LIBRARY OF THE University of California. ■ilFT OF Class 9 0(0 a. Evanston Public Library Catalogue of The Drama Collection I 1 The Drama Club of Evanston muiJm E^n^MMi^ The Drama A catalogue of books on dramatic literature contained in the Evanston Public Library GERTRUDE L. BROWN Compiler Published by The Drama Club of Evanston EVANSTON, ILLINOIS October, 1909 DRAMA Technique of the Drama. FREYTAG, Gustav. Technique of the drama: an exposition of the dramatic com- position and art ; tr. by E. J. MacEwan. 1895 808.2 F89 HENNEQUIN, Alfred. Art of playwriting; being a practical treatise on the elements of dramatic construction; intended for the playwright, the student and dramatic critic. 1899 808.2 H39 MEREDITH, George. An essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit. 1897.. 808.2 M54 PRICE, W. T. Technique of the drama: statement of the principles involved in the value of dramatic material in the construction of plays and in dramatic criticism. 1897 808.2 P93 WOODBRIDGE, Elisabeth. Drama, its laws and its technique. 1898 808.2 W85 Bibliography, p.175-178. History of the Drama. HALE, E. E., Jr. Dramatists of today. 1905 809.2 H13 Contents : Rostand. — Hauptmann. — Sudermann. — Pinero. — Bernard Shaw. — Stephen Phillips. — Maeterlinck. — Our idea of tragedy. HASE, K. A. Miracle plays and sacred dramas : a historical survey ; tr. by A. W. Jackson. 1880 809.2 H27 HUNEKER, J. G. Iconoclasts : a book of dramatists. 1905 809.2 H89 Contents : Henrik Ibsen. — August Strindberg. — Henry Becque. — Gerhart Hauptmann. — Paul Hervieu. — G. B. Shaw. — Maxim Gorky. — Hermann Sudermann. — Princess Mathilde Bonaparte. — • Eleonora Duse. — Gabriele d'Annunzio. — Villiers de I'lsle Adam. — Maurice Maeterlinck. MATTHEWS, J. B. The development of the drama. 1903 , 809.2 M43 OWEN, John. Five great skeptical dramas of history. 1896 809.2 Ow2 Aeschylus-Prometheus Vinctus. Book of Job. Goethe — Faust. Shakespeare — Hamlet. Calderon — El Magico Prodigioso. THORNDIKE, A. H. Tragedy. 1908. (Types of English literature series) 809.2 T39 VAUGHAN, C. E. Types of tragic drama. 1908 809.2 V46 Contents : Aeschylus. — Sophocles. — Euripides. — Seneca, — Racine. — 'Alfieri. — Shakespeare. — Calderon. — Goethe's Faust. — Goethe's Ephigenia. — Browning. — Maeterlinck. — Ibsen. Some Essays on the Drama. ARCHER, William. Study and stage : a year-book of criticism. 1899 824.8 Ar2 CHESTERTON, G. K. Varied types.' ^^903. Chapter on Rpstand 824.8 C421 COURTNEY, w.' !:.•;';• \: : :/* : • Development ofMauric^ Ma&t&VtinCk and other sketches of foreign w.^itfi:s..: J-CjOJ'..-.-.:.;. .:...-...•::. 804 C84 Chapters jft#»; ; ^neiejlXniik.^podenttfKli.— d'Annunzio. THEATRE [ 3 CRAWFORD, Virginia M. Studies on foreign literature. 1899 809 CSS Chapters on : Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac. — Verhaeren. — Maeterlinck. HARRISON, Frederic. Realities and ideals: social, literary and artistic. 1908 824.2 H243 Chapter on : The revival of the drama. JAMES, Henry. Essays in London and elsewhere. 1893 814.4 J23 Chapters on : Frances Anne Kemble. — Journal of the brothers de Goncourt. — Henrik Ibsen. MAETERLINCK, Maurice. The double garden ; tr. by A. T. de Mattos. 1904 844.8 M263 Chapter on: The modern drama. MATTHEWS, J. B. Aspects of fiction, and other ventures in criticism. 1896 814.4 M421 Chapter on : The ancient and the modern drama. The historical novel and other essays. 1901 814.4 M424 Chapters on: Relation of the drama to literature. — Conventions of the drama. — A critic of the acted drama : William Archer. MONKHOUSE, Allan. Books and plays. 1894 824.8 M75 Chapters on : Ibsen's social plays. — Three plays by Stevenson and Henley. — The politics of dramatic art. SYMONDS, J. A. In the key of blue and other pro'se essays. 1896 824.8 Sy6 Chapter on : The lyrlsm of the romantic drama^ SYMONS, Arthur. Plays, acting and music. 1903 824.8 Sy72 Studies in prose and verse. 1904 824.8 Sy7 Chapters on : Oscar Wilde. — Gabriele d'Annunzio. — W. B. Yeats — 'Stephen Phillips. Studies in seven arts. 1906 824.8 Sy71 Theatre. ABBEY, E. L. Religious drama of the Tyrol: a sketch of the ancient drama and of the miracle and morality plays of the middle ages. The Passions-spiel in Oberammergau. 1900 792 P26 ADAMS, W. D. Dictionary of the drama: a guide to the plays, playwrights, players, and playhouses, of the United Kingdom and America, from the earliest times to the present, v. 1. 1904 Ref. 792 Ad2 ARCHER, William. About the theatre : essays and studies. 1886 792 Ar23 Theatrical world. 5v. 1895-98 792 Ar2 AYRES, Alfred. Acting and actors, elocution and elocutionists: a book about theater folk and theater art. 1894 792 Ay2 BORSA, Mario. English stage of today; tr. by Selwyn Brinton. 1908 792 B64 BURTON, Isabel, Lady. Passion-plays at Oberammergau. 1900 792 P261 CAFFIN, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. 1908 792 C14 CLAPP, H. A. Reminiscences of a dramatic critic, with an essay on the art of Henry Irving. 1902 792 C3S 228438 4 THEATRE COQUELIN, B. C The actor and his art ; tr. by A. L. Alger. 1881 792 C79 DORAN, John. "Their majesties' servants": annals of the English stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. 2v. 1880 792 D73 EATON, W. P. American stage of to-day. 1908 792 Ea8 EDWARDS, Osman. Japanese plays and playfellows. 1901 792 Ed2 GOULD, T. R. Tragedian : an essay on the histrionic genius of Junius Brutus Booth. 1868 792 G72 HAIGH, A. E. Attic theatre : a description of the stage and of the dramatic performances at Athens. 1889 792 H12 HAPGOOD, Norman. The stage in America, 1897-1900. 1901 792 H21 HOUSSAYE, Arsene. Behind the scenes of the Comedie Francaise and other recol- lections ; tr. by A. D. Vandam. 1889 792 H81 HUBERT, P. G. The stage as a career: a sketch of the actor's life; its re- quirements, hardships and rewards. 1900 792 H86 HUTTON, Lawrence. Curiosities of the American stage. 1891 792 H97 Plays and players. 1875 792 H971 IRVING, Sir Henry. Drama : addresses. 1893 792 I r8 English actors : their characteristics and their methods : a dis- course delivered in the University schools at Oxford, 1886.792 IrSl JEROME, J. K. On the stage and off: the brief career of a would-be actor. 1891 792 J48 KRAUSKOPF, Joseph. A rabbi's impressions of the Oberammergau passion play: being a series of six lectures. 1901 792 P263 LARWOOD, Jacob, pseud. Theatrical anecdotes; or. Fun and curiosities of the play, the playhouse and the players. 1882 792 L32 LEWES, G. H. On actors and the art of acting. 1878. (Amateur series.) 792 L58 MacCOLL, Malcom. The Ammergau passion play; with some introductory remarks on the origin and development of miracle plays and some practical hints for the use of intending visitors. 1870 792 P262 MACKAYE, P. W. The playhouse and the play, and other addresses concerning the theatre and democracy in America. 1909 792 M21 MATTHEWS, J. B. Studies of the stage. 1894 792 M432 Theatres of Paris. 1880 792 M43 MOLLOY, J. F. Romance of the Irish stage: with pictures of the Irish capital in the 18th century. 2v. 1897 792 M73 MORRIS, Clara. (Mrs. F. C Harriott.) Life of a star. 1906 792 M832 AMERICAN DRAMA Life on the stage : my personal experiences and recollec- tions. 1901 792 M83 Stage confidences: talks about players and play acting. 1902., 792 M831 MURDOCK, J. E. The stage; or, recollections of actors and acting from an experience of 50 years. 1880 792 M94 ORDISH, T. F. Early London theatres, in the fields. 1894 792 Or2 SCOTT, Clement. Drama of yesterday and today. 2v. 1899 792 Sco8 SHAW, G. B. Dramatic opinions and essays. 2v. 1906 792 Sh2 'SYLE, L. D. Essays in dramatic criticism with impressions of some modern plays. 1898 792 Sy6 TOWSE, J. R. American theatre in the 19th century 040 N62 (In 19th Century. 1901. p.228-3S.) WALKLEY, A. B. Drama and life. 1907 792 W15 WINTER, William. Other days: being chronicles and memories of the stage. 1908.792 W731 Shadows of the stage. 3v. 1893 .792 W73 American Drama. ADE, George. The Sultan of Sulu : an original satire in two acts. 1903 812.4 Ad3 ALDRICH, T. B. Judith of Bethulia ; a tragedy. 1904 812.4 Al 2 ANSPACHER, L. K. Tristan and Isolde : a tragedy. 1904 812.4 An8 BANGS, J. K. A proposal under difficulties : a farce. 1905 812.4 B221 Worsted man : a musical play for amateurs. 1905 812.4 B22 BLASHFIELD, Mrs. E. W. Masques of Cupid 812.4 B61 Contents: A surprise party. — The lesser evil. — The honor of the Crequy. — In Cleon's garden. IDOl. Four one-act love comedies. BOKER, G. H. Francesca da Rimini : a tragedy in five acts. 1901 812.4 B63 CAMERON, Mrs. Margaret. Comedies in miniature. 1903 812.4 C14 Contents; Miss Doulton's orchids. — The burglar. — The klepto- maniac. — A pipe of peace. — A Christmas chime. — The com- mittee on matrimony. — Her neighbour's creed. — Unexpected guests. The P. A. I. L. W. R. — In a street-car. — ^A patron of art. CHURCHILL, Winston. The title-mart : a comedy in threfe acts. 1905 812.4 C47 COOKE, Marjorie B. Modern monologues. 1903 812.4 C77 Contents: Cupid plays coach. — A modern Becky Sharp. — Her day at home. — ^The road of the loving heart. — What the janitor heard. — In the merry month of May. — •Suburbanites. — ^Their last ride together. — When shades assemble. — Over the coffee- cups. — From long ago to now. — The first lesson. — A summer idyl. — Below stairs. — On woman's rights. — A highly colored sketch. — A dark-brown diplomat. — At Mme. Newberry's. — How it happened. — When morning breaks. — "Who's afraid?" — The optimist. CROW, Mrs. M. F. World above : a duologue. 1905 812.4 CSS AMERICAN DRAMA DAVIS, R. H. Miss Civilization : a comedy in one act. 1905 812.4 D29 FISKE, Isabella H. A comedy of the exile. (In Poet-lore. v.l7 1906 p. 51-58). FISKE, May I. Monologues. 1903 812.4 F54 Contents: Keeping a seat at the benefit. — Iler first call on the butcher. — Hunting for an apartment. — The heart of a woman. — A bill from the milliner. — A woman in a shoe-shop. — Another point of view. — Mis' Deborah has a visitor. — The pudding. — The year after. — Heard on the beach. FITCH, Clyde. Barbara Frietchie, the Frederick girl : a play in four acts. 1900 812.4 F551 Beau Brummel : a play in four acts written for Richard Mans- field. 1908 812.4 F553 Captain Jinks of the Horse marines: a fantastic comedy in three acts. 1902 812.4 F552 Nathan Hale. 1899 812.4 F55 FULLER, H. B. Puppet-booth : twelve plays. 1896 812.4 F95 Contents: Cure of souls. — On the whirlwind. — The love of love. — After-glow. — The ship comes in. — At Saint Judas's. — The light that always is. — The dead-and-alive. — Northern lights. — The story-spinner. — The stranger within the gates. — In such a night. GELLATLY, Francis. Love made to order and Temper tempest. 1874 812.4 G28 GREENE, H. C. Pontius Pilate, Saint Ronan of Brittany, Theophile : three plays in verse. 1903 812.4 G83 GROSS, S. E. Merchant prince of Cornville : a comedy. 1896 812.4 G89 HARTE, Bret. Two men of Sandy Bar. 1890 812.4 H25 HEAVYSEGE, Charles. Saul. 1869 812.4 H35 HERFORD, Beatrice. Monologues. 1908 ' 812.4 H42 Contents: A sociable seamstress. — The bazaar. — A lady packing. — Piazza ladies. — The country store. — A professional boarder. HOVEY, Richard. Launcelot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas. 4v. 1898-1900. Quest of Merlin : a masque 812.4 H82 Marriage of Guenevere : a tragedy 812.4 H821 Birth of Galahad : a romantic drama 812.4 H822 Taliesin : a masque 812.4 H823 HOWELLS, W. D. Bride roses. 1900 812.4 H831 Elevator : farce. 1892 812.4 H832 Indian giver : a comedy. 1900 812.4 H833 Mother and the father : dramatic passages 812.4 H8392 Mouse-trap and other farces. 1889 812.4 H8391 Out of the question : a comedy. 1877 812.4 H83 Parlor car. 1892 812.4 H834 Previous engagement : a comedy. 1897 812.4 H835 Register : a farce. 1893 ^ 812.4 H836 Sea-change ; or, Love's stowaway: a lyrical farce 812.4 H837 Sleeping-car : a farce. 1893 812.4 H838 Smoking car : a farce. 1900 812.4 H839 AMERICAN DRAMA JAMES, Henry. Theatricals: two comedies, Tenants and Disengaged. 1894. ..812.4 J23 Theatricals : Album, and The reprobate. 1895 812.4 J231 KIDDER, Jerome. Drama of earth. 1857 812.4 K54 LODGE, G. C. Cain. 1904 812.4 L82 MACKAYE, Percy. Canterbury pilgrims : a comedy. 1903 812.4 M19 Fenris, the wolf: a tragedy. 1905 812.4 M192 Jeanne d'Arc. 1906 812.4 M191 Mater : an American study in comedy. 1908 812.4 M195 Sappho and Phaon : a tragedy. 1907 812.4 M193 Scarecrow; or, The glass of truth; a tragedy of the ludi- crous. 1908 812.4 M194 MACKAYE, Mrs. Steele. Pride and prejudice: a play founded on Jane Austen's novel. 1906 812.4 M18 MERINGTON, Marguerite. Captain Lettarblair : a comedy in three acts. 1906 812.4 M541 Cranford: a comedy in three acts made from Mrs. Gaskell's famous story. 1905 812.4 M54 MONROE, Harriet. The passing show : five modern plays in verse. 1903 812.4 M75 Vontents: The thunderstorm. — At the goal. — After all. — A modern minuet. — It passes by. MOODY, W. V. The faith healer. 1909 812.4 M771 The fire-bringer. 1904 812.4 M772 Great divide. 1909 812.4 M773 Masque of judgment: a masque drama in five acts. 1900.. 812.4 M77 PEABODY, Josephine P. Marlowe. 1901 812.4 P31 RAYMOND, G. L. Aztec god and other dramas. 1900 812.4 R21 RICE, C Y. David : a tragedv. 1904 812.4 R36 Night in Avignon. 1907 812.4 R361 RUSSELL, H. E. Blake, Herbert & Gates, A. L. Quest of the quezarre. 1903 812.4 R91 SANTAYANA, George. Lucifer : a theological tragedy. 1899 812.4 Sa5 SHIELDS, C. W. The reformer of Geneva (John Calvin) : an historical drama. 1898 812.4 Sh6 STEVENS, T. W. Bo'ok of words : a pageant of the Italian renaissance, pro- duced at the Art Institute, Chicago, 1909, under the au- spices of the Antiquarian society of the Art institute 812.4 St4 STUART, Mrs. R. M. Snow-cap sisters : a burlesque. 1901 812.4 St9 SUTHERLAND, Mrs. E. G. Po' white trash, and other one-act dramas. 1900 812.4 Su8 Contents: Po' white trash. — In far Bohemia. — The end of the way. — A comedie royall. — A hit of instruction. — A song at the castle. — Rohan the silent. — At the barricade. — Galatea of the toy-shop. 8 ENGLISH DRAMA TARKINGTON, Booth & Wilson, H. L. The man from home. 1908 812.4 T17 THOMAS, Augustus. Alabama : a drama in four acts. 1900 812.4 T36 Arizona : drama in four acts. 1902 812.4 T361 TORRENCE, F. R. Abelard and Heloise : a poetic drama. 1907 812.4 T631 Eldorado': a tragedy. 1903 812.4 T63 VAN DYKE, Henry. The house of Rimmon : a drama in four acts. 1908 812.4 V28 WARD, Mrs. E. S. P. Within the gates. 1901 812.4 W21 WENDELL, Barrett. Raleigh in Guiana, Rosamond, and a A Christmas masque. 1902. 812.4 W48 WILKINS, Mary E. (Mrs. C. M. Freeman.) Giles Corey, yeoman. 1893 812.4 W65 WILKINSON, Florence. Two plays of Israel : David of Bethlehem. Mary Magdalen. 1904 812.4 W66 WOODS, M. L. Princess of Hanover. 1903 812.4 W86 English Drama. AUSTIN, Alfred. England's darling. (Alfred the Great). 1896 822.8 Au72 Flodden Field : a tragedy. 1903 822.8 Au73 BEAUMONT, Francis & Fletcher, John. Works; with introductioti by George Darley. 2v. 1880. .. .822.35 D24 Philaster; or. Love lies a-bleeding: ed. by F. S. Boas. (Temple dramatists.) 1898 822.35 B63 BELL, John, ed. British theatre. 36v. 1791-97. v.7 and 10 wanting 822 B41 BESANT, Walter & Pollock, Walter. Charm and other drawing-room plays. 1897 822.8 B46 BRIDGES, Robert. Humours of the court: a comedy, and other poems 822.8 B76 BROWN, C. S. ed. Later English drama. 1898 822.6 B81 Contents: Goldsmith — She stoops to conquer. — Sheridan — — Rivals. — School for scandal. — Knowles — Virginius. — Bulwer- Lytton — Lady of Lyons. — Richelieu. BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. Dramatic works. 2v. 1876 822.8 B87 Dramas and poems. 1882 822.8 B871 CHAPMAN, George. Plays ; ed. by R. H. Shepherd. 1874 822.3 C36 CLIFFORD, Mrs. L. L. Long duel : a serious comedy in four acts. 1901 822.8 C61 DAVIDSON, John. Plays. 1894 822.8 D28 Godfrida : a play in four acts. 1898 822.8 D281 DRYDEN, John. Works : ed. by George Saintsbury. 18v. 1882-93. v.2-10. Dramatic works 821.48 Sco3 ENGLISH DRAMA DU MAURIER, G. L. B. An Englishman's home : a play in three acts 822.8 D89 EVERYMAN ; a moral play. 1903 821.1 Ev2 FIELD, Michael, pseud. Anna Ruina. 1899 822.8 F451 Question of memory: a play in four acts. 1893 822.8 F45 Stephania: a trialogue. 1892 822.8 F452 FLETCHER, John. Faithful sheperdess; ed. by F. W. Moorman. 1897. (Temple dramatists) 822.35 F63 GALSWORTHY, John. Plays : The silver box. Joy. Strife 822.8 G13 GARNETT, Richard. William Shakespeare, pedagogue and poacher. 1905 822.8 G19 GAYLEY, C. M., ed. Representative English comedies; with introductory essays and notes : an historical view of our earlier comedy by various writers. 1907 822.2 G25 v.l. From the beginnings to Shakespeare. GILBERT, W. S. Original plays. 3v. 1894-99 822.8 G37 Mikado and other comic operas 822.8 G371 Contents: Sorcerer. — H. M. S. Pinafore. — Pirates of Penzance. — lolanthe. — Patience. — Princess If^a. — Trial by jury. Patience ; or, Bunthorne's bride. 1902 822.8 G372 GOLDSMITH, Oliver. Miscellaneous works; ed. by James Prior. 4v. 1869. V.4. Dramas 824.66 P93 Good-natured man 822.6 G572 She stoops to conquer. 1902 822.6 G571 She stoops to conquer; or, The mistakes of a night: a comedy; ed. by J. M. Dent. (Temple dramatists.) 1905.. 822.6 G57 GREENE, Robert. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay; ed. by A. W. Ward. 1878. (Clarendon press series.) 822.3 W21 GREENE, Robert & Peele, George. Dramatic and poetical works ; with memoirs of the authors and notes by Alexander Dyce. 1874 822.31 D98 HARDY, Thomas. Dynasts: a drama of the Napoleonic wars, in three parts, nineteen acts and 130 scenes. Part 1. 1904 822.8 H22 HENLEY, W. E., & Stevenson, R. L. Three plays. 1902 822.8 H38 Deacon Brodie. — Beavi Austin. — Admiral Guinea. HEWLETT, Maurice. Pan and the young shepherd: a pastoral in two acts. 1898. . .822.8 H49 HEYWOOD, Thomas. Woman killed with kindness; ed, with notes by A. W. Ward. 1897. (Temple dramatists) 822.3 H51 HOBBES, John Oliver (pseud, of Mrs. P. M. R. Craigie.) The ambassador : a comedy in four acts. 1898 822.8 H65 HOPE, Anthony, pseud. Adventure of the Lady Ursula: a comedy in four acts. 1898.822.8 H77 HOUSMAN, Lawrence. Bethlehem ; a nativity play. 1902 822.8 H81 10 ENGLISH DRAMA HUNT, Leigh, ed. Dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Far- quhar. 1880 822.4 H82 For review of this worlt see Macaulay's essay on Leigh Hunt. 824.83 M 11, V. 4. HYDE, Douglas. The marriage. (In Poet-lore. v.20. 1909. p. 135-145.).... The twisting of the rope: a comedy in one act. (In Poet- lore. V.16. 1905.) JONES, H. A. Michael and his lost angel : a play in five acts. 1895 822.8 J72 Mrs. Dane's defence: a play in four acts. 1905 822.8 J721 Whitewashing Julia: an original comedy in three acts and an epilogue. 1905 822.8 J722 JONSON, Ben. Works ; ed. by Francis Cunningham. 3v. 1816 822.34 G36 Every man in his humour; ed. by W. M. Dixon. 1905. (Temple dramatists.) 822.34 D64 SWINBURNE, A. C. Study of Ben Jonson. 1889 822.34 Sw6 KENNEDY, C. R. Servant in the house. 1908 822.8 K38 The winterfeast. 1908 822.8 K381 KNOWLES, J. S. Dramatic works. 1858 822.72 K76 LAMB, Charles. Works; ed. by E. V. Lucas. 7v. 1903 824.75 L961 V.4. Dramatic specimens and the Garriclj plays. V.5. Poems and plays. MANLY, J. M. Specimens of the pre-Shakesperean drama; with an introduc- tion, notes and a glossary. 2v. 1897 822 M31 MARLOWE, Christopher. Works; ed. by A. H. Bullen. 3v. 1885. (English drama- tists) 822.32 B87 Works, including translations; ed. by Francis Cunningham. .822.32 C91 Doctor Faustus; ed. by A. W. Ward. 1878. (Clarendon press series) 822.3 W21 MASSINGER, Philip. Plays ; from the text of William Giflford ; ed. by Francis Cun- ningham 822.37 C91 New way to pay old debts; ed. by George Stronach. 1904. (Temple dramatists) 822.37 St8 MASSINGER, Philip and Ford, John. Dramatic works; with an introduction by Hartley Coleridge. 1875 822.37 C67 MIDDLETON, Thomas. Works ; ed. by A. H. Bullen. 8v. 1885-86 822.3 B87 MOORE, George. Bending of the bough : a comedy in five acts. 1900 822.8 M78 Strike at Arlingford : play in three acts. 1893 822.8 M781 PHILLIPS, Stephen. Herod, a tragedy. 1901 822.8 P551 Nero : a tragedy. 1906 822.8 P554 Paolo and Francesca : a tragedy. 1900 822.8 P55 The sin of David. 1904 822.8 P553 Ulysses: a drama in a prologue and three acts. 1902 822.8 P552 ENGLISH DRAMA 11 PHILLIPS, Stephen & Carr, J. C Faust. 1908 822.8 P559 Freely adapted from Goethe's dramatic poem. PINERO, A. W. The gay Lord Quex : a comedy in four acts. 1900 822.8 P651 His house in order : a comedy in four acts. 1907 822.8 P657 Iris : a drama in five acts. 1902 822.8 P655 Letty: an original drama in four acts and an epilogue. 1905.822.8 P653 The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith: a drama in four acts. 1895.. 822.8 P656 The second Mrs. Tanqueray: a play in four acts. 1894 822.8 P654 Sweet lavender : a comedy in three acts. 1893 822.8 P652 Trelawny of the "Wells" : a comedietta in four acts. 1899. . . .822.8 P65 POLLARD, A. W„ ed. English miracle plays, moralities and interludes : specimens of pre-Elizabethan drama. 1895 822.1 P76 SHARP, William. Vistas. 1895 822.8 Shi SHAW, G. B. John Bull's other island and Major Barbara. How he lied to her husband. 1907 822.8 Sh23 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy. 1904 822.8 Sh22 Plays, pleasant and unpleasant. 2v. 1898 822.8 Sh21 Contents: v.l. The unpleasant plays: Widowers' houses. — — The philanderer. — Mrs. Warren's profession. V.2. Pleasant plays : You never, can tell. — Arms and the man. — Candida. — The man of destiny. Three plays for Puritans. 1901 822.8 Sh2 The devil's disciple. — Caesar and Cleopatra. — Captain Brass- bound's conversion. MENCKEN, H. L. George Bernard Shaw, his plays. 1905 822.8 Sh26 SHERIDAN, R. B. Works. 2v 822.66 B81 v.l. The rivals. — St. Patrick's day. — The duenna. — Trip to Scarborough. V.2. S<:hool for scandal. — The critic. — Pizarro. Critic; or, A tragedy rehearsal; ed. by G. A. Aitken. 1897. (Temple dramatists) 822.66 Ai9 Rivals: a comedy; ed. by G. A. Aitken. 1897. (Temple drama- tists) 822.66 Ai91 School for scandal: a comedy; ed. by G. A. Aitken. 1905. (Temple dramatists) 822.66 Ai92 SUTRO, Alfred. Walls of Jericho : a play in four acts. 1906 822.8 Su7 SWINBURNE, A. C. fiothwell : a tragedy. 1882 822.8 Sw61 Marino Faliero : a tragedy. 1885 822.8 Sw63 Rosamond : a tragedy. 1899 822.8 Sw6 Sisters : a tragedy. 1892 822.8 Sw62 SYNGE, J. M. Riders to the sea: a tragic drama in one act (In poet-lore. v. 16. 1905). THAYER, W. R., ed. Best of Elizabethan plays. 1892 822.3 T33 jMarlowe — The Jew of Malta. Jonson — The alchemist. Beaumont and Fletcher — Philaster. Fletcher and Shakespeare — The two noble kinsmen. Webster — Duchess of Malfl. 12 ENGLISH DRAMA UDALL, Nicholas. Ralph Roister Doister : the first regular English comedy; ed. by W. H. Williams and P. A. Robin 822.22 W67 WEBSTER, John. Works; with some account of the author, and notes by Alex- ander Dyce. 1877 822.36 D98 Duchess of Malfi; ed. by C Vaughan. 1900. (Temple drama- tists) 822.36 V46 WILDE, Oscar. Salome : a tragedy in one act ; tr. from the French (In Poet-lore. v.l8. 1907. p. 199-223.) WINSLOW, Mrs. C. M. Reignolds. Readings from the old English dramatists. 2v. 1895 822 W73 YEATS, W. B. Countess Kathleen. 1902 822.8 Y34 The hour glass, and other plays. 1904 822.8 Y32 The hour glass. — Cathleen Ni Hoolihan. — A pot of broth. The shadowy waters. 1901 822.8 Y3 Land of heart's desire. 1894 822.8 Y31 Where there is nothing. 1903 822.8 Y33 YEATS, W. B. & Gregory, Isabella A. P. lady. Unicorn from the stars, and other plays. 1908 822.8 Y39 History and Criticism of the English Drama. ARCHER, William English dramatists of today. 1882 822 Ar2 BATES, K. L English religious drama. 1893 822.1 B31 ELZE, Karl. Notes on Elizabethan dramatists; with conjectural emendations of the text. 1880 822.3 El 5 FILON, Augustin. English stage ; being an account of the Victorian drama ; tr. by Frederic Whyte. 1897 822.8 F48 HAZLITT, William. Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers. 1876 824.76 H33 On Shakespeare and Ben Jonson. — On Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugb, and Farquhar. HONE, William. Ancient mysteries described, especially the English miracle plays. 1823 822.1 H7S JONES, H. A. Renascence of the English drama : essays, lectures and frag- ments relating to the modern English stage. 1895 822 J72 KINGSLEY, Charles. Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays. 1873 824.8 K611 LOWELL, J. R. Old English dramatists. 1893 822.3 L95 MORRIS, Charles. Tales from the dramatists. 4v. 1893 822 M83 SCHELLING, F. E. English chronicle play : a study in the popular historical litera- ture environing Shakespeare 822 Sch2 SHAKESPEARE 13 SWINBURNE, A. C. Age of Shakespeare. 1908 822.3 Sw6 Contents: Christopher Marlowe. — John Webster. — Thomas Mid- dleton. — Thomas Dekker. — John Marston. — William Rowley. — Thomas Heywood. — George Chapman. — Cyril Tourneur. SYMONDS, J. A. Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama. 1884 822.2 Sy6 THACKERAY, W. M. English humorists of the eighteenth century. 1893 824.8 T32 Contains lectures on Congreve, Addison and Goldsmith. THOMPSON, E. N. S. Controversy between the Puritans and the stage. 1903 822 T37 WARD, A. W. English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne. 2v. 1875 822 W21 Shakespeare. Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE, William. Plays accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens; with notes by Alexander Chalmers. lOv. 1805 822.33 St4 Contents: v.l. Life. — The tempest. — Two gentlemen of Verona. — Merry wives of Windsor. V.2. Twelfth night. — Measure for measure. — 'Much ado about nothing. — Midsummer-night's dream. V.3. Love's labour's lost. — Merchant of Venice. — As you like it. — All's well that ends well. V.4. Taming of the shrew. — Winter's tale. — Comedy of errors. — Macbeth. V.5. King John. — Richard II. — Henry IV. V.6. Henry V. — Henry VI. V.7. Richard III. — Henry VIII. — Troilus and Cresslda. V.8. Timon of Athens. — Coriolanus. — Julius Caesar. — Antony and Cleopatra. V.9. Cymbeline. — Titus Andronicus. — Pericles. — Lear. v.lO. Romeo and Juliet. — Hamlet. — Othello. Pictorial edition; ed. by Chas. Knight. 7v. 1839-41 822.33 K74 v.l-2. Histories. — v.3-4. Tragedies. — v.5-6. Comedies. — v.7. Doubtful plays. Works ; ed. by R. G. White. 12v. 1868 822.33 W582 v.l. Sonnets. V.2. Merry wives of Windsor. — Tempest. — ^Two gentlemen of Verona. V.3. Comedy of errors'. — Love's labour's lost. — Measure for meas- ure. — Much ado about nothing. V.4. As you like It. — Merchant of Venice. — Midsummer night's dream. — Taming of the shrew. V.5. All's well that ends well. — Twelfth night. — ^Winter's tale. V.6. King Henry IV. — King John. — King Richard II. v.7. King Henry V. — King Henry VI., pt. 1-2. V.8. King Henry VI, pt. 3. — Henry VIII. — King Richard III. V.9. Coriolanus. — Titus Andronicus. — Troilus and Cressida. v.lO. Julius Caesar. — Macbeth. — Romeo and Juliet. — Timon of Athens. v.ll. Hamlet. — King Lear. — Othello. V.12. Antony and Cleopatra. — Cymbeline. — Pericles. Works : Variorum edition ; ed. bv H. H. Furness. 14v. 1871- 1904 ' 822.33 F98 v.l. Romeo and Juliet. v.9. Tempest. V.2. Macbeth. V.lO. Midsummer night'si dream. v.3-4. Hamlet. v.ll. Winter's tale. V.5. King Lear. v.l2. Much ado about nothing. V.6. Othello. V.13. Twelfth night. v.7. Merchant of Venice. v.l4. Love's labour's lost. V.8. As you like it. Works: facsimile from first folio ed. of 1623. 1876 822.33 C39Ref Works ; ed. by W. G. Clark & W. A. Wright. 1878 822.33 C552 Leopold Shakespeare from the text of Prof. Delius, with intro- duction by F. J. Furnivall. 1881 822.33 D37 14 SHAKESPEARE Comedies, histories and tragedies as presented at the Globe and Blackfriars theatres, 1591-1623. ed. bv Appleton Morgan. 22v. 1888-94. (Bankside Shakespeare') 822.33 B22 v.l. Merry wives of Windsor. v.ll. Hamlet. V.2. Taming of the shrew. v.12-13. Henry IV. V.3. Merchant of Venice. v.l4. Pericles. V.4. Troilus and Cressida. v.l5. Richard III. V.5. Romeo and Juliet, v.l6. Henry V. V.6. Much ado about nothing. v.l7. King Richard II. V.7. Titus Andronicus. v.l8. King John. V.8. Midsummer night's dream, v.19-20. Henry VI. V.9. Othello. V.21. Love's labour's lost. v.lO. King Lear. v.22. Comedy of errors. Complete works; ed. by Clark and Wright. 16v. in 8. 1894. (Actors* edition) 822.33 C553 v.l. Tempest. — Two gentlemen of Verona. — Merry wives of Windsor. — Measure for measure. — Comedy of errors. — Much ado about nothing. — Love's labor's lost. V.2. Midsummer night's dream. — 'Merchant of Venice. — As you like it. — Taming of the shrew. — ^All's well that endsi well. — Twelfth night. V.3. Winter's tale. — King John. — Richard II. — Henry IV. — Henry V. V.4. Henry VI. — Richard III. — Henry VIII. V.5. Troilus and Cressida. — Coriolanus. — Titus Andronicus. — Romeo and Juliet. — Timon of Athens. V.6. Julius Caesar. — Macbeth. — Hamlet. — King Lear. — Othello. V.7. Antony and Cleopatra. — Cymbeline. — Pericles. V.8. Life and writings. Works; with preface, glossary, etc., by Israel Go-llancz. 40v. (Temple edition) 822.33 G58 Works ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 37v. in 40. 1899 822.33 R64 Works ; Booklovers edition. 2>lv. in 42. 1901 822.33 B64-B6439 Single Plays. SHAKESPEARE, William. Anthony and Cleopatra. 1880 822.33 Am3 As you like it. 1880 822.33 Am31 As you like it; with notes, examination papers, and plan -of preparation by Brainerd Kellogg. 1^2. (English clas- sics) 822.33 K29 Cymbeline. 1887 822.33 El 91 Hamlet, prince of Denmark. 1880 822.33 Am32 Tragedie of Hamlet, prince of Denmark; ed. by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 1905 822.33 P822 COOKE, M. W. Human mystery in Hamlet : an attempt to say an unsaid word ; with suggestive parallelisms from the elder poets. 1888. .822.33 C78 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J. O. Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet. 1879 822.33 H152 LATHAM, R. G. Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespeare. 1872 822.33 L34 O'CONNOR, W. D. Hamlet's note-book 1886 822.33 OcS SHAKESPEARE, William. King Henry IV (part 1) ; with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation by Brainerd Kellogg. 1885. (English classics) 822.33 K291 King Henry V; with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation by Brainerd Kellogg. 1882. (English class- ics 822.33 K292 Richard Mansfield acting version of King Henry V. 1901. .822.33 M31 King Lear. 1880 822.33 Am33 SHAKESPEARE 15 King Lear; with notes,, examination papers, and plan of preparation by Brainerd Kellogg. 1882. (English classics) 822.33 K293 Tragedy of King Richard the third. 1880 822.33 Am34 Tragedie of Julius Caesar; ed. by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 1904 822.33 P821 CRAIK, G. L. English of Shakespeare: a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 1872 822.33 C84Ref PORTER, Charlotte and Clarke, H. A. Shakespeare studies : Macbeth. 1901 822.33 P82 SHAKESPEARE, William. Merchant of Venice. 1880 822.33 Am35 Merchant of Venice; ed. by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 1904 822.33 M54 Othello; with notes, examination papers, and plan of prepara- tion by Brainerd Kellogg. 1892. (English classics) . . . .822.33 K294 Maud Adams acting edition of Romeo and Juliet. 1899 822.33 Adl The taming of the shrew; with introduction by Ada Rehan. 1900 822.33 R27 Tempest. 1880 822.33 Am36 Tempest. Decorated by R. A. Bell. 1901 822.33 T24 Tempest ; with notes, examination papers, and plan of prepara- tion by Brainerd Kellogg. 1886. (English classics) .. .822.33 K295 Twelfth night; with notes, examination papers, and plan oif preparation bv Brainerd Kellogg. 1891. (English classics) " 822.33 K296 The winter's tale; with notes, examination papers, and plan of preparation by Brainerd Kellogg. 1890. (English classics) 822.33 K297 Bibliography. MORGAN, H. H. Topical Shakespeariana ; or, A collection of English Shakes- peariana. 1879 822.33 M81 Ref. WALLACE, Charlotte E. Fools and clowns of Shakespeare: a reference list. Bull, of bibliog. v.l, p.70-71. 1898 010 B65v.l Ref. Concordances. Dictionaries. BARTLETT, John. New and complete concordance to words, phrases and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare. 1894 822.33 B281 Ref. Shakespeare phrase book. 1881 822.33 B28 Ref. CLARKE, Mrs. M. V. N. C. Complete concordance to Shakespeare. 1871 822.33 C551 Ref. CLARKE, C. C. & Mrs. M. V. N. C. Shakespeare key. 1879 822.33 055 Ref. DYCE, Alexander. Glossary to the works of William Shakespeare. 1880 822.33 D97 Ref. LUCE, Morton. Handbook to the works of William Shakespeare. 1906 822.33 L96 16 SHAKESPEARE PHIN, John. Shakespeare cyclopedia and new glossary. 1902 822.33 P54 SCHMIDT, Alexander. Shakespeare-lexicon. 2v. in 1. 1874 822.33 Sch5 Ref. STOCQUELER, J. H. Shakespearian referee: cyclopedia of words obsolete and mod- ern occurring in plays of Shakespeare. 1886 822.33 Si2 Ref. Authorship. Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. WYMAN, W. H. Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy; with notes. 1884 822.33 W98 Ref. DONNELLY, Ignatius. Great cryptogram. Francis Bacon's cipher in the so-called Shakespeare plays. 1888 822.33 D71 MORGAN, A. & Piatt, I. H. Shakespeare and Bacon; can they be reconciled? (New Shakespeareana. v.2, no. 2-4, 1903) 822.33 M82 REED, Edwin. Bacon and Shakespeare parallelisms. 1902 822.33 R251 Bacon vs. Shakespeare : brief for plaintiff. 1897 822.33 R25 Francis Bacon our Shakespeare. 1902 822.33 R252 WIGSTON, W. F. C. Francis Bacon, poet, prophet, philosopher, versus phantom Captain Shakespeare, the Rosicrucian-mask. 1891 822.33 W64 Biography. Criticism. Study. BAYNES, T. S. Shakespeare studies, and essay on English dictionaries. 1894.822.33 B34 BOAS, F. S. Shakespeare and his predecessors. 1899 822.33 B63 BRANDES, George. William Shakespeare: a critical study. 2v. 1898 822.33 B73 BRINK, Bernhard ten. Five lectures on Shakespeare; tr. by Julia Franklin. 1895.. 822.33 B77 BROOKE, S. A. On ten plays of Shakespeare. 1905 822.33 B79 COLERIDGE, S. T. Lectures and notes on Shakespeare and other English poets, collected by T. Ashe. 1888. (Bohn's standard library) . .822.33 C67 COLLIER, J. P. New facts regarding the life of Shakespeare. 1835 822.33 C691 Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays from early ms. corrections in the folios of 1632. 1853 822.33 C69 CORSON, Hiram. Introduction to the study of Shakespeare. 1889 822.33 C81 DALL, Mrs. C. H. What we really know about Shakespeare. 1886 822.33 D16 DOUCE, Francis. Illustrations of Shakespeare and of ancient manners. 1839.. 822.33 D75 DOWDEN, Edward. Shakespeare. 1878. (Literature primers) 822.33 D762 Shakespeare : a critical study of his mind and art 822.33 D76 SHAKESPEARE 17 FACSIMILE of the deed of bargain and sale of Shakespeare's Blackfriars estate from the original indenture now at Hol- lingburg copse. 1884 822.33 B58 Ref. FLEAY, F. G. Chronicle history of the life and work of William Shakespeare. 1886 822.33 F621 Shakespeare manual. 1878 822.33 F62 FLEMING, W. H. How to study Shakespeare, v. 1-2. 1898-9 822.33 F63 Shakespeare's plots: a study in dramatic construction. 1902.822.33 F631 GERVINUS, G. G. Shakespeare commentaries ; tr. by F. E. Bunnett. 1875 822.33 G31 GREEN, Henry. Shakespeare and the emblem writers: an exposition of their similarities of thought and expression preceded by a view of emblem-literature down to 1816. 1870 822.33 G82 GRIGGS, E. H. Shakespeare : a handbook of twelve lectures. 1906 822.33 G87 GUIZOT, F. P. G. Shakespeare and his times. 1864 822.33 G94 HACKETT, J. H. Notes, criticisms, and correspondence upon Shakespeare's plays and actors. 1863 822.33 Hll HALES, J. W. Essays and notes on Shakespeare. 1892 822.33 H131 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J. O. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 2v. 1889 822.33 H151 HAZLITT, W. C. Shakespeare. 1902 822.33 H33 HUDSON, H. N. Shakespeare : his life, art and characters, with an historical sketch of the drama in England. 2v. 1880 822.33 H87 HUGO, Victor. William Shakespeare ; tr. by M. B. Anderson. 1887 822.33 H88 INGERSOLL, R. G. Shakespeare. 1904 822.33 In4 JEREMIAH, John. Notes on Shakespeare and memorials of the Urban club. 1876 822.33 J47 KEMBLE, Frances A. Notes upon some of Shakespeare's plays. 1882 822.33 K31 Mact^eth. — Tempest. — Henry VIII. — Romeo and Juliet. KNIGHT, Charles. Studies of Shakespeare forming a companion volume to every edition of the text. 1849 822.33 K741 LATIMER, Mrs. M. E. W. Familiar talks on some of Shakespeare's comedies. 1886. .822.33 L431 The Winter's Tale. — The tempest. — Midsummer night's dream. — Taming of the shrew. — Much ado about nothing. — As you like it. — Twelfth night. — Merchant of Venice. — Cymbeline. LEE, S. L. Life of William Shakespeare. 1899 822.33 LSI Shakespeare and the modern stage, with other essays. 1906.822.33 L511 MABIE, H. W. William Shakespeare, poet, dramatist and man. 1900 822.33 Mil 18 SHAKESPEARE McSPADDEN, J. W. Shakespearian synopses : outlines or arguments of the plays of Shakespeare. 19Q2 822.33 M25 MOULTON, R. G. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. 1888 822.33 M86 Shakespeare as a dramatic thinker. 1907 822.33 M862 PAGE, William. Study of Shakespeare's portraits. 1877 822.33 P15 RANSOME, Cyril. Short studies of Shakespeare's plots. 1898 822.33 R17 ROSE, Mary. Women of Shakespeare's family. 1905 822.33 R72 RUGGLES, H. J. Method of Shakespeare as an artist deduced from an analysis of his leading tragedies and comedies. 1871 822.33 R841 Plays of Shakespeare founded on literary forms. 1895 822.33 R84 SHERMAN, L. A. What is Shakespeare? an introduction to the great plays. 1901 822.33 Sh5 Cymbeline. — Winter's tale. — Romeo and Juliet. — Macbeth. SIMROCK, K. J. Remarks on the plots of Shakespeare's plays. 1850 822.33 Si6 SMITH, Goldwin. Shakespeare the man: an attempt to find traces of the drama- tist's character in his drama. 1900 822.33 Sm5 'SNIDER, D. J. Shakespearian drama : a commentary. 3v. 1887-89 822.33 Sn3 v.l. Tragedies. — v.2. Comedies. — v.3. Histories. SWINBURNE, A. C. Study of Shakespeare. 1880 822.33 Sw6 ULRICI, Hermann. Shakespeare's dramatic art : historv and character of his plays. tr. by L. D. 'Schmitz. 2v. 1891-92 822.33 Ul 7 WALTER, James. Shakespeare's true life. 1890 822.33 W17 WEISS, John. Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. 1876 822.33 W43 WENDELL, Barrett. William Shakespeare : a study in Elizabethan literature. 1894 822.33 W48 WHITE, R. G. Studies in Shakespeare. 1886 822.33 W581 WILDER, D. W., comp. Life of Shakespeare. 1893 822.33 W65 Characters. HAZLITT, William. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. 1905 822.33 H32 JAMESON, Mrs. A. B. M. Characteristics of women, moral, poetical and historical. 1875 822.33 J231 Same as Shakespeare's heroines. Shakespeare's heroines. 1897 822.33 J23 Same as Characteristics of women. JERROLD, W. C. Descriptive index to Shakespeare's characters in Shakespeare's words 822.33 J4« Ref. SHAKESPEARE 19 LEWES, Louis. Women of Shakespeare. 1895 822.33 L58 MARTIN, Helen Faucit, lady. Some of Shakespeare's female characters. 1887 822.33 M36 WINGATE, C. E. L. Shakespeare's heroes on the stage. 1896 822.33 W721 Shakespeare's heroines on the stage. 1895 822.33 W72 Special Subjects. BRISTOL, F. M. Shakespeare and America. 1898 822.33 B78 BUCKNILL, J. C. Mad folk of Shakespeare: psychological essays. 1867 822.33 B85 BURGESS, William. Bible in Shakespeare : a study of the relation of the works of Shakespeare to the Bible. 1903 822.33 B91 CHESNEY, J. P. Shakespeare as a physician. 1884 822.33 C42 DAVIS, C. K. Law in Shakespeare. 1884 822.33 D29 DYER, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 1884 822.33 D98 ELLACOMBE, H. N. Plant-lore and garden-craft of Shakespeare. 1896 822.33 El 5 ELSON, L. C. Shakespeare in music: a collection of the chief musical allu- sions in his plays. 1901 822.33 El 7 FIELD, B. R. Medical thoughts of Shakespeare. 1885 822.33 F45 HARTING, J. E. Birds of Shakespeare critically examined, explained and illus- trated. 1871 822.33 H26 HARTMANN, Sadakichi. Shakespeare in art. 1900 822.33 H25 JUSSERAND, J. J. Shakespeare in France under the ancient regime. 1899 822.33 H98 LEYLAND, John. Shakespeare country illustrated. 1900 822.33 L59 MORLEY, George. Shakespeare's greenwood: the customs of the country. 1900.822.33 M83 PHELPS, C. E. Falstaff and equity : an interpretation. 1901 822.33 P51 PHIPSON, Emma. Animal-lore of Shakespeare's time, including quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish and insects 822.33 P55 MOULTON, R. G. Moral system of Shakespeare : a popular illustration of fiction as the experimental side of philosophy. 1903 822.33 M861 RANDOLPH, A. M. F. Trial of Sir John Falstaff. 1893 822.33 R15 NUTT, Alfred. Fairy mythology of Shakespeare. 1900. (Popular studies in mythology, romance and folklore) 822.33 N95 20 SHAKESPEARE ROBERTSON, J. M. Montaigne and Shakespeare. 1897 822.33 R54 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Papers Nos. 1, 3, 8, 10-12. 1885-99 822.33 N48 Contents: 1. Guernsey, R. S. Ecclesiastical law In Hamlet: the burial of Ophelia. 3. Frey, A. R. William Shakespeare and alleged Spanish prototypes. 8. Price, T. R. Construction and types of Shakespeare's verse as seen in the Othello. 10. Morgan, J. A. Study in Warwickshire dialect. 11. Given, Welker. Further study of the Othello. 12. Devecmon, W. C. In re Shakespeare's "legal acquirements." WADSWORTH, Mary. Shakespeare and prayer. 1901 822.33 W12 WARD, H. S. & C. W. Shakespeare's town and times. 1896 822.33 W22 WARNER, C. D. People for whom Shakespeare wrote. 1897 822.33 W241 Miscellaneous. ABBOTT, E. A. Shakespearian grammar: the difference between Elizabethan and modern English. 1872 822.33 Ab2 ARBUTHNOT, George, ed. Shakespeare sermons preached in the collegiate church of Stratford-on-Avon. 1900 822.33 Arl BELLAMY, G. S. Essays from Shakespeare. 1879 822.33 B41 BURNS, J. J. Story of English kings according to Shakespeare. 1899. .. .822.33 B93 COUCH, A. T. Quiller. Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1900 822.33 C83 GILES, Henry. Human life in Shakespeare. 1882 822.33 G39 HAZLITT, W. C, ed. Shakespeare jesl-books: reprints of the early jest-books used by Shakespeare. 1881 822.33 M55 HUFFORD, Lois G. Shakespeare in tale and verse. 1902 822.33 H86 IRELAND, W. H. Confessions containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakespeare mss, with an introduction by R. G. White .. 822.33 Ir21 JONES, C. B., comp. Lover's Shakespeare. 1899. (Quotations) 822.33 J71 LAMB, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare 822.33 L17 PORTER, Rose. Shakespeare's men and women : an every-day book. 1897. (Quotations) 822.33 P83 REED, Henry. English history and tragic poetry as illustrated by Shakes- peare , 822.33 R26 SHARP, F. C. Shakespeare's portrayal of the moral life. 1902 822.33 Sh2 SIL'SBY, M. R., ed. Tributes to Shakespeare. 1892 822.33 Si3 GERMAN DRAMA 21 SIMPSON, Richard, ed. School of Shakespeare, with an account of Robert Greene. 2v. 1878 822.33 Si5 STOKES, H. P. Attempt to determine the chronological order of Shakespeare's plays. 1878 822.33 St6 VICTORY, L. H. Higher teaching of Shakespeare. 1896 822.33 V66 WARD, C. S. Wit, wisdom and beauties of Shakespeare. 1887 822.33 W21 WARNER, B. R English history in Shakespeare's plays. 1894 822.33 W24 WHITE, T. W. Our English Homer; or, Shakespeare historically considered. 1892 822.33 W58 YEATMAN, J. P. Gentle Shakespeare : a vindication, n.d 822.33 Y3 German Drama. FREYTAG, Gustav. Die journalisten: lustspiel in vier akten; re-edited by W. D. Foy. 1901 832.8 F89 GOETHE, J. W. voti. Werke. 40v. 1827-30. Dramas, v.4, 7-15, 33 832.62 G55 Works. 5v. 1882 832.62 H81 V.2. dramas. Dramatic works; tr. by Sir Walter Scott and others. 1903. .832.62 Sco3 Contents: The wayward lover. — The fellow-culprits. — Goetz von Berlichingen. — Clavigo. — Egmont. — Torquato Tasso. — Iphigenia In Tauris. Faust: erster theil; ed. with introduction and notes by J. M. Hart. 1888 832.62 H25 Faust ; tr. by Anna Swanwick. 1898 832.62 Swl Faust ; tr. by Bayard Taylor. 2v. 1871 832.62 T21 FORD, Mary H. Goethe's Faust : its ethical symbolism. 1897 832.62 F75 GRIGGS, E. H. Goethe's Faust : a handbook of ten lectures. 1906 832.62 G87 GOETHE, J. W. von. Das Maerchen ; ed. by C. A. Egert. 1904 832.62 Eg3 DUDLEY, Marion V. C., ed. Poetry and philosophy of Goethe. 1887 832.62 D86 HAYWARD, Abraham. Goethe. (Foreign classics for English readers) 832.62 H33 HAUPTMANN, Gerhart. And Pippa dances : a mystical tale of the glass works, in four acts ; tr. from the German by Mary Harned. (In Poet-lore. v.l8. 1907. p.289-341.) Coming of peace ; tr. by Janet Achurch and C. E. Wheeler. 1900 832.8 H291 Elga ; tr. from the German by Mary Harned. (In Poet-lore. v.l7. 1906. p.1-35.) Hannele : a dream poem ; tr. by William Archer. 1894 832.8 H292 The same; tr. by C. H. Meltzer. 1908. The same; tr. by G. S. Bryan. (In Poet-lore. v.20, 1909. p.161-191.) Lonely lives ; tr. by Mary Morison. 1898 832.8 H293 22 GERMAN DRAMA Sunken bell: a fairy play in five acts; rendered into English verse by C. H. Meltzer. 1899 832.8 H29 The weavers: a drama of the forties; tr. by Mary Morison. 1899 832.8 H294 H;EBBEL, Frederick. Agnes Bernauer : a tragedy in' five acts ; tr. by Loueen Pattee. (In Poet-lore. v.20, 1909, p.1-60.) HEYSE, P. J. L. Mary of Magdala : an historical and romantic drama in five acts ; tr. by William Winter. 1903 832.8 H49 LESSING, G. E. Dramatic works; tr. by Ernest Bell. 2v. 1892-95 832.61 B41 v.l. Tragedies. V.2. Comedies. Werke. 6v. 1890 832.61 L56 Minna von Barnhelm ; oder, Das soldatengluck : liistspiel in funf aufzugen with introduction and notes by Sylvester Primer. 1896 832.61 P93 Nathan the wise; tr. by E. Frothingham. 1867 832.61 N19 Nathan the wise; tr. by W. Taylor. Emilia Galotti; tr. by C. L. Lewes. 1890 832.61 N191 SCHILLER, J. C. F. von. Sammtliche werke. 4v. 1879 832.63 Sch3 Works. 8v. 1884 832.63 C14 Works ; historical dramas. 1881 832.63 B63 Contents: Don Carlos. — Mary Stuart. — The maid of Orleans. — The bride of Messina. Dramatic works : Walenstein and William Tell ; tr. by S. T. Coleridge, J. Churchill and Sir Theodore Martin. 1901. . .832.63 C47 Die braut von Messina, oder. Die feindlichen bruder : ein trauerspiel mit choren; ed. with introduction and notes by A. H. Palmer and J. G. Eldridge. 1901 .832.63 P18 Die jungfrau von Orleans: eine romantische tragoedie with notes and introduction by L. A. Rhoades. 1901 832.63 R34 Jungfrau von Orleans ; with introduction and notes by Willard Humphreys. 1898 832.63 H88 Mary Stuart ; tr. by Edward Brooks. 1898 832.63 B79 Wilhelm Tell ; tr. by A. G. Latham. 1904 832.63 L34 William Tell; tr. and adapted to school use by C. A. Mc- Murray. 1902 832.63 M36 William Tell; tr. by Theodore Martin. 1898 832.63 M36 SCHNITZLER, Arthur. The lady with the dagger: a drama; tr. from the German by Helen T. Porter. (In Poet-lore. v.l5, 1904.) Living hours : a play in one act ; tr. from the German by Helen T. Porter. (In Poet-lore. v.l7, 1906. p.36-45.) SUDERMANN, Hermann. Fires of St. John: a drama in four acts; tr. and adapted by Charles Swickard. 1904 832.8 Su22 The same; tr. by Charlotte and H. C. Porter. (In Poet-lore, v.l 5, 1904.) The joy of living. (Es lebe das leben) ; tr. by Edith Wharton. 1902 832.8 Su21 Magda ; tr. by C. E. A. Winslow. 1896 832.8 Su2 WIEGAND, J. and Scharrelmann, Wilhelm. The wages of war: a play in three acts. (In Poet-lore. v.l9, 1908. p.129-164.) SCANDINAVIAN DRAMA 23 History and Criticism of the German Drama. FRANCKE, Kuno. Glimpses of modern German culture. 1898 830.9 F841 Contents: Wildenbruch's King Henry. — Haviptmann's Florian Geyer. — Hauptmann's The sunken bell. — Max Halbe's Mother earth. Sudermann's John the Baptist. POLLOK, Gustav. Franz Grillparzer and the Austrian drama. 1907 832.73 P76 WITKOWSKI, Georg. The German drama of the nineteenth century. 1909 832.8 W78 Scandinavian Drama. BJORNSON, Bjornstjerne. A gauntlet; being the Norwegian drama En Hanske; tr. by Osman Edwards. 1894 839.836 B552 Pastor Sang; being the Norwegian drama Over Aevne; tr. by William Wilson 839.836 B551 Sigurd Slembe: a dramatic trilogy; tr. by W. M. Payne. 1888 839.836 B55 DRACHMANN, Holger. "Renaissance" : melodrama ; tr. from the Danish by L. M. Hol- lander. (In Poet-lore. v.l9, 1908. p.369-419.) IBSEN, Henrik. Prose dramas; tr. and ed. by William Archer. 6v. 1890. .839.8266 Ar2 Collected works; tr. and ed. by William Archer. 11 v. 1907 839,8266 Ar21 Brand ; tr. by C. H. Herford. 1898 839.8266 Ib77 Hedda Gabler ; tr. by Edmund Gosse. 1891 839.8266 Ib71 John Gabriel Borkman ; tr. by William Archer. 1897 839.8266 Ib73 Little Eyolf ; tr. by William Archer. 1894 839.8266 Ib72 Love's comedy; tr. by C. H. Herford. 1900 839.8266 Ib76 Master builder; tr. by Edmund Gosse and William Archer. 1893 839.8266 Ib74 Peer Gynt ; tr. by W. and C. Archer. 1892 839.8266 Ib7 Richard Mansfield acting version of Peer Gynt. 1906 839.8266 M31 When we dead awaken; tr. by William Archer. 1900. .. .839.8266 Ib75 BOYESEN, H. H. A commentary on the writings of Henrik Ibsen. 1894 839.8266 B71 BRANDES, Georg. Henrik Ibsen, Bjornstjerne Bjornson: critical studies. 1899.839.8266 B73 SHAW, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. 1904 839.8266 Sh2 STRINDBERG, August. Debit and credit. (In Poet-lore. v.l7, 1906.) The father ; tr. by N. Ericksen. 1899 839.326 StS The outcast; tr. from the German of Emil Schering by Mary Harned. (In Poet-lore. v.l7, 1906.) Simoom. (In Poet-lore. v.l7, 1906.) The stronger : a play in one act ; tr. by F. I. Ziegler. (In Poet-lore. v.l7, 1906.) 24 FRENCH DRAMA French Drama. ADAM, V. de L. The revolt and the escape; tr. by Theresa Barclay. 1901 842.8 Adl BEAUMARCHAIS, P. A. C. de. Barber of Seville; or, The useless precaution: a comedy; tr. by A. B. Myrick. 1905. (Temple dramatists) 842.58 M99 BRIEUX, Eugene. Blanchette : a comedie en trois actes. 1907 842.8 B76 La Francaise : a comedie en trois actes 842.8 B761 CORNEILLE, Pierre. Le Cid ; ed, with explanatory notes for the use of students by E. S. Joynes. 1870 842.41 J84 The Cid ; tr. by Roscoe Mongan. n.d 842.41 M74 Po'lyeucte; ed. with introduction and notes by Alcee Fortier. 1903 842.41 P76 TROLLOPE, H. M. Corneille and Racine. 1881. (Foreign classics for English readers) 842.41 T74 FERRIER, Paul. The codicil; a comedy in one act; tr. by Elizabeth Mullin. (In Poet-lore. v.l9, 1908. p. 193-206.) FEUILLET, Octave. Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre; comedie en cinq actes; with English notes by Ferdinand Bocher. 1866 842.8 F43 GIRARDIN, D. G. Mme. de. La joie fait peur: comedie en un acte; with English notes by Ferdinand Bocher. 1864 842.8 G44 HERVIEU, Paul. In chains (Les Tenailles) ; a play in three acts; tr. by Ysidor Asckenasy. (In Poet-lore. v.20, 1909. p.81-112.) HUGO, Victor. Dramatic works; tr. by F. L. Slous and Mrs. M. Crosland. . .842.78 S15 Hernani. King's diversion. Ruy Bias. The burgraves. Amy Robsart. Tarquemada ; tr. by I. G. Burn- ham. 1896 842.78 B933 Hernani, Esmeralda, Marion de Lorme; tr. bv I. G. Burnham. 1895 842.78 B93 Lucrezia Borgia, Angelo, Tyrant of Padua, Mary Tudor, The twins ; tr. by I. G. Burnham 842.78 B932 Oliver Cromwell ; tr. by I. G. Burnham. 1896 842.78 B934 Le roi s'amuse, Ruy Bias ; tr. by I. G. Burnham 842.78 B931 Ruy Bias; ed. with explanatory notes for the use of students by Rena A. Michaels. 1886 842.78 M58 SWINBURNE, A. C. Study of Victor Hugo. 1886. 842.78 Sw6 LAVEDAN, Henri. Le duel : piece en trois actes. 1908 842.8 L57 Two husbands ; tr. from the French by R. T. House. (In Poet-lore. v.l9, 1908. p.207-211.) LOMON, Charles. Jean Dacier : drama en cinq actes, en vers. 1877 842.8 L83 MAETERLINCK, Maurice. Plays ; tr. by Richard Hovey. 2v. 1894-96 842.8 M26 Contents: v.l. Princess Maleine. — The Intruder. — The blind. — The seven princesses. V.2. Alladlne and Palomides. — Palleas and; Melisande. — Home. — The death of Tintagiles. FRENCH DRAMA 25 Bluebird : a fairy play in five acts 842.8 M265 Joyzelle ; tr. by A. T. de Mattos ; Monna Vanna ; tr. by Alfred Sutro. 1907 842.8 M264 Joyzelle: a drama in five acts; tr. by Clarence Stratton. (In Poet-lore. v.l6, 1905.) Monna Vanna ; tr. by A. I. D. Coleman. 1903. 842.8 M263 Monna Vanna; tr. by Charlotte Porter. (In Poet-lore. v.l5, 1904.) Sister Beatrice and Ardiane, and Barbe Bleue; tr. by Bernard Miall. 1902 842.8 M262 MOLIERE, J. B. P. Dramatic works ; tr. by H. van Laun. 3v. 1879 842.42 L37 Plays ; tr. by Mrs. K. P. Wormeley. v.1,4. 1894 842.42 W89 v.l. The misanthrope. — Le bourgeois gentilhomme. V.4. L'Avare. — Don Juan. — Les facheux. Plays in French ; tr. with notes by A. R. Waller. 1903 842.42 W15 Contents: The Misanthrope. — The physician in spite of himself. — Melicerte. — I^ove makes thei painter. — Amphitryon. L'Avare : a comedy with preface, glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1901. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M731 Le bourgeois gentilhomme : a comedy, with preface, glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1901. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M732 Les fourberies de Scapin : a comedy with preface, glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1901. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M733 Le medecin malgre liu : a comedy with preface, a glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1901. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M734 Le misanthrope : a comedy with preface, glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1902. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M735 Les precieuses ridicules : a comedy, with preface, glossary by Frederic Spencer. 1901. (Temple Moliere) 842.42 M736 Theatre : Le bourgeois gentilhomme : La comtesse D'Escar- bagnas 842.42 M73 MUSSET, L. C. A. de. Comedies ; tr. by S. L. Gwynn. n. d 842.76 G90 Barberine. — Fantasio. — No trifling with love. — A door must be either open or shut. Barberine and other comedies. 1892 842.76 M97 OLIPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. & Tarver, F. Moliere. (Foreign classics for English readers) 842.42 01 3 PAILLERON, Edouard. Le monde on Ton s'ennuie : comedie en trois actes, with an introduction and notes by A. C Pendleton. 1905 842.87 P37 RACINE, Jean. Dramatic works : a metrical English version by R. B. Boswell. 2v 842.45 B.65 v.l. The Thebaid. — Alexander the Great. — Andromache. — The litigants. — Britannicus Berenice. V.2. Bajazet. — Mlthridates. — Iphigenia. — Phaedra. — Esther. — Athaliah. Athalie : a tragedy ; ed. by E. 'S. Joynes. 1883 842.45 J851 Athalie; mit anmerkungen herausgegeben von Albert Benecke. 1889 842.45 J852 Esther : a tragedy; ed. by E. S. Joynes. 1883 842.45 J85 RICHE, Daniel. Le pretexte : piece en deux actes. 1907 842.8 R39 ROSTAND, Edmond. L'Aiglon: drama en six actes, en vers. 1900 842.8 R732 L'Aiglon ; tr. by L. N. Parker. 1900 842.8 R733 Cyrano de Bergerac : done into English verse by H. T. Kings- bury ; same ; tr. by Gertrude Hall 842.8 R73 26 ITALIAN DRAMA Cyrano de Bergerac: comedie heroique en cinq actes en vers. 1898 . 842.8 R731 The fantasticks: a romantic comedy in three acts, done into English verse by G. Fleming. 1900 842.8 R736 La Princess Lointaine; tr. into English verse by Charles Renauld. 1899 ' 842.8 R734 Les romanesques : comedie en trois actes, en verse ; ed with preface, introduction and notes bv Henry Le Daiim. 1903 '. 842.8 R735 The romancers ; tr. by Mary Hendee. 1899 842.8 R737 SANDEAU, L. S. J. Mademoiselle de la Seigliere; comedie en quatre actes; with introduction and notes by F. M. Warren. 1895 842.8 Sa5 SARDOU, Victorien. Fedora: founded on the play of the same name. 1890 842.86 Sa71 Les pattes de mouche: comedie en trois actes. n. d 842.86 Sa72 La Tosca: founded on the famous play of the same title. 1889 842.86 Sa7 SCRIBE, A. E. & Legouve, Ernest. Adrienne Lecouvreur : comedie-drama en cinq actes ; with notes by Alexander Dupuis. 1898 842.73 D92 The ladies' battle; or, A duel in love: a comedy in three acts ; tr. by G. B. Coale. 1883 842.73 C63 SOUVESTRE, Emile. Le loterie de Francfort; ou, L'Occasion fait le larron; avec vocabulaire. 1865 842.7 So8 VERHAERN, Emile. The dawn (Les aubes) ; tr. by Arthur Symons. 1898 842.8 V58 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de Works; with notes by Tobias Smollett; tr. by W. F. Fleming. 42v. 1901-03 840 V88 V. 15-19 Dramas. HAMLEY, Sir E. B. Voltaire. (Foreign classics for English readers.) 842.56 H17 History and Criticism of the French Drama. FILON, Augustin. Modern French drama: seven essays: tr. by Janet E. Ho- garth. 1898 842 F48 MATTHEWS, F. B. French dramatists of the 19th century. 1881 842.8 M43 SYMONS, Arthur. Symbolist movement in literature. 1899 840.9 Sy6 Italian Drama. ANNUNZIO, Gabriele d'. Daughter of Jorio : a pastoral tragedy ; tr. by Charlotte Porter, Pietro Isola and Alice Henry. 1907 852.8 An73 The same. (In Poet-lore. v. 18, 1907. p. 1-88). The dead city: a tragedy; rendered into English by G. Man- tellini. 1902 852.8 An7 Dream of an autumn sunset ; tr. by Anna Schenck (In Poet-lore. v. 16, 1904). Francesca da Rimini; tr. by Arthur Symons. 1902 852.8 An71 Gioconda ; tr. by Arthur Symons. 1902 852.8 An72 SPANISH, LATIN, GREEK DRAMA 27 BRACCO, Roberto. The hidden spring : a drama in four acts ; tr. by Dirce St. Cyr. (In Poet-lore. v. 18, 1907. p. 143-186.) Phantasms: a drama in four acts; tr. by Dirce St. Cyr (In Poet-lore. v. 19, 1908. p. 241-292.) PELLICO, Silvio. Francesca da Rimini: a tragedy; by J. F. Bingham. 1898.. 852.72 B51 Spanish Drama. CALDERON de la BARCA, Pedro. Comedias escocidas. 1838 862.35 C12 El magico prodigioso. — Lra vida es sueno. — El principe con- Eight dramas ; tr. by Edward Fitzgerald. 1906 862.35 F57 The painter of his own dishonour. — Keep your own secret. — Gil Perez, the Galilean. — Three judgments at a blow. — The mayor of Zalamea. — Beware of smooth water. — The mighty magician. — Such stufC as dreams are made of. HASELL, Elizabeth J. Calderon. 1879. (Foreign classics for English readers.) . .862.35 H27 ECHEGARAY, Jose. Great galeoto. Folly or saintliness; tr. by Hannah Lynch. 1895 ., 862.5 Ec42 The madman divine (El loco Dios) : a prose drama in four acts ; tr. by Elizabeth West (In Poet-lore. v. 19, 1908. p. 1-86.) Mariana : an original drama in three acts and an epilogue ; tr. by James Graham. 1895 ffi 862.5 Ec4 Son of Don Juan: an original drama in three acts; tr. by James Graham. 1895 862.5 Ec41 Latin Drama. PLAUTUS. Comedies : tr. by H. T. Riley. 2v. 1894-1906 872.3 R44 SENECA. Tragedies : tr. by Ella I. Harris. 1904 872.6 H24 TERENCE. Comedies : tr. by H. T. Riley ; to which is added a metrical translation of Phaedrus by Christopher Smart. 1906 872.5 R45 Greek Drama. AESCHYLUS. Tragedies : tr. by E. H. Plumptre. 1873 882.1 P73 Oresteia: tr. by G. C. W. Warr. 1900 882.1 W25 ARISTOPHANES. Comedies ; tr. by W. J. Hickie. 2v. 1896-1900 882.4 H52 v.l. Acharnians. — Knights. — Clouds. — Wasps. — Peace. — Birds. V.2. Lysistrata. — Thesmophoriazusae. — Frogs. — Ecclesiazusae. — . Plutus. Birds ; tr. by H. F. Gary. 1824 882.4 CIS Frogs ; tr. by E. Q. W. Huntingford. 1900 882.4 H92 CHURCH, A. J. ed. Stories from the Greek comedians : Aristophanes. Philemon. Diphilus. Menander. Apollodorus. 1892 882 C47 28 RUSSIAN DRAMA EURIPIDES. Tragedies ; tr. by T. A. Buckley. 2v. 1890 882.3 Eu7 v.l. Hecuba. — Orestes. — Phoenissae. — Medea. — Hlppoly- tus. — Alcestis. — Bacchae. — Heraclidae. — Iphigenia in Aulls. — Iphigenia in Taurus. V.2. Hercules furens. — Troades. — Ton. — Andromache. — Suppli- ants. The same; tr. into English rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray. 1902 882.3 M96 Three dramas ; tr. by W. C. Lawton. 1889 882.3 L44 Contents: The Alkestis. — The Medea. — The Hlppolytus. The Bacchanals and other plays ; The Bacchanals ; tr. by H. H. Milman: the other plays; tr. by Michael Wodhull. 1888.. 882.3 M63 Contents: The Bacchanals. — Ion, — Medea. — The Phoenician dam- sels. — The suppliants. — Hippolytus. SOPHOCLES. Tragedies ; tr. by E. H. Plumptre. 1878 882.2 P73 The same; by J. S. Phillimore. 1892 882.2 P54 Oedipus Tyrannus. — Oedipus Coloneus. — Antigone. History and Criticism of the Greek Drama. BARNETT, L. D. Greek drama. 1899. (Temple primers.) 882 B26 DONALDSON, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks : a series of papers relating to the history and criticism of the Greek drama. 1836 882 D(72 MOULTON, R. G. The ancient classical drama: a study in literary evolution. 1890 882 M86 Russian Drama. ANDREIEFF, Leonid. To the stars: a drama in four acts; tr. by Dr. A. Goudiss. (In Poet-lore. v. 18, 1907. p. 417-467.) GORKY, Maxim. The children of the sun; tr. bv A. J. Wolfe (In Poet-lore. v. 17, 1906.) A night's lodging (Nachtasyl) tr. by Edwin Hopkins (In Poet-lore. v. 16, 1905.) The smug citizen: a dramatic sketch in four acts; tr. by Ed- win Hopkins (In Poet-lore. v. 17, 1906.) Summer-folk (Datchniki) tr. by Aline Delano (In Poet-lore. v. 16, 1905.) TOLSTOI, L. N. count. Plays; tr. by L. and A. Maude. 1904 891.72 T581 The power of darkness. — The first distiller. — Fruits of culture. Fruits of culture : a comedy in four acts ; tr. by George Schumm. 1891 891.72 T58 Sanskrit Drama. KALIDASA. Shakuntala; or. The recovered ring; tr. by A. H. Edgren. 1894 891.22 K12 The same; tr. by Monier Williams. 1885 891.22 K13 DRAMATISTS 29 SHUDRAKA, king. The little clay cart. (Mrcchakatika) : a Hindu drama; tr. by A.W.Ryder. 1905. (Harvard oriental series.) 891,22 Sh9 WILSON, H. H. ed. Selected specimens of the theatre of the Hindus; tr. by H. H. Wilson. 3v. 1827 891.22 W69 Actors and Dramatists — Collective Biography. BAKER, D. E. Biographia dramatical memoirs of British and Irish dramatic writers. 4v. 1812 920.042 B17 BAKER, H. B. English actors from Shakespeare to Macready. 2v. 1879 927.9 B17 EDWARDS, H. S. Idols of the French stage. 1889 927.9 Ed9 GREEN room book; or, Who's who on the stage. 1906. .. .927 G82 Ref HAMM, M. A. Eminent actors in their homes : personal descriptions and inter- views. 1902 927.9 H18 McKAY, F. E. & Wingate, C. E. L., ed. Famous American actors of today. 1896 927.9 M19 MATTHEWS, J. B. & Hutton, Laurence, ed. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States from David Garrick to the present time. 5v. 1886 927.9 M43 ROBINS, Edward. Twelve great actors. 1900 927.9 R551 Twelve great actresses. 1900 927.9 R55 STORMS, A. D. ed. Players blue book. 1901 927.9 St7 STRANG, L. C. Famous actors of the day in America. 2v. 1900-1902 927.9 St81 Famous actresses of the day in America. 2v. 1899-1902 927.9 St8 Dramatists — Individual Biography. BESANT, Walter. Autobiography. 1902 BB 554.1 CORNEILLE. Corneille and his times by F. P. G. Guizot BC 813.1 DRYDEN. Life of Dryden by Samuel Johnson. 1899 BD 799.2 The same by George 'Saintsbury. 1881 BD 799.1 (English men of letters.) GOETHE. Goethe and Schiller by H. H. Boyesen. 1898 BG 684.6 Boyhood and youth. 2v BG 684.1 Conversation of Goethe with Eckermann. 1892 BG 684.7 Life of Goethe by Heinrich Duntzer. 1884 BG 684.4 Life and times of Goethe bv Hermann Grimm. 1880 BG 684.3 Life of Goethe by G. H. Lewes BG 684.2 Life and genius of Goethe by F. B. Sanborn. 1886 BG 684.8 Life of Goethe by James Sime. (Great writers.) 1888 BG 684.5 30 BIOGRAPHY—DRAMATISTS GOLDSMITH. Life of Goldsmith by William Black. 1879 BG 624.2 (English men of letters.) The same; by Austin Dobson. (Great writers.) 1888 BG 624.4 Life and times of Oliver Goldsmith by John Forster. 2v. 1871 BG 624.1 Oliver Goldsmith by Washington Irving. 1870 BG 624.3 GORKY. Maxim Gorky by E. J. Dillon. 1902 BG 669.1 HUGO. Victor Hugo and his times by Alfred Barbon. 1882 BH 895.1 Letters to his family, to Sainte-Beuve and others. 2v. 1896-8. .BH 895.2 Lettres a la fiancee. 1820-22. 1901 BH 895.7 Love letters. 1820-22 BH 895.6 Life by F. T. Marzials. 1888. (Great writers.) BH 895.4 Memoirs. 1899 BH 895.5 Memorial life by contemporary writers; ed. by Emile Blemont.BH 895.3 Romance of Victor Hugo and Juliette Drouet by H. W. Wack. 1905 BH 895.8 IBISEN. Letters. 1905 BI 14.2 Ibsen by E. W. Gosse. 1908 BI 14.3 Heinrich Ibsen: a critical biography by Henrik Jaeger. 1890 BI 14.1 LAMB. Charles Lamb by Alfred Ainger. 1882. (English men of letters.) BL 218.1 Hazlitt, W. C. ed. Lamb and Hazlitt: further letters and rec- ords. 1899 BL 218.4 Life of Charles Lamb by E. V. Lucas. 2 v. 1905 BL 218.7 In the footprints of Charles Lamb. 1894 BL 218.2 Charles Lamb by B. W. Proctor. 1892 BL 218.6 Mary Lamb by Mrs. Anne Gilchrist. (Famous women.) 1883 BL 219.1 The Lambs, their lives, their friends and their correspondence by W. C. Hazlitt. 1897 BL 218.3 LESSING. Lessing by James Sime. 2v. 1877 BL 639.1 MOLIERE. Moliere by H. C C. Taylor. 1906 BM 721.2 The same by L. H. Vincent. 1902 BM 721.1 SCHILLER. Life of Friedrich Schiller by H. W. Nevinson. 1889. (Great writers.) BS 334.2 Friedrich 'Schiller in America by E. C. Parry. 1905 .BS 334.3 Schiller by James Sime. (Foreign classics for English readers) BS 334.1 SHERIDAN. Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan by Thomas Moore. 2v. 1866 BS 550.1 Sheridan by Mrs. M. O. Oliphant. (English men of letters.) 1883 BS 550.2 The same by L. C. Sanders. (Great writers.) 1890 BS. 550.3 SWINBURNE. Swinburne by G. E. Woodberry. 1905. (Contemporary men of letters.) BS 979.1 TOLSTOY. Leo Tolstoy by Pavel Biriukov. 1906 BT 654.5 Tolstoy and his message by E. H. Crosby BT 654.6 Life and teachings of Leo Tolstoy by G. H. Perris. 1904 BT 654.7 BIOGRAPHY— ACto:R^ -' -^ 'r^T ; ;/.\31 How Count Tolstoi lives and works by P, A. Sergyeenko. 1899. BT 654.2 Tolstoy the man by E. A. Steiner. 1904 BT 654.4 Tolstoi by A. B. Stockham. 1900 BT 654.3 VOLTAIRE. Voltaire by John Morley. 1872 BV 935.1 YEATS. William Butler Yeats and the Irish literary revival by H. S. Krans. 1904 BY 41.1 Actors and Actresses — Individual Biography. ADAMS, Maud. Maud Adams by Acton Davies. 1901 BA 218.1 ANDERSON, J. R. An actor's life. 1902 BA 547.1 BERNHARDT, Sarah. 'Sarah Bernhardt by Jules Huret. 1899 BB 527.1 Memoirs of my life. 1907 BB 527.2 BOOTH, Edwin. Edwin Booth by C. T. Copeland. 1901. (Beacon biographies.) BB 724.3 Grossman, Mrs. E. B. Edwin Booth: recollections by his daughter and letters to her and to his friendss. 1894 BB 724.2 Life and art of Edwin Booth bv William Winter. 1893 BB 724.1 Elder and the younger Booth by A. B. Clarke. 1882 BB 725.1 (American actor series.) CUSHMAN, Charlotte Saunders. Charlotte Cushman : her letters and memoirs of her life bv Emma Stebbins. 1899 BC 986.1 Charlotte Cushman by Mrs. C. E. C. Waters. 1882 BS 986.2 DREW, Mrs. Louisa Lane. Autobiographical sketch, with an introduction by her son, John Drew, and biographical notes by Douglas Taylor. 1899 BD 776.1 FORREST, Edwin. Edwin Forrest by Lawrence Barrett. 1881 (American actor series.) BF 729.1 Life of Edwin Forrest by James Rees (pseud. Colley Cibber) 1874 BF 729.2 GARRICK, David. Life of David Garrick by Percy Fitzgerald. 2v. 1868 BG 241.1 GILBERT, Mrs. Anne (Hartley). Stage reminiscences. 1901 BG 464.1 JEFFERSON, Joseph. Autobiography. 1890 B J 46.1 Joseph Jefferson at home by N. H. Dole. 1898 BJ 46.3 Joseph Jefferson by Francis Wilson. 1906 BJ 46.4 Life and art of Joseph Jefferson by William Winter. 1894 BJ 46.2 KEMBLE, Frances Anne. Records of a girlhood. 1879 BK 31.1 Records of later life. 1882 BK 31.2 KENDAL, Mr. and Mrs. The Kendals by T. E. Pemberton. 1900 BK 33.1 IRVING, Henry. Henry Irving: a record and review by Charles Hiatt. 1899 BI 71.1 Personal reminiscences of Henry Irving by Bram Stoker, 2v. 1906 BI 71.2 33 -filOaRAPHY—ACTORS MACREADY, William Charles. Reminiscences and selections from his diaries and letters. 1875. BM 174.1 MANSFIELD, Richard. Richard Mansfield by Paul Wilstach. 1908 BM 287.1 MARLOWE, Julia. Julia Marlowe by J. D. Barry. 1899 BM 349.1 RACHEL, Elisa Felix, called. Rachel by Mrs. N. H. Kennard. 1886. (Famous women) .. .BR 119.1 RISTORI, Adelaide. Studies and memories. 1888. (Famous women) BR 597.1 SALVINI, Tommaso. Leaves from his autobiography. 1893 BS 185.1 SIDDON'S, Mrs. Sarah (Kemble). Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons with anecdotes of authors and actors by James Boaden. 1893 BS 568.2 Mrs. Siddons by Mrs. N. A. Kennard. 1887. (Famous women.) .BS 568.1 TERRY, Ellen. Ellen Terry and her impersonations. 1898 BT 329.1 WALLACK, Lester. Memories of fifty years. 1889 BW 196.1 Evanston Public Library Plays and Books on Drama Added Feb.— July, 1910. Banlm — Damon and Pythias: a play in five acts. 822.8 B22. Belot — L'Article 47; or, Breaking the ban: a drama in three acts: adapted to the English stage by H. L. Wil- liams. 842.8 B41. Boucicault — London assurance: a com- edy in five acts. The Colleen bawn: a domestic drama in three acts. 822.8 B66. Burke — Rip Van Winkle: a legend of the Catskills: a romantic drama adapted from Washington Irving's sketch book. 812.4 B91. Burnett — Esmeralda: a comedy in four acts. 822.8 B93. t CC mX^± te~— '1: iiT^ I wxi- i-:^fc^ij«