a 5 3 4 8 REGULATIONS CAMP ALLEN: FIRST ANNUAL ENCAM2MEN.T, JUNl- OF r SECOND BRIGADE, CALIFORNIA MILITIA (Dctobcr 0, 1863. SACEAMENTO: BENJ. P. AVEEY, STATE PRINTER. 1863. HEAD-QUARTERS SECOND BRIGADE, C. M.,| CAMP ALLEN, October 6th, 1863. j The following Regulations are published for the information and ' , government of this Brigade, and compliance therewith will be strictly ~ observed as the sole and standing authority upon the matter therein ji-- contained. By command of Brig. Genl. John S. Ellis. . JOHN HEWSTOX, JR., Assistant Adjutant-General. REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. 1. Commanding officers of regiments, battalions, companies, guards, and detachments, will be habitually present with their respective commands, and hold themselves responsible for the preservation of order and strict discipline. An officer or non-commissioned officer before leaving his com- mand will notify the next in rank, who will immediately assume the du- ties of his senior. There must be present at all times with a regiment or battalion one field officer, and with a company, one commissioned officer, one sergeant, and one corporal. Each commanding officer will designate an orderly hour, at which he will attend daily for the transaction of busi- ness. 2. Captains will divide their companies into squads, and assign to each a non-comissioned officer, who will see that his squad is present for duty, with their dress, arms, aqcoutrements, and camp in good order; and any violation of orders he will promptly report to the Orderly Sergeant. At tattoo and reveille all the commissioned officers of a company, unless on guard or detached duty, will report in person to its commanding officer, who will himself attend the company roll call, and immediately report absentees to the Adjutant at head-quarters. After taps, the Captain or officer in charge of a company, will remain on the company parade ground, and see that the lights are extinguished, silence and order ob- served before he retires. Captains will inspect their companies before morning and evening parades. 3. Adjutants have charge of the regimental band and field music ; and at tattoo and reveille, the Band Master will report to him all absentees from the band, and the Sergeant-Major those from the field music; and as soon as the reports of company roll calls are all received, the Adjutant will report to the Colonel, and then to the Assistant Adjutant-General, at general head-quarters. It is the duty of an Adjutant to see that the countersign and parole are delivered to the proper officers in the early REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. part of each day, and also see that an Orderly is detailed for the com- manding officer. The Adjutant will keep a roster of the commissioned officers, from which regular details will be made for courts, councils, guards, Captains as officers of the day, and Lieutenants as officers of the guard, but both will not be taken from the same company. He will also instruct the Sergeant-Major, daily, as to the strength of guard detail from each company, and prepare, daily, two consolidated morning reports of the strength and condition of the command, one of which, signed by the commanding officer and Adjutant, will be forwarded to the Assistant Adjutant-General, at the orderly hour, at general head-quar- ters. The Sergeant-Major will detail, daily, from the field music an office Orderly for the Adjutant. 4. Orderly Sergeants will keep a morning report hook, in which will be entered, daily, the number present, absent, with or without leave, sick, in arrest or confinement, and tried, or awaiting trial, on guard, etc., which report he will present to the Captain, who will sign and send it by the Sergeant to the Adjutant's office, where it will be received by the Sergeant-Major, and retained until the Orderly Sergeants' call at noon. At this call, the Orderly Sergeants will receive from the Sergeant-Major, at the Adjutant's office, their morning report books, details for guards, leaves of absence, etc., etc. Orderly Sergeants will also keep a " Sick Book," in which shall be entered the names of all who visit the Surgeon, and at the " Surgeon's call " this book and the sick who are able will be sent in charge of a non-commissioned officer to the dispensary. After tattoo roll-call, Orderly Sergeants will cause the tent ropes to be slack- ened. The Surgeon wull place, opposite each name, the duty from which the patient is excused, and whether he is to remain in hospital or iu quarters. At the orderly hour, the Surgeon will send to head-quarters a morning sick report of the whole command, with general details of cases. Requisitions for general supplies of medicines, ordnance, Com- missary or Quarter-Master's stores, must be made through the officers in charge of those departments at general head-quarters, and have the approval of the Colonel or commanding officer indorsed on the requisi- tion. 5. Leaves of absence must be in writing, and commanding officers may grant leave of absence to pass beyond the outer chain of sentinels from reveille until retreat. Captains may grant leave of absence to not more than five of their company at one time to visit other camps of the bri- gade between reveille and retreat, provided, only, that no duty is ne- glected. The old guard will be excused from duty until retreat, when they will be present and parade with their respective companies, and may be also granted leave of absence. Any non-commissioned officer or private using a leave of absence, must present the same to the officer in REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. EXTRACTS FROM REVISED REGULATIONS. charge of the guard, and be passed out of camp by an officer or non- commissioned officer of the guard. Non-commissioned officers and pri- vates will not be allowed to pass out of or into camp without reporting at the guard tent. Commissioned officers, when recognized as such, will be allowed to pass any post out of and into camp between reveille and tattoo. No commissioned officer will absent himself from his camp with- out the consent of his immediate commanding officer Lieutenants applying to their Captain, and Captains to the Colonel, etc.. etc. 6. The garrison flag will be in charge of the picket guard, and a non- commissioned officer and two privates will be sent to hoist and lower the flag at reveille and retreat. EXTRACTS FROM THE REVISED REGULATIONS FOR THE ARMY, 1862, THAT SHOULD BE KNOWN BY EVERY SOLDIER. 1. All inferiors are required to obey strictly, and to execute with alacrity and good faith the lawful orders of the superiors appointed over them. 2. It is enjoined upon all officers to be cautious in reproving non-com- missioned officers in the presence or hearing of privates, lest their author- ity be weakened ; and non-commissioned officers are not to be sent to the guard room and mixed with privates during confinement, but to be con- sidered as placed in arrest, except in aggravated cases where escape may be apprehended. 3. The Captain will cause the men of the company to be numbered, in a regular series, including the non-commissioned officers, and divided into four squads, each to be put under the charge of a non-commissioned officer. 4. Each subaltern officer will be charged with a squad for the supervi- sion of its order and cleanliness ; and Captains will require their Lieu- tenants to assist them in the performance of all company duties. 5. The utmost attention will be paid by commanders of companies to the cleanliness of their men, as to their persons, clothing, arms, accou- trements, and equipments, and also as to .their quarters or tents. 6. Commanders of companies and squads will see that the arms and accoutrements in possession of the men are always kept in good order, and that proper care be taken in cleaning them. 7. All arms in the hands of the troops, whether browned or bright, will be kept in the state in which they are issued by the Ordnance De- partment. Arms will not be taken to pieces without permission of a commissioned officer. Bright barrels will be kept clean and free from rust without polishing them ; care should be taken in rubbing not to bruise or bend the barrel. After firing, wash out the bore ; wipe it dry, and then pass a bit of cloth, slightly greased, to the bottom. In these REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. EXTRACTS FROM REVISED REGULATIONS. operations, a rod of wood with a loop in one end is to used instead of a rammer. The barrel, when not in use, will be closed with a stopper. For exercise, each soldier should keep himself provided with a piece of sole leather to fit the cup or countersink of the hammer. 8. Arms shall not be left loaded in quarters or tents, or when the men are off duty, except by special orders. 9. Special care shall be taken to ascertain that no ball cartridges are mixed with the blank cartridges issued to the men. 10. No persons will be allowed to visit or remain in the kitchens, ex- cept such as may come on duty or be occupied as cooks. 11. In camp, the commanding officer prescribes the hours of reveille, reports, roll calls, guard mounting, meals, stable calls, issues, fatigues, etc. 12. Immediately after reveille roll call (after stable duty in the cavalry) the tents or quarters, and the space around them, will be put in order by the men of the companies, superintended by the chiefs of the squads, and the guard house or guard tent by the guard or prisoners. 13. The colors of a regiment passing a guard are to be saluted, the trumpets sounding, and the drums beating a march. 14. When general officers, or persons entitled to a salute, pass in the rear of a guard, the officer is only to make his men stand shouldered, and not to face his guard about, or beat his drum. 15. When general officers, or persons entitled to a salute, pass guards while in the act of relieving, both guards are to salute, receiving the word of command from the senior officer of the whole. 16. All guards are to be under arms when armed parties approach their posts; and to parties commanded by commissioned officers, they are to present their arms, drums beating a march, and officers saluting. 17. No compliments by guards or sentinels w T ill be paid between retreat and reveille, except as prescribed for grand rounds. 18. It is equally the duty of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, at all times, and in all situations, to pay the proper compliments to officers of the navy and marines, and to officers of other regiments, when in uni- form, as to officers of their own particular regiments and corps. 19. Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline. Re- spect to superiors will not be confined to obedience on duty, but will be extended to all occasions. It is always the duty of the inferior to accost or to offer first the customary salutation, and of the superior to return such complimentary notice. 20. Sergeants, with swords drawn, will salute by bringing them to a present; with muskets, by bringing the left hand across the body, so as to strike the musket near the right shoulder. Corporals out of the ranks, REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. GUARD MOUNTING. and privates not sentries, will carry their muskets at a shoulder, as ser- geants, and salute in like manner. 21. When a soldier without arms, or with side arms only, meets an officer, he is to raise his hand to the right side of the visor of his cap, palm to the front, elbow raised as high as the shoulder, looking at the same time in a respectful and soldier-like manner at the officer, who .will return the compliment thus offered. 22. A non-commissioned officer or soldier being seated, and without particular occupation, will rise on the approach of an officer, and make the customary salutation. If standing, he will turn toward the officer for the same purpose. If the parties remain in the same place, or on" the same ground, such compliments need not be repeated. GUARD MOUNTING. 1. At the first call for guard-mounting, the men warned for duty turn out on their company parades for inspection by the First Sergeants; and at the second call, repair to the regimental or garrison parade, conducted by the First Sergeants. Each detachment, as it arrives, will, under the direction of the Adjutant, take post on the left of the one that preceded it, in open order, arms shouldered, and bayonets fixed ; the supernume- raries five paces in the rear of the men of their respective companies ; the First Sergeants in rear of them. The Sergeant-Major will dress the ranks, count the files, verify the details, and when the guard is formed, report to the Adjutant, and take post two paces on the left of the front rank. 2. The Adjutant then commands Front, when the officer of the guard takes post twelve paces in front of the centre, the Sergeants in one rank, four paces in the rear of the officers; and the Corporals in one rank, four paces in the rear of the Sergeants all facing to the front. The Adjutant then assigns their places in the guard. - % . 3. The Adjutant will then command, 1. Officer and non-commissioned officers. 2. ABOUT FACE. 3. Inspect your guards MARCH ! The non-commissioned officers then take their posts. The commander of the guard then commands, 1. Order ARMS. 2. Inspection ARMS. and inspects his guard. When there is no commissioned officer on the guard, the Adjutant will inspect it. During inspection the band will play. 4. The inspection ended, the officer of the guard takes post as though REGULATIONS FOB CAMP ALLEN. GUAKD MOUXTIXC. the guard were a company of a battalion, in open order, under review ; at the same time, also, the officers of the day will take post in front of the centre of the guard ; the old officer of the day three paces on the right of the new officer of the day, one pace retired. 5. The Adjutant will now command, 1. Parade BEST ! 2. Troop Beat off! when the music, beginning on the right, will beat down the line in front of the officer of the guard to the left, and back to its place on the right -where it will cease to play. 6. The Adjutant then commands, 1. Attention ! 2. Shoulder ARMS ! 3. Close order MARCH ! At the word " close order," the officer will face about ; at " march," resume his post in line. The Adjutant then commands, Present ARMS ! At which he will face to the new officer of the day, salute, and report, " Sir, the guard is formed" The new officer of the day, after acknowl- edging the salute, will direct the Adjutant to march the guard in review, or by flank to its post. But if the Adjutant be senior to the officer of the day, he will report without saluting with the sword then, or when marching the guard in review. 7. In review, the guard march past the officer of the day, according to the order of review, conducted by the Adjutant, marching on the left of the first division; the Sergeant-Major on the left of the last division. 8. When the column has passed the officer of the day, the officer of the guard marches it to its post, the Adjutant and Sergeant-Major retiring. The music, which has wheeled out of the column, and taken post opposite the officer of the day, will cease, and the old officer of the day salute, and give the old or standing orders to the new officer of the day, the super- numeraries, at the same time, will be marched by the First Sergeants to their respective company parades, and dismissed. 9. In bad weather, or at night, or after fatiguing marches, the cere- mony of turning off may be dispensed with, but not the inspection. 10. Grand guards, and other brigade guards, are organized and mounted on the brigade parade by the staff officer of the parade, under the direc- tion of the field officer of the day of the brigade, according to the prin- ciples here prescribed for the police guard of a regiment. The detail of each regiment is assembled on the regimental parade, verified by the Adjutant, and marched to the brigade parad by the senior officer of the REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. GUARD MOUNTING. detail. After inspection and review, the officer of the day directs the several guards to their respective posts. 11. The officer of the old guard, having his guard paraded, on the ap- proach of the new guard, commands, Present ARMS ! 12. The new guard will march, in quick time, past the old guard, at shouldered arms, officers saluting, and take post four paces on its right, where, being aligned with it, its commander will order, Present ARMS ! The two officers will then approach each other, and salute. They will then return to their respective guards, and command, 1. Shoulder ARMS. 2. Order ARMS ! 13. The officer of the new guard will now direct the detail for the advanced guard to be formed and marched to its post, the list of the guard made and divided into three reliefs, experienced soldiers placed over the arms of the guard and at the remote and responsible posts, and the young soldiers in posts near the guard for instruction in their duties, and will himself proceed to take possession of the guard-house or guard- tent, and the articles and prisoners in charge of the guard. 14. During the .time of relieving the sentinels and of calling in the small posts, the old commander will give to the new all the information and instructions relating to his post. 15. The first relief having been designated and ordered two paces to the front, the Corporal of the new guard will take charge of it, and go to relieve the sentinels, accompanied by the Corporal of the old guard, who will take command of the old sentinels, when the whole are relieved. 16. If the sentinels are numerous, the Sergeants are to be employed, as well as the Corporals, in relieving them. 17. The relief, with arms at a support, in two ranks, will march by a flank, conducted by the Corporal on the side of the leading front-rank man ; and the men will be numbered alternately in the front and rear rank, the man on the right of the front rank being No. 1. Should an< officer approach, the Corporal will command carry arms, and resume the- support arms when the officer is passed. 18. The sentinels at the guard house or guard tent will be the first relieved and left behind; the others are relieved in succession. 19. When a sentinel sees the relief approaching, he will halt and face 10 REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. DUTIES OF GUARDS AND SENTINELS. to it, with his arms at a shoulder. At six paces, the Corporal will com- mand, 1. Relief. 2. HALT I when the relief will halt and carry arms. The Corporal will then add, " No. 1," or " No. 2," or " No. 3," according to the number of the post, Arms PORT ! The two sentinels will, with arms at port, then approach each other, when the old sentinel, under the correction of the Corporal, will whisper the instructions to the new sentinel. This done, the two sentinels will shoulder arms, and the old sentinel will pass, in quick time, to his place, in rear of the relief. The Corporal will then command, 1. Support ARMS ! 2. Foncard. 3. MARCH ! and the relief proceeds in the same manner until the whole are relieved. 20. The detachment and sentinels from the old guard having come in, it will be marched, at shouldered arms, along the front of the new guard ) in quick time, the new guard standing at presented arms; officers saluting, and the music of both guards beating, except at the outposts. 21. On arriving at the regimental or garrison parade, the commander of the old guard will send the detachments composing it, under charge of the non-commissioned officers, to their respective regiments. Before the men are dismissed, their pieces will be drawn or discharged at a target. On rejoining their'companions, the chiefs of squads will examine the arms, &c., of their men, and cause the whole to be put away in good order. 22. When the old guard has marched off fifty paces, the officer of the new guard will order his men to stack their arms, or to place them in the arm-racks. 23. The commander of the guard will then make himself acquainted with all the instructions for his post, visit the sentinels, arid question them and the non-commissioned officers relative to the instructions they may have received from other persons of the old guard. DUTIES OF GUARDS AND SENTINELS. 1. Sentinels will be relieved every two hours, unless the state of the weather, or other causes, should make it -necessary or proper that it be done at shorter or longer intervals. 2. Each relief, before mounting, is inspected by the commander of the guard or of its j>ost. The Corporal reports to him, and presents the old relief on its return. REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. 1L DUTIES OF GUARDS AND SENTINELS. 3. The countersign, or watchword, is given to such persons as are enti- tled to pass during the night, and to officers, non-commissioned officers, .and sentinels of the guard. Interior guards receive the countersign only when ordered by the commander of the troops. 4. The parole is imparted to such officers only as have a right to visit the guard, and to make the grand rounds ; and to officers commanding guards. 5. As -soon as the new guard has been marched off, the officer of the day will repair to the office of the commanding officer and report for orders. 6. The officer of the day must see that the officer of the guard is fur- nished with the parole and countersign before retreat. 7. The officer of the day visits the guards during the day at such times as he may deem necessary, and makes his rounds at night at least once after 12 o'clock. 8. Upon being relieved, the officer of the day will make such remarks in the report of the officer of the guard as circumstances require, and present the same at head-quarters. 9. Commanders of guards leaving their posts to visit their sentinels, or on other duty, are to mention their intention, and the probable time of their absence, to the next in command. 10. The officers are to remain constantly at their guards, except while visiting their sentinels, or necessarily engaged elsewhere on their proper duty. 11. Neither officers nor soldiers are to take off their clothing or accoutrements while they are on guard. 12. The officer of the guard must see that the countersign is duly communicated to the sentinels a little before twilight. 13. When a fire Jbreaks out, or any alarm is raised in a garrison, all guards are to be immediately under arms. 14. Inexperienced officers are put on guard as supernumeraries, for the purpose of instruction. 15. Sentinels will not take orders or allow themselves to be relieved, except by an officer or non-commissioned officer of their guard or party, the officer of the day, or the commanding officer ; in which case the orders will be immediately notified to the commander of the guard by the officer giving them. 16. Sentinels will report every breach of orders or regulations they are instructed to enforce. 17. Sentinels must keep themselves on the alert, observing everything that takes place within sight and hearing of their post. They will carry their arms habitually at support, or on either shoulder, but will never quit them. In wet weather, if there be no sentry-box, they will secure arms. REGULATIONS FOR CAMP ALLEN. FORM OF GUARD REPORT. FORM OP GUARD REPORT. Report of a Guard mounted at , on the , and relieved on the Parole. CE re o c 1 g | * Art icles in char B- 1* 5b 7* r x ** != K -s (Z