larger vessels load at West bay, a distance of about four miles. Lumber is carried out to laroje vessels bv schooners. The wharf accommodation at Parrs- boro is about 255,000 square feet, all of which is reached by railway. Besides the above area, the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company have a shipping pier for coal which is about 1,000 feet long by 40 feet wide. There are good marine blocks at Parrsboro for repairing vessels as large as 1,265 tons. Sup- plies are readily obtained and coal is easily procured. CANADIAN SEA PORTS 99 torn mud, protected from all winds excepting from E.X.E. to tom mud and protected from all winds excepting from E.]Sr.E to south. Spring tides rise 45 feet and neap tides 35 feet. The lights are : one on Parrsboro or Partridge island in latitude 45° 23' 11", longitude 64° 19' 5"; one on Cape Sharp on the southern extremity of the cape. See List of Lights, S. E. Coast of :N^ova Scotia Pilot and Admiralty Chart Xo. 2,042. Port charges are harbour master's dues twice a year and sick marin- ers' dues three times a year if not paid elsewhere. Tonnage entered at Parrsboro during fiscal year 1908, 199,235. Paspebiac LEakbouk, province of Quebec, is in Paspebiac bay, between Paspebiac point and Carleton point, and is the principal fishing port in Chaleur bay. Paspebiac light is in latitude 48° 1' 'N., longitude 65° 14^ W. The anchorage in the roadstead is good. The wharfs in the harbour are Xo. 1, owned by the Dominion government, jSTo. 2, owned by C. Robin Collas & Co., Ltd., and Xo. 3, by the LeBoutillier Bros. Co., Ltd. These wharfs are of considerable length and are used by fishing vessels and small vessels which load lumber and ties. There are no docks for repairing vessels, but small vessels can be beached by the tide. There is one can buoy in the harbour at the western side of Paspebiac spit. The lighthouse is on the end of Paspebiac point. A limited quantity of stores can be obtained. The large fishing establishments of C. Robin Collas & Co., Ltd., are situated in the harbour, also the fishing establishment of the LeBoutillier Bros. Co., Ltd. Both of these firms carry on fishing very extensively and have cold storage for this in- dustry. Port charges are the same as generally prevail in Dominion harbours, and are harbour master's dues and sick mariners' dues when not paid elsewhere. See List of Lights, St. Law- rence Pilot and Chart 1,633. The total tonnage which entered during the fiscal year of 1908 was 84,413. Perce Harbour, province of Quebec, is in Perce bay, be- tween White head and Perce rock; the harbour is known as South beach and the first small bay north westward of Perce rock is known as Xorth beach. There are landing piers in both coves, the one in the northern cove being 670 feet long, with 13 100 POET DIRECTORY feet of water at the head. The tide rises 5 feet at spring aud 3 feet at neap tides. The water in the southern part of the bay is from 4 to 5 fathoms in depth and at the month of the bay, 8 to 9 fathoms. The bottom is mud at the latter depths. Coast- ing steamers running between Montreal and Pictou call at Perce. It is principally a fishing port. The lighthouse is on AVliite head, latitude 48° 30' 30" V., longitude 64° 12' 40" W. A black can buoy is moored off South beach and a red can buoy off J^orth beach, both in about 17 fathoms of water. The port charges are harbour master's dues and sick mariners' dues when not paid elsewhere. See St. Lawrence Pilot, Ad- miralty Chart 1,163 and List of Lights. Total tonnage entered during fiscal year of 1908 was Y7,6Y6. Port Hawkesbttry^ Cape Breton, ISI'ova Scotia. This har- bour is in the Gut of Canso and is much used for shipping coal. The trade consists of shipping coal, fishing and in general pro- duce. The harbour is a large cove with from 2 to 4^ fathoms inside Premier shoal, one channel is north of the shoal with 4-| fathoms of water at low water, the other channel south of the shoal has a depth of 34^ fathoms at low water. Premier shoal forms a middle ground and the least water over it is 12 feet, the tide rises 4 feet at spring tides and 2 at neap tides. The anchorage outside Premier shoal is good for large vessels, the depth of water being from 7 to 9 fathoms with sand, gravel and mud bottom. This anchorage is, however, open to north- north westerly winds, which at times cause a heavy sea. In the harbour there is safe anchorage in 3^ fathoms, low water. The Intercolonial Railway has its terminus at Point Tupper, where a large group of wharfs has been built, extending about 400 feet from shore, with a frontage of about 500 feet. The railway station and sheds are on this wharf, and a ferry steamer with railway tracks for carrying cars to the mainland of ISTova Scotia runs throughout the year. The steamer carries nine railway sleeping cars 80 feet long, weighing 52 tons unloaded. There are patent slips at Port Hawkesbury which take on vessels of 1,000, 200 and 130 tons respectively. The largest is 200 feet long, 45 feet wide with 20 feet of water over the cradle at high water or during springs. Provisions, coal and all material are readilv obtained. CANADIAN SEA POETS 101 The lighthouse is at Point Tupper, latitude 45° 37' 'N., longi- tude 61° 22' W. Port charges are harbour master's dues paid twice in the year, and sick mariners' dues paid three times in the year if not paid elsewhere. Pilotage is under the Inverness Pilotage authority, and the rates are : for vessels from 200 to 500 tons, $5 inwards, $2.50 outwards; 500 to 1,000 tons, $10 inw^ards, $5 outwards ; 1,001 to 1,500 tons, $15 inwards, $6 outwards; 1,501 to 2,500 tons, $20 inwards, $8 outwards; 2,501 to 3,500 tons, $25 inwards, $10 outwards; 3,501 to 5,000 tons, $35 inwards, $15 outwards. See St. Lawrence Pilot, Admiralty Chart 3,383, plan 3,383 and List of Lights. The total tonnage which entered in the fiscal year 1908 was 310,258. PiCTOU Haebour, ]S[ova Scotia, is a good harbour and very easy of entrance. Vessels drawing 22 feet can enter at low water and vessels drawing 28 feet at high tide. The course is straight. Inside the bar vessels can anchor in from 5 to Y fathoms. Opposite the town the harbour expands into three large arms, the mouths of East, Middle and West rivers. Large quantities of coal from the mines in the vicinity are shipped and many steamers bunker at this port. The principal piers are the railway piers, one of which is 500 feet long where ships load lumber up to 26 feet draught; upon this wharf are large sheds for general merchandise carried by the Intercolonial Rail- w^ay Company and shipped in large quantities via the winter steamers to Prince Edward Island ; another railway pier is 150 feet long, with 26 feet of water; railway tracks are laid on these piers. One coal pier owned by the Acadia Coal Company and one by the Intercolonial Coal Company, where ships can load to 28 feet from chutes. There are several small wharfs where vessels drawing 14 feet can load and discharge. The marine slip at this port can haul out a vessel of 1,400 tons net tonnage. Foundries and machine shops afford facili- ties for repairs to steamers and shipyards to Avooden vessels. Provisions, stores of all kinds, coal and w^ater are readily pro- cured. Port charges are harbour master's dues paid tAvice in the year, and sick mariners' duos paid three times in the year if not paid elsewhere. Port warden's dues when surveys are made. Wharf- 102 PORT DIEECTORY age is charged on cargoes of general merchandise and produce. Pilotage is under the Pictou Pilotage authority and payment ij compulsory. Half rates are charged if a vessel is spoken in the district and refuses a pilot. The rates are : vessels of 120 to 140 tons, $6 inwards, $4 outwards; 140 to 200 tons, $10 in- wards, $6 outwards ; 200 to 300 tons, $12 inwards, $S out- wards; 300 to 400 tons, $14 inwards, $9 outwards; 400 to 500 tons, $15 inwards, $10 outwards; 500 to 600 tons, $16 in- wards, $11 outwards; 600 to 700 tons, $17 inwards, $12 out- wards; 700 to 800 tons, $18 inwards, $13 outwards; 800 to 900 tons, $19 inwards, $14 outwards; 900 to 1,000 tons, $20 inwards, $15 outwards; 1,000 tons and upwards, 2^ cents in- wards and 2 cents outwards per ton. All vessels under 120 tons, $4 inwards and $2 outwards. Docking and moving ves- sels from anchorage in harbour, $4. The lights are : one on the Custom House, Pictou, latitude 45° 41', longitude 62° 42' ; two range lights inside the harbour; one on Pictou bar and three on Pictou island. The harbour is also well buoyed. See St. Lawrence Pilot for sailing direc- tions. Admiralty Chart 1,989, and List of Lights. Total ton- nage entered this harbour in the fiscal year of 1908 was 208,450 tons. Peince Rupert Harbour is entered from Graham sound by vessels from the north, between Kinnahan islands and Lima point, the extreme south point of Digby island, and from the south by Grenville channel, Arthur passage and Malacca pass- age inside channels and by Hecate strait on the outside. The depth of water in the course which vessels from the north take at the entrance, is from 21 to 29 fathoms, and the least depth at low water is 14 fathoms southwest of Greorgia.rock which '^ buoyed with a gas buoy. The course from the south to the en- trance is from 20 to 25 fathoms. The northern entrance "is al)0iit 1^- miles wide between Lima point and the Kinnahan is- lands. The width between Digby island and Kaian island about the same distance when the entrance to the north narrows until it reaches Casey point on the west shore of Kaian island,| where the width is about nearly half a mile. At Parizeau point, on the same shore, the entrance widens to half a mile. At Pilslniry ]K>inl on the same side, llic ciitvaiice expands lo about a mile and 103 104 PORT DIRECTORY continues this width for some distance along the front of the town. The water north and east of the town is about 20 fathoms deep and opposite the town from 23 to lY fathoms in the channel and about 6 fathoms alongside the wharf. The wharf at Prince Rupert is about 1,500 feet along the water front, with two sheds on it. The anchorage in the har- bour is good for vessels of any size and draught. Range lights are placed on coast island in line with the course used by ves- sels from the north. These lights are in latitude 54° 12' 43", longitude 130° 19' 53", Acetylene buoys are located near Georgia rock. Spire ledge, Barrett rock, Holland island and Casey point. These buoys show flashing lights. A lighthouse tower is situated on the west side of the northernmost island of Lawyer islands in Malacca passage, latitude 54° 6' 58", longitude 130° 20' 4Y". Prince Rupert is the selected terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, now under construction, and the harbour is one of the finest on the Pacific coast, having great depth of water and the tide rises from 17 to 24 feet at alternate spring tides and 16 feet at neap tides. Quite a trade has already sprung up at this port and steamers run between ports to the south and north of Prince Rupert. ISTothing can be said of the port charges until a harbour master and port warden are appointed. Pilotage is under the control of the Vancouver Pilotage auth- ority and vessels going north can procure pilots at Vancouver or within the pilotage district. The total tonnage of vessels which entered during the fiscal year of 1908 w^as 388,110. See List of Lights and Marine Chart l^o. 301. Quebec Haebouk^ province of Quebec, is in latitude 46° 49' 'N., longitude Yl° 13' W., and is situated on the St. Lawrence river. It comprises the river and its navigable tributaries be- tween St. Patrick hole and Carouge point (Cape Rouge), at about eight miles above the city. The harbour affords excellent anchorage over its greater part, the water between the banks of each shore being deep ; anchorage is prohibited between lines drawn from the southeastern comer of Crawford's wharf to the southeastern corner of Barras wharf on the northeast and from the middle of Champlain market hall to the northwestern corner of Simpson's wharf on the southwest. This space is in- c 105 106 POET DIRECTOKY dicated iu day time, by sign boards and at night, by red lights on both sides of the river. The harbour affords wharfage accommodation for a large number of vessels. In the inner basin seven steamships can be berthed, and in the outer basin eight large steamers at one time. At Point a Carey wharf and the breakwater and the breakwater extension, four of the largest steamers can also be berthed at one time; in addition wharfage accommodation can be given to a large number of ordinary size and small vessels. Wet Dock. — The wet dock is an inclosed basin of 40 acres water surface. Entrance 66 feet wide, depth of water, 28 feet over sill at high tide, general depth 25 feet. Quay Frontage of tlie ^Yet Dock. Louise Embankment Quay wall Frontage, 2,085 lin. feet. Min. depth of water, 25 feet. Dominion Coal Co"s berth Frontage, 400 lin. feet. Min. depth of water, 25 feet. Cross wall north of entrance Frontage, 600 lin. feet. Min. depth of water, 25 feet. Cross wall south of entrance Frontage, 230 lin. feet. Min. depth of water, 18 feet. Tidal Harbour. The tidal harbour is a basin with a water surface of 20 acres ; general depth of water, 26 feet at low tide; the entrance to the basin is 200 feet. Quay Frontage of Tidal Harbour. Louise Embankment Quay wall (un- der construction) . . . . . . Frontage, 1,070 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, 28 feet. Cross wall, north of entrance Frontage, 600 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, 26 feet. Cross wall, south of entrance Frontage, 150 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, 24 feet. Point-a-Carcy Frontage, 600 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, 29 feet. Breakwater, Tidal harl)our face... .Frontage, 680 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, 24 feet. CANADIAN SEA TORTS 107 Surface of Quays about 50 acres. Point-a,-Carcy, Pond face Frontage, 280 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, over 40 ft. River face.. Frontage, 580 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, over 40 ft. Breakwater Frontage, 880 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, over 40 ft. Breakwater extension completed.. ..Frontage, 850 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, over 40 ft. Under construction Frontage, 610 lin. feet. Depth of water at low tide, over 40 ft. The cold store has a refrigerated space of 100,000 cubic feet, and in connection with the cokl store there is a general ware- house of four flats 130 x 35 feet. The cross wall divides the w'et dock from the tidal harbour, forms part of the quay frontage in both of the basins, and con- nects the Louise embankment with the city. Dry docks are located at Levis on the opposite side of the river. The Levis or dry dock owned by the Dominion govern- ment, sometimes called the Harbour Commissioners' dock, is 600 feet long on blocks, breadth of entrance 62 feet, and depth of water on the sill is 26^ feet and 23;^ on the blocks at high water, spri'ng tides. Geo. Davie & Sons own two floating docks also at Levis. ISTo. 1 is 230 feet long, width of entrance 41 feet, and will take a vessel drawing 13 feet of water. This dock is sometimes lengthened by a water tight compartment at the end. The lifting power at the dock is 2,175 tons. The length of J^o. 2 dock is 180 feet, breadth of entrance 39 feet; it will take a vessel drawing 13 feet, lifting power is 1,605 tons. Davie's patent slip close to the floating docks has a length of 150 feet and can take a vessel drawing 10 feet of water. Kussel's float- ing dock is also situated at Levis and is 225 feet long over all, 41^ feet broad at entrance, takes a vessel drawing 15^ feet of water and has a lifting power of 2,500 tons. Close to this dock is Eussel's gridiron 200 feet in length. There is a twenty-five ton crane and a nine ton steam ham- mer at Quebec. Steel castings of large size are made at Mon- treal and large forgings are made at l^ew Glasgow and for- warded to Quebec by rail. 108 5651—8 109 110 PORT DIKECTORY Repairs can be made to large steamers in Quebec, covering hull, machinery and boiler repairs. The tides rise 18 feet at springs and neaps 12^ feet, neaps ranging 10 feet. All kinds of supplies, stores and provisions can be procured at very reasonable rates. Ferry steamers cross between Quebec and Levis all the year round, the ferry steamers being specially equipped and strength- ened for ice in winter. Point a Carey wharf, Quebec, is the point from which the ice-breaking steamer Montcahn makes her trips and returns, when engaged during the winter in ice-break- ing above and below Quebec. The Montcalm was engaged in breaking the ice bridge or jam at Cap Rouge during the most of the wanter 1909, enabling the ice to move down the river grad- ually and thus opening navigation to Quebec at an early date. The harbour is under the control of Harbour Commissioners, *wdio conduct all arrangements for improving their own wharfs and docks on the Quebec side, and manage the affairs of the harbour. A nundxM- of private wharfs are owned as well in Quebec. The port charges are harbour master's dues, paid to the Har- bour Commissioners on vessels and cargo using their wharfs and docks. Moorage is also charged at Quebec on vessels and wharfage on cargo, a reduction being made in moorage if a full cargo is not shipped in the port. Sick mariners' dues are paid three times in the year when not paid elsewhere. Port warden's charges are made for surveys of cargo and vessels when re- quired. A salvage plant subsidized by the De})artment of Marine and Fisheries is maintained at Quebec. Pilotage is under the control of the ^[inister of Marine- and Fisheries, and the rates are : — Fi'Diu Father Point to harbour of Quebec per foot draught of water, from M.ay 1 to ]S"ovember 10, $3.87; from November 10 to 19, $4.95; from jS^ovember 19 to March 1, $6.02; from March 1 to May 1, $4.41. From Brandy Pots to Quebec, two-thirds of the amounts from Father Point. From St. Roch point to Quebec, one-third of the amounts from Fatlicr Puiiit. CA.XADIA.X SKA TORTS 111 From Pointe-anx-Pins or Crane island to Quebec, one-quarter tlie amount from Father Point. From Quebec to Father Point, from ]May 1 to jSTovember 10, $3.40 ; from Xovember 10 to 19, $4.46 ; from November 10 to March 1, $5.54; from March 1 to May 1, $3.93. From any phice in the harbour of Quebec, not being a wharf, to any other phice, not being a wharf, $5. From any wharf in the harbour between Point a Carey beh^w, and the west end of Alhin's wharf above, both inchisive, $2.50. Range lights are situated in Quebec harbour, one on X.E. corner of Princess Louise embankment in latitude 46° 49' 17", longitude Tl° 12' 15", and one on Cross wall, Louise l)asin, 1,690 feet W.S.W. in rear of front light. Other lights in the vicinity are the Upper Traverse, Lower Traverse, one on the extremity of the wdiarf. Island of Orleans, and one at St. Laurent, same island. The river is also well buoyed from Beau- jeu bank below Quebec to Platon above with gas buoys, thirty being now in position showing strong lights an08 63,194,297 An cxa Ml ilia lion of tlic list of vessels published by the Trade and Commerce Department and a list also puldished by the INLAND WATERS AND LAKE PORTS 151 Board of Trade of Fort William, shows that the foreign ves- sels were of much larger capacity, individually, than the Cana- dian vessels, but the latter made more frequent trips to the two ports. The average capacity of 77 Canadian vessels was 95,090 bushels and of foreign vessels 251,000 bushels; the largest Canadian vessel has a capacity of 300,000 bushels and the smallest 35,000, while the largest of the foreign vessels car- ries 380,000 and the smallest 75,000 bushels, but the propor- tion of larger vessels is much greater among foreign than Cana- dian vessels. In addition to grain carried by vessels, there was a consid- erable quantity, during the same year, conveyed by the all rail routes from the two ports. A statement published by the Trade and Commerce Department shows that the quantity carried by all rail route for the crop year of 1908, ending 31st August, was 14,364,177 bushels. It will be observed that the period is not the same as the season of navigation in which vessels were the conveyors, but the statement affords material for an approxi- mate idea of the total grain which passed through the elevators at Port Arthur and Fort William, within a year, for eastern markets and for export. Large shipments of flour, ground feed and food cereals from Keewatin, Kenora, on Lake of the Woods, or other western flour mills, find their way to Fort William and with the flour and feed milled at these two ports, swell the shipments via the Great Lakes waterway to Canadian ports. To this must be added the same kind of products manufactured at Port Huron and Georgian bay ports and which form part of the domestic, internal and foreign commerce of this great highway to the sea. 1^0 adequate conception of the trade from port to port on the Great Lakes arising from the flour milling industries, fruit growing, lumbering, carrying of mineral ores and manufac- tured articles, can be con\'eyed until statistics showing the domestic commerce are prepared as is done by ports on the fnited States side of the international line. The volume of domestic and foreign trade on the continuous waterways which extend from Thunder Bay to Montreal, and on the separate lakes and canals east and west includes shipments of merchan- dise, lumber, minerals, ore, coal, fish, agricultural and natural products, machinery, railroad iron and the passenger traffic. 152 PORT DIRECTORY The Marine and Fisheries Department is interested in the extent of the trade and commerec of the lakes and rivers which flow into them, as the necessity for aids to navigation is largely determined by the shipping, freight and passenger traffic from and to particular ports and points. The particulars herein contained, gathered from various sources, are not only interest- ing in themselves but have a bearing on the question of main- tenance and establishment of aids to navigation and improve- ments in the waterways. While unable from the lack of statis- tics, to present the total volume of trade, some conception of it may be formed by the details published by the Railways and Canals Department relating to the tonnage of freight conveyed through the canals. The total freight which passed through the St. Lawrence canals upwards and downwards, for the season of 1908, was 2,009,102 tons; the Welland canal, 1,703,453; the Murray canal, 25,901; the Trent Valley canal, 81,690; and the Sault Ste. Marie canal, 12,759,216; total, 16,579,362 tons; of this total 5,297,688 tons were agricultural products, the other freight being general merchandise, manufactures and wood pro- ducts. As nearly all the grain cargoes originated in Lake Superior ports and Georgian bay ports, conveyed there by rail, doubtless the grain tonnage is repeated in all the canals east of the Sault Ste. Marie canaL The freight classed as agricultural products which passed through the Sault Ste. Marie canal amounted to 2,419,146 tons, and the other freight to 10,340,070 tons, showing that most of the upw^ard freight carried through this canal originated at ports along the lakes. As already stated, it is impossible to give with any degree of accuracy the freight tonnage of the coasting trade, which is enormous on the Great Lakes, and the import and export trade to and from L'nited States ports. In the dcscri})tion of harbours which follows, information is furnished mariners, owners and shippers, relating to harbour accommodation, depth of water, lights, &c., and also the ton- nage of vessels which entered these ports and sub-ports during the fiscal year 1907-8, from which it will be seen that the means for carrying freight indicates that the tonnage of freight shipped and transhipped must be of great magnitude. INLAND WATERS AND LAKE PORTS 153 Tlie total tonnage of vessels which entered the Canadian ports on the Great Lakes including inland and coasting vessels that entered Montreal was 20,044,657 tons. The tonnage for de- partures is not here mentioned, but of course would equal the entries as thej were practically the same vessels, making the total shipping some 40,000,000 tons for arrivals and depar- tures. These figures do not include the entries nor departui'es from harbours where the tonnage has not reached 50,000 tons during the fiscal year, nor do they include ferry steamers, of which there is a large number along the water stretches between Montreal and Sault Ste. Marie. The traffic between Fort William, Port Arthur and Geor- gian bay ports has become of such great importance that ice- breaking tugs are employed by the department at the two first mentioned ports and at Midland, CoUingwood and Depot Har- bour, for the purpose of keeping open these harbours in the fall for vessels on the passage between the ports and to enable vessels to clear and enter early in the spring. The rapid ad- vance of the grain trade to Midland is notable. The receipt of grain at the elevators amounted in round numbers to 17,000,000 bushels, about 6,000,000 bushels arriving from Chicago and Duluth. The use of the water route permits the carriage of grain to the bay ports from Port Arthur and Fort William at a small rate compared with the rail haul. By water the rates for 1908 averaged 2^ cents per bushel and l\v rail 12 cents per bushel, but grain for export is carried from Georgian Bay ports to Montreal at 5 cents per bushel and at the same rate to St. John, ]Sr.B., by the railways. The average rate by w^ater to Montreal from Port Arthur and Fort William was 5§- cents per bushel for the season and from the bay ports somewhat less, and a little less than the all rail route to the same port. It is clearly manifest, therefore, that the route either from Lake Superior ports or Georgian Bay ports, is beyond question the most convenient and cheapest route by W'hich agricultural products can be carried to the sea. The most important channels drawn into a narrow compass are the Detroit river and Satilt Ste. Marie canal. The tonnage which passes the length of the Detroit river during the season of navigation is greater than that in any similar waterway in the world, both in point of nmnbers of vessels and size. The 154 PORT DIRECTORY constant stream of vessels requires the utmost vigilance bj the Canadian and United States authorities in order to prevent accidents. The aids to navigation are numerous and require constant attendance, owing to the necessity for keeping large vessels within the confines of the dredged channel. This chan- nel is on the Canadian side of the river, from Limekiln crossing to the mouth of the river, and is 600 feet wide. It has been deemed prudent by the department, to station a patrol -boat on this river, and rules and regulations approved by the Dominion and the United States governments and the Marine Lake Asso- ciations are being enforced. Infractions by Canadian vessels are dealt with by the Dominion authorities and by the United States authorities in the case of American vessels. HARBOURS ON THE UPPER ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, GREAT LAKES AND GEORGIAN BAY. THE PORT CHARGES ARE HARBOUR MASTER^S DUES WHERE HARBOUR MASTERS ARE APPOINTED AND WHARFAGE ; PILOT- ING IS DONE BY OFFICERS ON BOARD VESSELS. Algoma Mills, Ontario, is in the north channel of Lake Huron. The town is situated on the shore of a bay and the depth of water between Sandford island and the bay is from 3 to 3f fathoms. In the bay vessels can anchor in 15 feet of water, but at the wharf and channel leading to it the depth is 14^ feet. It is principally a coaling station for the Canadian Pacific Railway and a harbour from which lumber is shipped. There is one wharf only and on it is a shed 30 by 40 feet for general freight. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has two derricks which have a capacity for unloading 600 tons of coal in ten hours. The Northern Transportation Company's steamers call at this port, and there is communication daily by water with Collingwood and Owen Sound, in Georgian Bay, and Sault Ste. Marie, at the head of St. Mary's river or foot of Lake Superior. The place is an important Canadian Pacific Railway station and has communication by this railroad and by telegraph east and west. Supplies to a limited extent may be procured, but there are very few facilities for repairing vessels of any considerable size. There are no port charges and vessels are piloted by their own ofiicers. The total tonnage which entered this port during the fiscal year of 1908 was 100,220 tons; this does not include vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart 'So. 908. Amherstburg Harbour^ Ontario, is near the mouth of the Detroit river. An island named Bois Blanc runs parallel to the main shore and the channel between has been dredged to give 21 feet of water. There is anchorage opposite the south- eastern end of Bois Blanc island on the Amherstburg side ; depth of water about 10^ feet, well sheltered. The port is prin- 155 156 POET DIKECTOKY cipally a coaling station and cargoes are bandied by steam der- ricks and clams. Tbe docks are almost continnons for 1,500 feet, witb coal sbeds and otber small sbeds. Dredges and drills used in tbe work of deepening tbe Detroit river are repaired wbile laying at tbe docks. On tbe west side of Bois Blanc island is tbe American cbannel, but being crooked it is not mncb used by vessels of any size. Tbe ligbts are: front and back range ligbts at Amberstburg in latitude 42° 5' 40", longitude 83° 6' 10" ; also range ligbts at Limekiln crossing on tbe Detroit river ; one stone tower on Bois Blanc island opposite Amberstburg, ligbt seen 14 miles in clear weatber on Lake Erie; two range ligbts on Elliot point mf.intained by tbe Lake Carriers' Association; two ligbt ves- sels at Limekiln crossing maintained by tbe United States government, and a ligbtsbip on Bar point, also maintained by tbe Ignited States government. Amberstburg bas communication by water witb all ports on tbe lakes and by rail witb tbe main lines in Canada and tbe United States. Tbe port charges are barbour master's dues cbarged twice in one year if not paid elsewbere. Tbe total tonnage wbicb en- tered Amberstburg during tbe fiscal year was 268,558 tons; tbis does not include vessels wbicb cleared. See List of Ligbts and Admiralty Cbart ^^o. 330. Bath Harbour^ Ontario, is in tbe nortb cbannel of Bay of Quinte, opposite Amberst island, wbicb is in tbe eastern end of Lake Ontario. Tbe deptb of water in tbe barbour is from 15 feet alongside tbe wbarfs to 40 feet off tbe town, wbere tbere is good ancborage. Tbe wbarfs are : one 140 feet front and 140 feet long witb 17 feet of water, witb coal sbed, grain ware- bouse, ice-house and general freigbt sbed ; one 140. feet long and 85 feet front witb 12 feet of water, witb a flour mill upon it, coal sbed and grain warehouse and wharf witb similar buildings. Lights are maintained on these wharfs by the own- ers of steamboat companies. Tbe total tonnage of vessels wbicb entered Bath during tbe fiscal year of 1908 was 114,716; this does not include tbe tonnage of vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Admiraltv Chart iN'o. 2,961. i:!^LAIs'D WATERS AND LAKE POETS 157 Bbockvilee IIaebouk, Ontario, is on the St. Lawrence river. The depth of water for anchorage is from 16 to 40 feet. The wharfs belong to companies and private individuals. All the wharfs are continuous along the water front and are about 15 feet wide with warehouses and sheds. The frontage of the water works wharf is 240 feet; of Jas. Bresnan's wharf, 70 feet; other Avharfs belong to R. Bowie & Co., 160 feet ; Ault & Reynolds, 218 feet; Canadian Pacific Railway Co., 650 feet; I. Smart Mfg. Co., 400 feet; C. C. Coal Co., 100 feet; and electric light works, 110 feet. The depth of water alongside these wharfs ranges from 12 to 16 feet. There is a railway siding on the Canadian Pacific Railway wharf and one on the wharf of the Jas. Smart Mfg. Co. The extent of the harbour used by vessels is along the river front inside the main channel. The lights are Cole shoal light about five miles west of Brockville, a gas buoy off eastern end of Brockville narrows, another in 18 feet of water, 250 feet from north shore in nar- rows west of Brockville group. The total tonnage entered at Brockville during the fiscal year of 1908 was 702,163, not in- cluding vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Admir- alty Chart 'No. 2,789 G. Belleville Haebouk, Ontario, is on the north shore of Bay of Quinte and at the mouth of the Moira river. The water is very shallow opposite the town, but east of it there is a depth of 15 feet. A channel has been dredged in the mouth of the river about 1,000 feet, with a width of 450 feet at its outer end and 200 feet at the shore end. At the pier along the channel, the depth of water is 14 feet. On the pier are warehouses for gen- eral merchandise and fruit storage. The lights are one on a crib southeast edge of shoal at entrance of harbour in latitude 44° 9' 9", longitude 77° 22' 43", another on Bay of Quinte bridge immediately west of Belleville. The harbour is under the control of Harbour Commissioners, and the port charge is wharfage on goods landed and shipped. The total tonnage of vessels which entered Belleville during the fiscal year was 182,253 ; this does not include vessels that cleared. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart Xo. 3117. 5651—11 158 PORT DIRECTORY Chatham Harbour, Ontario, is on the Thames river which empties into Lake St. Clair. The river has been dredged along the wharfs to a depth of 10 feet. There are ten wharfs in all and a shed adjoining the city wharf available for freight. One wharf has a railway siding upon it. The nearest lighthouse is at the mouth of the river, where two range lights are located in latitude 42° 19' longitude §2° 26' 50". A gas buoy is moored in 14 feet of water in Lake St. Clair, 1^ miles from Thames river light. The total tonnage which entered Chatham during the fiscal year of 1908 was 51,12G, which does not include ves- sels which cleared. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart ^^o. 3,117. CoLLiNGWOOD Harbour, Ontario, is on the south side of Georgian bay and is a capacious harl)Our for lake vessels, hav- ing good wharf accommodation of about 7,000 lineal feet and 22 feet of water in the ship channel at the approach to the har- bour and inside the harbour. There are seven wharfs for load- ing and discharging cargo, grain, coal and lumber. No. 1 wharf is the Glrand Trunk Railway Company's lumber wharf, 500 feet long and 80 feet wide with railway siding and switches, depth of water IG feet alongside wharf; Xo. 2, Grand Trunk Railway elevator wharf, 1,100 feet long with elevator, railway siding and switches; Xo. 3, Grand Trunk Railway freight wharf, 1,200 feet long with freight shed 200 by 80 feet and railway track running through the centre of the shed ; Xo. 4, Collingwood Shipbuilding Co.'s wharf, 400 feet long; Xo. 5, government wharf, G50 feet long with freight shed 100 l)y 50 feet ; Xo. G, Collingwood Meat Company's wharf, 800 feet long; and Xo. 7, Charlton Sawmill Company's lumber wharf, 2,500 feet long. The water at Xos. 6 and 7 is only IG feet deo]). The capacity of the grain elevator 1G5,000 bushels. Grain ran be unloaded from vessels at the rate of 4,250 bushels per hour, cars can be loaded at the rate of 5,000 bnshels per hour and the largest sized vessels can be unloaded by loading grain directly into cars. 4,250,000 bushels of grain have been handled in one season. The accommodation for docking vessels is superior to any port on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes and the port has 5651— lU COLLINGWOOD, HaRBOUK, DrY DoCK AND SHIPYARD. 159 160 POET DIEECTOEY one of the most complete shipbuilding plants anywhere on the Great Lakes for construction and repairs. Heavy castings and forgings are made and heavy boiler plate turned for boiler con- struction. Marine engines are constructed and steel, composite and wooden hulls of large sized vessels built. Steel grain barges of 400 feet and longer can be built and equipped with engines and boilers, and some of the best passenger and freight steam- ers on the upper lakes have been built and equipped at this port. One dry dock in active service is 545 feet long and 75 feet wide, w^hich will accommodate the largest vessels on the Canadian register on the lakes ; a second dock under construc- tion is 400 feet long and 100 feet wide ; a third dry dock is contemplated and a landing slip 1,000 feet long for further mooring accommodation of vessels while undergoing repairs. The harbour has been made by the construction of crib breakwaters and the ship channel has been dredged 200 feet wide, having 22 feet of water, in hard pan and rock. This channel is well buoyed to mark its width. The lights are : Col- Imgwood breakwater light, outer end of west breakwater in latitude 44° 31', longitude 80° 13' 50"; one on cribwork pier at the turn of the dredged channel, which is a front light to the shore range on the mainland 2,644 feet south; one back light on a cribwork pier, which is a range to the W'harf from the light on the turn ; one light on K^ottawasaga island, two miles north- west of Collingwood harbour. There is a gas buoy moored in 5 fathoms of water 400 feet west of Lockerbie rock. The 'port charges are harbour master's dues collected twice a year if not paid elsewhere and wharfage on cargo. At the government wharf moorage is charged according to registered tonnage. See List of Lights, Chart ISTo. 327, and the Georgian Bay Pilot for sailing directions. The total tonnage which en- tered the port in the fiscal year 1908 was 187,331, which does not include the tonnage which cleared. Cornwall is at the eastern end of Cornwall canal on the St. Lawrence river. The wharf at the foot of the canal is con- crete and has a depth of water of from 9 to 12 feet, according to the stage of the river. The storehouses are removed at the end of the season of navigation, owing to the rise of the water in the river in the spring. The wharf on the north side of the INLAND WATERS AND LAKE PORTS 161 canal is 800 feet long and has a depth of water of 14 feet. There is also a government wharf and a dry dock which will take in vessels drawing 12 feet and not more than 200 feet long by 50 feet beam. About six vessels of this size can be accom- modated at one time. The channels are good and clearly dis- tinguishable. The nearest lights are canal lights and an acety- lene light on St. Regis dyke which leads up the river to turn at Cornwall island, and also a gas buoy opposite east end of Corn- wall island, latitude 45° 18', longitude 74° 39' 50". The total tonnage of vessels which entered at Cornwall during the fiscal year of 1908 was 163,754, which does not include vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Chart Xo. 2,789 D. Deseronto Harbour, Ontario, on the north shore of Bay of Quinte is a commodious harbour for lake vessels. Good water is found up to the wharfs for an extent of one mile east and west, and the harbour extends north and south about two miles. The depth of water at the eastern end is about 13 feet at low water, in the bay and about 11 feet at the western end. There are four wharfs at which vessels drawing 14 feet can tie up at the highest stage of the water. The water in the channel from Deseronto to Lake Ontario going east, is from 30 to 100 feet and safe for navigation, but vessels passing up to Murray canal draw less than 14 feet ; the bay affords excellent shelter in storms, the bottom being of clay and mud and good holding ground. The port has about a dozen wharfs nearly all connected Ijy sidings with the railway track which runs along the shore end of the wharfs, and loading with lumber is easily and quickly effected. There is a large cold storage building on the railway wharf with separate compartments for storing cheese, butter, meat, fruit, &c. The wharf has also a large shed where cheese and fruit are loaded directly into refrigerator cars, and articles can be taken from the cold store and also placed in refrigerator cars. Extensive repairs to wooden steamers and sailing vessels can be made at Deseronto, in a well situated shipyard with a com- plete equipment for hauling out and repairing. Several large steamers have been built at this port. It has convenient water 162 POET DIKECTOEY communication Avith all lake ports and railway and telegraph commnnicaticn with all points. The port charges are harbour master's dues paid twice a year if not paid elsewhere and wharfage. The lights are one on the railway wharf in latitude 44° 11' 27", longitude 77° 2' 55", and one on Telegraph island, about four miles westward. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart ISTo. 2,961. The total tonnage which entered Deseronto during the fiscal year was 213,769. Depot Haebouk is situated on the north shore of Parry island, Georgian Bay, 5^ or 6 miles distant from Parry Sound harbour. The approximate extent of the harbour used by vessels is one and a half miles by one-quarter mile, and the depth of water for anchorage is 5 fathoms with good holding clay bottom. The harbour is well sheltered from heavy seas and its approach well marked by acetylene buoys, port and starboard spar buoys and compression gas light houses and bea- cons for a distance of twenty miles out into the open Georgian bay. The elevator and coal wharf, is 1,200 feet long by 81 wide, situated on the north side of the harbour, and owing to it's length forms a breakwater against heavy seas from the north. The elevator which stands on the wharf has a capacity of two million bushels and has one marine leg. The amount of grain handled in the harbour averages 15,000,000 bushels, received principally from Fort William and Chicago during the season of navigation up to November 1, and then is transhipped in cars to Montreal, St. John, I^.B., and Portland, Me. The wharf is also fitted with coal bins where from 80,000 to 85,000 tons of coal are handled in one season. For loading and un- loading coal a steam derrick with buckels ia used, principallv by the Grand TiMink Kailway vessels. Six railway sidings have been placed on this wharf, two of which run into the elevator, two along the north side and two run to the coal bin and end of breakwater on tlio south side. The de]ith of water alongside this wharf is from 18 to 30 feet. The cement flock is situated in the centre of tlie harliour and consists of erilvwork witli concrete to]); it is 800 feet long by 150 feet wide. Two railway sidings run upon tin's wharf and TTj . ,i ''■vi'ifei^ 163 164 POET DIEECTORY the depth of water on both sides and across the face is from 18 to 20 feet. Tlie wharf is nsed for handling mostly, lumber and steel rails. The package freight wharf is situated on the south side of the harbour and is 1,200 feet in length by 100 feet in width, with depth of w^ater alongside from 21 to 35 feet. There are two extensive freight sheds, Xo. 1 being 600 feet by 80 and Ko. 2 is 650 feet by 80. Two raihvay sidings run alongside the sheds and the ships' side with facilities for unloading freight by steam conveyors. The immediate lights are Depot island light on the beach at extremity of the island in latitude 45° 20' 1", longitude 80^ 7' 25", and Kilbear point. The tonnage included in the port of Parry Sound, being an outport, was 218,585, which does not include vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart 1,731. See plan of Fort William herein. FoKT William HAEBOUit, Ontario, is on the west side of Thunder bay, north shore of Lake Superior. The bay is a fine sheet of water, having a depth of 3-| fathoms at the mouth of Kaministiquia river, where the harbour is situated, to 40 fathoms out in the bay. The Kaministiquia river has three channels emptying into the bay at three distinct points, viz. : the Fort William channel, McKeller's channel and Mission chan- nel. The river has been made navigable for five miles up and coal is conveyed to the unloading plant of the Canadian North- ern Railway. Basins have been dredged for the accommoda- tion of the large steamers which carry freight of all kinds and coal to this port and return with grain. The port has a large transportation trade of merchandise, machinery and articles shipped from the east by water and loaded on cars for the Xorthwest and British Columbia. It has advantages over almost any port on the lakes owing to the fact that vessels carry- ing cargo to Fort William are alw^ays sure of a cargo of grain on the return trip. The wharfs run along the bank of the Fort William channel of the Kaministiquia river. At the point w^here the river flows into the bay and on the north side of the river the first wharf is met running out into the bay at wdiich the Empire grain elevator is situated, with a capacity of 1,500,000 l)ushels, and proceeding up the river is the Imperial INLAND WATKKS AND LAKE PORTS 105 Oil Company's shed, and next the Canadian Pacific Railway coal shed, package, freight and flour shed and the company's grain elevator, with a capacity of 1,250,000 bushels, B with a capacity of 500,000 bushels, C with a capacity of 1,500,000 bushels, and E with a capacity of 2,500,000 bushels; and next in order are freight sheds of this company and wharf, and then Ogilvie's grain elevator and flour mills. Murphy's coal dock and elevator D belonging to the Canadian Pacific Railway, w^ith a capacity of 3,000,000 bushels, and the Consolidated elevator, capacity, 1,000,000. The Grand Trunk Pacific wharfs, eleva- tors and sheds are on Mission channel of the harbour, and when the grain elevator is completed will have a capacity of seven million bushels, the largest of its kind in the world. The grain storage capacity of Fort William and the twin city of Port Arthur is now, in round numbers, 28,500,000 bushels, placing them fourth on the list among grain ports of the Great Lakes for elevator capacity. The shipping entering and clearing from Fort William con- sists of regular lines, passengers and package freight carriers, grain carriers, iron ore and steel rails and heavy freight car- riers. The lights are : one on Thunder cape, entrance to Thunder bay ; one on the northeast extremity of Welcome islands ; one at the mouth of the Kaministiquia, on the Empire elevator wharf, in latitude 48° 23' 41", longitude 89° 12' 48". There are also two gas buoys on the edges of the dredged channel in the mouth of the Kaministiquia river. The port charges are harbour master's dues paid twice a year if not paid elsewhere and wharfage. Vessels are piloted by their own ofiicers. A strong tug is employed by the govern- ment in the spring to break the ice in the harbour and in the fall, to keep open the harbour until all vessels depart. The total tonnage which entered the port in the fiscal year of 1908 was 1,447,443. See List of Lights and Marine and Fisheries Chart Xo. 101. Gananoque Harbour, Ontario, is on the St. Lawrence river at the mouth of the Gananoque river. It has five wharfs, one wooden wharf 374 feet long by 27 feet wide and a freight shed 24 feet by 30 feet, Avith 12 feet depth of water; one a cement 166 IXT.AXI) WATERS AXD LAKE POETS 167 wharf 2-il feet long by 54 feet wide, warehouse 85 feet by 30 feet with canopy exterior shelter for freight and passengers; this wharf and warehouse are lighted by electricity. A rail- way siding runs in the rear of warehouse, water 14 feet in depth ; another dock 129 feet long by 17 feet wide, with a rail- way siding and a wharf 63 feet long by 30 feet wide. Lights, the Gananoque l^arrow's light and a gas buoy oppo- site the lighthouse and Jackstraw lighthouse, two miles from Gananoque, in latitude 44° 19' 28", longitude 76° 7' 15". The total number of vessels which entered Gananoque during the year of 1908 was 71,167, which does not include vessels which cleared. GoDEKicii IIaebouk, Ontario, is on the southeastern part of Lake Huron. The harbour has been formed by the construc- tion of two long piers, one called the north pier and the other the south pier, running out into the lake, at the mouth of the Maitland river. The harbour inside the piers is a basin en- tirely surrounded by crib-work, faced with timber and decked with plank with mooring hooks and posts. The landing or dock on the south side is 1,400 feet long, on the east side 650 feet long and on the northwest side 800 feet long ; this side is pro- tected on the north by a breakwater along the river. The land on the west side of the harbour between the harbour and lake shore has been formed by accretion from the bed of the lake, and has an area of seven or eight acres. This land is leased by the government to the Goderich and Guelpli E ail way Company and the Ontario and West Shore Railway Company and is reached by passing over the northwestern dock. There are two railway sidings along the entire length of the south side dock, where merchandise and freight of all kinds are handled, and two grain elevators with a capacity of 500,000 and 200,000 respectively. The dock on the northwestern side has also a railway track running along the centre for handling lumber, which is piled on the wharf. The dock at the east end of the harbour is used principally for lumber purposes, and the water in the harbour at the south side is 19 feet 6 inches in depth and at the northwest side, 16 feet ; the east side has a depth varying from 9 feet to 19 feet 6 inches. The water is no deeper in the centre of the harbour than at the wharfs or 1G8 169 170 PORT DIRECTORY docks. Opposite the ends of the entrance piers is a break- water for the pnrpose of breaking the sea and permitting ves- sels to enter between the north and sonth pier, in comparatively smooth water. The entrance is narrow ; at the inner end of the piers is a check water to protect vessels lying at the south side dock from the sea, which sometimes rushco in be- tween the piers. The lights are: the main light on a high bank at the south side of the entrance to the harbour in latitude 43° 44' 33" 'N., longitude 81° 43' 34" W. ; the front range light is near the end of the north pier at the entrance, and back light on the edge of the western side of the harbour basin. An acetylene light has been placed on the western end of the new breakwater built out in the lake about one thousand feet from the outer end of the north pier. The fog alarm is on the town waterworks building. At the inner end of the south pier is a life-boat station. The port cJiarges are harbour master's dues collected twice a year if not paid elsewhere. The total tonnage which entered the harbour during the fiscal year of 1908 was 93,675. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart Xo. 1,152. Hamiltox Harbour^ Ontario, is practically the whole of Burlington bay in the extreme Avest end of Lake Ontario. The harbour is approximately six miles long by one mile wide. The harbour is land-locked and anchorage is good in 50 feet of water with mud bottom. Burlington beach, a narrow neck of sand varying in width from 250 to 1,000 feet, separates the bay from the lake, through which the entrance from the lake to the harbour has been cut and piers built on each side; the north pier being about 2,305 feet and the south pier 2,721 feet long, the width between, varying from 174 feet at the outer to 103 feet at the inner end. There is a shoal in the harbour off the wharfs, but it is marked by buoys. The wharfs beginning on the western side are some unused wharfs, then Brown's wharf, 173 feet long on the west side, ]73 feet frontage and 205 feet on the east side, with one shed 160 feet by 40, and another 160 feet by 53, the depth of water at this wliiirf is fi-om 16 to 18 feet; Mclllwraith's whiirf with ^ovoi'iil sidos mikI jiiiales, nt the shore end 132 feet IXLAXD WATEKS AND LAKE POETS 171 long, one side 80 feet at right angles, another side 135 feet, one 116 feet and the front face 234 feet, and the eastern side 187 feet in length; two sheds are upon this wharf, one 87 by 40 and one 100 by 30 feet; the depth of water is 1-4 feet. ]\IcKay's wharf, 294 feet on the west side, 148 feet frontage; the east side adjoining a slip, G3 feet wide, with 14 feet depth of water in it. There is a large warehouse upon McKay's wharf covering nearly the whole area, the depth of water is 14 feet. Adjoining the slip is the Hamilton Steamboat Com- pany's wharf, length 110 feet at the head; a passenger shed and a freight shed are upon this wharf, 147 feet by 40. The Turbine Steamship Company's wharf adjoins the city ware- house property. East of the revetment wall the Intercolonial Harvester Company of Canada has a dock 600 feet long by 75 feet, with two sheds measuring 300 feet by 150, and two rail- way sidings ; the depth of water is 12 feet at this dock. The Hamilton Steel and Iron Company's dock is 200 feet long by 60 feet wide, with one railway siding; depth of water, 16 feet. The lights are the main light near middle of southern pier in Burlington channel, latitude 43° 18' 20", longitude 79° 48' 25" ; front range light on outer end of pier temporarily and back range, 750 feet S. 64° west from front range and one on inner end of south pier. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart Xo. 1,152, Burlington Bay. The total tonnage entered at Hamilton during fiscal year of 1908 was 330,380, which does not include the tonnage which cleared. Kingston Harbour, Ontario, is situated on the St. Law- rence river, at the northeastern extremity of Lake Ontario. The Cataraqui river empties into the St. Lawrenec river at Kingston, and the mouth of it forms part of the harbour al)ove the bridge. The extent of the harbour, from Portsmouth on the west to Bell island on the eastern side is about 3f miles, and the depth of water varies from about 12 to 20 feet at the outer ends of the wharfs to 40 feet in places opposite the city in the St. Lawrence river. The wharfs from the west to the east are Portsmouth pier, about 610 feet long by 20 feet wide; depth of water from 4 to 17 feet. Penitentiary wharf, frontage 1,040 feet, with an 172 PORT DIEECTOKY angle fiom the west side 230 by 30 feet. Clark's malt Louse wharf, 180 feet on the west side by 35 feet, the front side of the angle is 140 feet ; depth of water, 21 to 22 feet along the front side. Rathbiin's wharf, length along the front, 275 feet by 30 feet in width with sheds; water from 11 to 17 feet. Maitland street wharf, 120 feet long by 20 wide; water, 17 feet. Waterworks w^harf, front side of angle, 155 feet long by 20 feet wide; depth of water from 14 to 18 feet; another waterworks wharf, 220 feet from shore to outer end by 25 feet wide ; water, 27 to 29 feet at outer end. Moder's elevator wharf, with 20 feet of water at the outer end. Kingston Locomotive Works wharf, 410 feet long by 265 wide on the front; water along the front side, 18 feet. Craig's w'harf, frontage, 145 feet; depth of water, 10 to 11 feet. Grand Trunk freight shed, 272 frontage, with from 12 to 14 feet of water alongside. Swift's w^harf, west side, 400 feet long by 82 feet wide, with freight sheds; depth of water along the front, 12 feet. Ferry dock, 214 feet long by 36 feet wide; depth of water, 9 feet at outer end. Richardson's elevator wharf, 394 feet long by 65 feet wnde; water at outer end, 10 feet 6 inches. Mrs. Harty's wharf, 200 feet long by 104 wide ; depth of water at outer end, 8 feet. Crawford's wharf, 196 feet long by 64 feet wide ; depth of water, 8 feet at the head of the wharf. Montreal Transportation Company's wharf, 810 feet long, width varying from 66 feet to 20 feet, with two projections on the east side 80 feet long each ; water alongside projection, 17 feet ; at the outer end, 13 feet 6 inches. Montreal Transporta- tion Company's elevator wharf, 645 feet long by 92 feet wide; depth of water along the west side, 10 feet; at the outer end, 16 feet. Above the bridge over the Cataraqui river is the coal wharf of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company, 400 feet long, and another wharf of the same company 925 feet long by 66 feet, and one 760 feet long by 68 feet wide, upon which are railway tracks on all of the three wharfs. There are two dry docks for repairing vessels, one belong- ing to the government, 305 feet long by 70 feet wide at coping level, 47 feet at floor level, with 13 feet 7 inches over the sill; the other, Davis' dock, for light draft vessels and is situated MIDLAND HARBOUR IXLA>,1) WAl'KKS AND LAKE POKTS 1 i '., ;il)Ove the bridge; it is 175 feet long by 32 feet at the entrance, and depth of water 4 feet G inches over the sill. Kingston has four grain elevators with a capacity of 1,546,- 000 bushels, and considerable quantities of wheat are tran- shipped to ocean ports from the port. Extensive repairs are sometimes made to vessels, and material can easily be procured. Kingston has water communication east and west and railroad communication with all parts of Canada and with the United States. The harbour is under the control of thy city corpora- tion. The lights are, one on the City Hall in latitude 44° 13' 50" 1ST., longitude 76° 28' 53" W. ; one on Snake island five miles west of Kingston, and gas buoys are in position from Kingston to Montreal and above Kingston on the St. Lawrence river and Bay of Quinte. The total tonnage which entered the port during the fiscal year of 1908 was 2,225,038, not in- cluding vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Ad- miralty Chart 1^0. 1,152. Little Current Haebouk, Ontario, is on the north shore of Manitoulin island and in the narrow channel between the island and Goat island. A channel 100 feet wide carrying 22 feet of water at low water has been cut through the rock bar between Spider island and Goat island, north of the town of Little Current. The place is a lumber shipping port and a series of boom piers have been built to facilitate the towing of logs. The liarbour is well sheltered and has wharfs with ample water alongside of them. The place has communication by water with all Georgian Bay ports and with Sault Ste. Marie, and at a short distance by steamer with the Canadian Pacific I^ailroad east and west. The lights are a front light near the shore in the village, latitude 45° 58' 52", longitude 81° 51' 25", and back light on high ground south of the front light. The total tonnage of vessels which entered Little Current in the year 1908 was 204,801, which does not include vessels which cleared. Midland Harbour, Ontario, is in Midland bay, on the southeast side of Georgian bay. The entrance is between Midland point and Elimere point, a distance of 2-| to 3 miles. 5G51— 12 174 POET DIRECTOEY Midland bay runs a distance of four miles from tlie turning point at which vessels come in line with the electric range lights, situated on a hill in the southwest part of the town. The harbour is spacious, with a depth of 25 to 100 feet of water for anchorage of large vessels, with the exception of Middle shoal, which has a depth of 12 feet only. This shoal is in the track of vessels from Midland point to the wharfs situated on the southeast side of the harbour, but there is ample depth of water on each side of the shoal. The east side of the shoal in the harl)our has a depth of from 50 to 100 feet with ample room, the west side of the shoal has a channel 2-1 feet deep, narrow but without obstructions. Vessels are well sheltered at the wharfs, no storm interferes with loading or discharging and many large steamers are put in winter quarters in this harbour. The government has for several years employed, by contract, tugs of the Midland Towing and Wrecking Company to keep open navigation late in the fall by making tracks in the newly formed ice. Grand Trunk Pacific Terminal Elevator. — This elevator has a full capacity of about two million bushels and facilities to unload vessels at the rate of about twenty-five thousand bushels per hour. There are two sidings running into it, on which cars can be loaded nearly as fast as can be elevated from vessels. This is a very fine iron and cement structure, with all the most modern appliances for work; water, 25 feet. Aherdeen Elevator. — This elevator has a capacity of about one million bushels, with facilities to unload vessels at about the rate of ten thousand bushels per hour. It is an iron struc- ture and has one siding on which cars can be loaded ; water, 25 feet. The Midland Elevator Go. — This elevator has a capacity of about one million bushels and facilities to unload vessels at the rate of about ten thousand bushels per hour. It is a wooden structure, iron sheeted, with a railway siding into it on which cars can be loaded; water, 22 feet. MaAily Gheiv's Mill. — This mill has a capacity of aliout eighteen to twenty million feet of lumber per season, with large dock frontage to load vessels from ; water from 15 to 20 feet. Aberdeen Elevator, Midland, Ont., Capacity, 1,000,000 bushels The Bradley m .t n 5651— 12i 175 176 IM.AXD WATERS AXD LAKE TORTS 177 Georgian Bay Shook Mills Co. — This factory is large and manufactures boxes, doors, sash and all kinds of mouldings and house-building material. Its facilities for work are of the most modern and up-to-date description. About seven million feet of lumber required for each year's output; water front from 16 to 18 feet in depth. N. L. Playfalr Mill. — A most modern mill with a capacity of about twenty million feet of lumber per season. A fine dock front at which vessels can be loaded ; water from 12 to 16 feet. Jos. Playfair & Coy's Mill. — This mill's capacity is about eighteen to twenty million feet of lumber per season; with large dock frontage at which vessels can be loaded; water from 12 to 22 feet. Two railway sidings lead to the dock. Midland Towing and Wrecking Coy's Dock. — The water at this dock is about 22 feet. Wrecking sheds are located here, and appliances used at wreckages, stored. Midland Coal Dock Coy's Dock. — This dock handles yearly about 75,000 tons of coal, and has a storage capacity of 25,000 tons, and facilities to unload boats at the rate of 1,800 tons every twenty-four hours. Railway siding leading to this dock. The largest size lake vessels can coal here. The water is from 22 to 24 feet. Government Dock. — This dock has a good frontage, and water 14 to 22 feet in depth. Shipway and Shipbuilding Yard. — Vessels 100 tons capa- city can be hauled out here, and vessels of 150 tons can be built in the yard. A large business is done. Government Dock at end of Grand Trunk Baihvay Dock. — This dock has a good frontage, and water from 10 to 22 feet. Railway siding on side of it. Grand Trunk Railyyiy Dock. — This dock has two railway sidings leading over it, and has a large shed 36 by 150 feet; water, 10 to 22 feet. Cheiv Bros. Mill. — This mill lia> a capacity of eighteen to twentv million feet of lumlier per season ; with large dock frontage; water, 22 feet. ITS PORT DIEECTOBY Steel ^Yor'ks and Canada Iron Furnace Co. — These works are of a very substantial character, the furnace turning out about one hundred and twentv-five tons of pig iron per day, and the steel works doing a large business. Long dock, most solidly built, with water from 14 to 22 feet. Railway siding leading along the dock front. Provisions and other ships' stores can be procured at Mid- land at reasonable prices, and coal can be easily obtained for bunkers. The port has communication with all Georgian Bay and lake ports, including Fort AYilliam and Port Arthur. From the latter ports large quantities of grain are received; over 10,200,000 bushels were received from them in 1908, and about 6,700,000 bushels from Chicago and Duluth. The port has also railway communication with all parts of Ontario and with the United States. The lights are Midland range lights on rising ground at the southwest part of the town of Midland in latitude 44° 44' 58", longitude T9° 53' 56", and Midland point range lights on the shore of Georgian Bay east of Sucker creek point. There is a shoal in the harbour marked by a buoy. See List of Lights, Georgian Bay Coast Pilot and Admiralty Chart j^o. 2,102. Port charges are harbour master's dues paid twice a year if not collected in other ports and wharfage. The total tonnage entered at Midland for the fiscal year of 1908 was 191,738 tons, not including vessels which cleared as they were practically the same vessels. ]^iagaea-on-the-Lake Hakbour, Ontario, is at the mouth of the l^iagara river, Lake Ontario. The harbour is not much used for anchorage. There are two wharfs, the main one is 600 feet long by 45 feet wide, and depth of water 15 feet. Adjoin- ing this wharf are railway tracks, station and freight shed. Another Avharf in the port is 100 feet long by 35 feet wide, upon which stands a small freight shed. Between the two wharfs is a slip where small vessels may be repaired. Though the liarbour is not much used for ancliorage, there is room with good shelter for a large number of vessels. The lights arc a range light ; the front tower is on the south- east corner of the jSTiagara ISTavigation Company's wharf, lati- tude 43° 15' 22", longitude 79° 3' 54", and the back light on — J^wHEl • 179 180 PORT DIRECTORY shore 690 feet south 21^° east from the front light. A bell buoy is anchored oif one side of the mouth of the Xiagara river in 20 feet of water. See List of Lights and Chart jSTo. 336. The total tonnage which entered ISTiagara-on-the-Lake during the fiscal year of 1908 was 1,282,846 tons, not including ves- sels which cleared. Kiagara has daily communication with Toronto. Ottawa is situated on the southeast side of the Ottawa river in latitude 45° 25' N., longitude 75° 45' W. The shipping trade is done by small river steamers and barges which also ply on the Rideau canal, having the termini at Ottawa and at Kings- ton at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Passenger and freight steamers ply between Ottawa and wharfs along the Ottawa river, some of them communicating daily with Montreal. The canal basin is situated a short distance above the locks by which steamers and barges ascend from the Ottawa river. The basin has a wharf frontage where a number of freight steamers load and unload, and passengers are taken aboard on their way up the canal. The depth of water in the basin is about 6 feet. At Chaudiere docks, Ottawa river, lumber is loaded in large quantities on both sides of the river for shipment via the Jlideau canal going westward and by the lower Ottawa river going eastward. These docks extend along the shore of the nver on the Ottawa side and around a basin at the foot of the cliff up to the suspension bridge and along the shore from the suspension bridge on the Hull side of the river eastward below the Alexandra bridge. The Chaudiere falls and rapids imme- diately above the suspension bridge, prevent navigation for several miles. The river below the falls is called the *wer Ottawa. The Queen's wharf below Nepean point is the prin- cipal passenger and package freight wharf, and upon it is a freight shed ; depth of water at low water at the wharf is from 8 to 10 feet. At the foot of the Rideau canal locks tli(! water varies from 15 feet in depth to a depth of 25 feet, at the same place during the spring freshets, but there is only 5 feet of water over the sills of tlic locks. East of the Queens' wharf several small liiml)er docks are used for loading lumber into barges. Ottawa has railway communication by the Canadian Pacific Pailwav in six directions, inclndiiiii' two transcontinen- INLAND WATERS AND LAKE POETS 181 tal lines, by the Grand Trunk in three directions, and by the Xew York Central to New York and by the Canadian North- ern railroads east and west. The total tonnage that entered at the customs during the fiscal year 1908 was 83,015 tons, which does not include clear- ances. At Ottawa a large factory for manufacturing acetylene buoys and beacons has been established. The Department of Marine and Fisheries decided in 1904 to experiment with acetylene as an illuminant for buoys, beacons and light- houses. A series of tests was made in connection with these aids and improvements were introduced, which resulted in the use of calcium carbide from which acetylene is generated in the buoys and warranted the establishment of gas buoys, combined warning and gas buoys and lights at various points in all the important waters of Canada. The example of Can- ada in testing carbide buoys and beacons has been followed by other countries, and now the International Marine Signal Com- pany exports to about thirty different countries, buoys and beacons manufactured at their factory in Ottawa. Branches of their factory have been established in the United States, where the different kinds of buoys and beacons are made. Separate companies manufacture calcium carbide in this coun- try, one of them at Ottawa. Owen Sound Hakbouk, Ontario, is situated at the bottom of Owen Sound bay. The bay is eight miles wide at the en- trance, gradually narrowing until the town is reached twelve miles from the entrance. The bay is well sheltered and its shores can be approached with safety to within one-quarter of a mile from shore, except at Vails and Squaw points on the east side of the bay or sound. The anchorage is good in the bay in 6 to 7 fathoms of water at certain points with mud bottom. The wharfs in the harbour on the east side are : ISTo. 1, town dock, 450 feet long by 20 feet wide ; No. 2, owned by Davis Son & Malone, 200 feet by 20 feet; No. 3, Northern Naviga- tion Company, 400 feet by 20 feet ; No. 4, owned by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company, 1,900 feet long by 70 feet; No. 5, Canadian Pacific Railway Company's slip, 1,200 feet 182 INLAND WATEES AND LAKE PORTS 183 by TO feet ; Xo. G, Keenan Bros.' wharf, leased from the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, 400 feet by 30 ; Ko. 7, McQuay Tan- ning Company, 100 feet long by 20 feet; Xo, 8, Maitland & Rixon, 200 feet by 30 feet ; Xo. 9, Imperial Cement Company's slip, GOO feet long by 40 feet; Xo. 10, Carney Lumber Com- pany, 1,000 feet by 40; Xo. 11, Keenan Bros.' sawmill wharf, 100 feet by 30. Wharfs on the west side: Xo. 1, town dock, 625 feet by 30 ; Xo. 2, J. E. McLauchlan, 383 feet by 30 ; Xo. 3, Grand Trunk Railway wharf, 1,000 feet by 30 ; X^o. 4, X. A. Bent Chair Company, 316 feet by 30 feet; Xo. 5, John Harrison & Sons, 400 feet by 30 ; Xo. 6, Sun Cement Company, 235 feet by 30 ; Xo. Y, Owen Sound Cement Com- pany, 290 feet by 30 feet; Xo. 8, John Harrison & Co., 800 feet by 30 ; Xo. 9, Grey and Bruce Cement Company, 370 feet by 150 feet. The depth of water along the wharfs is 22 feet. The freight sheds are, the Canadian Pacific Railway cattle sheds, 50 feet by 30 feet ; Canadian Pacific Railway freight sheds, one 350 feet by 40 feet, one 300 feet by 60, one 650 by TO and another 200 by 50 feet. The Apple Company own one cold store. The Grand Trunk sheds are, cattle shed 75 feet long by 50 feet and a freight shed 300 feet long by 60 feet wide. Railway tracks run both sides of the river adjacent to the sheds, and freight is moved to and from vessels directly into the cars by hand trucks. Owen Sound has two grain elevators, one with a capacity of 250,000 bushels and one with a capacity of 800,000 bushels. Grain is shipped from Fort William and Port Arthur to Owen Sound by steamers and transferred to cars. The port has daily communication by water with many Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Xorth Channel, and some Lake Superior ports, and railway communication with all parts of Canada. Provisions and ships' stores are easily procured at reasonable prices. The lights are two range lights, the front light on the east side of the Sydenham river in the town, latitude 44° 34' 43" X. and longitude 80° 56' 19" W., and the back light 1,060 feet S. 21° W. from the front tower; Presqu'ile light on a wharf in the sound. See List of Lights, Georgian Bay Pilot and Admir- 184 PORT DIRECTOEY alt J Chart Xo. 1214. The total tonnage which entered the port during the fiscal year of 1908 was 479,406, which does not include vessels which cleared. Port Colboene Harbour, Ontario, is situated near the eastern end of Lake Erie at the entrance to the Welland canal. The harbour is formed by two piers or breakwaters, the west breakwater is 4,424 feet long, running north of west to the shore of the lake, the east pier or breakwater is 2,400 feet long- running north of east to the lake shore. The entrance is about 675 feet wide, but vessels are cautioned in the List of Lights to keep 100 feet from the end of the east pier, leaving a clear entrance of about 575 feet between the piers. The area pro- tected by the breakwaters is about 70 acres, with a depth of 22 feet between the buoys placed to show the limits of the deepened part. In this area on the western side is the govern- ment grain elevator built on a dock 700 feet long, which with a loading berth in the centre of 200 feet width is 600 feet wide, giving a width on each side of the loading berth of 200 feet. On the westerly side of the elevator is the unloading berth, with a depth of 22 feet to the limit of the deepened part. On the easterly side of the elevator dock a continuous dock extends up to the Welland canal basin, with a depth of water alongside of 22 feet and 75 feet in width, but increasing in width to 100 feet, which is the width of the entrance to the canal basin. Outside of the deep cut of 22 feet the water is 16 feet deep in the approach to the canal basin between a line of isolated cribs or blocks opposite the continuous dock. The Department of Railways and Canals has a siding on the west side of the canal running to the elevator, open to any railway which chooses to connect with it. The Grand Trunk Kailway lias a siding along the east side of the canal basin and a grain elevator of small capacity for lighterage purposes. The govei-nmcnt elevator belonging to the Railways and Canals Department, ha^ four marine legs and a capacity of 70,000 bushels ]>or lirnir, and a storage capacity of 800,000 bushels. On the east dock of the canal basin arc coal chutes for unload- ing and bunkering steamers. The harbour was originally made by a corporat(^ company and i> imt among 11io Inn-bonrs controlled l)y the Department 185 186 PORT DIRECTORY of Marine and Fisheries. At Port Colborne, provisions and supplies of all kinds can be easily obtained. The lights are, front light on the outer end of the western breakwater in lati- tude 42° 52' 2", longitude 79° 15' 13", with a fog alarm building, and back light on the eastern side of the canal 4,620 feet jST., 22° 15' E. from front light; one on the outer end of the eastern breakwater. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart jSTo. 1605. The total tonnage which entered Port Col- borne during the fiscal year of 1908 was 160,680, which does not include the vessels which cleared. Point Edward, Ontario, is situated on the St. Clair river, at the southern end of Lake Huron, at the point where the waters of the lake enter the river. The wharfs are continuous along the river for about 3,000 feet and divided as follows : — The dock at which fish tugs and other small boats lie, 600 feet in length ; iron ore dock, 300 feet ; shed docks, 1,500 feet where general merchandise and cargo is handled, length of shed, 800 feet; elevator docks, 600 feet long, one elevator, capacity 500,000 bushels. The average depth of water along the docks is 22 feet. At this place the Hamilton Steel and Iron Company has established a large plant. Two railway sidings are laid on the ore docks, two leading to the freight sheds, two to the grain elevator and one siding along the re- mainder of the docks. The shipping to and from this port conveys general merchandise, grain, flour, iron ore, gravel, fish, lumber and small shipments of other articles. The machinery and appliances for loading and unloading are con- sidered excellent. The port has railway communication with all parts of Ontario and with the United States, with excellent appliances for shipment of goods. The lights are two range lights on the shore of Lake Huron, latitude 43° 0' 11", longitude 82° 24' 49", and the back light 579 f<5et S, 2F W, from front light. The lights in one, lead to the head of St. Clair river from Lake Huron and should be kept in one ahead until their alignment is intersected by the alignment of Fort Gratiot range, on the United States side of the river. The total tonnage of vessels which entered at Point Edward during the fiscal year of 1008, was 253,330, not in- cludine: clearances. I.\LAND WATEKS AND LAKE PORTS 187 Port Stanley IlAuiioui;, Ontario, is on the north shore of Lake Erie about the centre of the shore line, between the east and west ends. Kettle creek empties into the lake at that point, and the harbour is formed at its mouth by two piers extending out into the lake. The west pier runs out a distance of 2,456 feet from the shore end and the east pier is 1,263 feet long; the width of the entrance at the end of the east pier is 86 feet and the depth of water, from 14-6 feet to 17 feet along the west pier until the water gauge is reached at an angle in the pier. The basin opposite this point is very shallow. The Pere Mar- quette Railway pier is west of the west pier of the harbour, its length being 783 feet, and a ferry slip with from 17 to 19 feet of water in depth in the centre exists between the two piers. At the end of the railway pier a breakwater is con- nected with it running in a southwesterly direction for 200 feet, and this breakwater continues in a southeasterly angle a distance of 800 feet more, forming a protection against storm winds from the lake Avhich come from the southwest. The h'ar- bour is thus made a harbour of refuge. The Pere Marquette Railway has a freight shed and ice-house on the inner side of the west pier, and the London and Port Stanley Railway has a terminal track running to the shed, while the Pere Marquette Railway has several tracks and switches leading to the railway slip. A grain elevator stands upon the western pier Avithin the basin with a capacity of 25,000 bushels. The lights are the front light on the outer end of the break- water, and the back light on the outer end of the west pier in latitude 42° 39' 55" K, longitude 81° 12' 40" W. The total tonnage which entered Port Stanley during the fiscal year of 1908 was 659,978. There is a life-saving station on the west pier of this harbour. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart m. 1605. Pakey Sound. The entrance to this harbour is between Deepwater and Bobs' points, it has a width of 250 yards and a depth of four fathoms on Deepwater point side of the chan- nel. Opposite Robs' point a bank runs out upon Avhich the water is only 11 feet deep, but the edge is marked by a buoy. Inside the harbour, there is good anchorage in about 5 fathoms of water, with clay bottom. The extent of the harbour is about 188 POKT DIRECTORY 1^ miles square Avith good water all over, except off SilboAv's rock, also off Galnas dock, Parry island ; off Conger Lumber Company's wharf and off 9-foot spot near Parry h'arbour dock. These dangers are marked by buoys and can easily be avoided. The harbour is well protected on all sides and the channel lead- ing to it well buoyed. There 'are three wharfs in the harbour of Parry Sound. The Parry Sound wharf is 901 feet in length and 30 feet in width ; the depth of water, starting 50 feet from the shore line and running to the southern extremity, is from 15 to 18 feet and 17 feet across the end. Adjoining the wharf, are two storehouses, one belonging to the Parry Sound Lumber Company, measures 64 by 26 feet, and the other to the William Beatty Company, is 86 by 38 feet. The wharf is also fitted with coal bins which hold from 2,500 to 3,000 tons. The Canadian iNorthern On- tario Railway wharf measures 465 feet in length by 75 feet in width, and has a depth of water of from 18 to 23 feet along both sides. There is a freight shed on the wharf 100 by 30 feet and a railway siding which runs to the extremity of the dock. Freight is loaded and unloaded from the cars. The Parry Sound shore wharf is a crib wharf, running along the shore front about 83 feet, with a depth of water of about 11 feet; a storehouse partly on the wharf, measures 103 by 24 feet. Rose point wharf is used for passengers from the Grand Trunk; it measures 73 by 20 feet; depth of water, 18 to 20 feet along the front. There is one small repairing dock fitted with lifting gear and w^ays on Parry island, used for repairing small steamers and scows. There are extensive lumber docks along the shore front, covering an area of about two miles where the water aver- ages from 15 to 20 feet except two points. Water and supplies of all kinds can be easily obtained at Parry Sound and repairs to vessels not requiring to be docked, are reasonably made. Shipbuilding of small vessels is carried on. The lights, beginning from Red rock light at the entrance of Parry Sound are : Snug harbour range, Jones' island range ; Spruce shoal beacon. Carling rock light, Kilbear point, Depot island light, Three Mile point light, and one on Rose point 5651—13 189 190 PORT DIRECTORY swing bridge in the liarbunr, in latitude 45° IS' 57" ^., longi- tude 80° 2'' 49" W. Gas buoys also mark the dangers in the ap- proaches to the harbour. The tonnage which entered the port of Parry Sound during the fiscal year of 1908 was 426,310 ; this does not include the tonnage wdiich departed. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart Xo. 1731. Port Arthur Harbour, Ontario, is situated on the north- west shore of Lake Superior, in Thunder bay. The inner har- bour has been formed by the construction of a breakwater, with an entrance at each end and a main entrance between the north- erly part of the breakwater and the southerly part. The mea- surement of the northerly part of the breakwater is 3,654 feet, and the southerly part 1,507 feet. The main entrance between the piers is 366 feet wide, and depth of water from 20 to 21 feet ; 19 feet of water may be carried to the Canadian Xorthern Railway elevator wharf. The western entrance at the end of the breakwater is 1,800 feet wdde, water varying from 12 to 18 feet deep ; and the eastern entrance, at the other side of the harbour, at the end of the breakwater is 250 feet wide and depth of water 17 feet. The Avater in the basin varies from 14 to 18 feet, but the channel from the main entrance to the Cana- dian ]N"orthern Railway elevator is dredged to 20^ feet and to the Canadian Xorthern Raihvay wharf Xo. 1, and the Canadian Pacific Railway wharf to the same depth (20-| feet). The breakwater has made the inner harbour a safe one for mooring vessels at the wharfs. The wharfs beginning from the east side and at the north- eastern entrance of the harbour are King's elevator wharf, wdth a channel one-third of a mile and 150 feet wdde leading to it; the depth of Avater at this wharf is 19-6; the next is the Canadian Pacific Railway wharf, 990 feet long extending into the harbour and 75 wide, with a shed standing upon it 400 feet long by 50 ; upon this wdiarf is a railway track running to the outer end; the Canadian Xorthern Raihvay wharf, 960 foet long on the east side and 400 feet on the west side by 220 feet wide at the outer end ; the freight shod upon this wharf is 640 feet long l)y 50 foot wide, wilh five railway tiMcks alongside; the distance l)otwooii lhe Canndinn Pacitic Kailwav wharf and 5651— 13i 191 192 POET DIRECTORY tlie Canadian jSTorthern Railway wliarf is 125 feet, and depth of water 20 feet ; the Fisher wharf, 700 feet long by 40, with ice-honse and packing-house upon it; next is Clavet's wharf, 770 feet long by 55 wide, with two storehouses 165 feet long each and a shed 180 feet long; the water between the last men- tioned wharfs is used only by tugs ; the coal wharf is next in order and is 930 feet long by 40 feet wide, having at the outer end a block 150 feet long by 125 feet; between the coal wharf and Clavet's the water is from 7 to 8 feet deep and small craft only use it; at the outer end of the coal wharf, the water is from 18 to 19 feet deep; No. 5, Canadian Northern Railway wharf is 800 feet long by 100 wide for two-thirds of its length, and upon it is a freight shed 450 feet long and another 440 feet long on the same w^harf , with a railway track alongside ; the Canadian Northern Railway elevator wharf running out from shore 1,200 feet on the west and east sides, with a water area within the two wings of the wharf 400 fpet wide, and from 10 to 22 feet deep where vessels load grain; then follows a coal dock of very large capacity for handling and storing coal. Upon the coal dock, is a discharging plant consisting of towers with hoisting engines and buckets for discharging into small cars, which run on an elevated track to any point desired along the wharf and discharge into cars or steamers or upon the storage pile. The elevators are the Canadian Northern Railway Com- pany's elevator on the elevator wharf already mentioned. Elevator A is 235 feet by 100 feet and elevator B, 220 feet by 90 feet; between these elevators are two annexes 200 feet long by 165 wide each. The capacity of these elevators and annexes is 7,000,000 bushels. The King's elevator, at the other side of the harbour, has a capacity of 800,000 bushels. Port Arthur is an important railway centre and has railway shops and communication by rail east and west it has direct com- munication by rail east 'and west and direct communication with ports in Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and other lake ports; grain laden and freight steamers communi- cating as far east as Montreal. Supplies of various kinds can be procured without difficulty. The lights are one on the nortlierly breakwater at the main entrance in latitude 48° 25' 50" N., longitude 89° 12' 39" W. ; INLAND WATEKS AND LAKE FORTS 193 one on Welcome island in Thunder bay, and a light on Thunder cape. An acetylene buoy is moored in five fathoms of water on the notheastern edge of the dredged channel leading into the inner harbour. The Department of Marine and Fish- eries has arranged, under contract, for the employment of a tug to break the ice up to the I7th of December each year and to open navigation into the harbour as early as possible in the spring. The port charges are, harbour master's dues collected twice a year if not paid elsewhere. The total tonnage which entered Port Arthur during the fiscal year of 1908 was 1,404,- 951, which does not include vessels which cleared. See List of Lights and Marine and Fisheries Chart Ko. 101. PoRT Hope Harbour, Ontario, is situated on the north shore of Lake Ontario, about 63 miles east of Toronto. There is an inner and an outer harbour, with room for quite a number of vessels. The harbour is formed by two piers running out into the lake. The west pier is 1,641 feet long and the east pier 1,471, and a breakwater 500 feet long. The piers are 120 feet apart, with a depth of 14 feet or sufficient to admit all vessels which use the canals. The harbour is open practically all the year round and is a good harbour of refuge from all winds. The town has daily communication by water, with Lake Ontario ports and one or two United States ports. There are over one and a half miles of wharf accommodation; the water from the mouth of the harbour to Queen's wharf, some 1,600 feet, is over 18 feet deep. Port Hope has railway communication with the Midland district on Georgian Bay, and with all other points. There are three grain elevators with railway tracks leading to them which are frequently in use. Shipments of lumber and ore are made from this port. The light is 110 feet from the extremity of the eastern break- water in latitude 43° 56' 20" X. and 78° 14' 30" long. W. The harbour is under the control of the Port Hope Har- bour Board, and 'port charges are reg-ulated by that board. The total tonnage of vessels which entered during the fiscal year was 139,244, which does not include the tonnage outward. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart IvTo. 1152. 194 IXLAXD WATERS AXD LAKIO TORTS. 195 Peescott IL\ebouk, Ontitrio, is on tlie upper St. Lawrence river. The harbour is an open roadstead but not exposed to storms owing to the limited widtli of the water between the river banks. Anchorage can be found in 50 feet of water oppo- site the town. The wharfs number eleven, having a frontage of three-fourths of a mile. Beginning at the west end, the first wharf is the Prescott waterworks and electric plant wharf, and the wharf of J. P. Wiser & Sons, which is a continuation of the other wharf, having 'a depth of 20 feet along these two wharfs; next, the Dominion Lighthouse Depot wharf, water 20 feet at its head ; the Lnperial Starch Company's wharf, with 18 feet of water; I. W. Plumb's coal wharf and M. J. Buckly's coal wharf, witli 20 feet of water 'at the head; then I. Purkis' coal and ferry wharf; next the grain elevator wharf, and then follows the Canadian Pacific Railway wharf with 24 feet of water; on this wharf stands a large freight shed; at the ex- treme east is the coal derrick of the George Hall Coal Com- pany, with 24: feet of water alongside. The Dominion Depot, under the control of the Department of Marine and Fisheries, is located at Prescott lighthouse ; lanterns, lenses, oil and other lighthouse supplies are kept at the depot and repair shops are maintained. Tests are also nuide of gas vapour and all kinds of burners and lenses and of illuminants. Acetylene buoys and beacons are stored and sent to various points where aids to navigation are established. The Depot wharf is the headquarters of small steam tenders, employed in light and buoy service, on the upper St. Lawrence river and part of Lake Ontario. The lights are one on outer end of east pier of Dominion Depot in^latitude 44° 42' 21", longitude 75° 31' 10", another at Windmill point about 1^ miles below Prescott. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart ^o. 2789 F. The total tonnage which entered Prescott during the fiscal year 1908 was 920,- 527, not including vessels which cleared. Rondeau IIarboue, Ontario, is situated on the north shore of Lake Erie, about 64 miles east of the Detroit river and a short distance from Point aux Pins. The bay of Rondeau is about six miles deep and two miles wide, water from 5 to 12 Prkscott Uxtauio, Harrouk. Dominion Lighthouuse Depot., River Front, Lookimg East. 196 INLAND WATERS AND LAKE POETS 197 feet deep. The harbour in the bay is formed by two piers, the west pier 900 feet long and the east pier 750 feet long, width between these piers is 250 feet and the water 23 feet deep, but the water leading to coal slip is at places 26 feet deep. A breakwater runs at right angles to the east pier for 300 feet and a basin is formed 600 feet long by 400 ; the water in this basin varies in depth from 8 to 20 feet, except in the chan- nel already mentioned. Eondeau is used as a harbour of refuge and a depot for coal for the Pere Marquette Railroad. There is a coal slip with two hoists in one corner of the harbour and a railway track alongside of it. There are two lights, one on the outer end of the eastern pier and a back light 780 feet W. by E. -J E. from the front light in latitude 42° 15' 32" K., longitude 81° 54' 18" W. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart 'No. 332. The total tonnage which entered in the fiscal year 1908 was 111,949, not including clearance. St. Johns Haebouk, province of Quebec, is on the Eiche- lieu river. This river is navigable for canal boats from Sorel at the mouth of the river, to Lake Cliamplain. St. Johns is quite an important place of business for canal boats, and has wharf accommodation running continuously along the river at which barges tie up. Passenger steamers run on the river and have communication with Rouse's Point, in the State of ISTew York. The port charges are harbour master's dues collected twice a year if not paid elsewhere. The river is buoyed for steamers from St. Johns to Rouse's Point and from Chambly to St. Johns. The total tonnage entered at the port for the fiscal year of 1908 was 155,303. St. Johns has frequent rail- way communication with Montreal. Saenia Haeboue, Ontario. This harbour lies on the east bank of the river St. Clair, at the head of the river, where the waters of Lake Huron enter that river. The limits of the har- bour include all the waters of the St. Clair river between the Canadian shore and the International boundary in the middle of the stream, and extending from the head of the river at the outlet of Lake Huron to the foot of the river, at the entrance of St. Clair flats, a distance of about two miles. These waters (In 198 199 200 PORT DIRECTORY include the inlet known as Samia bay, where vessels make their winter quarters and rafts of timber are handled. The Grand Trunk Company wharfs 'are at Point Edward, one 450 feet long by 40 wide, is used by the Hamilton Steel and Iron Company for unloading cargoes of iron ore which is shipped to Hamilton. There are three steam power ore-hoist- ing machines of the total capacity of one thousand tons per hour on this wharf. South of the ore w^harf is an open wharf 340 feet by 85 feet, equipped with a platform operated by steam for the unloading of flour, and a shed 650 feet by 85 feet used for the storage of flour and package freight. South of the general freight wharf of the ]!^orthern ]!^avigation Com- pany is also a coal w^harf 110 feet by 85, having a storage capa- city of 2,500 tons and equipped with a coal-handling plant of modern construction, consisting of hoisting apparatus and pockets for fuelling the steamers. The unloading capacity is 800 tons per day, and the loading capacity 300 tons per hour. South of the !N"orthern iN'avigation coal wharf is the wharf of the Point Edward Elevator Company, 500 feet by 25 feet. The Point Edward elevator has a capacity of half a million bushels, and is equipped with grain-cleansing apparatus. The grain is loaded into cars on the Grand Trunk Railway. South of the Point Edward elevator on Sand Point, is an open wharf 1,400 feet by 150 feet, operated by the Ontario Lumber Company, of Toronto, for unloading cargoes of lum- ber. On the east shore of Samia bay is a double deck tramway owned by the Cleveland -Sarnia Sawmills Company, with a wharf at the outer end for the loading of lumber vessels. The tramway is 2,770 feet by 14 feet in width and the w^harf at the cuter end is 100 feet from north to south, by 70 feet wide. The depth of water is from 8 to 14 feet. A large pool has been inclosed in the bay and the water kept warm by exhaust steam from the mills, to enable them to operate during winter. vSouth of the Cleveland-Sarnia mill property is a wharf 400 by 150 feet and owned by W. A. Brown, with three houses for the storage of ice, having a total area of 15,000 square feet; depth of water at this wharf 8 feet. 'Next is the coal wharf of John Garroch, coal dealer ; length of wharf, 262 feet by 120 feet; area of coal sheds, 4,000 INLAND WATERS AND LAKE PORTS 201 square feet, equipped with coal plant operated by steam, cap- able of unloading 300 tons per day ; depth of water, 13 feet. South, is the property of the Sutherland Wire Fence Com- pany, comprising a wharf 128 feet by 90 feet, with a ware- house 40 by 80 feet, used for storing goods manufactured by the company; depth of water, 13 feet. Further south is the wharf of the Longhead Hub and Spoke and Bent 'Goods Manufacturing Company; length of wharf, 200 by 125 feet; sheds, 40 by 50 feet; another shed, 100 feet by 40 feet; depth of water, 16 feet. ISText in order, are the headquarters of the Reid Wrecking and Towing Company who own the most extensive plant on the Great Lakes. The Eeid Company's wharf is 360 feet by 150 feet, with machine shop 100 feet by 40 feet for repairing and rebuilding hulls and machinery. The company's outfit includes eight powerful tug steamers with lighters, wooden pontoons, twenty-one hundred ton hydraulic jacks, four large air compressors and other appliances. Further south are the waterworks wharfs, 225 feet by 50, with one coal shed, area 2,000 square feet. King's Milling Company's wharf, 200 feet by 60 feet, witli two warehouses, area 2,200 square feet. Gardner's wharf, 65 feet by 60 feet, one warehouse, area 2,600 square feet. Lochiel street wharf, owned by the municipality, 60 feet by 40 feet. Clark's wharf, 235 feet by 60, with four warehouses, area ' 5,800 square feet ; another wharf belonging to the Reid Wreck- ing Company, 200 feet by 100 feet, with warehouse, area 60 feet by 100 feet, used for fuelling and storage ; another wharf owned by the town, 60 feet by 100, used as a ferry landing. South of this wharf is the Grand Trunk Railway Company's wharf, 1,100 feet by 25 feet, with freight sheds, 300 by 30 feet, used as a joint passenger terminal by the Grand Trunk and ISTorthern Navigation Company. It is proposed to build an extensive station for the use of passengers, equipped with all modern conveniences and appliances and tracks to be laid to the new terminal, for the use of the new steamboat train con- necting with the ISTorthern ISTavigation steamers ; another Grand Trunk and IsTorthern I^avigation joint terminal wharf 202 POET DIRECTORY is 180 feet by 30. Tlie Grand Trunk elevator wharf is 180 feet by 25 feet. The elevator itself is 180 feet by 25 feet, capa- city 100,000 bushels, used for the transfer of western grain from vessels for shipment into cars. South of the elevator wharf, are the last of the Grand Trunk Company's wharf properties, the lumber wharfs, 1,300 feet by 25 feet, operated by F. McGibbon & Sons, E. A, LeBel and W. F. Lawrence & Sons. Further south the Sarnia Salt Company has a wharf 400 feet by 25 feet, warehouse 100 feet by 50 feet. Below Devine street are the extensive properties of the Im- perial Oil Company, with a wharf frontage 400 feet, where bulk oil products and packages are unloaded on this wharf. It is equipped with coal unloading machinery with a capacity of 400 tons per day. The average depth of water is 16 feet along the northern part and from 20 to 25 feet along the southern part. Below the Imperial Company's wharf is the Sarnia terminal of the Pere Marquette Railway Company, including a wharf 350 feet by 25 feet, with a warehouse 120 feet by 14 feet ; depth of water, 20 feet. Last in order, near the southern boundary of the town, are the j)remises of the Standard Chain Manufacturing Company. The wharf is 152 by SO feet, and is used for coal and iron for the company's purposes and the shipment of chain manufac- tured; depth of water, 18 feet. The depth of water at the wharfs, except in the cases men- tioned, average about 20 feet. There are railway tracks run- ning upon and alongside of the wdiarfs, with the exception of two or three ; the depth of water for anchorage varies from 30 feet in the channel to 9 feet or less. The holding ground for anchorage is everywhere good. The harbour is of great value as a harbour of refuge, it is easy of access and can l)e entered from Lake Huron by vessels under sail with the wind in any quarter but from the south. The w^ater in the riv-er runs rapidly, but in Sarnia bay it is slack and vessels arc not exposed to any ice movement in the winter. The lights were dc'^crihiMl in Point Kdward harbour and are on tlic shore of Lake Ilunin. INLAIYD WxVTEES AND LAKE PORTS. 203 A ^gas buoy is in position on the slioal off Point Edward near the Point Edward elevator. The United States government has a gas buoy on the middle ground of Lake St. Clair, and a lightship at the foot of Lake Huron, two miles above Point Edward. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart 'No. 330. The tonnage of vessels which entered Sarnia during the fiscal year of 190S was 964,683. The Grand Trunk Eailway Company has communication at Sarnia with Port Huron by means of a tunnel under the St. Clair river. Sault Ste. Marie Harbour, Ontario, is on the St. Mary's river, about five miles east of the extreme easterly end of Lake Superior. The harbour of Sault Ste. Marie embraces the dredged approaches to the Sault Ste. Marie canal, and ap- proaches to the different docks therefrom which have been deepened. Safe anchorage can be found within the areas men- tioned, and towards the centre of the river outside the canal ranges, from a depth of 21 feet to 40 feet. The nature of the bottom of the river is sand and boulders overlying Potsdam sandstone. The wharfs along the townsite of Sault Ste. Marie comprise, one owned by the Dominion government which is used princi- pally for passenger steamer service and package freight, and upon it stands a commodious warehouse for receiving the freight; the Algoma Coal and Metal Company's dock is used principally for unloading coal and wood cargoes, and tugs are there supplied with fuel; the !N^ew Ontario Dock and Coal Company's dock is used for package freight and passenger ser- vice, and upon it is a large area for coal and the wharf is equipped with unloading plant and coal chutes for fuelling steamboats of all classes ; seven docks of the Lake Superior Corporation comprise, (a) ferry dock used exclusively for the ferry service between the Canadian town of Sault Ste. Marie and the Hnited States town of the same name; (h) interna- tional dock, a commercial wharf which provides accommoda- tion for boats of light draught engaged in passenger and freight service; (c) the north wharf and south wharf along the tail race provides facilities for handling machinery, and repair ^vork can be done to advantage at the company's shops, situated 204 5651—14 •205 206 PORT DIRECTORY a short distance from the wharf; ((/) the company's commer- cial wharf is used principally in connection with its own in- dustries but is available with its rail connections for general service, this wharf is on the Lake Superior level; (e) the ore wharfs are used exclusively by the Algoma Steel Company in connection with the steel industry, and are situated to the west of the commercial wharf forming an extension of it; (/) the sawmill wharfs at which lumber cut at the company's mills is shipped, is on the Lake Superior level. At Sault Ste. Marie, the canals cut by the Canadian and United States governments are very extensively used by ship- ping, passing up and down between Lakes Huron and Superior. The Canadian canal on the north side of St. Mary's river is 7,100 feet, equal to about I-5 miles long from end to end of the upper and lower piers and its width is 150 feet at the water surface and 141 feet 8 inches at the bottom. The ap- proaches to the canal are channels cut through boulder shoals; the upper approach is at least 250 feet wide, with 17 to 19 feet depths and the lower approach at least 500 feet wide with 21 feet depth. The canal has one lock 900 feet long by 60 feet wide, built of masonry; at the lower end of the canal depth of water on the sills at the lowest water level is 20 feet 3 inches, and the total rise of this lock is 18 feet; the gates and culvert valves are operated by electricity. The construction of the canal was begun in 1888 and opened for traffic in 1895. It was built to overcome the rapids of St. Mary's river and has been improved and the piers extended since the date of its opening. Sault Ste. Marie has water communication with ports on Lake Superior on the west and with lake ports on the east, more particularly with Georgian Bay ports, and lines of steamers running daily, convey passengers and freight to and from the port. At this port large steel smelting works have been estab- lished by the Algoma Steel Company, large quantities of ore are received at the docks of the company. The approaches to the canal are well and carefully buoyed. Wliarfage is charged at the different wharfs. The lights are, one on the shore, north of entrance to canal, latitude 46° 30' 54" 'N., Longi- md;. 84° 20' 8" W. ; one 1,356 feet N. 35^° W. from front light. The caiKil and its approaches are illuminated by two rows of IISrT.AXD WATEES AND LAKE POKTS. 207 arc lights, one on each side of the canal. The most easterly and the most westerly lights in each row being green lights and all others white. At the upper entrance are two gas buoys, one called the turning gas buoy. The total tonnage which entered at the port during the fiscal year of 1908 was 1,282,463, not including clearances. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart No. 324. Toronto Haeboue, Ontario, is situated on the north shore of Lake Ontario, about 35 miles from its western end. The harbour is on the south side of the city, is in extent about two miles east and west and one and a quarter miles north and south, containing about two and a half square miles. Adjoin- ing Toronto harbour, but separated therefrom by a strong dyke is Ashbridge's bay, containing an area of about one and a quar- ter square miles. The harbour of Toronto is perfectly land- locked, a formation of sand, called the Island, extends the whole length of the southerly limit of Toronto bay. There are two entrances to the harbour, the west is called the Queen's wharf channel and the eastern entrance, which has been dredged and faced with piers with a width of 1,000 feet at the outer part of the channel forms the chief entrance, is called the eastern channel. The western channel is now being deep- ened to 16 and 18 feet, wddth 400 feet between concrete piers. The harbour forms a perfect harbour of refuge and is accessible during a storm blowing from any direction, by one or other of its channels. The average depth of water in the harbour is about 20 foot, with good anchorage in parts of the bay, and 14 feet along the wharf frontage. The face frontage of the wharfs measures about one mile, separated by slips of various widths; some of the wharfs ex- tend out a distance of 500 feet from the shore. Twenty-five railway sidings run along the water front, twelve of these are placed on coal docks as follow^s: on the wharfs of McConnell & Co., at the foot of Bathurst street; of Milne & Co., foot of Yonge and Scott streets ; of Elias Rogers Coal Company at the foot of Church and also foot of Princess street; Dickson & Eddy at the foot of Church street; Conger Coal Company at the foot of Church street ; Crown Coal Company at the foot of Jarvis street. The lumber wharfs contain eleven railway sid- 208 PORT DIRECTORY ings, one track has been laid by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company on the Queen's wharf. at the foot of Bathurst street to convey square timber to the waterside for rafting; one siding belongs to the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company and is laid on Yonge street wharf for the transfer of fruit from the steamers to the railway express companies. The storehouses on the wharfs of Toronto are, the Canadian Lake Line store, with a capacity of 4,500 tons; the Merchant's Line, capacity of 4,500 tons ; the city wharf, capacity 2,500, and the Richelieu and Ontario ]Sravigation Company, capacity 2,000 tons. There are two cold storehouses, viz., one owned by Manning & Co., capacity 200,000 cubic feet, and one by the Toronto Cold Storage Company, capacity also 200,000 cubic feet. The shipbuilding industry is carried on by the Poison Iron Works, Limited, and the Toronto Ship Yards, in which are Iniilt wood and steel vessels. There are two small marine rail- ways in the harbour, one owned by Medlar & Arnot, and one by the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Vessels are repaired by Medlar & Arnot, being contractors. The facilities for building in the Poison Iron Works shipyard include space for laying down four canal-sized steamers at one time. In the same yard are machine shops, boiler shops and facilities for building engines and hulls equal to the largest sized steamers on inland waters, but steamers drawing more than 14 feet light cannot pass through the canals unless in sections either above or below Lake Ontario. The company now possesses a pair of sheer legs alongside a slip, of a capacity of 60 tons and a gantry crane running full length of the slip of a capacity of 10 tons, and extensive repairs can be made to vessels of all classes. The Toronto Ship Yards have also all up-to-date appliances for constructing wood and steel vessels and engines. Extensive repairs can also be made at this shipyard. At Toronto the diaphone user! by the department as an aerial warning at many fog alarm stations with signal success, is manufacturer! by the Canadian "Fofl: Sicnal Company. Other countries are experimenting with the diaphone, manufacturofi by this company at their works in Toronto. Toronto being the largest city in Ontario, all kinds of ships' store=! and materials can bo easily and choaply purchased at IIs^LAND WATERS AND LAKE POETS 209 this port. It lias water communication bj daily line of steam- ers with many ports on Lake Ontario and with ports east and west, by vessels that can use the canals with their depth of 1-i feet. Railway communication is maintained daily with all towns and villages in Ontario through which lines run, and connections with all transcontinental railways running east and west and with United States railway lines. See List of Lights and Admiralty Chart 'No. 337. Lights are: Eastern Entrance, front range, 100 feet from outer end of East pier latitude 43° 37' 48", longitude 79° 20' 20" back range, 2,400 feet from front light with fog alarm; Western Entrance, Gibraltar Point, light and fog alarm. Wallaceburg Harbour, Ontario, is situated on the Syden- ham river, a stream navigable from its mouth to a point several miles above the town. The river empties into Lake St. Clair and is navigable for vessels drawing not over 15 feet of water; it has a clay or mud bottom, free from rocks or boulders, and from Wallaceburg to its mouth is not subject to any decided variations from freshets, ice jams or other causes. Vessels can be safely moored at any point, either to the various wharfs or to the banks along the river. The wharfs are built parallel to the river shore and are from 10 to 30 feet in width, and are as follows : — Sydenham Glass Company wharf, about 600 feet long; McMairnie Bros.' wharf, about 150 feet long; Premier Electric Light Company, 50 feet long; Wallaceburg Cooperage Company, 100 feet long; public wharf at foot of ^NTelson street, about 50 feet long. Tiailway sidings have been laid to the wharfs of the Wallace- burg Sugar Company and the Sydenham Glass Company; the former is equipped with a McMyler clam operated by steam for unloading coal and sugar beets. These two wharfs have sheds on them and in the immediate vicinity, for the storage of goods of the two companies. The depth of water alongside these wharfs is IS feet. Vessels can be laid up here in safety at any point in the river and repairs made. The repair yard of W. J. ]\racDonnell has a plant equipped with a marine rail- way on which vessels 150 feet in length drawing not more than 12 feet of water, can be hauled out. WaLL.VCEUUKG, ONT., lllVER V^IKW. M .1 Glass Docks. M n Central Bkidge. 210 INLAND WATERS AND LAKE PORTS 211 The total tonnage of vessels Avliieli entered during tlie fiscal year 1908 was 119,641 tons, which does not include vessels which cleared, Windsor Harbour^ Ontario, is situated on the east side of the Detroit river, near the outlet of Lake St. Clair. Walker- ville, a flourishing manufacturing town, is one, mile from Windsor and is a sub-port. The wharfs at Windsor and Walk- erville afford good accommodation for vessels, the water being from 4 to 4^ fathoms along the frontage. The Grand Trunk Iiailwaj wharf is over GOO feet long, with a railway track run- ning the full length of the wharf, on which articles of all kinds are loaded or unloaded from cars to vessels and vice versa; the depth of water at this wharf is 25 feet, with clay bottom. The Canadian Pacific Eailway wharf is 700 feet long, with a shed 500 feet in length by 46 feet wide; two railway tracks run the full length upon which merchandise is loaded and un- loaded from the cars to vessels or from vessels to cars; depth of water, 25 feet, with clay bottom. The Michigan Central Railway M^harf is 500 feet long, with a railway track running the full length of the wharf, and goods are loaded and unloaded from vessels to cars and vice versa. The wharf of J. T. Hur- ley & Co. is 250 feet long, upon which is erected a shed 22 feet by 30 feet; depth of water, 19 feet, with clay bottom. The Detroit, Belle Isle and Windsor Ferry Company's wharf is 300 feet long, and depth of water 20 feet, with clay bottom. This wharf is used by the company's ferry boats which ply every few minutes between Windsor and Detroit on the United States side of the river. The wharf is also used as a coal wharf. At Walkerville the wharf of Walker & Sons is over 800 feet long, upon which stands a store 50 feet by 40 feet; a switch track runs the whole length of the wharf and goods are loaded and unloaded from cars to vessels and from vessels to cars ; the water at the wharf is 26 feet deep, with clay bottom, Four railway companies have transfer boats running between Windsor and Detroit, and there are two passenger lines, one plying between Windsor and Detroit and the other between Walkerville and Detroit. The Michigan Central Raihvay, has completed a tunnel under the river by which communication is maintained with Canada and the United States at that point. 212 POKT DIRECTORY Windsor lias communication with several lake and Detroit river ports by water and with all parts of Canada and the United States by rail. Owing to its situation it is mainly a railway centre but an immense tonnage from the upper lakes, passes up and down the channel of the Detroit river close to the water front of the city. At Windsor all kinds of stores for vessels can be purchased and repairs made at the wdiarfs, but the port has no marine slip or dry dock. The total tonnage which entered the port during the fiscal year of 1908 was 492,377, not including clearances. See List of Lights and Admiraltv Chart ^o. 330. \ \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50m-4,'61(B8994s4)444 3 1158 00597 5973 HE ^61 r.anada. Dept. of Cl6p Marine and fisherie s_^ Port directory of prin- cipal Canadian_port£ 001 007 085 2 HE Cl^p