0wmmWm^^m LIBRARY OF THE University of California. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class ■:i> 't'Sj;: m- PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER WITH TWO REAL FOUR-FOLD POINTS HAVING DISTINCT TANGENTS AND WITH NO OTHER POINT SINGULARITIES BY ELIZABETH BUCHANAN COWLEY Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty OF Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS Op The New Era Printing CoMPAur Lancaster. Pa. 1908 ^■**.* PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER WITH TWO REAL FOUR-FOLD POINTS HAVING DISTINCT TANGENTS AND W^ITH NO OTHER POINT SINGULARITIES BY ELIZABETH BUCHANAN COWLEY Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty OF Pure Science, Columbia University OF THE " UNIVERsn OF Press ok The New Era Printing compan- Lancaster. Pa 190.S PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER With Two Real Four-fold Points Having Distinct Tan- gents AND with No Other Point Singularities. The purpose of this paper is the discussion of plane curves of the eighth order with two four-fold points having distinct tangents and with no other point singularities.* The work can be conveniently arranged under four heads : 1 . Possible forms of curves. 2. Existence. 3. Classification. 4. Relation to space curves. 1. Possible Forms of Curves. These plane curves of eighth order C^ with two four-fold points and 0' are of deficiency nine. Hence the number of branches cannot exceed ten.f C^ can cut the line 00' at no points except and 0' . If there are odd branches, there must be an even number of them, since the curve is of even order. Each odd branch passes an odd number of times through one and an even number of times through the other 0, for each odd branch cuts a line in an odd num- ber of points. All odd branches must pass an odd number of times through the same (say 0) ; for otherwise two odd branches would intersect in an even number of points. As odd branches may occur, it is necessary to distinguish between finite and infinite for the pres- ent at least. The curves will be considered as they appear when projected so as to cut the line at infinity the least possible number of times. For convenience, the term loop will be used to denote a part of a circuit that starts from one and returns to the same with- out passing through the other ; and the term intermediate part for a portion extending from one to the other. No intermediate part can be a complete circuit ; a loop may or may not be a whole branch. According to the scheme of classification which is adopted (see page * No papers on this subject are known to me. t Harnack, Mathematische Annalen, X, p. 189, 1876. 3 -j 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21. 11^(3) r,3*, 17*. 11(7(2)1. 10. AA-ABBABB.— I (7 5, 8, 11, 17. II A (3) 18, 20, 21. 11. AB-AABBAB.— II A (2) 2, 12. I ^ 5, 6. 115(1) 1. 12. AB-AAABBB.— I (7 19, 24, 27. II B (2) 5, 8. IS. AAAA-BBBB.— 1 E 2\ II (7 (3) 7*. 12 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 14. AAAB-ABBB.— I (7 20, 23, 28. II B (2) 6, 10. 15. AABB-ABAB.— II A (2) 1, 3. 16. ^^^^-^^^^. — III A 1. 17. AABB-AABB.— I (7 1, 2, 4, 6, 15. II A (3) 16*. There are seventy forms of curves with three branches, and they are in sixteen classes. 1. A-AA-ABBBB.— II B (3) 8, 13, 15, 22*, 27*, 29*. 2. A-BB-AAABB.— II B (3) 9*, 11*, 25*. II C (2) 4. 3. A-BB-ABAAB.— II B (2) 23, 25. 4. A-ABB-AABB.— II 5 (2) 3, 20, 27, 2'. 5. ^- J 5^-^ 5^ 5. — Ill B 2. 6. A-AAA-BBBB.— II (7(3) 4*, 5*. 7. AAA-ABB-BB.— II ^ (3) 4*, 6*, 20*. 8. AAB-AAB-BB.— 11 A (3) 3*, 4*, 24, 26, 27. 9. A-A-AABBBB.— II 6^(2) 3, 7. 10. A-A-ABBABB. — IU (7 1. 11. AA-AB-ABBB.— I C 12, 14, 21, 22, 25, 26. II B (2) 7, 9. 12. AA-BB-AABB.— I D 1, 3, 9, 10, 14, 20. 13. AA-BB-ABAB.— II A (3) 7, 9, 15*. 14. AB-AB-ABAB.— II .4 (1) 1. 15. AB-AB-AABB.— I B 1, 2, 3. II A (2) 11. IQ. AA-AA-BBBB.— 1 E 4, Q. II C (3) 6*. There are twenty-five forms with four branches and they are in nine classes. 1. AB-AB-AB-AB.— 1 A U 2. AA-BB-AB-AB.— I C9, 13, 29, 30. PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 13 3. AA-BB-AA-BB.— IE 1,2,, 5. 4. A-ABB-AA-BB.— TI B (3) T, 12*, 14*, 23, 28, 30. 5. A-A-AABB-BB.— II C(2) 6. 6. A-AAA-BB-BB.— II C (3) 3*. 7. A-A-AA-BBBB.— II C (3) 2, 9*. 8. ^-^-^5^-^55.-111 C2. 9. ^-^-^-^5555. — IIIi>l. There are ouly two curves with five branches and they have the same symbol : A-A-AA-BB-BB. These curves are II C(3) 1, 8. In the plates different kinds of lines are used to distinguish the different branches : heavy lines , dots . . . . , dashes , dots separated by dashes . . _ ., and two dots separated by a dash 4. Relation to Space Curves. If the complete intersection C^ of two surfaces S"^ and iS* of second and fourth order be projected on a plane tt from a point A on aS'^ but not on C^, the projection is a C^ with four-fold points at O and O' , the points in which the generators of S'^ through A meet the plane tt. If /S^ and S^ do not touch (i. e., if there are no point singularities on C^), there are no point singularities on C^, except the two four-fold points. Conversely, such a Cp can always be considered as the projection of some C^ from some point on S"^ but not on *S'^* If and O' are real points, /S" is a hyperboloid of one sheet. If the generators of S^ through O and 0' are taken as edges of the tetrahedron of reference (A, 0, 0' , F), the equation of S^ is a?jX^ — a'2.r3 = (1). Every point on C'^ satisfies equation (1) and the equation of S*. By taking as triangle of reference in tt 00' A' (where A' is the intersection of ^i^ with tt), a correspondence can be set up between the points x of S* and the points ?/ of tt by the equations rx^ = y\, rx^ = y,y,_, rx^ = y,y^, rx^ =y^^ (2). Since a point X of CI is connected with a point y of (7^ by equations (2), the equation of C^ expressed in .r's gives the equation of S^. The * See Clebsch, Vorlesungen ueber Geometrie, Vol. II, pp. 414 sq. for the general theory. 14 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. equation of CI is Zc,j,2/f "'"'2/22/3 = ^ («+ {& or c}^4). In full this is : a,y\ + y\{ajj^ + a^^) + y\{a^l + a^l + a^^y^) + yl{a^yl + «82/3 + %ylh + «103/22/D + 2/l(«ll2/2 + «123/3 + «132/22/3 + ^uMs + «i5 2/j2/D + y\{(^ny\yz + ^172/22/1 + «i3 2/2 2/I + (f'x,y\yl) + 2/1 Ko 2/22/3 + «2l2/22/3 + "222/22/3) + 2/,(«232/22/3 + «242/22/3) + ^252/22/3 = ^ (3)' In obtaining the equation of S*' from (3) by means of equations (2), ten terms are ambiguous : a^, a^, a^^, a^^, a^^, a^^ (twice), a,g, a^^, «22- For y\y^y^ can be rendered x\x^ or x\x^x^, y\yly^ as x]x^x^ or a^jar^Xg, etc. The equation of S*^ may be written : a^x\ -{- a^x\x^ ^~ (.t'o't^i t^^o ~T~ ^4*^1 *^o ^1 ^c*^! *^o ~| fi 1 4 ^1 (*■- *C. •*/, ^~ Lt'QU/,*tr„ — ^ Ct-Q JT. ily-io . """ ^10^1**' 2^3 "T* '^11^2 "I" ^12^3 ' '^13'^'2^3 I "l4**'2*3 "T '^15'^2'*'3 "^ "l6'*'2*'^4 ~t~ ^'17**^3'^4 I* ^ia'^i**^2 4 "• 19 1 3 4 "^ 20 2 4 "* 21 3 4 •" 22 1 4 "T" ^i^^i I "24?'3*4 ' ^25^4 ^ ^' A ten-fold infinity of aS^'s can be passed through a given C^. Since there are thirty-four non-homogeneous constants in the general equation of an *S^*, twenty-four conditions are put on >S'* by making it contain a given C\. It is always possible to pass four cones through a C\ of the first species, for the single infinity of aS'-'s that can be passed through C* form a pencil of conicoids. Hence, any such C* can be considered in four different ways as the intersection of a cone and another coni- coid. In the case of a C\, where the 8^ has ten degrees of freedom, a cone is not necessarily contained among the ten-fold infinity of aS'-'s ; for it requires more than ten conditions to make certain that the 8^ is a cone of the fourth order. If there is a cone among the *S*'s that contain C\, the following theorems hold : Theorem 1. The curve C\ is the envelope of the conies in which the planes tangent to 8^ cut /S^ Proof. — Any plane through a generator of S^ cuts S^ in three other generators. Each of these lines has two points on (7^. If two generators are coincident (i. e., if the plane is tangent to S^), two points coincide with two others and the conic is doubly tangent to C^y. Consecutive tangent planes contain consecutive points on C^. Corollary. — The curve C^ is the envelope of the projections of the conies in which planes tangent to 8* cut 8'^. Theorem 2. — The surface 8^ can be pictured by a single infinity of pencils of conies, each containing C, the conic in which tt cuts 8"^. PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 15 To each generator of S* there corresponds a pencil whose base points are and 0' and the two points Q and Q' in which C is cut by the polar reciprocal with respect to S^ of the generator of *^S'^ Proof. — Take as tt the plane of projection, the polar plane with respect to S^ of P the vertex of S*. Call the pole of 00' with re- spect to C, A'. Use as the center of projection, A, one of the two points in which A'P cuts S^. Consider as the picture of any point X on aS'*, the projection of the conic in which 8^ is cut by the polar plane of x with reference to S^. Since each conic on S^ cuts the two generators through A (AO and A 0'), each conic on S^ is projected into a conic on tt through and 0'. The picture of each point on S^ is a conic in tt through and O'. The converse is not true. Since there are a double infinity of points on /S* and a triple infinity of conies in tt through O and O', there must be another condition on the conies which picture points on S*. It will be shown that each generator of ;8'* is pictured by a pencil of conies whose base points are O and 0' and the two points Q and Q' in which C is cut by the polar reciprocal with respect to S^ of the generator of S^. The pic- ture of P is C, the conic in which tt cuts S^. Each generator of S* cuts a, the plane tangent to S^ at A, in a point T whose polar plane T contains A. But every plane r through A cuts /6'^ in a conic which projects into a line pair composed of 00' and the line QQ' in which the plane t cuts tt. Since QQ' is conjugate to PT with ref- erence to S', the polar plane of any point on PI contains QQ . Since Q and Q' are on tt as well as on S', the pictures of the points on PT contain Q and Q'. Therefore a generator PT is pictured by a pencil 0, O', Q, Q'. Also, a pencil with two base points at and 0' and two others at the two points in which Ois cut by a line con- jugate to a generator of S^ is the picture of that generator of S^. Corollary 1. — The picture of the C* in which S^ is cut by a the plane tangent to S'^ at JL is a curve of the fourth class D. As point T moves along the curve of the fourth order C^ in which a cuts S*, the line QQ' envelopes a curve of the fourth class D. Corollary 2. — The curve D is the polar reciprocal with respect to C of D', the O* in which 8* cuts tt. The polar reciprocal of a point X of tt with respect to C is the intersection of tt with the polar plane of X with reference to 8"^. 16 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. If A'' lies on U, the polar plane of A" contains the line Q Q' which is conjugate to PAT. Hence AT has this line QQ' as its polar with reference to C. Conversely, every QQ' is the polar of some point X on D' with reference to C Corollary 3. — The polar reciprocal QQ' of a generator PT of *S'* is pictured by a pencil of conies through O and O and B and B', the projections of the two points B^ and B'^, in which PT cuts S^. . The two pencils 0, O, Q, Q' and O, 0', B, B' are said to be recip- rocal to each other. Since the conies in which the polar planes of the points of QQ' cut S^ contain B^ and B'^, their projections contain B and B'. The pro- jection of every conic on S"^ contains O and 0'. Theorem 3. — The locus of points of contact of tangents from a ^oint on QQ' to conies of the pencil determined by O, O', Q, Q' is a •conic of the reciprocal pencil. This point is the pole of 00' with reference to this conic. Proof. — Take any definite point Q^ on QQ'. The locus of points of tangency of tangents to aS'^ from Q^ is the conic K' in which S^ is cut by the polar plane of ^j. K' projects into a conic K of the pencil 0, O', B, B', and these tangents into lines from Q^ to points of K. These lines are the tangents from Q^ to the conies of the pencil 0, O, Q, Q' and the points of tangency are on K. For, each plane through QQ' contains two of the tangents to aS'^, which are tangent to the section oi S^ in this plane. This conic projects into a conic of the pencil, with the projections of these two lines as tan- gents from Q^ and the points of tangency on K. Conversely, every line from a point Q^ to a point on K is a tangent to some conic of the pencil O, O', Q, Q'. Corollary 1. — Conversely, every conic of the reciprocal pencil is the locus of the points of tangency of the tangents from some })oint on QQ' to the conies of the pencil O, 0', Q, Q'. The pole of 00' with reference to any conic of the pencil O, 0', B, B' lies on QQ'. Corollary 2. — The line QQ' is the locus of the poles of 00' with respect to the conies of the pencil O, O, B, B' . The line BB' is the locus of poles for the pencil O, O', Q, Q'. Theorem 4. — The curve D is the locus of the poles with respect to S'^ of the planes tangent to S*'. PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 17 Proof. — Since D lies in tt, tlie polar plane of any point of D con- tains P. The polar of any point on D with respect to C is a tan- gent to D' , since D is the polar reciprocal of D' . Since the polar plane of any point on D contains P and a tangent to Z)', such a plane is tangent to S^. Conversely, every plane tangent io S^ has its pole on D. Corollary. — The curve D is the locus of the poles of 00' with reference to those conies in tt which are the projections of sections of S'^ cut out by planes tangent to S*. The polar plane of any point Q^ on line QQ' cuts S"^ in a conic whose projection contains 0, 0', B, B' . Q^ is the pole of 00' with reference to this conic. When and only when Q^ is on D, the polar plane is tangent to S*. Theorem 5. — If conies of the pencils O, O' , B, B' and O, 0' , Q, Q' intersect at the point P, the tangents are harmonically sepa- rated by POand PO'. Proof. — Let Qp be the pole of 00' with reference to the first conic and B^ the pole for the second. By theorem 3, the tangent to the first conic at P contains B^ and the tangent to the second at P contains Q^. Call the point in which PQ,^ cuts 00', ^and let -S'' be the point of intersection of PB^^ and 00' . The pole of PQ^^ lies on 00'. Since PIC' is the tangent to the first conic at P, the pole of PQ(, is on PK' . Therefore K' is the pole of PQ^ with respect to the first conic. Hence O and O' are harmonically sepa- rated by ^and K' . But the cross ratio of this range equals that of the pencil determined by the tangents at i? and the lines PO and PO'. Theorem 6. — The curve C\ is the envelope of conies through O and O' which possess the two following properties : 1) the pole of 00' with respect to the variable conic lies on a certain curve of the fourth class D ; 2) the variable conic and a certain fixed conic ( C) through O and O' are harmonically separated at a point of intersec- tion by the lines to and O' . Proof. — By the corollary to theorem 1, C^ is the envelope of the projections of the conies in which the planes tangent to S*' cut S'^. It remains to show that such conies possess the two properties in question. The poles of 00' with respect to such conies are on D 18 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. (corollary to theorem 4). To obtain the second condition, recall that such conies belong to the pencil O, O', B, B' and that the fixed conic C belongs to every pencil 0, O', Q, Q' . Then by theorem 5, the conies in question fulfil the second condition. The converse obviously follows and completes the demonstration. Theorem 7. — The number of conies of this system which touch any line of tt equals twice the order of D. Proof, — Any line in the plane determined by point A and any line a; of TT projects into the line x. Therefore, any conic K on S^ which touches any line y of plane Ax projects into a conic tangent to X. Since y is tangent to K, it is tangent to S'^ ; and since y lies in plane Ax, it is tangent to G, the conic in which the plane Ax cuts S^. Since the only conies which belong to the system are projec- tions of conies on S"^ cut out by planes tangent to S*, the question becomes, How many tangents to G lie in planes tangent to S^'i Since a plane tangent to S* is determined by P and a line tangent to a plane section of S*, the question is. How many common tan- gents are there to G and the C* in which plane Ax cuts S^'i The class of this (7* equals the class of Z>', which is the same as the order of D. Since G is of the second class, the number of such tangents is 2m, where m is the order of D. Theorem 8. — The number of these enveloping conies which pass through any point of tt is m. These conies have a second point in common. Proof. — Take any point Y^ in tt and draw AY^ Join P to Y[, the point in which AY^ cuts S^, Call the point in which PY[ cuts TT, Y^. Through Y^, m tangents to JD' can be drawn, for D and Z>' are reciprocals. The m planes determined by P and these tangents are tangent to S*. Each plane cuts S^ in a conic which projects into a conic of the enveloping system. Since each plane contains the line PY^^Y[, the conic on S^ has Y[ and the projection on tt passes through Y^. These conies through Y^ contain Y^ the projec- tion of Fj the second point in which PY^ cuts S^. Corollary 1. — If Y^ is on C^, Y^ is on B'. Corollary 2. — If Y^ is on C (not at O or 0'), Y[ coincides with Yy and therefore J'^ coincides with Y^ Corollary 3. — The eight points of intersection of C and B' are one;. PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 19 Theorem 9. — The tangents to C^ at O or O' are the tangents to D from the same point. Proof. — If J^j is at O, the whole line AY^ lies on >S^ and there- fore contains four points Y[ on (7^. The four lines joining these points to P lie in plane PA O and cut tt in four points Y^ on line A'O (A' is the projection of P). By the first corollary to the last theorem, these four points 1^ on A'O are on D'. The polars of these points are tangents to D from O. Of the m tangents to D' from any one of these four points l^^, the tangent to D' at 1^ counts as two. Each of the m planes determined by P and one of these tangents cuts S' in a conic through Y[. The tangent to such a conic at Y[ lies in the plane tangent to S^ at Y[. Since PY^ is a generator of S* and Y[ is in a, the plane tangent to S^ at Y[ cuts tt in a tangent to D. Since the tangent plane at Y[ contains A, every line in it projects into this tangent to D from 0. In particular the tangent at Y[ to the two coincident sections cut out by the plane through the tangent to D' at Y^ projects into this tangent to D from O. But these two coincident conies are the limit of two consecutive conies of the system and hence their projection touches C^ at O. Therefore, a tangent to D from O is a tangent to C* at 0. Corollary. — If 2) contains O (or 0'), two or more tangents to C^ at O coincide. For if O is a point on D, at least two of the tangents to D from O coincide. Theorem 10. — A line joining O or O' to any one of the 2m points of intersection of C and D is tangent to C^. Proof. — The polar plane of any one of these points Y^ is tangent to /S* (theorem 4) and S~. Such a plane cuts S^ in a degenerate conic whose projection is the line pair Y^O, Y^O'. Since this line pair belongs to the system enveloping (7^ (corollary to theorem 4), it touches C^, twice. Since Y^ and Y^ O' are projections of gen- erators of S"^, each contains four points of C^ distinct from O (or O). One point of tangency is on OY^ and the other is on O'Y^. Corollary. — The system of conies enveloping C\ contains 2m de- generate conies consisting of a line through and another through a. Theorem 11. — There are m double tangents to C^ concurrent at A'. 20 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. Proof. — The polar plane of any one of the m points of intersection of Z) and the line 00 is tangent to S^ (theorem 4), and contains the line A A'. Hence the conic in which this plane cuts S"^ projects into a degenerate conic of the system consisting of the line O' and a tangent AH to D' from A . Each conic of the system touches C^ twice. Since line 00' cuts four distinct branches of C^ at p p and four others at O' the line 00' can not touch C^. Hence the line AH is a double tangent to C^. Since the line 00' cuts D in m points, there are m such lines AH. Theorem 12. — The curve C^ goes into itself by a quadric inver- sion whose pole is A and whose conic is C Proof. — The points B and P' are two vertices of the complete quadrangle formed by O, O', Q, Q'. Since C is a conic through these last four points, P and P' are harmonically separated by the points of intersection of C and line PP'. The points P and P are on C^ and the line PP' contains A. On each line through A there are four pairs of points P, P' corresponding to the four generators of S* determined by the four points in which this line cuts P'. Since the points of a pair are collinear with A and conjugate to C, each goes into the other by a quadric inversion whose pole is A and whose conic is C Therefore, C] goes into itself by this inversion. C^^ might be considered as an anallagmatic curve, if one were to extend the term to include general quadric inversion, instead of limiting it, as is usually done, to circular inversion. Method of generating a C^ with two real four-fold points. Let O and O' be any two real points on any conic C and let D' be any general plane curve of the fourth order in the same plane as C. Let Q and Q' be the two points in which C is cut by the polar with reference to C of any point on P'. Draw the lines joining Q and Q' to O and 0'. The double points P and P' of these line pairs are on a C] with four-fold points at and O'. A Contact Transformation. By a contact transformation whose characteristic equation is r = x^y -\- y^x -}- 3 (7 -f a;_j/ = 0, a certain class quartic is transformed into a C^^ with two four-fold points. Proof. — Consider the order cubic composed of the line z = and PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 21 the conic C^ ■}- xy = 0, having y = tangent at ^ (1, 0, 0) and X = tangent at B {0, 1, 0). The first polar of a point [x^, y^, z^) with reference to the cubic z{Cz^ -{- xy) ^ (1) is x^yz -\- y^zx 4- z^{3Cz'^ + xy) = 0(2'). Using non-homogeneous codrdiuates, this becomes r = x^y -f y^x -{■ ZC + xy = (2). This can be used as the characteristic equation for a contact transformation, since* dr dx dr dy dr av d\ dxy dxdx^ dydx^ dr av d'r %i dxdy^ ^y^Vi 2/1 + 2/ ^1 + ^ y X = x{y + y^x + 2xy This ={= 0, because of r = 0. Corresponding to each pair of values (x^, y^) there is a conic which contains A and B. It will now be shown that every conic is har- monically separated from the fixed conic .ry — 3(7= (3) by the lines to A and B. The points of intersection of (3) with a conic (aside from A and B) are »'o = 3Cx^ - 3(7d= \/9C'-Sx^y,C Vo = _ - 3 (7=b V9 C- Sx^y^ C X, The tangent to (3) at (x^, y^ is x^y -\- y^x — 6 C = (4). The tan- gent to the r conic at the same point is x[y^ + y^ + y {qi\ -\- x^ + ^i2/o + *o3/i + 6 (7 = (5). The line through A and point [x^, y^ is y — y^ = (6). The line joining B to the point (x^, y^) is x — cc^ = (7). Take \^ so that (4) = y — y^ -^ X^(x — x^) = ; and X^ so that (5) = 2/ — y^ + Xjx — x^) = 0. Then Vo . 6 (7 - jK^y, X, := — , '^1 = ic: 2 > ^^2 2/1+2/0 or \ = - *^i + *^o 2a'i2/o + a^o2/i + 6 (7 + 2^,3/0 ^0(^1 + ^0) Substituting the values of x^ and y^, *Lie, S., and Scheffers, G., Geometrie der Beruehrungstransformationen, Vol. I, p. 54. 22 PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. _ 6 (7 =F 2 1/9 a- 3aji3/i C - x,y^ 1 x\ X = ± 2/9(7- 3a;,y^C- eg + a;,y^ ^_-^ x' Therefore the cross ratio of the pencil determined by lines (4), (5), (6), and (7) equals — 1 . Hence the first polar of any point of the plane with respect to (1) is a conic containing A and B and sepa- rated harmonically from (3) by lines to A and B. Each conic has its pole of AB at the point (— x^, — y^, -\-z^). As this point de- scribes a general curve of the fourth class, the conies envelope a C^ with quadruple points at A and B. The curve which is transformed into C^ is described by the point {-{-x^, -f- 2/ij + ^J. LIFE. I, Elizabeth Buchanan Cowley, was born in Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania, where I received my early education in the public schools. I then studied at the Indiana State Normal School of Pennsylvania for two years and received the degree of B.S. in July, 1893. The next four years were spent in teaching in the public schools of that state. I was given a life diploma by the state. In September, 1897, I en- tered Vassar College and received my A.B. in June, 1901. I was awarded the graduate scholarship in mathematics and astronomy for the next year and obtained my A.M. in 1902. Through the courtesy of Professor Whitney an opportunity was given to me to work out the definitive orbit of a comet. Dr. Furness gave valuable advice and Miss Whiteside assisted in calculations. In 1902 I received an appointment as instructor in mathematics at Vassar College and am still holding this position. The summer vacations of 1903, 1904, and 1905 were spent in resident study at the University of Chicago, where I had twelve weeks of mathematics and physics each year. I studied under Professors Bolza, Dickson, Millikan, Moulton and Slaught and Doctors Gale and Jewett and the late Pro- fessor Maschke. In February, 1906, I began work at Columbia University, attending lectures that second semester and the entire PLANE CURVES OF THE EIGHTH ORDER. 23 year from September, 1906, to June, 1907. I also took the grad- uate courses offered at the summer school in 1906. My work was with Professors Kasner, Keyser, and Maclay. I am a member of the American Mathematical Society, the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, and Circolo Matematico di Palermo. The Astrono- mische Nachrichten published my paper. The Definitive Orbit of the Comet 1826II. as a separate pamphlet at Kiel, Germany, in 1907. I have also published shorter articles in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. I desire to express my grati- tude to all my teachers, but especially to Professor Keyser, who is able in an unusual degree to inspire his students with a hearty en- thusiasm for study. To Professor Henry S. White, as head of my department at Vassar College, I am indebted for encouragement, criticism, and sympathy with my work. It is my pleasure also to state my obligation to President Taylor and the trustees of this col- lege for permission to attend lectures at Columbia University while teaching at Vassar College. UNIV OF PLATE II. 10 11 12 13 / V. 19 20 •21 22 PLATE III. 25 .. 8 PLATE IV. 10 11 12 17 .. •.•■•■c» 1 .-. ; t IE PLATE V. iia:(i) II A (2) II A (2) 1 10 11 PLATE VI. PLATE VII. II A (3) 22 23 24 25 26 PLATE VIII. II B (2) 12 13 14 16 10 11 19 PLATE IX. 21 22 '-.^/:> 4 -^/:-. * m • m •' 24 25 26 27 PLATE X. 10 11 12 ^ 'J 21 14 23 16 PLATE XI. 26 27 28 lie (2) PLATE XII. 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