APPENDIX TO OFFICIAL MAP OF RAILROAD FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION TERRITORIES AND FREIGHT TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION TERRITORIES ISSUED UNDER DIRECTION OF CENTRAL FREIGHT ASSOCIATION EUGENE MORRIS, Chairman L. A. LOWREY, Secretary 2048 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING CHICAGO, ILL. PRICE OF UNMOUNTED MAP, INCLUDING APPENDIX $1.00 PER COPY Copyright by Eugene Morris, Chicago, 111. (275002000) NOTICE The extra-territorial applications of the respective classifications are only applicable when through joint rates are in effect from and to points mentioned as subject to the extra-territorial applications, except as may be otherwise specifically provided. In case no extra-territorial application is provided from one classification territory to another, i. e., inter-territorially, the classifications applicable to the shipment will be those governing the rates to and from the basing point or points (as the case may be) on which the through rate is to be made. The basing point may be located on the border of the classification territory or may be an interior junction point. Illustration. There is no extra-territorial application of the classifications from New York, N. Y., to Omaha, Neb., proper, or vice versa; hence, traffic from New York City to Omaha proper would be subject to the Official Classi- fication to the Mississippi Eiver or an intermediate junction if lower through rates could thus be obtained; and the classification applicable from the Missis- sippi Eiver or such interior junction (as the case may be) to destination. The same procedure would govern in the opposite direction. The information contained herein as to extra-territorial application of the respective classifications is as complete as it is possible to furnish in a pam- phlet of this kind. There are, of course, various exceptions to the general rules and these exceptions will be found or referred to in the tariffs publishing the rates; further, the rules governing the application of the respective classifi- cations are not so definitely established as not to admit of changes. It is therefore important to bear in mind that the application of the respec- tive classifications, extra-territorial or otherwise, is governed absolutely by the tariffs in which the rate is published. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CLASSIFICATION APPLYING INTEASTATE 5 CLASSIFICATIONS, EXTEA-TEEEITOEIAL APPLICATION OF INTEBSTATE i*-" Canadian Classification 6 Iowa Classification 7 Official Classification 7 to 15, incl. Southern Classification 16 to 20, inel. Texas Classification 21 Western Classification 21 to 25, incl. CLASSIFICATION TEEEITOEIES, LITEEAL DESCBIPTIONS OF. . . 4 FEEIGHT TEAFFIC ASSOCIATION TEEEITOEIES Associated Eailways of Virginia and the Carolinas Territory 26 Canadian Freight Association Territory 26 Central Freight Association Territory 26 Green Line Territory 27 Middle States Freight Association Territory 26 Mississippi Valley Freight Association Territory 28 New England Freight Association Territory 26 Southeastern Freight Association Territory 27 Southeastern. Mississippi Valley Association Territory 27 Southwestern Tariff Committee Territory 28 Trans-Continental Freight Bureau Territory 30 Trunk Line Association Territory 26 Western Trunk Line Committee Territory 28 LITERAL ASCRIPTIONS OF FREIGHT CLASSIFICATION TERRITORIES FOLLO\\ ING -AR& DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ESTABLISHED TERRI- TORIES WITHIN WHICH APPLY THE RESPECTIVE CLASSIFICA- TIONS MENTIONED: CANADIAN CLASSIFICATION TERRITORY Green Color on Map, viz.: All points in Dominion of Canada (including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland). MEXICO CLASSIFICATION TERRITORY Dark Yellow Color on Map, viz.: All points in Mexico. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION TERRITORY Red Color on Map, viz.: Beginning at Atlantic Ocean, via the international boundary line of United States and Canada, thence to and through the St. Law- rence River, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River, Lake Huron, Straits of Mackinac, east and south banks of Lake Michi- gan to and including Chicago, 111.; thence on and south of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. to and including Peoria; thence via the east bank of the Illinois River to its junction with the Mississippi River; thence via the east bank to the Missis- sippi River, but including St. Louis, Mo., to its junction with the Ohio River; thence via the north bank of the Ohio River to North Kenova, Ohio; thence on and via the Norfolk & Western Ry. through Roanoke, Lynchburg and Petersburg, Va., to and including Norfolk, Va. ; thence via the Atlantic Ocean to point of beginning. SOUTHERN CLASSIFICATION TERRITORY Light Yellow Color on Map, viz.: South of a line drawn from but not in- cluding Norfolk, Va., via Norfolk & Western Ry., through Petersburg, Lynch- burg and Roanoke, Va., to Ohio River; thence on and south of the south bank of Ohio River to the Mississippi River; thence on and east of the east bank of Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. WESTERN CLASSIFICATION TERRITORY Blue Color on Map, viz.: Beginning at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., south of international boundary line to Pacific Ocean, east of Pacific Ocean to boundary line of Mexico and United States; north of boundary line of Mexico and United States and the Gulf of Mexico; on and west of the west bank of Mis- sissippi River to a point just opposite the mouth of the Illinois River; thence via the west bank of the Illinois River to Peoria, 111.; thence on and via the A. T. & S. F. R. R. to and including Chicago, 111.; thence via the west bank of Lake Michigan; thence through Straits of Mackinac and Lake Huron to point of beginning. In addition to applications mentioned above for the respective classifica- tions, they are also applied from and to additional points or territories as indi- cated under Extra-Territorial application following. CLASSIFICATIONS APPLYING ON INTRASTATE TRAFFIC State Classification Alabama ^Southern Arkansas ^Western Arizona # Western California # Western Colorado Western Connecticut )ffi.cial Delaware Official District of Columbia Official Florida ^Florida Georgia #*Georgia Idaho Western Illinois Official-West. Indiana Official Iowa #Iowa Kansas Western Kentucky fSouthern . . { East of Mississippi .River # Southern Louisiana J Wegt of M i ss i ss i pp i Ri ver # Western Maine Official Maryland Official Massachusetts Official ( Northern Peninsula Western Michigan {Southern Peninsula Official Minnesota # Western Mississippi ^Mississippi Missouri # Western Montana # Western Nebraska ^Nebraska Nevada # Western New Hampshire ^Official New Jersey Official New Mexico # Western New York Official North Carolina # N - Carolina North Dakota # Western Ohio Official Oklahoma # Western Oregon Westerti Pennsylvania Official Rhode Island Official South Carolina #S- Carolina South Dakota Western Tennessee ^-Southern Texas #Texas Utah Western Vermont Official Virginia # Virginia Washington # Western West Virginia Official Wisconsin Western Wyoming . Western ^Authorized by State Commission. "Between common points in the State of Georgia, Southern Classification applies. fBetween points on Chesapeake & Ohio Ky. in Kentucky, Official Classification applies. ^Adopted in accordance with the order of the Circuit Court of the United States (Eastern district of Arkansas). Except as otherwise stated herein, the classification governing intrastate is as established by the railroads. Various exceptions have been established by the State Commissions and the Railroads, which also govern in connection with application of Classifications as mentioned above. - o EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF CLASSIFICATIONS Sections 1, 4, 5 and 7 mention the extra-territorial application of each of the Interstate Classifications, i. e., these sections name the origin and destina- tion points or territories from and to which the respective interstate classifi- cations apply in addition to established territorial application, as indicated by map. The information is shown according to direction of the application, i. e., East-bound, North-bound, South-bound or West-bound. Illustration the use of Official Classification from Humboldt, Tenn., to Alexandria, Va., is an east- bound extra-territorial application and will be found under the " East-bound " caption. Sections 3 and 6 show the current extra-territorial application of respective intrastate classifications mentioned in the caption of each of said sections. (Descriptions of Freight Associations' territories mentioned below are on pages 27 to 29, incl.) Section No. 1 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF CANADIAN CLASSIFICATION EAST-BOUND FROM Canadian Pacific Ey. stations in : ' Alberta Canada British Columbia . . . .Canada Manitoba Canada Saskatchewan . . . Canada TO Groups, viz.: Duluth Minn. Minneapolis Minn. St. Paul Minn. Superior Wis. WEST-BOUND FEOM Canadian Freight Association Territory FEOM Groups, viz.: Duluth Minn. Minneapolis Minn. St. Paul Minn. Superior Wis. TO Oregon, North Pacific Coast Terminals in United States, Washington. TO Canadian Pacific Ey. stations in : Alberta Canada British Columbia Canada Manitoba Canada Saskatchewan . . . Canada Section No. 2 Formerly EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF ILLINOIS CLASSIFICATION 6 Section No. 3 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF IOWA CLASSIFICATION BETWEEN Groups, viz.: Clinton Iowa ] Davenport Iowa I Dubuque Iowa f Princeton . . . Iowa AND VIA East Clinton, Fulton, Sa> nd Thompson, j- C. B. & Q. Groups, viz.: Burlington ............. Iowa / Muscatine .............. Iowa East Moline, Moline and \ Eock Island, Illinois. / T> T & T> Groups, viz. : Clinton ................ Iowa f CarbonCliff ,East Moline, Dubuque ............... Iowa ! Moline and Eock Is- ( C. B. & Q. E. E. Princeton .............. Iowa [ land, Illinois Groups, viz. : Clinton Iowa Dubuque Iowa Muscatine Iowa Princeton Iowa Albany,Carbon Cliff,Cor- dova,East Moline,Fay, Fulton, Hampton, Port Byron, Eapids City, Eock Island, Savanna, Thomson and Water- town, Illinois The word "Between" signifies both directions. C.M.&St.P.Ey. Section No. 4 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION EAST-BOUND FEOM Brookneal Virginia FEOM TO Groups, viz. : Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachusetts, New York, New York, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, Providence, Ehode Island, Wash- ington, District of Columbia. TO Canadian Pacific Ey. stations! west of Montreal, Province [ Montreal, Province of Quebec, for export. of Quebec ............... .. J FEOM TO Chattanooga ....... Tennessee \ Norfolk & Western Ey. stations in Virginia Knoxville ......... Tennessee / and West Virginia. Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued EAST-BOUND Continued FROM Groups, viz.: Duluth Minnesota ' Green Bay ........ Wisconsin Hancock , Michigan Houghton Michigan Marquette Michigan Michigamme Michigan Sault Ste. Marie .... Michigan St. Paul Minnesota Winona Minnesota C. & N. W. Ry. stations in Wis- consin north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, also Kewaunee. Missouri Eiver Crossings, viz.: Atchison Kansas Council Bluffs Iowa Kansas City Missouri Leavenworth Kansas Omaha Nebraska South Omaha Nebraska St. Joseph Missouri on traffic originating in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington TO Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois- Indiana State Line) : Henderson, Louisville, Owensboro, Kentucky. FROM Green Bay, Wisconsin, Group. TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois- Indiana State Line). New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. FROM Illinois, except C. & N. W. Ry. stations, viz.: Galena and Millbrig. C. M. & St. P. Ry. stations north of Rockford and Freeport, and 111. Cent. R. R. stations north of Freeport . . . Iowa, on and east of a line drawn from Dubuque, Iowa, via C. M. & St. P. Ry., to Muscatine, incl., thence via Muscatine North & South Ry. to Wapello ; thence via C. R. I. & P. Ry. to Burlington; thence via C. B. & Q. R. R. to and including Keo- kuk and Mooar. . TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois- Indiana State Line). New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued EAST-BOUND-Concluded FEOM Milwaukee Group also via] routes across Lake Michigan stations in Wisconsin on C. & N. W. Ey. north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, incl., also Ke- waunee, Marinette, Wisconsin, Menominee and Manistique, Michigan Missouri, viz. : St. Louis and sta- tions on and east of a line drawn via Chicago, Burlington & Quincy E. E., from Louisiana to Alexandria, incl TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory (east of Indiana-Illinois State Line). New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. NORTH-BOUND FEOM Groups, viz.: Baton Bouge Louisiana ] Friars Point Mississippi Greenville Mississippi Helena Arkansas Natchez Mississippi New Orleans Louisiana Port Chalmette Louisiana Eosedale Mississippi Vicksburg Mississippi FEOM Bowling Green Kentucky Georgetown Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Memphis Tennessee Nashville Tennessee Winchester Kentucky FEOM Bristol Virginia-Tennessee FEOM Chesapeake & Ohio Ey. sta- tions in Kentucky. TO Ashland, Kentucky, Group. Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois-Indiana State Line). New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory, lo- cated in New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory, also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri adja- cent to Mississippi Eiver, Milwaukee, Wis- consin Group, via routes across Lake Michigan, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Mari- nette, Wisconsin, Manistique and Menom- inee, Michigan. New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. TO Central Freight Association Territory. 9 Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued Canadian Freight Association Territory. NORTH-BOUND-Continued FROM TO Central Freight Association Territory, also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri adja- cent to Mississippi Eiver, Mil- waukee Group, via routes across Lake Michigan points in Wisconsin on C. & N. W. Ry. north of Mil- waukee to Manitowoc, inclu- sive, Green Bay Group, Ke- waunee, Marinette, Wiscon- sin, Menominee and Manis- tique, Michigan, New England Freight Asso- ciation Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory. FROM TO Illinois points on, east and south of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. from Chicago to Peoria; thence via the east bank of the Illinois River to its junc- tion with the Mississippi . River ...................... J BETWEEN points on the A. T. & S. F. R, R,, Chicago to Peoria, inclusive. Points in Illinois north and west of said line. FROM Covington Kentucky Henderson Kentucky Louisville Kentucky Maysville Kentucky Newport Kentucky Owensboro Kentucky FROM Central Freight Association Territory (east of Indiana- Illinois State Line) Louisville Kentucky Henderson Kentucky Owensboro Kentucky Covington Kentucky Maysville Kentucky Newport .Kentucky TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory, also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri ad- jacent to Mississippi River, Milwaukee Group, points in Wisconsin on the C. & N. W. Ry. north of Milwaukee to Mani- towoc, inclusive, Green Bay Group, Kewau- nee, Marinette, Wisconsin, Manistique and Menominee, Michigan, New England Freight Association Territory, Trunk Line Association Territory. TO Groups, viz.: Duluth, Minnesota, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Hancock, Michigan, Hough ton, Michigan, Kewaunee, Wisconsin, Manistique, Michigan, Manitowoc, Wiscon- sin, Marquette, Michigan, Menominee, Michigan, Michigamme, Michigan, Mil- waukee Group, New London, Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, Winona, Minnesota. 10 Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued NORTH-BOUND Concluded FEOM TO Clarksville Tennessee Memphis Tennessee Mobile Alabama Nashville Tennessee Canadian Fre i g ht Association Territory, New Orleans Louisiana New B ^ g^ Association Territory, Paducah Kentucky Tnmk Line ^** Territory. Pensacola Florida Port Chalmette Louisiana St. Paul Virginia FEOM TO Groups viz. : Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachu- setts, Darlington, Ehode Island, New Cumberland Gap ..Tennessee Y rk > New York, Pawtucket, Ehode Middlesboro Kentucky Island, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Phil- lipsdale, Ehode Island, Providence, Ehode Island, Eiehmond, Virginia, Silver Springs, Ehode Island. FBOM TO Gulf of Mexico Ports, viz: Algiers Louisiana Galveston Texas Gretna Louisiana Gulf port Mississippi Groups viz. : Key West Florida Cairo, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, Cincm- Mobile Alabama nati, Onio > Davenport, Iowa, Dubuque, New Orleans Louisiana Iowa, Evansville, Indiana, Indianapolis, Pensacola Florida Indiana, Louisville, Kentucky, Milwau- Port Arthur".'.'.'. '.'.'/.'..Texas kee, Wisconsin, Peoria, Illinois, Spring- Port Bolivar Texas field, Illinois, St. Louis, Missouri, St. Port Chalmette Louisiana Paul, Minnesota. Texas City Texas Westwego Louisiana on traffic imported. FKOM TO Groups viz. : Alexandria, Virginia, Baltimore, Mary- land, Boston, Massachusetts, Darlington, Ehode Island, Hagerstown, Maryland, New York, New York, Pawtucket, Ehode Humboldt Tennessee I island, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Phil- lipsdale, Ehode Island, Potomac Yards, Virginia, Providence, Ehode Island, Eiehmond, Virginia, Silver Springs, Ehode Island, Washington, District of [ Columbia. FEOM TO {Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois-Indiana State Line). New England Freight Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. 11 Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued SOUTH-BOUND FROM TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory; also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri adjacent to Mississippi River, Milwaukee Group, points in Wisconsin on C. & N. W. Ry. north of Mil- waukee to Manitowoc, incl., and Green Bay Group, Ke- waunee, Marinette, Wisconsin, Menominee, Manistique, Michi- gan, New England Freight Asso- ciation Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory J Covington, Henderson, Louisville, Maysville, Newport and Owensboro, Kentucky. FROM Canadian Freight Association Territory TO Central Freight Association Territory, also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri adja- cent to Mississippi River, Milwaukee Group, points in Wisconsin on C. & N. W. Ry., north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, incl., Green Bay Group, Kewaunee, Mari- nette, Wisconsin, Menominee, Manistique, Michigan, New England Freight Association Territory, Trunk Line Association Territory. FROM Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory; also Illinois, points in Iowa and Missouri adjacent to Mississippi River, Milwaukee Group, points in Wisconsin on C. & N. W. Ry. north of Mil- waukee to Manitowoc, incl., and Green Bay Group, Ke- waunee, Marinette, Wisconsin, Menominee, Manistique, Michi- gan, New England Freight Asso- ciation Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory TO Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee. 12 Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Continued SOUTH-BOUND Continued FROM TO Canadian Freight Association ] Clarksville, Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, Territory, New England Freight Asso- ! ciation Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory FROM Central Freight Association ^ Territory, also Illinois points in Iowa and Missouri adjacent to Mississippi River, Milwaukee | I waukee to Manitowoc, incl., and Green Bay Group, Kewaunee, Marinette, Wisconsin, Menomi- nee, Manistique, Michigan FROM Cairo Illinois 1 Chicago Illinois Cincinnati Ohio Davenport Iowa Dubuque Iowa Evansville Indiana Indianapolis Indiana \ Louisville Kentucky Milwaukee Wisconsin Peoria Illinois Springfield Illinois St. Louis Missouri St. Paul Minnesota FROM Central Freight Association Territory (east of Indiana- Illinois State Line) FROM Central Freight Association ] Territory (east of Indiana- [ Illinois State Line) J Mobile, Alabama, Nashville, Tennessee, New Orleans, Louisiana, Norton, Virginia, Paducah, Kentucky, Pensacola, Florida, Port Chalmette, Louisiana, St. Paul, Vir- ginia. TO Q , ^ , ** i, Georgia, Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia. Virginia Ry. stations. TO Gulf of Mexico Ports, viz.: Algiers, Louisiana, Galveston, Texas, Gretna, Louisiana, Gulfport, Mississippi, Key West, Florida, Mobile, Alabama, New Orleans, Louisiana, Pensacola, Florida, Port Arthur, Texas, Port Bolivar, Texas, Port Chalmette, Louisi- ana, Texas City, Texas, Westwego, Louisiana. For export. TO Gulf of Mexico Ports, viz.: Algiers, Louisiana, Galveston, Texas, Gretna, Louisiana, Gulfport, Mississippi, Key West, Florida, Mobile, Alabama, New Orleans, Louisiana, Pensacola, Florida, Port Arthur, Texas, Port Bolivar, Texas, Port Chalmette, Louisi- ana, Texas City, Texas, Westwego, Louisiana. For export to Cuba. TO Paducah, Kentucky. 13 Section No. 4 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION-Continued SOUTH-BOUND-Concluded FROM TO Groups, viz.: Duluth Minnesota Green Bay Wisconsin Hancock Michigan Houghton Michigan Marquette Michigan Michigamme Michigan Sault Ste. Marie . . . .Michigan St. Paul Minnesota Winona Minnesota C. & N. W. Ry. stations in Wis- consin north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, also Kewaunee. Missouri River Crossings, viz.: Atchison Kansas Council Bluffs Iowa Kansas City Missouri Leavenworth Kansas Omaha Nebraska South Omaha Nebraska St. Joseph Missouri on traffic originating in the States of Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon and Washington WEST-BOUND FROM TO Buffalo New York "I Dump Creek Line of Carolina, Clinchfield & Pittsburgh Pennsylvania / Ohio Ry. Central Freight Association Territory (east of Illinois-Indiana State Line), Henderson, Louisville, Owensboro, Kentucky. FROM Canadian Freight Association Territory, Central Freight Association Territory (east of Indiana- Illinois State Line), New England Freight Associa- tion Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory. TO All stations in Illinois except C. & N. W. Ry. stations, viz. : Galena and Millbrig. C. M. & St. P. Ry. stations north of Rock- ford and Freeport, and 111. Cent. R. R. stations north of Freeport. Stations in Iowa on and east of a line drawn from Dubuque, Iowa, via C. M. & St. P. Ry. to Muscatine, inclusive; thence via M. N. & S. Ry. to Wapello; thence via C. R. I. & P. Ry. to Burlington; thence via C. B. & Q. Ry. to and including Keokuk and Mooar. Stations in Missouri, viz.: St. Louis, also stations on and east of a line drawn via C. B. & Q. R. R. from Louisiana to Alexandria, inclusive. Milwaukee Group, also via routes across Lake Michigan to stations in Wisconsin on the C. & N. W. Ry. north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, inclusive. Kewaunee and Mari- nette, Wisconsin, Menominee and Manis- tique, Michigan. 14 Section No. 4 Concluded EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Concluded WEST-BOUND Concluded FROM Canadian Freight Association Territory, New England Freight Associa- tion Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory, Groups, viz. : Buffalo, N. Y. Erie, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Wheeling, W. Va. TO Lexington, Kentucky Group, Hickman, Ken- tucky. FROM Canadian Freight Association Territory, New England Freight Associa- tion Territory, Trunk Line Association Terri- tory. TO Groups, viz.: Duluth, Minnesota, Hancock, Michigan, Houghton, Michigan, Marquette, Michigan, Michigamme, Michigan, St. Paul, Min- nesota, Winona, Minnesota. Missouri River Crossings, viz.: Atchison, Kansas, Coun-) cil Bluffs, Iowa, Kansas City, Missouri, Leaven- worth, Kansas, Omaha, [ Nebraska, South Omaha, Nebraska, St. Joseph, Missouri . On traffic to Idaho, Mon- tana, Oregon and Washing- ton. FROM Central Freight Association Territory (East of Indiana- Illinois State Line) Covington Kentucky Henderson Kentucky Louisville Kentucky Maysville Kentucky Owensboro Kentucky TO Groups, viz.: Duluth, Minnesota, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Hancock, Michigan, Houghton, Michi- gan, Marquette, Michigan, Michigamme, Michigan, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, New London, Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, Winona, Minnesota. Points on C. & N. W. Ry. north of Milwaukee to Manitowoc, incl., Kewaunee and Mari- nette, Wis., Manistique and Menominee, Mich. FROM North Carolina. TO Memphis, Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee. 15 Section No. 5 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF SOUTHERN CLASSIFICATION TO EAST-BOUND FROM Groups, viz.: Brookneal, Chicago Illinois Kilby, Jarratt, Lynch- Davenport Iowa burg, Meherrin, Nor- Indianapolis Indiana folk, Petersburg, Pin- Peoria Illinois ners Point, Ports- Q aro \[ a T en _ Milwaukee Wisconsin mouth, Richmond, npgs ~ e ' an( i Roanoke, Suffolk and ( St. Paul, Virginia NORTH-BOUND FROM TO Boyce Tennessee ) Rossville Tennessee J FROM TO Central City Kentucky } Gracey Kentucky I Group, viz. : Hopkinsville Kentucky f Chicago, Illinois. Nortonville Kentucky J FROM TO Groups, viz. : Gulf port Mississippi } (j rou p s v j z . Mobil f^ ; .Alabama c& . ' and Cnicago nii no i s , Cincinnati, New Orleans Louisiana OM Dubuque , Iowa> Evansville, and Pensacola JJlonda Jeffersonville, Indiana, Milwaukee, Wis- Port Chalmette . . Louisiana . d Qt Loui Mis80uri> Vicksburg Mississippi J FROM TO Groups, viz. : [ Cairo and Chicago, Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio, Evansville and Jeffersonville, In- Memphis Tennessee Fredericksburg, Hampton, Lynchburg, Baltimore ' Maryland ! Manchester, Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, New York.''.:'.'.'. '.'.'.New York 1 Petersburg, Portsmouth, Eichmond Sol- Philadelphia ....Pennsylvania ^ Home, and Southern Stock Yards, FEOM Buffalo, New York, Group Chicago, Illinois, Group Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Group . . New England Freight Associa- tion Territory Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Group. Trunk Line Association Terri- tory TO Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. FEOM Central Freight Association ] Territory (east of the Indiana- Illinois State Line) Cairo, Illinois, Group Minneapolis, Minnesota, Group. Chicago, Illinois, Group Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Group. . Peoria, Illinois, Group Springfield, Illinois, Group .... St. Louis, Missouri, Group .... St. Paul, Minnesota, Group TO Groups, viz.: Gulfport, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee, Mobile, Alabama, New Orleans, Louisi- ana, Pensacola, Florida, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 18 Section No. 5 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF SOUTHERN CLASSIFICATION Continued SOUTH-BOUND Continued FROM Groups, viz. : Cairo Illinois 1 Cincinnati Ohio Evansville Indiana > Jeff ersonville Indiana | St. Louis Missouri J FROM TO Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana (east of the Mississippi River), Tennessee and Virginia. Groups, viz. : Chicago Illinois Davenport Iowa Indianapolis Indiana Milwaukee Wisconsin Peoria . Illinois FROM TO Ohio River Crossings,viz. : Brookport, Illinois/ Bond Hill, Ohio, ' Cairo, Illinois, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Clare, Ohio, Evansville, In- diana, Irondale, Ohio, Jeffersonville, Indi- ana, Metropolis, Illi- nois, Mounds, Illi- nois, New Albany, Indiana, Thebes, Illi- nois, Thebes Trans- fer, Illinois TO On traffic destined to Alabama, Florida, Geor- gia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Tenn. Cent. R. R. stations. Interior Mississippi and Western Tennessee Groups, viz. : Junction points. Chicago Illinois J N. C. & St. L. Ry. stations. Milwaukee Wisconsin ] St. L. & S. F. R. R. stations in Mississippi. St. Louis Missouri Central City, Elizabethtown, Fordsville, Hop- kinsvilie, Macey, Morganfield and Norton- ville, Kentucky. FROM TO Groups, viz.: 1 G & Q L R R m *s. Cent> R Chicago Hlmois i ^ jj X A. V W i K- N O A G W Milwaukee Wisconsin 5 V ; J 5 5 M '& C R R stations St. Louis Missouri J K - E " and * ' M ' & C ' R B ' statl FROM TO Groups, viz. : ] Hickman, Kentucky, Jackson, Mississippi, Chicago Illinois I Mobile, Alabama, Memphis, Tennessee, Milwaukee Wisconsin f Meridian, Mississippi, Pensacola, Florida, St. Louis Missouri J and Paducah, Kentucky. FROM TO Groups, viz.: 1 Alabama and Kentucky (on the M. & O. R. C hica g ' ' . Illino . is I R.), Louisiana (east of the Mississippi strr ........: w sr *&>, ^^ * T 19 Section No. 5 Concluded EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF SOUTHERN CLASSIFICATION Concluded SOUTH-BOUND Concluded FROM Davenport, Iowa, Group PROM Groups, viz. : Green Bay Wisconsin Kenosha Wisconsin Marinette Wisconsin Menominee Michigan Minneapolis Minnesota St. Paul Minnesota . FROM Illinois Central R. R. stations in | Illinois ( Southern Ry. stations in Illinois | and Indiana j FROM Groups, viz.: Indianapolis Indiana Peoria Illinois FROM Groups, viz.: Kansas City Missouri Lincoln Nebraska . Omaha Nebraska FROM Groups, viz.: Pana ................ Illinois FROM Groups, viz. : Minneapolis ....... Minnesota Peoria ............... Illinois Springfield ........... Illinois St. Paul .......... Minnesota FROM Groups, viz.: ] Peoria ............... Illinois \ Springfield ........... Illinois J FROM Youngstown, Ohio, Group ..... < TO Tenn. Cent. R. R. stations. TO Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky (south of south bank of Ohio River), North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Vir- ginia. TO Tenn. Cent. R. R. stations. TO N. C. & St. L. Ry. stations. Interior Mississippi and Western Tennessee Junction points. Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. TO Gulf Ports, viz.: Algiers, Louisiana, Galves- ton, Texas, Gretna, Lou- isiana, Gulfport, Mis- sissippi, Mobile, Ala- bama, New Orleans, Lou- isiana, Pensacola, Flor- ida, Port Arthur, Texas, Port Bolivar, Texas, Port Chalmette, Louisi- ana, Texas City, Texas, and Westwego, Lou- isiana TO Interior Mississippi and Western Tennessee Junction points. N. C. & St. L. Ry. stations. TO For Export. Jackson and Meridian, Mississippi. TO Hickman and Paducah, Kentucky. TO Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Tennessee and Virginia. 20 Section No. 6 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF TEXAS CLASSIFICATION FROM TO Gulf Ports, viz.: Algiers Louisiana Gretna Louisiana New Orleans Louisiana \ Texas. Port Chalmette . . . .Louisiana Westwego Louisiana on Import traffic. EAST-BOUND FKOM Section No. 7 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF WESTERN CLASSIFICATION TO British Columbia . . . Canada Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory. New England Freight Association Territory. Southeastern Freight Association Territory. Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. FROM TO Groups, viz.: Groups, viz.: Colorado Springs ... Colorado } Baltimore, Maryland, Boston, Massachu- Denver Colorado I setts, New York, New York, Philadel- Pueblo Colorado [ phia, Pennsylvania, Providence, Rhode Trinidad Colorado J Island. FROM Southwestern Tariff Committee Territory Trans-Continental Freight Bu- reau Territory TO Canadian Freight Association Territory. Central Freight Association Territory. New England Freight Association Territory. Southeastern Freight Association Territory. Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association Territory. Trunk Line Association Territory. FROM Western Classification Territory as shown in blue color on map. TO Stations in Illinois and Indiana, on west and north of line drawn via N. Y. C. R. R. from Chicago to Danville, Illinois, thence via C. & E. I. R. R. to Tuscola, thence via the 111. Cent. R. R. through Mattoon and Neoga to Effingham, thence via P. C. C. & St. L. R. R. to and including East St. Louis, 111. 21 Section No. 7 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF WESTERN CLASSIFICATION Continued NORTH-BOUND FBOM Algiers Louisiana Gretna Louisiana Gulf port Mississippi Mobile Alabama New Orleans Louisiana Pensaeola Florida Port Chalmette Louisiana Westwego -. . . .Louisiana (On import traffic from Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zea- land and Philippine Islands) TO Groups, viz.: Atchison, Kansas, Cedar Eapids, Iowa, Denver, Colorado, Des Moines, Iowa, Fremont, Nebraska, Kansas City, Mis- souri, Leavenworth, Kansas, Lincoln, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, St. Joseph, Missouri, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sioux City, Iowa, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and South Omaha, Nebraska. FEOM TO California, Nevada and Utah . . Manitoba, Canada. FEOM Ohio Biver Crossings, viz. : Brookport Illinois Cairo Illinois Cincinnati Ohio Evansville Indiana Jeff ersonville Indiana Louisville Kentucky New Albany Indiana Thebes Illinois TO Groups, viz.: Duluth, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minne- sota, St. Paul, Minnesota, Winona, Min- nesota (on traffic originating in Ala- bama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennes- see and Virginia). FEOM Mexico TO Colorado. FEOM Groups, viz. Mobile ... Yicksburg TO Kansas > Missouri and Nebraska ' FEOM Groups, viz. Memphis . Mobile . . Tennessee f .Alabama J TO Groups, viz.: Colorado Springs, Colorado, Denver, Colo- rado, Ogden, Utah, Pueblo, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah, Trinidad, Colorado. 22 Section No. 7 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF WESTERN CLASSIFICATION Continued NORTH-BOUND Concluded FKOM Groups, viz.: New Orleans . . . Port Chalmette . . . . Louisiana . .Louisiana TO Groups, viz.: Cedar Eapids, Iowa, Duluth, Minnesota, Kansas City, Missouri, Lincoln, Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, St. Joseph, Missouri, St. Paul, Minnesota, Sioux City, Iowa, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. SOUTH-BOUND FKOM TO Groups, viz.: Chicago Illinois f Cairo, East Hannibal, Gale, Thebes, Illi- Milwaukee Wisconsin j nois (on traffic destined to Arkansas and Peoria Illinois [ Missouri). FKOM TO Colorado and Wyoming Mexico. FROM TO Groups, viz.: Groups, viz.: Colorado Springs . . . Colorado " Denver Colorado Ogden Utah I Memphis, Tennessee. Pueblo Colorado f Mobile, Alabama. Salt Lake City Utah Trinidad Colorado FROM TO Groups, viz.: Davenport Iowa Fox River Wisconsin Kansas City Missouri Mexico. Omaha Nebraska St. Louis Missouri FROM Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska. . . FROM Groups, viz.: Ashland Wisconsin Duluth Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota Minnesota Transfer..Minnesota St. Paul Minnesota Superior Wisconsin Winona . . . Minnesota TO Groups, viz.: Mobile, Alabama, Vicksburg, Mississippi. TO Brookport, Cairo, Illinois, Cap Girardeau, Missouri, Cincinnati, Ohio, Evansville, Jeffersonville, Indiana, Louisville, Ken- tucky, New Albany, Indiana, Paducah, Kentucky, Thebes, Illinois (on traffic south of Kentucky and Virginia and east of Illinois Central R. R., Cairo, Illinois, to Jackson, Tennessee, and east of the Mobile & Ohio R. R., Jackson, Tennessee, to Mobile, Alabama). 23 Section No. 7 Continued EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF WESTERN CLASSIFICATION Continued WEST-BOUND FKOM Groups, viz.: Brookport Illinois Cairo Illinois Evansville Indiana Joppa Illinois Metropolis Illinois Paducah Kentucky Thebes . . .Illinois TO Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska to which through joint rates are published. FEOM Canadian Freight Association ' Territory Central Freight Asociation Ter- ritory New England Freight Associa- tion Territory Southeastern Freight Associa- tion Territory Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association Territory Trunk Line Association Terri- tory. TO Southwestern Tariff Committee Territory. Trans-Continental Freight Bureau Territory. FKOM Cannelton Indiana 1 Evansville Indiana Mt. Vernon Indiana fOwensboro Kentucky Eock Hill Indiana Eockport Indiana Tell City Indiana Troy Indiana ^ TO Mississippi Eiver Crossings (East St. Louis to East Dubuque, incl.), when destined to Trans-Missouri Territory. f Applies to East St. Louis, Illinois, only. FEOM Central Freight Association Ter- TO York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia ................... J to which through joint rates are FEOM Illinois points north and west of a line via the A. T. & S. F. E. E. from Chicago to Peoria, thence via the east bank of the Illi- nois Eiver to its junction with the Mississippi Eiver TO Points in Illinois, on, south and east of said line. 24 Section No. 7 Concluded EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLfCATION OF WESTERN CLASSIFICATION Concluded WEST-BOUND Concluded FROM Central Freight Association Ter- ritory Minnesota New England Freight Associa- tion Territory North Dakota Southeastern Freight Associa- tion Territory Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association Territory South Dakota Trunk Line Association Terri- tory ? TO British Columbia, Canada. FEOM Stations in Illinois and Indiana located on, west and north of line drawn via N. Y. C. E. E. from Chicago to Danville, Illi- nois, thence via C. & E. I. E. E. to Tuscola, thence via the HI. Cent. E. E. through Mattoon and Neoga to Effingham, thence via P. C. C. & S. L. E. E. to and including East St. Louis, Illi- nois . TO Western Classification Territory as shown in blue color on map. FEOM Mobile Alabama ] New Orleans Louisiana [ Port Chalmette . . . .Louisiana] TO Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyo- ming. FEOM Baltimore Maryland New York New York Philadelphia . . . .Pennsylvania Tompkinsville New York on import traffic. TO Lincoln, Nebraska. 25 CANADIAN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Office Montreal, Canada. All points in Canada East of but not including Port Arthur, Ontario, and East of and including Sault Ste. Marie, Sarnia and Windsor, Ontario. NEW ENGLAND FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Office Boston, Mass. All stations in the six New England States, viz.: Connecticut, Maine, Mas- sachusetts, New Hampshire, Khode Island and Vermont; and, in addition there- to, points on the Boston & Albany B. E., and Boston & Maine B. E. in New York east of the Hudson Biver; also includes points on New York, New Haven & Hartford E. E. in New York east of the Hudson Eiver, except New Eochelle, N. Y., and points on the New York division west thereof. TRUNK LINE ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Middle States Freight Association Territory Office New York, N. Y. On and west of the eastern boundary line of the State of New York; thence on and south of the northern boundary line of New York to Niagara Eiver; thence east of Niagara Eiver through Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Buffalo, N. Y.; thence on and east of line through Dayton to Salamanca, N. Y.; thence on and east of a line via Penna. E. E. through Warren, Pa., to Parker, Pa.; thence on and east of a line via B. & O. E. E, through Butler, P to Pittsburgh, Pa., thence on and east of a line via B. & O. E. E. through Washington, Pa., Wheel- ing and Parkersburg, W. Va., to Kenova, W. Va.; thence on and north of the N. & W. Ey. through Eoanoke, Lynchburg and Petersburg to and including Norfolk, Va. Note. As to traffic originating at points in Trunk Line Association Terri- tory or east thereof, said territory also includes Dunkirk, N. Y., and Erie, Pa., and points south and east thereof located on Erie E. E. and Penna'. E. E. CENTRAL FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Office Chicago, 111. Central Freight Association Territory embraces points ON and WITHIN the following boundary line: Beginning at Buffalo, N. Y., thence via the Erie E. E., through Dayton to Salamanca, N. Y.; thence via Penna. E. E., through Corydon, Pa., and Warren, Pa., to Parker, Pa.; thence via B. & O. E. E. through Butler to Pittsburgh, Pa.; thence via B. & O. E. E. through Washington, Pa., Wheeling and Parkersburg, W. Va., to Point Pleasant, W. Va.; thence via K. & M. Ey. to Gauley Bridge, W. Va.; thence to Gauley, W. Va.; thence via C. & O. Ey. to Ashland, Ky.; thence via C. & O. Ey. to Cincinnati, Ohio; thence via north bank of the Ohio Eiver, but including Louisville, Ky., to Cairo, 111.; thence via east bank of Mississippi, but including St. Louis, Mo., to East Burlington, 111.; thence via T. P. & W. Ey. to Peoria, 111.; thence via a line through Streator and Joliet, 111., to Chicago, 111.; thence via west bank of Lake Michigan to Kewaunee, Wis.; thence through Lake Michigan and Straits of Mackinac; thence via west bank of Lake Huron to Port Huruon, Mich.; thence to Sarnia, Ont.; thence via Grand Trunk By. through Stratford, Guelph and Georgetown to and including Toronto, Ont.; thence via line through Lake Ontario and Niagara Eiver; thence through Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, Black Eock, to and including Buffalo, N. Y. ASSOCIATED RAILWAYS OF VIRGINIA AND THE CAROLINAS TERRITORY Office Eichmond, Va. Includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) South of a line drawn from Portsmouth, Va., through Pinners Point to Eichmond, Va.; thence with the line of the C. & O. Ey. to Lynchburg, Va.; thence with the line of the N. & W. Ey. to Eoanoke, Va.; thence via an imagi- nary line through Paint Eock and Murphy, N. C., to Atlanta, Ga. (b) North and east of a line from Atlanta via the Georgia E. E. to Augusta; thence via the Charleston Division of the Southern Ey. to Charleston. 26 SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Office Atlanta, Ga. Includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) South of the Potomac Biver from its mouth to the , Virginia-West Vir- ginia State .Line. (b) On, south and east of the Virginia- West Virginia State Line from point of crossing of Potomac Elver to Bristol, Tenn. (c) On, south and east of an imaginary line from Bristol through Middles- boro, Ky., Jellico, Tenn., Harriman, Tenn., to Harriman Junction, Tenn. (d) On, south and east of a line from Harriman Junction, Tenn., via the C. N. O. & T. P. Ky. to Chattanooga; thence via the A. G. S. E. E. from Chatta- nooga through Attalla to Birmingham; thence via the L. & N. E. E. from Bir- mingham through Calera and Montgomery to Pensacola, Fla. (See Note 1 in regard to line between Attalla and Calera.) SOUTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ASSOCIATION TERRITORY Office Louisville, Ky. Includes territory within the following described boundaries: (a) On and south of the Ohio Elver from Cincinnati to Cairo (but not including rates between points both of which are on the Ohio Eiver). (b) On and east of the east bank of the Mississippi Elver south of Cairo (but including Helena, Ark., and Vidalia, La., on the west bank). (c) On and west of a line beginning at Middlesboro, Ky., thence via an imaginary line through Jellico and Harriman to Harriman Junction, Tenn.; thence via the C. N. O. & T. P. Ey. to Chattanooga; thence via the A. G. S. E. E. to Attalla; thence via the Alabama Mineral Division of the L. & N. E. E. to Calera; thence via the L. & N. E. E. through Montgomery to Pensacola, Fla. (See Note 1 in regard to line between Attalla and Calera.) Note 1. The line as described from Middlesboro, Ky., to Pensacola, Fla., dividing the Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association from the Southeastern Freight Association is practically neutral territory. Points on this line and points within the boundaries of the Southeastern Mississippi Valley Associa- tion are considered local to that Association; so, also points on this line and points within the boundaries of the Southeastern Freight Association are con- sidered local to that Association. It will be noted that the boundary line of the S. E. M. V. A. between Attalla and Calera follows the line of the Alabama Mineral Division of the L. & N. E. E., while the line of the S. E. F. A. between these two points fol- lows the A. G. S. E. E. to Birmingham and L. & N. E. E. south of that point. This indicates that the intervening territory is neutral ground and practically in both Associations. GREEN LINE TERRITORY South of a line via the main line of the N. & W. Ey. from Portsmouth, Va., to Bristol, Tenn.-Va.; thence south of the northern boundary line of the State of Tennessee to a point where the I. C. E. E. crosses the Kentucky-Tennessee State Line near Fulton, Ky. East of a line via the I. C. E. E. from the said crossing of the Kentucky-Tennessee State Line to Jackson, Tenn.; thence east of a line via the M. & O. E. E. to (but not including) Mobile, Ala. (not includ- ing Aberdeen and Columbus, Miss., Jackson, Tenn., or Pensacola, Fla.) Note. Except stations in Virginia, on, west and south of the N. & W. E. E., Galax and Betty Baker, to Pulaski, Va., located within description of Green Line Territory. 27 WESTERN TRUNK LINE COMMITTEE TERRITORY Office Chicago, 111. From Chicago via N. Y. C. R. R. to and including Danville, 111.; thence via C. & E. I. R. R. to Tuscola, 111.; thence via the I. C. R. R. through Mattoon and Neoga to Effingham, 111.; thence via the P. C. C. & St. L. R. R. to but not includ- ing East St. Louis, 111.; thence via a line to St. Louis, Mo.; thence via west bank of Mississippi River to Arkansas-Missouri State Line; thence via the southern boundary line of Missouri, Kansas and Colorado to a point just south of Trinidad, Colo.; thence via a line through Trinidad, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, Colo., to Cheyenne, Wyo.; thence via U. P. R. R. to Colorado- Nebraska State Line; thence via western boundary lines of Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota; thence via northern boundary lines of North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and upper peninsula of Michigan; thence via eastern and southern boundary lines of upper peninsula of Michigan; thence via eastern boundary line of Wisconsin and Illinois to and including Chicago. Note. The eastern boundary line of the Western Trunk Line Committee Territory in Illinois, viz.: Line from Chicago through Danville, Tuscola, Mat- toon and Effingham to East St. Louis, is not indicated by a red line on the map, in the same manner as are other freight traffic association territories, for the reason it might be confused with the western boundary line of Central Freight Association Territory, which is so indicated. SOUTHWESTERN TARIFF COMMITTEE TERRITORY Office St. Louis, Mo. All traffic originating at or destined to points in the States of Arkansas and Oklahoma. All traffic originating at or destined to points in the State of Louisiana, west of the west bank of the Mississippi River. All traffic originating at or destined to points in Texas, except traffic from points in so-called "Seaboard Territory," to points in Texas, via Gulf Routes. All traffic to Common points in the Republic of Mexico, such as City of Mexico, Pachuca, Monterey, Torreon, Gomez Palacio and San Luis Potosi, but not including Tampico and Vera Cruz. All traffic to and from Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. TRANS-CONTINENTAL FREIGHT BUREAU TERRITORY Office Chicago, 111. On and south of international boundary line from Pacific Ocean to Mon- tana-North Dakota State Line, west of the eastern boundary line of Montana and Wyoming to a point just east and north of Cheyenne, Wyo.; thence via a line drawn just west of Cheyenne, Wyo., Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Trinidad, Colo., to Colorado-New Mexico State Line; thence south of Colorado-New Mexico State Line to New Mexico-Texas State Line; thence west of New Mexico-Texas State Line to southern boundary line of New Mex- ico; thence on and north of southern boundary lines of New Mexico, Arizona and California to Pacific Ocean; thence east of Pacific Ocean to point of beginning. 28 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 :! UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY