THE BRITISH BLOCKADE. BY The Rt. Hon. A. J, BALFOUR. LONDON i DARLING & SON, LIMITED. 1915. THE BRITISH BLOCKADE. BY The Rt, Hon. A, J, BALFOUR, ^\ LONDON . DARLING & SON, LIMITED. 1915 o THE BRITISH BLOCKADE. By The Rt. Hon, A. J. BALFOUR. Great interest had naturally been excited in America over the threatened blockade of Germany by the Allied Fleets ; and many criticisms have been directed against the Governments responsible for this policy. This is most natural and legitimate. The Order in Council affects both neutral interests and international law. And the United States of America — the greatest of all neutrals and a leader of reform in inter- national procedure — has a double interest in the discussion. Let me say, before I go further, that I am in no sense personally responsible for the policy which nas been adopted. I was not consulted upon it ; and I view with the greatest dislike any course which seems in the smallest degree to violate the rules of international warfare. But those who will consent to consider the present case on its (4741r— 8.) Wt. — G4531. 10,000. 5/15. D&S. Q.2. 869075 [ merits will. I think, be persuaded that the policy of the Allies has a conclusive moral justification. Put shortly, the case is this. The Germans declare that they will sink every merchant ship which they believe to be British, without regard to life, without regard to the ownership of the cargo, with- out any assurance that the vessel is not neutral, and without even the pretence of legal investigation. The British reply that if these are to be the methods of warfare employed by the enemy the Allies will retaliate by enforcing a blockade designed to prevent all foreign goods from entering Germany and all German goods irom going abroad. Whether such a policy be, or be not, in harmony with the accepted rules of inter- national law is a point to which I shall refer in a moment. But this, at least, may be said in its favour. It cannot cause the death of a single innocent civilian ; it can- not destroy neutral lives and neutral property without legal process ; it cannot inflict injury upon neutral commerce com- parable in character or extent to that which would be produced by a blockade whose legality was beyond question. But this contention, however true, is in the eyes of some critics quite immaterial. Law (they say) is law. Those who break it are guilty of a wrong which does not become a right because others have broken it in a manner yet more deserving of condemnation. The German practice may be brutal to belligerents and reckless towards neutrals : the British practice may be careful of human life and tender towards the interests of non - combatants. No matter. Neither can find justification in the accepted rules of war : both, therefore, fall under the same condemnation. But such a mode of reasoning applies the most rigid technical standards in a case where technical standards must be used with caution. It appeals to the letter of international law, but it ignores the spirit. The Meaning of Discrimination. What, in the eyes of the objector, is the defect of the British Order in Council ? It is that the blockade of which notice is there 4741 a 2 given does not possess all the characteristics of a blockade as defined in authoritative text-books ; and that, in particular, it violates the rule which forbids " discrimina- tion " in favour of one neutral as against another. Now the object of this rule seems clear. It is designed to prevent the blockading Power using its privileges in order to mete out different treatment to different countries ; as for instance, by letting ships of one nationality pass the blockading cordon while it captures the ships of another. Such a procedure is. on the face of it, fair. It could have no object but to assist the trade of one neutral as against the trade of another, and arbitrarily to redistribute the burden which war un- happily inflicts on neutrals as well as on belligerents. Now I submit that if there be " discrimination " inflicted by the British blockade, it is not discrimination of this kind. It does no doubt leave the German trade with Sweden and Norway in the same position as the German trade with Holland and Denmark, and in a different position from the German trade with America or Africa. Bat the " discrimination " (if it is to be so described) is not the result of a deliberate policy, but of a geographical accident. It is not due to any desire to favour Scandinavian exporters as compared with American exporters ; and in practice it will have no such effect. They are not, nor to any important extent can they be, competing rivals in the German markets. If any man be in doubt whether this point be technical or substantial, let him weigh the following considerations. The rule against discrimination was devised (as we have seen) in the interests of neutrals. But which is best for neutrals — that three should be a blockade conducted in the ordinary way, or that there should be a blockade of the new pattern described in the Order in Council ? The latter may indeed ignore the Baltic, and treat Scandinavia as if, like Holland, it were divided from Germany only by a land frontier. But while the discrimination so produced can inflict no substantial injury on any neutral, the blockade to which it is due, unlike its more orthodox predecessors, forbids the capture either of neutral shipping or neutral u - o<>