5*55 ARCHIVES ^ *+J> v<5> , **. ^ UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES WfrM^ University of California Berkeley The Guru Govind Singh Sahib Educational Scholarships. The undersigned, being desirous of helping deserving Indian students of both sexes to receive liberal and professional education in foreign countries, begs to offer six scholarships, tenable for 3 years, and invites applications for the same. The conditions for the award are as follows: I. ' The Scholarships will be known as the "Guru Govind Singh Sahib Educational Scholarships". II. All properly qualified Indian ladies and gentlemen, without dis- tinction of race, caste or creed, will be eligible for election to the scholarships. III. Each scholarship will be tenable for 3 years, commencing August, 1912. Note. The period may be extended in the case of able and indus- trious scholars, who finish the three years' course of study with marked success and credit. IV. The scholarships will not be given in money. Each scholarship will include free board and lodging, all expenses for clothes, books, stationery, medicine, postage and other requisites of student life, all college fees, and a small amount of pocket money during a period of three years. Note. Medical students will pay their own college and laboratory fees, which amount to about $175 (Rs. 525) per annum. V. All scholars will come from India to Berkeley (Cal.), U. S. A., at their own expense. Each scholar will receive third-class fare (second-class in the case of ladies) for the return voyage to India on the successful com- pletion of the three years' course of study. VI. All scholars will reside at a hostel to be called the "Guru Nanak Deva Vidyarthi Ashram", Berkeley (Cal.), and lead a simple and abstemious life. Scholars will not smoke or use alcoholic beverages. VII. (a) Each scholar will study, at his or her choice, at least one of the following subjects at the University of California, Berkeley, (Cal.) : History. Economics. English Literature. French Literature. Ger- man Literature. Spanish Literature. Japanese Literature. Civil, Mechanical or Mining Engineering. Commerce. Music. Med- icine. (b) Each scholar will qualify himself or herself for one of the fol- lowing degrees at the University: M. A., M. L., M. Sc., Ph. D., M. D. VIII. A scholar, who is not diligent in study or who fails to maintain a good moral character, shall forfeit the scholarship and the return passage-money. IX. Candidates should supply information with regard to the following points in their applications: Sex. Age. Religion. Caste. Married or Unmarried? Present Occupation. Qualifications. References. Subject or Subjects of Study (selected from the list given above). X. All applications, with full testimonials and references, must reach Mrs. Bertha L. C. Pope, 2708 Virginia St., Berkeley, (Cal.), U. S. A., before May 15, 1912. SIRDAR JAWALA SINGH. Moorland, (Cal.), U. S. A., Jan. 1, 1912. ITEMS OF INFORMATION. Able graduates of Indian Universities can obtain the degree of Ph. D. after two years' study. Medical students, who have studied for 3 years at a medical college in India, can obtain the degree of M. D. after two or three years' study. Students, who have studied at a college of Engineering or Commerce in India for some time, also get credit for their previous work. Third-class fare from India to San Francisco via Hong-Kong or Yokohama is about Rs. 300. Second-class, Rs. 500. Copies of this prospectus can be obtained from the offices of the chief newspapers in India. .