THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING Bulletin No. 14 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION *• GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS MAY ? 6 1958 LIBRARY HARVEY O. BANKS Director of Water Resources July, 1957 The ever-present landmark of the Clear Lake Area— Mt. Konocti STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING Bulletin No. 14 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION GOODWIN J. KNIGHT /£ ( V *| HARVEY O. BANKS Governor v^< > /"~^%l Director of Water Resources July, 1957 I I R R \ R Y UNI VERS J TV OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Pago LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES- IX ACKNOWLEDGMENT X ORGANIZATION, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING N! ORGANIZATION, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, STATE WATER BOARD- _ XI ORGANIZATION, COUNTY OF LAKE, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS X 1 1 Page CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION- 1 Authorization for Investigation 1 Related Investigations and Reports 2 Scope of Investigation and Report 2 Area Under Investigation 3 Drainage Basins 3 Climate 5 Geology 5 Soils 5 Present Development _. . 5 CHAPTER II. WATER SUPPLY Precipitation Precipitation Stations and Records Precipitation Characteristics Quantity of Precipitation . Runoff __1 Stream Gaging and Lake Level Stations and Records Runoff Characteristics Quantity of Runoff Underground Hydrology (i round Water Geology Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity Ground Water Levels Change in Ground Water Storage ._ Subsurface Inflow and Outflow.. Yield of Wells High Ground Water Areas _ Safe Ground Water Yield Quality of Water Standards of Quality for Water Quality of Surface Water Quality of Ground "Water CHAPTER III. WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Water Utilization Present (1953) Water Supply Development Appropriation of Water 9 !) 9 9 10 12 12 14 14 14 15 16 16 18 18 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 Page Court Decrees Regarding Operation of Clear Lake 28 Dams Under State Supervision __ 29 Land Use 29 Past and Present Patterns of Land Use ._ 29 Probable Ultimate Pattern of Land Use _ 31 Unit Use of Water . _ 32 Past and Present (1953) Water Requirements 33 Probable Ultimate Water Requirements 35 Nonconsumptive Water Requirements __ 35 Flood Control . 35 Recreation, Fish, and Wildlife _ 36 Factors of Water Demand 38 Application of Water . 38 Irrigation Efficiency 38 Monthly Demands for Water 38 Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Irrigation Water 38 Supplemental Water Requirements _ 39 Present (1953) Supplemental Water Requirement 39 Probable Ultimate Supplemental Water Requirement 39 CHAPTER IV. PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 41 The California Water Plan . 41 Plans for Local Development - 42 Big Valley Unit 4:i Alternative Plans Considered . 43 Big Valley Project __ 43 Scott Valley Unit 48 Alternative Plans Considered . 4S Lakeporl Project 49 Upper Lake Unit 54 Alternative Plans Considered 54 Upper Lake Project .__ 55 CHAPTER V. SUMMARY OF CONCLU- SIONS. AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6] Summary of Conclusions 61 Recommendations 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued APPENDIXES I 'age A. Agreements Between the stale Water Re- sources Hoard, the County of Lake, and the Departmenl of Public Works 63 B. Records of Monthly Precipitation in Clear Lake Area No1 Previously Published- . 75 ('. Recorded and Estimated Daily Runoff in Clear Lake Area Not Previously Published 81 D. Recorded and Estimated Annual Maximum and Minimum Water Surface Levels of Clear Lake, 1873-1953 107 E. Geology of the Big Valley— Scott Valley— Upper Lake Area 111 F. Records of Depths to Ground Water at Meas- urement Wells in Clear Lake Area 119 G. Records of Mineral Analyses of Waters in Clear Lake Area . 133 H. Applications to Appropriate Water in Clear Lake Area (Filed With State Water Rights Board Under Provisions of Water Code, State of California, as of May 5, 1955 I . 139 Page I. Court Decrees Relating to Operation of Clear Lake 143 J. Dams Under State Supervision in Lake County 149 K. Irrigation Practices and Consumptive Use of Water in Lake County, California (United States Department of Agricul- ture, Soil Conservation Service, Re- search) 153 L. Records of Application of Irrigation Water to Selected Plots of Representative Crops in Clear Lake Area in 1949 and 1950 171 M. Seasonal Summaries of Monthly Yield Studies of Proposed Projects 175 N. Estimates of Cost of Proposed Projects 179 0. Comments of Concerned Agencies on Prelimi- nary Draft of Bulletin No. 14. "Lake Countv Investigation" 187 TABLES Page 1. Mean, Maximum, and Minimum Seasonal Precipitation at Selected Stations in or Near Clear Lake Area__ 10 2. Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Lakeport - 11 3. Mean Monthly Distribution of Precipitation at Lake- port : 11 4. Estimated Weighted Seasonal Depth and Total Quan- tity of Precipitation in Units of Clear Lake Area 11 5. Stream Gaging Stations in I'nits of Clear Lake Area 12 6. Recorded and Estimated Seasonal Runoff of Kelsey Creek Near Kelseyville 14 7. Estimated Mean Monthly Distribution of Runoff of Kel- sey Creek Near Kelseyville 14 8. Measured and Estimated Seasonal Surface Inflow to and Out (low From Units of Clear Lake Area 15 !>. Estimated Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity in Free Ground Water Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 17 10. Measured Depths to Ground Water at Representative Wells in Free Ground Water Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 17 11. Average .Measured Depth to Ground Water in Free ('.round Water Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 18 12. Estimated Average Seasonal Changes in Ground Water Elevations in Free Ground Water Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 18 13. Estimated Seasonal Changes in Ground Water Storage in Units of Clear Lake Area 20 14. Estimated Excess of Seasonal Subsurface Inflow Over Subsurface Outflow in Units of Clear Lake Area 21 15. Estimated Average yield of Wells in Units of Clear Lake Area 21 16. Ground and Surface Water Service Areas in Units of Clear Lake Area in 1949— 20 17. Water Service Agencies in Lake County. 1952 26 18. Present Pattern of Land Use in Units of Clear Lake Area _ 29 19. Recent Patterns of Land Use in Clear Lake Area 31 20. Summary of Present and Base Period Land Use in Hydrologic Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 31 21. Classification of Lauds in Units of Clear Lake Area__ 32 Page 22. Probable Ultimate Laud Use Pattern in Units of Clear Lake Area 32 23. Estimated Unit Values of Mean Seasonal Consumptive Use of Water in Units of Clear Lake Area 33 24. Measured Average Seasonal Application of Irrigation Water on Selected Plots of Representative Crops in Units of Clear Lake Area 33 25. Base Period and Mean Weighted Unit Values of Water Use in Hydrologic Zones in Units of Clear Lake Area 34 26. Estimated Seasonal Water Requirement in I'nits of Clear Lake Area 34 27. Estimated Seasonal Utilization of Ground Water in I'nits of Clear Lake Area 34 28. Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Water Requirement in Units of Clear Lake Area 35 29. Estimated Average Monthly Distribution of Demand for Irrigation Water in Clear Lake Area 38 30. Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Supplemental Water Requirement in Units of Clear Lake Area 39 31. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of Kelseyville Reservoir, R,nsed on Critical Dry Period From 1920-21 Through lit:;!::."') 44 32. .Monthly Operation Schedule for Kelseyville Reservoir 45 33. Areas and Capacities of Kelseyville Reservoir 45 34. Genera] Features of Kelseyville Project 48 35. Estimated Seasonal Irrigation Yield of Lakeport Res- ervoir. Based on Critical Dry Period From 1920-21 Through 1934-35 50 36. Monthly Operation Schedule for Lakeport Project- __ 50 37. Areas and Capacities of Lakeport Reservoir-. 51 38. General Features of Lakeport Project 53 39. Estimated Seasonal Irrigation Yield of Pitney Ridge Reservoir, Based on Critical Dry Period From 1920- 21 Through 1934-35 55 40. Estimated Monthly Distribution of Demand for Water From Pitney Ridge Reservoir 56 41. Areas and Capacities of Pitney Ridge Reservoir 56 42. General Features of Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir. and Middle Creek Diversion and Canal 58 43. Principal Features of Flood Control Works of Upper Lake Project 58 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued PLATES 4. 6. 8. Plates Nos. 1-17 are bound at end of bulletin following page 191 Location of Clear Lake Area Hydrographic Units and Principal Organized Water Agencies Lines of Kqual Mean Seasonal Precipitation, 1898-1947 Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Lakeport Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Precipitation at Lakeport Recorded and Estimated Seasonal Runoff of Kelsey Creek Near Kelseyville Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Runoff of Kelsey Creek Near Kelseyville Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water. Fall of 1953 9. Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water, Fall of 19." 10. Measured Depths to Ground Water at Selected Wells 11. Average Fall Depth to Ground Water 12. Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Elevation, Fal 194S to Fall of 1953 13. Irrigated and Irrigable Lands. 1953 14. Plans for Water Development 15. Big Valley Project 16. Lakeport Project 17. Upper Lake Project Plate K-l follows Appendix K, page 169 K-l Soil Conservation Districts of PHOTOGRAPHS Page Mt. Konoeti Frontispiece Big Valley and Scott Valley 4 Reclaimed Land and Pump Installation 7 Typical Coast Range View 13 Cattle Pasture Near Lakeport 19 Clear Lake Dam 27 Pear Orchard Near Finley 30 Page Walnut Grove With Cover Crop . 33 Boating Facilities on Clear Lake 37 Hillside Walnut Grove 39 Kelseyville Dam Site 44 Typical Lake County Valley Development 47 Flood and Flood Damage in Lake County 55 Photog raphs printed h erein are shown on the pages nc ted r th rough the courtesy of the followi ng: Photographs by: De aartmen t of Water R ^sources, State of Ca ifornia, 4 7b, 27, 39, 44; Lake C ounty, frontispiece; Redwood Empire Association, cover, 13, 30 37, 47; Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agricult j re, 7t, 19, 33, 55. Abbreviat ions: t, top, b, bott om. VII LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL HARVEY O. BANKS Director GOODWIN J. KNIGHT GOVERNOR ADDRESS REPLY TO p. o box 1079 Sacramento 5 1I20 N STREET Gl LBERT 2-4711 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Sppartmrnt nf Matrr Sramtrrrs SACRAMENTO June 30, 1957 Honorable Goodwin J. Knight, Governor, and Members of the Legislature of the State of California Gentlemen : I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 14, entitled "Lake County Investigation," as authorized by Chapter 1514, Statutes of 1945, as amended. Originally under the direction of the State Water Resources Board, the Lake County Investigation was conducted, and Bulletin No. 14 was prepared, by the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works. The duties and responsibilities of the Board and Division have subsequently been assumed by the Department of Water Resources, and Bulletin No. 14 was completed by the Division of Resources Planning of that Department. Bulletin No. 14 contains an inventory of the underground and surface water resources of Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake area ; estimates of pres- ent (1953) and probable ultimate supplemental water requirements; and pre- liminary plans and cost estimates for water development works. Verv truly yours, Harvey O. Banks I »irector IX ACKNOWLEDGMENT Valuable assistance and data used in the investigation were contributed by agencies of the Federal Government, cities, counties, public districts, and by pri- vate companies and individuals. This cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. Special mention is also made of the helpful cooperation of the Board of Super- visors of Lake County, the Lake County Farm Advisor, the Lakeport office of the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Corps of Engineers of the U. S. Army, the Bureaxi of Beclamation of the United States Department of the Interior, and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING HARVEY O. BANKS .... Director of Water Resources WILLIAM L. BERRY Chief, Division of Resources Planning JOHN M. HALEY Assistant Division Engineer This bulletin was prepared under the direction of ROBIN R. REYNOLDS Supervising Hydraulic Engineer by T. M. STETSON Senior Hydraulic Engineer Assistance was furnished by F. E. BLANKENBURG Senior Hydraulic Engineer J. W. McPARTLAND Assistant Hydraulic Engineer L. R. MITCHELL Assistant Civil Engineer R. T. BEAN Supervising Engineering Geologist W. W. PEAK Senior Engineering Geologist G. D. WINKELBLACK... Photogrammetrist I J. L. JAMES Supervisor of Drafting Services L. N. CASE Senior Stenographer Clerk PORTER TOWNER, Chief Counsel PAUL L. BARNES, Chief, Division of Administration ISABEL C. NESSLER, Coordinator of Reports XI ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES STATE WATER BOARD CLAIR A. HILL, Chairman, Redding A. FREW, Vice Chairman, King City JOHN P. BUNKER, Gustine W. P. RICH, Marysville EVERETT L. GRUBB, Elsinore PHIL D. SWING, San Diego KENNETH Q. VOLK, Los Angeles GEORGE B. GLEASON, Chief Engineer SAM R. LEEDOM, Administrative Assistant ORGANIZATION COUNTY OF LAKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LILBURN D. KIRKPATRICK, Chairman, Kelseyviile EARL W. WRIEDEN, Middletown CLYDE E. DUGGER, Upper Lake JOHN H. PEARCE, Clearlake Highlands LLOYD J. HAMILTON, Lakeport THOMAS L. GARNER, Clerk CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The area under investigation in Lake County has experienced an increase in population concurrently with an expansion and intensification of irrigated agriculture. These two factors have resulted in an increased draft on ground water and, as a result, the area is confronted with a need for more complete con- servation of its water resources. The effects of the in- creased draft in ground water and the prevalence of shallow pumping installations have been to create an apparent shortage of irrigation and domestic ground water in the latter part of the irrigation season when shallow pumping installations fail to produce water sufficient to meet demands, and has brought about local concern regarding the adequacy of the ground water resources. AUTHORIZATION FOR INVESTIGATION As a result of the general concern regarding the ground water resources, members of the Board of Supervisors of Lake County presented to the State Water Resources Board a resolution dated August 30, 1948, which proposed a state-county cooperative sur- vey of water conservation problems in Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake area, all located in Lake County. The Boai*d referred the request to the State Engineer for preliminary examination and report on the need for such an investigation, and an estimate of its scope, duration, and cost. The State "Water Resources Board on September 3, 1948, approved a recommendation by the State Engi- neer, based on findings of the preliminary examina- tion, for a two-year cooperative investigation, and au- thorized negotiation of an agreement with local agencies. The agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Lake, and the State Department of Public Works acting through the agency of the State Engineer, was executed on Decem- ber 17, 194K It provided that the work under the agreement "... shall consist of an investigation and report on the underground water supplies of Big Valley within the Big Valley Soil Conservation District and of Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Area within the Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation Dis- trict, all in the county of Lake, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if pos- sible, a method or methods of solving the water problems involved. ' ' This agreement authorized the provision of funds to meel the costs of investigation for one year. A supple- mental agreement executed by the same parties on October 13, 1949, authorized funds to complete the investigation and report. Funds to meet the costs of the investigation and re- port to the extent of $12,000 were provided as fol- lows: State of California (State Water Resources Board), $6,000; County of Lake, $6,000. Additional funds have been expended in investigation of the area by the State Water Resources Board in connection with the current State-wide Water Resources Investi- gation, certain results of which have been used in connection with the Lake Comity Investigation. A continuing investigation for one year beyond the periods covered by the foregoing contracts was made under an agreement between the State Water Re- sources Board, the Department of Public Works, and the County of Lake, dated January 1, 1953. This agreement provided for a series of ground water level measurements, stream flow measurements, operation and maintenance of certain stream gaging stations, collection and analysis of samples of surface and ground waters, collection of crop survey records, and compilation of results of measurements. Funds to meet the costs of the continuing investigation to the extent of $1,500 were provided as follows : $750 by the State of California (State Water Resources Board), and $750 by the County of Lake. Effective on July 5, 1956, pursuant to Chapter 52, Statutes of 1956, the State Department of Water Re- sources was created. The Department succeeded to, and was vested with, all of the powers, duties, pur- poses, responsibilities, and jurisdiction in matters per- taining to water formerly vested in the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works, the State Engineer, and the State Water Resources Board. In particular, the authority and responsibil- ities of the Board, relative to the Lake County In- vestigation and preparation of this bulletin, are now vested wholly in the Department of Water Resources. Copies of the three agreements between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Lake, and the Department of Public Works are included as Appen- dix A. Also included in Appendix A is the text of Chapter 52, Statutes of 1956. The State Water Board, at its regular meeting on December 2, 1955, approved release of the preliminary draft of Bulletin No. 14, "Lake County Investiga- tion," to concerned agencies for their review and comment. The comments are included in Appendix O. These comments were reviewed, and suggested changes (1) LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION in the bulletin were adopted where the Department of Water Resources was in aereemenl with the changes RELATED INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Prior investigations and reports reviewed in connec- tion with this investigation include the following: California State Department of Public Works, Division of Waicr Resources. "Sacramento River Basin." Bulletin No. 26. 1931. . "Report on Clear Lake-Cache ('reck Flood Control In- vestigation." 1939. __. "Summary Progress Statement of the Lake County In- vestigation." August, 1952. California Slate Water Resources Board. "Water Resources of California." Bulletin No. 1. 1951. . "Interim Report, Cache Creek Investigation." March, 1955. _.. "Water Utilization and Requirements of California." Bulletin No. 2. June. 1955. .California State Department of Water Resources. "The Cali- fornia Water Plan." Bulletin No. 3. May. 1957. Carpenter, E. J., and Storie, R. E. "Soil Survey of the Clear Lake Area." United States Department of Agriculture. 1927. Central Valley Regional Water Pollution Control Board. "Pol- lution Study. Cache and Put ah Creeks, Sacramento River Watershed." 1954. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. "Cache Creek Watershed Program, Soil Conservation and Flood Control." September, 1953. United States Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District. "Interim Flood Control Survey Report on Sacramento River and Tributaries ( Collinsville to Shasta Dam), California." January 15, 1944. Published as House Document No. 649. Seventy-eighth Congress, Second Session. "Comprehensive Flood Control Survey Report on Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Basin Streams, California." February 1. 1945. Supplement June 1, 1114S. Published as House Docu- ment No. 367, Eighty-first Congress. First Session. "Review Report on Cache Creek Basin, California." Julv 1, 1950. Upson, J. E., and Kunkel, Fred. "Ground Water in the Lower Lake-Middletown Area. Lake County. California.'' United Stales Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 12'.>7, 1955. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT It has been staled that under provisions of the au- thorizing agreements the general objectives of the Lake County Investigation included investigation and study of the underground water supply of the valley floor lands in the investigational area, including qual- ity, replenishment, and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the water problems involved. In attaining these objectives it was necessary that the scope of the investigation include full consideration of surface as well as ground water supplies, and that it involve determination of present and ultimate water utilization, supplemental water requirements, and plans, wit 1 mparative costs, for securing supplemental water supplies. Field work in the investigational area, as authorized by the initial and supplemental agreements, com- menced in October, 1948, and continued into 1954. In the course of the investigation, precipitation and stream flow records were collected and compiled in order to evaluate water supplies available to the in- vestigational area. Three stream gaging stations in- stalled previously by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, were operated and maintained by the Department of Water Resources, to supplement avail- able hydrologic data. These stations were on Scott Creek near Lakeport. Middle Creek at Hunter Point, and Clover Creek near Upper Lake. A stream gaging station on Adobe Creek at Bell Hill Road was installed by the Department of Water Resources and main- tained during the course of the investigation. In addi- tion to the aforementioned recording stations, staff gage readings were obtained at 10 stations, and weekly field checks of stream flows were made at 15 stations during the investigation. In order to determine ground water storage capa- city and yield, about 225 well logs were analyzed, and geologic features of the ground water basins under- lying the area were investigated. Results of these phases of the investigation are presented in Chapter II under the heading "Underground Hydrology". The effects of draft on and replenishment of the ground water basins were determined by measure- ments of static ground water levels made at about 160 wells during each spring and fall of the period of investigation. These wells were chosen to form a comprehensive measuring grid over the entire area. In addition, measurements to determine monthly fluc- tuations of water levels were made at approximately 65 control wells. Present land use in the investigational area was de- termined by a complete survey of valley floor lauds. This survey was conducted in 1949, and checked in 1950, 1951, and 1953, to determine changes in land use. The total area surveyed was aboul 32,600 acres. The land use survey data ^^rc used in conjunction with available data on unit water use to estimate total present water utilization in the investigational area. In order to estimate future water utilization, all valley floor lands were classified with regard to their suitability for irrigated agriculture. This involved evaluation of hind classification data collected during field surveys by the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior, and the Depart- ment of Water Resources. Current irrigation practices in the investigational area were surveyed in order to determine unit appli- cation of water to important crops on lands of vari- ous soil types. During the 1949 irrigation season, rec- ords of application of water were collected at 45 plots, and at 14 plots during 1950. The data collected in- INTRODUCTION eluded records of pump discharge, acreage served, crops irrigated, and number and period of irrigations. These studies were made in cooperation with the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. Additional studies to determine sea- sonal unit consumptive use values for laud use types existing in the Clear Lake Area were made by the Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with the Depart- ment of Water Resources. Studies were made of the mineral quality of sur- face and ground waters in order to evaluate their suitability for irrigation use. Data used in these studies included 103 partial and 59 complete mineral analyses of ground water from wells. In addition, a large number of analyses of surface water supplies, covering the period since 1949, were collected and studied. Field reconnaissance surveys, including geologic ex- aminations, were made to locate and evaluate possible dam and reservoir sites for conservation of surface runoff. Reconnaissance surveys were also made of pos- sible routes for conveyance of water to areas of use. Results of the Lake County Investigation are pre- sented in this bulletin in the four ensuing chapters. Chapter II, "'Water Supply," contains evaluations of precipitation, and surface and subsurface inflow and outflow. It also includes results of investigation and study of ground water basins, and contains data re- garding mineral quality of surface and ground waters. Chapter III, "Water Utilization and Supplemental Requirements," includes data and estimates of pres- ent and probable ultimate land use and water utiliza- tion, and contains estimates of present (1953) and probable ultimate supplemental water requirements. It also includes available data on demands for water with respect to rates, times, and places of delivery. Chapter IV, "Plans for Water Development," de- scribes preliminary plans for flood control and for conservation and utilization of available water sup- plies to meet supplemental water requirements, in- cluding operation and yield studies, design consider- ations and criteria, and cost estimates. Chapter V, "Summary of Conclusions, and Recommendations," comprises a summary statement of the conclusions re- sulting from the investigation and studies, together with recommendations for action relating to solution of water problems on the part of the concerned local interests. AREA UNDER INVESTIGATION The area under investigation generally comprises those valley portions of Lake County lying adjacent to Clear Lake, and situated within the Big Valley and Scott Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation Districts. Clear Lake, with a water surface elevation of about 1,320 feet and an area of about <>4 square miles, lies in an intermediate valley in the Coast Range between the Mayaccmas .Mountains and the Russian River wa- tershed on the west, and Bartlett Mountain and the Sacramento Valley on the east. All lands in the inves- tigational area are tributary to Clear Lake which drains by way of Cache Creek to the Yolo By-pass near Woodland in the Sacramento Valley. For pur- poses of this bulletin the investigational area has been designated the "Clear Lake Area." The location of the investigational area is shown on Plate 1, entitled "Location of Clear Lake Area," and is shown in greater detail on Plate 2, entitled "Hydrologic Units and Principal Organized Water Agencies." In order to facilitate reference to its several parts, the Clear Lake Area was divided into three principal units. These were designated "Big Valley Unit," "Scott Valley Unit," and "Upper Lake Unit," and are shown on Plate 2. The Big Valley Unit is bordered by Clear Lake on the north and extends southerly about seven miles to a spur of the Coast Range. It extends on the east from the base of Mount Konocti westerly about seven miles to the base of the Mayaccmas spur of the Coast Range. The Scott Val- ley Unit lies about two miles northwest of Lakeport, and is separated from Clear Lake by a low ridge of hills. The Scott Valley Unit is about three miles long in a northerly direction and about 1.5 miles wide. The Upper Lake Unit lies north of Clear Lake. It extends from the shore line of Clear Lake on the south about seven miles northerly to a point where Middle Creek enters the unit, and from the lake shore northwest about seven miles to the northern boundary of Bache- lor Valley. Drainage Basins Stream systems draining the Clear Lake Area are all tributary to Clear Lake. Principal streams of the area are Kelsey, Adobe, Scott, and Middle Creeks. The Big Valley Unit consists of a gently rolling plain sloping downward generally from south to north, with elevations ranging from about 1,500 feet to about 1,320 feet at Clear Lake, and encompassing some 19,600 acres. Mount Konocti to the east of the Big Valley Unit rises abruptly from the valley floor to an elevation of about 4,100 feet. The unit is drained by Kelsey, Adobe, Manning, and Cold Creeks, and a num- ber of minor creeks. The Scott Valley Unit ranges in elevation fr about 1,400 feet at its lowest point along Scotl Creek to about 1. 450 feet at the base of the surrounding hills. The unit includes about 2,500 acres. Scott Creek flows through the unit in a northerly direction, thence easterly through Tule Lake and southeasterly into Robinson Slough and Clear Lake. The Upper Lake Unit extends northerly from Clear Lake at an elevation of about 1,320 feel to an eleva- tion of about 1,450 feet in Bachelor Valley, and to an elevation of about. 1,500 feet in both Clover and Mid- Big Valley from slope of Mt. Konocti Scott Valley from near southerly rim INTRODUCTION die Valleys. The unit includes an area of some 10,500 acres. Middle and Clover Creeks flow into Robinson Slough, an arm of Clear Lake. Drainage from Bache- lor Valley is by Dayle and Cooper Creeks, which are small meandering streams with little slope. The area of the various stream drainage basins is given in the following tabulation. Unit tin it stream . Area, m Hiti Valley Unit square miles Cold Creek 26 Kelsey Creek 38 Adobe Creek 24 Manning Creek 5 Miscellaneous, including valley floor 38 Subtotal 131 Scott Y alley Unit Scott Creek 53 Hendricks Creek Miscellaneous, including valley floor 6 Subtotal 65 I 'pper Lake Unit Dayle Creek 3 Cooper Creek 5 Middle Creek 47 Allev Creek 9 Clover Creek 14 .Miscellaneous, including valley floor and Scott Creek below Scott Valley -"1 Subtotal 129 Total 325 Climate The climate of the Clear Lake Area is generally characterized by dry summers with high daytime tem- peratures and warm nights, and wet winters with moderate temperatures. Almost 85 per cent of the sea- sonal precipitation occurs during the five-month per- iod from November through March. The growing sea- son is long, with 217 days between killing frosts, as indicated by the average of the 38 years of record at Upper Lake. Temperatures at Upper Lake have ranged from 13° F. to 111° F., and average monthly tempera- tures range from 43.9° F. in January to 73.1° F. in July. Geology The geologic formations of the Clear Lake Area in- clude sediments of the Cache formation of Pliocene or Pleistocene age, beds of volcanic fragments which are probably the same age as the Cache sediments, and younger clays, sands, and gravels, including Recent alluvium. Volcanic lavas and tuffs of middle and up- per Pleistocene age comprise the western slopes of Mount Konocti, east of Big Valley. The principal aqui- fers of the several units are gravel strata or lenses occurring in the alluvium. The geologic formations and their occurrence are treated in greater detail in Appendix E. Soils Soils of the Clear Lake Area vary in their chemical and physical properties in accordance with differences in parental material, drainage, and age or degree of development since their deposition. The Big Valley Unit has two general types of soils : those of the lower alluvial fan, and those of the upper alluvial fan. The lower fan is characterized by somewhat compact sub- soils. However, poor subsurface drainage is reported only in the case of several large bodies of clay adobe soils. The upper fan is a loam soil dissected by many natural surface drains, and presents a rolling to steep topography with little or no subsurface drainage problem. The Scott Valley Unit is composed principally of productive soils, but has inadequate subdrainage. The Upper Lake Unit is generally made up of shallow clay loams in Bachelor Valley, while gravelly loam and clay loam predominate in Clover Valley, and clay loam, poorly drained Yolo loam, and Bayside silty clay occur in Middle Valley. Bachelor Valley soils are devoted mostly to grazing, except for the lower reaches where Bayside silty clay loam produces vege- tables. Clover Valley clay loams are poorly drained. Middle Valley soils are productive, but poorly drained except for limited areas. A more detailed description of soils in the several units is included in Appendix J. Present Development Development in the Clear Lake Area has progressed slowly since arrival of the first white settlers around the middle of the nineteenth century. Farming and supporting industries have been in the past and are at the present time the major contributors to the econ- omy of the area. However, the favorable recreational aspects of Clear Lake are becoming of significant im- portance. The 1950 federal census showed that the population of Lake County was 11,380. The principal urban cen- ter is Lakeport, the county seat, located on the west shore of Clear Lake. The principal trading center of the Upper Lake Unit is the town of Upper Lake, lo- cated at the approximate center of the unit. Kelsey- ville, the major urban development in the Big Valley Unit, is located in the eastern portion of Big Valley. The towns of Lakeport, Upper Lake, and Kelseyville had 1950 populations of 1,974, 450, and 500, respec- tively, some 26 per cent of the total county population. Recent development in the Clear Lake Area began when the first settlers arrived about the middle of the nineteenth century. At that time t he land was inhab- ited by Indians of the Porno tribes who were attracted by the abundance of fish and wildlife and obsidian from which to make arrowheads. The Indians were maltreated by some of the early settlers, and a period of t'reipient skirmishes between the Indians and the settlers and soldiers occurred in the middle 1880 's. (i LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION After tlic Indians had I n established on reserva- any extent from ground water first began to develop tions, or " raneherias, " the population of settlers during the period from about 1918 to 1930. This trend steadily increased and farming began in the fertile lias been greatly accelerated during recent years, valleys. Agricultural development in the Clear Lake A survey conducted in 1953 as a part of the current Area began with the first settlers, and livestock and investigation showed that the irrigated lands in the grain were the earliest farm products. Cheese-making area totaled about 11,400 acres, while approximately was among the first industries. Prunes were exten- 13,600 acres were dry-farmed. Principal irrigated sively planted in the early 1880 's. Later, following a crops in order of acreage devoted to each were pears, decline in prices, most of the prune orchards were pasture, and alfalfa. Principal dry-farmed crops were pulled out. Bartlett pears, now the foremost agricul- pasture, walnuts, and grain. tural product of the area, were first grown in about Industry, though limited in the Clear Lake Area, is 1885. supported largely by agricultural production. Numer- The first crops and orchards were dry-farmed. In ous processing plants for agricultural products are the 1880's the valleys were described as' being "well operated during harvest seasons to can and dehydrate watered," and it was also stated that there would vegetables, fruits, and nuts. There are two large sand never be an occasion to use artificial means to insure and " Tavel P lants near ^Iseyville. good crops. Although there are some diversions of Water serviee a ^ encies m the are l aare described in surface water for irrigation, most of the irrigation Chapter III. However, several public agencies have water is pumped from the ground water basins. The been organized to deal with the problems of land , +. . i ,- i .» • i .i reclamation and drainage. Ihe provisions of the Call- most notable exception, and a fairly recent one, is the . . ,. . , , , -, e n , • 4.x. m i x i -p/1 i a forma reclamation district laws have been used to use of surface water m the Pule Lake, Edmands, and " , . .,•■,, -, +, ■ tj , u i 4.- r»- * • ■* T4. ■ 4 1+14 n effect the unwatermg of low lands and their protec- Helms Reclamation Districts. It is reported that a well . f . , ... J . , . ,, j .,-. , • ,, loom A 4.x, c r r t 4 • 4i, tion from overflow. Active reclamation districts m the was drilled in the 1880 s to a depth of 525 feet m the n n . .. J , . jn „ . ,, j. -p.- Tr n /-ii t i mi • area and data concerning them are listed m the tol- northern portion of Big Valley near Clear Lake. This . well was used for farm purposes and Avas described w T ^ as a "never failing source of water," the water being Reclamation Year Gross area of n district organized district, m acres raised by a windmill. Xo 69g (Tu]e Lake) 1900 756 It has been reported that the first attempt at irriga- No. 2070 (Edmands) _ . 1925 735 f , 4 • T3- tt 11 f _ a ■ No. 20S3 ( Helms) 1945 20] tion from ground water m Big Valley was made m 1910 from a dug well 20 feet deep, and a small acreage Areas included within the boundaries of the fore- of pasture and hay land was irrigated. Irrigation of going agencies are shown on Plate 2. Reclaimed land near Upper Lake and low-lift pumping installation used to supplement subirrigation CHAPTER II WATER SUPPLY The sources of water supply of the Clear Lake Area are precipitation on overlying lands, and tributary surface and subsurface inflow. The water supply of the area is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the general headings "Precipitation," "Run- off," "Underground Hydrology," and "Quality of Water. ' ' The following terms are used as defined in connec- tion with the discussion of water supply in this bulle- tin. Annual — This refers to the 12-month period from January 1st of a given year through December 31st of the same year, sometimes termed the "calendar year. ' ' Seasonal — This refers to any 12-month period other than the calendar year. Precipitation Season — This refers to the 12-month period from July 1st of a given year through June 30th of the following year. Runoff Season — This refers to the 12-month period from October 1st of a given year through Septem- ber 30th of the following year. Investigational Seasons — This is used in reference to the three runoff seasons from 1948-49 through 1950-51 during which most of the field work on the Lake County Investigation was performed. Mean Period — This is used in reference to periods chosen to represent conditions of water supply and climate over a long period of years. Base Period — This is used in reference to periods chosen for detailed hydrologic analysis because pre- vailing conditions of water supply and climate were approximately equivalent to mean conditions, and because adequate data for such hydrologic analysis were available. In studies for the State-wide Water Resources In- vestigation it was determined that the 50 years from 1897-98 through 1946-47 constituted the most satis- factory period for estimating mean seasonal precipi- tation generally throughout California. Similarly, the 53-year period from 1894-95 through 1946-47 was selected for determining mean seasonal runoff. In studies for the Clear Lake Area conditions during these periods were considered representative of mean conditions of water supply and climate. Studies were made to select a base period for hydro- logic analysis of the Clear Lake Area during which conditions of water supply and climate would ap- proximate mean conditions, and for which adequate data on inflow, outflow, and ground water levels were available. It was determined that the three-year period from 1948-49 through 1950-51 was the most satisfactory in this respect. Conditions during this period closely approached conditions prevailing dur- ing the mean period and were considered to be equivalent. For this reason, determined relationships between base period water supply and present and probable ultimate water utilization were assumed to be equivalent to corresponding relationships which might be expected under mean conditions of water supply and climate. PRECIPITATION The Clear Lake Area lies within the southern fringe of storms which periodically sweep inland from the North Pacific Ocean during the winter months. Al- though the rainfall resulting from these storms is moderate on the average, direct precipitation pro- vides a substantial portion of the water supply of the area. Precipitation Stations and Records Fourteen precipitation stations in or adjacent to the Clear Lake Area have unbroken records of 10 years' duration or longer. These stations are fairly well distributed areally and their records were suf- ficient to provide an adequate pattern of precipita- tion. Most of the records of precipitation have been published in bulletins of the United States Weather Bureau. Five of the records which were unpublished or were obtained from private individuals are in- cluded as Appendix B. Locations of the precipitation stations within the area of investigation are shown on Plate 3, entitled "Lines of Equal Mean Seasonal Precipitation," with reference numbers correspond- ing to those utilized in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resources of California." The stations and reference numbers are listed in Table 1, together with elevations of the stations, periods and sources of record, and mean, maximum, and minimum seasonal precipitation. In those instances where it was necessary, precipitation records were extended to cover the 50-year mean period by comparison with records of nearby stations having records covering the mean period. Precipitation Characteristics The general precipitation pattern in the Clear Lake Area is irregidar, as indicated on Plate 3. However, a comparison of records showed seasonal rainfall at (9) 1(1 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 MEAN, MAXIMUM, AND MINIMUM SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SELECTED STATIONS IN OR NEAR CLEAR LAKE AREA Station number on Plate 3 l-40__ .".-81 5-81 A. 5 94 5-94A 5-94B 5-9S 5-101 . 5-101A 5-101B 5-101C 5-102 _ 5-103 _ 5-1 12 _ Station Hullville Upper Lake Upper Lake, 7 west Lakeport Scott Valley Upper Scott Valley Kono Toyee Kelsey ville Kelseyville, 2 nortli Lower Lake, 1 west Middletown Hobergs Clear Lake Helen Mine Elevation, feet 1,925 1,343 1,620 1,450 1,375 1 ,375 1,350 1,390 1,345 1,345 1,105 3,350 1,350 2,760 Period of record 1907-37 1886-1955 1940-55 1901-55 1928-55 1931-55 1874-1904 1932-55 1935-55 1935-55 1940-55 1930-55 1911-55 1900-22 Source of record USWB USWB rsw b USWB Private Private USWB USWB Private Private USWB USWB USWB USWB Mean seasonal precipitation, in inches 48.77 29.79 27.90 31.00 33.80 24.04 22.02 22.95 26.22 40.43 59.04 48.77 82.73 Maximum and minimum seasonal precipitation Season 1913-14 1923-24 1940-41 1886-87 1940-41 1946-47 1940-41 1923-24 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1938-39 1877-78 1876-77 1940-41 1938-39 1940-41 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1940-41 1946-47 1937-38 1930-31 1913-14 1923-24 1908-09 1919-20 Inches 78.47 23.87 58.05 14.80 70.59 27.14 47.17 14.09 56.64 14.39 57.88 20.93 37.33 12.08 39.49 11.77 41.44 13.12 46.62 11.13 76.04 32.42 112.50 32.10 78.47 23.87 126.29 45.23 USWB— United States Weather Bureau. Lakeport to be a suitable index of general precipita- tion over the area. The record of precipitation at Lakeport is available since 1901-02. Recorded seasonal precipitation at this station is presented in Table 2 and shown graphically on Plate 4, entitled "Re- corded Seasonal Precipitation at Lakeport." Precipitation in the Clear Lake Area consists al- most entirely of rainfall, and snowfall is rare. It decreases generally from west to east, with the lowest isohyet centered near Kelseyville in the Big Valley Unit. Mean seasonal precipitation ranges from about 23 inches near Kelseyville to about 33 inches near the base of the surrounding mountains. Precipitation varies over wide limits from season to season, ranging at Lakeport from 50 per cent of the seasonal mean to 170 per cent. Maximum seasonal precipitation at Lakeport occurred in 1!<4()-41 when 47.17 inches of rain were recorded. In 1923-24, the minimum season at this station, only 14.0!) inches were recorded. Long-term trends of precipitation in the Clear Lake Area are shown on Plate 5, entitled "Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Pre- cipitation at Lakeport." Almost 85 per cent of the seasonal precipitation in the Clear Lake Area occurs, on the average, during the five months from November through March, and summers are dry. Mean monthly distribution of pre- cipitation at Lakeport is presented in Table 3. Quantity of Precipitation In order to facilitate certain phases of the analysis of ground water hydrology, presented later in this chapter, it was considered desirable to estimate the total quantity of precipitation on units of the Clear Lake Area. The mean seasonal quantity of precipita- tion was estimated by plotting on a map the recorded or estimated mean seasonal depth of precipitation at stations in or near the respective units. Lines of equal mean seasonal precipitation, or isohyets, were then drawn, as are shown on Plate 3. By planimetering the WATER SUPPLY 11 TABLE 2 RECORDED SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT LAKEPORT TABLE 3 (In nches) Season Precip- itation I Season Precip- itation Season Precip- itation 1901-02 02-03 34.44 26.30 43.15 36.27 37.33 34.33 21.65 44.47 23.22 25.99 19.22 23 . 47 44.56 40.37 26.25 21.75 17.49 27 . 02 14.19 1920 21 21-22 22 23 23-24 . . . 24 25 1925 26 26 27 27-28- _. 28-29 29-30- 1930-31 31-32 32-33 _ 33 34 34-35 . .. 1935-36... 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 35.99 21.76 26.61 14.09 38.70 24 . 24 36 . 86 26 . 70 16.64 23 . 46 21.80 16.70 22. 24 29 . 93 31.29 24.62 44 . 28 17.83 34.71 1940-41 11 1-' 47.17 38 32 03-04 04 05 1905-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 1910-11 11-12 12 13 13 14 14 15 1915-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 42-43 43-44 44-45 ... 1945-46 46-47 47-48 48-49- ._ 49-50 1950-51 51-52 52-53 53-54... Average for 3-year base period. 1948- 49 through 1950- 51.__ Average for period of record Mean .. . 30.86 21.48 25 66 28.09 21.11 26.77 19.29 21.86 34 . 26 36.69 31.12 26 . 50 25.14 28 . 44 27.90 areas between these isohyets, the -weighted mean seasonal depth and total quantity of precipitation were estimated. In order to determine seasonal depth and quantity of precipitation during the base period and investiga- tional seasons, the foregoing estimates for the mean period were adjusted on the basis of recorded precipi- tation at Lakeport. The results of the estimates are presented in Table 4. which also shows the precipita- tion index for the base period and each of the investi- gational seasons. The term "precipitation index" refers to the ratio of the amount of precipitation during a given season to the mean seasonal amount, and is expressed as a percentage. MEAN MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION AT LAKEPORT Month Precipitation In inches In percent of seasonal total July. 0.02 0.1 August 0.02 0.1 September . 0.39 1.4 October . 1.28 4.6 November- 2.98 10.7 December 5.19 18.6 January 6.14 22.0 February 5.59 20.0 March ... 3.66 13.1 1.56 5.6 May 0.78 2.8 June 0.29 1.0 Totals 27.90 100.0 In Table 4, the amount of rainfall on the Tide Lake, Edmands, and Helms Reclamation Districts and on Bachelor Valley was omitted. This omission was made as a result of findings which indicate that ground water problems are insignificant in the area lying within the boundaries of these reclamation districts. These districts are irrigated principally by diversion from Clear Lake and Robinson Slough. In Bachelor Valley, little success has been realized in attempts to obtain irrigation wells. As a result, this area is mainly dry-farmed. Therefore, the foregoing portions of the Upper Lake Unit were excluded from hydrologie studies for the determination of present supplemental requirements. Rainfall upon the pres- sure zone of the Big Valley Unit was also omitted in Table 4, since the unconsumed portion of this part of the water supply cannot return to the con- fined aquifers for re-use in this unit, and is not meas- ured as outflow from the area because of the location of the stream gaging station measuring outflow from the Big Valley Unit. However, requirements for wa- TABLE 4 ESTIMATED WEIGHTED SEASONAL DEPTH AND TOTAL QUANTITY OF PRECIPITATION IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Index of wetness Big Valley Unit* Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit 1 ' Season Average depth, in inches Quantity, in acre-feet Average depth, in inches Quantity, in acre-feet Average depth, in inches Quantity, in acre-feet 1948-49 69 78 123 132 112 90 100 18.3 20.7 32.4 34.7 29.4 23.8 26.4 22,600 25,600 40,100 43,000 36,400 29,400 32,700 22.1 25.0 39.2 42.0 35.6 28.8 31.9 4,600 5,200 8.100 8.700 7,400 6,000 6,600 20.6 23.3 36.5 39.1 33.2 26.8 29.8 1 1 .300 1949-50 12.800 1950-51 20,100 1951-52 21,500 1952-53 18.200 Average for 3-year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Mean 14.700 16,400 * Excluding Pressure Zone. '• Excluding the Tule Lake, Edmands, and Helms Reclamation Districts, and Bachelor Valley. 12 LAKE COUNT V I X V EST I ( NATION ter for hinds in these excluded areas which are pres- ently nut irrigated, but are possible of irrigation in tlir future, were determined and are presented later in this bulletin. RUNOFF The area under investigation lies within the Clear Lake drainage basin. Major streams tributary to the units of the Clear Lake Area, and originating in the surrounding- lulls, discharge directly into Clear Lake with the exception of Scott Creek, which first dis- charges into Tule Lake Basin and Robinson Slough in the Upper Lake Unit, and thence into Clear Lake. Outflow from Clear Lake to Cache Creek is controlled by a dam located about five miles southeast of the natural rim of the lake near the town of Lower Lake. Streams tributary to the area are largely undeveloped and unregulated. Stream Gaging and Lake Level Stations and Records Records of stream flow of the principal streams of the Clear Lake Area were sufficient in number, length, and reliability for purposes of hydrologic studies. All of the streams within the area, however, possess records of relatively short duration. In order to estimate runoff of streams of the area, records of Kelsey Creek near Kelsej^ville were extended by com- parison with the natural flow of Cache Creek near Lower Lake which has a relatively long record. The runoff of other streams in the area was then esti- mated by correlation with the estimated flow of Kel- sey Creek. Table 5 lists those stream gaging stations pertinent to the hydrography of the Clear Lake Area, together with their map reference numbers as shown on Plate 3, drainage areas above the stations, and periods and sources of records. Five of the records listed were ob- tained by use of continuous water stage recorders, while the remainder were obtained from staff gages which were read periodically. Continuous recorders were located on Kelsey Creek near Kelseyville, Scott Creek near Lakeport, Middle Creek at the bridge south of Upper Lake, Clover Creek near Upper Lake, and Adobe Creek at Bell Hill Road. The station on Kelsey Creek was installed, operated, and maintained by the United States Geological Survey, while that on Adobe Creek was installed, operated, and main- tained by the Department of Water Resources. The remaining three stations were installed by the Corps of Engineers, and operated and maintained by the Department of Water Resources during the investiga- tion. Those records which have not been published previously by the United States Geological Survey are included in Appendix C. The Clear Lake level staff gage located at Lakeport, and known as the "Rumsey Gage," has long been recognized as the standard for measurement of water TABLE 5 STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Station number on Plate 3 Stream Station Drainage area, in square miles Period of record Source of record* L-l_. L-2_. L-3_. L-4_. L-5_ L-6_. L-7_. L-8_. L-9. L-10 L-ll L-12 L-13 L-14 L-15 L-10 L-17 L-18 L-19 L-20 L-21 L-22 L-23 L-24 L-25 Adobe Creek Adobe Creek Adobe Creek Cold Creek Cold Creek Highland Creek- Hill Creek Hill Creek Hill Creek Kelsey Creek Kelsey Creek Manning Creek. Manning Creek . Hendricks ( 'ink Scott Creek Scott Creek Scott Creek Alley Creek Clover Creek Clover Creek Middle ( 'nrl, Middle ( ireek I >ayle Creek Dayle Creek Dayle Creek Big Valley Unit at Bell Hill Road at Soda Bay Road at Highland Cutoff at Konocti Road __ at Soda Bay Road at bridge above Adobe Creek. at Bell Hill Road at Soda Bay Road at State Highway No. 29 near Kelseyville at Soda Bay Road near Hopland Highway at State Highway No. l.'. 1 Scott Valley Unit near junction with Scott Valley Road- at bridge south of Bachelor Valley- .. near Lakeport at bridge to Hidden Lakes Upper Lake Unit above junction with Clover Creek_ near Upper Lake at bridge south of Upper Lake near I'pper Lake at bridge south of Upper Lake near lower end of Bachelor Valley - at lower West Valley Road at upper West Valley Roar! 24 26 14 15 38 5 9 14 47 1948-50 1948-50 I 949-50 1948-50 1919-5(1 1948-50 1949-50 1949-50 1949-50 1946-54 1948-50 L949-50 I 918-59 I 9 19-50 1949-50 L948-54 1948-50 1948-50 1948-54 1949-50 1948-54 1948-50 1948-49 1949-50 L949 50 D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. U.S.G.S. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. U.S.E.D. D.W.R. D.W.R. U.S.E.D. D.W.R. U.S.E.D. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. D.W.R. * D.W.R. Department of Water Resources U.S.G.S.— United States Geological Survej U.S.E.D. — Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Typical of the coast ranges surrounding Clear Lake are these gently rolling, dry, grass-covered hills 14 LAKE COUNTY ENVESTIG ATM >\ surface elevation of Clear Lake. Zero on the Humsey gage corresponds to an elevation of 1,318.5!) feet above mean .sea level. The Department of Water Resources has corrected previous lake level measurements to present Rumsey gage readings, and has estimated the years of missing record. The recorded and estimated annual maximum and minimum water surface eleva- tions for each year since 1873 are listed in Appendix D. Location of the Rumsey gage is shown on Plate 3. Runoff Characteristics Surface runoff from any watershed may be consid- ered under one of two general classifications — either "natural flow" or "impaired flow." The term "nat- ural flow" refers to the flow of a stream as it would be if unaltered by upstream diversion, storage, import, export, or change in consumptive use caused by modi- fication of land use. The term "impaired flow" refers to the actual flow of a stream with any given stage of upstream development. Runoff to the Clear Lake Area closely approaches natural flow. There exist several minor diversions in the area, but these have little ef- fect on the seasonal runoff. As stated previously, the discharge of Kelsey Creek near Kelseyville was considered characteristic of run- off in other streams originating in the Clear Lake Area. The measured and estimated seasonal runoff at this station for the period from 1894-95 through 1952- 53 is presented in Table 6, and depicted graphically on Plate 6, entitled "Recorded and Estimated Sea- sonal Runoff of Kelsey Creek Near Kelseyville." Long-term trends of seasonal runoff considered typ- ical of those for the Clear Lake Area are indicated on Plate 7, entitled "Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Runoff of Kelsey Creek Near Kelsey- ville. " The estimated mean monthly distribution of runoff of Kelsey Creek near Kelseyville is presented in Table 7. Quantity of Runoff Available records of stream flow, including those obtained from measurements made in connection with the investigation, were sufficient to permit estimates of the amount of runoff in the Clear Lake Area. How- ever, the records cover such a short period that the estimates may be subject to some error, and should be considered tentative until confirmed by additional fu- ture records. Inflow to and outflow from the Clear Lake Area was measured during portions of the period of inves- tigation on all major streams and during all three years of the period of investigation on Kelsey Creek near Kelseyville. Scott Creek near Lakeport, and Mid- dle Creek at the bridge south of Upper Lake. Un- measured inflow was estimated for the period of in- vestigation and was small in amount. Measured and estimated seasonal surface inflow to and outflow from units of the Clear Lake Area during TABLE 6 RECORDED AND ESTIMATED SEASONAL RUNOFF OF KELSEY CREEK NEAR KELSEYVILLE (In acre-feet) Season Runoff Season Runoff Season Runoff 1894-95 83,500 1914-15 68.500 1934-35 36.500 95-96 .Mi III HI 15-16 42,500 35-36 43,000 96-97 . . 44,000 16-17 29,000 36-37 30,500 97-98 20.000 17-18 22.000 37-38 85,000 98-99 23,000 18-19-. 33,500 38-39... 18,500 1899-1900.-. 34,000 1919-20 Hi.. WO 1939-40 57.000 00-01 - - . 42,000 20-21 57,000 40-4 1 - 82,500 01-02 53,500 21-22 29,500 41 42 61,000 02-03 41,000 22-23 30,000 42-43 43,000 03-04 75,000 23-24- 15,000 43-44 _ 27.000 1904-05- 45,000 1924-25 48,000 1944-45 33,000 05-06 54,000 25-26 33,000 45-46 42,000 06-07 US. .Mill 26-27 70,000 46-47 23,580 07-08 31,500 27-28 39.000 47-48 28,160 08-09 - _ 89,000 28-29--. 20,000 48-49 32,090 1909-10 31.000 1929-30 33.000 1949-50 29,110 10-11 43.000 30-31 17,500 50-51 53,430 11-12 21,000 31-32 30,000 51-52 71,480 12-13 28,000 32-33 23.000 52-53 61,280 13-14 76,.">(l(l 33-34 25.000 Mean 42,000 TABLE 7 ESTIMATED MEAN MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RUNOFF OF KELSEY CREEK NEAR KELSEYVILLE Month Percent of seasonal total Month Percent of seasonal total October - - - November .. December . . - - - - 0.2 1.9 14.9 20.1 27.3 20.1 April _ May June July 10.7 3.4 1.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 Total 100.0 the investigational seasons, and averages for the base period as well as estimated mean seasonal values are presented in Table 8, together with respective runoff indices. The term "runoff index," appearing in Table 8, refers to the ratio of the average inflow of the base period to the mean inflow for the 53-year period, and is expressed as a percentage. It will be noted that sur- face outflow from the Scott Valley and Upper Lake Units generally exceeds inflow. This difference may be attributed in part to return flow from xmconsumed precipitation on the units. UNDERGROUND HYDROLOGY The three separate and distinct ground water basins investigated in the Clear Lake Area contain both free and confined ground water aquifers, and furnish most of the water applied to irrigated lands. Replenishment of these basins is from percolation of rainfall, stream flow, drainage from adjacent hills, and the uncon- WATER sriMM.Y 15 TABLE 8 MEASURED AND ESTIMATED SEASONAL SURFACE INFLOW TO AND OUTFLOW FROM UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) Average for 3- \ ear Aver- base 53-year age Unit and stream 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 period 1948-49 through 1950-51 mean runoff index INFLOW Big Valley Adobe Creek 11.200 1 1 ,900 18,000 13,700 14,100 Cold Creek 1,000 600 1,500 1,000 1,200 Hill Creek 200 200 400 300 300 Kelsey Creek 32,100 29,100 53,400 38,200 42,000 Manning Creek. _ 1,500 1,300 2,500 1,800 1,900 Totals 46,000 43,100 75,800 5.3,000 59,500 92 Scott Valley Scott Creek 33,300 24.100 53,000 30,700 42.000 Estimated mi- me isured inflow 3,000 3,200 5,600 3,900 4,200 88 Totals 3(1,300 27,300 59.200 40.000 16,200 88 Upper Lake Alley Creek . 6,500 6,600 14.200 9,100 8,800 Clover Creek 0,100 7,900 14,200 9,400 8,800 Middle Creek . . 24,500 24,700 27.700 25,000 20,700 Estimated un- measured in How- 2.800 2,800 4,900 3,500 3,000 Totals 39,900 42,000 01,000 47,600 47,300 101 OUTFLOW Big Valley Adobe Creek 14,800 11,700 33,300 19,900 Cold Creek 800 500 1 ,000 1,000 Hill Creek 300 300 800 500 Kelsey Creek 14.000 17.300 39,300 23,500 Manning Creek 1,900 2,900 6,000 3,600 Totals 31.800 32.700 81,000 48,500 Scott Valley Hendricks Creek 2,500 2,000 4,400 2,900 Scott Creek. 30,800 27,000 00,000 41,500 Totals . 39.300 29,000 114. 4110 44,400 Upper Lake Middle Creek... 42,900 40,000 08,000 50,300 Totals. 42. '.Kill 40.000 08.000 50,300 sinned portion of applied irrigation water, together with some possible subsurface inflow from adjacent bills and mountains. The term "free ground water," as used in this bul- letin, generally refers to a body of ground water not overlain by impervious materials, and which moves under control of the water table slope. "Confined ground water" refers to a body of ground water over- lain by material sufficiently impervious to sever free hydraulic connection with overlying water, and which moves under pressure caused by the difference in sta- tic head between the intake and discharge areas of the confined ground water body. In areas of free ground water the ground water basin provides regulatory storage to smooth out fluctuations in available water supplies, and changes in ground water storage are in- dicated by changes in ground water levels. Changes of water levels in confined ground water areas are indicative of changes in pressure of the confined water and do not indicate changes in storage capacity. Data and information collected during the course of the Lake County Investigation indicate that both free and confined ground water exist in present zones of pumping in the Big Valley Unit, Scott Valley Unit, and Upper Lake Unit. Study of fluctuations of water levels in these units under varying conditions of draft and replenishment permitted a determination of changes in ground water storage in the free ground water basins, and the yield of ground water under stated conditions. Ground Water Geology The Big Valley Unit, Scott Valley Unit, and Upper Lake Unit are relatively flat allnviated valleys bordered in part by highlands composed of older rocks. Terraces underlain in part by sands and gravels older than Recent alluvium, and in part by still older formations, lie southwest of Kelseyville be- tween Adobe and Kelsey Creeks, and east of Scott Valley. A list of geologic formations encountered in the Clear Lake Area follows. Formal ion Franciscan formation Cache formation Volcanic rocks Older lake and terrace deposits Alluvium Age Jurassic Lower Pleistocene or Upper Pliocene Middle and Upper Pleistocene Upper Pleistocene (?) Recent Sandstone, shale, and serpentine of the Franciscan formation underlie most of the highlands surround- ing the valleys of the investigational area. The rocks of this formation are highly sheared, contorted, and fractured. Water occurs in the formation principally in fractures in the rock, and wells in this formation do not generally yield enough water for other than domestic purposes. Outcrops of the Cache formation are mostly buff- colored sandy silt and very fine sand, with some shale and pebble layers. The material composing this for- mation is generally poorly consolidated. Sediments of the Cache formation are exposed in road cuts on the east side of the terrace in the Big Valley Unit, and the formation probably underlies all the terrace, although beneath more recent deposits in most places. Beds of this formation outcrop in few places else- where in the area but may underlie extensive areas beneath more recent formations. The permeability of the formation is generally low, although a few course sedimentary strata and volcanic deposits are moderately to highly permeable. 16 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Lava flows and luffs of Middle and Upper Pleis- tocene age make up the western slopes of Mount Konocti east of Kelseyville. The predominant rock type is dacito or rhyodacite. The tuft's are inter- bedded with the lava flows and are principally com- posed of ash with some fragments of pumice. Beds of volcanic fragments forming an unconsolidated coarse ash or fine breccia have been encountered in a number of wells in the Big Valley Unit. Some or all of these beds probably represent a fall of volcanic material into quiet lake waters. The ash beds are highly per- meable and have proved to be excellent water pro- ducers. The lavas of Mt. Konocti are apparently highly fractured and undoubtedly contain consider- able ground water. Sediments evidently younger than the Cache for- mation, yet older than Recent alluvium, have been recognized in the area. Deposits are of two types: terrace deposits now topographically higher than ad- jacent parts of the Big Valley Unit, Scott Valley Unit, and Upper Lake Unit; and, in these units, older lake deposits now buried by Recent alluvium. Ter- race materials in the Scott Valley and Upper Lake Units include sands, gravels, and clays, with gravels being most common and generally occurring in a matrix of residual clay. The older lake deposits were probably laid down at a time when Clear Lake stood at a level higher than at the present. These sedi- ments are generally blue lake clays and silts, and can- not be differentiated in well logs from the still older blue (days of the Cache formation which probably underlie them in some locations. The permeability of terrace materials is generally low, mainly because of their high clay content. The permeability of the older lake beds is likewise low since they are principally composed of clays and silts. Recent alluvium comprises the uppermost deposits in the three units. In Big Valley, these deposits con- sist of alternating strata of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. The sand and gravel deposits generally occur as stringers, and therefore are dissimilar from clay beds which are generally continuous over a greater area! extent. Confined water exists below the clay beds in northern Big Valley. The northern part of Seott Valley is underlain by a thick blanket of sandy and silty clay which is mostly blue in color. This is underlain by strata which contain confined ground water. The structure in the Upper Lake Unit is similar to that of Big Valley in that it contains alter- nating strata of the various sediments. A thick stratum of sandy and silty clay occurs in the vicinity of Upper Lake and serves as a capping bed for an artesian aquifer of sand and gravel. Both \'voi' and confined ground water character- istics are found in the three units. Data collected, and studies made, indicate that in the Big Valley Unit, the free ground water area, or forebay zone, exists generally south of a line coincident with the boundary of Township 13 North and Township 14 North. The area of confined ground water, the pres- sure zone, extends northward from the aforemen- tioned line to beneath Clear Lake. Substantial recharge to the free ground water area of the Big Valley Unit occurs from percolation of waters in Kelsey and Adobe Creeks. The confined ground water area in the Scott Valley Unit covers most of the northerly portion of the valley. The free ground wa- ter area is rather limited in this unit and receives most of its recharge from percolation of Scott Creek water. Confined ground water in the Upper Lake Unit underlies about 75 per cent of that unit and extends northward from beneath Clear Lake. The free ground water lies north of the confined aquifers, and receives its recharge mostly from percolation of the waters of Middle, Clover, and Alley Creeks. Specific Yield and Ground Water Storage Capacity The term "specific yield," when used in connection with ground water, refers to the ratio of the volume of water a saturated soil will yield by gravity to its own volume, and is commonly expressed as a per- centage. Ground water storage capacity is estimated as the product of the specific yield and the volume of material in the depth interval considered. Prom geologic analysis of 225 well logs, specific yields of the free ground water basins in the three units were determined for a total depth of 100 feet at 20-foot intervals. Estimated storage capacities and specific yields of the free ground water basins within the units of the Clear Lake Area are presented in Table 9. Ground Water Levels In connection with the current investigation the Department of Water Resources conduct ed a series of measurements to static ground water levels in the Clear Lake Area at approximately 160 wells, of which about 40 were in confined ground water /ones in the area. These measurements were made in the spring and fall of each year beginning with the fall of 1948, and were continued through the fall of 1953. The wells were chosen to form a comprehensive grid cov- ering the area. In addition, monthly measurements were made at approximately 65 control wells during 1949 in order to observe behavior of ground water levels under varying conditions of draft and recharge. Available records of depth to ground Avater at wells in or adjacent to the Clear Lake Area are included in Appendix F. Wells were numbered by the system utilized by the United States Geological Survey, according to town- ship, range, and section. Under this system each sec- watki; supply 17 TABLE 9 ESTIMATED SPECIFIC YIELD AND GROUND WATER STORAGE CAPACITY IN FREE GROUND WATER ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit Deptli in- terval, in feet below- Specific St.iraL'c Specific Storage Specific Storage ground yield, capacity. yield, capacity, yield, capacity. surface in in in in in in per cent acre-feet per cent acre-feet per cent acre feet 0- 20 7 20,900 10 1,400 6 1,700 20- 40 10 29,600 4 600 8 2,300 40- 60 9 26,600 5 700 6 1,700 CO- 80 8 23,700 7 1,000 6 1,700 80-100 5 14,800 15 2.200 12 3,500 0-100 8 115, 600 8 5,900 8 10,900 tion is divided into 40-acre plots which are lettered as follows: D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R Wells were numbered within each of these 40-acre plots according to the order in which they are located. For example, a well having a number 13N/9W-14L2 would be found in Township 13 North, Range 9 West, and in Section 14. It would be further identified as the second well located in the 40-acre plot lettered L. Depths to ground water in the Clear Lake Area, as measured each fall from 1948 to 1953, were plotted on maps, and lines of equal depth were drawn. An example of these plates is shown as Plate 8, entitled ''Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water, Fall of 1953." Plate 9, entitled "Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water, Fall of 1953," was prepared from data used for Plate 8, depth to ground water being subtracted from elevation of the measuring points above sea level to obtain elevations of the water level. Prior to the fall of 1948 little or no data on depth to ground water were available. Measurements of depth to ground water levels in confined zones within the area were not reported since many of the wells were flowing and facilities for obtaining these water level measurements were not available. Table 10 shows depths from the surface of the ground to the water level at selected wells in free ground water zones in the several units of the Clear Lake Area during the spring and fall of the years from 1948 through 1953. The measurements were made prior to and following the period of summer pumping draft. Fluctuations in depth to ground TABLE 10 MEASURED DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT REPRE- SENTATIVE WELLS IN FREE GROUND WATER ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet) Time of measurement Well number Year Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit 13N/9W- 9D1 13N/9W- 20P1 14N/10W- 22A1 L6N/10W- 36J1 1948 1949 1950 1951 Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring 11.1 3.8 14.6 4.7 13.5 3.1 16.1 2.7 14.9 3.8 15.0 12.7 7.8 15.6 6.0 11.4 4.2 16.9 5.3 15.3 5.8 13.6 _'7 '.I 20.1 36.3 20.8 31.5 21.3 35 . 3 33.4 22.9 33.5 19.7 22.1 0.6 2 1 .". 2.2 14.1 3.0 195'' 19.54 Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall 24.0 4.6 22.1 water at these wells are depicted graphically on Plate 10, entitled "Measured Depths to Ground Water at Selected Wells." From a study of available w T ell measurements, esti- mates were made of the approximate average depth to ground water in free ground water zones of the Scott Valley Unit, Big Valley Unit, and Upper Lake Unit in the fall of each year from 1948 through 1953. These estimates, which constitute arithmetic averages of measurements of a grid of selected wells, are pre- sented in Table 11 and are illustrated graphically on Plate 11, entitled "Average Fall Depth to Ground Water." It is indicated that in the Big Valley Unit a lower- ing of the average ground water level occurred in the fall of 1949. followed by a small rise in the fall of 1950. The fall of 1951 average level again showed a small recession, lowering slightly again in the fall of 1952, and Avith a rise in the fall of 1953. The lowest average depth to ground water, 19.2 feet, was in the fall of 1952, which was also the time of the lowest average depths to ground water in the Scott Valley and Upper Lake Units which were 24.7 and 22.6 feet, respectively. The most notable indications from the data presented in Table 11, are that the average fall ground water levels did not reach excessive depths in any of the units during the period from the fall of lilts to the fall of 1953, and that there was appar- ently an almost total recovery of water levels in each spring of the following years. This indicates that water utilization under present development does not exceed the mean water supply available to the area. Plate 12, entitled "Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Elevation, Fall of 1948 to Fall of 1953." shows is LAKE COUNTY I XYKSTKiATIOX TABLE 11 AVERAGE MEASURED DEPTH TO GROUND WATER IN FREE GROUNDWATER ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet) Season Fall, 1948 Spring, 1949 Fall, 1949 Spring, 1950 Fall, 1950 -- Spring, 1951 Fall, 1951 Spring, 1952 Fall, 1952 Spring, 1953 Fall, 1953 Big Valley Unit 16.9 8.2 lfc.9 9.2 18.1 7.9 19.1 7.5 19.2 8.4 18.2 Scott Valley Unit 20.3 13.7 24.6 15.2 22.1 14.9 23.9 16.8 24.7 15.7 24.0 r pi ir i Lake LTnil 21.9 6.9 23 . 2 8.5 17.5 9.6 21.9 9.8 22.6 10.0 20.3 the changes in ground water levels over the five-year period of measurements made for the current investi- gation. Estimated average changes in ground water eleva- tions during the three-year base period and each of the investigational seasons were determined as the differences between average depths to ground water as given in Table 11, and are presented in Table 12. In the Upper Lake and Scott Valley Units there were relatively few wells available for measurement in the free ground water zone, and indicated changes in water levels in those units may be greatly influ- enced by the large fluctuations in the few wells measured. Change in Ground Water Storage In an area of free "round water, the volume of soil ivnwatered or resaturated over a period of time, when multiplied by the specific yield, measures the change in "round water storage during that time. Available data on fluctuations of water levels at wells in the Clear Lake Area were sufficient to estimate the volume of soil unwatered or resaturated during the base period and the period of investigation. Changes in ground water storage were estimated for each unit by multiplying changes in depth to ground water, presented in Table 12, by the area of the free ground water zone in each unit, and by the specific yield of the appropriate depth zone. The results of these esti- mates are presented in Table 13. It is indicated in Table 13 that a total net decrease in ground water storage in the Clear Lake Area of 2,550 acre-feet occurred during the three-year base period, in which conditions of water supply and cli- mate were approximately equivalent to conditions during the mean period. As shown in Table 13, in the Big Valley and Scott Valley Units, a 2,290 and 260 acre-foot decrease in free ground water storage oc- curred, respectively, while in the Upper Lake Unit there was no change in free ground water storage during the base period. It should be noted that changes both in the average depth to ground water and in ground water storage were relatively small. In the P>i^' Valley Unit, the average seasonal net decrease in ground water storage during the three-year base period was about 780 acre-feet per year, representing a seasonal drop in ground water levels of about 0.7 foot. Subsurface Inflow and Outflow Lines of equal elevation of ground water in the Clear Lake Area in the fall of 1953 are shown on Plate 9. Slopes of the water plane, as defined by these ground water contours, indicate the directions of sub- surface flow. In the Big Valley Unit, the ground water plane generally slopes northward toward Clear Lake. Sub- surface inflow to this unit is mostly from the south and west. In the Scott Valley Unit free ground water flows northerly toward the outlet of Scott Vallev. In TABLE 12 ESTIMATED AVERAGE SEASONAL CHANGES IN GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS IN FREE GROUND WATER ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet) Unit 1948 tc 1949 1949 to 1950 1950 to 1951 1951 to 1952 1952 to 1953 Total for 3-year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Total for jieriod 1948-49 through 1952-53 Big Valley —1.0 +0.8 —1.5 4-2.5 —1.6 + 5.7 + 1.3 —1.0 + 0.3 —1.8 —1.1 —4.4 + 0.4 —0.1 — 1.9 —0.8 —0.2 —0.7 —0.9 + 1.0 + 1.1 + 0.7 —0.2 + 2.3 lull to full —2.0 —2.2 — 1 3 Scott Valley Fall to fall Upper Lake —4.3 —3.6 —3.7 Fall to fall — 1.3 0.0 + 1.6 ftin^** * Irrigated lends near Lakeport provide rich pasture for fattening of beef cattle i— 57111 20 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 13 ESTIMATED SEASONAL CHANGES IN GROUND WATER STORAGE IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) Unit HI48 to 1949 1949 to 1950 1950 to 1951 1951 to 1952 1952 to 1953 Total for 3-year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Total for period 1948-49 through 1952-53 Big Valley, 14,870 acres Spring to spring Kail to fall 2,080 Scott Valley, 710 acres Spring to spring Kail to fall —310 Upper Lake, 1,470 acres Spring to spring Kail to fall -210 1,040 + 830 —110 + 180 —260 + 930 + 1,350 —1,040 + 20 -130 -180 -720 + 420 —100 —130 —60 —30 —110 -940 1 ,040 + 80 + 50 30 + 380 -2,290 260 0.0 Totals, spring - Totals, fall-.- 2,600 —1,410 + 1,940 + 1,190 —1,890 + 260 —270 —890 + 1,470 -2,550 1,350 260 + 260 Minus Indicates lowering water levels and a decrease in ground water storage. the Upper Lake Unit subsurface inflow occurs in the upper ends of Bachelor, Middle, and Clover Valleys. The direction of flow is southeasterly in Bachelor Valley, southerly in Middle Valley, and westerly in Clover Valley. An indirect method was used to estimate the net effect of subsurface inflow to and outflow from the sev- eral units of the Clear Lake Area. This involved eval- uation of the difference between subsurface inflow and outflow as the item necessary to effect a balance be- tween water supply and disposal. The sum of the items comprising the water supply of a given hydrologic unit must be equal to the sum of the items of water disposal. In the case of the Clear Lake Area, values for pertinent items other than the difference between subsurface inflow and outflow, including surface inflow, precipitation, change in ground water storage, and use of water, were qualitatively measured or esti- mated. Determination of values for use of water is explained in Chapter III. Retention of subsurface inflow, or the difference between subsurface inflow and outflow, was the remaining unknown quantity in the equation of hydrologic equilibrium. Table 14 sets forth this equation for the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units. Certain of the values presented in Table 14 are of large magnitude as compared to the derived excess of subsurface inflow or subsurface outflow. Small per- centage errors in these larger quantities might intro- duce relatively large errors in the derived remainder. Inspection of the totals for water supply and dis- posal during the three-year base period, given in Table 14, shows close agreement. For each of the in- vestigational seasons, the derived remainders of sub- surface inflow or outflow do not exceed about 7 per cent of either the total supply or disposal and do not exceed 1 per cent during the three-year base period. Thus, the indicated excess of subsurface flows is con- sidered to be the result of natural discrepancies in measurements of hydrologic data. The results shown in Table 14 indicate that subsurface inflow is not a significant source of water supply to units of the Clear Lake Area when compared with surface inflow and precipitation. Yield of Wells Yield of wells is an important factor in the use of ground water in the Clear Lake Area. In Bachelor Valley in the Upper Lake Unit, irrigation with ground water is negligible because of the inability to obtain wells of adequate capacity. However, in the Big Valley and Scott Valley Units, and in the remainder of the Upper Lake Unit, wells of adequate capacity can generally be obtained. Data on yield of wells in the Clear Lake Area were obtained from pump tests made by the Pacific (las and Electric Company. Results of analyses of these data are presented in Table 15, which shows for the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units the number of wells tested, their average discharge, spe-j cific capacity, and depth. The term "specific capac- ity" refers to the number of gallons per minute pro- duced by a pumping well per foot of drawdown. "Drawdown" refers to the lowering of the water level in a well caused by pumping and is measured in feet. High Ground Water Areas One of the major water problems facing the Clear Lake Area is the existence of large bodies of land subject to high ground water and with inadequate facilities for the drainage and removal of this water. Tn the Big Valley Unit, lands subject to high ground water exist along the shore line of Clear Lake. In two locations this condition extends from the lake WATER SUPPLY 21 TABLE 14 ESTIMATED EXCESS OF SEASONAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW OVER SUBSURFACE OUTFLOW IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) TABLE 15 ESTIMATED AVERAGE YIELD OF WELLS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Season Average for 3-year base Item and unit 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Big Valley Water Supply 24,700 45,000 2,100 26,300 43,100 —800 43,400 75,800 1.000 31,500 55,000 Change in ground water storage . . 2,300 72,800 31.800 39.800 68,600 32.700 41,000 120,200 81,000 43.000 88,800 Water Disposal 48,500 41,200 Subtotals - - Difference — excess of subsurface in- flow over subsurface outflow Scott Valley Water Supply 71,600 —1,200 4,600 36,300 300 73,700 5,100 5,200 27,300 —200 124,000 3,800 8.100 59.200 100 89,700 900 6,000 40.600 Change in ground water storage . . 300 41,200 39,300 2,200 32,300 29,600 2,500 67,400 64,400 2,700 46,900 Water Disposal 44,400 2,400 41,500 300 11,300 39,900 200 32,100 —200 12,800 42,000 —900 67,100 —300 20,100 61,000 700 46,800 Difference — excess of subsurface in- flow over subsurface outflow ._ Upper Lake Water Supply —100 14,700 47,600 Change in ground water storage . _ 51,400 42,900 1 1 ,800 53,900 40,000 12,700 81,800 68.000 13,600 62,300 Water Disposal Surface outflow . 50,300 12,700 54,700 3,300 52,700 —1,200 81,600 — 200 63.000 Difference — excess of subsurface in- flow over subsurface outflow _ 700 south into Big Valley. One area subject to high ground water extends from the lake along Hill Creek for a distance of about three miles. The other is lo- cated between Kelsey and Cold Creeks and extends southerly from the lake for a distance of about 2.5 miles. Most of the lands so affected are not suitable for agricultural use at the present time. Correction of the high ground water conditions of these lands would make possible their utilization for a greater range of agricultural purposes. In the Scott Valley Unit, lands subject to high ground water are in the lower reaches of Scott Valley. Average specific Number Average capacity, in Unit of discharge, gallons per wells in gallons minute per tested per minute per foot of drawdown Big Valley Free ground water zone 30 374 31 Confined ground water zone 11 395 77 Scott Valley Free ground water zone 2 339 80 Confined ground water zone 2 672 61 Upper Lake Free ground water zone 3 343 47 Confined ground water zone ._ . 8 230 31 The situation is accentuated during seasons of high precipitation and runoff. Adequate control of the runoff of Scott Creek, and provision of proper drain- age facilities in the lower end of the valley, would probably alleviate the situation. In the Upper Lake Unit, lands subject to high ground water include the overflow lands of Clover, Middle, Bachelor, and Scott Creeks. Most of these lands are underlain with high ground water at least part of the year. Drainage of these lands is presently accomplished by pumping. In the reclaimed areas bordering Clear Lake the ground water is regulated to some degree by subirrigation. The alluvial flood plains of Clover, Middle, Bachelor, and Scott Creeks are subject to high ground water during periods of heavy precipitation and runoff. Provision of proper drainage facilities in these areas and control of stream runoff would doubtlessly alleviate the problem. Safe Ground Water Yield The term "safe ground water yield" refers to the maximum rate of extraction of water from a ground water body which, if continued over an indefinitely long period of years, will result in the maintenance of certain desirable fixed conditions. Commonly, safe ground water yield is determined by one or more of the following criteria: 1. Mean seasonal extraction of water from the ground water body does not exceed mean seasonal replenishment to the body. 2. AVater levels are not so lowered as to cause harmful impairment to the quality of the ground water by intrusion of other water of undesirable quality, or by accumulation and concentration of de- gradants or pollutants. 3. Water levels are not so lowered as to imperil the economy of ground water users by excessive costs of pumping from the ground water body. 22 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Safe ground water yield, as derived in this bulletin, was measured as net extraction of ground water from the several ground water basins of the Clear Lake Area, as differentiated from total pumpage from these basins. In each of the units of the Clear Lake Area there exist free and confined ground water zones. The uneonsumed portion of water pumped from and applied to lands overlying free ground water zones returns to the ground water body by percolation and is available for re-use, whereas the uneonsumed por- tion of water pumped from confined aquifers and applied to overlying lands is not available for re- charge to the confined aquifers since the impervious strata confining the aquifer precludes return thereto. Thus, water applied to lands overlying confined ground water bodies is considered as being wholly utilized, either being entirely consumed or in part returned to perched ground water or contributing to surface or subsurface outflow. The net rate of extrac- tion, therefore, was taken to be only that portion of total pumpage from the ground water basin which was consumptively used or irrecoverably lost. Under natural conditions, ground water is ex- pended by consumptive use from see]) lands and from lands where the water table is close to the ground surface, by effluent stream flow, and by subsurface outflow. Artificial development and utilization of ground water salvages all or a portion of such natural disposal by lowering ground water levels. This, in turn, affords opportunity for additional replenish- ment of ground water. Analyses and data presented in this bulletin indi- cate that in the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units, present mean seasonal ground water ex- tractions do not result in yields which exceed the safe ground water yields of the several units. It is indicated that the average change in ground water storage during the base period, during which period utilization of ground water increased, was insignifi- cant in amount. Furthermore, it appears that ground water yields of the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units could be increased, since oppor- tunity exists for additional ground water replenish- ment. The possibility of increasing ground water re- plenishment is discussed in Chapter IV. Results of mineral analyses of ground water, discussed in a later section in this chapter, indicate that the ground waters found in the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units are generally of good mineral quality and well suited for irrigation and other uses. Furthermore, pumping lifts in these units have not been so lowered during the pumping season as to imperil the economy of ground water users, since present pumping lifts in the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units average about 40 feet, 25 feet, and 35 feet, respectively, as indicated by averages of available pump tests. As discussed in Chapter III, seasonal utilization of ground water under present development and mean conditions of water supply and climate, in the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units, is esti- mated at 24,500 acre-feet, 2,300 acre-feet, and 10,500 acre-feet, respectively. These estimates are considered equivalent to the ground water yields of the respec- tive units under the present pattern of pumping and utilization of ground water storage. QUALITY OF WATER The principal objective of the water quality in- vestigation of the Clear Lake Area was determina- tion of the quality of surface and ground waters with respect to their suitability for irrigation use. The surface water supplies of the Clear Lake Area are generally of excellent mineral quality and well suited from that standpoint for irrigation and other bene- ficial uses. Ground water of good mineral quality dee ui's generally throughout the area except in certain locations which possess excessive concentrations of boron. It is desirable to define certain terms commonly used in connection with discussion of quality of water. Quality of Water — Those characteristics of water affecting- its suitability for beneficial uses. Mineral Analysis — The quantitative determination of inorganic impurities or dissolved mineral constitu- ents in water. Contamination — Impairment of the quality of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which creates a hazard to public health through poison- ing or spread of disease. Degradation — Impairment of the quality of water due to causes other than disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. Pollution — Impairment of the quality of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which does not create a hazard to public health, but which adversely and unreasonably affects such water for beneficial uses. Complete mineral analysis included a determina- tion of three cations, consisting of calcium, magne- sium, and sodium; four anions, consisting of bicar- bonate, chloride, sulphate, and nitrate ; total salts ; boron; and computation of per cent sodium. Partial analysis included only the determination of chlorides and total mineral solubles. With the exception of boron, the concentrations of cations and anions in a water sample are expressed in this bulletin in terms of "equivalents per million." This was done because ions combine with each other on an equivalent basis, rather than on a basis of weight, and a chemical equivalent unit of measure- ment provides a better and more convenient expres- sion of concentration. This is especially true when it WATER SUPPLY 23 is desired to compare the composition of waters having variable concentrations of mineral solubles. In the case of boron, concentrations are expressed on a weight basis of "parts per million" of water. In order to convert equivalents per million to parts per million, the concentration, expressed in equivalents per million, should be multiplied by the equivalent weight of the cation or the anion in question. Equiva- lent weights of the common cations and anions are presented in the following tabulation : Cation Equivalent weight Anion Equivalent weight Calcium Magnesium 20.0 12.2 23.0 Bicarbonate Chloride Sulphate Nitrate 61.0 35.5 48.0 62.0 Data utilized in the determination of quality of water in the Clear Lake Area comprised complete mineral analyses of 14 surface water samples, includ- ing four samples from Clear Lake. Complete mineral analyses of ground water were made of 75 samples obtained from 63 wells. The data also included 132 partial analyses of ground water samples collected from 57 wells during the 1949 irrigation season. Additional samples were obtained during following seasons. Other data used during the course of the in- vestigation included analyses of ground water ob- tained from the Rubidoux Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture, Riverside, Cali- fornia. Results of mineral analyses of water are pre- sented in Appendix G of this bulletin. Standards of Quality for Water Investigation and study of the quality of surface and ground waters of the Clear Lake Area were largely limited to consideration of mineral consti- tuents of the waters, with particular reference to their suitability for irrigation use. However, it may be noted that within the limits of the mineral analyses herein reported, a water which is determined to be suitable for irrigation may also be considered as be- ing either generally suitable for municipal and do- mestic use, or susceptible to such treatment as will render it suitable for that purpose. The criteria which were used as a guide to judge- ment in determining suitability of water for irri- gation use comprised the following: (1) chloride concentration, (2) total soluble salts, (3) boron con- centration, and (4) per cent sodium. (1) The chloride ion is usually the most trouble- some element in irrigation waters. It is not considered to be essential to plant growth, and excessive concen- trations will inhibit growth. (2) Total soluble salts furnish an approximate indication of the over-all mineral quality of the water, and may be approximated, in units of parts per mil- lion, by multiplying specific electrical conductance (Ec X 10 6 at 25° C.) by 0.7. The presence of excessive amounts of dissolved salts in irrigation water will re- sult in reduced crop yield. (3) Crops are sensitive to boron concentration, but require a small amount (less than 0.1 part per mil- lion) for growth. They will usually not tolerate more than 0.5 to 2 parts per million, depending on the crop in question. (4) Per cent sodium reported in the analyses is the proportion of the sodium cation to the sum of all cat- ions, and is obtained by dividing sodium by the sum of calcium, magnesium, and sodium, all expressed in equivalents per million, and multiplying by 100. Wa- ter containing a high per cent sodium has an adverse effect upon the physical structure of the soil by dis- persing the soil colloids and making the soil "tight," thus retarding movement of water through the soil, retarding the leaching of salts, and making the soil difficult to work. The following excerpts from a paper by Dr. L. D. Doneen, of the Division of Irrigation of the Univer- sity of California at Davis may assist in interpreting water analyses from the standpoint of their suitability for irrigation : "Because of diverse climatological conditions, crops, and soils in California, it has not been pos- sible to establish rigid limits for all conditions in- volved. Instead, irrigation waters are divided into three broad classes based upon work done at the University of California, and at the Rubidoux, and Regional Salinity laboratories of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. "Class 1. EXCELLENT TO GOOD— Regarded as safe and suitable for most plants under any condition of soil or climate. "Class 2. GOOD TO INJURIOUS— Regarded as possibly harmful for certain crops un- der certain conditions of soil or climate; particularly in the higher ranges of this class. "Class 3. INJURIOUS TO UNSATISFACTORY — Regarded as probably harmful to most crops and unsatisfactory for all but the most tolerant. "Tentative standards for irrigation waters have taken into account four factors or constituents, as listed below. Factor Conductance (Ec X 10 6 at 25° C.) Boron, ppm Percent sodium Chloride, epm Class 1 Excellent to good Less than 1000 Less than . 5 Less than 60 Less than 5 ( llass 2 Good to injurious 1000 3000 0.5-2.0 60-75 5-10 Class 3 Injurious to unsatisfactory More than 3000 More than 2.0 More than 75 More than 10 (End of quotation) 24 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION The occurrence of boron in the Clear Lake Area in toxic quantities in certain irrigation waters has been noted during the investigation. Because of this, addi- tional data giving permissible limits of boron for sev- eral classes of irrigation water with respect to the boron sensitivity of crops, as shown in the United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin, NTo. 962, arc presented in the following tabulation: Class In parts per million Rating Grade Sensitive crops Semitolerant crops Tolerant crops 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent. Good Permissible Doubtful Unsuitable-. -- less than 0.33 0.33 to 0.fi7 0.67 to 1.00 1.00 to 1.25 greater than 1.25 less than . 07 0.C.7 to 1.33 1.33 to 2.00 2.00 to 2.50 greater than 2.50 less than 1.00 1.00 to 2.00 2.00 to 3.00 3.00 to 3.75 greater than 3.75 The relative tolerance of plants to boron, some of which arc common to the Clear Lake Area, are pre- sented in the following tabulation. The plants listed first in each group are considered most sensitive to boron, with sensitivity decreasing toward the end of each group. This information was also obtained from United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin, No. 962. SENSITIVITY OF CROPS TO BORON Sensitive Semitolerant Tolerant Apricot Lima bean Carrot Peach Sweet potato Lettuce Cherry Bell pepper Cabbage Kadota fig Tomato Turnip Grape (Sultanina and Pumpkin Onion Malaga) Zinnia Broad bean Apple Oat Gladiolus Pear Milo Alfalfa Plum Corn Garden beet American elm Wheat Margel Navy bean Barley Sugar beet Jerusalem artichoke Olive Asparagus Persia (English) walnut Pugged Robin Rose Athel (Tomarix Black walnut Field pea aphylla) Pecan Radish Sweet pea Pina cotton Acala cotton Potato Sunflower (native) Tolerance of plants to boron cannot be measured absolutely since such tolerance is in part dependent on the type of soil on which the plants are grown, amount of irrigation application, and other factors encountered in actual farming practices. It may be possible in the laboratory to render insoluble a portion of the boron content of a solution; however, it is not possible to apply such methods on the large scale re- ipiircd to make such water suitable for irrigation. In anas of high boron concentrations, measures must be undertaken which will minimize the toxic effects of the mineral. Tbe only known practical measures are either blending with water of low boron concentra- tion, substitution of good water for the degraded irri- gation source, or cultivation of less sensitive crops. Quality of Surface Water Analysis of 14 surface water samples collected during the investigation from Clear Lake and from tributary streams which pass through the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units, indicates that the waters in the streams were generally of excellent quality but that water in Clear Lake could only be considered good. The higher concentration of boron in Clear Lake is the principal consideration in desig- nating the quality of its water as only good. Samples of water from Clear Lake and its tribu- taries have been collected periodically by several agencies since 1936. During 1938, analysis of Clear Lake waters showed the boron content near Lakeport, Lucerne, and Clear Lake Oaks was lower than that indicated at Lower Lake. These data seem to indicate a source of boron somewhere between Mount Konocti and Lower Lake. Concentration of boron in the lake has been observed to decrease with large inflows and increase with small inflows. Also, a high lake level is characterized by a lower concentration of boron than is a low lake level. Such changes in boron content may be considered to be the result of dilution by inflow, and concentration by evaporation. Results of analysis of representative surface waters in the Clear Lake Area are presented in Appendix G. Quality of Ground Water Analysis of samples of ground water in the Clear Lake Area collected during the investigation indicate that this water is generally of excellent or good qual- ity for irrigation. During the investigation complete analyses were made of 75 ground water samples and partial analyses of 132 ground water samples. Of the total number of 75 complete mineral analyses, 57 showed the water to be of excellent mineral quality and well suited for irrigation uses. As in the case of surface water, the major degrad- ant of ground water quality was found to be boron. Boron was found to exist in toxic quantities at a limited number of wells in the Upper Lake and Big Valley Units. In the Upper Lake Unit one well having ground water of poor quality was found in the Ed- niands Reclamation District, one in Bachelor Valley, and one along Scott Creek near the Tule Lake Reclamation District. Tn the Big Valley Unit the areas affected by boron seem to be along the lower edges of tbe valley. However, since the wells which contain boron in toxic amounts occur in the immediate vicinity of other wells producing good quality water, no distinct area may be said to produce water of a quality injurious to crops. Analyses of ground water samples discussed herein are presented in Ap- pendix G. CHAPTER III WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS The nature and extent of water utilization and of requirements for supplemental water in the Lake County Area, both at the present time (1953) and under probable conditions of ultimate development, fare considered in this chapter. In connection with the discussion, the following: terms are used as denned: | Water Utilization — This term is used in a broad sense to include all employments of water by nature or man, whether consumptive or nonconsumptive, as well as irrecoverable losses of water incidental to such employment, and is synonymous with the term "water use." Demands for Water — Those factors pertaining to rates, times, and places of delivery of water, quality of water, losses of water, etc., imposed by control, development, and use of the water for beneficial purposes. Water Requirement — The amount of water needed to provide for all beneficial uses of water and for irre- coverable losses incidental to such uses. Supplemental Water Requirement — The water re- quirement over and above the sum of safe ground water yield and safe surface water yield. Consumptive Use of Water — This refers to water con- sumed by vegetative growth in traspiration and building of plant tissue, and to water evaporated from adjacent soil, from water surfaces, and from foliage. It also refers to water similarly consumed and evaporated by urban and nonvegetative types of land use. Applied Water — The water delivered to a farmer's headgate in the case of irrigation use or to an indi- vidual's meter in the ease of urban use, or its equivalent. It does not include direct precipitation. Ultimate — This term is used in reference to condi- tions after an unspecified but long period of years in the future when land use and water supply development will be at a maximum and essentially stabilized. It is realized that any present forecasts of the nature and extent of such ultimate develop- ment, and resultant water utilization, are inher- ently subject to possible large errors in detail and appreciable error in the aggregate. However, such forecasts, when based upon best available data and present judgment, are of value in establishing long-range objectives for development of water re- sources. They are so used herein, with full knowl- edge that their re-evaluation after the experience of a period of years may result in considerable revision. The present (1953) water requirement in the Lake County Area was estimated by the application of appropriate factors of unit water use to the present land use pattern as determined from survey data. The probable ultimate water requirement was simi- larly estimated, by use of an ultimate land use pat- tern projected from the present pattern on the basis of land classification data, the assumption being made that under ultimate conditions of development all irrigable lands would be irrigated. Certain possible nonconsumptive requirements for water, such as those for flood control, conservation of fish and wildlife, recreation, etc., will be of varying signficance in the design of works to meet supple- mental consumptive requirements for water in the Clear Lake Area. In most instances, the magnitudes of such nonconsumptive requirements are relatively indeterminate and dependent upon allocations made after consideration of economic factors. For these reasons, water requirements for flood control, con- servation of fish and wildlife, and recreation are dis- cussed in general terms in this chapter, but not spe- cifically evaluated. Water utilization is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the genera] headings "Present (1953) Water Supply Development," "Land Use," "Unit Use of Water," "Past and Present (1953) Water Requirements," "Probable Ultimate Water Requirements," "Nonconsumptive Water Require- ments," and "Factors of Water Demand." Supple- mental water requirements are similarly treated under the two general headings "Present (1953) Supplemental Water Requirements" and "Probable Ultimate Supplemental Water Requirements." WATER UTILIZATION Of the total amount of water presently utilized in the Clear Lake Area, approximately 50 per cent is consumed in the production of irrigated crops, while the remainder is consumed by dry-farmed and fallow lands, native vegetation, and lands given over to miscellaneous types of use, including do- mestic and municipal. Of the total area of about 32,600 acres within the Clear Lake Area, it is indicated that ultimately about 27,900 acres will require organized water service. The remainder, approximately 4,700 acres, comprises lands considered not suitable for irrigation. It is probable that the predominant importance of irri- (25) 26 LAKE COLXTY INVESTIGATION gated agriculture, as related to utilization of water in the Clear Lake Area, will continue to prevail in the future. Present (1953) Water Supply Development Clear Lake has been utilized for many years as a reservoir for storage of water for irrigation use in Yolo County. Because of this use of water originating in the Clear Lake Area, the use of surface water in the area has been limited and further development for such purposes is restricted. As a result, the pres- ent water supply development within the invesitga- tional area is, with few exceptions, limited to pump- ing from ground water basins. Within recent years there has been an increase in irrigation development with a resultant increase in the use of »round water. During 1953 there were 232 wells of heavy draft with pumps powered by motors of five horsepower or more, and of this number 224 were used for irrigation. The remaining wells sup- plied water for urban and industrial nses. A number of additional wells of light draft supplied water for domestic purposes. Of the 224 irrigation wells of heavy draft, 195 were located in Big Valley, 11 in Scott Valley, and 18 in the Upper Lake Unit. The major surface diversion within the investiga- tional area is made from Clear Lake to serve the Edmands and Helms Reclamation Districts, located in the Upper Lake Unit adjacent to Clear Lake. Here a system of canals and ditches supplies water to irrigated land which has been reclaimed from Clear Lake overflow lands by levees. Individually owned pumps raise the water from sloughs of Clear Lake for irrigation. Drainage pumps operated by the reclama- tion districts expel excess winter water and overflow from Scott Creek, and unconsumed water from irri- gation, into Robinson Slough. The largest single nonagricultural user of waLer is the town of Lakeport, where about 135,000,000 gallons, or 410 acre-feet of water, have been pumped each yeear during the past several years. The water supply for Lakeport is obtained from two wells located in the bed of Scott Creek, about two miles west of Lakeport. Some business establishments and small acreages in Lakeport have their own water systems, pumping from shallow wells. The town of Kelseyville is served water by the Kelseyville County Water District which maintains two wells on the easl bank of Kelsey Creek in Kelseyville. It is esti- mated that the production of this water system was about 31 acre-feet in 1949. There is no industrial use of ground water of any consequence in Kelseyville. Industrial use of water in the Clear Lake Area is of minor importance, the cannery near Upper Lake probably being the greatest user during the canning season. The water supply is obtained from "round water. The respective areas within the several units of the \ Clear Lake Area served by ground water and surface water in 1949 are shown in Table 16. Table 17 lists the water service agencies in Lake j County, together with their general locations and, approximate number of services in 1952. TABLE 16 GROUND AND SURFACE WATER SERVICE AREAS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA IN 1949 (In acres) Unit, Ground water Surface water Bi? Valley Scott Valley 5,480 420 680 150 30 Upper Lake . . - 1,270 Totals. _ 6,580 1,450 TABLE 17 WATER SERVICE AGENCIES IN LAKE COUNTY, 1952 Type and name of agency Location, in or near Number of services City Waterworks Municipally Owned Lakeport „ Privately Owned Water Companies Anderson Springs Water Company Clear Lake Park Water Company Lucerne Water Company. Lakeport Anderson Springs Clearlake.. Lucerne.. Clearlake Oaks . Lower Lake 800 90 470 180 Mutual Water Companies Clearlake Oaks Water Company Crescent Bay Improvement Company Glenhaven Mutual Water Company.. 400 30 50 Highlands Water Company Jago's Resort Water Supply Lakewood Resort Water Supply Clearlake Highlands- Lower Lake 420 10 10 Loch Lomond Mutual Water Company Manakee Mutual Water Company, Inc.__ Nice Mutual Water Company Sulphur Bank Mine- . . County Waterworks Districts Lower Lake County Waterworks District No. 1 Kelseyville . Clearlake Highlands- Nice . . Clearlake Oaks Lower Lake Kelseyville 120 60 30 10 110 Kelseyville County Waterworks District No. 3 140 Flood Control and Water Conservation Dis- tricts Lake County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Appropriation of Water. Since the effective date of the Water Commission Act on December 19, 1914, about 18 applications to appropriate water of streams of the investigational area have been filed with the State Water Rights Board or its predecessors. These applications are listed in Appendix II, together with pertinent information on the proposed diversions and uses of water and present status of the applications. The applications listed in Appendix II should not be construed as comprising a complete or even partial statement of water rights in the Clear Lake Upstream face Clear Lake Dam conserves water of Clear Lake Downstream face 28 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Area. They do not include appropriative rights ini- tialed prior to December 19, 1914, riparian rights, cor- relative rights of overlying owners in ground water basins, nor prescriptive rights which may have been established on either surface streams or ground water basins, none of which are of record with the State Water Rights Board. In general, water rights may be firmly established only by court decree. The rights of the Clear Lake Water Company, a public utility and the principal appropriator of Clear Lake water, were acquired before the Water Com- mission Act went into effect, and consequently its application is one of those which is not listed in Appendix II. The company bases its claim to the use of waters from Clear Lake under filings made in accordance with the Civil Code and under certain purchased rights. Court Decrees Regarding Operation of Clear Lake. In order to effectively utilize waters of Clear Lake, the Yolo Water and Power Company, predecessor to the Clear Lake AVater Company, in 1914 and 1915 constructed a dam across the channel of Cache Creek about five miles downstream from the rim of the lake. The dam is capable of impounding water in the lake to an elevation of 10.:] feet on the Rumsey gage. The gage is of the staff type and is located on the city wharf in Lakeport. The zero of the gage is 20.1 feet lower than the center of a large cement star in the northeast corner of the Courthouse Yard at Lakeport and 21.56 feet below the iron step at the front en- trance to the Bank of Lake Building. The gage for many years has been utilized and recognized as the standard for measurement of the levels of Clear Lake. Zero on the Rumsey gage corresponds to an elevation of 1,318.59 feet above mean sea level. The erection or maintenance of a dam or dams across the Cache Creek outlet of Clear Lake has been a source of much litigation. In the case of Grigsby vs. Clear Lake Water Works Company, reported in 40 Cal. 396 (1870), it will be found that controversy first commenced in 1853 upon the construction of such a dam. The dams in question in the action, however, were built some eight years later. This action was brought by a rim land owner to abate a nuisance claimed from overflow and for damages. Judgment for the plaintiff was reversed and a new trial ordered. Further litigation occurred when the Clear Lake Water Works Company brought action to recover damages against Lake County for destruction of the company's property by mobs or riots. This case is reported in 45 Cal. 90 (1872), where the Supreme Court held the company was entitled to a trial of its cause. In Yolo Water and Power Company vs. Fannie J. Hudson, 182 Cal. 48, 186 Pac. 722 (1920), the com- pany then owning the present dam appealed from a decision of the Superior Court in condemnation of certain rim lands around Clear Lake. Some years later B. F. Conaway, et al sued the Yolo Water and Power Company, see 204 Cal. 125, 266 Pac. 944 (1928), to prevent the company from draining water originating in Clear Lake into Willow Slough to the damage of the plaintiff's lands along Willow Slough. In 1919, the Yolo Water and Power Company, in order to improve conditions for outflow from the lake, commenced to deepen the outlet channel and had completed the work for a distance of about two miles when it was stopped by injunction. The suit to stop the work was brought by owners of land around the lake who had not conveyed any rights to the company, in a case entitled "Gopeevic vs. Yolo Water and Power Company," in the Superior Court of Mendo- cino Coiinty. Pursuant to stipulation by all of the parties to this action, a decree, a copy of which is in- cluded in Appendix I, was entered by the court on October 7. 1920. The salient points of this decree are as follows: 1. The defendant is perpetually enjoined from excavating the outlet of Clear Lake to any depth greater than four feet below zero on the Rumsey 2. The defendant in its operation of the dam is perpetually enjoined from lowering the level of the lake below zero on the Rumsey gage. 3. The defendant is perpetually enjoined in its operation of the dam from raising the level of the lake in excess of 7.56 feet above zero on the Rumsey gage except during storms and floods, for a period of not to exceed ten days, but in no event over 9.00 feet above zero on said gage. 4. The operation of the dam of the defendant is made subject to control by the State Railroad Com- mission. 5. If the injunction is violated, or if the de- fendant ceases to operate its dam, the plaintiffs and intervenors are entitled to restore the natural rim of the lake (Grigsby Riffle) to either one or two feet above zero on Rumsey gage, in accordance with certain specified conditions. The lake has been operated for irrigation storage in accordance with the terms of this decree, so far as is possible, since 1920. Following widespread flooding around the rim of Clear Lake in the winter season of 1937-38, the Clear Lake Water Company, together with the County of Lake, and assisted by the Department of Public Works, undertook to enlarge the outlet of Clear Lake to enable better control of water levels of the lake. A complaint to this action was filed in the Superior Court of Yolo County by downstream interests along Cache Creek. As a result the "Bemmerly Decree," a copy of which is included in Appendix I, was entered by the court on December 18. 1940. The salient point of this decree is as follows : WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 2! I The defendants are perpetually enjoined from widening, deepening, or enlarging the otitlet of Clear Lake so as to increase the flow of water from Clear Lake into Cache Creek. Dams Under State Supervision. The Department of Water Resources supervises the construction, en- largement, alteration, repair, maintenance, operation, and removal of dams for the protection of life and property within California. All dams in the State, excepting those under federal jurisdiction, are under the jurisdiction of the Department, "Dam" means any artificial barrier, together with appurtenant works, if any, across a stream, watercourse, or natural drainage area, which does or may impound or divert water, and which either (a) is or will be 25 feet or more in height from natural stream bed to crest of spillway, or (b) has or will have an impounding capacity of 50 acre-feet or more. Any such barrier, which is or will be not in excess of six feet in height, regardless of storage capacity, or which has or will have a storage capacity not in excess of 15 acre-feet, regardless of height, is not considered a dam. A list of dams in Lake County presently under state super- vision, together with pertinent data, is given in Ap- pendix J. Land Use As a first step in estimating the amount of the water requirements in the Clear Lake Area during the base period and investigational seasons, determi- nations were made of the nature and extent of land use prevailing during these periods. Similarly, the probable nature and extent of ultimate land use, as related to water requirement, w r as forecast on the basis of land classification survey data which segre- gated lands of the area in accordance with their suitability for irrigated agriculture. Past and Present Patterns of Land Use. In con- nection with the United States Census, figures for the total amount of irrigated land in Lake County are available for 10-year intervals since 1919. According to these figures the amount of irrigated land in Lake County increased from 1,107 acres in 1919 to 9,358 acres in 1949. Most of the irrigated land in Lake County is located within the area of investigation, the most notable exception being the irrigated area in the vicinity of Middletown. In 1946 the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the In- terior, made a complete land use survey in Big Val- ley. A comprehensive land use survey of the Clear Lake Area was made in 1948-49 as a part of the cur- rent investigation. The area was checked in 1949-50, 1950-51, and resurveyed in 1952-53 to obtain data on changes in land use and on increases in surface and ground water utilization. Data available from the foregoing surveys were sufficient to determine the average land use pattern in the Clear Lake Area during the three-year base period. For purposes of this bulletin, the most recent land use pattern available, that for the 1952-53 sea- son, was considered to represent present conditions of land use and development in the area, and is so re- ferred to in subsequent discussions. Summaries of present land use in the various units of the Clear Lake Area are presented in Table 18. Summaries of the results of the land use surveys of the Clear Lake Area made in connection with the current investiga- tion, and the average land use pattern for the base period, are presented in Table 19. Detailed results of the 1948-49 land use survey are presented as Table 2 of Appendix K. This appendix is described hereinafter. The base period and present land use patterns of the Clear Lake Area, summarized by general classes of land use and for the forebay and pressure zones of the several units, are presented in Table 20. Lands presently irrigated in the Clear Lake Area are shown on Plate 13, entitled "Irrigated and Irrigable Lands, 1953." TABLE 18 PRESENT PATTERN OF LAND USE IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acres) Class and type of land use Irrigated Lands Alfalfa Beans Corn Grain Hops Pasture Pears Pears with permanent cover crop Prunes Truck Walnuts, young Walnuts, young, with alfalfa Walnuts and grain Walnuts and alfalfa Walnuts Vineyard Subtotals Dry-farmed Lands Pasture and orchard Other crop Subtotals — Native Vegetation Swamp Heavy brush Light brush Sparse brush Subtotals Miscellaneous Urban and farmstead Water surface Roads and highway Wasteland Subtotals Totals Big Valley Unit 560 20 1,340 3,010 230 130 150 140 20 530 720 6,850 3,430 3,900 7,330 320 2.380 270 400 3,370 940 700 220 140 2,000 19,550 Scott Valley Unit 200 10 120 150 550 10 100 10 1,150 400 490 950 60 30 50 140 80 140 30 _'.-,() 2,490 Upper Lake Unit 1,330 360 180 1,010 290 20 90 40 80 20 3,430 2,220 3,090 5,310 340 140 150 630 560 460 110 20 1,150 10,520 Total 2.090 360 210 120 2,500 3,850 230 130 180 230 60 710 750 11,430 0,110 7,480 13,590 660 2,440 440 600 4,140 1 .580 1,300 360 160 3.400 32,560 A blossoming pear orchard near Finley WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 31 TA3LE 19 RECENT PATTERNS OF LAND USE IN CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acres) Class and type of land use Irrigated Lands Alfalfa Bea ns Corn Grain Hops Pasture Pears Pears with permanent cover crop Prunes Truck _-. Walnuts, young Walnuts, young, with alfalfa Walnuts and grain Walnuts and alfalfa Walnuts Vineyard Subtotals Dry-farmed Lands Pasture and orchard Other crops Subtotals Native Vegetation Swamp Heavy brush Light brush Sparse brush Subtotals Miscellaneous Urban and farmstead Water surface Roads and highways Wasteland Subtotals Totals 1948-49 1,180 290 60 80 110 1,980 3,220 280 110 20 50 40 20 40 520 20 8.020 9,910 0,740 16,650 650 2,560 460 820 4,490 1 ,580 1 ,300 360 160 3,400 32,560 1949-50 1,410 300 90 60 110 2,120 3,380 270 110 20 70 90 10 50 560 200 8,850 8,960 6,950 15,910 650 2,530 460 760 4,400 1,580 1,300 360 160 3.400 32,560 1950-51 1,640 320 120 20 140 2,240 3,540 250 110 10 110 140 10 50 620 380 9,700 7,990 7,150 15,140 060 2,500 450 710 4,320 1 ,580 1,300 360 100 3,400 32,560 Present, 1952-53 2,090 360 210 120 2,500 3,850 230 130 10 180 230 00 710 750 11,430 6,110 7,480 13,590 660 2,440 440 600 4,140 1.580 1 ,300 360 160 3,400 32,560 Rase period average, 1948-49 through 1950-51 1,410 300 90 60 110 2,120 3,380 270 110 20 70 9 10 50 560 200 ..850 8,960 6,950 15,910 650 2,530 460 760 4,400 1.580 1 .300 360 160 3,400 32,500 Probable Ultimate Pattern of Land Use. Lands of the Clear Lake Area were classified with respect to their suitability for irrigated agriculture. For the I>ig Valley Unit use was made of a land classification survey made by the United States Bureau of Recla- mation. These data were supplemented and checked in the course of the field surveys made in the other units as a part of the investigation. The land classification made during the investiga- tion was based on standards involving physical factors and known inherent conditions of soils, topog- raphy, and drainage. The conditions relative to the soils that largely determine their suitability for irrigation are depth, texture, and structure. These physical factors to a large extent determine the moisture-holding capacity, the root zone area, the ease of irrigation and cultivation, and the available nutrient capacity of the soil. Topographic condi- tions considered were the degree of slope and undula- TABLE 20 SUMMARY OF PRESENT AND BASE PERIOD LAND USE IN HYDROLOGIC ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acres) Unit and class of land use Big Valley Irrigated lands- -. Dry-farmed lands Native vegetation Miscellaneous Totals __ Scott Valley Irrigated lands Dry-farmed lands Native vegetation M iscellaneous Totals... Upper Lake Irrigated lands Dry-farmed lands Native vegetation Miscellaneous Totals Average for 3-year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Forebay zone 4,120 0,590 2,010 1,550 14,870 240 290 110 70 710 290 1,970 250 220 2,730 Pressure zone 1 ,790 1 .580 800 450 4.080 380 1,150 70 180 1,780 2,030 4,330 500 930 7,790 Present, 1952-53 Forebay zone 4,810 5,890 2,020 1,550 14,870 410 150 80 70 710 810 1,490 210 220 2,730 Pressure zone 2,040 1,440 750 450 4,680 740 800 60 180 1,780 2,620 3,820 420 930 7,790 tion. These affect the ease of irrigation and the type of irrigation practice required to provide water at a proper rate to cropped land. A proper rate of irri- gation application will permit the soil to absorb and hold moisture without erosion or excessive losses through runoff or percolation. As a general rule, no lands with smooth slopes in excess of a 30-foot rise in 100 feet of horizontal distance were considered to be suitable for development by irrigation. Drainage is highly important and is closely associated with problems of salinity, alkalinity, and water-logging of lands. It was assumed that under conditions of ultimate development all land suitable for reclama- tion will be reclaimed. Economic factors relating to the development, production, or marketing of adaptable crops were not considered in making the land classification, nor were costs of clearing, leveling, or other operations required to prepare lands for cultivation. The classi- fication was predicated on the ultimate potential of the land, without regard to availability of water or present land utilization. On the basis of the foregoing standards, agricultural lands of the Clear Lake Area were classified as irrigable or nonirrigable. Results of the land classification of the Lake County Area are presented in Table 21. Locations of the irrigable and nonirrigable lands are shown on Plate 13. By use of the land classification data, a probable ultimate pattern of land use for the Clear Lake Area 32 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION was forecast. The general assumptions were made that under an increasing pressure of demand for agri- cultural products all irrigable lands would eventually be provided with irrigation service and the crop pat- tern prevailing at present would not be substantially modified. Provision was also made for probable in- crease in lands devoted to farmsteads, roads, urban, and other miscellaneous purposes under conditions of probable ultimate development. The estimated ultimate land use pattern of the Clear Lake Area, summarized by general classes of land use and by units of the area, is presented in Table 22. Irrigable lands, as determined by the land classification survey data, and as indicated by the probable ultimate land use pattern, are shown on Plate 13. Unit Use of Water The second step in evaluation of water require- ments involved the determination of unit values of water use for each type of land use in the Clear Lake Area. Esimates of these unit values were based on the results of studies in the investigational area and of prior investigations in other areas. Mean seasonal unit values of consumptive use of water were obtained generally from a report of the Soil Conservation Service of the United States De- partment of Agriculture which was prepared in co- operation with the Department of Water Resources. This report, entitled "Irrigation Practices and Con- sumptive Use of Water in Lake County, California," TABIE 21 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acres) Land class Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit Total 16,230 3,320 2,370 120 9,280 1,240 27,880 4,680 Totals - - - 19,550 2,490 10,520 32,560 dated June, 1951, by Harry F. Blaney and Paul A. Ewing, is included in this bulletin as Appendix K. I'n it values of consumptive use of irrigated crops, dry-farmed crops, and miscellaneous land use were assumed not to have varied for the three seasons of the investigation. This assumption was based on the facts that growing season temperatures during each season varied only slightly from the mean, and that precipitation during each winter season was more than sufficient to furnish the winter consumptive use of these classes of land use. However, estimates of seasonal unit values of consumptive use by native vegetation were varied, depending upon the amount of available rainfall during the investigational sea- sons as related to the amount that would occur under mean conditions of water supply and climate. Esti- mated mean seasonal unit values of consumptive use of water in the Big Valley Unit, and in the Scott Valley and Upper Lake Units, including consumptive use of precipitation, are presented in Table 23. Consumptive use of water is the measure of water requirement in free ground water areas. In pressure zones, however, nearly all water utilized is pumped from confined aquifers and the unconsumed portion constitutes an irrecoverable loss. Consequently, the amount of ground water pumped, or the applied water, is the significant measure of water require- ments in the pressure zones. During the current investigation, measurements were made of the amount of water applied for irriga- tion of selected plots of principal crops in the Clear Lake Area. Records of such application of water pumped from wells were obtained for 45 plots during 1949, and 14 plots during 1950. For each well the pump discharge, acreage of each type of crop irri- gated, number of irrigations, periods of irrigation, and amounts of water applied in each irrigation were recorded. From these data, monthly and total sea- sonal applications of water to each crop were deter- mined. Results of these studies, which may be consid- ered representative of prevailing irrigation practices in the Clear Lake Area, are summarized in Table 24. Detailed results of the plot studies are presented in TABLE 22 PROBABLE ULTIMATE LAND USE PATTERN IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acres) Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit Class of land use Forebay zone Pressure zone Total Forebay zone Pressure zone Total Forebay zone Pressure zone Total Totals 12,210 1) 2,660 3,840 840 16,050 3,500 610 100 1,540 240 2,150 340 2,230 480 6,190 1,620 8,420 2,100 26,620 5,940 14,870 4,680 19.550 710 1,780 2,490 2,730 7.7'io 10,520 32,560 WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE 23 ESTIMATED UNIT VALUES OF MEAN SEASONAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet of depth) Class and type of land use Irrigated crops Alfalfa Beans Corn Grain Hops Pasture Pears Pears with permanent covet crop Prunes Truck Walnuts, young Walnuts, young, with alfalfa Walnuts and grain Walnuts and alfalfa Walnuts Vineyard Dry-farmed lands Pasture and orchard Other crops Native vegetation Swamp Heavy brush Light brush Sparse brush Miscellaneous Urban and farmstead Water surface Reads and highways Wasteland Consumptn e use Big Valley Unit Pre- cipita tion 1 .0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 I . 1 1.0 1.1 0.6 1 . 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 Ap- plied water 2.5 0.7 1.2 0.7 1.6 2.5 1.3 2.4 1.3 0.8 1.3 2.4 2.0 2.8 2.7 1.3 1.3 Total 3.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 3.4 3.0 3.8 2.7 2.1 1.5 1.3 4.1 4.9 3.4 2.5 2.0 3.0 0.8 1.0 Scott Valley and Upper Lake Units Pre- oipita tion 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1 .1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.6 1 .1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 Ap- plied water 2.5 0.6 1.2 0.7 1.6 2.5 1.3 2.4 1.3 0.8 1.3 1.3 Total 3.5 1.4 2.1 1 .5 2.7 3.5 2.4 3.4 2.4 1.4 2.4 3.4 3.0 3.8 2.7 2.1 1.8 1.5 2 . 3.0 0.8 1.0 Appendix L, and location of the plots is indicated on Plate 13. Since the several units of the Clear Lake Area overlie both confined and free ground water bodies, it was necessary to evaluate the water requirement for each unit of the area as the sum of consumptive use in the forebay zones and applied water in the pressure zones. In all units of the area, weighted unit values of consumptive use and of applied water were deter- mined for each land use class from data presented in Tables 23 and 24 and from land use acreages as measured in the 1948-49 land use survej'. These weighted unit values of water xise are presented in Table 25. Past and Present (1953) Water Requirements Water requirements in the several units of the Clear Lake Area for the base period, and for 1952-53, were estimated by multiplying the acreage of each class of land use during these periods by the appro- priate weighted unit value of water use, as given in ■ ■ WU Interplanting of cover crops in orchards adds nutrients to the soil and prevents erosion. This conservation measure is widely practiced in Lake County TABLE 24 MEASURED AVERAGE SEASONAL APPLICATION OF IRRIGATION WATER ON SELECTED PLOTS OF REPRESENTATIVE CROPS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet of depth) Crop Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit L949 1950 1949 1950 1949 1950 Alfalfa. _. 3.5 1.9 3.3 2.9 2.6 7.1 2.5 1.7 0.8 3.1 0.6 2.2 4.8 2.4 0.6 2.5 0.8 1.3 0.3 2.1 3.3 1.5 0.8 2.1 Alfalfa and young walnuts .. 2.5 Mixed orchard Pasture_ . _ - _ - 1.9 Pears, with permanent cover crop Pears, with semipermanent cover crop . - Sudan- Walnuts Walnuts, with alfalfa Walnuts, with corn Table 25. The results of the estimates of seasonal water requirements during the base period, and with present land use under mean conditions of water supply and climate, are presented in Table 26, sum- marized by general classes of land use for each unit of the Clear Lake Area. These estimates include con- sumptive use of precipitation in the forebay zones. In order to facilitate certain phases of the analysis of ground water hydrology, presented in Chapter II, 34 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 25 BASE PERIOD AND MEAN WEIGHTED UNiT VALUES OF WATE3 USE IN HYDROLOGIC ZONES IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In feet of depth) Average for 3-year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 Mean Tint and class i»f land use Forebay zone Pressure zone Forebay zone Precipi- tation Gro'tnd water Total Precipi- tation Ground water Total Pressure zone Big Valley 1.06 1.44 1.30 1 . 85 2.91 1.44 4.38 2.13 2.58 1.73 3.46 2.58 3.16 1.75 2.98 2.22 2.53 2.00 1.60 1.06 1.44 1.30 1.85 3.42 2.91 1.44 4.72 2.13 2.58 1.73 3.38 2.58 3.16 1.75 2.62 2.22 2.53 3.08 2.00 Scott Valley 0.84 1.73 1.30 1.74 2.16 0.84 1.73 1.30 1 .74 2.08 1.60 Native vegetation _ 2.00 3.06 2.00 Upper Lake 0.74 1.75 1 .30 2.42 0.74 1.75 1.30 2.42 1.32 3.06 1.68 2.00 2.00 it was desirable to estimate the seasonal utilization of ground water in the Clear Lake Area. To accomplish this, unit values of consumptive use of ground water in the forebay zones and of applied water in the pres- sure zones were multiplied by the acreage of each class of land use. The estimates were made for the TABLE 26 ESTIMATED SEASONAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) Unit and class of land use Average for 3- year base period, 1948-49 through 1950-51 With present land use under mean cond- tions of water supply and climate Big Valley 16,500 9,500 11,400 3,800 19,200 8,500 12,400 3,800 41,200 1,200 500 400 300 43,900 Scott Valley Irrigated lands 2,200 300 300 300 2,400 7,100 3,500 700 1,400 3,100 Upper Lake 10 600 2,600 600 1,400 12,700 15,200 Totals .-- 56,300 62,200 base period, and for present land use under mean conditions of water supply and climate. Consumptive use of ground water in the forebay zones was deter- mined as consumptive use of applied water for irri- gated lands and urban and farmstead lands, and as total consumptive use minus utilized precipitation for TABLE 27 ESTIMATED SEASONAL UTILIZATION OF GROUND WATER IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) Unit and class of land use 1 Average for 3- year base period. 1948-49 through 1950-51 With present land use under mean condi- tions of water supply and climate Big Valley 12,200 8,000 1,400 14 100 9 000 1 400 21,600 1,000 200 200 24 500 Scott Valley Irrigated lands. _ _ _ _ _ 1,900 200 200 1,400 6,200 800 600 2 300 Upper Lake 9 20O 700 Miscellaneous . _. ._ 600 7,600 10.500 Totals 30.600 37 300 WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 35 native vegetation. The estimates are summarized in Table 27 by general classes of land nse for each unit of the Clear Lake Area. Probable Ultimate Water Requirements The total seasonal amount of water requirement in the Clear Lake Area was estimated as it would be under probable ultimate conditions of land use and under mean conditions of water supply and climate. This was accomplished by multiplying the acreage of each class of land use, as derived in the forecast of the ultimate land use pattern, by its appropriate seasonal unit value of water use. The estimate ac- counted for the increased contribution to ground water in the three units in the amounts of 9,000, 200,- and 700 acre-feet, respectively, resulting from change in consumptive use on lands presently devoted to native vegetation but which ultimately would be irri- gated. However, this increased contribution would be, for the most part, irrecoverably lost since ground water basins in the Clear Lake Area would be filled each season and the potentially salvageable ground water would be .spilled from the basins. The estimate of probable ultimate water requirement is summa- rized in Table 28 by general classes of land use for each unit of the Clear Lake Area. These estimates include consumptive use of precipitation in forebay zones. TABLE 28 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL WATER REQUIRE- MENT IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) Class of land use Big Valley Unit Scott Valley Unit Upper Lake Unit Total 54,300 n 6,600 4,200 400 26.600 2,600 8.5,100 Native vegetation Miscellaneous _. _ _ _ 9,600 Totals 60.900 4,600 29,200 94.700 Nonconsumptive Water Requirements As has been stated, certain nonconsumptive re- quirements for water, such as those for flood control, recreation, and conservation of fish and wildlife, will be of significance in the design of works to meet con- sumptive requirements in Lake County. Except in the case of flood control, the magnitudes of the noncon- sumptive requirements are relatively indeterminate and are dependent upon allocations made during de- sign of works and after consideration of economic factors. Water requirements for flood control, recrea- tion, and conservation of fish and wildlife are dis- cussed in general terms in this section. Flood Control. The regulation of flood runoff is one of the foremost problems facing the Clear Lake Area at the present time. Fluctuation of the level of Clear Lake, and the overflow from natural stream channels during high-water periods, create a flood problem which must be solved if maximum land utilization is to be acbieved. Channel capacities of streams tributary to Clear Lake are inadequate to carry the flood flows which occur almost every year. Consequently, about 14,000 acres of land lying adjacent to the lower reaches of principal streams are estimated by the U. S. Corps of Engineers to be subject to inundation. Most of the flooded area is devoted to agriculture, but the towns of Upper Lake, Finley, and Kelseyville also suffer periodic flooding. Other urban and suburban proper- ties, roads, bridges, and utilities are also subject to damage. However, there is little threat to human life. Cache Creek is the natural drain for Clear Lake, but has a restricted channel in the five-mile reach between the lake and the Clear Lake Water Company dam. The latter provides limited control of the level of Clear Lake, but flood flows from streams tributary to the lake are much greater than the maximum ca- pacity of the outlet channel and, as a result, the lake surface rises rapidly during flood periods to inundate a maximum of about 4,000 acres in the flood plain around the rim of the lake. Much of the flooded area is occupied by residences and resort developments, but some portions are utilized for agricultural pur- poses. Despite the damages suffered in the immediate area, Clear Lake flood storage provides significant incidental flood protection for lands along the lower reaches of Cache Creek in Yolo County. The Clear Lake Water Company utilizes the lake as a storage reservoir from which it supplies water for irrigation of lands in Yolo County. Its operations have been regulated since 1920 by the "Gopcevic Decree," which fixes the maximum and minimum lake levels, and specifies the permissible enlargement and operation of the lake outlet. However, it has been impossible to keep the water stages within specified limits during years of extremely high or low runoff. In a joint effort in 1938, the Department of Public- Works, the Clear Lake Water Company, and the County of Lake attempted to enlarge the outlet. The work was halted by a temporary restraining order obtained by downstream property owners who feared that larger flows in Cache Creek would cause in- creased flood damage in lower Cache Creek basin. As a result of this action the "Bemmerly Decree" was entered by the court and still remains in effect. Flood control improvements in the Clear Lake Area consist mainly of levees constructed by local interests. The principal levee project is located along the lower five miles of the east bank of Middle Creek, and protects the lands of Reclamation District No. 2070 from flows up to about 7,500 second-feet. The record damage to lake shore properties caused by the 1938 flood was the motivating factor which led to an agreement in that year between the Coun- 36 LAKE COCNTY INVESTIGATION ties of Yolo and Lake and the Department of Water Resources for a survey and formulation of a coordi- nated plan of Hood control for the entire Cache Creek drainage basin. The report of this investigation, pub- lished in 1939 and entitled "Report on Clear Lake- Cache Creek Flood Control Investigation," proposed the enlargement of the Clear Lake outlet channel to a capacity of 8,500 second-feet, construction of Indian Valley Reservoir on the North Fork of Cache Creek to a capacity of 186,000 acre-feet, and improvement of lower Cache Creek channel to a capacity of 15,000 sec 1-foot peak flow. Flood control storage in Clear Lake, combined with 40,000 acre-feet of storage in Indian Valley Reservoir, was to be utilized to achieve a substantial reduction in flood damage both around the rim of Clear' Lake and along the lower reaches of Cache Creek. The report further envisioned the ultimate construction of a reservoir at the Capay site on Cache Creek to provide additional protection along lower Cache Creek. In all cases, flood control opera- tions were to be coordinated with irrigation storage. Flood problems in the Cache Creek Basin were recognized in the report of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, entitled "Comprehensive Flood Con- trol Survey Report on Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin Streams," dated February 1, 1945, and a sup- plement, dated June 1, 1948, which recommended construction of a 250,000 acre-foot reservoir at Indian Valley and Levee and channel improvements on the Clear Lake tributaries of Scott, Middle, and Clover Creeks. In its 1950 "Review Report on Cache Creek Ba- sin,"' the Corps of Engineers again recommended the 250,000 acre-foot Indian Valley Reservoir on the North Fork of Cache Creek and levees and channel improvements on Middle, Clover, and lower Scott ('reeks. In addition, the review report proposed the enlargement of the Clear Lake outlet channel to a capacity of 8,000 second-feet and the construction of a 40,000 acre-foot reservoir on Kelsey Creek. These projects, operated in the combined interest of flood control and irrigation, would reduce flooding in the protected areas of the Clear Lake tributary streams to that caused by storms of frequency greater than once in 100 years. Although there would be no re- duction in frequency of flooding by Clear Lake, the l-in-100-year stage would be reduced from 12.5 feet to 10.8 feet on the Rumsey gage. The coordinated operation of Indian Valley Reservoir with Clear Lake would also provide substantial protection along lower Cache Creek. Preliminary comments by the Department of Wa- ter Resources on the proposed U. S. Corps of Engi- neers projects for Cache Creek Basin were sent to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on January 17, 1951. The Department of Water Re- sources pointed out the need for the fullest prac- ticable utilization of the waters of Cache Creek, and that a reservoir located on its lower reaches above Capay Valley would be in a position to control 89 per cent of the Cache Creek drainage area above the Sacramento Valley floor. This compares with 13.6 per cent controlled by the Indian Valley and Kelsey Creek Reservoirs, proposed by the plan of the U. S. Corps of Engineers. It was also proposed that further consideration be given to conservation and flood con- trol storage on Scott, .Middle, and Clover Creeks. In 1953, tlie Soil Conservation Service, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, published a report, entitled "Adobe Creek Watershed Protection Plan." This re- port describes a project that included detention reservoirs on Adobe Creek and its tributary. High- land Creek, and channel realignment and enlarge- ment along a total of about 6.5 miles of Adobe Creek, The combined flood control storage in the two reser- voirs would control a l-in-10-year flood on Adobe Creek to a peak flow of 2,500 second-feet. Channel improvements would increase the channel capacity from 1.200 second-feet to 2.500 second-feet. Flood control accomplishments of works proposed in this bulletin are described in Chapter IV. Recreation, Fish, and Wildlife. Lake County, by virtue of its climatic advantages, its wide variety of natural attractions, and proximity and ease of access to the metropolitan area around San Francisco Bay, enjoys an outdoor recreational opportunity of great importance to her growth and economy, and of signifi- cant importance to the State as a whole. AVith antici- pated continued growth in population, it is expected that the public demand for preservation and enhance- ment of recreational facilities will be sufficient to assure the provision of water supplies necessary for such purposes. In the aggregate, the amount of water presently used for domestic and service facilities in recrea- tional areas in Lake County is relatively small. In the Clear Lake Area recreational and fishing activ- ities are centered around Clear Lake, which provides abundant facilities for fishing, boating, sailing, swim- ming, and Other water sports. A study to ascertain conditions of sport fishery of Clear Lake was initiated by the State Department of Fish and Game in May, 1946. Results of this study are reported in "California Fish and Game," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1941. a publication of the Department of Fish and Game. The department found that Kelsey, Middle, and Scott Creeks, all tributary to Clear Lake, have perennial flows in their higher reaches and support limited trout fisheries. It was also found that the large run of squawfish, hitch, and splittail, which once entered these streams for spawning, no longer occurs. This condition has been brought about by the increased use of water of these streams for irrigation purposes. As a result, the streams presently dry up at their mouths in early summer or late spring, whereas in earlier years flows Aquatic recreational activities are of great importance to Lake County 38 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION probably prevailed until September. Works proposed on these streams in connection with the Lake County Investigation would improve late season flows, thereby making possible the probable return of stream spawners. Factors of Water Demand The term "factors of water demand," as used in this bulletin, refers to those factors pertaining to rates, times, and places of delivery of water, losses of water, quality of water, etc., imposed by the control, development, and use of water for beneficial pur- poses. Irrigation practices in the Clear Lake Area, as determined by rates of application, irrigation effi- ciencies, monthly demands, and permissible defi- ciencies in application of water, must be given con- sideration in preliminary design of works to meet supplemental water requirements. These factors of demand are discussed in the following sections. Application of Water. During the current in- vestigation, measurements were made of the amount of water applied for irrigation on selected plots of principal crops in the Clear Lake Area. These studies were described earlier in this chapter under the heading "Unit Use of Water," and the results of the studies, which may be considered representative of prevailing rates of application of irrigation water in the Clear Lake Area, were summarized in Table 24. Detailed results of the studies are presented in Ap- pendix L, and location of the plots are indicated on Plate 13. Irrigation Efficiency. Estimates of irrigation effi- ciency realized from application of ground water in the investigational area were made by the Soil Con- servation Service in connection with studies of con- sumptive use. These estimates are given in Table 4 of Appendix K. Irrigation efficiency is defined as the ratio of con- sumptive use of applied water to the total amount of applied water, and is commonly expressed as a per- centage. In Appendix K it is indicated that the esti- mated average irrigation efficiency realized from studies of application of ground water in 1949 was about 55 per cent. It was impractical to make a cor- responding estimate of irrigation efficiency realized from application of surface water in the investiga- tional area, due to lack of data. Monthly Demands for Water. Because of differ- ences in water utilization by various crops grown in the Clear Lake Area, there is considerable variation in both rate and period of demand for irrigation water. Based on anaylsis of measurements of applica- t ion of ground water for irrigation, made in 1949 and 1950, the estimated average monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water is as presented in Table 29. TABLE 29 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR IRRIGATION WATER IN CLEAR LAKE AREA Month Percent of seasonal total January . - February _ March- ._ April May June July August September October November December- TotaL Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Irriga- tion Water. Studies to determine deficiencies in the supply of irrigation water that might be endured without permanent injury to perennial crops were not made in connection with the Lake County Investiga- tion. However, the results of past investigation and study of endurable deficiencies in the Sacramento River Basin are believed to be applicable to the Clear Lake Area. In this respect, the following is \ quoted from Water Resources Bulletin No. 26, "Sac- ramento River Basin," 1931. "A full irrigation supply furnishes water not only for the consumptive use of the plant but also for evaporation from the surface during applica- tion and from the moist ground surface, and for water which is lost through percolation to depths be- yond the reach of the plant roots. Less water can be used in years of deficiency in supply by careful ap- plication and by more thorough cultivation to con- 1 serve the ground moisture. In these ways the plant ! can be furnished its full consumptive use with much { smaller amounts of water than those ordinarily ap- plied and the yield will not be decreased. If the supply is too deficient to provide the full consump- tive use, the plant can sustain life on smaller j amounts but the crop yield will probably be less j than normal. "It is believed from a study of such data as are available that a maximum deficiency of 35 per cent t of the full seasonal requirement can be endured, if the deficiency occurs only at relatively long inter- vals. It is also believed that small deficiencies occur- ring at relatively frequent intervals can be en- dured. ' ' In the selection of sizes of conservation works for design purposes to serve units of the Clear Lake Area, it was assumed that deficiencies in the amount of 35 j per cent of the average seasonal requirement for irri- gation water may be endured in seasons of critically deficient water supply, provided that such deficiences WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 39 do not occur frequently and in no case in consecutive seasons. It was further assumed that requirements for urban water would be met at all times without defi- ciency. SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENTS The previously presented data, estimates, and dis- cussion regarding water supply and utilization in the Clear Lake Area indicate that present and probable future water problems of the Clear Lake Area, with the exception of flood control and drainage, are largely limited to those connected with ground water, and their effects are largely related to irrigated agri- culture. It is further indicated that present ground water problems are not serious. These ground water problems are created by progressive lowering of water levels occurring as a result of development of use of the ground water basins. As the use of ground water increases with the expansion of irrigated agri- culture, ground water levels will continue to lower until the lowering is limited or controlled by the de- velopment of supplemental water supplies to meet future water requirements. The estimated present and probable ultimate re- quirements for supplemental water in the Clear Lake Area are discussed and evaluated in the following sections. For purposes of this bulletin, requirements (for supplemental water refer to the amount of water over and above the sum of present ground water yield and safe surface water yield, which must be developed .to satisfy water requirements. Water requirements in turn refer to the amount of water needed to provide for all beneficial consumptive use of water and for irrecoverable losses of water incidental to such bene- ficial use. Present (1953) Supplemental Water Requirement It is indicated that no present supplemental water [requirement exists in the Clear Lake Area, since mean seasonal extraction of Avater from the free ground water areas of the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and EJpper Lake Units has not exceeded average base period replenishment, as reflected by insignificant change in ground water storage during the base pe- riod. As shown in Table 13, average changes in ground water storage during the base period in the Big Val- ley and Scott Valley Units were only '2, '290 acre-feet, and 260 acre-feet, respectively, witli no change in the Upper Lake Unit. Furthermore, in each year dur- ing the base period, the available ground water stor- age capacity was filled in the spring of the year, as indicated by shallow depths to ground water existing at that time. Non-irrigated walnut groves in Lake County often utilize relatively steep side-hill slopes Probable Ultimate Supplemental Water Requirement The probable ultimate requirement for supple- mental water in the Clear Lake Area was evaluated as the difference between present and probable ulti- mate water requirement, plus the present requirement for supplemental water. Development and utilization of a supplemental water supply in the amount of this forecast would assure an adequate supply of water for lands presently irrigated in the area, as well as TABLE 30 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA (In acre-feet) 1 2 3 4 5 Unit Present water require? Inrlll Probable ultimate water require- ment Probable increase in water require- ment (2 - 1) Present supple- mental water require- nt Probable ultimate supple- mental water require- ment (3 + 4) Big Valley. Scott Valley Upper Lake- 43,900 3.100 15,200 60,900 4,600 29,200 17,000 1,500 14,000 17.000 1,500 14,000 Totals 62,200 94,700 32.500 32,500 40 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION for those irrigable lands not presently served with water. Estimates of present and probable ultimate require- ments for water in the Clear Lake Area, under mean conditions of water supply and climate, were pre- sented in Tables 26 and 28. In the preceding section it was estimated that no present supplemental water requirement exists. Utilizing these estimates, the fore- cast of the probable ultimate seasonal requirement for supplemental w r ater by units of the Clear Lake Area, under mean conditions of water supply and climate, is presented in Table 30. CHAPTER IV PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT It has been shown heretofore that the present water problems in the Clear Lake Area are the need for supplemental water to meet requirements of irrigable lands presently not supplied with water, and the need for flood control. Solution of the flood control problem, and provision of water for irrigation of ir- rigable lands not presently served with water, will require conservation development of available water resources. In the preceding chapter, estimates were presented as to the amount of supplemental water required in the Clear Lake Area. It has been stated that the water presently passing through the area is regulated in Clear Lake for further use downstream in the Cache Creek Basin. These flows occur during the rainy season from November through April, and frequently cause flood damage along the rim of Clear Lake and in the communities and farms adjacent to tributary streams. Although such flows replenish the present relatively minor draft on the ground water basins of the Clear Lake Area, they are substantially undeveloped at the present time for use in the area. Studies which are described in this bulletin indicate that the flows of streams tributary to Clear Lake, if properly con- trolled and regulated, could meet the probable ulti- mate water requirements of the Clear Lake Area and that flood hazards would be eliminated. Plans for water development are described in this chapter under the two general headings, "The Cali- fornia Water Plan," and "Plans for Local Develop- ment." The discussion under the former heading- pertains to water development plans at the State-wide level, formulated as the concluding phase of the State- wide Water Resources Investigation and deals briefly with the relationship of these plans to the Clear Lake Area. Under the latter heading, there are described the several plans for possible local development of supplemental water supplies and flood protection which were given consideration in connection with the Lake County Investigation. All such local plans con- sidered would be subject to vested rights. Specific plans are presented for the more favorable of these projects, together with estimates of capital and an- nual costs and unit costs of the developed supple- mental water supplies. Locations of the principal fea- tures of the several possible plans for both initial and future construction are shown on Plate 14, "Plans for Water Development." THE CALIFORNIA WATER PLAN The Department of Water Resources has recently completed the State-wide Water Resources Investiga- tion in the publication of Bulletin No. 3, "The Cali- fornia Water Plan." The California Water Plan has as its objectives the full control, development, protec- tion, conservation, distribution, and utilization of California's water resources for the benefit of all areas of the State and for all beneficial uses and pur- poses. The Plan, as presented in Bulletin No. 3, is a master plan to guide and coordinate all agencies in the planning and construction of the works required to meet these objectives. The California Water Plan is an ultimate plan designed to meet the water requirements of the indefi- nite future when the land and other resources of the State are essentially fully developed. It consists of two principal categories of works: local works de- signed to meet the present and future water needs in each area of the State ; and a major system of works to conserve and export surplus waters from the North Coastal Area and Sacramento River Basin, and to transfer these waters to areas of deficiency elsewhere in the State. The local development plans presented in the en- suing section comprise a portion of the local works category of The California Water Plan in the Clear Lake Area. Therefore, the discussion herein is limited to a brief description of those features of the major works category of the Plan which are pertinent to the Clear Lake Area. Development of surplus waters of the Eel River for export to deficient areas elsewhere in the State, as contemplated under The California Water Plan, would be of considerable significance to the Clear Lake Area, particularly in the effect upon the opera- tion of Clear Lake. These works would consist of four major conservation reservoirs and associated pumping plants on the Eel River ; a tunnel to convey water through the southerly divide to Clear Lake; a short diversion tunnel from Cache Creek to Putah Creek ; and a series of reservoirs and power plants along Putah Creek. Surplus water would be pumped from reservoir to reservoir up the Eel River to Willis Ridge Reservoir, the uppermost of the chain of reservoirs. From this reservoir the water would flow by gravity through a 12-mile tunnel to Middle Creek, thereafter utilizing this natural channel to enter Clear Lake. Clear Lake would be utilized to convey the Eel River water to (41) 42 LAKE COrXTY IXVESTKJ ATION (lear Lake Dam. Here another tunnel would transfer the water to the Putah Creek watershed, where the available head in the drop to the floor of the Sacra- mento Valley would be utilized in the production of hydroelectric energy. Works included in the foregoing development would consist of 9 reservoirs, including the 4 major conservation reservoirs on the Eel River and 5 regu- latory reservoirs for power generation on Putah Creek; 7 hydroelectric power plants, including one: on the Eel River and 6 on Putah Creek; and 2 pump- in r plaids on the Eel River. The 4 major conserva- tion reservoirs, with an aggregate active storage capacity of about 6,600,000 acre-feet, would develop some 2,140,000 acre-feet of water per season for ex- port. About 2.6 billion kilowatt-hours of electric energy would be generated, of which amount 1.9 bil- lion kilowatt-hours would be required for pumping the conserved water over the divide into, Clear Lake. Conveyance of Eel River water from Clear Lake to the floor of Sacramento Valley by way of Cache Creek has been considered as a possible alternative to the Putah (reek plan. However, the planning rela- tive to this conveyance is quite preliminary, and would require considerable geologic exploratory wor,k as well as further engineering studies before its feasi- bility could be established. The alternative develop- ment would consist of a series of dams and power- plants down the course of Cache Creek in stairstep fashion, very similar to the Putah Creek system. Export of Eel River water to the Sacramento Valley via Clear Lake would be contingent upon the enlargement of the present outlet of the lake in order to minimize fluctuation of the water surface. This woidd necessitate the modification of existing court decrees. However, with such enlargement, the lake level could be stabilized, and local flood problems around the lake would be greatly reduced. Moreover, i he mineral quality of water in the lake would be substantially improved. PLANS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Possible plans for local development of supple- mental water supplies and control of floods in the Clear Lake Area, together with cost estimates, are de- scribed in this section. Design of features of the plans was necessarily of a preliminary nature and primarily for cost estimating purposes. More detailed investi- gation, which would be required in order to prepare plans and specifications, might result in designs dif- fering in detail from those presented in this bulletin. However, it is believed that such changes would not result in significant modifications in estimated costs. Tn connection with tin 1 ensuing discussion of water development works, the following terms are used as indicated. Saft Yield. The maximum sustained rate of draft from a reservoir that coidd have been maintained through a critically deficient water supply period to meet a given demand for water. For purposes of this bulletin, safe yield was determined on the basis of the critical period that occurred in the Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35. Irrigation Yield. The maximum sustained rate of draft from a reservoir that could have been main- tained through a critically deficient water supply period to meet a given irrigation demand for water, with certain specified deficiencies. For purposes of this bulletin, irrigation yield was determined on the basis of the critical period that occurred in the Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35. New Waler. The seasonal yield of water resulting from a proposed new water supply development and method of Operation thereof, that would have been wasted without the proposed works, including all conserved water, whether vailable on a safe yield, irrigation .yield, or other basis. Capital costs of dams, reservoirs, diversion works, conduits, pumping plants, levees, and appurtenances were estimated from preliminary designs based largely on data from surveys made during the current investigation and by other . agencies. Approximate construction quantities were estimated from these preliminary designs. Unit prices of construction items were determined from recent bid data on projects similar to those in question, or from manufacturers' cost lists, and are considered representative of prices prevailing in November, 1954. The estimates of capital cost included costs of rights of way and construction, and interest during one-half of the estimated con- struction period at 3.5 per cent per annum, plus 10 per cent for engineering, and 15 per cent of construc- tion costs for contingencies. Estimates of annual costs included interest on the capital investment at 3.5 per cent, amortization over a 50-year period on a 3.5 per cent sinking fund basis, and replacement, opera- tion, and maintenance costs, and costs of electrical energy for pumping. Tentative plans for the control of floods and the conservation of waters of the Clear Lake Area include greater utilization of ground water storage in the several units of the area and the construction of sev- eral dams and reservoirs on streams tributary to Clear Lake. These plans which directly affect the area of investigation include the construction of a dam and reservoir on Kelsey Creek, about 3.5 miles south of Kelsey ville in Big Valley. This dam and reservoir would protect lands adjacent to Kelsey Creek from floods, and would, in addition, supply water for irri- gation, municipal, and domestic use in Big Valley. The proposed reservoir and additional works, oper- ated in conjunction with the reservoir, including a by-pass channel adjacent to Adobe Creek, would pro- ['LANS Koi; WATER DEVELOPMENT 43 tect virtually all lands in Big Valley from floods. Other proposed works on Clear Lake tributaries in- clude the Lakeport Dam and Reservoir on Scott Creek about 2 miles west of Lakeport, the Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir on Middle Creek about 8 miles up- stream from Upper Lake, and flood control works on Middle Creek and Clover Creek in the Upper Lake Unit. These works would provide flood protection to lands in Scott Valley and the Upper Lake Unit, and would also supply water for irrigation, domestic, and municipal use. Big Valley Unit It was shown in Chapter III that there is no pres- ent requirement for supplemental water in the Big Valley Unit, but that irrigable lands not presently irrigated will require the development of a supple- mental water supply. For the Big Valley Unit the ultimate supplemental water requirement was esti- mated to be about 17,000 acre-feet per season. It was also indicated that there is a need for flood control on streams in Big Valley. Therefore, in the design of works for water development, it was considered de- sirable to provide multipurpose works to insure a water supply in an amount of about the estimated ultimate supplemental water requirement, and to con- trol floods. Three possible alternative plans of works for local construction to provide supplemental water and flood control were considered. For reasons hereinafter men- tioned, and after preliminary investigation and study, the first two plans were given no further considera- tion for present cost estimating purposes, but may warrant future study. The third plan is described in some detail later in this section. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the alternative plans considered included the construction of relatively small dams and reservoirs on both Kelsey and Adobe Creeks. The reservoirs would be operated to provide sufficient water to supply the probable ultimate supplemental water requirement of the Big Valley Unit. Flood control would be accomplished under this plan by construction of levees along Kelsey and Adobe Creeks which would confine the peak flood flows to the leveed channels. Preliminary investiga- tion and study of the plan indicated that right of way costs for the leveed channels would be excessive, a large area of the better lands would be removed from cultivation, difficulty would be encountered in establishing an alignment which would avoid the town of Kelseyville, and the small storage reservoirs would require expensive spillway construction, making the unit cost of irrigation water excessive. For these reasons, this plan was given no further present con- sideration. The second of the alternative plans considered for initial construction would include the construction of a large dam and reservoir on Kelsey Creek which would be operated primarily for flood control. Re- leases from the reservoir would be controlled to the present channel capacity of Kelsey Creek. Smaller dams and reservoirs would also be constructed on Adobe and Highland Creeks so as to reduce the esti- mated peak flood flows on these streams to the present channel capacity of Adobe Creek. Irrigation water would be stored in each of these reservoirs to partially supply the estimated ultimate supplemental water re- quirement of the Big Valley Unit. Cost of the struc- tures with the expensive release appurtenances re- quired proved excessive, and preliminary studies indicated that the unit cost of the conserved water would be greater than the corresponding unit cost of the third plan described in this section. For these reasons, the plan was given no further present consideration. The third of the alternative plans considered for local construction would provide flood protection to all lands in Big Valley, supply supplemental water for percolation to the ground water basin, and meet water requirements under conditions of ultimate de- velopment. The plan would include increased opera- tion of the ground water basin and construction of a dam and reservoir on Kelsey Creek about 3.5 miles upstream from Kelseyville. Flood flows of Kelsey Creek would be discharged through the reservoir spillway into Adobe Creek, and thence into a by-pass channel which would convey the combined flood flows from Kelsey, Adobe, and Highland Creeks along the western edge of Big Valley, discharging into Clear Lake. This plan differs from the second plan de- scribed above in two major respects; additional ground water storage capacity would be utilized, and only the reservoir capacity above the spillway lip would be dedicated to flood control purposes. This method of operation would permit use of the proposed Kelseyville Reservoir for water conservation. This plan is hereinafter referred to as the "Big Valley Project" and its principal features are delineated on Plate 15. Big Valley Project. A portion of the indicated supplemental water requirement of the Big Valley Unit could be met by additional utilization of ground water storage. The additional ground water storage capacity would be created by increasing pumping lifts so as to dewater more of the water-producing aquifers and thus enable the capture of a portion of the surface outflow from the valley which presently wastes to Clear Lake each season. Studies made in connection with the current in- vestigation indicate that, under present conditions of utilization of ground water, the available ground water storage is filled by March of every year. There- fore, surface inflow to the unit after March passes undiminished to Clear Lake. Stream flow measure- 44 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Site of proposed Kelseyville Dam on Kelsey Creek incuts made during the investigation indicated that the maximum monthly rate of percolation of streams in Big Valley approached 5,000 acre-feet. From esti- mates of monthly runoff of streams in Big Valley for the period 1921 through 1947, and by utilizing the maximum monthly rate of percolation of 5,000 acre- feet, the average amount of water which could be percolated after March, above that which presently percolates, would be about 7,500 acre-feet. In order to capture this 7,500 acre-feet of water presently wasting from the valley, it would be necessary to create approximately 9,000 acre-feet of additional "round water storage. This could be accomplished by increasing pumping lifts about 7 feet by the end of the irrigation season. Under this method of operation of the ground water basin, 7,500 acre-feet of the probable ultimate sup- plemental water requirement of Big Valley could be met. The balance of the supplemental water require- ments, 9,500 acre-feet, could be obtained from up- stream storage on Kelsey Creek. The proposed Kelsey- ville Reservoir would be operated for both flood con- trol and water conservation purposes. The reservoir, with other required works, would give flood protection to virtually all lands in Big Valley and would yield firm supplies of water for use in the Big Valley Unit. The proposed dam would be an earth- and rockfill structure with a chute spillway at the upper end of the reservoir, and two small dams in saddles on the west side of the reservoir. The main dam would be located on Kelsey Creek in Section 34, Township 13 North, Range 9 West. M.D.B. & M., about 4 miles south of Kelseyville. Stream bed elevation at the site is about 1,465 feet. The floodwaters of Kelsey Creek would be regulated in this reservoir and released into Kelsey Creek for percolation to ground water and for diversion to areas where good wells are not generally obtained. Spill of peak floods to Adobe Creek would be through a spillway located at the upper end of the reservoir in Section 4, Township 12 North, Range 9 West, M.D.B. & M. The floodwaters of Kelsey Creek, together with the unregulated flood flows of Adobe and Highland Creeks, would be di- verted from Adobe Creek at Bell Hill Road into a by-pass channel discharging into Clear Lake. As a first step in determination of size of the proj- ect, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for various storage capacities. It was estimated the mean seasonal runoff of Kelsey Creek, from the approximately 37 square miles of watershed above the dam site, was about 42,000 acre-feet. Yield studies, based upon estimates of runoff during the critical dry period which occurred in the Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35, were made for three sizes of reservoir at the Kelsey Creek site. A summary of results of the yield studies is presented in Table 31. After consideration of the results of yield studies, and of the requirements for flood control, a reservoir of 36,000 acre-foot storage capacity, with estimated seasonal yield of 26,800 acre-feet, was chosen for purposes of cost estimates presented in this bulletin. Operation studies for the period 1920-21 through 1935-36 indicate a maximum deficiency of about 10 per cent for releases made from the reservoir. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appendix M. TABLE 31 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF KELSEYVILLE RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1920-21 THROUGH 1934-35 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 3, GOO 5.000 H,IH)|) 17,500 3f.,000 2li.800 As mentioned previously, the ground water basin presently fills by March of each year, and by increas- ing tisable ground water storage each season by about 9,000 acre-feet, an additional average of 7,500 acre- feet could be percolated from streams in the Big Valley Unit after March. Of the total of 7,500 acre- feet per season, it is estimated that Kelsey ('reek would contribute about 5,800 acre-feet. Since Kelsey Creek presently contributes about 11,500 acre-feet per season to ground water storage, the total percola- tion from Kelsey Creek, with greater utilization of ground water storage, would be 17,300 acre-feet. The difference between the total percolation from Kelsey PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Creek, 17,300 acre-feet per season, and the estimated safe seasonal yield of 26,800 aere-feet from Kelsey- ville Reservoir indicates an estimated new yield of water of about 9,500 acre-feet creditable to the reser- voir. The total new yield creditable to the Big Valley Project would be the sum of total seasonal percola- tion from streams in Big Valley resulting from greater utilization of ground water storage, or 7,500 acre-feet, and the new seasonal yield creditable to Kelseyville Reservoir, or 9,500 acre-feet giving a total of 17,000 aere-feet. seasonally. The proposed Kelseyville Reservoir was operated to supply the amount of water presently contributed to ground water by Kelsey Creek and to replace in- creased irrigation draft from the ground water basin thereafter. A maximum percolation rate of 50 second- feet was assumed, although studies of measurements of stream flow indicated this rate might be as high as 80 second-feet. Under this method of operation of the surface reservoir and the ground water basin, it was assumed there would be a 7-foot lowering of ground water levels under conditions of increased ground water draft by the end of the irrigation sea- son. The monthly rates of release used in the opera- tion studies are listed in Table 32. Although the reservoir was operated to provide increased percola- tion to Kelsey Creek, it would be possible with only a slight change in schedule of releases to furnish a portion of the yield of the Kelseyville Reservoir to canals for conveyance to areas where good wells are not generally obtained. Topographic maps of the Kelseyville dam site, with a scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet, and of the reservoir site, with a scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet, both with contour intervals of 10 feet, were furnished by the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior. The maps were prepared by photogram- metric methods. Topography of the proposed spillway site, at the upper end of the reservoir, was extended by a survey conducted by the Department of Water Resources. Storage capacities of Kelseyville Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 33. Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Kelseyville dam site is considered suitable for a concrete arch, earthfill, or a rockfill dam up to heights in excess of 200 feet. Foundation rock at the site consists of volcanic rocks, chiefly of Quaternary age. The formation of the left abutment differs from that of the right abutment. The left abutment rock stands nearly vertical and strikes across the channel and downstream into the left abutment, while rock on the right abutment is essentially horizontal. The possibility exists that this variation in attitude may be the result of a major fault passing down the chan- nel section. Minor folds occur in the rocks on both abutments. Flow planes are prominent and blocky joints cutting steeply across these planes are common. TABLE 32 MONTHLY OPERATION SCHEDULE FOR KELSEYVILLE RESERVOIR (In acre-feet) Month January February.. March- April May June July. August September October November. December- Totals Irrigation demand, in per cent of seasonal total 2 10 21 33 15 14 4 1 100 Ground water draft in portion of Big Valley influenced by Kelsey Creek 530 2,680 5,620 8,850 4,020 3,760 1 ,072 268 26,800 Demand on reservoir for percolation 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,800 3.000 26,800 Ground water storage space available, first day of month 14,300 1 1 ,300 8,300 5,300 2,836 2,516 5,136 10,986 12,206 15,966 17,038 *17,300 Maximum ground water storage space available in portion of Big Valley Unit in- fluenced by Kelsey Creek under proposed ultimate pumping demand. TABLE 33 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF KELSEYVILLE RESERVOIR Water surface Water Storage Depth of water elevation. surface capacity, at dam, in feet U.S.G.S. area, in datum, in feet in acres acre-feet 1,465 15 1,480 10 300 35 1,500 25 900 55 1,520 160 1,800 75 1,540 340 6,800 95 1,560 490 15,000 115_ __ 1 .580 1,595 610 690 26,000 130 30,000 135 1,600 720 40,000 155 1,620 840 56,000 The flow layers range from several feet to less than 1 inch in thickness. The rock is extremely hard where fresh and unjointed. Heavy to very heavy grout may be required at this site along both joint and flow planes. Many minor shears, represented only by thin line breaks, are apparent. The rock is essentially a highly porphyritic, coarse, pinkish rhyolite with much sanidine and some whitish glass shards. Some grey-pink or greenish andesite may also be associated with the rhyolite. The stream channel is approxi- mately 60 feet in width, with abutment slopes averag- ing between 80 and 100 per cent. Stripping of the foundation for an earth- and rockfill structure should consist of about 10 feet on the right abutment, 15 feet on the left abutment, and 8 feet in the channel section. A satisfactory location for a spillway to permit diversion of flood flows to Adobe Creek exists at the upper end of the reservoir through a saddle occupied 46 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION by an existing county road. About half of the ma- terial from such excavation should prove recoverable for till in the pervious section of the dam. There is also an adequate supply of earth, which could be obtained in limited quantities within the reservoir area and in large quantities from orchard lands about 1 mile downstream. As a result of yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, and preliminary cost estimates, an earth- and rockfill dam 130 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, and with a crest elevation of 1,615 feet, was selected to illustrate estimates of cost of the Big Valley Project. The dam would have a crest length of about, 390 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 :1 upstream and downstream slopes. The central im- pervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 0.8 :1 slopes, and would be blanketed with sand and gravel filters. The outer pervious zones would consist of dumped quarried rock and rock excavated in the constructon of the spillway. The volume of the fill would be an estimated 440,000 cubic yards. In addi- tion, two saddle dams would be constructed in saddles on the west side of the reservoir. Saddle dam No. 1 would be an earth- and rockfill structure 35 feet in height, with a crest length of 800 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 :1 upstream and downstream slopes. The central impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet, with 0.8 :1 side slopes, and would be blanketed with sand and gravel filters graded to dumped rock in the outer pervious zones. The volume of fill would be an estimated 6,500 cubic yards. Saddle dam No. 2 would be 12 feet in height, and would have a crest length of 200 feet, a crest width of 20 feet, 3.0 :1 side slopes upstream, and 2.0 :1 side slopes downstream. Construction would be of rolled earth, and the volume would be an estimated 2,500 cubic yards. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 13 feet, and an additional 7 feet of free- board would be provided. The spillway would be of the chute type, excavated in rock, through a saddle at the upper end of the reservoir, and would be un- lined, except for an entrance section about 25 feet in length. The spillway would have a maximum dis- charge capacity of 20,000 second-feet, required for an assumed discharge into the reservoir of 975 second- feet pci- square mile of drainage area. The flood flows would be regulated in surcharge storage and would discharge into Adobe Creek. Outlet works would consist of a 42-inch diameter steel pipe placed in a trench excavated in rock beneath the dam, and encased in concrete. Releases from the dam would be controlled by two 42-inch butterfly valves located at a submerged inlet upstream from the dam, and operated by hydraulic controls from the crest of the dam. The outlet would be controlled at the downstream end by a hollow jet valve. Releases would be made to the channel of Kelsey Creek for percolation, as previously described. Spill from the reservoir, which woidd occur infre- quently, would enter Adobe Creek in Section 4, Town- ship 12 North, Range 9 West, M.D.B. & M., and would flow in the natural channel to a leveed by-pass channel at Bell Hill Road below the confluence with Highland Creek. The by-pass channel chosen for cost estimating purposes would have a capacity of 18,000 second-feet, which is one-half the sum of the estimated once-in-1, 000-year flood spill from Kelseyville Reser- voir, plus the unregulated once-in-1, 000-year flood of Adobe and Highland Creeks. The by-pass would ex- tend in a northerly direction along the base of the foothills for a distance of 5 miles to Clear Lake. Di- version of flows of Adobe Creek to the by-pass would be accomplished by tying in the levees of the pro- posed channel to the existing banks of Adobe Creek. The levee crest would be about 10 feet above the bot- tom of the by-pass and about 7 feet above natural ground level on the land side, and would have a width of 20 feet. The levee embankment slopes would be 3 :1. The by-pass channel, with an inlet elevation of 1,400 feet, would be about 300 feet in width be- tween levee toes, and would have a slope of 12.4 feet to the mile. The maximum water depth would be 7 feet, with 3 feet of freeboard. Appurtenant struc- tures would consist of the following : three bridges or trestles spanning the channel, one at Highway 29, and the other two at secondary road crossings ; a stub channel with levees to intercept Manning Creek ; and an outlet pipe through the levee near the proposed by-pass inlet to permit a maximum release of about 200 second-feet for percolation in Adobe Creek. Cost estimates for the by-pass and appurtenant structures were based on designs utilizing data ob- tained by field location surveys. No provisions were made for distribution systems since the project does not provide for serving surface water although water could be served in this manner, as mentioned pre- viously. Pertinent data with respect to the general features of the Big Valley Project as designed for cost esti- mating purposes are presented in Table 34. Assuming that the annual cost resulting from in- creased pumping lifts to create additional ground water storage capacity approximates $0.08 per acre- foot per foot of lift of additional average lift for present pumpage, plus $0.08 per acre-foot per foot of total lift for new ground water pumped, the increase in annual cost per acre-foot of water presently pumped would be about $0.30, and annual cost per acre-foot of new ground water pumped would be about $3.50. Total annual costs in the Big Valley Unit resulting from increased costs to present pump users and pumpage of new ground water would be about $45,000. Example of intensive use of valley areas in Lake County 48 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 34 GENERAL FEATURES OF KELSEYVILLE PROJECT Main Earth- and Rockflll Dam Type of dam earth- and rockfill Crest elevation, in feet Crest length, in feet Crest width, in feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed, in feet Side slopes Freeboard above spillway lip, in feet Elevation of stream bed, in feet Volume of fill, in cubic yards Saddle Dam No. 1 Type of dam — earth- and rockfill Crest elevation, in feet Crest length, in feet Crest width, in feet Height, crest above saddle, in feet Side slopes Volume of fill, in cubic yards Saddle Dam No. 2 Type of dam earthlill Crest elevation, in feet Crest length, in feet Crest width, in feet Height, crest above saddle, in feet Side slopes, upstream downstream Volume of fill, in cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip, in acres Storage capacity at spillway lip, in acre-feet Drainage area of Kelsey Creek, in square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff of Kelsey Creek, in acre-feet- _ Estimated safe seasonal yield, in acre-feet Type of spillway Spillway discharge capacity, in second-feet Type of outlet — 42-inch diameter steel pipe placed in trench ex- cavated in rock beneath dam and encased in concrete By-pass Channel Length, in miles Channel width, in feet Capacity, in second-feet Levees, height above natural ground, in feet_ top width, in feet side slopes Maximum depth of water, in feet Freeboard, in feet 1,615 390 30 130 2.5:1 7 1,465 440,000 1,r Valley just above the 1,350-foot contour, and ould supply water for lands below this elevation. To supply water to the upper portion of the valley, asecond pumping plant would be constructed, con- ining of two 4,000-gallon-per-minute, double suction, ltrifugal pumps, each with a 200-horsepower motor, I used in a pump house. This pumping plant would [ise the water from the regulating reservoir to an ovation of 1,460 feet tli rough a welded steel pipe lie 18 inches in diameter and 500 feet in length. The [pe would terminate at the inlet to the proposed hper Bachelor Valley Ditch. This ditch would be of tipezoidal section, with 1.5 :1 side slopes, bottom jdth of 4.0 feet, depth of 1.8 feet, and freeboard of I) foot. Its slope would be about 6.0 feet per mile, r>an velocity about 1.7 feet per second, and capacity a out 20 second-feet. The ditch would extend around tie upper limits of Bachelor Valley for a distance of 3oi iles. Detailed designs of a conveyance system to supply (Iter to the Tule Lake, Edmands, and Helms Reda- ction Districts were not made. Water is presently slpplied to these districts from Scott Creek and from [ear Lake. It was considered that the existing work - mid be satisfactory, with minor improvement and elargement, to supply these districts with their al- I ated new water supply. Cost estimates for ditches and regulation and di- i sion structures to convey water to Bachelor Valley Kre based on designs utilizing data obtained by field wrveys. Cost estimates for distribution of water from tp major ditch systems were based on known costs a similar irrigation works elsewhere in California, Hosted to correspond with conditions prevailing in [ke County. Pertinent data with respect to general features of ■ Lakeport Project, as designed for cost estimating pposes, are presented in Table 38. The capital costs of the Lakeport Dam Project, sed on prices prevailing in November, 1954, were iimated to be about $2,145,900. The corresponding inual costs of the Lakeport Project were estimated to be about $121,700. Average annual direct flood damages on Scott Creek were estimated by the Divi- vision of Water Resources to be about $42,000, based on data obtained from the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. The Lakeport Project would control all floods resulting from high flows of Scott Creek to nondam- aging flows. Therefore, it may be assumed that the annual direct flood control benefits creditable to the project would be about $42,000. If a contribution of $42,000 annually were made by the Federal Govern- ment in the interest of flood control, the resultant estimated unit cost of the 7,300 acre-feet of new water conserved by the Lakeport Dam would be about $7.90 per acre-foot released to Scott Valley. The estimated TABLE 38 GENERAL FEATURES OF LAKEPORT PROJECT Earth- and Rockflll Dam Type Crest elevation, in feet, U.S.G.S. datum Crest length, in feet Crest width, in feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed, in feet Crest above saddle, in feet Side slopes, upstream and downstream . Elevation of stream bed or saddle, in feet, U.S.G.S. datum Volume of fill, in cubic yards Main dam earth and 1,537 610 30 68 1,457 220,000 Saddle dam No. 1 rockfill 1,537 390 30 50 2.5:1 1,487 73,000 Saddle dam No. 2 1,537 1,210 30 48 2.5:1 1,489 172,000 Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip, in acres 415 Capacity at spillway lip, in acre-feet 12,800 Drainage area, in square miles 54 Estimated mean seasonal runoff, in acre-feet 42,000 Estimated safe seasonal yield, in acre-feet 9,300 Type of spillway chute, concrete-lined Spillway capacity, in second-feet 21,000 Type of outlet — 36-inch diameter steel pipe through right abutment, en- cased in concrete Spillway Channel to Clear Lake Type .concrete-lined trapezoidal section Length, in miles 1.5 Side slopes 1 .5:1 Bottom width, in feet 28.0 Depth, in feet 12.0 Freeboard, in feet 4.0 Slope, in feet per mile ._ 45 Velocity, in feet per second 38. 2 Capacity, in second-feet 21,000 Main ditch, Scott Creek to pump sump Lower ditch Upper ditch Conveyance Ditches, Bachelor Valley Type ____.- unlined, tr 0.8 1.5:1 6.0 2 . 1.0 3.0 1.4 23.0 apezoidal s 1.0 1.5:1 6.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.4 23.0 ections 3.0 1.5:1 Bottom width, in feet 4.0 1.8 Freeboard, in feet Slope, in feet per mile 1.0 6.0 1 .7 20.0 :.4 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 38-Continued GENERAL FEATURES OF LAKEPORT PROJECT Pumps 2 double 2 double suction suction centrifugal centrifugal Pumping Plants, Bachelor Valley Estimated minimum water surface elevation, in feet- 1,328 1,302 1,373 1,460 Estimated maximum pumping head, in feet - , . 50 104 Installed pumping capacity, in gallons per minute-. 10,000 10,000 Estimated maximum monthly demand, in acre-feet- 1,350 590 Estimated gross seasonal diversion, in acre-feet 4,100 1,780 100 200 base base dam reser- voir Discharge lines 30-inch 18-inch welded welded steel steel pipe, pipe, 2,400 500 feet in feet in length length Dayle Creek Regulating Dam and Reservoir Earthflll dam Crest elevation, in feet 1 ,375 Crest length, in feet 310 Crest width, in feet 10 Height, spillway lip above stream bed, in feet 10 Side slopes, upstream 3:1 downstream 2:1 Freeboard above spillway lip, in feet 5 Elevation of stream bed, in feet 1,300 Volume of fill in cubic yards 0,400 Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip, in acres 2.5 Surface area with 3.0-foot fiashboards, in acres 3.1 Capacity at spillway lip, in acre-feet 15 Capacity with 3.0-foot Washboards, in acre-feet 23.5 I )rainage area, in acres 135 Type of spillway chute type Spillway capacity, in second-feet 200 Type of outlet 18-inch welded steel pipe unit cost of water applied for irrigation in Bachelor Valley would be about $12.70 per acre-foot, and the estimated unit cost of water applied for irrigation in the Tule Lake, Edmands, and Helms Reclamation Districts would be about $9.20 per acre-foot, Estimated capital and annual costs of the Lakeport Project are summarized in the following tabulation. Detailed cost estimates are presented in Appendix N. Likeport Dam and Reservoir Spillway channel to Clear Lake Bachelor Valley conveyance pumping system Bachelor Valley distribution system Tule Lake, Helms, and Edmands Recla- miti:ii Districts distribution system . Totals $2,145,900 Estimated costs Capital .1 II II IHll $1,472,700 $72,200 531.700 27,40(1 101,100 15,100 25,400 4,700 15,000 2,300 $2,145,900 $121,700 Upper Lake Unit It was shown in Chapter III that there is no pres ent requirement for supplemental water in the Uppe Lake Unit, but that the irrigation of irrigable laud not presently irrigated will require the developmeii of a supplemental water supply. For the Upper Lak Unit, the ultimate supplemental water requiremerj was estimated to be about 14,000 acre-feet per seaso: However, since about 5,800 acre-feet of water pe season would be furnished to portions of the Uppe Lake Unit from the previously described Lakepoi Project, it was only necessary to design additions works to provide the remaining 8,200 acre-feet. It wa also pointed out in Chapter III that there exists need for flood protection for lands adjacent to Clove and Middle Creeks. Therefore, it was considered dt sirable to provide works to insure a water supply i the amount of the estimated ultimate supplement* water requirement and to control floods. Two possible plans to effect flood control and t supply the ultimate demand for supplemental wate in the Upper Lake Unit were considered. For reasor hereinafter mentioned, after preliminary investigi tion and study, the first plan was given no furthe consideration for cost estimating purposes, but ma warrant future study. The second plan is describe in some detail later in this section. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of tl alternative plans considered included the constru< tion of a reservoir having a storage capacity of .'50,01 acre-feet at the Hunter Point site on Middle Cree< The reservoir would be operated for water conservi tion and to regulate flood flows of Middle Creek. Tl yield of water developed by the project would moij than meet the ultimate supplemental water requirJ ment of the LTpper Lake Unit. Since only a portic! of the yield of the project could be readily utilize at the present time, the costs of developed watit would he excessive until such time as the major po; tion of the yield could be put to beneficial use other areas. Under this plan certain flood eontr benefits would be realized. However, maximum r leases from the reservoir would exceed the chann capacity of Middle Creek. In addition, flows in Clov< Creek would not be controlled. For these reasons tli plan was ojyen no further present consideration. The second of the alternative plans would inchu the construction of a dam on Middle Creek at t Pitney Ridge site, and the increased use of groin water storage in the Upper Lake Unit, to supp sufficient water to meet the ultimate supplement water requirement in the unit. Flood protection f lands in the unit would be provided by channel i alignment and construction of levees along Clover ai Middle Creeks. This plan is hereinafter referred as the "Upper Lake Project," and its principal ft tures are delineated on Plate 17. PLAN'S FOE WATER DEVELOPMENT .1,1 Upper Lake Project. Under present conditions of tilization of water in the Upper Lake Unit, ground •ater storage is filled by January, and surface out- o\v after this time passes undiminished out of the nit. From stream flow measurements made during ie investigation, it was estimated that the maximum lonthlv rate of percolation in the Upper Lake Unit pproaches 2,000 acre-feet. By utilizing the maximum ercolation rate of 2,000 acre-feet per month, it was stimated that the average additional amount of wa- ■r that could be retained by increased use of ground ater storage would be about 4,000 acre-feet per •ason, 4,200 acre-feet less than that required to meet ie ultimate requirement in the Upper Lake Unit, rherefore, in order to meet the remainder of the Itimate supplemental requirement in this unit, it j'ill be necessary to develop water from a source or purees other than ground water. Surveys and studies ulicate that the most feasible source of supply would e that resulting from the construction of a dam and eservoir at the Pitney Ridge site on Middle Creek. The proposed Pitney Ridge Dam would be an arth- and rockfill structure with a chute spillway, cated in Section 15, Township 16 North, Range 10 Vest, M.D.B. & M., some 8 miles upstream from pper Lake. Stream bed elevation at the dam site about 1,47.") feet. Flood waters of Middle Creek [unserved by the Pitney Ridge Reservoir would be eleased to the channel of Middle Creek and diverted ownstream at an elevation of approximately 1,410 eet to an nnlined canal to serve lands in the Upper jake Unit lying below an elevation of about 1,400 eet. As a first step in determination of size of the proj- et, estimates were made of yield of the proposed ,-orks for two storage capacities. It was estimated jhat the mean seasonal runoff of Middle Creek, from ie approximately 40 square miles of drainage area bove the dam site, Avas 22,600 acre-feet. Yield studies ere made for two sizes of reservoir at the Pitney iiidge site, based upon records and estimates of run- fff during the critical dry period which occurred in he Sacramento Valley from 1920-21 through 1934-35. t was assumed that a seasonal irrigation deficiency 'ip to 35 per cent could be endured in one season of Ihe period. A summary of results of the yield studies 6 presented in Table 39. TABLE 39 5TIMATED SEASONAL IRRIGATION YIELD OF PITNEY RIDGE RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1920-21 THROUGH 1934-35 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Seasonal irrigation yield 5.400 5,400 12,700 10,000 Flood in Upper Lake and flood damage in rural area— some 15 inches of silt deposited in young orchard ^**'^t'^'^ After consideration of results of the yield studies, together with topography of the dam site and cost analysis, hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 5,400 acre-foot capacity, with estimated seasonal irrigation yield of 5,400 acre-feet, was chosen for purposes of cost estimates to be presented in this bulletin. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appendix M. Since the Upper Lake Unit overlies both a free and a confined ground water area, the water losses in the proposed canal and ditch system to supply lands overlying the free ground water area would percolate to the ground water. For this reason it was considered 56 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION thai the new water supply from the Pitney Ridge Dam would be limited to lands overlying the free ground water area, so far as is practicable, and that canal and ditch losses plus the unconsumed portion of the applied new water would be available for re- use. It was estimated that losses in conveyance and distribution of the 5,400 acre-feet of seasonal irriga- tion yield would be about 25 per cent, leaving some 4,000 acre-feet per season for surface application to irrigation of lands. It was also assumed that the water would be used largely on lands having the same pat- tern of crops as are presently grown, and that the average seasonal application of new water would be 2.4 acre-feet per acre. On this basis it was assumed that the new water supply would be applied directly to some 1,700 acres in a service area lying generally north and east of Upper Lake. The quantity of water lost in conveyance and distribution, some 1.400 acre-feet, would be repumped as ground water and applied to some 600 acres in the Upper Lake Unit. An estimate of the monthly distribution of demand for irrigation water in the Clear Lake Area was pre- sented in Table 29. Based on these data, monthly de- mands on the Pitney Ridge Project would be as shown in Table 40. TABLE 40 ESTIMATED MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND FOR WATER FROM PITNEY RIDGE RESERVOIR TABLE 41 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF PITNEY RIDGE RESERVOI Gross release to Upper Lake Unit, in acre-feet April May--. _ June July August Septembei October November - Totals A topographic map covering the area of the Pitney Ridge dam and reservoir sites, at a scale of 1 inch equals 1,000 feet, with contour interval of 10 feet, was prepared by the United States Geological Survey in 194!), using photogrammetric methods. Field con- trol was by the Corps of Engineers, and photography by the United States Bureau of Reclamation. Storage capacities of Pitney Ridge Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 41. Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Pitney Ridge dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to a maximum of about 65 feet. Bedrock at the site is buried at an un- determinate depth. However, the bedrock is probably the Franciscan formation, and may be principally sandstone. The channel section at the dam site is ahoiit 375 feet wide and filled with sand and gravel Depth of water at dam, in feet Water surface < 1 < • \ ; 1 1 i < >l ■ , U.S.G.S. datum, in feet Water surface area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet 1,478 1,500 1,510 1,5 _'(] 1,530 1,540 1,542 1,550 1 .500 1,570 1 ,580 1 ,590 1,000 83 100 110 122 1 IS 157 197 233 200 292 :!_'.-, 305 22 050 32 l 550 42 2 000 52 3,750 5,100 5,400 0,850 9,000 11,400 14,100 17,200 20,000 62 __ 64 72 82 92 102 112 12° through which a cutoff would have to be construct©; to bedrock. The left abutment consists of a knoll, behind whic'; is located a saddle, about 65 feet above the stream becj The height of a dam utilizing this knoll for an abut ment, without constructing a saddle dam farther t the east, is thus limited to somewhat less than 65 feet! The knoll is composed of fractured, weathered Fran; cisean rock, consisting of dolerite, some serpentint and probably some sandstone and chert. The saddh to the east of the knoll is underlain by less resistan Franciscan shale. The rock of the knoll is highly fracj tured, with many breaks in various directions. Avei age slope of the abutment is about 55 per cent. Ther; is some scrubby brush but little soil on the abutmenlj Two possible locations for the right abutment exis at the Pitney Ridge dam site, the axis of one trendin' about south 80° west and the other about south 60: west from the left abutment knoll previously dp] scribed. For either axis, the right abutment would bj a sloping terrace composed of a jumble of colluviaj and alluvial fragments under which bedrock is buri&j at an undetermined depth. On first examination, th axis trending about north 60° west appears to be th( better. Average slope of this abutment is about 2i per cent. Without exploration, the depth of the unconsol: dated, unsorted rock fragments and fines of the riglii abutment can only be estimated, but it may averagi 20 feet or more before bedrock is reached. It woulj be necessary to excavate a cutoff to bedrock beneat the impervious section of a fill type of dam, and add ; tional stripping of 2 to 3 feet of fractured bedroc should be sufficient to reach sound material. Furthe study should be made to check the possibility tha this colluvial material would slough into the reservoi when saturated, and to determine whether it would b necessary to stabilize this slope with a rockfill toe. Depth of stripping for the impervious section of a earthfill dam would probably average about 25 fee PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 57 j)lus 5 feet of fractured rock. The condition of the oundation probably would not improve materially vitli additional stripping beyond this depth. Ex- ■avated material here and elsewhere at the site could >e utilized generally in the pervious section of the lam. Leakage through the left abutment knoll is a wssibility unless the foundation is thoroughly grouted. A spillway for an earthfill dam at this site could )robably be cut through the left abutment saddle. It vould have to be lined, and the estimated depth of stripping before lining would be about 8 feet of soil tnd weathered shale. Little material suitable for impervious earthfill was found upstream from the Pitney Ridge site, iilthough some pervious material occurs near the junction of the east and west forks of Middle Creek Bust upstream from the site. Much greater quantities j)f fill occur downstream within 3 miles of the site. Extensive low terraces in this reach appear to contain fnaterial of satisfactory quality for use as impervious Earthfill. Stream gravels here should be satisfactory or use as pervious fill. ! As a result of yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, and preliminary cost analysis, an earth- and rookfill !lam, 64 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, and with a crest elevation of 1,555 feet, was se- lected to illustrate estimates of cost of the Pitney Ridge Dam. The dam would have a crest length of ibout 875 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 :1 upstream and downstream slopes. The central imper- vious core would have a top width of 10 feet and L). 8 :1 slopes. The outer pervious zones of the dam [would consist of stream bed gravels, salvaged material (from stripping and excavation, and quarried rock. The pervious sections would be graded to coarse rock at the face for bank protection. The volume of fill would be an estimated 399,000 cubic yards. The spillway would be of the chute type, located in a saddle on the left abutment, and concrete-lined. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 8 feet, and an additional 5 feet of freeboard iwould be provided. The spillway would have a ca- pacity of 20,800 second-feet, required for an assumed discharge of 520 second-feet per square mile of drain- lage area. The spillway would discharge directly into Middle Creek below the dam. The outlet works would consist of a 30-inch welded isteel pipe placed in a trench and backfilled with con- crete. Release of water through the dam would be controlled at the upstream end by two 30-inch, hy- draulically controlled, high-pressure slide valves lo- cated at a submerged inlet upstream from the dam, and operated by hydraulic controls from the crest of the dam. The outlet would be controlled at the down- stream end by a hollow jet valve. After release through the outlet, the water Avould be conveyed in the natural channel of Middle Creek for a distance of about 3.5 miles to a point about 1,000 feet below the existing county road bridge at Hunter Point. At this point there is a rock outcrop, and a flashboard dam would be constructed to divert the flow into the proposed main supply canal in the Upper Lake Unit. The diversion dam would be 5 feet in height and 100 feet in length, and would divert reservoir releases into the canal cut in the left bank. The inlet elevation of the bottom of the proposed main supply canal would be 1,408 feet. The capacity of the canal would be about 30 second-feet, and' would extend for a distance of about 4 miles along the toe of the hills on the east side of Middle Valley, crossing Clover Valley in a north-south direction through the center of Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 9 West, M.D.B. & M., terminating in the southwest quarter of Section 5. The canal would be unlined and of trapezoidal section, with 1.5:1 side slopes, bottom width of 6 feet, depth of 1.75 feet, and a gradient of about 8 feet to the mile. Cost estimates of the canal were based on designs utilizing data obtained by a reconnaissance field sur- vey. Detailed design of the distribution system, how- ever, was considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Cost estimates for the distribu- tion system were based on known costs of similar irrigation works elsewhere in California, adjusted to correspond with conditions prevailing in the Lake County Area. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir and tin- .Middle Creek Diversion and Canal, as designed for cost estimating purposes, are presented in Table 42. As previously stated, 4,000 acre-feet of new ground water yield could be obtained by increasing the draft on ground water, thereby creating additional ground water storage in the free ground water zone of the Upper Lake Unit. This additional storage would be filled at the rate of 2,000 acre-feet per month from surface outflows to Clear Lake that presently occur between January and April of each year. Therefore, the remaining 2,800 acre-feet, the portion of the indi- cated ultimate supplemental water requirement of 8,200 acre-feet in the Upper Lake Unit not furnished by Pitney Ridge Reservoir, could be met from this increased storage. Maximum pumping lifts, under conditions required to utilize this additional storage, would be increased by about 25 feet. It is probable that in order to obtain the additional ground water storage capacity, many wells w-ould have to be deep- ened, and well casings and pump columns lowered. If it is assumed that costs resulting from increased pumping lifts, to create additional ground water stor- age capacity, would approximate $0.08 per acre-foot of additional average lift for present pumpage, and $0.08 per acre-foot per foot of total lift for new 58 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 42 GENERAL FEATURES OF PITNEY RIDGE DAM AND RESER- VOIR, AND MIDDLE CREEK DIVERSION AND CANAL Earth- and Rockfill Dam Crest elevation, in feet Crest length, in feet Crest width, in feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed, in feet Side slopes Freeboard, above spillway, in feet Elevation of stream bed, in feet Volume of fill, in cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip, in acres Capacity at spillway lip, in acre-feet Drainage area, Middle Creek, in square miles- Estimated mean seasonal runoff, Middle Creek, in acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal new yield, in acre-feet Type of spillway — chute type, concrete-lined- Spillway capacity, in second-feet Type of outlet — 30-inch welded steel pipe encased in concrete Middle Creek Diversion and Canal Diversion — flashboard dam with concrete base and abutment, 100 feet in length. 5 feet high, with ditch intake immediately upstream on left bank. Canal Type — unlined earth ditch, trapezoidal section Length, in miles Side slopes Bottom width, in feet Depth, in feet Freeboard, in feet Slope, in feet per mile Velocity, in feet per second Capacity, in second-feet 1,555 875 30 04 2.5:1 13 1,478 399,000 158 5,400 40 22,600 .5,400 20.8C0 4 [.5: 1 6 1.75 1.0 31 ground water pumped, the resultant increase in annual cost per acre-foot of water presently pumped would be about $1.00, and the resxiltant annual cost per acre-foot of new ground water pumped would approach ,$3.80. Total increase in annual cost to present pump users would approximate $12,000. Total annual costs chargeable to pumping of new ground water would be about $18,000. Total increased annual cost in the portion of the Upper Lake Unit, excluding Bachelor Valley and the Tule Lake, Helms, and Ed- mands Reclamation Districts, to present pump users and for pumping new ground water, would be about $30,000. The capital costs of the features of the project de- signed to supply the ultimate supplemental water re- quirement of the Upper Lake Unit were estimated to be $839,000. The corresponding annual costs of these features, including increased cost to present pump users and for pumping new ground water, was esti- mated to be $78,000. The resultant estimated unit cost of the 8,200 acre-feet per season of new yield conserved by the project would be about $9.50 per acre-foot. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 5,400 acre-feet per season conserved by Pitney Ridge Reservoir would be about $8.30 per acre-foot. Estimated capital and annual costs of the Upper Lake Project, excluding flood control features, on a 3.5 per cent interest basis, are summarized in the fol- lowing tabulation. Detailed cost estimates are pre- sented in Appendix N. Estimated costs Capital Aiiiuin Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir— $765,000 $36,6$ Middle Creek Diversion and Canal__ 23,000 1.4(X Distribution system 51,000 C>.70( Increased pumping cost of present ground water supply — 12.(I(K Pumping cost of new ground water supply IS.OOI Pumping cost of salvaged conveyance losses 3.30T Totals _ $839,000 $78,001 The foregoing works would provide sufficient water to meet the estimated ultimate requirement for sup- plemental water in the portions of the Upper Lake Unit, excluding Bachelor Valley and the Tule Lake.' Helms, and Edmands Reclamation Districts. How- ever, additional works would be required to give! needed protection against floods in the Upper Lake Unit. The plan for flood control in the Upper Lake Unit is the same as that proposed by the Corps of, Engineers, U. S. Army, in its "Review Report on Cache Creek Basin," dated July 1, 1950, and author- ized by the Congress in H. R. 9859, 83rd Congress, second session. This plan contemplates the diversion of flood flows of Clover Creek, just below the con- fluence of Clover Creek with Alley Creek, by means ! of the proposed Clover Creek Diversion Channel, a' leveed by-pass canal diverting flows westerly into Middle Creek. In addition, the present capacity of the channel of Middle Creek would be increased. In the TABLE 43 PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF FLOOD CONTROL WORKS OF UPPER LAKE PROJECT Item Length, in miles Slope, in feet per mile Present channel capacity, in second-feet Proposed channel capacity in second-feet Bottom width of channel, in feet Top width of levees, in feet__ Average height of levees, in feet (stripped sur- faces to crest) _ . Maximum height of levees, in feet Freeboard on levees, in feet Side slopes Water side Land side Approximate width of right of way, in feet Clover Middle Creek Clover Creek Diver- sion Channel Clear Lake to Scott Creek Scott Creek to Clover Creek Creek to Clover Creek Diver- sion Channel Above Clover Creek Diver- sion Channel 0.70 1.32 0.76 1.30 1.57 5.3 *6 . 1 12.5 12.5 15.0 0.0 7,500 4,500 4,000 3,500 6,500 27,000 19.000 17,500 14,000 250 varies varies varies varies 12 12 12 12 12 6 10 10 10 6 14 14 10 7 3 3 3 3 3 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 400 500 500 500 500 Scott Creek 1.37 • 3.5 4,000 12,000 varies 12 4 :■ 3 3:1 2:1 500 Prom mouth of Scott Creek to Clear Lake with water level 8.0 feet on Rumsey PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 59 reach of Middle Creek between the bridge near Nice upstream to the mouth of Scott Creek the height of the existing levee would be increased and 0.2 mile of new levee would be constructed. These levee improve- ments would be limited to the left bank of the stream i .since protection of the limited areas at the base of the hills adjacent to the right bank was deemed not feasible. From the mouth of Scott Creek upstream to the mouth of Clover Creek the capacity of the exist- ing channel of Middle Creek would be increased by deepening and by building levees on both the left and ' right banks. Above the outlet of Clover Creek to near the intersection with the proposed Clover Creek Di- ' version Channel outlet, the capacity of the existing channel of Middle Creek would be increased by deep- ening and by building levees on both the left and .' right banks. Above the outlet of the proposed Clover Creek Diversion Channel a levee would extend along the left bank of Middle Creek to tie in to high ground. The adjacent hills on the right bank would contain the flood flows in this reach except for a distance of ] about 0.5 mile where a right bank levee would be constructed, tying in at both ends to high ground and i protecting a pocket of alluvial land. A levee would 1 also be constructed along the left bank of Scott Creek from its junction with Middle Creek upstream for a distance of about 8,000 feet to high ground. Appurte- nant works necessary for completion of the project would consist of replacing seven bridges, relocating 0.5 mile of state highway and 0.4 mile of county road, and the acquisition of about 4:50 acres of land. Prin- cipal features of the existing and proposed flood chan- nels and levees are tabulated in Table 43 and de- lineated on Plate 14. Cost estimates for the flood control works of the Upper Lake Project were made by the Corps of Engi- neers and were reported in the Omnibus Flood Con- trol Bill of 1954. The estimates were based on prices prevailing in 1954. The cost estimates made by the Corps of Engineers were considered satisfactory for use in connection with the Upper Lake Project. Capital costs of the flood control features of the Upper Lake Project were estimated by the Corps of Engineers to be $1,900,000. Corresponding annual costs of the flood control features were estimated at $7.~>,(i00. Average annual direct flood benefits were estimated by the Department of Water Resources to be about $116,000, based on data obtained from the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of field investigation and analysis of available data on the water resources and water prob- I lems of the Clear Lake Area, and on the basis of esti- , mates and assumptions discussed hereinbefore, the following: conclusions and recommendations are made. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. The present water problems in the Clear Lake Area are twofold in nature, and are manifested by: a. The need for supplemental water to meet re- quirements of irrigable lands presently not supplied with water. b. The need for flood control on Kelsey, Adobe, Scott. Middle, and Clover Creeks. 2. There is no present requirement for supple- mental water in the Clear Lake Area, since mean sea- sonal extraction of water from the free ground water areas of the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake Units has not exceeded average base period replen- ishment. 3. Under forecast ultimate conditions of develop- ment in the Clear Lake Area, the mean seasonal re- quirement for supplemental water will be about 32,- 500 acre-feet, distributed as follows : Big Valley Unit, : 17,000 acre-feet; Scott Valley Unit, 1,500 acre-feet; and Upper Lake Unit, 14,000 acre-feet. 4. The surface water supplies of the Clear Lake Area are generally of excellent mineral quality and well suited from that standpoint for irrigation and other beneficial uses. Ground water of good mineral quality occurs generally in the area, except in certain locations in which the ground water contains excessive concentrations of boron. 5. Studies which have been described heretofore indicate that the flows of streams tributary to Clear Lake, if properly regulated and controlled, could more than meet probable ultimate water require- ments of the Clear Lake Area, and that the flood ■hazard would be eliminated. 6. Major features of The California Water Plan which would be pertinent to the operation of Clear Lake, and which could provide supplemental water to the Clear Lake Area, involve a diversion from the Eel River through Clear Lake to the Sacramento Valley. Works on the Eel River would include a series of major conservation reservoirs. Pumping ; plants would transport the surplus conserved water from reservoir to reservoir up the Eel River to a tunnel beneath the southerly divide between the Eel River and the Cache Creek watershed. The tunnel would convey water for export to the Sacramento River Basin by way of Clear Lake and Putah Creek. Surplus waters of the Eel River conveyed through Clear Lake could more than meet the probable ulti- mate supplemental water requirements of the Clear Lake Area. 7. Tentative plans for local development provide for control of floods and the conservation of waters of the Clear Lake Area by greater utilization of ground water storage in the area, and the construc- tion of dams and reservoirs on certain streams tribu- tary to Clear Lake. 8. The Big Valley Project, considered for local development in the Big Valley Unit, would provide flood protection to all lands in Big Valley, supply supplemental w 7 ater for percolation to the ground water basin, and meet water requirements under con- ditions of ultimate development. The plan would in- clude increased operation of the ground water basin, and the construction of the Kelseyville Dam and Reservoir on Kelsey Creek about 4 miles upstream from Kelseyville. Flood flows of Kelsey Creek would be discharged through the reservoir spillway into Adobe Creek, and thence into a by-pass channel which would convey the combined flood flows of Kelsey, Adobe, and Highland Creeks along the western edge of Big Valley to discharge into Clear Lake. The cap- ital cost of the Big Valley Project, based on prices prevailing in November, 1954, was estimated to be about $2,421,000, exclusive of new pumpage cost. The corresponding annual cost was estimated to be about $170,000, including new pumpage cost. If a contribu- tion of $35,000 annually were made by the Federal Government in the interest of flood control, the re- sultant estimated average unit cost of the 17,000 acre- feet per season of new water conserved by the Big Valley Project would be about $7.90 per acre-foot. 9. The Lakeport Project, considered for initial local construction in the Scott Valley Unit, would include the Lakeport Dam and Reservoir on Scott Creek to supply the ultimate supplemental water requirement in both Scott and Bachelor Valleys, and a portion of such requirement in the Tide Lake, Helms, and Ed- mands Reclamation Districts, and to control flood flows on Scott Creek. The flood waters of Scott Creek would be regulated in the proposed reservoir and released to Scott Creek for percolation to ground water in Scott Valley and for use in Bachelor Valley and in the Tule Lake, Helms, and Edmands Reclamation Dis- tricts. Reservoir spill of flood flows would be dis- (61) 62 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION charged through a spillway located a short distance southeast of the dam site and would be conveyed easterly and directly to Clear Lake. Of the total new seasonal yield of 7,300 acre-feet developed by the Lakeporl Project, 1,500 acre-feet would be allocated to Scott Valley, 4,100 acre-feet to Bachelor Valley, and the remainder, 1,700 acre-feet, to the Tide Lake, Helms, and Edmands Reclamation Districts. The capi- tal cost of the Lakeport Project, based on prices pre- vailing in November, 1954, was estimated to be about $2,146,000. The corresponding annual cost of the proj- ecl was estimated to be about $122,000. If a contri- bution of $42,000 annually were made by the Federal Government in the interest of flood control, the re- sultant estimated unit cost of new water conserved by the Lakeport Project would be $7.90 per acre-foot in Scott Valley, $12.70 per acre-foot in Bachelor Valley, and $9.20 per acre-foot in the Tule Lake, Helms, and Edmands Reclamation Districts. 10. The Upper Lake Project, considered for initial local construction in the Upper Lake Unit, would in- clude the construction of the Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir on Middle Creek, and the increased use of ground water storage in the Upper Lake Unit, to sup- ply sufficient water to meet the ultimate supplemental water requirement in the unit. Flood protection for the lands in the unit would be provided by channel realignment and construction of levees along Clover and Middle Creeks. The total capital cost of the Upper Lake Project, not including flood control features, and based on prices prevailing in November, 1954, was estimated to be $839,000. The corresponding an- nual cost of the project was estimated to be about $78,000. The resultant estimated unit cost of the 8,200 acre-feet of new water conserved by the project would be about $9.50 per acre-foot. Capital and annual costs of the flood control features of the Upper Lake Proj- ect were estimated by the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, to be $1,900,000 and $75,600, respectively. Average annual direct flood control benefits were estimated by the Department of Water Resources to be about $116,000. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that: 1. A public district endowed with appropriate powers be created as required for the purposes of proceeding with further study of local water problems of the Clear Lake Area, and with financing, construct- ing, and operating projects found to be feasible. 2. Local development of water resources be accom- plished by an orderly progression of phases of devel- opment and in accordance with The California Water Plan. Successive steps of the proposed plans should first develop those projects with indicated lowest capi- tal cost and unit cost of water, and then proceed in order of expense to phases of greater unit cost as needs develop. 3. Additional engineering investigation and study be made as required, for the design, financing, and constructing of the more favorable of the local proj- ects for initial development, when the financial feasi- bility of these projects has been determined. 4. Stream gaging station be constructed and con- tinuous records of stream flow be obtained at strategic points on those streams for which future construction of water conservation works is probable, in order to permit more reliable determination of yield of the projects and their most economic design and construc- tion. 5. A program be initiated for the acquisition of lands, easements, and rights of way necessary for con- struction of the required local water conservation works. 6. Continuous support be given to the investigation and study of major multipurpose water resource de- velopment works under The California Water Plan. APPENDIX A AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTY OF LAKE, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Lake, and the Department of Public Works, December 17, 1°48__ 65 Supplemental agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Lake, and the Department of Public Works, October 13, 194!) 67 Agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Lake. and the Department of Public Works, January 1, 1953 69 Chapter 52, Statutes of 1956. An act to amend the Water Code, creating the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Rights Board, and providing for their powers and duties 71 ( 64 > APPENDIX A 65 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTY OF LAKE, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, en- tered into by the State Water Resources Board, here- inafter referred to as the "Board"; the County of Lake, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; and the Department of Public Works, State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH: Whereas, by the Slate Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Board is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, hold hearings, pre- pare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development projects including flood control plans and projects; and Whereas, by said act, the State Engineer is au- thorized to cooperate with any county, city, state agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act ; and Whereas, the County desires and hereby requests the Board to enter into a cooperative agreement for the making of an investigation and report on under- ground water supplies as more particularly set forth hereinafter in Article I ; and Whereas, the Board hereby requests the State Engineer to cooperate in making said investigation and report ; Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the County and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows : ARTICLE I— WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of an investigation and report on the underground water supplies of Big Valley within the Big Valley Soil Conservation District and of Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Area within the Scotts Valley- Upper Lake Soil Conservation District, all in the county of Lake, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the water problems involved. The Board by this agreement authorizes and di- rects the State Engineer to cooperate by making said investigation and report and by otherwise advising and assisting in making an evaluation of the present and ultimate underground water problems in said areas, and in formulating a plan for the solution or solutions thereof. During the progress of said investigation and re- port all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objectives hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation and report on or before October 1, 1950, or as nearly thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II— FUNDS: The County, upon execution by it of this agree- ment, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for deposit, sub- ject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agree- ment. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Wa- ter Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement, said sum contributed by the County shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer. It is understood by and between the parties hereto that the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) to be made available as hereinbefore provided is adequate to perform approximately half of the above specified work and it is the understanding that the County will make a further sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) available at the commencement of the second year of said investigation which will be subject to a i Hatching or contribution in an equal sum by the Board for the completion of said investigation and report. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on ac- count of the work provided for under this agreement 66 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION ;iny amount in excess of the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in tli is agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof until fur- ther sums as specified in the preceding paragraph are made available. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the County a state- ment of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County and any bal- ance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the County, in equal amount. ARTICLE III— EFFECTIVE DATE: This agreement shall become effective immediately upon its execution by all of the parties hereto. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures, the County on the 23rd day of November, 1948, the Board on the 9th day of December, 1948, and the State Engineer on the 17th day of December, 1948. Approved as to Form: /s/ Lovett K. Fraser District Attorney, County of Lake By /s/ Fredric S. Crump, Deputy Approval Recommended: /s/ Henry Holsinger Principal Attorney, Division of Water Resources COUNTY OF LAKE By /s/ James R. Tocher Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Thos. L. Garner Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ C. A. Griffith Vice-Chairman Approved as to Legality : /s/ C. C. Carleton Chief Attorney, Department of Public Works Approved : /s/ James S. Dean Director of Finance DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA By /s/ C. H. Purcell C. H. Purcell Director of Public Works /s/ Edward Hyatt Edward Hyatt State Engineer APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTY OF LAKE, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <17 This Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, en- tered into by the State Water Resources Board, here- inafter referred to as the "Board"; the County of jLake, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; and | the Department of Public Works of the State of Cali- fornia, acting through the agency of the State Engi- neer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer." WITNESSETH : Whereas, by agreement heretofore entered into by and between the County of Lake, the Board and the State Engineer, executed by the County on the 23rd day of November, 1948, by the Board on the 9th day of December, 1948, and by the State Engineer on the 17th day of December, 1948, providing for the making by the State Engineer of an investigation and report on the underground water supplies of Big Valley within the Big Valley Soil Conservation Dis- trict and of Scotts Valley-Upper Lake area within the Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation Dis- trict, all in the County of Lake, including quality, replenishment and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the water problems involved ; and Whereas, by said prior agreement the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) was made available for said investigation and report, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) thereof being made avail- able by said County, and the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) thereof being made available from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948 ; and Whereas, it was the expressed intention in said prior agreement that at the commencement of the second year of said investigation the County of Lake would make available a further sum of Three Thou- sand Dollars ($3,000) subject to the matching thereof or contribution in equal amount by the Board for the completion of said investigation and report and that not to exceed Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) total shall be expended for said purpose ; and Whereas, additional funds are now required to complete said investigation and report, and it is the desire of the parties hereto by this supplemental agreement that in addition to the sum of Six Thou- sand Dollars ($6,000) already provided, the further sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000) be provided, Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) by the County, and Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) by the Board; Now Therefore, in consideration of the prem- ises and of the several promises to be faithfully per- formed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the County, and the State Engineer do hereby mutu- ally agree as follows : 1. The County, upon execution by it of this agree- ment, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for deposit, sub- ject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury for expenditure by the State Engineer in continuing performance of the work provided for in said prior agreement to which this agreement is supplemental. 2. Upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 259 of the Budget Act of 1949 for expenditure by the State Engineer in continuing performance of the work provided for in said prior agreement to which this agreement is supplemental, and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. 3. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for in said prior agree- ment to which this agreement is supplemental any amount in excess of the sum of Twelve Thousand Dol- lars ($12,000) as made available under said prior agreement and this supplemental agreement and if funds are exhausted before completion of said work, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue said work and shall not be liable or responsible for the completion thereof. 4. In so far as consistent herewith and to the ex- tent adaptable hereto, all of the terms and provisions of said prior agreement to which this agreement is supplemental are hereby made applicable to this agreement and are hereby confirmed, ratified, and continued in effect. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures, the County on the 3rd day of October, 1!>4!>. the Board on the 11th day of Oc- tober, 1!)4!>, and the State Engineer on the 13th day of October. 1949. 68 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Approved as to form : /s/ Lovett K. Fraser District Attorney County of Lake By /s/ Fredric S. Crump, Deputy COUNTY OF LAKE By /s/ J. H. Pearce Chairman, Board of Supervisors (seal) Board of Supervisors Lake County /s/ Thos. L. Garner Clerk, Board of Supervisors By ,/s/ Dorothy M. Butler, Deputy Clerk Approval Kecommended : /s/ Henry Holsinger Principal Attorney Division of Water Resources STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ C. A. Griffith Chairman Approval Recommended : /s/ Robert E. Reed Attorney Department of Public Works Approved: Director of Finance DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA C. H. PURCELL Director of Public Works (seal) By /s/ Frank B. Durkee Deputy Director /s/ Edward Hyatt Edward Hyatt State Engineer L. D. K. Form F. J. M. Budget Value Description DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVED October 21, 1949 James S. Dean, Director By /s/ Louis J. Heinzeb Administrative Adviser APPENDIX A 69 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTY OF LAKE, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, en- tered into as of January 1, 1953, by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the County of Lake, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH : Whereas, an investigation of Big Valley, Scott Valley, and the Upper Lake Area, all situated in Lake County, has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between December 1948 and July 1952, and a report on the results of said investigation is being prepared pursuant to a cooperative arrange- ment between the Department and the County of Lake whereby the work accomplished, including the preparation of a report, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County of Lake and the State of California; and Whereas, funds were appropriated to the Board by Item 269 of the Budget Act of 1952 for continu- ing work on ground water level and stream flow measurements, a quality of water check, and collec- tion of crop survey records in the investigational area on a matching basis pending accomplishment of solution of the water problems in that area; and Whereas, by The State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Board is authorized to make Investigations, studies, surveys, prepare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legis- lature in regard to water development projects; and Whereas, by said act, the State Engineer is au- thorized to cooperate with any county, city, State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the pur- poses of said act; and Whereas, the County desires and hereby requests the Board to enter into a cooperative agreement for the making of ground water level and stream flow measurements, a quality of water check, and crop surveys in Big Valley, Scott Valley, and the Upper Lake Area between January 1, 1953 and January 1. 1054. Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully per- formed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the County, and the State Engineer do hereby mutu- ally agree as follows: ARTICLE I— WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement may include a series of ground water level measure- ments in the spring and fall of 1953, stream flow measurements from time to time, collection and an- alysis of samples of surface and ground waters, collection of crop survey records and compilation of results of such measurements, analysis and other data, and operation and maintenance of the stream gaging stations on Scott Creek near Lakeport, Clover Creek near Upper Lake, and Middle Creek near Hunter Point. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to cooperate in performing said work and compiling the results thereof. During the progress of said investigation, all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation and compilation of data by January 1, 1954, or as nearly thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II— FUNDS: The County, upon execution by it of this agree- ment, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditures by the State Engi- neer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) from funds made available to the Board by Item 269 of the Budget Act of 1952, as augmented, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the sum of said Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750 ) transferred from funds made available to the Board, for expenditure by the State Engineer in perform- ance of the work provided for in this agreement, such sum contributed by the County shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer. 70 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on ac- count of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the County a state- ment of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County and any bal- ance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the County, in equal amount. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have exe- cuted this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ Fkedric S. Crump County Counsel County of Lake Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ Henry Holsinger Attorney for Division of Water Resources Approved as to Form and Procedure Attorney, Department of Public Works Approved : Director of Finance COUNTY OF LAKE By /s/ C. W. Lampson Chairman, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ C. A. Griffith Chairman STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FRANK B. DURKEE Director of Public Works (seal) By /s/ Russell S. Munro Russell S. Munro Acting Deputy Director of Public Works /%/ A. D. Edmonston A. D. Edmonston State Engineer LEZ FJM Form Budget Value Descript. I )EPARTMENT OF FINANCE A P P R O V E D SEP 2 1952 James S. Dean, Director By s/ Louis .1. Heinzer Administrative Adviser APPENDIX A 71 CHAPTER 52, STATUTES OF 1956 An act to amend Section 22 and the title to Article 1 of ChapU r 2 of Division 1 of, to repeal Sections 23, 200, 201, 202, 203, 1009, 1050.5, 1050.6, and 1060 of, and to add Sections 23, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 1009, 1256, and 13003 to, and Article 2 to Chapter 2 of Division 1, the title to Chapter 2.5 of Division 1, and the title to Article 1 of Chapter 2.5 of Division 1 of, the Water Code, relating to the water resources of the State, creating the Department of Water Resources and the State Wafer Eights Board, and providing for their powers and ditties. [Approved by Governor April 25, 1956. Filed with Secretary of State April 25, 1956.] Tin peoph of the State of California do enact as fol- lows: Section 1. The Legislature hereby declares that the purpose of this act is to provide for the reorgan- iza of the Executive Branch of the State Government with respect to the administration of statutory and constitutional provisions relating to water or dams by the creation of a Department of Water Resources and a State Water Rights Board. It is the intent of the Legislature in providing for such reorganization to provide for the continuance of the existing laws, rights, powers, and duties pertaining to water and dams. Sec. 2. Section 22 of the Water Code is amended to read : 22. "Department," unless otherwise specified, means the Department of Water Resources. Sec. 3. Section 23 of said code is repealed. Sec. 4. Section 23 is added to said code, to read : 23. "Director," unless otherwise specified, means the Director of Water Resources. Sec. 5. The title to Article 1 of Chapter 2 of Divi- sion 1 of said code is amended to read : Article 1. Department of Water Resources Sec. 6. Sections 150 to 159, inclusive, are added to said code, immediately following the title to Article 1, Chapter 2, Division 1, to read: 150. There is in the State Government the Depart- ment of Water Resources, which is under the control of an executive officer known as the Director of Water Resources. The director is appointed by the Governor and holds office at the pleasure of the Governor. The appointment of the director is subject to confirmation by the Senate at the next regular or special session of the Legislature, and the refusal or failure of the Senate to confirm the appointment shall create a vacancy in the office. The annual salary of the director is eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000), and he is a member of the Governor's Council. 151. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the director shall execute an official bond to the State in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. 152. The director, in addition to being subject to removal from office by the Governor, may be removed from office by the Legislature, by concurrent resolu- tion adopted by a majority vote of all members elected to each house, for dereliction of duty or corruption or incompetency. 153. Except as provided in Section 189, the de- partment succeeds to and is vested with all of the powers, duties, purposes, responsibilities, and juris- diction in matters pertaining to water or dams vested in the Department and Director of Public Works, the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Pub- lic Works, the State Engineer, the Water Project Au- thority of the State of California, or any officer or em- ployee thereof. The department also succeeds to and is vested with all of the powers, duties, purposes, respon- sibilities, and jurisdiction of the Department of Fi- nance under Part 2 (commencing at Section 10500) of Division 6. The department succeeds to and is vested witli all of the powers, duties, purposes, responsibil- ities, and jurisdiction vested in the State Water Re- sources Board, except as provided in Section 154. Any commission or other body heretofore or here- after created by the Legislature to formulate a com- pact with a similar commission or body from another state relative to the distribution and use of the waters of any interstate streams or bodies of water, including but not limited to the California Klamath River Com- mission and the California-Nevada Interstate Com- pact Commission, shall, in formulating a provision in any such compact for the administration of the terms of the compact, provide that the Department of Water Resources shall be the representative of the State of California for the purpose of such administration. 154. The Division of Water Resources of the De- partment of Public Works, the Water Project Author- ity of the State of California, the Office of State En- gineer, and the offices of the executive directors created by Section 39105 of the Water Code are each abolished. The State Water Resources Board, hereafter to be known as the State Water Board, is continued in existence within the department, but the board shall hereafter have only the powers and duties provided in tins section. The board shall confer with, advise, and make recommendations to the director with re- spect to any matters and subjects under his jurisdic- tion. The rule-making power of the department shall be exercised in the following manner. All rules and regulations of the department, other than those relat- ing exclusivelv to the internal administration and 72 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION management of the department, shall be first pre- sented by the director to the board and shall become effective only upon approval thereof by the board. It is the intention of the Legislature that in the making of all major departmental determinations, policies and procedures, such as departmental recom- mendations to the Legislature, the director and the board shall be in agreement whenever possible; but for the purpose of fixing responsibility to the Gover- nor and to the Legislature, in the event of disagree- ment between the director and the board upon such matters, the views of the director shall prevail. In such situations a written report upon such disagree- ment shall be made immediately to the Governor and to the President pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly by the board and by the director. The provisions of existing law relating to the ap- pointment, qualifications, and tenure of the members of the board are continued in effect except that board members may be removed from office by the Legisla- ture, by concurrent resolution adopted by a majority vote of all members elected to each house, for derelic- tion of duty or corruption or incompetency. The Reclamation Board is continued in existence within the department and the provisions of law re- lating to the appointment, qualifications, and tenure of its members are continued in effect, but said board shall continue to exercise and have all of its powers, duties, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Reclamation Board shall cooperate with the department in all matters of mutual concern to the fullest extent prac- ticable. All meetings and hearings held by any board con- tinued in existence within the department shall be open and public. 155. For the purpose of administration, the direc- tor shall organize the department with the approval of the Governor in the manner he deems necessary to segregate and conduct the work of the department properly. With the approval of the Governor, the di- rector may create such divisions and subdivisions as may be necessary and change or abolish them from time to time. The director with the approval of the Governor may establish branch offices in hydrographic or other regions of the State in order to assure the expeditious conduct of the work of the department in such region, and to assure free and rapid communication of local problems and recommendations to the department and may change or abolish any such branch offices from time to time. Any branch office so established shall be under the control of a branch office manager who, subject to the direction and control of the director, shall represent the department in all matters under the department's jurisdiction in the region. 156. There shall be one Deputy Director of Water Resources who shall be a civil executive officer and shall be appointed by the Governor and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The compensation of the deputy director shall be fixed by the director pursu- ant to law. The deputy director shall have such duties as shall be assigned, from time to time, by the direc- tor, and he shall be responsible to the director for the performance thereof. 157. The department is authorized to employ legal counsel who shall advise the director, represent the department in connection with legal matters before other boards and agencies of the State, and may, when authorized by the Attorney General, represent the department and the State in litigation concerning affairs of the department. In any event, the legal counsel of the department may, with the approval of the director and with the consent of the court before which the action is pending, present to the court the views of the department with respect to the action. Section 11416 of this code and Sections 11041, 11042, 11043, and subdivision (b) of Section 16048 of the Government Code are not applicable to the Depart- ment of Water Resources. 158. In times of extraordinary stress and of dis- aster, resulting from storms and floods, the director may declare the existence of an emergency and desig- nate the location, nature, cause, area, and extent of the emergency if in his opinion: (a) The emergency is a matter affecting the waters or dams of the State and is of general public and state concern; and (b) Work and remedial measures are required to immediately avert, alleviate, repair, or restore damage or destruction to property having a general public and state interest and to protect the health, safety, convenience, and welfare of the general public of the State. The department may perform any work required or take any remedial measures necessary to avert, allevi- ate, repair, or restore damage or destruction to prop- erty as provided in this section. In carrying out such work the department may perform the work itself or through or in cooperation with any other state depart- ment or agency, the Federal Government, or any po- litical subdivision, city, or district. The director shall transmit any declaration made under this section to the Governor with a recommen- dation and request that money be allocated from any available money appropriated for that purpose or to meet state emergencies within the meaning of that term as employed in this section, in order to carry out the work and remedial measures required to meet the emergency. The Governor shall forthwith determine if a state emergency exists, and if money is available in any appropriation or emergency fund for the work and APPENDIX A i3 remedial measures. Upon an affirmative finding upon these matters he shall direct the Department of Finance to allocate to the department such amount as in his opinion will be required to meet the emergency. 159. With respect to any project the planning, construction, operation, or maintenance of which is specifically under the jurisdiction of the Department of Water Resources, as used in the State Contract Act or any other law relating to work by the State, references to the Department of Public Works mean the Department of Water Resources and references to the Director of Public Works or the State Engi- neer mean the Director of Water Resources. Sec. 7. Article 2 is added to Chapter 2 of Divi- sion 1 of said code, to read : Article 2. State Water Rights Board 185. There is in the State Government the State Water Rights Board consisting of three members ap- pointed by the Governor. One of the members ap- pointed shall be an attorney admitted to practice law in this State and one shall be a registered civil engi- neer under the laws of this State. Each member shall represent the State at large and not any particular portion thereof. The appointments so made by the Governor shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate at the next regular or special session of the Legislature, and the refusal or failure of the Senate to confirm an appointment shall create a vacancy in the office to which the appointment was made. 186. Each member of the board shall receive an annual salary of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) and shall receive the necessary traveling and other expenses incurred by him in the performance of his official duties out of appropriations made for the support of the board. When necessary the members of the board may travel within or without the State. 187. The terms of the members first appointed shall expire as follows : one member on January 15, 1957, one member on January 15, 1958, and one mem- ber on January 15, 1959. Thereafter all members of the board shall be appointed for terms of four years. Vacancies shall be immediately filled by the Governor for the unexpired portion of the terms in which they occur. 188. The members of the board may be removed from office by the Legislature, by concurrent resolu- tion adopted by a majority vote of all members elected to each house, for dereliction of duty or cor- ruption or incompetency. 189. The board succeeds to and is vested with all of the powers, duties, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction vested in the Department and Director of Public Works, the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works, and the State Engi- neer, or any officer or employee thereof, under Parts 1 (commencing at Section 1000), 2 (commencing at Section 1200), 3 (commencing at Section 2000), and 5 (commencing at Section 4999) of Division 2 of this code, or any other law under which permits or li- censes to appropriate water are issued, denied, or revoked. 190. Before entering upon the duties of his office, each member of the board shall execute an official bond to the State in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. 191. The board shall maintain its headquarters at Sacramento and shall hold meetings at such times and at such places as shall be determined by it. The Gov- ernor shall designate the time and place for the first meeting of the board. All meetings of the board shall be open and public. 192. The Governor shall designate the chairman of the board from the membership of the board. The person so designated shall hold the office of chairman at the pleasure of the Governor. 193. The board may hold any hearings and con- duct any investigations in any part of the State neces- sary to carry out the powers vested in it, and for such purposes has the powers conferred upon heads of departments of the State by Article 2 (commencing at Section 11180), Chapter 2, Part 1, Division 3- Title 2 of the Government Code. Any hearing or investigation by the board may be conducted by any member upon authorization of the board, and he shall have the powers granted to the board by this section, but any final action of the board shall be taken by the board as a whole. All hearings held by the board or by any member thereof shall be open and public. 194. The Department of Water Resources shall have an interest and may appear as a party in any hearing held by the board and may commence or ap- pear in any judicial proceeding brought to inquire into the validity of any action, order, or decision of the board. 195. The board shall adopt rules for the conduct of its affairs in conformity, as nearly as practicable, with the provisions of Chapter 4 (commencing at Section 11370), Part 1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code. 196. The board shall have such powers, and may employ such legal counsel and other personnel and assistance, as may be necessary or convenient for the exercise of its duties under Division 2 (commencing at Section 1000). The Attorney General shall repre- sent the board and the State in litigation concerning affairs of the board unless the Department of Water Resources is a party to the action. In such case the legal counsel of the board shall represent the board. Sections 11041, 11042, and 11043 of the Government Code are not applicable to the State Water Rights Board. 197. The board and the Department of Water Resources shall, to the fullest extent possible, ex- 74 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION change records, reports, material, and any other in- formation relating to water or water rights, to the end that unnecessary duplication of effort may be avoided; however, no such exchange shall be made when, in the opinion of the agency possessing the records, reports, material, or other information, such exchange would he detrimental to the public interest. Sec. 8. Sections 200, 201, 202, and 203 of said code are repealed. Sec. 9. The title to Chapter 2.5 of Division 1 is added to said code, immediately following Section 197, to read: Chapter 2.5. Miscellaneous Powers of Department Sec. 10. The title to Article 1 of Chapter 2.5 of Division 1 is added to said code, immediately pre- ceding Section 205, to read: Article 1. Participation in Associations Sec. 11. Section 1009 of said code is repealed. Sec. 12. Section 1009 is added to said code, to read : 1009. As used in Parts 1 (commencing at Section 1000), 2 (commencing at Section 1200), 3 (commenc- ing at Section 2000), and 5 (commencing at Section 4999) of this division, "department" means the State Water Rights Board. Sec. 13. Sections 1050.5, 1050.6, and 1060 of said code are repealed. Sec. 14. Section 1256 is added to said code, to read : 1256. In determining public interest under Sec- tions 1253 and 1255, the State Water Rights Board shall give consideration to any general or coordinated plan prepared and published by the Department of Water Resources or any predecessor thereof, looking toward the development, utilization, or conservation of the water resources of the State. Sec. 15. Section 13003 is added to said code, to read : 13003. It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Water Pollution Control Board and each re- gional water pollution control board shall cooperate with the department in all matters of mutual concern to the fullest extent practicable. Sec. 16. All persons, other than temporary em- ployees, serving in the state civil service and engaged in the performance of a function transferred to the Department of Water Resources or the State Water Rights Board or engaged in the administration of a law, the administration of which is transferred to the department or board, shall remain in the state civil service and are hereby transferred to the Department of Water Resources or the State Water Rights Board, as the case may be, on the effective date of this act. The status, positions, and rights of such persons shall not be affected by their transfer and shall continue to be retained by them pursuant to the State Civil Service Act, except as to positions the duties of which are vested in a position that is exempt from civil service. All public property, real or personal, of any state agency or officer used principally or primarily in car- rying out of any function, or acquired in connection with the exercise of any function, which function is transferred to the Department of Water Resources or the State Water Rights Board, is transferred to the department or the board, as the case may be. The Governor shall make the final determination as to the proper division of personnel and property between the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Rights Board. APPENDIX B RECORDS OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION IN CLEAR LAKE AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TABLE OF CONTENTS Station Page Kelseyville 2X 77 Lower Lake 1W_ 77 Middletown __ 78 Scott Valley __ ___ 78 Upper Scott Valley 79 (76) APPENDIX B 77 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT KELSEYVILLE 2N, CALIFORNIA County : Lake Date established : 1935 Type of gage : non-recording Elevation: 1,355 feet, U.S.G.S. datum (In inches) Station No. 5-101A on Plate 3 Location : XW-] SW£, S 2, T 13 X. R 9 W Record obtained from: Mr. H. W. Benson M.D.B.&M. Season 1934-35 _ 35-36. 36-37. 37-38- 38-39. 1939-40- 40 41 41-42. 42-43. 43-44 . 1944-4.5 _ 45 40 46-47 47-48_ 48-49- 1949-50 50-51- 51-52. 52-53. 53-54. July 0.06 0.40 0.08 0.07 Aug. . 1 .' o o o 0.38 Se t. 0.72 0.88 0.10 0.20 0.08 Oct. 1.74 0.25 1.71 1.62 0.54 1.14 1.10 1.18 0.87 1.53 4.11 0.36 3.61 0.71 0.04 4.11 2.14 0.29 0.84 Nov. 2.13 0.40 1.65 0.42 2.18 _• . 5 1 3.58 1.14 5.74 3.86 3.37 1.05 0.90 2.03 6.00 4.61 1.69 Dec. 2.96 1.92 7.90 1.70 3.82 10.79 8 92 :» . 57 2.56 3.46 8.06 3.66 0.86 4.05 1.34 6.81 7.98 11.83 Jan. 8.83 5.98 3.04 4.76 3.10 4.92 8.72 5 . 43 8.74 4.92 2.00 2.01 0.89 2.00 0.90 Feb. 2.38 7 92 7.84 10.49 1.35 2.07 8.08 6.18 1.81 2.96 3 . 69 2.07 3.91 2.10 2.14 3 . 54 3.15 3.38 0.24 Mai cli 4.32 1.18 4.62 5.45 1 . 63 0.18 5.29 1.97 2.89 2.10 3.88 1.02 3.68 4.45 6.44 2.71 1.59 3.67 2.51 April 2.70 1.21 0.88 1.75 0.21 0.33 3.38 5.05 2.53 1.61 0.11 0.61 6.08 0.06 1.28 1.08 0.50 2.31 May 0.88 1.15 0.84 0.94 1.57 0.71 1.54 0.70 0.23 0.80 0.66 0.00 1.74 0.29 1.11 June 2.20 1.32 0.32 1.96 0.73 1.18 1.09 0.65 Total 26.32 19.93 38.40 13.18 13.12 41.44 32.76 26.62 18.83 21.84 21.94 17.94 22.13 16.12 17.14 29.74 30.86 27.11 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT LOWER LAKE 1W, CALIFORNIA County : Lake Date established : 1034 Type of gage : non-recording Elevation : 1,500 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station No. 5-101B on Plate 3 Location: SWJ SEJ, S 4, T 12 N, R 7 W Record obtained from : Mr. "Walter Reichert M.D.B.&M. (In inches) Season July Aug. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June Total 1934-35. .... 1.50 0.37 0.30 0.65 0.56 . 25 0.62 1.37 1.63 1.37 0.50 0.75 1.98 0.07 0.18 3.88 0.12 5 59 1 . 50 0.20 0.37 1.19 7.25 1.63 0.12 2.25 2.75 2.12 1.25 5.18 3.10 5.79 0.74 0.45 1.61 5.58 5.01 2.18 2.88 2.00 10.00 1.50 5.25 18.87 13.63 5.25 3.00 4.85 10.98 3.30 1.65 5.38 2.20 6.66 9.66 15.19 6.00 3.00 5.50 2.37 12.25 11.50 8.25 10.38 6.50 2.52 1.26 0.93 1 . 22 1.20 7.39 4.13 10.73 6.97 11.31 11 . 13 12.38 0.50 1 1.75 10 63 7.00 5.12 4.13 2 . 1 _» 4.37 1.59 3.30 0.10 2.72 2.97 1.25 1.00 9.87 2.26 3.50 8.10 _' . 75 1.21 2.38 4.47 1.78 5.07 4.33 10.59 1.73 1.22 4.54 2.73 1.56 0.25 1.00 0.50 5.37 6.37 1.75 2.50 0.22 0.62 8.53 1.33 1.09 2.26 1.00 0.88 0.50 0.87 1.50 0.99 0.41 2 . 43 0.90 1 . 25 1.05 0.59 1.12 0.54 29.50 35 36 .. 26 00 30-37 17.63 37-38 46 . 62 38-39 11.13 1939-40 40-41 37.37 59.60 41-42__ 42.62 42-43.. 26.49 43-44 1944-45 22.37 24.85 45-46 . 24.37 16 47 47-48 48-49-_ 1949-50 21.29 23.52 21.40 21.42 50-51 51-52 52-53 29.42 35.53 31.03 53-54 1 6 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT MIDDLETOWN, CALIFORNIA Comity : Lake Date established : 1!>4<) Type of gage : non-recording Elevation : 1,105 feet, U.S.G.S. chimin Station No. 5-101C on Plate •". Location: S3, T 10 X. K 7 W, M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: United Stales Weather Bureau (In inches) Season July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. I ,-!,. March April May June Total 76.04 61 .61 4 1 . 95 34.94 36.03 37.55 32 . 42 36 . 70 38.15 38.25 48.49 63 . 08 54.32 1939-40 40-41 41-42 42-43 43-44 1944-45 45-46 46-47 47-48 48-49 1949-50 50-51 51-52 52-53 53-54 o 0.18 0.02 0.01 0.05 Tr 0.27 0.66 0.02 Ti- ll o 0.15 0.34 0.09 0.10 (I 2. 16 1.90 0.92 0.83 3.19 5.87 0.03 ' 6 . 38 0.54 8.06 3.93 0.07 1.70 4 . 24 4.05 7.39 2.1.5 7.80 6.81 9.02 1.20 3.80 9.61 10.25 3 . 52 22.09 17.48 6.64 3.61 .5.76 15.93 4.68 1.98 10.87 5.03 12.09 15.91 22.60 17.94 15.07 10.63 16.30 7.88 2.11 1.41 0.78 4.69 '3.50 12.7.5 7.60 17.07 15.38 20.13 13.34 12.79 2.54 6.19 3.99 4.95 1.90 7.90 8.47 3.83 6.15 0.02 8.86 8.70 3.82 4.32 6.19 5.08 2 . 50 8.60 6.20 11.80 4.40 3.15 6.13 7.47 1 . 94 6.97 Sill, 3.62 3.80 0.91 0.39 0.73 12.83 0.03 2.45 1.55 0.94 3 . 66 2.12 1.86 2.81 0.07 1 . 57 2.21 0.65 1.21 1.14 0.28 1.19 2.50 0.92 1.19 0.09 0.65 0.15 0.69 2.09 0.38 0.05 1.78 0.04 c? — Estimated Tr — Trace RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT SCOTT VALLEY, CALIFORNIA County : Lake Dale established: 1929 Type of gage : non-recording Elevation: 1,450 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station Xo. 5-94A on Plate 3 Location : SWJ SEJ S 14, T 14 X. R 10 W. M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from : Mr. A. S. Riggs (In inches) Season July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June Total 1929-30 (I 0.50 0.93 0..58 0.10 0.30 II 1 . If. 2.75 2.73 *3 . 73 1 .70 II 1 .90 2.99 3.02 1 . 76 1.56 1.44 2.20 .5 . 48 0.73 .5 . 48 0.96 .5 . 86 2.36 0.1.3 1.68 1 . 22 2 . 03 8.80 2 . 5.5 0. 1.5 9.37 2. 51 . 66 2.19 3.63 5.99 0.50 6.22 .5 . 119 1.56 0.65 1 . 67 2 . .54 6.30 6.31 3.10 11.32 0.50 1 1 . 55 4.32 8.69 3.14 3.67 3.01 8.46 2.72 4.77 14.93 12.83 8 . 29 2.6.5 3.99 12.55 3.61 1.32 5.33 2.00 9.01 10.98 14.86 4 . 79 5.83 2.74 6.95 1.78 9.60 8.88 3.70 5.11 4.72 12.45 12.28 5 . 96 9.91 7.04 2 . 98 2.47 1.19 3. 55 1.56 10.12 7 . 68 11.22 9.83 4.43 1.55 1.18 1.10 5.26 2.71 11.86 10.40 12.17 2.62 14.40 11.18 7.86 1.63 4.17 4.45 3.12 3.31 2.40 4.26 4.20 4.20 4.39 0.23 2.63 1.04 3.23 1.38 5.19 1.47 6.08 9.86 2.64 6.49 6.23 2.79 2.58 4.00 5.34 1.63 6.57 5.50 9.09 4.29 1.75 4.25 4.14 2.26 0.41 1.57 1.02 3.92 2.02 1.54 2.32 0.23 1.44 4.79 5.33 3.24 2.89 0.62 0.42 0.38 8.28 1.53 1 .27 0.48 2.75 0.70 2.01 1.20 1.60 1.02 0.86 1.70 1.32 1.29 2.04 0.76 1.72 0.30 0.33 1.50 0.40 1.40 2.05 0.25 1.37 1.25 0.81 2.63 1.73 0.15 0.42 1 .26 0.62 1 . 56 0.73 30-31 14.39 31-32 32-33 23.25 19 . 23 33-34 . _ 22.69 34-35.. 37.09 1935-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 35.64 26.61 49.19 21.06 39 10 1940-41.. 41-42 42-43 43-44 44-45-. 1945-46 46-47 . - 41.53 56.64 42.20 33 . 20 23.87 27 . .52 31.96 22.01 47-48 48-49 29.30 23.57 49-50.. 26.08 1950-51.- 38.12 :, i ;, ■ 41.80 52 53 37.14 53-54 * Total to date. APPENDIX B 7!) RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT UPPER SCOTT VALLEY, CALIFORNIA County : Lake Date established : 1932 Type of gage : non-recording Elevation : 1,375 feet, U.S.G.S. datum (In inches) Station No. 5-94B on Plate :'. Location: SW'i S L'L', T 14 X. It 10 W. M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: Mr. I>. E. Riggs Season July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June Total 1932-33 (1 0.40 0.15 (1 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.10 0.14 0.34 0.15 Tr 3.32 1.76 1.86 3.08 2 . 60 1.07 1.20 1 . 52 5.77 0.58 5.74 1.05 0.12 0. 15 2.88 0.10 1.70 1 . 40 6.03 3.03 1 1 . 30 2.14 0.84 2.58 3.54 1.24 0.47 0.83 4.66 1.05 1.77 2.70 0.70 7.32 3.66 4.47 9.80 3 . 03 4.34 3.66 10.86 3.52 5.06 14.80 1 t . 53 *16.02 2.86 5.68 13.81 4. 14 1 .40 5.44 2.50 9.74 12.53 17.17 7 . 68 2.11 9.60 10.40 4.32 5.07 4.13 1 2 . 24 13.03 7.09 10.96 8.96 2.46 3.25 1.53 3.72 0.52 10.08 10.07 12.10 12.78 1.35 ;,. 13 3.01 13.27 10.86 13.63 2.97 14.83 1 1 . 82 8.40 2 . 32 4.90 5.17 3.57 3.94 2.81 4.60 5.30 5.53 .-,,50 0.50 3.55 1.62 5.65 1.08 0.02 10.57 2 . 34 6.53 5.48 3.14 4.02 4.89 5.09 2 . 05 9 . 37 5.94 9.93 4.86 2.30 5 . 24 4.78 0.58 1.00 1 19 2.28 1.35 2.00 0.20 1 . 23 5.23 5.39 3.80 2 . 97 0.38 0.29 0.49 9.92 0.04 9 . 70 1.50 0.60 3.14 1.97 1.19 0.74 1.81 1.51 1.39 2.62 0.16 1.42 0.18 0.32 1.37 0.20 1.42 1.80 0.64 1.92 0.16 2.88 1.79 0.30 0.14 1.55 0.38 1.34 0.90 21 06 33-34 34-35 1935-36 24 . 39 34.93 40.38 36-37 37-38 38-39 28.00 55.35 mi '.i:i 39-40 1940 41 41-42 42-43 43-44 44 45 12.24 57.88 46.38 37.42 27.02 28.19 1945-46 40-47 47-48 48-49 49-50 35 . 85 27.18 32.39 23.89 36.89 1950-51 _ 43.79 51-52.. 48.17 52-53 45.01 53-54 * Total to date. Ti— Trace APPENDIX C RECORDED AND ESTIMATED DAILY RUNOFF IN CLEAR LAKE AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TABLE OF CONTENTS Station Page Table No. 1, Runoff in Big Valley Unit Adobe Creek at Bell Hill Road, 1948-49- 83 Adobe Creek at Bell Hill Road, 1949-50- 83 Adobe Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1948-49- 84 Adobe Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1949-50- 84 Adobe Creek at Highland Cutoff, 1949-50- 85 Cold Creek at Konocti Road, 1948-49 85 Cold Creek at Konocti Road, 1949-50— 86 Cold Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1949-50 _ 86 Highland Creek at Bridge Above Adobe Creek, 1948-49 _ 87 Highland Creek at Bridge Above Adobe Creek, 11)49-50 _ 87 Hill Creek at Bell Hill Road, 1949-50- 88 Hill Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1949-50- 88 Hill Creek at State Highway 29, 1949-50- 89 Kelsey Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1948-49- 89 Kelsey Creek at Soda Bay Road, 1949-50__ 90 Manning Creek Near Hopland Highway, 1949-50 . - 90 Manning Creek at State Highway 29, 1948-49 91 Manning Creek at State Highway 29, 1949-50 91 Table No. 2, Runoff in Scott Valley Unit Hendricks Creek Near Junction With Scott Valley Road, 1949-50- 92 Scott Creek at Bridge South of Bachelor Val- ley. 1 1)49-50 _ 92 Scott Creek Near Lakeport, 1948-49- 93 Scott Creek Near Lakeport, 1949-50- 93 Scott Creek Near Lakeport, 1950-51 . 94 Scott Creek Near Lakeport, 1951-52— 94 Abbreviations used : D.W.K. — Division of Water Resources U.S.E.D. — Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Station Page Scott Creek Near Lakeport, 1952-53— 95 Scott Creek at Bridge to Hidden Lakes, 1948-49 . 95 Scott Creek at Bridge to Hidden Lakes, 1949-50 . — 96 Table No. 3, Runoff in Upper Lake Unit Alley Creek Above Junction With Clover Creek, 1948-49 _ 96 Alley Creek Above Junction With Clover Creek, 1949-50 _ 97 Clover Creek Near Upper Lake, 1948-49— 97 Clover Creek Near Upper Lake, 1949-50- 98 Clover Creek Near Upper Lake, 1950-51 98 Clover Creek Near Upper Lake, 1951-52— 99 Clover Creek Near Upper Lake, 1952-53- 99 Clover Creek at Bridge South of Upper Lake, 1949-50 _ - 100 Middle Creek Near Upper Lake, 1948-49- . 100 Middle Creek Near Upper Lake, 1949-50- . 101 Middle Creek Near Upper Lake, 1950-51_. . 101 Middle Creek Near Upper Lake, 1951-52— _ 102 Middle Creek Near Upper Lake, 1952-53- . 102 Middle Creek at Bridge South of Upper Lake, 1948-49 __. 103 Middle Creek at Bridge South of Upper Lake, 1949-50 _ 103 Dayle Creek Near Lower End of Bachelor Val- ley, 1948-49 . 104 Dayle Creek at Lower West Valley Road, 1949-50 , 104 Dayle Creek at Upper West Valley Road, 1949-50 . 105 ( 82 ) APPENDIX C 83 vBLE 1 1. 1 lion Xo. L-l on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF ADOBE CREEK AT BELL HILL ROAD, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept, 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 3 5 5 20 25 60 34 18 9 6 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 8 8 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 25 40 125 146 47 32 38 161 49 29 22 18 17 16 14 13 18 20 63 68 50 33 27 22 19 16 178 275 210 158 137 76 48 60 365 445 300 131 78 76 147 200 212 316 188 96 144 72 40 30 24 20 17 11 9 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 . 5 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 O o z O to o z o to to O z O to o z O to c z js o to to o z noff, in acre-feet. 144.8 41.8 2,231 8,105 258 78 isonal runoff, in acre-feet: 11,235 BLE 1 -Continued m No. L-l on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF ADOBE CREEK AT BELL HILL ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept, 12 10 45 868 535 768 188 60 43 64 43 30 21 18 16 17 17 15 11 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 8 12 10 10 22 88 308 100 48 32 23 14 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 ^>3 120 52 32 19 15 12 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 .5 1 .5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 14 160 62 18 100 175 75 210 250 150 50 20 100 77 35 31 17 13 20 76 36 22 16 1 O to to o z q o z O J to o z 6 j o z £= o j to o z O to O z 1 1 o to 1 1 . 1. to 1 O 1 z 1 1 J noff, in acre-feet_ 3.620 5.660 1 ,578 892 124 > isonal runoff, in acre-feet: 11,874 4 — 57411 84 TABLE 1 -Continued LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF ADOBE CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-2 mi pint.' :: Record from D.W.I Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 5 15 10 10 25 100 125 47 27 33 125 45 30 25 22 22 20 20 20 22 24 60 65 50 37 30 25 20 18 200 350 250 185 165 100 55 70 485 500 370 160 100 270 325 435 460 600 400 125 107 82 57 55 48 41 36 34 32 30 29 27 24 22 19 16 13 12 11 9 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 „ 3 4 6 7 8 9 10__ is o O Z O -J o z is p O Z is o J O Z is _; O z I \ O z 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27.. 28 29... 30 31 • 9.9 40 . 6 2,041 12,186 .-,25 24 Seasonal runoff, in at re-feet: 14,9 36 1 TABLE 1— Continued St; a I ion No. L-2 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF ADOBE CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 . . . 20 15 20 750 500 600 200 75 60 84 60 45 37 34 31 29 30 30 25 14 12 10 9 9 9 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 41 30 17 41 33 282 95 60 46 37 30 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 15 150 109 60 46 40 35 30 25 20 18 17 15 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 . 4__. 5 . 6__ 7 8 9.. 10 ... . . ... > O -J o z O o z O o z 75 60 30 176 100 176 225 100 40 29 100 75 46 38 2ft 25 30 80 37 29 O o z > 5 o * is O J fa o z q o z 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 29 30 31 3,074 5,400 1 .648 1 ,489 109 Se isonal runoff, in a ;re feet: 11,' '26 ,BLE 1— Continued tation Xi>. L-3 on Plate 3 APPENDIX C RUNOFF OF ADOBE CREEK AT HIGHLAND CUTOFF, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) 85 Record from D.W.H. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 0. 2 2 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 . 5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 15 10 100 20 10 100 50 50 50 25 25 25 20 30 30 20 15 7 2 10 35 12 10 6 2 1 15 250 175 175 75 40 30 40 30 27 24 20 17 15 12 10 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 10 25 120 75 20 15 10 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 30 00 30 15 12 10 8 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 O o z o o Z •S O J fc. o z O o z O ►J o z O Pn O Z fnoff, in acre-feet _ 19.8 53.5 1 ,353 1,999 640 512 lisonal runoff, in acre-feet: 4,577 BLE 1— Continued RUNOFF OF COLD CREEK AT KONOCTI ROAD, 1948-49 ation No. L-4 on Plate 3 (,ua ly mean tic w, in secor a-reerj F, ecord from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. (1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 3 1.6 3.5 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 9 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 9 8 7. 6 6 4 3 3 30 40 25 20 15 22 25 20 15 25 15 10 8 7 6 ■"> 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 :;::;:;: C -: c z O z O O Z O >-] O Z En O Z O En O Z O -: i I O Z i i ■j -> , 3 3 8 123 695 133 18 Ebonal runoff, in a -re- feet: 977 86 TABLE 1— Continued Station No. L-4 on Plate •'! LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF COLD CREEK AT KONOCTI ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.B Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 3 1 0.5 15 10 10 15 12 10 2 10 8 3 3 2 2 2 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 10 15 12 5 5 5 10 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 1 . 5 1 . 5 1 .5 1 . 5 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 _ .- 8 9 10 O fa o z O fa o z O J fa o z O J fa o z O -i c z O fa o z O c z 11 . 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 245 229 83 65 12 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 634 TABLE 1— Continued Station No. L-5 on Plate ."» RUNOFF OF COLD CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.E Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 (1 2 3 5 5 5 2 1 o 1 i i i 50 40 30 20 5 2 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 2 3 4 ;, 6 7 8 _. 9 . ' 10 is o fa o z is O fa o z is O fa o z O fa o z is o fa o z q o z is O _: O Z is O -j o z 11 12 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :(l 58 346 45 45 Seasonal runoff, in a< ;re-feet : 19 1 APPENDIX C able l Continued RUNOFF OF HIGHLAND CREEK AT BRIDGE ABOVE ADOBE CREEK, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) tation Xo. L-6 on Plate 3 F, 87 eeord from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. I. 45 25 15 7 5 4 4 4 3 6 4 3 2.4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 15 26 100 120 28 20 26 75 30 25 18 10 10 10 9 8 11 13 40 50 35 21 17 14 11 10 110 200 140 100 80 56 35 45 150 100 200 90 50 50 100 140 145 215 185 115 75 60 45 32 25 20 15 10 9 8 7 7 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 > 3 1. 7. 3 3 3 iS C -! fa o z O J fa o z Is o -J fa o z is o fa o Z is o J fa o Z 1 .__ 2 3 17 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 & i O fa i . o 7 Z 3 3 D _ 1 2 3 1 5 5 7 3 3 3 . unoff, in acre-feet. 161 315 1,492 5,186 363 36 easonal runoff, in acre-feet: 7,553 ABLE 1— Continued fetation Xo. L-6 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF HIGHLAND CREEK AT BRIDGE ABOVE ADOBE CREEK, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. ,1 2 1 1 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 10 75 31 10 10 10 75 100 75 75 75 10 50 50 27 20 10 5 15 50 20 10 10 4 2 10 500 300 200 85 45 40 85 45 30 20 20 20 20 17 13 10 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 5 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1.5 6 6 21 15 8 21 50 180 90 35 30 20 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 140 105 75 50 40 30 20 12 10 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 13 u 8. 7 :8 9... . O -i fa o z is O fa o z iS O ►4 fa o z is o ►J fa o z is o fa o z 1 '2 3. is o 4 6 fa 6 o 7. z 8 9 !0- 1 ',2 :3._ !4. •5. !6_ !7 !8._ !9 30 (1 Runoff, in acre-feet. 6 21 1,634 3,000 1,130 1,132 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: G.923 TABLE 1— Continued Station Xo. L-7 on Plate .'! LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF HILL CREEK AT BELL HILL ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1... 12 15 5 10 15 10 5 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 I "" 5 6 7 8 - 9 10- iS o fa o z iS O fa o Z iS O ►J fa o z iS o fa o Z O ►J fa o Z iS O .-! fa o z O fa o Z 11 12 13 14 15 O fa 16 17 18 o z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29- 30 31 63 93 6 2 Seasonal runoff, in ac re-feet: 164 TABLE 1— Continued Station No. L-8 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF HULL CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 10 15 10 5 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1 1 2 2 10 4 2 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 is o fa o z iS O ►J fa o Z iS O fa o z ■S O ►J fa o z is o fa o z is o ►J fa o z O ►J fa o z >S O 13 14 15 fa 16 o 17 z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 22 135 86 73 Seasonal runoff, in a( :re-feet: 316 APPENDIX C 89 ABLE 1 -Continued RUNOFF OF HILL CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 29, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) itation No. L-9 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. h . . _ 15 20 15 5 2 10 15 5 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 i 1 . 7. S 9. __ 3. is o J o z C z is c J o z is C J o z is o 1-1 o z iS O J O Z is o j o z 1 .. > 1 ? 1 . O h l. O 7 Z 8 9 1 2 3. 4 <> ..... 7 8 9 1 113 105 34 30 easonal runoff, in a< re-feet: 282 ABLE 1— Continued Station Xo. L-ll on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF KELSEY CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Jul.v- Aug. Sept. 1 25 30 50 35 20 6 6 7 8 5 3 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 3 4 60 28 145 65 47 38 150 90 45 35 28 25 20 20 28 30 35 80 80 60 45 35 30 20 15 200 220 200 180 145 120 100 80 400 480 275 200 150 105 200 250 210 275 200 139 132 110 93 80 65 55 45 42 40 38 36 35 33 32 31 30 29 29 28 28 28 27 27 27 26 26 25 25 24 23 22 20 18 10 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 3 i 6 7 8 9 1 . is o -J o z t c z is o J O z iS O b, O z is c o z 2 is O 3.. 4 En 6 O 7 z 8 ... 9 ii 1 .' 13 ) !5 g '7 18. !9. 10 11. Runoff, in acre-feet. Seasonal runoff, in a 50 341 2,479 9.606 1,344 165 ^re-feet: 13,1 185 !)() LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION table 1 Continued RUNOFF OF KELSEY CREEK AT SODA BAY ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-1J on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 20 18 20 400 500 300 200 130 100 120 95 85 75 68 62 56 48 40 32 27 27 27 27 27 27 25 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 16 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 20 50 115 38 38 85 56 512 220 140 100 75 55 45 39 36 33 30 27 25 50 420 320 225 155 100 80 75 56 50 44 39 35 32 29 27 25 23 21 20 19 19 19 18 17 20 27 24 20 18 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 g g 10 11 12 O .-) o z Is q o z > q o z 250 65 40 14 150 100 175 300 200 100 32 100 80 39 35 30 28 35 50 40 29 27 O o z •s o ►J fa O z O ►J o z I I fa O z i 13 . 14 15 16 . 17 -_ - 18 . . . 19 . - 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 3,805 5.152 3.665 4.103 599 Seasonal runoff, in a< .re-feet: 17,324 table l -Continued RUNOFF OF MANNING CREEK NEAR HOPLAND HIGHWAY, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-12 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. ! Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 5 3 3 3 3 3 15 8 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 15 10 8 5 5 3 10 30 50 30 15 10 8 30 20 15 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 2 2 8 4 4 4 8 30 20 12 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 5 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 3 i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is o >1 o z O fa O z O o z O _) fa o z O J o z O -J fa o z O ►J fa o z O J fa o z 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 270 605 260 126 Seasonal runoff, in a< ,re-feet: 1,261 APPENDIX C 91 TABLE 1-Continued RUNOFF OF MANNING (Dai Station No. L-13 on Plate 3 CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 29, ly mean flow, in second-feet) 1948-49 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 5 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 6 8 3 10 6 4 5 12 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 7 8 6 5 3 3 2 2 6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 30 5 3 _-- 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 70 80 35 20 15 10 25 30 35 45 30 20 20 18 15 12 10 9 8 7 7 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 4 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 . iS O fa O z q Pa O Z O ►J fa o z is O o z [S O ►J o z iS o fa o z 11 12 13 £ 14-. O 15 fa 16. o 17 18 z 19 20 21 22 23 t>4 25 26 _. 27. 28 E9 30.. 31.. 43 248 1.456 149.7 32 Seasonal runoff, in a jre-feet: 1,929 TABLE 1— Continue Station No. L-13 d RUNOFF OF M on Plate 3 ANNING (Da CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 29, ly mean flow, in second-feet) 1949-50 E eeord from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. . 1 10 5 1 50 40 40 20 20 20 12 10 10 15 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 8 10 75 125 75 30 25 20 50 30 20 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 5 5 8 8 8 8 10 50 25 20 15 10 8 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 12 30 25 20 15 13 10 8 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 is o fa o z is c -J fa o z is o J fa o z > O Z O o z O O z 11 12... 13 £ 14 O 15 fa 16 o 17 z :I8 J9._. 20 h h._.._ L>3... -M._ u "" >6.... .'7 ;8.. . !.'9 . ;i0 11 Runoff, in acre-feet. 750 1,235 462 458 24 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 2.929 92 TABLE 2 LAKH CnrXTY 1XYKST K < ATI* >X RUNOFF OF HENDRICKS CREEK NEAR JUNCTION WITH SCOTT VALLEY ROAD, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-14 on l'late 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 (i 10 15 20 30 20 15 6 8 8 8 8 6 5 8 15 10 10 8 5 5 20 125 100 75 15 12 10 50 15 10 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 6 4 6 12 40 20 10 8 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 l 5 6 7 8 g 10 is o ►J o z O o z O j o z O ►J Fd O z is z O o z is o O z n 12 13 14 15 .._ 16 :s o J o 17 z 18- 19 20- 21- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet 416 1,019 361 129 Seasonal runoff, in aere-feet: 1 925 table 2-Continued RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK AT BRIDGE SOUTH OF BACHELOR VALLEY, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-15 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 85 80 75 1,500 1,500 1,000 700 500 400 550 450 400 350 275 213 194 160 140 120 100 90 80 70 66 62 58 54 50 47 45 42 42 47 66 60 55 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 50 60 66 400 310 212 400 290 1,060 925 700 570 450 350 275 200 150 120 95 85 80 85 90 365 300 250 175 150 130 115 100 85 70 65 60 55 50 48 46 44 42 40 36 32 30 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is o j o z is o j &-, o z > O o z 90 100 50 32 400 75 125 600 300 200 1.30 300 250 400 250 150 100 150 300 250 150 100 is o o z "■$■ O J o z is o j o z is o o z 11 12 ts 13 14 J 15 fe 16 o 17. __ z 18 19 20__. 21_- 22__ 23 _ 24__. 25_. 26_ .. 27. 28... 29_ .. 30._. 31.... Runoff, in acre-feet . 8,969 18,489 13,914 5,992 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 47,364 TABLE 2— Continue S tut ion No. L-16 d on Plate 3 RUNOFF APPENDIX C OF SCOTT CREEK NEAR LAKEPORT, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from 93 l.S.E.D. Date Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 14 10 5.4 3.8 3.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 1.8 1.2 1.7 1.5 4.0 9.5 18 36 56 264 156 64 32 3.1 2.4 4.0 5.9 2.7 1.1 1.0 13 13 11 10 8.2 8.2 8.2 10 11 15 19 17 14 14 15 15 17 18 18 18 18 17 18 59 132 197 332 124 84 160 542 186 90 56 40 48 53 52 51 85 101 264 231 147 89 63 45 32 25 386 701 658 503 409 267 164 202 1,220 1,260 834 510 318 288 398 510 588 739 542 362 285 204 149 117 90 74 62 53 45 40 34 30 26 23 21 20 17 15 14 13 12 11 9.8 9.5 9.2 8.8 8.8 8.2 7.9 7.2 6.9 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.1 5.1 . r ).l 4.2 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 - 11 is o -i fa o z 12 ,13 £ '14 O 15 fa 16.. o 17 z 18 lis 20 ,21 J 22 !23 24 '25 !26 27 ,28 29. ,30. 31 20 360 1.605 6.577 23.810 726 178 21 3 5 Seasonal runoff, in ac re-feet : 33,3 05 Flows above approximately 900 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. table 2-Continued RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK NEAR LAKEPORT, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-16 on Plate 3 Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. ; l 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 68 77 35 60 471 64 139 674 369 137 71 236 215 167 137 84 56 80 178 114 84 61 51 36 96 1,170 769 906 394 90 51 218 160 114 95 63 51 54 42 34 29 25 22 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9.8 9.5 17 22 15 13 13 12 14 12 11 10 9.5 9.2 29 28 19 7.5 73 156 270 747 444 231 145 93 72 56 43 36 31 26 23 23 23 73 182 117 77 57 55 44 36 27 26 22 21 19 17 16 14 14 13 12 11 11 10 9.5 9.2 15 26 24 17 12 11 10 9.8 9.5 8.8 8.2 7.9 7.2 6.9 6.7 6.2 5.6 5.4 4.6 4.6 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.3 3.3 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Q X o o fa X o z I 2. 3. ; 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 o fa o Z O -3 fa O z 5 o o h X o z ,11_- 12 O 13 X o o 14 15 fa X [16 17 o z 18 19 20 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.. 29. 30_. 31.. n n R 7 flQO o, non S 18(1 2 090 484 104 17 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 24,061 Flows above approxima tely 900 seco nd-feet were estimated fro tn extension o f log log rati ng curve. 94 TABLE 2— Continued Station Xo. L-16 on Plate 3 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK NEAR LAKEPORT, 1950-51 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 12 9.8 2 o o H X o z 515 223 294 276 116 64 40 28 21 20 16 14 18 17 108 2,110 2,900 204 366 452 386 288 167 218 137 122 621 335 193 126 90 71 53 42 34 28 24 22 19 17 16 16 16 16 14 13 33 24 19 17 18 17 18 132 276 231 132 100 186 186 466 950 590 433 1,140 1,003 582 352 218 149 106 80 64 52 42 36 32 40 332 650 362 215 145 106 93 730 593 352 218 160 109 92 82 62 65 61 53 48 39 36 34 32 32 36 35 32 152 209 255 258 207 282 187 139 204 86 71 59 50 42 32 33 30 28 23 20 18 17 16 15 14 14 12 11 11 10 9.5 9.2 8.5 7.9 7.5 7.2 6.9 6.7 6.2 5.1 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.6 16.0 8.2 6.4 4.6 4.6 69 282 95 50 34 25 21 18 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 11 10 9.5 8.8 7.9 7.5 7.2 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.4 5.1 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.1 3.1 2.7 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1 3 2__ 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 5__ 1 3 6 1 3 7 1 4 8 1 3 9 1 2 10 Q « o o H a o 1 2 11 1 1 12 9 13 7 14___ 5 15 8 16 0.8 17 8 18 0.6 19 0.4 20 0.3 21 0.1 22 0.1 23 0.5 24 0.3 25 0.2 26 0.2 27 0. 1 28 0.2 29 3 30 3 31 Runoff, in acre-feet. 3,299 18,280 15 160 9,536 5,131 367 1,599 126 39 53 43 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 53,633 Flows above approximately 900 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. TABLE 2— Continued Station Xo. L-16 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK NEAR LAKEPORT, 1951-52 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sei )t. 1 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1 1 1 1 1.1 1,110 4.52 758 674 568 234 109 63 42 34 26 22 17 13 11 9.8 16 28 28 3.1 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.7 2.7 872 1,360 1,050 892 550 433 242 152 111 86 73 160 128 114 101 372 722 915 1,040 1,800 1,070 663 441 338 318 783 603 503 386 938 869 7."..-. 535 383 276 234 279 1,070 953 614 433 300 218 167 132 109 92 294 250 171 141 132 244 173 178 184 236 187 218 318 258 209 171 120 114 98 86 72 84 71 62 117 164 175 156 150 124 139 128 145 200 318 522 1,030 772 552 429 309 258 234 193 154 126 Q tf O o a « o ■z 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 14 14 15 14 12 11 17 19 13 11 11 9.5 9.8 14 14 11 9.5 8.5 7.9 7.5 7.2 6.7 6.2 5.6 5.1 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.2 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.1 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.7 2.4 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 4 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 f 8 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 2 3... 4... 5 6 7 8 9 10_-. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 8 8 7 7 7 9 11 12 13 . 14... 15 10 17. _ 18 19-. 20 21 22 . . 23 24 25 26 51 5.4 111 59 87 27 28 29 30 31 Kunoff, in acre-feet. Seasonal runoff, in a( 59 sre-feet: 79, S 688 12 18,620 30,520 15,450 13,430 468 400 72 44 17 44 Flows above approxima tely 900 seco id-feet were estimated froi n extension o f log log rati lg curve. APPENDIX C 95 TABLE 2-Continued Station No. L-16 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK NEAR LAKEPORT, 1952-53 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. lire Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ki 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 J* 29 30 31 0.3 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 .4 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 0.4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .6 .5 .6 .8 249 986 1.090 249 306 439 260 131 85 61 45 36 30 26 129 213 117 86 67 56 56 167 783 267 179 587 292 159 374 230 158 117 512 973 521 49 641 382 387 503 805 476 283 508 909 721 824 597 126 272 209 161 129 108 94 84 75 68 62 56 52 49 52 49 45 41 38 34 33 31 29 27 26 26 24 24 23 *22 21 21 20 19 17 16 10 16 15 15 13 12 15 20 18 18 19 30 34 09 44 32 20 26 29 43 682 543 473 290 199 156 123 102 84 77 07 59 53 49 40 42 38 35 33 34 34 34 39 30 27 25 24 23 26 31 24 23 25 23 20 18 18 17 22 217 109 81 05 53 46 40 35 33 33 34 31 29 25 22 20 18 17 17 10 15 13 18 17 44 18 10 17 31 34 30 20 17 16 13 12 12 11 9.6 8.8 30 18 12 11 12 10 10 12 9.6 8.8 7.4 6.2 5.5 4.5 3.4 1.7 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.0 *0.1 *0.1 Runoff, in acre-feet _ 17 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 49,658 13.844 23,430 1 ,763 6,728 2,444 1,563 443 * Estimated Flows above approximately 900 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. table 2-Continued RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK AT BRIDGE TO HIDDEN LAKES, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-17 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 200 150 05 35 23 21 28 30 20 17 17 17 17 14 12 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 32 48 62 200 119 98 90 700 250 100 55 40 55 62 00 55 100 110 195 265 150 100 90 70 51 45 350 770 000 490 350 205 150 100 1,700 2,000 800 500 300 300 375 400 550 050 600 500 360 300 250 200 140 125 110 90 70 50 00 50 45 40 30 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 19 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o o z ■s o o z 11 12 13.. 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20. 21 is o O Z O o z is o J o z 35 20 10 20 25 45 50 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet_ 407 1,720 6,373 26,750 1,341 167 4 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 36,762 96 TABLE 2— Continued Station No. L-17 on Plate :: LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF SCOTT CREEK AT BRIDGE TO HIDDEN LAKES, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Auk. Sept. 1 60 36 53 900 650 600 300 200 150 325 275 200 125 80 70 60 50 42 40 34 29 29 29 28 28 27 26 25 25 25 25 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 17 34 100 300 174 97 260 300 1,038 580 300 175 140 110 90 75 60 50 45 42 60 100 320 250 155 120 100 75 57 54 50 46 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 29 28 2(1 24 22 20 •> 3 4 5 - - - (i 7 8 9 10 O ►J fa o 55 is o fa o z O fa o z 80 35 15 10 300 75 120 300 300 150 90 250 200 150 1 25 90 50 75 175 115 80 110 O -J fa o Z is o fa o z is O fa o 55 is O ►J fa o z O ►J fa o z 11 12 . 13 14 15. .- Id _ 17.. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30... 31 Runoff, in acre-feet. 8.872 8,493 4,086 Seasonal runoff, in arre-feet: 27,094 TABLE 3 RUNOFF OF ALLEY CREEK ABOVE JUNCTION WITH CLOVER CREEK, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-18 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 8 12 9 7 5 33 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 0.5 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 7 11 7 15 40 112 30 20 20 21 24 25 30 35 35 35 75 65 45 35 30 25 20 20 100 80 62 60 50 40 30 27 1 25 150 130 100 45 40 100 130 140 150 75 50 75 63 51 40 30 28 26 24 22 21 20 18 15 13 13 14 14 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4.5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 .5 1.5 1 .5 1 .5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 II 2 3... 4 5 6 7 4 6 6 4 2 2 4 10 8 8 6 4 3 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 2 1 0.5 0.5 1 5 5 8 9 10 11 12 O J fa o z is O >J fa o z o fa o z o fa o z is o 13.. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 fa o z 21 • >■> 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet. 172 124 1,421 4,133 550 54 2 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 6,456 APPENDIX C 97 table 3-Continued RUNOFF OF ALLEY CREEK ABOVE JUNCTION WITH CLOVER CREEK, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Station No. L-18 on Plate 3 Record from D.W.R. Date Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 18 17 19 200 175 225 97 75 65 82 75 50 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 6 11 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 16 11 36 16 14 18 16 181 52 25 19 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 12 14 20 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 ■> 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 g 12 3 3 ■> C b C z E5 o ►J ft, o z > — o z O ►J o z c -) ft, o z O J Pn O z 11 .. 12 13 £- 14 40 10 30 180 97 45 29 140 110 97 45 30 20 25 35 30 18 18 o 15 PEI Hi o 17 z 18 19 I'D 21 22 23 --- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet 40 2,005 2,570 1,119 090 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 0.430 TABLE 3-Continued fetation No. L-19 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Refold from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. IV lay June Ju y Aug. Sept. 1 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 10 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 11 15 31 25 15 9 7 10 14 14 10 9 8 7 7 fi 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 *4 4 4 3 4 5 7 12 17 22 17 25 43 61 27 16 14 12 15 17 20 24 28 31 (14 51 40 31 27 24 20 18 63 62 49 48 43 34 25 30 95 97 09 88 80 75 120 124 114 182 104 02 44 31 28 23 17 15 13 9 8 7 6 5 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 _> _> 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 3.5 1 1 3.5 3.5 1 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 ).5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■> 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Is in 17 •S o ►J o z is q o z o ►J ft, o z ■5 O -J fc, o z 18 19 ■»o 21 •)•) 23 24 25 26 ■'7 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet _ 254 508 1 ,343 3,575 319 6 3 28 16 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 6,106 * Estimated 98 TABLE 3-Continued Station No. L-19 on Plate :; LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from 1 '.S.K.I). Date Oet. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 . 22 19 27 280 187 250 70 50 40 02 50 47 43 24 20 20 18 10 14 11 10 9 8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 10 29 25 18 32 57 220 87 57 50 40 38 35 31 27 21 18 16 15 16 25 40 34 31 29 25 23 20 18 16 14 13 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 8 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 O J fa o z o fa- O z is o fa O Z 11 12 JS 13 - o ij 14 _ 31 3 18 217 139 57 45 144 100 80 40 32 25 30 40 30 30 25 fa 15 16 17 18 19 o z 20 - 21 - 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29-.. 30... 31 Runoff, in aere-feet. 2,192 2,045 1,604 988 274 150 44 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 7,897 TABLE 3— Continued Station No. L-19 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1950-51 (Doily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from 1'. S.K.I). Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 2 10 650 105 43 66 74 63 45 41 45 40 43 104 48 41 40 37 31 25 22 19 17 15 14 12 11 10 9 9 9 8 7 10 11 9 7 7 7 9 31 46 38 32 28 33 42 184 296 90 47 560 396 135 80 55 42 39 28 16 14 12 11 10 20 310 185 81 51 41 38 37 207 102 00 45 38 27 20 10 13 11 26 26 24 23 22 21 18 19 19 18 17 41 56 63 04 56 73 48 38 36 32 30 28 27 25 22 1!) 18 17 15 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 8 5 5 5 5 10 65 37 18 13 11 9 7 7 7 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 (1 2 3 4 5 -. 6 .. 7 8 9 10 is o -1 fa o z o *J fa o z •s o fa o z 11 12 o 13 1 l l."> fa 10 o 17 18 19 20 27 00 37 49 40 25 15 9 4 4 3 2 2 z 21 22 23 L'l 25 >6 27 28 29 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet 573 3,370 4,600 3,000 1,700 320 520 90 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 14,173 Flows above approximately 350 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. APPENDIX C 99 rABLE 3— Continue Station No. L-19 i RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 195" (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) on Plate :; -52 Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 .. __ 2,600 1.440 1,890 1 .990 399 90 64 46 38 35 32 32 28 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 155 399 478 453 284 166 113 85 70 64 58 68 61 58 55 111 196 159 132 322 203 145 121 106 97 162 121 116 105 337 289 262 174 138 116 129 188 951 546 221 155 121 103 87 72 66 61 110 82 69 64 64 118 100 80 69 68 62 67 94 83 72 67 58 56 55 54 52 53 52 51 52 52 55 55 56 51 51 51 52 59 60 58 106 103 83 73 68 66 79 89 78 67 58 54 54 54 *53 *52 *51 *50 *49 *48 *47 *16 *45 *44 *43 *42 *41 *40 *39 *38 *37 *36 *35 *34 *33 *32 *31 *30 *29 *28 *27 *26 *25 *24 *23 #22 *21 *20 *19 *18 *17 *16 *15 *14 *13 *12 *11 *10 *9 *8 *7 *6 *5 *4 *3 *2 *1 *0 :i 4 .. _._ 6 7 8 g ii o fe. o z O J o z is o o z o o z l .._--. . _ _ :i £ t O :, fe 6 O 7 Z 8 g ii 1,000 811 788 788 788 788 935 806 1,090 920 1,180 l 2 . . 3 4 6 . ; . ... 8 9 1 tunoff, in acre-feet 19,020 21,690 8,650 7,579 3,860 2,291 547 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 64.237 Estimated 'lows above approximately 350 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. ABLE 3-Continued fetation No. L-19 on Hate :: RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1952-53 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. I.. . 49 337 276 42 51 82 80 40 20 16 22 21 21 21 60 56 30 29 25 22 27 103 134 75 73 181 80 103 85 65 51 43 136 210 207 821 548 122 134 181 196 118 82 170 284 231 224 142 33 58 44 *33 *30 *28 *25 *23 *22 *20 *18 *18 *16 *15 *14 *13 *12 *11 *9.9 *9.2 *8.2 *7.4 *6.4 *6.4 *6.4 *6.8 *6.8 *6.4 *6.4 6.4 6.1 6.1 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.9 5.9 5.4 5.1 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.6 4.8 5.1 13 9.6 7.8 6.8 7.1 7.4 13 170 105 92 69 55 43 34 27 23 20 18 15 13 12 12 10 9.6 8.8 8.2 8.5 7.8 8.5 9.6 8.8 7.4 6.8 6.1 5.9 7.1 8.2 6.4 6.1 6.4 5.9 5.4 5.1 5.4 5.4 5.9 97 41 36 26 20 18 15 14 12 12 11 9.9 8.8 8.5 8.2 6.8 6.4 6.4 6.1 5.6 5.1 5.1 6.8 5.4 9.9 6.1 5.9 6.1 7.8 5.9 5.6 5.4 4.8 5.1 4.6 4.3 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 7.8 5.4 4.8 4.3 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.4 *1.4 *1.4 ♦1.3 *1.3 *1.3 *1.2 *1.2 *1 .2 *1 .1 *1.1 *1.1 *1.0 *1.0 *1.0 *0.9 *0.9 *0.9 *0.8 *0.8 *o.s *0.8 *0.7 *0.7 *0.6 *0.6 *0.6 *0.6 *().-» *0.5 *0.5 *0.4 *0.4 *0.4 *0.3 *0.3 *0.3 *0.2 *0.2 *0.2 *0.2 *0.1 *0.1 *0.1 *0. l *0.1 *() *0 *0 *0 *0 *0 2. . *0 3 _.. *0 4 *0 5 *0 6_... *() 7 . ... *0 8 *0 |9 *0 >0 O ►J fa o z O ►J fa o z *0 1__ *0 2__ *0 3 *0 4 *0 *0 6 *0 (7 *() 8... *0 9 1 . 3_. 4. ' 3 9 ii I tunoff, in acre-feet 3,913 8,864 498 1,592 788 512 225 85 *20 leasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 16,497 Estimated "lows above approximately 350 second-feet were estimated from extension of Iok log rating curve. 100 TABLE 3-Continued Station No. L-20 on Plate .'! LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION RUNOFF OF CLOVER CREEK AT BRIDGE SOUTH OF UPPER LAKE, 1949-50 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from D.W.K. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. | 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2 2 2 2 21 2 28 278 181 70 47 185 170 148 70 47 34 40 61 40 28 26 24 20 28 500 300 487 181 98 90 165 100 85 70 40 40 40 35 30 26 23 23 21 19 19 17 16 15 13 13 13 12 12 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 40 21 92 92 34 70 50 487 181 100 92 70 65 50 45 40 35 28 26 24 26 47 105 80 61 47 42 37 34 30 26 23 21 19 17 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 19 15 2 3 t 5 6 7 8 9 O -: fa O z o c Z is O fa o z 10 O fa o z 4 3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 11 12 S ! 13.. 3 > 14 15 o 16 z 17 18 . Ill 20 ... 21__. 22 23 . 24 1 25 26 27 28 29 :::i 30 31 Runoff, in acre-feet_ 23 28 2.947 5.008 3.364 1,821 97 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 13,288 TABLE 3— Continued Station No. L-21 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF MIDDLE CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1948-49 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.K. E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1__ 20 80 00 32 23 16 13 13 16 18 16 11 9 11 16 24 25 34 62 66 119 69 36 21 18 18 25 25 18 11 12 13 11 9 8 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 10 10 9 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 26 42 37 48 38 45 84 210 91 57 49 41 47 57 68 68 86 93 217 165 120 293 81 65 55 48 176 231 179 156 133 110 88 98 269 326 254 336 300 250 332 470 640 795 590 410 334 308 255 214 186 160 136 112 94 72 68 56 50 46 42 38 34 32 30 28 26 23 22 22 21 20 19 18 16 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 11 12 12 10 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 fi 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 j ! — — i 2__ 3__ 4 5.. 6.. 7.. 8 9 10 c -J fa o z :> c j fa o z o o z 11 12 13 14. _. 15 _ 10 17 18 19... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26... 27 28 29 30 31 1,120 1,103 3.997 16,042 1 ,505 377 192 145 1.5 Seasonal runoff, in at re-feet: 24,483 Plows above approxima elj 500 seco ill-feet were istimated froi n extension o ' log log rati lg curve. APPENDIX (' 101 TABLE 3— Continued RUNOFF OF MIDDLE CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1949-50 Station Xo. L-21 on Plate I (Da ly mean flow, in secon d-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug, Sept. 1 . 13 10 19 525 592 720 332 216 170 240 172 140 114 96 80 85 69 55 50 45 42 38 36 34 32 30 27 26 23 20 18 20 30 30 24 20 23 21 20 18 17 15 14 13 245 190 265 176 128 232 316 705 365 263 208 170 138 115 95 77 69 61 55 53 60 122 183 150 122 10(1 92 81 70 64 56 52 47 40 38 32 30 27 23 18 17 16 13 12 10 20 36 36 27 18 16 12 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 li 7 - 8 ',i .__ .._ 10 o -3 o z is o — o z O u o Z O o z is o -i u- o Z ■5 O O z 11 12 . 13 14 5= 5 10 120 540 400 140 60 340 235 235 130 60 28 30 78 46 28 18 O ,:, PL, 16 o 17 z 18 19 120 2] 22 23 24 25 26 J 7 28 2!) SO il 4,963 7.948 7,807 3.550 468 Seasonal runoff, in acre-feet: 24,736 Flows above approximately 500 second-feet were estimated from extension of log log rating curve. TABLE 3-Continued Station Xo. L-21 on Plate 3 RUNOFF OF MIDDLE CREEK NEAR UPPER LAKE, 1950-51 (Daily mean flow, in second-feet) Record from U.S.E.D. Date Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 75 102 1,500 570 170 196 230 210 183 90 135 75 50 255 132 83 53 31 18 14 13 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 17 117 59 22 14 50 54 390 728 328 180 900 960 335 132 47 22 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 11 440 565 175 78 33 15 13 268 193 90 45 24 14 13 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 13 21 29 26 72 26 15 13 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 i; 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 7 11 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :: O J o z is o -j o z O O Z 13. 4 is o 5 b. 8 O 196 300 230 360 316 180 127 102 85 73 73 65 43 77 z 9.. !0 !1 .'2 S3 4 ,,; ,- ■X 9 io 11 . _ 7 _._---- s i . 1 O fa O Z O fa o z C o z O fa o z o fa ' o 55 O ►J fa o 2 O fa o z 1 _ __ ... O j i... 5 .. fa o 7 z 8 9... 1 2 i 1 5 li 7 8 !l ) 1 unoff, in acre-feet 171 343 111 75 easonal runoff, in acre-feet: 700 APPENDIX D RECORDED AND ESTIMATED ANNUAL MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM WATER SURFACE LEVELS OF CLEAR LAKE, 1873-1953 Water levels for 1873-1900, inclusive, were obtained from United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper No. 45 but have been corrected to Rumsey gage readings. Levels for 1901-1912, inclusive, were estimated from gage heights and flows at United States Geological Survey gaging station on Clear Lake outlet channel (Cache Creek) near Lower Lake. Data for 1913-1953 were obtained from records of United States Geological Survey. APPENDIX D 109 ANNUAL MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM WATER SURFACE LEVELS OF CLEAR LAKE, 1873-1953 (Corrected to Rumsey gage readings) Water levels Maximum and minimum Month November _ March- . October - February. _ November, Marcli January March- . October - March- - January . March November. April November- February- - November- March November- May November- April December. January - October - January December _ March December. March November. April October- January — November- April November- May November. Marcli November. March November- January November- February. . November- April November- March November- April October - Gage reading, in feet 1.08 .62 .41 .31 .56 10. 3. .02 .41 .94 .08 56 .47 .35 .70 .83 .66 .50 .16 .25 Year 19(1(1 1901 1903 1904- 1 90.", 1906 1907- 190S 1909 1910- 1912. 1913. 1914. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 192(1 1921. 1923 1924- 1925 Water levels Maximum and minimum Month March February. March November March October. November. _ March October, November. _ April November April November April December March November March October, November. . February November April November, December March January March January, February October January November February November February November April December April October April November, December April, May September March, April November April October April December February October -. May.. November April November Gage reading, in feet :, c,t; 8.13 1.92 9.98 2.77 7.81 1.67 11.91 2.67 8.68 1.72 2.17 11.64 2.42 7.53 1.37 13.38 2.42 6.95 1.27 9.09 1.27 3.78 4.16 0.62 11.12 2.20 1(1 (is 2.48 8.53 1.37 6.60 0.61 3.03 —2.00 4.42 -1.50 —0.50 —3.50 7.20 1.75 6.50 1.18 5.70 0.70 1.80 -1.52 6.90 2.00 7.48 1.90 Year 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931. 1932 1 933 1935 . 1936 1937- 1938. 1939 1940- 1941 1943. 1944- 1945. 1946. 1947 1948. 1949- 1950- 1951. 1952 1 953 Water levels Maximum and minimum Month February October, November April October, November. March, April- December April December - March, April- December March, April November, December- April March, April October April November, December February-. December. April November- February. . November. Mar. 28-April 7. September March November- April October - February- . September . April September- May September- April _ September. April October - April November. May October. April November- April September- March- . October - February - October- - January November- Gage reading, in feet 9.00 1.30 7.35 1.70 3.30 -0.32 6.00 1.25 2.20 -0.85 3.78 -0.10 2.60 3.60 0.07 7.28 2.78 8.20 1.85 7.05 1.10 10.25 1.10 3.85 0.10 8.40 -0.35 8.90 2 . 55 9.60 2.62 7.58 1.80 5.00 0.72 5.80 0.27 7.27 0.00 3.40 0.15 4.62 0.00 6.03 0.43 4.80 0.18 7.56 0.00 8.13 1.81 7.92 1.42 APPENDIX E GEOLOGY OF THE BIG VALLEY-SCOTT VALLEY- UPPER LAKE AREA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction __ 113 Physiography 113 Stratigraphy 113 Franciscan Group __. . 113 Shasta Series - 114 Cache Formation 114 Volcanic Rocks . 115 Terrace and Older Lake Deposits 115 Alluvium . 116 Ground "Water Geology 117 Big Valley _ 117 Scott Valley _ _ 118 Upper Lake Area 118 Bibliography 118 (112) APPENDIX E GEOLOGY OF THE BIG VALLEY-SCOTT VALLEY-UPPER LAKE AREA 113 Introduction The geology of the area surrounding (Tear Lake has never been completely worked out, although several investigators have published detailed geological re- ports on portions of the area. Several of these have been in connection with a study of the quicksilver resources in the vicinity of the eastern part of the Take. Papers by Becker (1888) and Everhard (1946) are notable. An excellent discussion of the volcanic rocks, including a geologic map of the area surround- ing the southeastern part of the lake, was published by Anderson (1936). The physiographic history of the formation of Clear Lake has been described by Davis (1933). The prominent springs of Lake County have been described by Waring (1915). More re- cently, a ma]) and geologic study of the Lower Lake quadrangle was made by Brice (1953), and Upson and Kunkel (1955) described ground water in the Lower Lake-Middletown Area in connection with a cooperative investigation between the .State Depart- ment of Water Resources and the U. S. Geological Survey. Big Valley, Scott Valley, and the Upper Lake area, with all of which the present report is concerned, lie west of areas on which most detailed study has pre- viously been made. Work for the present report has included reconnaissance study of the rocks surround- ing the alluvial basins and more careful study of the water-bearing sediments through the use of well logs supplemented by field observation. Physiography Big Valley, Scott Valley, Bachelor Valley, Clover Valley, and Middle Creek Valley are all relatively flat alluviated valleys surrounded by highlands composed lof older rocks, except where the valleys lead into each other or into Clear Lake. The older rocks also underlie the floors of the valleys, and in some places, particu- larly in Scott and Bachelor Valleys, they project as "islands" above the alluvium. Two sizeable terraces are worthy of note. Both are underlain in part by sands and gravels older than Recent alluvium and in part by still older formations. One lies southwest of Kelseyville between Kelsey and Adobe Creeks, and the other is located east of Scott Valley where it underlies Lakeport in part. The terrace southwest of Kelseyville may be somewhat the younger, as it is only mildly dissected while dissection of the Lakeport terrace is deep. The physiographic history of Clear Lake, firsl de- scribed by Davis and modified by later workers, is here interpreted to have been as follows: A divide originally existed somewhere in the area occupied by the lake, east of which drainage took place through Cache Creek into the Sacramento River, and west of which drainage flowed through Cold Creek into the Russian River. These conditions were changed by a lava flow which blocked the Cache Creek drainage at a point less than a mile northeast of the present village of Lower Lake. As a result, water was ponded behind this flow to form a lake occupying the part of present (Tear Lake east of the original divide. This original divide eventually was breached, and the whole area became tributary to Cold Creek on the west. At this time upper Scott Creek was tributary to Cold Creek just south of the present location of Blue Lakes, and drainage between thispointand Clear Lake was opposite to its present direction. At a later date, perhaps "some tens of centuries ago" as sug- gested by Anderson, a landslide blocked Cold Creek at the western end of the present location of Blue Lakes. Drainage was thus again ponded in the Clear Lake area between the new slide and the lava flow, and this time it was the flow which was eventually breached to form the present outlet of the lake into Cache Creek. Before the final breaching of the lava flow, Clear Lake stood higher than its present level. Sediments identified as haA'ing been deposited in the lake when at a higher elevation are present on the west side of Buckingham Peninsula and in the vicinity of Sulphur Bank mine. Some of the sediments encountered in wells in Big Valley and the Upper Lake area were undoubtedly laid down in Clear Lake at this time. Stratigraphy The geologic formations of the Big Valley, Scott Valley, and Upper Lake areas range in age from Jurassic to Recent. The younger formations fill the valleys and contain nearly all water which is yielded to wells, and the older formations generally form the basins enclosing the younger sediments. The follow- ing table lists the formations of the area under con- sideration. Geologic Formations of Big Vail ;y-Scott Valley-Upper Lake Area Aee Formation Alluvium Upper Pleistocene (?i- Middle and Upper Pleistoc ■ Lower Pleistocene in ("pper Pliocene i ililei hike and terrace deposits Volcanic rocks Cache formation Shasta series Franciscan group Franciscan Group. Rocks of the Franciscan group underlie most of the highlands surrounding the val- leys with which this report is mainly concerned. The most common rock type is sandstone, but shale and serpentine also occur in large amounts, and other types are probably also present. The sandstone is dark in color and very hard, and the shale is black. 114 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION The sandstone is high in feldspar and also contains quartz and biotite. In places it is crossed by quartz veins. Serpentine does not occur in some areas of the Franciscan, bnt in others it makes np most of the rock. The Franciscan rocks of this area are very highly sheared, contorted, and fractured, which is a common condition of the formation elsewhere in the State Franciscan rocks bound Big Valley on the west and south and crop out in places in the southern part of the Big Valley terrace. Scott Valley is bounded by Franciscan on the west and north, sandstone being the predominant rock type there. Franciscan sand- stone, shale, serpentine, and volcanics principally bound Bachelor Valley, compose the hills projecting up from the floor of the valley, and are encountered in some wells. Similar rocks bound Clover Valley and the valley of Middle Creek north of Upper Lake. Water occurs in the Franciscan group principally in fractures in the rock. In general, the amount of this water is believed to be small. However, wells fur- nishing all water for the City of Lakeport in 1948 apparently drew from fractured Franciscan sandstone in and adjacent to the bed of Scott Creek at the head of Scott Valley whenever the creek was not flowing. When the creek did flow, creek water flowed into the wells and supplemented the supply from the Fran- ciscan group. Several of the springs described by Waring in and near the area of this report evidently issue from Fran- ciscan rocks. Included are Highland Springs, on Adobe Creek about 7| miles south of Lakeport ; three springs in the canyon of Scott Creek between four and six miles southwest of Lakeport ; Hayvilla Sulphur Spring, on the McMath property in Bachelor Valley ; Witter Springs, about a mile west of Bachelor Val- ley ; and Saratoga Springs, about two miles southeast of Witter Springs. Shasta Series. Recent geologic investigations by the Department of Water Resources have shown that some rocks of the Shasta series of Cretaceous age oc- cur flanking Bachelor Valley and Middle Creek Valley in areas formerly thought to be underlain only by Franciscan rocks. The Shasta rocks are sandstone, shale, and conglomerate but are less contorted and fractured than the Franciscan rocks. Water-bearing characteristics are similar to the Franciscan. Cache Formation. The Cache formation was first named the "Cache Lake beds" by Becker, but the name was given its present form by Anderson. The best exposures of the formation are in the area west of the north fork of Cache Creek, where it consists principally of light-colored gravels and sands. Other lithologic types found in the area around the south- east part of the lake include tuffaceous and diatoma- ceous sands and silts, limestone, and intercalated vol- canic rocks. Neither the reconnaissance geologic map by Becker nor the map by Anderson which extends only a little west of Kelseyville shows any of the area of the present report underlain by the Cache forma- tion. Nevertheless, certain pre-terrace sediments here are tentatively identified as Cache on the basis of stratigraphic position and lithologic similarity to known beds of that formation. In the area of the present report, beds identified as Cache at the surface are most commonly buff colored sandy silt or very fine sand. Some shale containing black carbonaceous ( ? ) spots occurs in thin layers in some places, and some pebble layers are also present. Grains in the sands are moderately well rounded, and the material is generally poorly consolidated. The mineral assemblage in the sands and gravels suggests a Franciscan source. The log of well 13N/9W-15H3 gives an excellent subsurface section of the Cache for- mation. The well was drilled on the hill a short dis- tance from a prominent exposure identified as Cache beds on Steheli Drive immediately south of its junc- tion with State Highway 29. Folowing is a log of this well : 0- 12 ft.— Soil 12- 42 ft.— Yell-.w clay 42- 45 ft.— Gravel 45-396 ft. — Blue clay with 2 thin layers of gravel 396-403 ft. — Brown conglomerate — very hard. (It took 4 days to drill this distance) 403-420 ft. — White sandy suhstance believed to be tuff All sediments below 12 feet in the above log prob- ably belong to the Cache formation. The 351-foot thickness of blue clay is of particular interest, since a great many logs, both on the terrace and in the val- leys, report blue clay at corresponding depths. It is believed that a large part of the blue clay in other wells does belong to the Cache formation, but some is probably younger. The Cache formation is largely made up of lake deposits, but some stream deposits are probably in- cluded. Becker and Anderson disagree as to the rela- tion between the lake in which the Cache deposits were laid down and the present Clear Lake. Becker stated that "Cache Lake overlapped the area at pres- ent occupied by Clear Lake" and believed that the history of the lakes "must have been continuous." Anderson, however, believed that topography during Cache time was probably quite different from that at the present, and that there was "no connection" be- tween Clear Lake and lakes in which deposition took place during Cache time. The age of the Cache forma- tion is probably upper Pliocene or lower Pleistocene or both. The Cache formation appears at the surface on the east side of the Big Valley terrace, where it is ex- posed in road cuts at several places. It probably underlies all the terrace, although beneath younger deposits in most places. A wildcat oil well drilled in 1 949 on the Eiberger property about six-tenths of a mile airline east of the junction of Wight Road and Adobe APPENDIX E 115 eek Drive is believed to have entered the Cache for- ition at a shallow depth. Its log shows a great pre- aderance of blue clay and blue shale above 400 t. Below that point, the driller orally reported ernating strata of shale and limestone for hundreds feet, which is probably Cache formation lithologi- ly similar to some of that exposed in the eastern rt of the Clear Lake area. Outcrops of the Cache •mation in the Lakeport-Scott Valley-Upper Lake >a are much less numerous than outcrops of Fran- can rocks and terrace materials. A few exposures of at is probably Cache formation show in road cuts ar the intersection of Highway 29 and the Nice cut- Volcanic rocks apparently interbedded with the che formation occur along Highway 29 southeast Kelseyville. Tuff has been observed in road cuts •e, and Anderson states that pumice-breccia is also ;sent. These rocks probably accumulated during che time as they are overlain by fine sands typical the Cache formation. The permeability of the Cache formation is gen- tklly low. Most of the strata are too high in clay or I for Avater movement to be great. Drillers' experi- |es with deep wells bear out this contention. S. L. nnmel, who has probably drilled as many wells in I area of this report as any other driller, reports i|it there is very little chance of getting any water eduction from wells at depths greater than 150 ft except from beds of "volcanic ash." Some of the liments below 150 feet may be post-Cache, but i|ther they nor the Cache beds evidently yield much Iter. Nevertheless, ground water flow through a few I me sedimentary strata and volcanic deposits in the ifche formation is probably appreciable, /olcanic Rocks. Lava flows and tuffs make up the Stern slopes of Mount Konocti east of Kelseyville, larding to Anderson. The flows are mostly massive, k contain pumiceous bands locally. The predomi- Lit rock type was called rhyodacite by Anderson, al- high Brice stated that "most of the lavas on and land Mount Konocti are dacitic." The tuffs are fcr-bedded with the flows, and are composed princi- Bly of ash with some fragments of pumice. The age Ithese volcanic rocks is probably Middle to Late nstocene. * t is probable that the volcanic rocks of Mount Ciocti contain notable amounts of water. Lavas are cmionly highly fractured, and the fractures are ticiently interconnected to .serve as conduits for f er and form a reservoir. Although rainfall on Mt. Ciocti is relatively high, runoff is very low. The lorption of rainfall and surface flow by the Konocti Kanics is thus indicated and appears to be quite rih. Beds of volcanic fragments forming an unconsoli- led coarse ash or fine breccia have been encountered in a number of wells in the Big Valley district. The ash from a depth of 150 feet in well 13N 9W-20A2 is composed of volcanic fragments, some of which are pumice, up to one-half inch in diameter. It probably represents a fall of volcanic material into quiet lake waters. Volcanic ash has been found at depths between about 70 and 240 feet in various wells. The age of the ash beds may be Cache, post-Cache, or both. The ash beds are highly permeable and have proved to be excellent water producers. At least in some cases, the water level in wells which pierce them is appar- ently independent of the level of the shallower water. Terrace and Older Lake Deposits. Sediments younger than the Cache formation, yet older than alluvium laid down during the present stage of Clear Lake, have been recognized by Anderson and Ever- hart in the eastern part of the Clear Lake area. De- posits of corresponding age in the area of the present report are of two types : sediments in terraces now topographically higher than the adjacent parts of Big Valley, Scott Valley, and the Upper Lake area, and older lake deposits in these valleys now buried by the youngest alluvium. Terrace deposits are present in the Big Valley ter- race, the Lakeport-Scott Valley area, and between Lakeport and Upper Lake, including both sides of the broad lowland extending from Clear Lake to and beyond Upper Lake. Terrace material exposed in road cuts in the Lakeport-Scott Valley area includes sands, gravels, and clays. The gravels are most common. They are generally red-brown, poorly stratified, and moderately well rounded. In some exposures they are slightly tilted. They commonly occur in a matrix of residual clay, formed as a result of long weathering. The constituent pebbles have often weathered so greatly that they disintegrate under a hammer blow or even under hand pressure. The red color is due to heavy oxidation. Sands vary from fine to coarse. They are commonly yellowish to reddish and have a high clay content. A soft greenish clay is exposed in a road cut in Scott Valley just west of the eastern boundary of Section 15, T14N, R10W. The terrace material exposed in cuts along Highway 29 between Lakeport and the junction with Highway 20 west of Upper Lake, and along Highway 20 south- east of Upper Lake, is similar to that just described. An excellent exposure of terrace gravel overlying fine silty sand of the Cache formation appears in a road cut on the Nice cutoff about one-tenth of a mile east of Highway 29. The contact is an erosional uncon- formity. Material at the surface of the Big Valley terrace southwest of Kelseyville is most commonly gravel or sand. In some places it is fresh ; in others it is weathered to a reddish color, contained in a clay ma- trix, and generally very similar to the terrace mate- rial on the west side of the lake. Loose gravel covers 11 (5 LAKE COI'NTY INVESTIGATION much of the surface of the terrace. In well 13N/9W- 22F1, the material encountered was fresh gravel, very little affected by weathering. Most of the terrace deposits are believed to have been laid down by streams flowing from the highlands toward the Clear Lake basin at a time when the lake stood at a higher level than at present. The pre-alluvium sediments found by Anderson and Everhart east of the area here discussed lie at eleva- tions up to 100 feet above the present level of Clear Lake. It is believed that Clear Lake at the time these sediments were laid down must have extended into Big Valley and the valleys of the Upper Lake area. Sediments deposited in these arms of the lake were undoubtedly mostly blue lake clays and silts, and these cannot be differentiated in well logs from the still older blue clays of the Cache formation, which probably underlie them in some places at least. Frag- ments of wood identified as the redwood Sequoia s< m- pervirens were found by Everhart in the post-Cache sediments at the end of the eastern arm of the lake. Redwood has also been reported from a great many wells in the area of the present investigation. Hummel reports that redwood in wells generally is found be- tween depths of 40 and 250 feet. He stales that 90 per cent of new wells pump leaves and wood (not necessarily redwood) between depths of 75 and 250 feet. Some of the sediments in which the redwood is found are undoubtedly of the same age as the high level post-Cache deposits to the east. It is certainly possible that the underlying Cache formation also contains some redwood. Since no redwood grows in the Clear Lake area at present, climatic conditions have probably changed since the time when these trees lived. Everhart states that sediments containing Sequoia sempcrrirens may be either Pleistocene or post-Pleistocene in age. A fresh water gastropod found in blue clay at a depth of 70 feet in well 14N 9W-31P1 has been kindly identified by Dr. G. D. llanna of the California Acad einy of Sciences as Valvata virens, a form now living in Clear Lake. Dr. llanna expressed the opinion that the sediments from which the shell came might be as old as Pleistocene, but no older. The permeability of ten-ace materials is generally low, mainly because of the high clay content common even in the coarse elastics. A very few wells in the Big Valley terrace yield sufficient water for irriga- tion, possibly from both terrace and Cache beds. No irrigation wells in ten-ace material are known in the Lakeport-Scotl Valley-Upper Lake district. The permeability of the older lake beds is likewise low, since they are principally composed of clays and silts. Alluvium. The uppermost deposits in Big Valley, Scott Valley, and the Upper Lake area are made up of Recent alluvium. The character of these deposi varies notably among the various valleys. In Big Valley, the younger alluvial deposits, ge erally extending to depths of 40 to 90 feet, consist alternating strata of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. T! most common colors are yellow and brown, althou< some blue occurs. The coarse elastics particularly o cur as stringers and lenses rather than beds whi are continuous over notable distances. These eoar stringers are former channels of the streams flowii from the highlands into Clear Lake, channels win were later buried as the land was built up by fcj deposition of more material from the highlands. Dn' ing and after the withdrawal of Clear Lake from Bi Valley, then, it is apparent that the valley has be*' built up to its present level by the process of deport tion from the highlands by shifting streams. Certa fairly extensive beds of fines (silt, clay, and sane clay) were either deposited in remaining extensio of Clear Lake or in areas between stream channel The northern part of Scott Valley is underlain 1 a blanket of sandy and silty clay about 60 to 90 fej thick and mostly blue in color. Below this lie fair continuous "ravel strata in which water is under sul cient pressure to flow at the surface throughout mc of the northern part of the valley. Lack of continui of the artesian aquifer is shown by the fact that soi wells do not strike it even though drilled to and 1 yond the proper depth. In the southern part of t valley, gravels and (days are interbedded at shallow depths. Northern Scott Valley was probably occupied 1>.\ lake until fairly recent times, and the blue clays wej laid down on that lake bottom. The valleys of the Upper Lake district are simil to Big Valley in containing alternating strata, of t, various clastic sediments. A stratum of brownish-bl to yellow sandy and silty clay about 60 to 110 ft. thick occurs in Middle Creek Valley in the Upp Lake vicinity and serves as the capping bed for . artesian aquifer of sand and gravel. The capping b and its underlying artesian aquifer extend to the Wfl toward the southern end of Bachelor Valley. T capping bed of fines was probably partly deposited (dear Lake when the lake extended into the area question. Indeed, Clear Lake at limes of high wat still extends over a notable part of the artesian an, In part the deposits were probably made at times Hood from Middle and ('lover C'reeks, particularly the immediate vicinity of Upper Lake, where floo covering extensive areas still occur. Alluvium to the north in Middle Creek Valley ai in Clover Valley was probably mostly built up streams draining the surrounding highlands. String* and lenses of sand and gravel alternate with impi vious silts and clays. APPENDIX E 117 The alluvium of Bachelor Valley contains only a i'\v lenses of sand and gravel of high permeability, lost of the valley is evidently filled with clay, silt, nd clay and gravel. Ground Water Geology Recharge of the underground reservoirs in all the alleys covered by this report takes place principally v percolation of the streams crossing them. The most feetive recharge takes place in the upstream parts of :ie valleys. Big Valley. Percolation from Kelsey and Adobe [reeks furnishes most of the recharge of the under- round reservoir of Big Valley. Wells in the vicinity pspond with marked rises in the fall as soon as the bw of Kelsey Creek extends as far north as Kelsey- jlle. Adobe Creek begins to percolate heavily as soon 5 it reaches the valley about a mile downstream from ighland Springs. Other creeks may contribute minor nounts of recharge. Movement of ground water from peath these two principal sources of recharge takes ace into the unwatered sands and gravels on either ile. and from thence is in the direction of Clear ake. Discharge of ground water takes place into the pwnstream reaches of creeks crossing Big Valley and jto abandoned stream channels known as sloughs. "in whence it moves on the surface into Clear Lake. his ground water discharge naturally increases as e ground water reservoir fills. The volcanic ash which is such a good water pro- icer in parts of Big Valley apparently occurs in ore than one bed. Wherever it occurs, the water it intains is found to be under pressure. One stratum i volcanic ash is tapped by five wells in Section 20, JL3N, R9W, just downstream from the junction of ighlaud and Adobe Creeks. It is reached at depths rying from 70 to 150 feet. This bed rises to the iuth and probably receives its recharge by percola- l)ii of Highland and Adobe Creeks in the vicinity of jeir junction. Well 13N 9W-20A2, the northernmost i the five wells, flows when water levels are high. ithin a mile and a half north and east of this well, lleanic ash has been reached in five additional wells ; depths of from 202 to 240 feet, It is not known jiether the two groups of five wells each penetrate je same or different volcanic ash strata. The drill- k of additional wells between the groups would help ive this problem. Volcanic ash which may be entirely separate from Be bed or beds just described occurs in the valley of l'lsey Creek south of Kelseyville at depths between I and 120 feet, No ash is reported north of Kelsey- ile in wells drilled as deep as 400 feet. Hummel fates that a well on the high ground southwest of llseyville, not far from the cemetery near the center • Section 15, encountered volcanic ash mixed with Havel at an unstated depth. Further evidence is needed before it can be stated definitely whether the ash beds extend beneath the high ground as part of the Cache formation, or whether they occupy the valleys only and may be younger. The elevation of the pressure surface of water in the volcanic ash beds does not appear to differ greatly from the water level in shallower aquifers. Some effects characteristic of free ground water and some characteristics of water under pressure are found in Big Valley wells which do not penetrate volcanic ash. Several examples follow. Water levels typically show a drop or no change between summer and fall in free ground water areas and a rise in pressure areas, but in some parts of Big Valley water levels rose and in some others they fell during that period in 1949. Continuous recorders on wells 13N/9W-8B1 and 13N/9W-2L1 showed pressure ef- fects, while a recorder on well 14N/9W-33Q2 showed free ground water effects. Several wells within about a mile of Clear Lake flow at times, and even well 13N/9W-9H2, about three miles from the lake, flows when Kelsey Creek is high. Yet both Kelsey Creek and Adobe Creek percolate heavily in the southern part of their reaches in Big Valley, a definite indica- tion of free ground water conditions. The percolation of Kelsey Creek and Adobe Creek determines that Big Valley south of a line running approximately along the boundary between T13N and T14N should be considered a free ground water area, Pressure effects south of this line in wells which do not penetrate volcanic ash are probably caused by either of the following factors : The principal water production may be from deep sand or gravel strata beneath notable thicknesses of blue clay ; or the pro- duction may be from shallower strata where the water is under pressure beneath clay beds of moderate ex- tent in the alluvium. North of the line running approximately along the boundary between T13N and T14N, water in all aquifers appears to be under pressure. The confining beds of silt and clay in the pressure area extend downward from the surface in most places, and the aquifers occur as stringers of sand and gravel within these beds. Nearly all wells in the pressure area in 1949 pumped from aquifers less than 110 feet deep. The sand and gravel aquifers evidently pinch out or grade into silts and clays toward and beneath Clear Lake. If appreciable subsurface movement of ground water derived from rainfall penetration took place from the volcanic rocks of Mt. Konoeti into the al- luvium of Big Valley, the water table in the spring on the east side of the valley ought to be higher ad- jacent to the mountain than at some distance from it. Ground water contour maps show the opposite to he the case. Subsurface movement of water from the volcanics of Mt, Konoeti into Big Valley is thus con- sidered to be negligible under existing ground water 118 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION conditions. The reason tor this evident lack of ground water movement into Big Valley from the east is not apparent. It seems probable that the cause is low permeability of the particular zones in the volcanics which are in contact with the water-bearing sediments of Big Valley. The actual discharge of a large part or perhaps practically all of the water entering the Konocti volcanics is believed to take place into Clear Lake through springs in Soda Bay, immediately north of the mountain. Waring says of this area that "numer- ous warm, bubbling springs rise along the border of the lake for a distance of half a mile on the east side of the bay." He states that the flow of the largest spring "is probably several hundred gallons a minute, and much water also rises at other points near by." Analyses given by Waring of the water from two springs show that both are high in carbonate, one is distinctly ferruginous, and the other contains prom- inent ammonium metaborate radicles. Waring reports that "all of the vents are said to be more active when the lake is high." This is in agreement with the theory here presented that the water, at least in part, comes from the volcanic rocks at Mt. Konocti. Periods of high water in the lake follow periods of heavy pre- cipitation, when infiltration into underground storage has been high. After such periods water in the Konocti volcanics is under high head, and discharge is correspondingly great. It is of course possible that some of the water discharged by the warm mineral- ized springs comes from deep-seated sources entirely separate from the Konocti volcanics. Scott Valley. Recharge of the artesian aquifer takes place by percolation of Scott Creek between a point in Section 22, T14N, K10W, about a quarter of a mile south of the northern boundary of the section, and a permanent spring about 0.2 mile upstream from the bridge near the west boundary of Section 14. The depth to the artesian aquifer varies from about 60 to about 90 feet. The artesian aquifer on the west side of Scott Valley is much thinner than on the east, according to Sheldon Deacon, a resident. Two gravel stringers, each about one foot thick, yield the artesian flow in the Deacon well, 14N/10W-10G1. The volume of artesian flow on the west side of the valley is not sufficient for irrigation, according to Deacon, but the thicker aquifers on the east side yield larger amounts. It is reported that the head on one of the early wells on the east side of the basin was twenty-one feet above the surface when first drilled. Under original conditions, the only discharge o: water from the artesian aquifer was by artcsiai springs, which are reported to have been numerous Present discharge through wells has cut down th< discharge by springs, but a number of springs stil existed in 1949. Scott Creek is reported to flow in suffi cient volume through the artesian area during norma summers that portable pumps are used to take watei from it for irrigation. Part of this flow is believed t( be due to artesian springs. An area of standing wa ter southeast of well 14X 10W-10G1 in 194!) was ap parently caused by an artesian spring. Upper Lake Area. Recharge of the principal arte! sian aquifer of the Upper Lake Area evidently takes plaee for the most part by percolation of Middl< ( 'reek. Conditions as of December 1, 1948, which wert believed to be little different from those in effect alj the end of the summer, showed Middle Creek drj upstream from the point where it leaves Section 25 T16N, ElOW, and containing standing water or flow ing below this point. The principal percolation ol Middle Creek is thus upstream from this point. Perco lation of Clover Creek and Alley Creek in the east half of and upstream from Section 5, T15N, R9W also reaches the artesian aquifer. Artesian produc tion comes from thin sand and gravel strata betweer the depths of about 60 and about 110 feet, No exae! measurements of head in Upper Lake are available but it is reported that artesian flow occurred at on<. time on the second floor of buildings. Notable ground water recharge in Bachelor Vallej takes place by percolation in and upstream from th( NW| Section 33, T16N, R10W, as shown by rise oi water level in well 16N/10W-33E1. Dayle Creek and other creeks probably also percolate to some ex tent, especially where they first reach the valley floor BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, Chas. A., Volcanic History of the Clear Lake Area California, Bull, of the Geol. Soc. of America, Vol. 47 p 629-664, 1936. Becker, G. F., Geology of the Quicksilver Deposits of tin Pacific Slope, U.S. Geological Survey Monograph 13, 1888 Brice, J. C, Geology of Lower Lake Quadrangle, California California State Division of Mines, Bull. 166, April, 1953. Davis, W. M., The Lakes of California, California Journal o Mines and Geology, Vol. 29, 1933, p. 197-200. | Everhart, Donald M., Quicksilver Deposits at the Sulphu Bank Mine, Lake County, California, California Journal o Mines and Geology, Vol. 42 No. 2, April, 1946, p. 125-1.13 Upson, J. E., and Kunkel, Fred, Ground Water of the Lowe Lake — Middletown Area, Lake County, California, U. S Geological Survey Water — Supply Paper 1297, 1955. Waring, Gerald A., Springs of California, U.S. Geological Sur vey Water-Supply Paper 338, 1915. APPENDIX F RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA APPENDIX F 121 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Bate water Date water Date water Date N 9W - 1 E1 — Reference point feet. 0.18 mile south of and Soda Bay Road and Clarks D /17/48 10.6 6/ 2/49 6.1 15 48 10.1 7/ 5/49 7.8 2/ 1/50 / 3/49 8.6 8/ 2/49 11.9 3/ 1/50 / 1/49 8.3 9/ 1/49 10.0 4/ 4/50 / 2/49 5.7 10/ 1/49 11.3 4/26/50 / 5/49 4.2 11/ 2/49 11.4 10/31/50 2 19 4.8 12/ 1/49 11.5 3/27/51 top of casing, elevation 1,334.6 .06 mile west of intersection of ive, on east side of Cold Creek. 1/ 3/50 11.3 11/ 6/51 11.8 7.8 5.3 4.8 5.2 12.3 3.7 4/ 8/52 11/ 7/52 3/16/53 10/20/53 3.0 11.1 3.9 9.8 N'9W-1N1 — Reference point — edge of pump base, elevation 1,342.8 feet. 0.01 mile north of and 0.05 mile east of inter- section of Loasa Drive and Clarks Drive. V21/48 21.5 3/31/50 18.8 11/ 6/52 20.7 [1/28/49 24.6 10/31/50 24.0 3/16/53 14.3 /14/49 22.2 11/ 5/51 23.3 10/20/53 19.1 N/9W-2C2 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1,345.7 feet. South side of Soda Ray Road, 0.08 mile south- west of Soda Ray Drive. i •_'(» 48 20.4 6/ ,30/48 20.1 7/ / 3/49 17.4 8/ :/ 1/49 15.1 9/ ;/ 2/49 12.7 10/ / 4/49 17.8 11/ / 8/49 10.6 12/ — t\_: — n ctcs — :i~ Hon 1,341.5 feet. East side south of Soda Ray Road. 3/16/49 3.5 3/28/50 6.0 10/27/49 18.5 3/28/51 4.7 11/14/49 1S.2 11/ 6/51 17.8 of Soda Bay Drive, 0.26 mile 4/ 8/52 11/ 7/52 3/16/53 4.5 16.1 5.2 10/20/53 15.8 13N 9W-2G2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,341.1 feet. East side of Soda Bay Drive, 0.41 mile south of Soda Bay Road. 10/20/4S 14.1 3/16/49 2.0 10/27/49 17.7 11/14/49 17.9 3/28/50 10/30/50 3/28/51 11/ 6/51 4.4 17.9 3.3 17.3 4/ 8/52 11/ 7/52 3/16/53 10/20/53 2.9 15.3 3.8 15.1 13N 9W-2H1— Reference feet. South side of Sod section of Clarks Drive point — top of casing, elevation 1 i Bay Road, 0.28 mile west of and Soda Bay Road. 11/17/48 12/15/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 4/49 5/ 2/49 6/ 2/49 10.1 9.6 9.0 7.5 5.1 2.5 3.7 7/ 5/49 8/ 2/49 9/ 1/49 10/ 1/49 11/ 2/49 12/ 1/49 1/ 3/50 2/ 1/50 8.0 10.0 10.8 12.3 12.5 12.1 11.4 8.9 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/26/50 10/31/50 3/27/51 11/ 6/51 4/ 8/52 11/ 7/52 5.3 3.5 3.8 13.0 2.3 12.2 1.0 10.7 3/16/53 10/20/53 3/23/54 ,335.6 inter- 2.5 9.8 1.2 13N/9W-2M1 — Reference point — base of lower 2" x 4" at bot- tom of tin pump house, elevation 1,345.2 feet. 0.45 mile south and 0.26 mile west of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Soda Bay Drive. 10/20/48 18.3 3/28/50 5.3 4/ 8/52 4.6 3/18/49 2.6 11/ 1/50 21.2 11/ 7/52 19.5 10/27/49 21.9 3/28/51 4.8 3/16/53 5.7 11/14/49 21.4 11/ 6/51 21.7 10/20/53 19.3 13N 9W-2M2 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, eleva- tion 1,349.7 feet. 0.36 mile north and 0.14 mile east of inter- section of Loasa Drive and Benson Lane. 10/21/48 22.5 3/31/50 8.7 4/ 8/52 6.9 3/18/49 6.8 11/ 1/50 22.1 11/ 7/52 23.4 10/27/49 26.1 3/28/51 6.8 3/16/53 7.8 11/14/49 25.5 11/ 6/51 21.0 10/20/53 22.1 13N/9W-2M3 — Reference point — metal base of pump at edge, elevation 1,351.3 feet. East side of Benson Lane, 0.37 mile north of Loasa Drive. 10/21/48 23.8 3/31/50 11.3 4/ 8/52 8.3 3/18/49 7.7 11/ 1/50 23.3 11/ 7/52 24.6 10/27/49 27.6 3/28/51 8.7 3/16/53 9.0 11/14/49 26.7 11/ 6/51 26.4 10/20/53 24.1 13N/9W-2K1 — Reference point — top of concrete around casing under concrete block, elevation 1,341.7 feet. 0.37 mile north and O.06 mile east of intersection of Soda Ray Drive and Loasa Drive. 3/16/49 1.7 10/27/49 18.1 10/30/50 18.3 6/17/49 9.2 11/14/49 17.7 3/28/51 2.6 6/23/49 10.0 3/28/50 3.8 L22 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Bate water Date water Dnti 13N 9W-2K2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,344.7 feet. East side of Soda Bay Drive, 0.2!) mile north of intersection of Soda Bay Drive and Loasa Drive. 10/27/4!) 20.1 10/30/50 19.9 4/ 8/52 2.7 10/20/53 16.5 11/14/4!) 19.7 3/28/51 2.9 11/ 7/52 16.6 3/28/50 4.4 11/ 6/51 22.9 3/16/53 2.9 13N/9W-2P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,347.3 feet. 0.1 mile north of and 0.19 mile west of intersection of Soda Bay Drive and Loasa Drive. 10/21/48 17.5 11/14/49 21.8 11/ 7/52 19.0 3/18/49 0.5 3/31/50 2.8 3/16/53 2.7 10 27/49 21.9 3/28/51 2.4 13N/9W-2P2 — Reference point — base of flange elbow in dis- charge pipe over pit, elevation 1,349.8 feet. North side of Loasa Drive, 0.23 mile west of Soda Bay Drive. 11/30/48 19.2 6/ 2/49 6.3 12/ 1/49 23.9 11/ 1/50 23.4 1/ 3/49 13.2 7/ 5/49 17.2* 1/ 4/50 19.2 3/28/51 2.6 2/ 1/49 6.9 8/ 2/49 18.9* 2/ 1/50 9.6 11/ 6/51 24.2 3/ 2/49 4.2 9/ 1/49 21.6* 3/ 1/50 4.8 4/ 8/52 2.1 4/ 5/49 3.1 10/ 3/49 25.0* 4/ 4/50 3.8 5/ 2/49 4.2 11/ 2/49 26.4 4/26/50 4.0 13N/9W-2Q1— Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1,342.8 feet. East side of Soda Bay Drive, 0.12 mile north of Loasa Drive. 10/21/48 14.9 3/28/50 1.8 4/ 8/52 2.9 3/16/49 0.6 10/30/50 17.3 11/ 7/52 14.9 10/27/49 19.0 3/28/51 0.0 3/16/53 0.2 11/14/49 16.7 11/ 6/51 16.0 10/20/53 14.8 13N/9W-2R1— Reference point — ground level, elevation 1,344.0 feet. 0.02 mile north and 0.3 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Drive and Loasa Drive. 3/21/49 0.5 10/31/50 12.6 11/ 6/52 12.0 10/28/49 11.4 3/27/51 3.6 3/16/53 4.1 11/14/49 12.0 11/ 6/51 19.4 10/20/53 11.3 3/31/50 4.5 4/ 8/52 2.7 13N/9W-3D1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 1,343.8 feet. 0.15 mile south and 0.06 mile east of 90° bend in Soda Bay Road, from south to east. 11/ 2/48 14.3 11/15/49 17.6 11/ 6/52 16.6 3/ 9/49 4.1 3/28/50 4.3 3/18/53 3.5 10/26/49 18.0 3/27/51 3.0 10/20/53 15.4 13N/9W-3C1 — Reference point — lower edge of flange over dis- charge column in pit, elevation 1,346.2 feet. West side of Park Drive, 0.24 mile south of Soda Bay Road. 10/21/48 14.2 3/ 9/49 7.4 13N/9W-3B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,349.0 feet. 0.03 mile south and 0.1 mile east of corner of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. '" 13N/9W-3A1 — Reference point — top of lowest 2" x 8" under pump on north side, elevation 1,351.3 feet. 0.19 mile south and 0.25 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 10/20/48 16.6 11/16/49 27.0 3/ 7/52 12.0 3/15/49 4.0 3/28/50 12.7 10/20/53 24.9 10/26/49 27.3 11/ 6/52 25.5 Depth Depth Depth Dept, to to to to water Dote water Date water Date watei 10/19/48 22.0 5/ 2/49 14.3 3/ 1/50 13.3 11/ 7/52 23.3 10/24/48 28.9 11/30/48 21.4 6/ 1/49 16.4 4/ 4/50 12.4 3/17/53 10.0 3/21/49 7.5 1/ 3/49 18.2 7/ 5/49 21.5 4/26/50 13.8 10/20/53 22.8 10/27/49 33.5 2/ 1/49 15.2 8/ 2/49 23.9 10/31/50 22.3 11/16/49 32.4 3/ 2/49 13.2 1/ 4/50 18.3 3/27/51 9.9 3/31/50 9.6 4/ 4/49 11.1 2/ 1/50 16.3 11/ <; 51 24.5 Datt 13N/9W-3E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,347.( feet. North side of Finley Road. 0.42 mile west of Park Drive 10/28/48 17.4 3/28/50 5.5 4/ 7/52 4.5 10/20/53 18.! 3/15/49 3.7 11/ 2/50 19.5 11/ 6/52 18.4 3/23/54 2/ 10/27/49 20.9 3/28/51 4.5 3/18/53 5.0 11/16/49 20.9 11/ 6/51 20.5 13N/9W-3H1 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 1,351.( feet. West bank of Kelsey Creek, 0.25 mile south and 0.3-) mile east of corner of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 10/20/48 23.5 3/28/50 11.7 4/ 7/52 10.0 3/15/49 10.2 10/31/50 22.2 11/ 7/52 25.8 10/27/49 26.8 3/28/51 10.3 3/17/53 11.2 11/16/49 26.4 11/ 6/51 25.9 10/20/53 24.5 13N/9W-3H2 — Reference point — top of casing in pit, elevation 1,345.2 feet. East bank of Kelsey Creek, 0.29 mile south and 0.07 mile west of east-to-south right angle bend in Soda Bay Road. 10/20/48 17.8 10/28/49 21.1 3/16/49 3.7 13N/9W-3H3 — Reference point — top of casing in pit 5 feet, below ground, elevation 1,350.0 feet. Near east bank of Kelsey Creek, 0.11 mile north and 0.33 mile east of inter- section of Park Drive and Finley Road. 10/28/49 23.3 11/ 2/50 21.8 11/ 7/52 26.3 11/16/49 23.0 11/ 6/51 27.7 3/17/53 11.7 4/ 4/50 6.8 4/ 7/52 10.7 10/20/53 26.1 13N/9W-3J2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,355.3 feet. Near east side of Kelsey Creek, 0.29 mile east and slightly south of corner of Park Drive and Finley Road. 10/21/48 26.9 11/15/49 30.4 4/ 7/52 9.7 10/20/53 29.7 3/16/49 10.6 3/31/50 12.4 11/ 7/52 28.0 10/27/49 30.9 3/28/51 11.5 3/16/53 12.5 13N/9W-3J3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,351.0 feet. Near east bank of Kelsey Creek, 0.18 mile south and 0.25 mile east of corner Park Drive and Finley Road. 10/21/48 22.2 3/31/50 6.4 11/ 7/52 24.2 3/21/49 3.7 11/ 1/50 13.1 3/16/53 7.0 10/27/49 26.4 11/ 6/51 26.5 10/20/53 24.1 11/15/49 25.9 4/ 7/52 5.3 13N/9W-3J4 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,357.3 ! feet. East side Kelsey Creek, 0.25 mile north and 0.25 mile west of intersection of Benson Lane and Loasa Drive. 10/21/48 28.2 3/31/50 11.2 4/ 7/52 13.0 3/21/49 9.4 11/ 1/50 16.6 11/ 7/52 30.2 10/27/49 32.4 3/28/51 10.9 3/16/53 11.5 11/14/49 31.9 11/ 6/51 33.5 10/20/53 29.4 13N/9W-3R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,358.4 ! feet. 0.04 mile north and 0.15 mile west of intersection of Benson Lane and Loasa Drive. 4/10/50 9.4 11/ 1/50 22.5 3/16/53 9.5 4/25/50 9.8 3/28/51 9.2 10/20/53 29.6 6/ 2/50 12.8 11/ 6/51 31.7 7/ 1/50 29.4* 4/ 7/52 0.0 8/ 1/50 32.6*11/ 7/52 29.3 13N/9W-4D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,345.5 feet. 0.43 mile south and 0.05 mile east of intersec- tion of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive, north of town of Finley. 10/28/48 17.3 3/28/50 8.9 4/ 2/52 3.8 3/15/49 8.6 11/ 2/50 20.1 3/18/53 5.2 10/26/49 21.6 3/2S/51 4.2 10/20/53 19.8 11/16/49 18.9 11/ 6/51 19.6 3/23/54 2.4 APPENDIX F DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) L23 Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to to water Date water Date water Date water Date water Date I3N 9W-4G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,345.3 feet. 0.02 mile north and 0.51 mile east of intersection of I Finley Road east and Stone Drive in town of Finley. 0/28 48 15.9 3/28/50 4.7 4/ 3/52 2.2 3/15 40 4.3 11/ 2/50 17.4 11/ 6/52 18.5 .0/27/49 18.5 3/28/51 1.6 3/17/53 2,1 1/16/49 17.1 11/ 6/51 20.2 10/20/53 17.6 1/ 2/48 11.3 3/31/50 4.4 ::, 12 49 3.7 11/ 2/50 12.7 0/28/49 15.7 3/28/51 5.1 1/16/49 13.8 4/ 3/52 2.0 3N 9W-4N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,353.7 feet. 0.02 mile northeast of sonth-to-sontlieast angle bend in State Highway 29, approximately \ mile south of town of Finley. 11/ 6/52 16.8 3/18/53 2.8 10/20/53 15.1 3N 9W-4N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,357.2 feet. 0.29 mile south and 0.03 mile east of intersection of 1 Finley Road and Stone Drive in town of Finley. B 15 49 5.8 10/26/49 20.0 taw 9\A/-dpi — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,353.4 feet. 0.02 mile north and 0.1 mile west of east-to-south right angle bend in State Highway 29, approximately \ mile south- east of town of Finley. 1 2/48 17.:'. 3/31/50 8.2 4/3/52 3.5 3 VI 49 8.4 10/31/50 20.7 11/ 6/52 19.5 28/49 19.6 3/28/51 4.5 3/18/53 4.8 1 16/49 19.7 11/ 0/51 22.7 10/20/53 17.9 '3N 9W-4Q1 — Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 1,352.9 ' feet. 0.04 mile north and 0.07 mile east of east-to-south right angle bend in State Highway 29, approximately \ mile south- east of town of Finley. •; 12 49 7.0 11/ 2/50 21.9 11/ 6/52 20.3 f> 2S 49 22.3 3 28,51 5.3 3/18/53 6.1 •1/10/40 21.1 11/ 6/51 21.5 10/20/53 21.6 3/31/50 7.6 4/ 3/52 4.6 3N 9W-5D1 — Reference point — notch in casing 0.5 feet below ! top of casing, elevation 1,342.5 feet. 0.03 mile north and 0.07 mile east of intersection of State Highway 29 and Highland Springs Road. '1/29/48 17.6 4/ 4/50 10.0 10/19/53 17.1 ft/15/49 8.8 3/27/51 6.1 0/26/49 15.7 3/17/53 6.2 3N 9W-5C1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1,346.0 fret. North side of State Highway 29. 0.11 mile west of east- to-soutb right angle bend, approximately 0.1 mile north of Clear Lake Grange. V28/4S 18.3 4/ 4/50 11.7 11/ 7/52 18.4 fc/26/49 19.9 3/29/51 6.4 3/17/53 8.0 11/15/49 17.3 4/ 3/52 5.5 10/20/53 12.8 5N/9W-5M1 — Reference point— base of pump, elevation 1,351.6 feet. 0.05 mile east of Highland Springs Road and 0.5 mile north of Argonaut Road. 1/29/48 16.8 3/31/50 9.7 4/ 3/52 9.5 4/15/49 5.7 10/31/50 18.7 11/ 7/52 15.8 V26/49 18.6 3/27/51 9.0 3/17/53 7.6 i/15/49 18.7 11/ 6/51 15.6 10/19/53 15.0 3N 9W-5P1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- ■ vation 1,354.4 feet. West side of dirt road, 0.25 mile south of intersection with State Highway 29, i mile west of town of Finley. L/ 3/48 18.1 7/ 1/50 47.3* 10/29/53 26.3 4/25/50 11.9 8/ 1/50 45.6* 3/ 2/50 13.4 11/ 6/52 22.r. Dal, Depth Depth Depth to to to water Date water Date water 13N 9W-6B1 — Reference point — bole in pump base, elevation 1.340.4 feet. 0.06 mile south and 0.32 mile west of intersection of State Highway 2!l and Soda Bay Road. 11/ 1/48 12.7 7/ 5/49 12.9 3/ 1/50 7.4 3/18/53 5.0 11/30/48 12.4 8/ 1/49 15.6 4/ 4/50 5.9 10/19/53 14.1 1/ 3/49 11.7 9/ 1/49 15.6 4/26/50 6.1 3/23/54 2.9 2/ 1/49 10.8 10/ 1/49 14.5 10/30/50 14.7 3/ 2/49 9.4 11/ 2/49 14.7 3/27/51 4.3 4/ 4/49 4.7 12/ 1/49 13.4 11/ 6/51 13.6 5/ 3/49 6.0 1/ 4/50 12.8 4/ 3/52 4.0 6/ 1/49 11.4 2/ 1/50 10.7 11/ 7/52 9.6 13N/9W-6F1— Reference point— base of pump, elevation 1.364.3 feet. 0.53 mile north and 0.1 mile east of intersection of Ackley Drive and Mathews Road near west edge of Big Valley. 11/ 3/48 14.4 10/26/49 13,7 4/ 3/50 11.0 3/15/49 9.7 11/15/49 14.3 13N 9W-6N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,375.3 feet. 0.06 mile north and 0.09 mile west of intersection of Ackley Drive and Mathews Road near west edge of Big Valley. 11/ 3/48 10.2 6/ 2/49 10.4* 1/ 3/50 11.5 11/ 4/52 10.8 11 :',(! 48 Ki.s 7/ 6/49 12.3* 2/ 1/50 3.8 3/18/53 2.2 1/10/49 6.8 8/ 2/49 13.8* 3/ 1/50 1.7 10/19/53 10.0 2/ 2/49 4.7 9/ 2/49 9.6 4/ 3/50 1.5 3/ 2/49 1.9 10/ 3/49 10.5 4/26/50 2.1 4/ 4/49 2,1 11/ 2/49 11.1 10/30/50 10.3 5/ 3/49 10.8* 12/ 2/49 11.4 3/27/51 1.6 13N/9W-7E1 — Reference point — top of concrete block beneath hand pump about 2 feet above ground, elevation 1.394.3 feet. 0.4 mile south and 0.2 mile west of corner of Mathews Road and Ackley Drive. 11/ 1/48 14.6 11/15/49 15.6 3/27/51 2,3 10/19/53 13.9 3/15/49 2.4 4/ 3/50 2.8 11/ 6/51 14.2 10/26/49 16.3 10/30/50 15.0 3/18/53 8.6 13N/9W-8C1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,361.3 feet. In northwest corner of intersection of Argonaut Road and private dirt road north to State Highway 20. 11/ 2/48 12.6 10/26/49 15.3 3/28/51 4.5 3/17/53 5.4 3/15/49 6.2 11/15/49 14.9 11/ 6/51 16.0 10/21/53 16.3 6/29/49 13.8 3/31/50 6.9 4 /3/52 1.0 7/ 6/49 13.6 10/30/50 15.1 11/ 7/52 16.4 13N/9W-8C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.359.9 feet. 0.06 mile north and 0.36 mile east of intersection of Argonaut Road and Highland Springs Road. 3/15/49 5,0 3/31/50 5.5 11/ 6/52 4.5 10/26/49 13.6 3/28/51 3.0 3/17/53 4.0 11/15/49 13.6 4/ 3/52 3.8 10/21/53 15.1 13N/9W-8A2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.305.4 feet. North side of Argonaut Road, 0.21 mile west of Thomas Drive, south of town of Finley. 4/13/49 12.9 10/ 3/49 18.2 3/28/51 8.0 3/17/53 8.5 6/ 2/49 15.0 11/ 2/49 18.7 11/ 5/51 20.4 10/20/53 17.4 9/ 2/49 18.1 12/ 2/49 18.1 4/ 3/52 7.4 13N/9W-8E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,35'.). 2 feet. At walnut dehydrator plant in southeast corner of in- tersection of Argonaut Road and Highland Springs Road. 10/29/48 8.6 6/ 2/49 4.8 1/ 3/50 8.5 11/ 6/51 10.8 11/30/48 7.8 7/ 6/49 7.3 3/21/50 4.9 4/ 3/52 2.8 1/ 3/49 6.1 8/ 2/49 9.7 3/ 1/50 3.2 3/17/53 3.0 2/ 1/49 5.5 9/ 2/49 10.0 4/ 3/50 2.7 10/19/53 11.0 3/ 3/49 1.8 10/ 3/49 10.3 4/26/50 3.3 4/ 4/49 3.1 11/ 2/49 10.1 11/ 1/50 8.9 5/ 3/49 3.8 12/ 2/49 9.2 3/29/51 2.8 124 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Dull Depth to water hnii Depth to Hitter Date Depth to water Depth to Date water base, elevation east of inter- approximately 13N 9W-8K1 — Reference point hole in pum] 1,372.8 feet. 0.43 mile south and 0.06 mil section of Davis Drive and Argonaut Roa< $ mile southwest of town of Finley. 11/ 3/48 14.9 3/31/50 S.4 4/ 8/52 7.4 3/15/49 7.4 11/ 2/50 15.1 11/ 7/52 16.0 10 26/49 18.0 3 29/53 8.0 3/17/52 7.5 11/16/49 17.0 11/ 5/51 17.4 10/20/53 16.9 13N 9W-8K3 — Reference point — top of casing in pit, elevation 1,365.3 feet. 0.4 mile south and O.ll mile cast of intersection of Davis Drive and Argonaut Road, approximately $ mile southwest of town of Finley. 10/21/53 19.5 5 26/49 21.0* 9/ 2/49 11.5 3/29/51 2.1 6/2/49 18.6*10/3/49 12.4 4/8/52 1.7 7/ 1/49 21.3* 11/ 2/49 13.3 11/ 7/52 14.7 8/ 2/49 17.2* 3/31/50 2.6 3/17/53 2.5 13N 9W-8N1 — Reference point — top of casing inside pump base hole, elevation 1,375.0 feet. 0.09 mile north and 0.08 mile east of intersection of Highland Springs Road and Merritt Lane. 11/ 1/48 7.1 3/15/49 2.6 10/26/4!) 9.5 11/15/4!) 9.0 13N/9W-8N2— feet. Inside h section of Hi 11/ 1/4S !).4 11/30/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 4/49 5/ 3/49 6/ 2/49 4/ 3/50 4.3 4/ 8/52 3.8 11/ 1/50 9.5 11/ 6/52 12.0 3/29/51 3.6 3/17/53 3.0 11/ 5/51 10.3 l(» 19 :<:: 10.4 9.6 9.4 8.4 6.7 4.9 6.5 15.5 Reference point use 0.04 mile 11 ;hland Springs 7/ 6/4!) 12.0 8/ 2/49 9/ 2/49 10/ 3/49 11/ 3/49 12/ 2/49 1/ 3/50 2/ 1/50 —top of casing, elevation rth and 0.04 mile east of Road and Merritt Lane. 18.3 12.8 12.5 11.2 11.0 10.9 7.8 3/ 1/50 4/ 3/50 4/26/50 11/ 1/50 3/29/51 11/ 5/51 4/ 8/52 11/ 6/52 5.!) 5.5 6.0 1 1 .3 4.3 11.9 4.2 13.5 3/17/53 10/19/53 3/23/54 1.377 inter- 7.1 12.7 6.8 13N/9W-8R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,374.9 feet. North side of Merritt Lane, 0.4 mile east of Davis Drive. 11/ 1/48 11/29/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 3/49 4/ 4/49 5/ 3/49 6/ 2/49 13N/9W tion 1 Thoma smith < 11/ 1/48 11/30/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 4/49 5/ 3/49 13.8 14.6 13.9 10.7 7.3 <;.:'. 7.1 8.2 9D1- 359.9 3 Dri f tow 11.1 10.9 10.5 9.5 7.9 3.8 6.2 7/ 6/49 8 2/49 '.) 2/49 10/ .-. 4! 1 11/ 2/49 12/ 2/49 1/ 3/50 2/ 1/50 10.9 12.8 !l.!l 16.6 18.1 18.6 18.9 8.9 3/ 1/50 4/ 3/50 4/20/50 11/ 2/50 3/29/51 11/ 5/51 4/ 8/52 11/ 6/52 6.9 6.4 o.s 13.9 5.3 19.2 7.2 19.7 3/17/53 10/20 53 3/23/54 6.5 17.3 4.0 Road, approximately ?i mile -Reference point — base of pump al edge, eleva- feet. In northeast corner of intersection of ve and Argonaut 11 of Finley. 6/ 2/49 24 7/ 6/49 9/ 2/49 10/ 3/4!) 11/ 2/49 12/ 2/49 1/ 4/50 ,5 s 12.7 14.0 14.1 14.6 13.5 13.2 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 3/50 4/26/50 10 30/50 3/28/51 11/ 6/51 9.2 5.9 4.7 5.:: 13.5 3.1 16.1 4/ 3/52 11/ 6/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 2.7 14.9 3.8 15.0 13N/9W-9D2 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1,357.4 feet. East side of Thomas Road, 0.12 mile south of State Highway 2!). 4/ 7/4!) 5.3 9/ 2/4!) 16.6 10/30/50 14.0 3/18/53 3.9 5/ 3/4!) 9.4 10/ 3/49 19.0 3/29/51 4.3 10/20/53 16.8 0/ 2/4!) 39.5*11/ 2/49 20.5 11/ 6/51 16.8 7/ 1/49 18.9 12/ 2/49 15.1 4/ 3/52 2.0 8/ 2/49 42.3* 3/31/50 6.3 11/ 7/52 16.1 Depth Depth Depth Deptl to to to to water Dale water Date water Date water Date 13N 9W-9F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevatiot 1.357.!) feet. 0.04 mile south and 0.46 mile east of intersection! of Argonaut Road and Thomas Drive, south of town ol Finley. 11/ 2/48 3/15/48 10/28/48 11/16/49 15.!) 7.4 18.7 18.0 3/31/50 10/30/50 3/28/51 11/ 6/51 1.1 19.5 r..() 21.6 4/ 3/52 11/ 6/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 4.4 16.8 5.9 17.0 13N 9W-9H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,352.1 feet. Northeast side of State Highway 29, 0.14 mile north west from intersection of State Highway 2!) and Renfa Drive. 11/30/48 1/ 3/4!) 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 4/49 5/ 2/49 13.0 !).!) 7.3 5.1 7.4 5.8 7/ 6/4!) 8/ 2/49 9/ 1/49 10/ 3/49 11/ 3/49 12/ 2/49 17.5 2!). 5 23.4 21.9 22.4 18.2 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 3/50 4/26/50 10/30/50 3/28/51 8.7 5.1 3.0 4.0 20.0 1.4 3/17/53 10/20/53 3.8 18.4 6/ 2/49 10.9 1/ 4/50 15.3 11/ 6/51 17.! 13N 9W-9Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,368.! feet. 0.0S mile north and 0.37 mile west of intersection ot Merritt Lane and Renfro Drive, approximately li- miles southeast of town of Finley. 11/ 2/48 !).4 3/15/49 3.3 10/27/49 12.!) 11/16/49 12.9 4/ 3/50 11/ 2/50 3/29/51 11/ 5/51 4.3 13.4 4.4 11.6 4/ 8/52 4.0 3/17/53 4.7 10/20/53 12.8 13N/9W-9R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,417.8 feet. North side of Merritt Lane, 0.11 mile west of Renfro Drive, approximately 1 \ miles southeast of town of Finley. 3/15/49 52.6 10/27/49 55.2 13N/9W-10E1 — Reference point — hole in pump side, elevation 1,355.8 feet. Northeast side of State Highway 29. 0.0!) mile southeast from intersection of State Highway 29 and Renfro Drive, approximately 1 mile southeast of town of Finley. 11/15/49 17.6 11/ 6/51 17.5 4/ 3/50 2.6 4/ 3/52 1.6 10/30/50 19.1 3/17/53 2.1 3/28/51 1.8 10/20/53 18.3 11/ 1/48 16.3 11/30/48 14.2 3/12/49 1.!) 10/28 4!) 21.2 13N/9W-10G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,363.3 feet. 0.18 mile north and slightly west of intersection of State Highway 2!) and Browns Drive, northwest of Kelsey- ville. 10 25/48 28.5 11/30/48 25.0 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 5/49 8.4 7.8 6.7 6.9 6/ 2/49 10.0 7/ 6/49 25.9* 8/ 2/49 26.1 9/ 1/49 37.9* 10/ 3/49 37.9 12/ 2/49 26.6 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/12/50 4/25/50 6/ 2/50 7.9 10/30/50 7.4 3/28/51 11/ 7/52 3/16/53 10/20/53 6.8 9.0 10.8 7.3 28.0 8.0 29.6 7/ 1/50 15.5 5/ 2/49 7.4 1/ 4/50 20.4 8/ 1/50 27.2 13N/9W-10H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,364.1 feet. 0.36 mile south and 0.15 mile west of intersec- tion of Benson Lane and Loasa Drive. 10/24/48 29.2 3/18/49 5.0 10/27/49 33.8 11/16/49 29.4 3/31/50 11/ 1/50 3/28/51 11/ 5/51 7.0 19.2 6.8 29.1 4/ 7/52 7.2 11/ 7/52 28.0 3/16/53 7.2 10/20/53 29.2 APPENDIX F 125 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date water T)aU 13N 9W-10R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,373.1 feet. 0.07 mile north and 0.54 mile west of east-to- north right angle bend in Soda Bay Drive, i mile northeast of Kelseyville. 10/24/48 18.9 12/ 1/49 14.2 10/ 2/50 34.8 10/20/53 17.8 : 3/17/49 4.2 3/31/50 5.6 11/ 1/50 18.3 3/23/54 6.0 : 5/26/49 8.2 4/10/50 5.4 3/28/51 5.8 ; 6/ 2/49 7.1 4/25/50 5.9 11/ 5/51 17.7 i 7/ 1/49 12.8 6/ 2/50 7.2 4/ 8/52 7.0 i 8/ 2/49 21.0 7/ 1/50 12.0 11/ 6/52 16.6 ! 9/ 1/49 23.9 8/ 1/50 24.6 3/16/53 6.7 13N 9W-11B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1. 350.3 feet. 0.24 mile south and 0.11 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Drive and Loasa Drive. 10/21/48 1S.2 11/16/49 20.4 4/ 8/52 2.9 | 3/16/49 4.5 3/28/50 5.4 10/28/49 32.3 3/28/51 3.2 13N 9W-11E1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1.362.7 feet. 0.47 mile south and 0.02 mile east of intersection of Loasa Drive and Benson Lane. ■ 8/ 2/49 37.2* 11/ 2/49 32.8 4/10/50 5.2 j 9/ 1/49 46.7*12/ 1/49 23.4 3/28/51 4.7 ! 10/ 3/49 51.3* 3/31/50 5.6 13N 9W-11H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1.358.8 feet. 0.12 mile north and 0.28 mile east of intersec- tion of Soda Bay Drive and Clarks Drive. 10/21/48 26.2 11/ 2/50 27.2 11/ 6/52 29.0 ! 3/16/49 12.7 3/27/51 10.4 3/16/53 11.8 ,11/16/49 28.1 11/ 6/51 33.3 10/20/53 27.3 :; 31/50 13.6 4/ 8/52 10.2 13N 9W-11M1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, eleva- tion 1,368.1 feet. 0.25 mile north and 0.46 mile west of east- to-north right angle bend in Soda Bay Drive. 10/24/48 21.2 11/16/49 18.6 11/ 6/52 18.4 3/18/49 2.6 4/ 4/50 3.2 3/16/53 4.7 10/27/49 27.3 3/28/51 3.4 10/20/53 20.1 13N 9W-11Q1 — Reference point — base of pump at edge, eleva- tion 1,376.8 feet. 0.02 mile north and 0.04 mile east of east- to-north right angle bend in Soda Bay Drive. 10 24 48 33.4 11/16/49 36.8 3 17 49 5.5 13N 9W-12D1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, elevation 1,347.:! feet. North side of Clarks Drive, 0.12 mile ■ south of Loasa Drive. 10/20/48 18.5 5/ 2/49 20.8 4/ 4/50 10.2 3/16/53 7.8 11/30/48 17.4 11/ 2/49 23.4 4/26/50 10.7 10/20/53 10.7 1/ 3/49 15.2 12/ 1/49 19.5 10/31/50 21.3 2/ 1/49 13.4 1/ 3/50 17.9 3/27/51 7.4 3/ 2/49 11.8 2/ 1/50 14.2 11/ 6/51 19.0 4/ 5/49 11.2 3/ 1/50 11.4 11/ 0/52 21.9 13N 9W-12E1 — Reference point — base of pump at north side, • elevation 1,351.8 feet. 0.04 mile east of right angle bend in Clarks Drive. 10/21/48 22.2 10/28/49 28.7 3/10/49 13.6 11/16/49 25.8 13N 9W-12M1 — Reference point — base of pump at hole, eleva- tion 1,358.5 feet. South side of private dirt road, south 0.1 mile from right angle bend in ("larks Drive. 10/21/48 26.9 3/31/50 18.5 11/ 6/52 31.0 3/16/49 18.4 10/31/50 29.6 3/16/53 16.7 10/28/49 32.4 3/27/51 16.2 10/20/53 27.4 11/16/49 31.1 11/ 5/51 27.4 Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Dale water Date water Date water Date 13N/9W-12M2 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1,357.9 feet. 0.21 mile south and 0.05 mile east of right angle bend in Clarks Drive. 10/21/48 25.5 7/ 1/49 28.9 2/ 1/50 20.5 4/ 3/52 7.0 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 2/49 4/ 5/49 5/ 2/49 6/ 2/49 21.4 20.0 18.3 19.(1 29.0 29.9 8/ 2/49 9/ 1/49 10/ 1/49 11/ 2/49 12/ 1/49 1/ 3/50 34.9 50.6 s 32.0 29.1 26.0 24.6 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/26/50 10/31/50 3/27/51 11/ 5/51 18.1 16.8 17.1 27.9 14.4 25.8 11/ 6/52 3/16/53 10/20/53 3/23/54 28.4 14.8 25.5 13.9 13N/9W-14D1— 1.377.3 feet. of Soda Bay north of town 10/25/48 22.8 1 1 /30/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 1/49 4/ 5/49 5/ 2/49 Reference point — base of pump, elevation 04 mile east and 0.05 mile south of intersection 10.0 10.3 10.0 8.9 8.7 9.3 Drive and 3rd of Kelseyville. 6/ 2/49 11.1 6/49 2/49 1/49 Street, approximately \ mile 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 3/49 12/ 2/49 1/ 3/50 18.5 24.4 26.1 23.2 16.6 17.8 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/26/50 11/ 1/50 3/28/51 11/ 5/51 10.1 8.4 10.4 9.1 20.4 8.8 18.4 11/ 6/52 3/16/53 10/20/53 19.6 8.4 21.4 13N/9W-14L1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump house, elevation 1,400.6 feet. 0.25 mile south and 0.04 mile west of intersection of Oakdale Drive and State Highway 29 in town of Kelseyville. 11/ 1/48 18.1 7/ 6/49 29.3 4/ 3/50 17.1 11/ 6/52 26.7 11/30/48 17.5 9/ 2/49 28.7 4/12/50 17.1 3/17/53 17.8 1/ 3/49 20.4 10/ 3/49 25.5 4/25/50 17.8 10/20/53 26.6 2/ 1/49 20.6 11/ 3/49 22.0 6/ 2/50 22.1 3/ 1/49 20.1 12/ 2/49 19.9 11/ 1/50 24.3 4/ 5/49 19.8 1/ 4/50 19.3 3/27/51 20.8 5/ 3/49 21.2 2/ 1/50 17.9 11/ 5/51 24.0 6/ 2/49 24.5* 3/ 1/50 17.3 4/ 8/52 20.0 13N/9W-15B1— Reference point — top of casing of south well outside pump house, elevation 1,376.4 feet. West side of Kel- sey Creek, 0.15 mile south and 0.08 mile east of intersection of new State Highway 29 and Merritt Road, approximately i mile west of Kelseyville. 3/17/49 5.6 3/31/50 7.5 11/ 5/51 15.4 3/16/53 8.3 10/27/49 22.3 11/ 1/50 11.2 4/ 8/52 8.6 11/15/49 11.5 3/27/51 7.4 11/ 6/52 18.5 13N/9W-15B2 — Reference point — top of casing of north well in pump house, elevation 1,376.7 feet. West side of Kelsey Creek, 0.15 mile south and 0.08 mile east of intersection of new State Highway 29 and Merritt Road, approximately I mile west of Kelseyville. 10/25/48 3/17/49 10/27/49 11/15/49 21.1 5.5 22.1 11.3 3/31/50 11/ 1/50 3/27/51 11/ 5/51 7.2 8.9 7.1 15.8 4/ 8/52 8.3 11/ 6/52 18.2 3/16/53 8.6 10/20/53 16.7 13N/9W-15K1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, eleva- tion 1,431.1 feet. 0.03 mile south and 0.02 mile west of inter- section of Bell Hill Road and Staheli Drive, slightly south of town of Kelseyville. 11/ 4/48 39.7 3/ 1/50 37.8 4/ 8/52 35.6 3/21/49 36.3 11/ 1/50 44.1 11/ 6/52 39.7 10/28/49 41.4 3/28/51 36.2 3/17/53 33.9 11/15/49 42.9 11/ 5/51 39.3 13N/9W-15N1 — Reference point — rim of concrete lining, eleva- tion 1,413.9 feet. 0.4 mile south and 0.19 mile west of inter- section of Bell Hill Road and Gold Dust Drive, approxi- mately 1 mile west of town of Kelseyville. 11/ 4/48 15.1 3/31/50 14.6 4/ 8/52 11.0 3/21/49 13.6 11/ 1/50 16.0 11/ 6/52 13.8 10/28/49 15.7 3/28/51 12.8 3/17/53 10.8 11/16/49 15.6 11/ 5/51 15.0 10/19/53 13.4 L26 1 . A K E COUNTY INVEST I GATTON DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date water Date 13N/9W-16B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,378.9 feet. North side of Holdenreid Road. 0.24 mile east of intersection of Holdenreid Road and Smith Lane, approxi- mately 1^ miles south of town of Finley. 4/12/50 5.4 6/ 2/50 8.4 4/25/50 6.1 11/ 2/50 14.9 13N/9W-16A1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1,411.1 feet. 0.02 mile south and 0.15 mile west of intersec- tion of Merritt Lane and Renfro Drive. 11/ 2/48 46.0 10/27/49 48.6 4/ 3/50 45.8 3/15/49 45.8 11/16/49 47.2 11/ 2/50 48.9 13N/9W-16E2 — Reference point — top of casing, under pump on south side, elevation 1,379.4 feet. North side of Smith Lane, 0.12 mile west of south-to-west right angle bend in Smith Lane. 4/ 7/49 3.4 9/ 2/49 17.0 11/ 2/50 13.4 3/17/53 3.6 5/ 3/49 5.9 10/ 3/49 14.9 3/29/51 3.6 10/20/53 13.2 6/ 2/49 13.0 11/ 2/49 14.0 11/ 5/51 12.9 7/ 1/49 16.3 12/ 2/49 13.3 4/ 8/52 2.3 8/ 2/49 27.5 4/ 3/50 3.4 11/ 7/52 13.4 13N/9W-16F2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,384.5 feet. 0.23 mile south and 0.21 mile east of intersection of Smith Lane and Holdenreid Road. 4/12/49 34.3* 8/ 2/49 39.4* 4/ 3/50 5.7 10/20/53 14.3 5/ 3/49 6.5 9/ 2/49 19.4 3/29/51 5.5 6/ 2/49 16.3 10/ 3/49 17.6 4/ 8/52 5.2 7/ 1/49 21.1 11/ 2/49 16.6 3/17/53 5.5 13N/9W-16H1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, eleva- tion 1,412.0 feet. West side of Renfro Drive, north of inter- section of Renfro Drive and Bell Hill Road. 11/ 1/48 25.5 7/ 6/49 27.8 2/ 1/50 26.3 4/ 8/52 24.9 11/30/48 25.6 8/ 2/49 26.7 3/ 1/50 24.8 11/ 6/52 34.0 1/ 3/49 25.6 9/ 2/49 25.S 4/ 4/50 24.8 3/17/53 21.2 2/ 1/49 25.7 10/ 3/49 26.1 4/26/50 25.3 10/20/53 24.2 3/ 1/49 25.6 11/ 2/49 26.7 11/ 1/50 26.5 3/23/54 21.1 4/ 4/49 25.0 12/ 2/49 26.2 3/28/51 23.1 5 3/49 24.4 1/ 3/50 26.7 11/ 5/51 25.0 13N/9W-16M1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base at north edge, elevation 1,394.0 feet. North side of Hummel Lane, 0.52 mile west of intersection of Hummel Lane and Bell Hill Road. 11/ 1/48 15.4 9/ 2/48 20.3 4/25/50 11.7 4/ 8/52 10.2 3/21/48 11.1 10/ 3/48 19.8 6/ 2/50 13.5 11/ 6/52 25.2 4/12/48 7.1 10/21/48 17.4 7/ 1/50 21.7 3/17/53 11.3 5/ 3/48 14.2 11/ 2/48 16.7 8/ 1/50 27.2 10/19/53 21.3 6/ 2/48 15.0 12/ 2/49 15.8 11/ 1/50 18.3 7/ 1/48 29.2 3/31/50 12.0 3/28/51 10.6 8/ 2/48 41.7 4/12/50 11.6 11/ 5/51 19.4 13N 9W-16Q1 — Reference point — hole in board beside base of hand pump, elevation 1,405.9 feet. 0.03 mile northwest of Bell Hill Road at point 0.14 mile southwest along road from intersection of Bell Hill Road and Hummel Lake. 11/ 4/48 23.0 6/ 2/49 23.1 1/ 3/50 27.1 11/ 5/51 22.1 11/30/48 23.2 7/ 7/49 24.8 2/ 1/50 22.6 4/ 8/52 14.5 1/ 3/49 23.1 8/ 2/49 24.6 3/ 1/50 20.0 11/ 6/52 20.9 2/ 1/49 23.2 9/ 2/49 24.2 4/ 4/50 19.9 3/ 1/49 22.5 10/ 3/49 23.8 4/26/50 19.8 4/ 5/49 19.2 11/ 2/49 26.4 11/ 1/50 24.2 5/ .-. 19 20.7 12/ 2/49 25.6 3/28/51 16.4 Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date ivater Dale 13N/9W-17D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,383.3 feet. East side of Highland Springs Road, 0.19 mile south of intersection of Highland Springs Road and Merritt Lane. 11/ 3/48 9.2 11/15/49 10.7 3/29/51 4.1 11/ 7/52 10.0 ■ 3/15/49 4.2 3/31/50 4.3 11/ 5/51 10.9 3/17/53 4.3 10/26/49 10.5 11/ 2/50 9.8 4/ 8/52 4.1 10/19/53 9.4 13N/9W-17C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation , 1,377.5 feet. 0.24 mile south and 0.45 mile east of intersection ! of Highland Springs Road and Merritt Lane. 3/15/49 0.5 11/ 2/50 6.8 11/ 6/52 11.5 10/26/49 10.2 3/29/51 0.7 3/17/53 Flowing 11/15/49 10.6 11/ 5/51 10.7 10/20/53 9.6 3/31/50 0.4 4/ 8/52 0.8 13N/9W-17B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation I 1,381.5 feet. 0.21 mile south and 0.05 mile east of intersection of Merritt Lane and Davis Drive near west bank of Adobe Creek. 11/ 3/48 14.3 3/31/50 6.0 4/ 8/52 6.1 3/15/49 5.1 11/ 2/50 9.0 11/ 6/52 17.2 10/26/49 16.6 3/29/51 6.4 3/17/53 6.4 11/15/49 16.4 11/ 5/51 16.6 10/20/53 15.9 13N/9W-17A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, north- west side, elevation 1,382.7 feet. 0.15 mile south of Merritt Lane and 0.24 mile east of Davis Drive, on east side of Adobe Creek. 5/10/49 9.4 9/ 2/49 16.5 4/ 3/50 7.8 6/ 2/49 11.0 10/ 3/49 15.9 3/29/51 6.6 7/ 1/49 41.0*11/ 2/49 13.0 10/20/53 16.8 8/ 2/49 56.1* 12/ 2/49 12.0 13N/9W-17L1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,388.7 feet. 0.13 mile north and 0.47 mile east of south-to- west right angle bend in Highland Springs Road. 11/ 3/48 16.3 6/ 2/49 7.9 1/ 3/50 18.3 11/ 6/52 5.0 11/30/4S 17.4 7/ 6/49 12.3* 2/ 1/50 5.2 3/17/53 5.8 1/ 3/49 11.7 8/ 2/49 14.0 3/ 1/50 4.7 10/19/53 16.7 2/ 2/49 8.8 9/ 2/49 18.7* 4/ 4/50 4.8 3/ 3/49 3.7 10/ 3/49 17.0 4/26/50 5.0 4/ 5/49 4.7 11/ 2/49 18.5 3/29/51 5.4 5/ 3/49 5.7 12/ 2/49 18.3 4/ 8/52 5.0 13N/9W-17N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,388.9 feet. 0.11 mile south and 0.16 mile east of south-to- west right angle bend of Highland Springs Road. 11/ 1/48 12.9 3/31/50 +0.2 4/ 8/52 +0.3 3/21/49 +0.8 11/ 2/50 12.9 11/ 6/52 15.1 10/26/49 14.9 3/29/51 0.1 3/11/53 +0.1 11/15/49 15.3 11/ 5/51 15.1 10/19/53 13.1 13N 9W-20D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,394.7 feet. 0.60 mile north and 0.18 mile east of intersection of Highland Springs Road and Bell Hill Road. 3/21/49 0.7 11/ 2/50 11.7 11/ 6/52 7.0 10/26/49 16.4 3/29/51 1.0 3/17/53 1.0 11/15/49 14.9 11/ 5/51 6.4 10/19/53 14.5 3/31/50 0.7 4/ 8/52 0.2 13N/9W-20D2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,395 feet. 1.1 mile south of Merritt Road and 0.25 mile east of Highland Springs Road. 11/15/49 6.1 11/ 2/50 3.1 11/ 6/52 2.8 1/31/50 Flow- 3/29/51 Flow- 3/17/53 Flowing ing ing 3/31/50 Flow- 4/ 8/52 Flow- 10/19/53 12.8 ing ing APPENDIX F 127 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to Date water Ihih water Date water Date water 13N 9W-20E1 — Reference point — base of flange of discharge pipe outside south side of wood crib, elevation 1,400.3 feet. 0.3!) mile north and 0.15 mile east of intersection of Bell Hill Road and Highland Springs Road. 11/ 3 48 17.3 3/31/50 3.5 11/ 6/52 16.3 3/21/49 2.8 11/ 2/50 13.4 3/17/53 3.6 10/2(5/49 17.7 3/29/51 3.8 10/19/53 17.1 11 15 4i> 17.6 4/ 8/52 3.5 13N 9W-20E2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.4(12.0 feet. 0.32 mile north and 0.17 mile east of intersection of Bell Hill Road and Highland Springs Road. 3/21/49 3.3 3/31/50 3.8 4/8/52 5.0 10/19/53 16.9 in 26 49 9.3 11/ 2/50 10.0 11/ 6/52 19.1 11/15/49 12.1 3/29/51 4.9 3/17/53 5.0 13N 9W-20F1 — Reference point — top of flooring, elevation 1.405.9 feet. 0.02 mile north and 0.08 mile west of right angle from north to east of Bell Hill Road. 1 4 48 13.6 3/31/50 7.1 4/ 8/52 7.5 3/21 /49 5.3 11/ 1/50 14.9 11/ 6/52 14.6 1/28/49 15.8 3/28/51 7.6 3/17/53 7.5 1 15 4!) 15.1 11/ 5/51 14.!) 10/19/53 14.7 13N 9W-20P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.414.0 feet. 0.02 mile south and 0.08 mile east of intersection of Bell Hill Road and Adobe Creek Drive. 11 1 '48 11 30 48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 1/49 4/ 5 4!i 5/ 3/49 12.7 12.5 9.3 8.8 7.s 8.6 6.0 6/ 2/49 7/ 6/4!) 8/ 2/49 9/ 2/49 10/ 3/49 11/ 2/49 12/ 2/49 8.2 10.2 12.4 13.5 13.9 14.7 15.6 1/ 3/50 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/26/50 11/ 1/50 3/28/51 13.5 9.6 7.1 0.1 6.0 11.4 4.2 11/ 5/51 4/ S 52 11/ 6 52 3/17/53 10/19/53 16.9 5.3 15.3 5.8 13.6 13N 9W-22F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1 .444.8 feet. 0.11 mile south and 0.43 mile west of intersection of Gold Dust Drive and Staheli Drive. 11 4/48 46.4 10/28/49 45.8 3/28/51 43.9 11/30/48 45.6 11/16/4!) 45.9 11/ 5/51 45.6 1/ :: 4'.) 45.7 3/31/50 45.8 11/ 6/52 45.!) 8/17 4!) 45.5 11/ 1/50 46.7 13N 9W-22K1 — Reference point — top of flooring, north side elevation 1,461.4 feet. 0.30 mile south of intersection of Gold Dust Drive and Staheli Drive. 11/ 4/48 58.5 11/15/49 61.3 11/ 6/52 53.6 | 3/21/49 59.0 3/31/50 59.6 3/17/53 52.0 10/28 4!) 62.4 3/28/51 57.0 10/20/53 53.6 13N 9W-22J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,419.9 feet. 0.39 mile south and 0.02 mile west of intersection of Kelsey Creek Drive and Gold Dust Drive. 1 1 2/48 11 30 4!i 1/ 3/49 2 1 4!) 3 1 4!) 4 5/4!) 4 12/49 30.0 35.9 34.9 ::4.!) 33.7 5/ 2/49 6/ 2/4!) 7/ 1/4!) 8/ 2/4!) !)/ 2/49 32.7 10/ 3/4!) 53.2* 11/ 2/49 49.1* 12/ 2/49 52.6* 1/ 3/50 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/20 50 11/ 1 50 44.! I 56.7* 47. S 44.6 44.0 40.2 40.5 36.3 35.2 34.9 35. 1 43.3 11/ 5/51 11/ 6/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 3/23/54 46.6 48.3 36.8 45.0 33.8 13N 9W-23D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1.408.0 feet. East side of Kelsey Creek Drive, 0.07 mile north of Gold Dust Drive. 11/ 1/48 25.0 3/31/50 23.6 4/ 8/52 19.5 3/21/49 20.8 11/ 1/50 31.6 11/ 6/52 35.0 10/28/49 29.7 3/28/51 24.1 3/17/53 22.1 11/15/49 2S.S 11/ 5/51 33.8 10/20/53 34.2 Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date a titer Date water Date II llll 1 Date 13N 9W-23D2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.4O0.0 feet. East side of Kelsey Creek Drive. 0.08 mile north of Gold Dust Drive. 11/30/48 1/ 3/49 2/ 1/49 3/ 1/49 4/ 5/49 5/ 2/49 6/ 2 4! I 23.2 22.2 22.2 21.0 20.2 24.3 27.:: 7/ 6/49 8/ 2/49 9/ 2/49 10/ 3/49 11/ 2/49 12/ 2/49 1/ 3/50 31.6 39.8 36.8 33.2 28.1 27.1 25.2 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 11/ 1/50 3/28/51 11/ 6/51 4/ 8/52 23.5 22.8 22.6 25.2 22.6 32.3 20.7 11/ 6/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 3/23/54 33.6 23.5 30.6 22.2 13N9W-23C1 — Reference point — flange at top of discharge pipe, elevation 1,416.5 feet. 0.05 mile east of Liveoak Road and 0.5 mile south of Konoeti Drive. 11/ 2/48 33.7 8/ 2/49 43.8 12/ 2/49 35.4 10/20/53 5/ 3/49 33.5 10/ 3/49 41.7 4/ 3/50 32.1 6/ 2/49 35.5 11/ 2/49 38.1 3/17/53 33.7 42.0 13N/9W-29L1 — Reference point — top of wood casing 0.09 feel above concrete, elevation 1,447.6 feet. 0.75 mile south and 0.00 mile east of intersection of Adobe Creek Drive and Bell Hill Road. 11/ 4/48 20.0 3/21/49 9.0 10/26/49 20.6 11/16/49 19.9 3/31/50 11/ 1/50 3/28/51 11/ 5/51 11.9 19.5 12.9 19.6 4/ 8/52 11/ 6/52 3/17/53 10/19/53 11.8 19.3 15.0 19.1 13N/9W-30A1 — Reference point — top of concrete casing, eleva- tion 1,419.8 feet. 0.42 mile south and 0.03 mile west of inter- section of Highland Springs Road and Bell Hill Road. 11/ 3/48 12.5 3/29/51 5.3 3/17/53 6.0 3/21/49 2.3 4/ 8/52 5.2 10/19/53 13.6 10/26/49 14.4 11/ 6/52 14.0 14N/9W-31E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.330.6 feet. 0.21 mile north and 0.02 mile east of intersection of State Highway 29 and Hopland Road. 11/ 5/48 6.8 3/28/50 1.4 4/ 3/52 0.6 3/ 9/49 1.9 10/31/50 7.6 3/18/53 1.0 10/26/49 7.7 3/27/51 0.4 10/19/53 6.2 11/15/49 7.5 11/ 2/51 6.4 14N9W-31N1 — Reference point — pump base, elevation 1,335.7 feet. Intersection of 0.13 mile north of State Highway 29 and Aekley Drive. 11/ 3/48 10.9 3/28/50 0.9 4/ 3/52 0.9 3/ 9/49 1.3 10/30/50 12.2 11/ 7/52 11.1 10/26/49 10.3 3/27/51 0.8 3/18/53 1.9 11/15/49 16.8 11/ 2/51 9.5 10/19/53 10.6 14N '9W-32M1 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1,335.9 feet. 0.06 mile north and 0.15 mile west of intersec- tion of Soda Bay Road and Mission Lane. 10/28/48 11.8 3/28/50 6.7 4/ 7/52 4.5 3/12/49 7.9 10/30/50 13.2 11/ 7/52 11.7 10/26/49 14.2 3/27/51 2.6 3/18/53 4.8 11 10 49 12.4 11/2/51 11.6 10/19/53 12.0 14N/9W-32K1— Reference 1.340.1 feet. North side intersection of Reeves match % mile north of 10/28/48 14.1 6/ 1/49 11/30/48 13.5 8/ 1/49 1/ 3/49 13.0 9/ 1/49 2/ 1/49 12.3 10/ 1/4!) 3/ 2/49 11.3 11/ 2/49 4/ 4/49 8.7 12/ 1/49 5/ 3/49 22.5 1/ 4/50 point — top of casing, elevation of Soda Bay Road, 0.07 mile west of Lane and Soda Bay Road, approxi- town of Finley. 13.1 2/ 1/50 13.3 11/ 6/52 17.0 17.2 3/ 1/50 10.6 3/18/53 4.2 15.3 4/ 4/50 9.4 10/19/53 16.4 16.6 4/26/50 9.5 16.1 10/30/50 16.2 15.1 3/27/51 3.4 14.7 11/ 2/51 14.8 IL'S LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to ivnter Date water Date water Date water DaU 14N 9W-32N1 — Reference point — top of boards around dis- charge i>ii><\ elevation 1,340.2 feet. 0.21 mile north and 0.11 mile east of intersection of Highland Springs Road with State Highway 29. 4/21/40 6.4 12/ 1/49 14.6 11/ 2/51 15.0 10/21/53 14.1 5/ 3/49 7.4 3/28/50 7.3 4/ 7/52 3.8 8 1/49 16.2 10/30/50 15.4 11/ 7/52 15.0 9 1 49 16.0 3/27/51 4.0 3/17/53 4.8 14N/9W-33E1 — Reference point — hole inside of pump, eleva- tion 1,332.8 feet. 0.42 mile north and 0.10 mile east of inter- section of Soda Bay Road and Stone Drive, approximately 'i mile north of town of Finley. 10/28/48 9.8 3/28/50 5.6 4/ 7/52 2.0 3/12/49 5.7 10/30/50 11.5 11/ 6/52 10.0 10 20 411 12.!) 3/27/51 1.7 3/18/53 2.3 11/16/49 10.9 1/ 2/51 9.5 10/19/53 9.9 14N 9W-33M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,338.3 feet. North side of Soda Ray Road, 0.16 mile east of intersection of Soda Ray Road and Stone Drive, approxi- mately ij mile north of town of Finley. 10/28/48 13.7 3/28/50 S.l 4/ 7/52 3.8 3/12/49 7.9 10/31/50 14.4 11/ 6/52 14.4 10/26/4!) 16.4 3/27/51 4.3 3/17/53 3.8 11/16/49 15.3 11/ 2/51 14.9 10/19/53 13.9 14N 9W-33L1 — Reference point— base of pump, elevation 1,339.7 feet. 0.03 mile north and 0.31 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Stone Drive, approximately J mile north of town of Finley. 3/12/49 8.0 3/28/50 9.1 11/ 6/52 15.1 10/26/49 17.9 10/30/50 16.5 3/18/53 7.5 11/15/49 16.3 11/ 2/51 15.9 10/19/53 14.7 14N/9W-33K1 tion 1,337.4 east of inter proximately 10/28/48 13.1 11/30, 18 1/ 3/49 2 1 4! I :; 2 I'.i 4/ 4/49 5/ .-. '49 — Reference point — base of pump at edge, eleva- ted . North side of Soda Bay Road, 0.58 mile section of Soda Bay Road and Stone Drive, ap- } mile north of town of Finley. 12.4 11.5 10.4 it.:; 6.4 8.0 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 1/49 :, p.) 2/49 1 lit 1/49 2 49 12/ 1/49 13.3 30.5* 16.3 13.8 15.5 15.1 14.2 1/ 4/50 2/ 1/50 3/ 1/50 4/ 4/50 4/26/50 10/30/50 3/27 51 13.6 10.! t 8.2 7.2 7.3 15.2 4.6 11/ 2/51 4/ 7/52 11/ 6/52 3/18/53 10/19/53 13.8 6.5 16.0 7.9 12.9 14N/9W-33J1 — Reference point — base of flange above dis- charge column in pit, elevation 1,332.1 feet. North of Soda Bay Road, 0.10 mile west of east-to-south right angle bend in Soda Bay 10/28/48 6.0 3/12/4!) +1.5 10 26/49 8.0 11 10 40 7.:: Road. 3 28 50 +1.0 10 30/50 7.4 :; 27/51 +3.0 11 2/51 13.6 4/ 7/52 +1.0 11/ 6/52 12.0 3/18/53 + 1 .8 10/19/53 3.2 14N 9W-33P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,334.3 feet. 0.2.'! mile south and 0.37 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Stone Drive, on east side of Adobe ( 'reek. 10/28/48 15.7 9/ 1/49 17.9 6/ 2/50 10.5 3/17/53 6.2 :: 16/49 7.9 10/ 1/49 20.8 7/ 1/50 23.8 10/19/53 17.1 1 12/49 7.5 11/ 2/49 18.6 8/ 1/50 32.1 5/ 3/49 9.6 12/ 1/49 17.2 10/31/50 18.5 6 2/49 21.8 3/28/50 8.4 3/27/51 5.1 7/ 1 1!) 2N.4* 4/10/50 8.2 11/ 2/51 17.5 8 1 19 28.7* 4/25/50 8.4 11/ 6/51 17.0 Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date water Date 14N/9W-34E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,333.6 feet. 0.56 mile north, and 0.25 mile west of the inter- section of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 10/25/48 8.6 11/16/49 10.1 11/ 2/51 9.6 11/18/48 8.2 3/28/50 2.7 4/ 7/52 0.9 3/16/49 1.7 10/31/50 9.8 3/17/53 1.5 10/26/49 10.4 3/27/51 0.7 10/20/53 8.5 14N/9W-34G1— Reference point — base of flange at top of dis- charge column, elevation 1,336.8 feet. 0.54 mile north and 0.04 mile east of intersection of Park Drive and Soda Bay Road. 10/19/4N 3/18/49 10/26/49 11/16/49 11.3 3.1 13.4 13.1 3/28/50 10/31/50 11/ 2/51 4/ 8/52 4.4 12.8 13.0 2.0 11/ 7/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 21.4* 3.0 12.7 14N/9W-34G2 — Reference point — top of casing in pit, eleva- tion 1.331.9 feet. 0.52 mile north and 0.18 mile east of inter- section of Park Drive and Soda Bay Road. 10/19/48 6.4 11/16/49 13.5 3/27/51 2.5 3/17/53 3.4 3/18/49 3.2 3/28/50 4.7 11/ 2/51 13.0 10/26/49 14.0 10/30/50 12.4 4/ 8/52 2.2 14N/9W-34H1 — Reference point— base of flange over hole in pit. elevation 1,337.3 feet. 0.51 mile north and 0.37 mile east at intersection of Park Drive and Soda Bay Road. 10/19/48 8.0 3/28/50 0.8 4/8/52+1.7 3/18/48 +0.7 10/31/50 9.1 3/17/53 +0.8 10/26/49 10.7 3/27/51 +1.8 10/20/53 11.9 11/16/49 10.0 11/ 2/51 12.9 14N/9W-34L3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,336.9 feet. West side of Park Drive. 0.50 mile north of in- tersection of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 9/ 1/49 26.8 2/ 1/50 7.9 2/27/51 2.2 10/20/53 11.5 10/ 1/49 27.0* 3/ 1/50 5.4 11/ 2/51 12.6 11/ 2/49 27.0* 4/ 4/50 4.5 4/ 7/52 2.5 12/ 1/49 13.1 4/26/50 24.2*11/ 7/52 13.2 1/ 4/50 12.0 10/31/50 12.7 3/17/53 3.0 14N 9W-34J1 — Reference point — concrete floor at pit, eleva- tion 1,335.4 feet. 0.30 mile north and 0.04 mile west of east- to-south right angle bend in Soda Bay Road. 10/19/48 9.5 11/16/49 11.7 3/27/51 +0.8 3/17/53 0.1 3/18/49+0.3 3/28/50 1.0 11 2 51 17.3 10/27/49 12.0 10/31/50 10.6 4/ S/52 +1.0 14N/9W-34N3 — Reference point — top of casing in pit. eleva- tion 1,348.5 feet. 0.19 mile north and 0.36 mile west of inter- section of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 4/ 7/40 2.6 6/ 1/49 7.'J 5/ 3/49 4.4 7/ 1/49 12.3 14N 9W-34Q1 — Reference point — edge of concrete pit. eleva- tion 1,348.1 feet. North side of Soda Bay Road. 0.12 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Park Drive. 3/15/49 9.8 3/28/50 11.2 11/ 2/51 24.7 10/20/53 22.3 10/ 4/49 24.0 11/ 2/50 21.0 4/ S/52 9.2 11/16/49 23.8 3/27/51 !).() 3/17/53 10.0 14N 9W-34R1— Reference point— base of flange at top of dis- charge column in pit, elevation 1,339.8 feet. North side of Soda Bay Road, 0.27 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road. 10/19/48 12.5 3/15/49 1.1 APPENDIX F DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) 129 Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth to Depth It, Depth to Depth to tale water Date water Date water Date water Dull water Date water Dale water Date water 4N 9W-35L1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 1 1,339.9 feet. 0.33 mile north and 0.13 mile west of intersec- tion of Soda Hay Road and Soda Bay Drive, on the north , side of Kelsey Creek. I 19 4N 1.-..7 3 2S r.(i 8.3 ) 27/49 1S.4 10/31/50 16.0 I 14 49 1S.2 11/ 2/51 16.5 11/ 7/52 16.7 3/17/53 6.2 10/20/53 16.3 4N 9W-35N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,342.9 feet. 0.15 mile north and 0.14 mile east of right angle bend in Soda Ray Road. D/19/48 17.3 3/28/50 8.8 4/ 8/52 6.6 1 21 49 6.8 10/31/50 17.8 11/ 7/52 19.6 1 27 40 19.8 3/27/51 6.8 3/17/53 8.1 1 14 40 19.5 11/ 2/51 20.0 10/20/53 18.9 4N 9W-35P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation ; 1,345.2 feet. 0.04 mile north and 0.14 mile west of intersec- tion of Soda Ray Road and Soda Bay Drive on north side of Kelsey Creek. n 10 48 J3/21/49 ) 21 49 1/14/40 20.0 9.3 22.6 3/28/50 10/31/50 3/27/51 11/ 2/51 11.1 19.1 10.2 21.7 4/ 8 52 11/ 7/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 10.0 21.0 11.6 20.1 4N 9W-35Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 1,342.5 feet. On north bank of Kelsey Creek. 0.19 mile north and 0.03 mile east of intersection of Soda Bay Road and Soda Bay Drive. D/19/4S 17.s ; 18 40 8.5 D/27/49 20.5 11/14/49 4/ 4/50 3/27/51 19.9 10.3 9.0 3/17/53 9.7 1/19/48 10.7 4/ 4/50 5.8 1/27/40 12.5 3/27/51 5.1 1/14/49 12.4 11/ 7/52 11.9 4N 9W-36M1 — Reference point — top of wood casing on south side, elevation 1,332.7 feet. On north bank of Kelsey Creek, 0.62 mile north and 0.9 mile west side of intersection of Soda Ray Road and the road along Cold Creek. 3/18/53 5.9 poinl top of flange on gate valve, outheast (if two buildings and north line. 0.11 mile east of main Scott Flow- Flow- ing 11 5/52 ing Flow- Flow- ing 3/17/53 ing Flow- Flow- ing 10 20 53 ing Flow- ing 4N '10W-2N1— Referem elevation 1,415.7 feet. S of property I section ) Valley Road. Flow- ing 11/ 2/50 Flow- ing 3/27/51 Flow- ing 10/31/51 Flow- ing 4/ 2/52 '2B 40 728/49 08/49 I :, 50 IN /10W-3M1— Reference 1,405.1 feet. West side i and 0.06 mile west of Road and Foothill Road - 18 f/23 40 • / 1/49 point — top of casing elevation f Hendricks Creek, 0.47 mile south intersection of main Scotts Valley 3/23/54 4-0.1 ')/ 1/49 1/ 3/40 >/ 1 40 7.3 1/ 3 50 6.5 Flow 3/27/51 0.5 0.0 2 1 50 ing 10/31 51 9.5 8.1 3/ 1/50 1.0 4/ 2/52 0.4 7.8 4/ 5/50 1.1 11/ 5 52 8.3 8.0 4/20 50 3.5 3/17/53 0.3 7.5 11/ 2/50 3.6 10/20 53 6.7 14N 10W-10G1 — Reference point — cannot be measured, eleva- tion 1.410.4 feet. 0.24 mile north and 0.13 mile east of right angle bend from norf h-to-west of Foothill Road. Flow- Flow- Flow- 10/28/49 ing 11/ 2/50 ing 3/17/53 ing Flow- Flow- 11/18/49 ing 3/27/51 ing Flow- Flow- 4/ 5/50 ing 4/ 2/52 ing 14IM 10W-10J1 — Reference point -top of flange on gate valve, elevation 1,427.1 feet. 0.39 mile north and 0.10 mile west of intersection of main Scotts Valley Road and dirt road east to Gruwell place. Flow- Flow- Flow- ing 4/ 2/52 ing 10/20/53 ing Flow- Flow- ing 11/ 5/52 ing Flow- Flow- ing 3/17/53 ing Flow- 3/23/49 ing 4/ 5/50 Flow- 10/28/49 ing 11/ 2/50 Flow- 11/18/49 ing 3/27/51 14M /10W-10P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,424.4 feet. 0.14 mile south and 0.19 mile west of north-to- west right angle bend in Foothill Road. Flow- Flow- Flow- Flow- 11/ 8/48 ing 7' 5/40 ing 2/ 1/50 ing 4/ 2/52 ing Flow- Flow- Flow- Flow- 12/ 1/48 ing 8/ 1/49 ing 3/ 1/50 ing 3/17/53 ing Flow- Flow- 2/ 2/49 ing 9/ 1/49 1.3 4/ 5/50 ing 10/20/53 5.0 Flow- Flow- 3/ 3/49 ing 10/ 1/49 1.5 4/26/50 ing Flow- Flow- 4/ 4/49 ing 11/ 3/49 1.4 11/ 2/50 ing Flow- Flow- 5/ 3/49 ing 12/ 1/49 1.2 3/27/51 ing Flow- Flow- 6/ 1/49 ing 1/ 3/50 ing 10/31/51 2.5 14N 10W-10Q1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, eleva- tion 1,425.2 feet. 0.10 mile south and 0.12 mile east of north- to-west right angle bend in Foothill Road. 11/ 5/48 5.2 11/ 2/50 6.9 11/ 5/52 8.6 :; 23 40 3.6 3/27/51 0.0 3/17/53 0.0 Id 28 40 7.1 10/31/51 7.7 10/20/53 6.6 11 IS/40 0.7 4/ 2/52 0.0 14N/10W-11G1 — Reference point-top of casing, elevation 1,422.0 feet. Fast Mile of Scotts Creek, 0.63 mile north and 0.00 mile east of intersection of main Scotts Valley Road and dirt ro::d east to (iruwell place. 0.4 12/ 1/49 9.3 4/26/50 11/ S/4S 3/23/49 0' 1/40 10, 1/49 11/ 3/49 12.4 s.s 5 0.7 1/ 3/50 2 1 50 3/ 1/50 4/ 5/50 9.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 11/ 2/50 :; 27/51 It) 31/51 10/20/53 4.2 10.4 3.6 9.9 7.5 14N 10W-11N2 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 1,435.1 feet. 50 feet west of house near west side of Scotts Creek at end of dirt road east from main Scotts Valley Road ab ng south side of section. :; 23/49 Flowing 4/ 5/50 Flowing 3/17/53 Flowing 10 28/49 ."..4 3/27/51 Flowing 10/20/53 Flowing 11 is 40 4.0 4/ 2/52 Flowing 130 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date water DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to Date Kilter Date water Date water Date water 14N/10W-25Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,341.2 feet. 0.06 mile north and 0.15 mile west of State Highway 29 and road to west, 1 mile south of town of Lake- port. 11/11/48 5.5 4/ 3/50 1.4 4/ 3/52 0.0 3/ 9/49 4.4 10/31/50 7.8 11/ 6/52 5.9 10/26/49 8.2 3/27/51 0.0 3/18/53 0.0 11/15/49 7.9 11/ 2/51 8.6 10/19/53 10.4 15N/9W-5E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,375.2 ! feet. Between Alley Creek and road 0.32 mile east and 0.11 mile north of northeast-to-east angle bend in road approxi- mately 5 mile northeast of Alley Creek bridge. 11/10/48 l.S 4/ 4/50 Flowing 4/ 9/52 Flowing 3/18/49 Flowing 11/ 2/50 1.2 11/ 6/52 3.9 10/31/49 3.1 3/26/51 Flowing 3/16/53 Flowing 11/17/49 2.2 11/ 1/51 3.3 10/19/53 2.7 15N/9W-5E2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,377.3 feet. Between Alley Creek and road 0.32 mile east and 0.11 j mile north of northeast -to east angle bend in road approxi- mately i mile northeast of Alley Creek bridge. 8/10/49 3.2 10/31/49 3.0 4/ 9/52 Flowing 8/11/49 3.2 11/17/49 2.2 11/ 6/52 2.7 8/12/49 3.2 4/ 4/50 Flowing 3/16/53 Flowing 8/15/49 3.2 11/ 2/50 0.9 10/19/53 2.4 8/17/49 3.1 3/27/51 Flowing 3/22/54 Flowing 15N/9W-5F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,379.1 feet. Near south edge of Alley Creeek, 0.12 mile north and 0.13 mile east of northeast-to-east angle bend in road, approx- imately i mile northeast of Alley Creek bridge. 11/10/48 5.3 11/17/49 6.0 11/ 1/51 6.7 3/16/53 1.8 I 3/13/49 0.8 4/ 4/50 1.9 4/ 9/52 1.0 10/31/49 7.0 11/ 2/50 5.0 11/ 6/52 7.3 15N/9W-5L1— Reference point— floor of pit, elevation 1,382.0 I feet. Near lower end of Clover Valley, 0.08 mile south and 0.07 mile west of southeast-to-south angle bend in Alley ( Creek Road. Date 14N 10W-14D2 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1.441.0 feet. 0.25 mile north and 0.11 mile east of intersection of two primary Scotts Valley roads on west side of Scotts Creek, 6 feel northwest of well number 14N/10W-14A1. 5 6 49 4.9 10/ 1/4!) 10.0 4/ 2/52 2.4 6/ 1/49 31.3* 11/ 3/49 9.4 11/ 5/52 9.7 7/ 1/49 8.8 4/ 5/50 3.5 3/17/53 3.6 8/ 1/49 9.6 11/ 2/50 7.2 10/20/53 9.7 9/ 1/49 8.7 3/27/51 2.9 3 23/54 1.4 14N/10W-14E1 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1,443.8 feet. 0.10 mile north and 0.06 mile west of southwest corner Scotts Valley Fruit Exchange sheds. Hi 28/48 9.9 4 5 5(1 5.7 4/ 2/52 5.9 3/23/49 4.0 11/ 2/50 10.1 11/ 5/52 12.6 10/28/49 11.8 3/27/51 5.2 3/17/53 5.9 11 L8/49 12.0 10/31/51 11.5 10/20/53 12.0 14N 10W- 14E2 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1.442.6 feet. Just north of fence line north of Scotts Valley Fruit E xchange sheds. 10/28 48 8.7 7/ 1/49 9.7 3/ 1/50 4.6 3/27/51 3.9 12/ 1 48 9.2 8/ 1/49 9.8 4/ 5/50 4.3 10/31/51 10.3 1/ 4/49 5.2 9/ 1/49 9.0 4/10/50 4.0 4/ 2/52 3.6 2 2 49 5.4 10/ 1/49 10.7 4/25/50 4.5 11/ 5/52 10.7 3/ 3/49 4.1 11/ 3/49 10.5 6/ 2/50 5.5 3/17/53 4.6 4/ 4/49 4.1 12/ 1/49 1(1.5 7/ 1/50 24.2* 10/20/53 10.6 5/ 3/49 6.3 1/ 3 5(1 !i.7 8/ 1/50 11.4 6/ 1/49 S.6 2/ 1/50 4.9 11/ 2/50 8.7 14N/10W-14G3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation L,443.6 feet, East side of dirt road to Pacheco place, 0.09 mile north of main Scotts Valley Road. 7/14/49 15.6 1/ 3/50 15.2 3/27/51 7.8 3/23/54 5.7 7/21/49 15.8 2/ 1/50 14.7 10/31/51 8.9 9/ 1/49 14.2 3/ 1/50 13.7 4/ 6/52 9.0 10/ 1/49 15.7 4/ 5/50 10.3 11/ 5/52 13.7 11/ 3/49 15.4 1 26/50 10.9 3/17/53 7.8 12/ 1/49 15.8 11/ 2/50 15.8 10/20/53 13.3 14N/10W-14L1 — Reference point — pump base hole, elevation 1,442.5 feet. 0.01 mile south and 0.24 mile east of southeast corner Scotts Valley Fruit Exchange sheds. 10/28/48 9.9 4/ 5/50 5.7 4/ 2/52 3.9 3/23/49 4.2 11/ 2/50 10.2 11/ 5/52 12.0 L0/28/49 12.6 3/27/51 4.7 3/16/53 4.9 11 IN/49 11.9 10/31/51 10.4 10/20/53 11.5 14N/10W-14N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.400.3 feet. 0.38 mile south and 0.23 mile west of southeast corner Scotts Valley Fruit Exchange sheds. 3 23/49 16.8 11/ 2/50 24.6 11/ 5/52 28.7 11 is 40 27.5 3/27/51 18.8 3/17/53 19.4 I 5 50 19.1 4/ 2/52 24.6 10/20/53 27.1 14N/10W-22A1 — Reference point -pump base bole, elevation 1.464.4 feet. East of house at end of dirt road near east side of Scotts Creek. 11/ 8/48 27.6 6/ 1/49 22.5 1/ 3/50 33.8 10/31/51 35.3 L2 1 is 27.9 7/ 5/49 25.7 2/ 1/50 22.2 11/ 5/52 33.4 1 1 40 21.3 8/ 1/49 28.1 3/ 1/50 21.0 3/17/53 22.9 2 2 40 21.6 9/ 1/49 32.9 4/5/50 20.8 10/20/53 33.5 :; 3 19 20.1 10/ L/49 31.8 4/26/50 21.0 3/23/54 19.7 I 140 20.7 11/3 10 36.3 11/2/50 31.5 5/ 2/49 21.8 12/ 1/49 31.1 3/27/51 21.3 14N/10W-22H1 — Reference point — top of board flooring, eleva- tion 1,457.9 feet. At edge of Scotts Creek 0.30 mile south and 0.26 mile west of northeast corner of section. »/23/49 29.8 11 L8/49 31.8 3/17/53 9.4 10/28/49 22.6 4 5/50 9.0 10/24/48 5.9 6/ 1/49 2.7 1/ 3/50 6.5 11/ 1/51 8.5 12/ 1/48 5.3 7/ 5/49 10.4* 2/ 1/50 1.7 4/ 4/52 1.8 1/ 4/49 2.3 8/ 1/49 11.0* 3/ 1/50 1.4 11/ 6/52 7.4 2/ 3/49 1.9 9/ 1/49 7.7 4/ 4/50 1.1 3/16/53 2.2 3/ 1/49 1.3 10/ 1/49 12.7* 4/26/50 1.5 10/18/53 5.9 4/ 4/49 1.4 11/ 3/49 7.6 11/ 2/50 5.2 5/ 2/49 1.9 12/ 1/49 7.0 3 20/51 1.5 15N/9W-5L2 — Reference point — top of casing cap, elevation 1,383.7 feet. Near lower end of Clover Valley, 0.16 mile south and 0.14 mile west of southeast-to-south angle bend in Alley Creek Road. 10/ 2/48 4.2 3/26/51 Flowing 10/18/53 4.1 3/18/49 2.3 4/ 4/52 Flowing 10/31/49 4.6 3/10 53 Flowing 15N/9W-5P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.389.3 i feet. West of private road across lower end of Clover Valley just: north of bridge over Clover Creek. 8/18/49 6.0 11/17/49 7.9 4/13/51 3.6 10/18/53 7.4 8/24/49 6.1 4/ 4/50 2.9 4/ 9/51 3.1 8/25/49 6.2 11/ 2/50 6.6 11/ 6/52 8.7 10/31/49 7.9 3/26/51 2.9 3/16/53 2.5 15N/9W-5R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,404.8 feet. North of Clover Creek approximately | mile east of TJ. S. Corps of Engineers gaging station on Clover Creek. 3/18/49 2.3 4/ 4/50 4.5 11/ 1/51 16.7 10/19/53 14.7 10/31/49 16.4 11/ 2/50 10.8 4/ 4/52 4.3 11/17/4!) 16.4 3/26/51 4.7 3/16/53 4.5 APPENDIX F 131 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to Date water Date tenter Date water Date water iN 9W 1,359.8 of East 1/24 48 II 1/48 1/ 4/49 II 3 49 5/ 1/49 \l 4 49 3/ 3/49 }l 1/49 in 5.4 3/26/51 5.8 10/19/53 12.0 1/17/49 11.2 4/ 4/52 5.4 »N 9W-7G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,346.8 feet. 0.07 mile north and 0.08 mile east of northwest ' corner of Upper Lake Union High School. I 27 48 16.5 7/ 5/49 26.5 3/ 1/50 5.3 3/16/53 4.6 II 1/48 8.6 8/ 1/49 27.0 4/ 4/50 5.6 10/18/53 11.0 \l 4/49 7.8 9/ 1/49 16.9 4/26/50 5.6 3/22/54 2.0 \l 3/49 7.3 10/ 1/49 27.3 11/ 3/50 10.0 1/ 1/4!) 4.7 11/ 3/49 12.6 3/26/51 5.0 \l 4/49 5.1 12/ 1/49 10.1 11/ 1/51 10.6 »/ 2/49 15.3 1/3/50 9.4 4/4/52 2.9 1/ 1/49 12.2 2/ 1/50 6.9 11/ 7/52 11.3 N/9W-7K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,340.8 'feet. 0.07 mile south and 0.18 mile east of southwest corner of Upper Lake Union High School. '/11/48 4.6 11/17/49 4.5 4/ 4/52 2.9 /18/49 0.6 3/28/50 0.6 11/ 7/52 4.5 1/ 4/49 6.4 3/26/51 1.5 3/16/53 Flowing N/9W-7R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,331.5 feet. 0.23 mile south and 0.07 mile east of first intersection of State Highway 20 and old highway east of town of Upper Lake. 1148 12.3 3/28/50 6.6 4/4/52 4.1 3/22/54 5.7 Flow- S.\ 49 ing 11/ 3/50 11.5 11/ 7/52 9.8 :/31/49 12.5 3/26/51 4.2 3/16/53 5.8 1/17/49 11.8 11/ 1/51 8.9 10/19/53 7.7 N 9W-8D1 — Reference point — lower edge or rim on elbow on discharge pipe above well, elevation 1,360.8 feet. 0.60 mile cast and 0.23 mile north of southwest corner of Upper Lake Union High School. :/ll/48 12.4 3/28/50 6.1 11/ 1/51 11.2 '18/4!) 4.7 11/ 3/50 13.4 11/ 6/52 13.5 4 4!) 13.0 3/26/51 6.3 10/19/53 11.5 : 17 4!) 13.1 4/13/51 7.1 'N/9W-9L1 — Reference point — hole under safety valve pipe, elevation 1,431.4 feet. 1.21 miles southeast of U. S. Corps of Engineers gaging station on Clover Creek. 11/25/48 26.2 11/17/49 29.9 11/ 6/52 29.5 18 4!) 2.1 4/ 4/50 3.4 3/16/53 4.9 t/31/49 29.2 4/13/51 4.1 10/19/53 24.0 'N/9W-18H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation il ,326.2 feet. Near south edge of slough, 0.05 mile north and 0.40 mile west of junction of dirt road west of State Highway 20, approximately 1.6 miles southeast of Upper Lake junction. B/11748 8.0 11/17/49 8.7 3/26/51 1.4 11/23/49 2.6 3/28/50 3.5 11/ 1/51 7.5 1/31/49 10.0 11/ 2/50 8.3 10/18/53 6.1 Depth Depth Depth Depth to to to to water Date water Date water Date water Dnt< 15N 9W-28F2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,327.8 feel. North side of State Highway 20 and 1.94 miles due east of State Highway 29. 12/ 9/49 7.2 3/26/51 0.0 4/ 3/50 5.4 10/19/53 4.8 15N/10W-1R1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 1,356.1 feet. 0.8 mile north and 0.4 mile east of intersection of Stale Highway 2!) and State Highway 20. 10/24/4S 6.3 7/ 5/4!) 13.1 1/ 3/50 6.0 3/26/51 1.4 1/ 5/49 3.3 8/ 1/49 14.1 2/ 1/50 4.1 11/ 1/51 6.5 3/ 1/49 2.3 9/ 1/49 12.3 3/ 1/50 2.3 3/16/53 3.7 4/ 4/49 1.3 10/ 1/49 11.4 4/ 5/50 1.8 10/18/53 7.9 5/ 2/49 6.9 11/ 3/49 9.6 4/26/50 3.1 6/ 1/4!) 7.7 12/ 1/49 7.9 11/ 3/50 5.6 15N/10W-2N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,341.7 feet. On north-south State Highway 20, 0.5 mile south and 0.8 mile east of Witter Springs Post Office. 11/12/48 12.4 11/ 6/49 13.5 3/23/4!) 3.0 11/17/59 13.8 15N/10W-3D1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 1,362.2 feet. 0.38 mile Springs Post Office. 11/12/4S 6.7 4/ 5/50 5/23/49 3.1 11/ 3/50 11/ 6/49 7.1 3/26/51 11/17/4!) 7.1 11/15/51 north and 0.17 mile west of Witter 3.4 7.6 3.4 9.0 4/ 4/52 11/ 5/52 3/17/53 10/20/53 3.7 3/22/54 2.5 8.8 3.9 7.3 15N/10W-3F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,348.3 feet. Across road due north of Witter Springs Post Office. 4/26/50 3.9 11/12/48 8.3 5/ 2/49 4.2 11/ 3/49 9.1 12/ 6/48 8.0 6/ 1/49 6.1 12/ 1/49 8.5 1/ 5/49 7.3 7/ 5/49 9.6* 1/ 3/50 8.0 2/ 3/49 6.4 8/ 1/49 10.3 2/ 1/50 3.0 3/ 1/49 2.8 9/ 1/49 9.5 3/ 1/50 3.1 4/ 4/49 2.9 10/ 1/49 10.9* 4/ 5/50 2.9 15N/10W-3K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,334.2 feet. 0.35 mile south and 0.36 mile east of Witter Springs Post Office. 11/12/48 8.3 9/ 1/49 3/23/49 1.5 10/ 1/4!) 6/ 1/49 2.9 11/ 3/49 7/ 1/49 6.4 11/17/49 8/ 1/49 10.4 4/ 5/50 8.3 11/ 3/50 7.6 3/17/53 2.0 9.7 3/27/51 1.3 10/20/53 7.7 9.1 11/ 1/51 9.4 9.0 4/ 3/52 1.0 1.9 11/ 5/52 10.1 15N 10W-3K2 — Reference point — top of casing. elevation l.::.".4.2 feet. 0.35 mile south and 0.36 mile east of Witter Springs Post Office. 6/ 1/49 2.9 10/ 1/49 9.1 4/25/50 1.8 7/ 1/4!) 6.4 11/ 3/49 9.1 6/ 2/50 3.7 8/ 1/49 10.4 11/17/49 9.0 7/ 1/50 5.3 9/ 1/49 8.3 4/10/50 1.5 8/ 1/50 6.1 15N/10W-3N1 — Reference point — top of wooden block around pipe, elevation 1,335.8 feet. East side of road 0.69 mile south of Witter Springs Post Office. 11/12/48 11.2 7/ 5/49 9.9 3/ 1/50 4.7 3/17/53 5.0 12/ 6/48 11.1 8/ 1/49 11.3 4/ 5/50 4.6 10/20/53 13.0 1/ 5/49 8.4 9/ 1/49 12.7 4/26/50 5.0 3/22/54 3.5 2/ 3/49 7.2 10/ 1/49 12.5 11/ 3/50 9.8 3/ 1/49 4.8 11/ 3/49 12.7 3/26/51 4.8 4/ 4/49 4.5 12/ 1/49 12.3 11/ 1/51 12.9 5/ 2/49 5.3 1/ 3/50 12.4 4/ 4/52 4.6 6/ 1 4!) 5.!) 2/ 1/50 7.1 11/ 5/52 10.7 132 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA-Continued (DEPTHS TO WATER IN FEET MEASURED FROM REFERENCE POINT) H< ■ t ,ili Depth Depth Depth to in to to Date water Date water Date water Date water 15N 10W -4B1- -Reference point — top of Casing, elevation L.373.9 feet. 0.5 mile v ?est and 0.5 mile nor th Oil west side of road from . Witter £ Springs Post Office. 11/11 ts 12.8 6/ 1 49 8.5 1/ 3/50 14.S 11/ 1/51 14.1 12/ (i is 12.7 7/ 5/49 11.6* 2/ 1/50 10.3 4/ 3/52 4.6 1/ 5/49 11.5 8/ 1/49 12.1 3/ 1/50 5.6 3/17/53 5.1 2 3/49 10.8 9/ 1/49 13.1 4/ 5/50 4.6 10/20/53 14.0 3/ 1/49 7..-) 10/ 1/49 13.9 4/26/50 6.0 4/ 4 49 4.9 11/ 3/49 14.4 11/ 3/50 14.9 5 2/49 7.1 12/ 1/49 14.4 3/27/51 5.2 15N/10W-4H1 — Reference point — base of wind mill pump, ele- vation 1.361.6 feet. North side of road. 0.4 mile west of Witter Springs Post Office. 3/22/54 3.4 11/11/48 8.6 4/ 5/50 5.6 4/ 4 :,2 5.:; 3 23 49 4.6 11/ 3 5(1 9.1 11/ 5/52 9.6 11/ (i 49 9.1 3/27/51 5.6 3/17/53 6.4 11/17/49 10.0 11/ 1/51 9.2 10/20/53 7.2 16N 9W-31C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,415.1 feet. East side >d' Lake Pillsbury Road, approximately 2.7 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10 24 4S 29.4 5/ 3 49 22.8 11/ 3/49 31.1 4/26/50 18.7 12/ 1/48 28.9 6/ 1/49 25.5 12/ 1/49 31.4 11/ 2/50 24.1 1/ 4/49 19.5 7/ 5/49 26.9 1/ 3/50 3.6 3/26/51 15.8 2/ 3/49 24.8 8/ 1/49 27.5 2/ 1/50 13.1 4/13/51 21.5 3/ 1 49 12.3 9/ 1/49 28.3 3/ 1/50 17.3 11/ 1/51 30.6 4/ 4 19 9.S 10/ 1/49 29.1 4/ 4/50 10.7 4/ 4/52 15.3 16N 9W-31C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1.409.2 feet. West side of Lake Pillsbury Road, approximately 2.5 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10/24/48 28.5 4/ 4/50 18.3 11/ 1/51 23.8 10/18/53 24.1 3/18/49 16.5 11/ 2/50 20.1 4/ 4/52 18.9 3/22/54 17.8 10/31/49 25.1 3/26/51 17.9 11/ 6/52 26.3 11/17/49 25.9 4/13/51 19.3 3/16/53 17.1 16N/9W-31F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,400.1 feet. West of Lake Pillsbury Road, approximately 2.2 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10/24/48 14.9 11/ 2/50 13.3 11/ 1/51 16.7 3/18/49 9.2 3/26/51 12.1 4/ 4/52 12.6 4/ 4/50 11.4 4/13/51 13.0 16N 9W-31M1 — Reference point — top of wooden block around pipe, elevation 1,394.6 feet. 0.55 mile west of Lake Pillsbury Road, approximately 2.3 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 11/ 9/4S 16.2 4/ 5/50 17.1 11/ 1/51 16.2 10/18/53 17.0 11 4 49 17.5 11/ 3/50 17.5 11/ 6/52 17.3 11/17/49 17.3 3/26/51 16.8 3/17/53 16.2 16N/9W-31K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,387.1 feet. 0.2 mile west of Lake Pillsbury Road, approxi- mately 2.2 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10 24 48 10.0 9/ 1/49 6.4 11/ 2/50 4.5 11/ 6/52 10.4 3/ 18/49 5.8 10/ 1/49 8.5 3/26 51 2.1 3/16/53 2.0 6/ 1/49 8.0 11/ 3/49 7.9 4/13/51 3.7 10/18/53 7.3 7/ 1/49 26.4* 11/17/49 7.9 11/ 1/51 7.5 8 1/49 8.1 4/ 4/50 2.5 4/ 4/52 1.8 * Operating. Depth Depth Depth Depth to in to to water Date water Date water Date water DaU 16N 9W-31Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,385.5 feet. 0.15 mile west of Lake Pillsbury Road, approxi- mately 2 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10 24/48 6.0 9/ 1/49 6.6 4/25/50 3.2 11/ 1/51 9.7 3/23/49 0.6 10/ 1/49 17.9* 6/ 2 50 7.9 11/ 6/52 10.2 0/ 1/49 5.0 11/ 3/49 7.9 7/ 1/50 14.8* 3/16/53 2.4 7/ 1/49 S.5 11/17/49 7.9 8/ 1/50 14.4* 10/14/53 9.3 7/ 1/49 18.1* 4/ 4 50 2.6 11/ 2/50 7.0 8/ 1/49 18.0* 4/14/50 2.6 3/26/51 5.1 16N/9W-31R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,385.6 feet. On east side of Lake Pillsbury Road, approxi- mately 1.9 miles north of town of Upper Lake. 10/24/48 13.7 12/ 1/48 11.5 1/ 4/49 9.9 2/ 3/49 9.9 3/ 1/49 4/ 4/49 5 2 TO 6/ 1/49 7.2 7.6 8.5 48.6" 7/ 5/49 12.0 8/ 1/49 12.4 9/ 1/49 12.3 1/ 3/50 17.3 16N 10W-33E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,418.1 feet. West side of road. 1.3 miles north of and 1.05 miles west of Witter Springs Post Office. 11/11/48 12.3 7/ 5/49 5.3 1/ 3/50 12.7 4/ 4/52 0.5 12/ 6/48 9.8 7/ 5/49 13.5* 2/ 1/50 2.5 11/ 5/52 12.5 1/ 5/49 3.7 8/ 1/49 8.6 3/ 1/50 2.7 3/17/53 3.1 2/ 3/49 2.8 9/ 1/49 12.9 4/ 5/50 2.3 10/20/53 7.7 3/ 1/49 2.3 9/ 1/49 19.4* 4/26/50 2.6 3/22/54 1.7 4/ 4/49 2.4 10/ 1/49 13.7 11/ 3/50 6.0 5/ 2/49 3.0 11/ 3/49 17.3 3/26/51 2.4 6/ 1/49 3.4 12/ 1/49 15.8 11/ 1/51 12.7 16N/10W-33J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 1,389.9 feet. 0.45 mile west and 0.94 mile north on east side id' road from Witter Springs Post Office. 11/11/48 11.7 3/23/49 2.7 16N/10W-34N1 — Reference point — rim of wooden cover of well, elevation 1,397.1 feet. 0.9 mile north of Witter Springs Post Office. 11/12/48 24.3 6/ 1/49 10.8 1/ 3 50 25.5 11/ 1/51 24.2 12/ 6/48 23.9 7/ 5/49 15.8 2/ 1/50 6.3 4/ 4/52 6.5 1/ 5/49 17.3 8/ 1/49 19.7 3/ 1/50 8.6 11/ 5/52 24.3 2/ 3/49 19.4 9/ 1/49 22.5 4/ 5/50 8.1 3/17/53 9.9 3/ 1/49 8.0 10/ 1/49 24.3 4/26/50 9.0 10/20/53 22.4 4/ 4 111 8.4 11/ 3 10 25.1 11/ 3/50 19.4 5/ 3/49 9.4 12/ 1/49 25.6 3/26/51 9.0 16N 10W-36J1 — Reference point — top of 2" x 6" covering of abandoned well, elevation 1,418.7 feet. West side of road in northeast J of southeast I of section. 11/ 9/48 22.1 4/ 5/50 2.2 11/ 6/51 24.0 3/18/49 0.6 11/ 3/50 14.1 3/16/53 4.0 11/ 4/49 24.5 3/26/51 3.0 10/18/53 22.1 11/17/49 24.2 11/ 1/51 23.2 APPENDIX G RECORDS OF MINERAL ANALYSES OF WATERS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA TABLE OF CONTENTS Table Page 1. Complete Mineral Analyses of Representative Surface Waters of Clear Lake and Units of Clear Lake Area 135 2. Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Waters in Units of Clear Lake Area __ 136 3. Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Waters in Units of Clear Lake Area 138 I 134 ) APPENDIX G TABLE 1 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF REPRESENTATIVE SURFACE WATERS OF CLEAR LAKE AND UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA 135 Source of sample Clear Lake Middle of lake ihore line, SE M See. 12, T. 14 N., R. 10 \V., M.P.B. & M nd of pier at Lakewood Resort on Soda Bav^ 1'iore line, SE \i Sec. 31, T. 15 N., R. 9 W.. I JI.D.B. & M Big Valley Unit lelsey Creek near Kelseyville telsey Creek at Soda Bay Road_ dobe Creek at Bell Hill Road__. dobe Creek at Soda Bay Road_. Scott Valley Unit rott Creek near Lakeport iott Creek at bridge south of Bachelor Valley- Upper Lake Unit liddle Creek near Upper Lake ,Iiddle Creek at bridge south of Upper Lake__ lover Creek near Upper Lake lley Creek junction with Clover Creek Date of sample 7/15/48 10/13/49 4/14/50 4/17/50 :: 22 1!) 4/14/50 3/22/49 I I 1 50 3/22/49 4 11 50 :: 22 I'.i 4/11/50 3/22/49 :; 22 19 Conduct- ance, Ec X 106 at 25° C. 330 350 290 290 Boron, in parts per million 1.42 1.40 1.24 1.15 147 0.0 200 0.04 143 0.0(1 230 0.25 116 0.0 190 0.05 98 0.02 140 0.11 112 0.0 106 0.0 Per cent sodium 22 19 17 10 21 13 Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Ca 1.1 1.4 1.4 0.37 0.7 0.63 1.05 0.65 1.2 0.55 0.90 0.61 0.52 Mg 1.5 1.77 1.76 1.31 1.71 0.94 1.53 0.50 0.95 0.39 0.73 0.51 0.57 Na 0.8 0.68 0.71 0.35 0.27 0.41 0.37 0.39 0.53 0.36 0.29 0.46 0.38 HCOa + CC-3 3.1 1.1 3.1 2.9 1.71 2.2 1.59 2.55 1.21 1.9 0.93 1.4 1.12 1.09 CI 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.1 0.10 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.11 0.08 SCm 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.39 0.03 0.2 0.11 0.16 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.21 0.15 0.13 \<> 0.014 0.132 0.003 0.0 0.014 0.00 0.017 0.00 0.00 136 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 2 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATERS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Well location or number Big Valley Unit 12N/7W-1J2 13X '9W-1N1 i:jN (i\v-2Ki___ - L3N 9W-2K2 13N 9W-2K3 13N/9W-4D1 13N/9W-4H1 13N 9W-4P1... 13N 9W-4P1— - 13N 9W-5CI 13N 9W-5K2 13N/9W-5Q1 13N/9W-6F1 13N/9W-8B1. 13N/9W-8B1. 13N/9W-8G1. 13N/9W-8-... 13N/9W-8-... 13N/9W-8— . 13N/9W-8N1. 13X/9W- 13X/9W 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W 13N 9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W 13N/9W- 8X1. 9J1... 9J2___ 9Q1-- 10Q1. 10Q1.. 10 11K1. 12M1. 13N/9W-12M1. 13N/9W-14F1.. 13N/9W-14F1.. 13N/9W14P1.. 13N/9W-14 13N/9W-16D1. 13N/9W-16M1. 13N/9W-16J1-. 13X/9W-17A1_ 13N/9W-17A1- 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 13N/9W- 14N/9W- 14N/9W- 14N/9W- 14N/9W- 14X/9W- 1 IX 9\\ 20E2_ 20P1. 22J1-. 22J1_. 23C1_ 31N1- 31P1_ 31Q1. 32K1 . 32K1. 32K2. I >ate oi sample 1 IX 9W-32J1 14N/9W-32R1 14X/9W-33K1 14X/9W-33M1 14N/9W-33P1 14X/9W-34M1 1 IX 9W-34Q1... Near Soda Bay on \li. Konocti Sulphur Bank Mine... Scott Valley Unit 14N/10W-11X1 I IX I0W-14E2.. 1 IN 10W-14P1 14N/10W-14 3/ 6/52 '.i is 17 7/ 6/48 8/ 8/52 1/31/48 8/ 8/52 8/ 8/52 7/ 1/49 8/ 8/52 8/ 8/52 8/ 8/52 7 '30 '45 7/20/50 6/18/47 8/ 8/52 8 11 47 8/ 3/50 8/ 3/50 8/ 3/50 6/27/49 8/ 8/52 9/23/50 10/16/46 III 16 Hi 8 8 52 11/20/46 8/ 8/52 8/18/50 6/17/50 3/24/48 8/ 8/52 11/17/48 8/ 8/52 I, III 17 10/16/44 2/19/48 :, 29 :.(! 10/ 6/48 11/15/46 7/ 1/49 III 28 19 3/22/50 10 30 11 III 30 1 1 1/ 7/44 8 8 52 8 13 49 6/ 4/45 2/ /53 4/16/53 12 10 49 8/ 8/52 7/16/47 8/ 8/52 8/ 8/52 7/ 7/53 8/ 8/52 8/ 3/52 7/ 8/49 11/25/47 8/ 7/52 7/ 8/49 8/ 7/52 1/12/50 ,,11 Con- duct- ance, Ec X 10' at 25° C. 7.80 6.00 7 . 45 8.20 8.30 7.80 8.00 7.22 8.00 8.10 8.60 6.60 7.70 7.10 8.00 7.40 7.40 8.60 8.75 7.60 8.30 8.00 8.00 6.90 8.05 7.60 6.20 7.60 6.75 6.60 7.40 7.10 7.50 6.85 7.42 7.30 6.90 7.05 7.20 6.40 7.20 6.60 6.90 6.70 6.80 6.35 7.00 6.70 7.50 7.40 7.40 7.90 8.00 6 . 30 7.70 7.40 7.50 7.10 7.80 396 707 400 556 436 762 438 382 480 528 416 398 250 316 329 340 320 350 330 738 600 500 351 486 530 328 278 270 200 427 420 1,250 263 347 516 426 900 680 1,210 1,117 330 500 572 801 418 846 800 797 750 625 610 539 493 581 508 428 801 302 810 1,410 230 220 208 600 Boron, in ppm 0.15 2.48 0.24 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.05 0.06 0.41 0.17 0.16 0.18 0.08 0.21 0.16 0.47 0.28 0.36 0.16 1.80 1.30 0.04 0.24 0.08 0.07 0.21 0.08 0.00 0.52 0.92 1.00 7.28 0.08 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.00 0.25 0.51 0.41 0.20 0.40 0.09 0.10 0.18 0.92 0.64 0.72 0.17 0.12 0.20 0.48 0.24 0.14 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.08 5.56 25 . 70 0.26 0.07 0.24 0.12 Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Ca Mg Na K Total COa HC0 3 CI SO* NOa 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.10 2.69 1.15 1.23 1.90 1.60 1.30 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 0.90 1.30 1.40 1.20 1.38 1.25 0.60 2.10 1.60 0.80 1.10 0.75 0.70 0.50 1.00 0.80 3.60 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.50 0.80 2.90 2.07 1.10 1.40 0.20 1.20 1.30 1.95 1.60 1.00 2.15 2 . 45 2.20 2.25 1.40 2.25 1.75 1.25 1.95 0.80 2.40 4.30 1.25 1.18 1.48 3.00 2.88 2.90 0.90 1.90 3.95 5.40 0.90 3.20 4.85 2.00 1.97 2.30 1.00 2.80 3.12 6.10 1.81 1.70 4.10 3.40 7.20 8.30 11.80 11.07 1.70 2.50 8.20 8.20 2.50 6.83 5.40 8.20 4.69 4.11 4.10 3.70 6.70 0.76 0.30 0.65 1.80 0.96 1.30 0.60 0.48 0.30 0.70 0.38 0.57 0.52 0.65 0.61 0.50 0.70 0.40 0.44 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 1 . 63 1.30 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.42 0.60 0.26 0.20 0.90 1.10 0.65 4.00 0.28 1.30 0.70 0.50 0.80 1.30 1.90 1.40 0.80 1.50 1.00 1.17 1.60 0.61 0.61 0.50 0.61 0.50 0.61 0.57 0.48 0.52 0.28 2.30 5.20 0.42 0.68 0.36 2.20 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.13 0.03 0.04 0.63 0.62 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 4 . 62 7.70 4.40 6.37 4.80 8.59 5.00 4.44 5.47 6.06 4.81 4.40 2.70 3.40 3.61 3.90 4.00 4.40 3.60 8.72 6.57 6.30 3.40 5.30 6.09 3.70 3.01 3.20 2.40 4.90 4.70 13.70 2.87 3.90 5.80 5.00 9.50 10.40 16.60 14.54 3.60 5.40 4.80 9.99 8.60 7.75 7.19 6.80 6 . 26 5.30 6.58 5.79 4.80 9.41 3.24 8.40 16.20 2.45 2.16 2.18 6.80 0.37 0.50 0.00 0.60 0.90 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 II 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 2.92 6.90 3.90 5.51 4.30 6.46 4.46 3.91 4.65 5.70 3.95 4.30 1.80 3.10 3.26 3.50 3.20 3.40 2.90 8.03 41 90 Id 10 72 50 79 30 1.70 4.10 4.06 11.80 2.69 3.50 4.80 4.70 9.90 7.20 14.30 13.61 3.20 4.60 5.90 6.80 4.30 9.18 8.00 8.40 7.92 6.90 6.40 5.90 5.00 6.00 5.34 4.46 7.87 2.87 7.10 6.80 2.10 2.01 1.84 5.90 1.29 0.80 0.30 0.40 0.30 1.02 0.21 0.12 0.48 0.11 0.29 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.67 0.56 0.40 0.20 0.30 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.50 0.70 0.80 0.51 1.90 0.11 0.40 0.80 0.30 0.60 0.50 0.60 0.47 0.40 0.80 0.50 1.40 0.50 0.51 0.60 0.40 0.01 0.01 0.40 0.06 0.20 0.21 0.12 0.11 1.25 0.14 1.30 1.10 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.30 0.34 0.20 0.34 0.20 0.96 0.18 0.14 0.25 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.10 0.12 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.00 0.12 0.30 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.20 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.30 0.50 trace 0.04 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.23 0.09 0.25 0.21 8.30 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.00 0.15 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.04 0.09 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.55 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.09 0.07 0.01 trace 0.01 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 .70 .70 .40 .32 .80 8.57 4.98 4.17 5.42 6.04 4.80 4.40 2.70 3.40 3.64 3.90 4.00 4.40 3.60 8.73 6.54 6.40 3.40 5.30 6.06 3.70 3.08 3.20 2.40 4.90 4.60 13.70 2.90 3.90 5.80 5.00 10.50 8.10 15.50 14.10 3.60 5.40 6.70 8.80 4.80 9.73 8.60 8.80 8.12 1 . 1.5 6.80 7 6.14 10 5.30 9 6.54 9 5.73 10 4.67 10 9.47 6 3.30 9 8.40 27 6.20 32 2.45 17 2.33 31 2.18 16 6.80 29 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES APPENDIX G TABLE 2— Continued OF GROUND WATERS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA 1:57 Well location or number Date of sample pH Con- duct- ance, Ec X 10 6 :l t 25° ( Boron, in ppm Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Per cent Ca Mg Na K Total co 3 HCOs Cl SO , NO. F Total sodium Upper Lake Unit tN 9W-6D1 7 1 49 8 7 52 8 7 52 7 . 4."> 7.10 7.00 939 213 346 .-.73 174 630 1,290 470 455 2,270 323 1 lis 0.13 0.44 .' 48 2 . 68 1.10 1.00 2.12 5.42 0.82 2.06 2.69 2.90 0.30 0.70 1.3.5 2.20 3.20 3.96 1.00 0.91 3.50 0.73 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 2 . 24 3.77 6.16 2.20 6.30 15.23 5.60 4.94 28.40 3.74 0.00 1.00 0.00 8.19 1.98 3.51 5.81 1.90 5.00 11.37 4.00 3.82 27.00 3.22 1.64 0.15 0.10 0.22 0.30 1 . 30 3.06 0.50 0.31 1.30 0.28 0.71 0.11 0.08 0.69 0.24 BN 9W-5R1 BN 9W-7M1 5N 9W-20N 0.02 0.01 trace 0.00 0.00 2.27 3.70 6.72 2.20 6.30 15.28 5.60 4.84 28.40 3.56 13 18 22 :>N 9W-31L1 2 10/44 7 18 49 8 7 52 8 14 .".ll 8 7/52 10 18/45 7/ 5/49 7.70 7.40 7.90 8.20 7.10 6.20 7.37 ">N T 9W-31P1 0. 10 0.54 3.12 0.24 14.36 0.00 1.10 3.44 1.80 1 .55 16.00 1.67 2.00 7.81 2.80 2.47 8.90 1.34 0.79 0.10 0.51 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.03 51 5N. 10W-31B1 26 18 5X 10W-4B1 6N/10W-9HI 0.19 0.00 19 12 SS 9W-31K2 0.00 19 138 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION TABLE 3 PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATERS IN UNITS OF CLEAR LAKE AREA Date and analysis of sample May 20, 1949 July 25, 1949 September 20, 1949 Well number Con- duct- ance, Ec X 10' at 25° C. Chlo- rides, in epm Con- duct- ance, Ec X 10'i at 25° C. Chlo- rides, in epm Con- duct- ance, Ec X 10" at 25" C. Chlo- rides, in epm Big Valley Unit 13N/9W-2C1 530 360 370 530 340 300 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 470 0.8 13N/9W-2E1 13N 9W-2J3 13N 9W-2L3 13N 9W-3B1 260 440 290 0.6 0.6 0.3 310 430 0.3 0.6 13N 9W-3C1 13N 9W-3E2 310 380 340 480 350 310 690 190 330 360 260 240 330 290 230 270 370 340 380 510 450 410 780 340 290 390 480 1,190 430 430 390 490 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 13N/9W-3L1 13N/9W-4G1 13N 9W-4N1 I3N 9W-4P1 380 540 540 430 410 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 260 340 500 0.3 0.3 0.3 13N/9W-5M3 13N 9W-6C1 13N 9W-7A1 210 380 460 350 300 460 330 230 400 410 380 300 650 500 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 13N 9W-8D2 13N/9W-8E1 13N/9W-8L3 390 0.3 13N/9W-8R2 13N/9W-9A1 13N/9W-9A3 13N/9W-10G1 13N/9W-11E1 13N 9W-12A1 13N 9W-12J2 210 290 360 0.3 0.3 0.3 13N/9W-15C2 13N/9W-16C1 13N/9W-16F1 13N 9W-16F2 260 530 510 0.3 0.8 0.6 13N/9W-16J1 .. 13N 9W-19D1 13N 9W-22D1__. 280 0.6 360 0.3 13N 9W-23B1 13N/9W-22M1. 770 0.6 370 410 1,200 0.3 0.3 13N/9W-28N1 14N/9W-32.12 870 490 510 460 560 340 670 360 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 1.4 14N/9W-32M1 14N/9W-32N1 14N/9W-33J1 14N 9W-33L1 500 430 490 0.6 0.6 0.8 14N 9W-33M1 290 330 400 260 240 360 197 220 220 174 220 163 140 610 147 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.3 14N/9W-34K3 14N/9W-34N3 340 0.3 14N/9W-34R1 14N/9W-34Q1 280 0.3 240 240 340 186 240 0.3 0.3 14N/9W-35N1 Scott Valley Unit 14N/10W-10M1... 14N/10W-10P1 14N/10W-14K1 530 220 270 250 220 260 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 14N/10W-14N2__. Upper Lake Unit 15N/9W-5K1 15N/9W-6A1 210 171 143 770 0.3 0.3 15N/9W-6L1 15N/10W-3N1 16N/9W-31R1 164 710 440 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 16N/9W-31R2 157 186 340 0.3 16N/9W-31.I3 16N/10W-34N1— . 190 380 0.3 0.3 163 390 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.8 APPENDIX H APPLICATIONS TO APPROPRIATE WATER IN CLEAR LAKE AREA (Filed With State Water Rights Board Under Provisions of Water Code, State of California, as of May 5, 1955) APPENDIX H APPLICATIONS TO APPROPRIATE WATER IN CLEAR LAKE AREA (Filed With State Water Rights Board Under Provisions of Water Code, State of California, as of May 5, 1955) 141 Date filed 4/14/15 8/ 2/18 10/ 4/19 2/19/24 3/ 9/31 3/31/31 10/30/31 10/18/34 4/ 5/50 3/12/42 8/ 6/46 3/10/47 5/14/47 3/ 8/48 7/25/49 2/13/51 1/21/54 3/31/55 Name of applicant W. H. Hill M. A. Murphy S. M. Websler U. S. Mendocino National Forest G. M. Haycock P. V. Pendroncini E. V. Baldwin. _ Division of Highways M. F. Dorst U. S. Mendocino National Forest J. Walter Petray C.J. Pine W. I. Larmer Big Valley Soil Conserva- tion District County of Lake J. Walter Petray Edith S. Allen Albert E. Oliver Source of water supply Alder Creek Unnamed creek Unnamed creek Grouse Springs Middle Creek Two unnamed springs Unnamed spring Unnamed spring Unnamed creek Unnamed spring Scott Creek Unnamed spring Unnamed spring Kelsey Creek Middle Creek Scott Creek Kelsey Creek Unnamed spring Unnamed stream tribu- tary to Kelsey Creek Kelsey Creek Location of diversion point. referenced to Mt. Diablo base and meridian SE SE N\\ NW NW SW Lot SE NW NW NW SW SE NE SW SE NW M SE SW NE SE SW SW SE 2 NE SE NE SE SE SE SW SW SW NE NE Sec- tion 22 17 36 31 11 32 35 12 3 29 17 6 34 34 25 22 21 33 10 Town ship UN 12N 12N 17N 16N 15N 15N 14N 13N 16N 15N 15N 12N 13N 13N 16N 14N 15N 13N UN Range 8W 7W 7W 10W 9W 11W 8W 8W 11W 10W 10W 10W 8W 9W 9W 10W 10W 10W 9W 8W Diversion, second- feet 0.08 0.175 1/80 0.013 0.21 0.1 0.01 1.000 g.p.d. 1,000 g.p.d. 0.39 1,000 g.p.d. 0.022 100.00 0.06 Storage, in acre- feet 150 41,000 132,000 160 100 Purpose Domestic Irrigation Irrigation and domestic Domestic and stockwater Irrigation Irrigation and domestic Domestic Recreational Irrigation Domestic Irrigation Domestic Domestic Domestic and irrigation Domestic and irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Status License License License License License License License License License License License License License Application Application Permit Application Application APPENDIX I COURT DECREES RELATING TO OPERATION OF CLEAR LAKE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Gopcevic Decree 145 Bemmerly Decree , 147 (144) APPENDIX I 145 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOR- NIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MENDOCINO M. U. GOPCEVIC, and THE HOTALING' ESTATE CO., n corporation, and GEORGE T. RUDDICK, ,„ - ,.- Plaintiffs, YOLO WATER AND POWER COMPANY.^ a corporation, .'111(1 YOLO WATER AND/ [POWER CORPORATION, a corporation. Defendants, COUNTY OF LAKE and LISLE STUBBS et ■ Tntervenor DECREE Pursuant to the stipulation of all parties herein reduced to writing and filed in open court on the 7th day of October, 1920, agreeing' and consenting that ; the following judgment and decree be entered in the above entitled action, and upon evidence taken; and finding being waived in open court by all parties; It is Hereby Ordered Adjudged and Decreed as ' Follows : That the defendant herein be perpetually enjoined and restrained from excavating or deepening the out- let of Clear Lake, being the Clear Lake mentioned in the pleadings herein, to any depth greater than four feet below the zero mark on the Rumsey gauge at Lakeport, County of Lake, State of California, which said gauge is hereinafter more particularly referred to; and from widening straightening or otherwise in- terfering with said outlet, except as may be necessary • to carry out the provisions of this decree, all of such work to be with the approval first obtained and under the supervision of the State Railroad Commission of California, or the members thereof; and this injunc- tion shall include the said defendants, their and either i of their, officers, agents, servants, employees successors and assigns, and each and all officers and agents of \ either of them, and all persons acting under or in aid of them or either of them. That the agents, servants, employees, successors and assigns of the said defendants and the said defendants land each of them, and all persons acting under or in aid of them or either of them be perpetually enjoined and restrained from at any time, or in any way rais- ing the level of said lake in excess of 7.56 feet above < zero on said Rumsey Gauge, and from at any time or at any way lowering the level of said lake below zero on said Knmsey Gauge; provided, however, that the rise of said Clear Lake, by reason of storm or flood conditions beyond the control of said defendants, or either of them, to a level in excess of 7.56 feet above zero on said Rumsey Gauge, but in no event to a level in excess of 9.00 feet above zero on said Rumsey Gauge, for any period not exceeding ten successive days, shall not be deemed a violation hereof: The zero mark on said Rumsey Gauge is 20.1 feet below center of large concrete star in northeast corner of court house yard at said Lakeport, and 21.56 feet below iron step at front entrance to Bank of Lake Building at southeast corner of Main Street and Second Street, in said Lakeport ; That said defendants, and each of the, their officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns and all per- sons acting under or in aid of them or either of them, be perpetually enjoined and restrained from drawing off from said Clear Lake an amount of water which, inclusive of evaporation and other losses, will at any time reduce the level of said lake below zero on said Rumsey Gauge, and the said defendants, and each of them, their officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns, be perpetually enjoined and commanded to draw off from said lake an amount of water which, inclusive of evaporation and other losses will reduce the level of the lake so that the elevation thereof on the following dates shall not exceed the following percentages of the actual level on April 15th of each year; May 1, 97%, June 1, 89%, July 1, 79', . August 1, 69%> and September 1, 58%. That said defendants and each of them, their of- ficers, agents, employees, successors and assigns, be perpetually enjoined and restrained from drawing off from said lake, during the irrigation season an amount of water which, inclusive of evaporation and other losses shall lower the level of said lake more than two feet in any one month ; It is hereby specially adjudged and decreed that notwithstanding the limits of depression of said lake waters hereinabove described the said defendants, and each of them, their agents, employees, successors and assigns, shall not draw off or allow, and they and each of them are enjoined and restrained from draw- ing off or allowing the waters of said lake to flow out of said lake at any time at such a rate as that, taking into account evaporation and other losses, the water of said lake shall at the lowest of any year be below zero on said Rumsey Gauge; It is further adjudged and decreed that the said defendants, or either of them, shall at or about the specific dates last hereinabove mentioned, notify in writing, through the mails or otherwise, the parties hereto and as well such owners or occupants of land on the rim of said lake as shall register their names and addresses with the defendant, Yolo Water and Power Company, at its office in Woodland, Yolo County, California, of the then existing and respec- tive levels of the said lake. The drawing off of the water of said lake under the conditions aforesaid, shall be by and through the dam and gates mentioned in the pleadings herein, and the administration conduct and operation of said dam and gates shall be responsive to and in full and fair execution of such conditions, and shall at all times be by and under the State Railroad Commis- sion of California, or the members thereof: hi; LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION If at any time the injunctive provisions of this de- cree shall be violated, or departed from in matter of substance and all the provisions of this decree are for this purpose taken to be injunctive then and in such events the said defendants and each of them are hereby enjoined and commanded forthwith there- upon, in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided, or in default thereof it shall be competent to the plaintiffs or any or either of them, or in de- fault of action in the promises by the plaintiffs or any or either of them, it shall be competent to the inter- veners, or any or either of them, and said parties are accordingly hereby authorized, at the expense of de- fendants, their successors and assigns to restore and maintain at the "Grigsby Riffle" mentioned in the complaint herein, but above the present mouth of "Seigler Creek" a suitable and substantial structure or barrier, the crest of which shall not exceed one foot above zero on said Rumsey Gauge except as herein- after provided ; But it is further and specifically decreed that if at any time, for any physical reason, or otherwise, said dam should cease in any substantial sense, to function in respect to the operation of the same as hereinabove referred to, then and in that event the crest of the aforesaid structure or barrier may be increased and maintained to an elevation of two feet above zero on said Rumsey Gauge, said structure and barrier shall exist and be maintained at all times when a dam shall cease to function as provided in this decree for the operation of the same ; provided however that the failure of the defendants or either of them to comply substantially with the terms of this decree, due to temporary, unavoidable causes shall not be deemed a violation of this decree ; It is further adjudged that this decree does not adjudicate upon the extent of the several riparian or littoral rights of any of the parties hereto in the said Clear Lake or the land adjacent thereto nor upon any rights or claims of any of said parties to water rights therein, nor in or over such adjacent lands, and that the injunctive relief hereby granted and provided for is not based upon a waiver by any oi said parties of any such substantive rights of claims aforementioned but is subject to full reservations or; the part of all and each of said parties of all said sub stantive rights or claims aforesaid; It is further ordered adjudged and decreed thai the said dam and the operation thereof shall at all times be subject to reasonable access and inspection by the parties hereto as well as any person owning ■ land riparian or littoral to said Clear Lake and their' duly authorized agents or attorneys; but if any ques- tion should arise in respect to the right of any such person or persons to such access and inspection, thef same shall be remitted to the state railroad commis-- sion of California, or the members thereof for final determination. That all claims for damages involved in this action or on account of the issuance of the temporary re- straining order or preliminary injunction herein are| waived and adjudged to be fully settled ; That each party to this action shall pay his own costs. The signing and filing of this decree shall be deemed to be noticed of the terms thereof and effec- tive as service of any injunctive process consequent thereon. Done in open Court the 7th day of October, 1920. A. B. McKexzie Judge. Certified : October 7th, 1920, by the Clerk of said Court to be a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in his office. Endorsed : Filed Oct. 7, 1920, Hale Prather, Clerk by W. H. Prather, Deputy Recorded: October 8th, 1920, in vol. 60 of Deeds, at page 49. Records of Lake County, California. C. C. McDonald, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Woodland, California. APPENDIX I 147 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOR- NIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YOLO \RY E. BEMMERLY and AGNES H. jJMMERLY, Plaintiffs. No. 8812 jIE COUNTY OF LAKE, a Political Sub- Ksion of the State of California, E. L. ERRICK, W. E. REICHERT, L. D. RKPATRICK, L. L. BURGER and .1. S. BLSAY, as and comprising the Board of Ipervisors of the County of Lake, State of lifornia, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS f THE COUNTY OF PAKE. STATE OF LIFORNIA, E. L. HERRICK, individually 1 as a member of the Board of Supervisors the County of Lake, State of California, LANK AY." NOEL, individually, W. E. BICHERT, as a member of the Board of jpervisors of the County of Lake, State of [lifornia, W. T. SMITH, individually, L. D. [RKPATRICK, as a member of the Board Supervisors of the County of Lake. State California, L. L. BURGER, individually and ?a member of the Board of Supervisors of the [unty of Lake, State of California, J. S. ELSAY, individually and as a member of the fard of Supervisors of the County of Lake, kte of California, FRANK B. JOHNSON, iilividually and as a County Surveyor of the [unty of Lake, State of California, FRANK I CLARK as Director of the Department of llilic Works of the Stale of California, I. PAR LAKE WATER COMPANY, A DRPORATION. J. R. REEVES, JOHN (IE DREDGING COMPANY. RICHARD !)E DREDGING CO., FIRST DOE, SEC- KD ROE AND THIRD ROE, Defendants. JUDGMENT This cause having been regularly called and tried I the Court, and the findings of fact and conclusions I law, and the decision thereon in writing, having fen rendered, wherein judgment was ordered in l r or of the plaintiffs and against the defendants ireinafter named as prayed for in the complaint Id for costs, Kt is, by the Court, Ordered, Adjudged and Icreed that the defendants, The County of Lake, a rlitical Subdivision of the State of California, E. L. Berrick, \Y. E. Reichert, L. D. Kirkpatrick, L. L. Burger and J. S. Kelsay, as and comprising the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake. State of Cali- fornia, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of California, E. L. Herrick, individually and as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of California, Frank W. Noel, individually, W. E. Reichert as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of California, W. T. Smith, individually, L. D. Kirkpatrick as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of California, L. L. Burger, individually and as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of Cali- fornia, J. S. Kelsay, individually and as a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Lake, State of California, Frank B. Johnson, individually and as County Surveyor of the County of Lake, State of California, Frank W. Clark, as Director of the Department of Public Works of the State of Cali- fornia, and Clear Lake Water Company, a corpora- tion, and each and all of them, and their, and each of their attorneys, agents, servants and employees and any and all persons acting under said defendants, or any of them, be, and they and each and all of them are hereby forever enjoined and restrained from in any manner widening, deepening, or enlarging the arm or slough which constitutes the outlet of the waters of and from Clear Lake into Cache Creek and from in any manner changing the said outlet so as to increase the flow of waters of and from Clear Lake into Cache Creek. The Clear Lake herein referred to is the Clear Lake described in the plaintiffs' com- plaint and which is located in the County of Lake, State of California. It is Further Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed that plaintiffs have judgment for their costs taxed at Dollars ($ ). Judgment rendered December 18, 1940. Dal M. Lemmon Judge of the Superior Court. G— 57411 APPENDIX J DAMS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION IN LAKE COUNTY APPENDIX J DAMS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION IN LAKE COUNTY 151 Name Owi Str Locatior , M.D.B.&M. Sec- Town- tion ship Range 6 12N 7W 9 ION 6W 12 13N 11W 14 18N 10W and 23 Type Eleva- Reser- Crest length, in feet Height, tion of crest, voir capac- in feet in feet above ity, in acre- sea level feet 260 32 1,328 420,000 1,000 40 1,082 1,700 465 32 2,521 112 815 120 1,920 93,720 Date con- structed ear Lake Im- pounding !?tert Lake ■ters_ iott (Lake Pills- bury,) Clear Lake Water Com- pany W. F. Detert Estate Margaret F. Dorst Pacific Gas and Electric Company Cache Creek Bucksnort Creek Tributary to Ben Moore Creek South Eel River Gravity, straight Earth Earth Gravity, straight 1914 1928 1940 1921 APPENDIX K UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Soil Conservation Service, Research IRRIGATION PRACTICES AND CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN LAKE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By Harry F. Blaney, Principal Irrigation Engineer and Paul A. Ewing, Senior Irrigation Economist (A report based on data gathered under cooperative agreement between the Division of Water Resources, Department of Public Works, State of California, and the Soil Conservation Service, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Los Angeles, California June, 1951 (Slightly revised December, 1953) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page [introduction . 155 Statement of the Problem . 155 The Surveyed Areas 155 Climate 156 Land Conditions 156 Big Valley Area 158 Scotts Valley Area__ — 159 Upper Lake Area 159 Agricultural History 160 Present Development 162 Consumptive Use of Water 164 Procedure : 161 Consumptive-use Formula 165 Climatologieal Records __ 165 Irrigated Crops 165 Evaporation From Water Surface 166 Native Vegetation on the Valley Floor__ . 167 Swamp Areas 167 Brush-tree-grass Areas 167 Other Classifications 168 Dry-farmed Crops 168 Miscellaneous Areas 168 Summary of Estimated Unit Consumptive Use 169 References 169 TABLES 1. Normal monthly, seasonal, and annual tem- perature and precipitation at Upper Lake, California 157 2. Results of 1949 cultural survey, Lake County (California) areas, as compiled June 15, 1950, in acres - 161 3. Disposal of pears harvested in Lake County, California, in recent specified years__ 162 4. Water use and irrigation efficiency of each operator interviewed in Lake County, Cali- fornia, Irrigation Practice Studies, 1949 163 5. Normal monthly temperatures and precipita- tion, percent of daytime hours and calcu- lated consumptive use factor, Upper Lake, California 165 Pag 6. Normal monthly temperatures and precipita- tion, percent of daytime hours and calcu- lated consumptive use factor, Kelseyville, California 16. 7. Computed normal unit consumptive use of water by irrigated crops for the period April 1 to September 30 in the Scotts Val- ley-Upper Lake and Big Valley Soil Con- servation Districts, Lake County, California 16( 8. Computed normal monthly rates of consump- tive use for crops growing during the pe- riod October 1 to March 31, Lake County, California 16( 9. Observed monthly evaporation from a square land pan and mean temperature and com- puted coefficients for lake evaporation at Lakeport, California 16( 10. Computed normal monthly lake evaporation in Lake County, California (based on 1901- 1905 Lakeport pan records) 16t 11. Estimated normal monthly consumptive use of water by swamp areas in Lake County, California 161, 12. Estimates of normal annual consumptive use of water rates for native vegetation on val- ley floors, Lake County, California.. .__ 16£ 13. Summary of estimated normal unit consump- tive use of water rates for irrigated, dry- farmed, native vegetation and miscellane- ous areas in Lake County, California 168 APPENDIX 14. Computed normal monthly lake evaporation in Lake County, California (based on Lake- shore, 1948-1949 Weather Bureau pan rec- ords) 161 PLATE Kl Follows text of appendix, page 169 Figure 1. Big Valley Soil Conservation District 2. Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation District (154) APPENDIX K 155 IRRIGATION PRACTICES AND CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN LAKE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By Harry F. Blaney, Principal Irrigation Engineer and Paul A. Ewing, Senior Irrigation Economist INTRODUCTION This report is a contribution to an investigation carried on by the Division of Water Resources, Cali- fornia State Department of Public Works, involving the whole subject of the utilization of the water sup- ply of the principal irrigated areas of Lake County. Because of experience accumulated by the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation 1 (of U. S. Boil Conservation Service), in other typical irrigated rtreas of California, its entry into the investigation .was brought about under the provisions of a formal igreement of long standing between the two agencies. By this arrangement, the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation 1 undertook to ascertain the amounts of water artificially applied to irrigated srops in the Lake County areas, under current prac- tices, and to calculate the amounts consumptively ised by those crops and by the native or natural tation. In the study of irrigation practices and in an issociated examination of the soils of the areas, the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation had he assistance of field personnel of the Operations Division, Soil Conservation Service, through the Lakeport technical staff headed by Sheldon A. Bell, Work Unit Conservationist, and working under the General direction of John Barnes, State Conserva- ionist for California. This party, already familiar vith general farming methods in the areas, obtained water information from the operators of 23 farms, election of which was intended to reflect the differ- •nt soil conditions as well as the irrigation practices ypifying the growing of the principal crops. The nterviews thus produced data indicative of the grow- ng season, the number of irrigations and the irriga- ion season, amounts of water applied (measured or estimated) and other pertinent information. The orm used in these interviews appears in the Ap- iendix. Since the areas surveyed comprised two Soil Con- ervation Districts — Big Valley and Scotts V alley - r pper Lake — to which Mr. Bell and his staff provide echnical assistance, the support of the boards of di- eetors was requested and freely given, to the effect f suggesting farmers who were well capable of upplying the needed information and informing the ommunity generally as to the objectives of the in- estigation. This assistance proved to be helpful in Transferred to the Western Soil and Water Management Sec- tion, Soil and W r ater Conservation Research Branch, Agricul- tural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, January 1, 1954. expediting the field work and was greatly appreciated by those heading the investigation. Responsibility for the irrigation-practice study was assigned to Paul A. Ewing, Senior Irrigation Econ- omist, while Harry F, Blaney, Principal Irrigation Engineer, was placed in charge of the consumptive- use determinations. This being their progress report, it is inconclusive; a final report is planned, in which basic data from the field work, analyses of results, and conclusions derived from them will be set out. At this writing some of the basic data are not available. Sfaiement of ffie Problem A cooperative agreement effective December 17, 1948, entered into by the California State Water Re- sources Board, the County of Lake, and the Depart- ment of Public Works, State of California, provided for the making of an investigation and report on the underground water supplies of Big Valley within the Big Valley Soil Conservation District, and those of the Scotts Valley and Upper Lake areas within the Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation Dis- trict, including their water quality, utilization and replenishment, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the problems involved. A major problem in Big Valley is the apparent shortage of ground water in the latter part of the irrigation season occa- sioned by the inadequacy of the ground water storage to support the present development. Problems in the Scotts Valley-Upper Lake area are associated with damage from floods, poor subsoil drainage in some sections, high water table in a limited section, and a shortage of irrigation and domestic water in some parts during the late irrigation season. THE SURVEYED AREAS The areas surveyed in the investigation are in the central part of Lake County, which lies in the Coast Range of mountains, some 70 miles north of San Francisco Bay and about midway between the Pacific Ocean and Sacramento Valley. They include lands adjacent to Clear Lake on north, west and south, and comprise most of the agricultural portion of the county. Big Valley and Scotts Valley-Upper Lake Soil Conservation Districts (Figures 1 and 2) include these lands. Clear Lake, in times of high water, drains through Cache Creek into Sacramento River. It is about 17 miles long from east to west and varies in width from about one mile to six miles. Mount Konocti rises ab- ruptly from the southern shore of the lake to attain 156 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION an elevation of more than 4,100 feet. Spurs of the Coast Range hem in the lake on all sides, and drainage ways issuing from the mountains have built alluvial tans and terraces which rise with increasing gradients or successive steps to meet the foothills or the steeper mountain slopes. To the west of Mount Konocti, sediments from Cold Creek, Kelsey Creek and Adobe Creek have built up the alluvial plain known as Big Valley. Scotts Valley, west of Clear Lake, is another important agricultural valley. Middle Creek, Bachelor Valley Creek, and Clover Valley Creek drain the area known generally as the Upper Lake area, joining near the town of Upper Lake to enter Clear Lake through Robinson slough. They likewise have built up an alluvial plain bordering the lake. Clear Lake lies at an elevation of about 1,300 feet, but its water level fluctuates somewhat from season to season, partly owing to varying releases of its water to Cache Creek for irrigation in Sacramento Valley. The valley lands lie generally from 1,350 to 1,400 feet above sea level; the neighboring mountain- ous areas attain elevations ranging from 2,000 feet to more than 4,000 feet. Natural drainage of the surveyed areas is mainly into Clear Lake through Scott, Middle, Cold, and Kelsey creeks. Throughout the neighboring mountain- ous areas there are a number of small lakes which accumulate from several inches to a foot or more of water soon after the rainy season begins and retain some of this moisture until nearly mid-summer. Drainage is poor in parts of Big Valley and near the mouths of Middle and Scott creeks. The water table in these localities is likely to be high during the rainy season, but drops rapidly by mid-summer when pumping from wells for irrigation reaches its peak. Most of the streams in the mountainous areas are swift-flowing, but before reaching Clear Lake they fan out over the bottom lands, and drainage reaches the lake as sheet water or through shallow channels. Lakeport is the county seat of Lake County and is its principal town, having a 1950 population of 1,947. Upper Lake provides schools, churches, banks and trading points for the northern part of the surveyed area, while Lower Lake has a comparable position on the southern side of the lake. Kelseyville is the main business and social center of the Big Valley area. Smaller towns or summer settlements border Clear Lake ; others, in the mountains, are near the numer- ous hot springs. These resorts, as well as the Clear Lake region in general, have great popularity during the summer vacation season and attract vistors from all over northern California. No railroad operates in the Clear Lake area. The Northwestern Pacific Railroad, running between San Francisco Bay and Eureka, passes up Russian River, and paved roads connect the area with this railroad at Hopland and Ukiah. A good road leads eastward to Sacramento Valley and its major highways and rail- roads, while southern outlets are by highways, now undergoing extensive improvement, leading to Vallejo and Eastbay metropolitan centers. The area itself is well served with secondary paved roads. Other com- munications are modern, and electricity, essential in the conduct of the agriculture of the area, is every- j where available. CLIMATE The climate of the general area is mild, although during the summer some extremely hot days may occur. However, hot spells are short. The summers are 1 dry and the winters mild with moderate rainfall. The rainy season begins in October and continues until late in May. More than half of the annual pre- cipitation falls in December, January and February. During the summer and early autumn, little or no rain falls; the skies are cloudless and temperatures uniformly warm. The winter rains are generally ac- companied by southeast winds which may continue for several days, then being succeeded by clear, warm weather. The mean annual precipitation at Upper Lake, 28.51 inches, is fairly representative of rainfall of the valley areas. At higher elevations the rainfall is correspondingly heavier. Light snowfalls occur during most winters, but usually the snow melts as it falls or remains only a few days. Fogs occur infre- quently, mostly during the winter. The mean annual temperature at Upper Lake is 57.1 degrees F. In the mountains, the summer temper- atures are lower, and the days are tempered by I breezes ; during the summer a cool breeze blows from the ocean during the afternoons until sundown. Heavy winds, although rare, blow occasionally for short periods during the spring and fall. The average date of the last killing frost at Upper Lake is April 6 ; date of the first killing frost is ] October 31. These average dates mark an average : frost-free period of 208 days. However, frosts have been recorded as late as May 23 and as early as Sep- tember 25 ; and early and late frosts sometimes do ! considerable damage, especially in spring when the fruit buds may be killed. Many orchardists practice orchard heating to prevent frost damage. Wind ma- J chines are now becoming popular. Pears and walnuts are well suited to the climate, as are also the general farm crops, including alfalfa and the grains. Table 1 sets out the normal monthly, seasonal, and j annual temperature and precipitation for a repre- sentative station in the surveyed area. LAND CONDITIONS 1 Most of the irrigated lands of Lake County are in the Big Valley, Scotts Valley and Upper Lake areas. The soils in these irrigated sections may be classified 1 By Richard C. Huff, Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service. APPENDIX K 157 TABLE 1. Normal monthly, seasonal, and annual temperature and precipitation at Upper Lake, California (Elevation 1,343 feet) Temperature Precipitation Mean Ab- solute Ab- solute Mean Total Total amount amount Month (35 maxi- mini- (43 for the for the years through mum (26 mum (27 years through driest year (1898) wettest year (1940) 1945) years through years through 1945) 1940) 1940) °F. °F. °F. Inches Inches Inches lecember - 44.4 78 11 5.84 1.34 16.01 muary 43.9 84 13 7.12 .93 12.30 'ebruary 46.6 83 13 5.27 4.57 14.35 45.0 84 11 18.23 6.84' 42 66 49.8 90 22 4.00 36 7 12 pril 54.3 93 25 1.91 .43 1.36 fay 59.3 102 29 1.23 1.90 2 46 54.5 102 22 7.14 2.69 10 94 pne 'ily 66.1 109 35 0.31 .58 0.24 73.1 111 40 0.02 .00 0.00 72.0 109 37 0.02 i 00 Summer. _ 70.4 111 35 0.35 .58 0.24 ?ptember ctober 66.3 106 28 0.38 .60 0.66 58.9 101 23 1.61 1.01 3.26 ovember . 50.3 90 20 3.33 1.66 2.20 JFall 58.5 106 20 5.32 3.27 6.12 ,- 57.1 111 11 31.04 13.38 59 96 [race s bottomlands, valley lands, and terrace and foothill bids ; the bottomlands being distinguished from other alley lands by relatively poor drainage conditions. : Soils in the bottomlands (poorly drained) are very eep (60 inches or more), heavy to very heavy tex- kred (clay loams to clay adobe) and moderately to lowly permeable. Slopes are nearly level and the ero- on problem is not serious. The greater part of this tnd has a wetness problem during at least a portion t the year owing to flooding or high water table, ver half of the area is subject to deposition erosion pom flood waters, which in general is not seriously amaging to the soil profile. ; The valley lands include the alluvial flood plains 6 Big Valley, Scotts Valley and Upper Lake areas. foils in the valley lands are for the most part very ?ep (60 inches or more), medium to heavy textured, id rapidly to moderately permeable. However, they iclude some impermeable hardpan soils and some loughty soils underlain by porous sand and gravels, he two soils last mentioned occupy a relatively small ■reage of the valley lands. Slopes are nearly level id the erosion problem is not serious. About 15 per- mit of the area is subject to overflow and flooding, he amount of deposition varies with the storm in- nsity, but serious damage is caused where coarse mds and gravels are deposited. The terrace and foothill lands include alluvial fans, old elevated river terraces, and some residual soils on sandstone and shale bedrock. These terraces and foot- hill lands are higher elevations around the edge of the valley areas. Most soils on the terrace and foothill areas are shallow (16 to 18 inches) to moderately deep (18 to 36 inches), medium textured, and lie over bed- rock or dense to nearly impermeable elaypan. The slopes are gentle to steep and the erosion problem is moderate to severe. In general, the steeper the slope the more serious the erosion problem. The soils in- clude deep (36 to 60 inches) and very deep (60 inches or more), medium textured, moderately permeable soils over semi-consolidated materials. The terrace soils are not as fertile as the younger bottom and valley land soils. They are also more subject to ero- sion owing to slower permeability, steeper slopes, and poor physical condition of the surface soils. The land-capability classes show the adaptability of the lands in each area for agricultural use ; the larger land areas include all the land-capability classes. There are eight of these classes which fall into two broad groups: (1) Land suitable for cultivation (Classes I-IV) and (2) land not suitable for cultiva- tion, but for grazing, wildlife or watershed protec- tion (Classes V-VIII). Class I and II lands are adapted to irrigation. Class III is suitable for irrigation if the use limita- tion is not due to steepness of slope. Class IV is lim- ited to dryland pasture and hay. Classes V to VII are suitable for grazing and Class VIII for wildlife, recreation, or wathershed protection. The bottomlands are usually Class II or III, de- pending on degree of the wetness problem. Very wet, or permanently wet lands are in Class V. The bottom- lands may be farmed intensively without danger of erosion. This is reflected in the crops grown : lima beans, corn, root crops, alfalfa, and grain. However, all these bottomlands need drainage, irrigation and soil management to maintain high production. Most of the land in the valley areas is Class I or II. There are no limitations in use of Class I land, except that ordinary good farming methods must be followed. Limitations in use of Class II land are usually due to wetness, gravels, or soil depth, all of which affect irri- gation practice. Class III land in the valley areas has use limitations owing to soil depth (less than 36 inches to porous gravels) or wetness. The erosion problem in general is not serious and land can be farmed intensively with good soil, irrigation and drainage management. The cultivated lands in the terrace and foothill areas fall generally into Classes III and IV. Soil depth (less than 36 inches to elaypan or bedrock), erosion, steepness of slope alone or in combination, are limitations affecting the use of this land. Class IV land is usually too steep and shallow to be irrigated without causing serious soil erosion. 1 58 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION A brief outline of t h<> land conditions in each of the areas — Big Valley, Scotts Valley and Upper Lake — is given below. Big Valley Area The valley hind includes a wide variety of soils varying- from shallow, light-textured soils over porous sands and gravels, to very deep, very heavy-textured (clay adobe), slowly permeable soils. These soils are developed on the alluvial flood plains of Manning, Adobe, Hill, Kelsey and Cold Creeks. In general, soils of the valley land are very dee)) (60 inches or more), medium to heavy textured, rap- idly permeable soils underlain by slightly heavier, moderately to slowly permeable subsoils. Typical bodies of these soils are found on the alluvial fans of Manning, Adobe, and Kelsey Creeks north of Kelsey- ville. Slopes are nearly level and erosion is slight, con- fined to streambank cutting and overflow and deposi- tion at rare intervals. Surface and subsoil drainage is well developed. The land is Class I or Class II with inherently fertile soils having a high available mois- ture capacity and few or no limitations of use. How- ever, a plowpan has been formed under large parts of the area, which greatly reduces infiltration rate and permeability. Breaking up of the plowpan should be followed by arranging tillage, spraying, and trucking to avoid over-packing the soil. This is especially true in the spring and following irrigations when soil mois- ture conditions are unfavorable for general farming practices followed in the area. Included in the above-mentioned soils are numerous small areas of gravelly, light-textured soils underlain by porous sands and gravels. They usually occur as long, narrow fills of previous drainage ways. The largest areas, however, are best developed on the allu- vial flood plains in the upper drainages of Adobe and Kelsey creeks. In general, the soils are moderately deep (18 to 36 inches), gravelly, light-textured, rapidly permeable soils underlain by porous sand and gravel. Deposi- tion erosion and stream-bank cutting in these areas is severe during storms of high intensity. Inherent fertility is low and the available moisture capacity is very low. The land is mostly Classes III and IV, and is not adapted to orchards, alfalfa and other deep-rooted crops. Soil fertility can be maintained or improved by crop rotations and addition of either organic matter or inorganic fertilizers. The land needs protection from overflow and bank cutting. Proper irrigation methods and improved water application are needed to avoid water loss and soil leaching. Bordering Clear Lake and extending into Big Valley at two places are the poorly drained soils of the valley area. One large body of soil extends from the lake south alone Hill Creek for about three miles. The other extends south for about 2-| miles between Kelsey Creek and Cold Creek. These soils are very deep (60 inches or more), heavy (clays) and very heavy (clay adobe), moderately to slowly permeable. Slopes are nearly flat and overflow and flooding com- bined with poor drainage severely limit their use. Available moisture capacity is moderately high to high, and the soils are inherently fertile. Most of the land is Classes III and V and not adapted to agricultural use without proper drainage and protection from overflow and flooding. At pres- ent, the very wet or permanently wet land is in native or permanent pasture which receives some supple-j mental irrigating during the driest part of the year. The moderately wet areas are devoted to grain, per- manent pasture, alfalfa, and pears. Correction of the wetness problem and proper irrigation methods to< avoid waterlogging and high water table would bring 1 these soils to their potential capability for agricul- tural use. One other important body of soil in the valley area lies just east and north of Kelseyville. Soils in this area are deep (36 to 60 inches), gravelly, medium- textured, underlain by nearly impervious incipient hardpan. The surface in undulating and erosion isj slight. Surface and subsoil drainage is poor, water standing in surface depressions during the wetter; periods of the year. The soils are low in organic matter with low in- herent fertility and available moisture capacity. Sur- face soils are slowly permeable and puddle badly when irrigated or worked wet. Shallow disking or plowing has resulted in the formation of a plowpan at a depth of 6 to 8 inches. The soil needs drainage followed by fertilization and additions of organic matter to improve soil tilth and available moisture capacity. The latter can be- accomplished by using crop rotations, green manure 1 crops, and manure. Subsoiling or deep tillage would also increase infiltration rate and permeability. The land is now used for grain, prunes, alfalfa and for grazing. Limitations in use due to soil depth and poor drain- age place most of this land in Class III. The terrace and foothill lands of the Big Valley area lie principally south and southwest of Kelsey- ville and extend along the west side of the valley northwards to Lakeport. The two extensive soils of this area are developed on old alluvial deposits which occupy terraces lying from 50 to 100 feet or more above the valley lands. In general, they are moder- ately deep (18 to 36 inches), medium textured, gravelly, moderately permeable soils over claypan, and deep (36 to 60 inches) to very deep (60 inches, or more), medium textured, occasionally gravelly, moderately permeable soils over semi-consolidated material. The land ranges from undulating to rolling with some flat-topped ridges and a few gently sloping APPENDIX K 159 anlike areas. Sheet and gully erosion is moderate n the gentler slopes to severe on the rolling to hilly inds. The soils are low in organic matter and inherent ertility is low to moderate. The shallower (12 to 18 inches) and moderately ieep (18 to 36 inches) claypan soils on steeper slopes re not suitable for cultivation, falling in land Classes 'I and VII. The moderately deep claypan soils on cutler slopes are Class III land and suitable for uliivation but only for shallow-rooted crops. The deep and very deep soils fall mostly into land 'lasses II and III and are suitable for most crops :rown in the area. Little or none of the land is now irrigated. The ultivated areas are planted to walnuts, prunes, .rapes, and grains. Uncultivated areas are in brush p* oak-grass range. i Most of the last-mentioned land is subject to severe irosion hazards unless its limitations in use are recog- nized. The soils puddle badly and a plowpan has developed from continued shallow plowing and disk- 'ng. Additions of organic matter in the form of manure, green manure crops, and crop residues, yould maintain or improve soil tilth fertility and hoisture-holding capacity. Contour or cross-slope jultivation, and cover crops, are needed to protect |he sloping lands during the rainy season. j Under irrigation, water loss and erosion will take dace unless proper land preparation and irrigation methods are followed. Sprinkler systems or short runs |n gentle slopes on the contour would accomplish the jaoisture objectives on the sloping lands adapted to irrigation. j Over-irrigation on the claypan soils will result in lerched water tables and w r ater-logging. On the areas If gravelly or excessively gravelly soils, leaching and i-ater losses will result. cotts Valley Area j The soils of the valley lands of the Scotts Valley rea are similar to those of the Upper Lake area. They re very deep (60 inches or more), light to medium extured, rapidly permeable soils with an intermittent igh w r ater table. In general, the soils are light- pxtured, sandy loams and fine sandy loams. Available loisture capacity is moderately high and inherent ertility is moderate. Surface drainage is fair to good, ut subdrainage is poor during the wetter months of Rie year. Erosion is slight with some streambank cut- ing and deposition during periods of flood waters. 'he latter has been damaging to the soil profile where Ijoarse sand and gravels were deposited. j On the south and east side of Scotts Valley, there Is a large body of very deep, light-textured, well- rained soil. Scattered throughout the valley are umerous small bodies of heavy-textured soils and oils underlain by porous sands and gravels. The land falls mostly into Classes I and II and is adapted to orchard, hops, vegetable crops, alfalfa, ;iik1 grain. The light-textured soils of the valley need addi- tions of organic matter to maintain or improve the moisture-holding capacity. Irrigation waters should he applied carefully to avoid excessive leaching. Some of the land needs protection from overflow and streambank erosion. Soils of the foothill and terrace lands are the same as those in the Upper Lake area with one exception — that the soils underlain by sandstone and shale bed- rock are not adapted to agricultural use. Also in- cluded in the Scotts Valley area are deep (36 to 54 inches), to very deep (60 inches or over), medium- textured, rapidly permeable soils with heavier sub- soils. The substratum is semi-textured, rapidly per- meable soils with heavier subsoils. The substratum is semi-consolidated old alluvial deposit. The surface soils are moderately permeable and the subsoils are moderately to slowly permeable. The claypan soils are moderately deep (18 to 36 inches) and moderately permeable soils containing some gravels. These soils are developed on the old alluvial terrace on the eastern and southern sides of the valley. None of the land at present is irrigated but on much of it walnuts, pears, grapes, and grain are grown. The steeper, shallower soils are used for grazing. The deeper soils on gentle slopes are adapted to irrigation. Inherent fertility and available moisture capacity are low to moderate. Surface soils are low in organic matter and puddle easily. Additions of organic matter as green manure crops, manure, or crop residue are needed to main- tain fertility and increase permeability and available moisture capacity. Sprinkler systems on short runs on the contour should be used to prevent irrigation erosion and water loss. Winter protection can be maintained with eon- tour or cross-slope cultivation and winter cover crops. Upper Lake Area lite bottom land soils (poorly drained) occupy the overflow lands of Clover, Middle, Bachelor and Scott Creeks, comprising about 25 percent of the irrigable lands of the Upper Lake area. The soils are very deep (60 inches or more), heavy textured and moderately permeable. Most of the soils are underlain by a high water table at least part of the year. Adequate drain- age of these lands is accomplished by means of diking and pumping. In the reclaimed areas bordering Clear Lake the water table may be regulated to provide subirrigation. Soil erosion is slight with deposition erosion from flood waters being most important. The amount of 160 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION .soil deposited varies with the intensity of the storm, but in general, it is not seriously damaging to the soil profile. The soils are inherently fertile and have high available-moisture capacity. However, owing to the wetness problem, most of the land is in Class II or III and is best adapted to shallow-rooted crops. At present, the bottomlands are chiefly devoted to vege- table crops, alfalfa and grain. Continued high pro- ductivity in this area will depend on proper land, drainage and irrigation management. The valley land includes the alluvial flood plains of Clover, Middle, Bachelor and Scott Creeks. Soils are for the most part very deep, light to medium textured, and rapidly permeable. Available moisture capacity is moderately high to very high. Surface drainage is good to fair, but subdrainage is poor during the wet- ter parts of the year. The erosion problem in general is not serious, but about 25 percent of the area is subject to deposition erosion from the creeks. This deposition causes serious damage where gravel and coarse sand are deposited. Also included in the valley land classification are small acreages of the following soils : Very deep, heavy-textured, moderately permeable soils with intermittent high water table. Small bodies of these soils are scattered throughout the area. Very deep, very heavy-textured (clay adobe), slowly permeable soils with slow surface and subsoil drainage. These areas are flat and have a high water table during most of the year, with water standing on the surface during the rainy season. The largest body of this soil lies one-quarter mile east of Upper Lake. Very shallow to moderately deep (6 to 36 inches), gravelly, medium-textured soils underlain by gravels and coarse sand. The shallow soils (6 to 18 inches) are adapted only to grazing. The mod- erately deep (18 to 36 inches) are adapted only to shallow-rooted crops. The water -holding capacity is low, and, under irrigation, small amounts of water must be used with more frequent applications than in the irrigation of deep and very deep soils (60 inches or more). These shallow soils occupy an im- portant acreage along the upper parts of Middle and Clover Creeks. The deeper, better-drained soils are inherently fertile and suitable for all crops adapted to the area, including orchard, alfalfa, vegetable crops, and grain. These are the Class I and II lands of the area. The wetter, poorly drained soils are mostly Classes IT and III land and are adapted to crops which are tolerant of excessive moisture during part of the year. Use of irrigation water in the valley area could be improved by : (1) Additions of organic matter such as green manure crops, crop residues or manure, to maintain fertility, increase permeability and improve water holding capacity — the last especially on lighter textured and gravelly soils. (2) Not working the soils when too wet, to pre vent puddling and development of plow pan. (3) Subsoiling and deep tillage, to break exist ing plow pans and increase infiltration rate anc permeability. The soils of the terrace and foothill lands are foi the most part shallow to moderately deep (12 to 3( inches), medium texture soils over sandstone am shale bedrock. Included are some small bodies of mod erately permeable soils underlain by nearly imperme able claypan subsoil. These soils are developed on olc alluvial deposits which are of limited extent in the Upper Lake area. The land is almost entirely devoted: to grazing, for which use it is best adapted. Owing tc steepness of the slopes, shallow soils and low available moisture capacity, the land is not adapted to agricul- tural crops even under irrigation. However, small bodies with less slope and deeper soils may be found throughout the area. AGRICULTURAL HISTORY 1 Hunters and trappers of the Russo-American Fur Company were the first white men to invade the area adjacent to Clear Lake, where wild game abounded. Hunters and trappers were attracted to the region as early as 1811. About 1849 Salvador Vallejo took over much of what is now known as Big Valley and started agri- cultural activities. 2 It was not until about 1850, how- ever, that settlement began in earnest. By 1854 set- tlers were arriving in numbers, and it was not long until the valley parts of the county were in private ownership, mainly large holdings. Lake County was organized May 20, 1861, and Lakeport was made the county seat. The early settlers came largely from the Central and Eastern States, and most of the present popula- tion are American-born and of Anglo-Saxon extrac- tion. A number of Indian tribes roamed the country in the early days, but such of them as remain are segregated on Indian rancherias. The valley sections are somewhat thickly populated, especially in the vi- cinity of Lakeport, Kelseyville, and Upper Lake. Following occupation of the valley lands the dairy industry began to assume importance ; barley and corn were produced largely in connection with it. Be- cause of the difficulty of transporting bulky products, several flour mills were built, and wheat was milled for both local consumption and outside sale. The fruit industry began to assume some importance as early 1 See "Soil Survey of the Clear Lake Area, California," by E. J. Carpenter, R. Earl Storie and Stanley W. Cosby. U. S. Dept. of Agri., Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Series 1927, No. 13. (5) 2 Palmer, L. L. "History of Napa and Lake Counties, California, and Biographical Sketches." 600 291 p., illus. San Francisco. 1881. (7) APPENDIX K 161 1=7 o) g a a-* a> y 33 ^ 5^< = 03> S oa > o S a aju oj a d ^ PQ eg 5 g a a-* g a °s !3 8-3 03 > PQ eg 0) g eg a-* g cN^cceor^cCMt^^cft^oOrHr^c^Ot^oorocoaiOoO'^^^cococN ^-< S^O)^OOnaXNtDHT)*(OMTt CO 00 CN CN CO CN NM H O »- 0O!D -ffonno MNhOOh .-h ~* iO CO 00 CO « to OSOO-'NOOOON t~t~C>CNO'O00— "OOcOO C O ^ CI W M h N >0 CN OMNOJN ra o t^ OS CN CN O b- t^ co h- CN b- »o •* CN OS OS is «j 2 ^ a) 3! d O.-^0> bO J1J PQ 15 O CD o o CD Tf ■* CO CD —. — CO CN CN CN i-i 00 CD CD .-H CO r-t 00I>r*CD'*l>'-"^H'-'CNCO-<^ CN i-< CN <-i »C MOOiOffiNNCOHOO »Or0CD-^b-'-''-(TPCNCO-^ l> CN --H -^ «WOHiOG(NSMHaiO oocoeO'* 5| 5« § « § « « «^ £ 6 I o 2pqoOpH>-eHpH>i?^P^P J >Ht£>H^^(S^ S g eg a-^ a) a os u £-1 « 8 a to t> PQ eg > Sis « a-* cd a a '-• •p*Q « PQ os > CN CO CO US "* CN «Nho*h CINhn "5 n O Oi CO N CN -* IO rt f Tf CN iO X ^ w CN Ol -^ CO t^ tO ^H ■* eft t- C t- o g § >, «»tiSS^ liliji OICOON <0 CD CD >— CD »0 tJ< 00 GO O CO 00 CN ^h CO CD 00 CO ^h -* »0 X CO ^J* i-H »o 03 P-i *Q CO 162 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION as 1868. Prunes, planted extensively during the early 2()'s. were not profitable; many of the trees were removed, and prunes arc now of minor importance. Bartlett pears, for which the region is now besl known, were first grown about 1885. The present importance of this crop is indicated by table 2, which summarizes the complete results of the 1949 cultural survey. "Wal- nut culture has grown in area and importance, and the total acreage of walnut trees is now about three- fourths that of pears. Pear orchards are plowed or disked early in May, or as soon as moisture conditions are favorable. Most of them are then given clean cultivation throughout the summer. During the rainy season weeds and vol- unteer grasses cover the soil and are turned under in the spring. Some better cared for orchards are planted to cover crops, which are plowed under to increase organic matter. The pears are picked early in August and hauled to packing plants, where they are graded and packed. Slightly more than half the 1949 crop was shipped out of the county fresh, mainly to east- ern markets and export points. Slightly less than half was canned. The remainder, about 5 percent, was dried. (See table 3.) The fruit ranches are typically small, averaging about 50 acres. By far the greater number are operated by their owners. TABLE 3. Disposal of pears harvested in Lake County, California, in recent specified years (Authority: Lake County Agricultural Commissioner.) Disposal 1944 Tons 1945 Tons 1946 Tons 1947 Tons 1948 Tons 1949 Tons Shipping _- . fanning Drying 7,950 880 3,313 23.061 9,427 1,801 17,040 7,774 2,151 16,594 13,586 1,412 10,343 20,738 1,263 19,832 17,160 1,882 Total- -. 12,143 34,289 26,965 31,592 32,344 38,874 Land to be seeded to wheat, oats, or barley is plowed as soon in the fall as moisture conditions are favorable, and seed is sown in the same fall. Harvest- ing is done with combines during the early summer, after which the fields are pastured. Alfalfa fields are pastured during the winter, but as soon as the crop begins to make rapid growth in the spring, the live- stock are turned out and the fields are permitted to grow hay. Life of the alfalfa stand is about five or six years, at the end of which it is replaced by grain for a year or two ; alfalfa is then restored. Present Development While now representing only some 8,000 acres, ir- rigation in Lake County has advanced rapidly, espe- cially during the last five years. Federal census fig- ures show only 1,107 acres irrigated in 1919. The cor- responding figure for 1929 was 1,916 acres on 110 farms, hi 1939, 141 irrigated farms and 3,281 acres were reported. In 1944, irrigated farms were 156 and irrigated acres 4,148. The 8,008 acres totaled in the three areas surveyed in 1949, if considered to include all irrigation in the country, therefore indicate almost a doubling of the 1944 irrigated acreage, and go fai to explain why a water problem now exists. Irrigation census figures for 1950, when available,] may change the significance of various statistics ob-j tained in 1940 because of this relatively drastic, change, but perhaps the 1940 averages have not lost] their import. Then the investment in irrigation sys-i terns, per acre under ditch, was $54.54. Cost of an-, nual maintenance and operation, including fuel oi, power, repairs and attendance, was $5.94 per acre!, irrigated. "Water deliveries averaged 1.9 acre-feet per, acre irrigated in 1939. The average size of the irriga-, tion units was 39 acres. There were 133 pumped wells and 147 pumping plants; capacity per plant was 408 gallons per minute, and the average acreage served per plant was 18.3. The average pumping lift, was 33 feet. The discrepancy between number of pumped wells and number of pumping plants is attributable to a number of pump diversions from creeks or lakes. The acreage served from these open water sources is al-; most entirely in the Upper Lake area (table 2), and; is represented mainly by alfalfa and pasture, withi beans third in line. In the total, however, Big Valley accounts for more than four-fifths of the irrigated area; pears grown alone and in combinations are the most important irrigated crop in acreage as well as in other respects; and the acreage devoted to irrigated pears is far greater (nearly six times) than that of; irrigated walnuts. Walnuts grown without irrigation are, in fact, substantially more important than those irrigated (in point of acreage). The total area in pears is about 1,000 acres more than that in walnuts.' As measured by acreage, the irrigated crops stand as follows in relative importance: First, pears; second. pasture; third, alfalfa; fourth, walnuts. The acreagejt in other nuts and deciduous fruits other than pears, while not significant, is of relative unimportance. Ignoring the irrigation feature, the cropped acre- ages rate as follows: Pasture, native grass, pears walnuts, alfalfa, small grain. The following paragraphs have to do with current irrigation practices : Pears. Water is applied almost entirely by tin border strip method, the strips being called "panels.' The trees are planted in squares, with trees 22 to 25 feet apart, and border strips are either one or twd to the tree row. Orchardists Avho do not irrigate after harvest give 3 or 4 irrigations; if after-harvest irrigation is prac- ticed, applications are 4 or 5. The average is thus about 3 to 5, depending on the after-harvest practice; about one-third of the growers prefer to irrigate after APPENDIX K 163 (rest. Applications are at the rate of about 6 or 7 les each, which does not involve much waste, it and post-harvest applications, however, are ter than the others; heaviest demand on the .ind water therefore falls in July and August. ■ irrigation is preferred, bid some growers irrigate light; the average irrigation day is 12 to 15 hours, ■it irrigation is in June, and later applications are ?ed at 3-week intervals. (tbgth of panels is limited to length of the orchards nselves, running, say, 800 to 900 feet, but some as long as 1,320 feet. "While some pipe distribu- es are being installed, the total length of such roved lines is still only a small proportion of the 1. Walnuts. The. same system of irrigation described above for pears applies to walnuts, with a few excep- tions. Basins and contour checks are more common than is the case with pears. Three irrigations are customary, but their total is about 2 feet because lighter soils are involved. Recommendation by Uni- versity of California authorities that no irrigation be made after midsummer is not followed by some growers for reasons affecting nut-filling. Common approximate dates of irrigation are June 15; July 15; third week in August. Post-harvest ap- plications are not made. Walnut trees are spaced 50 feet apart — some 60 — or 18 trees to the square. Length of runs is about the same as for pears. TABLE 4. Water use and irrigation efficiency of each operator interviewed in Lake County, California, Irrigation Practice Studies, 1949 Crop (clean) . (cover crop) - ts (old). jts (young) _ nent pasture - with walnuts), tal 5741 1 Location Big Valley. Scotts Valley - Big Valley Big Valley. Scotts Valley . Big Valley Upper Lake- Big Valley. . Upper Lake- Big Valley- - Scotts Valley - Upper Lake.. Big Valley Scotts Valley . Upper Lake_- Operator Bazzell Field... Fraser Hill Henderson. R._ Holdenreid, E.- Morrison, D Olson Sanderson, R._. Slattery Sweeney Gross Scherphius Patton, B Proctor, Geo... Benson Mauldin Hamilton Henderson, H. Wheeler Davis Fraser Mulhauser Patton, B. Fraser Mulhauser Santos Bradbrook Gross Holdenreid, E. Holdenreid, R. Mulhauser Foutch Gross Fraser Garrett Holdenreid. R. Mulhauser Olson Patton. B. Alley. . Foutch Santos- - Holdenreid. R. Proctor Santos 46 fields- 28 farms Method of irrigation Border. (No irrigation- Basin. Border- Border. Border- Border Sprinkler- Sprinkler. Basin Border Sprinkler. Basin Border Border Border Sprinkler- Border. . Basin Sprinkler- Water application Irrigations Number water table 11 4 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 7 2 13 19 7 8 3 8 11 2 6 7 6 5 6 4 2 9 4 1 Total amount Inches 25.5 (shallow) 22.6 34.2 (Test= 29.7 33.2 3 feet) 47.7 25 16.1 9.1 129. 80. 30 65 15 9 5 16 23 21 18 56 46 57 39 (1948- 4(58% 8 5 (shal 1 2 8 (shal 3 (1948- 3 (80% 4 1 3 8.4 (shal 9.3 0.7 3.2 41 21 48 29 42 19 18 20 Av. 12 (shal Estimated irrigation efficiency Per cent 60 55 50 65 55 59 60%) 35 48 45 40 65 55 55 55 23 35 1949) 76%) 67 50 60 65 70 low) 60 65 65 1949) 10', : 60 55 54 45 80 78 45 low) low) low) 60 35 65 43 50 55 80 65 65 55 60 Mean irrigation efficiency Per cent 52 55 55 63 65 78 50 67 Average 55.4 164 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION Leveling and releveling in both pear and walnut groves is a gradual but continuing process. Alfalfa. Irrigation is by border-strips. About 5 are customary, per season, but a casual enumeration showed applications ranging all the way from 2 (totalling 18 inches) to 11 (30 inches). (The heaviest total was 48 inches in 6 applications.) Table 4 summarizes irrigation-practice data obtained from the 1949 canvass of farms by the Operations Division, Soil Conservation Service. CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER Consumptive use (evapo-transpiration) includes combined loss of water from soils by evaporation and plant transpiration. A large portion of irrigation water applied to farm crops is used in evaporation and transpiration. The remainder is lost by surface runoff from the fields and deep percolation below the root zone. Many factors operate singly or in combination to influence the amounts of water consumed by plants. Their effects are not necessarily constant, but may differ with locality and fluctuate from year to year. Some involve the human factor, others are related to the natural influences of the environment. The more important of the natural influences are climate, water supply, soils, and topography. The climatic factors that particularly affect consumptive use are precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind movement, and growing season. The amount and rate of precipitation may have a pronounced effect on the amount of water consump- tively used during any summer. Under certain con- ditions, precipitation may be a series of frequent, light showers during the hot summer. Such showers may add little or nothing to the soil moisture for use by the plants through transpiration. The precipita- tion may be largely lost by evaporation directly from the surface of the plant foliage and the land surface. Some of the precipitation of heavy storms may be lost by surface runoff. Other storms may be of such intensity and amount that a large percentage of their precipitation will enter the soil and become available for plant transpiration. Such a condition may ma- terially reduce the amount of irrigation water needed and the consumptive vise. The growing season, which is tied rather closely to temperature, has a major effect on the seasonal use of water by plants. It is frequently considered to be the period between killing frosts, but for many an- imal crops it is shorter than the frost-free period, as such crops are usually planted after frosts are past and mature before they recur. For most perennial crops, growth starts as soon as the maximum tem- perature stays well above the freezing point for an extended period of days, and continues throughout the season in spite of later freezes. Irrigation requirements of crops vary with sm climatic factors as temperature, rainfall, evaporatio and length of growing season ; with the quantity ar cost of the available irrigation supply; with the ef; ciency of irrigation ; with crop characteristics sui as rate of growth and rooting habits ; and accordii to soil type. Both fast-growing and shallow-roots crops require excess water and mature trees use mci water than young trees. Sandy soils need irrigatic more frequently than the heavier types. Ground wi ter close enough to the surface to supply capillar moisture to plant roots, decreases the irrigation r quirement and adequate drainage increases it. Tl results of a cultural survey in Lake County for 19-J are shown in table 2 (see page 161). Various methods have been used by engineers tj determine consumptive use by agricultural crops an natural vegetation under field conditions. Regardle: of the method, the problems encountered are nume ous. The source of water used by plant life, whetht from precipitation alone, irrigation plus rainfall, ( ground water plus precipitation, is a factor infli encing selection of method. The methods most wide] used in engineering investigations are: (a) soi moisture studies on plots, (b) tank or lysimeter e. periments, (c) ground-water fluctuations, (d) inflow outflow measurements, (e) integration, (f) "effectiv heat," (g) correlation of water use, climatologic; and other data, and (h) analysis of irrigation an precipitation records. At various times during 1948-50 the Californij Division of Water Resources conducted irrigation an soil moisture studies in several areas of Lake Count; The number of irrigations, the amount of water a] plied and the irrigation efficiency were observed c 28 farms for alfalfa, pasture, pears, walnuts an other crops. The results of the 1949 studies are sun' marized in Table 4. A review of these data indicate a wide variation in irrigation practices. The resul indicate that the moisture stored in the root zoi from winter precipitation and/or ground water ai available for use by crops during the frost-free peril or growing season. Therefore it is doubtful that tl data can be used for computing normal consumptr use. It is believed that more reliable rates of wati consumption can be estimated by transposing coi sumptive-use measurements already made in othi areas to Lake County by the method of correlatii rates of water use with climatological data (1). Procedure The procedure is to correlate existing eonsumptri use data for different crops with monthly temper: ture, percent of daytime hours, precipitation, fros free (growing) period, or irrigation season. Tl coefficients so developed are used to transpose tl consumptive-use data for a given area to other are! for winch only climatological data are available. APPENDIX K 165 nsumptive-use formula Disregarding the unmeasured factors, consumptive » varies with the temperature, daytime hours, and lilable moisture (precipitation, irrigation water or tural ground water). By multiplying the mean ntlily temperature (t) by the monthly percent of v'time hours of the year (p), there is obtained a ntlily consumptive-use factor (/). It is assumed it the consumptive use varies directly as this factor en an ample water supply is available. Expressed thematically, U = KF = sum of Jcf where 7 = Consumptive use of crop (or evapo-transpira- tion) in inches for any period. P = Sum of the monthly consumptive-use factors / for the period (sum of the products of mean monthly temperature and monthly per- cent of daytime hours of the year). f— Empirical consumptive-use coefficient (irriga- tion season or growing period). t = Mean monthly temperature, in degrees Fahr- enheit. = Monthly percent of daytime hours of the year. t X T> f = — = monthly consumptive-use factor. k = Monthly consumptive-use coefficient. = kf = monthly consumptive use in inches. lie consumptive-use factor (F) for any period U T be computed for areas for which monthly tem- fkture records are available. Then by knowing the jsumptive-use coefficient (K) for a particular crop isome locality, an estimate of the use by the same n in some other area may be made by application the formula V — KF. hatological Records ;he climate of Lake County is described in the sec- ■. on irrigation practices. At various times precipi- lOn and temperature records have been kept at fper Lake, Lakeport and Kelseyville. The Upper tie station records were selected for the Scotts r ;ley-T T pper Lake Soil Conservation District and the ■eyville station records for the Big Valley Soil Bservation District. able 5 shows the normal monthly temperatures m precipitation, percent of day-time hours of the w and calculated consumptive use factor, Upper •a?. Similar data given in Table 6 are for Kel- 1 ille. r'nted Crops ivt'stigations of use of water by irrigated crops a- been conducted at various times for many years the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation i (operation with the State Division of Water Re- Hi-es or the California Agricultural Experiment t;ion (8). These studies indicate that the use of TABLE 5. Normal monthly temperatures and precipitation, percent of daytime hours and calculated consumptive use factor, Upper Lake, California Month Mean tempera- ture 1 (t) op Daytime hours (P) Per cent Con- sumptive use factor (f) Normal precipi- tation 1 2 (r) Inches 43.9 46.6 49.8 54.3 59 . 3 66.1 73.1 72.0 66.3 58.9 50.3 44.4 6.80 6.75 8.33 8.94 9.98 10.04 10.18 9.52 8.38 7.77 6.76 6.57 2.98 3.14 4.15 4.85 5.92 6.64 7.44 6.85 5. 56 4.58 3.40 2.92 7.12 5.27 4.00 1.91 May 1.23 0.31 July 0.02 0.02 0.38 1.61 3.33 5.84 57 . 1 100.00 58.43 31.04 1 Thirty-five years through 1945. 2 Forty-three years ending 1945. t = Mean monthly temperature. p = Monthly percent of daytime hours of the t X P f = — = Monthly consumptive use fact year, ir. TABLE 6. Normal monthly temperatures and precipitation, percent of daytime hours and calculated consumptive use factor, Kelseyville, California Month January. - February- . March... April May June July... August September October. _- November December- Annual - Mean tempera- ture 1 (t) °F 57.4 Daytime hours (P) Per cent 6.81 6.76 8.33 8.93 9.97 10.02 10.16 9.51 8.38 7.77 6.77 6.59 100.00 Con- sumptive use factor (f) 2.93 3.02 3.94 4.89 5.91 6.69 7.65 7.12 58.79 Normal precipi- tation 1 2 (r) Inches 4.33 4.53 3.15 1.67 .78 .43 .29 .01 .11 1.40 2.26 4.77 23.73 1 ('(imputed from ratio of Kelseyville to Upper Lake 1947 records. -' Mean of record 1932-48. t = Mean monthly temperature. p = Monthly percent of daytime hours of the year. t X P f — — = Monthly consumptive use factor. water varies for different crops not only in total amount but also in seasonal distribution. These consumptive-use values (U) and the results of other investigations in the West, and the calculated con- sumptive use factor (F) have been employed to compute the crop coefficients (K) bv the formula Consumptive use of water for crops in Lake County are estimated from the local consumptive-use factors for the growing or irrigation season and the coefficient for the crop, with allowance for local conditions. The irrigation season on Lake County usually starts in llili LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION April or May and continues through September, de- pending upon the crop and distribution and amount of precipitation. After reviewing the available data it was decided to divide the year into two periods, April 1 to September 30 and October 1 to March 31. Table 7 shows the computed normal unit consump- tive use by the principal irrigated crops 1 in the Scotts Valley-Upper Lake and Big Valley soil con- servation districts for tbe period April 1 to September 30, and Table 8 gives the computed normal monthly rates of consumptive use for alfalfa and cover crops during the period October 1 to March 31. i See Table 2, page 161, for crop acreage in 1949. TABLE 7. Computed normal unit consumptive use of water by irrigated crops for the period April 1 to September 30 in the Scotts Valley- Upper Lake and Big Valley Soil Conservation Districts, Lake County, California ( Irop Alfalfa Beans Corn ( bain, spring Hops_. Pastvire Pears Pears with cover crop Prunes — Truck . Walnuts, young,.. Walnuts, young alfalfa Walnuts — grain Walnuts — alfalfa Walnuts Vineyard - .__. Con- sump- tive Period use co- efficient (K)i 1 l 9 30 0.80 4/1-6/30 .05 1/1-7/31 .75 1 l 6 30 .70 4 1 -9 30 .70 4 1 9 30 .80 4/1-9/30 .60 1 1 9 30 .80 4 1 9 30 .00 4 1 (i 30 .00 1 1 ft 30 . 60 1 1 9 30 .80 1 1 li 30 .80 4/1-9/30 .90 4/1-9/30 .70 4/1-8/31 .00 Scotts Valley- Upper Lake (F)« 37 . 20 17.41 24 85 17.41 37.26 37.26 37 . 20 37.26 37 . 26 17.41 37.26 37 . 26 37.26 37 . 26 37.26 31.70 (U) Inches 29.8 11.3 18.6 12.2 26 . 1 29.8 22.4 29.8 22.4 10.4 22.4 29.8 29.8 33 . 5 20.1 19.0 Bis; Valley (Kelseyville) (F)» 37 98 17.4(1 25 . 1 4 17.49 37 . 98 37 . 98 37 . 98 37 . 98 37 . 98 17.49 37 . 98 37 . 98 37.98 37.98 37.98 32 . 20 (U) Inches 30.4 11.4 18.9 12.2 26.6 30.4 22.8 30.4 22.8 10.5 22.8 30.4 30.4 34.2 26.6 19.4 r KF = Consumptive use for period. 1 Based on data in other areas. - From table 5. 3 From table fi. TABLE 8. Computed normal monthly rates of consumptive use for crops growing during the period October 1 to March 31, Lake County, California Month Scotts Valley— Upper Lake Soil Conservation District Big Valley Soil Conservation District (f) (u)' Inches (u)« Inches (r) Inches (0 (u)> Inches (u)» Inches (r) Inches 4.58 3.40 2.92 2.89 3.14 4.15 2.7 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.5 2.3 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.6 2.1 1.61 3.33 5.84 7.12 5.27 4.00 4.53 3.44 2.95 2.93 3.02 3.96 2.7 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.3 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.40 November December 2.26 4.77 4.33 February. . March .. _ 4.53 3.15 Total. _ _. 12.6 10.6 27.17 12.6 10.5 20.44 ii = kf = Monthly consumptive use. k = Crop coefficient. t X P f = = Monthly consumptive use factor. r = Monthly precipitation. 1 Monthly consumptive use (u) for alfalfa or planted cover crop with coefficient k = 0.60. -Monthly consumptive use (u) for light cover crop or native grass with coefficient k = 0.50. Evaporation from Wafer Surface No long-period evaporation measurements ar available in Lake County. Monthly records kept b the U. S. Geological Survey at Lakeport, Octobe 1901 to December 1905 are shown in Table 9. (.9 These have been used with temperature records | TABLE 9. Observed monthly evaporation from a square land pan an mean temperature and computed coefficients for lake evaporation c Lakeport, California Month October November. December.. January February _ _ March Subtotal- April Maj June July- August September- Subtotal . Total. Mean tern per- ature 1 (ti 61.0 52.3 45.5 44.0 45.1 47.1 54.2 59.9 69.4 73 . 9 74.8 70.9 Day- time Injurs (P) 7.77 6.77 6.59 6.81 6.76 8.33 8.93 9.97 10.02 10.16 9.51 8.38 Con- Mean sump- pan tive use evapo- factor ration 2 (f) Inches 21.25 4.84 5.97 6.95 7.51 7.11 5.94 38.32 59.57 2.52 1.09 .80 .72 .02 6.71 2.41 4 .55 6.76 8.32 7.25 5.30 34 . 59 41.30 Mean lake surface evapo- ration 3 Inches 2.22 .90 .70 .63 .54 .84 30.43 36.32 Con- sump-l t' ve us || coeffici ' cut Ik! 0.47 .27 .23 .20 .18 .21 .44 .67 .86 .98 .90 .78 1 Near Lakeport, California, for period October, 1901, to December, 1905. -At Lakeport, California, on Clear Lake. Square pan 3x3 feet, 18 inches dee] With top of pan flush with ground surface. From Table 85. Bulletin 51 A. Cttl forma Division of Water Resources. 3 Reduced to hike evaporation by pan coefficient 0.88 (see page 36, California Oh sion of Water Resources Bulletin No. 5). TABLE 10. Computed normal monthly lake evaporation in Lake Count California (based on 1901-1905 Lakeport pan records) Month October November- . December- - January February March Subtotal. April May... June July . . August September- Subtotal- Total - Coeffi- cient 1 (k) 0.47 .27 .23 .21 .18 .21 Consumptive use factor (f) Upper Lake 21.17 4.85 5.92 6.64 7.44 6.85 5.56 37 . 26 58.43 Kelsey- ville 4.53 3.44 20.81 4.89 5 . 9 1 6.69 7.65 7.12 5.72 37.98 58.79 Lake evaporation 2 Upper Lake Inches Feet 2.14 .92 .68 .62 .56 5.81 2.12 3.97 5.68 7.25 6.14 4.36 29.52 35.39 0.18 .08 .06 .05 .05 .07 .49 .18 .33 .47 .60 .51 .36 2.45 2.94 Kelseyville Inches Feet >.12 .93 .69 .62 .53 .84 5.73 2.14 3.96 5.73 7.46 6.39 4.48 30.16 35.89 0.11 .1! .3; .4! 2.5 2.9! 1 k based on Colorado Land Pan observations at Lakeport by U. S. Geological Su vey, October, 1901, to December, 1905. (9) : Ci moiiiiii evaporation = k x f. APPENDIX K KIT 5termine monthly coefficients (k) in the formula: u evaporation „, e _ — = — — ; — — . Computations or f consumptive use factor nana! monthly evaporation from water sin-faces at taper Lake and Kelseyville are shown in Table 10. Similar coni])iitations based on two-year Weather ureau pan records (1948-49) at Lakeshore on Shasta ike are shown in Appendix table 14. Tt is notable jat the computed normal annual evaporation for pper Lake and Kelseyville from the available pan jid temperature records at Lakeport and Lakeshore e almost the same. jf/Ve Vegetation on the Valley Floor At various times during the past 23 years the Divi- jm of Irrigation, in cooperation with the California ivision of AVater Resources, has investigated the nsumptive use of water by native vegetation (2) ) (4). Some of the results for California and other ■stern states have been summarized in one report ijO), according to which, the relation of plant com- tpnities to moisture supply is one of the outstanding jaracteristics of the growth of natural vegetation, 'ihile individual species are largely restricted to lyorable physical environments, the principal condi- gn that governs the distribution of vegetath r e groups ikhe amount of available moisture. Each species re- •onds to specific water conditions for its most favor- ite growth and its widest distribution. Natural vegetation grows under moisture conditions tat are always changing. Plants that do not subsist :• ground water but depend upon moisture held by fe soil particles may have another. Ground water actuates and roots in contact with it are alternately If and dry. Soil moisture is dependent upon precipi- tpon, but evaporation, transpiration, percolation, Id runoff cause its uneven distribution in the soil. ;In arid areas moisture is retained in the upper soil "rizon, and the vegetation is confined to those species tit are adapted to extreme economy of water. In IBs of greater precipitation, deeper penetration re- > ts in plant roots drawing upon a greater volume of si moisture. In low places a concentration of mois- re takes place and ground-water areas support those fints which use more water than dry-land plants, hially the water-loving plants, living with their roots water, are large consumers of it. \ T o measurements have been made of evapo-trans- p;ation by native vegetation in Lake County. The ' ults of evapo-transpiration studies in San Luis m Valley (6) and other areas made by the Division > Irrigation and Water Conservation in cooperation rh the California State Division of Water Resources i' used to estimate consumptive use of water in Lake unty by the method previously described. Native vegetation on the floor of Lake County was i pped by the Division of AVater Resources as sparse brush, light brush, heavy brush, and swamp, i Sec Table 2.) Swamp areas The results of observations in San Luis Rey Valley (6) on consumptive use of water by tules growing in a tank (six feet in diameter and six feet deep, located in a swamp) are shown in Table 11, together with computed monthly consumptive-use factors and coeffi- cients. By applying these coefficients to the consump- tive-use factors in Lake County, estimates have been made of monthly consumptive use of water by swamp vegetation, as shown in Table 11. TABLE 11. Estimated normal monthly consumptive use of water by swamp areas in Lake County, California ( Coefficient (swamp) ' •k) Consumptive use Month Upper Lake Kelseyville (U) Inches CU) Feet (U) Inches (U) Feet April .. May 0.89 1.14 1.16 1.26 1.16 1.16 4.32 6.75 7.70 9 . 75 7.95 6.45 0.36 .56 .64 .81 .66 .54 4.35 6.74 7.76 9.64 8.26 6.64 0.36 .56 .65 July August September.- .80 .69 .55 42.92 3.57 43.39 3.61 5.81 0.48 5.73 0.48 Total _ _ 48.73 4.05 49.12 4.09 1 Developed from San Luis Rey Valley. California, measurements. (6) - October to March period consumptive use is estimated to he same as evaporation from a free water surface. Brush-tree-grass areas Some areas in Lake County are covered with growths consisting of brush intermingled with trees and grasses of varying density, the variation being governed by the available water supply. In those areas underlain by a high water table the growths are dense, and as the terrain rises toward the hills and distance to the water table increases, vegetation usually becomes less dense and changes to a species having roots developed for obtaining water from greater depths. This arrangement results in zones of vegetation that are irregular according to the ability of the roots to obtain moisture. Exceptions occur in some places as a result of soil types. In the valley, there are areas where ground water is near enough to the ground surface to support luxuriant growths of vegetation, but, owing to lack of fertility in the soil, the vegetation is sparse. In mapping areas of native brush, trees and grass the growths were classified by the State Division of AVater Resources as heavy, light and sparse brush and grass. Although deciduous vegetation such as willows and cottonwoods drop their leaves and become dor- u;s LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION niant during the frost period, consumptive use con- tinues during the winter in some areas they occupy, owing to growths of grasses, weeds, and underbrush. l T ntil more information is available on ground water areas the following estimates of rates of consumptive use shown in Table 12, based on formula V = KF, may be employed to compute total water consumption in areas of high water table. TABLE 12. Estimates of normal annual consumptive use of water rates for native vegetation on valley floors, Lake County, California Annual co- efficient (K) Scotts Valley Big Valley Classification (F)i (U) Inches (F)« (U) Inches With high water table Trees-brush-grass (heavy) _ Brush-grass (light) Grass-brush (sparse) . - - 1.00 0.70 0.50 58.43 58.43 58.43 58.4 40.9 29.2 58.79 58.79 58.79 58.8 41.2 29.4 1 See Table 5 ?See Table 6. The monthly estimates of use of water by native grass areas without a high water table for the period ( >ctober to March, inclusive, are shown in Table 8. In areas with high water tables the use of water will continue during the summer months. The water con- sumption by grasses in areas without a high water table will probably not exceed 5 inches during the period April to September, depending upon the amount of winter rainfall stored in the soil root zone. Other Classifications Other water-using areas which have not heretofore been discussed include areas mapped as "dry-farmed crops," which include pasture, grasses, beans, fallow land, deciduous trees, walnuts and other crops; and "miscellaneous" which includes cemeteries, levees, town lots, water surfaces, waste land, country roads and farm lots. (Sec Table 2.) Dry-fanned crops The use of water by dry-farm areas in Lake County, where no underground water is available for plant growth, is dependent upon the amount and distribu- tion of rainfall. Considering information from studies in other areas and the distribution of precipitation in Lake County, the normal annual unit consumptive use of dry-farmed pasture and orchards is estimated to be 21 inches in Scotts Valley-Upper Lake district and 18 inches in Big Valley district. Normal annual use by other dry-farmed crops in these districts is estimated at 18 inches and 15 inches, respectively. .1/ iscellaneous areas Town and farm lots and cemeteries. Areas mapped as "town lots", "farm lots" and "cemeteries" are assigned a consumptive use of 24 inches. This allows for an actual use of 1.5 feet with 0.5 foot lost b evaporation after rains. It is estimated that 30 pe cent of the use occurs during the six-month wintt period and 70 percent during the period April 1 1 September 30. Water surfaces. These areas include lakes, resei voirs and lagoons. The normal annual loss of water b evaporation from free water surfaces is estimated s 36 inches. (See Table 10 for monthly evaporation.) Waste land. Areas placed under "waste land" ar bare and consist of sandy or rocky soils. In sonv cases they are subject to overflow from the river o tributary streams during periods of high water. Thi normal annual unit consumptive use is estimated t be 12 inches. Areas mapped as "levees" are includei in this classification. Although no acreages for river channels are showij by the State survey, some of the waste land may in elude river channels that are subject to alternate!; wet and dry periods or intermittent streamflow. A narrow, constricted places, the water-table is held closer to the ground surface and consequently surfao TABLE 13. Summary of estimated normal unit consumptive use o water rates for irrigated, dry-farmed, native vegetation and misce laneous areas in Lake County, California Consum ptive use of water, feet Classification or crop Scotts Valley Upper Lake Big Valley (Kelseyvi'le) Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 An- nual Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 Apr. 1 to Sept. 30 An- nual Irrigated crops Alfalfa 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .90 .50 .50 .50 .90 .50 1.00 .50 .50 2.48 .94 1.55 1.02 2.18 2.48 1.87 2.48 1.87 .87 1.87 2.48 2.48 2.79 2.18 1.58 3.48 1.44 2.05 1.52 2.68 3.48 2.37 3.38 2.37 1.37 2.37 3.38 2.98 3.79 2.68 2.08 1.75 1.50 4.05 4.87 3.41 2.43 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 .8 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .90 .50 .50 .50 .90 .50 1.00 .50 .50 2.53 .95 1.58 1.02 2.22 2.53 1.90 2.53 1.90 .88 1.90 2.53 2.53 2.85 2.22 1.62 3.53 1.45 2.08: 1.52 2.72 ( 3.53 2.40 Pears (with cover crop) 3.43 2.40 Truck . . __ __ __ 1.38 2.40 Walnuts (young) and alfalfa Walnuts and grain 2.43 3.03 3.85 2.72 2.12 Dry-farmed crops 1.50 1 25 Native vegetation 1 0.48 3.57 0.48 3.61 4.09 4.90 3.43 2.45 Miscellaneous areas Town-farm lots-cemeteries 0.6 .5 1.4 2.5 0.6 .5 1.4 2.5 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 .8 1 In areas of liixh water table. APPENDIX K 169 ater here appears earlier in the winter and lasts nger in the spring. At a few places, flowing water ay occur the year around. The normal annual unit msumptive use of river channel is estimated to be It inches. County roads. All county and improved roads are eluded under this classification. The loss of water om these areas is primarily by evaporation after ins. An annual unit consumptive use of 9 inches is 'signed to these areas. immary of Estimated Unit Consumptive Use i Estimated normal unit consumptive-use values for jinter, summer and annual periods for irrigated ops, dry farmed crops, native vegetation and mis- ,'llaneous areas are summarized in Table 13. The unit consumptive-use values shown in Table 13 ay be applied to acreage shown in Table 2 to com- ate the total amount of water consumed for various eas in Lake County. REFERENCES 1) Blaney, Harry F. and Griddle, Wayne C. Determining Water Requirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatologieal and Irrigation Data. SCS-TP-96. Soil Conservation Service-Research, U. S. Dept. Agr. August 1950. (2) Blaney, Harry F., Taylor, C. A., and Young, A. A. Rainfall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain. Calif. State Dept. Public Works. Div. Water Resources Bull. 33. 1930. (3) Blaney, Harry F.. Taylor, C. A., Nickle, H. G., and Young, A. A. Water Losses Under Natural Conditions from Wet Areas in Southern California. Calif. State Dept. Pub. Wks.. Div. Water Resources Bull. 44. 1933. (4) Blaney, Harry F. and Ewing, Paul A. Irrigation Practices and Consumptive Use of Water in Pajaro Valley, California. Soil Conservation Service- Research, U. S. Dept. of Agr. December 1949. (5) Carpenter. E. J.. Storie, R. Earl, and Cosby, Stanley W. Soil Survey of the Clear Lake Area, California. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. 1927. (ft) Muekel, Dean C. and Blaney, Harry F. Utilization of the Waters of the Lower San Luis Rey Valley, San Diego County. California. Div. of Irrig.. Soil Cons. Service-Research, U. S. Dept. Agr. April 1945. (7) Palmer, L. L. History of Napa and Lake counties, California, and Biographical Sketches. 1881. (8) Young, Arthur A. Irrigation Requirements of California Crops. Bulletin No. 51, Calif. State Dept. of Public Works, Div. of Water Resources. 1945. (P) Young, Arthur A. Evaporation from Water Surface in California — Basic Data. Bulletin No. 54-A. Calif. State Dept. of Public Works, Div. of Water Resources. 1948. (10) Young, Arthur A. and Blaney, Harry F. Use of Water by Native Vegetation. Bulletin 50. Calif. State Dept. of Public Works, Div. of Water Resources. 1942. APPENDIX TABLE 14. Computed normal monthly lake evaporation in Lake County, California (based on Lakeshore 1948-1949 Weather Bureau pan records) Coefficient 1 (k) Consumptive use Evaporation 2 factor (f) Upper Lake Kelseyville Month Upper Lake Kelseyville Pan Lake Pan Lake 3 Inches Inches Feet Inches Inches Feet ober vember _ _ 0.68 .42 .26 .49 .40 .60 4.58 3.40 2.92 2.98 3.14 4.15 4.53 3.44 2.95 2.93 3.02 3.94 3.11 1.43 .76 1.46 1.26 2.49 2.18 1.00 .53 1.02 .88 1.74 0.18 .08 .04 .08 .07 .14 3.08 1.44 .77 1.44 1.20 2.36 2.16 1.01 .54 1.01 .84 1.65 0.18 .08 cember .04 iuary .08 oruary ._ .07 rch _.. . .14 Subtotal 21.17 20.81 10.51 7.35 .59 10.29 7.21 .59 ■il .188 .86 1.06 1.24 1.20 1.02 4.85 5.92 6.64 7.44 6.85 5.56 4.89 5.91 6.69 7.65 7.12 5.72 4.27 5.09 7.04 9.22 8.22 5.67 2.99 3.56 4.93 6.45 5.75 3.97 .25 .30 .41 .54 .48 .33 4.30 5.08 7.09 9.49 8.54 5.83 3.01 3.56 4.96 6.64 5.98 4.08 .25 V- .30 ie~ . .41 .55 gust .50 itember . .34 Subtotal- . _ 37.26 37.98 39.51 27.65 2.31 40.33 28.23 2.35 Total 58.43 58.79 50.02 35.00 2.90 50.62 35.44 2.94 y= developed from 1948-1949 Lakeshore, California Evaporation Station records. 'imputed evaporation = k X f. •ike evaporation = pan evaporation X Weather Bureau coefficient 0.70. APPENDIX L RECORDS OF APPLICATION OF IRRIGATION WATER TO SELECTED PLOTS OF REPRESENTATIVE CROPS IN CLEAR LAKE AREA IN 1949 AND 1950 APPENDIX L 17:3 a.5 ao Q »o to »c to «: l-H CO «o 00 a- CO ««iiO(ocoaos-C! lOOJOOOOiOXOO'OOJ-rOtOCOOOCOOlO'rJ* N N CO r * N io^Nhl^oOOOiOCO ^n«MHM«MrtHHP3nMHOO^OKOTttHriir:NNNN«'JM^ONN«0 rH to O rj< ■<* to OOCClrHrHOOOrH© ao — CO e !0©01^>OOW^XXNiOO'tNCOi£5'H^'^(DiONM!Dah'OTf^ © O © Oo CO O OfliOMOOJNflOOJ roM^cocNrHrjHcocNr-.cNcNcorjic>irH 10 •* io to O ' 00 1 CM. ' ' Tf Tf >0 ' ^h 1 to W O ^H ! h- 00 I-H . O CD to CO O). CO 00>-Ht O 1 1 i-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 icfttrjrH ' 1 1 lO 1 1 I 1 MOO ' ' ' W > ffl r»Oi "HON 1 1 tH 1 • Ii3 iC30 1 i-H 1 11 1111 1 1 1 1000 'i 1 1 Ci 11 1 1 1 1 lO ^H CO -a 11 V3 ' *3 "i3 '^3 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' 1 1 1 1 1 9J3ID ' 'j« ' J « d 1 O -h 1 > »- — 'NOiCO-43' OO'OO 1 .3 O. .3 .3 OJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 1 J3 C0«r-CCWOJ(N>-'T}'CO<£>t3cO OOSiOCOfflgCCn 2flfl+3 'tOCiOl^rHCOX-rJirJi I ION I CICMh gO) r^cOOtD ®HtO©OQ>0«gQQ2 N©r0^--r^ i h C-lOLOrfOOtOCMlOOrH irHrHX I OCOTfOO CO CD CO lO U3 C4 CO CO CN — _C J3 J ,_ O « cj 3 J u t- t- "3 T — -£ *^ *a t3 .5 .5 a 2 0Q 03 03 EC GC J. c_ a ■g t- a — •J M — (. aj -± -a c £ - CO qc c; a S t. t£ a) a £ -c -c c fe f: tc ffi ec a ft t- a - c t, a> a> a a> a 5 a a> a C C * ''-o n *- f-> <- ; ! \^t^x^t^£^4MMM ; ; ^ ^s ^. ; ^ js ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ,* ^ ^ .^ -m \ \ OOOOUOUftJtO UUCO O 01 U O O t) utooouoo , UDU^DCOCOCOCO QOCPftO 0) CO OJ © 11 0) O V CO 00 V O V ^^UOOOOOOOO^ | o o o [ ouootoo OOOOOOO^^ ^■^■^ojtiaiojeitoootio'^-'ojcitij aiaotucocua; aoaocuaoaocoiio'^-^ OGC-rJ-rJ-C-rJ-r'-rj-rJ-rj-rjjG.^-rJ-rJ-rJ.G ^-^-^^^^ ^^^^-^^-^CC Q.Q.nOOOOOOOOOQ,et)OOOc3 OOOOOO OOOOOOOQ.C, cococommfflmffiffimmmr/jmmmmn meQeaccimm mmmmaameQcvjco '5 ] >> « > >> J 1 ! ! ! ! ! **> -*> ! ! 1 **> ! ! ! a co D C> Ot "72 SCaiiMSi/jj^wCj •—* *—* ^Daj4)fl)fl)wOUfl)U4'titiiBiD *j "j 4) a Ot ""2 gjflj4)4)flJ4) 4}£>cptU4)iuai^» MMMO?a M a^ MMM aa OOMMMMMM a MMMMMMbJb,llMOOMMMO bfi &D M bfi M bC bCbCMbfibCbObO^Q, £££ &S$£^^ &££^o ££££££££^£££££££££3 &'£'£'£ & ££££££ £££££££z>& u V .a 3 a hNhW '" H 3 ,h 3 ,H « <*"« &* «-3 -r > > O* << >> -h ^ < '— »H i-l CN J OcO-HOt^.-^'-H^' oi-SbicSpioitSoioipipSoi COCOCO-*Or-rHO)OlCINtN00OlM-HrHrHMCO''CN--'rHl OOCOCO^^CO r-.-Hr-.OO'-H'-H'-HCCCO ££%%&£&&&&&££££&££&&%%£&&% £££££(£ •^■a^^'i^ zzzzi'zzzz^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mzzz zzzzzzzzz (OiOTjHrJ-COCOCOCOCOCOiOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOrrrHrHCOCOCOrH COrHrfcOCOrH COCOCOCOCOCOCOtOCO ?■§ a c CO CO 0! HNM-fintONOOON^OHOOOHiNWNM'f^QOiOiONfCHXaMO'f'-'OOHO CD CN CO -# iO CO CDCDCN00I^a.r-Q000 _-_,-,_i ^-t ^h ^h^h^-,^ ^h ^ .-h^himc-j.-h hi^^oi WN CNCN CN CN CN c CO 03 ao CO O53i3i050505000 > . OliJ-J. O0ldO'3l0J0)ffiffiOCJ0l5i3;3!0l3!O0l0)0lOOOC; ~3i^OOO O! O O) C T. 3 O 3 C- Tf Tji -f -^ -f -1* lO »-0 i-O ^?» ■•* rf -t it -^f -* 0 >0 -*T ^ -f rf tC iO i.O Tf»C*#'f'*^l*»0'^'^ j 1 > ^2 3 < i 3 s "5 S M c 3 O >> 3 M v2 "3 < u a -a ; S ' ■ J3 , » 1 ' u 1 : ° » 00 0) 3 ffi <5 Ph 1 tH l HJ 1 . , » i Oiii . 1 > 1 1) 1 1 1 1 . , O , Si.. , , 1 O , c8 i . i 1 -U i 3 ' • . i a i c i ■ i bj I CD I Si i; ! id' •- ' i i -2 i ill 3 ; ; ; "5 i a =- i - o 8 ! ■"§ 1 3 J-, i 3 c g . s 1 O+^i •— to tj I >.- . S u M « » i . 5 a, at a 3 3 to ii- to > t; 3 a u t-t,^ t-o s -3 — d dcJcj d-j"Crj j* ao coco » a •£ -; Ph Oh Ph — co > > a r CO J= 5 (O a - T, APPENDIX M SEASONAL SUMMARIES OF MONTHLY YIELD STUDIES OF PROPOSED PROJECTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Kelseyville Reservoir on Kelsey Creek 177 Lakeport Reservoir on Scott Creek 177 Pitney Ridge Reservoir on Middle Creek 177 ( 17(J ) APPENDIX M 177 SEASONAL SUMMARY OF MONTHLY YIELD STUDY, KELSEYVILLE RESERVOIR ON KELSEY CREEK SEASONAL SUMMARY OF MONTHLY YIELD STUDY, LAKEPORT RESERVOIR ON SCOTT CREEK (In acre-feet) Storage capacity : 36,000 acre-feet Seasonal yield : 26,800 acre-feet Storage capacity : 12,800 acre-feet (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 9,300 acre-feet Season ,1920-21 | 21-22 22-23 > 23-24 | 24-25 1925-26 26-27 ' 27-28 ' 28-29 i 29-30 1930-31 ! 31-32 32-33 , 33-34 34-35 Water supply Stor- age, Octo- ber 1st 25,100 25,000 25 900 7,700 24,000 26,700 27.500 27,300 15,300 17,700 2,500 Inflow 53,900 28,700 29,800 9,600 44,600 32.300 67,700 37,600 16,300 30,700 8,500 29,800 21,800 24,700 36,400 Distribution of water supply Evap- ora- tion 2,000 2,000 2.000 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 500 500 500 500 1,000 Yield 26,800 26.800 26,800 26,800 26,800 26,800 26,800 26,800 26,800 26,800 25,700 26,800 23,800 24,200 26,000 Spill 100 800 38,100 9.000 Stor- age, Sep- tember 30th 25,100 25,000 25,900 7,700 24,000 26,700 27,500 27,300 15,300 17,700 2,500 9,400 Defi- ciency per cent 4.1 11.2 9.7 3.0 Water supply Distribution of water supply Season Stor- age, Octo- ber 1st Inflow Evap- ora- tion Yield Spill Stor- age, Sep- tember 30th Defi- ciency in per cent 1920-21 6,900 6.400 6,400 7,100 4,900 6.300 5.900 1,700 5,300 4,800 3,400 4,500 46.400 16,300 17.900 3.000 34,800 20,200 63,100 26,600 5,800 20,400 3,500 17.300 8,900 11,200 25,000 1,200 1,100 1,200 500 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,300 700 1.000 500 1.100 1.000 800 1,000 9,100 9,300 9,300 8,900 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 8,300 8,000 9,300 9,300 9,300 29,200 6,400 7,400 17,300 11,900 51,100 16,400 6,500 3,400 13,700 6,900 6,400 6,400 7,100 4,900 6,300 5,900 1,700 5,300 4,800 3,400 4,500 5,500 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 4.3 1925-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 1930-31 31-32 32-33 10.8 14.0 33-34 34-35 SEASONAL SUMMARY OF MONTHLY YIELD STUDY, PITNEY RIDGE RESERVOIR ON MIDDLE CREEK Storage capacity : 5,400 acre-feet (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 5,400 acre-feet Water supply Distribution of water supply Season Stor- age, Octo- ber 1st Inflow Evap- ora- tion Yield Spill Stor- age, Sep- tember 30th Defi- ciency in per cent 1920-21 2,720 2,220 2,200 2,400 1,120 1,710 2,120 1,180 1,080 680 900 380 43,700 15,400 16,800 3,000 32,600 22,600 60,000 25,100 5,600 19,100 3,800 16,100 8,300 10,500 23,400 270 450 440 360 460 450 450 450 460 470 240 430 450 470 450 5.400 5,400 5,400 4,840 5,400 5,400 5,400 5.400 5.400 5.400 4.640 5,130 5,400 5,400 5,400 35.310 10,050 10.980 24,340 18,030 53,560 18,840 680 13,330 '.), XI ill 2,230 5,150 17,030 2,720 2,220 2.200 2,400 1,120 1,710 2,120 1,180 1,080 680 900 380 900 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 10.3 1925-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 29-30 1930-31 14. 1 31-32 5.0 32-33 33-34. _ 34-35... APPENDIX N ESTIMATES OF COST OF PROPOSED PROJECTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Kelseyville Dam and Reservoir 181 Big Valley By-Pass Channel 181 Lakeport Dam and Reservoir 182 Spillway Channel to Clear Lake 182 Bachelor Valley Conveyance and Pumping: System 183 Bachelor Valley Distribution System 183 Distribution System for Tule Lake, Helms, and Edmands Reclamation Districts 184 Pitney Ridge Dam and Reservoir 184 Middle Creek Diversion and Supply Ditch 185 Upper Lake Distribution System 185 ( 180 ) APPENDIX N ESTIMATED COST OF KELSEYVILLE DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) 181 Elevation of crest of dam : 1.615 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway : 1,595 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 139 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway : 36,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 7-foot freeboard : 20,000 second-feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost j CAPITAL COSTS Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and preparation of foundation I Common ' Rock [Excavation for embank- ment ', From borrow pits From quarry Embankment ; Impervious fill ' Pervious fill Overhaul ure grouting ... Spillway Excavation Common Rock Shaping Concrete Lining Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Rock Concrete Backfill Structural iteel pipe {einforeing steel 8,000 cu.yd. 18,000 cu.yd. 214.000 cu.yd. 137,000 cu.yd. 171,000 cu.yd. 337,000 cu.yd. 220,000 cu.yd. 4,440 cu.yd. 331,000 cu.yd. 220,000 cu.yd. 10,000 cu.yd. 235 cu.yd. 23,500 lb. 975 cu.yd. 535 cu.yd. 50 cu.yd. 90.000 lb. 45.000 lb. lump sum $1.00 1.00 0.35 1.00 0.30 0.35 0.20 8.00 1.10 1.50 3.25 35.00 0.20 8.00 30.00 100.00 0.30 0.15 $15,000 8,000 18,000 74,900 137,000 51.300 118,000 44,000 35,500 $501,700 364,100 330,000 32,500 8,200 4,700 739,500 7,800 16,100 5,000 27,000 6,800 Trashrack Butterfly valve, 42" Hollow jet valve 42" Hydraulic control lines and operating mecha- nism Reservoir Land Public utilities Power line Telephone line Clearing reservoir lands _ . Subtotal Administration and en- gineering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, one-half of con- struction period at 3 . 5% Total ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3 . 5% Repayment, 0.763% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance General expense, 0.32%.. Total 780 acres 1 . 5 miles 3.5 miles 320 acres lump sum 6.000 10,500 lump sum $50.00 3.500 2,100 75 . 00 $1,000 12,000 10,500 2,500 $88,700 $39,000 5,300 7,400 24,000 $75,700 $1,405,600 140,600 210.800 30,700 $1,787,700 $62,600 13,600 1,300 6,100 5,700 $89,300 length of by-pass : 5.0 miles ESTIMATED COST OF BIG VALLEY BY-PASS CHANNEL (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Capacity of by-pass : 18,000 second-feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost APITAL COSTS Diversion Channel 686,000 cu.yd. 270 acres 9,940 sq.ft. 14,200 sq.ft. $0.40 200.00 lump sum 11.00 4.00 $274,400 54,000 $328,400 5,000 109,300 56,800 171,100 Administration and en- gineering, 10% . . . Contingencies, 15% _ . . Interest during construc- tion, 3.5% Total $50,000 74,900 and and improvements.. Structures dobe Creek outlet ricls;<\ Highway 29. ridges, secondary roads, 2 8,700 $633,100 ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% Amortization, 0.763% Replacement, 0. 1% Operation and mainte- nance General expense, 0.32%.. Total $22,200 Subtotal 4,800 600 6,300 2,000 $499,500 $35,900 l.s-2 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF LAKEPORT DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Elevation of crest of dam : 1,537 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway : 1,525 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 70 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway : 13,000 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 5.75-foot freeboard: 21.000 second feci Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and preparation of foundation Rock.. Earth Excavation for embank- ment From borrow pits Embankment Impervious, borrow Pervious, quarry Pervious, salvage Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Excavation Common Rock Shaping Concrete Weir and cutoff Lining Cutoff wall Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Rock Concrete Backfill _. Structural 25,000 cu.yd. 10,1300 cu.yd. 145,000 cu.yd. 287,200 cu.yd. 190,000 cu.yd. 94.700 cu.yd. 13,500 lin. ft. 13,500 cu.ft. 15,000 cu.yd. 7,000 cu.yd. 7,000 cu.yd. 535 cu.yd. 3,000 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 270,000 lb. 455 cu.yd 300 cu.yd. 20 cu.yd. lump sum S2 50 0.40 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.70 4.00 4.00 1.10 2.25 3.25 35.00 30.00 35.00 0.15 35.00 100.00 $5,000 (52,500 44,200 58,000 201,000 133,000 66,500 54,000 54,000 $678,200 16,500 157,500 22,800 18,600 90.000 1,400 40,500 347,300 1,400 10,500 2,000 Steel pipe Reinforcing steel Trashrack Butterfly valve. 36" Hollow jet valve. 36" Hydraulic control lines Reservoir Land and improvements-. Clearing reservoir lands _ . Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, 3.5% Total ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3 . 5% Repayment, . 763% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance General expense, 0.32%__ Total 43,000 lb. 24,000 lb. 2,400 lb. 2 ea. 1 ea. 500 acres and buildings 500 acres $0.25 0.15 0.25 5,000 9,000 lump sum lump sum 75.00 $ 10,800 3,600 600 10,000 9,000 1,000 $48,900 50,000 37,500 87,500 $1,161,900 116.200 174,300 20,300 $1,172,700 $51,500 12,400 1.000 2,600 4.700 $72,200 ESTIMATED COST OF SPILLWAY CHANNEL TO CLEAR LAKE (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Length of spillway channel : 2.5 miles Capacity of spillway with 5.75-foot freeboard: 21,000 second feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS 80,000 cu.yd. 135.000 cu.yd. 7,150 cu.yd. 213,000 lb. 2 ea. 45 acres $0.40 0.30 35 . 00 0.15 lump sum 200.00 $32,000 40,500 250,000 32,000 $354,500 56.000 9,000 65,000 Contingencies, 15% Interest during consturc- tion, 3.5% $62,900 7,300 Excavation of natural Total $531,700 Excavation for lined chan- nel . _ . ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% _. Amortization. 0.763% Replacement. 0.05% . Operation and mainte- nance General expense, 0.32%._ Total - Steel fabric- Structures Bridges and approaches Rights of way - . - $18,600 4,100 300 2,700 1,700 $27,400 Subtotal Administration and engi- neering. 10% $419,500 42,000 APPENDIX N ESTIMATED COST OF BACHELOR VALLEY CONVEYANCE AND PUMPING SYSTEM (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) 183 Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS 4,200 lin.ft. 5,300 lin.ft. 15,800 lin.ft. 100 lin.ft, 2 ea. 2 ea. 2 ea. 7,400 lb. 59,000 lb. 1,000 cu.yd. 500 cu.yd. 61 cu.yd. 4,500 lb. 2.5 MBM $0.45 0.75 0.38 50.00 6,600 8,000 500 0.25 0.25 lump sum 0.25 1.00 100.00 0.15 325.00 lump sum SI, 900 4,000 6,000 5,000 $16,900 13,200 16,000 1,000 1,800 14,800 500 47,300 300 500 6,100 700 800 300 8,700 Dayle Creek Regulating Dam and Reservoir 1,500 cu.yd. 6,400 cu.yd. 200 cu.yd. 30 cu.yd. 2,300 lb. 0.40 0.50 1.00 35.00 0.15 lump sum $600 Embankment Spillway Excavation . Concrete lining _ Reinforcing steel Outlet works Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10%_. . _ Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, 3.5% Total ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5%__ Amortization, 0.763% Replacement, 0.5% Operation and mainte- nance _ General expense, 0.32%.. 3,200 200 Pipe under Highway 20 _„ Pumping Plants and Pipe Lines Pumping Plant No. 1, pumps, motors, and electrical equipment Pumping Plant No. 2, pump, motor, and elec- trical equipment 1,100 300 1 ,400 $6,800 $79,700 8,000 12,000 1,400 Steel pipe 18-inch $101,100 | 30-inch Check dam for sump of Pumping Plant No. 1 .. Diversion Dam on Scott Creek $3,400 800 500 Clav blanket. r'oncrete 3,400 300 6,700 Timber. . Total $15,100 ESTIMATED COST OF BACHELOR VALLEY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Hstribution system: Unlined canals and ditches Acreage served: 1,000 acres Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost APITAL COSTS Distribution system. Subtotal Administration and en- gineering, 10% Contingencies, 15% nterest during construc- tion 3.5% Total. 1,000 acres $20.00 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 2,000 3,000 400 $25,400 ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% Amortization, 0.763% Operation and mainte- $900 200 3,600 Total $4,700 184 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR TULE LAKE, HELMS, AND EDMANDS RECLAMATION DISTRICTS (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Distribution system: Unlined canals and ditches Acreage served: 700 acres Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS Distribution system 600 acres $20.00 $12,000 $12,000 ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% Amortization, 0.763% Operation and mainte- $600 100 Subtotal $12,000 1,200 1.800 1,600 gineering, 10% Total $2,300 Interest during construc- Total $15,000 ESTIMATED COST OF PITNEY RIDGE DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) Elevation of crest of dam : 1,555 feet. U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of crest of spillway : 1,542 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 64 feet Capacity of reservoir to crest of spillway : 5,400 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 5-foot freeboard : 20,800 second-feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost CAPITAL COSTS 105,000 cu.yd. 199,000 cu.yd. 200,000 cu.yd. 4,800 cu.yd. 3,200 lin.ft. 2,400 cu.ft. 27,500 cu.yd. 450 cu.yd. 1,500 cu.yd. 150,000 lb. 370 cu.yd. 237 cu.yd. 5 cu.yd. 9,800 lb. 17,700 lb. lump sum $0.60 .70 .70 1.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 35.00 35.00 0.15 6.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 0.15 $2,000 63,000 139,300 140,000 4,800 12,800 9.600 $371,500 55,000 15.800 52,500 22,500 145,800 2,200 7,100 500 2,900 2,700 High-pressure slide gate, 24" 2 ea. 1 ea. 3 miles $8,500 5.000 lump sum lump sum 15,000 $17,000 Dam Diversion and care of Hollow jet valve, 24" Control house and lines Trashrack . Reservoir Relocate countv road 5,000 1,000 600 $39,000 Stripping and preparation Embankment Impervious, borrow Pervious, salvage 45,000 45,000 $601,300 Riprap, salvage Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Administration and en- gineering, 10% Contingencies, 15% . - Interest during construc- tion. 3.5% $60,100 90,200 13,200 Excavation Total $764,800 Concrete Weir and cutoff wall ANNUAL COSTS $26,800 Outlet Works Excavation Repayment, 0.763% Replacement . 07 % Operation and mainte- 5,800 500 1,100 Concrete Backfill General expense, 0.32%.. Total 2,400 $36,600 APPENDIX N ESTIMATED COST OF MIDDLE CREEK DIVERSION AND SUPPLY DITCH (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) levation of crest of weir : 1,410 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of supply ditch : 30 second-feet eight of weir above stream bed : 5 feet Length of supply ditch : 4 miles ength of weir crest : 100 feet 185 Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost .PITAL COSTS Diversion Works Tipping and preparation 30 cu.yd. 50 cu.yd. 3,600 lb. 1,250 MBM 9,700 cu.yd. 9,700 cu.yd. 30 cu.yd. 13 cu.yd. 1,000 lb. 20 lin.ft. 20 cu.yd. $6.00 60.00 0.20 lump sum 400.00 0.35 0.30 2.00 100.00 0.15 lump sum 10.00 1.00 lump sum $200 3,000 700 300 500 Alley Creek Crossing Flume 30 lin.ft. 10 acres $10.00 500.00 $300 $300 5,000 5,000 $18,350 Administration and en- gineering, 10% _ . Contingencies, 15% . Interest during construc- 1,835 2,755 $4,700 3,400 3,000 Total Supply Ditch $22,940 ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% ,olled fill $6,400 60 1,300 50 200 1,710 200 20 30 250 $805 County Road Crossing Amortization, 0.763% Replacement, 0.5% Operation and mainte- 175 115 230 epairing roadway General expense, 0.32%.. Total 75 $1,400 orrugated metal pipe, 36" ESTIMATED COST OF UPPER LAKE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Based on prices prevailing in November, 1954) stribution system : Unlined canals and ditches Acreage served : 2,000 acres Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost PITAL COSTS Subtotal 2,000 acres $20.00 $40,000 $40,000 ANNUAL COSTS Interest, 3.5% $1,800 Amortization, 0.763% Operation and mainte- nance Ditch tender service, $0. 50 per acre-foot . . Maintenance charge, $0.40 per acre District overhead, $0.50 per acre Total 390 $40,000 4,000 6,000 1,400 ministration and en- lineering, 10% t ntingencies, 15% lierest during construc- tion, 3.5% 2.700 800 1,000 i Total $51,400 $6,690 APPENDIX O COMMENTS OF CONCERNED AGENCIES ON PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF BULLETIN NO. 14, "LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Comments of Co-operative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Group (University of California, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture and County of Lake, Co-operating) January 4, 1956 189 2. Comments of Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior, February 28, 1956 189 3. Comments of Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, March 1, 1956__ 190 4. Comments of Board of Supervisors, Lake County, April 25, 1956 191 (188) APPENDIX 189 Co-operative Extension Work IN Agriculture and Home Economics State of California Jniversity of California University of California Jnited States Department College of Agriculture Extension Service | Agriculture and County Kelseyville, Calif. if Lake, Co-operating January 4, 1956 Mr. Sam R. Leedom Administrative Assistant State Water Resources Board Public Works Building Sacramento 5, California Dear Mr. Leedom : This is in answer to your letter of December 14, asking that we review the draft of Bulletin 14, "Lake County Investigation," and furnish you with any comments we may have on it. I believe this bulletin is very well written and quite complete. I found it very interesting as far as I was concerned, as I have been in the county only four years and much of the information applies to things that have happened here in the past as well as in the present. I really have no suggestions for any changes in this bulletin. Thank you for giving us a copy of this investigation report. Sincerely yours, WlLLARD C. LUSK Farm Advisor United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Regional Office, Region 2 Sacramento, California February 28, 1956 Mr. Harvey 0. Banks State Engineer Division of Water Resources P. 0. Box 1079 Sacramento 5, California Dear Mr. Banks : We have reviewed the draft of Bulletin No. 14, "Lake County Investigation" dated October 1955, which accompanied Mr. Leedom 's letter of December 14 (your file 625.1 Item 4.0). This report is very well prepared and presents a con- siderable volume of valuable basic data much of which was not previously avail- able. Since we have not made any detailed investigations in this area, we have no specific comments on your studies or conclusions. We appreciate your courtesy in allowing us to review this excellent report. Sincerely yours, R. S. Calland Acting Regional Director 190 LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION I 'nited States Department op Agriculture Forest Service California Region 630 Sansome Street San Francisco 11, California March 1, 1956 Mr. Harvey 0. Banks, Secretary stnti Water Resources Board Public Works Building Sacra mi nto 5, California Dear Mr. Banks : Reference is made to your letter of December 13, 1955 transmitting a draft of Bulletin No. 14, "Lake County Investigations" for review by the Forest Service. We have read the draft with interest, since some of the water control projects are near, and involve water from, lands of the Mendocino National Forest. The report has also been reviewed by that Forest. We have no particular comments on the report with respect to Forest Service interests. When the final draft is printed we would appreciate receiving one copy for this office and a copy for the Mendocino Forest. Very truly yours, K. W. Kennedy, Chief Div. of Watershed Management & Engineering By C. A. Davidson APPENDIX O 191 Board of Supervisors Lake County, California Lakepoet, California April 25, 1956 Mr. Harvey 0. Banks, Secretary State Water Resources Board Public Works Building Sacramento 5, California Dear Mr. Banks : Receipt is acknowledged of copies of State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 14, "Lake County Investigation." Tli is Board, operating through our Lake County Water Commission has re- viewed the report and has made certain suggestions for change, clarification, or further study to representatives of the State Division of Water Resources. The Commission, after reviewing the Bulletin concurs, in general, with the findings therein, and considers the Bulletin will be a valuable guide and source of information for future plans of water development for Lake County. How- ever, upon advice of the Commission, and after due consideration the Board of Supervisors wishes to set down certain reservations regarding their acceptance of the estimates of the irrigable land in the area covered by the report, and estimates of present and ultimate water requirements presented in Chapter III. This Board is of the opinion that, although such estimates may be based upon full consideration of all present factors, they may, because of unforeseen changes in the economy of this area, and possible technological advances, prove to be in error to the detriment of the county, if such estimates are used as a basis for allocation of water. The water resources of Lake County are vital to our development and this Board views with concern the setting at the present time of any limit on the use of waters originating in Lake County. Differences in standards of various agencies for classifying irrigable lands, the potential increase in population and possible changes in our economy and eventual development make it clear and imperative that the Board at this time is unwilling to accept or concur in the setting of a limit on the use of our native water resources. We feel that this statement should be made a part of the final draft of Bulletin No. 14. Very truly yours, Lake County Board of Supervisors Thos. L. Garner County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors printed in California statf printing offii i 500 o jn 3 3 X 3 £ 4 I cvi n (0 f n ACCUMULATED DEPARTURE FROM MEAN SEASONAL RUNOFF OF KELSEY CREEK NEAR KELSEYVILLE SVi l -> :: >s Vf/^-^ i f-'- , --'n' /v- J ■■ i - , W-i 1- 1 -7- ■ -•-•■•■W , ■■;«• '■';■■' ' ? , / , --? r'-'i' , ' • , ;- , -- . - . ^'-^V-'-'i. vV' '^rn^ rTr '■'Vi' PLATE 9 misL-fc ' y ,AI V- -A STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION LINES OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF GROUND WATER FALL OF 1953 PLATE 10 I3N/9W-! I3N/9W-; 20 I- LLl LlI U- 18 Z LU 20 < BIG VALLEY UNIT /N ,- PROJECTED r \ r\ / / \ /> \ \ .J \ / \ I \ ' \ j I4N/I0W-22AI \ / \ ' \ ' \ 1 \ / \ 1 \ / \ / \ f \ / \J \J , j \r 24 q 28 3 O CE o u. X I— CL UJ Q 32 36 40 SCOTT VALLEY UNIT 24 28 /"\ / \ ^v ^~ PROJECTED-^ / \ / \ C f\ ( r\ ' \ / \ \ " \ 31 ' \ i \ I 1 \ i i 1 1 i 1 I / ! \ \ ' i \ \ \ - \ _J \ \ / >v V^y \ / I6N/I0W-36JI 1948 1949 1950 1951 UPPER LAKE UNIT 1952 1953 1954 MEASURED DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT SELECTED WELLS 1 vv_ BIG VALLEY UNIT / \l 1 1 \ 1 I \ \ \ i / \ / 1 \ \ / \ / \ \ 1 1 \ UPPE R LAKE UNIT / \ \ 1 \ > / / \ \ 1 / / s N -^ / / Vs 1 / / / N \ ' — f \ 1 / * \ \ / / X \ S ■». SCOTT VALLE^ ' UNIT \ \ / / ■«. ^ -"• > t ^•^ .-■•'*' 23 24 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 AVERAGE FALL DEPTH TO GROUND WATER T-T-- ' ' ti-^j- ** _ '». -' — ^ — ! / l ^"-j. > a - ' ' ;,'' ^ — "• - -»J ,' " ;,7i^*: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES SION OF RESOUFICES PLANNING LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION IRRIGATED AND IRRIGABLE LANDS 1953 GENERAL PLAN -^ C.CS .LC . 1 1 1 SADDLE DAM NO. I GENERAL PLAN — CO. ILt. I.I* ^^^ -^ ^;±,,±Z IV /^ fj_ - \ // V\ / y^ -r "-s / -— ff/^.c^r ^^~ <-" SECTION OF MAIN DAM AND SADDLE DAM NO. I "am" yj/ TI3H ,~ /If ,_,-"F AS \ *m\ NT c 5 ^ 1] .' f" 1 . N. R 9W. GENERAL PLAN OF RESERVOIR TYPICAL HALF-SECTION OF BY-PASS CHANNEL GENERAL PLAN KELSEYVILLE DAM DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCE? DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION BIG VALLEY PROJECT GENERAL PLAN GENERAL PLAN OF SPILLWAY GENERAL PLAN GENERAL PLAN PROFILE OF DAM SADDLE DAM NO. I PROFILE OF DAM TYPICAL SECTION OF DAMS LAKEPORT DAM SECTION OF SPILLWAY CHANNEL PROFILE OF DAM SADDLE DAM NO. 2 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION LAKEPORT PROJECT GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET 200 300 1200 1300 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV lb is' \ "V •o // \ ^ / ' ^ - ~?a f* ~£ic 7Sh Grour " TYPICAL HALF SECTION OF CLOVER CREEK DIVERSION NOTE. Levee sho*n in Holf Section is typic of all levees to be constructed on Middle CreeH. SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET PITNEY RIDGE DAM STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING LAKE COUNTY INVESTIGATION UPPER LAKE PROJECT > THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY University of California Richmond Field Station, Bldg 400 1301 South 46th Street, Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS To renew or recharge your library materials, you may _contecMSIRLF4d^s prior to due date at (510) 642-6233 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 26 201!