DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION BOARD AND AIDS. JUBILEE HISTORY -OF- LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1849-1899. ILLUSTRATED. PUBLISHED BY THE DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 19OO. 35 PREFACE. For, behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard with a tmighty blessing. DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS, xxi: 9. The fifty years' marvelous growth of the Sunday School organ- ization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Rocky Mountains of America and in other portions of the world is reason sufficient for the appearance of this record. The period from the assembling of that little group of Sunday School pupils gathered in the humble s",hoolhouse in the Fourteenth Ward, Salt Lake City, December 9, 1849, to the grand and inspiring demonstration in the Tabernacle in the same city, October 8, 1899 nearly fifty years later we have in the following pages endeavored to briefly and faithfully chronicle. To round out that poetic period so as to embrace a few items of the local Jubilee celebrations, and include the Sunday School statistics of that year, we have continued this history to the 31st of December, 1899. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SUNDAY SCHOOL JUBILEE AND HISTORY. General Superintendent George Q. Cannon, and Members of the Deseret Sun- day School Union Board. DEAR BRETHREN: With the completion of the JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS, our duties as your committee on the Sunday School Jubilee and History close. We therefore desire to make a report to you of our labors. The general celebration held in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 8th, 1899, in commemoration of the establishment of the first Sun- day School in the Rocky Mountains, has passed into history, and serves as a monument to mark the half-century of progress of the Sunday Schools of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The program and other items of interest connected with the celebration, will be found in the volume just completed. If the general celebration held in the Tabernacle was successful, the local celebrations held in the various wards and missions throughout the Church, on the 10th of December, 1899, were none the less so. So far as we have been able to learn, the Sunday Schools generally carried out faith- fully the allotted program, and made the occasion one long to be remem- bered. In looking over the reports of the local celebrations, we can but feel that the Lord was very gracious unto all, and blessed each gathering with a rich outpouring of his Holy Spirit. The task of completing the history of our Sunday Schools, with such data relating to their establishment as we could obtain from the respective Sun- day Schools throughout the Church, has not been an easy one. Since the general and local celebrations, we have worked almost incessantly to bring our labors to a successful issue, and it has seemed at times as though this would never be realized. The completion of our general history was com- paratively easy, because we could get the desired information, as a rule, by personal visits to those who had it to give. Not so, however, with the data we desired from each school. This had to be obtained by correspond- ence; and hundreds of letters on the subject have been written to the Sun- day Schools throughout the Church. In many instances our efforts to obtain the information desired were neutralized by the inattention of the parties addressed, or their inability to furnish the information needed. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON JUBILEE AND HISTORY. V" To get the necessary data from the stake Sunday School organizations,, and the various Sunday Schools, we adopted a uniform system, which was as follows: We had two blank forms printed, containing questions, which, if properly answered, would furnish us the requisite matter for the contem- plated history. |0ne of these forms was for the stake Sunday School organ- izations to fill out, and the other for the use of the Sunday schools in the wards and missions. We mailed these blank forms to the proper parties with a request that they be returned to us correctly filled out as soon as possible. When the forms were returned, the matter contained therein was edited, typewritten, and sent back to the Stake or ward organization, for any necessary correction. With this typewritten matter, we also sent a letter requesting that the data be carefully examined by the proper parties, corrections made where needed, and the corrected copy returned to us- within ten days. Quite a number cheerfully complied with our request, but very many, we are compelled to state, in justice to ourselves, did not do so. If any mistakes have therefore occurred through this inattention to our instructions, we feel that the responsibility is not ours. The object in getting out the work, as we understood it, was to com- pile in one volume, our general Sunday School history, including a brief account of each stake Sunday School organization, the date of the establish- ment of each Sunday School, together with such other information as would be appreciated in a work of this kind, and which would serve to preserve in a brief but complete form our general history, for the use of those who- shall succeed us in the great Sunday School work. When these reports came back, however, we found that many of our brethren and sisters had made all sorts of requests of us; some wanted elaborate histories of their schools printed, others the names of all the officers and teachers inserted who had served for years in the past; still others wanted biographical articles to become part of the work. It can be readily understood that all this matter could not go into our history for the reason that it would have- been impracticable, because we could not have gotten the necessary informa- tion together to make the history of each school complete, and then even should we have succeeded in this, the matter thus collected would have filled several volumes, a proposition too costly to be undertaken, and one that would be foreign to the original intention. . However, we gave the matter due consideration, and inserted, with the dates of the establishment of the various Sunday Schools, a list of the superintendents, assistant superintendents and secretaries, and the time each one served as far as obtainable ; and have provided, at the end of the book, six- teen blank pages suitably ruled and headed, in which can be written such Sun- VI REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON JUBILEE AND HISTORY. day School history as the owner may desire to place therein. These additions have very materially increased the size of the work over the original estimate. We think it would be a good plan for each Sunday School to obtain one or more copies of this History and write in the blank pages a full list of all those faithful workers whose labors have been such a help in making the Sunday School a success; names of assistant secretaries, treas- urers, librarians, choristers, organists, teachers, and others should be enrolled, and also a more detailed history of the school might be recorded ; and when this is done the book should be preserved for future reference. Also the army of faithful Sunday School workers should each possess them- selves of one of these books, and enter their own individual Sunday School history in it, and cause it to be handed down to their children, that they may emulate the example presented in the lives and labors of these faith- ful men and women. We cannot mention the names of all to whom we are indebted for assistance in our labors, it would take several pages to do so. We do desire, however, to thank one and all who have in any way assisted us in the task we have just completed. We can assure the brethren and sisters who have so kindly aided us, that they have our heartfelt thanks. Elder Edwin F. Parry has been our editor. Much of the work of bringing the information obtained from the different sources into readable shape devolved upon him, and to him we also tender our most hearty thanks. We are also much indebted to Brother Charles R. Savage, and the members of his estab- lishment, for the care displayed by them in grouping and producing the photographs for the plates our book contains. Now brethren, we hope our labors Will meet with the approval of your- selves and the Deseret Sunday School Union over which you preside, and that the result will fill the requirements intended, namely: that those who come after us and labor in the Sunday School cause, may have historical data to build upon, and thus our early history in regard to the great Sun- day School movement among the Latter-day Saints be preserved for future generations. Should such prove to be the case we shall be more than repaid for our labors. Your brethren, JOSEPH W. SUMMERHAYS, THOMAS C. GRIGGS, LEVI W. RICHARDS, JOHN M. MILLS, GEORGE D. PYPER, HORACE S. ENSIGN, Committee. Secretary. CONTENTS. PAGE . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 8. THE GENERAL SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVEMENT.. 9 First Sunday School in the Rocky Mountains 9 Other Early Sunday Schools... 12 Establishment of a Sunday School Union 13 Growth of the Union 17 Attainments of the Union 19 First Public Celebration 19 Uniformity in School Government 24 The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the Sunday School 26 Encouragement of Musical Talent 27 Missionary Work 28 Inauguration of "Nickel Day" 30 Sunday School Children at the Salt Lake Temple 31 Stake Sunday School Conferences 32 Humane Day 33 Special Sunday Schools Established by the Union 33 Sunday School Convention 35 Publications of the Union 40 Sunday School Statistics 43 First Statistical Report of the Deseret Sunday School Union, for the Quarter Ending September 15, 1872.. 44 AnnualStatistical and Financial Report of Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools for the Year ending December 31,1899 46 Table Showing Number of Sunday Schools, Officers, Teach- ers and Pupils Embraced Within the Deseret Sunday School Union asReported Each Year from 1872 to 1899 48 Finances 48 Officers of the Deseret Sunday School Union 49 STAKE AND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS 58 How Constituted and Conducted 58 Alberta Stake 59 Bannock Bear Lake Beaver Box Elder Bingham Cache Cassia Davis Emery 63 69 83 89 107 120 140 148 162 VIII CONTENTS. PAGE Fremont Stake 171 Juab " 187 Juarez " 195 Kanab " 200 Malad " 208 Maricopa " 215 Millard " 219 Morgan " 228 Oneida " 235 Panguitch " 247 Parowan " 256 Pocatello " 262 Salt Lake " 270 San Juan " 323 San Luis 327 Sanpete " 333 Sevier " . 348 Snowflake St. George St. Joseph St. Johns Star Valley 360 368 387 396 404 Summit 409 Tooele " 417 Uintah " 423 Utah " 431 Wasatch " 465 Wayne " 473 Weber " 482 Woodruff " 504 MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOLS 511 JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS 520 The General Jubilee Celebration 520 Local Jubilee Celebrations 534 SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS DEPOSITED 541 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Deseret Sunday School Union Board and Aids Frontispiece. House where the first Sunday School was held... opposite page 11 Members of the First Sunday School " 56 Stake Sunday School Superintendents " " 152,248 Daughters of Members of the First Sunday School [< 312, 392 Representatives of Nations and Peoples " "504,520 For names of those whose portraits appear see pages 538-540 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. THE GENERAL SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVEMENT. FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. / TX) Elder Richard Ballantyne is due the credit for establishing the 4- first Latter-day Saints Sunday School in Utah, which in fact was the first organization of the kind in the Rocky Mountain region. Brother Ballantyne came to Salt Lake valley in the fall of 1848 the year after its first settlement by the Latter-day Saints and located in the "Old Fort" which was erected on what is now know as "Pioneer Square," in the south-western quarter of Salt Lake City. In the Spring of 1849 he conceived the idea of establishing a Sunday School, and soon after he began preparations for building a house in which to hold the school he had in contemplation, and which would also serve as a residence for himself and family. He had at this time already moved from the Fort, and was living on his city lot sit- uated on what is now the corner of First West and Third South Streets, in the Fourteenth Ward. Here he had built one small room which he u^ed for a summer kitchen. Having two wagons, he used one for a sleeping apartment and the other for a store room. As many other men did in those early days, Brother Ballantyne built his own house, 10 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. doing the greater part of the work himself. To obtain material for the erection of the building he went to Mill Creek Canyon, south- east of the city, and cut down trees to provide the necessary timber. The logs thus secured he took to the mill to be sawed on shares, and then hauled his share down to his home. He procured rock from the quarry in Red Butte Canyon and "adobes" from the old yard in the western part of the city, where they were made in those days. Then, during the time he could spare from other labors necessary to pro- vide food, he put up the walls of the structure. He did all the masonry and -all the carpenter work with the exception of making the window sashes and the doors. The room to be used for school purposes was built in front of and adjoining the smaller room which he had put up earlier in the year. When completed, the new addition formed the principal part of the building, the room used as a summer kitchen forming a "lean-to" at the rear. As this house was what might be considered one typical of those days a more detailed description of it will be of interest. Its foundation was of roughly dressed red sandstone and the walls were of "adobes," large, sun-dried bricks. The school room was twenty feet long and eighteen feet wide (outside measurements), and was about ten feet from the foundation to the square of the walls, or as we would now say from floor to ceiling, but this room had no ceil- ing, although it had a floor of dressed lumber. The rafters were dressed logs. Across these logs boards were placed and the crevices between the boards were covered with slabs; the whole roof was then overlaid with several inches of soil. The house faced the street on the west. The large room was well lighted, having two windows in front and a window and a door, the upper part of which was glass, on the south side. The finished work in the building was painted and the walls were plastered on the inside. Benches for seating the pupils were made of wooden slabs. They were simply constructed by making holes in the slabs and fastening legs in them. The room was heated from an open fire-place in the south end of the room. On the west and south sides of the lot on which this building stood was a plain pole fence. With a view to -beautifying the sur- roundings of his new home, and to provide a shade in summer, Brother Ballantyne had, during the Spring when he first located 8 = 2 - = I JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 11 there, procured from City Creek Canyon a number of young native cottonwood trees, which he planted about his place. The accompanying picture is taken from a sketch of the above- described building and surroundings, made by the artist John Hafen from descriptions furnished by Brother Ballantyne. The sketching was done under the supervision of a committee appointed by the Des- eret Sunday School Union Board, in the presence of the committee and Brother Ballantyne, and was approved by the latter as being an excellent representation of the building as it appeared at the time (1849.) It may be here stated that the data for this sketch of the first Sunday School in Utah was given at the same interview to this same committee by Elder Ballantyne. When the building was completed, the children of the neighbor- hood were invited in for the purpose of forming a Sunday School. Quite a number of children responded to this invitation and at the first session held the room was pretty well filled. This was on Sun- day, the 9th day of December, 1849, and at this time Elder Ballantyne was both superintendent and teacher. His wife and child were there with the gathered children and in the presence of all assembled on that memorable day he dedicated by prayer the room for the purpose for which it was designed. Among the children who attended this school were members of the families of Apostles John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Parley P. Pratt and Franklin D. Richards, as well as chil- dren of other prominent families; and it may be here stated that sev- eral of the pupils of this school have since attained prominence in the Church. During the first year the school numbered about fifty pupils. The children's names were not enrolled, nor were minutes of the pro- ceedings taken. The exercises began with singing and prayer, as is customary in Sunday Schools now. After the opening exercises a scripture lesson was presented. The pupils furnished their own books, such as the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Cove- nants. The pupils were mostly small, ranging from eight or nine to fourteen years of age, and the lessons were chiefly from the New Testament. The children took a delight in attending the school, and there was no trouble in getting them there, although it opened at eight o'clock in the morning. In those days general Sabbath services 12 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. were held at ten o'clock, a. m., and the school dismissed in time to give its members an opportunity to attend them. Elder Ballantyne at this time was second counselor to John Mur- dock, the bishop of the ward, who was in full accord with what his co-worker was doing to educate the youth in the principles of the Gospel. In referring to the motive he had in organizing this Sunday School, Elder Ballantyne remarked that he saw a need for such an institution. "I felt," said he, "that the Gospel was too precious to myself to be withheld from the children. They ought to have the privilege of Gospel teaching, and that was the main purpose to teach them the Gospel because I felt it was very precious to me, and I thought it would be precious to them; and it was my duty to do that." The school continued in Brother Ballantyne's house for about a year. During the summer of 1850 a meeting house was built in the Fourteenth Ward, and as soon as it was completed the school moved into it. Brother Ballantyne continued as superintendent, but he now received some assistance. Brothers Joseph Home and Phineas Rich- ards were assistant superintendents, and several others acted as teachers, the school being divided into a number of classes. In 1852 Elder Ballantyne went upon a three years' mission to India, and Brother Joseph Home succeeded him as superintendent of the school. OTHER EARLY SUNDAY SCHOOLS- Following the example of Elder Ballantyne, many others who were inspired with a similar interest in the spiritual welfare of the young turned their efforts toward the establishment of Sunday Schools in other wards and settlements. In the year 1852 Sunday Schools were started in the Fourth Tenth and Twelfth wards, and also one in the Council House, Salt Lake City, under the auspices of the chancellor of the Deseret University, Orson Spencer; and in the same year one was established in American Fork. During the following year one each was opened in the Seventh and the Sixteenth wards of Salt Lake City, and in Manti, Sanpete County. Elder Ballantyne having returned from his JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 13 mission to India, organized, in 1856, a Sunday School in the Fifteenth Ward. The same year a Sunday School in the Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake City, and one in Tooele, Tooele County were begun; and in 1857 the Sunday School of Draper, Salt Lake County, and that of Farmington, Davis County, were started. In the year 1858, when, at the approach of General Johnston's army, the Saints of Salt Lake City and the settlements north of it vacated their homes and moved to the south, all Sunday Schools affected by the "move" were of course discontinued. A number of early schools established in settlements south of Salt Lake City were compelled to close even before the approach of the army. The Indian attacks caused some of the settlements to be broken up and deserted for var- ious lengths of time. In -the early sixties Sunday Schools commenced to be re-established in the various settlements, and within a few years they sprang up in all parts of the country then settled. Owing to the incompleteness of data respecting their organizations, it is very diffi- cult to give Sunday School statistics for a number of years after the organization of the first school. The history of individual schools (especially of those which began at an early day), which is given in another part of this volume, will be found to be somewhat lacking in statistical information. ESTABLISHMENT OF A SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. It must be borne in mind that all the early Sunday Schools in these valleys were organized and conducted by independent effort of those interested in the welfare of the young. There was but little unity of action among the settlements tending to the promotion of a general Sunday School movement. Those engaged in the laudable work during the early period met with many obstacles and difficulties. They were inadequately sup- plied with such text books as were then, as now, in general use in the advanced classes Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants; and there was almost an entire absence of works specially adapted to the primary classes. Besides this, they were in many instances with- out suitable meeting places. Many teachers were entirely without experience in teaching or even in having before attended such organizations. Much of the work 14 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. was therefore experimental; and in some instances far from being satisfactory. It was then a common thing to find the day school text books used in the Sunday School, and the class work often consisted merely of a reading or spelling exercise. Yet there were many faith- ful teachers full of earnestness and zeal, and although they were with- out pedagogical training and destitute of printed guides or manuals of instruction, they were not lacking in the guidance received through the Holy Spirit, and, having that, their labors were rewarded by the production of good fruits. Those who became actively engaged in Sunday School work soon realized the necessity of better methods and facilities for carrying on and continuing the good cause then in its infancy, and the importance of co-operation to attain the desired results became more and more apparent. With the beginning of the year 1866, Elder George Q. Cannon commenced the publication of a Sunday School periodical which was called the Juvenile Instructor. While on foreign missions he had become deeply impressed with the importance of taking steps at home to instruct the children of the Latter-day Saints in a systematic man. ner in the principles of the everlasting Gospel. To his mind there seemed to be a greater field at home for missionary effort among the rising generation than among any other people or anywhere else in the world. Realizing the value of the press in inculcating proper ideas upon this subject, he became convinced that a journal devoted to the Sunday School interest would be of great value. The effect of the publication of the Juvenile Instructor was almost immediately felt throughout Zion. It was a means of strength- ening the hands of those who had the Sunday School cause at heart, and it gave shape and direction to the efforts which were being made in the organization and maintenance of Sunday Schools. Its influence at that time was thus most beneficial, and was a powerful agency in bringing about concentration of effort in this direction. It performed in those early days a most excellent mission, and during the thirty-four years which have elapsed since then, it has continued this mission and has done most effective and valuable work. As early as the Spring of 1866 the organization of a Sunday School Union was suggested by William H. Shearman, in a letter writ- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 15 ten to the Juvenile Instructor, and published in the issue of that paper dated April 15, 1866. The following year, at the October con- ference of the Church the desirability of an organization for the promo- tion of theSundaySchool cause throughout Zion received some attention, and on the 4th of November following a meeting of interested Sunday School workers was held in the Thirteenth Ward Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, for the purpose of effecting a central organization. This was the first move made among the Latter-day Saints for such a pur- pose. There were not so many present as was expected at this gather- ing, so an adjournment was made until one week later. At the second meeting there was a better attendance. Among those present were Presidents Brigham Young and Daniel H. Wells, Apostles George A. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Brigham Young, Jr. George Q. Cannon presided at this meeting, and stated that the objects in assembling were to endeavor to arrive at an under- standing of the best system of teaching in Sunday School, and to organize a Sunday School Union. At this meeting it was proposed to call the organization about to be formed the "Parent Sunday School Union," the idea prevailing then that this organization would be but the first of such a character and that others would be established through- out the Territory after the pattern of this one. Apostle George Q. Cannon was elected president of the Union, Elder Edward L. Sloan, secretary, and Elders George Goddard and Robert L. Campbell corresponding secretaries. Apostles Brigham Young, Jr., Albert Carrington and George A. Smith were chosen as a committee to examine and decide upon books suitable for Sunday School libraries. During the meeting President Brigham Young in- structed those present on various points connected with the Sunday School movement and the cause of education in general. He spoke of the value his early Bible reading had been to him in his ministerial labors of after years, and of the benefit the Elders had ever derived from an extensive acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures. He was followed by Apostles George A. Smith and George Q. Cannon. The latter stated that Elder David 0. Calder had kindly volunteered to teach gratu- itously the tonic-sol-fa system of music to the Sunday School teachers as soon as a sufficient number would come forward to form a class. It was not until the year 1872 that this central organization, 16 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. afterwards recognized by the name of the "Deseret Sunday School Union," assumed a more compact and definite form. On the 12th of June of that year a meeting of Sunday School superintendents and teachers was held in Salt Lake City. At that meeting the desire for a more active organization was expressed, but in the absence of the president of the Union no action was taken further than to appoint a committee, composed of Elders George Goddard, John Morgan and John B. Maiben, to present the minutes of the meeting to Apostle George Q. Cannon, who had some five years previously been elected president of the Union, for his approval, to make known to him the feel- ings expressed at the meeting, and to invite his counsel and co-opera- tion in bringing about a more extended concert of action: to give greater impetus and solidity to the efforts of the Union. The commit- tee waited upon Elder George Q. Cannon, and he heartily endorsed the sentiments of the meeting. Another meeting was held on the 24th of June, at which it was decided to hold regular meetings of Sunday School workers on the first Monday in each month. These gatherings were first held in the old City Hall, corner of State and First South Streets, Salt Lake City, then in the Council House which formerly stood on the corner of Main and South Temple Streets; afterwards in the Fourteenth Ward assembly rooms, still later they were held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall. They continued to grow in interest until they were among the most popular and most largely attended of any of the assemblies of the people of Zion. At these meetings Sunday School topics were discussed, suggestions as to the best method of conducting Sunday Schools were offered, and lectures on teaching, etc., were delivered. In 1884 these general monthly meetings were given in charge of the Sunday School authorities of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion and be- came a stake institution; and the general meetings of the Union were appointed to be held twice a year at the times of the general con- ferences of the Church. In reading the minutes of the regular meetings of the Union, it is exceedingly interesting to note that many of the same subjects that are still considered among the most important were then can- vassed with much vigor, and that the instructions given were to a very great extent the same as those that it is still found necessary JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 17 to inculcate. The subjects of punctuality, of the grading of the schools, of rewards, of the necessity of books and publications adapted to the use of the Sunday Schools of the 1 Saints, of a collection of hymns and songs composed by members of the Church, with suitable music, of keeping a register of attendance of members, of preserving records of schools, of furnishing statistical reports, of selecting suitable works for Sunday School libraries, of securing larger average attendance, and of the spiritual development of the pupils, arejfound among those which received attention in the early meetings of the Union. It is a source of gratification to know that the consideration of these questions at those meetings was not in vain. Through the efforts of the Union Board many of the urgent wants and necessities among Sunday School workers in past years are now supplied. Their labors have brought about a greater uniformity in the methods of conduct- ing Sunday Schools, and higher efficiency in class teaching. The suggestions and instructions they have given, their missionary labors among the schools of Zion, and the numerous publications issued, have greatly aided in bringing about this better condition. GROWTH OF THE UNION. The first statistical reports received from the Sunday Schools in Zion were in 1872. From them may be gained an idea of the extent and numerical strength of these organizations at that period. These schools were then all located within twenty counties of Utah and two counties in Idaho, namely: Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Iron, Juab, Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, Rich, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, Washington and Weber in Utah, and Bear Lake and Oneida in Idaho. From 20 of these counties reports were received. These reports showed that there were 190 schools then established. The total membership in them, exclusive of 41 that failed to report, was 14,781, counting officers, teachers and pupils. The annual report for 1899 27 years later gives the number of schools embraced within the Deseret Sunday School Union as 982, and shows a total enrollment of 119,998 members, which includes those abroad in mission fields. From this it will readily be seen that the growth of the Union as represented by the increase of Sunday Schools and Sunday School members, has been very rapid. 18 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The spread of Sunday Schools into new territory during the same period has been no less remarkable. The reports of 1874 show that schools had been established in Uinta County, Wyoming, and Lin- coln County, Nevada, in addition to those in counties already named. Previous to the death of President Brigham Young, which oc- curred on the 29th of August, 1877, a more thorough organization of the wards and stakes of Zion was effected by the general authori- ties of the Church, and the Sunday School reports for 1876, and con- tinuously ever since, contain statistics for each stake, instead of for each county as previously given. The stakes represented in that year's report (1876) were: Bear Lake, Beaver, Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Juab, Kanab, Millard,Morgan, Panguitch, Parowan, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, St. George, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch and Weber. With- in these stakes was embraced practically all the territory of the counties already mentioned, and of course the reports from them included all Sunday Schools of the Saints within their boundaries as well as any other schools in places adjacent. As the Saints settled in new localities other stakes of Zion were formed and new Sunday Schools were established. During the next ten years Sunday Schools were reported in five new stakes in Arizona, namely: Little Colorado, Eastern Arizona, Maricopa, St. Joseph and Snowflake, also in Emery and San Juan stakes in Utah, Bannock and Cassia stakes in Idaho, and in San Luis stake in Colorado. Later on re- ports were received from schools in other stakes formed of settle- ments in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oregon. The enforcement of prescriptive congressional enactments against the Saints caused many of them to seek homes in places outside the confines of the United States. Some went to Mexico and others to Canada, and established colonies in each of those countries. There they made homes, were organized into wards and settlements and later into stakes of Zion. Sunday Schools were established in their midst and have become permanent institutions, as they are in other stakes. Of late years the mission Sunday Schools of the Latter-day Saints throughout the world have been brought within the fold of the Deseret Sunday School Union and have been privileged to receive of the bene- fits of its supervision and fostering care. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 19 For detailed information concerning the numerical growth of the Union the reader is referred to the tables under the heading "Statistics," which appear later on; and for date of organization of the various Sunday Schools and other information concerning them he is referred to the history of individual schools in another part of this volume. The growth of the Union, greatly increased the business devolv- ing upon its officers, and made it necessary to open an office where its affairs might be attended to, and to which application might be made for information upon matters pertaining to Sunday School work, as well as for literature and such supplies as were furnished by the Union Board. For many years after its organization the Union was without a permanent place for holding the business meetings of its officers, and its publications were handled by various business houses. In January, 1891, rooms for the office and headquarters of the Deseret Sunday School Union were secured in the Constitution Building, Salt Lake City. In November, 1897, the office was removed to the Templeton Building, its present location. ATTAINMENTS OF THE UNION- To set forth in full all that has been accomplished by the Deseret Sunday School Union, under the blessings of the Lord, and through the untiring labors of its officers and those who have assisted them, will not be attempted here. Only the most important actions of its officers and the most prominent achievements of the Union will be noted in the following pages. FIRST PUBLIC CELEBRATION. Prominent among the early undertakings of the Union officers was that of getting up a grand Sunday School celebration. This musical festival or jubilee, as it was called, was held in the Large Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, on the 24th of July, 1874 the twenty- seventh anniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into Salt Lake Valley. It was a most pleasing and meritorious celebration, and will be ever remembered by those who participated in it. The project originated with the officers of the Union more than a year before it took place, and elaborate and well-studied preparations were made to insure a complete success. 20 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The importance of this jubilee demands more than passing notice, as its influence upon the Sunday School work and upon the musical interests of the community, has been far-reaching. It not only awakened renewed and more extended interest in the good work, but resulted in perceptibly advancing the cause in other respects. The songs and music rendered on the occasion were written by home poets and musicians, and the appearance of these songs in print and their public rendition encouraged others who had talent in that line to compose additional pieces for publication and use in the Sun- day Schools; thus much talent that was either latent or undeveloped was brought out and made serviceable. The rehearsing of the songs for the celebration added interest to the various schools that partici- pated, and served as an initiative step towards securing better musical exercises in many of them, and caused greater attention to be given to this important feature of all our religious gatherings. The in- terest thereby created in the subject of music, and the funds realized from the receipts of the great celebration enabled the Union officers to issue music books and other publications for which the Sunday Schools were in great need. The success of this celebration led the Sunday School authorities of other places to hold similar jubilees on a smaller scale; and for several successive years afterwards musical festivals were held in the Large Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. The Deseret News of July 25, 1874, contained the following account of this first grand Sunday School celebration : THE GREAT JUVENILE JUBILEE AX IMMENSE SUCCESS. The great Juvenile Jubilee, for which there had been so much previous preparation, and to which the anticipations of thousands had, for a con- siderable time, "forward pointed the view," came off yesterday at the New Tabernacle. For at least a couple of hours before the time announced for the com- mencement of the performances, the streets in the vicinity of the Temple Block appeared alive with people, mostly children of the various Sunday Schools, who flowed in from every direction, in order of procession under the guidance of their superintendents and teachers, and the gaiety of the scene was intensified by the music from bands in the vicinity. We have several times alluded to the decorations of the interior of the huge building the great center-piece suspended from the ceiling, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 21 -the garlands, wreaths, festoons, mottoes, flags, banners, and a thousand other things too numerous to mention now. We may merely say that they exceeded in beauty, general excellence and appropriateness any of the kind that we have ever witnessed, and expressions of admiration concerning them were, as far as we are aware, universal. The representations emblemat- ical of the condition of these valleys in 1847, contrasted with that of 1874, were well conceived and arranged, the first consisting of an archway of sun- flowers and sagebrush embellished with a massive head of a buffalo, with a tableau vivante of Indians, and the other composed of evergreens, choice flowers and a tableau of cultivated people. The pictures spoke for them- selves. ****** * The Sunday School children of four counties, Salt Lake, Utah, Davis .and Weber, were there, and the aggregate number must have been some- where between 8,000 and 10,000, and therefore every foot of space had to be utilized; even the aisles were seated, so that the body of the building appeared one mass of human faces. The gallery was occupied as the auditorium, and, like every other part was crowded. On the stand, in front of the organ, were Presidents Brigham Young, George A. Smith and Daniel H. Wells, most of the Twelve Apostles, and a number of other leading Elders. In front, on a large platform, was Professor C. J. Thomas, the con- ductor of the Jubilee, and his orchestra, and immediately behind him were the adult and juvenile choirs, numbering between two and three hundred persons. Elder George Q. Cannon, general superintendent of the Sunday School Union, George Goddard, his assistant, J. B. Maiben, the secretary and the executive committee were also in that vicinity, 'directing and managing the arrangements. * * * * At twenty-five minutes to twelve the Ogden brass band played a selec- tion from "Tancredi," giving evidence of splendid training. * * The opening hymn "0 Lord, accept our Jubilee," was then sung by the assembled thousands of children, and as their mingled voices swelled with the rising notes, or fell to gentler cadences with the lower tones, the effect was complete, and if there be a soul who could witness such a scene and listen to sounds so heavenly unmoved, he must indeed be dead to the finer vibrations of feeling of the heart, incapable of appreciating the sources of more refined enjoyment. Prayer was offered by Elder Orson Pratt. The adult and juvenile choirs and the whole of the children through- out acquitted themselves splendidly, each piece in the program being 22 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. excellently sung, showing that those who had performed the labor of training them for the occasion had not been idle. The accompaniment on the grand organ by Brother Joseph J. Daynes, was as good as could be desired, as were also his solo performances on the same instrument. Sister E. F. Thomas sang with great sweetness, "Standard of Zion" and "Hark! Listen to the Music!" of the words of which latter she is the author. The performances of the orchestral band were really fine, and would have done credit on any occasion; in fact the great Jubilee was a great success even beyond anticipation. After the opening piece of the second part was sung, President Brig- ham Young delivered a short but most eloquent, impressive and instructive address, principally directed to the children, in which he contrasted their condition with that of their fathers and their mothers twenty-seven years ago, traced the providence of God as being over the Saijits, enabling them to attain their present desirable condition of comparative prosperity, and exhorted all to be true to the principles for which their parents had suffered and which some of whom had sustained at the sacrifice of everything earthly, their lives included. After the singing of another piece, President George A. Smith also spoke in the same encouraging and edifying manner; afterwards Elder George Q. Cannon, general superintendent of the Sunday School Union, also delivered a suitable address. The singing exercises concluded with, "Praise God from whom all ble ssings flow," etc., in which the whole assemblage, including spectators, joined, making the sound like the "rushing of many waters." The benediction was pronounced by President George A. Smith. Before the children left the Tabernacle about 10,000 buns were dis- tributed among them. It is estimated that there must have been about fourteen thousand people in the building, while many stood on the outside, around the entrances, unable to gain admittance. Everybody has been lavish in deserved praise of Brother C. J. Thomas, the able conductor of the Jubilee, who acquitted himself to the entire sat- isfaction of everybody concerned, and the performance of yesterday indi- cated how incessantly he must have labored to produce such gratifying results. The labors of the officers of the Deseret Sunday School Union and the executive committee of the Jubilee have also been indefatigable. The officers are George Q Cannon, general superintendent, George Goddard, assistant general superintendent, John B. Maiben, secretary and William McLachlan, treasurer. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 23 The following are the names of the gentlemen and ladies composing the executive committee: George Goddard, J. B. Maiben, William McLach- lan, George Reynolds, Robert Campbell, S. L. Evans, H. P. Richards, H. G. Park, William Asper, Rodney Badger, George H. Taylor, Richard Ballan- tyne, David John, Willian Paxman, Nathan T. Porter, Elizabeth Goddard f Wilmarth East, Anne Cross, Margaret Young, Mary Paul, Eliza J. Brooks, Agnes S. Park and Elizabeth F. Thomas. The decorations were made under the directions of W. V. Morris & Son; the festooning under the direction of C. F. Williams; the artificial flowers under the direction of Sister Anne Cross; and the floral decoration department was managed by John Reading. The furniture was in care of H. Dinwoodey. The upholstering department was directed by Soren P. Neve; and all needed alterations, etc., were superintended by Henry Grow. Besides the aforementioned parties a large number of gentlemen and ladies were exceedingly active in their labors, giving most hearty assist- ance in the good work. The following were appointed a committee on subscriptions: Bishop Thomas Taylor, Lewis S. Hills, James P. Freeze, Theodore McKean, Bishop E. D. Woolley, Thomas Jennings and James T. Little. The grand Sunday School Jubilee is a memorable affair, and took place on the anniversary of a memorable day. * * Such affairs are calculated to give an impetus to the grand movement whose object is the proper culture and training of the rising generation, that they may develop and progress in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and there are blessings in store for all who labor diligently, devotedly and disinterestedly in a work of such magnitude and nobility. It may be here added that the songs sung upon this occasion were selected from poetical contributions sent to the Union in response to a call for such compositions as would be suited for the purpose. To Professors Charles J. Thomas, Ebenezer Beesley, and Jos. J. Daynes was assigned the work of composing music for the songs chosen. The names of those composing other committees appointed to assist in preparing for the Jubilee are: On decoration Samuel L. Evans, William Eddington, Henry Grow, Henry Maiben, George M. Ottinger, William V. Morris, Soren P. Neve, Peter Reid, James Evans, Henry Dinwoodey, J. Hardman, C. Davey, William C. Morris, Martin Lenzi, Dan Weggeland, John Reading, H. G. Park, C. F. Williams, F. W. Schoenfeldt, Elizabeth Goddard, Eliza J. Brooks, Sister Hardy, 24 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Mary Paul, Margaret Young, Anne Cross, Wilmarth East, Eliza- beth F. Thomas; on platform William Asper, Henry Grow, James Leatham, C. J. Thomas, C, M. Donelson, J. K. Hall, George H. Taylor, A. M. Mortimer, Thomas Latimer, William McLachlan, Peter Reid; on finance George Reynolds George C. Lambert, H. P. Richards, Wm. McLachlan; on refreshments George Goddard, Henry Wallace, J. Gronlund, Samuel L. Evans, George H. Taylor; on program George Q. Cannon, George Goddard, C. J. Thomas. Others who rendered assistance were James Dwyer, H. J. Campbell, W. J. Hooper, Thomas Harris, Henry W. Tovey, James Currie, Joseph Walker, Robert Irvine, H. B. Folsom, H. Schofield and John Q. Cannon. UNIFORMITY IN SCHOOL GOVERNMENT. From reports received from the schools, and through personal visits, the Union officers found that there was a lack of uniformity in the conducting of the different Sunday Schools. With a view to overcome this and to improve their general discipline a code of rules for the guidance of Sunday Schools was prepared and issued in printed form and furnished to each school in Zion. This important move by the Deseret Sunday School Union Board was made in the year 1876. As stated in the circular issued in con- nection with the rules, they were suggested to the Sunday Schools "with a view to secure uniformity in their government as far as practicable." The adoption of these rules and of other suggestions were urged upon the various Sunday Schools of Zion by circular letters, at general meetings of the Deseret Sunday School Union held at the time of the annual and semi-annual conferences of the Church and by personal visits of the Union officers. As a result of these efforts great improvement in discipline and efficiency has been wrought in all schools where attention has been paid to the sugges- tions and instructions given. A copy of these rules is here repro- duced, with such additions and alterations as have been subse- quently made. RULES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1. Every school should be as fully organized as possible. A complete organization consists of a superintendent, first and second assistant super- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 25 intendents, secretary, librarian, treasurer, assistant secretary, assistant librarian and sufficient teachers. 2. The superintendent and his assistants should see that all rules adopted for the school be strictly observed by the whole school, not for- getting to set a good example. 3. The secretary should keep a teachers' roll; and also take minutes of each school session, and the following Sunday morning, after calling the teachers' roll, read them in a clear, audible voice, for the acceptance of the school by vote. These minutes should be recorded in a suitable book, called the "Sunday School Record of - - Ward." He should also be prepared, when required, to promptly make out a correct statistical report, which, after being examined and approved by the superintendent, should be sent to the stake superintendent, and a copy kept on file. The secretary and his or her assistant should be good penmen, and take pleasure in keeping the record and reports neat, clean and ready for reference. 4. The librarian should have charge of all the books, cards, etc., pre- serve them in as good order as possible, and keep a correct register of all books loaned and returned. 5. The treasurer should keep a careful account of all funds received and expended for the school, and only disburse the same on orders from the secretary, which he should preserve as vouchers, when his accounts are audited. 6. Assistant officers should qualify themselves, and be ready to prop- erly attend to the duties of their offices whenever needed. 7. The name and attendance of every pupil should be kept in a class register. 8. Officers, teachers and pupils should be punctual and regular in their attendance. 9. The school should be graded as far as practicable, and every pupil placed under a suitable teacher, 'and not allowed to change from one class to another without permission. 10. The school should be punctually opened by singing and prayer. 11. All male members of the school should strictly observe due respect on entering by uncovering the head, and on leaving, should keep the head uncovered until they reach the door. 12. No loud talking, or playing, or running in and out should be allowed during school hours. 13. Reading should be confined as much as possible to Church works, such as the Old and New Testaments, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Cove- nants, Catechism, Sunday School Union Readers, Cards, etc. 2 26 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 14. Children should be encouraged to learn portions of the Scriptures, Articles of Faith, Catechism, etc. 15. Reading exercises should be conducted with as little noise as pos- sible, by each scholar reading, and answering questions, so as not to be heard by other classes. 16. The smallest children, where suitable teachers can be obtained, should be taught orally, and, if possible, in a separate room. 17. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper should be administered in the school, according to special counsel of the First Presidency. 18. The exercises should be made varied and interesting, with singing, instrumental music, brief addresses, asking questions, recitations, etc. 19. Those who address the School should use simple, easy language, and be brief, interesting and impressive, and always speak loud enough for every child to hear what is said. 20. The entire school should be encouraged to join with the choir in the singing. 21. After the reading exercises are over, the books used by each class, should be kept together by a strap and buckle, with the number of the class marked on the strap. 22. Children should always leave the school in an orderly manner, and not be allowed to leave their places until after the benediction. 23. Quarterly reviews of the school should be held, in order that the parents may see the progress of their children. GEORGE Q. CANNON, General Supt., GEORGE GODDARD, Assistant Supt. THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, In the year 1877, by direction of the First Presidency of the Church, a new feature of much importance was introduced into the services of the Sunday Schools of the Saints that of administering the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the children. The propriety of introducing such a practice had been sensed for some time by active school workers, and they were gratified when it was directed by the presiding Church authorities that the Sacrament should be administered in the Sunday Schools of Zion by the ward Bishops or under their supervision. All children under the age of eight years, and those over that age, who have been baptized into the Church, are privileged to partake of the Sacrament. The introduction of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper into the Sunday School service has JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 27 resulted in good. The partaking of the sacred emblems, the instruc- tions given concerning their purport, together with the singing of suitable hymns during their administration, serve to give the children a better understanding of the divine mission of the Savior; and they are thereby constantly reminded of the necessity of reverencing His name and obeying His laws. ENCOURAGEMENT OF MUSICAL TALENT. What the Union has done to develop musical talent in the midst of the Saints may be regarded with pleasant satisfaction. Its officers have ever recognized the elevating influence of the divine art, and especially the value of good singing in the Sunday School and in places of worship generally. To encourage musical talent among the youth of Israel the Union has adopted various means. The holding of annual jubilees or musical festivals has already been mentioned. Con- gregational singing has been constantly advocated, and the neces- sity of good music in the Sunday School has been urged repeatedly. From time to time classes have been formed for the purpose of training children to sing, with the view of having those thus trained take the lead in the singing exercises of the schools to which they belonged. In August, 1875, the Deseret Sunday School Musical Union was organized as an auxiliary to the general Union, for the purpose of advancing the cause of music in the Sunday Schools. It was an organization of short duration, its members however voluntarily ten- dered their services toward helping the Sunday School cause. Among those belonging to the Musical Union and others of the musical profession who deserve mention for the valuable services rendered to the Deseret Sunday School Union are: David 0. Calder, Charles J. Thomas, Ebenezer Beesley, Adam C. Smyth, John S. Lewis, Thomas C. Griggs, George Careless, Thomas Mclntyre, Joseph J. Daynes, and Evan Stephens. The last named did much towards securing better singing in the Sunday Schools of the Salt Lake Stake by conducting singing classes composed of pupils selected from the schools of Salt Lake City and vicinity. Musicians in other Stakes and settlements have also lent their aid for a similar purpose in their respective localities, and it 28 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. is proper to recognize their efforts as being of great assistance in the advancement of music in our Sunday Schools. In 1881, through the suggestion and encouragement of the Union, a number of fife and drum bands were organized in connection with the Sunday Schools in various wards and settlements. Music for them was specially arranged and printed by the Union. At a later date the Deseret Sunday School Union Brass Band was organized. While none of these musical organizations have been perpet- uated they served to awaken interest in the divine art among the young people of the community, and were productive of good. In 1883 the Union offered several hundred dollars in prizes for original poems and musical compositions suitable for use in Sunday Schools. In response to this offer a collection of songs and anthems set to music were received. These songs with others already in hand, and which had been published on cards and in pamphlet form were compiled with some few additional selections into a book and pub- lished especially for the Sunday Schools of Zion. This work was one that was greatly needed, and the several large additions of it which have been issued are evidences of its usefulness and popularity. An idea of the extensive use made of this collection of songs may be gained from the fact that since January, 1884, 35,000 copies of the songs set to music and 60,000 copies of the songs without the music have been issued. MISSIONARY WORK. The entire labors of the Union officers might be regarded as missionary work. Since the organization of the Union its officers have served without monetary compensation. They have accepted their calling as a mission and carefully performed their many arduous duties as a labor of love. But the missionary work now especially referred to is that performed among the Sunday Schools of Zion under the direction of the Union Board. From the early years of the existence of the Union its officers have been diligent in visiting the Sunday Schools for the purpose of rendering them assistance by sug- gestions, counsel and encouragement. In order that none of the schools in the settlements of the Saints might be neglected, the brethren of the Sunday School Union Board have at times taken JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 29 extended trips to distant parts of the country solely for the purpose of meeting with and assisting the schools in those places. In the latter part of 1878, Elders Samuel L. Evans, William Willes, Frederick A. Mitchell, Stephen R. Marks, John C. Cutler and Levi W. Richards were appointed, with the approval of the general Church authorities, as missionaries, to assist the Union officers in visiting among the Sunday Schools. The first two brethren named were appointed as missionaries at large, and the others were assigned to labor in the Salt Lake Stake of Zion. In May, 1881, John Alford was appointed to succeed Elder Mitchell as a Sunday School missionary, the latter having been called to be a Sun- day School superintendent. On September 19, 1890, Elder William Willes, owing to declining health was honorably released from his position as a Sunday School Union missionary. Elder Willes had been a diligent Sunday School worker for years previous to receiving his call as a missionary in the cause. The others called at the same time as missionaries under the direction of the Union Board, with the exception of those who were members of the board, had previously been assigned to labor under the direction of the Sunday School superintendency of the Salt Lake Stake, in which stake, it will be remembered, they were originally called to labor. In January, 1892, forty-one missionaries were called from differ- ent stakes to labor for a short period under the direction of the Union Board. They were sent to the several stakes of Zion, with instructions to continue their labors until they had visited every ward in the stake assigned them. They were to hold meetings, in the interest of Sunday School work, to encourage those engaged in the work, and seek to arouse renewed interest in the cause generally. Later that same year in August a number of special Sunday School missionaries were called to a similar work. Their names were: N. T. Porter, of Centerville, Davis Stake; S. S. Jones, and James Hardy of Provo, Utah Stake; William Paxman of Nephi, Juab Stake; William H. Wright, of Ogden, and Charles Wright, of Plain City, Weber Stake. Again that same year seventy-two more mission- aries were called to the same work. 30 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In connection with the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, a Sunday School normal training class was organized in November, 1892. It was taught by the faculty of that institution under the direction of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board. The Board also contrib- uted means for carrying on the work. In January, 1893, one hundred Sunday School workers, from Salt Lake, Utah, Davis, Juab and other Stakes, were called to attend this class, for the purpose of receiving the training there given, and thus qualify themselves for more efficient service in the schools from which they were called. In the latter part of the same year forty-eight more Sunday School workers were called to take a course of the same character in the same institution, for a similar object. The call of the brethren and sisters to this work was made with the sanction and approval of the Church authori- ties, and was regarded by them in the same light as a call to perform missionary work abroad, and those who responded received due acknowledgement as having performed regular missionary labor. Another effective plan adopted by the Union Board to raise the standard of efficiency of Sunday School workers was the establishment of model Sunday Schools. On November 4, 1894, a model school was organized in Salt Lake City, under the direction of Prof. Willard Done, and one under the direction of Prof. Benjamin Cluff, Jr., at Provo; a few weeks later one was established at Ogden, under the direction of Prof. L. F. Moench. The prominent educators who con- ducted these schools gratuitously contributed their services, and labored under appointment of the Union Board. These Model Sun- day Schools were held each Sabbath morning for a term of weeks during the winter season. Sunday School workers from the schools of the respective stakes in which these model schools were held were called to attend them, and received practical instruction in the art of conducting a Sunday School in all its branches. INAUGURATION OF "NICKEL DAY." The desire of its officers has ever been that the Union should not become a burden upon the people nor the Church, and with this desire in view they have sought to meet all expenses, incurred in its main- tenance by calling upon them as little as possible for assistance. For many years the only means the Union had with which to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 31 carry on its work were derived from the proceeds of jubilees, concerts, excursions, etc., and from the sale of its publications. Previous to the year 1891 only two general calls upon the Sunday Schools for assistance were made by the Union, one was for funds with which to publish a catechism for use among the native Saints of the Hawaiian Islands. The idea of giving the members of all the Sunday Schools throughout Zion the privilege of contributing five cents annually towards the support of the Union was first suggested in July, 1891. Later in the same year it was decided to assign the first Sunday in September* as "Nickel Day" in all the Sunday Schools of the Church, and to invite the members to make a voluntary contribution of five cents, or more, for the benefit of the Union and the stake Sunday School organizations the latter to receive twenty per cent, of the amount collected in the schools of their respective stakes for their general expenses. Accordingly circulars explaining this propo- sition were sent to all the schools of the Union. The plan met with general approval, and "Nickel Day," has become an established insti- tution throughout the Sunday Schools of the stakes of Zion and the United States missions. The same day is likewise assigned for receiv- ing contributions of relative value in the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools in foreign countries. This annual collection has been a source of revenue which is of much assistance to the Union, and at the same time it is not burdensome to the schools. Considerable of the fund collected is used for procuring books, charts, etc., for gratuitous distribution among the schools of Zion and in the Latter-day Saints missions abroad, so that what the pupils con- tribute to the Union is largely returned to them in publications for their use and benefit. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN AT THE SALT LAKE TEMPLE. A very pleasing event worthy of record in connection with Sun- day School work, is that of the visit of the Sunday School children to the Salt Lake Temple during the period of its dedicatory services. As it fell to the lot of the Union Board under the direction of the *The date was afterwards changed to the last Sunday in October. 32 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Church authorities to make all necessary arrangements for it, this visit may very properly be mentioned in connection with the labors of that body. Friday and Saturday, April 21st and 22nd, 1893, were assigned by the Presidency of the Church for the Sunday School children to visit the Temple, and participate in suitable services to be held therein. An invitation to attend these services was extended to all children under the age of sixteen years who were enrolled in the Sunday Schools of the Saints. Reduced rates on the railways were secured for the occasion, and a large number of children from the settle- ments adjacent to Salt Lake City and from other places on the rail- way lines came to visit the Temple on the dates named. Five meetings were held with the children in the Temple, and it was esti- mated that there were thirteen thousand of them entered the build- ing during the two days. The children were first permitted to pass through the various apartments of the sacred edifice from the base- ment to the upper floor. Here, in the assembly room, services were held, consisting of congregational singing, prayer, and rendering the "Hosanna" shout. The First Presidency, the Apostles and the Superintendency of the Deseret Sunday School Union were introduced to the children and spoke to them upon appropriate topics. The ser- vices were closed with singing and prayer. The youthful visitors were very orderly and attentive while in the Temple; and no doubt were favorably and lastingly impressed with what they saw and heard. STAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCES. The proposition to hold Sunday School Conferences annually in each Stake of Zion first received consideration by the Union Board in June, 1893. The Presidency of the Church expressed their approval of the idea and directed that the practice be adopted. The first of these Sunday School Conferences was held in the Sevier Stake of Zion, November 4th and 5th, 1893. It was attended by Elders George Goddard and Thomas C. Griggs, as representatives of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board. Since then these confer- ences have been continued and have become an established institution connected with the Sunday School work. Almost invariably they are JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 33 attended by members of the Union Board, one object in holding them being to afford the general officers an opportunity to learn of the condition and progress of the various schools in the several stakes of Zion. In these meetings reports are made by the officers of the respec- tive schools within the stake; exhibitions of the methods of conducting class exercises are presented ; questions regarding Sunday School matters are explained; and remarks of encouragement and instruc- tion are given. HUMANE DAY. At a meeting of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board held January 7, 1897, it was decided to recommend that the last Sunday in February each year be observed as "Humane Day," in all the Sunday Schools of the Saints. An explanation of this feature, and the object sought by its introduction, are set forth by General Super- intendent George Q. Cannon in the Juvenile Instructor of January 15, 1897, as follows: The Deseret Sunday School Union Board have discussed the propriety of doing something in the direction of impressing the children with lessons concerning the proper treatment of animals, and have appointed Sunday, February 28, as Humane Day. In appointing this as Humane Day it is the design to have the usual services and lessons taken up on that day in the Sunday School, in their regular order; but that in addition to these,, addresses be given by persons selected for the purpose, which will set forth in as forcible a manner as possible the propriety of being kind and consid- erate to the animal creation, especially those domestic animals with which children are most closely brought in contact. The object of these addresses will be to teach the children kindness, mercy, forbearance and love toward all the living, creations of God. SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHOOLS ESTABLISHED BY THE UNION. While seeking to promote the spiritual welfare of the youth of Zion generally, the Union officers have not been unmindful of the needs of the less favored classes in the community. It was observed that in the School for Deaf- Mutes, conducted in connection with the Deseret University, there were a number of children of Latter-day Saints who might be benefitted by receiving 34 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. religious instruction such as is imparted in the Sunday Schools of the Church. In April, 1891, Elder Thomas C. Griggs of the Union Board, was appointed to make some investigations regarding the practica- bility of organizing a Sunday School with such members of the Deaf- Mute School as were willing to attend. Owing to the lateness of the season the time for closing the day school for the summer being near at hand the investigation was postponed for a time. The next season, when the School for Deaf-Mutes opened, the consent of the board of regents of the University and of the parents of the children were obtained, and a Sunday School was organized January 10, 1892, with a membership of eleven boys and sixteen girls. The first place of meeting was in the Nineteenth Ward Relief Society building. The school was afterwards moved to the Latter-day Saints' College building, on First North Street, Salt Lake City. Elder Charles H. Barrell was appointed superintendent and Elder Laron Pratt assist- ant. The Sunday School was conducted by these officers during the school term each year until the Deaf-Mute Institute was removed to Ogden. In October, 1896, the school was started again in the school for the Deaf-Mutes and the Blind at that place. Elder Edwin A. Stratford was ^appointed superintendent and Elder Pratt continued as an assistant. During this same month October, 1896 members of the Union Board, with the consent of the board of trustees of the now newly- named Utah State School for the Deaf- Mutes and the Blind, organized a class for the blind in connection with the Deaf-Mute Sunday School. This class met with the deaf-mutes. In 1888, while serving a term of imprisonment for conscience sake lin the Utah penitentiary, General Superintendent George Q. Cannon found opportunity to establish a Sunday School there, which he did by permission of the warden. While he remained there he took charge of the organization. The Union Board presented this school with an organ to aid in its musical exercises. Other special Sunday Schools that have been established in the community are those organized for the education of the Lamanites, or Indians. One such school is situated in the Indian town of Wa- shakie, in the Oneida Stake, and one in Indianola, Sanpete Stake, men- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 35 tion of which will be found in the history of individual schools in another part of this volume. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Of recent years one of the most important moves upon the part of the Union Board was that of holding a convention of the Sunday School workers of Zion. At the Deseret Sunday School Union semi-annual conference held October 9, 1898, it was proposed that such a gathering be called for the purpose of 'Infusing new life into every department of our Sun- day Schools." The suggestion of such a project is evidence of the solicitude and vigilance of the Union Board in applying every avail- able means for the further advancement of the great work under their supervision. The labor of preparing for the proposed conven- tion was at once energetically prosecuted, and in anticipation of the coming important event much enthusiasm was aroused within^the ranks of Sunday School workers. Committees were appointed to make all necessary preparations for the convention; the delegates chosen from the various stakes were cordially received on their arrival; and during their sojourn in Salt Lake City, where the convention was held, they were comfortably provided for, and everything necessary was done to make their visit pleasant as well as profitable. On the Sunday just previous to the day of opening the convention the visiting delegates were escorted by local Sunday School workers to the various Sunday Schools of Salt Lake City and vicinity, where they had the privilege of witnessing the morning's exercises; and in the evening they were given the opportunity of addressing the meetings of the Saints in those wards upon Sunday School topics. This convention the first of the kind in the history of the Latter- day Saints was held in the Assembly Hall on November 28 and 29, 1898, General Superintendent George Q. Cannon presiding. Three sessions were held each day. Every Stake of Zion was represented at these meetings by a delegation of Sunday School workers. An idea of the nature of the exercises of the convention may be gained from the program carried out, which was as follows: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1898 MORNING SESSION. 9:30. Singing Practice under the direction of Elder George D. Pyper. 36 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Organist Prof. J. J. McClellan. Cornetist , Prof. John Held. The following songs were rehearsed: "A Jubilee Song," (Deseret S. S. Song Book, p. 143); "Hope of Israel," (p. 34); "Marching Homeward," (p. 35); "Gather Round the Standard Bearer," (p. 145). 10:00. Opening Prayer Elder George Teasdale. Song, "Come Along," p. 124) By the Congregation. Address of Welcome General Supt. George Q. Cannon. 10:30. Objects of the Convention Elder George Reynolds. 10:45. The Sunday School Treatise and its Uses... Second Asst.General Supt. Karl G. Maeser. Organ solo, "0 my Father" Prof. J. J. McClellan. 11:20. How to best maintain order in the Sunday School Elder Seymour B. Young. Remarks, \ First Asst. General Supt, Song, "Hold the Fort," } George Goddard. 11 :50. How to secure the attendance of delinquent pupils Elder James W. lire. Singing, "Zion Prospers, all is Well," (p. 85) By the Congregation. 12:20. Benediction Elder Heber J. Grant, AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:00 Singing Practice of the folio wing songs: "To- day," (Page 154); "The Primary March," (Page 166) By the Congregation. 2:30 Opening Prayer Elder Francis M. Lyman. Song, "Sowing," (Page 68) By the Congregation. The Nickel Fund Elder Hugh J. Cannon. 3:00 Sunday School Teachers' Meetings and their Objects Second Asst. General Supt. Karl G. Maeser. 3:30 How to use the Leaflets Elder James E. Talmage. Song, "The Holy City" Elder George D. Pyper. 4:00 Home Reading in Connection with the Sun- day School Elder Joseph M. Tanner. Song, "Marching Homeward," (Page 35).... By the Congregation. 4:30 Benediction... .. Elder Franklin D.Richards. JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 37 EVENING SESSION. '7:00 Singing Practice of the following songs: "Marching Home," (Page 128) ; 'Til Serve the Lord While I am Young," (Page 17); "Hope of Israel," (Page 34) By the Congregation. 7:30 Opening Prayer Elder Angus M. Cannon. Song, "Weary Not," (Page 136) By the Congregation. How to Grade the Sunday School Elder George H. Brimhall. 8:00 The Relation of the Sunday School to the Church Elder Heber J. Grant. Song, "0 Lord, Have Mercy" Miss Mabel Cooper. 8:30 The Sunday School as an Auxiliary to the Home Elder Nathan T. Porter. Song, "Sunshine in the Soul" Elder George D. Pyper. 9:00 The Home as an Auxiliary to the Sunday School Elder Jos. W. Summerhays. Roll Call of the Stakes. Song, "Gather Round the Standard Bearer" (Page 145) By the Congregation. :9:30 Benediction Elder George Goddard. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 MORNING SESSION. 9:30 Singing Practice of the following: "The Lord is my Light," (Page 121); "March- ing Homeward," (Page 35) By the Congregation. 10:00 Opening Prayer Elder Heber J. Grant. Cornet Solo, "Then You'll Remember Me" Prof. John Held. Kindergarten and Infant Classes in the Sunday School Miss Donnette Smith. 10:30 Punctuality, How Best Secured Elder Lars E. Eggertsen. Song, "In Our Lovely Deseret" Elder George Goddard. 11:00 The Sunday School Superintendent Elder George A. Smith. 11:30 The Sunday School Teacher Elder Louis F. Moench. Song,"Gather Round the Standard Bearer," (Page 145) By the Congregation. 12:00 Benediction Elder C. D. Fjeldsted. AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:00 Rehearsal of "Waiting for the Reapers," (Page 30) By the Congregation. .2:30 Opening Prayer Elder George Reynolds. 38 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Organ Solo, "0 Ye Mountains High" Prof. J. J. McClellan. 2:35 Sunday School Choirs and their relationship to Congregational Singing Elder Thomas C. Griggs. 3:00 Lesson on Presentation of the Authorities Elder John W. Tate. 3:15 The Administration of the Sacrament in the Sunday School Elder Francis M. Lyman. Song, "Hosanna" Elder Heber S. Goddard. 3:30 How to conduct Sunday School Conferences Elder Karl G. Maeser. 4:00 Suggestive program for Sunday School Con- ferences to be held in 1899 Elder George Reynolds. 4:15 Our approaching Semi-Centennial Cele- bration Elder Jos. W. Summerhays. 4:20 Remarks General Supt. George Q. Cannon. Song, "0, My Father" Elder George D. Pyper. 4:30 Benediction President Joseph F. Smith. EVENING SESSION. 7:00 Singing practice of the following Songs: "Ere the Sun Goes Down," (Page 132); "The Lord is my Light," (Page 121); "Hope of Israel," (Page 34) By t^e Congregation. Cornet "Solo, Alice, Where Art Thou?" Prof. John Held. 7:30 Opening Prayer Elder L. C. Pond. Song, "Sowing," (Page 68) By the Congregation. How to Prepare a Sunday School Lesson . . . Elder Newton E. Noyes. 7:45 Remarks First Assist. General Supt. George Goddard. Tenor Song, "Beyond this Vale of Tears" Elder George D. Pyper. 8:00 The Bible in the Sunday School Elder George Teasdale. 8:30 The Book of Mormon in the Sunday School Elder John M. Mills. Song, "Humbly Before Thee" Mrs. Nellie Druce Pugsley. 9:00 Remarks on "Word of Wisdom" General Supt. George Q. Cannon. 9:20 Reading of Reports and Resolutions Elder L. John Nuttall. 9:25 Song, "America" By the Congregation. 9:30 Benediction President Joseph F. Smith. The proceedings of the convention were considered of such practical value and importance to Sunday School workers that they were published in full by the Union. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 39 The names of those who served on the various committees for this convention are: George Reynolds. George Goddard. John F. Bennett. George D. Pyper. John M. Mills. Lillie Young. GENERAL COMMITTEE: Joseph W. Summerhays. COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION: Levi W. Richards. Bertha Irvine. Elizabeth Fames. Sarah Gillett. Mae Taylor. George D. Pyper. Alice Howarth. Lutie Grant. Annie Owen. Jessie Christopherson. COMMITTEE ON L. John Nuttall. James W. Ure. William B. Dougall. Florence Home. Leone Wardrop. Mamie Wardrop. William H. Summerhays. SUBSISTENCE AND INFORMATION: Louie Beers. Emma Ashton. Carrie Richards. Bertha Ashton. Bertha Atkin. Lena Walsh. Annie Gustaveson. Afton Young. Gertrude Derbidge. Louise Eardley. Lillian Burt. Katie Case. Josephine Woolley. Laura Patrick. Belle Barton. COMMITTEE ON APPOINTMENTS: George Reynolds. George D. Pyper. Richard S. Home. Joseph W. Summerhays. Thomas C. Griggs. W. S. Burton. COMMITTE ON TRANSPORTATION: Joseph W. Summerhays. William C. Spence. COMMITTEE ON DECORATION: Hugh J. Cannon. C. J. Thomas. STENOGRAPHERS: Arthur Winter. Leo Hunsaker. CHIEF MESSENGER: H. C. Barrell. Frank M. Barrell. Ashley. Wallace. Joseph H. Parry, Jr. Raymond Bradford. MESSENGER BOYS: Willard H. Reynolds. George H. Taylor. Edwin F. Parry, Jr. Leslie J. Saunders. Albert Bollschweiler. Carl Burton. Harold Young. Joseph Price. Lawrence Miner. 40 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. There were 2,095 delegates assigned to the convention from the various states, territories and missions, as follows: 1,983 from the state of Utah; 106 from adjoining states; 3 from Canada; 2 from the state of Tennessee; and 1 from Mexico. Of the above number of delegates 1,810 attended the convention and received badges. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNION. The published works of the Union have been without question one of its most potent means for advancing the Sunday School cause. The number of valuable works prepared and issued under the super- vision of the Union Board have proven to be of great assistance to Sunday School workers. The publications issued by the Union, aside from roll books, class registers, report blanks, etc., are herewith named: "Original Songs and Music," containing the songs set to music which were rendered at the grand celebration of July 24, 1874. It appeared in pamphlet form, and three editions were printed, aggregating 10,500 copies. Music cards, each containing two songs set to music, were issued periodically, commencing in March, 1877, numbered from one to twenty- four. Five thousand copies of each were printed as a first edition, and some were republished making a total of over 120,000. "First Book for our Little Friends," was first issued in June, 1879. It was published to supply the children of the Latter-day Saints with desir- able and appropriate reading, and to supply a much-needed text book for Sunday School pupils not far enough advanced to read and study the Holy Scriptures. Four editions of the book have been printed, aggregating 20,000 copies. "Second Book for our Little Friends," was prepared for readers a little in advance of those using the First Book. It was first issued in April, 1880. Two editions were published in all 12,000 copies. "Joseph the Prophet," containing questions and answers on the life and mission of Joseph Smith, was first published in June, 1882. An edition of 6,000 copies was printed. "Ke Alakai" is a translation of Jaques' "Catechism for Children," pub- lished in the Hawaiian language. It was issued especially for the benefit of the children of the Latter-day Saints who are natives of the Hawaiian Islands. An edition of 2,000 copies was printed. "Deseret Sunday School Union Music Book." This work was issued to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 41 supply an urgent demand for a collection of songs set to music suitable for use in Sunday Schools. The music cards previously issued were somewhat of an experiment, but they served to awaken a desire for a more extended collection. The Music Book contained one hundred pages and eighty-eight songs. It first appeared in January, 1884. Four editions were printed, aggregating 20,000 copies. "Deseret Sunday School Song Book," is an enlarged edition of the Music Book described above, and was first issued in 1891. It contains most of the songs that appeared on the Music Cards and in the Music Book, as well as quite a number of additional pieces, making a work of 200 pages. Three editions of this book in its enlarged form have been printed, making a total of 15,000 copies. " Childrens' Sunday School Hymn Book " contains the words of the songs in the Deseret Sunday School Music Book, those on the Music Cards, and those in the Jubilee Song Book. The first edition was published in 1888. Three more editions in a revised form have been published. In all 60,000 copies have been printed. ''Guide for the Officers and Teachers of Sunday Schools." The purpose of this work is made clear by the title. It contains suggestions in regard to grading the Sunday School, what subjects should be taught in each grade, the text books and books of reference to be used, conditions of pro- motion, etc. It is a pamphlet of twenty-four pages, printed in 1892. An edition of 3,000 copies was issued. "Sunday School Work." A report of a series of lectures on the above subject delivered by Professor Karl G. Maeser, in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall, June 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1892. An edition of 5,000 copies was printed. "Sunday School Treatise." This work is of the same character as the Sunday School Guide, previously issued, though more comprehensive, and takes the place of that little work. It treats fully upon all subjects connected with Sunday School discipline. The first edition was published in 1896. Two editions have been printed aggregating 10,000 copies. "Deseret Sunday School Union Leaflets" contain prepared Scriptural and historical lessons arranged in successive order and adapted for Sunday School class work. They are issued in sheet form, each leaflet containing one lesson. One hundred and seventy-two numbers have been issued since June, 1889 the date of the first publication. Over two and a half mill- ions of copies have already been printed, and the publication of them is being continued. "Book of Mormon Chart," Part I, contains twelve large lithographed 3 42 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. pictures in colors, illustrative of the Book of Mormon narrative. These charts were prepared at considerable labor and expense, costing over $2,000 for the work. To procure designs for the pictures, prizes to the amount of $240 were offered to competing artists and awarded to those whose pro- ductions were accepted. The chart was published in 1892, and 1,000 copies were printed. "Book of Mormon Chart," Part II, is similar in size and style to Part I, and is a continuation of the same narrative. It was issued in 1897, 1000 copies being printed. "Book of Mormon Chart Cards," Parts I and II, contain miniature copies of the pictures on the charts, together with explanations of the scenes represented. Of these cards 20,000 sets of Part I and the same number of Part II were printed. "Bible Charts." In order to obtain suitable charts illustrative of Bible scenes, selections were made from pictures issued by eastern publishers. To bring them more in conformity with the ideas of the Latter- day Saints and make them better adapted for Sunday School use, the Gen- eral Board had these charts altered both in subject and text. The first set of Bible Charts was published in 1895. An edition of 500 copies was issued. Four new sets of Bible pictures have since been prepared and sim- ilar editions published. In connection with them, Bible Chart Instructors, especially prepared under the direction of the Union Board, have also been issued. "Proceedings of the First Sunday School Convention of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." This pamphlet contains a full verbatim report of that assembly. It was published in the early part of 1899, an edition of 6,000 copies being printed. Besides the works named above a large number of catechism cards and cards containing the Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have been published by the Union, and have received a wide circulation. The Juvenile Instructor. Although this magazine is not published by the Union, it has since the beginning been issued in the interest of Sun- day School work, and the education and elevation of the youth generally, and is recognized as the official organ of the Deseret Sunday School Union. Besides serving as a medium for conveying the instructions and sug- gestions of the Union officers to the Sunday Schools, the Juvenile Instructor has been of much assistance to teachers and pupils, containing as it does wholesome literature for the youth of Zion, as well as numerous helps to Sunday School workers in the way of catechisms suited to different grades JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 43 of pupils, and other prepared lessons and supplementary readings adapted to class use. SUNDAY SCHOOL STATISTICS- No general attempt was made to collect statistical information concerning the Sunday Schools of the Latter-day Saints until the year 1872. Since that time efforts have been made each year to secure full and correct reports from all schools embraced in the Deseret Sunday School Union. Roll books for keeping the names of Sunday School members and a record of their attendance have been published, and blank forms for statistical reports have been forwarded annually to each school for the purpose of procuring such informa- tion as was considered of importance and interest. The blank forms used at first merely called for a report of statistical information regarding the number of officers, teachers and pupils enrolled, the number of classes, the number of books in library, the funds received and disbursed, and the character of prizes awarded to pupils. In later years more elaborate blank forms were prepared, and when properly filled up they not only give a statistical report of a school, but furnish historical information respecting it, and a statement of its general condition. These reports have enabled the general officers of the Union to observe the condition, note the progress, and learn of the needs of the schools. The following tables of statistics will serve to indicate the extent of the Sunday School work in 1872, and its present magnitude. The summary which appears on page 48 will also show its numerical growth each year from 1872 to 1899. Owing to the fact that many of the schools were unprepared at the time to furnish statistical information, the report of September 15, 1872, is incomplete in some of its details. 44 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. FIRST STATISTICAL REPORT OF THE DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, COUNTIES. s "p, o> 1 Schools not i,v pM N<>. Male 1 .- .n-1,,-1 . No. Kelliale Teachers. f.\ 2 "S. 2 J2 "3 d & No. Female Pupils. Total No. Pupils. No. Bible Classes. No. Testament Classes. No. I'.ook ol Mor- mon Classes. No. Doc. ,V Cov'nt ( 'lasses. No. Theological Classes. No. .Juvenile Instruc'r Classes. Beaver 1 10 15 5 5 8 4 6 5 3 3 27 10 4 8 4 13 i 6 14 3 3 5 2 9 5 7 1 4 2 24 46 109 41 9 13 19 47 14 5 3 124 28 14 22 59 13 24 74 30 52 97 29 16 8 18 48 17 5 133 30 13 22 78 12 :;:, 75 54 98 206 70 25 20 37 95 31 10 6 257 58 27 44 137 25 59 149 1VJ 369 903 248 71 96 124 361 100 33 30 1062 701 167 129 150 430 75 180 553 232 456 11 .".' 280 91 154 157 444 108 4:. 25 1377 854 194 121 172 589 129 241 620 414 825 2023 528 162 250 281 805 208 78 2439 1555 361 250 322 1019 204 421 1173 1 11 19 6 9 1 24 3 1 5 9 1 3 12 6 17 54 15 ; 6 20 6 4 1 61 6 3 2 62 7 17 31 4 - 19 6 1 1 7 4 1 2 26 2 3 10 2 6 14 3 8 6 1 1 1 5 3 7 1 2 2 4 1 2 7 1 1 9 1 1 10 2 2 1 1 32 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 1 Box Klder Cache Davis Iron Juab Kane Mlllard Morgan Onelda (Malad Valley) Idaho Plute Rich Salt Lake San pet e Sevler . . .... Summit Tooele Utah Wa^atch Washington Weber Total, 149 41 721 1408 5964 . 7409 13373 118 330 129 54 28 52 GEORGE Q. CANNON, General Superintendent of Sunday Schools. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 45 FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 15, 1872. 1 3 1 tn a | I C ^L- in 6 CTJ fl to s < ** 2 90 Am't of Fun< Treasurj Character Prizes. Names of Superintendents 9 7 6 3 41 Win. Fotheringham 17 13 12 3 90 305 73.25 43.95 29.30 Jas. By water 20 29 31 12 231 991 110.05 61.87 48.18 ... . Moses Thatcher 12 9 6 4 62 620 263.90 167.70 96.20 Nathan T. Porter 4 5 3 2 21 4 4.70 2.10 Rewards Cards W. C. McGregor 5 4 6 36 90 16.00 16.00 Juvenile Instructor 3.50 Nelson*! Cards ..Samuel Pitchforth 1 5 10 3 47 122 Geo. Spilsbury 14 15 17 10 96 206 58.60 47.80 68.90 Thos. Callister 6 5 4 2 28 40.80 39.80 1.00 Jos. R. Porter 4 3 4 17 Prizes Scripture Pi. lures . \. Goodliffe 1 1 1 6 30 W.P.Nebeker 81 40 34 6 244 3418 284.55 230.15 73.15 Geo. Q. Cannon Wm.T. Reid 12 12 15 7 59 18 38.10 34.35 5.55 H. P. Miller 5 5 7 27 90 35.00 23.00 12.00 Alma D. Rogers 7 6 6 5 42 371 62.76 54.50 7.00 . . .F. J. Hanimerland 21 15 10 2 138 1664 153.15 77.55 75.60 David John 3 4 5 23 16.60 13.60 3.00 John Gallagher 6 5 8 5 53 291 45.00 40.00 2.00 Samuel Miles 19 19 21 8 133 425 238.09 209.85 See Report 30.24 R. Rallantyne 203 202 206 72 1394 8645 1440.55 1062.22 455.62 JOHN B. MAIBEN, Secretary. ANNUAL STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS STAKES OK ZION. Name of Stake -=.4 153 1029 Fremont Wm. J. Young Lyman, Idaho 21 1200 260 174 424 231 1521 Juab Juarez Langley A. Bailey S. C. Richardson Nephi, Utah Colonia Diaz, Mex. 11 8 499 403 107 73 106 86 213 159 133 104 673 727 Kanab Jos. E. Robinson Kanab, Utah 7 299 37 57 94 63 436 Malad J. W. Dudley Malad, Idaho 11 511 88 68 156 95 636 Maricopa George W. Lewis Mesa, Arizona 5 236 5C 35 85 47 344 Millard Joshua Greenwood Fillmore, Utah 10 507 113 97 210 138 846 Morgan F. W. Clark Morgan, Utah 11 493 100 78 178 122 434 Oneida Wm. Kirkup Franklin, Idaho 20 997 212 159 171 221 1383 Panguitch Alma Barney Panguitch, Utah 13 541 102 95 197 106 719 Parowan Jos. H. Armstrong Cedar City, Utah 7 346 61 68 129 78 649 Pocatello Lvsander C. Pond Pocatello, Idaho 14 638 114 91 205 127 599 Salt Lake Thomas. C. Griggs' 346 W. ist So. Salt Lake 66 2386 762 580 1342 1007 6654 San Juan James B. Decker Bluff, Utah 6 277 51 56 107 61 333 San Luis Ira B. Whitney Sanford, Colo. 6 269 64 97 61 439 Sanpete Newton E. Noyes Ephraim, Utah 23 1012 242 212 454 282 2095 Sevier W. A. Seegmiller Richfield, Utah 17 765 149 141 290 181 1369 Snowflake James M. Flake Snowflake, Arizona 13 534 -- 86 163 104 418 St. George Richard Morris St. George, Utah 26 1210 166 160 826 213 1352 St. Johns J. W. Brown St. Johns, Arizona 8 398 67 72 139 s4 417 St. Joseph Samuel J. Sims Pima, Arizona 13 553 111 122 233 1 ' '.' I 741 Star Valley Edm'd McLatchie Afton, Wyoming 9 420 85 75 160 105 586 Summit John Boyden Coalville, Utah 14 660 115 81 196 124 770 Tooele Anders G. Johnson Grantsville, Utah g 446 98 78 176 100 599 Uintah James Hacking Vernal, Utah 12 507 120 87 207 103 708 Utah Lars E. Eggertsen Springville, Utah 49 2364 682 517 1199 684 5280 Wasatch Joseph H.Lambert Heber City, Utah 14 655 130 94 224 135 862 Wayne Joseph Eckersley Loa, Utah 15 554 82i 95 177 477 Weber Thomas B. Evans Ogden, Utah 29 1421 360 277 637 466 2741 Woodruff Wm. Beveridge Almy, Wyoming 15 594 110 96 206 118 706 Total of Stakes, an 29291 64925385 11877 75L'4 I 47438 VARIOUS MISSIONS. Australia F. E. Barker Sydney, New So. Wales , 5 257 121 5 1 7 12 81 California Ephraim H. Xye San Francisco, Cal. 6 208 20 10 30 24 83 Colorado John W.Taylor Denver, Colo. 2 89 10 7 17 12 39 British Platt D Lyman Liverpool, Eng. 31 1363 99 37 136 69 326 E. States W. H. Smart Brooklyn, N. Y. 12 408 30 78 56 187 German A. H. Schulthess Hamburg, Germany 9 363 31 10 41 Hawaiian Chas. C. Bush Honolulu, H. I. .:> 1194 134 50 1M ]:-,2 560 loseppa Colony Netherlands W. H. Haleman A. L. Farrell loseppa, Tooele Co.,U. Rotterdam, Holland 1 9 47 482 11 40 10 21 66 16 39 57 ls:< New Zealand Ezra T. Stevenson Auckland, N. Zealand 26 1 18 91 71 866 N. States Louis A. Kelsch Chicago, III. 14 491 55 78 >;i iv> N.W.States F. S Bramwell Baker City, Oregon 17 49 46 95 57 164 S. States Ben E. Rich Chattanooga, Tenn. 115 3402 257 591 430 1078 S.W. States Wm. T. Jack St. Johns, Kansas 11 361 44 23 67 43 123 Samoan Wm. G. Sears Apia, Samoa 18 594 32 4 36 36 200 Scandinavian Andreas Peterson Copenhagen, Denmark 9 r.M7 124 70 194 143 422 Swiss H. E. Bowman Berne, Switzerland 8 226 8 3 11 10 39 Totals of Missions 325 12025 1124 629 1753 1261 | 4230 Totals of Stakes 11^77 7.Y.M 4748s Grand Totals !'s-.' 41316 76166(114 13630 BTSB! 51668 SUNDAY SCHOOLS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER SlST, 1899. STAKES OR ZION. i f 1 131 ill 1 w t-^'l |j| ji~ H 4 11 *i -5 i i! 8=g , & . i l s J 1-S "il" : s=M y 51 1 iCi fil If I* ii i it Jf-sl * s ~ = oe ".= = Hi s I|I* ! M T3 I Si* 1 ' !! s. y i 1 If 1 p : i 429 913 558 3 1032 313, 209 145 246 $ 280 $ 11595, $ 11875 $ 9808 $ 2067 518 1013 520 1197 367 177 186 283 7113 14707 21820 19052 2768 1381 2777 1697 7 3155 1237 493 476 571 6039 36570 42609 30069 12540 551 1050 811 40 1231 379 263 161 172 75 3755 11080 14835 12188 2647 1188 2403 1188 2 2795 834 472 444 628 25 3742 23035 26777 23735 3042 1432 2906 1582 14 3371 998 667 566 778 5874 50962 - 56836 495% 7240 3169 6259, 3786| 8 6920 2042 1366 1356 1495 29921 76186 106107 72652 33455 591 1151 1:41; 1339 458 270 214 209 6136 14135 20271 17029 3242 1730 3412 1549 4 3791 1362 564 551 935! 4198 43512 47710 41137 6573 1129 2158' 11891 2412 854 493 475 336 2".;.; 95657 97723 80530 17193 1515 3036 1469 10 3470 1178 590 553 715 4795 38032 42827 36880 5947 829 1502 1008 1715 418 372 359 303 50 7410 18165 25575 22864 2711 665 1392 889 1551 172 2! 13 269 358 11161 23671 34832 23254 11578 468 904 555 998 386 141 155 222 380 15410 15790 14893 897 662 1298 645 1454 560 248 233 246 11 3045 13660 16705 15074 1631 322 666 371 3 754 304 66 105 188 3 3350 4495 7845 6055 1790 967 1813 1184 4 2027 693 335 292 498 15411 22467 37878 20659 17219 423 857 472 10 1045 303 141 144 259 10 I'.!:;:, 5045 6980 5710 1270 1242 2625 1337 4 3000 766 :,.-,2 386 ^72 49 9222 25577 34799 30536 4263 728 1447 842 1644 568 305 271 BOB 1045 8693 9738 9218 520 778 1427 770 2 1558 645 274 169 339 3532 8041 11573 76 72 3901 547 1146 621 5 1356 423 230 160 330 3 1305 138 75 15180 13065 2115 7453 14107 j 8776 25 15474 5833 2708 2352 3214 82666 448769 526434 430152 96282 346 t;7'. 439 786 2S2 141 135 121 725 12455 13180 12150 1030 416 855 499 952 262 176 131 286 1313 9690 11003 10725 278 2242 4337 2667 4791 1563 988 876 ' 13235 477 75 61010 51899 9111 1564 2923 1736 3 3226 '.<:,< 548 608 768 50 4468 21590 26048 23270 2778 419 837 494 7 1007 336 196 162 14:; 2065' 6825 8890 7465 1425 1313 2665 1660 6 2997 947 559 532 .,27 1125 18655 197801 17327 2453 341 758 447 6 903 269 133 160 196 2471 12761 15232 10266 4966 810 1551 704 9 1793 653 255 214 421 s 1085 16821 17906 16481 1425 589 1175 607 7 1342 459 188 234 294 585 9704 10289 8934 1355 754 1524 si)4 6 1726 264 274 6343 26958 33301 31806 1495 626 1225 s:r> 4 1406 458 245 220 2-. 3 4439 25980 304 19 25317 5102 842 1550 S44 8 1766 583 2M 280 37s 2s 5446 19315 24760 20853 3907 5764 11044 6240 13 12256 3722 2247 2238 2827 10 43521 156175 199696 155664 44032 858 1720 1133 10 1954 598: 404 332 373 13 7115 15741 22856 15298 7558 463 940 573 3 1120 366 ls7 174 213 645 5838 6480 5650 830 2871 5612! 3618 25 6274 1857 12(17 1081 1358 491 23992 130836 154828 135071 19757 745 1451 781 9 ii;i;u 589 231 258 297 76 6221 20919 27140 21352 5788 49580 ' 97018 54543 257 109152 35966 19391 17911 23287 463339163! 1576374 1915537 1562356 353181 VARIOUS MISSIONS. 89 170 95 187 21 1 21 29 24 75 1840 1840 360 1480 87 170 123 16 216 47 33 30 60 201 870 1071 730 341 37 7<; 40 93 30 31 15 175 175 135 40 408 734 419 870 108 145 40 177 264 1080 4441 5521 3375 2146 178 365 160 443 105 72 28 160 208 3628 3836 2537 1299 169 327 211 368 103 85 4 119 16 2510 2510 2510 667 1227 553 1411 102 34 76 358 657 8785 8785 4980 3805 36 75 43 96 10 14 10 41 160 780 940 780 160 213 396 303 7 469 166 66 106 36 22 240 8000 8240 7880, 360 421 7s7 452 4 882 107 22 150 130 378 150 332 235 410 23 109 68 132 83 2836 2919 2573 346 170 334 222 429 123 71 28 100 12 600 2265 2865 2135 730 1184 2262 1316 18 2871 744i 346 239 718 215 1542 9997 11539 8897 2642 161 284 170 351 130 10 19 91 34| 1540 1540 1540 168 B66 307 404 150 15 203 601 1023 636 1217 189 192 135 273 234 6665 40520 47185 37687 9498 79 118 80 129 118 4818 904 r,:?r,5 4r, 10846 2158 1266 1180 2419 2025 107 79 88187 98966 76119 22847 49580 97018 54543 257 I Dili; r,2 35966 19391 17911 23287 463 339163 1576374 1915537 1562356353181 54398 106066 59908 302^19998 381241 20657 19091 25706 2488 '3499 42 1(564561! 2014503 16384 75 3760 2S 48 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. TABLE SHOWING NUMBER OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS, OFFICERS, TEACHERS AND PUPILS EMBRACED WITHIN THE DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, AS REPORTED EACH YEAR FROM 1872 TO 1899. YEAR No. SCHOOLS No. OFFIC- ERS AND TEACHERS No. MALE PUPILS No. FEMALE PUPILS TOTAL No. OFFICERS, TEACHERS AND PUPILS NOT RE- PORT- ED RE- PORT- ED 1872 41 149 1408 5964 7409 14781 1873 17 169 1939 7978 8140 18057 1874 23 167 2425 7980 8721 19126 1875 23 162 2588 9678 10733 22999 1876 263 3929 15009 15028 33966 1877 11 222 3698 12889 13956 30543 1878 272 4656 14343 14454 33453 1879 19 265 4998 15215 15542 35755 1880 10 274 5321 15921 16565 37807 1881 14 291 5635 16622 17497 39754 1882 15 305 5995 1756b 18100 41660 1883 13 362 6738 20313 20186 47237 1884 10 382 7424 22520 22136 52080 1885 19 397 7953 24493 23538 55984 1886 14 424 8344 26135 25407 59886 1887 25 408 8024 25171 24889 58084 1888 19 449 8450 25825 26357 60632 1889 34 421 8725 26550 27441 62716 1890 479 8668 28828 29152 66648 1891 536 8610 29907 30862 69379 1892 5 567 8947 33332 34520 76799 1893 3 614 9435 36626 37595 83656 1894 690 10055 40395 41526 91976 1895 761 10811 43231 44551 98593 1896 826 11476 45914 46734 104124 1897 956 12444 47972 49105 109521 1898 1017 13317 50862 52524 116703 1899 982 13932 51668 54398 119998 FINANCES. As has already been explained, the Union has been sustained financially, since, the year 1891, by what is known as the "Nickel JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 49 Contribution" a fund derived from the annual collection of five cents or an equivalent amount from the pupils of the various Sunday Schools, A statement of the amount derived each year from this source will be of interest, and is herewith given: RECEIPTS FORM ' 'NICKEL CONTRIBUTION." YEAR ESTIMATED TOTAL AMOUNT ESTIMATED 20 PER CENT RETAINED BY STAKE OFFICERS. BAL. RECD. BY GEN. TREAS. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 $ 2041.14 1703.29 1615.08 2024.33 3097.55 3126.21 3614.26 3890.08 4357.35 $ 340.66 323.02 404.87 619.51 625.24 722.85 778.02 871.47 $ 2041.14* 1362.63 1292.06 1619.46 2478.04 2500.97 2891.41 3112.06 3485.88 Totals, $25469.29 $4685.64 $20783.65 OFFICERS OF THE DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION- When the Union was organized, in June, 1867, as has already been stated, Apostle George Q. Cannon was chosen as its president. He has stood at the head of the organization ever since that time, though subsequently recognized by the title of general superintend- ent instead of president. At the same time, Elder Edward L. Sloan was chosen as secretary; Elders George Goddard and Robert L. Campbell, recording secretaries; Apostles Brigham Young, Jr., Albert Carrington and George A. Smith, committee on books for Sunday Schools. In 1872 a change of some of the officers was made. George * In 1891 the total amount collected from the schools was paid into the hands of the general treasurer, but since that year twenty per cent has, by direction of the General Board, been retained by the stake officers to- meet the legitimate stake Sunday School expenses. 50 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Goddard was chosen as an assistant to General Superintendent George Q. Cannon; John B. Maiben was chosen general secretary and William McLachlan general treasurer. Elder Goddard held the office of first assistant general superintendent until his death, January 12, 1899. In August, 1875, Elder Maiben, having been called to be bishop at Manti, Sanpete County, was honorably released from the office of general secretary and Elder McLachlan was appointed his successor. He acted as secretary and treasurer for a few months, when he was called on a mission to New Zealand. The vacancies thus caused were filled by the appointment, in December, 1875, of Elder Levi W. Rich- ards as general secretary, and of Elder George Reynolds, in Febru- ary, 1876, as general treasurer of the Union. Elder Reynolds had previously been acting as auditor and treasurer pro tern. At the time of Elder Richards' appointment as secretary, Elder Thomas Champneys was appointed assistant secretary ; and after the removal of the latter to Ogden John C. Cutler was assigned to that position as well as to that of assistant treasurer. On the 18th of September, 1878, a standing committee on finance and one on publication were appointed to labor in connection with and under the direction of the general superintendency. Those composing the finance committee were Elders John C. Cutler, Samuel L. Evans and George H. Taylor. The publication committee was composed of Elders George Reynolds, Thomas C. Griggs, Levi W. Richards, Louisa Lula Greene Richards and George C. Lambert. Upon the decease of Elder Evans of the finance committee, in May, 1881, Thomas E. Taylor was appointed to succeed him, and upon the departure of Elder Lambert on a mission to Europe, in November* 1882, Abraham H. Cannon succeeded him as a member of the publi- cation committee. Elder Cannon died, July 19, 1896. In June, 1883, the organization of the general superintendency of the Union was made complete by the appointment of Elder John Morgan as second assistant to Superintendent George Q. Cannon. In January, 1887, Elders Karl G. Maeser, Joseph W. Summerhays and Charles F.Wilcox were called to the assistance of the Union officers. In April, 1887, Elder George H. Taylor was honorably released from his position as a member of the finance committee on account of other public duties. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 51 In April, 1889, the Executive Board of the Deseret Sunday School Union was formed, consisting of the general officers and such of the standing committees as were in a position to continue their labors with the Union. Previous to that time the executive power rested with the general officers alone, but owing to the increase of labors demanded of them by reason of the growth of the work, and the frequent absence of the general superintendent on account of his many other duties, this strengthening of the Executive Board was considered .advisable. The names of those composing the Board at this time were: George Q. Cannon, George Goddard, John Morgan, George Reynolds, Levi W. Richards, John C. Cutler, Thomas C. Griggs, Abraham H. Cannon, and Joseph W. Summerhays. At the close of the year 1890, Elder Levi W. Richards, owing to other public duties requiring his attention, and the increase labors devolving upon the secretary of the Union, was honorably released from the secretaryship. For more than fifteen years he had faithfully and efficiently performed the duties of this office. Elder John M. Whittaker was appointed to succeed him as secretary. In December, 1890, Elder John C. Cutler was called upon a mission to Europe, and was released from acting as a member of the Board and assistant secretary. On April 5, 1891, Apostles F. M. Lyman and Heber J. Grant were sustained as members of the General Board; and November 30, 1892, Elder John C. Cutler, upon his return from a mission, was again added to that body. The latter was released October 3, 1897, having been chosen as counselor to the bishop of the 4th ward, Salt Lake City. After the death of Elder John Morgan, which occurred July 14, 1894, Elder Karl G. Maeser was chosen as his successor in the superintendency. Elder Joseph M. Tanner was chosen as a member of the General Board August 15, 1895; and December 29, 1896, Apostle George Teasdale and Elder Hugh J. Cannon were called to act in the same capacity. In 1897, Elder Whittaker, was called upon a mission to the Eastern States, and December 1 of that year Elder George D. Pyper succeeded him as general secretary. On November 15 of this same year Elder Leo Hunsaker was appointed assistant secretary. 52 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Other members of the General Board of the Union are: Elder Andrew Kimball, chosen and sustained at the general Sunday School conference held October 3, 1897; President Joseph F. Smith, chosen and sustained at the general Sunday School conference held April 10, 1898; and Apostle John W. Taylor, chosen and sustained at the gen- eral Sunday School conference held April 9, 1899. The following named Elders were chosen, on the dates given, as aids to the General Board: L. John Nuttall, James W. Ure, October 3, 1897; John F. Bennett, John M. Mills, William B. Dougall, W. D. Owen, December 2, 1897; Seymour B. Young, Christian D. Fjeldsted, January 13, 1898. The death of Elder George Goddard, January 12, 1899, left the position of first assistant general superintendent vacant. The officers of the Union December 31, 1899, were: GENERAL SUPERINTENDENCY. George .Q. Cannon, General Superintendent Karl G. Maeser, Second Assistant General Superintendent George D. Pyper, General Secretary George Reynolds, General Treasurer Leo Hunsaker, Assistant Secretary MEMBERS OF DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION BOARD. George Q. Cannon Heber J. Grant Karl G. Maeser Joseph M. Tanner George Reynolds George Teasdale Thomas C. Griggs Hugh J. Cannon Joseph W. Summerhays Andrew Kimball Levi W. Richards Joseph F. Smith Francis M. Lyman John W. Taylor AIDS TO THE BOARD. L. John Nuttall William B. Dougall James W. Ure William D. Owen John F. Bennett Seymour B. Young John M. Mills Christian D. Fjeldsted In reflecting upon the Sunday School work of the Latter-day Saints, one cannot fail to be deeply impressed with the extraordinary JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 53 magnitude to which it has grown. From its humble and obscure beginning it has spread forth upon all sides with accelerating speed, and developed in excellence and usefulness until it has enlisted the interest and awakened the admiration and pride of the Saints every- where, and is recognized by all as a mighty power for good in the land, as well as a constant source of strength and support to the Church. That the Deseret Sunday School Union has, by the blessings of the Lord, aided very materially in bringing about this desirable con- dition will not be denied; and what it has accomplished for the pro- gress of the Sunday School work may be regarded with satisfaction and gratitude. The growth of the Sunday School movement and the principal projects inaugurated by the officers of the Union for its continued development and advancement have been dwelt upon in preceding pages. It is fitting, before concluding this sketch of the general Sunday School work to acknowledge the valuable services of those who have been prominently connected with it. Too much cannot be said in commendation of the self-sacrificing devotion to the cause which these noble workers have manifested by freely contributing their time, energies and talents towards its promotion. Among those whose efforts were exerted at an early day to establish a union of the Sunday Schools of Zion, and to promote the Sunday School cause generally, Apostle George Q. Cannon was, and has ever since been, one of the leading spirits. During the winter of 1864, at a time when the few earlier schools had mostly discontinued, he established a school in the 14th Ward, Salt Lake City. A short time later in January, 1866 he started the publica- tion of the Juvenile Instructor, which he designed as an educator of the youth; and through its columes he has done much to further the Sunday School movement among the Saints by the useful instruc- tions, lessons and other helps to Sunday School workers which this periodical contains. His executive ability, his wise counsel and suggestions, together with the influence of his position in the Church, have also been a most valuable aid to the cause. Not- withstanding his many other public labors, Elder Cannon has ever found time to give attention to the duties of his office as general 54 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. superintendent of the Deseret Sunday School Union a position he has ably filled since its first organization. Elder George Goddard was connected with the Union from the beginning until his death first as corresponding secretary and later as first assistant general superintendent. The latter appointment he received in 1872. Elder Goddard was an indefatigable worker in the Sunday School cause, and was remarkably fitted for the position he held. His marked individuality and earnestness of character were such that they impressed themselves for good upon those about him. For many years he devoted nearly the whole of his time and energies to the duties of his calling as an officer of the Union. He traveled extensively in its interests, continuing his visits to schools of the various stakes until within a few weeks of the time of his death. He became known throughout every stake of Zion, and wher- ever he went he won the hearts of both young and old by his attract- ive manner and loving disposition. The name of Brother Goddard and the history of the Sunday School work in Zion are inseparably connected, and will ever remain so in the hearts and memories of the present generations of the Saints. Elder John Morgan, who was chosen as Second Assistant General Superintendent of the Union in June, 1883, had been prominently identified with the interests of the Sunday School Union from the earliest years of its existence, though his long service in the mission field abroad kept him away from the body of the Church during the greater part of the time for a period of some fourteen years. Elder Morgan was an experienced educator, possessed of abundant energy and exceptional executive ability; and by his pleasant, discreet man- ner and humble spirit he was enabled to wield an influence for good wherever his lot was cast. His labors for the advancement of the Sunday Schools of the Saints were ever earnest and untiring, and of a highly practical nature. After the death of Elder Morgan, Elder Karl G. Maeser was chosen as Second Assistant General Superintendent of the Union. He still holds this position, for which he is eminently qualified by edu- cation, ability, and experience. His long connection with the Brigham Young Academy, at Provo, as its principal, and his labors as general superintendent of Church schools, had already made him well known JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 55 throughout the Church, and had endeared him to those of the youth of Zion who were so favored as to have attended the places of learn- ing under his care and to have made his acquaintance. His new position did not take him into a new field, for he had been laboring for the promotion of the Sunday School movement all the time while connected with the other institutions; and his call to the superin- tendency only enlarged that same field of usefulness. Elder Maeser has traveled much throughout the stakes of Zion, and his wise, prac- tical instructions to Sunday School workers have been of great value to the Sunday School cause. Much of the detail work of the Union Board has necessarily been done by committees. On the standing committee on publication has fallen the heaviest load. The preparation of nearly all the books, charts, leaflets, cards and other works issued by the Board has devolved upon this committee. Its present chairman, Elder George Reynolds, who is also the treasurer of the Union and, with the excep- tion of the general superintendent, the senior member of the Board, has held this position from the time the committee was first appointed. No one has worked more zealously than he for the interests of the schools. The Sunday School Leaflets have been largely written by Elder James E. Talmage, George Reynolds, Willard Done and Sister Bertha Irvine, while a number of other brethren have assisted by occasional contributions. The musical publications have been gen- erally supervised by Elder Thomas C. Griggs, though assistance has often been generously given in the preparation and publication of musical and other works by brethren and sisters who are not members of the Board, but whose names appear in connection with their musi- cal and poetical contributions. The services of Elder Joseph W. Summerhays are equally deserving of mention. For many years Elder Summerhays has been identified with the General Board, and, in addi- tion to many other labors in the line of committee work, he has for years past attended mainly to the Union's business transactions with eastern publishing houses from which charts and other supplies have been obtained. The finance committee, in early years, had considerable business to attend to, but since the inauguration of the yearly nickel fund collection its labors have been reduced to a minimum. 56 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. What has been said respecting the faithfulness and diligence of the officers of the Union already mentioned will also apply to all the members of the General Board and their aids, as well as to hundreds of Sunday School workers whose labors though of a local character, are of equal necessity and great importance. While reference is made to the labors of present officers of the Union, the services of those who have been connected with it in the past should not be and are not forgotten nor overlooked. Especially deserving of praise are those who, in the early history of the move- ment, struggled with many difficulties and amid discouraging sur- roundings. Many of these early workers have passed away, while others have been called to other positions. To name all the veteran Sunday School workers both local and general would be impracticable at this time (the names of many of them will be found elsewhere in the history of the stake and ward Sunday School organizations) ; but it is considered proper to mention those who were in past years directly connected with the general officers of the Union. Among these are Elders John B. Maiben and William McLachlan, 1 chosen as Secretary and Treasurer respectively at the reorganization of the Union in 1872- Although called shortly afterwards to other duties, they nevertheless labored efficiently and interestedly while holding the positions to which they were assigned, and both have continued as Sunday School workers ever since, though in other positions. Elders Samuel L. Evans and William Willes, who, in the year 1878, were called as Sunday School Union missionaries at large, were both zealous work- ers in the cause, and continued so till within a short time of their death. Elder Evans was also for a number of years an active mem- ber of the Union's standing committee on finance. Others who have been associated with the general officers of the Union in the past are Elder George H. Taylor, a member of the standing committee on finance; Elder George C. Lambert and Sister Louisa L. G. Richards, who were for years members of the standing committee on publica- tion; Elder John C. Cutler and Abraham H. Cannon, also members of this committee and later members of the General Board. Elder Cutler was also Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of the Union for a number of years. Sister Richards was the only lady member of the standing committee of the Union. While holding ^^^^ 4 L ^y 10 ii '^^^^^ /7 MEMBERS OP THE FIRST SUNDAY S3HOOL, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, DECEMBER 9, 1849. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 57 this position she rendered much valuable assistance in preparing for publication some of the books and other works issued by the Union. It is just and proper in this connection to acknowledge the active support the Sunday School Union, and the individual schools of which it is composed, have always received from the presiding authorities in the Church, both general and local. While the Sunday Schools are conducted as independent organizations, they are all under the direction and control of those who preside in the Priest- hood. And while presiding authorities may not in all cases be directly engaged in the Sunday Schools, they are entitled to a share of the credit for the success that has attended the institutions, through the support they have given them, and the general direction and over- sight they exercise over these as well as all other Church organiza- tions under their jurisdiction. The First Presidency and other leading authorities of the Church have ever taken a deep interest in the Sunday Schools and have aided them by their influence, counsel and encourage- ment, as well as in all other ways within their power. The same may be said of stake and ward authorities generally throughout Zion; and in the Latter-day Saint missions abroad the mission presidents, the conference presidents and the traveling elders have given their influence and support to the Sunday Schools established among the scattered Saints, recognizing them as valuable institutions to aid in the spread of the Gospel. 58 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. STAKE AND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATIONS. HOW CONSTITUTED AND CONDUCTED. All the Sunday Schools of the Latter-day Saints are included in the organization known as the Deseret Sunday School Union, and the general supervision and management of the affairs of the Union are vested in its General Board. The Sunday Schools in each of the stakes of Zion are under the immediate supervision of the stake Sunday School organization com- posed of a superintendent, first and second assistant superintendents > secretary and treasurer. In many stakes there are missionary aids who visit the Sunday Schools and labor under the direction of the stake superintendency, to whom they report their labors. Each Sunday School, when fully organized, has a superintendent, first and second assistant superintendents, secretary, treasurer, librar- ian, chorister, organist and such assistant officers; as may be needed. The school is graded into departments, namely: kindergarten, or infant, composed of the youngest members of the school ; the primary grade, as a general rule, includes the children who have advanced from the kindergarten up to the age of eight years; the first intermediate includes children from eight to twelve years; the second intermediate, from twelve to sixteen years; preparatory theological, pupils advanced beyond the grades mentioned; and the higher theological, all pupils not embraced in other departments. But the natural ability and the advancement of the pupils are considered when a school is graded. In some schools normal classes are conducted for the training of pupils for teachers. Each department usually has several teachers, one of whom is appointed to take the lead in the department. The hour for opening Sunday School is ten o'clock, a. m. The order adopted for the devotional exercises is as follows: Roll call of officers and teachers; singing by the whole school; prayer; singing by the school; reading of minutes of previous session; admin- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 59 istration of Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper, under direction of the bishopric of the ward or presiding elder of the branch. While the sacred emblems are being passed to those present, appropriate remarks are made by one appointed, or suitable music, vocal or instrumental, is rendered by members of the school or by the organist. After the administration of the sacrament the several classes proceed separately with the lessons assigned for consideration. The lessons in the various grades are intended to suit the capaci- ties of the pupils, the aim being to cultivate their spiritual growth by inculcating the religious and moral truths of the holy scrip- tures the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and other authorized Church works. Where practicable, each class is conducted in a separate apart- ment, and all, with the exception of those composed of the smaller children, reassemble after the class exercises are completed. The remainder of the time is occupied in a variety of ways by the repeating in concert of memorized scriptural passages, by short addresses from officers, teachers, or visitors, etc. The school is closed with congregational singing, and benediction, after which the members retire in an orderly manner from the building, while the organist renders a selection upon the organ. In the following pages is given a brief sketch of each stake and ward Sunday School organization in Zion, together with the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the respective organizations, so far as can be ascertained, from the date of their beginning to December, 31, 1899 the latter year being the fiftieth from the time the first Sunday School was established in the Rocky Mountain region. ALBERTA STAKE. Within this stake are embraced all the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools of the district of Alberta, North-West Territory, Canada. The stake Sunday School organization of Alberta was effected at a conference held in Cardston, August 19, 1894. The following named persons were at that time sustained as stake officers: Heber S. Allen, superintendent; Frederick W. Atkins, first assistant; William H. Steed, second assistant; David W. Rollins, 60 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. secretary and treasurer. With the exception of the first assistant superintendent, the same officers continued without change until December 31, 1899 the date on which this record closes. F. W. Atkins served as first assistant until August 20, 1898, when he was succeeded by Thomas Duce. The latter was released in August, 1899, and his position remained vacant till the time of closing this record. Thomas Duce has been a Sunday School worker for upwards of thirty years. The five Sunday Schools described below are under the super- vision of the superintendency of the Alberta stake. .ETNA SUNDAY SCHOOL, This school was organized at the house of Joseph H. Ellison, on Snake Creek, May 18, 1890, and the first school session was held on the following Sunday. At the time of organization there were 6 officers and teachers and 15 pupils in the school. Its membership, December 31, 1899, was 13 officers and teachers and 94 pupils. The school convenes in the ^Etna ward meetinghouse. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and sec- retaries of the school, together with the dates on which their terms of service began and ended, are: Superintendents George M. Hudson,from May 18, 1890, to Decem- ber 17, 1893; Joseph H. Ellison, from December 17, 1893, to Septem- ber 25, 1898; Daniel K. Greene, from September 25, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Pilling, from May 18, 1890, to December 17, 1893; John M. Dunn, from August 4, 1895, to September 15, 1898; Thomas S. Gregson,; from September 25,1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George M. Hudson, from De- cember 17, 1893, to August 4, 1895; Christian F. Jensen, Jr.;* Ben- jamin Matkin, from September 25, 1898, to May 28, 1899; Erastus Olsen, from May 28, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Harriet E. Pilling, from May 18, 1890, to December 17, 1893; Ada W. Pilling, from December 17, 1893, to about August, ; The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 61 1895; Lola L. Talbot, from August, 1895, to September 25, 1898; Alexander Gregson, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. CARDSTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. From June 12, 1887 the date of its organization to the following October, the Sunday School of Cardston was held in a bowery and in tents on the pioneer lot, on Lee's Creek. It was next held in a sixteen by eighteen feet log meeting house. In 1890 a larger and better building was erected, additions to which have been made during later years, thus admitting of a thoroughly graded school being conducted within it. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries of the school, together with the dates on which their terms of office began and ended, so far as obtainable, are as follows: Superintendents J. E. Layne, from June 12, 1887, to December 27, 1896; Robert A. Nelson, from December 27, 1896, to September 4, 1898; James P. Low, from September 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. R. Miles, from June 12, 1887> to September 26, 1888; Samuel Matkin, from September 26, 1888, to December 27, 1896; Levi Barker, from December 27, 1896, to September 4, 1898; Robert Ibey, from September 4, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Mark Preece, from June 12, to August 23, 1887; Noah Shurtliff; Ephraim Harker;* Sylvester Low, from April, 1893, to December 27, 1896; James Anderson, from December 27, 1896, to September 4, 1898; James Evans, from September 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Sterling Williams, Atena Bates, Jane Bates, Lizzie Layne, Nellie Hinman, each of whom served in turn between the dates of June 12, 1887, and March 17, 1895; Hattie Stoddard, from March 17, 1895, to September 4, 1898; Minnie May, from September 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. At the organization of the school the total enrollment was 41 ; the school numbered on December 31, 1899, 25 officers and teachers and 321 pupils. The historical report shows that Rhoda C. Hinman has been a * The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. 62 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Sunday School worker for over 45 years; Joseph M. Wight, for over 40 years; Zina Y. Card and Sylvester Low, over 30 years; and Elnora Wight for over 25 years. EAST J3TNA OR KIMBALL SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 22, 1899. It has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 29 pupils. The officers of the school are: Magnus Holm, superintendent; Elias Pilling, first assistant; J. S. Dawson, second assistant; Ernest Kimball, secretary. LEAVITT SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school was effected June 7, 1896, but the first session was not held until July 20th of the same year. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 38 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Francis Broadbent, superintendent; Charles Quinton, first assistant; Thomas Leavitt, second assistant; Maud Broadbent, secretary. On February 12, 1899 Maud Broadbent was succeeded by Martha Quinton as secretary, and on August 29, 1899, Superintendent Francis Broadbent was succeeded by Andrew M. Spence, the latter chose the same assistants as his pre- decessor had. On December 31, 1899, the enrollment of the school was 13 officers and teachers and 98 pupils. MOUNTAIN VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized and commenced April 30, 1893. Its members first met in the house of Brother Thos- Scott, about one and a half miles north of the Mountain View meeting house, in which the school is now held. It began with an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 19 pupils. The enrollment has since in- creased to 22 officers and teachers and 114 pupils. The names of its first superintendent, assistants and secretary are: Peter Allen, superin- tendent; Olaf L. Davidson, first assistant; James Leavitt, second assistant; Mary Davidson, secretary. The superintendency remained the same until December 29, 1895; from that date to September 27, 1896 the school was presided over by the bishopric of the ward, Bishop V. S. Stewart being superintendent, Joseph H. Gold, first assistant, and Samuel Rawlins, second assistant. September 27, 1896, the follow- ing named were chosen as officers of the school: James S. Parker, superintendent; Samuel Webster, first assistant; William Webster, second assistant. February 26, 1898, J. P. Jordan succeeded Samuel JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 63 Webster as first assistant superintendent. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: James S. Parker, superintendent; J. P. Jordan, first assistant; William Webster, second assistant; Mary Davidson, sec- retary. BANNOCK STAKE. This stake of Zion is situated in Idaho, and embraces a part of Bannock County. It is of recent organization, and some of the settle- ments now included in it, formerly belonged to Bear Lake and Oneida stakes. The stake Sunday School superintendency was organized August 6, 1898, with Daniel J. Lau, superintendent; Burt A. Ruud, first assist- ant; and T. H. Horsley, secretary. These officers still hold their re- spective positions. Nathan Barlow was chosen second assistant sup- erintendent October 30, 1899, thus completing the corps of officers. There is one stake missionary, Cyrus Tolman, appointed to assist the superintendency. Ten Sunday Schools are in this stake, the records of which are given below. CHESTERFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 5, 1884, with Ira Call, superintendent; Adam Yancey, first assistant; George Wil- liams, second assistant; Chester V. Call, secretary. At the time of organization there were twelve officers and teachers and 35 pupils. A Sabbath School was held in this ward previous to the date of organ- ization given above. It began November 27, 1883, and was conducted in the house of Bishop J. A. Tolman. It had about 30 members. Suc- cessive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school from the time of organization are: Ira Call, superintendent, from June 5, 1884, to August 23, 1891; Christian Nelson, from August 23, 1891, to July 16, 1893; Nathan Barlow, from July 16, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Adam Yancey, 1st assistant, from June 5, 1884, to August 23, 1891; Moses Muir, from August 23, 1891, to December 31, 1899. George Williams, second assistant, from June 5, 1884, to August 23, 1891; Nathan Barlow, from August 23, 1891, to July 16, 1893; Denmark Jensen, from July 16, 1893, to July, 1897; Anson C. Love- land, from July, 1897, to December 31, 1899. 64 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries: Chester V. Call, Hattie J. Higginson, A. P. Ander- son, T. H. Barlow, Hannah Hatch, David Balfour, Amos Hatch, Ben- jamin D. Jensen, Ada M. Call, Alzina Thompson, May Loveland, Ada M. Millward. The periods of service of these secretaries is not ob- tainable, the last named, however, is the present incumbent. The present enrollment of the school is 25 officers and teachers and 230 pupils. School is held in the Chesterfield meeting house. The historical report shows that Mary E. Parker, and Alice M. Card have each been Sunday School workers for over 25 years. CLEVELAND SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the year 1884, with Ira Ames superintendent. The place of holding school is in the Cleve- land meeting house. The present enrollment is 15 officers and teach- ers and 108 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries of the school are as follows: Superintendents Ira Ames, from 1884, to November 18, 1894; James Ransom from November 18, 1894, to May 7, 1899; Henry Larsen, from May 7, 1899, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Christensen, from 1889 to 1892; Hyrum Ransom, from October 2, 1892, to November 25, 1893; Chrest Jenson, from May 13, to November 18, 1894; George Kirk- ham, from November 25, 1894, to October 11, 1896; Ole Hansen, from October 11, 1896, to 1898; Hyrum Ransom, from July 31, to December 4, 1898; Thomas Smith, from December 4, 1898, to August 13, 1899; Arnold Nielson, from August 13, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Larsen, from 1885 to 1892; Hyrum Ransom, a short term during the year 1892; William M. Austin, from October 2, 1892, to March 18, 1894; Ole Hanson, from November 25, 1894, to October 11, 1896; Hyrum Ransom, from October 11, 1896, to 1898; Thomas Smith, from July 31, to De- cember 4, 1898; Mary Hansen, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Chrest Jensen, from 1885 to 1892; Hannah Smith, from 1892 to 1894; Mary Hansen, from October 25, 1894, to Decem- ber 4, 1898; Emma Hansen, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 65 On December 31, 1899, the officers were: Henry Larsen, super- intendent; Arnold Nielson, first assistant; Mary Hansen, second assist- ant; Emma Hansen, secretary. GRACE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized June 8, 1895, with S. W. Egbert, superintendent; D..S. Jerman, first assistant; John J. Cherry, second assistant; Stella Egbert, secretary. On June 6, 1897, the school was reorganized, and since that time the following named have been in office: Landon Rich, superintendent; George Tanner, first assistant; George Hamp, second assistant; Favorette Rich, secretary. At the time of organization its officers and teach- ers numbered 11; the number of pupils first enrolled cannot now be given. The enrollment December 31, 1899 was 16 officers and teachers and 96 pupils. The school meets in the Grace schoolhouse, HATCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 21, 1897, and its first session convened a week later in the house of Thomas A. Hatch. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 13 officers and teachers and 52 pupils. Previous to November 27, 1898, the settlement of Hatch was called Eighteen Mile Creek. The names of the present officers of the school are: George Williams, superintendent; Thomas A. Hatch, first assistant; James T- Williams, secretary. The historical report shows that George Williams has been a Sunday School worker for over 45 years; John Detton, for over 35 years; and William T. Higginson for over 30 years. LUND SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in Lun convened in a log house owned by E. M. Stocks. Later a log school house was built and occupied by the Sunday School. The date of the organization of the school is November 17, 1895. Its first officers were Henry E. Reddish, superintendent; C. J. Lundgren, first assistant; F. A. Rindlisbacher, second assistant; andLillieM. Reddish, secretary. On June 7, 1896, Amanda Peterson was appointed secretary. F. A. Rindlisbacher was appointed first assistant superintendent, and A. P. Hansen second assistant superintendent on the 29th day of August, 1897. On the 30th day of July, 1899, A. P. Hansen was released and 66 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Ephraim White was appointed as second assistant superintendent. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: H. E. Reddish, superinten- dent; F. A. Rindlisbacher, first assistant superintendent; Ephraim White, second assistant superintendent; and Amanda Peterson, secretary. The school is held in the district schoolhouse. At the time of organization the membership of the school was 6 officers and teachers and 16 pupils; it now numbers 19 officers and teachers and 85 pupils. MOUND VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in Perry. It was organized in 1876, with David Brown, superintendent. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are the follow- ing named: Superintendents David Brown, Robert Williams, Jr., Thomas Hale, Solomon Hale,* J. D. McGregor, from 1884 to April 22, 1888; 0. M. Pullman, from April, 1888, to December, 1891; Edgar D. Hale, from December, 1891, to December, 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. H. Hale, from 1884 to April 22,1888; John Hansen, from April, 1888, to December, 1891; Joseph Ames, from December 1891, to October, 1897; Charles Panter, from October, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Rais Gaboon ;t R. H. Williams, Jr., from 1884 to April 22, 1888; Edgar D. Hale, from April, 1888, to December, 1891; Aroet C. Hale, from December, 1891, to October 1897; Joseph Schvaneveldt, from October, 1897, to December, 1898; Andrew B. Gray, from December, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Orson Williams ;t John Allsop, from 1884 to April 22, 1888; Aroet C. Hale, from April, 1888; to December, 1891; F.G. Hale, from December, 1891, to September, 1894; J. H. Hale, Jr., from Decem- ber, 1894, to December, 1896; May Williams, from December, 1896, to December 31, 1899. December 31, 1899, the officers were: Edgar D. Hale, superin- tendent; Charles Panter, first assistant; Andrew B. Gray, second assistant; May Williams, secretary. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable, t The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 67 * The enrollment of the school shows 19 officers and teachers and 92 pupils. SODA SPRINGS SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as the year 1874 a Sunday School was held in Soda Springs. The children and teachers met in a log house built for President Brigham Young, located on the south side of the town. The records of this early school are not obtainable. Charles G. Rose was superintendent, and Daniel F. Lau, assistant. On October 20, 1889 a more complete organization was effected, with Charles G. Rose, superintendent; Daniel F. Lau, first assistant; William W. Sterrett, second assistant; Thomas H. Horsley, secretary. At that time there were 10 officers and teachers and 30 pupils in the school. The present enrollment is 18 officers and teachers and 71 pupils. With the exception of the second assistant superintendent the officers of the school on December 31, 1899, were the same as when it was completely organized, in 1889. On October 20, 1895, Wil- liam W. Sterrett was succeeded by Burt A. Ruud, as second assistant superintendent. School sessions are held in the Soda Springs meet- inghouse. The historical report shows that L. Suhrke has been a Sunday School worker for over 30 years, and Charles G. Rose and Daniel F. Lau for over 25 years. THATCHER SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Gentile Valley. It was organ- ized in May, 1880. The enrollment at the time was 6 officers and teachers and 11 pupils. The school was first held in a small log house belonging to James Clark. This house was situated only a short distance from the site of the present meetinghouse, in which the school is now held. Following is a list of successive superintend- ents, assistants and secretaries of the school: Superintendents Alma Hale, H. H. Peck, Solomon Hale, Jr., Milton Thatcher, Ira Hogan, Alexander Harris, all of whom served between the time of organization and August 18, 1895; George Peck, from August 18, 1895, to February 27, 1898; George D. Anderson, from February 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents H. H. Peck, Jane Balwinkle, Effie Peck, Milton Robbins (time of service unobtainable); F. M. 68 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Balwinkle, from June 19, 1892, to August 11, 1895; George Peck, from May 13, 1894, to August 11, 1895; Thomas Allsop, from August 18, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Lehi Wright, Milton Thatcher, Solomon Hale, Thomas Allsop (time of service unobtainable); G. M. Smith, from June 19, 1892, to August 11, 1895; Clarence Eldredge, from August 18, 1895, to February 14, 1897; George D. Anderson, from February 21, 1897, to February 27, 1898; Frank Peck, from October 9, 1898, to May 28, 1899; Joseph A. Folkman, from June 4 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries IvaM. Peck;* Iva Tanner, from June 19, to November 13, 1892; Dessie Hogan, from November 13, 1892, to August 11, 1895; Walter Harris, from August 18, 1895, to September 5, 1897;. Bergetta Hogan, from September, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The officers of the school December 31, 1899, were: George D. Anderson, superintendent; Thomas Allsop, first assistant; Joseph A. Folkman, second assistant; Bergetta Hogan, secretary. The enroll- ment of the school is 25 officers and teachers and 136 pupils. TEN MILE SPRING SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 25, 1898, and held its first session October 9th following. The first officers were : John Williams, superintendent ; Willard H. Banks, first assistant; D. C. Cornia, second assistant; Lizzie Banks, secretary. Since then Francis Cornia has been appointed secretary. The enrollment of the school is 11 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. TROUT CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 20, 1881, with John R. Turner, superintendent, and Mary Fowler assistant superin- tendent and secretary. The school now has an enrollment of 22 officers and teachers and 103 pupils. December 31, 1899, the fol- lowing were officers: John Gibbs, superintendent; Andrew Ruud, first assistant; James P. Calkins, second assistant; and Hattie Bassett, secretary. Others who have labored as officers in the school are the follow- ing named: Superintendents, James Lefler, William McGee Harris, John Turner, Willard Hubbard; first assistant superintendents, Frank ; The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF_LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 69 Loveland, James Lefler, John Turner; second assistant superintend- ents, B. Ruud, Andrew Ruud, secretary Marie Lefler. BEAR LAKE STAKE- All Sunday Schools of Bear Lake County, Idaho and some in Rich County, Utah, are embraced in the Bear Lake Stake. In August, 1877, William M. Allred was called to preside over the Sunday Schools of this stake. In April of the following year the stake Sunday School superintendency was completely organized with the following named officers: Andrew Galloway, superintendent; James E. Hart, first assistant; James Peard, second assistant; Edgar M. Allred, secretary. Superintendent Galloway continued in office until July 10, 1898, when he was honorably released, and a new corps of officers was chosen. In 1882 Martin Jacobson succeeded James E. Hart as first assistant superintendent; and in 1892 John Sorensen was chosen to that position, in place of Martin Jacobson, who was released. In 1882, William West succeeded James Peard, as second assistant superintendent; and John Sorensen, succeeded William West in 1887. On November 2, 1896, Joseph Hodges was chosen as successor to John Sorensen. Those who have filled the position of secretary, previous to the reorganization of July 10, 1898, are: Edgar M. Allred, Heber C. Keetch, Elijah Keetch, and George E. Gardner. On December 31, 1899, the officers were: Joseph R. Shepherd, superin- tendent; John A. Sutton, Jr., first assistant; Oliver C. Dunford, second assistant; George B. Spencer, Jr., secretary; and Joseph W. Hayward, treasurer. There are six missionaries called to aid the superintendency. Since the organization of the Bear Lake Stake of Zion, its boundaries have been extended and contracted several times, causing the number of schools, as well as the enrollment, to fluctuate considerably. On December 31, 1899, the schools of the stake numbered 22, but at other times there have been as many as 29. The historical report shows that Andrew Galloway has been a Sunday School worker for over 35 years. BERN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 26, 1886, and held its first session October 3, following. Its first meeting place 70 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. was the house of John Kunz, Sr. It began with 7 officers and teach- ers and 33 pupils. The first officers of the school were: David Kunz, Sr., superin- tendent; Gottlieb Dubach, first assistant; Christian Kunz, second assistant; and William John Kunz, secretary. In March, 1894, these officers were succeeded by the following named: Christian Kunz, superintendent; John Bischoff, first assistant; George Alleman, second assistant; Sarah Alleman, secretary. Again on November 8, 1896, a change in the superintendency occurred. At that date the following named were installed, and were the incumbents on December 31, 1899: John T. Rigby, superintendent; William J. Kunz, first assistant; William Bischoff, second assistant. At a later date David C. Kunz was chosen secretary. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse, Bern, Bear Lake County, Idaho. Its enrollment December 31, 1899, was 7 officers and teachers and 62 pupils. BENNINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. On November 18, 1877, this school was organized, with Abraham J. Van Orman, superintendent; Samuel Hall, Sr., first assistant; G. C. Perkins, second assistant; and Edwin D. Merrill, secretary. A few sessions of Sunday School were held previous to the above date without any organization. The names of those who succeeded the first officers of the school are: Superintendents B. L. Tippetts, from July 31, 1887, to August 14, 1892; Abraham J. Van Orman, (second term) from August 14, 1892, to August 29, 1896; M. F. Weaver, from September 13, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent W. H. Speirs, from July 31, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent G. C. Perkins, from November 18, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. H. Speirs, from March 27, 1881, to July 31, 1887; W. H. Lee, Jr., from August 21, 1887, to February 17, 1889; Stella Lee, from February 17, 1889, to August 2, 1891; Annie McOmber, from August 23, 1891, to June 23, 1895; Edith Tippetts Lindsay from August 25, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 24 officers and teachers and 224 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 71 pupils. The place of meeting is the ward house, Bennington, Bear Lake County, Idaho. BLOOMINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. Bloomington was first settled in 1864, and the first Sunday School was started in April, 1867, with Walter Walker, superintendent. It began with a membership of 10 officers and teachers and 150 pupils. Successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Isaac Dunford, from 1868 to 1871; Peter Greenhalgh, from 1871 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents hristian Madsen, from May 2, 1880 to September 2, 1884; Nels Peterson, from December 7, 1885, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas A. Greenhalgh, from September 11, 1882, to May 15, 1887; Jacob Madsen, from May 14, 1892, to October 2, 1898. Secretaries Rosabell Osmond, from November 23, 1879, to October 12, 1882, Thomas A. Greenhalgh, from October 12, 1882, to March 11, 1883, Ida Osmond, from 1886 to 1888, Maria E. Haddock, from May 6, 1888, to May 3, 1891; Mary J. Patterson, from May 17, 1891, to May 9, 1897; Amy E. Patterson, from May 16, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the meetinghouse, Bloomington, Bear Lake County, Idaho. Its present enrollment is 24 officers and teachers and 297 pupils. The historical report shows that Peter Greenhalgh, John Had- dock and Ed. M. Patterson have each been Sunday School workers for over 30 years; and Christian Madsen, Joshua Jarvis, Margaret Had- dock and Nels Peterson have been engaged in the same cause for upwards of 25 years. DINGLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Dingle was formerly known as Cotton- wood. The Sunday School of this place was organized March 25, 1883, and first convened on April 1, 1883. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents George Neat, Sr., from March 25, 1883, to May 23, 1886; William T. Lindsay, from May 23, 1886, to October 2, 1892; David Follick, from October 2, 1892, to October 29, 1893; 72 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. William J. Crockett, from October 29, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Christian Selk, Sr., from March 25, 1883, to August 16, 1891; Hyrum Oakey, from August 16, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Eli Bennett, from March 25, 1883, to May 23, 1886; James H. Wallis, from May 23, 1886, to September 4, 1887; James Sparks, from September, 4, 1887, to October 2, 1892; Francis M. Dayton, from October 2, 1892, to July 14, 1895; Christopher A. Merkley, from July 14, 1895, to April 25, 1897; Francis M. Dayton, (second term) from August 29, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hyrum Oakey, from March 25, 1883, to November 7, 1887; Rosilla South worth, from November 7, 1887, to November 3, 1889; Caroline H. Sparks, from November 3, 1889, to January 8, 1893; Fannie Neat, from January 8, 1893, to September 10, 1893; William J. Crockett, from September 10 to October 29, 1893; Christina Norton, from October 29, 1893, to November 25, 1894; Samuel G. Humpherys, from November 25, 1894, to May 8, 1898; Elnora Bennett, from May 8, 1898, to July 25, 1899; Amanda Now- land, from August 6, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 14 officers and teachers and 119 pupils. The historical report shows that Bishop Samuel Humpherys has been a Sunday School worker for upwards of 25 years. EIGHT MILE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 4, 1899, and its first session was held a week later. The enrollment of the school shows 4 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. Its officers are: Harvey W. Higby, superintendent; C. D. Root, first assistant; and A. D. Root, secretary. FISH HAVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. Soon after the settlement of Fish Haven a Sunday was started here, and Henry Howell was appointed to take charge of it. No record was kept during the early years of the school. The following are the names of successive officers since a record has been kept: Superintendents J. W. E. Stock, from January 25, 1875, to December 7, 1879; William H. Shirley, from December 7, 1879, to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 73 September 27, 1886; William H. Gardner, from October 3, 1886, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Horace P. Nelson, from 1875, to 1879; Richard P. Stock, from August 9, 1882, to 1884; William H. Gardner, from 1884, to October 3, 1886; Hyrum P. Scofield, from October 3, 1886, to June 10, 1894; Henry E. Howell, from June 10, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William H. Gardner, from August 9, 1882, to 1884; Hyrum P. Scofield, from 1884 to October 3, 1886; H. W. Findlay, from October 3, 1886, to April 1, 1893; J. W. E. Stock, from April 1, 1893, to June 6, 1897; James F. Shirley, from June 6, 1897, to February 12, 1899; William H. Shirley, from February 12 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary Stock, from August 9, 1882 to 1884; Ada Gardner, from 1884 to October 3, 1886; Alice Gardner from October 3, 1886, to June 10, 1894; Clara Nelson, from June 10, 1894, to October 3, 1897; Louisa Stock, from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school has enrolled 18 officers and teachers and 66 pupils. The historical report shows that Henry Howell and J. W. E. Stock have each been Sunday School workers for over twenty-five years. GARDEN CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1878, with Marion Thomas, superintendent, and R. A. Pope, assistant. Owing to the lack of records its early history cannot be given in full. The names of the officers as far as known are : Superintendents Marion Thomas; B. H. Allred,* released May 26, 1889; John Allen, from May 26, 1889, to September 15, 1895, George E. Pope, from September 15, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents R. A. Pope; Adelbert Rich; John Allen,* A. C. Linford, from May 26, 1889, to September 15, 1895; J. C. Farner, from September 15, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. H. Cook, Warren Long- herst,* J. D. Bryson, from July 8, 1891, to May 31, 1893; J. C. Farner, from May 31, 1893, to September 15, 1895; Edward J. Gib- *The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 5 74 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. bons, from September 15, 1895, to November 15, 1896; Edward Calder, from January 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries B. H. Allred, Jr.,* Emil Vaterlaus, from April 3, 1890, to May 10, 1891, and from November 21, 1897, to March 20, 1898; J. C. Farner, from May 10, 1891, to September 10, 1893; James Whittineton, from September 10, 1893, to April 8, 1894, and from March 20 to October 16, 1898; C. W. Pope, from April 8, 1894, to June, 1895; A. J. Linford, from June, 1895, to November 21, 1897, and from October 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school shows 20 officers and teachers and 82 pupils. The school convenes in the meeting house, Garden City, Rich Co., Utah. GENEVA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 29, 1895, and its first session was held January 5, 1896, in a log house. Its enrollment then was 12 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. The present enrollment is 9 officers and teachers and 44 pupils. The first officers were: Rudolph Tueller, superintendent; Edward Tueller y first assistant; Samuel Wittmer, second assistant; Martha Wittmer, secretary. On August 28, 1898, Charles Teuscher was chosen second assistant superintendent, and on February 18, 1899, Augusta Blechert was chosen secretary. With these two exceptions the officers on December 31, 1899, were the same as at the time of organization. GEORGETOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in June, 1875, with an enrollment of 5 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. John G. Hoff was its first superintendent, and still holds that position. The names of other officers are: J. A. Hess, first assistant from 1880 to 1896; George Hoff from 1896 to December 31, 1899. M. W. Earl, second assistant saperintendent from 1880, to 1885; George Hoff, from 1885 to 1897; D. W. Hess, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. H. A. Lewis, secretary, from 1875 to 1877; M. W. Earl from 1877 to 1880; John G. Hoff, Jr., from 1880 to 1890; William Hoff from 1890 to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school December 31, 1899, was 18 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 75 LAKETOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL was started in the spring of 1871, with N. M. Hodges as superintendent. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries of the school: Superintendents James Peard, Francis Gibbons, Joseph Gibbons, Joseph Irwin, Joseph Gibbons (second term), John Weston, Samuel Weston, Heber C. Robinson.* First assistant superintendents N. 0. Wahlstrom, Joseph Irwin, John Weston, Willis Johnson. * Second assistant superintendents William Lamborn, Isaac Price, Joseph Robinson.* Secretaries Joseph Robinson, Joseph Irwin, Hyrum Nebeker, Samuel Weston, G. H. Robinson, Ann E. Johnson, Clara Nebeker, Sarah Wahlstrom, Orson P. Satterthwaite, John T. Satterthwaite.* The school convenes in the meetinghouse, Laketown, Rich County, Utah, and has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 130 pupils. The historical report shows that Joseph Irwin has been a Sunday School worker for over 30 years. LANARK SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Bear Lake County, Idaho, was organized September 17, 1893. Previous to this date it was known as the South Liberty Sunday School, being a branch school of Liberty ward. Its officers at the time of organization were: Henry Parker, superintendent; James Sim, first assistant; David R. Toomer, second assistant; Matilda M. Bunn, secretary. The same officers are still serving with the exception of the secretary who was released in Octo- ber, 1896, and was succeeded by Hugh Roberts, the present secretary. At the time of its organization, the school numbered 11 officers and teachers and 38 pupils; the enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 14 officers and teachers and 68 pupils. LIBERTY SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Bear Lake County, Idaho, was organized in 1870, with two officers and 15 pupils. Evan S. Morgan * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 76 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. was the first superintendent. The names of successive superinten- dents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: Superintendents Charles N. Watkins, from September 5, 1880, to October 9, 1881; Joseph Derricott, from October 30, 1881, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William A. Hymas, from Sep- tember 5, 1880, to October 9, 1881; James Hymas, from January 27, 18&4, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Smith, from Septem- ber 5, 1880, to October 9, 1881; James Clark, from February 26, 1882, to January 23, 1887; Henry Parker, from May 11, 1887, to 1896; Joseph M. Hymas, from January 24 to March 25, 1894; George W. Simmons, from June 24, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Eliza Smith, from September 5, 1880, to July 5, 1881; HughE. Morgan, from July 10, 1881, to March 29, 1891; Jesse McMurray, from March 29, 1891, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school shows 29 officers and teachers and 84 pupils. MONTPELIER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 28, 1868, and its first session was held October 5 following. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents C. H. Bridges, Hyrum Phelps, Alonzo Dibble, Frank Crawford, John Bunny, David Osborn, Robert Birch, Ole Swen- sen, John A. Cedarlund. First assistant superintendents S. J. Koveen, B. H. Bowen. Second assistant superintendents William Perkins, John Bagley, M. D. Lindsay. Secretaries John Turner, John Bunny, John Astle, Rose Hillier, Mattie Cruikshank, Deborah Dalrymple. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 20 officers and teach- ers and 340 pupils. NORTH LIBERTY SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Bear Lake County, Idaho, was organized March 28, 1897, and convened for its first session April 4th following. Its first officers were: James C. Neibaur, superinten- dent; Josiah Orr, first assistant; William G. Smith, second assistant; and Elvira Wixom, secretary. On November 3, 1897, David King JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 77 succeeded William G. Smith as second assistant superintendent; and on September 25, 1898, Joseph Orr succeeded Elvira Wixom as secretary. These are the only changes in the officers of the school. The enrollment of the school at the time of organization was 14 officers and teachers and 54 pupils; December 31, 1899, it was 14 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. NOUNAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized July 11, 1886, and was first held in the Co-op. Ranch dwelling house. The officers first chosen were: Hyrum Skinner, superintendent; E. M. Lindsay, first assistant; N. M. Williams, second assistant; William H. Skinner, secretary. Successive officers aside from the above named are: Superintendents William H. Skinner, from July 21, 1895, to December 27, 1897; Nephi A. Skinner, from July 17, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Brigham Bacon, from March 25, 1894, to July 21, 1895; Joseph A. Skinner, from July 21, 1895, to July 17, 1898; Adolph Bissigger, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Crosley, from July 21, 1895, to July 17, 1898; Charles Bartchi, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Sarah Stauffer, from January 1, 1892, to January 1, 1894; A. B. Crabtree, from January 1, 1894, to July 21, 1895; N. A. Skinner, from July 21, 1895, to July 17, 1898; Charles Lindsay, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the Nounan meeting house, and has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 79 pupils. OVID SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is not obtainable. Its first superintendent was Isaac Tunks. Later it was presided over in turn by Niels Johnson, and James T. Tuveson. Successive officers of the school since records have been kept are: Superintendents Erastus Peterson, from March 10, 1878, to February 6, 1881; John Johnson, from February 6, 1881, to Decem- ber 14, 1884; C. W. McCurdy, from December 14, 1884, to November 78 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 14, 1886; Christian Sorenson, from November 14, 1886, to February 5, 1888; L. P. Nielson, from February 5, to September 30, 1888, and from August 31, 1890, to December 31, 1899; Niels Johnson, from September 30, 1888, to October 13, 1889; L. P. Jensen from October 15, 1889, to August 31, 1890. First assistant superintendents Niels Johnson, from December 14, 1884, to November 14, 1886; and from February 5, to Septem- ber 30, 1888; Martin Sorenson, from September 30, 1888, to June 9, 1895; L. P. Jensen, from June 9, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Andrew Johnson, from Decem- ber 14, 1884, to November 14, 1886; L. P. Jensen, from November 14, 1886, to February 5, 1888; John Whitehead, from February 5, to September 30, 1888; Erastus Peterson, Jr., from September 30, 1888, to October 13, 1889; 0. P. Jensen, from October 13, 1889, to August 31, 1890; Joseph Olson from October 31, 1890, to Decem. ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Clara Peterson from March 10, 1878, to February 6, 1881 ; Benjamin Edwards, from February 6, 1881, to December 14, 1884; M. N. Mathisen, from December 14, 1884, to December 9, 1888; Charles F. Carlson, from December 9, 1888, to November 3, 1889; M. N. Mathisen, from November 3, 1889, to March 24, 1895; Charles F. Carlson (second term) from March 24, 1895, to November 14. 1897; Alma Mathisen, from November 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The present officers are: L. P. Nelson, superintendent; L. P. Jensen, first assistant; Joseph Olson, second assistant; Alma Mathi- sen, secretary. The enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. PARIS SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School organized in the Bear Lake Stake of Zion was at Paris, Bear Lake County, Idaho, in the summer of 1866, with the following officers: Evan A. Wil- liams, superintendent; Thomas Sleight, first assistant; Kizziah Davis, second assistant. The above organization continued till 1871, when the following were chosen as officers to succeed those already named: Walter Hoge, superintendent; Robert Price, first assistant; Thomas Sleight, second assistant. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 79 On November 27, 1881, the school was divided and two schools were organized out of it. PARIS FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL, was organized November 27, 1881. It began with 14 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. The present enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 222 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Samuel P. Richards, from November 27, 1881, to May 21, 1882; William L. Rich, from May 21, to September 24, 1882; Henry Margetts, from October 1, 1882, to October 4, 1885; Landon J. Rich, from October 4, 1885, to December 9, 1888; James Nye, Sr., from December 9, 1888, to March 8, 1896; Amasa M. Rich, from March 8, to November 8, 1896; H. Smith Woolley, from November 29, 1896, to January 9, 1898; Hyrum T. Humphreys, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. H. Edward Sutton from February 4, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Nye, from November 30, 1884, to March 29, 1885; John A. Sutton, Jr., from May 17, 1885, to December 9, 1888; Edward I. Rich from December 9, 1888, to March 8, 1893; James Collings, from September 10, 1893, to March 8, 1896; H. Smith Woolley, from March 8, to November 8, 1896; Hyrum T. Humphreys, from November 29, 1896, to January 9, 1898; John Tueller, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles N. Watkins, from May 25, to November 30, 1884; William J. Smith, from November 30, 1884, to December 9, 1888; John Tueller, from December 9. 1888, to March 8, 1896; John Beck, from May 24, 1896, to March 29, 1897; George B. Spencer, Jr., from January 9, ]898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries James S. Nye, from December 27, 1885, to April 29, 1888; Alvin 0. Rich, from April 29, 1888, to June 21, 1891; Louisa Cole, from June 21, 1891, to April 30, 1893; Ettie May Mor- gan from April 30, 1893, to October 21, 1894; Helen Brown from October 21, 1894, to February 5, 1899; Anthon L. Beck, from February 5, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Thomas Sleight has been a Sunday School worker for over 30 years. 80 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. PARIS SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organ- ized November 27, 1881, with 16 officers and teachers and 95 pupils- The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 20 officers and teachers and 204 pupils. The successive officers of the school are: Superintendents W. N. B. Shepherd, from date of organization to June 6, 1897; Joseph R. Shepherd from June 6, 1897, to August 28, 1898; William N. Clayton, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edward Davis, from time of organization to 1885; James Davis, from 1885 to December 31, 1899 t Second assistant superintendents Philemon Lindsay, from date of organization to 1883; Arthur Budge, from 1883, to 1884; C. N. Watkins, from 1884, to October 17, 1886; Walter Hoge, from Octo- ber 17, 1886, to November 17, 1895; Ezra T. Budge, from June 13, 1897, to November 5, 1899; James H. Wallis, from November 5 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries H. R. Shepherd, from time of organization to April 1, 1883; Annie Valentine, from April 1, 1883, to December 2, 1883; Ellen Athay, from December 2, 1883, to September 1, 1889; Mary E. Shepherd, from September 1, 1889, to December 3, 1893; Jos. S. Price, from December 3, 1893, to December 20, 1896; Lizzie Hoge, from December 20, 1896, to November 5, 1899; Ada Passey from November 5, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Davis has been a Sun- day School worker for over 25 years. ROUND VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Rich County, Utah, but belongs to the Bear Lake Stake. The school was partly organized December 11, 1892, with James Anderson, superintendent; and on March 20, 1893, Jeremiah B. Earley was chosen first assistant; John T. Price, second assistant, and Ursula Earley, secretary. Its member- ship at the time of organization was 12 officers and teachers and 30 pupils; on December 31, 1899, its enrollment was 11 officers and teachers and 44 pupils. On July 2, 1893, Lehi N. Earley was chosen superintendent and Alice A. Smith, secretary; Jeremiah B. Earley was rechosen first JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 81 assistant superintendent. The office of second assistant superintend- ent was vacant at the time of closing the record December 31, 1899. ST. CHARLES SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in the autumn of 1867, with Leonard Floyd, superintendent, and David Taylor, assistant. It began with about 6 officers and teachers and about 50 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are : Superintendents William M. Allred, from January, 1870, to January 5, 1890; Christopher A. Merkley, from January 5, 1890, to September 25, 1892; Hyrum S. Rich, from November 13, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Orissa A. Allred, from January, 1870, to 1878; Neils Williamson, from February 3, 1878, to August, 1879; Mosiah Booth, from 1879, to April 11, 1880; Andrew Gallo- way, from April 11, 1880, to February 19, 1882; C. A. Merkley, from February 19, 1882, to February 15, 1885; Joseph G. Young, from February 15, 1885, to September 2, 1887; Hyrum S. Rich, from September 11, 1887, to November 13, 1892; Elijah C. Keetch, from November 13, 1892, to July 22, 1894; Heber C. Keetch, from July 22, 1894, to September 19, 1897; Ola Hokensen, from September 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Byron H. Allred, from February 3, 1878, to August, 1879; Christopher A. Merkley, from July, 1880, to February 19, 1882; Nancy H. Hunt, from February 19, 1882, to February 15, 1885; Edgar M. Allred, from February 15, 1885, to March 13, *1887; Alva M. Merkley, from September 11, 1887, to April 13, 1890; Charles G. Keetch, from April 20, 1890, to June 7, 1891; Elijah C. Keetch, from March 27, to November 13, 1892; Ola Hokensen, from December 11, 1892, to September 26, 1897; William H. Michaelson, from September 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Byron H. Allred, from February 3, 1878, to August, 1879; C. A. Merkley, from February, 1880, to December 23, 1883; Jacob N. Merkley, from January to July 7, 1884; Heber C. Keetch, from July 7, 1884, to December 12, 1886; Orson P. Allred, from 82 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. December 19, 1886, to April 26, 1891; Leola V. Booth, from April 26, 1891, to March 18, 1894; John A. Blade, from March 25, 1894, to March 10, 1895; George E. Gardner, from March 10, 1895, to March 14, 1897; Charles Linford, from March 14, to September 26, 1897; Ernest W. Allred, from September, 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 25 officers and teachers and 237 pupils. THOMAS FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 31, 1890, and held its first session September 7, following. The names of its first officers are: Joseph A. Dalton, superintendent; S. W. Hart, first assistant; Grandeson Raymond, Jr., second assistant; James R. Hart, secretary. Its membership at the time of organization was 8 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. The names of officers from Sep- tember, 1892, to December 31, 1899, are J. W. Cook, superin- tendent; J. A. Dalton, first assistant; S. W. Hart, second assistant; and F. C. Evans, secretary. The enrollment at present is 15 officers and teachers and 65 pupils. WARDBORO SUNDAY SCHOOL. On March 9, 1883, this school was organized and its first session was held the following Sunday. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Edgar Dalrymple, from the times of organiza- tion to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents H. H. Dalrymple, Jr., from March 9, 1883, to May, 1891; Oscar Dalrymple from May, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James H. Dimick from March 9, 1883, to May, 1891; J. C. Stewart from May, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Amanda Dalrymple; Mary Dalrymple; Mila Dal- rymple; Harriet Dalrymple; Rhoda Ann Dimick; Addie Dalrymple; Emily Dalrymple; Artemecia Dalrymple; Theodocia Dalrymple.* * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 83 At the time of organization the enrollment of the school was 5 officers and teachers and 25 pupils; on December 31, 1891, it was 7 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. BEAVER STAKE. In the year 1869, William Fotheringham was appointed superin- tendent of Sunday Schools for Beaver stake, a position he still holds. He had no assistants until about the year 1884. The following named have been stake Sunday School officers: First assistant superintendents Benjamin Bennett, W. G. Bick- ley, Andrew Olsen, George L. Benson ; second assistant superintend- ents William Robinson, Edward Fernley, William Burt; secretaries Nettie Smith, Aggie Bickley, W. G. Bickley. The term of service of these officers is unobtainable. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: William Fotheringham, superintendent; George L. Benson, first assistant; William Burt, second assistant; and W. G. Bickley, secretary. All the Latter-day Saints' Sunday Schools of Beaver County, 11 in number, are embraced in the Beaver stake. The historical report shows that superintendent William Fother- ingham and secretary W. G. Bickley have each been engaged in Sun- day School labors for over 30 years. ADAMSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School of Adamsville began in 1868, with James Simkins as superintendent. For a number of years no assistant superintendents nor secretaries were chosen. The successive officers of the school are the following named: Superintendents James Simkins, David D. Reese, Fred T. Gunn, John J. Griffiths, James C. Simkins. First assistant superintendents David D. Reese, James C. Sim- kins, John M. Griffiths, Watkin Reese. Second assistant superintendents Thomas M. Reese, John R. Griffiths, David J. Reese, Richard Pearce. Secretaries Mary E. Stewart, Mary E. Gunn, Alice C. Gunn, Nellie James. At present the officers are: James C. Simkins, superintendent; 84 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. David J. Reese first assistant; Richard Pearce, second assistant; Nellie James, secretary. The enrollment of the school shows 13 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. BEAVER SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1865 a Sunday School was estab- lished in Beaver, with William Fotheringham, superintendent; Duck- worth Grimshaw, first assistant, and Daniel Tyler, second assistant. In 1869 the city was divided into two wards and two Sunday Schools were organized. These two schools were reunited in 1890, and have continued so. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the First Ward school from 1869 to 1890 are: Superintendents Richard S. Home from 1869 to 1876; Thomas Scofield from 1876 to 1881; Benjamin Bennett from 1881 to 1882; R. Maeser from 1882 to 1890. First assistant superintendents William Ashworth, from 1869 to 1881; Andrew Olsen, from 1881 to 1882; William G. Bickley, from 1882 to 1890. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Parkinson, from 1869 to 1881; Samuel 0. White, from 1881 to 1882; William H. White, from 1882 to 1890. Secretaries Caroline Baker, from 1876 to 1881. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the Second Ward school from 1869 to 1890 are: Superintendents William Fotheringham, from 1869 to 1871; Duckworth Grimshaw, from 1871 to 1877: Robert Stoney, from 1877 to 1883; George Mumford, from 1888 to 1890. First assistant superintendents C. J. Thomas, from 1871 to 1872; W T illiam Ashworth, from 1872 to 1877; Solomon Wixom, from 1877 to 1883; Charles T. Stoney, from 1883 to 1888; Duckworth Grimshaw, from 1888 to 1890. Second assistant superintendents William Ashworth, from 1871 to 1872; Robert Stoney, from 1872 to 1875; William Robinson, from 1875 to 1877, and from 1888 to 1890; Duckworth Grimshaw from 1883 to 1888. Secretaries Harry Tattersall, from 1871 to 1877. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 85 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the united school from 1890 to December 31, 1899, are: Superintendents Robert Stoney, from 1890 to 1892; R. Maeser, from 1892 to 1896; George T. Mumford from 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. T. Stoney, from 1890 to 1892; William G. Bickley, from 1892 to 1896; Jacob T. Tanner from 1896, to 1897; Duncan M. Gillies, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles F. Harris, from 1890, to 1892; George T. Mumford, from 1892, to 1896; Duncan M. Gillies, from 1896, to 1897; George Parkinson, from 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John P. Smith, from 1892, to 1896; Nancy Burt, from 1896, to 1897; Mattie Baldwin, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. The place of holding school is the Beaver Stake Academy build- ing and the Assembly Hall. At the time of organization, the member- ship was about 5 officers and teachers and about 35 pupils; at present the enrollment is 35 officers and teachers and 408 pupils. BEAVER BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE BRIGHAM YOUNG ACADEMY. This school was organized October 2, 1898, and its first session was held a week later. It began with an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 13 pupils; its present membership is 11 officers and teachers and 151 pupils. The school convenes only during the period the day school is held. The first officers of the school were: Reinhard Maeser, superin- tendent; John Grimshaw, first assistant; Delia Jones, second assistant; Nancy C. Burt, secretary. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Reinhard Maeser, superintendent; Erastus A. Nielsen, first assistant; Minnie Esplin, second assistant; Nancy C. Burt, secretary. CURFEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 27, 1899, with the following-named officers: R. Curfew, superintendent; Jesse Robin- son, first assistant; Charles Schow, second assistant; and John R. White, secretary. It has an enrollment of 12 officer and teachers and 34 pupils. 86 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. FRISCO SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized on April 25, 1897, and its first session was held two weeks later. Its first enrollment was 7 officers and teachers and 12 pupils; December 31, 1899, the enroll- ment was 9 officers and teachers and 43 pupils. Successive officers of the school are the following-named: Superintendent Carl G. Brandley, from date of organization to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lewis E. Farnsworth serving only for a short period from date of organization; Edward Farns- worth from August, 1897, to January 15, 1899; N. N. Olsen, from January 15 to April 30, 1899; Lizzie Reese, from May 14 to August 13; 1899; S. A. Chase, from August 13 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. F. Harris, serving for a short period from date of organization; Lizzie Watkins, from August 1897, to January 15, 1899; James L. Griffiths, from August 13 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Sadie C. Dunn, Janie Odell, John Reese, La Priel Dunn.* GRAMPION SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is also in Frisco, and was organized October 24, 1897, with an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. Its enrollment on December 31. 1899, was 8 officers and teachers and 38 pupils. Its successive officers are: Superintendents C. W. Poole, from time of organization to May 14, 1899; Gideon A. Murdock, from May 14, to December 31,, 1899. First assistant superintendents Arthur Hinckley, from date of organization to April, 1898; Albert S. Farnsworth, from June 12 r 1898, to May 14, 1899; Robert J. Farnsworth, from May 14 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent Amelia Farnsworth, from June 12, 1898, to May 14, 1899. Secretaries Ruth Turley, from date of organization to June 5,, 1898; Jane Farnsworth, from June 5, to August 21, 1898; Lydia. The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 87 Robinson, from August 21, 1898, to February 12, 1899; Lilie Poole, from May 14 to December 31, 1899. GREENVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL A Sunday School was held in Greenville as early as the year 1868, with Morgan Jenkins, superin- tendent. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: Superintendents Morgan Jenkins from 1868, to 1869; David Miller, from 1869, to 1873; Samuel Monsy and Robert Edwards, from 1873, to 1874; Edwin Price, from 1874, to 1887; Lewis Davis, from 1887, to 1893; Edwin Price (second term), from 1893, to 1895; David S. Harris from April 2, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. A. Miller, from 1887, to 1893; I. H. Morris from 1893, to 1895; J. H. Morris, from April 2, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent Edwin Price, from April 2, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary J. Miller, from 1874, to 1887; Martha Hor- ton, from 1887, to 1893; William Miller, from 1893, to 1895; Emily Edwards, from April 2, 1895, until succeeded by Scott Barton, the date of which is unobtainable. The last named was secretary on December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 17 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. The school is held in the Greenville meetinghouse. MILFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 17, 1892. Its first session was held a week later. The enrollment at the time of organi- zation was 10 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 9 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. The school is held in the district schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents James C. Madsen, from July 17, 1892, to February 12, 1899; E. Tanner, Jr., from February 12, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. Savage, from July 17, 1892, 88 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to October 3, 1898; James Bigler, from October 3, 1898, to February 12, 1899; Charles H. Rollins from February 19 to June 11, 1899; J. T. Tanner, from June 11 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Naylor, from July 17, 1892, to March 19, 1893; J. M. Fisher, from March 19, 1893, to May 27, 1894; J. T. Tanner, from May 27, 1894, to September 29, 1895; James Bigler, from October 6, 1895, to October 3, 1898; Charles H. Rollins, from October 3, 1898, to February 12, 1899; J. T. Tanner (second term), from February 19, to June 11, 1899; E. R. Denny, from June 11 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries J. R. Neilsen, from July 17, 1892, to July 23, 1893; Burly Hickman, from July 23, 1893, to April 23, 1894; Dorothy Hickman, from April 23, 1894, to May 25, 1898; Annie Denny, from May 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. MIXERSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 23, 1868. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Elias H. Blackburn, from January 23, 1868, to 1879; Edwin Eyre, from 1879, to December 7, 1890; William Wood, Jr., from December 14, 1890, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Myers, from 1879, to December 7, 1890; E. Marshall, from December 14, 1890, to 1897; Edwin Eyre, Jr., from 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Wood, Jr., from 1879, to December 7, 1890; Edwin Eyre, Jr., from December 14, 1890, to 1897; Henry Hall, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Emma Walker, Louisa Weeden, Lovina Baker, Maria Walker, Hattie Bradshaw, Emeline Goodman, Ida Zabriskie, Lottie Eyre, Inez Robertson.* The enrollment is 19 officers and teachers and 171 pupils- The school convenes in the district schoolhouse. The historical report shows that the following-named have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years: William Wood, Sr., James McKnigbt, Joseph Banks, Sr., George Eyre, Edwin Eyre, Joseph Myers, William Wood Jr., and George Marshall. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 89 NORTH CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 18, 1895, with Edward Tolton, superintendent, and Eli Slagawske, secretary. Its first enrollment was 5 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. On December 31, 1899, the enrollment was 9 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. The officers of the school on December 31, 1899, were: Moses Edwards, superintendent; Titus Greenwood, first assistant; Henry Green, second assistant; Linda Edwards, secretary. Others besides those already named who have served as officers, but whose time of services is not obtainable, are: J. M. Long, Michael Gale, superin- tendents; Oliver Gale, second assistant superintendent. PINE CREEK AND SULPHURDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 2, 1895, as a branch of the Beaver school, and convened in E. T. Williams' house. The school is only held during the summer time, when the people go there to work. The successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Delbert Lott, from June 9, 1895, to Septem- ber 3, 1897; Ernest Anderson, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent C. E. Billman, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent C. A. Petterson, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Freda Williams, from June 2, to August 11, 1895; E. T. Williams, from July 4, to September 3, 1897; Alice Bradshaw, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. BOX ELDER STAKE. Within this Stake of Zion are embraced the settlements of the Latter-day Saints in Box Elder County, and one in Oneida County, Idaho that of Stone. About the year 1870, Andrew Christensen was appointed super- intendent of Sunday Schools for Box Elder Stake. He had no assistants, and acted as secretary himself. The names of successive officers of the Stake are: Superintendents Andrew Christensen, from about 1870, to July 90 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 27, 1879; Justin C. Wixom, from July 27, 1879, to March 22, 1891; Assistant Superintendents Peter Baird and George Graehl, Jr., presided over the Sunday Schools of the stake in the absence of a superintendent from April 26, 1891, to April 24, 1893; Adolphus Madsen, from April 24, to December 2, 1893, Orien W. Snow, from January 6, 1894, to January 1, 1898; Lucius A. Snow, from January 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Adolphus Madsen, from July 27, 1879, to April 29, 1883; Peter Baird, from April 29, 1883, to January 1, 1898; John H. Bott, from January 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles Kelly, from July 27, 1879, to April 29, 1883; George L. Graehl, Jr., from April 29, 1883, to January 1, 1898; Justin D. Call, from January 1, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Andrew Christensen, from 1870, to July 27, 1879 ; Justin C. Wixom, from July 27, 1879, to April 29, 1883; John Burrows, from April 29, 1883, to 1884; J. C. Wixom, from 1885, to 1888; Mil- ton W.Snow, from 1888, to 1889; Olof Peterson, from 1890 to 1891; John Burrows, (second term) from April 26, 1891, to December 2, 1893; George Watkins, from January 6, to December 4, 1894, Charles D. Brown, from December 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. There are 23 schools in the stake. Since the year 1883, stake meetings of Sunday School workers have been held. The historical report shows that assistant superintendent John H. Bott has been engaged in Sunday School labors for over twenty- five years. BEAR RIVER CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized May 24, 1868, with 8 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. The enroll- ment December 31, 1899 was 25 officers and teachers and 160 pupils. The school was first held in a log hou?e about sixteen by twenty feet in size. From this place it moved into a frame building somewhat larger, then to the district schoolhouse. On July 9, 1899, another move was made into a commodious building with vestry rooms, etc. The successive officers of the school are: Superintendents N. P. Rasmussen, from May 24, to August 16, 1868, and from April 12, 1869, to May 31, 1874; James Jen- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 91 sen, from August 16, 1868, to April 12, 1869; H. E. Byington, from May 31, 1874, to June 10, 1877; N. P. Anderson, from August 26, 1877, to March 18, 1883; Nels Jensen, from July 8, 1883, to November 2, 1890; Peter M. Hansen, from November 23, 1890, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Jensen, from May 24 to August 16, 1868, and from April 12, 1869, to January 7, 1872; James P. Jensen, from January 7, 1872, to May 31, 1874; Anton Nelson, from August 16, 1868, to April 12, 1869; N. P. Anderson, from May 31, 1874, to June 10, 1877; Jacob Hansen, from January 1, 1878, to August 1, 1879; James P. Christensen, from October 20, 1879, to October 16, 1898; Ole Hansen, from January 22, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Carl Jensen, from May 24, * to August 16, 1868, and from April 12, 1869, to May 31, 1874; Jacob Hansen, from May 31, 1874, to June 10, 1877; James P. Christensen, from January 1, 1878, to October 20, 1879; Chrest Peterson, from October 20, 1879, to July 8, 1881; James P. Ander- son, from July 8, 1881, to November 18, 1894; Willard H. Anderson, from November 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hannah M. Hansen, from August 15, 1879, to January 16, 1881; William Powell, from January 16, 1881, to July -8, 1883; Moroni Mortensen, from July 8, 1883, to May 18, 1884; John P. Holmgren, from May 18, 1884, to November 23, 1890; David Holm- gren, from November 23, 1890, to April 16, 1893; Alvin Ipson, from Augast 27, 1893, to May 14, 1896; Hyrum Hanson, from June 21, 1896, to October 3, 1897; David Holmgren, from November 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that M. C. Mortensen and C. C. Johnson have been Sunday School workers for 25 years. BEAVER SUNDAY SCHOOL. School was held in what is known as Beaver Ward, Box Elder County, as early as the year 1877, and Casey P. Bowen, Jr., was appointed to preside over it. A more com- plete organization was effected December 21, 1883. At that time the same superintendent was reinstated, with Charles Twitchell first assistant, and Jarvis Johnson, Sr., secretary. March 3, 1892, Race 92 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. A. Johnson, was appointed second assistant superintendent, and on October 23, 1898, James Bowcutt was called to succeed Charles Twitchell as first assistant superintendent. March 3, 1892, Jarvis Johnson, Jr., succeeded Jarvis Johnson, Sr., as secretary. From December 27, 1896, to 1898, Ethel Durfey was secretary, and from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899, Casey L. Bowen, filled that position. The officers on December 31, 1899 were: Casey P. Bowen, Jr., superintendent; James Bowcutt, first assistant; Race A. Johnson, second assistant, and Casey L. Bowen, secretary. The school began with 4 officers and teachers and 22 pupils; its enrollment December 31, 1899, was 24 officers and teachers and 63 pupils. The school convenes in the district schoolhouse. BOTHWELL SUNDAY SCHOOL (Roweville). This school was organ- ized December 9, 1894, in a small dwelling house on Salt Creek, near Point Lookout. On December 29, 1895, it was moved to the Rowe- ville schoolhouse, where it has been held ever since. Its first officers were: John L. Hunsaker, superintendent; Wil- liam Harris, first assistant; Joseph Sorensen, second assistant; H. B. Stoddard, secretary. On June 21, 1896, John C. Thompson succeeded Joseph Sorensen as second assistant superintendent, and on June 23, 1895, Celestia C. Hunsaker succeeded H. B. Stoddard as secretary. On May 7, 1899, J. G. Bennett succeeded William Harris as first assistant, and R. C. Harris succeeded John C. Thompson, as second assistant superintendent. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: John L. Hunsaker, superintendent; J. G. Bennett, first assistant; R. C. Harris, second assistant, and Celestia C. Hunsaker, secretary. The school was organized with 9 officers and teachers and 21 pupils; it now numbers 21 officers and teachers and 51 pupils. BRIGHAM CITY FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. August 10, 1879, is the date of the organization of this school. The school commenced with an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents David Booth, from August 10, 1879, to June JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 93 13, 1880; Peter Baird, from June 13, 1880, to May 20, 1883; John B. McMaster, from May 20, 1883, to January 11, 1885; James M. Iverson, from January 18, 1885, to September 9, 1888; E. A. Box, from September 9, 1888, to May 7, 1893; John D. Peters, from June 11, 1893, to June 30, 1895, and from October 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899; Nels Jensen, from June 30, 1895, to April 18, 1897. First assistant superintendents Peter Baird, from August 10, 1879, to June 13, 1880; John B. McMaster, from June 13, 1880, to May 20, 1883, and from September 9, 1888, to March 3, 1895; James M. Iverson, from May 20, 1883, to January 11, 1885; Lars Larsen, Jr., from January 18, 1885, to July 3, 1887; John S. Bingham, from July 7, 1895, to October 10, 1897; Jonah Mathias, from October 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Eugenia S. Peirce, from August 10, 1879, to June 13, 1880; Charles W. Knudson, from June 13, 1880, to April 15, 1883, and from October 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899; George L. Graehl, from April 15, to May 20, 1883; John H. Bott, from May 20, 1883, to January 11, 1885; Ephraim Johnson, from January 18, 1885, to October 23, 1887, and from June 11, 1893, to September 5, 1894; Christian Hoist, from September 9, 1888, to May 7, 1893; Jonathan Nelson, from July 7, 1895, to October 10, 1897. Secretaries L. T. Peirce, from August 10, 1879, to June 13, 1880; Amelia Graehl, from June 13, 1880, to January 1, 1888; Mary Baird, from January 1, 1888, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment is 31 officers and teachers and- 293 pupils. The school is held in the ward meeting house. BRIGHAM CITY SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized August 10, 1879, and began with an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents A. H. Snow, from August 10, 1879, to January 5, 1881; Andrew C. Jensen, from January 5, 1881, to November 26, 1882; David P. Burt, from November 26, 1882, to October 3, 1886; John F. Merrell, from October 3, 1886, to March 30, 1890; Lorenzo Jeppe. son, from March 30, 1890, to October 2, 1892; R. L. Fishburn, from 94 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. October 2, 1892, to September 24, 1893; Thomas H. Blackburn, from September 24, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Christensen, from August 10, 1879, to June 20, 1880, and from June 5, 1881, to November 26, 1832; David P. Burt, from June 20, 1880, to January 5, 1881; Thomas E. Wrighton, from November 26, 1882, to September 21, 1884; Thomas H. Blackburn, from September 21, 1884, to April 21, 1889; Niels Diderickson, from March 30, 1890, to October 2, 1892; F. W. Fish- burn, from October 2, 1892, to September 24, 1893; William Horsley, from December 3, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Rinta Snow, from August 10, 1879, to June 20, 1880; Andrew C. Jensen, from June 20, 1880, to January 5, 1881, N. C. Mortensen, from January 5, 1881, to November 26, 1882; Oscar Forsgren, from November 26, 1882, to March 30, 1890; Andrew Kimball, from November 16, 1890, to May 10, 1891; Thomas H. Blackburn, from June 28, 1891, to October 2, 1892; F. C. Petersen, from October 2, 1892, to September 24, 1893; Charles M. Squires, from December 3, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward Wright, from August 10, 1879, to June 20, 1880; Thomas E. Wrighton, from June 20, 1880, to November 26, 1882; Elias Jensen, from November 26, 1882, to March 28, 1886; Alvira Reese, from March 28, 1886, to November 3, 1889; Lucinda Wight, from November 3, 1889, to March 30, 1890; Sarah A. Kelly, from March 30, 1890, to March 3, 1895; Louisa Ingram, from July 21, 1895, to September 13, 1896; Laurette Olsen, from October 4, 1896,- to November 6, 1898; Winifred Boden, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. When the school was first organized it was held in what was known as the Rosenbaum Hall. Since December, 1890, it has been held in the Second Ward meetinghouse. There are at present 28 officers and teachers and 392 pupils. The historical report shows that William Horsley, Justin C. Wixom, and Charles M. Squires have been Sunday School workers for over 25 years. BRIGHAM CITY THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 10, 1879, and for some time was held in a cabinet shop. Its JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 95 sessions are now held in the Third Ward meetinghouse. It began with an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 142 pupils. The school now numbers 25 officers and teachers and 310 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Siverian N. Lee, from August 10, 1879, to January 11, 1880; C. M. Squires, from January 11, to February 20, 1880; A. A. Jansen, from March 27, 1881, to July 1, 1888; Ephraim Ralphs, from July 1, 1888, to March 31, 1895; David P- Burt, from May 5, 1895, to September 11, 1898; Wilford Reeder, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph M. Tippets, from August 10, 1879, to July 1, 1888; H. C. Jensen, from July 1, 1888, to August 13, 1890; Nels Madsen, from August 13, 1890, to May 5, 1895; William Jeppson, from May 5, to November 24, 1895; Wil- ford Reeder, from November 24, 1895, to September 11, 1898; Isaac Jensen, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Nephena Madsen, from August 10, 1879, to February 20, 1880; H. C. Jensen, from March 27, 1881, to January 23, 1882; James Thompson, from January 23, 1882, to July 1, 1888; 0. W. Snow, from July 1, 1888, to April 13, 1890; William Jeppson, from April 13, 1890, to May 5, 1895; Wil- ford Reeder, from May 5, to November 24, 1895; Isaac Jensen from November 24, 1895, to September 11, 1898; Lorenzo N. Stohl, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Leslie W. Snow, from August 10, 1879, to January 11, 1880; Priscilla Smith, from January 11, 1880, to January 21, 1881; Christena Anderson, from January 21, to August 1, 1881; Nephena Madsen, from August 1, 1881, to April 13, 1890; Vinnie Ralphs, from April 13, 1890, to March 31, 1895; Bessie Burt, from May 5, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Ephraim Ralphs, has been a Sunday School workers over 30 years. BRIGHAM CITY FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized August 10, 1879, and first convened in the Court House. Its first officers were: Thomas H. Wilde, superintendent; Lorenzo S. 96 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Wright, first assistant; Emma Watkins, second assistant; Oliver Davis, secretary. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Charles Kelly, from November 2, 1880, to June 3, 1883; David Rees, from June 3, 1883, to March 3, 1885; George W. Davis, from March 3, 1885, to April 26, 1886; Erastus Hansen, from April 26, 1886, to September 13, 1896; John H. Bott, from September 13, 1896, to January 11, 1898; Lewis J. Lund, from January 16, 1898, to January 29, 1899; Nephi Anderson, from January 29, to December 3, 1899; Joseph W. Hanson, from Decem- ber 3, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents -Charles 0. Dunn, from Novem- ber 2, 1880, to June 3, 1883; Ephraim H. Wight, from June 3, 1883, to March 3, 1885; Lewis J. Lund, from March 3, 1885, to April 26, 1886; Joseph Packer, from April 26, 1886, to September 13, 1896; Lucius A. Snow, from September 13, 1896, to January 16, 1898; Isaac H. Jensen, from January 16, 1898, to January 29, 1899; Joseph W. Hanson, from January 29, 1899, to December 3, 1899; Henry L Kotter, from Decembers, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Watkins, from Novem- ber 2, 1880, to June 3, 1883; James Nelson, from June 3, 1883, to March 3, 1885; Ephraim Wight, Jr., from March 3, 1885, to April 26, 1886; Brigham Wright, from April 26, 1886, to November 4, 1894; Olof Jeppson, from November 4, 1894, to September 13, 1896; Isaac H. Jensen, from September 13, 1896, to January 16, 1898; Benjamin T. Alvord, from January 16, 1898, to January 29, 1899; Henry L. Kotter, from January 29, to December 3, 1899; Reuben E. Alvord, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jane Welch, from November 2, 1880, to June 3, 1883; Oleen Stohl, from June 3, 1883, to 1887; John W. Rees, from 1887, to June 10, 1894; Charles D. Brown, from June 10, to December 16, 1894; Meda Hansen, from December 16, 1894, to September 13, 1896; Lillie Hanson, from September 13, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The school now numbers 32 officers and teachers and 232 pupils, and is held in the Fourth Ward meetinghouse. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 97 The historical report shows that Lewis J. Lund has been a Sunday School worker for over 25 years. CALL'S FORT SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in the vear 1870. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents James May, Thomas Wheatley, John Nye, and Thaddeus Wight; first assistant superintendents, Heber Loveland, George Whitworth and E. B. Loveland; second assistant superin- tendents, Joseph Yates, Andrew May; secretaries, Robert Anglesey, Maggie May and John Wheatley. On October 18, 1896, this school was joined with that of Lake Side, and the two united have since been known as the North Ward Sunday School. DEWEYVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. In August, 1869, this school was organized with W. W. Howard as superintendent. The names of successive officers of the school so far as can be ascertained are: Superintendents- Orvil R. Child, from August 3, 1884, to January 1, 1887; Christian Hansen, from January 1, 1887, to July 9, 1899; N. B. Marble, from July 9, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Christian Hanson, from August 3, 1884, to January 1, 1887; Robert N. Gardner, from January 1, 1887, to July 9, 1899; R. H. Fryer, from July 9, 1899, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Robert N. Gardner, from August 3, 1884, to January 1, 1887; Peter Hanck, from January 1, to October 2, 1887; Alex. Baird, from October 2, 1887, to 1889; James E. Dewey, from February 7, 1892, to December 1, 1897; A. F. Loveland, from January, 1898, to July 9, 1899; C. J. Dewey, from July 9, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Matilda Smith, from August 3, 1884, to January 1, 1887; Lettie A. Dewey, from January 1, 1887, to 1890; Vilate Holdaway, from November, 1890, to January, 1891: Lucinda Love- land, from January, 1891, to February 7, 1892; Matilda S. Dewey, from , February 7, 1892, to 1894; Maggie Loveland, from 1894 to 1898; 98 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. C. J. Dewey, from 1898 to 1899; Lettie Gardner, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the schoolhouse and has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. FAIRVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is located in Bear River City. It was organized September 8, 1889, and held its first session a week later. P. M. Hansen was chosen as superintendent, with A. D. Hunsaker as first and J. W. Green as second assistants. On November 9, 1890, Superintendent Hansen was released and his assistants conducted the school until August, 1891, when Lewis Hun- saker was chosen superintendent and A. D. Hunsaker as first assistant and J. W. Larsen as second assistant. Lewis Hunsaker was released December 4, 1892 and H. C. Christensen appointed to fill the va- cancy. He chose the same assistants as his predecessor had. On March 11, 1894, Second Assistant Superintendent J. W. Larsen was released and on November 4, 1894, C. M. Nicholsen was chosen as second assistant. On May 7, 1899, A. D. Hunsaker was released and Lewis Hunsaker was chosen first assistant superintendent. Elias Anderson was the first secretary of the school. He was succeeded April 5, 1891 by Eva L. Hunsaker; November 22, 1896 the latter was succeeded by Emma Nicholsen. The officers of the school on December 31, 1899, were: H. C. Christensen, superintendent; Lewis Hunsaker, first assistant; C. M. Nicholsen, second assistant; Emma N. Anderson, secretary. At the time of organization the school numbered 8 officers and teachers and 18 pupils; and up to the year 1895 it was held in the house of A. C. Hunsaker. Since that time it has been held in the schoolhouse. Its enrollment, December 31, 1899, was 17 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. GARLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized July 1, 1894. From February 18, 1894, to the time of organization a school was conducted here and was known as the Sunset Branch of the Bear River Ward. Arthur R. Capener was acting superintendent and John W. Larsen, acting secretary. The officers of the school when fully organized, June 30, 1895, JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 99 were: Arthur R. Capener, superintendent; Oliver L. Wilcox, first assistant; John W. Larsen, second assistant and secretary. On De- cember 4, 1898, the last named was released and Thomas E. King chosen second assistant superintendent and Ursel S. Rose secretary. The school began with an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 43 pupils. December 31, 1899, it had an enrollment of 18 offi- cers and teachers and 82 pupils. Its place of meeting is the Gar- land schoolhouse. HONEYVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized, Aug- ust 5, and the first session was held August 12, 1877. The names of the successive officers are: Superintendents B. H. Tolman, from August 5, 1877, to Sep- tember 29, 1889; Hyrum Hunsaker, from September 29, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lorenzo Hunsaker, from Aug- ust 5, 1877, to June 8, 1884; Enoch Hunsaker, from June 8, 1884, to 1888; Alfred Summerill, from 1888 to February 28, 1897; B. H. Tol- man, from February 27, 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Hunsaker, from Aug- ust 5, 1877 to June 8, 1884; James Bowcut, from June 8, 1884, to 1888; Franklin Hunsaker, from 1888 to September 29, 1889; J. M. Grant, from September 29, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph Orme, Jr., from August 5, 1877 to 1878; Hyrum Hunsaker, from 1878 to June 8, 1884; John B. Dilts, from June 8, 1884, to 1886; Hattie Hunsaker, from 1886 to 1888; Fred Summerill, from 1888 to September 29, 1889; Albert Baily, from September 29, 1889 to October 16, 1892; Susannah Hunsaker, from October 16, 1892, to February 18, 1894; Silva Hansen, from Febru- ary 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The school began with 8 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. Its present enrollment is 26 officers and teachers and 132 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that B. H. Tolman and Thomas Wheatley have been engaged in Sun- day School work for over 25 years. LAKE SIDE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1873, with Ezra J. Barnard, superintendent. The first complete corps of officers was in- 100 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. stalled in 1877, their names are: R. H. Baty, superintendent; Samuel Henderson, first assistant; William Peirce, second assistant; William Barnard, secretary. The names of succeeding officers of the school are: Superintendents Jonathan Gibbs, from 1883 to 1884; William Peirce, from February 10, 1884, to August 30, 1891; John L. Jones, from August 30, 1891, to 1896. First assistant superintendents John L. Jones, from 1883 to August 30, 1891; Eli T. Peirce, from August 30, 1891, to 1896. Second assistant superintendents Thomas E. Harper, from Feb- ruary 10, 1884, to August 30, 1891; Christen Olsen, from August 30, 1891, to 1896. Secretaries George Barnard, from 1883 to August 30, 1891; Minnie Griffiths, from August 30, 1891 to 1896. On October 18, 1896, this school was united with that of Call's Fort, and since then the two combined have been known as the North Ward Sunday School. MANTUA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 1, 1866, in the ward meetinghouse, with Niels C. Schow, superintendent, and Peter Jensen, Sr., Assistant. These two officers and about 15 pupils con- stituted the total membership of the school at that time. The names of the successive officers are: Superintendents Niels C. Schow, from July 1, 1866 to the fall of 1868; Emil Ander. son, from the fall of 1868 to the fall of 1869; Peter Jensen, Sr., fron the fall of 1869 to August 12, 1883; Christian M. Jensen, from August 12, 1883 to December 22, 1889; Julius Keller, from Decem- ber 22, 1889, to November 30, 1890; L. P. C. Nielsen, from Novem- ber 30, 1890, to January 1, 1893; Peter C. Jensen, Jr., from January 1, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Jensen, Sr., from July 1, 1866 to the fall of 1869; Andrew P. Anderson, from the fall of 1869 to November 20, 1877; John P. Ipsen, from November 20, 1877, to August 12, 1883; Peter C. Jensen, Jr., from August 12, 1883 to Jan- uary 1, 1893; Alexander A. Larsen, from January 1, 1893, to March 19, 1899; Joseph Jensen from March 19 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Lewis P. Munk, from Novem- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 101 ber 20, 1877 to August 12, 1883; Alexander A. Larsen, from August 12, 1883 to January 1, 1893; Joseph B. Jeppsen, from January 1, 1893, to January 14, 1894; Joseph Jensen, from January 14, 1894, to March 19, 1899; A. M. Jensen from March 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Martin M. Jensen, from November 20, 1877, to Aug- ust 12, 1883; Annie Keller, from August 12, 1883, to November, 1885; Hyrum Jensen, from November, 1885, to October 31, 1886; Annie M. Nielsen, from October 31, 1886, to October 29, 1893; Hyrum Jensen, from October 29, 1893, to November 18, 1894; Charles R. Jeppsen, from November 18, 1894, to September 15, 1895; Peter Jensen, from September 15, 1895, to February 5, 1899; Adella Hansen, from Febru- ary 5, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 15 officers and teachers and 169 pupils. The historical report shows that Peter Jensen, Sr., (deceased) was a Sunday School worker for over 35 [years, and John P. Ipsen, Martin M. Jensen and C. M. Jensen have been Sunday School workers for upwards of 25 years. NORTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in 1896. It was formed by the combination of the Call's Fort and Lake Side schools. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Thaddeus Wight, from October 18, 1896, to January 9, 1898; George May, from January 9 to November 5, 1898; E. C. Wheatley, from November 5, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Andrew May, from October 18, 1896 to January 9, 1898; Eli T. Peirce, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Eli T. Pierce, from October 18, 1896, to January 9, 1898; Fred J. Nye, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Maud Wade, from October 18, 1896, to January 9, 1898; William Pyott, from January 9 to November 5, 1898; Arvilla Wight, from November 5, 1898, to December 31, 1899. 102 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The enrollment of the school shows 20 officers and teachers and 101 pupils. Its place of meeting is the North Ward meetinghouse. NORTH WILLARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized about the year 1870, with C. L. Wood, superintendent. For some time the school was held in a dwelling house, afterwards it was moved to the North Willard schoolhouse. The names of the successive officers of the school are: Superintendents C. L. Wood; H. P. Madsen; A. G. Barker;* P. A. Nebeker, from August 12, 1877, to April 18, 1880; John P. Wood, from June 13, 1880, to July 25, 1882; P. A. Nebeker, (second term) from July 25, 1882, to August 21, 1892; G. H. Facer, from August 21, 1892, to August 25, 1895; Helger Packer, from August 25, 1895, to August 6, 1899; John A. Edwards, from August 6 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Robbins;* Ulrich Stauffer, from August 12, 1877, to April 20, 1879; W. J. Facer, from June 13, 1880, to July 25, 1882; S. A. White, from July 25, 1882, to June 27, 1897: George Smith, from June 27, 1897, to August 6, 1899; Prior Facer, from August 6, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Smith from June 13, 1880, to August 21, 1892; James M. White from August 21, 1892, to June 10, 1894; John A. Edwards, from June 10, 1894, to June 27, 1897; John M. White, from June 27, 1897, to August 6, 1899; Thomas A. Smith, from August 6, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries G. H. Facer, from August 12, 1877, to April 20, 1879; H. P. Madsen, from April 20, 1879, to August 21, 1882; Naomia Nebeker, from August 21, 1882, to July 21, 1889; James. M. White, from July 21, 1889, to August 21, 1892; Christina Madsen, from August 21, 1892, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 16 officers and teachers and 58 pupils. PARK VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the fall of 1878 this school was organized with 4 officers and teachers and 26 pupils. The names of the successive officers are: *The period of service of these offices is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 103 Superintendents William Godfrey, from 1878 to 1887; C. E. L. Jackson, from November, 1887, to 1889; J. Campbell, from 1889 to December 3, 1899; Charles W. Olsen, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. H. Macham, from 1878 to 1892; W. A. Chadwick, from 1892 to 1897; Martin Campbell, from 1897 to 1898; C. M. Olsen, from 1898 to December 3, 1899; W. A. Chadwick, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. M. Olsen, from 1892 to 1896; J. W. Palmer, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries C. E. L. Jackson, from November 1884, to Novem- ber, 1887; Martin Rohwer, from 1892 to 1893; lola Thompson, from 1893 to 1896; Ressa Raleigh, from 1889 to 1897; J. H. Kroencke, from 1897 to 1898; Maye Campbell, part of the year 1898; Amanda Meacham, from 1898 to 1899; succeeded by Mary Carter, who was the incumbent on December 31, 1899. The names of present officers are: J. Campbell, superintendent; C. M. Olsen, first assistant; J. W. Palmer, second assistant; Mary Carter, secretary. The enrollment of the school at present is 15 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. ROSETTE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized December 3, 1899, with the following officers: Lorenzo Larson, superintendent; John Kroencke, first assistant; James W. Morris, second assistant; and Grace Raleigh, secretary. It has an enrollment of 13 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. SNOWVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized July 9, 1876, at the house of Bishop A. Goodliffe. It numbered at that time 4 officers and teachers and 17 pupils. The present enrollment is 23 officers and teachers and 91 pupils. The present place of hold- ing school is in the schoolhouse. The names of the successive officers of the school are: Superintendents John Osterhout, from July 9, 1876, to March 7, 1880; John Eynon, from March 22, 1880, to December 30, 1883; William Kurd, from December 30, 1883, to June 3, 1894; Thomas W. 104 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Roe, from June 3, 1894, to August 28, 1898; Cyrus W. Robbins, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Ezra Potter, from July 9, 1876, to January 20, 1878; Joseph Robbins, from January 20, 1878, to March 22, 1880; Hans Miller, from March 22, 1880, to December 11, 1881; William Hurd, from December 11, 1881, to December 30, 1883; Olof J. Norr, from December 30, 1883, to August 28, 1898; Joseph S. Larkin, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John C. Pettengill, from January 20, to June 30, 1878; John Eynon, from June 30, 1878, to March 22, 1880; Orson Hudson, from March 22, to August 1, 1880, Olof J. Norr, from August 1, 1880, to December 30, 1883; William V. Bunderson, from December 30, 1883, to June 29, 1890; Cyrus W. Robbins, from June 29, 1890, to August 28, 1898; Alfred N. Robbins, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Arnold Goodliffe, from July 9, 1876, to January 20, 1878; William Crossley, from January 20, 1878, to July 14, 1878; Ellen Goodliffe, from July 14, 1878, to March 14, 1880; Mary J. Han- sen, from March 14, 1880, to August 27, 1882; Elizabeth B. Goodliffe, from August 27, 1882, to June 14, 1896; Clarence M. Goodliffe, from June 14, 1896, to June 20, 1897; Mary A. Arbon, from June 20, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The present officers are: Cyrus W. Robbins, superintendent; Joseph S. Larkin, first assistant; Alfred N. Robbins, second assistant; Mary A. Arbon, secretary. STONE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is located in Oneida County, Idaho, but belongs to the Box Elder stake. It was organized Sep- tember 4, 1898. The names of its officers were: Oleff J. Norr, super- intendent; John Sparks, first assistant; Lorenzo M. Hurd, second assistant; Pearl Robbins, secretary. On October 22, 1899, Lorenzo M. Hurd was chosen first and Jesse Bradshaw second assistant superintendents. The enrollment at the time of organization was 5 officers and teachers and 50 pupils; the present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. THATCHER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 5, 1896, and held JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 105 its first session the following Sunday. It began with 5 officers and teachers and 18 pupils. Its present enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 61 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Antone Anderson, superin- tendent; Chris Petersen, first assistant; James Petersen, secretary. Its present officers are: Antone Anderson, superintendent; Richard G. Watt, first assistant; C. J. Rohwer, second assistant; and D. E. Adams, secretary. The school is held in the Thatcher schoolhouse. THREE MILE CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized June 13, 1869, with 12 officers and teachers and about 40 pupils. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 20 officers and teachers and 128 pupils. The first meeting place was a log schoolhouse. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents F. M. Crawford, from date of organization to November, 1870; John Peters, from November, 1870, to September 23, 1883; George Davis, from September 23, 1883, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Perry Bingham, from date of organization to April, 1872; Richard Thorn, from April, 1872, to September 23, 1883; Peter Peters, from September 23, 1883, to July 7, 1893; Hyrum Perry, from September 10, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Richard Thorn, from date of organization to April, 1872; Henry M. Perry, from April, 1872, to April 5, 1885; Hyrum Perry, from April 5, 1885, to September 10, 1893; Heber Perry, from September 10, 1893, to November 22, 1896; T. C. Young, from November 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Morris Peters, from January, 1877, to March 4, 1883; William Thorn, from September 23, 1883, to September 31, 1888; Maggie Young, from December 30, 1888, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that George Davis has labored in the Sunday School cause for upwards of 35 years; T. C. Young, Morris Peters, Hyrum Perry, Maggie Young and Annie Peters have been Sunday School workers for over 25 years. 106 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. WILLARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1856 and 1857 a Sunday School was conducted in Willard by Robert Henderson and Sophia P. Hub- bard. Again, in 1865, a school was opened ;and held irregularly till April 17, 1870, when it was reorganized. The school commenced in 1865, was conducted by John D. Gibbs and John T. Thain, who at the time of reorganization were appointed superintendent and first assistant. The reorganized school began with 13 officers and teach- ers and 86 pupils, and held its session in the district school house. The present enrollment is 23 officers and teachers and 283 pupils. The school now meets in the Willard Tabernacle. The names of the successive officers are: Superintendents John D. Gibbs, from April 17, to August 14, 1870; Alexander Perry, from August 14, 1870, to March 17, 1872; Charles Wright, from March 17, 1872, to May 16, 1875; T. W. Brewer ton, from May 16, 1875, to January 20, 1889; John J. Ward, from January 20, 1889, to January 11, 1891, and from November 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899; David C. Hubbard, from January 11, 189L to November 25, 1894. First assistant superintendents John T. Thain, from April 17, 1870, to November 5, 1871; William Lowe, from November 5, 1871, to November 18, 1877; Edwin P. Cordon, from November 18, 1877, to January 19, 1879; William Lowe, (second term) from January 19, 1879, to September 26, 1880; Shadrack Jones, from September 26, 1880, to April 15, 1883; Owen Owens, from April 15, 1883, to May 1, 1887; John L. Edwards, from May 1, to December 25, 1887; David .C. Hubbard, from December 25, 1887, to January 11, 1891, and from November 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899; Robert B. Baird, from January 11, 1891, to November 20, 1898. Second assistant superintendents Abraham Zundel, from January 26, 1873, to September 26, 1880; David C. Hubbard, from September 26, 1880, to December 25, 1887; Robert B. Baird, from December 25, 1887, to January 11, 1891; Joseph Hubbard, from January 11, 1891, to July 31, 1898; James M. White, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles Wright, from April 17, 1870, to November 5, 1871; Homer Call, from November 5, 1871, to March 17, 1872; Alexander Perry, from March 17, 1872, to June 8, 3873; James J. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 107 Chandler, from June 8, 1873, to May 7, 1882; Robert B. Baird, from May 7, to December 31, 1882; Marion E. Perry, from Decem- ber 31, 1882, to March 25, 1883; Mary A. Morgan, from March 25, 1883, to August 16, 1885; Charles D. C. Harding, from August 16, 1885, to January 2, 1887; David Harding, from January 2, 1887, to June 5, 1892; Delta Cole, from June 5, 1892, to August 18, 1895; Sarah A. Harding, from August 18, 1895, to September 29, 1899; Olive Hubbard, from September 29, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Mary Ann Hubbard, Jane P. Owens, Mary Harding, and James J. Chandler have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Sarah Parsons, Hannah Cook, Sophia P. Hubbard, and John J. Ward have been similarly engaged for over 25 years. BINGHAM STAKE. This stake is located in the south-eastern part of Idaho, and embraces Bingham County and the southern part of Fremont County. Until June 9, 1895, it formed a part of Bannock Stake. The stake Sunday School superintendency was organized June 9, 1895, consisting of John M. Mills, superintendent; John H. Evans, first assistant; Edwin H. Brown, second assistant; and George Thomas, secretary. On August 3, 1895, Charles S. Crabtree succeeded John M. Mills as superintendent; July 24, 1898, Edwin H. Brown suc- ceeded John H. Evans as first assistant superintendent; and Aaron W. Beach succeeded Edwin H. Brown as second assistant superintend- ent. August 15, 1896, Robert H. Fife succeeded George Thomas as secretary. There are 4 Sunday School missionaries laboring in connection with the superintendency. The place of holding meetings is Eagle Rock. There are 27 Sunday Schools under the supervision of the superintendency of this stake. AMMON SUNDAY SCHOOL. On November 26, 1889, this school was organized, and its first session was held on the 8th of the follow- ing month, at the residence of A. M. Rawson. It was formerly known as the South lona Sunday School. It began with a member- 108 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS.' ship of 8 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its present enrollment is 19 officers and teachers and 145 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents James A. Owen, from date of organization to January 3, 1892; Samuel South wick, from January 3, 1892, to July 14, 1895; Christian Anderson, from July 14, 1895, to December 3, 1899; Arthur Ellingford, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas W. Hiatt, from date of organization to January 3, 1892; Joseph Empey, from January 3, 1892, to April 21, 1895; Charles H. Owen, from July 14, 1895, to March 29, 1896; E. S. Empey, from May 3, 1896, to October 31, 1897; William J. Rawson, from March 6, 1898, to December 3, 1899; Samuel Southwick, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. N. Owen, from date of organization to January 3, 1892: James Southwick, from January 3, 1892, to July 14, 1895; William J. Rawson, from July 14, 1895, to March 6, 1898; Joseph Lee, from March 6, 1898, to December 3, 1899. Secretaries Dora M. Rawson, from date of organization to March 13, 1892; William J. Rawson, from March 20, 1892, to November 4, 1894; John R. Ellingford, from November 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. ANNIS SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 29, 1896, with 14 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its first officers were: J. H. Byington, superintendent; P. B. Clark, first assistant; Thomas Fox, second assistant; and A. M. Carr, secretary. On November 19, 1899, a reorganization occurred, and the following named officers were chosen: George A. Browning, superintendent; J. H. Byington, first assistant; E. M. Carr, second assistant; and E. L. Hanson, secratary. These last-named officers were serving at the time this record closed December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 18 officers and teachers and 77 pupils. BASALT SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized November 1, 1885, and its first session was held a week later at the residence of Sister Ann Huband. Until April, 1888, it was known as the JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 109 Cedar Point Sunday School. Its first superintendent was Aaron Nebeker, and its first secretary, Augustus Gordon. Successive offi- cers aside from the above named are: Superintendents Andrew 0. Ingelstrom, from February 21, 1886, to April 1, 1888; Charles Griddle, from April 1, to November 25, 1888; Joseph H. Dye, from November 25, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William M. Dye, from May 1, 1887, to April 1, 1888; Felix Huband, from April 1, to November 25, 1888; Moroni Hess, from December 29, 1889, to March 4, 1894; John Crofts, from March 4, 1894, to November 1, 1896; Abinadi Porter, from November 1, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Crofts, from April 1, to November 25, 1888; John Amor, from December 29, 1889, to March 4, 1894; Philip Paskett, from March 4, to June 24, 1894; James Dye, from July 1, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Frances M. Huband, from February 21, to May 9, 1886; Elizabeth Penfold, from May 9, 1886, to April 1, 1888; Emma J. Griddle, from April 1, 1888, to March 23, 1890; Andrew 0. Ingelstrom, from March 23, 1890, to March 27, 1892; Edwin J. Fames, from March 27, to October 30, 1892; William M. Dye, from November 6, 1892, to March 4, 1894; James Dye, from March 4, to July 1, 1894; William Krebs, from July 1, 1894, to June 16, 1895; Nellie Crofts, from June 16, 1895, to May 7, 1899; Hattie Hutchin- son, from May 7, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 20 officers and teachers and 112 pupils. BIRCH CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL. A school was first held in Birch Creek on Sunday, February 11, 1894, under the direction of the Bishop, John Shelton Howard. On March 20, 1898, an organization of the school was effected with Josias R. Young, superintendent; Thomas Morgan, first assistant; George H. Rasmussen, second assist- ant; and Agnes J. Young, secretary. At that time the enrollment was 8 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. December 31, 1899 it was 8 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. BLACKFOOT SUNDAY SCHOOL. On December 31, 1899, this 110 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. school had an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. The present superintendent is George R. Simmons. (No historical re- port having been received from this school, further information re- garding it cannot be given). CENTER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 26, 1896. Its first officers were Joseph Jones, superintendent; George Kinghorn, first assistant; Erastus Walker, second assistant, and Polly Sayer, secre- tary. On March 7, 1897, these officers were succeeded by the fol- lowing-named, who are the present ones: George Kinghorn, superin- tendent; Erastus Walker, first assistant; Alma Sayer, second assistant; Ella Campbell, secretary. The enrollment of this school on December 31, 1899, was 12 officers and teachers and 69 pupils. EAGLE ROCK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in 1884, and its first session was held February 3rd of that year. George Wilmore was the first superintendent and Hat tie Shippen, first secretary. The names of successive officers of the school aside from the above named are: Superintendents Jamas Thomas, from May, 1885, to November 11, 1886; J. B. Hawkley, from November 11,1886, to April 10, 1887; T. A. Nixon, from April 10, to December 29, 1887; Andrew Wilken- sen, J. H. Evans,* J. J. Johanneson, from June 23, 1895, to May 28, 1899; C. E. Dinwoodey, from May 28, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Chapman, from May, 1885, to November 11, 1886; D. B. Thomas, from November 11, 1886, to January 2, 1887; T. A. Nixon, from February 13, to April 10, 1887; James Chapman (second term), from April 10, to December 29, 1887; J. B. Hawkley, William Catmull, A. Ramsayer, H. Catmull, J. 0. Johanneson.* Second assistant superintendents J. B. Hawkley, from May, 1885, to November 11, 1886; Neils Hansen, from November 11, 1886, to January 2, 1887; Edward Berg, H. R. Ross, Gustave Johnson, John Lingren, William Matton.* The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 111 Secretaries L. R. Thomas, from May, 1885, to December 29, 1887; Ella Nixon, Martha Thomas, Neva Molen, Kate Thomas, Nellie Moore.* The school numbers 20 officers and teachers and 108 pupils. GOSHEN SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its organization from Sunday April 3, 1898, and its first session was held two weeks later. Its first officers were the following-named: Adolph M. Nielson, superintendent; Hyrum Hansen, first assist- ant; William Stoddard, second assistant; Jane Monsen, secretary. On September 18, 1898, the school was reorganized with the officers as follows: Adolph M. Nielson, superintendent; William Stoddard, first assistant; Jacob Bragger, second assistant; Peter Monsen, secretary. From December 4, 1898, the Sunday School was suspended until May 28, 1899, at which time another change in the officers occurred, as follows: Henry Shandrew was chosen superintendent; William Stoddart, first assistant; Lars Sorenson, second assistant; Anna Shandrew Ses- sions, secretary. On December 31, 1899, the enrollment of the school was 15 offi- cers and teachers and 51 pupils. GRAY'S LAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 5, 1896, by Elders Martin Harris and Watson, stake missionaries, who presided over the school for four weeks and then returned to their homes. On February 2, 1896, the following-named were chosen as of- ficers: P. G. Tingey, superintendent; C. J. Wood, first assistant; Amanda Sibbett, secretary. On August 28, 1897, T. H. Wilde succeeded P. G- Tingey as superintendent; Enoch Madsen was chosen second assist- ant superintendent, and Fred. Muir succeeded Amanda Sibbett as sec- retary. At the time of organization the enrollment of the school was 5 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. On December 31, 1899, it was 21 officers and terchers and 86 pupils. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 112 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that T. H. Wilde and A. H. Standley have been engaged in Sunday School work for over 30 years; and Louisa J. Wilde and Mary Wood have been similarly engaged for over 25 years. GRANT SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 13, 1889, with 8 officers and teachers and 9 pupils. The names af successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Alfred K. Dabell, from date of organization to August 14, 1892; Eli McEntire, from August 14, 1892, to March 29, 1896; John Webster from March 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Webster from date of or- ganization to March 29, 1896; James 0. Webster from March 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Eli McEntire from date of organization to August 14, 1892; James 0. Webster, from August 14, 1892, to March 29, 1896; Joseph D. Brown from March 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James 0. W T ebster, from date of organization to August 14, 1892; Alfred W. Dabell, from August 14, 1892, to De- cember 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school at present is 19 officers and teachers and 107 pupils. The historical report shows that Alfred K. Dabell has been en- gaged in Sunday School work for over 30 years, and John Webster, for over 25 years. GRANT SOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL. This is a branch of the Grant school. It was organized April 11, 1897, and its first session was held a week later. Its first officers who are still acting, are: John A. Bybee, superintendent; David R. Taylor, first assistant; Orson Hud- man, second assistant, and Richard Robinson, secretary. The school began with 10 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. Its present mem- bership is 4 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. IONA SUNDAY SCHOOL. No historical report of this school has been received. Its superintendent is H. L. Hanson, Jr. LA BELLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in May, 1889, with an JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 113 enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. The first officers were: George A. Browning, superintendent; David Stowell, first assistant; James Bowcutt, second assistant; David Blomquist, secretary. With one exception these officers are still acting. On May 11, 1890, George H. Romrell succeeded James Bowcutt as second assistant superintendent, and on June 18, 1899; J. B. Morgan succeeded George H. Romrell in that office. The present member- ship of the school is 25 officers and teachers and 187 pupils. LEWISVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On August 12, 1883, this school was organized and held its first session in the house of Bishop R. F. Jardine. It began with 4 officers and 13 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents 0. M. Myler, from August 12, 1883, to January 25, 1885; Don C. Walker, from January 25, 1885, to April 26, 1896; David Kinghorn, from April 26, to October 1896, E. B. Hunter, from December 6, 1896, to November, 1898; Winslow F. Walker, from November, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Myler, from August 12, 1883, to January 25, 1885; Brigham H. Ellsworth, from August 1, 1886, to January 13, 1889; A. K. Dabell, from January 13, to June 2, 1889; W. B. Lowe, from June 2, 1889, to 1890; Alonzo Dabell, from 1890, to May, 1894; David Kinghorn, from May, 1894, to April 25, 1896; E. B. Hunter, from April 25, to October, 1896; Martin Harris, from December^ 1896, to November, 1898; F. A. Crabtree, from Jan- uary to November, 1899; Robert Gilchrist, from November 6 to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W. Stokes, from August 12, 1883, to January 25, 1885; Albert Taylor, from 1886, to November 2, 1890; C. S. Crabtree, from November 2, 1890, to May, 1894; E. B. Hunter, from 1894, to April 26, 1896; F. A. Crabtree, from April 26, 1896, to November, 1898; W. F. Walker, from May 1, to Novem- ber 1, 1899; Robert Gilchrist, from January 15, to November, 1899; William Selck, from December 10 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth Myler, from August 12, 1883, to Janu- ary 25, 1885; Charles Shurtliff, from September 28, 1885, to Janu- ary 10, 1886; Tirzah Chase, from August 1, 1886, to April 10, 1887; 114 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Jane Gilchrist, from May 1, 1887, to September 27, 1890; Ezra Chase, from September 27, 1890, to 1891; Joddie Johnson, from April to September, 1891; Rowennah Jardine, from September, 1891, to Septem- ber 21, 1895; Mary Myler, from December 29, 1895, to January 5, 1896; Leila Marler, from January 5, to November 29, 1896; Minnie Ellsworth, from December, 1896, to January, 1899; Lizzie Gilchrist, from January, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment is 22 officers and teachers and 195 pupils. MENAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is March 20, 1884. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents A. L. Ellsworth, from March 20, 1884, to July J, 1887; H. E. Pool, from July 1, 1887, to July 1, 1888; Samuel T. Eames, from July 1, 1888, to November 1, 1889; A. L. Ellsworth, (second term) from November 1, 1889, to January 7, 1897; J. W. Hart, from January 27, 1897, to January 27, 1898; A. L. Green, from January 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents H. E. Pool, from March 20^ 1884, to November 1, 1889; P. W. Casper, from November 1, 1889*, to January 7, 1897; A. L. Green, from January 27, 1897, to January 27, 1898; Z. Ballantyne, from January 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Mary A. Raymond, from March 29, 1884, to January 27, 1897; W. Wi Stephens, from January 27, 1897, to January 27, 1898; A. S. Anderson, from Janu- ary, 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Susie Pool, from March 20, 1884, to January 1, 1887; J. T. Caldwell, from January 1, 1887, to November 1, 1889; Hannah Ellsworth, from November 1, 1889, to January 7, 1897; Pearl Raymond, from January 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school now has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 201 pupils. MORELAND SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 23, 1896, and its first session ^ as held April 5, following. Its first officers were the following-named: William T. Lindsay, superintendent; John V. Eng- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 115 land, first assistant; A. M. Clement, second assistant; Laura Chris- tiansen, secretary. December 3, 1899, Mathias J. Benson was sustained as superin- tendent, with John Wray as first and Wm. T. England as second assistants. The enrollment at the time of organization was 16 officers and teachers and 83 pupils; at present it is 19 officers and teachers and 137 pupils. PALISADE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 12, 1893, and held its first sessions in the house of C. Burton. It began with an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 17 pupils; its present enrollment is 3 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. The names of the officers of the school, past and present, are: Superintendents H. J. Weeks, from date of organization to May, 1895; H. C. Martin, from May, 1895, to August 20, 1898; H. J. Weeks (second term), from August 20, 1898, to July, 1899; H. C Martin (second term), from July to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. H. Weeks, from date of or- ganization to August 20, 1898; H. C. Martin, from August 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. C. Martin, from date of organization to May, 1895; George Logger, from May, 1895, to Aug- ust 20, 1898. Secretaries H. C. Martin, Jr., from May, 1895, to August 20, 1898; Sarah Butler, from August 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Hugh Caldwell Martin, has been a Sunday School worker for over 35 years. RICH SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the absence of a report from this school it can only be stated that its enrollment shows 12 officers and teachers and 33 pupils, and its superintendent's name is Joseph Mir- rell. RIGBY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 30, 1885, and its first session was held December 6 following, at the house of D. S. Robbins. It began with an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. Its numbers have since increased to 21 officers and teach- ers and 136 pupils. 116 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents C. J. Call, from date of organization to De- cember 18, 1887; W. H. Wilson from December, 18, 1887, to Sep- tember 18, 1897; B. K. Homer, from September 18, 1897, to November 27, 1898; J. W. Coucher, from November 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. S. Robbins, from date of organization to December 18, 1887; Josiah Call, from December 18, 1887, to March 1, 1891; George E. Hill, from March 1, 1891, to Sep- tember, 18, 1897; A. W. Ossmen, from September 18, 1897, to No- vember 27, 1898; H. P. Madsen, from November 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Josiah Call, from date of or- ganization to December 18, 1887; George E. Hill, from December 18, 1887, to March 1, 1891; George E. Hill, Jr., from March 1, 1891, to February 7, 1892; Alfred Boram, from February 7, 1892, to Septem- ber 18, 1897; Joseph W. Coucher, from September 18, 1897, to November 27, 1898; Axel Ossmen, from November 27, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries 0. S. Call, from date of organization to December 18, 1887; Margaret Wilson, from December 18, 1887, to September 18, 1897; Laura Call from September 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. RIVERSIDE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 25, 1889. Its early sessions were held at the residences of S. F. Adams, Lot Adams, and others. Later the school was held in the ward school- house, and is now held in the Riverside Hall. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 174 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George B. Wintle, from January 25, 1889, to January 4, 1891; Lot Adams, from January 4, 1891, to March 29, 1896; Edwin E. Thompson, from April 5, 1896, to August 21, 1898; Charles S. Dolton, from August 21, 1898, to December 3, 1899; James Wray, from December 3 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lot Adams, from January 25, 1889, to January 4, 1891; John H. Stander, from January 4, 1891, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 117 to March 29, 1896; Julius Noack, from April 5, 1896, to December 3, 1899; F. S. Fackrell, from December 3 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John H. Stander, from Janu- ary 25, 1889, to January 4, 1891; Ezra Allsop, from January 4, 1891, to March 29, 1896; Ransom W. West, from April 5, 1896, to August 21, 1898; James E. Cowles, from August 21, 1898, to Decem- ber 3, 1899; L. P. Swendson, from December 3 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary E. Wintle, from January 25, 1889, to March 29, 1896; Sarah A. Adams, from April 5, 1896, to August 21, 1898; Emmarene Crawford, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. RUDY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 8, 1888, with the following-named officers: William Catmull, superintendent; Peter Pursur, first assistant; David Clark, second assistant; and H. M. Perry, secretary. Successive officers other than the above-named are: Superintendents James Finn, William Smith, Enos Osmond. First assistant superintendents H. M. Perry, Enos Osmond, J. W. Finn. Second assistant superintendents William Smith, J. W. Finn, Peter Later. Secretaries Lydia Rolfe, Francis Pursur, Maud Perry. The present enrollment is 18 officers and teachers and 64 pupils. SHELLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 3, 1893, with R. H. Bradshaw, superintendent; B. E. Wilcox, first assistant; James Chad wick, second assistant; and Naomia Lawrence, secretary. On February 7, 1897, the following-named officers were in- stalled: H. P. Hansen, superintendent; Curtis Galloway, first assist- ant; Joseph Pritchard, second assistant; and Andrew Jensen, secre- tary. September 18, 1898, another change was made, when the fol- lowing-named, were chosen: C. N. Porter, superintendent; Joseph Pritchard, first assistant; Lewis C. Larsen, second assistant; Arila M. Porter, secretary. The school now numbers 16 officers and teachers and 122 pupils, SHELTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 6, 1892, and its 118 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. first session was held the week following. It began with an enroll- ment of 7 officers and teachers and 40 pupils; it now has 18 officers and teachers and 126 pupils. The names of officers past and present are: Erastus H. Egan, superintendent from date of organization to De- cember 31, 1899. Edwin H. Brown, first assistant from March 6, 1892, to June 30, 1895; George Davis, from June 30, 1895, to August 29, 1897; Robert M. Newman, from August 29, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Benjamin Burtenshaw, second assistant from date of organiza- tion to December 31, 1899. Horace F. Egan, secretary from March 13, 1892, to June 22, 1898; Joseph 0. Nelson, from June 22, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Oliver N. Harmon has been a Sunday School worker for over 35 years, and Lillian Weaverling has been similarly engaged for over 25 years. TAYLOR SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 23, 1886, and con- vened for its first session the following Sunday in the house of Abiah Wads worth. It began with an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 15 pupils; it now has 14 officers and teachers and 70 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries, together with the time of their holding office are as follows: Superintendents Abiah Wadsworth, from May 23, 1886, to De- cember 23, 1888; J. B. Hawkley, from December 23, 1888, to Sep- tember 8, 1889; R. A. Hardy, from September 8, 1889, to April 5, 1891; Eli Arave, from April 5, to October 28, 1891; Nathan Child, from October 18, 1891, to July 21, 1895; Christian Anderson, from July 21, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents David Bybee, from May 23, 1886, to December 23, 1888; Abiah Wadsworth, from December 23, 1888, to October 18, 1891; Isaac Sloan; Heber Arave.* Second assistant superintendents William Priest, from May 23, 1886, to December 23, 1888; Charles Wadsworth, from December 23, 1888, to September 8, 1889; Nathan Child, from April 5, to Octo- ber 18, 1891; Abiah Wadsworth, from October 18, 1891, to July 21, *The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 119 1895; Peter Preace; George Larson ; George Parker;* F. J. Wads worth from October 1, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Eva Wadsworth, from May 23, 1886, to April 5, 1891; C. W. Wadsworth, from October 18, 1891, to July 21, 1895; George Larson; Jennie Miller; Ada Miller; May J. Wadsworth.* TILDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. The school of this place was first called Boom Creek Sunday School, afterwards Grover Sunday School. It was organized January 7, 1894, an'd held its first session the fol- lowing Sunday. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 7 officers and teachers and 16 pupils; it has since increased to 8 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents Justin T. Grover, from date of organization to December 20, 1896; Ransom E. Harris, from December 20, 1896, to March 20, 1898; Robert Warburton, from March 20, 1898, to Decem- 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Levi W. Wheeler, from date of organization to July 26, 1896; James Buttcane, from July 26, to December 20, 1896; Robert Warburton, from December 20, 1896, to March 20, 1898; Alvero Grover, from March 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William D. Grover, from date of organization to December 20, 1896; Justin T. Grover, from Decem- ber 20, 1896, to March 20, 1898; Ezra Wheeler, from March 20, 1898, Ip December 31, 1899. Secretaries Heber White, Jr., from date of organization to December 20, 1896; Elizabeth R. White, from December 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. WILLOW CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 1, 1890, and its first session was held a week later in the house of A. G. Robinson. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 11 officers and teach- ers and 25 pupils. Its first officers were: C. H, Berrett, superin- The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 120 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. tendent; H. P. Wilson, first assistant; Lee S. Robinson, second assistant; and William A. Poll, secretary. On April 26, 1891, Joseph Starkey succeeded H. P. Wilson as first assistant superintendent, and on February 11, 1894, Josephine Thompson succeeded William A. Poll as secretary. With these two exceptions the first officers have continued to serve till December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school December 31, 1899, was 18 officers and teachers and 156 pupils. The historical report shows that C. H. Berrett has been engaged in Sunday School work for over 35 years. WOODVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized June 3, 1894, and its first session was held the Sunday following, in a private dwelling house. Its first enrollment was 7 officers and teachers and 38 pupils. It now convenes in the schoolhouse, and has a member- ship of 14 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. Its first officers were: Curtis Galloway, superintendent; W. A. Hook, first assistant; Michael K. Hammer, second assistant; Ina B. Hammer, secretary. On April 25, 1895, Charles H. Taysom was chosen as superin- tendent and Michael K. Hammer, first assistant; and on February 23, 1896, Esther V. Messervy was chosen as secretary. The office of second assistant superintendent was vacant at the date of closing this record December 31, 1899. CACHE STAKE. All the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools in Cache County, Utah, are embraced in the Cache Stake of Zion. In the year 1866, W. H. Shearman was appointed by Apostle Ezra T. Benson and Pre- siding Bishop Peter Maughan to organize Sunday Schools in Logan and other settlements of Cache County. In 1868 Moses Thatcher was appointed superintendent of the Sunday Schools of Cache County, with C. 0. Card as first and 0. C. Ormsby as second assist- ants. This organization continued until the Cache Stake of Zion was organized. The. names of successive stake officers are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 121 Superintendents 0. C. Ormsby, from 1879 to November, 1881; Fred Hurst from November, 1881, to 1883; C. W. Nibley, from 1883, to 1885; 0. C. Ormsby (second term) from 1885, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. W. Nibley, from 1879, to 1883; William H. Apperley, from 1883, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Fred. Turner, from November 1881, to 1885; W. G. Reese, from 1885, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John E. Carlisle, from September 18, 1880, to April, 1881; Adolph Anderson, from September, 1881, to 1885; James A. Langton, from 1885, to 1889; E. T. Hyde, from 1889, to 1892; Joseph Quinney, Jr., from 1892 to August, 1895, and from April, to December 31, 1899; Joseph E. Cardon, from Septem- ber, 1895, to October, 1896; Louis Cardon, from October, 1896, to June, 1898; Joseph F. Squires, from June, 1898, to April, 1899. The aids to the superin tendency are: George L. Swenson, Samuel B. Mitton, and Charles Batt. The historical report shows that Superintendents 0. C. Ormsby and W. H. Apperley have each been Sunday School workers for over 30 years; and W. G. Reese has been similarly engaged for over 25 years. There are 27 Sunday Schools in the Cache Stake of Zion. AVON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 20, 1891, and its first session was held a week later. It began with an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its present enrollment is 16 officers and teachers and 97 pupils. The school convenes in the Avon schoolhouse. The first officers of the school were: James C. Orr, superin- tendent; Abraham P. Davis, first assistant; Alexander A. Lemon, second assistant; Henry S. Jackson, secretary. In March, 1894, Emma L. Jackson succeeded Henry S. Jackson as secretary. In January, 1896, James J. Facer, succeeded Abraham P. Davis as first assistant superintendent. On September 17, 1899, a reorganization of the superintendency was effected. Since that date the following-named have been in office: Alexander A. Lemon, superintendent; Samson Knowles, first 122 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. assistant; Harold Carter, second assistant; and Emma Jackson y secretary. BENSON SUNDAY SCHOOL is presided over by superintendent Nephi Martineau. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, shows 23 officers and teachers and 107 pupils. (No historical report has been received from this school, hence the meagerness of information re- specting its history). CLARKSTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began about Novem- ber, 1869, with Henry Stokes as superintendent. Its membership then was about 15. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 19 officers and teachers and 149 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Henry Stokes, A. W. Heggie, Henry Yates, Joseph Lewis Thompson,* A. W. Heggie (second term), from 1875 to August, 1890; James Archibald, from August 31, 1890, to February 15, 1891; Thomas Godfrey from February 15, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William V. 0. Carbine, from 1875, to 1886; James Archibald, from 1886, to August 31, 1890; Thomas Godfrey, from August 31, 1890, to February 15, 1891; James B. Jardine, from June 7, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ole A. Jensen, from 1875 to August 31, 1890. Ole Petersen from August 31, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Clark, from 1875, to 1878; Thomas Griffin, from January 27, 1878, to April 13, 1879, and from July 27, 1879, to August 14, 1881; Richard H. Jardine, from April 13, to July 27, 1879, and from February 8, 1885, to June 6, 1886; Richard Godfrey, from August 14, to November 20, 1881 ; Samuel C. Stewart, from November 20, 1881, to December 3, 1882; James B. Jardine, from December 3, 1882, to February 8, 1885 ; William B. Jardine, from June 6, 1886, to March 12, 1889; Elizabeth *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 123 Griffiths, from March 12, 1889, to January 22, 1899. Alfred J. Atkinson, from January 22, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Bishop John Jardine has been a Sunday School worker for over 30 years, and Andrew W. Heggie for over 25 years. COLLEGE SUNDAY SCHOOL, formerly known as the West Millville Sunday School, was organized April 30, 1883, and the first session was held May 13, following. The enrollment at the time of organiza- tion was 13 officers and teachers and about 41 pupils. The enroll- ment December 31, 1899 was 19 officers and teachers and 97 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents John C. Dowdle, from April 30, 1883, to March 1, 1896; John Schenk, from March 1, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas R. Leavitt, from April 30, 1883, to January 1, 1887; Joseph Bastow, from January 1, 1S87, to March 1, 1896; C. C. Bindrup, Jr., from March 1, 1896, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Lars Sorensen from April 30, 1883, to August 18, 1889; Samuel C. Dowdle, from August 18, 1889, to March 1, 1896; James Olsen, Jr., from March 1, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Olsen, Sen., from April 30, 1883, to April 13, 1884; C. C. Bindrup, Jr., from April 13, to November 30, 1884; Joseph Bastow, from November 30, 1884, to April 10, 1887; Eliza R. Dowdle, from April 10, 1887, to June 21, 1891; Robert A. Dowdle, from June 21, 1891, to March 1, 1896; Nephi Bindrup, from March 1, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John C. Dowdle has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; Charles 0. Dunn, over 30 years; Mary A. Dowdle and Letitia S. Dunn, for over 25 years. COVEVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was first held in the year 1877, with John Albiston superintendent. It began with an enrollment of about 25 members, and first convened in a log house owned by Andrew Allen. 124 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Its present membership is 22 officers and teachers and 143 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since it was fully organized are: Superintendents Mark Preece, from 1878 to April, 1887; Robert Gregory, from April, 1887, to October 13, 1889; EliasS. Larsen, from October 13, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Robert Gregory, from 1878 to April 1887; Edwin Spackman, from April 1887, to June 3, 1888; Mark Preece, from June 3, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Levi Allen, from 1878 to April 1887, Elias S. Larsen, from April, 1887, to June 3, 1888; John Eskel- on, from June 3, 1888, to October 13, 1889; Levi Allen, (second term) from October 13, 1889, to October 18, 1896; James C. Allen, from Oc- tober 18, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hannah Goaslind, from 1878, to 1879; Sophia Titensor, from 1879, to 1887 ;Zina Goaslind, from April, 1887, to June 3, 1888; Myron Comi?h, from June 3, 1883, to October 13, 1889; Han- nah G. Larsen, from October 13, 1889, to December 31, 1899. GREENVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School session in Greenville was held December 1, 1889, in the house of Elizabeth S. Palmer. Carl M. Nielson was the first superintendent. On the 23rd of November, 1890, the organization of the school was com- pleted by the selection of Ralph Smith, first assistant; Marmus Anderson, second assistant, and Ezra Palmer, secretary. At this time the enrollment was 14 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. On July 9, 1893, the original officers of the school were sue. ceeded by the following: Emer Crockett, superintendent; Julius Johnson, first assistant; Edward W. Palmer, second assistant; and Eliza Nyman, secretary. October 21, 1S94, R. 0. Larson succeeded Julius Johnson as first assistant; and Emogine Nelson succeeded Eliza Nyman as secretary. On November 24, 1895, Andrew Nyman succeeded R. 0. Larson as first assistant superintendent. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Emer Crockett, superintendent; Andrew Nyman, first assistant; Edward W. Palmer, second assistant, and Emogine Nelson, secretary. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 125 The school numbers 16 officers and teachers and 85 pupils. The historical report shows that Ralph Smith and Susannah J. Smith have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years. HYDE PARK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1867, with an enrollment of 11 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its present membership is 28 officers and teachers and 249 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Joseph B. Roper, from March, 1867, to March, 1872; Simpson M. Molen, from March, 1872, to November, 1874; John A. Woolf, from November, 1874, to November, 11, 1877; Thomas W. Kirby, from November 11, 1877, to December 15, 1878; John A. Woolf, (second term) from December 15, 1878, to September, 1887; William M. Daines, from September, 1887, to May, 1890; Lorenzo Peterson, from May, 1890, to March, 1893; Joseph W. Waite, from April, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas W. Kirby, from March, 1867, to March, 1872; William Hyde, Jr., from March, 1872, to November 11, 1877; Samuel Seamons, from November 11, 1877, to December 15, 1878; Fred Turner, from December 15, 1878, to Sep- tember, 1887; William M. Daines, from April to September 1887; Lorenzo Peterson, from September, 1887, to May, 1890; Stephen Thurston, from May, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Luther C. Burnham, from March, 1867, to March, 1872; Thomas Duce, from November 11, to September, 1887; Benjamin Hymas, from December 15, 1878, to September, 1887; Stephen Thurston, from September, 1887, to May, 1890; James W. Hurren, from May, 1890, to March, 1893; Rosel H. Hyde, from April, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William England, from March 1867, to March 1872; E. M. Thurman, from March, 1872, to November 11, 1877; Annie Christensen, from November 11, 1877, to September, 1887; Mary A. Grant, from September, 1887, to January 1, 1899; Lenore Waite, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. HYRUM SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1871. It has an en- rollment of 32 officers and teachers and 245 pupils. 126 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The names of its successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents S. F. Allen, from 1871, to 1873; Andrew A. Allen, from 1873 to September 29, 1895; H. F. Liljenquist, from Sep- tember 29, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Potts, from 1871 to 1873; Thomas Williams, from March 8, 1875, to November 27, 1881; H. P. Hansen, from 1882 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Hegg, from 1871 to 1873; A. P. Rose, from March 8, 1875, to October, 1878; H. P. Han- sen, from October, 1878, to 1882; H. H. Peterson, from January, 1882, to September 29, 1895; 0. M. Wilson, from September 29, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Wray, from 1873 to December 18, 1894; H. H. Peterson, from December, 1894 to September 29, 1895; Z. W- Israelsen, from September 29, 1895, to January 11, 1898; Lovina Allen, from January 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. LEWISTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in May, 1874, with H. J. Talbot, superintendent. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. Its present enrollment is 35 officers and teachers and 376 pupils. Following are the names of the successive superintendents, as- sistants and secretaries of the school: Superintendents H. J. Talbot, from date of organization to May, 1876; J. E. Layne, from May, 1876, to October 2, 1887; P. E. Van Orden, from October 2, 1887, to May 7, 1899; B. A. Hendricks, from May 8, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Waddoups, from May, 1874, to May, 1876; Hans Funk, from May, 1876, to August 3, 1884; William Waddoups, from August 3, 1884, to October 2, 1887; Albert Blair, from October 2, 1887, to August 26, 1888; Edward Kemp, from August 26, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Waddoups, from May, 1876, to August 3, 1884; H. J. Talbot, from August 3, 1884, to Oc- tober 2, 1887; S. F. Wiser, from October 2, 1887, to April 10, 1898; H. H. Danielson, from April 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 127 Secretaries S. J. Allen, from May, 1874, to August 31, 1890; Theodore France, from August 31, 1890, to August 3, 1893; John M. Anderson, from August 3, to October 3, 1893; Charles Pond, from October 3, 1893, to October 21, 1894; Allen Marler, from October 21, 1894, to July 26, 1896; Joseph Hyer, from July 26, 1896, to April 10, 1898; Ruey Pond, from April 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. There are two branch schools in Lewiston Ward. One is known as the South- West School, and is presided over by William Rigby, superintendent; William Bowman, assistant; with Martha West, secre- tary. The other branch the Stephenson School is presided over by Melvin Kent, superintendent; John Kemp, assistant; with Bertha Kemp, secretary. LOGAN FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. From November 11, 1877, the date of its organization, to November 9, 1884, the First and the Fourth Ward schools were combined and convened in the base- ment of the Logan Tabernacle. The following are the names of successive officers of the com- bined school and of the First Ward school since the division was made: Superintendents F. W. Hurst, from November 11, 1877, to January 19, 1879; Joseph Goddard, from January 19, to March 11, 1879; E. D. Carpenter, from May 11, 1879, to July 18, 1880; F. W. Hurst, (second term) from July 18, 1880, to July 15, 1883; E. M. Curtis, from July 15, 1883, to November 9, 1884; Joseph Goddard, (second term) from November 9, 1884, to December 18, 1887; John E. Carlisle from December 18, 1887, to December 29, 1889, and from September 6, 1891, to December 31, 1899; James A. Langton, from December 29, 1889, to September 21, 1890; D. M. Todd, from Septem- ber 21, 1890, to September 6, 1891. First assistant superintendents E. M. Curtis, from November 11, 1877, to January 19, 1879; E. Hansen, from January 19, 1879, to July 18, 1880; Charles Napper, from July 18, 1880, to July 15, 1883; J. H. Brown from July 15, 1883, to December 18, 1887; A. G. Barber, from December 18, 1887, to December 29, 1889; G. W.Thatcher, Jr., from December 29, 1889, to September 21, 1890; William Sanders, from September 21, 1890, to January 1, 1893; Heber J. Carlisle, from January 1, 1893, to March 10, 1895; John A. Widtsoe, from March 10, 128 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1895, to November 20, 1898; A. B. Irvine, from November 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents T. B. Cardon, from November 11, 1877, to January 19, 1879; L. R. Martineau, from January 19, to May 11, 1879; George T. Benson, from May 11, 1879, to July 18, 1880; James T. Hammond, from July 18, 1880, to July 15, 1883; Joseph Goddard, from July 15, 1883, to November 9, 1884; John E. Carlisle, from November 9, 1884, to December 18, 1887; Ola Larsen, from December 18, 1887, to December 29, 1889; A. J. Curtis, from December 29, 1889, to September 21, 1890; Heber J. Carlisle, from September 21, 1890, to January 1, 1893; Moses Thatcher, Jr., from January 1, 1893, to August 30, 1896; L. W. Snow, from August 30, 1896, to August 15, 1897; A. B. Irvine, from August 15, 1897, to November 20, 1898; E. R. Needham, from November 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries L. R. Martineau, from November 11, 1877, to Janu- ary 19, 1879; N. W. Haws, from Janaary 19, 1879, to July 18, 1880; Emma Smith, from July 18, 1880, to May 15, 1881; John H. Hughes; Joseph E. Wilson;* John A. Hendrickson from July 15, 1883, to November 9, 1884; William G. Reese; Peter W. Maughan;* John P. Smith, from November 11, 1888, to December 29, 1889; Kate Haines from December 29, 1889, to March 10, 1895; Alfreda Larsen; Hattie E. Carter;* Delia Torgeson, from August 30, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school shows 23 officers and teachers, and 172 pupils. LOGAN SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. About the year 1866, this school was organized with Charles 0.* Card, as superintendent. The school has an enrollment of 26 officers and teachers and 368 pupils. The names of the successive officers are: Superintendents Charles 0. Card; Thomas Morrell; Joseph E. Hyde;* William S. Knowles, from April to October 20, 1878; William H. Apperley, from October 20, 1878, to January 23, 1881; Joseph Quinney, from January 23, 1881, to November 13, 1898; William Worley, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 129 First assistant superintendents Edward W. Smith, from October 20, 1878, to January 23, 1881; John F. Squires; Joseph W. Thatcher; William Worley;* Anthon Anderson, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Orrin W. Benson, from Octo- ber 20, 1878, to January 23, 1881; John W. Ash, D. C. Farr;* J. E. Rouche, from January 4, 1891, to June 7, 1896; Heber G. Morrell, from April 19, 1896, to November 13, 1898; George Thomas, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Henry J. Hayball, from October 20, 1878, to June 8, 1879; Aurelia Knowles, from June 8 to December 21, 1879; Adeline Knowles, from December 21, 1879, to June 6, 1880; Elizabeth Hayball, from June 6, 1880, to January 23, 1881; Edward W. Smith; George H. Baugh;* H. E. Hatch, present incumbent. LOGAN THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1864, James Ellis being the first superintendent. This school now has a membership of 24 officers and teachers and 179 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents James Ellis, from 1864 to 1868; John A. Cow- ley from 1868 to April 18, 1880: Joseph Morrell, from April 18, 1880, to March 11, 1883; John J. Johnson, from March 11, 1883, to Novem- ber 30, 1884; John Thomas, from November 30, 1884, to September 19, 1886; Joseph Morrell, (second term) from September 19, to December 5, 1886; William E. Partington, from December 5, 1886, to October 14, 1894; John Thomas, (second term) from October 14, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Morrison, from Novem- ber 11, 1877, to November 30, 1884; Joseph Morrell, from November 30, 1884, to September 19, 1886; Richard Yeates, from September 19, to December 5, 1886; Jos. E. Cowley, from December 5, 1886, to October 14, 1894; T. M. Tarbet, from October 14, 1894, to August 22, 1897; J. C. Wahlen, from October 27, 1897, to March 12, 1899; D. R. Roberts, from March 12, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William E. Partington, from The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 130 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. December 28, 1879, to November 20, 1884; John N. Johnson, from November 30, 1884, to October 19, 1894, J. W. Cowley, from October 19, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Richard Yeates, from November 11, 1877, to Novem- ber 30, 1884; Herbert Davidson, from November 30, 1884, to October 19, 1894; Emma Kewley, from October 19, 1894, to September 1, 1895; J. R. Morrell, from September 1, 1895, to January 5, 1896; Treenie Jacobson, from January 5, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joseph E. Cowley and Richard Yeates have been Sunday School workers for over 25 years. LOGAN FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 9, 1884, and was held in the ''Old Hall," corner of Main and 3rd Streets. Previous to this time the Fourth and First Ward schools were held conjointly. At the time of organization the enrollment was 30 officers and teachers and 200 pupils; on December 31, 1899, the enrollment showed 34 officers and teachers and 249 pupils. The following-named are the successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents F.W.Hurst,from November 9,1884, to December 15, 1889; Andreas Peterson, from December 15, 1889, to September 11, 1898; Edward Hansen, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Fred Lundberg, from Novem- ber 9, 1884,to December 15, 1889; Edward Hansen, from December 15, 1889, to September 11, 1898; J. C. Knowles, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second Assistant Superintendents J. T. Burnett, from Novem- ber 9, 1884, to August 22, 1886; Eli Bell, from August 22, 1886, to December 18, 1887; J. T. Bennett, (second term) from December 18, 1887, to June 9, 1889; J. A. Anderson, from June 9, 1889, to March 1, 1891; Hyrum Ricks, from March 1, 1891, to February 12, 1893; Andrew Eliason, from February 12 1893, to August 9, 1896; J. C. Knowles, from August 9, 1896, to September 11, 1898; W. W. Maughan, from September 11, 1898, to July 23, 1899; Joseph B. Cardon, from July 23 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth Thompson, from November 9, 1884, to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 131 March 10, 1889; Andrew Eliason, from March 10, to August 25, 1889; Nora Eliason, from February 12, 1893, to December 31, 1899. LOGAN FIFTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began in 1868. Its enrollment at the time cannot be given. On December 31, 1899, the school numbered 29 officers and teachers and 336 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents Alexander Izatt, from 1868 to 1870; A. S. Izatt, from 1870 to 1874, from 1876 to 1880, and from 1883 to 1890; J. Juschau, from 1874 to 1876; Henry Flamm, from 1880 to 1883; Anthon Anderson, from 1890 to 1897; Ephraim Jensen, from 1897 to 1898; J. C. Thomas, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Hugh Adams, from 1868 to 1874, and from 1876 to 1880; S. Isackie, from 1874 to 1876; Anthon Anderson, from 1880 to 1886, and from 1888 to 1890; Christian Larsen, from 1886 to 1888, and from 1890 to 1897; Joseph Benson from 1897 to 1898; T. H. Cutler, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. S. Izatt, from 1868 to 1870; S. Isackie, from 1870 to 1876; Andrew King, from 1876, to 1880; P. M. Ravstein, from 1880 to 1883; C. H. Aebischer, from 1883 to 1885, and from 1888 to 1890; Jacob Wahlen, from 1885 to 1888; S. H. Hurst, from 1890 to 1893; E. Jensen, from 1893 to 1897; J. C- Thomas, from 1897 to 1898; C. H. Aebischer, from 1898 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries William T. Adams, from 1878 to 1880; Peter Flamm, from 1880 to 1883; C. L. Olsen, from 1883 to 1888; E. R. Nielsen, from 1888 to 1898; Nettie Stowell, from September 25, 1898, to No- vember 5, 1899; Rose Sorenson, from November 5, to December 31, 1899. LOGAN SIXTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first held in the second district schoolhouse, in the First Ward, and was or- ganized June 17, 1883. It began with a membership of 19 officers and teachers and 80 pupils. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 2 1 officers and teachers and 260 pupils. 132 JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants, and secretaries: Superintendents John Thorpe, from June 17, 1883, to May 15, . 1887; W. T. Jones, from May 15, 1887, to August 15, 1897; C. C- Jensen, from August 15, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Eli Lee, from June 17, 1883, to November 30, 1884; W. T. Jones, from November 30, 1884, to May 15, 1887; C. C. Jensen from May 15, to August 15, 1897; James N. Jensen, from August 15, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Edward Crowther, from June 17, 1883, to February 28, 1886; Adolph Anderson, from February 28, 1886, to May 15, 1887; H. P. Swinyard, from May 15, 1887, to Octo- ber 12, 1890; John Bench, from October 12, 1890, to August 16, 1891; James N. Jensen, from August 16, 1891, to August 15, 1897; Stephen Hailstone, from August 15, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Adolph Anderson, from June 17, 1883, to January 20, 1884; W. T. Jones, from January 20, to December 21, 1884; A. W. Jones, from December 21, 1884, to July 12, 1885; W. G. Reese, from July 12, 1885, to February 28, 1886; John Rosengreen, from February 28, to December 12, 1886; Zeph Thomas, from December 12, 1886, to November 11, 1888; George Dunbar, from November 11, 1888, to June 16, 1889; Sarah Hansen, from June 16, 1889, to De- cember 31, 1899. LOGAN SEVENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized Janu- ary 4, 1885, and its first session was held a week later. It began with an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. Decem- ber 31, 1899, the -enrollment was 24 officers and teachers and 232 pupils. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are the following-named: Superintendents Sylvester Low, from January 4, to December 6, 1885; J. A. Hendrickson from December 6, 1885, to January 1, 1888; C. E. Thorstensen from January 1, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. A. Hendrickson, from January 4, to December 6, 1885; Ole Anderson, from December 6, 1885, to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 133 -January 1, 1888; John Lundburg, from January 1, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ole Anderson, from January 4 ? to December 6, 1885; John Lundburg, from December 6, 1885, to January 1, 1888; August J. Hansen, from January 1, 1888, to Janu. .ary 18, 1891; T. A. Thoresen, from January 18, 1891, to January 10 1892; J. A. Crockett, from January 10, 1892, to December 19, 1897; P. 0. Hansen, from December 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries August J. Hansen, from January 4, to December -6, 1885; Hilda Ringdahl, from December 6, 1885, to May 16, 1886: Mary D. Hendrickson, from May 16, 1886, to January 10, 1892; Althea Crockett, from January 10, 1892, to March 17, 1895; E. J. Broberg, from March 17, 1895, to August 13, 1899; Oscar Bjorkman, from August 13, to December 31, 1899. MENDON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first held in 1863, with James G. Willie, superintendent. Its first sessions were held in .an old log meetinghouse, situated on the south-east corner of the public square of the town. Since then a new meetinghouse has been built, in which the school now convenes. The present membership of the school is 25 officers and teachers and 217 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James G. Willie, from 1863, to 1866; Ralph Forster, from 1866, to 1875; John Donaldsen, from 1875, to 1884; Isaac Sorenson, from 1884, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Isaac Sorenson, from 1875, to 1884; Alfred Gardner, from 1884, to May, 1899; George B. Hughes, from May to December 31, 1899, Second assistant superintendents Alfred Gardener, from 1875 to 1884; George W. Baker, from 1884, to 1890; Andrew Sorenson, from 1890 to May, 1899; Alfred I. Gardener, from May to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Bassett, from 1875 to 1879; Henry Gard- ner, from 1879 to 1882; Edmund Paul, from 1882 to 1883; George W. Baker, from 1883 to 1884; Mary E. Baker, from 1884 to 1886; George N. Sorenson, from 1886 to 1890; Emil J. Stumph, from 1890 to 1893; William I. Sorenson, from 1893 to 1894; Alfred Irwin Gardener, from 134 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1894 to May, 1899; Rebecca Sorenson, from May, to December 31,. 1899. The historical report shows that Bishop Henry Hughes, Andrew Anderson, Isaac Sorenson, Alfred Gardner, and Maria Baker have been engaged as Sunday School workers for over 35 years; Traugott Stumph, over 30 years; Christian Sorenson, Joseph T. Wood, Ann Westover,over 25 years. MILLVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in April, 1867, with a membership of 7 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. The present membership consists of 21 officers and teachers and 239 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre_ taries are: Superintendents Joseph Humphreys, from April, 1867, to Sep- tember 9, 1877; Samuel A. Whitney, from September 9, 1877, to May 25, 1879; Henry Chandler, from May 25, 1879, to July 2, 1893; Richard Jessop, from July 2, 1893, to July 30, 1899; Henry Chandler, (second term) from July 30 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles W. Hulse, from April, 1867, to September 9, 1877; W. C. Humphreys, from September 9, 1877, to May 25, 1879; Ola Olsen from May 25, 1879, to July 2, 1893; Henry Chandler, from July 2, 1893, to July 30, 1899; Frederick Yeates, from July 30 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George A. Biglow, from September 9, 1877, to May 25, 1879; Frederick Yeates, from May 25, 1879, to July 30, 1899; Rasmus Rasmussen, from July 30 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Jessop, from April, 1867, to September 9, 1877; Olive V. Henrie, from September 9, 1877, to May 25, 1879; Frederick Yeates, from May 25, 1879, to July 2, 1893; Leonard Pitkin, from July 2, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Tfte historical report shows that Henry Chandler, and Frederick Yeates have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years, and Richard Jessop for over 25 years. MT. STERLING SUNDAY SCHOOL. From December 19, 1886, to 1895, this was a branch of the Wellsville school and was under the JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 135 immediate supervision of Joseph H. Parker and Robert Redford. The date of organization as a separate school is April 14, 1895. At that time the corps of officers were: John Redford, super- intendent; Joseph H. Parker, first assistant; Robert Baxter, Jr., second assistant, and Annie B. Glenn, secretary. With one exception the officers are the same at present. Emma D. Redford is now sec- retary, having succeeded Annie B. Glenn. At the time of organization the enrollment of the school was 27 officers and teachers and 98 pupils; at present the enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 96 pupils. The historical report shows that John Redford, Robert Redford Georgiana Hill and Lydia Baxter have each been workers in the Sun- day School cause for over 25 years. NEWTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1870, and its first sessions were held in a little log house built on the lot of Franklin W. Young. Its enrollment at that time was 2 officers and teachers and 7 pupils; at present the enrollment is 25 officers and teachers and 203 pupils. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Jonas N. Beck, from 1870 to January 5, 1879; John H. Barker, from January 5, 1879, to January 12, 1881; Jonas N. Beck (second term), from January 12, 1881, to January 23, 1887; John Eynon, from January 23, 1887, to July 20, 1890; William F. Jensen, from July 20, 1890, to January 24, 1897; James F. Hansen, from January 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alfred Goodsell, from 1870 to January 5, 1879; Amos Clarke, from January 8, 1879, to January 23, 1887; William F. Jensen, from January 23, 1887, to July 20, 1890; Alex. M. Leddingham, from July 20, 1890, to December 2, 1894; James F. Hansen, from December 2, 1894, to January 24, 1897; James A. Hansen, from January 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. P. Welchman, from Janu- ary 5, 1879, to January 2, 1881; Christian Anderson, from January 2, 1881, to 1886; John Eynon, from 1886 to January 23, 1887; James A. Hansen, from January 23, 1887, to September 24, 1893, and from 136 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. September, 1895, to January 24, 1897; Alma Benson, from September 24, 1893, to September, 1895; Christian Larsen, from January 24, to July 18, 1897; Willard R. Ballard, from July 18, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries James A. Berry, from January 5, 1879, to January 2, 1881; William F. Jensen, from January 2, 1881, to January 23, 1887; Lorenzo Larsen, from January 23, 1887, to December 4, 1892; Christian Hogensen, from December 4, 1892, to May 21, 1897; Lewis Jenkins, from May 21, 1897, to May 7, 1899; JohnHansen, from May 7, to December 31, 1899. PARADISE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in Paradise began in 1863, with John P. Wright, superintendent. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents John P. Wright, from date of organization, to 1867; John Oldham, from 1867, to 1873; Robert Pearce, from 1873, to 1883, and from 1884, to 1890; Samuel Oldham, from 1883, to 1884; John L. Price, present superintendent (December 31, 1899). First assistant superintendents 0. E. Smith, from 1873, to 1883; J. E. Remington, from 1883, to 1890; G. S. Obray, from 1890, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. L. Price, from 1883, to 1890; J. J. James; J. R. Thomas.* Secretaries T. J. Pearce, from 1873, to 1890; E. J. Humphreys; Josephine James.* The enrollment of the school December 31, 1899, was 22 officers and teachers and 305 pupils. PETERSBORO SUNDAY SCHOOL has been held since the year 1881, and was conducted by temporarily-appointed officers until the date of permanent organization, May 20, 1883. The school was first held in Robert Lawson's house. Its present enrollment is 9 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents John A. Kidman, from May 20, 1 883, to Aug- * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 137 list 9, 1891; Elias Davis, from August 9, 1891, to March 18, 1894; William Cunningham, from March 18, 1894, to July 9, 1899; William Anderson, from July 9, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents P. J. Lord from May 20, 1883, to May 17, 1885; C. W. Maughan, from May 17, 1885, to July 31, 1887; William Cunningham, from August 9, 1891, to March 18, 1894; John A. Kidman, from March 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Elias Davis, from May 17, 1885, to August 9, 1891; John F. Maughan, from March 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries P. J. Lord, from May 20, 1883, to May 17, 1885; C. W. Maughan, from May 17, 1885, to August 9, 1887; Mary A. Maughan, from August 9, 1887, to August 9, 1891; Maria E. Cun- ningham, from August 9, 1891, to May 25, 1894; Alice F. Maughan, from May 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. PROVIDENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The school of this place was organized in the year 1866, and first convened in the ward meeting- house. The first officers were: James Bullock, superintendent; Edwin Stratford, first assistant; John H. Barker, second assistant; Edwin Stratford, secretary. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and sec- retaries since 1872, the year in which the recorded history begins, are: Superintendents James H. Brown, from 1872 to 1878; William W. Lowe, from June 10, 1878, to June 14, 1884; Alma M. Mathews, from June 14, 1884, to May 24, 1891; Hopkin J. Mathews, from May 24, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William W. Lowe, from 1872 to 1878; William Fife, Godfrey Fuhriman, Hopkin J. Mathews, each served in turn between dates of June 10, 1878, and May 24, 1891; Conrad Alder, from May 24, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Fife, from 1872 to 1898; Alma M. Mathews, from June 10, 1878, to June 14, 1884; Thomas Stirland, Charles Crabtree, Conrad Alder, each served in turn between June 10, 1884, and May 24, 1891; William B. Lowe, from May 24, 1891, to December 31, 1899. 9 138 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Fountain Welch, from June 10, 1878, to June 14, 1884; Emily Fuhriman, Jemima Lowe, Lulu Hammond, Sophia Theurer, Bessie Lowe. The term of service of each of the above named secretaries cannot be given, the last named, however, is the present incumbent. The enrollment of the school December 31, 1899, was 27 officers and teachers and 389 pupils. The historical report shows that James Bullock and James Fife have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years; Alma M. Mathews, William B. Lowe, Margaret Rice, and Thomas Stirland, for over 25 years. RICHMOND SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is not obtainable. The first superintendent was John Robin- son, and his first successor was Lansing Bates. The names of successive officers of the school since 1879 the year in which the recorded history begins are: Superintendent M. W. Merrill, Jr., from 1879 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. C. Burnham, from 1879 to 1881; W. H. Jackson, from 1881, to 1886; T. H. Merrill, from 1886, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent Eli Webb, from 1879, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph Monson, from 1879 to 1881 ; Alice Thomp- son, from 1881, to 1886; Maggie W. Thompson, from 1886 to 1887; Agnes Thompson, from 1887 to 1888; Hattie Merrill, from 1888 to 1891; Corie Hendricks, from 1891 to 1893; Mabel Bullen, from 1893 to 1894; C. A. Burnham, from 1894 to 1896; J. F. Burnham, from 1896 to 1897; Ute E. Griffin, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school shows 23 officers and teach- ers and 335 pupils. SMITHFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 15, 1866, and began with an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 69 pupils. The present enrollment shows 39 officers and teachers and 355 pupils. The school sessions are held in the Smithfield Tabernacle. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 139 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Francis Sharp, Charles Wright, Preston T. Moreland, Aquilla Noble, Seth Langton, James P. Lowe, Robert A. Bain, James Kirkbride, Samuel Nelson. First assistant superintendents -Seth Langton, Robert A. Bain, James Kirkbride, E. R. Miles, Jr., Ole Olsen, Jr. Second assistant superintendents John J. Plowman, Theodore Gyllenscog, Austin T. Merril, James Roskelly, D. K. Greene. Secretaries Emma Farrell, James J. Juchau, Frank Coleman. The present officers are: Samuel Nelson, superintendent; Ole Olsen, Jr., first assistant; Alfred B. Chambers, second assistant; and Frank Coleman, secretary. The historical report shows that David Weeks, Thomas Mather, Robert Thornley and Samuel Nelson have been Sunday School work- ers for over 30 years; Moroni Price and Peter Neilson for over 25 years. TRENTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in August, 1875, and its first session was held in the house of Andrew McCombs. On Decem- ber 31, 1899, the school numbered 14 officers and teachers and 84 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Andrew McCombs, from August, 1875, to September 5, 1886; Joseph Bingham, from September 5, 1886, to October 16, 1893; Andrew McCombs, (second term) from October 16 9 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents- -Alfred Goodsell, from August, 1875, to September, 1881; Joseph Bingham, from September 1881, to September 5, 1886; Joseph W. Harmison, from September 5, 1886, to October 16, 1893; William Bingham; M. W. Butler.* Second assistant superintendents William Blanchard, from August, 1875, to September, 1881; Noah Lindsey, from September, 1881, to October 16, 1893; N, F. Jensen; Alfred Jensen.* Secretaries J. J. Harmison, from September 1881, to Septem- * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 140 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. her 5, 1886; William Griffiths from September 5, 1886, to October 16, 1893; Peter E. McCombs; Ella L. Bingham.* The historical report shows that Andrew McCombs has been a Sunday School worker for over 25 years. WELLSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 27, 1859. It has an enrollment of 38 officers and teachers and 402 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents James R. Hawkins, from November 27, 1859, to 1863; Thomas Bradshaw, from 1863 to 1866; Robert Leatham, from 1866 to 1884; Charles R. Bailey, from 1884 to 1898; Peter M. Maughan, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Standage, from November 27, 1859 to 1863; Lewis Howell, from 1881 to 1886; Peter M. Maughan, from 1886 to December 18, 1898; Alexander Spence, from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Kay, from November 27, 1859, to 1863; Alexander Spence, from 1881 to December 18, 1898; Charles E. Gunnell, from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Robert Baxter, Joseph Howell, Elizabeth Kilfoyle, Sarah A. Brown, Maggie Brown, May Leatham, Jane Maughan, James A. Leishman, James Cooper, Jessie Hendry, Robert A. Leishman, Mary Jones. The historical report shows that Robert Baxter, Isaac Green, Charles R. Bailey, and Richard Brenchley have been Sunday School workers for upwards of 35 years; and Alexander Spence, Thomas Leishman, Joseph B. Woodward, David Murray, and John Archibald for upwards of 25 years. CASSIA STAKE. The Cassia Stake embraces the settlements of Cassia County, Idaho and some few of Box Elder County, Utah. The stake Sunday School organization has been in existence since November 20, 1887, The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 141 when Orson P. Bates, was chosen superintendent; Loren J. Robinson, first assistant; Heber K. McBride, second assistant; and James B. Stod- dard, secretary. The only change in the officers is the installment of H. C. Haight as secretary to succeed Joseph B. Stoddard, which occurred July 22, 1898. There are 5 Sunday School missionaries called to assist the superintendency in this stake. The schools of the stake number 14, historical reports of which follow. ALBION SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Cassia County, Idaho. It was organized in 1884, and its first session was held in August of that year, at the residence of James S. Lewis. The school num- bers 13 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William T. Harper from August, 1884, to June 3, 1888; Thomas E. Harper, from June 3, 1888, to Februarys, 1893; Thomas C. Stanford, from February 5, 1893, to December 2, 1894; Thomas E. Harper, (second term) from December 2, 1894, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William F. Brim, from August, 1884, to February 5, 1893; John A. Harper, from February 5, 1893, to March 6, 1899, since which date the office has been vacant. Second assistant superintendents George V. Brim, from August, 1884, to June 3, 1888; William Jones; E. H. Rudd;* Wilford F. Phippen, from February 5, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Wilford Lewis; Thomas C. Stanford; Rosabel A. Brim;* Lottie Brim, from December 9, 1888, to April 28, 1895; Ella I. Brim, from July 19, 1896, to December 31, 1899. ALMO SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Cassia County, Idaho, and was or- ganized March 9, 1887. It began with an enrollment of about 10 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. The present enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 134 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: Superintendents John Lowe, from March 9, 1887, to July 9, * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 142 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1893; Robert J. Eames, from July 9, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Robert Wake, from March 9, 1887, to January 27, 1889; William Jones, from January 27, 1889, to January 6, 1895; George A. Ward, from January 6, 1895 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James W. Hubbard, from March 9, 1887, to January 27, 1889; William E. Johnston, from Jan- uary 27, 1889, to July 9, 1893; David Hubbard, from July 9, 1893, to January 6, 1895; Nathaniel A. Rice, from January 6, 1895, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas 0. King, from March 9, 1887, to January 27, 1889; David Hubbard, from January 27, 1889, to July 9, 1893; William L. Eames, from July 9, 1893, to December 31, 1899. BASIN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 26, 1881, and began with 1 officer and 30 pupils. The present enrollment is 12 officers and teachers and 87. pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents William Moultrie, from July 26, 1881, to June 28, 1885, and from December 5, 1886, to August 11, 1889; Thomas Dayley, from June 28, 1885, to November 29, 1886; James McGavin, from August 18, 1889, to September 11, 1898; Samuel Mclntosh, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William R. Hardy, from De- cember 5, 1886, to August 11, 1889; M. F. Fairchild, from August 18, 1889, to August 26, 1894; Samuel Mclntosh, from September 2 ; 1894, to September 11, 1898; Porteious Dayley, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles M. Dayley, from De- cember 5, 1886, to May 11, 1889; Hiram J. Wells, from August 18, 1889, to August 26, 1894; Porteious Dayley, from September 2, 1894, to September 11, 1898; Joseph Pendergrass, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ralph Maxwell, from June 28, 1885, to November 29, 1886; Samuel Parker, from December 5, 1886, to August 11, 1889; Genette Dayley, from August 18, 1889, to September 11, 1898. Birdie E. Fairchild, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 143 ELAINE SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Carey, Cassia County, Idaho, and was organized December 6, 1891. Its first session was held in a log schoolhouse on January 17, 1892. At the time of organization, its enrollment was 9 officers and teachers and 18 pupils. The present enrollment is 17 officers and teachers and 89 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George S. Harris, from January 17, 1892, to January, 1893; Joseph H. Smith, from January, to April 18, 1893; Joseph H. Phippen, from December 31, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph H. Smith, from January 17, 1892, to January, 1893; Joseph H. Phippen, from January 7, to December 31, 1893; A. M. Phippen, from December 31, 1893, to January 5, 1896; Josiah Howard, from January 5, 1896, to Septem- ber 26, 1897; S. P. Richards, from September 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph H. Phippen, from January 17, 1892, to January, 1893; A. M. Phippen, from January to December 31, 1893; Benjamin B. Evans, from December 31, 1893, to September 26, 1897; Josiah Howard, from September 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph A. Smith, from January 17, 1892, to Decem- ber 30, 1894; Clarence Phippen, from December 30, 1894, to March 13, 1898; Mary Ainsworth, from March 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel P. Richards has been engaged as a Sunday School worker for over 25 years. ELBA SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Cassia County, Idaho, was organized August 31, 1885, and its first session was held September 6, follow- ing. It began with 15 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its pres- ent enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 133 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents H. J. Rasmussen, from September 6, 1885, to January 8, 1887; G. S. Hadfield, from January 8, 1887, to July 13, 1891; R. A. Beecher, from July 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. 144 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents William J. Cole, from Septem- ber 6, 1885, to January 2, 1887; Apollos Taylor, from January 2, 1887, to February 3, 1889; Harvey Woodyatt, from February 3, 1889, to April 13, 1890; C. A. Brewerton, from April 13, 1890, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. A. Brewerton, from Sep- tember 6, 1885, to January 2, 1887; J. A. Dal ton, from January 2, 1887, to February 3, 1889; L. W. Robins, from February 3, 1889, to April 13, 1890; John Darington, from April 13, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth Taylor, from September 6, 1885, to Sep- tember 19, 1886; Elvira Lessey, from September 19 1886, to April 13, 1890; Sylvia Beecher, from April 13, 1889, to May 21, 1893; Inez Parish, from May 21, 1893, to March 31, 1895; Mary Homer, from March 31, 1895, to December 5, 1897; Stella Lessey, from December 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Edmund Homer, has been a Sunday School worker for over 30 years, and Clarinda Beecher for over 25 years. GEORGE CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in the northwest part of Box Elder County, Utah. It was organized August 3, 1890, and its first session was held two weeks later. The school began with 27 members. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents E. C. Richardson, from August 3, 1890, to August 13, 1893; Joseph F. Tracy, from August 13, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph F. Tracy, from August 3, 1890, to August 13, 1893; D. S. Tracy, from August 13, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents David S. Tracy, from August 3, 1890, to August 13, 1893; James Chapman, from August 13, 1893, to August 14, 1898; Joseph A. Montgomery from August 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Betsy Tracy, from August 3, 1890, to August 13, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 145 1893; William Blackburn, from August 13, 1893, to August 14, 1898; Albert Tracy, from August 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. GROUSE CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is situated in Box Elder County, Utah, but belongs to the Cassia Stake. It was organized May 9, 1880, and began with an enrollment of 6 officers and teachers and 9 pupils; the enrollment now is 16 officers and teachers and 74 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James R. Simpson, from May 9, 1880, to 1889; W. C. Betteridge, from June 23, 1890, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Kimber, Jr., from June 23, 1890, to October 26, 1891; D. H. Toyne, from October 26, 1891, to May 16, 1897; George A. Blanthorn, from May 16, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Heber Shaw, from June 23, 1890, to October 26, 1891; John Haynes, from October 26, 1891, to 1898; P. Paskett, from August, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries B. H. Cooke, from May 9, 1880, to January 16, 1881; Philip Paskett, from January 16, 1881, to October 26, 1891; Willie Shaw, from October 26, 1891, to February, 1892; Charles Toyne, from May 16, 1897, to November, 1898; Louie Richins, from November, 1898, to December 3, 1899; Polly Paskett, from Decem- ber 3, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William P. Paskett has been a Sunday School worker for 25 years. ISLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in August, 1888, and its first session was held on the 19th of that month. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 28 pupils. The names of its first officers are: H. J. Wells, superintendent; Albert H. Hale, first assistant; Cyrus Kindall, second assistant, and Charles Moir, secretary. Owing to the removal of most of the families who settled in this place, the school was discontinued on November 3, 1889. On April 30, 1899, the school was reorganized with Albert H. Hale, superin- tendent; William A. Barrett, first assistant; Lars P. Larson, second assistant; and E. J. Larson, secretary. 146 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The present enrollment of the school is 9 officers and teachers and 51 pupils. MARION SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized February 1, 1883, and its first session was held a week later. It began with 8 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. On December 31, 1899, the enrollment was 18 officers and teachers and 115 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents, Daniel Greene, Ormus Bates; first assistants, Adam Smith, J. J. Mabey; second assistants, Ormus Bates, Alvin Tolman; secretaries, John J. Mabey, H. E. Pickett, J. I. Tolman, Ida Bates. The historical report shows that the following-named members of this ward have been Sunday School workers for 25 years and upward: Moroni Pickett, over 35 years; Ormus E. Bates, over 30 years; A. G. Smith and Cyrus Tolman over 25 years. NORTH OAKLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 23, 1894, and its first session was held a week later. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 19 officers and teachers and 145 pupils. At present the enrollment is 17 officers and teachers and 140 pupils. The decrease in the enrollment is owing to the withdrawal of the names of older persons of the ward who attended and were enrolled at the time of organization, but afterwards discontinued to attend. The names of officers of the school are: R. L. Wilson, superin- tendent, and Elan W. McBride, first assistant, from time of organi- zation to December 31, 1899; William F. Rawson, second assistant; from time of organization to January 15, 1899; John Haynes, second assistant; from January 15, to December 31, 1899; Daniel Wilson, secretary; from time of organization to January 9, 1898; Anthon Martindale, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. OAKLEY (FORMERLY CASSIA) SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 18, 1882, and its first session was held a week later. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 13 officers and teachers and 25 pupils; December 31, 1899, the enrollment was 20 officers and teachers and 195 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 147 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George S. Grant, from June 18, 1882, to June 13, 1885; Orson P. Bates, from March 1, 1885, to November 28, 1887; C. L. Jenkins, from December 18, 1887, to December 31, 1896; John J. Millard, from January 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Orson P. Bates, from June 18, 1882, to January 13, 1885; C. L. Jenkins, from March 1, 1885, to November 28, 1887; John J. Millard, from December 18, 1887, to December 31, 1896; Joseph R. Price, from January 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. L. Jenkins, from June 18, 1882, to January 13, 1885; John L. Smith, from March 1, 1885, to November 28, 1887; James Stoddart, from December 18, 1887, to December 31, 1896; Joseph Beck, from January 2, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries John J. Millard, from June 18, 1882, to November 28, 1887; Hector C. Haight, from December 18, 1887, to December 31, 1892; Cicero Kidd, from January 1, 1893, to December 31, 1895; Edith Worthington, from January 1, to December 31, 1896; Caroline Nelson, from January 3, -1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that President H. D. Haight has been a Sunday School worker for over 35 years. STANROD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 7, 1895. Pre- vious to this time a Sunday School had been held at different inter- vals in private houses. The first was opened in 1891, and conducted by Mrs. Nellie H. Hovey. She was followed as presiding officer by Abbie Manfull, who in turn was succeeded by Mrs. Sarah E. Lee. At the time of the first complete organization, April 7, 1895, the enrollment of the school was 13 officers and teachers and 27 pupils. The present enrollment is 12 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Samuel P. Hardy, from April 7, 1895, to Aug- ust 21, 1898; John S. Higham, from August 21, to November 13, 1898. At the time of closing this record E. H. Morris was acting superintendent of the school. 148 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents Mrs. Sarah E. Lee, from April 7, 1895, to December 15, 1896; Edward H. Morris, from June 13, 1897, to May 13, 1898. Second assistant superintendents Mary Thompson, from April 7, 1895, to June 13, 1897; Frederick A. Peterson, from June 13, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mrs. Nellie K. Hovey, from April 7, 1895, to June 21, 1897; William J. Flowers, from June 21, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Edward H. Morris has been en- gaged in Sunday School labors for over 25 years. SUBLETT SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in May, 1889, and be- gan with 7 officers and teachers and 9 pupils. Its enrolllment at present is 9 officers and teachers and 33 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents William Blackmore, from May, 1889, to 1890; John Horn, from 1890 to 1896; Daniel Horn, from 1896 to 1898; Peter J. Neilson, from September 5, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent Jesse Kennsley, from May, 1889 to 1890. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Chambers, from May, 1889 to 1890; George H. Horn, from 1896 to 1898; Daniel Horn, from September 5, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Perssis Horn, from May, 1889 to 1898; Edvena Neilson, from September 5, 1898, December 31, 1899. WEST GROUSE CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 22 pupils. Valison Tanner is superin- tendent. No further information concerning this school has been received. DAVIS STAKE. Within this stake of Zion are embraced all the settlements of Davis County, Utah. The Sunday School superintendency of Davis Stake was organized June 17, 1877, with Nathan Tanner Porter, superintendent; John Kynaston, first assistant; John Ellison second JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 149 assistant; and Nathan T. Porter, Jr., secretary. June 13, 1897, these officers were succeeded by the following named, who are the present incumbents: Nathan T. Porter, Jr., superintendent; Israel Barlow, first assistant; Nathan Reeves, second assistant; and Amasa L. Clark, sec- retary. Edward M. Whitesides and Amasa L. Clark are aides to the stake superintendency. There are 16 Sunday Schools in the stake, historical sketches of which follow. The historical report shows that Nathan Tanner Porter, John Kynaston and John Ellison have been Sunday School workers for over 25 years. CENTER VILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1868, and held its first session on May 3rd of that year. It began with 4 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Nathan Porter; Nathan Cheney;* Thomas Whit- aker, from 1874 to 1876; Thomas Tingey, from 1876, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Tingey, from 1874 to 1876; Frederick Walton, from 1876 to 1898; John F. Parrish, from February 10, 1898, to November 5, 1899. Second Assistant Superintendents Frederick Walton, from 1874 to 1876; Aaron B. Porter, from 1876 to 1878; James Baird, from 1878 to 1883; John H. Coles, from April 10, 1883 to 1887; William Reeves, from March 18, 1887, to March 1, 1890; Nathan T. Porter, Jr., from March 1, 1891, to February 9, 1895; John E. Woolley, from February 9, 1896 to 1898; Frederick W. Walton, Jr., from February 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thurza Randall, from July, 1874, to January, 1876; John H. Coles, from January, 1876, to April 10, 1880; Flavilla Adams, from April 10, 1880, to March 23, 1883; John Whitaker, from March 23, 1883 to October 5, 1884; Nathan T. Porter, Jr., from October 5, 1884, to August 23, 1887; Emila Randall, from August 23, 1887, to March 18, 1888; William Reeves, from March 18, 1888, to February 9, * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 150 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1890; George Earl, from February 9, 1890, to January, 1891; Joseph E. Williams, from January, 1891, to April 22, 1894; Lucy Smith, from April 22, 1894, to February 12, 1899; Mabelle Smith, from February 12, 1899, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 21 officers and teachers and 195 pupils. The historical report shows that Rebecca Porter, and Caroline Dalrymple have been Sunday School workers for upwards of 30 years, and Thomas Tingey, Frederick Walton, Frankie Randall and Melvin Randall for over 25 years. CLEARFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized February 7, 1892^ and its first session was held two weeks later. It began with 11 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. The first officers of the school were: James G. Wood, superinten- dent; David Cook, first assistant; Richard T. Venable, second assist- ant; and Peter Christensen, secretary. On March 25, 1894, the above-named superintendents were succeeded by the following: Richard Venable, superintendent; Thomas J. Thurgood, first assistant; Thos. E. Briggs, second assistant. These last-named officer? together with the secretary served in their respective capacities until January 9, 1898, when the school was united with that of Syracuse, and its officers released. CLINTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 3, 1881, and its first session was held on July 10 following. At the time of organiza- tion there were 4 officers and teachers and 22 pupils enrolled. Successive officers of the school are: Superintendents John Beus, from July 3, 1881, to April 4, 1886; William H. Wilson, from April 4, 1886, to April 3, 1887; James Burnett, from April 10, 1887, to June 18, 1893; Thomas Parker, from May 8, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Mark A. Elmer, from July 3, 1881, to April 4, 1886; John Hendricks, from April 4, 1886, to April 3, 1887; David P. Davis, from April 10, 1887, to March 22, 1896; Charles Mitchell, from March 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Burnett, from July 3, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 151 1881, to April 10, 1887; William E. Stokes, from April 10, 1887, to June 18, 1893; Justin A. Grover, from June 18, 1893, to March 22, 1896; Isaiah Butterworth, from March 22, 1896, to March 13, 1898; Ezra Beus, from May 28, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries David P. Davis, from July 3, 1881, to April 10, 1887; Fanny Burnett, from April 10, 1887, to June 18, 1893; Eliza W. Child, from June 18, 1893, to October 21, 1894; James F. Mitchell, from October 21, 1894, to August 29, 1897; George C. Mitchell, from August 29, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The present number of officers and teachers is 14 and of pupils 81. The school meets in the Clinton schoolhouse. EAST BOUNTIFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL. There was a Sunday School in Bountiful (formerly called Sessions Settlement) as early as 1853, and it is believed it was commenced as early as 1852. It was held at the home of Jeremiah Willey, who was the first superintendent. When the adobe school house was finished it was removed to that building. Some time later William H. Lee was appointed assistant superintendent. This early school was discontinued in 1857 on account of the approach of the United States army, and the schoolhouse was used as a commissary and gathering place for the home guard. When the settlers returned after the move of 1858, school was held at different times until January, 1868. In 1866 Charleston Goldsborough was superintendent. In January, 1868, a reorganization was effected. At this organi- zation a president of the school was appointed. Henry Hampton occupied this position until November 27, 1872, when he was appointed to preside over the three schools in what was then the Bountiful ward. He continued in this position until January, 1879. At the organization of January, 1868, Allen Frost was appointed superintendent, John Kynaston, assistant superintendent, and Edward Cooke, secretary, under the supervision of President Henry Rampton, of what is now known as the East Bountiful School. At that time there were 15 officers and teachers; the number of pupils is not known. Successive officers of the school are: 152 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents Allen Frost, from January, 1868, to June, 1869; John Kynaston, from June, 1869, to April 14, 1880; Charles R. Jones, from April 14, 1880, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Kynaston, from January, 1868, to June, 1869; John Telford; Charles R. Jones;* David Lewis, from April 14, 1880, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles R. Jones; David Lewis,* lanthus H. Barlow, from April 14, 1880, to April 28, 1895; Alfred Burningham, from April 28, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward Cooke, from January, 1868, to 1869; James Waite, from 1869 to 1884; George A. Lincoln, from 1884 to July 30, 1893; Israel Call from July 30, 1893, to May 22, 1898; Alma Hardy from May 22 to May 29, 1898; Florence E. Barlow, from May 29, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school now numbers 39 officers and teachers and 662 pupils. The place of meeting is the East Bountiful Tabernacle. The historical report shows that Charles R. Jones, David 0. Willey, and Martha Duncan have been engaged in the Sunday School work for upwards of thirty years; and Jaren Tolman, Alfred Burning- ham, Albert Shirley, Israel Call, David Lewis, Alma Hardy and Joseph T. Mabey have been Sunday School workers for upwards of twenty- five years. FARMINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. In August, 1852, the Farming- ton Sunday School was organized by Ira Oviatt. His wife, Ruth Oviatt, assisted him, and his son, Franklin Oviatt, acted as secretary. There were about 15 pupils attending at that time. This effort met with so little encouragement that it was soon discontinued. During the summer of 1855, the question of re-organizing the school was agitated, and through the influence of Bishop John W. Hess, a reorganization was effected in August of that year, with Thomas C. Stayner, superintendent, 0. L. Robinson, first assistant, James T. Smith, second assistant and secretary. With this organization, the school continued until the time of the general move south,which occurred in 1858. After the return from the south, the school convened in the *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. STAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 153 upper room of the old courthouse, the schoolhouse formerly used be- ing too small to accommodate the pupils, there being an attendance of -about one hundred and twenty-five. In 1863, through the influence of Apostle Amasa M. Lyman, Ezra T. Clark, James Brooks and others, the school was reorganized and moved into the meetinghouse. The officers chosen at this time were James Brooks, superintendent, William Watson, first assistant, Jacob Miller, second assistant, and James T. Smith, secretary. Officers succeeding them np to the present are: Superintendents Jacob Miller, from 1864 to 1873; James T. .Smith, from 1873, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James T. Smith; Horton D. Haight;* Alley S. Rose; from 1873 to 1879; Walter W. Steed, from 1879, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Hector C. Haight, from 1864 to 1872; 0. L. Robinson; Joseph E. Robinson;* James Loynd, from 1880 to 1892. Amasa Clark, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. The school is held in Farmington meetinghouse. Its present en- rollment is 32 officers and teachers and 372 pupils. The historical report shows that Superintendent James T. Smith has been a Sunday School worker for over 40 years. KAYSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the year 1867 a school was started in this place. It was held in the meetinghouse, and was pre- sided over by William L. Payne with William Smith as assistant sup- erintendent. William Stokes, and Thomas Boynton were also superintendents part of the time from the year 1867 to 1871. How long each one acted as superintendent is not known. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1871 are: Superintendents James T. Walker, from 1871 to 1874; James H. Linford, from 1874, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Hyrum Stewart, from 1871 to 1874; William L. Payne, from 1874 to 1880; William Blood, from 1880 to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 10 154 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents James H. Linford, from 1871 to 1874; William L. Payne, from 1880 to 1885; William Forley, from 1885 to 1887; Heber J. Sheffield, from 1887 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James H. Linford, Jr., from 1880 to 1892; Hubert G. Burton, from 1892 to 1898; William S. Burton, from 1898 to De- cember 31, 1899. The enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 30 officers and teachers and 502 pupils. The historical report shows that Superintendent James H. Lin- ford has been engaged in Sunday School work for over 25 years. LAYTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school held in this ward convened in a small district schoolhouse, about the year 1880. At that time it was known as the Northeast Kaysville school Layton being formerly a part of Kaysville. The first officers of the school were: Alexander Dawson, super- intendent; George W. Adams, first assistant; William N. Nalder, second assistant; William A. Dawson, secretary; all of whom served until May 25, 1890. Successive officers of the school aside from the above-named are: Superintendent E. P. Ellison, from May 25, 1890, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alexander Dawson, from May 25, 1890, to May 14, 1899; A. B. Cook, from May 14, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents T. J. O'Brien, from May 25, 1890, to March 11, 1894, and from August 1, 1897, to November 6, 1898; A. B. Cook, from March 11, 1894, to August 1, 1897, and from November 6, 1898, to May 14, 1899; F. H. Nalder, from May 14, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George W. Green, Jr., from May 25, 1890, to March 11, 1894; William A. Dawson, from March 11, 1894, to January 1, 1897; Elijah King, from January 1, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the Layton ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 248 pupils. NORTH CENTERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL began in the year 1871. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 155 It was first presided over by Thomas Schofield as superintendent. There were no assistant superintendents nor secretaries until several years later. The school began with 6 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. It now has 15 officers and teachers and 103 pupils, and con- venes in the North Centerville schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since 1873, are: Superintendents Joseph France, from June 8, 1873, to June 21, 1874; George 0. Chase, from December 10, 1876, to May 5, 1896; Philip Garns, from May 17, 1896, to December 4, 1898; John Ford, Jr., from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Ford, from December 10, 1876, to March 4, 1888; Charles W. Rockwood, from March 4, 1888, to January 12, 1890; John Ford, Jr., from April 27, 1890, to Decem- ber 4, 1898; John T. Barber, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Rigby, from February 4, 1877, to August 17, 1879; Stuben Rollins, from November 16, 1879, to May 17, 1896; John T. Barber, from May 17, 1896, to December 4, 1898; George W. Rollins, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph Ford, from June 8, 1873, to May 31, 1874; Joseph France, from June 7, to June 21, 1874; Joseph Ford, (second term) from December 10, 1876, to January 2, 1881; Hyrum Ford, from January 2, 1881, to March 4, 1888; Kate M. Chase, from March 4, 1888, to January 15, 1893; Viola Chase, from January 15, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joseph Ford has been a Sunday School worker for over 25 years. NORTH FARMINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 5, 1879, and convened for first session January 12th following. Its enrollment at the time of beginning was 13 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. Names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Peter Duncan, from January 5, 1879, to June 12, 1880; Alley S. Rose, from June 12, 1880, to December 31, 1899. 156 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents Alley S. Rose, from January 5, 1879, to June 12, 1880; Thomas F. King, from June 12, 1880, to March 3, 1889; Eli Manning, from March 3, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Nephi Secrist, from January 5, 1879, to June 12, 1880; Jacob M. Secrist, from June 12, 1880 to July 29, 1882; Daniel G. Miller, from November 5, 1882, to Octo- ber, 1884; Eli Manning, from January 25, 1885, to March 3, 1889; Henry Barrett, from March 3, 1889, to January 1, 1894; James Loynd, from January 14, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretary Eli Manning, from January 5, 1879, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the North Farmington schoolhouse. Its present officers and teachers number 18, and its pupils, 88. The historical report shows that Alley S. Rose and James Loynd have been engaged as Sunday School workers for over 35 years; and Emma Welling and Henry Barrett for over 30 years. SOUTH BOUNTIFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL (DISTRICT NO. 1) is presided over by Henry Moss, and has an enrollment of 23 officers and teach- ers and 195 pupils. No historical report has been received from this school. SOUTH BOUNTIFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL, (DISTRICT No. 2). The date of organization of this school is January 4, 1891 ; its first session was held the following Sunday in a little schoolhouse built of concrete. The first officers were: William J. Parkin, superintendent; William Salter, first assistant superintendent; George C. Wood, second assist- ant superintendent; Joseph J. Howard, secretary. It began with 15 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. The first chosen superintendent and first assistant are still serving. On January 8, 1893; S. S. Howard succeeded George C. Wood as second assistant, and still holds that position. Joseph J. Howard was secretary from January 4, 1891, to September 9, 1893; Joseph Salter, from September 22, 1893, to January 29, 1894; Samuel C. Howard, from March 11, 1894, to December 31, 1899. On December 31, 1899, the officers were William J. Parkin, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 157 to September 5, 1886; Minda Harris, from September 5, 1886, to October 14, 1888; Ann E. Hopkins, from October 14, 1888, to May 11, 1890; Elizabeth Anderson, from May 11, 1890 to May 28, 1893; Vernessa Harris, from May 28, 1893, to February 17, 1895; Rhoda A. Smith, from February 17, 1895, to November 6, 1898; John R. Harris, from No- vember 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the meetinghouse. It now has enrolled 24 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. GRAHAM SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 14, 1895, and held its first session on that same date in the East Graham schoolhouse. Its original officers were: F. B. Woolley, superintendent, Byron D. Roundy, Jr., first assistant, F. S. Seaman, second assistant, Rose Seeg- miller, secretary. These officers were succeeded by the following- named persons, who are the present incumbents: Byron D. Roundy, Jr., superintendent, F. S. Seaman, first assistant, W. H. Roundy, Jr., second assistant, Belle McDonald secretary. The meeting place is the Graham ward schoolhouse. Sessions are held only from May till October, owing to the scattered condition of the people and the long, snowy winters. The school numbers 10 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. JOHNSON SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first session of this school was held in the year 1871. From the time of its organization until a schoolhouse was built, in 1893, the school was conducted in private dwelling houses. W. D. Johnson, Jr., was the first superintendent. He was succeeded by Sixtus E. Johnson. 204 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Since 1874, at which time a more perfect organization was effected, the following- named persons have been successive officers: Superintendents W. H. Laws, from 1874, to July 13, 1884; Abia E. Johnson, from July 13, 1884, to 1886; Joseph H. Johnson, from 1886 to 1890; Nephi Johnson, Jr., from 1890 to 1892; I. N. Workman, from 1892 to 1894; J. H. Johnson, from 1894 to 1896; Joseph Chatterly, from 1896 to 1898; B. H. Honey, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Abia E. Johnson, from 1874, to July 13, 1884; Joseph H. Johnson, from July 13, 1884, to 1886; C. B. Shumway, from 1892 to 1894; G. Buchanan, Jr., from 1894 to 1896; C. Greenough, from 1896 to 1898; G. Buchanan, Jr., from 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Margaret Buchanan, from 1892 to 1894; G. Buchanan, Jr., from 1894 to 1896; C. B. Shumway, from 1896 to 1898; Elizabeth Glover, from 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Robert Laws, from 1874 to 1891; Hannah Johnson, from 1891 to 1896; George Jackson, from 1896, to December 31, 1899. On December 31, 1899, the school had 4 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. KANAB SUNDAY SCHOOL. In January, 1871, this school was organized with James L. Bunting, superintendent; Jehiel McConnell, first assistant superintendent; Thomas Robertson, second assistant superintendent and secretary. The enrollment of members was about 45. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents James L. Bunting, from January, 1871, to December 16, 1877; Allen Frost, from December 16, 1877, to August 3, 1879; Elmer W. Johnson, from August 3, 1879, to December 5, 1880; Charles H. Oliphant, from December 5, 1880, to January 6, 1884; L. C. Marriger, from January 6, 1884, to February 22, 1885; Alonzo L. Stewart, from February 22, 1885, to February 7, 1886; Abia W. Brown, from February 7, 1886, to January 9, 1887; Henry E. Bowman, from January 9, 1887, to January 8, 1888; James L. Bunting, from January 8, to June 24, 1888; Joel H. Johnson, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 205 June 24, 1888, to July 7, 1889; Alonzo L. Stewart, from July 7, 1889, to August 23, 1891; Henry E. Bowman, from August 23, 1891, to January 8, 1893; Joseph E. Robinson, from January 8, 1893, to February 5, 1894; Fred A. Lundquist, from February 5, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Jehiel McConnell, from January 1871, to December 16, 1877; Thomas Dobson, from December 16, 1877, to August 3, 1879; D. K. Udall, from August 3, 1879, to December 5, 1880; John Rider, from December 5, 1880, to January 6; 1884; Elmer W. Johnson, from January 6, 1884, to February 22, 1885; Nathan Adams, from February 22, 1885, to July 7, 1889; Fred A. Lundquist, from July 7, 1889, to February 5, 1894; Zadok K. Judd, Jr., from February 5, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Robertson, from Jan- uary, 1871, to December 16, 1877; Nephi Johnson, Jr., from Decem- ber 16, 1877, to August 3, 1879; Zadok K. Judd, Jr., from August 3, 1879, to December 5, 1880; J. W. McAllister, from December 5, 1880, to January 6, 1884; Alonzo L. Stewart, from January 6, 1884, to February 22, 1885; Edwin M. Ford, from February 22, 1885, to January 9, 1887; Hubert E. Riggs, from January 9, 1887, to Jan- uary 8, 1888; John F. Brown, from January 8 to June 24, 1888; Isaac 0. Brown, from June 24, 1888, to July 7, 1889; Loran A. Little, from July 7, 1889, to August 23, 1891; Isaac 0. Brown, from August 23, 1891, to February 5, 1894; Thornton Hepworth, from February 5, 1894, to March 10, 1895; James E. Bunting, from March 10, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Robertson, from January, 1871, to Decem- ber 16, 1877; Hubert E. Riggs, from December 16, 1877, to June 6, 1884; Mary A. Riggs, from June 6, 1884, to February 22, 1885; Esther A. Judd, from February 22, 1885, to February 7, 1886; Susan E. John- son, from February 7, 1886, to January 8, 1888; Clara Smith Cram, from January 8, 1888, to July 7, 1889; Susan E. Little, from July 7, 1889, to August 23, 1891 ; Amy Robinson, from August 23, 1891, to January 8, 1893; Mary E. Woolley, from January 8, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The school convenes in the schoolhouse, Kanab. Its present number of officers and teachers is 11, of pupils 277. 206 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that First Assistant Superintendent Zadok K. Judd, Jr., has been a laborer in the Sunday School upwards of 25 years. MOUNT CARMEL SUNDAY SCHOOL. Samuel Claridge, H. B. M Jolley and R. M. Englestead composed the first superintendency of this school, which was organized in the year 1871. Later the school was presided over by William J. Jolley, then by William Jolley, Jr. The following-named officers have served successively since May, 1879 as far back as exact dates can be obtained: Superintendents William H. Worthen, from May 4, 1879, to November, 1888; Joseph L. Jolley, from November, 1888, to Novem- ber 30, 1891; Henry A. Jolley, from November 30, 1891, to January 6, 1895; Robert Moncur, from January 6, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Hans C. Sorensen, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Amos Stephens, from May 4, 1879,to November,1888; Haskell S. Jolley,from November, 1888, to No- vember, 1891; Lorenzo Jolley, from November, 1891, to January 10, 1897: James Jensen, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Haskell S. Jolley, from May 4, 1879, to November, 1888; Joseph U. Jolley, from November, 1891, to January 6, 1895; James Jensen, from January 6, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Olive Thaxton, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Cynthia A. Jolley, from May 4, 1879, to November, 1888; Sarah B. Jolley, from November, 1888, to November, 1891; Effie S. Jolley, from November, 1891, to January 6, 1895; Lora B. Jolley, from January 6, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Madalene Dailey, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school now has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 79 pupils, and convenes in a school building on the public square of the town. ORDERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Formerly this school was in the St. George Stake of Zion. It was organized at Mount Carmel in 1873, with Samuel Claridge, superintendent, George Harmon, first assist- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 207 ant, Thomas Chamberlain, second assistant, and Henry Blackburn, secretary. It was moved to Orderville in 1875. The officers who succeeded the above are as follows: Superintendents Thomas Robertson, from October, 1876, to Oc- tober 30, 1882; E. M. Webb, from October 30, 1882, to October 7, 1883; William M. Black, from October 7, 1883, to October 12, 1884; Willard Carroll, from October 12, 1884, to October 18, 1885; E. D. Porter, from October 18, 1885, to September 18, 1887; F. L. Porter, from September 18, 1887, to April 29, 1888; C. N. Porter, from April 29, to October 14, 1888; A. F. Heaton, from October 14, 1888, to October 6, 1889; F. L. Porter, from October 6, 1889, to Septem- ber 25, 1892; C. W. Carroll, from September 25, 1892, to September 9, 1894; F. L. Porter, from September 9, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. M. Webb, from October, 1876, to October 30, 1882; Willard Carroll, from October 30, 1882, to October 12, 1884; E. D. Porter, from October 12, 1884, to Octo- ber 18, 1885; C. W. Carroll, from October 18, 1885, to October 3, 1886; Willard Carroll, (second term) from October 3, 1886, to Sep- tember 18, 1887 ;H. A. Fowler, from September 18, 1887, to April 29, 1888; Joseph Meeks, from April 29, to October 14, 1888; F. L. Porter, from October 14, 1888, to October 6, 1889; Hans Sorensen, from October 6, 1889, to September 28, 1890; F. W. Heaton, from September 28, 1890, to September 26, 189J ; George Harmon, from September 26, 1891, to September 25, 1892; Henry Blackburn, from September 25, 1892, to September 17, 1893; E. P. Fackrell, from September 17, 1893, to September 9, 1894; C. W. Carroll, (second term) from Sep- tember 9, 1894, to September 13, 1896; H. J. Meeks, from September 13, 1896, to September 26, 1897; Edward Carroll, from September 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry Blackburn, from Octo- ber, 1876, to October 30, 1882; E. D. Porter, from October 30, 1882, to October 12, 1884; F. A. Webb, from October 12, 1884, to October 18, 1885; A. F. Heaton, from October 18, 1885, to October 3, 1886; H. A. Fowler, from October 3, 1886, to September 18, 1887; E. D. Porter, (second term) from September 18, 1887, to April 29, 1888; F. W. Heaton, from April 29, to October, 1888; Joseph Meeks, from October 14, 1888, to October 6, 1889; F. G. Carroll, from October 6, 208 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1889, to September 28, 1890; E. P. Fackrell, from September 28 y 1890, to September 26, 1891; F. G. Carroll, (second term) from September 26, 1891, to September 25, 1892; J. J. Esplin, from Sep- tember 25, 1892, to September 17, 1893; Wallace Adair, from Sep- tember 17, 1893, to September 9, 1894; E. P. Fackrell, (second term) from September 9, 1894, to September 13, 1896; Edward Carroll, from September 13, 1896, to September 26, 1897; C. W. Carroll, from Sep- tember 26, 1897, to September 25, 1898; Robert Covington, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Henry Blackburn, from October, 1876, to October 30, 1882; E. D. Porter, from October 30, 1882, to October 7, 1883; H. A. Fowler, from October 7, 1883, to October 12, 1884; E. M. Webb, from October 12, 1884, to October 18, 1885; H. E. Hoyt, from Octo- ber 18, 1885, to September 18, 1887; Amanda Hoyt, from September 18, 1887, to April 29, 1888; Amanda Palmer, from April 29 to Octo- ber 14, 1888; R. V. Adair, from October 14, 1888, to September 26, 1891; Clarissa Heaton, from September 26, 1891, to September 25 r 1892; Clara Meeks, from September 25, 1892, to September 9, 1894; Maria Bowers, from September 9, 1894, to September 26, 1897; Maria Carroll, from September 26, 1897, to September 25, 1898; Kezia Esplin, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the Orderville schoolhouse. The present enrollment is 24 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. Superintendent F. L. Porter and ex- Assistant Superintendent Henry Blackburn have been engaged in Sunday School work over 25 years. MALAD STAKE. Part of Oneida County, Idaho, and a part of Box Elder County r Utah, are embraced in the Malad Stake of Zion. The stake Sunday School organization was effected March 3, 1888, with David Hall, superintendent; Thomas Thorpe, first assistant; Benjamin L. Thomas, second assistant. On January 8, 1890, Joseph W. Dudley, was appointed superintendent with John Jenkins, first, Fred E. Jones, second assistants, and R. E. Jones, secretary. The last-named officers are still serving, with the exception of First Assistant Superintendent JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 209 John Jenkins, who was succeeded in August, 1894, by George Stewart. There are 12 Sunday Schools in the stake, historical sketches of which appear below. CHERRY CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Oneida County, Idaho, has been established since 1873. The first superintendent of the school was Nathan Hunting. He was succeeded in turn by Joseph W. Dudley, Christopher Gardner, Samuel Redmell and Joseph A. Jones. The latter's term of service ended in April, 1896, at which time a complete organization was effected, as follows: William J. Facer, superintendent; Joseph A. Jones, first assistant; J. D. Jones, second assistant; and Henry J. Grimley, secretary. These last named offi- cers still hold the positions to which they were chosen. The enrollment of the school shows 11 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. FIELDING SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since November 27, 1892. It is located in Box Elder County, Utah. It has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 117 pupils. The first officers names are: Micah Garns, superintendent; E. 0. Wilcox, first assistant; Willard R. Smith, second assistant; L. H. Kennard, secretary. No change has occurred in the superintendency since the time of organization. Secretaries of the school, aside from the one above named are: C. W. Richards, from October to November 29, 1896; Levi Stevenson, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. MALAD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The early records of this school have been destroyed by fire and the date of organization and names of first officers are not obtainable. It is located in Oneida County, Idaho. It has enrolled 19 officers and teachers and 298 pupils. The names of successive officers since 1872 are: Superintendents Edward G. Roberts, from September 29, 1872, to January 4, 1894; William H. Richards, from January 21, 1894, to February 9, 1896; Brigham E. Jones, from February 9, 1896, to December 31, 1899. 210 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents James P. Harrison, from Sep- tember 29, 1872, to March 21, 1885; D. R. Evans, from March 21, 1885, to July 3, 1887; Joseph McKay, from July 3, 1887, to January 6, 1889; Jesse R. Dredge, from January 6, 1889, to January 4, 1894; Brigham E. Jones, from January 21, 1894, to February 9, 1896: George S. Thomas from February 9, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents D. R. Evans, from September 29, 1872, to March 21, 1885; T. M. Thomas, from March 21, 1885, to January 6, 1889; George P. Adams, from January 6, 1889, to January 4, 1894; George S. Thomas, from January 21, 1894, to February 9, 1896; Jesse H. Dredge, from February 9, 1896, to January 3, 1897; William H. Palmer, from January 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries E. G. Roberts, from September 29, 1872, to March 21, 1885; R. E. Jones, from March 21, 1885, to July 3, 1887; John J. Evans, from January 6, 1889, to December 31, 1899. PLEASANT VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL. On August 31, 1890, this school was organized as a branch of the Samaria school. Its first officers were: L. D. Jones, superintendent; W. P. Camp, first assist- ant; Jeremiah Jones, second assistant; and H. N. Jones, secretary. On April 1, 1895, these officers were succeeded by Jeremiah Jones, superintendent; Taliessin Jones, first assistant; H. W. Jones, second assistant; and Charles E. Thomas, secretary. The last-named officers are still acting. The school was first held in private houses, being organized at the home of W. P. Camp. It is now held in the Pleasant View schoolhouae, situated in Oneida County, Idaho. The enrollment at the time of beginning was 8 officers and teachers and 20 pupils; it has since increased to 13 officer? and teachers and 67 pupils. Since June, 1897, the school has been conducted independent of the Samaria school of which it first started as a branch. PLYMOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Box Elder County, Utah. It was first organized November 18, 1877. Its present enrollment shows 20 officers and teachers and 102 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 211 Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents P. L. Pierson, from November 18, 1877, to June 11, 1898; William R. Archibald, from June 11, 1898, to January 1, 1899; A. J. Josephson, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph H. Ovead, from January 27, to June 24, 1884; G. H. Wolverton, from June 24, 1884, to November 9, 1890; Henry Clark, from November 9, 1890, to Decem- ber 27, 1891; George Smith, from December 27, 1891, to April 3, 1892; L. A. Rose, from May 8, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. D. Pierson, from June 24, 1884, to spring of 1888; T. H. Archibald, from spring of 1888, to May 8, 1892; Wm. R. Archibald, from May 8, 1892, to June 17, 1898; A. J. Josephson, from July 31, 1898, to January 1, 1899. Secretaries Ellen A. Pierson, from November 18, 1877, to January 24, 1884; Amos Pierson, from January 24, 1884, to January 18, 1888; E. Stoddard, from January 18, 1888, to June 1, 1890; Olive A. Pierson, from June 1, 1890, to January 4, 1891; Harriet M. Pierson, from January 4, 1891, to June 22, 1892; Lola Pierson, from June 22, 1892, to June 23, 1893; A. E. Zundol, from June 23, 1893, to January 1, 1897; Mary Pierson, from January 1, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The school convenes in the Plymouth schoolhouse. PORTAGE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On November 4, 1877, the Sunday School of Portage, Box Elder County, Utah, was organized with 15 officers and teachers and 55 pupils. It has since increased in enroll- ment to 23 officers and teachers and 178 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Marian E. Hale, from November 4, 1877, to December 12, 1883; David Hall, from Decmber 2, 1883, to April 2, 1888; Charles S. Hall, from April 2, 1888, to January 1, 1893; Wm. McCrary, from January 1, 1893, to January 7, 1894; Charles S. Hall, (second term) from January 7, 1894, to January 5, 1896; Henry John, from January 5, 1896, to May 15, 1898, James Parkinson, from May 15, 1898, to December 31, 1899. 212 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents Thomas J. Howell, from Novem- ber 4, 1877, to January 18, 1885; Charles S. Hall, from January 18, 1885, to April 2, 1888; James Parkinson, from April 2, 1888, to May 15, 1898; David W. Morris, from May 15, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph H. Gibbs, from Novem- ber 4, 1877, to December 12, 1883; Charles S. Hall, from December 2, 1883, to January 18, 1885; William John, from January 18, 1885, to April 2, 1888; Henry John, from April 2, 1888, to January 5, 1896; David W. [Morris, from January 5, 1896, to May 15, 1898; George M. Ward, from May 15, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles S. Hall, from November 4, 1877, to Decem- ber 2, 1883; Joseph B. Hawkley, from December 2, 1883, to January 18, 1885; John G. Morris, from January 18, 1885, to January 3, 1886; Enoch Harris, from January 3, 1886, to January 2, 1887; John D. Gibbs, from January 2, 1887, to April 3, 1888; John F. Con- ley, from April 3, 1888, to January 7, 1894; William H. Gibbs, Jr., from January 7, 1894, to May 15, 1898; Thomas P. John, from May 15, 1898, to December 31, 1899. RIVERSIDE SUNDAY SCHOOL is locate*! in Box Elder County, Utah,, and was organized September 26, 1897. For two years previous to this date a school had been conducted here without a complete organ- ization. The present enrollment of the school is 12 officers and teachers and 76 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Joseph Hadfield, superin- tendent; Joseph H. Welling, first assistant; Lewis Lilly white, second assistant; Elizabeth J. Hadfield, secretary. The only change that has occurred in the officers of the school is the choosing, on December 4, 1898, of Joseph H. Lillywhite second assistant superintendent, as a successor to Lewis Lillywhite. The historical report shows that Myron J. Richards has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. Sr. JOHNS SUNDAY SCHOOL. When the Sunday School of St. Johns, Oneida County, Idaho, was organized, the settlement was con- nected with Malad Ward, and was not separated from it until the JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 213 year 1884. The school has been established since November, 1877. Its first superintendent was Adolph Alggren, who was succeeded in turn by Andrew Johnson and Andrew Anderson. The record of the school previous to the year 1884 is unobtainable, and the above are the only names of officers known to have served up to this period. The names of later superintendents together with their assistants and secretaries are as follows: Superintendents D. S. Jones, from March 4, 1884, to May 3, 1885; Andrew Anderson, (second term) from May 3, 1885, to Febru- ary 3, 1889; D. S. Jones, (second term) from February 3, 1889, to December 26, 1893; Lewis H. Baker, from December 26, 1893, to March 20, 1898; Peter H. Ilium, from March 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Antering, from March 4, 1884, to May 3, 1885; D. S. Jones, from May 3, 1885, to February 3, 1889; Hyrum Monson, from February 3, 1889, to May 24. 1896; Peter H. Ilium, from May 24, 1896, to March 20, 1898;John L. Jones, from March 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents David Thomas, from March 4, 1884, to May 3, 1885; Hyrum Monson, from May 3, 1885, to Febru- ary 3, 1889; Evan G. Jones, from December 26, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Thomas, r from March 4, 1884, to May 3, 1885; Thomas L. Jones, from May 3, 1885, to February 3, 1889; Roselia Deschamps from February 3, 1889, to December 26, 1893; Elvira J. Harrison, from December 26, 1893, to March 20, 1898; Mary E. Jones, from March 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. At the time of organization the school numbered about 30 mem- bers. Its present enrollment shows 12 officers and teachers and 66 pupils. It is conducted in the ward meetinghouse. SAMARIA SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began in the year 1869, at which time it had 3 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. It has since increased to 19 officers and teachers, and 174 pupils. The school convenes in the meetinghouse, Samaria, Oneida County, Idaho. 214 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The first officers of the school were: Richard Morse, superintendent; Thomas Roberts, first assistant, and Thomas Thorpe, secretary. Names of successive superintendents and assistants since 1878 are as follows: From 1878 to 1891, Thomas Thorpe, superintendent, Samuel D. Davis, first and William P. Camp, second assistants; from 1891 to 1894, Lewis J. Bowen, superintendent, William E. Morse, first and Joseph Morgan, second assistants; from 1894 to 1895, Thomas Williams, superintendent, Joseph Morgan, first and Isaac B. Evans, second assistants; from 1895 to 1898, Joseph Morgan, superintendent, Isaac B. Evans, first, and Lewis Williams, second assistants; from 1898 to December 31, 1899, Thomas Williams, (second term) super- intendent, Isaac B. Evans, first, and Thomas Thorpe, second assist- ants. Names of successive secretaries are: Thomas Thorpe, from 1869 to 1891; Frank Bowen, from 1891, to 1898; Elizabeth Jenkins, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Thomas Thorpe and Daniel E. Price have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. WASHAKIE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Washakie is an Indian village situ- ated in Box Elder County, Utah, where, for a number of years past the Church has sought to improve the condition of the red man by teaching him the arts of civilization. The Sunday School was organ- nized November 13, 1883, and is composed of Lamanite children. It has an enrollment of 6 officers and teachers and 117 pupils. Its first officers were: James J. Chandler, superintendent; Alex- ander Hunsaker, first assistant; Moroni Ward, second assistant; and Philene Zundel, secretary. Successive superintendents are: Lorenzo Hunsaker, Moroni Zun- del, and Ammon Pubagee (a Lamanite). The last-named is the pres- ent superintendent, and Willie Ottogary is the present secretary. The historical report shows that Moroni Ward has been a Sunday School workers over 25 years. WILLOW SPRINGS SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in Oneida County* Idaho. Its records covering a number of years have been lost. The JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 215 school was first established on September 1, 1867, with H. H. Mifflin,, superintendent; Joseph Thorpe, assistant; and H. H. MMin, secretary. Its present officers are: V. Groo, superintendent; H. H. Mifflin, first assistant; George Richards, second assistant; H. H. Mifflin, secretary. The school began with 4 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. At present it has 7 officers and teachers and 31 pupils. The historical report shows that H. H. Mifflin, Thomas Thorpe, Celia Mifflin and Jane Chivers have been Sunday School workers over 35 years. WOODRUFF SUNDAY SCHOOL. In November, 1877, Robert Green was appointed to conduct a Sunday School in Woodruff, Oneida County, Idaho, as a branch of the Portage school. In 1885, the school was organized as a separate institution, with Robert Green, superin- tendent; Joseph B. Harris, first assistant; Thomas G. Davis, second assistant; and George Ward, secretary. At that time the enrollment was 8 officers and teachers and 33 pupils. It now has 10 officers and teachers and 43 pupils. In 1897 a change of officers occurred, when the following-named were chosen and are still serving (December 31, 1899): Nathan D. Yearsley, superintendent; Thomas J. Howell, first assistant; George Ward, second assistant; Daniel M. Green, secretary. MARICOPA STAKE. Within this stake are embraced all the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools of Maricopa and Gila counties, southern Arizona. The stake Sunday School superintendency was organized March 15, 1884. The names of the successive stake Sunday School officers are: Superintendents George Passey, from March 15, 1884, to March 27, 1887; George W. Lewis, from March 27, 1887, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John H. Carter from March 15, 1884, to March 27, 1887, George F. Ellsworth, from March 27, 1887, to March 18, 1895; Wellington Richens, from March 18, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George W. Lewis, from March 216 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 15, 1884, to March 27, 1887; William J. LeBaron, from March 27, 1887, to March 31, 1892; Wellington Richens, from March 31, 1892, to March 18, 1895; Wallace A. McDonald, from March 18, 1895, to December 31. 1899. Secretaries George Passey, from March 15, 1884, to March 27, 1887; Benjamin F. LeBaron, from March 27, 1887, to March 23, 1896; George A. McDonald, from March 23, 1896, to September 4, 1897; John F. Home, from September 4, 1897, to March 5, 1899; Benjamin F. LeBaron, (second term) from March 5, to December 31, 1899. There are 5 Sunday Schools in the Maricopa Stake. ALMA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 13, 1884, and its first session was held a week later. It began with 18 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. At present the enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 166 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Joseph A. Stewart, from July 13, 1884, to 1893; Joseph Hawkes, from 1893 to January 1, 1896; H. B. Morris, Jr., from January 1, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. H. Rogers, from July 13, 1884, to April 18, 1886; Joseph Hawkes, from April 18, to September 5, 1886; James Vance, from September 5, 1886, to 1893, C. C. Dana, from 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Rosewell Dana, from April 13, 1884, to August 23, 1885; James Vance, from August 23, 1885, to September 5, 1886; H. B. Morris, Jr., from January 23 to April 17, 1887; W. S. Johnson, from April 17, 1887, to 1893; Amos Hawkes, from 1893 to 1896; Lafayette Dana, from 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joel E. Johnson, from April 13, 1884, to 1888; Sophronia B. Standage, from 1888 to June 30, 1890; Mary P. Hurst, from 'June 30, 1890, to 1895; Edna Hunsaker, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. LEHI SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Maricopa County, was fully organized February 18, 1883, and its first session was held a week later. Pre- vious to this organization a Sunday School had been held almost con- tinuously from May 1, 1877. Dudley J. Merrill was the first superin- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 217 tendent; he was succeeded in turn by Thomas Biggs, D. P. Jones, H. W. Brizzie and Charles G. Shill. At the time of complete organization the enrollment of the school was 13 officers asd teachers and 67 pupils; .at present it is 13 officers and teachers and 123 pupils. The names of successive officers since February 18, 1883, are: Superintendents Charles G. Shill, from February 18, 1883, to May 20, 1884; Harvey J. Harper, from May 20, 1884, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Daniel P. Jones, from February 18, 1883, to May 20, 1884; Park Harper, from May 20, 1884, to 1886; William Schwarz, from April 25, 1886, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Harvey J. Harper, from Feb- ruary 18, 1883, to May 20, 1884; William Schwarz, from May 20, 1884, to April 25, 1886; Thomas P. Biggs, from April 25, 1886, to November 12, 1899; Daniel P. Jones, from November 12, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Maggie Macdonald, from February 18, 1883, to February 15, 1891; Annie Prethio, from February 15, 1891, to 1898; Hyrum Davis, from March 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. MESA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in October, 1878. It has an enrollment of 28 officers and teachers and 276 pupils. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries past and present are: Superintendents Charles I. Robson, from October, 1878, to date not known; William Passey, from date not known to April 15, 1883; Edgar L. Griffin, from April 15, 1883, to September 15, L884; Collins R. Hakes, from September 15, 1884, to January 22, 1888; George T. Wilson, from January 22, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John H. Carter, from April 14, 1883, to January 22, 1888; George A. Wilcox, from January 22, 1888, to January 12, 1890; Almon W. Babbitt, from January 12, 1890, to April 2, 1893; Artemus Millet, from April 2, 1893, to October 28, 1894; James R. Turman, Jr., from October 28, 1894, to December 18, 1897; Charles H. Allen, from December 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Hyrum S. Phelps, from April 74 218 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 15, 1883, to January 22. 1888. Artemus Millet, from January 22. 1888, to April 2, 1893; James R. Turman, Jr., from April 2, 1893, to October, 28, 1894; Louise E. Lamb, from December 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Soloman F. Kimball, from July 1, 1883, to June 28, 1885; Rozetta Pomeroy, from July 28, 1885, to January 5, 1890; Cassa Johnson, from January 5, 1890, to June 11, 1893; Mariam Wilson, from June 11, 1893, to January 20, 1895; Effie Hakes, from January 20, 1895, to December 31, 1899. This school is located in Maricopa County. NEPHI SUNDAY SCHOOL, formerly known as the Tempe Sunday School, is in Maricopa County, and was organized March 11, 1883. At the time of organization the enrollment was 19 officers and teachers and 80 pupils. December 31, 1899, it was 18 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Frank P. Jones, from March 11, to June 10, 1883; Don M. LeBaron, from June 10, 1883, to February 1, 1885; David A. Johnson, from February 12, 1885, to February 12, 1888; Don M. LeBaron, (second term) from February 12, 1888, to December 6, 1891; Joseph E. Johnson, from December 6, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents David J. Wilson, from March 11 to June 10, 1883; David A. Johnson, from January 10, 1883, to February 1, 1885; William J. LeBaron, from February 12, 1885, to February 12, 1888; Joseph E. Johnson, from February 12, 1888, to December 6, 1891; Seth J. Johnson, from December 6, 1891, to October, 1897; Don M. LeBaron, from October, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents David T. LeBaron, from March 11, to June 10, 1883; W. S. Johnson, from January 10, 1883, to February 1, 1885; Brigham M. Johnson, from February 12, 1885, to February 12, 1887; Seth J. Johnson, from February 12, 1887, to December 6, 1891; Dan Kemp, from December 6. 1891, to October, 1892; Frank C. Johnson, from October, 1892, to October, 1893; Charles E. Bigler, from October, 1893, to April, 1897; Eli JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 219 C. Openshaw, from April to December 17, 1897; James F. Johnson, from December 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Don M. LeBaron, from March 11, to June 10. 1883; Geneva Johnson, from January 10, to February 1, 1885; Samuel Doxey, from February 12, 1885, to February 12, 1888; Daniel F. Johnson, from February 12, 1888. to December 6, 1897; Benjamin Farland Johnson, from February 12, 1895, to May, 1898; James F. Johnson, Jr., from May, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel Openshaw has been a Sunday School worker over 45 years; and Don M. LeBaron over 25 years. PINE SUNDAY SCHOOL, is situated in what is known as Tonto Basin, in Gila County, and was organized in the spring of 1882. It has an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Frances M. Allen, from 1882, to June 30, 1885; Alfred J. Randall, from June 30, 1885, to June 21, 1896, Mancen J. Fuller, from June 28, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. A. Allen, from 1881, to November 30, 1890; Alma M. Hunt, from January 6, 1895, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Stark, from June 30, 1885, to December 30, 1889; Lehi Howard, from December 30, 1889, to November 30, 1890; Revilo Fuller, from June 6, 1895, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Revilo Fuller, from 1882, to June 30, 1885, Frances M. Allen, from June 30, 1885, to November 30, 1890; May Hunt, from January 6, 1895, to June 21, 1896; Walter Randall, from June 28, 1896, to May 14, 1899; May Hunt, from May 14, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. MILLARD STAKE. This stake is co-extensive with Millard County, Utah. Its Sun- day School superintendency was organized August 21, 1877. The names of successive stake Sunday School officers are: Superintendents Thomas C. Callister from August 21, 1877, to 220 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. February 21, 1885; Jos. L. Robinson, from February 21, 1885, to 1889; Jos. D. Smith, from 1889 to 1895; Joshua Greenwood, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. F. Gibbs, from August 21, 1877, to February 21, 1885; F. A. Robinson, from February 21, 1885, to 1889; G. M. Hansen, from 1889 to 1895; F. A. Robinson, (second term) from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Lafayette Holbrook, from August 21, 1877, to February 21, 1885; I. N. Hinckley, Jr., from February 21, 1885, to 1895; A. A.ffinckley, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ed. S. Hinckley, from 1889 to 1895; Jessie H. Giles, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. There are 10 Sunday Schools in the Millard Stake of Zion. DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL. Deseret was first settled in the Ws and a Sunday School was conducted in the settlement by Thomas Memmott and Henry Roper. The settlement was afterwards aban- doned. In 1876 settlers again located in the place and a Sunday School was held at the house of George Bishop, who, together with Joseph S. Black, Joseph W. Damron and others conducted the school. In 1877 a complete Sunday School organization was effected. The following-named are the successive officers from the time of the organization to December 31, 1899: Superintendents William W. Damron, from 1877 to 1881; Nephi Pratt, a period daring the year 1881; Joshua Bennett, from 1881 to 1886; George A. Black, from 1886 to 1891; Joshua Bennett, (second term) from 1891 to July, 1899; Joseph W. Damron, from July to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joshua Bennett, from 1877 to 1881; James Hutchinsen, from 1881 to 1891; Joseph W. Damron, from 1895 to July, 1899; Milton Moody, from July to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Hutchinsen, from 1877 to 1881; John Styler, from 1886 to 1891; Jacob Christensen, from 1895 to July 1899; Hyrum S. Cahoon, from July to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 221 Secretaries Joshua Bennett, from 1877 to 1881; Isabella Ben- nett Black, from 1881 to 1891; Clara Black, from 1891 to 1895; Lizzie Damron, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 20 officers and teachers and 182 pupils. The historical report shows that Joshua Bennett has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years; and Joseph W. Damron over 25 years. FILLMORE SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as the year 1858 a Sunday School was started in Fillmore by John Kelly. Again, in 1862, under the direction of Bishop Thomas Callister, a school was opened. In 1865 it was re-organized with John Felshaw, superintendent, but it did not continue long. In 1868 another re-organization was effected, and a school has been held continuously since. In the year 1877, Fillmore was divided into two wards, known as the First and Second wards, and each had a separate Sunday School till 1880, when the wards and the schools were re-united. The names of the successive officers of the schools of Fillmore are: Superintendents Francis M. Lyman, from 1868 to 1872; Edward M. Webb, from 1872 to 1875; Thomas C. Callister, from 1875 to 1877; Hans C. Hanson, (First Ward) from 1877 to 1878, Nephi Pratt, (Second Ward) from 1877 to 1880; John Powell, (First Ward) from 1878 to 1879, Alma Greenwood, from 1879 to 1882; Joshua Green- wood, from 1882 to 1889; Alfred Gull, from 1889 to 1891; Joshua Greenwood, (second term) from 1891 to 1892; John Cooper, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edward Partridge from 1868 to 1872; Josiah F. Gibbs, from 1872 to 1877; Florence M. Brown, (Second Ward) from 1877 to 1878; Christian Anderson, (First Ward) from 1877 to 1880; John Powell, from 1880 to 1882; Joseph L. Robinson, from 1882 to 1889; Hans C. Hanson, from 1889 to 1891; Christian Anderson, from 1891 to 1892; Alexander Fortie, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Kelly, from 1868 to 1872; Thomas C. Callister, from 1872 to 1875; Lafayette Holbrook, 222 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. from 1875 to 1877; Jefferson Trimble, from 1872 to 1878; Henry J. McCullough, (Second Ward) from 1877 to 1880; Christian Anderson, from 1880 to 1889; Heber C. Jackson, from 1889 to 1891; Edwin S. Hinckley, from 1891 to 1892; Hans C. Hanson, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. ' Secretaries John Kelly, from 1868 to 1872; Josiah F. Gibbs, from 1872 to 1875; Hans C. Hanson, from 1875 to 1877; Florence M. Brown, (Second Ward) from 1877 to 1878; Christian Anderson, (First Ward) from 1877 to 1880; John Jackson, from 1878 to 1879; Seraph C. Noyes, from 1879 to 1880; Hannah Hanson, from 1880 to 1882; Rosa Robinson, from 1891 to 1892; May Cooper,, from 1892 to 1894; Ella Bishop, from 1894 to May 7, 1899; Edna Melville, from May 7, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school December 31, 1899, shows 26 officers and teachers and 205 pupils. The historical report shows that John Cooper and Alexander Fortie have been Sunday School workers over 45 years; Hans C. Han- son and Thomas C. Callister over 35 years; F. A. Robinson, Christian Anderson and John Ashman over 25 years. HINCKLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL was at first a branch of the Desefet school, and was organized Jane 10, 1889. At the time of organiza- tion the enrollment was 9 officers and. teachers and 46 pupils. At present it is 20 officers and teachers and 182 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents William H. Pratt, from June 10, 1889, to May 17, 1891; N. M. Peterson, from May 17, 1891, to October 17, 1897; Hosea F. Stout, from October 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents B. W. Scott, from June 10, 1889, to May 17, 1891; Wm. Alldredge, from May 17, 1891, to October 17, 1897; William F. Pratt, from October 17, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents N. M. Peterson, from June 10, 1889, to May 17, 1891; Heber L. Bishop, from May 17, 1891, to February 12, 1893; J. S. Blake, from February 12, 1893, to June 5, 1898; George H. Walker, from July 3, 1898, to May 14, 1899. Secretaries Sarah Allredge, from June 10, 1889, to February JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 223 16, 1890; Mary A. Carter, from February 16 to May 18, 1890; Emma E. Wright, from June 8, 1890, to July 3, 1892; Susie Allredge, from July 3, 1892, to March 18, 1894; Annie Walker, from March 18, 1894, to December 15, 1895; Mina Walker Hinton, from December 15, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William H. Pratt and James Hutchinson have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; Naomi Theobald and B. W. Scott over 30 years; Hosea F. Stout, David F. Stout, Henrietta Stout, Frank Whitehead and J. C. Westring over 25 years. HOLDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. Of this school no record of earlier date than June 13, 1880, has been preserved. The first Sunday School in this place was organized and conducted by Joseph S. Giles, who in turn was succeeded by Charles Wood and A. W. Brown as presiding officers. The names of successive officers since 1880 are: Superintendents Joseph H. Turner, from June 13, 1880, to January 7, 1883; Edward Stevens, from January 7, 1883, to June 6, 1886; William H. Ashby, from June 6, 1886, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edward Bennett, from June 13, 1880, to January 7, 1883; Oscar Burgland, from January 7, 1883, to June 6, 1886; A. Y. Stephenson, from June 6, 1886, to September 14, 1890; James J. Stephenson, from September 14, 1890, to March 4' 1895; Benjamin A. Stringham, from March 4, 1895, to May 9, 1897; James J. Stephenson, (second term) from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles Wood, from June 13, 1880, to January 7, 1883; William H. Ashby, from January 7, 1883, to June 6, 1886; William R. Stevens, from June 6, 1886, to Septem- ber 14, 1890; John E. Hunter, from September 14, 1890, to April 17, 1896; George W. Badger, from May 9, 1897, to May 14, 1899; Wil- lard R. Johnson, from May 14 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary 0. Stephens, from June 13, 1880, to January 7, 1883; Benjamin A. Stringham, from January 7 to September 21, 1883; John Wood, from September 21, 1883, to October 18, 1885; Ada Ashby, from October 18, 1885, to November 7, 1886; Marinda 224 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. A. Stevens, from November 7, 1886, to September 30, 1888; Lydia A.. Sibley, from September 30, 1888, to March 14, 1897; Annie Stephen- son, from March 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 29 officers and teachers and 259 pupils. KANOSH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 13, 1885. It has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and' 180 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents Anthony Paxton, from September 13, 1885, to- April 11, 1886; George Crane, from April 18 to December 5, 1886; Charles Hopkins, from December 12, 1886, to December 11, 1887; J. H. Fish, from December 11, 1887, to August 4, 1889; Jesse Hopkin- son, from August 11, 1889, to January 26, 1890; A. Nadauld, from February 2, 1890, to September 17, 1893; C. W. Watts, from Sep- tember 17, 1893, to November 28, 1897; Jos. W. Damron, from December 5, 1897, to April 30, 1899; D. S. Dorrity, from May 7 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents A. Nadauld, from September 13, 1885, to January 26, 1890; James C. Paxton, from September 17, 1893, to November 28, 1897; Ed. R. Rappleye, from December 5, 1897, to April 30, 1899; A. A. Kimball, from May 7 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ed. R. Rappleye, from Sep- tember 17, 1893, to November 28, 1897; John Black, Jr., from December 5, 1897, to April 30, 1899; John A. Watts, from May 7, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Betsey A. Hunter, from September 13, 1885, to April 19, 1891; Dora Robinson, from April 26, 1891, to March 24,. 1895; Maud Cram, from April 7, 1895, to May 14, 1896; Florence Barney, from August 30, 1896, to December 31, 1899. LEAMINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 20, 1884, and its first session in an organized condition was held a week later. For some time previous to the time of its complete organization, a Sunday School had been conducted in the settlement by Peter Nielson, Christianson, John Dutson and Alexander Graham. The present enrollment of the school is 18 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 225 The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Peter Nielson Christiansen, from January, 1884, to January 3, 1886; H. 0. Sorenson, from January 3, 1886, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent B. P. Textorius, from January, 1884, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Loveil, from Decem- ber 11, 1893, to December 25, 1898; Jens Jenson, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Allen E. Stout, from January, 1884, to December 11, 1893; Mary Textorius, from December 11, 1893, to May, 1895; Maggie Textorius, from May, 1895, to December 31, 1899. MEADOW SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1865 a Sunday School was held in this place. It was conducted by William H. Stott, and was held in the house of Hiram B. Bennett. Latsr the school was presided over by Abraham Greenhalgh, and was held in a log school- house, which was the first public building in the place. Others who presided over the school previous to the complete organization, which occurred December 30, 1880, were: Hyrum B. Bennett, William Stewart, John Nield and Hyrum Adams. At the time of organization the school numbered 7 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. At pres- ent it numbers 22 officers and teachers and 184 pupils. The names of its successive officers from the time of reor- ganization December 30, 1880 are: Elias A. Beckstrand, superin- tendent; John B. Bush well, first assistant; James Duncan, second assistant; and Joseph H. Fisher, secretary. March 25, 1888, they were succeeded by Edwin Stott, superintendent; Henry G. Labrum, first assistant; Hyrum Adams, second assistant; and Emma Goddard, secretary. On July 30, 1899, a reorganization occurred when Howard Bushnell was chosen superintendent; Frank Smithen, first assistant; Jesse J. Bennett, second assistant; and Martha A. Adams, secretary. The historical report shows that Hyrum Adams has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. OASIS SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first session of this school was held February 26, 1888. It was then a branch of the Deseret school. Its 226 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. first enrollment was 9 officers and teachers and 21 pupils; at present it has 14 officers and teachers and 67 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents John H. Kinder, from organization to January 18, 1890; William P. Hawley, from January 18, 1890, to July 25, 1893; Neilse Iverson, from July 25, 1893, to May 29, 1894; John William Reid, from May 29, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William McLeod, from organi- zation to January 18, 1890; David Day, from August 6, 1893, to May 29, 1894; William McLeod, (second term) from July 10, 1894, to July 10, 1898; Charles Thompson, from July 10, 1898, to November 19, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William P. Hawley, from organization to January 18, 1890; Lucian Noyes, from July 18, 1890, to July 25, 1893; John William Reid, from August 6, 1893, to May 29, 1894; James Christensen, from July 10, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Betsy Kinder, from February 23, 1888, to January 18, 1890; Mabel Warner, from January 18, 1890, to October 23, 1892; Katie Day, from October 23, 1892, to November 5, 1899; Eugene Noyes, from November 12, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John W. Reed, has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years. OAK CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL was established in 1869, and was first held in a log schoolhouse. The following year the schoolhouse was burned, and the Sunday School was held for a time in private dwelling houses. At the time of organization the enrollment of the school was 9 officers and teachers and 35 pupils; at present it is 14 officers and teachers and 135 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Henry Roper, from 1869 to 1874; John W. Dutson, from 1874 to 1887; Joseph A. Lyman, from 1887 to 1888; Anthony Christensen, from 1888 to 1891; N. P. Nielsen, from 1891 to 1898~; Richard Dutson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents 0. H. Jacobson, from 1874 to 1887; George L. Dutson, from 1887 to 1888; Brigham Lovell, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 227 1888 to 1895; Richard Dutson, from 1895 to 1898; Joshua Finlinson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Brigham Lovell, from 1874 to 1887; Eddie Lyman, from 1887 to 1888; 0. H. Jacobson, from 1888 to 1895; Christian Christensen, from 1895 to 1898; Lee Ander- son, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries F. R. Lyman, from 1874 to 1884; Charles Roper, from 1887 to 1888; Maggie Finlinson, from 1888 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Anthony Christensen has labored in the Sunday School of Oak City over 25 years. SCIPIO SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 26, 1864. Owing to Indian troubles, it was much interfered with from 1866 to 1869. In 1871 it was discontinued for a short time. The school now has an enrollment of 20 officers and teachers and 257 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents William Memmott, from May 29, 1864, to 1866; Daniel Thompson, from February 13, 1869, to March, 1875; Orvil Thompson, from May, 1875, to January 23, 1876; Peter Neilson, from January 23, 1876, to March, 1877; Peter C. Nielson, from March, 1877, to 1878; Thomas W. Brookbank, a short time in 1878; Rufus M. Fisher, from March to September, 1878; Thomas Mem- mott, from September, 1878, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John P. Olsen, from May 4, 1879, to September 19, 1880; Thomas Phillips, from September 19; 1880, to June 7, 1891; Samuel Memmott, from June 7, 1891, to 1894, John P. Olsen, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John P. Olsen, from Septem- ber 19, 1880, to October, 1889; Samuel Memmott, from February 16, 1890, to June 7, 1891; Hans W. Neilson, from June 7, 1891, to Sep- tember 4, 1892; Frederick Wasden, from September 18, 1892, to May 7, 1899, Orson Wasden, from May 7 to December 31, 1899. -Secretaries-F. W. Fuller, from May 12, 1872, to January 23, 1876; Thomas Memmott, from January 23, 1876, to March, 1877; Thomas Yates, from March, 1877, to March 2, 1879; Jos. M. Fisher, from March 2, 1879, to March 7, 1880, Lars P. Petterson, from 228 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. March 7 to September 19, 1880; Jos. M. Fisher, (second term> from September 19, 1880, to July 17, 1881; Lizzie Yates, from July 17, 1881, to July 26, 1885; Janet McArthur, from July 26, 1885, to September 26, 1886; Sadie Thompson, from September 26, 1886, to February 3, 1889; Francis Robins, from February 3, 1889, to Febru- ary 25, 1894; Birdie Robins, from February 25, 1894, to January 19, 1896; Florence Thompson, from January 19, 1896, to October 2, 1898; Lizzie Wasden, from October 2, 1898, to December 3, 1899; Sylvia Brown, from December 3, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Thomas Memmott, Frederick Wasden and Thomas Yates have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; and Sophronia Martin over 25 years. MORGAN STAKE. This stake embraces the settlements in Morgan County, Utah. As early as the year 1872 the name of Joseph R. Porter appears as superintendent of Sunday Schools for the county. He was succeeded about the year 1874, by F. G. Nielson as county superintendent. The latter was succeeded in 1876 by John K. Hall; and when the stake organization was effected the latter continued as stake superintendent of Sunday Schools, with John Croft, first assistant; James Stewart, second assistant; and John S. Barrett, secretary. In 1894, F. W. Clark succeeded Superintendent Hall. Others who have served as officers, aside from those already men- tioned, are: assistant superintendents, Daniel Heiner, James T. Worl- ton, and C. R. Clark; secretaries, James B. Mason, Edward W. Hunter, E. E. Rich and J. S. Welch. The present officers are: F. W. Clark, super- intendent; Daniel Heiner, first assistant; C. R. Clark, second assistant; and J. S. Welch, secretary. There are 11 schools in the stake; and the total enrollment of members on December 31, 1899, was 1045. The historical report shows that John K. Hall and John Croft have been engaged in Sunday School labors over 40 years. CROYDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the year 1870. It has an enrollment of 11 officers and teachers and 84 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 229 The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Joseph Blackwell, from 1870, to October 5, 1879; John London, from November 9, 1879, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Condie, from 1870, to December, 1878; William H. Toone, from December, 1878, to August 2, 1880; Gibson Condie, from August 2, 1880, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John London, from 1870, to October 5, 1879; John Wainwright, from November 9, 1879, to February 11, 1892; Thomas A. Condie, from August 7, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Margaret H. Condie, from 1870, to February 5, 1877; George K. Bowering, from February 5, to November 11, 1877, Thomas R. Condie, from November 11, 1877, to August 2, 1880: William A. Wagstaff, from August 2, 1880, to April 6, 1884; Gibson A. Condie, from April 6, 1884, to October, 1893; George T. London, from October, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John London has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. EAST PORTERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Previous to the year 1868, East and West Porterville were one ward; in 1897 the two wards were joined again, but the two schools are continued separately. The date of the organization of the East Porterville Sunday School is not obtainable. Its present enrollment is 17 officers and teachers and 68 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are the following-named: Superintendents Lyman W. Porter, from date of organization to 1872; C. G. Porter, from 1872 to 1881; Eli Kilbourn, from 1881 to 1883; Charles G. Porter, from April 23, 1883, to December, 1889; Alma Porter, from December, 1889, to June 1, 1890; Lorenzo H. Durrant, from 1890, to March 1, 1895; John R. Porter, from 1895, to December 24, 1899; Lorenzo H. Durrant, (second term) from December 24, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Spackman, from date of organization to 1873; Samuel W. Porter, from 1873 to 1874; John herry, from 1881 to 1883; Charles A. Walton, from April 23, 1883, 230 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to December, 1889; Joseph S. Porter, from December, 1889, to June 1, 1890; AlvaS. Porter, from 1890, to August, 1894; Thomas White, from August, 1894, to March 1, 1895; Byron Porter, from March 1, 1895; to December 24, 1899; Henry Florence, from December 24, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Lyman G. Porter, from 1873 to 1874; Alva S. Porter, from April 23, 1883, to December, 1889; Myron Porter, from December, 1889, to June 1, 1890; John Piep- grass, from March 1, 1895, to 1897; Thomas Phillips, from December 24, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles G. Porter from organization to 1874; Maryette Rich, from 1881 to November 26, 1883; Electa E. Porter, from November 26, 1883, to December 7, 1884, Emeline Rich, from December 7, 1884, to June 18, 1887; Olive Porter, from June 18, 1887, to November 26, 1893, Florence Rich, from November 26, 1893, to February 5, 1899; Warren Porter, from February 5, to November 5, 1899; Bertha Porter, from November 5, to December 24, 1899; Bessie Porter, from December 24, to December 31, 1899. ENTERPRISE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in Enterprise was in 1871. It was presided over in turn by John Croft, Francis Wardley, Edwin Spencer, Cornelius Evans and Silas Card. On the 6th of June, 1875, a more complete organization was effected. At that time the enrollment of the school was 14 officers and teachers and 55 pupils. On December 31, 1899, its enrollment was 8 officers and teachers and 28 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents John K. Hall, from June 6, 1875, to 1877; John Croft, from 1877 to 1884; Silas H. Card, from 1884 to 1887; Joseph W. Ovard, from 1887 to 1889; Frank Croft, from 1889 to 1896; Alfred M. Croft, from 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Benjamin Hibbert, from 1877 to 1884; Louisa Palmer, from 1884 to 1887; Moses Coray, from 1887 to 1888; May S. Hall, from 1888 to 1895; Ernest Palmer, from 1895 to 1896; William H. Croft, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Emma Croft, from 1877 to 1884; Mary S. Hall, from 1884 to 1888; William T.0gden,from 1888 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 231 to 1895; Alfred Croft, from 1895 to 1896; Joseph H. Ogden, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jesse Haven, from June 6, 1875 to 1877; Emma Croft, from 1877 to 1884; Mary S. Hall, from 1884 to 1888; Amelia Croft, from 1888 to 1889; Mary S. Hall, (second term) from 1889 to 1897; May Croft, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Louisa Palmer and Mary S. Hall have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years. LITTLETON SUNDAY SCHOOL was commenced in the early part of 1867 or 1868. It was conducted by George Griddle from the time of beginning to the year 1884, first being held in the old tithing house. A few years later the school was removed to the Littleton school- house. In 1884 the school was more completely organized. It now has an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries, from the year 1867 to December 31, 1899, are: Superintendents George Griddle, from 1867 or 1868 to 1884; A. P. Richards, 1884, to October 24, 1887; (Eider Richards was re- leased to fill a mission to the Southern States. He went upon the mission assigned him, but never returned. He was probably mur- dered, as his dead body was afterwards found.) C. H. Griddle, from October 24, 1887, to July 21, 1895; Charles Giles, from July 21, 1895, to March, 1896; Bishop William Giles, from March, 1896, to June, 1897; W. E. Griddle, from June, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. J. Spendlove, from 1884 to March, 1896; J. F. Spendlove, from March, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents D. Bertosh, from 1884, to April, 1891; William Giles, from April, 1891, to July 21, 1895; H. R. Bertosh, from July 21, 1895, to March, 1896; Albert Giles, from March, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. E. Griddle, from 1885, to April, 1891; Martha Bertosh, from April, 1891, to July 21, 1895; Mary Bertosh, from July 21, 1895, to December 31, 1899. MILTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1868. Its enroll- ment December 31, 1899, was 15 officers and teachers and 49 pupils. 232 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS The names of successive officers are: Superintendents H. 0. Alagleby, from 1868 to 1875; Christian Hansen, rrom 1875 to 1876; Eli Whitear, from 1876 to 1877; Charles Tucker, from 1877 to 1881; Christian Hansen, (second term) from 1881 to 1884; Charles Tucker, (second term) from 1884 to 1889; F. A. Little, from 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Christian Hansen, from 1868 to 1875; W. T. Neilson, from 1875 to 1876; A. P. Richards, from 1884 to 1889; Christian Hansen, (second term) from 1889 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. F. Poulson, from 1875 to 1876; Lyman Mecham, from 1884 to 1889; John Extrom, from 1889, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries F. A. Little, from 1884 to 1889; Anna Poulson, from 1889, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Christian Hansen has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years. NORTH MORGAN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1874, with James T. Worlton, superintendent; Henry Rock, first assistant; and Daniel Heiner, second assistant; all of whom continued in office until March 8, 1885. From March 8, 1885, to May 4, 1890, Daniel Heiner was superintendent; Daniel Robison, first assistant; James W. Stewart, second assistant. From May 4, 1890, to November 4, 1894, Daniel Robison was superintendent; J. W. Stewart, first assistant; and Anthony Heiner, second assistant. From November 4, 1894, to Octo- ber 27, 1895, David A. Robison was superintendent; Rosivell Heiner, first assistant; Frank Robison, second assistant. On October 27, 1895, J. M. Stewart was chosen superintendent; Rosivell Heiner, first assistant; Frank Robison, second assistant. On March 21, 1897, First Assistant Superintendent Rosivell Heiner was succeeded by Anthony Heiner. Since then no changes in the superintendency have occurred. The enrollment December 31, 1899, shows 24 officers and teachers and 118 pupils. PETERSON SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1863, a Sunday School was opened in Peterson, and was first conducted by John Croft. He was JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 233 succeeded by Joshua Williams. In 1873 the school was more fully organized. It now has an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Charles Boyden, from 1873 to August 8, 1886; David Tribe, from August 8, 1886, to January 20, 1889; A. B. Ander- son, from January 20, 1889, to November 8, 1891; Lars Anderson, from November 8, 1891, to January 8, 1893; Horace Whitear, from January 8, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Mina Anderson, from 1873 to August 8, 1886; Lawrence Anderson, from August 8, 1886, to January 8, 1893; William Young, from January 8, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. F. Bohman, from August 8, 1886, to January 20, 1889; Agnes Carrigan, from January 20, 1889, to November 8, 1891; Horace Whitear, from November 8, 1891, to January 8, 1893; Joseph Anderson, from January 8, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mina Anderson, from 1873 to August 8, 1886; D. M. Anderson, from August 8, 1886, to January 8, 1893; William Tribe, from January 8, 1893, to March 1, 1894; P. E. Anderson, from March 1, 1894, to September 18, 1898; Oscar Anderson, from Sep- tember 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. RICHVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1867. On Decem- ber 31, 1899, its enrollment was 23 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, so far as can be obtained, are: Superintendents John Seaman, from 1867 to 1869; Isaac Mor- ris, from 1869 to 1870; Joseph Henderson, A. D. Dickson, C. W. Taggart, Arthur Clark, and William H. Dickson, served successively between the year 1881, and January 1, 1899; John Wood, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John H. Dickson, a period dur- ing the year 1881 ; Joseph T. Waldron, from 1881, to December 31, 1899. 75 234 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents F. W. Clark, from 1881 to April, 1895; John Wood, from April, 1895, to January 1, 1899; August E. Rose, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries -Franklin Rich, from 1881 to January 24, 1886; Lucy J. Rich, from January 24, 1886, to January 20, 1889; John Wood, from January 20, 1889, to April, 1895; John Rose Waldron, from April, 1895, to March 7, 1897; Mary Waldron, from March 7, 1897, to June 5, 1898; James B. Rich, from June 5, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Albert D. Dickson and William H. Dickson have been Sunday School workers over 35 years. SOUTH MORGAN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the year 1867. About 12 pupils were enrolled at that time. The present enrollment of the school is 28 officers and teachers and 229 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents S. Francis, from organization, to 1871; James R. Stuart, from 1871 to October 31, 1886; Robert Hogg, Jr., from December 5, 1889, to December 20, 1896; J. R. Rawle, from Decem- ber 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Turner, from organiza- tion to 1871; E. C. Crouch, from 1871, to October 31, 1886; Robert Hogg, Jr., from October 31, 1886, to December 15, 1889; C. A. Welch, from December 15, 1889, to December 20, 1896; H. C. Ed- dington, from December 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents E. E. Rich, from 1871, to October 31, 1886; R. R. Fry, from October 31, 1886, to December 15, 1889; H. C. Eddington, from December 15, 1889, to December 20, 1896; Octave Ursenback, from December 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries E. C. Crouch, from September 8, 1878, to Novem- ber 1, 1885; Charles Griddle, from November 8, 1885, to October 23, 1887; John Wells, from June 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. STOOD ARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 2, 1894, and its first session was held a week later. It began with 10 officers JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 235 and teachers and 41 pupils. At present the enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents T. M. Grover, from December 2, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents A. W. Heiner, from December 2, 1894, to November 10, 1895; C. J. Pentz, from November 10, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents David Clawson, from Decem- ber 2, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries A. P. Hemmings, from December 2, 1894, to De- cember 31, 1899. WEST PORTERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in May, 1864, being first held in a log house. It began with 32 members; its present membership is 15 officers and teachers and 83 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James T. Woods; Thomas Brough; Alfred White;* John Phillips, from 1874 to 1876; W. G. Brough, from 1876 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Brough; Aaron Smith- urst;* W. G. Brough, from 1874 to 1876; Henry Florence, from 1876 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry Florence, from 1874 to 1876; John Creechley, Joseph Durrant, successively from 1876 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Annie Woods; James Evans;* Thomas Brough, from 1874 to 1876; S. R. Brough, a period during the year 1876; Emily E. Brough, from 1876, to December 31, 1899. ONEIDA STAKE. Within this stake are embraced 16 Sunday Schools in Oneida County, 4 in Bannock County, Idaho, and 1 in Baker County, Oregon. The stake Sunday School organization dates from June 1, 1884. The names of successive stake Sunday School officers are: * The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 236 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents W. L. Webster, from June 1, 1884, to April 26, 1897; William Kirkup, from April 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents I. B. Nash, from June 1, 1884, to April 26, 1897; J. J. Hill, from April 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Thorp, from June 1, 1884, to July 1, 1890; James Herd, from July 1, 1890, to April 1, 1893; J. B. Scarborough, from April 1, 1893, to April 26, 1897; James Herd, (second term) from April 26, 1897, to April 1, 1898; B. P. Porter, from April 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Durant, from June 1, 1884, to April 26, 1897; E. W. Doney, from April 26, 1897, to December 31, 1898; I. H. Nash, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Isaac B. Nash has been a Sun- day School worker over 45 years. BAKER CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Baker County, Oregon. It was organized July 23, 1893, and convened for its first regular session August 13 of the same year. The enrollment at the time of organization was 5 officers and teachers and 13 pupils; at present it is 16 officers and teachers and 128 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents John Stoddart, from July 23, 1893, to Febru- ary 4, 1895; H. E. Baker, from February 4, 1895, to March 27, 1897; Grant Geddes, from March 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Grant Geddes, from July 23, 1893, to March 27, 1897; George A. Wilcox, from March 27, 1897, to July 14, 1898; 0. S. Taylor, from July 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James R. Smurthwaite, from July 23, 1893, to March 27, 1897; L. M. Cranney, from March 27, 1897, to July 14, 1898; Alexander Nibley, from July 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Nibley, from July 23, 1893, to February 4, 1895; Alexander Nibley, from February 4, 1895, to July 14, 1898; Emily Bernston, from July 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 237 CHERRYVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 29, 1896, and its first session convened April 5 following. It has 15 officers and teachers and 64 pupils enrolled. The superintendency of the school are: C. H. Poulsen, superintendent; John Whitehead, first assistant; William Lowe, second assistant. Four secretaries have served in succession, namely: William Hughes, A. Chatterton, L. Buckley and G. Chatterton. The last named is the present incum- bent. CLIFTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in January, 1870. For about a year previous a Sunday School was held in a small log cabin. At the time of organization there were 2 officers and teachers and 18 pupils. The present enrollment is 25 officers and teachers and 199 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents John Sant, from 1870 to 1872; Oliver Harmon, from 1872 to 1877; H. N. Ho well, from 1877 to 1885; S. J. Bartlett, from 1885 to 1887; E. H. Hooker, from 1887 to 1889; Charles Garner, from 1889 to December, 1889; John Larsen, from December, 1889, to October, 1891; John Sant, Jr., from October, 1891, to April, 1897; James L. McMurrin, from April, 1897, to January, 1899; H. J. Howell, from January to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Sant, Jr., from 1870 to 1872; E. H. Hooker, from 1877 to 1887; John Sant, Jr., (second term) from 1887 to 1889; Thomas Porritt, from 1889 to December, 1889; John E. Taylor, from December, 1889, to October, 1891; Thomas Porritt, (second term) from October, 1891, to April, 1897; John Sant, Jr., (third term) from April, 1897, to January, 1899; John V. Sperry, from January to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Porritt, from 1887 to 1889; John Larsen, from 1889 to December, 1889; Adelbert Hen- derson, from December, 1889, to April, 1897; Thomas Howell, from April. 1897, to January, 1899; S. M. Lee, from January to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries H. N. Howell, from 1872 to 1877; M. Monroe, from 1877 to 1889; Thomas Sant, from 1889 to October, 1891; Julia 238 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Hooker, from October, 1891, to April, 1897; Ida Porter, from April, 1897, to December 31, 1899. COTTONWOOD SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Bannock County. It was organized July 7, 1895. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 22 pupils; at present it has 10 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. Its first officers were: Samuel Kendall, superintendent; J. W. Walker, first assistant; David Evans, second assistant; and Olive Boice Wheeler, secretary. Some changes have since been made, and the present officers are: J. W. Walker superintendent; David Evans, first assistant; Nellie Walker, second assistant; and Olive Boice Wheeler, secretary. Until the fall of 1897 the school was held in private dwelling houses. The historical report shows that M. C. Boice and Louisa L. Boice have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. DAYTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 7, 1891 . It began with 15 officers and teachers and 25 pupils; at present it has 21 officers and teachers and 99 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Charles F. Chadwick, from June 7, 1891, to July 17, 1898; H. B. Woolley, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Boyden, from June 7, 1891, to July 17, 1898; James Page, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Nephi M. Perkins, from June 7, 1891, to July 17, 1898; William S. Phillips, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Betsy Boice, from June 17, 1891, to April 3, 1892; Elvira Perkins, from April 10, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Battle Creek Sunday School is a branch of the Dayton Sunday School. It was organized May 15, 1898, and began with 10 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. The present enrollment shows 13 officers and teachers and 26 pupils. The officers of the school are: John W. Bench, superintendent; JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 239 Joe Allen, first assistant; Thomas E. Fewell, second assistant; and Alonzo H. Seamons, secretary. FAIRVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was formerly a branch of the Lewis- ton school. It was organized in the spring of 1878 with 12 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. It now has 23 officers and teachers and 161 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James Bodily, from spring of 1878 to August 17, 1884; Thomas Warrick, from August 17, 1884, to February 20, 1887; E. H. Bronson, from February 20, 1887, to April 15, 1888; Bishop M. W. Pratt presided temporarily from April 15 to June 3, 1888; Edwin Bodily, from June 3 to August 26, 1888; William Bodily, from August 26, 1888, to November 30, 1896; Robert H. Bodily, from November 30, 1896, to June 4, 1899; Wilford 0. Ridges, from June 4 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Heman Hyde, from spring of 1878 to August, 17, 1884; Edwin Bodily, from August 17, 1884, to February 20, 1887; William J. Underwood, from February 20, 1887, to April 15, 1888; John Strickland, from August 26, 1888, to November 30, 1896; G. A. Griffeth; from November 30, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Warrick, from spring of 1878, to August 17, 1884; James M. Egbert, from August 17, 1884, to February 20, 1887; James Hyde, from February 20, 1887, to April 15, 1888; Lyman Lake, from August 26, 1888, to November 30, 1896; Willard Larson, from November 30, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William J. Underwood, from spring of 1878 to Febru- ary 20, 1887; William Bodily, from February 20, 1887, to August 26, 1888; Mary A. Warrick, from August 26, 1888, to December 31, 1899. FRANKLIN SUNDAY SCHOOL began in 1865 with 7 officers and teachers and 80 pupils. The enrollment now is 29 officers and teachers and 248 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Isaac B. Nash, from 1865 to 1885; James Herd, from 1885 to 1887; William Kirkup, from 1887 to 1897, B. P. 240 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Porter, from 1897 to 1898, James Herd, (second term) from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Whitehead, from 1865 to 1881; James Herd, from 1881 to 1885; William Kirkup, from 1885 to 1887; Edmund Buckley, from 1887 to 1895; B. P. Porter, from 1895 to 1897; E. W. Doney, from 1897 to 1898: 0. H. Shumway, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Kirkup, from 1884 to 1885; S. G. Robinson, from 1885 to 1887; J. B. Scarborough, from 1887 to 1893; E. W. Doney, from 1893 to 1897; William Daines, from 1897 to 1898; George T. Marshall, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Durant, from 1871 to 1885; Annie S. Packer, from 1885 to 1886; Mary A. Webster, from 1886 to 1887; John Rankin, from 1887 to 1892; Ezra Monson, from 1892 to 1893; I. H. Nash, from 1893 to 1895; A. E. Durant, from 1895 to 1897; Phebe S. Durant, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Herd, Thomas Durant, L. L. Hatch and W. M. Webster have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. GLENDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL, first known as the Worm Creek school, was organized April 22, 1888, and was held until the year 1890 in the house of Ezekiel E. Hopkins. During this last-named year a meetinghouse was built and the school moved into it. The school began with 8 officers and teachers and 33 pupils; at present it has 18 officers and teachers and 70 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendent William A. Wagstaff, from April 22, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George W. Hendrickson, from April 22, 1888, to June 1, 1898; Henry D. Auger, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry D. Auger, from April 22, 1888, to December 11, 1898; John Dobbs, Jr., from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George W. Hendrickson, from April 22, 1888, to January, 1891; Sarah A. Merrill, from January, 1891, to October 3, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 241 1897; Mary S. Hendrickson, from October 3, 1897, to June 1, 1898; Herbert Owen, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. MAPLETON SUNDAY SCHOOL was formerly a branch of the Frank- lin and was known by the name of the Cub River school. It was or- ganized in 1886, at the house of Harrison A. Thomas. The school has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 63 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Hyrum Johnson, from January 17, 1886, to January 1, 1887; Joseph A. Thomas, from January 14, 1887, to Jan- uary 1, 1888; Archie Stevenson, from January 1, 1888, to January 1, 1898; David Wheeler, from January 1, 1898, to May 14, 1899; John Holden, from May 14, to October 29, 1899; Orrin J. Merrill, from October 29, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edward M. Perkins, from Jan- uary, 1888, to January 1, 1898; George W. Rose, from January 1, 1898, to May 14, 1899; Joseph A. Stone, from May 14 to October 29, 1899; Lorenzo W. Cutler, from October 29 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents 0. J. Merrill, from January 1, 1888, to January 1, 1898, Preston Merrill, from May 14 to October 29, 1899; August Nuffer, from October 29 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jennie S wanner, from 1886, to January, 1888; I. S. Bennett, from January 1, 1888, to January 1, 1898; Orrin J. Mer- rill, from January 1, 1898, to May 14, 1899; Susan Stephenson, from May 14 to October 29, 1899; Harry Merrill, from October 29 to De- cember 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Orrin J. Merrill and Elizabeth Merrill have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. MINK CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in June, 1877, with a membership of 4 officers and teachers and 12 pupils. At present it has 23 officers and teachers and 241 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Hans Rasmussen, from June, 1877, to May, 1885; Alexander Baird, from May, 1885 to 1886; James Keller, from May, 1886, to May, 1887; Thomas H. Wilde, from May, 1887, to May, 242 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1895; Hans Rasmussen, (second term) from June 12, 1895, to De- cember 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Keller, from June, 1877, to May, 1885; John Olsen, from May, 1887, to May, 1895; Amos Kel- ler, from Jnne 12, 1895, to May 1, 1899; Andrew Larsen, from June 1, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Andrew A. Biorn, from June, 1877, to May, 1885; Albert A. Wilde, from May, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Catherine Keller, from June, 1877, to May, 1885; Benjamin Edwards, from May, 1887, to May, 1895; Newgena Keller, from June 12, 1895, to May 1, 1898; Mary A. Hansen, from May 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. NASHVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 8, 1888, and its first session convened January 25, following. It began with 7 offi- cers and teachers and 32 pupils. It now has 10 officers and teachers and 49 pupils. The present superintendency is the same as the first appointed, namely: George Wright, superintendent, Orson Neeley, first assistant, Thomas Jolley, second assistant. Four secretaries have served successively, they are: Andrew T. Shumway, George Packer, Verena Wright and Manuel Packer. The last-named is the present incumbent. OXFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Bannock County, and was organ- ized about the year 1865. It has a membership of 19 officers and teachers and 198 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Richard Bee, from 1865 to 1873; William Pratt, from 1873 to 1875; Thomas Croshaw, from 1875 to 1878; William H. Homer, from 1878 to 1880; John Lloyd, from 1880 to 1885; Alma Hale, from 1885 to 1889; M. A. Hendricks, from 1889 to 1894; Edwin Smith, from 1894 to 1895; J Y. Boice, from July, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Croshaw, from 1880 to 1884; Lewis J. Petty, from 1884 to 1894; J. Y. Boice, from 1894 to 1895; 0. R. Olson, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 243 Second assistant superintendents David Boice, from 1880 to 1884; W. H. Homer, from 1885 to 1889; W. E. Fisher, from 1889 1894; 0. R. Olson, from 1894 to 1895; Laron Andrews, from 1895 to 1896; M. A. Hendricks, from 1896 to 1898; J. J. Croshaw, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Rhodehouse, from 1880 to 1884; Amanda L. Lewis, from 1884 to 1889; Louisa Croshaw, from 1889 to 1891; A. B. Harrison, from 1891 to 1894; Minnie Fisher, from 1894 to De- cember 31, 1899. The historical report shows that W. F. Fisher and W. H. Homer have been Sunday School workers for over 30 years; and Laron Andrus, J. Y. Boice, Hannah Croshaw, Edwin Smith, N. R. Lewis, Azuba Hardwick, Thomas Croshaw, over 25 years. PRESTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 18, 1879. It has an enrollment of 34 officers and teachers and 400 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents David Jensen, from May 18, 1879, to 1885; Joseph J. Golightly, from 1885 to September 27, 1891; Hugh S. Ged- des, from September 27, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph S. Sharp, from May 18, 1879, to 1885; James A. Head, from 1885 to November 27, 1887; Charles C. West, from November 27, 1887, to September 27, 1891; Edward W. Swan, from October 18, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Alfred Kershaw, from May 18, 1879, to 1885; William A. Gibbons, from 1885 to September 27, 1891; George Carter, from October 18, 1891, to July 1, 1894; Charles C. West, from July 1, 1894, to January 15, 1899; Ezra F. Woolley, from January 15 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elam Hollingworth, from May 18, 1879, to 1885; Charles C. West, from 1885 to February 20, 1887; Sarah J. Clayton, from February 20, 1887, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William Millard and George C. Parkinson have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. RIVERDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the fall of 1882. It has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 47 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: 244 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents L. A. Mecham, from fall of 1882, to August 29, 1885; Clinton Mecham, from August 29, 1885, to June 30, 1889; Charles Lyon, from June 30, 1889, to December 14, 1890; Clinton Mecham, (second term) from December 14, 1890, to May 12, 1896; William W. Nelson, from May 12, 1895, to October 11, 1896; A. M. Neeley, Jr., from October 11, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas J. Lyon, from fall of 1882, to August 29, 1885; Walter M. Packer, from August 29, 1885, to June 30, 1889; Homer Woolf, from June 30, 1889, to December 14, 1890; William T. Packer, from December 14, 1890, to May 12, 1895; A. M. Neeley, Jr., from May 12, 1895, to October 11, 1896; Andrew Morrison, from October 11, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles Lyon, from June 3, 1888, to June 30, 1889; A. M. Neeley, Jr., from December 14, 1890, to May 12, 1895; Joshua Adams, from May 12, 1895, to October 11, 1896; David P. Evans, from October 11, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John A. Woolf, from fall of 1882, to August 29, 1885; Emma J. Davis, from August 29, 1885, to June 30, 1889; Rettie Woolf, from June 30, 1889, to December 14, 1890; Elizabeth Packer, from December 14, 1890, to May 12, 1895; Joanna Mecham, from May 12, 1895, to December 31, 1899. RUSHVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Clifton Ward. Owing to the scattered condition of the people it was considered advisable to organize two schools in the settlement. This one began February 24, 1884, with 18 officers and teachers and 61 pupils. The names of successive officers of the Rushville school are: Superintendents John S. Bingham, from February 24, 1884, to October, 1886; Thomas A. Howell, from October, 1886, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Nathaniel Porritt, from Febru- ary 24, 1884, to October, 1886; Riley Davis, from October, 1886, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Nathaniel Porritt, from Octo- ber, 1886, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Henry J. Howell, from February 24, 1884, to Octo- ber, 1886; Amelia Howell, from October, 1886, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 245 SWAN LAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Swan Lake is situated in Ban- nock County. The date of organization of the school is unobtain- able. It has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 81 pupils. The names of the successive officers are: Superintendents James Magavin, Elias Wilson, Joseph Hen- dricks;* George Heath, from 1893 to 1896; S. M. Christensen, from January 18, 1896, to December 31. 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Hunt;* L. M. Christen- sen, from 1893 to 1896; Joseph Lingley, from January 18, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Elias Wilson;* John Haws, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Delina Becksted, from 1893 to 1896; Effie McKen- zie, from January 18, 1896, to December 31, 1899. TREASURETON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Bannock County. It was organized March 16, 1884, and was first held at the residence of George Sant. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. Its present enrollment is 14 officer? and teachers and 83 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents Preston Thomas, from March 16 to November 2, 1884; Charles Williams, Jr., from November 9, 1884, to November 11, 1888; George Sant, Jr., from November 11, 1888, to May 11, 1890; Charles Williams, Jr., (second term) from November 23, 1890, to September 10, 1893; William Griffiths, from October 8, 1893, to July 29, 1894; Charles Williams, Jr., (third term) from October 13, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Millington, from March 16 to November 2, 1884; William Sant, from November 9, 1884, to November 11, 1888; William Smith, from November 23, 1890, to September 10, 1893; Soren Nelson, from October 8, 1893, to October 13, 1895; Albert Gilbert, from December 15, 1895, to January, 1898; Moses Simpson, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 216 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Smith, from Novem- ber 23, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Rhodehouse, from March 16, 1884, to September 10, 1893; William Griffiths, from July 30 to December 3, 1893; William H. Rhodehouse, (second term) from December 3, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Benjamin Hymas has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years. WESTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the year 1868, with 2 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. At present it has 35 officers and teachers and 215 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Soren Jensen, from 1868 to 1875; Henry Gass- man, from 1875 to 1879; Samuel Preston, from 1879 to 1882; J. W. Dawson, from 1882 to 1893; Otto Gassman, from 1893 to December 31. 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Weeks, from 1868 to 1873; James W. Dawson, from 1873, to 1879; D. L. Hoopes, from 1879 to 1890; Otto Gassman, from 1890 to 1893; L. P. Nelson, from 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents D. L. Hoopes, from 1875 to 1879; Greenleaf Blodget, from 1879 to 1882; Soren J. Lauritsen, from 1882 to 1886; Otto Gassman, from 1886 to 1890; L. P. Nelson, from 1890 to 1893; Thomas Preston, from 1893 to 1897; William Preston, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles Knudsen, from March 9, 1879, to 1880; William Preston, from 1880 to 1893; Charles Nickelson, from 1893 to 1894; Mary Nelson, from 1894 to 1896; Melissa Fifield, for a period in 1896; Martha Rose, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Soren Jensen Lauritsen has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years. WESTON CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 31, 1897, and its first session was held the following Sunday. It began with 8 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. It now has 14 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 247 The first officers of the school were: C. A. Norton, superintend- ent; A. D. Crockett, first assistant; J. D. Dawson, second assistant; and Isabella Perkins, secretary. With the exception of the second assistant superintendent, J. D. Dawson, who moved away June 20, 1897, and whose place is vacant, the officers at present are the same as at first. WHITNEY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 1, 1888, and its first session was held a week later. Its enrollment at beginning was 24 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. At present it is 19 officers and teachers and 167 pupils. Following are the names of the successive officers: Superintendents Joseph S. Sharp, from July 1, 1888, to April 13, 1890; George E. Crockett, from April 13, 1890, to June 18, 1893; Wesley Beckstead, from June 18, 1893, to January 13, 1895; William Cutler, from January 13, 1895, to January 22, 1899; Frank Ballif, from January 22, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Wesley Beckstead, from July 1, 1888, to June 18, 1893; W. A. Beckstead, from June 18, 1893, to January 13, 1895; Frank Ballif, from January 13, 1895, to January 22, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Foster, from July 1, 1888, to June 18, 1893; Riley Clark, from June 18, 1893, to January 22, 1899; Joseph Dunkley, from January 22 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joshua Rollison, from July 1, 1888, to June 18, 1893; R. M. Hull, from June 18, 1893, to October 14, 1894; Fred W. Rollison, from October 14, 1894, to December 31, 1899. PANGUITCH STAKE. Settlements in Garfield and Piute Counties are embraced within this stake. The stake Sunday School organization was effected April 23, 1877, with Jesse W. Crosby, Jr., superintendent, who continued in office until June 18, 1882, when he was succeeded by Riley G. Clark, with Allen Miller as first assistant, and James B. Heywood as second assistant and secretary. Some time in the year 1888, First Assistant Superintendent Miller was succeeded by James B. 248 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS Heywood, and Joseph Houston was sustained as second assistant. This organization continued until August 25, 1894, when it was superseded by the following: Alma Barney, superintendent; Joseph Cameron, first assistant; and Joseph 0. Prince, second assistant; M. M. Steele, Jr., secretary. In June, 1897, Joseph Cameron was suc- ceeded by James B. Heywood. During the same month, John Black and George Oliver Anderson were called as aids to the stake superintendency. There are 12 Sunday Schools in the stake with a total enrollment of 1644, including officers, teachers and pupils. CANNONVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL, (located in Garfield County,) was organized in the spring of 1879 or 1880. It began with 10 officers and teachers and about 45 pupils. Its present enrollment (December 31, 1899,) is 12 officers and teachers and 102 pupils. The school convenes in the Cannonville Hall. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents William J. Henderson, from time of organiza- tion, to December, 1886; Abram A. Stevens, from December, 1886> to December, 1888; William J. Henderson, from December, 1888, to September, 1889; William Lewman, from September to Novem- ber, 1889; John M. Dunning, from November 1889, to Novem- ber 8, 1891 ; John H. Davis, from February 16, 1892, to July 30, 1893; William J. Henderson, from July 30, 1893, to May, 1894; John M. Dunning, from August, 1894, to February 17, 1895; Oliver George Anderson, from March 31, 1895, to October 11, 1896; John P. Willis, from October 11, 1896, to November 19, 1899; Oliver George Ander- son, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edmund H. Thompson, from 1880 to September, 1889; Oliver Anderson, from November, 1889, to April 27, 1890; John H. Davis, from April 27, 1890, to February 16, 1892; Oliver George Anderson, from February 16, 1892, to July 30, 1893; Nephi P. Heward, from July 30, 1893, to August, 1894; Oliver George Anderson, from September 2, 1894, to March 31, 1895; Nephi P. Heward, from March 31, 1895, to November 19, 1899; James N. Henderson, from November 19, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Abram A. Stevens, from 1880 STAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINrENDENTS. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 249 to December, 1886; S. Packer, from 1886 to December, 1888; Abram A. Stevens, from December, 1888, to September, 1889; Wil- liam J. Henderson, Jr., from November, 1889, to February 16, 1891; William C. Boren, from February 16, 1891, to July 30, 1893; Jacob Graf, from July 30, 1893, to August, 1894; John T. Spencer, from September 2 to December 9, 1894; James N. Henderson, from December 9, 1894, to March 31, 1895; Jacob Graf, from March 31, 1895, to October 4, 1896; John Mangum, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Francis Cherry, from 1880 to 1886; Munsell Thomp- .son, from 1886 to September, 1889; William Lewman, from 1889 to December, 1891; John P. Willis, from December, 1891, to July 30, 1893; Betsey Hansen, from July 30, 1893, to April 8, 1894; Almar- etta S. Perkins, from September 2, 1894, to December 31, 1899. CIRCLEVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL, (located in Piute County,) was organized May 1, 1881, and began with twelve members. It now has 28 officers and teachers and 183 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Ephraim Caffall, from May 1, 1881, to April 14, 1882; D. S. Gillies, from April 14, 1882, to July 1, 1888; Joseph Simkins, from July 1, 1888, to December 1, 1895; R. E. Sainsbury, from December 1, J.895, to November 16, 1896; Joseph Simkins, from Novembed 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Elizabeth Dalton, from May 1, 1881, to April 14, 1885; John Westwood, from April 4, 1885, to July 1, 1888; R. A. Richey, from July 1, 1888, to December 1, 1895; G. H. Johnson, from December 1, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents G. R. Reebe, from 1883, to 1885; Levison Hancock, from 1885 to 1888; Horatio Morrill, from July 1 to December 30, 1888; J. A. Elder, from March 17, 1889, to 1891; W. B. Cross, from December 1, 1895, to November 16, 1896; ;Samuel Dutson, from November 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ephraim Caffall, from May 1, 1881, to April 14, 1882; James Wiley, from 1882 to 1883; G. M. Beebe, from 1883 to 1885; Ahira Day, from 1885 to 1888; Louise Whittaker, from July .1, 1888, to December 1, 1895; Virginia Peterson, from December 1, 16 250 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1895, to November 16, 1896; Caroline Dalton, from November 16 r 1896, to December 31, 1899. CLEVELAND SUNDAY SCHOOL. The school by this name which formerly existed as a branch of the Panguitch school has been dis- continued. ESCALAXTE SUNDAY SCHOOL, (situated in Garfield County,) was organized April 8, 1877. For three months previous to this time a Sun- day School had been held in the place, it being conducted in a lumber shanty. The school was afterwards, for a time, held in private houses. Since 1888 it has been held in the ward meetinghouse. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 28 officer? and teachers and 242 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents Josiah Barker, from April 8, 1877, to Septem- ber 1, 1879; George Coleman, from September 1, 1879, to October 2, 1881; Joseph H. Spencer, from October 2, 1881, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Stokes, from April 8, 1877, to September 1, 1879; Joseph H. Spencer, from September 1, 1879, to October 2, 1881; William H. Haps, from October 2, 1881, to January 11, 1891; Peter Barker, from January 11, 1891, to Decem. ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Mary Ann P. Schow, from April 8, 1877, to September 1, 1895; Louis J. Bushman, from Septem- ber 1, 1895, to October 3, 1897; Adelbert Twitchel, from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter Barker, from April 8, 1877, to January 11, 1891; Josephs. Barney, from January 11, 1891, to June 2, 1898; Mary Ann Riddle; from June 2, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Peter Barker and Edwin Twitchell have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. GEORGETOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Garfield County. It has been established since June 18, 1886, beginning with 9 officers and teachers and 38 pupils. Its present enrollment is 10 officers aad teachers and 30 pupiK JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 251 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George W. Johnson; from June 18, 1886, to May 13, 1887; Richard C. Pinney, from May 13, 1887, to January 13, 1893; George W. Johnson, (second term) from January 15, 1893, to September 2, 1894; J. H. Johnson, from September 2, 1894, to January 19, 1896; Seth Johnson, from January 19, 1896, to December 31,1899. First assistant superintendents Richard C. Pinney, from June 18, 1886, to May 13, 1887; Eleazer Asay, from May 13, 1887, to June 29, 1890; Abram S. Workman, from June 29, 1890, to January 15, 1893; Joseph Asay, from January 15, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Asay, from June 13, 1886, to May 13, 1887; Seth A. Johnson, from May 13, 1887, to May 8, 1892; Joseph Asay, (second term) from March 8, 1892, to January 15, 1893; Robert W. Pinney, from January 15, 1893, to January 19, 1896; R. C. Pinney, from January 19, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Lydia Annie Johnson, from June 18, 1886, to May 13, 1887; Robert W. Pinney, from December 2, 1890, to January 15, 1893; George W. Johnson, from June 29, 1890, to December 20, 1891, J. R. Workman, from December 20, 1891, to September 2, 1894; Sophrona Asay, from September 2, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Seth Johnson has been a Sunday School worker over 40 years; and Richard C. Pinney over 25 years. HENRIEVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Garfield County. It was organized December 12, 1886, with 13 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its present membership is 11 officers and teachers and 116 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents A. A. Stephens, from 1886 to October 21, 1888; W. R. Briggs, from October 21, 1888, to October 29, 1893; Moroni Savage, from October 29, 1893, to August 12, 1898; George J. Goulding, from August 12, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James B. Thompson, from 1886 to October 21, 1888; A. A. Stephens, from October 21, 1888; to October 29, 1893; J. S. Ingram, from October 29, 1893, to August 252 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 12, 1898; Waldo W. Littlefield, from August 12, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel J. Littlefield, from 1886 to October 21, 1888; J. S. Ingram, from October 21, 1888, to October 29, 1893; Ebenezer Savage, from October 29, 1893, to August 12, 1898; J. S. Ingram, (second term) from August 12, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William S. Thompson, from 1886, to October 21, 1888; RosaBoyce, from October 21, 1888, to October 29, 1893; Sarah J. Thompson, from October 29, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Fanny Goulding has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; and Charity E. Savage over 25 years. HILLSDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Garfield County. It was organized March 4, 1877, with 11 officers and teachers and about 25 pupils. The present enrollment is 7 officers and teachers and 22 pupils. The names of the first officers are: David J. Wilson, superintend- ent; Richard C. Pinney, first, assistant; James F. Johnson, second assistant; Moroni H. Mortimer, secretary. From 1882 to 1883, Rich- ard C. Pinney presided over the school. George H. Wilson was then chosen superintendent, with Richard C. Pinney and James F. Johnson assistants, and Seth A. Johnson, secretary. August 21, 1892, a re- organization took place, when the following-named were chosen officers : James F. Johnson, superintendent; George H. Wilson, first assist- ant, both having served from that time to December 31, 1899. L. E. Wilson, secretary, from August 21, 1892, to 1894; Almira Wilson, from 1894 to February 7, 1897; Martha A. Wilson, from February 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. JUNCTION SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Piute County, dates its existence from September 30, 1883, its first session being held Octo- ber 7 following. Beginning with 5 officers and teachers and 15 pupils, it has increased in numbers to 14 officers and teachers and 96 pupils. The names of successive officers are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 253 Superintendents Solomon Wardell, from September 30, 1883, to April 7, 1887; Hyrum Morrill, from April 7, 1887, to April 20, 1896; Joseph H. Sudweeks, from April 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Hyrum Morrill, from September 30, 1883, to April 7, 1887; James W. Bay, Jr., from April 7, 1887, to April 20, 1896; John W. Stoker, from April 20, 1896, to January 15, 1899; William H. Luke, from January 15, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles E. Harris, from April 7, 1887, to January 1, 1890; William H. Luke, from June 1, 1890, to April 20, 1896; Ole V. Harris, from April 20, 1896, to January 3, 1898; William J. Luke, from January 3, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ann Jones, from September 30, 1883, to April 7, 1887; Rose E. Langford, from April 7, 1887, to September 27, 1891; Lavenia M. Peterson, from September 27, 1891, to February 19, 1893; John D. Morrill, from February 19, 1893, to January 15, 1899; Hattie P. Morrill, from January 15 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William H. Luke has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. KINGSTON SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Piute County. It was organized June 6, 1877, and convened for first session a week later. The present enrollment of the school is 16 officers and teachers and 52 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Volney King, from June 6, 1877, to 1883; T. E. King, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. S. Wilcox, from June 6, 1877, to 1883; W. 0. Syrett, from 1883 to January 7, 1895; S. T. Kenner and Alonzo Sudweeks served in turn during the time between January 6, 1895, and December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents R. H. Sudweeks, from 1883 to January 6, 1895; James R. Anderson and W. H. Harmon served in turn during the time between January 6, 1895, and December 31, 1899. 254 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Peter Nelson, from June 6, 1877, to 1883; W. 0. Syrett, from 1883 to January 6, 1895; Lavenia Allen and S. Jeanette Allen served in turn during the time between January 6, 1895, and December 31, 1899. MAMMOTH (OR HATCH) SUNDAY SCHOOL, is in Garfield County. It was organized about the year 1888. It has an enrollment of 13 officers and teachers and 65 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents C. Workman, J. P. Allred, Ross Lynn. First assistant superintendents Edward Allred, Ross Lynn, James Button, H. Barnhurst. Second assistant superintendents E. W. Allred, W. R. Briggs. Secretaries Lucy Hatch, Augensette Allred, Annie M. Clove. MARION SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Garfield County. It has been established since February 3, 1884. The enrollment at the time of beginning was 9 officers and teacher and 26 pupil ; at present it is 20 officers and teachers and 97 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Franklin H. Wilcox, from February 3, 1884, to April 18, 1886; Henry J. McCullough, from April 18, 1886, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Black, from February 3, 1884, to April 18, 1886; Franklin H. Wilcox, from April 18, 1886, to December 31, 1887; Culbert L. King, from January 1, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Culbert L. King, from Febru- ary 3, 1884, to April 18, 1886; George Black, from April 18, 1886, to December 31, 1890; Peter L. Brunson, from December 31, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Delila King, from February 3, 1884, to April 18 1886; Alta McCullough, from April 18, 1886, to December 31, 1887; Annie King, from December 31, 1887, to December 31, 1890; William King, from December 31, 1890, to December 31, 1892; Robert 0. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 255 Warner, from December 31, 1892, to December 31, 1894; Eva C. King, from December 31, 1894, to December 31, 1896; Clara McCul- lough, from December 31, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Henry J. McCullough has been .a Sunday School worker over 25 years. PANGUITCH SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Garfield County. It first con- vened in a small log house used for all public gatherings, and began in the year 1871. The enrollment of the school is 20 officers and teachers and 274 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents W. D. Kochner, from 1871 to 1876; M. M. -Steele, from 1876 to 1877; J. W. Crosby, Jr., from June, 1877, to 1878; Joseph Houston, from 1878 to 1888; John E. Myers, from 1888 to September 13, 1891; John F. Chidester, from September 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent Edward Bunker, from 1871 to 1876; Alma Barney, from 1876 to September 13, 1891; Leonard C. Sargent, from September 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents N. Miller, from 1876 to 1877; Allen Miller, from June, 1877, to 1878; W. P. Sargent, from 1888, to September 13, 1891; John F. Worthen, from September 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Maggie Davis; Sarah 0. Lee;* Lizzie Worthen from September 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. TROPIC SUNDAY SCHOOL, (Garfield County), was organized January -8, 1893, and its first session was held a week later. It convenes in the ward house, and has an enrollment of 25 officers and teachers and 190 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Andrew J. Hansen, from January 8, 1893, to The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 256 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. July 22, 1894; S. A. Johnson, from July 22, 1894, to December 31,. 1899. First assistant superintendents William W. Spendlove, from January 8, 1893, to July 22, 1894; William J. Jolley, Jr., from July 22, 1894, to April 7, 1895; Joseph Hilton, from July 7, 1895, to- December31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles W. Snyder, from Jan- uary 8, 1893, to July 7, 1895; John A. Jolley, from July 7, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Maggie Simonds, from January 8, 1893, to July l r 1895; Isabell Halladay, from July 7, 1895, to September 26, 1897;. Horace E. Owens, from September 26, 1897, to August 6, 1899; Sig- nora Hansen, from August 6 to December 31, 1899. PAROWAN STAKE. All the settlements of Iron County, Utah, are included in th& Parowan Stake. The superintendency of Sunday Schools of this stake was organized December 21, 1884. There are 7 schools under its supervision. The names of successive stake officers are: Superintendents Mayhew H. Dalley, from December 21, 1884, to September, 1885; Joseph H. Armstrong, from September, 1885 r to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Connell, from December 21, 1884, to September, 1886; Joseph T. Wilkinson, from September, 1886, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John W. Brown, from Decem- ber 21, 1884, to September, 1889; Joseph T. Wilkinson, from Sep- tember, 1889, to September, 1896; Donald McGregor, from Septem- ber, 1896, to September, 1899; Walter C. Mitchell, from September, 1899, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward J. Palmer, from December 21, 1884, to September, 1886; Herbert W. Webster, from September, 1886, to June 1897; Isaac Parry, from June to September, 1897; Randle L. Jones, from September, 1897, to December 31, 1899. CEDAR CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL was first organized in the Old Fort, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 257 in 1852, with James Bosnell, superintendent. It had four or five teachers and about 70 pupils. The town grew rapidly and the school increased in numbers until 1858, when its enrollment was about 250. The latter date marks the time of the "big move," when so many people went away that the town was almost depopulated. In 1857 a few families moved to the new town which is the present city. It being too far to go from this place to the fort, a branch school was established here the following year, with Joseph H. Smith, superintendent. It was held in an old adobe schoolhouse, and had an enrollment of about 25 pupils, with 4 or 5 officers and teachers. The school is now held in the district schoolhouse and ward hall, and has an enrollment of 40 officers and teachers and 600 pupils. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents James Bosnell, from 1852 to 1858; John Mor- ris, from 1858 to 1860; Joseph H. Smith, from 1860 to 1866; Samuel Leigh, from 1866, to May 1884; Eugene Schoppmann, from May, 1884, to September 16, 1888; Henry Leigh, from September 1888 r to February, 1889; John Parry, from February, 1889, to July 12, 1891; Joseph T. Wilkinson, from July 26, 1891, to September 23, 1894; John S. Woodbury, from September 23, 1894, to Novem- ber 3, 1895; Mayhew H. Dalley, from November 3, 1895, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John V. Adams, from Novem- ber, 1877, to February, 1889; Joseph S. Hunter, from February, 1889, to July 12, 1891; Samuel T. Leigh, from July 26, 1891, to November 5, 1893; Bengt Nelson, Jr., from November 5, 1893, to September 23, 1894; Thomas J. Jones, from October 14, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Parry, from November, 1877, to February, 1889; Samuel T. Leigh, from February, 1889, to July 12, 1891; Thomas J. Jones, from July 26, 1891, to October 14, 1894; Bengt Nelson, Jr., from October 14, 1894, to May 24, 1896; Henry W. Lunt, from May 24, 1896, to June 3, 1899; William W. Lunt, from June 3 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Lewis Fisher, from November, 1877, to August, 1879; John Evans, from August to December, 1879; Samuel Barn- 258 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. hurst, from December, 1879, to October 9, 1881; Caroline K. Arthur, from October 9, 1881, to January 6, 1884; William T. Jones, from January 6, 1884, to August 15, 1894; Jethro Palmer, from August, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William Tait and John V. Adams have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; Henry Leigh and Robert W. Heyborne over 25 years. ENOCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in October, 1871, with seven members. Its present enrollment is six officers and teachers and 26 pupils. Up to the year 1884 the settlement of Enoch was known as Johnson's Springs. The Sunday School is held in the ward schoolhouse. Following are the names of superintendents, assistants and sec- retaries, past and present. Superintendents John Lee Jones, from October, 1871, to May, 1896; Walter Granger, from May, 1896, to October 17, 1897; Char- les E. Jones, from October 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Sylvester F. Jones, from Octo- ber, 1871, to May 17, 1896; Charles E. Jones, from May, 1896, to October 17, 1897; Hyrum Jones, from October 17, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent Sylvester C. Jones, from October 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Margaret Lee Jones, from October, 1871 to 1881; James A. Boyant, from 1881 to 1892; John L. Jones, from 1892 to 1894; Violet Ann Jones, from 1894 to 1896; Maggie Jones, 1896 to 1898; Emily R. Jones, from January 11 to May 27, 1898; Sarah Jones, from May 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John Lee Jones, Sylvester F. Jones and Margaret Lee Jones have each been Sunday School workers over 25 vears. HAMILTON'S FORT SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized sometime before the year 1875, the date being unknown. The school convenes in the old log schoolhouse, and has an enrollment of 5 officers and teachers and 28 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 259 The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, past and prese-nt are: Superintendents George Hicks, from organization to 1875; John Middleton, from 1875 to 1892; G. W. Middleton, from 1892 to 1893; E. C. Cox, from April 1, 1894, to July 10, 1898; F. E. Brown, from July 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Condie, from 1875 to 1892; R. A. Thorley, from April 1, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendent F, E. Brown, from April 1, 1894, July 10, 1898. Secretaries Margaret Condie, from April 1, 1894, to July 10, 1898; Mary Hamilton, from July 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. KANARRA SUNDAY SCHOOL was formerly in the St. George Stake. It was organized about the year 1868. Its sessions are held in the basement of the ward meetinghouse; and it has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 123 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Rufus Chester Allen, from 1868, to 1880; James Stapley, from January, 1880, to December 30, 1888; Samuel H. Roundy, from December 30, 1888, to January 8, 1893; James Steele Stapley, from January 8, 1893, to November 19, 1899; Joel J. Roundy, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents -Myron Shadrach Roundy, from 1868, to December 30, 1888; James Steele Stapley, from December 30, 1888, to November 23, 1890; Joel Jesse Roundy, from November 23, 1890, to November 19, 1899; John W. Platt, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Wesley Brown, from 1880 to December 30, 1888; William Reese Williams, from December 30, 1888, to January 8, 1893; John William Platt, from January 8, 1893, to November 19, 1899; Mahonri M. Stapley, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edgar Leroy Griffin, from 1868 to 1880; John Wesley Brown, from 1880 to 1885; James Steele Stapley, from 1885 to December 30, 1888; Joel Jesse Roundy, from December 30, 1888, 260 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to 1890; Riley Garner Williams, from November 28, 1890, to Janu- ary 8, 1893; William Tarbet Stapley, from January 22, 1893, to De- cember 31, 1899. PARAGOONAH SUNDAY SCHOOL was orgonized by John R. Robin- son and Mary Carter in the latter part of May, 1858, in the north- east corner of the Old Fort. The above-named conducted the school until 1866. The successive officers since the year 1866 are: James C. Robinson, superintendent, with John B. Topham, first assistant and William Robb, Jr., second assistant, from 1866 to 1870; William Robb, Jr. superintendent, without assistants, from 1870 to 1875; Daniel Stones, superintendent, with Rufus C. Allen and John B. Topham, assistants, James Stones, secretary, from 1875 to 1886; George A. Topham, superintendent, with John B. Topham, first assist- ant, Samuel P. Horsley, second assistant, and Daniel Stones, secre- tary, from September 5, 1886, to January 1, 1890; Alfred W. Lund, superintendent, with Samuel P. Horsley, first assistant, Hyrum Robin- son, second assistant, and Daniel Stones, secretary, from January 1, 1890. Secretary Daniel Stones was succeeded by Samuel P. Horsley, June 1, 1893, and the latter, on January 12, 1896, was succaeded by Robert D. Jones. Richard A. Robinson succeeded Hyrum Robinson as second assistant superintendent on September 6, 1896. The present officers are : Alfred W. Lund, superintendent, Samuel P. Horsley, first assistant, Richard A. Robinson, second assistant, and Robert D. Jones, secretary. The enrollment December 31, 1899, shows 22 officers and teachers and 197 pupils. PAROWAN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized some time previous to the year 1860. It now has an enrollment of 26 officers and teachers and 380 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Francis T. Whitney, from 1860 to 1868; Joseph Fish, from 1868 to January 14, 1872; M. Richards, Jr., from January 14, 1872, to August, 1876; John A. West, from August, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 261 1876, to December '28, 1877; Lars Mortensen, from December 28, 1877, to June 6, 1886; Hans Mortensen, from June 6, 1886, to June 24, 1894; William H. Holyoak, from June 24, 1894, to July 31, 1898; James Ollerton, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lars Mortensen, from January 14, 1876, to December 28, 1884; Edward M. Dal ton, from December 28, 1884, to June 6, 1886; John Eyre, from June 6, 1886, to June 24, 1894; James Connell, from June 24, 1894, to July 31, 1898; Simon A. Matheson, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Uriah Bult, from January 14, 1876, to August, 1877; Smith D. Rodgers, from August, 1877, to December 28, 1884; Thomas Adams, from December 28, 1884, to June 6, 1886; James Connell, from June 6, 1886, to June 24, 1894; Simon A. Matheson, from June 24, 1894, to July 31, 1898; Frank J. Woodbury, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Smith D. Rodgers, from January 14, 1876, to August, 1877; Ellen E. McGregor, from August, 1877, to December 28, 1884; Evelyn Mortensen, from December 28, 1884, to June 6, 1886; Cella Adams, from June 6, 1886, to June 24, 1894; Belle Con- nell, from June 24, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Ollorton has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. SUMMIT SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of the organization of this school is unobtainable. It convenes for services in the ward meeting- house. The enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 69 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Robert B. Dalley, from organization to Septem- ber 24, 1893; Albert C. Dalley, from September 24, 1893, to August 26, 1894; Charles R. Dalley, from August 26, 1894, to October 30, 1898; Albert C. Dalley, (second term) from October 30, 1898, to September 3, 1899; Hyrum Dalley, from September 3 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents S. C. Hulet, Jr., from organiza- tion to September 24, 1893; Hyrum Dalley, from September 24, 1893, 262 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to October 30, 1898; Moroni Dalley, from October 30, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents S. S. Hulet, from organization to September 24, 1893; John P. Dalley, from September 24, 1893 r to October 30, 1898, J. S. Armstrong, from October 30, 1898, to September 3, 1899; Charles F. Hulet, from September 3 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Lillian Dalley, from organization to October 30, 1898; Mollie Farrow, from October 30, 1898, to December 31, 1899. POCATELLO STAKE. The Pocatello Stake Sunday School organization dates from August 7, 1898, at which time the stake was organized out of a part of the Oneida Stake. The names of the first superintendency and secretary chosen are: Lysander C. Pond, superintendent, William Spillman, first assistant, Charles E. Dinwoodey, second assistant, D. T. Hawley, secretary. On November 6, 1898, E. D. Harrison succeeded Charles E. Dinwoodey as second assistant superintendent; and on September 24, 1899, D. T, Hawley was chosen treasurer, and M. A. Pond succeeded him as secretary. With these exceptions the officers first chosen are still acting. There are 14 Sunday Schools in the stake, and they are located in three counties of Idaho, namely: Bannock, Bingham and Oneida. AMERICAN FALLS SUNDAY SCHOOL, {Oneida County, Idaho), was organized April 9, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 12 pupils, and convenes in the ward schoolhouse. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, past and present, are: Gertrude Rowberry, superintendent; Mary Cottrell, first assistant and secretary; Ella Kohlhepp, second assistant, from date of organiza- tion to November 1, 1899; J. C. Nelson, superintendent, F. Kohlhepp, first assistant and secretary, Gertrude Rowberry, second assistant, from November 1 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 263 CAMBRIDGE SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its beginning from December, 1879, at which time it was organized at the house of Charles B. Han- cock. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its pres- ent enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 166 pupils. The school is held in the district schoolhouse of Cambridge, Bannock County. Following are the names of successive superintendent, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Charles B. Hancock, from December, 1879, to January, 1880; Charles B. Hancock, Jr., from January, 1880, to De- cember 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles B. Hancock, Jr., from December, 1879, to January, 1880; M. Yeamans, from January, 1880; to October, 1888; William A. Dewey, from 1888, to March 19, 1899, Charles J. Johnson, from March 19 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents M. Yeamans, from December, 1879, to January, 1880; Nathan H. Coffin, from 1887, to March 19, 1899; Joseph A. Brim, from March 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Lloyd, from December, 1879, to January, 1885; N. S. Coffin, from January, i885, to March, 1892; Samuel New- bold, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Charles B. Hancock, Jr., Charles J. Johnson and Samuel Newbold have each been Sunday School workers over 25 years. DEMPSEY WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL, (Bingham County, Idaho), was organized February 2, 1890, and its first session was held at the home of C. F. Potter. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. The present enrollment is 19 officers and teachers and 107 pupils. The school is held in the district schoolhouse. Following are the names of its successive officers: Superintendents Elias Wilson, from February 2 to July 2, 1892; William J. Fife, from July 2, 1892, to October 23, 1898; Alvin '0. Henson, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. McClellan, from July 2, 1892, to October 23, 1898; Albert M. Boice, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. 264 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Alvin 0. Henson, from July 2, 1892, to October 23, 1898; L. A. Bingham, from October 23, 1898, to November 1, 1899; John Symmons, from November 1 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Rhoda S. Bingham, from February 2 to July 2, 1892; Joseph Quigley, from July 2, 1892, to December 24, 1893; Sophia Boice, from December 24, 1893, to January 1, 1894; David Kidd, from January 1 to December 9, 1894; Lizzie Merrick, from Decem- ber 9, 1894, to December 22, 1896; Dorothy Higgins, from Decem- ber 22, 1896, to April 12, 1897; Chloa A. Boice, from April 12, 1897, to May 8, 1898; Luella Higgins, from May 8, 1898, to December 31, 1899. GARDEN CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 31, 1881, with 8 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. The present number enrolled is 21 officers and teachers and 120 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents William Jenkins, from July 31 to October 2, 1881; Henry Crump, from October 2, 1881, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Crump, from July 31 to October 2, 1881; David Armstrong, from October 2, 1881, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph E. Capell, from July 31 to October 2, 1881; Henry Henderson, from October 2, 1881, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Nella Pearson, from July 31 to October 2, 1881; John H. Marley, from October 2, 1881, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the district schoolhouse, Garden Creek, Bannock County, Idaho. GARDEN CREEK BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 27, 1899, and its first session was held September 17, following. It began with six officers and teachers and 24 pupils. The officers are Thomas B. Gill, superintendent; B. F. Lowry, first assistant; Jacob Myers, second assistant; Virginia Lowry, Secretary. The school is held in the district schoolhouse. Its enrollment December 31, 1899, was 6 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 265 GRANT SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Calvin, Bannock County, has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. It was origin- ally organized as the Red Rock branch of the Oxford Sunday School, Cache Stake, in May or June, 1880, with Hyrum E. Byington as superintendent; Nathan Woods, first assistant; and J. J. Sorensen, second assistant. It began with 5 officers and teachers and about 10 pupils. Its officers are: H. E. Byington, superintendent; Wil- liam I. Stoddard, first assistant; Joseph H. Byington, second assistant. The historical report shows that H. E. Byington has been engaged as a Sunday School worker over 25 years. MARSH CENTER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in November, 1892, with 5 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. At present the enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 80 pupils. The first officers were: John Woodland, superintendent; Lehi Wright, first assistant; F. L. Parrish, secretary. These were suc- ceeded on November 27, 1898, by A. T. Shumway, superintendent; Robert Cole, first assistant; G. W. Sims, second assistant; Gussie Hawkins, secretary. The present officers are: Robert Cole, superin- tendent; John Kleinman, first assistant; S. Jenson, second assistant; and Gussie Hawkins, secretary. MCCAMMON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 13, 1891, with 9 officers and teachers and 21 pupils. The place of holding school is in the meetinghouse of McCammon, Bingham County, Idaho. It now has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendent Alanson Lewis, from September 13, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Lish, from September 13, 1891, to March 17, 1895; Albert Lish, from March 17, 1895, to December 20, 1896, Joel Lewis, from December 20, 1896, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Albert Lish, from September 13, 1891, to March 25, 1895; Joel Lewis, from April 21, 1895, to December 20, 1896; George Romriell, from December 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. 17 266 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries William Morley, from September 13, 1891, to March 25, 1894; James A. Lewis, from March 25, 1894, to November 16, 1897; Silva Moss, from November 16, 1897, to December 31, 1899. NEELEYVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL began September 15, 1882, with an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. The enrollment has since increased to 14 officers and teachers and 72 pupils. The school convenes in the district schoolhouse of Neeley- ville, Oneida County, Idaho. Following are names of successive officers: Superintendents William Neeley, from September 15, 1882, to January, 1883; Austin Brown, from January, 1883, to October, 1885; J. J. Sorensen, from October, 1885, to December, 1886; S. H. Higgen- botham, from December, 1886, to December, 1889; Henry Bartholo- mew, from January, 1890, to June, 1892; G. W. Stanger, from June, 1892, to August, 1896; Fred Kohlhepp, from August, 1896, to July, 1899; Joseph C. Wood, from July to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Austin C. Brown, from Septem- ber 15, 1882, to October, 1885; John Calvert, from October, 1885, to December, 1886; J. J. Sorensen, from December, 1886, to June, 1889; J. H. Calvert, from June to December, 1889; G. W. Stanger, from January, 1890, to June, 1892; Thomas Thornton, from June, 1892, to May, 1894; Howard Hale, from May, 1894, to June, 1896; Moses Wright, from June, to August, 1896; Joseph Wood, from August, 1896, to July, 1899; Henry Bartholomew, from July to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George W. Stanger, from December, 1886, to June, 1889; T. J. Thornton, from January, 1890, to June, 1892; Enos A. Neeley, from June, 1892, to May, 1894; Ellick Sorensen, from May, 1894, to August, 1896; John M. Neeley, from August to December, 1896; John H. Calvert, from December, 1896, to July, 1899; Andrew Sorensen, from July to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Austin C. Brown, from September 15, 1882, to October, 1885; Julia Thornton, from October, 1885, to December, 1886; Moses Wright, from December, 1886, to June, 1889; Mary Higgenbotham, from June to December, 1889; Serena Bartholomew, from January, 1889, to June, 1892; Albert Stanger, from June, 1892, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 267 to May, 1894; Rachel Walker, from June to December, 1896; Isabel Neeley, from Desember, 1896, to December 31, 1899. POCATELLO SUNDAY SCHOOL, located in Bannock County, Idaho, was organized December 30, 1888, and the first session was held January 6, 1889. Its present enrollment is 25 officers and teachers and 227 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents M. R. Lawrence, from January 6, to April 14, 1889; John Priest, from April 14, to November 17, 1889; David Wil- liams, from November 17, 1889, to February 7, 1892; David Clark, from February 7, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents B. Y. Mansfield, from January 6, 1889, to February 23, 1890; Joseph Spillman, from March 2, 1890, to November 15, 1891; J. B. Hawkley, from November 15, 1891, to February 7, 1892; John Priest, from February 7, 1892, to August 16, 1896; L. C. Pond, from August 16, 1896, to August 21, 1898; Willard T. Jones, from August 21, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Spillman, from January 6, 1889, to February 23, 1890; L. C. Pond, from March 2, 1890, to November 15, 1891; David Clark, from November 15, 1891, to February 7, 1892; Philip Rauch from February 7, 1892, to May 13, 1894; E. C. Stratford, from about June 4, 1894, to August 16, 1896; Thomas Olive, from August 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Spillman, from January 6, to April 14, 1889; Amy Edgley, from April 14, to November 10, 1889; David Clark, from November 17, 1889, to November 15, 1891; Sarah James, from November 15, 1891, to November 19, 1893; Arthur Edgley, from November 19, 1893, to January 13, 1895; Alice Smith, from January 13, to March 10, 1895; Libby Hargraves, from March 10, 1895, to February 14, 1897; Levi Hawkley, from February 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John Priest has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. ROCKLAND EAST FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 12, 268 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1883. It has an enrollment of 17, officers and teachers and 79 pupils. It convenes in the ward hall, Rockland, Oneida County, Idaho. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Jude May, H. C. Wood, Morris Peters, T. W. Heward, D. L. Hutchinson, Mark E. Walker. First assistant superintendents Heber C. Wood, T. W. Heward, H. P. Frodsham, M. E. Walker, JohnC. Howard. Second assistant superintendents H. P. Frodsham, Morris Peters, H. G. Hansen, John C. Howard, Carl D. Houtz. Secretaries Isaac Thorn, Jr., Mary Houtz, Lila Howard. ROCKLAND NORTH FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 3, 1894, and its first session was held July 1 following. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James I. May, from June 3, 1894, to May 29, 1898; Jude A. May, from May 29, 1898, December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Jude A. May, from June 3, 1894, to May 29, 1898; Wilford Bennion, from May 29, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Asahel L. Thorn, from June 3, 1894, to May 29, 1898; Andrew May, from May 29, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Isaac Thorn, Jr. from June 3, 1894, to May 29, 1898; Mary Hillhouse, from May 29, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the district schoolhouse, North Rockland, Oneida County, Idaho. It has an enrollment of 5 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. ROCKLAND SOUTH FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has been established since June 26, 1893. at which time it began with 6 offi- cers and teachers and 27 pupils. It has since increased in numbers to 8 officers and teachers and 39 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Stephen C. Hatch, super- intendent; George L. Stewart, first assistant; Brigham Hartley, second assistant; Sarah J. Hatch, secretary. On June 27, 1897, Ephraim Ralphs was chosen superintendent, retaining the same JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 269 assistants as his predecessor had until July 23, 1899, when they were succeeded by Lawrence R. Stewart and Sarah A. Stewart. From June 27 to October 17, 1897, Luella V. Ralphs acted as secretary; and from October 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899, James Hartley held the position. The historical report shows that Ephriam Ralphs has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; and Weltha A. Hartley over 25 years. WOODLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized on December 3, 1882. It is held in the Woodland schoolhouse, Bannock County, Idaho. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries. Superintendents William R. Davis, from December 3, 1882, to December 2, 1883; Phillip Phillips, from December 2, 1883, to March 26, 1887; H. H. Wakley, from April 3, 1887, to November 1, 1891; Samuel Douglas, from November, 1891, to June 11, 1893; Phillip Phillips, from June 11, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents S. A. Woodland, from Decem- ber 3, 1882, to November 1, 1891; David Stalker, from November 1, 1891, to June 11, 1893; A. C. Gehring, from June 11, 1893, to January 31, 1897; David Stalker, from January 31, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. H. Wakley, from January 30 to April 3, 1887; William N. Woodland, from April 3, 1887, to April 15, 1888; Phillip Phillips, from April 15, 1888, to November 1, 1895; David E. Phillips, from November 1, 1891, to June 11, 1893; David Stalker, from June 11, 1893, to January 31, 1897; Oscar Barnes, from January 31, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William N. Woodland, from December 3, 1882, to February 1, 1883; Lauretta Woodland, from February 1, 1883, to November 1, 1885; Celia J. Woodland, from November 1, 1885, to February 24, 1889; Lawrence Squires, from February 24 to August 11, 1889; John Ware, from August 11, 1889, to November 1, 1891; Gladys Douglass, from November 1, 1891, to June 11, 1893; John Ware, from June 11, 1893, to January 9, 1897, John Wakley, 270 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. from January 9, 1897, to October 12, 1898; Elizabeth Davis, from October 12, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 23 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. SALT LAKE STAKE. This stake of Zion is co- extensive with the county of Salt Lake. For several years after the organization of the Deseret Sunday School Union those called to look after Sunday School affairs in each county were known as county Sunday School officers; and it was not until 1876, that they were recognized as stake officers. The head- quarters of the Union being located within the Salt Lake Stake, the Sunday School interests of tha latter were, during earlier years especially, closely connected with the general organization. Hence we find on the statistical report of Sunday Schools for 1872 the name of General Superintendent George Q. Cannon as superintendent of Salt Lake County, and that of General Secretary John B. Maiben as county secretary. On November 4, 1873, George Goddard was appointed Sunday School superintendent for Salt Lake county, which position he held until November 4, 1882. He was assistant general superintendent of the Union during this same period, and was released from his labors in a local capacity on the date last named in order to devote himself to his more extended duties as a general Sunday School officer. He was succeeded as stake superintendent by John C. Cutler, and the latter was in turn succeeded, in March, 1891, by Thomas C. Griggs, the present superintendent. No assistant superintendents were chosen until 1876. The names of those who have served as assistant superintend- ents and secretaries are: First assistant superintendents William Willes, from 1876 to November 6, 1882; Thomas E. Taylor, from November 4, 1882, to 1886; David R. Lyon, from 1886, to March, 1891; Richard S. Home, from March, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel L. Evans, from Sep- tember 10, 1876. to November 4, 1882; Richard S. Home, from May JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 271 7, 1883, to March, 1891; Willard C. Burton, from March, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John B. Maiben, general secretary of the Union, acted as county secretary from 1872 to August, 1875; William Willes, from 1877 to 1880; 0. H. Riggs, from 1880 to 1884; Joseph H. Parry, from February 11, 1884, to December 31, 1899. The present stake officers are: Thomas C. Griggs, superintend- ent; Richard S. Home, first assistant; Willard C. Burton, second as- sistant; and Joseph H. Parry, secretary. The names of stake Sunday School missionaries past and present, so far as have been obtained, are: Frederick A. Mitchell, Stephen R. Marks. John C. Cutler, Levi W. Richards, John Alford, Jesse W. Fox, Jr., Robert A. Ure, George Hardy, A. S. Geddes, William T. Cannon, Joseph Burrows, George Arbuckle, Charles M. Cannon, Brigham W. Ashton, J. W. Kerr, John E. Clark, C. H. Barrell, Laron Pratt, David liV. James, Edwin F. Parry, Stephen H. Love, Alonzo Young, Miles A. Romney, William Bradford, E. 0. Taylor, Orson D. Romney, William M. Stewart, Joseph W. Maynes, Orson H. Worthington, H. B. Claw- son, Jr., J. W. Saunders, Henry Tuckett, Eli H. Peirce, D. W. Parratt, Robert H. Hodge, S. B. Young, Jr., William H. Anderson, Joseph Lindsay, Joseph W. Mackay, Eugene C. Miller, Marlon E. Andrus, George Hickenlooper, W. N. B. Shepherd, Ludwig Larson, A. F. Rund- quist, A. Bollinger. The historical report shows that Richard Home has been a Sun- day School worker over 40 years; Thomas C. Griggs and Henry Tuck- ett, over 35 years; Joseph H. Parry, over 30 years; Orson H. Worth- ington and William Bradford, over 25 years. BIG COTTONWOOD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school first convened in May, 1864, without a complete organization. It was then under the direction of Isaac Harrison, with Elizabeth Boyes as assistant. A year later B. B. Bitner took charge for a short time. He was followed in turn by Alexander DeWitt, Dilworth Brinton, and John Rider. The above named brethren were assisted by different members of the ward. The school was fully organized in July, 1876. At that time it numbered 8 officers and teachers and 55 pupils. The present 272 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 214 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries since the year 1876: Superintendents William G. Davis, from 1876 to 1880; Milo Andrus, from 1880 to 1882; 0. H. Worthington, from 1882 to 1888; John Sutherland, from 1888 to December 31, 1899. First assistant 'superintendents Milo Andrus, from 1876 to 1880; L. A. Howard, from 1880 to 1894; Jacob Christensen, from 1894 to 1897; L. B. Howard, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Santa Anna Casto, from 1876 to 1880, James A. Taylor, from 1880 to 1882; John Sutherland, from 1882 to 1888; Francis McDonald, from 1888 to 1893; Walter H. Alliogton, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles C. Bartlett, from 1876 to 1880; William A. Walker, from 1880 to 1882; Sidney Lewis, from 1882 to 1888; Joseph Boyes, from 1888 to 1891; Alma Harper, from 1891 to 1893; William McDonald, from 1893 to 1896; Samuel Newman, from 1896 to 1898; Agnes Brockbank, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John Sutherland, Milo Andrus, Francis McDonald and Frederick Cowley have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. BIG COTTONWOOD SOUTH DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized October 11, 1885. At different periods earlier than this date a Sunday School was held in this district under the direction of William Lark. At the time of organization there were 10 officers and teachers and 40 pupils enrolled. The present enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 101 pupils. The school convenes in the Thirty-seventh District Schoolhouse, Big Cottonwood. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Henry R. Stevenson, from October 11, 1885, to May 4, 1890; Rasmus Anderson, from May 11, 1890, to January 4, 1891; Orson H. Worthington, from January 4, 1891, to December 26, 1897; Henry R. Stevenson, from January 2, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 273 First assistant superintendents Abraham Olander, from October 11, 1885, to May 4, 1890; Gustave Nielsen, from May 11, 1890, to December 26, 1897; Albert Quist, from January 2, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Jonas Johnson, from October 11, 1885, to January 4, 1891; Frederick Cowley, from January 11, 1891, to February, 1894; Henry R. Stevenson, from February, 1894, to January 2, 1898; J. W. Baxter, from January 2, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Frederick Moses, from October 11, 1885, to May 4, 1890; Albert Quist, from May 11, 1890, to January 4, 1891; Annie Olander, from January 11, 1891, to November 6, 1898; Sarah Olander, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. BINGHAM SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 13, 1896, with 5 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. It now has 14 officers and teachers and 89 pupils. At the time of organization, James W. Ure, of Salt Lake City, was appointed superintendent, with Nicholas C. Hair first assistant, and Neva E. Lee, secretary. On January 2, 1898, Nicholas C. Hair was chosen superintendent; R. T. Jones, first assistant; J. A. Mansfield, second assistant; Carrie Dahlen, secretary. The school is held in the Fourty-third District Schoolhouse. BLUFFDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized February 27, 1887, and its first session was held March "6 following, in the ward meet- inghouse, where it is still held. Its first enrollment was 7 officers and teachers and 45 pupils; the present number is 16 officers and teachers and 126 pupils. The names of officers past and present are: Superintendent Louis Peterson, from February 27, 1887, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles E. Jensen, from Febru- ary 27, 1887, to December 6, 1891; Hans R. Jensen, from December 6, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Jedediah G. Casper, from Feb- ruary 27, 1887, to April, 1898; George W. Bills, from April, 1898, to December 31, 1899. 274 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Joseph S. Mousley, from February 27, 1887, to November 13, 1892; George J. Merrill, from November 13, 1892, to December 31, 1899. BRIGHTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 13, 1879, though previous to this date a school had been held in various private houses. This ward formerly included not only the area within its present boundaries but also that now embraced in Pleasant Green, Granger, Hunter, North Point, Center, and part of Cannon Ward. The enroll- ment at the time of organization was 4 officers and teachers and about 20 pupils; at present it is 14 officers and teachers and 76 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: Superintendents James Clayton, from April 3, 1879, to June, 1886; J. P. Home, from June, 1886, to September 23, 1888; Cyrus H. Gold, from September 23, 1888, to May 31, 1896; Robert Sher- wood, from May 31, 1896, to May 9, 1897; H. J. Walk, from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Rose, from April 13, 1879, to June 20, 1880; Cyrus H. Gold, from June 20, 1880, to 1886; H. J. Walk, from September 23, 1888, to May 18, 1890; Robert Sher- wood, from May 18, 1890, to May 31, 1896; Nathan Gedge, from May 9, 1897, to November 6, 1898; Ole A. Englebretsen, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George M. Jones, from April 13, 1879, to April 2, 1889; Robert Hazen, Jr., from April 2, 1889, to 1893; John Mitchell, from 1893 to 1895; Albert Richardson and Joseph Davidson in turn during the time between Arpil 14, 1895 and April 4, 1897; Robert F. Aveson, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hortense M. Jones, from April 13, 1879, to 1889; William Gedge, from 1889, to 1895; George R. Baker, from April 26, to September 27, 1896; Oscar Schoenfeldt, from September 27, 1896, to November 14, 1897; Sarah A. Marsh, from November 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Bishop Frederick Schoenfeldt has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 275 BUTLER SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized July 20, 1884. It began with an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 45 pupils; at present it has 18 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George Lowe, from July 20, 1884, to Septem- ber, 1892; James Harrop, from September, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Smith, from July 20, 1884, to November 29, 1885; Nathan Groom, from November 29, 1885, to April 17, 1887; Mark Bleazard, from April 17, 1887, to January 5. 1896; Andrew Hansen, from January 5, 1890, to March 6, 1892; Nathan H. Staker, from March 6, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Thompson, from July 20, 1884, to April 21, 1889; Andrew Hansen, from April 21, 1889, to January 5, 1890; James Harrop, from January 5, 1890, to September, 1892; James Staker, from September, 1892, to December 10, 1893; Andrew Hansen, (second term) from December 10, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Josephine Thompson, from July 20, 1884, to April 21, 1889; Jane E. Butler, from April 21, 1889, to November, 1897; Prudence Butler, from January 30, 1898, to June 4, 1899; Mabel Butler, from June 4 to October 1, 1899; Mary Hansen, from October 1, to December 31, 1899. CANNON WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized by the bishopric on June 7, 1896, at President George Q. Cannon's private schoolhouse, and convened there for its first session a week later, with 20 officers and teachers and 89 pupils in attendance. The enrollment on Decem- ber 31, 1899, was 24 officers and teachers and 110 pupils. The names of the superintendency, all of whom have served since the date of organization, are: Charles E. Davey, superintendent; Joseph Lawrence, first assist- ant; and Everett Peck, second assistant. George J. Cannon, was secretary from the date of organization to December 31, 1898; Cyrus W. Gold succeeded him and served 276 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. until May 8, 1899; Ida M. Peck was his successor and is the present- incumbent. Since March 6, 1899, the school has been held in the Cannon Ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Cyrus H. Gold has been a Sunday School workers over 30 years. CENTER WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the early part of the sum- mer of 1899 a Sunday School was opened in the house of Albert W. Davis, and Albert J. Davis was appointed to take charge of it. It had an attendance of about 20 pupils. In the spring of 1890 the school was discontinued until June 21, 1891. On this date it was again started with David F. Davis, superintendent. It was held in the house of Joseph C. Perry. September 27, 1891, the school was more completely organized. At this time the enrollment was 4 offi- cers and teachers and 50 pupils The present enrollment is 9 officers and teachers and 82 pupils. The school is held in the ward meeting- house. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents David F. Davis, from September 27, 1891, to August 21, 1898; Robert H. Bradford, from August 21, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents David M. Whittaker, from Sep- tember 27, 1891, to August 21, 1898; Walter M. Kiddle, from Octo- ber 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Arthur Frewin, from June 11, 1893, to June 5, 1896; Albert J. Davis, from January 5, 1896, to January, 1897; Walter W. Kiddle, from January, 1897, to August 21, 1898; George A. Huntington, from October 16, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Nettie M. Davis, from September 27, 1891, to Jan- uary 9, 1898; Benjamin H. Hollingsworth, from January 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. CRESCENT SUNDAY SCHOOL. On October 17, 1886, this school was organized with 7 officers and teachers and 18 pupils; at present JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 277 it has 11 officers and teachers and 102 pupils. Its place of conven- ing is the ward meetinghouse. The following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents N. A. Nelson, from October 17, 1836, to August 18, 1889; W. Fairbourn, from August 18, 1889, to April 12, 1896; N. A. Nelson (second term), from April 12, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. G. Taylor, from October 17, 1886, to August 18, 1889; N. A. Nelson, from August 18, 1889, to April 12, 1896; H. Lancaster, from April 12, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Hannah M. Fairbourn, from October 17, 1886, to August 18, 1889, J. P. Jensen, from August 18, 1889, to November 18, 1894; J. W. Jensen, from June 30, 1895, to April 12, 1896; J. B. Cunliffe, from April 12, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hannah M. Fairbourn, from October 17, 1886, to August 18, 1889; A. G. Brown, from May 22, 1887, to April 12, 1896; W. R. Wellington, from April 12, 1896, to December 31, 1899. DRAPER SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized May 17, 1857, with Mary A. Fitzgerald superintendent, who was assisted by Elizabeth Howard. Mary A. Fitzgerald was superintendent about 12 years, and was followed by her son, John Fitzgerald, who must have been acting superintendent from 1869 to 1872 until the time that John P. Wright took charge during the last named year. John P. Wright was superintendent up to December, 1873, when John Fitzgerald was again chosen as superintendent, and served till 1877. Benjamin Green took charge sometime during the year 1877, and he was superintendent until 1883, when he was succeeded by P. N. Garff who held the position till 1897, when James R. Rawlins took charge. Successive assistant superintendents and secretaries are the following-named: First assistant superintendents Elizabeth Howard, J. Z. Stewart, William M. Stewart, J. M. Smith, Joshua B. Stewart, and Joshua P. Terry. 278 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Wing, C. C. Crapo, C. B. Stewart, B. J. Stewart, Niels Thompson, and Thomas Stokes. Secretaries T. Reward, D. 0. Rideout, Jr., Nellie Brown, Mary Garff, Ethel E. Enniss, Lilly Rawlins, S. J. Mickelson, and F. C- Mickelson. The present officers of the school are: James R. Rawlins, superintendent; Joshua P. Terry, first assistant; Thomas Stokes, second assistant; Frederick C. Milckelson, secretary. Its enrollment December 31, 1899 shows 17 officers and teachers and 335 pupils. The historical report shows that Catharine Smith has been a Sunday School worker for 40 years: Lauritz Smith, and Benjamin Green for 35 years; Joseph M. Smith, for 30 years; P. N. Garff, Nephi Reward and Ann Rideout, for 25 years. EAST BRIGHTON SUNDAY SCHOOL, when first organized, July 15, 1894, was under the superintendency of the parent school of Brighton Ward, but was in the immediate charge of Joseph Davison, William R. Plummer and John J. Gerstner. The school began with 4 officers and teachers and 15 pupils, and it was held in William Plummets house. Its present enrollment is 11 officers .and teachers and 73 pupils. The school discontinued for the winter season during the first two years after its organization. Since May 17, 1896, school has been held regularly through the year. The present officers are: Joseph Davison, superintendent; John J. Gerstner, first assistant; Thomas H. Turner, second assistant; and Lizzie Mitchell, secretary. The school convenes in the East Brighton meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Edward Schoenfeldt has been engaged as a Sunday School worker over 25 years. EAST CRESCENT SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 31, 1895. For some six months previous to this date a non- sectarian Sunday School was conducted in the district schoolhouse of the place. At the time of organization the enrollment was 5 officers and teachers and 29 pupils; at present the enrollment shows 10 officers and teachers and 51 pupils. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 279 The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, past and present, are : Superintendents J. T. Spencer, George Whetman; first assist- antsThomas Spencer; second assistants George Whetman, John Latimer, Peatria Latimer, John Hyrum Smith; Secretaries Mamie Mickelson, Alice Alexander and Nora Ringwood. EAST JORDAN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized October 21, 1895, and its first session was held October 27 following. The enrollment at the time of organization was 17 officers and teachers and 140 pupils; at present it is 20 officers and teachers and 185 pupils. The school convenes in the Twenty-seventh District Schoolhouse. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, past and present, are: From October 21, 1895 to June 5, 1898, Joseph B. Wright, superintendent, John P. Pehrson, first assistant, Benjamin Canning, second assistant, Julia Jenkins, secretary. From June 5, to Octo- ber 18, 1898, superintendent, Benjamin Canning, first assistant, E. A. Bateman, second assistant,!!. H. Turner, secretary, Julia Jenkins. From October 29, to December 31, 1899, E. A. Bateman, superintend- ent, Albert Glover, first assistant, Levi Naylor, second assistant, Julia Jenkins, secretary. The historical report shows that Hyrum Goff, James Glover and Levi Naylor have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Jede- diah Goff, James Higgins, Hulda H. Owen, James F. Turner and Melis- sa Borlace over 25 year. EAST MILL CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1877. It has an enrollment of 18 officers and teachers and 114 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents R. B. Ranck, J. H. Osguthorpe, Samuel Oliver, D. H. Kimball, James King. First assistant superintendents J. H. Osguthorpe, James Rus- sell, H. B. Skidmore, J. M. Fisher. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Osguthorpe, J. H. Osguthorpe. 280 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Sarah Skidmore, C. F. Stillman, Marian Neff, Amanda Neff, Minnie Oliver, Alfaretta Neff. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that G. M. Mumford and H. Cum- mings have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. FARMER'S WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as February 11,1876, a Sunday School was held within the present limits of Farmer's Ward. At that time it was part of Sugar House, and was under the super- vision of the superintendency of the school of the latter ward. The school was conducted by Jacob Peart, and was held at the residence of Phineas H. Young. It was discontinued on January 24, 1877. On December 16, 1877, the school was permanently organ- ized and reopened January 20, 1878, with 12 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. Its present enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 355 pupils. The school is held in the Farmer's Ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries. Superintendents William Gibby, from December 16, 1877, to February 24, 1878; Jacob Peart, from February 24, 1878, to June 11, 1882. Willard Snow, from June 11, 1882, to February 10, 1889; A. H. Woodruff, from February 10, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Waldemar Van Cott, from De- cember 16, 1877, to February 24, 1878; Willard Snow, from February 24, 1878, to June 18, 1882; Daniel Jones, from June 18, 1882, to December 23, 1883; H. F. Burton, from December 23, 1883, to Sep- tember 26, 1886; A. H. Woodruff, from September 26, 1886, to Oc- tober 14, 1888; J. W. Hardy, from February 10, to December 15, 1889; A. G. Wagstaff, from December 15, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Amos G. Gabbott, from Feb- ruary, 24, 1878, to March 14, 1882; Henry Woodruff, from June 18, 1882, to January 7, 1883; Frank Van Gott, from December 23, 1883, to February, 1889; Hugh J. Cannon, from February 10, 1889, to March 29, 1891; Angus J. Cannon, from August 2, 1891, to January 1, 1893; D. F. Free, from January 29, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William S. Gibby, from December 16, 1877, to De- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 281 cember 7, 1879; William Wagstaff, from December 7, 1879, to June 11, 1882; Frank Van Cott, from June 18, 1882, to December 30, 1885; A. G. Wagstaff, from December 30, 1885, to February 10, 1889; J. G. Peart, from February 10, 1889, to June 23, 1895; E. J. Liddle, from June 25, 1895, to May 24, 1896; Maria Woodbury, from May 24, 1896, to December 31, 1899. FOREST DALE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Until recently Forest Dale was a part of Sugar House Ward. On August 14, 1892, a primary class was organized here to accommodate the smaller children who lived at a distance from the ward meetinghouse. This class continued for about five months, when, on January 18, 1893, a school for all ages was organized. At that time there were 8 officers and teachers and 53 pupils in the school. It now has 22 officers and teachers and 239 pupils. The school is held in the Old Farm House, Forest Dale. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents William L. Hansen, from January 8, 1893, to January 29, 1899; John M. Cannon, from January 29, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents S. H. Love, from January 8,1893, to June 27, 1897; John M. Cannon, from June 27 1897, to January 29, 1899; B. W. Ashton, from January 29, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents F. M. Lyman, Jr., from Jan- uary 8, 1893, to October 13, 1895; B. W. Ashton, from October 13, 1895, to January 29, 1899; J. W. Musser, from January 29, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Summerhays, from January 8, 1893, to February 9,1896; Luella Young,from February 9,to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Litha Hendry, Henry Cox and James Jensen have been Suaday School workers for upwards of 30 years; Isabell Hansen, Joseph W. Summerhays, Melissa Summerhays and Sarah Summerhays over 25 years. GRANGER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 16, 1884, with 17 officers and teachers and 85 pupils. The present enrollment is 24 officers and teachers and 248 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers: 18 282 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents Abraham Sorenson, from March 16, 1884, to May 23, 1886; John H. Bawden, from May 23, 1886, to April 3, 1887- Henry L. Bawden, from April 3, 1887, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James L. Bess, from March 16 1884, to April 3, 1887; Alexander J. Hill, from April 3, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Alexander J. Hill, from March 16, 1884, to April 3, 1887; Frederick B. Eldridge, from April 3, 1887,. to May 4, 1890; Manaseh Smith, from May 4, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John H. Bawden, from March 16, 1884, to May 23 r 1886; Henry L. Bawden, from May 23, 1886, to April 3, 1887; Walter Howick, from April 3, 1887, to February 5, 1888; Richard C. Wilkin, from February 5, 1888, to June 14, 1896; Willard McRae, from June 14, 1896, to February 7, 1897; Richard C. Wilkin (second term), from February 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the Granger meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Daniel McRae, Charles John Lambert, and Elizabeth H. Park, have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; John H. Bawden and Annie J. Murphy over 25 years. GRANITE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 22, 1877. It has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 94 pupils. The school is held in the district schoolhouse. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents William Thomson, Jr., from July 22, 1877, to November 8, 1880; Andrew Hansen, from Novembers, 1880, to 1882; William J. Despain, from 1882 to 1883; Theodore Powell, from 1883 to 1884; Andrew W. Thomson, from 1885, to January 6, 1887; S. A. Wixom, from 1887 to 1889; 0. N. Despain, from 1889 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents 0. N. Despain, from 1887 to 1889; James A. Muir, from 1889 to 1895; David Archibald, from 1895 to 1897; James A. Muir, (second term) from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James A. Muir, from 1887 to- 1889; A. W. Thomson, from 1889 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 283 Secretaries Adella Despain, from 1887 to 1895; Ada Neeley, from 1895 to 1897; Mamie Powell, from 1897 to December 31, 1899, HERRIMAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. On October 13, 1867, the Sunday School of Herriman was organized, and a week later its first session was held. It has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 99 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents David M. Bowen, from October 13, 1867, to May 8, 1881; John S. Walker, from May 8, 1881, to July 23, 1882; Henry Crane, from July 23, 1882, to January 8, 1888; Thomas Butter- field from January 8, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John S. Walker, from October 13, 1867, to May 8, 1881; Henry Crane, from May 8, 1881, to July 23, 1882; Samuel Butterfield, from July 23, 1882, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John M. Bowen, from October 13, 1867, to May 8, 1881; Almon Butterfield, from May 8, 1881, to 1890; William H. Freeman, a term during 1890; Samuel R. Freeman, from 1890 to 1893; Joseph S. H. Bodell, from October 15, 1893, to November 14, 1897; Jeremiah R. Freeman, from November 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George C. Draper, from February 8, 1880, to Jiriy 23, 1882; Susanna B. Kidd, a period in 1882; Frekerick H. Farmer, from 1882 to 1883; Heber S. Crane, from 1883 to 1885; Nancy J. Freeman, from 1885 to 1890; Merina Nichols, Sophia New- man, Margaret L. Freeman, Isaac E. Freeman, each in turn served a short term during 1890; Janette Crane, from 1891 to May 14, 1893; Valentine Smith, from May 14, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John M. Bowen, has been engaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; and Thomas Butter- field over 25 years. HUNTER SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Sunday School of this ward was organized May 6, 1883, and its first session was held a week later in a small lumber shanty on the premises owned by John W. Jones. The room was without furniture except what was improvised from rough 284 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. lumber. Since 1885 the school has convened in the ward meeting- house, which was built that year. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 10 pupils. Its present enrollment is 22 officers and teachers and 114 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents John T. Evans, from May, 1883, to November, 1895; Laronzo Day, from November, 1895, to April, 1896; Edward Rushton, from April, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Miller, from May, 1883, to September, 1888; James H. Cochrane, from September, 1888, to April, 1890; Laronzo Day, from April, 1890, to November, 1895; Edward Rushton, from November, 1895, to April, 1896; Laronzo Day, (second term) from 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents R. Neilson, from May, 1883 to July, 1886; Alfred A. Jones, from July, 1886, to 1890; C. P. Neilson, from November, 1895, to November, 1896; James C. Bertoch, from November, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ida J. Miller, from May, 1883, to November, 1895; Lucinda Miller, from November, 1895, to April, 1896; Robert Jones, from April, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John T. Evans has been a Sun- day School worker over 35 years. LOVENDAHL SUNDAY SCHOOL is in South Cottonwood Ward. It was first opened on December 12, 1897, and on January 8, 1898, the school was organized with Jacob H. Tipton, superintendent; Peter James Sanders, first assistant; William E. Bird, second assistant; Hannah Meyers, secretary. On October 16, 1898, Heber S. Sanders was appointed superintendent; William E. Bird, first assistant; Andrew J. Wahlquist, second assistant; and on February 6, 1899, Maggie Powell was chosen secretary. The last-named officers are the present incum- bents. The school has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 148 pupils. Its place of meeting is the Twenty-fourth District School- house. MILL CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL was first organized and held in a JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 285 small schoolhouse, in June, 1867. The school continued at this place for nearly a year and was then moved to the ward meetinghouse. In 1873 the school was divided into four branches, each of which was held separately, being convened in the respective district school- houses of the ward. In 1879 the four schools were reunited and again held in the ward meetinghouse the present place of conven- ing. Since the latter date two new schools have been organized in the ward. At the time of its first organization the school had a membership of 6 officers and teachers and 75 pupils; at present it numbers 21 officers and teachers and 354 pupils. The names of successive officers of the school are: Superintendents J. F. Snedaker, from 1867 to 1868; George Calder, from 1868 to 1869; Thomas W. Russel, from 1869 to 1870; Daniel McAllister, from 1870 to 1873. District Number 1: Ephraim Williams, from 1873 to 1879. District Number 2: A. C. Boyle, from 1873 to 1876; John P. Wright, from 1876 to 1878; Oliver P. Lemmon, from 1878 to 1879. District Number 3: J. F. Snedaker, from 1873 to 1879. District Number 4: George Calder, from 1873 to 1879. Combined schools: J. F. Snedaker, from 1879 to 1890; 0. P. Lemmon, from 1890 to 1894; William H. Hill, from 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents T. W. Russel, from 1868 to 1869. District Number 2: James C. Hamilton, from 1873 to 1876; William H. Hill, from 1876 to 1878. District Number 3: James Wells, from 1873 to 1879. District Number 4: Edward Morgan, from 1873 to 1879. Combined schools: George Calder, from 1879 to 1884; 0. P. Lemmon, from 1884 to 1890; J. D. Cummings, from 1890 to 1893; William H. Hill, from 1893 to 1896; J. A. Cornwall, a term in 1896; James R. Neilson, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents District Number 2: Daniel McAllister, from 1873 to 1876; Joseph Cornwall, from 1876 to 1878; David Woodmansee, from 1878 to 1879. District Number 3: James F. Walters, from 1873 to 1879. District Number 4: Jens Hansen, from 1873 to 1879. Combined schools: 0. P. Lemmon, from 1879 to 1890; L. P. Helm; J. D. Cummings;* William H. Hill, from 1890 to 1894; J. A. Cornwall, Jr.;* William C. Winder, from 1894 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 286 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries District Number 2: John P. Wright, from 1873 to 1876: Nathaniel Bowden, from 1876 to 1878; Alexander McFarland, from 1878 to 1879. District Number 4: John Morgan, from 1873 to 1879; David Woodmansee, from 1879 to 1882; Clara Snedaker, from 1882 to 1890; F. P. Carlisle, from 1890 to 1892; Alexander?. Hamil- ton, from 1892 to 1894; Eva Titcomb, from 1894 to 1899; A. C. Boyle, Jr., from date not given to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William H. Hill, and J. F. Snedaker, (the latter deceased) have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; and 0. P. Lemmon, (deceased) over 25 years. MILL CREEK SECOND BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 3, 1894, and its first session was held a week later. It began with 11 officers and teachers and 100 pupils. At present it has 16 officers and teachers and 132 pupils. The school convenes in the Thirtieth District Schoolhouse. The officers at the time of organization were: E. H. Williams, super- intendent; C. G. Bolton, first assistant; A. A. Fuller, second assistant; John Fairholm, secretary. The present superintendent and assist- ants are: H. B. Williams, C. G. Bolton and Marshall Helm. On April 3, 1898, J. G. Bolton was appointed secretary; and on April 23, 1899, he was succeeded by Lydia Bolton, the present secretary. MOUNTAIN DELL SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 1, 1881, and its first session was held a week later. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 4 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. At present it is 4 officers and teachers and 31 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive officers: Superintendents William Taylor, from May, 1881, to April, 1891, Bines Dixon, from April, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William B. Hardy, from May, 1881, to April, 1891; Richard Winmill, from April, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. W. Hardy, from May, 1881, to August, 1882; Neal Olsen, from April, 1892, to June, 1895; Hans Olsen, from June 1895, to August, 1896. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 287 Secretaries J. W. Hardy, from May, 1881, to August, 1882; Washington W. Taylor, from 1882 to 1887; Bines Dixon, Jr., from 1887 to January, 1896; Tacy L. Hardy, from January, 1896, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. MURRAY SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has been in existence .since the first of April, 1884, but was not organized as a separate school until April 12, 1886. Previous to the latter date it was a branch of the South Cottonwood Sunday School. At the time of organization it had an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 175 pupils. At present the enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 224 pupils. The officers of the school at the time of organiza- tion were: Daniel B. Jones, superintendent; Warren H. Lyon, first assistant; Rasmus E. Rasmussen, second assistant ; George A. Sanders, secretary. No changes up to date have occurred in the superin- tendency of the school. The following named have in turn served as secretaries: James Fender, Carl Holm, David D. Lester, Hyrum Williams and Ephraim Christensen, the latter being the present incumbent. NORTH POINT SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Center Ward, was organized March 8, 1885, and its first session was held March 22 following. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 17 officers and teachers and 64 pupils; at present it is 12 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries. Superintendents William A. Barron, from March 8, 1885, to June 17, 1888; Joseph Hanson, from June 17, 1888, to January 6, 1889; Alfred Gardner, from January 6, 1889 to 1892; Frank H. Rudy, from October 16, 1892, to January 15, 1893; Ira A. Reed, from October 17, 1893, to January 10, 1897; A. J. Davis, from December 17, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Hanson, from March 8, 1885, to June 17, 1888; Orson W. Rudy, from June 17, 1888, to January 6, 1889; Frank H. Rudy, from January 6, 1889 to 1892; William Larson, from January 15, to December 17, 1893; Joseph Hanson, (second term), from December 17, 1893, to December 31, 1899. 288 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Orson W. Rudy, from April 11, 1886, to June 17, 1888; William E. Langford, from June 17, 1888, to January 6, 1889: Ira A. Reed, from January 6, 1889 to 1892; John W. Halford, from January 15, to December 13, 1893; George A. Baldwin, from December 17, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries C. J. Thompson, from March 8, 1885, to June 17, 1888; Ida Reed, from June 17, 1888, to January 1, 1890; Emma Hanson, from January 1, 1890, to October 16, 1892; Horace Rollings- worth, from January 1, 1895, to November 29, 1897; William J. Hanson, from January 17, 1897, to January, 1899; Jeannett Hanson, from January, to December 31, 1899. PLEASANT GREEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first session of this school was held September 10, 1876. At that time it numbered 5 officers and teachers and 18 pupils. Its present enrollment is 18 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents John Hirst, from 1876 to 1879; Hyrum T. Spencer, from 1879 to 1883; Isaac Coon, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Edward Lambert, from 1876 ta 1879; Lehi N. Hardman, from 1879 to 1883; James Bertoch, from 1883 to 1891; Austin M. Brown, from 1891 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Peter LeCheminant, from 1879 to 1883; Hyrum T. Spencer, Jr., from 1883 to 1885; James C. Bertoch, from 1885 to 1894; Daniel H. Jacobs, from 1894 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward Lambert, from 1876 to 1879; Samuel B. Taylor, from 1879 to 1888; Emma Spencer, from 1888 to 1889; Edith Spencer, from 1889 to 1893; George A. Reid, from 1893 to 1894; Phoebe Wolstenholm, from 1894 to 1897; Emma Spencer, from 1897 to 1898, Mary Ellen Brown, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. PLEASANT VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was first opened for primary JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 289 students only on August 29, 1892. It was then as now a branch of the Sugar House school. Its officers were: William Thompson, super- intendent; J. M. Apodacca, musical instructor; and Sidney Els wood, secretary. On June 19, 1893, the organization was made complete, when the following-named were chosen as officers: William Thomp- son, superintendent, George Longson, first assistant; B. R. Harries, second assistant; and T. H. Smith, secretary. On September 5, 1897, J. W. Beardall succeeded B. R. Harries as second assistant superintendent; and on August 22, 1897, Ruth Longson succeeded T. H. Smith as secretary. The enrollment of the school at the time of organization was 6 officers and teachers and 44 pupils. At present it is 10 officers and teachers and 43 pupils. The school is held in the Pleasant View schoolhouse. RIVERTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. When this school was organized February 29, 1880 it was a branch of the South Jordan Sun- day School. It began with 5 officers and teachers and 33 pupils. Its present enrollment is 22 officers and teachers and 237 pupils. The school is held in the Riverton meetinghouse. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Alex. B. Kidd, from February 29, to Septem- ber 26, 1880; Timothy Gilbert, from December 12, 1880, to October 22, 1882; S.L. Howard, from October 22, 1882, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Timothy Gilbert, from February 29, to December 12, 1880; A. J. Dansie, from October 22, 1882, to August 22, 1886; A. B. Kidd, from August 22, 1886, to September, 1888; Jesse M. Smith, from September, to November 25, 1888; Wil- liam E. Bate, from November 25, 1888, to July 6, 1899; Zachariah Butterfield, from July 6 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. J. Dansie, from February 29, 1880, to October 22, 1882; A. B. Kidd, from October 22, 1882, to August 22, 1886; Christian Peterson, from August 22, 1886, to 1888; Edward Orgill, from November 25, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. H. Bowlden, from February 29, 1880, to March 16, 1884; Christian Peterson, from November 16, 1884, to August 29, 1886; C. M. Nokes, from August 29, 1886, to October 14, 1888; 290 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. James Blake, from October 14, 1888, to March 3, 1895; E. C. Miller, from March 3, 1895, to February 13, 1898; Sarah E. Blake, from February 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that S. L. Howard and Edward Orgill have each been Sunday School workers over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the summer of 1864. It has an enrollment of 31 officers and teachers and 288 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents David Bowen, from 1864 to 1866; Alonzo A. Noon, from 1866 to 1869; Sisson Chase; Joseph Booth;* Richard Pro vis, from about 1869 to 1881; Alexander Steel, from 1881 to 1886; Niels Rasmussen, from 1886 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Margaret Hunt, from 1864 to 1869; George Hilton, from 1869 to 1881; Niels Rasmussen, from 1882 to 1886; Joseph Stay, from 1886 to 1897; John Siddoway, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Stay, from 1866 to 1886; W. T. Jack, from 1886 to 1890; James H. Young, a period during the year 1890; Robert Siddoway, from 1890 to 1893; Ezra C. Adams, from 1893 to 1897; Thomas Johnson, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Lark, from 1864 to 1882; John Siddoway, from 1882 to 1886; James D. Van Tassel, from 1886 to 1894; James C. Bowen, from 1893 to 1897; Joseph R. Squires, from 1897 to 1898; Fred S. Musser, from 1898 to 1899; John M. Thorup, present secre- tary. The historical report shows that Bishop Joseph Warburton, John Squires, John Siddoway and James D. Stirling have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Niels Rasmussen, John T. Thorup, Alice B. Fletcher and Thomas Johnson over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY FIRST WARD BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 22, 1898, with 9 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 291 It now numbers 13 officers and teachers and 125 pupils. The school is held at No. 1060 South Eleventh East Street. Le Grand Young has been superintendent and Charles R. Robbins, secretary since its organization: The names of successive assistant superintendents are: First assistant superintendents Frank M. Young, from May 22, to November 13, 1898; James W. Campbell, from November 13, 1898, to April 2, 1899; Albert F. Young, from April 30 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James W. Campbell, from May 22, to November 13, 1898; Albert F. Young, from November 13, 1898, to April 30, 1899; George E. Hill, from April 30, to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organiza- tion of this school was effected sometime during the year 1871. For over a year previous to this date a Sunday School had been conducted in the ward by a Sister Cook, the teacher of the district school. The enrollment of the school at the time of organization was about 7 officers and teachers and 25 pupils; at present it is 34 officers and teachers and 27o pupils. The school convenes in the ward meeting- house, Seventh South between Fourth and Fifth East Streets. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents James F. Wilcox, from 1871 to 1873; William L. Ball, from 1873, to June 8, 1877; William Hart, from June, 1877, to March 27, 1881; Henry Bassett, from March, 1881, to January 2, 1887; George K. Reese, Jr. from January 2, 1887, to March 25, 1894, George D. Alder; from June 17, 1894, to December 18, 1898; George K. Reese, Jr., (second term) from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Peterson, from 1873 to 1877; ErickF. Branting, from June, 1877, to March 27, 1881; Hans Sorenson, from March, 1881, to January 2, 1887; James J. Hooper, from November 29, 1891, to December 18, 1898; John J. Gallacher, from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William L. Ball, from 1871 to 292 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1873; William Hart, from 1873 to June 8, 1877; Jacob Heusser, from June 8, 1877, to March 27, 1881; Andrew Peterson, from March, 1881, to June 2, 1887; Ernest K. Bassett, from October 2, 1887, to October 21, 1888; John Gallacher, from October 21, 1888, to May 3, 1891; Heber C. Iverson, from May 3, 1891, to June 17, 1894; Frank Branting, from June 17, 1894, to January 10, 1897; John Stringham, from March 14, 1897, to December 18, 1898; Fred G. Peterson, from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Jensen, from 1873 to 1874; Christine Dan- bey, from 1874 to 1876; James F. Wilson, from 1876 to 1877; Henry Bassett, from June, 1877 to March 27, 1881; Annie Bassett, from March, 1881, to January 2, 1887; Ernest H. Bassett, from January 2, to October 2, 1887; John Robinson, from October 2, 1887, to September 18, 1892; Peter Peterson, from September 18, 1892, to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1866, and began with 14 officers and teachers and about 56 pupils. Its present enrollment shows 18 officers and teachers and 185 pupils. John Wa t ir man was the first superintendent of the school, and served from date of organization to November, 1868. He was then succeeded by James Eardley, the present incumbent. Xo assistant superintendents were chosen till 1870, during that year John Blythe was chosen first assistant to Superintendent Eardley. In 1872 John D. Irvine suc- ceeded him; and in 1875, assistant superintendent Irvine was suc- ceeded by Francis Bolto, and Walter Grames was chosen second assistant superintendent. Since then no change in the superintend- ency has occurred. Successive secretaries are: James Eardley* from 1866 to 1868; William Gordon, from November, 1868 to 1875; John D. Irvine, from 1875, to August 26, 1877; W. S. Campbell, from August 26, 1877, to February 8, 1880; John D. Irrine (second term), from February 8, 1880, to January 1, 1881; C. E. Angell, from January 1 to September IS, 1881; D. L. Murdock, from September 18, 1881, to November 4, 1882; T. J. Curtis, from November 4, 1882, to March 22, 1891; Philip S. Maycock, from March 22, 1891, to October 28, 1894; Roscoe W. Eardley, from October 28, 1894, to April 2, 1899; Isaac Ball, from April 2 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 293 The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that James Eardley, and Francis Bolto, been Sunday School workers over 30 years; and Walter Grames and Zurviah G. Eardley over 25 years. SALT \LAKE CITY FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1854 a Sunday School was opened in this ward, it being conducted by Harri- son Sperry and Oren Woodbury. It continued till 1872, when a more complete organization was effected. The school began with a mem- bership of about 57. Its present enrollment shows 19 officers and teachers and 254 pupils. The weekly sessions are held in the ward meetinghouse, situated on the corner of Seventh South and West Temple Streets. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Harrison Sperry, from 1854 to June 16, 1872; Charles Davey, from June 16, 1872, to November 11, 1877; Thomas Corless, from November 11, 1877, to August 6, 1882; Robert R. Irvine, from August 6, 1882, to January 5, 1890; Wilford F. Smith, from January 5, 1890, to May 22, 1892; John T. Williams, from May 22, 1892, to 'July 7, 1895; Mads P. Madsen, from July 7, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Heber S. Cutler, from January 10, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Oren Woodbury, from 1854 to June 16, 1872; Charles F. Williams, from June 16, 1872, to Novem- ber 11, 1877; Martin Christopherson, from September 3, 1882, to June 10, 1883; David Woodmansee, from June 10, 1883, to January 12, 1890; John T. Williams, from June 12, 1890, to May 22, 1892, Mads P. Madsen, from May 22, 1892, to July 7, 1895; Heber S. Cutler, from July 7, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Edward W. Hunter, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Peter Erickson, from Decem- ber 10, 1876, to June 12, 1890; Mads P. Madsen, from June 12, 1890, to May 22, 1892; Heber S. Cutler, from May 22, 1892, to July 7, 1895; Edward W. Hunter, from July 7, 1895, to January 10, 1897; Charles H. Worthen, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George Crockwell, from June 16, to Septem- 294 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ber 22, 1872; Sarah A. Bailey, from September 22, 1872, to October 17, 1875; Lucy Y. Smith, from October 17, 1875, to February 13,. 1876; Lucy F. Smith, from February 13, 1876, to December 15, 1878; Annie Jenkins, from December 15, 1878, to August 7, 1881; Wilrord F. Smith, from August 7, 1881, to April 15, 1883; Frank Smith,, from April 15, 1883, to March 23, 1884; Robert R. Irvine, Jr., from March 23, 1884, to February 6, 1887; Frank Cutler, from February 6, 1887, to February 13, 1893; Charles Goggle, from February 3,. 1893, to October 23, 1897; Emily Jenkins, from October 23, 1897, to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY FIFTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized November 18, 1877, and its first session was held Decem- ber 2 following. Its enrollment at the time of organization was ten officers and teachers and 67 pupils; at present it is 26 officers and teachers and 442 pupils. School is held in the ward meetinghouse.. Following are the names of the successive officers: Superintendents John Cowan, from November 18, 1877, to April 10, 1887; George Clark, from April 13, 1887, to August 17, 1898: D. C. Rushton, from August 24, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Francis M. Brown, from Novem- ber 17, 1877, to April 13, 1879, George Clark, from April 13, 1879, to April 13, 1887, John Woodbury, from April 17, 1887, to Novem- ber 25, 1888; Archibald Freebairn, from November 25, 1888, to April 2, 1893; Thomas Brimley, from April 9, to August 6, 1893; John H. Burton, from August 6, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Marcroft, from No- vember 18, 1877, to April 13, 1879; Charles Durrans, from April 13, 1879, to April 11, 1880; James C. Poulton, from April 11, 1880, to April 17, 1887; Archibald Freebairn, from about April 17, 1887, to November 25, 1888; Thomas Brimley, from November 25, 1888, to April 9, 1893; John H. Burton, from April 9, to August 6, 1893; Charles E. Davey, from August 13, 1893, to June 21, 1896; Alex- ander Buchanan, Jr., from June 28, 1896, to July 9, 1899. Secretaries John Wanless, from November 18, 1877, to Decem- ber 18, 1878; Alice Pettit, from December 18, 1878, to some time in 1885; Mary Pettit, from some time in 1885, to June 30, 1889; JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 295 Fred Peters, from July 7, to December 29, 1889; Elizabeth A. Emery, from January 5, to August 31, 1890; L. G. Hoagland, from August 31, 1890, to July 17, 1892, W. B- Martin, from July 17, 1892, to September 26, 1897; Fred C. Reeves, from October 31, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Richard Brimley has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years, and S. H. Reeves over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY SIXTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1856 a Sun- day School was established in this ward with Allan Finley, superin- tendent. The school was held regularly from that time till the move occasioned by the approach of Johnston's army, in 1858. The work was not again resumed until the year 1865, when a complete organi- zation was effected. At that time the enrollment of the school was 10 officers and teachers and 65 pupils; at present it is 22 officers and teachers and 316 pupils. The place of holding its sessions is the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries since 1865: Superintendents Samuel L. Evans, from February 9, 1865, to September 10, 1876; Richard Brimley from September 10, 1876, to June 10, 1877; Peter F. Goss, from June 10, 1877, to September 11, 1881; A. G. Giauque, from September 11, 1881, to December 31, 1899. . First assistant superintendents James Leatham, from February 9, 1865. to September 10, 1876; James Anderson, from September 10, 1876, to September 11, 1881; James F. Snarr, from September 13, 1881, to April 3, 1897; James H. Poulton, from April 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Anderson, from Feb- ruary 9, 1865, to September 10, 1876, Peter F. Goss, from December 31, 1876, to June, 10, 1877; James Poulton, from July 3, 1877, to May 11, 1879; A. G. Giauque, from May 11, 1879, to September 11, 1881; James H. Poulton, from November 13, 1881, to April 3, 1897; Hyrum H. Evans, from May 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Leatham, Thomas W. Green,* Alice Thomp- * The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 296 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. son, from May 11, 1879, to February 12, 1882; William A. Anderson, from February 12, 1882, to October 11, 1885; F. M. Anderson, from October 13, 1885, to January 26, 1889; Josephine Reiser, from January 26, 1889, to October 28, 1893; Edith Rushton, from Novem- ber 12, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Jesse West, James Anderson, James Poulton and Edwin Rushton have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; Edgar B. Fullmer and Thomas W. Green, over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY SEVENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the win- ter of 1851, a Sunday School was established in this ward under the direction of Bishop Perkins, Jeremiah Woodbury being superintend- ent. In the early part of 1853, (probably February) a more perfect organization was effected. John B. Kelly, Angus M. Cannon and William M. Cowley were chosen superintendents, and the school had for those times a very large attendance. It was discontinued at the time of the move (in 1858) and was not reopened until the spring of 1865, when Jonah Croxall became superintendent, arid William McLachlan assistant. In the fall of the same year William McLachlan, was made superintendent and has held that position continuously ever since. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 33 officers and teachers and 185 pupils. The names of successive assistant superintendents and secre- taries are: First assistant superintendents Angus M. Cannon, from 1853 ? to 1854; William McLachlan, from April to October, 1865; B. G! Raybould, from 1868, to 1869; A. H. Kelly, from 1870 to 1873; Thomas H. Woodbury, from 1873, to June 6, 1899; John E. Cowley, from August 27, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William M. Cowley, from 1853 to 1854; William H. Foster, from 1873 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Millie Foster, from April 8, 1877, to April 20, 1879; William J. Woodbury, from April 20, 1879, to November 13, 1881; George Sims, from November 13, 1881, to December 30, 1883; George D. Lovett, from December 30, 1883, to August 17, 1884; William R. Wallace, from August 17, 1884, to January 1, 1885; Hyrum Blackhurst, from January 1, 1885, to December 30, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 297 1888; J. W. Walker, from December 30 ; 1888, to November 30, 1892; George C. Lambert, Jr., from November 30, 1892, to December 31, 1898; Ralph Dinwoodey, from December 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William McLachlan has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; and William H. Foster over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY EIGHTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in 1868, though the first session of which there is a record was held June 20, 1870. Its present enrollment shows 16 officers and teachers and 105 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse, situated on Fourth South between State and Second East Streets. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Richard McAllister, from 1868 to 1870; A. McKinnon, from June 20, 1870, to April 5, 1871; James Shelmerdine, from April 6, 1871, to June 18, 1885; Richard T. Chamberlain, from June 18, 1885, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents S. H. Leaver, from April 6, 1871, to April 27, 1873; John Cartwright, from April 27, 1873, to April 1, 1883; Richard T. Chamberlain, from April 1, 1883, to June 18, 1885; John Cartwright (second term) from June 18, 1885, to May 30, 1897; John M. Chamberlain, from May 30, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. M. Chamberlain, from April 27, 1873, to May 30, 1897; George H. Sims, from May 30, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries S. H. Leaver, from June 20, 1870, to April 15, 1871; Alfred Fogleberg, from April 15 to December 3, 1871; Wil- liam Shires, from December 3, 1871, to April 27, 1873; C. B. Tuck- field, from April 27, 1873, to September 17, 1882; John Cowley, from September 17, 1882, to June 24, 1883; John W. Snell, from June 24, 1883, to February 28, 1886; C. L. Berry, from February 28, 1886, to November 13, 1887; T. H. Cartwright, from November 13, 1887, to March 31, 1895; 0. W. Rawlings, from March 31, 1895, to December 31, 1899. 19 298 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that John Cartwright and Richard T. Chamberlain have been engaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; and John M. Chamberlain over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY NINTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. From the journal of Catherine E. Woolley, we find the first Sunday School was held June 1, 1854, and continued to September 16 of the same year. The school was held in the evening, in place of morning as is now the custom. The school was again held during the warm weather of 1855. In the spring of 1856 Bishop Taft organized the school with Isaac Groo superintendent and Catherine E. Woolley assistant. This organization continued until the "move" of 1858. The record shows that the school was reopened as early as 1865,. under the direction of our present Bishop, Samuel A. Woolley. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries from 1856 to December 31, 1899, so far as known, are: Superintendents Isaac Groo, from 1856 to 1867; John Taylor, from 1867 to 1872; George W.Groo, from 1872 to 1874; John Taylor (second term) from 1874 to 1875; John Cutler, from 1875 to 1877- James Woods, from 1877 to 1879; John Taylor, (third term) from 1879 to 1884; Thomas Garrard, from 1884 to October, 1899; A. M, Woolley, from October to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Catherine E. Woolley, from 1856 to 1867; Samuel H. Woolley, from 1867 to March, 1870; James H. Crockwell, from March, 1870, to 1874; George W. Groo, from 1874 to 1875; James H. Crockwell, (second term) from 1875 to 1879; Thomas Garrard, from 1879 to 1884; John W. Reese, for a short term in 1884; A. M. Woolley, from October, 1884, to October, 1899; A. H. Woolley, from October to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John W. Reese, from 1879 to 1884; A. M. Woolley, for a short term in 1884; John W. Reese, (second term) from July, 1885, to 1893; A. H. Woolley, from 1893 to October, 1899; W. N. Davis, from October to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Samuel H. Woolley, from 1867 to March, 1870; James H. Crockwell, from March, 1870, to 1875; John Brown, Jr., from 1875 to 1876; James H. Crockwell, (second term) from 1876- to 1877; John F. Taylor, from 1877 to 1879; John E. Evans, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 299 1879 to 1881; A. M. Woolley, from 1881 to 1888; Hyrum Case, from 1888 to December 31, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 209 pupils. It is held every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the ward meetinghouse and annex, corner of Fourth South and Fifth East Streets. SALT LAKE CITY TENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first per- manent Sunday School in this ward was organized August 6, 1865, by Bishop John Proctor, with Benjamin Lang, superintendent and Benjamin J. Beer, secretary. For some twelve or fifteen years before this time a school had been conducted by Daniel Tyler, under the sanction of Bishop Pettigrew. At the time of organization the school numbered 110 members; its enrollment on December 31, 1899, was 35 officers and teachers and 507 pupils. It is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Benjamin Lang, from August 6, 1865, to De- cember 14, 1870; William Ostler, from December 14, 1870, to April, 1871; George Baddley, from May 30, 1871, to July 6, 1873; James C. Woods, from July 6, 1873, to September 20, 1891; Charles W. Symons, from September 20, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent Robert B. Miller, from July 6, 1873, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Poll, from, July 6, 1873, to April 26, 1874; Nephi Howarth, from April 26, 1874, to spring of 1878; Oliver Hodgson, from June, 1880, to February 13, 1887; Samuel E. Baxter, from February 13, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Benjamin J. Beer, from August 6, 1865, to May 4, 1873; Sarah A. Taylor, from May 4, 1873, to May 9, 1880; Mary E. Taylor, from May 9, 1880, to April 12, 1885; Mary Hillam Higgs, from April 12, 1885, to January 18, 1891; Emily Hillam Higgs, from January 18, 1891, to March 25, 1894; Hattie Symons Woods, from March 25, 1894, to January 27, 1897; Nellie Newton Oswald, from January 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. 300 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that James H. Harrison, has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; Benjamin J. Beer, James C. Woods, William Taylor and Robert B. Miller, over 30 years; Edward S. Lovesy and James Oswald over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY ELEVENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organ- ized July 1, 1855, and first convened in what is now the west wing of the ward meetinghouse, corner of Eighth East and First South Streets, the present place of holding school. It has an enrollment of 38 officers and teachers and 471 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents William A. McMaster, from July 1, 1855, to 1865; William S. Brighton, from 1865 to December 19, 1869; James P. Freeze, from December 19, 1869, to 1876; Mark Barnes, from 1876 to February 9, 1879; Henry Tuckett, from February 9, 1879, to January 8, 1888; Willard Done, from January 8, 1888, to September 21, 1890; Charles Livingston, from September 21, 1890, to October 13, 1895; Alexander McMaster, from October 13, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Coulam, Jr., from July 1, 1855, to 1865; James P. Freeze, from 1865 to December 19, 1869; William S. Brighton, from December 19, 1869, to 1876; Joseph H. Felt, from 1876 to March 12, 1877; Robert Morris, from March 12, 1877, to February 9, 1879; Richard B. Sampson, from February 9, 1879, to January 8, 1888; Richard Bridge, from January 8, 1888, to November 24, 1889; David Cameron, from November 24, 1889, to October 13, 1895; Arthur W. Brown, from October 13, 1895, to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry A. Dixon, from 1865 to December 19, 1869; Henry Tuckett, from December 19, 1869, to 1876; John H. Kelson, from 1876, to January 28, 1877; Robert Mor- ris, from January 28, 1877, to March 12, 1877; William A. McMaster, from February 9, 1879, to January 8, 1888; John G. Kelson, from January 8, 1888, to September 21, 1890; James Hendry, from Sep- tember 21, 1890, to November 8, 1891; George Coulam, from Novem- ber 8, 1891, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 301 Secretaries John Coulaiii, Jr., from July 1, 1855, to 1865; Joseph Heber McMaster, from February 9, 1879, to January 8, 1888; Edward J. Allen, from January 8, 1888, to November 8, 1891; Wil- liam J. Sears, from November 8, 1891, to January 21, 1894; Spiers Lawson, from January 21, 1894, to March 14, 1897; Marie Morris, from March 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel T. Woods and Henry Tuckett have been Sunday School workers upwards of 35 years; and James P. Freeze over 30 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWELFTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. William H. Shearman is credited by old-time residents with having established the first Sunday School in this ward, while it is claimed by some that James McKnight had some time previously conducted for a short period a Sunday School class in a little log meetinghouse near where the present ward chapel stands, in which the school now convenes. The first Sunday School in the ward of which a record is preserved was organized January 3, 1863, and was held in a small adobe build- ing on First South between Fourth and Fifth East Streets. It began with 3 officers and teachers and 16 pupils. The present enrollment is 28 officers and teachers and 132 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since 1863 are: Superintendents Henry C. Fowler, from January, 1863, to 1870; Robert Campbell, from 1870 to 1874; Alexander C. Pyper, from 1874 to 1877; J. C. Kingsbury, from June, 1877, to October, 1879; T. V. Williams, from October, 1879, to January, 1897; S. B. Young, Jr., from February, 1897, to June, 1898; H. E. Campbell, from June, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Druce, from January, 1863, to 1870; T. V. Williams, from August, 1870, to 1874; John G. Midgley, from June, 1877, to February, 1897; James H. Wardrop, from February to October, 1897; J. C. Lyon, from October, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John R. Winder, Jr., from June, 1877, to 1880; Z. T. Derrick, from 1880 to November, 1894; James A. Wardrop, from January, 1895, to February, 1897; Heber 302 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. K. Aldous, from April to June, 1897; J. C. Lyon, from June to Octo- ber, 1897; H. E. Campbell, from October, 1897, to June, 1898; William Woods, Jr., from June, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James McKnight;* George D. Pyper, from July, 1879, to May, 1885; G. B. Wells, from May, 1885, to October, 1886; H. F. McEwan, from October, 1886, to May, 1889; John H. Knight, from May, 1889, to January, 1895; John K. Hardy, from January, 1895, to December, 1897; Alexandria H. Eldredge, from January, to December, 1898; Clare Williams, from January to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that T. V. Williams and Emma H. Derrick, have each been Sunday School workers over 30 years; and Z. T. Derrick over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY THIRTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has been established since March 30, 1867. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 15 officers and teachers and 235 pupils. At present its enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 190 pupils. The decrease in the enrollment is owing to the fact that a consider- able part of the ward is situated within the business district of the city, and the residence portion is growing less year by year. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents A. M. Musser, from April 7, 1867, to January 29, 1871; George Goddard, from January 29, 1871, to February 6, 1876; William Nay lor, from February 6, 1876, to January 26, 1893; Francis Platt, from January 22. 1893, to December 12, 1897; Heber 5. Goddard, from December 12, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Goddard, from April 7, 1867, to January 29, 1871; John B. Maiben, from January 29, 1871, to February 6, 1876; X. A. Empy, from February 6, 1876, to February 6, 1882; William Hennefer, from February 6, 1882, to August 31, 1890; Frank Platt, from December 28, 1890, to January 22, 1893; Alonzo Young, from January 22, 1893, to June 3, 1894; Henry A. *The period of service of this officer is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 303 "Woolley, from June 3 to October 22, 1894; William Wood, from August 4, 1895, to October 11, 1896; Heber S. Goddard, from December 27, 1896, to December 12, 1897; William Stringam, from December 12, 1897, to September 24, 1899; Charles A. Johnson, from September 24 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John B. Maiben, from April 7, 1867, to January 29, 1871; S. B. Young, from January 29, 1871, to February 6, 1876; Francis Platt, from February 6, 1876, to 1882; Joseph Morris;* Thomas W. Sloan, from December 28, 1890, to July 12, 1891; Francis Platt, (second term), from August 31 to December 28, 1890; Eldre Hoaglund;* Heber S. Goddard;* William Wood, from June 3, 1894, to August 4, 1895: H. S. Goddard, (second term) from August 4, 1895, to December 27, 1896; William Stringam, from December 27, 1896, to December 12, 1897; Charles A. Johnson, from December 12, 1897, to September 24, 1899; Charles B. Pederson, from September 24 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries J. B. Maiben, from April 7, 1867, to August 1, 1875; John H. Rumel, from 1878, to 1882; Francis Platt, from 1882 to 1885; George E. Woolley, from 1885 to October 21, 1888; Lewis R. Wells, from October 21, 1888, to March 17, 1889; M. M. Atwood, from March 17, 1889, to September 13, 1891; Joseph C. Platt, from September 13, 1891, to December 12, 1897; Charles R. Pederson, from December 12, 1897, to September 24, 1899; John C. Howard, from September 24 to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY FOURTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. It was in this ward that Elder Richard Ballantyne organized the first Sunday School in Utah, December 9, 1849, an account of which has already been given in the fore part of this volume. It appears that this early school after being conducted for a few years was discon- tinued for a time, the exact period not being known. There is some record of a Sunday School being in operation in 1856. It was held in what was known as Ballou's Hall. It is evident that at the time of the "move" this school with others was again discontinued. In 1864 * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 304 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. a school was again established in the ward by Apostle George Q- Cannon. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents Richard Ballantyne, from December, 1849, to 1852; Joseph Home, from 1852, to the time it was first discontinued >* Isaiah M. Coombs, from May or June to September 7, 1856; Elijah F. Pierce, from 1867 to April 25, 1868; Thomas Taylor, from April 25, 1868, to March 10, 1872; George H. Taylor, from March 10, 1872, to January 5, 1879; Thomas E. Taylor, from January 5, 1879, to June 5, 1881; Henry P. Richards, from June 5, 1881, to October 14, 1888; Henry Gardner, from October 14, 1888, to October 27, 1889; George M. Cannon, from November 3, 1889, to December 7, 1890; Edwin E. Wilcox, from December 7, 1890, to August 23, 1891; Ezra T. Steven- son, from August 25, 1891, to February 27, 1898; John H. Taylor, from May 22, 1898, to October 1, 1899; Eugene M. Cannon, from October 1 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Home, from fall of 1850 to 1852; George H. Taylor, from April 25, 1868, to March 10, 1872; Henry P. Richards, from March 17, 1872, to December 24, 1876; Thomas E. Taylor, from January 7, 1877, to July 8, 1879; Joseph Home, (second term) from June 5, 1881, to January 3, 1886; Henry Gardner, from January 3, 1886, to October 14, 1888; George S. Taylor, from October 14, 1888, to June 9, 1889; Edwin E. Wilcox, from November 5, 1889, to December 7, 1890; Ezra T. Stevenson, from December 7, 1890, to August 23, 1891; John H. Burrows, from September 13, 1891, to May 8, 1892; William D. Bowring, from May 8, 1892, to July 2, 1893; Clarence W. Taylor, from July 2, 1893, to August 4, 1895; James M. Campbell, from August 4, 1895, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Phineas Richards; C. R. Jones;* Henry P. Richards, from May 30, 1869, to March 10, 1872; Joseph Home;* Henry Gardner, from June 5, 1881, to January 3, 1886; Charles F. Wilcox, from January 3, 1886, to October 14, 1888; Edwin E. Wilcox, from October 14, 1888, to October 27, 1889; Moses- * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 305 W. Taylor, from November 3, 1889, to June 22, 1890; Ezra T. Steven- son, from June 22 to December 7, 1890; John H. Burrows, from December 7, 1890, to September 13, 1891; William D. Bowring, from September 13, 1891, to May 8, 1892; Sondra Sanders, from May 8, 1892, to July 2, 1893; James M. Campbell, from July 2, 1893, to August 4, 1895; John H. Taylor, from August 4, 1895, to February 16, 1896; Jesse M. Fox, from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Andreas Engberg,* Henry P. Richards, from April 26, 1868, to May 30, 1869; Thomas C. Armstrong, from June 20, 1869, to January 6, 1870; H. S. Beatie, from January 23, 1870, to December 31, 1871; Thomas W. Jennings, from December 31, 1871, to April 28, 1872; W. W. Taylor, from May 5, 1872, to March 9, 1873; Levi W. Richards, from March 16, 1873, to February 27, 1876; Minnie Home; Ella Wilcox;* Mattie Home, from May 20, 1883, to April 19; 1885; Annie Campbell, from May 24, 1885, to May 19, 1895; Nora M. Cannon Stewart, from May 26, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school shows 17 officers and teachers and 152 pupils. SALT LAKE CITY FIFTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first organized by Richard Ballantyne in the winter of 1856 and 1857. This organization was maintained for more than a year, being discontinued in consequence of the move south at the time of the advent into Utah of Johnson's army. The school held its early ses- sions in a little adobe schoolhouse on the premises of the present ward meetinghouse. Later the school convened in the building known as the "Granary," and since the erection of the ward Assembly Hall it has been held in the latter building. The growth of the ward necessitated the organization of a branch school, which was effected December 3, 1893, and was main- tained until May 24, 1898, when the Twenty-fourth Ward, formed of the western portion of the Fifteenth Ward, was organized. The school has an enrollment of 24 officers and teachers and 219 pupils* The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 306 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries. Superintendents Richard Ballantyne;* John K. Hall, from April 10, 1865, to September 20, 1874; Thomas C. Griggs,from September 20, 1874, to March 15, 1891; William S. Burton, from March 15, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William L. Binder, from April 10, 1865, to June 22, 1867; James W. Ure, from June 29, 1867, to October 18, 1884; Joseph R. Morgan;* W. R. Jones, Jr., from March 15, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James R. Hall, from June 29, 1867 to 1881; James H. Moyle, from 1881 to 1882; William R. Jones, Jr., from November 19, 1882, to March 15, 1891; S. F. Ball, from March 15, 1891, to March 5, 1899; Jed W. Ashton, from June 25, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Almon W. Babbitt, from April 10, 1865, to June 22, 1867; David LeBaron; Andrew S. Johnson;* James H. Moyle, from March 24, 1878, to June 15, 1879; S. H. Reeves, from June 15, 1879, to March 20, 1881; Shure D. Olson, a short term during the year 1881; Joseph R. Morgan, from 1881, to October 19, 1884; D. R. Gill, Jr., from October 19, 1884, to June 21, 1885; Oscar W. Moyle, from June 21, 1885, to June 24, 1886; W. H. Chamberlain, from June 24, 1886, to April 24, 1892; B. A. Scare, from April 24, 1892, to Decem- ber 6, 1896; George Q. Morris, from December 13, 1896, to Novem- ber 21, 1897; John R. Jones, Jr., from November 21, 1897, to June 19, 1898; Walter J. Burton, from June 19, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Mary L. Morris has been a Sunday School worker over 40 years; William L. Binder, over 35 years; Thomas C. Griggs, Edward Ashton, James R. Hall, (deceased), Sarah A. Price, William S. Burton, Andrew S. Gray, (deceased), Sarah M. Kimball, Rebecca M. Jones, (deceased) 30 years; William R. Jones, Jr., Jed W. Ashton, James S. Lewis, 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY SIXTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the spring of 1853, the bishopric of the ward organized a Sunday School *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 307 and placed John Pulsipher in charge. This school was discontinued some time later, and in the early sixties, according to the recollection of the old residents of the ward, another organization was effected, and a school was conducted for a time by George W. Mousley. The time from which the permanent organization dates its existence is April, 1868. Since then the organization has been continued and school has been held regularly with the exception of two short intervals. When the school opened in 1868, it numbered 13 officers and teachers and about 60 pupils. The present enrollment shows 33 officers and teachers and 532 pupils. The school convenes in the ward Assembly Rooms, on Fifth West between North Temple and First North Streets. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since 1868 are: Superintendents William J. Newman, from April, 1868, to winter of 1870; Henry Emery, from winter of 1870 to July, 1877; James W. Phippen, from August 5, 1877, to August 7,1881; Peter Gillespie, from August 7, 1881, to January 2, 1896; David S. Emery, from February 9, 1896, to November 13, 1898; Arthur Frewin, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Daniel Wolstenholm, from April, 1868, to 1870; Henry Emery, from April, 1870, to winter of same year; James W. Phippen, from March, 1875, to August 5, 1877; Peter Reid from August 5, 1877, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Peter Reid, from March, 1875, to August 5, 1877; John Vincent, from August '5, 1877, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph H. Parry, from 1871, to September, 1874; Walter J. Lewis, from September, 1874, to July, 1877; J. W. Sum- merhays, from August 5, 1877, to 1880; Edwin F. Parry, from 1880, to December 26, 1886; A. W. Peterson, from December 26, 1886, to August 31, 1890; Andrew Peterson, from August 31, 1890, to June, 1891; Charles Amott, from 1891, to March 11, 1894; Albert Bullough, from March 11, 1894; to January 23, 1898; John S. Perkins, from January 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James W. Phippen, William J. Newman and Peter Reid have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; George R. Emery and John Vincent over 25 years. 308 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. SALT LAKE CITY SEVENTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in this ward was convened April 16, 1854. Owing to lack of records the early history of the school is incomplete. The names of presiding officers of the school from the time of the first organization till 1876 are: William W. Jackson, Samuel Cornaby, John Morgan, F. J. P. Pascoe, George Dunford, Edward W. Davis. Albert R. Carrington served as secretary for a period during this time. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1876 are: Superintendents James Dwyer, from February 2, 1876, to May 2, 1886; Walter J. Beatie, from May 2, 1886, to July 10, 1892; Charles B. Felt, from July 10, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James L. Clayton, from February 13, 1876, to January 7, 1877; Hyrum Stewart, from January 7, 1877, to March 23, 1879; William Hopwood, from January 18, 1880, to March, 1882; D. Frank Davis, from June 11, 1882, to May, 1883; Franklin S. Tingey, from May, 1883, to August 15, 1897; George A. Smith, from August 15, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Hyrum Stewart, from Feb- ruary 13, 1876, to January 7, 1877; Mathoni W. Pratt, from January 7> 1877, to January 23, 1886; William N. Williams, from February 13, 1881, to June 11, 1882; Franklin S. Tingey, from June 11, 1882, to May, 1883; Charles B. Felt, from May, 1883, to May 2, 1886; Arthur F. Barnes, from May 2, 1886, to August 15, 1897; George S. McAllis- ter, from August 15, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school is held in the Seventeenth Ward Assembly Rooms. The historical report shows that Henry Wallace has been a Sun- day School worker over 35 years; John W. Jones, over 30 years; and James Dwyer over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY EIGHTEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1876, with 11 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. Its present enrollment is 26 officers and teachers and 337 pupils. The school is held in the Eighteeenth Ward Independent Schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 309 Superintendents B. H. Schettler, from 1876 to 1877; H. G. Whitney; John C. Gray;* James W. Saville, from 1883, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James W. Saville, from 1881 to 1883; Douglas A. Swan, from 1886 to 1893; J. M. Barlow, from January 18, 1893, to September, 1894; Leo H. Clawson, from January to September, 1895; T. A. Clawson, from April, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry Maiben,* John C. Gray,* Rulon S. Wells, from 1886 to 1893; D. J. Watts, from December, 1893, to August, 1894; John Wells, from April, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries R. V. Decker,* Eli H. Barrell,* S. B. Clawson, from 1884 to 1891; C. D. Schettler, from 1891 to 1894; Ernest Schettler, from 1894 to October, 1897; G. H. Schettler, from Octo- ber, 1897, to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY NINETEENTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since April 21, 1867, it being first held in the old school- house, Corner Fourth North and Second West Streets.. It began with 10 officers and teachers and 150 pupils. Its present enrollment is 30 officers and teachers and 413 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Paul Lechtenberg, from April 27, 1867, to September 19, 1869; William Asper, from September 19, 1869, to January 10, 1892; John N. Pike, from January 10, 1892, to October 23, 1898; Alvin A. Beesley, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Asper, from January 20, 1867, to September 19, 1869; Alfred Solomon, from September 12, 1875, to January 10, 1892; John Alford, from January 10, 1892, to October 23; 1898; James Duckworth, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Alex. Edward, from Septem- *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 310 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. her 12, 1875, to January 10, 1892; Joseph H. Dean, from January 10, 1892, to October 23, 1898; John Christensen, from October 23^ 1898, to December 31, 1899: Secretaries James Watson, from January 3, 1869, to October 13, 1872; Alfred Solomon, from October 13, 1872, to March 10,. 1875; John South, from March 10, 1875, to January 10, 1894; Ed. E. Carr, from January 10, 1894, to 1895; Mattie Folsom, from 1895 to November 6, 1898; Samuel Newton, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The present place of holding school is the ward meetinghouse,. Fourth North between Center and First West Streets. The historical report shows that John Alford has been a Sunday School workers over 30 years; William Asper and John South over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTIETH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began in 1862, with William Paul, superintendent; James L. Bunting, first assistant; Frederick Culmer, second assistant and secretary. Further details respecting its early history cannot be given. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since 1869 are: Superintendents George Reynolds, from December, 1869, to May, 1871; William Lambourn, from May, 1871, to May, 1873; George Reynolds (second term), from May, 1873, to June, 1879; F. A. Mitchell, from June, 1879, to August, 1881; George Reynolds, (third term) from 1881, to spring of 1885; William W. Salmon, from spring of 1885, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James L. Bunting; John Squires; William W. Salmon; David L. Murdock,* Heber J. Romney, from 1885 to September, 1898, George E. Romney, from September 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Squires, from 1879 to 1881; William W. Salmon;* William H. Tovey, from 1887 to 1888; John F. Bennett, from 1888 to 1897; James R. Hay, from September 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 311 Secretaries William B. Barton;* William H. Tovey, from August 6, 1871, to September 26, 1875; Kate Miller;* Walter C. Farrow, from October 3, 1875, to February 18, 1877; Charles Reynolds, from January 14, to October 21, 1877; John F. Bennett;* 0. D. Romney,* Charles Sansom, from November 11, 1888, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school shows 35 officers and teachers and 335 pupils. It convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that George Reynolds has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; William W. Salmon and Levi W Richards over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTY-FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized October 21, 1877, and began with 28 officers and teachers and 190 pupils. The present enrollment is 31 officers and teachers and 475 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse, First Street, between J and K Streets. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents William D. Owen, from October 21, 1877, to January 25, 1889; Robert Aveson, from January 25, 1889, to May 26, 1893; James Maxwell, from May 26, 1893, to February 18, 1894; Josiah Burrows, from February 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Sanders, from Octo- ber 21, 1877, to May 26, 1878; A. N. Macfarlane, from May 26, 1878, to April 10, 1881; Robert Aveson, from April 10, 1881, to January 25, 1889; Thomas Mclntyre, from January 25, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Mark Lindsay, from October 21, 1877, to May 26, 1878; Robert Aveson, from May 26, 1878, to April 10, 1881: John H. Burrows, from April 10, 1881, to March 26, 1882; James Maxwell, from March 26, 1882, to October 19, 1884; Josiah Burrows, from October 19, 1884, to October 25, 1885; Joseph W. Maynes, from October 25, 1885, to January 25, 1889; James *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 312 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Maxwell, (second term), from January 25, 1889, to May 26, 1893; Thomas Goodman, from May 26, 1893, to August 22, 1894; W. C. Castleton, from September 7, 1894, to August 30, 1895; W. S. Owen, from August 30, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John H. Burrows, from October 21, 1877, to April 10, 1881; Thomas Goodman, from April 10, 1881, to February 5, 1882; Archibald S. Highman, from March 26, 1882, to April 1, 1883; William G. Westwood, from April 1, 1883, to July 10, 1892; R. Faucett Aveson, from July 10, 1892, to October 13, 1895; F. M. Michelsen, from October 13, 1895, to August 1, 1897; J. Percy God- dard, from August 1, 1897, to April 2, 1899; Joseph V. Smith, from May 7, 1899, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Herbert J. Foulger, James Maxwell and Joseph W. Maynes have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTY-SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This ward was formed of the lower or western part of the Nineteenth Ward, and the Sunday School was organized December 21, 1890. It began with 29 officers and teachers and 305 pupils. The present enrollment is 27 officers and teachers and 506 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The first officers were Mathew Noall, superintendent; Frederick Beesley, first assistant; Arthur Winter, second assistant. November 15, 1891, Superintendent Noall was succeeded by Henry Gardner; December 31, 1893, second assistant superintendent Winter was succeeded by James F. Smith; and July 31, 1898, first assistant superintendent Beesley was succeeded by second assistant superin- tendent James F. Smith; and on the same date Joseph Anderson was chosen second assistant superintendent. As now constituted the superintendency is composed of the following-named: Henry Gard- ner, superintendent; James F. Smith, first assistant; Joseph Ander- son, second assistant. The names of successive secretaries are: James F. Smith, from December 2l, 1890, to December 31, 1893; C. F. Solomon, from July 1, 1894, to August 1, 189o; J. F. Petersen, from August 1, 1895, to February 2, 1896; E. F. Soderborg, from February 2, 1896, H JBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 313 to .muary 2, 1898; H. T. Cowburn, from January 2, 1898, to Decem- ber;!, 1899. The historical report shows that Henry Gardner and Alfred Solmon have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTY-SECOND WARD BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL. He place of holding this school is on Twelfth West and Sixth North Stiets. It was established to accommodate those living a long dis- tace from the ward meetinghouse. The date of its organization is Auust 5, 1894. It began with 4 officers and teachers and 9 pupils. It* resent enrollment is 17 officers and teachers and 106 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Nils Nelson, superintend- en; Thomas Lawrence, first assistant; Edward Ray, second assistant; .1 ph Lawrence, secretary. On January 21, 1896, Secretary Joseph Larence was succeeded by Addie Nelson; June 13, 1897, Second Asistant Superintendent Edward Ray was succeeded by Isaac Lang- to; and on September 10, 1899, First Assistant Superintendent Tbmas Lawrence was succeeded by Samuel F. Ball. The historical report shows that Isaac Langton has been a Sun- de School worker over 30 years; and Nils Nelson over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTY-THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The fat organization of this school dates from November 23, 1890, vien it began as a branch of the Twenty-Second Ward school. It \is first held in a house owned by F. S. Fernstrom, located on the crner of Duluth and Division Streets, Superior Addition. The resent place of meeting is the ward meetinghouse. January 3, 292, it was reorganized and has since been known as the Twenty- 'jiird Ward Sunday School. The first enrollment was 4 officers and lachers and 16 pupils; at present it is 16 officers and teachers and 17 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- iries are: Superintendents Nels L. Hagberg, from November 23, 1890, to .ugust 14, 1898; John C. Sandberg, from August 14, 1898, to May 4, 1899; Peter A. Anderson, from May 14, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Hans P. Hansen, from Novem- 20 314 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ber 23, 1890, to January 3, 1892; James Stacey, from January 3, 1892, to August 14, 1898; Charles M. Fernstrom, from August 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John A. Carlson, from January 3, 1892, to August 14, 1898; Peter A. Anderson, from August 14, 1898, to May 14, 1899; Herbert H. Urry, from May 14, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hans P. Hansen, from November 23, 1890, to March 31, 1895; Charlotte Kielland, from March 31, 1895, to Sep- tember 27, 1896; Emma Sandberg, from September 27, 1896, to September 18, 1898; Hazel Jones, from September 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. SALT LAKE CITY TWENTY-FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL began as a branch of the Fifteenth Ward Sunday School on December 3, 1893, and was presided over by James W. Ure, under the direction of the superintendency of the parent school. After the organization of the Twenty-Fourth Ward from the western portion of the Fifteenth Ward the Sunday School was organized on May 1, 1898, with the following officers: H. B. Elder, superintendent; J. L. John- son, first assistant; M. A. Miller, second assistant; J. J. Gill, secre- tary. The only change that has since occurred in the officers of the school is that of the secretary. On July 23, 1899, J. J. Gill was succeeded by David S. Edwards. At the time of organization the school numbered 19 officers and teachers and 142 pupils. At present it numbers 27 officers and teach- ers and 225 pupils. Its sessions are held in the ward meetinghouse, corner First South and Eighth West Streets. The historical report shows that James W. Ure, S. C. Backman, James M. Christensen and David R. Gill have been Sunday School work- ers over 35 years; Bishop Edward T. Ashton, John W. Boud, John L. Johnson, H. B. Elder, G. H. Backman and T. F. Howells over 25 years. SALT LAKE CITY FOURTH WARD BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized October 20, 1896, and its first session convened on the 23rd of the same month, in the house of Robert L. Anderson, on Valeria Avenue. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. Its present enrollment is 16 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. In JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 315 June, 1899, the house in which the school convened was. burned, and all the furniture and other supplies owned by the school, most of which had been contributed by liberal-spirited members of the ward, were entirely destroyed. The school was afterwards and is yet held at the residence of J. B. Tomlinson, on Paxton Avenue. The first officers of the school were: Robert L. Anderson, super- intendent; William Rose, first assistant; William T. Foulger, second assistant; and Frederick Anderson, secretary. On October 10, 1897, these officers were succeeded by the following-named, who are the present incumbents: Charles Cottrell, Jr., superintendent; Henry Green, first assistant; J. B. Tomlinson, second assistant; and Pearl Tomlinson, secretary. SANDY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 2, 1879, and began active work the week following. It was first held in a frame building used for public gatherings, and situated near where the present meetinghouse stands. It is now held in the last-named building. It began with 13 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. The present enrollment is 19 officers and teachers and 268 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Isaac Harrison, from November 2, 1879, to September 24, 1882; Emil Hartvigsen, from September 24, 1882, to September 30, 1883; Neils M. Neilson, from September, 30, 1883, to July 14, 1885; Isaac Harrison, (second term) from July 14, 1885, to March 5, 1888; Neils M. Neilson, (second term) from March 5, 1888, to December 13, 1891; Nils H. Hallstrom, from December 13, 1891, to May 13, 1894; William D. Kuhre, from May 13, 1894, to Novem- ber 28, 1897; Neils M. Neilson (third term), from November 28, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Hewlett, from Novem- ber 2, 1879, to September 24, 1882; Isaac Harrison, Jr., from Sep- tember 24, 1882, to February 30, 1883; Heber Goff, from. February 30, 1883, to March 5, 1888; Joseph Shaw, from March 5 to Novem- ber 18, 1888; Nils H. Hallstrom, from November 18, 1888, to De- cember 13, 1891; William D. Kuhre, from December 13, 1891, to May 13, 1894; Neils M. Neilson, from May, 13, 1894, to November 316 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 28, 1897; Arthur E. White, from November 28, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Heber Russon, from Novem- ber 2, 1879, to January 1, 1881; William Lewis, from January 1, 1881, to September 24, 1882; Neils M. Neilson, from September 24, 1882, to September 30, 1883; William R. Scott, from September 30, 1883, to March 5, 1888; Heber Goff, from March 5, 1888, to November 16, 1890; William D. Kuhre, from November 16, 1890, to December 13, 1891; Barnard Anderson, from December 13, 1891, to May 13, 1894; John A. Gunnarson, from May 13, 1894, to November 28, 1897; Samuel Christenson, from November 28, 1897, to Septem- ber 18, 1898; Neils Thompson, from September 18, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth Russon, from November 2, 1879, to April 21, 1880; Eliza Maginness, from April 21, 1880, to September 24, 1882; Margaret Olsen, from September, 24, 1882, to September 30, 1883; William W. Wilson, from September 30, 1883, to February 24, 1884; John T. Nattress, from February 24, 1884, to July 14, 1885; Nils H. Halstrom, from July 14, 1885, to January 1, 1886; Neils M. Neilson, from January 1, 1886, to March 5, 1888; James Osterman, from March 5, 1888, to November 5, 1893; Rose M. With- ers, from November 5, 1893, to October 28, 1894; Ruth Lewis, from October 28, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Jensen has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years. SOUTH COTTONWOOD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The beginning of this school dates back to 1868, when it convened in the schoolhouse usually on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, being conducted by different brethren of the ward. The time of meeting, however, was not fixed; sometimes it was in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning. Once a month the school was held in the old meetinghouse, upon which occasions it was placed under the immediate direction of the Bishop of the ward, Andrew Gaboon. Until 1885 the school was held only during the summer months. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 317 Superintendents Andrew Gaboon, from 1868 to April 30, 1871 ; William G. Young, from April 30, 1871, to April 16, 1876; James Godfrey, from April 16, 1876, to April, 1880; Caleb D. Brinton, from April, 1880, to May 23, 1886; Louis Kelsch, from May 23, 1886, to April 22, 1888; Richard Howe, from April 22, 1888, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Walter, from April, 1876, to April, 1880; Walter H. Atwood, from April, 1880, to April, 1885; Orson A. Woolley, from April, 1885, to May 23, 1886; Rich- ard Howe, from May 23, 1886, to April 22, 1888; Charles Walter, (second term) from April 22, 1888, to January, 1896; Henry V. Bal- lard, from January, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Richard William Ballard, from April, 1876, to April, 1877; John G. Labrum, from April, 1877, to April, 1879; Louis Kelsch, from April, 1879, to April, 1880; William G. Young, from April, 1880, to April, 1884; Louis Kelsch, (second term) from April, 1884, to May 23, 1886; Charles Walter, from May 23, 1886, to April 22, 1888; Daniel B. Jones, from April 22, 1888, to April 1, 1894; Jacob H. Tipton, from January, 1896, to December, 1897; Charles Brown, from August, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles Walter, from April, 1876, to April, 1880; Louis Kelsch, from April, 1880, to May, 1883; William Bradford, from May, 1883, to April 22, 1888; Robert H. Bradford, from April 22, 1888, to November, 1895; William B. Erickson, from November, 1895, to September, 1896; Amos H. Turner, from September, 1896, to July, 1897; Orie Boyce, from July, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 24 officers and teachers and 233 pupils. Two other Sunday Schools have been formed out of this one the Murray and Lovendahl schools. SOUTH JORDAN SUNDAY SCHOOL began in June, 1866, with 6 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Isaac Harrison, from 1866 to 1868, John B. Winward, from 1868 to 1870; Matthew Holt, for a short term in 1870; H. B. Beckstead, from 1870 to 1871; Joseph Williams, from 1871 to 318 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1874; John W. Winward, from 1874 to 1879; S. J. Wardle, from 1879 to 1897; John Holt, from 1897 to 1898; H. B. Beckstead (sec- ond term), from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Tempest, from 1866 to 1868; Jesse Vincent, for a short term in 1870; N. G. Soffe, from 1870 to 1871; Andrew Amundsen, from 1871 to 1874; N. G. Soffe, (second term) from 1874 to 1884; James Oliver, from 1884 to 1885; Albert Holt, a term during 1885; Albert Mabey, from 1885 to 1886; Albert Holt, (second term) from 1886 to 1894; Albert Mabey, (second term) from 1894, to 1897; John Holt, for a short term in 1897; John Wheadon, from 1897 to 1898; William M. Holt, for a short term in 1898; C. M. Wardle, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. R. Stocking, from 1874 to 1879; Jesse Vincent, from 1879 to 1884; Matthew Holt, from 1884 to 1892; Albert Mabey, from 1892 to 1894; John Holt, from 1894 to 1897; William M. Holt, from 1897 to 1898; C. M. Wardle, for a short term in 1898; Albert Mabey, (second term) from 1898 to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas Allsop, from 1866 to 1870; Harriet Casper, from 1870 to 1871; Alex. Hyslop, from 1871 to 1879; A. Amundsen, from 1879 to 1880; James A. Oliver, from 1880 to 1889; Edward H. Holt, from 1889 to 1890; Henry Shandren, from 1890 to 1898; Millie Johnson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school shows 8 officers and teach- ers and 223 pupils. SOUTH TAYLORSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On January 15, 1888, this school was organized, and its first session was held the following Sunday. Its first enrollment was 9 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its enrollment has since increased to 14 officers and teachers and 106 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Samuel Bringhurst, superin- tendent; William Parker, first assistant; W. 0. Newbold, second assist- ant; and A. M. Palmer, secretary. October 30, 1899, Second Assist- ant Superintendent Newbold was succeeded by Walter R. Wilson. This is the only change in the superin tendency since the organiza- tion. On August 30, 1891, Secretary A. M. Palmer was succeeded JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 319 by A. M. Palmer, Jr.; and on January 5, 1896, the latter was suc- ceeded by Josephine Bateman, the present secretary. SUGAR HOUSE WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1868 Charles I. Robin- son organized and conducted a Sunday School in this place, but no records of this school are to be found. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries since a reorganization was effected are: Superintendents P. A. Elkins, from time of reorganization to 1891; Arthur Stayner, from 1891 to 1895; F. Y. Taylor, a short period during the year 1895; D. R. Allen, from July, 1895, to June, 1896; George Arbuckle, from June, 1896, to April, 1897; Arthur Stayner, (second term) from April, 1897, to July, 1899; Edward J. Wood, from July to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James R. Smith, from time of reorganization to 1891; Henry Cox, from 1891 to 1895; George Arbuckle, from 1895 to June, 1896; R. L. McGhie, from June, 1896, to July, 1899; Bird Murphy, from July to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Peter Hansen from time of reorganization to 1884; Horace Eldredge, from 1884, to 1891; Andrew Eccles, from 1891 to 1895; R. L. McGhie, from 1895 to June, 1896; Bird Murghy, from June, 1896, to July, 1899; William McEwan, from July to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Annie McGhie, from time of reorganization to 1884; R. L. McGhie, from 1884 to 1894; William Peterson, from 1894 to 1895: Emma Briggs, from 1895 to June, 1896; S. L. Richards, from June, 1896, to January, 1899; C. M. Alston, from January to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school shows 27 officers and teachers and 377 pupils. The historical report shows that James McGhie has been a Sun- Sunday School worker over 25 years. TAYLORSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. It is claimed that a Sunday School was held here in 1851 and 1852, and convened in the house of John Bennion. On December 11, 1859, an organization was effected, and the school was held in the English Fort schoolhouse. In 1860 320 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. the fort was abandoned and the Sunday School was again conducted in John Bennion's house. In 1862 or 1863 the school was removed to the old log schoolhouse, and continued there until 1867, when it was removed to the ward meetinghouse. Since 1894 it has been held in the Taylorsville Assembly Rooms. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1867 are: Superintendents John Bennion, from 1867 to 1868; George M. Spencer, from 1868 to 1873; John Webster, from 1873 to 1883; Archibald Frame, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George M. Spencer, from 1867 to 1868; Charles Walters, from 1868 to 1873; Samuel R. Bennion, from 1873 to 1883; George M. Spencer, (second term) from 1883 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Benjamin Barker, from 1873 to 1883; William H. Haigh, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Alfred Bennion, from 1873 to 1883; Albert Spencer, from 1883 to 1897; Jennie Gerrard, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 14 officers and teachers and 259 pupils. The historical report shows that George M. Spencer has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; William H. Haigh, Alfred Ben- nion, Llewellyn J. Mantle over 25 years. UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL. On July 22, 1877, this school was organized with Jacob G. Pate, superintendent; John Oborn, first assistant and secretary; and John Redmond, second assistant. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries, aside from those already mentioned are: Superintendents Otis L. Terry, from January 19, 1879, to May 23, 1880; Marion H. Brady, from May 23, 1880, to January 18, 1881; Henry Russell, from January 18, 1881, to January 2, 1887; John H. Walker, from January 2, 1887, to December 25, 1889; Charles Denney, from December 25, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph W. Griffiths, from January 19, 1879, to May 23, 1880; Otis L. Terry, from May 23, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 321 1880, to January 18, 1881; James L. James, from January 18,. 1881,, to January 2, 1887; Thomas H. Smart, from January 2, 1887, to December 25, 1889; James L. James, (second term) from December 25, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Jacob G. Pate, from January 19. 1879, to May 23, 1880; James L. James, from May 23, 1880, to January 18, 1881; Thomas H. Smart, from January 18, 1881, to January 2, 1887; John A. Berrett, from January 2, 1887, to December 25, 1889; Alfred Ball, from December 25, 1889, to Sep- tember 30, 1890; Charles Evans, from September 30, 1890, to February 28, 1892; Alfred Robbins, from February 28, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John G. Sharp, from January 19, 1879, to Decem- ber 25, 1889; Andrew Phillips, from December 25, 1889, to July 12^ 1891; Henry C. Monteer, from July 12, 1891, to July 19, 1892; John W. James from July 19, 1892, to August 2, 1896; Annie Liljeblad, from August 2, 1896, to December 31, 1899- The enrollment of the school at the time of organization was 10- officers and teachers and 40 pupils; at present it is 19 officers and teachers and 249 pupils. The historical report shows that Charles Denney has been engaged in Sunday School labors over 25 years. WEST JORDAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. In the summer of 1868, this school was organized under the direction of Bishop Archibald Gardner. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Isaac Harrison, from 1868 to 1870; William Newell, from 1870 to 1872; Samuel Bateman, from 1872 to 1878; James Higgins, from 1878 to 1883; Hyrum Goff, from 1883 to 1895; E. H. Richards, from 1895, to August 20, 1899; Robert E. Dimond, from August 20, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Bateman, from 1868 to 1872; James Higgins, from 1872, to 1878; Hyrum Goff, from 1878 to 1883; James Glover, from 1883 to 1895; Simon Hibbard, from 1895 to 1898; Robert E. Dimond, from 1898 to spring of 1899; F.. 322 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. A. Cooper, from spring of 1899 to August 20 of same year; Francis Cundick, from August 20 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Levi Naylor, from 1868 to 1878; James Glover, from 1878 to 1883; George M. Webster, from 1883 to 1895; Robert E. Dimond, from 1895 to 1898; F. A. Cooper, from 1898 to spring of 1899; Joseph Hibbard, from spring of 1899 to August 20 of same year; Joseph Glover, from August 20 to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary A. Cooper, from 1878 to March 11, 1880; Elizabeth A. Cutler, from March 11, to October 17, 1880; Araminta E. Bateman, from 1880 to May 29, 1882; Mary H. Jenkins, from 1882 to 1887; Delila Gardner, from 1887 to June 30, 1889; Melissa A. Borlase, from June, 1889, to 1895; Edna Irving, from 1895 to 1896; Fannie K. Williams, from 1896 to February, 1898; B. E. Driggs, a short time in 1898; Mary E. Richards, from 1898 to December 10, 1899; Margaret B. Williams, from December 10 to December 31, 1899. On October 18, 1895, the school was divided, and the East Jordan school was formed of the members residing in the eastern part of the ward. The parent school has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 279 pupils. Since November 15, 1896, it has been held in the schoolhouse; previously it convened in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Delila Gardner, Ephraim H. White, Owen T. Court and Mary H. Beckstead have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. WEST TAYLORSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized October 22, 1893, and first convened in the house of Alfred Bennion. The school still convenes in private residences, as no available public building is to be had in the district. The school numbered 7 officers and teachers and 20 pupils when first organized. It has since increased to 9 officers and teachers and 71 pupils. The superintendency first chosen were the following-named, all of whom are still acting: Alfred Bennion, superintendent; John Was- mer, first assistant; Samuel D. Wallace, second assistant. The names of successive secretaries are: Arthur Wright, from date of organiza- tion to 1895; Lydia White, from 1895 to 1896; Sarah J. Wallace, -from January 5, 1896, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 323 The historical report shows that A. E. Bennion, Samuel D. Wallace, and Martha J. Wallace have been Sunday School workers for upwards of 25 years. WILFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was formerly known as that of Mill Creek East Branch, and is situated in Mill Creek Ward. From May, 1893, the date of its first organization, till June 17, 1894, it was conducted as a branch of the parent school of the ward. .Since the latter date it has been maintained as a separate organiza- tion. It began with 14 officers and teachers and 125 pupils; its present enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 207 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Jacob B. Jacobsen, from May, 1893, to April 12, 1896; J. D. Cummings, from April 12, 1896, to July 31, 1898; Joseph M. Green, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William J. Butterworth, from April 12, 1896, to July 31, 1898; Matthew White, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John White, from April 12, 1896, to February 14, 1897; Cornelius S. Green, from February 14, 1897, to July 31, 1898; John Home, from July 31, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Matthew White, from April 12, 1896, to July 31, 1898; W. D. Cummings, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. SAN JUAN STAKE. The territory embraced in this stake is that of the joining -corners of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. There are 6 Sunday Schools in the stake, 4 of which are in Utah, 1 in Colorado and 1 in New Mexico. On June 6, 1880, J. B. Decker was called to superintend the Sunday Schools of what was then known as the San Juan Mission, and in 1885 he was sustained as superintendent of the Sunday Schools of the San Juan Stake, with J. F. Barton as first, and H. J. Nielson .as second assistants. At this time Peter Allan was chosen secretary. 324 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. In November, 1893, second assistant superintendent Nielson was succeeded in office by Kumen Jones, and the latter was succeeded in February, 1898, by H. M. Taylor. Secretary Allan was succeeded by Lettie M. Stevens in May, 1896; and Hanson Bayles succeeded first assistant superintendent Barton in February, 1899. At present the officers are: James B. Decker, superintendent; Hanson Bayles, first assistant; H. M. Taylor, second assistant; and Lettie M. Stevens, secretary. BLUFF SUNDAY SCHOOL. There was a partial organization of this school effected June 6, 1880, just two months after the arrival in this place of the pioneer settlers. Upon this occasion the people met under a large cottonwood tree near the townsite. James B. Decker was chosen superintendent at this time, and later Joseph F. Barton was chosen first assistant. In the fall of that year Magnolia Walton was chosen secretary; and in August, 1885, Joseph T. John- son was called as second assistant superintendent. On January 2, 1898, a complete change in the superintendency occurred, when the following-named, who are the present officers, were installed: Lemuel H. Redd, superintendent; Kumen Jones, first assistant; Hanson Bayles, second assistant. The successive secretaries are: Mag- nolia Walton, from 1880 to December 5, 1886; Peter Allan, from Decem- ber 5, 1886, to January 8, 1893; Lettie Stevens, from January 8, 1893, to December 12, 1897, Jennie Wood, from December 12, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school began with about 30 members. Its present enroll- ment is 19 officers and teachers and 120 pupils. It convenes in the ward meetinghouse, Bluff, San Juan County, Utah. All the children of the ward, above the age of four years, are enrolled in the school. BURNHAM SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in Fruitland, San Juan County, New Mexico. It was organized in May, 1881, at the house of Walter Stevens. The enrollment at the time was about 12 mem- bers; at present it is 18 officers and teachers and 13o pupils. The school now convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 325 Superintendents David A. Stevens, from May, 1881, to 1885; Walter J. Stevens, from 1885 to 1887; H. W. Taylor, from 1887 to 1892; Lewis B. Burnham, from 1892 to 1893; John R. Young, from 1893 to 1897; William G. Black, from 1897 to 1898; John R. Young, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Henry Slade, from 1887 to 1893; Claiborne Brimhall, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Elmer F. Taylor, from 1887 to 1893; Howard D. Roberts, from 1893 to 1897; Thomas Evans, from 1897 to 1898; John T. Neilson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Abbie H. Stevens, from 1885 to 1887; Abbie S. Young, from 1887 to 1892; James E. Stevens, from 1892 to 1893; Delia Allan, from 1893 to 1897; William Evans, from 1897 to 1898; Ella Walker, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. MANGOS SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized September 9, 1884, and its first session was held September 20 following, at the house of Joseph S. Smith. It began with 10 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. Its present enrollment is 21 officers and teachers and 180 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents 0. C. Roberts, from July 12, 1885, to Febru- ary 10, 1889; George Halls, from February 10, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendent- -W. W. White, from February 10, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Peter Brown, from February 10, 1889, to June 29, 1895; James Smith, from June 29, 1895, to February 12, 1899; Neils Evensen, from February 12 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Anna Halls, from July 1, 1892, to September 16, 1894; Lucy Halls, from September 16, 1894, to August 28, 1898; Lola White, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse, Mancos, Monte- zuma County, Colorado. The historical report shows that William Halls has been a Sun- 326 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. day School worker over 35 years; George Halls over 30 years; Moi- selle Halls and Joseph H. Dean over 25 years. MOAB SUNDAY SCHOOL. The town of Moab is in Grand County^ Utah, and formerly belonged to the Emery Stake. The Sunday School was organized August 7, 1881, with W. D. Prichet, superin- tendent, and W. A. Peirce assistant and secretary. The enrollment of the school is 24 officers and teachers and 158 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents W. D. Prichet, from August 7, 1881, to 1884; W. A. Peirce, from 1884 to February 22, 1891; J. N. Robertson, from February 22, 1891, to April 6, 1892; Mons Peterson, from April 6, 1892, to 1895; 0. W. Warner, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. A. Peirce, from August 7, 1881, to 1884; H. M. Taylor, from 1884 to February 22, 1891, Clark Brinkerhoff, from February 22, 1891, to April 6, 1892; D. A. Johnson, from April 6, 1892, to May 23, 1897; Henry Holyoak, from May 23, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William McBride, from 1884 to 1887; J. N. Robertson, from 1887 to February 22, 1891; Joseph Moore, from February 22, 1891, to April 6, 1895; Andrew Tangreen, from April 6, 1895, to latter part of that year; Charles McConkie, from latter part of 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. A. Peirce, from August 7, 1881, to February 22, 1891; Viola Robertson, from February 22, 1891, to April 6, 1892; Anna Stewart, from April 6, 1892, to 1895; J. C. Thompson, from the early part of 1895 to November 3 of that year; John Peterson, from latter part of 1895 to October, 1896; William J. Nix, from October, 1896, to July 10, 1898; F. N. Shafer, from July 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. MONTICELLO SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 9, 1888, with John E. Rogerson, superintendent, and Emma Hyde, secretary. Its sessions were first held alternately at the residences of Mons Peterson, C. E. Walton and E. W. Hyde. The school is now con- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 327 ducted in the schoolhouse, Monticello, San Juan County, Utah. It began with 24 members; its present enrollment is 19 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: John E. Rogerson, superintendent ; C. E. Walton, first assistant; Nephi Bailey, second assistant; A. L. F. McDermott, secretary. VERDURE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized June 11, 1893, with George A. Adams, superintendent; Parley R. Batt, first assistant; and Emma Hatt, secretary. No changes in the superintendency have since occurred. The successive secretaries are: Emma Hatt, Leona Nielson, Lil- lian Decker. The school has an enrollment of 6 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. Its sessions are held at the residence of George A. Adams,, in Verdure, San Juan County, Utah. SAN LUIS STAKE. This Stake is located in San Luis Valley, Colorado. It also em- braces one settlement in New Mexico. The Sunday School superin- tendency of the stake was organized in the summer of 1883. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents William Christensen, from time of organiza- tion to November 18, 1894; Ira B. Whitney, from November 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph F. Thomas, from time of organization to spring of 1894; Ira B. Whitney, from spring of 1894 to November 18, of that year; M. 0. Funk, from November 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George W. Irvine, from time of organization to spring of 1894; Anders Mortensen, from spring of 1894, to November 18 of same year; John A. Smith, from Novem- ber 18, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Martin Christensen, from 1894 to September 1,. 1895; William C. Decker, from September 1, 1895, to June 24, 1897; W. T. Morris, from August 27, 1898, to December 31, 1899. 328 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. There are ten Sunday Schools in this stake, the records of which are given helow. BOUNTIFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL. January 2, 1898, is the date on which this school was organized and held its first session. Its first officers were: Elihu K. Ball, superintendent; Alex. B. Kidd, first assistant; Shade Boice, second assistant; Alta A. Ball, sec- retary. The only change in the corps of officers is that of the sec- ond assistant superintendent. On May 28, 1899, Aaron S. Hawkins succeeded Shade Boice in that position. The enrollment at the time of organization was 10 officers and teachers and 28 pupils; at present it is 10 officers and teachers and 35 pupils. The school is held in the Gravel Knoll Schoolhouse, Boun- tiful, Conejos County, Colorado. EASTDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Costilla County, Colorado, was organized August 23, 1891, and its first session was held October 25 following. It began with 8 officers and teachers and 27 pupils. At present its enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 55 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse and in the schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William T. Morris, from August 23, 1891, to May 27, 1894; Andrew S. Neilsen, from May 24, 1894, to November 13, 1898; Ephraim Mortensen, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant Superintendents Ephraim Mortensen, from August 23, 1891, to May 27, 1894; Anders Mortensen, from May 24, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Francis I. Mortensen, from August 23, 1891, to May 27, 1894; James S. Holman, from May 27, 1894, to November 13, 1898; Simeon H. Dunn, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Francis M. Mortensen, from August 23, 1891, to May 27, 1894; William J. Funk, from May 27, 1894, to November 13, 1898; Ammon E. Mortensen, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 329 The historical report shows that Christian Jensen has been a :Sunday School worker for upwards of 25 years. FAIRVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL is a branch or the Manassa school of Conejos County, Colorado, although it is located in Rio Ariba County, New Mexico. It was organized July 7, 1895. At the time of organ- ization it had an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 25 pupils; at present its enrollment is 8 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. The first officers were: R. M. Willis, superintendent; D. C. Rus- sell, first assistant; Lillie Willis, secretary. May 23, 1897, these officers were succeeded by the following-named who are the present incumbents: S. S. Sellers, superintendent; Amos Hawks, first assist- ,ant; Tillie Russell, secretary. Los CERRITOS SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 7, 1884. It has an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Lawrence M. Peterson;* John H. Bancroft, from May 1, 1887, to November 25, 1888; Lawrence M. Peterson, from December 2, 1888, to December 2, 1894; Samuel Jackson, from December 2, 1894, to January 3, 1897; James Patterson, from June 3, 1897, to March 27, 1898; John D. Massey, from April 10, 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Land, from May 1, 1887, to November 25, 1888; David B. Brown, from December 2, 1888, to December 2, 1894; Joseph Land, (second term) from December 2, 1894, to January 3, 1897; Otto Prussia, from June 3, 1897, to March 27, 1898; John D. Trugills, from April 10, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Land, from May 1, 1887, to November 25, 1888; John D. Trugills, from December 2, 1888, to April 10, 1898. Secretary Mary S. F. Jensen, from May 1, 1887, to December 31, 1899. *The period of service of this officer is unobtainable. 21 330 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The school sessions are held in the schoolhouse, Los Cerritos y Conejos County, Colorado. MANASSA SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this- school is May 16, 1880, on which date it convened for the first time r in a log meetinghouse. It then had 8 officers and teachers and 49 pupils. Its present enrollment is 29 officers and teachers and 361 pupils. The school is held in the stake meetinghouse, at Manassa, Conejos County, Colorado. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Joseph H. Parry, from May 16 to December 25, 1880; William L. Ball, from December 25, 1880, to February 12, 1882; Martin Christensen, from February 12, 1882, to January 7 r 1894; William Cheney, from January 7 to July 19, 1894; Joseph F. Thomas, from July 29, 1894, to April 18, 1897; Henry Foster, from April 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Allan, from May 16, 1880,. to April 3, 1881; Martin Christensen, from April 3, 1881, to February 12, 1882; John A. Smith, from February 12, 1882, to January 7, 1894; R. M. Hayne, from January 14 to July 29, 1894; Erastus Chris- tensen, from September 2, 1894, to April 2, 1895; Francis M. Morten- sen, from April 7, 1895, to April 18, 1897; Gervacius W. Rogers, from April 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. Bailey Mayers, from May 16, 1880, to January 1, 1882; John A. Smith, from January 1 to February 12, 1882; William R. Sellers, from February 12, 1882, to 1886; William Cheney, from February 13, 1887, to January l r 1894; Erastus Christensen, from January 14 to July 29, 1894; G. Melvin Potter, from April 7, 1895, to 1896; William J. Hurricutt, from April 18, 1897, to March 26, 1899; Elias A. Smith, from March 26 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter Allan, from May 16 to October 24, 1880; Salley C. Moyers, from October 24, 1880, to June 19, 1881; Lelia Pinckard, from June 19, 1881, to January 15, 1882; Joseph F. Thomas, from January 15, 1882, to January 4, 1885; Albert R. Smith, from January 4, 1885, to January 9, 1887; W. W. Huffaker, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 331 January 9 to September 18, 1887; Lelia Pinckard, (second term) from September 18 to November 6, 1887: Ollen Huffaker, from November 6, 1887, to July 20, 1890; H. W. Beers, from July 20 to December 1, 1890; Henry Foster, from December 1, 1890, to July 3, 1892; Carl Gran- tham, from July 3, 1892, to May 10, 1896; Bernecia Jackson, from May 10, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William Christensen, (deceased) John A. Smith, and Martin Christensen have each been engaged in Sunday School labors over 25 years. MORGAN SUNDAY SCHOOL. This is a branch of the Richfield school, of Conejos County, Colorado. It was organized in September, 1887, with 6 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. At present its enrollment is 8 officers and teachers and 61 pupils. The first officers were: James E. Sample, superintendent; John W. Hunt, first assistant; Leander Teem, second assistant; John W. Hunt, secretary. In 1892 Superintendent Sample was succeeded by John D. Westbrook; and in 1896 the latter was succeeded by Martin G. Price. First Assistant Superintendent Hunt was succeeded, in 1892, by John P. Hamil; and in 1896, John W. Hunt was again chosen as first assistant superintendent. Second Assistant Superin- tendent Leander M. Teem was succeeded by W. A. Coleman, in 1892, and the latter was succeeded by Leander M. Teem, Jr. in 1896. The officers now are: Martin G. Price, superintendent; John W. Hunt, first assistant; Leander M. Teem, Jr., second assistant; and John W. Hunt, secretary. MOUNTAIN VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized April 10, 1898, and has since held its sessions in the schoolhouse at Mountain View, Conejos County, Colorado. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 32 pupils, and now has an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. The officers of the school are: P. N. Culler, superintendent; James E. Grantham, first assistant; Susie Anderson and Elry H. Culler, secretaries. A Sunday School had been held at this place previous to the date given above, but no record of it is obtainable. RICHFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school first convened on April 332 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 6, 1883. It began with 15 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 69 pupils. The place of meeting is the schoolhouse of Richfield, Conejos County, Colorado. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Soren C. Berthelson, from November 28, 1886, to January 22, 1888; Ephraim Coombs, from January 22, 1888, to January 22, 1893; James Jensen, from January 22, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Carl C. Fredrickson, from No- vember 28, 1886, to December 1, 1889; Cornelius Hayes, from De- cember 1, 1889, to January 22, 1893; George F. Knight, from Janu- ary 22, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James C. Berthelson, from November 28, 1886, to January 22, 1888; William F. 0. Belvomann, from January 22, 1888, to January 22, 1893; James F. Guymon, from January 22, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ephraim Coombs, from November 28, 1886, to Jan- uary 22, 1888; Sophia M. Behrmann, from January 22, 1888, to Jan- uary 22, 1893; Mary Jensen, from February 4, 1894, to April 24, 1898; Nellie P. Coombs, from April 24, 1898, to December 31, 1899. SANFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Conejos County, Colorado, has been organized since March 6, 1887, at which time it began with 11 officers and teachers and 26 pupils. It has now increased in num- bers to 24 officers and teachers and 296 pupils. It is conducted in the Sanford Hall. The first officers chosen were the following-named: Lars Morten- sen, superintendent; William H. Kirby, first assistant; Andrew Ras- mussen, second assistant ; William 0. Crowther, secretary. The superintendent and first assistant are still serving. Second Assistant Rasmussen was succeeded on May 20, 1888, by James F. Crowther, and the latter was succeeded on March 20, 1898, by Niels H. Heiselt, the present incumbent. Secretary Crowther was succeeded by Lars H. Mortensen on January 6, 1886; and the latter was succeeded by Martinus Christensen on January 1, 1893; January 2, 1895, Ella JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 333 Otteson succeeded Martinus Christensen and is the present secre- tary. The historical report shows that Lars Mortensen has been en- gaged as a Sunday School worker over 25 years. TRINSHERA SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Fort Garland, Costella County, Colorado. It was organized May 5, 1898, and first convened June 5 following. It is held in a dwelling house, having been moved from place to place several times. The first officers of the school were: James T. Woodward, superintendent; William A. Woodward, first assistant; Robert Guy- mon, second assistant; Myron E. Woodward, secretary. With the exception of the second assistant superintendent, whose place is vacant, these officers are still serving. The school began with 6 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. These numbers have decreased to 3 officers and teachers and 10 pupils. 8ANPETE STAKE. This stake is in the central part of Utah and is co-extensive with Sanpete County. From 1867 to 1877 William T. Reid, now Bishop of Manti South Ward, was superintendent of Sunday Schools for Sanpete County. In 1877 the stake was organized, and in November of the same year the stake Sunday School organization was effected with the following-named officers: John B. Maiben, superintendent and secretary; John H. Hougaard, Edward Cliff, Anthon H. Lund and Canute W. Peterson, assistants. In 1893 a complete change was made and the following-named were chosen as officers: George Christensen, superintendent; Newton E. Noyes, first assistant; Andrew C. Nelson, second assistant; Adolph Mertz, secretary. Again, in 1896, a change in the officers occurred, when those named below, who are the pres- ent incumbents, were installed: Newton E. Noyes, superintendent; Andrew C. Nelson, first assistant; Abram Johnson, second assistant; Adolph M. Johnson, secretary. There are 24 schools in the stake, with a total enrollment of 4,847 members. The stake superinten- dents are assisted in their labors by 14 Sunday School missionaries. 334 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that President John B. Maiben and Bishop William T. Reid have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. AXTEL SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Willow Creek, and was organized August 23, 1891, with 8 officers and teachers and 16 pupils. The folio wing- named were chosen officers of the school at the time of organization and are still serving: Gustave Johnson, superintendent; Josiah Jensen, first assistant; Jens C. Hansen, second assistant; Soren C. Sorensen, secretary. Its present enrollment is 12 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. CEDAR CLIFF SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in the year 1880. Cedar Cliff was then just newly located and settled. The school began with 5 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. Its first officers were: Niels Christensen, superintendent; 0. A. Despain, first assistant; James Holman, second assistant. In 1885, 0- A. Despain was chosen superintendent, and in 1888 J. C. Living- ston was chosen as his first assistant. These two last-named officers are still serving. C. C. Livingston, was chosen second assistant in 1891, and in 1897 he was succeeded by 0. L. Despain, the present incumbent. The names of successive secretaries since 1887, when the first one was chosen, are: William D. Livingston, from 1887 to 1891; 0- L. Despain, from 1891 to 1894; J. M. Livingston, from 1894 to 1895; Phoebe Livingston, from 1895 to 1896; Minnie Livingston, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. The present place of meeting is the ward schoolhouse. Its en- rollment shows a membership of 7 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. CENTERFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. In July, 1879, a number of adults and fourteen children met and formed a Sunday School, which was taken charge of by Joseph Higham, in whose house they con- vened. On February 25, 1883, the school was organized as a branch of the Gunnison Sunday School, and met in a small house owned by George Sorensen, which was afterwards purchased for school pur- poses. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 335 On May 9, 1897, the ward was organized and has since been known as Centerfield, and from that date the school has been con- ducted as a separate organization from that of Gunnison. At the time of organization, February 25, 1883, the school numbered 9 officers and teachers and 35 pupils; its present enrollment shows 20 officers and teachers and 82 pupils. Its place of holding sessions is the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Joseph Higham, from July, 1879, to February 25, 1883; James Hansen, from February 25, 1883, to April 6, 1890; harles H. Embley, from April 6, 1890, to November 5, 1893; Joseph Higham, (second term) from November 5, 1893, to May 9, 1897; harles H. Embley, (second term) from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Sylvester Whiting, from Feb- ruary 25, 1883, to March 13, 1887; James P. Fjeldsted, from March 13, 1887, to April 6, 1890; Joseph Higham, from April 6, 1890, to November 5, 1893; C. H. Christiansen, from May, 1894, to May 9, 1897; Joseph Higham, (second term) from May 9, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Caldwell, from Febru- ary 25, 1883, to March 13, 1887; Andrew C. Fjeldsted, from March 13, 1887, to April 7, 1890; Chris F. Tollestrup, from April 6 to October 18, 1890; Andrew C. Fjeldsted, (second term) from Octo- ber 18, 1890, to May 9, 1895; Brigham Jensen, from September, 1895, to May 9, 1897; Chris F. Tollestrup, (second term) from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Inger H. Hansen, from February 25, 1883, to April 6, 1890; Dellie D. Embley, from October 18, 1890, to May 9, 1897; arrie Anderson, from May 9, 1897, to August, 1898; Dellie D. Embley, (second term) from August, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Hamilton M. Garrick, has been engaged in Sunday School work over 45 years; Joseph Higham over 35 years; Sylvester Whiting and James Hansen, over 30 years. CHESTER SUNDAY SCHOOL. In January, 1875, this school was 336 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. organized, and for some time was held in a house belonging to Stephen Allred. The present place of convening is the ward meetinghouse. Its enrollment at time of organization was 13 officers and teachers and 27 pupils; at present it is 10 officers and teachers and 53 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents W. H. Cowles, from 1875 to 1880; David Candland, from 1880 to 1886; Christen Christensen, from 1886 to 1889; David Candland, (second term) from 1889 to 1895; James Munson, from 1895 to 1896; David. Candland, (third term) from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents R. N. Allred, from 1880 to 1883; Christen Christensen, from 1884 to |1886; W. D. Candland, from 1886 to 1887; Soren Christensen, from 1887 to 1889; V. E. Candland, from 1889 to 1895; W. L. Allred, from 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W. H. Cowles, from 1880 to 1881; Joseph Beck, from 1881 to 1882; D. H. Candland, from 1882 to 1883; Emma Hay wood, from 1883 to 1893; Lars Christensen, from 1894 to 1895. Secretaries Sarepta E. Cowles, from 1875 to 1880; Ada Bayes,. from 1881 to 1883; Meriam Allred, from 1883 to 1884; Thomas Marsh, from 1884 to 1886; Drusilla Allred, from 1886 to 1887; Percy Candland, from 1887 to 1889; Grace Candland, for a short term in 1889; Amelia Candland, from 1889 to 1894; Ella Kemp r from 1894 to 1895; Lucina Allred, for a short term in 1895; Oliver Acord Jr., from 1896 to December 31, 1899. EPHRAIM SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in Ephraim was in the year 1867, and was conducted by Peter Greaves, Thomas C. Haddon and Alfred Bailey. The enrollment of the school at that time is not known. In 1874 it numbered 54 officers and teachers and 251 pupils. About the year 1876 Ephraim was divided into two wards, and two Sunday Schools were established. After proceeding in this manner for a time it was considered best to re- unite the two schools. This was done, and since that time there has been but one school in the town. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 337 Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Peter Greaves, from 1867 to 1868; P. McFar- lane, from 1868 to 1876; A. C. Neilson, from 1876 to 1878; J. C. Larson, from 1878 to 1879; A. H. Lund, from 1879 to 1883; A. J. Anderson, for a term in 1883; L. M. Olsen, from 1883 to 1886; J. P. Jensen, from 1886 to 1888; J. P. Hansen, Jr., for a term in 1888; Alma Greenwood, from 1888 to 1891; George Taylor, from 1891 to 1892; C. R. Dorius, from 1892 to 1896; Peter C. Anderson, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alf. Bailey, from 1867 to 1868;. Thomas C. Haddon, from 1868 to 1876; 0. C. Larson, from 1878 to 1879, and succeeding these were: N. A. Anderson, Lewis Olsen Dorius, J. A. Anderson, J. P. Jensen, Peter C. Anderson and J. P. L. Brim- holt the latter still acting. Second assistant superintendents Thomas C. Haddon, from 1867 to 1868; N. P. Neilson, from 1868 to 1876; J. A. Rodgers; P. C. Peterson; C. R. Dorius; H. C. Lund; A. W. Jensen.* Secretaries M. P. Madsen, from 1882 to 1883; Peter C. Ander- son, from 1883 to 1891; L. Hanson, from 1891 to 1892; J. N. John- son, from 1892 to 1896; Laura Christensen, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. The school now has an enrollment of 40 officers and teachers and 543 pupils. It convenes in the meetinghouse, the academy building and the South Ward schoolhouse. The historical report shows that S. P. Jensen has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. FAIRVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL began in 1869 with an enrollment of about 75 members. Its officers at that time were: William Chris- tensen, superintendent and secretary; Philip Hurst, first assistant; John Anderson, second assistant. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1877 are: Superintendents John A. Mower, from 1877 to 1883; John, * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. ^338 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Anderson, from 1883 to 1889; John A. Mower, (second term) from 1889 to 1894; Christian Petersen, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Anderson, from 1877 to 1883; John A. Mower, from 1883 to 1889; Samuel Bills, from 1889 >to 1894; Eli A. Day, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Bills, from 1877 to 1889; Chris Peterson, from 1889 to 1894; Hans Madsen, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries C. K. Hansen, from 1877 to 1883; H. DeFries, from 1883 to 1889; Charles Cruser, 0. H. Peterson, G. F. Christen- -sen, Lewis C. Larsen and P. Sundwall, Jr., from 1894 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school shows 44 officers and teachers and 589 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meeting- house. The historical report shows that Superintendent Christian Peter- son has been a Sunday School worker more than 25 years. FAYETTE SUNDAY SCHOOL began in 1873 with an incomplete organization, and not until 1885 was it fully organized. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents James Mellor, from 1873 to 1875; John Met- >calf, from 1875 to 1878; Joseph Bartholomew, from 1878 to 1880: James Mellor, Jr., from 1880 to 1881; John Swain, from 1881 to 1885; John Bartholomew, from 1885 to 1895; John C. Mellor, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Abraham Palmer, from 1873 to 1881; William Bown, from 1881 to 1885; John James, from 1885 to 1895; Philip A. Dack, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Philip Dack, from 1881 to 1885; Joseph Bartholomew, from 1885 to 1895: Joseph Mellor, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John E. Bartholomew; Clarissa Dack; Hope W. .Dack; Ada Brown;* Rhoda Hill, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 339 FOUNTAIN GREEN SUNDAY SCHOOL began as early as 1864. Its successive officers are the following named: Superintendents Samuel Jewkes, from 1864 to 1874; Peter -Johnson, from 1874 to 1881; Thomas Crowther, from May 22, 1881, to 1889; C. J, Christensen, from May 5, 1889, to 1890; Lars Neilson, from 1890 to 1896; James E. Sorensen, from 1896 to 1898; P. E. Anderson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Woodward, from 1864 to 1874; William A. Adams, from 1874 to 1889; Lars Neilson, from May 5, 1889, to 1890; George Carter, from 1890 to 1896; Nephi Anderson, from 1896 to 1898; James L. Neilson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. W. Boswell, from 1864 to 1874; Andrew Leslie, from 1874 to 1881 ; Soren Christensen, from May :22, 1881, to 1889; A. C. Sorensen, from May 5, 1889, to 1890; H. C. Hanson Bough, from 1890 to 1896; R. J. Bishoff, from 1896 to 1898; Neils P. Aagard, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John F. Wakefield, from 1874 to 1881; Mary Olsen, from 1881 to 1889; Ole Sorensen, Jr., from 1889 to 1896; Mary Thompson, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment is 28 officers and teachers and 180 ipupils. The school is conducted in the ward meetinghouse. FREEDOM SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its organization from June 14, 1896. Its first session convened a week later. It is held in the .Union Hall. It began with 8 officers and teachers and 36 pupils, and now has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. The officers chosed at the time of organization were: Joseph M. Taylor, superintendent; William Lowry, first assistant; Joseph Draper* second assistant; and Forrest E. Taylor, secretary. March 27, 1898, William Lowry was chosen superintendent, Joseph Draper, first assist- ant, Frank Draper, second assistant. Successive secretaries of the school, aside from the one named above, are: Francis Taylor, from January 10, 1897, to April 3, 1898: Amy Zoe Draper, from April 3 to December 11, 1898; Daisy Taylor, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. OUNNISON SUNDAY SCHOOL was first organized in the early sixties. 340 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. the exact date not being known, as no records were kept until 1879, It was first held in a log house. In 1871 the place of holding school was changed to the new schoolhouse. At present the school is con- ducted in the Relief Society Hall. It has an enrollment of 21 officers and teachers and 202 pupils. Following are the names of successive officers as far as obtain- able: Superintendents Henry Roper; William McFadgen; John Chris- tensen;* R. G. Frazer, from 1870 to 1879; J. B. Roper, from 1879 to 1880; William Johnson, from 1880 to 1882; Charles H. Embley, from 1882 to 1883, R. G. Frazer, (second term) from 1883 to 1894; John Larson, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Oscerlund ;* Nephi Gled- hill, from 1870 to 1879; Jens Hansen, from 1879 to 1880; H. C. Hansen, from 1880 to 1882; C. G. Johnson, from 1882 to 1883; Aus- tin Kearns, from 1883 to 1892; Robert Frazer, from 1892 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Jens Hansen, from 1870 to 1879; Martin Ludvickson, from 1879 to 1880; Jens Hansen, (second term) from 1880 to 1883; Joseph Christensen, from 1883 to 1890; Joseph Y. Jensen, from 1890 to 1892; John A. Larsen, from 1892 to 1894; Albert A. Christenson, from 1894 to 1895; Austin Kearns. from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Maria Ludvickson, from 1879 to 1883; Sarah Met- calf, from 1883 to 1890; Mahalie Kearns, from 1890 to 1896; Nora Pickett, from 1896 to 1898; Lillian Larson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that R. G. Frazer and Helena Madsen have been Sunday School workers over 35 years. IXDIAXOLA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 14, 1880, with 7 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Since then the enrollment has increased to 4 officers and teachers and 74 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Mormon V. Selman has been superintend- ent since the date of organization. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 341 The names of successive assistant superintendents, and secre- taries are: First assistant superintendents Phidelia Koffoed, from August 14, 1880, to April 24, 1881; Hyrum Seeley, from April 24, 1881, to January 1, 1884; R. H. Spencer, from January 1, 1884, to March 23, 1890; Hyrum Seeley, from March 23, 1890, to January, 1893; August A. Hjorth, from January, 1893, to September 22, 1896; R. H. Spen- cer, (second term) from September 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Nephi Lehi, (an Indian) from August 14, 1880, to April 20, 1881; Peter N. Peterson, from April 24, 1881, to January 1, 1884; John Murray, from January 1, 1884, to December, 1885; August A. Hjorth, from January, 1887, to March 23, 1890; Elias Gardner, from March 23, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hyrum Spencer, from January 21, 1883, to March 23, 1890; Susa Gardner, from March 23, 1890, to January, 1891; Cecelia Seeley, from January, 1891, to February 2, 1896; Rachel E. Selman, from February 2 to September 22, 1896; Bruce Seeley, from September 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. MANTI NORTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. It appears from the records that a Sunday School was organized in Manti as early as March 12, 1854, by Gardner Snow and Albert Smith, and continued under the same superintendency until the fall of 1862, when William K. Barton was appointed superintendent, with Abraham' Washburn and John Bench, assistants. In the spring of 1871, William T. Reid was chosen superintendent, with James Crawford and John H. Hou- gaard, assistants. A year later William K. Barton resumed the office of superintendent with William T. Reid and John H. Hougaard, assist- ants. Again, in 1874, another change occurred, when John H. Hou- gaard was appointed superintendent, and chose James Crawford and William K. Reid for assistants. These officers continued to act until March 3, 1878, when two schools were formed: one in the North Ward, and one in the South Ward. At this time the North Ward school numbered 29 officers and teacher and 92 pupils. It now has 36 officers and teachers and 260 pupils. The school meets in the Council House. 342 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the North Ward school since its organization are: Superintendents John H. Hougaard, from March 3, 1878, to- March 7, 1880; William K. Reid, from March 7, 1880, to July 4 1884; J. H. Wodskow, from January 4, 1884, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. K. Reid, from March 3, 1878, to March 7, 1880; George Scott, from March 7, 1880, to Janu- ary 4, 1884; F. Y. Taylor, from January 4, 1884, to September 18, 1887; C. P. Larson, from September 18, 1887, to August 23, 1891; Alexander Tennant, from October 5, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Scott, from March 3,. 1878, to March 7, 1880; William F. Jack, from March 7, 1880, to January 4, 1884; C. P. Larson, from January 4, 1884, to September 18, 1887; Alexander Tennant, from September, 18, 1887, to October 5, 1891; N. R. Peterson, from October 5, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries J. D. Kilpack, from March 3, 1878, to March 7, 1880; A. E. Merriam, Jr., from March 7, 1880, to August 7, 1883; Alma Johnson, from January 7, 1883, to January 7, 1884; Alexander Tennant, from January 7, 1884, to September 18, 1887; William T. Reid, from September 18, 1887, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William T. Reid, has been engaged in Sunday School labors for over 30 years; and Jens H. Wodskow over 25 years. MANTI SOUTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1878. It has 32 officers and teachers and 344 pupils, and is held in the Manti South Ward Assembly Hall. Successive superintendets, assistants, and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents R. L. Bybee, from 1878 to 1883; J. P. Madsen, from 1883 to March 1, 1885; J. L. Bench, from March 1, 1885, to June, 1898; G. E. Bench, from June, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. L. Bench, from 1878 to 1883; C. P. Barnsen, from 1883 to March 1, 1885; Henry Wintch, from March 1, 1885, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents G. E. Bench, from 1883 to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 343*. June, 1898; Hyrum Dinesen, from June, 1898, to December;31, 1899.- Secretaries P. P. Dyreng, from 1878 to March 1, 1885; Louisa Alder, from June, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report show 5 * that John L. Bench and George E.. Bench have been workers in the Sunday School cause for more than. 35 years. MAYFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is February 17, 1876, at which time it began with 7 officers- and teachers and 18 pupils. It has since increased in numbers to 15 officers and teachers and 195 pupils. The school is conducted in the Relief Society Hall. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents John Williams, from February 20, 1876, to- June, 1878; Joseph Christianson, from June, 1878, to March 1, 1891; John Williams, (second term) from March 1, 1891, to April 10, 1892; Henry Jensen, from April 10, 1892, to September 26, 1897; the ward bishopric had charge of the school from September 26, 1897, to- December 25, 1898; F. J. Christianson, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lars C. Larson, from February 20 to June, 1876: Henry Jensen, from June, 1876, to June, 1878;: S. M. Williams, from June, 1878, to March, 1885; F. J. Chris- tianson, from March, 1885, to June, 23, 1889; John Williams, from June 23, 1889, to March 1, 1891; N. C. Christianson, from March 1, to September 6, 1891; F. J. Christianson, Jr., from September 6,. 1891, to March 6, 1895; C. C. Larson, from October 13, 1895, to December 5, 1897; George A. Whitlock, from December 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Christianson, from February 20, 1876, to June, 1878; Simon Hanson, from June, 1878, to- May 28, 1880; F. J. Christianson, Jr., from May 28, 1880, to Decem- ber 6, 1886; John Williams, from December 6,. 1886, to June 23, 1889; N. C. Christenson, from June 23, 1889, to March 1, 1891; F. J. Christianson, Jr., (second term) from March 1 to> September 6, 1891 ;: Niels L. Lund, from September $ 189-1, to June 26, 1893; C. C.. 344 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Larson, from October 27, 1894, to October 13, 1895; Joseph Soren- son, from October 13, 1895, to December 5, 1897; Louis P. Jensen from December 5, 1897, to December 25, 1898; Hynim Christianson, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ella Williams, from February 20, 1876, to June, 1878; F. M. Blohm, from June, 1878, to June, J879, F. J. Christian- son, Jr., from June, 1879, to May 28, 1880; William Milo, from May 28, 1880, to February, 1882; George T. Olson, from February, 1883, to February, 1884; Peter H. Hansen, from February, 1884, to Decem- ber 6, 1886; Simon Hansen, from December 6, 1886, to September 6, 1891; David H. Williams, from September 6 to October 25, 1891; C. R. Neilson, from October 25, 1891, to January 6, 1895; Niels L. Lund, from January 6, 1895, to April 5, 1896; C. R. Christianson, from April 5, 1896, to December 25, 1898; Dora Christianson, from Decem- ber 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. MILBURN SUNDAY SCHOOL. From the date of organization- October 2, 1881 to 1888 this school was a branch of that of Fay- ette. It began with 10 officers and teachers and 38 pupils. At present it has 12 officers and teachers and 107 pupils. The school is held in the Milburn schoolhouse. The names of the first officers were: Peter C. Jensen, superin- tendent; Edmund Stewart, first assistant; William E. Mower, second assistant; Mary Vanvalkenburg, secretary. In 1885 George A. Zabris- kie was chosen superintendent; and in 1898 he was succeeded in office by Ezra B. Jones. In 1888 Ezra B. Jones was chosen first assistant and George Stewart, second assistant superintendents. The successive secretaries, aside from the first one already named, are: George A. Zabriskie, from 1883 to 1888; John R. Graham, from 1888 to 1892; Albert Stewart, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. MORONI SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since 1865, at which period it convened in an old schoolhouse. It then had an enrollment of about 50 members. At present it has 39 officers and teachers and 473 pupils, and is held in the Moroni Tabernacle. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 345 Superintendents Ruel N. Rogers, from 1865 to 1869; Aaron Hardy, from 1869 to 1875; John Blackham, from 1875 to 1876; James M. Christensen, from 1876 to 1881; Aaron Hardy, (second term) from 1881 to 1888; Peter Lauritzen, from 1888 to 1890; Jabez Faux, from 1890 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Michael Johnson, from 1865 to 1869; John Blackham, from 1869 to 1875; James M. Christensen, from 1875 to 1876; Jens Jensen, from 1876 to 1881; Jens C. Neilsen, from 1881 to 1888; Jacob Jacobsen, from 1888 to 1891; Andrew L. Jensen, from 1891 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Aaron Hardy, from 1865 to 1869; Reuben Ames, from 1869 to 1876; Jens C. Neilsen, from 1876 to 1881; Jens Jensen, from 1881 to 1888; Joseph L. Jolly, from 1888 to 1890; Neils Christensen, from 1890 to 1896; Lewis Swenson, from 1896 to 1897; Orlando Bradley, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Albin C. Anderson, from 1881 to 1888; Peter Olsen, from 1888 to December 31, 1899. MT. PLEASANT SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1859 a Sunday School was held in this place. It was presided over by George Farnsworth, superintendent; L. B. Reynolds, first assistant; James Wilson, second assistant. The school was discontinued in 1862 on account of Indian troubles, and did not reopen until 1869. The record of the school, however, does not begin until 1879. From this latter date the following-named have served successively as superin- tendents, assistants and secretaries. Superintendents Lauritz Larsen; E. A. Day; C. N. Lund; E. A. Day, (second term); John Carter; George Christensen; S. H. Allen; Amasa Aldrich; Abram Johnson; C. W. Sorenson; George Christensen, (second term) ; D. C. Jensen. First assistant superintendents John Tidwell; L. B. Reynolds; C. J. Anderson; L. B. Reynolds, (second term); S. H. Allen; C. J. Anderson, (second term); Amasa Aldrich; Abram Johnson; Erastus Kofford; Lauritz Larsen; A. Johnson; Daniel Rasmussen; C. J. Jensen; L. C. Rasmussen. Second assistant superintendents Christian Jensen; Ferd. Clark; L. P. Madsen; Ferd. Clark, (second term); R. W. Livingston. 22 346 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Olof Sorensen; SorenX. Christensen; Olof Sorenson,. (second term); Amasa Aldrich; Lauritz Larsen; W. E. Watson; A. Merz; Maggie Ericksen. The present officers are: C. J. Jensen, superintendent; L. C. Ras- mussen, first assistant; R. W. Livingston, second assistant; and Maggie Erickson, secretary. The enrollment of the school is 27 officers and teachers and 401 pupils. It is conducted in the Mt. Pleasant meetinghouse and the- Social Hall. The historical report shows that A. C. Lund has been a Sunday School worker for upwards of 30 years. MOUNTAINVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On March 1, 1880, this school was organized with 3 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. It now has 9 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. The school was first held in the house of George Stamforth. It is now held in the Mountain- ville schoolhouse. Its first superintendent was Jane Stamforth, who- held the position until 1882. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since the year 1882 are: Superintendents Jacob Christiansen, from 1882 to 1890; Rich- ard Brown, from 1890 to 1896; George Stamforth, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Stamforth, from 1882 to 1890; Conderset Rowe, from 1890 to 1896; James Spens, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents C. C. Rowe, from 1882 to 1890; William Burnside, from 1890 to 1896; Conderset Rowe, from 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretary Lourett Rowe, from 1890 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that George Stamforth has been a Sunday School worker over 45 years. OAK CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Fairview ward. It is of recent origin, having only been organized since 1897. Its enrollment is 11 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. John Peterson is superintend- ent; Hans Anderson, first assistant; George Mower, second assistant; and Lutisha Hartley, secretary. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 347 SPRING CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its existence from January 27, 1867, at which time it was conducted by John Robinson, with T. B. Allred, secretary. It then had about 70 members enrolled. Its present enrollment is 29 officers and teachers and 340 pupils. The successive officers since 1883 are: S. G. Bunnell, superintendent; L. M. Christensen, first assistant; Joseph Downard, second assistant; Mary A. Hyde, secretary, from October 30, 1883, to June 8, 1890; R. W. Livingston, superintend- ent; John S. Blain, first assistant; John P. Johnson, second assistant; Mary 0. Allred, secretary, from January 8, 1890, to November 3, 1895; H. L. Acord, superintendent; Samuel Allred, first assistant; Emil Erickson, second assistant; Emma Bunnel, secretary, from November 3, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that James A. Allred, Reddick N. Allred, S. G. Bunnel, and John Schofield have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Samuel Allred, Nels Benson, and Nancy Acord over 25 years. WALES SUNDAY SCHOOL. As near as can be ascertained this school was first established in the year 1864, and was presided over by H. D. Reese. In later years a more complete organization was effected. H. D. Reese was retained as superintendent with Thomas Davis and Nathaniel Edmunds assistants. In 1872 Nathaniel Edmunds was chosen superintendent with Thomas Davis first assistant; and in 1875 Thomas Edmunds was chosen second assistant. Again, in 1890, William F. Thomas and Hyrum Thomas were installed as first and second assistants, respectively. A reorganization occurred in 1893, when W. F. Thomas, was chosen superintendent, T. W. Dyches, first assistant and T. J. Reese, second assistant. At a later date, Erastus Christensen succeeded T. J. Reese as second assistant; and Jennie Edmunds, secretary. In March, 1899, Alfred J. Reese was chosen superintendent, and in June following he was succeeded by W. R. Davis. The enrollment of the school is 17 officers and teachers and 110 pupils. WEST VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since Febru- 348 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ary 4, 1897. Beginning with 7 officers and teachers and 18 pupils, it has increased to 9 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. The school is held in Chris Sanderson's house. The first officers chosen were Chris Anderson, superintendent; C. A. Swolberg, Jr., first assistant; William Anderson, second assist- ant; Eva A. Gribble, secretary. The only changes that have occurred are the selection of Thomas Coats as a successor to Second Assistant Superintendent Anderson, and of Loa A. Sanderson as secretary to succeed Eva L. Gribble, which occurred January 8, 1899. SCHOOLS NOT REPORTED. No historical reports have been re- ceived from the Sunday Schools of Dover and Sterling, in the Sanpete Stake. The Dover school is superintended by E. S. Reid, and is com- posed of 9 officers and teachers and 22 pupils. That of Sterling, superintended by Andrew Anderson, has an enrollment of 120 mem- bers. SEY1ER STAKE. Within this stake are embraced all the settlements of Sevier County, and one of Piute County that of Koosharem. On July 15, 1877, the Sunday School organization of the stake was effected. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents H. P. Miller, from July 15, 1877, to November 25, 1889; James B. Morrison, from November 25, 1889, to February 22, 1892; Theodore Brandley, from February 22, 1892, to August 18, 1894; Joseph S. Home, from August 18, 1894, to August 24, 1895; W. A. Seegmiller, from August 24, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. A. Seegmiller, from Novem- ber 25, 1889, to September 10, 1891; John W. Coons, from February 22, 1892, to August 24, 1895; Morten Jensen, from August 24, 1895, to September 7, 1898; James B. Morrison, from February 26 to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents G. W. Bloomquist, from No- vember 25, 1889, to February 22, 1892; W. W. Bean, from Febru- ary 22 to September 25, 1892; L. P. Hansen, from September 25, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 349 1892, to August 18, 1894; Charles Jensen, from August 18, 1894, to August 24, 1895; Magnus C. Nielsen, from August 24, 1895, to Jan- uary 27, 1898; H. N. Hayes, from March 7, 1898, to 1899; David Chidester present incumbent. Secretaries 0. W. Bean, from November 25, 1889, to February 22, 1892; Heber C. Christensen, from February 22, 1892, to March 17, 1894; John A. Hellstrom, from March 7, 1894, to July 27, 1897; Willard W. Andelin, from August 27 to December 31, 1899. There are 17 Sunday Schools in Sevier Stake, historical sketches of which follow. ANNABELLA SUNDAY SCHOOL. The school of Annabella dates its organization from the 1st of January, 1878, at which time it had 12 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its enrollment has since in- creased to 16 officers and teachers and 180 pupils. The school con- venes in the ward schoolhouse. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents W. N. Spafford, from 1878 to 1879; Ezra Huntsman, from 1879 to 1880; Henry Bryant, from 1880 to 1881; Tora Thurston, from 1881 to 1889; Israel P. Rudolp, from 1889 to 1891; W. N. Spafford, Jr., from 1891 to 1892; J. W. Fairbanks, from 1892 to 1893; Benjamin Gardner, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Ezra Huntsman, from 1878 to 1879; Edward T. Thurston, from 1879 to 1881; Joseph E. Jackson, from 1881 to 1889; E. K. Roberts, from 1889 to 1891; John Wilki- son, from 1891 to 1892; John E. Davis, from 1892 to 1893; J. W. Fairbanks, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Edward T. Thurston, from 1878 to 1879; J. E. Jackson, from 1879 to 1881; Edward T. Thurs- ton, (second term) from 1881 to 1889; E. B. Keyes, from 1889 to 1892; John Gardner, from 1892 to 1893; J. E. Davis, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Julia Bryant, from 1878 to 1881; Bertha Gleave, from 1881 to 1889; William S. Parks, from 1889 to 1892; Don Spaf- ford, from 1892 to 1893; Jessie Thompson, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. 350 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. AURORA SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized on May 2, 1880, at the ward meetinghouse. It began with 9 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. The present enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 160 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents N. Vanleuvan, from May 2, 1880, to April 9, 1882, Daniel Morgan, from April 9, 1882, to May 8, 1886; Harah Payne, from May 8, 1886, to February 13, 1887; Daniel Cloward, from February 20, 1887, to May 12, 1888; Samuel Deaton, from May 19, 1888, to August 3, 1893; James T. Deaton, from August 10, 1893, to April 19, 1896; George Payne, from April 19, 1896, to De- cember 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Daniel Morgan, from May 2, 1880 to April 9, 1882; John W. Curtis, from April 9, 1882, to May 8, 1886; Edmond Durfee, from May 8, 1886, to February 13, 1887; James T. Deaton, from February 20, 1887, to May 12, 1888; Ezra Curtis, from May 19, 1888, to August 3, 1893; Ozias Harward, from August 10, 1893, to April 19, 1896; Milton Ivies, from April 19, 1896, to July 3, 1898. Second assistant superintendents Jabez Broadhead, from May 2, 1880, to May 8, 1886; E. H. Curtis, from May 8, 1886, to Febru- ary 13, 1887; N. Vanleuvan, from February 20, 1887, to May 12, 1888; G. T. Holdaway, from May 19, 1888, to August 3, 1893; Daniel Cloward, from August 10, 1893, to April 19, 1896; John F. Curtis, from April 19, 1896, to July 3, 1898. Secretaries William Harward, from May 2, 1880, to April 9, 1882; Z. H. Baxter, from April 9, 1882, to May 8, 1886; Samuel Deaton, from May 8, 1886, to May 12, 1888; Elizabeth Harward, from May 19, 1888, to April 19, 1896; Sabina Durfee, from April 19, 1896, to July 3, 1898. BROOKLYN SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized in 1893, and its first session was held March 5 of that year. Its first officers were: James F. Shaw, superintendent; John J. Thuesen, first assist- ant; Hyrum Hatch, second assistant; Elva Hatch, secretary. On January 9, 1898, James F. Shaw, Jr., was chosen superintendent; JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 351 James F. Shaw, first assistant; and Chris Hansen, second assist- ant. Successive secretaries are named as follows: Elva Hatch, from March 5, 1893, to April 8, 1894; Charles Broadbent, from June 17 to October 14, 1894; James F. Shaw, Jr., from December 23, 1894, to February 14, 1897, Eugenia Thuesen, from February 21 to De- cember 26, 1897; Elof Nelson, from June 2 to August 7, 1898; Ernest Lee, from August 14 to September 11, 1898. At present J. F. Petersen is superintendent and Dagmar M. Petersen, secretary. The offices of assistant superintendents are vacant. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 76 pupils. BURRVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On February 10, 1878, this school was organized, and its first session was held a week later. Its enroll- ment at the beginning was 6 officers and teachers and 15 pupils; at present it has 15 officers and teachers and 128 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries .are: Superintendents Alvin V. Kempton, from February 10, 1878, to October, 1880; E. K. Hanks, from November 14, 1880, to July 9, 1882; Lewis Barney, from July 9, 1882, to September 30, 1885; H. U. Burr, from September 30, 1885, to January 31, 1886; M. L. Burr, from January 31, 1886, to May 27, 1888; Edgar Fillmore, from July 22, 1888, to October 22, 1899; Charles Hancock, from November 12 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. K. Hanks, from February 10, 1878, to October, 1880; G. A. Cloward, from November 14, 1880, to January 31, 1886; George B. Waters, from January 31, 1886, to May 27, 1888; Henry A. Teeples, from July 22, 1888, to October 22, 1899; L. A. Hill, from November 12 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Kirkman, from February 10, 1878, to October, 1880; Orson Star, from November 14, 1880, to September 30, 1885; George B. Waters, from September 30, 1885, to January 31, 1886; Joseph Kirkman, from January 31, 1886, to August 7, 1887; Edgar Fillmore, from August 7, 1887, to May 27, 352 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1888; Joseph Kirkman, (second term) from July 22, 1888, to April 6, 1890; Charles Hancock, from April 6, 1890, to October 22, 1899. Secretaries Joseph H. Curtis, from February 10, 1878, to Octo- ber, 1880; M. L. Burr, from November 14, 1880, to September 30, 1885; George S. Rust, from September 30, 1885, to January 31, 1886; Caroline Anderson, from January 31, 1886, to January 4, 1891; Edward Hancock, from January 4, 1891, to December 4, 1898; William Burr, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. ELSINORE SUNDAY SCHOOL, D. P. Jensen, superintendent, has an enrollment of 21 officers and teachers, and 219 pupils. No further report of the school has been received. GLENWOOD SUNDAY SCHOOL. May 14, 1871, is the date upon which this school was organized and held its first session. It has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 171 pupils. The ward schoolhouse is the building in which the school is conducted. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents I. N. Pierce, from May 14, 1871, to April 26, 1886; A. Heppler, from May 2, 1886, to January 5, 1896; Wm. Sorenson, from January 12, 1896, to November 6, 1898; J. H. Payne, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Oldfield, from May 14, 1871, to November, 1876; G. P. Pectol, from May 30, 1877, to 1880; G. Powell, from March 6; 1881, to February 2, 1893; Edward Payne, from May 6, 1895, to January 5, 1896; P. R. Lemon from January 12, 1896, to January, 1897; Thomas Bell, from January 3, 1897, to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents G. P. Pectol, from May 14, 1871, to 1880; G. Powell from May 30, 1877, to February 20, 1881; A. W. Buchanan, from March 6, 1881, to 1885; A. Heppler, from May 3, 1885, to April 25, 1886, P. R. Lemon, from May 2, 1886, to October 6, 1889; T. J. Stewart, from January 5, 1890, to March 8, 1891; Ed. Payne, from December 20, 1891, to December 30, 1894; J. Kirkman, from January 6, 1895, to January 5, 1896; Thomas Bell, from January 12, 1896, to 1897; J. H. Payne, from January 3, 1897, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 353 to November 6, 1898; Hyrum Hendrickson, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries G. P. Pectol, from 1871 to 1880; C. W. Powell, from 1880 to 1885; William Johnson, from January to November, 1886; S. J. Short, from December, 1886, to December 31, 1899. INVERURY SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is not obtainable, though it was sometime prior to the year 1882. It has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 79 pupils. It is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive officers are: B. H. Greenwood, superintendent; Joseph R. Hooton, first asist- ant; John N. Avery, second assistant; Joseph R. Hooton, secretary, from time of organization to September 10, 1882; Joseph R. Hootom superintendent; John N. Avery, first assistant; Jens L. Jensen, second assistant; Homer Hyatt, secretary, from September 10, 1882, to Feb- ruary 8, 1891; William A. Stewart, superintendent; Joseph F. Nelson, first assistant; William F. Porter, second assistant; Kate Hawley, sec- retary, from February 8, 1891, to February 12, 1893; Joseph R. Hooton, superintendent; Asa S. Hawley, first assistant; John Wirshi, second assistant; Amelia Staples, secretary; from February 11, 1895, until succeeded by the present officers, who are: Joseph R. Hooton, superintendent; Homer Hyatt, first assistant; N. C. Sorenson, second assistant; and Ann Greenwood, secretary. JOSEPH SUNDAY SCHOOL. About the year 1873 the exact date being unknown this school was organized with Christian Johnson superintendent. Superintendent Johnson was succeeded by Allen Russell. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries from the year 1881, when the record of the school begins, are as follows: Superintendents Samuel Wells, from May 1, 1881, to September 30, 1883; John Ross, from September 30, 1883, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Nils L. Marsing, from May 1, 1881, to August, 1886; Levi H. Jackman, from August, 1886, to De- cember 31, 1899. 354 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents R. E. Sainsbury, from May 1, 1881, to February 1, 1885; W. J. Parker, from February 1, 1885, to August 3, 1890; Edward Newby, from August 3, 1890, to December 18, 1898; John A. Parker, from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries R. E. Sainsbury, from May 1, 1881, to September 30, 1883; Julia Neal; Walter F. Brown;* Mary S. Parker, from August 3, 1890, to April 2, 1891; R. 0. Jackman, from April 2, 1891, to December 18, 1898; Lucinda Wells from December 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. The historical report shows that John Ross, Levi H. Jack- man, Edward Newby and Elizabeth Newby have each been Sunday School workers over 25 years. KOOSHAREM SUNDAY SCHOOL. Koosharem is the only settlement outside of Sevier County that belongs to the Sevier Stake, it being located in Piute County. The Sunday School of this place was organized, July 25, 1878. Previous to this date a few sessions had been held, which were conducted by Frauds P. Petersen. It had at the time of organization 12 officers and teachers and 37 pupils, and now has 20 officers and teachers and 155 pupils. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. A unique feature of this school is a class of Lamanites, taught by George A. Hatch and George H. Wright. These Lamanites entered the school in May, 1895, and have been regular attendants since, and have made marked improvement in dress and cleanliness as well as in other respects. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents Leonard G. DeLange, from July 25, 1878, to June 9, 1881; Ole E. Olsen, from June 9, 1881, to June 5, 1885; Joseph H. Wright, from June 5 to November 29, 1885; Johan G. Jergensen, from November 29, 1885, to October 27, 1889; Leonard G. DeLange, (second term) from October 27, 1889, to November 14, *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 355 1892; Charles E. Torgersen, from November 14, 1892, to November 29, 1896; Peter E. Olsen, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Evan Torgersen, from July 25, 1878, to June 9, 1881; N. 0. Schaugaard, from June 9, 1881, to June 5, 1885; J. G. Jergensen, from June 5 to November 25, 1885; Joseph Y. Jensen, from November 29, 1885, to October 27, 1889; Charles E. Torgersen, from October 27, 1889, to November 14, 1892; Sidney 0. Rust, from November 14, 1892, to November 29, 1896; George H. Wright, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Syver Olsen, from July 25, 1878, to June 9, 1881; Peter E. Olsen, from June 9, 1881, to Novem- ber 29, 1885; Charles E. Torgersen, from November 29, 1885, to October 27, 1889; George E. Williams, from October 27, 1889, to November 14, 1892; George H. Wright, from November 14, 1892, to November 29, 1896; Theodore Anderson, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter E. Olsen, from July 25, 1878, to June 5, 1885; Charles E. Torgersen, from June 5, 1885, to October 27, 1889; Sarah E. Wright, from October 27, 1889, to November 14, 1892; Mary E. Hatch, from November 14, 1892, to November 29, 1896; Sarah E. Wright, (second term) from November 28, 1896, to December 31, 1899. MARYSVALE SUNDAY SCHOOL. No historical report having been received from this school it can only be stated that it has an enroll- ment of 11 officers and teachers and 21 pupils. Benjamin Gardner is superintendent. MONROE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school held in Monroe was in a small log house in the old fort. It was next held in the meeting- house on the public square, afterwards in a private dwelling house, then in a part of the tithing office, and later in the district school- house. Of late years it has been held in the ward meetinghouse. It was organized March 10, 1872, with 45 officers and teachers and 126 pupils. It now has 19 officers and teachers and 426 pupils. The following are names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: 356 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents William Gordingly, from March 10, 1872, to January 1, 1874; Soren Simonsen, from January 1, 1874, to April 7, 1877; Martin F. Mortensen, from April 7, 1877, to April 11, 1880; N. J. Bates, from April 11, 1880, to January 1, 1882; William A. Warnock, from January 1, 1882, to June 11, 1893; S. W. Goold, from June 11, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Soren Simonsen, from March 10, 1872, to January 1, 1874; Martin F. Mortensen, from January 1, 1874, to April 7, 1877; Soren Simonsen, from April 7, 1877, to June 2, 1880; William A. Warnock, from June 2, 1880, to January 1, 1882; N. J. Bates, from January 1, 1882, to January 3, 1886; S. W. Goold, from December 2, 1888, to January 11, 1893; C. N. Smith, from June 11, 1893, to September 23, 1894; John A. Johnson, from November 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James W. Tidd, from February 9, 1873, to June 3, 1877; N. J. Bates, from June 3, 1877, to April 11, 1880; Bent Larsen, from June 3, 1880, to January 1, 1882; S. J. Golding, from January 1, 1882, to December 31, 1893; Thomas Cooper, from December 31, 1893, to September 23, 1894 ;. Charles J. Bohman, from November 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph H. Lee, from March 10, 1872, to January 1, 1874; Curtis E. Bolton, from January 1, 1874, to September 1, 1875; Thomas Cooper, from September 1, 1875, to July 21, 1898; Heber Swindle, from November 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel W. Goold has been a Sunday School worker for upwards of 35 years; and Thomas Cooper, Eliza Cooper, William A. Warnock, James W. Tidd, over 25 years. REDMOND SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1878. It has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 191 pupils, and is held in the schoolhouse. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents J. S. Jensen, from 1880 to 1881; G. L. Brein- holt, from 1881 to 1884; Charles Herbert, from 1884 to 1886; C. T. Nielson, from July, 1886, to July, 1899; C. Jensen, Jr., from July to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 357 First assistant superintendents N. C. Mickelsen, from 1880 to 1884; C. T. Nielsen, from 1884 to 1886; Hans Rasmussen, from July, 1886, to July, 1899; H. N. Christensen, from July to December 31 1899. Second assistant superintendents G. L. Breinholt, from 1880 to 1881; Charles Herbert, from 1881 to 1884; Hans Rasmussen, from 1884 to 1886; Christian Hermansen, from July, 1886, to July, 1899; Erastus Petersen, from July to December 31, 1899. Secretaries G. L. Breinholt, from 1880 to 1881; Andrew C. Nielson, from 1881 to 1884; Henrietta Christensen, from 1884 to 1886; Mary Peterson, from July, 1886, to July, 1899; Sarrie E. Peter- son, from July to December 31, 1899. RICHFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized about the year 1872, with an enrollment of about 6 officers and teachers and about 80 pupils. It now has 35 officers and teachers and 541 pupils. It convenes in the Academy Hall. In 1887 the school was divided and two schools were formed, then in 1894 the two were reunited, and but one school has been held since. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: C. I. Kempe, superintendent from date of organization to 1874. He had no assistants, nor was there any secretary during this period. The superintend ency from 1874 to 1877, when the school was divided, was composed of the following-named: Hans P. Miller, super- intendent; C. I. Kempe, first assistant; and Simon Christensen, second assistant. The only officers of the First Ward school, so far as is now known, were A. D. Thurber, superintendent; Niels Poulsen, first assistant; G. Ence, second assistant; Heber Christensen, secretary. The successive superintendents and assistants of the Second Ward school, so far as is now known, were: Leo A. Bean, superintendent, J. M, Lauritzen, first assistant; William J. Bates, second assistant; from 1889 to 1890; Joseph S. Home, superintendent; Simon Christen- sen, first assistant; 0. U. Bean, second assistant, from 1890 to 1893; Andrew Gilbert, superintendent; I. K. Wright, first assistant; 0. A. Andelin, second assistant, from 1893 to 1894. 358 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. After reuniting, the successive officers of the school were: A. D. Thurber, superintendent, from 1894 to 1895; I. J. Stewart, superin- tendent, from 1895 to December 31, 1899; Niels Poulsen, first assist- ant, from 1894 to 1897; John W. Coons, from 1897 to December 31, 1899; G. Ence, second assistant, from 1894 to 1895; John W. Coons, from 1895 to 1897; Chariton Seegmiller, from 1897 to December 31, 1899; Heber Christensen, secretary, from 1894 to 1895; J. M. Laur- itzen, from 1895 to 1898; H. J. Hansen, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. SALIXA SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school in Salina was con- ducted in an old stone building now belonging to the Relief Society. Since 1883 it has been held in the ward meetinghouse. The school was first held in June, 1872, and began with 7 officers and teachers and 33 pupils. At present it has 23 officers and teachers and 268 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William McFadyen, from June to September, 1872; William Andrews, from September, 1872, to 1874; George Ezra Casto, from 1874 to 1877; Jesse P. Steele, from January, 1877, to June, 1879; John Anderson, from June 2, 1879, to September, 25, 1887; H. J. Gottfredson, from September, 1887, to January 1, 1893; Henry N. Hayes, from January 1, 1893, to January, 1895; William H. Evans, from January 1, 1895, to July, 1896; W. H. Robinson, from July 5, 1896, to January, 1899; N. C. Rasmussen, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Fran tz P. Peterson, from Sep- tember, 1872, to 1874; James C. Andersen, from 1874 to 1877; Josiah F. Martin, from January, 1877, to June, 1879; Solomon King; Thomas G. Humphrey; Charles J. Mortensen;* William H. Evans, from Janu- ary, 1893, to January, 1895; Joseph Lapish, from January 1, 1895, to July, 1896; N. C. Rasmussen, from July 5, 1896, to January, 1899; Carl Carlson, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William C. Murphy; Charles The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 359* Mortensen; H. N. Hayes; P. H. Candland; Hans Christensen; J. P. Cordon; N. C. Rasmussen;* James C. Jenson, from July 5, 1896, to January, 1899; Hyrum S. Anderson, from January 1 to December 31,. 1899. Secretaries R. M. Humphrey, from January, 1877, to June, 1879; Joseph Lapish; William Evans; Joseph Lapish, (second term); Gustave A. Brandt; Anton Nielson.* SIGURD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 19, 1876, but held no session until April 15, 1877. It has an enrollment of 15 offi- cers and teachers and 41 pupils. The school is held in the Sigurd schoolhouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants, and secretaries: Superintendents Ransford Colby, from November 19, 1876, to October 12, 1884; Joseph Gottfredson, from October 12, 1884, to January 6, 1889; C. Meyer, from January 6, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents P. Gottfredson, from June 29,. 1879, to March 8, 1885; C. Meyer, from March 8, 1885, to January 6, 1889; John Dastrup, from January 6, 1889, to December 31, 1899. * Second assistant superintendents Elisha B. Keyes, from Jan- uary 23, 1881, to October 12, 1884; C. Meyer, from October 18, 1884, to March 8, 1885; Peter Dastrup, from March 8, 1885, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter Gottfredson, from April 15, 1875, to June 29, 1879; Edward Broadbent, from January 29, 1879, to January 23, 1881; Peter Dastrup, from January 23, 1881, to September 16, 1883; E. B. Keyes, from September 16, 1883, to October 12, 1884; Minnie S. Dastrup, from October 18, 1884, to November 7, 1891; Annie Das- trup, from November 7, 1891, to June 4, 1899; Millie Meyer, from June 4 to December 31, 1899. VERMILLION SUNDAY SCHOOL has an enrollment of 16 officers and 1 teachers and 73 pupils. John E. Gledhill, Jr., is superintendent. No- further information concerning the school has been received. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 360 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. WALLSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. May 3, 1886, r is the date of the organization of this school. It was first held in a house belonging to Chris Johnson, and began with 8 officers and teachers and 33 pupils. Its present enrollment is 6 officers and teachers and 63 pupils. The first officers of the school were: C. C. Cowley, superintendent; Thomas Johnson, first assistant; F. G. Wall, second assistant; and Susie E. Bench, secretary. On June 10, 1892, G. Brugger succeeded Thomas Johnson as first assistant superintendent; and in November, 1898, Superintendent C. C. Cowley was succeeded by J. C. Cowley. Successive secretaries, besides the one already named, are: J. C. Cowley, from January 9, 1887, to June 10, 1892; E. J. Cowley, from June 10, 1892, to November, 1898; Ida Brugger, from November, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school meets in the Wallsville schoolhouse. SNOWFLAKE STAKE. This stake was formed by dividing the eastern Arizona Stake into what is now known as Snowflake and St. Joseph stakes. The Sunday School organization of Snowflake Stake has been in existence since December 18, 1887, while, as will be seen by their historical reports some of the Sunday Schools now included in this stake were in existence several years prior to this time. All the settlements embraced in Snow- flake Stake, with the exception of Tuba City, are in Navajo County, Arizona. The one settlement mentioned is in Coconino County, in the same Territory. The first stake Sunday School officers were: John A. West, superintendent; Peter C. Wood, first assistant; John McLaws, second assistant, and John H. Willis, secretary. In June, 1889, First Assistant Superintendent W T ood was succeeded by Andrew L. Rogers; in February, 1893, Second Assistant Superintendent McLaws was succeeded by Smith D. Rogers; and in January, 1898, Secretary Wil- lis was succeeded by Silas D. Smith. In December, 1899, the present quorum of superintendents were chosen. Their names being James M. Flake, superintendent; Silas D. Smith, first assistant; Clarence C. Owens/second assistant. The stake officers' meetings are held at Snow- flake. There are 14 Sunday Schools in this stake of Zion. ADAIRVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On January 6, 1884, this school JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 361 was organized and its first session was held a week later. Its enroll- ment then was 10 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. It now num- bers 7 officers and teachers and 35 pupils. Successive officers of the school are as named below: Superintendents Hans Hansen, Jr., Henry Mills, W. Whipple, T. W. Turley, Daniel Mills. First assistant superintendents Hans Hansen, Israel Loxton^ Daniel Mills, J. A. McGrath, Henry Mills. Second assistant superintendents John McNiel, Matilda Mills, W. E. Oliver, Edson Whipple. Secretaries Edna Merrill, P. C. Wood, W. Whipple, Ellen Adair, Mary A. 0. Fuller. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Daniel Mills, superin- tendent, Henry Mills, first assistant; Edson Whipple, second assist- ant; Mary A. 0. Fuller, secretary. HEBER SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since January 23, 1898. It has 8 officers and teachers and 16 pupils. The officers first chosen are still serving. Their names are: Hans Nielsen, superin- tendent; Joseph I. Porter, first assistant ;C. E. Shelley, second assist- ant, and J. E. Shelley, secretary. LINDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL, formerly known as Juniper school, was reorganized November 18, 1893. For some eleven years previous to this date a school had been conducted at this place, but the records of it are not to be had. Before the reorganization the following-named acted successively as superintendents: Walter Willis, James McDonald, Jacob Butler* John 0. Reidhead. The names of successive officers since the school was reorganized are: J. H. Hansen, superintendent; John 0. Reidhead, first assistant; Maud Young, second assistant; S. B. Shumway, secretary, from November 18, 1893, to March 29, 1896; S. D. Shumway, superinten- dent; Mary Stock, first assistant; Olive Stock, second assistant; S. B. Shumway, secretary, from March 29, 1896, to March 28, 1897: Joseph Stock, superintendent; Maud Young, first assistant; Nellie Reidhead, 23 362 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. second assistant; Hannah Goodman, secretary, from March 28, 1897,. to December 31. 1899. The school began with 9 officers and teachers and 25 pupils, and now has 5 officers and teachers and 22 pupils. The place of holding school is in the ward meetinghouse. PIXEDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since June 24,. 1883, its first session being held on the 1st of July of that same year. This school numbers 22 officers and teachers and 65 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Leroy W. Beebe, from June, 1883, to Febru- ary 5, 1888; George Bryan, from February 5, 1888, to April 21, 1889; John L. Fish, from April 21, 1889, to August 10, 1890; Albert Brewer, from August 10, 1890, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Claburn Elder, from June, 1883, to February 5, 1888; John L. Fish, from February 5, 1888, to April 21, 1889; Joseph Brewer, from April 21, 1889, toDecember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Amelia Gardner, from June, 1883, to February 5, 1888; Albert Brewer, from February 5, 1888 r to April 21, 1889; Lyman Hancock, from April 21, 1889, to August 10, 1890; John Lewis; Albert Crandall;* James Peterson, from Janu- ary, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries E. W. Mortensen, from June, 1883, to February 5, 1888; Albert Crandall, from February 5, 1888, to April 21, 1889;. James Peterson, from April 21, 1889, to April, 1897; Kate Brewer, from April, 1897, to December 31, 1899. PIXETOP SUNDAY SCHOOL began July 20, 1891, with an enroll- ment of 9 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. It now numbers 11 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. The school convenes in the Pinetop schoolhouse. Successive officers' names are as follows: Superintendents David I. Penrod, from July 27, 1891, to Novem- ber 19, 1893; Charles T. Savage, from November 26, 1893, to May 12, 1895; S. A. Penrod, from May 19, 1895, to September 20, 1896; * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 363 Nephi Packer, from September 20, 1896, to January 18, 1898; Charles T. Savage, (second term), from January 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. E. Bradshaw, from July 27, 1891, to November 19, 1893; John A. Hall, from November 26, 1893, to May 12, 1895; David I. Penrod, from May 19, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles T. Savage, from July 27, 1891, to November 19, 1893; Corline Adams, from November 26, 1893, to May 12, 1895; D. E. Adams, from May 19, 1895, to Septem- ber 20, 1896; Annie Hall, from September 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary E. Adams, from July 27, 1891, to November 19, 1893; E. E. Bradshaw, from November 26, 1893, to May 12, 1895; Polly Stevens, from May 19, 1895, to December 31, 1899. ST. JOSEPH SUNDAY SCHOOL was first known as the Allen school, and was organized in May, 1876. It is held in the ward meeting- house, and has an enrollment of 18 officers and teachers and 53 pupils. The following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants, and secretaries: Superintendents Samuel G. Ladd, from May, 1876, to April 27, 1879; Henry M. Tanner, from April 27, 1879, to April 8, 1883; John McLaws, from April 8, 1883, to February, 1889; Henry M. Tanner, (second term), from February, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter N. Shouson, from 1878 to April 27, 1879; James E. Shelley, from April 27, 1879, to April 8, 1883; C. M. Peterson, from April 8, 1883, to February, 1889; Joseph P. Richards, from February, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles M. Peterson, from January 25, 1880, to April 8, 1883; Joseph C. Hansen, from April 8, 1883, to February, 1889; Homer T. Burnham, from February, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John McLaws, from January 25, 1880, to April 8, 1883; William S. Allen, from April 8, 1883, to February, 1889; Willie Richards; M. R. Tanner.* * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 364 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. SHOW Low SUNDAY SCHOOL. Formerly this was known as the Ellsworth school. It was organized May 1, 1880. It has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 24 pupils, and convenes in the ward schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Samuel Adair; Hans Hansen, G. M. Adams, Frank Ellsworth. First assistant superintendents Merit Staley, John McNiel, E. E. Hough, Frank Nichols. Second assistant superintendents Hans Hansen, Frank Ells- worth. Secretaries Mrs. Woods, Mary Nichols. The historical report shows that G. M. Adams has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. SHUMWAY SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its beginning from February, 1891, at which time it was organized, having an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents F. P. Denham, from February, 1891, to De- cember 8, 1895; James W. Pearce, from December 8, 1895, to Jan- uary 6, 1896; S. D. Rhaton, from January 6, 1896, to July 17, 1898; W. H. Shumway, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. G. Shumway, from February, 1891, to December 8, 1895; F. P. Denham, from December 8, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents M. E. Rhaton, from February, 1891, to December 8, 1895; James Alma Brimhall, from Decembers, 1895, to January 6, 1896; Alma Brimhall, from January 6, 1896, to July 17, 1898; S. D. Rhaton, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries. James W. Pearce, from February, 1891, to De- cember 8, 1895; W. H. Shumway, from December 8, 1895, to July 17, 1898; Wallace Shumway, from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 365 SNOWFLAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since July 17, 1880, though a Sunday School was conducted by James Gale previous to this time, no records of which are to be had. The school convenes both in the stake meetinghouse and in the schoolhouse. It has an enrollment of 21 officers and teachers and 269 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Ninian Miller, from July 17, 1880, to Decem- ber 12, 1886; Wesley Willis, from January 2, 1887, to January 8, 1888; Theodore Farley, from April 29 to October 7, 1888; John H. Willis, from October 7, 1888, to February 15, 1891; Lewis Hunt, from February 15, 1891, to April 10, 1892; Alof Larson, from April 10, 1892, to May 1, 1898; James M. Flake, from May 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. R. Hulet, from July 17, 1880, to December 12, 1886; Theodore Farley, from January 2, 1887, to January 8, 1888; Lewis Hunt, from April 29 to October 7, 1888; Silas D. Smith from October 7, 1888, to February 15, 1891; Alof Larson, from February 15, 1891, to April 10, 1892; 0. H. Ballard, from April 10, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents M. E. Kartchner, from July 17, 1880, to December 12, 1886; Lewis Hunt, from January 2, 1887, to January 8, 1888; Osmer D. Flake, from April 29 to December 16, 1888; G. A. Palmer, from December 16, 1888, to February 15, 1891; J. M. Stratton, from February 15, 1891, to April 10, 1892; D. S. Rogers, from April 10, 1892, to May 1, 1898; John H. Hunt, from May 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Annie Hunt, from July 17, 1880, to March 22, 1885; Delia Fish, from March 22, 1885, to March 7, 1886; F. A. Lundquist, from March 7, 1886, to January 2, 1887; Charles L. Flake, from Jan- uary 2, 1887, to April 29, 1888; Bashie Smith, from April 29, 1888, to April 10, 1892; Dina Smith, from April 10, 1892, to May 1, 1898, C. F. Hulet, from May 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. TAYLOR SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 18, 1880, with 8 officers and teachers and about 50 pupils. On November 19, 1898, the ward meetinghouse was destroyed by fire, and the Sunday School 366 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. records were burned. Sinse that time the School has been held in the Relief Society Hall. It now has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 126 pupils. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Merrill E. Willis, from 1881 to 1886; Reuben J. Perkins, from 1885 to 1890; Emanuel P. Cardon, from 1890 to 1895; Reuben J. Perkins, (second term) from 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Hawkins, from 1881 to 1885; Elijah Thomas, from 1885 to 1890; C. M. Jennings, from 1890, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Reuben J. Perkins, from 1881 to 1885; John Hancock, from 1885 to 1890; James J. Shumway, from 1890, to 1895; Joseph I. Clawson, from 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mocelea Willis, from 1881 to 1885; Rhoda C. Per- kins, from 1885 to 1890; N. R. Willis, from 1890 to 1895; James J. Shumway, from 1895, to December 31, 1899. TUBA SUNDAY SCHOOL was first known as the Moencoppy school. It has been organized since 1889, and now has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are named below: Superintendents August Wilcken, from 1879 to 1880; George Bela Gardner, from 1880 to 1882, James H. Lee, from 1882 to 1885; Orvil C. Bates, from 1885 to 1891; Lehi Heward, from 1891 to 1894; Joseph H. Lee, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Allen Wakelin, from 1879 to 1889; Henson Walker, from 1880 to 1882; Brigham Duffin, from 1882 to 1888; Robert Sainsbury, from 1888 to 1891; C. W. Farns- worth, from 1891 to 1894; Jonathan A. Allen, from 1894 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Alice Lee, from 1888 to 1891; E. A. Foutz, from 1891 to 1894; Alice Lee (second term) from 1894 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 367 Secretaries Lavine Duffin,from 1880 to 1882; Mary Farnsworth, from 1882 to 1888; Nannie A. Smith, from 1888 to 1891; Melissa Parker, from 1891 to 1894; May Foutz, from 1894, to December 31, 1899. WOODLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL has had an existence since Novem- ber 19, 1893, at which time it was organized with 7 officers and teach- ers and 10 pupils. Its present enrollment shows 5 officers and teach- ers and 19 pupils. The school is held in private residences. Its first officers were: Hans Hanson, Jr., superintendent; Anna Jaques, first assistant; Emma B. Coleman, second assistant, and Anna Jaques, secretary. In December, 1898, S. E. West succeeded Anna Jaques as first assistant. In March, 1895, Stephen Jewell succeeded Emma B. Coleman as second assistant, and in December, 1898, Loretta Hansen succeeded Second Assistant Jewell, and at the same time, Marcena Hansen, succeeded Anna Jaques as secretary. WOODRUFF SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in 1878 and was first held in a room of the fort. It is now held in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 16 officers and teachers and 87 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: Superintendents John T. Eagar, from 1878, to August 3, 1880; Abraham Perkins, from 1880 to February 10, 1884; George Coombs, from February 10, 1884, to August 29, 1886; E. M. Webb, from Aug- ust 29 to December 6, 1886; 0. E. Bates, from December 19, 1886, to September 25, 1887, E. M. Webb, from September 25, 1887, to October 21, 1888; J. Clark Owens, Jr., from October 21, 1888, to November 10, 1889; G. B. Gardner, Jr., from November 10, 1889, to May 10, 1896; P. J. Christofferson; Joseph C. Fish.* First assistant superintendents John C. Tyler, from 1880 to February 10, 1884; H. B. Owens, Jr., from February 10, 1884, to August 29, 1886; 0. E. Bates, from December 5 to December 19, 1886; G. B. Gardner, Jr., from December 19, 1886, to September 25, 1887; F. A. Webb, from September 25, 1887, to October 21, 1888; * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 368 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. C. W. Smithson, from November 10, 1889, to March 2, 1890; B. F. Duffin, from September 7, 1890, to November 1, 1891; F. A. Robison, from November 1, 1891, to March 6, 1892; William Reid, from March 6, 1892, to January 6, 1895; B. F. Duffin, (second term), from Aug- ust 16, 1896, to January 3, 1897; W. R. Gardner, from January 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. B. Owens, Jr., from 1880 to February 10, 1884; G. B. Gardner, from February 10, 1884, to December 19, 1886; E. E. Bradshaw, from December 19, 1886, to September 25, 1887; James Deans, from September 25, 1887, to October 21, 1888; Charles Smithson, from October 21, 1888, to November 10, 1889; B. F. Duffin, from November 10, 1889, to March 2, 1890; J. H. Deans, from March 2 to September 7, 1890; C. E. Owens, from September 7, 1890; to November 1, 1891; B. F. Duffin, (second term), from Novem- ber 1, 1891, to January 6, 1895; C. W. Lillywhite, from January 6, 1895, to May 10, 1896; Q. R. Gardner, from August 16, 1896, to January 3, 1897; J. C. Fish.* Secretaries Beatrice Owens, from August, 1880, to August 3, 1883; E. E. Bradshaw, from 1883 to August 29, 1886; Lottie Webb, from August 29 to December 5, 1886; C. M. Webb, from December 5, 1886, to September 25, 1887: Elsie Owens, from Sep- tember 25, 1887, to October 21, 1888; Mary Bradshaw, from October 21, 1888, to November 10, 1889; Bessie Deans, from November 10, 1889, to September, 7, 1890; Lora Duffin, from September 7, 1890, to November 1, 1891; Lois Robison, from November 1, 1891, to March 6, 1892; Lulu Hatch, from March 6 to December 4, 1892; Joseph Deans, from December 4, 1892, to November 19, 1893; H. B. Gardner, from November .19, 1893, to May 10, 1896; C. M. Hatch, from August 16, 1896, to October 3, 1897; Addie Savage, from Octo- ber 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. ST. GEORGE STAKE. The Sunday Schools of W T ashington County, Utah, Lincoln County, Nevada, and Mohave County, Arizona, 26 in number, are under the supervision of the St. George Stake Sunday School superin- * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 369 tendency. The stake Sunday School organization has been established since September, 1872. The successive stake officers are as named below: Superintendents Miles P. Romney, from September, 1872, to April 3, 1881; A. R. Whitehead, from April 3, 1881, to March, 1889; John T. Woodbury, from March, 1889, September 11, 1891; Richard Morris, from September 11, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Horatio Pickett, from Septem- ber, 1872, to April 3, 1881; George Spillsbury, from April 3, 1881, to March, 1889; David Spillsbury, from March, 1889, to September 11, 1891; R. G. McQuarrie; E. M. McArthur.* Second assistant superintendents George Spillsbury, from Sep- tember, 1887, to April 3, 1881; David W. Tullis; Joseph T. Robinson; J. M. McFarlane; S. H. Wells.* Secretaries Stephen R. Wells; Mary M. Farnsworth;* Alice Worthen, from April 3, 1881, to March, 1889; Alice M. Milne, from March, 1889, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Superintendent Richard Morris has been engaged in Sunday School work for more than 35 years; George Spillsbury, over 30 years; and Alice 0. Milne, over 25 years. BUNKERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Lincoln County, Nevada, was organized January 14, 1877, and began with 18 pupils. It is now held in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 134 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Samuel 0. Crosby, from January 14 to Novem- ber 17, 1877; Myron Abbot, from November 17, 1877, to May, 1882; G. M. Lee, from May, 1882, to March 29, 1885; Joseph J. Earl, from March 29, 1885, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel 0. Crosby, from May, 1882, to March 29, 1885; Myron A. Abbot, from March 29, 1885, to 1887; Orange D. Leavitt, from 1887, to 1889; Martin A. Bunker, a term in 1889; William E. Abbott, from December, 1889, to- * The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 370 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. March, 1890; Asahel J. Barnum, from 1890 to November 26, 1893; Franklin S. Leavett, from January 13, 1894, to October 23, 1898; William E. Abbot, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph J. Earl, from Novem- ber 17, 1877, to May, 1882; Dudley Leavitt, Jr., from March 29, 1885, to April 10, 1887; Edward Leavitt, from June 5, 1877, to 1889; Dudley Leavitt, Jr., (second term), from 1889, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries N. Bunker, from 1887 to March 12, 1893; Emily J. Lee, from March 12, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joseph J. Earl, George W. Lee and Martha Cox have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. EAGLE VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL is a branch of the Panaca school, located in Lincoln County, Nevada, and has been organized since September 5, 1897. Its officers are: Amy Lytle, superintend- ent; Nellie Hammond, first assistant, and Frances Hammond, second assistant; with Lillie Hammond, secretary. The school began with 6 officers and teachers and 14 pupils, and now has 4 officers and teach- ers and 23 pupils. ENTERPRISE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school held in Enterprise, Washington County, Utah, was on May 1, 1898, at the house of William W. Halls. It was first conducted as a branch of the Hebron school, of Washington County, Utah. E. T. Adair was chosen super- intendent and E. W. Halls, secretary. On February 26, 1899, the school was made an independent organization with Emil Barlocher, superintendent; C. S. Fackrell, first assistant; E. T. Adair, second assistant; and Job Halls, secretary. At this time it numbered 10 officers and teachers and 62 pupils. Its present enrollment is 11 officers and teachers and 61 pupils. The school convenes in the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association Hall. GRAFTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized previous to the year 1887, the date not being known. Its first officers were: John H- Ballard, superintendent; Alonzo Russell, first assistant; Daniel A. Morris, secretary. From June 7, 1891, to July 8, 1893, the officers JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 371 -were Daniel A. Morris, superintendent; David Ballard, first assistant; John Wood, second assistant; Lottie Russell, secretary. From July 8, 1893, the following-named have been in office: David Ballard, super- intendent; Alonzo Russell, first assistant; John Wood, second assistant; and Maria S. Ballard, secretary. The school is held in the meeting- liouse, Grafton, Washington County, Utah. It has an enrollment of .12 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. GRASS VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Pine Valley ward, Wash- ington County, Utah. The date of its organization is August 10, 1884, at which time it numbered 9 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. At present its enrollment is 10 officers and teachers and 27 pupils. The school is held in private houses. The names of the first corps of superintendents are: James G. Rencher, superintendent; John A. Gardner, first assistant: Royal J. Gardner, second assistant. On June '24, 1894, these officers were succeeded by those named below, who are still in office: Royal J. Gardner, superintendent; Thomas H. 'Gardner, first assistant; George C. Gardner, second assistant. Suc- cessive secretaries are: M. Alice Gardner, from August 10, 1884, to June 21, 1885; Mason L. Snow, from June 21, 1885, to July 17, 1887; Thomas H. Gardner, from July 17, 1887, to August 2, 1891; Emma 'C. Gardner, from August 2, 1891, to December 31, 1899. GUNLOCK SUNDAY SCHOOL. About the month of May, in the year 1878, this school was first organized. It was conducted by William E. Jones, first in a log cabin owned by Jeremiah Leavitt, later in a bowery; it was afterwards removed to the house of Dudley Leavitt, and was superintended by Henry Chaffin. Later the school convened for & season in the house of Joseph Huntsman, and then in the school- house at Gunlock, Washington County. The names of successive officers who have served since records have been kept are: Superintendents Franklin 0. Holt, from July 3, 1887, to March 2, 1888; James P. Bowler, from March 2, 1888, to January 8, 1893; Arthur Westover, from January S, 1893, to 1896; William T. Truman, from 1896, to July 4, 1897; Hyrum C. Jones, from 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William E. Jones, from July 3, 372 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1887, to March 2, 1888; Amos P. Hunt, from March 2, 1888, to Jan- nary 8, 1893; William T. Turman, from January 8, 1893, to 1896; Hyrum E. Jones, from 1896, to 1897; John H. Bowler, a term during 1897; Josiah Leavitt, from July 4, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James A. Hunt, from July 3, 1887, to March 2, 1888; George S. Coleman, from March 2, 1888, to September 7, 1890; Arthur L. Westover, from September 7, 1890, to January 8, 1893; Hyrum E. Jones, from January 8, 1893, to 1896; John H. Bowler, from 1896, to 1897; John R. Hunt, a term during 1897; Edwin S. Jones, from July 4, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary L. Turman, from July 3, 1887, to March 2, 1888; Dina A. Jones, from March 2, 1888, to September 7, 1890; Elizabeth Hunt, from September 7, 1890, to January 8, 1893; Esther P. Turman, from January 8, 1893, to 1897, Esther P. Hunt, a term during 1897; Lydia S. Leavitt, from July 4, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school has enrolled 10 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. The historical report show* that James S. P. Bowler, Bishop F. 0. Holt, Emma M. Holt, and Elizabeth Hunt have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. HARRISBURG SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1864 a school was established in this place by Mosiah Hancock, who was in charge of it till 1868. The names of those who succeeded him as superintendent are: E. H. Harrington, from 1868 to 1870; Milton Daley, from 1870 to 1875; B. Y. McMullin, from 1875 to 1879; E. K. Fuller, from 1879 to 1884; William Leany, from 1884 to 1887; Hyrum Leany, from 1887 to 1895; Job T. Smith, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Names of successive assistant superintendents and secretaries are: Isaiah Cox, first assistant, from 1884 to 1887; Hyrum Leany, first assistant, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. John Harris, second assistant, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Josephine Hamilton, secretary, from 1884 to 1887; Mary Leany, secretary, from 1887 to December 31, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 5 officers and teachers and 26 pupils. It convenes in the schoolhouse, Harrisburg, Washington County, Utah. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 373 HEBRON SUNDAY SCHOOL was first convened in December, 1866, with Zera Pulsipher, superintendent. It has an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 43 pupils, and is held in the schoolhouse of Hebron, Washington County. The names of successive officers who have served since records have been kept are: Superintendents John Pulsipher, from 1870 to 1874; William E. Jones, from 1874 to 1879; James W. Hunt, from 1879 to 1880; 0. W. Huntsman, from 1880 to 1888; Jefferson Hunt, from 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William E. Jones, from 1870 to 1874; John F. Lamb, from 1880 to 1888; Z. P. Terry, from 1889 to 1894; Amos P. Hunt, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James W. Hunt, from 1870 to 1874; A. J. Barnum, from 1880 to 1888; George Wadsworth, from 1889, to 1894; Frank D. Terry, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries -J. S. P. Bowler, from 1880 to 1888; Frank Hunt, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. LEEDS SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is unobtainable, as is also other facts concerning its early history. It has an enrollment of 15 officers and teachers and 56 pupils. It is held in the meetinghouse of Leeds, Washington County, Utah. The names of successive officers so far as known are: Superintendents Joseph T. Wilkinson, from 1877 to 1885; David McMullin, from 1885 to 1887; John Wilkinson, from 1887 to 1894; Ira McMullin, from 1894 to 1898; William Stirling, from 1898 to 1899; Louie Harris, present incumbent. First assistant superintendents Adelbert Stirling, from 1894 to 1898 ; Alfred Barlocher, from 1898 to 1899; Clarence McMullin, present incumbent. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Thomas, from 1894 to 1898; Louie Harris, from 1898 to 1899; William Bean, present in- cumbent. Secretaries Martha McMullin, from 1894 to 1898; Ida Stirling, from 1898 to 1899; Nannie McMullin, present incumbent. 374 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that B. Y. McMullin has been en- gaged in Sunday School work over 25 years. LITTLEFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in Mohave County, Arizona. Its organization dates from August 13, 1893, at which time it had 6 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. The present en- rollment is 7 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Henry Trehner, superintendent; Hans P. Iverson, first assistant; Marinda Leavitt, second assistant; Alice E. Strasser, secretary. On October 3, 1897, Abraham Bundy was chosen super- intendent to succeed Henry Trehner, and Joseph H. Reber, second assistant superintendent to succeed Marinda Leavitt. The other officers have continued to serve to the present. The school is con- ducted in the ward meetinghouse. MESQUITE SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Lincoln County, Nevada, has been in existence since November 11, 1897. It has enrolled 13 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. The officers are : C. M. Hardy, superintendent; C. M. Hughes, first assistant; and Lorena Hardy, secretary. The school convenes in the public schoolhouse. MOUNTAINDELL SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1865 a school was established in this place. It was superintended by William Isom. It continued for a time, and then closed, as the people in the vicinity were counseled to move together on account of the Indians being troublesome. The school was not reorganized till June 27, 1886, when it began with 2 officers and teachers and 18 pupils. It now numbers 7 officers and teachers and 24 pupils. The officers at the time of reorganization in 1886 were: Franklin Isom, superintendent; Jedediah Campbell, first assistant; and Sarah E. Wilson, secretary. The present officers are: Franklin Isom, super- intendent; Thomas Isom, first assistant, Joseph M. Sanders, second assistant; and Sarah E. Wilson, secretary. NEW HARMONY SUNDAY SCHOOL. The record of this school is very incomplete. It has an enrollment of 13 officers and teachers and 70 pupils, and its sessions are held in the schoolhouse, New Harmony, . Washington County, Utah. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 375 Successive superintendents of the school are: Lemuel H. Redd, H. A. Pace, Francis Prince, Joseph F. Pace and Lemuel A. Pace. The present officers are Lemuel A. Pace, superintendent; Levi B. Pace, first assistant; Emil Barlocher, second assistant; and Mary Pace, sec- retary. OVERTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has had an existence since October 22, 1882, at which time it first convened in the house of Isaiah Cox. It began with 5 officers and teachers and 11 pupils; it has since increased to 8 officers and teachers and 90 pupils. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Samuel Kelsey, from December 31, 1882, to May 6, 1883; Jesse W. Crosby, from May 6, 1883, to March 24, 1889; Isaac B. Jones, from March 31, 1889, to January 4, 1891; Thomas Johnson, from January 4, 1891, to December 5, 1897; Edward Janoshek, from December 5, 1897, to March 20, 1898; Mendez D. Cooper, from March 20 to October 23, 1898; David J. Cox, from April 2 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Martha Cox, from December 31, 1882, to May 6, 1883; Samuel Kelsey, from May 6, 1883 ? to March 24, 1889; Ute V. Perkins, from January 4, 1891, to March 20, 1898; Cray ton Johnson, from March 20 to October 23, 1898; Jesse Cooper, from April 2 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Edward Janoshek, from Jan- uary 4, 1891, to December 5, 1897; Mendez D. Cooper, from Decem- ber 5, 1897, to March 20, 1898; David J. Cox, from March 20 to October 23, 1898; John F. Perkins, from April 2 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Sarah L. Cox, from December 31, 1882, to March 24, 1889; Rose Cox, from March 31, 1889, to January 4, 1891; Pearl Perkins, from January 4, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Owing to the absence of the superintendent and his first assist- ant the school was conducted by the bishopric of the ward from Octo- ber 23, 1898, to April 2, 1899. The place of meeting is the schoolhouse of Overton, Lincoln County, Nevada. 376 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. PANACA SUNDAY SCHOOL, located in Lincoln County, Nevada, was organized in 1873. Its enrollment shows 17 officers and teachers and 122 pupils. It convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Luke Syphus, from 1873 to 1875; S. M. Lee, from 1875 to 1890; Charles Ronnow, from 1890 to 1894; A. 0. Lee, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Luke Syphus from 1875 to 1880; James Wadsworth, from 1880 to 1881; William Matthews, from 1881 to 1890; A. 0. Lee, from 1890 to 1894; David Keele, from 1894 to 1895; Wm. Edwards, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. M. Pindley, from 1875 to to 1880; William Matthews, from 1880 to 1881; Charles Ronnow, from 1881 to 1891; Levi Syphus, from 1891 to 1894; William Ed- wards, from 1894 to 1895; Levi Syphus, (second term) from 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward Syphus, from 1875 to 1880; Charles Ron- now, from 1880 to 1881; Jennie Lee, from 1881 to 1890; Nellie Wedge, from 1890 to 1894; Sara Wedge, from 1894 to 1895; Rachel Phillips, from 1895 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that F. C. Lee has been a Sunday School worker over 40 years; C. P. Ronnow and A. H. Wedge over 25 years. PINE VALLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL situated in Washington County, Utah, began as early as 1866. No complete organization was effected for a number of years after this time, but temporary superintendents were appointed from time to time, by the ward authorities. The names of officers so far as now known are as follows: Superintendents Sylvester Earl; James B. Bracken; Cyrus Han- cock; Buren Barney; William P. Sargent; Joseph J. Earl;* Fred. W. Jones, from August 10, 1879, to April 11, 1886; H. Joseph Burgess, from April, to September, 1886; George E. Burgess, from September, 1886, to February, 1888; William Gardner, from February, 1888, to * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 377 January, 1889; Walter H. Jeffrey, from January to June, 1889; James B. Bracken, Jr., from June, 1889, to November 1, 1891; Jeter Snow, from November 1, 1891, to September 13, 1893; George E. Burgess, (second term) from September 13, 1893, to January 1, 1899; William Gardner, (second term) from January 7, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Gardner, from August 10, 1879, to April 11, 1886; Robert B. Gardner, from April, 1886, to June, 1889; Reuben Gardner, from June, 1889, to November 1, 1891; George E. Burgess, from November 1, 1891, to September 13, 1893; Reuben Gardner, (second term) from September, 13, 1893, to January 1, 1899; William J. Snow, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas R. Forsy th, from Aug- ust 10, 1879, to April 11, 1886; Walter H. Jeffrey, from April, 1886, to January, 1889; William J. Snow, from January, 1889, to November 1, 1891; Samuel A. Gardner, from November 1, 1891, to January 1, 1899; H. J. Burgess, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James B. Bracken, Jr., from August 10, 1879, to April 1, 1886; Orrin H. Snow, from April, 1886, to February, 1888; William J. Snow, from February, 1888, to June, 1889; Robert B. Gardner, from June, 1889, to November 1, 1891; Sarah P. Bracken, from November 1. 1891, to September 13, 1893; Ella M. Burgess, from September 13, 1893, to January 1, 1899; Daisy Bracken, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. The school numbers 11 officers and teachers and 99 pupils. PINTO SUNDAY SCHOOL was first held in a log schoolhouse, on March 4, 1877, at which time it numbered 14 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. Its present enrollment is 12 officers and teachers, and 49 pupils. The place of meeting is the ward house, Pinto, Washington County, Utah. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are: Superintendents Oscar A. Wood, from March 4, 1877, to Sep- tember 20, 1885; Oscar F. Westover, from October 4, 1885, to May 27, 1888; Walter J. Knell, from May 27, 1888, to January 1, 1893; Neil 0. Forsyth, from January 1, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Heber Harrison, from 24 378 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. March 4, 1877, to about January 1, 1879; Oscar F. Westover, from about January 1, 1879, to October 4, 1885; Walter J. Knell, from October 4, 1885; to May 27, 1888; Moses W. Harrison, from May 27, 1888, to January 1, 1893; John Heber Harrison from January 1, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Oscar F. Westover, from March 4, 1877, to about January 1, 1879; Brigham W. Harrison, from about January 1, 1879, to January 1, 1882; Walter J. Knell, from January 1, 1882, to October 4, 1885; Moses W. Harrison, from Octo- ber, 4, 1885, to May 27, 1888; Joseph E. Robinson, from May 27, to December 23, 1888, John Heber Harrison, from January 6, 1889, to January 1, 1893; James G. Knell from January 1, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Eliza Westover, from March 4, 1877, to May 26, 1878; Maria Haskell, from May 26, 1878, to September 7, 1879; Edmund B. Thornton, from September 7, 1879, to September 26, 1880; Julia Westover, from October 31, 1880, to September 24, 1882; Clara A. Knell, from September 24, 1882, to September 11, 1898; Maria Platt, from 1898, to December 31, 1899. PRICE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school held in Price Ward was a branch of the St. George Second Ward school. This school is com- posed of pupils residing in Price Ward on the one side and in Bloom- ington on the other side of the Rio Virgen ; and to accommodate those residing in Bloomington a branch school has been conducted on that side of the river at times when it is inconvenient to cross the stream. January 20, 1878, is the date of organization of this school. It began with one officer and 16 pupils. It now has an enrollment of 6 officers and teachers and 32 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Benjt P. Wulffenstejn, from January 20, 1878, to January 2, 1882; Lars James Larson, from January 2, 1882, to December 3, 1883; Samuel Miles, from December 3, 1883 to 1885; Benjt P. Wulffenstejn, from 1885 to 1887; Samuel Miles, from 1887 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Miles, from January 23, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 379 1879, to January 2, 1882; William G. Miles, from January 2, 1882, to December 31, 1883; Nephi R. Fawcett; from 1887, to August 14, 1898; Lars James Larson, from August 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Webb, from January 23, 1879, to December 3, 1883; George W. Fawcett, from 1887, to March 6, 1893; L. J. Larson, from March 6, 1893, to August 14, 1898; Alfred Carpenter, from August 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries B. P. Wulffenstejn, from January 20, 1878, to January 2, 1882; Alfred Carpenter, from August 14, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel Miles has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years, and Lars J. Larson over 25 years. ROCKVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Washington County, Utah, and was first conducted by Henry Jennings. The date of its organization and other facts connected with its history previous to 1876 are unobtainable. It has an enrollment of 16 officers and teach- ers and 114 pupils. The names of successive officers since the year 1876 are: Superintendents C. M. Jennings, from 1876 to February 11, 1883; D. F. Stout, from February 18, 1883, to June 8, 1886; Joseph A. Smith, from 1886, to November 1, 1891; J. H. Langston, from November 15, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Bowman, from 1876 to February 11, 1883; George W. Terry, from February 18, 1883, to June 8, 1886; J. H. Langston, from 1886 to November 1, 1891; A. J. Stout, from November 15, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents H. F. Stout, from February 18, 1883, to June 8, 1886; J. H. Stout, from 1886 to November 1, 1891; J. F. Langston, from November 15 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George W. Terry, from February 18, 1883, to June 8, 1886; Fanny P. Slaughter, from 1886 to November 1, 1891; Dency E. Terry, from November 15, 1891, to March 21, 1897; Ellen R. Daley, from March 21, 1897, to December 31, 1899. 380 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ST. GEORGE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of the first Sun- day School of St. George, Washington County, Utah, dates from May 12, 1867, though schools had been held there previous to that date. As early as March, 1862, a school was opened with James G. Bleak in charge, assisted by James A. Chesney, Samuel Miles, Thomas Cot- tarn, George A. Burgon, Joseph Orton and Elizabeth McArthur. At the time of organization in 1867, the enrollment of the school was 10 officers and teachers and 204 pupils. It has since increased to 31 officers and teachers and 843 pupils. In 1871 the school was divided and a separate organization was effected in each of the four wards of the town. The four schools were again consolidated into one in 1896, and have continued united to the present time, holding sessions in the St. George Tabernacle. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the four schools during the period of their existence and of the united school since that period are given below: Superintendents (First Ward) John 0. Angus, from 1871 to 1876; Horatio Pickett, from 1876 to April 3, 1881; John E. Pace, from April 3, 1881, to December, 1882; Alex. Y. Milne, from December, 1882, to September 28, 1890; Joseph W. McAllister, from Septem- ber 28, 1890, to April 8, 1894; Brigham Jarvis, from April 8, 1894, to May 17, 1896. First assistant superintendents (First Ward) Horatio Pickett, George Jarvis, Alex. Y. Milne, J. W. McAllister, Brigham Jarvis, Arthur F. Miles. Second assistant superintendents (First Ward) Lars J. Larson, Charles L. Walker, E. G. DeFriez, Samuel Miles, Jr., George W. Hardy, Brigham B. Mecham, Niels Sandberg, Walter Keate, Arthur T. Miles, Haden W. Church. Secretaries (First Ward) John 0. Angus, Matthew W. Mansfield, Alice Worthen, Hattie Pickett, Mary Nixon, Nora Cannon. Superintendents (Second Ward) Charles Smith, from 1871 to 1872; William Atkin, from August 2, 1872, to August 2, 1877; Joseph Orton from 1877 to 1880; Isaac Hunt, from June 27, 1880, to Feb- ruary 19, 1882; Thomas N. Bleak, from February 19, 1882, to June 20, 1885; George F. Jarvis, from June 20, 1885, to March 18, 1888; John Schmutz, from March 18, 1888, to 1892; NephiM. Savage, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 381 1892 to October 22, 1893; Joseph M. Moody, from October 22, 1893, to 1896. First assistant superintendents (Second Ward) George F. Jar- vis, from August 2, 1872, to August 2, 1877; Walter Granger, from 1877 to 1880 ; George F.Jarvis, (second term) from June 27, 1880, to June 20, 1886; I. C. Macfarlane, from June 20, 1886, to March 18, 1888; George W. Hardy; John Matthis; Rufus C. Allen. Second assistant superintendents (Second Ward) Joseph Orton, Stephen Wells, F. Fuhrmeister, I. C. Macfarlane, John Schmutz, Samuel T. Bleak, Henry W. Gubler. Secretaries (Second Ward) Mary L. Eyring, Rosa, T. Bleak, Emily H. Eyring, Jane Everett, Lizzie Oxborrow. Superintendents (Third Ward) Joseph Orton, from December 23, 1871, to July 15, 1877; Samuel W. Goold, from July 15, 1877, to November 23, 1879; Don C. Robbins, from November 23, 1879, to December 28, 1880; Hector McQuarrie, from December 28, 1880, to February 10, 1884; Franklin B. Woolley, from February 10, 1884, to July 26, 1885; William A. Terry, from July 26, 1888, to September 1892; John G. McQuarrie, from September, 1892, to 1893; Albert E. Miller, from 1893 to 1896. First assistant superintendents (Third Ward) Stephen R. Wells, John M. Moody, Jr., William A. Terry, Robert G. McQuarrie, Wm. DeFriez, H. T. Compey, A. N. Winsor, Albert Clark, C. G. Y. Higgins. Second assistant superintendents (Third Ward) Walter Granger, Don C. Robbins, William E. Cowley, Franklin B. Woolley, Ezra F. Wool- ley, James H. Empey, Albert E. Miller, Warren Cox, William A. Terry. Secretaries (Third Ward) Stephen R. Wells, Don C. Robbins, Jed. M. Woolley, Franklin B. Woolley, Ezra F. Woolley, Grace Hemen- way, Mary Pearce, Mary Fullerton. Superintendents (Fourth Ward) Thomas Cottam, from April 3, 1871, to April 3, 1881; Richard Morris, from April 3, 1881, to June 2, 1885; David H. Morris, from June 2, 1885, to September 5, 1886; George F. Whitehead, from September 5, 1886, to February 3, 1889; Seth A. Pymm, from February 3, 1889, to June 27, 1890; Isaac Mac- farlane, from June 29, 1890, to May 23, 1896. First assistant superintendents (Fourth Ward) Wm. H. Thomp- 382 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. son, Samuel W. Goold, Jacob F. Gates, David H. Morris, George F. Whitehead, S. A. Pymm, William G. Miles, A. W. Winsor, E. H. Snow. Second assistant superintendents (Fourth Ward) Alfred H. Rid- ing, David H. Morris, George F. Whitehead, Edward H. Snow, Richard A. Morris, Allen Wakeling. Secretaries (Fourth Ward) William E. Platt, E. L. Andrus, Chas. S. Cottam, A. R. Whitehead, Jr., Sibbie Mecham, Minnie Pendleton. Superintendents (combined school) Isaac C. Macfarlane, from May 31, 1896, to May 2, 1897; John G. McQuarrie, from May 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents (combined school) John G. Mc- Quarrie, from May 31, 1896, to May 2, 1897; Arthur F. Miles, from May 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents (combined school) Arthur F. Miles, from May 31, 1896, to May 2, 1897; John T. Woodbury, from May 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries (combined school) Eleanor W. Jarvis, from May 31, 1896, to October 31, 1897; Louisa Cox, from October 31, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James G. Bleak and George Jarvis have been Sunday School workers over 45 years; Jesse W. Crosby, over 40 years; Richard Morris, Thomas Cottam, James L. Bunt- ing, over 35 years; Rufus C. Allen and Joseph Orton over 25 years. ST. THOMAS SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School in St. Thomas, Lincoln County. Nevada, of which there is any record, was established about the 1st of November, 1893, with George Whitney, superintendent. At that time there was no ward organization, and when the ward was organized the school was recognized as a branch of the Overton Sunday School. On November 8, 1897, an independ- ent organization was effected, with Martin Bunker, superintendent; Luke Whitney, first assistant; Robert E. Gibson, second assistant; and Nellie C. Gentry, secretary. These officers are still serving. The enrollment of the school is 7 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. SANTA CLARA SUNDAY SCHOOL, located in Washington County, Utah, was organized in 1866. The record of the school from that JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 383 year to 1880 has been destroyed and but few facts concerning its early history are known. The school began with 8 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. It now has 15 officers and teachers and 121 pupils. The names of successive officers so far as known are: Superintendents James Dickinson; James McLenan; Marius En- sign, Jacob Tobler, George Burgen, John Keller;* John G. Hafen, from -1880 to 1882; Samuel Wittwer, from 1882 to 1884; John S. Stucki, from 1884 to 1886; Samuel Wittwer (second term), from 1886 to 1891; John Graf, from 1891 to 1895; John Hafen, from 1895 to 1898. First assistant superintendents John Hafen, from 1886 to 1895; Jacob Frei, from 1895 to 1898. Second assistant superintendents Jacob Frei, from 1886 to 1891; John Stahley, from 1891 to 1895; William Tobler, from 1895 to 1898. Secretaries Lydia Knight;* John Hafen, from 1882 to 1884; Harmon Hafen, from 1886 to 1891; Harmon Tobler, from 1891 to 1895; Mary M. Stucki, from 1896 to 1898. The historical report shows that Rose Ann Ensign has been a Sunday School worker for 30 years; Samuel Knight and Rudolph Frei for 25 years. SPRINGDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Washington County, Utah. It began in the early part of the year 1875, and was first held in the house of William Palmer. It is now conducted in the ward meeting- house, and has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 78 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents Alpheus Gifford; Daniel K. Green; Samuel K. Gifford; Freeborn D. Gifford. First assistant superintendents Christian Larson; Alpheus Gif- ford; Squire Hepworth. Second assistant superintendent John J. Ruesch. Secretaries Joseph Gillet, Jr.; Freeborn D. Gifford; Usuela E- * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. 384 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Winder; Sarah E. Lemmon; Lydia J. Lemmon; William W. Flanigan. The present officers are: Freeborn D. Gifford, superintendent; Squire Hepworth, first assistant; John J. Ruesch, second assistant; William W. Flanigan, secretary. TOQUERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was established as early as the year 1869. It is situated in Washington County, Utah. The enroll- ment is 18 officers and teachers and 134 pupils. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are named below : Superintendents Martin Slack; George Spilsbury;* Martin Slack (second term), from 1876 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alma Spilsbury, from 1876 to- March 5, 1882; Isaac Duffin, from March 5, 1882, to February 16, 1883; James G. Duffin, from June 10, 1883, to July 10, 1887; David Spils- bury, from July 10, 1887, to September 2, 1888; Charles Stapley, from September 2, 1888, to June 18, 1893; James G. Duffin, (second term) from June 18, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles H. Stapley;* David Spilsbury, from January 6, 1884, to July 10, 1887; William A. Bring- hurst, Jr.;* John Batty, from September 2, 1888, to June 18, 1893; William A. Bringhurst, Jr., (second term) from June 18, 1893, to April 4, 1897; John Batty, (second term) from April 4, 1897, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries William A. Bringhurst, Jr. ;* Martin Slack, Jr., from June 19, 1881, to March 5, 1882; Horace L. Slack, from March 5, 1882, to January 6, 1884; Walter H. Slack, from January 6, 1884, to- January 4, 1891; Olive Hammond, from January 4, 1891, to May 8, 1892; Lorenzo Bringhurst, from May 8 to September 4, 1892, Clara Savage, from September 4, 1892, to June 18, 1893; Adelaide Jack- son, from June 18, 1893, to February 25, 1894; Jennie Slack, from February 25, 1894, to June 2, 1895; Ella Bringhurst, from June 2, 1895, to June 7, 1896; William L. Batty, from June 7, 1896, to March 5, 1898; Laura Anderson, from March 6 to November 6, 1898; Josephine Spilsbury, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 385 The historical report shows that Martin Slack has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; and Bishop William A. Bringhurst over 25 years. VIRGEN CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL. No record of this school, pre- vious to January 13, 1878, has been found, and what is stated con- cerning its early history is according to the recollection of those en- gaged in the school. It began about the year 1864, being held in a log schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries so far as can be learned are: Superintendents James W. Bay, from about 1864 to 1866; William A. Beebe, from 1866 to April, 1872; Oliver Stratton, Jr., from April to November, 1872; George Isom, from November, 1872, to April, 1873; James Jepson, from April, 1873, to 1876; James W. Bay, (second term) from 1876 to January 13, 1878; John N. Hilton, from January 13, 1878, to September 2, 1888; Joseph Hilton, from September 2, 1888, to October 1, 1893; John Spendlove, Jr., from October 1, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Jepson, Jr., from April, 1872, to November, 1873; John Spendlove, Jr., from April, 1873, to 1876; lanthus P. Richards, from June 13, 1878, to September 2, 1888; James Jepson, Jr., (second term) from September 2, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Hilton, from January 13, 1878, to September 2, 1888; John Spendlove, Jr., from September 2, 1888, to October 1, 1893; Charles A. Workman, from October 1, 1893, to 1899; Ira E. Bradshaw, present incumbent. Secretaries Mary Ellen Jeppson, from April to November, 1872; Edward A. Cripps, from June 13, 1878, to September 2, 1888; Maria Parker; Eleanor Owens; Charles A. Workman; Xenia Pratt, Ernest 0. Wright; Fanny Spendlove.* The school is now conducted in the meetinghouse, Virgen City, Washington County, Utah, and has an enrollment of 21 officers and teachers and 104 pupils. 'The period of service of this officer is unobtainable. -386 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. WASHINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Washington County, Utah, has been established and conducted continuously since April 27, 1863. It was first held in a small building used for public purposes located on the southwest corner of the public square of the town. On March 22, 1875, the school was removed to the Relief Society Hall, and from the latter place to the ward schoolhouse where it is now located. At the time of organization the school numbered 8 officers and teachers and 90 pupils. It now numbers 20 officers and teachers and 199 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents R. F. Goold, from April 27, 1863, to April 26, 1871; John E. Pace, from April 26, 1871, to May 17, 1875; R. F. Goold, (second term) from March 17, 1875, to September 22, 1879; John E Pace, (second term) from September 22, 1879 to March 4, 1883; David Paxman, from March 4, 1883, to February 24, 1886; Samuel Stewart from February 24, 1886, to March 1, 1888; M. 0. Funk, from March 1, 1888, to January 22, 1890; Samuel Stewart, (second term) from January 22, 1890, to April 20, 1896; P. E. Van Orden, from April 20, 1896, to October 30, 1898; D. R. Forsha, from October 30, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. D. Cooper, from April 27, 1863, to November 25, 1867; Edward Ford, from November 25, 1867, to April 26 1871; Aaron Nelson, from March 17, 1875, to September 22, 1879; Samuel Connell, from March 4, 1883, to February 24, 1886, T. E. Van Orden, from February 24, 1886,to April 20, 1896; Andrew Sprowl, from September 20, 1896 to July 4, 1897; Isaac West, from April 30, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Russell, from April 27, 1863, to November 27, 1867; Oscar Tyler, from November 25, 1867, to April 26, 1871; C. M. Iverson from March 17, 1875, to October 4, 1883; C. McReary, from October 4, 1883, to February 24, 1886; Mel- vin Harmon, from February 24, 1886, to January 22, 1890; George Dewey, from January 22, 1890, to April 8, 1894; Arthur Paxman, from April 8, 1894, to September 20, 1896; Calvin Hall, from April 20, 1896, to October 30, 1898; Angus Sprowl, from October 30 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 387 Secretaries Oliver Harmon, from April 27, 1863, to March 4, 1883; M. A. Chidester, from March 4, 1883, to December 28, 1884; John Schiess, from December 28, 1884, to September 20, 1885; An- drew Sprowl, from February 20, 1885, to November 11, 1888; Tilda Iverson, from November 11, 1888, to March 27, 1892; Mary Jolley, from March 27, 1892, to August 27, 1893; Annie Sprowl, from Aug- ust 27, 1893, to April 8, 1894; Metta Ford, from April 8, 1894, to December 31, 1899. ST. JOSEPH STAKE. This stake of Zion embraces settlements in Graham and Cochise -counties in Arizona. Within it are 13 Sunday Schools. The stake Sunday School organization has been in existence since June 3, 1883. There are 7 Sunday School missionaries called to aid the superinten- dency of the stake. Successive officers are named below: Superintendents Alfred Cluff, from June 3, 1883, to September 18, 1886; John W. Johnson, from September 18, 1886, to May 16, 1891; Samuel J. Sims, from September, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents S. F. Wilson, from June 3, 1883, to September 18, 1886; H. Brinkerhoff, from September 18, 1886, to May 16, 1891; William Ransom, from March 13, 1892, to January 29, 1898; P. H. McBride, from February 12, 1898, to October, 1899; William E. McBride, from September 30, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas S. Merrill, from June 3, 1883, to March 16, 1891; Daniel R. Kemp, from Septem- ber 15, 1891, to April 27, 1894; E. M. Curtis, from April 27, 1894, to Jannary 26, 1895; William E. McBride, from May 11, 1895, to Septem- ber 30, 1899; Emil Maeser, from September 30, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jessie Martineau, from June 3, 1883, to Septem- ber 18, 1886; W. T. Webb, from September 18, 1886, to May 16, 1891; John Nash, from September, 1891, to June 1893; George McDonald;* R. W. Fuller, from September, 1896, to February 12, 1898; Samuel Green, from February 12 to September 24, 1898; David H. Weech, from October 29, 1898, to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. 388 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. BRYCE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On April 6, 1890, this school began with 13 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. It was first held in the house of Alma N. Bryce. It is now conducted in the ward meeting- house and has an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 66 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents William I. Porter, from April 6, 1890, to March 24, 1895; David Claridge, from March 24, 1895, to February 16, 1896; Thomas B. Nelson, from March 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Ebenezer P. Bryce, from Sep- tember, 28, 1890, to February 5, 1893; Alma M. Bryce, from March 21, 1895, to February 16, 1896; John W. Mattice, from February 8, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John W. Mattice, from Sep- tember 28, 1890, to February 5, 1893; John Felshaw, from February 8, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Johana Merrill, from April 6 to September 28, 1890; Olive Felshaw, from September 28, 1890, to February 5, 1893; Caroline Bryce, from February 5, 1893, to December 31, 1899. CENTRAL SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized by Bishop Joseph Cluff, and for a time was held in his house, afterwards mov- ing to the ward schoolhouse. It has been in existence since Decem- ber 23, 1883. At the time of organization the enrollment was 8 officers and teachers and 12 pupils. At present it has 18 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries of the school are given below, the period each officer has served is unobtainable, owing to loss of records. Superintendents Joseph E. Cluff, George R. Shirts. First assistant superintendents (since December 23, 1883) Henry Clemens, John Warren, Jacob Bigler, Alma Mattice, David W. Cluff, and Brigham Cluff. Second assistant superintendents Daniel Whitbeck, G. R. Shirts, Louis Norton, William Bigler, and Benjamin Whitmer. Secretaries Charles Dubois, Emma Warren, Viola Haws, Lydia Coombs. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 389 EDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. This was formerly known as the Curtis school. It has been organized since June 4, 1882, when it began with 10 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. It has since increased in numbers to 18 officers and teachers and 132 pupils. It is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Alvin B. Kemp ton, from June 4, 1882, to Jan- uary 21, 1884; Samuel J. Sims, from January 21, 1884, to April, 1885; S. N. Instrom, from April, 1885, to April, 1887; Alvin B. Kempton, (second term), from April, 1887, to January 14, 1890; S. M. Colvin, from January 14, 1890, to August 6, 1892; Truman Try on, from August 6, 1892, to March 14, 1895; Alva S. Porter, from March 14 to October 4, 1895; Charles M. Smithson, from October 6, 1895, to February 14, 1898: Thomas A. Fuller, from February 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Moses M. Curtis, from June 4, 1882, to January 21, 1884; Parley Sabins, from January 21, 1884, to April, 1885; Alvin B. Kempton, from April, 1885, to April, 1887; L. M. Colvin, from April, 1887, to January 14, 1890; Truman Tryon, from January 14, 1890, to August 6, 1892; John L. Oliver, from August 6, 1892, to March 14, 1895; Charles W. Smithson, from March 14 to October 6, 1895; George 0. Curtis, from October 6, 1895, to February 14, 1898; Stephen F. Wilson, from February 14, 1898, to January 1, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Parley Sabins, from January 4, 1882, to January 21, 1884; William R. Hawkins, from January, 21, 1884, to April, 1887; Henry D. Colvin, from April, 1887, to January 14, 1890; Thomas A. Fuller, from January 14, 1890, to August 6, 1892; William A. Clark, from August 6, 1892, to October 6, 1895; Thomas R. Fuller, from October 6, 1895, to February 14, 1898; George 0. Curtis, from February 14, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William R. Hawkins, from June 4, 1882, to Janu- ary 21, 1884; Reuben W. Fuller, from January 21, 1884, to April, 1887; Samuel N. Higgins, from April, 1887, to January 14, 1890; Martha M. Tryon, from January 14, 1890, to August 6, 1892; Eliza J. Curtis, from August 6, 1892 ; to March 14, 1895; Mary L. Plumb, 390 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS'. from March 14 to October 6, 1895; Hannah J. Oliver, from October 6, 1895, to February 14, 1898; Annie M. Plumb, from February 14,. 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Alvin B. Kempton, Jane Kempton,. Lachoneus M. Colvin, John H. Plumb, and Moses Curtis have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Charles W. Smithson and Eliza- beth Curtis over 25 years. ENTERPRISE SUNDAY SCHOOL is superintended by A. H. Bennett. It has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. No- further report of the school has been received. FRANKLIN SUNDAY SCHOOL began March 28, 1897, with 7 officers- and teachers and 35 pupils. Since that time it has increased in num- ber to 17 officers and teachers and 103 pupils. James Gale has been superintendent and George H. Gale, secre- tary from the time of organization to December 31, 1899. The successive assistant superintendents are: First assistant superintendents Martin Mortenson, from March 28, to November 28, 1897; Benjamin Echols, from November 28, 1897, to February 6, 1898; JohnT. Wilkinson, from February 6, 1898, to January 22, 1899; William B. Maxwell, from January 22, to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James A. McGrath, from March 28, 1897, to February 6, 1898; Erastus West, from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. GRAHAM SUNDAY SCHOOL. Beginning May 27, 1883 the date- of its organization this school was held for one year in the house of George Skinner. It is now conducted in the ward schoolhouse. There were 7 officers and teachers enrolled at the time of its organ- ization; at present the number enrolled is 17 officers and teachers and 68 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George Skinner and Ira Kempton. First assistant superintendents Oliver C. Wilson, from January, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 391 1888, to June, 1894; Peter 0. Peterson, from June, 1894, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Leonard Jewell, Benjamin Echols and James T. Talley. Secretaries Leonard Jewell, from March, 1886, to April, 1887; William Herbit, from April, 1887, to May, 1888; John E. Golding, from May, 1888, to November, 1890; S. E. Jewell, from November, 1890, to March, 1894; Mary Peterson, from March, 1894, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The historical report shows that George Skinner has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. LAYTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school dates from May 25, 1884, when it began with 5 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its present enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 183 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Orvel M. Allen, from April 11, 1886, to June 10, 1888; William J. Packer, from June 24, 1888, to January 20, 1898; Alma H. Bennett, from February 6, 1898, to January 8, 1899; Warren R. Reed, from January 15, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William J. Packer, from Octo- ber, 30, 1886, to June 10, 1888; James R. Welker, from June 24, 1888, to September 16, 1894; Benjamin F. Peel, from October 21, 1894, to October 13, 1895; Austin Evans, from October 13, 1895, to January 8, 1899; Robert A. Smith, Jr., from January 15 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Layton, from October 30, 1886, to June 10, 1888; John W. Morris, from June 24, 1888, to January 20, 1898; Melvin Montierth, f rom February 6, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries James R. Welker, from October 30, 1886, to June 10, 1888; Vilda Montierth, from June 24, 1888, to August 30, 1890; Mary A. Packer, from September 7, 1890, to January 21, 1894; Euphemia Welker, from January 28, 1894, to November 3, 1895; Ada Tippetts,. 392 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. from November 10, 1895, to January 20, 1898; Luella Welker from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William J. Packer has been a worker in the Sunday School cause over 25 years. MATTHEWS SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized December 26, 1886, and its first session was on January 2, 1887. It is held in the Carter district schoolhouse. The number of officers and teachers at the time of organization was 14 and the number of pupils 43. The present en- rollment shows 17 officers and teachers and 78 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents Colman B. Boren, from January 2, 1887, to May 10, 1896; Lehi Larson, from September, 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Solomon F. Matthews, from Jan- uary, 2, 1887, to September, 1897; Heber K. Maxham, from Septem- ber 20, 1896, to April 9, 1899; Charles A. Matthews, from April 9, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents B. W. Johnson, from January 2, 1887, to March 24, 1889; Charles A. Matthews, from March 24, 1889, to November 12, 1894; Elroy Wilkins, from December, 1894, to September 20, 1896; Colman B. Boren, Jr., from September 20, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John D. Matthews, from December 26, 1886, to June 1, 1888; Sarah E. Carter, from June 1, 1888, to April 20, 1890; Gustalla Wilkins, from April 20, 1890, to October 18, 1891; George A. Matthews, from October 18, 1891, to January 9, 1898; Charles 0. Larsen, from January, 1898, to December 31, 1899. PIMA SUNDAY SCHOOL (formerly Smithville) dates its beginning from August 30, 1879, at which time the ward belonged to the Snow- flake Stake. The school was first held at the residence of Joseph K. Rogers. It is now conducted in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 25 officers and teachers and 265 pupils. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are given below: DAUGHTERS OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 393. Superintendents Sidney Worsley, from August 30, 1879, to Jan- uary 4, 1880; Hyrum Weech, from January 4 to October 23, 1880; Arthur Newell, from October 23, 1880, to June 26, 1883; James Gale, from October 12, 1884, to May 9, 1886; Lehi Larsen, from May 9, 1886, to May 22, 1887; John H. Nuttall, from May 22, 1887, to October 9, 1890; Joseph K. Rogers, from October 9, 1890, to March 15, 1891; James McBride, from March 15 to October 25, 1891; Joseph H. Lines, from October 25, 1891, to December 4, 1892; Joseph Foster, from December 4, 1892, to February 6, 1898; David H. Weech, from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alfred Cluif, from October 23, 1880, to October 12, 1884; John W. Johnson, from October 12, 1884, to May 9, 1886; John H. Nuttall, from May 9, 1886, to May 22, 1887; Alex Wilkins, from May 22, 1887, to May 27, 1890; W. T. Webb, from May 27, to October 9, 1890; W. J. Ransom, from October 9, 1890, to March 15, 1891; W. W. Crockett, from March 15, 1891, to December 4, 1892; James A. McBride, from December 4, 1892, to December 25, 1893; James McBride, from December 25, 1893, to March 4, 1894; Joseph K. Rogers, from March 4, 1894, to February 6, 1898; John E. Taylor, from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Winfred Moody, from October 23, 1880, to October 12, 1884; William Crookslon, from October 12, 1884, to January 22, 1885; Lehi Larsen, from January 22, 1885, to May 9, 1886; David Johnson, from May 9, to September 25, 1886; George A. Martineau, from May 27, to October 9, 1890; Charles N. Birdno, from March 15, to October 25, 1891 ; William B. Ballard, from October 25, 1891, to December 4, 1892; John E. Taylor, from De- cember 4, 1892, to January 7, 1894; John F. Nash, from January 7, 1897, to February 6, 1898; Robert F. McBride, from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Annie Cluff, from August 30, 1879, to October 23, 1880; William J. Ransom, from October 23, 1880, to October 9, 1890; Fred. Webb, from October 9, 1890, to March 15, 1891; Joseph H. Lines, from March 15, to October 25, 1891; David H. Weech, from October 25, 1891, to August 7, 1892; W. T. Webb, from December 4, 1892, to January 7, 1894; Joseph A. Taylor, from January 7, 1894, 25 394 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to February 24, 1895; William Whipple, from February 24, to April 1, 1895; Susie Sims, from April 1, 1895, to May 17, 1896; Emma Walsch, from May 17, 1896, to February 7, 1897; Laura Haynie, from April 4, 1897, to April 2, 1899; Jennie Follett, from April 2, to December 31, 1899. Hubbard Sunday School is a branch of that of Pima, and was- organized in March 1899, with Freeman Hubbard, superintendent; Nehe- miah Holy oak, first assistant and William Wamsley, second assistant; Lucy Wamsley, secretary. It has 15 officers and teachers and 31 pupils. ST. DAVID SUNDAY SCHOOL began in the spring of 1878, being held at that time in the old Rock Fort. The school is now held in the Latter-day Saints' Hall. It has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 74 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Seth A. Merrill, from spring of 1878 to Aug- ust 27, 1882; E. F. Hubbard, from August 27, 1882, to February 4, 1883; Joseph N. Curtis, from February 4 to June 10, 1883; D. J. Merrill, from June 10, 1883, to March 6, 1885; John J. Busby, from March 6, 1885, to October 7, 1888; J. N. Christensen, from October 7, 1888, to January 1, 1890; J. C. Roundy, from January 1, 1890, to August 14, 1892; John J. Busby, (second term), from August 14, 1892, to February 10, 1898; John K. McRae, from February 10, 1898, to October 8, 1899; Francis N. Goodman, from October 8 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Steele; M. G. Trejo;* Joseph N. Curtis, from August 27, 1882, to February 4, 1883; Fred J. May, from February 4 to June 10, 1883; M. H. Merrill, from June 10, 1883, to March 6, 1885; Joseph G. Allred; Joseph McRae;* Seth A. Merrill, from October 7, 1888, to January 1, 1890; Joseph A. McRae, from January 1, 1890, to August 14, 1892; George Reed, from August 14, 1892, to September 3, 1893; F. N. Goodman, from September 3, 1893, to February 10, 1898; Samuel B. Curtis, from *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 395 February 10, 1898, to October 8, 1899; Horace B. Owens, from October 8 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Maria McRae;E. F. Hubbard;* D. J. Merrill, from August 27, 1882, to February 4, 1883; M. G. Trejo, from February 4 to June 10, 1883; H. S. Bryson, from June 10, 1883, to March 6, 1885; Thomas E. Williams, from March 6, 1885, to October 7, 1888; W. R. Bingham, from October 7, 1888, to January 1, 1890; C. H. Wilds, from January 1, 1890, to August 14, 1892; F. N. Goodman, from August 14, 1892, to September 3, 1893; John K. McRae, from September 3, 1893, to November 15, 1896; Parley P. Sabin, from November 15, 1896, to February 10, 1898; F. N. Goodman, from February 10, 1898, to October 8, 1899; H. C. Kimball, from October 8, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hulda Hubbard;* Joseph A. McRae, from February 4, 1883, to March 6, 1885; P. C. Merrill, Jr.; Annie McRae;* E. T. Lof- green, from November 15, 1896, to February 4, 1899; Anna J. Lof- green, from February 4 to December 31, 1899. St. David Branch Sunday School has an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 44 pupils. It is conducted by Samuel Curtis. THATCHER SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since March 18, 1883, and for sometime the school met in private houses or in a bowery. It is now held in the academy building. Prior to its organ- ization its members were pupils of the Pima Sunday School. It be- gan with 7 officers and teachers and 20 pupils, and has since increased in enrollment to 39 officers and teachers and 389 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: Superintendents F. Winfred Moody, from March 18, 1883, to May 1, 1887; Hans N. Chlarson, from May 1, 1887, to October 11, 1890; Seth Jones, from October 11, 1890, to October 18, 1891; Thomas E. Williams, from October 18, 1891, to October 3, 1897; Edwin M. Curtis, from October 3, 1897, to February 20, 1898; David A. Despain, from January 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents David Cluff, from March 18, "The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 396 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1883, to April 6, 1884; Erastus S. Carpenter, from April 6, 1884, to May 1, 1887; David A. Despain, from May 1, 1887, to October 11, 1891; William A. Moody, from October 18, 1891, to October 3, 1894; David A. Despain, from October 28, 1894, to January 20, 1898; James A. Duke, from January 20, to October 30, 1898; Edward C. Phillips, from October 30, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Alger, from March 18, 1883, to July 18, 1886; Orson Brown, from July 18, 1886, to May 1, 1887; Martin Mortenson, from May 1, 1887, to January l,1888;Seth Jones, from January 1, 1888, to October 11, 1890; Heber Layton, from October 11, 1890, to October 18, 1891; John Birdno, from Oc. tober 18, 1891, to October 3, 1897; Martin Mortenson, from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Heber Chlarson, from April 6, to September 6, 1884; James D. Carpenter, from September 6, 1884, to February 13, 1887; John Birdno, from February 13, 1887, to October 11, 1890; Sarah Allred, from October 11, 1890, to October 18, 1891; James A. Duke, from February 14, to August 21, 1892; William C. Faulkner, from August 21, 1892, to December 17, 1893; Mary Mc- Rae, from August 12, 1894, to December 31, 1899. ST. JOHNS STAKE. This stake was formerly known as the Eastern Arizona Stake. It embraces settlements in Apache County, Arizona, and Socorro and Valencia counties, New Mexico. There are at present 8 schools organ- ized in the stake. The stake superintendency was organized July 22, 1887, with William D. Rencher, superintendent; Charles Jarvis, first assistant; Elisha Averett, second assistant. The names of successive stake officers are: Superintendents William D. Rencher, from July 22, 1887, to September 4, 1892; J. W. Brown, from September 4, 1892, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Jarvis, from July 22 t 1887, to September 4, 1892, and from March 4, 1894, to June 7, 1896; C. P. Anderson, from September 4, to December 4,1892; C. I. Kempe, from June 7, 1896, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 397 Second assistant superintendents Elisha Averett, from July 22, 1887, to September 4, 1 892; Charles Jarvis, from September 4, to De- cember 4, 1892; W. G. Black, from December 4, 1892, to June 7, 1896; S. M. Jensen, from June 7, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries R. D. Greer, from September 4 to December 4, 1892; James W. Lesueur, from June 7, 1896, to March 6, 1898; E, N. Free- man, Jr., from March, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Christopher I. Kempe, has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; and J. W. Brown over 25 years. ALPINE SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Alpine, Apache County, Arizona, was organized December 10, 1880. Its first officers were: William G. Black* superintendent; Milton Dailey, first assistant; Joseph Lily white, sec- ond assistant; Daphne Hamblin, secretary. The names of their suc- cessors in office are: Superintendents Joseph N. Heywood, from April 10, 1881, to April 3, 1888; William Reid, from April 3, 1888, to June 2, 1889; James Peterson, from June 2, 1889, to June, 1892; Erastus S. Wake- field, from June, 1892, to December 2, 1894; John H. Standifird, from December 2, 1894, to October 6,1895; and from August 8, 1897, to Aug- ust 12, 1899; Thomas Hatch, from February 9, to March 1, 1896; Erastus S. Wakefield, (second term) from March 1, 1896, to July ? 1897; E. A. Noble, from August 12, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Prime T. Coleman, Jr., from April 3, 1888, to June 2, 1889; James Mortensen, from June 2, 1889, to September 20, 1891 ; Joseph N. McFat'e, from September 20, 1891, to June, 1892; Charles H. Pearce, from June, 1892, to October 6, 1895; Oscar Hamblin, from March 1, 1896, to July, 1897; S. H. Pearce, from August 8, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William G. Black, from April 10, 1881, to April 3, 1888; Daniel Russell, from April 3, 1888, to June 2, 1889; Thomas Hatch, from June 2, 1889, to June, 1892; Ammon McFate, from June, 1892, to December 2, 1894; L. D. Hamb- lin, from December 2, 1894, to October 6, 1895; Erastus Skouson, from March 1, 1896, to July, 1897; Erastus S. Wakefield, from Aug- ust 8, 1897, to August 13, 1899; Herbert R. Burk, from August 13, to December 31, 1899. 398 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries Sarah F. Heywood, from April 10, 1881, to June 10, 1883; Prime T. Coleman, Jr., from June 10, 1883; to November 22, 1885; Helena Kempe, from November 22, 1885, to July 24, 1887; Inez Hamblin, from July 24, 1887, to April 3, 1888; Susie Coleman, from April 3, 1888, to December 14, 1889; Madeline Dailey, from December 14, 1889, to December 2, 1894; Annie Jepson, from De- cember 2, 1894, to October 6, 1895; Maud Noble, from March 1, 1896, to July 1897; Jane Jepson, from August 8, 1897, to Septem- ber 11, 1898; Ona Pearce, from September 11, 1898, to August 13, 1899; Alice Pearce, from August 13 to December 31, 1899. The school holds its sessions in the Alpine meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. CONCHO SUNDAY SCHOOL. The town of Concho is in Apache County, Arizona. When this school was organized in the year 1880> Horace Russell was superintendent; George Bryan, first asssistant; and Moroni Martineau, second'assistant. The superintendency remained the same until 1882. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries who succeeded those named above are: Superintendents George Bryan, from 1882 to 1884; Erastus Wakefield, from 1884 to 1889; Joseph Rodgers, from March 31, 1889, to July 24, 1892; Aaron E. Cheeney, from July 24, 1892, to February 4, 1894; John Bilby, from February 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Alonzo McGrath, from 1882 to 1884; Joseph Rodgers, from 1884 to 1886; Charles- H. Riggs, from 1886 to 1889; John Bilby, from March 31, 1889, to July 24, 1892; George H. Killian, from July 24, 1892, to February 4, 1894; Elam Cheeney, Jr., from February 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Scott, from 1882 to 1884; James J. Brady, from 1884 to 1886; George H. Killian, from 1886 to July 24, 1892; Joseph Kempe, from July 24, 1892, to Feb- ruary 4, 1894; David Sanders, Jr., from February 4, 1894, to July 13, 1896; Charles H. Riggs, from July 13, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary Johnson, from 1884 to 1886; Helena Kempe, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 399 from 1886 to July 24, 1892; Helena Kempe Naegle, from July 24, 1892, to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school is 18 officers and teachers and 52 pupils. It convenes in the Relief Society Hall. EAGAR SUNDAY SCHOOL, formerly known as the Union Ward school, is situated in Apache County, Arizona. It was organized Jan- uary 12, 1890, by uniting the schools of Amity and Omer, two organ- izations which had been conducted for sometime previously, the records of which are not obtainable. It held its first session the fol- lowing Sunday, January 19th. There were 15 officers and teachers and 145 pupils enrolled at the the time of organization. The names of the successive officers of the school are: Superintendents E. W. Wiltbank, from January 12, 1890, to November 3, 1895; John M. Black, from November, 3, 1895, to November 29, 1896; Joseph A. Rencher, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John M. Black, from January 12, 1890, to November 25, 1894; Joseph A. Rencher, from November 25, 1894, to November 29, 1896, Heber Jarvis, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joel S. Eagar, from January 12, 1890, to June 12, 1891; Elijah R. DeWitt, from June 12, 1891, to November 3, 1895; Elisha Averett, from January 5, to June 21, 1896; Heber Jarvis, from July 12 to November 29, 1896; Walter J. Winsor, from November 29, 1896, to April 9, 1899; William W. Eagar, from May 14 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Hyrum Davis, from January 12, 1890, to October 12, 1892; George H. Crosby, Jr., from October 12, 1892, to March 26, 1893; Edwin E. Taylor, from March 26, 1893, to November 25, 1894; Belle Rencher, from November 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The school now numbers 20 officers and teachers and 183 pupils. GREER SUNDAY SCHOOL. The town of Greer is in Apache ounty, Arizona. The Sunday School of this place was organized August 2, 1896, and held its first session the same day. J. W. 400 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. McDaniel was the superintendent at the time of organization and still holds that position; Duane Hamblin was first assistant super- intendent at the time of organization; he was succeeded in this office on January 3, 1897, by D. H. Wright, who was succeeded by S. H. Howell, the present incumbent, on April, 2, 1899. J. N. Butler, was second assistant superintendent at the time of organization, and was succeeded in office on January 3, 1897, by Samuel Hale. E, R. DeWitt was the first secretary of the school and served from the date of organization till May 8, 1898, when he was succeeded by Florence Wiltbank, the latter being succeeded by W. S. Gibbons, the present secretary, November 5, 1899. At the time of organization there were 11 officers and teachers in the school. The number of pupils is not known. At present the enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. The school meets in the Greer schoolhouse. LUNA SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is situated in Socorro County, New Mexico, and formerly belonged to the Snowflake Stake of Zion. It was organized November 4, 1883, and began its sessions the following Sunday. A Sunday School was held for sometime pre- ious to this organization, and was conducted by William Swapp. When the complete organization was effected on the above date, William Swapp was retained as superintendent, with C. G. Williams, first assistant superintendent; Melvin Swapp, second assistant super- intendent; and Martha C. Swapp, secretary. When first organized the school numbered 46, including officers, teachers and pupils. Its present enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 100 pupils. The names of the successive officers of the school are as fol- lows: Superintendents William Swapp, from November 4, 1883, to 1886; Edward Allen, from 1886 to April 15, 1888; Walter Coplan, from April 15 to December 2, 1888; Samuel B. Tenney, from Decem- ber 2, 1888, to August 21, 1892; William Laney, from January 15^ 1893, to July 15, 1896; Mansel H. Thompson, from July 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. G. Williams, from November JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 401 4, 1883, to 1886; Theodore Moody, from 1886 to April 15, 1888; Melvin Swapp, from April 15 to December 2, 1888; William Laney, from December 2, 1888, to August 21, 1892; Charles Hampshire, from January 15, 1893, to July 15, 1896; J. D. Lee, from July 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Melvin Swapp, from Novem- ber 4, 1883, to 1886; Samuel Tenney, from 1886 to April 15, 1888; Stephen A. Brown, from April 15 to December 2, 1888; Melvin Swapp, from December 2, 1888, to August 21, 1892; and from July 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899; William Brown, from January 15, 1893, to July 15, 1896. Secretaries Martha Swapp, from November 4, 1883, to 1886;. Jemima Adair, from 1886 to December 2, 1888; M. H. Thompson, from December 2, 1888, to August 21, 1892; Maggie Coplan, from January 15, 1893, to July 15, 1896; Rachel Thompson, from July 15, 1896, to March, 1898; Ida M. Thompson, from March, 1898, to December 31, 1899. NUTRIOSO SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated in Apache County, Ari- zona. Its organization was effected in September, 1880, with George W. Adair, superintendent; John W. Lee, first assistant superintend- ent; Jemima Adair, secretary. It began with a total membership of 12. The original officers served till January 1, 1885. The names of successive officers since that time are: Superintendents Lemuel A. Pace, from January 1, 1885, to De- cember 27, 1887; Lorenzo J. Brown, from December 27, 1887, to March 25, 1888; George W. Adair, from March 25, 1888, to Novem- ber 17, 1889; Duane Hamblin, from November 17, 1889, to April 8, 1894; Milton M. Gibbs, from April 8, 1894, to April 26, 1896; Orson Wilkins, from April 26, 1896, to October 9, 1898; George Wilkins, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Clark, from January 1, 1885, to December 27, 1887; Lemuel A. Pace, from December, 27, 1887, to March 25, 1888; John W. Lee, from January 15, 1888, to January 27, 1889; Jeremiah Harradence, from January 27 to Novem- ber 17, 1889; Lyman S. Hamblin; Milton M. Gibbs;* James B. Pace, from * The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 402 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. April 8, 1894, to April 26, 1896; Charles S. Love, from April 26, 1896, to October 9, 1898; Warren M. Tenney, from October 22 to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George W. Adair, from De- cember 27, 1887, to April, 1888; Jeremiah Harrradence, from April 1, 1888, to January 27, 1889, Elis W. Wiltbank, from January 27, to November 17, 1889; Milton M. Gibbs; James B. Pace;* Orson Wil- kins, from April 8, 1894, to April 26, 1896, Lorenzo J. Brown, Jr., from April 26, 1896, to September 19, 1897. Secretaries William D. Rencher, from January 1, 1885, to De- cember 27, 1887; Annie P. Lee, from December 27, 1887, to January 25, 1888; Annie S. Frost, from January 15 to March 25, 1888; James B. Pace, from March 25, 1888, to February 10, 1889; Orson Wilkins; Mary Hamblin;* Lorena Pace, from November 15, 1896, to September 19, 1897; Rhoda F. Wilkins, from September 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school holds sessions in the district schoolhouse, and the pres- ent enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 58 pupils. The historical report shows that Lucinda Wilkins has been a Sun- day School worker for more than 30 years. RAMAH SUNDAY SCHOOL. When first begun, this school was known as the Navajo Sunday School, and was a branch of the St. Johns school, Arizona. Ramah is in Valencia County, New Mexico, and formerly belonged to the Snowflake Stake of Zion. The Sunday School here was organized August 6, 1882, and its first session was held Aug- ust 13th following, at the house of J. K. P. Pipkin. Its first officers were: Peter Nielson, superintendent; James R. McNiel, first assistant; James B. Ashcroft, second assistant; James E. Garn, secretary. There were 12 officers and teachers enrolled at the time of beginning. The number of pupils is not now obtainable. The names of those who have labored as superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries of the school are: Superintendents Peter Nielson, from August 6, 1882, to Febru- ary 1, 1885; James R. McNiel, from February 1, 1885, to December 19, 1886; Henry George, from December 19, 1886, to January 15, *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 403 1888; Frihoff G. Nielson, from January 15, 1888, to September 24, 1899; J. E. Ashcroft, from September 24 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James R. McNiel, from August 13, 1882, to February 1, 1885; James B. Ashcroft, from February 1, 1885, to December 19, 1886; William F. James, from December 19, 1886, to January 15, 1888; Samuel E. Lewis, from November 11, 1888, to September 24, 1899; W. H. Bond, from November 26 to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James B. Ashcroft, from Aug- ust 13, 1882, to February 1, 1885; James H. Hatch, from November 8, 1885, to December 19, 1886; John T. Nielson, from December 19, 1886, to January 15, 1888; James E. Garn, from February 15, 1891, to August 28, 1892; Josiah E. Ashcroft, from November 26, 1893, to September 24, 1899. Secretaries James E. Garn, from August 13, 1882, to February 1, 1885; Josiah E. Ashcroft, from February 1, 1885, to January 15, 1888; Mary E.Everett, from January 15 to November 18, 1888; Clara Nielson, from November 18, 1888, to June 28, 1896; Emma Pearl Nielson, from June 28, 1896, to August 22, 1897; Mary Elizabeth Nielson, from April 24, 1898, to November 26, 1899; Margaret E. Bond, from November 26 to December 31, 1899. The school meets in the Ramah schoolhouse. Its present enroll- ment is 13 officers and teachers and 47 pupils. The historical report shows that Superintendent Frihoff Nielson has been engaged in Sunday School labors for upwards of 25 years. ST. JOHNS SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Apache County, Arizona, was organized September 1, 1880, in a brush bowery. Its officers at the time were: Joseph H. Watkins, superintendent; E. A. Noble, first assistant ; John Sherwood, second assistant; Emma Richey, secre- tary. The number of officers and teachers at the time of organ- ization was 5; the number of pupils enrolled at that time is not known. At present there are in the school 25 officers and teachers and 219 pupils. The school is held in the St. Johns Assembly Hall. Following is a list of the names of the superintendents and as- sistants who have labored in the school: Superintendents J. H. Watkins, from September 1, 1880, to 404 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. December 27, 1882; D. C. Babbitt, from December 27, 1882, to Oc- tober 23, 1887; J. H. Murdock, from October 23, 1887, to February 1, 1891; J. W. Brown, from February 1, 1891, to October 9, 1892; Henry Boshard, from October 9, 1892, to October 21, 1894; Marinus Christensen, from October 21, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. A. Noble, from September L 1880, to February 27, 1881; C. I. Kempe, from February 27, 1881, to December 27, 1882; Simon Hansen, from December 27, 1882, to De- cember 28, 1884; W. J. Packer, from December 28, 1884, to October 23, 1887; S. M. Jensen, from October 23, 1887, to February 1, 1891; C. P. Anderson, from February 1, 1891, to October 9, 1892; M. Christensen, from October 23, 1892, to October 21, 1894; Nofear Davis, from October 21, 1894, to March 10, 1898; Alexander Shreeve, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Sherwood, from Sep- tember 1, 1880, to February 27, 1881; Ralph Ramsey, from February 27, 1881, to December 27, 1882; John Butler, from December 27, 1882, to December 28, 1884; J. H. Murdock, from December 28, 1884, to October 23, 1887; W. S. Hill, from October 23, 1887, to January 5, 1890; Peter Peterson, from January 5, 1890, to February 1, 1891; W. E. Platt, from February 1, 1891, to October 9, 1892; No- fear Davis, from October 23, 1892, to October 21, 1894; Alexander Shreeve, from October 21, 1894, to September 11, 1898; John E. White, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The officers of the school on December 31, 1899, were: Marinus Christensen, superintendent; Alexander Shreeve, first assistant; John E. White, second assistant; Ephraim Overson, secretary. STAR VALLEY STAKE. The settlements of the Latter-day Saints now embraced in this stake were formerly a part of the Bear Lake Stake of Zion. They are all situated in Uinta County, Wyoming. The stake Sunday School super- intendency was organized November 12, 1892, with Edmund McLatchie, superintendent; Melvin Henderson, first assistant; Emery Barrus, second assistant; and John D. Wilkes, secretary. On December 31, 1898, First Assistant Superintendent Melvin Henderson was sue- JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 405 ceeded in office by Edward Davis; and on July 17, 1898, Secretary John D. Wilkes was succeeded by Gibson A. Condie. There are 9 Sunday Schools in the stake, and there are two stake Sunday School missionaries associated with the superintendency Daniel J. Clark and John N. Anderson. The historical report shows that Assistant Superintendent Edward Davis has been a Sunday School worker for more than 25 years. APTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organization of this school is June 27, 1886, and its first session was held July 11, following. At the time of organization there were 11 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. Its present enrollment is 27 officers and teachers and 301 pupils. The place of holding school is the Afton meetinghouse. Successive officers of the school are as follows: Superintendents Orson H. Eggleston, from June 27, 1886, to January 1, 1888; A. V. Call, from January 1, 1888, to October 13, 1890; C. G. Cazier, from October 13, 1890, to November 19, 1899; B. H. Allred, Jr., from November 19 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Lucius Hale, from June 27, 1886, to January 1, 1888; C. G. Cazier, from January 1, 1888, to October 13, 1890; Harvey Dixon, from October 13, 1890, to December 18, 1892; Barnard B. Parry, from December 18, 1892, to December 15, 1895; Arthur Burton, from December 15, 1895, to November 19, 1899; Thomas H. Wilde, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Hans J. Nelson, from June 27, 1886, to January 1, 1888; Harvey Dixon, from January 1, 1888, to October 13, 1890; C. C. Leavitt, from October 13, 1890, to May, 1892; John Neild, from May to December 18, 1892; Thomas H. Wilde, from December 18, 1892, to November 19, 1899; A. V. Call, Jr., from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Cazier, from June 27, 1886, to Decem- ber 18, 1892; Clarence Gardner, from December 18, 1892, to January 20, 1895; A. V. Call, Jr., from January 20, 1895, to November 19, 1899, Lucy I. Call, from November 19, to December 31, 1899. AUBURN SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized November 20, 1887, and 406 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. held its first session November 27 following. It began with six officers and teachers and 20 pupils. At present its enrollment is 12 officers and teachers and 106 pupils. Its sessions are held in the Auburn ward meetinghouse. Successive officers of the school are as follows: Superintendents Charles Leavitt, from November 27, 1887, to July 21, 1889; Hyrum D. Clark, from July 21, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel L. Rawlins, from Novem- ber 20, 1887, to April 22, 1894; Mary H. Porter, from September 24, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Briggs, from July 21, 1889, to December 6, 1891; Daniel T. Wood, from September 24, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter Allen, from November 20, 1887, to July 21, 1889; William E. Corbridge, from July 21, 1889, to July 14, 1895; Alice E. Corbridge, from September 1, 1895, to April 24, 1898; Linda Toland, from July 3, 1898, to December 31, 1899. BEDFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 25, 1895, and held its first session in a bowery on Bedford townsite. Its original officers were: Quincy K. Kimball, superintendent; John U. Moser, first assistant superintendent; Moroni Clark, second assistant superin- tendent; Elizabeth R. Turner, secretary. At its organization its enrollment was 8 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. On January 25, 1899, some changes were made in the officers, (owing to the superintendent removing from the town) and since then the following- named have been acting: John U. Moser, superintendent; Moroni Clark, first assistant; Alonzo Merritt, second assistant; Elizabeth R. T. Hinck, secretary. There are at present 18 officers and teachers and 108 pupils enrolled in the school. Sessions are held in the Bed- ford meetinghouse. BELLVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL, formerly called the Cottonwood school, was organized on July 14, 1889. It has an enrollment of 14 officers and teachers and 135 pupils, and is held in the ward meeting- house. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 407 The first superintendents of the school were: Henry Standley, superintendent; Joshua Crook, first assistant; Ole Jensen, second assistant. These officers were succeeded on December 5, 1897, by the following-named, who are the present incumbents: Wilber T. Cranney, superintendent; George W. Bruce, first assistant; Stephen K. Wilbur, second assistant. Successive secretaries are: Electa Wal- ton, from July 14, 1889, to January 29, 1893; Lide Kingston, from January 29, 1893, to June 2, 1895; W. T. Cranney, from June 2, 1895, to December 5, 1897; Lizzie Parsons, from December 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. DRY CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL This school belongs to the Afton ward, and was organized January 15, 1893. It convenes in the Dry Creek schoolhouse. The school began with 11 officers and teachers and 47 pupils; it now has 9 officers and teachers and 67 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Samuel Henderson, superin- tendent; Nephi N. Hill, first assistant; Thomas R. Wilson, second assistant; Mary Jane Henderson, secretary. The same superinten- dent and secretary are still acting. First Assistant Superintendent Hill was succeeded on March 19, 1899, by Andrew Nielson; who is the present incumbent. Second Assistant Superintendent Wilson was succeeded on April 28, 1895, by Andrew Nielson; and the latter was succeeded on March 19, 1899, by George N. Perkins, the present incumbent. FAIRVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized August 4, 1889. The school began with 11 officers and teachers and 50 pupils; at present it has 22 officers and teachers and 189 pupils. The names of the successive officers who have served since the organization are: Superintendents Edward McLatchie, from August 4, 1889, to July 27, 1890; Harvey Allred, from July 27, 1890, to July 8, 1891; William A. Child, from July 8, 1891, to January 27, 1895; Levi Rich- ardson, from January 27, 1895, to November 5, 1899; Orson P. Allred, from November 5, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William A. Child; from August 4, 1889, to July 8, 1891; Levi Richardson, from July 8, 1891, to 408 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. January 27, 1895; Orville R. Child, from January 27, 1895, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Eli Sprague, from August 4, 1889, to July 8, 1891; Warren Longhurst, from July 8, 1891, to January 27, 1895; Medwin N. Allred, from January 27 to November 10 1895; Milton Tolman, from November 10, 1895, to November 5, 1899; Asa N. Allred, from November 5 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jane Tolman, from August 4, 1889, to January 25, 1895; William J. Jensen, from January 27 to November 10, 1895; Effie Allred, from November 10, 1895, to November 5, 1899; Ella Child, from November 5 to December 31, 1899. FREEDOM SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 6, 1889, and was first held in the house of A. B. Clark. The first officers were: Isaac Lee, superintendedt; B. H. Bo wen, first assistant; D. J. Bo wen, secretary. On May 19, 1895, changes occurred, and the following- named officers were installed: D. W. Rainey, superintendent; William Crouch, first assistant; Alonzo Baker, second assistant; Thomas B. Lee, secretary. On December 31, 1899, the officers were: D. W. Rainey, superintendent; Jacob Schiess, first assistant; Emil Hanson, second assistant; Florence Rainey, secretary. The school's enrollment when first organized was 14 officers and teachers and 42 pupils; at present it is 16 officers and teachers and 76 pupils. GLENCO SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Thayne, Wyoming. It was organ- ized in November, 1889, with Henry Thayne, superintendent; Thomas L. Van Noy, first assistant; Thomas E. Tittensor, second assistant, and N. B. Anderson, secretary. The term of office of these brethren continued until February 15, 1891, when a reorganization was effected with Thomas L. Van Noy, superintendent; Thomas E. Tittensor, first assistant; William Moultrie,. second assistant, and Eliza Anderson, secretary. On January 28, 1894, the school was again reorganized, with Thomas L. Van Noy, superintendent; A. F. Bracken, first assist- ant; Thomas E. Tittensor, second assistant; Louisa M. Vail secretary. The officers of the school on December 31, 1899, were Thomas L. Van Noy, superintendent; James B. Mathie, first assistant; Neils Hokan- sen, second assistant; and G. M. Roberts, secretary. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 409 At the organization of the school there were 8 officers and teach- ers and 20 pupils. The present enrollment is 16 officers and teachers and 68 pupils. The school is held in the Glenco Ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Margaret B. Mathie, whose labors ended with her death, June 21, 1899, had been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. GROVER SUNDAY SCHOOL. On December 16, 1888, this school was organized with 11 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. The first officers of the school were: E. M. Thurman, superin- tendent; H. J. Nielsen, first assistant; W. V. Bunderson, second as- sistant; Christian Hansen, secretary. On October 25, 1897, A. C. Hyde was chosen second asssistant, and on December 17, 1893, Niels Nielsen succeeded him in that position. On June 26, 1898, a com- plete change of superintendency was effected: J. F. Astle, was ap- pointed superintendent; Delos W. Hyde, first assistant; John E. Hep- worth, second assistant. These officers are still acting. Successive secretaries aside from the one already named are: Carrie Davidson, from October 25, 1891, to June 26, 1892; Kierstena Hailing, from June 26, 1892, to September 8, 1895; C. E. Peterson, from September 8, 1895, to December 6, 1897; Gibson A. Condie, from December 6, 1897, to January 1, 1899. The latter was suc- ceeded by Kierstena Hailing, and on May 14, 1899, the present secre- tary, Ella E. Griffith was appointed to the position. At the present time there are enrolled 26 officers and teachers and 125 pupils. School is held in the Grover meetinghouse. SUMMIT STAKE, The first organization comprising the Sunday Schools of Summit County, Utah, was made in the year 1873, and was known as the Summit County Sunday School Organization. Charles T. Mills was appointed county superintendent. He had no assistants nor secretary. In the year 1881 John Boyden succeeded Superintendent Mills, and is the present superintendent (December 31, 1899.) His assistants' names are: Oscar F. Lyon, first assistant, from November, 1881, to December, 1898; William Parmley, second assistant, from January, 28 410 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1883 to October, 1885; Enoch Brown, from January, 1886, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries John E. Pettit, from September, 1893, to September, 1899; Charles R. Jones, from September to December 31, 1899. Until May, 1898, the Sunday Schools of Almy, Evanston, and Rock Springs, Wyoming, were embraced in this stake. There are now 15 schools in the stake, all located in Summit County. The historical report shows that Thomas Copley and John Boyden have been workers in the Sunday School cause over 25 years. COALVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1863 a Sunday School was held in Coalville, being conducted by Thomas and John Beard. In 1866 an organization was effected with Willet Harder, superintendent. He was succeeded in turn by Ira N. Hinckley, John Boyce, John Allen, Peter Brown, Elnathan Eldredge, Robert Salmon, John Boyden and William Hodson. John Robinson, Edward Henry Rhead, Thomas Beard, William Hodson and Thomas Lewis Beech are names of successive assistant superintendents of the school. In February, 1889, Coalville was divided into the East, North and South wards, but the Sunday School continued for a time under one organization, with Edward Henry Rhead, superintendent; Wil- lard F. Smith, first assistant; and William George Rhead, second assistant. From 1890 to 1893 the officers of the Coalville North Ward Sunday School were William G. Rhead, superintendent; William Henry Branch, first assistant; Thornton Lambert, second assistant; John H. Salmon, secretary. From 1893 to 1895 the officers were: William Henry Branch, superintendent; John M. Calderwood, first assistant; John T. Hodson, second assistant; Margaret E. Hodson, secretary. The officers of the South Ward Sunday School from 1890 to 1892 were: Willard F. Smith, superintendent; John Henry Williams, first assistant; John Booth, second assistant; Charles A. Callis, secre- tary. From 1892 to 1895, John Henry Williams, superintendent; John Booth, first assistant; Thomas Copley, second assistant; Joseph Barber, secretary. In 1895 the North and South ward schools were reunited and have since continued as one school with George Beard, superintend- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 411 ent, John Henry Williams, first assistant; William Henry Branch, second assistant; and Joseph Barber, secretary. The school is held in the Stake Tabernacle and has an enrollment of 21 officers and teachers and 286 pupils. The historical report shows that Thomas Beard, Edward Henry Rhead, Thomas Lewis Beech and William Henry Branch have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; James B. Rhead, John Henry Williams, George Beard, John Robinson, William Hodson, over 30 years; and Francis Henry Wright, over 25 years. EAST COALVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized September 3, 1882, with 5 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. Its present enroll- ment shows 16 officers and teachers and 107 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The first officers were: William F. Barton, superintendent; James Bridge, first assistant; and Ellen Barton, secretary. November 25, 1882, William E. Chappell was chosen superintendent, with James Bridge, first assistant, and John F. Wilde, second assistant. These officers continued to December 31, 1899. The names of successive secretaries are: Ed. Cox, from November 25, 1882, to September 23, 1884; Martha Bridge, from September 23, 1884, to January 24, 1886; Mary Wright, from August 8, 1886, to July 26, 1891; James Parkinson, from August 16, 1891, to August 4, 1892; John W. Wilde, from August 21, 1892, to April 15, 1898; Annie L. Wright, from April 15, 1898, to December 31, 1899. ECHO SUNDAY SCHOOL began in May, 1874, with Elias Asper, superintendent; Richard Wickel, first assistant; and M. Williams, sec- retary. The school was reorganized November 25, 1894, with Joseph Hopkin, superintendent. In 1896 Richard Wickel, Jr., and Moroni Richins were chosen as first and second assistants, respectively. In 1898 Mary Jane Weaver was chosen second assistant to succeed Moroni Richins. The present secretary is Viola Brim. The school has been held from the time of organization in a private dwelling house, which now belongs to R. I. Brim. It has an enrollment of 5 officers and teachers and 28 pupils. 412 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that Mary J. Weaver has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. GRASS CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL is of recent organization, and no report has been received from it. William L. Hansen is superintend- ent. HENEFER SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school dates from December 25, 1870, when it began in the house of Bishop Charles Richins, with 1 officer and 10 pupils. It now has 16 officers and teachers and 128 pupils, and is conducted in the ward meeting- house. The first officers were: Robert Jones, superintendent; James Paskett, first assistant; William Brewer, second assistant, and secre- tary. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Thomas F. Dearden, superintendent; William Edge worth, first assistant; William Brewer, second assistant and secretary. The historical report shows that Superintendent Robert Jones, William Brewer, Stephen Beard, John Paskett and James Paskett have each been engaged in Sunday School work over 25 years. HOYTSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL had its origin during the spring of 1864. It has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries, so far as they have been obtained are: Superintendents Oliver N. Harmon, from 1864 to January 7, 1877; C. F. Mills, from January 7 to July 22, 1877; Moses Wilkinson, from July 22, 1877, to March 24, 1878; C. F. Mills, (second term), from March 24, 1878, to January 1, 1879; Andrew Hobson, from January 1, 1879, to September 4, 1881; Charles H. West, from September 4, 1881, to April 4, 1888; John P. Stonebraker, from April 4, 1888, to October 23, 1899; John J. Bowen, from October 23 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Brown, from January 1, 1879, to September 4, 1881; John Stonebraker, from September 4, 1881, to April 4, 1888; Enoch Brown, from April 4, 1888, to October JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 413 23, 1899; Thomas H. Rishton, from October 23 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Moses Wilkinson, from Jan- uary 1, 1879, to September 4, 1881; Enoch Brown, from September 4, 1881, to April 4, 1888; Alma Sargent, from April 4, 1888, to October 23, 1899; Heber G. Brown, from October 23 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary E. Wilkinson, from September 4, 1881, to April 4, 1888; Orson Ryan, from April 4, 1888, to October 23, 1899; Florence Brown, from October 23 to December 31, 1899. KAMAS SUNDAY SCHOOL began its existence early in 1867. Its first officers were: James McCormick, superintendent. Ruth Pack, first assistant and Ann Gines, second assistant. Names of successive officers aside from the above, as far as ob- tained, are given below: Superintendents James Davis, C. L. Russell, Justiman Warr, W. 5. Harder, S. M. Pack, John S. Jones. First assistant superintendents Samuel Williams, Ruth Pack, (second term) J. G. Lambert, B. V. Pack, Lorenzo Page. Second assistant superintendents William Talbert, Agnes Pack, W. S. Harder, Abednego Williams, Edward Thomas, M. L. Corbett. Secretaries E. J. Attwood, Maud Harder, Emeline Lambert, M. F. Pack, Irving Pack. The present officers are: John S. Jones, superintendent; Lorenzo Page, first assistant; M. L. Corbett, second assistant; Irving Pack, secretary. On December 31, 1899, the enrollment of the school was 20 offi- cers and teachers and 123 pupils. The historical report shows that Willet S. Harder has been a Sun- day School worker for over 30 years. OAKLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since November 1, 1885. On the 8th of that same month its first session was held in the schoolhouse its present place of convening. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 37 pupils. It now has 15 officers and teachers and 96 pupils. 414 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: Marion Frazier, superintendent; Joseph Phillips, first as- sistant; Rasmus C. Johnson, second assistant; Charles Johnson, sec- retary, from time of organization to August 18, 1894; Albert D. Richards, superintendent; George F. Price, first assistant; Peter Jen- sen, second assistant; Lucy Swapp, secretary, from August 18, 1884, to June 13, 1897; Levi Pearson, superintendent; William P. Richards, first assistant; William W. Horton, second assistant; Marion E. Frazer, secretary, from June 13, 1897, to December 31, 1899. PARK CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since September 9, 1894. It began with 17 officers and teachers and 84 pupils and has since increased in numbers to 23 officers and teachers and 180 pupils. The officers of the school past and present are: 0. J. Call, superintendent; George Lindsay, first assistant; Thomas Gilchrist, second assistant; Charles Rasband, secretary, from date of organ- ization to February 2, 1896; Frederick Rasband, superintendent; James R. Glade, first assistant; A. B. Simons, second assistant; Sarah J. Hooper, secretary, from February 2, 1896, to December 31, 1899. PARLEY'S PARK SUNDAY SCHOOL. July 8, 1877, is the date of organization of this school. Its early history is incomplete. So far as obtained, the following are the names of successive officers of the school: Superintendents David Johnson, from 1877, to 1883; A. W. Beach, from 1883 to 1888; Theodore Johnson, from 1888 to 1893; William Archibald, from 1893 to 1897; A. N. Anderson, from 1897 to 1898; W. 0. Anderson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents C. M. Snyder, from 1877 to 1883; Jesse Chapman, from 1883 to 1888; Isaac Johnson, from 1888 to 1893; E. J. Tree, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents N. S. Nelson, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Frank Wilcox, from 1883 to 1888; Ella Potter, from 1888 to 1893; Siden Snyder, from 1893 to 1897; P. S. Kroman, from from 1897 to 1898; Deanie Anderson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 415 The enrollment of the school is 7 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. It is held in the ward meetinghouse. PEOA SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized about September 1, 1867, with John Maxwell, superintendent. It began with 3 officers and teach- ers and 35 pupils. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 159 pupils. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1877 are: Orin S. Lee, superintendent; Thomas H. Wright, first as- sistant; John A. Marchant, second assistant; Walter Walker, sec- retary, from 1877 to September 19, 1880; John A. Marchant, super- intendent; Oscar Wilkins, first assistant; Hyrum Wright, second as- sistant; A. G. Marchant, secretary, from September 19, 1880, to Oc- tober 1, 1891; Oscar Wilkins, superintendent; Hyrum Wright, first assistant; M. H. Bleazard second assistant; A. G. Marchant, secre- tary, from October 1, 1891, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Stephen Walker and Abraham R. Marchant have been engaged in Sunday School work for 30 years; Oscar Wilkins Frank W. Marchant, Gilbert T. Marchant and M. H. Bleazard for 25 years. PINE VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Upton Ward. It was organized February 25, 1899, with John B. Kidd, superintendent; Samuel Ban- ner, first assistant; Herbert Clark, second assistant and Albert Powell, secretary. It began with 25 members; its present enrollment is 12 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. ROCKPORT SUNDAY SCHOOL has had an existence since the year 1867. Its first officers were: Thomas Gibbons, superintendent; Charles Davis, first assistant; Edward Davis, second assistant; Jane Vernon, secretary. Other officers are: John Hor ton, superintendent; Wm. J. Brown, first assistant; William Stembridge, second assistant; W. J. Brown, secretary from 1877 to 1889; Henry Seamons, superin- tendent; John Horton, first assistant; John M.Malin, second assistant; Elizabeth A. Siddoway, secretary, from 1889 to 1898; Robert Siddo- way, superintendent; Henry Seamons, first assistant; Elijah E. Hor- ton, second assistant; Elizabeth A. Siddoway, secretary, from Jan- uary 1, to December 31, 1899. 416 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The school began with 5 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. It now has 6 officers and teachers and 59 pupils. It convenes in the ward schoolhouse. The historical report shows that Henry Seamons has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years, and John Horton over 25 years. UPTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. March 19, 1876, this school began with 13 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its enrollment at present is 9 officers and teachers and 61 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Chester Staley, superintend- ent; David Morley, first assistant; Joseph Fresley, second assistant, and James Harrop, secretary; all of whom served till Octobers, 1885, when they were succeeded by James Judd, superintendent; William Robinson, first assistant; John Clark, second assistant, and Roland Clark, secretary. In April, 1898, several changes again occurred and since that time to the present the officers have been: James Judd, superintendent; Joseph Randall, first assistant; Edward Staley, sec- ond assistant; James Judd, Jr., secretary. The historical report shows that James Judd, William Robinson and Roland Clark have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. WANSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in this place was in the spring of 1868. It was conducted by Samuel Mc- Latchie. The records of the school previous to the year 1874 have been destroyed by fire. The names of superintendents, assistants, and secretaries so far as obtained are: Superintendents Samuel McLatchie; Andrew Peterson,* A. Hatch, from March 23 to June 25, 1875; William Crook, from June 25, 1875, to December 8, 1878; Andrew Peterson, from December 8, 1878, to January 1, 1882; Henry Reynolds, from January 1, 1882, to January 1, 1883; Andrew Peterson, from January 1, 1883, to January 6, 1884; A. D. Richards, from January 6, 1884, to April 16, 1885; H. P. Peterson, from May 3 to December 27, 1885; George W. Young, from December 27, 1885, to December 31. 1899 * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 417 First assistant superintendents Buyers R. Ranck, from June 25, 1875, to January 1, 1882; Andrew Peterson, from January 1, 1882, to January 1, 1883; T. A. Nixon, from January 1, 1883, to January 6, 1884; J. M. Hixson, from January 6, 1884, to April 16, 1885; William Apgood, from May 3 to December 27, 1885; William Crook, from December 27, 1885, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Phillips, from Decem- ber 8, 1878, to January 1, 1882; James M. Hixon, from January 1, 1882, to January 1, 1883; H. F. Peterson, from January 1, 1883, to January 6, 1884; E. R. Young, Jr., from January 6, 1884, to April 16, 1885; William Crook, from May 3 to December 27, 1885; E. R. Young, Jr., from December 27, 1885, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Albert Richards, from June 25, 1875, to December 8, 1878; S. J. Roundy, from December 8, 1878, to January 1, 1882: Elizabeth Hixson, from January 1, 1882, to April 16, 1885; Ella Durn- ford, from May 3 to December 27, 1885; Henry Long, from Decem- ber 27, 1885, to December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school is 9 officers and teachers and 43 pupils. TOOELE STAKE. At the general organization of the Tooele Stake, which took place June 24, 1877, the stake Sunday School organization was effected, with George Atkin, superintendent. On January 29, 1882, the following-named officers were installed: William Jefferies, super- intendent; James Ratcliffe, first assistant; and Alma Hale second assistant. July 29, 1888, Anders G. Johnson was chosen superin- tendent with August K. Anderson first and William J. Robinson sec- ond assistants. The last-named was succeeded by William Spry on July 29, 1895; and on April 18, 1896, Charles L. Anderson was chosen secretary. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Anders G. Johnson, superintendent; August K. Anderson, first assistant; William Spry, second assistant; Charles L. Anderson, secretary. In the Tooele Stake, which embraces the territory within Tooele County, Utah, there are 9 Sunday Schools. The historical report shows that Superintendent Anders G. Johnson has been engaged in Sunday School work over 25 years. 418 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. BATESVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL began in the year 1876 with an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. It has since increased in numbers to 19 officers and teachers and 66 pupils. Samuel W. Orme was its first superintendent. He also acted as secretary during the time he had charge of the school. Successive officers of the school are : Superintendents Joseph Rowberry, from 1879 to 1886; Ormus A. Bates, from 1886 to 1890; James Woods, from 1890 to 1897; Joseph Rowberry, (second term) from 1897 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Simpson, from 1879 to 1890: Joseph Rowberry, from 1890 to 1897; George H. Tate, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George W. Bryan, from 1879 to 1886; John Hillstead, from 1886 to 1890; George H. Tate, from 1890 to 1897, James C. Woods, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Emma Hillstead, from 1879 to 1886; Ida L. Bates, from 1886 to 1890; Ernest B. Woods, from 1890 to December 31, 1899. CLOVER SUNDAY SCHOOL. On the 20th of March, 1881, the Clover Sunday School was organized as a branch of the St. Johns school, with Francis De St. Jeor, superintendent. On January 22, 1882, it was reorganized as an independent school. At this time it had 14 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. Its present enrollment is 13 officers and teachers and 65 pupils. It convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries, since the time of reorganization in 1882, are: Superintendents Francis De St. Jeor, from January 22, 1882, to August 25, 1888; James F. Jordan from August 25, 1888, to March, 1889; Orson A. Johnson, from March to August 17, 1889; Francis De St. Jeor, (second term) from August 24, 1889, to November 22, 1898; Gustave Anderson, from November 22, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Richard Nelson Bush, from July 22, 1882, to August 25, 1888; Foster Gordon, from August 25, 1888, to March, 1889; Gustave Anderson, from March, 1889, to November 22, 1898; Orson A. Johnson, from January to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 419 Second assistant superintendents Enos Lionel Stookey, from July 22, 1882, to August 25, 1888; William Garner, from August 25, 1888, to March, 1889; Foster Gordon, from March to August 17, 1889; Orson A. Johnson, from August 24, 1889, to November 22, 1898; George L. Stookey, from January to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James F. Jordan, from July 22, 1882, to August 25, 1888: Lena Gould, from August 25, 1888, to March, 1889; M. M. Stookey, from March to August, 17, 1889; James F. Jordan, (second term) from December 24, 1889, to November 22, 1898; D. E. Davis, from November 22, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Francis De. St. Jeor has been a Sunday School worker for 40 years; and Gustave Anderson for 25 years. E T CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in this place was in 1864. It was conducted by Brother James and Sister Wadsworth, who were in charge till 1869. William F. Moss then presided over the school till 1874. He was succeeded that year by Gavin Maxwell, who was superintendent till the year 1877. In October, 1877, a more perfect organization was effected with Joseph Griffith, superintendent ; William E. Moss, first assistant; David T. Powell, second assistant; and Elizabeth Griffith, secretary. The changes in the officers since that time are the selection of Brig- ham Davis to succeed David T. Powell as second assistant, which oc- curred in 1876, and the selection of Joseph Yates to succeed Elizabeth Griffith as secretary. The enrollment in 1877 was 7 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. At present it is 8 officers and teachers and 52 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that Bishop William F. Moss and Superintendent Joseph Griffith have been Sunday School workers 25 years. GRANTSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its existence from May 2, 1865. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. It now has an enrollment of 29 officers and teachers and 316 pupils. The school meets in the academy, building. 420 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are named below: Superintendents S. W. Woolley, from May 2, 1865, to 1866; William Lee, from 1866 to 1876; A. G. Johnson, from 1876, to April 11, 1880; William Jefferies, from April 11, 1880, to July 8, 1888; Thomas Williams, from July 8, 1888, to September 20, 1891; Thomas H. Clark, Jr., from September 20, 1891, to December 3L 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph A. Reese, from 1866 to 1876; Thomas Williams, from 1876 to July 8, 1888; James Ratcliffe, from July 8, 1888, to September 18, 1898; Albert Erickson, from September 18, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents E. J. Bagley, from 1866 to 1876; Thomas Williams, from 1876 to October 1, 1879; James Rat- cliffe, from October 1, 1879, to July 8, 1888; B. F. Barrus, from July 8, 1888, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries T. Williams, from 1865 to July 8, 1888; R. Jefferies, from July 8, 1888, to September 20, 1891; Lewella Barrus, from Sep- tember 20, 1891, to September 18, 1898; Jennis Anderson, from Sep- tember 18, 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Elizabeth F. Palmer has been engaged in Sunday School labors for 30 years; Abraham Fawson, and B. F. Barrus for 25 years. LAKE VIEW (FORMERLY PINE CANYON) SUNDAY SCHOOL began December 10, 1865. It was originally a branch of the Tooele school. It has an enrollment of 29 officers and teachers and 94 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Moses Martin, from 1865 to 1867; Thomas Howells, from 1867 to 1890; Hans C. Hanson, from 1890 to 1896; Walter G. Adamson, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Howells, from 1865 to 1867; David G. Adamson, from 1879 to 1890; James I. Steele, from 1890 to 1896; William W. Sagers, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John B. Smith, from 1865 to 1867; Adam G. Smith, from 1879 to 1882; William W. Sayers, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 421 1882 to 1890; Moses M. Adamson, from 1890 to 1896; Robert G. Shields, from 1896 bo December 31, 1899. Secretaries James I. Steele, from 1865 to 1882; Francis Marchel, from 1882 to 1888; Elijah Spray, from 1888 to 1891; William W Sagers, from 1891 to 1896; Annie A. Garreen, from 1896 to 1897; Walter M. Adamson, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James I. Steele and W. G. Adamson have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. MERCUR SUNDAY SCHOOL is of recent organization. It has an enrollment of 16 officers and teachers and 108 pupils. ST. JOHNS SUNDAY SCHOOL began November 26, 1859, with 10 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. It now has 22 officers and teach- ers and 77 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Robert Miller, from November 26, 1859, to 1869; F. D. St. Jeor, from 1869 to 1882; D. H. Caldwell, from 1882 to 1888; James Jordan, from 1888 to 1889; J. D. Mclntosh, from 1889 to 1896; John G. Ahlstrom, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Morgan, from Novem- ber 26, 1859 to 1869; D. H. Caldwell, from 1869 to 1882; I. J. Cald- well, from 1882 to 1888; John G. Ahlstrom, from 1888 to 1896; I. J. Nedds, from 1896 to 1899; Elijah Larkin present incumbent. Second assistant superintendents I. J. Caldwell, from 1869 to 1882; James Jordan, from 1882 to 1888; J. D. Mclntosh, from 1888 to 1889; D. H. Caldwell, Jr., from 1889 to 1896; John Huggins,from 1896 to 1899; William A. Mclntosh present incumbent. Secretaries Robert Miller, from November 26, 1859, to 1869; David Charles, from 1869 to 1882; D. D. Green, from 1882 to 1888; I. J. Caldwell, from 1888 to 1889; John A. Ahlstrom, from 1889 to 1896; Lavina Draper, from 1896 to 1899; Sarah Evans present sec- retary. The historical report shows that John G. Ahlstrom has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years. 422 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. TOOELE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school dates from January 7, 1857, though a Sunday School was conducted in Tooele the previous fall by Eli Lee and his wife, Elizabeth Caroline. The school discontinued upon several occasions during the early years of its existence, first at the time of the "move" when Johnston's army was approaching the territory, and later on account of lack of inter- est on the part of the people. The present enrollment of the school is 34 officers and teachers and 407 pupils. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and sec- retaries are: Superintendents Eli Lee, from January 7, 1857, to August 29, 1864; Thomas Lee, from October 18, 1867, to October 19, 1879; Thomas Atkin, from October 19, 1879, to August 29, 1882; George Atkin, from August 29, 1882, to September 30, 1894; John W. Tate, from September 30, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents P. R. Wright, from January 1, 1857 to 1858; Thomas Lee, from February 6, 1859, to April 17, 1864; Eli B. Kelsey, from April 17 to August 29, 1864; James Dunn, from October 18, 1867, to October, 1875; Thomas Atkin, Jr., from October 18, 1875, to October 19, 1879; James Dunn, (second term) from Oc- tober 19, 1879, to August 27, 1882; Lysander Gee, from September 24, 1882, to June 27, 1894; John A. Bevan, from September 30, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas Lee, from January 7, 1857, to February 6, 1859; George Atkin, from February 6, 1859, to April 17, 1864; Thomas Lee, from April 17, to August 29, 1864, Charles A. Herman, from October 18, 1867, to September 3, 1876; James Dunn, from September 3, 1876, to October 19, 1879; Thomas W. Lee, from October 19, 1879, to August 27, 1882; John Dunn, from September 24, 1882, to May 6, 1888; A. J. McCuistion, from May 6, 1888, to September 27, 1891; John W. Tate, from February 7, 1892, to September 30, 1894; John S. Lee, from September 30, 1894, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries John Shields, from January 7, 1857, to May 26, 1860; John G. Heggie, from May 25, 1860, to April 17, 1864; George Atkin, from April 17, to August 29, 1864; John Shields, from October JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 423 18, 1867, to January 16, 1887; John W. Tate, from January 16, 1887; to January 7, 1894; Amelia Nelson, from January 7, 1894, to De- cember 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Thomas Atkin, George Atkin, H. S. Go wans and George Craner have been Sunday School workers for 35 years; John Shields, H. C. Hansen and F. M. Lyman, for 30 years; John A. Bevan, and John W. Tate for 25 years. VERNON SUNDAY SCHOOL was first held in the fall of 1871, with Samuel R. Bennion, superintendent, who was succeeded in turn by Ed- ward Webb, Abraham Van Orman and John C. Sharp. The early record of the school is incomplete. From 1880 to 1891 the officers were: S. H. Bennion, superin- tendent; Israel Bennion, first assistant; K. A. Elg, second assistant; Harden Bennion, secretary. From 1891 to December 31, 1899, Israel Bennion was superin- tendent; Emil Pehrson, first assistant and David Bennion, second as- sistant. During this period the successive secretaries were: Owen Bennion and Charlotte Pehrson. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. It has an en- rollment of 6 officers and teachers and 40 pupils, UINTAH STAKE. The Uintah Stake embraces the same territory as does the county of the same name, located in the northeastern part of Utah. Previ- ous to 1887 the settlements of this county belonged to Wasatch Stake. The Uintah Stake was organized May 9, 1887, and about the month of July of the same year the stake Sunday School superin- tendency was organized. The first officers were: Joseph H. Gard- ner, superintendent; William H. Gagon, first assistant, and Edward Longhurst, second assistant. About the month of September, 1888, James Hacking was chosen stake superintendent. He was without assistants until about November of that year, when A. N. Timothy and T. J. Caldwell were chosed first and second assistants respectively. The first secretary was P. W. Vernon, who was chosen about January, 1891. About the same time J. P. Rudy, succeeded A. N. Timothy as 424 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. first assistant, and C. B. Bartlett suceeded T. J. Caldwell as second assistant. In September, 1888, R. L. Woodward succeeded P. W. Vernon as secretary. The officers on December 31, 1899, were James Hacking, super- intendent; J. P. Rudy, first assistant; Charles B. Bartlett, second as- sistant; Charles H. Col ton, secretary. The historical report shows that James Hacking and Annie M. G. Hacking have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. There are 12 Sunday Schools in this stake of Zion. ASHLEY SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in December, 1894. It is situated near Vernal, and belongs to the latter ward. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 32 pupils and now numbers 9 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. The first officers were: N. G. Sowards, superintendent; a Brother Christensen, first assistant, James Marshall, second assistant; Sarah Gibson, secretary. In December, 1895, the above-named officers were succeeded by Wilford F. Smith, superintendent; James Mar- shall, first assistant; John 0. Evans, second assistant. In May, 1899, John 0. Evans was chosen first assistant superintendent, and Fred Weeks, second assistant superintendent. Ruby Hardy succeeded Sarah Gibson as secretary in August, 1897. The officers on December 31, 1899, were: Wilford F. Smith, superintendent; John 0. Evans, first assistant; Fred. Weeks, second assistant and Ruby Hardy, secretary. GLINES SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first session of this school was held in the house of Bishop James H. Glines, on September 21, 1884. It was organized with 8 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. The enroll- ment has since increased to 20 officers and teachers and 212 pupils The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of superintendents, assistants and secretaries past and present are: Superintendents Peter Peterson, from September 21, 1884, to September 18, 1887; James O'Neil, from September 18, 1887, to November 7, 1897; Henry A. Woodruff, from November 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 425 First assistant superintendents Henry A. Woodruff, from De- cember 14, 1884, to September 18, 1887; William O'Neil, from Sep- tember 18, 1887, to January 5, 1890; Henry Stone, from January 5, 1890, to April 8, 1894; Henry A. Woodruff, (second term) from June 10, 1894, to November 7, 1897; Mahonri M. Duke, from November 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James B. Henry, from Decem- ber 14, 1884, to January 30, 1887; Peter Hansen, from January 30 to September 18, 1887; George Hislop, from September 18, 1887, to November 7, 1897; Frank Abplanalp, from November 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Nellie Glines-, from February 8, 1885, to June 5, 1887; Emma Abplanalp, from September 18, 1887, to January 12, 1890; Effie Stone, from January 12, 1890, to June 4, 1892; Melvine Pickup, from February 12 to November 19, 1893; Frank Abplanalp, from November 19, 1893, to January 10, 1897; Theodore Johnson, from January 10, 1897, to December 25, 1898; Etta Wardle, from January 22 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James O'Neil has been engaged in Sunday School labors over 35 years; and Mary Elizabeth O'Neil over 30 years. JENSEN SUNDAY SCHOOL was formed by dividing the Riverdale Ward. It was organized February 16, 1890, and began with 5. officers and teachers and 38 pupils. Its present enrollment is 20 officers and teachers and 140 pupils. The names of the first officers are: David Timothy, superintend- ent; W. F. Billings, first assistant; Andrew Dudley, second assistant; Malinda Billings, secretary. The superintendent and first assistant above-named are still serving. Second Assistant Superintendent Dudley was succeeded by Heber R. Wall, the present incumbent, in August, 1897; Pearl Timothy succeeded Malinda Billings as secretary in January, 1892; and Alice Mecham, the present secretary was chosen to that position on September 4, 1898. MOUNTAIN DELL SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school in Mountain Dell was held in January, 1879, at the home of Mark M. Hall. It 27 426 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. was organized January 23, 1887, with 8 officers and teachers and 64 pupils. It now has 13 officers and teachers and 70 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Mark M. Hall, from January 23 to July 24,. 1887; William Woodward, from July 31, 1887, to May 26, 1889; C. P. Bingham, from May 26, 1889, to December 7, 1890; Cortland Searle, from December 7, 1890, to June 19, 1896; S. J. Merrill, from June 19, 1896, to November 28, 1897; John Searle, from November 28, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Woodward, from Janu- ary 23 to July 24, 1887; M. L. Caldwell, from July 31, 1887, to May 26, 1889; Joseph Cook, from May 26, 1889, to December 7, 1890; John Searle, from December 7, 1890, to June 19, 1896; M. L Caldwell, from June 19, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents M. L. Caldwell, from January 23 to July 24, 1887; R. J. Merrill, from July 31, 1887, to May 26, 1889; Orson Hall, from May 26, 1889, to December 7, 1890; M. L. Caldwell, (second term), from December 7, 1890, to June 19, 1896; E. M. Tracey, from June 19, 1896, to November 28, 1897; R. J. Mer- rill, from November 28, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary E. Hall, from January 23, 1887, to May 26, 1889; John Searle, from May 26, 1889, to December 7, 1890; John Wimmer, from December 7, 1890, to June 19, 1896; Carrie Nielsen, from June 19, 1896, to December 31, 1899. MERRILL SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized February 15, 1885, and its first session was held March 1 following. Its enrollment at time of organization was 13 officers and teachers and 68 pupils. It has since increased to 20 officers and teachers and 211 pupils. The school is held in the ward schoolhouse. The following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Bradford Bird, from February 15, 1885, to January 15, 1888; James M. Shaffer, from January 15, 1888, to May 5, 1889; C. F. B. Lybbert, from May 5, 1889, to April 3, 1892; John Evans, from May, 1892, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 427 First assistant superintendents William H. Gagen, from Febru- ary 15, 1885, to August 7, 1887; John Glenn, from August 7, 1887, to January 15, 1888; J. J. Slaugh, from January 15, 1888, to May 5, 1889; George A. Slaugh, from May 5, 1889, to July 18, 1890; Walder- mar C. Lybbert, from July 18, 1890, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James M. Shaffer, from 1887 to January 15, 1888; Rodney B. Rimmington, from January 15, 1888, to May 5, 1889; Albert Goodrich, from May 5, 1889, to September 26, 1897; Bradford Bird, from December 26, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Arthur E. Gardner, from February 15, 1885, to 1887; William T. Clark, from beginning of the year to August 7, 1887; William Davis, from August 7 to October 16, 1887; Almeadie McCurdy, from October 16, 1887, to May 5, 1889; Almeadie McCurdy Bird, from May 5, 1889 to January 26, 1890; Mary Goodrich, from January 26, 1890, to May, 1892; Emma T. Lybbert, from May, 1892, to September, 1893; A. T. Collett, from September, 1893,to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John Evans, Joseph H. Gardner, and C. F. B. Lybbert have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. MILL SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since December, 1879. It first convened in William Shaffer's house, and is now held in the ward meetinghouse. The school has increased in numbers from 4 officers and teachers and 21 pupils at time of organization to 35 officers and teachers and 273 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Philip Stringam, from December, 1879, to November 13, 1892; Charles H. Glines, from November 13, 1892, to October 20, 1895; Thomas Bingham, Jr., from October 20, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles H. Glines, from Janu- uary 21, 1882, to November 13, 1892; Thomas Bingham, Jr., from November 13, 1892, to October 20, 1895; Don B. Colton, from Octo- ber 20, 1895, to April 19, 1896; Sterling D. Colton, from June 28 to December 13, 1896; Philip Stringam, from December 13, 1896, to December 31, 1899. 428 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Isaac M. Jones, from January 17, 1886, to October 20, 1895; James C. Hacking, from March 15, 1896, to July 11, 1897; Virtus F. McConkie, from November 7, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Caroline A. Stringam, from December, 1879, to March, 1883; Melvia Glines, from March, 1883, to April 1887; Lydia Hardy, from April, 1887, to January, 1890; Flora E. Colton, from January, 1890, to December, 1891; I. M. Jones, (pro tern.) from December, 1891, to October 30, 1892; Mary M. Hall, from October 30, 1892, to August, 1893; Clara L. Bingham, from August 1893, to February 10, 1894; Bert Glines, from February 10 to August 10, 1894; James C. Hacking, from August 10, 1894, to August 18, 1895; Byron 0. Colton, from August 18, 1895, to August 28, 1898; Stella S. Colton, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Thomas Bingham, Jr., has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; Annie M. Hacking and Mary Hall over 25 years. PLEASANT VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Naples. It was organized July 6, 1890, and its first session convened July 20 following. It be- gan with 10 officers and teachers and 22 pupils, and now has 21 offi- cers and teachers and 102 pupils. The school is held in the ward schoolhouse. George A. Davis has been superintendent from the time of organ- ization to December 31, 1899. George J. Slaugh and George A. Slaugh were chosen as his assistants at the time of organization. The first was succeeded by Edward Watkins on April 17, 1898, and the second by Isaac J. Slaugh, on July 5, 1891. Successive secretaries are the following-named : William T. Clark, from date of organization to March 25, 1894; Joab Collier, from April 1, 1894, to April 11, 1897; John H. Cook, from April 18, 1897, to December 31, 1899. RIVERDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1885 a school was established in this place with M. M. Mecham, superintendent. He was succeeded by Charles Holmes, and the latter by David Timothy. Some time previous to February, 1890, the ward was divided, and the last-named JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 429 superintendent took charge of the lower ward school now know as the Jensen school, while the school in the upper ward which retained the name of Riverdale was discontinued for a time. On February 22. 1891, the school was reorganized, and began with an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 35 pupils. It now has 11 officers and teachers and 39 pupils. The first officers were: N. C. Hunting, superintendent; G. H. Southam, first assistant; Joshua Haslam, second assistant; and , Sarah A. Hunting, secretary. January 17, 1897, the above-named were suc- ceeded by E. J. Longhurt, superintendent; G. H. Southam, first assist- ant; Elmer Pope, second assistant; Lizzie Englebretson, secretary. The last-named are the present officers. SILVER GATE SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized March 5, 1899, with the following-named officers: R. Liddiard, superintendent; George Mitchell, first assistant; E. Marrett, second assistant; and Martha Brown, secretary. On December 3, 1899, George W. Perry was chosen superintendent. He chose the same assistants as his predecessor had and the same secretary continued in office. The enrollment of the school is 10 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. SOUTH VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since January 4, 1891, when it began with 8 officers and teachers and 12 pupils; the present enrollment is 17 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. The first officers of the school were: James Howett, superintend- ent; Nathaniel Greer, first assistant; Delbert Wall, second assistant; N. D. Remington, secretary. On April 30, 1893, William Gillman was chosen superintendent; Elmer Eaton, first assistant; and Joseph Eaton, second assistant. On April 3, 1898, James Cook succeeded Second Assistant Superintendent Joseph Eaton; and December 18, following the latter was chosen first assistant superintendent and Ernest Eaton, second assistant. Secretary N. D. Remington was succeeded January 6, 1895, by Ernest Eaton, and on December 18, 1898, the latter was succeeded by Edward Cook. On December 31, 1899, the officers were: William Gillman, super- intendent; James Cook, first assistant; Ernest Eaton, second assistant; and Edward Cook, secretary. 430 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that James Howett has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Vernal Ward and was organized May 13, 1883. It was first held in a log cabin, but is now held in the ward schoolhouse. The names of its first officers are: Joseph H. Black, superintend- ent; W. Riley Green, first assistant; S. P. Dillman, secretary. In 1893, George Fraughton was chosen as first and Elias S. Winn as second assistant superintendents and W. P. Ramey, secretary. On February 18, 1894, a change in the superintendency occurred, when Elias S. Winn was chosen superintendent, with George Fraughton first assist- ant, and John Winn, second assistant. On May 28, 1899, another change was made, when the following-named, who are the present officers, were installed: John Winn, superintendent; Ira N. Jacobs, first assistant; James W. Winn, second assistant; and Lucy J. West- over, secretary. The present enrollment is 7 officers and teachers and 59 pupils. VERNAL SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since June, 1879. It has an enrollment of 24 officers and teachers and 291 pupils, and convenes in the Stake Assembly Hall. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Joseph H. Black, from June, 1879, to August, 1881 ; James Hacking, George Freestone and C. C. Bartlett, in turn from August, 1881, to March 21, 1886; William Richens, from March 21, 1886, to February 1, 1887, C. C. Bartlett, (second term) from Febru- ary 6, 1887, to April 29, 1888; Jesse P. Holt, from April 29, 1888, to March 23, 1890; 0. B. Calder, from March 23, 1890, to spring of 1892; C. C. Bartlett, (third term) from July 3, 1892, to 1897; H. W. Woolley, from September 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Peterson, James Hacking and William Richens, in turn from August, 1881, to March 21, 1886; George Pope, from March 21, 1886, to April 29, 1888; 0. B. Calder, from April 29, 1888, to March 23, 1890; C. B. Bartlett, from March 23, 1890, to spring of 1892; George Pack, from July 3, 1892, to July, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 431 1893; Marcellus Pope, from July, 1893, to September 5, 1897; 0. B. Calder, (second term) from September 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Bradford Bird, George Pope, previous to March 21, 1886; H. R. Tucker, from March 21, 1886, to April 29, 1888; E. B. Bartlett, from April 29, 1888, to March 23, 1890; J. A. Holdaway, from March 23, 1890, to spring of 1892; Enos Bennion, from July 3, 1892, to July, 1893; John N. Davis, from July, 1893, to September 3, 1897; John T. Thompson, from September 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Peter Peterson, from June, 1879, to August, 1881; C. B. Bartlett, from February 6, 1887, to April 29, 1888; David Mowrey,from April 29, 1888, to March 23, 1890; May Howard, from March 23, 1890, to spring of 1892; E. W. Guymon, from July 3, 1892, to September 5, 1897; George Bartlett, from September 5, 1897, to January 1, 1898; Fred Wood, from January 1, 1898, to December 31, 1899. UTAH STAKE. The Sundav School movement in Utah Stake dates from 1852, American Fork leading, with Leonard S. Harrington as organizer. The commencement of the Sunday School work in Provo City occurred in the fall of 1853, when Elders William W. Allen, Henry White and L. John Nuttall and Sister Elizabeth Roper organized a school with the approval of Bishop Elias H. Blackburn, and classes were conducted in the first log meetinghouse, located on the block north of the present west square. This school continued most of the time until the winter of 1856, doing much good. During the period known as the "move" there were no schools. In 1858 Sister Lucy Smith, wife of the late President George A. Smith, opened a private Sunday School in the now Third Ward. It had an intermittent existence, being alive during the summer months and dying out in the winter. In 1860, further efforts were made and a school was conducted in the Third Ward meetinghouse. After which, in 1862, Elders David John, L. John Nuttall, Samuel S. Jones, James E. Daniels, Albert Jones and others organized and carried on Sunday School classes and exercises under 432 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. the bowery, located on the southwest corner of the block now known as the Bank Block, until the basement of the old meetinghouse was prepared. There the Sunday School had a comfortable home; some two of the classes were held in the upper part of the building. The labors of these indefatigable Elders are remembered and appreciated by many of the rising and leading men of Provo of today. On October 10, 1865, Elder David John was called and set apart as county superintendent, with Samuel S. Jones as his assistant. In 1867, to further aid the cause, Superintendent John called to his assistance William Paxman, of American Fork, Isaiah M. Coombs, of Payson, who, with himself and Assistant S. S. Jones traveled through- out the county visiting and organizing schools. Elder John acted as superintendent for 28 years, lacking three months, and Samuel S. Jones as assistant all this time. In 1876 the Provo school was divided by organizing one in each of the four wards. February 1, 1883, Elder William Paxman resigned, being called to Juab as stake president. Elder I. M. Coombs died May 20, 1886. The vacancies were tnen filled by George Webb, of Lehi, and shortly after his appointment George H. Brimhall was also called to assist Elder John. In 1892 Alfred L. Booth and Lars E. Eggertsen were chosen as assistants and immediately made visits to the respec- tive schools under the direction of Superintendent John. On July 17, 1893, David John resigned, owing to his many duties in the stake presi- dency, of the Utah Stake and Lars E. Eggertsen was made stake superintendent, with Alfred L. Booth and William S. Rawlings as as- sistants. In 1898, with the consent of the stake presidency and Union Board there were called as aids Leonard S. Harrington, Grace Brimhall, Angle Webb and Arthur J. Southwick. Each one of these has a special department to look after. The names of successive stake secretaries are: James Hardy, from 1873 to 1895; Edward H. Holt, from 1895 to 1899; Ora Holbrook pres- ent incumbent. There are 49 Sunday Schools in the Utah Stake of Zion, histori- cal sketches of which follow: ALPINE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School of Alpine was held in the fall of 1860, in an old log house, located near the JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 433 northwest corner of the old fort wall. In early days the school usually convened at 2 p. m. In 1863 the school was removed to the new ward house which is now known as the City Hall. Later it was moved to the large meetinghouse where it convenes at the present time. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 25 pupils, and has since increased to 21 officers and teachers and 206 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William J. Strong, from 1860 to 1864; George Clark, from 1864 to 1874; Albert Marsh, from 1874 to 1893; Isaac R. Vance, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Richard T. Booth, from 1860 to 1864; George Freestone, from 1864 to 1874; John Devey, from 1874 to 1893; Henry Moyle, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John W. Vance, from 1860 to 1864; Albert Marsh, from 1864 to 1874; Henry Moyle, from 1874 to 1893; Joseph T. Bateman, from 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John W. Vance, from 1860 to 1864; Isaac R. Vance, from 1874 to 1893; Ellen A. Moyle, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Henry Moyle and Albert Marsh have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; William J. Strong and Samuel W. Brown, over 30 years; John A. Vance and Isaac R. Vance, over 25 years. AMERICAN FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first estab- lished in 1852, the first session being held on the 4th of July of that year. It began with about 25 members. It continued for one year and then discontinued for three years in consequence of Indian troubles. Resuming operations in 1856, it again closed in 1858 on account of the "move," when Johnston's army came to the valley. In 1860 the school reconvened and has continued without further inter- ruption. It is now held in the district schoolhouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Leonard E. Harrington, from 1852 to 1853; John Bourne, from 1856 to 1862; William Paxman, from 1864 to 1883; Warren B. Smith, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. 434 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents William Greenwood, from 1852 to 1853; Leonard E. Harrington, from 1856 to 1862; Isaac Abel, from 1864 to 1883; William Grant, from 1883 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Greenwood, from 1856 to 1862; William R. Webb, from 1883 to 1898; George F. Shelley, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph B. Forbes, from 1873 to 1874; Ebenezer Hunter, from 1874 to 1883; James H. Clarke, from 1883 to 1886; Leo T. Shelley, from 1886 to 1893; George F. Shelley, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. The present enrollment of the school shows 47 officers and teachers and 540 pupils. The historical report shows that Isaac Abel has been a Sunday School worker over 45 years; William Grant, over 40 years; Warren B. Smith, Jemima Durrant and Mary A. Evans, over 30 years; William R. Webb, Amos Wagstaff, Joseph B. Forbes, Martin Hanson, James Gardner and Ellen D. Clarke, over 25 years. BENJAMIN SUNDAY SCHOOL- Until June 12, 1886, Benjamin Ward was a part of Payson. The Sunday School in this place was organized in 1874, and at that time had 5 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. Its enrollment has since increased to 26 officers and teachers and 173 pupils. The place of convening is the ward meet- inghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Richard Yates and B. F. Stewart, in turn from 1874 to 1885; 0. H. Warner, from 1885 to 1892; Eli B. Hawkins, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents B. F. Stewart and 0. H. Warner, in turn from 1874 to 1885; Charles Hawkins, from 1885 to 1892; Joseph H. Hand, from 1892 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents R. S. Betts and Isaac Hansen, in turn from 1885 to 1892; Isaac Hansen, from 1892 to 1894; C. J. Selin, from 1894 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Richard Yates and S. M. Richardson, in turn from 1874 to 1885; Hyrum Hand, from 1885 to 1894; Robert L. Campbell, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 435 from 1894 to 1898; Fred Evans, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Eli B. Hawkins, 0. H. Warner ;and S. M. Richardson have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. BRIGHAM YOUNG ACADEMY SUNDAY SCHOOL. Early in the his- tory of the Brigham Young Academy, perhaps in the year 1882 for a record seems not to have been kept till 1883 there was organized a Sunday afternoon class known as missionary meeting. Its pro- grams consisted of singing, prayer, the sacrament, a short discourse, the answering of questions, then the bearing of testimonies, the last being considered by far the most important part of the proceedings. It was a very popular gathering and drew most of the students together on the Lord's day. When the school removed to its present quarters, however, the attendance became too large to secure the best results by a single class. Accordingly, on November 14, 1892, the Brigham Young Academy Snnday School was organized with President Benjamin Cluff, Jr.. as superintendent, and Elders G. H. Brimhall and N. L. Nelson as assistants. There being over twenty rooms at its disposal and the entire teaching force of the Academy to draw from for in- structors, classes were organized in almost every branch of religious training, the purpose at first being mainly to supplement the regular theological work of the week. During the following year the Sunday School Union Board, on an application from the Academy, established a regular normal training course for Sunday School teachers and called missionaries to attend it. In order that these missionaries might, see the practice as well as receive the theory, the school was recognized on the line of a model Sundsfy School, the Sunday School Guide being followed as closely as possible. In order to have a more thorough representation of the lower grades the Sunday School of the Fourth Ward of Provo City was merged with the Academy Sunday School and continued so from 1894 to 1896. During these two years Sunday School workers from almost every stake visited the model Sunday School to study methods of dis- 436 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. cipline and instruction. By this means, as well as by the dissemina- tion of ideas through the medium of the regular class in methods, the influence of the Academy has made itself felt far and wide in the Sunday Schools of Zion. During the year 1893 the Sunday School normal course was of only five weeks' duration. The shortness of the course led to some unlooked-for results. Students had barely time to awaken to the de- fects in old methods, and to become enthusiastic over the finding out of new and better ones, but not time enough to grow sober in the application of their discoveries. In consequence there happened what always happens when zeal is unaccompanied by proper ballast; existing methods were disturbed and the schools were able to profit but very little by proposed innovations. During the year following the course was extended to twenty weeks, and since 1895 it has been made part of the high school curriculum, open to all students like any other elective study. As before observed, the Fourth Ward Sunday School remained but two years as part of the Academy Sunday School. The undoubted advantages of more competent instructors and separate class-rooms gained by uniting with the Academy were off-set by two disadvant- ages. First, when vacation came the classes had to be reorganized under the ward instructors; and secondly, the annals of the ward showed only a blank for the years 1894 to 1896 so far as Sunday School work was concerned a circumstance not likely to appeal to the pride of the ward. After consultation with the proper Sunday School officers, the school was withdrawn early in June, 1896. The school remains, however, as nearly a model as the ability of the teaching force of the Academy can make it. Naturally enough, however, the first aim of the school has again become uppermost, that of making the religious instruction imparted, supplement and re-enforce as much as possible the regular theological training given during the week. Three classes deserve special mention: (1) a kin- dergarten, which aims to interest and instruct children below the age of six years; (2) a normal class which studies the principles of the Gospel from the special point of view of how to teach them; and (3) a missionary class which aims to fit young men for proselyting in the world. The latter is an unusually large and enthusiastic class. The JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 437 rest of the classes are in the main organized according to the pattern laid down in the Sunday School Treatise. The president of the institution has remained the superintendent. Changes in his assistants and in the minor officers have frequently occurred. The attendance since the withdrawal of the Fourth Ward Sunday School has varied from three to four hundred students, mostly grown young men and women. The school is a decided factor in the theological training of the Brigham Young Academy. CEDAR FORT SUNDAY SCHOOL. About the month of July, 1863, this school was first established. It is held in the public schoolhouse, and has an enrollment of 22 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries are the following-named : Superintendents James Rodeback, from 1863 to May 25, 1875; James Hacking, from December 23, 1877, to September 14, 1879; Samuel A. Wilcox, from September 21, 1879, to October 28, 1888; James Chamberlain, from October 28. 1888, to October 29, 1893; James Rodeback, from October 29, 1893, to May 10, 1896; James E. Garn, torn May 10, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Peterson, from Decem- ber 23, 1877, to September 14, 1879; James Chamberlain, from Sep- tember 21, 1879, to October 28, 1888; James Rodeback, from Octo- ber 28, 1888, to October 29, 1893; William Cook, from October 29, 1893, to May 10, 1896;Lysander Berry, from May 10, 1896, to Septem- ber, 1897; James Peterson, from September, 1897, to December 31,189.9 Second assistant superintendents George A Glines, from Decem- ber 23, 1877, to September 14, 1879; James H. Glines, from Septem- ber 21, 1879 to October 28, 1888; William Cook, from October 28, 1888, to October 29, 1893; Lysander Berry, from October 29, 1893, to May 10, 1896; James Peterson, from May 10, 1896, to September, 1897; Joseph Wilcox, from September, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Boyd Wilcox, from December 23, 1877, to Septem- ber 14, 1879; Phoebe A. Hacking, from September 24, 1879, to Octo- ber 16, 1881; Lizzie Bennett, from February 6, 1887, to September 28, 1891; Fanny Berry, from October 29, 1893, to September, 1897; Nellie Cook, from September, 1897, to December 31, 1899. 438 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that Margaret Bennett, Melissa Weeks, William Cook, Harriet Hacking and Annie C. Wilcox, have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. CLINTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. On July 10, 1892, this school was organized, and the following Sunday its first session was held in the district schoolhouse. It began with 12 officers and teachers and 26 pupils and now has an enrollment of 13 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. Its officers past and present are the following-named: Superintendents Don C. Searle, from July 10, 1892, to March 14,1897; John W. Drollinger, from* August 1, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Ann S. Elmer, from July, 10 r 1892, to September 13, 1896; John W. Drollinger, from September 13, 1896, to August 1, 1897; John J. Loveless, from August 1, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John W. Drollinger, from September 24, 1894, to September 13, 1896; John J. Loveless, from September 13, 1896, to August 1, 1897; Jesse Barker, August 1, 1897, to December 11, 1898. Secretaries Ruth I. Daniels, from July 10, 1892, to February 14, 1894; John T. Moore, from February 3, 1895, to September 13, 1896; Louie Sargent, from September 13, 1896, to December 11, 1898; Lizzie Drollinger, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. FAIRFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began early in the sixties, but no record of its early existence is obtainable. It is held in the district schooliiouse, and has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 58 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Thomas Besinger;* Henry Snyder from Janu- *The period of service of this officer is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 439' ary 16, 1881, to October 26, 1890; Andrew Park, from January 3, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William J. Young, from Janu- ary 16, 1881, to August 19, 1883; Samuel D. Carson, from November 11, 1883, to February 9, 1897; Hans Peterson, from February 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel D. Carson, from Janu- ary 16, 1881, to November 11, 1883; James Finn, from November 11, 1883, to April 29, 1888; Andrew Park, from April 29, 1888, to Janu- ary 3, 1892; Hans Peterson, from September 13, 1896, to February 7, 1897. Secretaries James Finn, from January 16, 1881, to November 11, 1883; Andrew Park, from November 11, 1883, to January 6,. 1889; William Snyder, from January 6, 1889, to January 3, 1892; Nellie Carson, from Jannary 3, 1892, to December 31, 1899. t GOSHEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1858 a Sunday School was conducted in the place known as the Old Fort. It convened in Phoenix Cook's house. As the entire settlement has been moved four times the school has been discontinued at various intervals. The Black Hawk Indian War in 1866 interfered with the continuance of the school, and it was not reopened from that time till 1870. Some of those who took an active part in conducting the school during the early period of its existence are: Enoch Williams, Wil- liam Price, Teancum Pratt and George Williams. Owing to lack of records a complete list of officers given. On January 23, 1881, a reorganization was effected. At this, time the enrollment was 34 officers and teachers and 80 pupils. It is now 13 officers and teachers and 150 pupils. The place of convening is the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries since 1881: Superintendents George Williams, from January 23, 1881, to July 1, 1883; Peter Okelberry, from July 1, 1883, to- August 9, 1896;. Powel Powelson, from August 9, 1896, to December 11, 1898; Arthur Dall, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Peter Okelberry from January 440 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 23, 1881, to July 1, 1883; George Gourley, from July 1, 1883, to August 9, 1896; William H. Allen, from August 9, 1896, to Decem- ber 11, 1898; E. L. Thomas, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Gourley, from January 23, 1881, to July 1, 1883; James H. Jenkins, from July 1, 1883, to August 9, 1896; John W. Gardner, from August 9, 1896, to Decem- ber 11, 1898; Fred Allen, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary Ann Till, from January 23, 1881, to August 9, 1896; Mattie Christenson, from August 9, 1896, to December 11, 1898; Nellie Christenson, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Gardner has been en- gaged ^n Sunday School work over 40 years; Ellison Gourley and Paul Gourley over 30 years; Peter Okelberry, John L. Jenkins, Philip Thomas, George Taylor, Mary Johnson, Nancy Steele, Pirene Jameson, Powel Powelson and John Morgan over 25 years. GRAND VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL. This is a school established in the northwest corner of the Third Ward of Provo, to accommodate members of the ward who live at a distance from the schoolhouse in which the principal school convenes. The Grand View school is held in the Lincoln Schoolhouse. It was organized December 4, 1898, and began with 13 officers and teachers and 60 pupils. It now has 13 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. The first officers of the school were: Joseph Nuttall, superin- tendent; George A. Clark, first assistant; Roy Brown, second assist- ant; Aurelia Clyde, secretary. On December 4, 1899, the above- named officers were succeeded by Charles Burrows, superintendent; Joseph Nuttall, first assistant; George A. Clark, second assistant; and Olive Carter, secretary. The historical report shows that Charles Burrows has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. HIGHLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since June 26, 1892. It began with 9 officers and teachers and 26 pupils, and has JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 441 since increased in numbers to 6 officers and teachers and 52 pupils. The first officers of the school were; S. A. Eastman, superin- tendent; James J. Bolin, first assistant; Richie Harkness, second assistant; George C. Munns, secretary. On April 7, 1894, Stephen W. Moyle was chosen superintendent, and he chose for his assistants those of his predecessor. On January 31, 1897, Cora Moyle suc- ceeded George C. Munns as secretary. The historical report shows that Hyrum Healy and Stephen W. Moyle have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. KNIGHTSVILLE SUND\Y SCHOOL is in Juab County. It has an enrollment of 9 officers and teachers and 58 pupils. James B. Whitehead is superintendent. No further report of the school has been received. LAKE SHORE SUNDAY SCHOOL has been in existence since May 16, 1880. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 20 pupils, and was then known as the Spanish Fork West Branch Sunday School. Lorenzo Argyle was the first superintendent of the school. He served without assistants until April 20, 1884, when A. M. Ferguson was appointed superintendent. Superintendent Ferguson served without assistants until January 30, 1886, when he was chosen superintendent, with William F. Banks as first assistant and E. B. K. Ferguson as second assistant. A. M. Ferguson served as superin- tendent from January 30, 1886, to December 31, 1899. William F. Banks served as first assistant from January 30, 1886, to September 23, 1894. E. B. K. Ferguson served as second assistant from Janu- ary 30, 1886, to September 23, 1894, and served as first assistant from September 23, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Job Measom served as second assistant from September 23, 1894, to July 4, 1897; E. W. Robertson served as second assistants from July 4, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Joseph Francis served as secretary from April 20, 1884, to January 30, 1886; Sarah E. Clayson, from January, 30, 1886, to March 31, 1889; Jane Aitken, from March 31, to December 23, 1894; Loretta Tippetts, from December 23, 1894, to December 31, 1898; Deborah Barney, from December 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Lake Shore Sunday School has increased in numbers from 6 28 442 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. officers and teachers and 20 pupils to 17 officers and teachers and 222 pupils. LAKE VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL. On July 15, 1877, this school began with 6 officers and teachers and 14 pupils. It now has 16 officers and teachers and 115 pupils, and convenes in the ward hall. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Peter Madsen, from July 15, 1877, to October, 1878; Steven Bunnell, from October, 1878, to April, 1879; Mads P. Madsen, from May, 1879, to July 12, 1884; John Johnson, from July 12, 1884, to July 15, 1889; Mads P. Madsen, (second term) from July 15, 1889, to March 1, 1892; Mads Jorgensen, from March 1, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Mads Jorgensen, from July 15, 1877, to October, 1878; Mons Petersen, from May, 1879, to July 12, 1884; Niels Larsen, from July 12, 1884, to July 15, 1889; Samuel Bunnell, from July 15, 1889, to March 1, 1892; Christian Jeppsen, from March 1, 1892, to 1899; William Goodrige, present incumbent. Second assistant superintendents Franklin Scott, from July 15, 1877, to October, 1878, Niels Larsen, from May, 1879, to July 12, 1884; John Madsen, from July 12, 1884, to July 15, 1889; Leslie L. Bunnell, from July 15, 1889, to March 1, 1892; Marian Clinger, from March 1, 1892, to 1899; Peter Zobell, present incumbent. Secretaries George Stevenson, from October, 1878, to. July 12, 1884; Samuel Bunnell, from July, 1884, to to July 15, 1889; Hyrum Madsen, from July 15, 1889, to March 1, 1892; Leslie L. Bunnell, from March 1, 1892, to December 31, 1899. LELAND (FORMERLY RIVERSIDE) SUNDAY SCHOOL. has been es- tablished since January 22, 1893. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Alma C. Davis, from January 22, 1893, to De- cember 8, 1895; John H. Koyle, from December 8, 1895, to Decem. ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John H. Koyle, from January 22, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 443 1893, to December 8, 1895; Henry Hamilton, from Decembers, 1895, to March 14, 1897; Asa B. Scovil, from March 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry Hamilton, from Janu- ary 22, 1893, to December 8, 1895; Alvin B. Creer, from December 8, 1895 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Isaac Beck, from December 8, 1895, to February 9, 1896; George Cammack, from February 9, 1896, to September 6, 1897; John Larsen; John S. Davis; May Pazzant.* The school has increased in numbers from 8 officers and teach- ers and 35 pupils to 24 officers and teachers and 90 pupils. It con- venes in the district schoolhouse. LEHI SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began in 1852, and met in an old log house on the west side of the town. George Zimmerman was superintendent at this time. It continued about one year when it had to be closed on account of Indian troubles. For protection from the red men the settlers built a fort, and the house used for school purposes was left on the outside of the fortification. The school waj3 not thoroughly organized again until May, 1866. At that time the number of members enrolled was about 50. The present enrollment is 121 officers and teachers and 1150 pupils the largest school in the Church. It convenes in the ward meeting- house and other adjacent buildings. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents George Zimmerman, from fall of 1852 to fall of 1853; James Taylor, from May, 1866, to August 4, 1872; William Yates, from August 4, 1872, to November 11, 1894; Andrew Fjeld, from November 11, 1894, to January 1, 1899; Joseph S. Broadbent, from January 1, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Yates, from 1867 to August 4, 1872; John E. Ross, from August 4, 1872, to December, 1873; James Taylor, from December, 1873, to March 27, 1891; John E. Ross, (second term) from March 27, 1891, to November 11, 1894; *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 444 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. James Kirkham, from November 11, 1894, to January 1, 1899; Ed- ward Southwick, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Gurney, from August 4, 1872, to December, 1873; John E. Ross, from December, 1873, to March 27, 1891; George Webb, from March 27, 1891, to November 11,1894; Joseph S. Broadbent, from November 11, 1894, to April 3, 1896; James Allred, from April 10, 1896, to January 1, 1899; Enoch Russon, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles Phillips, from May, 1866, to August, 1879; Elisha Peck, from November 2, 1879, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William Yates has been a Sun- day School worker over 35 years; Rebecca Standring, William Gur- ney, William Southwick, Joseph Broadbent, over 30 years; James Taylor, Mary Ann Davis, Martin B. Bushman, Andrew A. Peterson, Elisha Peck, Mary Ann Webb, George Kirkham, James Kirkham, George Chromer, George Webb, over 25 years. LEHI NORTH BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its origin from May 3, 1891, when it began with 11 officers and teachers and 101 pupils. It now has 20 officers and teachers and 220 pupils, and is held in the Lehi North Branch meetinghouse. The first officers chosen were: Byron W. Brown, superintendent; George Beck, first assistant; J. P. Johnson, second assistant; JohnR. Peterson, secretary. The only change in the superintendency since the time of organization is the selection of W. S. Evans to succeed J. P. Johnson as second assistant. On June 10, 1894, William Asher succeeded John R. Peterson as secretary, and he in turn was suc- ceeded, on September 17, 1896, by Eva Brown. LINDON SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in this locality began early in 1872. It was held in a house belonging to John J. Slaugh, under the direction of Joseph W. Ash, assisted by the ward teachers. This organization continued until 1874, when the members of this school met with the Pleasant Grove school in the ward meetinghouse until January 5, 1878. A school was then organized known as the Pleasant Grove South Branch. Joseph W. Ash had general supervison of three schools then existing in the settlement, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 445 namely: the North, Central, and South schools. Alfred Harper was superintendent of the South School. On March 3, 1878, James Cob- bley and James Hooper were chosen as his assistants, with Edward A. Harris, secretary. The last-named was succeeded as secretary on January 2, 1881, by George R. Ash. On February 5, 1888, the school began as an independent organ- ization with James Cobbley, superintendent; George R. Ash, first as- sistant; Alfred W. Harper, second assistant; and Charles A. Cobbley, secretary. On April 12, 1891, the school was reorganized with George R. Ash, superintendent; Alfred W. Harper, first assistant; Robert Thorn, second assistant; and Minnie Bjork, secretary. The last-named was succeeded by James H. Walker, on December 23, 1894. July 9, 1899, Robert Thorn was succeeded as second assistant by John Y. Walker. The name of the ward was changed to Lindon, September 25, 1898. The present officers are: George R. Ash, superintendent; Alfred W. Harper, first assistant; John Y. Walker, second assistant; and James H. Walker, secretary. The enrollment of the school is 20 officers and teachers and 204 pupils. It convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that F. C. Banks has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years; Joseph W. Ash, Robert Thome, A. B. Walker, Alfred W. Harper, over 25 years. LINDON WEST BRANCH SUNDAY SCHOOL began September 3, 1893, with 13 officers and teachers and 28 pupils, and has since increased to 18 officers and teachers and 57 pupils. It convenes in the West District schoolhouse. Its officers past and present are: Thomas Williams, superintendent; Edward Harris, first assistant; James T. Wright, second assistant: Delia Swenson, secretary, from date of organization to February 21, 1897; William Cullimore, superintendent, from February 28, 1897, to December 31, 1899; Albert Heaps, first assistant; James T. Wright, second assistant; Thomas Williams, secretary; from February 28, 1897, to March 5, 1899; James T. Wright, first assistant; Alma Swenson, second asssistant; Emma Cobbley, secretary; from March 5, to December 31, 1899. 446 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The historical report shows that Robert J. Cobbley has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. MANILA SUNDAY SCHOOL was first organized January 2, 1887, as a branch of the Pleasant Grove school. The following year it was made an independent organization. It was first known as the North District Sunday School, and received its present name in 1898. At the time of organization 11 officers and teachers and 60 pupils were enrolled. It has since increased to 22 officers and teachers and 110 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: . Superintendents Hans Jorgenson, from January 2, 1887, to July 20, 1890; J. W. Halliday, from July 20, 1890, to June 23, 1895; W. W. Wadley, from June 23, 1895, to July 15, 1898; Hans Hansen, from November 19, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Magnus Nelson, from January 2, 1887, to February 5, 1888; J. W. Halliday, from February 5, 1888, to July 20, 1890; W.W. Wadley, from July 20, 1880, to June 23, 1895; Hans Hansen, from June 23, 1895, to November 19, 1898; Joseph Larsen, from November 19, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W.W. Wadley, from February 5, 1888, to July 20, 1890; Magnus Nelson, from July 20, 1890, to May 13, 1894; Thomas Ainsworth, from May 13, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. W. Wadley, from January 2, 1887, to April 1, 1888; H. F. Williams, from April 1, 1888, to April 9, 1893; Benja- min Halliday, from April 9, 1893, to May 13, 1894; Niels L. Monson, from May 13 to November 25, 1894; William Atwood, from Novem- ber 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. MAPLETON SUNDAY SCHOOL. December 6, 1885, is the date on which this school was established. Beginning with 17 officers and teachers and 58 pupils, it has since increased to 25 officers and teachers and 219 pupils. It was first held in a small schoolhouse the first public building erected in the place, but now convenes in the meetinghouse. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 447 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Lucius Whiting, from December 6, 1885, to August 21, 1888; Lewis R. Perry, from December 8, 1888, to Septem- ber 4, 1894; William P. Fullmer, from September 10, 1894, to June 7, 1896; C. M. Bird, from June 7, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William T. Tew, from December 6, 1885, to August 21, 1888; L. J. Whitney, from December, 8, 1888, to September 4, 1894; S. D. Fullmer, from September 10, 1894, to June 7, 1896; James Holley, from June 7, 1896, to October 1, 1899; R. L Mendenhall, from October 1 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Mendenhall, from De- cember 6, 1885, to August 21, 1888; E. M. Whiting, from December 8, 1888, to September 11, 1894; James Larsen, from September 11, 1894, to June 7, 1896; Herman Twede, from June 7, 1896, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles M. Bird, from December 6, 1885, to June 7, 1896; John H. Lee, from June 7, 1896, to December 31, 1899. MAPLETON SOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 7, 1893, with James T. Williams, superintendent; N. T. Matson, first assistant; Herbert Manwaring, second assistant; William B. Allen, secretary. On September 19, 1897, the above-named were succeeded in office by the following: A. S. Fullmer, superintendent; James Larsen, first asssistant; Peter Madsen, secretary. November, 5, 1899, superin- tendent Fullmer was honorably released, and since that date Herbert Manwaring acted as temporary superintendent, until December 31, 1899. The enrollment of the school at the time of organization was 19 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. At present it is 15 officers and teachers and 82 pupils. The place of meeting is the South District schoolhouse. MILL FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first held at the house of John Beagley. It was organized February 21, 1886, and began with 12 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. Its present enroll- ment is 8 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. Owing to the removal 448 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. from the ward of a number of families there is a decrease in the enrollment. The school now convenes in what is known as the Tucker West schoolhouse. John Beagley has been superintendent since the date of organization. Gustave Anderson, first assistant, served from time of organization to April 25, 1887. He was succeeded by Henry Olsen, who filled the position till August 25, 1889, when John S. Lewis the present incumbent succeeded him. George A. Wilson, second assistant superintendent has acted from the time of organiza- tion to August 25, 1889; and George A. Wilson served as secretary from date of organization to August 25, 1889, when Mary J. Lewis, the present secretary succeeded to the position. OAKLAND SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Hobble Creek Canyon, was organized in a grove of cottonwood trees, on July 3, 1892. Its first officers were: Erastus Z. Clark, superintendent; C. J. Johnson, first assistant; L. S. Whiting, second assistant; C. L. John- son, secretary. On September 3, 1899, Arthur B. Whiting was chosen first assistant and A. M. Curtis, second assistant. The present superintendent is E. Z. Taylor. The first enrollment of the school was 10 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. At present it is 19 officers and teachers and 49 pupils. The historical report shows that Superintendent Erastus Z. Clark has been engaged in Sunday School labors over 25 years. PALMYRA SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Spanish Fork. On June 25, 1893, this school was organized. It began with 16 officers and teachers and 40 pupils and has since increased to 18 officers and teachers and 122 pupils. The school is held in the Smith school- house. Names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries are as follows: James A. Boyack, superintendent from June 25, 1893 r to December 31, 1899. John Burt, first assistant, from June 25 r 1893, to January 9, 1897; Thomas Halverson, first assistant, from January 31, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Thomas Halverson, second assistant, from June 25, 1893, to January 31, 1897; John W. Roach, second assistant, from January 31, 1897, to December 31,. 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 449 Alfred R. Beck, secretary from June 25, 1893, to December 31,. 1899. PAYSON SUNDAY SCHOOL. From information now obtainable it appears that the first Sunday School held in Payson was about the year 1858. Those most prominently connected with this early insti- tution were Charles Montrose, Williard G. McMullen, C. W. Wandell, and John F. Bellows. The first school of which a proper record has been kept was organized May 5, 1865. This school continued until May 28, 1893, when it was dissolved and succeeded by the First Ward and the Second Ward schools. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Isaiah M. Coombs, from May 5, 1865, to May, 1886, Jonathan S. Page, from June 6, 1886; to May 28, 1893. First assistant superintendents Daniel Stark, from November 24, 1867, to November, 1868; Josephs. Tanner, and James Finlayson, in turn from March 1, 1873, to May 2, 1880; Jonathan S. Page, from May 22, 1880, to May, 1886; William Clayson, from June 6, 1886, to August, 1887; John J. Walser, from October. 1888, to September, 1889. Second assistant superintendents William Heaton, from Novem- ber 24, 1867, to November, 1868; Thomas E. Daniels and William Clayson in turn from March 1, 1873, to May, 1886; J. L. Townshend, from June 6, 1886, to May 28, 1893. Secretaries Rufus Taylor and John D. Stark in turn from March 1, 1873, to July 19, 1885; J. L. Townshend, from July 19, 1885, to June 6, 1886; John L. Finlayson, from June 6, 1886, to May 28, 1893. The historical report shows that Jonathan S. Page has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. PAYSON FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its existence from May 14, 1893, its first session convening on June 4 following. It began with 28 officers and teachers and 283 pupils and now has 23 officers and teachers and 511 pupils. It convenes in the ward meet- inghouse. Its officers past and present are: 450 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents William L. Worsencroft, from May 14, 1893, to November 29, 1896; Joseph W. Huish, from December 27, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Timothy Jones, from May 14, 1893, to October 11, 1896; David E. Sargent, from January 10, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph S. Douglass, from May 14, 1893, to February 6, 1898; Justin A. Loveless, from July 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Alma Huish, from May 14, 1893, to February 18, 1894; Albert McClellan, from February 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Barry Wride and Samuel Wor- sencroft have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Martha D. Simons and Ellen Senior over 25 years. PAYSON SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since May 14, 1893, its first session being held June 4 following. It is held in the ward meetinghouse. From an enrollment of 36 officers and teachers and 135 pupils at the time of organization it has in- creased to 32 officers and teachers and 460 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents Jesse S. Taylor, from May 14, 1893, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel J. Robinson, from May 14, 1893, to November 18, 1894; D. H. Christensen, from May 20, 1895, to November 14, 1897; John L. Finlayson, from November 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Quigley, from June 25, 1893, to August 28, 1894; John L. Finlayson, from May 20, 1895, to November 14, 1897; John D. Irvine, from November 14 to December 19, 1897; Levi A Colvin, from December 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John L. Finlayson, from June 25, 1893, to January 20, 1895; George Fairbanks, from January 20 to April 25, 1895; William Boyle, from April 25, 1895, to November 14, 1897; Leone Tanner, from November 14, 1897, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 451 The historical report shows that Thomas E. Daniels and Emily Manwill have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. PLEASANT GROVE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School of "this place was opened sometime during the year 1856, being held in the ward meetinghouse. It convened only during the summer months, .and from 1858 to 1862 it was discontinued altogether. The first record dates from 1868, and shows a membership at that time of 28 officers and teachers and 212 pupils. Its present enrollment is 42 officers and teachers and 584 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Hiram Winters, from May, 1856, to 1864; W. L. Framp ton; James Armitstead;* W. L. Frampton, (second term) from March 22, 1868, to December 31, 1872, Frank Beers, from Janu- ary 1 to December 31, 1873; Bishop John Brown, from January 4, 1874, to January 14, 1877; Joseph W. Ash, from January 14, 1877, to January 1, 1888; James L. Brown, from January 1, 1888, to July, 1893; L. H. Smith, from July 9, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. W. Smith, from March 22, 1868, to January, 1873; J. M. Ballinger, from January, 1873, to Feb- ruary 29, 1880; J. W. Gardiner, from February 29 to May 2, 1880; L. A. Wilson, from May 2, 1880, to August 19, 1882; A. W. Harper;* J. W. Gardiner, (second term) from August 26, 1883, to December 25, 1887; F. C. Banks, from January 1, 1888, to September 14, 1890; W. L. Hayes, from September 14, 1890, to September 3, 1893; H. R. Driggs, from September 3, 1893, to January 5, 1896; W. L. Hayes, (second term) from December 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W. L. Hayes, from April 29, 1888, to September 14, 1890; J.E.Dalley, from September 14, 1890, to September 3, 1893; J. Z. Brown, from September 3, 1893, to Jan- uary 5, 1896; W. L.Hayes, (second term) from January 5, 1896, to De- cember 5, 1897; Joseph Larsen, from December 5, 1897, to November -6, 1898; N. K. Neilsen, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 452 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Secretaries M. L. Pratt, from March 22, 1868, to January, 1873; B. W. Driggs, from January 4 to May 31, 1874; J. W. Ash, from May 31, 1874, to January 1, 1879; H. W. Wadley, from January 1, 1879, to January 7, 1894; S. L. Swensen, from January 7, 1894, to- December 5, 1897; Charles B. Harper, from December 5, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Fred. Richards, Eliza Brown, John W. Gardiner, James T. Thome and Fred. Thome have been en- gaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; Alex. Bullock, J. J. Hayes, Otto L. Mayhew, W. M. Frampton over 25 years. PLEASANT VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Provo. It began February 12, 1891, with 9 officers and teachers and 72 pupils. It has since in- creased to 14 officers and teachers and 131 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Abraham M. Wilde, from February 12, 1891, to November 3, 1895; George Ekins, from November 3, 1895, to February 13, 1898; Abraham M. Wilde, (second term) from February 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Jacob Snyder, from February 12, 1891, to April 22, 1894; Harvey Cluff, from April 22, 1894, to May 21, 1895; William Crook, from May 21, 1895, to February 13, 1898; Loren S. Glazier, from February 13, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Martin W. Mills, from Febru- ary 12, 1891, to November 5, 1893; Lawrence Petersen, from No- vember 5, 1893, to August 25, 1895; Hans B. Jensen, from November 3, 1895, to October 25, 1896; Loren S. Glazier, from October 25, 1896, to February 13, 1898; Martin J. Bushman, from February 13 to December, 1898; William Fawsett, from April 5 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Annie Peterson, from February 15 to December, 1891; Millie Wilde, from January, 1892, to March 12, 1899; Jane Ashton, from March 12 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Bishop Alexander Gillespie' has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; and Superintendent Abra- ham M. Wilde over 25 years. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 453 PROVO FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organ- ized May 7, 1876, and first met in the old meetinghouse. It is now held in the ward meetinghouse and the Social Hall. From an enroll- ment of 26 officers and teachers and 158 pupils it has increased to 32 officers and teachers and 384 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants, and secretaries: Superintendents J. P. R. Johnson, from May 7, 1876, to June, 1883; L- A. Wilson, from May 30 to October 3, 1886; James E. Daniels, from October 3, 1886, to May 27, 1888; J. P. R. Johnson, (second term), from May 27, 1888, to June 30, 1889; C. D. Glazier, from June 30, 1889, to March 9, 1890; J. P. R. Johnson, (third term) from March 9, 1890, to December 2, 1894; W. M. Wolff, from Decem- ber 16, 1894, to June 6, 1897; David John, Jr., from June 6, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. H. Duesenberry, from May 7, 1876, to June, 1883; James E. Daniels, from June, 1883, to October 3, 1886; C. D. Glazier, from October 3, 1886, to May 27, 1888; John Foote, from May 27, 1888, to June 30, 1889; M. L. Pratt, from June 30, 1889, to March 9, 1890; John Foote, (second term) from March 9 to November 2, 1890; Andrew Knudson, from January 7 to Decem- ber 2, 1894; B. S. Hinckley, from December 16, 1894, to January, 1896; Brigham Johnson, from February 9, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James E. Daniels, from June, 1883, to May 30, 1886; John Giles, from May 30, 1886, to May 27, 1888; J. W. Cluff, from May 27, 1888, to March 9, 1890; John Giles, (second term), from March 9 to November 2, 1890; Andrew Knudson, from July 3, 1892, to January 7, 1894; Brigham Johnson, from January 7, 1894, to June 6, 1897; W. W. Billings, from June 6 to August 2, 1897; Herman Knudson, from August 22, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edmond Dugdale, from May 7, 1876, to November 5, 1882; Brigham Johnson, from November 5, 1882, to May 19, 1889; John T. Giles from May 19, 1889, to March 9, 1890; William Martimer, from March 9, 1890, to July, 1893; J. C. Anderson, from July, 1893, to March 4, 1894; Hugh Clayton, from March 4, 1894, to July, 1895; 454 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Tennie Jones, from July, 1895, to May 17, 1896; Lovinia Strong, from July 12, 1896, to August 22, 1897; Clara Holbrook, from August 22, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Andrew Knudson, Herman Knudson, John Giles, J. P. R. Johnson and S. S. Jones have been engaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; Thomas Farrer, Nels- Johnson, Marilla Daniels, Mattie Vogle, and John Foote over 25 years. PROVO SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since January 16, 1876. The present enrollment of the school is 36 officers and teachers and 399 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Evan Wride, from November 25, 1876, to May 6, 1883; L. E. Eggertsen, from March 23, 1890, to October 22, 1893; S. P. Eggertsen, Jr., from December 3, 1893, to September 11, 1898; J. M. Jensen, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. Dagbert Whipple, from Jan- uary 16 to November 25, 1876; J. W. Loveless, from November 25, 1876, to May 6, 1883; Walter Cox, from March 23, 1890, to October 22, 1893; W. J. Taylor, from December 3, 1893, to Septem- ber 11, 1898; A. C. Sorensen, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Albert Jones, from November 25, 1876, to May 6, 1883; Abraham Halladay, from May 6, 1883, to March 23, 1890; W. J. Taylor, from March 23, 1890, to October 22, 1893; J. M. Jensen, from December 3, 1893, to September 11, 1898; Ralph Poulton, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries W. 0. Beesley, from January 16, 1876, to January 30, 1878; N. C. Larsen, from January 30, 1878,. to April 10, 1881; Arta Cook, from April 10, 1881, to July 23, 1882; Vilate Love- less, from July 23, 1882, to September 13, 1885; Emily Brown, from September 13, 1885, to July 11, 1887; Hattie Thatcher, from July 11, 1887, to April 4, 1892: Lizzie Thatcher, from April 4 to Septem- * The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 455- ber 4, 1892; Mary Jones and Annie Olsen in turn from September 4,, 1892, to June 26, 1898; Hannah Dunn, from June 26, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Hardy has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. PROVO THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. February 23, 1876, is the date on which this school was organized. It began with 5 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. It now numbers 34 officers and teachers and 257 pupils. It convenes in the Timpanogus public schoolhouse. The names of the successive superintendents, assistants and sec- retaries are: Superintendents Samuel Liddiard, from February 23, 1876, to January 1, 1891; R. S. Gibby, from January 1, 1891, to December 10, 1893; John D. Dixon, from December 10, 1893, to December 2, 1894;. A. W. Harding, from December 2, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. G. Harding, from February 23, 1876, to January 1, 1891; W. J. Lewis, from January 1, 1891, to December 10, 1893; Samuel Liddiard, from December 10, 1893, to December 2, 1894; John E. Lewis, from December 2, 1894, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. Singleton, from February 23, 1876, to January 1, 1891; T. N. Taylor, from January 1, 1891, to December 10, 1893; George Choules, from December 10, 1893, to De- cember 2, 1894; George Powelson, from December 2, 1894, to De- cember 31, 1899. Secretaries George Taylor, from February 23, 1876, to 1886; E. R. Harding, from 1886, to April 2, 1893; William P. Silver, from April 2 to December 24, 1893; C. F. Bahlke, from December 24, 1893, to March 24, 1895; W. D. Dixon, from March 24, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joel A. Johnson and Bishop* William J. Lewis have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. PROVO FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The establishment of this school dates from June, 1875. It was the first one organized of the four ward schools of the city, and was formerly held in Cluff's- 456 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Hall; it is now held in the Parker sehoolhouse. Beginning with an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 200 pupils, it has in- creased to 37 officers and teachers and 473 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants* and secre- taries are: Superintendents H. H. Cluff, from 1875 to 1877; John E. Booth, from 1877 to 1883; V. L. Halliday, from 1883 to 1885; John E. Booth, (second term) from 1885 to 1889; J. R. Boshard, from 1889 to 1894; B. Cluff, Jr., from 1894 to 1896;Reinard Maeser, from 1896 to 1898; 0. W. Andelin, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John E. Booth, from 1875 to 1877; Andrew Watson, from 1877 to 1894; J. R. Boshard, from 1894 to 1896; J. F. Gates, from 1896 to 1898; Joseph B. Walton, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry C. Rodgers, from 1875 to 1877; George Meldrum, from 1877 to 1894; J. F. Gates, from 1894 to 1896; J. P. Jensen, from 1896 to 1898; O.W. Andelin, a term during 1898; S. R. Brown, from October 23, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries J. H. Boshard, from 1877 to 1883; Joab Collier, from 1883 to 1885; W T illiam Rawlins; Maggie Gillispie;* Bertha Sperry, from 1889 to 1894; E. S. Simons;* Ina Gee, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. During the years 1895 and 1896 the school was under the super- vision of the Brigham Young Academy, and was known as the Model Sunday School. The historical report shows that Patriarch Jesse B. Martin and J. T. Arrowsmith have been Sunday School workers over 45 years; George Meldrum, over 40 years; John E. Booth and Andrew Watson, over 35 years. SANTAQUIN SUNDAY SCHOOL. The establishment of this school dates from February 16, 1867, when it began with 10 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Its present enrollment is 26 officers and teachers and 189 pupils. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 457 The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents W. W. Barnett, from 1867 to 1871; Thomas Broadbent, from 1871 to 1875; William Chatwin, from 1875 to 1896; L. R. Gushing, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Eli Openshaw, from 1871 to 1875; Thomas B. Heelis, from 1895 to 1896; Nels Nelson, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents David H. Halladay,from 1871 to 1874; Otto F. Malmberg, from 1880 to 1893; John M. Halladay, from 1893 to 1896; Edward W. Clark, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas B. Heelis, from 1875 to 1880; Lars A. Johnson, from 1880 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William Chatwin, Nels Nelson, Lars A. Johnson and John M. Halladay have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Eli Openshaw, Frederick Wall, Thomas B. Heelis, Charles A. Tietjen, Levi Openshaw and James Eckersley over 25 years. SALEM SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has been organized since 1868, though no complete record of an earlier date than 1872 has been preservered. Following are names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries: Superintendents Nielsen Higgins, from 1868 to 1871; W. W. Crockett, from 1871 to May 12, 1878; David D. Sabin, from March 12, 1878, to July 27, 1899; Z. S. Taylor, from November 19 to De- cember 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents G. P. Davis, from 1871 to May 12, 1878; Soren P. Christensen, from May 12, 1878, to June 10, 1894; Niels Fredricksen, from July 8, 1894, to July 27, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Niels Larsen,from May 5,1871, to January 5, 1879; James J. Davis, from January 5, 1879, to July 27, 1899; John Sabin, from November 19 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Levi H. Jackman, from 1871 to March 5, 1876; Daniel W. Jackman, from March 5, 1876, to May 12, 1878; Joseph Holder, from May 12, to October 27, 1878; John N. Edman,' from October 27, 1878, to September 1881; David R. Taylor, from Septem- 29 458 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ber 18, 1881, to December 24, 1882; Elizabeth Christensen, from December 24, 1882, to March 23, 1884; Benjamin Gardner, from March 23, 1884, to November 1, 1885; Ole Sorensen, from November 1, 1885, to March 6, 1898; David A. Stone, from March 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The school numbers 32 officers and teachers and 388 pupils, and its sessions are held in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that David D. Sabin has been engaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; David R. Taylor, Zachariah S. Taylor, and James J. Davis, over 25 years. SCOFIELD SUNDAY SCHOOL. As early as 1882 a school was held here. At that time what is now Winter Quarters was combined with Scofield as one ward, and there was but one Sunday School. In 1888 the ward was divided, and the organization of this as a separate school dates from June 17 of that year. A few years later the two wards were reunited, but the two schools have continued separately. In 1888 the enrollment of the Scofield school was 14 officers and teachers and 88 pupils. It is now 17 officers and teachers and 100 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents A. J. Walton, from June 24, 1888, to July 21, 1889; John T. Ballantyne, from July 21, 1889, to February 16, 1890; J. K. Parcell, from February 16, 1890, to October 16, 1892, John E. Ingles, from October 16, 1892, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents J. E. Ingles, from June 24, 1888, to July 21, 1889; T. P. Page, from July 21, 1889, to February 16, 1890; Andrew Hood, from February 16, 1890, to October 16, 1892; John A. Newson, from October 16, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. W. Metcalf, from June 24, 1888, to July 21, 1889; John R. Davis, from July 21, 1889, to February 16, 1890; I. Llewellyn, from February 16, 1890, to October 16, 1892; J. S. Anderson, from October 16, 1892, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries J. K. Parcell, from July 24, 1888, to February 16, 1890; Robert Bishop, from February 16, 1890, to October 16, 1892; Bernard Newson, and John H. Eccles, Jr., in turn from October 16, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 459 SHARON SUNDAY SCHOOL was first conducted by[D. C. Clayton, as a branch of the Timpanogus school. On May 31, 1896, it was organ- ized as a separate institution with D. C. Clayton, superintendent; Joseph Dill worth, first assistant; William Rosequist, second assistant; and Nora Park, secretary. The present superintendent is M. E, Kartchner. The enrollment of the school is 9 officers and teachers and 70 pupils. The historical report shows that Joseph Dillworth has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. SPANISH FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL.^ In the year 1856 James Wood- ward and his wife held a Sunday School in their home, but after a period it was discontinued and not until 1866 was a Sunday School reestablished. At this time it was held in the Social Hall, and con- vened at 2 p. m. About the year 1870 the school was moved to the meetinghouse, then newly built. The Sunday Schools of Lake Shore, Leland and Palmyra are off-shoots of this one; and in 1891 an Ice- landic school was established as a branch, for the accommodation of natives of Iceland located here. December 20, 1891, Spanish Fork was divided into four wards and shortly afterwards four Sunday Schools were established in the town. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries as far as known from 1866 to 1896 are: . Superintendents George W. Wilkins, from 1866 to 1871; Thomas D. Evans, from 1871 to 1874; Thomas C. Martell, from 1874 to 1881; George H. Brimhall, from 1881 to 1886; John W. Robert- son, from 1886 to 1889; Joseph A. Reese, from 1889 to 1893; George H. Jex, from 1893 to 1896. First assistant superintendents Charles Monk, from 1866 to 1871; Thomas C. Martell, from 1871 to 1874; William Robertson, from 1874 to 1881; Charles Monk, (second term) from 1881 to 1886; A. E. Neilson, from 1886 to 1889; Samuel Brockbank, from 1889 to November 15, 1891; George D. Snell, Jr., from 1891 to 1892; George H. Jex, from 1892 to 1893; Nicholas Smith, from 1893 to 1896. Second assistant superintendents William Robertson, from 1866 to 1871; John P. Jones, from 1874 to September, 1881; George W. Wilkins, from 1881 to 1886; Joseph A. Reese, from 1886 to 1889; 460 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. George D. Snell, Jr., from 1889 to 1891; George H. Jex, from 1891 to 1892; Nicholas Smith, from 1892 to 1893; Samuel Brockbank, from 1893 to 1896. Secretaries George H. Brimhall, from 1874 to 1881; Hyrum F. Thomas, from 1881 to 1886; George H. Jex, from 1886 to 1889; Thomas 0. Creer, from 1889 to 1892; Charles W. Booth, from 1892 to 1896. On March 21, 1879, Brother Niel Bell bequeathed to the Sunday School two shares of the capital stock of the Spanish Fork Co-opera- tive Institution, valued at twenty dollars. At the time of dividing the schools, in 1896, this stock had increased to five shares, so that after purchasing one more share each of the six schools that have been formed by dividing the original school now have one share in the mer- cantile institution, from which yearly dividends are received. The historical report shows that Daniel King, James Robertson and George W. Wilkins have been engaged in Sunday School work over 30 years; John Moore, Franklin Farr, William Robertson over 25 years. SPANISH FORK FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 3, 1896, beginning with 36 officers and teachers and 110 pmpils. It has since increased to 39 officers and teachers and 273 pupils. It con- venes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of the first officers are: George H. Jex, superintend- ent Nicholas Smith, first assistant; Henry Tilley, second assistant; and Robena McKell, secretary. On May 22, 1898, Alice Robertson, suc- ceeded Robena McKell as secretary, this being the only change that has occurred in the officers. The historical report shows that James G. Higginson, William, H. Darger, Hogan Beckstrom, Nicholas Smith and Henry Tilley have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. SPANISH FORK SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since May 3, 1896. Its first officers were: Samuel Brockbank, super- intendent; Alma Andrus, first assistant; Nephi Robertson, second as- sistant; and Roger Creer, secretary. The only change tha^ has since occurred is the selection of Benjamin Argyle as second assit ant super- intendent to succeed Alma Andrus. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 461 The school convenes in the Second Ward Relief Society Hall From an enrollment of 24 officers and teachers and 96 pupils in 1896 it has increased in numbers to 25 officers and teachers and 245 pupils. The historical report shows that Samuel Cornaby has been a Sun- day School workers over 45 years; A. R. M. Beck and Samuel Brock- bank over 25 years. SPANISH FORK THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school dates from May 3, 1896. Its officers are: Charles W. Booth, superintendent, from May 3, 1896, to December 31, 1899; Thomas 0. Creer, first assistant, from May 3, 1896, to De- cember 31, 1899; Albert Larsen, second assistant, from May 3, 1896, to 1897; Peter Larsen, from 1897 to December 31, 1899; Alice E. Meller, secretary, from May 3, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enroll- ment of 36 officers and teachers and 200 pupils. SPANISH FORK FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. May 3, 1896, is the date of the organization of this school. It has an enrollment of 31 officers and teachers and 183 pupils, and convenes in the Relief Society Hall. Its officers are David Williams, superintendent; A. J. Hansen, first assistant; Albert Swenson, second assistant; and Daniel Wil- liams, secretary. The historical report shows that Charles Monk has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years. SPRINGLAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL, Walter Menlove, superintendent; has an enrollment of 12 officers and teachers and 65 pupils. No fur- ther details have been reported. SPRING VILLE FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began September 12, 1880, convening at the time in the public school build- ing. The present place of holding the school is in the ward meeting- house. From an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 15 pupils at the time of organization it has increased in numbers to 42 officers and teachers and 349 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secre- taries are: 462 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents John Tuckett, from September 12, 1880, to November 5, 1893; John Hafen, from November 5, 1893, to Novem- ber 11, 1894; Arthur J. Southwick, from November 11, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William P. Fullmer, from Sep- tember 12 to November 7, 1880; Amos B. Warren, from Decem- ber 3, 1880, to February 5, 1882; William P. Fullmer, (second term) from February 5, 1882, to November 17, 1891; William F. Wiscombe, from March 15, 1891, to October 23, 1892; John M. Dalton, from March 26, 1893, to November 11, 1894; Oliver B. Huntington, Jr., from March 4, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. 0. Childs, from September 12, 1880, to March 15, 1891; Charles A. Berry, from March 15, 1891, to November 5, 1893; George E. Anderson, from November 5, 1893, to February 6, 1898; Ed. 0. Olsen, from February 6, 1898, to Decem- ber 31, 1899 Secretaries D. C. Fullmer, from September 12, 1880, to June 29, 1884; Samuel Allsworth, from June 29, 1884, to September 28, 1890; Joseph E. Hadfield, from September 28, 1890, to November 5, 1893; Abby Groesbeck, from November 5, 1893, to September 11, 1898; Lucena Childs, from September 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that George Mason, and Frederick Weight have been Sunday School workers over 30 years; Don C. Full- mer, and William Clegg over 25 years. SPRINGVILLE SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. On October 24, 1897, this school began with 20 officers and teachers and 155 pupils. Since then it has increased in enrollment to 33 officers and teachers and 322 pupils. Its meeting place is in the Central School building. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents M. E. Crandall, Jr., from October 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles A. Alleman, from Oc- tober 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents E. D. Whiting, from October JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 463 24, 1897, to June 5, 1898; George E. Anderson, from June 5, 1898, to December 31. 1899. Secretaries W. W. Harrison, from October 24, 1897, to June 5, 1898; Irene Blanchard, from June 5 to November 6, 1898; John Whit- ing, from November 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Jonah Phillips has been a Sun- day School worker over 40 years; George Harrison and Zebina Alle- man over 35 years; Moroni Miner over 30 years; Philip H. Boyer, Benjamin T. Blanchard, George E. Anderson, Elizabeth Alleman, Joseph Noble, Mary L. Curtis, Elial S. Curtis over 25 years. SPRINGVILLE THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized Oc- tober 24, 1897, with the following-named officers; H. T. Reynolds, superintendent; Myron A. Boyer, first assistant; George L. McKenzie, second assistant; and Emily Bird, secretary. Some changes in the officers have since occurred. The present officers are: H. T. Rey- nolds, superintendent; M. A. Boyer, first assistant; George L. Mc- Kenzie, second assistant; and Ella Mower, secretary. The total num- ber of members at the beginning was [214. The present enrollment is 22 officers and teachers and 148 pupils. The historical report show that C. N. Sanford has been a Sun- day School worker over 45 years. SPRINGVILLE FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL, James E. Hall, superintendent, has an enrollment of 36 officers and teachers and 329 pupils. A full report from this school has not been received. THISTLE SUNDAY SCHOOL has been established since September 13, 1896. It began with 7 officers and teachers and 33 pupils, and now has 5 officers and teachers and 36 pupils. It convenes in Smith's Hall. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents H. S. Ensign, from September 13, 1896, to June, 1897; B. F. Smith, from June, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents -B. F. Smith, from September 13, 1896, to June,- 1897; H. J. McKell, from June, 1897, to April, 1898; 464 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. William Pace, from April to December 11, 1898; D. H. Thomas, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Herman Snow, from April to December 11, 1898; James Taylor, from December 11, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Pace and Mrs. James Taylor. TIMPANOGUS SUNDAY SCHOOL is situated on Provo Bench, and be- gan in May, 1883, as a branch of the Provo Third Ward school. About six months later it was separated from the parent school and has since been an independent organization. From 16 officers and teachers and 60 pupils it has increased in enrollment to 14 officers and teachers and 102 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meet- inghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents T.'J. Patten, from 1883 to December 28, 1884; G. C. Hillier, from January 1, 1885, to April, 1886; A. L. Meacham, from April, 1886, to April 20, 1890; E. D. Partridge, from April 27, 1890, to October 4, 1891; John J. Woffenden, from December 15, 1891, to August 19, 1894; William C. Partridge, from August 19, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents E. A. Newel, Jr., from 1883 to December 28, 1884; A. L. Meacham, from January 1, 1885, to April, 1886; John Mills, from April, 1886, to April 20, 1890; John J. Wof- fenden, from April 27, 1890, to October 4, 1891; David T. Stratton, from December 15, 1891, to August 19, 1894; C. W. Prestwich, from August 19, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. L. Meacham, from 1883 to December 28, 1884; J. S. Park, from April, 1886, to April 20, 1890; David T. Stratton, from April 27, 1890, to October 4, 1891; Joseph Lunceford, from December 15, 1891, to August 19, 1894; Harry Gammon, from August 19, 1894, to July 14, 1895; Theodore. Farley, from January 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries A. L. Meacham, from 1883 to December 28, 1884; J. S. Park, from April, 1886, to October 4, 1891; E. E. Moseley, from December 15, 1891, to August 19, 1894; Ray Partridge, from August JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 465 19, 1894, to September 20, 1896; S. H. Skinner, from January 24, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Samuel N. Skinner, has been a Sunday School worker over 30 years. VINEYARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. Formerly this school was known as the Lake View North School. It was organized in 1888, with John Johnson, superintendent; John Madsen, first assistant; Conrad Maag, second assistant; and John S. Gillis, secretary. These officers were succeeded] by John Gillis, superintendent, Conrad Maag, first assist- ant; John Madsen, second assistant; and Amelia Fillerup, secretary. The present officers are: William Varley, Jr., superintendent; John Madsen, first assistant; Conrad Maag, second assistant; and Charles Craig, secretary. The school is held in the district schoolhouse, and has an enroll- ment of 18 officers and teachers and 90 pupils. WINTER QUARTERS SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Scofield, Carbon County, has an enrollment of 11 officers and teachers and 201 pupils. Andrew Hood is the present superintendent. No further report from this school has been received. WASATCH STAKE. About August, 1879, the Wasatch Stake Sunday School super- intendency was organized, with Samuel J. Wing, superintendent; James H. Moulton, first assistant; and William McMillan, second assistant. The stake embraces the settlements of Wasatch and a few in Summit County, Utah. In it there are 14 Sunday Schools. The names of successive stake officers are: Superintendents S. J. Wing, from 1879 to January 23, 1893; Joseph H. Lambert, from January 23, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James H. Moulton, from Feb- ruary 6, 1884, to about 1885; William McMillan, from about 1885 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William McMillan, from Feb- ruary 6, 1884, to about 1885; Frederick W. Giles, from about 1885. 466 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to January 23, 1893; Richard Bridge, from January 23, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretary Lawrence B. Duke, from January 23, 1893, to December 31, 1899. On June 18, 1899, the following-named were chosen as aids to the stake superintendency: Henry L. McMullen, Joseph A. Rasband, John W. Crook, William H. Bond, Frederick Crook, and John W. Winterose. BENCH CREEK SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Woodland, Summit County, and is a branch of the school of that ward. It was organized in May, 1894, beginning with an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. It now has 7 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: Superintendents Peter Duncan, from 1894 to 1896; John Jones, from 1896 to 1898; Alfred De St. Jeor, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Jones, from 1894 to 1896; James Duncan, from 1896 to 1898; J. B. Firth, from 1898 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Moon, from 1894, to 1896; Alfred De St. Jeor, from 1896 to 1898; William B. Bissel, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ellen Lewis, from 1894 to 1896; Joseph Moon, Jr., from 1896 to 1898; Katy Moon, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Peter Duncan has been a Sun- day School worker over 30 years. BUYSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL, situated in Wasatch County, began in the summer of 1878, with 5 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. It now has enrolled 22 officers and teachers and 91 pupils. The school is held in the ward schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Edward Buys, from 1878 to April 25, 1880; Henry Nelson, from April 25, 1880, to August 12, 1883; S. J. Wing, JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 467 -from August 12, 1883, to March 16, 1884; Swen Bjorkman, from March 16, 1884, to April 18, 1886; William Thacker, from April 18, 1886, to July 22, 1894; John Bell, from July 22, 1894, to May 19, 1896; John Thacker, from May 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Thacker, from 1878 to April 25, 1880; William McGhie, from April 25, 1880, to August 12, 1883; Swen Bjorkman, from May 12, 1883, to March 16, 1884; William Thacker, from March 16, 1884, to April 18, 1886; C. J. Wahlquist, from April 18, 1886, to February, 1888; A. T. Angell, from Feb- ruary, 1888, to February, 1889; William McGhie, from February, 1889, to July 22, 1894; William E. Buys, from July 22, 1894, to May 19, 1896; Henry Moss, from May 19, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Henry Nelson, from 1878, to .April 25, 1880; William Thacker, from April 25, 1880, to August 12, 1883; H. T. Nelson from August 12, 1883, to April 18, 1886; William E. Buys, from April 18, 1886, to February, 1888; William R. Nelson, from February, 1888, to February, 1891; John Hamilton, from Feb- ruary, 1891, to July 22, 1894; Henry Moss, from July 22, 1894, to May 19, 1896; John T. Penfold, from August 19, 1896, to August 19, 1897; John S. Bell, from August 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Agnes McGhie, from 1878 to August 12, 1883; C. J. Wahlquist, from August 12, 1883, to March 16, 1884; William E, Buys, from March 16, 1884, to April, 1886; Sarah E. Buys, from .April 18, 1886, to February, 1888; Mary J. Nelson, from February, 1888, to 1889; Bell Penfold, from 1889, to May 19, 1896; John H. Dabling, first assistant; John O'Neil, second assistant. It then had an enrollment of about 10 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. It now has 36 officers and teachers and 330 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries so far as known are: Superintendents John Huber, William W. Wilson, George Dab- ling, A. J. Alexander, Attewall Wootton. First assistant superintendents George Dabling, A. J. Alexander. . Second assistant superintendents A. J. Alexander, Ira Jacobs, Isaac Jacobs. Secretaries W. W. Wilson, M. A. Empey, D. S. Van Wagenen, Cloa Huffaker. The present officers are: Attewall Wootton, superintendent; A. J. Alexander, first assistant; Isaac Jacobs, second assistant; and Cloa Huffaker, secretary. The school is held in the ward meetinghouse. The historical report shows that John Huber, A. J. Alexander, Attewall Wooton, James T. Wilson, Rachel Wilson and Cinthia Woot- ton, have been Sunday School worker over 30 years, Charlotte Gurney, over 25 years. RIVERDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Heber Ward,. Wasatch County., It was organized December 18, 1898, with Roger Horrocks, superin- tendent; James D. Shanks, first assistant; Brigham Young, second assistant; and- - Thomas, secretary, all of whom are still serv- ing. The enrollment shows 5 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. ROSE HILL SUNDAY SCHOOL. The establishment of this school dates from November 17, 1895, at which time it had 9 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. Its present enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 44 pupils. The first officers of the school were: John Young, superintendent; F. P. Simmons, first assistant; Joseph Young, second assistant; and Lewis Mecham, secretary. On April 15, 1898, May Davis succeeded Lewis Mecham as secretary, this being the only change that has occurred. WALLSBURG SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first school held in Wallsburg,, 472 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Wasatch County, was in 1869. It was presided over by H. C. Par- cell, who was succeeded in turn by J. K. Rogers and George Pickup. The successive officers since 1878 are the following named: Superintendents Daniel Bigelow, from February 10, 1878, to September 14, 1879; George Dabling, from September 14, 1879, to 1880; Joseph Kirby, from November 27, 1887, to January 4, 1891; Robert Cook, from January 4, 1891, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents R, C. Camp, from February 10, 1878, to September 14, 1879; Robert Cook, from September 14, 1879, to January 4, 1891; J. C. Greer, from January 4, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents I. 0. Wall, from February 10, 1878, to 1880; John C. Parcell, from 1880, to November 27, 1887; John C. Greer, from November 27, 1887, to January 4, 1891; I. 0. Wall, (second term) from January 4, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries R. C. Camp, from February 10, 1878, to September 14, 1879; Ada Glenn, from September 14, 1879, to 1880; E. A. Duke, from 1880, to February 26, 1893. D. L. Bigelow, from February 26, 1893, to November 25, 1894; Elmer Penrod, from November 25, 1894 to March 27, 1898; Melissa Ford, from March 27, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. The enrollment February 10, 1878, was 15 officers and teachers, and 99 pupils. It is now 14 officers and teachers and 185 pupils. WOODLAND CENTRAL SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Summit County. It has been established since January 1, 1882, beginning with 8 officers and teachers and 72 pupils. Its present enrollment is 15 officers and teachers and 108 pupils. Following are names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Peter Duncan, from January 1, 1882, to De- cember 27, 1885; Henry Bisel, from January 3, 1886, to December 28, 1890; Peter Duncan, (second term) from January 4, 1891, to De- cember 22, 1896; John T. Moon, Jr., from January 5, 1896, to Decem- ber 31, 1899 First assistant superintendents Henry Bisel, from January 1, 1882, to December 27, 1885; John J. Benson, from January 3, 1886, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 473 to December 28, 1890; J. M. Reid, from January 4 to Decem- ber 22; 1891; John T. Moon, Jr., from December 22, 1891, to Decem- ber 22, 1895; Hyrum Moon, from January 5, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John J. Benson, from January 1, 1882, to December 27, 1885; Thomas A. White, from January 3, 1886, to December 28, 1890; John T. Moon, Jr., from January 4, to December 22, 1891; Charles Millard, from December 22, 1891, to January 13, 1895; William Potts, from January 13, 1895, to July 26, 1896; John J. Benson, (second term) from July 26, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries E. B. Lefler, from January 1, 1882, to December 27, 1885; Thomas H. Potts, from January 3, 1886, to December 28, 1890; Mary E. Moon, from January 4, 1891, to January 13, 1895; Eliza Horrocks, from January 13, 1895, to December 31, 1899. WAYNE STAKE. This stake is co-extensive with the county bearing the same name, located in the southern part of Utah. The stake Sunday School organization has been in existence since May 27, 1893. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Joseph J. Anderson, from May 27, 1893, to August 25, 1894; Joseph Eckersley from August 25, 1894, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents W. H. Jeffery, from May 27, to August 28, 1893; Joseph Eckersley, from August 28, 1893, to Aug- ust 25, 1894; Walter H. Jeffery, from August 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Joseph Eckersley, from May 27, to August 28, 1893; Ephraim Blackburn, from August 28 to November 26, 1893; W. H. Jeffery, from November 26, 1893, to August 25, 1894; Sidney A. Hanks, from August 25, 1894, to Novem- ber 5, 1899; Moroni Lazenby from November 5, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries F. E. Russell, from May 27 to August 28, 1893; 30 474 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Thomas Williams, from August 28, 1893, to August 25, 1894; F. E. Russell, (second term), from August 25, 1894, to August 22, 1897; Ellen Young, from August 22, 1897, to July 2, 1898; Therza Hanson, from July 2, 1898, to December 31, 1899. There are 14 Sunday Schools established in this stake of Zion. ALDRICH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized May 14, 1888, and pre- vious to the creation of Wayne Stake it was connected with that of Sevier. It has 5 officers and teachers and 26 pupils enrolled, and is held in the ward meetinghouse. Elias Johnson has been superintendent from the time of organ- ization. The following-named have served as assistant superinten- dents Richard Crowther, David Coombs, William Andrews, F. F. Noyes,* first assistants; William R. Heath,* second assistant. Suc- cessive secretaries are: Esther Crowther, David Coombs, and Ada Noyes.* The historical report shows that Elias Johnson, has for over 25 years been engaged in Sunday School work. CAINSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL formerly belonged to the Sevier Stake. In 1883 it was organized, and its first sessions were held at the house of William Stringham. The school is now held in the ward meetinghouse. The enrollment, at first being 4 officers and teachers and 12 pupils, is now 21 officers and teachers and 81 pupils. Names of officers past and present are: Superintendents William Stringham, from 1883 to 1886; Chan- cey Cook, from 1886 to 1889; George J. Pectol, from May, 1889, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Chancey Cook, from 1883 to 1886; George P. Pectol, from 1886 to 1889; E. P. Pectol, from May, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Beal, from 1883 to 1889: George Huntsman, from May, 1889, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Agnes E. Carroll, from 1883 to May, 1889; Gertie Pectol, from May, 1889, to December 31, 1899. * The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. I JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 475 The historical report <*hows that George S. Rust has been a Sun- day School worker over 40 years; and George P. Pectol over 25 years. CLIFTON SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized January 7, 1894, with 15 officers and teachers and 41 pupils. It now has but 4 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. The decrease in numbers is owing to sev- eral families moving away. The first officers of the school were: J. M. Chidester, superinten- dent; J. E. Hughes, first assistant; J. H. Hunt, second assistant; and John H. Johnson, secretary. Since August 31, 1896, the officers have been: J. G. Ecker, superintendent; Jonathan Hunt, first assistant; Newel Knight, secre- tary. FREMONT SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began February 25, 1883, but was not organized till November 30, 1884. It now has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 139 pupils, and is held in the ward schoolhouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William W. Morrell, from February 25, 1883, to November 30, 1884; James A. Taylor, from November 30, 1884, to July 3, 1887; F. Archie Young, from July 3, 1887, to January 10, 1892; Joseph Anderson, from January 10, 1892, to March 10, 1893; Heber Anderson, from March 10 to July 10, 1893; C. T. Williams, from July 10, 1893, to March 30, 1895; James P. Anderson, from March 30, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents A. J. Allred, from February 25, 1883, to November 30, 1884; William E. Morrell, from November 30, 1884, to July 3, 1887; Hyett E. Maxfield, from July 3, 1887, to Janu- ary 10, 1892; Peter I. Akelund, from January 10, 1892, to March 10, 1893; George Shiner, from March 10 to July 10, 1893; William E. Morrell, from July 10, 1893, to March 30, 1895; David A. Stone, from March 30, 1895, to January 3, 1897; Joseph Ellett, from Janu- ary 3, 1897, to May 22, 1898; Willam E. Morrell,-from May 22, 1898. to December 31, 1899. 476 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents Sidney Allred, from February 25, 1883, to November 30, 1884; William A. Taylor, from November 30, 1884, to July 3, 1887; Peter I. Akelund, from July 3, 1887, to January 10, 1892; George Shiner, from January 10, 1892, to March 10, 1893; James A. Taylor, from March 10 to July 10, 1893; Le Roy Young, from July 10, 1893, to March 30, 1895; Albert Shiner, from March 30, 1895, to January 5, 1896; Joseph Ellett, from January 5, 1896, to January 3, 1897; Niels E. Akelund, from January 3, 1897, to January 1, 1899; C. T. Balla, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries A. J. Allred, from February 25, 1883, to November 30, 1884; William A. Taylor, from November 30, 1884, to January 10, 1892; Olive Young, from January 10, 1892, to March 10, 1893; Alice Taylor, from March 10, 1893, to March 30, 1895; Sarah J. Shiner, from March 30, 1895, to January 5, 1896; Libbie Maxfield, from January 5, 1896, to January 1, 1899; Minnie Akelund, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. GILES SUNDAY SCHOOL. Formerly Giles was known as Blue Valley and belonged to the Sevier Stake. During the summer of 1883 and that of 1884 a Sunday School was conducted in this place without any formal organization. It was held in private houses, and presided over by persons temporarily appointed for the purpose. An organization was formed June 1, 1885, when John Giles was chosen superintendent; J. C. White, first assistant; Henry Cullum, second assistant; and E. C. Abbott, secretary. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1887 are: Erastus Bingham, superintendent; E. C. Abbott, first assistant; J. C. White, second assistant; E. W. Mayhew, secretary, from May 1, 1887, to January 7, 1894. E. W. Mayhew, superintendent; JohnLords, first assistant; Daniel Omstead, second assistant; Rosette White, secretary, from January 7 to December 29, 1894. L. C. White, superintendent; Daniel Lords, first assistant; John Busenbark, second assistant; Rosette White, secretary; from December 29, 1894, to May 2, 1897. F. A. Young, superintendent; John Busenbark, first assistant; Henry Giles, second assistant; Nora Turner, secretary, from May 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 477 The school convenes in the ward schoolhouse, and has an enroll- ment of 13 officers and teachers and 49 pupils. The historical report shows that F. A. Young has been engaged in Sunday School work over 25 years. GROVER SUNDAY SCHOOL began April 10, 1887. From May 4, 1890, to November 9, 1892 it was closed. Its enrollment at the time of organization was 8 officers and teachers and 17 pupils. At present it is 6 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. The school con- venes in the house of U. V. Stewart. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents William Spencer, from April 10, 1887, to May 4, 1890; Samuel Allen, from November 9, 1892, to November 15, 1896; Urban Stewart, from November 15, 1896, to 1899; Joseph Hutchinson, present incumbent. First assistant superintendents Daniel Allen, from April 10, 1887, to May 4, 1890; Peter Mortenson, from November 9, 1892, to November 15, 1896; Thomas Forsyth, from November 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Franklin, from April 10, 1887, to May 4, 1890; Urban Stewart, from November 9, 1892, to November 15, 1896; William Clark, from November 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Georgina Allen, from April 10, 1887, to May 4, 1890; Thisbe Allen, from November 9, 1892, to November 15, 1896; Rosa Stewart, from November 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that U. V. Stewart has been a Sun- day School worker over 25 years. HANKSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL dates its organization from August, 1884. It began with 5 officers and teachers and 15 pupils; it now has 9 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: Superintendents William Bacon; R. C. Gibbons; George B. Rust; 478 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. J. Jorgensen; E. Naser;* Henry Thompson, from March 20, to November 6, 1892; Nathan Miller, from November 6, 1892 to July 23, 1893; W. S. Rust, from 1 July 23, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents R. C. Gibbons; E. Naser; J. Jorgensen; Henry Thompson;* Nathan Miller, from March 22, to No- vember 6, 1892; Henry Thompson, (second term) from November 6, 1892, to July 23, 1893; Taylor Duncan, from July 23, 1893, to Sep- tember 12, 1895; James Huntsman, from September 12, 1895, to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents A. W. Smith;* W. S. Rust, from March 20, 1892, to July 23, 1893; I. W. Pierce, from July 23, 1893, to September 12, 1895; E. H. McDougall, from September 12, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Eliza Smith; Nellie Thompson; Elvina Naser; * Nellie Thompson, (second term) from March 20, to November 6, 1892; Eva Hanks, from November 6, 1892, to September 12, 1895; Edith Mc- Dougall, from September 12, 1895, to December 31, 1899. JUNCTION SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized August 27, 1898, with 4 officers and teachers and 27 pupils. It now has 11 officers and teachers and 35 pupils. It convenes in the public school- house. The officers are: Leo R. Holt, superintendent; Hattie M. Pendleton, first assistant; Calvin D. Pendleton, second assistant; and E. C. Behunin, secretary. LOA SUNDAY SCHOOL began in June, 1880, with 2 officers and teachers and 13 pupils. It has since increased in numbers to 25 officers and teachers and 207 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents John T. Lazenby, from June, 1880, to June 13, 1881; Ole Okerlund, from June 13, 1881, to September 17, 1882; Henry Jakeman, from September 17, 1882, to April 15, 1883; Charles P. Okerlund, from April 15, 1883, to April, 1884; John W. Young, from April, 1884, to May 6, 1886; John P. Petersen, from May 6, 1886, to *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 479 December, 1888; Robert Pope, from December, 1888, to April, 1890; Walter H. Jeffery, from April, 1890, to July 2, 1893; Michael Hansen, from July 2, 1893, to June 3, 1894; Andrew Sander, from June 3, 1894, to December 31, 1899. First assistant supeintendents Richard C. Gibbons, from June 13, 1881, to April 15, 1883; Franklin Ivy, from April 15, 1883, to April, 1884; George D. Morrell, from April, 1884, to May 6, 1886; Charles P. Okerlund, from May 6, 1886, to January, 1887; John T. Lazenby from January, 1887, to December, 1888; Axel Neilson, from December, 1888, to April, 1890; James T. Darton, from April to Oc- tober, 1890; Michael Hansen, from October, 1890, to July 2, 1893; Charles P. Okerlund, (second term) from July 2, 1893, to June 3, 1894, Ephraim Blackburn, from June 3, 1894, to November 22, 1896; Charles P. Okerlund, (third term) from November 22, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ole Okerlund, from September 17, 1882, to April 15, 1883; Richard C. Gibbons, from April 15, 1883, to April, 1884; George J. Forsyth, from April, 1884, to May 6, 1886; Thomas H. Jakeman, from May 6, 1886, to December, 1888; Parley M. Grigg, from December, 1888, to July 2, 1893; Levi A. Taylor, from July 2, 1893, to June 3, 1894; Teancum Hunt, from June 3, 1894, to January 27, 1895; Charles P. Okerlund, from January 27, 1895, to November 22, 1896; Edgar W. Jeffery, from November 22, 1896, to May 9, 1897; John Lazenby, from June 6, 1897, to October 9, 1898; Jedediah M. Grover, from October 9, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Levi A. Taylor, from January, to October, 1887 George S. Forsyth, from October, 1887, to December, 1888; Flora E. Russell, from April, 1890, to September 6, 1891; Henrietta Hansen, from September 6, 1891, to October 23, 1892; Sarah A. Lazenby, from October 23, 1892, to October 14, 1894; Katie J. Black- burn, from October 14, 1894, to March 21, 1897; Frederic E. Brown* from March 21 to November 21, 1897; Zina Z. Jeffery, from Novem- ber 21, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Sarah S. Forsyth has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. 480 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. LYMAN SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since September 3, 1893. It began with 11 officers and teachers and 60 pupils, and now has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 97 pupils. The names of successive officers are: Superintendents Thomas H. Jakeman, from September 3, 1893, to August 13, 1899; William I. Callahan, from August 13, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Sidney Coons, from September 13, 1893, to September 8, 1895; Benjamin G. Turner, from Septem- ber 15, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William E. Stringam, from September 3, 1893, to June 14, 1896; Joseph Willickson, from June 14, to October 25, 1896; William I. Callahan, from October 25, 1896, to August 13, 1899; Byron Cook, from August 13, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Lydia Maxfield, from September 3, 1893, to March 25, 1894; Ethel Maxfield, from March 25, 1894, to December 31, 1899. TEASDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On July 1, 1883, this school was organized with 6 officers and teachers and 48 pupils. It has since in- creased in numbers to 17 officers and teachers and 78 pupils. Its weekly sessions are held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Gilbert M. Adams, from July 1, 1883, to May 18, 1884; D. C. Adams, from May 18, 1884, to May 11, 1887; George Coleman, from May 11, 1887, to November 24, 1889; George A. Burr, from November 24, 1889, to December 7, 1890; Lewis Adams, from December 7, 1890, to November 6, 1892; Charles W. Lee, from No- vember 13, 1892, to February 16, 1896; Lewis Adams, (second term) from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents D. C. Adams, from July 1, 1883, to May 18, 1884; John A. Burr, from May 18, 1884, to May 11, 1887; D. C. Adams, (second term) from May 11, 1887, to November 24> 1889; Lewis Adams, from November 24, 1889, to December 7, 1890; U. V. Stewart, from December 7, 1890, to November 6, 1892; George JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 481 Coleman; from November 13, 1892, to February 16, 1896; William A. Holt, from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Isaac S. Goodwin, from July 1, 1883, to May 11, 1887; U. V. Stewart, from November 24, 1889, to December 7, 1890; Charles W. Lee, from December 7, 1890, to November 6, 1892; John C. Jacobs, from November 13, 1892, to February 16, 1896; Walter P. Coleman, from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Emma J. Coleman, from July 1, 1883, to March 28, 1886; Mary E. Stewart, from March 28, 1886, to March 19, 1889; A. S. Coleman, from March 17, 1887, to February 6, 1890; Eunice Hunts- man, from February 6 to December 7, 1890; Florence Williams, from December 7, 1890, to December 6, 1893; Charles Snow, from Decem- ber 13, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Jane S. Coleman has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. THURBER SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was established some- time prior to 1883, the date not being known. It has an enrollment of 20 officers and teachers and 86 pupils, and is held in the Relief Society Hall and Stringam's Hall. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents Benjamin Clark;* Mathew W. Mansfield, from August 6, 1893, to October 27, 1895; W. W. Morrison, from October 27, 1895, to May 10, 1896; Seth Taft, from May 10, 1896, to Novem- ber, 1897; M. W. Mansfield, from November, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Burgess; Jonathan Hunt,* W. W. Hall, from March 10, 1883, to November 22, 1885; John A. Peterson, from November 29, 1885, to March 28, 1886; Heber J. Wilson, Jonathan Hunt, John A. Peterson, in turn from 1887 to August 6, 1893; W. Snow, J. A. Forsyth, in turn from August 6, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Meeks, David J. The period of service of this officer is not obtainable. 482 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Coombs, W. G. Meeks, W. A. Keele, W. Snow, George L. Stringam, W. A. Keele, Jr.* Secretaries M. W. Mansfield, Mary A. Bullard, Sally M. String- am, May A. Snow, I. D. Forsyth, Eliza E. Stringam, George L. Stringam.* TORREY SUNDAY SCHOOL began September 10, 1898, with an en- rollment of 8 officers and teachers and 23 pupils. It now has 10 officers and teachers and 60 pupils, and is held in the ward meeting- house. The officers are: William A. Holt, superintendent; John C. Jacobs, first assistant; G. W. Merrill, second assistant, Enoch A. Holt, secretary. TRENTON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was organized Novem- ber 20, 1898, with David Coombs, superintendent; Albert Mangum, first assistant; and C. M. Bullard, secretary. It convenes at the resi- dence of E. N. Bullard. The enrollment December 31, 1899, was 10 officers and teachers and 27 pupils. The historical report shows that Christon Johnson, David Coombs and Theresa Coombs have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. WEBER STAKE. The Sunday Schools of Weber County are all included in this stake. A complete organization of the Sunday School superintend- ency was not effected till 1872. Previous to that date the Sunday Schools in the county were under the supervision of William Critch- low, from 1864 to 1867 and of Robert McQuarrie from 1867 to 1872. During the latter year Richard Ballantyne, the founder of the first Sunday School in Utah, was chosen stake superintendent, a position he held until his death, which occurred on November 8, 1898. He was succeeded by Thomas B. Evans, the present superintendent. Successive assistant superintendents, and secretaries are the following-named: First assistant superintendents Thomas Wallace, from 1872 to 1880; William H. Wright, from 1880 to 1884, Louis F. Moench, from The period of service of these officers is not obtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 483 1884 to April 15, 1899; Charles J. Ross, from June 6 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Louis F. Moench, from 1873 to 1880; Austin C. Brown, from 1880 to 1884; William H. Wright, from 1884 to 1897; Thomas B. Evans, from 1897 to April 15, 1899; Henry Peterson, from June 6, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James F. Burton, from 1884 to 1896; Charles J. Ross, from 1896 to June 6, 1899; Egbert Stratford, from June 6, to December 31, 1899. There are 29 Sunday Schools in the Weber Stake of Zion. DEAF MUTE SUNDAY SCHOOL. -(For a brief historical sketch of this school see pages 33 and 34 of this volume.) EAST HUNTSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL has an enrollment of 11 of- ficers and teachers and 58 pupils. Fred Schade is superintendent. No further report of this school has been received. EDEN SUND\Y SCHOOL. Richard Ballantyne, the founder of the first Sunday School in Utah, and also one of the first settlers of Eden was the first superintendent of this school. It was established in 1864 or 1865. After his release the school was presided over in turn by John Farrell and Peter Johnson No record, however, of the school from the time of organization till the year 1880 is preserved. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries since records have been kept are: Superintendents L. A. Pritchet, from February 8, 1880, to No- vember 5, 1882; James A. Thompson, from November 5, 1882, to De- cember 27, 1885; Josiah L. Ferrin, from December 27, 1885, to 1892; James A. Thompson, (second term) from 1892 to May 19, 1895; Lester H. Frorer, from May 19, 1895, to May 3, 1896: David Burnett, from May 3, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First' assistant superintendents James A. Thompson, from Feb- ruary 8, 1880, to November 5, 1882; James Burt, from November 5, 1882, to December 27, 1885, William Henigar, from December 27, 1885, to 1892; James Burt, (second term) from 1892 to May 19, 1895; Wilmer Ferrin, from May 19, 1895, to December 31, 1899. 484 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents William Lindsay, from Feb- ruary 8, 1880, to November 5, 1882; Henry J. Fuller, from November 5, 1882, to May 19, 1895; David Burnett, from May 19, 1895, to May 3, 1896; James M. Shupe, from May 3, 1896, to 1897; David C. Walker, from September 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Robert Graham,from February 8, 1880, to November 5,1882; Walter J.Lindsay,from November 5,1882,to December 27.1885; James A. Farrell, from December 27, 1885, to 1892; Elfrida Anderson, from 1892, to May 3, 1896; Andrew B. Jenson, from May 3, 1896, to 1897; Hyrum Ririe, from September 19, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The school has an enrollment of 20 officers and teachers and 120 pupils, and convenes in the Eden schoolhouse. The historical report shows that James A. Thompson, Jnhn Far- rell, James Burt, Heber R. McBride, John Carver, Henry J. Fuller and 0. F. Colvan have been Sunday School workers over 25 years FAR WEST SUNDAY SCHOOL. Previous to 1890 this was known as the West Harrisville school, and was first established in 1872 as a branch of that of Harrisville. From 1884 it has been conducted independent of the parent school. At that time (1884) it had 10 of- ficers and teachers and 100 pupils; it now has 21 officers and teachers and 106 pupils. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents W. J. Larkins, from 1872 to February 16, 1896; J. E. Groberg, from February 16, 1896, to August 29, 1897; Joseph Stephenson, from August 29, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William D. Pritchet, from 1872 to 1884; W. F. Mclntyre, from 1884 to July 3, 1892; P. C. Stephen- son, Jr., from July 3, 1892, to February 16, 1896; Henry Mclntyre, from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Martin, from 1872 to 1890; P. C. Stephenson, from 1890 to February 16, 1896; W. A. Tay- lor, from February 16, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth Brown, from 1884 to December 21, 1886; Ada Mclntyre, from December 21, 1886 to March 22, 1891; W. A. Taylor, from March 22, 1891, to July 10, 1892; Henry Mclntyre, from JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 485 July 10, 1892, to January 5, 1895; Moroni Chugg, from January 5, 1895, to July 31, 1898; Hannah Chugg, from July 31, 1898, to De- cember 31, 1899. The historical report shows that W. J. Larkins, James Martin and Thomas D. Brown have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. HARRISVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The organization of this school took place on May 14, 1865. It then had about 20 members, and they met for weekly sessions in a small log house. The enrollment now is 27 officers and teachers and 130 pupils, and the present place of convening is the ward meetinghouse. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents Martin H. Harris, from April 21, 1867, to September 14, 1868; Stephen F. Wilson, from September 14, 1868, to April 6, 1873; Peter Later, from April 6, 1873, to October 24, 1886; Levi J. Taylor, from October 31, 1886, to April 30, 1893; Richard D. Brown, from April 30, 1893, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Stephen F. Wilson, from April 21, 1867, to September 14, 1868; Noah L. Shurtliff, from September 14, 1868, to October 24, 1886; Nathan J. Harris, from October 31, 1886, to April 30, 1893; Richard Hayes, from December 31, 1893, to July 17, 1898; Nathan J. Harris, (second term) from July 17, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Richard D. Brown, from Sep- tember 14, 1868, to October 24, 1886; Riley G. Dixon, from October 31, 1886, to July 17, 1898; Samuel S. Later, from July 17,- 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Elizabeth D. Brown, from April 6, 1873, to December 31, 1882; Annie M. Shurtliff, from December 31, 1882, to December 31, 1884; Horace L. Shurtliff, from December 31, 1884, to December 31, 1887; Matilda Swenson, from December 31, 1887, to December 31, 1888; Herbert D. Brown, from December 31, 1888, to December 31, 1891; Ida Dabb, from December 31, 1891, to December 31, 1892; Lettie M. Saunders, from December 31, 1892, to December 31, 1893; Emeline Agren, from December 31, 1893, to December 31, 1894; William Shurtliff, from December 31, 1894, to December 31, 1895; 486 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Etta Brown, from December 31, 1895, to December 31, 1898; Ruby Taylor, from December 31, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Bishop Levi J. Taylor and Super- intendent Richard D. Brown and Pleasant Green Taylor have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. HOOPER SUNDAY SCHOOL. Hooper ward formerly embraced what is now South Hooper in Davis Stake and a part of Kanesville. A Sunday School was opened in this place in 1870. William F. Sechrist was appointed to take charge of it. He was succeeded the following year by Jesse Powers. In the fall of 1873 a more com- plete organization was effected. At this time the enrollment was 12 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. The school now has 23 officers and teachers and 306 pupils. It convenes weekly in the ward meet- inghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Charles Parker, from 1873 to July 6, 1879; Samuel Ridout, from July 6, 1879 to October 28, 1883; Oliver Bel- nap, from October 28, 1883, to April 11, 1886; Ole Oleson, from April 11, 1886, to June 17, 1888; A. F. Elggren, from June 17, 1888, to August 11, 1889; H. J. Manning, from August 11, 1889, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Johnson, from 1873 to July 6, 1879; Edwin Parker, from July 6, 1879, to October 28, 1883; James Johnson, (second term) from October 28, 1883, to August 11, 1889;* James Beus, from August 11, 1889, to December 31, 1893. Second assistant superintendents Joseph R. Messervy, from 1873 to July 6, 1879; William Parker, from July 6, 1879, to October 28, 1883; Emory W. Soule, from October 28, 1883, to Augast 11, 1889; George W. Quibell, from August 11, 1889, to 1897; Oscar S. Rice, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries H. W. Manning, Jr., from July 6, 1879, to October 28, 1883; Minnie Parker, from October 28, 1883, to April 11, 1886; William Newton, from April 11, 1886, to June 17, 1888; John D. Hooper, from June 17, 1888, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 487 From June 15, 1879, to August 11, 1889, a branch school was held in the western part of the ward. The officers of this school were: James Beus, superintendent; Eli D. Spaulding, first assistant; William S. Flinders, second assistant; and William Wadsworth, secretary. When the new ward meetinghouse was completed the two schools were consolidated, and held in that building. The historical report shows that James Beus, Clarinda Beus, Elizabeth Manning, and H. J. Manning have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. HUNTSVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. The records of this school pre- vious to the year 1875 are not at hand. As early as 1862 a school was established in this place. The present enrollment shows 22 officers and teachers and 285 pupils, and convenes in the ward meet- ing house. The names of successive officers, as far as obtained are: Charles Wright, superintendent; George Halls, first assistant; S. S. Hammond, second assistant; William Halls, secretary, from 1875 to 1887; W. W. McDonald, superintendent; A. P. Renstrom, first assistant; A. J. Anderson, second assistant; George H. Halls, secretary, from 1887 to 1890; A. J. Anderson, superintendent; George H. Halls, first assist- ant; Mosiah Hall second assistant; Mary Anderson, secretary; from 1890 to 1899. Present officers A. J. Anderson, superintendent; William H. Burrows, first assistant; Adam Z. Petersen, second assist- ant; Willheart Schade, secretary. The historical report shows that Bishop David McKay has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. KANESVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On January 7, 1883, this school was organized at the residence of Peter B. Peterson, with 2 officers and teachers and 40 pupils. It now has an enrollment of 19 officers and teachers and 56 pupils, and convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Peter B. Peterson, from January 7, 1883, to August 1, 1886; John T. Jones, from August 1, 1886, to October 10, 1889; Charles L. White, from May 25, 1890, to December 31, 1899. 488 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. First assistant superintendents Edward Cooke, from January 7, 1883, to July 25, 1885; John T. Jones, from July 25, 1885, to August 1, 1886; William J. Bartlett, from October 3, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William J. Bartlett, from Feb- ruary 25, 1885, to October 3, 1887; Edward Cooke, from October 3, 1887, to May 18, 1890; John J. Bowen, from May 25, to September 14, 1890; Charles Holmgreen, from September 14, 1890, to March 20, 1898; William H. Green, from March 20, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Edward Cooke, from January 7, 1883, to July 25, 1885; Henry Peterson, from July 25, 1885, to May 25, 1890; John F. Rawson, from May 25, 1890, to September 23, 1891, Heber White, from September 23, 1891, to August 7, 1892; Walter H. Rawson, from August 21, 1892, to December 17, 1893; Elias Peterson, from December 24, 1893, to December 27, 1897; Helen Bartlett, from De- cember 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. LIBERTY SUNDAY SCHOOL formerly belonged to Eden Ward. Since December 10, 1892, the settlement has been organized as a separate ward. The school began June 3, 1886, with an enrollment of 11 of- ficers and teachers and 43 pupils; it now has 16 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents James Burt, from June 3, 1886, to October 28, 1888; Joshua B. Judkins, from October 28, 1888, to January 1, 1893, Edward J. Davis, from January 1, 1893, to June 13, 1897; Charles F. Wade, from June 13, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Burt, Jr., from January 3, 1886, to October 28, 1888; John Marshall, from October 28, 1888, to January 1, 1893; James Burt, Jr., (second term) from January 1, 1893, to June 13, 1897; Benjamin Jones, from June 13, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James W. Ferrin, from Jan- uary 3, 1886, to October 28, 1888; Charles E. Clark, from October 28, 1888, to January 1, 1893; George Shaw, from Juno 1, 1893, to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 489 June 13, 1897; William H. Chard, from June 13, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries John Marshall, from June 3, 1886, to October 28, 1888; Henry T. Chard, from October 28, 1888, to January 1, 1893; Edmund J. Marshall, from January 15, 1893, to June 13, 1897; Charles A. Clark, from July 4, 1897, to December 31, 1899. LYNNE SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Ogden. It began as an organized school in August, 1872, with 4 officers and teachers and 17 pupils. It now numbers 23 officers and teachers and 193 pupils, and convenes in the ward meetinghouse. From 1867 to 1872 a Sun- day School was conducted in this place by Peter Later and Thomas Wilson. It had an enrollment of 4 officers and teachers and 20 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries, from the time of organization in 1872, are: Superintendents Joseph Harrop, from August, 1872, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Smuin, from 1872 to 1891; S. P. Richards, from 1891 to 1896; P. L. Sherner, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W. W. Crane, from 1884 to 1891; F. A. Wilcox, from 1891 to 1896; W. H. Streeper, from 1896 to 1897; W. D. Shaw, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries George Smuin, from 1872 to 1881; S. G. Crowley, from 1881 to 1884; W. W. Crane, from 1884 to 1886; Joseph Harrop, from 1886 to 1889; S. P. Richards, from 1889 to 1893; Susanah Smuin, from 1893 to 1894; Lottie Hutchens, from 1894 to 1898; Lottie Smuin, from October 30, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joseph Harrop, P. L. Sherner, and George Smuin have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. MARRIOTT SUNDAY SCHOOL has been in existence since 1867. It has an enrollment of 16 officers and teachers and 136 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants, and secretaries: Superintendents Thomas S. Wadsworth, from 1867 to 1868; s; 490 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Thomas Salisbury, from 1868 to 1884; Helon A. Tracy; Hans Mad- son;* John D. Powell, from 1893 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas Salisbury, from 1867 to 1868; Arthur Parsons; Thomas Joyce; Hans Madson; John D. Powell;* Timothy Terry, from April 13, 1890 to 1896; George H. Butler, from 1896 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Caleb Parry, from 1867 to to 1868; Helon A. Tracy; John D. Powell; Jonathan H.Butler;* Henry H. Butler, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. MOUND FORT SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Ogden, began in the spring of 1866, with 5 officers and teachers and 35 pupils. It has since in- creased in numbers to 17 officers and teachers and 144 pupils. Its weekly sessions are held in the Mound Fort Hall, corner Twelfth Street and Jefferson Avenue. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents James Taylor, from 1866 to 1871; William Barker, from 1871 to March 11, 1877; John Maddock, from March 11, 1877, to November 19, 1882; Thomas D. Dee, from November 19, 1882, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Miles H. Jones, from 1866 to 1871; Henry Whitaker, f rom 1871 to March 11, 1877; William Barker, from March 11, 1877, to 1890; John Maddock, from July 12, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Barker, from 1866 to 1871; Isaac L. Clark, from March 11, 1877, to November 26, 1882; Charles Morton, from November 26, 1882, to May 28, 1891; Henry J. Newman, from July 12, 1891, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ambrose E. Shaw, from March 11, 1877, to May 19, 1878; Miles H. Jones, from May 19, 1878, to September 22, 1889; John E. Ramsden, from September 22, 1889, to May 17, 1896; Mary Elizabeth Dee, from May 17, 1896, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that James Taylor, Thomas D. Dee t and John Maddock have been Sunday School workers over 30 years. *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 491 NORTH OGDEN SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school has been established since September 4, 1855. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school: Superintendents James B. Almond, from September 4, 1855, to March 29, 1858; William Barker, from fall of 1862 to fall of 1869; James Barker, from fall of 1869 to July 14, 1871; Thomas Kirby, from July 14, 1871, to October 11, 1874; Robert G, Berrett, from October 11, 1874, to December 30, 1877; Fred W. Ellis, from December 30, 1877, to December 12, 1886; Nathaniel Montgomery, from December 12, 1886, to November 4, 1888; Fred W. Ellis, (second term) from November 4, 1888, to May 12, 1895; John W. Rex, from May 12, 1895, to October 3, 1897; Nathaniel Montgomery, (second term) from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Sansom, from Septem- ber 4, 1855, to March 29, 1858; Robert G. Berrett, from fall of 1862 to July 14, 1871; F. W. Ellis, from October 11, 1874, to December 30, 1877; James Ward, from December 30, 1877, to December 12, 1886; James Storey, from December 12, 1886, to November 4, 1888; John W. Rex, from November 4, 1888, to October 3, 1897; John A. Clark, from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Robert G. Frazer, from Sep- tember 4, 1855, to March 29, 1858; Sidney Stevens, from fall of 1869 to July 14, 1871; James Storey, from December 30, 1877, to December 12, 1886; John S. Chadwick, from December 12, 1886, to November 4, 1888; Frank R. Christensen, from November 4, 1888, to May 12, 1895; William S. Wallace, from May 12, 1895, to October 3, 1897; John Q. Blaylock, from October 3, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Robert G. Frazer, Francis Dudman, John W. Gibson, George W. Rose, George S. Dean, Ellen Chadwick, B. F. Blaylock, Eliza A. Chadwick, Mary Alvord, Nora Rex, Lilly Montgomery, Mason Blaylock, Maggie I. Montgomery, Diana Waldran, Harriet Brown. The school has an enrollment of 36 officers and teachers and 303 pupils, and its weekly sessions are held in the ward meetinghouse. OGDEN FIRST WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. March 3, 1878, is the 492 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. date on which this school was organized. It began with 161 mem- bers. It now has 43 officers and teachers and 530 pupils, and con- venes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assist- ants and secretaries: Superintendents William R. R. Stowell, from March 3, 1878, to May 4, 1884; George R. Hill, from May 4, 1884, to April 17, 1889; Moroni Brown, from April 17, 1889, to February 10, 1895; Datus H. Ensign, from February 10, 1895, to December 4, 1898; Benjamin P. Critchlow, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Mark Hall, from March 3 to December 22, 1878; William F. Critchlow, from December 22, 1878, to May 4, 1884; Job Pingree, from May 4, 1884, to April 17, 1889; William Jackson, from April 17, 1889, to February 10, 1895; W. 0. Ridges, from February 10, 1895, to December 4, 1898; John T. Henniger, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents James Gale, from March 3, to December 22, 1878; Soloman C. Stephens, from December 22, 1878, to May 4, 1884; Alma Flinders, from May 4, 1884, to January, 1885; Joseph Jackson, from May 25, 1885, to April 17, 1889; James E. Ballantyne, from April 17, 1889, to February 10, 1895; John T. Henniger, from February 10, 1895, to December 4, 1898; James E. Ballantyne, (second term) from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ephraim T. Myers, from March 3, to December 22, 1878; Claudius J. Flowers, from December 22, 1878, to May 8, 1881; John J. Hill, from May 8 to August 21, 1881; Francis Wood, from August 21, 1881, to August 6, 1882; Henry J. Garner, from August 6, 1882, to April 17, 1889; Charles Pincock, from April 17, 1889, to February 10, 1895; Rufus A. Garner, from February 10, 1895, to December 4, 1898; Joan Woodmansee, from December 4, 1898, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Charles Wright has been a Sun- day School worker over 35 years; Moroni Brown and James Johnson over 25 years. OGDEN SECOND WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. The date of organiza- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 493 tion of this school is unknown. It was in existence as early as July 10, 1864. The present enrollment shows 35 officers and teachers and 409 pupils. It is held in the Second Ward Institute, corner Twenty-sixth Street and Grant Avenue. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries, as far as obtainable, are: Superintendents Robert McQuarrie, from November 27, 1865, to April 20, 1867; Thomas Doxey, from April 20, 1867, to February 27, 1881; Mark Hall, from February 27 to November 27, 1881; N. Tanner, Jr., from November 27, 1881, to April 27, 1884; John Scow- croft, from May 4, 1884, to March 23, 1890; N. Tanner, Jr., (second term) from March 23, 1890, to January 31, 1892; John Scowcroft, (second term) from January 31, 1892 to May 17, 1896; A. McLaren Boyle, from May 17, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Joseph Hall, from February 27, to November 27, 1881; Henry J. Newman, from November 27, 1881> to April 27, 1884; Mark Hall, from May 4, 1884, to March 23, 1890; Charles W. Hinchcliffe, from March 23, 1890, to January 31, 1892; John G. Ellis, from January 31, 1892, to July 30, 1893; George Shorten, from July 30, 1893, to May 17, 1896; John G. Ellis, (second term) from May 17, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents John Ellis, from February 27, 1881, to April 27, 1884; William Pearce,from May 4, 1884, to March 23, 1890; J. H. Watkins, from March 23, 1890, to January 31, 1892; George Shorten, from January 31, 1892, to July 30, 1893; A. McLaren Boyle, from July 30, 1893, to May 17, 1896; Francis L. Scoville, from May 17, 1896, to August 13, 1899; Heber Scowcroft, from August 13 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John C. Carr, from March 23, 1890, to August 13, 1899; H. B. Scoville, from August 13 to December 31, 1899. OGDEN THIRD WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school began in 1876 and was first held on Grant Avenue, between 23rd and 24th Streets. It is now held on the corner of Grant Avenue and 22nd Street. It numbers 29 officers and teachers and 430 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries of the school are: 494 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Superintendents William W. Burton, from 1876 to 1878; George Turner, from 1878 to 1879; Thomas D. Dee, from 1879 to 1882; Thomas B. Evans, from 1882 to 1885; Hyrum H. Goddard, from 1885 to 1888; Brigham'H. Goddard, from 1888 to 1890; Heber J. Sears, from 1890 to 1892; T. Y. Stanford from April 4, 1893, to April 26, 1896; Carl E. Peterson, from May 3, 1896 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George Turner, from 1876 to 1878; Thomas D. Dee, from 1878 to 1879; William Hardey, from 1879 to 1882; T. Y. Stanford, from 1882 to 1885; Peter Anderson, from 1885 to 1888; Thomas Y. Stanford, from 1888 to 1890; Carl E. Peterson, from 1890 to 1892; Marcus Fair, from April 4, 1893, to October 31, 1897; Hyrum H. Goddard, from November 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Thomas D. Dee, from 1876 to 1878; John Hastings, from 1879 to 1882; Henry J. Newman, from 1882 to 1885; Samuel P. Richards, from 1885 to 1888; Ben E. Rich, from 1888 to 1893; Jennie Nelson, from April 4, 1893, to April 26, 1896; Hyrum H. Goddard, from May 3, 1896, to October 31, 1897; Peter Anderson, from November 2, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Thomas D. Dee, from 1879 to 1882; Hyrum H. God- dard, from 1882 to 1885; Lizzie Thomas, from 1885 to 1888; Francis Nelson, from 1888 to 1893; Etta Gay, from April 4, 1893, to October 31, 1897; Edna Weaver, from November 7, 1897, to December 31, 1899. OGDEN FOURTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was established March 3, 1878, beginning with 13 officers and teachers and 261 pupils. It numbers at present 39 officers and teachers and 439 pupils, and is held in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Austin C. Brown, from March 3, 1878, to Feb- ruary 16, 1879; R. A. Ballantyne, from February 16, 1879, to Febru- ary 1, 1880; Austin C. Brown, (second term) from February 1, 1880, to May 6, 1883; Ephraim Tillotson, from May 13, 1883, to January 30, 1887; Thomas B. Evans, from February 6, 1887, to January 18, 1891 ; Jesse G. Stratford, from January 25, 1891, to December 31, 1899. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 495 First assistant superintendents R. A. Ballantyne, from March 3, 1878, to February 16, 1879; Charles C. Brown, from February 16, 1879, to March 19, 1882; George W. Larkins, from March 19, 1882, to May 6, 1883; Thomas A. Shreeve, from May 13, 1883, to No- vember 14, 1886; Henry W. Gwilliams, from November 14, 1886, to June 26, 1887; Jesse G. Stratford, from June 26, 1887, to Janu- ary 18, 1891; Charles H. Greenwell, from January 25, 1891, to De- cember 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. X. Allen, from March 3, 1878, to February 16, 1879; Z. Ballantyne, from February 16, 1879, to March 26, 1882; Thomas A. Shreeve, from March 16, 1882, to May 6, 1883; Henry W. Gwilliams, from May 13, 1883, to November 14, 1886; John Watson, from November 14, 1886, to January 30, 1887; Jesse G. Stratford, from February 6 to June 26, 1887; Charles H. Greenwell, from June 26, 1887, to January 18, 1891; John W. Chambers, from January 25, 1891, to March 5, 1893; Edwin T. Wool- ley, from March 5, 1893, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Jesse G. Stratford, from February 1, 1880, to May 6, 1883; Elizabeth A. Tillotson, from May 13 to September 9, 1883; Maggie Chambers, from September 16, 1883, to January 24, 1884; Katie Lammers, from February 10, to December 28, 1884; Amelia Larsen, from January 5, 1885, to January 30, 1887; Clara Chambers, from February 6, 1887, to March 18, 1895; Verna Bar- rows, from March 24, 1895, to January 1, 1899; Walter A. Kerr, from January 1, to September 10, 1899; Edward H. Anderson, Jr., from September 10, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Joseph Goddard, E. H. Ander- son and E. T. Woolley have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. OGDEN FIFTH WARD SUNDAY SCHOOL was created by dividing the Fourth Ward. The division occurred February 6, 1887, and June 26 following the school was organized with John Watson, superin- tendent; H. H. Rolapp, first assistant; Moroni Poulter, second assist- ant; and Amelia Larsen, secretary. The only change in the superin- tendecy occurred on January 3, 1897, when H. H. Thomas succeeded second assistant superintendent Poulter. 496 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Successive secretaries, besides the one already named are: Joseph Ballantyne, from January 1, 1888, to April 8, 1894; Heber F. Burton from April 8, 1894, to June 4, 1899; Stanley S. Stevens, from June 4, to December 31, 1899. The school began with 23 officers and teachers and 185 pupils; it now has 33 officers and teachers and 392 pupils. It is held in the Fifth Ward Meetinghouse and the Institute. The historical report shows that Stake President L. W. Shurtliff, Thomas A. Shreeve, Rosalthe Canfield, Moroni Poulter, George W. Larkin, L. F. Moench and Ruth Moench have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. PLAIN CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL began in April, 1864, its early ses- sions being held in a small schoolhouse which formerly stood on the public square. Its first enrollment was 10 officers and teachers and 50 pupils; now it has 33 officers and teachers and 254 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents John Spiers, from spring of 1864, to August 12, 1877; George W. Bramwell, from August 12, 1877, to June 4, 1882; William L. Stewart, from June 4, 1882, to July 8, 1888; S. P.Draney, from JulyS, 1888, to May 7, 1893; William L. Stewart, (second term) from May 7, 1893, to August 30, 1896; S. P. Draney, (second term) from August 30, 1896, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents David Booth, from spring of 1864, to August 12, 1877; Fred G. Ralph, from August 12, 1877, to June 4, 1882; J. P. Folkman, from June 4, 1882, to January 7, 1883; George W. Bramwell, from January 7, to February 4, 1883; Frank S. Bramwell, from February 4, 1883, to April 19, 1886; Lewis Jenkins, from July 8, 1888, to May 7, 1893; Harry A. Bramwell, from May 7, 1893, to November 25, 1894; Orson Raymond, from August 30, 1896, to September 12, 1897; Joseph M. Folkman, from November 21, 1897, to June 15, 1898; Henry J. Garner, from July 9, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents W. W. McGuire, from spring of 1864 to August 12, 1877; W. S. Geddes, from August 12, 1877, to January 11, 1880; William L. Stewart, from January 11, 1880, to JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 497 June 4, 1882; George H. Carver, from June 4, 1882, to February 4, 1883; William Knight, from February 4, 1883, to December 28, 1884; S. P. Draney, from December 28, 1884, to July 8, 1888; George H. Carver, (second term) from October 24, 1888, to September, 1890; Peter M. Folkman, from May 7, 1893, to May 30, 1896; Walter Bramwell, from August 30, 1896, to July 9, 1899; Lewis R. Jenkins, from July 9, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Mary Ann W. Spiers, from 1864 to August 12, 1877; George H. Carver, from August 12, 1877, to June 4, 1882; Samuel P. Draney, from November 14, 1882, to December 28, 1884, J. B. Carver, from December 28, 1884, to March 18, 1888; George D. Folkman, from March 5, 1893, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that William England, David Booth, and Charles Neal have been Sunday School workers over 35 years; Samuel P. Draney, George D. Folkman and William L. Stewart, over 30 years. PLEASANT VIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL began in 1876. It has an en- rollment of 23 officers and teachers and 165 pupils. Following are names of suscessive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Edward W. Wade, from 1874, to October 29, 1882; Thomas Budge, from October 29, 1882, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Charles H. Rhees, from 1874 to October 29, 1882; Charles F. Wade, from October 29, 1882, to May 9, 1897; Wiley G. Cragun, from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Jacob Ferrin, from 1876 to January 1, 1882; Thomas Budge, from January 1, to October 29, 1882; Wiley G. Cragun, from October 29, 1882, to May 9, 1897; Joseph Helm, from May 9, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Isabelle M. Crandall; William H. Crandall;* Thomas Budge, from January 1, to October 29, 1882; George H. May cock, from October 29, 1882, to June 8, 1893; Reuben T. Rhees, from June 8, 1893, to May 19, 1895; Albert S. Ferrin, from May 19, to Decem- ber 8, 1895; Dora Shaw, from December 8, 1895, to November 15, The term of service of these officers is not obtainable. 498 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1896; May Cragun, from November 15, 1896, to November 26, 1899; Susannah V. Maycock, from November 26 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Charles H. Rhees, has been a Sunday School workers over 25 years. POPLAR SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Plain City, was first organized Sep- tember 23, 1894, with 13 officers and teachers and 33 pupils Its officers then chosen were: Fred W. Dalton, superintendent; Haskel H. Shurtliif, first x assistant; James L. Robson, second assistant; and Fred. J. Kenley, secretary. On January 29, 1899, a reorganization took place, when James L. Robson was chosen superintendent; Fred. J. Kenley, first assistant; Wm. S. Cottle, second assistant; and Samuel Summers, secretary. The school convenes in the district schoolhouse, and has an en- rollment of 14 officers and teachers and 42 pupils. RIVERDALE SUNDAY SCHOOL. About the year 1868 Frederick King started a Bible class in Riverdale, which met on a Sabbath morn- ing. Owing to the removal of Elder King it was discontinued and on January 1, 1870, a school was regularly organized by the bishopric of the ward with 9 officers and teachers and 65 pupils; it now has 17 officers and teachers and 135 pupils, who meet for weekly sessions in the ward schoolhouse. Richard Dye has been superintendent since the time of organization. Myron B. Childs was first assistant from date of organization to January, 1873; William C. Parker, from January 1883 to December 31, 1899. John Russell was second assistant from January, 1877, to July 29, 1885; John C. Childs, from January, 1887, to December 31, 1899. Mary A. Stimpson was secretary from January, 1886, to November 20, 1898; Margaret Stimp- son, from January 1 to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Richard Dye, William C. Parker and Sanford .Bingham, have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. ROY SUNDAY SCHOOL. The first Sunday School held in this place was conducted by Justin T. Grover, and was held in his house. It began in January, 1876. On March 27, 1876, the school was JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 499 organized with Justin T. Grover, superintendent; David P. Davis, first assistant; John Bruce, second assistant; and David P. Davis, secretary. On May 6, 1894; C. J. Garner, the present superinten- dent, succeeded Justin T. Grover. The same date William F. Robin- son was chosen first assistant superintendent, and on June 7, 1896, Thomas Hollands was chosen second assistant. The latter was suc- ceeded by Oscar T. Jones on June 8, 1899. Eliza Starkey, was chosen secretary May 6, 1894, and was succeeded by Violet R. Jones March, 1897. The school now convenes in the district schoolhouse, and has an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. SLATERVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. On April 6, 1862, this school began, under the superintendency of Edwin W. Smout, being con- ducted in the ward schoolhouse. It had an enrollment of about 75 members at that period. At the close of the year the school was discontinued until the beginning of 1868, when it was again established with the same superintendent, and William H. Manning, assistant. These officers served till 1875, when a more complete organization was formed. The successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries since 1875 are: Superintendents William Singleton, from 1875 to 1878; Henry Holley, from 1878 to 1882; James A. Slater, from 1882 to 1884; Henry Bartholomew, from 1884 to 1886; William H. Manning, from 1886 to 1887; James A. Slater, (second term) from 1887 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Wheeler, from 1875 to 1876; Henry Holley, from 1876 to' 1878; Thomas Boynton, from 1878 to 1880; Henry Bartholomew from 1880 to 1884; William H. Manning, from 1884 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William H. Manning, from 1875 to 1876; Thomas Boynton, from 1876 to 1878; William H. Man- ning, (second term) from 1878 to 1880; Joseph Hutchins, from 1880 to 1882; George W. Stanger, from 1882 to 1884; James P. Howell, from 1889 to 1894; William 0. Smout, from 1894 to 1898; George Stanger, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Manning, from 1875 to 1878; James A. 500 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Slater, from 1878 to 1882; H. C. Holley, from 1882 to 1894; Amelia E. Manning, from 1894 to 1897; William Wheeler, from 1897 to 1898; John L. Slater and C. A. Manning, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. The school now convenes in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 18 officers and teachers and 100 pupils. The historical report shows that Henry Holley has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years; William H. Manning over 30 years; James A. Slater, John A. Allred and Mary J. Allred, over 25 years. TAYLOR SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized in the southwestern portion of West Weber and belongs to that ward. It began January 27, 1884, with 23 officers and teachers and 45 pupils. It now has 18 officers and teachers and 120 pupils, and convenes in the Taylor schoolhouse. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents Benjamin Hayes, from January 27, 1884, to September 5, 1886; George F. Hunter, from September 5, 1886, to August 12, 1894; Andrew G. Bowman, from August 12, 1894, to March 29, 1896; William C. Hunter, from March 29, 1896, to Novem- ber 21, 1897; George F. Hunter, from November 21, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Samuel Walker, from January 27, 1884, to August 12, 1892; John Larson, from August 12, 1892, to March 29, 1896; Elijah W. Clayton, from March 29, 1896, to No- vember 21, 1897; Joseph Stevenson, from November 21, 1897, to January 1, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ralph H. Hunt, from January 27, 1884, to September 5, 1886; Jens Sorenson, from September 5, 1886, to January 4,- 1889; John Larson, from January 4, 1889, to August 12, 1892; William C. Hunter, from August 12, 1892, to March 29, 1896; David Mattson, from March 29, 1896, to November 21, 1897; Thomas Gibson, from November 21, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William H. Jardine, from January 27, 1884, to August 12, 1891; Arvid E. Anderson, from August 12, 1891, to Aug- ust 12, 1894; Elizabeth Walker, from August 12, 1894, to March 29, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 501 1896; Christina C. Gibson, from March 29, 1896, to November 2b 1897; Elizabeth Gibson Hadley, from November 21, 1897, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Nathan Hawkes has been en- gaged in Sunday School work over 35 years; Benjamin Hayes over 30 years; and George F. Hunter over 25 years. UINTAH SUNDAY SCHOOL. The settlement now known as Uintah was first called North Weber and was later known as Easton. The school of this place began in June, 1866, with 9 members. Since that time it has increased in numbers to 14 officers and teachers and 67 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Samuel Dye, from June, 1866, to October 10, 1875; Joseph Grover, from 1875 to 1877; E. 0. Wattis, from March to July 29, 1877; Robert Gale, from July 29, to December 16, 1877; Samuel Dye, (second term) from January 10, 1878, to February 6, 1887; Robert Gale, (second term) from February 6, 1887, to October 27, 1895; Timothy Kendell, from October 27, 1895, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Amos B. Corey, from March to July 29, 1877; William Gale, from January 10, 1878, to 1880; Robert Gale, from 1880 to February 6, 1887; John M. Bybee, from February 6, 1887, to October 27, 1895; William Gale, (second term) from October 27, 1895, to June 27, 1897; John Martinson, from June 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Robert Gale, from March to July 29, 1877; John M. Bybee, from 1880 to February 6, 1887; Tim- othy Kendell, from September 29, 1889, to October 27, 1895; Loren Keyes, from October 27, 1895, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Pamela Stoddard, from October 27, 1895, to June 27, 1897; Jessie Warner, from June 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Robert Gale has been a Sunday School worker over 25 years. WARREN SUNDAY SCHOOL was first held March 9, 1879, in Wil- 502 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. liam Adams' house. It was then conducted by F. S. Bramwell and C. 0. Folkman as a branch of the Plain City school. On April 18, 1880, it was organized as a separate institution, having at this time an en- rollment of 5 officers and teachers and 17 pupils. Its first officers were: William T. Wayment, superintendent; Joseph Wayment, first assistant and secretary. In 1897 Joseph Way- ment was chosen superintendent; P. M. Folkman, first assistant; John F. Knight, second assistant; and Martha W T ayment, secretary. In 1899 the last named was succeeded by Archie Stewart as secretary. The school now convenes in the district schoolhouse, and has an enrollment of 17 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. WEST WEBER SUNDAY SCHOOL has been organized since 1868. It convenes weekly in the ward meetinghouse, and has an enrollment of 23 officers and teachers and 212 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries, so far as can now be given, are: Superintendents H. D. Petterson, from 1868 to 1872; Nathan Hawkes, from 1872 to April 1, 1877; A. Green, from April 1, 1877, to August, 1880; H. D. Petterson, (second term) from August, 1880, to October, 1883; Thomas Etherington, from October 18, 1884, to July 1, 1889; Nathan Hawkes, from July 1, 1889, to March 15, 1896; Hyrum McFarland, from March 15, 1896, to April 25, 1897; Ammon Green, Jr., from April 25, 1897, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Martin, from 1868 to 1872; Thomas Hardy, from 1872 to April 1, 1877; A. McFarland, from April 1, 1877, to August, 1880. Andrew G. Bowman, from Aug- ust, 1880, to 1881; George F. Hunter, from 1881 to October 4, 1883; Nathan Hawkes, from October 4, 1883, to July 1, 1889; Frank Carr, from July 1, 1889, to March 15, 1896; Edward S. Green, from March 15, 1896, to October 31, 1897; James B. Ririe, from October 31, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Ammon Green, from 1868 to 1872; Andrew F. Bowman, from 1872 to August, 1880; William M. Purrington, from August, 1880, to 1881; Thomas Etherington, from 1881 to October 4, 1883; Robert McFarland, from October 4, 1883, to 1887; J. J. Hill, from 1887 to July 1, 1889; Albert Green, from July JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 503 1, 1889, to October 11, 1891; James B. Ririe, from October 11, 1891, to December 23, 1894; Z. Ballantyne, from December 23, 1894, to March 15, 1896; Nathan Hawkes, from March 15, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Ammon Green, Jr., from 1868 to 1872; William G. Collins, from 1880 to April 1, 1883; A. Green, Jr., from April 1, 1883, to November 8, 1885; Edward Calvert, from November 8, 1885, to May 8, 1887; Wheatley Blanch, from May 8, 1887, to January 8, 1888; Maggie McFarland, from January 8, 1888, to December, 1889: John L. Wehant, from December, 1889, to July 27, 1890; William H. Green, from July 27, 1890, to June 5, 1892; Thomas W. Cooke, from June 5, 1892, to March 30, 1895; John R. Purrington, from March 30, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that Nathan Hawkes has been en- gaged in Sunday School work over 35 years; Ammon Green, Jr., over 30 years; William M. Purrington, A. M. McFarland and George F. Hunter, over 25 years. WILSON SUNDAY SCHOOL. In 1867, a Sunday School was estab- lished in the place now known as Wilson. It was held in a log house, and was conducted under the superintendency of D. P. Peterson and John Martin. The complete organization of the school dates from May 4, 1879, at which time it had 16 officers and teachers and 73 pupils. It now numbers 20 officers and teachers and 147 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents L. H. Neilson, from May 4, 1879, to March 23, 1885; John Martin, from March 23, to April 5, 1885; A. W. Tracy, from August 30, to September 27, 1885; W. E. Bingham, and W. B. Wilson, in turn from June 20, 1886, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents Thomas J. Wilson, from May 4, 1879, to November 5, 1882; L. D. Wilson, from November 5, 1882, to March 23, 1885; James Wilson from March 23, to April 5, 1885; P. P. Bingham, from August 30 to September 27, 1885; C. Anderson; John Wintle; E. A. Bingham.* "The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. 504 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Second assistant superintendents C. Anderson;* Willard Bing- ham, Jr., from November 5, 1882, to March 23, 1885; Gideon Holmes, from March 23, to April 5, 1885; Nephi Anderson, from August 30, to September 27, 1885; Gideon Holmes, (second term); N. P. Lee;* B. H. Bingham, Jr., from August 27, 1897, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Wilson, from May 4, 1879, to August 22, 1880; John Martin, Jr., from August 22, 1880, to March 23, 1885; E. A. Bingham; John Martin, Jr., (second term); Melissa Bingham; Althea Bingham.* The historical report shows that H. D. Peterson and John Mar- tin have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. WOODRUFF STAKE. With the exception of those recently organized, the Sunday Schools of this stake formerly belonged either to the Bear Lake or the Summit Stake. The Woodruff Stake embraces a part of northeast- ern Utah and southwestern Wyoming. The stake Sunday School super- intendency was organized June 6, 1898, the following named forming the corps of stake officers: William Beveridge, superintendent; George Easton, first assistant; Frank Mills, second assistant; and Charles Beveridge, secretary. There are 15 schools in the stake. ALMY SUNDAY SCHOOL The date of organization of this school, which is in Uinta County, Wyoming, is not known. It is held in the ward meetinghouse, and has 21 officers and teachers and 138 pupils. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Reuben Fawkes;* William Bowers, from 1875 to 1878; Thomas Backer, from 1878 to 1879; Charles Beveridge, from 1879 to 1881; David Johnson, from 1881 to 1882; Aden Brown, from 1882 to 1895; Ed. Burton, from 1895 to 1898; Joseph B. Martin, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents John Crowthers;* James Stod- dard, from 1875 to 1878; Joseph B. Martin, from 1882 to 1895; William Beveridge; Charles Beveridge.* *The period of service of these officers is unobtainable. REPRESENTATIVES OF NATIONS AND PEOPLES. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 505 Second assistant superintendents Ed. Burton, from 1882 to 1895; John Crawford, from 1895 to 1898; Alonzo Hutchinson, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Beveridge, from 1882 to 1895; Charles Beveridge, from 1895 to 1898; Rees W. Gibbs, from 1898 to Decem- ber 31, 1899. ARGYLE SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Rich County, Utah, was organized December 1, 1895, with William Rex, superintendent; William John- son, first assistant; William Kennedy, second assistant and James Kennedy secretary. February 16, 1896, Superintendent Rex was suc- ceeded by 0. W. Jacobson; and the latter was succeeded by Peter Johnson, on February 20, 1898. On March 5, 1899, John Bengley, was chosen to succeed Peter Johnson. The present superintendent is Willey Nebeker. No changes in the assistant superintendents and secretary have been made, and the first chosen are still acting. At the time of organization there were 11 officers and teachers and 20 pupils enrolled; at present the enrollment shows 18 officers and teachers and 53 pupils. BURLINGTON SUNDAY SCHOOL is in what is known as the Big Horn country, Wyoming. It was organized August 12, 1894. It be- gan with about 30 members, who met in a small log house. William Packard was chosen to preside over the school. In the winter of 1894-5 a schoolhouse was built, and on Febru- ary 17, 1895 a reorganization of the school was made. Superintend-- ent Packard having been chosen Presiding Elder of the ward, T. K. Riley was chosen superintendent; at the same time Maggie Bateman was chosen as secretary. On [November 29 of the same year J. I. Reid was chosen first assistant superintendent; and on March 27, 1898, William Neves, Jr., was chosen second assistant superintend- ent. On May 7, 1899, Nellie Packard was chosen secretary. A meetinghouse has been built and the school now convenes in it. Its present enrollment shows 14 officers and teachers and 108 pupils. DIAMONDVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL is located in Uinta County, Wy- oming. It has been organized since May 23, 1897. Its first enroll- 32 506 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ment was 4 officers and teachers and 30 pupils. At present it num- bers 10 officers and teachers and 54 pupils. Names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are: Superintendents William Nisbet, from May 23, 1897, to Febru- ary 6, 1898; John B. Chedzey, from February 6, 1898, to 1899; J. B. Erickson, present incumbent. First assistant superintendents Thomas Eynon, from May 23, 1897, to February 6, 1898; P. N. Hood, from February 6, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents J. B. Chedzey, from May 23, 1897, to February 6, 1898; John Weir, from February 6 to Septem- ber 25, 1898; Thomas Irvine, from September 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries William Brown, from May 23 to November 21, 1897; Mary Williams, from November 21, 1897, to August 28, 1898; Lillie Williams, from August 28, 1898, to December 31, 1899. EVANSTON SUNDAY SCHOOL, - of Uinta County, Wyoming, was organized about the close of 1875 or beginning of 1876, by Bishop William G. Burton. Its first officers were; Charles Carpenter, super- intendent; James Burdett, 'assistant. In January, 1880, Charles Check- etts was chosen superintendent, with William Willison, assistant, and John T. Whittle, secretary. From 1882 to 1885 James B. Smith was superintendent, and James Whittle, Jr., assistant; Henry Matthews was then installed as superintendent and was succeeded on March 4, 1888, by James B. Smith. The latter's assistant was A. S. Anderson. On March 31, 1889, the school was reorganized: Frank Mills was chosen superintendent; Isaac Dawson, first assistant; Daniel Gerrard, second assistant and secretary. In 1896 Annie Holstead succeeded Daniel Gerrard as secretary. Again, on August 20, 1899, a change of superintendency occurred, when Jeremiah Cross was chosen super- intendent; William Caldwell, first assistant; and Ira Eldredge, second assistant. The school has an enrollment of 18 officers and teachers and 172 pupils. Hilliard Branch of the Evanston Sunday School was organized JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DA Y SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 507 July 17, 1898, with Henry Lester, superintendent; John Wagstaff, first assistant; and John Bate, second assistant. It began with 3 officers and teachers and 24 pupils, and now has 3 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. FORT BRIDGER SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized February 26, 1899, with C. E. Olend in charge temporarily, and Augusta Youngberg, secre- tary. On July 2 following a more complete organization was effected, with J. F. Thompson, superintendent; C. E. Olend, first assistant; Samuel Strong, second assistant; Augusta Youngberg, secretary. It is located in Uinta County, Wyoming, and has an enrollment of 11 officers and teachers and 77 pupils. HAM'S FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Uinta County, Wyoming, and is a branch of the Diamondville school. It has been organized since August 8, 1897. Ephraim Stock is superintendent; Hyrum J. Mc- Cann, first assistant; David F. Nelson, second assistant; and Ida Stock, secretary. The school is held in private houses, and has an enrollment of 7 officers and teachers and 14 pupils. OWEN SUNDAY SCHOOL, of Uintah County, Wyoming, has been established since June 6, 1897. Beginning with 8 officers and teach- ers and 20 pupils it has increased to 11 officers and teachers and 74 pupils. To accommodate the people in their scattered condition the school has been divided and now three schools are held in private houses. Following are names of successive superintendents, assistants, and secretaries: Superintendents W. T. Lane, from June 6, to December 10, 1897; Henry Voss, from December 10, 1897, to July 2, 1899; James Larson, from July 2, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents T. J. Durrant, from June 6, to December 10, 1897; Gustaf Youngberg, from December 10, 1897, to July 2, 1899; James H. Symes, from July 2, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Bluemel, from June 6, to December 10, 1897; Charles Larson, from December 10, 1897, to July 2, 1899; Thomas Brough, from July 2, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Rhoda Johnson, Nettie Marshall, Agnes Ray. 508 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. OWEN LOWER BENCH SUNDAY SCHOOL was organized July 2, 1899, and has an enrollment of 8 officers and teachers and 51 pupils. Henry Voss is superintendent; Lcraine Rollins, first assistant; William Goodman, second assistant; and Fayette Marshall, secretary. RANDOLPH SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school, which is located in Rich County, Utah, was organized on June 23, 1871, beginning with 2 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. It now has 24 officers and teachers and 240 pupils, and convenes in the ward meetinghouse. The names of successive superintendents, assistants and secre- taries are: Superintendents Archibald McKinnon, from 1871 to 1881; George A. Peart, from 1881 to 1887; J. M. Baxter, from 1887 to 1888; George A. Peart, (second term) from 1888 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents George A. Peart, from 1871 to 1881; Charles South, from 1881 to 1887; William R. South from 1887 to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents William Rex, from 1871 to 1881; 0. J. Spencer, from 1881 to 1887; Robert McKinnon, from 1887 to 1898; J. C. Gray, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries John M. Baxter, from 1876 to 1881; William R. South, from 1881 to 1887; John W. Benzley, from 1887 to 1888; Archibald McKinnon, Jr., from 1888 to 1889; John R. South, from 1889 to 1894; Samuel R. South, from 1894 to 1896; Agnes T. R. Call, from 1896 to 1897; Katie Snowball, from 1897, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that George A. Peart has been a Sunday School worker over 35 years, Archibald McKinnon over 30 years; Charles South, L. D. Pearce and William Rex over 25 years. RED CANYON SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school was first organized in 1889. It is located in Uinta County, Wyoming. The present en- rollment of the school shows 15 officers and teachers and 95 pupils. Successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries are the following-named: Superintendents William Wilson, from 1889 to 1891; Abednego Williams, from 1891 to 1893; Charles Stevenson, from 1893 to 1895 J JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 509 Thomas Beech, from 1895 to 1896; Andrew Wallwork, from 1896 to 1897; Andrew Easton, from 1897 to 1898; William Starkey, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents James Overy, from 1889 to 1891; Charles Stevenson, from 1891 to 1893; John Pettit, from 1893 to 1895; George Cook, from 1895 to 1896; Andrew Easton, from 1896 to 1897; Ephraim Harris, from 1897 to 1898; E. M. Carey, from 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Charles Stevenson, from 1889 to 1891; Abednego Williams, from 1891 to 1893; William Nisbet, from 1893 to 1895; Andrew Easton, from 1895 to 1896; William Nisbet, (second term) from 1896 to 1897; E. M. Carey, from 1897 to 1898; Henry Williams, from 1898 to December 31, 1899. Secretaries Joseph Bell, from 1891 to 1893; William Nisbet, from 1893 to 1896; Ephraim Harris, from 1896 to 1897; Thomas Russell, from 1897 to December 31, 1899. ROCK SPRINGS SUNDAY SCHOOL is in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. A school was held here from April, 1882, to 1884, and from 1885 to 1887, without a complete organization. It convened in the house of Alexander Beveridge. It has been permanently established since June 26, 1887. The school began with 14 officers and teachers and 70 pupils, and now has 10 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. Its ses- sions are held in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents Alex. Beveridge, from June 26, 1887, to May 15, 1892; John A. Guild, from May 15, 1892, to December 25, 1898; Frederick Reese, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. First assistant superintendents William Dyet. from June 26, 1887, to June 23, 1889; James Crookston, from September 29, 1889, to May 15, 1892; Sam Fletcher, from May 15, 1892, to September 24, 1893; James H. Syme, from June 20, 1895, to December 25, 1898; Martin McPhie, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents George Syme, from June 26, 1887, to May 15, 1892; James H. Syme, from May 15, 1892, to 510 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. June 20,1895; William Noble, from June20,1895,to December 25,1898; Alexander Fletcher, from December 25, 1898, to December 31, 1899. Secretaries James Crookston, from June 26, to September 25, 1887; William C. Syme, from October 9, 1887, to April 10, 1892; James Crookston, from May 15, 1892, to December 31, 1899. SMITH'S FORK SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Wyoming and was organized November 6, 1898, in Agnes Cunningham's house. Its officers are: Robert Kidman, superintendent and Caroline Strong, sec- retary. The enrollment is 14 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. WOODRUFF SUNDAY SCHOOL. This school is in Rich County, Utah, and was organized April 25, 1875. Previous to this date a school had been held since 1871, under the direction of the bishopric of the ward. From an enrollment of 10 officers and teachers and 51 pupils at the time of organization it has increased in numbers to 8 officers and teachers and 162 pupils. The school convenes in the ward meetinghouse. Following are the names of successive superintendents, assistants and secretaries: Superintendents S. C. Putnam, from April 25, 1875, to February 24, 1889; Samuel Bryson, from February 24,1889,to December 31,1899. First assistant superintendents Charles Dean, from April 25, 1875, to November 29, 1896; T. J. Tingey, from November 29, 1896, to December 31, 1899. Second assistant superintendents Samuel Bryson, from April 25, 1875, to January 1, 1880; John Allen, from January 1, 1880, to March 1, 1882; Samuel Bryson, (second term) from March 1, 1882, to Feb- ruary 24, 1889; I. V. Eastman, from February 24, 1889, to Decem- ber 31, 1899. Secretaries Charles E. Walton, from April 25, 1875, to January 1, 1880; John Allen, from January 1, 1880, to January, 1883; A. E. Eastman, from January 1, 1884, to February 24, 1889; J. H. Bevins, from February 24, to September 1, 1889; Charles J. Call, from Sep- tember 1, 1889, to January, 1895; Joseph H. Neville, from January, 1895, to December 31, 1899. The historical report shows that John M. Baxter, Agnes Baxter, Savanna C. Putnam and Samuel Bryson have been Sunday School workers over 25 years. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 511 MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The principal purpose of this volume is to give a history of the growth of the Sunday School movement among the Latter-day Saints from 1849, the year in which the first Sunday School was established in Utah, to 1899 a period of fifty years. There were Sunday Schools organized and conducted by Latter-day Saints previous to the year 1849. These were in mission fields abroad. No doubt the earliest of them were organized in Great Britain; and it appears that they were established in that land at an early period in the history of the work there. Elder John Crook, of Heber City, Wasatch County, Utah, in a letter published in the Juvenile Instructor of August 15, 1899, says he attended a Sunday School conducted by the Latter-day Saints as early as the year 1844. A part of his letter upon the subject is herewith reproduced: I want to give my recollections of Sunday School work of the Latter- day Saints. I was born in 1831. My father was baptized in September, 1840, in Bolton, Lancashire, England, eleven miles north of Manchester. In 1844 Joseph and Hyrum were martyred in Carthage jail. It took a little time those days to get the news to Europe, say until about the first of Au- gust. There was at least one Sunday School in England about that time. The school was held in Bury Street Chapel, Bolton, in the lower room at one o'clock p. m. Meeting being in the upper room at two p. m. I was a scholar in that Sunday School, and remember that on a particular day the scholars went to meeting upstairs and found the stand decorated with crape- I asked some one older than myself, "What does this mean?" Some one said, "In memory of the martyrs Joseph and Hyrum." This was a dreadful shock to me. I remember as well as if it were yesterday. I was then not quite thirteen years old. * * I have no dates when this school was organized, but I think school had been running one year anyway at the time of the incident I mention. I can safely say I had attended a long time before that. I have said that my father was baptized in September, 1840, and my sister Alice and myself at- 512 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. tended meetings with father. I well remember us two holding to his hand and walking by his side about two and one half miles on Sunday to school and meeting. If any of the Bolton Saints who attended meeting in those early days are alive, I call their attention to the first meeting place in Bolton Back King Street;- narrow entry, upstairs. A Brother John Has- lam was one of the superintendency of the school when the above occur- rence took place. I believe he emigrated about 1846; and then a Brother James Haslam took charge of the school. Several other correspondents of the Juvenile Instructor make mention of early Sunday Schools established by members of the Church in Great Britain. Elder Evan S. Morgan, of Liberty, Bear Lake County, Idaho, says that, in the year 1851, he attended a Sunday School conducted by the Latter-day Saints in the Alltwell Branch of the Western Gla- morganshire Conference, South Wales, it being presided over at that time by a Brother Richard Gibbs. Elder Peter Greenhalgh, of Bloomington, Bear Lake County, Idaho, makes the following statement concerning the organization of another early Sunday School in the British Isles: At a meeting of the local Priesthood of the Radcliff Branch of the Manchester Conference, I suggested to the brethren the ; propriety of com- mencing a Sunday School where the children of the Saints could be brought together on the Sabbath morning. The brethren approved the suggestion and the organizing of the Sunday School was placed on me. The school was organized in the early spring of 1853, was continued up to the time I emigrated in the spring of 1854; and was continued by Brother Joseph Crosley (who was my assistant in the school) for one or two years, or until he left England for Utah. Still another school established in the early fifties is mentioned by another correspondent. Elder Robert Aveson, of Salt Lake City, writes that about the year 1854 a Sunday School was opened in Great Camden Street, Camden Town, London. One of the chief promoters of this school, the writer goes on to say, was Sister Helen R. Webb, who afterwards emigrated to this country and resided in Salt Lake City. A Brother Cornell and this lady were the teachers in this school, and it was conducted with the sanction and approval of the president of the branch, Brother George Ferguson. The books used JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 513 were the New Testament and Jaques' Catechism for Children.)) The latter work was formerly a favorite text-book in Sunday Schools abroad as well as here in Zion. Elder Joseph W. Summerhays, of Salt Lake City, states that late in the fifties he attended a Sunday School in the Chelsea Branch of the London Conference, which was conducted by Brother Thomas Wootton. Other schools besides these mentioned here were to be found in various parts of Great Britain at a comparatively early date; but, as is the case today in many of the missions, they were not permanent institutions. On account of the constant changes occasioned by the emigration of the Saints the continued existence of any one of them was uncertain. Sunday Schools are still to be found in many of the branches of the Church in that land. Some of these schools are conducted by the missionaries laboring there, while others are presided over by local brethren. In either case changes occur so frequently that it would be impracticable to note them here even if a complete record were pre- served; and where a record has been kept it is an exception and not the rule. What is said about the Sunday Schools of the Saints in the Brit- ish mission will apply to a great extent to those of many other mis- sions. As early as 1882 reports were sent from the Sunday Schools of the Hawaiian Islands, and in 1883 reports were also received from the Northwestern States Mission; but not until 1891 did the prac- tice of forwarding such reports annually from the various missions of the Church become general. Owing to a lack of further infor- mation, the few facts regarding the Sunday School work in the mis- sions abroad, presented in the following pages, are all that can now be given. In all cases where other persons have not been chosen to fill such positions, the presidents of missions of the Church abroad are recog- nized, and designated in the following reports, as mission superin- tendents of Sunday Schools. AUSTRALIA. Previous to 1897 the Sunday Schools of Australia and New Zealand were reported together. During the year named the mission was divided, and the report for 1898 shows that there '514 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. were 4 schools in Australia, having a membership of 4 officers and teachers and 154 pupils. Elder F. E. Barker was superintendent at that time and still holds the position. The report for 1899 shows 5 schools, with 17 officers and teachers and 170 pupils. CALIFORNIA. The first Sunday School report received from this mission was for the year 1892. But one school, with 3 officers and teachers and 7 pupils, was then organized, James T. Garlic being superintendent. The report for 1899 shows 6 schools with a total enrollment of 30 officers and teachers and 170 pupils. Elder Eph- raim H. Nye is the mission superintendent. COLORADO. The first missionaries of the Church appointed to labor in this State arrived in Denver in December, 1896. On Febru- ary 21, 1897, under the direction of Apostle John W. Taylor, the president of the Colorado Mission, a Sunday School was organized in Professor Martine's Hall, 1646 California Street. The officers chosen were: John H. Boshard, superintendent; Horace S. Ensign, musical director; David Mann, organist, and Charles S. Heermance, secretary. After continuing for some time this school was suspended. It was reorganized on March 20, 1898, with Charles R. Long superintend- dent. He was without assistants until December 17, 1899, when Thomas Divett was chosen first assistant, and Jane W. Skol field, second assistant. Annie Hawkins succeeded Minnie Brewer as sec- retary on January 1, 1898; and on March 20 following Laura I. Divett, the present secretary was chosen. The school is held in Woodman Hall, 1715 California Street. Its present enrollment shows 5 officers and teachers and 25 pupils. On July 4, 1897, a Sunday School was established in Overland, a suburb of Denver, where a few Saints resided. A Brother Gary was chosen superintendent; Charles S.Heermance,first assistant; and Minnie Brewer, secretary. It began with 6 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. It was discontinued after running for a short time. The Sunday School of Pueblo, Colorado, was organized under the direction of John E. Woolley, president of the South Colorado Confer- ence, on March 14, 1897. It began with 10 members, and has since increased to 83 members. H. E. Cummings is superintendent of the school, and James Thomas Johnson, secretary. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 515 A Sunday School was organized at Colorado Springs, in 1898, under the direction of Fred J. Pack, the conference president. Owing to the emigration of the Saints this school has been discontinued. The above mentioned schools are the only ones in the mission. Apostle John W. Taylor is still president of the mission. EASTERN STATES. When first reported to the Deseret Sunday .School Union, in 1894, this mission, then presided over by Elder Samuel W. Richards, had 2 Sunday Schools, with 7 officers and teachers and 46 pupils. It now has 12 schools, 78 officers and teachers and 365 pupils. In most instances the schools are temporary organizations, con- ducted by the missionaries, but the Sunday School of Ocean Side, Long Island, is officered by local brethren, and gives promise of being a permanent institution. Elders Marcus Farr, E. D. Whiting and Henry J. Soper constitute the superintendency of this school. The mission superintendent is Elder W. H. Smart. GERMANY. Until 1897 the German and Swiss missions were combined. The earliest report of Sunday Schools in the mission is for the year ending December 31, 1891. At that time there were 2 schools, with 4 officers and teachers and 15 pupils. The report for the year ending December 31, 1899, shows 9 schools, 41 officers and teachers and 327 pupils. In 1891, J. J. Scharrer was superintendent. A. H. Schulthess is the present superintendent. GREAT BRITAIN. Reference has already been made, on page 511, to the Sunday School work in this land. The first annual report re- ceived from this mission was for 1891. It shows that there were then 11 Sunday Schools in the mission, with an enrollment of 25 officers arid teachers and 174 pupils. The mission superintendent at that time was Apostle Brigham Young. The report for 1899, gives the number of schools as 31, having a total enrollment of 136 officers and teachers and 734 pupils. Elder Platte D. Lyman, is the mission superintendent. HAWAII. Reports from the Sunday Schools of this mission, which embraces the Sandwich Island group, have been received an- 516 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. nually since 1882. The one for that year is somewhat imperfect, but the report for the year following (1883) is more complete, and shows that at that time there was 9 schools on the islands, with 43 officers and teachers and 292 pupils. Elder M. E. Pack was the mission sup- erintendent at that period. The report for 1899 contains the follow- ing exhibit: Number of schools, 32; number of officers and teachers, 184; number of pupils, 1227; Elder Charles C. Bush, mission super- intendent. As but few of the Saints have emigrated from these islands, the number of Sunday School members has steadily increased. IOSEPA COLONY is located within Tooele County, Utah. It is composed of natives of the Hawaiian Islands and their descendants. It is of recent establishment, and its first Sunday School report is for the year 1894. At that time the one school organized in the colony had 7 officers and teachers and 34 pupils. Kauleinamoku, a native Hawaiian Elder, was the superintendent. The report for 1899 shows that the school has increased in numbers to 21 officers and teachers and 75 pupils. The present officers are: Kahana Pukahi,superintendent; David Kamaawe, first assistant; J. P. Nawahine, second assistant; Hannah Kaaepa, secretary. NETHERLANDS. In 1892, when the Sunday Schools of this mis- sion were first reported, there were 4 schools there with 28 officers and teachers and 152 pupils. Elder Edwin Bennion was mission sup- perintendent at that time. The report for 1899 gives the number of schools as 9, the number of officers and teachers, 66, and the num- ber of pupils 396. Elder A. L. Farrell is the present mission super- intendent. NEW ZEALAND. Previous to the year 1897, the Sunday Schools of New Zealand and Australia were reported together, as the two countries were included in the one mission. The earliest report received from the Sunday Schools of the New Zealand Mission was for the year ending December 31, 1891. There were then 25 schools established* with a total enrollment of 1800 members. The mission superintend- ent was William T. Stewart. The report for the year ending Decem- ber 31, 1899, which presents statistics for New {Zealand only, shows- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 517 that there are now 26 schools there, with .91 officers and teachers and 787 pupils. All but 4 of the schools are composed of Maoris. Elder Ezra T. Stevenson is the mission superintendent. NORTHERN STATES. Formerly what is now the Northern States Mission was known as the Northwestern States Mission. Since the establishment of a mission still farther towards the northwestern part of the United States the name has been changed. The mission at present embraces the States of Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and the province of Manitoba, Canada. In 1883, the Sunday Schools of this mission were first reported. There were then 3 schools organized with 13 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. The school of Johnsonville, Warren County, Indiana, is the only one from which a complete report was received at that time. It was organized July 2, 1882, with Jonathan Small, 'superin- tendent; W. R. Newell, assistant superintendent; and Emma Bever, secretary. The other two schools were organized in the spring of that same year, and, so far as can now be learned, were the first in the mission. Elder William M. Palmer was mission superintendent at that period. The present superintendent is Elder Louis A. Kelsch. The report for 1899, shows that there are now 14 schools in the mis- sion with 78 officers and teachers and 332 pupils. Most of the schools are conducted by the missionaries. NORTHWESTERN STATES. This mission, which embraces Montana, Oregon, Washington, and that part of Idaho not included within the stakes of Zion, is of quite recent creation. The first Sunday School report received is that for the year 1898. There were then 12 schools organized and 86 officers and teachers and 232 pupils enrolled in them. The report for 1899 shows an increase to 17 schools, with 95 officers and teachers and 334 pupils. F. S. Bramwell has been mission superintendent during the past two years. SOUTHERN STATES. The earliest Sunday School report received from this mission is for 1893. It shows that there were at that period 6 schools established, with 27 officers and teachers and 143 518 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. pupils enrolled, Elder J. G. Kimball being mission superintendent. The report for 1899 presents the folio wing: exhibit: Nunber of schools, 115; number of officers and teachers, 591; number of pupils, 2262; Ben E. Rich, mission superintendent. Special attention has been given to Sunday School work in this mission during recent years, and each of its 17 conferences has a conference Sunday School superintendent who travels and labors in the interest of this work. SOUTHWESTERN STATES. This mission was formerly known as the Indian Territory Mission. It now embraces Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Indian Territory. The first report to the Deseret Sunday School Union, which was for the year 1894, states that there where then 4 Sunday Schools in the mission, containing 19 officers and teachers and 50 pupils. Elder Andrew Kimball was mission superintendent. The report for December 31, 1899, states that there were at that time 11 schools, with 67 officers and teachers and 284 pupils. The present mission superintendent is Elder William T. Jack. SAMOA. The first Sunday School in this mission was established by Elder Joseph H. Dean. It began August 26, 1888. On October 28, that same year, it was more fully organized with William 0. Lee, superintendent; Delbert Beesley, first assistant; and Kapule, a native of the Sandwich Islands, second assistant. In 1891, when the first Sunday School report was received, this mission had 8 schools, 16 officers and teachers and 116 pupils. The mission superintendent at that time was Elder G. E. Bowring. The present superintendent is William G. Sears; and the report for 1899 shows there are 18 schools 36 officers and teachers and 368 pupils in the mission. The natives take a deep interest in the Sunday School work. In Tuasivi, on the island of Savaii, for example, there is a school of 50, which includes the entire number of Church members; except in cases of sickness, every member is found in attendance each Sunday. The pupils are quick at learning, and are making rapid ad- vancement in their Gospel studies as well as in learning the English language. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 519' SCANDINAVIA. The date when the first Sunday School of Latter- day Saints was established in this mission has not been obtained. The first Sunday School statistical report received from Scandinavia is for the year 1891. At that time Elder E. H. Anderson was the mission president. There were 6 schools reported, with 41 officers and teach- ers and 275 pupils enrolled. The report for 1899 shows 9 schools, 194 officers and teachers and 1023 pupils. The mission president is Elder Andreas Peterson. SWITZERLAND. Previous to 1897, the Swiss and the German missions of the Church were united, and the Sunday Schools of both countries were reported together. The first statistical report after the division was made is that for 1898, which only gives the number of schools, of which there were 5. A year later there were 8 schools, with an enrollment of 11 officers and teachers and 118 pupils. Elder H. E. Bowman is the mission superintendent. Owing to the scattered' condition of the Saints the schools are small and incompletely organ- ized. Usually they are conducted by the missionaries. 520 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS, COMMEMORATING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS. The proposition to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the es- tablishment of Sunday Schools in this Rocky Mountain region was a pleasing idea entertained and put into execution by the Deseret Sun- day School Union Board. It was decided that a grand celebration be held in Salt Lake City; and to secure as full a representation as possible of Sunday School workers from the various stakes of Zion, the time of holding it was set for Sunday evening, October 8, 1899 just at the close of the semi-annual conference of the Church, which was held during the three preceding days. As only a comparatively small proportion of the vast army of Sunday School members would be able to attend this gathering, and in order that all the children might have an opportunity to celebrate, it was further suggested by the Union Board that local jubilees be held in each ward throughout the stakes of Zion, and, so far as practicable, in the mission Sunday Schools abroad. A full account of the interesting proceedings of the general celebration is herewith presented: THE GENERAL JUBILEE CELEBRATION. The general jubilee celebration commemorative of the establish- ment of the Sunday Schools of the Latter-day Saints, in the Rocky Mountains, was held in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday evening, October 8, 1899. The large Tabernacle was filled to its utmost capacity, before the opening hour, chiefly with Sabbath School workers, and very many people were unable to gain ingress. In addition to the general dec- orations of the building, there were placed in prominent positions large portraits of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Patriarch Hyrum REPRESENTATIVES OF NATIONS AND PEOPLES. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 521 Smith, and Presidents Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilf ord Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow; also a heroic bust picture of Richard Ballantyne; life size portraits of General Superintendent George Q. Cannon, Pres- ident Joseph F. Smith, Elders George Goddard, John Morgan and most of the members of the quorum of the Apostles and Deseret Sun- day School Union Board. Besides the general and stake officers of the Sunday School organization in places reserved, there were also seats reserved for and occupied by those who had been members of the first Sunday School, those who had been Sunday School workers forty-five, forty, thirty-five, thirty and twenty-five years, and for the husbands, wives and children of members of the first Sunday School, and reciters from different nations, of the Articles of Faith, winners of the prize medals awarded to the writer of the words and the composer of the music of the "Jubilee Hymn," awarding committees, the blind and deaf representatives; also the families of the late Elders Richard Ballantyne, George Goddard and John Morgan. On the stand were, of the general authorities of the Church: Presidents Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith; Patriarch John Smith; members of the council of the Twelve Apostles, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, George Teas- dale, Anthon H. Lund, Matthias F. Cowley, Abraham 0. Woodruff, and Rudger Clawson; members of the first council of Seventies, Sey- mour B. Young, C. D. Fjeldsted, George Reynolds, J. Golden Kim- ball, Rulon S. Wells and Joseph W. McMurrin; and Presiding Bishop William B. Preston. Or* the Deseret Sunday School Union officers there were: George Q. Cannon, general superintendent; Karl G. Maeser, assistant gen- eral superintendent; George Reynolds, general treasurer; George D. Pyper, general secretary; and Leo Hunsaker, assistant general secre- tary; of the members of the Sunday School Union General Board, George Q. Cannon, Karl G. Maeser, George Reynolds, Thomas C. Griggs, Joseph W. Summerhays, Levi W. Richards, Francis M. Lyman, Heber J. Grant, Joseph M. Tanner, George Teasdale, and Joseph F. Smith; aids to the General Board, L. John Nuttall, James W. Ure, John F. Bennett, John M. Mills, William B. Dougall, William D. Owen and Seymour B. Young. General Superintendent George Q. Cannon presided. 33 522 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. At 7 p. m., Held's Military Band, which had kindly volunteered its services for the occasion, and which occupied a place in front of the choir seats, played an overture by Suppe, "Poet and Peasant." At 7:20 p. m., General Superintendent George Q. Cannon an- nounced the opening hymn, "Our God, we Raise to Thee," which was sung by the Tabernacle Choir and the congregation, under the leader- ship of Professor "Rvan Stephens, Professor Joseph J. Daynes being the organist. Prayer was offered by Assistant General Superintendent Karl G. Maeser. The Tabernacle Choir sang the hymn, "For the strength of the hills we bless thee, our God, our fathers' God." The roll of stakes was then called by Secretary George D. Pyper, there being present representatives from all the forty stakes of Zion, as follows: Alberta, Bannock, Bear Lake, Beaver, Bingham, Box Elder, Cache, Cassia, Davis, Emery, Fremont, Juab, Juarez, Kanab, Malad, Maricopa, Millard, Morgan, Oneida, Panguitch, Parowan, Poca- tello, Salt Lake, San Juan, San Louis, Sanpete, Seveir, Snowflake, St. George, St. John, St. Joseph, Star Valley, Summit, Tooele, Uintah, Wasatch, Utah, Wayne, Weber and Woodruff. General Superintendent George Q. Cannon then spoke as follows: It is gratifying to know that every stake has a representative here this evening. I see that I am on the program for some introductory remarks. The time is so short that what I shall say will be very brief. I am sure that every one present must be profoundly impressed with this assemblage of people this evening. Of the many sights we have had of a gratifying character, connected with the Sunday Schools, this certainly excells them all. It is exceedingly delightful to see the interest that i& taken by the whole people in this grand work. The Sunday School has be. come an institution that is very dear to the hearts of this entire people. Every day that passes impresses its importance more and more on the minds of all. Every parent that has right conceptions concerning the future of their children, feels a deep and abiding interest in the Sunday School. The Sunday School Union Board has very little occasion to find fault with the management of the Sunday School, or with the lack of interest manifested by those who ought to take interest in it. Everybody recognizes the value- of the Sunday School, and of its teachings, but there remains a great deal JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 523 yet to be done. As Sunday School workers we should not be content until we have brought all the children of the land into the Sunday School and under its influence, so that these little fellows that now grow wild may be humanized and made to feel the responsibilities that will rest upon them when they grow to manhood. I am sure that everyone that labors in the Sunday School feels the importance of training their children and getting them to observe the Sabbath day and to refrain from visiting the street corners, behaving rudely and boisterously, or going fishing or hunting on the day which has been set apart by the Almighty for his worship, and which ought to be sacred in all our hearts. Our children should be impressed with the sacredness of this day. I hope to see the time when we shall have less of this unruly element in our streets and in our homes, and when our children shall become students in the Sunday School. The Sunday School is dear to the hearts of those children who do attend. They feel interested in it, and the influence of our teachings in the Sunday School is going to make, it may be said, a new generation. It is but a few years from childhood to manhood, and in our hands, Sunday School teachers and superintendents, is the formation of the character of the rising generation. As we impress them with the proper feelings and thoughts and teach them correct habits, so will they grow up to manhood and womanhood, and their influence will be felt for good wherever they move. I pray God to bless this Sunday School movement, to bless every man and woman who labors in this cause and who devotes himself and herself to the promotion of righteousness in the midst of the rising generation. I ask this blessing in the name of Jesus. Amen. Elder Francis M. Lyman read a paper prepared for the occasion, giving a condensed history of the general Sunday School movement among the Latter-day Saints, covering the period from 1849 to 1899. (In substance this sketch is embodied in the historical account of the Sunday School cause given in the fore part of this volume.) General Superintendent George Q. Cannon next introduced the members of the first Sunday School, saying: On the left of the stand are the surviving members of the first Sunday School, of which we have heard a description by Elder Lyman, and the roll will be called. The original roll, if there ever was one, cannot be found, but after years of inquiry, a number of those who were members of that school have been found, and their names are enrolled and will be read by the secre- tary, and as they are read, we wish each member to arise and say, "present." If there are any who are absent, whose names are called, Brother Summer- 524 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. hays will explain the cause of their absence. Then badges will be given to those present. Secretary George D. Pyper called the roll of members of the first Sunday School, the response to the names of those who were absent being made by Elder Joseph W. Summerhays, of the Sunday School Union General Board. The roll is as follows: Richard Ballantyne, died November 8, 1898. Angus M. Cannon, Salt Lake City. Joseph J. Taylor, Manti, Utah. Jacob Peart, Farmers' Ward, Salt Lake County. Mary Ann Taylor, died in California about ten years ago. Emily Hoagland Cannon, Salt Lake City. Henry Horne, Mesa City, Arizona. Adelia West Hoagland, Salt Lake City. John T. Rich, died in Brigham City, a year or two ago. John Turnbow, Kamas, Summit County, Utah. George J. Taylor, Salt Lake City. David H. Cannon, St. George, Utah. James Phelps, went to Australia in 1856 and never returned. Martha Van Cott Price, Goshen, Utah. Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon, died January 25, 1882. Margaret Oakley Best, Salt Lake City. Joseph S. Horne, Richfield, Utah. Richard Taylor, Ogden, Utah. Elizabeth Pugmire Taylor, Salt Lake City. Sophronia Ellen Leonora Turnbow Carter, St. George, Utah. Ann Logstroth Whitney, Mendon, Utah, wife of John Whitney. Augusta Braddock Clayton, Salt Lake City, wife of the late Will- iam Clayton. George A. Peart, Randolph, Utah. Lydia Phelps Thorpe, Salt Lake City. R. Frank Turnbow, Farmers' Ward, Salt Lake County. Samuel H. B. Smith, Salt Lake City. Olive Peck. Sarah J. Cannon, Salt Lake City. S. A. Whitney. Leonora Cannon Gardner, Pine Valley. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 525 Those who responded as present were: Angus M. Cannon, Jacob Peart, Emily Hoagland Cannon, Adelia West floagland, George J. Taylor, David H. Cannon, Martha Van Cott Price, Margaret Oakley Best, Joseph S. Home, Elizabeth Pugmire Taylor, Augusta Braddock Clayton, Lydia Phelps Thorp, and Samuel H. B. Smith. Special badges had been prepared for these brethren and sisters, and they were pinned upon them by a committe composed of the daughters of the members of this first school. Elder Angus M. Cannon, a member of the first school, spoke as follows: The impression made upon my mind this evening, compared with my attendance at the first Sabbath School,is very great. There may have been fifty scholars in the original Sabbath School during the time it was held in Brother Ballantyne's house, but if there were a dozen persons present when the class was formed, I fail to remember it. The Fourteenth Ward was fenced with poles around the entire ward, bars being placed at the entrance of each street. Brother Ballantyne's house was new, and was made very comfort- able with benches constructed hastily for our accommodation. Brother Bal. lantyne's soul was swallowed up in the good effects that this school would have upon the youth of this people; and I will say that the impressions that were created upon my mind regarding the object that God has in calling us from the world unto Zion was marked and has helped to shape my character up to the present time. We were familiar with poverty. The meetinghouse that was occupied in this city stood on the southeast corner of this [Temple] block, known as the mud-covered bowery, constructed of Spanish adobes, one foot by eighteen inches in size. The meeting place we occupied in the Fourteenth Ward was in the house of Dr, Richardson, a little log hut. The meetinghouse we occupied in the Seventh Ward was Samuel Pitchf orth's residence, where testimony meet- ings were held, and faith in God was promoted in our hearts. We rejoiced in the testimony that God gave us of his truth, having been informed by Brother Ballantyne that God had indeed restored the Gospel, established his Priesthood among men, called us from darkness unto light, from the world unto Zion, and that we were not to be of the world, but that we were to be the children of God, under the everlasting covenant; being taught that Joseph the Prophet, and Hyrum, his brother, had been martyred for the testi- mony of Jesus, and that we should be devoted to his cause, deny ourselves luxuries, be content with the necessaries of life, living in houses constructed by our industry, and possessing sufficient comfort to promote our health and 526 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. give us strength, that we might cultivate these then barren wastes, procure the necessaries of life, carry the Gospel to a dark and benighted world, pro- claiming that God has spoken from heaven for the regeneration of mankind, and to teach us that he was our Heavenly Father, and that our destiny was to become his children and enter into his celestial presence. How faithfully Brother Ballantyne's testimony has been observed in the increase of Sunday Schools, is evidenced tonight in the number that are here assembled. And when I remember that God has promised us this increase and prosperity, and still greater increase and prosperity, provided we are loyal to him, every fibre of my being seems to enter in with my whole soul to pledge God loyalty, to observe faithfully, to pay my tithes and offerings unto him, in hope that he will give my children faith and make them firm supporters of his work in the establishment of his Gospel as he has revealed it and restored his Priesthood in these the last days. I thank you for this opportunity, and for the honor conferred upon me, and pray God's blessing to be upon the general superintendency, the super- intendents, the teachers and the scholars, and all the associations of Zion throughout the whole world, in the name of Jesus. Amen. "Zion's Sunday School Jubilee Hymn," (words and music written for this occasion) was sung by the Tabernacle Choir. Then followed the presentation of the gold medal awarded to Emily H. Woodmansee for the best hymn; also gold medal to the Rev- W. Daunt Scott, for the best musical composition. The presentation was made by Elder Heber J. Grant, of the Des- eret Sunday School Union Board, who spoke as follows: A committee consisting of John Nicholson, Joshua H. Paul and George H. Brimhall was selected by the Sunday School Union Board to examine all hymns that were submitted in this competition andjto decide upon the best composition. The committee were unanimous in awarding the gold medal for the words of this hymn to Sister Emily H. Woodmansee. The committee appointed to examine the music and make the award for the best musical composition consisted of Arthur Shepherd, Anthony Lund and Squire Coop. They were unanimous in awarding the gold medal to Rev. W. Daunt Scott. The Sunday School Union has always endeavored to get the best possible results by giving medals and prizes for musical compositions, and it gives me much pleasure, on behalf of the board, to present these medals to Sister Emily H. Woodmansee and to Rev. W. Daunt Scott. The medals were pinned upon the prize winners by Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon and Maggie Peart Cardall. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS- 527 A polyglot recitation of the Articles of Faith was then given under the direction of Elder George Teasdale, of the Deseret Sunday .School Union Board. In this recitation a number of persons repre- senting different nationalities dressed in the native costume, recited in the native tongue the Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On opening this exercise, Elder Teasdale read a portion of the 107th Psalm, as follows: give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south. They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city ito dwell in. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses. And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonder- ful works to the children of men! The recitation of the Articles of Faith was in the following order: 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ' and in the Holy Ghost. Recitation in German, by Gustav Weileman and Lena Dana, Swiss and German representatives from Bear Lake Stake. 2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. Recitation in Danish, by Christian T. Nelson and Jensenna M. Anderson, Danish representatives from Sevier Stake. 3. We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. Recitation in Spanish, by S. C. Richardson and Pearl Whiting, representatives from Juarez Stake, Mexico. 4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel 528 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. are: First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Bap- tism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Recitation in Lamanitish tongue (Shoshone), by Ammon Pubigee and Willie Ottogary, American Indians, representatives from Malad Stake; then in the Maori language, by Hirini Whaanga and Mere Whaanga, Maoris, representatives from Salt Lake Stake; in Samoan lan- guage, by Angus Alston, Jr., and Tessie Garn, representatives of Salt Lake Stake, in Kanaka, by Henry Halemanu and Hannah Kaaepa, Hawaiians, representatives from losepa Colony; in Tahitian, by Eugene M. Cannon and Frank Cutler, representatives from Salt Lake Stake, who had been on missions to the Society Islands. 5. We believe that a man must be called of God by "prophecy and by the laying on of hands," by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. Recitation in Swedish, by David Holmgreen and Emma S. Jensen, Swedish representatives from Box Elder Stake. 6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc. Recitation in Dutch, by Kryn Van and Maggie Abies, natives of the Netherlands, representatives from Weber Stake. 7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, etc. Recitation in Welsh, by Elders David L. Davis and Evan Stephens, representatives from Salt Lake Stake. 8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is trans- lated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Recitation in French, by Xavier Sager and Marie Antoinette Lang, French representatives from Salt Lake Stake. 9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Italian representatives had been assigned this recitation in Ital- JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 529 ian, but they failed to respond and the article was read in English by Elder Teasdale. 10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes. That Zion will be built upon this continent. That Christ will reign personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisaical glory. Recitation in Norwegian, by Leonard Willardson and Eleanor Olson, Norwegian representatives from Sanpete Stake. 11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may. Recitation in Icelandic, by Lof tar Bjarnason and Dena Bjarnason, Icelanders, representatives from Utah Stake. 12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magis- trates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. Recitation in Turkish, by Philip Maycock and Alice Howarth r representatives from Salt Lake Stake, the first named having been on a mission to Turkey. 13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul, "We believe all things, we hope all things," we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything vir- tuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things- Recitation in Celtic, by William A. Morton and companion, Irish representatives from Salt Lake Stake; then in Scotch dialect, by Rob- ert Hogg and Nettie Durrant, Scotch representatives from Morgan Stake; and in English, by David Jeffs and Sister Hyde, American, (United States,) representatives from Davis Stake, by Roger Horrocks and Sarah Roberts, English representatives from Wasatch Stake, and by Ezra C. Robinson and Zina Y. Card, Canadian representatives from Alberta Stake. Elder Teasdale then stated that, in addition to the nations that had been represented in the recitation of the Articles of Faith the Gospel had been preached in other lands, as follows: Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Finland, Russia, Hungary, Bohemia, Australia, Belgium,. -530 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Friendly Islands, Marquesas Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Cook Archipel- ago, Leeward Islands, Austral Islands, Palestine, Turkey in Europe, Danubian principalities, Spain, Hindustan, Malta, Africa, China, Siam, Chili, East Indies, West Indies, Greece, Philippines, Japan and other countries. All of those who had taken part in the recitation of the Articles of Faith then responded in unison to the following invitation from Elder Teasdale: Now we will repeat in concert what has brought this all about, this wonderful gathering from the north, south, east and west, by a recitation of the sixth and seventh verses of the fourteenth chapter of Revelation, in the English language, by the representatives of these nations. The passages recited in concert are as follows: And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the ever- lasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water. When this had been done Elder Teasdale spoke to the vast as- semblage as follows: We bear testimony that this angel has flown through the midst of heaven, and restored the everlasting Gospel, thus bringing to pass the gath- ering of this people, whom God hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy, gathered from the north, south, east and west, and brought to the marvel- ous light of his everlasting Gospel; and this wonderful, immense, assem- blage of people gathered here tonight, to the glory of God, our Eternal Father, has been accomplished by the visitation of this angel and the restoration of the everlasting Gospel. To God and the Lamb be all glory, forever and ever. Amen. It was announced by President George Q. Cannon that the Deaf Mute Sunday School was on the program for the recitation of the Lord's Prayer, but the school was quarantined owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever. Instead of this exercise the assistant superintend- ent of the Deaf Mute and Blind Sunday School, Elder Laron Pratt, of Salt Lake City, gave, in the deaf mute sign language, the hymn, "0, JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 531 any Father," which was vocalized by his daughter, Maude Pratt Griggs, who sang the hymn in the English language. President George Q. Cannon then stated that the school for the blind being quarantined also, on account of scarlet fever, the mem- bers could not be present, but in place thereof, Elder Joseph Hodgins, 'blind from his birth, would read from 29th chapter of Isaiah, the 9th, 10th, llth, 12th, 13th, 18th and 19th verses. The reading was from a Bible for the blind, the reader following the raised letters with his fingers. The verses are as follows: 9. Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, >but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. 101 For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. 11. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 12. And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 13. Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: 18. And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 19. The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. General Superintendent George Q. Cannon then introduced in order the Sunday School officers and teacher who had been in service for 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years, respectively; and badges were pinned on the breasts of those present by daughters of members of the first Sunday School. Bancroft LibSfll While the badges were being distributed a selection from "Lucia di Lammermoor," by Donizetti, was played by Held's Military Band. President Lorenzo Snow then briefly addressed the vast congre- gation as follows: I wish that I had words to express my astonishment at what I have witnessed during the accomplishment of this program. I feel in my heart 532 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. to say,[God bless the Sunday School Union, and all who have taken part in pushing forward its interests. In all ray travels through the world I have never seen anything that delighted me more than that which I have wit- nessed this evening. Your superintendent, President George Q. Cannon, I ask that] the Lord will pour his Holy Spirit upon him abundantly in the future, '^as^he^has done in the past, in carrying forward the interests of this grand and glorious Sunday School work. Nothing can be shown in the world like that that has been shown tonight. God bless every person who- has been engaged in the interests of the Sunday Schools the superintend- ents, the aids, and everyone that has thus been employed, God bless them. He mostjassuredly has blessed them, and a success has been accomplished that is certainly wonderful. God bless the Sunday School Union. Amen. President Joseph F. Smith also addressed the meeting as follows: It is said somewhere in the good old book that there is nothing new under the sun. That which we have witnessed here this evening comes about as near being a contradiction of this scripture as anything I ever have seen. We will not dispute the language of the wise man in relation to this matter. We will be contented with saying that it is something new under the electric lights. The repetition of the Articles of Faith in nineteen different languages and dialects (the result of the proclamation of this Gos- pel within the last sixty years) is something of which we may well be proud. I congratulate the superintendent of the Sunday Schools and his efficient aids and assistants, on the most wonderful display that has ever been made here, this evening, of the progress that is being made in the Sunday Schools, and in this glorious effort to promulgate the truth. I can. only repeat the words of our beloved President, God bless our Sunday Schools. President George Q. Cannon then said: It is only proper that credit should be given to those who have done the work in preparing for this Jubilee. The Brethren have taken hold of this with great zeal, and, as you have seen, they have made a success of that which they have undertaken. I cannot claim any credit myself, for my other duties have absorbed my time to a great extent. Still, I have counseled and directed to some extent. The workers on the Board, however and those who have assisted them, deserve whatever credit there is for that which we have seen and heard here tonight. I am pleased to be able to give them this meed of praise. I may say that the Sunday School has been very dear to me. When I returned from Europe, after filling continuous missions for a long time, I JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 533 elt there was an immense field in Zion for the labors of the Elders. I had seen how few souls could be gathered abroad, and when I reflected upon the numbers of our children at home, I felt a burning desire to spend all the time I could in trying to teach them the principles of the Gospel. Upon my return, in 1864, I organized a Sunday School in the 14th Ward, and other schools were organized directly afterwards. As soon thereafter as I could I published a little work, which I named the Juvenile Instructor. The Juve- nile Instructor has been one of the best labors that I have ever been engaged in, because I have felt that it was doing good to our children. We can see today what an immense field is spread around us, furnishing every oppor - tunity for every one who desires to thrust in his sickle and reap. I am thankful to have President Snow and President Smith here to bless us, as they have tonight, and I pray that their blessings will be fulfilled, as I know they will be. General Superintendent George Q. Cannon announced that those entitled to badges, who had not received them, could obtain them by calling on the secretary of the Sunday School Union, in the Union office in the Templeton Building, Salt Lake City. The choir and congregation, accompanied by Held's Military Band, rendered, "Gather Round the Standard Bearer." Benediction was pronounced by Elder John B. Maiben; and as the audience dispersed Professor Joseph J. Daynes rendered selections on the grand organ. The names of those composing the several committees appointed to prepare for and assist in conducting the proceedings of this cele- bration are : Executive 'Committee Joseph W. Summerhays, Thomas C. Griggs, Levi W. Richards, John M. Mills, George D. Pyper. Committee on Decorations John M. Mills, John F. Bennett, Hugh J. Cannon. Committee on Badges and Medals Thomas C. Griggs, George D. Pyper, Joseph W. Summerhays. Committees on Awards (Hymn) John Nicholson, J. H. Paul, George H. Brimhall; (Music) Arthur Shepherd, Anthony Lund, Squire Coop. Committee on Music Thomas C. Griggs, George D. Pyper, Will- iam D. Owen. 534 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Committee on Sunday School History George Reynolds, Levr W. Richards. Committee on Printing Joseph W. Summerhays, Thomas C. Griggs, George D. Pyper. Committee on Transportation Joseph W. Summerhays, George D. Pyper. Ushers and Committee on Order James W. Ure, L. John Nut- tall, George B. Margetts, Charles J. Thomas, Alonzo Young, William Bradford, Miles A. Romney, J. W. Saunders, William N. B. Shepherd, William H. Anderson, R. H. Hodge, H. B. Clawson, Jr., E. 0. Taylor, 0. D. Romney, John L. Johnson, William R. Jones, Jr., Thomas H. Evans, John W. Boud, William Stevenson, J. W. Fox, Jr. Daughters of Members of First School Mary Alice Cannon, Emily H. Cannon, Maggie Peart Cardall, Vilate Peart, Sarah Peart, Frone- Peart, Mina Cannon, Mrs. Charles M. Cannon, Ann M. Cannon, Hattie Burns Cannon, Mary M. Cannon, Leonora M. Cannon, Alice Cannon, Elizabeth R. Cannon, Mamie Price, Alfaretta Best, Libbie Best, Carrie Best. LOCAL JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS. As has already been mentioned, the Deseret Sunday School Union Board suggested .that the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Sunday Schools in Zion be fittingly commemorated in all the wards and branches of the Church. This idea received general favor among Sunday School workers; and much enthusiasm was manifested by many of them in carrying the suggestion into effect. The interest taken in the celebrations by the ward authorities and the people generally, also served to make them inspiring and memorable. The time for holding these local jubilee celebrations was Sunday, December 10, 1899, this being just fifty years and a day from the Sabbath on which the first Sunday School was held in Utah. The following program of exercises for the occasion, as proposed by the Union Board, was carried out generally in all the gatherings of that day: MORNING SESSION. 1 Roll-call of officers and teachers. 2 Singing, "Come Join our Celebration," (Sunday School Song Book, page 25.) JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 535 3 Invocation. 4 Singing, "Song of the Workers," (Suuday School Song Book, page 57.) 5. Reading of the minutes of the previous regular session of the school. 6 Administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7 Introductory remarks by the superintendent followed by a brief history of the school, based upon the matter submitted in the historical report made to the Sunday School Union. 8 Singing, "Sowing," (Sunday School Song Book, page 63.) 9 Introduction, by assistant superintendent, of the member longest on the roll of the Sunday School; of the oldest (in years) member of the- Sunday School; of the youngest (in years) member of the Sunday School. 10 In memorial*. Reading by assistant superintendent or secretary of lists of names of the prominent Sunday School workers (members of the ward) deceased, in the order of their decease. 11 Singing, "Land of the Blest," (Sunday School Song Book, page 11.) 12 Remarks by the bishop of the w.ard. 13 Recitation by the school of the Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 14 Remarks by stake officers or others present. 15 Singing, "Zion is Growing," (Sunday School Song Book, page 50.)- 16 Benediction by patriarch if present. AFTERNOON OR EVENING SESSION. Singing, "Our God we Raise to Thee," (Sunday School Song Book, page 198.) 2 Invocation. 3 Singing, "For the Strength of the Hills we Bless Thee," (Sunday School Song Book, page 196.) 4 Preliminary remarks by superintendent or assistant, explanatory of the two celebrations the general one held in Salt Lake City, Sunday,. October 8th, 1899, and the local one then being observed. 5 Singing or instrumental music. 6 Historical sketch of the organization of the first Sunday School in 1849. 7 Singing of prize song, "Zion's Sunday School Jubilee Hymn." 8 Reading of paper on the Sunday School movement, illustrating ita growth. 9 Singing, "Thanks for the Sabbath School," (Sunday School Song. Book, page 133.) 536 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 10. Introduction to the audience, by the bishop, of veteran Sunday School workers present, and the officers and teachers of the school. 11 Brief remarks by a pupil of the theological department (repre- senting the pupils of the school) appreciative of the labors of the officers and teachers. 12 Remarks by bishopric of the ward and others. 13 Singing, "Gather Round the Standard Bearer," (Sunday School Song Book, page 145,) and of the Doxology: "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow," (Sunday School Song Book, page 200.) 14 Benediction. The reports of the celebrations forwarded to the office of the Union indicate that the exercises rendered were in most instances of a highly interesting and impressive character; and in some cases cer- tain features of the program were of a specially pleasing nature. In a number of schools those who had the work in hand to prepare for the occasion took particular pains to make it one that would be long remembered. Elaborate and tasty decorations of the buildings were made, neat souvenir programs were prepared and printed, some con- taining short historical sketches of the school together with the names of all its officers and teachers both past and present; and former workers in the school who were living were invited to be pres- ent at the celebration as honored guests. As was the case at the general jubilee, badges were furnished to veteran workers in the Sun- day School cause. In many of the schools that had been established for a long period of years the reading of the historical sketches, the naming of deceased officers and teachers, and the presence of former workers and pupils brought to the minds of the older members many pleasing thoughts and vivid recollections of past scenes and inci- dents. A feature of the celebration held in Farmington, Davis Stake, is worthy of special mention. It consisted of a remarkable record in favor of a former class in that school. Nineteen years previously this particular class was composed of fifteen young men. It was shown that these men have since been placed in positions of trust and honor in the Church. At the time of the jubilee two were stake presidents, five were bishops, four were Sunday School super- intendents, two were assistants to stake superintendents of Sunday JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 537 Schools, one was a president of seventies and a professor in one of the stake academies, and the remaining one a faithful worker in the Sunday School cause. Such a showing affords encouragement to the Sunday School worker, and is an impressive lesson as to the value of Sunday School training as a basis for future usefulness. 34 538 JUBILEE HISTORY OP LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. NAMES OF THOSE WHOSE PORTRAITS APPEAR IN THIS VOLUME. FRONTISPIECE DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION BOARD AND AIDS. 1 George Q. Cannon, General Super- 12 Hugh J. Cannon,Member of Board intendent and Member of Board 13 Andrew Kimball 2 George Goddard, 1st Ass't Gen'l 14 Joseph F. Smith Sup't and Member of Board. 15 John W. Taylor 3 Karl G. Maeser, 2nd Ass't Gen'l 16 George D. Pyper, Secretary Sup't and Member of Board 17 Horace S. Ensign, Ass't Secretary 4 George Reynolds, Treasurer and 18 Leo Hunsaker, Stenographer Member of Board. 19 L. John Xuttall, Aid to the Board 5 ThomasC.Griggs,Member of Board 20 James W. Ure 6 JosephW.Summerhays " " 21 John F. Bennett " 7 Levi W. Richards " " 22 John M. Mills 8 Francis M. Lyman " " 23 WilliamB.Dougall " 9 Heber J. Grant " " 24 William D. Owen " 10 Joseph M. Tanner " " 25 Seymour B. Young " " 11 George Teasdale " " 26 Christian D. Fjeldsted " PLATE OPPOSITE PAGE 56 MEMBERS OF THE FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL, SALT LAKE CITY, DECEMBER 9, 1849. 1 Richard Ballantyne 10 Joseph S. Home 2 Lydia Phelps Thorpe 11 George J. Taylor 3 Sophronia E. Carter 12 Robert Frank Turnbow 4 Margaret 0. Best 13 David H. Cannon 5 Angus M. Cannon 14 John G. Turnbow 6 Leonora Cannon Gardner 15 Henry I. Home 7 Martha Van Cott Price 16 Jacob Peart 8 Samuel H. B. Smith 17 Sarah J. Cannon 9 S. A. Whitney 18 Olive Peck PLATES OPPOSITE PAGES 152 AND 243 STAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. 1 H. S. Allen, Alberta 3 Joseph R. Shepherd, Bear Lake 2 Daniel J. Lau, Bannock 4 William Fotheringham, Beaver JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 539 5 Charles S. Crabtree, Bingham 6 Lucius A. Snow, Box Elder 7 Oliver C. Ormsby, Cache* 8 John E. Carlisle, Cache 9 Orson P. Bates, Cassia 10 Nathan T. Porter, Davis 11 Alexander Jameson, Emery 12 William J. Young, Fremont 13 George M. Cannon, Granitef 14 James Blake, Jordanf 15 Langley A. Bailey, Juab 16 S. C. Richardson, Juarez 17 Joseph E. Robinson, Kanab 18 J. W. Dudley, Malad 19 George W. Lewis, Maricopa 20 Joshua Greenwood, Millard 21 F. W. Clark, Morgan 22 William Kirkup, Oneida 23 Alma Barney, Panguitch 24 Joseph H. Armstrong, Parowan 25 Lysander C. Pond, Pocatello PLATES OPPOSITE PAGES 312 AND 392- SUNDAY 1 Hattie Burns Cannon 2 Emily H. Cannon 3 Vilate Peart 4 Ann M. Cannon 5 Libbie Best 6 A?faretta Best 7 Mina Cannon 8 Maggie Peart Cardall 9 Carrie Best 10 Mary Alice Cannon 11 Sarah Peart 26 Thomas C. Griggs, Salt Lake 27 James B. Decker, San Juan 28 Ira B. Whitney, San Luis 29 Newton E. Noyes, Sanpete 30 W. A. Seegmiller, Sevier 31 John A. West, Snowflake* 32 James M. Flake, " 33 J. W. Brown, St. Johns 34 Samuel J. Sims, St. Joseph 35 Richard Morris, St. George 36 Edmund McLatchie, Star Valley 37 John Boy den, Summit 38 Anders G. Johnson, Tooele 39 James Hacking, Uintah 40 Lars E. Eggertsen, Utah 41 Joseph H. Lambert, Wasatch 42 Joseph Eckersley, Wayne 43 Richard Ballantyne, Weber$ 44 Thomas B. Evans " 45 William Beveridge, Woodruff* 46 George A. Peart, DAUGHTERS OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRST SCHOOL. 12 Mary M. Cannon 13 Leonora M. Cannon 14 Nora Peart 15 Alice Cannon 16 Frone Peart 17 Nellie Carter 18 Annie Carter 19 Mamie Price 20 Florence Smith McKenna 21 Angelina Turnbow 22 Elizabeth R. Cannon PLATES OPPOSITE PAGES 504 AND 520 REPRESENTATIVES OF NATIONS AND PEOPLES. 1 Deaf Mute School, represented by Laron Pratt and Maud Pratt Griggs, of Salt Lake Stake. *Released. f Supt. of stake, organized at beginning of 1900. $ Deceased. 540 JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 2 School for the Blind, represented by Joseph Hodgins, of Salt Lake Stake. 3 British Colonies, represented by Ezra C. Robinson and Zina Y. Card, of Alberta Stake. 4 United States, represented by David Jeffs and Mary A. Hyde, of Davis Stake. 5 England, represented by Roger Horrocks and Sarah Roberts, of Wasatch Stake. 6 Scotland, represented by Robert Hogg and Nettie Durrant, of Morgan Stake. 7 Wales, represented by Evan Stephens and D. L. Davis, of Salt Lake Stake. 8 Ireland, represented by William A. Morton and Millie Summerhays, of Salt Lake Stake. 9 Mexico and the Spanish race, represented by S. C. Richardson and Pearl Whiting, of Juarez Stake. 10 Lamanites, represented by Ammon Pubigee and Willie Ottogary, of Malad Stake. 11 France, represented by Xavier Sager and Marie Antoinette Lang, of Salt Lake Stake. 12 Turkey, represented by Philip Maycock and Alice Howarth, of Salt Lake Stake. 13 Samoa, represented by Angus Alston, Jr., and Tessie Gam, of Salt Lake Stake. 14 Sweden, represented by David Holmgreen and Emma S. Jensen, of Box Elder Stake. 15 Iceland, represented by Loftar Bjarnason and Dena Bjarnason, of Utah Stake. 16 Netherlands, represented by Kryn Van and Maggie Abels, of Weber Stake. 17 Germany and Switzerland, represented by Gustave Weileman and Lena Dana, of Bear Lake Stake. 18 Denmark, represented by Christian T. Nelson and Jensenna M. Anderson, of Sevier Stake. 19 Norway, represented by Leonard Willardson and Eleanor Olson, of San- pete Stake. 20 Society Islands, represented by Eugene M. Cannon and Frank Culter, of Salt Lake Stake. 21 Maoris, represented by Chief Hirini Whaanga and Mere Whaanga, of Salt Lake Stake. 22 Hawaii, represented by Henry Halemanu and Hannah Kaaepa, of losepa Colony. JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 541 SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORDS DEPOSITED. On November 5, 1900, at a special meeting of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board, at which most of its members were present, a copy of this JUBILEE HISTORY OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS SUNDAY SCHOOLS, and a number of mementos of the general and local Sunday School jubilee celebrations of 1899, such as badges, reports of jubilee proceedings, photographs, etc., together with Sunday School publications, current numbers of local magazines and newspapers, were placed for preservation in a suitably prepared casket. This receptacle was afterwards sealed and deposited in the Salt Lake Temple. The intention is that it shall remain there undis- turbed until the year 1949 the centennial anniversay of the estab- lishment of the first Sunday School in the Rocky Mountain region. With the records was also deposited a letter of greeting addressed to the general Sunday School officers of fifty years hence, and signed by the present members of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board. On the outside of the case containing the records mentioned is an inscription concerning their purport, and a request that the case be opened in 1949, by the general Sunday School authorities of that time. INDEX. Adairville ........... Adamsville .......... -Etna ................. Afton ................ Alberta Stake ....... Albion .............. Aldrlch .............. Alina ................ Alruo ................ Alpine, St. Johns Stake .............. Alpine, Utah Stake American Falls ____ American Fork ..... Ammon .............. Annabella .......... Annis ................ Argyle ............... Ashley .............. Auburn .............. Aurora .............. Australia, Sunday Schools in ......... Avon ................ Axtel ................ 360 83 60 405 474 216 141 504 397 432 262 433 107 349 10$ 505 424 405 350 513 121 334 Baker City 236 Ballantyne, Richard 9, 11, 12,192,303,304, 305, 306, 482, 483, 521, 524, 525, 526 Bannock stake 63 Basalt 108 Basin 142 Batesville 4is Bear Lake Stake.... 69 Bear River City 90 Beaver,BeaverStake 84 Beaver, Box Elder Stake 91 Beaver,Branch of B. Y. Academy 85 Beaver stake 83 Bedford 406 Bellview 406 Bench Creek 466 Bennington 70 Bennett, John F. 39, 52, 310, 311, 521 Benjamin 434 Benson 122 Bern 69 Big Cottomvood ... 271 " " South Dlst 272 Bingham 27^ Bingham Stake ... 1 -7 Birch Creek 109 Blackfoot... 109 Blaine 143 Blind, School for the 34 Bloomington 71 Bluff 324 Bluffdale 273 Bothwell 92 Bountiful, San Luis Stake 328 Box Elder Stake.... $9 Brigham City 1st Ward 92 Brigham City 2nd Ward 93 Brigham City 3rd Ward 94 Brigham Citv 4th Ward 95 Brigham Young A- cademy 435 Brighton 274 Brooklyn 350 Bryce 388 Bunkerville 369 Burlington 505 Burnham 324 Burrville 351 Burton 172 Burton Branch 173 Butler 275 Buysville 466 120 474 56 Cache Stake ........ Cainsville .......... California, Sunday Schools in ........ 514 Call's Fort .......... 97 Cambridge .......... 2* -.3 Campbell, Robert L. 15, 49 Cannon, Abraham H ............. 50,51, Cannon, George Q. 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 33, 35, 36, 38, 45, 49, 50,51,52,53,270,275, 304, 521 , 522, 523, 530 531, 532, 533 Cannon, Hugh J. 36, 39,51. f>2. I'M i. 521,533 Cannon ville ........ Cannon Ward ...... Cardston ............ Carrington, Albert 15, 49 Cassia ............... Cassia Stake ........ 140 Castle Dale .......... 163 Castle Gate .......... 164 Cedar City .......... 25.', Cedar Cliff .......... 334 Cedar Fort .......... 437 275 61 146 Center, Bingham Stake no Centerfleld 334 Center, Freemont Stake 173 Centerville 149 Center Ward, Salt Lake Stak< 276 Center Ward, Wa- satch Stake 467 Central 388 Chanipneys,Thornas 50 Chapin 174 Charleston 468 Cherry Creek 209 Cherry ville 237 Chester 335 Chesterfield 63 Chuichupa 195 Circleville 249 Clarkston 1^2 Clearfleld 150 Cleveland, Bannock Stake 64 Cleveland. Emery Stake 165 Cleveland,Panguitch Stake 250 Clinton, Davis Stake 150 Clinton, Utah Stake 438 Cllfton,OneidaStake 237 Clifton,\VayneStake 475 Clover 418 Coalville 410 College 123 Colonla Oaxaca 196 Colorado, Sunday Schools in 514 Concho 398 Cottomvood 238 Council House, Salt Lake City, Sunday- School in the 12 Coveville 123 Crescent 276 Croyden 22S Curfew 85 Cutler, John C. 50, 51,56,270, 271 Daniels Ward 468 Darby 174 Davis Stake 148 Dayton 238 Deaf Mute Sunday School 33 Dempsey 263 Deseret 220 Desert Lake 16fv Deseret Sunday School Union, 13,14 16, 24, 30 INDEX. 543 Deseret Sunday School Musical Union 27 Deseret Sunday SchoolUnionBrass Band 28 Deseret Sunday School Union Ex- ecutive Board 51 Deweyville 97 Diamond 188 Diamondville 505 Diaz 196 Dingle 71 Dougall, William B. 39, 52. 521 Dover 348 Draper 277 Driggs 174 Dry Creek 407 Dublan 197 Eagar 399 Eagle Rock 110 Eagle Valley 370 East ^Etna 62 East Bountiful 151 East Brighton 278 East Coalville 411 East Crescent 278 Eastdale 328 Eastern States, Sun- day Schools in 515 East Huntsville 483 East Jordan 279 East Mill Creek 279 East Porterville .... 229 East Wilford 175 Kcho 411- Eden,Weber Stake . . 483 Eden, St. Joseph Stake 3S9 Egin 175 Eight Mile 72 Elba 143 Elkhorn 409 Elsinore 352 Emery 166 Emery Stake 162 Enoch 258 Enterprise, Morgan Stake 230 Enterprise.St. George Stake 370 Enterprise, St. Joseph Stake 390 Ephraim 336 Escalante 250 E T City 419 Eureka 188 Evans Samuel L. 50, 56, 270, 295 Evanston ... .506 Fairfleld 438 Fairview, Box Elder Stake 98 Fairview, O n e i d a Stake 239 Fairview, San Luis Stake 329 Fairview, Sanpete Stake 337 Fairview, Star Val- ley Stake 407 Fall River 175 Farmington 152 Farmers' Ward .... 280 Far West 484 Fayette 338 Ferron 166 Fielding 209 Fillmore 221 Fish Haven 72 Fjeldsted.C. D. 37,52, 521 Forest Dale 281 Fort Bridger 507 Fountain Green 339 Francis Ward 469 Franklin, O n e i d a Stake 239 Franklin, St. Joseph Stake 390 Fredonia 202 Freedom, Sanpete Stake 339 Freedom, Star Val- ley Stake 408 Frisco 86 Fremont Stake 171 Fremont 475 Galeana 198 Garcia 199 Garden City 73 Garden Creek 264 " Branch 264 Garland 98 Geneva 74 George Creek 144 Georgetown, Box Elder Stake 74 Georgetown, P a n- guitch Stake '.'">0 Germany, Sunday Schools in 515 Giles 476 Glenco 408 Glendale, K a n a b Stake 202 Glendale, O n e 1 d a Stake 240 Glenwood 352 Glines 424 Goddard, George 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 36, 37. 38, 39, 49, 50, 51, 54, 270, 302, 521 Goshen, Bingham Stake Ill Goshen, Utah Stake 439 Grace 65 Grafton 370 Graham, K a n a b Stake 203 Graham, ht. Joseph Stake 390 Grampion 86 Grand View 440 Granger 281 Granite 282 Grant, Bingham Stake 112 Grant, Heber J...36, 37, 51, 52, 521, 526 Grant, Pocatello Stake 265 Grant couth 112 Grantsville 419 Grass Creek 412 Grass Valley 371 Gray's Lake Ill Great Britain, Sun- day Schools In 515 Greenville, Beaver ^take 87 Greenville, Cache Stake 124 Greer 399 Griggs, Thomas C. 27, 32, 34, 38, 39, 46, 50, 51, 52, 55. 270, 271, 306, 521, 533 Grouse Creek 145 Grover, btar valley Stake 409 Grover,WayneStake 477 Gunlock 371 Gunnison 339 H Haden 176 Ham's Fork 507 Hamilton's Fort 258 Hanksville 477 Harrisburg 372 Harrisvllle 485 Hatch, liannock-take 65 Hatch, Panguitch > 254 Ha wa i i , Sunday Schools in 515 Heber, Snowflake Stake 361 Heberville 189 Heber, Wasatch stake 470 Hebron 373 Henefer 412 Henrievllle 251 Herriman 283 Hiatt 176 Highland 440 Hilliard 506 Hillsdale 252 Hinckley 222 Holden 223 Honey ville 99 Hooper 486 Hoytsville 412 Hunsaker, Leo 39, 51, 52,521 Hunter 283 H untington 167 Huntsville 487 Hyde Park 125 Hyrum 125 Indianola 340 Inverury 353 lona 112 544 INDEX. losepa Colony, Sun- day School in 516 island, Cassia Stake 145 Island, Fremont Stake 177 Jensen 425 Johnson 203 Joseph 353 Juab 189 Juab Stake 187 Juarez 199 Juarez Stake 195 Jubilee Celebrations 520 Junction, Pan guitch Stake 252 Junction, Wayne Stake 47s Juvenile Instructor 14, 42, 53, 533 Littlefleld Littleton Lodi Logan 1st Ward... 2nd " ... "' 3rd " ... 4th " ... 5th " ... 6th " ... 7th " ... Loa Los Cerritos Lovendahl Lyman, Francis M. 36,38,51,52,221,521,523 Lyman, Fremont Stake Lyman, Wayne Stake Lynne Luna Lund M 374 231 177 127 128 129 130 131 131 132 478 329 284 480 489 400 65 Kanias 413 Maeser. Karl G 36. Kanab 204 il, 50, 51. 52, 54, Kanab Stake 200 521,522 Kanarra 259 Maiben, John B. 16, Kanesville 4v7 21.22, 23, 45, 50, 56, Kanosh 224 271. 3-12.303. 333, 533 Kaysville 153 Malad 209 Kimball. Andrew... 52 Malad Stake 208 Kingston 253 Mammoth, Juat) Knightsville 441 stake 190 Koosharem 354 Mammoth, Pang- uitch stake 254 L Manassa 330 Mancos LaBelle 112 Manila 44i Lake Creek 470 Manti, North Ward 341 Lake Shore 441 South 342 Lakeside 99 Mantua TOO Laketown 75 Mapleton, Oneida Lakeview, Tooele Stake V41 Stake 420 Mapleton, South 447 Lake View, Utah Maplet on. Utah Stake 442 Stake 446 Lambert George C. 50, 56 Maricopa Stake Marion, Cassia 215 Lanark 75 Stake 146 Lawrence 168 Marion, Panguitch Lavton, Davis Stake 154 Stake Lavton, St. Joseph Marriott 489 Stake 391 Marsh Center W5 Leamington 124 Matthews :<' Leavitt 62 Marvsvale 355 Leeds 373 Marvsville 178 Lehi, Maricopa Mavfield 343 Stake 216 Mcoammon ?5 Lehi. North Branch 444 McLachlan, William Itah Stake ... 443 .'_'. I':;. 24, 50,56,296, 297 Leisrh 177 Meadow ?',>5 Leland 442 Menan 114 Levan 190 Mendon 133 Lewiston 126 Mercur 4?1 Lewisville 113 Merrill 4?6 Llbertv, Bear Lake Mesa 217 .Stake 75 Mesquite 374 Liberty, Weber Midway 470 Stake 488 Milburn 344 Linden 361 Milford 87 Lindon 444 Milton ?31 West Branch 445 Mill 427 Millard Stake 2l9> Mill Creek 284 " " 2nd Branch 2sft Mill Fork 447 Mills. John M 38, 39, 52.521.533 Millville 134 MInersville 88- Mink Creek 241 Mission Sunday Schools 511 Moab 326- Model Sunday t-chools 30 Molen 168- Mona 191 Monroe 355 Monticello 326 Montpelier 76" Moreland 114 Morgan 331 Morgan, John 16, 50, 51, 54, 308, 521 Morgan Stake 228 Moroni 344 Mound Fort 490 Mound Valley 66 Mountain Dell, Salt Lake Stake... 2H6 Mountaindell, St. George Stake 374 Mountain Dell, Uin- tah stake 425 Mountain View, Al- berta Stake 62 Mountain View, San Luis Stake 331 Mountainville 346 Mount Carmel 206 Mount Pleasant 345 Mount Sterling 134 Murray 287 N Nashville 242 Nebo 192 Neeleyville 266 Nephi, Juab Stake 192 1st Ward.... 193 2nd " .... 194 Nephi, Ma ricopa stake 218 Netherlands,Sunday Schools in 516 New Harmony 374 Newton 135 New Zealand, Sun- day schools in 516 North Centerville . . 154 North Creek 89- Northern States, Sunday Schools in 517 NorthFarmington.. 155 North Liberty 76 North Morgan 232 North Oakley 14; North Ogden 491 NorthPoint 287 Northward 101 NorthwesternStates Sunday schools in 517 North \villard 102 North NY ilford.. . 179- INDEX. 545 Nounan Nutrioso Nuttall, L. John 38 39, 52, 431, 521, 534 401 Oak City 226 Oak Creek 346 Oakland 448 Oakley, Cassia Stake 146 Oakley, Summit Stake 418 Oasis 225 Oaxaca 196 Ogden, 1st Ward. 491 2nd " . 492 3rd " . 493 4th " . 494 5th " . 495 Onelda Stake 235 Ora 179 Orangevllle 169 Orderville 206 Overton 375 Ovid 77 Owen, William D. 52, 311, 521, 533 Owen 507 Owen Lower Bench 508 Oxford 242 Pacheco 200 Palisade 115 Palmyra 448 Panaca 376 Panguitch 255 Panguitch Stake 247 Paradise 136 Paragoonah 26,) Paris 78 " 1st Ward 79 " 2nd " 80 Park City 414 Parker 179 Park Valley 102 Parley's Park 414 Parowan 260 Parowan Stake 256 Payson 449 1st Ward.... 449 2nd " .... 450 Penitentiary, Sun- day School in 34 Peoa 415 Petersboro 136 Peterson 232 Pirna 392 Pine 219 Pine Creek 89 Pinedale 362 Pinetop 362 Pine Valley 376 Pine View 415 Pinto 377 Plain City 496 Pleasant Green 288 Pleasant Grove 451 Pleasant View, Ma- lad Stake 210 Pleasant View, Salt Lake Stake 288 Pleasant View,Web- er Stake 497 Pleasant View, Uin- tah Stake 428 Pleasant View,Utah Stake 452 Plymouth 210 Pocatello 267 Pocatello Stake 22 Poplar 498 Portage 211 Pratt 180 Preston 243 Price, Emery Stake 170 Price, St. George Stake 378 Providence 137 Provo 1st Ward.... 453 2nd " .... 454 " 3rd " .... 455 4th " .... 455 Pyper, George D. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52, 302,521,522,524,533,534 Raman 402 Randolph 508 Raymond 181 Red Canyon 508 Redmond 356 Reynolds, George 23, 24, 36, 37, 38, 39, 50, 51,52,55,310,311,521,534 Rexburg 1st Ward 181 2nd " 182 Rich us Richards, Levi W, 39, 50, 51, 52, 305, 311, 521, 533, 534 Richards, Louisa Lu- la Greene 50,56 Richfield, San Luis Stake 331 Richfield, 8 e v i e r Stake 357 Richmond 138 Richville 233 Rigby 115 Riverdale, Oneida Stake 243 Riverdale. Uintah Stake . . ; 428 Riverdale, Wasatch Stake 471 Riverdale, Weber Stake 498 Riverside, Bingham Stake 116 Riverside, M a 1 a d Stake 212 Riverton 289 Rockland E , Fork ... 267 N. "... 268 S. "... 2K8 Rockville 379 Rockport 415 Rock Springs 509 Rose Hill 471 Rosette 103 Round Valley 80 Roweville 92 Roy 498 Rudy 117 Rushville 244 Salem, Fremont Stake 183 Salem, Utah Stake . . 457 Salina 358 Salt Lake Stake 270 Salt Lake 1st Ward 290 Branch . . .290 Salt Lake 2nd Ward 291 " 3rd " 292 " 4th " 293 Branch .. .314 ike 5th Ward 294 6th " 295 7th " 296 8th " 297 9th " 298 ' 10th " 299 ' llth " 300 ' 12th " 301 ' 13th " 302 < 14th " 303 4 15th " 305 ' 16th " 306 ' 17th " 308 ' 18th " 308 ' 19th ' 309 ' 20th ' 310 ' 21st ' 311 22nd 312 ich .. 313 Salt Lake 23rd Ward 313 " 24th " 314 Samaria 213 Samoa, Sunday Schools in 518 Sandy 315 Sanford 332 San Juan Stake 323 San Luis Stake 327 Sanpete Stake 333 Santa Clara 382 Santaquin 456 Scandinavia, S u n- day Schools In 519 Schools not reported 348 Scipio 227 Scofleld 458 Sevier Stake 348 Sharon 459 Shelley 117 Shelton 117 Show Low 364 Shumway 364 Sigurd 359 Silver City 194 Silver Gate 429 Slaterville 499 Sloan Edward L. 15, 49 Smithfleld 138 Smith's Fork 510 Smith, Joseph F. 38, 52,521,532 Smith George A.15,49 546 INDEX. Snowflake 365 Snowflake Stake 360 Snowville 103 Soda Springs 67 South Bountiful Districts No. land 2 156 South Cottonwood . 316 Southern States, Sunday Schools In 517 South Farniington 157 South Hooper 158 " Jordan 317 South Morgan J34 South Park 184 " Taylorsvllle.. 318 South View 429 South Weber 159 SouthwesternStates Sunday Schools in 518 Spanish Fork 459 " 1st Ward 460 " " 2nd ' 460 " 3rd " 461 " 4th " 461 Spring City 347 Sprlngdale 383 Spring Glen 171 Springlake 461 Springvllle 1st Ward 461 2nd " 462 3rd " 463 4th " 463 Springvllle,Frernont Stake 184 St. Anthony 1*3 St, Charles 81 St. David 394 St. George 380 St. George Stake.... 368 St.Johns.MaladStake 212 St. Johns Stake 396 St. Johns, St. Johns Stake 403 St. Johns, Tooele Stake 421 St. Joseph 363 St. Joseph Stake. ... 387 St. Thomas 382 Star Valley Stake.. 404 Stanrod 147 Sterling 348 Stoddard 234 Stone.- 104 Sublett 148 Sugar House 319 Sulphurdale 89 Summerhays, Joseph W. 37, 38, 39,50,51,52,55, 281, 307, 521, 524, 533, 534 Summit 261 Summit Stake 409 Swan Lake 245 Switzerland, S u n- day Schools in.... 519 Syracuse 159 Tanner, Joseph M. 36, 51, 52, 521 Taylor, Bingham Stake 118 Taylor, George H. 50,56, 304 Taylor, John W. 46, 52, 514, 515 Taylor, Thomas E. 50, 270,304 Taylor, Snowflake Stake 365 Taylorsvllle 319 Taylor, Weber Stake 500 Teasdale 480 Teasdale, George 36, 38, 51, 52, 187, 195, 521, 527, 529, 530 Ten Mile Spring .... 68 Teton 184 Thatcher, Bannock Stake 67 Thatcher,Box Elder Stake 104 Thatcher, St. Joseph Stake 395 Thistle 463 Thomas Fork 82 Three M He Creek ... 105 Thurber 481 Tllden iw Timpanogus 464 Tooele 422 Tooele Stake 4i7 Toquervllle 384 Torrey 482 Treasureton 245 Trenton, Cache Stake 139 Trenton, Wayne Stake 482 Trinshera 333 Tropic 255 Trout Creek 68 Tuba 366 Twin Grove 185 U Uintah 501 Uintah Stake 423 Union (Branch of Burton) 186 Union, Salt Lake Stake 320 Union, Uintah Stake 430 Upton 416 Ure, James W.36,39, 52, 273, 306, 314, 521, 534 Utah Stake 431 Verdure 327 Vermillion 859 Vernal 430 Vernon 423 Vineyard 4H5 VirgenCity 385 W Wales 347 Wallsburg 471 Wallsville 260 Wanship 416 Wardboro 82 Warren 501 Washakie 214 Wasatch Stake 465 Washington 386 Wayne Stake 473 Weber Stake 4M> Wellington 171 Wellsville 140 West Bountiful 160 West Grouse Creek 148 West Jordan 321 West Kaysville 161 West Lay ton 162 Weston 246 Weston Creek 246 West Portervllle .... 235 Taylorsvllle.. 322 West View 347 West Weber 502 Whitney 247 Whittaker, John M. 51 Wilford, Fremont Stake 186 Wilford, Salt Lake Stake 323 Willard 106 Willow Creek 119 Willow Springs 214 Wilson 503 Winter Quarters .... 465 Woodland Central, Wasatch Stake ... 472 Woodland.Pocatello Stake 269 Woodland, 8 n o w- flake Stake 367 Woodruff, Woodruff Stake 510 Woodruff, Malad Stake 215 Woodruff, S n o w- flake Stake 367 Woodruff Stake 504 Woodvllle 120 Young, Jr. Brigham, 15, 49, 515 Young, Seymour B. 36, 52, 303, 521 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND PERSONAL HISTORY MEMORANDA.