E 457 -I JU-ETIN NO. 7. ABRAHAM LINCOLN THE CHICAGO PUBUC UBRARY JANUARY. Y9O9 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY LIST OF BOOKS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES ON ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 16TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, BORN FEBRUARY 12, 1809, DIED APRIL 15, 1865. Magazines and books marked (*) do not circulate, but may be consulted in the Reference Room of the main library. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bartlett, J. K, < v comp. ). Bibliography on Lincoln. (In Literature of the Rebellion, p. 234-47. 1866) *O 142 Bibliographical list of books and pamphlets; containing sermons, orations, eulogies, poems, or other papers relating to the assassination, death and funeral obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 334-46. 1865 ) *C 402 Boyd, A. (comp.). A memorial Lincoln bibliography: being an account of books, eulogies, sermons, portraits, engravings, medals, etc., published upon Abraham Lincoln. Albany, N. Y., 1870 *O 187 jKi*h, 1). (comp.). Lincoln literature; a bibliographical account of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. Minneapolis, 1900 *O 2424 A rev. and enl. ed. entitled: Lincoln bibliography. (In Lincoln, A. Com plete works: ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. v. 11, p. 135-380. 1905) *J159, 11 Hart. C. H. (cornp.). Bibliographia Lincolniana: an account of the publica tions, occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln. Being a biblio graphical catalogue of all sermons, eulogies, orations, etc., delivered at the time, with notes and an introduction. (In Boyd, A. comp. A me morial Lincoln bibliography, p. 7-86. 1870} *O 187 Johnson, E. G. Books on. Lincoln. (In Dial. 10:241-4. 1895) Ser. Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago. Catalogue of articles owned and used by Abraham Lincoln. Now owned by the Lincoln memorial collection of Chicago. Chicago, 1887 *C1696, 6 Morgan, J. A course in Lincoln. (In Abraham Lincoln, the boy and the man. p. 407-15. 1908 ) C18305 Reed, L. B. Outline of Lincoln literature. (In Dial. 34:189-91. 1903) Ser. Ritchie, G. T. (comp.). A list of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress. 1. Writings of Abraham Lincoln. 2. Writings relating to Abraham Lin coln. Washington, Gov t print, off., 1903 *O21 12* Rev. ed. with supplement. Washington, Gov t print, off.. 1906 *O2112b 2 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rothschild, A. A list of the books cited. (In Lincoln, master of men. p, 427-38. 1906) C18396 Sabin, J. (comp.). Lincoln bibliography. (In Dictionary of books relating to America, vol. 10, p. 350-60. 1878) *O159, 10 Smith, W. H., jr. (comp.). A priced Lincoln bibliography. New York, 1906. *0 2590 White, H. Lincolnian literature. (In Abraham Lincoln in 1854. p. 22-4. 1908) C18295 GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. BOOKS: Boyd, (Mrs.) L. R. The sorrows of Nancy. Richmond, Va., 199. front., pl.F11370 Abraham Lincoln s mother. Gordon, L. L. Mrs. Lincoln. (In From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland. p. 314-43. 1889) C 3469 Hitchcock, (Mrs.) C. H, Nancy Hanks; the story of Abraham Lincoln s mother. New York, 1899. port., pi. facsim C18378 Nason, E. Note relating to the parentage of President Lincoln. (In Lin- colniana. In memoriam. p. 333. 1865 ) *C 402 Tarbell, I. M. Christopher Columbus Graham and his reminiscences of Lin coln s parents. (In The early life of Abraham Lincoln. Appendix II. p. 227-36. 1896) C18384 Memoranda for Lincoln s genealogy. (In The early life of Abraham Lincoln. Appendix L p. 223-7. 1896) C18384 Whitney, H. C. Mary Todd Lincoln. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln. p. 90-102. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Barrett, J. II. President Lincoln s ancestry. (In New England historical and genealogical register. 48:327-8. 1894) Ser. Bayne, J. T. Willie and Tad Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. 24:277-82. 1897) ... Ser. Same S75, 24 Brooks, N. A boy in the White House. Tad Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. 10:57-65. 1882) Ser. Chittenden, L. E. The genealogy of Abraham Lincoln. (*n Harper s weekly. 40:182-3. 1896) Ser. Holm, E. T. Mary Todd Lincoln; reminiscences and letters of the wife of Presi dent Lincoln. (In McClure s magazine. 11 -.476-80. 1898) Ser. Same S51, 11 Jenkins, H. M. Abraham Lincoln s ancestry. (In American. 6:375-6. 1883). Ser. The mother of Lincoln. (In Pennsylvania magazine. 24:129-38. 1900). Ser. The mother of Lincoln. (In American. 13 : 87-8. 1886) Ser. Sha/Mord, S. The lineage of President Abraham Lincoln traced from Samuel Lincoln. (In New England historical and genealogical register. 41: 153-7. 1887) Ser. BIOGRAPHY. (a) General Biographies. BOOKS: Alger, H. Abraham Lincoln, the backwoods boy; or, How a young railsplitter became president. New York, 1883. pi., port II 930 t ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Arnaud, A. Abraham Lincoln; sa naissance, sa vie, sa mort. Avec un recit de la guerre d Amerique d apres les documents les plus authentiques. Paris, 1865 .................... ............................... *V 711 Arnold, I. N. History of Abraham Lincoln and the overthrow of slavery. Chicago, 1867. pi ............................................... C 387 Very little material on Lincoln, the man ; a history of the period more than anything else. The life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, 1891. port .................... C 404 Rev. in Dial. 5:261-2. 1885. Barrett, J. H. and Brown, C. W. Life of Abraham Lincoln, his early history, political career, speeches in and out of Congress, together with many characteristic stories and yarns by and concerning Lincoln which has earned for him the sobriquet "The story telling president." Chicago, 1902. illus ..................................................... C18390 Binns, H. B. Abraham Lincoln . . . London and New York, 1907. front., pi., ports., maps, facsims ......................................... C18331 Half-title : The temple biographies. Broekett, L. P. The life and times of Abraham Lincoln . . . Including his speeches, messages, inaugurals, proclamations, etc. Philadelphia, 1865. pi ............................................................. C 2005 Brooks, E. S. The true story of Abraham Lincoln, the American, told for boys and girls. Boston, 1896. pi., ports ................................ H 3275 Children s lives of great men. Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln, and the downfall of American Slavery. New York, 1901. pi., ports ............................................ C 411 Same (In Lincoln, A. Writings; ed. by A. B. Lapsley. vol. 8, 1906) *J188, 8 Browne, F. F. (comp.). The every-day life of Abraham Lincoln . . . Lin coln s life and character portrayed by those who knew him; a series of pen-pictures by friends, neighbors, and daily associates, during his whole career. New York, 1886. port., illus .............................. C 2008 Browne, R. H. Abraham Lincoln and the men of his time. Cincinnati, 1901. 2 v. port ......................................................... C18389 Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1893. port., illus .............. C11209 A sketch rather than a biography. Readable. Numerous illustrations con nected with Lincoln s early career. Cravens, F. The story of Lincoln for children. 5th ed. Bloomington, 111., 1905. illus., ports., facsim ........................................ H 3564 Crosby, F. Life of Abraham Lincoln . . . Containing his early history and political career, together with his speeches, messages, proclamations, and other official documents. Philadelphia, 1865. ports ................ C 396 Das Leben Abraham Lincolns . . . nach dem Englishchem bearbeitet von C. T. Ebon. Philadelphia, 1865 ............................... D 276 Curtis, W. E. The true Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia and London, 1903. pi., ports, facsims .................................................. C18391 "This is not a conventional biography. It is a collection of sketches in which an attempt is made to portray the character of Abraham Lincoln as the highest type of the American from several interesting points of view." Foster, E. Abraham Lincoln. London, 1885. port. (World s workers) ..... C 3100 French, C. W. Abraham Lincoln, the liberator; a biographical sketch. London, 1891. front., port. (American reformers) ........................ C11205 (Jridley, E. The story of Abraham Lincoln; or, The Journey from the log cabin to the White House. Chicago, 1900. front., illus., port ........ C18393 4 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hanaford, (Mrs.) P. A. C. Abraham Lincoln; his life and public services. Boston, 1881. port C 395 Hapgood, N. Abraham Lincoln, the man of the people. New York, 1899. port., facsim C18386 "Deliberate appeal to a different judgment and taste than were met and satisfied by Mr. Schurz and Mr. Morse s volumes in the American states men series." Rev. in Athenaeum. 1889. 2:311-2. Literary world. 20:253-4. 1889. 579-80. 1 900. Herndon, W. H. and Weik, J. VV. Herndon s Lincoln; the true story of a great life. The history and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, 1889. 3 v. port., pi **C37 19a Same. New York, 1892. 2 v C3719b "Most of the contents are taken up with the incidents of Lincoln s youth in Indiana and early manhood in Illinois." Rev. in Athenaeum. 1889. 2:311-2. Literary world. 20:253-4. 1889. Nation. 49 :173-4. 1889. Atlantic monthly. G4 : 711-14. 1889. Holland, J. G. The life of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Mass., 1866. port., pi C 400 Howells, W. D. Life of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. p. 9-94. 1860) . port C 2006 Illustrated life, services, martyrdom, and funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Phila delphia, 1865. port C 398 Lamon, W. H. The life of Abraham Lincoln; from his birth to his inaugura tion as president. Boston, 1872. illus C 386 Rev. in Nation. 14 :406-7. 1872. Southern review. 12 :328-68. 1873. Southern magazine. 11 :3G8-74. 1872. North American review. 116 : 184-9. 1873. Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the United States. New York, 1879. port C 393 Life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Boston, 1860. port C 399 Life, speeches and public services of Abram Lincoln; together with a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin. New York, 1860 C 399 Minor, C. L. C. The real Lincoln, from the testimony of his contemporaries. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Richmond, 1904. front, (port) C 18394 Morgan, J. Abraham Lincoln, the boy and the man. New York, 1908. front., pi., ports C18305 Morse, J. T., jr. Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1893. 2 v. port. (American statesmen) Oil 199 "The best brief life of Lincoln." Rev. in Dial. 15 :263-4. 1893. Academy. 44 :245-7. 1893. Nation. 56 : 407-8. 1893. Nicolay, H. The boys life of Abraham Lincoln; with illustrations by Jay Hambidge and others. New York, 1906. illus., pi., facsims H 5283 Nicolay, J. G. A short life of Abraham Lincoln. Condensed from Nicolay & Hay s Abraham Lincoln: a history. New York, 1902. front., port. . .C18392 Rev. in Nation. 75 :333. 1902. Nicolay, J. G. and Hay, J. Abraham Lincoln; a history. New York, 1890. 10 v. illus., pi., ports., maps, facsims C11202 An exceedingly well written biography. Rev. in Spectator. 66:563-4,628-9. Quarterly review. 173:333-62. 1891. Political science quarterly. 6 :711-24. 1891. Nation. 52 :13-14. 1891. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 5 Power, J. C. Abraham Lincoln; his life, public services, death and great funeral cortege, with a history and description of the national Lincoln monument. Springfield, 1875. port., map, plan C 389 Pratt, S. G fed. ) . Lincoln in story; the life of the martyr-president told in authenticated anecdotes. New York, 1901. pi., ports., facsim C18388 Putnam, M. L. The children s life of Abraham Lincoln. Chicago , 1892. illus.C11208 Raymond, H. J. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, together with his state papers, including his speeches, addresses, messages, letters and proclamations, and the closing scenes connected with his life and death. To which are added anecdotes and personal reminiscences of President Lincoln by Frank B. Carpenter. New York, 1865. port., pi C 397 "At the time it was published it was one of the best condensed reviews of the public administration of President Lincoln." Rev. in London quarterly review. 26 :269-315. 1866. Rothschild, A. Lincoln, master of men; a study in character. Boston and New York, 1906. 4 pi., 8 ports, (incl. front.) C18396 "Interesting and brilliant study from a point of view heretofore little em phasized." Rev. in North American review. 183 :541-4. 1906. Outlook. 83 :623-5. 1906. Nation. 83:102-3. 1906. Independent. 60:1105. 1906. Cur rent literature. 40 :606-10. 1906. Scripps, J. L. The first published life of Abraham Lincoln; written in the year 1860, reprinted in the year 1900. Detroit, 1900, port *V 2304 Stoddard, W. 0. Abraham Lincoln: the true story of a great life. Showing the inner growth, special training and peculiar fitness of the man for his work. New York, 1885. pi., ports., facsims C 405 Tarbell, I. M. The life of Abraham Lincoln; drawn from original sources and containing many speeches, letters, and telegrams hitherto unpub lished. New York, 1900. 2 v. illus., ports., pi., facsim C18387 "One of the best of the anecdotal lives of Lincoln." Rev. in Outlook. 64 :413-4. 1900. Dial. 28-192-4. 1900. American historical review. 5 :778. 1900. Tarbell, I. M. and Davis, J. McC. The early life of Abraham Lincoln, con taining many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscenses of Lincoln s early friends. New York, 1896. 20 ports, of Lincoln, illus. .C18384 Thayer, W. M. The pioneer boy and how he became president. Boston, 1863. H 2497 Whipple, W. The story-life of Lincoln; a biography composed of five hun dred true stories told by Abraham Lincoln and his friends, selected from all authentic sources. . . Memorial ed. Philadelphia, 1908 ; . front., illus., pi., ports., facsims C18297 Whitney, II. W. The life of Lincoln. New York, 1908. 2 v. illus C18299 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln. (In Leisure hour. 17:103-7,123-5,135-39. 1868) Ser. Nicolay, H. The boys life of Abraham Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. Volumes 33-34. 1905-1906) Ser. Same S75, 33-34 Nicolay, J. G. and Hay, J. Abraham Lincoln: a history. (In Century maga zine. Volumes 11-17. 1886-1890) Ser. Same S15, 11-17 Stanton, T. Abraham Lincoln. (In Westminster review. Volumes 135-136. 1891) Ser. 6 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tarbell, I. M. Abraham Lincoln. (In McClure s magazine. Volumes 5-8. 1895-1897) Ser. Same S51, 5-8 The later life of Lincoln. (In McClure s magazine. Volumes 12-13. 1898- 1899) Ser. Same S51, 12-13 (b) Biographical Sketches. BOOKS: Abbott, J. S. C. Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives of the presidents of the United States of America, p. 375-435. 1867). pi C 92 Arnold, I. N. Abraham Lincoln: a paper read before the Royal Historical Society, London, June 16th, 1881. Chicago, 1881 *B1353, 14-17 Same *B 1339 Same *C1696, 4 Baldwin, J. The story of Abraham Lincoln. (In Four great Americans, p. 187-246. 1897). port H 3949 Barnet, J. President Lincoln. (In The martyrs and heroes of Illinois, p. I-XVL 1865) B 1391 Bateman, N. and Selby, P. (ed. ). Abraham Lincoln. (In Historical encyclo pedia of Illinois. Cook county ed. vol. 1, p. 337-8. 1901) *RR 54, 4 Biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln. (In Appleton s cyclopaedia of Ameri can biography, vol. 3, p. 715-27. 1888). front., illus *RR 31, 3 Biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lamb s biographical dictionary of the United States, vol. 5, p. 63-8. 1903) . front., illus *RR 26, 7 Biographical sketch of Abraham Lincoln. (In National cyclopedia of Ameri can biography, vol. 2, p. 65-74. 1892) . illus *RR 32, 1 Brooks, E. S. At Lincoln s home. (In Century book of famous Americans. p. 193-210. 1896). illus H 3270 The story of Abraham Lincoln, of Springfield. (In Historic Americans, p. 335-53. 1899) . illus H 3264 Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln. (In Statesmen, p. 176-222. 1893) C10420 Duyckinck, E. A. Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives and portraits of the presidents of the United States, p. 191-202. 1881). port *V 2311 Abraham Lincoln. (In Portrait gallery of eminent men and women of Europe and America . . . with biographies, vol. 2, p. 399-410. 1873) *V200, 2 Eggleston, G. C. Abraham Lincoln. (In American immortals, p. 199-220. 1902) . port *V 2930 Frost, J. Abraham Lincoln. (In The presidents of the United States, p. 427- 60. 1889) . port C 3468 Hay, J. Abraham Lincoln. (In Wilson, J. G., ed. The presidents of the United States 1789-1894. p. 300-35. 1894). port., illus C10238 Hubbard, E. Abraham Lincoln. (In Little journeys to the homes of American statesmen, p. 395-436. 1898) . port., pi., facsims C16919 Lincoln, A. An autobiography written by his own hand, Dec., 1859. (In Lin coln memorial collection of Chicago. 1887) *C1696, 6 Lodge, H. C. and Roosevelt, T. Abraham Lincoln. (In Hero tales from Ameri can history, p. 323-35. 1895) . port H 1766 Lord, J. Abraham Lincoln. Civil war: Preservation of the union. 1809-1865. (In Beacon lights of history, vol. 7, p. 451-529. 1894) A286, 7 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 7 Mabie, H. W. Abraham Lincoln. (In Warner s Library of the world s best literature, vol. 16, p. 9059-64. 1897) *RR263, 1 Palmer, J. M. (ed.). Abraham Lincoln. (In Bench and bar of Illinois, vol. 1, p. 536-41. 1899 ) *RR 54, 5 Powderly, T. V. Abraham Lincoln. (In Home, C. F., ed. Great men and famous women, vol. 2, p. 338-44. 1894) . pi *P1706, 2 Raum, G. B. Abraham Lincoln. (In History of Illinois Republicanism, p. 253-4. 1900) *V 2198 Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln, a biographical essay; with an essay on the portraits of Lincoln by Truman H. Bartlett. Boston and New York, 1907. front., pi., ports *P 2924 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Writings; ed. by A. P. Lapsley. vol. 1, p, 5-76. 1905). ports *J188, 1 Same. Boston, 1891. port C11204 Seidle, T. C. Abraham Lincoln. (In Photographs of the most eminent mod ern statesmen and politicians of the United States of America, p. 117. 1894). port *V 2051 Smith, H. A. Abraham Lincoln. (In One hundred famous Americans, p. 104-8. 1886) C 2216 Sparks, E. E. Abraham Lincoln, a new type of American. (In The men who made the nation, p. 378-410. 1901 ) B 2262 Sto\ve, (Mrs.) H. E. B. Abraham Lincoln. (In The lives and deeds of self- made men. p. 11-110. 1872 ) . port C 89 Same. (In Men of our times, p. 11-110. 1869) . port C 94 Thayer, W. M. Abraham Lincoln. The life-sketch that inspired him to excel. (In Turning points in successful careers, p. 42-51. 1895) . . .-. C16882 Townsend, G. A. The real life of Abraham Lincoln. A talk with Mr. Hern- don, his late law partner. New York, 1867. port *C1696, 1 Townsend, V. F. Abraham Lincoln (In Our presidents, p. 281-306. 1889). port C2358 Vicufia Mackenna, B. Abraham Lincoln. (In Hunter, D. J. Sketch of Chili. p. 94-116. 1866) I 479 Weitenkampf, F. Abraham Lincoln. (In Spofford, A. R., ed. Library of his toric characters, vol. 8, p. 5-46. 1895) . front *A2161, 8 Wise, D. Abraham Lincoln, the preserver of his country. (In Men of renown. p. 11-40. 1886) C10190 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln. (In All the year round. 59 :469-76. 1886) Ser. Abraham Lincoln, president elect of the United States; sketch in 1860. (In Once a week, 4 :7-10. 1861 ) Ser. Arnold, I. N. Abraham Lincoln: a paper read before the Royal Historical Society, London, June 16, 1881. (In Royal Historical Society Trans actions. 10:312-43. 1882) Ser. Hapgood, N. The inner life of Abraham Lincoln. (In Chautauquan. 31:79-82. 1900) Ser. Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln. (In Atlantic monthly. 67:721-50. 1891) Ser. Smith, M. H. Abraham. Lincoln. (In Hunt s merchant s magazine. 52:329-36. 1865) Ser. 8 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. (c) Personal Recollections. BOOKS: Arnold, I. X. Abraham Lincoln. (In Oldroyd, 0. H., ed. The Lincoln me morial, p. 29-69. 1882) C1S380 Bates, D. H. Lincoln and Charles A. Dana. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 227-31. 1895) .1 C183S1 Bidwell, D. D. Lincoln in Hartford. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln tributes from his associates, p. 182-4. 1895) C18381 Bowen, H. C. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln; history of his first visit to New York and New England. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 26-34. 1895) C 18381 Carpenter, F. B. An hour with President Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 102-7. 1895) C 18381 Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. The story of a picture. New York, 1866 C 394 Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890. Including some not hitherto published of Lincoln and the war. New York, 1893. port C10625 Curtis, G. W. Four glimpses of President Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 1-3. 1895) C18381 Gilmore, J. R. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln and the civil war. Boston, 1898. port Cl 838.) Greenwood, G. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln s reception to Tom Thumb. His favorite books of humor. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 108-15. 1895) C18381 Halstsead, M. A whiskey bill. Lincoln as an editorial writer. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln ; tributes from his associates, p. 57-9. 1895)C18381 Hay, J. Life in the WTiite House in the time of Lincoln. (In Addresses, p. 319-41. 1906) E 3446 Howard, 0. 0. Some reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 35-40. 1895) C18381 Jayne, W. Lincoln s birthday, 1907. Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lin coln; an address delivered before the Springfield chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, February 12, 1907 at the Lincoln Home. 1907 C18400 Same. Delivered to the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1907. Chicago, 1908 C1S204 Keckley, E. Behind the scenes; or, Thirty years a slave; and four years in the White House. New York, 1868. port C 1987 Knight, H. W. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 188-93. 1895)C18381 Lamon, W. H. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847-1865. Ed. by Dorothy Lamon. Chicago, 1895. ports, facsims C1S383 Neill, E. D. Reminiscences of the last year of President Lincoln s life. (In Loyal Legion of the U. S. Minnesota Commandery. Glimpses of the nation s struggle, vol. 1, p. 29-53. 1887) B25S5, 1 Pendel, T. F. Under President Lincoln. (In Thirty-six years in the White House, p. 9-50. 1902) C16803 Pepper, G. W. What General Sherman thought of Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 210-13. 1895).C18381 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 9 Piatt, D. Abraham Lincoln. (In Memories of the men who saved the union. p. 27-49. 1887 ) C 2179 Same. Clipping from the "Sunday times." Chicago, March 22, 1885.*C1696, 4 Poore, B. P. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Parton, J., ed. Some noted princes, authors, and statesmen of our times, p. 347-54. 1885) . .C 1510 Rice, A. T. (ed.). Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by distinguished men of his time. New York, 1886. pi., ports., facsims C 2007 Contains articles by Ulysses S. Grant ; Elihu B. Washburne ; George W. Julian ; R. E. Fenton ; J. P. Usher ; George S. Boutwell ; Benjamin F. Butler ; Charles C. Coffin ; Frederick Douglass ; Lawrence Weldon ; Benjamin P. Poore ; Titian J. Coffey ; Henry Ward Beecher ; William D. Kelly ; Cassius M. Clay ; Robert G. Ingersoll ; A. H. Markland ; Schuyler Colfax ; Daniel W. Voorhees ; Charles A. Dana ; John A. Kasson ; James B. Fry ; Hugh McCulloch ; Chauncy M. Depew ; David R. Locke; Leonard Swett; Walt Whitman; Donn Piatt ; E. W. An drews; James C. Welling; John Conness ; John B. Alley: and Thomas Hicks. Rev. in Atlantic monthly. 58 :5.j6-0. 1886. Saturday review. 62 :623-5. 1886. Sinn, W. E. A theatrical manager s reminiscences. Interview with Wilkes Booth. Effect upon Edwin Booth. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lin coln; tributes from his associates, p. 169-74. 1895) C18381 Stoddard, W. O. Inside the White House in war times. New York., 1890. pl.B 2514 Lincoln s vigil. The defeat of Chancellorsville. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 41-9. 1895) C18381 Tarbell, I. M. He knew Lincoln. New York, 1907. col. front., 6 pi F18540 Tinker, C. A. A telegrapher s reminiscence. The nomination of Andrew John son. Mr. Lincoln s fears. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 157-66. 1895) C 18381 Tuckerman, C. K. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Personal recollections of notable people at home and abroad, vol. 1, p. 101-27. 1895) .... C11765, 1 Ward, W. H. (ed.). Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates. Reminis cences of soldiers, statesmen and citizens. New York, 1895. port C18381 Watson, B. F. Abraham Lincoln as seen by a lifelong democrat. After going through Baltimore. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 132-45. 1895) C18381 Whitney, H. C. Life on the circuit with Lincoln. Boston, 1892. port., pi., facsims., maps C11198 Rev. in Nation. 56:127-8. 1893. MAGAZINES: Ashley, J. M. Calhoun, Seward and Lincoln. (In Magazine of Western his tory. 12:599-609,13:1-13. 1890) Ser. Ashmun, G. Recollections of a peculiar service. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 3 : 248-54. 1903 ) Ser. Barnes, J. S. With Lincoln from Washington to Richmond in 1865. (In Apple- ton s magazine. 9:515-24, 741-51. 1907) Ser. Bates, D. H. Lincoln and Charles A. Dana. (In Independent. 47:449. 1895). Ser. Bidwell, D. D. Lincoln in Hartford. (In Independent. 47:445-6. 1895).... Ser. Bowen, H. C. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln; history of his first visit to New York and New England. (In Independent. 47:431-2. 1895) Ser. 10 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Brooks, N". Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Harper s new monthly magazine. 31 :222-30. 1865) Ser. Personal reminiscences of Lincoln. (In Scribner s monthly. 15:561-9,, 673- 81. 1878) Ser. Bullock, J. M. President Lincoln s visiting card; story of the parole of a Confederate officer. (In Century magazine. 33:565-71. 1898) Ser. Same S15, 33 Burrage, H. S. How Abraham Lincoln righted a wrong. (In Independent. 53 :379-85. 1901 ) Ser. Button, C. P. Lincoln as an antagonist. (In Lippincott s magazine. 67: 200-9. 1901) Ser. Same S48, 67 Cannon, J. G. A reminiscence of Abraham Lincoln. (In World s work. 13: 8528-30. 1907 ) Ser. Same S321, 13 Carpenter, F. B. An hour with President Lincoln. (In Independent. 47:439. 1895) Ser. "In memoiiam." (In Hours at home. 1 : 158-62. 1865) Ser. Carr, C. E. Reminiscences of Lincoln. (In My day and generation. 1908). front., pi., ports., facsims C1740G Chambrun, C. A. P. (marquis) de. Personal recollections of Mr. Lincoln. (In Scribner s magazine. 13 :25-38. 1893 ) Ser. Same S76, 13 Con way, M. D. Personal recollections of President Lincoln. (In Fortnightly review. 1:56-65. 1865) Ser. Crook, W. H. (Lincoln s body-guard). Lincoln as I knew him. Compiled and written down by M. S. Gerry. (In Harper s monthly magazine. 114: 107-14. 1906. 115:41-8. 1907) Ser. Same S40, 114-115 Cunningham, J. 0. Recollections of Lincoln. (In Bibliotheca sacra. 65:636- 56. 1908) Ser. Curtis, G. W. Four glimpses of President Lincoln. (In Independent. 47:429. 1895 ) Ser. Dall, C. H. Pioneering; reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. (In Atlantic monthly. 19:403-15. 1867) Ser. Same S 7,19 Edwards, C. B. An incident of Lincoln s first White House reception. (In Century magazine. 50:636-7. 1906) Ser. Same S15, 50 Fischer, H. W. Lincoln, Lamon, and Eugene Field. (In Bookman. 7:200-3. 1898) Ser. Floyd, G. P. Abraham Lincoln s rum sweat. (In McClure s magazine. 30: 302-8. 1908) Ser. Same S51, 30 Greenwood, G. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln s reception to Tom Thumb. His favorite books of humor. (In Independent. 47:439-40. 1895) Ser. Halstead, M. A whiskey bill. Lincoln as an editorial writer. (In Indepen dent. 47 :434-5. 1895) . Ser. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 11 Hay, J. Life in the White House in the time of Lincoln. (In Century maga zine. 19:33-7. 1890) Ser. Same S15, 19 Holden, J. E. My story of Abraham Lincoln. (In Outlook. 70:718-20. 1902) Ser. Same . S241, 70 Howard, 0. 0. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Century maga zine. 53 -.873-77. 1908) Ser. Same S15, 53 Some reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. (In Independent. 47:432-3. 1895) Ser. King, H. My first and last sight of Abraham Lincoln. ( In Magazine of Ameri can history. 16 :254-7. 1886) Ser. Knight, H. W. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Independent. 47 :446. 1895) Ser. Mowry, W. A. Reminiscences of Lincoln told by ex-governor Curtin of Penn. (In Independent. 49:1068-9. 1897) Ser. Nadal, E. S. Some impressions of Lincoln. (In Scribner s magazine. 39: 368-77. 1906) Ser. Same S76, 39 Nash, L. A. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Green bag. 9:479-80. 1897 ) Ser. Pepper, G. W. What General Sherman thought of Lincoln. (In Independent. 47 :448. 18 ; 95) Ser. Pickett, (Mrs.) General G. E. President Lincoln, intimate personal recollec tions. (In Lippincott s magazine. 77 : 555-60. 1906) Ser. Same S48, 77 Porter, H. Lincoln and Grant. (In Century magazine. 8:939-47. 1885) Ser. Same S 15, 8 Rhodes, A. A reminiscence of Abraham Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. 4:8-10. 1876) Ser. Scovel, J. M. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lippincott s magazine. 44:244-51. 1889) Ser. Same S48, 44 Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Overland monthly, n. s. 18 :497-506. 1891 ) Ser. Personal recollections of Lincoln and statesmen of his time. (In National magazine. Bost. 17 : 693-702. 1903) Ser. Same . S59, 17 Recollections of Lincoln. (In Lippincott s magazine. 63:277-82. 1899).. Ser. Same S48, 63 Recollections of Lincoln and Seward. (In Overland monthly, n. s. 38: 265-71. 1901 ) Ser. Same S64, 38 Recollections of Seward and Lincoln. (In Lippincott s magazine. 51:237- 42. 1893) Ser. Same S48, 51 Side-lights on Lincoln. (In National magazine. Bost. 18:458-9. 1903) . Ser. Same S59, 18 Side-lights on Lincoln. (In Overland monthly. 38:204-7. 1901) Ser. Same S64, 38 12 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sinn, W. E. A theatrical manager s reminiscences. Interview with Wilkes Booth. Effect upon Edwin Booth. (In Independent. 47:444-5. 1895).. Ser. Smith, H. E. Mr. Lincoln and a lady of the Sanitary commission. (In Inde pendent. 52 :434-G. 1900) i Ser. Stoddard, W. 0. Lincoln s vigil. The defeat of Chancellorsville. (In Inde pendent. 47 :433-4. 1895) Ser. Sutton, C. T. Characteristic glimpses of Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 41: 558-60. 1902) Ser. Same S15, 41 Tarbell, I. M. Back there in 58. (In American magazine. 65:1-13. 1907) .. Ser. Same ". S30, 65 He knew Lincoln. (In American magazine. 63:339-48. 1907) Ser. Same S30, 63 Tinker, C. A. Lincoln in the telegraph office. The nomination of Andrew Johnson. Mr. Lincoln s fears. (In Independent. 47:443-4. 1895) Ser. Tuckerman, C. K. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Magazine of American history. 19 :411-5. 1888) Ser. Van Santvoord, C. A reception by President Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 3:612-4. 1883) Ser. Same S 15, 3 Viele, F. L. A trip with Lincoln, Chase and Stanton. (In Scribner s monthly. 16:813-22. 1878) Ser. Villard, H. Recollections of Lincoln. (In Atlantic monthly. 93:165-74. 1904) Ser. 1904) ". Ser. Same S 7,93 Washburne, E. B. Abraham Lincoln in Illinois. (In North American review. 141 :307-19, 454-63. 1885) > Ser. Watson, B. F. Abraham Lincoln as seen by a life-long democrat. After going through Baltimore. (In Independent. 47 : 441-2. 1895) Ser. Weed, T. Mr. Lincoln and three friends in council. (In Galaxy. 11:247-56. 1871) Ser. White, H. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 3:71-6. 1906) Ser. Whitney, H. C. Lincoln s social isolation. (In Independent. 54:378-81. 1902) Ser. Wilson, J. F. Some memories of Lincoln. (In North American review. 163: 667-75. 1896) Ser. Same S55, 163 Winchell, J. M. Three interviews with President Lincoln. (In Galaxy. 16: 33-41. 1873) Ser. (d) Boyhood. BOOKS: Atkinson, (Mrs.) E. The boyhood of Lincoln. New York, 1908. front., pi. .018296 Banks, L. A. Abraham Lincoln. (In Youth of famous Americans, p. 252-61. 1902). port 016835 Bolton, S. K. Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives of poor boys who became famous. p. 342-67. 1885) . port C 1920 Butterworth, H. In the boyhood of Lincoln. New York, 1892. pi., port., fac- sims. . ..H 977 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 13 Charlton, T. J. Lincoln the boy. (In Loyal Legion of the U. S., Military Order of the Indiana Commandery. War papers, vol. 1, p. 334-8. 1898) B6094, 1 Stoddard, W. 0. The boy Lincoln. New York, 1906. illus H2572 Whitney, H. C. The emancipator in embryo. (In Life on the circuit with Lin coln, p. 7-23. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Atkinson, (Mrs.) E. Lincoln s boyhood. (tn American magazi. < . 5:360-9. 1908 ) Ser. Same S30, 65 Boy Lincoln s library, The. (In St. Nicholas. 27:824. 1900) Ser. Same S75, 27 Mabie, H. W. The education of Lincoln. (In Outlook. 76:454-9. 1904) Ser. Same S241, 76 Lincoln s self-education. (In Chautauquan. 31 : 33-5. 1900) Ser. (e) Young Manhood. BOOKS: Browne, F. F. (comp.). Lincoln s early life. (In Every-day life of Abraham Lincoln, p. 33-133. 1886) C 2008 Curtis, W. E. The man and his kindred. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 13-55. 1903) C18391 Jackson, A. A. Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war. (In Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Collections, vol.14, p. 118-36. 1898) . .*B1500, 14 Moore, R. M. Mr. Lincoln as a wrestler. (In Illinois State Historical Society. Transactions. 1904. p. 433-4. 1904) B3214, 9 Publication No. 9 of the Illinois State Historical Library. Onstot, T. G. Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties; made up of personal reminiscences of an early life in Menard county, which we gathered in a Salem life from 18.30 to 1840, and a Petersburg life from 1840 to 1850; including personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cart- wright. Forest City, 111., 1902. front., illus., port., plan B 3230 Rothschild, A. A Samson of the backwoods. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 1-33. 1906 ) C18396 Whitney, H. C. Ecce homo. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 24-38. 1892) C11198 The romance of Ann Rutledge. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 162-70. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Atkinson, (Mrs.) E. Love story of Ann Rutledge. (In Ladies home journal. 25 : 17-8. Nov. 1908) Ser. Orr, L. The courtships of Abraham Lincoln. (In Munsey s magazine. 36: 445-50. 1907 ) Ser. Same S53, 36 Souther, W. H. The Lincoln-Shields duel. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 4:145-7. 1906) Ser. Stevens, F. E. Captain Abraham Lincoln versus Private Lorenzo Dow Thomp son. The story of a celebrated contest. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 1 : 86-90. 1905) Ser. 14 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. (f) Political Life. Curtis, W. E. A prairie politician. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 129- 78. 1903) C18391 McLean County Historical Society, Bloomington, 111. Meeting of May 20, 1900, commemorative of the convention of May 29, 1856, that organized the Republican party in the State of Illinois; ed. by Ezra M. Prince. Bloomington, 1900. fronts., illus., ports. (McLean County Historical Society. Transactions . . . vol. Ill) B3103, 3 Rothschild, A. Love, war and politics. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 34- 78. 1906) C18396 Was Abraham Lincoln a party man? (In Arena. 39:461-2. 1908) Ser. Same S 6, 39 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln as a politician. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln. p. 368-89. 1892) C11198 (g) Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Lincoln, A. and Douglas, S. A. Political debates between . . . Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign of 1858, in Illinois; including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Spring field, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1859. Columbus, 1860 L 115 Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign of 1858 in Illinois, including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Abraham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. Cleveland, 1894 L 3239 The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 . . . ed. by E. E. Sparks. Springfield, 1908. (In Illinois State Historical Library. Coll. vol. III. Lincoln ser., vol. I ) B3235, 3 Text of the speeches, from "Political debates between Lincoln and Douglas," published in 1360, with much connecting narrative by the editor, and much illustrative material from contemporary newspapers. Lincoln-Douglas debates. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. I. 1894) J163, 1 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vols. 3-5. 1905-06) *J159, 3-5 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Writings; ed. by A. B. Lapsley. vols. 3-4. 1905) , M188, 3-4 The first Lincoln and Douglas debate at Ottawa, 111., Aug. 21, 1858. Old South leaflets general ser. no. 85. Boston, 1897 B2112, 4 Contains also Lincoln s farewell address at Springfield, 111., as he was leaving for Washington, February 11, 1861. Terry, S. B. (comp.). An appraised list of the more general works bearing on the Lincoln-Douglas debates. (In Sparks, E. E., ed. Tfhe Lincoln-Doug las debates of 1858. p. 597-604. 1908) B3235, 3 Illinois State Historical Library. Coll. vol. III. Lincoln ser., vol. II. Should be consulted for a full list of references on the debates. Hill, F. T. Lincoln-Douglas debates. (In Century magazine. 55:3-19. 1908) Ser. Same S15, 55 Lusk, D. W. Lincoln and Douglas 1858. (In Politics and politicians of Illi nois, 1856-1884. p. 45-94. 1884) B 3124 Same. 2d ed. . ..B 3126 (f in-!VR3<YY ABRAHAM L1XCOLX. X 15 McPike, H. G. Recollections of the last debates between Lincoln and Douglas. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 3:77-9. 1906) Ser. Moses, J. Sketch of Lincoln-Douglas debates; Mr. Lincoln s nomination and election to the presidency, his assassination and death; organization of Lincoln Monument Association, etc. (In Illinois, historical and statis tical. 1889-1892. 2v.) B 3134 Rothschild, A. Giants, big and little. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 79-120. 1906) C18396 Schurz, C. The Lincoln-Douglas debate at Quincy, Illinois. (In McClure s magazine. 28:250-64. 1907) Ser. Same S51, 28 Whitney, H. C. The joint-debate and its results. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 456-68. 1892) C11198 (h) Election to the Presidency. BOOKS: Do\v, X. From Libby Prison. The South feared Lincoln s renomination. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 92-3. 1895) C18381 Forney, J. W. Abraham Lincoln. (In Anecdotes of public men. p. 244-57. 1873) C 58 Lincoln, A. (& others). The campaign of 1860; comprising the speeches of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, Henry Wilson, Benjamin F. Wade, Carl Schurz, Charles Sumner, W 7 illiam M. Evarts, &c. Albany, 1860) . .L 312 Lyon. X. Our cause our candidate. (In Last political writings, p. 111-28 1861) L 126 McClure, A. K. The Lincoln-Breckenridge-Douglas-Bell contest, and the Lin- coln-McClellan contest. (In Our presidents and how we make them. p. 154-201. 1900) . port L 6273 McKee, T. H. Biography of Abraham Lincoln Historical notes, etc. (In Presidential inaugurations ... p. 109-19. 1893) L 3177 Oldroyd, 0. H. Lincoln s campaign; or, The political revolution of 1860. Chicago, 1896 L 6233 Speeches, cartoons, campaign songs, portraits. Phillips, W. Lincoln s election. (In Speeches, lectures, and letters, vol. 1, p. 294-318. 1881) E1442, 1 Pinkerton, A. History and evidence of the passage of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington, D. C., on the 22d and 23d of February, 1861. New York or Chicago? 1868 C11207 Powell, A. M. Lincoln and the abolitionist riots. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 224-5, 1895) C18381 Republican Xational Conventions. Proceedings of the first three Republican Xational Conventions of 1856,, 1860 and 1804. Minneapolis, 1893 *R3762, 1856, 60, 64 Seward, F. W. How Lincoln was warned of the Baltimore assassination plot. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates. p. 60-5. 1895) C18381 Whitney, H. C. The presidential nomination. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 72-89. 1892) C11198 16 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LI BEAKY. MAGAZINES: Arnold, I. N. The Baltimore plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. (In Har per s new monthly magazine. 37 : 123-8. 1868) Ser. Brooks, N. Lincoln s reelection. (In Century magazine. 27:865-72. 1895).. Ser. Same S15, 27 Bromley, I. H. Historic moments: the nomination of Lincoln. (In Scribner s magazine. 14 : 645-56. 1893 ) Ser. Same S76, 14 Carpenter, F. B. How Lincoln was nominated. (In Century magazine. 2: 853-9. 1882 ) Ser. Same S 15, 2 Carr, C. E. Why Lincoln was not nominated by acclamation. (In Century magazine. 51 : 503-6. 1907) Ser. Same S15, 51 Dow, N. From Libby prison. The South feared Lincoln s renomination. (In Independent. 47 :438. 1895) Ser. Fiske, S. When Lincoln Avaa first inaugurated. (In Ladies home journal. 14:7-8. March, 1897) Ser. Hall, A. 0. The great Lincoln inauguration. (In Frank Leslie s popular monthly. 43 : 254-60. 1897 ) Ser. Same S30, 43 Lincoln s first letter of acceptance. (In World s work. 16:10627. 1908) Ser. Same S321, 16 McClure, A. K. The night at Harrisburg; a reminiscence of Lincoln s jour ney to Washington in 1861. (In McClure s magazine. 5:91-9. 1895).. Ser. Same S 51:5 Moffett, C. How Allan Pinkerton thwarted the first plot to assassinate Lin coln. (In McClure s magazine. 3 :519. 1894) Ser. Powell, A. M. Lincoln and the abolitionist riots. (In Independent. 47:449. 1895) Ser. Proctor, A. G. Personal recollections of the nomination of Lincoln in 1860. (In Harper s weekly. 49 : 1937-8. 1905 ) Ser. Seward, F. W. How Lincoln was warned of the Baltimore assassination plot. (In Independent. 47 :435. 1895 ) Ser. Stoddard, W. O. Story of a nomination. (In North American review. 138: 263-73. 1884) Ser. Weik, J. W. Lincoln s vote for vice-president in the Philadelphia convention of 1856. (In Century magazine. 54:186-9. 1908) Ser. Same S15, 54 (i) Administration. BOOKS: Barrett, J. H. Abraham Lincoln and his presidency. Cincinnati, 1904. 2 v. fronts., ports., f acsims C 1829S Rev. in Nation. 78:356-7. 1904. Dial. 36:234-6 1904. Bates, D. H. Lincoln in the telegraph office; recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the civil war . . . New York, 1907. front., pi., ports., plan, f acsims C 18399 Boutwell, G. S. President Lincoln, the statesman and liberator. (In The law yer, the statesman, and the soldier, p. 90-149. 1887) C2330 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 17 Brooks, N. Washington in Lincoln s time. New York, 1895 C18382 "A vivid and faithful picture of the capital in war-time. Very well and clearly written. Has many descriptions of persons and things that are worthy of a permanent place in the public gallery of por traits and historical scenes." Browne, F. F. (comp.). Lincoln as president. (In Every-day life of Abraham Lincoln, p. 397-717. 1886) C 2008 Brownson, 0. A. The president s message and proclamation. (In Works. vol. 17, p. 510-36. 1885) J33, 17 The president s policy. (In Works, vol. 17, p. 386-412. 1885 J33, 17 Chittenden, L. E. Recollections of President Lincoln and his administration. New York, 1891. port C11203 Curtis, W. E. A commander-in-chief and his generals. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 229-76. 1903) C18391 The emancipation of the slaves. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 314-41. 1903) C18391 How Lincoln appeared in the White House. (In The true Abraham Lin coln, p. 277-313. 1903) C18391 A master in diplomacy. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 342-69. 1903) C18391 A president and his cabinet. (In The true Abraham Lincoln, p. 179-228. 1903) C18391 Eaton, J. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen; reminiscences of the civil war, with special reference to the work for the contrabands and freedmen of the Mississippi Valley, by John Eaton ... in collaboration with Ethel Osgood Mason. New York, 1907. front, (port.), pi., facsims B 6162 Getchell, G. H. (comp.). Abraham Lincoln. (In Our nation s executives and their administrations, p. 240-74. 1885 ) . port *V 1733 Houghton, W. R. Lincoln s adminstration. 1861-1865. (In History of Ameri can politics, p. 348-92. 1883) L 3246 Irelan. J. R. History of the life, administration, and times of Abraham Lin coln. (In The Republic; or, A history of the United States of America in the administrations from the monarchic colonial days to the present times, vols. 16-17. 1888. port B858, 16-17 Kelley, W. D. Lincoln and Stanton. A study of the war administration of 1861 and 1862, with special consideration of some recent statements of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. New York, 1885 B 2622 (Questions of the day. no. 29). Lowell, J. R. McClellan or Lincoln? 1864. (In Political essays, p. 153-76. 1888) L 3314 Same (In Writings, vol. 5, p. 153-76. 1895) J170, 5 Same *P635, 5 Ludlow, J. M. President Lincoln self-pourtrayed. London, 1866. port C 408 McCarthy, C. H. Lincoln s plan of reconstruction. New York, 1901 B 6146 Rev. in Political science quarterly. 17 :157-60. 1902. Nation. 74 :331-2. 1902. Dial. 32:342-5. 1902. McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war-times. Some personal rec ollections of war and politics during the Lincoln administration. With introduction by A. C. Lambdin. Philadelphia, 1892. pi., ports., facsims..C 11206 McPherson, E. Political history of the United States during the great rebel lion. Washington, 1864 B 474 18 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mosher, R. B. (comp.). The administration of Abraham Lincoln, first term, March 4, 1861, to March 3, 1865. Second term, March 4, 1865, to April 15, 1<865. (In Executive register of the United States, 1789-1892. p. 163-72. 1903) L 6336 Nicholas, S. S. A review of the argument of President Lincoln and Attorney General Bates, in favor of presidential power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. (In Conservative essays, legal and politi cal, p. 216-75. 1863) : E 4846 Raymond, H. J. History of the administration of President Lincoln; includ ing his speeches, letters, proclamations and messages. With a prelim inary sketch of his life. New York, 1864. port B 457 Rothschild, A. The curbing of Stanton. (In Lincoln,, master of men. p. 223- 88. 1906) C18396 How the pathfinder lost the trail. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 289- 326. 1906) C18396 An in dispensable man. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 157-222. 1906) . .C18396 The power behind the throne. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 121-56. 1906) C18396 The young Napoleon. (In Lincoln, master of men. p. 327-425. 1906) . . . .C18396 Singleton, E. Abraham Lincoln. (In Story of the White House, vol. 2, p. 68- 98. 1907 ). pi., port B5996, 2 Thompson, R. W. Abraham Lincoln. (In Recollections of sixteen presidents from Washington to Lincoln, vol. 2 3 p. 389-419. 1894). port C10234, 2 Welles, G. Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the memorial address of Charles Francis Adams, on the late Wm. H. Seward, etc. New York, 1874 C 2004 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln and Grant. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 432-55. 1892) C1119S Lincoln and labor. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 390-403. 1892) C11198 Lincoln and McClellan. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 296-316. 1892) C11198 Lincoln and slavery. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 317-67. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln s war policy. (In Quarterly review. 185:214-40. 1897)... Ser. Allen, J. H. Inauguration of President Lincoln in 1865. (In Christian exam iner. 78:274-86. 1865) Ser. Bates, D. H. Lincoln in the telegraph office. (In Century magazine. 52:123- 40, 364-75, 612-22, 765-76. 1907) Ser. Same S15, 52 Brooks, N. Glimpses of Lincoln in war time. (In Century magazine. 27: 457-67. 1895) Ser. Same ^15, 27 Lincoln, Chase, and Grant. (In Century magazine. 27:607-19. 1895)... Ser. Same si5, 27 Brown, W. G. Lincoln s policy of mercy. (In Atlantic monthly. 96:359-76. 1905) ." Ser. Same g 7j 96 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 19 Chittenden, L. E. The faith of President Lincoln. (In Harper s new monthly magazine. 82:385-91. 1891) Ser. Same S40, 82 Conway, M. D. President Lincoln. (In Eraser s magazine. 71:1-21. 1865).. Ser. Dabney, R. L. Memoir of a narrative received of Col. John R. Baldwin, of Staunton, touching the origin of the war. (In Southern Historical So ciety Papers. 1 : 443-55. 1876) Ser. Dana, C. A. Reminiscences of men and events of the civil war. Mr. Lincoln and his cabinet. (In McClure s magazine. 10:561-71. 1898) Ser. Same S51, 10 Dicey, E. Lincolniana. (In Macmillan s magazine. 12:185-92. 1865) Ser. Fish, C. R. Lincoln and the patronage. (In American historical review. 8: 53-69. 1902) Ser. Forbes, A. Abraham Lincoln as a strategist. (In North American review. 155 : 53-68, 160-70. 1892 ) Ser. Same S55, 155 Gay, H. N. Lincoln s offer of a command to Garabaldi. (In Century maga zine. 53 : 63-74. 1907 ) Ser. Same S15, 53 Hayden, H. E. Lincoln s restoration policy for Virginia. (In Magazine of American History. 22 :487-8. 1889) . Ser. Leslie, L. Lincoln entering Richmond. (In Midland monthly. 7:410-5. 1897) Ser. Lovett, R. Abraham Lincoln as he appeared to the men of his time. (In Leisure hour. 36 : 165-70. 1887 ) Ser. Lowell, J. R. War polilcy of President Lincoln. (In North American review. 98 :234-60. 1864) Ser. McClure, A. Lincoln as commander-in-chief. (In McClure s magazine. 4:253- 66. 1895 ) Ser. Magruder, A. B. Lincoln s plan of reconstruction; a bit of secret history. (In Atlantic monthly. 37 :21-4. 1876) Ser. Same S 7, 37 Perry, L. J. Lincoln s home life in Washington. (In Harper s new monthly magazine. 94 : 353-9. 1897 ) Ser. Same S40, 94 Lincoln s official habit. (In Lippincott s magazine. 69:201-14. 1902)... Ser. Same S48, 69 Porter, D. D. President Lincoln s entry into Richmond after the evacuation of that place by the Confederates. (In Belford s magazine. 5:585-96, 649-58. 1890) Ser. President Lincoln and Senator Sumner. (In Harper s weekly. 51:1516-7. 1907) Ser. President Lincoln as a colonizationist. (In Nation. 50:91-2. 1890) Ser. President Lincoln s message to the two Houses of Congress. (In Brownson s quarterly review. 20:88-116. 1863) Ser. Rice, A. T. President Lincoln s corrections of Seward s dispatch to England in May, 1861. (In North American review. 142:402-10. 1886) Ser. Smith, G. President Lincoln. (In Macmillan s magazine. 11:300-5. 1865)... Ser. Same. (In Living age. 84 :426-30. 1865) Ser. Stiles, R. Lincoln s restoration policy for Virginia. (In Magazine of Ameri can history. 22 :209-23. 1889) Ser. 20 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Trumbull, M. M. Lincoln at Richmond. Admiral Porter s mistakes. (In Bel- ford s magazine. 6 :321-38. 1891 ) Ser. Unfitness of Lincoln for re-election. (In Brownson s quarterly review. 21: 420-50. 1864) Ser. Welles, G. Administration of Abraham Lincoln. (In Galaxy. Volumes 22-24. 1876-1877) Ser. Lincoln and Johnson; their plan of reconstruction and the resumption of national authority. (In Galaxy. 13 : 521-32, 663-73. 1872) Ser. Lincoln s triumph in 1864. (In Atlantic monthly. 41:454-68. 1878) .... Ser. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward. (In Galaxy. 16:518-30, GS7-700, 793-804. 1873) Ser. (j) Assassination. BOOKS: Bates, D. H. Lincoln s last days, and assassination. (In Lincoln in the tele graph office, p. 343-88. 1907) C18399 Chiniquy, C. The assassination of Lincoln. (In Forty years in the church of Christ, p. 206-32. 1900) M 3428 Chittenden, L. E. The hour of his thanksgiving. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 146-50. 1805) C183S1 Davis, Jefferson, and his complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and where the traitor shall be tried for treason. Philadelphia, 1866. .*C 391 Dewitt, D. M. The judicial murder of Mary E. Surratt. Baltimore, 1895 C18940 Dye, J. S. Abraham Lincoln. (In History of the plots and crimes of the great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America, p. 297-352. 1866). port B 431 Ferguson, W. J. the story of the assassination. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 9-16, 1895) C18381 Field, M. B. Mr. Lincoln s assassination; death-bed scenes and funeral. (In Memories of many men. p. 321-9. 1874) C 441 Great conspiracy. A book of absorbing interest. Eminent persons impli cated. Full secret of the assassination plot. John H. Surratt and his mother. With biographical sketches of J. B. Booth and John Wilkes, and the life and extraordinary adventures of John H. Surratt. Phila delphia, 1866 B 2582 Johnson, F. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. (In Famous assassinations of history, p. 343-55. 1903). port C16989 Johnson, R. An argument to establish the illegality of military commissions in the United States, and especially of the one organized for the trial of the parties charged with conspiracy to assassinate the late president, and others, presented to that commission on Monday, the 19th of June, 1865. Baltimore, 1865 *B 511 Poore, B. P. (comp.). The conspiracy trial for the murder of the president, and the attempt to overthrow the government by the assassination of its principal officers, vol. 1. Boston, 1865 N 4828 Mudd, N. (ed.). The life of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, containing his letters from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas Island, where he was imprisoned four years for alleged complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, with statements of Mrs. Samuel A. Mudd, Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, and Edward Spangler regarding the assassination and the argument of General Ewing on the question of the jurisdiction of the military commission, and on ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 21 the law and facts of the case; also the "diary" of John Wilkes Booth. New York and Washington, 1906. pi., ports C18575 Robinson, W. S. Results of President Lincoln s death. Extract from Diary of 1865. (In "Warrington" pen-portraits, p. 304-21. 1877) C 2168 Sikes, W. Abraham Lincoln. (In Studies of assassination, p. 147-62. 1881). A 283 United States. Department of State. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, late president of the United States of America and the attempted as sassination of William H. Seward, secrcetary of State, and Frederick W. Seward, assistant secretary, on the evening of the 14th of April, 1865. Expression of condolence and sympathy inspired by these events. Wash ington, 1866 *R 3727 Another copy. Washington, 1867. port *V 437 MAGAZINES: Attitude of Punch toward Lincoln. (In Literature. 4:603-4. 1899) Ser. Baker, R. S. The capture, death, and burial of J. Wilkes Booth. (In Mc- Clure s magazine. 9 : 574-85. 1897 ) . . Ser. Same S 51, 9 Brooks, N. The close of Lincoln s career. (In Century magazine. 28 i : 18-27. 1895) Ser. Same S15, 28 Brown, (Mrs.) E. C. The death of Lincoln. (In Chautauquan. 31:521-2. 1900) Ser. Chicago papers on the assassination of Lincoln: Chicago daily tribune, Chi cago Sonntags Zeitung, and Chicago times, for April, 1865 Doc. Chittenden, L. E. The hour of his thanksgiving. (In Independent. 47:442-3. 1895) Ser. Cleary, W. W. Assassination of President Lincoln. (In Southern Historical Society, Papers. 9:313-25. 1881) Ser. Collum, R. S. The story of a crime. (In United Service. Philadelphia. 1: 157-61. 1889) Ser. Conway, M. D. The assassination of President Lincoln. (In Eraser s maga zine. 71:791-806. 1865) Ser. Crook, W. H. (Lincoln s body-guard). Lincoln s last day; new facts now told for the first time. Compiled and written down by M. S. Gerry. (In Harper s monthly magazine. 115 : 519-30. 1907) Ser. Same S40, 115 Ferguson, W. J. The story of the assassination. (In Independent. 47:430-1. 1S95) Ser. Fletcher, L. B. The assassination of President Lincoln. (In Chautauquan: 31 :243-4. 1900) Ser. Haynie, E. C. At the death-bed of Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 29:954. 1896) Ser. Same S15, 29 King, H. The assassination of President Lincoln. (In New England maga zine, n. s. 9:425-31. 1893) Ser. Lesson of the hour. (In Monthly religious magazine. 33:298-306, 306-7, 373-4. 1865) ." Ser. Lincoln and Booth, a late discovery. (In Magazine of history with notes and queries. 3:117-8. 1906) Ser. Martyred president, The. (In Good words. 6:479-80. 1865) . Ser. 22 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mason, V. L. Four Lincoln conspiracies. (In Century magazine. 29:8 ; 89-911. 1896) Ser. Same S15, 29 Munroe, S. Recollections of Lincoln s assassination. (In North American re view. 162:424-34. 1896) Ser. Same S55, 162 New York papers on the assassination of Lincoln., April, 1865. X. Y., lSiJ5.. Doc. Prentice, W. R. On the Dry Tortugas. Stories of military prisoners and of the Lincoln conspirators. (In McClure s magazine. 18:564-70. 1902).. Ser. Same Sol, 18 Smith, G. The death of President Lincoln. (In Macmillan s magazine. 12: 175-80. 1S65) Ser. Same. (In Living age. 86:13-17. 1865) Ser. Speed, J. The assassins of Lincoln. (In North American review. 147:314-9. 1888) Ser. Same S55, 147 Woodward, G. A. The night of Lincoln s assassination. (In United Service. Philadelphia. 1 :471-6. 1889) Ser. (k) Funeral. Assassination and funeral of President Lincoln. (In Frank Leslie s illus trated newspaper. April 29, May 6, 13, & 20, 1865) . illus Ser. Assassination and funeral of President Lincoln. (In Harper s weekly. April 29, May 6, 13, 20, & 27, 1865) . illus Ser. Coggeshall, W. T. Lincoln memorial. The journeys of Abraham Lincoln: from Springfield to Washington, 1861, as president elect, and from Washington to Springfield, 18 65, as president martyred; comprising an acount of public ceremonies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. Columbus, 1865. port C 409 In memoriam. Abraham Lincoln assassinated at Washington, April 14, 1865: being a brief account of the proceedings of meetings, actions of authori ties and societies, speeches, sermons, addresses and other expressions of public feeling on reception of the news, and at the funeral obsequies of the president, at Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, 1865 *C 391 Power, J. C. Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. (In Abraham Lincoln; his life, public services, death and great funeral cortege, p. 103-223. 1875) . . .C 389 Shea, J. G. (ed.). The Lincoln memorial: a record of the life, assassination, and obsequies of the martyred president. New York, 1865. port....C 2001 ESTIMATES OF CHARACTER. BOOKS: Bates, D. H. Lincoln s love for his children. (In Lincoln in the telegraph office, p. 208-27. 1907 ) C 18301) Boutwell, G. S. The career of Abraham Lincoln. His character as a man. His place in history. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 66-91. 1895) C18381 Brooks, P. The character of Abraham Lincoln. (In Reed, T. B., ed. Modern eloquence, vol. 7, p. 137-44. 1900) J258!). 7 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 6, p. V-XVIII ) *J15<). 6 Same. (In Addresses, p. 151-76. 1893) M 3168 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 23 Creelman, J. Why we love Lincoln. (In Pearson s magazine. New York, 20: 356-79, 4(51-82. 1908). illus Ser. Cuyler, T. L. Lincoln after thirty years. (In Ward, W. H., ed.. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 125-9. 1895) C18381 Dawes, H. L. Lincoln, a wonder and a mystery. His wisdom and his tender ness. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his asso ciates, p. 4-8. 1895 ) C18381 Greeley, IT. Greeley on Lincoln; with Mr. Greeley s letters to Charles A. Dana and a lady friend, to which are added reminiscences of Horace Greeley; ed. by J. Benton. New York, 1893. port., facsim C10896 James, T. L. President Lincoln s knowledge of human nature: a critical study. (lu Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 94-101. New York, 1895) C18381 Lowell, J. R. Abraham Lincoln. (In My study windows, p. 150-77. 1892).. E 1344 Same. (In Writings, vol. 5, p. 177-209. 1895) J170, 5 Same *P635, 5 Morgan, J. T. Lincoln s most conspicuous virtue. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 130-1. 1895) C18381 Moulton, C. W. (ed.). Tributes to Abraham Lincoln. (In Library of literary criticism, vol. 6, p. 411-21. 1904) *RR265, 1 Oldroyd, 0. H. (ed.). The Lincoln memorial: album immortelles; original life pictures and autographs from the hands and hearts of eminent Americans and Europeans, contemporaries of the great martyr to liberty, Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, 111., 1890. pi., port C18380 Sanborn, F. B. Type of the American people. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 197-9. 1895) C18381 Sutherland, G. E. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis as commanders-in- chief. (In Loyal Legion of the U. S., Military Order of the Wisconsin Commandery. War papers, vol. 2, p. 110-36. 18:96) B2499, 2 Swing, D. Address to the new generation. Washington and Lincoln, Feb. 12 and 22, 1888, Rockford, 111., 1888 *C1696, 9 Whitney, H. C. His loyalty to his friends. (In Life on the circuit with Lin coln, p. 469-81. 1892) C11198 His mental and moral characteristics. (In Life on the circuit with Lin coln, p. 103-61. 1892) C11198 Wright, R. R. Abraham Lincoln s birthday. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 185-7. 1895) C18381 MAGAZINES: Adams. J. C. Lincoln s place in history. (In Century magazine. 25:590-6. 1894) Ser. Same S15, 25 Austin, G. L. Abraham Lincoln. (In Bay State monthly. 3:165-78. 1885).. Ser. Beardslee, C. S. Abraham Lincoln., a study in ethics. (In Hartford semi nary record. 16:5-31. 1905) Ser. Bellamy, F. A man of the people. (In Illustrated American. 21:232. 1897).. Ser. Boutwell, G. S. The career of Abraham Lincoln. His character as a man. His place in history. (In Independent. 47:435-8. 1895) Ser. Cuyler, T. L. Lincoln after thirty years. (In Independent. 47:441. 1895). Ser. Dawes, H. L. Lincoln, a wonder and a mystery. His wisdom and his tender ness. (In Independent. 47 :429-30. 1895) Ser. 24 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Greeley, H. Estimate of Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 20:371-82. 1891).. Ser. Same S15, 20 Ingersoll, R. G. Motley and monarch. (In North American review. 141:528- 32. 1885) Ser. James, T. L. President Lincoln s knowledge of human nature; a critical study. (In Independent. 47:438-9. 1895) Ser. Lincoln, Abraham, and Jefferson Davis a comparison. (In Land we love. 4:391-2. 1868) Ser. McGovern, J. Washington and Lincoln. (In National magazine. Boston. 23:518-25. 1906) Ser. Morgan, J. T. Lincoln s most conspicuous virtue. (In Independent. 47:441. 1895) Ser. Mowry, D. Abraham Lincoln. (In Green bag. 15:53-61. 1903) Ser. Norton, C. E. Principles of Abraham Lincoln. (In North American review. 100: 1-21. 1865) Ser. Opportunism of Lincoln. (In Harper s weekly. 48:228. 1904) Ser. Powell, L. P. Washington and Lincoln: a comparative study. (In Review of reviews. 23:191-6. 1901) Ser. Same S 2, 23 President Lincoln. (In Princeton review. 37 :435-58. 1865) Ser. Sanborn, F. B. Type of the American people. (In Independent. 47:447. 1895). Ser. Sasnett, B. H. Two recent tributes to Lincoln. (In McClure s magazine. 6:592. 1896) Ser. Same S 51,6 Talk about Lincoln. (In American magazine. 63:445-8. 1907) Ser. Same S30, 63 Titherington, R. H. Lincoln Garfield McKinley. Eulogies of three martyred presidents, an interesting comparison. (In Munsey s magazine. 27:306-8. 1902) Ser. Same S53, 27 Washington, Lincoln, Longfellow. (In Century magazine. 51:538-9. 1907) .... Ser. Same S15, 51 Whitney, H. C. Abraham Lincoln: a study from life. (In Arena. 19:464-82. 1898) Ser. Same S 6, 19 Wright, R. R. Abraham Lincoln s birthday. (In Independent. 47:446. 1895).. Sor. See also: Orations and Sermons. LINCOLN AS A LAWYER. BOOKS: Browne, F. F. (comp.). Lincoln as a lawyer and politician. (In Every-day life of Abraham Lincoln, p. 135-378. 1 886 ) . illus C 200S Chittenden, L. E. Lincoln, the lawyer. (In Personal reminiscences, p. 356-66. 1893) C10625 Curtis, W. E. The leader of the Springfield bar. (In The true Abraham Lin coln, p. 56-85. 1903) C18391 Hill, F. T. Lincoln the lawyer. New York, 1906. illus., pi., ports., facsims. .C18397 Illinois Central Railroad Compan?/. Abraham Lincoln as attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Chicago, 1905. port., 10 facsims. *V. 2281 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 25 Littlefield, J. H. Recollections of one who studied law with Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 200-6. 1895) C18381 Weldon, L. Reminiscences of Lincoln as a lawyer. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 237-55. 1895) C18381 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln as a lawyer. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 250-66. 1892) C11198 Life on the eighth circuit. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 39-71. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Hill, F. T. Lincoln the lawyer. (In Century magazine. Volumes 49-50. 1905- 1906) Ser. Same S15, 49-50 King, J. L. Lincoln s skill as a lawyer. (In North American review. 166:186- 95. 1898 ) Ser. Same S55, 166 Littlefield, J. H. Recollections of one who studied law with Lincoln. (In In dependent. 47:447. 1895) Ser. Saltonstall, F. G. A recollection of Lincoln in court. (In Century magazine. 53:636-7. 1897) Ser. Same S15, 53 Selby, P. "Lincoln s skill as a lawyer." A correction. (In North American review. 166:507-9. 1898) Ser. Same S55, 166 W^eik, J. W. Lincoln and the Matson negroes. (In Arena. 17:752-8, 1897) . . . Ser. Same S 6, 17 Lincoln as a lawyer, with an account of his first case. (In Century mag azine. 46:279-89. 1904) Ser. Same S15, 46 Weldon, L. Reminiscences of Lincoln as a lawyer. (In Independent. 47:450- 2. 1895) Ser. LINCOLN AS A LITERARY MAN. BOOKS: Dodge, D. K. Abraham Lincoln: the evolution of his literary style. Cham paign and Urbana, 111., 1900 L10702, 1 (University of Illinois. The University studies, vol. I, no. 1 (May, 1900), p. 1-58). Gilder, R. W. Lincoln as a writer. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 1, p. IX-XXX. 1905-06) *J159, 1 Whitney, H. C. His penchant for poetry. (In Life on the circuit with Lin coln, p. 482-90. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln as a craftsman in words. (In Craftsman. 8:482-8. 1905) Ser. Lincoln s imagination. (In Scribner s monthly. 18 : 584-7. 1879) Ser. Mabie, H. W. Lincoln as a literary man. (In Outlook. 58:321-7. 1898) .... Ser. Nicolay, J. G. Lincoln s literary experiments. (In Century magazine. 25: 823-32. 1894) Ser. Same ; S15, 25 26 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reeves, R. N. Abraham Lincoln s knowledge of Shakespeare. (In Overland monthly, n. s. 43:336-43. 1904) Ser. Same S64, 43 LINCOLN AS AN ORATOR. BOOKS: Arnold, I. N. Reminiscences of the Illinois bar forty years ago; Lincoln and Douglas as orators and lawyers. (In Fergus Historical series, n. d. no. 14, p. 132-154) *B1353, 14 Another ed. Chicago, 1881 *B 1339 Carr, C. E. Lincoln at Gettysburg. Chicago, 1906. pi., 8 port, (inch front.), fold, map B 6138 Same. (In Illinois State Historical Society. Transactions. 1906. p. 138-52. 1906) B3214, 11 Publication no. 11 of the Illinois State Historical Library. Rev. in Dial. 41 :321. 1906. Chittenden, L. E. Abraham Lincoln, the orator., the candidate, the man of the people. (In Personal reminiscences, p. 367-78. 1893) C10625 Curtis, W. E. A great orator and his speeches. (In The true Abraham Lin coln, p. 86-128. 1903) C18391 Field, H. M. Mr. Lincoln at the Cooper Institute; a critical view. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 207-9. 1895) C18381 Mr. Lincoln in New York. His addresses in New England. "Right makes might." (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 261-7. 1895 ) C18381 Pearson, A. W. Lincoln as a rhetorical artist. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 194-6. 1895) C 18381 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln as an orator. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln. p. 200-49. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Andrews, M. R. S. Perfect tribute to the Gettysburg speech. (In Scribner s magazine. 40:17-24. 1906) Ser. Same S76, 40 Field, H. M. Mr. Lincoln at the Cooper Institute; a critical view. (In Inde pendent. 47 :447-8. 1S95) Ser. Gilder, R. W. Lincoln s power of expression. (In Methodist review. 61:694- 705. 1901) Ser. Ludlow, J. M. President Lincoln judged by his own words. (In Good words. 6:612-9, 901-13. 1865) Ser. Mr. Lincoln in New York. His addresses in New England. "Right makes might." (In Independent. 47 :452-4. 1895) Ser. Nicolay, J. G. Lincoln s Gettysburg address. (In Century magazine. 25: 596-608. 1894 ) Ser. Same S15, 25 Pearson, A. W. Lincoln as a rhetorical artist. (In Independent. 47:446-7. 1895) Ser. Weik, J. W. Some traces of Lincoln s eloquence. (In Harper s weekly. 40: 158-9. 1896) ... , Ser. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 27 Whitney, H. C. "Lincoln s lost speech." Now first published from the unique report. The circumstances and effect of its delivery. By Joseph Medill. (In McClure s magazine. 7 : 319-31. 1896) Ser. Same S 51, 7 RELIGION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BOOKS: Birch, G. W. F. Lincoln s farewell to Springfield. Trust in divine guidance (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 232-3. 1895) C18381 C hittenden, L. E. Abraham Lincoln the man full of faith and power. (In Personal reminiscences, p. 409-27. 1893) C 10625 Curtis, W. E. Lincoln s philosophy, morals and religion. (In The true Abra ham Lincoln, p. 370-96. 1903) C18391 Gregg, D. God in Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 151-4. 1895) C18381 Maynard, (Mrs.) N. C. Was Abraham Lincoln a spiritualist? or, Curious revelations from the life of a trance medium. Together with portraits, letters and poems, etc. Philadelphia, 1891. pi., ports L 5487 Pennell, 0. H. (comp.). Religious views of Abraham Lincoln. Alliance, 0., 1899. front., port C18399 Rusling, J. F. Lincoln s faith in prayer. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 22-5. 1895) C 18381 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln as a Christian. (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln. p. 267-95. 1892) : C11198 MAGAZINES: Abbott, L. The agnosticism of Abraham Lincoln. (In Outlook. 84:654-5. 1906 ) Ser. Same S241, 84 Abraham Lincoln. (In Hours at home. 1 : 184-93. 1865) Ser. Birch, G. W. F. Lincoln s farewell to Springfield. Trust in divine guidance. (In Independent. 47 :449-50. 1895) Ser. Gregg, D. God in Lincoln. (In Independent. 47 : 443. 1895) Ser. McCrie, G. M. What was Abraham Lincoln s creed? (In Open court. 5: 3031-3. 1891) Ser. Reed, J. A. Later life and religious sentiments of Abraham Lincoln. (In Scribner s monthly. 6 : 333-43. 1873) Ser. Roper, R. C. The religious beliefs of Abraham Lincoln. (In Open court. 17: 76-85. 1903 ) Ser. Rusling, J. F. Lincoln s faith in prayer. (In Independent. 47:431. 1895) . . Ser. Stowe, (Mrs.) H. B. Abraham Lincoln. (In Living age. 80:282-4, 1864)... Ser. Tyler, B. B. The religious character of Abraham Lincoln. (In Homiletic re view. 30:84-9. 1895) Ser. LINCOLN AND TEMPERANCE. Banks, L. A. The Lincoln legion: the story of its founder and forerunners . . . New York, 1903. front., pi., ports L 4977 Lincoln and prohibition. (In Harper s weekly. 52:6. 1908) Ser. Thompson, D. A. Abraham Lincoln and temperance. (In Methodist review. 59 :9-19. 1899) . Ser. 28 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. PERSONAL APPEARANCE. Bartlett, T. H. An essay on the portraits of Lincoln. (In Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln, a biographical essay, p. 5-37. 1907. port., pi.) *P 2924 The physiognomy of Lincoln. (In MeClure s magazine. 29:391-407. 1907) Ser. Same S51, 29 Nicolay, J. G. Lincoln s personal appearance. (In Century magazine. 20: 932-8. 1891) Ser. Same S15, 20 See also Portraits. ORATIONS. BOOKS: Adams, C. F. Speech . . . at a meeting of the Americans held in London, May 1. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 281-5. 1865) *C 402 Ames, C. G. Stand by the President! An address delivered before the National Union Association of Cincinnati, March 6, 1&63. Philadelphia, 1863.. B 6172 Baldwin, J. N. Abraham Lincoln. (In New York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1901. p. 13-19) E4729, 1901 Bancroft, G. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the request of both houses of the Congress of America, before them in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 12th of February, 1866. Washington, 1866. port C 388 Same. (In U. S. 57th Cong., 2d sess. Senate doc. no. 219. p. 5-76. Washington, 1893). port *V 2303 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 8, p. V-LII. 1905-06) *J159, 8 Banks, N. P. Speech at New Orleans, La., April 21, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memorian. p. 233-8. 1865 ) *C 402 Beaconsfield, B. D. 1st earl of. Speech in the House of Commons, London, May 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 23<6-7. 1865) *C 402 Binney, W. Oration on the death of Lincoln. (In Providence, R. I. City council. Proceedings on the death of Abraham Lincoln. 1865) *C 391 Black, F. H. The greatness of Lincoln. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 4, p. V-XV. 1905-06) *J159, 4 Same. (In New York, city. Republican club. Proceedings. 1903. p. 15-20) E4729, 1903 Boston. City council. A memorial of Abraham Lincoln,, late president of the United States. Boston, 1865 C 2002 Boutwell, G. S. Eulogy on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the city council and citizens of Lowell, at Huntington hall, April 19, 1865. Lowell, 1865 . *C 403 Briggs, G. W. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, June 1, 18>65. With the proceed ings of the city council on the death of the president. Salem, Mass., 1865 *C 403 Bullock, A. H. Abraham Lincoln: the just magistrate, the representative statesman, the practical philanthropist. Address before the city council and citizens of Worcester, June 1, 1865. Worcester, 1865 *C 403 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 29 Carruthers, J. J. Funeral oration on the death of President Lincoln : de livered before the mayor, city council and citizens of Portland, April 19,1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 239-47. 1865) *C 402 Chafin, E. W. Lincoln: the man of sorrow. Chicago, 1908 C18304 Choate, J. H. Abraham Lincoln, address delivered before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, Nov. 13, 1900. (In Lincoln, A. Writings; ed. by A. B. Lapsley. vol. 1, p. 77-119. 1905) *J188, 1 Democratic Association of Florence. Letter to the free people of the United States of America. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 317-19. 1865 )*C 402 Depew, C. M. Abraham Lincoln. (In New York, city. Republican Club. Pro ceedings. 1896. p. 15-20) E4729, 1896 Dolliver, J. P. Abraham Lincoln. (In New York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1905. p. 23-34) E4729, 1905 Emerson, R. W. Abraham Lincoln. Remarks at the funeral services held in Concord, April 19, 1865. (In Complete works, vol. 11, p. 305-15.. 1891) J69, 11 Same. (In Complete works, vol. 11, p. 327-38. 1904) J126, 11 Everett, E. President Lincoln. (In Orations and speeches on various occa sions, vol. 4, p. 741-46. 1872) E1079, 4 Fallows, S. Abraham Lincoln . . . address. (In Loyal Legion of the U. S., Military Order of the, Wisconsin commandery. War papers, vol. 2, p. 373-8. 1896) B2499, 2 Garfield, J. A. Lincoln and emancipation. Address delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, Feb. 12, 1878. (In Works, vol. 2, p. 533- 42. 1883) J 70, 2 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 11, p. V-XVI. 1905-06) *J159, 11 Remarks in the House of Representatives, April 14, 1866, in memory of Abraham Lincoln. (In Works, vol. 1, p. 202-04. 1882) J 70, 1 Gilbert, R. H. Eulogy of President Lincoln; delivered at Jeffersonville, Indi ana, April 19, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 248-52. 1865) *C 402 Grey, (Sir) G. Speech in the House of Commons, London, May 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 288-92. 1865) *C 402 Harrison, F. Abraham Lincoln; address at the banquet, Union League Club, Chicago, February 22, 1901. (In George Washington and other Ameri can addresses, p. 29-37. 1901) E 3296 Hirsch, E. G. The home of Lincoln. (In New York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1896. p. 30-34) E4729, 1896 Hoard, W. D. Address on Abraham Lincoln. (In Loyal Legion of the U. S., Military Order of the, Wisconsin commandery. War papers, vol. 2, p. 379-84. 1896) B2499, 2 Holland, J. G. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln pronounced at the city hall, Spring field, Mass., April 19, 1865. Springfield, 1865 *C 403 Hughes, C. E. Abraham Lincoln. (In New York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1908. p. 13-21) E4729, 1908 Hurlbut, S. A. Speech at New Orleans, La., April 21, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 253-7. 1865) *C 402 30 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Illinois. Supreme court. Death of Lincoln. Proceedings in the Supreme court of Illinois. Presentation of the bar resolutions in regard to Mr. Lin coln s decease. Chicago, 1865 *C1696, 3 Addresses by Hon. J. D. Caton and Justice Breese. Ingersoll, R. G. Abraham Lincoln. A lecture. (In Works, vol. 3, p. 120-73. 1900) M129, 3 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Xicolay and J. Hay. vol. 7, p. V-LI, 1905-06) *J159, 7 Jones, A. T. Address on the death of Lincoln. (In Lincolniana. In memo- riam. p. 258-67. 1865) *C 402 Laboulaye, E. Speech on the death of Mr. Lincoln. (In Lincolniana. In mc- moriam. p. 320-6. 1865) *C 402 Lehman, F. W. Abraham Lincoln; an address at Memorial Hall, Chicago, Feb. 12, 1908. Chicago, 1908 C18294 Little, C. J. Abraham Lincoln; an address delivered on Lincoln day, 1907, in Memorial Hall, Chicago. Chicago, 1907 C18295 McKinley, W. Abraham Lincoln, the great republican, (In Lincoln,, A. Com plete works; ed. by J. G. Xicolay and J. Hay. vol. 5, p. V-XXXI. 1905-06) M159, 5 Martin, H. Letter, tr. from tbe Paris "Siecle." (In Lincolniana. In me- moriam. p. 327-9. 1865) *C 402 Merle d Aubigne, J. H. Letter to George C. Fogg on the death of President Lincoln. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 315-16. 1865) *C 402 Mill, J. S. Letter to a friend in Philadelphia, Pa. (In Lincolniana. In me moriam. p. 293-5. 1865) *C 402 Morse, F. H. Resolution at a meeting of Americans, held in London, May 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 296-7. 1865) *C 402 Phillips, W. Abraham Lincoln. Address after the assassination of President Lincoln, Tremont Temple, Boston, April 23, 1865. (In Speeches, lec tures, and letters, vol. 2, p. 446-53. 1891 ) E1442, 2 Porter, H. Abraham Lincoln. (In Xew York, city. Republican Club. Pro ceedings. 1906. p. 11-18) E4729, 1906 Rebello da Silva, L. A. Speech delivered in the Chamber of peers, Lisbon, Por tugal. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 307-14. 1865) *C 402 Roosevelt, T. Lincoln and the race problem. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 2, p. V-XIV. 1905-06) *J159, 2 Same. (In Xew York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1905. p. 11-22) E4729, 1905 Russell, J. J. 1st earl. Speech in the House of Lords, London, May 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 298-302. 1865) *C 402 Sheppard, M. Abraham Lincoln. (In Xew York, city. Republican Club. Proceedings. 1908. p. 27-36) E4729, 1908 Smith, G. Letter to the editor of the London daily news. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 303-6. 1865) *C 402 Stafford, W. P. Abraham Lincoln Wendell Phillips, a contrast and a parallel. (In Xew York, city. Republican Club. Proc. 1903. p. 21-8) E4729, 1903 Stebbins, H. Oration delivered at San Francisco, Cal., April 19, 1865. (In Lin colniana. In memoriam. p. 268-73. 1865) *C 402 Steiner, L. H. Abraham Lincoln; the lessons taught by his life and the obli gations imposed by his death. An address, delivered at "The Glades," Frederick county, Maryland, April 23, 1865. Philadelphia, 1865 *C 391 ABRAHAM LIXCOLX. 31 Storrs, R. S., jr. An oration commemorative of President Abraham Lincoln; delivered at Brooklyn,, N. Y., June 1, 1865, at the request of the war fund committee. Brooklyn, 1865 *C 390 Stryker, M. W. Abraham Lincoln: an address before the Union League Club, of Brooklyn, X. Y., Feb. 12, 1895. (In Hamilton, Lincoln & other ad dresses, p. 25-35. 1896) E 5707 Suumer, C. The promises of the declaration of independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, June 1, 1865. Boston, 1865 *C1696, 4 Same. (In Works, vol. 9, p. 367-428. 1874) J264, 9 Same. (In Boston. City council. Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, p. 91-153. 1865) C 2002 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works: ed. by J. G. Xicolay and J. Hay. vol. 9, p. V-LXIV. 1905-06) *J159, 9 Respect for the memory of Abraham Lincoln. (In Works, vol. 9, p. 361- 2. 1874) J264, 9 Tayler, R. W. Lincoln s war secretary. (In Xew York, city, Republican Club. Proceedings. 1903. p. 39-42) E4729, 1903 Thompson, J. P. Speech at the Union League Club, Union Square, New York, April 15, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 274-80. 1865) .*C 402 Watterson, H. Abraham Lincoln. (In Compromises of life. p. 137-80. 1903) E 6509 Same. (In Reed, T. B., ed. Modern eloquence, vol. 6, p. 1159-87. 1900) J2589, 6 Same (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Xicolay and J. Hay. vol. 3, p. V-XLV. 1905-06) *J159, 3 White, H. Abraham Lincoln in 1854; an address delivered before the Illinois State Historical Society, at its 9th annual meeting at Springfield, 111., Jan. 30, 1908. Springfield, 111., 1908 C18295 Wines, F. H. . . . The greatness of Abraham Lincoln; an address deliv ered at the Lincoln monument on Decoration day, May 30, 1905 . . . Springfield, 111., 1905 C18395 MAGAZINES: Addresses on Lincoln at the banquet of the Lincoln Club in Concord, X. H., Feb. 15, 1887. (In Granite monthly. 10:33-42. 1887) Ser. Bancroft, G. W. Abraham Lincoln: oration at Xew York. (In Living age. 85:284-7. 1865) Ser. Choate, J. H. Abraham Lincoln: from an address before the Philosophical In stitution of Edinburgh. (In Green bag. 14:77-8. 1902) Ser. Ellis, R. Address on the occasion of the burial of President Lincoln. (In Monthly religious magazine. 33 : 294-8. 1865) Ser. Emerson, R. W. Abraham Lincoln. Remarks at the funeral services of the president, in Concord, April 19, 1865. (In Living age. 85:282-4. 1865) Ser. Harrison, B. General Harrison on Lincoln. (In Public opinion. 24:234. 1898) Ser. Parsons, F. Lincoln s message to young men. ( In Arena. 39-569-72. 1908 ) . . Ser. Same S 6, 39 Quarles, J. V. Abraham Lincoln. (In Putnam s monthly. 2:57-64. 1907..) Ser. 32 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. SERMONS. Abbott, F. E. The martyr of liberty: a sermon preached in the Unitarian church, Dover, N. H., on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 1-7. 1865 ) *C 402 Badger, H. C. The humble conqueror: a discourse commemorative of the life and services of Abraham Lincoln, preached to the Cambridgeport parish, April 23, 1865. Boston, 1865 *C 391 Another copy *C1696, 4 Bartol, C. A. The significance of Abraham Lincoln as man and president. (In Monthly religious magazine. 34 : 31-9. 1865) Ser. Beecher, H. W. Abraham Lincoln. Sermon in Plymouth church, April 23, 1865. (In Patriotic addresses, p. 701-12. 1887) E 2020 Same. (In Lincoln, A. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 10, p. V-XXIV. 1905-06) *J159, 10 Brigham, C. H. The national bereavement: a discourse delivered at the First Congregational church, Taunton, Mass., on Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 8-20. 1865) *C 402 Chadwick, J. W. Abraham Lincoln; a sermon preached to his society in Brooklyn, N. Y. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 36-51. 1865) . . *C 402 Chamberlain, N. H. The assassination of President Lincoln; a sermon preached in St. James church, Birmingham, Ct., April 19th, 1865. New York, 1865 M 631 Cordner, J. The murder of President Lincoln; an address spoken at a me morial service in the church of the Messiah, on Sunday evening, April 23,1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 21-35. 1865) *C 402 Corwin, E. T. Death of President Lincoln : a discourse delivered at Millstone, N. J., on Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In me moriam. p. 52-62. 1865) *C 402 Craig, W. A key to our joy. A sermon delivered in the Trinitarian church on fast day, April 13, 1865. New Bedford, Mass., 1865 M 637 A sermon on the fruits of our bereavement, delivered in the Trinitarian church, Sunday, April 23d, 1865. New Bedford, Mass., 1865 M 637 Crocker, S. L., jr. Eulogy upon the character and services of Abraham Lin coln, delivered by invitation of the authorities of the city of Taunton, on the occasion of the national fast, June 1, 1865. Boston, 1865 *C 391 Damon, S. C. God putteth down one and setteth up another: a sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Seamen s chapel, Hono lulu, May 14, the first Sabbath after receiving the sad intelligence of his assassination. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 63-75. 1865) *C 402 Dix, M. The death of President Lincoln, a sermon preached in Saint Paul s chapel, New York, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Cambridge, 1865. . . .M 637 Duane, R. B. A sermon preached in Saint John s church, Providence, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day appointed for the funeral obsequies of President Lincoln. Providence, 1865 *C 1699 Dudley, J. L. Discourse preached in the South Congregational Church, Mid- dletown, Ct., on the Sabbath morning after the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln. Middletown, 1865 *L 731 Button, 0. H. Sermon: preached in the Second Congregational church, Holy- oke, Mass., on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In me moriam. p. 76-88. 1865) *C 402 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 33 Edgar, C. IT. Josiah and Lincoln, the great reformers. A tribute to the worth and work of our martyr-president,, delivered in the Reformed Dutch church, Easton, Pa., on fast day, June 1, 1865. Easton, Pa., 1865... *C 391 Everett, C. C. A sermon in commemoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Independent Congregational church of Bangor, on Easter Sunday, April 16, Bangor, 1865 *C 403 Hall, G. President Lincoln s death; its voice to the people; a discourse preached in First church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. Northampton, Mass., 1865 *C 391 Hartzell, J. H. The nation s bereavement: a discourse delivered in the Uni- versalist church, Buffalo, N. Y., Sunday morning, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 89-99. 1865) *C 402 Haven, G. Te Deum laudamus. The cause and the consequences of the election of Abraham Lincoln; a Thanksgiving sermon delivered in the Harvard Street M. E. church, Cambridge, Sunday evening, Nov. 11., 1860. (In Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war. p. 177-212. 1869) .L 4888 The uniter and liberator of America. A memorial discourse on the char acter and career of Abraham Lincoln; delivered in the North Russell Street M. E. church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865. (In Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war. p. 551-80. 1869) L 4888 The wonderful year. Second election of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached in Boston, Jan. 1, 1865. (In Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war. p. 489-516. 1869) L 4888 Hicks, W. W. An address occasioned by the death of Abraham lincoln, de livered on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, in the Methodist Episcopal church, Frederick City, Md. Frederick, 1865 *C 403 Hughes, D. L. President Lincoln s death: a sermon delivered at the First Presbyterian church in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday evning, April 23, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 100-22. 1865) *C 402 Hull, M. Death of President Lincoln: a discourse delivered before the "Friends of progress" in Stuart s hall, Battle Creek, Mich., April 19, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 123-33. 1865) *C 402 Junkin, G. National joy and sorrow commingled: a sermon delivered in the Sixth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, Penn., June 1, 1865. (In Lin colniana. In memoriam. p. 134-47. 1865) *C 402 Marshall, W. R. Memorial sermon : delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Columbus, Ohio, Thursday, June 1, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memor iam. p. 148-66. 1865) *C 402 Mather, D. D. True greatness ; a discourse delivered at Zanesville, Ohio, April 19, 1865, on occasion of the death of Abraham Lincoln. Zanesville, 1865 *C1696, 1 Mayo, A. D. The nation s sacrifice. Abraham Lincoln. Two discourses, de livered on Sunday morning, April 16, and Wednesday morning, April 19, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1865 *C 391 Murdoch, D. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A sermon preached in the Congre gational church in New Milford, Conn., April 23, 1865. Milford, 1865. *C 391 Nason, E. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the New England His toric-Genealogical Society, Boston, May 3, 1865. Boston, 1865 *C 391 34 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Patterson, A. J. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Portsmouth, N. H., April 19, 1865. Portsmouth, 1865 *C 391 Another copy *C 403 Peirce, J. D. An address on the death of President Lincoln, delivered in the Universalist church, North Attleboro , Mass., April 19, 1865. Boston, 1865 *C 391 Another copy *C 403 Potts, J. F. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon. (In Lincolniana. In me- morian. p. 167-76. 1865 ) . . *C 402 Rowland, L. S. Death of President Lincoln: a sermon delivered at the First parish church, Bangor, Maine, on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (In Lin colniana. In memoriam. p. 177-85. 1865) *C 402 Sermons preached in Boston on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Together with the funeral services in the east room of the executive mansion at Wash ington. Boston, 1865 C 407 Contains sermons by: Bartol, C. A. Hague, G. H. Nicholson, W. R. Chaney, G. L. Hale, E. E. Putnam, G. Clarke, J. F. Huntington, F. D. Reed, J. Cudworth, W. H. Kirk, E. N. Robbing, C. Ellis, R. Lothrop, S. K. Stone, A. L. Foote, H. W. Manning, J. M. Studley, W. S. Fulton, J. D. Miner, A. A. Todd, J. E. Gurley, D. P. Neale, R. H. Webb, E. B. Silver, A. The death of the president; a sermon delivered in Wilmington, Delaware, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 204-11. 1865) *C 402 Stone, A. L. A discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated in Washingtoon, Friday, April 14th, 1865. Preached in the Park street church, Boston, on the next Lord s day. Boston, 1865) *C 390 Stratton, J. B. President Lincoln s death: a sermon delivered in the First Presbyterian church, Natchez, Miss., on Sunday, April 23, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 186-203. 1865) *C 402 Swain, L. A nation s sorrow. A sermon preached on the Sabbath after the assassination of President Lincoln, in the Central Congregational church, Providence, April 15, 1865. Providence, 1865 *C 391 Sweetzer, S. A commemorative discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Worcester, Mass., 1865 *C 403 Talbott, J. J. Easter Sunday: a discourse delivered in St. John s Episcopal church, Louisville, Ky., on Sunday, April 16, 1865. (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 212-17. 1865) *C 402 Watson, B. National humiliation: a sermon preached on the late fast day, June 1, 1865, at the Church of the Atonement, Philadelphia, Pa, (In Lincolniana. In memoriam. p. 218-30. 1865) *C 402 Webb, E. B. Memorial sermons. The capture of Richmond. Some of the re sults of the war. The assassination of the president. Boston, 1865 . . *B 557 Windsor, J. W. "The surety of the upright." A discourse preached on the occa sion of the national fast, June 1, 1865, in the First parish meeting house, Saco, Maine. Biddeford, 1865 *M1488, 1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 35 Yard, R. B. The providential significance of the death of Abraham Lincoln: a discourse delivered in the Central M. E. church, Newark, N. J., on the day of national humiliation, June 1, 1865. Newark, N. J., 1865. .*C 403 ANECDOTES. BOOKS: Allen, E. Lincoln and the slave trader Gordon. Refusing a reprieve. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 167-8. 1895) C183S1 Anecdotes of Lincoln. Stories about him choice stories by him some of his apt illustrations. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 268-92. 1895 ) C18381 Bates, D. H. Lincoln in every-day humor. (In Lincoln in the telegraph office. 183-207. 1907) C18399 Carpenter, F. B. Anecdotes and reminiscences of President Lincoln. (In Ray mond, H. J. The life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, p. 725-66. 1865 ) C 397 Chandler, A. R. As Lincoln appeared in the war department. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 214-23. 1895).C18381 Gallagher, J. E. Best Lincoln stories tersely told. Chicago, 1898. port. . .C18303 Hamlin, C. A side-light and an incident. Lincoln s description of Sheridan. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 234-6. 1895) C18381 Hoyt, W. Some traits and sayings of Abraham Lincoln. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 175-81. 1895) C18381 Jennings, J. Incidents recalled in Washington. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abra ham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 256-60. 1895) C18381 Kernan, J. D. Lincoln s kindness of heart. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 155-6. 1895) C18381 McClure, J. B. (ed.). Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln s stories. Chicago, 1887. pi., ports C 410 Pratt, S. G. (ed.). Lincoln in story; the life of the martyr-president told in authenticated anecdotes. New York, 1901. pi., ports., facsim C18388 Rice, A. H. Incidents of President Lincoln s sympathy. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 50-6. 1895) C18381 Viele, E. L. Lincoln as a story-teller. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 116-24. 1895) C18381 Whipple, W. The story-life of Lincoln; a biography composed of five hundred true stories told by Abraham Lincoln and his friends, selected from all authentic sources. Memorial ed. Philadelphia, 1908. front., illus., pi., ports., facsims C18297 Whitney, H. C. Lincoln as a "Merry Andrew." (In Life on the circuit with Lincoln, p. 171-99. 1892) C11198 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln in story. (In Current literature. 31:683-5. 1901) Ser. Same S14, 31 Allen, E. Lincoln and the slave trader Gordon. Refusing a reprieve. (In In dependent. 47 :444. 1895) Ser. An anecdote of Lincoln. (In Harper s weekly. 47 : 1235. 1903) Ser. 36 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Anecdotes of Lincoln. Stories about him choice stories by him some of his apt illustrations. (In Independent. 47 : 453-4. 1895) Ser. Avary, M. L. A Lincoln souvenir in the South. A letter from Abraham .Lin coln to Alexander H. Stephens. (In Century magazine. 51:506-8. 1907). Ser. Same S15, 51 Burt, S. W. Lincoln on his own story-telling. (In Century magazine. 51:499- 502. 1907) Ser. Same 815,51 Chandler, A. B. As Lincoln appeared in the war department. (In Independent. 47 :448-9. 1895) Ser. Chittenden, L. E. President Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel. (In Magazine of American history. 25 :405-8. 1891 ) Ser. Draper, A. S. Lincoln s parable. (In Harper s weekly. 51:1567. 1907) Ser. Foreman, A. President Lincoln s unlucky pass. (In Magazine of American history. 17:153-62. 1887) Ser. Hamilton, F. E. An anecdote of Lincoln. (In Independent. 49:1458. 1897).. Ser. Hamlin, C. A side-light and an incident. Lincoln s description of Sheridan. (In Independent. 47 :450. 1895) Ser. Herr, M. L. An anecdote of Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. 24:738-9. 1897) Ser. Same S75, 24 How the president taught little Tad to signal at his office door. (In Century magazine. 53:476. 1908) Ser, Same S15, 53 Hoyt, W. Some traits and sayings of Abraham Lincoln. (In Independent. 47:445. 1895) Ser. Jennings, J. Incidents recalled in Washington. (In Independent. 47:452. 1895) Ser. Kernan, J. D. Lincoln s kindness of heart. (In Independent. 47:443. 1895) . . Ser. Lincoln s horse trade. (In Journal of education. 46:38-9. 1897) Ser. Lincoln s idea of selfishness. (In Outlook. 56:1059. 1897) Ser. Locke, D. R. President Lincoln s humor. (In Magazine of American history. 24:52-3. 1890) Ser. Low, (Mrs.) F. W. How Lincoln righted a wrong. (In Ladies home journal. 23:26. July, 1906) Ser. Miller, M. M. A memory of Abraham Lincoln. (In Harper s weekly. 51:1320. 1907) Ser. Mr. Lincoln and the petitioners. (In Putnam s magazine. 16:527-36. 1870) .. Ser. Perry, L. P. Appeals to Lincoln s clemency. (In Century magazine. 29:251-6. 1895) Ser. Same S15, 29 Proctor, A. G. Lincoln s honesty. (In Harper s weekly. 49:619. 1905) Ser. Rice, A. H. Incidents of President Lincoln s sympathy. (In Independent. 47 :434. 1895) Ser. Smith, G. Lincoln s stories. (In Nation. 84 : 1 30. 1907 ) Ser. True story of President Lincoln. ( In All the year round. 22:226-8. 1869) Ser. Viele, E. L. Lincoln as a story-teller. (In Independent. 47:440-1. 1895) Ser. Wham, J. W. The other side of Lincoln. (In Harper s weekly. 50:1208. 1906). Ser. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 37 POEMS. BOOKS: Adams, M. M. Lincoln. (In The song at mid-night, p. 110. 1903) E 6742 Lincoln at Gettysburg. (In The song at mid-night, p. 38-41. 1903) E 6742 Poetry of Lincoln. (In The song at mid-night, p. 123. 1903) E 6742 Blanchard, R. Abraham Lincoln the type of American genius; an historical romance. Wheaton, 1882 E 29 Bryant, W. C. The death of Lincoln. (In Poetical works, p. 316-7. 1901) E 81 Gary, P. Our good president. (In Poems of faith, hope, and love. p. 223-5. 1873) E 118 Cranch, C. P. The martyr. (In The bird and the bell, with other poems, p. 326. 1890) E 111 Gilder, R. W. On the life -mask of Abraham Lincoln. (In Schurz, C. Abra ham Lincoln, a biographical essay, p. 1. 1907) *P 2924 Howe, M. A. De W. (ed.). The memory of Lincoln; poems selected, with an introduction by M. A. De W. Howe. Boston, 1899. port E 7554 Lowell, J. R. Commemoration ode. (In Poetical works, p. 398-404. 1890) . .E 273 Markham, E. Lincoln and other poems. New York, 1901. port E 8039 Newell, R. H. The martyr president. New York, 1865 E 332 Stedman, E. C. Abraham Lincoln. (In Poetical works, p. 293. 1873) E 512 The band of Lincoln. (In Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln; a biographical essay, p. 39-42. 1907 ) *P 2924 Stoddard, R. H. Abraham Lincoln. (In Poems, p. 276-83. 1880) E 506 Thompson, J. M. Lincoln s grave; the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa poem of 1893. Cambridge and Chicago, 1894 E 8621 Whitman, W. Captain! my Captain! (In Selected poems, p. 90. 1892 )..E 8981 When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom d. (In Selected poems. 79-89. 1892) E 8981 Whittier, J. G. The emancipation group. (In Poetical works, p. 422. 1891) . .E 568 MAGAZINES: Brownell, H. H. Abraham Lincoln; an ode. (In Atlantic monthly. 16:491-503. 1865) Ser. Kemp, H. H. Lincoln: a retrospect. (In Independent. 64:413. 1908) Ser. Lincoln; a poem. (In American magazine. 65:358. 1908) Ser. Same S30, 65 Stedman, E. C. The hand of Lincoln. (In Outlook. 88:259-60. 1908) Ser. Taylor, T. Abraham Lincoln. (In Punch. 1865. 182-5) Ser. SCHOOL EXERCISES. BOOKS: Blair, M. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday. (In Our holidays, p. 27-34. 1906) . .J 6122 Deems, E. A. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday; addresses, sermons, suggestive thoughts, and poems. (In Holy-days and holidays, p. 467-88. 1902).*RR254, 14 Same L 9607 Denton, C. J. (comp.). Lincoln and Washington days. (In All the holidays. p. 21-40. 1905) J 6117 Glover, E. H. In honor of Lincoln s birthday. (In "Dame Curtsey s" book of novel entertainments for every day in the year. p. 10-12. 1907) K15771 Gowdy, J. L. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday. (In Special days in school, p. 59- 61. 1902) ..J2522 38 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Irish, M. Lincoln s birthday: The shepherd of the people. (In The days we celebrate, p. 11-16. 1904) J 6158 Johnston, E. L. & Barnum, M. D. Abraham Lincoln and the little bird. (In Book of plays for little people, p. 61-5. 1907) H 4506 Kingsland, (Mrs.) F. For Lincoln s birthday. (In Book of indoor and out door games, p. 355-7. 1904) K14918 LeRow, C. B. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday. (In Pieces for every occasion. p. 217-30. 1901) J 6062 McCaskey, J. P. (ed.). Selections for Lincoln s birthday. (In Lincoln literary collection, p. 182-9. 1897) J 6067 Morris, R. A. (comp.). Washington, Lincoln, and the American flag, patriotic birthday exercises for schools and clubs. Cleveland, 1899 J 6154 Mustain, N. E. (comp.). Lincoln day exercises. (In New idea entertainer, p. 172-3. 1902) K14917 St. Nicholas. Lincoln s birthday. (In Our holidays, their meaning and spirit; retold from St. Nicholas, p. 84-102. 1905) H 2753 Sanderson, J. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday. (In Thoughts for the occasion, pa triotic and secular, p. 469-84. 1894) *R1305, 1 Same J6200, 1 Skinner, C. M. (comp.) . The flag blesses the birthday of Abraham Lincoln. (In Manual of patriotism, p. 267-97. 1900) J 6152 Stevenson, B. E. (comp.). Lincoln s birthday. (In Days and deeds, p. 193-8. 1906) J 6144 Yerkes, L A. Abraham Lincoln. (In The world s best speaker for boys and girls, p. 155-9. 1906) J 6141 MAGAZINES: C , N. Abraham Lincoln. (In Journal of education. 47:5-6. 1898). Ser. Dana, O. E. Abraham Lincoln; an original exercise for the schoolroom. (In Journal of education. 43 :59. 1896) Ser. Abraham Lincoln. 1809-1865. ( In Journal of education. 46:393. 1897). Ser. Abraham Lincoln, the man and his work. (In Journal of education. 45:25-6. 1897) Ser. Powers, E. M. Washington and Lincoln. (In Journal of education. 45:20. 1897). Ser. Note A list of selections for Lincoln s birthday will be found in, Granger, E. (ed.). An index to poetry and recitations, p. 961. 1904. See also Chicago Public Library, Special bulletin no. 1, on Memorial day. p. 10-11. Chicago, March, 1906. PORTRAITS AND MONUMENTS. BOOKS: Abraham Lincoln in caricature. (In Maurice, A. B. and Cooper, F. T. History of the nineteenth century in caricature, p. 159-87. 1904) K11099 Caricatures of Lincoln. (In Confederate war caricatures. 186?) *P 2242 Illinois. Governor. Message of His Excellency, Richard J. Oglesby, Governor of Illinois, to the General Assembly, January 7, 1867. Springfield, 1867. Doc. Contains reference to Lincoln s monument. The Lincoln album; life of the preserver of the union, the liberator of a people, and the first American. Told by authentic picture. Fac-simile, letters, speeches, quotations, genealogy, and a chronological table giving the prin cipal events of his career, with the dates of their occurrence. St. Louis, 1907. pi., ports., facsims *V 2274 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 39 McClure, A. K. Portrait and sketch of Lincoln. (In The White House gallery of official portraits of the presidents. 1901 ) *P 2656 Portraits of Abraham Lincoln. (In A. L. A. portrait index, p. 873-4. 1906) .*0 2476 Power, J. C. National Lincoln monument. (In Abraham Lincoln; his life, pub lic services, death and great funeral cortege, p. 224-352. 1875). illus.C 389 Swasey, C. A. (comp.). American caricatures; pertaining to the civil war. New Bedford, Mass., n. d. pi *B 6176 MAGAZINES: Abraham Lincoln in contemporary caricature. (In Review of reviews. 23 : 156-66. 1901 ) Ser. Same S 2, 23 Abraham Lincoln s resting place, Springfield, 111. (In Chautauquan. 7:405-7. 1887 ) Ser. Bellows, H. W. The national Lincoln monument. (In Old and new. 1:9-12. 1870) Ser. Birthday tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. (In Potter s American monthly. 6:93-6. 1876) Ser. Bust of Lincoln, by W. 0. Partridge. (In New England magazine. 22:392. 1900) Ser. Davidson, T. The Lincoln monument at Springfield. (In Western. 1:223-9. 1875) Ser. Saint Gaudens statue of Lincoln; picture. (In Chautauquan. 38:405. 1904). Ser. Same. (In World s work. 7 :4416. 1904) Ser. Same S321, 7 Saint Gaudens new statue of Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 53:701. 1908) Ser. Same. (In Chicago South Park Commissioners. Report, p. 91, pi. on p. 10. 1908 ) , Doc. Some great portraits of Lincoln. (In McClure s magazine. 10:339-47. 1898) .. Ser. Same S51, 10 Stocker, C. The Lincoln museum at Washington. (In Illustrated American. 19 :771-2. 1896) Ser. Wilson, R. R. Abraham Lincoln in caricature. (In Book buyer. 15:209-17. 1897 ) Ser. Van Rensslaer, M. G. Saint Gaudens Lincoln. (In Century magazine. 13:37-9. 1887) Ser. Volk, L. W. The Lincoln life-mask and how it was made. (In Century maga zine. 1:223-8. 1881) Ser. FICTION. Altsheler, J. A. In circling camps, a romance of the civil war. New York, 1900 F 7809 Bacheller, I. Eben Holden, a tale of the North country. Boston, 1900 F 2149 Catherwood, (Mrs.) M. H. Spanish Peggy, a story of young Illinois. Chicago, 1899 F 8158 Churchill, W. The crisis. New York, 1903 F 8215 Eggleston, E. The Graysons, a story of Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1900. .F 3235 The Hoosier school-master. New York, 1893 F 531 Gerry, M. S. The toy shop ; a romantic story of Lincoln the man. New York, 1908. illus . . ..F13210 40 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Harris, J. C. The kidnapping of President Lincoln. (In On the wings of occa sions, p. 123-243. 1900) F 9053 King, C. The iron brigade, a story of the Army of the Potomac. New York, 1902 F 4598 Kirkland, J. The McVeys. Boston and New York, 1888 F 4664 Kirkman, M. M. The romance of Gilbert Holmes; an historical novel. Chi cago, 1900 F 4773 Sinclair, U. Manassas; a novel of the war. New York and London, 1904. . . .F 1606 Townsend, G. A. Katy of Catoctin; or, The chain-breakers. New York, 1886.F 7055 MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKS: Barber, J. War letters of a disbanded volunteer, embracing his experiences as Honest Old Abe s bosom friend and unofficial adviser. New York, 1864.E 1961 Burrage, H. S. Gettysburg and Lincoln; the battle, the cemetery, and the national park. New York and London, 1906. front., pi., ports., maps..B 6139 Cigrand, B. J. Abraham Lincoln. Chicago, 1907-8. illus., ports., maps....*V 191 J A scrap-book consisting of articles on Abraham Lincoln, written by B. J. Cigrand. Dyson, H. F. Lincoln in Rushville. (In Illinois State Historical Society. Transactions. 1903. p. 221-33. 1903) B3214, 8 Publication no. 8 of the Illinois State Historical Library. Herndon, W. H. Lincoln on education. His view of woman s rights. An early reformer. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 17-21. 1895) C183S1 James, J. The two epistles. The angel s address; or, The glorious message, commanded to be sent to Abraham Lincoln, July 21, 1864. Albany, 1864.*C 391 Robinson, W. S. Abraham Lincoln. (In "Warrington" pen-portraits, p. 498-9. 1877) C 2103 John Brown and President Lincoln. (In "Warrington" pen-portraits, p. 237-52. 1877) C 2168 MAGAZINES: Davis, J. McG. Origin of the Lincoln rail, as related by Governor Oglesby. (In Century magazine. 38 : 27 1-5. 1900) Ser. Same S15, 38 Dickson, W. M. Abraham Lincoln at Cincinnati. (In Harper s new monthly magazine. 69 :62. 1884) Ser. Gordon, J. Abraham Lincoln in his relations to women. (In Cosmopolitan magazine. 18:205-10. 1894) Ser. Herndon, W. H. Lincoln on education. His view of woman s rights. An early reformer. (In Independent. 47 :431. 1895) Ser. Holden, J. E. The Lincoln mark. (In Chautauquan. 45:352-7. 1907 Ser. Same, cond. (In Review of reviews. 35:348-9. 1907) Ser. Lincoln farm, The; a park of patriotism. (In Review of reviews. 33:293-5. 1906) Ser. Same S 2, 33 Lincoln s belief in dreams. (In Current literature. 23:569. 1898) Ser. Lincoln s private car. (In Scientific American supplement. 43:17759. 1897).. Ser. McCleary, J. T. What shall the Lincoln memorial be? (In Review of reviews. 38:334-41. 1908) Ser. Same S 2, 38 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 41 Meier, W. F. Will there be a new state Lincoln? (In World to-day. 12:400-3. 1907) Ser. Same S99, 12 Thayer, W. R. The centennial of Lincoln and Darwin. (In North American review. 188:21-5. 1908) Ser. Same S55, 188 Yenowine, G. H. The birthplace of President Lincoln. (In St. Nicholas. 24:273-6. 1897) Ser. Same S75, 24 WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, (a) Complete Works. Lincoln, A. Complete works, comprising his speeches, letters., state papers, and miscellaneous writings; ed. by John G. Nioolay and John Hay. New York, 1894. 2v. port., facsims J 163 Rev. in Dial. 17 :33-6. 1894. Complete Works. . . Ed. by John G. Xicolay and John Hay; with an intro duction by Richard Watson Gilder, and special articles by other em inent persons; new and enl. ed. (Gettysburg ed.). New York, 1905-06. 12v. fronts., pi., ports., facsims *J 150 Rev. in Dial. 41 :84-5. 1906. Writings. . . Ed. by Arthur B. Lapsley, with an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt; together with The essay on Lincoln by Carl Schurz, The ad dress on Lincoln by Joseph H. Choate, and The new life of Lincoln, by Noah Brooks. . . (Federal ed.). New York and London, 1905-06. 8v. fronts., pi., ports *J 188 (b) Speeches, Letters, and Sayings. Lincoln, A. Abraham Lincoln s pen and voice; being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political, and military; also his public addresses, mes sages to Congress, inaugurals and others. Compiled by G. M. Van Buren. Cincinnati, 1890. port., Cl 1201 The martyr s monument; being the patriotism and political wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his speeches, messages, orders, and proclamations, from the presidential canvass of 1860 until his assassina tion, April 14, 1865. New York, 1865 E 4601 Extracts from his speeches, letters and sayings. (In Oldroyd, 0. H., ed. The Lincoln memorial: album immortelles. 1890) C18380 Letters, telegrams and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. (In Tarbell, I. M. The life of Abraham Lincoln, vol. 2, p. 265-459. 1900) C 18387 "None of these documents appear in Lincoln s Complete works edited by Nicolay and Hay or in any other collection of his writings." Note by Miss Tarbell. Selections from Lincoln s conversations, speeches, letters, etc. (In Chaplin, J., comp. Chips from the White House, p. 223-83. 1881) C 3907 Speeches compiled by L. E. Chittenden. New York, 1895. port L 6234 Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlm. p. 115-304. 1860) C 2006 42 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Autobiography and selected speeches. (In Lusk, D. W. Politics and poli ticians of Illinois, 1856-1884. p. 181-98. 1884) B 3124 Extracts from his speeches. (In Warner s Library of the world s best litera ture, vol. 16, p. 9065-76. 1896-98 ) *RR263, 1 Lincoln s temperance speech: First inaugural address: Second inaugural address: Emancipation proclamation: The Gettysburg address. (In Chafin, E. W. Lincoln: the man of sorrows, p. 49-96. 1908) C18304 On his nomination to the United States Senate, June 17, 1858: First inaugural address: The Gettysburg address: Second inaugural ad dress. (In Johnston, A., ed. Representative American orations, vol. 3. 1884) E3803, 3 First inaugural address: second inaugural address. (In Cheney, J. V., ed. Inaugural addresses of the presidents of the United States from Tay lor to Roosevelt, p. 39-57. 1906) L6910, 2 Inaugurals, March 4, 1861, March 4, 1865; Preliminary proclamation of emancipation, Jan. 1, 1863; Speech at the dedication of the national cemetery at Gettysburg, Nov. 15, 1863 B2112, 1 Old South leaflets, general ser. no. 11. 1885. Lincoln on a government bank. (In Social economist. 9:1-11. 1895) Ser. On the Dred Scott decision. (In Reed, T. B., ed. Modern eloquence, vol. 14, p. 1356-64. 1900) J25S9, 14 The address of the Hon. Abraham Lincoln in vindication of the policy of the framers of the constitution and the principles of the Republican party, delivered at Cooper Institute, February 27th, 1860, issued by the Young Men s Republican Union. . . . with notes by C. C. Nott & Cephas Brainerd. New York, 1860 C18400 Same. (In Reed, T. B., ed. Modern eloquence, vol. 14, p. 1337-56. 1903) J2589, 14 Same. (In Old South leaflets, general ser. no. 107. 1900) B2112, 5 The Gettysburg address: Second inaugural address. (In Reed, T. B., ed. Modern eloquence, vol. 8, p. 774-6. 1900) J2oS9, 8 Address at Gettysburg, 19th Nov., 1863. (In Beecher, H. W. Presentation memorial to workingmen. 1865. apx. ) E 1944 Unpublished letters of Abraham Lincoln. (In Lambert, W. H. Pennsyl vania magazine. 27 : 60-2. 1903 ) Ser. Anthology of sayings. (In Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. vol. 12, p. 3-64. 1905-6) *J159, 12 Lincoln epigrams. (In Independent. 47 : 454. 1895) Ser. Lincoln epigrams. (In Ward, W. H., ed. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associates, p. 290-2. 1895) C18381 The Lincoln year book; axioms and aphorisms from the great emancipa tor, comp. by Wallace Rice. . . . Chicago, 1907. front, (port.), illus...J 6241 Lincoln s maxims. (In Hartford seminary record. 16:31-4. 1905) Ser. Lincoln s words on living questions; a collection of all recorded utter ances of Abraham Lincoln bearing upon the questions of today; ed. by H. S. Taylor and D. M. Fulwiler. Chicago, 1900 E 4282 ABRAHAM UNrof..tf. 43 The possible origin of a Lincoln phrase; "Government bv the people, pfr." f/n Parker, ft. F. Review of reviews. 23:196,335-6. 1901) Ser. Table talk; e<i. y William O. Stoddard. N>\v York. 1894. port., pi K 5S57 \ote -For other material consult Poole s index. Header s guide to periodical literature, and other bibliographic&l iwrks which will be supplied l>y the attendant* in the Reference Room. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWS LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. or LD 2lA-50m-8, 61 (C1795slO)476B 01467114331