ANALYSIS Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston, WITH PRACTICAL REMARKS ON THEIR MEDICAL PROPERTIES; TOGETHER WITH A History of the Discovery and Settlement of these celebrated Watering Places*) AND OBSERVATION'S ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY, BY JOHN H. STEEL, M. D. " The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth, and he that ia wise will not abhor them." BIBLE. ieronU Etiftfon. SARATOGA SPRINGS : riUXTED AND PUBLISHED BT C. M. DAVISOV. 1838. Entered according to act of congress, in the year 1S38, by G. M. DAVISON, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Northern District of New-York. TO THE - YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY; Formed for tlic express purpose of elicit- in? and preserving whatever may relate to the Physical History of the state, this Analysis of some of the most distinguished and celebrated mineral Waters which our country any where affords, is respectfully inscribed, By the AUTHOR. Saratoga Springs, July 1, 1831. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. IN presenting to the public a new work on the mineral waters of Saratoga, some explanation may be deemed ne- cessary. These waters had been considerably resorted to, and had become quite celebrated for their medicinal qualities, particularly about the country, long before any thing more was known of their properties than what was gathered from the effects which they produced, when taken into the stomach. Dr. Seaman, of the city of New- York, who visited the place as early as 1793, undertook, while on the spot, some chemical experiments on the water, in order to determine its real character; and to him the public are indebted for the first scientific effort ever made to elucidate its true properties. His publication contained much useful infor- mation on the subject, but his experiments were limited to only one of the fountains, and his deductions were not al- ways conclusive. Several other scientific notices of the waters were subsequently published by able chemists, but they were not more successful in producing satisfactory results; and, although they went far to corrobrate the opinions and views of the Doctor, they afforded no addi- tional information to that which he had previously acquir- ed ; so that the discreet physician, when called upon to Vi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. direct the use of the waters, was frequently at a loss, and for the want of proper information, unable to decide, in many cases, as to the proriety or impropriety of prescrib- ing their use. In the summer of 1817, 1 first published some observa- tions on the mineral waters of Saratoga and Ballston, At that time, I had resided at the Springs something over ten years, and having been, during that period, often consulted in relation to the qualities and uses of the waters in vari- ous diseases, I felt compelled to engage in a course of in- quiries, which would lead to a better and more satisfactory understanding of the general character and comparative properties of the different fountains ; and if the little work, which resulted from the undertaking at that time, was not sufficiently minute and discriminating in its details to satisfy ihe profound chemist, it was thought, at least, to contain all that was important for the instruction of the physician, or the benefit of his invalid patient. Since that period, several analyses of the most celebrated fountains have at different times appeared, under the sanc- tion of names calculated to inspire the fullest confidence in their correctness ; but the glaring discrepancies manifested in the results have tended greatly to lessen that confi- dence, and to involve the subject in uncertainty and doubt. It therefore became necessary that a more careful and accurate investigation of the properties of these waters should be made, in a way and manner calculated toestab- PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Vli lish their real character and, if possible, to settle the public mind on the subject. Having spent more than twenty years of my profession- al life on the spot, and having been compelled to devote almost the whole of my attention, particularly during the drinking season, to the operation and effects of the waters, in the various and complicated diseases which have, at different times, presented themselves at the Springs, I was impelled, by a sense of duty which I owed to the public, as well as to the very respectable individuals who have here- tofore honored me with their attentions, to make the sub- ject an object of my particular and minute investigation ; and for several years past, the examination has employed the whole of my leisure hours. Availing myself of all the sources of information which the present state of science on this subject afforded, I com- menced the arduous undertaking, with a determination that no labor, at least, should deter me from arriving at as great a degree of accuracy as the subject would permit ; and the result of a patient and laborious investigation is now presented to the public, under an impression that the accuracy of the conclusions will not be controverted by those who have the means, and will take the trouble to ex- amine for themselves. By comparing the present analysis of the waters of the several springs with that which I formerly published, a considerable difference in tlie results will be readily discov- ered. This, however, must not be imputed to any alter- viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ation or change in the original properties of the waters, but is accounted for, in a great measure, by the different state or condition in which the various saline ingredients afforded by the water were, by the different processes, ob- tained. In my former analysis the whole of the saline re- siduum was estimated while in a state of crystallization ; in the present instance, the quantities are calculated in a per- fectly dry state. There are other differences of a less im- portant character, which unquestionably arise from errors committed in the former analysis, which, I am now happy in the opportunity to acknowledge, as well as to correct. Under an impression that every thing relating to the early history and settlement of the springs is becoming every day more and more interesting, as the place advan- ces in importance, I have endeavored to give as full and perfect an account of it as I have been able to collect. For this, lam greatly indebted to a number of individuals; particularly to John K. Beekman, Esq. of New- York, who kindly furnished me with severable valuable documents, in relation to the early history of the celebrated patent of Kayaderosseras. I am likewise under particular obligations to Dr. Samu- el Freeman, of Ballston Spa, for the particulars in relation to the history of that place, as well as for many useful prac- tical observations on the medical properties of the waters. Dr. Freeman has resided on the spot for a number ofyears, and his knowledge and experience entitle his opinions to the fullest confidence and respect. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The author of the present volume, the late Doct. STEEL, had commenced revising it for a second edition in the sum- mer of 1837 ; but a continued illness, with which he had been alllicted for some months previous, prevented a com- pletion. In the autumn of that year he had journeyed to the south and east, under an impression that a change of climate and a relaxation from business would prove benefi- cial. But after an absence of some weeks he returned, and was soon thereafter confined to his house until his decease, which took place on the 23d of April, 1838, at the age of 5G years. A few weeks previous to this event, he placed the few additions which he had been enabled to make to the former edition of this work in the hands of the pub- lisher, with a request that they might be properly arran- ged, and such verbal corrections made as might be found necessary. This lias been faithfully complied with ; and though it was the design of Doct. S. had he lived, to have taken a Avider range on many subjects connected with the history of the Springs and the analysis of the mineral wa- ters, it is believed that the present work (the only one of the kind extant) will be found to be highly instructive as X PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. well as beneficial to persons desirous of availing themselves of the use of these waters for medicinal purposes. The great experience of Doct. S. connected with his scientific attainments and a long residence at the Springs, gave him an opportunity possessed by no other person of being thoroughly acquainted with the properties and effects of these fountains, and of being eminently fitted to give di- rections for their use. To him more than to any one else are the public indebted for bringing them so effectually into no- tice; he spared no expense or labour, during his residence of twenty-five years in this place, in becoming familiar with their properties and with the various diseases for which they had proved remedial ; and there are thousands now enjoying the blessings of health, who might have been laboring under protracted illness, or have become the ten- ants of the grave, but for his prescriptions and the use of these waters. The written admonitions and directions of such a man are therefore invaluable, and will commend this work to the confidence of the puhlic. THE PUBLISHER. Saratoga Springs, July, 1838. PAGE. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS,. 13 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS ON THE COUNTY OF SARATOGA,.... 49 EXAMINATION OF THE WATERS, 75 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRI.VGS, 79 CONGRESS SPRING, id Preliminary Observations, 84 Experiments with tests, 86 Inferences, 91 Examination of the gaseous contents of the water, 94 Examination of the solid contents of the water, 100 Recapitulation, 113 Medical History, 118 Columbian Spring, 123 Washington Spring, 131 Hamilton Spring, 134 Flat Rock Spring, 1 39 High Rock Spring, 142 President Spring, 149 Red Spring, 150 Ten Springs, 151 Ellis' Spring, 153 Cluakcr Springs, 156 BALLSTON SPA, 157 Sans Souci Spring, 169 Low's Spring, 172 Park Spring, 173 Public Well, 1 74 New Washington Spring, 176 ATERS, , , 178 xii CONTENTS. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF THE WATERS, 133 Bilious Complaints, 185 Dyspepsia, 186 Calculous and Nephritic complaints, 192 Chronic Rheumatism, 193 Anthritis, or Gout, id Phagedenic, or ill-conditioned Ulcers, 194 Cutaneous Eruptions, id Scrofula, 195 Dropsy, 199 Paralysis, id Chlorosis, 200 Phthisis, id Season suitable for drinking the waters, 201 Closing remarks, . , , 202 ANALYSIS. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. SARATOGA is, in all probability, a corruption of the Indian word, Sah-rah-ka, which is said to mean " the side-hill,'' and was applied by the na- tives more particularly to that part of the coun- try which lies between the Lake and the Hudson, where the application of the terra is amply justified in the appearance of the country. The whole country which seems to have inher- ited the name is of much greater extent. It cm- braces a tiact of country which, commencing at the mouth of the Mohawk river, stretches to the north alone; the windings of the west bank of the Ilud.-on for more than seventy miles, to the coun- ty of Warren; * hence in a westerly direction to the east bounds of the county of Hamilton, about fifteen mil'-s ; from this spot the line proceeds in a southerly direction alonjj the whol; extent of the eafst line of the county of Montgomery, about ri 14 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. thirty miles, to the north line of the county of Schenectady ; thence along the line of Schenec- tady to the Mohawk river, which separates it from the county of Albany, and then along the course of the Mohawk to the place of beginning, about twenty-five miles. These lines include an area of about eight hun- dred square miles, and a population at this time of about forty thousand souls. The greater part of the lands included in this tract were originally granted by the crown of England to a company of thirteen proprietors, under the title of the Patent of Kayadcrosseras. The Van Sehaick's Patent, so termed from the name of the person to whom it was granted, was of an earlier date, and included the present town of Waterford and a considerable tract of country adjoining. The Saratoga Patent was next in or- der, and embraced an extent of six miles square along the Hudson some miles above Van Schaick's Patent. The Apple Patent was still later ; it was granted to one William Apple, and was lo- cated on the Mohawk, and extended " three miles back into the woods" towards Ballston Lake. The history of these grants, their settlement and the subsequent intercourse with the natives, HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 15 would form an- interesting document in the his- tory of the country. Even at this late period, many important facts, hitherto undisclosed, might be brought to light from living witnesses, which a few more years will place beyond the power of the historian to recover. The mineral waters which form the subject of the ensuing treatise being situated principally in the great Patent of Kayaderosscras, it will not, I trust, be deemed uninteresting by most readers to be made acquainted with the history of that grant, particularly as it may tend to disclose the true estimate which the native proprietors placed upon these " health preserving fountains," if in- deed they were known to them at all. The first grant, of which there is any record, of laud in what is now called the Patent of Kay- aderosseras, in the county of Saratoga, was made by two Indians, who, in the conveyance which they gave styled themselves " Maquaes Indians, owners and native proprietors of the land." They are thus described in the original inden- ture : " Joseph, the Indian, by them called Te-jon- nin-ho-go, and Hendrick,* by them called Dc- han-och-rak-has, principal owners," &c. * This Hendrick is the same who distinguished himself in the iibsu(juent wars under General William Johnson, and was slain 16 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. This conveyance was made " for and in con- sideration of divers goods" to David Schuylcr and Robert Livingston, junior, yeomen of the city of Albany, and is dated at Albany, the twen- ty-sixth day of August, in the first year of her majesty's reign, (Queen Anne,) Anno Domini, 1702. The boundaries are thus described : " Beginning on the west side of Hudson's river above Sar-ogh-to-ge's Patent ; beginning opposite the creek, called by the Indians, Ti-on- un-do-ga-he, and running along said side of the river above the second carrying place to a small island in said river,* and westward into the woods as far as their property belongs, together with all and singular," &c. In the spring following, Samson Shelton Broughtonj Esquire, attorney-general of the prov- ince, in behalf of himself and company, obtained a licence to purchase the " tract of vacant and un- with Colonel Williams, in 1755, in an attack on a body of French and Indians near Blcody Pond, not far from the head of Lake George, being then upwards of seventy years old. * This spot is described in another place thus : " From the north bounds of the said Sarotogt/s Patent to a place above the falls thatlieth in Hudson river above the Carrying Place that ^oes over to the Wood Creek which leads the way to Canada." HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 17 appropriated land in the county of Albany, called or known by the Indian name of Kayadoroscros, adjoining to the north bounds of Schonectady on the east side thereof, to the west bounds of So- roctoga on the north side thereof, and to Albany river on the west side thereof, of the native In- dians and proprietors thereof, for their cultivation and improvement." This licence was granted by his excellency, Edward Viscount Conbury, captain-general and governor-in-chief of the province of New- York and the territories depending thereon in America, and vice-admiral of the same. It is dated at Fort Ann, in council, in the city of New- York, the twenty-second day of April, A. D, 1703. In pursuance of this licence a purchase was effected of the Indians, Joseph, Hendrick, Cor- neli.s, Gideon and Amus, owners, proprietors and " native Maqueas Indians and sachems, in be- half of themselves and all their nation, for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds ($150) current money of the province of New- York, and of sundry goods to them in hand paid," &c. " by Samson Shelton Broughton, Esquire, attor- ney-general of the province, Peter Fauconnier, Esquire, late commissioner of the customs, and Naning Hermanse Visher, of the city of Albany, 18 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. mariner, for themselves and company." The bounds of the tract thus granted are summed up and recapitulated in the original deed thus : " The aforesaid tract of land being bounded below the All-Place and Schenectady river on the- west by said river, then by the said town- ship's bounds round about to said river again, and still westward above the said town by the said river again for eight miles at least above Twek-to-non-do-hill ; thence by a north and north- easterly line to the headmost spring of the stream called Kayadaroseras river, and still northerly by a north line continued to be run eight miles further up into the woods, and yet still northerly by a north or northeasterly line run from thence to Albany river above Sar-og-to-ge, by the town- ship of Sorogtoge, and round the same to said river again ; thence by said river to Anthony Van. Schaick's northeasterly corner, and souther- ly by a line run from thence to the northwesterly corner of Ncstiguione (Niskayuna) of Sehonec- tady river, the place of beginning." This deed is dated at Albany, the sixth day of October, in the third year of her majesty's reign, A. D. 1704, and is signed by all the sachems above named, except Cornelis, whose name does not appear among the signatures. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 19 Immediately after this, a relinquishment of the claim of Schuyler and Livingston was procured by Visher in behalf of the company, for which Schuyler and Livingston were to receive a cer- tain portion of the lands when the patent should be perfected, or in lieu thereof the sum of 100 ($250) in money. On the back of this agree- ment is endorsed a receipt signed by Livingston and Schuyler, for 90 in full satisfaction for the condition. These preliminaries being adjusted, the patent was sued for and finally obtained. It was grant- ed by Queen Anne in the seventh year of her reign, and is dated the second day of November, A. D. 1708. The grant was to "her loving sub- jects. Naning Hermanse, Johannes Beekman, Rip Van Dam, Ann Bridges, May Bickley, Peter Fauconnier, Adrian Hogelandt, Johannes Fisher, John Tuder, Joris Hogelandt, John Stevens, John Tatham and Samson Broughton," and is " for all that tract of land situated, lying and being in the county of Albany, called Kayadoroscs, alias Queensborough." The bounds of this extensive tract of land which has become so interesting to the present genera- tion, arc here copied verbatim from the original patent : 20 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. " Beginning at a place on Schonectady river* about three miles distant from the southwesterly corner of the bounds of Nastiguione, the said place being the southwesterly corner of the pat- ent lately granted to Naning Harmense, Peter Fauconnier and others ; thence along the said Schonectady river, westerly to the southeasterly corner of a patent lately granted to William Ap- ple ; thence along the easterly, northerly and westerly line of the said Apple's Patent down to the above said river ; thence to the Schonectady bounds of the southeasterly corner of the said patent, on the said river, so along the easterly, northerly and westerly bounds thereof down to the said river again ; thence along the said river up westerly to the southeasterly bounds of a tract of land lately granted to Ebenezer Wilson and John Abel and so along the said patent round to the southwesterly corner thereof on the said Schonectady river to a place or hill called Twac- tononda, being five miles distant, or thereabouts, from the said southwesterly corner of the said Wilson's and Abel's Patent ; thence along north- erly to the northwestmost head of a creek called Kayadoroses, about fourteen miles, more or less ; * This river in another place is styled " Schonectady, Mo- haks, or Maqueas river." HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 21 thence eight miles more northerly ; thence east- erly or northeasterly to the third falls on Albany river, about twenty miles, -more or less ; thence along the said river down southerly to the north- easterly bounds of Saroghtoge ; thence along the said Saroghtoge's northerly, westerly and south- erly bounds on the said river ; thence to the north- easterly corner of Anthony Van Schaick's land on the said river, so northerly and westerly along the said Van Schaick's Patent to the northeast corner of the above said patent granted to Naning Harmense, Fauconnier and others ; thence along the northerly and westerly bounds thereof down to the above said river of Schonectady, being the place where it first began." The consideration for all the lands contained in the foregoing limits, was merely 4 (810) quit rent to be paid, in current money of the state of New- York, yearly forever, on the " Feast day of the annonciation of our blessed Virgin Mary, (com- monly called Lady Day,") to the collector or receiver-general at the custom house, in the city of New-York ; the crown reserving to itself all gold and .silver mines, and conditioning that one or more settlement on some part thereof should be effected within seven years from the date of the .said patent. 22 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. This last stipulation was entirely neglected until the seventeenth of October, 1715, when the company becoming alarmed at the prospect of forfeiting the patent from this neglect, the major part of them entered into an agreement with Naning Hermense, of Albany, to effect a settle- ment on the said lands, on or before the first day of May ensuing, and he was to receive in consid- eration for his services, one thousand acres of land, over and above his share, to be located any where in the patent, excepting on the Kayaderos- seras creek, where, it seems, the lands were held in much higher estimation than in any other part of the tract. It does not appear, from any documents which I have the means of examining, where the first settlement was made ; but it is highly probable, from the frequent discomfitures among the remote settlers occasioned by the incursions of hostile In- dians in the vicinity, that the first settlers did not remove very far into the interior ; doubtless they were located in the vicinity of Schenectady or along the north side of the Mohawk. On the Hudson, settlements might have been made much earlier, particularly on the patents of Van Schaick and Saratoga ; but it does not ap- pear that there were, at the period to which we HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 23 allude, (1715,) any settlements above the patent of Saratoga, that is, north of the Fish creek, or what is now called Schuylerville ; and there could have been but a few scattering inhabitants between that and the Mohawk. It was in the year 1747 that the town of Saratoga was burnt by the In- dians, and the inhabitants, consisting of about thirty families, were mostly massacred ;* and about the same time the family of Kettles were murdered by the savages. This latter circum- stance forms the subject of a story, interestingly told by Mrs. Ten Eyck. The place where the family resided was but six miles above Water- ford, immediately on the bank of the Hudson, nearly opposite to what is called the lower borough in Schaghticoke, and on the farm lately owned by John Ten Broeck, and more recently by one Strachan. The ruins of the cellar were visible, and a few aged fruit trees, said to have been planted by the family, were in blossom, when I last visited the place, a few years since. From the period above alluded to until the final conquest and consequent subjection of the * This settlement was at the mouth of Fish creek, where Schuylerville now stands, and a {jeiHleinnn by the name of John Schuyler, one of the ancestors of the present proprietor of that village, was among the slain. 24 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. province of Canada to the British government, the progress of emigration to this part of the country, which was then an exposed frontier, was greatly retarded. i V During the summer of 1755, the fort was com- menced and completed at Fort Edward, which was then called the " Great Carrying Place" and at the same time a road was cut through the woods to the head of Lake George, where the Fort William Henry was commenced and a small garrison established at both places. This added greatly to the security of the settlements to the south ; but it was not until the arrival of General Amherst in the year 1759, who passed up the Hudson and through the lake to Canada, and completed the subjugation of that province, that the incursions of the hostile Indians were effectu- ally checked, and complete security restored to the frontier settlers. From this period the country began to be more rapidly settled ; the settlements, however, were principally confined, for several years, to the banks of tho Hudson or the Mohawk. The ex- treme fertility of the soil, the advantages of mill seats, and the facility of cutting timber, gave to the neighborhood of these and their tributary streams, an advantage that was not to be over- HISTORY O THE SPRINGS. 25 looked by the adventurous and enterprising emi- grants. At what precise period of time the mineral springs, which have now become so important in the history of the country, were discovered and their properties first observed, cannot now, with any degree of certainty, be ascertained. It is but reasonable, however, to infer that the discov- ery was sometime subsequent to the transfer of the title by the natives, as that circumstance took place without any intimation as to the fact of the existence of such waters, which could hardly be supposed to have happened had any importance been attached to their properties, or had they, indeed, been known to exist at all ; and it is equally probable that those to whom the transfer was made were likewise ignorant on the subject, for they made, some years afterwards, grants to individuals with the privilege to locate any w/tcrr. except on the flats of the Kayaderosscras. The fame which this part of the country had long sustained as a hunting ground must have attracted the attention of those who occupied themselves in the labors of the chase at a very early period, and it is highly probable that an ob- ject so singular and conspicuous as the High Hock would have presented itself to the attention c 26 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. of some of these adventurers at a much earlier period than is now generally known ; but what- ever might have been the knowledge of individu- als, it is certain that but little general information had been diffused on the subject until 'about the year 1767. General William Johnson, who had retired from his command in the army with the title of Baronet, conferred by his Britannic majesty as a special favor for his brave defence of Fort Wil- liam Henry, now resided at Johnstown, about thirty miles west of the Springs, in the capacity of Indian agent. Sir William being indisposed* and finding little or no benefit from the applica- tion of such limited means as his situation ena- bled him to apply, was induced, at the instigation of the Indians, with whom he was always a great favorite, to undertake a journey to the Springs, and in the month of June or July, he set out on the expedition. They passed down the Mohawk to Schenectady, from whence they travelled through the woods to Ballston Lake ; here they tarried over night at the hut of one Michael Me- G Donald, a Scotch adventurer, who, with a young * Sir William was wounded in the defence of the garrison of Lake George, and the wound, although slight at first, continu- ed to trouble him the remainder ot" his days. HISTORY QF THE SPRINGS. 27 family, had just commenced a settlement in the midst of the wilderness.* On the following day, accompanied by Mc- Donald and his Indian guides, Sir William arriv- ed at the High Rock Spring, then the only one known ; here he remained a number of days, be- ing well supplied with provisions by the dexterity of his hunters, and the whole company regaling themselves with large potations of the water, of which they soon became remarkably fond. At the termination of his residence here, Sir William's health became perfectly reinstated, and although he had been brought to the place the greater part of the way on a litter borne on the shoulders of the Indians, he was enabled to travel back to Schenectady on foot. The fame of this extraordinary cure on a per- sonage so distinguished as Sir William, soon spread over the country, and from this period " THE SPRINGS" began to be the resort of in- valids. ' McDonald continued to reside on the same spot, until a few yearn nince, when he died, being upwards of eighty years old, leaving a line well cultivated farm a.s a patrimony to a large family. 28 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. In the year 1770 and '71 several families loca- ted themselves on the highlands on the east side of Saratoga Lake, a little to the southeast of Snake Hill ; and about the same time, John Laing. Roland Perry and John Stiles, settled at. Palmertown, (now Wilton.) about six miles north- east from the Springs. From these settlements, ex- cursions were frequently made to the High Rock through paths that were only passable on foot, In the year 1773, one Dirck Scowton. influ- enced by a desire to trade with the Indians as well as to afford accommodations to visitants, commenced a settlement on the high bank a little west of the High Rock on the spot where Bent- ley's tavern now stands. Here ho cut down a few trees, and with the assistance of several per- sons who accompanied him for the purpose, they were rolled up to form a hut ; but before he had time to render it sufficiently comfortable for n dwelling, owing, as it was said, to some misunder- standing with the Indians, he was induced to abandon his project, and it is believed that ha never afterwards returned. During the following season one John Arnold. arrived from the state of Rhode-Island, with a young family, at the east side of Saratoga Lake, nnd from the representations made to him, ht HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 29 was induced to try his fortunes at the Springs. Having provided himself with a few articles suit- able for Indian traffic, consisting mostly of spirit- uous liquors, he embarked his little stock in trade, together with his family and a few necessary articles of furniture, on board of a canoe near Snake Hill, paddled across the lake and up the Kayaderosseras creek about two miles ; here he landed, and taking their goods upon their backs, they followed a foot path which conducted them through the woods to the Springs. On their arrival, Arnold took possession of the house that had been built by Scowton, and hav- ing improved it so as to render it comfortable for his family, he opened a kind of rude tavern. Mr. Thomas Arnold, a highly respectable far- mer, i.s now living in the town of Stillwater, about eight miles from the Springs. He is the son of John Arnold, and accompanied the family during their residence at the place, and although but nine years old at the time, retains a perfect recollection of the appearance of the country and the circumstances relating to his fathers res- idence here. The valley along the brook was covered by iarge trees of hemlock, elm and maple ; and the bank c ' 30 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS; on the west side of the valley with a thick growth of overgrown white pine, while the opposite side was a perfect thicket of yellow and pitch pine. The High Rock and Flat Rock were the only springs at that time known. The hole or open- ing at the top of the High Rock was at times nearly filled with water, but this only happened in wet seasons or during long periods of wet weather. The water usually stood some inches below the top of the hole where its surface was in a constant state of agitation. This agitation, when the hole was nearly full of water, would, at times, cause it to surge over and run down its sides, but this very seldom happened. There was nothing like a constant discharge from the top of the rock at any time. The water, how- ever, w r as at all times so high as to be easily dipped with the hand.* There were the remains of a small hut or cabin near the rock, probably the one built by Sir William Johnson. * Tliis rising and falling of the water in the rock gave origin to the opinion entertained by the first visitants, that it "ebbed and flowed with the tide." The water, although now some feet below the top of the rock, still continues to rise and fall with the state of the season, as any one may observe who will take the- trouble to measure it at the proper time?. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 31 The Flat Rock covered a quantity of ground of several rods in extent ; it was considerably eleva- ted above the marsh or swamp which surrounded it ; the surface was flat and hard, and was perfo- rated in numerous places, where the water stood in little pools, through the bottom of which it was constantly bubbling up. The marsh and grounds about the rock were much broken and trodden up by the footsteps of wild animals which flocked here in great numbers to drink of the water, of which, there is every reason to believe, they were voraciously fond. Deer and moose would, at times, when in pursuit of this beverage, appa- rently lose their wildness and suffer themselves to be closely approached, and they were fre- quently shot by the Indians, and other hunters, while regaling themselves at this fountain. The woods abounded with wild game. Bears, deer, wolves and moose were seen almost every day ; and the small stream which runs through the valley was the abode of beaver and great quantities of salmon trout. There were sixteen cabins occupied by differ- ent families of Indians, all in sight of Arnold's house. These Indians were principally employ- ed in hunting and fishing, and although frequent- ly intoxicated, they were generally inoftensive and friend Iv. 32 HISTORY OP THE SPRINGS. There was a small clearing on the top of the hill south from where the Union Hall now stands. This was probably the first cleared spot in the vicinity of the Springs. It was said to have been done by a man who went by the name of Indian Joe, a half blood, who resided among the Indians in the neighborhood. On the approach of winter, Arnold shut up his house and went over to the settlement on the east side of the lake, but returned early in the spring and resumed his business, which he continued, however, till fall only, when he again left the place. He was succeeded by one Samuel Nor- ton, who had previously obtained a permission from Isaac Low to occupy and improve a farm in the vicinity of the "salt spring" at Saratoga, under a stipulation to receive pay for his improve- ments should he think proper at any time to re- move. Low had acquired his title to the soil by purchase from the heirs of Rip Van Dam, to whom, on the general partition of the patent, this portion of it devolved.* * In 1770 the patent was divided, and lot number twelve, (which includes the mineral waters and a considerable portion of the adjoining lands at Saratoga Springs,) in the sixteenth general allotment, was sold by the representatives of Rip Van Dam to Anthony Van Dam, Jacob Walton and Isaac Low. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. S3 Norton took possession of the house the same season that Arnold left it, and continued to make considerable improvements by clearing up the land, &c. through the succeeding season. But the war of the revolution, which had already commenced, was now becoming every day more and more serious, and he began to be alarmed for the safety of his family, and thought it pru- dent to remove them from a situation where they were so much exposed to the aggressions of the contending parties. He finally joined the British army, where he soon after died, and the Springs were again left without a single inhabitant. Low absented himself from the county during the war, and his lands were of course sold by the commissioners of forfeitures; those which he own- ed at the Springs were sold to Henry Livingston in 178G, for himself and brothcis. In the spring of 1783, a son of Norton resum- ed the occupancy of the former possessions of his father at the Springs, and continued to clear and improve the land in the vicinity until the year 17H7, when lie sold his possessions and improve- ments to one Gideon Morgan, who the same year transferred them to Alexander Bryant. Bryant must be considered the first permanent settler here after the close of the war: he built a black- 34 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. smith's shop, and erected an additional log house which he opened for the accommodation of visit- ajits; and there are persons yet living who recol- lect with peculiar pleasure, the clean apartments and comfortable accommodations afforded by the proprietor of this humble mansion.* In the year 1783, General Philip Schuyler, who had a farm and a number of mills at the * Bryant was a slirewd and somewhat of an eccentric charac- ter, and the events of his life, if generally known, would un- doubtedly place his name among the patriots of his time, and furnish a deserved monument to his memory. He was, I believe, a native of the state of Connecticut ; but emigrated to that of New- York early in life, and fixed his resi- dence in the county ofDutchess. Here he connected himself by marriage with a highly respectable family, and some years alter removed to the town of Ilalfmoon, in the county of Sara- toga, where he commenced the business of tavern keeping at a place situated about two miles above Water-ford, on what was then the great road which furnished the principal means of com- munication between the northern and southern frontiers. On this spot he continued to reside during the war of the revolu- tion, and his house, of course, became frequently the resort of the partisans of the contending powers; and such was/ the adroitness of his management that he became the unreserved confidant of both parties, without even being once suspected of treachery by either. Of his patriotism, however, and his sin- cere attachment to the interests of his country, there cannot ex- ist a doubt. The important secrets which he frequently obtain- ed from his confiding friends, the tories, were soon disclosed to the committees of safety, with whom he managed to keep a HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 35 mouth of the Fish-Creek, caused a road to be opened from that place to the Springs, and hav- ing set up a large wall tent near the High Roclc, occupied it with his family for the space of three or four weeks. They were so well pleased with the result of this visit, that the following season he caused a small frame building to be erected on the high land a little southwest from the High Rock, where he continued to reside five or six constant although a secret communication. The numerous and essential services which he thus rendered to his country continued for a long time to excite the admiration and grati- tude of his few surviving associates, to whom alone they were known and by whom their importance could only be properly estimated : and it is to be regretted that, to the day of his death, they remained unacknowledged and unrewarded by any token or profession of gratitude from his country. \\ hi 'ii Gen. Gates took the command of the northern army, iie applied to the committee of safety of Stillwntcr, to provide a suitable person to go into Burgoyne's camp, with a view to ob- laiii a knowledge of the movements of the enemy. Bryant was immediately selected as a person well qualified to undertake the hazardrns enterprise, and he readily agreed to accomplish it. Abofit the same time he was applied to by a friend of the ene- my to convey some intelligence which he deemed of importance to Hurjioyne ; this lie likewise undertook, having secretly obtain- ed tho consent of Gen. Gates for that purpose. By pursuing a circuiting route, he arrived unmolested at the camp of the ene- my, winch was then situated in the vicinity of Fort Edward. Having had several inti.Tvitnvs with Gen. Burgoync, by whom };; "a- <;los'-lv examined, he was finally employed by that offi 36 HISTORY OP THE SPRINGS. weeks every year during the remainder of his life. This house was standing until a few years past ; it consisted of two rooms, with a stone fire place and chimney ; it was enclosed and lined with rough boards, and was the first framed house built in the place. In the year 1780, a Dr. Blakesley and Gideon Putnam commenced a settlement at the Springs. cer to superintend some concerns in the ordnance department. He tarried sufficiently long to obtain the required information, v, r hen he privately left the camp in the gray of the morning of the 15th of September; but he had not proceeded many miles before he discovered that he was pursued by two horsemen ; these, however, he contrived to avoid, and arrived safely at Gates' head-quarters late on the following night, and communicated the first intelligence of the enemy's having crossed the Hudson and being on the advance to Stillwater. This intelligence was of great importance, as it led to the immediate preparation for the sanguinary engagement which ensued on the 19th of the same month. Bryant continued to reside at the Springs for more than thirty years, and until age had rendered him incompetent for active life. He then retired to the county of Scoharie, where he died at an advanced age. He possessed a strong constitution, a sound and vigorous mind, and a benevolent and kind disposi- tion. The poor, the miserable and the unfortunate were al- ways the objects of his care, his kindness and his charily. But his eccentricities often involved him in difficulties with his more opulent neighbors, and, at times, disturbed the tranquillity ofhis roost intimate friends'. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 3*7 Blakesley occupied the log building erected by Scowton, and Putnam located on a new farm three fourths of a mile westerly from the village, It is to the enterprize of this latter gentleman that the village is indebted for much of its early im- provement, and the public for the first elegant and commodious accommodations which the place afforded. In the year following, (1790,) Benjamin Risley, Esquire, from Vermont, bought the house which Scowton built, and having erected some addi- tions, opened it for the accommodation of visit- ants. This, and the house kept by Bryant on the opposite corner, and but a few rods distant, con- tinued to be rival establishments for a number of years. Risley, a few years after, built the yellow house near the upper end of the village, which has been occupied as a tavern ever since. He likewise built a small house on the opposite side of the street, nearly against the yellow tavern, which was occupied for a time as a boarding house, but was, some years since, burnt down.' * This fire happened in June, 1807, two dwelling houses and several out building were destroyed, and an aged gentleman F>y the name of Miller, from the town of Diimmerston, in .Ma.s- achuKCttH, who lodged in an upper room in one oi 'he iiuil'f- 7) 38 HISTORY OF TIIE SPRINGS. About the year 1794, the Messrs. John andZi- ba Taylor opened a small store in one of the rooms of Risley's house. They afterwards built a small log house which they occupied for the same purpose ; this stood on the high land, forty or fifty rods north from the High Rock Spring, but every vestige of it has long since disappear- ed. These gentlemen subsequently erected mills in the vicinity, and contributed much to the clear- ing and improving the surrounding country. During the summer of 1792 the Congress Spring was first discovered. Three gentlemen were boarding at Risley's who frequently amused themselves by hunting for small game in the neighboring woods. One of them, John Taylor Oilman, of Exeter, New Hampshire, (afterwards Governor of that state,) and who then was, or had bcjn a member of congress, accidently dis- covered a small stream of water issuing from an aperture in the side of a rock, the face of which formed the border of the brook. An appearance so singular attracted his attention, and on exam- ining it more attentively he found it to be a strong mineral water. He communicated the discovery to his associates, and in the afternoon of the same ings, lost his life by jumping from the window of his apart- ment. HISTORY OF THE SPRIXGS. 39 day he conducted his landlord, together with a number of other persons, to the spot. It was situated a few feet further west and on the oppo- site side of the brook from where the Congress spring now is. The water issued from an aper- ture which resembled a worm hole in one of those large masses of silicious lime rock which form the upper stratum of the rock formation at this place. Its taste and other sensible qualities satisfied the company that the discovery was an important one ; and the spring was immediately dignified by the consent of all the persons pres- ent, with the name of the CONGRESS SPRING, out of respect to the discoverer, and as a compli- ment to the superior strength of its waters. About the year 1770 it is said that a Dr. Con- stable, who resided at Schenectady, examined the waters at Saratoga and Ballston, and pro- nounced them highly medicinal ; and in 1783, Dr. Samuel Tenny, a regimental surgeon stationed at Fish-creek, visited the Springs, and made some interesting and judicious remarks on their prop- erties and uses as a medicine. The result of his observations he addressed in a letter to Dr. Joshua Fisher, of Boston, which was subsequent- ly published in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. II, part I, 1793, 40 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. The venerable Samuel L. Mitchill, LL. D. of the city of New-York, records it as one of the remarkable incidents of his life, that in the year 1787, he "visited the Springs at Saratoga while surrounded by the forest, and ascertained experi- mentally that the gas extricated from the water was fixed air, with the power to extinguish flame and destroy the life of breathing animals." It does not appear, however, that there was any attempt at a scientific examination of these waters until the year 1793, when Valentine Sea- man, M. D. then one of the surgeons of the New- York Hospital, and an eminent physician of the city, published ' A Dissertation on the mineral waters of Saratoga." His chemical experiments were principally confined to the water of the High Rock spring ; and to him very justly be- longs the honor of first developing the time char- acter and qualities of these interesting fountains. From the result of his enquiries he inferred and published his views on the " use and medical vir- tues of the waters." In the year 1795, Dr. Van- dervoort published the result of his experiments on the waters of Ballston. These publications had the effect to produce a more general knowledge of the properties of the waters, and to confirm the jrood opinion which HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 41 had already been formed of their efficacy in many complaints. The consequence was an in- crease of company to such an extent as to evince the necessity of more extensive and better ar- ranged accommodations. Influenced by this consideration, Mr. Putnam, whose enterprize was always active, was induced to build a large and commodious house near the Congress spring, around which, at the time, the country was a perfect wilderness. He commenced it in 1SOO, and in the spring of 1802 the Union Hall, then called Putnam's tavern,* was opened for compa- ny. It consisted of a large dining room, two par- lours and a commodious kitchen on the first floor, and the two upper stories were divided into lodg- ing rooms. ^ In 1SOS, Jotham Holmes, who had before kept a house near the High Rock, commenced build- ing the Columbian Hotel near the Flat Rock, and the following season it was opened for com- pany. The success which attended these first efforts induced Mr. Putnam to extend the means of accommodation still further. He added con- siderably to the- dimensions of the Union Hall, and in 1x12 commenced the Congress Hall on * The si0n a rudely painted representation of the story of Putmm and the wo!f 42 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS, the opposite side of the street ; but before it was completed, its worthy and enterprizing proprie- tor died, and the completion of the building was consequently delayed until the fall of 1814, when it was sold to Graudus Van Schoonhovcn, who finished it, and in the spring of 1815 it was opened. From this period, the character of the waters, and the excellency of the accommodations af- forded to visitants, began to be more generally known and more justly appreciated ; and the lit- tle village, as it emerged from the surrounding wilderness, began to present the appearance of a place of fashion and extravagance, and from be- ing the mere humble abode of the indigent and infirm, suddenly became the resort of the most polite and polished society. Such was the rapid increase of company, that it became necessary that still further accommodations should be pro- vided ; and in 1819, the Pavilion was opened by Mr. Lewis, and in 1824, the United States Hotel by Mr. Ford. All these establishments have from time to time been enlarged and improved, until they may be ranked among the most spa- cious and imposing buildings of the kind in the l T nited States ; and for good fare and polite at- tentions, will not suffer by a comparison with hose of any country. HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 43 The village was incorporated by an act of the legislature in the spring of 1827. It contains about three hundred dwelling houses, five church- es, a printing office and reading-room, together with a number of stores and mechanic shops, and at the present time between two and three thou- sand inhabitants. It possesses no peculiar ad- vantages either for manufacturing or mercantile pursuits; it is therefore' indebted alone to its character as a watering place, for the advances which it has heretofore made in improvement and population. The village is situated at the termination oi one of the spurs of the immense pile of primitive mountains which separate the waters of Lake Champlain from those of the St. Lawrence. It is twelve miles west from Schuylerville on the Hudson, and thirty cast from Johnstown in the county of Montgomery ; it is thirty-four miles northerly from Albany, 'and twenty-seven south- erly from Lake George. Its principal street is one hundred and forty feet in width and nearly one mile in extent. The houses arc well built, and the whole village has an air of neatness and salubrity seldom equalled in any country village, Formerly the inhabitants were subject to attacks <>f intermittent and remittent fevers, but for the l'i-t ten years these diseases have entirely disap- 44 HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS, peared. This remarkable exemption is imputed to the destruction of a number of mill-dams in the surrounding country, and the clearing and draining of the low marshy grounds in the imme- diate vicinity of the place, which must, during their existence, have afforded fruitful sources for those exhalations, to which has always been im- puted the origin of these afflicting diseases. Nor is the surrcmnding country less exempt from those pestiferous exhalations which render a place insalubrious and improper for even the temporary residence of invalids. The springs are situated in an elevated district, and in the immediate vicinity of an extensive range of moun- tainous country ; the atmosphere, therefore, is remarkably pure and invigorating, affording to the diseased one of the best selected spots that could be chosen for the improvement of a broken or impaired constitution, But Saratoga is not only interesting on account of the salubrity of its waters and the purity of its air ; the name is associated with the great events which gave birth to the empire ; her plains are distinguished in the history of freedom. It was here our fathers fought and bled ! and here the sight of their graves daily reminds us of their val- our and their patriotism. It was here, during the dark and gloomy period of the revolution, that HISTORY OF THE SPRINGS. 45. the light of liberty first dawned upon our then benighted land, and cheered the hearts of our desponding countrymen with a full prospect of a great and glorious day ; and although the bones of those who fell upon her plains are now scarcely distinguishable from the earth, which covers them, yet the spot of their repose will be sought after and remembered while pat- riotism shall have a votary, or liberty a name. The scene of the defeat and surrender of Gene- ral Burgoyne is but two hours ride from the Springs, and is full of interest. The falls of the Hudson are numerous, and some of them highly interesting, particularly those of Baker, Glen and Iladley ; they are situated about eighteen miles from the Springs, and are well worth the attention of the tourist. Saratoga Lake is but four miles distant from the Springs. It is- a beautiful sheet of pure water, nine miles in extent from north to south, and from one to three in width. The scenery around it is diversified and highly picturesque, while the lake itself abounds with a variety of fish and its bor- ders with abundance of small game, ailbrding 1 the sportsman and epicure a never failing source of amusement, and gratification, 46 HISTORY OF TUB SPRINGS. Lake George, twenty-seven miles distant, pre- sents a scenery sublime, beautiful and romantic beyond description. Here the invalid may not only be exhilarated by the delightful prospects which surround him, but will find himself invigo- rated by inhaling the pure air of the mountains, and bathing in the limpid and uncontaminated waters of the Sacred Lake* The artist may here occupy his pencil in delin- eating some of the grandest views which the Uni- ted States any where present, and which fancy in her wildest and most extravagant exertions can never imitate or improve. Indeed, no being, en- dowed with reason and common sense, can ever visit this spot without receiving impressions calcu- lated to elevate his views of the divinity of nature, and the dignity and grandeur of her works. The roads leading to all these places are tole- rably good, particularly where they pass over the plain country ; as they are there not only level and dry, but frequently hard and smooth in con- sequence of the admixture of loam with sand. The invalid may, therefore, select such route from the Springs as may best suit the state of his * The French, who first discovered the lake, gave it the nime of " La';e Sacrament" from the purity of its waters, HISTORY OF THE SFKIXGS. 47 health. II" feeble or afflicted with painful disease, he may ride on the plains without fatigue ; or if more vigorous and courting exercise, he may mount the hills in Greenfield to the north, where, in a tour of eight or ten miles, he may enjoy a mountain scenery. The approach to the Springs from the south is now effected by rail road the time actually em- ployed in travelling between them and New- York not generally exceeding from 15 to 18 hours. A rail road has also been commenced between Sara- toga Springs and Whitehall, on Lake Champlain, and when completed, will perfect the great chain of internal communication by steam from Quebec to North Carolina. Saratoga, as a point of attraction, will prove a resting place for travellers designing a northern or southern excursion, and, like the watering places in Europe, will also be doubtless selected as a locality for the country seats of many of the opulent. Indeed, it is already beginning to as- sume that character, and to give evidence that the period is not distant when it will become as popu- lous and in all respects equal tho most renowned and fashionable towns of the kind on the eastern continent. GEOLOGICAL REMARKS ON THB COUNTY OF SARATOGA. TILE arrangement of the different geological formations in this county is peculiarly interesting, and affords one of the happiest opportunities for acquiring a knowledge of the general outlines of the science of geology. The primitive transition and secondary formations present themselves al- most at one view, and afford to the enquirer an opportunity for studying the physical characters, positions and arrangements with a facility that can scarcely be surpassed at any other spot. But before I proceed to a description of its geological structure, it will be necessary to say a few words on the geography of the county. The county of Saratoga was set off from the county of Albany in the year 1791. It is situated between 42 deg. 40 min. and 43 deg. 23 min. north latitude, and 26 min. east and 10 min. west longitude from the city of New- York, and is di- vided into twenty townships, the greater part of which arc highly cultivated, and all of them in a 50 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. state of rapid improvement. The soil is generally good and well adapted to either pasturage or culture. Formerly the great quantity of fine timber, which the land every where produced, its prox- imity to market, and the facilities afforded for erecting mills on never failing streams of water, induced the earlier settlers to turn their attention to the business of lumbering, to the almost entire neglect of the land. But the disappearance of the timber has now nearly put a stop to this kind of traffic, and the farmer is beginning to consult his better interest in the cultivation and improve- ment of his farm ; and in a few more years this county will rank among the first in the state both for the quantity and quality of its productions. The face of the country is undulating, and the soil considerably diversified in its character. Along the Hudson there are some tracts of allu- vial bottoms extremely fertile ; but it is remarkable that this river does not produce such extensive tracts of alluvial lands as are usually found along streams of its magnitude. Back from the river there are extensive tracts of sandy soil intermixed with a light loam. The soil of the mountainous districts is of a gravelly consistence, intermixed with much vegetable substance, while that which GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 5] occupies the space between the mountains and the sandy plains is generally of a rich vegetable mould. The northern part of the county is mountainous. It consists of two elevated ridges, the first of which is styled the Palmertown mountains. It is a continuation or spur of the immense pile of prim- itive mountains which occupy the space between the waters of Lake Champlain and those of the St. Lawrence. They enter the county a few miles west of Glen's Falls, on the Hudson, in the town of Moreau, from whence this ridge, pursu- ing a southwesterly course, gradually sinks to the level of the plain lands in the vicinity of the min- eral waters at Saratoga Springs. It presents an abrupt front, in many places precipitous, and rises in some parts to the height of several hundred feet above the level of the plains which lie to the cast and south of it. From the top of this range the land gradually declines to the west for the distance of six or seven miles, when it is again abruptly thrown into another ridge called the Kayaderosseras mountains. This, like the Pal- mertown ridge, is a spur from the same group of primitive mountains to the north. It sinks to the general livel of the country. In the town of Gal- way it presents an appearance very similar to that of the Palmertown mountains, and like that 52 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. declines gradually to the west until it comes in contact with another spur from the same source, called the Sacanadaga or Sacandaga mountains, which terminate at or near the Little Falls on the Mohawk ; this range is in the county of Mont- gomery. The waters of the Sacandaga river, one of the principal branches of the Hudson, have their source in this latter range of mountains, and col- lecting their scattered branches, they pursue an easterly course, and passing through the Kayade- rosseras mountains unite with the Hudson. These waters now pursue a southerly course for a few miles only, when they again strike off to the east, and continuing the course, pass through the Palm- crtown mountains, and in the vicinity of Glen's Falls again take a southerly direction, and pur- sue it with but little variation to the city of New- York. In the passage of these waters through the mountains, they form numerous rapids, cascades and cataracts, which present, some of the most wild, romantic and picturesque scenery of which the country can boast. These mountains comprise the primitive region in this county. The rock formations which com- GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 53 pose the regular constituent parts of these eleVa- ted ridges consist of the following : Granite. Sienite. Gneiss. Mica Slate. Steatite. Granular Lime Stone. Granite Discovers itself in a number of places along the whole extent of the Palriiertown range. It rises to the top of some of the highest peaks of the mountain near where the Hudson crosses it, and is again met with in some of the vallies. At the southern termination of this mountainous range, in the immediate vicinity of the transition formation, and within a mile of the mineral waters at Saratoga Springs, there is an extensive mass of granite considerably elevated and lying across the course of the mountain nearly east and west. The surface of this range of granite is exposed for the distance of more than a mile, and it is the last of the primitive rocks which make their appear- ance in this direction until . we reach the High- lands below New burgh, a distance of more than one hundred miles, where they again occur, and the appearance seems to justify the opinion that E* 54 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. they constitute a part of the same range. Such- is the situation of the valley or basin between these two distant points, that the Highlands may be distinctly seen over it, on a clear day, from almost any point on the last mentioned range of granite at Saratoga Springs., On the west side of the mountain, where the land slopes off towards the Kayaderosseras, gran- ite frequently presents itself in extensive ridges, sometimes exhibiting its own well denned surface, and sometimes supporting masses of sienite or gneiss, which run into each other; and in this manner it likewise combines with mica slate, and although each rock is distinctly marked, yef they are so intimately combined at their union as to render it difficult to determine the exact line of their meeting. On the Kayaderosseras mountains the granite discovers itself towards their southern termination and along their highest ridges. It is very con- spicuous along the slope of the mountains on their western sides in the town of Providence. It like- wise breaks through the gneiss, or rises above it in several places in the precipitous parts of the mountains on their eastern aspect in the towns of Greenfield, Corinth and Hadley. GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 55 In the town of Day, on the north side of the Sacandaga river, and not far from the road lead- ing through the mountain along the valley of the river from Hadley to Edinburgh, there is an ex- tensive range of beautiful flesh coloured granite. It rises through the gneiss which lies on both sides of it, and occupying a direction nearly southwest and northeast, may be traced a distance of some miles. It consists almost entirely of feldspar in a highly crystalline state, and contains some nodules of quartz and rarely some small specimens of mica, Most of the granite which occurs in this region is of a coarse granular structure, having its usual constituents variously combined. Sometimes it consists almost entirely of feldspar and quartz. In some specimens the mica is in excess, and in others the mica and quartz are scarcely discover- able, and frequently all three are so intimately combined as to make it difficult to determine wlu'cli is in excess. Sometimes the granite occurs in veins passing through gneiss, in which case it is highly crystal- line, and its constituent parts may be easily sepa- rated, oftco with a single blow of the hammer. 56 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. Gneiss. This constitutes by far the greater proportion of the primitive rocks in this region. It composes almost the whole of the eastern face of the Falm- ertown mountains, except being occasionally in- terrupted by the granite. It extends to the west along the slope of those mountains to within a mile of the Kayaderosseras ; and these last moun- tains are almost entirely composed of it. Where the Sacandaga river crosses this range, the moun- tains, which are several hundred feet in height, particularly on the north side, approach it in frightful precipices, which are entirely composed of this rock. it is usually found resting on granite ; but in some places it is observed to alternate with sien- ite, but more frequently with mica slate. It dif- fers much in its composition ; being in some instances composed almost entirely of mica and quartz, and in others of mica, quartz, feldspar and hornblend. Sometimes the feldspar is want- ing altogether, and sometimes the mica is deficient. They are all in fine particles- and much diffused in the mass. Sienite, or Hornblend Rock, Occurs in several places along the western declivity of the Palmertown mountains, and along GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 57 the southern termination of the Kayaderosseras mountains in the town of Providence. It is ob- served in other places combined with gneiss or alternating with mica slate. It does not, how- ever, appear to occupy a very extensive space in the formation of this region. Mica Slate. This rock occurs near and along the southern termination of the primitive region in the town of Greenfield. A little below Fitch's mills it forms a distinct stratification, and along the mountains to the north and northeast it rests on the gneiss, and is observed to form veins or seams in several places in the granite. It exhibits fragments of an extensive stratification both on the Palmer- town and Kayaderosseras mountains. Steatite, Soap-Storie, or Talcosc Hock, Occurs at or near the foot of the Pahnertown mountains in the town of Moreau ; it occurs likewise near the top of the mountain in the town of Corinth, and again in the town of Greenfield. They all appear to be of the same description and evidently belong to the variety termed pot- stone. The locality in Moreau appears to be extensive. It is covered by granular limestone, through a fissure of which, the specimens which 58 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. I have were procured. I have several other specimens which I strongly suspect came from one of the above localities, although they were represented to me as coming from another quar- ter. They were procured by some infatuated money diggers, and they were exhibited under a pretence or belief that they contained the pre- cious metals. Granular Limestone. This occurs in the immediate vicinity of the foregoing formation, and appears to rest upon it. It enters largely into the formation of the Palmer- town mountain at a place about two miles north from its southern termination. All which I have- examined is of a coarse granular structure, and in its general character and appearance strongly resembles the Bennington and Shaftsbury mar- bles. It is easily worked, and when pure receives a fine polish. Most of the specimens, however, contain crystals of feldspar diffused throughout the mass in such abundance as to render it in a great measure unfit for the operations of the chisel. It is probable, nevertheless, that when those localities come to be properly explored, specimens sufficiently pure may be procured for ail the useful purposes to which marble is applied. GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 59 Every thing conspires to induce the belief that these primitive regions have undergone great and important changes since the period of their formation. Fragments these rocks, exactly corresponding \vith those in place, are strewed in immense quantities all over the county in the form of sand, water- worn pebbles, rounded stones and bowlders, specimens of which, weighing many tons, are found at the distance of some miles from their parent rock resting on earth which covers secondary limestone. The minerals which have been observed con- nected with the primitive formation of this region, are tourmaline, garnets, beryl, sulplmret of mo- lybdena, graphite, spodumenc, iron in the form of magnetic hematite and sulphurct, chrysobcryl,* prismatic and laminated mica, coccolite, &c. Transition Formation. The rocks which are distinctly marked as be- longing to this class in this region arc Padding Stone, or Conglomerate. Quartzose. or Coarse Siliceous Sand Stone. ' Tiii-5 raro mineral occurs in veins of granite running through gneiss in two or tlircr: places, from which some beautiful speci- mens have been obtained. 60 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. Metalliferous, or Mountain Lime Stone. Argillagceous Slate. Gray Wacke and Gray Wacke Slate. Siliceous and Calcareous Sand Stone. Pudding Stone.* This formation occurs in the town of Green- field, not far from its south line, on the southeast side of the Kayaderosseras mountain, distinctly resting on the primitive- rocks. It consists prin- cipally of rounded pebbles of quartz, from the size of a small shot to that of a man's head, and larger, united into one common mass" by a kind of coarse ferruginous sand. The rounded masses which characterize this formation are much the largest at its conimencement, or where it unites with the primitive rocks, and they regularly de- crease in size as we climb up the series, until it passes into a uniform quartzose, or coarse silice- ous sand stone, which overlays or alternates with it over a considerable extent of this part of the county. Broken rounded fragments of this for* mation are found all over the county, and in * This formation, with the succeeding one, answers well tt> the description given by Eaton, of the millstone-grit of the canal district; but its situation here peremptorily forbids Us being placed among the secondary rocks. GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. ' Cl jreat abundance along the valley between the Palmertown and Kayaderosseras mountains. Quart-osc or Coarse Siliceous Sand Stone. This formation occupies an extensive space along the valley between the Palmertown and Kayaderosseras mountains, and is found along the eastern declivity of the latter mountain, near its southern termination, in thin and horizontal strata, in some places akernating with conglome- rate or passing into it. Near the foot of the mountain it inclines a little to the southeast, and disappears beneath more recent formations. This formation is generally of a reddish brown color, particularly where the surface has been exposed to the weather. It is, however, fre- quently white or greyish white ; and at or near I be falls on the Hudson at Hadley, it passes into and alternates with a kind of rubblestone of a blueish cast, which slightly effervesces with acids and sometimes contains calcareous spar.* * Profc.-sor F.atou ha8 described this formation as bcin; 1 , I'naiitiv", and im-ntioris the occurrence of an intervening stra- ';rn of i'i[.idii>^ stone as a remarkable circumstance. I orict: .at'.T'.aincd tin: -rune- o|.i':i'jn, Init a more careful investigation ! ,i~ put il !i"V'.':i'l a <]'!. 'it rliat tiiisr is a transHi/jii formation, I'-cupytrr..' !!i; !)':U'ji:j of .1 '-ahin foruifd !;v the sarnjundin.i; 'li'.'i'li .'o iu'''iri:,u i -'. 62 ' GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. Metalliferous, or Mountain Lime Roc'k. This formation occurs in the town of Green- field, on an elevated ridge of land in the valley between the Palmertown and Kayaderosseras mountains, and evidently reposes on the foregoing sand stone. This locality is not very extensive, and I am not aware of its occurring at any other place, although it very probably may, along the course of the same valley which occupies the space between those primitive spurs for nearly twenty miles. Argillaceous Slate. This formation appears to underlay the greater part of the county that is not included in the primitive region. It forms the bed of the Hudson to a little above Baker's Falls, opposite Moreau, and that rf the Mohawk to above Schenectady. It is likewise observable in the interior of the county, at the bottom and along the shores of the lakes, both at Saratoga and Ballston ; and it forms the shores or banks of most of the streams that pass to the southward of the secondary for- ma' ion, but it has not yet been observed to make its appearance between this last and the primitive rocks. GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 11 63 The layers of this rock are much curved, par- ticularly along the southern parts of the county, and possess a considerable elevation to the north- west ; but as it approaches towards the seconda- ry rock, to the north, its layers become straight, are evidently less inclined, and separate into thin plates, some of which appear suitable for roof slate. The seams and fissures of these layers are frequently filled with calcareous' spar ; and at Baker's Falls large masses of this substance are imbedded in the rock. It is extremely liable to disintegration where the surface is exposed ; and in many places it breaks into regular rhoni- bick tables, whose fracture is always parallel to their sides, evincing a crystalline character. Some specimens of this rock are glazed with black lead, which when handled soils the fingers; and from this circumstance, some inexperienced geologists have mistaken it for bituminous shale, a substance which probably will not be found in this district. Large masses of chlorite, milky quartz, and sometimes red jasper, arc likewise found, citiier imbedded in this formation or passing through it in the form of veins; and the sulphuret of iron, in beautiful golden colored crystals of various forms, occurs in great abundance, either in scams 64 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS* or imbedded in its substance. The decomposi- tion of this latter substance probably gives origin to the sulphurous waters which are found in this- region, and likewise to the efflorescence so often met with on the sides and walls of this rock. This efflorescence is either the sulphate of iron t lime or alumine, and sometimes consists of al 1 three. Siliceous slate appears to be imbedded in the argillite, rather than forming a separate stratum. It is of a black flint like appearance, possessing a concoidal fracture, and has a dark shining as- pect. It occurs in large irregular masses in the argillaceous slate on the egst side of Saratoga lake, and likewise along the southern parts of the sounty Gray-Wackc. Wherever this rock is found in this region, ir rests on the argillaceous slate, and in some places is observed to alternate with it. It forms the sum- mit of most of the insolated elevations through- out the southern parts of the country. It occu- pies a considerable space along the highlands which run parallel to the Hudson through the t- r 'wns of Saratoga and Stillwatcr, and enters largely into the composition of Bemus' Heights, GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 65 It is observable again along the southern parts of Ballson and Charlton, where it runs into, and al- ternates with gray-wacke slate. This last cullers but little from the former, excepting it is more slaty in its structure. Along the east side of Sar- atoga Lake, and at several other places, they have a considerable declination to the southeast ; but in Charlton their position is nearly horizontal. In some places the strata of this formation curiously contorted and bent, furnishing interest- ing views for the speculations of the scientific ge- ologist. Siliceous and Calcareous SanJ Stone, These rocks occur all along the eastern uud squthern termination of the primitive region, vviui which in many places they appear to come near- ly in contact. They appear in the banks of tlio Hudson a little below Glen's Falls, and they ai'o very conspicuous along the south part of the tov/n of Greenfield at the foot of the Kayadcrossorus, when they pursue the course of that primitive tract to its southern termination in the town of Galvvay. They then take a western mio the count}' of Montgomery. In Greenfield and Corinth this formation occupies a narrow spaco along the eastern foot of the Kayaderossei as mountain for the distance of several miles ; aud the same formation occurs again on its opposite r" 66 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. side, along the foot of the Sacandaga mountains, and it is of this stone that the piers of the elegant state bridge over the Sacandaga river near the Fish House are constructed. Indeed, some of the rocks at this place approach very nearly to compact lime-stone, and contain organic remains. Horn stone is found in great abundance im- bedded in the calcareous sand stone ; and calca- reous spar, beautifully crystalized and possessing a variety of colors, occurs in both. Some of these rocks contain in their fissure* and cavities beautiful and veiy perfect six sided crystals of quartz. These occur in great abundance among the calcareous sand stones in the vicinity of the mineral springs at Saratoga, and arc presented to the curious under the appellation of diamonds, Some small specimens of these crystals have been found in the loose earth about these rocks, having regular sides, with both terminations entire, and possessing a brilliancy but little inferior to the diamond itself, The siliceous sand stone in some places seems to pass into a kind of amygdaloidal rock, which effervesces but slightly with acids. Its cavities, which arc numerous, are lined with chalcedony. This frequently occupies the whole space, but sometimes forms gcodcs, the insides of which are GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. G7 studded with small brilliant crystals of quartz, or a variety of crystalized spar. The walls of these gcodes not unfrequently pass into agate, exhibiting its zigzag parallel lines very distinctly. Most of the calcareous and siliceous sand stone of tliis region are easily wrought, and they bear the effects of a high temperature well ; they are therefore used in Galvvay for the backs and jambs to chimneys. They have been likewise extensively quarried in Greenfield for the con- struction of tlie locks on the northern canal ; and at Saratoga Springs they are used altogether for the foundations of buildings. Secondary Formation. The rocks which compose the regular scries of thL= formation are Compact Lirne-st'one, Shell Lime-stone, and Oolite, This lime-stone formation passes into the coun- ty at Glen's Falls, and pursuing a southwesterly direction, occupies a narrow space along the course of the primitive region, and not far from it through the towns of Morcau, Wilton, Saratogr. 68 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. Springs, Milton, Galway, and so into the county of Montgomery. The connection of this formation with the tran- sition rocks is very obvious at a little distance be- low Glen's Falls, where it is first observed to al- ternate with calcareous and siliceous sand stone, and following the stream still further down, these last rocks alternate with gray-wacke and gray- wacke slate, which finally rest on the argillaceous slate, not far above Baker's Falls, in the town of Moreau. Both the compact and shell lime-stone occur in the same series of strata, constituting distinct layers, which overlay each other at irregular in- tervals. They are of a dark blue color, and the compact is susceptible of a fine polish, and is used for ornamental work of various kinds. Both, \vhen properly burned, form a very pure lime, giving out when first heated, a strong sul- phurous odour. The shell lime-stone differs very materially from the compact, being more loose in its texture, and consisting nearly altogether of organic re- mains, the forms of which are perfect and entire ; among which have been recognized celleporites, pectenites, orthoceratites, amonites, cardites, gry- GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. CJ> phites, corallinites, terebratulites. ostryatites. and belemnites. Oolite. This formation had not been known as consti- tuting a part of the regular series of rocks in the United States until it was discovered in this coun- ty. It occurs at a place about two miles north west from the village of Saratoga Spring?, and within half a mile of the ridge of granite rocks which terminate the southernmost point t ft he- Pal inert own mountains. From this spot it stretch- es across the valley which separates the Palmer- town from the Kayaderosseras mountains, and probably may yet be traced around the termina- tion of the latter mountains to those of the Sacan- daga, and possibly along the whole extent of these primitive spurs of what professor Eaton has termed " the M'Comb Mountains." The calcareous concretions which characterize and identify this formation, arc for the most part arranged in successive layers throughout the stra- ta in which they appear. They arc globular, of the size of mustard seed, possess a shining black color, and are evidently composed of concentric layers. They are united in the mass by a ealc-r- 70 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. reous cement, more or less granular, combined with fine siliceous sand. More than one half of the whole mass of some of the strata which constitute the series* of this formation, consist of these globular concretions ; in others they are more sparingly diffused, and some of the strata appear to be composed alto- gether of a calcareo-siliceous sand, without the intervention of a single globule. They are most- ly of a dark gray color, but they are in many i^ / * v places rendered brown by the intervention of fer- ruginous particles. From a cursory examination, at the time this formation was first observed, I was induced to believe that it rested on the transition rocks ; but a more careful investigation has satisfied me that it rests on secondary or shell lime-stone. This lime-stone differs somewhat from that which I have before described ; it is of a lighter color, less compact in its structure, the organic remains are more equally diffused throughout the strata, which are thinner, and are frequently separated by thin layers of aluminous slate, which, in some places, is nearly identified with the lime-stone. Can this be the lias of the European geologists ? and is this shale the lias day which in England is known to be impregnated with muriate of soda GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. 71 and other salts ? and the same in which the min- eral springs at Cheltenham and Gloucester are said to rise ? If it should be so, we shall find but little difficulty in accounting for the origin of some o/ the salina ingredients found in the mineral waters at Saratoga ; but it must be left to further investigation to determine this subject. Diluvial and Alluvial Formations. Diluvial and alluvial deposits cover a great proportion of the secondary and transition rocks throughout the county, in the form of thick beds of sand and clay and fragments of rocks more or less rounded by attrition. The diluvial includes generally all those lands that are usually termed pine plains, extending from the northern to the southern limits of the county, forming a part of a range which follows the course of the Hudson for more than four hundred miles between the primitive mountains. But little is as yet known of the depth or interior properties of this immense body of earth. It has seldom been opened to any extent but for the purposes of obtaining water, which is usually found at a depth of from ten to twenty-five feet, in a coarse loose sand resting on aluminous marl, or between this first stratum and another at no great distance beneath. When water is found to occur 72 GEOLOGICAL REMARKS. over the marl, it is usually very pure, combines readily with soap, and is what, in common lan- ."uaf e. is termed soft ; but when it occurs be- O O ' / ' tween the strata of marl, it possesses properties which give it the appellation of hard ; it decom- poses soap without forming a pure suds, and con- tains lime, magnesia, &c. usually combined with sulphuric or muriatic acid. Wherever this formation has been exposed to any considerable depth, it presents a stratified structure consisting of regular and well defined strata of different colored sand or earth, or coarse and fine gravel regularly arranged. Sometimes these strata are separated by thin layers of marl or clay, and sometimes by the argillaceous oxide of iron. They are horizontal, inclined or undu- lating at different places. Marl appears to underlay or form a constituent part of almost the whole of the diluvial deposits of this county ; it is mostly argillaceous, but some specimens contain from forty to sixty per cent, of lime, and are evidently calcareous. Argillaceous oxide of iron (bog ore) occurs in a number of places, imbedded in the sandy dilu- vial. On the plains between Saratoga arid Ball- oon Spa, it was formerly found in iuincient quan- GEOLOGICAL REMARKS 73 lilies to supply a forge for a number of years, \vhich produced from fifty to seventy tons cf wrought or bar iron annually. The alluvial formation is found along the banks of streams and at the bottoms of vallies ; it con- sists of beds of clay or marl, interrupted at inter- vals by layers of quicksand, and sometimes by that of vegetable remains. O Every thing in this extensive region of diluvial and alluvial deposits conspire to induce the belief that it once formed the bottom of an immense fresh water lake, which must have existed subse- quent to the retiring of the oceanic water?, in which were deposited the lime and other secon- dary rocks which contain the remains of marine animals in such abundance : but as the discussion of this subject is not necessarily connected with the object of the work before us, it is deemed in- expedient to pursue it any further at this time, Having thus given a concise account of the dis- covery and settlement of the Springs, and a gene- ral view of the geological features of the country in which they are situated, (preliminaries interest- ing and important,) I shall now proceed to an examination into ih<: character and propcrt'ir- >' the waters. EXAMINATION OF THE MINERAL, WATERS. Srcii is the solvent power of water, that it is seldom, if ever, found perfectly pure or free from foreign ingredients. Rain and snow water, when collected in the open country, remote from towns or villages, and immediately after their descent, are the most pure of any used for domestic pur- poses ; but even these are not entirely free from impurities. The waters of springs, wells, rivers, lakes and ponds are still more impure, owing to their con- taining a larger proportion of foreign substances in solution or in a state of suspension ; but it is seldom that these contain sufficient quantities to render them altogether unfit for domestic uses ; when this does happen, they arc styled MINERAL WATERS. Mineral waters are those which contain so large a proportion of foreign matter as to render them unfit for culinarv or other domestic uses. Thev 76 EXAMINATION OF THE WATERS. possess a distinguishing flavor, and when taken- into the stomach produce distinct medicinal effects. They have been, for the conveniency of descrip- tion, divided into distinct classes, each class re- ceiving an appropriate name from the prominent character given to the water by the articles held in solution. Hence we have Acidulous waters, those which contain so large a proportion of carbonic acid as to give them a distinguishing character ; Chalybeate waters, containing iron in some of its soluble combinations ; Saline waters, those which contain one or more of the saline purging salts ; Sulphureous waters, those which contain sul- phuretted hydrogen either in a combined or un- combined state. It not unfrequently happens that the same foun- tain contains all the foregoing distinguishing in- gredients, particularly the three first, in which case it is styled an ACIDULOUS SALINE CHALYBEATE WATER. To this class belong the famous mineral waters of Saratoga. EXAMINATION OP THE WATERS. 77 These celebrated waters occur along the southern termination of the secondary, and in the immediate vicinity of the transition formation. They are scattered along a line running nearly east and west, for the distance of about twenty miles. At Ballston Spa there are a number of these springs, some of which make their appear- ance at the surface through alluvial deposits of plastic clay, or marl and sand, while others have been obtained by boring to a considerable depth in the transition slate which here forms the basis on which rests the alluvial deposits. Between this place and the village of Saratoga Springs, there are several of these fountains of less note situated both in the transition and secondary for- mations. At Saratoga Springs they are more numerous, and diversified in their sensible quali- ties, than at any other place. They discover themselves, in great numbers, for the distance of more than a mile along the valley, in marl, which re.sts on secondary lime-stone. They occur again in the southeast part of the old town of Saratoga, at a place called the Quaker Springs. The rock formation at this place is transition slate. All the waters of these numerous fountains ap- pear to possess the same or nearly the same <[ual- 78 EXAMINATION OP THE WATERS, ities, differing in their medicinal properties only, in the quantities of the articles which are held in solution. I shall now proceed to a separate and distinct examination of all those fountains which have excited attention either from their notoriety, or their sensible qualities ; and I commence with the Congress Spring. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. CONGRESS SPRING. THIS truly celebrated fountain is situated on the west side of a narrow strip of low marshy ground, close to the foot of a beautiful little cas- cade, formed by a small limpid stream which bursts from the earth only about fifty yards west- erly from the spot. The spring was first discov- ered, as heretofore stated, during the summer of 1792.* At that time the water made its appear- ance through a small aperture in the side of a cal- careous rock, whose margin formed the border of the brook. Here it was caught in tumblers as it issued from the rock in a small stream, and this formed the only resource for obtaining the water for several years after its discovery ; but the quantity afforded was found altogether insuffi- cient, even at that early period of its use, to satisfy the demands of its visitants ; it therefore * John Taylor Gilman, who has since been governor of the state of New-Hampshire, and a brother of his, were in company when this spring was noticed, but it is not now certainly known which of Uie two first discovered it. 80 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. became desirable to obtain a larger quantity, and with a view to effect this object, some efforts were made which unfortunately resulted in com- pletely obstructing the passage of the water, and for a time the spring was supposed to be irre- trievably lost, Not long after this accident, Mr. Putnam, a gentleman whose name I have already had occa- sion to mention, who then resided near the spot, and who ranked among the most enterprizing of the early settlers, observed bubbles of gas break- ing through the water in the middle of the brook, a few feet south and east from the site of the former fountain. Governed by the hope of be- ing able to recover the original fountain, he turn- ed the stream from its course, and having exca- vated the earth to the depth of about eight feet, discovered a strong mineral water rising in vari- ous places through a very hard and compact stratum of indurated marl imbedded with round- ed pebbles and coarse gravel. He prepared a square tube made of strong plank, about ten inches in diameter, and of sufficient length to reach from the bottom of the excavation to a little above the surface ; this he placed upright in the well, and. having adjusted the lower end so as to include a number of these separate little fountains, replaced the earth firmly around it, and DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. 81 thus secured to posterity the possession of a min- eral water which, for its peculiar medicinal prop- erties, stands unrivalled. In this curb, which is perfectly tight, the water rises to a few inches above the surface of the brook, which still passes close to the spring, and here it becomes stationary. A little below this point, however, it is suffered to escape through a small aperture made in the side of the curb for the purpose. At this aperture, when the spring is not disturbed, the water issues at the rate of something less than a gallon per minute. The quantity of water, however, which the fountain affords, seems to be inexhaustible, for when the pressure has been removed by lessening the col- umn of water in the curb, as when it has been rapidly dipped out, it rushes in with such rapidity that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to re- move the whole contents of the well. Physical Properties of tlie Water. The surface of the well is constantly agitated by the escape of gas in fine bubbles, giving the appearance of simmering, not unlike that which water exhibits just before the process of violent ebullition iakes place. 82 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. When first dipped, the water is remarkably limped and sparkling, and were it not for the constant escape of gas in innumerable fine points, it would be perfectly transparent. It however becomes turbid after standing a short time ex- posed to the air ; a delicate white pellicle forms on its surface, which terminates in a reddish brown sediment. This sediment is likewise ob- servable in the well, being incrustated on the walls of the curb and along the surface, over which the water makes its egress to the adjoin- ing brook. Transparent glasses and bottles which have been much used in the water, or in which the water has been suffered to stand for any length of time, become tarnished, and though carefully washed, retain a strong iridescent stain. Its saline and gaseous properties are very per- ceptible to the palate, and to most persons not offensive. When swallowed, its effects depend in a great measure upon the state of the stomach at the time of receiving it, and upon the quantity drank. When taken, however, in a moderate draught, by a person in tolerable health, the sen- sation is seldom, if ever, unpleasant ; and to those who are in the habitual use of it, particularly in the hot season, it is a delightful beverage. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. 83 Its most obvious effect, when taken into the stomach as a medicine, is that of a cathartic and diuretic. In most habits this effect is produced by drinking from four to six half pints in the morning before eating. Soon after taking it, the person feels a sense of fullness about the stomach and bowels, attended with frequent eructations of fixed air, a slight giddiness of the head, and a sen- sation bordering on a disposition to sleep. These feelings, however, are soon removed by the copi- ous discharges that almost immediately follow, leaving the stomach with an increased appetite for food, and a disposition for exercise unattended with languor. The respiration of all breathing animals is im- mediately affected by coming in close contact with the surface of this fountain. The gas which issues from it is immediately fatal to the lives of animals which happen to be immersed in it, and even fishes and frogs survive but a short time when placed in the water. Flour, when made into a paste or dough with the water fresh from the spring, and immediately baked, forms a tolerably light bread while warm ; but when cold, it becomes clammy and heavy like unleavened bread. The water is much used by the country people for making " hot cakes." The 84 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRINGS. flour is mixed with the water and a quantity of sour cream, and is. ready for baking as soon as the ingredients are sufficiently ,kneeded together. It forms a very palatable hot cake, and recom- mends itself on account of the expedition with which it is prepared. Preliminary Observations. The temperature of the water of this spring, as shown by Fahrenheit's thermometer when im- mersed in the bottom of the well, is 50 deg., and it does not appear to suffer any sensible variation either during the summer or winter months. At a time when the thermometer in the open air stood at 14 deg. below zero, and at another, when it was 90 deg. above, the water at the bottom of the well was still at 50 deg. The specific gravity of the water at the tempe- rature of GO deg., the barometer ranging at 29.5 inches, is 1009.7, pure water being one thousand. Excessive wet, or long seasons of dry weather, seem to produce a slight variation from this result ; but repeated experiments, made at different peri- ods and under various circumstances of season, &c. for the space of more than twenty years, have in no instance produced a deviation of more than the 0.5 of a grain. INSCRIPTION OP THE SPRINGS. 85 A thin, transparent glass flask was filled with the water fresh from the spring, a thermometer was immersed in it, and the whole placed in a sand bath, to which the heat was gradually ap- plied. At the temperature of 65 cleg., there was a perceptible increase of air bubbles formed at the bottom of the flask, and passing up in rapid suc- cession through the water. At 80 dcg. the water became much agitated by the rapid disengagement of the gas, and its transparency slightly affected by a faint milky appearance. At 100 dcg. the commotion in the water, from the abundant escape of gas, continued to increase as the temperature advanced, and the milkiness became more conspicuous. At 150 dog. the profusion of air bubbles con- tinued, and there appeared a very delicate white pellicle forming on the surface of the water, and the turbidness assumed a brownish shade. At 180 dcg. the air bubbles still continued to escape in great abundance, and the pellicle ap- peared broken arid began to be deposited, togeth- ii 86 DESCRIPTION OF THE SPRIXGS. er with a light flaky powder, which accumulated at the bottom of the flask. At 200 deg. the water became less turbid, and the escape of gas had nearly ceased. It was then suffered to boil for the space of half an hour, and then removed from the sand bath; and when cold, it became nearly clear and exhibited an a- bundance of a reddish brown sediment. It had lost its pungent acid flavor, but was decidedly more saline. Experiments with Tests. EXP. 1. Lime water, added in considerable quantity, produced a milky turbidness, which ter- minated in a pulverulent white precipitate. This effect is not produced on water that has been previously boiled. EXP. 2. Tincture of litmus produced a light red colour, when added to water just dipped from the well. Litmus paper was likewise reddened by plunging it into the water and retaining it there a few minutes ; the blue colour of the litmus paper was, however, restored on exposing it for a few minutes to the air, or on drying it by the fire. The water, after being boiled, had no effect on the colour of litmus paper ; but strips of this pa- EXPERIMENTS WITH TEST*. 87 per, reddened with distilled vinegar and then dipped into the water, had its blue colour re- stored. * EXP. 3. Tincture of red cabbage produced a beautiful green colour, and this was effected as readily after the water had been boiled as before ; the effect, however, was best displayed on water that had been considerably concentrated by evap- oration. EXP. 4. Tincture of turmeric was converted into an orange colour when added to a quantity of the water, and when the water had been much concentrated by boiling, it was irrfmediately con- verted into a brick red. EXP. 5. Tincture of nutgalls, dropped into the water when taken recently from the spring, in- stantly produced a light purple tinge, which be- came much deeper after standing some time ex- posed to the air. No such effect was produced on water that had been previously boiled. EXP. 0. Prussiate of potash produced a slight green tinge, which, after standing some lime, be- came axurc. This experiment succeeded best when the water had been previously saturated with sulphuric or muriatic acid; it then tennina- 88 CONGRESS SPRING. ted in producing a precipitate of Prussian blue. On water that had been boiled, or suffered to stand for some time exposed to the air, the prus- siate of potash had no sensible effect. EXP. 7. Muriate of barytes, after standing some minutes mixed with the water fresh from the fountain, produced a slight cloudiness, which terminated in a white precipitate, which was en- tirely dissolved with effervescence in muriatic acid. When the water had been considerably concentrated, the precipitate was formed much more rapidly. EXP. 8, Barytic water, when mixed with the water considerably concentrated by boiling, pro- duced a white precipitate, which, like that in Exp. 7, was entirely dissolved with effervescence in muriatic acid. EXP. 9. Oxalic acid produced an immediate active effervescence, which was succeeded by a dense white precipitate. EXP. 10. Oxalate of ammonia produced an immediate turbidness, which terminated in a copi- ous white precipitate ; when applied to water that had been boiled for some time, a slight change in. its transparency only was produced, EXPERIMENTS WITH TESTS. 89 EXP. 11. Carbonate of ammonia, when added in considerable quantities, produced a faint milky turbidness ; but, on the addition of the phosphate of soda, a copious white granular precipitate was immediately formed. EXP. 12. Pure ammonia produced an immedi- ate change in the transparency of the water, which was followed by a copious precipitate. EXP. 13. Pure potash produced nearly" the same effect. EXP. 14. Sulphuric acid produced an instan- taneous and very rapid effervescence, which re- sulted in an abundant white precipitate. EXP. 15. Nitric and muriatic acid produced a similar disengagement of gas, but their effect was not followed by a procipitate of any kind. EXP. 10. Nitrate of silver produced a thick cloud, which immediately collected into flakes and fell to the bottom of th>; vessel in great abund- ance. This effect was the same on water that had been boiled as on that which had not. The precipitate was of a white curdy appearance when first produced, but soon became of a dark muddy colour. This change of colour, however, u* CONGRESS SPRING. did not take place when the vessel containing the mixture was kept excluded from the rays of %ht. EXP. 17. Muriate of platina produced no ef- fect, either on water fresh from the fountain, or en that which had been previously boiled ; but by evaporating two gallons of the water by a slow heat, until cubic crystals began to form, fil- tering the remaining liquor and again evaporating until its bulk was much reduced by the crystalli- zation of its saline ingredients, and then adding a small quantity of this test to the remaining solu- tion, a very minute quantity of a bright yellow precipitate was produced. EXP. 18. Chlorine gas. To a portion of the solution obtained from four gallons of water, in the manner related in the foregoing experiment, a quantity of chlorine gas was transmitted, which immediately converted the liquid into a reddish yellow colour. A small quantity of pure sulphu- ric ether dissolved the coloring substance of the solution, becoming itself of a hyacinth red tint ; and this was again rendered colourless, by the ad- dition of a drop or two of costic potash. EXP. 19. A solution of starch was added to a portion of the water, containing the soluble salts. INFERENCES. 91 evaporated until crystallization commenced ; to this solution a few drops of dilute sulpuric acid was added, which gave to the whole solution a deep violet colour, which was destroyed by the introduction of a stream of chlorine, INFERENCES, Drawn from the foregoing observations and ex- periments. , 1st. That this fountain has its source at a great depth in the earth, as is evinced from the regular- ity of its temperature at various and extreme states of the atmosphere, and from the circumstance of its being but slightly affected by wet and dry weather. 2d. That the water of this fountain retains its original properties, or its medicinal qualities, the same at least as they were twenty years ago, as is evinced by the uniformity of its specific gravity during that period, 3d. That it contains a large proportion of a gas- eous material in a free and in a combined state, as is made evident by the effects produced by the application of heat. 92 CONGRESS SPRING. 4th. That* the gas so copiously evolved from the water is the carbonic acid or fixed air, as is inferred from Exp. 1 and 2. 5th. That the water contains a carbonated al- kali, agreeably to Exp. 3 and 4. Gth. That oxide of iron forms one of the con- stituent properties of the water, and that it is held in solution by an excess of carbonic acid, agreea- bly to Exp. 5 and 6. 7th. That it does not contain sulphuric acid un- der any form or combination, as is evinced from the action of muriate of barytcs and barytic water ; the effect which these tests produce being refcri- ble to their union with a carbonated alkaK. See Exp. 7 and 8. 8th. That it contains carbonate of lime in abun- dance, agreeably to Exp. 9 and 10. 9th. That it contains a large proportion of car- bonate of magnesia, agreeably to Exp. 11. 10th. That the carbonates contained in the water form a large proportion of the ingredi- ents held in solution, agreeably to Exp. 12, 13, 14 and 15. INFERENCES. 95 llth. That it contains a large proportion of a muriatic salt, agreeably to Exp. 16. 12th. That the carbonated alkali, evinced by Exp. 3 and 4, is the carbonate of soda, as is made evident by Exp. 17. This experiment, likewise, indicates the presence of a minute quantity of the vegetable alkali or potassa. 13th. That the water contains the newly dis- covered elementary substance termed brome or bromine, is made abundantly evident by Exp. 18. 14th. That iodine forms another of the constit- uent properties of this interesting and truly distin- guished water, is satisfactorily demonstrated by Exp. .19. Thus, then, we have certain indications, as far as tests can be relied on, that the water of this fountain holds the following substances in solu- tion, viz. Carbonic Acid, Muriatic Acid, Soda, Potassa or Potash, Iron, Bromine, and Lirnc, Iodine. Magnesia, 94 CONGRESS SPRING. It remains to investigate the manner in which these substances are combined, and to determine the proportions in which they enter into the com- position of the water. EXAMINATION OF TH* GASEOUS CONTENTS OF THE WATER. A quantity of the gas was procured in the fol- lowing manner: A large bladder was prepared, and to its mouth was secured a stopcock, to the end of which was fitted the small aperture of a large glass funnel. The funnel was inverted in the spring, and as soon as it became filled with gas, the stop cock attached to the bladder was applied, and the bladder, which was dry and had been pre- viously emptied by rolling, was now suffered to fill with the gas as it escaped from the water. In this way a sufficient quantity of the gas, for all the purposes of experimenting, may readily be ob- tained at any time. A quantity of this gas was pressed from the bladder into a tumbler, in which was immersed a lighted taper, which was immediately extin- guished. A sprightly live mouse was confined in the bot- tom of a glass which was filled with the gas, and it expired in less ihan a minute. GASEOUS CONTENTS. 95 It was emptied from one glass to another, and continued to occupy its station in the glasses for some minutes, evincing its presence by continuing to extinguish flame, occ. A small quantity of the gas was pressed from the bladder into a glass vessel containing a quan- tity of pure transparent lime-water. It immedi- ately became milky, and threw down a white pre- cipitate, which dissolved in dilute muriatic acid with a strong effervescence. Litmus paper, a little moistened and immersed in a glass containing the gas was immediately col- oured red. but retained its florid- colour no longer than it retained its moisture. A quantity of the gas was passed up from the bladder into a graduated glass jar, filled with and inverted in a solution of costic potash. A largo proportion of the gas was almost immediately ab- sorbed by the solution, while a very s:.Kiil quantity remained in the top of the jar apparently unaffect- ed bv it. (In* was continued to be added to the contents of the jar until its graduated sides indica- ted a quantity often inches, which remained and continued undissolved by the costic solution. To test the properties of the remaining ton inches, a piece of phosphorus was secured to the end of a wire and passed up into the gas, and being brought *K> CONGRESS SPRING. close to the side of this jar, was ignited by the cautious application of a heated iron to the out- side. It burned for a moment with its usual bril- liancy, but soon became dim and went out. It was again lit, by the re-application of the hot iron, but was extinguished in the same breath, and could not again be rekindled, although it was slightly fused by the application of the iron. The gas in the jar was at first a little dilated, but after being cooled to its former temperature, it was found to have sustained a diminution of bulk to the amount of about two inches, or one fifth of the whole ; thus demonstrating that the gas, remain- ing unaffected by the operation of the solution of costic potash, was pure atmospheric air. From the results of these experiments, then, we are bound to infer that the gas which escapes in such profusion from this spring consists simply of the carbonic acid, with a small proportion of at- mospheric air. To ascertain the proportions of each, and the amount contained in a given quan- tity of the water, the following method was adop- ted : A tin bottle or jar, of the capacity of two quarts or 115.5 cubic inches, was procured, and its mouth secured and rendered perfectly tight by the appli- cation of a well adjusted stopcock ; to this was GASEOUS CONTENTS. nicely fitted one end of a small flexible leaden tube, about two feet in length, at the other end of which was altached a capacious and well prepared bladder. This jar was filled with the water to be examined, at the spring, and the stopcock imme- diately applied and secured. It was then placed in a water bath, and the bladder connected with the flexible tube being previously well emptied, was suspended in a large glass vessel fitted for the purpose, and filled with pure water of the tempe- rature of GO deg. The tube having received a proper curvature, was connected with the stop- cock. Heat was now applied to the bath in which the jar containing the water was placed, the valve of the cock opened, and the gas suffered to escape through the tube into the bladder, which, as it di- lated, forced the water in which it was suspended over into a glass jar prepared for its reception and gauged to half inches. It is obvious that the quantity of water remaining in the graduated jar at the end of the process would indicate very accurately the quantity of gas received in the bladder. This apparatus for determining the quantity of gas contained in the water, aside from the mercu- rial trough, is unquestionably the best that could be adopted, and is in effect the same as that re- commended by the late Sir Humphrey Davy in i 98 CONGRESS SPRING. his analysis of soils. It however subjects the ex- periment to the probability of some trifling inac- curacies. It is obvious that the walls of the wet bladder may absorb a small proportion of the car- bonic acid, and thereby render the quantity ap- parently less than what it really is ; and it is equally certain that the quantity of atmospheric air contained in the tube, together with the small quantity remaining in the bladder, (for it cannot be entirely excluded,) must add somewhat to the quantity obtained. The difference, however, in the result is too trifling to merit a serious consid- eration. The reception of the gas over mercury would unquestionably be attended with the great- est degree of accuracy ; but the difficulty of pro- curing a sufficient quantity of that article in the country for the purpose of accurate experiments, entirely precluded the possibility of having re- course to that method. With this apparatus, adjusted in the manner just described, two quarts or 115.5 cubic inches of the water of this spring afforded 159 inches of gas, at the temperature of GO dcg. and a pressure of the atmosphere, indicated by the mercury of the barometer, standing at 29.5 inch. Of this 159 inches, 155.5 were absorbed by a solution of caustic potash, leaving 3.5 inches on which the solution had no effect. The proportion of the two GASEOUS CONTENTS. 99 gases, then, contained in two quarts of the water, will stand thus : Inch. Carbonic acid gas, 155.5 Atmospheric air, 3.5 Amount contained in 2 qts. of water, 159.5 It is rendered more than probable, from the re- sult of repeated experiments, that the quantity of gas contained in a given quantity of the water is not always exactly the same. The variation, however, is never sufficient to produce any per- ceptible difference in the sensible qualities of the water, as it appears always to retain in combina- tion considerably more than its bulk, besides a considerable quantity of disengaged or free car- bonic acid. The same quantity of water has af- forded at different times, under exactly similar states of temperature and pressure of the atmos- phere, 150, 156, 159, 101 and 170 cubic inches. From two quarts of the water that had been ex- posed in an open vessel for twenty-four hours, in a temperature of GO degrees, was obtained 1 12 cubic inches of gas. It would therefore appear that the difference in these results arises principally from \\\Q free car- bonic acid diffused in the water, being in a greater or less quantity, and nt from any deficiency or 100 CONGRESS SPRING. increase in that portion of the gas retained in it ia a state of combination or solution. The portion of free or uncombined gas must be considerably affected by the frequent and violent agitation of the water in the well, occasioned by the process of dipping it out for use, and in filling bottles for transportation ; and to this circum- stance may be imputed the variations alluded to. But it is not impossible that the quantity of tlie gas extricated from the interior of the earth, un- der various circumstances and at different times, should become more or less abundant. EXAMINATION OF THE SOLID CONTENTS OF THE WATERS. It has already been shown, by the application of tests, &c. that some of the solid ingredients which form a constituent part of the contents of the water, are in such minute quantities as to re- quire the evaporation of a large portion in order to arrive at accurate results in estimating their quantities, while others enter so liberally into its composition as to be more readily and accurately determined by separating them from a much less quantity of the water. The following process was adopted r SOLID CONTENTS. 101 A given quantity of the water was taken fresh from the spring and placed in a clean porcelain basin, and suffered to evaporate in a water bath heated by a small lamp, and kept at a temperature in no instance exceeding 160 deg. of Fahrenheit. The basin was secured from the intrusion of for- eign substances by a cover of two or three folds of fine crape. In this manner it was suffered to dry gradually away, until cubic crystals began to form along the sides of the basin. It was then removed from the bath, and, while warm, thrown upon a filter, and the insoluble mass well washed with hot recently distilled water, and then carefully re- moved from the filter into a glass basin, which was placed in a water bath, and its contents dried in a temperature of 212 deg. In this way the solid contents of the water were divided into two parts, soluble and insoluble. Ej:atninatioji of the soluble parts. Two separate parcels of the soluble salts or filtered solutions, each obtained from forty-five cubic inches of the water, were subjected to the following examination : Parcel 1st was placed in a glass basin and evaporated in a water bath to dry ness, at a low temperature. The remaining crystallized mass was finely pulverized in a glass mortar, and again 102 CONGRESS SPRING. dried at a temperature of 160 deg. for several' hours. Over this dry saline residuum was poured a small quantity of alcohol, of the specific gravity of 0.815. After standing some time and being frequently agitated, the whole was thrown on a filter, and what remained on the paper, after be- ing well washed by repeated applications of small quantities of alcohol, was again dried and num- bered 1. The alcoholic solution was evaporated to dryness at a low temperature, and again digest- ed in a much smaller quantity of alcohol, of the same specific gravity as before. A few very mi- nute cubic crystals remained undissolved by this last portion of the alcohol. They consisted of the muriate of soda, which had been taken up by the larger portion of the alcohol used in the first washing of the saline mass. They were transfer- red to No. 1. The alcoholic solution was again evaporated and dried, and weighed while warm something more than 0.7 of a grain. This was dissolved in a cold solution of starch, in a small test tube, and a drop or two of dilute sulphuric acid added. The whole immediately assumed a deep purple tinge, which, on standing some time, was precipitated with the starch, giving to it the well known characteristic blue color afforded by the presence of IODINE. A few bubbles of chlo- rine gas were passed into the mixture. The blue faded immediately and disappeared. SOLID CONTENTS. 103 An equal quantity of this salt, obtained from the same quantity of the water and in the same way, was dissolved in a fluid drachm of pure wa- ter, to which a drop or two of the muriate of platina was added. No indications of potash were manifested ; the solution remained scarcely alter- ed in its color, and no precipitate appeared,. Iodine may exist in a mineral water in the state of an iodic orhydriodic acid, combined with either of the alkalies, potash or soda forming the iodate or hydriodate of the alkali with which they are united. The presence of potash is only indicated in the water by experimenting on large portions ; it is not satisfactorily indicated even in the residu- um of a gallon, and not at all in that obtained from forty-five cubic inches of the water, as has just been shown. It follows, therefore, that soda is the alkaline base which retains the acid in ques- tion, forming the iodate or hydriodate of soda. It has already been shown that alcohol dissolves the whole of the substance which discovers the presence of iodine ; and as iodate of soda is not soluble in that mcnstrum, we are bound to infer that the salt in question is the hydriodalc of soda. The inconsidcrablcncss of this salt afforded by the above quantity of the water not admitting of 104 COXGRESS SPRING. all the accuracy desirable in estimating the quan- tity of so important an article, recourse was had to another process ; the dry soluble salt obtained from two gallons, or 4G2 cubic inches of the wa- ter, was submitted to the action of alcohol with the same precaution as before related, and from this quantity was obtained a trifle over 7 grains. It exhibited all the characteristic properties of the hydriodate of soda already noticed, and in addi- tion afforded evidences of containing a trace of bromine and potash : substances, the character and properties of which wjll be ipvestigated in another paragraph. These seven grains of the hydriodrate of soda, together with several other smaller parcels of the same salt obtained at different times from differ- ent quantities of the water, were together placed in a Florence flask and dissolved in an ounce or two of pure water ; the flask was placed over a spirit lamp, and as its contents became hot, a few drops of sulphuric acid were added to the solu- tion, when the well known purple fumes of iodine appeared very conspicuous at the neck of the flask, furnishing the most incontcstible evidence of the presence of that substance. Having thus finished the investigation relating to the presence and quantity of iodine, the further SOLID CONTENTS. 105 separation of the soluble salts was resumed. The mass numbered 1 of parcel I, which remained after the action of the alcohol, was dissolved in an ounce of pure water, and dilute acetic acid added in small quantities at a time as long as any effervescence was produced. The whole was then dried at a low temperature, and again digested in alcohol of the same specific gravity as before ; it was filtered, and the filtered solution evaporated, and a quantity of acetate of soda procured. This was subjected to a low red heat, in a platina capsule, the acetic acid was thus ex- pelled, and the sub-carbonate of soda remained, weighing 1.25 grains, equivalent to 1.75 grains of the bi-carbonate ; in which state it probably enters into the composition of the water. The remaining saline substance was dissolved in a quantity of pure water, in a suitable precipi- tating glass, and to the clear solution was added a solution of the nitrate of silver ; it was added in small quantities at a time, as long as any tur- bidness was produced. It was then filtered, washed with repeated portions of distilled water, and the precipitate carefully dried ; it afforded 182.5 grains of chloride of silver, equivalent to 75 grains of the chloride of sodium, or sea salt. 10G CONGRESS SPRIXG. In order to test the accuracy of the foregoing results, parcel II, which had been reserved for this purpose, was evaporated, its contents dried and digested in alcohol, with the same precau- tions as parcel I, and exactly the same quantity of hyrdiodate of soda obtained. The remaining salts were dissolved in two ounces of pure water, and a solution of muriate of barytes added in small portions, as long as any precipitate or dis- coloration was produced. The precipitate was now obtained on a filter, washed with pure water, and carefully dried ; It weighed 2.3 grains. It dissolved entire in dilute muriatic acid with effervescence, and was rendered insoluble in water by the addition of sulphuric acid. It was therefore the carbonate of barytes, the muriate of which had been decomposed ; the muriatic acid of the barytes had united to the soda, form- ing muriate of soda, while the carbonic acid of the soda had united to the divorced barytes, forming the insoluble salt, carbonate of barytes, 2.3 grains of which is equivalent to 1.25 grains of the sub-carbonate of soda, or 1.75 of the bi-car- bonate, as near as weights and scales can be sup- posed to make it. This result, corresponding so nearly with the other, might give to this mode of separating the carbonate of soda from the muriate the prefer- SOLID CONTENTS. 107 ence, provided the carbonate of magnesia be present ; the muriate of barytes is not decom- posed by that substance, but will remain in solu- tion with the muriate of soda when the carbonate of soda is all decomposed. The magnesia may then be converted into a muriate by the addition of dilute muriatic acid, the whole dried, and the muriate of magnesia taken up by alcohol. This process was adopted in the present instance, but no muriate of magnesia was procured. It is to be presumed, therefore, that the carbonate of magnesia is not held In solution with the soluble salts, at least not in sufficient quantity to be appreciated. The discovery of iodine and bromine in some of the mineral springs of Europe led to the con- jecture that they might be found to enter into the composition of the waters of Saratoga, and this conjecture was strengthened by the knowledge of thc-ir great efficacy in the cure of a variety of strumu.s affections, for which their known prop- erties did not very .satisfactorily account. Iodine was first delected in thei-'e waters in the full of 1S528, and announced in 18:29, in the Amer- ican Journal of Science ; and Mr. A. A. Hayes, of New-Haven, delected bromine and potash. 108 CONGRESS SPRING. and announced the discovery in the same Journal in July, 1830. The spare quantity afforded by the water of the two last substances, makes it necessary to operate on a large portion in order to obtain de- cisive evidence of their presence. Mr. Hayes says that he obtained the knowledge of the fact from " a portion of the dry saline matter left after evaporating a large quantity of the water." It has already been shown that their existence in a gallon of the water is at least equivocal. With a view to corroborate the result of the experiments already noticed, the saline residuum of four gallons, or 924 cubic inches of the water was procured, effused in distilled water, filtered, and the filtered solution evaporated by a slow process, until a large portion of the muriate of soda had crystallized ; the remaining liquor was treated with chlorine gas, and then agitated with a portion of pure sulphuric ether. On the addi- tion of chlorine the liquid assumed an orange yel- low color, which was all taken up by the ether, which then became of a hyacinth or reddish brown tint, arose to the surface, and formed a perfect line of distinction in the liquid contents of the glass ; the etherial solution was removed by means of a glass syringe, and a drop or two of a SOLID CONTENTS. 10D solution of caustic potash added to it, it immedi- ately became colorless, and on suffering the solu- tion to evaporate in a low temperature, a few minute cubic crystals of the hydro-bromate of potash were deposited. Another portion of the salts produced from four gallons of the water was obtained and pre- pared as above by concentrating the solution of the soluble salts, until nearly all the muriate of soda was crystallized. To the clear yellowish colored liquor which remained was added a few drops of the muriate of platina. It produced an immediate fine yellow colored precipitate, indica- ting the presence of a small quantity of potash. These experiments fully establish the existence of bromine in this water. It is in the state of the hydro-bromic acid united to potash, forming the hydro-bromate of potash ; its quantity, however, is extremely small, and can only be accurately determined by more extensive and labored ope- rations. Examination of tlic Insoluble parts. Having thus separated and determined the quantities of the various ingredients soluble in pure water, the .saline mass remaining on the fi!- K 110 CONGRESS SPRING. ter, after the action of that fluid, was next sub- mitted to examination. The whole quantity of this substance obtained from 45 cubic inches of the water was placed in a Florence flask, and dilute nitric acid poured over it as long as any effervescence was pro- duced ; the acid was then added in slight excess, and the flask placed over a spirit lamp, and its contents suffered to boil for half an hour ; it was then removed from the stand, and when cold, a minute quantity of a grayish white powder was observed in the bottom of the flask, which re- mained undissolved by the operation of the dilute acid ; this was separated from the clear solution on a filter, and after being well washed, with dis- tilled water, was dried at a low red heat in a platina crucible. It produced a whitish colored powder, of a rough dry feeling when rubbed be- tween the fingers, and when fused with a little carbonate of soda produced a greenish colored glass. It was therefore pure silix. It weighed as nearly as could be ascertained 0.25 grains. The filtered solution was then placed in a pre- cipitating glass, and a small quantity of a solution of pure ammonia added ; it produced a brownish coloured cloud in the clear solution, which, after adding a sufficient quantity of the ammonia, sub- SOLID CONTENTS. Ill sided to the bottom of the flask in the form of a brown sediment. This was removed by filtering, and, being well washed, was dried and brought to a red heat in a platina crucible, and was then again dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and again pre- cipitated by ammonia, filtered, and the filtered so- lution added to that of the previous process. What remained on the filter was dried again at a red heat, and was the pure red or per-oxide of iron, and weighed about 0.75 of a grain. The quantity, however, of this, as well as that of the silix, will, for the sake of greater accuracy, be de- termined from a larger portion of the water. After thus separating the silix and iron, the re- maining solution, consisting of the nitrate of lime and magriesia, was transferred to a porcelain evap- orating basin, and suffered to evaporate over a moderate heat until crystals began to appear. The nitrate was then converted into a sulphate, by adding dilute sulphuric acid in excess, and evaporating the new compound nearly to dryncss. The residuum was then transferred to a platina crucible, and gradually brought to a low red heat. ^Vhat remained consisted purely of sulphate of lime and magnesia, and weighed, while warm, 41.5 grains. To separate these two salts, a sat- urated solution of sulphate of lime in distilled wa- ter was used ; it dissolved the sulphate of magno 112 CONGRESS SPRING. sia, which was filtered from the remaining insolu- ble sulphate of lime, and this last was again dried at~a low red heat, and weighed while warm 24 grains, equivalent to 19.1 1 grains of the carbonate of lime. The sulphate of lime in solution with the sul- phate of magnesia was separated by the oxalate of ammonia, carefully added, the solution filtered, evaporated, and the residual salt brought to a red heat, and weighed while warm exactly 17.5 grains. It was the sulphate of magnesia, equiva- lent to 12.25 grains of the carbonate of magnesia, or 18.66 grains of the bi-carbonate. To determine with more precision the actual quantity of iron, one gallon of the water was evap- orated, and the insoluble part of its residiuum ob- tained by filtering, dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and boiled for the space of half an hour in a Flor- ence flask. The silix which remained undissol- ved by the acid in the flask was separated, and, after being subjected to a red heat, weighed while warm 1.5 grains. The iron was then precipita- ted by the addition of a solution of pure ammonia, as before described, dried at a red heat, and then re-dissolved in dilute nitric acid, to free it from any impurities which might have been precipita- ted along with it by the action of the caustic am- monia in the first operation. It was aeain pre~ SOLID CONTEXTS. 113 cipitated in the same way, dried at a red heat in a platina crucible, and weighed while warm 3.5 grains. It was the red, or per-oxide of iron, equivalent to 5.075 grains of the carbonate of iron. RECAPITULATION. From the foregoing experiments and deductions, one gallon, or 231 cubic inches, of the water of the Congress Spring contains the following sub- stances, viz. Chloride of Sodium, (sea salt) 385.0 Hydriodate of Soda, 3.5 Bi-carbonate of Soda, 8.982 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 95.788 Carbonate of Lime, 98.098 Carbonate of Iron, 5.075 Silix, 1.5 Hydro-bromate of Potash, a trace 597.943 grs. Carbonic acid gas, 311 Atmospheric air, 7 Gaseous contents, 318 cubic inches. tVatcr. at the usual temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, can only dissolve its own bulk K* 114 CONGRESS SPRING. of carbonic acid. As this water contains nearly one third more than that quantity, it becomes a subject of some interest to ascertain by what means it acquires so large a proportion of this gas. It is well known that the sub-carbonates of soda and magnesia, when dissolved in water saturated with carbonic acid, receive an additional portion of the acid, and become bi-earbonates. These bi-carbonates are however decomposed by the application of heat, and at the temperature of boil- ing water, or 212 Q , they part with the additional portion of the acid, and become again sub-carbo- nates, in which state these salts are obtained from the water after boiling. The quantity of carbonic acid given off in this way by the bi-carbonates of soda and magnesia passing into sub-carbonates, will account very satisfactorily for the quantity obtained from the water over and above its bulk. It will be observed that the quantity of carbon- ic acid obtained from one gallon exceeds its bulk by 80 cubic inches, which, allowing 100 cubic inches to weigh 4G.57 grains, will amount to 37.25 grains ; and the additional portion of carbonic acid taken up by the quantity of soda and magnesia found in the water, in order to constitute the bi- carbonates, will amount to about 35.5 "rains, a REMARKS. 115 correspondence sufficiently accurate to justify the position here taken. This water lias been repeatedly analyzed by a number of professed chemists ; but the results of their examinations have been so discordant as to afford but little confidence in their correctness. These results, however, do not differ so much in the variety of the articles produced, as in the quan- tities of those acknowledged to be present. Much of this difference may be imputed to the various methods adopted to separate the constituent prop- erties, and to the different states in which these properties are produced; some of them being in a state of crystallization containing a large por- tion of water, while the same article is obtained under another process in a perfectly dry state, producing an essential difference in the apparent quantity. But the greatest cause of the discord- ant results is the transportation of the water from the spring. It is usually bottled, perhaps imper- fectly corked, transported to a considerable dis- tance, and then suffered to stand in a quiescent state, subjected to a variety of temperature, until the convenience of the chemist affords an oportu- nity for its examination. In this way it must ne- cessarily part with a large share of its carbonic acid and the substances held in solution by it are of course precipitated. Hence no iron, or but 116 CONGRESS SPRING. equivocal traces of it, are obtained from the wa- ter thus procured ; while at the fountain, its pres- ence is clearly demonstrated by the most simple experiments : indeed, the mere deposit from the water, as it passes from the spring, affords incon- testible evidence of its presence. It is therefore abundantly evident, that in order to obtain any thing like an accurate knowledge of the proper- ties and proportions of the various salts which en- ter into the composition of this water, the analysis should be conducted on the spot. The late Professor Dana suggested the idea, that some of the substances obtained from the water by analysis might be the product of the operation, and not an original ingredient ; and added, that " carbonate of soda and muriate of magnesia might exist in solution together in this dilute state, without their mutual affinities being exerted ; but when the solution was concentrated, carbonate of magnesia and muriate of soda would be formed ;" and he therefore inferred, that in- stead of the muriate of soda and carbonate of mag- nesia, as procured from a quantity of this water, the basis of these two salts actually existed in the water in the state of the muriate of magnesia and carbonate of soda. REMARKS. 117 This subject has been subsequently investigated by Dr. Murray. He alleges, from numerous ex- periments, that from evaporating the solvent, ho procured salts different from those known to be in the solution. This induced him to call in ques- tion the usual modes of analysis ; and he proposed another method of determining the state of com- bination of the ingredients obtained from mineral waters, founded upon the principle that the force of affinity is much influenced by the operation of external circumstances ; and that when these occur, compounds may be formed different from those which owe their origin to the pure force of affinity. Professor Brande, however, of the royal institution of London, will not admit the existence of incompatible salts to the extent which Dr. Murray's principle requires. Be this as it may, facts do not warrant the be- lief that the operation of the principle, if establish- ed, is exerted in the formation of any of the salts contained in this water. If a part of the muriatic acid, which goes to form the muriate of soda in the concentrated solution, is really united to the magnesia or lime while in a more dilute state, it follows of course, that the quantity of the carbo- nate of soda at the same time mu^t be considera- bly increased ; but this docs not appear to be the fact. The application of appropriate tests to the 118 CONGRESS SPRING. water fresh from the spring, indicate but faintly the presence of a carbonated alkali ; but as the water is concentrated, the existence of this article becomes more and more apparent ; whereas, di- rectly the reverse of this would be the case, if the suggestion of Professor Dana was correct. It is therefore more than probable that the substances obtained are actually those which enter into the composition of the water, and constitute its active medicinal properties. MEDICAL HISTORY. The medicinal qualities of this spring have ac- quired for it a reputation abroad to which no oth- er fountain in the United States has yet attained ; and it is highly probable, from the active ingredi- ents which enter into its composition, that it will continue to retain an ascendancy which has been so liberally and so justly conferred upon it. Such are its rare and peculiar properties, that while it operates as an active and efficient medicine, it possesses the properties of an agreeable and de- lightful beverage ; and it is daily sought after and drank by all classes of people, for no other pur- pose than simply to gratify the palate or to allay the thirst. And although in this way it is fre- quently taken in sufficient quantities to produce its most active effects upon the bowels, it is sel- MEDICAL HISTORY. 119 dom, if ever, known to be attended with any un- pleasant consequences,but is always considered by those who thus use it as invigorating and healthy. From one to three pints of the water, taken in the morning before eating, usually operates freely as a cathartic, and at the same time has a most powerful effect in increasing the ordinary secre- tions of the kidneys ; but its operation, like that of all other medicines, is much influenced by the condition of the stomach and bowels at the time of receiving it, as well as by the state of the sys- tem generally. It therefore frequently happens that a much larger quantity seems to be required, in order to produce its characteristic effect upon the bowels ; and invalids have been known to drink twenty, thirty and even forty tumblers full of it in a morning without much apparent incon- venience. It requires, however, but a slight ac- quaintance with the properties of the water, to satisfy any rational mind, that such a procedure is highly improper and even dangerous. Quantities so immoderate can never be useful to persons who are cither infirm or in health ; and there are numerous instances in which they have produced consequences of a very alarming character. It is a cathartic, possessing evidently interesting and important qualities, and as such it is recom- 120 CONGRESS SPRING. mended and used in all those chronic diseases where cathartics and gentle aperients are indica- ted ; and such are its peculiar effects, when judi- ciously administered, that it may be persevered in for almost any length of time, and a daily increas- ed evacuation from the bowels produced without debilitating the alimentary canal, or in any way impairing the digestive powers of the stomach ; but on the contrary, the spirits, appetite and gen- eral health will be improved and invigorated. It is obvious that the mode and management of taking the water must depend altogether upon the nature of the case for which it is administered, and the consequent kind of effect desired to be produced from it. As it is directed simply for its cathartic or aperient properties, it is in almost all cases important that its operation should be speedily and promptly effected. The quantity re- quired to produce the effect desired must be varied with different persons ; and even the same per- sons at different times, and under different cir- cumstances, will require different portions. It is therefore impossible to fix upon any certain quan- tity that will apply in all cases : much must be left to the judgment and discretion of the invalid himself. In ordinary cases, three pints taken on an empty stomach, an hour or two before eating, and followed by a proper share of exercise, will MEDICAL HISTORY. 121 be found amply sufficient for all the purposes re- quired. Should this quantity however be found inadequate to the effect, it will be better to relin- quish the use of it altogether for the day, than to attempt to produce a different result by additional potations of the water. On the following morn- ing the quantity may be increased to another pint ; and should there be fears of the inadequacy of this quantity from extreme constipation of the bowels or other causes, a tea-spoonful or two of epsom salts may be added to the first tumbler. This will insure a competent operation, and the invalid will soon be enabled by his experience to determine the quantity which his case requires. In cases where the stomach and bowels have been for a long time subjected to the effect of morbid excitement, and the whole system ener- vated by the deranged functions of the assimilat- ing organs, the quantity here recommended will be altogether inadmissible. The effects of disten- tion, and the abstraction of temperature conse- quent upon admitting so large a quantity of cold water into a stomach thus enfeebled, can scarcely fail of being highly detrimental. Reliance there- fore must not be placed upon the water in these rases, to move the bowels ; it can only be used as an auxiliary to that purpose, and should always be associated with some other cathartic medicine 122 CONGRESS SPRING. suited to- the particular case. A little magnesia, magnesia and rhubarb or a laxative pill may be taken over night, and a tea-spoon or two of the sulphate of potass or magnesia, combined with a glass or two of the water in the morning, is usually advised. The proper time for drinking the water of this spring is unquestionably in the morning an hour or two before breakfast ; indeed, as a general rule it should not be meddled with at any other period of the day ; and it would be much better for those whose complaints rendei them fit sub- jects for its administration, if the fountain should be locked up and no one suffered to approach it after the hour of nine or ten in the morning. Nothing can be more absurd than the ridicu- lous practice of taking large potations of this water at all hours of the day, and particularly, immedi- ately after meals. The impropriety of evacu- ating the contents of the stomach and bowels be- fore the assimilating powers of digestion have accomplished their labors, must be obvious to every one. It should therefore only be taken in the morning before eating, when its operation will be exerted in removing the fetid remnants of an impaired digestion, and evacuating the sordid and irritating accumulations induced by an en- MEDICAL HISTORY. 123 feebled state of the intestinal canal. When this effect is produced, the water has accomplished all that can reasonably be expected from its use ; and the digestive organs being freed from their offensive feculent burthen, are left in a condition to act with better effect on the subsequent ali- ment which may be presented to them. The invalid, whose health and strength will admit of it, should always rise as early as six o'clock at farthest, and when the weather is suit- able, repair to the spring, and take the water at the fountain head. The exercise necessarily connected with this mode of drinking the water, together with the invigorating effect of a whole- some atmosphere and amusing company, add much to its efficacy as a medicine. The manner of drinking the water at the foun- tain requires but little attention. It is dipped from the spring in half pint tumblers, one of which constitutes a very suitable quantity for a single draught. As it is intended to move the bowels, it is necessary that these draughts should be repeated in as quick succession as the condi- tion of the stomach will permit. As soon as the Kcnse of fulness occasioned by the first tumbler has passed off, another may be taken, and so on until the quantity necessary to move the bowels 12 t CONGRESS SPRING, has all been drank. This is usually accomplish- ed in the course of half an hour, without materi- ally disturbing the tranquility of the stomach, and its effect is seldom delayed beyond the limits of an hour. Should this be the case, however,, and no operation effected before the period of breakfast arrives, a cup of coffee or tea, connect- ed with a light repast and suitable exercise, will seldom fail of producing a speedy termination to the delay. The low temperature of the water, in some cases, forms a serious objection to its being drank to the extent that is required. This may be rem- edied in some measure by securing the water in well corked bottles, and suffering them to stand in the room over night. In this situation the temperature of the water is elevated to that of the atmosphere of the room, and may be drank with less danger of producing chills, When these do succeed, after the above precaution, re- course is sometimes had to plunging the bottle into warm water a few times before removing the cork. This will unquestionably remedy the evil ; but the water will be more apt to produce nausea and other unpleasant disturbances of the stomach, not less injurious to the- good effect to. be expected from its use than that of chills.. ^ MEDICAL HISTORY. 125 It should always be remembered, that by ele- vating the temperature of the water to any ex- tent, the escape of its carbonic acid becomes abundant, and it is thereby deprived of one of its most important ingredients, the loss of which renders it extremely insipid, and its effects are by no means so pleasant or useful. The property of this fountain has, within a few years, passed into the hands of Doct. John Clarke, who is now the sole proprietor and own- er of it. This gentleman has made it an object of his special care and attention, and it is to his liberality that the public arc indebted for the convenient and cleanly manner in which the wa- ter is presented to them at the well, and for the improvements that have been made and are still making in its immediate vicinity, lie is likewise entitled to great credit for the care and attention which he bestows in putting up the water and preparing it for transportation. He is now the only person through whom it can be procured ;* and such has been the success of his exertions, and the public estimation of its value, that it has * Dr. Clar':e has reserved to himself the exclusive right of botth:iT am) vending the water, and the puhlic mav rely up- on recf.ivi:i it from him in as perfect a state PS it ij capable of retaining when bottled. 326 CONGRESS SPRING.. f been introduced into almost every part of the world. There is scarcely a town in the United States of any magnitude that is not supplied with it, nor a vessel destined to any distant port that does not enumerate the Congress water in the list of her sea stores or her freight. The water loses much of its pungency and agreeable flavor from being bottled, and its iron is entirely deposited. It however retains its aperient properties in tolerable perfection, and if properly secured and kept in a quiescent state and even temperature, may be preserved to any length of time. The practice of putting the water into wooden casks, earthen jugs, or tin canisters, for the pur- pose of transportation, as is sometimes done, is but little better than placing it in open vessels. It soon loses its vivifying gas, and becomes ex- tremely insipid and offensive. It can only be properly secured and preserved in strong glass bottles, well corked, and the corks fastened by wiring. From the known and acknowledged efficacy of the water as a medicine, it was inferred that its saline deposits might answer a valuable pur- pose in cases where the water could not be pro- MEDICAL HISTORY. 127 cured, and at one time considerable quantities were manufactured for sale, by evaporation ; but the imperfect solubility of these salts renders them not only disagreeable, but frequently irri- tating and offensive to the stomach, and the pres- ent proprietor of the spring has very properly prohibited their further manufacture. Influenced by the popular character of the water, individuals have been induced to attempt an artificial composition of it, and, under the im- posing names of " Congress Water" and " Sara- toga Powders," articles have been presented to the public which, although they possess aperient qualities, in reality bear no resemblance, either in their effects or their properties, to the mineral water, the name of which they have assumed. They may move the bowels, it is true, but in this they do not appear to possess any superiority over the common Seidlitz powder, which is now in every body's hands, and which, as a laxative medicine, in all ordinary cases, is undoubtedly to be preferred. COLUMBIAN SPRIWO. THIS fountain is situated on the south side of the brook, about eight rods directly southwest from the Congress. . It discovers itself at the foot of a steep bank, consisting of loose sand and yellow loam. The water being confined by a wooden curb, rises a few inches above the surface of the sur- rounding earth, and escapes through a small hole in the side of the curb, made for the purpose. The well is sunk in the earth about six feet, and such is the supply of water, that it is difficult to remove it as fast as it accumulates, even with a bucket. The surface of the water, when viewed in the fountain, does not present the simmering appear- ance so conspicuous in the Congress ; but the gas breaks up through it in much larger bubbles, at irregular intervals, giving to the water the re- semblance of a more violent cbulition. The surface of tbe earth over which the water escapes, and the inside of the troughs which con- COLUMBIAN SPRING, duct it away, as well as the inside of the curb, are covered with a thick ferruginous crust of a deep brown color. The water itself is quite limpid, and when drank, betrays a strong chalybeate taste, and a pungency indicative of the presence of a large portion of carbonic acid. In its ^physical prop- erties generally, this water resembles the Con- gress in all respects, excepting its saline impreg- nation, which is evidently much less. Its temperature at the bottom of the well is uniformly at 50 deg., and its specific gravity at the temperature of 60 deg. The barometer, standing at 29.5 inches, is 1007.3, pure water be- ing 1000. The application of chemical tests to the water of this fountain indicates nothing to distinguish it from that of the Congress, the same ingredients being clearly distinguished in both. They differ, however, in tlie quantities of the articles which they respectively hold in solution, as is shown by the specific gravity of the two, as well as by the greater or less effect produced by the application of re-agents. Indeed, in this respect there is a very perceptible difference indicated by the taste alone. 130 COLVMBIAN SPRING. By pursuing a process similar to that related in the analysis of the Congress water, one gallon, or 231 cubic inches of this water, yielded the fol- lowing ingredients, viz. Chloride of Sodium, 2C7. Bi-carbonate of Soda, 15.1 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 46.71 Ilydrodate of Soda, 2. 50 Carbonate of Lime, 68. Carbonate of Iron, 5.58 Silix, 2.05 llydro-bromate of Potash, scarce- ly a trace. Solid contents in a gallon, 407.3 gr. Carbonic acid gas, 272.06 Atmospheric air, 4.5 Gaseous contents in a gallon, 276.56 inch. This spring has been materially improved, by clearing out the well and securing it against the intrusion of fresh water, by means of a tight curb inserted to its bottom. The water seldom operates as a cathartic, un- less when taken in large quantities, or used by persons whose stomachs are extremelv irritable WASHINGTON SPRING. 131 Its most obvious effects, when taken in proper doses, are diuretic, at the same time operating on the secretions and excretions generally. It like- wise manifests the powers of a mild and pleasant stimulant ; and from the large proportion of iron which enters into its composition, it occupies a distinguished rank among the tonic waters which the place affords. WAPIIIXGTOX PuusriNG a southwest direction from the Co- lumbian Spring about fifty rods, we come to the Washington Spring, situated by the side of a rill of very pure water, which has its origin from the banks of sand at no great distance. The foun- tain is situated on ground considerably elevated above any of the others. It makes i;s appear- aiK-e at the surface through a bed of argillaceous marl of a deep blue color. The water, neverthe- less, is remarkably limpid, and has been recently much improved, in all its sensible properties, by sinking the well to a much greater depth, anil securing it by a tight wooden curb. It is a sparkling acidulous water. Its temper- ature is 50 cleg, and its specific gravity, at the i32 WASHINGTON SPRING. temperature of 60 deg. under the ordinary pres- sure of the atmosphere, is 1007.8, and one gallon of it affords the following articles, viz. Chloride of Sodium, grs. 281.5 Bi-carbonate of Soda, 16.5 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 40.92 Carbonate of Lime, 92.6 Carbonate of Iron, 3.25 Silix, 1.5 Hvdriodate of Soda, 2.75 Solid contents in a gallon, grs. 439.02 Carbonic acid gas, 262.5 Atmospheric air, 6.8 Gaseous contents in a gallon, 269.3 inch. This fountain was resorted to formerly, on ac- count of its retired situation, (it being then in a forest,) for the purpose of bathing ulcerated limbs and eruptive diseases of the body, for the cure of which it became quite distinguished. From this hint a large and commodious bath-house has been erected close to the spring, called the Washington Bath, which is supplied with mineral water from this spring. It has likewise the ad- vantage of the very pure stream of fresh water WASHINGTON SPRING. 133 which passes immediately under the building, for the purpose or ordinary bathing. Near to this spring there has been erected a small fish-pond, which is abundantly supplied with pure water from the neighboring sand banks. With this pond is enclosed about an acre of ground, a part of which is tastefully laid out into walks ; and on the margin of the little pool is es- tablished a bowling alloy and billiard table, the whole of which is screened and shaded by the native pine and other forest trees, forming a very pleasant and quiet spot for retirement or recrea- tion. This fountain, together with the Columbian, constitute all the mineral waters that have come into notice in this direction from the Congress. All the other fountains at this place are situated along the course of the valley, in a north-east direction. 3f SPRING. THIS spring is situated in the low ground about 30 rods from the Congress, in a north-east direc- tion, immediately in the rear of Congress Hall. It was discovered and named after the late Ge- neral Hamilton by Mr. Gideon Putnam, one of the , early settlers of the place, not long after the dis- covery of the Congress Spring. It was cleared out to the depth of only a few feet, and the water secured by a small wooden curb. In this situa- tion it remained for a number of years, its waters being devoted mostly to the supply of a bathing establishment erected in its immediate vicinity. After the decease of Mr.' Putnam, the property passed into other hands, and the well has since been sunk to a much greater depth, and more effectually secured against the intrusion of foreign substances, by which means the water has been materially improved. The surface of the water within the curb is con- stantly agitated by the escape of large quantities HAMILTON SPRING. 135 of gas ; and as the water passes off, it leaves on the surface of the earth an abundant deposit of a brownish colour, evidently ferruginous and calca- reous. The water, when first taken from the spring, is remarkably clear and sparkling ; but, on standing exposed to the atmosphere, soon becomes turbid. It is saline and acidulous to the taste, and when taken to the quantity of five or six half pints, is usually cathartic and diuretic. The temperature of the bottom of the well is uniformly at 50 deg. and its specific gravity at the temperature of 60 deg. and under a pressure of the atmosphere, indicated by the mercury in the barometer standing at thirty inches, is 1008.5, pure water being 1000. The indications afforded by the application of tests correspond with those already noticed in the examination of the Congress water ; and by pur- suing a process similar to that adopted in the analy- sis of that water, the following ingredients were obtained from one gallon, viz. grs. Chloride of Sodium, 297.3 Hydriodate of Soda, 3. 136 HAMILTON SPRING. Bi-carbonate of Soda, 27.036 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 35.2 Carbonate of Lime, 92.4 Carbonate of Iron, 5.30 Hydro-bromate of Potash, a trace. Solid contents in one gallon, 400.326 grs. Carbonic acid gas, 316 Atmospheric air, 4 Gaseous contents in a gallon, 320 inches. This water ranks first among the springs as a diuretic, and it has long been celebrated for its good effects in gravelly and calculous affections. It is second only to the Congress in its saline im- pregnation, and is frequently used as a substitute for the water of the latter spring in all those ca- ses where the irritable state of the stomach ren- ders the more drastic effects of that water inad- missible. In scrofula, and indeed all other indolent swel- lings of the glands, the water of this spring, to- gether with that of the Columbian, will unques- tionably take the preference ; for, although they do not contain quite so large a proportion of the HAMILTON SPRING. 137 iodine as is found in the Congress water, they contain a much less quantity of other active sa- line ingredients, which render them less liaole to affect the bowels, and their effects upon the sys- tem generally are thereby rendered more cer- tain. It is, without doubt, owing to the iodine which these waters contain, that they have become so famous in the cure of strumous affections ; and the water which contains the greatest abundance of this article, and is least encumbered with those substances that may tend to retard or prevent its effects upon the system, should unquestionably be directed as the most applicable in these com- plaints. The Hamilton bath-house is erected close to this spring, and is supplied by it with water for its mineral baths, which are situated in secure and well furnished apartments, prepared either for shower bathing or immersing the body in the water, which may always, during the season, be procured either warm or cold. Fresh \vatcr baths are also furnished here for those who pre- fer them, and which should always be preferred in cases where the bath is used simply as a 188 HAMILTON SPRIXG. source of cleanliness. The rooms are sufficiently spacious and well ventilated, and the whole es- tablishment is cleanly and well conducted.* * About twenty rods north of the Hamilton, is the PUTNAM'S CONGRESS, (deriving its name from the discoverer and owner.) A mineral spring flowed from the same locality for several years, but without attracting any particular notice ; and the present spring has been obtained by sinking a tube to a con- siderable depth. It is a valuable fountain, and held in high re- pute by many who have experienced the benign effects of its healing properties. Had the life of Doct. STEEL, the author of this volume, been prolonged, the spring in question would un- doubtedly have been analyzed and a description of its medical properties given. But his death has not only deprived the public of this, but also of a publication of other useful matter connected with a history of the Springs and their uses as a medicine. With- out pretending, therefore, to give even a sketch of the ingredi- ents of this fountain, which are doubtless similar to those of the other springs in its vicinity, we will merely remark that it is probably second only to the old Congress in its medical qualities. There is also connected with it a first rate bathing establishment. PUBLISHER. FtAT BOCK SPRING. FOLLOWING the course of the valley in a north- east direction from the Hamilton, about eigh- ty rods, we come to the Flat Rock Spring. It is situated directly in the rear of the Pavilion, on the verge of the marsh, at the foot of a steep bank which terminates the west side of the valley, through which a small brook passes. This bank is composed of argillaceous earth and sand, and is elevated about forty feet above the level of the brook. The earth for *ome rods around this spring was formerly encrusted by a thick bed of calcareous tufa, which long exposure to the air had harden- ed into a pretty solid rock ; and from this circum- stance the spring received its name. This rock was neither more nor less than the usual sedi- ment deposited by the water, combined with sand, leaves, sticks, &c. for which it was indebted to the wind and rain ; and is no more than what happens about any of the fountains where the water docs not find a ready egress, or is suffered to stagnate in their immediate vicinity. The pro- gress of improvement has, however, at this time nearly obliterated this natural platform, and the 140 FLAT ROCK SPRING. spot is now occupied by a tasteful little Chinese temple. The well has been sunk to the depth of about fifteen feet, and a square tube made of plank in- serted to its bottom. Through this the water ri- ses to the surface of the earth and runs off in a small stream, depositing a copious sediment of a dark brown colour, along the whole extent of its course to the brook, which passes some rods dis- tant. The appearance and taste of this water very much resemble that of the Columbian, and the analysis, conducted upon the same principle, con- firms the similarity. Its temperature is 48 deg. and its specific grav- ity at the temperature of GO deg. the barometer standing at 29.5 inches, is 1006.9, pure water be- ing 1000. One gallon afforded the following articles, viz. Chloride of Sodium, 148.866 Carbonate of Lime, 60.573 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 42.7 Bi-carbonate of $oda. 20.79 FLAT ROCK SPRING. 141 Carbonate of Iron, 5.39 Hydriodate of Soda, 1.33 Hydro-bromate of Potash a trace in four gallons. Silix & Alumine a minute quantity. Solid contents in one gallon, 279.G49 grs. Carbonic acid gas, 287.5 cub. inch. Atmospheric air, 6.5 Gaseous contents in a gallon, 294.0 cub. inch. This water is used in all cases for which the Columbian is recommended. It has generally been considered one of the best chalybeate springs which the place affords, and on that account has been the most frequented. It is not improbable that there are cases in which this water will an- swer a better purpose as a tonic medicine than the Columbian, from the circumstance of its con- taining a greater quantity of carbonic acid, a less quantity of the saline principle, and at the same time containing an equal portion of the tonic prop- erties.* * A few rods farther north is the MONROE SFP.IXC, the analy- sis of which, for tlic reason aligned in the note at page 133, was not prepared fur this voluin". It in a valuable fountain, somewhat similar in its character to the Washington, Ilamii- I D II. II ROCK SPRING. PURSUING the course of the valley about eigh- ty rods further in a northerly direction, we come to the High Rock Spring ; it is situated near the base of a ledge of calcareous rocks which at this place mark the westerly side of the valley. The rock which gives the name to this spring, and surrounds and encloses the fountain, is of a conical shape, and apparently rests on the surface of the marl, or is but slightly connected with it. It narrows rapidly as it rises from the earth, and terminates in a rounded top, in the centre of which is a circular opening, which leads to the in- terior cavity. This opening gradually widens as the rock enlarges, leaving its walls nearly of an equal thickness throughout. In this cavity the water rises some feet above the surface of the surrounding earth, and is there seen constantly agitated by the incessant escape of carbonic acid ton, Flat Rock and High Rock, and has a deserved reputation for its medicinal qualities. There is also connected with it a commodious and cleanly bathing establishment, which is sup- plied by this fountain with mineral water, and by a very pure spring from an adjoining bank with fresh water. PUBLISHER. HIGH KOCK SPRING. 143 gas, for which the vacancy above the water forms a capacious and secure reservoir, where the curi- ous may at any time make the experiment of its deleterious effects on animal life. This rock very justly claims a conspicuous place among the interesting natural curiosities which our country affords. The venerable Dr. Seaman in noticing this singular production ob- serves : " The more we reflect upon it, the more we must be convinced of the important place this rock ought to hold among the wonderful works of nature. Had it stood upon the borders of the Logo d' Agnano, the noted Grotto del Cani, which burdens almost every book which treats upon the carbonic acid gas, since the peculiar properties of the air have been known, would never have been heard of beyond the environs of Naples, while this fountain, in its place, would have been deservedly celebrated in story, and spread upon canvass, to the admiration of the world, as one of its greatest curiosities.'' The following dimensions of this singular pro- duction of nature were taken from actual meas- urement : Perpendicular height, four feet. Circumference at the base, twenty-six feet eight inches. 144 HIGH ROCK SPRING. Length of a line drawn over the top, from north to south, eleven feet seven inches. Length of the same from east to west, ten feet nine inches. From the top of the rock to the surface of the water, ordinarily, two feet four inches. Depth of water in the cavity of the rock, usu- ally, seven feet eight inches. The opening at the top is nearly circular, and measures ten inches across. This rock belongs to that species of limestone termed calcareous tufa, being evidently the prcv- duct of the water. It is composed of the carbo- nate of lime, magnesia, and the oxide of iron, to- gether with a proportion of sand and clay. It likewise exhibits, when broken, the impressions of leaves and twigs of trees. It is somewhat undu- lated on its surface, and about the top compact and indurated, while near its base it is of a more spongy and friable character, but every where sufficiently compact to render it impervious to water. That the water at some former period issued from the cavity and descended upon the sides of the rock, will scarcely admit of a doubt ; but the precise manner in which the rock was formed, or the time when the water used to flow upon its HIGH JIOCK SPRING. 115 surface, is not quite so obvious. The most prob- able conjecture is, that the basis of this mass was commenced beneath the surface of the earth ; that the water, thus confined within the- limits of its own sediment, continued to rise, and as it escaped over the sides of its prison, constantly added to the dimensions of its walls. In this manner it would continue to rise until the column of water in the rock balanced the power that forced it up, in which case it would become stationary ; and it is but just to infer, that in process of time, the pow- er so prqpelling the water might be diminished in its force, when the water in the spring wov-lil of course sink in exact proportion to the loss of that power. There was an opinion prevailing among the ear- ly settlers, that the rjck had been fractured by the fall of a tree, and Lo this accident they impu- ted the failure of the water to run over its top, believing that it escaped through a fissure, which, although invisible, they still imagined must exist. Tiiis conjecture, however, docs not appear to l;avc been well fouridt.-d. The spring was visited as early as 17(>7, and no appearance to justify 5:uch an opinion then presented it. self, although the water did nut at ihat time reach the top of the rock by several inches. 146 HIGH ROCK SPRING. Loran Tarbel, an aged chief of the St. Regis tribe of Indians, told the present Chancellor Wai- worth, that he visited this spring while a boy ; and that he was told by the Indians that the wa- ter once ran over the top, buj owing, as they supposed, to some of their women bathing in it when they ought not to have done so, the water sunk back into the rock and never showed itself again at the top. The conspicuous appearance which this rock makes, must have introduced it to the notice of the natives at a very early period ; and although it was probably known and visited by individuals whose business called them to the woods, it does not appear to have attracted much attention from the white population of the country until about the year 1767, when it was first visited by Sir William Johnson. From this period, " the spring" came more rapidly into notice, and for some years this was the only one to which much consequence was attached. The extravagant stories told by the first set- tlers of the astonishing effects of this water in the cure of almost every species of disease, are still remembered and repeated by their too credulous descendants. This, in conjunction with the sin- gular and mysterious character of the rock, con- HIGH ROCK SPRING. 147 tinue to attach an importance to the waters, in the eyes of the vulgar, at which no other fountain will ever arrive. The temperature at the bottom of the well is 48 deg., and its specific gravity at an atmospheric pressure, indicated by the barometer standing at 29.5 inches, is 1006,85, pure water being 1000. One gallon of the water afforded the following ingredients, viz. - Chloride of Sodium, 189.10 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 61.592 Bi-carbonate of Soda, 17.538 Hydriodate of Soda, 2.5 Carbonate of Lime, 69.29 Carbonate of Iron, 5.58 Silix and Alumine, a small quantity. Hydro-bromate of Potash, a trace in four gallons of the water. Solid contents in a gallon, 345.68 grs. Carbonic acid gas, 304 Atmospheric air, 5 Caseous contents in a gallon, 309 cub. inch. 148 HIGH ROCK SPRING. Since the discover}' of the Congress Spring and the extensive improvements that have been made in that vicinity, the water of this fountain, as well as that of several others situated in its immediate neighborhood, have rather sunk into disuse, and the old village, as this part of the town is now termed, evidently discovers a cor- respondent desertion ; but whatever may be the destiny of the place or the credit of the w r ater, no means should be spared to protect and secure the rock. It has alread}^ suffered considerably from the depredations of unprincipled specimen gatherers, and it will be finally ruined, unless some more effectual method be- adopted to pre- vent it. PRESIDENT SPRING. ABOUT thirty rods, in a northeastern direction from the High Rock, in the same valley, is situa- ted the President Spring. The earth was re- moved to the depth of about four feet, when the spring was discovered bubbling up through the fissures in a stratum of lime rock, furnishing an ample supply of water in the wooden curb which was designed to protect and secure it. Within a few years this spring, like most of the others, has undergone considerable improvement by being more effectually secured against the intrusion of fresh water ; since which period the temperature and specific gravity have become the same as that of the High Rock, and the analysis affords the same results. It is therefore probable that these two waters have their origin from the same source ; for they are indeed the same water. RED SPRIXG. THIS spring is situated close to the public high- way, about sixty or seventy rods in a northeast- ern direction from the President. Large quanti- ties of ferruginous deposits are found about it, and the water, when agitated, has numerous par- ticles of fine sand stained with this substance floating about in it, which gives the water a red appearance, from which circumstance it receives its name. Popular opinion has given much credit to the water of this fountain for its beneficial effects when applied to ill-conditioned ulcers and affec- tions of the skin. The water, however, does not appear to possess any qualities to distinguish it from those which have already been described. Its saline impregnation is much less than any of the other springs, and its gaseous contents arc still more deficient when compared with those of the other fountains. TE3f SPRIXGS. PURSUING the course of the same valley, about one mile from the High Rock in an eastern di- rection, vrt) come to the Ten Springs, so called from the circumstance of there being that number located near together. These springs were dis- covered about the year 1814, on land that then belonged to Messrs. John and Ziba Taylor, and considerable pains were taken at the time to bring them into notice. Several of them were opened and secured by placing in them wooden boxes to keep out the fresh water, and a small batliing house was erected close to them. They never, however, acquired much celebrity, and the prop- erty having passed into other hands, but little at- tention is now paid to them ; and it is probable, from their proximity to those so distinguished, that they will never rise into much consequence. These springs are situated, like most of the oth- ers that have already been described, in a soil composed of argillaceous earth and sand, com- bined with the usual deposits, (iron and lime ;) and they likewise contain the same constituent properties, differing only in the quantities of the articles which they respectively hold in solution. 152 TEN SPRINGS. Some of them are considerably saline, and being saturated with carbonic acid gas, they constitute a very pleasant beverage, and are much used by those who reside near by, both as a common drink and as a medicine. EULIS' SPRING. AHOVT t\vo miles from the Congress spring, in a southwest direction, on land belonging to the heirs of the late Robert Ellis, is another mineral fouutain which deserves notice. It is situated at the foot and on the westerly side of a high em- bankment of the Saratoga and Schenectady rail road, throvfii across a ravine through which Ellis' creek, a principal branch of the Kayadcrosseras, passes, at a deplh of about 50 feet from the sur- face of the surrounding country. The side of this ravine having been denuded for the pur- pose of erecting mills, furnishes a favorable oppor- tunity for inspecting its structure ; the arrange- ment of which is as follows : A mixture of clay and gravel, 2 feet. Coarse gravel and sand, with a great vari- ety of small stones, generally smooth, 4 At t!i3 bottom of this stratum issues a spring of very pure water, which is never dry, and retains a temperature of 50 deg. Coarse gravel, sand and clay, with paving stones, 20 Pur-oxide of iron, combined with sand and clav, 2 154 ELLIS' SPRING, Clay and coarse gravel, 4 feet. Lamellated slate, soft and crumbly, 3 Coarse gravel and clay, 4 Lamellated slate to the bed of the rock, 10 These strata are all placed nearly in a horizon- tal position, and are well defined. The valley in which the mineral fountain dis- covers itself is of a semi-circular form, including the area of an acre. Differing from all others of the kind, this water issues from the bank in a horizontal direction. It betrays its character the moment it approaches the surface, by its sparkling appearance, and the deposit of its iron, which stains the walls of the little rill, as it trickles down the declivity to the marsh, a few feet below, where it has formed a compact rocky substance, resembling in all re- spects, the tufa before described. The water is remarkably clear : its taste is acidulous and chalybeate, and its temperature is 48 deg. It affords 31 6 grains of solid contents to a gallon, which contents consist of marine salt, carbonate of soda, lime, magnesia and iron ; the last of which it affords in as great abundance as any of the mineral waters either at Saratoga or ELLIS' SPRING. 155 Ballston. It is indeed a very excellent chalybe- ate water ; and as such it is in high estimation, although, in consequence of its remote situation, it is but seldom resorted to. SPSIKGS. In adcitici: to the springs already noticed, there p.i'3 severed others which belong to the same class, situated in the town of Saratoga, about ten miles in a fjcuthcr^-t direction from the Congress Spring; they are called the Quaker Springs These springs make their appearance throngh a be I of r/vi<:accoii;3 mar), at the; bouotn of a (bop vr.lloy, surrounded by gray-wacke and ar- frilb.cco^s slate. They contain lime, magnesia and iron, hold in solution by the carbonic acid, :r:d like the c-th:rs, they likcv/isc co;ita.n a por- tion cf cortiTiion salt and soda. Their gaseous ccr;'en1.y sro vrry ^rnall in comparison with ihose LlroitJy described; their mineral irnprcgna- t; :>n \?, r.ot cufiicient to e::'i:le '-hern to muoh attcn^or, r-n : J they are of cvnv-e Lai little- resort- ed to. BALLSTON SPA. THE village of Ballston Spa is situated about seven miles in a southwest direction from the vil- lage of Saratoga Springs, in the southeast part of the town of Milton, and but a few rods from the ngrth line of the town of Ballston. The great resort to this place, on account of its mineral wa- ters has made it, like those of Saratoga, a place of much notoriety. The mineral springs are situated in a marsh at the bottom of a deep valley, through which one of the principal branches of the Kayaderosseras creek passes. They were discovered during the survey and partition of the patent of Kayaderos- seras in 17G9 ; and about the same time the Rev. EHphalet Ball, from Bedford, Wcstchester coun- ty, with a number of his congregation, settled r.bout two miles and a half from the Springs in a southerly direction, on a tract of land which was sxt apart and sold to defray the expenses of the company in surveying the patent ; and which, from that time, has been distinguished by the narnc of Bullion. 158 BALLSTOX SPA. In 1772, one Peter Ferris purchased and settled on a hundred acre lot, the second west from the Springs ; and about the same time Benajah Doug- lass, who had resided some time previous near Lebanon Springs, (which at that^-time had be- come a place of some resort,) entertaining the belief that the springs at Ballston might become a watering place of some consequence, purchased a, lot of one hundred acres adjacent to and di- rectly west of the then principal spring, near which he erected a small log house for the ac- commodation of visitants. Encouraged by the success of this small beginning, Mr. Douglass, a few years after, was induced to build a small frame house across the creek, on the flat oppo- site the spring. At this period the waters had acquired a reputation of considerable notoriety, and they began to be resorted to by the inhabi- tants of the surrounding country, particularly from the city of Albany and the settlements along the valley of the Mohawk. Many came with their waggons, bringing their own provisions and forage, and staying several days, substituting the waggon for a boarding house. After the com- mencement of the war of the revolution, the set- tlement of the country was suspended, and very little improvement was made at these springs until after the treaty of peace was concluded. BALLSTON SPA. 159 In 1791, Mr. Douglass erected a large building for the accommodation of visitants, . the same which now constitutes the front of the excellent and well known establishment formerly kept by Mr. Aldridge. In 1792, Nicholas Low, Esq. of the city of New- York, the then proprietor of the lot on which the springs were situated, erect- ed a large and commodious house close to the spring, which was kept for many years as a board- ing house, and sustained a high reputation, well known as McMaster's boarding house. Dur- ing the ensuing ten years, these establishments were much enlarged and improved, and several others were erected, and the springs now became the resort of great numbers of invalids, and also of the wealthy and fashionable. In 1803, Mr. Low erected that splendid estab- lishment so universally known and admired, the HANS Soi:ci HOTEL, and in the spring of 1804 it was furnished and opened for the accommoda- tion of visitants. In 1S07, the legislature of the state passed an act incorporating the settlement at the springs, embracing one mile square, by the name of the Village of Ballston Spa. 160 BATLSTOJT SPA. About this time several springs were discover- ed in the vicinity of those already known, differ- ing but little in their general character, with the exception of the Sulphur water, a few feet from the spring called Low's Wett, and known as one of those called the Sans Souci Springs. During the latter part of the summer of 1817, continued rains had so swollen the small stream which passes through the village, that it burst over its usual bounds, and in some places formed for itself an entire new channel. On the subsi- ding of the flood, a new spring was discovered, exhibiting an appearance which, connected with its medicinal properties, gave for a time much additional celebrity to the place. It was situa- ted some rods below what was called the Public Well, and in \vhat was, during the freshet, the bed of the stream. It issued from a circular opening of several feet in diameter, affording an immense quantity of water, attended with all the characteristics of a strong mineral impregnation, With a view to prevent the connection of the water with the stratum of clay through which it passed up to the surface, and likewise to prevent the intrusion of fresh water, a tube was ingeni- ously constructed and forced into the aperture from whence the water arose, to the depth of BALLSTON SPA. 161 nearly thirty feet. In this tube the water arose about five feet above the level of the brook, and was then suffered to fall over its sides, producing in some measure the effect of a jet d'eau, while the surface of the spring was brought nearly to a level with the eye, furnishing a fine opportunity for inspecting its sparkling properties to the greatest advantage. Close to the side of this tube another was inserted, not however to so great a depth, through which the water arose somewhat above the surface of the earth, and was then suffered to escape. It was not a little singular that the waters of these two wells, apparently issuing from the same source, should have contained different por- tions of the muriate of soda, while they very nearly corresponded in all the other articles which they contained. The water which flowed from these tubes, combined with that which came up in the aper- ture around them, ran off in a stream at the rate of more than a barrel a minute. It commenced the deposit of its chalybeate and calcareous prop- erties the moment it came in contact with the atmosphere, and the quantity given off by so large a bulk of water continued to mark its pas- 162 BALLSTON SPA. sage along the brook into which it passed for the distance of more than a mile. This singular fountain continued about two years, the wonder and admiration of all who saw it and drank of its waters. At length, however, the abundant carbonic acid seemed to be ex- hausted, or to have taken some other course, and all attempts to reclaim it have as yet proved fruitless. The water still continues to flow in abundance, but retaining little or none of its min- eral properties excepting its iron, which it still continues to hold in solution in considerable quan- tities. This was called the Washington Spring'. Not long after the first appearance of the lasf mentioned spring, it was thought by many that the old spring or public well on the flat had suf- fered a deterioration, there being evidently a much less evolution of uncombined gas than usu- al, and it is not improbable that the immense quantity of gas discharged at the place referred to might have operated to produce the apparent diminution at the old spring ; the failure, howev- er, has been by some attributed to other causes. A desire to improve the condition and appear- ance of the well, about the same time, induced an officious interference with its situation, which better reflection and more experience would pro- BALL6TON SPA. 163 bably have caused to be omitted. These facts are recorded merely as a matter of history, leav- ing the inferences to be confirmed or otherwise by future events. The water of the old spring, although it has suffered some in the public esti- mation, and is certainly not quite so palatable as formerly, is still an excellent tonic, sitting more easy and light on the stomachs of many than the waters of some of the other springs, which are more highly charged with the carbonic acid gas, which has the effect sometimes to produce dis- tention of the stomach, and consequent vertigo and pain in the head. In the year 1822, on removing an old floor and other rubbish under a building attached to the bathing house, a spring was discovered, or rather reclaimed, (for its existence had been known many years before,) apparently more saline than any which the place afforded ; it now constitutes one of those called the Sans Souci Springs, and is situated about equi-distant from the one origi- nally called Low's Well and the Sulphur Spring. It is now the spring mostly resorted to, particu- larly by those who take the water as a beverage, or who desire its cathartic effect. In the spring of 1827, an effort was made by a number of enterprising individuals to explore, 184 BALLSTON SPA. by boring, the interior of the slate formation, with a view to obtain a further supply of mineral water at this place. To effect the object, a ma- chine, invented for the purpose by Mr. Disbrow of New-Jersey, was procured, and operations w r ere commenced on the flat nearly opposite to Aldridge's boarding house. The boring was be- gun in the bottom of a public w r ell that had been previously sunk to the depth of fourteen feet, eight of which were in the rock. At the depth of about eighty feet a vein of mineral w r ater was discovered ; a tube was fitted to the hole in the rock of sufficient length to extend a little above the surface of the earth, and the water immedi- ately rose to the top of this tube and escaped in a copious stream, affording an ample supply of a lively acidulous water. The excavation, how- ever, was continued to the depth of one hundred and thirty-seven feet, but without any considera- ble addition to the water, either in quantity or quality, except a slight sulphurous impregnation. This spring has been named the New Washing- ton Fountain. Not long after the completion and establishment of this fountain, a most singular incident occurred that is thought worthy to be recorded. It explod- ed, with a loud noise and with such force as to throw the whole column of water contained in BALLSTOX SPA. 165 the well many feet into the air, leaving a distinct sulphurous odour, which continued for some min- utes diffused in the surrounding atmosphere. The spring for a short time appeared entirely empty ; but it soon filled again and resumed its original appearance, and has ever since continued to flow from a basin, which is now fixed to the top of the fountain. It is somewhat singular, that since the explosion, the sulphurous impregnation of the water of this spring has nearly or quite dis- appeared. During the succeeding winter a similar experi- ment of boring was made, with nearly similar re- sults, in a place called The Park, a little west from the Sans Souci and directly in the rear of the Village Hotel. The rock was struck at the depth of about thirty feet, through a bed of dark blue ar- gillaceous marl. At about the same depth in the rock as in the former instance, a vein of mineral water was met with, very much resembling that of the last described fountain. The boring, how- ever, was continued to the depth of two hundred and seventy feet, being about two hundred and forty feet in the argillaceous or transition slate, which at this place forms the bottom of the val- ley in which all the above described springs arc- situated. 106 BALLS-TON SPA. From the aperture thus formed, the water of this fountain now flows in great abundance, rising several feet above the surface of the earth, and presenting a beautiful little pool, which is tasteful- ly displayed in a small basin secured to the top of the tube which conducts the water to the surface. It is an acidulous chalybeate of the first order, and must be regarded as an interesting and important acquisition to the place. It has received the dis- tinctive appellation of the Park Spring. These waters evidently belong to the same class with those already described at Saratoga^ and if they do not contain quite so large a proportion of the saline properties as some of the fountains at the latter place, which is very manifest both from the taste and the effects, they are unquestionably entitled to rank among the best acidulous cha- lybeate waters which this or any other country affords. In order to examine these waters analytically. a quantity from each spring was secured at the fountain in well stopped bottles, conveyed to the place of examination, and immediately submitted to the operation of tests. The whole of the exper- iments, both to determine the properties and to separate the different ingredients, were conduct- ed in the same manner and upon the same princi- BALLSTON SPA. 107 pies as previously detailed in the examination of the Congress water ; and the indications being in all respects the same, there occurring no percep- tible difference other than what would naturally be supposed to result from the greater or less quantity of the various articles held in solution by each, it is not deemed necessary to recapitu- late the dry details of these experiments in this place. A quantity of the gas was procured from the water of each fountain, and submitted to the pro- cess of examination in the same manner as here- tofore related at page 95. It was found, like that procured from the water at Saratoga Springs, to consist of pure carbonic acid, with an admixture of a small quantity of atmospheric air. From repeated experiments on the water pro- cured from the several springs at this place, there can be no doubt that they all contain considerable more than their bulk of carbonic acid gas ; but riot having the necessary materials for making the examinations on the spot, and the certainty that the water parts with a considerable portion of the gas from being bottled, however carefully it may be done, no attempt was made to estimate with accuracy the amount of its gaseous pro- duct. 168 BALLSTON SPA. With these general remarks on the history, properties and character of the mineral waters at Ballston Spa, I shall now proceed to a particular examination of some of the principal fountains, or such as have from their medical properties ac- quired the most celebrity. SANS SOUCI PRIXG. THIS spring is situated immediately in the rear of the Sans Souci, and is more familiarly known by the name of " Jack's Spring." Its history has been already related in the general remarks. Its water is sparkling and acidulous, and its taste high- ly chalybeate and somewhat saline. The water from which the following analysis was made was procured from the spring in the fore part of the month of February, 1830, and during the winter following, 1831, the examina- tion was repeated on different quantities of the water, with results perfectly corresponding. The processes adopted for determining and separating the various ingredients were the same in all re- spects as those detailed in the examination of the Congress water, a repetition of which is altogeth- er unnecessary. The temperature of the water at the bottom of the well, at a time when the thermometer stood in the open air at 20 dcg. above /ero, was 50 deg. and its specific gravity at the temperature of 00 leg. was 1005.7, pure water being 1000. J70 SANS SOUCI SPRING. One gallon, or 231 cubic inches, of the water from this spring contains the following substan- ces, viz. Chloride of Sodium, 143.733 Bi-carbonate of Soda, 12.66 Bi-carbonate of Magnesia, 39.1 Carbonate of Lime, 43.407 Carbonate of Iron, 5.95 Hydriodate of Soda, 1.3 Silix, 1. Solid contents in a gallon, 247.15 grs. I have omitted to mention the presence of the hydro-bromatc of potash in the above enumeration of the ingredients, because that substance is not satisfactorily indicated in one gallon of the water, as is the case with the same article in some of the springs at Saratoga ; but 1 have no doubt, that by concentrating a much larger portion of the wa- ter, its presence might have been demonstrated. This substance, together with that of the hydrio- date of soda, seems in some way connected with the marine salt, the quantity being increased or diminished according as that salt is afforded in a greater or less abundance. The hydriodate of soda appears to be in the proportion of about one to a hundred of the chloride of sodium, while BALLSTON SPA. 171 the proportion of the hydro-bromate of potasli is much less, and is scarcely to be detected in those waters that contain the greatest quantity of the marine salt ; and in those which contain a much less quantity, it can only be demonstrated by con- centrating several gallons of the water. tOW'S SPRING. THIS spring is situated near to the one just de- scribed, and its appearance and sensible proper- ties are certainly not very dissimilar to it. Its specific gravity and its temperature, at the time I examined them, were the same ; and as the appli- cation of re-agents indicated no essential differ- ence in their constituent properties, they may with great propriety be presumed to be the same, or very nearly the same water. PARK SPRING. THIS fountain is situated in the immediate neighborhood of the two last described springs, in the rear of the Village Hotel. Its situation and history have already been described. The spe- cific gravity is considerably less than that of either of the other two springs, and from the analysis, it affords a much less quantity of all the saline substances excepting the iron, with which this water is undoubtedly saturated. From one gallon I obtained 4.5 grains of the pure oxide of iron, equivalent to 6| grains of the carbonate of iron, (a quantity unexampled in any of the other springs ;) and the water not holding so large a quantity of the saline ingredients in solution, it constitutes one of the purest and best simple aci- dulous chalybeate waters which can any where be found ; and in all cases where simple chaly- beates alone are recommended, this water should undoubtedly have the preference. THE PUBLIC WELL. THIS spring is situated near the centre of the village, on the flat ground nearly opposite to Aldridge's late boarding house. It was formerly the most distinguished of any which the place afforded, and it was ornamented and secured with a handsome iron paling and marble floor ; but un- der an apprehension that the spring had suffered in its properties from the great pressure occa- sioned by these heavy stones, they have been re- moved without benefiting the water, and certain- ly without adding any thing to the beauty of the place. Notwithstanding that this spring has, within a few years, suffered considerably in the estimation of the public, it is still much used, and is undoubt- edly an excellent chalybeate water. It has been generally asserted that " Sir Wil- liam Johnson, in conveying the land at this place to individuals, reserved this spring for the benev- olent purpose of serving the public." Where this story came from originally is not easy to tell ; it is certain that Sir William never owned any land in the vicinity of either of the springs. The BALLSTOX SPA. 175 title under which the lands at this place are held was obtained from the representatives of May Bickley, one of the original patentees, over which Sir William never had even the control of an agency. THE NEW WASHINGTON SPRING. Tins spring, like that last noticed, is situated in the street, a few rods distant, in a southerly direction. The water submitted to an examination was procured from the fountain in the month of Feb- ruary, 1831, and different portions of it were carefully examined under the same rules and reg- ulations as already described. Its specific gravi- ty is 1004.6, pure water being 1000, and its tem- perature 51 deg. ; and one gallon contains the following articles, viz. Chloride of Sodium, 89.83 Bi-carbonate of Soda, 18.057 Bi- carbonate of Magnesia, 42.042 Carbonate of Lime, 41.51 Ilydriodate of Soda, 0.7 Carbonate of Iron, 3.71 Silix and Alumine, 1.25 Solid contents in a gallon, gr. 197.099 This well when it was first opened emitted a perceptible quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen, but BALLSTON SPA. 177 it has now nearly or quite disappeared, particu- larly since the memorable event of its eruption, as before noticed. The gas, which it now emits in great abundance, is purely carbonic acid, pro- bably combined with a small quantity of atmos- pheric air. All these waters, if drank in large quantities, or taken by persons whose stomachs are rather irritable, operate as an aperient, and at the same time have a powerful effect as a diuretic, and are of eminent service in all those chronic affections where chalvbeate medicines are indicated. SULPHUREOUS WATERS. BESIDES the acidulous saline chalybeate waters so bountifully bestowed on this county, there are several other mineral fountains of a different character ; I allude to those springs which be- long to the class termed sulphureous waters. There are several of this class which occur in the vicinity of the argillaceous slate formation, and they very probably owe their origin to the decomposition of the iron pyrites, or sulphuret of iron which abounds in this rock. By far the most interesting and important spring belonging to this class is situated on the east border of Saratoga Lake, on a farm belong- ing to a Mr. Abel, about one mile south of Snake Hill, at the bottom of a deep ravine, which opens to the lake, and discloses a fine view of that beautiful sheet of water. The well is situated but a few yards from the beach ; the water rises up through a bed of argillaceous marl, and diffu- ses its sulphureous odour in the atmosphere to some distance around. The water is very limpid when first dipped, but on standing some time it deposits a small SULPHUREOUS WATERS. 179 quantity of argillaceous earth, which when thrown on ignited coals, exhibits evidences of sulphur. This sediment is likewise deposited around the spring and along the course of its current. It has a strong sulphureous and footed smell, nearly resembling that of bilge water, and it pos- sesses an offensive nauseous taste ; it however becomes more palatable after drinking it a few times. Strips of litmus paper plunged into this water fresh from the spring are slightly reddened by it, but the paper resumes its blue color on drying. Characters traced on paper with a solution of the acetate of lead, when plunged into water fresh from the spring, become nearly black, and they are made legible on suspending the paper a few minutes over the fountain. Polished silver is immediately tarnished by im- mersing it in the water, and silver watches worn in the pockets of those who are in the daily use of it are said to be blackened by it. The usual tests do not indicate the presence of any metalic substance in this water, nor are there any indications of lime, magnesia or marine 180 SULPHUREOUS WATERS. salt ; the constituent properties are purely sul- phuretted hydrogen, together with a small quan- tity of alumine, which is diffused in it, but not in a sufficient quantity to render it turbid. Its temperature is 48 deg. and its specific gravity is but very little above that of pure water. Doctors Armstrong and Johnson have given a new impulse to the use of sulphureous wa- ters in the cure of visceral congestions and chronic affections of the digestive organs ; and it is highly probable that a free internal use of the water of this spring, connected with some mild laxative medicine, will be found highly servicea- ble in a great variety of those afflictive complaints. Baths might easily be constructed here, and the water conducted directly into them from the fountain, which produces a sufficient quantity for a constant supply. Bathing in waters of this de- scription has long been celebrated for its efficacy in the cure of a great variety of eruptive and other diseases of the skin ; and it is highly pro- bable that this spring will ultimately become an important appendage to the distinguished waters of Saratoga and Ballston, from either of which it is but a few miles distant, and the ride includes SULPHUREOUS WATERS. 181 all the variety of scenery presented by the lake and it environs. In the valley of one of the branches of the Kayaderosseras creek, about two miles westerly from the village of Saratoga Springs, is another strongly scented sulphureous spring ; it rises per- pendicularly from the earth in a stream sufficient to turn a mill, at the bottom of a steep bank, composed of sand, clay and coarse gravel. The approach to this spring is discovered at the distance of some yards, by the sulphureous odour with which it impregnates the atmosphere. The water is clear, and but triflingly agitated by the escape of gas ; its taste is unpleasant, not un- like the washings of a rusty gun barrel. It de- posits a brown sediment, which marks its passage to the creek, a distance of one hundred yards. Its temperature is 50 deg. while that of a foun- tain of pure water which issues from the same bank in a horizontal direction, and within ten feet of it, is at -10 dcg. In addition to the sulphuretted hydrogen which this water affords, it contains a small proportion of carbonic acid gas, and is slightly impregnated with marine salt, iron and lime. It is highly ex- Q 182 SULPHUREOUS WATERS. tolled for its efficacy in the cure of eruptive dis- eases, for which it is used, both internally and externally ; but owing to its remote situation, and the want of proper accommodations, it is but lit- tle resorted to at present. At Ballston Spa, situated within a few feet of the Sans Souci fountain, there is a spring which has received the name of the Sulphur Spring. It is a weak, saline chalybeate, containing a small quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, which is sufficiently apparent both from the smell and taste. Its sulphureous impregnation, however, *does not appear to be sufficient to make it very important on that account. It is much used for bathing, and is recommended and used in a great variety of cutaneous affections. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS PROPERTIES THE WATERS. I shall conclude my remarks on the waters of these fountains, by a few general observations on their medical properties, and their application in the various diseases for which they have become so deservedly celebrated. These waters are so generally used, and their effects so seldom injurious, particularly to persons in health, that almost every one who has ever drank of them assumes the prerogative of direct- ing their use to others ; and were these direc- tions always the result of experience and obser- vation, they would certainly be less objectiona- ble ; but there are numerous persons who flock about the springs during the drinking season, without any knowledge of the composition of the 184 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. waters, and little or none of their effects, who contrive to dispose of their directions to the. igno- rant and unwary, with no other effect than to in- jure the reputation of the water and destroy the prospects of the diseased. Many persons who resort to the springs for the restoration of health, seem to be governed by the idea, that they are to recover in proportion to the quantity they drink ; and, although many who are in health may, and frequently do, swallow down enormous quantities of the water with ap- parent impunity, it by no means follows that those whose stomachs are enfeebled by disease can take the same quantity with the same effect. Stomachs of this description frequently reject large portions of the water, and thereby protect the system from the disastrous consequences that would otherwise follow. But when it happens to be retained, the result is indeed distressing ; the pulse becomes quick and feeble, the extremi- ties cold, the head painful and dizzy, the bowels swollen and tender, and the whole train of nerv- ous affections alarmingly increased ; and should the unfortunate sufferer survive the effects of his imprudence, it is only to a renewal of his worst apprehensions, from a loss of confidence in what he most probably considered a last resort, PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 185 In directing the use of the waters, I shall con- fine my remarks to a few observations on their medical application, of a general character only ; particular directions can only be given with safe- ty to the patient from a careful investigation of the particular symptoms, character and nature of the complaint. Among the great variety of invalids who re- sort to the springs, none perhaps receive more essential and effectual benefit from their use than those usually termed BILIOIS. In all those affections usually termed bilious, if the attack be recent and unattended by any seri- ous organic affection, it is most usually removed in the course of a few days by a free use of the Congress water alone ; but in those cases where the functions of the stomach and bowels have be- come impaired from the long continuace of the disease, attended with anasarcus swellings of the extremities, &c. although the waters of this foun- tain may be resorted to with nearly the same as- surance of obtaining relief, nevertheless more caution is indispensably necessary in its adminis- tration ; lor should a great quantity of the water be drank without having the proper effect by the bowels and kidneys, it is never beneficial, but on 186 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. the contrary, frequently increases the most alarm- ing symptoms of the complaint. In cases of this description, I have long been in the habit of recommending the addition of some mild cathartic medicine ; and for this purpose a few grains of calomel, or the blue pill, are direct- ed to be taken over night, followed in the morn- ing with a sufficient quantity of the water to move the bowels briskly two or three times, with the happiest effect. A few doses of this descrip- tion usually puts the bowels in a situation to be more easily w T rought upon by the water, and the patient becomes convinced of its efficacy in his disease from a few days proper application. In the more advanced stages of bilious affec- tions, where the organization of the liver and oth- er viscera have materially suffered, and the dis- position to general hi/drops, indicated by the en- largement of the extremities, fullness of the abdo- men, &c. the waters are all of them manifestly injurious, and are not to be admitted, even as an auxiliary remedy. In all those functional affections of the organs employed in the process of digestion, constituting what is usually termed DYSPEPSIA, the waters PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 187 have long maintained a high and deserved repu- tation. The Congress water is principally relied on for the cure of these affections. This should be taken in the morning, an hour or two before breakfast, in sufficient quantity to move the bow- els freely once or twice. In ordinary cases, four or five tumblers full are sufficient for the purpose ; and in weak irritable habits, half the quantity, or a single tumbler full in some cases, is amply suf- ficient to answer the purpose. In those cases where the bowels are attended with an habitual constipation, the large quantity of water required to move them often produces unpleasant distention of the stomach and bowels, and by producing cold chills and nausea, frequent- ly defeats the general intention of its application. This, in some instances, may be remedied by simply elevating the temperature of the water by keeping it for some hours in well stopped bottles in a warm room. When this fails, recourse may be had to some suitable laxative, which should be taken over night on going to bed ; and a much less quantity of the water in the morning will an- swer the wishes of the patient, without subjecting him to any very great inconvenience. Or, if cir- cumstances require a still greater effect, a little epsom, or some other laxative salt, may be added 188 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. to the first glass of the water. In this way the difficulty will soon be overcome, when a much less quantity of the water will be found to answer the purpose. But the Congress water is not alone to be de- pended on for the removal of these affections : when the stomach and bowels have been prop- erly cleansed by the mild and innocent purgative properties of this water, for which purpose it is to be drank only in the morning, the remainder of the day should be devoted to the moderate and discreet use of some of the more pure chalybeate waters : as that of the Flat Rock, Columbian, High Rock, Ellis' Spring, or Ballston Spa. The quantity of water from either of these fountains, to be used daily, must necessarily de- pend in a great measure on the state of the dis- ease and the condition of the stomach. It is therefore best to commence their use in small quantities at a time, and at distant and regular intervals ; gradually increasing the quantity and frequency of the draught, as may be most agree- ble to the stomach, and least unpleasant to the feelings. In this way the quantity may be in- creased to from one to two quarts ; and it is questionable whether a much larger quantity may be drank with any additional advantage. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 189 The use of chalybeate medicines in the cure of the deranged state of the digestive organs has sel- dom been directed, except in conjunction with laxatives of some kind ; and it is now a subject of speculation with some of our best and well in- formed practitioners, whether the cure might not be as expeditiously effected by the judicious ad- ministration of laxatives alone. It is certain that three fourths of the cases usually termed dyspep- tic, which congregate at these springs during the drinking season, owe their origin to the ill-timed administration of chalybeates and other tonic remedies, prescribed for the purpose of bracing up what was supposed to be a debilitated stom- ach ; or in more familiar terms, " to wind tip a run down constitution" ' From long and unbiassed observation," says the venerable Doct. Armstrong, " I am fully con- vinced that most of the medicines called tonics arc either useless or pernicious ; and if these were erased from the pharmacopoeias, it would be a real benefit to the profession and mankind ; for they only serve to mislead the former, and to tantalize or injure the latter. Tonic medicines generally oppress the digestive functions, or ope- rate as direct stimulants, and in cither case they are improper in convalescence : for by the first 190 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. they may destroy the natural appetite, and by the last they may lead to chronic inflammations. So far from such drugs being appropriate to a stage of convalescence from acute disease, mild laxa- tives are most frequently requisite to preserve a right balance between the ingesta and the eges- ta ; and the practitioner who substitutes the for- mer will find that his patients will pass better through convalescence, and be afterwards far less subject to consecutive attacks of inflammation." These remarks are so much in accordance with my own experience and observation, that I could not forego the oppportunity of transcribing them here. But whether the tonic medicines be or be not appropriate in the cure of the deranged state of the digestive organs, it is certain that the quanti- ty of iron found in the water of those fountains which contain the largest proportion of that arti- cle, is quite too trifling to merit a serious consid- eration as a remedy in any disease. That the waters possess powerful stimulating and exciting powers cannot be disputed ; but whether this property be owing to the small portion of iron, as is usually supposed, which enters into its com- position, may very rationally be doubted. PKACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 191 Conjoined with the internal use of the waters, bathing should not be neglected ; its exhilerating effect upon the surface of the body contributes much to the restoration of the vigor and strength O O of the stomach. The cold shower bath should al- ways be preferred where the energy of the circu- lation is sufficient to overcome the effects of the cold, and produce the sensation of warmth over the surface immediately after its application ; where this sensation is not produced, the cold bath should be dispensed with, and the tepid or warm bath substituted in its stead, together with gene- ral friction with a flesh brush or coarse flannel over the whole body. The stimulating effects of these waters, arising from their saline and gaseous properties, give them a decided preference over any other as a bath ; and those who are laboring undet a deficient or irregular action of the cutaneous vessels, arising either from a sympathetic affection with a diseas- ed stomach, or from an original affection of the vessels themselves, will find it to their advantage to persevere in its use under this form. The idea of bathing before sunrise or early in the morning is entirely wrong. Before bathing, the system should always be invigorated by the effect of moderate exercise and a nutricious re- 192 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. past. The hour of ten or eleven in the forenoon is therefore the most suitable time for its applica- tion. In CALCULOUS and NEPHRITIC complaints the waters have long been celebrated for their effica- cy, and numerous well attested instances of their good effects can be produced, where the disease was not only benefitted, but effectually cured. In these cases, the subjects of them, after using the water for some weeks, voided large quantities of sand and small gravel, and have since felt no symptoms of the return of the complaint. The waters that would seem to promise most in these diseases are those which contain the great- est quantity of the cer cited alkali, but they have usually been drank indiscriminately for this pur- pose, without reference to any particular fountain ; it is therefore probable that the carbonic acid, together with the carbonated earths, add some- thing to the lithontriptic properties of these wa- ters. They should be drank in such quantities as to keep the bowels open, arid repeated sufficiently often to keep up an increased secretion by the kidneys. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 193 The warm bath, as an auxiliary to the internal use of the waters, is of much importance ; it great- ly facilitates the passage of the ragged fragments of gravel which sometimes take place from the effect of this remedy. Its temperature should be from 100 to 110 deg. and the length of time proper for continuing it should be from one to two hours. In CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, tllC VirtUCS of tllG waters were known, and celebrated, by the abo- rigines ; and the observations of more modern visitants have tended greatly to confirm the good opinion entertained by the original proprietors. The Congress water has the most celebrity in this disease : it should be taken in the morning, in suf- ficient quantities to move the bowels two or three times, and followed by moderate draughts of some of the other fountains ; and, in most instances, the shower bath will add much to the efficacy of the water. Following this course for a length of time gradually relaxes the rigidity of the muscles, adds strength and facility of motion to the diseased joints, and restores ease and vigor to the whole system. The ANTHRITIS, or GOUT, has but seldom ap- peared at the Springs. Whether this absence is to be imputed to the few cases that, compara- ii 194 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. lively speaking, occur in our country, or to a pre- vailing opinion that the use of the waters would be injurious, is uncertain. If, ho we vet, one may be allowed to judge from the few cases which have appeared at the waters, there is some reason to believe they may prove highly serviceable, particularly in the incipient or forming stage of the complaint ; but in those cases where the disease has become confirmed, and the system, for a long time, has been subjected to a course of powerful stimulants, the operation of the waters is more doubtful ; and indeed several instances have oc- curred where their use evidently tended to invite a recurrence of the paroxysms. In PHAGEDEMC, Or ILL-CONDITIONED ULCERS of the extremities, perhaps no application has ev- er been attended with more effectual benefit in a variety of these affections than a free use of the waters ; but the various forms and circumstances under which this afflictive complaint presents it- self require particular attention, as they form the only criterion for a proper application of this high- ly useful remedy. Persons afflicted with obstinate and painful CU- TANEOUS ERUPTIONS derive great and important benefit from a properly directed course of bathing and drinking. And in that peculiarly relaxed and PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 195 enfeebled state of the system arising from a long protracted mercurial course, the water connected with the air and exercises of the country, has ne- ver failed of proving an efficacious and speedy restorative. SCROFULA is another disease for which those who are afflicted with it frequently become appli- cants to the waters, and experience has abund- antly sanctioned the belief of their utility in that complaint. Before the discovery of Iodine in these waters, their operation in the cure of strumous affections was considered as somewhat mysterious, but since that substance has been demonstrated as forming one of the constituent ingredients in the water, the mystery has been solved, and the wa- ters are now prescribed in these affections with a confidence which the important and active prop- erties of this interesting article is calculated to inspire. As Iodine is a substance which has been recent- ly introduced into the list of valuable remedies, a short notice of its history and medical character will not be uninteresting, particularly to the gene- ral reader. 196 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. This singular and interesting article was first discovered by a manufacturer of saltpetre at Pa- ris, no longer ago than 1812. In washing the car- bonate of soda from the ashes of sea-weeds, he observed that the residual liquor corroded the metalic vessels in which it was standing, and on the addition of sulphuric acid he obtained a dark coloured precipitate, which was converted into a beautiful violet coloured vapour by the application of heat. Some of this substance was put into the hands of M. Clement, a distinguished chemist of Paris, who soon recognized it as a new body ; and in 1813 he first described it in the royal insti- tution of France. Sir Humphrey Davy, Gay Lussac, and a number of other distinguished chem- ists, have subsequently investigated its chemical habitudes, and determined its real nature. Iodine, in a pure state at the ordinary tempera- ture of the atmosphere, is a soft, friable, opaque solid, of a bluish black colour, somewhat resem- bling plumbago. It occurs usually in crystalline scales ; it sublimes rapidly at a temperature even below that of boiling water ; and it suffers a grad- ual dissipation at a still lower temperature. Its vapour is of a rich violet colour, from which cir- cumstance it has received the name of IODINE. It has a very acrid taste, and a strong offensive odour. It acts with creat enenrv on the animal PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 197 system, but may be employed with advantage as a medicine in very small doses. It unites chemically with oxygen and hydro- gen, forming the iodic and hydriodic acids ; and these, when united with the alkaline, or earthy ba- sis, constitute the iodates, or hydriodates ; and in one or other of these forms it is usually met with in nature. The hydriodic acid combined with potassa or soda, has been detected in many of the brine and other mineral springs of Europe. It has likewise been found in sea-water, and a number of ma- rine animals ; it is contained in sponge, and a great variety of sea-weed ; and its existence in the waters of Saratoga and Ballston Spa, in the state of the hydriodate of soda, has been satisfac- torily demonstrated. As a medicine, Iodine is now believed to pos- sess great and important qualities ; and it has been introduced as a remedy in the cure of almost eve- ry species of chronic affection. It is supposed to exert a special influence over the absoi-bcnt or lym- phatic system ; and in goitre and scrofula, as well as all other indolent enlargement of the glands, it lias maintained a high and deserved reputation. And it is unquestionably owing to the presence of K* 198 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. this substance that the mineral waters of Sarato- ga are indebted for their great efficacy in the cure of strumous affections. The fountain which contains the largest pro- portion of the hydriodate of soda should, without doubt, be selected by the invalid laboring under these afflictions. The water should be commen- ced in small doses, and the quantity gradually in- creased, as the stomach will bear it ; and its use should be continued, at least, through the summer months. There are but few of this description who have not received advantage, and numerous instances might be adduced where the less seri- ously affected have perfectly recovered from a proper course of bathing and drinking. BROMINE* is another substance that has lately been discovered as entering into the composition of these waters ; and it is not improbable, from * This substance was discovered in sea-water, by a French chemist in 1826. It is in a liquid state at the common tempe- rature of the atmosphere ; its color is a blackish red ; its odour is disagreeable, and its taste powerful. It acts with energy on organic substances and corrodes the animal texture. It has been detected in most of the substances in which iodine has been found. It exists in sea-water in the state of the hydro- bromatc of magnesia, and in the waters of this place it is in the slate of the hydro-broiuate of potassa. PRACTICAL OBSERVATION'S. 199 the highly active properties which it is known to possess, that in conjunction with iodine, it contri- butes to the efficacy of the water in its operation on scrofulus and enfeebled habits; but the ex- tremely minute quantity in which it is found for- bids the idea of attaching much importance to its presence. In DROPSY, arising from organic derangement of long continuance, the waters are manifestly in- jurious, as they invariably increase the swelling, and add to the sufferings of the patient ; but in re- cent cases, where the affection arises simply from a deficient action in the absorbent vessels, the wa- ter has a singular effect in removing it. It should be drank in the morning freely, so as to produce a copious discharge from the bowels; and through the day taken in such quantities as to keep up a pretty constant discharge of urine. The bloating is relieved immediately, and a proper continuance of the water will finally establish the permanency of the cure. In PARALYSIS, the waters have been usually serviceable. The purgative properties of the Con- gress render it the most applicable to this disease; and its good efiects are much increased by the use of the bath. 200 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. In CHLOROSIS, and a variety of other complaints peculiar to the female sex, the waters maintain a high and deserved reputation. In most of these cases the bowels should be kept open, by the use of the more purgative waters ; and those of a less purgative character should be persevered in for a length of time. Their good effects will be much accelerated by frequent bathing and moderate exercise. " The general operation of chalybeates," says Dr. Saunders, in his treatise upon the mineral waters of Europe, " is to increase the power of the secretory system in a gradual uniform manner, and at the same time, by the permanency of their stimulus or some other cause with which we are not well acquainted, to impart a gentle and salu- tary increase to the body of strength, tone, ner- vous energy and general vigor of all the functions. It is therefore chiefly in chronic disorders, in those that arise from slow beginnings and are attended with great laxity and debility of the solids, but without much organic disease, that these waters are found to be particularly useful." In PHTHISIS, and indeed all other pulmonary affections, arising from a primary disease of the lungs, the waters are evidently injurious, and man- ifestly tend to increase the virulence of the dis- PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 201 ease. Their use, therefore, in these complaints, as well as in all acute or inflammatory diseases, should be strictly prohibited. The season of the year most suitable for drink- ing the waters is often made a subject of earnest inquiry. The summer months, or during the pre- valence of warm weather, is undoubtedly the most suitable time for their use, as cold drinks are then far more agreeable, both to the stomach and palate; and all the secretions and excretions of the system, in ordinary cases, are then more read- ily and effectually operated on by the effects of remedial agents. But what is of still more im- portance, tho summer season is more particularly adapted to a free and unrestrained exercise in the open air ; without which a long course of the wa- ters would be of but little avail. The grout number of visitants who frequent these watering places during the season for drink- ing, arc no doubt a source of considerable income to the country : but the annual increase of poor inrnlnh. who flock here from all parts of the Uni- ted Slates, and an: solely dependant upon private munificence for their subsistence, is an evil that bcirifisto be seriously felt, not only by the inhabi- tants, but by strainers, whoso benevolence, while here, i^ dailv laid under contribution for the sup- 202 PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. port of some poor object, who is struggling to ob- tain from bountiful nature a renovation of health which he has lost, perhaps in the service of his country. This evil can only be properly remedi- ed by an interference of the general government ; and I cannot omit this opportunity to remind those whose business it may be, that the endowment of a small hospital at this place, under proper regula- tions, would be attended with more beneficent ef- fects, and would tend more to ameliorate the con- dition of suffering humanity, than the appropria- tion of an equivalent sum in any other way. Much interest has been excited on the subject of the source of these singular and interesting waters, but no researches have as yet satisfacto- rily unfolded the mystery. The large proportion of common salt found among their constituent properties may be accounted for without much difficulty, all the salt springs of Europe as well as those of America being found in geological situa- tions exactly corresponding to these ; but the production of the unexampled quantity of carbonic acid gas, and the medium through which the other articles are principally retained in solution, is yet, and probably will remain, a subject of mere spec- ulation. The low and regular temperature of the water seems to forbid the idea that it is the effect of subterranean heat, as many have supposed, PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. 203 and the total absence of any mineral acid, except- ing the marine which is combined with soda, does away the possibility of its being the effect of any combination of that kind. Its production is there- fore trulv unaccountable. 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