WRINKLES: OR, HINTS TO SPORTSMEN AND TRA FELLERS , (Equipment, an& Camp Htft. BY THE OLD SHEKARRY, AUTHOR OF " THE KOREST AND THE FIELD," ETC. A NEW EDITION, FULLY ILLUSTRATED. CHATTO AND WINDUS, PUBLISHERS. 1874. LONDON : SAVILL, EDWARDS AND CO., PRINTERS, CHANDOS STHEKT, COVEMT GARDEN. INTRODUCTION. HAVING been often applied to for information concerning the most suitable Dress, the most efficient Arms, and the best equipment for a Sportsman, I have endeavoured, in the follow- ing pages, to concentrate my ideas on these points for the benefit of the uninitiated. I have also added a description of the different modes of hunting the fiercer denizens of the Forest, and sundry practical hints upon travel- ling and campaigning, that may be useful to those who have not yet acquired that expe- rience of camp-life, without which, in a wild and almost unknown country, peopled by treacherous tribes, the Traveller will have much difficulty in keeping bis health sound and his skin whole. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE I. Upon Dress 1 II. The Equipment of a Traveller and Sports- man 21 HI. Armament Sporting Arms 57 TV. Armament Military Arms 90 V. Armament On the Selection of Arms . .125 VI. - Practical Hints on the Use of the Rifle . . 136 VII. Tents and Encampments 164 VIII. Hints to Travellers 191 IX. Hints to Sportsmen 219 X. Hints to Naturalists Directions for Collect- ing and Preserving Specimens of Natural History 237 XL The Forest and the Mountain . .263 "WRINKLES" OR HINTS TO SPORTSMEN AND TRAYELLEES. CHAPTER I. DRESS. A Traveller's Comfort Dress: Underclothes, Socks, Coat, Waist- coat, Trousers, and Breeches On the Most Suitable Colour for a Sportsman's Dress Table of the Effect of Colour Braces Boots " The Old Shekarry's Campaigning Boot " WaterproofClothes The Old Shekarry's Poncho, or" Multnm in Parvo " Cloak : a Ground Sheet, a Cloak, a Tent, a Bed, and a Raft Waterproof Hunting Gear Sou'wester, Jacket, and Overalls Head Gear Leech-gaiters and Tree-leeches Outfit of a Sportsman for a Cruise of Six Months. MUCH of a traveller's comfort depends upon his dress being suitable to the climate he is in, and I shall commence with a few hints as to the selection of an outfit. All experienced travellers seem to Shirts. agree in one point, viz., the import- ance of wearing flannel next the skin; and no one who has any regard for his health will neglect B Z SHIRTS SOCKS. the precaution of providing himself with shirts or under- clothing of this material, if he is at all likely to be exposed to sudden changes of climate, as it absorbs perspiration and prevents sudden chills. In tropical climates, calico shirts may be worn, but, without flannel under-clothing, linen should never be placed next the skin. Flannel ought to be thoroughly shrunk before making up. The most comfortable hose to wear Socks. are thick, but not coarse, woollen socks ; but care must be taken that the tops are sufficiently elastic to prevent their slipping down, as when walking it is a great nuisance to have to stop every few minutes, to pull up your socks. They ought to fit well, particu- larly about the heel, so as to prevent galling or blisters. Messrs. Thresher and Glenny, in the Strand, have been long celebrated for their socks, shirts, and under-clothing. COAT, WAISTCOAT, AND TROUSERS. The material for a traveller's dress Coat, Waist- . , coat, and entirely depends upon the climate he Trousers. is going to. For a temperate climate, woollen tweed, or angolas are, perhaps, the best general wear ; but for the tropics, I prefer coloured flannel, as being more comfortable and easier to wash. For a sportsman, well dressed deer-skin is the best material ; when that is not procurable, mole- skin, velveteen, corderoy, fustian, canvas, duck, or karkee (coloured cotton), may be used. A traveller ought to study comfort more than elegance, in the cut of his clothes, and little attention should be paid to change of fashion. Sanguinetti, of Regent Street, in former days, used to be a famous tailor of "clothes for the bush," but I think he has gone the way of all flesh, as his establishment has vanished, and his mantle appears to have descended upon Bird, of 13, Waterloo Place, a practical man, who knows how to cut out " hunting togs," so as to be com- fortable in any position, without being baggy, B 2 4 SLEEVE WAISTCOATS. which is a great desideratum when forcing one's way through dense forest. My own experience leads me to believe that a short blouse- shaped tunic, with sleeves and wrist- bands, like a shirt, straight collar, and plenty of well-cut pockets, is most comfortable for general wear. Mr. Bird has built me a shooting-coat, with waterproof arrangements for carrying two dozen cartridges, just below the waist, which appears to me to be everything that can be desired. Waistcoats ought to be cut long, with four pockets, and the substance behind ought to be as thick and warm as the material of which the waistcoat is made. Some sportsmen prefer having a waistcoat made with sleeves like a jacket, and in that case there are no sleeves to the coat, simply armholes. In shooting upon the moors, sometimes this is a useful dodge, as during the heat of the day the outer garment can be dispensed with, and carried by a beater. When worn, this rather peculiar arrangement cannot be distinguished. COLOUR. 5 Mr. Cooper, a sportsman of Yorkshire celebrity, was the first to show me this arrangement. For shooting, I prefer breeches, cut so as to come well below the calf, and tying with flat tape over the sock, an arrangement that does away with the necessity of long stockings and garters [which are only suitable to women] when wearing boots or gaiters. There should be no hem at the bottom of the legs of the breeches, or it may form a ridge, and gall the legs. For riding, nothing is so comfortable as leather breeches, but thick moleskin, doubled inside the legs, is not bad wear. In Equatorial Africa, during the intense heat of the day, I generally wore a kilt and flannel shirt, boots and gaiters, which dress I found cooler and less liable to gall than trousers. Many good sportsmen prefer the kilt to any other dress, on account of the freedom and play it allows the limbs. The sportsman should have all his Colour. dress as nearly as possible of the O COLOUR. same colour as the general aspect of the country he is going to shoot over. Thus, when he is deer-stalking, or tracking large game in woods before the leaf has fallen, green is the best colour ; when the trees are bare, dark brown the colour of the trunk and branches. Is he after antelope on the plain, or ibex amongst the rocks, drab is the best colour. Should he be waging war against the grisly bear, or hunting chamois bouquetin in the snow, he would be able to get much nearer to his game if all his clothes were white. Even in ordinary small game shooting, the sportsman will stand a much better chance of making, if he attends to this plan of dressing. The following tables were constructed with great care from a series of experiments I made with targets of different coloured cloth, under various circumstances and at different dis- tances, in order to assist volunteer corps in the selection of the most suitable colour for their uniform. ^/ N ^ COLOUR. < The figure 1 denotes the most visible ; 7 the least so ; invisible. Colours. At Three Hundred Y'ards" At Six Hundred Yards. Open Country. "Wooded Country. Rocky Ground. i I a if. c 5 Against Earthworks. Against Stone Fortiflcns. Open Country. "Wooded Country. Rocky Ground. J 1 z | M t Stone Fortirlcns. 6 1 I m = Scarlet . . . Green (Rifle) . Blue (Royal) . White . . . Gray .... Brown(dead leaf) 4 3 2 1 7 7 3 6 4 1 6 7 4 5 4 1 7 7 3 4 3 2 7 6 2 4 5 1 7 6 4 2 3 4 6 5 5 4 3 1 6 7 4 3 2 2 7 6 4 3 2 2 7 6 5 4 3 3 5 4 2 4 5 3 4 4 5 7 6 5 4 8 1 4 8 2 2 7 G 6 3 2 1 8 7 6 7 7 7 6 Colours. At Three Hundred Yards distant. On a Clear Day. On a Cloudy Day. Bright Moonlight. 1 1 I I I X ;i> g 3 00 d E 1 9 I 1 5 c a 4 Rain and Fog. 4 3 2 1 7 6 4 5 1 6 7 3 4 3 1 7 6 4 3 2 1 5 6 4 7 6 1 3 7 6 1 4 3 3 1 5 6 6 1 3 4 4 2 6 6 3 4 4 2 6 7 4 3 8 1 7 5 4 4 1 7 Green (Rifle) .... Blue (Royal) .... Gray Brown (dead leaf) . . . 1 t. By these Tables it will be seen, that gray or brown are colours that are less distinguishable 8 BRACES BOOTS. than any other; they -are, consequently, the most suitable for the dress of sportsmen. I think braces are a convenience, Braces. and always use them when wearing thick clothing ; but as many sportsmen dispense with them altogether, perhaps use is second na- ture. However, having the waist compressed by tight trouser-bands is not my idea of comfort. A woman's hips are made to hang petticoats on, but a man is differently formed in that respect, and his garments will only keep up by compression. A traveller's comfort and a sports- Boots. man's efficiency depends more on his boots than upon any other portion of his dress, and great attention ought to be paid to their fitting the foot well, and having a sufficiently broad tread. For many years I wore ankle-boots and gaiters, and provided the former fit, and the latter are well cut, so as to prevent extraneous matter from getting in, they are comfortable wear. BOOTS. 9 After a time, however, I began to think that lacing-up boots and buttoning gaiters was un- necessary trouble (besides, not one man in a dozen can cut a gaiter to fit properly), so I devised a campaigning boot upon a plan of my own, which experience has proved to be a more comfortable and serviceable article. I herewith give a sketch of my invention, which Stokes, a ci-devant trooper, of Coventry Street and Aldershot, has carried out very efficiently. The best material for making this boot is of deer-skin, doubled over the foot when it is pro- curable, but brown or drab waterproof canvas is not a bad substitute, being footed with The old She- leather. It ought to fit the karry's Campaign- ing Boot. leg well, and the leather uppers should be cut so as to compress the foot as little as possible. A shooting-boot ought to be waterproof to be thoroughly comfortable, and the real article is as 10 WATERPROOF CLOTHES. unlike as possible those ponderous pieces of machinery one sees in shop-windows ticketed "for the moors." They must be of first-class material to be serviceable, but light, so as not to fatigue the wearer ; and they should also fit well, so as not to gall, cause blisters, and make the feet sore. A well-Jitting boot is as necessary to a sportsman as a true shooting rifle. For stalking large game, boots should be made with single leather flexible soles, so as to prevent the footstep being heard. It is a great mistake to think that a heavy sole is necessary for a shooting-boot. A very excellent waterpoof shooting boot, called " The IdstoneBoot" is made by Mr. T. E. Cording, 231, Strand, of a material that requires no dressing, and still always keeps soft and plialle. Waterproof ^ke trave ^ er an< l sportsman should ever be prepared for any sudden change of climate, and always have warm clothing HOUGHING IT. 11 at hand, as very often whilst the days are in- tensely hot the nights are chilly, and the tempe- rature varies according to the elevation attained. It is of the greatest importance that his outer covering should be of a texture sufficiently close to prevent the wind blowing through it, or thick- ness is of little avail in keeping out intense cold ; hence the great advantage of buffalo robes and mackintosh garments. For general use, Cording's waterproof material far surpasses all other, as it is guaranteed to stand any climate, and rolls up in a small compass. Every traveller ought to provide himself with a cloak or coat and sou'wester of this material, which should be always kept handy and ready for use, more especially in night travelling, for nothing tries a man's constitution more than exposure to night-dews after the exhaustion and lassitude caused by an intensely hot day. Rheumatism and fever are anything but agree- able companions, as I have often found to my 12 THE GROUND SHEET. cost; and a little timely precaution may avert serious consequences. Having had much. " roughing it " in my time, often with very small means and few con- veniences, I have been compelled to study how to make one article serve in a variety of ways. When baggage is obliged to be limited and car- riage is difficult to obtain, it is very desirable to have multum in parto. I shall now describe " a poncho " of my own invention, carried out by Mr. Cording, of 231, Strand, which serves as a ground-sheet, a tent, a bed covering, or even, if required, a boat or raft for crossing rivers. It consists of waterproof canvas, 8 feet by 7 feet 6 inches in size, with a longi- tudinal slit in the centre, and eylet-holes worked all round, as in the cut, when it serves as a ground- sheet and coverlet. The Ground-Sheet. THE CLOAK. 13 It forms a comfort- able cloak for riding or walking, by putting it on and slipping the head through the hole in the centre, the cor- ners buttoning up in the inside if in the way. In travelling through mangrove swamps on the West Coast of Equatorial Africa, where there was no The Cloak. solid ground on which to pitch a tent, I used to sleep in a hammock slung between trees, and whilst following up the spoor of a herd of elephant, or when surrounded by hostile tribes, and I dare not clear a few yards of bush in the forest lest the sounds of the axe should be heard and give the alarm, my poncho, rigged up like a pent roof, in this fashion, afforded me a shelter impervious to the weather. 14 THE BIYOUAC. The Bivouac. For a boat or raft, the poncho should be con- structed with an oval ring, two feet wide all round, which can be inflated with air. A wooden or basket-work bottom (anywhere easily con- structed) is then fixed underneath, by cords passing through the eyelet-holes, and a commo- dious raft, capable of containing two people, is at once constructed, and easily worked by paddles. By having the basket-work or wooden bottom some inches larger than the inflated poncho, all danger of the cylinder being pierced by snags of rocks, or branches, is avoided. Mr. Cording has my pattern poncho, and fully understands its manufacture. PONCHO RAFT. 15 16 THE STYLE OF RIG. For shooting in the wet season, I have a complete waterproof suit, which I find much more handy when making my way after large game, through thick bush. The cuts will ex- plain my style of rig, which is comfortable, if not elegant. Care must, however, be taken that they are made of a material that will stand a tropical climate; as a very nice- looking suit I bought from Box, of Charing Cross, proved utterly useless on the West Coast of Africa, as, The Overalls. HEAD GEAR. 17 the first time I had occasion to use it, I found it so stuck together, that it was torn into shreds before I could open it out. The best covering for the head in Head-Gear. tropical climates is pith " solar topee" or helmet, such as old Sir Charles Napier and Sir Colin Campbell used to wear ; or when that is not obtainable, an Elwood's ventilating air- chamber hat, covered with white calico, is a good substitute. Christy, of Gracechurch Street, also manufactures a capital hat for withstanding the rays of the sun, which my experience leads me to believe is almost perfect. A leather hunting-cap, with peaks before and behind, is the best protec- tion to the head for large game-shooting in dense forests. The front peak preserves the eyes from glare and the face from thorns, and the one be- hind prevents anything from falling down the back of the neck. I had a movable white linen I 18 GAITERS. cover fitted to mine, as a protection from the rays of the sun during the heat of the day. In forests where the tree-leech abounds, leech-gaiters must be worn, for these animals insinuate themselves into every aperture of your dress, generally making for your ankles or the back of your neck, as if by instinct. When in such jungles it is absolutely neces- sary to wear leech gaiters, or long, closely-woven cotton stockings, over your socks, under your boots and gaiters, and over your breeches, as far as they will go. Even with this safeguard I have sometimes found my boots and stockings drenched with blood in the evening, though I could not ascertain how they got in. These pests of the jungle are very insignificant in size, not being above an inch in length, or thicker than a knitting-needle; but when dis- tended with blood they attain double that length, and are about as thick as a good-sized quill. They have the power of planting one extremity THE TREE-LEECH. 19 on the ground, and poising themselves erect to watch for prey, towards which they advance rapidly by doubling up the body and holding on with their head and tail. They are of a yellowish- brown colour, streaked with black, with one greenish line along the whole length of the back, and a yellow one on each side. Their bites scarcely give any pain at the time, the punctures being so small as hardly to be perceptible, but they cause an uncomfortable irritation; and with persons in a bad state of body often occasion nasty ulcers, which are slow to heal. The natives were accustomed to smear their naked legs with some peculiar kind of grease mixed with ashes, the scent of which prevented the leeches from biting, otherwise they would have been seriously inconvenienced by their attacks. Every traveller and sportsman has his own idea and style of dress. " As many men, so many fashions" but, for the benefit of the uninitiated, I will give a list of such clothes, as I consider 20 A HljNTER'S OUTFIT. necessary for myself for a cruise of six months in the bush : 8 flannel shirts (made large). 12 pairs of woollen socks. 6 pairs of brown holland or China silk pajamas. 12 pocket handkerchiefs (linen). 1 leather suit, complete (coat, breeches and waistcoat). 1 moleskin suit, complete (coat, breeches and waistcoat). 2 pairs of trousers (either moleskin, fustian or velveteen). 2 pairs of braces. 2 pairs of long cotton stockings, for leech-gaiters. 1 leather hu iting cap and linen cover. 1 pith " solar topee," or air-chamber hat (for tropics). 1 soft felt wide-awake. 2 pairs of ankle boots. 2 pairs of gaiter boots. 1 Cording's waterproof suit, complete, or poncho. 1 canvas hold-all : containing comb, tooth-brush, soap, needles, thread, buttons, scissors, thimble, &c. 3 towels (good size). 3 napkins. CHAPTER II. THE EQUIPMENT OF A TRAVELLER AND A SPORTSMAN. Oliver Cromwell's Letter upon a Soldier's Equipment The Saddle and its Appurtenances, Bridle, Horse-gear The Old She- karry's " Pack Saddle" Spurs The Hunting Belt and its Appurtenances The Bill-hook and Tomahawk The Nugger Hunt Spear The Deccan Hunt Spear Bear Spears The Indian Hunting Cart and its Appurtenances The Medicine Chest and its Contents Pocket Filters' The Old Shekarry's Pump and Filter -combined Cording's Inflatable India- Rubber Boat. "Wisbeach, this day llth Nov r - 1642. "Dear Friend, " Let the saddler see to the horse-gear. I learn from one, many are ill served, and if a man has not got good weapons, horse and harness, he is naught. " From your friend, " OLIVER CROMWEJ f " To Auditor Squire." 22 THE SADDLE. Oliver Cromwell, the most practical soldier and statesman of his day, thus wrote upwards of two centuries ago ; and I quote his characteristic letter, as I never read so much good advice in as few words. The first point for consideration is the horse gear. I shall commence with " the sad- The Saddle. die," which, to be thoroughly strong The Saddle. THE SADDLE. . 23 and serviceable, with, its appurtenances, will not weigh less than fifteen pounds. I prefer a broad, roomy, and low seat, so that I sit close to the horse, and I like it cut almost flush. On the near side of the pommel, fastened by strong D's, I carry a waterproof wallet for my pistol and ammunition, which should set close and stand well forward, so as not to be in the way of the leg. On the off-side I have a strong painted canvas bag, which is prevented from shifting forward by a leather strap that passes round the saddle-girth. Into this my gun-stock fits, the barrel passing between the right arm and the side, so that it is always handy, never in the way, and my hands are free. This method, which I learned from the Boers of Southern Africa, is perfectly safe, and by far the most convenient and the least fatiguing mode of carrying a gun I have yet seen. On the near side of the saddle, fastened by strong D's, is slung my water-skin, which will 24 THE SADDLE. hold two gallons of water; and on the off-side a haversack, with corn for my nag, and comestibles for myself. Small Valise. Behind the crupper I carry a pad, on which rests a very small valise (containing two pairs of socks, flannel shirt and trousers, soap, towel, and tooth brush vide Plate, above), a ground-sheet, macintosh cloak, and horse-cloth, which are con- fined in a network bag (vide Plate, page 25) to prevent any article being lost en route. This bag THE SADDLE. also serves for collecting forage, or carrying game, etc., on occasions. A couple of thin strips of felt or " numna" is useful to place under the saddle when it does not fit the horse's back, but for hard riding nothing is 2*5 HORSE S HEAD-GEAR. like a piece of oil silk laid directly under a -well- stuffed saddle. Horse s Head-Gear. I always travel with a plain head-stall bridle (tide Plate, above) which has only four buckles, HORSE'S HEAD-GEAR. 27 two on the head-collar, one on the bit head stall, and one on the bridoon head-stall. The head-stall fastens to the collar by strap and button. The bit, bridoon and head-stall are provided with hooks and links, by which the bits can be slipped out of the horse's mouth for the purpose of feeding, without taking the bridle off the horse's head. I generally ride with a single "Chifneybit." Shipley, of 181, Regent Street, the most prac- tical saddler I know, is well up in all the ar- rangements concerning horse-gear, and he has been put up to all kinds of " useful dodges " and expedients by different well-known sports- men whom he has fitted up. A traveller should take hobbles and knee- halters with him to tether his horses, so that they can graze during the night. As a protection against thieves, steel hobbles, made somewhat like hand-cuffs, connected by a chain, are useful. 28 THE PACK-SADDLE. A comfortable English saddle, and well-fit- ting horse-gear, is absolutely necessary to a traveller and sportsman ; and the utmost care should be taken that the former is well stuffed, so as not to gall the horse's back, as a quarter of an hour's hard riding on a badly fitting saddle may break the skin, and give a horse a sore back that will take several days to heal. , p , There are no articles in a traveller's equipment to which more attention ought to be paid than to the pack-saddles for baggage-animals. If they do not fit the horse, mule, or bullock properly, a single day's march will, in all probability, render the animal unser- viceable. As no pack-saddle I have seen in any army seemed thoroughly to answer its purpose under all situations, I set to work and devised one after my own fashion, which I consider has many IM.fK,OY.L:u SADDLE. "The Old Shekarry's Pack-Saddle." great advantages over all other systems yet adopted. First. The chief improvement in " The Old Shekarry's Pack-Saddle" consists in the tree, 30 IMPROVED PACK SADDLE. which widens or contracts by working on a pivot like a pair of scissors, being kept open at any angle by a rack at the opposite and corresponding angle, so that in a moment the saddle can be made to fit any sized animal, and is equally available for a horse, a mule, a bullock, or a camel. Secondly. My system possesses a great ad- vantage over the Government pack-saddle, inas- much as its peculiar formation does away with all possibility of galling an animal's back, as no weight rests upon any part of the spine itself, the centre of the back being left en- tirely open to the air even when the baggage is loaded. Thirdly. The tree, which is either entirely made of wrought iron, or of wood well strengthened with iron, closes up, and the saddle can be packed into half the space re- quired by the system at present adopted by Government. Fourthly. Any tree or part of a tree will fit COST OF IMPROVED PACK SADDLE. 31 any saddle, and should any part of a tree get broken, it can be replaced in two minutes, and the saddle is again serviceable, whereas in other systems, when a tree is broken, the saddle is useless. Fifthly. A cannon can be carried by this sys- tem of pack-saddle over the centre of the mule's back, along which the weight is thus equally divided. In the pack-saddles adopted by Government for carrying the mountain train in Abyssinia, the gun is carried transversely at right angles with the mule's back, or across instead of along it. The consequence of this arrangement is, that the whole weight of the gun rests upon only a small portion of the spine, instead of being evenly divided, as in the approved system, along the whole length of the animal's back, and should a stumble occur, a sprain of the spine is very likely to be the result. Sixthly. When baggage animals are driven 32 SPURS. together in any number, it is almost impossible to prevent them from knocking against each other, and displacing their loads; it is therefore highly advantageous that the baggage should be carried as compactly as it can be stowed, and take up as little lateral room as possible. In mountainous districts, where the paths are narrow, and run by the edge of precipices, this is an absolute necessity. This saddle is amply supplied with rengs and 7)'s, fixed securely on to the iron trees, so that the baggage is easily loaded, and kept securely in its place. Seventhly. The cost of my system of pack- saddle is about half of the price that Government lately paid for cumbrous and much less service- able articles. The best-shaped spurs for a tra- Spurs. veller or sportsman are strong steel or brass swan-necked hunting spurs, with the THE HUNTING BELT. 33 rowels sufficiently raised to prevent their grat- ing against stones or uneven ground when dis- mounted. A man with long legs requires spurs with long necks, so that he may readily reach his horse's flank with the rowel ; but a man with short legs, on the contrary, should have spurs with short necks, as his heels, when mounted, are close to the body of the horse. The Hunting The Pkte > P a S e 34 > is a sketch of the BELT and APPURTENANCES I usually wore when in the pursuit of large game, manufactured by Thornhill of 144, New Bond Street, the most practical man in the trade. "THE BELT" A A is about two inches in width, and made of strong brown leather. Great attention should be paid to the sewing on of the buckles, which ought to be of forged iron. 34 HUNTING BELT. The Hunting Belt and its Appurtenances. HUNTING KNIVES. 35 Fig. 1. A stout leather case containing my field-glass. Fig. 2. My " HUNTING KNIFE." I prefer this shape to any other, as it is well suited for all purposes. In selecting a knife, great care should be taken that the point and axis of both blade and handle should be in a straight line, or a fair blowcannotbe struck with effect, the weapon being liable to glance off. With one of Thornhill's knives I can cut through a dollar ; and it is absolutely necessary that the blade should be made of the best steel, for, besides its use as a weapon, it must often serve to cut branches, and even in digging for water. Fig. 3. The " SKINNING KNIFE," made after the pattern of A. Graham, Esq., which I do not think can be improved upon. Fig. 4. "A LINE" of strong silk, substantially fastened to a forged iron bar. This is of great use as a safeguard, in case of having to descend any steep slope or narrow ledge of rock when in 36 POUCHES BILL-HOOK. the pursuit of game. It is also very useful for drawing -water from wells or chasms in the rocks, tying up the arms of a prisoner, or tethering animals. Fig. 5. "A LEATHER POUCH," containing either a double-barrel pistol or revolver [else- where described]. Fig. 6. " A SMALL CASE," containing matches, flint, steel, and amadou, for obtaining fire, and in a similar one the pocket filter ought to be carried. Fig. 7. "A LEATHER POUCH," containing eight cartridges for gun or rifle, and six for the pistol. The Bill Hook TOMAHAWK. 37 The Bill- Hook. Besides these articles, in some cases, when in thick jungle, it is advisable to carry a bill-hook for cutting a path or making a clearing. This fits in a leather case, which is easily fastened on the belt when required. The Tomahawk. " THE TOMAHAWK," or small axe, herewith represented, is useful in making tent-pegs, cutting up animals, and for a variety of purposes in camp life. 38 THORNHILL'S INDIAN KNIFE. Last, but by no means least in importance, comes the knife, of which an engraving is given on the opposite page, and which, in addition to the ordinary blades, contains a powerful screw- driver, a saw about eight inches in length, pricker, corkscrew, hoof-picker, tweezers and lancet in one, a pair of scissors of the full length of the knife, and a couple of stout steel screws, with nuts, for mending a broken stirrup leather or any similar fracture. All implements have rings attached, so as to enable them to be fastened with small cords to the belts. Every sportsman ought to provide Spears. himself with a few spear-heads, which can at any time be affixed to a bamboo with "shellac cement" The best shapes for boar- spears are those called after the celebrated Indian Pig-sticking Clubs, "The Nugger" and "The Deccan" Hunts. THORNHILL'S INDIAN KNIFE. 39 Thornhill's Indian Knife. 40 SPEAES. C \ The "Nugger Hunt" The " Deccan Hunt" The Bear Spear. Pattern. Pattern. SPEARS. 41 In the foregoing Plate Fig. A shows the Nugger Hunt pattern, which I consider the neplus ultra of boar-spears, the curves being gradual from point to shank, so that it penetrates easily, and is with- drawn without difficulty. Another great advan- tage of this shape is, that the edge can be easily ground, and afterwards sharpened on a hone. (Fig D shows the section at a b.) Fig. B is the Deccan Hunt spear pattern, also a good spear, and preferred by some sportsmen to that of the Nugger Hunt, because the orifice of the wound it makes is somewhat larger, and allows the blood to flow more freely. It is, how- ever, more difficult to sharpen. (Fig. E shows the section at c d.) Fig. C is a bear-spear, somewhat similar in shape to the Nugger Hunt spear, but broader in the blade, and with a stouter shaft. (Fig. F shows the section.) I need not add that all spears ought to be made of the best tempered steel. With one 42 SPEARS. made by Thornhill, of Bond Street, I can drive a hole through a dollar without turning the edge, a sure proof that the best of " stuff" is used in his factory. A stout male bamboo, sufficiently tapering, and with knots pretty close together, makes the best spear-shaft ; but a close-grained, well- seasoned ash -pole is not a bad substitute. The spear ought to be well balanced, and it is usual to have the butt weighted with lead for that purpose. The spears of the Deccan and Nugger Hunts were exactly 9 feet from the extreme point to the butt, and this is, I consider, the best length for general purposes. In Bengal many sportsmen use a spear only 6 feet in length, heavily weighted at the butt. They are accustomed to throw this like a javelin, or to job down when the horse gets alongside of the boar ; whereas, in Madras and Bombay, hog- hunters use the spear like a lance, but carried loosely in the hand, so as to allow the free HUNTING CART. 43 play to the wrist in directing the point of the spear. In India. I had constructed. accord- Hunting ing to my own plan and fancy, what I should advise every sportsman in that country to possess that is, a very comfortable teak-wood- bullock-cart, on springs, and fitted up for travel- ling or living in. Mine was 7 feet long by 4 feet broad; and contained three large water-tight boxes or compartments, to hold my kit and comestibles en route, with a fourth, copper-lined and fitted with a screw-top, which fastened with a lock, for my ammunition, besides a rack for eight guns. The wooden sides were about %\ feet in height, and from them sprang six bamboo hoops, on which the white painted canvas top was ex- tended ; the whole of which gear was movable, and could be cleared away at a moment's notice. The bottom of the cart was slightly bevelled off round, caulked and sheathed with copper; so that, by taking out the linch-pins, and putting the wheels into the cart, my trap served me as a boat 44 APPURTENANCES. to transfer myself and goods across rivers other- wise impassable. When in cantonment I took out the pole and bullock-yoke, and fitted in a pair of shafts ; and although it was not a very light article, an Australian mare I had used to trot along with it with great ease. The whole length of the bottom of the cart was fitted with a hair mattress, and the sides were well padded, so that I managed, when travelling, to get along pretty comfortably. Thomhill's Saw. Appnrte- ^ ^ ar S e Yankee backwoodsman's axe, a couple of bill-hooks, an adze, and other tools, were fitted against the side of my cart, so as to be ready at hand in case of a break-down, which is an event of frequent occurrence in Indian travelling. An obstrepe- MEDICINE CHEST. 45 rous bullock or a careless driver is very liable to smash a pole or a yoke en route; and, in many parts of the country where game abounds, village smiths are difficult to be met with, and I have often been saved hours and even days' delay, by having the means of repairing them at hand. Medi in ^ we ^' su ppli e( i medicine-chest, in which the quinine-bottle loomed very large, was carefully stowed away in one of the compartments a very necessary precaution in a country where disease makes such rapid progress. Besides having often found this chest extremely useful, the mere fact of having it with me inspired my people with confidence, and overcame their fear of the malaria of the dense jungle. Messrs. Savory and Moore, of 143, New Bond Street, have always filled up my medicine -chest; and their practical experience has been of the greatest use to me in my travels, for, in case of sickness, the proper remedy was ever at hand when wanted. In order to meet different requirements, large and small chests have been designed, from 46 MEDICINE CHEST. the size of a pocket-book to the medical panniers, containing all appliances, both medical and sur- gical, that may be required by a regiment in the field. The following Plates illustrate those best adapted for a traveller or sportsman : The above Plate represents a strong leather case, 6 inches by 9 inches, and only 2 5 inches in thick- ness (in fact, of the form and size of an ordinary octavo volume, and opening in much the same manner), contains a pair of scales, with the necessary weights, a small glass measure, 8 small bottles adapted to receive either powders or pills, 8 of larger size stoppered for liquids, and 2 still MEDICINE CHEST. 47 larger for holding any medicines required in greater bulk. This little case, which would scarcely take up any appreciable room in the travelling bag, will contain all the medicines required in any case of emergency. Its value to a party of tourists, or to a single traveller, removed from medical aid, can hardly be over- rated. The " Special Correspondents" of our daily papers have used these cases in nearly every quarter of the globe, and have spoken most highly of their utility. This Plate represents a larger case of the same character, containing a greater number of 48 LIST OF MEDICINES remedies, and, in addition, a few surgical appli- ances that may be required in an emergency. List of Medicines suitable for a Medicine Chest for India or Abyssinia. Quinine. Calomel. Jalap. Rhubarb. Magnesia. Essence of camphor (rubini). Tincture of iodine. arnica. Mindererus spirit. Sweet spirit of nitre. Powdered ipecacuanha. Tartar emetic. James's powder. Jeremie's opiate. Essence of ginger. peppermint. Dover's powder. Friars' balsam. Essence of senna. Warburg's tincture. Sulphate of copper. Sulphate of zinc. Nitrate of silver. Opiate confection, tablets. Aromatic confection, Calomel and opium pills. Etherodine (instead of chlorodyne). FILTERS. 49 Full information and directions respecting the administration of the various remedies will be found in the " Compendium of Domestic Medi- cine, and Companion to the Medicine Chest," by Savory and Moore, 143, New Bond Street. A filter is a most important requi- The Filter. site, which ought always to be found in a traveller's equipment, as good water is as essential to health as pure air. The Danchell Pocket Filter. A very efficient portable filter is manufactured by the London and General "Water Purifying 50 FILTERS. Company, at 157, Strand, being the invention of Mr. Danchell. This filter, which is only 3 inches in diameter, is constructed upon the syphon principle, and by means of a system of ascending currents the sus- pended impurities are separately precipitated outside the filter, whilst those only which are held in solution actually pass into the filtering material, the water being purified from these in the act of ascension. A case of galvanised iron contains the filtering material animal charcoal which is the best medium for purifying, as it is incapable of communicating any taint to the water passing through it, retains its purifying properties for a long period, and is everywhere easily pro- curable. The action of this system is so simple that no attention or trouble is required in its manage- ment; it never clogs up, and is so arranged that the animal charcoal is easily got at for cleansing or renewal. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. 51 Directions. When the filter ceases to act satisfactorily, it may be detached from the pipe by unscrewing the union which is immediately above the cap of the filter, the filter taken out of the cistern, and the char- coal removed and cleansed, or replaced by new. To effect this the cap of the filter must be removed by knocking the claws of the iron holding the cap down, round on the graduated edge to the thinnest part of it, when the openings in the edge will allow the iron being taken off and the cap then removed from the filter. The strainer must then be removed, after which the charcoal must be shaken out. It should be left to soak in lukewarm water for To Cleanse the a ghort ti which m free - t surface of or . Charcoal. ganic matter, and afterwards well washed in clean water. The water in which the charcoal is washed will always be black, and affords no guide to the charcoal being clean. After washing, the charcoal must be dried and sifted into two portions No. 1, the very coarse ; No. 2, the remainder. First put in No. 1 (the very coarse charcoal) to Filter m the the depth f 1 r l * inches ; then the b dy f the charcoal, No. 2, may be put in, the filter being kept in constant motion by raising it a little on one side, and allowing it to receive a slight downward jerk on whatever it may be standing, the filter being turned occasionally to ensure the motion being equally distributed. By this means a much larger body of charcoal may be got in, for after being apparently full many times it will be found still capable of holding more. The last 1 or 2 inches should be the remainder of No. 1 char- coal. The strainer must be then replaced by agitating the filter as before described, and pressing it upon the charcoal, which will cause the charcoal to gather well round the strainer. The cap and rubber-washer must be fixed as before, the iron claw knocked round carefully with a mallet to its original position, and it is ready for use. E 2 52 FILTERS. Atkins' Filter. A very excellent pocket syphon- filter weighing only 8 ounces, some- what on the same principle, is also made by Messieurs Atkins and Sons, 62, Fleet Street, when the water is purified by passing through a block of moulded carbon, which is made perfectly po- rous but not hollow. Syphon Filter. Atkins' Pocket Filter. FILTERS. 53 These blocks will get clogged sooner or later )ns ' and the frequency of cleaning them depends upon the nature of the water filtered, some waters clogging the carbon sooner than others. They are, however, easily cleaned by simply washing them in hot water, brushing them with a soft brush, and, finally, blowing through them two or three times, to open the pores. When cleaned, they are equal to new, as only the surface gets clogged. When the operation of filtering is over, the ball should be blown through, to clear the pores from the impurities, and put away in the case as dry as possible. When cattle have to be watered from a well, or from holes dug in the sandy bed of a river, which is often the case in African travelling, having to bale out the water is an intolerable nuisance. I therefore devised the following arrangement, which Mr. Atkins, of 62, Fleet Street, has carried out most effectually. Into the well or pool I drop a filter, which is kept a foot or more below the surface by a float ; to this is connected a tube or suction hose at- tached to a small portable force pump, by which I draw the pure water from the well, and force it into a trough from which the cattle drink. By this system the water in the pool remains 54 PUMP AND FILTER. INDIA-RUBBER BOAT. 55 undisturbed and clear, whilst if cattle were allowed to rush into it to drink, the mud would be stirred up, and the water rendered unfit for drinking until after it had settled. Were Government to adopt some such system in watering cavalry horses, etc., much trouble and inconvenience would be avoided, whilst the animals would thrive all the better for having filtered and pure water to drink. Cording's Inflatable India-Bubber Boat. This invention has proved invalu- India-Rubber , , in Boat able to sportsmen and travellers, as a boat of this description is very portable, 56 INDIA-RUBBER BOAT. and stands a great deal of wear and tear in any climate. For crossing or going down a river, they are all that can be desired ; but it is almost impos- sible to paddle them up stream or against a head-wind, as they float so high out of the water. CHAPTER III. AEMAMENT. PART I. SPORTING ARMS. A Sportsman's Battery Westley Richards' Breech-Loading Sys- tem, as applied to Sporting Arms The Pin and Central- Fire Cartridges compared The Introduction of the Breech- Loading System into England Thirty Reasons for preferring Breech-Loading Guns and Rifles The Disadvantages of the Muzzle-Loading System The Gun Case and its Appurte- nances Machines for Loading Cartridges Cartridge Belts Cartridge Magazines Cartridge Carriers Game Carriers. SUCCESS in "the field," whether in battle or at the covert side, in a great measure depends upon the armament. A sportsman, explorer, or officer, proceeding on service to the Colonies, to be properly equipped, ought to have the following arms : 1. A Double-Barrel Breech-Loading Gun, 12 bore. 2. A Double-Barrel Breech-Loading Rifle, 12 bore, 3. A Double-Barrel Breech-Loading Holster Pistol. 4. A Revolver for his Belt. 58 BREECH-LOADERS. Breech-loading Double Gun, on "Westley Bichards' System. BREECH-LOADERS. 59 For sporting purposes, I consider the best breech-loading system, both for guns and rifles, to be that of Mr. Westley Richards ; as its con- struction is a wonderful combination of strength and simplicity, and it is in every way preferable to any other system I have yet seen, " and their name is legion." A gun or rifle, on this system, is very similar in outward appearance, to an ordinary muzzle-loader, having bar or front-action locks, and the grip or fore-part being of wood. ( Vide Plate, page 58, Figs. 1 and 2.) The mechanical arrangement (vide Plate) is of a most safe and simple character. A self- acting spring latch (b, c, Fig. 2) secures the breech-end of the barrels, fitting into the solid iron after loading. The barrels are released by a simple action of the thumb, and the loading is effected with the greatest ease. The barrels are secured to the body of the gun by fastenings, both at the top and bottom, thus disposing of the strength to the greatest possible 60 BREECH-LOADERS. advantage ; whereas other systems of breech- loaders have only one fastening, and that con- siderably below the centre or point of resistance. The connecting-piece between the barrels is a solid lump of steel (a), which, when the barrels are closed, dovetails on to the break-cff (z, Fig. 3), and holds the two firmly together like a solid piece. Besides this improvement, that arm has a solid joint (as shown at g, Fig. 3, and k, Fig. 4), which is infinitely stronger than the ordinary fastening, made with a loose pin screwed through the ends of the body ; and it has also a keel, or wedge (h, in Fig. 3), fitting between the under part of the action, which adds strength to the stock. The shooting of Mr. Westley Richards' guns and rifles is all that can be desired, as the in- variable success he has met with at Wimble- don and in the Gun Club contests proves. In finish and durability they are not to be surpassed. For sporting purposes I much prefer the pin cartridge system (vide Plate, page 61, Fig. a,} to PIN CARTRIDGE. 61 what is called the central fire* (vide Plate below, Fig. ), for the following reasons : First. Without an indicator, which is con- stantly getting out of order, it is impossible to SECTION OF PIN CAETRIDGE CASE. SECTION OF CENTRAL-FIRE CASE. know whether a gun is loaded or not, and acci- dents might happen from this cause. * The ignition in the so-called central-fire cartridges is not more central or instantaneous than in the pin cartridge. 62 CENTRAL-FIRE SYSTEM. Secondly. A cartridge extractor, which weakens the breech, and is a complication liable to get out of order, is absolutely required in this system, and even then the exploded cartridges are some- times difficult to get out. Thirdly. I have known a gun on the central- fire system to explode in the act of closing the breech, from the percussion cap protruding above the brass plane of the cartridge, and striking against the needle, which in some guns, even at half-cock, projects slightly. Fourthly. Cartridges on the central-fire system are certainly more dangerous to load than pin cartridges, for should a grain of sand get under the cap, or if the cap should project above the brass plane of the cartridge, the act of ramming down the wads smartly might cause the percus- sion-powder to ignite and the cartridge to explode. Fifthly. Pin cartridges are in more general use, and can be bought all over the Continent, whilst those on the central-fire system are difficult to be got except in London. BREECH-LOADERS. 63 Thelntroduc- M 7 experience in breech-loading tion of the ,, , . j , , -t Breech-load- arms for sporting purposes dates back ing System. since the year 1855, when my attention was attracted to the La Faucheux system,* which is almost as great an era in gun-making as the > invention of the copper cap. After two years' experience and repeated trials, in which, to my disgust, I found my favourite Manton, and others of my hardest-hitting muzzle-loading guns, equalled or beaten by breech-loaders, my scep- ticism vanished ; I felt convinced the system was sound, and that sooner or later a complete revolution must take place in the manufacture of fire-arms. Under these impressions I endeavoured to concentrate my ideas on paper, for the benefit of my brother sportsmen, and my letter appeared * Although this system was invented and extensively adopted in France several years previous to its introduction in this country, the French workmanship of that day was, generally speaking, so inferior, that no sportsman liked to shoot with a French gun. Even French sportsmen preferred English fire- arms. 64 BREECH-LOADERS. in The Field, the Country Gentleman's News- paper, of the 31st October, 1857, in which I enumerated thirty advantages that breech-loaders possess over ordinary muzzle-loading guns. Little did I dream of " the hornets' nest " in which this innovation placed me. I was attacked on all sides, by gun-makers, book-makers, and contumacious, pedantic old sportsmen, who all declared forsooth, " that the Old Shekarry must be demented to think of adopting French fads and foreign gimcracks." However, that party (whose motto is Frangas nonflectes) being some- what remarkable for pertinacity in his opinions, and inflexibility of purpose,* continued to dis- seminate his doctrine in spite of the sarcastic * The Old Shekarry, when a very small boy, went with his Maternal to have his bumps felt. The phrenologist, a quaint old card, went on with his work in a very matter-of-fact style until he came to a protuberance which seemed to puzzle him ; he grunted, felt again, and then speaking to the boy who wrote to his dictation, said : " No. 16. Firmness immoderately large," (sotto voce to the Maternal), " amounting, I am afraid, madam, to obstinacy." The old lady, who, up to that time, had enter- tained doubts as to the truthfulness of phrenology, went home quite a convert. BREECH-LOADERS. 65 insinuations of tribes of gun-sellers, who, doubt- less, had large stocks of muzzle-loaders on hand, and did not like to see the value of their stock go down in the market. " The system is not safe ; the breech is not sound ; the guns will not shoot ; " was the cry, and at times the controversy became so warm, that the " interested oppo- nents " became even unparliamentary in their language. Bets of all descriptions, to any amount, were offered, which, had the Old Shekarry been " an army contractor" instead of a soldier, he would have had to borrow capital to cover. At this crisis, General Charitee, a celebrated old sports- man and a crack shot, came to the rescue, chal- lenged all comers in The Field, and offered to back his breech-loader, made by Lang, for a thousand pounds, against any muzzle-loader be- longing to the boisterous crew. This plucky offer, although never taken up, hushed the storm, the agitation was calmed, temperate discussion followed, trials were organised, the subject was p 66 BREECH-LOADERS. ventilated, and, as a matter of course, the breech- loading system became a recognised institution in the sporting world. I have now used the breech-loader for twelve years, during which time I have shot a great deal in the worst climate for arms of any description (the West Coast of Equatorial Africa), and, after giving the system every trial that experience can devise, I have found no reason to alter my opinion as to its excellence and efficiency. The ^ reaSOI1S W T Thirty Reasons tKrlSoad- tne breech-loader to the ordinary ing System. , muzzle-loader, which i gave in Ine Field newspaper in 1857, are o . , f 1. The extreme facility and quick- ness in the loading, whereby any person with a breech-loader may load and fire at least six shots in the same time that another with a common gun takes to load and fire two. . Whilst shooting with a party in line, what a decided advantage the breech-loader has over BREECH-LOADERS. 67 the common gun ! No halting the line to reload ; you fire, and continue moving on, loading with the greatest ease and celerity as you go. By this means the line is kept unbroken, and in cover the sportsmen are not exposed to the danger of a stray shot from any one lagging behind. What is more calculated to try the patience of a man than this continual stopping? No one likes to keep his friends waiting, and consequently reloads with the greatest expedition. In the hurry of the moment how often does a shot drop in the nipple, or some mistake take place in the loading ? to rectify which the line is delayed, and the game, perhaps already afoot, makes off. All this is avoided by the breech-loader. g f , . 3. The great comparative safety in using a breech-loader is undeniable. Never by any chance need you have the direction of your gun's muzzle pointed either towards yourself or your friends in loading. It should be kept in the direction you are going. 4. You cannot make any mistake in the loading, 68 BREECH-LOADERS. such, as leaving out or putting in two charges of powder or shot into one barrel. 5. How many accidents have taken place from a sportsman, in the haste or excitement of the moment, loading one barrel with the other on full cock, which the shock of ramming tight wads, or catching in the trousers or a twig, has caused to go off! There is no chance of this with a breech- loader. 6. How many accidents does one hear of taking place with the common gun, from the pouring powder from a full flask down to the muzzle of a gun recently discharged, in which perhaps a bit of lighted tow, or, what is oftener the case, a bit of cork (got in the powder in taking the cork out of the canister) may remain. There is no chance of losing a hand in this manner with a breech-loader. Accidents ^' ^ ou are a ^ wa 7 s en abled whilst loading to see clearly through your barrels, and are certain, each shot, that there is no obstruction or dirt got in, which is a great advantage, as many people have been injured by BREECH-LOADERS. 69 guns bursting from the muzzle being accidentally plugged up with clay, which may have got in whilst jumping a ditch, climbing over a fence, or stumbling on an uneven turnip-field. 8. From the formation of the cartridge, your shot cannot loosen or fall out whilst walking with the muzzle downwards. 9. You have no chance of the nipple breaking, or being bothered with its stopping up. Advantages 10 ' H W ften in a da y' S shootin g whilst Shoot- T r. .1 -i T j r jj ing. when both barrels are discharged, do you mark a bird down: what an advantage the sportsman armed with a breech-loader has, in being enabled to walk up at once, loading as he goes, without ever taking his eyes from off the spot where the game settled ! Absence of 11> Amon S otlier advantages is the total absence of any flash or escape from the breech. Thus, in firing the second barrel on a damp day, the sight is not obstructed, from smoke hanging before the eyes. 12. There is much less report from a breech- 70 BREECH-LOADERS. loader than from an ordinary gun, from the whole discharge taking place internally. 13. There is no chance of some unlucky cap flying, and endangering your eyesight. 14. There is very much less recoil Less Recoil. than from an ordinary gun a great advantage in a long day's shooting ; no blackened shoulders, no stiffness the day after. The reason of there being less recoil in a breech-loader than in a muzzle-loader of the same size and weight, is that its construction renders it necessary to have more weight of metal at the breech ; and also because at the hollow of the cartridge of the breech-loader there is a light roll of paper, about one-eighth of an inch in thickness, which (like the buffer of a railway carriage) gives with the action of the powder, and lessens the recoil. Not affected ^* -^ a ^ n or damp, whilst out shoot- ing, cannot affect or injure the charge or caps ; neither being exposed to the weather, in the same way the nipple of the ordinary gun is. BREECH-LOADERS. 71 No chance of miss-fires on that account with a breech-loader. 16. The breech-loader takes very Cleaning. little time to clean; a piece of tow and an oiled rag run through the barrel is sufficient ; and by looking through them, it is very easy to be seen whether they are clean a great advan- tage. Whereas, with an ordinary gun, by the act of reloading, the dirt and debris of the last discharge is forced into the breech or the nip- ple, and frequent washing out of the barrels is required. No Second 17< The carrying out of a second gun Gun required. -\ . j /> is obviated; tor a sportsman can re- load his gun in most cases more quickly than his keeper can hand him another. I have always had an objection to having a keeper walking behind me with a loaded gun. Perhaps it may be a weakness I have ; but I always feel afraid of his stumbling, and " making game " of me. Less to Carry. 18. The bother of carrying powder- flask, shot-bag, caps, wads, loading-rod, and nipple- 72 BREECH-LOADERS. screw is avoided ; none being required with a breech-loader, the cartridges being carried either in the pocket or in a waist-belt, o ' kn ' ^* Breech-loaders shoot quicker than muzzle-loaders, because there is no long communication (the nipple) between the point of ignition and the charge, the explosion of the cap taking place in the centre of the powder, which is inflamed almost simultaneously ; for it is an error to suppose even that gunpowder ex- plodes instantaneously, as, however rapid its pro- gress, it takes a certain time in travelling from the first grain to the last. Foul very ^' Breech-loaders foul very little, as the thick elastic mercurial waddings which enter the breech are fully a size larger than the bore of the muzzle; consequently, being driven through the barrel by the action of the powder, each discharge carries away any refuse or accumulation that may have been left by the previous one, and at the end of a long day's shooting the barrel is almost as free from foul- BREECH-LOADERS. 73 ness as at the beginning; also, the explosion of the charge does not take place in the breech, but in the paper cartridge, which comes out uninjured, containing the debris of the burnt powder, which in the ordinary gun is drawn into the chamber and nipple every time it is reloaded, until the latter becomes clogged up, and miss- fires are the consequence. Advantages 21. What an advantage it is, when whenLoad- ing- shooting in fens, swamps, or rice fields, to be able to load without being obliged to put the butt of your gun in the mud or water, whereby you wet and soil your clothes when you put it up to the shoulder, making yourself uncomfortable for the day. 22. When shooting in dense covers, or perhaps when perched in the fork of a tree, or in a pit waiting by water, or a salt-lick for deer, bison, or other large game, what an advantage it is being able to reload with so very little change of position in a small space 1 23. What an advantage to the Indian sports- 74 BREECH-LOADERS. man who fires and reloads in a howdah, moving and shaking from the motion of the elephant ! 24. What an advantage to the elephant-hunter in South Africa, who is obliged to load and fire from his horse's back ; having to keep his eye perhaps on an infuriated wounded animal, to look out for obstructions in his path, and to reload his discharged piece. 25. How often in the field does the noise of ramming down a tight wad, whilst reloading the ordinary gun, put up birds on all sides, who thus get away, to the sportsman's disgust ! Not so with the breech-loader. What an advantage being able to load without noise is to the snipe- shooter, who often, after a hard day's blank fag, arrives on small insulated patches of grass alive with snipe, where he may perhaps fire a dozen shots without moving a single pace, and when every slightest movement and noise, caused by reloading, puts up dozens of birds all round, whom he has the mortification of hearing call " Scape, scape ! " as they collect in clouds and soar away. When BREECH-LOADERS. 75 birds are thick, I fairly believe, all things consi- dered, that a sportsman armed with a breech- loader may easily kill twice as many birds as an equal shot with a common gun. 26. What sportsman, after a heavy day's snipe-shooting under a hot sun, has not found his hands all sore and blistered, from constantly ramming down the charge ? Never this with a breech-loader. "What an advantage this is to the engineer officer, who has often in India to give up the amusement of snipe- shooting, because it makes his hands unfit to use the pen. 27. Who does not feel that he can shoot better and with greater satisfaction, having his hands clean ? whereas with a common gun they will in a few times loading get blackened with exploded powder, and sticky. Now, with a breech-loader, a man may put on a pair of white kid gloves, kill a good bag of game, and return with them scarcely soiled. 28. In cold weather, who has not found the 76 BREECH-LOADERS. loading of a common gun and putting on caps distress him beyond measure, especially if he has been obliged to pull off his warm gloves before he is able to effect it at last? No such bother with a breech-loader. E e in chan ^' ^^at an advantage it is being large. ^^ ^ ( j raw y Our charge in a moment, and change the number of your shot. How often whilst after snipe do you come across duck; or, whilst after hares and partridges, do you start a herd of deer, a sounder of pig, or perhaps a royal tiger ? 30. How pleasant it is being able to substitute ball for shot in a few seconds, instead of the old tedious manner of drawing your charge with the screw of your ramrod, which takes ten times as long, and makes noise enough to scare away the game. The sportsman can easily make up his own cartridges at the rate of about half-a-gross in an hour ; or, if he prefers it, he can purchase them all ready from any gunmaker. BREECH-LOADERS. 77 OldPr ' When all the advantages of the breech-loader are contrasted with the known disadvantages of the muzzle-loader, it is difficult to account for the prejudice that has existed against them for so many years ; for, not- withstanding that the present system was intro- duced by La Faucheux a quarter of a century ago, it is only lately that it has come into general use amongst sportsmen. Numerous objections have been urged against the system, but none appear to have had any substantial foundation ; and I shall not enter into them, although I am aware that there are many sportsmen of the old school who, from prejudice, will not even deign to give it a trial: with them, arguments and facts are both equally lost. In the pursuit of large game, breech- The Disadvan- Muzzie-ioad- la din g arms ar e infinitely preferable ; for until the last few years the hunter was always obliged, when waging war with the denizens of the forest, to keep up a battery of several guns and rifles, which, to say nothing of 78 BREECH-LOADERS. the expense of the first outlay and the continual wear and tear, etc., was attended by several serious disadvantages, some half-dozen of which I shall enumerate. In the first place, two or three gun -bearers are required to each sportsman, whose duty it is to pass up the spare guns as fast as those in hand are discharged ; now, it is a great disadvantage for a hunter, when on trail or stalking, to have a number of persons at his heels, on account of the extra noise they must necessarily make in forcing their way through cover, which often gives alarm to the game, and prevents him from getting a shot. Secondly, it is a great drawback, whilst in the pursuit of some dangerous animal, when a faux pas might be attended with fatal consequences, to have any other than yourself to look after. Thirdly, it is not pleasant to have loaded fire- arms carried in the rear by inexperienced hands, with whom an accident from carelessness is as likely to occur as not. BREECH-LOADERS. 79 Fourthly, it is not a comfortable feeling to have to depend upon the coolness and courage of your followers ; and many a sportsman has found himself in an awkward position by his gun-bearers having been seized with a panic, and bolting, leaving him, with both barrels dis- charged, in the presence of a wounded and infuriated animal, when nothing but some lucky chance can prevent a catastrophe. Fifthly, it frequently happens, in hunting in different countries, that the sportsman (if he does not keep in his pay a shekar-gang of his own, which is expensive work) has to entrust his spare guns to men of whom he knows nothing, who may be tempted to decamp with them not a very unfrequent occurrence.* Sixthly, it is a great annoyance to a tired sportsman, after a hard day's fag, to have to clean four or five double guns and rifles, which task he * Lieut. Rice, of the Bombay Army, lost all his guns in this manner. 80 BREECH-LOADERS. dare not entrust his followers to perform, as there are times when a miss-fire might be attended with the most serious consequences. Happily for the sportsmen of the present day, all these disagreeable contingencies may now be avoided by making use of rifles on the breech- loading system. Now, independent of gun- bearers, he can roam through the forest alone, careless as to what animal he may meet, for he knows that, should his first shots not take deadly effect, he can reload in the twinkling of an eye, and keep up a running fire, against which no- thing can stand, instead of having to bolt under cover to reload (in case a spare gun is not at hand), returning breathless, and often with un- steady hand, from having to use sheer force in jamming an obstinate ball down a foul barrel. When mounted, a rifle on the breech-loading system has immense advantages, as it can be easily reloaded, without in any way interfering with the management of the horse; whereas with the old muzzle-loader the sportsman was PERCUSSION SHELLS. 81 entirely powerless whilst drawing his ramrod and ramming home the bullet. He who has once used a breech-loading gun or rifle will no more think of going back to a muzzle-loader than the crack marksman at Hythe would return to old " Brown Bess." Percussion shells in vented by Captain Norton and improved by General Jacobs, are often used by sportsmen when shooting large game. They consist of copper cases, full of gunpowder, encased in a leaden cylindro-coni- cal projectile, at the apex of which is the point of the shell containing percussion powder, that explodes on striking any object. (Vide Plate.) Jacobs' Shells. Section of Jacobs' Shell. Jacobs' Shell. 82 GUN-CASE These shells are very useful for riflemen when engaged with field artillery, as ammunition caissons may be blown up by them. cases ^ or g uns or rifles are Case and A purtenances. made as compact as possible. Messrs. Bussey and Co., of New Oxford Street, make most excellent cases, as well as all necessary accessories. The Gun-Case (Plate, page 83, Fig. 1) usually contains : The Barrel Cleaner, Fig. 2. The Cartridge Loading Machine, Fig. 3. Measures for Powder and Shot, Fig. 2, page 82 ; Fig 4, page 83. A Cartridge Extractor, Fig. 1, page 82. A Felt Breech-Cleaner. A Cartridge-Carrier, Plate, page 86. An Oil-Bottle, Lock-Brush, Scratch-Brush, and Turnscrew. AND APPURTENANCES. 83 1 4 Gun-Case and Appurtenances. G 2 CARTRIDGE LOADER. Machine for Loading Cartridges. "Eussey's Patent." Sportsmen who load their own cartridges re- quire a machine for the purpose. That invented by Mr. George Bussey is one of the best, as its construction is so simple that it can scarcely get out of order ; the cartridges can be rapidly leaded, and it is so compact that it will fit into any ordinary gun-case. DIRECTIONS FOR LOADING. 85 Directions for Loading Cartridges. 1st. Screw the frame of the machine to a table very firmly. 2nd. Insert a case in each chamber of the holder, and close the lid. 3rd. Charge each case successively with powder, and then insert the six wads. 4th. Bring the holder parallel with the frame, taking care that the first cartridge is exactly under the plunger, drive down the wad by a blow on the plunger with the palm of the right hand, using the left to slide the holder along, and so bring each car- tridge exactly under the plunger, till the six have been rammed home. 5th. Repeat the processes Nos. 3 and 4 for the shot. 6th. Now take the holder horizontally in the left hand, and sub- mit each cartridge to the screw successively, after which they drop out of the chambers by turning the hinged lid of the holder. To load quickly without spilling, the "vessels containing the powder and shot should be just the height of the cartridge case (i. e., about 2f inches.) Any sportsman, with a little practice, may load 150 cartridges within the hour. 86 CARTRIDGE BELT. Spring Cartridge Belt. "Bussey's Patent." The spring cartridge-belt, invented by Mr. George Bussey, is one of the best and most convenient yet introduced. It is worn under the coat and carries from 30 to 36 cartridges. Cartridge Carrier. CARTRIDGE MAGAZINE. 87 Keeper's Car- TllG fore g oin S shows the kind of cartridge case for a keeper to carry reserve ammunition. Magazine. Cartrid Loaded cartridges are best carried in a compact magazine, holding from 200 to 500, similar to the foregoing Plate, as it 88 KEEPER'S CARTRIDGE CASE. is fitted with regulating straps, which prevent the cartridges from being damaged by shaking about, as is too often the case with other methods of stowage. The following cuts show the best kinds of game carriers, which, al- though very simple, I much prefer to nets and bags, as the air being allowed to circulate about Game Carrier. the game, it is kept cooler, and does not turn putrid so soon as it would do, if all huddled together in a bag. I like to have my game kept long enough to become tender, but, not GAME CARRIERS. 89 being of the vulture tribe, do not fancy de- composed meat. CHAPTER IV. ARMAMENT. PART II. MILITARY ASMS. The Importance of " Keeping Pace with the Times" Brown Bess The Percussion Musket-The Enfield Eifle The Westley Richards' Breech-loading Rifle and Cartridge The Westley Richards' Central Fire Military Rifle and Cartridge The Snider Rifle and the Boxer Cartridge Different Systems of Rifling compared Holster Pistols Colt's Repeating Arms Dean's Revolver Tranter's Breech-loading Revolver " The Whis- perer" Breech-loading Mountain Guns Jacobs' Shells. AT last, in spite of the trammels of red tape and old-fashioned official routine, " the powers that be " have become aware of the fact, that in order to maintain our national prestige they must keep pace with the times ; and although Govern- ment are still very slow in recognising real merit in new inventions, and look upon every contem- BROWN BESS PERCUSSION MUSKET. 91 plated change as an officious innovation, still much has been done to benefit the service, more especially as regards the armament of our land and sea forces, and one of the most efficient reforms has been the adoption of the Snider breech-loader. One of the greatest generals of the Brown Bess. past, oir Charles J. JNapier, the con- queror of Scinde, believed in the efficiency of the old Brown Bess of his day with its flint-lock and bright barrel ; for he had seen, many a glo- rious field won by men armed only with that weapon, and knew no other. The first great change for the better te ' was the introduction of the percussion musket, which was regarded with such suspicion by the authorities, that, in the first instance, I remember only one company per regiment was entrusted with it. Time passed, and the new arms did good execution in their day, for with them the decisive battles of the Sutlej and the Punjab were won. 92 ENFIELD RIFLE. , Thanks, however, to the late Duke 1 e> of Newcastle, then Secretary of State for "War, and the right man in the right place, in spite of the tenaciousness of ancient prejudices, the grooved bore was issued to the line, first the Minie, and subsequently the Enfield; and this country is indebted to that wise minister for the most brilliant victory of modern times, as it was solely by the deadly efficiency of their volleys that a handful of British troops were enabled to hold their own, and repulse overpowering numbers of a brave and determined enemy on the heights of Inkerman. Breech-load- Ten years have rolled on since that ing Rifles adopted. murky morning when the soldiers' battle was won, and another era in our national armament is at hand, for the weapon that did us such good service at Inkerman has been dis- carded, and Government are arming the whole of our army and navy with breech-loaders. The repeated warnings of the press, to whom be all honour for its wise foresight and unceasing BREECH-LOADING RIFLE. 93 watchfulness over the safety and honour of the country, together with the sad results of the late Danish and Austrian campaigns, have done much to open the eyes of the authorities, and make them aware, that even the bravest of troops, equipped with antiquated weapons, cannot hold the most defensible positions against the attack of an enemy whose arms combine every improve- ment of the age. It is to be hoped that these unfortunate campaigns will serve as a warning to future ministers, and prevent any false economy, old prejudices, red-tape, or procrastinating official routine interfering with the effective maintenance of our national defences, and the efficient equip- ment of our land and sea forces, according to the march of the age, and the improvements that science is continually making. If Great Britain is to be maintained as a first-class power, she must, as in days of yore, ever be prepared against an emergency. Her supremacy was won by force of arms, and by force of arms it must be 94 CAVALRY CARBINE. kept. The time has not come for the sword to be turned into a ploughshare ; and as we wish for peace, we should be prepared for war. Diplomacy, although useful in its way, should not be our sole dependence when the honour, safety, and liberty of action of the country are concerned. As a nation, we are not famous in that line it never was our forte. We have often lost by treaties the advantages gained by the sacrifice of our best blood ; for, whenever a question has arisen, our diplomatists have found their match ; and the nation has had to fall back upon that which has never failed her the staunch hearts and bull-dog courage of her stal- wart sons. Westley This excellent arm [which has been Richards' i i r ,1 i Breech-load- adopted lor some years in the cavalry, ing Cavalry Carbine. and of which Government have over 20,000 in store] is extremely simple and uncom- plicated in construction, does not easily get out of order, and, in case of accident, can easily be repaired by a regimental armourer. CAVALRY CARBINE. 95 It can be loaded with great rapidity with the impossibility of any accident occurring, does not foul after heavy firing, is of great penetration, and, at long ranges, great accuracy of shooting can be obtained. The total absence of foulness was satisfactorily proved by the experiments made by Government, when several hundred rounds were fired from this system without cleaning, and there was no more foulness in the barrel or greater recoil ex- perienced in the last shot than the second. This is easily accounted for, as the greased wad that lubricates the barrel at every discharge is of two sizes larger than the diameter of the barrel at the muzzle ; consequently, whatever remains of the exploded powder or paper from the cartridge of the last shot is driven out of the barrel by the succeeding one. For seven years in succession the chief prizes for breech-loading arms have been carried off by Mr. "Westley Richards' rifles, which proves their extreme accuracy of shooting. 96 CAYALRY CARBINE. The Begulation Breech-loading Cavalry Carbine, on Westley Kichards' System. CAVALRY CARBINE. 97 The Plate on page 96, Fig. 1, represents the rifle closed. The small lump marked a is the only projecting part; in all other respects, the arm has the appearance of an ordinary rifle. Fig. 2 represents a section of the breech- loading parts. A is a gun-metal plunger which enters the breech-end of the gun. B is a solid iron block, with an inclined plane at the back c. There is a second inclined plane at the point E; this throws the block B back Into its place, and makes it fit close against the end of the box F, which is also undercut, to fit the inclined part of the block B, at the point c. The block has a sliding motion to allow this action to take place. By this it will be seen that the greater the pressure on the block and plunger, the safer the part becomes; the inclined plane holding the lever firmly down in its place. D represents the cartridge. H 98 CENTRAL FIRE RIFLE. Westle ^ r ' Westley Richards has also in- Central Fire vented a most excellent central-fire Military Rifle. military breech-loading rifle, containing the ignition in the cartridge, which promises to su- persede all other systems. But notwithstanding that the Duke of Cambridge's prize for breech- loading arms had been won for seven years in succession with rifles of his manufacture, he with- drew it from competition at the late Wimbledon meeting this year, because Mr. Henry's rifle, which is not a military arm, was put in compe- tition with it. Compared with the Snider Enfield, it has the advantage of being considerably lighter. The Snider Enfield and sixty rounds of ammunition weighing 2^ Ibs. heavier than "Westley Richards' rifle and its sixty rounds. For rapidity of fire it cannot be surpassed, as twenty shots per minute can easily be fired with it; and its accuracy of shooting is the same as that of his well-known breech-loader, which super- seded the Terry rifle in the Services, and has CENTRAL FIRE RIFLE. 99 Westley Bicliards' Central Fire Military Kifle. carried off the first breech-loading prize every year in succession since the Wimbledon meeting H 2 100 CENTRAL FIRE RIFLE. was established in 1860, and which up to this time has never been beaten. The Plate on page 99 illustrates the system ; and by comparing it with the Plate on page 96, it will be seen that the action is in many respects similar 'to Mr. Westley Richards' former rifle, the chief difference being that the sliding plunger (Plate, ad) is perforated, and contains a needle, or rather striker, bb, that receives the blow of the hammer, d, upon a projecting head, c, and which, sliding forward, explodes the cap con- tained in the felt wad (vide Plate, page 102), attached to the cartridge. These felt wads are, after the insertion of the caps, dipped in tallow, and, by a very simple arrangement, a portion of this valuable lubri- cating agent is driven back by the side of the striker after each discharge, coming out through a hole in the side of the plunger, in regular ro- tation, and keeping every part in good working order. CENTRAL FIRE RIFLE. 101 A very ingenious lever, e, drives back the striker when the action is opened, by lifting up the arm,y, and thus all danger of an explosion is removed -when the plunger is depressed. There is no spring in the whole action, which is simple, uncomplicated, and in no way liable to get out of order. Upwards of 10,000 rounds have been fired out of one of these rifles without cleaning, scarcely ever missing fire, and the arm is still serviceable and fit for work. Its accuracy of shooting is 7*10 inches at 600 yards, which is all that can be desired. These cartridges are so simple in their con- struction that, in case of need, soldiers can easily make them. The Plate on page 102, Fig. 1, shows the cart- ridge as ready for insertion into the rifle, whilst Fig. 2 is a section of the same. Fig. 3, showing the action of the ignition, is twice the size of the Government bore. G, the striker or needle, strikes the head of an 102 Westley Bichards' Cartridge. CARTRIDGES. 103 ordinary percussion cap, b, against the point of an iron anvil, a, which is confined in its position by a copper broad-flanged cap, c c c c, at the ex- tremity of which there is an aperture, h h, through which the flame is driven which ignites the charge, D d is a soft thick wad, e e a thin hard one, which are sown together, and keep the flanged cap, c c, and its contents in position. The whole arrangement is very simple, and there is scarcely any possibility of a miss-fire. Brothers are now manufactur- The " Boxer" ing these cartridges under the Patent of Colonel Boxer, R.A., of Woolwich Arsenal, for Snider and other systems of breech-loading rifles taking central fire cartridges of '577 and 451 bore, they having been adopted by Govern- ment for use with the converted Snider Breech- loading Rifle. The inventor states that they possess the fol- lowing advantages : 104 CARTRIDGES. " BOXER" CARTRIDGE, 577 BOEB. SECTION OP "BOXER" CARTRIDGE, 577 Boms. 1. The principle of construction admits of such a difference between the size of the chamber and that of the cartridge, that no rough usage, to which the ammunition is liable, can interfere with facility of loading. 2. The withdrawal of the empty case is effected with perfect ease, even under adverse circum- stances. CARTRIDGES. 105 3. It cannot possibly swell by damp. 4. It may be crushed or disfigured to almost any extent, without danger of breakage or escape of gas. 5. It is practically waterproof, that is to say, it will withstand exposure to damp for almost any period, and it may be completely immersed in water for some time without injury. 6. It is not liable to deterioration from the effects of climate in any part of the world. 7. It is sure of ignition. 8. It is not liable to explosion in bulk; that is to say, the ignition of one or more cartridges will not extend to the remainder, indeed, a quantity of loose powder may be exploded in the centre of a barrel of ammunition without igniting any of the cartridges. 9. It excels in accuracy of shooting. 10. It is not liable to foul the rifle even under the most adverse circumstances. The superior qualities of the Boxer cartridge have been fully established by the results of a 106 CARTRIDGES. series of experiments made by the Government. In these trials, the accuracy of shooting was better than that with the muzzle-loading ammu- nition, and only three miss-fires occurred out of the 10,000 rounds fired. The fouling from 1000 consecutive rounds did not appreciably affect the accuracy of shooting or facility of loading. After the cartridges had been immersed for six days in very wet sawdust no miss-fires occurred, and the loading was performed with the greatest ease in every case. The cartridges were bent, indented, and injured in various ways, without affecting the ease of loading or accuracy of shooting ; they were shaken loose in a soldier's pouch for a month, and came out perfectly ser- viceable, and they were subjected to different atmospheric conditions artificially created with- out sustaining any injury. As regards the safety of the Boxer cartridge, Captain Majendie, in his lecture at the R. U. S. Institution, stated as follows : RIFLING. 107 " I have several times exploded one cartridge in a barrel without igniting the remainder. I have fired ten at once, and no more exploded. I have gone further, and placed a barrel of 700 cartridges inside an iron cylinder tightly screwed down, and have exploded a quarter of a pound of powder in the midst, and although the screws were broken and the lid blown off with violence, and some of the cartridges strangely distorted, not a single cartridge was ignited." To obviate any danger of these cartridges exploding accidentally by rough usage in transit, the anvil and chamber are purposely arranged so that they can scarcely be ignited except by a properly constructed rifle. Cartridges made to ignite very easily are extremely dangerous, being liable to explode when closing the rifle, in addi- tion to the chance of ignition in transit. Arms are still in a transition state, Eifling. and it is yet a matter of doubt as to which system of rifling is the best. 108 THE WHITWORTH RIFLE. Whitw riv From the numerous experiments I have made and witnessed, I consider that, for accuracy of fire , nothing equals that of Mr Joseph "VVhitworth, of Manchester ; his rifle with the hexagonal bore and elon- gated projectile having " distanced " every other at long ranges in the course of expe- rimental trials lately made at the School of Musketry at Hythe ; besides which the trajectory is lower than any other system. He uses a short barrel, having an hexagonal bore and a very quick turn ; for whereas the Enfield rifle has only one turn in 6 ft. 6in., and therefore only half a turn in the barrel of the Enfield, which is 3 ft. 3 in., he has a 45-inch bore, with one turn in 20 inches, which rotation is sufficient with a bullet of the requisite specific gravity. Mr. Whitworth has reached such a pitch of accuracy, that in a shed excluded from the influence of wind, and firing from a beautifully-contrived rest, at 500 yards he can put any number of con- THE WHITWORTH RIFLE. 109 secutive balls within a space less than that occupied by a five-shilling piece ; and it is said that he will not be contented until he can throw a bullet from the barrel of one rifle into the barrel of another placed at 500 yards' distance. His ordinary rifles are guaranteed, in the hands of a good marksman, to be true at the same distance within eight inches. When his rifle was tested at Hythe with a Regulation Enfield, the efficiency of the one as compared with the other was as twenty to one: Colonel "Wilford saying that the Whit worth was better at 800 yards than the Enfield at 500. Beyond 1100 yards the Enfield must cease firing even at large masses, while Whitworth's can do business at 2000. In- deed, rifling seems in its infancy, and range must only cease with the power of the human eye to take an aim. If Mr. Whitworth applies his peculiar principle of rifling to a breech-loader, he will produce the most finished weapon of the day. 110 ELLIPTICAL FIRING. Em tical ^ r * L ancas ter's elliptical rifling gives excellent practice, and the bore being smooth, is not liable to harbour rust or wear away, and is easily cleaned. Mr. Henry, of Edinburgh, has lately turned out most excellent arms of octagonal bore, the shooting of which can scarcely be surpassed, and the success they have won at the Wimbledon meeting has gained him a great name for careful workmanship. For active service in the field, as Holster Pistols evo vers. ^^ ^ QJ . g p ortm g purposes, I much prefer double-barrel breech-loading pistols for the holster to any revolver yet brought out, as it carries a very much larger bullet, which will disable even when it may not strike a vital part. The sketch on the opposite page shows a holster pistol made by Westley Richards, which is all that can be desired. For campaigning purposes abroad, when with HOLSTER PISTOL. Ill Westiey Bichards' Holster Pistol. 112 HOLSTER PISTOL. the regular troops, I should prefer to have my holster pistols, as well as my service rifle, on the central-fire system, and of the same gauge as the breech-loading rifle issued to the troops, as I could then make use of the regulation cartridges. For the holster pistols, however, some of the powder should be extracted, or the recoil will be too great. Mr. Holland, of Bond Street, has turned his attention to holster pistols on this system, and the following sketch shows his last improvements. Holland's Holster Pistol. REVOLVING PISTOLS. 113 Colt's Revolving Pistol. 1 For many years Colt's revolving arms have been considered to be the most efficient weapons of their kind for service in the field, having stood every test that practical ex- perience can de- vise. In the Cri- mean, the late Continental, and the American wars, they have been very general- ly used, and have always proved to be most reliable and certain wea- pons. For superiority 114 REVOLVING PISTOLS. of material and workmanship, safety, simplicity, durability, accuracy, and celerity of fire, great length of range, force of penetration, they possess important advantages both for public and private service. The barrel is rifle-bored. The lever ramrod renders wadding or patch unnecessary, and secures the charge against moisture, or be- coming loose by rough handling or hard riding. The hammer, when at full cock, forms the sight by which to take aim, and is readily raised to full cock by the thumb, with one hand. A very effectual provision is made to prevent the accidental discharge of Colt's fire-arms whilst being carried in the hand, holster, pocket, or belt. Between each pair of nipples (the position of which secures the caps in their places) is a small pin or notch, and the point of the hammer is let down upon it ; so that if the hammer be lowered on the pin, or into the notch, the cylinder is prevented from revolving, and the hammer is not in contact with the percussion cap, so that, even if the hammer be struck vio-< lently by accident, it cannot explode the cap. REVOLVER WITH CARBINE BREECH. 115 Colt's Revolver, with attachable Carbine Breech. The Carbine Breech attached to the 8-inch Barrel Army and Navy Revolver, Colt's latest improvement (vide Plate) is one by which the pistol may be made an efficient substi- tute for the carbines now in general use, without detracting from the special and peculiar qualities of the revolver. The weapon may be used with great facility and convenience as a carbine; and when not required for such use, the pistol may be re- moved and placed in the holster on the body, the butt or stock being allowed to swing from 116 COLT'S PISTOLS a strap or sling over the back, or at the side. An obvious advantage of this fitting is that, when in action, if all the charges of a repeating arm have been fired, the discharged pistol may be instantly exchanged for the other of the pair in the holster. Directions. Before loading blow the oil and dust out of the Directions nipples, for using Colt's Great care should be taken, when Colt's car- Pistols, tridges are not used, that all the balls are per- fect, and fit the chambers snugly, otherwise the charges may jar out, and more than one chamber be discharged at once. 1st. Draw back the hammer to half-cock, which For Loading allows the cylinder to turn in one direction freely, and Firing. 2nd. Holding the muzzle erect, place a charge of powder in, and a ball upon the mouth of the chamber. 3rd. Turn the cylinder until the loaded chamber is under the rammer, and force the ball with the lever below the mouth of the chamber ; if the ball fits, the chamber is then hermetically closed and the powder protected from water, damp, and sparks of fire. 4th. Eeverse the arm and place the percussion caps on the nipples. 5th. Draw the hammer to full cock, and the arm is ready for firing. COLT'S PISTOLS. 117 Set the hammer at half-cock, and drive out the leaning. k ey ag f ar ag ^ e screw will allow, remove the barrel, which may be done by the aid of the lever pressing down the rammer upon the partitions between the chambers of the cylinder. Wash the cylinder and barrel in warm water, dry and oil them thoroughly, oil freely the base-pin on which the cylinder revolves, then replace the parts. 1st. Set the hammer at half-cock, and drive Lock to ou ^ *^ e k- e y or wedge which holds the barrel and 'Pieces, Clean cylinder to the lock frame, and remove the aud OU - parts. 2nd. Turn out the bottom and two rear screws which fasten it to the trigger guard and lock frame, and remove the stock. 3rd. Loosen the screw that fastens the main spring to the guard, and turn the spring from under the hammer. 4th. Turn out the three screws which fasten the guard to the lock frame, and remove it. 5th. Turn out the screw, and remove the double spring which bears upon the trigger and bolt. 6th. Turn out the side screws, and remove the trigger and bolt. 7th. Turn out the hammer screw, and remove the hammer with the hand attached, by drawing it downward out of the lock frame. Clean and oil all the parts thoroughly, and restore them to their places in the reverse order of separation. Besides revolving pistols both for the belt and holster, which have been adopted by the British and the United States War Depart- 118 COLT S FIRE-ARMS. Bevolver Kifle. ments, carbines and rifles are also manufactured upon the same principle ; which, in time of need, I have found to be most efficient weapons in every respect. The Colt's Fire Arms Company, of 14, Pall Mall, are making experiments with a new breech-loading revolver, which, from all accounts, is a most efficient military weapon, likely to supersede all other systems, in which certain defects are known to exist, that have hitherto prevented Euro- pean or American Go- vernments from adopting any breech-loading revolver yet introduced. ADAMS' REVOLVER. 119 Adams' ^is rev l ver has of late years been Revolver very generally adopted by officers in the Army and Navy, and in comparison with the old muzzle-loading pistol, it is a tolerably efficient arm, although far from being as good as is required for a service pistol. It is unnecessarily heavy, carries too small a bullet, and cannot be depended upon for accuracy of shooting. This latter drawback is, however, chiefly occasioned by extreme carelessness in the manufacture, the barrels being irregularly bored, and the locks not properly regulated. The patent having expired, these pistols are got up as cheaply as possible by small Birming- ham houses, who make fire-arms wholesale, not to shoot, but to sell. 120 - CARTRIDGES. Eevolver Skin Cartridge and Section. This cartridge (vide Plate, above) the invention of Captain Montague Hayes, is the best for both Colt's and Dean's revolver, as the arm may be exposed to any weather without danger of the powder of the charge getting wet. I prefer a breech-loading revolver Bevolver. on Tranter's system to any other yet brought out, as it is less complicated and handier to load, although by no means perfect, as it might be made much more serviceable if the barrel were shorter and the gauge very much larger. The bullet carried by the present arm is much too small to be effective. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOADING. 121 Section of "Waterproof Copper Cartridge for Tranter's Revolver. Raise the hammer till the trigger falls into the for Loading** first bent ' P en the shield on the side ' and pnt a cartridge in each hole of the chamber ; close the shield, and the loading is complete. The cartridges can be with- drawn readily with the fingers, if not desired to be kept loaded. After the cartridges have been fired, the empty cases can be re- moved with the cleaning-rod. The pistol can be carried, when loaded, at "half-cock" for safety. The cartridges should be well covered with lubricating composition, before placing them in the chambers. The pistol should be well oiled after use. Directions for Remove the stock by taking out the two screws Taking to which fasten it to the frame aH ow i ng the top Pieces and Putting strap to remain in the stock. Take off the main Together. spring by placing the left thumb on the bent part, at the same time placing a turnscrew under the extremity of the short side, and gently lift it off the hook. Take out the two screws which hold the guard, and lift out the trigger-spring, which will then be loose. Take out the hammer-pin and the hammer, observing to press the lifting catch from the hammer with a small turnscrew. Take out the trigger pin, which will release the trigger and works attached to it. Take out the detent catch. Press down the lever catch, which will release the rod, and also the chamber ; or the chamber may be removed first 122 THE WHISPERER. by pressing down the lever catch, and at the same time drawing the centre rod. To put the revolver together again, clean and well oil every part. Put in the centre rod, then pnt in the chamber. Replace the detent catch, then the hammer, observing that the swivel is properly placed in it. Attach the claws of the main spring to the swivel; press down the main spring into its place on the hook with the fingers; affix the works to the trigger ; replace it, taking care that the lifting catch is in front of the hammer. Replace the trigger-spring, screw on the guard and the stock. ' The "Whisperer ; " a rib-tickler. "The Whisperer." This arm > wn i c h was built for me Mf H Hollandj of Bond Street> after my own design, is a rifle mounted on wheels, so as to be easily drawn by one man BREECH-LOADING GUNS. 123 over any kind of country with my wigwam and ammunition. Taken to pieces, it all packs on one mule. This " rib- tickler," as a Yankee sportsman called it, was built for me about three years ago for service in Central Africa, and it is a most formidable arm either against rnan or beast. It burns twelve drachms of powder, and throws a cylindro-conical bullet weighing half-a-pound, or a shell. Breech-loading one- or two-pounder guns, mounted on such carriages, would be very ser- viceable on service in the field, as those con- structed by Mr. Whitworth, of Manchester, make excellent practice with shot and shell at 2000 yards ; and with a dozen of such pieces, I would undertake to silence all the artillery of King Theodore. They are superior to rockets, which I class in the same category with t( dollar" trade guns made for the African market as dan- gerous to the man who fires them as to the party who is shot at. Their course is so erratic, and 124 BREECH-LOADING GUNS. their practice so uncertain, that, although they may frighten savages, they rarely leave many skins on the grass ; in fact, their bark is much worse than their bite. CHAPTER V. ARMAMENT. PART III. ON THE SELECTION OP ARMS. Arms made to Sell and not to Shoot Inferior Arms False Policy On the Selection of Arms First-class Arms the Cheapest in the End Locks The Testing of Guns and Eifles The Proper Bend and Length of Stock Confidence inspired by Good Arms. For the present day, the market " CAUTION." Arms made to is delu g e y firing high, or aiming above the object intended to be hit, as the recoil is often felt severely when the heel of the butt only rests against the shoulder. Careless loading is conducive to ir- Carelesa regular firing. The exact charge of powder that the rifle will burn should be cor- rectly ascertained and strictly adhered to, for a CARELESS LOADING. 157 little more or a little less will cause a great vertical deviation in the flight of the bullet. Care should be taken to keep the barrel upright when pouring in the charge, so that the grains of powder may not adhere to the sides of the barrel, which would foul and impede the passage of the bullet. The bullet should not fit too loosely nor yet be so large as to require hammering, in order to force it down, as in the former case it is liable " to strip " for pass out of the barrel without taking the rifling, and gaining the spiral motion), and in the latter it will have ragged edges, which will cause it to diverge from its true direction in its flight through the air. In pressing down the bullet, although great care should be taken to drive it properly home, much force should not be employed, as, by ram- ming and jamming with the ramrod, the shape of the bullet is 'altered and spoiled, which much affects its true flight, and the powder is " mealed" and "caked," by which the strength of the charge in much diminished, as a certain amount 158 ALLOWANCE FOR WIND. of air is necessary to ensure thorough com- bustion. The base of the bullet should rest evenly upon the powder, and its axis be in line with that of the barrel. For fine shooting, care should be taken that there is no hidden defect in the bullet, for if any part be hollow or imperfect, the centre of gravity will not be in the line of the axis, and conse- quently there will be a deviation in its flight. I shall now notice the causes of irregular firing over which the rifleman can have no control, but which may, to a certain extent, be rendered less injurious to " the score " if the following obser- vations are carefully attended to : Allowance for First > the wind affects the % ht of the bullet to a considerable extent in firing at long distances, diverting it from its true course, and accelerating or retarding its progress according as it blows with or against it. When the wind blows from a quarter exactly opposite to the direction of the bullet, it experiences a ALLOWANCE FOR WIND. 159 greater resistance in its flight, a.ud accordingly more elevation should be given. Should the wind blow exactly from the shooter to the target the resistance will be less than ordinary, and conse- quently less elevation than ordinary is required. Allowances should be made according to the strength of the current of air. If the wind blows from the right, aim to the right, as the deflection will be to the left, and vice vers if from the left. If the course of the wind forms an angle to the direction of the bullet, aim must be taken, and allowances made accordingly. Thus, if the wind blows from the right and contrary, the deviation will be to the left and low : therefore, in order to strike the bull's-eye, aim should be taken to the right and high; and to the left and high if the current of air is contrary, and from the left. If the wind blows from the right and rear, on aiming direct at the bull's-eye, the deflection of the bullet will be to the left and high : there- 160 STATE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. fore, in such, a case, aim should be taken to the right and low ; or to the left and low, if the cur- rent of air comes from the left and rear. Correct judgment in making the proper allow- ances for the effect of various winds upon the flight of the projectile can only be gained by practice in all kinds of weather, but the above hints may assist the novice. State of the ^ ne sta ^ e f f ^ e atmosphere consi- Atmosphere. In damp weather, when the atmosphere is dense, its resistance to the flight of the bullet is increased, and consequently greater elevation should be given. In fine clear weather, on the contrary, the resistance is less, and the bullet rises, therefore less elevation is required. Hu- midity in the atmosphere also affects the range of the bullet in a different manner, as it has a certain influence on ignition of gunpowder, which in damp weather is not so rapid as in fine ; therefore, on such days larger charges should be used than on hot summer days. POSITION OF THE SUN. 161 p . . , The position of the sun is some, times liable to influence the correct aim, as if it shines from the right it lightens up the right side of the front-sight, and the left side of the notch of the back-sight, throwing the left of the front-sight and the right of the back-sight into the shade ; therefore, if the firer is not care- ful in aiming properly, the " line of sight " is liable to pass from the left of the centre of the notch of the back-sight and the right of the front- sight, the effect of which would be that the bullet would strike to the left, and vice versa if the sun shines from the left. Sun-shades are sometimes used to obviate this difficulty. Allowance ^ must be obvious to all, that the ObjectJ. m8 flight of the bullet occupies a certain time, and in firing at moving objects a certain allowance should be made accordingly, and great judgment is required in this point when firing at long ranges. For instance, in deer-stalking, if a deer is running transversely either to the right or left, a sportsman aiming directly at the M 162 ALLOWANCE FOR MOVING OBJECTS. shoulder would most likely either strike the hind- quarter or miss by shooting behind, as, in the time between the discharge of his rifle and the impact or striking of the bullet, the quarry would have moved forward a certain distance. The following hints on this point may aid the no A ce: In firing at anything moving, it is advisable to cover the object and allow the muzzle to follow it for some distance before pulling the trigger, in order to ascertain the velocity of the motion, and the allowance required to be made. If the object is approaching the person firing, the muzzle of the barrel should be gradually lowered, the finger feeling the trigger all the time, and aim should be taken low. If the object be retiring, the muzzle of the rifle should be raised (more or less according to the distance and the velocity of motion of the object), and aim taken high. If the object is moving across, either to the ALLOWANCE FOR MOVING OBJECTS. 163 right or left, aim should be taken well forward, after having followed the motion with the object well covered for some time. Should the object be ascending a \n&, fire high , if descending , fire low; if diagonally, in front. CHAPTER VII. TENTS AND ENCAMPMENTS. The Danger of being exposed to the Night Air without Shelter The Regulation Bell Tent Officers' Bell Tent The Eound Wall Tent The Marquee or Mess Tent The Tent of the French Army Shooting Tent Edgington's Improved Mili- tary Tent " The Old Shekarry's Wigwam " Tent Pegs How to pitch a Tent Tent Furniture The Encampment The Camp Guard. I SHALL now enter upon the subject of tents, for much of a traveller's comfort depends upon his having a commodious shelter impervious to wind or weather, sufficiently portable to be always car- ried with him, which, unfortunately for our poor soldiers, Government tents are not. Many a thousand brave fellows have been laid under the TENTS AND ENCAMPMENTS. 165 Tents and Encampments. sod, wasted away from disease contracted on ser- vice, because, when weary at the end of a long march, their tents not having come up, they have thrown themselves upon the damp ground, or slept exposed to the deadly night-dews. After the intense heat of the day, a night passed in this manner will undermine the strongest constitution, 166 REGULATION BELL TENT. and lay in the seeds of rheumatism, fever, and dysentery. The following sketches show the different kinds of tents in general use, all of which are to be obtained at B. Edgington's establishment, in Duke Street, near London Bridge, which firm for many years has borne the palm for all kinds of camp equipment Begulation Bell Tent. The above Plate shows the Regulation Bell OFFICERS BELL TENT. 167 Tent, which has a circumference of 40 feet, and is supposed to hold a dozen men. ^^^fe^Ttr^r ;i r --;*sE * ^r^5?*R*ss^;^*^ s ^"^' as * > Officers' Bell Tent. The above Plate shows an Officers' Tent, which is a modification of the soldiers', having low side walls, and standing on the same area. Round "Wall Tent. The above Plate shows a Round "Wall Tent, much used in India and other hot climates, being more convenient, but at the same time consider- ably heavier, than the regulation tents. It is also much more liable to be blown down. The Plate on page 169 shows the Marquee of an officer commanding a regiment, or an Indian Mess Tent. It makes a great show in a camp, and is very spacious and comfortable dining in, but sometimes comes to grief in a storm. INDIAN MESS TENT. 169 SHOOTING TENT. 171 The Plate on page 170 shows the tent much used by the French army during the campaign in the Crimea. In fine weather it is far more commo- dious than the English Regulation Bell Tent, but it is not so comfortable in wet weather, and is considerably heavier, weighing 160 Ibs. It makes a very nice tent for a pic-nic, or for a lawn. Shooting Tent. 172 MILITARY TENTS. The Plate on page 171 shows a very convenient little tent for shooting on the moors, but it will not stand heavy weather. It holds two persons very comfortably. The two Plates, pages 173 and 174, show B. Edgington's Military Tent, which is superior in every respect to that now in use B. Edgington's .... T Improved Mill- in the .British army, it is 14 leet tary Tent. 6 inches square, with porches at each end projecting 6 feet, and sustained by light 6- feet poles, protecting the entrance from rain. The figure is a pyramid, and the angles are strengthened from the head of the tent by an inch rope, to which the canvas is bolted, and which, being secured by strong iron pegs to the ground, constitutes the principal support of the tent. "The ventilation" is at the top, the aperture being secured against the entrance of rain. The centre pole is divided into three parts the small poles into two, and the whole (including poles, pegs, and every requisite) is packed in two IMPROVED MILITARY TENT. 173 b THE OLD SHEKARRY'S WIGWAM. 175 valises ; weight of tent, 93 Ibs. and 79 Ibs. poles v etc. Area of tent with porches, 394 square feet. This tent is also made 9 and 11 feet square. For cold weather a stove and chimney can be substituted for a centre-pole, and by means of a rack, the top of the tent can be raised or lowered, according to the action of the weather on the canvas, the pipe being free from the stove. The Plate on page 174 shows the arrangement of the stove. I herewith give a sketch of a very "The Old Shekarry's comfortable tent of my own invention, Wigwam." which I have found very serviceable when a small amount of baggage only can be taken. It is water-tight, weather-proof, well ventilated, and very portable. The dimensions are : Length of top ridge, a to b, 10 feet. Slope, 7 feet. Height of poles, 5 feet, to lengthen to 7 feet. 176 EXTERIOR OF WIGWAM. INTERIOR OF WIGWAM. 177 "The "Wigwam." This tent or wigwam, as I term it, is very com- fortable for two persons, with their baggage, and, if required, four can find ample room in it to sleep. Although a man cannot stand upright in my tent (the height being only 5 feet in the cen- tre), without digging out the inside area as in my expeditions I rarely travel with table, chair, or even bedstead I suffer very little inconvenience from the low pitch ; and, on the other hand, I go to sleep with the comfortable assurance in my mind that, although the winds may blow and the rains descend, my home is impervious to both. Mr. Benjamin Edgington, of Duke Street, South- wark, has built me a famous wigwam for Abyssinia, which has all the edges strongly roped, so that it will stand the brunt of any storm. THE WIGWAM. 179 When only one tent is taken, and the journey is likely to be a long one, perhaps it would be advisable to have a somewhat larger wigwam. Mr. Edgington is building some 8 feet in height, and 8 feet broad, in which there is plenty of room for a stove, the chimney forming a substi- tute for the centre-pole. The Plate on page 177 shows the interior of the larger " wigwam," with the interior dug out, which, including the porches, has an area of about 18 feet by 8, and is a very comfortable habitation for four officers in any weather. " The wigwam," having two entrances opposite each other (which are protected from the weather by the porches), the ventilation can be regulated at will ; a thorough current of air always passing through the tent, which is a great desideratum in a hot climate. With every " wigwam," Mr. Edgington sends out an extra piece, with an iron socket attached, to lengthen the centre-pole, when the inside area is dug out, also storm ropes in case of hurricanes, 180 TENT PEGS. and a canvas saddle-bag, which contains the whole tent. The wigwam, having no outlying ropes, stands on a smaller area of ground than most other descriptions of tent, and can therefore be pitched close to another, with only a centre drain between them. This is a great advantage when a large force is encamped, and the ground is circumscribed. I prefer gal- ent Pegs. vanised iron tent-pegs to wooden ones. They should have a notch to hold the rope, and rings passing through the ends to sling them to- gether, and prevent their being lost when on the march. How to Pitch Great art is shown in P itcnin g a tent properly, so as to stand firmly with the canvas tightly stretched. Care must HOW TO PITCH A TENT. 181 be taken to dig a trench, outside, to carry away the rain-water (vide Plate, page 177, 5) ; and to raise a bank of earth in the inside (vide Plate, page 177, a), to prevent wind, dust, or draught from coming in under the canvas sides. When it is intended to remain for any length of time in a place, the interior area of the tent may be excavated, leaving a shelf of about 18 inches in width all round; and the centre pole being lengthened or the stove set up, it then becomes a most commodious habitation. In case of bad weather, storm-ropes should be fastened to the spokes of the tent-poles and pegged securely, taking care that the tent- pegs are driven in a sloping direction, in- clining inwards, so that they are less easily drawn out. Should the soil be sandy, the ropes ought to be bushed, which is done by burying branches deeply, and only leaving a hook above the sur- face, to which the rope is attached (vide Plate, page 180;. Two tent-pegs may be buried in a 182 CAMP STOVE. similar manner but the former arrangement holds best in a light soil. Edgington's S arran g ement ( Plate > P a g e 183 ) which is particularly well adapted for Apparatus. tents, is remarkable alike for its utility and compactness. The whole packs into an oval case (12), 22 inches high, 16 inches long, and 13 inches wide. Weight, 80 Ibs. The following articles are contained : Camp stove (1) ; two-gallon boiling pot (2), the cover of which forms a frying pan (3) ; one-gallon tea kettle with swing handle and screw spout (4) ; two one-quart hooked coffee boilers (5) ; four oval bottles for essence of coffee, etc. (6) ; one meat dish (7) ; one soup ditto (8) ; one toasting oven (9) ; oval box and pepper box (10) ; one pint porringer (11). Directions Place the stove in the oval pan, which forms the cover of the iron box ; fix the circular rim on the top of the stove, on which place the boiler, frying pan, or tea kettle, as required. COOKING APPARATUS. 183 Camp Stove and Cooking Apparatus. 184 COOKING APPARATUS. The hooked pots will hang on the sides or front of the stove. When not required for cook- ing, put on the round cast top ; the large oval box will hold the fuel. Directions ^ e articles to be put into the stove in the following order: 1st Deep dish and toasting oven. 2nd Meat dish. 3rd Frying pan. 4th Boiling pot, in which place the two hooked pots, oval boxes, and pepper box. (The oval bottles will go into the hooked pots.) 5th The tea kettle, in which place the porringer. 6th The stove, funnel pipes, and elbows to be placed within the case. The oval pan forms the cover. On the opposite page is an engraving of a very compact and useful little dinner apparatus ; knife, fork, and spoon, each closing up like a pocket- knife, and fitting, with salt, pepper, and mustard- pots, into a leather case, which, when rolled up, is contained in the drinking-cup. The whole fits into a compact leather case, which can be strapped to the saddle. DINNER APPARATUS. 185 Dinner Apparatus. Tent A portable bedstead, as made by Furniture. -r -n i # A-' %."*- T B. Edgmgton, of 2, Duke Street, Lon- don Bridge (vide Plate, page 1863. is not a bad 186 TENT FURNITURE. B. Edgington's Camp-Bed. investment, but as I always carry a pair of bullock trunks when I intend to indulge in luxuries, I prefer to fix a canvas stretcher with an iron frame-work between them, which forms a very comfortable bed (vide Plate below). By this latter arrangement my goods and gear in the boxes are tolerably safe from pilferers, and no one can meddle with them whilst I sleep without first trying conclusions with their owner. Bengough's Trunk-Bed. INFLATABLE BATH. 187 Cording's Inflatable Bath. A portable bath is a great luxury, and those of india-rubber, inflated with air, made by Cording, 231, Strand, are by far the best I have seen. When the inside area of the tent The Hammock. . , . is excavated, it is an easy matter to sling a hammock to ropes fixed to tent-pegs or posts firmly driven into the ground, and in my opinion this makes the most comfortable bed. I always carry one of Cording's waterproof hammocks with me, which, even if I cannot sling it, serves me as a ground-sheet. Slung from a bamboo or pole, it makes a capital stretcher for a sick or wounded man ; on the West Coast of Equatorial Africa, where horses will not 188 ENCAMPMENTS. live, it is the only mode of conveyance for Euro- peans, in getting about from place to place. In Madeira, South America, and throughout India, it is also generally used. ENCAMPMENTS. An old soldier, and an experi- Camp Eules. enced traveller, will always choose the encamping ground himself; as not only his comfort, but very often his safety, will depend upon his selection. If he is in a hostile country, " where might is right" and he considers his party strong enough to hold their own, in case of an attack from pre- datory tribes, he will pitch his camp upon an eminence, sufficiently near to water to command its easy approach, and far enough from any cover that might conceal an enemy. He will take care that his tents are placed so that the excavations form rifle-pits, arranged to defend each other by cross-fires in case of a sud- den rush of the enemy from any quarter. This is a most necessary precaution, and if a strict watch is kept day and night, a camp so con- CAMP RULES. 189 structed, and defended by a few resolute men, armed with breech-loading rifles and revolvers, is a formidable place to assault even with greatly superior numbers. Should the party be too small to offer much resistance, and its object be to pass through a hostile country without attracting observation, the greatest care must be observed, and if a tent is ever pitched, a hollow in a plain, or a patch of dense wood, must be selected for the camp. Dry wood, which makes very little smoke, should be burnt, and the horses should always be saddled and ready for a move. Watchers and sentries should be The Camp posted on elevations in the daytime, and on low ground at night. They should patrol a short distance from the camp, and, if they hear the slightest noise, ought to lie down with the ear close to the ground, by which means they may often detect an approaching footstep at a considerable distance. Sentries ought to be re- lieved every two hours, if possible ; and even if 190 CAMP GUARD. the number of the party is small, and the duty comes round very quickly, still a strict watch should be always kept. Two men, if properly posted, can command a large extent of ground; and it is better to have two watchers who keep wide awake and on the qui vive, than a chain of sleepy sentries. When a man knows that the safety of his skin depends upon his keeping his eyes open, he is generally pretty well on the alert. CHAPTER VIII. HINTS TO TRAVELLERS. The Advantages of Travel An Even Temper required The Cus- toms of a Country generally the Beat to Adopt On the Ad- vantages of Knowing the Language of the Country Early Eising The Stirrup Cup Tiger's Milk Claret Cup Beef Tea Striking Camp Malarious Districts Water Boiling and Filtration To Find Water Well-sinking Signs of Water Watering Cattle Hard and Soft Water Summer Beverages Servants and Followers The Watchfire Hints in Cases of Illness Fever Dysentery. MUCH of a traveller's comfort depends upon himself, and the best way of getting on is, by never anticipating difficulties, and making the best of them when they come. Many of the inconveniences and privations of " camp life " may be avoided or, at any rate, mitigated by forethought and timely precaution, which is only inculcated by experience; but the charms of a 192 ADVANTAGES OF TRAVELLING. wanderer's life are so many and varied, that they amply compensate for any little discomforts that he may meet with en route. "We English are a nation of travellers ; and, as Sam Rogers says, " None want an excuse. If rich, they go to enjoy; if poor, to retrench; if sick, to recover ; if studious, to learn ; if learned, to relax from their studies. But whatever they may say, whatever they may believe, they go for the most part on the same errand ; nor will those who reflect, think that errand an idle one. " In travelling we improve imperceptibly, not in the head only, but in the heart. Our prejudices leave us ; seas and mountains are no longer our boundaries; we learn to love, to esteem, and admire beyond them. Our benevolence extends itself with our knowledge, and must we not return better than we went. The more highly we be- come acquainted with the institutions of other countries, the more must we value our own. Yet the enjoyment of travelling, like other pleasures, must be purchased at some little expense ; and he HINTS TO TRAVELLERS. 193 whose good humour can be ruffled by every petty inconvenience he may chance to encounter had unquestionably better remain at home." The traveller should adapt himself to the cus- toms and ideas of the people" in whose country he sojourns. He should always be a gentleman in his actions, never in his pretensions, and his real worth will become apparent, even amongst savages. Mental superiority will always com- mand respect, and in the desert a man will not be appreciated the more because his ancestor happened to be a great man, or that he is descended from a king's mistress. They judge him by his actions and his line of conduct. In travelling through a land where " might is right," although it is as well always to be pre- pared against treachery, suspicion ought never to be shown by any outward sign. It is always well to treat the inhabitants of the country through which you travel with familiar courtesy, and much information may be gained by mixing with them and entering into their o TRAVELLERS QUALIFICATIONS. amusements. It is also advisable to fall into the peculiar customs of the country, as they are generally the best adapted to it, and although sometimes they may be a little inconvenient, it is generally much more so to run counter to them. A good knowledge of the language is an im- mense help. The Emperor Charles V. used to say that in proportion to the number of languages a man knew, he was so many more times a man. " A knowledge of the language of the country you travel in is as good as a filled purse ; as two pair of eyes, and one pair of ears ; for without it the one ^pair he possesses is likely to be of little use." Addison says, " When a traveller returneth home, let his travel appear rather in his discourse than his apparel or gesture ; and in his discourse let him be rather advised in his answers than for- ward to tell stories ; and let it appear that he doth not change his country manners for those of foreign parts, but only prick in some flowers of that he hath learned abroad into the customs of his own country." EARLY RISING. 195 He who sleeps with a forest tree for Early Eising. his canopy, a stone for his pillow, and the ground for his bed, is not likely to play the sluggard ; and the sportsman who means work will be afoot as soon as the soft blue light of the morning becomes perceptible along the eastern horizon ; for he knows that his best chance of falling in with large game is before the sun gets up. The traveller should never start " The Stirrup early in the morning upon an empty stomach. On the march, before leaving the bivouac, he should always take a cup of coffee, tea, or "something" with a biscuit or crust of bread, to fortify the inner man, as the malarious vapours that rise from the ground have an inju- rious effect on an empty stomach. When milk and eggs are procurable, " Tiger's milk" is not a bad concoction for resuscitating nature. Recipe Beat up the yokes of six eggs well, with " a modicum" or half-pint of spirit (rum or brandy), three lumps of sugar, a o 2 196 THE STIRRUP CUP. bit of lemon peel cut thin, and a little spice, such as cloves or cardamums. Add a quart of new milk, mix well, grating in the third of a nutmeg, and you will have a stirrup cup for three persons. In hot weather, "claret cup" is not a bad substi- tute. The following is the recipe of Arab Mac (a celebrated old Indian general, of great racing and sporting notoriety), who gloried in having the finest stud and the best kitchen in India : " To a bottle of claret add three wine-glasses of cognac, a couple of large table-spoons of sugar, the rind of a lime cut thin, a dozen cloves, the seeds of three cardamum-pods, a quarter of a nutmeg, one green chili, a small sprig of borage, a dozen leaves of mint, and a threatening of lime- juice, or, what is perhaps better, a lime cut into thin slices. Let it stand for twenty minutes, and then add three bottles of cooled soda-water, stir- ring it up well, and serving it out with a ladle whilst in a state of effervescence." This brew makes a good drink for three people. Beef tea is also very good for a traveller to BEEF TEA. 197 take in the early morning; and when ladies are of the party, it always ought to be ready, as they can often swallow that when they can take nothing solid. Beef tea is made with lean fresh meat, cut into small pieces the size of dice, put into a " digester" or covered jar, which is again placed in a sauce- pan of water, and allowed to simmer until all the goodness is boiled out of the meat, when the juice extracted should be strained and flavoured with salt and pepper. When fresh meat is not ob- tainable, Liebig's Extract of Meat may be used. This extract contains the nutritious constituents of animal food, one ounce containing the soluble matter of about two pounds of fresh meat. Very good beef tea is made by dissolving a dessert- spoonful of the extract in a pint of boiling water, to which salt and pepper should be added. When on the march, unless the head striking servant can thoroughly be depended upon, it is advisable for one of the party to re- 198 MALARIOUS DISTRICTS. main behind, to see the tents struck, the baggage packed, and the mules loaded. He should also see that no imposition has been attempted by any of the servants, and that there are no complaints " that supplies furnished have not been paid for." Ifc is hiW advisable not to cross Malarious Districts. i i i low swampy ground, or malarious districts, until at least two hours after sunrise, as by that time much of the noxious vapour so deleterious to health, that rises from the ground during the night and early morning, has been dispelled. I would, at any time, rather risk the chance of a coup-de-soleil by travelling during the day, than expose myself to malaria during the night. One of the great causes of sickness Water. in tropical climates is. bad water, and the traveller ought to make a rule, not to drink any that has not been previously boiled and filtered, if he can possibly avoid it. In malarious districts, the water, being exposed WATER. 199 to an impure and foetid atmosphere, absorbs the noxious gases, and becomes impregnated with poison. Again, in hot climates, water becomes tainted and unwholesome, by filtering through a porous soil full of organic impurities, caused by decom- posed animal and vegetable matter; and very often the poisonous ingredients absorbed cannot be de- tected by the senses, as neither the eye nor the palate of a tired and thirsty traveller are likely to discover the dangerous impregnation. Water taken from springs and streams is gene- rally better than that of pools, as still water soon becomes putrid, and full of a variety of living animals and vegetables. The best means of rendering such kinds of water wholesome, is by boiling and. filtration : the former process destroys the animalculae, and the latter clears it from impurities. Were proper precautions taken by Government, cholera, typhus-fever and dysentery, the scourges of camp-life, would be comparatively unknown : 200 WHERE TO FIND WATER. whereas, under the present regime, when our army takes " the field." ten soldiers die of these diseases to one killed in action ; and this state of things is likely to continue, until " the Press " takes up the matter, and forces our inert officials to look a little better after the welfare of our gallant defenders. T Fi a Travellers are sometimes put to great straits for want of water, whilst ex- ploring the arid wastes of Africa, and other thinly inhabited flat countries, where rain seldom falls, and every explorer should accustom himself to read the signs that indicate the presence of water. In a flat country, water may generally be found by digging wells in the beds of rivers, taking care to select the spot just below the junction of a tri- butary, and also paying attention to the formation and appearance of the sand, as it often indicates the line along which the stream last flowed by a winding undulation. In the bends of a river, deep holes are often formed by the force of the current, where water WELL SINKING. 201 sometimes remains in pools long after the stream has ceased to run; and such places may often be dis- covered by following up the fresh tracks of animals. Should these be dry, wells must be sunk in the places where the ground appears to be the lowest. In mountainous districts small springs are generally found amongst primary rocks; but after a long drought, search should be made in the water-courses that wind through the bottom of the deepest ravines, where pools of water often remain all the year round. Should these prove dry, there is no alternative but to dig in the places where water appears to have been last; and the most likely places are often indicated bv the greenest vegetation, or by plants that in that country are usually found near water. In sinking wells, the presence of "Well-sinking. water is indicated by moist sand or earth, before it makes its appearance, as unless a spring is struck by chance the water takes some time to filter through the sides of the well, and at first it generally collects very slowly. 202 SIGNS OF WATER. In sinking wells in the beds of rivers in Africa, I Lave had to construct basket-work gabions to prevent the sand from falling in as fast as I dug it out, and sometimes I have had to work very cautiously on account of falling in with " quick- sands." g . f In searching for water, a line should be formed, and the most insignificant sign must not be overlooked. The fresh track of animals may be followed when they appear to converge, more especially if different species have passed over the ground in the same direc- tion. Flights of birds should be watched, as the feathered race generally drink morning and even- ing ; whenever they are numerous, water cannot be far off. All animals in a wild state make for water by instinct, but when domesticated they generally appear to lose the 5 faculty; although, sometimes, I have seen horses, oxen, and dogs start off in a bee-line to a pool of water in a country where they had never been before. ABSTINENCE FROM LIQUIDS. 203 In following up the trail of a wounded animal, I have often come unexpectedly across a stream, or pool ; as the loss of blood causes intense thirst, and, if not disabled or too closely followed up, most animals will seek for water, and even drink until they fall dead. I have seen both antelope and elephant do this. In some of the most arid parts of Africa, there are certain plants full of sap, which antelope are very fond of, and sometimes, in case of emergency, 1 have kept my mouth moistened, and my lips from sticking together, by chewing the pulp. At other times, when very hardly pressed, I have drank the liquid contained in the paunch of different animals I have killed. " Habit is second nature," and the more a man drinks, the more he wants : a hunter should ac- custom himself to drink at his morning and even- ing meals only ; and he ought to be able to go through a hard day's work, even under a tropical sun, by only moistening his mouth from time to time with a couple of spoonfuls of boiled water, 204 WATERING CATTLE. Watering Cattle. or, what is better still for quenching thirst, cold weak tea, without milk or sugar. Horses and cattle should be accus- tomed to drink out of a trough, if pos- sible, otherwise when the only water obtainable has to be drawn from shallow wells in the beds of rivers, they will fill them up and cause much extra labour. When travelling with waggons or baggage animals, a small force-pump and hose, as previously described, ought always to be carried, Pump, Hose, and Trough. HARD AND SOFT WATER. 205 as with it the animals are watered with far less labour, and the water in the wells remains undis- turbed. , Soft water is preferable to hard Hard and fcer ' water for all culinary purposes. Mon- sieur Soyer, the celebrated artist in cooking, declared that where, with soft water, five cups of tea might be made, only three cups could be got with hard water, from equal quantities of the leaf. Soft or distilled water, he says, has an extraordinary power in obtaining a full extract. Vegetables cooked in soft water are quickly done, and the flavour of the vegetables is in the water ; whilst those cooked in the hard water never become tender, nor does the flavour go into the water. In extracting the juice or gravy from, meat, soft water does it quickly and well ; but hard water, instead of opening the meat, seems to draw it closer together, and to solidify the al- bumen, whilst it fails to extract the true flavour of the meat. For bread-making, soft water is of great importance. 206 SUMMER BEVERAGE. The effect of hard water on animals is veiy apparent. Horses have an instinctive love for soft water, and they refuse hard water if they can possibly get soft. Hard water produces a rough and staring coat on horses, and renders them liable to gripes. g Pure fruit syrups, such as manu- factured by Sainsbury, 176, Strand, when mixed with cold water, or soda water, when you have it, form a very delicious and refreshing beverage in hot weather. The best way of cooling the water, when ice is not to be procured, is to wrap the bottle or vessel containing it in a wet cloth, and expose it to a current of air, allowing the rays of the sun to shine on it, when practicable. The cloth must be kept wet, and thoroughly cover the vessel. The principle fruit syrups which will keep in tropical climates are lemon, orange, raspberry, strawberry, apple, and red and black currant. , Much of a traveller s comtort de- Servants and Followers. p en( j s U p n the capabilities of his SERVANTS AND FOLLOWERS. 207 servants, and my experience leads me to believe that it is much better to gain their confidence by kind treatment, and showing that you have an in- terest in their welfare, than by harsh measures and " badgering." If you look after their comfort they will look after yours, and a kind and con- siderate master makes a devoted follower. Always listen to your followers' complaints, whether real or imaginary : if they are real, remedy them ; if imaginary, reason with them patiently, and point out the fallacy of their arguments. Make yourself thoroughly acquainted with their character and manners, then it is not difficult to remove their prejudices. Should insubordination show itself amongst your people, investigate the cause thoroughly before you act, then be very firm ; in such cases half-measures will not do. Should punishment be absolutely required, let it be severe and summary, as the example will be greater, and it will be more seldom required. Never strike or flog a man yourself, 208 WOMEN FOLLOWERS. if you can help it, but let him be punished by one of his fellows, in your presence. It has a better effect. Reward your followers liberally for extra ser- vices. Tobacco, grog in moderation, should be served out in the evening, when they behave properly. Do what you can to keep them cheerful, by promoting merriment amongst them. I like to hear my fellows sing and chaff good-humouredly amongst themselves as they work ; and I believe in an old Indian saying, " A light heart can carry an elephant ; a long face stumbles under the weight of his turban." In India and Africa I never make any objec- tion to my followers being accompanied by their women, as I rarely found them cause any delay whilst on the march, and they were often very useful. Besides, they keep the camp lively and the men contented; and even if they occasion " a row" now and again, it does not much matter, for it serves to -break the monotony. THE WATCHFIRE. 209 The Watch- When upon a hunting excursion, and very often whilst campaigning, it has been an established custom for my people to assemble round the watchfire in front of my tent at sunset, and, if possible, I always attend myself, and see that my head-servant goes round and distributes to each man his rations for the next day, an allowance of tobacco, and, if I have it, a glass of grog. After the distribution I always make a point of asking if all my people are satisfied and if anyone has a grievance or complaint to make, I endeavour to settle it then and there. Then those who have charge of my animals, such as horses, mules, bullocks, sheep, goats, dogs, and poultry, inform me as to their con- dition ; whilst my head- servant arranges matters concerning the commissariat an important ar- rangement when there are many mouths to fill, and rather a responsible one when all the party depend upon their master's gun for food. p 210 FOLLOWERS' CONFIDENCE. The orders for the morrow are then given, the line of route settled, and each man is made to understand what he has to do. Business settled, the events of the day and the prospects of the morrow are talked over; the habits of wild animals and hunting exploits are discussed; tales are told, songs chanted, and anyone of the party may join in the conversa- tion. During my wanderings in differents parts of the world my followers have presented a great diversity of appearance, and I have had to do with all kinds of characters; but I found the same line of conduct answer for all, no matter what nation, tribe, or caste they belonged to, and the result of my experience is contained in the following advice : Treat them kindly, pay them fairly, listen to them patiently, humour their prejudices, respect their feelings, do not interfere with their religion ; and after a short time you will find that you have gained their confidence, and in your hour of need they will not desert HINTS ON ILLNESS. 211 you. When master and servants understand each other, and pull together, " camp life" is the happiest existence I know of. My "gatherings" have often been a motley crew a rough and reckless lot of desperate men, of different colours, race, and creed, bound by no tie, and heeding no law yet perfect unanimity always existed amongst them, and many a jovial night have we passed reclining round the watch- fire after a hard day's work, a sharp skirmish, or a great hunt, when wild songs were sung, strange tales were told, and many a hoarse peal of merri- ment rang through the night-air, as the jest went round. Loudly we laughed, and little we recked for the morrow. Hints in Case The two S reat maladies that a of Illness. . ,. , , . , . sportsman is liable to in malarious regions are fever and dysentery, both of which, if not checked, are apt to end fatally. Fever in its mildest form is gene- Fever. rally intermittent that is, there are intervals of health between the attacks ; but as 212 SYMPTOMS OF FEVER. the disease becomes more aggravated, it as- sumes the remittent form, and the symptoms only remit, change their aspect, and do not disappear. Fever rarely lays its victim pro- Symptoms. , , strate at once. The malarious poison that engenders it has a period of incubation, and breaks out some days after the primary symptoms are evinced which are, a sense of lassitude and languor, accompanied by yawning and stretch- ing, restlessness, want of sleep, loss of appetite, dull eyes, dizziness, and an incapacity to con- centrate the ideas ; chills come over the body, and a dull heavy pain racks the loins and kidneys, which often cease to act. Then comes intense headache, cramps which seem to draw up the body, and the hot stage, which often brings on delirium and a state of coma; from which condition the patient either awakes in the next world, or finds himself bathed in profuse per- spiration, greatly prostrated, but relieved from pain. ITS TREATMENT. 213 Then is the time to take quinine in Treatment. as large doses as the system will bear. Should no medical advice be at hand, and the patient be alone in the bush, he cannot do wrong, when in that stage, by taking quinine until his head feels so dizzy that everything appears to turn round, keeping himself covered up, and only drinking hot weak lemonade, so as make him perspire as much as possible. Sometimes the fever is killed at once by this sharp bat severe treatment ; but at others, attack comes after attack, and paroxysm follows pa- roxysm, each one leaving the patient weaker than the last, until the crisis is passed and the disease wears itself out, and gradually becomes weaker in its shocks, or, on the other hand, its victim sinks under it, and passes away in a state of in- sensibility. In tropical climates, delays are dan- Precautions. gerous, and the slightest symptom should be immediately met with decided and energetic treatment. Constant doses of quinine 214 DYSENTERY. should be taken daily, more especially when ex- posed to the dew, rain, night-air, or the malaria engendered by winds blowing over swampy ground or decomposed vegetation. My experience leads me to believe Dysentery. that the only cure for dysentery is im- mediate removal out of tropical climates ; other- wise, it almost always ends fatally. Upon the first symptoms, take an Treatment. emetic of ipecacuanha, and in the morning a mild aperient (as 15 grains of rhubarb and 2 grains of calomel) ; on the following day 2 grains of ipecacuanha, with a quarter of a grain of opium, three or four times within the twenty- four hours, eating nothing but plain boiled rice sweetened with sugar. If this does not stop the complaint, and the tenesmus gives the well-known sign of decided dy- sentery, a dose of 20 grains of calomel with a quar- ter-grain of opium should be taken, which must be followed next morning with a dose of castor oil. This generally cuts the matter short ; but it OPHTHALMIA. 215 is as well to follow it up with 2 grains of ipecacu- anha, and | -grain of opium, four times within the twenty -four hours, for two or three days after : chlorodyne is also of great service. This disease is often brought on ua " by sudden transition from excessive dryness to damp ; glare from the snow or desert ; or from dust and sand being blown into the eyes. In cases of inflammation of the eyes, first remove the irritation with warm-water fomentations ; then bathe with a lotion composed of grains of sul- phate of copper dissolved in an ounce of distilled or rose water ; and for the first stage of ophthal- mia, drop into the eye one or two drops of the following lotion : 10 grains of sulphate of zinc in one ounce of distilled or rose water. Of course I need not observe, that in case of any disease of the eye making its appearance, the first thing to be done is to obtain the best medical advice. My hints are only intended for adoption when no surgeon is at hand. 216 USEFUL RECIPES. USEFUL RECIPES. Mix a P int of &&*% oil > two To render Shooting ounces of yellow wax, two ounces Boots Waterproof. of turpentine, and half an ounce of Burgundy pitch, carefully over a slow fire. Lay the mixture whilst hot on the boots with a sponge or soft brush, and when they are dry lay it on again and again, until the leather becomes quite satu- rated that is to say, will hold no more ; let them then be put away, and not be worn until they are perfectly dry and elastic ; they will after- wards be found not only impenetrable to wet, but soft and pliable, and of much longer duration. Or, take of equal quantities of beeswax and mutton suet, and melt them together in an earthen pipkin over a slow fire ; lay the mixture while hot on the boots, which ought to be made warm also ; let them stand before the fire a short time, for them to soak the preparation in, and then put them away until quite cold ; when they are so, rub them dry with a piece of flannel, in order not to grease your blacking-brushes. If you black them well before you put the mixture on, TRAP FOR ANIMALS. 217 you will find them take the blacking much better afterwards. _, The natives of India preserve meat. To Preserve which they call " Ding-ding," by cut- ting it into long strips, into which they rub salt, ground spices, and then dry in the sun until it becomes as dry as a board. When required for use, it is allowed to soak in water for a couple of hours to soften, and is then broiled over embers, when it is not at all unpalat- able, and often constituted the principal part of a Shekarry's fare whilst on trail. The Hasp Tip Trap. The Rasp Tip Trap, invented by Mr. Pringle, of Alnwick, is one of the best for catching small animals alive. The animals are caught between two convex surfaces, as between the fore and 218 HOW TO DESTROY FLIES. middle fingers of the hand when half-closed, and so securely held that escape is almost impossible. No bones are fractured, nor muscles lacerated by the action of the trap. _ _. Put a handful of quassia into a white To Destroy basin, and pour a pint of boiling- water over it ; let it cool, and sprinkle a little sugar over it as a greater inducement. It will draw away and kill all flies. CHAPTER IX. "HINTS TO SPORTSMEN." Deer-Stalking Chamois and Ibex Hunting Feline Animals Elephant-Hunting Pig-Sticking Dumb Companions. D THERE is no animal more shy or solitary by nature than the stag. He takes alarm from every living thing in the forest ; the slightest sound, be it only the fall of a leaf or the scratching of a jungle fowl, will scare and set him off in a moment. Except in certain embar- rassed situations, they always run up wind, their great security lying in their extreme keenness of scent, for they can smell a taint in the air at an almost incredible distance. When a hart is disabled and run down by dogs, and he feels that he cannot escape by speed, he 220 DEER-STALKING. will choose the best position he can, and defend himself to the last extremity with his antlers. Powerful dogs may pull down a full-grown stag when running and breathless, but not a cold hart (one that has not been wounded) when he stands at bay, for he takes such a sweep with his antlers that he could exterminate a whole pack, should they attack in front only. Deer, like many other animals, seem to foresee every change of weather, for they leave the hills and descend into the plains whenever any rough weather is about to take place. The deer-stalker should not only be able to run like an antelope, but he should possess the bottom of an Arab horse, to enable him to keep the game in view ; he should be able to creep like a leo- pard, and to run with his back bent almost double, and at a pinch to wriggle himself along the ground, ventre a terre, like an eel. He should be able to wade or swim torrents, to keep his footing on slippery water-worn stones, remem- bering, if he does fall, to keep his rifle dry, HINTS ON DEER-STALKING. 221 whatever becomes of himself. He should never go rashly to work, keeping always cool, wary, and steady, never allowing any untoward circum- stances to interfere with his equanimity and self- possession. Before commencing operations, he should care- fully survey his line of route, marking any cover that inequalities in the ground, or bushes, rocks, etc., might give. I need not add, that tempe- rance and moderation go a long way to keep the hand in and the nerves steady. When I first began deer-stalking, my mentor endeavoured to instil the following general rules in my mind, and several years' subsequent experience has proved to me that his theory is correct. Be on your ground betimes in the morning; consult the clouds, and keep well to the leeward, even if you have to make a circuit of miles; be silent as the grave; when you step on stones or dry leaves, etc., tread as lightly as a ghost; keep under cover; exercise extreme judgment in approaching your game, which is a happy mixture of wary caution 222 CHAMOIS HUNTING. combined with prompt decision and boldness of execution. Memo. All this is useless, if you do not use straight powder. Hunting the chamois, ibex, and Se^SmS? creatures of that class > although in- tensely exciting sport, is the most difficult of all deer -stalking, and proves the severest test of the qualifications of a hunter ; for not only are these animals exceedingly shy and watchful, but they are also gifted with remark- ably keen sight, and their senses of smelling and hearing are developed to an extraordinary degree. From the almost inaccessible nature of the ground on which they are found, he who would take their spoils should be endued with great strength, perseverance, and endurance, besides which he must have the agility of a mountaineer and a steady head, or he can never follow up his game to their haunts, along narrow ledges of scarped rocks and beetling heights, where a false step or a moment's giddiness would entail certain de- struction. There can be no doubt but that HABITAT OF THE CHAMOIS. 223 intense excitement takes away all dread of dan- ger, for I have seen it exemplified many times, not only on the hunting-ground but also on the field of battle. An ardent hunter, like a daring soldier, possesses a mental energy superior to all thought of peril; for, seeking only the attain- ment of his purpose, he pursues his course with that dogged stubbornness, inflexibility of pur- pose, and recklessness of self-preservation that make him invincible, and ensure success in the end. Chamois, ibex, mouflon, burrul, gooral, surrow, thaar, markore, oves-ammon, and other grega- rious animals of the wild goat or sheep species, are generally found amongst the rugged crags of the loftiest ranges, their food chiefly consisting of the different mosses and short crisp delicate herbage indigenous to high altitudes. They seem little affected by cold, for in the daytime they remain in the most secluded and inaccessible spots, far above the limits of vegeta- tion, and in the evening move downwards towards 224 SCENT OF THE CHAMOIS. their feeding grounds. In summer the males separate from the females, and in a body resort to the higher regions. Generally speaking the females are very inferior in size to the males, and have much smaller horns. A wary old buck, who has often quite a pa- triarchal appearance, is generally chosen as the leader of the herd; and if he sees anything suspicious, or catches a taint in the air, a peculiar whistle alarms the rest, causing them to collect together and remain on the alert, and on a re- petition of the signal away they scamper, always ascending or descending a slope in an oblique direction. Sometimes I have seen an old female lead the herd, and on such occasions I have always found it extremely difficult to get within range, as they are doubly cunning. Lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, and animals of this genus, are ge- nerally hunted either by stalking, beating, sitting up by water, or near the carcass of some animal they have killed. FELINE ANIMALS. 225 The great secret necessary to ensure success in this kind of shooting is never to pull trig- ger unless certain of striking the game in a vital spot, and again, always to keep a shot in reserve, in case of a wounded animal charging. I need not say that extreme coolness is as much required as accuracy of marksmanship, and anyone who feels " that he even has nerves " had better confine his attentions to game that will not retaliate when wounded. None of the feline race, with the exception of man-eaters, which are few and far between, will attack men, unless provoked. They always avoid his presence, and the taint even of his footstep in the forest will often make them turn aside and leave the neighbourhood. These animals are all very tenacious of life, and the hunter should always endeavour to shoot them either through the brain or the heart. I have often dropped them stone-dead with a bullet right between the eyes, or by aiming just Q 226 ELEPHANT-HUNTING. behind the shoulder-blade, as the fore-arm moves forward in walking. p, , . Any sportsman who is a fair shot, cool, steady, persevering, and active, may count upon killing heavy bags of most kinds of game with tolerable certainty; but he who would slay the elephant in his trackless jungle- home must have other qualities combined, or he will fail in his attempt. The elephant-hunter must have a thorough knowledge of the nature and habits of that sagacious animal, whose keenly-developed senses far exceed that of any other denizen of the forest; he must be well acquainted with its peculiar structure and anatomy, or his bullet, however true, will never reach the vital part with any certainty ; he must be an adept at " tracking," or following spoor, and in the understanding of jungle signs, which, although a natural gift to the red men of the Far West and Indian jungle-tribes, is only acquired by intense study and long practice; he must be patient and enduring, ELEPHANT- HUNTING. 227 satisfied with, hard fare and short commons, as he will often have to subsist wholly upon his gun, with the ground for his bed, and a forest tree for his canopy. He should feel with, the great poet, that "there is society where none intrudes;" for he must often be content with nature and his own thoughts as companions, and he must not let his spirits be depressed by the solitude and intense stillness of the deep jungle. The hunter must sleep like a hare, always on the alert, ever prepared and watchful; for he never knows what he may meet, or the danger a moment may bring forth. Inured to peril, he must never be cast-down or faint of heart ; or he had better not attempt to follow up the spoor of the elephant to his haunts in the dense, deep jungle, where the rays of the sun seldom penetrate, and the woodman's axe was never heard where the deadliest of fevers lurk in places the most beautiful to the eye ; and where, with the exception of certain times in the year, the air and the water are poisoned by malaria, Q2 228 HOG-HUNTING. and impregnated by the exhalations of decayed leaves and decomposed vegetable matter, en- tailing certain death to the hunter, were he tempted to follow up his perilous calling out of season. Hog-hunting, or pig-sticking, as Hog-Hunting. carried out in India, is a truly regal sport, being the incarnation of all that is exciting. It combines all the attractions of fox-hunting with the excitement of steeple-chasing, height- ened by that intense fascination which the pre- sence of danger only can inspire. It is con- siderably over twenty years since I took my maiden spear, yet there are times when every incident of that memorable day comes vividly before me, and in my mind's eye I see the well- remembered forms of my old associates in the forest and the field, and think I hear their joyous voices resounding in my ears. In both the Deccan and the Nugger Hunts, after Her Ma- jesty's health had been drunk, Bob Morris's chant was ever " the opening lay," so I give the words. SONG OF THE BOAR. 229 THE BOAE. The boar, the mighty boar's my theme, Whate'er the wise may say My morning thought, my midnight dream, My hope throughout the day ; Youth's daring spirit, manhood's fire, Firm hand and eagle eye, Must they acquire who dare aspire To see the wild boar die ! CHORUS. Then pledge the boar, the mighty boar, Fill high the cup for me, Here's luck to all who fear no fall, And the next gray boar we see. We envy not the rich their wealth, Nor kings their crowned career ; The saddle is our throne of health, Our sceptre is the spear. We rival, too, the warrior's pride, Deep stained with crimson gore ; For our field of fame's the jungle side, And our foe the jungle boar. Chorus Then pledge the boar, &c. When age hath weakened manhood's powers, And every nerve unbraced, These scenes of joy will still be onrs, On memory's tablet traced; And with the friends whom death hath spared, When youth's wild course is run, We'll tell of the dangers we have shared, And the tushes that we have won. Chorus Then pledge the boar, &o. 230 DUMB COMPANIONS. If I have endeavoured to impress Companions. uon the mind of the traveller the absolute necessity of treating his followers of the human species with consideration, if he has any regard for his own personal comfort, how much more strongly would I urge him to look after the welfare of those servants who cannot complain when they are neglected or ill-treated, or leave his service if they are dissatisfied with it. I refer to his horses and dogs. Animals appreciate kindness as well, if not better than men; and patience and gentle treat- ment will do much more in the breaking in of a horse or a dog, than harsh measures and beating. During the wild life I have been leading for many years, my faithful companions of the brute crea- tion have borne a conspicuous part; and it has ever been my maxim to endeavour to make them look upon man as their friend, and I teach them to obey me from love rather than fear. Vice is engendered by ill-treatment kindness is never thrown away. CARE FOR YOUR HORSE. 231 " Feed your horse well, groom him properly, work him with moderation, and he will do you good service," was General Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert's advice to every youngster on joining his regiment ; which precept the veteran carried out in practice, and the consequence was, that in the pursuit of the Seikh army, his nags were in the best condition of any in the force. I am of opinion that the manner of living of a dog has as much to do in bringing out his qualities as the mere education or breaking in; for instance, Ponto, a favourite hound who was my companion for several years in the woods, by living constantly with his master instead of in the kennel, sleeping near him either in the bungalow or by the watch-fire, and seeing and hearing everything that went on, had not only learnt the meaning of what he saw, but also, in a most wonderful manner, could understand almost everything that was said, either relating to himself, the ordinary routine of camp life, or his duty in the field. He knew that it was my 232 " PONTO." custom before I got up in the morning to have cooled soda-water in cantonment, or black coffee in camp ; and if the servant whose business it was to prepare it happened to oversleep himself, I had only to tell Ponto, and he would rouse him at once, distinguishing him from the rest of the servants without the slightest hesitation, although a dozen of them might be lying on mats in the verandah, all entirely enveloped in the same kind of white chedder or sheet. He also knew most of my people by name, and would bring them to me whenever I ordered him. After all kinds of game, small as well as large, I never saw his equal; for whenever anything was afoot, by watching his master's looks, he seemed to un- derstand his meaning. He would retrieve a snipe, or track a wounded tiger, with equal certainty; in the latter case, leading his master fearlessly and quietly a pace in advance along the trail with the greatest precision and address. When out deer-stalking, he would creep along by my side with the greatest caution, never showing PONTO'S COURAGE. 233 himself, or making the slightest noise. "When I halted he lay down, and after I had fired, if the quarry was only wounded, he would follow up the shots with the most untiring perseverance, singling out the wounded animal from the rest of the herd, and never leaving the trail, what- ever obstacles he might encounter en route, until he brought him to bay, when, showing the greatest address in avoiding the horns, he would pin him by the throat and strangle him ; or when the deer was too powerful for him alone which was rarely the case, except when only slightly wounded he would show great cunning and generalship in attracting its attention, so as to prevent its escape, giving tongue until I came up. When he had killed the game, or if he found it dead, he would trot back, look up in my face with a peculiar expression, whine with de- light, and then lead me up to the spot where he had left it. His great delight was large game hunting ; and, although he always preferred accompanying me on such occasions, yet he would 234 PONTO A JUDGE. go with anyone else if I ordered him, looking to him only for orders whilst with him. I think he sometimes looked upon snipe-shooting in the hot weather as rather a bore; for although he never seemed to get fatigued in the forest after some hours' tramping through the paddy fields and mud, I have seen him quite done up, and heard him growl and grumble as he went along, as if he thought lejeu ne vaut pas la chandette. He looked upon an indifferent shot with the most supreme contempt, and the manner in which he showed his indignation at bad shooting was some- times highly amusing. In cantonment he lived on terms of friendship with numerous kinds of tame animals, against which in their wild state he was accustomed to wage war ; and young bears, hunting leopards, deer, antelope, monkeys, mon- geese, pea-fowl, and partridge, that I kept about the house, were allowed to wander unmolested, although he seemed to wish to keep aloof from them, and never encouraged any undue famili- arity. With Gooty, my favourite Mahratta pony, " GOOTY." 235 however, the case was very different, for the reciprocal affection between these two faithful servants was something extraordinary. Ponto used to visit the pony in his stall many times during the day, often carrying to him biscuits or scraps of bread from his own food, and Gooty would neigh and whinny in recog- nition of the dog's whine. With the rest of my canine followers he was ever the acknowledged leader, although he used to assume quite an aristocratic bearing with them, seeming at all times to prefer his master's society to their diver- sions. Even my huge Poligar hounds, who were almost as big as donkeys, used to pay him the most deferential respect ; and I have often been much struck with the extraordinary power he had in communicating to them his ideas and wishes. I may very fairly attribute much of the success I have had in large game shooting to the un- erring instinct of my dogs in tracking. My dogs never left my heel in the forest, except when set 236 GOOD DOGS. on trail. On scent, no jungle, however thick, or rocks, however steep, could check their course ; no stream, however rapid, could discourage them ; they would enter without splashing, cross and double about from bank to bank, until they recovered the scent, and when they came up with their quarry, would keep him at bay until I had time to get up. With a good horse, a good dog, and a good gun, there are lands where a man who knows how to use them may live in luxury, without ever feeling the depressing effects of that baneful disease, " impecuniosity." CHAPTER X. HINTS TO NATURALISTS.* Mammalia On Skinning and Preserving Animals of this Class On Preserving the Skeletons Birds On Skinning, Pre- serving, and Packing, so as not to Injure the Plumage Birds' Eggs Nests Eeptiles and Fish, How to Preserve them Insects, Where to Find them, How to Catch them , and the Best Manner of Preserving them Butterflies and Moths Beetles Spiders, Scorpions, etc. Crustacea Sponges and Corallines Star-fish and Echini Land and Fresh-water Shells Marine Shells, and Where to Find them Dredging The Collector's Note Book Instruments re- quired Eecipe for Arsenical Soap, and How to Use it . SMALL animals of this class may Mammalia. either be skinned or inclosed entire (an incision being previously made in the under side of the animal) in jars or barrels, which are * The author is indebted to Mr. S. Stevens, the naturalist, for this valuable compilation of practical information. 238 MAMMALIA. to be filled up with some spirituous liquor, as gin, or, what is preferable when it can be procured, proof-spirit diluted with half its bulk of water. If no spirit can be had, strong brine must be adopted. In respect to their retaining their na- tural colour, brine is even preferable to spirituous liquors for preserving the specimens. To skin the larger mammalia, make an incision in a straight line along the belly, from the vent to the throat, and detach the skin carefully with the knife. The skull and the bones of the legs and feet are to be left ; the brain, eyes and tongue must be extracted, and as little fat as possible be suffered to remain adhering to the inside of the skin, which is then to be dressed with arsenical soap, for the mode of making and applying which see note at end. If, however, some fat remain which cannot well be got rid of, strew it over with powdered tan, or the bark of oak, willow, &c., previously to applying the soap. The ears, lips and feet of large mammalia should, when practi- cable, be well anointed with spirits of turpentine, MAMMALIA. 239 which will assist their drying and tend to destroy insects : when dry, roll up the skin with the hair innermost, beginning with the head, and put a layer of dried grass or moss between the folds, to prevent its being injured by rubbing. The skin must be occasionally unrolled and examined, and, if practicable, exposed to a hot sun, and fresh spirits of turpentine added. If any symptoms of insects should appear, tobacco (the stronger the better) strewed in the package will be ser- viceable ; and in countries where spices and aromatic drugs can be procured at a reasonable rate, these may be used to great advantage, and even supersede the necessity of applying the arsenical soap. When a very large animal has been killed, under circumstances which prevent the application of the arsenical soap, the skin should be stretched out on the branches of a tree, to give the air free access to every part of it, and, as soon as it is cold, well dressed on the inside with wood ashes. Entire skeletons (especially of the rarer animals) should be procured when possible. It 240 BIRDS. is not necessary that they should be jointed or set up, but, having removed all the soft parts, boil the bones, and when well dried pack them with moss or grass, or the best packing-stuff at hand, so that they may travel securely. Take especial care that not a bone, tooth, or claw, be lost. With respect to birds, the collector Birds. should proportion his shot to their size, so as to injure the skin and feathers as little as possible. As soon as the bird falls, the blood should be carefully wiped up, and cotton placed within the beak to absorb any that might flow from the mouth, and thus prevent its staining the plumage. Birds should be skinned as soon as may be after they are killed, for, if suffered to remain till putrefaction has begun, the feathers fall off. The mode of skinning birds is very similar to that of skinning mammalia, and equal care must be taken both to make the incisions as small as possible and in the least visible parts, and the feathers must be separated so as not be injured by the knife in dividing the skin : the PRESERVING BIRDS. 241 incision may be made from the vent to the breast: the head and legs must in all cases be carefully preserved, and the os coccygis left in the skin, otherwise the tail-feathers will be liable to drop out. In packing the skins care must be taken that the plumage be not injured by contact with the harder parts, which for that purpose should be surrounded with cotton, tow, or the best soft packing material at hand, as dried leaves or grass. When more than one individual of the same species can be procured, it is desirable that a second specimen should be preserved in spirits, and the same remark applies to the smaller mam- malia, and indeed to all the orders. The bird- skins must be dressed with the same materials as those of the mammalia, but the arsenical soap if used at all must not be too liberally applied. As the plumage of birds varies extremely at dif- ferent periods of their life, and even at different seasons of the year, it is of great importance to obtain both sexes, if possible, of all ages, from the chick just hatched to the adult in its maturest 8 242 BIRDS' NESTS. plumage, and also in their summer and winter liveries. Birds' eggs should also be anxiously sought for, and the species carefully identified: the best method of emptying them is to make a single hole near the middle of the shell, of about an eighth of an inch in diameter, into which a small tube is to be inserted, so as nearly to touch the opposite side of the shell, which, being held with the hole downwards, is easily emptied of its contents, by blowing pretty strongly through the tube : if no more convenient instrument is at hand, a straw will make a very serviceable blow- pipe. Birds' nests should not be neglected ; they possess a high degree of interest: the collector should, therefore, take accurate descriptions of the materials, form, and size, of every kind of nest he finds, always being extremely cautious to ascertain the species to which each respectively belongs : he should also make careful drawings of every variety, and even collect such of the smaller nests as possess any peculiarity in point of material, structure, or mode of suspension. REPTILES AND FISH. 243 Burnt alum will be found very useful in cleaning the fingers whilst skinning birds and animals, and also applied to those which have a good deal of fatty matter adhering to them. Re tiles and These are best preserved in spirits, each specimen being previously wrap- ped in a linen cloth; but when too large to be so treated, serpents and fish may be care- fully skinned, with the least possible injury to the scales or any of the external organs, and with especial caution not to destroy the form of the skin, which may be preserved by stuffing it tightly with cotton or tow, or by filling it with sawdust, and the skins dried, with the head, feet, and fins on. Instead of being skinned whole, fish may be divided into two nearly equal por- tions, by an incision passing longitudinally through the vertex of the head, the back and belly, but on one side of the dorsal, caudal, anal, and ventral fins, so as to leave one-half of the animal with the gills and all the organs of motion perfect. Their flesh may then be easily removed 244 TORTOISES, ETC. from this portion, and replaced by tow, which will preserve the form of the body. "When well dried, this portion is to be carefully packed. On the whole, this method is preferable to all others ; and fish thus preserved, when provided with proper artificial eyes, and mounted on flat boards, afford excellent specimens. The upper and lower shells of the tortoise tribe should be separated by dividing the ligamentous or bony portion which unites them on each side, between the fore and hind legs; after which the fleshy parts may easily be removed, the head, legs, and integuments of the body being carefully pre- served. As to the lizards and crocodiles, they may be skinned in the usual manner, care being taken not to injure the tails of the former, which are very brittle, or, when not too large, they may be preserved in spirits, which is still better. The form and colour of the eyes in all the vertebrata, of whatever class, should be carefully observed and noted down the moment they are taken. INSECTS. 245 Insects may be found almost every- Insects. where; look especially for all beetles under stones, under bark of decayed trees, on the inside of ditto, on felled ditto, on trunks of ditto (especially those that have the sap running from them), by beating the boughs into a net or sheet, smoking under and burning inside hollow trees, on long grass or herbage, on flowers, under rubbish (especially on the slopes of mountains, and in marshy places), under sea-weed at the sea-side, and indeed they are to be found almost everywhere in warm climates, especially in open places in woods, and on the slopes of hills, and are generally most abundant in a light sandy soil, and in and after the rainy seasons : they may be collected either by picking with the hands, or by sweeping and brushing with a net, according to the situation : the larger ones may either be put separately into pill or other boxes, or else immersed at once into a bottle of clear spirit, when they almost immedi- ately die ; and may either remain in the spirit, and be sent in this way to England (if possible 246 INSECTS; changing the spirit just before sending), or else the same or following day taken out and soaked for about a quarter of an hour in warm water, and then laid on blotting-paper a few hours to dry : after that, either pin and stick in tight in a well-made box, lined with cork or some soft wood, or else (if in a dry country) lay carefully in rows, in a box, on cotton wool: numbers may be packed this way in layers, between soft paper, and generally reach England in beautiful condi- tion. The small beetles may also be collected and sent in the same way, and, if immersed in spirit, put in a separate bottle from the large ones ; or else when captured put into a phial with some blotting-paper, and killed on reaching home, by immersing it in hot or boiling water for a minute or two, or placing it in the heat of the sun for a short time : they can then either be pinned or else packed in soft paper in rows and layers, as the others, and should not be despised on account of their small size, as they are fre- quently more valuable than the larger ones. BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. 247 Look especially in and near ants' nests in sultry weather, and under bark of trees where ants occur, or under stones, and at the roots of grass, for small beetles. Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) must be col- lected with great care, so that the beautiful scales on the wings are not rubbed ofFor injured, as they then become generally worthless : they may be bred from caterpillars found on various trees and plants (which is an excellent plan, as they are then very perfect), or else caught by the aid of a gauze net : a ring net about 1 J foot in diameter and 2 feet deep, will do very well, attached to a stick 3 to 6 feet long. Woods and wild places are generally the best to find them in ; it is necessary to pin them as you take them, which must be done with great care, so that the upper parts of the wings are not rubbed ; there- fore the collector must be provided with a good large box to stick them in. Some of the large and big-bodied moths will probably not die unless a little oxalic or nitric acid is applied 248 BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. to them, which may be done by dipping a long pin or needle into it, and running it down the body of the insect two or three times, commenc- ing under the mouth; they can then either be pinned tight in boxes, or else laid between dry cotton and paper, the same as the beetles ; or when collected, instead of being pinned, put into three-cornered pieces of paper with the wings folded up, which is a very good plan when there is no convenience for carrying boxes. Other sorts of insects may be caught and killed the same way, and sent over as before directed, be- tween layers of cotton and paper. No other insects but beetles should be put into spirits ; and not these when the colours are beautiful, delicate, and of a chalky texture : the bottle be- fore sending should be full of insects, or else filled up with cotton, so that they cannot shake about. Great care must be taken with all insects that they do not get broken, especially the horns (antenna) and legs of beetles, and the antennae ARACHNIDA. 249 and wings of the butterflies and moths, for then their value is greatly diminished. Beetles should always be pinned through the right elytrum, or wing case, so that the pin may come out between the first and second pair of legs ; but all other insects may be pierced ver- tically through the thorax. Great care must also be taken that the boxes containing the in- sects be left in a dry situation, and the sooner they are transmitted to England the better, pre- viously applying to the inside of the boxes a small quantity of powdered arsenic or camphor, to prevent the attacks of small insects. Arachnida. Spiders, Scorpions, and Acari are best preserved in spirits, as well as the Myria- poda, including the Juli, Scolopendrse, and other individuals of the order ; but they may be pierced through the thorax (the intestines being carefully removed and replaced by cotton), and pinned tight in boxes, as the insects. Crustacea. The marine species may be killed 250 SPONGES AND CORALLINES. by being immersed in cold fresh water, and they should be left in it for several hours, to free them from the adhering salt, which, if not well washed out, renders them liable to attract mois- ture from the atmosphere and injures the speci- mens. When well washed, separate the upper shells, and remove as much of the fleshy parts as possible ; then carefully dry and pack them. The smaller species may be pierced with pins, like insects, if the consequent bulk of the packages be not an objection. Entire Crustacea may be preserved in strong spirits or brine. Sponges and Corallines. Search the line of sea-weed at high-water mark, and the more the latter are covered with small corals and other parasites the better. Never wash them in fresh water, but dry them as they are found. Never wash or squeeze sponges ; the fuller they are of gelatinous or fleshy matter the better. Use un- washed small Fuci as packing, dried, but not to crispness : the boxes should be divided into two STAR FISH. 251 or three compartments. Corals should never be washed or bleached, but sent as they come from the sea. Star-Fish and Echini. These may be either dried or bottled in the saline fluid. If large, plunge them for two or three minutes into boiling water before drying ; if small, one minute will be enough. Annelides, Actinia, and other fleshy things, may be bottled with a saturated solution of bay salt, with two grains corrosive sublimate to each quart. Always keep up the strength of the saline solution by the addition of salt as needed. Land and Fresh-water Shells. Land shells are found in many places, such as under stones, in clefts of rocks, on the sides of hills and moun- tains, under decayed wood and trees, on the trunks, roots and leaves of trees and bushes, in decayed vegetable matter, dried leaves and moist, on small plants ; in fact, almost every situation produces them except open and cultivated places : where dead specimens are found, living ones cannot be 252 SHELLS. far off. "WTien collected, bring them home and put them in a pail, or some other large vessel, and pour a quantity of cold water over them; then cover up the vessel for two or three hours, which will cause the animals to come out a little (it is necessary to cover them up, or else they will crawl away) : when they are a little out, draw off the water, and pour a quantity of boiling water on them, so as to cover them well : let them remain a few minutes to cool a little ; then take out the animals with a large pin or needle, as you would a periwinkle : when they are all done, take a soft brush and wash off gently all the dirt and filth from them, and place them in anothrr vessel of fresh water until all are clean ; then shake out well the water that is in them, and place them out to dry, with their mouths downwards, but not in the sun : when dry, if they are small, pack them away in small boxes, writing on the cover the locality and situation in which found. Should the shells be rather large, then wrap each shell in a paper SHELLS. 253 by itself, and pack them away in a larger box, with their localities, etc., with care ; but never put by a box that is not quite full without adding sufficient cotton or other soft substance to fill it, for such tender subjects should not have play during their transit. In rivers, lakes, ponds, and small streams, will be found many species of shells which although not hand- some are very interesting ; none, therefore, should be left behind, as it may be a cause of regret hereafter. Some of the shells which will be found in the above-mentioned places are of the same form as the land shells ; others are like our fresh- water mussel or cockle : they are mostly found in the mud, sometimes in deep water : dead ones are sure to be found on the banks of lakes and rivers ; and if you cannot procure living ones, show the natives the dead specimens, and offer them money to get a quantity of living ones. The rivers and pieces of water abound with shells : be diligent in seeking them, and your labours will be most 254 FRESHWATER SHELLS. amply repaid. Having collected the fresh-water shells, place them in a vessel, and pour a large quantity of boiling water on them; they do not require to be first put into cold water, as the land shells do : as soon as the water is a little cool, pour it off. take out the animals as before men- tioned, wash the shells, etc., etc. ; but as the bivalve or fresh-water mussel will open wide as soon as the animal is out, it must be tied close before being put out to dry ; if not the hinge will break, and make the shell valueless. Some of the fresh-water shells that are like the snails have a mouth-piece, or operculum, which must be taken care of: the mouth-pieces should be kept in separate packages, and packed with the species of shell to which they belong, as they are of great service in determining the species. Some of the land shells have also a mouth-piece, which should be packed in the same manner. When the bivalve shells are tied up and dry, wrap each of them in a piece of soft paper, pack them in small boxes, and remember localities, habitats, etc., etc. MARINE SHELLS. 255 Marine Shells. The best time to collect shells on the sea-shore is at the new and full moon, for then the tides make greatest ebb : the col- lector should be on the spot two hours before low water, with an assistant to help in turning ' over the large stones, should there be any, under which will be found many species of cowries, buc- cinums, tritons, mitres, cones, and several species of bivalve shells, also many kinds adhering to the stones, which must be taken off with a knife in a careful manner : several species bore into the stone itself, which must be broken with hammers to get out the shells, or, if the stone be soft, cut it carefully with a hatchet, on doing which many more species will be found : care must be taken to avoid breaking the shells : be always provided with a light basket and a small box in it, in which to put the smaller and more delicate speci- mens. The stones when turned over must be well inspected, as many will be found covered with marine matter, which makes them appear like the stone itself : collect all, and do not despise 256 CHITONS. them on account of their unmeaning appearance, for amongst them may be new genera and other very rare shells. Many stones at the very lowest ebb will have most shells on them, therefore the collector must not mind getting a little wet. Amongst other sorts will be found chitons, which must be taken off in the same manner as the limpet and other adhering univalves : care must be taken, when at home, to separate them from the other shells ; put them into a pail of fresh water, and let them remain there from twelve to twenty-four hours, by which time the salt on the fleshy substance that surrounds them will be well soaked out ; then cut out the animal, and wash the shells well, inside and out, from all filth, and throw them into another vessel of fresh water, where let them remain till the whole are cleaned ; then place them on a narrow strip of board and bind them down tightly, put them in a shady place to dry, and in three or four days they will be fit to pack. Among the rocks on the sea-shore, in the ere- PATE LL AS, ETC. 257 vices and on them, will be found many species of patellas, chitons, murices, etc. Make a careful survey of every rock and stone ; they will amply repay the trouble. All sheltered coves or little bays are the best places in which to find shells : examine these places in preference to others, particularly those in more exposed situations. The first thing to observe when in a new locality is to go along the sands at high- water mark, for many good shells are thrown up by the sea, par- ticularly light bivalves ; any time of the tide will do. Never miss going after a gale of wind, for then many valuable deep-water shells will be found which are not seen at other times. In sheltered bays and places just at the very lowest water-mark will be found, in the sand and mud, various species of bivalve shells, just beneath the surface, and generally in great abundance: do not neglect to collect all and every species, and in plenty. In collecting shells, whether terrestrial or aqua- tic, the collector must always give the preference s 258 DREDGING. to live shells that is, such as are still inhabited by the living animal but if they cannot be ob- tained, dead shells are better than none, though, for the most part, they are worn and faded. The more delicate species must be packed in cotton or other soft substance, or, in a default of such, a fine sawdust. Shells containing their animals, as well as the naked mollusca, must be preserved in spirits or brine. It is necessary to have a rope for Predging. the dredge from 2^ to 3 inches (60 fathoms long); a fine sieve, a bucket and a ladle ; a boat with a small anchor and cable (not less than 30 fathoms), to moor her in the situation where you are going to dredge ; a good stout canoe to convey the dredge away from the boat as far as the rope will allow. The dredge to lie in the bow of the canoe, mouth upwards, handle inwards : when it is conveyed as far as the rope will allow, those in the canoe are to heave that is, turn the dredge over gently into the water, and let it be from five to six minutes, until it is DREDGING. 259 fairly at the bottom ; then haul it on board the boat : should any obstruction such as a rock, etc., prevent its being brought home, place the canoe under the rope and pull her along until the place of obstruction is arrived at ; then bring up the dredge, either straight or by taking it a little way back, and let those in the boat haul dredge and canoe towards them until clear of the ob- stacle : the dredge is to be let down again, and hauled in as before. When the dredge is brought alongside the boat, lift it in, and take out all the mud and sand ; half fill the sieve with this, and pour a bucket of water gently on it, the party holding the sieve to shake it gently until all the mud and fine sand has passed through : take out all the larger shells as soon as possible, to pre- vent their breaking the more delicate ones, and put them into your basket, and the smaller ones into boxes. Should there be many small shells in the sieve, which would take much time picking out, it would be best to throw the sand from the sieve into a basket, and take it home, where it 82 260 SIZE OF DREDGE. can be inspected more minutely, after having dried it in the sun on paper. The nearer the collector gets to a reef of rocks in sheltered places, the better for shells, as they will lie there for protection ; but be careful to throw the dredge clear of the rocks, as it will save a deal of trouble. The dredge can be made 3 feet 6 inches long and 1 foot wide : the outer edge to be turned outwards about the angle of 30, and beaten down rather fine : the lower part of the bar should not be less than half-an-inch thick, with holes punched in it from one end to the other, an inch and a-half apart, to lash the bag to : the bag can be fashioned according to the dredge, and made of double bread-bags. General Evei T s P ecimen * dr 7 or in s P irit > should have a number attached to it, corresponding to one in the collector's note-book, in which he must enter his memoranda con- cerning it ; as for instance : The country where found, Habits, The season when, Habitat, Local name. GENERAL REMARKS. 261 The collector should be furnished with knives, scissors, scalpels, pliers, nets, a large assortment of pins of various sizes, needles, a hammer, small hatchet, packing-cases (large and small, including cork boxes for lepidoptera and other insects, and a great number of pill-boxes in nests), cotton and paper, and also with a folding-net, hoop-net, water-net, forceps, digger, glass phials, etc., for collecting insects; he must also have a good supply of prussic acid and arsenical soap. The composition and mode of making the latter is as follows : Camphor . . . 5 oz. Arsenic, in powder 2 Ibs. White soap .... 2 Ibs. Salts of tartar, or subcarbonate of potash .... 12 oz. Lime, in powder . . . 4 oz. Melt the soap completely with heat in a small quantity of water, and add the potash and lime ; then remove it from the fire and stir in the arsenic; next add the camphor, previously 262 ARSENICAL SOAP. rubbed to powder, with, a little spirit of wine, and mix the whole thoroughly : it should now have the consistence of paste. Preserve it in care- fully-closed glazed vessels, labelled " POISON." To use it, mix the quantity required with cold water to the consistence of tolerably clear soup 3 and apply it with a brush to the inside of the skins. CHAPTER XI. THE FOREST AND THE MOUNTAIN. Pleasing Eecollections The Primeval Forest The Fascinations of a Hunter's Life A Forest Ranger's Qualifications Forest Scenery Woodland Streams Forest Creatures The Forest during the Different Periods of the Day and Night The Voices of the Woods The Ever-changing Face of Nature Instinct of Animals Variety of Character The Language of Animals "Breathings of Nature" Weird Music A Hunter's Lullaby Mountain Scenery Mountain Life The Mountaineer The Highest Altitudes. THE forest ! How many pleasing recollections of heart-stirring events are associated with, that name ; how many a glorious day's sport does it recall to mind ; how many a dear friend does it bring before me with whom I have bearded the tiger in his lair, tracked the mighty elephant to his haunt in its inmost recesses, and there despoiled him of his trophies. Many a hand I then 264 THE PRIMEVAL FOREST. clasped has become cold, many a voice I loved to listen to is hushed for ever, but the forest, the home we rangers all loved so well, is still un- changed, and my heart yearns to return to those well-remembered scenes which I shall now attempt to portray. Those who have never explored a The Primeval Forest. primeval forest can have but a very faint conception of the mysterious effect that absence of light and intense depth of gloom have upon the human mind. The unbroken silence and utter stillness that everywhere per- vades its leafy arches, creates a strang* feeling of awe and loneliness that depresses the spirits and appals the heart of those who are unaccustomed to wander in its solitudes ; and even the stoutest , heart feels overpowered with a strange sensation he can neither account for nor explain the first * time he enters, for the voice of the man resounds with a strange and startling echo, and even the very hound whines with fear, and couches close to his master's side, afraid of being left alone. CHARMS OF A HUNTER'S LIFE. 265 Solitude is too insufficient a term The Fascina- , i /> ,1 . i tions of a to convey an idea 01 the intensely Hunter'slafe. . . . overpowering sensation of desolation and loneliness that pervades these regions ; yet, to the hunter, who is accustomed to sojourn in their deepest recesses, the wilderness is a home which he would not exchange for any other ; and as he roams through its boundless expanse of vendure, with no other companions but the silent trackers and his dogs, and no guide but a pocket-compass and certain jungle signs not to be understood by the dwellers in cities, he imbibes certain feelings that cannot be entered into save by those who have themselves ex- perienced the charms and fascinations of "forest life," and enjoyed its pure and heartfelt plea- sures. To him it possesses a peculiar spell, not to be found elsewhere ; and, far away from the haunts of man, he gives no care to the turmoil and bustle of the busy world, but loves to study nature in her grandest form, and silent unsullied 266 NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS beauty, whilst his heart glows with thoughts that bear him untiring company. There is a peculiarly exhilarating delight, pass- ing all description, in the wild excitement of this life, which dispels all anxiety, and strengthens the mental and physical energies for the ever- changing scene, delights the eye, and gives plea- sure to the intellect , whilst, at the same time, the constant excitement arising from the varied incidents of such a state of existence invigorates the mind and stimulates the powers of thought and observation. The body, sustained in continued ex- A Forest Ban- ger's Quali- er tion by constant exercise, enables the ncations. ' hunter to maintain his course for days together through the pathless woods, with that dogged stubbornness and inflexibility which is necessary to ensure success in the pursuit of the game he seeks. He moves noiselessly along, without a care as to what he may encounter, for he has implicit confidence in the power of his FOR A FOREST RANGER. 267 trusty rifle ; and his vigilant eye, piercing the shadowy depths of the jungle, leaves no hollow unsearched, for he and his followers are depen- dent for their subsistence on their exertions in the chase. Nothing is so conducive to the keen develop- ment of the senses as the constant exertion of the different faculties during a sojourn in the jungle , quickness of eye (an indispensable qua- lity in a hunter) and unceasing watchfulness are there attained ; habits of observation are engen- dered, for anything out of the common imme- diately attracts attention, and the ear is habituated to catch the slightest sound. The hunter should have a thorough knowledge of the habits of the wild animals he seeks, bear- ing in mind how suspicious they are, and how quickly their attention is attracted by unusual noises, strange traces in the jungle, or even the taint in the air which the presence of man al- ways leaves behind. The ranger of the forest a thorough feeling of independence 263 FOREST SCENERY. and a freedom from restraint in these wilds, that contrasts most favourably with the desagrements of artificial existence ; and few of those who are fitted to enjoy it, ever quit these scenes to return to civilised life without deep feelings of regret that their unalloyed pleasures are at an end ; and in after life, the murmuring of waters, and the sighings of the wind through the trees, will re- call to mind moments of intense interest, and they will ever feel at heart that there is no music so sweet as the wild voices of the woods. F All forests are gloomy, but they cenery. h av e, their comparative degrees of shade, and present a great diversity of appear- ance. The tall feathery bamboo contrasts most delightfully with the stately teak, ebony black- r wood, and other gigantic trees of the primeval forest, where the air, being confined, is generally close and suffocating. The surface of the ground is everywhere thickly strewn with decayed leaves or dead branches, and underneath the trees may be seen the green of young seedlings which FLOWERS AND GRASSES. 269 spring up by thousands during the rains, but for the most part pine and die, being deprived of light and heat. In some places the forest becomes more open, dense woods alternating with beautiful verdant glades, and their limits are so well defined, that the scene much resembles the ornamental planta- tions of an English park; indeed, so much does this similitude strike the Anglo-Saxon stranger, the first time it meets his eye, that he looks around the verdant lawns, shrubberies of ever- green, stately avenues, and embowering groves, fully expecting to see some ancestral manorial mansion, or gray embattled pile, to diversify the landscape, so strongly does it remind him of the home he has left perhaps for ever. Every turn in the forest reveals some change. In some places fern flowers and grasses creep fan- tastically tangled on the sides of darkly frowning crags, and lichen-covered precipices raise their heads above the wave-like looking sea of forest, and present a scene with that depth of colouring 270 WOODLAND STREAMS. and exquisitely rich tints that Salvator Rosa loved to paint. Woodland Clear pellucid streams and rivulets are often met. with in the densest forests; and during the dry season, the hunter cannot do better than follow their course, as all kinds of game abound in their immediate neigh- bourhood. Their banks are often carpeted with mosses and lichens of endless variety of tints, whilst patches of gorgeous flowers are seen amongst the luxuriant herbage, adding their rich colours, as if to diversify the sombre appearance the forest usually wears. In some places they run through open glades ; in others they are com- pletely arched over with dense foliage, forming an impervious shade over head, the trees on both sides being laced and bound together with an infinity of wild vines and gigantic creepers, which hang in festoons, or lie twisted in snake-like coils upon the ground. Gushing through the arches of the forest, the WOODLAND STREAMS. 271 woodland stream dashes along through scenes of ever-varying loveliness and beauty, with a voice of impetuous freedom and gladness : now, with a pleasant murmur, it rattles over a bed of pebbles ; now, lost to the eye, it glides stealthily through a shady hollow; now it sweeps past the base of huge masses of syenite cliff; dashes over boulders of rock, or creeps silently among moss-covered stones; now, divided by dark, boldly jutting rocks, it is scattered into a score of bubbling rills i now, again united in one broad expanse, a rolling mass of foam, it goes tumbling headlong over a rocky precipice into a boiling abyss below, mingling all its waters in a foaming pool. Joined in its course by a thousand springs and tribu- tary streams, at last it becomes a broad and rapid river, gliding smoothly along, hushed in peace, reflecting the passing cloud, and scarcely ruffled by the freshening breeze ; then man builds his habitation by its banks, and forest creatures drink of its waters in fear and trembling. 272 FOREST CREATURES. Forest Each period of the day has its ac- customed visitants, every hour has its " certain signs," that can be read and understood by those only to whom jungle voices are familiar, and who, from long habit and experience, have been enabled to observe and mark the systematic order of Nature's handiwork. Early Morn- ^ n tropical climates the interval be- Forest. * tween the first glimmering of dawn and daylight, is very short, and on entering the forest at this hour, jungle-cocks (whose plumage gleams like gold as they run by followed by their dusky seraglio) may be heard crowing merrily on every side, whilst great hooded-owls, like drowsy re- vellers after their night's carouse, sail hooting, leisurely flapping their wings as they return to their haunts in some hollow tree. As the light increases, the notes of the earliest of the feathered songsters are heard, and troops of monkeys are seen making their way to some pool or stream for their morning draught, but who fly skipping from branch to branch, chattering and showing their DAYBREAK IN THE FOREST. 273 teeth as soon as they discover our presence. Now and again, the dun sides of deer flash for an in- stant before us, as they bound across the open vistas of the forest, and disappear in the densest cover. Birds of gaudy plumage dart amid the branches, gay butterflies hover about, insects of metallic hue glitter on the leaves, and all Nature seems glad in this highly-favoured spot. Toucans and gigantic horn-bills, with their awkward flight, pass from tree to tree in search of the reptiles and small animals on which they feed j and long lines of flamingoes, with their mag- nificent rose-coloured plumage, pelicans, herons, storks, and ibis, may be seen in long lines wend- ing their way towards their feeding grounds. In certain seasons, long before sunrise, elk are heard bellowing, and their loud cries of defiance resounding from every side of the forest, might, by unaccustomed ears, be mistaken for the roaring of much more dangerous animals, so hoarse and hollow do they sound. All nocturnal animals return to their haunts in T 274 BEAUTIES OF MORN. the deep jungle on the first appearance of dawn, when the jungle-cock sounds the "r6veille." Bison and deer retire slowly from the open glades where they have pastured during the night, and seek the shade of the thick cover. At this early hour there is generally a cool breeze, and the morning air is fresh and bracing; but very shortly the whole of the eastern horizon glows with ruddy lustre, and the sun bursts forth in a blaze of living light, and seems to travel on his way in the heavens with much more rapidity than in northern climes. This is the moment for the lover of the beautiful to see the forest, for the dewdrops on the leaves and ground sparkle like brilliants, and at no other time are the varied colours of the verdure so vivid. The lights and shades show to the best advantage, and a pecu- liarly harmonious charm reigns over the whole face of Nature, which must strike upon the heart even of the most apathetic spirit, and make him feel, with the great poet, that " There is a pleasure in the pathless woods." NOON IN THE FOREST. 275 Noon in the During the intense heat of the day, whilst the sun is still high above the meridian, all animated nature seems to yield to his overpowering influence. A strange stillness, a profound silence, reigns throughout the forest, which in early morning seemed to teem with life and motion. Every living creature disappears into the deepest shade of the woods, in order to escape from the exhausting heat and oppressive glare; except, perhaps, the eagle, hawk, and falcon, who are seen hovering overhead in circles, like specks in the cloudless sky, or skimming, with strange wild cries, over the tops of the jungle in search of their prey, and the green enamelled dragon-flies that still flit over the water from leaf to leaf. Then the sturdy hunter, overcome with lassitude, suspends his toil, and seeks the grateful shade of some gigantic forest- tree or overhanging rock, where he reposes until the mid-day heat is passed, whilst his dog, also sharing in the universal languor which seems at that hour to oppress the whole face of nature, T 2 276 REVIVAL OF LIFE. lies panting upon the ground, with his legs ex- tended to the utmost, and his tongue hanging far out of his mouth. The weary hours roll on, and Nature revives : the woods again resound with the melody of the voice of birds ; butterflies, of varied hue, nutter across the open glades ; bees flit from flower to flower; and lustrous beetles, exhibiting metallic hues of green and blue, that rival the deepest shades of the emerald and the sapphire, hover round in circles, making a peculiar booming noise from the flutter of their wings. Myriads of insects keep up a perpetual hum in the solitudes of the jungle, and other gentle sounds murmur softly from every side, like spirits in the air, and produce an effect singularly strange, soothing, and dreamy. At times, above this jungle melody, may be distinguished the distant cry of the pea- cock, the shrill wild note of jungle-fowl, the call of the coppersmith, the tapping of the wood- pecker against some hollow tree, the chattering of a troop of monkeys as they pass in the dis- EVENING IN THE FOREST. tance, bounding from bough to bough ; the pecu- liarly soft and melancholy note of the turtle-doves, as they flutter in pairs from tree to tree ; or the shrill screams of flights of paroquets, whose bril- liant plumage shines with exquisite lustre in the light of the sun, as they dash close past, uncon- scious of danger in their forest home. Evening in As the ^ declines, birds of all the Forest. -, j i j kinds are seen returning homeward from their distant feeding-grounds ; pelicans rise heavily on their unwieldy wings from the marshes, and wend their way to their nests on the highest trees in some secluded spot. Flying- foxes leave the shady grove where they have hung suspended during the heat of the day, and are seen in numbers darkening the sky as they roam through the twilight ; whilst multitudes of bats flit about in all directions in search of the insects on which they feed. As the sun sets, insects of all kinds issue from their retreats, and mosquitoes are constantly heard buzzing about, increasing in the audacity of their 278 THE SILENT FOREST. attacks as the night wears on. The shrill voices of innumerable crickets, the croaking of frogs, and the continual hum of other insects, keep up a perpetual serenade long after darkness has co- rered the earth. The tuneful songsters ceased their warbling, /nd the woods no longer resounded with the sharp strokes of the woodpecker ; but the night- hawk was on the wing, and darted swiftly to and fro after the moths, which at that hour flit about in great numbers. The air becomes redolent with the fragrance of numberless flowering shrubs, which seem to emit a double perfume towards- the close of day. The evening deepens into twilight, the twilight darkens into night, and the stars with their mild radiance seem as if they strove to eclipse the lingering rays of sunset. At length the mighty forest becomes silent, and no sound reaches our ears save the occasional chirping of a cricket, the dismal hooting of the horned howl, the howling of troops of jackals, or the melancholy booming of the great hill-monkey. NIGHT IN THE FOREST. 279 As the night wears on, the tall trees can hardly be distinguished one behind another, as they loom darker and darker against an indefinable background. Hundreds of flying-foxes glide silently through the night air, like evil spirits of darkness ; and the harsh cry of alarm of the plover, " Did he do it, did he do it?" is heard long after the rest of the feathered race are at rest. Then the voices of night come upon our ears. Elephants are heard trum- petting as they crash through the underwood, and at intervals sundry smothered roars and deep hoarse grumblings re-echo amongst the hollow arches of the forest, and tell us that its fiercest denizens have risen from their lairs in. its innermost recesses, and are prowling about in search of prey. It is not the mere killing which Forest Lore. affords the hunter pleasure, as he ranges the forest in the pursuit of game, for the ever -changing sylvan realm is beautiful under 280 FOREST LORE. every aspect. The varied hues and forms of the different trees, each possessing its own distinctive character, are so beautifully blended by Nature as to set at naught all the imitations of Art. Here a crowd of interesting objects may be embraced at a glance, on every side forming vignettes such as Turner loved to delineate. Yes, my gentle reader, the forest has indescribable charms which grow round the heart, but he must live long with Nature who would understand her mysterious signs, hidden ways, and ever-changing face, or interpret the wild voices of the woods a language which none save the long-initiated can read. The Ever- The hunter, after a long sojourn in changing Face of Nature. these solitudes, gets accustomed to observe the minutest change; nothing escapes his keen observation, and by degrees, with close attention, he begins to trace the cause by the effect, and to study the regular, harmonious, and systematic laws of Nature. Then he never suffers from lassitude, gets disheartened, or is cast down NATURE'S CHANGES. 281 when alone in the forest, for he has within himself an exhaustible source of occupation which keeps his mind active, his thoughts engaged, and his faculties in constant exercise. To him every object has its attraction and importance, either elucidating some principle or affording instruction; and the more he learns the more his curiosity is stimulated, rather than wearied, until after a time he becomes almost independent of external cir- cumstances, and loses all craving after the artificial excitement of the outer world. He finds "that there is society where none intrudes," or, as the great master-mind Shakspere says : " Tongues in trees books in the running brooks Sermons in stones and good in everything." I t' ct f Besides the beauties of Nature that meet the hunter at every step, the observation of the instincts, character, and habits of different animals is one of the most entertaining occupations. In the place of improvable reason given to man, all animals are endowed with faculties which impel them to perform certain INSTINCT OF ANIMALS. actions and guide them in certain operations which cannot be ascribed to their own mental consciousness, for some of their works show an acquaintance with scientific principles which man has only discovered by long reflection. By watching closely the inhabitants of the forest, the hunter will be struck with the different sagacious expedients by which they provide themselves with food, construct their habitations, or defend themselves against their natural enemies : and he will find that the capabilities of all animals are proportionate to their wants ; thus some have different senses more strongly developed than others. Sometimes the different ingenious means and artifices animals resort to will almost induce the observer to suspect that they are endowed with a certain amount of reason ; yet, on reflection, he must be convinced that this cannot be, as the ant and the bee, which are of a very inferior class in the scale of animals, possess an instinct more highly developed than any other. The various means animals will resort INSTINCT OF ANIMALS. to for self-preservation are very extraordinary: one class will endeavour to crush their antagonist with their ponderous bodies ; a second charge, making use of their horns ; a third employ their paws and teeth, being gifted with immense mus- cular strength ; a fourth being protected by their hides, roll themselves up in a ball ; a fifth inject subtle poison from hollow fangs ; a sixth sting ; a seventh eject from their bodies a volatile foetid liquor offensive in the highest degree, or exhale disagreeable and penetrating odours ; an eighth outstrip their pursuers by superior swiftness, fly, climb out of the way, or creep into the earth ; a ninth counterfeit death on the presence of danger ; whilst others, again, have such extraordinary vitality that dislocated portions grow and become new animals. ,,. . , The characters of different animals Variety of Characters. i n / vary extremely : some are naturally 01 a savage and vindictive disposition ; for instance, the tiger's thirst for blood is insatiable, whereas the lion does not attack his prey except from the 284 VARIETY OF CHARACTER. cravings of hunger ; some are constitutionally brave, as the boar, buffalo, and bear ; whilst others, such as the hyena and most of the feline class, are cowardly. Some are pugnacious, as the rhinoceros, jungle-cock, and spider ; and '* others harmless by nature, and peacefully inclined, as the elephant and deer, except when excited by jealousy. Some are naturally solitary, only seek- ing each other during " the season of love," which comprises all the rapacious order of beasts or birds ; others live in families, as the elephant ; or in herds, as bison, deer, and antelope. Some associate only for the purposes of hunting, as wolves, jackals, wild dogs, and vultures ; or pre- vious to migrating, as swallows, snipe, and wood- cock ; whilst others live permanently together, as ( monkeys, parrots, rabbits, crows, pigeons, prairie dogs, and the society bird.* In some animals * In Central Africa, I have come across the habitations of the society birds, which at first sight I imagined to have been constructed by man ; for they live in hundreds together in a kind of mud and thatch-house, impervious to wet, having LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS. 285 memory and attachment to mankind are more strongly implanted by Nature than in others, more particularly in the dog, horse, and ele- phant. The Language The tunter ma 7 g ain fres k insight into the nature and character of ani- mals, by their cries under different circumstances which express their various desires and emotions, as all have certain calls and utter peculiar sounds denoting pleasure, sorrow, maternal affection, connubial attachment, anger, rage, alarm, and fear. In former days there were men who pro- fessed to understand the songs of birds; and often as I have listened to the merry songsters of the wood, or to the exquisitely plaintive melody of the turtle-dove as he wooed his bride, I have thought that it was quite possible to learn much of their language by watching their actions, and paying attention to the manifold accents of their long streets, with lines of nests on each side at regular dis- tances, from each other. The tree selected is generally the smooth- barked acacia. BREATHINGS OF NATURE. notes now low, soft, and long drawn out, now shrill, disjointed, and harsh. These studies of Nature are the hunter's re- creations, and he feels pleasure proportionate as he understands them. Her laws are ever the same, ever changeless, ever perfect. Truth is ever before him, and there are no imperfections in the models of his study for Nature is ever young. Th B th ^ e ^ * nere are mysterious natural ings of Nature, -i vi ,1 j phenomena met with in the dense forest, for which even the long-initiated hunter cannot account. I allude to those indescribable but peculiarly soothing and melodious sounds that issue from every side, and seem to make the very stillness palpable. My mentor, Walter M , who, besides being the keenest sportsman was also the most skilled in woodcraft, and all knowledge appertaining to the forest that India ever produced, used to term these nameless sounds the "breathings of Nature;" and often, when watching for game in places far away from WEIRD MUSIC. 287 the haunts of man, have we listened, hour after hour, endeavouring to account for each of the various noises as they caught the ear. The faint, soothing tones and hum- Weird Music. ming sounds with which the forest is resonant at certain times are doubtlessly occa- sioned by the countless variety of insects that inhabit it; but sometimes when alone, even in broad daylight, the hunter will find strange emotions arise, and feel startled for the moment at the almost supernatural tone of the voices of the wild woods for the unknown is always fear- ful, until habit has familiarised us with its pre- sence ; and when alone in those solitudes, man is deprived of that false courage that is engendered by the presence of his fellow-man. Sometimes the hunter will hear resounding through these wilds, strange sounds like bursts of fiendish laughter, or long, protracted moanings, as if some human being was suffering in extreme agony; and by instinct he will cock his rifle and peer through the subdued light, and quickly 288 A HUNTER'S LULLABY. flitting shadows, fully expecting to meet more than an earthly antagonist ; but after a moment's reflection, he will lay down his trusty weapon with a smile at his own excitability, knowing that the strange sounds he has heard either proceeded from some prowling hyena, or were caused by the wind sweeping through the giant trees and rocky gorges. Again, sometimes, when on trail, he will fancy that he hears "floating sounds," like passing wings, and a hum like mur- muring of voices in the air, and will stop and listen intently, fearing to move lest he should break the spell, when in reality it was only the creaking of boughs, bamboos rubbing against each other, or the foliage overhead being stirred by a gentle breeze. A Hunt r* Many a time in the still night, as he lays down to rest after the fatigues of the day, under some mighty patriarch of the forest, he will hear the wind sighing his lullaby among the distant hills, slow, sad, and melan- choly. I remember in 1855, when crossing a DEVIL'S MUSIC. 289 lofty range of mountains in Circassia, that I was very much surprised, and my people frightened, at hearing low musical breathings, like the tones of an JEolian harp, evidently issuing from the side of the mountain. My followers called it " devil's music," and said that it prognosticated evil ; but I believe that it was caused by strong currents of air passing swiftly over the numerous caverns and crevasses, although Humboldt attri- butes this natural phenomenon, which he also experienced, to parts of the ground being un- equally heated. Such is the forest-ranger's home, and he who has passed any length of time amid similar scenes will ever in his heart long to return to them, for no music is so sweet in his ears as " the voices of the wild woods." Rousseau, the eloquent French author, in his " Confessions," says : " Never did a level country, however beautiful it might be, seem beautiful in my eyes. I must have cataracts, rocks, pines, 290 MOUNTAIN SCENERY. dark forests, and rugged pathways, with steep precipices that make one shudder to behold." I cannot say that I entirely agree with him, for notwithstanding that I have wandered through all the wildest scenes of the Himalaya, my heart clings to the remembrance of the varied beauties of our English landscapes, where fields of waving golden corn, green meadows, woods, and gentle meandering rivers, alternate. There is a certain charm in such scenes that has an indescribable attraction to every traveller of the Anglo-Saxon race. He feels that it pertains of home of the land of his fathers, with which no other spot on earth can compare. Yet there cannot be a doubt of the influence of mountain scenery upon the mind, and there is a spell in its contemplation that never palls. Here the wanderer's feet are rarely weary, his knapsack never heavy. Mountain There is something invigorating in the pure bracing air of the higher al- titudes that appears to revive the spirits after a MOUNTAIN LIFE. 291 lengthened sojourn amongst the dwellers of cities, and the change has a beneficial effect upon the body as well as upon the mind. Here one ap- pears to inhale health at every respiration ; the appetite improves, digestion becomes easy, physi- cal force and elasticity of limb increases, and fallen degeneration changes to firm muscle, whilst a sense of exultation thrills through the whole frame ; melancholy gives place to cheerfulness, and the mind feels relieved from all depressing influence of care and anxiety for the future. A life amid civilised society may seem to run smoothly, but "there's a skeleton in every house," and beneath are ever hidden strange things that occasion heart-aches, although they may never rise to the surface. The wildness of a comparatively savage life is free from many of these troubles and disquietudes : and perfect freedom of action, even if it loses somewhat of refinement, gains much in liberty and the comforts of self-independence. 292 LIVING WITH NATURE. Mountain life has delights peculiarly its own, there is a mysterious charm in these elevated regions that is never felt on the plains, and the further the wanderer goes from the haunts of man, the stronger become those exhilarating sen- sations which fill the heart with gladness, and nerve the body with energy to put forth its strength. He who lives constantly with Nature, watching and studying all her changing moods, feels that he has a world within himself, that no adverse fortune can sweep away. It has ever seemed to me that, amidst the moun- tains, the pulse of Nature beats stronger and more palpably than upon the plains ; here, every- thing discovers more life and energy, and speaks more emphatically of the infinite power of the Ruler of the Universe. The stream that mean- ders slowly through the plains, dashes impetu- ously down its mountain course ; and even man (unless education and society changes him) much resembles the soil from which he springs. THE MOUNTAINEER. 293 To a certain extent, the moun- The Moun- taineeer bears the stamp of Nature upon him ; for, like the mountain torrent, his movements are quick ; like the sudden changes in the atmosphere in which he dwells, his passions are easily roused ; like the oak which shades him, he has a sturdy, bold and characteristic manner ; like the rock on which he stands, he is true and faithful, and makes a firm friend ; and the con- stant presence of danger and peril inures him to the contemplation of death, and renders him fearless and intrepid. Mountaineers are conspicuous for their inde- pendent manner, manly bearing, and the absence of all conventional manner. Th IT h t Imagination cannot portray to the mind the stupendous grandeur of the highest .altitudes here the whole face of nature bears the stamp of immortality seasons never change unbroken winter ever reigns. Such scenery no mortal can contemplate, and still 294 THE HIGHEST ALTITUDES. disbelieve in the existence of God, for the voice of Nature is irresistibly powerful, and the mys- terious influence that reigns in these regions will inculcate a natural religion even in the mind of a savage, and impress upon him the conscious- ness of the infinite supremacy of an all-ruling Power. THE END. Post Office Orders payab e at Piccadilly Circus.] [APRIL 1874.] A LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 74&75t PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. THE FAMOUS FRASER PORTRAITS. M ACLISE'S GALLERY OF ILLUSTRIOUS LITERARY CHARACTERS. With Notes by the late WILLIAM MAGINN, LL.D. Edited, with copious Notes, by WILLIAM BATES, B.A., Professor of Classics in Queen's College, Birmingham. The volume contains the whole 83 SPLENDID AND MOST CHARACTERISTIC PORTRAITS, now first issued in a complete form. 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Small 4to, green and gold, 6s. 6J. ; gilt edges, 7.v. 6d. %* One of the most delightful books for children ever published. It is, in every way, a Companion to the German Stories of the Brothers Grimm. The quaint simplicity of Richter's engravings will charm every lover of legendary lore. The Biglow Papers. By JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. The Best Edition, with full Glossary, of these extra- ordinary Verses. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO WIND US. ARTEMUS WARD'S WORKS. Art emus Ward, Complete. The Works of CHARLES FARRER BROWNE, better known as ARTEMUS WARD, now first col- lected. Crown 8vo, with fine Por- trait, facsimile of handwriting, &c., 540 pages, cloth neat, 'js. 6d. ** Comprises all that the humourist has "written in England or America. Admirers of Art emus Ward 'will be glad to possess his writings in a complete form. Artemus Ward'sf Lecture at the Egyptian Hall, with the Panorama. Edited by the late T. W. ROBERTSON, Author of "Caste," &c., and L. P. KING- STON. Small 410, exquisitely printed, bound in green and gold, with NUMEROUS TINTED ILLUSTRATIONS, 6s. Artemus Ward : his Book. With Notes and Introduction by the Editor of the " Biglow Papers." One of the wittiest books published for many years. Fcap, 8vo, illustrated cover, is. The Saturday Review says: "The author combines the powers of Thackeray with those of Albert Smith. The salt is rubbed in by a native hand one which has the gift of tickling." _ Artemus Ward : his Travels among the Mormons and on the Rampage. Edited by E. P. KING- STON, the Agent and Companion of A. WARD whilst "on the Rampage." New Edition, price is. *** Same of Arteimts's most mirth-provoking papers are to be found in this book. The chapters on the Mormons will unbend the sternest countenance. As bits of fun they are IMMENSE ! Artemus Ward's Letters to " Punch," Among the Witches, and other Sketches. Cheap Popular Edition. Fcap. 8vo, in illustrated cover, is. ; or, i6mo, bound in cloth extra, zs. ** The volume contains, in addition, some quaint and humorous compositions which were found upon the author's table after his decease. Artemus Ward among the Fenians: with the Showman's Experiences of Life at Washington, and Military Ardour at Baldinsville. Toned paper, price 6d. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. UNIFORM WITH OUR "RABELAIS." Boccaccio's Decameron ; or, Ten Days' Entertainment. Now fully translated into English, with Introduc- tion by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., F. S. A. Crown 8vo, with the BEAUTI- FUL ENGRAVINGS by STOTHARD which adorned Pickering's fine Edition, pub- lished at 2 I2s. f>d. This New Edition is only Js. 6d. Booksellers, A History of. A Work giving full Accounts of the Great Publishing Houses and their Founders, both in London and the Provinces, the History of their Rise and Progress, and of their greatest Works. By HARRY CURWEN. Crown 8vo, over 500 pages, with frontispiece and nume- rous Portraits and Illustrations, cloth extra, Js. 6d. Book of Hall-Marks HEADPIECE USCD BY WILLIAM CAXTON. " In these days, ten ordinary Histories of Kings and Courtiers -were well ex- changed against tlie te ith part of one good History of Booksellers." THOMAS CARLVLE. ; or, Manual of Reference for the Goldsmith and Silversmith. By ALFRED LUT- SCHAUNIG, Manager of the Liverpool Assay Office. Crown 8vo, with 46 Plates of the Hall-Marks of the different Assay Towns of the United Kingdom, as now stamped on Plate and Jewellery, 7-f. 6d. %* This ivork gives practical methodsfor testing the quality of gold and silver, It was compiled by the author for his own use, and as a Supplement to "Chaffers. " 74 d. [Nearly ready. Brewster's (Sir David) Martyrs of Science. A NEW EDITION, in small crown 8vo, cloth, extra gilt, with full-page Portraits, uniform with Faraday's ' ' Various Forces of Nature." 4?. (>d. [Nearly ready. NEW BOOK TOR BOYS. The Conquest of the Sea: A History of Divers and Diving, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By HENRY SIEBE. Profusely Illustrated with fine Wood Engravings. Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, 45. 6d. "We have perused this volume, full of quaint information, with delight. Mr. Siebe has bestowed much pains on his work ; he writes with enthusiasm and fulness of knowledge." Echo. " Really interesting alike to youths and to grown-up people." Scotsman. "Equally interesting to the general and to the scientific reader." Morning Advertiser. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LON DON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & W1NDUS. Bright's (Rt. Hon. J., M.P.) Speeches on Public Affairs of the last Twenty Years. Collated with the best Public Reports. Royal i6mo, 370 pages, cloth extra, is. ** A book of special interest at the present time, and wonderfully cheap. COLMAN'S HUMOROUS WORKS. Broad Grins. My Nightgown and Slippers, and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of GEORGE COL- MAN the Younger. Now first collected, with Life and Anecdotes of the Author, by GEORGE B. BUCKSTONE. Crown 8vo, 500 pp., 7s. 6d. ** Admirers of genuine English wit and humour will be delighted with this edition of George Caiman's humorous works. Asa wit, he has had no equal in our time ; and a man with a tithe of his ability could, at the present day, make the fortune of any of our comic journals. Carlyle (T.) on the Choice of Books. With New Life and Anecdotes. Brown cloth, UNIFORM WITH THE 2s. EDITION OF HIS WORKS, is. 6d. ; paper cover, is. Celebrated Claim- ants, Ancient and Modern. Being the Histories of all the most cele- brated Pretenders and Claimants during the last 600 years. Fcap. Svo, 300 pages, illustrated boards, *** This book is presented to the pub- lic at a time when popular attention is attracted to the sub- ject of which it treats ; but it is in- tended much less to gratify a temporary curiosity than to fill an empty page in our literature. In our own and in other countries Claimants have been by no means rare, and the inthor has spared 10 research to render 'tis work as perfect as possible, and to supply a reliable history of those cases which are entitled to rank as causes celebres. The book is put forward in ike hope that, while it may serve to amuse the hasty reader in a leisure hour, it may also be deemed worthy of a modest resting-place in the libraries of those who like to watch the march of events, and who have the prudent habit, when information is found, of preserving a note of it. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. io BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. The Cyclopaedia of Costume ; or, A Dictionary of Dress, Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military, from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the Third. Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, and preceded by a General History of the Costume of the Principal Countries of Europe. By J. R. PLANCH, F.S.A., Somerset Herald. This work will be published in Twenty-four Monthly Parts, quarto, at Five Shillings, profusely illustrated by Plates and Wood Engravings ; -with each Part will also be issued a splendid Coloured Plate, front an original Painting or Illu- mination, of Royal and Noble Personages, and National Costume, both foreign and domestic. The First Part is just ready. IN collecting materials for a History of Costume of more importance than the little handbook which has met with so much favour as an elementary work, I was not only made aware of my own deficiencies, kut sur- prised to find how much more vague are the explana- tions, and contradictory the statements, of our best authorities, than they appeared to me, when, in the plenitude of my ignorance, I rushed upon almost un- trodden ground, and felt bewildered by the mass of unsifted evidence and unhesitating assertion which met my eyes at every turn. During the forty years which have elapsed since the publication of the first edition of my " History of British Costume" in the "Library of Entertaining Know- ledge," archaeological investigation has received such an impetus by the establishment of metropolitan and provincial peripatetic antiquarian societies, that a flood of light has been poured upon us, by which we are enabled to re-examine our opinions and discover reasons to doubt, if we cannot find J'acts to authenticate. That the former greatly preponderate is a grievous acknowledgment to make after assiduously devoting the leisure of half my life to the pursuit of information on this, to me, most fascinating subject. It is some consolation, however, to feel that where I cannot in- struct, I shall certainly not mislead, and that the reader will find, under each head, all that is known to, or suggested by, the most competent writers I am ac- quamted with, either here or on the Continent. That this work appears in a glossarial form arises from the desire of many artists, who have expressed to me the difficulty they constantly meet with in their en- deavours to ascertain the complete form of a garment, or the exact mode of fastening a piece of armour, or buckling of a belt, from their study of a sepulchral effigy or a figure in an illumination, the attitude of the personages represented, or the dispo- sition of other portions of their attire, effectually preventing the requisite examination. The books supplying any such information are very lew, and the best confined to armour or ecclesiastical costume. The only English publication of the kind required, that I am aware of, is the late Mr. Fairholt's "Costume in England" (8vo, London, 1846), the last two hundred pages of which contain a glossary, the most valuable portion whereof are the quotations from old plays, mediaeval romances, and satirical ballads, containing allusions to various articles of attire in fashion at the time of their composition. Twenty-eight years have expired since that book appeared, and progress and critical inquiry, a welcome addition to the library of an English gentleman. J. R. PL AN CHE. 74 d- 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. II Christmas Carols and Ballads. Selected and Edited by JOSHUA SYLVESTER. A New Edition, beautifully printed and bound in cloth, extra gilt, gilt edges, $s. 6d. Clerical Anecdotes and Pulpit Eccen- tricities. Square i6mo, illustrated wrapper, is. 4^.; cloth neat, is. iod. The Country of the Dwarfs. By PAUL DU CHAILLU. Fcap. 8vo, full-page Engravings, fancy wrapper, is. Cruikshank's Comic Almanack. Complete in Two SERIES : the FIRST from 1835 to 1843 ; the SECOND from 1844 to 1853. A Gathering of the BEST HUMOUR of THACKERAY, HOOD, MAYHEW, ALBERT SMITH, A'BECKETT, ROBERT B ROUGH, &c. With 2,000 Woodcuts and Steel Engravings by CRUIKSHANK, HINE, LANDELLS, &c. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, two very thick volumes, 15.?. ; or, separately, "js. f>rf. per volume. APPROACH OF BLUCHER: INTREPID ADVANCE OF THE FIRST FOOT. ' The " Comic Almanacks" of George Cruikshanlc have long been regarded by of his marvellous power. The late Mr. Tilt, of Fleet Street, first conceived the ulea of the " Comic Almanack" and at various times there were engaged upon it such writers as THACKERAY, ALBERT SMITH, the Brothers MAYHEW, the late KOBERT BROUGH, GILBERT A'BECKETT, and, it has been asserted, TOM HOOD the i THACKERAV 'S stories of " Stutbs' Calendar; or, The Fatal Boots," which subsequently appeared as " Stubbs' Diary ; " and " Barber Cox ; or, The Cutting of His Comb" formed the leading attractions in the numbers for 1839 and 1840. 74 & 75. PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 12 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & W INDUS. THE BEST GUIDE TO HERALDRY. Cussans' Handbook of Heraldry; with Instructions for Tracing Pedigrees and Deciphering Ancient MSS.; also, Rules for the Appointment of Liveries, &c., &c. By JOHN E. CUSSANS. Illus- trated with 360 Plates and Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt and emblazoned, 7-r. 6d. %* This volume, beautifully printed on tonedpapev^ contains not only the ordinary matter to be found in the best books on the science of A rmory, but seve- ral other subjects hitherto unnoticed. Amongst these may be mentioned: i. DIRECTIONS FOX TRACING PEDIGREES. 2. DECIPHERING ANCIENT MSS., ILLUSTRATED BY ALPHABETS AND FAC- SIMILES. 3. THE APPOINTMENT OF LIVERIES. 4. CONTINENTAL AND AMERICAN HERALDRY, &c. VERY IMPORTANT COUNTY HISTORY. Cussans' History of Hertfordshire. A County History, got up in a very superior manner, and ranging with the finest works of its class. By JOHN E. CUSSANS. Illus- trated with full-page Plates on Copper and Stone, and a profusion of small Woodcuts. Parts I. to VI. are now ready, price 2is. each. %* An entirely new History of this important County, great attention being given to all matters pertaining to the Family History of the locality. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 13 The Dan bury Newsman. A Brief but Comprehensive Record of the Doings of a Remarkable People, under more Remarkable Circumstances, and Chronicled in a most Re- markable Manner. By JAMES M. BAILEY. Uniform with Twain's " Screamers." Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. "A real American humourist." Figaro. UNIFORM WITH THE "CHARLES DICKENS EDITION." Dickens : The Story of his Life. By THEODORE TAY- LOR, Author of the "Life of Thackeray." Uniform with the "Charles Dickens Edition" of his Works, and forming a Supple- mentary Volume to that Issue. Crown 8vo, crimson cloth, 3^. 6d. "Anecdotes seem to have poured in upon the author from all quarters. . . Turn where we will through these 370 pleasant pages, something worth reading is sure to meet the eye." The Standard. Also Published : THE " BEST EDITION " of the above Work, illustrated by Photo- graphic Frontispiece of " Dickens as Captain Bobadil," Portraits, Facsimiles, &c. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, "js. 6d. THE " CHEAP EDITION," in i6mo, paper wrapper, with Frontispiece and Vignette, 2s. UNIFORM WITH THE "CHARLES DICKENS EDITION." Dickens' Speeches, Social and Literary, now first collected. Uniform with, and forming a Supplemen- tary Volume to, the "CHARLES DICKENS EDITION." Crown 8vo, crimson cloth, y. 6d. "His speeches are as good as any of his printed writings." The Times. Also Published: THE "BEST EDITION," in crown 8vo, with fine Portrait by Count D'ORSAY, cloth extra, 7^. 6d. THE "CHEAP EDITION," in i6mo, paper wrapper, 2s. Dickens' Life and Speeches, One Volume, i6mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 14 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHAT70 & WINDUS. BALZAC'S CONTES DROLATIQUES. Droll Sto- ries, collected from the Ab- beys of Tou- raine. Now FIRST TRANS- LA.TED INTO ENGLISH, COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED. With the whole 425 Marvellous, Ex- travagant, and Fantastic Illus- trations by Gus- TAVE DORE. Beautifully print- ed, in 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, gilt top, I2s. 6d. A few copies of the FRENCH ORIGI- NAL are still on sale, bound half- Roxburghe, gilt top a veryhand- somebook price 12s. 6d. The Derby Day. A Sporting Novel of intense interest Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. Disraeli's (Rt. Hon. B.) Speeches on the Conservative Policy of the last Thirty Years, including the Speech at the Literary Fund Dinner, specially revised by the Author. Royal i6mo, paper cover, with Portrait, u. qd. ; in cloth, is. lod. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 15 D'Urfey's ("Tom") Wit and Mirth; or, PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY : Being a Collection of the best Merry Ballads and Songs, Old and New. Fitted to all Hu- mours, having each their proper Tune for either Voice or Instrument : most of the Songs being new set. London : Printed by W. Pearson, for J. Tonson, at Shakespeare's Head, over-against Cathe- rine Street in the Strand, 1719. An exact and beautiful reprint of this much-prized work, with the Music to the Songs, just as in the rare original. In 6 vols., large fcap. 8vo, antique boards, edges uncut, beautifully printed on laid paper, made expressly for the work, price ^3 3.5-. *** The PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY have now retained their celebrity for a century and a half. The difficulty of obtaining a copy has of late years raised sets to a fabulous price, and lias made even odd volumes costly. Considering the clas- sical reputation which the book has thus obtained, and its very high interest as illustrative of the manners, customs, and amusements of English life during the half century following the Restoration, no apology is needed for placing such a work more within the reach of general readers and students by re-issuing it for the first time since its original appearance, and at about a tithe of the price for which the old edition could now be obtained. For drinking-songs and love-songs, sprightly ballads, merry stories, and political squibs, there are none to surpass these in the language. In improvising such pieces, and in singing them, D'URFEY was perhaps never equalled, except in our own century by THEODORE HOOK. The sallies of his wit amused and delighted three successive English sovereigns and while his plays are forgotten, his songs and ballads still retain the light abandon and joyous freshness that recommended them to the wits and beaux of Queen Anne's days. Nor can the warm and affec- tionate eulogy of Steele and Addison be forgotten, and D'URFEY may now take his place on the bookshelves of the curious, side by side with the other worthies of his age. The Earthward Pilgrimage, from the Next World to that which now is. By MONCURE D. CONWAY. Crown 8vo, beautifully printed and bound, Js. 6d. Mrs. Ellis's Mothers of Great Men. A New Edition of this well-known Work, with Illustrations by VALENTINE W. BROMLEY and others. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, over 500 pages, 6s. Emanuel on Diamonds and Precious Stones ; Their History, Value, and Properties ; with Simple Tests for ascertaining their Reality. By HARRY EMANUEL, F.R.G.S. With numerous Illustrations, Tinted and Plain. A New Edition, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6s. 74 & 75i PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 16 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Edgar Allan Poe's Prose and Poetical Works ; including Additional Tales and the fine Essays by this I'OE'S COTTAGE AT FORDHAM. great Genius, now FIRST PUBLISHED IN THIS COUNTRY. With a Translation of CHARLES BAUDELAIRE'S "Essay on Poe." 750 pages, crown 8vo, fine Portrait and Illustrations, cloth extra, The English Rogue, described in the Life of MERITON LATROON, and other Extravagants, comprehending the most Eminent Cheats of both Sexes. By RICHARD HEAD and FRANCIS KIRKMAN. A facsimile reprint of the rare Original Edition (1665-1672), with a Frontispiece and Portraits of the Authors. In 4 Volumes, large foolscap 8vo, beautifully printed on antique laid paper, made expressly, and bound in antique boards, 32^.; or LARGE-PAPER COPIES, 52^. [Nearly ready. *,* This singularly entertaining work way be described as tht first English novel, properly so called. The same air of reality pervades it as that which gives such a char-in to the stories written by Defoe half a century later. The interest never flags for a moment, from the first chapter to the last. As a picture of the manners of the period, two hundred years ago, in England, among the various grades of society through which the hero passes in the course of his extraordinary adventures, and among gipsies, beggars, thieves, (yc., the book is invaluable to students. The earlier portion of the book was considerably altered in later editions by Francis Kirkman. While preserving all the additions made by that writer, most of the omitted passages (sometimes among the most characteristic in the book) have been. restored from the earliest edition, which is of the very greatest rarity, most of the copies having been destroyed, the year after its pitblication, in the Great Fire of London. The later edition and the Second Part are of almost equal rarity. Owing to its wonderful run of popularity, the book has been so well read and well thumbed, that perfect copies are very seldom to be met with, and are then only to be obtained at an extravagantly high price. The present reprint may therefore be useful and accept- able to students of Early English Literature. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WIND US. 17 Our English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations. By CHARLES WAREING BARDSLEY, M.A. Crown 8vo, about 600 pages, cloth extra, 9-r. ** A complete work, containing very much that is not to be found in Mr. Lower's well-known volume. The chapters are arranged under the following keads:i. BAPTISMAL OR PERSONAL NAMES ; 2. LOCAL SURNAMES ; 3. OFFICIAL SURNAMES; 4. OCCUPATIVE SURNAMES; 5. SOBRIQUET SURNAMES, OR NICKNAMES. EARLY NEWS SHEET. The Russian Invasion of Poland in 1563. (Memorabilis et perinde stupenda de crudeli Moscovitarum Expeditione Narratio, e Germanico in Latinum conversa. ) An exact facsimile of a contemporary account in Latin, published at Douay, together with an Introduction and Historical Notes and a full Trans- lation. Only 100 copies printed. Large fcap. 8vo, an exact fac- simile on antique paper, hardly distinguishable from the original, half-Roxburghe, price 7^. 6d. The Englishman's House, from a Cot- tage to a Mansion. A Practical Guide to Members of Building Societies, and all interested in Selecting or Building a House. By C. J. RICHARDSON, Architect, Author of "Old English Mansions," &c. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, with nearly 600 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 550 pages, cloth, 7^. f>d. ** This Work might not inappropriately be termed" A Book of Houses." It gives every variety of house, front a -workman's ctttage to a nobleman's palace. The took is intended to supply a want long felt, -viz., a plain, non-technical account of every style of house, ivith the cost and manner of building. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 1 8 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Faraday's Chemical History of a Candle. Lectures delivered to a Juvenile Audience. A New Edition, edited by W. CROOKES, Esq., F.C.S., &c. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with all the Original Illustrations, price 4*. 6d. Faraday's Various Forces of Nature. A New Edition, edited by W. CROOKES, Esq., F.C.S., &c. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with all the Original Illustrations, price 4^. 6d. FLAGELLATION AND THE FLAGELLANTS. A History of the Rod in all Countries, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By the Rev. W. COOPER, B. A. Second Edition, revised and corrected, with numerous Ilkstrations. Thick crown, 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 12s. 6d. The Fiend's Delight: A "Cold Collation" of Atrocities. By DOD GRILE. New Edition, in illustrated wrapper, fcap. Svo, is. "A specimen of 'American Humour' as unlike that of all other American luimourists, as the playof young human Merry-Andrews is unlike that of a young and energetic demon whose horns are well budded." New York Nation. The Finish to Life in and out of London ; or, The Final Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic. By PIERCE EGAN. Royal Svo, cloth extra, with Spirited Coloured Illustrations by CRUIKSHAXK, 2ls. Fun for the Million : A Gathering of Choice Wit and Humour, Good Things, and Sublime Non- sense, by DICKENS, JER- ROLD, SAM SLICK, CHAS. H. Ross, HOOD, THEO- DORE HOOK, MARKTWAIN, BROUGH, COLMAN, TITUS A. BRICK, and a Host of other Humourists. With Pictures by MATT MOR- GAN, GILBERT, NAST, THOMPSON, CRUIKSHANK, Jun., BRUNTON, &c. In fcap. 4to, profusely illus- trated, with picture wrap- per, is. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO &> WINDUS. 19 WALK UP ! WALK UP ! AND SEE THE Fools' Paradise; with the Many Wonder- ful Adventures there, as seen in the strange, surprising PEEP-SHOW OF PROFESSOR WOLLEY COBBLE, Raree Showman these Five-and-Twenty Years. Crown 4to, with nearly 200 immensely funny Pictures, all beautifully coloured, bound in extra cloth gilt, price Is. 6d. THE PROFESSOR'S LEETLE MUSIC LESSON, A SECOND SERIES is NOW READY, CALLED Further Adventures in Fools' Paradise, with the Many Wonderful Doings, as seen in the PEEP-SHOW OF PROFESSOR WOLLEY COBBLE. Crown 4to, with the Pictures beautifully Coloured, uniform with the FIRST SERIES, in extra cloth gilt, price 7.?. 6d. THE OLD SHEKARRY. The Forest and the Field : Life and Adventure in Wild Africa. By the OLD SHEKARRY. With Eight Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6s. ** The Author has endeaz'onred to record his impressions of some of the grandest scenery in the world, as -well as of the dreary sivamps of the Eastern coast of Equatorial* Africa. It is a book of intense interest, especially for boys. Wrinkles ; or, Hints to Sportsmen and Travellers upon Dress, Equipment, Armament, and Camp Life. By the OLD SHEKARRY. A New Edition, with Illustrations. Small Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6s. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 20 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO WINDUS. Hall's (Mrs. S. C.) Sketches of Irish Character. With numerous Illustrations on Steel and Wood, by DANIEL MACLISE, R.A., Sir JOHN GILBERT, W. HARVEY, and G. CRUIKSHANK. 8vo, pp. 450, cloth extra, js. 6d. Hollingshead's " Plain English." By JOHN HOLLINGSHEAD, of the Gaiety Theatre. Crown 8vo, illus- trated cover, is. [Preparing. 74 &* 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 23 Hone's Scrap-Books : The Miscellaneous Writings of WILLIAM HONE, Author of "The Table-Book," " Every-Day Book," and the " Year Book :" being a supplementary volume to those works. Now first collected. With Notes, Portraits, and numerous Illustrations of curious and eccentric objects. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, Js. 6d. [Preparing. THE MOST COMPLETE HOGARTH EVER PUBLISHED. THE TALKING HAND. Hogarth's Works : with Life and Anecdotal Descriptions of the Pictures, by JOHN IRELAND and JOHN NICHOLS. The Work includes 1 50 Engravings, reduced in exact facsimile of the Original Plates, specimens of which have now become very scarce. The whole in Three Series, 8vo, cloth, gilt, 22s. dd. Each series is, however, Complete in itself, and is sold separately at Hogarth's Five Days' Frolic; or, Pere- grinations by Land and Water. Illustrated with Tinted Drawings, made by HOGARTH and SCOTT during the Journey. 410, beautifully printed, cloth, extra gilt, icxr. 6d. ** A graphic and most extraordinary picture of the hearty English timei til which these merry artists lived. _ . __ ^ _ > 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 24 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES' WORKS. Holmes' Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. An entirely New Edition of this Favourite Work. Royal l6mo, paper cover, is.; in cloth, neat, is. 6d. Holmes' Poet at the Breakfast Table, From January to June. Paper cover, is. Holmes' Professor at the Breakfast Table. A Companion Volume to the " Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." Royal i6mo, paper cover, is. ; cloth neat, is. 6d. Holmes' Wit and Humour. Delightful Verses, in the style of the elder Hood. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated wrapper, is. Hood's Whims and Oddities. The Entire Work. Now issued Complete, the Two Parts in One Volume, with all the Humorous Designs. Royal i6mo, paper cover, if. ; cloth neat, is. 6d. Hunt's (Leigh) Tale for a Chimney Corner, and other charming Essays. With Introduction by EDMUND OLLIER, and Portrait supplied by the late THORNTON HUNT. Royal i6mo, paper cover, is. $d. ; cloth neat, is. lod. Hunt's (Robert, F.R.S.) Drolls of Old Cornwall ; or, POPULAR ROMANCES OF THE WEST OF ENG- LAND. New Edition, Complete in One Volume, with Illustra- tions by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Crown 8vo, extra cloth gilt, 7*. 6d. %* " Mr. Hunt's charming book on the Drolls and Stories of the West ot England." Saturday Review. Josh Billings: His Book of Sayings. With Introduction by E. P. KINGSTON, Companion of Artemus Ward when on his "Travels." Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 25 Jennings' (Margrave) One of the Thirty. With curious Illus- trations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, IDJ. 6d. ** An extraordinary narrative, tracing down one of the accursed pieces of silver for which Jesus of Nazareth -was sold. Through eighteen centuries is this fated coin tracked, noiu in the possession of the innocent, now in the grasp of the guilty, but every- where carrying with it the evil that fell upon Judas. Jennings' (Margrave) The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries. With Chapters on the Ancient Fire and Serpent Worshippers, and Explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of the Primeval Philosophers. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with about 300 Illustrations, los 6d. Jerrold's (Blanchard) Cent, per Cent. A Story Written on a Bill Stamp. A New Edition. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. [Nearly ready. Jerrold's (Douglas) Brownrigg Papers : The Actress at the Duke's ; Baron von Boots ; Chris- topher Snubb ; The Tutor Fiend and his Three Pupils ; Papers of a Gentleman at Arms, &c. By DOUGLAS JERROLD. Edited by his son, BLANCHARD JERROLD. Post 8vo. Illustrated boards, 2s. [Nearly ready. Kalendars of Gwynedd. Compiled by EDWARD BREESE, F.S.A. With Notes by WILLIAM WATKIN EDWARD WYNNE, Esq., F.S.A., of Penairth. Demy 410, cloth extra, 28^. f The Knowing Ones at Home. Stories of their Doings at a Local Science Meeting, at the Crystal Palace, at St. Paul's, at a Foresters' Fete, &c., &c. A New and entirely Original Humorous Story, crammed with Fun from the first page to the last. Profusely Illustrated by BRUNTON, MATT MORGAN, and other Artists. Fcap. 410, illustrated wrapper, price is. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, Iff. 26 BOOKS PUBLISHED By CHATTO & WINDUS. Lamb's (Charles) Essays of Elia. The Two SERIES, Complete in One Volume. Royal i6mo, uniform with " Leigh Hunt's Essays," paper cover, is.; cloth extra, is. 6cf. Lamb (Mary & Charles) : Their Poems, Letters, and Remains. Now first collected, with Reminiscences and Notes, by W. CAREW HAZLTTT. With HANCOCK'S Portrait of the Essayist, Facsimiles of the Title-pages of the rare First Editions of ROSAMUND CRAY'S COTTAGE. Lamb's and Coleridge's Works, Facsimile of a Page of the Original MS. of the " Essay on Roast Pig," and numerous Illustrations of Lamb's Favourite Haunts in London and the Suburbs. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, price lor. 6d.; or, LARGE-PAPER COPIES (a limited number only printed), price 2is. Life in London ; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom. WITH THE WHOLE OF CRUIKSHANK'S VERY DROLL ILLUSTRATIONS, in Colours, after the Originals. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, Js. 6d. ** One of the tnost popular looks erer issued, and often quoted by Thackeray, who devotes one of his "Roundabout Papers" to a description of it. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO &> W1NDUS. 27 Literary Scraps. A Folio Scrap-Book of 340 columns, with guards, for the reception of Cuttings from News- papers, Extracts, Miscellanea, &c. A very useful book. In folio, half-roan, cloth sides, "js. 6d. Little Breeches, and other Pieces (PIKE COUNTY BALLADS). By Colonel JOHN HAY. Foolscap 8vo, illus- trated cover, is. 6d. The Little London Directory of 1677. The Oldest Printed List of the Merchants and Bankers of London. Reprinted from the Rare Original, with an Introduction by JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. i6mo, binding after the original, 6s. 6d. Henry Wads worth Longfellow's Prose Works, Complete, including his Stories and Essays, "Outre-Mer," "Hyperion," "Kavanagh," "Drift- wood," " On the Poets and Poetry of Europe," now for the first time collected. Edited, with an Introduc- tion, by the Author of "Tennyson- iana." With Portrait and Illustra- tions, drawn by VALENTINE W. BROMLEY. 800 pages, crown 8vo, cloth gilt, Js. 6d. ** The reader will find the present edition of Longfellow's Prose Writings by far the most eomplete ever issued in this_ country. " Outre- Mer " contains tivo additional chapters, restored from the first edition ; whil " The Poets and Poetry of Europe," and the little collection of Sketches entitle " Driftwood" are now first introduced to the English public. Lost Beauties of the English Language. An Appeal to Authors, Poets, Clergymen, and Public Speakers. By CHARLES MACKAY, LL.D. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. 6d. IVIadre Natura versus The Moloch of Fashion. By LUKE LIM- NER. With 32 Illustrations by the Author. FOURTH EDITION, revised corrected and enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth extra gilt, red edges, price 2s. 6d. "Agreeably written and amusingly illustrated. Common sense and erudition are brought to bear on the subjects discussed in it." Lancet. hile titled 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 28 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO 6- WINDUS. The Log of the Water Lily, during Three Cruises on the Rhine, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Danube, Saone, and Rhone. By R. B. MANSFIELD, B.A. Illustrated by ALFRED THOMPSON, B. A. Fifth Edition, revised and considerably Enlarged. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, $s. COMPANION TO "THE SECRET OUT." The Magician's .Own Book. Ample Instructions for Performances with Cups and Balls, Eggs, Hats, Handkerchiefs, &c. All from Actual Experience. Edited by W. H. CREMER, of Regent Street. Cloth extra, 200 Illustrations, 41. 6d. Magna Charta. An exact Facsimile of the Original Document, preserved in the British Museum, very carefully drawn, and printed on fine plate paper, nearly 3 feet long by 2 feet wide, with the Arms and Seals of the Barons elaborately emblazoned in Gold and Colours. A.D. 1215. Price 5 s.; or, handsomely framed and glazed, in carved oak, of an antique pattern, 22J. 6d. A full Translation, with Notes, has been prepared, price 6J. ENTIRELY NEW GAMES. r li >! !% till The Merry Circle, and How the Visitors were entertained during Twelve Pleasant Evenings. A Book of New Intellectual Games and Amusements. Edited by Mrs. CLARA BELLEW. Crown 8vo, numerous Illustrations, cloth extra, 4-r. 6V. ** Anexcellent book to consult before going to an evening party. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, IV. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 29 MARK TWAIN'S WORKS. AUTHOR'S CORRECTED EDITION. Mark Twain's Choice Works. Revised and Corrected by the Author. With a Life, a Portrait of the Author, and numerous Illustrations. 700 pages, cloth gilt, 7^. 6d. . Mark Twain's Inno- cents Abroad : The Voyage Out. Crown 8vo, cloth, fine toned paper, 3J. f)d. ; or fcap. 8vo, illustrated wrapper, is. Mark Twain's New Pilgrim's Progress: The Voy- age Home. Crown 8vo, cloth, fine toned paper, 3.?. dd. ; or fcap. 8vo, illustrated wrapper, u.j Mark Twain's Bur-, lesque Autobiography, First Mediaeval Romance, and on Children. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, 6d. Mark Twain's Eye-Openers. A Volume of immensely Funny Sayings, and Stories that will bring a smile upon the gruffest countenance. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated wrapper, is. Mark Twain's Jumping Frog, and other Humorous Sketches. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. " An inimitably funny book." Saturday Review. Mark Twain's Pleasure Trip on the Continent of Europe. (The "Innocents Abroad" and "New Pilgrim's Progress " in One Volume.) 500 pages, paper boards, 2s. or in cloth, 2s. 6d. Mark Twain's Practical Jokes; or, Mirth with Artemus Ward, and other Papers. By MARK TWAIN, and other Humorists. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. Mark Twain's Screamers. A Gathering of Delicious Bits and Short Stories. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, u. 74 6* 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W, 30 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Mayhew's London Characters : Illus- trations of the Humour, Pathos, and Peculiarities of London Life. By HENRY MAYHEW, Author of " London Labour and the London Poor," and other Writers. With nearly loo graphic Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, about 500 pages, 6s. Monumental Inscriptions of the West Indies, from the Earliest Date, with Genealogical and Historical Annotations, &c., from Original, Local, and other Sources. Illus- trative of the Histories and Genealogies of the Seventeenth Centary, the Calendars of State Papers, Peerages, and Baronetages. With Engravings of the Arms of the principal Families. Chiefly collected on the spot by the Author, Capt. J. H. LAWRENCE-ARCHER. One volume, demy 4to, about 300 pages, cloth extra, 2ls. Mr. Brown on the Goings-on of Mrs. Brown at the Tichborne Trial, &c. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. Mr. Sprouts: His Opinions. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. UNIFORM WITH "ToM D'URFEY'S PILLS." Musarum Deliciae; or, The Muses' Re- creation, 1656 ; Wit Restor'd, 1658 ; and Wit's Recreations, 1640. The whole compared with the originals ; with all the Wood Engrav- . ings, Pktes, Memoirs, and Notes. A New Edition, in 2 volumes, post 8vo, beautifully printed on antique laid paper, and bound in antique boards, 2ls. A few Large Paper copies have been prtpared, price 35-r. %* Of the Poets of the Restoration, there are none whose works are more rare than those of Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith. The small volume entitled "Musarum Deliciiz ; or, The Muses' Recreation," which contains the productions of these two friends, was not accessible to Mr. Freeman when he compiled his " Kentish Poets," and has since become so rare that it is only found in the cabinets of tlie curious. A reprint of the " Musarum Delicia," together -with several other kindred pieces of the period, appeared in 1817, forming two volumes of Facetia, edited by Mr. . Dubois, author of " The Wreath," &c. These volumes having in turn become exceedingly scarce, the Publishers venture to put forth the present new edition, in which, while nothing has been omitted, no pains have been spared to render it more complete and elegant than any that has yet appeared. 7 he type, plates, and woodcuts of the originals have been accurately followed ; the notes oj the Editor of 1817 are considerably augmented, and indexes have been added, together with a portrait of Sir John Mennis, from a painting by Vandyke in Lord Clarendon's Collection. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO 6- WINDUS. 31 The Mystery of Mr. E. Drood. An Adaptation. By ORPHEUS C. KERR. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. The Mystery of the Good Old Cause: Sarcastic Notices of those Members of the Long Parliament that held Places, both Civil and Military, contrary to the Self-denying Ordinance of April 3, 1645 ; with the Sums of Money and Lands they divided among themselves. Small 410, half-morocco, "js. (>d. Never Caught in Blockade-Running. An exciting book of Adventures during the American Civil War. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. Nuggets and Dust, panned out in Cali- fornia by Don GRILE. Selected and edited by J. MILTON SLOLUCK. A new style of Humour and Satire. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. ** If Art emus Ward may be considered the Douglas jferrold, and Mark Twain the Sydney Smith of America, Dod Grile will rank as their Dean Swift. ARTHUR O'SHAUGHNESSY'S POEMS. Music and Moonlight: Poems and Songs. By ARTHUR O'SHAUGHNESSY, Author of "An Epic of Women." Fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 7-c. 6d. An Epic of Women, and other Poems. By ARTHUR O'SHAUGHNESSY. Illustrated by J. T. NETTLESHIP. SECOND EDITION. Fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. " Of the formal art of poetry he is in many senses quite a master ; his metres are not only good, they are his own, and often of an invention most felicitous as well as careful." Academy. " With its quaint title and quaint illustrations, ' An Epic of Women ' will be a rich treat to a wide circle of admirers." Athenaum. " Many of his verses are exceedingly beautiful ; like a delicious melody." Examiner. The Old Prose Stories whence TENNYSON'S "Idylls of the King" were taken. By B. M. RANKING. Royal l6mo, paper cover, is. ; cloth extra, is. 6d. 74 6- 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 32 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Napoleon III., the Man of His Time; from Caricatures. PART I. THE STORY OF THE LIFE OF NAPO- LEON III., as told byj. M. HASWELL. PART II. THE SAME STORY, as told by the POPULAR CARICA- TURES of the past Thirty-five Years. Crown 8vo, with Coloured Frontispiece. and over 100 Caricatures, 400 pp., 7^. (>d. ** The object of this Work is to give Both Sides of the Story. The A rtist hat %one over the entire ground of Continental and English Caricatures for the last third of a century, and a very interesting book is the result. Original Lists of Persons of Quality; Emigrants ; Religious Exiles ; Political Rebels ; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years ; Apprentices ; Children Stolen ; Maidens Pressed ; and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700. With their Ages, the Localities where they formerly Lived in the Mother Country, Names of the Ships in which they embarked, and other interesting particulars. From MSS. preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office, England. Edited by JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. A very handsome volume, crown 410, cloth gilt, 700 pages, 3U. 6d. A few Large Paper copies have been printed, price 50^. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WIND US. 33 THE OLD DRAMATISTS. Ben Jonson's Works. With Notes, Criti- cal and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir by WILLIAM GIFFORD. Edited by Lieut.-Col. FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM. Com- plete in 3 vols., crown 8vo, Portrait. Cloth, 6s. each; cloth gilt, 6s. 6d. each. George Chapman's Plays, Complete, from the Original Quartos. With an Introduction by ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. Crown 8vo, Portrait. Cloth, 6s. cloth gilt, 6s. 6d. [Nearly ready. Christopher Marlowe's Works: In- cluding his Translations. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Lieut.-Col. F. CUNNINGHAM. Crown 8vo, Portrait. Cloth, 6s. ; cloth gilt, 6s. 6d. Philip Massinger's Plays. From the Text of WM. GIFFORD. With the addition of the Tragedy of " Believe as You List." Edited by Lieut.-Col. FRANCIS CUNNING- HAM. Crown 8vo, Portrait. Cloth, 6s. ; cloth gilt, 6s. 6d. Parochial History of the County of Cornwall. Compiled from the best authorities, and corrected and improved from actual survey. 4 vols. 4to, cloth extra, 3 3-r. the set ; or, separately, the first three volumes, l6s. each ; the fourth volume, iSs. COMPANION TO " CUSSANS' HERALDRY." The Pursuivant of Arms; or, Heraldry founded upon Facts. A Popular Guide to the Science of Heraldry. By J. R. PLANCHE, Esq., F. S.A., Somerset Herald. To which are added, Essays on the BADGES OF THE HOUSES OF LANCASTER AND YORK. A New Edition, enlarged and revised by the Author, illus- trated with Coloured Frontispiece, five full-page Plates, and about 200 Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, beautifully bound in cloth, with Emblematic Design, extra gilt, "]i. 6d. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, IV. 34 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. SEVENTH EDITION OF Puck on Pegasus. By H. CHOLMONDELEY- PENNELL. Profusely illus- trated by the late JOHN LEECH, H. K. BROWNE, Sir NOEL PATON, JOHN MILLAIS, JOHN TEJINIEL, RICHARD DOYLE, Miss ELLEN EDWARDS, and other artists. A New Edition (the SEVENTH), crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, price 5-f. ; or gilt edges, 6s. ** This most amusing -work has received everywhere the highest praise as "a clever and brilliant book." " The book is clever and amusing, rigorous and healthy." Saturday Review. " The epigrammatic drollery of Mr. Cholmondeley-Pennell's ' Puck on Pegasus' is well known to many of our readers. . . . The present (the sixth) is a superb and hand- somely printed and illustrated edi- tion of the book." Times. " Specially fit for reading in the family circle." Observer. By the same Author. Modern Babylon, and Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 4^. 6d. other Poems. Policeman Y: His Opinions on War and the Millingtary. With Illustrations by the Author, JOHN EDWARD SODEN. Cloth, very neat, 2s. 6d. ; in paper, is. IMPORTANT TO ALL INTERESTED IN MINES. The Practical Assayer : A Guide to Miners and Explorers. By OLIVER NORTH, of " The Field," " Mining Journal," &c. With numerous Tables and Illustrative Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, "js. 6d. ** This book fives directions, in the plainest and simplest form, for assaying bullion and the baser metals by the cheapest, quickest, and best methods. Persons interested in mining property will be enabled, by following the instructions given, ttfornt a tolerably correct idea of the value of ores, without any previous knowledge of assaying- ; while to the young man intending to seek his fortune abroad in mining countries it is indispensable. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 35 "AN AWFULLY JOLLY BOOK FOR PARTIES." Puniana: Thoughts "Wise and Otherwise. By the Hon. HUGH ROWLEY. Best Book of Riddles and Puns ever formed. With nearly 100 exquisitely Fanciful Drawings. Contains nearly 3000 of the best Riddles, and 10,000 most outrageous Puns, and is one of the most Popular Books ever issued. New Edition, small quarto, uniform with the " Bab Ballads." Price 6s. " Enormous burlesque unap- proachable and pre-eminent. We " think this very queer volume will be a favourite. We should suggest that, to a dull person desirous to get credit with the young holiday people, it would be good policy to invest in the book and dole it out by instalments." Saturday Review. By the same Author. A Second Series of Puniana: Containing nearly 100 beautifully executed Drawings, and a splendid Collection of Riddles and Puns, fully equal to those in the First Volume. Small 4to, uniform with the First Series, cl. gt., gt. edges, 6s. [Preparing. Private Book of Useful Alloys and Memoranda for Goldsmiths and Jewellers. By JAMES E. COLLINS, C.E. Royal i6mo, 3^. 6d. Invaluable to the Trade. UNIFORM WITH "WONDERFUL CHARACTERS." Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters. From "Half-Hanged Smith," 1700, to Oxford, who shot at the Queen, 1840. By Captain L. BENSON. With spirited full-page Engravings by PHIZ. 8vo, 55 P a g es > 7 s - &d- * t * A Complete Library of Sensation Literature I There are plots enough her e to produce a, hundred" exciting" Novels, and at least five hundred "powerful" Magazine Stories. The book will be appreciated by all readers whose taste lies in this direction. UNIFORM WITH "THE TURF, CHASE, AND ROAD." Reminiscences of the late Thomas Assheton Smith, Esq. ; or, The Pursuits of an English Country Gentleman. By Sir J. E. EARDLEY WILMOT, Bart. A New and Revised Edition, with Steel-plate Portrait, and plain and coloured Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, fs. 6d. 74 ^ 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 36 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. GUSTAVE DORA'S DESIGNS. The Works of Rabelais. Faithfully trans- lated from the French, with variorum Notes, and numerous charac- teristic Illustrations by GUSTAVE DOR. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 700 pages. Price "js. 6d. Roll of Battle Abbey; or, A List of the Prin- cipal Warriors who came over from Normandy with William the Conqueror, and Settled in this Country, A.D. 1066-7. Carefully drawn, and printed on fine plate paper, nearly three feet by two feet, with the Arms of the principal Barons elaborately emblazoned in Gold and Colours. Price 5-f. ; or, handsomely framed in carved oak of an antique pattern, 22s. 6d. Roll of Caerlaverock: the Oldest Heraldic Roll ; including the Original Anglo-Norman Poem, and an English Translation of the MS. in the British Museum. By THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A. The Arms emblazoned in gold and colours. In 4to, very handsomely printed, extra gold cloth, 12s. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 37 Rochefoucauld's Reflections and Moral Maxims. With Introductory Essay by SAINTE-BEUVE, and Explanatory Notes. Royal l6mo, elegantly printed, is. ; cloth neat, is. (xi. Roman Catholics in the County ot York in 1604. Transcribed from the Original MS. in the Bodleian Library, and Edited, with Genealogical Notes, by EDWARD PEA- COCK, F. S. A., Editor of "Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers, 1642." Small 410, handsomely printed and bound, 15-r. ** Genealogists and Antiquaries will fti d tit'ich new and curious matter in. this mark. AH elaborate Index refers to every name in tlie volume, among which. will be found many of tlie highest local interest. Ross's (Chas. H.) Unlikely Tales and Wrong-Headed Essays. Fcap. 8vd, with numerous quaint and amusing Illustrations, I*. Ross's (Chas. H.) Story of a Honey- moon. A New Edition of this charmingly humorous book, with numerous Illustrations by the Author. Fcap. 8vo, picture boards, 2s. School Life at Winchester College; or, The Reminiscences of a Winchester Junior. By the Author of "The Log of the Water Lily;" and "The Water Lily on the Danube." Second Edition, Revised, COLOURED PLATES, Js. 6d. Shaving Them; or, The Adventures of Three Yankees. By TITUS A. BRICK. Fcap. 8vo, illustrated cover, is. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, IV. 38 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & W INDUS. THE RUMP PARLIAMENT. The Rump; or. An Exact Collection of the choicest POEMS and SONGS relating to the late Times, and continued by the most eminent Wits; from Anno 1639 to 1661. A Facsimile Reprint of the rare Original Edition (London, 1662), with Frontispiece and Engraved Title-page. In 2 vols., large fcap. 8vo, printed on antique laid paper, made expressly for the work, and bound in antique boards, 1 75. bd. ; or, LARGE- PAPER COPIES, 30?. [Nearly ready. ** A very ran and extraordinary collection of some t"ux> hundred Popular Ballads and Cavalier Songs, on all the principal incidents of the great Civil War, the Trial of Strajford, the Martyrdom of King Charles, the Commonwealth, Cromwell, Pym, the Roundheadt, &*c. It ivas frtrm such materials that Lord Macaulay ivas enabled to produce his vivid pictures of England in the sixteenth century. To historical students and antignariet, and to the general reader, these volumes -will be found full of interest. The Secret Out ; or, One Thousand Tricks with Cards, and other Recreations ; with Entertaining Experiments . in Drawing Room or "White Magic." By the Author of the " Magi- cian'sOwnBook." Edited by W. H. CREMER, Jun., of Regent Street. With 300 Engravings. Crown 8vo, cloth, 4^. (>d. V Under ike title of"Le Ma- gicien des Salons," this book has long been a Standard Magic Book with all French and German Professors of the Art. Sheridan's (Richard Brinsley) Com- plete Works, with Life and Anecdotes. Including his Dramatic Writings, printed from the Original Editions, his works in Prose and Poetry, Translations, Speeches, Jokes, Pnns, &c. ; with a Collec- tion of Sheridaniana. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, with Portraits and Illustrations, "js. 6d. Shirley Brooks' Amusing Poetry. A Selection of Humorous Verse from all the Best Writers. Edited, with a Preface, by SHIRLEY BROOKS, Editor of Punch. A New Edition, in fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, and gilt edges, jr. 6d. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, IV. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. 39 Shelley's Early Life. From Original Sources. With Curious Incidents, Letters, and Writings, now First Published or Collected. By DENIS FLORENCE MAC-CARTHY. Cheaper Edition, crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 440 pages, Is. 6d. *,* The poet's political pamphlets, advocating Home Rule and other rights, are here for the first time given in a collected form. THE POCKET SHELLEY. SHELLEY, FROM THE GODWIN SKETCH. Shelley's Poetical Works. Now First Reprinted from the Author's Original Editions. In Two Series, the FIRST containing " Queen Mab "and the Early Poems ; the SECOND, " Laon and Cythna," "The Cenci," and Later Poems. In royal l6mo, thick volumes. Price of the FIRST SERIES, is. &/. illustrated cover, 2s. 2.d. cloth extra ; SECOND SERIES, is. Sal. illustrated cover, 2s. 2d. cloth extra. The Third Series, completing the Work, will shortly be ready. CHARLES DICKENS' EARLY SKETCHES. Sketches of Young Couples, Young Ladies and Young Gentlemen. By " Quiz " (CHARLES DICKENS). With 18 Steel-plate Illustrations by "Paiz" (H. K.BROWNE). Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 4^. (>d. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 40 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Signboards: Their History. With Anec- dotes of Famous Taverns and Remarkable Characters. By JACOB LARWOOD and JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN. SEVENTH EDITION. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 580 pp. , "js. &/. HELP ME THROUGH THIS WORLD ! " It is not fair on the part of a reviewer to pick out the plums of an author's book, thus filching away his dream, and leaving little but skim-milk remaining; but. even if we were ever so maliciously inclined, we could not in the present instance pick out all Messrs. Larwood and Hotten's plums, because the good things are so numerous as to defy the most wholesale depredation." The Times. %* Nearly 100 most curious illustrations on wood are given, showing the various old signs -which wereformerly hung from taverns and other houses. The Slang Dictionary : Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal. An ENTIRELY NEW EDITION, revised throughout, and considerably Enlarged, containing upwards of a thousand more words than the last edition. Crown Svo, with Curious Illustrations, cloth extra, 6s. 6d. "Valuable as a work of reference." Saturday Review. A KEEPSAKE FOR SMOKERS. The Smoker's Text-Book. By J. HAMER, F. R. S. L. Exquisitely printed from "silver-faced" type, cloth, very neat, gilt edges, 2s. 6d., post free. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO 6- WINDUS. 41 WEST-END LIFE AND DOINGS. The Story of the London Parks. By JACOB LARWOOD. With numerous Illustrations, Coloured and Plain. In One thick Volume, crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, "js. 6d. *** A most interesting work, giving a complete History of thesefavourUe out-of- door resorts, from ike earliest period to the present time. CHARMING NEW TRAVEL-BOOK. LMI * \\\l '" Vatfynrt-arnffift S, ' 4&i' 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO &> WINDUS. Thackerayana. Notes and Anecdotes illustrative of Scenes and Characters in the Works of WIL- LIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. With nearly Four Hundred Illustrations, coloured and plain. In 8vo, uniform with the Library Edition of his works, 7-r. (>d. [Nearly ready. Theodore Hook's Choice Humorous Works, with his Ludicrous Adventures, Bons-mots, Puns, and Hoaxes. With a new Life of the Author, PORTRAITS, FACSIMILES, and ILLUSTRATIONS. Cr. 8vo, 600 pages, cloth extra, js. 6d. %* "As a wit and humourist of the highest order his name will be preserved. His political songs and jeux cf esprit, when the hour comes for col- lecting them, will form a volume of sterling and lasting- attraction !" J. G. LOCKHART. Theodore Hook's Ramsbottom Papers. Twenty-nine Letters, complete. Fcap. 8vo, illast. cover, is. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO &> W INDUS. 45 PHE SUBSCRIPTION ROOM AT BROOKES S. Timbs' Clubs and Club Life in Lon - don. With ANECDOTES of its FAMOUS COFFEE HOUSES, HOSTEL- RIES, and TAVERNS. By JOHN TIMES, F.S.A. New Edition, with NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS, drawn expressly. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 600 pages, Js. 6d, ** A Companion to " The History of Sign-Boards." It abounds in quaint stories of the Blue Stocking, Kit-Kat, Beef Steak, Robin Hood, Mohocks, Scriblerus, One o'Clock, the Civil, and hundreds oj 'other Clubs; together -with Tom's, Dick's, Button's, Ned's, Will's, and the famous Coffee Houses of the last century. Timbs' English Eccentrics and Ec- centricities. Stories of Wealth and Fashion, Delusions, Impos- tures and Fanatic Missions, Strange Sights and Sporting Scenes, Eccentric Artists, Theatrical Folks, Men of Letters, &c. By JOHN TIMES, F.S.A. An entirely New Edition, with numerous Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 600 pages, 7-r. 6d. [Nearly ready. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. 46 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Victor Hugo's Les Miserables: Fan- tine. Now first published in an English Translation, complete and unabridged, with the exception" of a few advisable omissions. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. " This work has somethimg more than the beauties of an exquisite style or the word-compelling power of a literary Zeus to recommend it to the tender care of a distant posterity : in dealing with all the emotions, passions, doubts, fears, which go to make up our common humanity, M. Victor Hugo has stamped upon every page the Hall-mark of genius and the loving patience and conscientious labour of a true artist. But the merits of ' Les Miserables' do not merely consist in the conception of it as a whole ; it abounds, page after page, with details of unequalled beauty." Quarterly Review. The next volume, COSETTE AND MARIUS, is nearly ready, Vyner's Notitia Venatica: A Treatise on Fox-Hunting, the General Management of Hounds, and the Diseases of Dogs ; Distemper and Rabies ; Kennel Lameness, &c. Sixth Edition, Enlarged. By ROBERT C. VYXER. WITH SPIRITED ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOURS, BY ALKEN, OF MEMORABLE FOX- HUNTING SCENES. Royal 8vo, cloth extra, 2is. ** AH entirely new edition of the best viork on Fox-Hunting. Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. The Complete Work, precisely as issued by the Author in Washing- ton. A thick volume, 8vo, green cloth, price 9-r. " Whitman is a poet who bears and needs to be read as a whole, and then the volume and torrent of his power carry the disfigurements along with it and away. He is really a fine fellow." Chambers'* Journal. Warrant to Execute Charles I. An exact Facsimile of this important Document, with the Fifty-nine Signatures of the Regicides, and corresponding Seals, admirably executed on paper made to imitate the original document, 22 in. by 14 in. Price 2s. ; or, handsomely framed and glazed in carved oak of antique pattern, 14^. f>d. Warrant to Execute Mary Queen of Scots. The Exact Facsimile of this important Document, includ- ing the Signature of Queen Elizabeth and Facsimile of the Great Seal, on tinted paper, made to imitate the Original MS. Price 2J. ; or, handsomely framed and glazed in carved oak of antique pattern, 14?. 6d. 74 &> 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO &> WINDUS. 47 THE WATERFORD ROLL. Illuminated Charter-Roll of Water- ford, Temp. Richard II. ** A mongst the Corporation Muniments of the City of Waterford is preserved an ancient Illuminated Roll, of great interest and beauty, comprising all the eatly Charters and Grants to the City of Waterford, from the time of Henry II. to Richard 1 1. A full-length Portrait of each King, whose Charter is given including Edward III., -when young, and again at an advanced age adorns the margin. These Portraits, with the exception of four -which are smaller, and on one sheet of Tellum, vary from eight to nine inches in length sotne in armour, and some in robes of state. In addition to these are Portraits of an A rchbishop in full canonicals, of a Chancellor, and of many of the chief Burgesses of the City of Waterford, as well as singularly curious Portraits of the Mayors of Dublin, Waterford, Limerick, and Cork, figured for the most part in the quaint bipartite costume of the Second Richard's reign, though partaking of many of the peculiarities of that of Edward III. Altogether this ancient work of art is unique of its kindin Ireland, and deserves to be rescued from oblivion, by the publication of the unedited Charters, and offac-similes of all the Illuminations. The production of such a 'work would throiu nntch light on the question of the art and social habits of the Anglo-Norman settlers in Ireland at the close of the fourteenth century. The Charters are, many of them, highly important from an historic point of view, The Illuminations have been accurately traced and coloured for the 'work from a. copy carefully made, by permission of the Mayor and Corporation of Waterford, by the late George V. Du Noyer, Esq., M.R.I. A. ; and those C harters which have not already appeared in print will be edited by the Rev. James Graves, A.B., M.R.I. A., Hon. Sec. Kilkenny and South-East of Ire land A rchaological Society. The work will be brought out in the best manner, with embossed cover and characteristic title-page ; and it will be put to press as soon as 250 subscribers are obtained. The price, in imperial ^to, is 2os. to subscribers, or 301. to non-subscribers. Wonderful Characters : Memoirs and Anecdotes of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons of Every Age and Nation. From the text of HENRY WILSON and JAMES CAULFIELD. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Sixty-one full-page Engravings of Extraordinary Persons, "js. (>d. ** There are so many curious matters discussed in this volume, that any per- son who takes it up will not readily lay it down until he has read it through. The Introduction is almost entirely devoted to a consideration of Pig-Faced Ladies, and the various stories concerning them. Wright's (Andrew) Court-Hand Re- stored ; or, Student's Assistant in Reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, &c. Half Morocco, a New Edition, los. 6d. _ ** The best guide to the reading of old Records, &c. Wright's History of Caricature and the Grotesque in Art, in Literature, Sculpture, and Painting, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M. A., F.S.A. Profusely illustrated by FAIRHOLT. Small 410, cloth, extra gilt, red edges, 2U. 74 6" 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON", W. 48 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CHATTO & WINDUS. Wright's Caricature History of the Georges (House of Hanover). A very entertaining Book of 640 pages, with 400 Pictures, Caricatures, Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, &c. By THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., F.S A. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, "js. 6d. "A set of caricatures such as we have in Mr. Wright's volume brings the surface of the age before us with a vividness that no prose writer, even of the highest power, could emulate. Macaulay's most brilliant sentence is weak by the side of the little woodcut from Gillray, which gives us Burke and Fox." Saturday Review. ALL THE BEST AMERICAN HUMOUR. Yankee Drolleries. Edited by GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA. Containing ARTEMUS WARD, His BOOK ; BIGLOW PAPERS; ORPHEUS C. KERR; MAJOR JACK DOWNING; and NASBY PAPERS. 700 pages, cloth, 3^. 6d. More Yankee Drolleries. A Second Series of the best American Humourists. Containing ARTEMUS WARD'S TRAVELS ; HANS BREITMANN ; THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE ; BIGLOW PAPERS, Part II. ; and JOSH BIL- LINGS ; with an Introduction by GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA. 700 pages, cloth, $s. 6d. A Third Supply of Yankee Drolleries. Containing ARTEMUS WARD'S FENIANS ; THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE ; BRET HARTE'S STORIES ; THE INNOCENTS ABROAD; and NEW PILGRIM'S PROGRESS; with an Introduction by GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA. 700 pages, cloth, 3.?. 6d. 74 & 75, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W. Ill A 2 13 ,C^ /x^ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 07510 JAN 2*1986 Series 9482