!>M|(i|ii;ii:it:iiitui:ii:iiiii!iiiUi>iiHS«nii»jii»!»tmiiiiini{iifiHH>n'JHi;iii;»:u:ii::iiiiu:!«i; TO E . Little bird from sunny Spain, Fluttering in a tropic tree, Sweet thy song and serenade O'er the bosom of life's sea. Nature tuned thy heart so tender, Set its notes in chords divine ; Filled thy eyes with gift of wonder Deep as Memory's mystic wine. 7<> WOMAX WOMAN. Dipped in the instincts of heaven, Robed in the garments of earth, Maiden and Mother and Queen, Wearing each crown at thy birth : Threefold thy gift to the world, Pluck'd from God's ripening sky, Tending the altar of life, Kindred to angels on high. iiii: ¥ lilli'll MOT >!jHi!! lilllij ill { }.»}?'?" i.'Mii ! m:\\ Bfl i iillff fc ' •• fiw:'.;;;-: :■:' I ililii If 111 li ii 111 in iHjii 111,