CARLSENETHEN COMPANY, INC., SEA RCHLIGHT, N EV. CYRUS NOBLE MINE lANCROFT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation (UJU^. esU d,y^, ^- i«*«^^!V^' ^ CYHUS NOBLE MINE Searchlight, Nev. Stock promotion booklet Publ. Searchlight, n. d. , possibly ca. 1905 Copied by Arda Uaenszel, with permission of owner, Mrs. Orange M. (Eva) Waters 3164 Pershing Avenue San Bernardino, Calif. 92^05 , _ ■ . . . . 31'. • voi'i , ^asxXrir.- ' 3 REFERENCE NOTES 1. One of the owners and developers of the mine was J. J. Prendergast of Redlands. 2. There is some information on the great Quartette mine of Searchlight, along whose vein the Cyrus Noble was located. The Quartette once had a small railroad from the mine down to the Colorado River at Searchlight (now Cottonwood) Landing. The mill was first located beside the river, and was served by the steamboats. 3. The map shows the exact location of several other mines and mills in the area, such as the Duplex, which is still operating to some extent. h. The booklet was printed by the Out West Printing Co. (Publisher of OUT WEST magazine? Lummis?) sniffl 9dcfi?*-*i?u:, 3e-^ffi sni ao KO±;*einolRJ' snoa ax ••. asvj aj-OOi. 30i\, • ^nj uisv it^cuv; :^iiSi.X{ioi89 it'.7ii:ititf^-':& is i9V. ofoD 9ri* o? nv/ob *«iP- ^rti moil .si&cdtAB^iz iidi x*^ bavifta ssw bais ,i'dvtt «tiS »iB±aed asnifl: is.'.io ietsvsa 'ro nox*«5oI :tr;p.x^ sdi sworfa q>^w ari' ~ -"l EiGl-iT FO i p*.:^^iJ&HS >»L£ CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NODLK CYIVUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE " O N -^ T.t-^ ;?pt!. Ju4^nife^t, ^ Pf scretion. Discrimination and Succeaa 2M : CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE CYKUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE CY^ By CASLSEN-ETHEN CO.. i»c. searchligiit, nevaida J , CYRUS NOBLE t. Oyi E CY-RUS NOBLE CYRUS N CARLSEN-ETHEN CO.Vinc. .^^ AND Brokers t . f E VADA NOBLE CYRUS KOBLt CYRUS NOBLE. CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBLE CYRUS NOBli »»r«TrT 5M«| ~ ^Kj vi»>*iMi*^^>M»4a*ai>^ OJTIC^i^LS «nd DIRECTOR^ 9EO. £, 07"I3. PRESIDENT SECRETARY E. A MAft3H. L J PRENpKRGAST. THEAS|. CQ, MCR, E. K. BRYAN H. H .ibAKSTlN '.Jr. ki -^-^ KligKt, LooKin^ 'W , Cyrus Noble Mill, Ore Dump and Surface 1 nprovemenla C Y R U S -.g^ N O B L E Mining Company SEARCHLIGHT MINING DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, NEVADA ••THe-^Camp-^Without.6>n-£?railurtr' £/£/£/ ^ £^ 1 — A Company whose property is located on the famous Quartette vein, and has produced S60.000.00 during development, and will be "A DIVIDEND PATER" SOON - - 2 — A Company whose property is fully paid for. with money in the treasury and no litigition. 3 — A Company that owns 1 62 acres and a 1 0-stamp mill. •4 — A Company that has no salaried officers outside of its Superintendent and men employed in the mine. 5 — A Company that appreciates the right of its stockholders to receive detailed reports, at regular intervals, showing the disposition of funds and progress of workings. 6— .A Company which recognizes the CARLSEN-ETHEN COMPANY as men of integrity and honesty in the community m which they reside, who know a mine when they see it. and are not merely professional stock-jobbers. 7 - A Company whose officers are men of esteem and integrity, and whose character is beyond reproach. 8 - A Company, in short, that believes in ■■ the man behind the pick " rather than the man behind a glaring advertisement. ^J^ Cnpitnlizfation. One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand' Par Value, One Dollar Treasury Allotment, - 250,000 Shares All Promotion StocK Pooled Incorporated Under the Laws of SovitK DaHota StocK Ftill Puiil und Non-y\»!/^ i^ ff.TJS*...:? IS 37 19: