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Schirmer 23801 C.5 SIATe no;;::',, .'cpool MANUAL ' :rs UHIMST».,vOMI cRfTATX ■|JMI.1P"*,CCVV'-»' tw.t-rr ^.^Tff^^ CONTENTS GRADE I \ Baby Polka Bean Porridge Brownies (The) Dancing Topsy Eloise Gavotte How Do You Do? Ugly Mug Washerwoman (The) page 2 4 6 8 lO 14 i6 9 GRADE II Class-Day Polka Board-Walk (The) Dainty Steps Military Schottische Series Pop Goes the Weasel !8 22 34 20 I? GRADE III Alumni Mazurka Cinderella Girl I Left Behind Me (The) La Pastourelle Varsovienne 26 28 3* SCHOOL DANCES BY MELVIN BALLOU GILBERT I- SCHOOL DANCES. BABY POLKA. E. Paul. ■-• — *- — • — I- E l^¥ -» — •- -* — * — > ■f- T- t^ U^ ■P^ -• »- :P= ^M ^jr= ^ 3=# 4-^**^- -• — «- i i^^> -»-T- ^L-^ ^^ -^^^ » — •- feXt=j=3 ^^ f: -rj— t -» — m -m- ff '?^ fc=5: i U> t r f ^ 4^— *— *- 1*J i: -^^^■ K-^ -^ -«■ j^^r r -t-- #^ ♦ ^T ff pp nif §5^^^^^?E ^ -• — w- -• — »- t^ t=&=5: ^t=^ ~iiM^~- r^H — h ^ -^ wz/ f^^S^s^^^^^S^:^ ±it tr: •^t ^^=E^= §i.^ JL ^^ "i:- :t f— ^ -0 — \. Copyright, 1913, by G. Sc/iinner w s SCHOOL DANCES LtOdMr • • -«- -I— 4— ^— s- -*T- -I— Jr_t^-^t-. Y ■? JXCadlibT] t- '-' N /:^ BABY POLKA. In beginning, the children dance the glide polka, in couples, for sixteen measures. B. The couples face each other, and both strike the palms of hands against the thighs (i). Clap the hands together in front of the face (2). Each clap partner's hands with his own, three times (1-2- 3), one measure. Repeat the above, two measures. Place the back of the left hand underneath the right elbow, the elbow bearing upon it, and with the index finger of the right hand make three threat- ening gestures to each other (1-2-3). With the arms in this position, the body should bend to the right, the head carried well to the right, looking at partner, the right toot pointed in fourth position. Make a jump, and change to the left foot, in fourth position, at the same time changing arms, body and head to the position on the left side, and make three threatening gestures with the index finger (1-2-3). Make four walking steps, in place, turning to the left, or, step upon the left foot, making three hops upon it, turning to the left, the free foot beating in front and behind during the hops, two measures. Repeat all of B., and begin again with A. SCHOOL DANCES. BEAN PORRIDGE. Arr. bv M. B. Gilbert. -^ V V # ^ f ■» f f -^ ♦ ^^::-*- ■t^a — •- =r=^ -» — »- #- ■# :fe^ 3 -^-f- # ♦ -t—f- # ■•■ ^t7- t^=^ ^=r ■^ # -^ -» m m- ■p — --r. u -^ ♦ l+- # ♦ 4^ • « « M 1" S * I H*- -»- -S- / • • ■-•- iC^t^ H-- u :*: > ±# ^.^ f , f tfr -I ^#^ ^if :^ X» P- _j_ # ^ ^-p F-^ 4 # =t:=t =P=i* i r '^^^^^ ■-t^l£.h • • .» JL- ^ P / // m -i» — p- m ^ :^=t SCHOOL DANCES. mf 9^ ^^^^x^^. ^ ^ ^^ ^^ -fc^— C^^-J ~"'^^ / *^ H 1- ^g — \X-^ m •- - • # »- I J: ^ BEAN PORRIDGE. Form in couples, partners facing. A. Clap hands against thighs (i); clap hands to- gether in front (2); clap hands with partner (3), one measure. Repeat (1-2-3) °'i^ measure. Clap against thighs ( i ); clap hands together (2); clap right hand with partner (3); clap hands together (4), one measure. Clap left hand with partner (i); clap together (2); clap both hands with partner (3), one meas- ure. (Four measures in all.) Repeat all. B. Join right hands and change places, with two polka steps (1-2-3 i~^~3)- Facing partner, clap own hands together (1-2-3); stamp three times, shaking head (1-2-3); four measures. Repeat to place. c. Join both hands with partner, keeping hands stretched out to the side, and Glide polka eight measures. Note : The motions in the first part are sug- gested by the old verses : Bean Porridge hot. Bean Porridge cold. Bean Porridge in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot. Some like it cold. Some like it in the pot. Nine days old. 6 SCHOOL DANCES. THE BROWNIES. (Polka.) Introduction. # ♦ M. B. Gilbert. Arr. by A. L. Ryser. # -0- ) h ^— •^ m ^ ^ ^^ / »S^^ i ♦ •«#++-* ♦ il^ r^ # T ? fe:? Ti- P H "L— ^ 1 :| Polka. 1^^ ■^-1 — r n p -0 H * f 75^:: — *-• • r <^-« -<-+- :^t:^ .i=t^ rt 4 h • »- * 4 |i -U. :i: -^>=^— •— ^ • tt* ■•■^-•- ■^^■- -^ -^ ■0- ' ■•■ i*m ♦ tli+ii -••■••-•-■•- ■•- -•- -•--••••■ ■F-Jtr— I— tf-i 1 — 1 — H \ — _! — f*^ — ^ — 0^F9if-,-\ > U . -H 1 — ^ — I— ^b^M^ 1 — — i-^ ■ — h-^^ 1 F-^0- -u ^ — h- S 9^e ■a- -^H* ♦ ♦_ 4^- m -0 — I- #■ -^ -^ H» 0- ,*-^ - H* H» 0- h- P >=^ I 1 ^^^ -*r-*r^ ^ i -• #■ ^i ^ ^Eii ? I g # » » i^ I ?^ -^ ^ -b-« ^ I i -*- -fi- '•' ^ THE WASHERWOMAN. Formation : Two by two, in couples, around the room. FIRST PART. In the first part, the arms make movements in imitation of the scrubbing of clothes on a wash- board, and the wringing of clothes by hand ; follow- ing the rhythm of the first strain of the music, re- cite the verse with movement. Scrub, scrub, scrub scrub scrub ; Wring, wring, wring wring wring; Repeat (First strain). Partners join both hands and swing the arms from side to side four times, reciting: Dry the clothes, dry the clothes. Without releasing the hands, both turn under the upraised arms, taking two polka steps (1-2-3 1-2—3), reciting : Take them in, take them in. Repeat from "Dry the clothes," second strain, once through. SECOND PART. Face in line of direction, nearest hands joined ; make three walking steps forward, beginning with outside foot ; rise on toes and turn toward partner, change hands, and count 1-2-3-4. Turn on 4. Repeat in opposite direction, 1-2-3-4. Finish facing partner. Step to side (i); step across behind (Peasant Courtesy) (2); peasant courtesy in opposite direction (3-4). Pirouette (1-2), hands at waist; three stamps (1-2-3)- Repeat all. 10 SCHOOL DANCES. GAVOTTE FACILE. Loins Meyer. Introduction. 3 m t: m p SsBE^ -« — — - ^ 11 ^ f r I f - e Tempo di Gavotta 2 '^^ f? ^-v tz^^ -^-J-^- P ' m P H •-I- / dclicatamciite ^ f ^ • V- '^— t- -V- -.S' 9ifc=: 3^t: ^^ -V- ■■^-f tl^ 4g- :^ +^'?-^^^- :?-^ :^ — S J! ^_ t^-tr- <^ » 2±Ft if. p -'^- 4 ^-^ H •— I h -*?-4 f-^=*: t=5^ 31 -(22- :t ^^^■^*f-^=¥#=^ ^^ib i^ i 5 1, 14 3 4 tZIv-S t; 1 "-•- :Si -^■ 1*-^- / -J — ^ . -• p rfzziT ■J; 4 -J- ^^5^IS >< i# I 1 2 - -i — ^ HS^ ^^ SCHOOL DANCES. 11 ? t 3 ii=^ -^- 4 3 4 -^— #— f-K -J F — P — I 1- J I 4 • is — I •J-ti « (_ » — ^^ — » — ^! * — - — »• -J^^ U^^f :^ ±=z- / 4g -^=? ^ ■C?- i ^ ^ K % ^ 1— ^=^ f^^ *^ P r^r :.^^d^=±t=^Z±^ -.« t- t-^-^=^^ tjipZtig^^^^ig ^ * ti" — f ? ? TRIO. L S a — /«- TiS*- i=^ -^-•-^ 6 3 l^f P P (^At r(5« o-razia. -^ ^=i^ tfc rt -P P- -» — »- OSSIA. =^^ ^ 4 5 ui i ^ -42- S=* -^— » [p^^^^fEfE^Ef :=P ^^ ?r -T i ■»-" ^M= 3 3 2 2 12 SCHOOL DANCES. I :b^ 3 -# — P- ^ W- It:*: f -4 #-4^ -# — ^ ^fci=g=^ ^^ ^^=->. r r J ^^^^ .' r r ^ -G>- 3 4 2 4 2 * ^ ~(54- -g^- 4- >-^ * ^ --^-- s §5^-^ =i=?c # — ^ £ ! I I "> b" j- F ^ - •7 ^ *?— f- ^ d ^ -(5t- " p 1 •-h'-Fh — *?^^^ I * *?- -<5»- T-f-ri^=s -^ i> =^ / delicatamente 55 ^ i ^ $ 9 « ' ' ' ^U ^^^ =j=^=t=^ ^g^^^JEr^=g=^ * t SCHOOL DANCES. 13 • , * ' t^~^1-f—^-J~^ s = ^==F ^ £ ? -I — h i i E^ 95 S ^ I^ :s=#: #-^# i^±— ^ ^ 2S: -4-a- - 444^ dim. r morendo. 'tn 6 1 -^-^ — I -5- ^ ELOISE GAVOTTE. Formation: In couples around the room, open position. Partners join right hands and left hands. Both point right toe in fourth position (1-2); point right toe in fourth position back (3-4), one measure. Cross right foot in front of left, and step (i); step left foot to side (2); step right foot across in front (3); hop, and extend left in fourth position raised (4), one measure. Repeat from the beginning, commencing with left foot. By Nicholas Seuss. B. Make three running steps forwani, beginning with the right foot, and hop ; extend left foot in front, one measure. Begin with left toot and repeat, one measure. Step to right on (i); point left in fourth posi- tion (2); step to left on (3); point right foot to fourth position (4), one measure. Beginning with the right foot, take four walking steps straight backward (1-2-3-4), one measure. Repeat all from the beginning. 14 SCHOOL DANCES. HOW DO YOU DO? Arr. bv M. B. Gilbert. a -S— ^ 5 P I P ^ * ■t^ It. §4 ^ "i^ ' t^ =^^ t^ :?= j==b:^ ^ ^ :pc=i4: i P F • 1- i — ^^ uJ — '1^ <^ H • ^ » • f: :P: -P — »- S; ^ H •- -I 1- -'-^* ^ ^ Ptl ^ « -i-^ -P- m- -P •- ^^lJ \^ T-^=^ I I-- i i: ^^ ^=P= '^ ^ ^ ^ E « l^ \^ t^ ^ ±=t ^ J=S= 1^ ^ "t^ "C^ u^ SCHOOL DANCES. 15 ?^^i: i ^^ i \ f^ . H ^ g=^ ^^^ ^3 6 >tj HOW DO YOU DO? Formation: Two by two, In couples forming a circle around the room. Every other couple about face, to make a formation of fours facing. All make three slides to left, and heels together (1-2-3-4). Repeat back to place (5—6—7-8). (Four measures.) Four hands round - - Forward and back - - I Forward and stop - - two ^ Join right hands with opposite; count (i); make a downward movement (Shake hands, How do \ou do?), count (2), I for joining hands, 2 for downward movement. Join left hands, still keeping right hands joined, count (3); make downward movement, count (4), (two measures). As the hands are joined and the downward movement is made, the dancers should say, "How do you do.''" keeping time to the four movements. All make seven slides to center of room, and heels together (four measures). All slide back to places (four measures). Moulinet (four give right hands across and go once around; give left hands across and go once around in opposite direction) (eight measures). Balance (step back and hop, extending the free foot forward and raised, this step made four times), (four measures). Cross over with four steps and make two peasant courtesies to those coming from the opposite direc- tion, with whom the figure is to be repeated (four measures). The above figures to be continued ac^ lib. LIBRARY STATE NISI**'- SCHOOL caifry.h.A 13/0 A?) 16 SCHOOL DANCES. UGLY MUG Song. jjj^ l J .-^^£g i^z^ Arr. by M. B. Gilbert. ^ 1— ^ 1 m mf ^^t=^ h±. ■^ ^ 4 -ft 4 Ht * nt -•— ( •- £^ -^ — r-i — ^ — r-i — ^^^ — r-T — S — S-t — fi 8-t — • •^r^ -.n ■•-[— •-^ •— I — • m-\ — m-V- =1*^ P W F » * — I — •*— I \!-6 Y Zflj^ only.. 9Sfc £ £ UGLY MUG. Formation : In circle, a boy and a girl, alternat- ing ; the girl on boy's right is his partner. The song must be sung by all, everyone re- peating the words plainly and at the same time act- ing out the lines. At the end of each verse, face partner, and balance. A lateral Pas de Basque step may be used, or any other step suggested by the music. The balance requires four measures. Then turn partners, tour measures ; on the last count jump to place, heels together, hands on hips. SONG. I put my right hand in, I put my right hand out, I give my right hand a shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about. I put my left hand in, I put my left hand out, I give my left hand a shake, shake, shake. And turn myself about. I put my two hands in, I put my two hands out, I give my two hands a shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about. I put my right foot in, I put my right foot out, I give my right toot a shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about. I put my left foot in, I put my left foot out, I give my left foot a shake, shake, shake. And turn myself about. I put my two feet in, I put my two feet out, I give my two feet a shake, shake, shake. And turn myself about. I put my ugly mug in, I put my ugly mug out, I give my ugly mug a shake, shake, shake. And turn myself about. SCHOOL DANCES. POP GOES THE WEASEL. 17 Arr. hy M. li. Gilbert. ^^^^ i ^ :^=:d r-i- w *p te -f— r# 9^1 /^ ^^^^ 111 ^ It^g— P P— P P- * * I 1=^ 4 -t|— g =C==:^ -• • • — r» ^-P PL_+*8 S — P =» -• — •- -» — m~ t ^-^•-r- :f -i ^— j— ^ f^r fl »-^- ^*?-«f- i-*?-*?-^ 9^ # ^ la * W »- J? a a •- 133^ i=t 1] ^ :?=P ->^ POP GOES THE WEASEL. Boy's position indicated by X, girl's by Y. Form in sets of three couples each, partners facing. Couples I 2 3 X Y X Y X Y First couple turns outward and down the out- side, with eight skipping steps, turn, and hack to places (eight measures). Cross hands with partner and down the center, eight slides, and back again, eight slides (eight measures). First couple balances to second girl, joins hands with her, and does three hands once around. First couple raises hands ; second girl goes un- der to place, as the music plays " Pop goes the Weasel" (eight measures). All those in place clap at the word " pop." First couple repeats the balance and three hands around with second boy (eight measures). Finish with first couple in second couple's place, second couple in first couple's place. The first couple continues, and repeats the above with third couple ; at the end of the figure, the first couple has moved from the first place to the foot ot the set. The second couple now begins, and goes down the outside and back, etc., and this is repeated by each couple in turn until all are back to original places. Last Figure. All hands around, eight measures. With hands still joined, the first couple, followed by the others, goes under the upraised arms of cou- ple No. 3, and after passing through, they let go of hands and skip around to places, the others holding hands until they have passed under, the third couple turning under their own arms at the end ot the passing through. All join hands with partners and slide around the room until the music stops. u SCHOOL DANCES. THE PUPPET-SHOW. (Polka.) F. R. Webb. Op. 87. ]W 4 .3 4 1 4 4 3 4 1 -# • f^ -0 •- :3p= -^ 43 3 2 1 S r — !■ — 0- f— ^- ?n/ .\ 2 m >^=^ ^ 4 1^ '^ 1^ £ 1 J. 4 3 1 3 323 1 5 5 3 3 .+a •- -• m- -A- i ^-JT ^ — • — ^ Sf •z=tii=i g=g ^ ^=?^f 9^ =^^^ F=^=^ 3 4 I 3 :t=P= :P: 2 3 2 3 -• •- ^P=P -« ^ ^~ Ct=^^ii: ^E=E ^^ 1 -« — «- -« — « — •- i 4 2 2 12 1 =4^ «—• ^ 4 5 4 3 2 2 > lf=r-f-rr-r— r=^=p^ 4 1 ft ^^1^^ ■^ • — ffi 1 1 r- :^-^^ -« m- a, «- -• «- ^«i « «- 555 I 4 1 3 _f; — ^_i= — ^^ z^iiz^^ijtzzc:^^^ 4:- 4 3 2554344432 _t==t -I 1 ^ — I ^ -• • 0- H»— • -« m «- •I m «- Bi=r=r= :^z=^=Ji: 1==? 23801 SCHOOL DANCES. 19 '^ ^ I 1 _i 10- !-- /T\ P-r -( ■ — • — ■ 8 \'4 3 iW-n Fine. dolcc. _■ — I — I — I — I — -^A i 4 4 1 5 I ps -0- -0- V- ^^E^ g!i ;£^=^ * -» — »- I t-- H» •- -» »- -F ^iP ->- i- 4^ t :^^ —I H- :i|t=^: —I ■ — 3i: ^ Z>. C ' ^L._i 1 ' ' 1 1 1 A r^^ S 1 3 3 3 5 1 •1 4 2 4 3 P P i •==#- 4 5 1 H b ^ ^P^ -t-4p^ ^g ^g-T> -» — »- E£ n 1 5 4 k 1 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 .^■"^ V 1 1 ^ m • ,^ m ^ - • . ..^ 1 /LI- ^ 1^ rrTil' « v 4 1 i 1 1 J r'^/ M v: y 1 • 1 1 u* J mf ■#■ -P- -P- 1 1 i'\'\ 1 m M « ' ' ■» m • r 1 ^ ^ 1 >^"^l^ i W f f 1 ' ' J P P I - F^— _J , 4 ^ 1 ?^ 14 13 14 2 1. - i-T-^ 1: =^ ^ 4 S :p=t -^ i -• • Si « s -# — p- 1 'm. 4 3 2 14 > P p ^ *: 5 2 H« P = P= H» » •- 4 3 2 1 2 43 ^Ip p- p-z^=g^ sp =1= :N — p — ^ SCHOOL DANCES. 21 -• m- 4 3 I b -0 • #' i=:^ > ^ ^ : ?^^r^ ?^^ M 1_ l=fe ^ # ^ ^^^^ 43 F^K f f m •f ^ # # # 1 -•-i- — ^ ^ » -f^ — f- m ... • ■ t~T" — T — ^t — f- — p— -^— ■#■ — 1 — — p— • — V — 1 r 1 r -f— • — U- -i — m V — ~r^ — 1 ^ b 1 -^ — A + — 1 — 4- i -1 — -A — — ^ — A s H h #— P— P £ 1 I a II :^c=jc t P W f ^ >- J-^ *: * ^11 fe;^^ MILITARY SCHOTTISCHE SERIES. Formation : In couples around the room. I. Begin with the outside foot; inside hands joined. Make two schottische steps forward (two measures). Face partners and take step and hop to side, hands at waist (two measures). Repeat from the beginning (tour measures). II. Two schottische steps forward as in I (two measures). With both hands joined, step and hop, turning once around (two measures). Repeat (four measures). III. Schottische steps forward as in I (two meas- ures). The one on the outside takes step and hop, turning under partner's arm, the one on the inside takes step and hop in place (two measures). Repeat (four measures). IV. Schottische steps forward as in I (two meas- ures). Both turn away from partner with step and hop, hands at waist (two measures). Repeat (four measures). V. Schottische steps as in I, with right hands joined and left hands joined (two measures). Ihe one on the outside, with step and hop, crosses in front of partner to opposite place (two measures). Repeat to regain places (four measures). VI. Schottische steps as in I, hands same as in V (two measures). With hands still joined, step, hop, and turn inward under both arms (two measures). Repeat (four measures). VII. Without joining hands, make two schot- tische steps forward, arms extended to third position amplified ; on extension at end ot step, arms intermediate position (two measures). Hands at waist, step and hop, turning away from partner (two measures). Repeat the schottische steps (two measures), and finish with a pirouette and salutation. 22 SCHOOL DANCES. STANDARD-BEARER MARCH. (Board-Walk.) Philii'p Fahrbach, Jr. Op. 192 \ S3r H O 0^0-0 r • T ::i^^: X - ^^ — I- • — •-•-•- -#-= — •- iip& H 1- ;f=^ / ( Tnivipct. ) / m^ II •^ -P^ ;^^ — r I -—^ z^^ — ' I I- -^f-r- ^i^VI^H ■■■^^^ ^^^IM^HM ^^^^^^H ^_ I . I ■ -• — •- ^^' ttJf=^?: ^^-^ §Si=& -r^- _^L_»r. -W-H ■fc^ J f^ 1 V I t!^ .JL J^ .Jk •! I^S ( H? • « ^ — !■« 1 1 •- t^ij- ^fe^ -• •- :tM|^: :i3^ ^r ^ -^-^- i==^ JE. ^ M. -^ F tf"^^- /. 91E* S^te^ -^'— ^H ^—^- -p— id?— •: 1- — "-"- » > -»^ ^ »y »f P V -t^ 9^g]^-^^=^=^=l — ^-^p-»?-^-i— *»-|-7j p- • \ 1 — zd •^-|- »f ! I ^ »f i *? I ^^fe SCHOOL DANCES. 23 .^ : . . T ... ^^^^^^ • •^ •^ TRIO. I 1 =^^ S^eS rt^ -■*- =^ ^ ♦ i»- ♦. 5=^=S^ H»T- J- ■- *7 P J y ' 'J -y V •> V V V V iS^ -<&- ^= -»- -©'- 4^ ♦ A j^. =t5F=^ -©'-^ A- ♦ ^ "^^^Hw^ . 95iE ^R ^. -» ^ ^ » ♦-5-2: 5-«?-^-g-^-*?- .5_s?_«?_5_*?_ ■#• l^ r 8 x' »« S ** *f :f±2 ^^-^-^~- .i^=^- ^^- H*' -^-* -(^^* BBS: -»-^ =S- ^ -«- -S- St: ^- ^^r-^ f=^ ^3: i=f=_^ -^- 1= aai^ -*?-«-#—*?-«?- ^^ ^^# -*f-»?-lj-«-«- > f *f !»~ip^ ^' U* 1^ %i %> p 1. ^ =^^ 2=?: :^: ^trl2i=^^=rt=^ B3 1^ f -«;—«?-!*-«?— ^- :> -1- -iS-.- :^ -t— -»-r- fe^^ ^^ f^ -«^ ^ g__j^« y- g_i?-«y- ■4^ ^ -•1^ 24 • fc". • •«•• SCHOOL DANCES. Ie^e^^I / -^3 — V -/ LLz — > -'f-^ / §!££ 61: -«? ^" S^^ ^tb: f P f 1^1 -•—•—•- a -»— l;/ %^ -«/—«/- ^ ^ +- -I— ■^^— -^ 3^ -I ^ / A -t^ r r f -^ -\a. — b — la b — W E^l ^fc^^ p=^ -^— *^ L ?- :^=^=^ -I — h V Repeat Trio to ^, then March D. C. BOARD-WALK. Form in couples around the room. Open position, inside hands joined. Four walking steps forward, beginning with the outside foot (two measures). Half facing partner, slide outside foot to side in line of direction (i); bring inside foot up, take the weight, and extend outside foot (2); step on outside foot (i), and extend inside foot (2), turning to face in opposite direction (two measures). Ad. Newberger, New York. Repeat the above in the direction now facing (four measures). Face partner, joining both hands; step to side in line of direction (i); cross the free foot behind, and bend (2), (peasant's courtesy) (one measure). Repeat in opposite direction (one measure). Pirouette away from partner (two measures). Take waltz position, and dance two-step or Boston (four measures). SCHOOL DANCES. CINDERELLA. ^^J^ Ait. hv M. 15. CIilukkt. --Ui^ a^lal^ -P^-p- ? J^n- -^:+- co/i pedale ^^g^S^i in ** g / as s jjJEJf H^ t^ ^^1 is g^ #-© s=e t=it« ^ rJ _#: iJJ ^11 ^ ^^ CINDERELLA. Formation: In couples around the room, every other couple about face, forming sets of fours. Join inside hand with partner and balance lo side facing partner, the one on the left with the left foot, the one on the right with the right foot. Swing the arms in direction of movement. Repeat in opposite direction 1-2-3-4-5-6 (two measures). With six steps the girls cross to opposite part- ners (two measures). The boys continue to balance from side to side in place. With new partners repeat the balance (two measures), and take six steps back to original partner (two measures). Repeat from the beginning (eight measures). B. Give both hands to partner, and take three mazurka steps to the side and give three stamps. The couples pass each other on the right (four measures). Take three mazurka steps and one stamp back to places (four measures). With both hands still joined, take three side balance steps, and both turn under the arms with three steps. Drop hands and walk nine steps forward, passing through opposite couple, and make one stamp, girls passing between. This will bring each couple in front of a new couple. If the number of dancers is not too large, the dance mav be repeated until the original tour are again dancing together. 26 Introduction SCHOOL DANCES. ALUMNI MAZURKA. Dance. A. L. Ryser, m^ I I i tr FSSE hC=# ^ \^-^\~^ f-s 1 r^ ^ T-i §5^ r^i ^ g=fc^ -«7-^ -• «- ^ ii l^^EF 5^^ :-H* ' ^ ^ /r /;- /;- -t &^-=^^ // ^^P^g^E J ^P^ -• » •- £e^ * ;t ?=? ™- . . ^ / I ^ — I 1 — K« -i a *-4 1 ^S= r5 r= I ^^ iti: -(S>- §5tg *_f- S?eE: ::* -^ — •— •- 1 ^^•zf: >^ ■^•■••.#-»- ■•■ s -1^*- its: 3^=111 8va g^liig^l is^.^-^i -dr -• »- 3t :^i=» -» — »- -:r ^ — -» — »- • • ♦ # ♦ =|i^=P= I I I ^m. ALUMNI MAZURKA. Formation : In couples around the room, insiiie hands joined, tree hand holding skirt. Step the right foot to the side and point the left foot in front (one measure). Step the left foot to the side and point the right foot in front (one measure), swinging the arms in the direction of the step. Step the right foot to the side (i), step the left foot across behind (2), step the right foot to the side (3). Step the left foot across in front (1), step the right foot to the side (2), and point the left foot in front (3) (two measures). Repeat trom the beginning (tour measures). Three ma'/.urka steps in the line ot direction, and pirouette (four measures). Three mazurka steps in the same direction and two stamps (tour measures). 28 I I ^==? +- -& SCHOOL DANCES. LA PASTOURELLE. >< ^=— '^^ j: rP-^»-f - ^' ti^ i=t:S H --^f as H» • »- » 33^^ ^E|^ -• — w »- ^-t^^^ts :fc=*=i • • Fine. ^ :^_^|i=^^_^'=p=t=p= ^ uj ; ^ =^=E 4:1- ^f- ^ ♦ #^-^ / i=f=5 p— p=^ r -0 »- :^=^ .^-^^ lJ ^^ l J — r ^^ :^ I- -(- -^ ■•• ;;^l 1 1 -^ • P f ^ -ft '91!^^^ : y-r— ^-H^ -F \ F h- ?=^ ;p :| P£3^^^^ t -I — V- =|g ^ M"ii^ _> £S y> stacc. W- — li ytm-^^ k« ^ • • • -g l-.» — • — •- -#— i — F- ^-^^^ ■t^u^ ^=C * I • — • — p f ~ ■C^— T:^ SCHOOL DANCKS. 29 :||^ :t^ p dolcc. ^=r^ ^p=i= ^^^ ^ ♦ # i^-fg^^ CT^rC^ -j / ^i-g^ -& i 1 ^ f •—=-•- #—• I p_^^^ — ^_F- -- . ^=^=^111 S*g ? DC l^53r^:feEfe^^ * ^ f 1 Formation: Lines of three (with hands joined) around the room, two Hnes facing, makmg sets ot six dancers. Heel and toe polka forward, starting with right foot (two measures). Heel and toe polka backward, starting with left foot (two measures). The one on left, with polka steps, passes under uplifted hands of the other two ; the one in center also turning under (all keeping hands joined), and finish as at first formation (four measures). LA PASTOURELLE. By J. T. Martin. Repeat the first four measures (tour measures), the one on the right passing under, etc. (four measures). All cross right hands (Moulinet) and polka around once to regain original lines (four measures). Face line, glide polka to right (two measures). Face line, glide polka to left (two measures). In going to left, go back of line they have been dancing with, and thus meet a new line. Repeat all twenty-four measures, ad lib. 30 mf SCHOOL DANCES. THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. Arr. bv W. B. Gilbert. • P • — ^ u^-'!-^ t^ C-^ CJ — t^ iT^ -^^=\ — r i "T — N- H^^ .0 — #— ^ :- -H --» — — •— 'itT W ■0- ■•■ "^— p — • • ■0- 1 1 — ^ r — 1 — -*— — » — 1 p- #— -1^ #— — •— ! — 1 — — 1 — -^ -4- -f — J -f^ — ^- -i— --t — ^ — 1 — — 1 — >/ ' -f -^ — 1 1 l^ 1 — ^- ^1-— J — ^ — 9^1 3^^ ^ m—^m T-^ ^^# ^^=^ • I 9^ 4 * I I — -4 • • — ^li •-» L-S 4 • « 1 '-■ |=?=?=r^?=?^ I^LZ^I l=^= I -» 1 • I H- f THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. Formation : In sets of three couples each, fac- ing partners. First boy takes first girl and second girl down the center three in line, leaves second girl at foot and returns to place with partner (eight measures). First boy takes first girl and second boy down center and leaves him at foot, and returns to place with partner. First couple separate and go down the outside and bring the second couple back four abreast, first couple in center (eight measures). First and second couples four hands round in circle (four measures). The two girls pass through the set, under the upraised arms of the boys. After passing through, they turn to the right and left to their places, the boys turning underneath their own arms, hands still joined (four measures). The first couple is now in the second couple's place. They now repeat the figure with the third couple. At the end of the figure the second time through, the first couple will be in the third couple's place. The second couple now begin the figure, and dance it twice. The third couple does the same. This will . bring the couples to original places. ^ SCHOOL DAN'CES. OLGA. (Varsoviana.) Allegro modcrato. _^^ I 31 --^ F. Beyer. Op. 134, No. 5 % ^ I'H I ■•--•■-•■ H»- ••■ *■ /■^ -• m • — I— p^- i L'l > i 2! ■^ # ^tS S: s fJI ijii^^ ^:: «*- :^r*^: -«f=Tsl / * ■:;*: F^=e^s^ _« f^ ^i i^ 1— -f2 p- -• g ,7 7- y — li^ — dim. /. /- ;«/ .p — _r — ? -^ -*=^ -F •- q»^=5 32 1^ ^^ ■=^- SCHOOL DANCES. t^^ VI dolce. 3! i 1= > — Tt ^F- J i ^ ^ T » p • -|i2- -t-ffi — I- ■^ ♦ -^-•■It- :•: f=«P ^22- P-#^ t=^ t -I ( ^ a A # * -fe ♦ ■# / dolce. W- t rf — r ■^ # -y » 1 ^ll /'^rt'. :{: /'frt'. * ( 1 --(5l: • — •- f- ■^ -f2- ■m- -19- ■•■ ^= m—^0 -I H r— ^ lig F=^=q ;«/ ^3^ ^ r^ H» ■•■ ♦ # ♦ It^ ■» H 1 1- !^^£:p^f^f»r£r= f f f^-r^- ♦ ^ 1 1 — 3!^ «: ^i^^ # P^ fe| SCHOOL DANCKS. 33 ♦■•■■*■ ■•■'!• ••• "f" -f" -i \ 1 H- ^^ — g'- . ^ ^= I tfh-4i — •- -I — I- S, fe^^f^^^fet E 3=^*: dim. J i=j=y^^^=i=iE^=£=| f/rjf. f ^ P ferX-. E :&- 11 THE VARSOVIENNE. (I.) Formation : In couples, in open position. Boy passes right arm back ot girl's shoulders, and takes her right hand in his right hand. Join the left hands in front. A. Both begin with the left foot. Slide diagonally to the left (i); bring right foot up and take the weight (2); change weight to the left toot (3) (one measure), and point the right toe diagonally forward right (one measure). Repeat to right, to left, to right (six measures). B. Beginning with the left foot, make two mazurka steps diagonally forward left (two measures). Repeat first step (two measures). Repeat the mazurka steps, etc., to the right (four measures). THE VARSOVIENNE. (II.) Position as described in the Varsovienne (i). The step is the same. Figure i. Both beginning with the left foot, take the first step (A) (two measures). Girl passes in front of boy (two measures), then back to place (two meas- ures), across (two measures), back (two measures). Two mazurka steps diagonally forward, and the girl passes across as before (B). Repeat the mazurka steps, etc. (eight measures). Figure 2. Right hands joined, and left hands joined, arms in front. The girl makes a complete turn to corresponding position on the left, in exe- cuting every two measures of A. Mazurka steps executed side by side. B. Fieure 3. Facing partner, right hands joined, left hands at hips. Change hands on every two measures of A, and every four measures of B. Change places in executing the mazurka step (four measures). Repeat back to places (four measures). Figure 4. Face partner, without joining hands. Begin with left foot (A), arms in intermediate posi- tion on the point. Hands at hips during the ma- zurka step (B). All movements made on a line to the side, each moving in opposite direction with the same step. Figure 5. l'"ace partner without joining hands. Begin with left foot. Make a full turn on every two measures of A. Make full turn following the mazurka steps of B, except the last time, when the finish is made with a pirouette and salutation. 34 SCHOOL DANCES. EXHIBITION MARCH. ( Dainty Steps.) M March Philipp Fahrbach, Jr. Op. 263 -l±=i=^ :*=i=4 T J T- T#-'-r &p4 ^^m^^^ f (Trumpet.) nif iliS ^ ^ ^ ^ Hf m- » •-I" 'm^ ^^^^^^ ( #^ =1=8 -t^- 1=^ ^ 5-V^' r^=f^^ t=5=i=t=?=|i: *:^ -»-5- 4=i^ >«/" -^^E^^=^^E^t^^B=^ :^=t: ^#^ 5=^^ ^ i i^==4=^==-^=^=^=^fe »^ -f-*?-- 3 f«33^: ^•zii: / -^ -^ H» -*■ -^ #• ^ tf Ttf^^ " T^ t s^. -» »- ■» i7*- l-*?H ^1 0=i« t:i T^-^^^^^-^^^X^-:^-^ ~! ^ Ml I ' — l-U '\j 1 1 ■ ! I - \ I N N-i— N 4:4:-- ^^=^-^- ^E?^^ n-. r-^x ^ — ^^Jr# «^ ^l=^=r^ »«/■ _/" ( second li)iu- pp ) r T^T ^ SCHOOL DANCES. 35 ^ ^^^-^i=^ m t -■1 — "i-«-«i--i- i^T^ ^ .jP-JL- ^^ 9fe:^ ^fS f: g ui^ ^ -M. 4L ^ f. -» lf-1 » If- » •- M=^==r^ 4- -^ ♦ ♦Sft It i^ £55 ■ f ^f- ^ -^* ♦> i-^ S:-^ -^bi — r» b— 1 »—rlf » - » »— r»- // .§? lA I »~| — »- :t^t ^i^m^^^^\:j^M TRIO. P* «f >f [N x «»__ '' ^^-L #- ^ :^ .if— "f P5_«_«f- ^ t -(S-i- ^ -J-T ^ \ ^ VI f -?^n^ -*?-«?- -«?-^- ■^ I -^— »— # — y— i?- -»?-*?- -«»—«?- -«7-f- l=^=it: :«^ ^sS3: I ^ ^ H— «|— a- *:_*^ i.-^4- -iSl-r -/5i- ^ ^"^^ E ^ ^ ~i^--N- ^^E^ I F-'?-'?-J— '^^- i:^ J -*?-•-* -^-^t—*f-% -«— ^-«— *!- =1: »f »» J «« -» — r- *—^-*f- 1 i "Y\? -■ •-i*: -»-^P^ -•—*?-*? H^ ^ ?t +— I- « T """ r^ / ^^ilE^E^ -e 4 at. -«. ,!< / 1/=^ ^^=^=^^=^ 36 SCHOOL DANCES. -^•^^ :S ^^ Si& \ — i^i Hi — I ! — iT-*— «-i^«-h*-ii-«-^— «-Tt«|-«l — #-57-^—* F — f ^ II — F— ^ Lj^ « r» t^t^P :t±r=r=^^" t^tj ( I -^ — * — ^>. i>^.^^-^-rrj ^-t-' ^^-^ ^p gi^lpi^l^^i^pi^^ -w—^-^^- fc=1f -^-^- ^I^^H Z>. C. al Fine. DAINTY STEPS. Formation : In couples around the room, with the inside hands joined. Point the outside foot diagonally forward (i); straight to the side on (2); point across behind on (3); turn three-quarters of the way around, facing partner on (4). With foot toward line of direction, step straight to the side, cross the free foot behind and bend (peasant courtesy) (1-2); repeat in opposite direc- tion (3-4); take tour slides in line of direction (i- 2-3-4), and face as In the beginning. Starting with the inside foot, take three walking steps forward, and point the outside foot in front (1-2-3-4). Repeat all from the beginning. The skirt may be used, the movements guided by the steps. % ^ £, .•! 5 DATE DUE fiiiffi D 00035755/'' J PI !, iii; i I 1 i: I i m l'-\'Ar>lf ; p: lu.fi:.n,i::'l",:M! m M ' I 1,1 '•■ I I : I j I ■f kl™