\3Z5 B M 162 b7fl <0I0gjjraI <0mmissi0tt. C010nn 0f iljc Cape 0f 600tr BIBLIOGEAPHY OF SOUTH AFEICAN GEOLOGY. BKFNG A LIST OF BOOKS, PAPERS AND REPORTS ON THE SUBJECT. PARTS I. and II. COMPILED BY H. P. SAUNDERS, SKi'KK.TARY TO THE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION. PUBLISHED BY THE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION, SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM. CAPE TOWN. 1897 BERKELEY ARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA mrizinriN 'A'N 'asnoBjA d>e0100iral Commission. Coloirg of % Cape of 6000 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AFRICAN GEOLOGY. BEING A LIST OF BOOKS, PAPERS AND REPORTS ON THE SUBJECT. PARTS I. and II. COMPILED BY H. P. SAUNDERS, SECRETARY TO THE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION. PUBLISHED BY THE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION, SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM. CAPE TOWN. 1897 Camfcrtlrgej PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THIS list of Papers on South African Geology was begun some three years ago for my own convenience, in connection with my work as Inspector of Water Drills in the Service of the Colonial Government. In May, 1893, the South African Philo- sophical Society, on the motion of Dr Muir, resolved to me- morialize the Government in regard to a Geological Survey, and suggested that, as a preliminary step, a Bibliography should be compiled. At first it was my intention to have the list published by the Philosophical Society, but when the Geological Commission was appointed in 1895, and shortly thereafter interested itself in the matter, it seemed more natural that the publication should take place under its auspices. There have been many drawbacks and delays consequent on the almost entire absence of Geological Journals and Proceedings of Societies in Cape Town, but a short visit to London in March May this year enabled me to see many papers not to be found here. For much valuable help during that visit I have to thank Mr F. A. Bather of the British Museum. My thanks are also due to the Geologists of the Commission for the titles of many Papers. I am well aware that the present lists are incomplete, but it was strongly represented to me that publication should no longer be delayed. Supplementary lists will be issued along with the Annual Report of the Geological Commission, and it is hoped that all the material thus tabulated will eventually be utilized in the production of a report showing the state of our knowledge of South African Geology up to the date of publi- cation. HARRY SAUNDERS. CAPE TOWN, 4th November, 1896. '32522 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AFRICAN GEOLOGY. PART I. (References marked * have not been verified.) *1 Abraham. "Aufrichtige Geschichte der Goldminen der Witwatersrand." Vortrag gehalten im Wiirttembergischen Verein fiir Handelsgeographie in Stuttgart. Berlin, 1892. *2 " Die neue Era der Witwatersrand Goldindustrie." Berlin, 1894. *3 "Die Goldminen von Witwatersrand in der Slid- Afrikanischen Republik." Allgemeine berg- und huttenmannische Zeitung ; mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Mineralogie und Geologic, xxxi. p. 422. Quedlinburg. 4 Adams, A. " Notice of the animal Turbo Sarmaticus and other Mollusca from the Cape." Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2nd Series, xx. pp. 41 42. 1857. 5 Adler, N. " Diamanten in Sudafrika." Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, pp. 351352. Vienna, 1869. *6 Alford, C.-J. "Geological Features of the de Kaap Gold- fields." The Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review, Nos. I. and iv. Johannesburg, 1890. 7 " Geological Features of the Transvaal." London, 1891. S. A. G. 1 2 Bibliography *8 Alford, C. J. " Notes on an Expedition to the Zoutpans- berg." The Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review, No. x. p. 1. Johan- nesburg, 1890. *9 " Notes on a Salt Deposit about 25 miles north of Pretoria." The Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review, No. v. p. 1. Johan- nesburg, 1890. *10 " The Geology of the Sheba Mine." The Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review, No. v. p. 7, Johan- nesburg, 1890. *11 " The Geology of the Witwatersrand District." The Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review, No. i. p. 1. Johan- nesburg, 1890. 12 " Witwatersrand Goldfields, their Geological Features." London, 1889. See also Mining Journal, 5th October, pp, 11411142. London, 1889. *13 Alston, G. "Heavy Wet, or notes on the Achterveld Irrigation." Cape Quarterly Review, n. p. 135. Cape Town, 1882. 14 Amalitsky, W. "A comparison of the Permian Fresh- water Lamellibranchiata from Russia with those from the Karoo System of South Africa." The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, LI. pp. 337 351. London, 1895. 15 Anderson, A. A. "Notes on the Geography of South Central Africa." Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, vi. pp. 19 36. London, 1884. 16 Andrew, /. " Diamond Digging in South Africa." Royal Society of Tasmania. Proceedings for 1887, pp. 98106. Hobart, 1888. 17 Anonymous. " Among the Diamonds." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, n. pp. 112 127. Cape Town, 1871. 18 "A day in du Toit's Kloof. The Manganese Mines." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, XL pp. 311320. Cape Town, 1875. 19 " A run to the Manganese Mines." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vn. pp. 359364. Cape Town, 1873. of South African Geology. 3 20 Anonymous. " Cape Diamonds." Journal of the Society of Arts, xxi. p. 155. London, 1873. 21 " Cape Geology." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, ix. pp. 189191. Cape Town, 1874. 22 " Coal at the Cape." Colliery Guardian, XLVI. p. 411. London, 1883. 23 " Coal Deposits in Natal." Colliery Guardian, XL. p. 664. London, 1880. See also Iron, the Journal of Science, Metals, and Manufactures, xvi. p. 314. London, 1880. 24 " Coal in Africa." Colliery Guardian, xi. p. 43. London, 1866. 25 " Coal in Africa." [Discoveries near Dordrecht and Queenstown.] Colliery Guardian, xxxiv. p. 499. London, 1877. 26 " Coal in Basutoland." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vn. pp. 173176. Cape Town, 1873. 27 Coal in Cape Colony." Colliery Guardian, XL. p. 461. London, 1880. 28 " Copper at the Cape of Good Hope." (Natal.) Journal of the Society of Arts, xvi. pp. 835836. London, 1868. *29 " Diamanten Grabereien in Sud-Afrika." Zeitschrift des deutschen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Vereins, xxvu. p. 565. Vienna, 1883. 30 " Diamond Mining at Kimberley, South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 2, x. pp. 460461. London, 1883. 31 " Diamonds at the Cape Colony." Journal of the Society of Arts, xvi. pp. 849850 and 854855. See also XVIL p. 46. London, 1868. 32 "Dunn's Geological Map. (Correspondence between J. Shaw and E. J. Dunn.) A Finale." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, xi. p. 256. Cape Town, 1875. 33 " Economic Geology of the Colony." The Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, n. p. 372. Grahamstown, 1858. 34 " Fossil Mammalia " [in South Africa]. Parthenon, i. p. 880. London, 1862. 12 4 Bibliography 35 Anonymous. "Fossil Reptilia of South Africa. Professor Owen on the Ancient Conditions of the Cape." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, xm. pp. 117123. Cape Town, 1876. 36 " From Pniel to Hebron. Diamonds." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, n. pp. 310316. Cape Town, 1871. 37 "Natal Coal and Iron." Journal of the Society of Arts, xv. pp. 702 703. London, 1867. See also Colliery Guardian, xv. p. 293. London, 1868. 38 "Nooks and Corners of the Colony. Coal at Oudtshoorn." The Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, I. p. 478. Grahamstown, 1857. 39 " Note on the Geology of South Africa." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, x. pp. 6264. Cape Town, 1875. 40 " Notes on Diamonds from the Cape." Journal of the Society of Arts, xxm. p. 930. London, 1875. 41 " On the discovery of Fossil Remains of Bidental and other Reptiles in South Africa." Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, xxxix. pp. 333 334. Edinburgh, 1845. 42 " Precious Stones at the Cape of Good Hope." Journal of the Society of Arts, xv. p. 703. London, 1867. 43 " Richesses Minerales de la Republique du Trans- vaal." Annales des Mines, Serie 8, xin. pp. 552 557. Paris, 1888. 44 " Sources of Water Supply for Cape Town and Green Point." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vi. pp. 362373 and vn. pp. 4348. Cape Town, 1873. 45 " South African Coal." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, v. pp. 316318. Cape Town, 1872. See also Colliery Guardian, LXVI. p. 604. London, 1893. 46 " Stone Implements in South Africa." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, I. pp. 236239 and pp. 365369. Cape Town, 1870. 47 " Saltpans of the Colony." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, XL p. 288. Cape Town, 1875. of South African Geology. 5 48 Anonymous. " The Coalfields of Natal." The Colliery Guardian, XLIV. pp. 611612. London, 1882. See also Iron, the Journal of Science, Metals, arid Manufactures, xvi. p. 314. London, 1880. 49 " The Copper Mines of Namaqualand." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, I. pp. 39 46 and pp. 9197. Cape Town, 1870. 50 "The Diamond Discovery in South Africa. (A collection of articles and original correspondence extracted from the various Colonial Journals and original remarks in refutation of the erroneous statements of H. Emanuel and J. R. Gregory.) " Cape Press, xni. Colesberg, 1869. 51 ' " The Geology of Southern Africa." American Naturalist, xvn. pp. 531532. Philadelphia, 1883. 52 " The Geology of the Cape." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vm. pp. 315320 and pp. 340350. Cape Town, 1874. 53 "The Geology of the Diamond Fields of South Africa." Nature, in. pp. 23. London, 1870. *54 " The Transvaal Goldfields." The Engineering and Mining Journal, xxxvi. p. 68. New York, 1883. 55 " Upheaval of the Coast, South Africa." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, HI. pp. 316 318. Cape Town, 1871. 56 " Working the South African Coalfields." The Colliery Guardian, XLIII. p. 376. London, 1882. 57 Atherstone, W. G. "A Geological Tour from Grahams- town to the Kasouga." Cape Monthly Magazine, 1st Series, iv. pp. 273 282 and pp. 328 334. Cape Town, 1858. 58 " From Graham stown to the Goldfields." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vm. pp. 243 245 and ix. pp. 30 35. Cape Town, 1874. 59 " From Grahamstown to the Gouph." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, II. pp. 364371 and in. pp. 4251. Cape Town, 1871. 6 Bibliography 60 Atherstone, W. G. " Geology of Uitenhage." The Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, i. p. 518 and p. 580. Grahams- town, 1857. 61 " Holiday Trips. The Alum Caves (in the Eastern Province of Cape Colony)." Cape Monthly Magazine, 1st Series, v. pp. 202 210. Cape Town, 1859. 62 " Kimberley's Diamonds." Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, i. pp. 76 89. Johannesburg, 1896. 63 " Namaqualand and its Mining Prospects." The Eastern Province Magazine and Port Elizabeth Miscellany, i. p. 642, and ii. p. 1. Port Elizabeth, 18578. 64 " Nuggets of the Gouph." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vn. pp. 1 4. Cape Town, 1873. 65 " Searching for Gold. At the Gouph, etc." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, n. pp. 183189. Cape Town, 1871. 66 " The Discovery of Diamonds at the Cape of Good Hope." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vi. pp. 208213. London, 1869. 67 Backhouse, J. " A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa." (Geology noticed.) London, 1844. 68 Bailie, A. C. " Report on the general features of the interior of South Africa, between Barkly and Gubuluwayo ; to accompany Map of the Route." Journal of the Eoyal Geographical Society, XLVIII. pp. 287 293. London, 1878. 69 Baily, W. H. "Description of some Cretaceous Fossils from South Africa ; collected by Capt. Garden of the 45th Regiment." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xi. Part i, pp. 454_465. London, 1855. 70 Bain, A. G. " A Lecture delivered by A. G. Bain at the General Institute at Grahamstown." Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, i. p. 396 and p. 456. Grahamstown, 1857. of South African Geology. 7 71 Bain, A. G. "On the discovery of the Fossil Remains of Bidental and other Reptiles in South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, i. Part i. pp. 317 318. London, 1845. See also Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, iv. pp. 499500. London, 1845. 72 " On the Geology of Southern Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 175192. London, 1852 (?). 73 " Reminiscences and Anecdotes connected with the History of Geology in South Africa, or the pursuit of Knowledge under difficulties." The Eastern Province Monthly Magazine, i. p. 7. Grahamstown, 1857. 74 Bain, T. " Discovery of Galena in Griqualand West." Cape Parliamentary Report, C. 13, 1893. Cape Town, 1893. 75 " Notes on the Geology of the Western District." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, xv. pp. 171 178. Cape Town, 1877. 76 " Prospecting for Gold in the Bokkeveldt." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, vm. pp. 300 304. Cape Town, 1874. 77 " Reports of the Geological and Irrigation Surveyor of the Cape Colony." Cape Parliamentary Reports. Report for 1888, G. 45, 1889. Report for "), G. 45, 1890. Report for 1890, G. 16, 1891. Report for 1891, G. 32, 1892. Report for 1892, G. 28, 1893. Cape Town. 78 " Gold Discoveries in the District of Prince Albert." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 12. Cape Town, 1891. 79 " Gold in the Division of Prince Albert." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 13. Cape Town, 1891. 80 "Gold in the Gouph Division of Prince Albert. A tour by W. G. Atherstone and T. Bain." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 30. Cape Town, 1871. 81 Bain, T. and Dr Hahn. "Discovery of Gold in the Division of Oudtshoorn." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 1. Cape Town, 1889. 82 " Gold-bearing Conglomera est." Cape Government Notice, No. 898. Cape Town, 1887. 82 " Gold-bearing Conglomerate in Griqualand West." 8 Bibliography 83 Bain, T. and C. F. Osborne. " Gold Discoveries in the Knysna Division." Cape Parliamentary Eeport, G. 46. Cape Town, 1886. 84 Baines, T. " At the Tati Gold Fields." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, iv. pp. 99107. Cape Town, 1872. 85 " The Coal Mines near Tete." Cape Monthly Magazine, 1st Series, vni. pp. 293 297. Cape Town, 1860. 86 " The Gold-Fields and Matabeleland." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, i. p. 65. Cape Town, 1870. 87 " The Gold Regions of South-Eastern Africa." London, 1877. 88 Baker, H. " On a Crystal of Diamond." (From South Africa.) Journal of the Chemical Society, xxxvu. pp. 579581. London, 1880. 89 Balfour, /. " Irrigation on the Visch and Zak Rivers in the Calvinia and Fraserburg Divisions." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, in. Part 2, pp. 6164. Cape Town, 1884. 90 " On some South African Rivers." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, in. Part 1, pp. 3034. Cape Town, 1884. *91 Ballot, /. (lones Beta). "The Banket Formation, its probable origin and its present position." Johannesburg, 1888. 92 Barrow, /. " An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa in the years 1797, and 1798." (Geology noticed.) 2 vols. London, 1801. *93 Beckford, M. E. "The Transvaal as a Gold-bearing District." 1884. *94 Bel. " Les Mines d'Or du Transvaal." Ecouomiste Frangais du 15 Octobre, 1892. 95 Berthoud, P. " Renseignements Ge'ographiques et Geo- logiques sur le Sud de 1'Afrique." Bulletin de la Socie"te Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, xm. pp. 384390. Lausanne, 1874. of South African Geology. 9 96 Blanford, H. F. " Note on the question of the Glacial or Volcanic origin of the Talchir Boulder-bed of India, and the Karoo Boulder-bed of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxui. Part 2, pp. 710. London, 1877. 97 " On the Age and Correlations of the Plant-bearing Series of India, and the former existence of an Indo-Oceanic Continent." (Relating to South African Geology.) Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxi. Part 1, pp. 519542. London, 1875. 98 Blanford, W. T. " Address to the Geological Section of the British Association, Montreal." British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report of the 54th Meeting, 1884, pp. 691711. London, 1885. 99 Blencowe, G. " On certain Geological facts observed in Natal and the Border Countries during nineteen years' residence." British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report of the 49th Meeting, pp. 349350. 1879. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxvi. Part 1, pp. 426429. London, 1880. *100 Blink, H. " Transvaal en omliggende Landen." 1889. *101 Bbttger, 0. "Ueber den Mergel vom Gotwe in Slid- Afrika und seine Fossilien." Bericht des Offenbacher Vereins fvir Naturkunde liber seine Thatigkeit, p. 45. Offenbach am Main, 1870. 102 Bonney, T. G. (and Miss C. A. Raisin). "Report on some Rock specimens from the Kimberley Diamond Mines." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, vm. pp. 412415. London, 1891. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 4, II. pp. 496 502. London, 1895. *103 Boutan, E. " Le Diamant." Paris, 1886. *104: "Sur 1'etat actuel des Mines de Diamants du Cap." Paris, 1889. 105 Brand, A. R " The Beaufort Dam." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, in. pp. 37 48. Cape Town, 1883. 106 Bright, H. E. R. " The Geology of Basutoland." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, ix. pp. 223227. Cape Town, 1874. 10 Bibliography 107 Bright, H. E. R. "Lecture on Namaqualand and its Mines by Richard Bright." Cape Town, 1855. 108 Brough, B. H. " The Mining industries of South Africa as shown at the Kimberley Exhibition." Journal of the Society of Arts, XLI. pp. 166177. London, 1893. 109 Brown, A. " The Dicynodon." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, ix. pp. 83 89. Cape Town, 1874. 110 Brown, J. C. " Hydrology of South Africa." London, 1875. 111 " Water Supply of South Africa." Edinburgh, 1877. 112 Bruce, W. " The Coal Fields of Natal." Colliery Guardian, XL. p. 856. London, 1880. 113 Bunbury, C. J. F. " Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope." (Few Geological Notes.) London, 1848. 114 Burchell, W. J. "Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa." (A few Geological Notes.) 2 vols. London, 182224. *115 Cachet, F. L. "De Worstelsrijd der Transvalers." 1883. 116 Campbell- Johnston, L. " The Witwatersrand Goldfields of the Transvaal." London, 1889. 117 Carmichael, D. " On the Geological structure of part of the Cape of Good Hope." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, v. pp. 614 616. London, 1821. 118 Carmthers, W. " Notes on the Geology of Swellendam, South Africa." Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, n. pp. 108 109. Edinburgh, 1859. 119 "Note on Mr Lee's specimens of Fossil Wood from Griqualand " (Coal &c. in Kimberley Mine). Geological Magazine, Decade 2, vi. p. 286. London, 1879. of South African Geology. 11 120 Chalmers, J. A. and Hatch, F. H. "Notes on the Geology of Mashonaland and Matabeleland." Geological Magazine, Decade 4, n. pp. 193 203. London, 1895. 121 Chaper. "Les Mines de Diamant de 1'Afrique Australe." Association Franaise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes rendus de la 21 e Session, Pan, 1892, Part 1, pp. 5-17. 1892. 122 Chaper. (et Fouque et A. Michel- Levy). " Note sur la region diamantifere de FAfrique Australe." Paris, 1880. *123 Chapman, E. J. " Calcspar Crystals from South Africa." Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art, New Series, vra. p. 219. Toronto, 1857. 124 Chapman, J. " [Geological Features, South Africa.] " Travels in the Interior of South Africa, I. p. 372, and n. p. 466. London, 1868. 125 Charters, Capt. " On a deposit of Greenstone overlying Sandstone in Southern Africa." Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, in. p. 102. London, 1839. 126 ChofFat, P. " Kreideablagerungen an der Westkuste von Slidafrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, i. pp. 117 118. Stuttgart, 1887. 127 Church, A. H. "Note on the Mimosa-Dale Chalybeate, Uitenhage, South Africa." Geological Magazine, in. pp. 451 452. London, 1866. 128 Clarke, W. R "[Diamond Fields in Brazil, South Africa, and Australia.] " Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Anniversary Address, 1872. Sydney, 1873. 129 " On the Geological Phenomena in the vicinity of Cape Town, Southern Africa." Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, in. pp. 418423. London, 1841. 130 Cohen, E. " [Die Goldfelder von Leydenburg.] " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie. pp. 718 722. Stuttgart, 1873. 12 Bibliography 131 Cohen, E. " [Erklarung gegen Dunn, dessen Bemerk- ungen das Vorkommen der Diamanten in Afrika betreffend.] " Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 514 515. Stuttgart, 1874. 132 " Erlauternde Bemerkungen zu der Routenkarte einer Reise von Lydenburg nach den Goldfeldern und von Lyden- burg nach der Delagoa-Bai in ostlichen Siid-Afrika." Jahresbericht der geographischen Gesellschaft zu Hamburg, pp. 173 286. Hamburg, 1875. 133 " Geognotisch-petrographische Skizzen aus Stid- Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 460 505. Stuttgart, 1874. See also Beilage-band v. pp. 195274. Stuttgart, 1887. 134 " [Geologische Mittheilungen aus der Transvaal- Republik.] " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 391 393. Stuttgart, 1873. 135 " [Geologische Mittheilungen aus Grinualand West.] " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 52 56. Stuttgart, 1873. 136 " [Geologische Mittheilungen liber das Vorkommen der Diamanten in Slid- Afrika.] " Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 857 861. Stuttgart, 1872. 137 " [Geologische Mittheilungen iiber die Goldfelder bei Marabastad.] " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 511 515. Stuttgart, 1873. 138 " Goldfuhrende Conglomerate in Sudafrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, i. p. 113. Stuttgart, 1889. *See also Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Neu-Pommern und Rugen, xix. p. 34. Berlin, 1887. 139 " Mandelstein aus den Maluti- Bergen, Siid- Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, I. p. 96. Stuttgart, 1880. 140 " Melilithaugitgestein und calcitfuhrender Aplit aus Sudafrika." Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen (Tschermak), xiv. pp. 188190. Vienna, 1894. of South African Geology. 13 141 Cohen, E. " Uber Einschliisse in sudafrikanischen Dia- manten." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 752 753. Stuttgart, 1876. See also Naturforscher, November, 1876. 142 " On Amygdaloid s from South Africa." Cape Monthly Magazine, x. p. 380. Cape Town, 1875. 143 " Slidafricanische Diamanten- und Goldproduction im Jahre 1886." Neues Jahrbuch flir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, n. pp. 81 83. Stuttgart, 1887. 144 "Titaneisen von den Diamantfeldern in Slid- Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 695 697. Stuttgart, 1877. 145 " Ueber Capdiamanten." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, p. 184. Stuttgart, 1881. *146 " Ueber den Granat der Stid-Afrikanischen Dia- mantfelder und liber den Chromgehalt der Pyrope." Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen, xx. p. 149. Berlin, 1888. *147 " Ueber die Entstehung des Seifeugoldes." Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen, xix. p. 52. Berlin, 1887. *148 " Ueber die Siid-Afrikanischen Diamantfeldern." Fiinfter Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Metz, p. 129. Metz, 1882. 149 "Ueber die von den Eingeborenen Stid-Afrikas verwendeten Producten des Mineralreichs." ^Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Neu-Vorpommern und Riigen, xvn. p. 77. Berlin, 1885. See also Neues Jahrbuch fiir Minera- logie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, n. pp. 11 12. Stuttgart, 1888. 150 "Ueber einen Eklogit, welcher als Einschluss in den Diamantgruben von Jagersfontein, Orange Freistaat, Siid- Afrika, vorkommt." Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 864 872. Stuttgart, 1879. 151 "Ueber eine. nordlich von Pretoria (Transvaal- Republik) in Granit gelegene Salzpfanne." Mineralogische und petrographische Mittheilungen (Tschermak), xv. pp. 18, & 194195. Vienna, 1895. 14 Bibliography 152 Cohen, E. "Ueber einige eigenthumliche Melaphyr- Mandelsteine aus Siid-Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 113 127. Stuttgart, 1875. 153 " Ueber Einschliisse in siidafrikanischen Dia- manten." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 752 753. Stuttgart, 1876. 154 " Ueber Speckstein, Pseudophit, und dichten Mus- covit aus Siid-Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, I. pp. 119 124. Stuttgart, 1887. 155 " [Weitere Mittheilungen aus Griqualand West, Vorkommen der Diamanten.] " Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, und Palaontologie, pp. 150 155. Stuttgart, 1873. 156 Collins, H. R. "The Auriferous Conglomerate of the Transvaal, and how to mine it." Johannesburg, 1888. 157 Comrie, Dr. "The Stone Age at the Cape of Good Hope." Cape Monthly Magazine, VIIL p. 285. Cape Town, 1874. 158 Cooper, G. C. "On the origin and present position of the Diamonds of South Africa." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, in. pp. 336343. London, 1874. See also Science Gossip, 1875, p. 20. London, 1875. *159 Cora, G. "Le Regiorii in aurifere tra Limpopo e Zambesi." Cosmos di Guido Cora, n. p. 20. 1874. 160 Cowen, C. " Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and other Goldfields." Johannesburg, 1887. *161 Cowper, 8. " The Prince Albert Goldfields." Cape Town, 1891. 162 Currey, */. B. "The Diamond Fields of Griqualand, and their probable influence on the Native Races of South Africa." (Discovery and working of the Mines.) Journal of the Society of Arts, xxiv. pp. 372381. London, 1876. of South African Geology. 15 163 Dahms, P. "Ueber einige Eruptivgesteine aus Trans- vaal in Slid-Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, BB. vn. pp. 90132. Stuttgart, 1891. 164 Darwin, C. " Granite and Sandstone at the Cape." Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands, pp. 148 152. London, 1844. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, I. pp. 556 558. London, 1845. 165 Daubree. " Analogies de gisement du diamant, d'une part, dans les gites de I'Afrique australe ; d'autre part, les meteorites." Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences, ex. pp. 1824. Paris, 1890. 166 Daubree et Des Cloizeaux. "Rapport sur im memoire de M. S. Meunier, ayant pour titre, Composition et origine du sable diamantifere de Du Toit's Pan, Afrique australe." Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de 1'Acaddmie des Sciences, LXXXIV. pp. 11241130. Paris, 1877. *167 De Castelnau. " Sur la Constitution geologique de quelques cantons voisins du Cap de Bonne Espe'rance." Paris, 1858. *168 " Sur les secousses de tremblement de terre ressenties au Cap de Bonne Esperance." Paris, 1858. ^ 169 De Dree. " Voyage aux mines de diamants dans le Sud de I'Afrique." Tour du Monde, Vol. xxxvi. Nos. 931933. Paris, 1878. 170 De Launay, L. " Les Mines d'or du Transvaal." Annales des Mines, Serie 8, xix. pp. 102132. Paris, 1891. 171 " Nouveaux gisernents d'or au Cap." Annales des Mines, Sdrie 9, I. pp. 136137. Paris, 1892. 172 " Note snr le developpement des mines d'or du Transvaal (Witwatersrand)." Annales des Mines, SeVie 9, n. pp. 107110. Paris, 1892. 173 Delesse, A. "Notice sur les Mines de Cuivre du Cap de Bonne Espe'rance." Annales des Mines, Serie 5, vm. pp. 186212. Paris, 1855. 16 Bibliography 174 De Ranee, C. E. " Geology of Natal and Zululand." 'Nature, xix. pp. 467468. London, 1879. 175 Des Cloizeaux et Daubree. " Rapport sur un memoire de M. S. Meunier, ayant pour titre, Composition et origine du sable diamantifere de Du Toit's Pan, Afrique australe." Comptes Eendus hebdomadaires des Seances de F Academic des Sciences, LXXXIV. pp. 11241130. Paris, 1877. 176 Desdemaine-Huffon. "Les champs diamantiferes du Cap." Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de F Academic des Sciences, LXXVII. pp. 943945. Paris, 1873. 177 Dickson, E. "A Sketch of the Geology of the Trans- vaal, with a map of the Goldfields, and an examination of some of the Auriferous deposits." Liverpool Geological Association, Journal for 1887 8, vm. pp. 53 59. Liverpool, 1889. 178 Doll, E. "Zum Vorkommen des Diamants im Itako- lumite Brasiliens und in den Kopjen Afrikas." Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, pp. 7880. Vienna, 1880. 179 Dorsey, E. B. " On the Witwatersrand Gold Fields." British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 59th Meeting, 1889, pp. 592594. London, 1890. 180 Draper, D. " Notes on the Geology of South-Eastern Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, L. pp. 548 560. London, 1894. 181 " The Dwyka Conglomerate." Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, i. pp. 90 112. Johannesburg, 1896. 182 " The occurrence of Dolomite in South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, L. pp. 561 565. London, 1894. 183 " The Marble Beds of Natal." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, LI. pp. 51 56. London, 1895. 184 "The Rand Conglomerate Primary Systems of S. Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, I. pp. 12 50. Johannesburg, 1896. of South African Geology. 17 185 Duft, G. " Knysna Gold Fields." Cape' Parliamentary Report, G. 56, 1889. Cape Town, 1889. 186 Dunn, E. J. " Coal-boring in the Camdeboo and Stormberg." Cape Parliamentary Paper, G. 35. Cape Town, 1883. 187 " Further Notes on the Diamond Fields of South Africa, with observations on the Gold Fields and Cobalt Mine in the Transvaal." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxiu. pp. 879 883. London, 1877. 188 " Gold in the Knysna District." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 42. Cape Town, 1880. 189 " Gold in the Western Districts of the Colony." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 29. Cape Town, 1871. 190 "Gold Prospecting Expedition in 1872; and Stormberg Coal Fields." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 31. Cape Town, 1873. 191 " Gold Prospecting Expedition in Namaqualand." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 21. Cape Town, 1872. 192 " On the mode of occurrence of Gold in the Transvaal Gold Field." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, n. pp. 171 172. London, 1885. 193 " Note on the Geology of South Africa." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, x. pp. 62 64. Cape Town, 1875. 194 "On the Mode of occurrence of Diamonds in South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxx. pp. 54 60. London, 1874. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 2, i. pp. 86 87. London, 1874. 195 " Notes on the Diamond Fields." Cape Press, xm. Cape Town, 1871. 196 "Notes on the Diamond Fields, South Africa, 1880." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxvu. pp. 609 612. London, 1881. 197 " On the Stone Implements of South Africa." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, n. Part 1, pp. 622. Cape Town, 1881. s. A. G. 2 18 Bibliography 198 Dunn, E. J. " Report on Camdeboo and Nieuwveld Coal." Cape Parliamentary Paper, G. 37. Cape Town, 1879. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 2, vi. pp. 553 554. London, 1879. 199 " Re Shaw's Remarks on Cape Geology/' Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, XL p. 256. Cape Town, 1875. 200 " Stormberg Coal Fields." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 4. Cape Town, 1878. 201 " Supposed extensive deposit of Coal underlying the Central Districts of the Colony." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 8. Cape Town, 1886. 202 " The Copper Fields of Namaqualand." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, iv. pp. 165170. Cape Town, 1872. 203 "Through Bush manland." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, v. pp. 374384, and vi. pp. 3142. Cape Town, 1872, 1873. *204 Dupont. " Les Mines d'or de 1'Afrique du Sud." Paris, 1890. *205 Edwards, D. " The Goldfields of South Africa." Cape Town, 1890. 206 Egerton, P. de M. G. " Note on the Fish Remains from Styl Krantz, South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 226227. London, 1856 (?). 207 Ehrenberg. " Beitrag zur Kenntniss der unterseeischen Agulhas-Bank an der Siidspitze Afrikas als eines sich kundgebenden griinsandigen Polythalamien-Kalkfelsens." Monatsberichte der koniglichen-preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Aus dem Jahre 1863, pp. 379394. Berlin, 1864. 208 Emmrich, P. " Die de Kaap Gold Fields in Transvaal." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xxxin. pp. 139143. Gotha, 1887. 209 Erskine, St V. " A journey to Muzilas, S. E. Africa, in 187172." (Contains a few Geological Notes.) Journal of the Koyal Geographical Society, XLV. pp. 45 128. London, 1875. of South African Geology. 19 210 Exton, H. " Letter on a series of Specimens from the Witwatersrand Gold Fields." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVI. Proceedings, pp. 34. London, 1890. 211 "Remarks on Dr Atherstone's paper on the Kimberley Diamonds." Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, i. pp. 86 89. Johannesburg, 1896. 212 " South African Diamond Fields." Cape Monthly Magazine, 2nd Series, in. pp. 380382. Cape Town, 1871. 213 " The Rocks of South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, i. pp. 1 11. Johannesburg, 1896. 214 Farrar, 8. H. "Notes on the Gold Fields of South Africa." Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, LXXXVI. p. 343. London, 1886. 215 Feistmantel, 0. " Ueber das Verhaltniss gewisser fos- silen Floren und Landfaunen untereinander und zu den gleich- zeitigen Meeresfaunen in Indien, Afrika und Australien." Calcutta, 1877. 216 - - "Ueber die pflanzen und kohlenfiihrenden Schichten in Indien, Afrika, und Australien und darin vorkommende glaciale Erscheinungen." Sitzungsberichte der koniglich-bb'hmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, pp. 3102 and pp. 570576. 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West Griqualand, South Africa." Eeport of the Koyal Geological Society of Cornwall, ix. Part 2, pp. 165 166. 1876. 222 Fraas, 0. " Jurassisches Vorkommen auf der Ostkiiste von Afrika." Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. Funfzehnter Jahrgang, pp. 356357. Stuttgart, 1859. 223 Fynney, F. B. " The Geographical and Economic Features of the Transvaal." Journal of the Eoyal Geographical Society, XLVIII. pp. 1625. London, 1878. 224 Gages, A. "Analysis and Observations on some sediment- ary Rocks from the Cape of Good Hope having the appearance of Serpentine." Geological Society of Dublin, Journal, vm. pp. 171 172. Dublin, 1859. 225 Galloway, W. " Coal deposits in the Indwe Basin and Stormberg Range of Mountains." Cape Parliamentary Eeport, G. 50. Cape Town, 1889. 226 " The South African Coal-field." Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers, xvn. pp. 67 84. London, 1890. 227 Garden, R. J. " Notice of some Cretaceous Rocks near Natal, South Africa." Quarterly Journal Geological Society of London, xi. Part 1, pp. 453 454. London, 1855. of South African Geology. 21 228 Garden, R J. and W. . H. Baily. " Description of some Cretaceous Fossils from South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xi. Part i. pp. 454 465. London, 1855. See also British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 24th Meeting, p. 83. London, 1855. 229 Gervais, P. "Description de Mesosaurus tenuidens, reptile fossile de 1'Afrique Australe." Paris, 1879. 230 Gibson, W. "The Geology of the Goldbearing and Associated Rocks of the Southern Transvaal." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVIII. pp. 404 437. London, 1892. 231 Gilfillan, G. " On the Diamond Districts of the Cape of Good Hope." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvu. Part 1, pp. 7273. London, 1871. 232 " Coal at the Kowie." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 15. Cape Town, 1870. See also G. 31. Oape Town, 1871. 233 Glanville, B. J. "The Fossil Anomodontia of South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 2, v. p. 573. London, 1878. *234 Glanville, E. "South African Gold-fields, their Pros- pects, Mining, Machinery and Companies, &c." 1888. *235 Goerz. " Stid-Afrikanische Goldfelder." Allgemeine berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung, p. 343. Quedlinburg, 1889. 236 Gotz, J. " Ueber Andalusit aus den krystallinen Schiefern von Marabastad, Transvaal." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, i. pp. 211 213. Stuttgart, 1887. 237 " Untersuchung einer Gesteinssuite aus der Gegend der Goldfelder von Marabastad in nb'rdlichen Transvaal, Sud-Afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, B.B. iv. pp. 110177. Stuttgart, 1886. 238 Gooch, W. D. " The Stone Age in South Africa." Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, XL pp. 124183. London, 1881. 22 Bibliography 239 Green, A. H. "A contribution to the Geology and Physical Geography of the Cape Colony." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLIV. pp. 239 270. London, 1888. 240 " Coal Fields of the Cape Colony." Cape Parliamentary Report. Cape Town, 1883. 241 Gregory, J. R. "Diamonds from the Cape of Good Hope." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, v. pp. 558 561. London, 1868. 242 " Discovery of Diamonds at the Cape." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vi. pp. 333334. London, 1869. 243 " The Lignite Bed near Cape Town." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vi. pp. 15 17. London, 1869. 244 " New Meteorite from South Africa etc." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, v. pp. 531 533. London, 1868. 245 " On the Goldfields of South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, v. pp. 561 563. London, 1868. 246 Grey, G. "Remarks on some Specimens from South Africa." With notes by Professor Jones. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvu. Part 1, pp. 4952. London, 1871. 247 Griesbach, C. L. 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Stuttgart, 1890. 259 Guyot, P. " Sur la Houille du Muaraze, en Zambesie." Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de 1' Academic des Sciences, xcv. pp. 355357. Paris, 1882. See also Journal de Pharmacie, Sdrie 5, vi. pp. 474475. Paris, 1882. 260 Haevernick, H. " Geologische Skizze von Siidost- afrika." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xxx. pp. 441 443. Gotha, 1884. 24 Bibliography 261 Haevernick, H. " Die Goldfelder von Transvaal." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xxxi. pp. 87 90. Gotha, 1885. 262 Halm, P. D. and T. Bain. " Discovery of Coal in the Division of Oudtsh'oorn." Cape Parliamentary Report, A. 1. Cape Town, 1889. 263 " Gold-bearing Conglomerate in Griqualand West." Cape Government Notice, No. 898. Cape Town, 1887. 264 Haidinger, W. and Wohler, F. " Ueber die Bestand- theile des Meteorsteines vom Capland." Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, xxxv. pp. 512. Vienna, 1859. 265 Hall, H. " Physical features of South Africa." 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Tubingen, 1891. of South African Geology. 25 273 Helmhacker, R. "Ueber das Vorkommen des Goldes in Dioriten und Serpentinen." Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen, XXVIIL pp. 127 128. Vienna, 1880. *274 Hoepner, C. " Die Kupfererz lagerstatten von Siidwest- Afrika." Allgemeine berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung, p. 81, and p. 94. Quedlinburg, 1884. *275 Holder. " The Klerksdorp Goldfields." Johannesburg, 1890. 276 Holub, E. " Von der Capstadt ins Land der Maschuku- lumbe." Vienna, 1890. 277 Holub, E. und M. Neumayr. " Ueber einige Fossilien aus der Uitenhage Formation in Stid-Afrika." Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, XLIV. pp. 267276. Vienna, 1882. 278 Hooker, J. D. "Note on a fossil plant from the Fish River, South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Second Series, vu. p. 227. London, 1856 (?). 279 Hudleston, W. H. "Notes on the Diamond Rock of South Africa." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, vm. pp. 65 81. London, 1883. See also Mineralogical Magazine, v. pp. 199 210. London, 1883. 280 Hiibner, A. " Geognostische Skizzen aus Sudost- Afrika." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xvm. pp. 422431. Gotha, 1872. 281 " Geognostische Skizzen von den Siidafrikanischen Diamanten-Distrikten." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xvn. pp. 81 87, 210 217. Gotha, 1871. 282 Huxley, T. H. " On Saurosternon Bainii, and Pristerodon McKayi, two new fossil Lacertilian Reptiles from South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, v. pp. 201 205, and p. 485. London, 1868. 283 " On some Amphibian and Reptilian Remains from South Africa and Australia." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xv. Part 1, pp. 642658. London, 1859. See also Geologist, n. pp. 207208. London, 1859. 26 Bibliography 284 Huxley, T. H. " On a new species of Dicynodon (D. Murray!) from near Colesberg, South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xv. Part I. pp. 555 556. London, 1859. See also Geologist, n. p. 166. London, 1859. See also London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, Fourth Series, xvu. pp. 306307. London, 1859. See also Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Third Series, in. p. 507. London, 1859. 285 " On some Remains of large Dinosaurian Reptiles from the Stormberg Mountains, South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxni. pp. 1 6. London, 1867. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 1, in. p. 563. London, 1866. See also Geological and Natural History Kepertory, i. pp. 279280. London, 1867. 286 Jacobs, H. and N. Chatrian. "Monographic du Dia- mant." Paris, 1880. 287 Jannettaz, E. " Analyse d'un Pyroxene vert des mines diamantiferes du Cap." Bulletin de la Societe Mineralogique de France, v. p. 281. Paris, 1882. 288 Jeppe, F. " Die Witwatersrand Goldfelder in Transvaal." Petermann's Mitteilungen, xxxiv. pp. 257267. Gotha, 1888. 289 " Notes on some Physical and Geological features of the Transvaal, to accompany his new Map of the Transvaal and surrounding Territories." Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, XLVII. pp. 217 250. London, 1877. 290 " The Kaap Goldfields of the Transvaal." Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, x. pp. 438 446. London, 1888. 291 "The Zoutpansberg Goldfields in the South African Republic." \ The Geographical Journal, n. pp. 213237. London, 1893. 292 Johnston, H. H. " The Bantu Borderland in Western Africa." Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, x. pp. 633 637. London, 1888. 293 Jones, T. K "Description of Specimens sent by Mr Stow." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, xxvin. Part 1, pp. 17 21. London, 1872. of South African Geology. 27 294 Jones, T. R. "Notes on some fossil Bivalved Entomostraca. An Estheria from the Karoo Formation, near Cradock, Cape Colony." Geological Magazine, Decade 2, v. pp. 100101. London, 1878. 295 "Notes on some Fossils from the Devonian Rocks of the Witzenberg Flats, Cape Colony." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvni. Part 1, pp. 2831. London, 1872. 296 " On some small bivalve shells from the Karoo Formation, South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, vn. pp. 409410. London, 1890. 297 " On the Diamond Fields of South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vm. pp. 4960. London, 1871. 298 " On the Coal Deposits of South Africa." British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 56th Meeting, 1886, pp. 641643. London, 1887. 299 " On the Geology of South Africa." British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 54th Meeting, 1884, pp. 736738. London, 1885. See also *Memoires de la Socie"te de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle, xxviu. Part 2, p. 476. Geneva, 1884. 300 "Visit to the Museum of the Geological Society, Burlington House ; inspection of the South African collection." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, iv. pp. 483 490. London, 1876. 301 " Synopsis of the Karoo Beds." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxm. pp. 142144. London, 1867. 302 " The Mineral Wealth of South Africa." Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, xvm. pp. 217 251. London, 1887. 303 Jutier. " Exploitation du diamant dans la colonie du Cap." Comptes Rendus mensuels des Reunions de la Societe de 1'Industrie Minerale, 1881, pp. 3437. St Etienne, 1881. 304 Kitto. "Gold in the Districts of George, Knysna, and Oudtshoorn." Cape Government Notice, No. 937. Cape Town, 1884. 28 Bibliography *305 Klossel. " Die Sudafrikanischen Republiken." Leipzig, 1888. 306 Knochenhauer. B. "DieDiamant-Gruben vonKimberley in Siid-Afrika." Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinen-wesen im preussischen Staate, xxxix. pp. 261282. Berlin, 1891. 307 "Die Gesetzgebung Uber den Bergbau auf Edel- metalle und Edelsteine, das sogenannte Goldgesetz." Zeitschrift fiir Bergrecht, xxxn. pp. 417465. Bonn, 1891. *308 " Die Goldfelder in Transvaal." Berlin, 1890. *309 Knop, A. "Beitrag zur Kenntniss der in den Dia- mantfeldern von Jagersfontein vorkommenden Mineralien und Gesteine." Bericht liber die 22* Versammlung des Oberrheinischen geologischen Vereins. Karlsruhe, 1889. 310 Krauss, F. "Uber einige Petrefacten aus der untern Kreide des Kaplandes." Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, xxn. pp. 439464. Breslau and Bonn, 1847. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, vn. Part 2, pp. 120122. London, 1851. 311 Kuss, H. " Note sur la constitution geologique d'une partie de la Zambe'zie." Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Serie 3, xn. pp. 303 317. Paris, 1884. 312 Lapierre, E. "Note sur le bassin houiller de Tete. (Region du Zambeze.)" Annales des Mines, Serie 8, iv. pp. 585598. Paris, 1883. 313 Latrobe, C. J. " Journal of a visit to South Africa in 1815 and 1816." (Geology noticed.) 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The truth about the South African Diamond Fields." 1873. *321 Lord, W. B. " Diamonds and Gold." 1875. 322 Louis, H. " Note on the occurrence of Bismutite in the Transvaal." The Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vn. pp. 139140. London, 1887. 323 Lydekker, R. " On two new species of Labyrintho- donts." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVI. pp. 289 294. London, 1890. 324 " On associated remains of a Theriodont Reptile from the Karoo Formation of the Cape." Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London, pp. 572577. London, 1889. 325 Mackay, G. "Notes on the Geology of the Coast between the Fish and Juja Rivers, South Africa." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, iv. Part 1, pp. 16. Cape Town, 1887. 30 Bibliography 326 Maclear, T. "Further particulars of the Fall of the Cold Bokkeveld Meteorolite." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1840, Part i. pp. 177182. London, 1840. 327 Makowsky, A. "Ueber die Diamanten des Kaplandes auf der Weltaustellung in Wien." Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Briinn, Sitzungsberichte xii. pp. 1619. Brunn, 1873. 328 Mann, R J. " The Physical Geography and Climate of the Colony of Natal." Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, xxxvu. pp. 4867. London, 3867. 329 " On the Coal-field of Natal." British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 38th Meeting, 1868, p. 73. London, 1869. 330 Marloth, R. " On the Origin of the Diamond Mines of South Africa." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, iv. Part 1, pp. 62 65. Cape Town, 1887. 331 " The Origin of the Nitrates of Griqualand West." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, vin. Part 2, pp. 123128. London, 1896. 332 Marshall, W. P. "Notes on the Great Kimberley Diamond Mine." Midland Naturalist, vn. pp. 9398. 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Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, B. B. ix. pp. 174292. Stuttgart, 1894. 348 "Cordierit in einem Eruptivgestein aus Siid- afrika." Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaontologie, i. pp. 79 91. Stuttgart, 1894. *349 " De Geologische gestelheid van den Goudvelden op het Hoogeveld in de Transvaal." Hand, van het 3 Natuur- en Geneesk-Congress te Utreght. 1891. 350 "Ueber einige Erz- und Mineral vorkommen in der stidafrikanischen Republik Transvaal." Zeitschrift ftir Krystallographie und Mineralogie, xxn. pp. 150157. Leipzig, 1894. *351 "Schets van het bodemgestelheid van de Zuid- afrikanische Republick." Tydschrift van het kon. Ned. Aardrijksk Genootsschap, 2de Series. 1890. *352 " Het vorkomen van Diamant op aarde." De Diarnant, Nos. 318321. Amsterdam, 1890. 353 Molyneux, W. " Geology of the Karoo and Stormberg." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 71. Cape Town, 1881. *354 Mosenthal, H. "The treatment of Gold in the Wit- watersrand Goldfields." London, 1894. *355 Moulin, T. du. " Gespecifeerde lijst der verzamelieg diamant sooten voornamelijk afkomstig uit de mijnen van Kaap de Gode Hoop aan's Rijks Museum van naturlijke historic ten geschenke gegeven." 1875. 356 Moulle, A. " Me'moire sur la Geologic generale et sur les mines de diamants de 1'Afrique du Sud." Annales des Mines, Serie 8, vn. pp. 193348. Paris, 1885. of South African Geology. 33 357 Mourlon, M. " Rapport sur le memoire de M. S. Meunier, ' Examen mine'ralogique des roches qui accompagnent le diamant dans les mines du Cap de Bonne Esperance '." Bulletins de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences, etc. de Belgique, SeYie 3, in. pp. 316404. Brussels, 1882. *358 Murray, H. " Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa ; its Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology." 1849. 359 Murray, E. W. " Diamond Fields of South Africa." Journal of the Society of Arts, LXXIX. pp. 370384. London, 1881. 360 Neumayr, M. und E. Holub. " Ueber einige Fossilien aus der Uitenhage Formation in Siid-Afrika." Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, XLIV. pp. 267276. Vienna, 1882. 361 North, F. W. " Coal Fields of the Stormbergen." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 47. Cape Town, 1878. 362 " Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa," The South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire Institute of Mining Engineers, Transactions, iv. pp. 101134. Dudley, 1878. 363 " Report upon the Coal Fields of Klip River &c. in Natal, and trials of Colonial Coal &c." Natal Parliamentary Report, 1881. See also Colliery Guardian, XLIV. pp. 611612. London, 1882. 364 Oats, F, "On Mr Dunn's Notes on the Diamond-fields of South Africa, 1880." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxix. Proceedings, p. 5. London, 1883. 365 Oldham, R. D. " Homotaxis and Contemporaneity." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, in. pp. 293 300. London, 1886. 366 Orpen, C. S. " On matters Geological." Bloemfontein, 1886. 367 Osborne, C. F. " South African Goldfields." Pietermaritzburg, 1884. S. A. G. 3 34 Bibliography 368 Osborne, C. F. and T. Bain. " Gold Discoveries in the Knysna Division." Cape Parliamentary Report, G. 46. Cape Town, 1886. 369 Owen, R. "Description of certain Fossil Crania, dis- covered by A. G. Bain, in Sandstone Rocks at the South Eastern extremity of Africa, referable to different species of an extinct Genus of Reptilia (Dicynodon) and indicative of a new tribe or sub-order of Sauna.*' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, i. pp. 318 322. London, 1845. See also Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, iv. pp. 499500. London, 1845. See also Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 3me Serie, v. pp. 271272. Paris, 1846. 370 "Description of fragmentary Indications of a huge kind of Theriodont Reptile (Titanosuchus ferox, Ow.), from Beaufort West, Gough District, Cape of Good Hope." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxv. pp. 189 199. London, 1879. 371 "Description of parts of the skeleton of an Anomodont Reptile (Platypodosaurus robustus, Ow.), from the Trias of Graaff-Reinet, South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 2, vn. pp. 282283. London, 1880. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxvi. pp. 414 425. London, 1880. See also xxxvu. pp. 266271. 1881. 372 "Descriptive and illustrated Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa, in the collection of the British Museum." London, 1876. 373 "Evidences of Theriodonts in Permian deposits elsewhere than in South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxn. pp. 352 363. London, 1876. 374 " On a Labyrinthodont Amphibian (Rhytidosteus capensis) from the Trias of the Orange Free State, Cape of Good Hope." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XL. pp. 333 339. London, 1884. 375 " On the Dicynodont Reptilia, with a description of some Fossil Remains brought by H.R.H. Prince Alfred from South Africa." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. CLII. pp. 455 467. London, 1863. See also Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, xi. pp. 583585. London, 1862. of South African Geology. 35 376 Owen, R. "On the Endothiodont Reptilia, with evidence of the species Endothiodon uniseries, Oiv" Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxv. pp. 557 564. London, 1879. 377 " On some Reptilian Remains from South Africa." Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, x. pp. 289 291. Edinburgh, 1859. See also Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Third Series, iv. pp. 77 79. London, 1859. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xvi. Part 1, pp. 49 63. London, 1860. 378 " On the Remains of Dicynodon tigriceps, Owen, from South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xi. Part 1, p. 532 and p. 541. London, 1855. *See also Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History, May, p. 317. Toronto, 1855. 379 " On the Order Theriodontia, with a description of a new genus and species (TElurosaurus felinus, Ow.)." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxvu. pp. 261 265. London, 1881. 380 "On the skull and dentition of a Triassic Mammal (Tritylodon longsevus, Owen) from South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XL. pp. 146 152. London, 1884. 381 " On the skull and dentition of a Triassic Saurian (Galesaurus planiceps, Ow.)." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLIII. pp. 1 6. London, 1887. 382 " Report on the Reptilian Fossils of South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 59_84 and 233247. London, 184556 (?). 383 "Visit to the British Museum (South Kensington). Demonstration of the Mammalian Fossils of South Africa and Australia." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, vn. p. 359. London, 1882. 384 Patterson, /. "On a visit to the Diamond Fields of South Africa, with notices of Geological Phenomena by the wayside." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, in. pp. 7080. London, 1872. 32 36 Bibliography 385 Paxman, /. N. " On the Diamond Fields and Mines of Kimberley, South Africa." Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, LXXIV. pp. 59 90. London, 1883. See also *The Engineering arid Mining Journal, xxv. p. 382. New York, 1883. *386 Payton, C. A. "The Diamond Diggings of South Africa, with a brief notice of the new Goldfields." 1872. 387 Penning, W. H. "A Contribution to the Geology of the Southern Transvaal." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVII. pp. 451 463. London, 1891. 388 " A guide to the Goldfields of South Africa." Pretoria, 1883. 389 " A Sketch of the Goldfields of Lydenburg and De Kaap, in the Transvaal, South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLI. pp. 569 590. London, 1885. *390 " Report on Gold near Pretoria." Transvaal Book Almanac, p. 107. Pretoria, 1881. 391 " A Sketch of the High-Levei Coalfields of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XL. pp. 658673. London, 1884. 392 "The South African Gold Fields." Journal of the Society of Arts, xxxvi. pp. 433 444. London, 1888. 393 " The Transvaal Gold Fields." Journal of the Society of Arts, xxxn. pp. 608 621. London, 1884. 394 Pfeil, /. " South West Africa, English and German." The Geographical Journal, n. pp. 2943. London, 1893. 395 Phipson, T. L. " Earthquakes at the Cape." Geologist, i. pp. 350351. London, 1858. 396 Piers, H. W. " Stray Notes on the Geology of the Fort Beaufort District." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, I. Part 2, pp. 2326. Cape Town, 1879. of South African Geology. 37 397 Piers, H. W. " The Movements of the Sea Sands and Bar Harbours." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, i. Part 1, pp. 7_10. Cape Town, 1878. 398 Pinchin, R. "A short description of the Geology of part of the Eastern Province of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxi. pp. 106108. London, 1875. 399 Playfair. "Account of the Structure of Table Mountain, and other parts of the Peninsular of the Cape ; from observations made by Capt. Basil Hall." Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vn. pp. 269278. Edinburgh, 1813. *400 Pollak. " Les principales mines du Witwatersrand." Paris, 1890. 401 Prosser, W. " Limestones of the Colony." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, i. Part 2, pp. 4753. Cape Town, 1879. 402 "Notes on the Devonian and Ash Beds of the Karroo and Gouph." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, i. Part 1, pp. 1335. Cape Town, 1878. 403 " The Granites and Gneiss of the Colony." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, i. Part 2, pp. 93100. Cape Town, 1879. 404 Raisin, C. A. " Contributions to the Geology of Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, x. pp. 436 444. London, 1893. 405 Raisin, C. A. and T. G. Bonney. "Report on some Rock specimens from the Kimberley Diamond Mines." Geological Magazine, Decade 3, vm. pp. 412415. See also Decade 4, n. pp. 496502. London, 1895. 406 Raymond, R. W. " Remarks on the occurrence of South African Diamonds." Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, II. pp. 143 144. Easton, 1874. 38 Bibliography 407 Redmayne. R. A. 8. "The Geology and Coal Deposits of Natal." Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, XLII. pp. 221256. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1893. 408 Rehmann, A. "Das Transvaal- Gebiet des siidlichen Afrika in physikalisch-geographischer Beziehung." Mittheilungen der geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, N. F. xvi. pp. 257, 321, 369, 417. Vienna, 1883. 409 " Ueber die Ergebnisse seiner zwei Reisen in Siid- afrika." Verhandlungen des riaturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande uncl Westfalens, Sitzungsberichte, xxxvni. pp. 162163. Bonn, 1881. 410 Renard, A. F. "Les concretions de phosphate de chaux draguees au large du Cap de Bonne Esperance." Bulletin de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences, etc. de Belgique, 3me Serie, xviii. pp. 641665. Brussels, 1889. 411 and C. Klement. " Sur la composition chimique de la Krokydolite et sur le Quartz fibreux du Cap." Bulletin de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences, etc. de Belgique, 3me Serie, vin. pp. 530550. Brussels, 1884. 412 Renevier, E. " Renseignements Geographiques et Geo- logiques sur le Sud de FAfrique." Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, xni. pp. 384 390. Lausanne, 1874. 413 Reunert, T. " Diamonds and Gold in South Africa." Cape Town, 1893. *414 Richards, R. " The truth about the Goldfields." 1884. 415 Rickard, T. " The Goldfields of the Transvaal." London, 1884. 416 Roscoe, H. E. "On the Diamond-bearing Rocks of South Africa." Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, xxiv. pp. 510. Manchester, 1885. 417 Rubidge, R. N. "On the occurrence of Gold in the Trap Dykes intersecting the Dicynodon Strata of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xi. Part 1, pp. 17. London, 1855. of South African Geology. 39 418 Eubidge, R. N. " Notes on the Geology of some parts of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xn. Part 1, pp. 237238. London, 1856. See also London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philo- sophical Magazine, 4th Series, XL pp. 312 313. London, 1856. 419 " Notes on the Metamorphosis of Rocks in South Africa." Geologist, v. pp. 47 56. London, 1862. 420 " On the changes rendered necessary in the Geological Map of South Africa by recent discoveries of Fossils." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxi. Part 1, pp. 437 439. London, 1865. See also Geological Magazine, n. p. 274. London, 1865. See also Geological and Natural History Repertory, i. pp. 53 54. London, 1867. 421 " On some points in the Geology of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xv. Part 1, pp. 195198. London, 1859. See also Geologist, i. pp. 528529. London, 1858. See also London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, 4th Series, xvi. pp. 475 477. London, 1858. 422 " On the Copper Mines of Namaqualand." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xin. Part 1, pp. 233239. London, 1857. See also London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philo- sophical Magazine, 4th Series, xni. p. 214. London, 1857. 423 " On the denudation of South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, in. pp. 88 91. London, 1866. 424 "On the metamorphosis of Rocks in the Cape Town District, South Africa." Geologist, v. pp. 366372. London, 1862. 425 "On the relations of the Silurian Schists and the Quartzose Rocks of South Africa." Geological Magazine, Decade 1, i. pp. 232 233. London, 1864. 426 Russegger, J. " Reisen in Europa, Asien und Afrika." Four volumes in seven, 1841 1849. 427 Salter, J. W. and D. Sharpe. " Description of Palaeozoic Fossils from South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 203232. London, 1856 ('?). 40 Bibliography 428 Sandberger, F. " Ueber einige palaozoische Versteiner- imgen des Cap-landes." Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefakten- Kunde, pp. 581585. Stuttgart, 1852. See also Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, ix. Part 2, pp. 1 4. London, 1853. 429 Sanderson, J. " Memoranda of a Trading Trip into the Orange River (Sovereignty) Free State, and the Country of the Transvaal Boers, 185152." Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol. xxx. pp. 233 255. London, 1860. 430 Sawyer, A. E. " Coal Mining in South Africa." Newcastle, 1890. 431 " Mining at Kimberley. Diamonds." 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Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVIII. pp. 469 475. London, 1892. 452 " On Diademodon." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLXXXV. pp. 10291041. London, 1895. 453 " On some further evidence of Endothiodon bathystoma (Owen), from Oude Kloof in the Nieuwveldt Moun- tains. Cape Colony." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVIII. pp. 476 480. London, 1892. 454 " On new species of Procolophon from the Cape Colony preserved in Dr Grierson's Museum, Thornhill, Dumfries- shire ; with some remarks on the affinities of the Genus." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxxiv. pp. 797 807. London, 1878. 455 "On parts of the Skeleton of a Mammal from Triassic Rocks of Klipfontein, Fraserberg, South Africa (Therio- desmus phylarchus) illustrating the Reptilian Inheritance in the Mammalian Hand." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLXXIX. pp. 141155. London, 1889. 456 " On the Skeleton in New Cynodontia from the Karroo Rocks." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLXXXVI. pp. 59_149. London, 1895. 457 "Some Scientific results of a mission to South Africa." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, vi. Part 1, pp. 116. Cape Town, 1890. 458 " The Mesosauria of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XLVIII. pp. 586 604. London, 1892. 459 " The Reputed Mammals of the Karroo Formation of the Cape Colony." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLXXXV. pp. 10191028. London, 1895. of South African Geology. 43 460 Sharpe, D. " Description of Fossils from the Secondary Rocks of Sunday River and Zwartkop River, South Africa, collected by Dr Atherstone and A. G. Bain." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 193203. London, 1856 (?). 461 "Description of some remains of Mollusca from near Graaff-Reiriet." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 225226. London, 1856 (?). 462 Sharpe, D. and /. W. Salter. " Description of Palaeozoic Fossils from South Africa." Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Second Series, vn. pp. 203232. London, 1856(7). 463 Shaw, J. " On the Fossil plants from Indwe and Cyphergat Coal Beds." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, iv. Part 1, pp. 4445. Cape Town, 1887. 464 " On the Geology of the Diamond Fields of South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvin. Part 1, pp. 21 27. London, 1872. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vni. pp. 571572. London, 1871. 465 " The age of the Volcanic Throats of the Upper Karroo Formations of South Africa." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, I. Part 1, pp. 15. Cape Town, 1878. 466 " The petrography of Table Mountain Valley." Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, I. Part 2, pp. 5565. Cape Town, 1879. 467 Shepard, C. U. " On a new locality of Meteoric Iron, in the Orange River Country, South Africa, and a supposed new locality of the same, in Mexico." American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, xxi. pp. 213 216. Newhaven, 1856. 468 Shepstone, T. "Remarks on the Geographical and Physical character of the Diamond Fields of South Africa." Journal of the Society of Arts, xxn. pp. 390 392. London, 1874. 469 Sjdgren, A. " Om Diamantfalten i Syd-Afrika." Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, vi. pp. 1027. Stockholm, 1882. 44 Bibliography *470 Smit, J.A.R. "De bodengestelheid van de Transvaal." Tydschrift van het Kon. Ned. Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1st Series, vi. p. 92. 1881. 471 " Les Mines de Diamants de FAfrique Australe." Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, xv. pp 61 74. Haarlem, 1880. *472 Smith, G. W. "A mining tour through South Africa." Proceedings of the Mining Institute of Scotland, ix. p. 17. 1887. *473 " The Diamond Fields of South Africa." Proceedings of the Mining Institute of Scotland, vi. p. 48. 1884. 474 Spencer, F. " Gold Mining at Witwatersrand." Official Handbook of the Cape, pp. 491512. Cape Town, 1893. 475 Spring, W. "Les Mines de diamants de FAfrique australe." Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique, vm. pp. Ixx Ixxiii. Liege, 1882. 476 Stapff, F. M. "Bericht liber den Verlauf der 4ten Sitzung des 8ten deutschen Geographentages in Berlin," pp. xvi xxi. 1889. 477 " Das ' glaziale ' Dwykakonglomerat Slidafrikas." Separat-Abdruck aus der " Naturwissenschaftlichen Wochenschrift. ; ' Berlin, 1889. 478 Stephens, W. J. "An attempt to synchronise the Australian, South African, and Indian Coal Measures." Proceedings of the Lirmean Society of New South Wales, Series 2, iv. pp. 331356. Sydney, 1889. *479 Stewart, T. "Underground Water Supply, with special reference to the Colony." 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Part 1, pp. 28 ; 52 53 ; 497 548. London, 1871. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vm. pp. 3637 ; 8283. London, 1871. 486 " On the Diamond Gravels of the Vaal River, South Africa." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvin. Part 1, pp. 3 21. London, 1872. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vm. pp. 572573. London, 1871. 487 " Report on the Geological Survey of the Orange Free State." Bloemfontein, 1879. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 2, vi. pp. 514516. London, 1879. *488 Stuart, J. M. " The Ancient Goldfields of Africa from the Gold Coast to Mashonaland." London, 1891. 489 Sutherland, P. C. " Note on the Auriferous Rocks of South-Eastern Africa," Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxv. Part 1, pp. 169171. London, 1869. See also Geological Magazine, Decade 1, vi. p. 134. London, 1869. 490 " Notes on an Ancient Boulder-Clay of Natal." Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, xxvi. Part 1, pp. 514517. 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Part 1, pp. 147153, 1876. See also Journal de Zoologie, v. pp. 290294. Paris, 1876. 549 " On the extinct animals of the Colonies of Great Britain." Proceedings of the Koyal Colonial Institute, x. pp. 267 297. London, 1879. 550 Parliamentary Reports, "Boring for Coal in the Karroo." G. 55. Cape Town, 1887. 551 " Boring for Water in the Colony." Keport of the Inspector of Water Drills (H. P. Saunders). G. 40, 1894, G. 14, 1895, and G. 22, 1896. Cape Town. 552 " Diamond Mines at Kimberley and De Beers." Report by T. P. Watson. G. 101. Cape Town, 1883. 553 Drift Sands at Port Nolloth." Report by A. W. Hey wood. G. 4. Cape Town, 1894. 554 "Drift Sands in the Divisions of Caledon and Bredasdorp." Report by A. W. Hey wood. G. 56. Cape Town, 1893. 555 " Geological Survey of Griqualand West." Correspondence between the Government and G. W. Stow. A. 88. Cape Town, 1881. 556 " Knysna Goldfields, Gold-Mining and Prospecting in the Colony." G. 48. 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