I;ii;ii ■ ...., jfi;irir'i'-i'''ii;jiii?i,,; 'f'l > ( I'! Jm '^ 1 1 5' GIFT OF y»t-i*^\ii\h\vii^\,-:; Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/americangentlemaOOconkrich AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. THK AMEEICAN GENTLEMAN'S aUIDE TO POLITENESS AND FASHION; OB, FAMILIAR LETTERS TO HIS NEPHEWS, BY HEOTIY LUNETTES. The good old name of Gentlejlvn. Tenntson. People somciunes complain of writers who talk of "I, I." * * * * When I epeak to you of myself, I am' speaking to you of yourself also. Is it possible that you do not feel that it is so I Victor Huao. NEW EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED BY THE AUTHOR. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1863. G6 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Dis- trict of Pennsylvania. HIS YOUNG COUNTRYMEN, THIS UNPRETENDIXa VOLUME, IS, WITH AFFECT f ON ATE PRIDE, INSCRIBED BY TEE AUTHOR. 248137 INTEODUCTION. ** I LANa ha'e thought, my youthful friends, A something to have sent you, Tho' it may serve no other end Than just a kind memento : But how the subject-theme may gang Let time and chance determine ; Perhaps it may turn out a sang, Perhaps turn out a sermon/' TABLE OF COl^TENTS LETTER I. DRESS. PBOPRIRTT of conforming to Fashion, with a due Regard for individual PecuII- arities of Appearance — Eccentricity of Taste in Dress — Obedience to the Lawi of Convention— The vagaries of Genius, in this respect— Absurdity and Aflfectation originated by the Example of Byron — All indiflference and neglect to be avoided, with regard to Dress — Anecdote of Dr. Johnson and the Sid- dons — Porson, the Greelc Scholar — Horace Greeley — Aphorism — Habits of a distinguished Parisian savant — Example and opinion of Washington with reference to Dress — Partiality of Americans for Black, as the color of dress- clothes— Practice of Men in other Countries, in the selection of Colors — Morning Costume of an English Gentleman— Every English Gentleman use- fully employed during a Portion of eacli Day— Dr, Johnson's Test of good Taste in Dress— Tlie golden mean in Matters of Dress— Ceremonious Costume of a Gentleman -Mode of wearing the Hair and Beard— Necessity for artistic Taste in one's Barber — All extremes of Fashion in bad Taste — Various Absur- dities in this respect, inconsistent with the "keeping" of modern Costura&— Collars, their size, shape, &c. — Sleeve-buttons — Bad taste of wearing flash Stones— Use of Diamonds in Dress— Simplicity in the Appendages of Dress, the characteristic of true refinement — Signet-rings — Distinctive Points of difiference between the exterior of a Gentleman and of a Loafer — All staring patterns in Gentlemen's clothes exceptionable — A white suit throughout, for warm Weather — Thin Cravats — Body Linen — Kotzebue's test of high-breed- ing— Strength and Comfort the essential Characteristics of working Garments — Fitness and propriety even in matters of Dress, indicative of a well-regu- * lated Mind — Every American should aim to be a true Gentleman — Importance of Trifles, when viewed in the aggregate — Influence of Drese, etc., upon Character and Manner — Wearing Gloves in Dancing — White Gloves alone unexceptionable for ceremonious Evening Occasions — Gloves suitable for the Street and Morning Visits— Briglit-colored Gloves in bad rrCHES. Bang Froid and Sandwiches.— A Ride with a Duke— The eager young Sports- man — A Rencontre— A Query and a Response — A substantial Bonne Bouche. 312 A Frenchman's Relaxation 314 Polemics and Politeness— Watering-place Society— Omnibus Orations— Sul- phur-water and Sacrifices — Religionists, Ladies and License, Reaction and Remorse. ... * S15 An unexpected Declaration— Parisian furore — The unknown Patient— Prac- tice and Pathos 817 The Three Graces — Honor to whom Honor was Due — A Group for a Sculptor —Woman's Wit 818 Scene in a Drawing-room 820 Musical Mania— Guitar playing and the play of Intellect 321 A Fair Discussion . , • 828 National Dialect— A Bagatelle 824 A Murillo and a Living Study — A Morning in the Louvre with a congenial Friend— A Painter's Advice — True Epicureanism. 826 Ready Elocution and Ready Wit— A Congressional Sketch 82T SX CONTENTS LETTER X. HABIT. Habit always Indicative of Character— Its Importance not properly esti- mated by the Young— Rudeness and Republicanism too often Synonymous- Fashion not always Good-breeding— Social American Peculiarities— Man- ners of Americans abroad — Rowdyism at the Tuileries — The Propriety of Learning from Older Nations the lighter Elegancies of Life— Madame Soul6 and the Queen of Spain— The tie of a Cravat and the Affairs of" Change" — George Peabody a Model American — The distinctive name of Gentleman — Great Importance of Suitable Associates — Spanish Proverb^The true Social Standard — Safeguard against Eccentricity— Habits of Walliing, Standing, Sitting — Directions — Aaron Burr and De Witt Clinton — Bachelor Privileges- Decorum in the presence of Ladies — Carrying the Hat, ease of Attitude, etc. —Benefits of habitual Self-Restraint— Habits at Table— Eating with a Knife •-Soiling the Lips, Piclfing the Teeth, etc., etc. — Nicety in Matters of Detail — Courtesy due to others — Manner to Servants in Attendance at Table — J Avoidance of Sensuousness of Manner — French Mode of Serving Dinners- The Art of Carving— Helping Ladies at Table — Rule in Carving Joints of Meat — Changing the Plate — Proper Mode of Taking Fish — Game — Butter at Dinner — English Custom — Details of Habit at Table — Rights of Freemen — A Just Distinction — Unhealthfulness of drinking too much at Dinner — Fast Eating of Fast Americans — Sitting upon two Legs of a Chair — Anecdote — Habits of using the Handkerchief— Toying with the Moustache, etc., etc. — Ladies careful Observers of Minuti» — Belief of the Ancient Gauls respecting Women — Habits of Swaggering in Public Places — General Suggestions — Ladies and Invalids in Terror of a Human War-Horse— Courtesy due while playing Chess and other Games — Self-control in Sickness — Premature adop- tion of Eye-Glasses — Affectation in this respect — Proper Attitude while Reading or Studying — Habits of Early Rising — A Poetic Superstition unwar- ranted by Health and Trutli— Variance between Healtli and Fashion in regard to Early Hours — Aphorism by Gibbon— Habit of taking Nostrums — Avoidance of Quacks— Habit of acting as the Protectors of the Dependent Sex — Effect of Trifling Habits upon the Opinions formed of us by Women- Habits of handling Prints, Bijouterie, and Boquets, of Smoking, Whispering and Ogling, to be shunned— Importance of Methodical Habits of Reading and Studying— Value of the Gold Dust of Time — Anecdote — True Rule for Reading to Advantage — Habit of Reading aloud — Great Importance of a Habit of Industry — The Superiors of mere Genius — Habits of Cheerfulness and Contentment not to be overlooked by the Young — Cultivation of Habi- tual Self-Respect — Pride and Poverty not Necessarily Antagonistic— Self- Respect a Shield against the Shafts of Calumny— True Honor not affected by Occupation or Position — Benefits of a Habit of Self- Examination — The habi- tual Study of the Scriptures recommended— Christ, the Great Model of Hu- manity — Ungentlemanly Habit of being late at Church, etc. — Pernicious Effects of prevalent Materialism— P«rsc)Dal Ei^joyment resulting from babitu* CONTENTS. XXI ally Idealizing all Mental Associations with Women— Defencelessness an Impassable Barrier to Oppression from true Manliood — Impropriety of Bpealiing loudly to Ladies in public Places, of attracting Attention to them, their Names and Prerogatives — Safe Rule in this regard— The Habit of Sym- pathy with Human Suffering a Christian duty — Mistaken Opinion of Young Men in this respect — The Examples presented by the Lives of the Greatly Good — Mighty Achievements in the Cause of Humanity in the Power of a Few— Habits of Good-Humor, Neatness, Order and Regularity due to others — Fastidious Nicety in Matters of the Toilet, demanded by proper respect for our daily Associates — The Importance of Habits of Exercise, Temperance and Relaxation — Economy to be Cultivated as a Habit — Economy not De- grading — Habit of Punctuality— Slavery to mere System condemned — Remark of Sir Joshua Reynolds— Habit of Perseverance — Value of tho Habit of putting Ideas into Words — Of Habits of Reflection and Observa- tion — Of rendering Respect to Age, etc. — Culture of Esthetical Perceptions — American Peculiarity— Curiosity not tolerated among the well-bred— The inestimable value of Self-Possession— Its Natural Manifestations — Concluding Advice, 829 ILLUSTllATIONS. ONATHAN AND QuEBN "'^icTORi A .— A StroU through the World's Palace— A Royal Party — The Yankee Enthroned — A Confession, 3G2 "lAMON AND Ptthias Modkrnizkd. — A Family Council— A Celebrity and a Hotel Dinner — A Discovery — A Sketch — Telegraphing and Triumph — Beer and a Break-down— Drawing-room Chit-chat— A Young Lady's Eulogy — Retort Courteous — A New Acquaintance — An Explanation — Dinner the Second — Sense and Sensibility — A Ruse — A Request and Appointment — A Contrast — Catastrophy — A Note and a Disappointment — Fair Frankness — An Unexpected Rencontre — The Re-union— Pictures and Pleasantries— The Protector of the Helpless, 363 A Visit to Abbotsford.— Sir Walter Scott as Colonel of Dragoons, Sheriff of the County, Host, Friend, and Author — Mrs. Hemans and Little "Charley" —Courteous Hospitality — At Driburg with Mr. Lockhart— Solution of a Mystery — Sir Walter's favorite " Lieutenant," 882 Confession of a Celebrated Orator, 385 Thb Lemon and thk Carnation. — A Stage-Coach Adventure — A fair Passen- ger — Churlishness and Cheerfulness— A Comic Duet — Stage-Sickness— An impromptu Physician — Offerings — Acknowledgments — A Docile Patient — Welcome Home — Arrival — A Family Group — A Discovery — Recognition — An Invitation- Hospitality— Sunday Evening at the Rectory— The Honora- ble Occupation of Teaching Young Ladies— A Prophesy— Family Jars— A Compliment, 886 A Notability and his Newfoundland Dog, 400 ErTRKMBS Mbkt. — European Travelling-Companion — A cool Place and a "cool" Character- A Foreigner's Criticism— Fair Commentators— Dinner- table Sketch— Three Parties in a Rail-Car — Sunshine and Showers— An Earth- XXll CONTENTS. Angel— Anecdote of Thorwalsden, the Danish Sculptor— A Scene— Gentle- manly Inquiries— Paddy's Explanation, ........ 401 Havb tou been Impatient? — A Broken Engagement— About a Horse— Char- ley's Orphan Cousin— Ideas of Luxury— Novel Experiences — The freed Bird —Bless God for Flowers and Friends !— A Recoil— A Tirade— The Bird Re- caged— Self-Examination— Retrospection and Resolution— A Note and a Boquet— A Blush Transfixed, 41S LETTER XI. MENTAL AND MORAL EDUCATION. The Author's Conscious Incapacity— Education within the Power of All— Americans not Socially Trammelled — The Two Attributes of Mind essential to Self-Culture— Prospective Discernment — The most enlightened System of Education — Duty of Cultivating the Moral as well as the Intellectual Nature — The Acquisition of Wealth not to be regarded as the highest Human Attainment— Definition of Self-Culture — Reading for Amusement only, Unwise — "Aid-s and Appliances" of Judicious Reading— Example of a Great Man— Fictitious Literature — Pernicious Effects often resulting from a Taste for Light Reading— Condemnation of Licentious Novels — Advantages of Noting Choice Passages in Reading— Carlyle's Critieism of Public Men— Tlie Study of History of Great Importance — Benefits resulting from the Perusal of well-selected Biographies — Enumeration of celebrated Works of this Character— Newspaper and Magazine Reading— A Cultivated Taste in Literature and Art the result of thorough Mental Training— AfiFectation and Pretention iu this regard to be avoided — Critical Assumption condemned — Impressions produced upon observing Judges by a Pretentious Manner— "The World's Dread Laugh" — Advantages of Foreign Travel — Misuse of this Advantage— Knowledge of Modern Languages essential to a complete Education — False Impression prevalent on this point — Philosophic Wisdom — Wise Covetousness — Tact the Result of General Self-Culture— An Individual Moral Code of advantage — Example of Washington — Education not com- pleted by a Knowledge of Books — Definition of True Education — The Deve- lopment of the Moral Perceptions promotive of Intellectual Advancement — Undue Exaltation of Talent over Virtue — Religious Faith the legitimate Result of rightly-directed Education— Needful Enlightenment of Conscience —The Life of Jesus Christ the best Moral Guide-Book— Charity to the Faults of others the Result of Self-Knowledge — The Golden Rule of the Great Teacher — The highest Aim of Humanity — Reverence for the Spiritual Nature of Man the Result of Self-Culture — Danger of Self-indulgence in regard to trifling Errors— Caution against the Infidel Philosophy of the Times — The establishment of Fixed Principles of Action— The True Mode of computing Life, . 42S Apollo turned Author : a Bagatelle, . . * 488 The Attainment of Knowledge under Difficulties— Necessity the Nurse of True Greatness — The Learned Blacksmith— The Wagoner — The Mill-Boy of the Slashes— Franklin and Webster, . , 480 CONTENTS. xxiii A. Peep at Passers-by, from the " Loopholes of Retreat," . . . ,440 The Force of Genius— A Man about Town— Anecdote— Manly Indignation, . 441 Old-Fashioned Honor, ^ 4^2 Webster on Biblical Studies, ] 443 The Young Frenchman and the Pyramids, 443 Pbcoadillobs and Ponctiliousnbss.— Extract— Sir Humphrey Davy— Tribute to Religion, ^^ LETTER XII. CHOICE OF COMPANIONS AND FRIENDS,— SELECTION OP A PURSUIT IN LIFE.— COURTSHIP.— MARRIAGE.— HOUSEKEEPING.— PECUNIARY MATTERS. ROLK to be observed in the Selection of Associates— Advantage of the Com- panionship of Persons of more Experience than Ourselves— False Senti- ments entertained by Lord Byron regarding Friendship— Self-Consciousness affords the best Contradiction to these Erroneous Opinions— Value of Friendship- Importance of the Judicious Selection of Confidants- Folly of demanding Perfection in one's Friends— Selection of Employment— The first Consideration in this Relation— Thorough Education should not be confined to Candidates for the Learned Professions— The Merchant Princes of America— Avenues for Effort- AU Honest Occupations dignified by Right Conduct— The Pursuit of Wealth as an End— Freedom the Prerogative of the Worker— A Professional Manner Condemned— Individual Insignificance —Advantages of Early Marriage— Cause of prevalent Domestic Unhappiness —Each Individual the best Judge of his own Conjugal Requisites— Health, Good-Temper, and Education essential in a Wife— Accomplishments not essential to Domestic Happiness— Disadvantages resulting from a previous Fashionable Career— A True Wife— Respect due to the proper Guardians of a Lady by her Suitor— Advantages of a Friendship with a Married Lady —Reserve and Respect of Manner due to Female Friends— Manly Frankness as a Suitor the only Honorable Course— Attachment to one Woman no Ex- cuse for Rudeness to others— The Art of Pleasing— Presents, Complimentary Attentions, etc.— Nicety of Perception usual in Women— Power of the Law of Kindness in Home-Life— The Slightest Approach to Family Dissension to be carefully avoided— The Duty of a Husband to exert a Right Influence over his Wife— Union of Spirit the only Satisfying Bond— More than Roman Sternness assumed by some— Sacredness of all the Better Emotions of the Human Heart— Expressive Synonymes— Pecuniary Matters— The Pernicious EflTects of Boarding— An Old Man's Advice— Household Gods— Propriety of Providing for Future Contingencies— Slavery imposed by Pride and Poverty- Comfort and Refinement compatable with Moderate Resources — Books and Works of Art to be preferred to Fine Furniture— Importance of Cherishing the Esthetical Tastes of Children— " Keeping " a great Desideratum in Social and Domestic Life, 44T XXIV CONTENTS. IIXCSTnATITB SKKTCUBS, BTO. Tub Mooted Poiht. — A Morning Visit and Morning Occupations — Macaulay and the Blanket Coat— Curate's Daughters and the Daughters of New- England — A Sybarite — A Disclaimer and a Witticism— Not a Gentleman — " Trifles make the sum of Human Things" — The Slough of Despond— A Gift —Reading Poetry— A Soldier's Tactics— The "Unpardonable Sin"— A Fair Champion and a Noble Sentiment, 463 Anecdotes of a British Minister, an Ex-Governor, and an American Statesman, 470 Chief-Justice Marshall and the Toung Man of Fashion, 472 Habits of Early Friends, 478 Thb Prophbot FuLFiLLKD.— a Denouement — Cupid turned Carrier— Wedding- Cards and Welcome News— A True Woman's Letter, 47ft Uncle Hal's Farewell, 480 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE. LETTEK I. DKESS My dear yoijng Fkiends : — As you are already, to some extent, acquainted with tlie design and scope of the Let- ters I propose to address to you, there is no neces- sity for an elaborate prelude at the commencement of the series. We will, with your permission, devote our attention first to Dress — to the external man — and advance, in accordance with the true rules of Art, gradually, towards more important subjects. Whatever may be the abstract opinions indivi- dually entertained respecting the taste and regard for comfort evinced in the costume now, with trifling variations, almost universally adopted by men in all 2 26 civilized lands, few will dispute the practical utility of conforming to the general requisitions of Fashion. Happily for the gratification of fancy, however, the all-potent goddess, arbitrary and imperative as are her laws, permits, at least to some extent, such variations from her general standard as personal convenience, physical peculiarities, or varying circumstances may require. But a due regard for these and similar considera- tions by no means involves the exhibition of eccetv- ti'icitT/, which I hold to be inconsistent with good taste, whether displayed in dress or manner. A violation of the established rules of Convention cannot easily be defended, except when required by our obligations to the more strenuous requirements of duty. Usually, however, departures from conven- tional propriety evince simply an ill-regulated char- acter. CThe Laws of Convention, like all wise laws, are instituted to promote " the greatest good of the greatest number.') They constitute a Code of Polite- ness and Propriety J adapted to the promotion of social convenience, varying somewhat with local cir- cumstances, it may be, but everywhere substantially the same. It is common to talk of the eccentricities of genius, as though they are essential concomitants of genius itself. I^othing can be more unfounded and pernicious than this impression. The eccentrici- ties that sometimes characterize tlie intellectually gifted, are but so many humiliating proofs of the imperfection of human nature, even wlien exhibiting its highest attributes. Hence the afiectation of such TO POLITENESS AND FASHION 27 peculiarities simply subjects one to ridicule, and, in many instances, to the contempt of sensible people. Some years since, when Byron was the " bright, particular star " worshipped by young Sophs, it was quite a habit among our juvenile collegians to drink gin, wear their collars a la mode de Byron^ cultivate misanthropy upon system, and manifest the most concentrated horror of seeing women eat ! In too many instances, the sublimity of genius was mea- gerly illustrated by these aspirants for notoriety. In place of catching an inspiration, they only caught cold; their gloomy indifference to the hopes, the enjoyments, and pursuits of ordinary life, distressed no one, save, perhaps, their ci-devant nurses, or the " most tender of mothers ;" their " killing " peculia- rities of costume were scarcely daguerreotyped even upon the impressible hearts of the school-girls whose smiling observance they might chance passingly to arrest ; women of sense and education pertinaciously adhered to a liking for roast beef, with variations, and manifested an equally decided partiality for the society and attention of men who were not indebted for the activity of their intellects to the agency of the juniper berry ! Falling into such absurdities as these, a man cannot hope to escape the obnoxious imputation of being i^ery young ! But while care is taken to avoid the display of undue attention to the adornment of the outer man, everything approaching to indifference or neglect, in that regard, shmild be considered equally reprehen- sible. jN'o one entertains a more profound respecA 98 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 8 GUIDE for the prodigious learning of Dr. Johnson, from knowing that he often refused to dine out rather than change his linen ; nor are we more impressed by the gallant tribute to kindred genius that induced his attending Mrs. Siddons to her carriage, when she visited him in the third-floor rooms he continued to occupy even in his old age, because his trunk-hose were dangling about his heels, as he descended the stairs with his fair guest. One does not envy Por- 6on, the greatest of modern Greek scholars, his habi- tually dirty and shabby dress, because it is forever associated with his learned celebrity ! !N"either is Greeley a better, or more influential editor, that he is believed to be invisible to mortal eyes except when encased in a long drab-colored overcoat. He, however, seems to have adopted an axiom laid down in a now ahnost-forgotten novel much admired in my youth — " Thaddeus of Warsaw," I think — " Acquire the character of an oddity, and you seat yourself in an easy-chair for life." The supposition of mono- mania most charitably explains the indulgence in habits so disgusting as those well-known to have cha- racterized the distinguished savant , who died recently at Paris. Had he slept in a clean bed, and observed the decencies of life, generally, the race would have been equally benefited by his additions to scientific lore, and his country the more honored that he left a name in no degree in had odor with the world ! But to return: — !N*o better uninspired model foi young Americans exists than that aflforded, in the TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 20 most minute details, of the life and character of Washington ; and even upon a point comparatively so insignificant as that we are at present discussing, he has left us his recorded opinion : " Always," he writes to his nephew, " have your clothes made of the best materials, by the most accomplished persons in their business, whose services you can command, and in the prevailing fashion." With such illustrious authority for the advice, then, I unhesitatingly counsel you to dress in the fashion. To descend to particulars designed to include all the minutiae of a gentleman's wardrobe, were as futile as useless ; but a few hints upon this point, may, nevertheless, not be wholly out of place in epistles so frank, practical and familiar as these are intended to be. The universal partiality of our countrymen for hlack^ as the color of dress clothes, at least, is fre- quently remarked upon by foreigners. Among the best dressed men on the continent, as well as in Eng- land, black, though not confined to the clergy, is in much less general use than here. They adopt the darker shades of blue, brown and green, and for un- dress almost as great diversity of colors as of fabrics. An English gentleman, for instance, is never seen in the morning (which means abroad all that portion of the twenty-four hours devoted to business, out-door amusements and pursuits, &c. ; — it is always 7/i.orning until the late dinner hour has passed) in the half-worn coat of fine black cloth, that so inevitably gives a man a sort of shabby-genteel look; but in some 30 strong-looking, rough, knock-about "fixin," fre- quently of nondescript form and fashion, but admir- ably adapted both in shape and material for use — for work. Of this, by the way, every man, worthy of the name, has a daily portion to perform, in some shape or other — from the Duke of Devonshire, with a fortune that would purchase half-a-dozen consort-king- growing German principalities, and leave a princely inheritance for his successors, to the youngest son of a youngest son, who, though proud of the " gentle blood" in his veins, earns, as an em/ploye in the service of the government, — in some one of its ten thousand forms of patronage and power — the limited salary that barely suffices, when eked out by the most in- genious economy, to supply the hereditary necessities of a gentleman. But this is a digression. As I was saying in the morning, during work -hours, whatever be a man's employment, and wherever, his outside garb should be suited to ease and convenience, its only distinctive marks being the most scrupulous cleanliness, and the invariable accompaniment of fresh linen. Coming to the discussion of matters appertaining to a toilette elaborate enough for occasions of cere- mony, I think of no better general rule than that laid down by Dr. Johnson (in his character of a shrewd observer of men and manners, rather than as himself affording an illustration of the axiom, perhaps) — " the hest dressed 'persons are those in whose attire nothing in jparticvl^xr attracts attention^'' There is an indescribable air of refinement, 2k je ne TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 31 mis quo% as the Frencli have it, at an equal remove from the over-washed look of your thorough Eng- lishman (their close-cropped hair always reminds me of the incipient stage of preparation for assuming a strait-jacket!) and the walking tailor's advertisement tliaj: perambulates Fifth Avenue, Chestnut-street, the Boston Mall, and other fashionable promenades in our cis-Atlantic cities, in attendance upon the loco- motive milliner's show-cases, yclept "belles" — God save the mark ! The essentials of a gentleman's dress, for occasions of ceremony are — a stylish, well-fitting cloth coat, of some dark color, and of unexceptionable quality ; nether garments to correspond, or in warm weather, or under other suitable circumstances, white pants of a fashionable material and make; the finest and purest linen, embroidered in white, if at all ; a cra- vat and vest, of some dark or neutral tint, according to the physiognomical peculiarities of the wearer, and the 'prevailing mode; a fresh-looking, fashiona- ble black hat and carefully-fitted, modish boots, light- colored gloves, and a soft, thin, white handkerchief. Perhaps, the most arbitrary of earthly divinities per- mits her subjects more license in regard to the arrange- ment of the hair and beard, than with respect to any other matter of the outer man. A real artist, and such every man should be, who meddles with the " human face divine" or its adjuncts, will discern at a glance the capabilities of each head submitted to his mani* pulation. Defects will thus be lessened, or wholl/ concealed, and good points brought out. 32 THE AMERICAN GENTLKMAN*S GUIDE If you wear your beard, wear it in moderation- extremes are always vulgar ! Avoid all fantastic arrangements of the hair — turning it under in a huge roll, smooth as the cylinder of a steam-engine, and as little suggestive of good taste and comfort as would be the coil of a boa constrictor similarly located, parting it in Miss iJ^ancy style, and twisting it into love [soap ?] locks with a curling-tongs, or allowing it to straggle in long and often, seemingly, " un- combed and unkempt " masses over the coat-collar. This last outrage of good-taste is so gross a violation of what is technically called " keeping," as to excite in me extreme disgust. Ill, indeed, does it accord with the trim, compact, easily-portable costume of our day, and a miserable imitation, it is of the flow- ing hair that, in days of yore, fell naturally and gracefully upon the broad lace collar turned down over the velvet or satin short-cloak of the cavaliers and appropriately adorning shoulders upon which, with equal fitness, drooped a long, waving plume, from the wide-brimmed, steeple-crowned, pictur- esque hat that completed the costume. While on this subject of collars, etc., let us stop to discuss for a moment the nice matter of their size and shape. Just now, like the " life " of a " poor old man," they have "dwindled to the shortest span," under the pruning shears of the operatives of the mode. Whether this is the result of a necessity growing with the lengthening beards that threaten wholly to ignore their existence, you must determine for your- selves, but I must enter my protest against th^ total TO POLITENESS AND FASKION. 83 extinction of this relieving line of white, ?o long, at least, as the broad wristband, now so appropriately accompanying the wide coat-sleeve, shall remain in vogue. The mention of this last tasteful appendage natu- rally brings to mind the highly ornate style of sleeve- buttons now so generally adopted. Eschew, I pray you, all flash stones for these or any other personal ornament. Nothing is more unexceptionable for sleeve-buttons and the fastenings of the front of a shirt, than fine gold^ fashioned in some simple form, sufficiently massive to indicate use and durability, and skillfully and handsomely wrought, if ornamented at all. Few young men can consistently wear diamonds, and they are, if not positively exception- able, in no degree requisite to the completion of the most elaborate toilette. But those who do sport them, should confine themselves to genuine stones of unmistakable water, and never let their number induce in the minds of beholders the recollection that a travelling Jew — whether from hereditary dis- trust of the stability of circumstances, or from some other consideration of personal convenience, usually carries his entire fortune about his person ! Better the simplest fastenings of mother-of-pearl than such staring vulgarity of display. And so of a watch and its appendages. A gentleman carries a watch for convenience, and secures it safely upon his per- son, wearing with it no useless ornament, paraded to the eye. It is, like his pencil and purse, good of ita 2* 34 kind, and if he can afford it, handsome, but it is never flashy ! The fashion of sporting signet-rings is not so gene- ral, perhaps, as it was a little while since, but it still retains a place among the minutiae of our present theme. Here, again, the same general rules of good taste apply as to other ornaments. When worn at all, everything of this sort should be most unexcep- tionably and unmistakably tasteful and genuine. Any deviation from good ton^ in this regard, will as inevitably give a man the air of a loafer as an ill-fit- ting boot will, or the slightest declension from the perpendicular in his hat ! In connection with my earnest advice in regard to all flash ornaments, to whatever purpose applied, I must not omit to record my protest against staring patterns in pants, cravats, vests, etc. Carefully avoid all the large, many-colored plaids and stripes, of which (as Punch has demonstrated) it takes more than one ordinary-sized man to show the pattern ; and all glaring colors as well. I have no partiality, as I believe I have intimated, for the eternal dead black which, abroad at least, belongs, by usage, pri- marily to the clergy ; but this is a better extreme than that which has for its original type the sign- board getting-up of a horse-jockey. A fashion has of late years obtained extensively, which has always, within my remembrance, had its admirers — that of a white suit throughout^ for very warm weather. This has the great merit of comtort, and some occupations permit its adoption without TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 35 iuconvenience. But even the use of thin summer cravats (which should always be of some imconspi- cuous color) wonderfully mitigates the sufferings incident to the dog-days, and these are admissible for dress occasions, when corresponding with the general effect of the vest and nether investments. To recur once more to the important item of body linen ; — never wear a colored"^ shirt — have no such article in your wardrobe. Figures and stripes do not conceal impurity, nor should this be a desidera- tum with any decent man. The now almost obsolete German author, Kotzebue — ;W^hose plays were very much admired when I was young, and whom your modern students of German should read in the origi- nal — I remember, makes one of his female charac- ters, a sensible, observing woman, say that she detected a gentleman in the disguise of a menial by observing \S.\Qi fineness of his linen! If your occu- pation be such as to require strong, rough-and-tum- ble garments, wear them, unhesitatingly, when you are at work, but have them good of their kind, and keep them clean. While your dress handkerchief should not look, either for size or quality, as if you had, for the nonce, perverted the proper use of bed- linen — in the woods, for pioneer travelling, rough riding, etc., a bandanna is more sensible, as is a cut- away coat, or something of that sort, wdth ample pockets, loose, strong, and warm, and a " soft " broad-brimmed, durable hat, or cap, as the case may be — ^not an. old, fine black cloth dress-coat, sur * It will be understood, of course, that the necessities and the regula- tions of military life are here excepted. 36 mounted bv a narrow-rimmed " sesrment of a stove- pipe," with a satin cravat, thongli it be half-worn ! In short, my dear boys, study fitness and propriety in all things. This is the legitimate result of a ^vel\ regulated mind, tlie characteristic of a true Gentle- man — which every American should aim to be — not a thing made up of dress, perfumery, and " boos," as Sir Archy McSycophant styled them ; but a right- minded, self-respecting man, with Excelsior for his motto, and our broad, free, glorious land " all before him, where to choose " the theatre of a useful, hono- rable life. Matters like those I have dwelt on in this letter, are trifles, comparatively ; but trifles, in the aggregate, make life, and, thus viewed, are not unworthy the subordiriate attention of a man of sense. Tliey are collateral, 1 admit, but they go to make up the perfect whole — to assist in the attainment of the true standard which every young man should keep steadily in view. And, insignificant as the eflfect of attention to such matters may appear to you, depend upon it, that habits of propriety and refinement in regard to such personal details, have more than a negative influence upon character in general. The man who preserves inviolable his self-respect, in regard to all personal habits and surroundings, is, ceteris jparibics, far less likely to acquire a relish for low company and profligate indulgences, and to cul- tivate correspondent mental and moral attributes. It occurs to me that, going into detail, as I have, your attention should, in the proper connection, have been called to a little matter of dress etiquette, TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 3T of which you moderns are strangely neglectful, as it appears to an old stickler for proj^riety like me. To have offered an imgloved hand to a lady, in the dance, would, in days when I courted the graces, have been esteemed a peccadillo, and over-punctilious as you may think me, it seems very unhandsome to me. A dress costume is no more complete without gloves than without boots, and to touch the pure glove of a lady with uncovered fingers is — imperti- nent ! Here, again, let me condemn all fancy display. A fresh white, or, wdiat amounts at night to the same thing, pale yellow glove, is the only admissible thing for balls, other large evening parties, ceremonious dinners, and wedding receptions ; but for making ordinary morning visits, or for the street, some dark, unnoticeable color is in quite as good taste and ton. Bright-colored gloves bring the hands into too much conspicuousness for good effect, and, to my mind, give the whole man a plebeian air. I remember once being, for a long time, unable to divine what a finely- dressed young fellow, in whom I thought I recog- nised the son of an old college chum, could be carry- ing in each hand-, as he w^alked towards me across the Albany Park; of similar size and color, he seemed, John Gilpin like, to have " hung a bottle on each side To keep the balance sure !" "When I could, in sailor phrase, " make him out," behold a pair of great fat hands, incased in tight* 38 fitting gloves, closely resembling in hue the bright* est orange-colored wrapping-paper ! You will expect me not entirely to overlook the important topic of over-garments. As in all similar matters, it is the best taste not to deviate so much from the prevailing modes as to make one's self remarkable. Fortunately, however, for the infinite diversity presented by the human form, a sufiicient variety in this respect is offered by fashion to gratify the greatest fastidiousness. And no point of dress, perhaps, more imperatively demands discrimination, with regard to its selection. Thus, a tall, slender figure, with narrow shoulders and ill-developed arms, is displayed to little advan- tage in the close-fitting, long-skirted overcoat that would give desirable compactness to the rotund person of our short, portly friend, Alderman D., while the defects of the same form would be almost wholly concealed by one of the graceful and conve- nient Talmas that so successfully combine beauty and comfort, and affbrd, to an artistically-cultivated eye, the nearest approach to an abstract standard of taste, presented by masculine attire, since the flow- ing short cloak of the so-called Spanish costume was in vogue. Here, again, one is reminded of the propriety of regarding fitness in the selection of garments espe- cially designed to promote comfort. Nothing can well be more ungainly than the appearance of a man in one of the large woollen shawls that have of late obtained such general favor, at least as they are TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 39 frequently worn, slouching loosely from the shoul- ders, and almost necessarily accompanied by a stoop, the more readily to retain them in place. They are well adapted to night travel, to exposed riding and driving (when properly secured about the chest), and are useful as wrappers w^hen a man is dressed for the opera or a ball. But that any sensible person should encumber himself with such an appendage in walking — for daily street wear — is matter for sui*- prise. They have by no means the merit for this ■ purpose of the South American jponclio^ which is simply a large square shawl of thick woollen cloth, with an opening in the centre for passing it over the head, thus securing it in place, and giving the wearer the free use of his arms and hands, a desider- atum quite overlooked in the usual arrangement, or rather 7i inimit- able a conipagnon de voyage., and me of" — "so devout an admirer !" I chimed in : " and me of so devout an admirer," proceeded the lady, with a quick spirit-flash in her deep violet eyes, " and when we were just becoming so well acquainted, too ! It was too provoking ! Do you remember the amusement we had from recalling the various characteristic excla- mations of the different members of our party, when, the Italian plains burst upon our view, out-spread before us in the morning sunlight, after that horrid night in the shepherd's hut ?" " If I recollect, it was your avowed slave, * gentle- man John ' as you called him, who shouted, * O, ye Gods and little fishes ! — nothing bad about that, by thunder V That fellow carried the ladies, as he did everything else, by storm " — " No, no. Colonel, not all the ladies ; but I was going to tell you about this * mysterious stranger,' or ' ro- mantic stranger' — what sobriquet did you give him ? Suppose we go nearer the door, it is so warm here," and she twined an arm that threw Powers into a rap- ture,* confidingly around the support proffered her by an old soldier, and we gradually escaped from the crowd (any one of the men would willingly have stil- lettoed me, I dare say !) into a cool corner of the hall. " I am sorry you thought me rude, colonel," she began, a tint, soft as the shadow of a crimson rose flitting over her expressive face. I entered a protest. * Reraiud me to tell you about that some other tim». CO *'l dare say my maiiner was peculiar," resumed my fair companion, "but I fear ' no rule of courtly grace to measured mood' will ever ' train' m.j face ; and — the truth is. Colonel, that, though I love and honor my own countrymen beyond the men of all other lands, I do wish they would imitate well-bred foreigners in some respects. I hate coxcombs ! I be- lieve every woman does at heart. I^ow, here is this person. Colonel C , I think, if I heard the name ?" " Wherefore 6'c>Zc>n^Z, and of what ?" thought I, but I only answered — " Really, I am not able to say." " Well, at any rate, I identified the man, beyond a perad venture, as the same individual who sufficed for my entertainment during a little journey from home to G , the other day. As papa, in his stately way, you know, committed me to the care of the conductor, saying that * Miss 's friends would receive her at Gr ,' I observed (luckily, my fastidious father did not) the broad stare with which a gi*eat bearded creature, at a little distance from us, turned round in his seat and surveyed us. When I withdrew from the window, from which I had looked to receive — to say good-bye, again, to papa " — I would have given — ^I think I would have given — ^my Lundy-Lane sword, to have occasioned the momentary quiver in that musical voice, and the love-light in that half-averted eye I After a scarce perceptible pause, the lovely narrator proceeded : " There was that huge moon-struck face — [" surv" tivuck^ perhaps ?" I queried, receiving a slight fan- pass for my pains]— such a contrast to papa's! star TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 61; ing straight at me, still. I busied myself with a book, behind my veil, and presently knew, without look- ing, that the gentleman had gradually returned to his former position. Now came my turn to scrutinize, though the ' game was scarcely worth the powder.' " " Spoken like the true daughter of a gentleman- sportsman !" I exclaimed, and this time was rewarded with an irradiating smile. " Well, such a rolling about of that alderman-like figure, such a buttoning and unbuttoning ! But this was all nothing to his steam-engine industry in the use of the ' weed.' I turned sick as I observed part of the shawl of a lady sitting before the creature hanging over near him. After a while, he sallied forth, at one of the stopping-places, and soon returned with — (expressive hue !) — an immense green ajpjple ! It seemed for a time likely to prove the apple of dis- cord, judging from the hungry glances cast at it by a long, lank, thinly-clad old man across the car. But now came the ' tug of war.' It scarce required my woman's wit to divine the motive that had prompted the tasteful selection of the alderman's lunch. A glove was pompously drawn off, and — • behold ! a great ^a^e of a ring on the smallest, I can- not truthfully say Z^'^^Z^-finger, set with a huge red cornelian, that looked for all the world like a cran- berry-jam in a setting of puff-paste ! As the big apple slowly diminished under the greedy eyes of the venerable spectator of this rich Tantalus-feast, my heart melted with pity." A well-affected look of surprise on the part of her 62 auditor, here claimed the attention of the fair speaker. " Don't alarm yourself, Colonel ! ' Pity 'tis, 'tis true,' my compassion was excited only towards the poor finger that, stout as it looked, must soon be worn to the bone, if often compelled to do duty at the speed with which it was worked that day. Ima- gine the poor thing stuck straight out with that heavy stone pate upon it, while the proprietor plied his hand from his mouth to the car- window hehind him, with the industrious regularity of a steam ferry-boat, professedly laden with little bits of apple-skin, but really intended — oh, most flattering tribute to my discriminating powers! — to cajptivate my fancy ^ through, my eye P When my amusement had somewhat subsided, I said to my fair friend : " I suppose the doughty alderman finished his repast, like Jack the Giant-killer, by eating up the famishing old man who had the insolence to watch him while breakfasting ?" " I am happy to be able to say," replied she, " that the long, lean, lanky representative of our fallen race, not only escaped being thoroughly masticated and thrown by little handfuls out of the car-window, but when Jack the Giant-killer, and almost every one else had gone out of the car, was presented by a lady with two nice large sandwiches that she hap- pened not to need." "And that benevolent lady was" A movement among the dancers here crowded TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 63 several acquaintances into such close contact with us that we could not avoid overhearing their conversation. " Do you know that large man, wearing so much beard, Mr. Jerome ?" " Know him ? certainly I do, Miss Blakeman. That's C , Col. C , the rich New York grocer. He is one of the city aldermen — they talk of him for the legislature — quite a character, I assure you." "He evidently thinks so himself," rejoined one of the group ; "just notice him in that polka ! I heard him telling a lady, a moment ago, that he had not missed a single set, and wouldn't for anything." "They say," pursued a lady, " that he is paying his addresses to that prelty little Miss S , who was so much admired here, last winter ; she is an orphan, I think, and quite an heiress." A perceptible shiver ran through the clinging arm that still graced my own, and as I moved away with my sweet charge, she murmured, in the musical tongue of the Beautiful Land, as she ever calls Italy, " the gentle dove for the vulture's mate !" Will that do for this time, boys? Or do you require that, in imitation of the little Grecian Hunch- back, a moral shall be appended to each of his nar- ratives, by your Uncle Hal. P. S. — ^In accordance with my promise, there follow the admirable directions and remarks of the 64 THE AMERICAK GENTLEMAn's GUIDE elegant and obliging friend referred to in my pre- vious letter. He will, I trust, permit me thus to tender him, renewedly, my very grateful acknow- ledgment of his flattering politeness, and to express my sense of the important addition made by his kindness to my unpretending epistles. " My dear Col. Lunettes : *' I regard myself as highly compli- mented that so distinguished a representative of the ancien regime^ as yourself, one so entirely comme il faut, as all admit, in matters of taste, should esteem my opinion, even in regard to minor points of eti- quette, as worth his attention. " I need scarcely add, dear sir, an assurance of my conviction, of the honor you do me by affording me a place in your remembrance, and that I make no doubt your profound knowledge of the world, united witli your unusual opportunities for extensive obser- vation — long un hahitui de helle societe, in various countries, as you have been — will afford a rich treat, as well as much instruction, to those who may be favored with the perusal of your proposed Letters, That he may have the honor to be thus fortunate, la the hope of, dear sir, " Your very respectful " And obedient servant, " Belqravia, Tuesday Morn.y " May 6th, '66." TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 65 Gentlemen's Dress. — ^The subject now to be treated of, may be divided into several classes : — morning^ jpromenade or visiting^ and evening or hall dress ; wliicb again may be subdivided into others, such as riding-dress^ dress suitable for bachelors'' dinner-parties^ or ojpera (when unaccom- panied by ladies). Besides these again, we have dresses suitable for fishing, shooting, and yachting purposes, which, however, scarcely call for, or admit of, the display of much taste, inasmuch as the occu- pations for which such costumes are designed par- take rather of the nature of healthy exercise than of that quiet and gentlemanly repose necessary to give full effect to the graces of the more elaborate " toilette.''^ Military, iJ^aval, and Court dresses may also be considered out of the scope of the remarks in this letter, because their being made scrupulously in accordance with rigid Regulation Rules, leaves no room for taste, but substitutes the dicta of official routine. To commence our exemplifications with a Wedding- Suit, which, from the wearer's approximate connec- tion with the ladies deserves the "^<25 " — it may be remarked that the time of day in which the cere- mony is solemnized should determine the character of the costume, that is to say, whether it should be morning or evening. In either case, however, gene- ral usage allows (not to say demands), a more 66 marked style than is generally worn in morning or evening usnal wear. Should the wedding take place in the evening^ a very elegant costume is, a dark claret dress- coat, white ribbed-silk, or moire antique^ waistcoat, white silk neckcloth, black trowsers, silk stockings, and shoes. The lining of the sleeves, also, of white silk, coming to the extreme edge of the cuff, imparts a singlarly light and elegant appearance to the hand and glove. An equally elegant Morning Wedding-Dress might consist of a rich, deep-brown frock-coat ; waistcoat of black cashmere, with a small violet-colored palm-leaf figure ; neck-tie of silk, combining colors of black and cherry, or brown and deep blue ; trowsers of delicate drab, or stone-color; gloves primrose, or slate-colored kid. The usual Evening-Dress is so imperiously insisted on, that it might be almost classed in the category of uniforms^ being almost invariably composed of hlack coat, vest, and trowsers. Two items, however, in this costume, admit of disquisition amongst " men who dress," viz., the vest and the tie — both of which may be either white or black, without any infraction of the laws of hienseance. This, therefore, must be settled by the taste of the wearer, who should remember that black, having the effect of appa- rently diminishing a man's size, and white that of increasing it, it would, therefore, be judicious for a person of unusual size to tone down his extra bulk by favoring black in both these garments, while he who is below the average standard could, if not TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 67 actual! J increase his height or size, at least create the impression of more generous proportions. I, however, must confess a decided partiality for a white neck-tie, at least; because, although subject to the disadvantage of being de rigueur amongst waiters and other members of the Yellow Plush Family, it is, nevertheless, always considered unex- ceptionable, at any season, or hour, in any rank, profession, or capacity. A Morning Oall should be made in a frocJc-eoat, or at least one in which this style predominates. It must, however, be constantly borne in mind that it is quite impossible to furnish even general rules on any one of these points that shall prove immutable, since not only each successive year, but every vary- ing season produces decided changes in the standard established by Taste and Fashion. Bachelors^ Dinner-j^arties are pleasant, social re- unions, at which gentlemen enjoy themselves with more abandon than would, perhaps, be considered consistent with the quiet and more retired respect due to the presence of the " heau sexe'^^ and, as a natural consequence, admit of a more neglige style of costume. Still, however, a certain regard must be had to the requirements of good society ; and as many of these parties, when they break up, adjourn to the opera, or theatre, where they are pretty sure to meet ladies of their acquaintance, a costume half-way between morning and evening is, by tacit agreement, pre- scribed; for instance: — a coat of some dark color 68 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE (generally termed " medley-colored "), cut rounded over the hips ; black cap ; inner vest, buttoning rather high in the breast ; dark-grey trowsers, and black silk neckerchief, or ribbed silk scarf. Instead of giving sketches of particular costumes, it would, perhaps, be better and tend more to develop the importance of dress, if a few remarks were made on the general rules which should guide one in selections for his own wear. The four staple colors for men's wear, are Mack^ hlue, hrown, and olive. Other colors, such as drab, grey, mixed, etc., being so far as the principal gar- ments go, what are termed " fancy colors," should be very cautiously used. As was remarked above, UacTc has the effect of diminishing size, but it has another more important effect, which is to test, in the severest way, the wear- er's claims to a distinguished appearance. It is a very high compliment to any man to tell him that black becomes him, and it is probably owing to this pro- perty that black is chosen, par excellence, for evening or lall dress. Men, therefore, of average or ordinary pretensions to stylish contour, should bear this in mind, and, when such color is not indispensable, should be careful how far they depend on their own intrinsic dignity. Blue, of almost any shade, becomes a light com- plexion, besides being an admirable set-off to black velvet, which can, in almost all cases, be judi- ciously used in the collar, in which case, a lighten TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 69 shade of hlue (also becoming such a complexion) can be worn without IcilUng (as it is technically termed), the darker shade of the coat — the velvet harmonizing both. Brown being what is termed a warm color, is eminently adapted for fall and winter wear — olive and darh green^ for summer. When Beau Brummel was asked what constituted a well-dressed man, he replied, *' Good linen— jolenty of it, and country washing.''^ This, perhaps, is rather too primitive. The almost equally short opinion of the French critic is decidedly more comprehensive — ** un homme Men coiffe, et Men chaussi, peut se pr6- senter jpartoutP Under any circumstances, however, it may be laid down as immutable, that the extremi- ties are most important parts, wlien considered as objects for dress, and that a well ajpjpointed hat, faultlessly' fitting glomes, and immaculate hoots, are three essentials to a well-dressed man, without -which the otherwise best constituted dress will appear unfinished. Besides the necessity for the greatest care required in the selection of colors, with regard to their har- monizing with each other, and their general adap- tation to the complexion or contour of the wearer, there is another matter of the first importance, and this is, the cut. Of course, everything should be sacrificed to perfect ease, as any garment which pinches, or incommodes the wearer, will strongly militate against the easy deportment of even 70 the most graceful, and tend to give a contracted and constrained appearance. Every garment^ fkerefore^ should leave the wearer jperfectly free and uncon- trolled in every motion / and, having set out with this proviso, the artiste may proceed to invest his work with all the minute and seemingly immaterial graces and touches, which, although scarcely to be remarked, still impart an aJi/r or character^ which is unmistakable, and is expressed in the French word chique. Wadding^ or stujffmg, should be avoided as much as possible. A little may be judiciously used to round off the more salient points of an angular figure, but when it is used for the purpose of creat- ing an egregioufjly false impression of superior form, it is simply snobbish. Some one has called hypo- crisy " the homage which vice pays to virtue." Wadding is the homage which snobbishness jpays to symmetry ! A well-dressed man will never be the first to set a new fashion ; he will allow others to hazard the innovation, and decline the questionable honor of being the first to advertise a novelty. Two lines of Pope (I believe), admirably illustrate the middle course : — "-Be not the first hy whom the new w tried^ Nor yet the last hy whom Uis set aside.^' Besides which he will find it far easier to become a critic than an author / and as there is sure to bo TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 71 a vast number of men who " greatly daring " dress, he will merely*be at the trouble of discriminating which is worthy of selection or rejection ; he will thus verify the old saw, that " fools make feasts and wise men eat thereof," and avoid, by means of his own knowledge of the hecoming, the solecisms which are pretty certain to occur in a number of experi- ments. TrinouijO. 7S THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE LETTEK III. MANNER. My deab Nephews: In the order of sequence adopted at the commencement of our correspondence, the subject of manner comes next in succession. It was the shrewd aphorism of one of the most profound observers of human nature that " Manner is something to all^ and everything to someP As indicative of character,^which it undoubtedly is, to a certain extentjl it is well worthy the attention of all youthful aspirants to the honors of the world. And though, like every other attribute, it should bear indubitable marks of individuality, care and atten- tion, before habit has rendered change and improve- ment difficult, will enable every man to acquire that propriety and polish, in this respect, the advantages of which through life can scarcely be overrated. > It has been somewhat paradoxically said, that the fashionable manner of the present day is no manner at all I which means simply — that the manners of the best bred people are those that are least obtruded TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 78 upon the notice of others, — those most quiet^ natic- *»^^alj and imassuming. JU There is, however, a possibility of carrying this -^modish manner to such an extreme as to make it the very height of affectation. If Talleyrand's favorite axiom admits of some qualification, and language is not always used to " conceal our ideas," then should manner^ which is the natural adjunct that lends additional expressiveness to words, be in a degree modified by circumstances — be individualized. "rs Every approach to a rude, noisy, boisterous, man- ' ner, is reprehensible, for the obvious reason that it interferes with the comfort, and, consequently, with the rights of others ; but this is at a wide remove from the ultra-modishness that requires the total sup- pression of every manifestation of natural emotion, and apparently, aims to convert beings influenced by the motives, feelings, and principles that consti- tute humanity, into mere moving automata ! In this, as in too many similar matters, Americans are prone to excess. Because scenes are considered bad ton^ in good society abroad, and because the warm-hearted hospitality of olden time sometimes took shape a little more impressingly and noisily than kindness required, some of our fashionable imitators of European models move through the world like resuscitated ghosts, and violate every law of good feeling in an endeavor to sustain at horfie a character for modish nonchalance !j(, Now, take it as a rule through life, my young friends, that aU seVm ^ -I vile imitation degenerates into caricature, ^nd let X 4 74 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 8 GUIDE your adoption and illustration of every part of your system of life be modified by circumstances, and regulated by good sense and manly independence. I need scarcely tell you that true politeness is not so much a thing of forms and ceremonies, as of right feelings and nicety of perception. The Golden Eule habitually illustrated in word and action, would pro- duce the most unexceptionable good breeding — ^po- liteness so cosmopolitan that it would be a passport to " good society " everywhere. One of the most polished and celebrated of Ameri- can authors has given us as fine and laconic a defini- tion of politeness as I remember to have met with — " Self-respect, and a delicate regard for the rights and feelings of others." y^ The good breeding of a true gentleman is not an ' appendage put off and on at the dictate of caprice, or interest, it is essentially apart of himself — a con- stituent of his being, as much as his sense of honesty or honor, and its requirements are no more forgotten or violated than those of any other essential attribute of "^ manhood. You will all remember Sir Philip Sid- ney's immortal action in presenting the cup of water to the dying soldier. This w^is a spontaneous result of the habitual self-possession and self-restraint that form the basis of all true good breeding. It is one of the most perfect exhibitions on record of the moral siJblime / but it was, also, only a legitimate result of the instinctive politeness of a Christian gentleman ! ^ Manner, then, may be regarded as the expression of inhorent qualities, and though it must, necessarily, rO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 75 and should properly, to some extent, at least, vary with the variations of character, it may readily be rendered a more correct and effective exponent of existing characteristics of mind and heart, by judi- >^ cions and attentive training. v/ While true good breeding must, from its very na- ' ture bef as I have said/ in all persons and nnder every modification of circumstance substantially the same, the proper mode of exemplifying it, must, with equal propriety, be modified by the exercise of n[^ practical good sense and discriniination..|C Thus, the ' laws of convention, — which, as I have before re- marked, is but another name for the rules of polite- ness, established and adhered to by well-bred people, for mutual convenience — though in some respects as immutable as those of the Modes and Persians, will always be adapted, by persons of good sense, to the mutations of circumstance and the inviolable requi- sitions of that " higher law," whose vital principle is ^^Mndness Jcindly expressed P'^ Having now esta- blished general principles, let us turn to the conside- ration of practical details. •^ There is, perhaps, no better test of good manners afforded by the intercourse of ordinary life, than that of conduct towards superiors in age or station ,V ('' Young America " seems loth to admit that he has any superiors, but we will venture to assume these S^ premises). The general-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army of America is well known to have always ob- served tlie most punctilious respect towards his Tnother^ in his personal intercourse with her, as well 76 THE AMEKICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE as in every other relation of life. My word for it, he never spoke of her as the " old woman ;" nor could one of the youthful members of his military family have alluded, in his hearing, to a parent as the " governor," or the " old governor," without ex- citing the disapproving surprise of "Washington and his co-patriots. And yet our young republic has known no more high-bred and polished men than those of that day, — the stately and elegant Hancock, even when broken by time and disease, a graceful and punctilious observ^er of all the ceremonious courtesies of life ; the courtly Carroll, whose benign- ant urbanity was the very impersonation of a long line of old English gentlemen; and the imposing state- liness of the commander-in-chief, ever observant of the most minute details of propriety, whether in the familiar intercourse of daily life, or while conducting the most momentous affairs of his country. But to return from this unpremeditated digression. E'ever let youthful levity, or the example of others, betray you into forgetfulness of the claims of your parents 4^or elders, to a certain deference. Depend upon it, the preservation of a just self-respect demands this. Your historical studies will have furnished you with evidence of the respect habitually rendered to superiors by those nations of antiquity most cele- brated for advancement in civilization ; and you will not have failed, also, to remark that nothing more surely heralded the decay of ancient empires than degeneracy in this regard. 4^ Next to the reverence ever due to parents, may TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 7T- be ranked that which should be rendered to virtuous age, irrespective of station or other outward attri- •^butes.y I should deem this instinctive with all right- minded young persons, did I not so often, in the . street, at chm-ch, in social life, in public places generally, observe the manner in which elderly persons are, apparently, wholly overlooked. J Here, the universally-applicable law of kindness claims regard. Those of the pilgrims of earth, whose feet are descending the narrowing vale that leads to the dim obscure unpenetrated by mortal eyes, are easily pained by even the semblance of indifference or neglect. They are sensitively alive to every intimation that their places in the busy arena of active life are already better hlled by others ; that they are rather tolerated than essential. Those who are most worthy of regard are least S likety to be insensible to such influences. Remem- ber, then, that you should never run the race of life so "fast" as to encroach upon the established claims, of your predecessors in the course. Nor would the most prematurely sage yonng man be entirely unbe- nefited, it may be, by availing himself occasionally of the accumulated experience, erudition, and know- ledge of the world, possessed by many a quiet " old fogy," whose unassuming manners, modest self- respect, and pure integrity present a just model to " Young America," albeit, perchance, too old-fash- H^ioned to be deemed worthy of attention 1 ? While the general proposition — that manner is, to a considerable extent character in action^ is un- 78 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN's GUIDE doubtedly correct, we occasionally see the exact converse painfully exemplified. It sometimes occurs that the most amiable persons labor through life under the disadvantage of a diffident or awkward manner, which does great injustice to their intrinsic excellences. And this is but another evidence of the necessity of the earliest attention to this subject- Though no one should be discouraged in an endeavor to remedy the defects arising from neglect, in this respect (and, indeed, it may properly be con- sidered as afi'ording room for ceaseless advancement, like every other portion of the earthly education of immortal beings), few persons, perhaps, ever com- pletely overcome the difficulties arising from inat- tention to this important branch of education, while youthful pliancy renders the formation of habits comparatively easy. H- The early acquisition of habits of self-posses- sion and self control, will furnish the surest basis for the formation of correct manners. "With this should be united, as far as is practicable, constant association with well-educated and well-bred persons, there is no friction like this to produce external polish, nor can the most elaborate rules furnish an , effectual substitute for the ease that practice alone ••^ secures. Lose no opportunity, therefore, for studiously observing the best living models, not for the pur- pose of attempting an undiscriminating imitation of even the most perfect, but, as an original and gifted artist derives advantage from studying works of '¥■ TO POLITENESS AKD FASHION. 79 genius, hy the great masters of art, to avail your- self of til experience. self of tlie matured knowledge resulting from But now for an exemplary anecdote or two : — " Colonel Lunettes, do you know some gentleman going to U in this train ?" inquired my friend ex-Governor T , extending his hand to me in the car-house of one of our western cities. " I wish to place a very pretty young lady under the care of some suitable person for a short time, until she joins a party of friends." " Eeally, my dear sir, I regret that I have just arrived," returned I ; " you tempt me to turn about and go over the ground again." " Uncle T , there is II B just getting out of that car," cried a young lady, approaching us, with two or three fair companions, " perhaps he is going on." At this moment a young man, in a dress that might have been that of the roughest back-woods- man, approached the group. He wore a very broad-brimmed, coarse straw hat, capable of serving the double purpose of umbrella and chapeau, his hands were incased in strong gauntlet-gloves, and he carried a large engineer s field-book under one arm. Eemoving his hat, as he somewhat hesitatingly advanced, and passing his hand over a beard of several days' growth, glancing downward, at the 80 same time, upon lieavj-soled boots, thickly encrusted with dry mud — " Ladies," said he, " I am too dirty to come near you ; I have been surveying in the swamps in this neighborhood for several days past, camping out, and jumped upon the cars a few miles back, bound for my stationary quarters and — the llessings of civilization P^ And, with the color deepening in his sun-burnt face, he bowed to us all, with a grace that Count d'Orsay could scarcely have exceeded. The youth was very cordially welcomed by his friends ; little Kitty, who is privileged to say any- thing, declared she " never saw him look so hand- some ;" and, I confess, that even my flinty old heart was favorably moved towards the young engineer. I admired the good taste that dictated an explana- tion of the soiled condition of his clothes (his thick linen shirt, however, was clean) ; not an absurd apo- logy for not being well-dressed^ and I liked his use of the good, significant Saxon word that most truth- fully described his condition. After an exchange of civilities, turning respect- fully to the governor, he said : " Governor T , can I be of any service ? You seemed to be looking for some one." An explanation of the circumstances resulted in the resignation of his fair charge to the temporary care of this same toil-worn, " dirty " young engi- neer, by my friend, who is himself one of the most fastidious and world-polished of men ! A few days after this trifling adventure, I went, by TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 81 invitation, to pass a day with my friend the ex-govern- or, at his beautiful residence a little out of the city. Standing near one of the drawing-room windows, just before dinner, I observed a gentleman alighting from a carriage, at the entrance of the mansion. I was struck with his elegant air, as he kissed his hand to some one who was, like myself, an observer on the occasion. " There is H — B !" exclaimed the joyous voice of pretty Kitty, the niece of my host, and a little scrutiny, while he was paying his compliments to the several members of the family, enabled me to recognize in this graceful stranger the rough-looking youth I had previously seen at the depot. But what a metamorphosis ! He now wore an entirely modish dinner-dress, exquisitely tasteful in all its appoint- ments ; his coat of the most faultless lit, and boots that displayed a very small and handsome foot to admirable advantage. I afterwards noticed, too, that " camping out " in the '' swamps " had not, appa- rently, impaired the smoothness of the slender fingers and carefully-cut nails that came under my observa- tion while listening, in the course of the evening, te the rich voice and guitar accompaniment of Mr. B . "Did Mr. B come out in a carriage ?" inquired one of the ladies of the family, in a low tone, of my host, near whom I was standing, when arrangements were to be made for the return of the guests to town. " Certainly he did," answered the governor, " Mr. B is too much of a sybarite to heat himself by walking out here to dinner, on such a day as this." 4* 8i "And too economical, I have no doubt, judging from liis good sense in other respects," I added, " to spoil a pair of costly dress boots in such service." " Mrs. M , one moment, if you please," said a voice behind us, and Mrs. M (who is the acting mistress of the mansion) took the arm politely prof- fered her, and stepped out upon the portico. Pre- sently she returned — " Uncle T ," whispered she (" excuse me. Col. Lunettes), John need not get up our carriage ; Mr. B has been so polite as to insist upon our sending the girls home in his, sayiflg that he really prefers to sit outside, and that the carriage in which he drove out is to be here in a few minutes." " He happened to know that John has to be up with the lark, about another matter," remarked the host, " and " — — " How kind !" returned the lady ; " but Mr. B does everything so agreeably that one does not know which to admire most — the charm of his ma/riner^ "The good hr ceding^ from which it springs !" ex- claimed the governor, finishing the eulogy. Attending a lady from the dinner-table at the St, Nicholas, in New York, she begged me to wait with her for a few minutes, near the passage conducting to the drawing-rooms, saying, playfully, that she wished to way-lay a gentleman. "I have been all the morning," she then explained, " trying to meet a TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 8S Kussian friend of ours, wlio is certainly staying here, though we cannot succeed in seeing him. My hus- band charged me, before we parted this morning, as he was obliged to go out of town for the day, with a message for our friend, which he said must be deli- vered by me in person. Ah, there he is now !" and she advanced a step towards an elderly gentleman accompanying a lady. I released her arm from mine, of course, and retired a little ; the other lady also simultaneously withdrawing. I bowed respectfully to her. " Have you ever chanced to remark this picture ?" inquired the fair stranger of me, as we stood thus near each other, turning towards the painting of the patron saint of the Knickerbockers, which graced the main staircase of the hotel ; " it is very appropriately selected." Nothing could be more unmistakably refined and high-bred than the bearing of the interlocutor, while we chatted a moment or two longer. " I beg your pardon, madam, for depriving you of your cavalier ; nothing but necessity could excuse it" — began the lady, who had been talking earnestly in the meanwhile with the Russian, approaching us. She was at once relieved from making further expla- nation. " Pray don't name it — and allow me to renew my slight acquaintance with you," offering her hand. "With pleasure," returned my fair friend, in- stantly ; but she looked a little puzzled, despite her courtesy. 84 " I see you do not recollect the weary traveller who was so much obliged to your politeness in the hotel in Washington, the other night. The only stranger- lady (turning to her attendant) I have met in this country, who has rendered me the slightest civility." All this was, of course, quite unintelligible to me, but later in the evening I had the honor of being introduced to these strangers, and, incidentally, received a solution of the mystery. While a pleasant party with which I had the good fortune to be associated, was cozily gathered in one of the quiet little drawing-rooms of the St. Nicholas, the conversation turned upon the difference of manners in different nations. Let me premise a brief explanation, that you may the better under- stand what follows. The Kussian gentleman, whom I had seen in the passage, is Dr. de H , a distin- guished savani, travelling in the service of his impe- rial master, and the lady whom he was attending from dinner a Frenchwoman of high birth and breeding. My fair charge is the wife of an officer of our army, who nearly lost his life in the late Mex- ican war, returning home covered alike with woundg and honors, and with still I don't know how many bullets in his body, as life-long tokens of his bravery. His heroic young wife, when she learned that he had landed at New Orleans, as soon after the conclusion of peace as his condition enabled him to be conveyed to the sea-board and make the voyage, set out to join him at the South, with an infant of only a few weeks old, and herself in enfeebled health. — They had been TO POLITENESS AND FASHION 85 married but a short time, when Col. Y was ordered to the seat of war, and the lady was a belle and a beauty, of scarce nineteen — the cherished idol of wealth and affection. These persons, and one or two others were, with myself, seated, as I have said, cozily together for a little talk, after dinner. Taking advantage of the temporary absence of Mrs. Y , the Frenchwoman, turning to Dr. de H , said : " What a charming person ! I must tell you about my first meeting with her. You know we are just returned from a little tour at the south of this country. AYell, at Washington, the other evening we have arrived, my husband and I, with my little daughter, Lorrette, very tired and covered with dust, at the hotel. A friend had enga- ged apartments for us, two or three days before, but we were not conducted to them. They led us into a sort of corridor, where gentlemen and ladies were walking, in dinner dress, and left us to stand against the wall for some time. At last Yictor told mo to be patient, and he would go and see. I have thought I sliould fall down with fatigue and vexation, and poor little Lorrette leaned against me and was almost quite asleep. At this moment, a lady and gentle- man who were sitting in a little alcove, which wag in the corridor, observed us, as I saw, though I tried to turn myself from all. They came immediately to us. The gentleman brought a light chair in his hand. 'Madam,' said the gentleman, 'allow me to offer you a seat ; I am surprised that Mr. Willard has no reception-room for travellers.' Before I could 8(> THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE thank them, properly, the lady said, seeing how Lor- rette had begun to cry, ' Do come and sit over there in the little recess ; there is a larger chair in which the little girl can lie down until you can get your rooms. Pray come ' — and all this with such a sweet manner. Seeing that the gentleman was already looking for another chair to bring to us, I went away with the lady ; saying, however, that I was so sad to come with her in this dress, and to trouble her When we were in the little alcove, almost by our- selves, she placed Lorrette on a little couch, and forced me to sit on the only good chair, saying that she preferred to stand a little, and so many other polite, kind words ! Then, while the gentleman talked a little with me, she began to tell Lorrette that her papa would soon take her to a nice sup- per, and made her look, when she was no longer BO tired, at some nice drawings of colored birds that her friend was showing her when they came to carry us to them." You must picture to yourselves the animated gestures, the expressive tones, and the slight Gallic accent that gave double significance to this little sketch, to form a correct idea of the pleasing effect produced upon us all by the narration. Observing Mi's. Y re-entering the room, the charming French- woman only added, enthusiastically: "Eeally these were persons so agreeable, that I could not forget them ; as I have told you to-day, Dr. de H , it is the only stranger American lady who has ever beec polite in our journev." TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 87 " Are the ladies of our country, then, so remiss in politeness?*' said a young American lady present, in a deprecatory tone. " I beg your pardon, madam," returned the foreigner, " the Americans are the most kind-hearted people in the world, but tliey do not say it ! it is the - — manner /" " I shall really begin to think," said Mrs. V , " that there is some other cause than my being a brunette for my. being so often taken for a foreigner. I am often asked whether I am from Kew Orleans, or of French extraction." I am not surprised," exclaimed Dr. de H , "my friend Sir C G , who saw you this morning, asked me afterwards what country was you of?" "Why, how was that?" " He told me he had just given a servant, that stupid old man in the hall, the house-porter, I believe you call him, a card, to take to some room, when you met him, and directed him to go to the office with a message ; but, observing the card in his hand, and that a gentleman stood there, you imme- diately told him to go first with the card and you would wait for him." Here the silvery laugh of Mrs. Y interrupted the Kussian. " Excuse me," said she, " I remember it ! — that old porter, who always makes a mistake, if it is possible, has so often annoyed me, that this time I was determined, as it was a person I much wished to see, not to lose riy visitor through him, so, after 88 THE AMERICAN UENTIEMAn's GUIDE waiting some time in one of these rooms, I went to him to inquire, and sent him to the office, when I found that my poor friend was waiting there, while J waited here. Observing a gentleman who seemed already to have required his services, I bade him go first for liim, of course. ^ Afres vous^ madame^ je vous jprie^'^ said he, with the most courtly air ; — so that was Sir C G ?" " Yes, madam," answered the savant, " but it was your air that was remarkable ! Sir C told me that while you both were waiting there you ad- dressed some polite remark to him, pour passer le temps, and that he thought you were not an Ameri can lady, because you spohe to him /" ^ Speaking of not speaking^'' said I, when the general amusement had abated, "reminds me of an, amusing little scene that I once witnessed in the public parlor of a New England tavern, where I was compelled to wait several hours for a stage- coach. Presently there entered a bustling, sprightly- looking little personage, who, after frisking about the room, apparently upon a tour of inspection, finally settled herself very comfortably in the large cush- ioned rocking-chair — the only one in the room — and was soon, as I had no reason to doubt, sound asleep. It was not long, however, before a noise of some one entering aroused her, and a tall, gaunt old Yankee woman, hung round with countless bags, bonnet- boxes, and nondescript appendages of various sizes * After you are served, madam, I beg. TO POLITENESS ANB FA80I0K. 89 and kinds, presented herself to oiir vision. After slowly relieving herself of the mimberless incum- brances that impeded her progress in life, she turned to a young man who accompanied her, and said, in a tone so peculiarly shrill, that it might have been mistaken, at this day, for a railroad whistle : " ' Now, Johnathan, don't let no grass grow under your feet while you go for them tooth-ache drops ; I am a'mos' crazy with pain !' laying a hand upon the affected spot as she spoke ; " and here," she called out, as the door was closing upon her messen- ger, 'just get my box filled at the same time!' diving, with her disengaged hand, into the unknown depths of, seemingly, the most capacious of pockets, and bringing to light a shining black box, of sufficient size to hold all the jewels of a modern belle, 'I thought I brought along my snuff-bladder, but I don't know where I put it, my head is so stirred up.' " By this time the little woman in the rocking-chair W'as fairly aroused, and rising, she courteously offered her seat to the stranger, her accent at once betraying her claim to be ranked with the politest of nations (a bow, on my part, to the fair foreigner in the group). With a prolonged stare, the old worhan coolly ensconced herself in the vacated seat, making not the slightest acknowledgment of the civility she had received. Presently, she began to groan, rocking herself furiously at the same time. The former occupant of the stuffed chair, who had retired to a window, and perched herself in one of 90 a long row of high wooden seats, hurried to the suf- ferer. " I fear, madame," said she, " that you Buifare ver' much: — vat can I do for you?" The representative of Yankeedom might have been a wooden clock-case for all the response she made to this amiable inquiry, unless her rocking more furiously tlian ever might be construed into a reply. The little Frenchwoman, apparently wholly un- able to class so anomalous a specimen of humanity, cautiously retreated. Before I was summoned away, the tooth-ache drops and the snuff together (both administered in large doses !) seemed to have gradually produced the effect of oil poured upon troubled waters. The sprightly Frenchwoman again ventured upon the theatre of action. "You find yourself now much improved, ma- dame ?" she asked, with considerable vivacity. A very slight nod was the only answer. " And you feel dis fauteuil^ really ver' com-for- ta-Ue .^" pursued the little woman, with augmented energy of voice. Another nod was just discern ble. No intonation of mine can do justice to the very ecstasy of impatience with which the pertinacious! questioner now actually screamed out : " Bien, madame, vil you say so, if you please I" 1 meant to repeat an impressive little story told ub TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 91 by my lovely friend, Mrs. Y , before our merry little party separated that night ; but, even were this letter not already too " long drawn out," I find my head in very much the condition of that of the old Yankee woman, whom, I trust, I have immortalized, and will, therefore, reserve it for another time, hop- ing that you will pay me the compliment to recol- lect my description of my dramatis personce until then. Meanwhile, here is one other anecdote for you: During my usual morning ride, one day lately, I stopped to breathe my horse on the top of a little hill, in the suburbs of one of the villages upon the banks of the Hudson. While enjoying the beauty of the fine landscape before me, my horse, all on a sudden, started violently. I presently discovered the cause of his fright. Some little rascals were at play in the unenclosed yard of an old building near, and one of them was throwing lumps of earth, pieces of broken crockery, rusty sheet-iron, etc., upon the plank-walk in front. As I turned my head towards them, a little urchin who was perched upon a knob of the root of a tree, with his hands upon his knees, cried out, energetically : " There now, look-a there ! Ain't you a pretty fellow ? dirtying up the walk so, when people are going by." His little freckled face expressed real concern, as he looked fixedly up the walk. Glancing in the same direc- tion, I saw an elegantly-dressed lady carefully 92 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE gathering up lier dress, preparatory to encountering the sharp obstacles in her path, and at once understood the cause of the reproof I had overheard, and which I assure you, I have transcribed verbatim^ though the phrase " pretty fellow " may seem incongruous in the mouth of a dirty little Irish boy. I only hope the lady — whose gentle smile indicated that she too understood the scene — was compensated for being so incommoded, by discerning the inbred politeness of her little champion. As it is your desire that I should deal rather with practical realities than with generalities or theories, let us come in my next, without preliminaries, to plain suggestions, presented somewhat in detail, with the usual simplicity and frankness of that " plain, blunt man," Your affectionate uncle Hai. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 93 LETTER lY. manner continued : — practical directions. My dear ITephews : If I riglitly remember, I concluded my last letter to my young correspondents with a promise of attempting in my next, some practical directions in regard to Manner. I will, then, commence, at once premising only in the impressive words of the im- mortal senator, who just at present holds so large a space in the world's eye : " In now opening this great matter, I am not insensible to the austere demands of the occasion." Important as Manner undonbtedly is, in every re- lation of life, the cultivation of an unexceptionable deportment at home^ may, perhaps, be regarded as of primary consequence, in securing the happiness at which all aim, though by means, " variable as the shade, By the light, quivering aspen made." I think I have already incidentally alluded to the bad taste, to give it no severer name, so commonly 94: THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GriDE exhibited by young persons in this country, in their conduct towards parents. Let nothing tempt yoiOy 1 pray you, into habits so discreditable. Manhood is never depreciated by any true estimate, when yield- ing tribute to the claims of age. — ^Towards your father preserve always a deferential manner, mingled with a certain frankness, indicating that thorough confidence, that entire understanding of each other, which is the best guarantee of good sense in both, and of inestimable value to every young man, blessed with a right-minded parent. Accept the advice dictated by experience with respect, receive even reproof without impatience of manner, and hasten to prove afterwards, that you cherish no resentful remem- brance of what may even have seemed to you top great severity, or too manifest an assumption of authority. Heed the counsel of an old man, who " through the loop-holes of retreat " looks calmly on the busy tide of life rolling forever onward, and let the sod that closes over the heart that throbs no more even with affection and anxiety for you, leave for you only the pain of parting — not the haunting demon oi remorse. Allow no false pride, no constitutional obstinacy, to interfere with the better impulses of your nature, in your intercourse with your father, or to interrupt for an hour the manly trust that should be between you. And in the inner temple of home, as well as when the world looks on, render him reverence due. There should be mingled with the habitual deference and attention that marks your manner to your mother^ the indescribable tenderness and rendering back of TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 95 care and watchfulness that betokens remembrance of her love in earlier days. ISTo other woman should ever induce you to forget this truest, most disinter- ested friend, nor should your manner ever indicate even momentary indifference to her wishes or her affection. Permit me again to refer you to the ex- ample of our country^ s jpride in this regard. You will all remember his marked attention, through life, to his only parent, and the fact that his first appearance in public, on a festive occasion, after the triumph of Yorkstown, was in attendance upon his mother at the ball given at Fredericksburgh, in celebration of that event. A fair friend of mine, who has written the most enthusiastically-appreciative description of this memorable scene that I remember to have read, char- acterizes the manner of WashiDgtou as illustrating the moral suUime, to a degree that filled all behold- ers with admiration. But no one needs the examples of history, or the promptings of friendship, to convince him of a duty to which the impulses of nature un- mistakably direct him : all that I, for a moment, suppose you require, is to be reminded that no thoughtlessness should permit your manner to do injustice to your feelings, in this sacred relation of life. The familiarity of domestic intercourse should never degenerate into a rude disregard for the restraints imposed by refinement, nor an unfeeling indifference to the feelings of others. With brothers and sisters even, the sense of equality should be tempered by habitual self-restraint and courtesy. "No man is 9e great to his valet de chambre " — no man grows, by the Buperior gifts of nature, or by the power of cir- cumstance, beyond the genial familiarity of domestic intercourse. You may be older and wiser than your brothers, but no prerogatives of birthright, of edu- cation, or of intellect can excuse assumption, or make amends for the rupture of the natural tie that is best strengthened by affectionate consideration and respect. To his sisters, every man owes a peculiar obliga- tion arising from the claim nature gives them to his protection, as well as to his love and sympathy. !N"or is this relative claim wholly abrogated even by their being older than he. The attributes and the admitted rights of our sex give even younger brothers the privilege, — and such every well constituted man will consider it, — of assuming towards such relations the position of a friend, confidant and guardian. And the manner of a gentleman will always indicate, un- mistakably, the delicacy, the consideration and the respect he considers due to them. I will not assume the possibility of your being indifferent to their love and interest ; suffice it to say, that both will be best deserved and preserved by a careful admingling of the observances of politeness practised towards other women, with the playful freedom sanctioned by con- sanguinity. The world will give you no substitutes for the friends nature provides — they are bound to you by all ties unitedly. Be ever mindful that no rude touch of yours, sunders or even weakens the ten- derest chords of the heart. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. ^T m Since " modest the manners by Nature bestowed On Nature's most exquisite child," a man's conduct towards his wife should always indicate respect as well as politeness. No rude familiarity should outrage the delicacy that veils femininity, no outward indifference or neglect beto- ken disregard of the sacred claims of the woman, whom, next to his mother, every man is bound in honor, to distinguish beyond all others, by courteous observance. If you consider the affection you doubt- less took some pains, originally, to win, worth pre- serving, if you think it of any moment to retain the attributes ascribed to you by the object of that affec- tion, while you made the endeavor to do full justice to yourself in the eyes of your mistress,^ would it be wise to prefer no further claims to such characteris- tics by your manner to your wife ? I have never forgotten the impression made upon me in youth by an exquisite letter in one of Addison's Spectators, purporting to be written by an old woman, in regard, if I remember, to the very point we are now discuss- ing. It contains, as inclosed to the Solon of polite laws in that day, a note represented to have been * I shall take the liberty to use the word " mi«artment : " Frederick !"— there was an instant lull in the storm, and the faces of each of the group turned to us — " make a little less noise, if you please." The youth rose immediately and advanced to- wards us : " Gentlemen," said he, with a heightened color and a respectful bow, " I beg your pardon 1 I really was not aware of being so rude." I said something about the very natural buoyancy of youthful spirits ; but I did not say that this little scene had the effect upon me that might be produced by unexpectedly me^^ting, in the log-hut of a back- woodsman, with a painting by an old master, repre- senting some fine incident of classical or chivalrous history — as, for instance, the youthful Roman restor- ing tlie beautiful virgin prisoner to her friends with the words, "far be it from Scipio to purchase plea- sure at the expense of virtue I" My pleasure in observing the intercourse of these amiable relatives in some degree prepared me for the enjoyment in store for the favored guest, who, at the earnest instance of both father and son, a few days afterwards, turned aside in his journey to seek them, at home. It was a scene worthy the taste and the pen of Washington Irving himself, that quaint-looking old family mansion, — in the internal arrangements of which there was just enough of modern comfort and adornment to typify the soft- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 109 ened conservatism of llie host, — and the family group that welcomed the stranger, with almost patriarchal simplicity and hospitality. Really it was a strange episode in busy American life. My venerable friend sat, indeed, " under the shadow of his own vine and fig-tree, with none to make him afraid," reaping the legitimate reward of an honor- able, well-spent life, and beside him the friend who had kept her place through the heat and burden of the day, and now shared the serene repose of the evening of his life. What placid beauty still lin- gered in that matron face, what " dignity and love " marked every action ! And the fair daughters of the house, who, like Desdemona, "ever and anon would come again and gather up our discourse," in the intervals of household duty, or social obligation — they seemed to vie with each other and with their brother in every thoughtful and graceful observance towards their parents and towards me, and the noble boy — for he really was scarcely more, even reck- oned by the estimate of this "fast" age — unspoiled by the dangerous prerogatives of an only son, mani- festly regarded the bright young band of which he Btill made one, with the mingled tenderness and pride that would ever shield them from " The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." These all surrounded my venerable host and hostess, as they gently and calmly turned their feet towards the downward path of life, with intertwining hearts 110 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN S GUIDE and hands — like a garland of roses enwreathing time-worn twin-trees — ever on the watch to lighten each burden they would fain have wholly assumed, and with loving care striving to put far off for them the evil day when the " grasshopper shall be a bur- den." But I essay a vain task when I would picture such a scene for you, my friends. If I may hope that I have made a study, from which you will catch a passing snggestion for future use, in the limning of your own life-portraits, it is well. Chancellor K , who was my life-long friend, retained, even in the latest years of his lengthened life, an almost youthful sprightliness of feeling and manner. His son, himself a learned and distin- guished son of the law, thought no duty more impera- tive, even in the prime of his manhood and in mid career in his honorable j^rofession, than that of devo^ tion to his father, in his declining years. He fixed his residence near, or with, his venerable parent, and, like the son of ancient Priam, long sustained the failing steps of age. Few things have impressed me more favorably, in my intercourse with the world, than this noble self-sacrifice. !No one unacquainted with ray vivacious friend can appreciate the full expressiveness of his cha- racteristic remark to me, on an occasion when his son happened to be the theme of conversation TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. HI between us. ^^ I like that young man amazingly H Baid the chancellor. I still remember the impression made on me, when a boy, by meeting, in the streets of my native city, a stalwart young sailor, arrayed in holiday dress, and walking with his mother, a little, withered old woman, in a decent black dress, hanging upon his arm. How often that powerful form, the imperso- nation of youth, health, and physical activity, has risen up before my mind's eye, in contrast with the little, tremulous figure he supported with such watch- ful care, and upon which such protecting tenderness breathed from every feature of his honest, weather- embrowned face. Bob and Charley grew side by side, like two fine young saplings in a wood, for some years. After awhile, however, the brothers were separated. Bob went to a large city, became a merchant, grew rich, lived in a fine house, was a Bank Director, and an Alderman. His younger brother, pursuing a more modest, but equally manly and elevated career, sel- dom met Bob during some years, and then only briefly at their father's house, when there was a family gathering at Thanksgiving, or on some other similar occasion. Once, when I chanced to see these young men to» gether, thus, I remarked that, while the sisters of each clung round the neck of the unassuming, but 112 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE true-hearted, riglit-minded Charley, at his coming, and lost no opportunity of being with hira, the repel- lant manner of the elder brother held all more or less aloof, though none failed in polite observance towards hira. Egotistical and pompous, he seemed to regard those about him as belonging to an inferior race. As his brother and I sat talking together near a table upon which were refreshments, he actually had the rudeness to reach between us for a glass, without the slightest word or token of apology, with his arm so near to his brother's face as almost to touch it I There was more of shame than indignation expressed in that fine, ingenuous countenance when it again met my unobstructed gaze, and I thought I detected a slight tremor in the sentence he uttered next in the order of our conversation. Before my visit that day was at an end, I found myself exceedingly embarrassed as an unwilling auditor of a political discussion between Bob and his father, which grew, at length, into an angry dispute, little creditable to, at least, the younger of the two word-combatants. i As I stood in the hall that night, awaiting my car- riage, I saw Charley advance to the door of the library, opening near, and knock lightly. The voice of his aged father bade him enter. Opening the door, the young man, taking his hat quite off, and bowing almost reverentially, said only, '* I bid you good night, sir," and quietly closed it again. When they turned towards me, there was almost a woman's softness in eyes that would have looked undimmed TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. Il3 upon the fiercest foe or the deadliest peril. — ^Think you the Kecording Angel flew up to Heaven's high Chancery with a testimony of that day's deeds and words ? Once, after this, Charley had occasion to visit the city where Boh resided. Breakfast over, at his hotel, he sallied forth to call on Bob, at his own house, and attend, subsequently, to other matters. He was shown into an elegant drawing-room, where the master of the mansion sat reading a news- paper. Without rising, he offered his hand, coldly, and before inviting his visitor to sit, took occasion to say that his wife's having an engagement to spend the day out of town would prevent his inviting his brother to dine ! As Charley descended the steps of his brother's stately mansion, at the termination of his brief call that day, he silently registered a vow never again to cross his threshold, unless impelled by imperative duty. And yet Bob is not only a rich merchant, an Alderman, and a Bank Director, but a man of fashion ! One of the most discriminating and truthful deli- neators of life and manners whom we boast among our native authors, prominent among the character- istic traits he ascribes to an old English gentleman, of whom he gives us an exquisite portraiture, is that of such considerate kindness towards an old servant as to make him endure his peevishness and obstinacy lU ,with good humor, and affect to consult and agree with him, until he gains an important practical point with " time-honored age." Illustrative of our subject is one of the anecdotes recorded of the poet Eogers, in his recently published life: " Mr. Rogers," said the body-servant, who had long attended him in his helpless years, " we are invited to dine with Miss Coutts." The italicizing is mine. Is it not suggestive ? You remember the rest of the anecdote ; Rogers had the habit, during the latter years of his life, of writing, when able to use his pen, notes to be dated and directed as occasion required, in this established form " Pity me, I am engaged." So, on this occa- sion, the careful attendant added : " The pity-me^a are all gone !" Weather-bound during the long, cold winter of 18 — , by a protracted snow-storm and a severe cold, in the house of an old friend, I left my comfortable private quarters one morning for a little walk up and down the corridor into which my own apartment and those of the family opened. By and by the active step of my hostess crossed my sauntering way. '' Perhaps it may amuse you to come into the nur* TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 115 seiy, a little while, colonel," said she, " it will be a novelty, at least, to you, to see behind the scenes." " I feel myself honored by the permission, I assure you ; the green-room always has an interest for me !" returned I ; and I was soon ensconced in a large, cushioned-chair, in a cozy corner, near the open, old-fashioned "franklin" in which blazed a cheerful wood-fire. The rosy-cheeked juveniles among whom I found myself vied with each other in efforts to promote my comfort. One brought her own little chair, and placed it to support my feet ; another climbed up and stuffed a soft cushion greatly larger than his own rotund, dumpling of a figure, between me and the chair-back, assuring me with a grave shake of the head, in which I saw the future Esculapius, " it is so nice ven your head do ache — mamma say so, ven I put him on her always 1" and bright-eyed little Bessie, between whom and me a very good understanding already existed, crowned the varied hospitalities of my initiatory visit by offering me the use of her tiny muff ! My hostess, though she kept an observant eye upon us, from her seat by her work-table over against my arm-chair, had too much tact to interfere with the proceedings of my ministering cherubs ; except to prevent the possibility of my being annoyed. When I had leisure to reconnoitre a little, I dis- covered, among the other fixtures in the large, well- lighted, cheerful-looking apartment, an old woman with a good-humored face and portly person, seated 116 near a window, sewing, with a large, well-stored basket of unmended linen and hosiery before her. Presently, the eldest son, a fine manly boy of some sixteen years entered, hat and cane in hand. Used, I suppose, to a jumble of faces and forms, in this human kaleidoscope, he evidently did not observe the quiet figure in the high-backed chair. " Mother," he exclaimed in a tone in which boyish animation and the utmost affection were singularly united, strid- ing across the room, like the Colossus of Rhodes, suddenly endued with powers of locomotion : " Mother, you are the most beautiful and irresistible of your beautiful and irresistible sex !" and stooping, he pressed his full, cherry lips gently upon her rounded cheek. A flash of amusement, mingled with the love-light in the soft eyes that met those of the boy. He turned quickly. A scarcely-discernible embarrassment of manner, and a quick flush in the bright young face, were all that I had time to note, before he was at my side with a cordial greeting and a playful welcome to " Mother's Land of Promise." " Land of !Nod, say rather," replied the presiding genius of the scene, pointing to the quiescent form of little Bessie, who — her curly head pillowed on her chubby arm — was just losing all consciousness of the world, upon the rug at her mother's feet. " George, what an armful I" said the youth, in a sort of half undertone, as he tenderly lifted the little lay figure, and bore it to a crib. " Don't get up, TO POLITENESS AND FASHIONi 117 mother, I can cover her nicely. I say, mammy [an arch glance over his shoulder towards the ancient matron of the sewing-basket], how heavy bread and milk is, though, eh !" " Speaking of bread and milk, heie comes lunch," continued my hero for the nonce, rubbing his hands energetically, and only desisting to give a table the dextrous twirl that would bring it near his mother, and assist the labors of the servant who had entered with a tray. "Will, you immense fellow, take yourself out of the way I Colonel, permit me to give your sedan-chair j ust the slightest impulse forward, and so save you the trouble of moving. My adorable mother, allow me the honor of being your Gany- mede. Here we are, all right ! Kow, let's see what there is — ham, baked apples, cold roast beef, hot cocoa — ^not so bad, 'pon my word. Colonel, I hope this crispy morning has given you some appetite, after your hard cold — allow me " — " Mammy fust," here interposed little Will, autho- ritatively, " cause she older dan us ! " and, care- fully holding the heaped-up plate his mother placed in both hands, he deliberately adventured an over- land journey to the distant object of his affectionate solicitude. At this juncture, it was discovered that the servant- man who brought up the tray, had forgotten the sugar, and a young nursery-maid was dispatched for it. Upon her return she contrived, by some awk- wardness in closing the door, to spill the whole result 118 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE of her mission to the pantry upon the floor. Her arms dropped by her sides, as if suddenly paralyzed, and I noticed a remarkable variety in the shade of her broad Irish physiognomy. " There is no great harm done, Biddy," said my hostess, immediately, in a peculiarly quiet, gentle voice, "just step down to John for another bowlful. While poor Biddy is collecting her scattered senses on the stairs, my son, will you kindly assist Willie in picking up the most noticeable lumps ? — put them in this saucer, my dear. She is just learning, you know and — she would not cross that Kubicon as bravely as the classic hero you were reading of last night." "While we are so literary, mother — what is it about the dolphin ? If I remember rightly Bid was a pretty good exemplification " " Hush ! — I am glad you thought to bring up more apples, Biddy. Colonel, here is the most tempting spitzenberg — so good for a cold, too. Take this to mammy will you, Biddy? The one I sent you before, was not so nice as these, mammy — ^your favorite kind, you know." Amused with the new scene in which I foimd myself, I accepted the assurance of the fair home mother^ as the Germans have it, that I was not in the way, and lingered a little longer. By and by, John came up to tell his mistress that there was an old man at the door with a basket of little things to sell, and that he had sent a box of sealing-wax for her to look at. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 119 " Poo' man ! poo' man ?" said little "Will, running lip to my knee, with such a sorrowful look in his inno- cent face — " an' it so-o-o col'," he added, catching his mother's words, as if by instinct. " Take him down the money, John," I overheard, in the intervals between the discourse of my juvenile instructor, " and this cup of chocolate — it will warm him. Ask him to sit by the hall stove, while he drinks it." E'othing was said about the exceedingly portly brace of sandwiches that were manufactured by the busiest of fingers, and which, through the golden veil of Willie's light curls, I saw snugly tucked in, on either side of the saucer. "Now, young ladies," continued my amiable friend, addressing a bevy of her rosy-cheeked young nieces, who had just before entered the room, " here is a stick of fancy-colored wax, for each of us — make your own choice. Luckily there is a red stick for Col. Lunettes " (a half deprecatory glance at me), "the only color gentlemen use. And," as she received the box again — " there is some for mammy and me — we are in partnership, you know, mammy !" A pleased look from the centre of the wide cap- frills by the window, was the only response to this appeal ; but I had repeatedly observed that, despite her industry, mammy's huge spectacles took careful cognizance of the various proceedings around her. As I was about, for very shame, to beat a retreat, a cheery — " good morning, Colonel, I tapped at your door, as I came ap, and thought you were napping it," arrested my intended departure. " So wifie has 120 coaxed you in here I Just like her ! She thinks she can take the best care of you with" — " With the rest of the children I" I interrupted. " My lovirig sjpou^'' as Bessie says, when she recites John Gilpin, "may I trouble you to tie my cravat?" And with that important article of attire in his hand, my friend knelt upon a low foot-stool, before his household divinity. " Thompson," said I, " I always knew you were one of the luckiest fellows in the whole world ; but may I ask— just as a point of scientific inquiry — whether that office is always performed for you, * One fair spirit for your minister ?' " Not a bit of it ! ITo indeed, ' pon my word ! only when I go to a dinner, as to-day — or to church, or — I say, Will, you unmitigated rogue, how dare you ! you'll spoil my cravat — dont you see mamma is just tying it !" The little fellow thus objurgated, his eyes scintil- lating with mirth, now fairly astride of his father's shoulders, clung tenaciously to his prize, and peti- tioned for a ride in his familiar seat. Besorting to stratagem, where force would ill apply, the father, rising with a "thank you, dear witie," retired backward towards a wide bed, and, by a dextrous movement, suddenly landed his youthful captor in a heap in the middle. To lose no time, the brave boy, " conquered, but not subdued," made the best use of his lungs, while TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 121 reducing his arms and legs to order, and Bessie, opening her beaming eyes, at this outcry, stretched out her arms to aid lier pathetic appeal to papa to " p'ay one little hos " with her, " only hut one /" Evidently fearful of being out-generalled, the inva- der beat a rapid retreat from the enemy's camp, with the words " thank you, love, I believe the little ras- cal didn't tumble it, though I came within an ace, like a real aldei-man, of dying of a dinner — before it was eaten !" After this initiatory visit to the nui'sery of my fair friend, Mrs. Thompson, I was allowed to come and go at my own pleasure, during the remainder of my visit beneath her hospitable roof, and I found myself 60 interested and amused by what I witnessed there, sis often to leave the solitude of my own apartment, though surrounded there by every possible " aid and appliance " of comfort and enjoyment that refine- ment and courtesy could supply, to learn the most beautiful lessons of practical wisdom and goodness from the most unpretending of teachers. One morning when the habitue had sought his accustomed post of observation, a young lady pre- sented herself at the door, and seeing me, was about to retreat with something about its being very early for a visit, when Mrs. Thompson recalled her with a " Come in, my dear, and let me have the pleasure of presenting you to Colonel Lunettes, the friend of whom you have heard us all speak so often." After the usual courtesies, this lovely earth-angel, 6 122 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn'b GUIDE with some liesitation, and drawing her chair nearer her friend, explained her errand. Making a little screen of a cherub-head, as was my wont, I regaled myself unobserved, with the music of sweet voices and the study of pretty faces. I caught — " my old drawing-teacher " — " her hus- band was a brute in their best days " — " this long, hard winter " — " not even a carpet " — " the poor child on a wooden-bottomed chair, with a little dirty pillow behind her head, and so emaciated !" — ^here there was a very perceptible quiver in the low tones, followed by a little choking sort of pause. " I am really grateful to you for coming — ^I have been unusually occupied lately by the baby's illness and other duties — the weather has given me more than one twinge of conscience " — this accompanied by a quiet transfer from one purse to another, and then I heard, as the two ladies bent over the crib of the sleeping infant — " is there a stout boy among the children ? There are the barrels of pork and beef, always ready in the cellar — -each good and wholesome of their kind — husband always has them brought from the farm on purpose to give away ; and we have abundance of fine potatoes — John could not readily find the place, and really, just now, he is pretty busy; still, perhaps, they have the natural pride of better days — ^if you think it well, I will try to send" — the gentle ministers of mercy left the room together, and I heard no more. Presently, the youth of whom I have before TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 12lf epoken, still at home enjoying his holiday's college vacation, joined me, and, between the exercises of an extertaining gymnastic exhibition, in which he and Willie w^ere the chief performers, regaled me with humorous sketches of college adventures, anecdotes of the professors, etc., in the details of some of which I think he had his quiet old nurse in his mind's eye, as well as his father's guest. When Mrs. Thompson resumed her accustomed Beat at her business-table, as it might well be called, my agreeable young entertainer slid away from the group about the fire, and was soon snugged down, in his own lavorite fashion, with his legs comfortably crossed over the top of the chair sustaining mammy's implements, cheek-by-jowl with the venerable genius of the sewing-basket, dipping into a newspaper, and chatting, at intervals, with his humble friend. Once in a while I caught a sentence like this : " I say, mammy, you can't begin to think how glad I am you are getting down to my shirts ! Such work as they make washing for a fellow at college ! My black washerwoman (and such a beauty as she is— Buch a little rosebud of a mouth !) pretends to fasten the loose buttons — now, there is a specimen of her peiformances — just look! The real truth is, Mrs. Welch, that mother and you are the only women I know of who can sew on a button worth a pin — just the only two, by George ! Now, there's Pierre de Carradeaux, one of our young fellows down there — his friends all live in Hayti, or some other unknown a-nd uninhabitable region, you know, over the sea-*- 124 I wisli you could see his clothes ! The way they mend at the tailors ! But the darns in his stockings are the funniest. He rooms with me, and so I hear him talldng to himself, in French. I am afraid he swears, sometimes — but the way he fares is enough to make a saint swear !" And then followed a de- tail that caused mammy to wipe her eyes in sympa- thy with this strange phase of human woe, in alter- nation with an occasional exclamation of amusement — like, " You'll surely be the death of me, Master 'Sidney !" apparently forced spasmodically from her lips, despite the self-imposed taciturnity which, 1 shrewdly suspected, my presence created. " Mother, my revered maternal primative, may I read you this anecdote? Colonel, will you allow me ?" — a respectful glance at the book in my hand. And squeezing himself in from behind, by some utterly inconceivable india-rubber pliancy, between the fire and his much-enduring parent, the tall form of the stripling slowly subsided until I could discern nothing but a mass of wavy black hair reposing amid the soft folds of his mother's morning-gown, and a bit of his newspaper. Thus disposed, appa- rently to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, ho read : " Once, while the celebrated John Kemble, the renowned actor and acute critic, was still seated at the dinner-table of an English nobleman, with whom he had been dining, a servant announced that Mrs. Kemble awaited her husband in a carriage at the door Some time elapsed, and the impersonator of TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. Ig5 Shakspeare's mighty creations remained immovable. At length the servant, re-entering, said • * Mrs. Kem- ble bids me say, sir, that she is afraid of getting the rheumatiz.'^ ' Add ism,^ replied the imperturbable critic of language, and quietly continued his discourse with his host." " If I should ever be compelled to marry — which, of course, I never shall unless you disinherit me, mother, or mammy insists upon leaving us to keep house for that handsome widower, in the long snuff overcoat — [though the respectable female thus^ alluded to did not even glance up from her stitching, I plainly marked a little nod of virtuous defiance, and a fluttering in the crimpings of the ample cap- border, that plainly expressed desperation to the hopes of the widower aforesaid] — but if fate should decree my 'attaining knowledge under difficulties,' upon this subject, I hope I'll be a little too decent to keep my wife sitting out doors in a London fog (I shall make a bridal tour to Europe, of course), while I am imbibing, even with a ' nobleman.' Speaking of the tyranny of fate, I am, most reluctantly, com- pelled to deprive you of my refreshing conversation, my dear and excellent mother. If my dilapidated linen is restored to its virgin integrity: in other words, if my shirt is done, I propose retiring to the deepest shades of private life, and getting myself up, without the slightest consideration for the financial affairs of my honored masculine progenitor, for a morning call upon , the fortunate youthfu) 126 beauty I, at present, honor with my particular ado- ration." So saying, Sir Hopeful slowly emerged from his ' loop-hole of retreat,' and making a pro- found obeisance to his guardian spirit, and another to me, a shade less lowly, he took himself off, with his linen over his arm, and a grand parting flourish at the door, with his hat upon his walking-stick, for the especial benefit of his little brother, which elicited a shout of unmingled admiration from the juvenile spectators that need not have been despised by Herr Alexander himself. During dinner that day, as the varied and most bountiful course of pastry, etc., was about to be removed, young Sidney said : " Mother, allow me to relieve you of the largest half of that solitary-looking piece of mince-pie. I am sorry I cannot afford to take the whole of it under my protecting care." "My dear son," replied my hostess, pleasantly, "let me suggest the attractions of variety. You have already done your devoir to this pie. Your father pronounces the cocoanut excellent" — and then, as if in reply to the look of surprise that met her good-humored sally, she added, in a tone meant only for the ears of the youth, " this happens to be the last, and mammy eats no other, you remember." " [fro great matter, either ; to-morrow will be bak- ing-day. Now I know why you took none yourself, mother," answered Sidney, cheerfully, in the same '' aside" manner ; and the placid smile on the hospi- ro POLITENESS AND FASHION. 127 table face of tlie ' liome-mother ' alone acknow- ledged her recognition of the ascription of self-denial to her; for it is not occasionally, but always, that " In the clear heaven of her delightful eye, An angel guard of loves and graces lie." Adieu I UiTOLE Hal. 128 LETTEK V. MAira^EE — PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS. Mt dear Nephews: Though good breeding is always and everywhere essentially the same, there are phases of daily life, especially demanding its exhibition. Manner in the street is one of these. Even in hours most exclusively devoted to busi- ness, do not allow yourself to hurry along with a clouded, absent face and bent head, as if you forever felt the foot of the earth-god on your neck ! Carry an erect and open brow into the very midst of the heat and burden of the day. Take time to see your friends, as they cross you in the busy thoroughfares of life and. at least by a passing smile or a gesture of recognition, give token that you are not resolved into a mere money-making machine, and both will be better for this fleeting manifestation of the inner being. During business hours and in crowded business- streets no man should ever stop another, whom he knows to be necessarily constantly occupied at such times, except upon a matter of urgent need, and then TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 12^ if he alone is to be benefited by the detention, he should briefly apologize and state his errand in as few words as possible. But the habit of a cheerful tone of voice, a cor- dial smile, and friendly grasp of the hand, when meeting those with whom one is associated in social life, is not to be regarded as unimportant. If you do not intend to stop, when meeting a gen- tleman friend, recognize him as you approach, by a smile, and touching your hat salute him audibly with — "Good morning, sir," or "I hope you are well, sir," or (more familiarly), " Ah, Charley ! — good morning to you." But don't say, " How d' ye do, sir," when you cannot expect to learn, nor call back as you pass, something that will cause him to linger^ uncertain what you say. If you wish to stop a moment, especially in a thoroupjhfare, retain the hand you take, while you re- tire a little out of the human current ; and never fall into the absurdity of attempting to draw a tight or moistened glove while another waits the slow process It is better to offer the gloved hand as a rule, without apology, in the street. If you are compelled to detain a friend, when he is walking with a stranger, briefly but politely apologize to the stranger, and keep no one " in dur- ance vile " longer than absolute necessity requires. When thus circumstanced yourself, respond cheer- fully and courteously to the apologetic phrase offered, and, drawing a little aside, occupy yourself with any- thing beside the private conversation that interrupts 6* 130 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE your walk. Sometimes circumstances render it decorous to pass on with some courteous phrase, to step into some neighboring bookseller's, etc., or to make a rapid appointment for a re-union. Cultivate the quick discernment, the ready tact, that will en- gender ease of manner under those and similar cir- cumstances requiring prompt action. I^ever leave a friend suddenly in the street, either to join another, or for any other reason, without an apology ; the briefest phrase, expressed in a cordial tone^ will suffice, in an emergency. Upon passing servants, or other inferiors in station, whom you wish to recognize, in the street, it is a good practice, without bowing or touching the hat, to salute them in a kindly voice. When you meet a gentleman whom you know, walking with one or more ladies, with whom you are not acquainted, bow with grave respect to them also. Politeness requires that upon meeting ladies and gentlemen together, with both of whom one is ac- quainted, that one should lift the hat as he approaches them, and bowing first to the ladies, include the gen- tleman in a sweeping motion, or a succeeding bow, as the case permits. Should you stop, speak first to the lady, but do not offer to shake hands with a lady in full morning costume, should your glove be dark-colored or your hand uncovered. Again lift your hat to each, in succession of age or rank, as a substitute for this dubious civility, with some play- ful expression, as " I am sorry my glove is not quite fresh, Mrs. , but you need no assurance of my TO POLITENESS AND FA8HI0N. 131 being always the most devoted of your friends " or " admirers," or " Keally, Miss ■ , you are so beau- tifully dressed, and looking so cliarmingly, that I dare not venture too near !" And as you part, again take your hat quite off, letting the party pass you^ and on the wall side of the street, if that be practic- able. In the street with other men, carefully give that precedence to superior age or station which is so becoming in the young, by taking the outer side of the pavement, or that nearer the counter current, as circumstances may make most polite. When you give, or have an arm, carefully avoid all erratic move- ments, and Jceep step^ like a well-trained soldier ! Towards ladies^ in the streets, the most punctilious observance of politeness is due. Walking with them, one should, of course, assume the relative position best adapted to protect them from inconvenience or danger, and carefully note and relieve them from the approach of either. In attending them into a store, &c., always give them precedence, holding the door open from without, if practicable. If compelled to pass before them, to attend to this courtesy, say, " allow me," or " with your permission," etc. Meet ing ladies, the hat should })e taken off as you bow, and replaced w^hen you have passed, or, if you pause to address them, politely raised again as you quit them. When you are stopped by a lady friend in the street, at once place yourself so as best to shield her from the throng, if you are in a crowd, or fronj 132 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 8 GDIDB passing vehicles, etc., and never by your manner in- dicate either surprise or embarrassment upon such an occasion. Allow Ker to terminate the inteiview, and raise your hat quite off as you take leave oi her. When a stranger lady addresses an inquiry to you in the street, or when you restore something she has inadvertently dropped, touch your hat ceremo- niously, and with some phrase or accent of respect, add grace to a civility. If you have occasion to speak more than a word or two to a lady whom you may meet in walking, turn and acccompany her while you say what you wish, and, taking off your hat, when you withdraw, express your regret at losing the further enjoyment of her society, or the like. If you wish to join a lady whom you see before you, be careful in hurrying forward not to incommode her (or others, indeed), and do not speak so huniedly, or loudly, as to startle her, or arrest attention, and should you have only a slight acquaintance with her, say, as you assume a position at her side, " With your permission, madam, I will attend you," or " Give me leave to join your walk, Miss " etc. Of course, no well-bred man ever risks the possi- bility of intrusion in., this way, or ever speaks first to a lady to whom he has only had a passing intro- duction. In the latter case, you look at a lady as you advance towards her, and await her recognition. Speaking of an intrusion, you should be well as- sured that you will not make an awkward third hQ* fore you venture to attach vourself to a lady and TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 133 gentleman walking together, though you may even know them very well ; and the same rule holds good in a picture-gallery, rococo-shop, or elsewhere, when two persons, or a party, sit or walk together. Every man is bound by the laws of courtesy, to note any street accident that imperils ladies, and at once to hasten to render such service as the occasion re- quires. Promptitude and self-possession may do good service to humanity and the fiiir, at such a juncture. Should you observe ladies whom you know, unat- tended by a gentleman, alighting from or entering a carriage, especially if there is no footman, and the driver maintains his seat, at once advance, hold the door open, and offer your hand, or protect a dress from the wheel, or the like, and bowing, pass on, all needed service rendered ; or, if more familiarity and your own wish sanction it, accompany them where they may chance to be entering. 'No general rule can be laid down respecting offer- ing the arm to ladies in the street. Where persons are known and reside habitually, local custom will usually be the best guide. At night, the arm should always be tendered, and so in ascending the multi- plied steps of a public building, etc., for equally obvious reasons. For similar cause, you go before ladies into church, into a crowded concert-room, etc., wherever, in short, they are best aided in securing seats, and escaping jostling, by this precedence of them. When attending a stranger lady, in visiting the noted places of your own city, or the like, and when one of a party for a long walk, or of travellers, it may 134 often be an imperative civility to proffer the ana, To relatives, or elderly ladies, this is always a proper courtesy, as it is to every woman, when you can thus most effectually secure her safety or her comfort. Do not forget, when walking with elderly people, or ladies, to moderate the headlong speed of your usual step. I will here enter my most emphatic protest against a practice of which ladies so justly complain, — the too-frequent rudeness of men in stationing them- selves at the entrance of churches, concert-rooms, opera houses, etc., for the express purpose, appa- rently, of staring every modest woman who may chance to enter, out of countenance. 'No one pos- sessed of true good-breeding will indulge in a practice so at variance with propriety. If occasion demands your thus remaining stationary upon the steps or in the portico of a public edifice, make room, at once, for ladies who may be enteiing, and avoid any appearance of curiosity regarding them. A similar course is suitable when occupying a place upon the steps, or at the windows of a pump-room at a watering-place, or of a hotel. Carefully avoid all semblance of staring at ladies passing in the street, alighting from a carriage, etc., and make no comment, even of a complimentary nature, in a voice that can possibly reach their ears. So, when walk- ing in the street, if beauty or grace attract your attention, let your regard be respectful, and, even then, not too fixed. An audible comment or excla* mation, addressed to a companion, a laugh, a fami- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 135 liar stare, are each and all, when any stranger, and more especially a woman^ is the subject of them, unhandsome in the extreme. Breakfasting one morning, at West Point, with au agreeable Portuguese, we chatted for some time over the newspapers and our coffee, as we sat within view of one of the most beautiful landscapes it has ever been my fortune to behold. At length our un- American indulgence in this respect, became the theme of conversation between us. "JPardon me," said the elegant foreigner, "but though the Americans are very kind — a very pleasant people, they do not take enough of time for these things, at all. Tliey do not only eat in a hurry, but they even fass their friends in the street, sometimes, without sjpedking to them ! I remember last winter, in Pliiladelphia, where I was some months, I met one day, in Chestnut street, a gentle- man whom I knew very well, and he passed me without speaking. I made up my mind at once, that this shall not happen again, so the next time I saw him coming, I looked into a shop window, or at something, and did not see him. He came to me and said — ''Good morning, Mr. A ! what is the matter with you, that you do not speak to me ?" or something like that. I answered, that he had cui me in the street (I think that is what you call it !) two or three days before, and that I never will permit myself to be treated in this manner. 136 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE Then he said, that I must excuse him, that he must have been in business and did not see me, and so on. But this is not the way of a gentleman in my country !" You must imagine for yourselves the double effect, lent to the words of my companion by his foreign action and imperfect pronunciation, and the slight curl of his dark moustache as he emphasized tho words I have underscored. "What a harum-scarum fellow that James Con- don is !*' exclaimed a young lady, in my hearing. '* I had reason to repent declining to drive to the concert last night, I assure you ! The moon, upon which I had counted, was obscured, and he not only hurried me along (though we had plenty of time, as I was quite ready when he came), at breathless speed, but actually dragged me over a heap of rubbish, in crossing the street, upon which I nearly tumbled down, though I had his arm. "When we reached the place, I was so heated and flurried that I could not half enjoy the music, and this morning I hnd not only that m}^ handsome new boots are completely spoiled, but that I have any quantity of lime upon the bottom of the dress I wore, and my pretty fan, which he must needs insist upon carry- ing for me, sadly broken !" TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 137 " 1 have seen everytliing and everybody I wish, in London, except the Duke of Wellington," said a sprightly kidy whose early morning walk past Apsley House — the town residence of the Iron Duke — I was attending some years since, " every distinguished man, except the Hero of "Waterloo. I liope I shall not lose that pleasure !" "You may have that pleasure now, madam!" exclaimed a gentleman, passing us and rapidly walk- ing forward, in whose erect figure and very narrow brimmed hat, I at once recognized the object of my companion's hitherto unsatisfied curiosity. Strolling in Kensington Park, during that same morning, and at an hour too unfashionably early for a crowd, with my fair charge, I drew her gently aside, as she leaned on my arm, from some slight obstruction in our path, which she did not observe, and which might otherwise have incommoded her. " Eeally Colonel Lunettes," said she, " your watch- ful politeness reminds me of my dear father's. You gentlemen oi the old school so much surpass modern beaux in courtesy ! I well remember the last walk I had in Broadway with papa, before we sailed. Mrs. W and I were making a morning visit, quite up town for us Brooklynites — ^in Union Place, upon a bride, when who should also arrive but papa. When we took leave, he accompanied us, and finding thaf we had taken a fancy to walk all the way to the ferry, insisted u[)on going with us — only think, at his age, and so luxurious in his habits, too! -As 138 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN*S GUIDE he is a little hard of hearing, and likes always to talk with Mrs. W , who is a great favorite of his, I insisted upon his walking between us — that I might have his arm, and yet not interfere with his con- versation. This, of course, brought me on the outside. But I cannot describe to you the watchful care he had for me, all the way. At the slightest crowding he held me so firmly — saw every swerve of the vehicles towards us, and would hold my dress away from every rough box or so, that lumbered the sidewalk, and every now and then he would say — ' Minnie, wouldn't you be more comfortable on my other arm ? I am afraid you will be hurt there !' At the Brooklyn ferry he was to leave us, as he could not go over to dine that day. Seeing a crowd at the door of the office, he hastened a little before us to pay the fare, and then saw us safely through the press, taking leave of me as politely as of Mrs. W . ' What an elegant gentleman your father is !' cried out Mrs. W , as soon as he was gone, ' he always reminds me of the descriptions we read of the chivalrous courtesy of knights of olden time ; it is like listening to a heroic ballad to be with him, and receive his politeness.* I know you won't laugh at me. Colonel, when I say that the memory of that simple incident is still as fresh in my heart, as though no ocean voyage and long travel had come between; and I can truly say that I was prouder of my cavalier attendant that day, thjtn 1 ever was of all the young men together, who ever walked Broadway, with me." The tremulous tones, TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 139 the glistening eyes, and the glowing cheeks of the the fair young speaker attested the truth of her filial boast, and I — but you must draw your own morals!" Presently we resumed our chat, and the theme of the moment together. '^I well recollect," said my companion, in the course of our discussion, " the impression produced upon me, in my girlhood, by the manners of a young gentleman, who was my groomsman at the wedding of a young friend. Some of the lessons of good breeding taught me by his example, I shall never forget, I think. I was the most bashful creature in the world at that time, and he quite won my heart by the politeness with which he set me at ease, at once, when he came to take me away in a carriage to join my young friends. But that was not the point : the next morning after the wedding, we were all to attend the 'happy pair' as far as Saratoga, on their wedding-tour; that is, the bridesmaids and bridesmen. At Schenectady, we were put into an old-fashioned car, divided into compartments. Just as we were about to start, a singularly tall, gaunt, Yankeefied-looking elderly w^oman scrambled into our little box of a place, and seated herself. "We were fairly ofi", before she seemed fully to realize the trials of her new position. She did not say, in the language of the popular song, * I think there must be danger 'Mong so many sparks I' 140 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 's GUIDE but she looked as though she feared having fallen among the Philistines ; and, I am ashamed to say that some of our merry party made no scruple of pri- vately amusing themselves with her peculiarities of dress and manner. Mr. Henry, however (my grooms man), addressed some polite remarks to her, in so grave and respectful a manner as soon to convince her of his sincerity, and as carefully watched the sparks that fell upon her thick worsted gown, as those that an- noyed the rest of us. At the fii*st stopping-place, you may be very sure that the unwilling intruder was in haste to change her seat. " 'Do you wish to get out, madam !' inquired Mr, Henry ; ' allow me to help you ;' and bounding out, he assisted her down the high step, as carefully and respectfully as though she were some high dame of rank and fashion. I am afraid that, though I did not actually join in the merriment of my thoughtless friends, I deserved the sting of conscience that served to fasten this little incident so firmly in my remem- brance. Perhaps I was, for this reason, the more impressed by another proof of the ever-ready polite- ness of this gentleman, who made such an impression upon my girlish fancy. We dined at Ballston, on our way to Saratoga, and after dinner, I asked Mr. Henry, with whom, in spite of my first awe of his superiority of years and polish, I began to feel quite at ease, to run down with me to one of the Springs, for a glass of w^ater, before we should resume our journey. So he good-naturedly left the gentlemen (now I know that he may have wished to smoke) TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 141 together at the table, and accompanied me. But now for my denoument. Just as we were in a nar- row place, between a high, steep bank and the track, the cars came rushing towards us. In an instant, quicker than thought, Mr. Henry had transferred me from the arm next the cars — because more removed from the edge of the bank — to the other arm, thus placing his person between me and any passing dan- ger, and with such a quiet, re-assuring manner ! You smile. Colonel — but, really — well, you see what an impression it made upon my youthful sensibilities 1" " Oh, girls, such a charming adventure as I had •this evening!" exclaimed Margaret, as a bevy of fair young creatures clustered together before the fire in a drawing-room where I was seated after dinner, with my newspaper. My attention was arrested by the peculiar animation with which these words were pro- nounced, and I glanced at the group, over the top of my spectacles. They reminded me of so many bril- liant-hued butterflies, in their bright-colored winter dresses, and with their light, wavy motions as they settled themselves, one on a pile of cushions, others on a low ottoman, and two pretty fairies on the hearth-rug, each uttering some exclamation of grati- fication at the prospect of amusement. " Now, don't expect anything extraordinary or dreadful, you silly creatures ; I have no 'hair-breadth 'scapes by land or sea ' to entertain you with. Can't 142 one have a ^ charming adventure,' and yet have no- thing to tell ?" " But do tell us all there is to tell, dear Miss . Do, please, this very momentj." entreated one of the fairies, linking her arms around her companion, and mingling her golden ringlets with the darker locks of the head upon which her own lovingly rested. And a little concert of similar pleadings followed. This prelude over, the tantalizing adventuress began : " Before I went over to 'New York this morning, I wrote a little note to Mary Bostwick, telling her all about our arrangements for the Christmas-tree, and charging her not to fail to come to us on Christmas eve, and all about it, for fear that, as I had so much to accomplish, I might not be able to go up to Twenty-third street, and return home in time to meet you all here. My plan was to keep it until I was decided, and then, if obliged to send it, to put it in one of the City Express letter-boxes. Well, by the time I was through with all my important errands, it was time for me to turn my steps homeward. So, happening last at Tiffany's, to get the — I mean, I asked at Tiffany's for one of the places where a box is kept in that neighborhood, and was told that there was one in a druggist's, quite near — just above. Hurrying along, I must have passed the place, and stopped somewhere not far below * Taylor's,' to see exactly where I was. Time was flying, and it was really almost growing dark ; so I ventured to inquire of a gentleman who was passing, though an entire stranger, for the druggist's. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 143 " I think it is below, near the Astor House," said he, with such an appearance of interest as to em- bolden me to mention what I was in search of. " If that is all," he replied, " I dare say there is one nearer. Let me see," glancing around, " I think there is one on the opposite corner — I will see." " I have no right to give you that trouble, sir," said I. " Yes you have — it is what every man owes to your sex." "You are very good, sir; but I am sure I can make the inquiry for myself." " 1^0, it is a tavern, where you cannot properly go alone ! Remain here, and I will ascertain for you." Before I could repeat my thanks, the gentleman was half across the street. Hoping to facilitate matters, I followed him to the opposite pavement, and stood where he would observe me upon coming out of the door I h-ad seen him enter. I held the note and my porte-monnaie ready in my hand. "There is a box here," said my kind friend, returning, " if you will intrust me with your letter, I will deposit it for you." " You are very good, sir ; I would like to pay it," I answered, opening my porte-monnaie. He took the letter quickly, and prevented my intended offer of the postage so decidedly, that I did not dare insist. But, by this time, I really could not lU refrain from the expression of more than an ordinary acknowledgment : " I have to thank jou, sir," said I, " not only for a real kindness to a stranger, but for a pleasant memory, which I shall not soon lose. Such courtesy is too unusual to be soon forgotten J ' How far one little candle sometimes throws its rays!' — many thanks and good evening, sir !" I had still one more errand in Canal street, but I stayed on the " unfashionable side " of the street, and went up, to avoid the awkwardness of re-crossing with the gentleman, and the possibility of imposing any further tax upon his politeness — bless him ! I wasn't half as weary after I met him, and my heart has been in a glow ever since ! " Bravo !" " Bravissimo !" echoed round the room, in various weaves of silvery sound. " Is that all. Miss —^ — ?" inquired the only hoy of the party, unless you except the approach to second childhood ensconced behind the newspaper, and now acting the amiable part of reporter, for your benefit. " All, unless I add that I occasionally glanced cau- tiously over, to catch the form of my kind friend, as I hurried along, that I might not again cross his path ; but I did not ' calculate ' successfully after all ; for, as I ran across Broadway, at Canal street corner, he was a little nearer than I had expected. I bowed slightly, and hurried on: — but wasn't it beautiful? Such chivalrous sentiments towards women : ^ It is what we all owe your sex /' And his manner was TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 145 more expressive than his words — so gentle and quiet! Ko stage effect"' — " But you quoted Shakespeare," insinuated a pretty piece of malice on the ottoman. " I couldn't lielp it, if I did ! I was surprised out of the use of ordinary language by an extraordinary occasion. If you are going to ridicule me, I shall be sorry I told you ; for it is one of the pleasantest things that has happened to me in a great while I There was I, in my inGognito-dress^ as I call it, weary and pale, nothing about me to attract interest, I am sure ! I wish such men were more common in this world, they would elevate the race !" " I declare, cousin Maggie, you are growing enthu- siastic ! I haven't seen such beaming eyes and such a brilliant color for a long time ! Was this most gallant knight of yours a young gentleman, may I ask?" The lady thus questioned seemed to reflect a moment before she replied : " If you mean to inquire whether he was a whis- kered, moustached elegant^ not a bit of it! I should not have addressed such a man in the street. On the contrary, he was " u ]\farried, I am afraid I" interrupted pretty mis- chief on the ottoman, giggling behind her next neighbor. " I dare say he may have been," pursued the nar- rator, quietly. " No very young man, even if he had wished to be polite to a stranger neither young nor beautiful, which is very doubtful, would have exhi- 6 146 bited tlie graceful self-possession and easy politeness of tliis gentleman : — he was, probably, going to his home in the upper part of the city after a business- day. As I remember his dress, though, of course, I had no thought about it at the time, it was the simple, unnoticeable attire of an American gentleman when engaged in business occupations — everything about him, as I recall his presence, was in keeping — unostentatious, quiet, appropriate ! I shall long preserve his portrait in my picture-gallery of me- mory, and I am proud to believe that he is my own countryman !" " Cousin Maggie always says," remarked one of her auditors, " that Americans are the most truly polite men she has met " " Yes," returned the enthusiast, " though some- times wanting in mere surface-polish — 'Where'er I roam, whatever lands I see, My heart, untravelled, fondly turns to * my own dear, honored countrymen — more truly chi- valrous, more truly just towards our sex, than the men of any other land I I never yet appealed to one of them for aid, for courtesy, as a woman^ and as a woman should^ in vain. And I never, scarcely, am so placed as to have occasion for kindness — real kindness — without receiving it, unasked. The other day, for instance, caught in a sudden shower, I stood waiting for a stage, * down town,' in Broadway. There was such a jam that I was afraid to try and get into one that stopped quite near the sidewalk. TO POLITENESS AND FASUION. lit A policeman, at that moment, asked me whether 1 wished to get in, and, holding mj arm, stepped over the curb with me. ' I don't know what the ladies would do without the aid of your corps, sometimes, in these crowds,' said I. " ' If the ladies will accept our services, we are proud, madam,' answered he. " ' I am very glad to do so,' returned I ; and well I might, for, at that instant, as I was on the point of setting my foot on the step of the omnibus, the horse attached to a cart next behind suddenly started for- ward, and left no space between his head and the door of the stage. I shrunk back, as you may ima- gine, and said I would walk, in spite of the rain. But the policeman encouraged me, and called out to the carman to fall back. At that instant, I observed a gentleman come out upon the step of the stage. With a single imperious gesture, and the sternest face, he drove back the horse, and springing into the omnibus, held the door open with one hand, and extended the other to me. To be sure, the police- man almost pinched my arm in two, in his effort to keep me safe, but I was, at last, seated with whole* bones and a grateful heart, at the side of my brave, kind champion. As soon as I recovered breath, I was curious to see again the face whose expression had arrested my attention (of course, I did not wait for breath to thanh him), and to note the external characteristics of a man who would impulsively ren- der such service to a woman — ^like Charles Lamb — (dear, gentle Charles Lamb !) holding his umbrella 1*1 over the head of a washerwoman, because she was a woman! Well, my friend was looking straight be* fore him, apparently wholly unconscious of the exist- ence of the trembling being he had so humanely befriended, with the most impenetrable face imagin- able, and a sort of abstracted manner. Presently I desired to open the window behind me — still not quite recovered from my fright and flutter. Almost before my hand was on the glass, my courteous neighbor relieved me of my task. Again I rendered cordial thanks, and again, as soon as delicacy per- mitted, glanced furtively at the face beside me. ISTothing to reward my scrutiny was there revealed ; the same absorbed, fixed expression, the same seem- ing unconsciousness! But can you doubt that a noble, manly nature was veiled beneath that calm face and quiet manner — a nature that would gleam out in an instant, should humanity prompt, or wrong excite? And I could tell you numberless such anecdotes — all illustrative of my favorite theory." " So could we all," said another lady, " I have no doubt, if we only remembered them." " I never forget anything of that kind," returned Margaret. "It is to me like a strain of fine music, dcted poetry^ if I may use such a phrase. Such in- cidents make, for me, ih^ poetry of real life^ indeed I They inspire in my heart, * The still, swet miisic of humanity.* " TO POLITENESB AND FASHION. l40 One magnificent moonlight night, while I was in Home with your cousins and the W s, a party was formed to visit the Coliseum. That whimsical creature, Grace, whom I had more than once detected in a disposition to fall behind the rest of the company, as we strolled slowly through the ruins, at length stole up to me, as I paused a little apart from the group, and twining her arm within mine, whispered softly : " Do, dear Uncle Hal, come this way with me for a few moments !" Yielding to the impulse she gave me, we were presently disengaged from our companions, and, leaning, as if by mutual agreement, against a pillar. " What a luxury it is to be quiet !" exclaimed your cousin, with a sigh of relief. " How that little Miss 3 — _ (^es chatter! Eeally it is profanation to think or speak of common things to-night, ^nd here I'^ " Well, my fair Epicurean," returned I, " since ' Silence, like a poultice comes To heal the blows of sound,' you shall reward me for my indulgence in attending you, by repeating some of Byron's a^qpos lines, for me as we stand here " — " At your pleasure, dear uncle." Presently she began, in a subdued tone, as if afraid of disturbing the dreams of another, or as if hali listening while she spoke to the tread of those 150 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN S GUIDB * Whose distant footsteps echo Through the corridors of Time ;' but gradually losing all consciousness, save that of the inspiration of the bard, our fair enthusiast reached a climax of eloquence with the words — * The azure gloom Of an Italian night, where the deep skies assume Hues which have words, and speak to ye" of Heaven, Floats o'er this vast and wondrous monument,' " — and she stretched out her arm, with an impulsire, gesture, as she spoke. I perceived a sudden recoil, at the instant, of her dilating form, and, before I could devise an explanation, heard the words, *^ You are my prisoner, madam," and discovered a gentleman standing in the deep shadow of the pillar, close at her side, busily endeavoring to disentangle the fringe of her shawl from the buttons of his coat* I remembered, afterwards, having noticed in pass- ing, sometime before, a shadowy figure standing with folded arms and upturned face, half lost in the deep shadow of a pillar, apparently quite unconscious of the vicinity of the chattering ephemera fluttering by his retreat. I at once surmised that Grace and I had approached from the other side, and inadvertently sta- tioned ourselves near this asthetical devotee — so near that your cousin, in the excitement of her eloquence, had fastened a lasso upon the dress of the stranger. " You are my prisoner, madam," he said, in French. The words were simple enough, not so apposite but TO POLIl-ENESS AND FASHION. 151 that many an one might have uttered them under similar circumstances. Yet thej were replete with meaning, conveyed by the subtle aid of intonation and of manner. The most chivalrous courtesy, the most exquisite refinement, were fully expressed in that brief sentence. " I have no fears either for my purse, or my life," returned the quick-witted lady thus addressed, aiding in the required disentanglement. " You need have none," rejoined the gentleman, "though the laws of chivalry entitle me to demand a goodly ransom for so fair a prize " — glancing politely towards me. *' Accept, at least, the poor guerdon of this token of my thanks," said tlie enthusiast of the moment, tendering a beautiful flower, which was opportunely loosened from her bosom by the slight derangement of her dress. " It will be a treasured memento," answered the stranger, receiving the proffered gift with graceful respect, and, bowing with the most courtly deference, he walked rapidly away, as loth, by lingering one needless moment, to seem intrusive. " What a voice !" exclaimed Grace, as the retreat- ing figure disappeared behind the fragment of a fallen column, " blithe as the matin tone of a lark, and" " Clear as the note of the clarion that startled you so upon the Appian "Way, the other day," I sug- gested, " and indeed, I am not sure that there was not a little tremor in your fingers, this time, my brave 162 lady, and that yon did not hold just a little tighter fast the arm of your old uncle." "What nonsense, Uncle Hal! — could anything be more delicately reassuring — admitting that I was startled , at first, — than the whole bearing of the gentleman?" " Should you know him again ?" I questioned. " I think I should, were it only by the diamond he wore," she replied, with a little laugh at the woman's reason. *' Did you observe it uncle, as his macin- tosh was opened by the pulling of that silly fringe — really it might grace the crescent of Dian herself, on a gala-night — it was a young star ! but I also saw his face distinctly as he raised his hat.'* Well, now for the denoument of my story — for every romantic adventure should properly have a denoument. As we were all riding on the Campagna a few days afterwards, the usual intimation was given of the approach of the cortege of the Pope. Of course we went through the mummery of withdrawing, while the poor old man was hurried along in his air- ing. Standing thus together, a party of gentlemen rode rapidly up, and, recognizing some of our party, joined us. Scarcely were the usual greetings over, when Grace, reining her horse near me, said, in a low tone : " Uncle, there is the ' bright particular star' of the other night in the Coliseum ; I know I am not mis- taken." And so it proved — the polished, graceful stranger TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 153 was not a Prince incognito^ not even an acreless count, whose best claim to respect consisted in here- ditary titles and courtly manners, but a young Attic- rican artist , full of activity, enthusiasm and genius, who had not forgotten to give beauty to the casket, because it enshrined a gem of high value. Apropos of gems — ^I afterwards learned that the superb brilliant he always wore on his breast was a token of the gratitude of a distinguished and munifi- cent patron and friend, for whom this child of feel- ing and genius had successfully incarnated all that was earthly of one loved and lost. We subsequently became well acquainted with our gifted countryman, and a right good fellow he proved. We met him constantly in society, while at Florence — the Italian Paradise of Americans^ as Miss always called it — where his genial manners, the type of a genial nature, made him a general favorite, as well with natives as foreigners. Soon after he was named to me that day on the Campagna, your cousin, who had again moved from my side, turned her face towards us. The movement arrested the attention of my companion — ^he glanced inquiringly at me. " I think I am not mistaken, sir ; have we not met before ?" and the same exquisite courtesy illumined his face that had so impressed me previously. " May I ask the honor of a presentation to my sometime prisoner?" " Keally, sir," I overheard Grace confessing, in hei sprightliest tones, as, the two parties uniting for tho 154 nonce, we all rode on together ; " really, sir, I re- member to have been secretly rejoiced at having left my heart, vratch, and other valuables, safely locked up at home, when I found myself in such a danger- ous-looking neighborhood." "And /still indulge the regiet that my profession did not fully entitle me to retain possession, not only of the shawl, which, no doubt, was a camel's hair of unknown value, but of the embodied poetry it enwrapped." " You seem quite to overlook the fact that I was guarded, like a damsel of old, by a doughty knight." I wish I could half describe the dextrous twirl of the moustache, and the quickly-shadowed brow that suddenly transformed that luminous and honest face into that of the dark, moody brigand, as, fumbling in his bosom the while, as about to unsheath a dag- ger, he growled, in mock-heroic manner — " It were easy to find means to silence such an opponent, with such a" reward in view !" The merry laugh with which Grace received this sally, proved that she, at least, liked the versatility of momner possessed by her gallant attendant. Touching the electric chain of memory, causes another link to vibrate, and I am reminded of my pro- mise, made in a former letter, to tell you about the American girl whose beautiful arm threw Powera into raptures. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 155 Yon will, perhaps, recollect that I alluded to my having met abroad the heroine of the cor7ielian pdte anecdote. I assm-e yon, I had ample occasion, more than once, to be prond of my lovely countrywoman, in the most distinguished European circles — and by that term I do not refer to distinction created by mere rank. But to my tale : One day, during our mutual sojourn in her well- named Italian " Paradise," Miss , and her father, in accordance with a previous arrangement, called at my lodgings, to take me with them to a dinner at the Palace de . " I propose, as we have purposely come early, Col. Lunettes, in the hope of finding you at leisure, that we shall drop in at Powers' studio, a few minutes ; it is in our direct way, and he will be there, as !■ happen to know. I so wish to know your impression of papa's bust." While I was enjoying a chat with the presiding genius of the scene, a little apart from a group gathered about some object of peculiar interest, a sudden glow of enthusiasm lighted his eye, as with Promethean fire. "Heavens, what an arm!" exclaimed Powers. "Oh, for the art to petrify it!" he added, with an expressive gestm*e, the furore of the artist rapidly enkindling. ' Following the direction of his glance, I beheld what might well excite admiration in a less discrimi- nating spectator. The velvet mantle that had shrouded the gala- dress of Miss having fallen 156 THE AMEKICAJ!! GENTLEMAN S GUIDE from her shoulders, disclosed the delicate beauty of the uncovered arm and hand, which she was eagerly extending towards the marble before her. " Kemain just as you now stand, for a moment," said I, " and let me see what I can do for you." " Miss ," 1 asked, advancing towards my fair friend, " will you let me invite your attention to this new study ? It is entitled ' The Artist's Prayer,' and 18 supposed to impersonate the petition, * Petrify it, O, ye gods!'" Of course, this led to a brief and laughing expla- nation. "Happily, no earthly Powers can achieve that transformation !" exclaimed the Lucifer of the Coli- seum, who was present, " but all will join in the entreaty that we may be permitted to possess an imitation of so beautiful an original." I am not permitted to disclose the secrets of the inner temple ; but many of you will yet behold the loveliness that so charmed the lovers of art, moulded into eternal marble. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 157 *^ LETTER YI. manner, continued. bule8 fob visiting, and for manner in societt generally. My dear Nephews: Having attempted, in my last two letters, with what success you will best j udge, to give you some practical hints respecting manner at home and in the street, suppose we take up, next, the consi- deration of the conduct proper in Visiting, and on public occasions, generally. Among the minor obligations of social life, per- haps few things are regarded as more formidable by the unpractised, than ceremonious morning visits to ladies. And perhaps, among the simple occurrences of ordinary existence, few serve more fully to illus- trate individual tact, self-possession, and conver- sational skill. "Without aiming at much method in so doing, I will endeavor to furnish you with a few directions of general applicability. Hours for making morning calls are somewhat varied by place and circumstance ; but, as a rule^ 158 twelve o'clock is the earliest hour at which it is admissible to make a visit of ceremony. From that time until near the prevailing dinner-horn*, in a small town, or that known to be such in particular instances, one may suit one's convenience. It is obviously unsuitable, usually, to prolong an interview of this kind beyond a very moderate length, and hence, as well as for other reasons, the conversation should be light, varied, and appropriate to outward circumstances. It is proper to send your card, not only to announce yourself to strangers to whom you may wish to pay your respects, but to all ladies with whom you are not upon very intimate terms, and at a private house, to designate intelligibly to the servant who receives your card, the individual, or the several persons, whom you wish to see. If you go to a hotel, etc., for this purpose, write the name of the lady or ladies, for whom your visit is designed, upon your card, dbove your own name, in a legible manner, and await the return of the mes- senger, to whom you intrust it, where you part from him. If, upon his return, you are to remain for your friends, and there be a choice of apartments for that purpose, unless you choose to station your- self within sight of the stairs they must of need descend, or the corridor through which they must pass, let the porter in attendance distinctly understand not only your name, but where you are to be found, and if possible, give him some clue to the identifica- tion of the friends you wish to see. After a few TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 159 vexatious mistakes and misapprehensions, you will admit the wisdom of these precautionary measures, I have no doubt. When you are shown into the draw- ing-room of a private residence, if the mistress of the mansion is present, at once advance towards her. Should she offer her hand, be prompt to receive it, and for this purpose, take your hat, stick, and right- hand glove (unless an occasion of extreme ceremony demands your wearing the latter), in your left hand, as you enter. K your hostess does not offer her hand, when she rises to receive you, simply bow, as you pay your compliments, and take the seat she designates, or that the servant places for you. When there are other ladies of the same family present, speak to each, in succession, according to age, or other proper precedence, before you seat yourself. If there are ladies in the room whom you do not know, bow slightly to them, also, and if you are introduced, after you have assumed a seat, rise and bow to them. When men are introduced, they usu- ally mutually advance and shake hands ; but the intimation that this will be agreeable to her, should always be the test when you are presented to a lady, or when you address a lady acquaintance. Some tact is necessary in deciding your move- ments when you find yourself preceded by other visitors, in making a morning call. If you have no special reason, as a message to deliver, or an appointment to make, for lingering, and discover that you are interrupting a circle, or when you are ji the midst of strangers, where the conversation. 160 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE does not at once become general, upon your making one of them, address a few polite phrases to your hostess, if you can do so with ease and propriety from your position with regard to her, and take leave, approaching her nearly enough, when you rise to go, to make your adieu audible, or to receive her hand, should she offer it. To strangers, even when you have been introduced, you, ordinarily, only bow passingly, as you are about to quit the room. Should you have a special object in calling upon a lady, keep it carefully in view, that you may accomplish it before you leave her presence. When other visitors, or some similar circumstance, interfere with the accomplishment of your purpose, you may write what you wish upon a card in the hall, as you go out, and intrust it to a servant, or leave a message with him, or in case of there being objections to either of those methods of communication, resort to an appointment requested through him, or subse- quently write a note to that effect, or containing an explanation of the object of your visit. When you determine to outstay others at a morning reception, upon the . rising of ladies to depart, you rise also, under all circumstances ; and when they are acquaint- ances, and unattended by a gentleman, accompany them to the street-door, and to their carriage, if they are driving, and then return to your hostess. Unac- quainted, you simply stand until ladies leave tho room, politely returning their parting salutation, if they make one. Any appearance of a wish on the part of those whom you chance to meet thus, for an TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 161 €bsid-e conversation, will, of course, suggest the pro* priety of occupying yourself until your liostess is at leisure, with some subject of interest in the room — turn to a picture, open a book, examine some article of Mjouterie^ and, thus civilly unobtrusive, observe only when it is proper for you to notice the separa- tion of the company. As I have before said, in making a visit of mere politeness, some passing topic of interest should suc- ceed the courteous inquiries, etc., that naturally commence the conversation. Visiting a lady prac- tised in the usages of society, relieves one, very naturally, from any necessity for leading the conver- sation. When your object is to make an appointment, give an invitation, etc., repeat the arrangement finally agreed upon, distinctly and deliberately, upon rising to go away, that both parties may distinctly understand it, beyond the possibility of mistake. In attending ladies who are making morning visits, it is proper to assist them up the steps, ring the bell, write cards, etc. Entering, always follow them into the house and into the drawing-room, and wait until they have finished their salutations, unless you have to perform the part of presenting them. In that case, you enter with them, or stand within the door until they have entered, and advance beside them into the apartment. Ladies should always be the first to rise, in termi- nating a visit, and when they have made their adieux, 162 their cavaliers repeat the ceremony, and follow them out. When gentlemen call together, the younger, oi least in rank, gives careful precedence to others, rendering them courtesies similar to those due to ladies. Soiled over-shoes, or wet over-garments, should, on no account, be worn into an apartment devoted to the use of ladies, unless they cannot be safely left outside — as in the passage of a public house. In such case, by no means omit an apology for the necessary discourtesy. When ladies are not in the apartment where you are to pay your respects to them, advance to meet them upon their entrance ; and in the public room of a hotel, meet them as near the door as possible, especially if there is no gentleman with them, or the room be previously occupied, and conduct them to seats. ISTever remain seated in the company of ladies with whom you are ceremoniously associated, while they are standing. Follow them to any object of interest to which they direct your attention ; place a seat for them, if much time will be required for such a purpose ; ring the bell, bring a book ; in short, courteously relieve them from whatever may be supposed to involve effort, fatigue, or discomfort of any kind. It is, for this reason, eminently suitable to offer the arm to ladies when ascending stairs. Nothing is more absurd than the habit oi jprecedmg TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 163 them adopted by some men — as if by following just behind, as one should, if the arm is disengaged, there can be any violation of propriety. Soiled frills or unmended hose must have originated this vul- garity ! Tender the arm on the wall side of a lady, mounting a stairs, that she may have the benefit of the railing, and the fewer steps upon a landing ; and in assisting an invalid, or aged person, it is often well to keep one step in advance. It is always decorous to suit your pace to those you would assist. It is also a proper courtesy, always to relieve ladies of their parcels, parasols, shawls, etc., when ever this will conduce to their convenience, which is especially the case, of course, when they are occupied with the care of their dresses in ascending Bteps, entering a carriage, or passing through a crowd. The rules of etiquette properly observable m making ordinary ceremonious morning-visits, are also applicable to Morning Wedding- Beceptions with slight variations. Of course, you do not then an- nounce yourself by a card. "When previously ac- quainted with her, you advance immediately to the bride, and offer your wishes for her future happiness, Never congratulate a lady upon her marriage ; such felicitations are, with good taste, tendered to tho bridegroom, not to the bride. Having paid your compliments to the bride, you shake hands with the groom, and bow to the bride-maids, when you know them. Tho mother of 164: THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE the bride should then be sought. Here, again refinement dictates the avoidance of too eager congratulations. While expressiDg a cordial hope that the parents have added to their prospects of future pleasure in receiving a new member into their family, do not insinuate, by your manner, the conviction that they have no natural regret at resign- ing their daughter "To another path and guide, To a bosom yet untried." It is not usual to sit down on such occasions ; and it is as obviously unsuitable to remain long, as it is to engage the attention of those whom others may be waiting to approach, beyond the utterance of a few brief, well-chosen sentences. When you require an introduction to the bride, but are acquainted with her husband, you may speak first to him, and so secure a presentation. Usually a groomsman, or some other gentleman, is in readiness to present unknown visitors. In that case, should he, too, be a stranger to you, mention your name to him, and any little circumstance by which he may afford a passing theme or explanation, when he introduces you — as, that you are a friend of her father — promised your particular friend, her sister, to pay your respects, etc. On this, as in the instance of all similar occasions, tact and good-taste must suggest the variations of manner required by the greater or less degree of TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 165 ceremony prevailing, and your individual relations to those you visit. In tliis connection I will add that a card may sometimes be properly made a substitute for paying one's respects in person — ^with a pencilled phrase of politeness, or accompanied by a note. In either case, an envelope of the most unexceptionable kind should be used, and a note written with equal atten- tion to ceremony. A Visit of Condolence is often most tastefully made by going in person to the residence of your friend, and leaving a courteous message, and your card, with a servant. Much politeness is sometimes expressed by the earliest possible call upon friends just arrived from a journey, etc., or by leaving or sending a card, with a pencilled expression of pleasure, and of the intention of availing yourself of the first suitable moment for paying your com- pliments in person. Yisits upon New- Year's Day should be short, as a rule, for the reasons before suggested, and it is not usual to sit down, except when old friends urge it, or when the presence of an elderly person, or an invalid, demands the appearance of peculiar consideration. On all occasions of ceremonious intercourse with superiors in age and station, one or both, manner should be regulated, as respects familiarity, or even cordiality, by them. " He approached me wdth familiarity^ I repulsed him with ceremony ^'^ said a man of rank, alluding to an impertinence of this kind. Never be the first, under such circumstances, 16B to violate the strict rules of convention. Tlieir observance is often the safeguard of sensibility, as well as of self-respect. Simple good-taste will dictate the most quiet, un^ noticeable bearing at Church. The saying of the celebrated Mrs. Ohapone, that " it was part of her religion not to disturb the religion of others," is all inclusive. To enter early enough to be fully esta- blished in one's seat before the service commences, to attend politely, but very unostentatiously, to the little courtesies that may render others comforta- ble, to avoid all rude staring, and all appearance of inattention to the proper occupations of the occasion, as well as every semblance of irreverence^ will occur to all well-bred persons as obviously required by decorum. "When necessitated to go late to church, one should, as on all similar occasions, endeavor to disturb others as little as possible ; but with equal Btudiousness avoid the vulgar exhibition of discom- posure, of over-diffidence, or of any consciousness, indeed, of being observed., which so unmistakably savors of low-breeding. I cannot too frequently remind you that self-possession is one of the grand distinctive attributes of a gentleman, and that it is often best illustrated by a simple, quiet, successful manner of meeting the exigencies and peculiarities of circumstances. Never wear your hat into church. Kemove it in the vestibule, and on no account resume it until you re- turn thither, unless health imperatively demands your doing so just before reaching the door opening into it. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 167 All nodding, whispering, and exchanging of glances in church, is in bad taste. Even the latter should not be indulged in, unless a very charming woman is the provoking cause of the peccadillo, and then very stealthily and circumspectly I Salutations, even with intimate friends, should always be very quietly exchanged, while one is still within the body of the sacred edifice, and the " outer court" of the house of God were better not the scene of boisterous mirth, or rude jostling. Let me add, here, that it is always proper, when compelled to hurry past those of right before you, at church, or elsewhere in a crowd, to apologize, briefly, but po- litely, for discommoding any one. Whenever you are in attendance upon ladies, as at the opera, concerts, lectures, etc., there is entire pro- priety in remaining with them in the seat you have paid for, or secured by early attendance. itTo gen- tleman should be expected to separate himself from a party to give his place to a lady under such circum- stances, and in no country but ours would such a request or intimation be made. But while it is quite justifiable to retain the seat taken upon entering such a public place, nothing is more wholly inad- . missible than crowding in and out of your plact repeatedly, talking and laughing aloud, mistimea applauding, and the like. If you are not present for the simple purpose of witnessing the performance, whatever it may be, there are, doubtless, those who are ; and it is not only exceedingly vulgar, but immoral, to invade their rights in this regard. Be i 168 careful, therefore, to secure your libretto, concert- bill, or programme, as the case may be, before assuming your seat ; and when you have ladies with you, or are one of a party, especially, as then you cannot so readily accept the penalty of carelessness, by not returning to your first seat. Should any un- foreseen necessity compel you to crowd past others, and afterwards resume your seat, presume as little as possible upon their polite forbearance, by great care of dresses, toes, etc., and each time politely apologize for the inconvenience you occasion. Let me repeat that no excuse exists for the too-frequent rudeness of disturbing others by fidgeting, whispering, laugh- ing, or applauding out of time. And even when standing or moving about between the exercises, on any public occasion, or the acts at a play-house, or opera, well-bred people are never disregardful of the rights and comfort of others. In a picture-gallery, at an exhibition of marbles, etc., nothing can be mote indicative of a want of refinement sufficient to appreciate true art, than the impertinence exhibited in audible comments upon the subjects before you, and in interfering with the enjoyment of others by passing before them, moving seats noisily, talking and laughing aloud, etc. With persons of taste and refinement, there is an almost religious sacredness in the presence of the crea- tions of genius, to desecrate which, is as vulgar as it is irreverential of the beautiful and the goodi Always then, carry out the most scrupulous regard of the rights and feelings of others, when yourself a TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 169* devotee at the shrine of ^Esthetics, bj attention to the minutest forms of courtesy. This will dictate leaving your place the moment you rise, carrying everything with you belonging to you, and never stopping to shawl ladies, don an overcoat, or dis- pose of an opera-glass, until you can do so without interrupting the comfort of those you leave behind you. When you wish to take refreshments, or to offer them to ladies, at public entertainments, it is better to repair to the place where they are served, as a rule, unless it be in the instance of a single glass of water, or the like ; except when a party occupy an opera-box, etc., exclusively. Be careful never to attach yourself to a party of which you were not originally one, at any time, or place, unless fully assured of its being agreeable to the gentlemen previously associated with ladies ; or if a gentleman's party only, attracts you, make yourself quite sure that no' peccadillo be involved in your joining it, and in either case, let your manner indicate your remembrance of the circumstance of your properly standing in the relation of a recipient of the civilities due to the occasion. Some men practically adopt the opinion that the courteous observances of social and domestic life are wholly inapplicable to business intercourse. A little consideration will prove this a solecism. Good oreeding is not a thing to be put off and on witb varying outward circumstance. If genuine, inhe- rent, it will always exhibit itself as certainly as 8 ITO^ integrity, or any other unalienable quality of an individual. The manifestations of this characteristic by manner^ will, of course, vary with occasion, but it will, nevertheless, be apparent at all times, and to all observers, when its legitimate influence is rightly understood and admitted. Hence, then, though the observance of elaborate ceremony in the more practical associations of busy outer life would be absurdly inappropriate, that care- ful respect for the rights and feelings of others, which is the basis of all true politeness, should not, under these circumstances, be disregarded. The secret of the superior popularity of some busi- ness men with their compeers and erwployes^ lies often, rather in manner than in any other character- istic. You may observe, in one instance, a universal favorite, to whom all his associates extend a welcom- ing hand, as though there were magic in the ready smile and genial manner, and who is served by his inferiors in station with cheerfulness and alacrity, in- dicating that a little more than a mere business bond draws them to him ; and again, an upright, but exter- nally-repulsive man, though always commanding respect from his compeers, holds them aloof by his frigidity, and receives the service of fear rather than of love from those to whom he may be always just, and even humane, if never sympathizing and un- bending. As I have before remarked, there is no occasion where we are associated with others, that does not demand the exhibition of a polite manner. Thus at TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 171- a public table^ no man should allow himself to feed like a mere animal, wholly disregardful of those about him, and, as too frequently happens, forgetful of the proprieties that are observed when eating in private. Only at the best conducted hotels are all things so well and liberally appointed as to render those who meet at public tables wholly independent of each in little matters of comfort and convenience, and a well-bred man may be recognized there, as eve- rywhere else, by his manner to those who may chance to be near him. He will neither call loudly to a ser- vant, nor monopolize the services that should be divided with others. His quick eye will discern a lady alone, or an invalid, and his ready courtesy supply a want, or proffer a civility, and he will not grudge a. little self-denial, or a few minutes' time, in exchange for the consciousness of being true to himself, even in trifles. ISTor will he ever eat as though running a race of life and death with Time ! Health and de- cency will alike prompt him to abstain wholly from attempting to take a meal, rather than assimilate himself to a ravenous brute, to gratify his appetite. ; Let no plea of w^ant of time ever induce you, I en- treat, to acquire the American habit of thus eating in public. Even in the compulsatory haste of tra- velling, there is no valid excuse for this unhealthy and disgusting practice. And, with regard to daily life at one's hotel, or the like, the man who is habi- tually regardful of the value and right use of time, may well and wisely permit himself the simple indul- gence and relaxation of eating like a gentleman ! 172 While on this subject, permit me to remind you of the impropriety of staring at strangers, listening to conversation in which you have no part, comment- ing audibly upon others, laughing and talking bois- terously, etc., etc. Let not even admiration tempt you to put a modest woman out of countenance, by a too fixed regard, nor let her even suspect that a nod, a shrug, a significant whisper or glance had her for their object. Good-breeding requires one to hear as little as possible of the conversation of strangers, near whom he may chance to be seated. We quietly ignore their presence (as they should ours), unless some exigency demands a courtesy ; but we do not disturb our neighbors by vociferousness, even in the height of merriment, however harmless in itself. Should a lady, even though an entire stranger, be entering an eating-hall alone, or attended by another gentleman, at the same moment with yourself, give precedence to her, with a slight bow ; and so, when quitting the room, as well as to your acknowledged superiors in age or position generally, and carefully avoid such self-engrossment as shall engender inat- tention to their observances. So, too, when meeting a lady on a public stairs, or in a passage-way, give place sufficiently to allow her to pass readily, touching your hat at the same moment. In the sa;me manner remove a chair, or other obstacle that obstructs the way of a lady in a hotel parlor, or on a piazza ; avoid placing a seat so as to crowd a lady, encroacli upon a party, or compel you to sit before others. I admit that these are the minuticB of manners, my TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 173 dear fellows ; but attention to them will increase your self-respect, and give elevation to your general cha- racter, just in proportion as selfi^ subdued, and the baser propensities of our nature kept habitually in subserviency to the nobler qualities illustrated by habitual good-breeding. But to return. Though the circumstances must be peculiar that sanction your addressing a lady with whom you are unacquainted, in a public parlor, or the like, you are not required by convention to ap- pear so wholly unconscious of her presence as to retain your seat just in front of the only fire in the room on a cold day, in the only comfortable chair, or a place so near the only airy window on a hot one, as to preclude her approach to it. ]^or are you bound to sit in one seat and keep your legs across another, on the deck of a steamer, in a railroad car, in a tavern, at a public exhibition, while women stcmd near you, compelled by your not Icnowing them ! Let me hope, too, that no kinsman of mine will ever feel an inclination, when appealed to for information in some practical emergency, by one of the dependent sex, to repulse her with laconic cold- ness, though the appeal should chance when he is hurrying along the public highway of life, or through the most secluded of its by-paths. Few young men, I must believe, ever remember when in a large hotel, at night, with their compa- nions, that — opening into the corridors through which they tramp like a body of mounted cavalry upon a foray, with appropriate musical accompaniments — 1T4 may be the apartments of the weary and the sick ; or, that, separated from the room in which they prolong their nocturnal revels, by only the thinnest of parti- tions, lies a timid and lonely woman, shrinking and trembling more and more nervously at each succes- sive burst of mirth and song, or worse, that effectu- ally robs her of repose. Yet Sir Walter Kaleigh, or Sir Philip Sidney, might, perchance, have thought even such a trifling peccadillo not un-note-worthy. The same general rules that are applicable to man- ner in public places, at hotels, etc., are almost equally so in travelling^ modified only by circum- stances and good sense. A due consideration for the rights and feelings of others, will be a better guide to true politeness than a whole battery of conventionalisms. Courtesy to ladies, to age, to the suffering, will here, as ever, mark the true gentleman, as well as that habitual refinement which interdicts the offensive use of tobacco, where women sit or stand, or any other slo- venliness or indecorum. Under such circumstances, as many others in real life, never let cold ceremony deter you from render- Ing a real service to a fellow-being, though you rea- dily avail yourself of its barriers to repel imperti- nence or vulgarity. It is authentically recorded of one of the loyal subjects of the little crowned lady over the ocean, that, as soon as he was restored to the privileges of civilization, after having been cast away upon a desert island with only one other per- son, he at once challenged his companion in misfor- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 175 tune for having spoken to him, during their mutual exile, without an introduction ! Should you indulge in any skepticism respecting the literal truthfulness of this historical record, I can personally vouch for the following : Our eccentric and unhappy countryman, the gifted poet, P , was once, while travelling, roused from a moody and absorbing reverie, by the address of a stranger, who said : " Sir, I am Mr. W , the author — ^you have no doubt heard of me." The dreamy eye of the contemplative solitaire lighted with a sudden fire, as he deliberately scrutinized the intruder, then quickly contracting each feature so that his physio- gnomy changed at once to a very respectable imita- tion of a spy-glass, he coolly inquired: " Who the devil did you say you are /" Practice and tact combined, can alone give a man ease and grace of manner amid the varying demands of social life, but systematic attention to details will soon simplify whatever may seem formidable in re- gard to it. No one but a fool or a monomaniac goes on stumbling through his allotted portion of exist- ence, when he may easily learn to go without stum- bling at all, or only occasionally. Thus, after experiencing the embarrassment of keeping ladies, with whom you have been driving in a hired carriage, standing in the rain, or sun, or in a jostling crowd, while you are waiting for change to pay your coach, or submitting to extortion, or search- ing for your pui'se, you will, perhaps, resolve, when you are next so circumstanced, to ascertain before* 176 THE AMERICAN GEJJTTLEMAn's GUIDE hand, if possible, exactly what jou should lawfully pay, to have your money ready before reaching your final destination, and to leave the ladies seated in quiet while you alight, pay your fare and then secure shawls, etc., and make every other ar- rangement and inquiry that will facilitate their speedy and comfortable transit from the carriage. Thus much for manner inj^vhlic. Now then, a few words relative to the bearing proper in social intercourse, and I will release you. In the character of Host^ much is requisite that would be unsuitable elsewhere, since the youngest and most modest man must, of necessity, then take the lead. Thus, when you have guests at dinner, some care and tact are required in the simple matter, even, of disposing of your visitors with due regard to proper precedents. Of course, when there are only men present, you desire him whom you wish to distinguish, to conduct the mistress of the mansion to the table, and are, yourself, the last to enter the dining-room. AVhen there are ladies, the place of honor accorded to age, rank, or by some temporary relative circumstance, is designated as being at your right hand, and you precede your other guests, in attendance upon such a lady. A stranger lady, for whom an entertainment is given, should be met by her host before she enters the drawings-room, and con- ducted to the hostess. A gentleman, under similar circumstances, must be received at the door of the reception-room. In both instances, introductions TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 177 should at once be given to those who are invited to meet such guests. Persons living in large cities may, if they possess requisite pecuniary means, always procure servants so fully acquainted with the duties properly belong- ing to them as to relieve themselves, when they have visitors, from all attention to the details of the table. But it is only in the best appointed establishments that hospitality does not enjoin some regard to these matters. It may be unfashionable to keep an eye to the comfort of one's friends, when we are favored with their company, to consult their tastes, to humor their peculiarities, to convince them, by a thou- sand nameless acts of consideration and deference, that we have pleasure in rendering them honor due ; — this may not be in strict accordance with the cold ceremony of modern fashion, but it, neverthe- less, illustrates one of the most beautiful of charac- teristics — one ranked by the- ancients as a virtue — Hospitality ! Permit me, also, to remind you that sometimes the most worthy people are not high-bred — not familiar with conventional proprieties ; that they even have a dread of them, on account of this ignorance ; and that they are, therefore, not fit subjects towards whom to display strict ceremony, or from whom to expect it. But always remember, that, though th^y may not understand conventionalisms, they will ful- ly appreciate genuine kindness^ the talismanic charm that will always place the humblest and most self- distrustful guest at ease. And never let a vulgar, 8* 178 degrading fear of compromising your claims to gen- tility, tempt you to the inhumanity of wounding the feelings of the humblest of your humble friends ! If you have a large rout at your house, it will, necessarily, be impossible for you to render special attention to each guest; but you should, notwith- standing, quietly endeavor to promote the enjoy- ment of the company, by bringing such persons together as are best suited to the appreciation of each other's society, by drawing out the diffident, tender- ing some civility to an elderly, or particularly unas- suming visitor, and, in short, by a manner that, without in any degree savoring of over-solicitude, or bustling self-importance, shall save you from a fate similar to that of a gentleman of whom I lately read the following anecdote : A stranger at a large party, observing a gentleman leaning upon the coi'ner of a mantel-piece, with a peculiarly melancholy expression of countenance, accosted him thus: — "Sir, as we both seem to be entire strangers to all here, suppose we both return home ?" He addressed his host ! In general society, do not let your pleasure in the conversation of one person whom you may chance to meet, or your being attached to a pleasant party, tempt you to forget the respect due to other friends, who may be present. Man-ied ladies, whose hospi- talities you have shared, strangers who possess a claim upon you, through your relations with mutual friends, gentlemen whose politeness has been socially extend* ed to you, should never be rudely overlooked, or TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 179 discourteously neglected. Sucli a manner wou.d indicate rather a vulgar eagerness for selfish enjoy- ment than the collected self-possession, the well-sus- t-ained good-breeding, of a man of the world. Do not let a sudden attack of the modesty suitable to youth and insignificance, induce you to regard those proprieties as of no importance in your parti- cular case — exclaiming, "What's Hecuba to me, or I to Hecuba ?" Believe me, no one is so unimpor- tant as to be unable to give pleasure by politeness ; and no one having a place in society, has a right to self-abnegation in this respect. " Husband, do you know a young Mr. Y , in Bociety here — a lawyer, I think?" inquired a lady- friend of mine, of a distinguished member of the Legislature of our State, with whom I was dining, at his liotel. " Y ? That I do !^ and a right clever fellow he is : — why, my dear ?" " Oh, nothing, I met him somewhere the other mor- ning, and was struck with his pleasing manners. This morning I was really indebted to his politeness. You know how slippery it was — well, I had been at Mrs. S 's reception, and was just hesitating on the top of the steps, on coming away, afraid to call the man from his horses, and fearful of venturing down alone, when Mr. Y ran up, like a chamois-hunter, and offered his assistance. He not only escorted me 180 to the sleigli, but tucked up the furs, gave me my muff, and inquired for your health with such good- humor and cordiality as really quite won my heart !" "I should be exceedingly jealous, were it not that he made exactly tlie same impression upon me, a few evenings before you joined me here. It was at Miss T 's wedding. Of course, I had a card of invita- tion to the reception, after the ceremony, but, disliking crowds as I do, and as you were not here, I decided not to go. — ^The truth is, Colonel, [turning to me] we backwoodsmen are a little shy of these grand state occasions of ceremony and parade." — " Backwoodsmen, as you are pleased to term them, sometimes confer far more honor upon such occasions than they upon him," returned I. "You are very polite, sir. Well, as I was saying, in the morning I met the bride's father, who was one of my early college friends, in the street, and he urged me, with such old-fashioned, hearty cordiality to come, that I began to think the homely charm of hospitality might not be wholly lacking, even at a fashionable entertainment, in this most fashionable city. So the upshot of the matter was my going, though with some misgivings about my court-costume^ as my guardian-angel had deserted me." Really, boys, I wish you could have seen the chivalrous courtesy that lighted the fine eye and shone over the manner of the speaker, as, with these last words, he bowed to the fair companion of his life for something like half a century. "You forget, my dear," rejoined the lady, as a soft TO POLITENESS AND FASfnON. 181 smile, and a softer blush stole over her still beautiful face, " that Mrs. M wrote me jou were quite the lion of the occasion, and that half the young ladies present, including the bride herself, were" — " My dear ! I cry you mercy ! — Bless my soul ! — an old fellow like me !" "But K , my dear friend," I exclaimed, " don't be personal " " Lunettes, you were always, and still are, irresis- tible with the ladies, but — ^you are an exception.^^ "I protest!" cried Mrs. K , joining in our laughter, " Mr. Clay, to his latest day, was in high favor with ladies, young and old — there was no with* standing the charm of his manner. At Washington, one winter that I spent there, wherever I met him, he was encircled by the fairest and most distinguish- ed of our sex, all seeming to vie with each other for his attentions — and this was not because of his politi- cal rank, for others in high position did not share his popularity ; — it was his grace, his courtesy, his je ne sais quoi, as the French say." " Mr. Clay was as remarkable for quiet self-pos- session and tact, in social as in public life," said I. " When I had the honor to be his colleague, I often had occasion to observe and admire both. I remem- ber once being a good deal amused by a little scene between him and a Miss , then a reigning belle at Washington, and a great favorite of Mr. Clay's. Keturning late one night from the Capitol, excessive* ly fatigued by a long and exciting debate, in which he had borne an active part, he dropped into the 182 ladies' parlor of onr hotel, on his way up stairs, hoping, I dare say, Mrs. K., to enjoy the soothing influence of gentler smiles and tones than those he had left. The room was almost deserted, but, ensconced in one comer of a long, old-fashioned sofa, sat Miss , reading. His keen eye detected his fair friend in a moment, and his lagging step quickened as he approached her. A younger and handsomer man might well have envied the warm welcome he received. After sitting a moment beside the lady, Mr. Clay said, abruptly : — ^ " Miss , what is your definition of true polite- ness ?" " Perfect ease," she replied. " I have the honor to agree with you, madam, and, with your entire permission, will take leave to assume the correctness of this position /" As he spoke, with a dextrous movement, the statesman disposed a large cushion near Miss 's end of the sofa, and simultaneously, down went his head upon the cushion, and up went his heels at the other extreme of the sofa ! But, my dear fellow, we are losing your adventures at the great wedding party, all this time " " Yery true, my dear," added Mrs. K , wiping her eyes, "you fell in love with Mr. Y , you know " " Oh, yes," returned my host, " I did, indeed ; but I had no adventures, in particular. Y was one of the aids-de-camp^ on the occasion, as I knew by the white love-knot (what is the fashionable name, , TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. l83 wife ?) he wore on his breast. He was in the hall, when I came down stairs, to act in his office of groomsman. Upon seeing me, he advanced, and asked whether he cou'ld be of any service to me. I explained, while I drew on mj gloves, that I did not know the bride, and feared that even her mother might have forgotten an early friend. His young eyes found the button of my glove quicker than mine, and as he released my hand, he said, showing a sad rent in his own, " you are fortunate in not having split them, sir, — but you gentlemen of the old scTwol^'^ he added with a respectful bow, " always surpass us youngsters in matters of dress, as well as everything else." As he said this, the young rogue glanced politely over my plain black suit, and offered me his arm as deferentially as though I had been an Ex- President, at least ; and so on, throughout the even- ing, with apparent unconsciousness of self. I should have thought him wholly devoted to my enjoyment of everything and everybody, had I not observed that others, equally, or more, in need of his attention than I, shared his courtesy — from an elderly lady in a huge church-tower of a cap, who seemed fearfully exercised less she should not secure her full share of the wedding-cake boxes, to one of the little sisters of the bride, who clung to her dress and sobbed as if her heart must break — all seemed to like him and defend on him." " I have not the pleasure of Mr. Y 's acquaint- ance," said I, " but I prophesy that he will succeed in lifer 184 " Yes, and make friends at every step !" responded Mrs. K , warmly. " After we parted this morn- ing, I Lad an agreeable sort of half-consciousness that something pleasant had happened to me, and when I analised the feeling, Wordsworth's lines seemed to have been impersonated to me : — * A face with gladness overspread ! Soft smiles, by human kindness bred ! And seemliness complete, that sways Thy courtesies, about thee plays ! ' " I have known few persons with as exquisite aesthe- tical perceptions as my lovely friend Minnie. So I promised myself great pleasure in taking her to see Cole's celebrated series of pictures — ^The Course op Time. It was soon after Cole's lamented death ; and, as Minnie had been some time living where she was deprived of such enjoyments, she had never seen these fine pictures. As we drove along towards the Art Union Gallery, the fair enthusiast was all eager expectation. " How often my kind friend Mr. S B. E , used to talk to me of Cole," said she, " and promise me the pleasure of knowing him. When he died I felt as though I had lost a dear friend, as I had indeed, for all who worship art, have a friend in each child of genius." ^' Cole was emphatically one of these," returned I, " as his conceptions alone prove." " Yes, indeed," replied Minnie, '' I always think of him as the poet-painter^ since I saw his firet series— TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 185 the ' Progress of Empire.' Only a poet's imagina- tion could conceive bis subjects." I placed my sweet friend in the most favorable position for enjoying each picture in succession, and seated myself at her side, rather for the gratification of listening to the low murmurs of delight that should be breathed by her kindred soul, than to view the painter's skill, as that no longer possessed the attrac- tion of novelty for me. We had just come to the sublime portraiture of ^^ ManKood^^ and Minnie seemed wholly absorbed in her ow^n thoughts and imaginings. Suddenly a silly giggle broke the charmed stillness. The Devotee of the Beautiful started, as if abruptly awakened from a dream, and a slight shiver ran through her sensi- tive frame. Turning, I perceived, standing close behind us, a group of young persons, chattering and laughing, and pointing to different parts of the picture before us. Their platitudes were not, perhaps, especially stupid, nor were they more noisy and rude than I have known free-lorn republicans before, under somewhat similar circumstances ; but poor Minnie endured absolute torture ; her idealized delight vanished before a coarse reality. I well remember the imploring and distressed look with which she whispered : " Let us go, dear Colonel ;" and one glance at her pale face satisfied me that the spell was irrevocably broken for her, and that her long antici- pated "joy," in beholding "a thing of beauty '^ had indeed been cruelly alloyed. 186 THE AMERICAN OENTLEMAn's GUIDE If my memory serves me aright, I told you some- thing, in a former letter, of an interesting lady, a friend of mine, whose husband was shot all to pieces in the Mexican War, and after lying for many months in an almost hopeless condition, finally so far reco- vered as to be removed to the sea-board, to take ship for New Orleans. "When informed of this, his beauti- ful young wife — a belle, a beauty, and the petted idol of a large family circle before her marriage — set out, at mid-winter, accompanied by one of her brothers^ and taking with her the infant-child, whom its soldier-father had never seen, to meet her husband on his homeward route. This explanation will ren- der intelligible the following incident, which she herself related to me. " My brother remained with us some time at 'New Orleans," said the fair narrator ; " but, as Ernest began to improve, I entreated him to return home, as both his business and his family demanded his attention; and you know. Colonel Lunettes," she added, with a sad smile, " that a soldier^ s wife must learn to be brave, for her own sake as well as for his. Ernest had with him an excellent, faithful servant, who was fully competent to such service as I could not render, and my little boy's nurse was with me, of course. So we made our homeward journey by slow stages, but with less suffering to my husband than wt3 could have hoped, and I grew strong as soon as we were re-united, and felt ade- quate to anything, almost " TO POLITE JTESS AND FASHION. 187 The fair young creature added the last word with the same mournful smile that had before flitted over her sweet face, and as if rather in reply to the doubtful expression she read in my countenance, than from any remembrance of having failed, in the slightest degree, in the task of which she spoke. " On the night of our arrival at A , however," pursued Mrs. Y , " we seemed to reach such a climax of fatigue and trial, as to make further endurance literally impossible for poor Ernest. Our little child had been taken ill the day before, so that I could not devote myself so entirely to him as I could have wished; and, as we drew near home, his impatience seemed to increase the pain of his wounds, so that, on this evening, he was almost exhausted both in body and mind. "We stopped at the D House, as being nearest the depot, which was a great point with us ; but such a comfortless, shiftless place !" " An abominable hole !" I ejaculated ; "one never gets anything fit to eat there !" " That was the least of our difficulties," returned the lady, " as we had to leave our man-servant to look after our luggage, it was with great difficulty that my poor husband was assisted up stairs into the public parlor, and he almost fainted while I gave a few hurried directions about a room. Such a scene as it was ! The poor baby, weary and sleepy, began to cry for mamma, and nurse had as much as she could do with the care of him. Ernest had sunk 188 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE down upon the only sofa in the room — a huge, heavy machine of a thing, that looked as though never designed to be moved from its place against the wall. I gave my husband a restorative, but in vain. He grew so ghastly pale that " a sob here choked the utterance of the speaker. " My dear child," said I, taking her hand, " do not say another word ; I cannot forgive myself for ask- ing you these particulars — all is well now — do not recall the past !" " Excuse me, dear Colonel, I wish to tell you, I want you to know, how we were treated by a brute in human form — to ask you whether you could have believed in the existence of such a being — so utterly destitute of common politeness, not to say humanity." " I hope no one who could aid you, in this extremity, failed to do so." *' You shall hear. Ernest was shivering with cold, as well as exhaustion, and whispered to me that he would try to sit by the fire until the room was prepared. I looked round the place for an easy- chair ; there was but one, and that was occupied by a man who was staring at us, as though we were curiosities exhibited for his especial benefit." " ' Ernest,' said, I aloud, ' you are too weak to sit in one of these chairs without arms, and with nothing to support your head.' " * I will try, love,' he replied, * for I am so cold !' " ' I will ask that man for his chair, I whispered. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 189 Poor Ernest ! his eyes flashed. * 'No ! No I' said he, * if he has not the decency to offer it, you shall not speak to him !' " Of course, I would not irritate him by opposi- tion, but placed an ordinary chair before the fire, and, supporting him into it, held his head on my shoulder, while I chafed his benumbed hands. In the meanwhile, the wail of the baby did not help to quiet us, nor to shorten the time of waiting ; and it seemed as if John would never make his appear- ance, nor the room I had ordered be prepared. By my direction, nurse rang the bell. I inquired of the very placid individual who answered it, whether the room was ready for us, and upon being told that they were making the fire, entreated the emblem of serenity to hasten operations, and at once to bring me a cup of hot tea. Minutes seemed hours to me, as you may suppose, and the dull eyes that were fastened upon us from the centre of the stuffed chair, I so longed for, really made me nervous. 1 felt as though it might be some horrid ghoul, rather than anything human, thus looking upon our misery. ' Good G , Lu !' said Ernest, at last, * isn't the bed ready yet V " I could bear it no longer. Gently withdrawing my support from the weary, weary head, I flew to my boy, snatched him from nurse, and signifying my design to her, we united our powers, and, laying baby on the sofa, we succeeded in pushing it up to the side of the fire-place. Then, while I hushed the child on my breast, we piled up our wrappings and 190 placed mj husband upon the couch, so as to rest his poor wounded frame (you know, Colonel, his spine was injured). The groan, half of relief and half of tortufe, that broke from his lips, as he rested his head, was like to be the ' last straw ' that broke my heart — but the soldier's wife I How often did I repeat to myself, during that long journey : * Remember thou'rt a soldierh wifty Those tears but ill become thee !' "Well ! by this time, John made bis appearance, and, consigning his master temporarily to his care, I took nurse with me, and went to see what a woman's ready hand could do in expediting matters elsewhere. When showed to the room we were expected to occupy, I found it so filled witb smoke, and so dreadt fully cold, as to be wholly uninhabitable, and in despair sent for the steward, or whoever he was, to whom I had given directions at first. No otber room with two beds could be secured. By the glim- mering liglit of the small lamp in the hand of the Irishman, who was laboring with the attempt at a fire, I investigated a little; the smouldering coals belched forth volumes of smoke into my face. Nothing daunted by this ('twas not the ' smoke of battle,' though I felt as though in the midst of a conflict of life and death), I bade the man remove the blower. Behold the draught closed by the strip of stone sometimes used for that purpose, after a hard coal fire is fully ignited 1 I think, Colonel, you TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 191 would have admired the laconic, imperiously cool tone and manner with which I speedily effected the removal of the entire mass of cold hard coal, substi- tuted for it, light, dry wood, and covering up my boy, as he still rested in my arms, dissipated the smoke that contended with the close, shut-up sort of air in the room, for disagreeability, by opening the windows, had the most comfortable looking of the beds drawn near the fire, and opened to air and warm, ordered up the trunks we wanted, opened tliem, hung a warm flannel dressing-gown near the fire, placed his slippers and everything else Ernest would want just where they would be wanted, near the best chair I could secure, and the table that was to receive his supper when he should be ready for it, and, in short put the matter through^ as Er- nest would say, with the speed of desperation. It was wonderful how quickly all this, and more, was effected by the people about me chiefly through my ability to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it. Excuse me if I boast; it was the deep calmness of despair that inspired me ! J^ow I can smile at the look of blank amazement with which Paddy received my announcement of the necessity of taking out all the coals from the grate, before he could hope to kindle a fire, and the stare of the man of affai/ra for the D House, as he entered upon the field of my efforts to say that tea was ready." " There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous !" 1 exclaimed, laughing, in spite of my 192 Bympathy with my fair friend. " And what became of the barbarian in the large chair ?" " Oh, when I returned to the parlor to have Ernest removed to our own room, there he sat, still, lolling comfortably back in his chair, with his hat on, and his feet laid up before him, and apparently as much occupied as ever in staring at the strangers, and no more * On hospitable thoughts intent ' than when I quitted the room, the horrid ghoul I I was so rejoiced to escape with my treasures safe from his blighting gaze ! But now for the moral of my story, dear Colonel, for every story has its moral, I suppose, — John, Ernest's man, told nurse, who, by the way, was so highly indignant on the occasion, as to assure me afterwards, that if she had been a man, she'd have just pitched the selfish brute beast out of the chair, and taken it for Mr. Y , without so much as a ' by your leave.' " I could not refrain from interrupting Mrs. to say that I thought I should have been sorely tempted to some such act myself, under the circumstances. " Yes," pursued Mrs. Y , " nurse still recurs to that * awful cold night in A ' with an invariable malediction upon the * had speret as kept the chair.' But, as I was saying, John told her afterwards that the ghoul asked him who that sick gentleman was, and said that his wife appeared to be in so much trouble that he should have offered to help her along a little, but he wasnH acquainted with her /" TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 193 " Uncle Hal, isn't an artist a gentleman f " inquired Blanche of me one morning, during a recent visit to our great Commercial Metropolis, as the newspaper writers call it. " "What do you mean, child," said I, " you cannot mean to ask whether artists ranlc as gentlemen in society, for that does not admit of ques- tion." I saw there was something troubling her, the moment she came down, for she did not welcome her old uncle with her usual sparkling smile, though she snugged close up to me on the sofa, and kept my hand in both of hers, while we were arranging some matters about which I had called. " Is not an engraver an artist ?" she inquired, with increased earnestness of tone. " Does not an engra- ver who has a large atelier^ numbers of employes^ and does all kinds of beautiful prints, heads, and landscapes, and elegant figures, take rank in social life with other gentlemen?" " Certainly, my dear ; but tell me what you are thinking of ; what troubles you my child ?" ** Well, you remember, dear uncle, perhaps, the young orphan boy in whom papa and all of us used to be so interested the summer you spent with us, long ago, when we were all children at home. He is now established in this city, after years of struggle with difficulties that would have crushed a less noble spirit, and his sisters, for whom he has always provided, in a great degree, though at the cost of almost incredible self-denial, as I happen to know, are now nearly prepared for teachers. We have 194: always retained our interest in tliem all ; and they always make ns a visit when they are at D . In- deed, papa always says he knows few young men for whom he entertains so high a regard ; and I am sure ho is very good-looking, and though he may not he very fashionable, — you needn't smile, uncle Hal, I " " My dear, I am charmed with your sketch, and shall go, at once, and have my old visage engraved by your handsome artist-friend ; and when I pub- lish my auto-biography, it shall be accompanied by a 'portrait of the author,' superbly engraved by a ' celebrated artist.' " "He is celebrated, uncle, really ; you have no idea of the vast number of orders he has from all parts of the country, nor how beautifully he gets up every- thing. But I must tell you," proceeded the sensi- tive little thing, with more cheerfulness, for I had succeeded in my design of cheering her up a little — " Mr. Zousky — Henry, as we always call him, has been engraving the head of one of our friends at home for a literary affair — some biographical book, or something of that sort, and he came up to show me one of the ' first impressions,' as I think he calls them, and to bring a message from his sister, last evening — wishing me to ' criticise,'' ho told me, as he had nothing but rather an indifferent daguerreo- type to copy from. It was just before tea that he called — ^because he is busy all day, I suppose, and perhaps, he thought he should be sure of finding me, then. Indeed, he said something about fearing to intrude later, when there might be other visitors-— TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 195 he is the most sensitive and unobtrusive being! "Well, just as we were having a nice little chat about old times at D , cousin Charles came home and came into the parlor. Of course, he knows Henry- very well, for he has seen him often and often at our house, when he used to be there in vacations with my brothers ; and, indeed, once before Henry came here to live, was one of a party of us, who went to his little studio, to see his self-taught paint- ings and sketches. When he entered the room, I said, ' cousin Charles, our friend Mr. Zousky does not need an introduction to you, I am sure.' I can- not describe his manner. I did not so much mind its being cold and indifferent, but it was not that of an equal — of one gentleman to another, and without sitting down, even for a moment, he walked back to the dining-room, and I heard him ask the servant whether tea was ready. Henry rose in a moment, and took my hand to say good-bye — oh, uncle, I can- not tell you how hurt I was ! His voice was as low and gentle as ever, but his face betrayed him ! I know he noticed cousin Charles' manner. I was determined that he should not go away so; so I didn't get up, but drew him to a seat by me on the sofa, and said that he must not go yet, unless he had an engagement, for that I had not half done telling him what I wished, and rattled on, hardly knowing what I did say, for I was so grieved and mortified. He said he would come again, as it was my tea- time, but I insisted that my tea was of no con>«e quence, and that 1 much preferred talking to » 196 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE friend — all the while hoping that either cousin Maria or cousin Charles would come and invite him to take tea. Presently I heard cousin Maria come down, and then the glass doors were closed between the rooms, and I knew they were at tea. Why, uncle Hal, papa would no more have done such a thing in his house^ than he would have robbed some one ! What ! wound the feeling3 of any one for fear of not being ' genteel P that's the word, I suppose — I hear cousin Maria use it very often ! We were always taught by dear mamma, while she lived, to be particularly polite and atten- tive to those who might not be as happy or prosper- ous as ourselves. She used to say that fashionable and distinguished people were the least likely to observe those things, but that the sensitive and self- distrustful were apt to be almost morbidly alive to every indication of neglect. * !N'ever brush rudely by the human sensitive- plant, my dears,' she used to say, ' lest you should bruise the tender leaves ; and never forget that it most needs the sunshine of smiles P Dear mamma ! she used to be so polite to Henry — not patronizing, but so friendly, so con- siderate — always she put him at ease when there was other company at our house (though he never came in when he knew there were other visitors), and she used to do so many kind things to assist his first efforts in his art ! I only hope he understood that /have no rights here. I am sure I feel that I have not ! But I would rather be treated a hundred times over again as I was last night, myself, than to TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 197 have Henry's feelings wounded; stjjjl, I must say that I should not think, because she happened to be detained past the exact tea-hour, of sending away the tea-things and keeping cold slops in a pitcher for any guest in my house, if I had one " " Hush, Blanche ! I never heard you talk so in- discreetly before !" " Well, I don't care ! Papa made me come here to stay, because he said they had visited us, and came out to Bel's wedding, and all; but I do so wish I was at the St. Nicholas with you and the Clarks, uncle, dear ! Cousin Charles ain't like him- self since he married his fashionable !N^ew York wife ; even when he comes to pa's he isn't, though there he throws oif his cold, ceremonious manner somewhat. But I really feel as if I was in a straight- jacket here !" , " "Why, Blanche, what's the trouble ? I am sure everything is very elegant and fashionable here !" " Yes, too elegant and fashionable for poor little me ! I am not used to that, and don't care for it. I'd rather have a little more friendliness and socia- bility than all the splendor. I am constantly re- minded of my utter insignificance ; and you know, uncle, poor Blanche is spoiled, as you often say, and not used to being reduced to a mere nonentity !" With this the silly child actually began to cry, and when I tried to soothe her, only sobbed out, in broken words : " I wouldn't be such a goose as to mind it, if Henry Zousky had not been treated so 60, so — so—fashrion-arbly /" 198 LookiDg over some letters from a sprightly corres- pondent of mine, the other day, I laid aside one from •which I make the following extract, as apposite to my subject : " You asked me to give you some account of the social position, etc., and an idea of the husband of jour former favorite, M S . ' What is Dr. J — — like V you inquire : — Like nothing in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, I answer ; and, there- fore, he might be worshipped without a violation of the injunction of the Decalogue ! How such a viva- cious creature as M S came to tie herself for life to such a mule, passes my powers of solution. Dr. J is very accom]:)lished in his profession, for a young man, I hear, and much respected for his professional capacity — but socially he is — nothing/ — ^the merest cipher conceivable ! A man may be very quiet at home, now-a-days, and yet pass muster ; but there are times when he vnust act^ as it seems to me ; but M 's husband seems to be a man of one idea^ and that never, seemingly, suggests the duties of host. But you shall judge for yourself — While I was in A , we were all invited there one evening, to meet a bride, an old friend of M 's, stopping in town on her marriage tour. M said it was too early^ in the season for a large party, and that we were expected quite en famille / but it was, in reality, quite an occasion, nevertheless, as the bride and her party were fashionable Bostonians. I happened to be near the hostess, when the guests TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 190 of the evening entered. She received tliem with her usual Frenchy ease and playfulness of manner, and it seemed, that the gentleman was an old friend of hers, but did not know her husband. He ex- pressed the hope that Dr. J 's professional duties would not deprive them of his society the whole evening, as he much desired the pleasure of his acquaintance. I saw, by the heightening of her color, that M , woman of the world though she be, felt the unintended sarcasm of this polite lan- guage ; for Dr. J. was calmly ensconced in the deep recess of a large fcmteuil in the corner of the fire* place, apparently enjoying the glowing coal-fire that always adds its cheerful influence to the ele- gant belongings of M 's splendid drawing-room. Throughout the entire evening our effigy of a host kept his post, where we found him on entering. People went to him, chatted a while, and moved away ; we danced, refreshments were served, wine was quaffed, " ' All went merry as a marriage- bell ;' M glided about from group to group, with an appropriate word, or courteous attention for each one, and, in addition to the flowers that adorned the rooms, presented the bride of her old friend with an exquisite bouquet, saying, in her pretty way, that she would have been delighted to receive her in a bower of roses, when she learned from Mr. how much she liked flowers, but that Flora was in a pet with Jier since she had given up her old conservatory 200 at lier father's. As the evening waned, I observed her weariness, despite the hospitable smile ; and well she might be ! Several times she slipped awav to her babe ; once, when I stood near her, she started slightly : " I thought I heard a nursery-cry ^^^ she whispered to me, " my little boy is not well to- night ;" and I missed her soon after. When I went away, I, of course, sought the master of the house to say good-night. He half rose, with a half smile, in recognition of my adieu, and re-settled himself, apparently wholly unconscious of any possible occa- sion for further effort ! But the climax, in true epic style, was reserved for the finale. It was a frightfully stormy night, and when we came down to the street door to go away, there stood M , in her thin dress, the cold wdnd and sleet-rain rushing in when the door was opened, enough to carry away her fairy figure, seeing off her friend and his lyrideH ** My dear Miss C ," exclaimed a gentleman; after listening to the complaint of a lady who had just been charging the lords of creation with tlie habitual discourtesy of retaining their hats when speaking to ladies, in stores and shops, as well as in public halls and even in the drawing-room ; " My dear Miss C , don't you know that * Young America ' al/ways wea/rs his hat and hoots whenever he can .^" " Does he slee^ in them f " inquired the lady. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 201; " Well, my dears," I overheard a high-bred and exceedingly handsome man inquiring of two lovely English girls, on board a steamer the other day, "how did you succeed in your efforts to dine to-day? I will not again permit you to be separated from your aunt and me, if we find the table ever so crowded." " But we had Charley, you know, sir," returned one of the fair interlocutors, with a smile worthy of Hebe herself. " True, but Charley is only a child ; and boys as well as women fare ill at public tables in this * land of liberty and equality,' unless aided by some pow- erful assistant !" "I thought we had found such a champion to-day," exclaimed the other lady, " in the person wlio sat next me at dinner. His hands were so nice that I should not have objected in the least to his offering me such dishes as were within his reach, especially as there seemed to be no servant to attend us, and we really sat half through the first course without bread or water. Having nothing else to do, for some time, I quietly amused myself with observing my courteous neighbor. So wholly ab- sorbed did he seem in his own contemplations, so utterly oblivious of everything around him, except the contents of his heaped-up plate, that I soon became convinced that I had the honor to be in close proximity to a philosopher, at least, and 202 probably to some fixed star in the realms of science !" " Oh, Clare ! I am so sorry to tell you, but I learned afterwards, accidentally, that your profound- looking neighbor is — a dentist /" " And, therefore, accustomed only to the most painful associations with the mouths of others P^ chimed in the aristocrat, laughing in chorus : " "Well, as our shrewd, sensible friend, the daughter of the Siddons, used to say, after her return from America, * if the Americans profess to be all equal^ they should be equally well hred P " With a repetition of this doubly sarcastic apo- thegm, my dear friends, for the present, Adieu ! Hakry Lunettes. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. LETTEE YII. HEALTH, THE TOILET, ETC. My DEAR Nephews : Since no man can fulfill his destiny as an actively-useful member of society without Healthy perhaps a few practical suggestions on this impor- tant subject may not be inconsistent with our present purpose. The only reliable foundation upon which to base the hope of securing permanent possession of this greatest of earthly blessings, is the early acquisition of Habits of Temperance. In a proper sense of the word. Temperance is an all-inclusive term — it does not mean abstaining from strong drink, only, nor from over-eating, nor from any one form of self-indulgence or dissipation ; but it requires moderation in all things^ for its full illustration. It was this apprehension of the term that was truthfully exhibited in the long, useful, consistent life of our distinguished countryman, John Quincy Adams. Habits formed in boyhood, in strict accord 204 ance with tins principle, and adhered to in every varying phase of circumstance throughout his pro- longed existence, were the proximate cause of his successful and admirable career. And what a ca- reer! How triumphantly successful, how worthy of admiration! More than half a century did he serve his country, at home and abroad, dying at last, with his armor on, — a watchman, faithful, even unto death, upon the ramparts of the Citadel, where Justice, Truth, and Freedom have found a last asylum. Think you that the intellectual and moral purposes of his being could have been borne out by the most resolute exercise of will, but for the judicious training of the physique f Or could the higher attributes of his nature have b^en developed, indeed, in conjunction with a body ^cabined, cribbed and confined' by the enervating influence of youthful Belf-indulgence ? Born on — " Stern New-England's rocky shore,'* no misnamed luxury shrouded his frame from the discipline of that Teacher, " around whose steps the mountain breezes blow, and from whose countenance all the virtues gather strength." You are, doubtless, all familiar with Mr. Adams' habits of early rising, bathing, etc. The latter, even, he maintained until within two years of his death, bathing in an open stream each morning, if his locality permitted the enjoyment, at a very early hour. I have his own authority for the fact that he, during the differ- ent periods of his public sojourn abroad, laved his TO rOLITENESS AND FASHION. 205 vigorous frame in almost every river of Europe! Franklin, too, ascribed his triumph over the obstacles that obstructed his early path to a strict adherence to the rules of Temperance. And so, indeed, with most of the truly great men whose names illumine the pages of our country's history : — I might multi- ply examples almost ad infinitum^ but your own reading will enable you to endorse the correctness of my assertion. Since we have, incidentally, alluded to the Bath^ in connection with the example of Mr. Adams, let us commence the consideration of personal habits, with this agreeable and essential accessory of Health. Though authorities may differ respecting somo minor details with regard to bathing, I believe medi- cal testimony all goes to sanction its adoption by all persons, in some one of its modifications. Con- stitutional peculiarities should always be consulted in the establishment of individual rules, — hence no general directions can be made applicable to all per- sons. The cold bath, though that most frequently adopted by persons in health, is, no doubt, injurious in some cases, and careful observation alone can enable each individual to establish the precise tem- perature at which his ablutions will be most bene- ficial. But, while the most scrupulous and unvary- ing regard for cleanliness should be considered of primary importance, the indiscreet use of the bath should be avoided with equal care. Bishop Heber, one of the best and most useful of men, sacrificed 206 Idmself in the midst of a career of eminent piety, to an imprudent use of this luxury, arising either from igaorance or inadvertency. After rising very early ta baptize several native converts recently made in India, the field of his labors, he returned to his bun- galow in a state of exhaustion from excitement and abstinence, and, without taking any nourishment, threw himself into a bath, and soon after expired ! — lS[o one can safely resort to the bath when the bodily powers are much weakened, by whatever cause; and though it is mi wise to use it directly after taking a full meal, it should not immediately precede the chief meal of the day, if that be taken at a late hour, and after prolonged abstinence and exertion. The art of swimming early acquired, affords the most agreeable and beneficial mode of bathing, not to dwell upon its numerous recommendations in other respects ; but when this enjoyment cannot be secured, nor even the luxury of an immersion bath, luckily for health, comfort, and propriety, the means of sponge hathing may always be secured, at least in this country (wherever it has risen above barbarism), though I must say that frequently during my travels in England, and even through towns boasting good hotels, I found water and towels at a high premium, and very difficult of acquisition at that I Sponging the whole person upon rising, either in cold or tepid water, as individual experience proves best, with the use of the Turkish towel, or some similar mode of friction, is one of the best preparations for a day of useful exertion. rO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 207 This practice has collateral advantages, inasmuch as it naturally leads to attention to all the details of the toilet essentially connected with refinement and health — to proper care of the Hair, Teeth, Nails, etc., — in short, to a neat and suitable arrangement of the dress before leaving one's apartment in the morning. To slippered age belongs the indulgence of a careless morning toilet ; but with the morning of life we pro- perly associate readiness for action in some pursuit demanding steady and prolonged exertion, early begun, and with every faculty and attribute in full exercise. Fashion sanctions so many varying modes of wear- ing or not wearing the hair^ that no directions can be given in relation to it, except such as enjoin the avoid- ance of all fantastic dressing, and the observance of entire neatness with relation to it. Careful brushing, together with occasional ablutions, will best preserve this natural ornament ; and I would, also, suggest the use of such jpomades only as are most delicately scented. No gentleman should go about like a walking perfumer's shop, redolent, not of — *' Sabean odors from the spicy shores Of Araby the Blest," but of spirits of turpentine, musk, etc., * commixed and commingled ' in ' confusion worse confounded ' to all persons possessed of a nicety of nervous organ- ization. All perfumes for the handkerchiefs, or worn about the person, should be, not only of the most unexceptionable kind, but used in very moderate quantities. Their profuse use will ill supply the neglect of the bath, or of the proper care of the teeth and general toilet. The Teeth cannot be too carefully attended to by those who value good looks, as well as health. And nothing tends more towards their preservation than the habitual use of the brush, before retiring, as well as in the morning. The use of some simple uninju- rious adjunct to the brush maybe well; but pare water and the brush, faithfully applied, will secure cleanliness — the great preservative of these essential concomitants of manly beauty. If you use tobacco — (and I fervently hope none of you who have not the habit will ever allow yourselves to acquire it !) — ^but if you are, unfortunately, enslaved by the habit, never omit to rinse the mouth thoroughly after smoking (I will not admit the possibility, that any young man, in this age of progressive refinement, is addicted to habitual chewing), and never substi- tute the use of a strong odor for this proper observ- ance, especially when going into the society of ladies. Smoke dispellers must yield the palm to the purifying effects of the unadulterated element, after all. The utmost nicety in the care of the I/'ails, is an indispensable part of a gentleman's toilet. They should be kept of a moderate length, as well as clean and smooth. Avoid all absurd forms, and inconve- nient length, in cutting them, which you will find it easiest to do neatly while they are softened by wash- ing, and the use of the nail-brush. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 209 Properly fitted "boots and shoes, together with fre- quent bathing, will best secure the feet from the torturing excrescences by which poor mortals are BO often afflicted. The addition of salt to the foot- bath, if persevered in, will greatly protect them from the painful effects of over-walking, etc. I think that under the head of Dress, in one of my earliest letters, I expressed my opinion regarding the essentials of refinement and comfort as con- nected with this branch of the toilet. I will only say, in this connection, that a liberal supply of linen, hosiery, etc., should be regarded as of more impor- tance than outside display, and that the most en- lightened economy suggests the employment of the best materials, the most skillful manufacturers, and the unrestrained use of these " aids and appli • ances" of gentleman-like propriety, comfort, and health. The best and surest mode of securing ample and certain leisure for needful attention to the minutiae of the toilet is Early Rising^ a habit that, in addition to the healthful influence it exerts upon the physique, collaterally, promotes the minor moralities of life in a wonderful degree, and really is one of the funda- mentals of success in whatever pursuit you may be engaged. Here, again, permit me to refer you to the examples of the truly great men of history — those of our own land will suffice — ^Washington, Frank* lin, Adams, and, though inconsistent with his habits in some other respects, Webster. Of the latter, it is well known, that he did not trim the midnight lamp for purposes of professional investigation or mental labor of any kind, but rose early to such tasks, witn body and mind invigorated for ready and successful exertion. I have seen few things from his powerful pen, more pleasingly written than his Eulogy upon Morning^ as it may properly be called, though 1 don't know that to be the title of an article written by him in favor of our present theme, in which erudition and pure taste contend for supremacy with convincing argument. But to secure the full benefit of early rising^ my young friends, you must also, establish the habit of retiring ea/rly and regularly. ]^o one dogma of medical science, perhaps, is more fully borne out by universal experience than this, that "two hours' sleep before midnight is worth all obtained after- wards." To seek repose before the system is too far over-taxed for quiet, refreshing rest, and before the brain has been aroused from the qui- escence natural to the evening hours, into renewed and unhealthy action, is most consistent with the laws of health. And, depend upon it, though the elasticity of youthful constitutions may, for a time, resist the pernicious effects of a violation of these laws, the hour will assuredly come, sooner or later, to all, when the lex taZionis will be felt in resistless power. Fashion and Kature are sadly at war on this point, as I am fully aware; but the edicts of the one are immutable, those of the other are proverbially fickle. Students, especially, should regard obedience to TO POLITENE88 AND FASHION. 211 the wiser of the two as imperative. The mental powers, as well as the physical, demand this — the ^'mind's eye^^ as well as the organs of outward vision, will be found, bj experiment, to possess the clearer and quicker discernment during those hours when, throughout the domains of Nature, all is activity, healthfulness and visible beauty. And no pecu- liarity of circumstance or inclination will ever make that healthful which is unnatural. Hence the wis- dom of establishing habits consistent with health, while no obstacle exists to their easy acquisition. There is an experiment on record made by two generals, each at the head of an army on march, in warm weather, over the same route. The one led on his troops by day, the other chose the cooler hours for advancing, and reposed while the sun was abroad. In all other respects, their arrangements were similar. At the end of ten or twelve days, the result convincingly proved that exertion even under mid-summer heat is most healthfully made while the stimulus of solar light sustains the system, and that sleep is most refreshing and beneficial in all respects when sought while the hush and obscurity of the outer world assist repose. But if, as the nursery doggerel wisely declares, " Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," there must be united with this rational habit, others each equally important to the full advantage to be derived from all combined. 212 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN^S GUIDE Among these, Exercise holds a prominent rank As with the bath, this is most effectually employed for health before the system is exhausted by mental labor. Among the numerous modes of exercise, none is so completely at command at all times and under all circumstances, as walking. But the full benefit of this exercise, is not often enjoyed by the inhabitants of cities, by reason of the impure air that is almost necessarily inhaled in connection with it. Still, it is not impossible to obviate this difficulty by a little pains. The early riser and the rapid pedestrian may in general, easily secure time to seek daily one of the few and limited breathing-places that, though in this regard we are vastly inferior to Europeans in taste and good sense, even our American cities supply, either, like what they indeed are, hings^ in the very centre of activity, or at no unapproachable distance from it. Do not forget that vegetation, while it sends forth noxious influences at night, exales oxy- gen and other needful food for vitality, m the inorning, especially ; nor that an erect carriage, which alone gives unobstructed play to the organs of respiration and digestion, is requisite, together with considerable activity of movement, to secure the legitimate results of walking. Students, and others whose occupations are of a sedentary character, sometimes adopt the practice of taking a long walk periodically. This is, no doubt, promotive of health, provided it is not at first carried to an extreme. All such habits should bo TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 213 gradually formed, and their formation commenced and pursued with due respect for physiological rules. Mr. Combe, the distinguished phrenologist — in his " Constitution of Man," I think, relates an instance of a young person, in infirm health and unaccustom- ed to such exertion, who undertook a walk of twenty miles, to be accomplished without interruption. Tlie first seven or eight miles were achieved with ease and pleasure to the pedestrian, but thenceforth discomfort and final exhaustion should have been a sufficient warning to the tyro to desist from his self- appointed task. A severe illness was the conse- quence and punishment of his ignorant violation of physiological laws. By the way, I cannot too strongly recommend to your careful perusal the various works of Dr. Andrew Combe, long the physician of the amiable King of Belgium, in relation to that and kindred subjects. His " Physiology as applied to Mental Health," is replete with practical suggestions and advice of the most instructive and important nature, as are also his " Dietetics," etc. Himself an incurable invalid, he maintained the vital forces through many years of eminent useful- ness to others, only by dint of the most strenuous adherence to the strictest requirements of the Science of the Physique. The writings of his brother, Mi\ George Combe, and especially the work I have just mentioned, the " Constitution of Man," also abound in lessons of practical usefulness, which may be adopted irrespective of his peculiar phrenological 214: THE AMEEICAK GENTLEMAn's GUmK views. In the multitude of newer publications these admirable books are already half-forgotten, but my limited reading has afforded me no knowledge of anything superior to them, as text- books for the young. Hiding and driving need no recommendation to insure their popularity, as means of exercise. Both have many pleasure and health-giving attractions. Every young man should endeavor to acquire a thorough knowledge of both riding and driving, not from a desire to emulate the ignoble achievments of a horse-jockey, but as proper accomplishments for a gentleman. The possession of a fine horse is a prolific source of high and innocent enjoyment, and may often be secured by those whose purses are not taxed for cigars and wine ! Nothing can be more exhilarating than the successful management of this spirited and generous animal, whether under the saddle or in har- ness ! Even plethoric, ponderous old Dr. Johnson, admitted that " few things are so exciting as to be drawn rapidly along in a post-chaise, over a smooth road, by a fine horse !" Let me repeat, however, that young men should be content to promote health and enjoyment by the moderate, gentleman-like gratification of the pride of skill, in this respect. Like many other amuse- ments, though entirely innocent and unexcep- tionable when reasonably indulged in, its abuse leads inevitably to the most debasing consequences. — Our dusty high-roads very ill supply the place of TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 215 the extensive public Parks and gardens that furnish such agreeable places of resort for both riding and driving, as well as for j)ede6trians, in most of the large cities of Europe, but one may, at least, secure better air and more freedom of space by resorting to them than to the streets, for every form of exercise. And as it is a well established fact that agreeable and novel associations for both the eye and the mind are essential concomitants of beneficial exercise, we have every practical consideration united to good taste in favor of eschewing the streets whenever fate per- mits. ** Oh ! how canst thou renounce the boundless store Of charms which Nature to her votaries yields, — The warbling woodland, the resounding shore, The pomp of groves and garniture of fields ; All that the genial ray of morning gilds, And all that echoes to the song of even. All that the mountain's sheltering bosom shields. And all the dread magnificence of Heaven ; — ! how canst thou renounce and hope to be forgiven !" Beattik Eating and drinking are too closely connected with our general subject of health, to be forgotten here. That regard for Temperance which I have endea- vored to commend to you, of course yields a promi- nent place to habits in these respects. In relation to eating^ I strongly recommend the cultivation of sinvple tastes^ and the careful avoid- ance of every indulgence tending towards sensuality 216 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUmE Some knowledge of Dietetics is essential to the adop- tion of right opinions and practice on this point. For instance, no man should wait for dire experience to enforce the truths that roast and broiled meats possess the most nutritious qualities ; that all fried dishes are, necessarily, more or less unwholesome ; that animal oils and fatty substances require stronger digestive force for their assimilation than persons of sedentary life usually possess ; that warm bread, as a rule, is unsuited to the human stomach, etc., etc. [No one should consider these matters unworthy of eerious attention, though temporarily free from incon- venience arising from neglecting them. Eventually, every human constitution will exhibit painful proofs of all outrages committed upon the laws by which its operations are governed ; and the greater the license permitted in youth, the severer will be the penalty exacted in after years. " Mind and Body are so close combined, Where Health of Body, Health of Mind you find." Pieserve, then, as you value the means of useful- ness, the perfect play of your mental powers — so easily trammelled by the clogging of the machinery of the body — the unadulterated taste that is content with a sufficiency of wholesome, well-cooked food to satisfy the demands of healthful appetite. Cultivate no love of condiments, sauces and stimulants ; indulge no ambition to excel in dressing salads, classifying ragouts^ or in demonstrating, down to the nicety of TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 217 a single ingredient, the distinction between a home- made and an imported pate de foie grds! Distinc- tions such as these may suffice for the worn-out society of a corrupt civilization, but our countrymen • — ^MEN — should shout Excelsior ! Abstract rules in relations to the houi*s proper for taking meals, however carefully adapted to the secu- rity of health, in themselves considered, must, of necessity, give place to those artificially imposed by custom and convenience. Thus, though the practice of dining late is not sanctioned by Ilygeia, it admits of question, whether, as the usages of the business- world at present exists, it is not a wiser custom than aiiy other permitted by circumstance. All who have given any attention to the sub- ject know, that neither bodily nor mental labor can be either comfortably or successfully pursued directly after a full meal. Hence, then, those whose occupations require their attention during several successive hours, may find the habit of dining after the more imperative labore of the day are accom- plished, most conducive to health as well as con- venience. Still, it should not be forgotten, that long absti- nence is likely to produce the exhaustion that tella so surely and seriously upon the constitution, of young persons especially. This may be prevented by taking, systematically, a little light, simple nutriment, sufficient to produce what is aptly termed the stimylua of distention in that much 10 218 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE abused organ — the stomach. This practice regularly adhered to, will also promote a collateral advantage, by acting as a security against the too keen sharp- ening of appetite that tends to repletion in eating, and which sometimes produces results similar to those exhibited by a boa- constrictor after dining upon a whole buffalo, swallowed without the pre- vious ceremony of carving ! One should never dine so heartily as to be unfitted for the subsequent enjoyment of society, or of the lighter pursuits of literature. Deliberate and thorough mastication will more beneficially, and quite as pleasurably, prolong the enjoyments of the table, as a more hurried disposal of a large quantity of food. And really I do not know how the most rigid economist of time, or the most self-sacrificing devotee either of Mam- mon or of Literature, can more judiciously devote an hour of each day than to the single purpose of dining ! Happily for those whose self-respect does not always furnish the sustaining power requisite for the maintenance of a principle, fashion no longer requires of any man the use of even wine^ much less of stronger beverages. And with reference to the use of all alcoholic stimulants, as well as of tobacco, I would remind you that those only who are not enslaved hy ajppetite, are fkee! If you have acquired a liking for wine or tobacco, and would abjure either, or both, you will soon be convinced, by experiment, of the truth of Dr. Johnson's sayingi TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 219. cf which, by the way, liis own life furnished a striking illustration, that " abstinence is easier than temperance.''^ To prolong arguments against the habits of smok- ing and drinking, were a work of supererogation, here. I will advance but one, which may, possibly, possess the merit of novelty. Both have the effect, materially to limit our enjoyment of the presence and conversation of "Heaven's last, best gift to man I" I cannot better dismiss this important topic than by quoting the following passage from the writings of Sir Walter Raleigh : " Except tliou desire to hasten thy end, take this for a general rule — that thou never add any artifi- cial heat to thy body by wine or spice, until thou find that time hath decayed thy natural heat; the sooner thou dost begin to help nature the sooner she will forsake thee, and leave thee to trust altogether to art." In my youth, advice to young men was constantly commingled — whatever its general tenor — with ad- monitions regarding the necessity for industry and perseverance in those who would achieve worldly success. In these utilitarian times, when all seem borne along upon a resistless current, hurrying to the attainment of some practical end, engrossed by schemes of political ambition, or devoted to the acquisition of . wealth, a quiet looker-on — as I am wont to regard myself — is tempted to counsel THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN S GUIDE "moderation in all things," contentment with the legitimate results of honorable effort, the cultivation of habits of daily relaxation from the severity of toil, of daily rest from the mental tension that is demanded for successful competition in the arena of life. Tlie impression that sleejp is a sufficient restorative from the wearing effects of otherwise ceaseless labor, or that change of occujpation furnishes all the relief that nature requires in this respect, is, undoubtedly, erroneous. " The man," says an eminent student of humanity, " who does not now allow himself two hours for relaxation after dinner, will be compelled to devote more time than that daily to the care of his health, eventually." To allow one's self to be so engrossed by any pursuit, however laudable in itself, as to reserve no leisure for the claims of Society, of Friendship, of Taste, is so irrational as to need nothing but reflec- tion to render it apparent. In a merely utilitarian view, it is unwise, since, as u:Esop has demonstrated, the bow that is never unbent soon ceases to be fit for use ; but there is, surely, a higher consideration, addressed to the reason of man. Pope embodies it, in part, in the lines " God is paid when man receives, To enjoy is to obey /" To ha've an aim, a purpose in life, sufficiently en- grossing to act as an incentive to the exercise of all the powers of being, is essential to heath and happi- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 221 ness. But to pursue any one object to the exclu- sion of all considerations for self-culture and intel- lectual enjoyment, is destructive of everything worthy that name. They who devote all the exertions of youth and manhood to the acquisition of political distinction, or of gold, for instance — cherishing, meanwhile, a sort of Arcadian dream of ultimately enjoying the plea- sures of intellectual communion, or the charms of the natural world, when the heat and burden of the conflict of life shall be done — exhibit a most deplora- ble ignorance of the truth that they will possess in age only the crippled capacities that disuse has almost wholly robbed of vitality, together with such as are prematurely worn out by being habitually overtaxed. On the contrary, those who believe that " It is not all of Ufe to live," and early establish a true standard of excellence, and acquaint themselves with the immutable laws of our being, will so commingle self-ennobling pursuits and enjoyments with industrious and well-directed atten- tion to the needful demands of practical life, as to secure as much of ever-present happiness as falls to the lot of humanity, together with the enviable retrospection of an exalted ambition, rightly fulfilled. They may also hope for the invaluable possession of intellectual and moral developments to be matured in that state of existence of which this is but the embryo. These are truisms, I admit, my young 222 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE friends, yet the spirit of the age impels their itera- tion and re-iteration ! Burke's musical periods lamented the departure of the " age of chivalry." Would that one gifted as he may revive the waning existence of the social and domestic virtues, and inspire my young coun- trymen with an ambition too lofty in its aspirations to permit the sacrifice of mental and moral powers, of natural affections, and immortal aspirations, upon the altars of Mammon ! — shrines now yearly receiv- ing from our country a holocaust of sacrifices, to ■jvhich battle-fields are as naught in comparison. But to return from this unpremeditated digression. Katural tastes and individual circumstances must, to a considerable extent, determine the relaxations and amusements most conducive to enjoyment and liealth. You will scarcely need to be told that persons of sedentary habits, and especially those devoted to literary occupations, should make exercise in the cypen air a daily recreation, and that it will best subserve the purposes of pleasure and health when united with the advantages arising from cheerful coTTvpanionship. Hence the superiority of walking, riding, driving, boating, and sporting in its various forms, to all in- door exercises and amusements — and especially to those tending rather to tax the brain than exercise the body — for those whose mental powers are most taxed by their avocations. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 223 On tlie other hand, there are those to whom the Hghter investigations of literature and science afford the most appropriate relief from the toils of business. Permit me, however, to enter my protest against the belief that a change from the labors and duties of city life to the close sleeping-rooms, the artificial- ity and excitement of a fashionable watering-place affords a proper and healthful relief to a weary body and an overwrought brain. Life at a watering- place is no more an equivalent for the pure air, the simple habits, the wholesome food, the repose of mind and hearty afforded by unadulterated country life, than immersion in a bathing-tub is a satisfac- tory substitute for swimming in a living stream, or a contemplation of the most exquisite picture of rural scenes, for a glorious canter amid green fields and over breezy hills ! !N"or will dancing half the night in heated rooms, late suppers, bowling-alleye and billiards, not to speak of still more objectionable indulgences, restore these devotees to study or busi- ness, to their city-homes re-invigorated for renewed action, as will the least laborious employments of the farmer, the " sportive toil " of the naturalist, the varied enjoyments of the traveller amid the won- ders of our vast primeval forests, or of the voyager who explores the attractions of our unrivalled chain of inland lakes. People who do their thinking by proxy, and regulate their enjoyments by the on dii of the fashionable world, yearly spend money enough at some crowded resort of the leaii, monde (heavec Bave the mark !) to -enable them to make the tour of 224 Europe, or buy a pretty villa and grounds in the country, or do some deed " twice blessed," in that " it blesseth him that gives and him that takes." In Scotland, in England, in the l!^orth of Europe gene- rally, men and women whose social position neces- sarily involves refinement of habits and education, go, in little congenial parties, into the mountains and among the lakes, visit spots renowned in song and story, collect specimens of the wonders of na- ture, " camp out," as they say at the West, eat sim- ply, dress rationally — in short, really rusticate^ in happy independence alike of the thraldom of fashion and the supremacy of convention. Thus in the Old World, among the learned, the accomplished, the high-born. Here in Young America — let the sallow cheek, the attenuated limbs, the dull eye and hlase air of the youthful scions of many a noble old Revo- lutionary stock, attest only too truly, a treasonous slavery to the most arbitrary and remorseless of tyrants ! Would that they may serve, at least, as beacons to warn you, seasonably, against adding yourselves to the denizens of haunts where " Unwieldly wealth, and cumbrous pomp repose ; And every want to luxury allied, Aad every pang th&t folly pat/s to pride ^ 1 would that all my young countrymen might have looked upon the last hours of my revered friend, John Quincy Adams, and thus learned the TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. impressive lessons taught by that solemn scene ; lessons that — to use his own appropriate language — " bid us seize the moments as they pass, Snatch the retrieveless sun-beam as it flies, Nor lose one sand of life's revolving glass — Aspiring still, with energy sublime, By virtuous deeds to give Eternity to Time /"* It was, indeed, a fitting close of his long, noble life ! Faithful to his duty to his country, he main- tained his post to the last, and fell, like a true de- fender of liberty — renouncing his weapons only with his life. Borne from the arena of senatorial strife to a couch hastily prepared beneath the same roof that had so often echoed his words of dauntless elo- quence, attended by mourning friends, and receiv- ing the tender ministrations of the companion alike of his earlier and later manhood, the flickering lamp of life slowly expired. After, apparently, reviewing the lengthened retrospection of a temperate, rational, useful life, from the boyish years ' Whose distant footsteps echoed through the corridors of Time,' to the dying efforts of genius and patriotism, the hushed stillness of that hallowed chamber at length rendered audible the sublime words — "It is the LAST OF EaETh! I AM CONTENT 1" * Concluding lines of Mr. Adams' "Address to the Sun-JHal under the window of the Hall of the House of Representatives." 10* 226 * 1 think it was during the administration of Sir diaries Bagot, the immediate successor of Lord Durham, as Governor General of the Canadas, that I had the pleasure to dine one day, at the house of a distiuguished civilian who held office under him, in company wdth the celebrated traveller L , and his friend, the well-known E G "W , a man who, despite wealth, rank, and talent, paid a life-long penalty for a youthful error. There were, also, present several members of the Provincial Par- liament, then in session at Kingston, which was, at that time, the seat of government, and a number of ladies — those of the party of Americans with whom I was travelling, and some others. The conversation, very naturally, turned upon the national peculiarities o^ the Yankees — as the English call, not the inhabitants of New England alone, but the people of the ISTorth American States generally — in consequence of the fact that the world-wide travel- ler had just completed his first visit to our country. Some one asked him a leading question respecting his impressions of us as a people, and more than one good-humored sally was given and parried among us. At length L said, so audibly and gravely as to arrest the attention of the whole company : " I have really but two serious faults to charge upon Jonathan." " May we be permitted to inquire what those are !* returned I. TO 'rOLn-ENESS AND FASniON. 227 " That he repudiates his debts^ and doesn't take time to cat his dinner ^ When the general laugh had subsided, Mr. W remarked that, except when at the best hotels in the larger cities, he had found less inducement for dining deliberately in the United States than in most civilized lands he had visited, in consequence of the prevalent bad cookery. "The wof-ds of Goldsmith," said he,— "'Heaven sends us good meat, but the devil sends cooks!' were always present to my mind when at table there! Tliey eschew honest cold roast beef, as though there were poison in meat but once cooked, served a second time, though Hamlet is authority for our taste in that respect. — ^The cold venison you did me the honor to compliment so highly, at lunch, this morning, L , would have been offered you fried by our good Yankee cousins !" "The patron saint of la cuisi7ie forefend!" cried a smooth-browed Englishman — " not re-cooked, I hope?" " Assuredly !" returned W — — , " I trust these ladies and Colonel Lunettes will pardon me, — but such infa- mous stupidity is quite common. I soon learned, how- ever, the secret of preserving my "capacious stomach " in unimpaired capacity for action, [an irresistibly 228 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's 'GUIDE comic glance downward upon his portly person] and could, I thought, very readily explain— * What is't that takes from them Their stomach, pleasures, and their golden sleep, Why they do bend their eyes upon the earth, ******* In thick ey'd musing and curs'd melancholy !'" If the frank denunciations of this eccentric observer of life and manners might otherwise have been regarded as impolite, his more severe comments upon his own countrymen proved, at least, that no national partiality swayed his judgment. I remember his tellirrg me the following anecdote, as we chatted over our coffee, after joining the ladies in the evening: — In answer to some inquiry on my part, respecting the social condition of the people — the peasantry, as he called them, of the Provinces, he spoke in unmitigated condemnation of their igno- rance, and especially of their insolence and boorish- ness. " Get L to tell you," said he, " how near- ly he and his servants were frozen to death one fierce night, while an infernal gate-keeper opposed his road-right. Then, again, the other morning, Mi*s. M (our hostess) who like every other lady here, except, perhaps. Lady Bagot, goes to market every day, was referred by a man, from whom she inquired for potatoes, to an old crone, with the words ■ — ' This lady sell them, — here is a woman who wants to buy potatoes !' " The following morning, while our American party TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 229 were driving out to the superb Fort that protects the Harbor of Kingston, to visit which we had been politely furnished with a permit by an official friend, I endeavored to draw from a very charming and accomplished lady the secret of her unusual silence and reserve at dinner the evening before. She is really a celebrity, as much for her remarkable con- versational powers, as for any other reason, perhaps, and I had, therefore, the more regretted her not joining in the conversation. " What made the mystery more difficult of solu- tion," said one of the other ladies, " was the equally imperturbable gravity of that handsome Frenchman who sat beside Yirginia." "Handsome !" retorted Yirginia, " do you call that man handsome ! — his high cheek bones and swarthy complexion show his Indian blood rather too plainly for my taste, I must confess." " That commingling of races is very common here, Yirginia," said I, " Mr. E is a somewhat pro minent member of the Canadian Parliament. I heard a speech from him, in French, yesterday morning, which was listened to with marked attention. There were a number of ladies in the side-hoxes^ too, and it is evident from his attention to his dress, if for no other reason, that Mr. E is an elegant P^ " All that may be," rejoined Yirginia, " but I have no fancy for light blue * unwhisperables,' as Tom calls them, nor for ruffled shirts !" " 'A change has come o'er the spirit of your dream, most queenly daughter of the 'sunny South!' — ia 230 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE this the sprightly Americaine who won all hearts the other day on the St. Lawrence, — from that magnifi- cent British officer, to the quiet old priest whose very beard seemed to laugh, at least " " That, indeed. Col. Lunettes ! — but for your ever- ready gallantry I would exclaim — " ' Man delights me not, nor woman either!' but here we are at the entrance of the famous don- jon keep !" We spent some time in examiniDg the — to the ladies — novel attractions of the place. By-and-by, the fair Yirginia, who had strayed oft' a little by herself, called to me to come and explain the mode of using a port-hole to her. In a few minutes, she said, in a low tone, sitting down, as she spoke upon a dismounted cannon, " Col. Lunettes, I beg you not to allude again to that — to the dinner, yesterday, or, at least, to my embarrassment " " Your embarrassment, my dear girl !" I exclaim- ed, " you astonish me ! Do explain yourself" — "Hush," returned my companion, looking furtive- ly over her shoulder, " that young Englishman seems to be engrossing the attention of the rest of the party, and, perhaps, I shall have time to tell you " "Do, my dear, if anything has annoyed you — • Burely so old a friend may claim your confidence." " I have heard of the * son of a gun,' " replied she, evidently making a strong effort to recall the natural sprightliness that seemed so singularly to have deserted her of late ; " I don't see why I am TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 231 not tlie daughter of a gun^ at this moment, and so entitled to be very brave ! But about this Mr. E , Colonel," she almost whispered, bending her head so as to screen her face from my observation. "You know Mrs. M called for me the other morning to go and walk with her alone, because, as she said, she wanted to talk a little about old times, when we were in the convent school at C-^ together. "Well, as we came to a little "shop," as she styled it — a hardware store, we should say — she begged me to go in with her a moment, w^hile she gave some directions about a hall-stove, saying, with an apology : " We wives of government officers here, do all these things, as a matter of course." While she walked back in the place, I very natu- rally remained near the door, amusing myself by observing w^hat was passing in the street. Pre- sently, a fine horse arrested my eye, as he came prancing along. His rider seemed to have some ado to control him, as I thought, at first, but I suddenly became aware that he was endeavoring to stop him, in mid career, and that, when he succeeded — he — I — there was no mistaking it — his glance almost petri- fied me, in short, and I had only just power to tnm quickly in search of Mrs. M ." The slight form of the speaker quivered visibly, and she paused abruptl3^ " Why, my poor child," said I, soothingly, " never mind it ! How can you allow such a thing to dis- tress you in this way ?" "If anything of the kind had ever happened to me before, I should have thought it my fault, in some way ; but when I got back to our hotel, and reviewed the whole matter, and — but there come the rest of the party " — she added, hurriedly. " Do you wonder now at my manner at the dinner ? I knew his face the moment the man entered the din- ing room ; and when Mr. M introduced him, and requested him to conduct me, the burning glow that flashed over his swarthy brow convinced me that he, too, recognized me. I would sooner have encountered a basilisk than your elegant, parlia- mentary Frenchman !" " Doctor, what may I eat ?" inquired a dyspeptic American, who had just received a prescription from Abernethy — the eccentric and celebrated Eng- lish physician. '^Eatr^ thundered the disciple of Galen, ''nhe poker and tongs, if yj>u will cJi&w them wellP'' What a commingling of nations and characters there was in the little party of which I made one, on a serene evening, lang-syne, at Constantinople ! We floated gently over the placid bosom of the sunset-tinted Golden Horn, rowed by four stout Mussulmans, and bound for that point of the shore of tj^.c Marmora nearest the suburb of Ezonb where TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 235 horses awaited us for a brisk canter of some miles back to the city. There were, Lord , an English nobleman ; a Hungarian refugee ; a Yankee sea- captain ; a dark-eyed youth from one of the Greek Islands; and myself — men severed by birth and edu- cation from communion of thought and feeling, yet united, for the moment, by a similarity of purpose ; associated by the subtle influence of circumstance, into a serene commingling of one common nature, and capacitated for the interchange of impressions and ideas, at least in an imperfect degree, through the medium of a strange jargon, compounded origi- nally of materials as varied as the native languages of the several individuals composing the group in our old Turkish Caique^ which may have been, for aught we knew, the identical one that followed Byron in his Leander-swim ! The conversation naturally partook in character of the scene before us : — ^Near, towered the time-stained walls of the Seraglio— so long the cradling-place of successive Sultans, and then furnishing the em- bryo of the voluptuous pleasures of their anticipated paradise. Beyond, rose the ruin-crowned heights, the domes and minarets of old Stamboul, rich in his- toric suggestions, glowing now in the warmly-linger- ing smile of the departing day-god, " Not, as in Northern climes, obscurely bright, But one unclouded blaze of living light !" Before us, in our way over the crystal watera. 234 loomed up the gloomy, verdure-draped turrets of tlio " Irde Koule " of this oft-rebelling and oft-conquered seat of Oriental splendor and imperial power. As with the " Tower " of London, the mere sight of this now silent and deserted castle, conjured up recollec- tions replete with deeds of wild romance, and darker scenes of blood and crime. Around us flowed the waters whose limpid depths had so oft received the sack-shrouded form of helpless beauty, when mid- night blackness rivalled the horror of the foul murder it veiled forever from mortal ken. Argosies and fleets had been borne upon these waves, whose names or whose conflicts were of world-wide renown • — from the mythical adventurers of the Golden- Fleece to the triumphant squadrons of the Osmanlis, all seemed to float before the eye of fancy ! From the broken sentences that, for some time, seemed most expressive of the contemplative mood engendered both by our surroundings and by the placidity of the hour, there gradually arose a some- what connected discussion of the present condition of the Ottoman Porte. It is not my purpose to inflict upon you a de- tailed report of our discourse ; but only to relate, for your amusement, a fragment of it, which some- how has, strangely enough, floated upwards from the darkened waters of the past, with sufiicient dis- tinctness to be snatched from the oblivion to which its utter insignificance might properly consign it. "There is not," said the British noble — a man curious in literature, and a somewhat speculative TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 235 observer of life — " there is not a single purely lite- rary production in the Turkish language, written by a living author; not a poem, nor romance, nor essay. The Koran would almost seem to constitute their all of earthly lore and heavenly aspiration. What an anomaly in the biography of modern peoples!" This last sentence was addressed especially to the sea-captain and me, the idiomatical English in which the passing fancy of the speaker found expression being wholly unintelligible to all except ourselves. "Their total want of a national literature," said the American, " does not so materially affect my comfort, I must confess, as the utter absence of decent civilization in their renowned capital. For instance, they have not an apology for a night-police in their confoundedly dark streets, except the infernal dogs that infest them. The other night, return- ing to my quarters, with my 'Ibrahim' pilot in front with a lantern, I was persuaded, as one of these ' faithful guardians ' fastened his glistening ivories in my boot-top, that, like one of your ' lone stars ' at ISTew York, Colonel Lunettes, he had ' mistaken his man,' and supposed me to be the returned spirit of some one of the countless throng of infidel dogs, upon whom his public education had instructed him to make war to — the teeth .^" " Ha, ha, ha !" laughed the Greek, in tones as musical as his dress and attitude were picturesque, from the pile of boat cloaks upon which he reposed in the bow of the boat, and opening his dark eyes till one saw far down into the dreamy depths of his 236 half-slumbering soul through his quick-lit orbs. He had caught enough of the sen^e of the captain's Don- sense, to imagine the joke to the full. " Ha, ha, ha !" laughed he, again, and the shadowy walls of the blood-stained " Chateau of Seven Towers," by which we were gliding, gave back the clear, clarion- like tone ; " but, while this brave ^Z^ de la mer * thus sports with the terrors of my country's enslaver [here a frown, deep, dark, threatening, and a quick clenching of the jewelled handle of the yataghan ho wore in his belt], the gates of fair Stamboul will close, and nor foe, nor Frank, nor friend, be given to the dogs." *' By thunder !" shouted the American, shaking himself up, as if at sea, with a suspicious sail in sight, " he is more than half right. "Would you have thought it so late ?" " Even a Yankee, like Captain , a fair repre- sentative of the 'univeral nation,' learns to dream and linger here," responded the Englishman, good- humoredly. Upon this, I made use of the little knowledge I possessed of the Turkish, to interrogate our Caidjis respecting the time further required to reach our landing-place. " Allah is great, and Mohammed is his Prophet !" was all I could fully apprehend of his slowly-deli- vered reply. It was now the captain's turn to laugh, and as his • Son of the sea. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 237 Bonorous peal rippled over the Marmora, lie quietly insinuated liis fore-finger and thumb into the disen- gaged palm of the devout Mussulman I had so touchingly adjured. The only response of the devotee of the Prophet was a gutteral repetition of " Pekee ! good I pekee ! pekee !" But by an influence as effective as it was mysterious, our swan-like movement was exchanged for a most hope-encouraging velocity. " Bravo !" exclaimed my lord. " Bravissima !" intonated the Hun. " Go it, boys !" shouted the " old salt." "By the soul of Mithridates and the deeds of Thermopolse !" chimed in the scion of the " isles of Greece," catching the instinctively-intelligible conta- gion of the sportive moment. " And what said Uncle Hal ?" you wonder, per- haps. Oh, I was listening to the low, melancholy, semi-howl in which the imperturbable Moslems were slowly chanting '' Giizal! pek guzal P^^ as they turned their dull eyes lingeringly towards their fast- receding mosques and minarets. But, meeting the questioning glances of my com- panions, as their mirth began to subside, I contri- buted my humble quota to the general stock of fun, by saying, with extreme gravity of voice and man- ner : " When will wonders cease in the Golden Horn ! At first, even its unquestionable antiquity did not * My beautiful ! my most beautiful I 238 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE redeem this vessel from my contempt — now I con- sider it an ' irresistible duck P — and I wish, more- over, to publish my conviction that, though barba- rous in matters of literature and art, the Turks im- pressively teach their boastful superiors a religious respect for cleanliness ^ I remember to have been singularly impressed, when I read it, with an anecdote somewhat as fol- lows : As too frequently happens on such occasions, a discussion in relation to some insignificant matter, into which a large party of men, who had dined to- gether, and were lingering late over their wine, had fallen, gradually increased in vehemence and obsti- nacy of opinion, imtil frenzied excitement ruled the hour. " From words they almost came to blows, When luckily " the attention of one of the most furious of the dispu tants was suddenly arrested by the appearace of one ot the gentlemen present. There was no angry flush on his brow, no " laughing devil " in his eye, and he sat quietly regarding the scene before him, serene and self-possessed as when he entered the apartment hours before. His astonished companion inquired the cause of such placidity, in the midst of anger and turbulence. TO POLITENESS AlO) FASHION. 239 The gentleman pointed, with a smile, to a half- empty water-bottle beside him, and replied : '^ While the rest of the company have been industriously occupied in endeavoring to drown the distinctive attribute of man — reason — I have preserved its su- premacy by simply confining myself to a non- intoxi- cating beverage." I trust you will not think the following somewhat quaint verses, from the pen of an old and now almost forgotten poet, a mal-d-jprojpos conclusion to this letter : THE YOUTH AND THE PHILOSOPHER A Grecian youth, of talents rare, Whom Plato's philosophic care Had formed for Virtue's nobler view, By precept and example too, Would often boast his matchless skill To curb the steed, and guide the wheel ; And as he passed the gazing throng With graceful ease, and smack'd the thong, The idiot wonder they expressed, Was praise and transport to his breast. At length, quite vain, he needs would show His master what his art could do ; And bade his slaves the chariot lead To Academus' sacred shade. The trembling grove conlessed its fright. The wood-nymphs started at the sight ; The Muses drop the learned lyre, And to their inmost shades retire. Howe'er, the youth, with forward air, Bows to the Sage, and mounts the car; J 24:0 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's QVUm The lash resounds, the coursers spring, The chariot marks the rolling ring ; And gathering crowds, with eager eyes, And shouts, pursue him as he flies. Triumphant to the goal returned, With nobler thirst his bosom burned ; And now along the indented plain The self-same track he marks again ; Pursues with care the nice design, Nor ever deviates from the line. Amazement seized the circling crowd ; The youths with emulation glowed ; E'en bearded sages hailed the boy, And all but Plato gazed with joy. For he, deep-judging sage, beheld With pain the triumph of the field : And when the charioteer drew nigh. And, flushed with hope, had caught his eya^ " Alas ! unhappy youth," he cried, " Expect no praise from me," (and sighed) ; " With indignation I survey Such skill and Judf/ment thrown away : Th^ time profusely squandered there On vulgar arts^ beneath thy care. If well employed, at less expense. Had taught thee Honor, Virtue, Sense ; And raised thee from a coachman's fate^ To govern men, and guide tJte stateJ'^ One seldom finds a nicer selection of words than those of the last lines of these admonitory stanzas. With the wish that they may gratify your literary acumen, I am, as ever, Tour faithful friend, Harry Lunettes. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 2il LETTER YHI. LETTER-WRITING My i>KAR Nephews: There is, perhaps, no form of composition with which it is as desirable to be practically fami- liar, and in which all educated persons should be accomplished, as that of letter-writing* yet no branch of an elegant education is more frequently neglected. Consequently, the grossest errors, and the utmost carelessness, are tolerated in regard to it. Rhetorical faults, and even ungrammatical expres- sions, are constantly overlooked, and illegibility has almost come to be regarded as an essential character- istic. Following the homely rule of the lightning-tamer, that " nothing i^ worth doing at all that is not worth doing well^"^ you will not need argument to convince you ef the propriety of attention to this subject, while forming habits of life. Different occasions and subjects require, of course, as various styles of epistolary composition. Thus the laconic language adapted to a formal business letter, would be wholly unsuited to one of friend- ship ; and the playfulness that might be appropriate 11 242 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE in a congratulatory communication, would be quite out of place in a letter of condolence. While it is impossible that any general rules can be laid down that will be always applicable in indi- vidual cases, a few directions of universal applica- tion may, not inappropriately, be introduced in con- nection with our present purpose. The principal requisites oi Letters of Business are, inteUigibilityj legibility^ and brevity . To secure the first of these essentials, a clear, concise, expressive selection of language is required. Each word and sentence should express exactly and unequivocally the idea intended to be conveyed, and in characters that will not obscure the sense by doubtful legibility, A legible hand should certainly be as essential as intelligible utterance. We pity the man who by stammering, or stuttering, not only taxes the time and patience of his hearers, but leaves them, at times, uncertain of his meaning, despite their efforts to comprehend him. What, then, is the misfor- tune of those who, like the most genial of wits, ' decline to read their own writing, after it is twen- ty-four hours old !' Do not, I pray you, let any absurd impression respecting the excusableness of this defection the score that genius is superior to the trifles of detail^ etc., lead you either into carelessness or indifference on the subject. Few men have the excuse of possessing the dangerous gift of genius, and to affect the weaknesses by which it is sometimes accompanied, is equally silly and contemptible. A man of sense will aim at attaininoj a true standard TO rOLITENESS AND FASHION. 243 of right, not at caricaturing a defective modeL Depend upon it, a good husiness-hand is no small recommendation to young men seeking employment in any of the occupations of li*fe. The propriety of hrevity in letters of business, wil. at once commend itself to your attention. Time — the wealth of the busy — ^is thus saved for two parties. But remember, I repeat, that, while this precious treasure is best secured by expressing what you wish to communi- cate in as few words as possible, nothing is gained by leaving your precise meaning doubtful, by un- authorized abbreviations, confused sentences, or the omission of any essential — as a date, address, propei signature, important question, or item of informa- tion. Let me add, that rapidity of mechanical exe- cution is of no mean importance in this regard. Letters of Introduction should be so expressed as to aiford the reader a clue to the particular purpose of the bearer in desiring his acquaintance, if any such there be. This will prevent the awkwardness of a personal explanation, and furnish a convenient theme for the commencement of a conversation be- tween strangers. Thus, if it be simply a friend, tra- velling in search of pleasure and general information, whom you wish to commend to the general civilities of another friend, some such form as the following will suffice : My dear Sir : Allow me the pleasure of introducing to you my friend, Mr. , a gentleman wbose 244 intelligence and acquirements render his acquaint- ance an acquisition to all who are favored with his society. Mr. visits your city [or town, or part of the country, or, your celebrated city, or, your en- terprising town, or your far-famed State, etc.] merely as an observant traveller. Such attentions as it may be agreeable to you to render him will oblige Your sincere friend, and obedient servant, To Hon. When you wish to write a letter oi introduction for a person seeking a situation in business, a place of residence, scientific information, or the like ; briefly, but distinctly, state this to your correspondent, together with any circumstance creditable to the bearer, or which it will be advantageous to him to have known, which you can safely venture to avouch. (No one is in any degree bound by individual regard to impair his reputation for probity or veracity in this, or any other respect.) A letter introducing an Artist, a Lecturer, etc., should contain some allusion to the professiopal reputation of the bearer— thus : My dear "Williamson: This will be presented to you by our dis- tinguished countryman, Mr. — — , who prO' poses a brief visit to your enterprising city, chiefly for professional purposes. It affords me great plea- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 24:5 Bure to be the means of securing to friends whom I so highly value, the gratification I feel assured you and Mr. will derive from knowing each other. With the best wishes for your mutual success and liappiness, I am, my dear sir, Yery truly yours, To , Esq. In the instance of a celebrity, occupying at the time a space in the world's eye, something like this will suffice : Boston, August Ist^ 1863. My dear Friend: It gives me pleasure to present to your acquaintance a gentleman from whose society you cannot fail to derive high enjoyment. Mr. [or the Hon. , or Gen. ]* needs no eulogy * Always be scrupulously careful to give titles, and with accuracy. The proper designation of a gentleman not in office, is— Esquire. (This, of course, should not be given to a tradesman, or menial) That of a judge, member of Congress, mayor of a city, member of a State legislature, etc., etc., is — Honorable ; that of a clergyman — • Reverend; that of a bishop — Right Reverend. You are, of course, familiar with the proper abbreviations for these titles. In writing the address of a letter, it is desirable to know the Christian name of the person to whom it is to be directed. Thus, if a physician, ♦♦ Charles Jones, M. D.," is better than " Dr. Jones." So, " Dr, De Lancey," or " Bishop Potter," are obviously improper. The cor- rect form to be used in this instance, is: *♦ To the ''Right Rev. Alomo Potter^ D, i)." 2^ of mine to render his reputation familiar to you, identified as it is with the literature of our country [or the scientific fame, or the eloquence of the pul- pit, etc.] Commending my friend to your courtesy, believe me, my dear Jones, Truly your friend and servant. Kev. Letters of introduction should always be unsealed^ and, as a rule, should relate only to the affairs of the bearer, not even passingly to those of the writer or his correspondent. When it is desirable to write what cannot, for any reason, be properly introduced into the open letter, a separate and sealed communi- The proper address of a J/itms^er representing our government abroad, is — "the Honorable , Minister for the TJ. S. of America, near the Court of St. James, or St. Cloud," etc. That of a Charge (T Affaires^ or Consul, etc., varies with their respective offices. A. Charge d Affaires is sometimes familiarly spoken of as " Our Dhargk^'* at such a Court — or as the '"'• American Charged A clergyman may be addressed as " Rev. Mr. ," if you do not know the first name, or initial^ and so may a doctor of divinity ; but in the latter case it would, perhaps, be better to write — " Rev. Dr. James," — though the more accurate mode will still be, if attain- able, " Rev. William James, D.D." Gentlemen of the Army and Navy should always be designated by their proper titles, and it is well not to be ignorant that a man in either of these professions, when " He hath got his sword . . . And seems to know the use on't," may not like to be reminded that the slow promotion he has attained is unknown to his friends ! TO POLITENESS AND FASHION 247 cation may be written and sent, with a polite apo- logy, or brief explanation, with the other. When letters of introduction are delivered in per- son, they should be sent by the servant who admits you, together with your card, to the lady or gentle- man to whom they are addressed, as the most con- venient mode of announcing yourself, and the object of your visit. When you do not find the person you wish to see, write your temporary address upon your card, as "At the American Hotel" — "With Mrs. Henry, 22 Washington-st." — " At Hon. John Berkley's," etc. Should you send your letter, accompany it by your card 2C0iA jpresent address, and inclose both together in an envelope directed to the person for whom they are designed. When your stay is limited and brief, it is suitable to add upon your card, together with an accurate date — " For to-day," or, " To remain but two or three days." And in case of any expla- nation, or apology, or request being requisite, such as you would have made in a 'personal interview, write a note^ to be inclosed with the letter of presen- tation. Every omission of these courtesies that may occasion trouble, or inconvenience to others, is ill- bred, and may easily serve to prejudice strangers against you. Sometimes it is well to make an appointment through the card you leave, or send, with a letter, or for a stranger whom you wish to meet, as — " At the Globe Hotel, this emning^"^ with a date, or thus \ — 248 "Will pay his respects to Mi's. , to-morrow morning, with her permission." A letter introducing a young man, still " unknown to fame," to a lady of fashion, or of distinguished social position, may be expressed somewhat in this manner : To Mrs. Modish^* No. 14 Belgrave Place^ Charleston, S. C. AsTOR House, New York, Jan. 21 th, 18G3. Deab Madam : Permit me to present to you my friend, Mr. James Stuart — a gentleman whose polished manners and irreproachable character embolden me * It is etiquette to address communications to a lady according to the style she adopts for her card. Thus, the elder of two married ladies, bearing the same name and of the same family, may properly designate herself simply as Mrs. , without any Christian name (her position in society and the addition upon her card, of her locale being supposed sufficient to identify her). The wives of her young- est brother, or those of her sons, are then " Mrs. N. C. ," "Mrs. Charles ," and so on. The eldest of a family of sisters is, " Miss ," the younger are " Miss Nellie ^," " Miss Julia ," etc. In writing to, or conversing with them, you thus individualize them. But when you are upon ceremonious terms with them, in the absence of the elder, you address one of the younger sisters, with whom you are conversing, as " Miss ," only, omitting the indivi- dualizing Christian name. Of course, when writing under such cir- cumstances, a note of ceremony designed for the young ladies of a family, collectively, should be addressed to " The Misses ;" and if for one of them, alone, to " Miss ^," or, "Miss Mary Gt, ,' as the case may be. TO POLITENESS AND lASHION. 249^ to request for him the honor of an acquaintance with even so fastidious and accomplished an arbiter of fashion as yourself Mr. Stuart will be able to give you all the inform- ation you may desire respecting our mutual friends and acquaintances in society here. Do me the honor to make my very respectful compliments to the Misses Modish, and to believe me, dear madam, Most respectfully. Your friend and servant, KoBERT B. Hawks. Mrs. Modish. Letters -presenting /'oreigners, should designate the country and particular locality to which they belong, as well as the purpose of their tour, as—" The Che- valier Bonne, of Berne, Switzerland whose object in visiting our young Republic is not only the wish to compare our social and political institutions with those of his own country, but the collection of speci- mens and information respecting the Natural His-' tory of the United States. Such assistance as you may bo able to render my learned friend, in facili- tating his particular researches, will confer a favor upon me, my dear sir, which I shall ever gratefully remember," etc., etc. The subject of letters of introduction naturally suggests that o^ personal introductions^ in relation to which the grossest mistakes and the greatest care- lessness are prevalent, even among well-bred people, 11* 250 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE In making persons acquainted with eacli other, the form of words may vary almost with every different occasion, bnt there are certain rules that should never be overlooked, since they refer to con- siderations of abstract propriety. Younger persons and inferiors in social rank, should, almost invariably, be presented to their se- niors and superiors. Thus, one should not say — " Mr. Smith, let me introduce Mr. Washington Irving to you," but " Mr. Irving, will you allow me to intro- duce Mr. John Smith to you ?" Or, " Permit me to present Mr. Smith to you, sir," presupposing that Mr. Smith does not need to be informed to whom he is about to be introduced. It is difficult to express upon paper the difference of signification conveyed by the mode of intonating a sentence. " General Scott, Mr. Jones," may be so pronounced as to pre- sent the latter gentlemen to our distinguished coun- tryman, in a simple, but admissible manner, or it may ilhistrate the impropriety of naming a man of mark to a person who makes no pretensions to social equality with him. Usually, men should be introduced to women, upon the principle that precedence is always yielded to the latter ; but, even in this case, an exception may properly be made in the instance of an intro- duction between a very young^ or, otherwise, wholly unindividualized woman, and a man of high posi- tion, or of venerable age. A half-playful variation from the ordinary phraseology of this ceremony, may sometimes be adopted, under such circum* TO roLrrENESs and fashion. 251 stances, with good taste, as— "This young lady desires the pleasure of knowing you, sir — Miss Williams," or, " Mr. Prescott, this is my niece. Miss Ada Byron Robinson." When there is a " distinction without a differ- ence" between two persons, or when hospitality interdicts your assuming to decide a nice point in this regard, it may be waived by merely naming the parties in such a way as to give precedence to neither — thus : " Gentlemen, allow me — Mr. W , Mr. Y ," or, " Gentlemen, allow me the pleasure of making you known to each other," and then sim- ply pronounce the names of the two persons. By the way, let me call your attention to the importance of an audibU and distinct enunciation of names^ when assuming to make an introduction. A quiet^ self-possessed manner^ and intelligibility should be regarded as essential at such times. When introducing persons wlio are necessarily wholly imacquainted with each other's antecedents of station or circumstance, it is eminently proper to add a brief explanation, as — " Mr. Preudhomne, let me introduce my brother-in-law. General Peters, — Mr. Preudhomne, of Paris," or ; "Mrs. Blandon, with your permission, I will present to you Seiior Abeuno, a Spanish gentleman. Senior A. speaks French per- fectly, but is unacquainted with our language ; " or, " Mr. Smithson, this is my friend Mr. Brown, of Philadelphia — like owv^oiYQQ^ a merchant ; " or, " My dear, this is Captain Blevin, of the good ship Never fiink, — Mrs. ^Nephews, sir." 252 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUmE l^ever say " My wife," or " My daughter, or " My Bister," " My father-in-law," or the like, without giv- ing each their proper ceremonious title. How should a stranger know whether your " daughter " is — " Sole (laughter of your house and heart," or Miss " Lucy," or " Belinda," the third or fourth in the order of time, and, consequently, of precedence, or what may chance to be the name of your father-in- law, or half sister, etc., etc. Well-bred people address each other by name, when conversing, and hence the awkwardness occa- sioned by this vulgar habit, which is only equalled by that of speaking of your wife as " My wife,"* or worse still, "my ladyP'' Is it not enough, when your friends know that you are married, and are perfectly familiar with your own name, to speak of " Mrs. ," and to introduce them to the mistress of your house by that designation ? It is a solecism in good manners to suppose it un- suitable to designate the members of your own family by their proper titles under all circumstances that would render it suitable and convenient to do so in the instance of other persons. Never fall into the * This reminds me of another habit that is becoming prevalent iu this new land of ours — that of men's entering themselves upon the Registers of Hotels, Ocean Steamers, etc., as " M. A. Timeson and ladyV or, "Mr. G. Simpson and wife?'' What can possibly be the objection to the good old established form of "Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Timeson," or " George and Mrs. Simpson, or " Mr. G. Simpson. Mra. and the Misses Simpson ?" TO rOLITENESS AND FASHION. 253 American peculiarity on this point, I entreat you. Say — " My father, Dr. Y ," or " My sister, Miss y ," "Mrs. Col. Y , my sister-in-law," or, " My sister, Mrs. John Jenkins," with as scrupulous a regard for rank and precedence, as though dealing with strangers. Indeed, you virtually ignore all personal considerations, while acting in a social relation merely. The rules of etiquette very properly interdict in- discriminate introductions in general society. !N'o one has a right to thrust the acquaintance of persons upon each other without their permission, or, at least, without some assurance that it will be agreeable to them to know each other. Strangers meeting at the house of a mutual friend, in a morning visit, or the like, converse with each other, or join in the general conversation without an introduction, which it is not usual among fashionable people to give under such circumstances. K you wish to present a gentleman of your acquaintance to a lady, you first ask her per- mission, either in person or by note, to take him to her house, if she be married, or to do so at a party, etc., where you may chance to meet her. In the instance of a very young lady, propriety demands your obtaining the consent of one of her parents before adding to her list of male acquaintances, unless you are upon such terms of intimacy with her family and herself, as to render this superfluous; and so with all your friends. It is better, however, even where unceremoniousness is admissible, to err upon the safer side. 254 Among men, greater license maybe taken; but", as a 'intle^ I repeat, persons are not introduced in tho street, in pump-rooms, in the public parlors of hotels, or watering-places, meeting incidentally at receptions or at morning visits, etc. ; and not even when they are your guests at large dinners, or soirees, without their previous assent or request. Of course, such rules, like all the laws of conven- tion, are established and followed for convenience, and should not be regarded, like those of the Medes and Persians, as unchangeable. Good sense and good feeling will vary them with the changes of cir- cumstance. No amiable person, for instance, will hesitate to set them aside for the observance of the more imperative law of kindness, when associated with those who are ignorant of their existence (as many really excellent persons are), and would be pained by their strict observance. ISTeither should the most punctilious sticklers for form think it necessary to make a parade of the mere letter of such rules, at any time. It is the spirit we want, for the j)romotion of social convenience and propriety. Perhaps it may be as well in this connection as in any other, to say a word about the matter of visiting cards. Fashion sanctions a variety of forms for this neces- sary appendage. In Europe, it is very common to affix the professional or political title to the name, as " , Professor in the University of Heidel- burg," or, " , Conseiller d'Etat," ; and an Englishman in public life often has on his card the TO rOLITENESS AND FASHION. 255 cabalistic characters — "In H. M. S." — (in Her Majes- ty's Service). Among the best-bred Americans, I think the prevalent usage is to adopt the simfple sig* nature^ as " Henry Wise," or to prefix the title of Mr., as "Mr. Seward." Sometimes, — particularly for cards to be used away from home — the place of residence is also engraved in one corner below the name.* Europeans occasionally adopt the practice of hav- ing the corners of the reverse side of their cards engra- ven across with such convenient words as ''''Pour dire Adieu " (to say good bye). " Congratulation'^'* (to offer congratulations). '"''Pour affaire'''* (on an errand, or on business). ''''Arrive'''' (tantamount to " in town "). The appropriate corner is turned over, as occasion requires, and the sentence is thus brought into notice on the same side with the name. Business cards should never be used in social life, nor should flourishes, ornamental devices, or gene- rally unintelligible characters be employed. A smooth, white card, of moderate size, with a plain, legible inscription of the name, is in unexceptionable taste and ton, suitable for all occasions, and sufficient for all purposes, with the addition, when circum- stances require it, of a pencilled word or sentence. But to return to our main subject. Letters of Recommendation partake of the general character of those of introduction. It is sufficient to add, in regard to them, that they should be conscien- tiously expressed. All that can be truthfully said for the advantage of the bearer, should be included ; * Persons belonging to the Army and Navy use their full titles, with the ;iadition of " U. S. A.," or " XT. S. N." 256 but, as I have before remarked, no one is obliged to compromise his own integrity to advance the interests of others in this manner, more than in any other. Letters of Condolence require great care and deli- cacy of composition. They should relate chiefly, as a rule, to the subject by which they are elicited, and express syinj^athy rather than aim at administering consolation. No general directions can be made to embrace the peculiarities of circumstance in this regard. Suffice it to say that the inspiration of genuine feeling will dictate rather expressions of kindly interest for the sufferer you address, of respect and regard for a departed friend, or an appreciation of the magnitude of the misfortune you deplore, rather than coldly polished sentences and prolonged reference to one's self. Letters of Congratulation should embody cheerful- ness and cordiality of sentiment, and be at an equal remove from an exaggeration of style, suggesting the idea of insincerity or of covert ridicule, and from chilling politeness, or indications of indifference. To " rejoice with those who rejoice " is indeed a pleas- ing and easy task for those who are blessed with a genial nature, and enrich themselves by partaking in the good fortune of others. Letters expressing this pleasure admit of a little more egotism than is sane* tioned by decorum in some other cases. One may be allowed to allude to one's own feelings when so pleasurably associated with those of one's correspon- dent. Brevity is quite admissible in letters both of con* TO P0LITENES8 AND FASHION. 257 dolence and felicitation — referring, as they properly do, chiefly to one topic ; it is in better taste not to intro- duce extraneous matter into them, especially when they are of a merely ceremonious nature. Letters to Superiors m Station or Age demand a respectful and laconic style. No familiarity of address, no colloquialisms, pleasantries, or digres- sions, are admissible in them. They should be com- menced with a ceremoniously-respectful address carefully and concisely expressed, and concluded with an elaborate formula, of established phraseo- logy. The name of the person to whom they are written should be place near the lower, left hand edge of the sheet, together with his ceremonious title, etc. No abbreviations of words — and none of titles, unsanctioned by established usage, should be introduced into such letters, and they should bear at the commencement, below the date, and on the left hand side of the paper, the name of the person ad- dressed, thus : Washington City, Feb. 2c?, 1863. Honorable Edward Everett: — Sm, I am, sir, Yery respectfully, Your humble servant, J. F. Carpenter. Hon. Edward Everett, Secretary oi- State, for the U. S. 258 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN S GUIDE Be careful to remember that it is unsuitable to commence a communication to an entire stranger an official letter, or one of ceremony, in reply to a gentleman acting in the name of a committee, etc., etc., with " Dear Sir." This familiarity is wholly out of place under such circumstances, and it is matter of surprise that our public men so frequently fall into it, even in addressing public functionaries represent- ing foreign countries here, etc. In this respect, as in many others, their " quality." as that most dis- cerning satirist. Punchy has recently said of the style of one of our men in high office — is not '^ strained P^ llie veterans of Diplomatic or of Congressional life should let us see that practice has refined their style of speaking and writing, rather than remind us that they have come to the lees of intellect ! I have, for several years past, remarked the pub- lished letters of one of the distinguished meA of the Empire State, as models of graceful rhetoric and good taste. I refer now, not to the political opinions they may have expressed, but to their literary execu- tion. They indicate the pen of genius — no matter what the occasion — whether declining to break ground for a canal, to lay the corner-stone of a university, acknowledging a public serenade, or expounding a political dogma, a certain indescrib- able something always redeems them alike from com- mon-place ideas, and from inelegance of language. See if your newspaper profundity will enable you to "guess" the name of the individual to whom I refer. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 259 DiplmnatiG Letters require a style peculiar to themselves, in relation to wbicli it would be the height of temerity in me to adventure even a hint. The Public Documents of our own country and of England, afford models for those of you who shall have occasion for them, as members of the " Corps Diplomatique." Letters of Friendship mid Affection must, of course, vary in style with the occasions and the correspondents that elicit them. A light, easy, playful style is most appropriate. And one should aim rather at correctness of diction than at anything like an elaborate parade of language. Grammatical inaccuracies and vulgarisms are never allowable among educated people, whether in speaking or writing ; nor is defective spelling excusable. Punctuation and attention to the general rules of composition should not be overlooked, as thus only can unmistakable intelligibleness be secured. Avoid all ambitious pen-flourishes, and attempts at ornamental caligraphy, and aim at the acquisition of a legible, neat, gentleman-like hand, and a pure, manly, expressive style, in this most essential of all forms of composition. The possession of excellence in this accomplish- ment will enable you to disseminate high social and domestic pleasure. Nothing affords so gratifying a solace to friends, when separated, as the reception of those tokens of remembrance and regard. They only who have wandered far, far away from the ties 260 of country, friends, and home, can fully appreciate the delight afforded by the reception of letters of a satisfactory character. And the welcome assurances of the safety, health, and happiness of the absent and loved, is the best consolation of home-friends. Practice^ jpatience, and tact^ are equally essential to the acquisition of ease and grace in this desirable art. Wit^ humor^ and playfulness are its proper embellishments, and variety should characterize its themes. A certain egotism^ too, is not only pardon- able, but absolutely requisite, and may even become delicately complimentary to the recipient of one's confidence. Let me remind you, too, that — though " offence of spoken words " may be excused by the excite- ment of passing feeling — the deliberate commission of unkind, or, worse still, of unjust, untruthful, injurious language, to paper, argues an obliquity of moral vision little likely to secure the writer either " What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The souVs calm sunshine^^ or the respect and regard of others. Facility in writing familiar letters may be in- creased by the habit of mentally recording, before inditing them, as opportunity affords material, such incidents of travel, items of personal interest, or gossiping intelligence, etc., as may be thought best suited to the tastes of your correspondents. And it is well, before closing such communications, not only to glance over them to satisfy yourself of their TO POLITENESS AND FASHION 261 freedom from mistakes, but by that means to recall any omission occasioned by forgetfulness. Kotes of Invitation^ of Acceptance^ and Regret^ require, of course, brevity and simplicity of expres- Bion. The prevailing mode of the society you are connected with, is usually the proper guide in rela- tion to these matters of form, for the time being. Thus the mere formula of social life at "Washington, Boston, Charleston, Paris, or St. Petersburg, may be somewhat varied, as usage alone frequently determines these niceties, and all eccentricities and peculiarities in this respect, as in most others, are in bad taste. Cards, or Notes, of Invitation to Dinners and Soirees, are frequently printed, and merely names and dates supplied in writing. The example of the hest society (in the most elevated sense of that much-abused phrase) everywhere, sanctions only the most unpretending mode of expression and general style, for such occasions. The utmost beauty and exquisiteness of finish in the mere Tnaterial^ but the absence of all pretentious orna- ment, is thought most unexceptionable. Invitations to Dinner should be acknowledged at your earliest convenience, and — whether accepted or declined — in courteously ceremonious phraseology. In the instance of invitations * to Balls and Evening- * I vra8 somewhat surprised lately, in perusing an agreeable novel, written by one of our countrywomen, to observe her use of the word " ticket " as synonymous with invitation^ or card of invita* Hon. A " ticket " admits one to a concert, the opera, or theatre ' but one receives an " invitation^''^ or " card pf invitation " to a dinner, Parties, Weddings, etc., haste is Dot so essential ; but a seasonat)le reply to such civilities should by no means be neglected. When you wish to take a friend — who is a stranger to the hostess — with you to an evening entertainment, and are upon sufficiently established terms with her to make it quite proper to do so, acknowledge your invitation at once, and request permission to take your friend — thus affording an opportunity, if it is requisite, for the return of an invitation enclosed to you for your proposed com- panion. Some form like the following will answer the purpose ; Mr. Thomas Brown has the honor to accept Mrs Mason's very polite invitation for next Thursday evening. With Mrs. Mason's permission, Mr. Brown will be accompanied by his friend, Mr. Crawford, of Cincinnati, who is at present temporarily in New York. Carlton House, Monday morning^ December 28i pedantry, of every mode of conveying ideas that we are assured is intelligible to them. Thus classical scholars may use the learned languages, if they will, in mutual in- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 29T tercoiirse ; and the popular and familiar words and phrases we have borrowed from the French, are often a convenient resource, under similar circum- stances. All this is best regulated by good-breeding and taste. It is always desirable to err on the safe side, where there is a possibility of misapprehension, or of incurring the imputation of affectation, or of a love of display. This last consideration, by the way, affords an additional incentive to the selection of such compa- nionship as is best suited to elicit the exercise of conversational grace, and stimulate the mental culti- vation upon which it must be based. In addition to this advantage, is that thus afforded of familiarizing one's self with the usagesof those who maybe regarded as models for the inexperienced. The modesty so becoming in the young, will inspire a wish to listen rather than talk ; but — though to be an attentive and interested listener is one of the most agreeable and expressive of compliments — remember that ^practice, if judiciously directed, cannot be too soon attempted, to secure this desirable attainment. These remarks, I am fully aware, have been desul- tory and digressive, but they were designed to be rather suggestive than satisfactory ; and experimen- tal knowledge will, I trust, more than compensate you for my conscious deficiencies. I will add only a general remark or two, and then no longer tax your patience. The ladies — dear creatures ! — are most prone, it must be admitted, to the use of exaggerated language, 298 in conversation ; with them the superlative form of the adjective will alone suffice for the full expression of feeling or opinion. But this peculiarity is by no means confined to those in whom enthusiasm and its natural expression are most becoming. The sterner sex are far from being exempt from this habit, which, often involves looseness of thought^ inaceuracy of statement^ or positive untruthfulness. It is desirable, as a point of ethics, to practise care in this regard. Using the strongest forms of expression on ordinary occasions, leaves one no reserved corps of language for those requiring unusual impressiveness. Accu- racy is the great essential, many times, in the choice of language. A clear idea, clearly and unequivocally expressed, is indicative of a good and well-disci- plined intellect, each, as I have before intimated, the result of attention and practice. Well-bred people are careful, when obliged to dif- fer with others in conversation, to do so in polite language, and never to permit the certainty of being in the right to induce a dictatoral or assuming man- ner. When only a difierence of opinion or of taste is involved, young persons, particularly, should scru- pulously abstain from any appearance of obstinacy, or self-sufficiency, and defend their impressions, if at all, with a courteous deference to others. Usually, nothing is gained by argument in general society. !No one is convinced, because no one wishes to be, and many persons, even when * convinced, will argue still,' because unwilling, from wounded self-love, to adnut it. Much acrimony of feeling is engendered TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 299 in this way — ^pertinacity often causing an unpleasant conclusion to what was begun in entire good-feeling. ISTo one is bound to renounce a claim to his individ- ual rights in this respect, but modesty and courtesy will never sit ill upon the young, while steadfastly defending even a point of principle. " Never," said Mr. Madison, in an admirable letter of advice to a nephew, " never forget that^ precisely in proportion as you differ from others in opinion^ they differ with youy Let me add, that they who are honestly seek- ing knowledge and truth, will carefully review and re-weigh opinions, tastes, and principles in regard to which they find themselves differing essentially with those whom age, experience, and learning render their admitted superiors. And if contradiction and opinionativeness are inadmissible in good society, at least equal taste and tact are required in conveying information to others. Some graceful phrase, some self-renouncing admis- sion or explanation, which may secure you from the envy or dislike that wounded vanity might otherwise engender, should not be forgotten when circumstance or education give you an advantage over others in the intercourse of domestic or social life. •♦ As in smooth oil the razor best is whet, So wit is by politeness sharpest set ; Their want of edge from their offense is seen ^ Both pain us least when exquisitely keen, The fame men give it for th^joy they find P^ It ifl usually in bad taste to talk of one's self lu 300 general society. Humility of language, in this re spect, may easily be interpreted into insincerity, iind it is at least equally difficult, on the other hand, to avoid the imputation of egotism. Frankness with those to whom you are bound by the ties of friend- ship, will, many times, be the best proof you can give of the sincerity of your confidence and regard, but this will in no degree interfere with a certain self- abnegation in ordinary social intercourse. Politeness may dictate «ur being listened to with a semblance of interest, when our own health, affairs, adventures, or misfortunes are the subject of detailed discourse on our part, but the sympathy of the world is not easily enkindled, and pity is often mingled with contempt. People go into society to be amused, not to have their courtesy taxed by appeals to sensibilities upon which others have no claim. Carlyle has well said, ^'Silently swallow the chagrins of your ^position; every ^position has themP And it is so ; but one's " private griefs " are not lessened by exposure, not made more endurable by being constantly the theme, either of one's thoughts or conversation. Let me add that their legitimate use is to teach us a ready sym- pathy with the sorrows and trials of others, rather than a hardened self-engrossment. "While you endeavor, therefore, to " Conceal yoursel' as weel's ye can Frae critical dissection," Beek to excel in pei*sonal agreeability, not for the sake of superiorit}^ so much as to secure the means of giv- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 301 ing pleasure to otliers, and of entitling yourself to the favorable regard of those whose society it is desi- rable to enjoy. Even the readiest admirers of wit may weary of the very brilliancy of its flashes, if the coruscations too constantly recur, as the eye tires of sheet-lightning, often repeated ; but who will weary of geniality, amiability, and " Good breeding, the blossom of good sense," any sooner than will the eye of the lambent light of fair Diana ? No single characteristic of conversation, perhaps, so universally commends the possessor to the favor of society, as cheerfulness. "^ laugh^'^ said an emi- nent observer of society, " is the test vocal music / it is a glee in which everybody can take part /" I re- member, once, being for some weeks in a hotel with a number of invalids, one of whom, though a con- stant sufferer, always met me with a pleasant smile, and uttered his passing salutations in a voice cheery as a hunter's horn. Really, his simple " Good morn- ing, Colonel Lunettes," was so replete with good- humor, courtesy, and cheerfulness, as to do one good like a cordial. It so impressed me that, at length, I responded, " Good morning, cheerful sir, — I believe you never fail to greet your friends in a manner that gives them pleasure." His pleasant smile grew pleasanter, and his bright eye brighter, as he re- plied — "I always make a principle of speaking cheerfully to the sick, especially — they, of all oth- ers, are most susceptible to outward impressions." 302 *' There is a world of philosophy, as well as of hu- manity, in what you say," returned I, " and I can personally testify to the good effects of your kindly habit." But it is not alone the sick, the sad, or the sensitive who hail a cheerful companion with delight — these Human Sunheams bring warmth and gladness to all ■ — even the least susceptible feel the effects of their genial presence, almost unconsciously, and fre- quently seek and enjoy their conversation when even elegance and erudition would fail of attraction. The same tact and self-respect that will preserve you from exhibitions of vanity and egotism, will dictate discrimination in the selection of topics of conversation, bearing upon matters of taste and sen- timent, as well as of opinion and principle. — All affectation or assumption of superiority in this re- spect is offensive and worse than useless. Those with whom you have mental affinities will understand and appreciate you ; but beware, especially if sensitively constituted, how you expose your sensibilities to the ridicule, or 3^our principles to the professed distrust of those with whom, for any reason, you cannot measure colloquial weapons upon entirely equal terms. On the contrary, again, no well-bred man ever rudely assails either the predilections or the princi- ples of others in general society. This is no more the proper arena for intellectual conflicts than for political sparring, or theological disputes. Whatever tends to disturb the general harmony of a circle, or TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. to give pain to any one present, is inexcusable, how* ever truthful and important in the abstract, however wise or witty in itself considered, may be observa- tions tending to either or both results. This brings me to dwelling a moment upon a kin- dred point — the discourtesy sometimes exhibited by young men towards ladies and clergymen, in the use of equivocal language, and the introduction of excep- tionable subjects in their hearing. Anything that will crimson the cheek of true womanhood, or in- vade the unconsciousness of innocence^ is imworthy and unmanly, to a degree of which it is not easy to find language to express sufficient abhorrence. The defencelessness of the dependent sex, in this, as in all other respects, is their best protection with all who — " Give the world assurance of a man H And the same shield is presented by those whose profession precludes their adopting the means of self- defence permitted to the world at large. ^Nothing can be more vulgar — setting aside the immorality of the thing — than to speak disrespectfully of religion, or of its advocates and professors, in society — what then shall be said of those who assail the ears of the acknowledged champions of Christianity with infidel sentiments, contemptuous insinuations, or profane expletives ? Depend upon it, a man of the world whatever his honest doubts, or unorthodox convic- tions, will be as little likely to present himself as a mark in. regard to these matters for the suspicious distrust^ or the palpable misapprehension of society', 304: THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE as to subject himself to the charges of extreme /w^6/^ tlity and low hreeding by assailing a clergyman with ridicule, or a woman with libertinism, however exquisite may be his wit in the one case, or appar- ently refined his insinuations, in the other. While recommending to your attention the selec- tion of suitable and tasteful subjects of general con- versation, I should not omit to remind you that nothing but acknowledged intimacy sanctions the manifestation of curiosity respecting the affairs of others. As a rule, direct questions are inadmissible in good society. Listen with politeness to what may be voluntarily communicated to you by your asso- ciates, regarding themselves, but on no account, in- dulge an impertinent curiosity in such matters ; and when courtesy sanctions the manifestation of interest, express your desire for information in polite lan- guage, and with a half-apologetic manner, that will permit reserve, without embarrassment to either party. Let me add, that an uncalled-for exhibition of your familiarity with the private affairs of a friend, when his own presence and manner should furnish your proper clue to his wishes, is to prove yourself unworthy of his confidence. As well might one boast of his acquaintance with the great, or assume an unceremonious manner towards them, on unsuit- able occasions. In either case, one is liable to the repulse sustained by an unfortunate candidate for fashionable distinction, who, approaching a member of English haut ton in the streets of London, said, " I believe I had the honor of knowing you in the TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 305 countiy, sir." — *' When we again meet in the coun* try^'' was the reply, " I shall be pleased to renew the acquaintance !" Quickness of repartee may be reckoned among the graces of the colloquial art, and those who are gifted with activity of intellect, and have acquired facility in the use of expressive language, should possess the power thus to embellish their social intercourse. Every one is now and then inspired in this way, I believe; but few persons, comparatively, even among the most practised conversationists, excel in this respect. How few, for instance, would have re- sponded as readily, in an emergency, as did the half- drunk servant of Swift : " Is my fellow here ?" inquired the Dean, pushing open the door of a low tavern much frequented by his often-missing valet. A nondescript figure came staggering forward, and stuttered out — " Your L- Lordship's f-a-l-l-o-w canH h-he f -found in all I-Ire-Ireland P I have lately met, somewhere in my reading, with the following anecdote of the elder Adams, as he is frequently called. I remember, at this moment; no better illustration of ready repartee : " How are you this morning, sir ?" asked a friend who called to pay his respects to this patriotic son of New England, during the latter days of his life. " Not well," replied the invalid ; " I am not well. r inhabit a weak, Trail, decayed tenement, open to 306 the winds, and broken in npon by the storme ; and what is worse, from all I can learn^ the landlord- does not intend to mahe repairs /" A ready and graceful rejply to a compliments may, also, be regarded as a conversational embellishment. It is not polite to retort to the language of courtesy with a charge of insincerity, or of flattery. Play- fulness frequently affords the best resource, or the retort courteous^ as in Lord Nelson's celebrated reply to Lady Hamilton's questions of "Why do you differ so much from other men ? Why are you so superior to the rest of your sex?" "K there were more Emmas, there would be more Nelsons." One may say, " I fear I owe your commendation to the par- tiality of friendship ;" or, " I trust you may never be undeceived in regard to my poor accomplishments ;" or, " Really, madam, your penetration enables you to make discoveries for me." Then again, to one of the lenient sex, one may reply — " Mrs. Blank sees all her friends through the most becoming of glasses — ^her own eyes." And to an older gentleman, who honors you with the fiat of a compliment, thus proving that it may sometimes be false that " The vanquished have no friends," " Eeally, sir, I do not know whether I am most over- whelmed by admiration for your wit and politeness, or by gratitude for your kindness." Or some phrase like this will occasionally be appropriate — " I am afraid, sir, I shall plume myself too highly upon your TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 307 good opinion. You do me much honor;" or, "It will be my devoir^ as well as my happiness, for the future, to deserve your commendation, sir ;" or, " You inspire as much as you encourage me, dear sir — if I possess any claim to your flattering compli- ment, you have yourself elicited it." To a compli- ment to one's wit, or the like, one may reply — • "Dullness is always banished by the presence of Miss ;" or, " Who could fail to be, in some de- gree, at least, inspired in such a presence ?" Then, again, a reply like this will suffice — " I am only too happy in being permitted to amuse you, ma- dam." Permit me in this connection, a few words respect ing conversation with ladies. Though all mere silli ness and twaddle should be regarded as equally unworthy of them and yourselves, yet, in general association with the fairest ornaments of creation, a^reeahility^ rather than profundity, should be your aim, in the choice of topics. Sensitive, tasteful, refined, " And variable as the shade By the light quivering aspen made," their vividness of imagination and sportiveness of fancy demand similarity of intellectual gifts, or the graceful tribute of, at least, temporary assimilation. Playfulness^ cheerfulness^ versatility^ and courtesy should characterize colloquial intercourse with ladies ; but the deference due them should never degenerate «S08 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE into mere servile acquiescence, or mawkish senti- mentality. The utmost refinement of language and of matter should always be regarded as essential, under such circumstances, to the discourse of a well-bred man ; and should, of course, distinguish his manner as well. Thus, all slang phrases, everything approaching to double entendre^ all familiarity of address, unsanc- tioned by relationship or acknowledged intimacy, all mis-timed or unsanctioned use of nick-names and Christian names, are as inadmissible in good society as are personal familiarities, nudging, winking, whis- pering, etc. Too much care cannot be taken in avoiding all subjects that may have the eifect to wound or dis- tress others. I think I have before remarked that people go into society for enjoyment — relaxation from the grave duties and cares of life — ^not to be depressed by the misanthropy of others, or disturbed by details of scenes of horror. 1 have known per- sons who had such a morbid taste for such things as always to insist upon reading aloud, even in the hearing of children and ladies, the frightful news- paper details of rail-road accidents and steamboat explosions. I remember, in particular, once having the misfortune to be acquainted with such a social incubus, to whom a death in the neighborhood was a regular God-send, and to whom the wholesale slaughter made by the collision of rail-cars served as colloquial capital for weeks — indeed until some pro- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 309 vident body corporate supplied new material for Ms cormorant powers of mental digestion ! His letters to distant friends were a regular hill of mortality^ filled with minute accounts of the peculiar form of disease by which every old woman of his acquaint- ance was enabled to shuffle off this mortal coil, and of every accident that occurred in the country for miles around — ^from the sudden demise of a poor widow's cow, to the broken leg of a robber of bird's-nests ! I shall never forget the revulsion of feeling he pro- duced for me, one serene summer evening, as I was placidly strolling over the sands by the sea-shore, drinking in the glory of old Neptune's wide-spread realm, by inflicting upon me, not only himself— which was enough for mortal patience — but a long rigmarole about the great numbers of fishes washed upon the shore by a recent storm, who had had their eyes picked out by birds of prey, while still strug- gling for life in an uncongenial element! On another occasion, I had the misfortune to be pre- sent when a young lady was thrown into violent hysterics by his mentioning, with as much gitsto as an inveterate " collector " would have exhibited in boasting the possession of a steak from the celebrated " antediluvian beef," immortalized by Cuvier,* that he had picked up a small foot with a lady's boot on * Speaking in one of his public lectures, of the recent discovery (amid the eternal snows of Siberia, I think), of the carcass of a mastodon^ upon which the hunting-dogs of the explorers had fed — " Thus" said the great naturalist, " did modern dogs gorge them' aelves upon antediluvian heefP 310 it, while visiting the scene of a late rail-road acci- dent I But avoiding these aggravated forms of grossnesa :8 not enough. True politeness requires attention to the peculiarities of each of the company you are with — teaching, for instance, your abstaining from allu- sions to their personal defects or misfortunes, to the embarrassment of conversing with deaf persons, in the presence of those thus afflicted, to lameness, when some one present has lost a limb, to the pecu- liarities of age, in the hearing of elderly persons, to the vulgar impression that all lawyers are knaves, when one of the sons of that noble profession is among your auditors — to the murderous reputation of the disciples of Esculapius, etc. This rule will teach, too, the use of a less offensive term than that of " old maid," when speaking of women of no parti- cular age, in the hearing of such as are by courtesy only, without the pale alluded to ; and the propriety of not appealing to such authority in relation to matters of remote personal remembrance I In no country with the social institutions of which I am familiar, do the peculiar opinions obtain, which 'prevail in this country respecting age. "Young America " regards every one as old, apparently, who has attained majority, and women, in particular, are subjected to a most unjust ordeal in this respect. The French have a popular saying that no woman is agreeable until she is forty ; and in both France and England, marriage — which first entitles a young lady to a decided position in society — usually occurs TO POLITENESS AKD FASHION. 311 at a much later period in her life than with us. In neither of those countries are girls hrought out at an age when here they are frequently already mothers I But to return : nothing is more ill-bred, than this too frequent assumption of the claims of women to be exempt from social obligations and deprived of their proper places in society, in this country, while still retaining all their pristine claims to agreeability. Polished manners, cultivated tastes and personal attractions, are not to have their claims . abrogated by Time. You remember the poet says : " The little Loves are infants ever, The Graces are of every age !" I well remember being intensely chagrined by an exhibition of under-breeding in this way while making a morning visit, with a young countryman of ours, upon a beautiful English girl, a distant rela- tive of his. After discussing London fogs, and other kindred topics, Jonathan suddenly burst forth, as if suddenly inspired with a bright thought. "How's the old lady?" The largest pair of blue eyes, opening to their full extent, turned wonderingly upon the querist. " Your mother, — is she well this morning ?" " Mamma is pretty well, thank you ; but it is not possible that you regard her as old ! Mamma is in the very prime of life, only just turned of five and forty ! Dear mother I she is looking very pale and sad in her widow's cap, but we have never thought 312 of her as old^'^ and a shadow, like the sudden darken- ing of a fair landscape, dimmed those deep blue eyes and that fine forehead. But enough upon this collateral point. I trust you will need no argument to convince you of the vulgarity and immorality of permitting your- selves the practice of repeating pHvate conversation. Nothing will more surely tend to deprive you of the respect and friendship of well-bred people, since nothing is more thoroughly understood in good society, than a tacit recognition of that essential security to social confidence and good-feeling which utterly interdicts the repetition of private conversa- tion. Let me only add to these rambling observations the assurance that a ready compliance with the wishes of others, in exercising any personal accom- plishment, is a mark of genuine good-breeding. During one of my visits to London, some years since, the Duke of invited me to run down with him, for a few days, to his magnificent estate in shire. Riding one morning with my host and a nume-" rous party of his guests, we paused to breathe our horses, and enjoy the fine prospect, upon the summit of a hill overlooking the wide-spread acres of his lordship. " Here the estate of my neighbor, Mr. , joins TO POLITENESS AND FASEION. 31S my land," said the Duke, pointing, with his riding- whip, towards a narrow, thickly-wooded valley, at our feet. " You catch a glimpse of his turrets through the oaks yonder. This spot always reminds me," pursued our host, laughing, " of an amusing incident of which it was the scene, years ago, when the family of my neighbor had not become as distin- guished as it now is, among the philanthropists of the age. A young friend of ours, who was spend- ing the shooting-season here with my sons, while eagerly pursuing his game, one morning, uncon- sciously trespassed upon the preserves of Mr. . The report of his fowling-piece brought Mr. suddenly to his side, just as he was triumphantly bagging his bird. My excellent neighbor, with all his admirable qualities, is sometimes a little chol- eric, and you know. Col. Lunettes, [bowing and smiling] that notliing sooner rouses the ire of a true Englishman, than an invasion of the Game Laws^ "'Sir!' cried Mr. , in a voice trembling with ill-suppressed fury, ' do you know that you are tres- passing, — that these are my grounds?' "'My young guest was not permitted fully to explain, before the angiy man again burst forth with a tirade, which he concluded, by asking — ' "What would you do yourself, sir, under such circumstances? How would you feel disposed to treat a gentleman who had encroached upon your rights in this way?' "'Well, really, sir, since you ask me, I think I should invite him to go with me to the hoiise atid take a mouthful of lunch /' " 14 314 This was irresistible! Even 's indignation was cooled bj such inimitable sangfroid^ and he at once adopted the suggestion of the young sportsman. My witty guest not only secured the refreshment he needed, but, eventually, helped himself to a honne louche of more substantial character, by his marriage with one of the blooming daughters of my neighbor, to whom he was introduced on that memorable occasion !" A young American of my acquaintance, met, not long since, in the salons of a distinguished Paris- ienne, one of the most learnedly scientific of the French authors of our times. " I am as much surprised as I am delighted, to meet you here to-night, Mr. ," said my friend, 'I supposed you too much occupied in profound research and study, to find time for such enjoy- ments." " I am, indeed, much occupied at present," return- ed the savant / " but I can neither more agreeably HOT more profitably spend a portion of my time tlian in the society of my refined and cultivated friend, Madame , and that of the intellectual and accomplished visitors I always meet at her house." Speaking, in the body of this letter, of the useless- ness of arguing with the hope of convincing others. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. Sl^ reminded me, by association, of a little incident illustrative of my opinion, of which I was once a witness, during a summer sojourn at Avon Springs — a little quiet watering-place in the Empire State, as you may know. There was a pleasant company of us, and our intercourse was agreeable and friendly — all, appa- rently, disposed to contribute to the general stock of anmsement, and to make the most of our somewhat limited resources in the way of general entertain- ment. There were pretty daughters and managing mammas, heiresses, and ladies without fortune, who were quite as attractive as those whose fetters were of gold, the usual complement of brainless youths, antiquated bachelors and millionaire widowers (so reputed), with a sprinkling "of nondescripts and old soldiers, like myself. It was our custom to muster, in great force, every morning, and go in a mammoth omnibus from our hotel to the " Spring '' to bathe and drink the delectable sulphur-water, there abounding. On these occasions, every one was good-humored, oblig- ing, and cheerfully inclined to make sacrifices for the comfort and convenience of others. The ladies^ especially, were the objects of particular care and courtesy, being always politely assisted up and down the high, awkward steps of our lumbering conveyance, with their bathing parcels, etc. " All went merry as a marriage bell," until one unlucky day when some theological point 31% became matter of discussion between two men of opposite opinions, just as we were commencing our return-ride from the Spring. Others were soon drawn, first into listening, and then into a partici- pation in the conversation, until almost every man in the company had betrayed a predilection for the distinctive tenets of some particular religious sect. Thus, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Congrega- tionalists. Episcopalians, Unitarians, and Eomanists stood revealed, each the ardent champion of his own peculiar views. The ladies had the good sense to remain silent, with the exception of an "Equal Rights " woman, whose wordy interposition clearly proved that ** Fools rush in where angels fear to tread /" Well! of course, no one was convinced by this sudden outbreak of varied eloquence of the fallacy of opinions he had previously entertained, and of the superior wisdom of those of any one of his companions. Indeed, so eager was each in the maintenance of his own ground, as scarcely to heed the arguments of his opponents, except as furnish- ing a fresh impulse for advancing his own with increasing pertinacity. Presently, flushed cheeks, angry glances, and louder tones gave token that the meek spirit of the long-suffering Prince of .Peace was not dominant in the breasts of these, the professed advocates of his doctrines. Rude language, too, gradually took the place of the professed courtesy with which the discus- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 817 Bion had begun, and the ladies looked uneasily from the windows, as if to satisfy themselves that escape from such disagreeable association was near at hand. Happily for them, our Jehu, though unmindful of any particular occasion for haste, at length drew up before Comstock's portico. But, in place of the usual patient waiting of each for his turn to alight, and the usual number of extended hands that were wont to aid the ladies in their descent, every one of the angry combatants crowded hastily out of the vehicle, almost before it had fairly stopped, wholly disregardful alike of the toes of his neighbors and the claims before universally accorded to the gentler portion of our company, and hurried up the steps, apparently forgetful of everything except the un-. comfortable chafings of wounded self-love ! Each man, evidently, regarded himself as the most abused of mortals, and the rest as a parcel of obstinate fools, for whom it were a great waste of ammunition to assume the martyr's fate ! And I am by no means sure, that the cheerful amicability that had before prevailed among us was ever fully restored after this unhappy outbreak of religious feeling ! The gayest of capitals experienced a sensation I The wittiest of circles, where all was wit, were, for once, content to listen only ! The brave, the great, the learned, and the fair, contended for the smiles and the society of the Marquis de Plusesprit, the 318 handsomest, the most accomplished, and the wittiest man in Paris ! One day, while this qoq,i2\ furore was at its height, a celebrated physician received a professional visit from an unknown, whose pale cheeks and sunken eyes bore testimony to the suffering to which he described himself as being a prey. The man of science prepared a prescription, but assured his patient that what would most speedily effect his restoration was change of scene and agreeable society. " Seek in congenial companionship relief from the mental anxiety by which you are evidently oppressed," said the modem Esculapius — " fly from study and self-contemplation ; — above all, court the society of the Marquis de Plu^esprit /" " Alas I doctor," returned the stranger, " / am Plusesprit /" Speaking of Kepartee, reminds me of a pretty scene of which I was a witness, not long since, while rural- izing for a week with an old friend and his charming daughters, at their beautiful and hospitable home, on the banks of the Hudson. By the way, I have before introduced you to their acquaintance — the pleasant family of letter-writing memory ! — An elderly foreign gentleman, of large information and agreeable manners, but not one of fortune's favorites, had been dining with us, by special invita- tion, and the lovely daughters of my host had vied TO POLITENESS AlifD FASHIOK. 31^ with each other in doing honor to one in wliom sen- sitiveness may have been rendered a little morbid by the effect of the tyrant Circumstance. Every hour succeeding his arrival had served more effec- tually to melt away a certain constraint of manner, by which he seemed at first oppressed, and his expres- Bive face grew bland and genial under the sunny influences of courteous respect and appreciation, until when he rose to go away at sunset, he seemed almost metamorphosed out of the man of the morning. The sisters three, accompanied their agreeable visitor to the vine- draped veranda, where I was already seated, attracted by the beauty of the even- ing, and of my local surroundings. I had been par- ticularly admiring a line large orange-tree, at the entrance of the porch, which was laden with flowers and fruit, and, witli glittering pearls from a shower just bestowed upon it by the gardener. "Will you not come again, before Colonel Lu- nettes leaves, us, Mr. ?" asked my sweet young friend Fanny, in her most cordial tones, linking her arm in that of one sister, and clasping the waist of the other, as she spoke, " we will invoke the Loves and Graces to attend you " "The Graces!" exclaimed the guest, quickl}^, — extending his hands towards the group, and bowing profoundly — " then you will come yourselves ! — the Graces are before me .'" And then he added, with a courtly air — "Eeally, Miss Fanny, you too highly honor a rusty old man "~ " An old man," interrupted Fanny, with the utmost 320 vivacity, dissolving the " linked sweetness " tliat had int wined her with her sisters, and extending her beautiful arm towards the superb orange-tree before her, *' an old man ! — ^here is a fitting emblem of our friend Mr. ; — all the attractiveness of youth Btill mingled with the matured fruit of experience !" Charming Fanny ! God bless her ! — she is one of those earth- angels whose manifold gifts seem used only to give happiness to others ! I called one evening, not long since, to pay my respects to the daughter of a recently-deceased and much-valued friend. She had been persuaded into a journey to a distant city, in search of the health and spirits that had been exceedingly impaired by watch- ing beside the death-bed of her departed mother. Her appearance could scarcely fail, as it seemed to me, to interest the most insensible stranger to her history ; — for myself, I was inexpressibly touched by the language of the colorless face and languid eyes to which a simple black robe lent additional mean- ing. Just as I began to indulge a hope that the faint smile my endeavors at cheerful conversation had caused to flicker about her lips — ^as a rose-tint illu- mines for a moment the white summit of an Alpine height — there entered the drawing-room of our hos* tess a bevy of noisy women, young and old, who gathered about the sofa, where my friend and I wero TO POLITENESS AJfD FASHION. 321 seated near our hostess, and rattled away like so many pieces of small (very small !) artillery. I saw plainly that the mere noise was almost too much for the nerves of the silent occupant of the sofa corner ; but what was my surprise at hearing them go into the most minute particulars respecting the recent death of a gentleman of our acquaintance ! His dying words, his very death-struggles were care- fully reported, and the grief of the survivors graph- ically described ! Unfortunately, having relinquished my seat be- side the mourner to one of these women, I was powerless in my intense wish to attract her attention from the subject of their discourse ; but my eyes were riveted upon her, with the keenest sympathy for the torture she must be undergoing. Her pale face had gradually grown white as a moonbeam, until, at length, as though strengthened by despera- tion, she sprang from her seat, and essayed to leave the room. One step forward, a half-stifled sob, and the slender form lay extended on the floor in hapless insensibility. " While Mr. Smith is tuning his guitar, let us beg Mrs. Williams to redeem her promise of reciting Campbell's ' Last Man ' for us," said a graceful hos- tess, mindful of the truth that some of her guests preferred eloquence and poetry to sweet sounds, and desirous, too, of drawing out the accomplishments. >f all her guests. 14* 322 Mrs. Williams, gifted with " The vision and the faculty divine," glanced a little uneasily at the ever-twanging guitar as she politely assented to the requests that eagerly seconded that of her hostess. Mr. Smith still contin- ued to hum broken snatches of an air, twisting the screws of his instrument with complete self-engross- ment, the while. " I will not interrupt Mr. Smith," said the lady, in more expressive tones than were ever elicited from catgut by the efforts of that gentleman, moving with a step graceful as that of a gazelle to the other end of the room. Our little circle gathered about her, and enjoyed, in an exquisite degree, "The feast of reason, and the flow of soul," that SO far surpasses the merely sensuous pleasure afforded by music, when not associated with exalted sentiment. As the company broke into little groups, after thanking Mrs. "Williams for the high gratification for which we were her debtors, I overheard Mr. Smith say, with a discontented air, to a youth with a *' lovely moitstache^^^ who had " accompanied" him in his previous musical endeavors, "I'll never bring my instrument here again !" At this critical moment, our hostess approached with a water-ice, as a propitiatory offering, and expressed the hope that the guitar was now renewed TO POLITENESS AND FABHTON. 323 for action. Tlie musician, witli offended dignity, only condescended to repl}^, as he deposited his idol in a corner — "Thank you, ma'am; I supposed your friends were fond of music /" Discussing the mooted subject of beards one morn- ing lately, with some sprightly young ladies of my acquaintance, the following specimen of quickness of repartee was elicited. I record it for your amuse- ment. " Among the ancients, I believe," said a fair girl, " a long, snowy beard was considered an emblem of the wisdom of the possessor." " And how is it in modern times ?" inquired another lady, " does wisdom keep pace, in exact proportion with length of beard ?" > " No, indeed," exclaimed the first speaKer, laugh- ingly, "for, " If beards long and bushy true wisdom denote, Then Plato must bow to a hairy he-goat !" What would an educated foreigner — Kossuth, for instance, who learned English 5y the study of Shah- sjpeare — make of the following specimens of collo- quial American language ? " Do tell, Jul," exclaimed a young lady, " where have you been marvelling to ? You look like Time in the primer!" 324 THE AMERICAN GENTLKMAn's GUIDE " Ko you don't," returned the young lady address- ed, " you can't come it over dis chil' !" " 'No, no," chimed in a youth of the party,' " you can't come it quite, Miss Lib ! Don't try to poke fun at us !" " You've all been sparking in the woods, 1 guess I" " Oh, ho," laughed one of the speakers, "I thought you'd get it through your hair, at last — that's rich !" "Why!" retorted the interlocutor, tartly, "do you think I don't know tother from which?" "I think you 'know beans' as well as most Hoosiers," replied her particular admirer, in a tone of unmistakable blandishment. " Everybody knows Jul's so7ne j>u7npkins,^^ admit- ted one of her fair companions. " Come, Jul, rig yourself in a jiffy," said a bonny lassie, who had not yet spoken, " you are in for a spree !" "What's in the wind — who's to stand the shot?'* cautiously inquired the damsel addressed. '' We're bound on a spree, I tell you ! You must be green to think we'll own the corn now I Come, fix up, immediately, if not sooner I" so saying, tho energetic speaker seized her friend round the waist and gallopaided her out of the room. Presently some one said, " Well, Jul and Lotty have made themselves scarce ! — ^I by George, it makes a fellow open his potato-trap to hang around waitin' so," and an expansive yawn attested tliti sincerity of this declaration. TO POLITENESS ANL FASHION. 325 " I could scare up my traps a heap sight quicker, I reckon, and tote 'em too, from here to the river, nigger fashion," rejoined a Southerner, of the group. '' Some chicken fixins and pie doins wouldn't be 60 bad — would they, though?" whispered a tall, Western man to his next neighbor. "And a little suthin to wet your whistle, too," added another, overhearing the remark — " you're a trump, anyhow !" "Then you do kill a snake, sometimes, Mr. Smith," inquired one of his auditors, smiling signifi- cantly. " Does your anxious mother know you're out V retorted Mr. Smith, twirling his fingers on his nose "Don't be wrathy, Smith — what's your tipple, old fellow ?" put in one of the young men, sooth- ingly stroking the broad shoulders of that interesting youth. "You're E Pluribus — you're a brick," returned Mr. Smith, softening, " but where in thunder are those female women ? They'ave sloped and given us the mitten, I spose " " You ain't posted up, my boy, if you think they'd given us the slip," answered his friend. "By jingo! it takes the patience of all tho world and the rest of mankind to dance attendance upon them — they ain't as peart as our gals d windP^ cried Mr. Smith, in an ecstasy of impatience. "How's your ma, Mr. John Smith?" inquired the merry voice of "Jul," who had entered unpei> ceived, " you'd better dry up !" 326 " Here we are, let's be off," sliouted a young gen« tleman. " All aboard," echoed another. "Now we'll go it with a rush!" burst from a third, and, suiting the action to the word, my dramatis jpersonm vanished like the wind. Havmg the happiness to pass a morning at the Louvre with my early and lamented friend, "Wash- ington Allston, he said to me, as arm in arm we sauntered slowly through one of the Galleries — - "Come and study one of my particular favorites with me — one might as well attempt to taste all the nondescript dishes at a Chinese state-dinner as to enjoy every picture in a collection, at a single visit. I do not even glance at more than one or two, unless I know that I shall have months before me for renewing my inspection — better take away one dis- tinct recollection, to add to one's private collection^ than half a dozen confused, imperfect copies !" I think it was a Murillo before which the artist paused while speaking ; the celebrated work repre- senting a monk, who had been interrupted by death while writing his own biography, as being permitted to return to earth to complete his self-imposed task. I am not sure but this pictm^e, however, was added some years later to the treasures of the Louvre, by Napoleon — for we were both young men then — however, it matters not. I was quite as much occu- TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 327 pied in observing the living j^cture before me, as that of the great master. And, though memory has proved somewhat treacherous, I still vividlj recol- lect the spiritualized face of this true child of genius, as he contemplated the magnificent impersonation. His brow grew radiant, and his eye ! ah, who shall portray that soul-lit eye, or justly record the poetic language that fell, almost unconsciously, from his half-inspired lips ! Sacredly are they cherished among the hoarded memories of youthful friendship ? It was only my purpose to recall for your benefit the opinion and practice of one so fully competent to advise in relation to our subject. What Disraeli has somewhere said of eating, may, with equal nicety of epicureanism, be applied to the enjoyment of Ideal Art, and of that of which it is the tj^pe — ^natural beauty: — "To eat, really to eat," asserts the discriminatingly sensuous Jew, " one should eat alone, in an easy dress, by a soft light, and of a single dish at a time !" For my- self — but there's no accounting for tastes ! — I should desire on all such occasions, *' One fair spirit for my minister," or rather, for my sympathizing companion I Ag an illustration of the advantage to a man in public life^ of ready elocution and ready wit^ let me sketch for you a little scene of which 1 was the 328 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE amused and interested witness, one morning some months ago, while on a visit at Washington. A Chaplain was to be elected for the House of Kepresentatives. General Granger, of INew York, proposed a Soldier of the Revohition as well as of the Cross — the Kev. Mr. Waldo — adding a few impres- sive facts in relation to his venerable and interesting friend — as that he was then in his ninety-fourth year, had borne arms for his country in his youth, etc. Upon this, some member, upon the opposition henches^ as the English say, called out : " What are his claims ? where did he serve ?" "The gentleman will permit me to refer him to the Pension OflSce," returned General Granger, with the most smiling urbanity ; " he will there find the more satisfactory answer to his queries." " What are Mr. Waldo's politics ?" " Though a most amiable gentleman and devout Christian, he belongs, sir, to — the Church Mili- tant r " Is he a Filibuster V* " Even so, sir ! Mr. Waldo filibustered for the Old Thirteen^ against George the Tliird, in the American Revolution !" 1 am, my dear boys, as ever, Your affectionate, "Uncle Hal.*' TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 329 LETTEK X. HABIT. My dear Friends : If you wish to have power to say, in the words of the imperial slave of the beautiful Egyptian, " Let me, With those hands that grasp'd the heaviest club, Subdue my worthiest sc^," you must not wholly overlook the importance ol Hahit^ while establishing your system of life. Always indicative of character, habit may yet, to a certain extent, do us the greatest injustice, through mere inadvertency. Indeed, few young persons attach much importance to such matters, until com- pelled by necessity to unlearn, with a painful effort, what has been insensibly acquired. Permit me, then, a few random suggestions, intend- ed rather to awaken your attention to this branch of a polite education, than to furnish elaborate directions in relation to it. Judging from the prevalent tone of social inter- course among our countrymen, both at home and 530 abroad, one might naturally make the inference, that most of them regard Rudeness and Hepuhlicanism as synonymous terms. Depend upon it, that as a people, we are retrograding on this point. Our upper class — or what would fain be deemed such — in society, may more successfully imitate the fashionable folliee and conventional peculiarities of the Old World, than their predecessors upon the stage of action did ; but fashion is not good breeding, any more than arro- gant assumption, or a defiant independence of the amenities of life, is true manliness. Breaking away from the ceremonious old school of habit and man- ner, we are rapidly running into the opposite ex- treme, and the masses who, with little time or incli- nation for personal reflection, on such subjects, natur- ally take their clue, to some extent, from the assumed exponents of the laws of the fickle goddess, exagger- ating the value of the defective models they seek to imitate, into the grossest caricature of the whole, and, mistaking rudeness for ease, and impudence for inde- pendence, so defy all abstract propriety, as, if not to "make the angels w^eep," at least to mortify and dis- gust all observant, thinking men, whose love and pride of country sees in trifles even, indications more or less auspicious to national advancement. All this defiance of social restraint, this professed contempt for the suavities and graces that should redeem existence from the complete engrossment of actualities, is bad enough at home ; but its exhibition abroad is doubly humiliating to our national dignity. Every American who visits foreign countries, whether TO POLITENESS AND FA6HI0N. 331 as the accredited official representative of his gov- ernment, or simply in the character of a private citizen, owes a duty to his native land, as one of those by the observance of whom strangers are form- ing an estimate of the social and political advance- ment of the people who are making the great experi- ment of the world, and upon whom the eyes of all are fixed with a peculiar and scrutinizing interest. It has been well said of us, in this regard, that " our worst slavery is the slavery to ourselves.^'* Trammelled by the narrowest social prejudices at home, Americans, breaking loose from these restraints abroad, run riot, like ill-mannered school-boys, sud- denly released from the discipline which, from its very severity, prompts them to indulge in the ex- treme of license. Thus, we lately had accounts of the humiliating conduct of some Americans, who, being guests one night at the Tuileries, actu- ally so far forgot all decency as to intrude their drunken impertinence upon the personal observation of the Emperor! And, when informed, the next morning, that, at the instance of their insulted host, the police had followed them, when they left the palace, to ascertain whether they were not suspicious characters who had surreptitiously obtained admit- tance to the imperial fete, they are reported to have pronounced the intelligence "wA/" Shame on such exhibitions ! — they disgrace us nationally. If our countrymen would be content to learn from older peoples on these points, it would be well, lu the Elegant and Ideal Arts, in Literature, in genera) 332 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE Science, the superiority of our predecessors in the \u&* tory of Progress, is cheerfully admitted. Can we, then, learn nothing from the matured civilization of the Old World in regard to the A7'f of Living f Shall we defy the race to which we belong, on this point alone ? This secret is possessed in greatest perfection by those w^ho have longest studied its details, and some long existent nations who display little practi- cal wisdom in matters of political science, are grey- beard sages here. So then, let us learn from them what they can easily save us the trouble of acquiring by difficult experiments for ourselves, and, concen- trating our energies upon higher objects, give them back a full equivalent for their knowledge of the best mode of serving the Lares^ the Muses^ and the Gra- ces, by a successful illustration of the truth, that as a peajpU we are cajpdble of self-government ! We shall, then, no longer have the wife of an American minis- ter ignorantly invading the Court Rules at Madrid, by sporting the colors sacred to royal attire there, and so giving occasion for national offense, as well as individual conflict, nor furnish Punch with mate- rial for the admonitory reflection that the bond of family union between John Bull and his cousin Jon- athan must be somewhat uncertain " when so small a matter as the tie of a cravat can materially affect the frice of stocks /" And, when vulgar bluster and braggadocio are no longer mistaken for the proper assertion of national and individual independence, we shall not have an American gentleman who, like our justly-distinguished countryman, George Pear TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 33^3 body, constantly exhibits the most urbane courtesy, alike towards foreigners and towards the citizens of the native country to which his life has been one prolonged psean, accuse'd of toadying^ because he quietly conforms to the social usages of the people among whom he lives ! But pardon me these generalities. I have been unintentionally led into them, I believe, by my keen sense of mortification at some of the incidents to which I have alluded. Coming then to details, let us, primarily, resolve to be slaves to nothing and to no one — neither to others nor to ourselves ; and to endeavor to establish such habits as shall entitle each of us, in the estima- tion of discriminating observers, to the distinctive name of gentleman. Constant association with well-lred and weU-edu- cated society^ cannot be too highly estimated as an assistant in the acquisition of the attributes of which we propose to speak. A taste for such companion- ship may be so strengthed by habit as to form a strong barrier to the desired indulgence of grosser inclinations. " Show me your friends, and I'll tell you what you are," is a pithy Spanish proverb. Choose yours, I earnestly entreat, in early life, with a view to self-improvement and self-respect. And, while on this point, permit me to warn you against mistaking pretension, wealth, or position, for intrinsic merit; or the advantages of equality in elevated social rank, for an equivalent to mental cultivation, or moral dignity. 334 Ono of the collateral benefits resulting from pro* per social associations, will be an escape from eccen- vHcities of manner, dress, language, etc. ; erroneous habits in relation to which, when once established, often cling to a man through all the changes of time and circumstance. But, as observation proves that this, though a safeguard, is by no means always a sufficient de- fense, it is well to resort to various precautions, additionally — as a prudent general not only carefully inspects the ramparts that guard his fortress, but stations sentinels, who shall be on the look-out for approaching foes. So then, my dear boys, do not regard me as de- scending to puerilities unworthy of myself and you, when I call your attention to such matters as your attitude in standing and sitting, or any other little individualizing peculiarities. Some men fall into a habit of walking and stand- ing with their heads run out before them, as if doubt- ful of their right to keep themselves on a line with their fellow-creatures. Others, again, either elevate the shoulders unnaturally, or draw them forward so as to impede the full, healthful play of the lungs. This last is too much the peculiar habit of students^ and contracted by stooping over their books, un- doubtedly. Then again, you see persons swinging their arms, and see-sawing their bodies from side to side, so as to monopolize a good deal more than their rightful share of a crowded thoroughfare, steamer- cabin, or drawing-room floor. Nothing is more un TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 335 comfortable than walking arm in arm with such a man. He pokes his elbows into your ribs, pushes you against passers-by, shakes you like a reed in the wind, and, perhaps, knocks your hat into the gutter with his umbrella — and all with the most good-hu- mored unconsciousness of his annoying peculiarity. If you are so unfortunate as to be shut up in a car- riage with him, his restless propensity relieves itself to the great disturbance of the reserved rights of, ladies, and the frequent impalement upon his pro- truding elbows of fragments of fringe, lace, and small children! At table, if it be possible, his neighbors gently and gradually withdraw from hia immediate vicinity, leaving a clearing to his undis- puted possession. He usually may be observed to stoop forward, while eating, with his plate a good foot from the customary locality of that convenience, pushed before him towards the middle of the table, and his arms so adjusted that his elbows play out and in, like the sweep of a pair of oars. A little seasonable attention to these things will efiectually prevent a man of sense from falling into such peculiarities. Early acquire the habit of stand- ing and walking with your chest thrown out — your head erect — your abdomen receding rather than pro- truding — not leaning back any more than forward — with your arms scientifically adjusted — your hat on the toj> (not on the back, or on one side) of your head — with a self-poised and firm, but elastic tread ; not a tramp, like a war-horse ; not a stride, like a fugitive bandit ; not a mincing step, like a conjurer 53a tieading on eggs ; but, with a compact, manly, homo- geneous sort of bearing and movement. Where there has been any discipline at least, if not always, inklings of character may be drawn from these tokens in the outer man. For instance — the light, quick, cat-like step of Aaron Burr, was as much a part of the man as the Pandemonium gleam that lurked in the depths of his dark, shadowed eyes. I remember the one characteristic as distinctly as the other, when I recall his small person and pecu- liar face. So with the free, firm pace by which the noble port of De "Witt Clinton was accompanied — one recognized, at a glance, the high intellect, the lofty manhood, embodied there. Crossing the legs, elevating the feet, lounging on one side, lolling back, etc., though quite excusable in the abandon of bachelor seclusion, should never be indulged in where ceremony is properly required. In the company of ladies, particularly, too much care cannot be exhibited in one's attitudes. It is then suitable to sit upright, with the feet on the floor, and the hands quietly adjusted before one, either holding the hat and stick (as when paying a morning visit), or the dress-hat carried in the evening, or, to give ease, on occasion, a book, roll of paper, or the like. Habits of refinement once established, a man feels at ease — he can trust himself, without watching, to be natural — and nothing conduces more to grace and elegance than this quiet consciousness. Let me add, that true comfort, real enjoyment,are no better secured under any circumstances, bv indulging in anything TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 337' that is intrinsically unrefined^ and that a certain habitual self-restraint is the best guarantee of ease, propriety and elegance, when a man would fain do entire justice to himself. Habits connected with matters of the table, as in- deed with all sensuous enjoyments, should always be such as not to suggest to others ideas of merely self- ish animal gratification. Among minor character- istics, few are so indicative of genuine good-breeding as a man's mode of eatimg. Upon Poor Kichard's principle, that " nothing is worth doing at all that is not worth doing well," one may very properly attach some consequence to the formation of correct habits in relation to occasions of such very frequent recur- rence. It is well, therefore, to learn to sit uprightly at table, to keep one's individual " aids and appli- ances " compactly arranged ; to avoid all noise and hurry in the use of these conveniences ; neither to mince, nor fuss with one's food ; nor yet to swallow it as a boa-constrictor does his, — rolled over in the mouth and bolted whole / or worse still, to open the mouth, to such an extent as to remind observers that alligators are half mouth. Eating with a knife, or with the fingers ; soiling the lips ; using the fork or the fingers as a tooth-pick ; making audible the process of mastication, or of drinking ; taking soup from the jpoint of a spoon ; lolling forward upon the table, or with the elbows upon the table ; soiling the cloth with what should be kept upon the plate; putting one's private utensils into dishes of which 11^ others partake ; in short, everything that is odd, or coarse, should nowhere be indulged in. Cut your meat, or whatever requires the use of the knife, and, leaving that dangerous instrument conve- niently on one side of your plate, eat with your fork, using a bit of bread to aid, when necessary, in taking up your food neatly. When partaking of anything too nearly approach- ing a liquid to be eaten with a fork, as stewed toma- to, or cranberry, sop it with small pieces of bread ; — a spoon is not used while eating meats and their accompaniments. ISf ever take up large bones in the fingers, nor bite Indian corn from a mammoth ear. (In the latter case, a long cob running out of a man's mouth on either side, is suggestive of the mode in which the snouts of dressed swine are adorned for market !) If you prefer not to cut the grain from the ear, break it into small pieces and cut the rows lengthwise, before commencing to eat this vege- table. When you wish to send your plate for anything, retain your knife and fork, and either keep them together in your hand, or rest them upon your bread, so as not to soil the cloth. Should you have occasion for a tooth-pick, hold your napkin, or your hand, before your mouth wliile applying it, and on no account resort to the percep- tible assistance of the tongue in freeing the mouth or teeth from food. Have sufficient self-control, when so unfortunatft TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 339 as to be disgusted with anything in your food, to refrain from every outward manifestatijn of annoy- ance, and if possible, to conceal from others all participation in your discovery. Accustom yourself to addressing servants while at table, in a low, but intelligible tone, and to a good- natured endurance of their blunders. Avoid the appearance of self-engrossment, or of abstraction while eating, and, for the sake of health of mind and body, acquire the practice of a cheerful interchange of both civilities and ideas with those who may be, even temporarily, your associates. It is now becoming usual among fashionable people in this country to adopt the French mode of conducting ceremonious dinners, that of placing such portions of the dessert as will admit of it, upon the table, together with plateaux of flowers, and other ornaments, and having the previous courses served and carved upon side-tables, and offered to each guest by the attendants. But it will be long before this custom obtains generally, as a daily usage, even among the wealthier classes. It will, so far continue rather an exception than a rule, that the art of carving should be regarded as well worth acquiring, both as a matter of personal convenience, and as affording the means of obliging others. Like every other habit connected with matters of the table, exquisite neatness and discrimination should charac- terize the display of this gentlemanly accomplish- ment. Aim at dexterous and rapid manipulation, and shun the semblance of hurry, labor, or fatigue 340 Familiarity with the anatomy of poultry and game, will greatly facilitate ease and grace in carving. Always help ladies with a remembrance of the moderation and fastidiousness of their appetites. If possible, give them the choice of selection in the cuts of meats, especially of birds and poultry. !N"ever pour gravy upon a plate, without pennis- eion. A little of the lilling of fowls may be put with portions of them, because that is easily laid aside, without spoiling the meat, as gravy does, for many persons. All meats served in mass, should be carved in thin slices^ and each laid upon one side of the plate, carefully avoiding soiling the edge, or offending the delicacy of ladies, in particular, by too-ensanguined juices. Different kinds of food should never be mixed on the plate. Keep each portion of the accompani- ments of your meats neatly separated, and, where you ^ay for decency and comfort^ take it as a matter of course that your plate, knife, and fork are to be changed as often as you partake of a different dish of meat. Fish is eaten with bread and condiments only ; and the various kinds of meat with vegetables appropriate to each. Game^ when properly cooked and served, requires only a bit of bread with it. By those who best understand the art of eating, luUer is never taken with meats or vegetables. The latter, in their simple state, as potatoes, should be eaten with salt ; most of them need no condiment, id TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 341 addition to those with which they are dressed before coming to table. Salads, of course, are prepared according to individual taste; but the well-instructed take butter at dinner only after, or as a substitute for, the course of pastry, etc. with bread, if at all. The English make a regular course of bread, cheese, and butter, preceding the dessert proper — nuts, fruit, etc. ; but they never eat both butter and cheese at the same time. Skins of baked potatoes, rinds of fruit, etc., etc., should never be put upon the cloth ; but Iread^ both at dinner and breakfast, is placed on the table, at the left side of the plate, except it be the small bit used to facilitate the use of the fork. !N"ever drum upon the table between the courses, fidget in your chair, or with your dress, or in any manner indicate impatience of due order and deli- beration, or indifference to the conversation of those about you. A gentleman will take time to dine decorously and comfortably. Those whose subser- viency to anything^ or any one, prevents this, are not freemen! Holding, as I do, that " To enjoy is to ohey^ let me call your attention, in this connection, to the truth that the pleasures of the table consist not so much in the quantity eaten as in the mode of eating, A moderate amount of simple food, thoroughly and deliberately masticated, and partaken of with the agreeable accessories of quiet, neatness and social 342 communion, will not only be more beneficial to the physical man, but afford more positive enjoy- ment, than a larger number of dishes, when hur- riedly eaten in greater quantities. I have frequently remarked among our young countrymen a peculiarity which a moment's reflec- tion will convince you is exceedingly injurious to health — that of swallowing an enormous amount of fluid at every meal. Beflect that the human stomach is scarcely so large as one of the goblets which is repeatedly emptied at dinner, by most men, and that all liquids taken into that much- abused organ, must be absorbed before the assimi- lation of solid food commences, and you will see, at once, what a violation of the natural laws this practice involves. Here, again, is one of the evil effects of the fast-eating of fast Americans. Hurry- ing almost to feverishness, at table, and only half masticating their food, the assistance of ice-water is invoked to facilitate the process of swallowing, and to allay the more distressing symptoms produced by haste and fatigue ! Before we leave these little matters, let us return for an instant, to that of the posiUon assumed while ^sitting. The ^'Ycmkee^^ peculiarity, so often ridi- culed by foreigners, of tipping the chair back upon the two hind feet, is not yet obsolete, even in our " best society." Occasionally some uninstructed rustic finds his way into a fashionable drawing-room, where " modern antique furniture," as the manufac- turers call it in their advertisements, elicits all tho TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 343 proverbial ingenuity of his native land, to enable him to indulge in his favorite attitude. " I thought I saw the ghost of mj chair !" said a fair friend to me, as soon as a visitor had left us together, one morning, not long since. '^ I was really distressed by his efforts to tilt it back — these fashionable chairs are so frail, and he would have been intensely mortified had he broken it ! Have you seen the last ' Harper,' Colonel ?" Do not permit yourself, through an indifference to trifles, to fall into any unrefined habits in the use of the handkerchief, etc., etc. Boring the ears with the fingers, chafing the limbs, sneezing with unne- cessary sonorousness, and even a too fond and cease- less caressing of the moustache, are in bad taste. Everything connected with personal discomfort,, with the mere physique, should be as unobtrusively attended to as possible. Wlien associated with women of cultivation and refinement — and you should addict yourself to no other female society — you cannot attend too care- fully to the niceties of personal habit. Sensitive, fastidious, and very observant of 7ninuticB — indeed often judging of character by details — you will inevitably lose ground with these discriminating observers, if neglectful of the trifles that go far towards constituting the amenities of social life. An elegant modern writer is authority for the facfc that the Gauls attributed to woman, " an additional sense; — the divine sense.^^ Perhaps the Creator may have bestowed this gift upon the defenseless sex, as 344 a counterpoise to the superior strengtli and power of man, even as he has given to the more helpless of the lower creatures swiftness of motion, instead of capacity for resistance. But be that as it may, no man should permit himself any habit that will not bear the scrutiny of this divine sense — much less, one that will outrage all its fine perceptions. Apropos of details — I will take leave to warn you against the swaggering manner that some young men, whose bearing is otherwise unexceptionable, fall into among strangers, apparently with the mistaken idea that they will thus best sustain their claims to an unequivocal position in society. So in the sitting-rooms at hotels, in the pump-rooms at watering-places, on the decks of steamei-s, etc., persons whose juvenility entitles them to be classed with those who have nursery authority for being "seen and not heard," are frequently the most conspicuous and noisy. Shallow, indeed, must be the discernment of observers who conceive a favor- able impression of a young man from such an exhibition ! In company, do not stand, or walk about while others sit, nor sit while others stand — especially ladies. Acquire a light step, particularly for in- door use, and a quiet mode of conducting yourself, generally. Ladies and invalids will not then dread your presence as dangerous— like that of a rampant war-horse, ill-taught to " Caper nimbly in a lady's chamber I'* TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 345 If you are fond of playing at chess and other games, it will be worth your while to observe your- self until you have fixed habits of entire politeness, under such circumstances. All unnecessary move- ments, every manifestation of impatience or petu- lance, and all exultation when successful, should be repressed. Thus, while seeking amusement, you may acquire self-control. Begin early to remember that health and good spirits are easily impaired, and that habit will mate- rially assist us in the patient endurance of suffering we should manifest for the sake of those about us — attendants, friends, "the bosom-friend dearer than all," whom no philosophy can teach insensibility to the semblance of un kindness from one enthroned in her affections. Don't fall into the habit, because you are a branch of the Lunettes family, of using glasses prematurely. Students are much in error here. Every young divinity-student, especially, seems emulous of this troublesome appendage. Depend on it, this is all wrong, either absurd affectation, or ignorance equal- ly unfortunate. Ladies, it is said, are the readers of America, but who ever sees the dear creatures donning spectacles in youth ? Enter a female college and look for the glasses that, were the youthful devotees of learning there assembled of the other sex, would deform half the faces you observe. Much better were it to inform yourselves of the laws of optics, and use the organs now so generally abused by the young, judiciously, 15* 346 resting them, when giving indications of being overtaxed, rather than endeavoring to supply artifi- cial aid to their natural strength. Students, especial- ly, should always read and write with the hack to the lights so seated that the light falls not upon the eyes, but upon the book or paper before them. That reminds me, too, how important it is that one should not stocyp forward more constantly than is necessary, while engaged in sedentary pursuits, but lean back rather than forward, as much as possible, throwing out the chest at the same time. Many books admit of being raised in the hand, in aid of this practice, and the habit of rising occasionally, and expanding the chest, and straightening the limbs will be found to relieve the weariness of the seden- tary. But nothing so effectually prevents injury to health, from studious habits, as early rising. This gives time for the out-door exercise that is so requi- site as well as for the use of the eyes by daylight. There is a great deal of nonsense mixed up with our literature, which seizes the fancy of the young, because embodied in poetry, or clothed with the charm of fiction. Of this nature is what we read about, " trimming the midnight lamp," to search for the Pierean spring. Obey the " Breezy call of incense-breathing mom," and she will environ you with a joyous band of blooming Hours, and guide you gaily and lightly TO rOLITENESS AND FASniON. 347 towards sparkling waters, whose properties are Know- ledge and Health ! But if jou would habitually rise early, you must not permit every trivial temptation to prevent your also retiring early. The laws of fashionable life are Borely at variance with those of Health, on this point, as well as upon many others ; but, happily, they are not absolute^ and those who have useful pur- poses to accomplish each day, must withstand the tyranny of this arbitrary despot. Time for the toi- let, for exercise, for intellectual culture and mental relaxation, is thus best secured. By using the earlier hours of each day for our most imperative occupa- tions, we are far less at the mercy of contingent cir- cumstances than we can become by any other system of life. " Solitude," says Gibbon, "is the school of Genius," and the advantages of this tuition are most certainly secured before the idlers of existence are abroad ! Avoid the habit of regarding yourself as an inva- lid, and of taking nostrums. A knowledge and obser- vance of the rules of Dietetics are often better than the concentered wisdom of a Dispensary, abstinence more effective than medical applications, and the recuperative power of N'ature, when left to work out her own restoration, frequently superior to the most skillful aid of learned research. But when compel- led to avail yourself of medical assistance, seek that which science and integrity render safest. "No sensible man, one would think, will intrust the best boon of earth to the merciless experiments of unprincipled and 318 THE AMEltlCAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE ignorant charlatans, or credulously swallow quack medicines recommended by old women: and yet, while people employ the most accomplished hatter, tailor, and boot-maker, whose services they can secure, they will give up the inner man to the influ- ence of such impositions upon the credulity of humanity ! Assuming, as an accepted truth, that it is your purpose, through life, to admit the rights of our fair tyrants " In court or cottage, wheresoe'er their home," 1 will commend to you the early acquisition of habits appropriate to our relations to women as their jpro- tectors. In dancing, riding, driving, walking, boat- ing, travelling, etc., etc., — wherever the sexes are brought together in this regard (and where are they not, indeed, when commingled at all ?) — observe the gentle courtesies, exhibit the watchful care, that go far towards constitutiug the settled charms of such intercourse. It is not to be forgotten, as I think I have before remarked, that women judge of charac- ter, often, from trifling details ; thus, any well-bred woman will be able to tell you which of her acquain- tances habitually removes his hat, or throws aside his cigar, when addressing her, and who, of all others, is most watchfnl for her comfort, when she is abroad under his escort. Be sure, too, that this same fair one could confess, if she would make a revelation on the subject, exactly what men she shuns because they break her fans, disarrange her bouquets, tear her TO rOLITENESS AND FASHION. 34:9' flounces, toucli her paintings and prints witli moist fingers (instead of merely pointing to some part) handle delicate lijouterie with dark gloves, dance with uncovered hands, etc., etc. But even if jou are her confidant^ she will not tell you how often her quick sensibility is wounded by fancying herself the subject of the smirks^ whispers^ and hnowing glances in which some men indulge when grouped with their kindred bipeds, in society ! At the risk of subjecting myself to the charge of repetition, I will endeavor, before concluding this letter, to enumerate such Habits as, in - addition to those of which I have already spoken, I deem most entitled to the attention of those who are establish- ing a system of life. Habits of reading and studying once thoroughly formed, are invaluable, not only as affording a ready resource against ennui, or idleness, everywhere and under all circumstances, but as necessarily involving the acquisition of knowledge, even when of the most desultory character. It is wonderful how much gene- ral information may be gleaned by this practice of reading something whenever one has a few spare grains of the ^'gold-dust of Time^'' — minutes. I once found a remarkably well-informed woman of my acquaintance waiting to make breakfast for her husband and me, with a little old dictionary open in her hand. "For what word are you looking, so early ?" I inquired, as I discovered the character of the volume she held. " For no one in particular," returned she, "but one can always add to one's 360 stores from any book, were it only in the matter of spelling^ But the true way, of course, to derive most advantage from this enjoyment is to systematize in relation to it, reading well-selected books with care and attention suflScient to enable us permanent- ly to add the information they contain to our previous mental possessions. You will only need to be reminded how much ease and elegance in ^^acZm^a^M^^Z depend upon habit. Without the Hahit of Industry^ good resolutions, the most sincere desire for self-improvement, and the most desirable natural gifts, will be of comparatively little avail for the practical purposes of existence. This unpretending attribute, together with System and Regularity^ has achieved more for the good of the race, than all the erratic efforts of genius combin- edly. " Don't run about," says a sensible writer, " and tell your acquaintances you have been unfortunate ; people do not like to have unfortunate men for acquaintances. Add to a vigorous determination, a cheerful spirit ; if reverses come, bear them like a philosopher, and get rid of them as soon as you can." Cheerfulness and Contentment^ like every other mental quality, may be cultivated until they mate- rially assist us in enduring " The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," and early attention to the attainment of these mental habits is a matter of both personal and relative duty. Cherish self-resjpect as, next to a firm religious TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 351 faith, the best safeguard to respectability and peace of mind. Entirely consistent with — indeed, in a degree, productive of the most careful consideration of the rights of others, the legitimate development of this quality will tend to preserve you from unwise con- fidences, from injudicious intimacies, and from gross indulgences and unworthy pursuits. This will sustain you in the manly acknowledgment oijpoverty^ if that shall chance to be your lot, when pride and principle contend for the mastery in practical matters, and enable you to realize fully, that " To bear, is to conquer our fate !" This will strengthen you to the endurance of that which nothing but absolute insignificance can escape — calumny. It will preserve you alike from an undue eagerness in defending yourself from unjust aspersion, and frora a servile fear of " the world's dread laugh," from meriting and from resenting scandal, and convince you that its most effectual contradiction consists in a virtuous life. By listen- ing to the dictates of this powerful coadjutor of conscience^ you will believe with the poet, that "Honor and Fame from.no condition rise," and thus, with straightforward and unvarying pur^ pose, illustrate your adoption of the motto, "-4ci well your part, there all the honor lies!" While I would earnestly counsel you to avoid that constant self consciousness which is nearly allied to 352 vanity and egotism, if not identical with tliem, you will find the habitual practice of self-examination greatly conducive to improvement. A calm, impar- tial analysis of words and actions, tracing each to their several motives, must tend to assist us to Icnow ourselves, w^hich an ancient philosopher, you may remember, pronounced the highest human attainment. Arraign yourself, without the advan- tage oi special pleading, to borrow a legal phrase, at the bar of conscience, regarding this arbiter as the voice of Divinity enshrined within us, whenever assailed by doubts respecting any course of conduct you have adopted, or propose to adopt, and where you are thus taught to draw the line of demarcation between right and wrong, " Let that aye be your border." In this connection permit me to recommend the regular study of the Bihle, and a systematic attend- ance upon public worship on the Sabbath. Do not read this most wonderful of books as a tasTc, nor yet permit the trammels of early associations, hereditary prejudice, or blind superstition, to interfere with your search for the truths contained in its pages. Try to read the Scriptures as you would any other book, with the aid of such collateral information as you may be able to obtain respecting the origin of the several, and wholly, distinct productions of which it is composed, the authors of each, the purposes for which they were composed, and, in short, possess yourself of every available means of giving reality, TO POLITENESS AND BASHION. S53 simplicity, and truthfulness to your investigations. Study the Life of Christy as written by the personal friends who were most constantly and intimately associated with him. Ponder upon his familiar sayings, remembered, and recorded in their simple memoranda, by the unlettered men who most fre- quently listened to them, compare the acts of Christ with his doctrines as a teacher, and judge for your- selves whether history, ancient or modern, has any parallel for the Perfection of the Model thus exhibited to the human race. Decide whether he was not the only earthly being who " never did an injury, never resented one done to him, never uttered an untruth, never practised a deception, and never lost an opportunity of doing good." Having determined this point in your own minds, adopt this glorious pattern for imitation, and adhere to it, until you find a truer and better model. We have nothing to do in judging of this matter with the imperfect illustra- tions afforded by the lives of professed imitators of Christ of the perfectibility to which his teachings tend. Why look to indifferent copies, when the great origi- nal is ever before us ! Why seek in the frailty and fallibility of human nature a justification of personal distrust and indifference ? !N"o gentleman — to come to practicalities again — will indulge in ridiculing what intelligent, enlighten- ed persons receive as truth, on any point, much less upon this. IS^or will a well-bred man permit himself the habit of being late at church — were it only that those who stand in a servile relation to others^ ai'e 354 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE often deprived of time for suitable preliminariea of the toile-t, etc., lie will carefully avoid this vul- garity. The tendency to materialism^ so strongly charac* terizing the age in which we live, produces, among its pernicious collateral effects, a disposition to reduce " Heaven's last, best gift toman" to the same practical standard by which we judge of all matters of the outer life, — oieach other especially. Well might Burke deplore the departure of the Age of Chivalry ! But not even the prophetic eye of genius could discern the degeneracy that was to increase so rapidly, from the day in which he wrote, to this. As a mere matter of personal gratification, I would cherish the inclination to idealize in regard to the fairer part of creation I There is enough that is stern, hard, baldly utilitarian, in life ; we have no need to rob this " one fair spirit " of every poetic attribute, by system ! Few habits have so much the effect to elevate us above the clods we tread plod- dingly over in the dreary highway of mortal exis- tence, as that of investing woman with the purest, highest attributes of our common nature, and bear- ing ourselves towards her in accordance with these elevated sentiments. And when compelled, in indi- vidual instances, to set aside these cherished impres- sions, let nothing induce us to forget ih.2it ^assive^ silent forbearance is our only resource. True man- hood can never become the active antagonist of defencelessness. I am almost ashamed to remind you of the gross TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 355 impropriety of speaking loosely and loudly of ladies of your acquaintance in the hearing of strangers, of desecrating their names by mouthing them in bar- rooms and similar public places, scribbling them upon windows, recording them, without their per- mission, in the registers kept at places visited from curiosity, etc., etc. You have no moral right to take such liberties in this respect, as you would not tolerate in the relation of brother, son, or husband, Thinh, then, and speak, ever, with due reverence of those guardian angels, " Into whose hands from first to last, This world with all its destinies, Devotedly by Heaven seems cast !" If you determine to conform yourselves, as far as in you lies, to the model presented for your imita- tion by Him who said — " Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as I am perfect," you will not disregard the cultivation of a ready sympathy with the sufferings and trials of your fellow beings. In place of adopt- ing a system that will not only steel your heart, but infuse into your whole nature distrust and suspicion, you will, like Him who went about doing good, quickly discern suffering, in whatever form it pre- sents itself, and minister, at least, the balm of a kind word, when naught else may be offered. You will thus learn not only to pity the erring, but, per- chance, sometimes to ask yourselves in profound humility — " wlw hath made me to differ .^" Young men sometimes fall into the impression 356 THE AMERICAN GEin-LEMAN's GUIDE that a mocking insensibility to human woe is manly — something grand and distinguished. So they turn with lofty scorn from a starving child, make the embarrassment and distress of a poor mother with a wailing infant the subject of audible mirth in a rail-car, or stage-coach, ridicule the peevishness of illness, the tears of wounded sensibility, or the confessions of the penitent ! Now, it seems to me, that all this is super-human in its sublime elevation I My small knowledge of the history of the greatly good, affords no parallels for the adoption of such a creed. I have read of a Howard who terminated a life devoted to the benefit of his race, in a noisome dun- geon, where he sought to minister to human suffer- ing ; of a Fenelon, and a Cheverus whose Gatholio spirit broke the thralling restrains of sectarianism, m favor of general humanity; of the graceful chivalry and large benevolence of Sir Walter Ka- leigh and Sir Philip Sidney; of triumphant soldiers who bound up the wounds and preserved the lives of a fallen foe ; of a Wilberforce, a Pease, and a Father Mathew; of Leigh Kichmond, Keginald Heber, and Robert Hall ; of the parable of the good Samaritan, and of its Divine Author — and I believe the mass of mankind agree with me in, at least, an abstract admiration for the characters of each ! And though no great achievements in the cause of Philan- thropy may be in our power, though no mighty deeds may embalm our memories amid the imperish- able records of Time, let us not overlook those small acts of kindness, those trifling proofs of sympathy. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 367 which all have at command. A look, a word, a smile — what talismanic power do even these some- times possess I Eemember, then, that, Heaven decrees To all the gift of ministering to ease /" In close association with the wish to minister to the happiness of others, as far as in us lies, is that of avoiding every self-indulgence that may interfere with the comfort or the rights of others. Hence the cultivation of good-humor, and of habits of neatness, order, and Tegula/rity, Prompted by this rule, we will not smoke in the streets, in rail-cars, on the iecks of steamers, at the entrance of concert and lecture rooms, or in parlors frequented by ladies. "We will not even forget that neglect of matters of the toilet, in the nicest details, may render us unplea- sant companions for those accustomed to fastidious- ness upon these points. To the importance of well-regulated habits of Exercise, Temperance, and Relaxation, I have already called your attention in a previous Letter. Nothing tends more effectually to the production of genuine independence, than personal Economy. ITo habit will more fully enable you to be generous as well as just, and to gratify your better impulses and more refined tastes, than the exercise of this un- ostentatious art. Kemember that meanness is not economy, any more than it is integrity. 358 To be wisely economical requires tlie exercise of the reflective faculties united with practical expe- rience, self-denial, send moral dignity. Kightly viewed, there is nothing in it degrading to the noblest nature. Punctuality both in pleasure and in business engagements, is alike due to others, and essential to personal convenience. You will, perhaps, have observed that this was one of the distinguishing traits of Washington. Somebody says — " Ceremony is the Paradise of Eools." The same may be said with equal truth, of system. To be truly free, one should not be the slave of any one rule, nor of many combined. System, like other agencies, if judiciously regulated, materially aids the establishment of good habits generally, and thus places us beyond the dominion of " Circumstance^ that tmspiritttal god.''^ Sir Joshua Reynolds used to remark that " Nothing is denied to well-directed effort." Let Perseverance then, be united with Excelsior in your practical creed. I think I' have made some allusion to the Art of Cowversation. Let me " make assurance doubly sure," by the emphatic recommendation of ^r<2ngue. " Certainly ! but I do not smoke always and every- where ! !N"eitlier do I think it decent to soil every place with tobacco-juice, as you do in this country !" "It is infamous!" returned I. "Kow just look at those fellows ! See how near they are to that group of ladies, and then look at the condition of the deck all around them." As I spoke, the lady nearest the nuisance, apparently becoming suddenly aware of her dangerous proximity, hurriedly gathered her dress closely about her, and moved as far away as she could without separating herself from her party. Despite these indications, the shower continued to fall plentifully around, and the smoke to blow into the faces of those who were so unfortunate as to be seated in the neighborhood. " Have you not regulations to prevent such annoy- ances," inquired the stranger. " Every steamer professes to have them, I believe," returned I, " but if such vulgar men as these choose to violate them, no one even thinks of insisting upon their enforcement — every one submits, and every one is annoyed — that is, all decent people are!" " Vive la Liberte et VEgaliteP^ exclaimed the European, laughing good-humoredly. " As if echoing the mirth of my companion, a merry laugh from the group of ladies near us, arrest- ed my attention at this moment. "Without appearing to remark them, I soon ascertained that they were amusing themselves with the ridiculous figure pre» Bented by one of the smokers. His associate had left 40* him " alone in his glory," and there he sat, fast asleep, with his mouth wide open, his hat over one eye, and his feet tucked across under the seat of his chair, which supported only on its hind legs, was tilted back against the side of the cabin. My description can give you but a poor idea of the ludicrousness of the thing. One of those laughing girls would have done it better ! I overheard more than one of their di'oU comments. " What if his chair should upset, when he ' catches fish !' " exclaimed a pretty little girl, looking roguish- ly from under her shadowing round straw hat. "There is more danger that that wasp will fly down his throat," replied another of the gay bevy, " What a yawning cavern it is ! That wasp is hover- ing over the ' crack of doom !' " "He reminds me rather of Daniel in the lion's den," put in a third. " Let's move our seats before he wakes up," cried one of the girls, as the nondescript made a slight demonstration upon a fly that had invaded his repose. " He is protected by the barricade he has surround- ed himself with — like a upas-tree in the centre of its own vile atmosphere — but we^ unwary travellers, are not equally safe !" A day or two afterwards, these very yc:ing men were just opposite me at table, in a hotel in one of our large Western cities. They were well dressed (with the exception of colored shirts) and well-looking enough, but, after what I had previously seen of them, I was not sur« prised to observe their habits of eating. One would TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 405 throw up both arms, and clasp his hands over his head, while waiting for a re-supply of food; the other stop, now and then, to lay off\i\s> bushy mous- tache, so as to make more room for the shovelling process he kept up with his knife, for the more rapid disappearance of a large goblet of water at one swal- lowing, or for the introduction of a mammoth ear of corn, which he took both hands to hold, while he gobbled up row after row, with inconceivable rapid- ity. Then one would manipulate an enormous drum-stick, while he lolled comfortable back in his chair, grievously belaboring his voluminous beard, the while, and leaving upon it an all-sufficient sub- stitute for maccassar, and the other, simultaneously make a loud demonstration with his pocket-handker- chief, or upon his head. Now one would stretch out his legs under the table, until he essentially invaded ray reserved rights, and then the other insert his tongue first in one cheek, and then in the other, rol- ling it vigorously round, as a cannoneer would swab out a great gun with his sponge, before re-loading ! Flushed, heated, steaming, the hea,ps of sweet-pota- to skins, bones, and bits of food profusely scattered over the soiled cloth, fully attested the might of their achievements ! Much of this, as I said, I was prepared for, but I was somewhat surprised by what followed. I had sent for a quail, I think, or some other small game, and was preparing to discuss its merits, when one of these young men, reaching over, stuck his fork into the bird, and ta-ansfcrred it to his own plate ! 406 I saw at a glance that no offense was intended to me — that the seeming rudeness was simply the result of vulgarity and ignorance ; so 1 very quietly directed the servant to bring me another bird. Scarcely was the second dish placed before me, when the other youth of this delectable pair exactly repeated the action of his companion, and I again found myself minus my game. " Mon Dieu .^" cried my young foreign friend, " if you can endure that, you are a hero, sir !" An hour or two subsequent to this agreeable inci- dent, I was again seated in the cars, and hearing a noise behind me, soon satisfied myself that my neigh- bors at dinner that day were to be my neighbors still, and that they were at present busily employed in disputing with the conductor respecting a seat next their own, which they wished to monopolize for the accommodation of their legs, and which, in con- sequence of the crowded state of the cars, the man insisted upon filling with other passengers. Pre- sently there came in a pale, weary-looking woman, with a wailing infant in her arms and another young child clinging to her garments. She found a seat where she could, and sinking into it, disposed of a large basket she had also carried, and commenced trying to pacify the baby. Here was a fit subject for the rude jests and jibes of the young fellows I have described. And full use did they make of their vulgar license of tongue. The poor mother grew more and more distressed as those unfeeling comments reached her ears from TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 407 time to time, and at each outbreak from the infant strove more nervously to pacify it. I observed that a good-humored looking, large, handsome man, who sat a little before this woman, frequently glanced round at the child, and sought to divert its attention by various little playful motions. At length, when the cars stopped for a few minutes, out he sallied, in all haste, and presently returned with his hands full of fruits and cakes. Offering a liberal share of these to the woman and her little girl, after distributing some to his party, he reserved a bright red apple, and said cheerily to the mother : " Let me take your little boy, ma'am, I think I can quiet him." The little urchin set up a loud scream, as he found, himself in the strong grasp of the stranger ; but, a few moments' perseverance effected his benevolent purpose. Tossing the boy up, directing his atten- tion to the apple, and then carrying him through the empty car a turn or two, sufficed to chase away the clouds and showers from what proved to be a bright, pretty face, and very soon the amiable gentleman returned to his scat, saying very quietly to the wo- man, as he passed her, " We will keep your little child awhile, and take good care of him." The baby, was healthy-looking, and its clothes, though plain, were entirely clean — so the poor thing was by no means a disagreeable plaything for the young lady beside whom the gentleman was seated. For some little time they amused themselves in this humane manner, and then the young man gently snugged tho 408 weary creature down upon his broad chest, and there it lay asleep, like a flower on a rock, nestled under a shawl, and firmly supported by the enfolding arm that seemed unconscious of its light burden. Meantime the pale, tired mother regaled herself with the refreshments so bountifully provided for her, watching the movements of the little group be- fore her with evident satisfaction; and at length settled herself for a nap in the comer of her seat, with the other child asleep in her lap. The noisy comments of the " fast " young men in the rear of the car became less audible and offensive, I noticed, after the stranger came to the rescue, and when I passed their seat, afterwards, I could not be surprised at their comparative silence, upon behold- ing the enormous quantity of pea-nut shells and fruit skins with which the floor was strewn, and noticing the industry with which they were squirting tobacco juice over the whole. By-and-by the cars made another pause. The mother of the little boy roused herself and looked hastily round for her treasures. Upon this the young lady who occupied the seat with her new friend came to her and seemed reassuring her. As soon as the thronging crowd had passed out, I heard her saying, as I caught a peep at the sweetest face, bent smilingly towards the woman — " I made a nice little bed for him, as soon as the next seat was empty, and he is still fast asleep. Does he like milk ? Mr. Grant will get some when he wakes — ^it is so unplea- sant for a lady to get out of the cars." (Here the ' TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 409 woman seemed to make some explanation, and a shadow of sympathy passed over the smiling face I was admiring, as one sees a passing cloud move above a sunny landscape.) ""Well, we will be glad to be of use to you, as far as we go on," pur- sued the fair girl ; " I will find out all about it, and tell you before we leave the cars. Now, just rest all you can — ^let me put this shawl np a little higher — there 1 It is such a relief to get off one's bonnet ! I'll put it np for you. The little girl had better come with me. — Oh, no, she will not, I am sure ! What's your name, dear ? Mary ! that's the pretiest name in the world ! everybody loves Mary ! I have such a pretty book to show you" — and hav- ing tucked up the object of her gentle care in quite a cosy manner, while she was saying this, the good girl gave a pretty, encouraging little nod to the woman, and went back, taking the other juvenile with her, to her own place. When her companion joined her, she looked up in his face with a beam- ing, triumphant sort of a smile, and, receiving a response in the same expressive language, all seemed quite understood between them. " What an angel !" exclaimed the young Euro- pean, in his favorite tongue, as he re-entered the car, and caught part of this little by-scene. " Do you know what she said to that poor woman ?" I gave him all the explanation in my poVer. His fine eyes kindled. " She is as good as she is beautiful I Have you remarked the magnificent bead of the gentleman with her? What a superb 18 410 profile he has — so classic ! And his broad chest— there's a model for a bust I I happened to be in the studio of your celebrated countrymau, Powers, at Florence, with my father, who was sitting to him, when the great Thorwaldsen came to visit him. Boy, as I was, at that time, I remember his words, as he stood before the bust of your Webster : ^Ican- 7iot make such busts P But was it not, sir, because he had no such models as your country affords?" These were courteous words; but I do them poor justice in the record ; I cannot express the voice and manner from which they received their charm. Well, at the risk of tiring you, I hasten to con- clude my little sketch. I amused myself by quietly watching the thing through, and noticed, towards evening, that the amiable strangers went together to the woman they had befriended, after the gentleman had been into the hotel, before which we were standing, seemingly to make some inquiry for her. Both talked for a few minutes, apparently very kindly, to her and to the children, and seemed to encourage her by some assurance as they parted. As they were turning away, the grateful mother rose, and, snatching the hand first of one, and then of the other, burst out, with a " God bless you both !" so fervent as to be audible where I sat. " Don't speak of such a trifle !" returned the youth, in a clear, distinct voice, raising his noble fonn to its full height, and flashing forth the light of his falcon eye ; " for my part, I am very glad to bo able to do a little good as I go along in the world 1" TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 411 In a few moments the handsome stranger was seen carefully placing his fair travelling companion in an elegant carriage, where a lady was awaiting them, and upon which several trunks were already strap- ped. While cordial greetings were still in progress between the trio, a well-dressed servant gave the reins to a superb pair of dark bays, and in another insta^it they were flying along in the direction of a stately-looking mansion of which I caught sight in the distance. " Who the d is that fellow ?" shouted one of the pair in the rear. " I say, porter," stretching his . body far out of the car window, and beckoning to a man on the steps of the neighboring building, " What's the name of those folks in that carriage ? dev'lish pretty girl, I swear !" "Sir-r-r?" answered Paddy, coming to the side of the car, and pulling his dirty cap on one side of his head with one hand, while he operated upon his carroty hair with the fingers of the other; " what's yer honor's plaizure ?" "I say, what's the name of that gentleman who has just gone off in that carriage there V* " Oh ! sure that's young Gineral Grant ; him that owns the fine house beyant — I hear tell he's the new Congressman, sir!" " jBien .^" whispered my foreign friend, laughing heartily, " this is a great country ! you do things upon so large a scale here, that one must not wonder when extremes meetP^ 412 "What, coz, still sitting with jour things on, waiting ? Haven't you been impatient ?" " Oh, no, not at all, I've been reading." " Well, but, do you know it's twelve o'clock ? Wo were to start at half-past ten. What did you think of me for delaying so long ?" " I was afraid some accident had happened ; but I could see nothing from the window, and I did not like to go out on the portico alone." " Then you did not think me careless, and were not vexed ?" " Kot I, indeed ! I was sure you would come if you could, and was only anxious about you, as you were to try tliat new horse. I did not take off my bonnet, because I kept expecting you every mo- ment." " And I kept expecting to come every moment — that devilish animal ! I tried to send you word, but I could not get sight of a servant — confound the fel- lows! they are always out of the way when one wants them." " But, Charley, dear, what about the horse ? Has he really troubled you? I am sorry you bought him." *' Oh, I've conquered him ! it wouldn't have taken me so long before I had that devilish fever I But, come, cozzy dear, will you go now, or is your pa- tience all gone ?" " I would like the drive — but, Charley, had we not better put it off until to-morrow morning? You TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 4i3 must be tired out, and, perhaps, the horse will con- tinue to trouble you." " No, no — come, come along, if you are willing to go." Now, Charley and his cousin were together at a little rural watering-place, in search of change of air and scene. Charley had been recently ill, and, as he chanced to be separated from his family at the time, was particularly fortunate in having had the gentle ministrations of Belle, as he usually called her, at command, during his convalescence. Belle was an orphan, without brothers, and she clung to Charley with the tenacity of a loving heart, deprived of its natural resources. Temporarily relieved from her duties as a teacher, her cousin invited her to accompany him in this little tour, in pity for the languor that was betrayed by her droop- ing eyes, and lagging step ; and his kindly nurse, flattering herself that her " occupation " was not yet quite " gone," was only too happy to escape from her city prison, under such safe and agreeable protec- tion. Yielding and quiet, as she ordinarily was, Belle had very strict notions of propriety on some points. So, when she and her cousin were mak- ing their final arrangements, before commencing their journey, she laid upon the table before him, a bank-note of considerable amount, with the request that he would appropriate it to the payment of her travelling expenses. " Time enough for that, by-and-by, coz." " No, if you please, Charley. It is enough that^ 414r THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GTTIDB you will be burdened by the care of me, without having your purse taxed, too. Just be so good as to keep a little account of what you pay for me — remembering porterage, carriage-hire, and such mat- ters — ^ladies always have the most luggage." And a little hand playfully smoothed the doubled paper upon the cuff of Charley's coat-sleeve, and left it lying there. Her cousin very well knew that this bank-note comprised a large portion of Belle's quarterly salary, though she made no allusion to the matter; and, though his own resources were moderate, men so much more easily acquire money than women — well, never mind ! people differ in their ideas of luxury. Charley had some new experiences in this little tour of his and Belle's. He had an idea, previously, that " women are always a bother, in travelling," and he found himself sorely puzzled to make out, exactly, what trouble it was to have his cousin always ready to read to him, when they sat together on the deck of a steamer, or while he lay on the sofa at a hotel, to claim the comfortable seat at her side in a rail- car, to have her keep his cane and book, while he went out to chat with an acquaintance, watch when he grew drowsy, and softly gather his shawl about his neck, and make a pillow of her own for him, or to see the tear that sometimes gathered in her meek eyes, when she acknowleded any little courtesy on his part. Then, when, after they were settled in their snug quarters, at the watering-place. Belle, half-timidly, sat a moment on his knee, and, looking TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 415 proudly round upon the order she liad brought out of chaos, among his toilet articles, books, and clothes, said — " Oh, what a happy week I have to thank you for, dear cousin Charley 1 You have done so many, many kind things for me, all the way ! I have had to travel alone almost always since pa's — since " — he was really quite at a loss to know what " kind things " she referred to, and said so. " Why, Charley !" returned she, making a vigor- ous efibrt to get over the choking feeling that had suddenly assailed her, upon alluding to her deceased father, " don't you know — no, you don't know, what a happiness it is to a poor, lonely thing, like me, to have some one to take care of her luggage, and pay her fare, and all those things? I know, in this country, women can travel alone, safely — quite so; but it isn't pleasant, for all that, to go into crowds of rough men, without any one. The other evening, at New Haven, for instance, it was quite dark, when we landed, and those hackmen made such a noise, and crowded so — but I felt just as safe, and comfort- able, while sitting waiting for you in the carriage, all the while you were gone back about our trunks ! Oh, you can't realize it, Charley, dear !" and the fair speaker shook her head, with a mournful earnestness, that expressed almost as much sober truthfulness, as appealing femininity. But about this morning drive. With the trusting confidence for which her sex have such an infinite capacity. Belle yielded at once to the implied wish of her temporary protector, and 41G they were soon rolling along, in a light, open car- riage, through deeplj-shadowing woods and across little brooklets which were merrily disporting them- selves under the trees. The poor wild-wood bird, so long caged, yet ever longing to be free, carolled and mused by turns, or permitted her joyous nature to gush out in exclama- tions of delight. " What delicious air !" she exclaimed. " Keally it exhilarates one, like a cordial. Oh, Charley, dear, look at those flowers ! May I get out for them ? Do let me ! I won't be gone a minute. Just you sit still, and hold your war-steed. Don't be so ceremo- nious as to alight ; I need no assistance." And with a bound the happy creature was on her feet, and in an instant dancing along, to the music of her own glad voice, over the soft grass. Too considerate to encroach upon his patience unduly. Belle soon reseated herself beside Chariey, with a lap full of floral treasures. " Here are enough for bouquets for both our rooms," said she ; " how fresh and fragrant they are I * They have tales of the joyous woods to tell. Of the free blue streams and the glowing sky.' Bless God for flowers — and friends /" As the artless girl fervently uttered the last words, she turned a pair of sweet blue eyes, into which tears of gratitude and pleasure had suddenly started, upon the face of her companion. What a painful revulsion of feeling was produced by that glance ! TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 41T Slie scarcely recognized the face of lier cousin, so completely had gloom and discontent usurped the place of his usual hilarious expression. What could be the matter ? Had slio offended him ! Repressing, with quick tact, all manifestations of surprise, though her frame thrilled, as if from a heavy blow, Belle was silent for a while, and then said in a subdued tone that contrasted strangely with her former bird-like glee — " Your horse goes nicely now, Charley, doesn't he ? You seem to have effec- tually conquered him ; but I am sure you must be tired, now, dear cousin, you have been out so long. Had we not better return ?" " Why, y(iu have had no ride at all yet, Isabella,'* returned the young man, in a voice that was as start- ling to his sensitive auditor as his altered counte- nance had been. " Oh, yes, I have," she quickly answered, endeavor- ing to speak as cheerfully as possible, " I have en- joyed myself so much that I ought to be quite con- tented to go back, and I really think we'd better do so." Charley's only response was turning his horse's head homeward. For a while they drove on in silence. Belle's employment of arranging her flowers now wholly mechanical, so engrossing was the tumult in her heart. Just as they came in sight of their hotel, the un- ruly animal that had already occasioned his new owner so much trouble, stopped, and stood like v/ooden effigy in the middle of the road. 18* 418 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 's GUIDE In vain did word and whip appeal to his locomo- tive powers. At length the pent-up wrath that had apparently been gathering fury for the last hour burst forth. " Devilish brute ! I never was so shamefully im- posed upon ! I wish to G — I never had set foot in this infernal hole ! There's no company here fit for a decent fellow to associate with. I shall die of stupidity in a week — particularly if I have to drive such a confounded concern as this !" Here followed a volley of mingled blows and curses. The terrified witness of this scene sat tremblingly silent, for a time, clinging to the side of the carriage, as if to keep herself quiet. Presently »he said : " Perhaps I'd better jump out and run to the house, and send some one out to assist you." " You may get out, if you choose," answered her cousin, grufily, " but I want no assistance about the horse. I'll break every bone in his body, but I'll conquer his devilish temper !" After another pause. Belle said, " "Well, Charley, if you please, I will walk on. I am sorry you are so annoyed," she added, timidly, carefully averting her pale face from him; "but perhaps this is only a phase, and he may never do so again." Her companion broke into a loud, mocking laugh. " "What in thunder do you know about horses, Isa- bella?" "Nothing, Charley — nothing in the world," re- turned his cousin, quickly, in the gentlest voice, " I only" TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 419^ "Ye-es!" drawled the angry youth, ^'I know — Bome women think their ' ready wit ' will enable them to talk upon any subject ! Get up, now, you rascal, will you ?" Belle knew her weakness too well to trust herself to speak, so, drawing her veil closely about her face, and gathering up her shawl and her flowers, she step- ped from the low carriage with assumed composure, and bowing slightly, walked towards the house. Meeting a servant, at the foot of the stairs, she said, very quietly, '* Mr. Cunningham will be here in a few minutes with his horse ; I hope some one will be ready to take him," and passed on. This was all she dared to do, in aid of the exasperated youth. Once in her own room, it seemed but the work of a moment for the agitated girl to throw off her shawl and bonnet, and transport some light refreshments she had previously prepared, across the passage to her cousin's room, to draw up his lounging chair to the table, and with a few skillful touches to give that air of comfort to the simply-furnished apartment which it had been her daily pleasure to impart to it. This self-imposed task achieved, she flew, like a guilty intruder, to her own little asylum, and lock- ing the door, flung herself upon the bed, burying her face in the pillows. But though her quick, convulsive sobs were stifled, they shook her slight, sensitive form till it quivered in every nerve, like a delicate exotic suddenly ex- posed to the blasts of a northern winter. 420 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE By-and-'by a sound roused her from this agony of tears. " There is the first dinner-gong," said she, to her- self, starting up, " what shall I do ? Perhaps Char- ley won't like it if I don't go to dinner. My head aches dreadfully. I don't mind that so much, but (looking in the glass) my face is so flushed. I wouldn't for the world vex Charley, I'm sure." With this she began some hasty toilet preparations ; but her hands trembled so violently as to force her to desist. Wrapping her shivering form in her shawl, she sat down on a low chair, and again gave way to emo- tions which gradually shaped themselves thus : "I am so sorry I came with Charley. He was never anything but kind till we came here. And then I should have, at least, had nothing but pleasant things to remember. But now — I am afraid Charley is ashamed of me ; he looked at my dress so scrutiniz- ingly this morning, when he came to my door. I know I'm not the least fashionable ; but Mrs. Tillou is, and she complimented me on this neglige — it is soiled now, and my pretty slippers, too, walking back through the mud 1 ' Isabella !' How cold and strange it sounded I I am so used to ' cozzy dear,' and have learned to love it so. My poor heart !" pressing both hands upon her side as if to still a severe pang. Then she rose, and creeping slowly along the floor, swallowed some water, and seating herself at the table, drew writing materials towards her. Steadying her hand with great effort, and ever? TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 421 moment pressing her handkerchief to her eyes, she achieved the following note : " Having a little headache to-day, dear Charley, I prefer not to dine, if you will excuse me. I will bo quite ready to meet you in the parlor before tea. " Ever yours, " Belle. " Tuesday Morning.^'' Designing to accompany this with some of the flowers she now remembered, for the first time since her return from her ill-starred morning excursion, Belle hastily re-arranged the prettiest of them in a little bouquet. As she removed an already wither- ed wild-rose from among its companions, a solitary tear fell upon its shrivelled petals. " Perhaps," she murmured mournfully, with a heavy sigh, " I should have made another idol, — perhaps I should soon have learned to love Charley too well^ if this chasten- ing had not come upon me — could he have thought so V As she breathed this query, the small head was suddenly thrown back, like that of a startled gazelle, and a blush so vivid and burning as to pale the pre- vious flush of agitation, flashed over cheek and brow. Quickly ringing the bell, and carefully concealing herself from observation, behind the door, when she half-opened it, the servant who answered her sum- mons was requested to hand the note and flowers to Mr. Cunningham, if he was in his room, and if not, 422 to place them where he would " be sure to see them when he came up." " When will I ever learn," said Belle, in a tone of bitter self-reproach, as she re-locked the door, *' not to cling and trust, — not ■ " to make idols, and to find them clay !" " I have not seen you looking so well since you ca.me here, Miss Cunningham," said a gentleman to Belle, joining her as she was entering the public par- lor that evening. " Do allow me to felicitate you I What a brilliant color ! — You were driving this morning, were you not ? !N'o doubt you are indebted to your cousin for the bright roses in your cheeks I' And now, my dear young friends, let me only add, in concluding this lengthened letter, that, had I early acquired the habit of writing^ you would, doubtless, have less occasion to criticise these effu- sions — attempted, for your benefit, at too late a period of life to enable me to render them what I could wish. Use them as 'beacons^ since they cannot serve as models ! Adieu ! Heney Lunettes TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 423 LETTER XL mental and mokal education. My dear !N^ephews : Having touched, in our preceding let- ters, upon matters relating to Physical Training, Manner, and the lighter accomplishments that em- bellish existence, we come now to the inner life — to the Education of the Mind and Heart, or Soul of Man. Metaphysicians would, I make no doubt, find ample occasion to cavil at the few observations 1 shall venture to offer you on these important sub- jects, and, painfully conscious of my total want of skill to treat them in detail, I will only attempt a few des- sultory suggestions, intended rather to impress you with the importance I attach to self-culture^ than to furnish you with full directions regarding it. The genius of our National Institutions pre-supposes the truth that education is within the power of all, and that all are capable of availing themselves of its bene- fits. Education, in the highest, truest sense, does not involve the necessity of an elaborate system of scientific training, with an expenditure of time and 4:24 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN 's GUIDE money entirely beyond the command of any bnt the favored few who make the exception, rather than the rule, in relation to the race in general. Happily for the Progress of Humanity, the "will to do, the soul to dare," are never wholly subject to the control of outer circumstance, and here, in our free land, they are comparatively un- trammeled. " There are two powers of the human soul," says one of our countrymen, distinguished for a knowledge of Intellectual Science, "which make self-culture possible, the self -searching^ and the self-forming power. We have, first, the faculty of turning the mind on itself; of recalling its past, and watching its present operations ; of learning its various capacities and susceptibilities ; what it can do and bear ; what it can enjoy and suffer ; and of thus learning, in gen- eral, what our nature is, and what it is made for. It is worthy of observation, that we are able to discern not only what we already are, but what we may be- come, to see in ourselves germs and promises of a growth to which no bounds can be set ; to dart beyond what we have actually gained, to the idea of perfection at the end of our being." Assuming that to be the most enlightened system of education which tends most effectively to develop all the faculties of our nature, it is impossible, prac- tically, to separate moral and religious from intellec- lectual discipline. \i we possess the responsibility as well as the capacity of self-training — that must be a most imperfect system, one most unjust to our TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 425 better selves, which cultivates the intellectual pow* ers at the expense of those natural endowments, without which, man were fitter companion for fiends than for higher intelligences ! Pursued beyond a certain point, education, estab- lished upon this basis, may not facilitate the acqui- sition of wealth ; and if this were the highest pursuit to which it can be made subservient, effort, beyond that point, were useless. But if we regard the acquirement of money chiefly important as afford- ing the essential means of gratifying the tastes, pro- viding for the necessities, and facilitating the exercise of the moral instincts of our being, we return, at once, to our former position. " He^ therefore^ who does what he can to unfold all his jpowers and capacities, especially his nobler ones, so as to become a welPproportioned, vigorous, excellent, ha;ppy being, ^practises self-culi/areP Those of you who have enjoyed the advantages of a regular course of intellectual training, will need no suggestion of mine to aid you in mental discipline ; but possibly a few hints on this point may not be wholly useless to others. The general dissemination of literature, in forms so cheap as to be within the reach of all, renders reading a natural resource for purposes of amusement as well as instruction. But they who are still so young as to make the acquisition of knowledge the proper business of life, should never indulge them- selves in reading for mere amusement. Never, there- 426 fore, permit yourselves to pass over words or allu- sions, with the meaniDg of which you are unacquain- ted, in works you are perusing. Go at once to the fountain-head — to a dictionary for unintelligible words, to an encyclopedia for general information, to a classical authority for mythological and other simi- lar facts, etc., etc. You will not read as fast ^ by adopt- ing this plan, but you will soon realize that you are, nevertheless, advancing much more rapidly, in the truest sense. When you have not works of reference at command, adopt the practice of making brief memoranda, as you go along, of such points as re- quire elucidation, and avail yourself of the earliest opportunity of seeking a solution of your doubts. And do not, I beg of you, think this too laborious. The best minds have been trained by such a course. Depend upon it, genius is no equivalent for the advantage ultimately derived from patient perseve- rance in such a course. I remember well, that to the latest year of his life, my old friend, De Witt Clinton, one of the noblest specimens of the race it has been my fortune to know, would spring up, like a boy, despite his stiff knee, when any point of doubt arose, in conversation, upon literary or scientific subjects, and hasten to select a book containing the desired information, from a little cabinet adjoining his usual reception-room. His was a genuine love of learning for its own sake ; and the toil and turmoil of politi- cal life never extinguished his early passion, nor deprived him of a taste for its indulgence. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 427 Moralists have always qiiostioned the wisdom of indulging a taste for fictitious literature, even when time has strengthened habit and principle into fixed- ness. The license of the age in which we live, ren- ders futile the elaborate discussion of this question of ethics. But, while permitting yourselves the oc- casional perusal of works of poetry and fiction, do not so far indulge this taste as to stimulate a disrelish for more instructive reading. And, above all, do not permit yourselves to acquire an inclination for the unwholesome stimulus of licentiousness, in this respect. Every man of the world should know something of the belle-lettre literature of his own language, at least, and, as a rule, the more the bet- ter; but, " Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise ;" and the vile translations from profligate foreign lit- erature, which have, of late years, united with equally immoral productions in our own, to foster a corrupt popular taste, cannot be too carefully avoided by all who would escape moral contagion. You will find the practice of noting fine passages, felicitous modes of expression, novel thoughts, etc., as they occur even in lighter literary productions, not unworthy of your attention. It will serve, col- laterally, to assist in the formation of a pure style of conversation and composition, a consideration of no small importance for those whose future career will demand facility in this regard. Carlyle has some- where remarked that, " our public men are all gono 428 to tongue !" This peculiarity of the times, may, to some extent, have grown out of its new and peculiar social and political necessities. But, whether that be so, or not, since such is the actual state of things, let all new competitors for public distinction seek every means of securing ready success. While I would not, without reservation, condemn the perusal of fictitious literature, I think you will need no elaborate argument to convince you of the superior importance of a thorough familiarity with History and general Science, Let me, also, commend to your attention, well- chosen Biogrwphy^ as afibrding peculiarly impressive incentives to individual effort, and, often, a consider- able amount of collateral and incidental information. The Life of Johnson, by Boswell, for instance, which, as far as I know, still retains its long-accorded place at the very head of this class of composition (some critic has recorded his wonder that the best biogra- phy in our language should have been written by a fooll) contains a world of information, respecting the many celebrated contemporaries of that great man, the peculiarities of social life in England, at his day, and the general characteristics of elegant literature. So, of Lookhart's Life of Scott, and other records of literarv life. The lives of such men as Shelley, and Coleridge, afford an impressive warn- ing to the young — teaching, better than a professed homily, how little talents, unguided by steadfastness of purpose and principle, avail for usefulness and happiness. The examples of Lord Xelson, Howard, TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 429 Mungo Park, Kobert Hall, Franklin, and Washing- ton, maj well be studied, in detail, for the lessons they impress upon all. And so, of many of the brave and the good of our race — ^I but name such as pas- singly occur to me. Do not permit newspaper and magazine reading to engross too much of your time, lest you gradually fall into a sort of mental dissipation^ which will un- fit you for more methodical literary pursuits. A cultivated taste in Literature and Art, as, indeed, in relation to all the embellishments and enjoyments ©f life, is, properly, one of the indications, if not the legitimate result, of thorough mental education. But, while you seek, by every means within your control, to enlarge the sphere of your perceptions, and to elevate your standard of intellectual pleasures, care- fully avoid all semblance of conscious superiority, all dilettanti pretension, all needless technicalities of artistic language. Remember that modesty is al- ways the accompaniment of true merit, and that the smattering of knowledge, which the condition of Art in our infant Kepublic alone enables its most de- voted disciples to acquire, ill justifies display and pretension, in this respect. So, with regard to mat- ters of literary criticism — enjoy your own opinions, and seek to base them upon the true principles of art ; but do not inflict crudities and platitudes upon others, under the impression that, because of recent acquisition to a tyro in years^ and in learning, they are likely to strike mature minds with the charm of novelty 1 Thus, too, with scientific lore. If Sii 430 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's OXTIDE Isaac ISTewton onlj^ gathered " pebbles on the shore " of the limitless ocean of knowledge, we may well believe that " Wisdom is a pearl, with most success Sought in still water." Let me add, while we are, incidentally, upon this matter of personal pretension, that to observing per- sons such a manner often indicates internal distrust of one's just claims to one's social position, while, on the contrary, quiet self-possession, ease and simplicity, are equally expressive of self-respect and of an entire cei- tainty of the tacit admission of one's rights by others. Nothing is more underbred than the habit of taking offense, or fancying one's self slighted, on all occa- sions. It betokens either intense egotism, or, as I have said, distrust of your rightful ^position — that you are embittered by struggling with the world — > neither of which suppositions should be betrayed by the bearing of a man of the world. Maintain out- ward serenity, let the torrent rage as it may within, and nsver allow the world to Icnow its power to wound you through your undue sensitiveness ! Well has the poet asserted that " Truth's a discovery made by travelled minower of hdbituallg exalting the higher faculties over the animal propensities of our nature. It is only, therefore, when man unites moral disci- pline with intellectual culture, that he can be said to be truly educated ; and the most ambitious student of books should always bear in mind the truth that WiQ free play of the intellect is promoted hy the devel- opment of moral perceptions^ and that mental education, even, does not so much consist in loading the memory with facts, as in strengthening the capacity for independent action — for judging, com- paring, reflecting. " The connection between moral and intellectual culture is often overlooked," says a celebrated ethical writer, " and the former sacrificed to the latter. The exaltation of talent, as it is called, above virtue and religion, is the curse of the age. Educa- catiou is now chiefly a stimulus to learning, and thus may acquire power without the principles which alone make it a good. Talent is worshipped. TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 435 but, if divorced from rectitude, it will prove more of a demon than a god." Holding the opinion, then, that a fixed religious belief is the legitimate result of a thorough cultiva- tion of the mental and moral endowments, and that their united and co-equal development constitutes education, you will permit me to impress upon your attention the importance of securing all the aid afforded by the lest lights vouchsafed to us, in the search after Truth. Conscience is a blind guide, until assisted by discriminating teaching, and honest, persevering endeavors at self-enlightenment. For myself, my experience, in this respect, has afforded me no assistance so reliable and efficient as that to be gathered from the Life of Jesus Christy as record- ed by his various biographers, and collected in the ITew Testament. I commend its study, renewedly, to you, not in search of a substantiation of human doctrines, not to determine the accuracy of particu- lar creeds, but to possess yourself of simple, intelli- gible, practicable directions for the wise regulation of your daily life, and those ceaseless efforts at self- advancement which should be the highest purpose of " A being breathing thoughtful breath, A creature between life and death V^ Accustomed to the standard established by Him who said, " Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as I am perfect," we will not be deterred from the steadfast pursuit of right by the imperfect exhibitions, so fre- ^36 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAn's GUIDE quentlj made, of its efficacy, in the lives of the pro- fessed followers of the wonderful Nazarine. Con- scious of the difficulties, the temptations and the discomfitures that we ourselves encounter, we will learn, not only to discriminate between the imper- fections of the disciple and the perfection of the Master, but to exercise that charity toward others, of which self-examination teaches us the need, in our own case. Thus, the Golden Eule, which so inclu- sively epitomizes the moral code of the Great Teacher, will come to be our guide in determining the path of practical duty, and the course of self- culture, most essential to the security of present happiness, and as a preparative for that eternal state of existence, of which this is but the embryo. Thus, making God and conscience — which is the voice of God speaking within us — the arbiter be- tween our better nature and the impulses excited by the grosser faculties, we shall be less tempted by outward influences to lower the abstract standard we originally establish, or to reconcile ourselves to an imperfect conformity to its requisitions. Far less, will we permit ourselves to indulge the delusion that we are not, each of ns, personally obligated, by our moral responsibilities, to develop all the powers with which we are endowed^ to their 'utmost capacity : — " They build too low who build below the skies I" The most perfect of human beings was also the most humble and self sacrificing, so that they who endeavor to follow his example will not only be de* TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 43^ void of self-righteous assumption, but actively de- voted to the good of their fellow-creatures, and, like Him, pityingly sensible of the wants and the woes of humanity. That reverence for the spiritual nature of man, as a direct emanation from Deity, which all should cherish, is, also, to be regarded as a part of judicious self-culture. Cultivate an habitual recognition of your celestial attributes, and strive to elevate your whole being into congenial association with the di- vinity within you i^this do for the benefit of others, " Be noble ! and the nobleness that lies In other men, sleeping, but never dead, Will rise, in majesty, to meet thine own !" With SO exalted an aim as I have proposed for your adoption, you will be slow to tolerate peccadil- loes^ as of little moment, either in a metaphysical or ethical point of view. Dread such tolerance, as sap- ping the foundations of principle ; learn to detect the insidious poison lurking in Burke's celebrated aphor- ism, and in the infidel philosophy that assumes the brightest semblances that genius can invent, the more readily to deceive. Establish fixed principles of benevolence, justice, truthfulness, religious belief, and adhere steadfastly to them, despite the allure- ments of the world, the temptings of ambition, or weariness of self-conflict. The Pursuit of Haziness is but concentrated phraseology for the purposes and endeavors of every human being. May you early learn to distinguish 43S between \hQ> false and the true^hQtwQQn pleasure and Tiajpj^iness^ early know your duty to yourselves, your country, and your God ! I will but add to these crude, but heart-engendered, observations, a few lines, embodying my own senti- ments, and in a form much more impressive than J can command : — "We live in deeds, not years ; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. "We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks mosty feels the noblest^ acts the best^ I have somewhere met with a little bagatelle, Bomewhat like this : — Apollo, the god of love, of music, and of elo- quence, weary of the changeless brilliancy of Olym- pus, determined to descend to earth, and to secure maintenance and fame, in the guise of a mortal, by authorship. Accordingly, the incognito divinity es- tablished himself in an attic, after the usual fashion of the sons of genius, and commenced inditing a poem — a long epic poem, plying his pen with the pa- tient industry inspired by necessity, the best stimu- lus of human effort. At length, the task of the god completed, he, with great difficulty, procured the means of offering it to the world in printed form. The Epic of Apollo, the god of Poetry, fell, jpre* doomed, from, the jpress. No commendatory review had been secured, no fashionable publisher endorsed TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 439 its merits. Disgusted with the pursuit of the wealth and honors of earth, Apollo returned to Olympus, bequeathing to mortals, this advice : — " Would you secure earthly celebrity and riches^ do not atterrvpt in- tellectual and moral culture^ hut invent a pill !" Instances of the successful ^pursuit of hnowledge under difficulties frequently present themselves in our contemporaneous history, both in our own coun- try and in foreign lands. Indeed, the history of the human mind goes far toward proving that, not the pampered scions of rank and luxury, but the hardy sons of poverty and toil, have been, most frequently, the benefactors of the race. Well has the poet said : — > " The busy world shoves angrily aside The man who stands with arms a-kimbo set, Until occaeion tell him what to do ; And he who waits to have his task marked out, Shall die, and leave his errand unfulfilled." The Learned Blacksmith^ as he is popularly called, acquired thirty, or more, different languages, while daily working at his laborious trade. He was accus- tomed to study while taking his meals, and to have an open book placed upon the anvil, while he worked. A celebrated physiological writer, alluding to the habits of this persevering devotee of philology, says, that nothing but his uninterrupted practice of his Yulcan-tasks preserved his health under the vast amount of mental labor he imposed upon himself. 440 Another of our distinguished countrymen, now a prominent popular orator, is said to have accumu- lated food for future usefulness, while devoting the energies of the outer man to the employment of a wagoner^ amid the grand scenic influences of the majestic Alleghanies. The early life of Franklin, of the " Mill-boy of the Slashes," of Webster, and of many others whose names have become watchwords among us, are, doubtless, familiar to you, as examples in this respect. Looking upon the busy active woild around me, — as I sometimes like to do — from behind the screen of my newspaper, seated in the reading-room of a hotel, I became the auditor of the following conversation, between two young men, who were stationed near a window, watching the passing throng of a crowded thoroughfare. " By George ! there's Van K ," exclaimed one, with unusual animation. "Which one, — where?" eagerly interrogated his companion. "That's he, this side, with the Byronic nose, and short steps — ^he's great ! What a fellow he is for making money, though !" " Does it by his talents, don't he ? — ^nobody like him, in the Bar of this State, for genius, — that's a fact — carries everything through by the force of /" " Dev'lish clever, no doubt," assented the other. TO POLITENESS A.ND FASHION. 441 " but he need to study, I tell you, like a hero, when he was younger." " I^ever heard that of him," answered the other youth, "how the deuce could he? He has always been a man about town—rQdX fashionable fellow — practised always, since he was admitted, and every- body knows no one dines out, and goes to parties with more of a rush than Yan K , and he always has." " That may all be, but my mother, who has known him well for years, was telling me, the other day, that those who were most charmed with his wit, and belle-lettre scholarship, when he first came upon the ^ poor P^ " Do you mean that he lives ly his wits, as the phrase is ?" asked my hostess. " By no means I simply this : — Parker began the world without a dollar, and has had, thus far, to 'paddle his own canoe,' as he expresses it, against wind and tide." "That is quite the best thing I ever knew of him !" exclaimed Rebecca, with animation, " It does him great credit, in my estimation ! But, Colonel, I cannot agree with you in thinking Mr. Parker, poor .^" "ISTo?" " No, indeed ! in my regard, no man in our coun- try is poor, who possesses health, education, and an unblemished reputation /" In the library of the only representative of the British government in this country — and he was the lineal representative, as well, of one of the oldest, wealthiest and most aristocratic of noble English families — whose guest I remember to have been, I found great numbers of books, which he had brought TO POLITENESS AND lASHION. 4:71 witli liim from home, but they were arranged upon simple, unpainted pine shelves, put up for con- venience, while the owner should remain at Wash- ington. He brought his books, because he wanted them for constant use — but, though accustomed to the utmost luxuriousness of appointment at home, he did not dream of bringing furniture across the Atlantic, or of apologizing for the absence of more than was demanded by necessity in his temporary residence. I remember, too, to have heard it said that one of the recent governors of the Empire State had not a eingle article of mahogany furniture in his house at Albany ; and yet, nobody complained of any want of hospitality or courtesy on his part, while making this discovery. The simple fact was, that, being without private fortune, and the salary of his office insufficient for such expenditures, he could not afford it — and no man, I believe, is bound to run in debt, to gratify either the expectations or the vanity of his political constituents. As a contrast to these anecdotes, how does the following incident impress you ? Walking down Broadway, in New York, one bright morning with a distinguished American statesman, he suddenly came to a full halt before a show-window in which glittered, among minor matters, a superb candelabra^ in all the glory of gilding and pendants. " That's a very handsome affair. Lunettes," said my companion ; '' let us step in here a moment." 472 "W~e entered accordingly. A salesman came for- ward. "What is the price of that candelabra, in tho window ?" inquired the statesman. " Six hundred dollars," replied the young man. " Pack it up and send it to M ," replied my friend, turning to go. "And the bill, sir?" " You may send the bill to me — to D W , at Washington." I happened to know that the great man had, only within a day or two, been released, by the genero- sity of several of his personal friends, from an em-, bargo upon his movements that would otherwise have prevented his eloquent thunder from being heard in the National Senate I Tlie massive head and stately bearing of John Marshall always rise before my mind's eye, when I recall this characteristic illustration of his native manliness : The Chief Justice was in the habit of going to market himself, and carrying home his purchases. He might frequently be seen at sunrise, with poultry in one hand and vegetables in the other. On one of these occasions, a young N'ortherner, who had recently removed to Richmond, and thus become a fellow-townsraan of the great Yirginian, was heard loudly complaining that no one could bo found to carry home his turkey. TO P0LITENE6S AND FASHION". ^73 ThOt Chief Justice, who was unknown to the new- comer, advancing, inquired where the stranger lived and on being informed, said, very quietly — " That is on my way ; I will take it for you ;" and receiving the turkey, walked briskly away. When he reached the house that had been desig- nated, Marshall awaited the arrival of the owner, and delivered up his burden. " What shall I pay you ?" inquired the youth. "ISTothing, whatever," replied the biographer of Washington, " it was all in my way, and not the slightest trouble — ^you are welcome ;" and he pur- sued his course. " Who is that polite old man ?" asked the young stranger of a by-stander. He was answered — " That is John Marshall^ Chief Justice of the United States ^ I well remember, too, how often I used to join my old friend. Chief Justice Spencer, of ITew York, as he climbed the long hill leading to his residence, at Albany, with a load of poultry in his hand. And 1 dare say his great-hearted brother-in-law, De Witt Clinton, often did the same thing. Certain I am, that he was the most unostentatious of human beings, as simple and natural as a boy, to the end of his days. I have the vanity to believe that you will not have forgotten the little sketch I gave you, in a previous letter, of my interesting young friend Julia Peters, Not long after my brief acquaintance with her — that 474 is, within a year — I received a newspaper* neatly inclosed, and sealed with a fanciful device, in pret- tily-tinted wax, which being interpreted for me by a fair adept in such matters, was said to read— " Love, or Cupid, carrying a budget to you from me." The following paragraph was carefully marked : " Married : — In the Church of the Holy Inno- cents, in this village, on Tuesday, May 12th, by the Hev. B y , St. John Benton and Julia A. Peters, daughter of the late Fitz-James Peters, Esq., ofPrinceton, K J." Then followed this sentence, in large characters : "The Pkintek and the 'carrier' acknowledge a bountiful receipt of superb wedding-cake.- — May every hlessing attend the Ka]pjpy jpair /" I, too, had my share of the wedding-cake, accom- panied by very tasteful, simple cards, as well as a previous invitation to the wedding, written jointly by Mr. and Mrs. Y , and in terms most flatteringly cordial, and complimentary. Mrs. Y and I had, by this time, exchanged letters more than once. I will give you, as a specimen of the agreeable epis- tolary style of my fair friend, the following commu- nication, which reached me some two or three months after the marriage of her sister. "Rectory, , Aug. 22dy . • * Dear Col. Lunettes : — " I avail myself of my very first leisure to comply with the request contained in your most kind and acceptable letter of last week. Whether TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 4^5 your amiable politeness does not overrate my capa- city to write a ' true woman's letter — full of little significant details and particularities,' remains to be seen. I will do my best, at least, and ' naugbt exte- nuate, nor set down aught in malice.' " I hardly know where to begin, in answer to your query about the * possibility of the most economical young people managing to live on so small an income.' The truth is, Julia and I, thanks to a judi- cious mother, -wqyg practically educated^ which makes all the difference in the world in a woman's capacity to ' make the worse appear the better reason ' in matters of domestic management. The house they live in is their own. Mr. Benton, fortunately, pos- sessed the means of fully paying for it (he was entirely frank with Mr. Y about all these mat- ters, from the beginning) and Julia was able to fur- nish it simply, though comfortably. It is a small establishment, to be sure. — a little house and a little garden, but it is their own^ and that gives it a charm which it would not otherwise possess. They feel that they will have the benefit of such improvements as they may make, and it is wonderful what an effect this consciousness produces. The house was a plain, bald-looking building enough, when Fitz James bought it. Julia said it would be a bold poetic license to call it a cottage! — but he has studied architecture, at intervals, as he has had time, with a view to future advancement, and so he devised, and partly constructed, tasteful little ornaments to sur- mount the windows, and a very preti-y rustic porch in front. The effect was really almost magical, 476 wlien united with the soft, warm color that took the place of the glaring white of which every one is be- coming so tired. It is quite picturesque, I assure you, now. As a romantic young lady said of it — ' it is like the cottages we read of, — quite a picture- place.' But pretty and tasteful as it is outside^ one must become an inmate of Julia's little Eden, to know half its claims to admiration. It is just the neatest, snuggest, cosiest little nest (by the way they call it ' Cosey Cottage^ as you will please remem ber when you write, dear sir) you can imagine. There is nothing grand, or even elegant, perhaps, but every part is thoroughly furnished for conven- nience and comfort, and everything eorres^ponds. It is not like some city houses I have been in, where everything was expended in glare and display in the two parlors — ' -w^iwisely kept for show,' and up-stairs and in the kitchen, the most scanty, comfortless arrangements. Julia's carpets and curtains are quite inexpensive, but the colors are well chosen for h^- mony of effect. (Julia rather prides herself upon having things artistic^ as she expresses it, even to the looping up of a curtain.) There is a. sort of indescri- bable expression about the little parlor, which, by the way, they really use, daily — ^her friends say — •How much this is like Julia!' Some of Julia's crayon heads, and a sketch or two of Mr. Benton's, are hung in the different rooms, and they have con- trived, or rather imitated, (fori believe St. John said it was a French idea) the prettiest little hracketSy which are disposed about the walls and corners of the parlor. They are only rough things that her hus* TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 477 band makes up, covered by Julia, with some dark 'naterial, and ornamented with fringe, costing almost aothing, but so pretty in effect for supporting vases of flowers or little figures, or something of that kind. Then there is a tiny place, opening from the parlor, dignified with the name of library^ where Julia and Benton * draped,' and ' adjusted,' and re-draped, and re-adjusted, to their infinite enjoyment and con- tent, and somewhat to my amusement^ I will confess to youj dear sir. Indeed they trot in harness^ to borrow one of St. John's phrases, — most thoroughly matched^ as well as rtiated^ and go best together. They think so, at least, I should infer, as they always are together, if possible. Julia helps Benton in the garden — holds the trees and shrubs while he places them, and ties up the creeping-roses, and other things he arranges over the porch, and around the windows, and assists him with the lighter work of manufacturing rustic seats and stands, and baskets for the garden and summer-house ; and Benton (who has quite a set of tools) puts up shelves and various contrivances of that sort, and did help to lay the car- pets, etc., Julia told me. Indeed, while I was with them, Mr. Benton's daily life constantly reminded me of the beautiful injunction — *Let every man show, by his kind acts and good deeds, how much of Heaven he has in him.' " But I only tire you, dear sir, by my poor attempts to portray my sister's simple happiness — you must see it for yourself! I make no apology for the minuteness of my details, — ^if they seem puerile, Colonel Lunettes has himself to thank for my frank- 478 THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN's GUIDE ness, but I have yet to learn that my valued friend says, or writes, what he does nbt mean. "I have left to the last — ^because so pleasant a theme, — some reference to Julia's pride and delight in 3^our beautiful bridal-gift to her. She has, no doubt, long since, written to thank you ; but I can- not deny myself the gratification of telling you how much she values and enjoys it, — from my own obser- vation. It is really noticeable too, how exactly it suits with all the other table appointments she has — (unless perhaps it is a shade too handsome) only another proof of Colonel Lunettes' fine taste ! Mr. Y , to tease Julia, asked her one evening, when she was indulging in a repetition of her usual eulogy upon the gift and the giver, whether she really meant to say that she 'preferred a china tea-pot, sugar-bowl, and cream-cup, to silver ones. * Indeed I do,' said she, ' a silver tea-service for m^, would be " sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought !" It would not suit my style at all.' Julia says she shall never be perfectly happy until she makes tea for Colonel Lunettes, from her beautiful china, and Mr. Benton says Colonel Lunettes is the only man in the world of whom he is jealous 1 Upon this, there always follows a gentle {^ery gentle) twitching of St. John's whiskers, of which, I will add, by way of a description of \kiQ personnel of the young man, he has a pair as black and curling as Mr. Y 's, — indeed, I must concede that Julia's husband is almost as handsome as my own ! "We are all eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of your promise to visit our beautiful valley, while TO POLITENESS AND FASHION. 479 roted in the gorgeous hues of Autumn. Mr. Y — -* and I, are arranging everything with reference to so agreeable an event; — 'We will go there, or see that,' we say, 'when Colonel Lunettes comes.' Julia, too, is looking forward, with much pleasure, to welcoming so coveted a guest. ' I hope we shall be able to make the Colonel comfortable^ in our quiet way,' she always says, when speaking of your promised visit; 'you, and Mr. Y , are so used to have the bishop, and other celebrities, that you don't know anything about being nervous, at such times ; but poor me — -just beginning, and such a novice !' Upon this, her husband always appeals to me, to say whether I have nicer things to eat, any- where, ' even at home,' and whether any sensible man could not content himself, even in such a ' little box,' for a few days, at least ; especially, when well assured how happy and honored a certain young lady will be, on the occasion. And I must say, for Julia, that her versatile powers are fully illustrated in her housekeeping. Mr. Y declares that no- body hut his wife can make such bread — a perfect cure for dyspepsia ! and, as for the pumpkin-pies ! — well, upon the whole, he has decided that we ought to spend Thanksgiving at ' Cosey Cottage.' "I have omitted to mention that, at Julia's earnest instance, we left her little namesake — ' Colonel Lu- nettes' pet,' as she delights to call herself — with her, when we were there. I hardly knew how to give her up, though but for a few weeks, even to her aunt. Just before we came away, I said to her, 'I hope Aunt Julia, and Uncle St. John, won't spoil iSO you, my darling ; your aunt has promised to scold you, when yon are naughty.' ' Oh, but 'ou see, mamma, I don't never mean to ^e haughty,' she answered, almost stopping my breath with her little chubby arms clinging about my neck. " Persuaded, dear sir, that you will have ^ supped your full,' even to repletion, of a * true woman's let- ter,' I will only add to Mr. Y 's kindest remem- brances and regards, the sincere assurance that I am, as ever, "Your attached and grateful Cecilia D. Y ." "Col. Henry Lunettes." And now, my dear nephews, that the blessing of Heaven may rest upon you, always, in " Life's earnest toil and endeavor," is the affectionate and heartfelt prayer and farew;ell of your Uncle Hal, THE EIJID, RETURN MOFFin LIBRARY TO ^ LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642-2452 (NO PHONE RENEWALS FOR 2-HOUR LOANS) DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 2 2003 FORMNO,DD19 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY CA 94720-6000 BERKtU^ UBR^R»tS iK-fy ri '->' iiiililliiiiiiliiiliiitiiHi i I h I li!! I ill I 1 ilR i ^iliiliiiiiillniiiiini'^-iiiliiir n:"'i:'!i'iiii!iiiiti'ir